The-Use-Of-Jigsaw-Learning-Technique-To-Improve-Students ...

95 commit to user i THE USE OF JIGSAW LEARNING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 2 Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2010/2011) DESIANA ANJARWATI (X2209011) A THESIS Submitted to the Teacher Training Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Undergraduate Degree of Education ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012

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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 2

Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)




Submitted to the Teacher Training Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University

as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Undergraduate

Degree of Education






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Action Research at the Eleven Grade Students of SMA N 2 Boyolali in the

Academic Year of 2010/2011). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University 2012

The objectives of this research are: (1) to identify whether Jigsaw learning

technique can improve students’ reading comprehension; (2) to know what

happens in the class when the teacher implements Jigsaw learning technique to

teach reading comprehension. Then, all the objectives lead to main objective of

the study that is to improve the students’ reading skill.

The writer conducted a classroom action from November to August 2011

at class XI IPA 2 SMA N 2 Boyolali. The action research was conducted in two

cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps: planning, implementation, observation,

and reflection. In collecting the data, the researcher used qualitative and

quantitative method. In qualitative method, the researcher used observational and

non observational technique. The observational technique was obtained by

making field notes, photographs and non- observational technique was obtained

from interviews and documents. The collecting of the quantitative data was

conducted through the test.

The researcher finds two improvements: First, the students’ reading skill

had been improved after the implementation of jigsaw learning technique. It is

proved by the improvement of the students’ reading score. Second, the

improvement of the class situation in teaching learning process. The researcher

found that jigsaw learning technique improved the students’motivation in learning

and made the students more enthusiastic, interested and active to learn reading.

The result of the research implies that jigsaw learning technique is the appropriate

technique to improve the students’ motivation in English teaching learning


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This thesis has been approved by the consultants to be examined by the

Board of Thesis Examiners of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas

Maret University Surakarta.

On :

Date :

Consultant I

Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd

NIP 19621231 198803 1 009

Consultant II

Teguh Sarosa, S. S, M. Hum

NIP 19730205 200604 1 001

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This thesis has been examined by the Board of Thesis Examiners of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University and

accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Undergraduate Degree

of Education in English.

On : Surakarta

Date :

The Board of Thesis Examiners:

1. Chairman

Endang Setyaningsih, S. Pd, M. Hum ( )

NIP 19800513 200312 2 002

2. Secretary

Drs. A. Dahlan Rais, M. Hum ( )

NIP 19510326 198303 1 002

3. Examiner I

Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd ( )

NIP 19621231 198803 1 009

4. Examiner II

Teguh Sarosa, S. S, M. Hum ( )

NIP 19730205 200604 1 001

The Representative of Dean

The First Dean Assistant,

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sajidan, M, Si.

NIP. 19660415 199103 1 002

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From the deepest heart, this thesis is dedicated especially for:

My beloved mother

My beloved brother

My beloved friends in KG ‘09

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“If you are patient, you will never fail, God will come to you……..believe


“Baik belum tentu benar, jadikan hidup untuk yang baik dan benar maka

lakukan yang terbaik dan benar”

(Orbit Mahendra)

“Cinta mampu memotivasi dan membangkitkan kita dari keputusasaan”


“Nothing happens unless first a dream”


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Alhamdulilahirobil’alamin. All praises and thanks belongs to Allah SWT,

who has given HIS blessing and HIS great chances so that the writer can

accomplish this thesis as a partial requirement for achieving the undergraduate

degree of English Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas

Maret University. In the process of accomplishing this thesis, the writer received

support, assistance, and help from many peoples. Therefore, the writer would like

to express her deepest gratitude to:

1. The Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty for approving

this thesis.

2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Department who has given

the permission to write this thesis.

3. The Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty for giving the writer permission to write this thesis.

4. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd, the writer’s first consultant for his valuable guidance,

advice, and suggestion during the writing process of this thesis.

5. Teguh Sarosa, S. S, M. Hum, the writer’s second consultant for his

valuable guidance, advice, and suggestion during the writing process of

this thesis.

6. Drs. Sarono, the Headmaster of SMA N 2 Boyolali for his permission to

do the research.

7. Drs. Waryadi Sugito, as the teacher of the eleventh class for his help in

doing the research.

8. The students of class XI IPA 2 SMA N 2 Boyolali for good cooperation

and participation during the research.

9. Her beloved mother, and brother for their big love, spirit and care all the


10. Her friends in class KG 2009 for nice and beautiful friendship and


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The writer also thanks to everyone who has helped her in accomplishing

this thesis. The writer accepts gratefully every suggestion, criticism, and comment

from those who concern with this thesis. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will

be useful for the readers.

Surakarta, July 2012

The writer

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ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….ii






TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………….. ix

LIST OF TABLE...…..…………………………………………………………xii

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………. xiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION……………………………..…………………….xiv


A. The Background of the Study ........................................ 1

B. The Statement of the Problem ......................................... 6

C. The Objective of the Study ............................................. 6

D. The Benefit of the Study ................................................ 7


A. The Review on Reading Comprehension ....................... 8

1. Definition of Reading ................................................ 8

2. Reading Comprehension ........................................... 9

3. Kinds of Reading Comprehension ........................... 10

4. Strategies of Reading Comprehension ..................... 12

5. Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension ........ 13

B. The Review of Jigsaw on Cooperative Learning ............ 15

1. The Review of cooperative learning………………… 15

a. The Definition of Cooperative Learning .............. 15

b. The Benefit of Cooperative Learning .................. 16

c. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities ........ 17

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C. The Structural Approach of Cooperative Learning ......... 17

1. Review of jigsaw learning technique 18

a. Procedure of jigsaw .............................................. 19

b. Teaching reading comprehension by using jigsaw 22

D. Rationale ......................................................................... 23

E. Action Hypothesis ........................................................... 24


A. The Research Setting....................................................... 26

B. The Subject of Research……………………………….. 26

C. The Method of the Research ........................................... 27

D. The Model of Action Research ...................................... 28

E. The Procedures of Action Research .............................. 29

F. The Technique of Collecting Data .................................. 33

G. Techniques of Analyzing the Data .................................. 34


A. Introduction ..................................................................... 37

B. Research Implementation ................................................ 40

1. Implementing the Action of First Cycle ………….. 41

a. Observing and Monitoring the Action ............... 45

b. Reflecting and Evaluating the Action ................. 49

2. Implementing the Action of second Cycle ………… 55

a. Observing and Monitoring the Action ............... 60

b. Reflecting and Evaluating the Action ................. 63

C. Research Finding ............................................................. 65

D. Discussion ....................................................................... 68

1. The Improvement of Students Reading

Comprehension…………………………………… . 68

2. The Advantages of Jigsaw Learning Technique in

Teaching Learning Process………………………… 72

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A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 76

B. Implication ...................................................................... 76

C. Suggestion ....................................................................... 77

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 79

APPENDICES.................................................................................................. 82

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Table 4.1. The Whole Process of the Research ......................................... 36

Table 4.2 The Mean Score of Indicators in Post test 1 ............................. 49

Table 4.3 The Mean Score of Comprehension in Pre-test and Post-test 1 50

Table 4.4 The Mean Score Of Indicators In Pre-Test And Post Test 1 .... 50

Table 4.5 The Result of Questionnaire After Implementing the Jigsaw

Learning Technique ................................................................. 51

Table 4.6 The Summary of the Research Finding..................................... 65

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Appendix 1 Lesson Plans and Students’ Worksheet ................................ 82

Appendix 2 Pre Test ................................................................................ 100

Appendix 3 The Answer Key Of Pre-Test .............................................. 118

Appendix 4 Blue Print Of Pre-Test ........................................................ 119

Appendix 5 Post Test 1 ........................................................................... 120

Appendix 6 The Answer Key Of Post-Test 1 ......................................... 138

Appendix 7 Blue Print Of Post Test 1 ..................................................... 139

Appendix 8 Post Test 2 .......................................................................... 140

Appendix 9 The Answer Key Of Post – Test 2 ....................................... 157

Appendix 10 Blue Print Of Post Test 2 .................................................. 158

Appendix 11 Field Notes ........................................................................ 159

Appendix 12 the Report Of The Interview With The Teacher ............... 179

Appendix 13 Questionnaire Of Pre-Research For Students .................... 182

Appendix 14 Questionnaire Of Post-Research ....................................... 185

Appendix 15 The Mean Score Of Indicators In Pre-Test ....................... 186

Appendix 16 The Mean Score Of Indicators In Post-Test 1 ................... 188

Appendix 17 The Mean Score Of Indicators In Post-Test 2 ................... 190

Appendix 18 The Score Of Pre-Test ...................................................... 192

Appendix 19 The Score Of Post-Test 1 .................................................. 195

Appendix 20 The Score Of Post-Test 2 .................................................. 198

Appendix 21 The Photograph ................................................................. 201

Appendix 22 Letters Permission ............................................................. 205

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Abbreviation 1 DA : Desiana Anjarwati

Abbreviation 2 WS : Waryadi Sugito

Abbreviation 3 MD : Marlis Dewi

Abbreviation 4 CL : Cooperative Learning

Abbreviation 5 KKM : Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

Abbreviation 6 LCD : Liquid Crystal Display

Abbreviation 7 LKS : Lembar Kerja Siswa

Abbreviation 8 ST : Students

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A. Background of the Study

Language is the basic of humanity, especially in the communication need.

People use the language to achieve their purpose and goals in society. When they

need the information, they will read, listen, and ask to others through language.

They extremely need language to ask for or to provide information, to influence

the action of others, to express feeling and attitudes in others. Without language,

every people cannot do any important activities relating to special purpose.

Therefore, it is considered that language is a means of communication.

English is a language that is spoken in many countries and it is used as a

language of international communication throughout the world. In Indonesia,

English is an foreign language that has to be learned and mastered. Many people

who learn and master the English think that learning English can improve their

abillity to understand some informations that are written in English. Indonesia is a

country that places English as one of the important languages that has to be taught

in the academic system and become one of the subjects in school.

There are many books and electronic media written in English. Mastering

and learning English are very useful and helpful to students for improving their

abillity in understanding what they are learn. If students have a good mastery in

English, it will be easier to them in understanding the content and finding out the

infromation that they need.

Silberstein (1995: 25) states reading is an essential skill. Reading can develop

communication. When people want to entertain themselves, they may read the

book. Through reading, people can also find out the information they need. For

example, when people operate the computer then they need instruction to use it.


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Reading can be a way of sharing another person insight, joy, sorrow, or creative

endeavors. Being able to read can make it possible for a person to find places that

have never been visited before, (through maps, directional signs). Besides, being

able to read is also important for students because reading is a means of learning

in all subjects.

In teaching language, reading is one of the language skills that have to be

mastered by students. Bamman (1963: 1) states that reading is truly a basic means

of learning in all subjects, pupils learning activities, involves reading. Lesson in

the content subjects call for the use of the textbooks, and other reference books.

Pupils also write productions of their own to be read letter on. Clearly, Carrell

(1996:1) states:

For many students, reading is by far the most important of the four

skills in second language, particular in English as second or foreign

language. Certainly, if we consider the study of English as second year

Junior High School around the world – the situation in which most

English learners find them selves. Reading is the main reason why

students learn language.

Based on the Carell’s statement, in English as second or foreign language,

reading is really the most important of the other language skills, such as listening,

speaking, and writing. Because of its importance in language teaching, most

English learners of Senior High School around the world consider that reading is

the main reason why the students learn language.

In 2004 curriculum, competency standard of English shows that reading is

the one of the language skills taught to comprehend the meaning of interactive

and monolog written text especially in the form of descriptive, narrative, recount,

report, analytical exposition, and analytical hortatory by finding meaning of words

based on context, explicit information, main idea, implicit information, and

reference of pronoun.

Reading comprehension especially in foreign language is difficult. It

involves much more than decoding symbols into sound, the students must derive

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meaning from the printed page. Difficulties in those understanding, often, make

students worried, even frustrated. Consequently, it also effects learning situation.

Be Boer and Dallman (1996: 31) state that one can’t learn well in reading or in

anything else if he is distracted by anxieties, frustration, and the sense of failure.

Moreover, some efforts are made in modern school to build wholesome attitudes

in children, to give them a sense of belonging and feeling of being accepted and

respected, and to provide many successful experiences. It means that teaching

learning process should be designed in particular way in which good atmosphere

of teaching learning process can be created. Therefore, it is expected that students

are able to overcome the problems dealing with reading comprehension and then,

able to improve their comprehension through their good condition. It is strongly

supported by Aebershold and Field (1997: 65) who state that to become better

reader, students need to become aware of how they are reading and what they

could do to improve comprehension. Therefore, the use of methods and

techniques in teaching learning process that relate to the learners world is

necessary to be considered.

Based on interview with the students of the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri

2 Boyolali, it was found the reason why they had a problem in reading. One of the

students said:

“Sebenarnya belajar Bahasa Inggris menyenangkan tapi bagi saya untuk

menguasai reading adalah hal yang sangat sulit apalagi memahami isi

dari sebuah bacaan, menemukan ide pokok, dan mencari informasi dari

bacaan tersebut karena banyak kosa kata Bahasa Inggris yang saya tidak


The researcher also interviewed English teacher of the eleventh grade of

SMA Negeri 2 Boyolali, the writer found that the students in learning English had

low reading comprehension. The English teacher said:

“Menurut saya, kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 11 terutama

reading masih kurang dan perlu ditingkatkan, masalahnya mereka kurang

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dalam penguasaan kosa kata, akibatnya siswa mengalami kesulitan

memahami isi dari bacaan, menemukan main idea, mencari informasi

detail dari bacaan baik itu implisit maupun ekplisit, ada juga siswa yang

belum bisa mengidentifikasi rujukan kata dan siswa kurang aktif dan

responsife terhadap pelajaran yang saya berikan, sehingga motivasi untuk

mengikuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris juga masih rendah.”

Based on the result of pre-research, the eleventh grade students of SMA N

2 Boyolali had following problems in reading, generally students have difficulty

in: (1) finding meaning of the word based on context; (2) explicit information; (3)

main idea; (4) implicit information; and (5) reference of pronoun.

Dealing with the problems, there were some problem sources which affect

students’ reading comprehension; they were from teacher, students, and the class.

The first is the teacher: (1) the way the teacher delivered the material was not

interesting; (2) the teacher explained the material unclearly; (3) teacher spoke

quickly when he taught; and (4) teacher used boring technique.

The second problem sources were the from students: (1) the reading

interest of students was still low; (2) students had limited vocabularies; (3) the

students were not active; (4) the knowledge of students was still limited; (4) the

students did not focus or concentrate on teaching learning process; (5) the students

usually made noise during lesson, because the lesson was monotonous; and (6)

The students sometime ignored teacher’s explanation and they felt sleepy during

the lesson.

The last source was from the condition of the class: (1) the class was

crowded as long as teaching learning process, it made the class not conducive for

teaching learning process; and (2) there was lack of media and facilities to support

teaching learning process, such as LCD, dictionary, and students’ task book

(LKS), it affects in reading learning process.

The use of technique or strategies in teaching learning process is very

important in which the success of teaching learning can be achieved. Teaching

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technique is a teacher activity in teaching learning process to facilitate the

students in learning in order to achieve the expected educational goals. To

overcome those problems, the writer purposes the way of the teaching reading by

using cooperative learning. The main concept of this method is that students work

together through structured activities (Olsen and Kagan in Kessler, 1992: 8).

Interaction helps student to be more active. There will be more discussion among

students in group so it is easy for the students to comprehend reading text by

discussing with teammates in structured activity. Kennedy (1981: 197) states that

the use of oral language will aid in developing comprehension skill. Moreover, the

use of this method enables each student to participate actively in teaching learning

process. Kessler (1992: 8) states that cooperative learning offers good learning

strategy in which warm atmosphere at the class can be created. It is supported by

the five key elements of cooperative learning. They are positive interdependence,

team formation, accountability, social skill and structure – structuring. Faunce

(1963: 62) supports Kessler’s statement by stating the group relationship effects

learning in school situation. He states that children learn from each other often

more significantly than from book or teacher. The status one has in the group, the

attitudes of his peers toward him, the extent to which success in the classroom

build prestige out of the school, the feeling generated in the learner perception of

him as a group members – all of these factors and many others, enter into the

quality of the learning process.

In this research, Jigsaw has been chosen as the learning technique that

would be studied by the writer. In the jigsaw model, the students are set up in

teams; each team member is responsible for mastering part of learning material

and then teaching that part to the other team members. McGroarty in Kessler (1992:

137) states that the some benefits of jigsaw are: it provides an excellent learning

environment for acquisition of language through relevant content, the

development of academic skills through carefully structured reading and writing

activities, and the exploration of relevant content through use of purposeful talk in

the class. In jigsaw class, student in small groups are dependent on the others in

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the group for the information they need in other to learn a topic or complete a

task. Jigsaw makes the students learn with their friends by exchanging the

information. Jigsaw develops positive interdependence among the students, where

basically the students have their own way in solving the problem. Jigsaw provides

a learning community in classroom where students respect to others’ capability.

Based on the description above, the writer is interested in implementing

jigsaw technique on cooperative learning in order to improve the students’ reading


From this idea, the writer chooses and determines the topic of this thesis



Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 2 Boyolali

Academic Year of 2011/2012).

B. The Statements of the Problem

Based on the background, the writer formulates the problems as follows:

1. Can jigsaw learning technique improve students’ reading comprehension?

2. What happens in the class when the teacher implements Jigsaw in reading


C. The Objectives of the Study

In this research, the writer has some objectives. In general, based on the

fact that the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Boyolali have lack of ability in

reading comprehension; the writer wants to improve and solve the problem in

reading comprehension by using Jigsaw Learning technique. The writer has three


1. To identify whether Jigsaw learning technique can improve students’ reading


2. To know what happens in the class when the teacher implements Jigsaw

learning technique.

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D. The Benefits of the Study

The writer hopes that this study gives some advantages. They are as


1. For the students, by the result of the research, it can be students’

understanding they can realize that reading is an important thing in learning a

language. It encourages them to be active in learning and develop their ability

and skills in learning process.

2. For the teacher, the benefit is that it can be one of the alternatives in

developing the learning quality, improving the method of learning which is

appropriate to the condition in the classroom.

3. For the school, the result of this study is expected to give some contributions

in teaching reading in Senior High School.

4. For the other researchers, the writer expects that the result of this study can be

a reference and as the starting point for the other researchers in developing

further research about cooperative learning.

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It is important to elaborate some theories, which are used in this research

in order to have understanding in certain concepts. The concepts are related with

theory of reading comprehension and cooperative language learning.

A. The Review on Reading Comprehension

1. The Definition of Reading

Before investigating reading comprehension, it is necessary to elaborate

the term of reading. There are many definitions given to the term of reading.

Williams (1984: 11) states that reading is the process of obtaining meaning from

written text. Reading should bring his knowledge of the language, knowledge of

the writing system, and ability to interpret to get the meaning from the text. It can

be said the reading is a series of action in which reader should be active his

knowledge and capability of interpretation to get meaning of the text. Further,

Rayner and Pollatsek (1989: 23) define reading as ability to extract visual

information from the page and comprehend meaning of the text. It means that

when we read, we need ability to use our knowledge to get meaning of it.

Aebersold and Field (1997: 16) also state the reading is what happens when

people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in the text. It

means that reading is the activity in which one not only watches words on the

paper but also look for meaning of them. Aebersold and Field state that the text

and the reader are two physical entities necessary for the reading process to begin.

Thus in reading, there is Always in interaction between text and its reader. We can

say that there will be no reading process, if there is no one of both entities. In

addition, Grellet (1981: 7) states that reading is an active skill. He mentions

reading involves guessing, predicting, checking, and asking oneself questions. It is

supported by Hammer (1998: 70) who states that reading is an incredibly active


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occupation. It is not a passive skill. Readers have to understand what the words

mean. If they do not do these things, then the only just scratch the surface of the

text. Greenwood (1998: 59) supports Hammers’ opinion by stating that reading is

not passive skill because when the readers read they think and search for meaning,

draw upon the complex network of associations that native speakers have at their

disposal. According to these theories, it can be said that reading is the active skill

in which readers search, predict, and think to get meaning of text.

Other theories come from Wallace and Wilson. Wallace (1996: 4) states

that reading is interpreting which means reacting to a written text as a piece of

communication. In other words, people assume some communicative intense on

the writers’ part on which the reader has some purposes in attempting to

understand. It is supported by Wilson in De Boer and Dallman (1964: 22) who

define reading as more than sounding letters, calling words, or responding to


From the definition above, it can be concluded that reading is a series of

action in which reader should activate his knowledge and capability of

interpretation, such as inferring main ideas and drawing conclusion.

2. Reading Comprehension

Before people come to reading comprehension review, it will be necessary

to know what comprehension is. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

comprehension has the several meanings. Firstly, in general usage, and more

specifically in reference to educational end psychology, it has thoroughly the

same meaning as understanding. Secondly, the comprehension of all objects is the

totality of intension. In the Oxford Advance learner’s dictionary, comprehension

is defined as a power to understand something. It is supported by Kennedy (1981:

188) who states that comprehension is the ability of one to find, interpret, and use

idea. According to these three definitions, it can be said that comprehension is a

power to understand something through finding, interpreting, and using ideas.

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From the theories above, the writer comes to definition of reading

comprehension. There are many definitions of reading comprehension stated by

many experts. Adams in Howell (1993: 182) defines reading comprehension as an

interactive process through which the reader uses code, context analysis, prior

knowledge, vocabulary, and language along with executive control strategies, to

understand the text. Then, Howell himself (1993:182) states that reading

comprehension is the act of reader to combine information in passage with prior

knowledge in order to construct meaning. Reading comprehension, therefore,

takes place when a person is reading and comprises that set of skills let him to

find information and understand it in terms of what is already known.

In addition, Kennedy (1981: 192) states that reading comprehension is a

thinking process by which one selects facts, information or ideas from printed

material; determines the meaning the author intended to transmit; decides how

they relate to previous knowledge he has acquired. Grellet (1981: 3) says that

comprehension of a written text means extracting the required information from it.

From the theories above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension

is reading with understanding in which there is a process to get ideas from written

or printed language as a pieces of communication.

3. Kinds of Comprehension Skill

Different kinds of reading comprehension are often distinguished

according to the reader’s purpose in reading and the type of reading used

(Richard, 1967). De Boer and Dallmann (1964:134) state there are two specific

skills of comprehension.

Those specific skills may be classified:

a) According to the reader’s purpose

1) Reading to find main idea

2) Reading to select significant details

3) Reading to answer questions

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4) Reading to arrive at generalizations

5) Reading to follow direction

6) Reading to predict outcome

7) Reading to evaluate critically

8) Reading graphs, tables, chart, and maps

b) According to the length and nature of the selection read

1) Getting phrase meaning

2) Getting sentence meaning

3) Getting paragraph meaning

4) Comprehension of longer election

From the theory above there are some reading comprehension skills, they

are according to the reader’s purpose and according to the length and nature of the

selection of read.

Meanwhile Kennedy (1981:199) mentions three kinds of reading

comprehension, namely: literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, and

evaluative comprehension. The brief explanations of them are as follows:

a. Literal Comprehension

It means reading in order to understand, remember or recall the

information explicitly contained in a passage such as identifying explicitly

stated main ideas, details, sequence, cause – effect relationship, and patterns.

b. Inferential comprehension

It means reading in order to find information, which is not explicitly

stated in a passage. The readers use his experience and intuition. This activity

includes inferring main ideas, details, comparisons, cause – effect relationship

not explicitly stated, drawing conclusions or generalizations from a text,

predicting outcome.

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c. Evaluative Comprehension

It means reading in order to compare information in a passage with the

reader’s own knowledge and values; for example, distinguishing between facts

and opinion, reacting to a text’s content, characters, and use of language.

4. The Strategies of Reading Comprehension

There are some strategies in reading comprehension in order to be a good

reader. The following are some strategies according to Grellet (1980).

a. Skimming

Skimming is reading the text quickly in order to get the gist of it, that is the

general meaning without any details.

b. Scanning

Scanning is reading technique that aims to get the students have final answer

of specific question or particular information

c. Sensitizing

Sensitizing is reading technique that aims to make the students need to cope

with unfamiliar words and complex sentences.

d. Inference

It means making use of syntactic, logical, and cultural clues to discover the

meaning of unknown element.

e. Understanding Relation within the Sentences

When the students read the passage, it is important to look for the core of the

sentences (subject + Verb). The students can divide passage into a sense of

group and underline it, or recognize some important elements of each sentence

in passage.

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f. Linking Sentences and Ideas

The students must recognize the various devices used to create textual

cohesion and more particularly the use reference and link – words.

From the theories above, it can be concluded that the reading

comprehension is a process to understand information and ideas of the author

within the text, which involves the experiences and knowledge of the reader.

There are some reading comprehension skills required by the students so that the

students are able to comprehend the text through finding meaning of the word

based on context, explicit information, main idea, implicit information, and

reference of pronoun.

5. Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension Text

Due to the problem arising in reading comprehension, some experts offer

some strategies dealing with reading comprehension. De Boer and Dallmann

(1964: 143) state that some activities can improve reading comprehension, that is

through incidental means and practice exercise, and here are some brief


a. Improvement through incidental means

Incidental means is used to refer to all types of reading situations other than

those involving practice exercises. Discussion and dramatization can be

involved in incidental means.

b. Improvement through practice exercises

Giving direct practice in the form of exercise to help student develop skills in

comprehending what student read will profit greatly.

Meanwhile, Kennedy (1981: 197) says that many instructional approaches

can be used effectively to develop comprehension skills. One of them is use of

oral language. If the oral counterparts of the words used in reading material are

unknown, there will be little change to develop understanding. Any activity that

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increases facility in speaking and understanding spoken language will aid in

developing a background in comprehension, and there should be ample time for

class discussion, conservation, and oral reporting. It is strengthened by Burns

(1984: 40) who states that good listening and speaking are essential for active

communication because the concept and vocabulary derived from listening and

speaking are the basic for effective reading and writing. It means that effective

communication can happen in such discussion activities, which help students to

comprehend written text. Meanwhile, DeBoer and Dallmann (1964: 36) state that

the class projects and group discussion can help to expand a student’s mastery of

printed page. Danserau in Kessler (1992: 5) supports those statements by stating

that explaining ideas to team – mate enhances understanding. It can be said that

the use of oral language is effective for reading activity.

The goal of reading comprehension is to enable students to read with

understanding. Therefore, teacher needs to be able to facilitate students’ reading

comprehension and provide them with guided instruction and practice in

comprehension strategies in order to get good comprehension. These are

suggestion to be considered. Csusm (2011)

1. Teacher should know how to use information to provide students in

comprehending text well

2. Teacher is able to use knowledge of factors affecting comprehension and then,

deliver affective instruction in reading comprehension

3. The teacher is able to select and use a range of activities and strategies before,

during, and after reading to enhance students’ comprehension, namely,

developing background knowledge, encouraging predictions, questioning, and

conducting discussion.

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B. The Review on Jigsaw on Cooperative Learning

1. The Review of Cooperative Learning

a. The Definition of Cooperative Learning

There some definitions of cooperative learning. Slavin (1997: 284) states

that cooperative learning refers to instructional method in which students work

together in small group to help each other learn. It is supported by Roger, Olsen,

and Kagan (in Kessler, 1992: 8) who state that cooperative learning is group

learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured

exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is

held accountable for his own and is motivated to increase the learning of others.

Meanwhile, Ornstein and Lasley (2000: 323) state that cooperative learning is an

instructional approach instead of competing for recognition or grades.

The same opinion is conveyed by Larsen and Freeman (2000: 164) who

state cooperative learning essentially involves student learning from each other.

Richards and Roger (2001: 192) also state the same thing that cooperative

learning is teaching methods that make maximum use of cooperative activities

involving pairs and small group of learners in the classroom. Similary,

Kindsvatter, et al. (1996: 318) state that cooperative learning is the most

compatible to the climate of constructivist classroom. He says that learning takes

on personal meaning by challenging group to construct their own understanding

of concepts and principles through shared group experiences.

It can be concluded that cooperative learning is structured learning activity

in which learners work interactively in heterogeneous group.

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b. The Benefit of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Reading

Cooperative learning, which requires structured activity involving students

working together in small group, offer some benefits. Moore (1999: 52) states that

cooperative learning is appropriate in many situations and able to be an effective

learning in language classes to allow learners to communicate and produce more

positive general achievements. Through cooperative learning, comprehension of

lesson material can be achieved by the groups of the students.

Kessler (1992: 1) states that for limited English proficient and limited

English functioning students, cooperative learning provides increased interaction

between students. This in turn, increase opportunities for language practice

especially listening and speaking while using those interaction to increase

comprehension of lesson material.

Kessler also recognizes some important benefits of cooperative learning

(1992: 3). Cooperative learning classes are more relaxed and enjoyable than

traditional classes. This creates a positive learning environment increase for all

students. Another benefit is that cooperative learning can help address the needs

of heterogeneous classes, diverse in home language, English language

proficiency, and academic achievement. Kindsvatters, et al. (1996: 297) say that

there are strong effects of higher order understanding in creative writing, reading,

and social studies. McConnell (1994) mention some benefit of cooperative

learning as follows:

1. CL provides opportunities for learner to share information and ideas

2. CL develops communication skill

3. CL provides a context where the learners can take control of their own

learning in social context

4. CL provides validation of individuals’ ideas and ways of thinking through

conversation (verbalizing); multiple perspectives (cognitive restructuring );

argument (conceptual conflict resolution)

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c. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities

Johnson in Richard and Rogers (2001: 196) describe three types of

cooperative learning as follows:

a. Formal Cooperative Learning Group

These last from one class period to several weeks. These are

established for a specific task and involve students working together to

achieve shared learning goals.

b. Informal Cooperative Learning Group

These last from a few minutes to a class period which is used to focus

on students’ attention or to facilitate learning during direct teaching.

c. Cooperative Base Group

These are long term lasting for at least a year and consist of

heterogeneous learning group with stable membership whose primary

purpose is to allow members to give each other support, help,

encouragement, and assistance they need successes academically

d. The Structural Approach of Cooperative Learning

The structural approach is based on the use of various distinct sequences

of classroom behaviors, called structured. Kagan (in Kessler, 1992: 17) states that

a structure is a content – free way of organization distinct sequences of classroom

behavior, including specified types of interactions among individuals at each

steps. Structures are distinct from activities. Activities are content - bound and

specific; usually have a specific objective, such as creating a class banner to build

a class identify or finding all the small words possible in a set of words. In our

experiences, activities can not be repeated meaningfully many times. In contrast,

structures are content - free ways of organizing interactions. Structures may be

used repeatedly with a variety of curriculum materials, at various places in the

lesson plan, and the throughout the symbols.

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5. The Review of Jigsaw

Here are some techniques in cooperative learning and one of them is

jigsaw. Jigsaw involves tasks that enable learners to help and support each other

in completing the tasks. In cooperative learning, learners will have an assumption

that they have the same goal. They have responsibility to the material, they should

comprehend and try to share what they have learnt and know to the others.

Jigsaw was developed by Aronson (1971) Jigsaw is used as an attempt to

limit students’ competition and radical segregation in the classroom of Austin,

Texas. He looked at the situation of turmoil threatened learning environment

when African, American, Hispanic, and white students are in the classroom

together for the first time. Aronson and a group of graduate students create the

Jigsaw and look it into the classroom.

Brown (1994: 182) defines Jigsaw as a special form of information gap in

which each member of a group is given some specific information to achieve

some objectives. He explains that in Jigsaw, the members of Jigsaw Group are

given an application from with different information provided. The students ask

each other questions to complete all the information on a form. Silberman (1996:

111) states as follows:

Jigsaw learning is a widely practiced technique that is similar to group – to

group exchange with one important that can be segmented or “chucked”

and when one no one segment must be taught before the others. Each

student learnt something which, when combined with material learned by

others, from a coherent body of knowledge or skills.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Jigsaw is a

technique in which the students learn in group form, and each member has

different information. Then, they share the information to complete all the

information on a form.

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a. Procedure of Jigsaw

Wood (1997) explains procedure of jigsaw as follows:

Group with five students are set up. Each group member is assigned

some unique material to learn and then to teach to this group members.

To help in the learning students across the class working on the same

sub – section get together to decide what is important and how to teach

it. After practice in these “expert” groups the original group reform

and students teach each other.

Meanwhile, Silberman (1996: 112) explains the procedures of jigsaw learning

as follows:

1) Choose learning meterial that can be broken into parts. A segment can be

as short as one sentences or as long as several pages.

2) Divide the class into some groups. Divide learning materials into some

segments depend on the number of group. You might then be able to form

quartets, assigning each group either segment 1, 2, or 3. Ask each quartet

or “study group “ to study and disscus the material.

3) After having discussion in each group, the students have to make “Jigsaw

learning group” based on the number they get.

4) Ask the members of the “ jigsaw learning group” to teach each other what

they have learnt in their previous group

5) Reconvene the full class for reviewing and reminding questions to ensure

accurate understanding.


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In line with Elliot, Aronson (1971) states that Jigsaw classroom is very

simple to use. If you're a teacher, just follow these steps:

1) Divide students into 5- or 6-person jigsaw groups. The groups should be

diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, and ability.

2) Appoint one student from each group as the leader. Initially, this person

should be the most mature student in the group.

3) Divide the day's lesson into 5-6 segments. For example, if you want

history students to learn about Eleanor Roosevelt, you might divide a short

biography of her into stand-alone segments on: (1) Her childhood, (2) Her

family life with Franklin and their children, (3) Her life after Franklin

contracted polio, (4) Her work in the White House as First Lady, and (5)

Her life and work after Franklin's death.

4) Assign each student to learn one segment, making sure students have

direct access only to their own segment.

5) Give students time to read over their segment at least twice and become

familiar with it. There is no need for them to memorize it.

6) Form temporary "expert groups" by having one student from each jigsaw



B1 A1



B2 C4 B4 A2





4 B3

3 A3


A1 A2 A3 A4

C1 B1 B2 C2 B3 C3 C4 B4

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group join other students assigned to the same segment. Give students in

these expert groups time to discuss the main points of their segment and to

rehearse the presentations they will make to their jigsaw group.

7) Bring the students back into their jigsaw groups.

8) Ask each student to present her or his segment to the group. Encourage

others in the group to ask questions for clarification.

9) Float from group to group, observing the process. If any group is having

trouble (e.g., a member is dominating or disruptive), make an appropriate

intervention. Eventually, it's best for the group leader to handle this task.

Leaders can be trained by whispering an instruction on how to intervene,

until the leader gets the hang of it.

10) At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material so that students

quickly come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games but

really count.

In learning process, it may not be as successful as what we hope. Some problems

may appear, like the dominant student who talks too much and slow learners are

having difficulties to create a good report for their group. Another problem is that

sometimes some students get bored working with slower learners. These problems

are real but not fatal, and Jigsaw can overcome and give solutions to the problems,

like what have been said by Aronson (1971)

a. The problem of the dominant student

In jigsaw classroom, the students get chance to lead the discussion, on

rotating basis. The leaders’ job is to spread participation. They will realize that

the group runs effectively if each other student is allowed to present her or his

material before comments are taken. Thus, the self- interest of the group

eventually reduces the problem of dominance.

b. The problem of slow student

Each student enters an expert group before presenting a report to their

Jigsaw group. Students have a chance to discuss their report and modify it

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based on the suggestions of other members of their expert group. The

teacher’s job is to make sure that each student gets on accurate report from

their discussion. Usually, most teachers find that they can solve the problem

so close monitoring becomes unnecessary.

c. The problem of bright students becoming bored

From the learning being used, boredom can be a problem in any

classroom. Research suggests that there is less boredom in Jigsaw classroom.

By using this method, liking the school will be better both for the bright

students as well as slower learners. The bright students will get turn to be

“teacher”, so it can change a boring task into an exciting challenge.

b. Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Jigsaw

About the procedure in reading comprehension, Coelho in Kessler (1992:

143) says that on reading assignment, students are given an assignment to solve.

That assignment is broken down into some part topics among the members of a

group of three or four. Each person reads his/ her part of the assignment and then

teaches it to the other group members. Other group should be quizzed by teacher

to make sure thet they understand the material. In general, the procedure of

teaching reading comprehension by using Jigsaw technique is as follows:

1) Grouping and division the task.

The class is divided into some groups. Each group represents a

different topic that will be discussed.

2) Working in the expert group.

These are the new groups for the students. Here students work in their

section of the material; completing some comprehension exercise, perhaps

taking a quiz on their section on the material. The teacher circulates from

group to group, discussing and checking responses to the questions, and

assisting the students to help each other prepare for the oral presentation.

3) Working in the jigsaw group.

When all groups feel that they really know their material and are ready

to share the information, the students are regrouped into their jigsaw groups.

Each student tells the other members of the team about the material, so that

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each person has complete information. The teacher can provide a set of

questions to guide the discussion.

C. Rationale

Reading is essential factor that influence ones’ activities in

communication. Reading builds communication with people around us. For

students reading is a means of learning in all subjects. Reading is really the most

important of the other language skills. Reading foreign language text (English

text) is useful for careers, study purposes, or pleasures. It also provides good

model for good writing. Moreover, by reading a text we will have an opportunity

to study language including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and to study the

way of constructing sentences, paragraphs, and texts.

The objective of teaching English in Senior High School stressed on

reading skill is providing students with comprehending knowledge. Students are

taught to comprehend written English text. Therefore, teacher has responsibility to

make students easier to comprehending written text and facilitating them in order

to get well comprehension. It is difficult for student to comprehend a foreign

language text, since their mother tongue is different systematically from foreign

language. Based on the pre – research stated on the background of the study,

students have following problems in reading; Based on the result of pre-research

students have following problems in reading, generally students have difficulty in

finding: (1) meaning of the word based on context; (2) explicit information; (3)

main idea; (4) implicit information; (5) and reference of pronoun.

Dealing with the problems, there are some problem sources which affect

students’ reading comprehension; they are from teacher, students, and the class.

The first is the teacher: (1) the way the teacher delivered the material was not

interesting; (2) the teacher explained the material unclearly; (3) teacher spoke

quickly when he taught; and (4) teacher used boring technique.

The second problem sources are the from students: (1) the reading interest

of students was still low; (2) students had limited vocabularies; (3) the students

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were not active; (4) the knowledge of students was still limited; (4) the students

did not focus or concentrate on teaching learning process; and (5) the students

usually made noise during lesson, because the lesson was monotonous; (6) the

students sometime ignored teacher’s explanation and felt sleepy during the lesson.

The last source is from the condition of the class: (1) the class was

crowded as long as teaching learning process, it made the class not conducive for

teaching learning process; and (2) there was lack of media and facilities to support

teaching learning process, such as LCD, dictionary, and students’ task book

(LKS), it affects in reading learning process.

Jigsaw has a concept that in the Jigsaw classroom, Jigsaw involves tasks

that enable learners to help and support each other in completing the tasks. Here,

they have responsibility to the material, they should comprehend and try to share

what they have learnt and known to the others. This technique makes students

more active. By using Jigsaw, the teacher lets the students discus the material so

that they can comprehend the text. Consequently their reading comprehension can

be improved. In Jigsaw classroom, students in groups are dependent on the others

in the group for the information to comple the task and to find the information

they need in order to improve students’ reading comprehension, such as finding:

(1) meaning of the word based on context; (2) explicit information; (3)main idea;

(4) implicit information; and (5) reference of pronoun.

The Jigsaw technique can improve class situation, in terms of: (a)

students’ better interaction when having and responding teacher’s question; (b)

being active both in individual and work group activities; and (c) being more

attentive to the reading class.

D. Action Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical review and rationale, it is assumed that students’

reading comprehension can be improved through Jigsaw learning technique. The

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use of oral language is effective for reading activity. Students are allowed to

interact in small learning group.

The writer makes a hypothesis that Jigsaw learning technique has a

concept that students have active role in teaching and learning process through

interaction in small learning group, the students’ reading comprehension can be


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A. The Research Setting

This research was carried out in SMA N 2 Boyolali. The school is located

at Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 06, Kebonbimo, Boyolali, phone (0276) 322543. SMA

N 2 Boyolali gets A accreditation. It had three grades of class. They were the

tenth grade, the eleventh grade, and the twelfth grade. The tenth grade consists of

six classes; the eleventh grade and the twelfth grade were divided into two fields:

science, and social. The eleventh grade consists of six classes and the twelfth

grade consists of six classes. Beside eighteen classrooms, the other buildings were

headmaster office, teacher office, administration office, laboratory, computer

room, language room and mosque. SMA N 2 Boyolali uses Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan Pendidikan as the basic of teaching and learning process. Instructional

process was done in six days from Monday to Saturday. The students started to

learn at 07 a.m.

The research was conducted on August 2011 to September 2011. It included

pre – research, action, and activities after the action.

B. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2

Boyolali. The eleventh grade was divided into two fields: science, and social the

writer chose XI IPA 2. This class consists of 38 students. The students of class XI

IPA 2 came from different economical background. Most of them came from the

average to low economical level. There were only few of them who from came

from high economical level. Generally, the students learned happily and far from

burden condition. They had chosen SMA N 2 Boyolali as the place to study.

Although some of the students chose it as the second choice after they were not


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accepted in the favorite school they want, they like to study in SMA N 2 Boyolali.

The researcher chose this class because from the fact and the result of pre-

observation, it was shown that the students’ interest and achievement of reading

were still low. However, there were some students who had high ability but they

were still passive during the English lesson. The researcher conducted the study

through teaching and learning process by implementing Jigsaw learning

technique. The researcher was as the teacher and the English teacher as the


C. The Method of the Research

The method used in the research is action research. For the research, the

writer would like to elaborate some definitions of action research. Mills (2000: 5)

defines action research as systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, researcher,

principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in teaching learning

environment, to gather information about the ways that their particular school

operate, how to teach, and how well the student learn. Kemmis in Hopkins (1993:

44) state that action research is a form of self reflective inquiry undertaken by

participants in social (including educational) in order to improve the rationality

and justice of (a) their own or social practice, (b) their understanding to these

practices, and (c) the situations in which the practices are carried out. Hopkins

(1993: 45) states that action research is about the systematic study of attempt to

improve educational practice by group or participant, by means of their practical

actions, and by means of own reflection upon the effect of those actions.

Kemmis and McTaggart in Nunan (1992: 17) state that there are three

characteristics of the action research, firstly, it is carried out by the practitioners

rather than outside researcher. Secondly, is collaborative, and thirdly, is aimed at

changing conditions. Meanwhile, according to Burns (1999: 30), there are four

characteristics as follows:

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1. Action research is contextual, small scale, and localized it identifies and

investigates problems within a specific situation

2. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement

in practice.

3. It is participatory as it provides of collaborative investigation by team of

colleagues, practitioners, and researches.

4. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which

provides the impetus for change

From the definition above, it can be summarized that action research is the

systematic study of efforts to overcome education problems or to change things

related to educational problem for improvement. It is conducted by practitioners

or teachers, or in collaboration of teachers and researcher by means of their own

practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effect of the action

In this study, classroom action research was conducted to improve

students’ reading comprehension. This classroom action research was going to be

carried out by the collaboration by the writer and the teacher. The practical action

was implementing the Jigsaw learning technique. The reflection upon the effects

of the action could be known after Jigsaw learning technique in teaching reading

comprehension was applied. The reflection shows whether the Jigsaw learning

technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension and class condition

to be high than before or not.

D. The Model of Action Research

The model of classroom action research used in this study is based on the

model developed by Lewin in Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Action Research)

written by Tim Pelatih Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (2000: 11). According to the

model, the implementation of classroom action research includes four steps as


1. Develop a plan of critically informed action to improve what is already


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2. Act to implement the plan

3. Observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context in which it


4. Reflect on these effects as the basis for further planning, subsequent critically

informed action and so on, through a succession of stages.

In this research, the steps used were four steps that from one cycle: 1)

Planning the action; 2) Implementing the action; 3) Observing the action; and 4)

reflecting the result of the observation.

E. The Procedures of Action Research

The procedures of action research in this research are as follows:

1. Identifying the problems

The problems were indentified by using the following techniques:

a. Interviewing the teacher and the students

The aim of the interview was to know what problems the teacher and

the students faced during the teaching and learning process. The

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researcher used interview to get information from the students to know

their understanding about the lesson and what problems the students

might face in learning English reading. The researcher also held an

interview with the English teacher. The researcher wants to know

about the problems faced by the teacher in teaching reading


b. Pre – observation

The observation was aimed to know the model of class management

and students’ behavior during the teaching and learning process.

c. Test

In this research, the tests involved pre-test (before the technique is

applied) and individual quizzes (after the technique is applied). Pretest

was given to identify the students’ reading comprehension before the

technique applied while individual quizzes were given to measure the

improvement of students’ reading comprehension after applying

jigsaw learning technique

The result can indicate whether the use of jigsaw learning technique to

improve the students’ reading comprehension is effective or not.

2. Planning the action

In this step, the writer prepared everything related to the action that needed

in doing the action. The preparations were:

a) Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing procedures in

doing the action.

b) Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring.

c) Preparing the sheets for classroom observation.

d) Preparing the evaluation material in the form of written test.

e) Preparing the teaching aids (texts, student’s worksheet, etc).

f) Preparing test (pre – test and post - test) to measure whether the

students’ reading comprehension has improved or not after the action

which is conducted by the writer.

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g) Implementing the classroom action research

h) Give post test 1 and evaluates the result to decide the next cycle action

i) After implementing the second cycle, the researcher give post test 2

and evaluate the result

j) Finally, comparing the result of post test – and post test 2 and then

identifies the score to know the final result of the research

3. Implementing the action

The teacher implemented the action of teaching reading by using

Jigsaw learning model. Adapted from original model of Jigsaw technique

proposed by Aronson, Brown, Silberman and some experts like what had been

explained in previous chapter; in this research the writer made modification to

the procedures of Jigsaw learning model. The researcher made an adaption by

making the procedure of jigsaw technique simpler. The implementation of

Jigsaw learning technique in this research could be explained as follows:

a. The teacher prepared the material that was used in the learning process.

The teacher divided the learning material into some parts.

b. The research started the lesson by asking some questions dealing with the

topic. If the students did not know about the topic, the researcher gave

short explanation.

c. The researcher asked the students to make study group which consists of

four students in each group. They learned part of the material, so one

group had different information from the other groups. The students

should learn it well.

d. Then, the researcher asked the students to make Jigsaw group. The

members of Jigsaw group came from representative of each study group.

Here, they shared information, solved the problem, and completed the task

given by the teacher.

e. The researcher together with the students discussed the answers. The

teacher corrected the answers if there were some incorrect answers. The

researcher also explained some points of the material

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f. In closing, the researcher gave some questions to check their

understanding. The researcher also did not forget to state the topic for the

next meeting.

4. Observing the action

The teacher, as the researcher, observes all activities in the teaching

and learning process while the technique of teaching reading comprehension

using jigsaw learning technique was carried out. The researcher also

monitored and wrote the responses of the pupils in the class. In this step, the

researcher was helped by the teacher. The teacher noted events happening in

the teaching learning process. The teacher also creates a conductive

atmosphere to increase the students’ motivation in learning reading, for

example by giving suggestion, helping their difficulties while learning, and

giving feedback for their efforts.

5. Reflecting the action

In the evaluation process, the researcher gave pre test before the

teaching and learning process and post test at the end of cycle 1 and 2. Based

on the result of the test and the result of the observation during the teaching

and learning process, the researcher made an evaluation in order to find out

the weakness and strengths of the action

6. Revising the plan

After the researcher knows the weaknesses of the activities that had

been carried out in teaching reading using Jigsaw, the researcher decided

whether the researcher needed to continue to the next cycle or not. The

improvement of students’ reading comprehension was indicated by the core

improvement in the test. Besides, the indicator of improvement could be seen

from the students’ behavior that changes better, such as they became

interested in learning English and they were active during the lesson. If the

result was not satisfying, it was necessary for the researcher to go to the next

cycle. It emphasized on the weaknesses that occur in the previous cycle. The

researcher might revise the plan for the next cycle.

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F. The Technique of Collecting Data

In this classroom action research, the researcher collected the data using

qualitative and quantitative method. Mason and Bramble (1997: 42) state that

action research is designed to uncover effective ways of dealing real world

problems. Action research is not confined to a particular methodology or

paradigm. The action research may utilize qualitative or quantitative methodology

or a mixture of both.

The techniques of collecting the data use qualitative method, observational

and non observational techniques. Observational techniques consist of

observations, and photographs, while non – observational technique consist of

interview and document.

The result of the observation, interview and document analysis were

poured in the form of field notes which become the raw data of the research. Each

field note consists of three parts: the identity of the field note, description, and


Second, the technique of collecting the data using quantitative method was

a test. In this research, the researcher used the objective test type for both pre-test

and post test. The result of the test was analyzed to know the students ability in

reading. The result could indicate whether the implementation of jigsaw learning

technique was effective or not.

In this study, the pre test and the post test had the same items. The test

items involved reading material that would be taught to the students. The writer

tries out test in order to find whether the items were valid and reliable or not.

Heaton (1974: 153) states that validity of a test is the extent to which it measures

what is supposed to measure and nothing else. It could be calculated with the

formula as follows:

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G. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, then the data need to be analyzed. In analyzing

the qualitative data, the writer analyzed the result of the observation done during

teaching and learning process using descriptive qualitative method. In this case,

the writer used interactive model as suggested by Miles and Huberman. This

model consists of collecting the data, reducing the data, presenting the data, and

drawing conclusion (Miles and Huberman, 1992:6).

In this method, the writer collecting the data, she reduced and then

presented the data. In reducing the data, the writer rejected the meaningless data

and took the important points of the data. Then, the writer presented the data

systematically and logically. Data analysis included three activities that happened

at the same time, they were reducing data, presenting data, and drawing

conclusion. The more description of interactive model will be described as


1. Collecting the data

The data were collected during the classroom action research, which

has been conducted from the first cycle to the second cycle. The data

collected included the process on teaching end learning trough jigsaw

learning technique, the score of pre – test and post test, the students’

worksheet, and the photographs.

2. Reducing the data

Data reducing is defined as process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming of “raw data” which appear in the written-up

field note during the action. Reducing data is done continuously during the

research. Therefore, after the data were collected from research activities. It

was described clearly then it was selected which one the important and the

needed data. The researcher wouldn’t select the unimportant data. That were

in this process, the important data were selected and the important data were

selected and the unimportant data were dismissed.

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3. Presenting the data

Presenting the data means describing the data in the narrative form. In

the second step of analyzing the data, the information or the data, which have

been selected form the process of reducing the data, are arranged

systematically in order make easy in drawing conclusion.

4. Drawing conclusion

The next process in this method is drawing conclusion. In this process,

conclusion is drawn continuously throughout the research. The writer tends to

accumulate and formulate her interpretations she has gone along. The final

conclusion may be able to not drawn until all the data collected, from the

beginning till the end of the research.

Those four terms are parallel form to make up the general domain

mentioned analysis. In another word, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing

conclusion or data verification are at one related component, which has been

gotten earlier is always verified during the research happens. Those three

components are still used until the researcher finds the final conclusion. If it is

found unequal conclusion, the researcher must be re – examine or revise the data

by checking the data collected. In the other words, data analysis is interactive

process among three analysis component (reducing, presenting, drawing

conclusion) with data collection (cycle process)

The quantitative data are analyzed by comparing the means score of the

pre – and the post test to know the difference before and after the cycle. In the

analyzing the data in the form the numbers as the result of the test, the researcher

found the mean score of the pre – test and the post test. Then, the researcher

compared those scores. The improvement could be seen from the score in post test

which was higher than the score in the pre- test.

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The mean of the pre test and the post – test can be calculated with the

formula as follows:


= means of pre test

= means of post test

N= the number of sample

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A. Introduction

This chapter presents the result of the Classroom action Research

conducted in the class XI of SMA N 2 Boyolali. It describes and discusses the

result of the research. This chapter describes some finding and discussions about

the use Jigsaw especially for teaching reading comprehension. This chapter covers

research implementation and discussion. Each cycle of the research

implementation consists of planning the action, implementing the action,

observing the action, and reflecting the action. There are some objectives of this

research; to identify how far jigsaw learning technique can improve students’

reading comprehension, to know what happens in the class when the teacher

implements Jigsaw learning technique and to describe the strength and weakness

of Jigsaw learning technique to improve reading comprehension.

Table 4.1 The whole process of the research


Doing observation in the teaching Learning Process of class XI IPA 2

(1 August 2011)

Doing interview with the teacher (6 August 2011)

Giving questionnaire to the students (8 August 2011)

Conducting pre – test (11 August 2011)



Cycle I

Meeting 1

13 August 2011

Implementing the jigsaw learning

technique, involving completing the

tasks, they are: reading the text “

Cinderella”, answer the question based


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in the text and finding meaning of the


Meeting 2

15 August 2011

Implementing the jigsaw learning

technique, involving completing the

tasks, they are: reading the text “The

Fairies Cake”, answering the question

based in the text and finding meaning

of the word.

Meeting 3

18 August 2011

Implementing the jigsaw learning

technique, involving completing the

tasks, they are: reading the text “ The

Farmer and The Poor Sparrow”,

answering the question based in the

text and finding meaning of the word.

Meeting 4 20 August 2011 Conducting post test 1

Cycle 2

Meeting 1

22 August 2011

Implementing the jigsaw learning

technique, involving completing the

task, they are: reading the text “

Woman and the Wolves”, answering

the question based in the text and

finding meaning of the word and

filling the blank sentences using the

correct form of the word.

Meeting 2 25 August 2011 Implementing the jigsaw learning

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technique, involving completing the

task, they are: reading the text “ Lion

and Jackal”, answering the question

based in the text and finding meaning

of the word in the “Box jumble word”

and filling the blank sentences using

the correct form of the word.

Meeting 3 27 August 2011 Implementing the jigsaw learning

technique, involving completing the

task, they are: reading the text “ the

Legend of Lake Toba”, answering the

question based in the text and finding

the word in the “Table” then finding

the meaning of the word.

Meeting 4 29 Agustus 2011 Conducting post test2

Based on the observation, interview and pre-test done in the pre –

research, the researcher found the fact that the eleventh grade students of SMA N

2 Boyolali had problems in reading comprehension that were the the students had

dificullties in finding: main idea, explicit information, implicit information,

meaning word based on the context and reference of pronoun. It can be seen from

the reading pre-test conducted by the writer. The test was in the form of multiple

choice. The pre-test result showed that the mean score of the students was 61.11.

the score was still under the KKM that was 6.5.

Dealing with the problems, researcher also found some problem sources

which affect students’ reading comprehension. It can be concluded from the pre-

research observation. They were from teacher, students, and the class. The first

was from the teacher: (1) the way the teacher delivered the material was not

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interesting; (2) the teacher explained the material unclearly; (3) teacher spoke

quickly when he taught; and (4) teacher used boring technique.

The second problem sources were the from students: (1) the reading

interest of students was still low; (2) students had limited vocabularies; (3) the

students were not active; (4) the knowledge of students was still limited; (4) the

students did not focus or concentrate on teaching learning process; (5) the students

usually made noise during lesson, because the lesson was monotonous; and (6)

The students sometime ignored teacher’s explanation and they felt sleepy during

the lesson.

The last source was from the condition of the class: (1) the class was

crowded as long as teaching learning process, it made the class not conducive for

teaching learning process; and (2) there was lack of media and facilities to support

teaching learning process, such as LCD, dictionary, and students’ task book

(LKS), it affects in reading learning process.

Based on the interview with the English teacher, observation, and pre-test

score, the writer identified that the students’ reading comprehension should be

improved by implementing a certain approach that was effective to overcome the

problems. Therefore, the writer decided to use jigsaw learning technique.

B. Research Implementation

The implementation of the teaching of reading comprehension on narrative

genre using Jigsaw learning technique in classroom action research consists of

two cycles. The researcher divided the first cycle into four meeting and every

meeting spent 90 minutes. It was conducted on August. In this cycle the

researcher used narrative texts. The kinds of narrative text come from western

story. The topics are fairy tale. Each cycle in this action research consists of four

steps: planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and

reflecting the action

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With consideration of the facts explained above, the writer planned

different kinds of material, resources to solve the problem. The writer chose

Jigsaw learning technique to teach narrative text. The researcher believed that

teaching reading using Jigsaw learning technique would improve the students’

reading comprehension.

The researcher prepared the research instrument based on the syllabus.

The research also prepared materials which supported the action, like: observation

sheet and camera.

The researcher constructed the lesson plans that consist of three activities.

They are opening, main activity, end closing. The time allotment for every

meeting is 90 minutes. The researcher prepared the text from some references,

book and internet. The theme was narrative text. In the first cycle the researcher

planned to have four meetings.

1. Implementing the action of first cycle

a. The first meeting

1) Opening

In the beginning of the lesson, the researcher as the teacher,

greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance. The teacher

explained the objective and the benefit of the lesson. The researcher tried

to make a good condition in class by telling to students that the day’s

activities would be reading lesson using jigsaw learning technique.

2) Main activity

In the first meeting the researcher would present about narrative

text. Secondly, the teacher explored the students’ knowledge about the

topic by showing the picture of Cinderella and by giving some pre –

reading questions. The question were such as “Have you ever heard the

story about Cinderella?”, The students answered “Yes, miss, I have”. “Ok,

good, so Who are the participants of the story? Who knows, please rise

your hand?”. Most of students rise their hand and teacher chose one of

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them, he answered” the participants of the Cinderella story are Cinderella,

the two Cinderella’ stepsister, step mother, and the fairy”. Before the

teacher gave the text, she explained the way to find the main idea, explicit

information, implicit information, reference pronoun, and finding meaning

of the word based on the context.

Teacher explained the procedure of Jigsaw learning technique,

before the technique was applied, in order that students understood about

that technique. The first steps in jigsaw learning technique, teacher divided

the class into some groups. Next, the teacher divided learning materials into

some segments (depending on the number of group) and distributed the materials

to the students. Then, teacher asked each group to study the material in the text

entitled “ Cinderella”. Then, Teacher asked the class to form “Jigsaw group” in

which each group consists of representative of every study group. Teacher asked

the students in expert group to discuss the material. Teacher asked the

members of the jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect information by

answering the questions (completing the task). Teacher asked the students to

come back into their group. Teacher gave the opportunities the students to

present the result of their discussion for a few minutes. In the teaching

learning process teacher is as the facilitator, she monitored the teaching

learning process.

3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not.

Then the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today

about “Cinderella” by asking,” Who is Cinderella?”, ”Who were the

participants in the story?”, “Why did Cinderella cry? “, And Was the story

happy ending or sad ending? Why?”. “Did you sympathize with a

Cinderella? Why /Why not? ”, “What is your opinion, why cinderella

became princes?”. It was to remind the students about the material they

had learnt just now and to check the students, understanding about the

material they had learnt. Teacher did the reflection by asking what the

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students feel about the lesson. Teacher closed the teaching and learning

process and greeted the students.

b. The second meeting

1) Opening

The researcher opened the lesson by praying together, greeting and

checking the students’ attendance. Teacher gave motivation. Besides, the

researcher reminded and checked the students’ understanding about the

previous topic narrative text. After that, she continued teaching text.

2) Main activities

Firstly, the researcher showed the pictures of “Fairies and Elves”.

Secondly, the researcher explored the students’ knowledge about the topic

by giving some pre – reading questions. The questions were such as”

Have you ever heard or been told any stories about fairies or elves? ,” Do

you believe about fairies and elves? “, Image if you could see either fairies

and elves, what would you do?”. Teacher reminded the students how to

find the main idea, explicit information, implicit information, reference of

pronoun, and finding meaning of the word based on the context. After that

teacher said ” Ok students, like the last meeting, today we will learn about

the fairy using jigsaw technique”. All of students answered “ Yes, miss” .

Teacher started by dividing the class into some groups, and also the

learning materials into some segments (depending on the number of

group). Teacher asked each group to study the material in the text entitled

“The Fairies Cake” for about 10 minutes. After that, teacher asked the

class to form “Jigsaw group” in which each group consists of

representative of every study group. Next, teacher asked the students in

expert group to discuss the material. Teacher asked the members of the

jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect information by answering

the questions (completing the task). Teacher asked the students back into

their group. While the students were doing activities, the teacher was

monitoring it. Teacher gave the opportunities to the some students to

present the result of their discussion.

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3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not.

Then the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today

about “the Fairies Cake” by asking,” Who was Lucy?”, ” What is your

opinion, if Lucy can’t finish bake a cake?”, And Was the story happy

ending or sad ending? Why?”. It was to remind the students about the

material they have learnt just now and to check the students’

understanding about the material they had learnt. Most of the students

were able answer the teacher’s questions. Before teacher closed the lesson,

teacher did the reflection by asking what students feel about the lesson.

Then, teacher closed the teaching and learning process and greeted the


c. The third meeting

1) Opening

As usual, beginning the lesson, the researcher checked students’

attendance. Besides, the researcher reminded and checked the students’

understanding about the previous topic which is narrative text by giving

questions orally. After that, she continued teaching the next text.

2) Main activity

In the third meeting the researcher presented about narrative text.

The teacher explored the students’ knowledge about the topic by giving

some pre – reading questions. The questions were such as “What kinds

stories did your parent tell you when you were child?”. “Could you tell me

the character of “The Farmer and the Poor Sparrow” ?”. Teacher

reminded the students how to find the main idea, explicit information,

implicit information, reference pronoun, and finding meaning of the word

based on the context. Before the teacher divided the class into some

groups, teacher made random sitting of students. Next, teacher divided

learning materials into some segments (depending on the number of group).

Teacher asked each group to study the material in the text entitled “The Farmer

and the Poor Sparrow”. Then, teacher asked the class to form “Jigsaw group” in

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which each group consists of representative of every study group. Teacher

asked the students in expert group to discuss the material. Teacher asked the

members of the jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect information by

answering the questions (completing the task). Teacher asked the students to

come back into their group. Teacher asked the students to present the

result of their discussion. Teacher monitored the teaching learning process

when the students were doing activities.

3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not.

Then the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today

about The “Farmer and the Poor Sparrow”. Teacher did the reflection, by

asking ”Who are the participants in the story?”, “How about the

character of each participant? “, “ Why the sparrow bring the farmer a

gourd seed?” And “ Was the story happy ending or sad ending? Why?”. It

was to remind the students about the material they had learnt just now and

to check the students’understanding about the material they had learnt.

Before teacher closed the lesson, teacher did the reflection by asking what

students feel about the lesson. The last, teacher closed the teaching and

learning process and greeted the students.

d. The fourth meeting

In the Fourth meeting, there was a post – test 1. The post test was

aimed to know the improvement of students reading comprehension on

narrative text. The exercise was focused on finding main idea, meaning

based on the context, explicit information, implicit information, and

reference of pronoun.

a. Observing and Monitoring the Action

The researcher used some techniques: test and observation. The

researcher conducted the post – test in order to measure the improvement

of the students’ reading. The improvement of the students’ achievement

could be seen from the mean score of the test. The researcher also

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interviewed the students. The interview was given to know how far the

action influenced the students’ behavior. Based on the result of the

interview it can be concluded that the students had understood the aim of

using jigsaw technique in reading learning. By using Jigsaw learning

technique they could easily understand the text not depending the teacher’s

explanation but from group work.

From observing the teaching learning process in the first meeting

(cycle 1), the researcher find that by using of Jigsaw learning technique,

some of students were still confused, so there were some passive students,

it had effect for them to do the exercise, especially in comprehending

narrative texts. It can be seen from their activities during the lesson when

they had difficulty in doing the exercises, such as: finding main idea,

finding meaning based on the context, explicit information, implicit

information, and reference pronoun. They were not raising their hand to

ask, because they were shy. The class can be controlled although

sometimes they made noise during the lesson, because Jigsaw learning

technique is focused in discussion activity. The students were more

interested and confident and there were many active students. It had good

effect to do the exercises and they could comprehend the text easily. So

there were improvements in reading comprehension.

In cycle 1, the researcher conducted four meetings. The result of the

observation can be explained as follows:

a) The first meeting

The researcher came on time. At the beginning the class was very

noisy. But after the teacher gave some motivation before starting the

lesson they were more enthusiastic joining the class. All of the students

were following the activity in teaching learning English. At the opening,

the teacher asked some questions about the Cinderella, most of students

were still lack of confidence when they were answering the questions and

some students made noise. It probably happened because this new method

was firstly implemented to them and they had never got such method

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before, so it made them a little bit confused, especially when they had to

move from their Jigsaw group. It had effect for them to do the exercise and

understand the text, finally they couldn’t do the exercises well. Some of

students asked the meaning of word“ Miss artinya ball?, apakah artinya

itu bola?” asked the student. “ Well what is the meaning of ball? Diantara

kalian, siapa yang tau artinya ball?” . One of students answerd “ artinya

pesta miss”. “ Good, yes correct, the meaning of ball is bola dan pesta,

sesuai konteks kalimatnya arti dari kata ball di text adalah pesta”

answered teacher.

b) The second meeting

In the second meeting teacher applied the jigsaw learning

technique at second time. The teacher’s activity showed that the teacher

excavated the student’s activeness optimally and gave more motivation to

students and the teacher felt that the students were ready enough to follow

the lesson. Students did not make noise when the teacher started the


The students’ response was good. It was shown when students

answered the teacher’s question like, “Have you ever heard the story

about “The Fairies Cake?”. The students answered “ Yes miss, I have”. “

Ok, that is good, so Who are the participants of the story? Who knows,

please raise your hand?,”most of students raised their hand and teacher

chose one of them, he answered” the participants of the” The Fairies

Cake” story are Lucy, some fairies, Lucy’ husband, Lucy’s baby, the cat

and dog”.

In the main activity, when teacher applied the jigsaw learning

technique, they were not confused about Jigsaw learning technique. They

enjoyed joining it, enthusiastic, and students were more active. Students in

each group discussed the text and shared the information although it made

the class noisy. Teacher monitored the class, and always helped the

students, if they needed some helps. For example, when one of group

could not find the meaning of the word, “ Miss artinya flitted?” asked the

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student. “ Who knows the meaning of flitted? siapa yang tau artinya

flitted?” . One of students answerd “ artinya terbang miss”. “ Good, yes

correct, the meaning of flitted is terbang atau melayang” answered

teacher. In the last activity, teacher gave some questions to measure the

understanding of students about the text. Jigsaw learning technique ran

very well.

c) The third meeting

The third meeting, as usual, the teacher entered the class and

opened the teaching learning process by greeting. Teacher gave some

question about the topic, to motivate the students to become active. The

questions were such as “What kinds stories that did your parent tell you

when you was child?”. Teacher asked to the students. One of Students

answered,” Kancil nyolong timun, Miss. The other students also answered,

“Romeo and Juliet ”. Teacher said “Really, your parents told about Romeo

and Juliet?, Have you ever heard the story about “Farmer and Poor

Sparrow”?”. ”Never miss “answered the students. “ Menurut anda semua,

kisah apa yang ada di cerita “ The Farmer and the Poor Sparrow”?”.

Students tried to answer the teacher’s questions, “ The farmer killed the

sparrow miss or the farmer and sparrow they were friends miss”. The other

students answered the questions” the farmer helped the poor sparrow”.

Based on the dialog above, it means that the students were very ready and

enthusiastic before the main activity started. The teacher applied the

jigsaw leaning technique in main activity. The students were more active

in discussing with their friends in group than in the latest meeting. When

the teacher came to some groups, she found that the groups still got

difficulties in understanding the text. She also came to the other group and

found the difficulties in completing the task. The teacher gave little note to

help them such as: teacher gave an Indonesian word to be translated from

English word, and also teacher explained again about how to find the main

idea, explicit information, implicit information, find the meaning of the

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words, and the reference of pronoun. When they were in jigsaw group they

shared the information each other and discussed.

In the last activity, teacher gave some questions to know and

review the understanding of the text. And some of groups presented the


d) The fourth meeting

The students’ response was very good, no bodies made noise. They

concentrated in doing exercise. Students did their exercises individually.

The types of exercises were multiple choices. It was 60 questions for 45

minutes. All of the questions were about narrative text. Some of students

still made mistake in doing the exercises. But they tried the best. The mean

score of indicators in post test 1 could be seen in Table 2 as follows:

Table 4.2. The mean score of comprehension aspects (indicators)

in post test 1


Main idea 57.2

Explicit information 75.2

Meaning based on the context 62.6

Implicit information 77.3

Reference pronoun 79.0

b. Reflecting and Evaluating the Action

Based on the observation results which were gathered on in field notes,

researcher reflected several positive result and the weaknesses in the first cycle.

From the observation, it had been got that the activities of reading comprehension

teaching and learning process using Jigsaw learning techique generally ran well.

For first meeting, they were still doubt to give opinion. They were afraid of

making mistake. Neverteles, in the following meeting, some of students had been

brave to speak. They were not shy anymore. They usually discussed with their

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friends before they gave opinion. During the implementation of the actions for the

first time, it could be seen that not all students were active because this new

method was firstly implemented to them and they had never got such method

before, so it made them a little bit confused, especially when they had to move

from their Jigsaw group. But for the next implementation, students could follow

Jigsaw learning techique very well.

Since the objective of this classrom action research was to improve the

students’reading comprehension, so by analyzing the result of the observation,

interview, and test, it can be concluded that Jigsaw learning technique was good

enough for improving the students’ reading comprehension. Jigsaw learning

technique gave them opportunity to be active in teaching learning process. The

improvement of the comprehension skill can be seen from the score of pre test and

post test 1 below:

Table 4.3 The mean score of comprehension in pre – test and post – test 1

Table 4.4 The mean score of comprehension aspects (indicators) in pre test and

post test 1


Main idea 45.5 57.2

Explicit information 70.8 75.2

Meaning based on the context 48.7 62.6

Implicit information 69.9 77.3

Reference pronoun 73.7 79.0

Mean score

Pre – test 61.11

Post – test 1 70.08

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Based on the result of post-test 1, showed that the use of jigsaw learning

technique in teaching reading was able to improve students’ reading

comprehension and students’ motivation in learning activity. It was proved by

the result of post-test 1, in which it showed that the students could answer the

finding main idea, finding explicit information,finding implicit information,

finding meaning word based on the context, finding references of pronoun. It

can be seen from the mean scores of each indicators in the table: (1) In the pre

test the mean score for finding main idea was 4.5, it increased in the post test 1

into 57.2. (2) In the pre test the mean score for finding explicit information 70.8.

it increased in the post test 1 into 75.2. (3) In the pre test the mean score for

finding meaning was 48.7, it increased in the post test 1 into 62.2. (4) Students

were able to answer this type of questions, in the pre test the means score for

finding implicit information was 69.9, it increased in the post test 1 into 77.3. (5)

Students could answer the type question of finding reference of pronoun well. It

was sown In the pre test the means score for finding reference of pronoun was

73.7, it increased in the post test 1 into 79.0. It proved that there was an

improvement after the teachnique

After the technique was implemented, the results of post questionnaire

support the statement that there was improvement for the indicators. Most of

students’ ability in reading comprehension was increased. Students were more

active in teaching learning process and students were more interested in joining

the English lesson especially in reading activity. Here was the result:

Table 4.5. The result of questionnaire after implementing the Jigsaw learning


Indicators Disagree Not really agree Agree



Main idea 13.8% 58.3 36.1% 13.8%

Explicit information 11.1% 8.3% 44.4% 41.6%

Meaning based on the

context 8.3% 38.8% 47.2% 5.5%

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From the table, the researcher can be concluded the highest precentages

were in agreeing statement. It meant that most of the students agree for

implementing of jigsaw learning technique in teaching reading. Jigsaw could

solve the problems for each indicator and also improved the students’ motivation.

By using jigsaw they were easier to understand the text and complete the task that

including in finding main idea, finding explicit information, finding implicit

information, finding the meaning based on the context, and finding reference of

pronoun. Beside, students enjoyed and agree learned the material by using jigsaw,

because they worked in group and share the information for each other.

After observation and evaluating the result of the observation, interview,

questionnaire, and post test in cycle 1, the writer found several results and some

weaknesses in the first cycle. There were as follows:

1. Strength (the solved problem)

a. In reading

1) Students were able to find explicit information

2) Students could find the reference of pronoun easily

3) Students could find the implicit information

b. Teaching learning process

There were changes in the students’ behavior toward teaching and

learning process. It could be seen from the students’ interest and

motivation during the lesson. They were more active in class especially

when they worked in group (Jigsaw learning technique).

Implicit information 13.8% 13.8% 50% 44.4%

Reference of pronoun 0% 13,8% 61,1% 44,4%

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2. Weaknesses (unsolved problem)

a. Reading

Some students couldn’t find the main idea and meaning of the word.

b. Teaching learning process

1) This method was still new for them, firstly implemented to them and

they had never got such method before, so it made them a little bit

confused, especially when they had to move from their jigsaw group.

2) Although the students were active, there were some passive students.

Some students were still confused about jigsaw technique so it had

effect for them to do the exercise.

3) Many students still lacked of confidence in giving responses to the

stimulus given by the researcher.

From the result of observation, interview, questionnaire, and post test in

cycle 1 was analyzed by the writer, it showed that the implementation of action

fitted with the plan determined by the writer. There were improvement in

students’ activeness and students’ reading comprehension in cycle 1. It was shown

from the mean score from pre test and post test 1. But there were some problems

that could not be solved. Students could not find the main idea and meaning of the

word well.

1. The second cycle

a. Revised plan

The action plan for cycle 2 was made based on the weakness found in

cycle 1. To solve these problems, the researcher should revise the previous

action and prepare a new plan. The new plan should be able to solve the

problems above. To overcome the weakness of cycle 1, the researcher revised

the plan as follows: (1) To make the students active and students were not

confused about jigsaw, teacher drew and explained more the procedure of

jigsaw; (2) To make the students active and more confident, the teacher asked

other group to provide feedback (questions and suggestions); (3) In identifying

the main idea of the texts, the teacher gave some more examples and exercises

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to be practiced; and (4) In finding meaning based on the context, the teacher

gave more exercises by filling the blank with the correct word.

The researcher designed the lesson plans as teacher’s guidence in

teaching. A lesson plan is a proposal for action in teaching activities. The

lesson plan consisted of Standard competence, Basic Competence, Indicators,

Learning method/technique, Instructional material, and Learning activities. The

researcher also designed the cycle in three meetings for the teaching and

learning process and one meeting for conducting post-test.

The next is the main phase in teaching reading comprehension. There

are three activities done in main phase. They were opening activities, main

activities, and closing activities. In opening activity the teacher facilitated the

students to build up their background knowledge. In this stage, the teacher

shows some related picture for focusing students’ attention. Then, teacher gave

some questions. The questions are: “What do you think of the story?”, “What

do you think is the main character?”, and “What do you think will happen?.

The aim of this activity of to lead students to predict or guess the “content” of

the reading text, encourages the students to continue reading for purpose and

help them comprehend the text. Prediction about something in written text is a

good way to improve inference skill. This activity also could motivate the

students in joining the teaching learning process and to create a positive

attitude in their mind towards the text to be read. The next activities were main

activity; in this activity the teacher applied the jigsaw learning technique. In

beginning of the lesson, teacher drew and explained more the procedure of

jigsaw to make the students active and understand. The teacher gave reading

task in order to find main idea, explicit information, implicit information,

meaning of the word based on the context and references of pronoun. To solve

the problem of main idea and finding meaning words based on the context,

teacher gave more examples and exercise and filling the blank sentence with

the appropriate word. In jigsaw, they shared their knowledge and ideas to

solve the problems in their team. The teacher asked each team to present the

result of their teamwork. In the end of the presentation of each group the

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teacher asked from other group to provide feedback. The next was closing

activity, the teacher and the students concluded the lesson. Asking questions

allows the students to reflect on their reading and to relate it to their own

experiences. It also allows the teacher to see how well the students had

understood what they had read and whether they had grasped the main ideas.

The questions were: “Tell me the story in your own words”, the aim of this

activity was to improve the students’ vocabulary and main idea. ” What can we

learn from the story?” this activity was to improve their comprehension in

implicit information. “Who are the participant in the story?” the aim of this

question was to improve the explicit information And “The word him in the

paragraph 2 refers to…”, this question was to improve the reference of


Although the students’ reading comprehension in Cycle 1 increased, it

had not fulfilled the criteria of success. The researcher decided to maximize the

teaching learning process and to overcome the weakness in the next cycle.

2. Implementing the action of second cycle

a. The first meeting

1) Opening

As usual, beginning the lesson, the researcher checked students’

attendance. Besides, the researcher reminded and checked the students

understanding about the previous topic which is narrative text by giving

questions orally. After that, she continued teaching the next reading.

2) Main activity

Firstly, the researcher wrote the title of the text “Woman and

Wolves” Secondly, the researcher explored the students’ knowledge about

the topic by showing some related pictures and giving some pre – reading

questions. The questions were such “What do you think of the story?”. The

students answered “ The woman lives in the forest and she has friend

“Wolves”, miss”. The other students tried to answer the question” Miss,

menurut saya itu tinggal di kutub utara, dan si Wolves adalah temanya

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Miss”. “Ok good opinion”. Then teacher gave the other questions “What do

you think of the main character?”, and “What do you think what will

happen?, who want to try to answer?”. One of students answered “The

woman is very kind and old. The wolves will kill the woman Miss”. Teacher

said” Ok, great students! Ok, all of you have good opinion, ok to know we

read and understand the text”. Teacher gave more exercise by filling the

blank sentences with the correct word. In identifying the main idea of the

text, teacher gave some more examples and exercises to be practiced.

Teacher explained again the procedure of the jigsaw to make the students

understand. After students finished it, teacher said to the students, “students

today we still use the Jigsaw method again, do you agree? “. Most of

students answered “Yes miss we like jigsaw method”.. Firstly, teacher

divided all of the students into some groups then spread the material and

divided the learning materials into some segments (depending on the

number of group). Teacher asked each group to study the material in the text

entitled “Woman and Wolves” for few minutes. When they discussed the

material, some students asked the teacher, the meaning of the word, after

that teacher asked the class to form “Jigsaw group” in which each group

consists of representative of every study group. Next, teacher asked the

students in expert group to discuss the material. Teacher asked the members

of the jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect information by

answering the questions (completing the task). There was student who didn’t

understand about the instruction of the task. “ Bu itu yang activity 3 gimana

maksudnya?”, teacher explained in Indonesian. It made the students

understand the teacher’s explanation. “Ok students, attention please, untuk

activity 3, kalian cari arti dari kata – kata yang ada pada box, kemudian isi

titik – titik dengan kosa kata yang sudah di artikan tadi. Paham, masih da

pertanyaan? “, students answerd “ Paham miss, tidak miss”. Then, after all

of group finished doing the task, teacher asked the students back into their

group. While the students were doing, the teacher was monitoring it.

Teacher gave the opportunity for the students to present the result of their

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discussion. In the end of presentation teacher asked other group to provide

feedback, it could be questions or suggestions. This activity made the

students more active.

3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not. Then

the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today about

“Woman and Wolves”. by asking “Who were the participants in the

story?”, “And who is the woman?”, “What is your opinion about “Ah Tim”

character?”, it was to remind the students about the material they had learnt

just now and to check the students’ understanding about the material they

had learnt. Tecaher did the reflection by asking what students feel about the

lesson. The last, teacher closed the teaching and learning process and

greeted the students.

b. The second meeting

1) Opening

As usual, beginning the lesson, the researcher checked students’

attendance. Besides, the researcher reminded and checked the students

understanding about the previous topic which is narrative text by giving

questions orally. After that, she continued teaching the next text.

2) Main activity

Firstly, the researcher wrote the title of the text “Lion and the

Jackal” in the white board. Secondly, the researcher explored the students’

knowledge about the topic by showing the related picture and giving some

pre – reading questions. The questions were such as” Could you tell me and

predict, what the story of Lion and Jackal tell about?”. One of student said

“ Lion and Jackal, they were friends”. Then, other students said “Lion will

kill the Jackal”. Teacher said” Ok all of you had good opinion, now we read

and understand the text. We still use the Jigsaw method, do you agree?”.

Most of students answered “Yes miss”. Teacher explained again the

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procedure of the jigsaw, it made the students understand more. Firstly,

teacher divided all of the students into some groups then spread the material

that was divided learning materials into some segments (depending on the

number of group). Teacher asked each group to study the material in the text

entitled “Lion and the Jackal” more about 10 minutes. When they discus to

study the material, some students asked to the teacher such as, the meaning

of the word, After that, teacher asked the class to form “Jigsaw group” in

which each group consists of representative of every study group. Next,

teacher asked the students in expert group to discuss the material. Teacher

asked the members of the jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect

information by answering the questions (completing the task). Teacher gave

more exercise by filling the blank sentences with the correct word. In

identifying the main idea of the text, teacher gave some more examples and

exercises to be practiced. There was a student who did not understand about

the instruction of the task. “ Bu it yang task 2 gimana maksudnya ?”.

Teacher answered “ Oke, perhatikan untuk semua, yang task 2, students

diminta untuk mencari kosakata yang ada dalam kotak, bias dalam bentuk

horizontal, vertical atau diagonal, kemudian kosakata itu digunakan untuk

melengkapi kalimat, paham?“. Students answered “ Paham miss”. Then,

after all of the group finished the task, teacher asked the students to come

back into their group. While the students were doing, the teacher was

monitoring them. Teacher gave the opportunity for the students to present

the result of their discussion. At the end of presentation teacher asked other

groups to provide feed back, it could be questions or suggestions. This

activity made the students more active

3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not.

then the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today about

“Lion and Jackal “. The teacher did reflection by asking ”Who were the

participants in the story?”, who is Jackal?”, And Was the story happy

ending or sad ending? Why?”. It was to remind the students about the

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material they have learnt just now and to check the students’ understanding

about the material they had learnt. Teacher did the reflection by asking

what students feel about the lesson. The last, teacher closed the teaching

and learning process and greeted the students.

c. The third meeting

1) Opening

In the beginning of the lesson, the researcher as the teacher, greeted

the students and checked the students’ attendance. The teacher explained

the objective and the benefit the lesson. The researcher tried to make a

good condition in class by telling to students that the day’s activities

would be reading lesson.

2) Main activity

Firstly, the researcher wrote the title of the text “The legend of Lake

Toba” in the white board. Secondly, the researcher explored the students’

knowledge about the topic by giving some pre – reading questions. The

question were such as ” Do you ever hear story about Legend of Lake

Toba?”. One of students answered” Yes miss”.”Who is the main

participant in the story?”. Some of students answered “Sahala miss”.

Then teacher said” well, we will memorize about the story, today we still

used jigsaw technique”. Teacher explained again the procedure of the

jigsaw to make understand more students. Then teacher divided the class

into some groups then divided learning materials into some segments

(depending on the number of group). Teacher asked each of group to study

the material in the text entitled “The Legend of Lake Toba”. After that,

teacher asked the class to form “Jigsaw group” in which each group

consists of representative of every study group. Next, teacher asked the

students in expert group to discuss the material. Teacher asked the

members of the jigsaw group to teach each other and to collect information

by answering the questions (completing the task). Teacher gave more

exercise in filling the blank sentences with the correct word. In identifying

the main idea of the text, teacher gave some more examples and exercises

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to be practiced. Teacher asked the students to come back into their group.

While the students did the activities, teacher monitored it. Teacher asked

the students to present the result of their discussion. Teacher gave the

opportunity for the students to present the result of their discussion. In the

end of presentation teacher asked other group to provide feedback it could

be questions or suggestions. This activity made the students more active.

3) Closing

The teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not.

Then the teacher encouraged the students to conclude the lesson today

about “Legend of Lake Toba”, the teacher did reflection by asking ”Who

were the participants in the story?”, “ Who is Sahala?”. “ What happened

after Sahala broke his promise” And Was the story happy ending or sad

ending? Why?”. It was to remind the students about the material they had

learnt just now and to check the students, understanding about the material

they had learnt. Tecaher did the reflection by asking what students feel

about the lesson. The last, teacher closed the teaching and learning process

and greeted the students.

d.The fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was a post – test 2. The post test was aimed to

know the improvement of students reading comprehension on narrative

text. The exercise was focused on finding main idea, meaning based on the

context, explicit information, implicit information, and reference pronoun.

a. Observing and monitoring the action

The result of the observation can be as follows:

1) The first meeting

In the first meeting students were interested and active in joining

jigsaw. It could be seen from the students’ participation during discussion

about the text entitled “Woman and Wolves”. In the pre-reading students

were very enthusiastic to give some opinions about the title before teacher

spread the text. For example, teacher asked, “What do you think the story

is about based on the title?”. One of students answered,“The women life

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in the forest and she has a friend ”Wolves”. Their opinions before they got

the piece of the text helped students to understand the text and complete

the task.

During teaching learning process, students were more active in

joining the teaching learning process. In jigsaw group, they had

responsibility to learn the text by helping each others. After they shared

their information they completed the task. Each student got the task and

they completed the task individually, but to complete it they should

discuss with their friends within the group. There was student who didn’t

understand about the instruction of the task. Then, teacher gave more

explanation and gave some examples.

Teacher monitored during teaching learning process and gave some

helps for the students, when they found difficulties. In the last steps the

students were given opportunity to present their result. Most of students

presented the result orally. It indicated they had understood the text.

Before the teacher closed the lesson, she did the reflection. They enjoyed

and thought that jigsaw could help them in understanding the text.

2) The second meeting

In the beginning of the meeting, students felt confident when

trying to give some arguments of the topic of the text. They tried to give

good opinion and it was supporting the other students to give other opinion

although the students did not tell the opinion in full English.

The teacher found the change of students’ behavior. Students were

not confused again, they were accustomed to learning with jigsaw learning

technique. When the teacher gave instruction, they understood and did the

jigsaw technique very well and effectively. By using jigsaw, expert group

had to learn the material with their friends. Then, they made the jigsaw

group, in which the members came from the representative of each home

group. Then, the students shared their knowledge. Next, the students

discussed to complete the text and finally they presented the result. The

teacher monitored the teaching learning process. She came to the students’

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table to check students’ activities. During the teaching learning process,

teacher gave some questions to see how well the students understood what

they had read, it made the students more active and also they were brave

and confident to ask and answer the questions. For example, teacher

asked” Can you tell me, what the story tells about?” and” Who is the

main character in the story?”. Most of students were able to answer the

questions. The teacher as the facilitator helped the students if they found

the difficulties. Before the teacher closed the teaching learning process,

she did the reflection by asking “What do you feel about the lesson

today?” .

3) The third meeting

As usual teacher opened the teaching learning process by greeting.

All the students were ready to join the lesson. In the third meeting,

students were more enthusiastic because teacher gave legend story. Most

of the students had known about “The Legend of Lake Toba”. When

teacher asked opinion about the story, they could answer correctly. For

example “Who is the main character of the story?”. Students answered

“Sahala Miss”. In the main activity, like in the first and second meeting in

jigsaw group, students shared each other information of the text and they

should complete the task.

After students had finished the task, they presented the result and

discussed together. The discussion ran very well and most of the students

were active to answer the questions or give the opinion. When the students

gave the wrong answers, teacher gave opportunity for the other students to

try it. For example, teacher asked “What is the main idea of paragraph

2?”. One of students gave wrong answer “The main idea of paragraph 1

is Sahala promised her that he would not tell anyone about it”. Teacher

answerd” ok good, but it not correct yet, the other students please, who

want to try to answer?”. The teacher repeated the students’ answer if it

was correct, and revised the students’ answer if it was wrong. The teacher

should encourage students by saying thank you, great, good, smart or

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amazing. Teacher asked” Please tell me why Sahala surprise when he find

the fish?”. One of students raises her hand and said the correct answer”

Sahala surprise because he look saw the fish talking”. Teacher gave

replay” Yes good, that is right, because he found the fish talking”. This

mutual activity make the students more active and motivate them to

involve in clasroom activity.

4) The fourth meeting

In this meeeting techer gave question paper for reading

comprehension. All of the questions were about narrative text. It was 60

questions multiple choices for 45 minutes. All the students tried to answer

individually so no one made. During the test teacher check around them,

teacher found some students made mistake. But they could do nice in


b. Reflecting and evaluating the action

Having analyzed the observation result in cycle 2, the researcher

found the differences between the results of the action of cycle 2 and cycle

1. In cycle 2, there were some positive results and weakness which can be

explained as follows:

1. Positive results

a. Reading

1) There was an improvement of the students’ reading

comprehension. They were able to complete the task easily, the

tasks were about: finding main idea, meaning based on the

context, explicit information, implicit information and

reference of pronoun.

2) There were an improvement of mean score, the mean score of

posttest 1 was 70.08, it increased in pos test 2 into 81.11.

3) This strategy was very effective to improve the students’ skills.

It could be seen from the mean score in the post test2 as


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a.) In the post test1 the mean score for finding main idea was

57.2, it increased in the post test 2 into 76.85

b.) for finding meaning based on the context was 62.6 in post

test 1, it increased in the post test 2 into 86.6

c.) for finding explicit information was 75.2 in post test 1, it

increased in the post test 2 into 81.25

d.) for finding implicit information was 77.3 in post test 1, it

increased in the post test 2 into 80.5

e.) for reference of pronoun was 79.0 in post test 1, it

increased in the post test 2 into 82.4

The result showed that the students’ score was higher than

KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal)

b. Teaching learning process

1) The passive students in cycle 1 became more active. When the

teacher asked them to answer the questions voluntarily, they

answered them. Then, they were brave to raise their hand and

answered it. They were also braver to ask questions and gave

their opinion in the group. They were actively involved in

discussion during teaching learning process.

2) The class became fun and the situation was more alive.

2. Weaknesses

a. Reading

Every student had different ability, so teacher had

difficulties to classify the students, because each group in jigsaw

consists of heterogeneous students’ ability.

b. Teaching learning process

In the teaching and learning process, sometimes the

students made noise during the discussion. The teacher controlled

them to not speak too loud and monitored their every activity.

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Based on the result of the observation, the teacher took the

conclusion that teaching reading comprehension using Jigsaw

encouraged and made the students more active during the teaching

learning process. The implementation of jigsaw made the students

easy to comprehend the texts and it made them easier in doing the

task. As the result, the students showed that they made good

improvement on reading comprehension. Finally, the writer decided

to stop the cycle.

C. Research Finding

After analyzing the research results which are gathered from

several sources of data such as field notes, research diary, pre- research

report, the score of pre test and post test1 and post test 2, questionnaire,

interview, photographs, lesson plan, and classroom material; the writer

identified several findings to answer the problems of the research which

are:”(1) How far can jigsaw learning technique improve students’ reading

comprehension; (2) What happens in the class when the teacher

implements Jigsaw in reading activity; and (3) What are the advantages

and the disadvantages of using Jigsaw in teaching reading.

Table 4.6 Summary of the Research Finding

Research finding Before the research


After the research


1.Improvement of

students’ reading


a. Ability in reading


The students’ ability

of reading

comprehension was


Students’ reading



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Having difficulty to

find the main idea

Having difficulty to

find explicit


Having difficulty to

find implicit


Having difficulty to

find words’ meaning

based on the context

Having difficulty to

find reference of


The achievement of

reading test was low

The mean score of pre

test : 61.11

Able to find the main


Able to find explicit


Able to find implicit


Able to find words’

meaning based on the


Able to find reference

of pronoun

The achievement of

reading test increased

The mean score of

post test1: 70.08

The mean score of

post test 2: 81.11

2.The advantages of

jigsaw learning

technique in

teaching and


a. Classroom

b. Students activity

Not alive


Alive, interesting


Students have high a

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c. Teacher

participation in

class activities was


Students were

passive, clever

students dominated

the class

Students had

problems in finding

main idea, explicit




reference of

pronoun, and

meaning word

based on the


Teacher dominated

class activity

willing to participate

in class activity

Students were more

active, every student

tried his/her best

speak up.

Students were able

to solve the


Students were

more active the

class than teacher,

teacher was as


From the table above, it can be concluded that jigsaw learning

technique gives many improvements for the students’ reading

comprehension and gives many advantages in teaching learning process.

There were some indicators which showed that there was an improvement

in their reading comprehension. Reading comprehension improvements in

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this research include the improvement of students’ ability in identifying

main idea, explicit information, implicit information, meaning the words

based on the context and reference of pronoun. In class situation, jigsaw

learning technique makes the students more active and enthusiastic to study

English, especially in reading activity.

The achievement of reading test also increased. It can be seen from

the result of the reading test (pre test, post test 1 and post test2). At the

beginning of the research, the writer conducted pre test in which the mean

score was 61.11, the writer conducted post test 1 in which the mean score

was70.08 and conducted post test 2 in which the mean score was 81.11.

This result showed that the students score was higher than KKM. Besides

that, the students’ problems of finding main idea and meaning based on the

context were solved.

D. Discussion

The last step in the action research process was discussing the results

of the research. Having analyzed the research result, the writer found some

research findings to answer the research questions. The results of this

research were satisfying in term of: (1) The improvement of students’ reading

comprehension; and (2) The advantages of Jigsaw Learning Technique. The

detail description was described as follows:

a. The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension

The result of the study showed that using jigsaw learning technique in

teaching reading was able to improve the students’ reading skill. The

improvement of the students’ reading comprehension could be identified from

the improvement of reading achievement, the students were able to find main

idea, explicit information, implicit information, meaning of the words based

on the and reference of pronoun. The improvement of the students’

achievement could be proved by checking out the mean scores of the tests for

each indicator. The use of jigsaw learning technique was good and effective

technique to improve the indicators and comprehend the text. The students’

ability in understanding of the text was helped by the effective technique, it

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was jigsaw learning technique. In fact, jigsaw learning technique helped the

students to find the way in comprehending the text Students could use jigsaw

to comprehend the text effectively in answering the questions of the task.

Jigsaw learning technique improved the students’ ability to find the

main idea through the group’s activities. Before teacher spread the piece of

the text, she asked the students to see the topic and give some questions of

pre-reading and the students should give an opinion or argument to predict

the content of the text based on the topic. The expert groups discussed that

questions for a few minutes, then individually the student reported their

group’s idea. This step was very useful for the students to know what the

text about. The topic was not indicator, but it could be the main point for

starting in reading and it helped the students to provide or find the location

of the main point of the text.

According to Walberg (2003: 13), in order to know what the text is

actually about, the teacher should ask the students to tell everything they

know about the topic. It is useful way to begin to get the students to activate

their prior knowledge. The actions: asking question about a text while

reading; identifying main idea; using prior knowledge to make prediction.

It is line with Abraham (2002: 6) stating that an interactive approach

demands that the teacher activate the students’ schema during the pre-

reading phase by helping students recognize the knowledge that they already

have about the topic of a text” i.e. through discussion of titles, subheading,

photographs, identifying the structure, previewing, etc. such activities are

called ”pre-reading strategies”.

By using jigsaw, teacher could improve the students’ abilities to find

the explicit information. The students were able to increase the ability in

finding the explicit information, through discussion in jigsaw group. When

all of the groups felt that they really know their material, each student told to

the other members of the source assigned. Based on the students’ activity,

sharing the information logically they could understand content of the story

and they had known the explicit information of the text. Based on the

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explanation above, activity in jigsaw group was very useful for the students

in finding the explicit information easily.

Baker, Gersten, &Graham, 2003;Irwin&Baker,1989 in Klinger (2007:

79) said that we describe numerous strategies and techniques that can help

students with LD learn about story. Some procedures are focused on

providing students with an organizational guide to use when reading that

includes the principle components of a story (e.g.,maincharacter, setting,

action, and out-come). One of some procedures of jigsaw technique was

discussion in jigsaw group. It provided students to find the principle

component of a story; it was the same as finding explicit information in the


The students’ problem of vocabulary mastery could be solved by using

jigsaw. The mastery of vocabulary in reading activity was the most

important. The students would not know the meaning of the sentence or text

if they lacked of the vocabularies. The mastery of vocabulary could improve

when the students worked in jigsaw group. Jigsaw group was crucial

because each student should have known the material. Therefore, the

students should know all of the meaning words in the text.

In vocabulary development, the students were given list of words that

have synonym on the text, which appeared in some of the text. Each student

in the jigsaw group had some of the words in the text, and had practiced

them in the expert group. When the student looked for the meaning of

unfamiliar words, they should look into the context of sentence. Then the

students were instructed to explain the words to each other in the jigsaw

group, using contextually based examples from their text. It was an effective

way for students to mastery the vocabulary in the text.

When the students found the difficult words and they looked for the

meaning in dictionary, they would spend long time times, because they

should decide and choose the meaning which is suitable with the sentence.

Besides, sometimes they couldn’t find the meaning which is appropriate

with the sentence. There was a better strategy; students found the meaning

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of the word through the context, the word and the sentence surrounding that

difficult word to help the readers guess that word’s meaning. Students would

get the suitable meaning and to understand the author’ wrote.

It is line with Brown (1994: 290) who states that the meaning of many

unknown words can be predicted from their context and the overall meaning

of a sentence of paragraph nevertheless still clear. Besides, he also states

that the better strategy to convey the meaning of unfamiliar word in the text

is to use the context. The word and sentences surrounding a particular word

will help the readers guess that words’ meaning. Usually, the guesses the

readers make will be accurate enough to understand the author’ ides.

According Coelho in Kessler (1992: 134), the end of each class jigsaw,

students should leave knowing something more about the world or

themselves than they did before, as well as having acquired some new

vocabulary and “chucks” of language functional within that context.

The activity of jigsaw group could enhance the ability of students in

identifying the use of reference in the text, here students were asked to

reread the text fully. When the student could not infer the use of reference,

by rereading the students had opportunity to identify the reference of

pronoun and to ensure the understanding of what the pronoun refers to.

Students should reread not only sentence but also paragraph.

Reference of pronoun usually referred to other words, called

antecedents because they should come before the pronoun. Teacher could

make circle reference devised in text and students worked out what they

refer to. So, it could be concluded that in understanding the use of reference

of pronoun in the text, the students should find where the pronouns took

place first and then reread the previous sentence which preceded it to make

sure to whom the pronoun refers to.

It is line with Klinger (2007: 10) stating that as the reader progress

through individual sentences, he or she is processing more than the

individual meaning unit within sentences. This is process of understanding

and inferring the relationships among clauses referred to integrative

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processing. Sub skills involved in integrative processing include being able

to identify and understand pronoun referents and being able to infer

causation or sequence.

Jigsaw learning technique was able to solve the problem in finding of

implicit information. In the last steps of jigsaw, students were asked to

present the result in order to find out the implied information. In this case

the students summarized the context of the text first before presenting it. As

we know, when the students could sum up the content of the text, it means

that they were able to understand what the authors say. In order words they

are able to know or find out the implied information of the text.

It was line with Raphael in Klinger (110-111) stating that to answer a

question where the answer is not stated in the text requires students to

connect information from the text to what they already learned and may

require students to consider their own experiences and opinions or to extend

what they have learned. For this question type, students are told that some of

the information needed to answer the questions come from the text, but other

information comes from things you already.

b. The advantages of jigsaw learning technique in the teaching Learning


Based on the research finding in the previous section, it showed that

jigsaw learning technique could improve the students’ attitude in teaching

learning process.

Through the activity in jigsaw, there were some improvements of

students’ motivation in learning. it can be seen from students’ interest to the

lesson become higher. During the teaching learning activities, the students

more active involving each activity. They liked and enjoyed to sit, study, and

discuss the material belong their friend and they interacted with their friends in

group work.

By using jigsaw the students involved discussion and it would make

the students became active and motivate the students to learn reading. In

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discussion activity, students were demanded to focus and concentrate the

discussion. So, students do not have any time to make a joke with their


Hanze and Berger (2007) in Wikipedia, state that students in the

jigsaw classroom reported stronger intrinsic motivation, greater interest in

the topic, and more cognitive activation and involvement. Besides, Students

were more involved and more interested in the material when in the

cooperative learning setting of the jigsaw classroom. Students in the jigsaw

classroom were seen are more competent, more socially related to other

students, and more autonomous. There was an indirect effect on

performance because students viewed themselves as more competent, but no

direct impact on actual achievement.

By using jigsaw the students were involved in discussion, the students

became active in discussion to get the information of the text. Besides, it

improved the students’ knowledge and their ability. Jigsaw learning

technique required different way in teaching learning process especially in

reading process. They could improve their reading comprehension because

they were motivated in reading and discussing.

When students learn the material cooperatively, students worked

together with their friends. Besides, the students working cooperatively

would make the students have responsibility to learn the topic by helping

each other. Students would concentrate with their friend in a group so that

they focused on understanding the text and they would not have time to

disturb the other

It was line with (Clarke, 1994) stating that the jigsaw structure is

somewhat complex. It may be best suited for when the students are

comfortable with group work. There are high expectations and

responsibilities placed on the students. Teaching the students in the original

group can be a demanding experience for students. This can be mitigated if

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the jigsaw structure is altered so two group members share the same section

and then join with another pair of students, if the sections are more open-

ended so there is no single right answer, or if students are encouraged to take

notes during the focus groups to provide a support when the original groups


Based on the result of the research, teacher made reading class more

alive and made students was more enthusiastic and interest in learning

reading. By using jigsaw learning technique the students’ interest to learn

reading was higher. Because, during involving the jigsaw activities, students

enjoyed the discussion, they worked and learned together with their friend.

The students became brave to speak, to ask and answer the questions and

keep focus on the lesson. The classroom atmosphere became active and

interactive because students very enjoy and interest in joining the jigsaw

learning technique.

Jigsaw learning technique was the effective technique, Students were

very interested in learning reading with jigsaw technique, because it was the

new technique for them since they never got a variation in their learning

before. The variation of technique was very important to make the teaching

learning process run effectively. Jigsaw made students work cooperatively

which would develop their ability in their social, human relation and

communication. So it was important for teacher to use technique for

teaching learning process.

Similary, Walberg (2003: 14) states that teaching a combination of

different strategies is better than focusing on one or even none.

Slavin (1990) in Sahin (2010: 779) states that jigsaw is one of the

techniques that can be preferentially used in language teaching since it

enhances the interaction, competition, cooperation, and research in the

classroom and teaches students how to teach others

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According Ming (2010), in order to reform traditional reading teaching

approaches, the author tries to combine jigsaw cooperative learning with the

teaching of English reading for the purpose of confirming that cooperative

learning is more effective in teaching English reading in Colleges.

Teaching learning process get better situation after implementing the

jigsaw learning technique. It can be seen from the class’ atmosphere which

becomes alive. Through the activity in jigsaw learning technique, students

become more enthusiastic and have motivated in learning. it can be seen

from students’ interest to the lesson become higher. They pay more attention

to the lesson and teacher’s explanation. During the teaching learning

activities, the students are more actively involved in each activity, the

students become brave to ask the teacher when they have difficulties.

The researcher concluded that teaching reading comprehension using

cooperative learning method, which specifically using jigsaw learning

technique made the students more motived in teaching learning process. By

using jigsaw in teaching and learning reading comprehension made most of

the students enthusiastic, so the students were not bored and the class

became more alive. Besides, it could improve the students’ interest and

motivation in reading the text by activity in jigsaw. The can share the

knowledge with their friend. They were braver to give opinion and not

worried if they made mistakes. The activity have been attracted students’

attention. Basically, students like to work together.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Jigsaw learning technique improved students reading comprehension. The

improvement can be identified from students’ reading comprehension

achievement in term of main idea, explicit information, and implicit

information, finding meaning based on the context, and finding reference of


2. Jigsaw learning technique significantly improved students’ behavior and

motivation in learning reading. Jigsaw learning technique created enjoyable

atmosphere in the classroom because the students learned the material through

cooperation, working together with their teammates.

B. Implication

Implementing an appropriate teaching method in the language teaching and

learning is very important. The jigsaw learning is one of effective teaching

method to improve students’ reading comprehension, especially for eleven grade

students of SMA N 2 Boyolali.

In the teaching and learning process using jigsaw learning technique, the

class condition became alive. Students become more active and enthusiastic in

lesson. During implementing the jigsaw learning technique, the students’

motivation in reading comprehension becomes higher in the class activities. The

use of communicative and interesting activity in jigsaw can build an interesting

class environment. It also makes the students encouraged to learn reading. It

implies that jigsaw learning technique is the appropriate technique to improve the

students’ motivation in teaching learning process.


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C. Suggestion

In the end of this chapter, the writer purposes some suggestions related

to this research. The suggestions are as follows:

1. For the students

Almost all of the teaching which is implemented, including jigsaw, needs

students’ participation, so the students have to be involved in teaching

learning process. Besides in the classroom, the students should realize in order

to apply the activities in the other places and times, moreover, they can

practice it in their daily life.

2. For the teacher

a. Among a lot of teaching techniques, the teacher is faced to some choices.

To make choices, the teacher should be selective and creative. The teacher

should choose appropriate technique which fits with what she is trying to

achieve and appropriate to the students in order to make the teaching

learning process interesting and successful. It is important to motivate the

students to learn. One of the techniques which can be used by the teacher

is jigsaw learning technique.

b. It is better for the teachers if they use jigsaw learning technique to teach

reading since jigsaw learning technique is a technique that is interesting

and more effective to teach reading

3. For the school

a. The school should also improve the quality of the teacher in English


b. The school has to complete the facilities which can support the

development of teaching and learning quality.

4. For the other researcher

a. This study discusses the implementation of jigsaw to improve students’

reading comprehension which is conducted on the second year Senior high

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School students. The writer hopes that the technique can be applied by

other researcher in the other students’ level.

b. Considering that this study still has some weaknesses, the writer hopes that

the other researcher can use result of this study as the reference for the

further research.

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