The Synergy of Technology with Basic Learning Theories


Transcript of The Synergy of Technology with Basic Learning Theories

» Quality teaching and learning comes about, as interplay of many forces among which are learning theories and principles, educational technology and content as related to the characteristics of growth and development.

» Taken from synchronize and energy» This implies that energy comes from various sources or factors, which are made to act simultaneously upon a certain teaching and learning situation.

» a comprehensive understanding of the complemental and supplemental relationship between education and technology is very important to convince teachers and students to use technology as tool for teaching and learning.

» Also calls for a rethinking on the influences education and technology can do for the development.

Digital age literacy skillEffective communication skillsCritical thinking skillsHigh productivity skillssocietal values skills



Outlining procedure

» Constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas and concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience

» Was popularized by Piaget, finds its relevance to the use of educational technology.

» The term cognitive comes from Latin word cognoscere, which means “the act or process of knowing”.

Two fundamental characteristics:Organization and Adaptation.

»The systematic arranging of perceptual and cognitive information into meaningful patterns called cognitive structures.»Putting the information, concepts and ideas gained together and relating them into internally organized wholes.

» The process thru which the person seeks an equilibrium or balance between what he/she perceives, knows and understands.

Clark Leanard HullThe first psychologist to utilize a theory to study to explain how learning takes place.

» Formulated a theory called Deductive Behaviorism

» The interaction which constitutes learning involves fundamentally the adaptation of the organism to the environment.

» A technology-enhanced environment where students can be free to produce interesting projects can serve as strong reinforcement for them to learn better.

» This implies that for learning to take place, the student must be focused or engaged directly with the activity or task where he may draw knowledge, concepts, principles, attitudes, skills or habits.

» This involves the building of relationships or linkages between and among experiences.

» It facilitates remembering of names, dates, events, issues, processes, including spelling, number combinations, grammatical relationship and formula in mathematics.

» Refers to the organization or putting together diverse elements to form a unified and harmonious whole.

» The students should be able to combine his /her previous experiences together in meaningful patterns of understanding and application.

» Learning does not take place unless the student has a purpose or intention for undertaking the activity.

» He/she must have a clear idea as to why he must do certain activities.

» Refers to the ability to produce an original concept or idea and translate it to some forms of expression like a piece of art or craft.

» This is what psychologists’ term as the “AHA” experience.

» Students are elated at the thought of being able to discover by themselves the solutions to the problems related to their topics and assignments

» This is a situation where genuine learning happens.

» It promotes the acquisition of habits, attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary for the smooth integration of the individual into the larger society.

» The development of positive values and good humans relationships.

» One cannot learn anything unless he/she comprehends the situation, the process, the concept, the philosophy and the meaning of the learning task or tasks.

» Understanding is seeing relationship, the differences and or similarities of events and processes and how they affect his/her life.

» Promotes a feeling of togetherness and belongingness.

» Sharing of responsibility is insured, motivation is intense and learning is more effective.

» The pupils share in researching and reporting findings in answer to the specific learning problems.