The study of a horse in a graves-silo of Early Iron Age in Catalonia, Spain: Estudi de l’èquid...

Mestres et al. have published the burial of a woman and a horse in a silo of the Iron Age of Catalonia, in Spain, in 1990(1). Albizuri & Nadal (2) publishes the study of a horse skeleton in the same volume. Silo E-10 section (1) 1. Horse skeleton 2. Partially cremated remains of a women (20-25 y) Silo E-10 sections (1) (1)MESTRES, J., SANMARTÍ, J. & SANTACANA, J. 1990. Estructures de la primera edat del Ferro de l’Hort d’en Grimau (Castellví de la Marca, Alt Penedès). Olerdulae XV, pp. 75-106. (2)ALBIZURI, S. & NADAL, J. 1990. Apèndix 2: Estudi de l’èquid aparegut en relació amb l’Estructura E10 de l’Hort d’en Grimau. Olerdulae XV, pp. 112-117. Hort d’en Grimau (Alt Penedès, Tarragona) S.VII BC

Transcript of The study of a horse in a graves-silo of Early Iron Age in Catalonia, Spain: Estudi de l’èquid...

Mestres et al. have published the burial of a woman and a horse in a silo of the Iron Age of Catalonia, in Spain, in 1990(1). Albizuri & Nadal (2) publishes the study of a horse skeleton in the same volume.

Silo E-10 section (1)

1. Horse skeleton 2. Partially cremated remains of a women (20-25 y)

Silo E-10 sections (1)

(1)MESTRES, J., SANMARTÍ, J. & SANTACANA, J. 1990. Estructures de la primera edat del Ferro de l’Hort d’en Grimau (Castellví de la Marca, Alt Penedès). Olerdulae XV, pp. 75-106.

(2)ALBIZURI, S. & NADAL, J. 1990. Apèndix 2: Estudi de l’èquid aparegut en relació amb l’Estructura E10 de l’Hort d’en Grimau. Olerdulae XV, pp. 112-117.

Hort d’en Grimau (Alt Penedès, Tarragona) S.VII BC


Estudi de l’èquid aparegut en relació amb l’Estructura E10 de l’Hort d’en Grimau

The horse is identified in 1990 analysis as a possible asinus (Albizuri & Nadal, 1990) because the limbs are slender and the morphology of occlusal molars is more asinus type (absence pli-caballin). It has now been identified as an old male horse (canines and the shape of the pelvis) and is complete except for the absence of the left forelimb bones. No cut marks were observed. Estimates of size from measurements of the bones suggest a height at the withers of 1.18 to 1.20 meters (using the factors of Kiesewalter -LL- and MAY -GL-). Very slender legged, BAUNER (SD) <13, 5 %.

Metacarpus LM=GL 195

Shape index (AP=Bp) 20, 2

Shape index (AMD=SD) 12, 4 Shape index (AD=Bd) 17