"The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in Bali"...

“The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in Bali” SCHOLARLY PAPER Submitted to Fulfill One of The Final School Assignment Based on Bali Study Tour on 22-29 June, 2013 Composed By : Rizki Nadiya Putri 111210149 XII Science 4 1

Transcript of "The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in Bali"...

“The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa

Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in



Submitted to Fulfill One of The Final School Assignment

Based on Bali Study Tour on 22-29 June, 2013

Composed By :

Rizki Nadiya Putri


XII Science 4



Prabu Geusan Ulun Street 39, (0261) 201358




“The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa

Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in


Approved By:

Material Adviser,

Hj. Rina Marliana D.,

S.Pd., M.Si.

NIP. 19600613 198403 2 002

Technical Adviser,

Acih Mintarsih, S. Pd. M.


NIP. 19641230 198703 2 003

Known By:

Headmaster, Homeroom Teacher,


Drs. Yosep Raharja, M.


NIP. 19621126 198703 1 011

Dra. Hj. Rosilawati

NIP. 19581203 198703 2 004


I present this paper for my beloved parents,

sister, brother, and all of my friends who always

give me motivation and spirit to finish this

paper, inspiring me and give me a wonderful life.

For my USS’4 friends in XII Science-4 thank

you for always making my life full of big smile,

laugh, and happiness. You’re more than my second

family who always give me unforgettable moment in

the class.


And thank you for someone who always be my

reason why I should finish this paper.

“..You cannot expect to receive anything positive in life if your intentions

are vindictive and negative. If you are doing something with bad

intentions that causes pain to others, everything will come back to you or

someone you love. It’s universal law. It’s not worth it. Be the best person

you can be, treat people with dignity and respect and do your part to

make the world a positive place.”



First of all, the writer would say thank you to

Allah SWT, because of Allah’s guidance , this paper

entiltled “The Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa

Beach as an Alternative Electric Power Plant in

Bali”could be finished on time. And the writer wishes

that all of praise always be poured down to our Prophet


Muhammad SAW, to his family, his disciples, and to all

of us as his followers until the end of the world

The writer found many difficulties in finishing

this paper, but with guidance and help from some people

the problem could be solved. Because of that, the

writer would like to say thank you to :

1. The Headmaster of SMAN 1 Sumedang, Drs. Yosep

Raharja, M.M.Pd. who has given good examples to

the writer

2. Mrs. Dra.Hj.Rosilawati, as homeroom teacher of XII

Science - 4 who has encouraged the writer in

completing this paper

3. Mrs. Hj. Rina Marliana Djasmar., S.Pd., M.Si as

the material adviser

4. Mrs. Acih Mintarsih, S.Pd, M.M.Pd. as the

technical adviser who has guided the writer to

write this paper

5. Both of the writer’s parents and family who always

support the writer to be able to finish this paper


6. All the writer’s friends in XII Science – 4

7. All those people who directly or indirectly helped

the writer in the making of this paper

Without help from them, this paper could not be

finished. May Allah SWT bless them. Amin

The writer hopes this paper will be useful

especially for whoever interested in Physics. Finally,

criticism and suggestion from readers are expected by

the writer for the betterment in the future.


Sumedang, October 8th




APPROVAL PAGE........................................ii

DEDICATION PAGE.....................................iii


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................vi

TABLE OF FIGURES...................................viii

CHAPTER I.............................................1


1.1 Background.....................................1

1.2 Problem Limitation.............................2

1.3 Objectives of Research.........................2


1.4 Time and Place Research........................3

1.5 Research Methods and Techniques................3

1.6 Systematic of Writing..........................3

CHAPTER II............................................5

BASIC THEORY..........................................5

2.1 Definition of Wave.............................5

2.2 Kinds of Waves.................................5

2.2.1 Based on Medium.............................5

2.2.2 Based on Direction of Vibration and Direction

of Spreads........................................6

2.2.3 Based on Amplitude..........................8

2.3 Wave Characters...............................11

2.4 Definition of Energy..........................14

2.5 Forms of Energy...............................14

2.6 Types of Energy...............................16

CHAPTER III..........................................21



3.1 Electric Power Plant Of Waves Definition......21

3.2 The Utilization Mechanism Of Waves As Electric

Power Plant........................................23

3.3 The Advantages Of Electric Power Plant Of Waves28

CHAPTER IV...........................................30


4.1 Conclusion....................................30

4.2 Suggestions...................................31





Picture 1 Transverse Wave.............................7

Picture 2 Longitudinal Wave...........................8

Picture 3 Traveling Wave..............................9

Picture 4 Stationary Wave With Bound Tip.............10

Picture 5 Stationary Wave With Free Tip..............11

Picture 6 The Mechanism of Waves Electric Power Plant25

Picture 7 Water Enter the Generator then the Turbine


Picture 8 The Example of Electric Power Plant of Waves





1.1 Background

In entering the era of industrialization

energy needs are increasing. Including in

Indonesia. There are many energy users in

Indonesia especially energy from fossil, that is

petroleum. Petroleum energy which can not be

refurbished, can set the turbine of electric power

generation beside being used for vehicle and


But it also influences the enviroment

condition which is getting worse because of the

use of the energy. Besides that the energy crisis

will hit the world for next years. Therefore to

overcome this , we should think about energy

increase through chosing alternative energy which

is safe for the enviroment.


One of alternative energy is water energy.

Sea has many benefit for human in the world. Sea

can produce electric power from the center of

electric power generation of sea waves. Through

this electric power, big energy from waves can be

changed as electric generation. Indonesia has the

second longest coastline in the world, it means

that Indonesia has high potential in the field of

marine, including to produce an electric power

generation of sea waves.

Therefore, the writer is interested in

discussing this problem in the paper entitled “The

Utilization of Waves on Tanjung Benoa Beach as An

Altermative Electric Power Plant in Bali”.

1.2 Problem Limitation

In this paper, the writer would like to

explain some problem limitations, they are :

1. What is electric power plant of waves ?


2. How is the utilization mechanism of waves as

electric power plant ?

3. What are the advantages of the utilization of

waves as electric power plant ?

1.3 Objectives of Research

This paper is composed to meet the goals that

can be useful both for readers in general and for

the writer herself. The objectives are:

1. General Purpose

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill

the final semester task for science program and

at the same time as the report of doing of a

study tour to Bali.

2. Spesific Objectives

In particular, the purposes of writing this

paper are:

1. To know what is electric power plant of waves

2. To know how the utilization mechanism of

waves as electric power lant


3. To know what are the advantages of the

utilization of waves as electric power plant

1.4 Time and Place Research

The research was conducted on :

Date : June 26th 2013

Place : at Tanjung Benoa Beach, Bali

1.5 Research Methods and Techniques

To obtain the required information, the

writer used some methods, they are:

1. Observation

The writer visited Tanjung Benoa beach on

June 26th , 2013

2. Literature study

The writer read books and other written

sources related to this paper and browsed

material from internet.

1.6 Systematic of Writing

The paper entitled “The Utilization of Waves

on Tanjung Benoa Beach as An Alternative Electric


Power Plant in Bali” is divided into four main

chapters :

Chapter I Introduction consists of

background, problem limitation, objectives of

research, time and place of research, research

methods and techniques, and systematic of writing.

Chapter II basic theory consists of

definition of waves, kinds of waves, definition of

energy, forms of energy, and types of energy

Chapter III discussion consists of electric

power plant of waves definition, the utilization

mechanism of waves as electric power plant, and

the advantages of electric power plant of waves

Chapter IV closing, consists of conclusion

and suggestions





2.1 Definition of Wave

Wave is a form of vibration which spreads in

a medium. In wave, it is energy which spreads not

it’s medium intermediary. One wave can be

calculated by calculating the distance between the

valley and the hills (transverse wave) or by

calculating the distance between one density with

one strain (longitudinal wave). Speed of wave is

the distance taken by waves in one second.

In wave material spreads through medium, but

the medium itself doesn’t move. Wave moves energy,

but wave doesn’t move particles where wave


2.2 Kinds of Waves


There are three kinds of wave; wave based on

medium, wave based on direction of vibration and

direction of spreads, and wave based on amplitude.

2.2.1 Based on Medium

Based on its medium there’s two waves, mechanical

wave and electromagnetic wave.

1. Mechanical Wave

Mechanical wave is a kind of wave which needs

medium to spreads. Sea wave, rope wave or sound

wave are kind of mechanical wave. We can see sea

wave because it use sea as its medium. We can

listen music because sound wave spreads through

air towards our ears. Without air we can’t listen

sound. In this case air is medium for sound wave.

2. Electromagnetic Wave

Electromagnetic wave is kind of wave which doesn’t

need medium to spreads. Electromagnetic energy

spreading in wave can be calculate based on some


characters, they are : wavelength, frequency,

amplitude and speed. Electromagnetic energy is

emitted and released by all of the mass in

universe with different level. The higher the

energy level in energy source, the lower the

wavelength of energy resulted and the higher the

frequency is. Here are some examples of

electromagnetic wave: radio wave, long radio wave,

short radio wave, bands comunication, television

wave, micro wave, light, gamma ray, ultraviolet

ray and infrared ray.

2.2.2 Based on Direction of Vibration and

Direction of Spreads

Based on direction of vibration and direction

of spreads there’s two kinds of wave, transverse

wave and longitudinal wave.

1. Transverse Wave

Transverse wave is kind of wave which its

direction of vibration perpendicular with its


direction of spreads. A wave can be grouped as

transverse wave if its particles medium spreads

up and down in perpendicular direction against

wave movement. The example of transverse wave

is rope wave. This is the picture of transverse


Picture 1 Transverse Wave

O – B – C : hill wave

C – D – E : valley wave

O – B – C – D – E : one wave (calculated from hill

wave and one valley


B – P = Q – D : wave amplitude


O – E : wavelength avowed with λ

2. Longitudinal Wave

Longitudinal wave is kind of wave which its

direction has same direction with its direction

of spread. It means that medium movement

direction of waveis the same or opposite with

spread wave. Longitudianl wave is also called

compression wave. This is the picture of

longitudinal wave

Picture 2 Longitudinal Wave

A : density center of wave

B : strain center of wave


A – B – C = B – C – D : one wave (calculated from

wave hill and one valley hill)

A – B – C : wavelength avowed with λ

2.2.3 Based on Amplitude

Based on amplitude there’s two kinds of wave,

traveling wave and stationary wave.

1. Traveling Wave

If one of the rope tip is tied to load with

pedal and the pedal is vibrated up and down,

pedal vibration will spreads in rope which

always has constant amplitude, it is called

traveling wave. Traveling wave is wave which is

amplitude is always constant.


Picture 3 Traveling Wave

Deviation of equation :

y=±Asin (ωt∓kx)

y=±Asin2. tT

∓ xλ


x = distance to the origin point on the ropes

k = wave number

ω = angular velocity

y = deviation vibration

A = + (positive) if the initial moves up

A = - (negative) if the initial moves down

Sin = + (positive) if the wave spreads to the left

Sin = - (negative) if the wave spreads to the right


2. Stationary Wave

Stationary wave is wave which formed because of

coming wave and reflected wave where both of

them have wavelength, frequence, and same

amplitude but contrast. Stationary wave formed

by interference from two waves which have same

frequence and amplitude but spreads in contrast

direction. There’s point with biggest amplitude

called stomach and point with zero amplitude

called knot.

a. Startionary Wave With Bound Tip

Bound tip means that rope tied so it can’t be



Picture 4 Stationary Wave With Bound Tip

Deviation of equation :



Amplitude :


Information :

y = vibration of stationary wave

A = amplitude of the stationary wave within x

from bound tip

Ap = coming waves amplitude


x = distance of point P from bound tip

b. Stationary Wave With Free Tip

Free tip means that rope tip at reflection rod

can move freely.

Picture 5 Stationary Wave With Free Tip

2.3 Wave Characters

Wave characters are general for mechanic wave

or electromagnetic wave. The characters of wave

are reflection, refraction, diffraction,

interference, polarization, and doppler effect.

a. Wave Reflection

Wave reflection is deformation of wave when the

wave spreads through a medium


b. Wave Refraction

Wave refraction law :

1. Coming wave and reflected wave are located at

a flat line

2. Coming corner as large as reflected corner

c. Wave Diffraction

If a wave spreads from one medium to another

medium, when it passes through boundary between

both of the medium it will occured incident

diffraction wave. This happens because the speed

of the wave at each is different.

d. Wave Interference

Point of wave interference is a fusion event

between two or more waves that influence each

other somewhere.


e. Wave Polarization

When waves pass through a narrow slit then flexing

wave event occurs, for example, broadcasts

produced by a radio transmitter can be captured by

a plane that is behind the hill. This incident is

based on the principle of Huygens diffraction. He

states that every point on the medium will be the

source of a new wave.

f. Doppler Effect

Doppler effect, named after a physicist, Christian

Andreas Doppler, is the change in frequency or

wavelength of a wave source received by the

observer. If the source of the sound / wave is

moving relativly to the observer / listener.


Information :

V = is the velocity of waves in the medium;

f’ = frequency of reciever

f = frequency of source

vo = the speed of the receiver relative to the

medium; positive if the receiver is moving towards

the source (and negative in the other direction);

vs = the speed of the source relative to the

medium; positive if the source is moving away from

the receiver (and negative in the other direction)

2.4 Definition of Energy

Energy in physics is an ability to do something.

Energy is abstract, difficult to prove but its

existence can be perceived existence. According to

the first Thermodynamics Law that “Energy cannot


be created or destroyed, but energy can be

transformed from one form to another.”

Energy is important part of human life because

almost all of human activities always need energy.

For example for lighting, industry process, or for

running household appliances required electrical

energy. We need gasoline to drive the vehicle and

much equipment around human life requires energy.

2.5 Forms of Energy

In thermodynamics (the study of energy

conversion), energy has three forms of energy and

character. Energy can take the form of kinetic

energy, potential energy, and internal or

mechanical energy.

1. Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by any

object that moves. Kinetic energy of an object

is defined as the effort need to move an object


with a certain mass from rest to reach a

certain speed. Kinetic energy of an object is

equal to the amount of effort needed to declare

and rotational speed, starting from rest.

Because the object moves then the object has a

speed which is proportional to the kinetic

energy. The greater the speed, the greater the

kinetic energy. Mathematics equation:


Ek = kinetic energy translation (J)

m = object mass (kg)

v = linier speed of the object (m/s)

2. Potential Energy

Potential energy is energy passed by a thing

due to the influence of the place or position

of the object. Potential energy is also called

rest energy because rest abject can have


energy. If the object moves, then the object

experience potential energy changes into

kinetic energy.

Mathematics equation :

Ep = m.g.h

Ep = potential energy (J)

m = object mass (kg)

g = acceleration of gravitation (m/s2)

h = object height (m)

3. Internal or Mechanical Energy

In thermodynamics, the internal energy is the

total energy contained by a thermodynamic

system. It is the energy needed to make the

system but does not include the energy to

displace the system's surroundings, any energy

associated with a move as a whole, or due to an

external force field. Internal energy has two


major components, kinetic energy and potential


Em = Ek + Ep

Em = mechanical energy

Ek = kinetic energy

Ep = potential energy

Internal energy of the system can be changed by

heating the system or by doing any work on it.

The first law of thermodynamics states that the

increase in internal energy is equal to the

total heat added and work done by the

environment. If the system is isolated from its

environment, internal energy can not be


2.6 Types of Energy

1. Unrenewable Energy


Unrenewable energy is energy obtained from

natural resources which the time of its formation

is millions of years. It is said unrenewable

because, if the number of sources used

constantly, then similar sources to replace it

won’t be possible going to happen in future

millions of years. This is because, its formation

will take very long time, and the way the

environment forms its basic material of energy

sources and depends on the geological conditions

at the time.

The example of unrenewable energy is petroleum.

From the way the formation, Petroleum or crude

oil is a hydrocarbon derived from the remains of

ancient life (fossils), either in the form of

animals, and plants.

2. Renewal Energy

Renewable energy is non-fossil resources that can

be updated and the resources that are not going to


run out if managed properly . Renewable energy

gets energy from the flow of energy met by an

ongoing natural processes, such as sunshine, wind,

water, and geothermal.

Renewable energy concept was introduced in the

1970’s as a part of an effort to try through the

development of nuclear and fossil fuels. The most

common definition is the energy source that can be

replenished by natural, ongoing process. Nuclear

and fossil fuels are not included in it.

Types of renewable energy include geothermal,

water, sun, wind, biomass, biogas, and wave.

a. Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is energy extracted from the

heat stored in the earth. Geothermal energy is

derived from the earth's tectonic activity that

occurred since the planet was created. This heat

also comes from the sun's heat which is absorbed


by the Earth's surface. In other others words,

geothermal energy comes from radioactive

decomposition in the center of the earth that

make the heat inside the earth, and from the sun

that makes the heat on the surface of the earth.

b. Water Energy

Water energy is derived from flowing water. In

the enviroment around us, we know that the water

has a cycle. Where the water evaporates, then

condenses into clouds. The water will fall as

rain after it has enough mass. Water that falls

on the plateau will accumulate into the river.

This river flows into the sea.

c. Solar Energy

Solar energy is the energy obtained by converting

solar thermal energy (the sun) with the specific

equipment to be a resource in another form. Solar

energy or sun has been used in many parts of the


world and if properly exploited, this energy is

potentially able to provide the needs of the

current world energy consumption in a longer

time. The sun can be used directly to produce

electricity or to heat even to cool

d. Wind Energy

Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind.

Kinetic energy of the wind can be used to run

wind turbines. Wind power is used in large-scale

wind farms to the national electricity production

as well as in small individual turbines for

providing electricity in isolated locations. Wind

energy is the energy obtained from the wind.

Kinetic energy of the wind can be used to run

wind turbines. Wind power is used in large-scale

wind farms to the national electricity production

as well as in small individual turbines for

providing electricity in isolated locations. Wind


power are numerous, endless, widespread, clean,

and degrading the greenhouse effect.

e. Biomass

Plants use photosynthesis to save the solar

power, water and carbon dioxide. Biofuels are

fuels obtained from biomass-organisms or products

of their metabolism, such as cow dung is a

renewable energy. Biomass can be used directly as

fuel or to produce liquid biofuel. Biomass

produced with agricultural techniques, such as

biodiesel, ethanol, and bagasse can be burned in

internal combustion.

f. Biogas

Biogas is a gas produced by the anaerobic

digestion or fermentation activity of organic

materials including human and animal waste,

domestic waste (household), and trash. The main

content of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide.


Biogas can be used as a vehicle fuel or to

generate electricity.

g. Wave Energy

Wave energy is energy that can be obtained by

utilizing the sea waves. Sea waves can be viewed

ideally shaped wave that has a maximum peak height

and valley minimum. At certain intervals, the

peak heights are achieved varying sea waves, even

the peak heights vary according to the same

location when measured on different days. But

statistically significant ocean wave heights

determined at a specific location point.

Sea wave energy is the potential for the seas and

oceans which have not been known by the general

public. It is much potential for marine and ocean

energy to generate electricity. Countries that

conduct research and development of ocean energy

potential to generate electricity are English,

France and Japan.





3.1 Electric Power Plant Of Waves Definition

Based on the survey conducted by the

government of Norway since 1987, seen many coastal

areas as a potential wave power plant. Sea wave or

waves are rising and falling of the water movement

in the perpendicular direction to the surface of

the sea water to form a sinusoidal curve or graph.

Ocean waves are caused by wind. Winds over the

oceans transfers its energy to the water. Ocean

wave energy is the kinetic energy contained in

ocean waves which is used to drive a turbine.

Waves are up into the generator room, then push

the water up out of the chamber and causing the

turbine spins a generator. When the water goes

down, the air then blows from outside to generator

room and rotates turbine generator again.


Electric power plant of waves is a power

plant that utilize ocean wave energy to drive a

generator. Electric power plant of waves is a

renewable energy.

Electeric power plant of waves is not

something new. Historically, the exploitation of

ocean waves as a source of electrical energy has

been done since the 18th century. Based on

historical records, a French scientist named

Girard and his son had used sea wave energy.

Hereinafter in 1919, Bochaux-Praceique utilized

ocean waves to move a generator to light his lamp

at Royan, near Boedeaix, France

What he did has shown technological

advancement in the utilization of wave energy. In

fact he had used the technology, called

Oscillating Water Column for the first time. Not

only in France, among scientists tried to harness

the energy of ocean waves. From 1855 to 1973 there


were approximately 340 patents regarding the use

of technology waves in the UK.

The use of modern technology for the

exploitation of scientific and sea wave energy was

pioneered by Yoshio Masuda, Japanese researchers

in the 1940’s. He had tested various concepts of

devices that harness the energy of ocean waves.

But unfortunately the development of

technologies that harness sea waves got a less

response. With the passage of time in 1973, the

world was hit by the oil crisis. Crisis of fossil

fuels spur researchers from universities on trying

to develop electric power plant of waves.

Researchers including Stephen Salter of Edinburgh

University, Johannes Falnes of the Norwegian

Institute of Technology, Michael E. McCormick of

U. S. Naval Academy, David Evans from Bristol

University, Michael French from University of

Lancaster, John Newman and Chiang C. May from MIT.


Electric power plant of waves had been

developed in Germany. Company Energie Baden-

Wuttemberg Ag (EnBW) in collaboration with Vorth

Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH & Co..

Starting from EnBW saw the potential for

generating waves in the North Sea beach. Finally

the German government designed a pilot wave power

plant project.

3.2 The Utilization Mechanism Of Waves As Electric

Power Plant

There are three main components contained in

the electric power plants of waves. The third

component are generator, turbine as the prime

mover and tentacle waves or ocean currents. The

generator used in this plant is common with this

type of synchronous generator which is adjusted to

the need.

The common turbines is used in hydroelectric

turbines on electric power plant of water, but


with better construction materials regarding this

turbine will be directly in contact with sea water

that has high levels of salt. Fairly high levels

of salt can lead metal corroded easily. So better

materials are used and treatments that are more

difficult for the turbine section are applied.

UndThree ways can do to catch the waves of the

sea. There are three ways of catching wave energy:

1. With Buoy

This tool will generate electricity from the

vertical and rotational movement it can be

attachedto floating raft or moored

instruments on the seabed

2. Oscillating Water Column

This tool generates electricity from the rise

and fall of the water by a wave in a

cylindrical pipe with holes. The rise and

fall of the water column will result in the

in and out of the air at the top of the pipe


hole and drive a turbine. Simply OWC is one

of the systems and equipment that can convert

ocean wave energy into electricity by using

oscillating columns. This tool will catch OWC

wave energy on OWC door hole, resulting in

fluctuations or oscillations of water

movement in OWC chamber, then this air

pressure will move the turbine blades which

are connected to the electric generator to

produce electricity.

3. Wave Surge or Focusing Devices

This equipment is usually called as tapered

channel or canal tapchan system mounted on a

structure that was built in the coastal canal

to concentrate the waves, bringing it into an

elevated reservoir. Water flowing out of the

storage ponds are used to generate

electricity by using standard hydropower



In brief, the process of converting ocean

wave energy or currents is utilizing

contained kinetic energy in ocean waves to

drive turbines. Waves are up into the

generator room, then the water puss up the

air out of the chamber and cause the turbine

to spin a generator. When the water goes

down, the air blows from the outside of space

and rotates turbine generator again.

Picture 6 The Mechanism of Waves Electric Power Plant

There are three basic systems to convert

canal they are the waves canal system that spread

waves to the reservoir or pond, float systems that


drives hydraulic pumps and systems that utilize

oscillating water column system that utilizies

wave to hit the air in a container. Mechanical

power generated from such systems will enable the

generator directly or transfer it to the working

fluid, water or air, which in turn will drive the

turbine or generator.

Picture 7 Water Enter the Generator then the Turbine Work

There are four wave energy technology namely

the system of Cockerell raft, Kayser upright

tube, float Salter, and Masuda tube. Cockerell

raft system is shaped the rafts interconnected by

hinges and the system moves up and down to follow


the waves of the ocean. The relative motion of

rafts moves hydraulic pumps that exist between two

rafts. Kayser upright tube system use a float that

moves up and down in the tube because of the water


Relative motion between the float and the

tube raises the hydraulic pressure that can be

converted into electrical energy. Salter buoy

system utilizes the relative motion between the

parts or external hull and the pendulum inside

(internal pendulum) to be converted into

electrical energy. On the tube system Masuda, the

method is utilizing sea wave motion that enters

the bottom of the float chamber and causes the

displacement of air movement at the top of the

buoy room. This air movement can move the air



Picture 8 The Example of Electric Power Plant of Waves Turbine


3.3 The Advantages Of Electric Power Plant Of Waves

Indonesia has very large ocean so it is

possible for Indonesia to to utilize ocean waves

as an alternative electric power plant. Indonesia

has the second longest coastline in the world

after Norway. Besides, we have already known that

air pollution is as a result of the use of fossil

energy and has become one of the major problems in

Indonesia. The utilization of wave energy that is

environmentally friendly can be one solution to

the problem.

There are some of the benefits of the

utilization of sea waves as electric power plant:

1. As an alternative energy source

The sea waves can replace existing energy and help

the distribution of energy to consumers (in order

to avoid a crisis). As wave energy is the energy


that can be obtained every day, it will never run


2. Eco friendly

As an eco friendly energy source, sea wave does

not cause greenhouse effect and carbon gas

emissions. There are many power plant using fossil

fuels that produce carbon emissions or gas that

cause greenhouse effect. Therefore waves power

plant can reduce pollution because it does not

produce waste.

3. Having large kinetic energy intensity than the

other renewable energy.

It is caused the density of sea water is 830 times

the density of air, so that in the same capacity,

sea waves current turbines will be much smaller

than the wind turbines.

4. As mitigation of tsunami (tidal wave)

Waves power plant is one of the power plant which

can mitigate tsunami (tidal wave). With the

hydraulic piston and the reconstruction of the


generator in the middle of the sea level,

automatically the ocean waves coming the beach

will be small. In addition to the reconstruction

of the hydraulic piston it is also equipped with

tsunami detection sensor where water speed is

higher than the normal speed automatically alarms

located in the coastal ocean will sound, and

people around the beach will evacuate to high

ground and be safe from the reach of the tide.

5. Minimizing abrasion of sea water.

Abrasion is the erosion caused by the coming sea

water with a certain speed coming towards the

beach and resulting erosion of coastal land

surface to be eroded (erosion). With a wave power

plant, the speed rate of the waves automaticaly

become weak and the coastal erosion effects caused

by ocean waves can be minimized.




4.1 Conclusion

Energy in physics is a ability to do

something. According to first Thermodynamics Law

that “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but

energy can be transformed from one form to

another.” Energy can take the form of kinetic

energy, potential energy, and internal or

mechanical energy. Kinetic energy is the energy

possessed by any object that moves. Potential

energy is energy that has a thing due to the

influence of the place or position of the object.

the internal energy is the total energy contained

by a thermodynamic system.

There are two types of energy, renewable

energy and unrenewable energy. Nonrenewable energy

is energy derived from fossil fuels until the time

of its formation requires millions of years, an


example is petroleum. While renewable energy is a

renewable energy and, if managed properly then it

will not be exhausted. As we all know that energy

is petroleum which is most widely used by the

people in the world. And if we continue to use the

energy, it will be exhausted. Therefore in

entereing the modern era and the increasing number

of energy users in the world and the increasing

environmental damage due to the use of fossil

energy, we needed co friendly alternative energy.

One is sea waves energy. Sea waves can

produce electric power plant of waves that iseco

friendly, affordable, and easy to obtain.

Indonesia is a country that has high potential in

the maritime field such as Tanjung Benoa in Bali

beaches that have good potential for ocean waves.

Besides its use as sara for water sports, ocean

waves can also be used for power generation.

Therefore sea wave power plant is an alternative


energy that can be used to replace non-renewable

energy and energy to face the crisis that

threatens the world in the future.

4.2 Suggestions

Based on the research that has been done as

well as a variety of information obtained, the

writer have some suggestions include:

1. Energy crisis will hit the world in few years, so

we should conserve energy and find an alternative

energy by utilizing existing energy sources.

2. Indonesia further enhance the potential of nature,

one of which is in the marine sector by utilizing

existing ocean waves as a source of alternative


3. We must develop a sea wave power plants in

Indonesia, because Indonesia has high marine

potential . So the sea wave power plant is not

only in Tanjung Benoa but also in all regions in

Indonesia having sea.




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http://energiterbarukanonline.blogspot.com/2012/11/definisi-pengertian-energi-non-fosil.html.Accessed on August 30th 2013

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The writer’s full name is Rizki Nadiya Putri.

Everybody call her Rizki. She was born in Sumedang,

December 20th 1995. She lives in Paseh, Sumedang, West


The writer is the youngest daughter of three

siblings. Her father’s name is H.Didi Kusmiadi and her

mother’s name is Hj.Ratna Wulan. Her brother’s name is

Aditya Nugraha and her sister’s name is Desi Yanuarti.

Her hobbies are writing, browsing and listening

music. She is a big fan a singer Taylor Swift. She has a

big dream to be a great scientist with high ability in Chemistry.

Here are the writer’s curriculum vitae. She

studied at TK Hati Mekar. After that she studied at SDN

Babakan Buah. After she graduated from Elementary

School, she continued his study to SMPN 2 Sumedang in

year 2008 to 2011. And now she is studying at SMAN 1


