The Record and GuideT

December 8, 1888 The Record and GuideT 971 THE RECORD AND GUIDE. 191 B r o a d w a y , N . Y. TERMS: ONE: YEAR, in advance, SIX DOLLARS. Communications should be addressed to €. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager. DECEMBER 8, 188S. At the rate subscribers are now coming in it looka aa though the 850 names will be aecurad for the "Real Estate Exchange and Auc- tion Rooma, Limited," by the close of next week. Tiie institution will then be organized and the price of seats will be advanced fifty per cent. A list of the subscribers is given elsewhere. It embraces nearly all tbe leading real estate dealers and many of the foremost owners of property on this island. What a chorus of applause went up when Judge Gresham was appointed Postmaster-General. Some enthusiastic journals actually nominated him for the presidency. Bat his report, just issued, strips a very common fowl of all his gaudy plumage. Our Post- master-General is simply a sra.aU Indiana lawyer. Proaident Aithur has kept oue object steadily in view; no member of his Cabinet will be a candidate in the Republican National Convention. His secre- taries seem to be good safe clerks, who faithfully 3.tt6nd to the routine of their offices, but who are al! of them remarkably desti- tute of qualitiea which would commend Ihem to voters for high oflSce. In discussing the postal telegraph, Mr, Gresham shows an utter lack of statesmanlike grip. His utterances are those of a third rate lawyer and hide-bound politician. _- —• There is reason to believe that tbe Railroad Commission of this State has been captured by the railroad companies. The resolution calling for quarterly reporta has been dropped, although it was unanimously endorsed by the business community and the prese. Tbe commissioners went to the Grand Central Depot to hear law- yer Depew and Vice-President Blanchard submit arguments against the resolution, and that ended the whole matter, although Wall street people are not aware of it, and are looking for the reports. The only State Railway Commissioners which are known to have been faithful to their trusts are those of Massachusetts, Illinois and Georgia, and much good has resulted therefrom, but the California Commission is notoriously in the pay Of the railroads. The general government must take this matter in hand, and when they do ifc will be a good thing for the companies as well as the public as it will stop wars and rate cutting, as well as prevent excessive charges. Let us have a National Railway Commission. Ali propositions looking to additional city transportation facili- ties should not be looked upon with equal favor. Property holders would do well to watch the scheme for budding elevated and sur- face roads to be run by cable. It is a speculation, pure and sim- ple, by a syndicate of active financiers. They have persuaded Mayor Edson to appoint a very respectable commission to look iuto their scheme, but the whole matter will bear watching. The franchise will be a very valuable one if granted, and the time has come when the city should refuse to vote away the privileges of our streets to speculators for little or nothing. No company should be permitted to construct any more elevated or surface roads without paying therefor a certain percentage of its gross receipts. Had this policy been pursued with our ferries, gas companies, street and elevated roads, we would now be in receipt of a yearly income that should defray at least half the cost of our city government; but we have allowed corporations to secure these lucrative privileges gratia. The newspapers demand that these franchises be sold to the high- est bidder, but this gives a chance for collusion, from which the city would he the loser. If this cable company is granted any privileges the city should demaud afc least ten per cent, of the gross receipts ; for this the corporatioa might guarantee the company freedom from vexatious law suits. The next Legislature ought to pass a law authorizing the city to come to some terms with the elevated roads, the latter to pay a stipulated percentage of their gross receipts yearly in lieu of taxes and assessments, the city to protect the company against claims for damages. In the mean- time, this cable company should be watched. The National Bank note issues are by no means of such import- ance as the daily press seema to beUeve, There is no danger to the trade of the country if aJl their issues are withdrawn, provided we retain our present stores of bullion and keep the products of our mines from going abroad. In the past four years the average annual increase in the volume of currency has been $89,453,346, toward which National Bank notes bave contributed an average of only $3,958,068 yearly. The total increase in circulation from November, 1879, to November, 1883, was $357,813,486, of which 03.9 per cent, was gold, 33.6 per cent, silver, and 4,5 per cent. National Bank notes. The gold notes and silver certificates have saved the country from a disastrous panic, due to the contraction of the bank paper money. Our best monetary policy would be to 1st the banks retire from the business of issuing currency and encourage in every way the coinage and circulation of gold and silver or certificates representing the same. A real estate agent in tlie Tribune expresses himself as follows : Not one in a hundred of the large—mind, I emphasize the word " large " —real estate transactions are properly reported, even in the official rec- ords. You buy a piece of properfcy afc $30,000; it is to your interest and that of the seller, who has more lots to sell in the same neighborhood, to report the sale at, say, $50,001. The larger amount is put in the deed as the consideration. It gets registered at the same figure; andfrom the Register's office the false record goes to the papers as a bona fide sale for the largest amount. It is simply bulling a poor market, Unfortunately, there is too much truth iu this statement. Sales are reported by speculative brokers, which are mere "washes," intended to deceive unwary purchasers. Tlien " trades" are quite common, in which a cash value is given to " swops " of property, where perhaps little or no money consideration was included. The official transfers themselves are tampered with, and the record is made to lie, for the purpose of bolstering up the price of adjoining properties or to deceive future purchasers. It is lamentable fchat in dealings in realty, the most certain of all kinds of property, that these practices should be so common. One argument for a Real Estate Exchange is that it would furnish an accurate test of prices in every case where property was publicly sold. An Exchange could not afford to have its good name smirched by "washed" sales or "Peter Funk" auctioneering. Title deeds ought to be honest in respect to price, and property owners should ask the Legislature to pass a law requiring that the sum actually paid shall be inserted in the deed. It is an open question whether a bonajide purchaser cannot under our laws demand of the seller the sum actually named in the deed. Why might not heirs demaud an evidence that the price stipulated had been paid? A judge who would give a decision to tbis effect would do much to bring about honest dealings in realty, and it would create a panic among trad- ers who make a practice of giving false coneiderationa in the titles when property is transferred. What Congress Should Do. WhUe the recommendations contained in the President's mes- sage, if carried out, would do little or nothing to revive business activity, still they afford a basis which, if Congress builds upon wisely, would do much to improve the trade of the country. The President admits that we ought to have a defensive navy, a torpedo service, and guns and floating batteries sufficient to guard our wealthy seaboard cities. Liberal appropriations for these objects would partially revive our iron and stoel industries, and sympa- thetically affect a vast circle of industries. We have tho money in the Treasury, which, if used thus productively, would exert a most beneficial influence. But after providing for the defense of our seaboard, and putting us in a position to resist attack. Congress might go further and authorize the construction of a fleet of fifteen to twenty of the largest and swiftest kind of steel steamers. They should be equal in every respect, and surpass, if possible, the very best and largest of the steamships belonging to the foreign transatlantic lines. With these vessels we could establish direct trade relations with other nations, under our own flag. They would be officered in part by our own naval officers, and so constructed thafc fchey could be changed into war vessels in case of international complications. It is not to be expected that they would be self-supporting, but they would be cheaper than maintaining our present na^y, which now enjoys the unique distinction, as General McClellan says, of being unable "neither to fight nor run away." These vessels need not in- terfere with private enterprize, as fchey could be contracted out to American shipping firms, on terms which would enable them to coiflpete with the great foreign lines which now monopolize the external carrying trade of the country. To supply the country with cruisers, guns,' a torpedo service, floating batteries aud the ships such as we have above indicated would take a great deal of money, far more than our annual surplus for many years fco come, bufc every dollar so laid out would be worth fifty in its effect upon the trade of the country. It would revive all our great iron and steel works ; our seaboard would again become the scene of great manufacturing activity, while the results of tbe expenditures would be especially beneficial to seaports like New York. But it is idle to expect any such farseeing aud wise action on the part of Congreas. If sucb a scheme were proposed, nothwith-

Transcript of The Record and GuideT

December 8, 1888 The Record and GuideT 971


1 9 1 B r o a d w a y , N. Y.

T E R M S :

ONE: YEAR, in advance, SIX DOLLARS.

Communications should be addressed to

€. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway.

J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager.


At the rate subscribers are now coming in it looka aa though the 850 names will be aecurad for the "Real Estate Exchange and Auc­tion Rooma, Limited," by the close of next week. Tiie institution will then be organized and the price of seats will be advanced fifty per cent. A list of the subscribers is given elsewhere. It embraces nearly all tbe leading real estate dealers and many of the foremost owners of property on this island.

What a chorus of applause went up when Judge Gresham was appointed Postmaster-General. Some enthusiastic journals actually nominated him for the presidency. Bat his report, just issued, strips a very common fowl of all his gaudy plumage. Our Post­master-General is simply a sra.aU Indiana lawyer. Proaident Aithur has kept oue object steadily in view; no member of his Cabinet will be a candidate in the Republican National Convention. His secre­taries seem to be good safe clerks, who faithfully 3.tt6nd to the routine of their offices, but who are al! of them remarkably desti­tute of qualitiea which would commend Ihem to voters for high oflSce. In discussing the postal telegraph, Mr, Gresham shows an utter lack of statesmanlike grip. His utterances are those of a third rate lawyer and hide-bound politician.

_- —•

There is reason to believe that tbe Railroad Commission of this State has been captured by the railroad companies. The resolution calling for quarterly reporta has been dropped, although it was unanimously endorsed by the business community and the prese. Tbe commissioners went to the Grand Central Depot to hear law­yer Depew and Vice-President Blanchard submit arguments against the resolution, and that ended the whole matter, although Wall street people are not aware of it, and are looking for the reports. The only State Railway Commissioners which are known to have been faithful to their trusts are those of Massachusetts, Illinois and Georgia, and much good has resulted therefrom, but the California Commission is notoriously in the pay Of the railroads. The general government must take this matter in hand, and when they do ifc will be a good thing for the companies as well as the public as it will stop wars and rate cutting, as well as prevent excessive charges. Let us have a National Railway Commission.

Ali propositions looking to additional city transportation facili­ties should not be looked upon with equal favor. Property holders would do well to watch the scheme for budding elevated and sur­face roads to be run by cable. It is a speculation, pure and sim­ple, by a syndicate of active financiers. They have persuaded Mayor Edson to appoint a very respectable commission to look iuto their scheme, but the whole matter will bear watching. The franchise will be a very valuable one if granted, and the time has come when the city should refuse to vote away the privileges of our streets to speculators for little or nothing. No company should be permitted to construct any more elevated or surface roads without paying therefor a certain percentage of its gross receipts. Had this policy been pursued with our ferries, gas companies, street and elevated roads, we would now be in receipt of a yearly income that should defray at least half the cost of our city government; but we have allowed corporations to secure these lucrative privileges gratia. The newspapers demand that these franchises be sold to the high­est bidder, but this gives a chance for collusion, from which the city would he the loser. If this cable company is granted any privileges the city should demaud afc least ten per cent, of the gross receipts ; for this the corporatioa might guarantee the company freedom from vexatious law suits. The next Legislature ought to pass a law authorizing the city to come to some terms with the elevated roads, the latter to pay a stipulated percentage of their gross receipts yearly in lieu of taxes and assessments, the city to protect the company against claims for damages. In the mean­time, this cable company should be watched.

The National Bank note issues are by no means of such import­ance as the daily press seema to beUeve, There is no danger to the trade of the country if aJl their issues are withdrawn, provided we retain our present stores of bullion and keep the products of our

mines from going abroad. In the past four years the average annual increase in the volume of currency has been $89,453,346, toward which National Bank notes bave contributed an average of only $3,958,068 yearly. The total increase in circulation from November, 1879, to November, 1883, was $357,813,486, of which 03.9 per cent, was gold, 33.6 per cent, silver, and 4,5 per cent. National Bank notes. The gold notes and silver certificates have saved the country from a disastrous panic, due to the contraction of the bank paper money. Our best monetary policy would be to 1st the banks retire from the business of issuing currency and encourage in every way the coinage and circulation of gold and silver or certificates representing the same.

A real estate agent in tlie Tribune expresses himself as follows : Not one in a hundred of the large—mind, I emphasize the word " large "

—real estate transactions are properly reported, even in the official rec­ords. You buy a piece of properfcy afc $30,000; it is to your interest and that of the seller, who has more lots to sell in the same neighborhood, to report the sale at, say, $50,001. The larger amount is put in the deed as the consideration. It gets registered at the same figure; andfrom the Register's office the false record goes to the papers as a bona fide sale for the largest amount. It is simply bulling a poor market,

Unfortunately, there is too much truth iu this statement. Sales are reported by speculative brokers, which are mere "washes," intended to deceive unwary purchasers. Tlien " trades" are quite common, in which a cash value is given to " swops " of property, where perhaps little or no money consideration was included. The official transfers themselves are tampered with, and the record is made to lie, for the purpose of bolstering up the price of adjoining properties or to deceive future purchasers. It is lamentable fchat in dealings in realty, the most certain of all kinds of property, that these practices should be so common. One argument for a Real Estate Exchange is that it would furnish an accurate test of prices in every case where property was publicly sold. An Exchange could not afford to have its good name smirched by " w a s h e d " sales or "Pe te r Funk" auctioneering. Title deeds ought to be honest in respect to price, and property owners should ask the Legislature to pass a law requiring that the sum actually paid shall be inserted in the deed. It is an open question whether a bonajide purchaser cannot under our laws demand of the seller the sum actually named in the deed. Why might not heirs demaud an evidence that the price stipulated had been paid? A judge who would give a decision to tbis effect would do much to bring about honest dealings in realty, and it would create a panic among trad­ers who make a practice of giving false coneiderationa in the titles when property is transferred.

What Congress Should Do. WhUe the recommendations contained in the President's mes­

sage, if carried out, would do little or nothing to revive business activity, still they afford a basis which, if Congress builds upon wisely, would do much to improve the trade of the country. The President admits that we ought to have a defensive navy, a torpedo service, and guns and floating batteries sufficient to guard our wealthy seaboard cities. Liberal appropriations for these objects would partially revive our iron and stoel industries, and sympa­thetically affect a vast circle of industries. We have tho money in the Treasury, which, if used thus productively, would exert a most beneficial influence.

But after providing for the defense of our seaboard, and putting us in a position to resist attack. Congress might go further and authorize the construction of a fleet of fifteen to twenty of the largest and swiftest kind of steel steamers. They should be equal in every respect, and surpass, if possible, the very best and largest of the steamships belonging to the foreign transatlantic lines. With these vessels we could establish direct trade relations with other nations, under our own flag. They would be officered in part by our own naval officers, and so constructed thafc fchey could be changed into war vessels in case of international complications. It is not to be expected that they would be self-supporting, but they would be cheaper than maintaining our present na^y, which now enjoys the unique distinction, as General McClellan says, of being unable "neither to fight nor run away." These vessels need not in­terfere with private enterprize, as fchey could be contracted out to American shipping firms, on terms which would enable them to coiflpete with the great foreign lines which now monopolize the external carrying trade of the country. To supply the country with cruisers, guns,' a torpedo service, floating batteries aud the ships such as we have above indicated would take a great deal of money, far more than our annual surplus for many years fco come, bufc every dollar so laid out would be worth fifty in its effect upon the trade of the country. It would revive all our great iron and steel works ; our seaboard would again become the scene of great manufacturing activity, while the results of tbe expenditures would be especially beneficial to seaports like New York.

But it is idle to expect any such farseeing aud wise action on the part of Congreas. If sucb a scheme were proposed, nothwith-

972 The Record and Guide. December 8, 1883

s t and ing its obvious advan tage to th is por t a n d t h e nat ion, every daily paper in New York would denounce it. F o r years pas t a n y proposi t ion looking towards au encouragemen t of t h e foreign t r ade of t h e count ry has been bi t ter ly assailed by our local dai ly press. The members of Congress from the ru ra l distr icts have no in te res t in the seaboard cities, and ifc is therefore too much to expect a n y intel l igent ac t ion f rom thafc body looking to the secur i ty of our coasts, the extension of our commerce or tho revival of our indus ­tr ies.

-• The Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited)-Tiie following list tells the story of the progress of the new Rea!

Es ta t e E x c h a n g e . Ifc embraces one hundred and fifty-three names , all of w h o m have paid thei r 10 per cent , on the thousand dollars called for, a t t h e Uni ted States Trus t Company , 49 Wal l s treet .

The Ludlow commi t t ee are qui te well satisfied wi th the names he rewi th presented. Ifc represents the very c ream of t h e real estate interests of t h e metropol is . The leading estates, t h e princi­pal brokers a n d the legal f ra terni ty , as well as the banks and t rus t companies , will ail co-operate with th is E x c h a n g e when estab­lished. The hundred addi t ional names required wiU probably be fo r thcoming n e x t week, when the price of seats will be advanced to |1,500.

Astor, Wi l l iam Astor, J o h n Jacob Aspinwall , Lloyd Andrews . Geo. H . , t rus tee Adr ian . M. J . Andrews , Constant M. Aj^res, Samuel , M, D, . Bellamy, Alber t . Bailey, Nathanie l P . Berrian, Wi l l iam , Bogarfc, A. W , J r . Brien, J o h n . Burchell , J o h n J . . Blakely, S, M, Bechstein, Augus tus 0 . Brown, Mart in B . Bar ton, George de Fores t Brugiere, Ju le s E. BeU, Edward R. . Bigelow, L. H . Buek, Charles Boyes, Louis F . . . Cruger, S. Van Rensselaer C a m m a n n , H e r m a n H . Cruikshank, E d w i n A, Croly, David G. . Cudner, Alber t M. Carreau, Cyrille . Coates, H o w a r d W , Clinton, A . J . Cruikshank, A, W . Carpenter Leonard J . Cruikshank, Ja raes Crowell, Charles E. Cadwalader , J o h n L, . Clark, H e n r y W. . Cru ikshank, W a r r e n Detmold, Chris t ian E . . Davidson, J o h n Degraaf, H . P . . Dolan, H u g h F . . Deeves, Richard . Ely , Horace S. Eckerson, J o h n R. Edgar , Newbold . Enger t , Charles . F r iedman , Leopold F ink , J o h n W . Fish , Fe rd inaud . F r o m m e , Isaac Fay , Pa t r ick H e n r y Force, J o h n R. Gantz , George F . . Griswold, J o h n N. A. . Glover, Samuel Hami l ton , Robert R a y ' H a r n e t t , Richard V, Honig , Isaac . H i n c h m a u , Benjamin, J r . Hays , J acob Hi ldburgh , H e n r y Higgins , Elias S. H u r l b u t . H e u r y A. Hays , Wi l l iam H. Harbeck , Charles T. H a y s . E. St, J o h n Haynes , A . E. J a y n e , Samuel F , Johnsou , Je remiah , J r . Jackson , Charles J a m e s , D. Will is J a y , Eliza Clarkson Krohn , F ranz Ludlow, E d w a r d H. Lawrence , Newbold T. Leviness, J . Edga r Lichtenauer , Joseph M. Lowe, J a m e s M. Leaycraf t , J . E d g a r Lockwood, Calvin B . Lockwood, Freder ick F .

23 West 26th st. 23 Wes t 2fith st. 25 Eas t 10th st. 146 Broadway . 330 Broadway . 3 Wal l St. 22 West l l t h St. 5 P i n e st, I I West 38th at. 2C1 Broadway . 16 Eas t l8th st. 153 Eas t 65th st. 206 East 56th st. 1526 Broadway . 350 Wes t 57th st. 770 L e x i n g t r n av . 106 Broadway . 23 West 25th sfc. 50 Wes t 2Ist St. 76 E x c h a n g e pi. 135 Eas t 37th st . 79 Maiden lane. Fu l ton st. 4 P i n e st. 163 Broadway . 191 Broadway . 325 Wes t 20th St. 2115 5 th av . 43 Wesfc 34th st. 71 Wal l at, 163 Broadway. 68 Wal l St. 163 Broadway . 115 Broadway . 13 Eas t SOth sr. New Kochelle, N. Y. 163 Broadway. 27 Wes t 10th st. 23T Broadway . Bowery Nat, Bank . 211 Eas t 17th st. 843 Eas t 13th st. 33 P ine st. 35 Wes t 30th st. 4 P ine st. 182 Montrose av, B k l ' n 9 P ine st. 343 Wes t 56th sfc. 149 Broadway . 387 Broadway . 336 Madison av, 507 Sth av. 345 Wes t 58th st. 250 Madison av, 51 Wal l St. 339 Broadway . H I Broadway. I I I Broadway . 163 Broadway. 13 Eas t 54th sfc. 43 Eas t 68th st. 83 and 81 W h i t e St. 11 West 20th St. Inwood, N. Y. Isiip, L. I. 514 Madison av . 3 P i n e st. Orange, N. J . 9 P i n e sfc. 1570 Broadway . 40 Eas t 39th st. Chemical Bank, 53 Beaver st, 3 P i n e St. 4 P ine st . 3 P ine St. 36 Broad st. 13 Wes t 123d St. 915 7th av . 129 Broadway . 108 Wee t 130th St.

Lyddy , Daniel R. . LeRoy, H e r m a n n R. Lovejoy, Stephen Livingston, J o h n s t o n McMullen, Tbomas Magra th , J o h n A. Morrison, E. Myers, Sinclair Muir, J a m e s Mordecai, A. L. Meyer, Siegrauud T. Miller, Charles E, Murray . J o h n W., Vice-Pres' Macy, W m . H. Macrpady, Na th . L. McBride, R. P . . Moses, M, H . McDonald, Joseph A. Mulry. Wi l l iam . O'Brien, H e n r y S. Phihips , Lewis J . Pirsson, J o h n W, Pellew, H e n r y E, Penfold, E d m u n d Read, George R, Richard.s, Benjamiu, J i Riker, N a t h a n W, Robinson, A n d r e w J . Ryan , Wi l l iam M. Roome's Son, W. H. Rafter, E d w a r d Robinson, E d mu n d Randolph Reynolds, V. K. . Roberta, W m . J . . Riley, Joseph Raw ley, H e n r y Robinson. H . J . . Shi/rwood, J o h n H. Stevens, Bryam K. Scott , George H. Sweet, Clintou W . Sause, E d mo n d J . , J r . Smyth , Phi i ip A. Sands, A. H, Siegel, A b r a h a m . Smi th . J a m e s Rufus Sober, /, n u r e w s . Stokes, J a m e s Sands , B. A y m a r . S t rong, Charles E. Swainson, David Y. Sche imerhorn , WiJIiam C. Simpson, G':^i.rge W . Shirley, H . S , Taber, Henry M. . Tietjen, C. J . Thomas , Wi l i iam M. Tilney, J o h n S. . V a n Sicleu, G. W. Von Hesse, Chr is t ian Vanden hove, G. . Vanderpoel , A. E rnes t V a r n u m , J a m e s M. WindmuUer . Louia W e y m a n , C. S. . Westbrook, David V. Wil lard , Edward K. Wil lard, J a m e s S. W i n t h r o p , Robt. Wi ik ins . Morris. W h i t e , J a m e s L, . Zit tel , F,

206 Broadway . Union Club. 31 Market st . 145 Broadway. 44 Beaver st. 74 I rv ing place. 13 Wes t 39th st. 933 Madison av, 29 Eas t 18th st. 5 P i n e st. 71 Broadway. 19 New sfc.-115 Broadway . 74 Wal l St. 335 Wes t St. 1289 Sth av . ; 81 Vesey st . 296 6th av. 340 Wes t 32d st. 1115 Madison av, 4 P i n e st. I I Wal l St. 9 Eas t 35th st . 10 Eas t 40th st . 3 P ine St. 3 P ine st. ()98 6th av. 116 Eas t SOth st. Great Neck, L. I . Plainfield, N . J . 179 1st av. 103 Broadway. 1280 Broadway . 413 West 45Eh st. 59 Eas t 123d st. 123 Eas t 27th st . 2 South St. fith av and 115th s t 33 Wes t 33d st. 8 P ine St. 191 Broadway . 3 P i u e St. 343 Eas t 16th at. 33 P ine st. 2 Rutgers pl. 79 Cedar st. 63 Wes t 38th st. 67 Wal l St. 54 W i h i a m st . 16 Sth av. 50 St. Mark's pl. 68 Wal l St. 157 S. Oxford s t „ B'n. 115 Monroe st. 141 Pearl st . 163 Greenwich st . 35 Wesfc SOfch st. 59 Liber ty st . ,, 99 Nassau st. Albermar le Hote l . 4 South Wi l i i am st . 114 Eas t 16th St. 110 Broadway . ; 49 Wes t 46th st. 18 Wes t 33d st. I I I Broadway . 73 Broadway . 78 Broadway . Drexel Buiiding. 3 P i u e St. Litchfield, Conn. 1026 Third av

Over the Ticker.

TH E wilderness roads con t inue to be the bete noir to scare the bulls whenever t hey feel like bel lowing. I t is the Nor the rn

Pacifies, Denvers, Un ion Pacific or the i r affiliated roads w h i c h s tar t the m o v e m e n t t owards lower prices.

TROUBLES in t h e western roads, t h rea t s of r a t e cu t t ing , a re also a menace to the marke t , due pr imar i ly , of course, to

fche bui lding of roads t h r o u g h unproduc t ive regions.

TH E W e s t t-hore & Buffalo is ano the r course of d is turbance . I t has been cons t ruc ted in an ex t r avagan t fashion, a n d is in

flnancial difficulties before complet ion. The n u m b e r of accidenta on the t rack shows t h a t i ts present officers are inefficient. The proposition to sell W es t Shore bonds to the holders of cons t ruc t ion stock for a h igher pr ice than t h e y can be bough t in t h e open mar ­ket, shows folly or worse a m o n g the ru l ing insiders of t b e W e s t Shore manipu la to r s .

" V T E W Y O R K C E N T R A L m a y after all become a 6 per cent . -L-1 stock. I t will need a great deal of money to p u t it upon as efficient a footing as its g rea t r ival , the Pennsylvania Central . The Vanderbi l t con t ingen t have more fa i th in t h e price of Lake Shore t h a n New York Central , and w i t h reason.

SA M U E L J . T ILDEN, J a y Gould and S. H. Knee land , when they appear before a court , are ap t to lose the i r voices ; bu t they

never lose thei r heads , t h o u g h they do say tba t people w h o dea w i t h a n y o n e of t b e m never m a k e any money .

December 8, 1888 T h e Record and Guide. 973

TH E threatened w a r of roads west of t h e Mississippi does no t and should not mater ia l ly affect the price of the securi tes of

the roads east of t h a t r iver . Cheap rates in the ex t r eme W es t means , after the close of navigat ion, a large business for t h e lines east-of Chicago and St. Louis.

TH E R E will be no postal te legraph th is year, bu t undoubted ly Congress will be so worked as to m a k e Wes te rn Union stock

very lively du r ing cer ta in periods of the session. Pres ident A r t h u r will veto any bill which looks to t h e incorporat ion of the te legraph as a pa r t of the postal service of the connt ry . A n y o ther scheme is not w o r t h considering. People w h o w a n t fco r isk the i r money in the marke t would do well to keep t rack of Wes t e rn Union.

~ ^ O R T H R I V E R CONSTRUCTION stock is being aold d o w n by - L ^ the insiders to ga the r up shares , for which it is said 105 will he given as a final d ividend.

T H E probabilit ies for December a re a feverish m a r k e t a n d lower prices before Chr i s tmas .

WE m a y have a mild boom iu J a n u a r y of nex t year for the same reason t ha t advanced stocks in November—an unu­

sual a m o u n t of mouey seeking inves tment .

IF Reading is to be a 6 per cent , atock i t is cer ta inly cheap a t present prices, bu t w h a t a m o u n t a i n of debt is on tha t unfor­

t u n a t e r o a d ? Read ing m a y see higher , bu t it is cer ta in somet ime in the fu ture to see lower figures.

W I T H money enough for a dividend a l ready in ita t reasury, and present net ea rn ings sufficient to pay afc t h e r a t e of 8

per cent, per a n n u m , it needs no prophet to say t h a t nex t year 90 will look cheap for C , C , C. & I .

ER I E & W E S T E R N aiuce September has regular ly earned all fixed charges and 7 per cent , on i ts income bonds. This has

been done wi th no increase of gross earnings , and is simply the result of a saving of w o r k i n g expenses. The figures are 70 for the income bonds and 50 to 60 for the stock before J u l y next .

ST. L O U I S & SAN FRANCISCO stocks have seldom been men­t ioned in th is column, bu t the " T i c k e r " haza rds no th ing in

predic t ing m u c h b :gher prices for t h e m in t h e immedia t e future . This road wi th the A. & P . , which it owns , is looked upon wi th hun­gry eyes by a t least t w o Eas te rn roads w h i c h w a n t a Pacific outlet . The A. & P . income bonds are a good speculat ive purchase . •

PACIFIC M A I L seoms to be ho ld ing its o w n be t te r fchan any o ther s tock on the list. B u t operators na tu ra l ly dread

dealing in it in v iew of the i r past experiences.

MU T U A L UNION will declare a smal l d iv idend n e x t m o n t h . The W e s t e r n Un ion directors have not yet officially

endorsed t h e certificates, and hence t h e Stock Exchange will not list t h e n e w stock.

WH E A T is weak , a n d .with reason, bu t a foreign w a r wou ld s tar t the price up . Cot ton looks l ike a sale.

Mr. Glover and Mr. Deyo were recently interviewed about the Elevated Bailroad cases. The former desired attention to be directed to the fact that the vital point in his case (and one which inakes it more important than any heretofore decided), was that th - property had been bouEhfc sub­sequent to the erection of the main structures and that it had been con­tended by the railroad folks that where a man bought properfcy with un elevated railroad in front of ifc, he bought it with the burden. Tbe reply is, that Mr. Glover bought with the knowledge that the railroad was there, just aa he might purchase an up town lot knowing that a squatter had his shanty tbere. That the railroad had in eSect squatted on his property, and never having had any right to be there could not claim thafc any bur­den listed, Mr. Deyo was not satisfied with Judge Ingraham'a decision, in any respect, and Intends to appeal. He stated that he understood the decision to be, that in certain down-town streets, a t the extreme eud of the city, abutting owners are entitled to certain easements of light and air in the atreets which, when interfered with by the struci^ure of the elevated railroad, may be condemned by the railroad and he expected to reverse that decision on appeal.

We were lately told an odd story about a caae in the courts where all hands are bothered. He and she were not married, though they knew how to keep a good road-house. They annexed tbe property round the hotal, claimed it, fenced and improved it. Thirty years passed, and then one and the other died. The heirs of each claimed tbe lots, whioh, other­wise, are derelict; but investigation proved that he and she nsed to fighfc, and that sometiires ono held the fort against tha world and the otber, and vice versa. And now all hands don't know what to do, and would be very thankful if the beire of the real owner would show up.

Home Decorative Notes, —A. stroll about our cities at this merry season gives one a keener

insight into the wants and fancies of onr people than at any otber t ime; tempting wares, botb moderateand expensive, are displayed iu the win­dows, and gazed upon by numberless aight-seers from without and within; all manner of means are adopted to make the stores pretty and attractive and to entice would-be purchasers into all sorts of extrava­gances ; we should remember in selecting our gifts to t ry and obtain some­thing that will supply a wa.nt, and not purchase pretty trifles which can only in tbe end prove an additional care to the recipient.

—Tbe tall bamboo baskets in gilded and bronze effects, with the addition of a bow of broad satin ribbon of some bright color, makes an attractive receptacle for either canes or umbrellas,

—The chased and repousse brass hanging clocks, many of which are backed witb cardinal plush are very attractive, a fine variety of these goods can be obtained at J. Cezilly's, of 1303 Broad»joy.

—Very pretty tea cozies are made of plush, with various applique designs, couched about with gold or silver cord, they should be made very thick with cotton and lined with silk,

—Most beautiful horn goode are now exhibited; a smoking set consists oC a cigar and match holder and ash receiver, made from the different sections of the horn and lined with gold, the varioua pieces are fastened to a branching deer antler,

—Most wonderful figures in terra cotta, displaying extremely beautiful coloring and workmanship, are to be found in every variety and style at Olivotti Bros,, No, 1191 Broadway. Several new representations bave laiely been received, which are particularly worthy of notice. " T h e Old Hat-Man," " The Water-Carrier," and " The Egg-Seher," An exquis­itely carved oak cabinet and a Florentine ch*ir, inlaid with ivorr^ attracted attention.

—Delicate and daintv are tbe bureau-covers of orepe Htse. with the euds traced with the lily design in yellow-shaded filoselle. The edges of tha cover sbould be hem-stitched and finished with lace, and tben lined with yellow silk or satin, have the cushion of corresponding color, finished with a quilling of satin,

—The spinning-wheel, wbich waa the pride of our grandmothers, and still retains a place in many modern homes, may be very tastefully deco­rated by procuring aome pure white flax, and fastening about it a ecarlefc ribbou, with bow and ends of irregular length, upon which trace the fol­lowing words; "Get thy spindle and thy distaff ready and God will send thee flax,"

—An extensive aaaortment of specialties in unbrellas and canes may he found at Linke's, 1188 Broadway, A very elegant and entirely new style of cane was shown, the stick was of bamboo, tbe handle of the cane was of silver, which opened and disoloaed a match-box, fuse and a tube whioh extended the length of the cane, was arranged to hold cigarettes. Many novelties were also noticed in paper cutters of hazel and box-woods, the latter were beautifully carved with the Kate Greenaway stylo of figures.

—Plush covered bellows and guitars with a large bow of satin or velvet ribbon fastened on tha end are among tha latest wall ornaments—and decorate very nicely tbe side of the flre-place.

—Tbe furniture rooms of F. Hayek & Co., of Tenth avenue and For ty-fourth streefc, are rich in beauty with excepfcionably fine good*, corner aeata in every variety and finish; cabinet desks of mahogany, iherry and rose wood; plush upholstered drawiug-room chairs and exquisite l ibrary tables in exceedingly attractive and exclusive designs. A beoutiful cabi­net was noticed that was manufactured for one of the finest houaea in the city. It was composed of ebony, ivory aod plate glass, tha contraat of the ipory with the ebony, and tbe reflections of the same in the beveled panels, made a very beautiful piece of furniture.

—Cane chairs that are now so popular can be found painted in colors to harnioniza with che furniture of the room cushioned with velvet or pluah and ornamented with bows of bright ribbons, are altogetherisatisfactory,

—Fine specimens of the Doulton, Hungarian and Limoges ware, with glass shades decorated to harmonize with the original form, are among the bohday specialties offoredbyC.H, Covell of 1150 Broadway; many flne and happy productions in bisque are also exhibited. " The Broken Jug , " " The Maskers," and " T h e Serenade."

—Student or other fancy lamps are made more effective by using col­ored shades of pink, yellow or blue tints.

—Very graceful liquor stands have the bottles of elaborately orna­mented Austrian glass in gilded baskets, around which are suspended the dainty little glasses.

—A peep iuto the rooms of Lewis P, Tibbals, of No. 880 Broadway, will convince one that Santa Claus has there deposited a large portion of the heavy burden whicb he usually bears at this season of the year—leaping horses for both girls and boys, swings, printing presses, the new and amusing Mother Goose target, mechanical toys in every variety ; in fact, one cannot fail to find something to gladden the hearts of tha little ones.

—A novel but pretty arrongement for shedding a sof fc light over a dinner table is produced by taking a Japanese umbrella, containing many bright colors, and placing at intervals in tbe handle tin sockets for holding candles. The umbrella is suspended from the ceiling the full length of the handle, and the arrangement for holding the candles is hidden from the view of those at table, the soft light ahed through the paper haa the effect of stained glass.

—Within the past few years an increased demand has been visible for the higher qualities of decorated porcelain and china, beautiful and rare specimens are constantly being imported, Two pair of Sevres vases decor­ated by the celebrated artists Malpas and Sabourin are now in the posses aion o£ Schneider, Campbell & Co., of Uuion square. Tha following subjects in artistic bronzes are particlarly fine: "Love, Confidence and Fidelity," by A, Carrier; "The Tunisian Merchant," hy:Peynot, and " T h e

1 Falconer," by R. J. M6ne,

974 The Record and Guide. December 8, 1888

The Late Henry Fernbach. By the death of Mr. Henry Fernbach, New York loses ont, of the moat

conscientioua and one of the moat accomplished ot ita architecta. He has died In the prime of his powers and when, according to common calculationa, many yeara of work were atill to be expected ot him.

Mr. Fembach was bom in Silesia in 1838, and after receiving bia general education in Breslau, and taking a course ot architecture at the Building Academy in Berlin, came to thi? conntry about 1850, and shortly afterwards entered upon tbe practice of architecture, which he continued with inoreas-ingsuccessas his countrymen increased in nnmber, wealth and Importance in New York. Within the paet fifteen years ha has designed tba German Bavinga Bank at the comer of Fourteenth atreet and Fourth avenue; the Staats Zeitung buildiug In Tryon row; tbe Hnrmonie Club inFort.yeecond street, and the Mutual Life Insurance Company's building in Philadelphia among secular pubUc bnildings, and the synagogues In Forty-fourth street Thirty-fourth atreet and at Lexington avenue and Fifty-flfth street, and the parsonage of the Temple Bmanu-EI in Fifth avenue, having also been associated with Mr. Eidlitz, tbe designer ot that building, during its con­struction. He waa also the architect of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum at Leiington avenue and Seventy-seventh street, and of the Institution for Deaf Mutesat Lexington avenue and Sixty seventh atreet. If we mistake not, be also designed a Moorish kioak of considerable architectural interest, which was built on the grounds of Mr, Ottendorfer, and he was the archi­tect of the keeper's dwelling and gate houfe of the Salem Fields Cemetery,

Besides these more or less monumental buildings, Mr, FernDach designed more commercial buildingB in Broadway and elsewhere than almost any other aingle architect since the death of Mr. Griffith Thomas, The most conspicuous of these works are the addition of the root stories to the build­ing of the New York Life Insurance Company In Broadway, and tho store of Messra. Stern Brothers in Twenty-third .street And possibly the moat conspicuous of all his works Is the new Mus^e Grevin in Twenty-third rtreet, near Sixth avenue, which is atill unflnished.

This ia a wide range of work for a sfngle architect In purpose aud in style. Those of the commerical buildings which were merely warehouses are less elaborately designed, naturally aad properly, than those which had more of a monumental character, including nuch commercial buildinga as were designed for the uae of commercial matitutions. But all of Mr, Fornbach'a work was thoroughly done, and carefully detailed to that degree of elaboration which ba thought desirable. None of it was slighted and the architect never spared any pains to make hia works what he thought they ought to be, going so far, sometimes, as to request the return of drawings already in course of execution In which improvements had suggested themselves to hitn. Aa a result of this painetaking and thorough habit of work be secured the respect of ell the owners and of all tbe mechanics who had dealings with him.

By preference Mr, Fernbach worked tn academic Renaissance, In which he was at least as thorougly versed as any member of his profession in thia country. The granite bnildings of the Staats Zeitung, of tbe Mutual Inaurance Company in Philadelphia, and of the German Savings Bank, are in thia atyle. We name them in wh it seenua to us the order of their architectural merit, although the second is much the coetliest and most important of the three, Tlie Staats Zeitung building—a baae­ment of Quincy granite with a superstructure of lighter granite—is perhaps Mr, Fernbach's maaterpiece. I t is, or, before the erection of the City Hall station ot the elevated road waa, very fortunately placed and was worthy of its place. It has no striking individuality, nor indeed was there any attempt at originality in Mr. Fernbach's most successfnl worka. It derives its effect, which is one of much dig. nity, from the careful adjustment of the parts with relation to each other, from the careful adjuRtment of the detail to the mass in scale and from the purity of the detail In Itself. These qualitiea are ahown though ia a lesa degree. In the Philadelphia building, which alao has aome careful interior detail. We can understand how a French critic ot the archltactural exhibition at the Centennial, looking at tbe exhibition from the point cf view ot a French architect, ehonld have aworded Mr. Fernbach's work, aa sucb a critic did award it. the highest rank among the erobitectura of tbis country. There was ia It less offense against the arcliitoctural canons which are observed in Paris than in the work ot almost any other American architect who could be named. And what is true of the best of Mr, Fernbach's work ia true also of the less good. It fails sometimes of being positively effective, but It is never positively offensive, never violent and never vulgar, always restrained and always moderate. And intelligent restraint and iat'^Uigent modera­tion are qualitiea which American architecta perhaps need more than they need any others.

The latest work of Mr, Fernbach, the unflnished museum in Twenty-third street, may aeem an exception to tbia statement. I t la not fair to criticise it as yet, but In its unflnlahed condition it certainly haa the air of being overloaded and excessive. I t is very florid and very French, Yet even in this work, florid as it is, with Its long row ot terminal Bgurea and its crowded pediment. It is tru^ that there is less than in almost any other building equally florid to offend the trained sense ot archi­tects brought up in the schools of continental Europe,

Wa here touch the weakness of Mr, Fernbi,ch's work, which ia almply the weaknesa ot tbe architectural education of tba present day in continen­tal Europe, Architecture produced in virtue ot that training does not deal directly by modelling with tbe objects ot construction, but applies to them a certain agreed system of architectural members derived from the forma which constructional members actually assumed in antique archi­tecture. And that is only another way of saying that it is conventional. Tblsls a reproach not against an individual, bnt against a system, and there is a very wide range befcween the refinement and study and the rude­ness and reckleasaesa which are possible under this system. Mr. Fembach waa one of the architects who understood ita refinementa and got out of It very neBrIy,.all that itjcaa yield.

Of the synagogues deaigned by Mr, Fembach, that in Forty-fourth street, a simple composition of three arches over a triple portal, witb a dome crowning it, the wall banded in two colors of sandstone, is much the best, and this isvery effective and dignified. The Siracenio detail of the syna­gogue in Lexington avonue is thoroughly studied, but the general cora-poaitioa Is stiff and moaotonous, and the expedient of little bulbous domes by which it has been attempted to relieve ita moaotoay Is not fortunate.

There Is no building of Mr. Fernbach's, perhaps, wbich in strictness ot speech we can call a tborongbly admirable and expressive piece ot archi­tecture. But there are several which we can properly describe as accom­plished and dignified works, notably the Staats Zeitung building and the synagogue in Forty-fourth atreet. And, what is moro Important, there is not one of which wa can say that it ia offensive, or that it tends to vul­garize the taste of those who see ib daily. This, though negative praise, is really, considering what has been done and what ia doing In Naw York, very bigh praise. A aeries of architectural works which, if sometimes tame, are never wild, and which always show a sense of measure, of restraintand of deci'rum, is calculated to exert a wholesome influence upon architects and entitles lhe author of these works to respect and honor.

Concerning Men and Things. ***

The name of Courtlandt Palmer is well known amoug old real estate dealers. Tbe son, who bears his father's name, is achieving distinction in quite a different sphere. He attempted last year, witb success, to estab­lish In tbis city social gatherings similar to the Paris salon—in other words, he pezsuaded agreat manv fashionable people to spend ooe evening every two weeks in listening to the address of some literary or scientiflc celebrity, and to hear the comments thereupon by distinguished invited guests, Tbe " Nineteenth Century Club," as it is called, resumed its meet­ings last week for t^e season. It is a novelty in New York society to aee the leaders of fashion and the repres ntatives o( our rich families listening, in full evening costume, to the discussion of high philosophic themes, oft n of an extremely heterodox character. The remarkable feature of these gatheringa is the widely differentiated lines of thought which are repre­sented ol theae meetings. Mr. Palcner is himself a positlviafc, while several well-known agnostics are frequent speakers ; yet the meetings are largely attended by orthodox clergymen, as well as leading representatives of the most conservative religious sects. But any man is a public benefactor who can induce rich people to understand that there is something better worth living for in this mysterious world of ours than attending the opera, or employing all one's spare time in mere amusement.

* ** "Tom " Nast, the famous caricaturist, aspires to be a business man aa

well aa an artist. His real estate investments have been profitable, though as much cannot be said of his mining ventures. He is now acting as the secret,ary of a new sleeping car company, which seeks to compete with the Pullman sysfcem. One of fche cars, called the "Travia ta ," is now In use on the New York, New Haven Sc Hartford line. The sleeping berths and seats, i stead of heing lengthwise with the car are placed sideways, and are divided into compartments with four beds in each, tbe entrance to them being from a hallway on one side of the car. They ara very handsome iu appearance and the berths are readily made up. These sleepers are the nearest approach to those on some of the English lines than any we have heretofore had in this country. The public will be sorry if " Tom " Nast makes so much money out of sleeping-cars that he will be tempted to lay oside bis powerful and laughten-moving pencil,

*** Ex-Mayo • Hall receives kindly mention from the press on the occasion

of his retirement from the editorship of Truth. The faot is Hall is a failure ae an editor. He ia a remarkable man In many ways. A reporter in early Ufa, he bas been a lawyer, an ofKcial, a politician, an actor; in short everything by turns and nothing long. The proStable part of his career was when a politician, acting in conjunction with other politicians like unto himself. But neither his nature or training ever fitted him for the peculiar work of a newftpaper office. Hia great-ambition of later years bas been to be connected with the Herald, and, though in his time he has done many favors for that paper and its editor, Mr. Bennett has never given his old friend a chance on his journal. The policy of the Herald has been to b .ve nothing to do with celebrities. The rule of the office is that no one Is to be known but James Gordon Bennett.

It seems that the Ninth Avenue Road cannot extend ita line without reference to the Corporation Counsel Andrews who has sent a letter to Superintendent Walling, asking him to "instruct the police to arrest all P'-rsons attempting to Interfere with the pavement or lay railroad tracks in the Boulevard near Sixty-fourth or Sixty fifth streets." Tha letter con­tinued: " Disregard any order of court or of a judge, authorizing such interferencf with pavement or laying of track Such order, if granted,, will be witbout jurisdiction and a nullity." An order to this effect was, aent out by the Superintendent, But what a pity it ia that tbe extension of rail cannot be nsed by this and other roads. The Ninth Avenne cars run too far to the west below the Central Park, If the Eighth Avenue, or better still, the Broadway cara could run up the West aide, it would be a very good thing for that region.

Executors and trustees of real estate are often in doubt what to do when the income ia needed by their wards and wben tax and assessment liens have accumulated. Surrogate Rollins' decision in re Chester will be good news for many, as he says that when there are funds in the exec­utor's hands, being realizations of the principal of the estate, such funds may be applied to paying off arrears of taxes and asseasments, while th6 wholeoftheinco7nema.jh6 paid to the ward. Mr. J. J. Stoutenburgh appeared for the ward and Mr. Robt. Davidson for tbe executors.

December 8, 1888 The Record and Guide. 975

1883. Nov, 30 to Dec. 8,

Inclualve. 180

$4,173,005 67 ir


Real Estate Department. T h e pas t has no t been a v e r y ac t i ve week, a l though t h e l ist of Convey ­

ances looks l a rge , wh ich is a l w a y s t h e case t h e first week of e v e r y m o n t h , O a e d i squ ie t ing f ea tu r e of t h e m a r k e t is t h e l a r g e n u m b e r of " t r ades " w h i c b a r e t a k i n g place . I n s t e a d o t bouses a n d lots be ing sold for hones t c a s b a n d a m o r t g a g e t h e y a r e disposed of fo r o t h e r p r o p e r t y . Houses r e n t i n g f rom one t h o u s a n d t o t w e n t y five h u n d r e d a r e in d e m a n d , as t h e r e a r e bu t few of them in t h e m a r k e t , b u t auites of r o o m s in a p a r t m e n t s do n o t r e n t as read i ly as t h e y did .

T h e r e w a s a v e r y l a r g e a t t e n d a n c e a t t h e E x c h a n g e las t W e d n e s d a y w h e u Mr. H a r n e t t disposed of qui te a lot of good p r o p e r t y . F o u r lota on S ix ty -s i x t h s t ree t , n e a r N i n t h a v e n u e , w e r e offered b y a n o t h e r auc t ionee r , h u t n o bids be ing t e n d e r e d t h e p r o p e r t y waa w i t h d r a w n . T h e r e w a s a m o r t ­g a g e of $16,000 on t h e lots, w h i c h a r e also r o c k y . I t is a no t i ceab le fact t b a t m o r t g a g e d lots do no t sell well a t auc t ion .

T h e official r e t u r n s of Conveyances for t h e pas t weak, aa c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e co r re spond ing week of las t y e a r , a r e n o t encourag ing . T h e y show a fa l l ing off in t r ansac t ions a u d t h e a m o u n t of m o n e y inves ted i a r e a l t y . H e r e is t h e t a b l e :


Dec. 1 to 7, inclusive.

Number - 258 Amount tovolved 86,177,868 Number nominal 68 Number of a3d and 24th Words 18 Amount involved 846,015 Number nominal 4


Number 202 Amount involved $9,050,173 No. a t s per cent 64 Amount involved 8908,793 No, to Banks. Trust and Inaurance Comnanies . , . 36 Amount involved $1,083,700

On S a t u r d a y las t n o aalea were held a t t h e E x c h a n g e . On M o n d a y fche sale of p r o p e r t y of t h e A m e r i c a n H e a t i n g Co, on Gold s t r e e t w a s a d j o u r n e d t o December 17. On T u e s d a y t b e r e waa a good a t t e n d a n c e a n d besides c i t y r e a l t y t w o houses in Hoboken w e r e sp i r i t ed ly contes ted for. On W e d n e e d a y t h e s a l e o f t b e F o r g a y es ta te a t t r a c t e d a l a r g e c r o w d a n d all t h e p r o p e r t y w a s sold a t good pr ices . T h e pa rce l on t h e n o r t h w e s t c o r n e r of Cl in ton a n d G r a n d s t ree ts , size 50.3J.^x81,9, b r o u g h t ?47,000. I t m a y be a d d e d t h a t t h e sou thwes t c o r n e r opposi te is he ld afc S50,000, F o u r lots on S i x t y - s i x t h s t r ee t , w e s t of E i g h t h avenue , w e r e w i t h d r a w n , as no bid cou ld be obta ined . E i g h t lots on t h e n o r t h w e s t c o r n e r of S e v e n t h a v e u u e a n d One H u n d r e d a u d F o r t i e t h s t r e e t w e r e knocked d o w n afc $28,000, On T h u r s d a y t w o lota on V e r m i l y e a a v e n u e a n d a house on W e s t T h i r t y -t h i rd s t r e e t w e r e sold. On F r i d a y a sale of housea ou P l e a s a n t a v e n u e w a s ad jou rned .

N e x t S a t u r d a y t h e seven-s tory b r i c k a p a r t m e n t bouse on t h e s o u t h w e s t co rne r o t F o u r t h a v e u u e and. Sixfcy-seoond a t ree t wil l be sold u n d e r fore­closure t o sat isfy a m o r t g a g e held b y tbe N e w Y o r k Life I n s u r a n c e Com­p a n y , on wb ich a b o u t $136,000 is due,

T b e fo l lowing table gives t h e official r e c o r d of t h e Ooaveyances a n d M o r t g a g e s r eco rded In the Regis te r ' s offices for t h e e leven m o n t h s of thia y e a r c o m p a r e d wifch t h e s ame pe r iod in 1882, I t wil l be no t iced t h a t the a g g r e g a t e t r a n s a c t i o n s a n d t he i r am<mnts a r e bo tb less. I t ia d i scourag ing t o n o t e t h a t whi le the a m o u n t In t r ans fe r s is less b y over u lne mil l ions t h e m o r t g a g e s show a n increase of ove r s ix mil l ions. T h e n u m h e r of a o m i n a l cons ide ra t ions Iu bo tb yeai 's is h e a v y , showing t h a t t h e ac tua l t o t a l ia v e r y m u c h l a r g e r t h a n t b a t g iven m t b e tables . A l t h o u g h official, these figures a r e n o t en t i r e ly t r u s t w o r t h y , d u e t o t h e p r ac t i c e , a l t o g e t h e r too c o m m o n , of fals i fying t h e a m o u n t s a c t u a l l y pa id in t h e deeds in o r d e r to deceive fu tu re pu rchase r s . T h e figures publ i shed In t h e da i ly presa a r e v e r y mis­l ead ing in th i s respect . H o w e v e r , t b e a m o u a t of m o r t g a g e indebtedness can be en t i r e ly rel ied upon . The fol lowing is the t ab le :


213 $2,586,866

57 $580,700

31 8674,600

1883. Conveys, January 785 Februaiy 904 March 1,191 April 1,471 May 1.189 June 6W July eS6 August 467 September 542 October 669 November — 688

Total 8,134 1888.

January 836 February, 738 March 1,081 April 1,134 May 1,008 June b97 July 633 August 513 S e p t e m b e r — 475 October 671 November 659

Total 8,5B9

1882. Morts. January 867 February Oii March 1,017 April 1,18*

Amount, $13,970,648

]1,776,G40 80,432,338 19,690,846 18,485,884 16,425,603 IO,5S3,H0J 8,811,630

10,681,996 13,843.300 11,535,859


$11,127,871 13,441.441 17,453,999 18,SS0,878 16,982,281 13,510,646 9,381.367 9,6;'8,119 8,779,890

11,801,889 15,379,937

Nom. 23d & 34th W, Amount, 190 273 394 340 2S8 365 174 194 114 177 183


3̂ 6 183 257 360 806 346 148 144 145 186 208

103 91 119 188 98 70 78 61 7S 78 87

735 317,386 376,393 637.989 ie9,6UG 351,130 316,383 167.570

s48,seo 886,386 203,616"

093 $3,388,473

106 108 101 197 138 155 93 118 116 115

$147,895 344,358 201,572 883,793 329,760 474,476 509,283 339,419 494,166 514,091 885,062

145,780,358 2,319

MORTOAOBS. 1,256 $3,913,633

Nom as 31 38 88 28 36 19 17 37 18 37


33 86 26 38 87 39 83 33 87 34 26


*May, +Juue July August September. Oclober — November,.

1,079 780 784 664 643 813

Amount. $7,993,851

e,6C0,903 13,686,636 10,605,848 16,966,130 8,0-9,803 9,880,619 6,443,995 7,335,357 8,043,930


5 p . c. 183 269 374 369 315 161 343 280 151 189 361

Amount. $3,317,187

3,296,518 4,314,083 3,411,940 3,669,50! 1,637,451 2,455,618 1,973,642 3,101,755 3,805,415 3,407.436

Banks, T. Se 1. Cos, Amount,

176 $3,556,650 173 189 154 188 149 129

in 135 118 136

3,656,000 8,394,405 2,5e:,910 8,713,580 3,804,444 4,958,356 3,835,950 8,927,500 1,958,150 3,493,935

I83S. January 904 February 713 March 1,011 April 1,004 May. June July Auguat September, October November.,

933 957 788 611 688 767 B13

$11,083,158 8,066,273

33,061,779 11,375,186 10.685,630 10,604,813 8,881,905 8,238,631 7,439,136 8,816,889 9,679,688

370 392 870 330 241 245 179 179 363 258

$3,986,746 2,985,868 3,787,067 4,911,838 3,737,769 4,849,810 2,966,739 3,636,667 1,966,094 3,875,390 8,045,388

147 147 194 147 ISS

^m 114 UT 114 131 154


$4,095,183 8.133,900 18,675,100 4,668,809 3,175,800 3,843,190 8,034,740 3,448,100 8,067,010 8,661,800 3,805,0&0

49.844.673 \

Total B,B69 110,174,164 2,684

• Includes June Ist. t J u n e 1 and 80 omitted.

31,339,516 1,648 87.168,672

Total 9,067 116,801,552 3,039 37,685,658

Inves to r s would do well to r e a d t h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t in ou r co lumns of t h e choice Brook lyn p r o p e r t y ofl'ered for sale. I t is a p lo t wh ich is a d m i r ­a b l y su i ted fo r a flrst-class hote l or a p a r t m e n t bu i ld ing , such as o u r s is ter c i t y v e r y m u c h needs . I t ia on t h e c o r n e r of R e m a e n a n d Cl in ton s t ree ts .

O a T h u r s d a y n e x t Louis Mesier^will sell a t t h e E x c h a n g e t h e e s t a t e o t J o h n S u y d a m , wh ich consists of i m p r o v e d p r o p e r t y in t h e lower p a r t of N e w Y o r k . A m o n g t h e parce ls is t h e houae 189 B r o a d w a y , O t h e r por t ions of t h e e s t a t e a r e in Beaver , W a t e r , Pea r l , West , F r o n t a n d S o u t h s t reets . Th i s wil l b e a r a r e c h a n c e for s h r e w d inves tors .

Gossip of the Week. T h e old t h r e e - s t o r y b r i c k bui ld ings , Nos. 24 a n d 38 B r o a d w a y , size SOx

100, a n d e x t e n d i n g to N e w s t reet , h a v e , i t is r e p o r t e d , beeu sold t o t h e S t a n d a r d Oil Co., fo r $300,000,

J . R o m a i n e B r o w n has sold for t h e G a r y ea ta te t h e four -a to ry a n d baae­m e n t b r o w n atone p r i v a t e dwe l l ing , No . 140 E a s t T w e n t y - s e c o n d a t r ee t , 16.8x55x100, to J . 1. W e s t , for 511,000.

Chas. Buek?& Co. b a v e aold tha four-a tory a u d b a s e m e n t b r ick and b r o w n s tone p r i v a t e dwel l ing . No . 653 Madiaon a v e n u e , aiza 20x56x05, fo r $46,U00, t o Mr . B e m h e i m e r .

H e n r y J . C a r r h a s sold, for E s t a t e W m . H o g e n c a m p , t h e t h r e e - s t o r y a n d a t t i c b r ick honse, No, 609 W a s h i n g t o n a t ree t , 18.6x43x64.10, t o E v e r e t t B e r g e n , for $6,600.

S, G-. H y a t t has sold, for Mr . F e u c h t w a a g e r , t h e t h r e e - a t o r y h i g h s toop b r i c k house, No, 338 W e s t F o r t y - n i n t h s t r ee t , t o J o h n D u n l o p , fo r $15,000 cash,

Mr. Heer iok has sold, t o M. F l e l achmann , t h e p r o p e r t y on t h e sou theas t c o r n e r of W a s h i n g t o n aud P e r r y s t ree ts , 35.9x06.10, i r r e g u l a r , t o r $16,500.

Mr . S a m u e l J . T i lden has p u r c h a s e d t h e Ha l l F , B a l d w i n p r o p e r t y , ad­jo in ing Greys tone on t h e n o r t h . I t Is s a id t h a t the p r i ce w a s $60,000, a n d t b a t a l a rge c o n s e r v a t o r y will be bui l t on t h e g r o u n d s .

Augna t M a y e r has aold t h o four - s to ry b r ick s tore a u d t e n e m e n t No. 1473 T h i r d avenue , 38x77.11, for F , R. Walker , t o r $-34,000,

E x - J u d g e A . J . D i t t enhoefe r h a s pu rchased t h e t h r ee - s to ry a n d b a s e m e n t dwel l ing , 30x45, extens ion 35, lo t 100, No . 165 E a s t Seventy-f l rs t s t r ee t .

I t baa j u s t been r e p o r t e d to us t h a t the block on Nine t i e th a n d N i n e t y flrst s t r ee t s , w i t h w a t e r t r o n t on t h e E a s t R ive r , h a s been sold b y L. J . & I. Phi l l ips for Mr . R a y m o n d , the c lo thier , of 131 F u l t o n s t ree t , for a b o u t $135,000, a n d t h a t a wi re f ac to ry is to be e rec ted on p a r t of t h e site. The p r o p e r t y compr ises some f o r t y lots, exclusive o t a w a t e r g r a n t of s even teen lots, Mr, R a y m o n d s t a t e d to a r e p o r t e r of T H E R E C O R D A N U G U I D E t h a t h i t h e r t o t h e sale h a d n o t been made .

W i l l i a m A, M a r t i n has sold t h e six t h r e e - s t o r y a n d b a s e m e n t b r ick a n d s tone p r i v a t e dwel l ings , No . 306 t o 316 W e s t One H u n d r e d a n d T w e n t y -t h i r d s t ree t , b e t w e e n S e v e n t h a u d E i g h t h avenues , 16.8x45x100.11 each , for a b o u t $60,000,

A . O p p e r m a n has sold t h e flve-atory double t e n e m e n t . No . 665 T e n t h avenue , size 35x75, for $30,000, to J o h n Scholl ,

L. J . & I, Fhi l l ips h a v e sold fo r J o h n D o n o v a n four lots on t h e sou th side of E i g h t y - f o u r t h s t ree t , c o m m e n c i n g 176 eaat of N i n t h a v e n u e , fo r ^38,000, t o Michael B r e n n a n .

Moore & Wi lson h a v e sold t h r e e flve-story b r o w n s toue double flats, o n t h e aouth side of F i f th -e igh th a t ree t , b e t w e e n F i r s t a n d Second a v e n u e s , each 26x79,6x100, t o Mr . L i l i en tha l , for $90,000.

F a n n i n g Sc Civil le h a v e sold for F . D e P . F o r s t e r t b e t h r e e - s t o r y a n d basemen t b r o w n s tone house, on t h e n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of Madi sou a v e n u e a n d One H u n d r e d a n d Twen ty - second s t ree t , t o W m . H a n n o m ; a lso Noa. 1871 a n d 1895 Madison avenue , t h r ee - s to ry b r o w n s tone houses, 20x60x100, for J o h n H . Deane , for a h o u t $30,000 y each , t h e b u y e r of No. 1895 be ing Mr . N e w m a r k .

V. K. S tevenson , J r . , h a s sold t h e four-a tory h igh s toop b r o w n s tone house, size 20x60x100, cab ine t finish. N o . 35 W e a t One H u n d r e d a n d T w e n t y - f o u r t h s t ree t , f ron t ing Mt . M o r r i s P a r k , for $35,000, t o Geo. W e p p e r m a n n ; also sold for Mr . W e p p e r m a n n t h e t h r e e - s t o r y h igh s toop b r o w n s tone house . Mo. 138 W e a t One H u n d r e d a n d T w e n t y - s e v e n t h s t r ee t , for $18,000.

B, W a l d r o n has sold t o M r . Miche lbacher t h e lot w i t h t w o - s t o r y a u d basemen t f r a m e dwel l ing t he reon on t h e south side o t One H u n d r e d a n d T e n t h a t ree t , b e t w e e n PourCb a n d Madiaon avenues , for $5,000,

W i l l i a m A, E i g h t e r , of N e w a r k , has sold t o O. C. F e r r i s t h e t w o lots on t h e sou theas t c o r n e r of E i g h t h a v e n u e a n d One H u n d r e d aud Thlr ty- f l rs t s t ree t , 50x100, for $15,000 cash. Broker , E. De W i t t .

T h e M u t u a l U n i o n I m p r o v e m e n t C o m p a n y h a s been I n c o r p o r a t e d b y E d w i n C. Bruen , W m . Cooper , A r v i a L, H a r r i s a n d G e o r g e C. W a r d , w i t h a cap i ta l of $1,000,000, d iv ided i o t o 1,000 shares of $1,000 each. The com­p a n y will pu rchase r e a l es ta te , p a y e n c u m b r a n c e s t h e r e o n , 'and i m p r o v e a n d sub-divide t h e s a m e Into lota or parcels su i t ab le for homes teads , t h e business t o be c a r r i e d on in th i s c i ty .

T h e F r a t e r n a l H a l l Associa t ion of t h e C i t y of K e w Y o r k h a s beeu incor­p o r a t e d b y H o w a r d H. Morse , O. H, D o d w o r t h , Joa. C. Kelao, J a s . B . Grayb i l l , Chas . B a x t e r , Ben j , B r o w n e a n d severa l o thers . T h e cap i t a l is $100,000, d iv ided in to 10,000 shares . The c o m p a n y i n t e n d t o p u r c h a s e a s i te a n d e r e c t a bu i ld ing w h i c h shal l e o n t a i n a ha l l for pub l ic mee t ings , a p a r t m e n t s , e tc .

T w o lota p u r c h a s e d a t t h e M o r g a n E a t a t e sale laa t m o n t h b y W . H . '

976 The Record and Guide. jDecember 8, 1885

Morrell for $5,460, and located on the southeast corner of Boulevard and One Hundred and Fifty-first street (on© on Boulevard and one on street), have been aold to "Wm. M, Tbomas tor $5,800.

Messrs, A. H. Muller Sc Son have sold the four-story stone front dwell-ing,'size 25x70, No. 533 Madison avenue, corner of Fifty-.fourth stroet, to Leroy King, for $65,000 cash ; the three-story and attic brick dwelling, eiza 33x103,3, No. 110 East Sixteenth street, to Vincent C. King, for $28,000, and the, fonr-story English basement dwelling. No. 46 West Thirty-seventh street (iucluding gas fixtures and book cases), size 20.10x60x 100, for George W, Folsom, to Dr. Safford G. Ferry, for $35,000 cash.

The flve-storyi fiac. No. 635 Ninth avenue, size 35x75x100, has, it Is reported, been aold to Matthias J. Palm for $31,500.

Ulysses S. Grant, Jr. , has bought eight five-story browa stone flats on the north side of Seventy-third street, between Second and Third avenuee, for $38,0C0 each, from C. Buddensiek. Mr, Grant recently purchased four similar houses on the aame block from A. H. Jonas, the consideration stated in the deed being $110,000.

Myer Finn's offlce hours will, for the present, be from 1,30 to 2 P. M,, instead of 1 to 2, owing to his serving on the Grand Jury.

Brooklyn, The building plans tor Brooklyn do not show any great advance over

last year. The cost of the buildings projected dnring the flrst eleven montha ot 18B3 was $9,814,938, while this year during the same period it waa $10,531,611. Ad in New York, the active building movement was In tbe earlj.part of the year, the later months show a heavy falling off. Unless Congress should do something lo stimulate tbe trade of the country there will be less building in 1884 than there was during the past year.


1883. 18H3. Nov, Nov.

Kumber ot bulldmgs projected 176 190 Estimated cost $833,765 $751,740 Number of brick buildinga 69 113 Number of frame buildings 107 77 Alteralions 63 35 Coat $40,760 $34,060

Jon,-Nov., incl. .Jan.-Nov., incl. Number o£ buildhiea 3,228 3,555 Cost $9,814,933 $10,621,611

Paul C, Grening has sold the two-and-one-h alf-atory brick dwelhng, 19.6 x47xl00. No. 367 Tompkins avenue, for C. Jackaon, for $7,500.

W. F. Corwith has sold, for Amerlcus Van Arsdale, the three-story brick dwelling. No. 633 Lorimer street, tor $6,300, to Edward J. Furdy.

Out Among the Builders. Lester ;J, Wailack intecds to erect an additional five stories above the

entrance to his theatre on the east side of Broadway, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets, covering a frontage of 50 feet. I t has not yet been decided whether tbe addition shall form an extension to the south­ern part ot the Grand Hotel, or whether it will be used for offlce purposes. The cost of the improvement will be from $30,000 to $35,000. The plana are being prepared by W. Holman Smith,

John C. Hcch will shortly commence the erection of a flve-story brick and stone tenement, 35x80, on the east side of South Fifth avenue (No, 133), between Spring and Prince streets; architect, John Forster,

Henry A, Dingee Intends to build a six-story brick and stone trimmed factory, 60x195, on the north side of Cherry atreet, running through to Monroe, commencing 175 feet west of Corlears street. The building will have a frontage of 50 feet on Cherry and 50 feet on Monroe street. All the windows wili have a front light. The owner estimates an expenditure of $25,000 on tbis improvement. The architect will probably be Edward Waring.

Geo. W. Da Cunha has plana for the three five-story tenements to be erected at Nos, 508, 510 and 512 Tenth avenue, for M, P, Nlebiibr, as reported In this paper on October 13 last,

Patrick, not Peter, McManus will build three flats on tbe southwest cor­ner ot Avenue A and Fifty-eighth street, as mentioned in our last.

R, H, Cudlipp intauds to erect six four-story brown stoae flats, each 20.l0 x52, on the northeast corner of Eighth avenue and One Hundred aud Forty-seventh street. There wiil be one family on each floor, the corner honse having a store on the flrst fioor; they will all front on the avenue. Architect, Geo. B. Pelbam; estimated cost about $60,000,

Carl Pfeiffer has the plans for a summer villa In the old English style, size about 40x40, to be erected at Narragansett Bay, uear Providence, R, I., for W. Campbell, a t a cost of $10,000.

Maximilian Fleischmann will shortly commence the erection of a four­story and basement brick and stone structure, on the southeast corner of Washington and Perry streets. The building will he used for offices and as a business house by the owner. Architect, Theodore Stein; cost about $35,000.

Tbree three-story and basement brick and stone private dwellings will shortly be erected on the east side of St. Nicholas avenue, between One Hundred and Forty-ninth and One Hundred and Fiftieth streets, to cost about $30,000, The architect, Carl Pfeiffer, is drawing the preliminary designs.

William Hall Sc Rons, sash makers, who have just filed plans for a three­story brick factory, on the south side of Ono Hundred and Sixth street, 450 feet east of First avenue, 104x100, also intend building boiler, shaving and drying rooms on the north side of One Hundred and Fifth street, 450 feet east of First avenne. Arcbitect, B. Walther.

Richard Deevea will erect three four-story and basement brick and stone private dwellings on the north side of Eighty-second street, 175 feet east of Ninth avenue, two 16,10x50 each, and one 16.4x50, and not two 35-foot houses as previously reported, and for which plans were filed. The cost of the three bouses will be about $48,000. Architects, D. & J. Jardine.

J , H. Valentine bas the plans on the boards tor a five-story brick and brown 8(one double improved flat, 25x60, to be erected on the north side

ot One Hundred and Twentieth street, betweeu Second and Third avenues, for P, J. Owens, at a cost of about 218,000.

Henry Waters proposes to improve Hoa, 198 to 2003^ Bowery, and will probably expend thereon some $30,000 to $40,000.

Arnheim, the tailor, will, on January 15 next, commence extensive alterations aad additions to his establishment at Nos. 190, 192 aad 191 Bowery, to cost about $10,000. Architect, J. B, Franklin.

The plans for Klralfy's Theatre, oa the west side of Fourth avenue, betweea Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, are progressing rapidly. The building will be three stories high aud 78,10x180 feet in dimensions. The stage, i t is Etatud, will be the largest In the United States. The building will contain an elevator; the material for the front, the design of which is ornamental, is not yet determined. Messrs, Kiralfy Brothers anticipate ao expenditure of $150,000 on the new theatre, where they will continue to produce their great spectacles on a larger plan than ' ' Excelsior." The architects are Messrs, J. B, McElfatrick & Son, of 30 East Fourteenth street.

Geo. Robinson, J r . , has the plans ia band for a two-story brick and atoae structure, 50x80, to be erected ou the north side of One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenuea. The first story will contain stores, while that above will be used as a dancing academy by Mr, Brady, who has leased it for a number of years. The owner, John Harney, will spend about $12,000 on this improvement. The same arcbitect has the plans for a four-atory brick and brown stone livery stable, 44x65, to be built on Weat Eleveiith street, 23 feet east of Washington street. There will be stores oa the first fioor. Owaer, Joha B. Caden; cost, about $10,000.

S. Haberman will shortly improve the plot 100.11x180, on the southeast corner of Fourth avenue and One Hundred and Second street, though he has not yet decided as to the character of the improvement.

John Brandt has the plans under way for a flve-story brick, stoue and terra cotta tenement, 25x70, to ba erected on the north side ot i SIxty-niath atreet, 200 feet east of Second aveaue; ownor, Mary McManus; cost, about $18,000.

The Beekman estate, it is reported, will erect a large cigar factory on Second avenue, between SixDy-fourth and Sixty-fifth streets,

A plot of ground owned by Anthony Smyth on the north side ot One Hundred aud Twenty-sixth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, will be improved, probably by the erection of four three-atory and base­ment private dwellings. The sketches are being drawn by Cleverdon Se Putzel.

It Is understood tbat the ^buildings recently destroyad by fire, on the northwest corner of Ann street and Theatre alley, are to be re-erected either by the owner, R, H, Goff, President of the Knickerbocker Ice Co., or tbe insurance company with whom tbe buildings were insured.

Henry J. Barrett intends to Improve the building on the southwest cor­ner of the Bowery and Prince street.

Brooklyn. Th, Engelhardt has tbe plans for four tbree-story frame tenements, eoch

35x50, to be erected on tbe south side of Park street (Nos. 16 to 33), 150 feet east of Broadway, for George Straub, a t a cost of $4,000 each ; also, for Lonis Stutz, three three-story frame tenements, each 25x55, to be erected at Nos. 15 to 19 Ellery street, north side, 135 feet east of Broadway—cost, $4,200 each; also, for Jacob Schwille, a three-story brick dwelling, 35x43, with a two-atory brick stable In rear, 35x16, to be erected on Myrtle avenue, near Magnolia street, the cost of which will be $7,500; a two-and-one-balf-story frame dwelliug, 35x50, with extension, 25x18, to be erected on the southeast corner of Patchen avenue and Decatur street, a t a cost of $4,000—owuer, George Hochspring, The same arcbitect also has plana for flfteen two-story frame (brick basement) dwellings, each 18.6x45, to be erected ou the south side of Heyward street, 100 feet weat of Marcy avenue, for Henry Grassman, at a cost of $4,000 each.

Amzi Hill is preparing plans for a four-story brick flat, 25x65, projected front, with all modern improvements, to be erected on the northeast corner of Washington and Gates avenues, for David H. Fowler.

Contractors' Notes. Bids will be received by Commissioners of the Health Department, a t

301 Mott street, until December ISth, a t 2.30 o'clock, for the erection of an administration building ou Nortb Brothers Island, this city.

Sealed proposals for furnishing the material and labor, and doing the work required for constructing a house for the Fire Department, to be erected on Riverdale avenue, for Engine Company No. 53, will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Fire Department, a t Nos. 155 and 157 Mercer street, until 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, December 18,

Special Notices. Geo. E. Christman haa lately completed the five-atory fiat No, 80 Morton

street, 25x80, which contains the latest improvements. The building was done by day's work, and is in one of the best blocks iu thewsrd. I t Is now ofi'ered for sale by Mr. Ohristman, who is willing to dispose of it a t a reasonabk" figure. The owner can be addressed at No, 66 First street. Mr. Christman, it may be added, gives estimates for all kinda ot carpentry work,

A. W, Budlong has two desirable lots (leasehold) to dispose of on the south side of Twenty-third street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. I t win be remembered that the Fowler Manufacturing Company, manu­facturers of spring beds, are erecting a six-story factory on this block, 40x 90. These lots would be valuable aa a site for a factory or other building, and are located within a stone's throw of the elevated road. Persons desir­ous of learning the price and other particulars ot the lots should addresa Mr. Budlong at the corner of Eleventh avenue and Twenty-second street.

The Union Fire Proof Company are furnishing all the flre proof material for the apartment house erecting for Mr. C. L. Tiffany on the northwwl corner of Madison avenue and Seventy-second street.

Ceoember 8, 1888 The Record and Guide. 977'

BOILDING HATEKIAL BIARKET. BRICKS. —No very radical changes have taken place

on tbe marltet for Common Hards durlog the week under review, and we bave really little of nositive In. terest to advise. A pret ty steady outlet has been offered tor all first-class stock, and tbe poorer assort­ments (IraKBed with the tone on values correspond iug therewith, but neither buyer or seller securing any­thing in tbe way of a permanent advantage. At one time appearances favored the belief the best stock was about in shape to work up a fraction, but the Biightiy i-harper character of the demaud was in a great measure neutralized tiy an addition to the offar-lag. aofl It was only on exi^eptional cargoes tha t higher bids could be obtained. Receivers, hoivever, seem to tblnli Ihat th's marki^t is now shaping up in better form, and <hat the sealing interest cannot lose much ground for the balance of the season, so far as flrst-class desirable stock is concerned. Buyers, bow-ever, are particular over quality, and wben tbey con­sent to handle anything ac all "off" they will ejtpeet greater allowances than when tbe extreme hurry of Business made tbem blind to minor faults. Dealers are now fairly stocked, and manv of the J ibs with facilities for piling have accumulated considerable stock against early consumptive ability. On quota­tions thn figures may be placed for a general range at about Si..'jfl®l).35 for Jersey ; S5 [email protected] for " U p Rivers," and $7.00(gi7 75 for Haverstraws, witb now and then s"methii!e a little extra on the several grades doing a trifle better. Paies have a slightly improved market . Common and inferior stock would do no better than last week, and JJ.Otl for M continues to represent tbe selling basis, but the aupply seems to have been r ushed out o( the way, mostly ID the direc­tion of Brooklyn, it is said, and this with the light offering of good lots selling readily a t 34.00, and the Indication tbat 25c more would be paid for floe in­duces a more cheerful tone. Fronts firm, and selling well for tbe season.

CEMENT.—Domestic remains steady and fairly ac­tive a t former rates, with the tone, if anything, a trifle better, as wi b this week the production is virtually suspended for the season. Foreign la not active, but a little better demand bas a t times developed, and this, ID conjunction wirh only fair arrivals aud a com­paratively moderate accumulation, induces a feeling of greater confidence among holders,

LATH.—Receivers appear to have slightly over­estimated their ability to "ho ld the ^market," and were compelled to submit to another shading of some GOc. per M. Demaud was fair, indeed a t times quite a number of buyers could be found more or lesa disposed to operate, but they were quick enough to discover the advautage of holding off ID the face OC the full dally arrivals until the accumulation In flrst bands became toppy and the break followed. At 83,00, how­ever, tbe demond revived somewhat again, and wltb the exceptioQ of some rejected lots we do not liear that tbe above rate was shaded. Considerable com-plaict is made over tbe quality of tbe receipts from all points, and some lots are said to bear all tbe evi dences of having been rushed througb the mills,with no otlier idea than to make quantity. New York la a pret ty fair piace to sell almost anything, but buyers know good t rom bad q u a l l ^ and expect to have proper allowances made in fixing price. The amounts now due from the provinces a re small, but receivers are " doubtful" ahout the shipments from Maine,

UME,—The cost of stock has not changed, and the market remains about where it stood for many weeks past. A little more Istock came to hand, but buyers were Found waiting tor it, and supplies a re uow all cleaned out from flrst hands.

LUMBER.—Business moves along in a slow and dreary sort of way in a great many cases, witb nat­urally more or less gi-umbling, bnt aome dealers Bud grains of comfort and seem to think tbat the situa­tion Is fully in accord witb general trade. At this season of the year, operations become more con­tracted almost as a mat te r of course, in a wholesale way, because primary sources either grow difficult and costly to reach or are shut off altogether, while Uie distribution shrinks as contracts are completed, and consumers dfsire to handle as little as possible until after the holidays. I t i s , therefore, very natural tha t the prospects are not regarded as favorable for any early change for the better, and indeed, if it holds its own for two or three weeks it wiil do well. Quite a fair amount ia sold for esport either from stocks of wbite pine or on t, o, b, orders for yellow pine a t the Bouth, and old rates a re very well maintained. Among the yards, t rade is irregular, some doing al­most nothing, and oibeis quite fairly active, but just now this is to a considerable exrent a mat te r of loca­tion or of a carefully ga iher id stock admitting of a food general selection witliout much trouble to the

uver. Nolhing from interior points has any special influence here at tUe moment, ttiougb the Trade appear to think tbe ebowlugs are not of an unCavorabie character.

Eastern Spruce bas been disposed of as it came to hand and in much tbe same manner as during the entire season, Anytbieg positively attractive sucb as the regular local dealers could put awav Cor stand­ard stock was quite sure to obtain fair attention and draw at least a reasonable bid to commence negotia­tions, with buyers occasionally creeping up a fraction rather than lose their opportunity i f secnring a use­ful cargo. On the other hand faulty offerings were not wanted a t all, and were takeo so much ES an ac­commodation that the buyer generally could name a price anywhere within reason and be met. Produc­tion is now of course much curtailed with no induce­ment to hurry work. Quotat ionsare placed at$13.00

t ©10,00 per H, but extra diflicult would do better, and Indeed agents look for some httle advance a t an early date.

White Pine has very httle home demand at present except of a jobbing sort ot character, and tbis is filled at irregular rates, according to size of invoice, the selection made, etc. Dealers are not among the cus­tomers, as even those who bought lightly in tlie in­terior have not os yet disturbed their stocks sufflcient-ty to require additions. The export trade, bowevpr, ll dninfr fairly in filling orders from r e i o U r sources for both] South American and West India shipment and obtaining full rates. Some arrivals have taken

E lace butf moat of the stock espected is now ot and. Wequote $18 50@ao for Weat India shipping

boards. 82 ©30 for South American do. ; JlBignH for bozboards . andSI8 5U®iyfor e x t r a d o .

Veil iw Pine can still be reached to the full extent ot the demand, and apparently always a little over, y « t t b « r a i s n o d a c l d a d e f t o r t made to reahze beyond

the natural wants of the market, and matters are kept under reasonably fair control. Some of th© agents complaints of more or leis erratic action a m o n i munufacturers which results lo tbe advantage of sharp buyers who are on the watch for all chances, but the tendency to unprofitable competition is gener­ally disappearing as the weak operators s 'ep down and out. w e do uot hear of many really new calU on local account, bnt for e i p o r t from primary sources salpsare not uncomraoa. A Fcarcity of water con­tinues a t the South, but its influence is overrated. We quote as follows: Randoms, 8^0333 per M: Specials, SJI®3ado,; Green Flooring Boards, $il@25; Dry do., do,, Si35@aii; Step Plank, $30@35 do : Car­goes f. o. b. a t Atlantic ports, JH'Sni for rough, andSlBiglil for dresaed. Cargoes f. o. b. a t Gulf ports Sl3(a)l5 for rough, and $lti(giao for dressed.

Hardwoods are " witbout change " again according to most reports, and we find littleoflntereHt to advise Manufacturers of fo-nilure. etc.. are curtailing pro­duction somewhat, and tbis tendsto lessen tbe voluine of demand, but still, all things considered, the re i s a fair outlft for choice lots for walnut, ash, poplar, ciierry and oak with quarterrd lots of the latter espec­ially ia favor. All arrivals of medium or commou, however, go begging and bavo no regular value. We quote a t wholesale rates by car-load about as fol­lows: Walnut, $65@1I0 per M; ash, $35® 40 do.; oak. 830@55 do.; maple, S^aaa.&Odo.; chestnut, $:i5© W de. ; clierry, J40@T5 do,; whitewood J^and ^ inch, iS'̂ SgaO do, do,, and do, inch, 8aS®3B; hickory, $-15 ©55 do.

Recent freight engagements show : From St. John, N. B., to Europe, deals at (JOs.aG^s. per standard; fr.mi New ifork to West Indies, iEti@15 per M steam, and S4 Gi),®5,75 sail; to Central and South America. $7.50 (310 do.; to New York from Provinces, $3.i0©3.r0; (rom Maine, 8^[email protected], aad from the South, 85,75® aoa®9.0OperM.

The exports of lumber from tbe port of Now York dtiriDg the month of November last, and since January 1, were as follows:

Feet . To West Indiea 2,495,000 To South America 3,853,000 T o E a s t Indies i,lH,0Oi; To Europe 138,000

Total feet 6,589,000 Previously reported tbis year 57,813,000

Totalsince Jan, 1. 1BS3. feet 64,411,000 Total, same time 1883. feet. 61,000,000


Tbe foUovring Is the Argus' report of the Albany lumber m a r k e t :

[ F O R T B B WBBK BNDINO DEC, 4, ISSS.] A large amount of lumber left the district during

the week, principally o( previous sales, though there have been some buyers In the district looking after kinds of stock of which they were short. The Super-luteudeotof Canals has kindly left this level open t h i t boats arriving late might discbarge, and to ena­ble those loading in the canal to complete their car­goes before locking out into the river. Ail vessels a re now loading outside, but tbe number is few, and tbe thickness of the ice induces tbem to complete their cargoes and get away as soon as possible. Probably the sblpmeuts hereafter will be amall, tbougb a change of weather may enable more to load. Tbe dealers are all prepared for tbe rail trade, which last year waa consiaerable, and promises lo increase here­after. Pine is in good stock and assortment on the Sards, and much of it is well seasoned, and p r i e s

ave not as yet advanced, though flrmly hei i. Should the cut of logs be diminished, as tbe manufacturers have determined, the prices next year promise an ad­vance oa those that bave ruled this season. There is a fair, but not large, stock of Spruce and Hemlock on the yards. If necessary to supply tbe winter demand, it can, to some extent, be replenished by rail. Shing­les are in fair supply and are going off steadily. Lath come in by rail, and the manufacturers will keep a sufficient quantity ou hand to supply tbe demand.

The receipts of lumber a t tide wal*r, during the week and from the opening of navigation, to and in­cluding tbe 30(.h day of November, 1833, are as fol­lows:

For the week. Since May 7. Albany 22,393,000 ft, 481,589,000 ft. W e s t T r o v 7,536.000ft, 314,9 i7,000 fL Waterford 6,883,000 ft. 131,17:i,000 ft.

Totals 38,711.000 ft. 607,668.000 ft.



Nearly ali the mills on the river have closed down, and worK along the docks is almost suspendpd. Bird-sell & Barker's mill and a few o hers are still slashing away, night and day, and will continue to do so as long as the weather will permit, Thomaa H. McGraw, whose logs are being cul a t Birdsell & Barker's, is still considerHbly behind on his contracts for lumber aold, and hence hisdesire to fill all his orders will pre­vent the s opping of (he big mill aolODg as the logs can be moved in the booms. The wf-sthrr is cold, anrt there is some ice ia the river. Navigation i? closed for the season, so far as any departures a re concerned, although the C. H. Green and low a n d a ffwother ves-sHs are still expected to arrive here and go into winter quarters. ,

Tbe manufacturers on the river wltb whom we nave conversed take a very hopeful view of the future, and insi-t tha t the reports from every direction of tbe ex­cellent demand for lumber, wbich coorinues unabated, givc-s a very assuring idea of what may be anticipated. I t is thouKbt that, notwithstanding the large amount of unsold lumber on the docks, it will all be called for previous to tbe commencement of operations by the mills next season.

If meru assertion ii to be relied oo, there will cer­tainly be a con' 'ide'able reductlonin the output of logs during the logging season upon which we are just en­tering ; but the G'iie((e desists from expressing any very decided conviction in that direction a t the presen' moment. We have heard of a fow unlmportHnt sales during the past week, a t tbe published quotalions. There appears to be little inclioation to ask any con-cPE-ion as to prices, and no disposition to grant any if

Tb» present business of the lumbermen on tbe Sag­inaw Elver appears to be making preparations for next year ' s operations.

METALS.—COPPER—Ingot has continued to shovr a generally dull and uDevenlful market, the business keeping mostly wiihin tbe limits of the immediate and positive wants of buyers. Offerings bave proven ample for all calls and rates ensy, the latter failing to stimulate demand, "We quote a t 15c. for Lake down to He. fur the less attractive branc's. Manufactured copper in a general way appears dull, but still there IS quite a, fair amount moving into cousompt-ion, and values are steadily held. We quote as follows: Brazier's Copper, ordinary size over 16 oz, per sq, foot, ^Bc, per ISi.; do do. do., 10 03. and over \2 OK. per sq. foot, ^8.;, por lb , ; do, do . , lUand 12 oa. per sq, foot, 3Uc, per lb.; do. do., lighter than 10 oa. per sq. foot, 33c. per lb.; circles less than 84 inches in diameter. ;i8c. per lb,: do 84 luches in Qiameter and over, 3Ic. per lb.; segment and pattern sheets, ^(ic, per lb.; locomotive &re box sheets, asc, per lb,; Sheathing Copner, over 13 oz per square foot, *Jc, per lb., and Bolt Copper, 36c. per lb. IKON—Scotch Pig very dull all around, and tbe marke t a t times somewhat siupM As aru lu , buyers appear unwillin . to handle anything beyond the limits of lhe most clearly defined iiecessily, aud havB advantage enough to compel importers to accept an easy basis of valuation, arr ivals , however, a re small, und the market not over^tolike(i. We quote a t 8Ju.OU@a;i.lJ0 per M, according to brand, etc. Ameri­can pig bas beeu mora active in boili foundry aad mill grades, some of the leadiug companies securing several very good-sizsd co.itracts. I t is, however, bOmcwhat uuoertain about the continuation oj; the demand, and the infiuence of the uiovcmeut lias uot yet proven sufUcient to stimulate values, about all the business taking p b c e on a bnsiaof former valu­ations. Su pliea plenty enoii|;h for tho cafi. Wequote 8iO.£0®dl.i 0 par ti-n for No. 1 X foundry, J61S.JUii(,au,0U for No. 2 X do. do,, and $ir,;:0(ait).60 for gray forge. Uaile have continued in goou demand, and further considerable contracts wero closed by botb tho East­ern and Wesiern milla. Thero is, however, more or less uncertainty. The quotation named is $J5,0ii per ton, but ruiuor, and a gii 'at deal of it, insists tha t con­tracts havo bei^n made a t 81U."AO per ton less. Old rails, sciap. etc., lound only a moderately active sale, and wbilo sho\viug no very decided change the general run of values was in buyers ' favor. We quote a t S'.'IS^-J 6U for tee rails, 8.i5,5i'®-^(1,00 for double heads, iy3.W®'ii.5U tor No. 1 wrought scrap ex ship, $24.liU@u'4.50 forselecteddo,, [email protected] tor old car wheels, and 8"J ,̂00@s:j for crop ends. Manufactured Iron on the ordinary store trade has beon dull and more or less unsettloil in value, but contracts for special shapes and sizes aro obtained to quite a fair extent and a t comparatively steady range of values. Tho accumulation in stock fair and pretty well assorted. We quote Common Jlerchant Bur, ordinary sizes, a t [email protected]. from slore, and Refined a t a,4®4c,; wrought beams a t [email protected]. Fish Plates uuoted a t 3.0 ®3,lc, ; track boit and nuts, d^Si3%c.; railway splkoa 3@3)^c.; tank, 3(i(,3!^c,; angle, 2.5i.a,Tc,: best flange 4J4®4i^c .and domestic sbeeton tbe basis ot 3fl^@3Jsu. for comnnon Nos, l u a i e . Other descriptions a t corresponding prices, witb 1-lOe. less on large lots from cars. LEAD—Domestic Pig haa been very dull on all outlets and buyers could rarely be induced to handle anything beyond ibe amount for which they had early and positive use. Supplies openly offered with some care, but plenty to bo found wben cafied for. We quote at about 'l^Qi^.J^o, per lb„ aecordmg to brand ana the size of invoice handled The manu­factures of lead are steady and quoted: Bar, 6o.; Pipe, 69^c.: and Sheet. 7!^c., less the usual discount to the t rade ; and Tin-lined pipe, ISc; block tiu Pipe, 45c.. on same terms. TiN—Pig for actual consumption is not much wanted aud oniy small sales take place. Buyers appear afraid of spec­ulative manipulation and will take nothiog except on the spur of most imperative necessity. Valuaiioni a re to some extent nominal for all grades. We quote a t ia@i9Wfor Straits and Australian, 19i^@lH-)4 for English, and 30!^ K^'M for Banca, Tin plates secure an ordinary t rade demand and occasioDally tho orders rua a Irille full. There is nothing in the movement, however, calculated lo give holders much, if any, advantage, aud values are only bare ly supported along the entire line. We quote I, C. Charcoal, third cross assortment, 85.50@ 5 60 for Allaway grade, and $6,y5(g,6,37H foe Melyn grade; for each additional X add 81-36 and 8).50 respectively; I, C, Coke, [email protected] for B. V, grade; [email protected];j^ for Derwent and A . B . grade; Charcoal terne. $5,(,U®i 35 tor Allaway and Dean graaes, 14x SO; 8i0.5U@h>,75 tor do. 30x^^8; Coke terne, 84.70® 4.75 for (ilais grade 14x30, and 8y-75(a9.a7 for do. 20X-38—all in round lots. Spelter Las secured a light t rade inquiry, but beyond this business lemained a t an almost complete stand still and tbe market pre­sented few features of positive interest. We quote a t 456lEl5}^ for domestic and foreign as to brand, quan­tity, I tc . Sh>-et Ziuc going out slowly and silll valued a t about 6!^©7J^c,, according to amount handled, etc,

NAILS.—Trade Is dull and likely to continue so for some little t ime to come. A few exporters are calling for stock to flll their orders, and there is, ot course, more or less wanted on home account, but no anima­tion to the demand, and tbe supplies fully balance all outlets, Value.4 about as beforo OD most sizes when handled in small quantity, but on large invoices con­cessions would be allowed to a tdir extent.

We quote IOd to 60d, common fence and sheath­ing, per keg, gS.SOgi'J.SS; 3d and 9d, common do., per keg, 8-^.35; 6d end 7d, commou do,, per keg, | l 5 0 ; 4d and 5d, comnion do,, per keg, 83,85; 3d, per keg, 54.B5: 3d, flne, per keg, 85.35; 2d, per keg, J4,70. Cut spikes, all sizes, ^S.St; floor, caciogaud box, $3.8S @4,liU; finishing, $4.10®4.aa.

Cliach Nails.—11^ incli, 85.30; 1^ Inch, $^.95; S inch, $5,10; 3}6t83Ji inch, 84 d5; 3 inch and longer, 84,90.

PAINTS, OILS. ETC.—A spasmodic sort of demand prevails, and it does not reach volume enough to have any great influence upon tha market . Dealers, how­ever, consider t 'le situation as seasonable, ond the.y are prepared to accept a light trade for some weeks, Ooods are held at former rates, and the tune about stpady. Linseed oil bas been moderately steady a t 56(gj57 for d"niesiic, and 5f®70 for f ' le ign. Spirits Turpentine has fur th t r declined. ' ut closes wltti greater firmness at 3C®33c., according to quantity, de.lvery, etc,

PITCH AND TAR,—The marltet pret ty dull all around, and beyoud a fairly steady tone on values there Is not much to note. We quote pitch 83.35(32,30 per bbl., and tar 82.50^3.00 do,, according to quantity, quality and delivery.


YcL. XXXII. NEW TOEK, DECEMBER 8, 1883- No. 821;





S A L E S O P T H E W E E K .

The following are the sales a t the Exchange Sales room for the week ending December 7:

• Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiff's account:


Cherrys t , Nos, 3a0and333, n s, 93 e Chnton st, 46.6x100x46,6x99.6, two-story brick stoble. A. Kantrowitz. (Rent 8700), , . . . . . $7,800

Division st, No. 81, s s, 311.3 e Market st, 35x50, three-Story frame dwell'g and store, with one-story frame extension. J, D. Wen-

a r a n d st.Nos^Vo'a'i^V'loi 404^^ and 406, antj Nos. 150-163 Clinton st, n w cor Clmton st, 60x83,6, several frame and brick dwell 'gs. M J, Adrian for John L. Cadwalader 47,01.0

Qreen-wieh st, No. 766, w s, 44,4 s B a n t st, SOx irreg, three-story brick dwell'g, W. J, Had-

Madison sV, NoVsiJi, n e cor Gouverneur st, 30,9 x74x3[i.11x73,11, three-story brick dweUg and store'.wich one-story brick extension. Jobn Overbeck ^ „ ,

Norfolk st. No, 114, e s, 78.4 n Rivineton st, 3iJ i77,10, two-story frame (.brick front) build­ing. A. Siegel

Blst St. n s . 375 w 4th av, 51xl0(l.s. onp-story frame bouse. N. H. Smitli, (Subject to

• ~ 13 years taxes and dower rights) -• 4,0"0 Termillyea av, s s, 300 e Dyckman st, 50x150.

W 8 Davidson. (Sold Nov. 1873 tor $1,350; amount due, abt 8735) -,-;••„•„•;••• ™

10th av. No. 273, s w cor aOth st, 34 8x73, four-story brick house, John Cosgrove ie,uuu


114th st, No. 436. s S, 103 w Av A. 25x100.10 four-story brick (stone front) d n e l l g . and two-story brick dwell'g on rear. Cath­arine] AT Atwood. (Sold July 31, 188a, for K11.60O.) (Amount due. abt 84,800; prior mort, , $7,500.) 0-907

noma UBBIER,

Thames st, No. 23, SB, 14.3xabt 51.8xl6,4x'

Thames st," N o i n ' s 's,' 'i9.1x64'.8x:'7.4x54.8, six-story brick store and tenement. Richard Williamson. (Amount due, ab t S19 550) -' • • • . . . . . . . , . - • - . - • -

ia4th st, No.' 330^" s s, abt 208.4 w 7tb av, 16 8s 100.11, three-story stone front dwell g. Tbeo .W. Harris ll,UUU


7tb av, n w cor 140th st, 99.11x100,.... 140tb st, n 6,100 w7th av, 100x99,11.,.

Vacant, J. C, Brice

n. u, saAMAK. ISOtb st, Nos. ie5 and 137, n u, 400 w Tth av. 50x

99 11, two fonr-story brick (stone tront) dwell'gs. Wm, H. Nathan. (Amountdue, abt $8,750; prior morts . of $15,0OJ on eacb house) ^^•°-''-


33d St, No. 240, s s, 334.10 e 8tb av, 20 1x78,10, tbree-story brick dweil'g. John McNally, 9,550

Total $2aa,50B Corresponding week 1883, $349,676

: . . . }



BSOOKLTH. W. Y. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T, A. Kerrigan,

J . Cole, Cole & Murpby and J . G. Eadie have made thefollowing sales for the week ending December 7: Boerum st, s e s , 201.8 n e Livingstonst, 39x91.2

3:33,8x irreg. James B. Dnryea $18,400 Gold Bt, No. 387, e s, 155 n WiUougbby st, 20x

85 two story frame dwell'g with exten­sion. WUliam O'NeiU 3,500

Henry st, n w cor Grange st, 55.0x74.6. Sarah Field -. •• 19'"™

*Kosclusko Bt, n s, 144 e Stuyvesa'it av, 19x100. Kobert S. Heyward 600

Sandford St. e s, 143.5 s Flushing av, runs south 17.5 X southeast 211,0 to Mostrandav, sa3,I X nortiiwest 118.1 x south 16.5 x northwest 101,3 to beginning. Sub. to 3 morts •-- SI'S

Steuben st, w s, 83 n De Kalb av, 25x100, vacant, Mary A. McCormack 850

*Flushing av, a s, 75 e Grand av, 25x90.6. Christiana F . Wallace - 3.350

Total 843,375

» • « . * - » .



Hudson st. No. aa, w s, 34x105, three-story brick dweU'g. Andrew Kollmann 87,000

Hudson st. No. 176 s w cor Sth st, 25x100, tbree-story brick dwell'g. Fred. Schultz 19,950



K O V E M B E R 30, D E C E M B E R 1, 3, i , 5, 6. AUen s t , No . IOi, e s, 129.5 s De lancey st, 24.8x

87.6, fivestory b r i c k s to re a n d t e n e m ' t . R a c b e l K r o o k s , w i d o w , t o George Muller . Mor t . $10,000. Dec. 5. $82,500

B r i d g e s t , No . S3, n a, 136.4 e W h i t e b a l l s t , ' r u n s n o r t h 40,4 x eas t 0,10 x n o r t b 4.3 x east 23.5 x soutl i 48,6 t o B r i d g e s t , x wes t 30,9.

S o u t h W i l l i a m s t . No, 15, a n d No, 53 S tone st, be ing on P e a r l s t 16.4x81.2 t o S t o n e st, x31x79,0.

D o v e r s t , No . 4, w s, 131,9 n W a t e r st, r u n s w e s t 29.2 X n o r t l , 2,4 x w e s t 33.3 x n o r t h 1,8 X w e s t 1 X n o r t b 14 x eas t 5iJ,4 to Dover st, x s o u t h 19.

C h a m b e r s st, No . 152, s s, 26x75. G r a n d st . Wo, 79, s s, S4 e W o o s t e r st, 22x96. l l t h st . No . 933, s s, 215 w 3d av , 16.8x^9.7. 38th st . Ho . 148, s s, 180 e L e x i n g t o n a v , 20x

93,9. L e x i n g t o n av . No . 350, w s, 24.4 s 35tb s t ,

23,10x60.1x23.10x59.3. Also v a r i o u s p lo ts in Brook lyn . J

J o h n ' O ' C o n n o r , N e w a r k , N, J . , t o F r e d ­e r ic B,. a n d Cbar l e s Couder t , j o in t t e n a n t s . A u g . 14. n o m

B r o a d w a y , No, 213, n e co r F u i t o n st, 29.6x 76.(S, s ix - s to ry b r i c k s tore a n d offlce bu i ld ­i n g J u l i a C. Reubel l , Pa r i s , F r a n c e , t o E d ­w a r d M. K n o x . 8-1.610 p a r t s , Nov . 6, n o m

Bou leva rd , s e cor 105th s t , 52.3x106.7x50.5x120, v a c a n t , M a r y A, P , Drape r , w i d o w , t o E i c b -a r d S u y d a m G r a n t . Dec. 5, 7.000

Beach st, No . 53, n w co r Collister st, 25x99.9, t h r ee - s to ry b r ick dweU'g. De L a n c e y F . J o n e s , Sou th O y s t e r B a y , L, L , E d w a r d F . Jones , S a r a h F . J o n e s a n d Joseph ine K, wife of J o h n D . J o u e s to Joseph Nay lo r , 4-5 p a r t s , Oct, 22, 14,400

Bame p r o p e r t y . E d w a r d F . a u d R. H . Jones , ex r . C, F , Jones a n d Isabel la M, F , Jones , w idow, t o same . 1-5 pai ' t . Nov, 27, 3,600

Bleecker st . No . 159, n s, 50 w Thompson s t , 39x100, also p lo t ad j on w e s t a n d 75 u of Bleecker st, 31x25, five-story b r ick s tore ttnd t enem ' t . M a r i a Vin ton , S o u t h i n g t o n , Conn, , w i d o w , o n l y be i r of 0 , S u m n e r , dec 'd , a n d M i r a n d a C. Vin ton , e x t r x , P, S, V i n t o n , dec 'd , a n d Joseph V i n t o n , S o u t h i n g t o n , Conn, , a n d F r e d e r i c k D, O w e n , e x r . G. Owen, a n d M a r t h a B. Owen, e x t r x , D. K. Owen, t o A m o s R, E n o . Nov, 15, n o m

B o w e r y , Nos. 198, 200 and 2()0>^, w s, 84,8 n S p r i n g s t , 50x100, t b r e e thi-ee-story b r i c k s tores and dwell 'gs , F r e d e r i c k A, , Wi l l i am S, a n d J a m e s H . R idabock , C a t h a r i n e L, Schmelzel , w i d o w , a n d F r e d e r i c k R . R y e r , heii-3 of F r e d e r i c k R idabock , t o H e n r y W a t e r s , Nov. 23. 73,500

B o w e r y , Nos, 199-205 a n d Nos, 167-175 Chris t ie st, 100x267.5x100x359,2, inclusive. Th reo - s to ry b r ick a n d t w o tb ree - s to ry f r a m e dwel l 'gs a n d t h e a t r e on B o w e r y a n d four t w o - s t o r y a n d tb ree - s to ry b r i c k t e n e m ' t s a n d w o r k shops on Chrys t i e st, M a r y T, a u d E l i z a b e t b V. Cockrof t t o H e n r y C. Miner . C. a. G. 1-5 p a r t , Oct. 1. 34,00li

S a m e p r o p e r t y . E m i l y L. A n d r e w s or E m i l y L, H o r n t o H e n r y C. Miner . Re lease dower , Oct . 1. n o m

B o w e r y , No . 230, s w cor P r i n c e st . 25xl00x46x 103.3, two-s to ry b r i c k s to re a n d dwe l l ' g a n d t w o th ree - s to ry b r ick s tores a n d dwel l 'gs on P r i n c e st, R o b e r t I r w i n t o H e u r j J , B a r r e t t , N o v . SO. 70,000

B o w e r y , w s, 25 s P r i n c e at, SxlOOx— t o begin­n ing , go re . R o b e r t I r w i n t o H e n r y J , B a r ­re t t . Q, C, AU ti t le , Nov , 30, n o m

Broome st. No, 400, 25x106x25x112.3, two-s to ry b r ick score a n d dwel l 'g , J o h n Ca l l ahan t o .Tasper Cai rns . N o v . 3(1. 18,500

B r o o m e st, No. 483, s e co r W o o s t e r at, 25x99,7, s ix -s tory b r i c k s tore . M a y e r a n d S i m o n S t e r n b e r g e r t o J o h n W e b e r . N o v . 19. 37,840

B r o o m e st. No, 481, s s, 175 w Greene st, SSx S9.7, ttiree-story b r i c k s to re a n d dwel l 'g a n d one - s to ry f r a m e s tab le a n d t w o - s t o r y b r i c k f r o n t dwel l 'g on W o o s t e r s t . J o h n W e b e r t o George E h r e t . Dec, 8. 37,840

C a n a l st, No, 266, s s, a b t 53,2 e C o r t l a n d t a l ley , 21,9x93.9x24,11x06.5, s ix -s tory b r ick s tore . George L. D i c k e r m a n t o C a t h e r i n e H, o r He len J . wife of H e n r y A . D u Bois, N e w H a v e n , Conn. Nov. 17. n o m

S a m e p r o p e r t y . H e n r y A. Dn Bois and C a t b -e r ine H, h is wife , also k n o w n as He len J . , t o George L. D i c k e r m a n , N e w H a v e n , Conn, Nov. 17. nom

C e n t r e s t , No. 116, e s , t h i r d lo t n F r a n k l i n 1 st, 34.10x75x25x75, t h r ee - s to ry t e n e m ' t and a n d tb ree - s to ry t e n e m ' t on r e a r .

C e n t r e st . No . 140, e s, 137.6 s W a l k e r s t , 23.6 x l09x33,0xi06, t h r ee - s to ry b r i c k f a c t o r y a n d five-story f ac to ry on r e a r . G o u v e r n e u r TiUotson, ex r . G, Lor i l l a rd , t o P e t e r Lor i l l a rd . Morts . S15,-W0, Dec. 1. 30,000

C h a r l t o n st . No . 26, s s, 324.5 e V a r i c k st, 35.1 xl00,4 , t w o - s t o r y b r ick dweU'g. J a m e s A. Mead , ;Brook lyn , t o F r a n c e s C. wife of A m o s J . Cummings , a n d said A m o s J , C u m m i n g s ' life es ta te , w i t h revers ion t o s u r v i v i n g gi-antee, Dec. 1. 10,000

Char l ton st . No . 30, s s. 34.3x100, t w o - s t o r y b r i c k dweU'g. J o h n Bodine t o F r a n c e s C. wife of| A m o s J . C u m m i n g s , a n d sa id A m o s

J , C u m m i n g s ' life es ta te , w i t h r eve r s ion t o s u r v i v i n g g r a n t e e . Nov , 30, 12,000

C h e r r y st . No . 21, s s, a t c e n t r e l ine of a l l ey on west , 23,9x109,6x17,6x—, f o u r s t o r y f r a m e (brick front) s to re a n d t e n e m ' t a n d five-sbory b r i c k t e u e m ' t on rea r . Forecloa. F r a n c i s E. P a r k e r to H e n r y L. Y o u n g e t al, , t r u s t e e s H . Y o u n g , dec 'd. J^ p a r t , Nov, 23, S.OOO

C h e r r y st . No, 101, n s , m n s eas t 16,1 x n o r t h 39 3 X w e s t 0 , 9 x n o r t b 33,9x wes t 3.8 x n o r t h 15 4 x w e s t 3 1 x n o r t h 11.3 x w e s t ; i 0 . 9 x s o u t h eO.3 X eas t 0.5 X south 39,2, fonr - s to ry b r i c k s to re a n d t e n e m ' t . J o b n N . H u w e r , Brook­l y n , t o Cbar les M. Anderson , Dec, a. 5,635

C h e r r y st . No . 464-474, n s, 175 w Cor lea rs s t , 200x195 to M o n r o e s t , po r t i on of b r i c k R . R . d e p o t a n d m a r b l e works . M a r y E . wife of Joseph R. Clark , N e w Y o r k , S a r a h E , wi fe of WiUiam M. Pe r r ine , Ph i lade lph ia , P a . , E m i l y , J a s o n H, and H a r r i e t A . She rwood , N e w Y o r k , Danie l S h e r w o o d a n d C h a r l o t t e A . his wife , L y n d h u r s t , N . J , , t o H e n r y A . Dingee , M a t t i t u c k , L, I, Q. C. Nov. 8. a o m

S a m e p r o p e r t y . J a s o n H . Sbe rwood , ex r . N . Sherwood , t o aame. Morta, $51,000. N o ­v e m b e r 80. 116,500

Chrys t i e st . No. 121, w s, 75 s B r o o m e st, 25x100 x35.11x75, flve-story b r ick t e n e m ' t . J o s e p h M. Ohmei s t o R i c h a r d M. J o h n s o n , Brook­lyn . Mort , $13.C00, Dec, 1. 28,000

C h r y s t i e st, N o , 78, e s, 50 n Hes te r st, 35x100, flve-story s tone f ron t s tore a n d t e n e m ' t . WendoUn J . Nauas t o I saac GeUes. Mor t , $6,000, Nov, 30, 28,000

De lancey s t , s a, 25 w Sheriff st, 50x87.6, No . 341 t w o - s t o r y f r a m e s to re a n d a w e l l ' g a n d t h r e e ­s t o r y b r i c k t e n e m ' t 0 ° r e a r ; N o . 243 th ree ­s t o r y f r a m e (brick front) dwel l ' g a n d t h r e e ­s t o r y b r i c k shop on rea r , Moses N . Tobish t o A d o l p b Cohen, C. a. G. H p a r t . Hot m o r t . $10,000. J u l y 2. 7,500

E l d r i d g e st, r i g h t ,to inse r t b e a m s m wal l . Georg B a u s t t o E r n e s t V o n Au, B r o o k l y n . M a y 31, 1883. • „ , S50

Goerck s t . No. 33, e s, 150 n B r o o m e s t , 25x100, tb ree - s to ry b r ick dweU'g a n d two-s to ry f r a m e s tab le on rea r . T h o m a s B r o w n , e x r . I . A b r a m s , t o O w e n McGinnis , Dec. 4. 7,000

Gold s t . No. 1 0 0 , ^ s, 26,8x56,5x26.8x58.3, four-s tory b r i c k TRore. Se l ina B a r t l e t t , w idow, t o Joseph a n d Moses Musl iner a n d

: I sa i ah Fr iesner . Release of dower . Apr , 3. 7,500 Greene st. P a r t y wa l l ag reomet , B e n j a m i n

L. S w a n , J r , , w i t h H e n r y M. B r a d b u r s t . Sept . 39. „ n o m

Greenwich st . No . 474, w s, 68,9 n W a t t st, 18.9 x8U two-s to ry b r ick s tore a n d dwel l g. T h o m a s O'Connor t o Char les J . F a g a n . Nov . 28. 7,300

G r o v e st, No . 28, s s, 253,6 w Bleecker st, 21.6x 100, t b r ee - s to ry b r ick dweU'g. F r e d e r i c k M. F a r r i n g t o n a n d M a r y A . A. bis wi fe t o Char les O 'Sbay . Mor t . $7,000. Dec. I, 13,000

H o u s t o n st, No . 28, n s, 76 w Merce r st, 25x105, t h r ee - s to ry s tore a u d fac to ry , W i l l i a m T. Lee t o C a t h a r i n e wi te of J o h n K . HaU, W e s t N e w Br igh ton . M V^rt. Nov . 30. 13,000

H e s t e r st, No, 1, n w cor Cl in ton st, 25x100, flve-story b r ick s tore and t e n e m ' t . T h o m a s Moore a n d B e r n a r d Wi lson t o M o r r i s Gold­b e r g a n d N a t h a n S c h a n c u p p . Nov, 28, 38,000

H e s t e r st, No . 114, s s, be t Chrys t i e a n d F o r s y t h sts , 35 X 50, t b r e e - s t o r y f r a m e s to re a n d dweU'g Louis Ki-nlewitch t o Louis T a n n e n -holtz. Q, C. Dec. 4. , , ^ Hom

S a m e p r o p e r t y , Samue l , Jo seph a n d M o r n s F a g e n s o n t o same . Mor t . 14,000. Dec. A 5,500

S a m e p r o p e r t y , S a m u e l , Joseph a n d Morr i s Fe igensohn t o same . Mor t . $4,000. Dec. A 8,500

J a m e s st, Nos . 31 a n d 33, w s, 43.9x35, t w o five­s t o r y b r i c k s tores a n d tenem' t s , H e n r y Meigs a n d ano , , t rus t ees J o h n I, P a l m e r to Betsey G. wife of Louis K r u l e w i t c h a n d Mor­r i s Fagenson . Dec, 1. 16,500

L a f a y e t t e pl . N o . 16, e s, 151,4 n 4 tb s t , r u n s eas t 150 t o c o u r t y a r d , x aou th 26.]0 x w e s t 56.8 X wes t 93,7 to L a f a y e t t e pi , x n o r t h 20,8, w i t h a l l t i t le in c o u r t y a r d in r e a r , t h r ee ­s t o r y b r ick dweUlg and three-s tory b r i c k ex ­tens ion t o same, T b o m a s W . Pea r sa l l a n d a n o ex t s , T. W . PearsaU, tn T h e A m e r i c a n S w e d e n b o r g P r i n t i n g a o d Pub l i sh ing Soc. Mort . , Sec Nov, 29. 30,000

S a m e p r o p e r t y . Pau l C. Coffin t o same. R e - , lease j u d g m ' t . Nov . 30. n o m

L e o n a r d st, No, 57, n s, 126 w C h u r c b st, 25x 100 flve-story s tone f r o u t s tore, J o h n M. Slade , L u c y wife of a n d J o h n C. E l y , Al ice S wife of a n d F r e d e r i c k C. Colton, Isabel 8 . w'ife of a n d E b e n Apple ton , N e w Y o r k . Eliza­b e t h S. wife of a n d T h o m a s A . P e r k i n s and M a r y H Hol ly , widow, Brooklyn , a n d F red ­e r ick J . b l a d e , T r e n t o n , N . J . , t o F r a n c i s H . S lade . X p a r t . Dec, 3. n o m

S a m e p r o p e r t y , F r a n c i s H , S lade e t a l . , for n a m e s see 'above, t o J o h n M. Slade, M p a r t . Dec. 3. "O"^

S a m e p r o p e r t y . J o h n M. S lade e t a l . , for

December 8, 1883 THE REAL ESTATE RECORO. 979

nomos see above, to Frederick J, Slade. X port, Dec, 8. nom

Same property, John M, Slade and ano., exrs. Jobn Slade, to Judson B. Wilds. J^ part, Dec. 3. 35,000

Same property, Francis H. Slade to same. X part. Dec, 3. 17,500

Same property, John M, Blade to aame. j ^ part. Dec. 3. 17,500

Same property. Judson B. Wilds to John M, Slade, K P'lrt C. a, G, Dec, 3, 3-3,333

Sameproperty, Same to Frederick J. Slade, Trenton. N. J. U part. C. a. G. Decem­ber 3. • 23,333

Same property. Same to Francis H, Slade, X part, C. a. G, Dec, 3. 23,333

Laight SI, No 38, n s, 37,3x175 to Vestry st, throe-story briuk dwell'g; No. 7 Vestry st, two-story brick stable. J, Archibald Mur­ray, referee, to Annie Wilkes, Nov, 98, 34,000

Mott st, No. 70, e s, 1.50.1 s Caual st, 2.5x94, flve-stiiry brick store and tenem't. Charles A, Plath to Max and Nathan Lubetkiu. Morts. $2l,b26. KOY, ;J0. 26,501)

Mott st, No. 72, e s, 125.2 s Canal sE, 24.11x94, five-siory brick store and tenem't. Charles A, rial h to Simon Aaronstamm, Morts, $21,6 .T>. Hov. 30. 26,600

Mullierry st, No. 245, w s, 118,1 s Prince st, 25x 99.6x25 4x99, two-story brick factory nnd tbree-stury brick dweU'e on rear, Sarah T, Zabrisliie to Hugh Quinn, Dec. 1, 8,500

Manhattan st, n s, 89 H e 10th av, 50x100, two four-story briok stores and tenem't. Peter McCormick to Lambert S. Quackenbush, All morts, Dec. 3. nom

Norfolk st, No. 48, e s, 12.5,1 n Grand st, 34,t0x 100x25x100, six-story brick tonem't, Eliza­beth H, wifeof George W. Allen, Brooklyn, to Morri-s R.jsendorf, Doc. 3. 11,000

Oak st, No. 38, n s, 130,9 w James st, 3S,6x 177,9x30.6x177.6, two-story brick teuem't and two two-stor.v brick stables on rear. David Dinkelspiel to The J. M, Hortou Ice Cream Oo, Dec, 3. 14,500

Oliver st, No. 47, w s, 98.9 n Oakst , 24,I()x 99.4x25x99, two-atory frame store and dwel­ling and frame stables on rear. George W, Truss to Sarah 0. Mitchell. Mort. S5,0i:0, Nov, 17, 1S81, nom

Pearl st. No, 83, 26 x the block to Stone st," X 32x the block, four-story brick store,

l l th st, No. 330. s s, 231.8 w3d av, 16.8x89.7, fonr-story brick dwell'g,

I l ths t , No, 214,ss,391 w 2 d a v , 18x95, four­story brick dwell'g.

Also, various parcels of property in Brook­lyn. Joaquin Gai'cia Blanco to John O'Connoi". Dec. 1. 86,000

Same properey. Santiago A. Rodriquez, San­tiago, Francisco, Alonzo Blanco, Maria Benita, Alonzo y Blanco and Juan Cereijo Fernandez, or Juan Cereijo, to Jobn O'C.n-nor, Aug, 14. nom

Peai-1 at, No, 3:i3, n w s , adj land now or late of George Brown, runs northwest 38 x northeast

• 0.7 X northwest 53 to land of Harper Bros., X northwest along same 80 to Cliff st x southwest along street 19,1 x southeast .50.3 X southeast 22,9 x southeaat 99,4 to Pearl st, X northeast 23.3. five-story brick factory, No, SO Clift'st, six-story brick factory. Henry C. Valentine, President of Valentine & Co,, to Valentine & Company. C a, G. Correction deed. Nov. 24, aom

Same property, Valentine & Company to Tbe Hub Publishing Company, Mort. $36,000, Nov. 27, 25,000

Ridge st. No. U3, e s, 125 n Stanton st, 26x100, five-story brick store and dweU'g and three­story brick dweU'g on rear, Lena or Lenna wifeof and William Morris to Joseph Gold­stein, Mort, $11,0(0, Nov, 38, 17,100

Same property. Release mort. Samuel Joseph to Lena Morris. Nov. 30. 1,000

Ridge st. No. 117, w s, 176 h f-tanton st, 35x100, flve-story brick store and dwell'g. George MuUer to Beitha wife of Marx Solomon. Morts. $10,700. Dec. 3. 19,700

Water st, No, 276, n s, 27,9 w Dover st, runs west 35 X north 34.6 x east 0.4 x north 34 x east 34.3 x south 71,6, three-story brick store. Sylvesttr Pier and EmUy M, wife ot Miles Hughes, Hyde Park, N. Y., to WiUiam Rotchford. Nov. 27. nom

Water st, No. 276, n w s , 37,9 s w Dover st, runs northwest 71.5 X southwest 34.3 x southeaat 34 X southwest 0.4 x southeast 34.6 to Water st, X northeast 25. WiUiam Rotchford to August Scbaud. Nov. 30. 17,000

Washington st, Nos. 809-813, s e cor Qanse-' voort st, 72.6x91x72,6x85, three flve-story brick stores and tenem'ta.

Gansevoort st, s s, 85 e Washington st, 115x 87x116x85,7. John Glass, Jr., to John Glass. Morts. $137,OU0. Oct. 34. nom

Water st. No. 273, s a, 76.10 w Dover st, 24.6x 72,9x34.6x73, three-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g, Ann Callaghan, widow, to JefEerson M, Levy, Morts. $8,000, and taxes, 1883. Dec. 4. 16,000

Wooster st, w s, 120 n Prince at, 50x100, No. 137, three-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g and two-story frame dwell'g on r ea r ; No. 139, three-story brick store and dwell'g and frame stable on rear.

33d st. No. 3u7, n a, 120 e 3d av, 30x98,9, four­story brick tenem't. Catharine wife of and Jobn K. Hall to Wil­liam T. Lee. 5^ part. Nov. 30. 17,000

Wooster 8t, No. 345, w s, 66.5 s 4th st, 19.6x

53,3, two-atory brick dwell'g. Alice Carroll to Robert Moran, Mort. $8,000. Dec, 1, 10,000

4thst, No. 103, n s , 335e9d av, 35x96,2, two­story frame store and dweU'g and four-story brick dwell'g in rear. Jobn Cbappel to Wil­liam Struhe. Mort. $4,500. Nov, 24, 12,750

4th st. No. 352, a a, 118.9 w Av D, 18.9x96, three-story brick dwell'g. Samuel Grum-bacher, Trenton. N. J. , t o Zacharlas Bend­heim. Mort. $2,500. Nov. 30. 9,200

5th st. No. 617, n a, 236.4 e Av B, 16,8x97, four­story brick store and dwell'g aud one-itory brick stable, Albert Klauber to The Sisters of tbe Poor of St, Francis. Mort. $3,750. Nov. 30, 10,500

7th st. No, 198, s s, 343 e Av B, 35x90.10, three­story brick store and dwell'g,

9th st, No. 429, n s, 23S w Av A, 35x90.10, fonr-story brick dweU'g.

Oth st, Nos. 439 and 4tl , n s, 93 e Av B, 50x 90,10, two flvo-story brick stores and ten­em'ts. Decree of Surrogate establishing heirship as follows, Alfred, John H, and Charles P. Cocks and Caroline E, Spangenberg, sole heirs of Jobn S. Cocks each entitled to }{ of above property subject to dower of Caroline E. Cocks.

8th st. No. 110, s s, 3I2,C w Av A, 19,7xll6,lx 21,10x105,5, four-story brick dwell'g. WU­liam A. Fersch, heir of C. Fersch, to Irene C. wife of Joseph Baierlein, daughter of C, Fersch, Q. C, Nov. 5. 3,483

Sameproperty. Georgo O. Fersch, heir C. Fersch, to san.e, Q. C, Nov. 5, 3,483

10th st. No, 261, n s, .344 w Av A. 25x94.8, three­story brick store and dwell'g. Valentine Rehberger to Valentin Walter. Mort, $4,000. Nov. SO. 14,300

10th sd, No, 277, a s, 144 w Av A, 25x94,8. five­story brick tenem't. John C. Hoch to Amelia Schnles. Nov 28. 100

Sameproperty, Amelia Scholes to Anna M, wife of John C, Hoch, Nov, 38. 100

13th st. No. 435, ns , 369.9 w Av A. 34.3x103.3, fourstory brick dwell'g aud four-story brick dweU'g on reai-. Jarvis R. Burrows to Isaac L, Holmea. Mort, $7,.500. Oct. 26. 13,800

Same property. Isaac L, Holmes to Amelia F, wife of Frederick Baker, Brooklyn, Mort. $7,.500. Nov. 1. 13,600

Sameproperty, Amelia F. wifoof and Fred­erick Baker to William Trinkaus, Mort. $7,,500, Dec. 1. 14,.500

l l th st, Nos, 130 a n i 122, s s, 275 w 6th av, 74,6 X103..5, oue-story brick store. Fanny M, wife of aud Douglas Bobinson, Warren Township, N. Y., to William P. Douglas. Nov, 15. 70,000

1,5th St. No. 623, n s, 338.3 w Av C, 24,11x103.7, five-story brick tenem't, John Brady, Brookiyn, to EUa R,, Jaraes A,, and John J, and Sylvester Brady. Q. C. Dec. 6. nom

17th st, a s, 350 w Uuion pl, 35x93, four-story brick dwell'g, Hugh Auchincioss, exr, H. Auchincloss, to Josephine H. Egan, Dec, 1. 38,000

18th at, No, 136, s s, 30S w 6th av. 23x93, two-story brick stable. Archibald G. King, Weehawken, N. J., to David and John P, Duncan, joint tenants, C, a. G, Nov, 28, 16,000

19th st, n s, 93.10 w Av A, 60x93, No. 439, five­story brick store and teuem't; Nos 441 and 443, fK'O-story brick store and two-story brick stable on rear. August Belmont to Simon and Marcus Schwartz. Correction deed. Q. C, Dec. 3, • nom

I9th st. No, 439, n s, 133.4 w Av A, 30,6x93,3x 30.6x98.4, five story brick tenem't atore and dwell'g, Simon and Marcus Schwartz to Al­bert H. BoUmeyer. MortSlO.OOO. Dec. 1,30,000

21st st. No, 39, n a, 570,6 w Sth av, 25x98.9, tbree-story brick dwell'g, Annie F, Lever­ich to Hannah M. wife of Auguste P. Mon­tant. Mort, $12,000, Nov, 26. 25,000

2Ist, No, 314, s s, 188,4 w Tth av, 23,4x103.4, three-story brick dweU'g, James G. Duncan, Brooklyn, to Francis McCabe. Nov, 30. 14,000

31st st. No, 308, s s, 480 w 1st av, 20x93, three­story brick dweil'g, Martin Kedian to James Kedian. Q. C, Dec. 4, -5,250

33d st. No. 130 W . , s s, 36598.9, three-story brick dwell'g. Foreclos, Daniel P. Ingra­ham, Jr, , to John C, Wheeler, Sept. 4. 35,000

S4th St. No. 330, s s, 235 w 1st av, 35x98,10, three-story brick store and dweU'g and two­story brick dwell'g on rear, Elizabeth wife of Joseph McEvoy, and late widow of F, Burkle, to Thomas and J rhn Jeffcott. AU title. Nov, 30. 839

Same property. Robert Jeffcott to ramo. AU title. C, a. G, Nov. 3 '. 3,518

26th st, Nos, 155-i.59, n s, 188 e 7th av, 66 lOx 98,9x66.7x98,9, tbree three-story brick dwell­ing. Louisa A, Stewart to John Totten, Dec. 1. other consid, and nom

36th st, No, 153, n s, 354.10 e 7tb av, 23,10x98,9 x33,5x!JS,9, threestory brick dwell'g. Jo­sephine Stewart to John Totten. Dec. 1.

other consid. and nom 39th st. No. 323, n s, 313 w Sth av, 33x98,9, four­

story brick dwell'g. William M, Thomas to Alonzo Clark. Mort. $7,000, Dec. 1. 14,000

30th st. No. 334, s s, 373,6 e 9th av, 16,6x98.9, three- story brick dwell'g. Solomon L. Mayer to Daniel R, Ambrose. Dec, 1. 10,000

SOth st, No, 307, n s, 100 e 3d av, 19,5x98.9, three-story stone front dwell'g, William R. Clarkaon, Pkdnfield, N. J,, to Martin Kedi­an. Dec! 3, 9,750

33d st. No, 373, s e cor 9th av, 19x67,6, four­story brick dwell'g. Catharine wife of Wash­

ington H, Taylor to Margaret Barnes, Sub­ject to life lease of grantor, Dec. 0, 15,000

34th st, No, 434, s s, 260 w Oth av, 30x98,0, three-story brick dweU'g, Contract. Emma Mayer to Mary A. Kennedy. Nov, 32, 11,000

S4th st, No, 24.5 W., three-story bricit (stone front) dwell'g. Morris Reiman makes de­claration tbat he intends to occupy above premises during his life time, such heing tbe covenant between his deceased wife and him­self, Dec. 1.

36th st. No. 140, s s, 300 e 7th av, 25x93.6, five­story stone front flat. Christopher Mooney to Robert Graves, Brooklyn. Nov. 30. 48,.500

37th st, s s, aoo e Madison av, runs south 65 X east 12.6 x south 33.9 x east 38 x north 98.9 to 37th st, x west, vacant, Charles Lanier and Edward B. Crowell to Sarab E. Lanier, Corrects error in description of former deed and confirms title, Dec. 3. nom

39th st, No. 203, s s, 23 w 7th av, 20,6x75,6, tbree-story stone front dweU'g. Jennie H. Butt to WiUiam H. Streeter. Mort. §13,600. Nov. 26. 30,000

Same property. WiUiam H. Streeter to Anna Regina Clark. Mort. $18,500. Dec. 1 30,000

41st st. No, 147, n s, 135 w Hd av, 35x98 9, one­story bi-ick store and dwell'g with three-story brick dwell'g on rear. John J, Brown to Michael J, O'ReiUy, M. $5,000. Dec. 3. 8,600

41st st. No, 521, n s, 325 w 10th av, 35x98.9 four­story brick dvveU'g on rear, Julius C. Pits­chke to William F, Pitshke. Nov. 31, gift

43d st, No. 335, n s, 335 eObh av, £5x100.4, three­story frame dwell'g. William Bocsein, Greenville, N. J., to Louis and Louis K. Ungrich. Mort, $3,500. Dec. 6, 9,000

46th st. No. 103, s s, 80 w 6th av, 20x100, three­story stone front dweU'g. The Equitable Life Assurance Soc, IT. S., to Fanny E. Hil­ton, widow. Nov, 30, 20,000

4tth st, No. 137 W., four-story stone front dwell'g. Joseph C. Cary to Alonzo Van Deusen. Contract, Dec, 1, 35,000

47th st, No, 443, n s, 318.9 e 10th av, 18,9x 100,5, four-story stone front dwell'g. Mary wife ot Allen H. Adams to Robert Currie, Morts. S8,000. Dec. 1. 13,750

48th st. No, 355, n s, 335 6 2d av, 25x100.5, four­story stone front dwell'g. Daniel A, Clarke, Hohokus, N. J., and Charles E, CroweU, Brooklyn, to Bernard J. Fry, Mort. $10,000. Nov, 17, 14,500

48th st, Nos, 446 to 453, inclusive, s s, 100 e 10th av, 100x100, five flve-story stone front tone- • ments, John Livingston to Josephine wife of Augnst Schmid, Morts, $48,000. Nov. 1.5. 88,000

48th st, No. 434, s s, 318,9 e 10th av, 18.9x100.5, three-stoi-y brick dwell'g. Rachel Brower to Annie Brower, her daughter. Nov. 39, 1883, gift

49th st. No, 318, s s, SOI e 3d av, 31xl00,.5, fonr-story stone front tenem't. Charles H. Rath to William F. Scott. Dec. 5. nom

49th st. No, 223. s s, 300 e Sth av, 30x100,5, tbree-story brick dweU'g. Mayer Feucht-wanger toJohn Dunlop. Dec. 1. 1.5,000

49th st, n s, about 250 e l l th av, indeft strip, being southerly half of old Verdant lane, now closed. Richard Fisher, Orange, N, J., Harmon Hei'dricks. Nov. 28. nom

49th st, No. 218, a s, 201 e 3d av, 31x100,5, four­story brick (stone front) dweU'g. WiUiam Forse Scott to Anna wife of Charles H. Rath. Dec, 6, nom

49th st. No, 418, s s, 235 w 9th av, 25x100,10, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Frederick Scbuck to Mary E. C. wife of Stephen Web­ster, Q, C. and Correction. Dec, 5, nom

50th st, No, 340, n s, 530.10 w 8th av, 19.3x100.5, tiiree-story stone front dwell'g. Benjemen Sire, Hanover, N. J., to Henry McArdle. Mort, $10,000. Nov, 31. 11,600

Slst st, No. 411, n s, 113.9 e Ist av, 18,9x100.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Margaret wife of Patrick Lavelle to Lazarus Minzea-heimer. Mort. $6,0U0. Dec. 3. 10,000

Slst st. No. 324, a s, 356,3 e 2d av, 18.9x70.5, two-story brick dwell'g. Celia wife of and Gustave Schnaier to Salomon Muller, De­cember 1, 9,000

51st st, Nos. 517 and 519, n s, 526 e l l t h av, 40x 100.5, four-story brick (stone front) Riverview apartment bouse. Hermann Hoefer to Fred­erick Koch. Jan. 13. 30.000

52d st, Nos. 342 and 344, s s, 130 w 1st av, 40x 100.5, two flve-story stone front flats, Fried-etick or Friederich Leschorn to Joseph Schwarzschild. Morts. $16,000. Dec. 1, 86,000

54th st, No, 336, 3 s, 350 w 1st av, 35x100,5. flve-story brick tenem't, James Duffy to William Bertsche. M. $11,500, Nov, SO, 13.000

54th st, No. 158, s s, 119 e 7th av, 18.6x100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. Kate L. wife of and John D. Haines to Florence A. a. Merrill. Nov, 30. 18,250

55th st, No. 349, n s, 140 e 8th av, 20x100,5, four­story stone front dwell'g. Partition, Ste-Tjhen Merrihow to Mary A. White, Decem­bers, 33,100

57th Et, s s, 310 e 3d av, 25x100.4, vacant. EUza B, wife of Spencer H, Smith to Wiliiam B, Baldwin, Mort $6,000, Dec. .5. 9,500

68th st, No, 448, s s. 60 w Av A, 20x80, three­story brick dwell'g. Amelia Barlow, widow, to Fannie Myers, widow, Mort, $4,000, Dec, 3. 8,000

SSth st, a s, 175 w 7th av, 25x100,5, vacant. John O'Connor, Newai'k, N. J,, to EUen A. Dykers de wife of Jose F, Navarro. Morta, $16,500. July SO. 20,025

S9th st, 8 s, 300 w 6th av, 25x100,5, vacant. ) 58th at, n s, 200 w 6th av, 25x100.5, vacant. j

980 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD December 8,1883

John O'Connor, Newark, N. J., to Ellen A. Dykers de wife of Jose F. Navarro, Mort, $57,000. Jan. 34. nom

fSlst st. No. 628, s a, 400 w 10th av, 35x100,5^ five-story stone front tenem't, Aleiandef G. Bolton to Christian BUun, J r . Mort, $15,000, Dec. 1, / 33,500

,63cl st, n 3, 300 e 2d av, 25x100,5, I 2d av, n e cor 64th at, 35.5x100. C

Release mor t Henr.v R, Beekman to Joseph ^ Foulke, Babylon, L. I. Nov. 30. nopa

B3d st, n s,' 300 e 2d av, 2.5x100,5. 1/ id av, e s, 100,5 n 64th st, a7x—x21,5x100. A

Release mort. Isabella L, wife of Henry R. Beeckman to Joseph Foulke, Babylon, L, I. /' Nov. 30, noih

^7th st. No. 18, s s, 95 w Madison av, 25x100.5,' four-story stone front dwell'g. John J. Brown to Auguste Pottier. Mort. $36,000, Dee. 1. 70,000

70th st, s s, 175 e l l t h av, 50xl00..5, vacant. Richard H. Treacy to William J. Light. Taxes, assessments, Sec Dec, 1, 8,000

Hst st, n a, 173 w Av B, 7.5x103,2, vacant. Omis­sion. George F. June, Monmouth Junction, N. J., to Charles A. Fuller. Mort. $4,000. , Dec. 3. 7,000/1

Tlst Si., n R, 75 e 2d av, 250x102,3, vacant. M a x /

story brick stable on rea'*. Samson B,'Mc Gown to Andrew J, McGown. Nov. 23.' nom

-dOeth st, s s, 100 e Oth av, 50x100.11, two four­story brick tenemt's, Mary C, wife of Pat­rick C. Jackman to Joseph D. Smyth. Q. C. Oct, 3. nom^

Same property. Joseph D Smyth to Pa t r i ck / C, Jackman, Q. C, Oct. 3. nom

/10 th Et, Nos. 209-215. n s, 135 e Sd av, lOOx 100.11, four four-story stone front tenem'ts, Augusta M. Rogers to Richard W, Steven­son. 3^ part, C, a, G. Dec. 3. nom

Same property. Richard W, Stevenson to Ed­ward B. Rogers. % part. C, a, G, Dec. 4, nom

LlOth st, n s , 135e3dav, SUxlOO.ll, Augusta ' C. Small to Edward B. Rogers. Morts,

$37,000, Dec, 4. nom UOth st, n s, 185 e 3d av, 60x100.11. Augusta

/ C. Small to Edward B. Rogers, Brooklyn, in trust to collect rents and apply same to gen- / eral expenses and to payment of mortgages. Dec, 4, nom

Sameproperty. Edward B. Rogera, Brook-/ lyn, to Augusta C. Small. Morts. $27,000.

Dec. 3. n<Jm J14th st. No. .336, s s, 266,8 w Istav, le.SxIOO/tO

two-story frame dweU'g. Henry Berh and Benjamin Waldron to Hugh Doo:

Danziger to Jacob L, Maschke. Nov. 1. 65,000 114th st. No. 317, n s, 200 e 2d av, 28x100,10; 72d st. No. 323, n s, 300 e 2d av, 25x102,2, Jive- .

story stone front tenem't, Mayer Kshn to / Spencer C. Doty. Mort $l6,2.iO. Dec, 1. exfili

73d st. No. 239. n s, 75 w 2d av, 3.5x50, five-story stone front tenem't. Contract. - Abruh*itn H, Jonas to Georga W. Koren. "Dec. 1. 16,000

73d st, s s, 125 w Oth av, 25x102,2, vacant. Bridget M. wife of and Terence Farley to John T. Farley. Mort, $3,000, Dec. 3, 13,0(10

J4th st. No. 13*, s s, .87,6 w Lexington av, 18.9x 63.3, three-story brick Istone front) dweU'g. Henry Enickerbacker to Fanny wife Samuel Heiibroner, Nov, 34, lJS,il0a.

,77th st, B a, 280 w 2d av, 50il02,3, two five-story/ brick (stone front) tenem'ts, Gustav Cohen *n Kaspar Karg, Morts. $39,000, November 80. ' '48,C00

BOtnst, No. 215, n s . 175 e 3d av, 50x102,3,'two- .' story frame dweU'g, John C, Burne to Jaco^"^ L, Maschke, Ail liens, Oct, 25. ilom

SOth st. s s, 124 e Madison av, 1x103,9, Lambert Suydam to Terence Farley, Sept. 4. ' nom

list st, n s, 2110 e 3d av, 75xli'2.2. vacant,' Wil­liam C. Schermerhorn e ta l , , exrs._and t r u s - / tees Klizabeth S, Jones, &c,, to Phiiip Braen-' der, Nov, 15. 15,000

.•^2d9t, n s , 100w9thav , 125x102.2, vacant. /{ f 83dst , ss , 125 wWthav, 50x103,2, vacant, / \/A

James R. Smith to Michael Friedsam, - I T O V / . ' 28, 42^0&

83d st, No. 206, s s, lOl.S e 3d av, 19,1x103:2,' two-story frame dwell'g, John J. Latting, tru-itee J. M. Seaman e ta l . . to Rosalie wife , of Jacob Sussman. Undivided moiety,, Dec. 4. nom'

i4th st. No, 345. n a. 160 w Istav, 20sl03, thcee'-atory stone front dweU'g, Daniel W. and William S, Houghton and Christina wife of and George W. Hagemin, heirs Robert J. Houphton, to Cecilia wifeof Martin Keppler, Dec. 3. 8,500

Same property. Release mort. James R. Floyd and ano., exrs. and trusiees of S. Phil-bio, to Daniel W. and WiUiam S, Houghton and Christina wife of and Georgo W. Hage­man. Dec, 3. 5,000

84th st. No. 143, s s. abt 350 w Sd av, abt 25x 100, two-story frame dweU'g. Johu Living­ston to Thomas A, Martin, ^Astoria, L. I, -Nov. 80, 8,32^ th st, n s, 175 6 Sth av, 50x102,2, vacan^^ WiUett Bronson to The Murray HiU Banft, Morts. $30,000. Dec. 1. 8,250

^87th st. No. 65. n s, 158.11 w 4th av. 35.7x!00,a, three-story frame store and dwell'g, Patrick Crowe to Joshua C. Sanders. AU liens. June 7,1881. 5,300

19th st, n s, 133,4 e 4th av, 50x100, vacant. Bertha wife of John B. Smith to William Henderson. Mort. $6,000. Nov. 3L 18,000

I3dst, No, 100, s e cor 4th av, 20x80, three­story brick (stone front) dweU'g. John SuUi­van to James Donohue, All liena. -Novem-ler 28. no

'ith st, s a. 325 e 10th av, 330,4x— to Apthorp^ lane, x 320.7x—, with all title in said Jane, two-story frame hotel and two-story frame stable. Adrien A. Pottier to Auguste P o t - /

/ / t i e r . Morts, $20,000. Nov, 7. nom / /flith St. s a, 354,8 w Oth av, 220.4x83.11 to n s'

/ Aptborp's lane, x 330,7x91,8, with all title / in said lane. Morts. $20,000. y

/ 41st St. n s, 135 w 3d av, 25x98.9. Mort. ' ^ $5,000.

August© Pottier to John J. Brown, >Nove ber 30. TflTOOU th st. No. 396, s s, 75 w 3d av, about ^±75 , fourstory brick tenem't. Julia A. Chap- . man to Francis A. Clark, Mort. $11,700, & c ^ Nov. 25. 5?rOO

7th st, n s , 400 w8th av, 200x100.11, vaciat . John J . Donaldson to Amos R, Eno. Nov. 20. 33,01

'8th Bt, Nos, 150-154, s a, 150 w 3d av, 75x100, three four-Btory brick tenem'ts, Simon ka -berman to Smith Ely, Jr, See 4th av. Morts $33,000. C, a. G. Dec, 1, / 155,000

OOthst, n s , 300 w Othav, 25x100,11, fod'r-story brick tenem't. Casper N. Lawson to Robert Hanna. Dec, 1, l5,000

Same property. Release raort, Henry Weil, Brooklyn, to Casper N. Lawson. Decem­ber 1. 10,190

lOStbst, No. 174, BS, 125 w Sdav, 5x100,11, por­tion of two-itory briok dw«U'g,; also of tw»-

' flve-story brick store and tenem't, ' WUIjam Femschild to Frederick Weber and Caroline his wifo Mort. $13,000, D e c l , ' 23 008'

115th st, Nos, 413 and 415, n s, 95 e 1st av, 50£ 100,11, two fonr-story brick tenem'ts, Jsaac E. Wright to Julia C, Prall and Anna P. May. Morts £16,000. Nov. 38. nom

116th St. No. 227, n s, 290 w 2d av, 20x100.11, three-story stone front dwell'g, John Mc-Murtry to Barbara w ifi- of Abraham H, Bern- / stein. Mort $5,.500. Dec, 4, 12,000

^19th st. No. 533, s s, 444.5 e Av A, 17,10/ ' 100.11, three-story briok (stone front) d i a l ­

ling. The Bowery National Bank York, to George Owen. Mort. $3,000. vember 30.

^19th st, n s, 206.9 e 3d av, 18,3x100,11, llOtb St. n s, 188 6 3d av, 18.9x100.1,1^

lease mort. J ohn Ross to Thomas Quinn, Brookly Oct. 18. •'' ,^om

Jt2-ld st, s s, 275 w 4th av, 30x100.11.' Relapse mort. John H. Deane to Alfred Kehoe.

/ S e p t . 14. / 2 M s t , No, 6, s s, J33.4 w Mount Morris ^ 16.8x1(10,11, three-story brick (stone frofit)

dweU'g, William Buchanan to Moses Lind­heim, Mort, SIO.OCO. Nov, 28, 16,500

Same property. Moses Lindheim to G. Arnoirf Moses, Brooklyn. Ms. $16,000. Dec. !. nom'

'Same propert;p. G. Arnold Moses, Brooklyn/ to Minnie wife of Moses Lindheim. Mort^ $16,000. C. a, G. Dec. 1.

^24thst , No, 134, s s , aon w fith av, 7.5x11)0, two-story frame dweU'g and one-story stable on rear. WUliam Loughran ris Littman and Samuel McMillan. $IO,(iO0. April 30.

,134th st, s s, e 2d av, 37.6xldo'll, buildings projected. Alexander P. Edgar, Jr,. Ketcaum, exrs. E, Eetch Thomas O'Kane. Dec. 1. /

^34th st, Nos,I:;5 and 1 « , n 8,306.8-6 4th 33.4x100,11, two three-story brick dwel

Same nroperty. Daniel P. Ingraham, Jr . , to Gustavus F, Swift, of Lake, Ohio, and Edwin C. Swift, LoweU, Mass, Dec. 5. 16,500

Plot beginning on bulkbead line at point where / the north line of the dock devised by D, P.

Ingraham to his son, D. P, Ingraham, Jr . . joins said bulkhead and extending in a straight line with said north line of said dock to n s of 137th st, as it shall be opened and distant from tbe corner of 127th st and lat av northerly about 90 feet, runs south to st x along n H of 137th st about 90 feet to cor 1st av, X northerly 43.S to Ingraham's southerly line, X east 80.8 to exterior line Harlem River, x about 30 to south line of dock afore­said, X west 101.10 to bulkhead line, x north -40 to beginning, not including any part of 137th st, George L, and Arthur Ingraham. exrs. and tru^-tees D, P. Ingraham, to Gus­tavus F, Swift, of Lake, III., and Edwin C. Swift, Lowell, Mass. Dec, 3, 1,000

ia7tbst. No. 349, n s , 391,8 w 7th av, 16.8x99.11, ' three-atory brick (stone front) dwell'g. An­

thony Smith to Catharine L, Hanscom, Mort. $8,7.^0. Dec. 1, 15,000

12Pth at, Nos. 109-113, n s, 150 w 6th av, 75 ' x99.11, thrpe four-story brick stores and

tenem'ts, Jacob Lawsou, Brooklyn, to Wil­liam J, Merritt. Mort. $12,500. August 1. 18,000

^28th st. No 7, n s, 147.6 w Sth av, 19x99.11, threestory frame dwell'g; also personal property of Ezra M, i^vtrutton, dec'd. Levina J. Hine, Elvira W. Fitzgerald and E. Waah­ington Stratton, 'heirs Ezra M, Stratton, dec'd, to AiigeHne Stratton, widow, Morts. $;j,500, Dec, 4, nom

A38th St. No. .52, s s. 290 w 4th av. 25s99.ll, three-story frame dwell'g, Erastus Brain­erd, Portland, Conn., to Jane Kirk. Mort, $6,00(1, tases 1883. Nov. 28. 9,S0O

;i28th st, No. 43, s s. 343 e 6th av, 18x99 11. three-story brick (stone frout) dwell'g, Em­ma Gilson, widow, to Henry D. Winans. Mort, S5,0'.0. Dec. I, lO,.50O

^29th st. No. 3:i5, n s. 4:i6,3 e 8th av, 18,9s99.11, tbree-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Richard H. Treacy to Charlotte Jenkins, New RocheUe, Dec. 1, 15,000

129th st, No, 241, n s, 3-50 e Sth av, 18,9x99.11, three-story brick (slone front) dwell'g. Re­lease mort. Charles O, Le Count, assignee of W. H. and T, O. Jenkins, to Richard H.

/T reacy , Nov, 19. eousid omitted ^Barae property. Richard H, Treacy to Fanny

Lowenthal, Mort, $11,500. Nov. 30. 15,000 /.30th st. No. 141, n s , 456.6 w fith av, 18,6x99,11,

t(tree-stor.v brifk (^tonefront) dwell'g, Emma Boone to John Edwards, Morts. $7,000. Nov. 38. 13,000

^SIstst , s B, 2SD w Sth av, 25x99 11, vacant. Nicholas G. Geraty to Julia wife ot Joseph M. Valentine, Q. C. Nov, 28. nom

131st Bt, No, 73, s s, 90 w 4th av, 17,6x99 11, / three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g,

Charles E, Colbv to Maria E. wife of Thomas J. Gibbons. Mort, $6,500, July 2. 8,-500

162d St. n s, 125.8 w Boulevard, 24.4x99.11,1 ' threestory frame dweU'g, two-scory frame •

extension und two-story framestable, \ lS3d St. s B, 128.8 w Boulevard, 24,4x99,11, j

/- George F. June, Moum luth Junction, N, J,, to Jacob Gottgen. Nov, 28. 8,000

Ayer. Morts. $7,000. June 1, 1883. 14,*IW>/ ^24tn st, No. 39, n s, 4ljO e fith av, )2.6xlOO,Vl,/

fonr-story brick (stone front] dwell'g. EJiz« wifeof and Frederick Aldhous to Mary A. Houghton. Morts. $12,000. Dee 3, 15 750

134th st. No. 68 E., three-story brick (sbine '' front) dwell'g, partly furnished. Contract. •' Caroline wife of Julius Hengstler to Mary P, Betts, Woodside, L. I, Dec. 4, ' 12,000

I26th st, n w cor:,'d av. 1.3x74,11, Release / mort. John BeU to Samuel Simmons, Dec 1- 1,500

Same property, 3 release morts. John Ross tosame, D e c l . ' nonv'

Same property. The Mutual Life Ins. Co. t o / same. Release mort. Dec, 3. S 000

/f^lith st, s s, 350 e 8th av, 60x99,11, vacant. Catharine L, Hanscom, widow and sole ^ devisee of A, Hanscom, to Anthony Smyth Dec, 1, / 11,350

^ 7 t h st, n s, 235 w 6th av, 50x99.11, ode-story / * frame dweU'g. Franklin J . WaU to Fred A

WaU. Morts, $9,250, Nov. 15, 14 000 •127th st, n s, 275 w 6th av. 50x99.11, vacant.

Sarah E, wife of and FrankUn J, WaU to / Fred, A, Wall. Morts. $8,000. Nov. 15. 14 000

137th st. No. 241, n s, 33S w 7th av, 16.8x99.11, •̂ three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g

Samuei O. Wright, Rockville Centre, L, L , ' to Washington Winsor. Mort. $9,350 Nov ^8. 15,500

^27th st. No. 255, n s, 443 w 7th av, 18x99.11, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Samuel O, Wright, RockviUe Centre, L, I,, to Jennie Becker. Mort, $8,500, Nov 38 16

/37 th Bt, No. 211, n s, 104,11 w 7th av, 20, 99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g, Thomaa Rossiter, Brooklyn, to Belinda Mee-han. Mort. $13,000. Nov. 38. 15 500

a;i.4xUK),ll, two three-story brick dwelKes / to jacoDuouigen. ^o^. ^a. o,ui J a m e s A y e r t o Ada F. wil'e of Albert C , / A^-^ ' ^o - .1^30 , e s, 43,3 s 76th st. 34,8x98, four-story brick store and tenem't. Francis J .

Schnugg to William Connolly. Mort, $13,000, Nov. 27. 19,000

A v A or Pleasant av. No. 429. w s, 65.11 n ISSd st, 16x66, three-story stone front dwell'g, JuUus Katzenberg to Randolph Guggen­heimer and Salomon Marx. Mort, $5,350. Dec. 5. 10,000

Av B, No. 287. e s, 42 s 17th st, 20x68, flve-story brick store and dwell'g. Magda'ena wife of and Daniel Rummel to John Bentz, Mort, $6.0Q0. Nov. 30. 8.500

/Av B, w s , 34,3s 85th St. 16.10x82, three-story * brick (stone tront) dweU'g. Louis Brandt to

Francis Kerstin, Q, C, July 14, 8,000 Av D, No. 86, e s, 45,4 s 7th st, 33.8x75, four-

V story brick store and tenem't. Patrick Mal­lon to Jacob Ritter. Mort, $5,000, Dec. 3. 12,500

^ex ing ton av, No. 98, s w cor 2~th ft, 19.9x51, three-story brick dwell'g; also property in Brooklyn. Juan Garcia Blanco to John O'Connor, Newark, N. J. Dec, 1. 50,000

Lexington av. No. 463, e s, 40 n 45th st,, ' four-story brick and stone dweU'g, John

Graham to Mary wife of John J. Brown, Nov. 28. 26,000

Same property. Release mort. The Ger­mania Life iiksurance Co, to Jobn Graham. Nov, 33. 16,200

,137th fit, B s, 450 e 2d av, 50x99,11, vacant. l ,126th st, n 8, 450 e 2d av, 25x99.11, vacant. Bulkhead Harlem River, a t north line of

dock or pier, runs east 100,10 to exterior , line, X south along east end of dock 40 x ' west 101.10 to bulkhead liue, x north 40 being probably pier a t foot of 137th st, but conveying no interest in 137th at, George L, and Arthur Ingraham, exrs. D. P. Ingraham, t j Daniel P. Ingraham, J r . De-••mb«r 8, nom

Lexington av. No. 715, e s, 60.5 s SSth st, 20x65, / three-story stone front dweU'g. William

Koch to Gustavus A. A. KrehbieL Mort, $10,000. Dec. 1, 16,500

^iexington av, s w cor 90th st, 20.4x81, four­story brick tenem't. Henry Riehl to Eliza Aldhouse. Morts, $18,600 and 6 months inter­est, also taxes 1883, Dec. 3. nom

Madison av, n w cor SSth at. Contract to sell lease and fnrnitnre of Hotel Branting, James L, Jones to Sarah E, L. Taylor. All title. Nov. 5. nom

Madison av, No. 605, a w cor SSth st, 26,5x64, ^ four-etory brick dweU'g. Release mort.

The Germania Life Ina, Co. to John Gra­ham. Nov. 31. 46,000

Same property. John Graham to Margaret -^ V. 8. Wolfe, widow. Nov. 38. S7,500 lUdiaon KT, NO. 054, W a, 93,5 s 60th >t, 16x05,

December 8,1883 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 981

four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g, t-4th av, s e c o r 7.3d st, 102,2x100, vacant. Charies Buek to Cyrille Carreau, Dec. 6. 43,006^ 73d st, No. 108, s s, 100 e 4th av. 75x102,2, two- i

ifl'me property. Release mort, Germania L>f̂ Ins, Co. to Charles Buek, Dec. 1. x25,O0O

Riverside av, s e cor 82d st, l09.Sxl33,4xl02.3x 161.1, vacant, Patrick Callaghan to E m a n u e l / Hirshkind tmd Simon Adler, Mort. $18,0110/ Dec. 1. 4o/00 Tverside av, e a, 36.5 s H4th st, 77.3x86.9xT6x 4th av, w s, 51,1 s 83d st, 14.7x90, new building 105.4, vacant. Catharine Carrigan andaiio., , "^ projected, Esther Gordon to Mary A. Foley, exrs, A. Carrigan, to Isidor Cohnfeid. Q. O / Dec, 3. 5,500 Nov. 24. • .4^°^ >*•* *''• "" s. 25,6 s SSd st, 26.6x90, new buUding

South Stb av. Par ty wall ag reement , /Ed- ^ projected. John S. Bassett to Mary A, Fq-ward Jeans and John A. Taylor ^ i th

atory frame dwell'g and two-story and one- f story frame stables. J Wella S, Dickinson and Fayette W, Law­rence, Malone, N. Y,, Darius A, Moore, De Kalb, N, T. , to Edward B. Ecker, filort. $33,000. Nov. 15. nom

/ / •

prien Gosset. Nov. 30. a tav , Wo, 918, e s, 22u 62d st, 35x60, five stDry

^ briek store and teuem't, August UaBrfey lo WiUiam Schwager, M. $9,000. Dec. 5. ,--h09r'

Same property. Katharine wil'e of William' Schwager to August Hassey, Mort. $H,UOO. Dec. 5. no;

1st av, n e cor 63d st, 100,5x131,5, four flv j ^ story brick stoies and tenem'ts on I s t av aiid

•^ flve-story brick cigar lactoryou 63d St. Samh E. wife <jf Samuel 0. Hinman to Julia Re: ojd. All Uens. Dec. 6, Uom

1st av, a w cor 65th' st, 165x—x 139,10x225, > frame mill and coal yard. Ann E, Crumbie.

• ^ individ. and extrx, J, Crumbie, lo y» hardt. Nov. 10. ;t av, No. 1543, w s, 76.9 s Slst st, flve-story stone front store and Emeline wife of and WiJIiam H', and Elizabeth wife of and Richard ston to Adolph Pfeitfer. Morts. $li 1,

J s t av, No. 1660, e s, 75.7 s S7th st, ^ story brick (stone front) store

L .Ilia Dorzbdcber to Ueorge Minnie his wife. Mort, $9,uoo,''

1st av. No. 1696, w s , SSth st, 25,2x100/' flve-story brick store aud tenem't and^ three­story brick dwell'g on rear. Jonas Weil and Beruhard Mayer to Charles HechlSr. Mort, $9,01.0. Dec, I. 17,000

I s tav , e s , 75,7 n 117th st, 35.2x94, vacan^i Samuel J. Anderson to Mrs. Teresa Coo Mort. $3,000. Oct, 6, / ^ 5,000

I s t av , 6 s, 75,7 s 118th st, 25.2x94, uefr build­ing projected, PhUip MiUigaii to Teresa Coogan, Dec. 1. ^ 4,0

• S d a v . u ecorfi4th st, 25,5x100, new bnildi / projected, Joseph Foulkq, Babylon L. 1.. ae-

viseo of Lydia Foulke, to Benjamin B e r r ^ d . Mort. $5,000. Nov. 30. ' 8,00t(

^ d a v , e s, 100.6 n filth st, 37x—x31,5x100, ).' -, / ^ 2d av, n e cor 64th st, 25.5x100. f /

y^ Releasemort. Jos nua Hendricks to Joseph r Foulke, Babylon, L, I. Nov. 37. 'nom

3d av. No. 775, w a, 60,S s 43d st, 20,1x75, five- , - story brick store and tenem't, Augusta wife­

of and Emil Petzall to Charles Spenkocb. Mort. $7,700. Nov. 28. 13,500

2d av. No, 1055. w s, 75,4 s 56th st, 25x100, four-/ " story brick store and dweU'g. Jacob an."

' Henry Kerner to August C. Hassey. Ni 30. ' / 9,000

^ ^ d av, n e cor 101st st, 100,11x100, v a c a n t / ( •^ lOlst st, n s. !0O e 2d av, 150x100.11, v a o ^ t , i

^ John H, Deane to Wilhelmine Juch, Morts. y^ $17,000 and taxes and assessments $3,838/

which 'is part of conaiderstion, November ^ 3 0 . .88,000

/ S d av, No. 2012, e s, 75,11 s 104th at, 25:6x75, / four-story brick store and tenem't, Rosa

wife of and Charles Sherman to Leopold -' Adler. Mort. $9,000, Nov. 28. l4S8'i

Sd av, No, 605, e s, 49,4 n 39th st, 21,4x75, two-/ story brick store and dwell'g, Elizabeth H,

/ wife of Thomas F. Rigbtmire to Henry H, House, Rockland Lake, N. Y, Nov. 21,

exch and 17,000 Sd av, No. 1396, ws , 75 n 74th st, 25.6x100, five-

y' storjr stO£.e front store and tenem't. Frank / J. Kilpatrick to Walter F. Kilpatrick, Q. C

Dec. 1. nom Sd av. No. 1538, w s, 79.11 s87th st, 30.9xl00,2x

/ 25,4x115, three-story brick store and tenem't. / Mary A, Foley to Christian Briel, Mort.

$5,000. Nov. 30, 15 500

Zame property, Mary A. Foley, extrx, B. Foley, to Christian Briel. Mort. $S,000. Nov 30. 15 50O

. i av. 6 s, 50.4 s 9Sd st. 25,2x100, new buildings '/ projected, Wiiliam FernschUd to Augnst ' Mietz, Morta. $12,000, Dec. 1, 35 900 / ' S d av. No. 1955, e s, 88.6 s 108th st, 17,8x100, ' fourstory brick store and tenem't. Fore­

cloa. Franklin Bien to Ephraim A. Jacob Dec. 1. 11_500

/ S a m e property, Ephraim A, Jacob to Herman / Rausch, Dec. 1, 12,000

/th av, Ho,-337, e s, 40 n 24th st. 20x83, three­story brick atore and dweU'g. WiUiam Knight to Oscar F. Pusch. Dec. 1. 28,750

> th av, Nn, 477, 3 e cor S2d st, 26x80, five-' / story brick store and dweU'g.

/ Sgdst, s s , 80 e 4th av, 34-5.3x98.9; Nos. 104 / and 106, six-story brick storage, and Nos.

/ lOS and 110, two-story brick storage; Nos / 112-118, vacant; Nos. 120-134, three five­

story brick dweU'ga and stables and stor­age in rear; No. 136, two-story brick stor­age. John H. Morrell and Mary C. T. his wife to Edmund Stephenson, assignee of Jno. H. MorreU, Q, C. Conveya dower right of Mary C. T, only. Dec, 1. nom

4th av, No. 89, e s, 79 n SOth st, 19.9x80, four-/ story Btone front dweU'g, Foreclos, Thomas

/ I P. Wickes to Edward J. Chaffee and JuUa / / H. BUUnga, exra. Kud trustveB J. U, BiUings. (• HOT. 27. i ^ gl,000

ley. Dec, 4, 9,500 .-4th av, s e cor 102d st, 100.11x100, vacant. t 102d st, s s, 100 e 4th av,, vacant, f iSmith Ely, J i , , to Simon Haberman. C, a, G,

See 98th st, Dec, 1. 40,000 /4tb av, w s, 3S n 120th st, 75,11x100, vacant. I 120th st, n s, 100 w 4th av. .50x1011.11. vacant, f . 'Spencer A. Fanning to John H, Deane and

WilUamA. CauldweU. Morts, $17,000. Sept, 28. 34,000

Sth av. No. 589, e s, SO,S s 48th st, 20x125, four­story stone front dwell'g, WUliam Noble to George C. Taylor, Nov. 28. 134,500

/6th av, a w oor 136tbst, 20.10x85, five-story briokand stone dweU'g, Releasemort, James D, Lynch to James Meagher, Nov. 30. 5,000

ame propertv. James Meagher to Robert Simpson, Mort. $25,000. Nov, 27, 45,000

th av, e s, 50,5 n llStb st, 25.SxlOO, vacant Le Roy King, Newport. R, I., to George G, King, Nov, 27, nom

mh av. No. 2140, n w cor 127th at, 29.11x85, five­story brick (stone front) store and dweU'g. Thomas Rossiter, Brooklyn, to John W, Haaren, Mort $33,000, Nov. 28. 36,000

3th av. No, 699, s w cor 44th at, 25,1x100, and '^ by new Hurvoy 25,2x100x25,2x100,1, foui-

story brick store and dweU'g, and No. 304 44tb st, two-story brick dwell'g, and No. 306 44th st, tbree-atory brick dwelljg, Alolph Levy to Emil Levy, Mort. $17,000. Nov, 30, 45,000

Sthav, w s , 25,11 a 144th st. 25x100, vacant. Samuel Johnston, Brooklyn, to Ernest Mol-witz. Doc. 1. 3,500

ath av, w s, 75.8nl02dBt, 26.3x100, vacant. / Henry u. Winans to Peter J, McCoy. Mort.

$1,8011. Nov, 30, 3,000 10th av, s e cor 17th st, 23,3x100, three-story /frame store and dwoll'g with one-story frame

' stable on av and two-story frame store and dweU'g on st. James Flanagan to Cbarles R, Parfitt. Nov. 30, nom

-10th av. No. 819, w s, 50.5 n 54th st, 35x100, four-story brick store and dwell'g, Marga­reth wife of aud John Loehr to Robert Muh, Morts. $10,500. Dec, 1. 1.5,700

10th av, w s, 79.4 n 74th st, 2.5x100, new buiid­ing projected, John D, Crimmins to Steph­en H, Mapes. Nov. S. 8,000

Same property. Release mort. Abrabam B. Cox, admr. J. W, Livingston, to John D, Crimmins. Nov. 10, nom

lOtti av, a w cor S3d st, mns 96,5 x west 100 x ,-north 13.11 xnorthwest 26.1 x north 81.6 to

S3d st, X east 125, being Nos, 600 to 510 West 83d st, six four-story brick fiats, Selig Stein­hardt to Aon E. Crumbie. Nov. 10, 110.000

Same property. Release of all litle. Anna D, Anthony, widow, to Selig Steinhardt, Nov. 30, nom

13th av to 13th av, 86th st to 87th st—the block, •*• two-story brick store and dweU'g. Foreclos.

George M. Brooks to Ellen R, Randall. Nov, 30. 14,000

Interior lot 100 a w of South Washington sq, and 235 s [e of MacDougal st, mns south­west 9 X southeast 25 x northeast 9 x north­west 35. Ambrose K. Ely to The Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls. Q. C, No­vember SO. nom

Interior lot on centre line bet 46th and 47th ats at point 300 w Sth av, runs north 35,5 x west 30x36.Si;30. Frederick Schuck to EmUy A. West. Nov. 24. 3,500

MlSCFXLANEOrs. Articles of separation and release between

Mary Reese and John C. Kennedy. A11 title in real and personal estate which Eliz­

abeth Bird derived through S. Olmstead and assigned by ber, Mary E,. Sarah E. and Francis E. Curry, Greenburg, N. T. , ito James and J. Everett Bird, Mt. Pleasant. Oct. 9. nom

Cony of last wUl and testament of Daniel Slote. Exemplified copy of last will and testament of

Mary A, Read, dec'd. General release, WUliam Winter to Samuel

T'. Webster, See assignment of lease, Nos. 235 and 237. m m

Receipt for aU the instRllments, $20,000, pur­suant to mortgage. Jonathan Alien to David C.^Leech. Sept, 21.

23d and 34th WABDS.

MUton Bt, n e a, 335 e e Courtlandt av, 35x100. Westchester Fire Ins. Co, to Catharine wife of Henry Schorske. Dec, 4. 2,463

Spring st, w a, lots SSI to 356 and gore on map of West Morrisania, part Wm, H. Morris farm, runs north and northeast along Spring st, 6i0 to Juliet st, X northwest 293 to Wal­ton aVj X southwest 711 x southeast 317 to beginning. George D. Roberts to William F. Shirley. X part, Aug. 9. nom

Washiugton pl, s a, 305,9 e Monroe av, 47,4x 135.6x49.6x131.1. Maria; L. A. wife of Amadee Peyrot to Joseph and Maria Ducime-tiere. Dec. 1. 1,458

Washiugton pl, s 8, 100 w Proapect av, lOOx l e a ? to Morris st x 1017xl99.&. Releu*

mort. Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York, to Maria L. A. wife of Amadee Peyrot. Nov, SO. 1,500

136th s t , n a, 300 w 3d a v , 25x100, Ross Coombe, P o u l t n e y , V t . , t o George W . Nicoll . Nov, 24. 3,000

145th s t , s s, 74 e Wil l ia a v , 26x50. A n n J o y c e to Got t lob Volz. Deo, 1, 3,900

A l e x a n d e r a v , w a, 19 n ISfith st, 16.6x75. M a r y Dugan to Emiliano P. Bergamini, Mort. S6,SU0. Dec- 1. 8,500

Alexanderav, s w cor 187th st, 19x75, h & l . Mary Dugan' to Elizabeth wife of Gieen Wright, Mort. $4,.500. Nov. 10. 10,500

Concord av, s w cor of l3-foot lane or road, 23d Ward, 50x100. Catharine wife of Henry Schorske to Alonzo Carr. Q. C, November 30. nom

Concord av, n e cor Cliff st, 31x98,7. h & l . Williani R, Nevins to Jane Norton, widow, Nov. 37. nom

Same property. Jane Norton, widow, to Ro­sanna Nevins. Nov. 27, nom

Forest av, e s, 136 n Cedar st, 111,4x270 to Tin-too av, X 110,10x270, Elizabeth A, O'Keefe, widow, and Mary E., Frances A,, JohnD, , Ellen J, and Joseph C, O'Keefe to WilUam H, McCormack. Nov, 12. nom

Forrest av, w s, 1,017,11 s WaU st, 36,3x300, abt X acre, Daniel Cole to George Wilkes. Q. C. Nov. 24. nom

Jerome av, w s, a*j south boundary of Widow Wolfe's farm, runs south along av 695 x west 10 to centre of old road from McComb's Dam to Fordham, x northeast along aaid centra line 629 to south line Widow Wolfe's farm, x northeast 139,fi to beginning, Hamilton Cole to Henry P, Gray. July 30, 1880. 2,700

Same property. Peter W, Sheaf er and Charlea M. Atkins, Potfsville, Pa,, Duane S. Everson and Herman T. Livingeton, to same. Q. C. Aug, 3, 1680. nom

Same property. Henry P. Gray to Charles L. Tififany. July 30, ISsO, 2,700

Mott av, e s, 3.50 from centre lioe 153d st, mns north 35x93x3.5x91, Geo. P. Pelham and Eliza his wife and John J, Bowes, as assignee of Gt;o, B. and Eliza Pelham, to Stanley S, Covert, All liens, Sept. 30, nom

Prospect av, n w cor 147th st, 35x100, Eliza C. wife of and Edward G. Black to Edith M. Pelham, May 11. 1,.'350

Same property, Edith M. Pelham to AIphouBo Montant. Nov. 28. 500

Riverdale av, e s, part of tbe lands known as Fieldston, 24th Ward, 50x160, for flre engine house, Emily P, Delafield et al,, exrs, L. L. Delafield, to Tlie Mayor, Sec, New York, >ii part. Nov. 30. 333-

Same property. Matwin L. and Julia L. Delafield to same. % parts. Nov. 30. 667

Sheridan av. w s, 375 n of centre Une of ISSd st, 26x93x25x92. George BB. Pelham and Eliza his wife, and John J. Bowes, as as­signee of said Geo. B. and Eliza, to James O'Toole. AU hens. Aug. 1. nom

Tinton av, w s, 125 n Cedar st, 110.10x270 to Forrest av, X 111.4x370, The United Statea Trust Co,, New Tork, to WiUiam H. McCor­mack, Oct, 31. 3,865

3d av, n w s , part lot 3 map Morrisania, SOx 191.2x50x190.6. Jacob R, Wiikins to Abra­ham Piaer. Mort, $3,000, Nov. 30. 6,000

lOthav, a s, lot 65 map of Mt, Central, Mt. •Vernon, 60x100,

4th av, e s, lot 506 map of Central Mt. Ver­non, 50x1(10. John C, Kayser to A. Wallach. Sep t 16, 1854, 350

Lot 107 on damage map for Boston road open­ing. Release mort. Lewia S. Judd to The Mayor, &c,, New york. April 15,1883, nom

Lots 207 and 208 map Powell farm, 24th Ward, adj lands of St, John's College and bounded s w by indefinite street running parallel with Union av, 100x157x100x157.1. WilUam Coog­an and ano,, exrs, Wm, Reddin, to John Red-din, PbUadelphia, Pa, AU liens, Dec. 1. 306

LGASEHOLO reOHVETMCES. Bowery, Nos. 235 and 337. Assign, lease. WU­

liam Winter to Samuel T, Webster. See general release. 3,000

Broadway, No. 1183, Assign, leaae, Joseph Crocheron to Thomas D. Winchester and Charles T. Ruasell, , nom

Madison st. No. 256, Assign, lease, Fraucis O'NeiU to Eliza wife of Peter E. Fitzpat­rick. nom

William at, Nos. Ii7 and 129, n w s , 163.3 n e John st, 40x96.10x38x95.10, five-story brick building with two-story brick extension. Assign, lease, James W, Todd, New RocheUe, assignee of T. and D. F . Davids, to Alfred J. Taylor. 15,750

3d st, n s, 275 w Av A, 35x96,3. William B. Astor to Henry Simon. 30 years, from Feb. 1, 1870, per year 325

Same property. Assign, lease. Henry Simon to Erneat Horcher. 10,000

Sth st. n s, 100 e 1st av, 25x97. PhUlips Phcenix and ano,, trustees Caroline W. Crane, to John A, Hulskemper, Elizabeth, N. J,, and Henry Schneider, 31 years, from Fab. 1, 1S84, per year, SOO

Sth st, n a, 125 e 1st av. 36x97, Caroline W. Crane to John A. Hulskemper, Elizabethport, N. J., and Henry Schneider. 21 years, from Feb. 1, 1884, per year, 500

16th St. n B. 209.8 e 7th av, 37x93, John J. Astor to Mich«el Schachtel, J r . 20 years, from May 1, 1883, per year, 650

le th Bt, a B, S3fl.8 e Tth a r , SlSxSI. 8 u a « to


982 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD December 8,1883

same. 20 year,

SSth st. No, premises. Crocheron,

years, from May 1, 1883, per 550

24 W. Permission to underlet Samuel S, Doughty to Joseph Two documents.

47th st, n s. 670 w Sth av, 31x100.5. Leasehold. Suaan A. wife of Francia B. Gilman and Jnlia W. Hood, Cambridge, Mass., to Wil­liam Murray, for life, remainder to Charles H. Murray, Jersey City. AU title, Novem­ber 28. 25,000

SOth st, s s, 367 w Sth av, 35x100,5, Assign, lease. John C, Soutbwick to Edward W, Richardson, nom

Same property. Assign, lease. Edward W. Richardson to EUa M, Soutbwick. nom

3d av, w a, 187.3 n l l t b st, 19.4x75. Assign, lease. Edward S, Mayer, Brooklyn, to Sigismund B, Wortmann, 9,000

3d av, se cor IStb st, 77x77. I 3d av, e a, 77,6 n 13th st, 62x100. (

Agreement that leasehold premises andbuUd ing 61-ected thereon are held by Peter Witt­ner, WiUiam Meissel and Julius Lipman, as tenants in common. nom

6th av, Nos. 363,365 and 367, w s, 62,9 s 33dJ Bt, runs west CO x south 36 x west 5 x south I 19.4 X east 65 to av, x north 55,4, I

6th av, No, 371, ws , 86,9 a 2.3d st, 18x60. | 33d st, Nos. 110 and 113, s s, 60 w 6th av, 43 4 |

x98.9. Leasehoid, j Jane A. and John W, Wolfe to James J. Coogan, Release from lease and general release, to be void, however, should a re-as­signment be made to Coogan, of the lease. Dec. 3, nom

10th av, e s, 40.3 n 49th st, 20,1x64, Assign, lease. Adoiphus H, Maas to Hannah New­man. 9,000

Indefinite lease made by Henry Punchard to John H, C. and Frederick Pape, and record­ed simultaneously herewith. (Error—The lease was not recorded as aforesaid). Assign, of lease. John H. O. Pape to Frederick Pape, nom

Same property. Assign, lease. Frederick Pape to Sandman & Borgbard, Assigned as coUateral security for payment of notes, 1,800

Lot 30, block 316, 12th Ward map for 1803, bet 3d and 3d avs and 113th st aud 113th st. Assign tax lease. Saiah Salomon, admrx. I. J. Salomon, to David May. AU title of Salmon. nom

Same property. David May to Sarah Sal­mon, nom


Adams st, n s, SSS e Bremen st, 25x200. The German Savings Bank, Brookiyn, to George J. and Anna M. Hohn, joint tenants. $3,900

Adams st, n w s , 335 n e Broadway, 75x95. Herman Weber, exr, Wm, Dafeldecker, to Joseph Frisse. Mort, $2,500. 3,300

Bogart st, s w cor Varet st, 75x95x76x97.10, John Schweickert to Joseph Liebmann. 1,200

Bridge st, w s, 38 s Tillary st, 23x81.1x23x80.8, h & l , Margaret Garland to Bridget Car-land. Mort. 5^2,400. nom

Barbey st, w s, 2o0 n Liberty av, 35x100, East New York, John Stauder to WilUam Hut­tenlocher, 450

Butler st, s s, 360 w Franklin av, 35x131. The Mutual Life Ina, Co., New York, to Annie Kennedy. C, a, G, 500

Butler st, a s, 560 w Frankliia av, 20x131. The Mutual Life Ins, Co,, New York, to Andrew McGrath. C, a, G, 500

Baltic st, s w s, 175 n w Hoyt st, 175x100, John Loughlin to James W. Dearing. 7,000

Boerum pl, e s, 47.10 n Livingston st, 30,6x^,5 to Red Hook lane, x2L2s38.1, Release mort. James D. Lynch to Frederica M. wife of Jobu P, Kinney, nom

Boerum pi, e s, 48,4 n Livingston st, 20x45 to Red HOok laue, x31,2x38,1, h & l . Friderica M. wife of John P, Kinney to Robert H. Thompson and Henry D. Norris. Mort. $9,000. 13,(;00

Broadway, westerly cor Lewis av, 25x71,7 to Floyd st, X 35,5 to Lewis av, x 46, h & 1, John Kramer to William C. Gluck. 9,700

Broadway, n B, 75 e 10th st, 26.4x100, h & l . John Bollmann to Rudolph Reimer. nom

Same property. Rudolph Reimer to Samuel W. Woolsey. Mort. $3,500, 6,500

Broadway, easterly corner Margaretta st, 17x 80, h & l . Release of dower. Amelia C. Roas to Maria E. Scott. nom

Same property. John H. Ross, trustee, to same. 2,000

Broadway, n e s , 17 s B Margaretta at, 17x76. MathUdie Ginsburg to Foroseagean J, Le­doux, Mort, $1,750, nom

Broadway, southerly cor Quincy st. 43.1x99,5' x38,6x18.3x48.9 to Quincy st, x 28.1,

Grove st, s e s , 500 n e Broadway, runs north­east 76 to Bushwick av, x southeast 84 x southwest 75 x northwest 84.

Greene av, n w a , 356.3 s w Evergreen av, 18.9x100.

Magnolia st, a a, 450 w Central av, 25x100. Quincy at, n s, 426 w Ralph av, 7.5x100.

Lewis L. Bartlett to Homer L, Bartlett. AU liens, 5,000

Same property. Anna E. R. Bartlett, lunatic, by Lewis L. Bartlett, committee, to same. All title. 135

Covert st, n w s , 135 a w Bushwick av, 25x 100, WiUiam Johnston to Katherina Gehr-ling, 400

CarroU Bt, s a, 126.4 w 7th av, 150x139.5x150.7x 153.5. Henry Day to Thomas Reid. 30,000

Carroll st, s s, 160 e 4th av, 20x60.10x20x59,11, Samuel Dean, Flatbush, to Mary wife of John Flynn. Assesssraent $30, 560

CarroU s t , s a, 430.3 w 7th av, 17.5xl23xl7,5x 124,7, Isaac T, Meyer to Margaret Wood­ward, Mort $4,000, 6,000

Carroll st, s B, 447.8 w 7th av, mns aouth 133 x east 11,1 X northwest to beginning. Isaac T, Meyer to Margaret Woodward. Q, C, nom

Chauncey et, n s, 100 w Patchen av, 100x70,3 to Brooklyn and Jamaica turnpike, xl00x67.2, Mary July, infant, by Therese July, guard,, to Thomas Ennis, 360

Bame property, Therese July, widow, tO' same, Q, C. nom

Same property, Emma wife of and.Frederick Weber and Elizabeth wife of Frank Koch, Jr. , to same. All title, 600

Clinton st, a e s, 21 n e State st, 31x90. h & l . Hamilton S. Adams, JacksonvUle, Fla,, to Alexander J, C, Skene and Annette W. C bis wife, as joint tenants. 10,000

Cumberland st, w a, 340 n Lafayette av, 20x 100, h & l , Isabella wife of John Gordon to Rachel C, wife of Hiram Burnet. Mort, $3,0OU, 8,400

Degraw st, s s, 56.3 w Hoyt st, 18,9x70, h & l . William M. Browne to Margaret F. Donigan. Mort, $4,000. 3,750

Downing st, w s, 315,9 n Putnam av, 18,9x100, Almon I. Dexter to Charles E. Earle. 7,350

Elm st, s e s, 380 n 6 Broadway, 40x67.5x40x 68,3. Samuel M, Meeker, exr. and trustee W, WaU, to Prederick Herr. l,4i,0

Ehn st, s e s, 380 n 6 Broadway, 40x67,5x40x 68,3, hs & Is, Frederick Herr to Anna Glnck, widow, 4,800

EUery st, s a, 250 e Throop av, 2SxlOO. Hein­rich Forfeit to Suaan J, Norton, Oyster Bay. Morts, $3,800. taxes. Sec, 100

Fleet pi, w a, 275 n WiUoughby st, 25x85. John R, and Joseph Patty, otherwise known as Petty, heirs of John Patty, to Henry E. Burtis. exch and 3,000

Franklin st, w s, 50 s Oak st, 35x70, Elizabeth wife of and Charles Karutz to Robert Har­rold. 4,500

Front st, n a, 192 e Gold st, 18,9x100, h & l , Eliza C. Horaley, Phebe A, Cooley, widow, Sam'l M,, Frances J,, Mary W. and Char­lotte H, Chambers and Wm. M, and Benj, W, Fergnaon, heirs M, Chambers, dec'd., to George H, Hale. 2,500

Fronts t , n s , 210.106Goldst, 18,9x100, h & l . Thomas C. Gourlay to Eliza Hamilton. Mort, $3,000. exch and 2,596

Fnlton at, s s, 46 e Gallatin pl, 36x91. I ra M, Gifford, Davenport, Iowa, to Edward H, R, Lyman, Subject to morts. 25,000

Forrest st, n a, 225 w Bremen at, 35x100, h & l , Elizabeth wife of and Michael Schaefer to Catharina Lipsius. Mort. $1,200, 3,360

Garfield pl, late Macomb st, n e s , 95,9 n w fith av, 50x114x50x116.4. Katharine M. Cooper to Frederick Loese. 3,800

Gold st, 6 s, 21,3 s Johnson st, 31.3x49.9. Louisa J. wife of and Hiram Jelliff to Catharine A. M. wife of Eibe H. Itjen. 3,500

Granite st, s e s , 100 n e Broadway, runs south­east 100 X northeast SOx southeaat 100 to Fur­man st X northeast 60 x northwest SoO to Granite st x southwest 80, Frederick Breit­enstein to John Schaffner. nom

Same property. John Schaffner to Elizabeth Breitenstein. nom

Herkimer st. No. 39, n s, 249,9 e Bedford av, 20 xlOO, Mary E, wife of and John Stafford to Waldo J, Morse. Mort, S6,000. 11,000

Herkimer st, n s, 76 w Ralph av, 36x100. Sopb­ronia wife of George R Waldron to Jonas I[, Goodman. Mort. $1,500. 2,700

Hancock st, n s, 325 e Lewis av, 100x100, Oliver S. Ackley to Mary E, Johnson, Rockville Centre. L. I. >^ part. Mort. $1,500. 600

Hancock st, n s, 70 e Bedford av, runs north 92 X east 30 x north 8 x east 20 x scuth 100 to Hancock st, x west 40, Susanna E. C. wife of Walter C. RusseU to GUes F. Bush­nell. 26,500

Har t st, s a, 235,4 w Broadway, 30x100, Ellen T, wife of and George T. Murray to Louise M. wife of James R. Hutb. Mt, $2,000, 3,000

Hart st, No, 311, n s, 250 w Lewis av, 20x100. Contract, Amanda W, Jeffery to John L, Patch. 4_500

Hart st, s s, 96 w Stuyvesant av, 79x100. Anna Gluck to WUliam C. Gluck, 7,000

Huron st, 8 s, 145 e Franklin st, 35x100. Dan­iel Walsh to Alexander G, MulhoUand. 3,000

Henry st, w s, 75 n Huntington st, 50x95.6. John Mortel to WUliam Mortal. M, $980, 220

Heyward st, n w s, 250 s w Bedford av, 30x100, h & l , Henry W, Biffar to Melchior P. Bif-far. 3,600

Heyward st, n a, 176 e L?e av, 19.6x100, h & l . Henry W. Biffar to John Biffar. Mort. §2,000. 4,000

Halsey st, s s, 60 e Marcy av, 20x80, h & l , Sadie C. wife of Floyd P. Gerow, Chicago, IU,, to Adolph Ludwig. Mort. $3,000. 3,500

Halsey st, a a, 335 w Tompkins av, 20x100. Grace Clapperton, widow, to Jobn Clapper-ton. K part. nom

HuU st, n s, 450 w Roekawny av, 88,9x100x25,8 xlOO. Robert R, HamUton, New York, to William M, MiUer. 375

Jefferson st, n s, 211,8 w Tompkins av, 16.Sx 100, William Taylor to WilUam McDonough, Mort, $3,000, 6,250

Joralemon st, n s, 71,1 w CUnton st, 25x90,0x25 X90.7, h & l , Clifford L. Middleton to Peter Notman. Taxes, 1888. 11,750

Jackson st, n s, 100 e Ewen et, SSxlOO. Mary

Henry, widow. Flushing, L, I., to Valentine & Co, 2.000

Kosciusko st, a a,'219 w Stuyveaant av, 13.6x100, Foreclos. L. R. Stegman to George H, Hale. ' 1,100

Kosciusko st, a a, 281.6 w Stuyvesant av, 12,6x 100. Foreclos. L. R. Stegman to George H, Hale. 1,000

Kent st, n s, 550 e Union av, now Manhattan av, 50x100, h & i, John Field, HicksvUle, L, L. to Michael Schaefer, M, $2,000. 5,000

Lafayette st, n s, 75 w Navy st, 3SxS0. Joseph W, Foster to Hut h Kelly. nom

Same property, Hugh Kelly to Fanny wife of Ji>spphW, Foster. nom

Lincoln pl, s s, 334 e 7th av, 25x100, Leonard Moody to Thomas Fagan. 6,000

Lorimer st, w a, 140 s Norman av, 35x100, ha & Is. David Atkin to Christian Hansen and Mary E. his wife, Morts, $3,600, 5,900

Middleton st, s e s , 104 s w Throopav, ISxlOO, h Sc 1, Eva Nonnenjnacher, individ, and as exr. A. Nonnenmf cher, to John Goetz and Alois Spahn. 1,500

Monroe st, n s, 366 w Ralph av, 19x100, Fore-cloii. L. R. Stegman to Andrew Peck, 4,050

Monroe st, s s, 125 e Throop av, 35x100, frame dwell'g Nelson Sizer to NeUie A, Hunter. Mort. $500. 1,600

Magnolia st, s s, 450 w Central av, 35x100, Homer L. Bartlett to Johu C. Hildebrandt. Mort, $1,600. 3,000

Main st. No. 43, e s, 100 B Water st, 16.8x75 to alley, with aU title in alley, Hannah Bradley to John Bradley. X part. Subject to all liens. 500

Maujer st, ss , 251,4 e Graham av, 25.5x100, h & 1, Cecelia wife ot and Albert Lastig to William and Louise Martin, exrs, Marg't Becker. Mort. 81.500. 4,250

Madison st, n s, ^06,3 w Thompkin'i av, lS,9x 100, William L, Vrooman to Mary J. wife of Henry Oigg. Mort. $3,000, 4,000

Madison st, n s, 300 e Stuyvesant av, lOOxli'iO, Richard Kingsland and ano,, exrs. and trus­tees Julia Coe, to David McMonnies, Eliza­beth, N . J . 4,500

Madison st, n s, 380 e Stuyvesant av, 20x100. David McMonnies, Elizabeth, N. J., to Edwin F, Knowlton. 1,200

Orient st, w a, 300 n Liberty av, SOxlOO, Hew Lots. Gilberfc S. Thatford to the Union Con­gregational Church., nom

Oakland st, e s, 63.6 a India st, 18,9x100, h & l . The Green Point Savings Bank, City Brook­lyn, to Patrick Scally. 3,000

Pacific st, s s, 75 w Grand av, 25x55, Charles H., Albert M, and FrankUn H, Kalbfleisch. individ. aud as exrs. M, Kalbfleisch to Mary Dinnten. 2,400

Paciflc st, a s, 313,9 w Grand av, 19.11x110, h Sc 1, Ellen M. wifeof James H. Ferguson to Mary Tanner, Mort, $3,000. 4,760

Pacifiest. s s, 233,9 w Grand av, 20x110, h & 1. Same to Mary Tanner and Henry W. her husband, joint tenants. Mort. $3,000. 4,760

Prince st. No, 108, w s, 207 n MVrtle av, IS.lx 85. Alois Lazansky to Samuel Ay era. C, a. G. 2,500

Prospect st, n w s , 150 n e Central av, 25x100. Foreclos. Lewis R, Stegman to Frederick A, Ward. ' ISO

Prospect pl, late Warreu st, a s, 250 e Roches-T ter av, 36x40x—x48. I

Buffalo av. e s, 77,9 n Butler st, 25x100, f Buffalo av, e s, 127,9 n Butler st, 25x100. J

George E. Baker, Atlantic, N. J., to Charles Clark. 150

Pulaski st, s s, 100 w Stuyvesant av, 16.8x100, Foreclos. Lewis R, Stegman to Henry Well­brock. 1,925

Same property, Jobn A. Sheldon, Rutland. Vermont, and John Hanna to Henry Well­brock, Mort. $1,500, 2,440

Penn st. No, UO, s e s, 106 s w Bedford av, 16x 100, Harriett A. wife of and Henry A, Archer to John J. Murray. Taxes, 3,700

Park st or pi, n w s , 111.6 s w Beaver st, 20x 100, h & l , Sophia wife of aud George LofBer to Jacob Memmer. 4,100

Plymouth st, n s, 140 e Bridge at, 20x100. Thomas M. Lahey to Louise Fey. C. a, G.

3,500 Palmetto st, a w s, 300 s w Central av, 25x 1

100. I Palmetto st, n w s , 350 s w Central av, 25x '

100. J Albert Daggett to Harriet Gaston. Fore­clos. 1877. 400

Same property. Harriet Gaston to Anna M. Carney. 750

Quincy st, s s, 300 w Patchen av, 100x100. Foreclos, Charles B, Burwell to Fred Herr.

2,500 Quincy st, s s, 320 e Clason av, 19x100, Madison sfc, n s, 430 w Nostrand av, 23x100. State st, s a, 1.50.4 w 3d av, 20,6x100. WiUiam Ziegler et al,, exrs. and trustees John

H. Seal, to Albert Sibley, 17,000 Quincy st, n a, 160 w Tompkins av. 20xl45.5x

30x148. Paul C. Grening to WiUiam J. Sayres. J a part, 50O

Quincy st, s w cor Reid av, 75x100. Release of dower. Jane B. Mott, widow, to WUliam P. Clark. nom

Ryeraon at, e a, 99.6 n Lafayette av, runs eaat 60 X north 0.6 x east SO x north 15 x weet 100 to Ryerson st, x south 15.6, h & l . Annie Y. wife of and David H. Fowler to Jaraes Halli­day. Mort, $4,0CO. 7,500

Reids lane, adj J. J. Rappelyea, ruus south­west along Rappelyea's fiOl.S to Henry Boer-ums, X southeast 914.8 to G. Nostrands x east 636 to Rem Lafferts x southeast 851 to

December 8, 1883 T H E REAL ESTATE. RECORD. 983

J. J, RappelyeaxDortheastSll toReidslane, X northwest 807.8, being 24 581-1,000 acres, 21st Ward. Jane L, wife of Charles J. De Bevoise to Isaac C. De Bevoise. nom

Same property. Isaac C. De Bevoise to Charles J, De Bevoise, nom

Rapelje st, w s, 1,075 n 3d st, 75x150, New Lota. George Evans to Eliaabeth A. Williams. Mort. $3,000. exch and 100

Sandford st, w s, 301,6 n Myrt leav, 18,9x100, Sarah J. wife of and Francis R, Howell to Jnlins B. Davenport. Mort, $3,800. exch

Sands st, s s, 50"e Adams at, 36.9x100, Charles G. Badeau to WUliam K. Badeau. AU title. C, a, Q, nom

Sameproperty, WilUam K, Badeau to Mary A. wife of Charles G, Badeau, AU title, C, a, G. nom

St. Andrew's pl, e s, 175.7 s Herkimer st, 60x90. Jobn Day, Jeraey City, to EUen Nichol, 2,200

Smith st, southerly cor Leonard now Lorraine st, runs southwest 200 to Grinnell !st, x south­east 17S to Gowanus Canal, x northeast 74,8 to Hamilton av, x northwest 178,10 to Leonard or Lorraine st, x northwest 47,4, Foreclos. Gerard M, Stevens to Harriet R, Hurd, 10,000

Smith st, e 's, 61,8 s Union at, 18,6x66,3, h & l , Howard Crosby, New York, to George Crosby. C, a. G-, nom

Stockholm st, n a, 325 e Evergreen av, 25x137, George A. W, Krone to Joseph Danes, 500

Sackett st. No, 326, Par ty wall agreement, Horace W. Stearns with Fanny H. Harding,

nom Sackett st, s s, 66,e Hoyt st, 33,8x66,8, hs & is.

Marv A, wife of and Johu Robinson to An­drew J. Dower. Mort, $4,000, 8,000

Scholes st, n s, 81 e Bushwick av Boulevard, 23 xSO, h & L Ernest H, Ednn, to Ernest Ochs and John Lehnert. Mort. $1,600. 2,500

Spencer st, e s, 20 s Willoughby av, 17x67, h & 1, Ida M, J. Robin to Henry Robin. Mort, $1,000. 3,000

Strong pi. w s , 199,2 s Harrisonst, 25,10x109.10. Edward and James Rorke to Harriet wife of Frederick C. Boden. Mort. $4,000, See New Utrecht. 11,500

Union at, n a, 160 e 8th av, 40x90, John A. Tucker et al,, exra. and trustees Richard S. Tucker and Margaret A. Tucker, individ,, to John A, Casey, 8,000

Union st, n s, 100 e Sth av. 60x90, John A. Tucker et al., exrs. and trustees R.S, Tucker, individ., and Margaret A. Tucker, individ,, to Bernard McCaffrey. 12,000

Uuion st, n s , 100 e Smith at, 40x90, h s & l s . Howard Crosby, New York, to George Cros­by, C. a. G. nom

Union st, s s, SO w Hoyt st, 16,3x98, John Layton to Hiram L. Brumley. Correction deed, Q, C, nom

Warren st, n e a , 140,4 s e Court st, 18,9x100, h & 1, Joseph Hart, Nyack, N. Y., to Isaac Hart. K part. Re-recorded. November I, 1871. 7,500

Witbei-a st, n s, 50 w Lorimer sfc, 25x100, h & I. Adam and George Clemens and Mary Brun-agel wife of Peter, heirs of M. Clemens, to Andrew Watson. 1,500

Wilson st, n w s, 160 s w Wythe av, 15x100, h & 1, Sophia E, Moore, widow, to Daniel Dempsey, Mort, $1,000, 3,300

Wyckoff st. No. 302, s a, 100 w 3d av, 30x100, Henry C. GriSin, Tarrytown, to Emma L, Houghton. Mort. $4,000. 6,000

3d at, northerly cor Bond st, 20x74,6, h & l . Julia wife of and Bernard Tepe to Johu O'Brien. Taxea. &c. 6,300

4th pl, a B, 24,6 e Henry st, 20x43, h & I. Thomas Keogh to John Harrigan. Mort, $660, 4,000

4th pl, n s , 70wCour ts t , 20x100.11, h & I . Sub­ject to court yard restriction, Benjamin B. Hopkins to Christian Schumann, Mort $1,-500, 3,0,50

Sth st, s w s , 337.10 s e Sth av, 15x100, Jacob Barber to Edward G. Bates, Mort. $2,500 4 360

6th st, n w s, 25 s w North fith st, 35x74, John Sullivan, New York, to Elizabeth Donohue. AU Uens. 1,000

North fith et, n e s , 41.8 a e 3d st, 16,8x50. Jaue Richardaon, heir of A. Auatin, Christina M. Austin, widow, Christina M. Crozier, Rich­ard S,, Frank R,, Agnes A, and Jessie M, Austin and Mary J, Duncan, children of R, S. Austin, to George S, Wheeler. Q. C. nom

9th st, n e s , 97.10 s e 6th av, 18,4x100, Release mort. Albro J. Newton to Johu Doud, nom

10th Bt, n e s , 443.9 s e 6th av, 18,9x100, h & l . Louise A. S. wife of John J, AUen to Feder-echeH, Werhan. Mort $3,000, S 600

13th st, s B, 189 w 4th av,J2lxI0G, h & l , Howard Crosby, New York, to George Crosby, C, a, G, nom

12tb st, n s, 296,5 e Sth av. 50x100, Richard H, Heasman to William H. WeUs, Mort $3,000. 8,500

16th st, swrs, 133.10 s e l l t h av, 20x100. Wil­Uam F. Redmond to John Ronke or Rouke C. a. G. 500

17tb st, s s, 120 w 4th av, 20x100, three story brick dwell'g. RosiUa B, wife of and Qeorge W. Rich to Daniel S. Hasluck, Birmingham, England. 4,300

Bay 17th st, e s, 643 n Bath av, 58x96.8, New Utrecht. George D, Pine to Annie E. wife of Thomas Gilbert. Mort, $1,200, 3,500

39th st, n s, 175 w 6th av, 36x100,4, James Lennon to Rose wife of and John F. Mc­Kenna. 3(j0

44th st, s s, 453 e 3d av, 20x100.3. Caroline Graner, infant, by Selma Grauer, guard., to Francis Purdy. Mort. $350, 450

Same property. Release of dower, Selma Grauer, widow, to same. 33

49th st, a w s , lOOse Sthav, 300x100,2. Edward T, Hunt et al.; exrs. and trustees Thomas Hunt, to Anna G. wife of Jobn H, Becker,

4,500 63d st, n s. 160 w 4th av, 30x100.3. Charlea A.

Willard to Charles Griffith, 500 S4th at, a s, 37S w 2d av, 5x100,3. ) 54tb st, s B, 400 w 2d av, 5x100,3. f

Left'ert L, Bergen and Catharine M, Wyckoff, widow, to Catharine wife of Patrick Car­lin, 135

S7th st, s w s, 140 s e Sth av, 40x100,3 Edward T, Hunt et al, exrs, and trustees T, Hunt, dec'd, to Patrick H, Flynn and Celeste H. his wife. 500

Atlantic av, s s, 120 w Underbill av, 20x100. John Finley, Jr. , to John Finley, Sr,, and Thomas Finley. 3,000

Atlautic av, n s, 10S.3 e Sheffield av, 50,4,T:97,3 x50xl02,10, New Lots, Joseph Herbst to Bernhard Wiesenbach. X part. Sub. to morts. $14,000. 2,000

Atlantic av, s s, 66.8 e Saratoga av, 16,8x100, h&l, Peter Kelty to Thomas Kelty. Xpar t . Subject to morts, $1,500. nom

Bedford av, e a, 100 n WiUoughby av, 35x100. The Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York, ta An­drew Peteraon. C. a, G, 3,350

Buffalo av, s e cor Park pl, 27,9x100. Thomas Jnckson to Owen Feeney. 500

Bushwick av Boulevard, e s, 60 s Ten Eyck st, 20x76,6x20,8x71,4. Release dower, &c, Anna M, Auffinger to David Teese, recvr. nom

Clinton av, w s, 26,7 s Lafayette av, 100x200 to Waverly av. WiUiam P, Dixon, Hannah B, wife of Henry B. Barnes, Priscilla D, wife of Thomaa C, Sloane, Courtlandt P,, George A,, Ephrain W. and PauUne W, Dixon, heirs C. P. Dixon, to Robert Graves, Q, C, nom

Clermont av, e s, 511,11 n Myrtle av, 25x100, Ida M, Robin to Henry Robin, 5,500

Flatbush av, n e s , adj W. W. Backus, runs east to centre of Beilford av, xsouth 390 to Percy R, Pyne x west to Flatbush av. x northwest to beginning, Flatbush. George H. Sharp, Kingston, N. Y,, to Mary E, Craigie, 7,000

Franklin av, e s, 40 n Bergen st, 20x80, Release mort, John Maxwell, Saugerties, N, Y,, to Edward and Francis Conklin. 1,200

Fnlton av, s s, 26 w Miller av, 26x100, New ' Lots. Mary A. Miller to Alexander A.

Brown. 500 Furman av, centre line, s e s , bet Bushwick

and Evergreen avs, sfcrip partly 40 and part­ly 60 feet wide, running on curve to point south of eentre line between Furman and Aberdeen sts, for road bed, &c, John H, Schumann to The Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach R. R. Co. 500

Flushing av, s s, 39 w Carlton av, 4Ox93x40.9x 83.8, Foreclos, Lewia R. Stegman to Elean­or E. Jackson, Huntington, L. I, 1,500

Graham av, s e cor Richardson st, 44x75, Foreclos. L. R, Stegman to Jonas H. Good­man. 3,950

Gat'ss av, s s. 350 w Tompkins av, 25x100, Stephen R. Post to Hannah P, Ladd. 8,000

Greene av, s s, 350 wLewis av, 15x100. Joseph C. Hoagland to Paul C. Grening, 900

Greene av, s s, 224,8 w Lewis av, 0,4x100. Sarah A. Jessup, widow, to Paul C. Grening.

nom Greene av, n s, 375 e Grand av, SOxlOO. Clifton pl late Van Buren st, s s, 276 e Grand

av, .50x1(10, Stepben Baldwin, Hempstead, L, I,, to John N. Smith. Q, C, nom

Henry av, "w s, 150 s Balfcic av, 50x100, East New York, William M. Miller to Michael F. Wozniak and Emilie E. his wife and Christopher F, Stettner and Mary A. his wife. Mort, $1,300. 3,775

Howard av, e s, 75 s Marion st, 35x100. Eliza­beth wife of aud William Slain to WiUiam Peper, New York. Mort. §1,000. 1,400

Lewis av, w s, 43.6 n Gates nv, 56.6x125x69x—, Charles H, Windslow to Anna E, ReiUy, 2,600

Liberty av, n w cor Butler av, 35x100, East New York. Alberfc Furgang to Ernest Schnopp and Christine his wife, joint ten­ants. SSO

Liherty av, n e cor Barbey st, 100x160, hs & Is,, East New York, John Stauder to WilUam Huttenlocher. Mort, ?1,SOO. 7,000

Liberty KV, S S, IOO e Snedeker av, SSxlOO, East New York. Lewis R. Stegman to Ed­ward J. Jardin, New Lots. Foreclos. 300

Liberty av, s s, 100 w Butler av, 50x100.5, East New York. WUliam F. Storm to Fred­erick Kurtz, 900

Liberty av, s w cor Henry av, 75x100, New Lots, Foreclos. Lewia R, Stegman to Albert Stephan. 1,075

Lee av, n w cor Keap at. 30x80, John W. Pierce to Paul Todtschiuder, 11,000

Morgan av, w a, 46 n Lombardy at, 33,6x95. Agreement to sell. Richard C. Combes to Jobn Barnes, 1,000

Montrose av, s s, SO w Humboldt at, 30x100. ) Graham av, n wcor Meserole st, 50x75, f

EmU Rauth, heir of W, Rauth, dec'd,, and of Louise Betts or Baetz, formerly Rauth, dec'd,, to Anna M, Schaertl. 1-9 part, gift

Marcy av, e s, 51 n Lexington av, 16.4x66.11, h Sc 1. Clement, Alfred G. and TheophUus Lockitt to Sarah A. wife of David Camp­bell. 5,000

Park av, n s, 99.1 w Kent av, 0.11x34.7xlx 34.7. Archibald PhUlips, J r . , to Guatav C. Weidig. 400

Same property. Release mort, Henry T. Wil­lets to Archibald Phillips, Jr, nom

Park av, s s, 313,6 e Nosfcrand av, 1,6x83,3. William A. Martin to Julius B, Davenport, 60

Park av, n s, 60 w Skillman st, 20x75, h & l . Sarah A, wife of Edward A, Woolley to Mary wife of John PhUlips, Mort. $1,.500.

3,000 Putnam av, s s 340 w Nostrand av, 10x100. Al­

bert T,, Louisa H, and Hattie Stolpp, infants, by Albert Stolpp, guardian, to Albc'rt M, Bigelow. Infants' share. 600

Putnam av, s s, 350 e Marcy av, 20x100. Fred­erick C. Vrooman to WiUiam C. Buckley, Mort, $3,500. 6,700

Prospect av, s w s , 300 s e 6th av, 75x100.3. Dennis Shehan to John D. Fish, Morts, $9,000. IS.OOO

Reid av, 6 a, 34,6 s Halsey st, 50.6x70, h & Is. Mary Lippmann to Sarah J, Wells. Morts. 86,300, nom

Ridgewood av, s a. 593.5 e Bedford pl, 75x335 to Linden Boulevard, Flatbush, Marietta Crowell to Benjamin P. Stephens. 6,000

Schenectady av, 6 s, 55 7 s Bergen st, .50x100. John Stahl, Clarkstown, N. Y., to William H. Cooke and James Mathison, J r . Mort, $1,600 snd interest. exch

Sheppard av, w s, 326 s Gay st, 3.5x100, New Lots, James Shannon to Daniel Sanders, 330

Seneca av and Newtown Creek, Maspeth av and Bullion st—the block, with land under water, &c, George Covert, Maspeth, L. I,, to Cord Meyer, Jr , All title, nom

St, Marks av, s a, 350 e New York av, lOOx 350.7 to Prospect pl, Jaraes C, Brevoort to Foster Pettit and Caroline A, Searles. Q. C, and release from covenant. nom

Throop av, n e s , 20 s e Whipple st, 20x71.3. Fanny wife of Segismuud Knapp to Mary Friend. 3,300

Van Siclen av, w s. New Lots. Release mort. Charlotte A, and Phebe Hagner, Jamaica, to Elizabeth Bonnell, 360

Van Siclen av, w s, 300 n Fulton av, SSxloO, New Lots. Elizabetb BonneU to Christian Lacker. 43,5

Washington av, e s, 30 nDeanst , 20x43.10x31,10 x35, Annie Dickerson, extrx, A. Dickerson, to Harriet Townsend. 100

Washington av, e s, 30 n Dean sfc, 20x43.lOx 21,10x35, Release of dower. Annie Dickin­son, widow, to Harriet Townsend. nom

Waverly av, e s, 406.3 n Myrtle av, IS 9x100, h Sc 1. Frances D. T. Converse, Norwich, Conn., widow, to Charles A. and Albert T. Converse, Norwich, Conn,, and Emma M. and Mary E, Converse, Providence, R. I., heirs W. M, Converse, Q, C. 800

Same properby, Charlea A, and Albert T. Converse, Norwich, Conn,, and Emma M. and Mary E. Converse, heirs W, M, Con­verse, to Eliza D. Heatly. 4,000

Willoughby av, s s, 553,3 w Marcyav, 19.6x 100, h & l . Daniel B. Norris to Emma wife of Henry C, Sievers. Mort. -?4,0U0, 8,350

1st av, s e cor President st, 100x93. Agreement to sell, &c, William C. Trull to Isaac Hen­derson, Grantor agrees to convey above premises at any time within one year in cou­sideration of $3,000 cash aud the further sum of 8,000

3d av, w a, 100 s 6th st, 20x100, AUce H. wife of and James L. Morgan, Jr. , to Carl Eibee and Edward Cheers, 850

3d av, w s, 120 s 6fch st, 30x100. AUce H. wife of and James L. Morgan, Jr. , to Andrew Halley and Thomas B. Miniter, 350

3d av, s e s, 60 a w 20th st, OOxICO, Serena L. Spader, Jamaica, L. I,, to John McGrath, 5,000

3d av, e s, 40.8 s Slst st, 20x100. Rufus L, Scott to John H. Ross, trustee. Mort, $3,000, 4,000

3d av, n w cor Warren st, 20x80, Louisa R, Snyder to John Hanigan, Morts. $3,360. 7,500

Sth av, easterly cor Garfield pl, 101x70. Henry Lansdell to William R, Webster, Oyster Btiy Morts. $27,000. 30/00

Sth av, 6 K, 40 n 30th sfc. 20x85, h & l . Maria A. wife of and Nickolaus Hartung to John P, H, De Wint, 8,0C0

fith av, s s, 25,1 e 66th sfc, 25.1x100, New Ufcrecht. John F, Miller to Rose T, Mosher, ISO

Brooklyn and Jamaica turnpike road, n s, 250 w Miller av, 50x230.3 to Sunny Side av, xSOx 230, New Lots. Herbert C. Smith to Adolph Heidenreich. 1,000

Interior gore, 81,1 e Franklin av and 40.2 s Atlantic av, runs north 21,11 x west 8,11 x southeast to beginning, J. EUen SuUivan, widow, to John J, Drake. 50

Interior lot, 34,7 n Park av and 99.1 w Kent av, mns west 1 x north 35x1x25. Bryan Brady to Gustav C. Weidig. 150

Same property. Releasemort. Easfc Brooklyn Savings Bank to same, nom

Lofc at New Utrecht, begins at high water mark at line between L, Griswold and W, HamUton and J. M. Muspratt, 58.3x489x51.Sx 504,6, with buildings, Harriefc wife of aud Frederick C. Boden to Edward and James Rorke. See Strong pl, 7,000

Manhattan Beach Railroad, adj Eliz, Clute, runs south along Clnte's land 139,7 x west 90 railroad x northeast — to beginning, gore, Gravesend. Anna, James B., Robert, Isa­beUa and Isaac V. D, Voorhies and George and Pheobe Lott, heirs B. I. Voorhies, to EUzabeth Clute, 150

Plot of the Beach at the Narrows of New York Bay, New Utrecht, EUzabeth Barknloo. widow, and Heiman Barkuloo, et al,, to Catharine Van Dyke. 1806. 50

Assignment of legacy of $1,000, Julia A. wife

984 1 HE R E A L INSTATE RECORD December 8,1883

of Jamea Crawford, Jersey City, to Albert W, S. Proctor. 850

AUrealestateof grantor in Eings Co, or else­where in New York state. Frederick Col­lina. individ. and as assignee of G, L. Wat­rous & Co, to Benjamin Westlake. nom

Certified copy of the last will and testament of Anna Cobb, dec'd.

Declaration by Helen Lott, widow, and James C. Lott and others, children of Jacobua Lott, dec'd, as to ownership of old road forming part of property devised to tbem.

Declaration of trust by Richard Goodwin to Joseph L. Goodwin, June 28, 1881. nom

Receipt of bequest and release of executors Sarah A. Gilpatrick to Adam Craig and ano.. exra, Jane Thomson. 1,707

Similar document. James W, J, Weir to same. 1,707


NOVEMBUB 1 8 T H T O 2 6 T H — I N C L U S I V E .


Keyser, John C.—Pius Raible, lot on w s Oth av, on map of Central Mt. Vernon, 125

Raible, Pius^Louisa Schwartz, same prop­erty. 400

Townsend, Jobn J,, et aL. trustees of Fred­erick Bronson—Frederick Bronson, admr. of Marv Bronaon, e s 4th av, 171,9 s S. 3d st, 28.3x105. 1

Archer, Suaan A.—George E. and Frank V. Archer, e s 4fch av, in village of Mt. Vernon, 50x100, 7,000

Archer, Susan A,—GUbert V, Archer, lot 4 on e s Sth av. at Central Mt, Vernon. 2,500

Bantz, WUUam—Anna Bellesheim, lots Nes, 18 and 21, on w s Franklin av, 3,000

Bellesheim, Joseph—Wm, Bantz, w a 4th av, at Central Mt, Vernon, SOxlOO. 3,500

Bray, Alonzo—John F. Erewet. lot No. 132. on e s 9ih av, a t Central Mfc. Vernon, 1,225

Stevens, John, George L., Mary and Mander-ville B, MUler— Jobn A, Farrington, n e cor Stevens av and Grove st. on map of Fleet­wood, }4 acre. 345

Eschhach, Antoine, by J. M. Smith, ref,—Abi­gail J, Purdy, lot No. 155, on n w sUnion st, a t West Mt. Vernon, 100x100, 1,500

Purdy, Abigail J,—Theophile Nuphrat, 'same proparty. 1,525

Kindel. George—Herman Osmer, lots Nos, 32 and 116, on w a 3d st, HiO ft. s Union av. 835

Coudert, Charles, exr, of F. D, Louia—Harrison P, Colea, e s 10th av, in vUlage of Mt, Ver­non, 100x105. 3,000


Horton, Penina—Emily B, Stevena, lots Nos, 40 and 45, on e s Lawton st. 1

Forbes, iWary T.^Charles G. Banka, lot on e s Bay View av, adj lands of Abel O. Vil-marth. 250


Jenning, Thomas, et al., trustees of M. E. Church, City Island—Stephen D. Horton, lot on w s Main st, adj lands of grantee, 50x70. 2

Church, Trinity M. E,, of City Island—Stephen D. Horton, same as above. 800


Decker, I^iaac—Louis Bodenberger, lot No, 11 on w s old Boston Post road, 200 ft from s s Julianna st. 300

W H I T E P L A I N S .

Archer, Hannah E. and Eugene—Sarah S. Banks, lot on n s Martine av, adj lot of Eras­tus Sutherland. 3,500

Ferris, James M,—A, Jackaon Hyatt , lot on w 8 John st, 90 ft from Ridge st, 300

Banks, Sarah S, and Wm. L.—Eugene Archer, lot on s a Lake st, adj lot of Anna Fisher. 1,500


steen, Jacob, e ta l , , heirs of Priscilla G, and Eliza Steen, dec'd—Willet H. C. Coles, lot on w s Warburton av, 5U s Gold st, 1

Belknap, Wm, H,—Lydia E, Belknap, lot -̂ n a • e B Engine pi, 276 n e James st. 1,000 Copcntt, John^Frederick Wangenatein, lot a t

B w cor Nepperhan av and Elm st, 2,StO Yonkera Savings Bank—Marvin R, Oakley, 2

lota a t n w cor Dock st and Woodworth av. 3.500

Mutual Life Ins, Co,—Frederick Gamjost, n w cor of Vineyard and Ashburton avs, 125x 145. 10,000

Smith, NeUie R,—Isaac B, Smith, lot at s w cor South Broadway and Post st. 1

©orey, William A,, by S. S. MarshaU, ref,— Maria 8. Watson, 3 lots on s s Walnut av adj land of Abraham Lent. 105

Baldwin, WUliam H.—MariaS. Watson, same property. 45

McCallum, William—Henry Parker, lot on w s Warburton av, adj land of Julia A. Sanger.

3,100 Cornell, Thomas C ^ J a m e s Slade, lot on s w

cor Nepperhan av and Croton Aqueduct. 1 Slade, James—JaneE, Cornell, sameproperty. 1


NOVBMBKR 30, DECEMBER 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. Ambrose, Daniel R,, to T H E BOWERY SAVINGS

BANK. SOth sb. P, M. Dec, 1, 1 year, 5 per cent. $5,000

Adler, Lewis, to Emil Langsdorf, Division st, s a, 38.8 e Catharine st. 27x70,7x37x70.9. Leaae. Oct. 8. 1 year. 5,000

Adler, Koees, to T H S D B T DOCK SAVINGS INST.

Av B, s e cor fith st, 21x64. Dec. 6, 1 year, 5 per cent. 3,000

Anderson, C. M,, to John N. Hurver, Brook­lyn. Cherry st. No. 101, n B, 16,1X39,2 X west 0.9 X north 33.9 x west 3.8 x north 15,4 x west 2,1 x n o r t h 11.3 xwes t 10,9 xsouth 60.3xeast 0.5 X south 89.2 to Cherry st. Dec, 3, 5 yeara, 4,000

Baldwin, William B,, to EUza B, wife of Spen­cer H. Smith. S7th st, P. M, Dec, 5, 1 year. 5,0C0

Braender. Philip, to William C. Schermerhorn, etal . , exrs, and trustees EUzabeth S. Jonea. Slst St. P. M. Nov. 16, dne Dec. S, 1884, 12,000

Brower, John, to T H E SEAMANS BANK FOR SAVINGS, City of New York. Broadway, n ecorS9th st, 76,10x107,3x74.1x86,8. Dec. 4, due March 31, 1884, 5 per cent. 15,000

Banks, Ann, wife of and George W,, and George J. Banka to George A, Barker, trustee for Elizabeth Barber. 21st st. No. 138, s s, 320.7 e 7th av, 2Sx93, Dec, 1. 3 years, 4X P. c. 3,SO0

Barrett, Henry J., to Robert Irwin. Bowery. Prince st, P. M. Nov. 30, 4 years, installs, S per cenfc 63,000

Bendheim, Zachariaa, to Samuel Grunbacher, Trenton, N, J. 4th st. No. 352, s s, 118,9 w Av D, 18,9x96, Nov. 30, 6 years, 5 p, c- 3,700

Bentz, John, to Magdalena wife of Daniel Rummel. Av B, P. M. Nov. 30, due Jan, 1, 1885, instaUs, 5}^ per cent, 1,000

Bergamini, Emiliano P,, to Mary Dugan. Alexander av, w a, 19 n 136th st, 16,6x75. Dec. 1, notes. 1,000

Bird, James, and J, Everitt Bird, Mt, Pleasant, N. Y , to Mai-y E,. Sarah E. and Francis E. Curry, Greenburgh, N, Y. Hudson st, e a, 23 B Morton st, 23x80, Oct, 9, due May 1, 1886. 7,000

Blank, August, to Peter Doelger. 3d av. No, 330. Short lease. Nov, !9, demard. 3,000

Blinn, Christian, Jr , , to James Philp. 61st, P. M. Dec. 1, 1 year. 3,O0D

BoUmeyer, Albert H,, to T H E MUTUAL L I F E INS. Co,, New York. 19th st. No, 439, n s, abt 123.4 w A v A, abt 30,6x93, Dec. 1, due March 1, 18&5. 10,000

Same to Simon and Marcus Schwartz, Same property, P. M, Dec. 1, Syears. 4,000

Brewster. John L., Plainfield, N. J., to Francis M. Jencks, 131st sfc, n s, 135e 6th av, lOOx 99. n . Dec. 1, note. 1.5,000

Briel, Christian, to T H E HARLEM SAVINGS BANK of New York, S2d st, Noa. 246 and £48, s s, 61.8 w 2d av, 40x77.2. . Nov. 30, 1 year, 5 per cent. 10,000

Bronson, Willett, and James M, Vamum to T H E MURRAY H I L L BANK. Declaration as to amount due on a cerCain mortgage by I ra E, Doying to Willett Bronson,

Brown, Frances R,, to Alfred J, Taylor, 104th st, s s, 250 w 9th av, 25xlOO,lL Njv, S0,"dn6 Sept, IS, 1888, gold. 2,600

Brown, Jobn J,, to Auguste Pottier. 94th st, P. M, Sub. to mort. $30,000. Nov. 30, due Dec. 1, 1885, 5 p, c, 10,000

Brown, Mary, wife of John J,, t^ NelUe A, Crosaman, widow, Morris Co,, N, J. Lexing­ton av. P. M. Nov, 28, due Dec. 3, '84, 18,000

Butler, James H,, and Eienor A. hia wife, of Hoboken, N, J., to Mansuy P, Dodin. 17th st, n a, 350 w Sth av, 25x93. Dec. 1, due Jan. 1, 1S89, 5 per cent, 12,000

Cairns, Jasper, to John Callahan. Broome st. No. 400, P. M. Nov, 30. 3 years, 5 p. c. 13.000

Clark, Francis A., to JuUa A. Chapman. 9ith Bt. P. M . Ocfc. 26, du9 Dec. 1, 1884. installs., 5 per cent. 4,700

Clark, Jnlia A., wife of and Cyrus, to T H E MU­TUAL L I F E INS. CO. of New York. 7fch av. No. 728, w s, 25.2 n 49th sfc, 25.1x140,1 fco Broadway, x 25.1x138.11. 2d mort. Nov. SO, due Dec, 1,1884, 12,500

Coogan, Teresa, wife ofand Matthew, to Philip MiUigan. 1st av, e s, 75.7 s 118th st, 25.2x94, Dec. 1, due Dec. 31. 3,750

Same to Edwin A. Bradley and George C. Cur­rier, of Branley & Currier. Ist av, e s, 76.7 n 117th st, 50,5x94. Dec. 1, dueJan . 31, 1884. 12,000

Same to Samuel Eilpatrick. lat av, e a, 75.7 n 117th st, 2.5,2x94. Oct. 6, 6 months. 1,750

Corbit, Joseph, to Warren M. Merrill, 23d st, n a, 436 e 10th av, 24x117.6, Leaae. D e c l , 1 year. 5,000

Cowman, Thomas, to Edwin A, Bradley and George C. Currier. 60th st, n B, 200 w 10th av. 50x100.5, Subject to morta. $L>4,500, Nov, 22, 3 months. 3,345

Crumbie, Ann E,, to Selig Steinhardt, 83d st, 10th av, P, M. Nov. 10, 1 year, 5 p, c, 16,000

Corn, Samuel, to Augusta H, Aronson et al., exrs. and trustees Harris Aronson, dec'd. 128th at, No. 23, n s, 90 w Madison av, 20x 99.11. Dec. 3, 3 years, 5 per cent, 8,000

Carreau. CyrJUe, to T H E GERMANIA L I F E INS, Co,, New York, Madison av. P. M, Dec. 6, due Nov. 30, 1886, S per cent. 25,000

Dinant, Martha J., to T H E HARLEM SAVINGS BANK, City New York, 145t,h st. s B, 2S3,4 e 3d av, 50x100. Dec. 1, 1 year, 5 per ct. 4,000

Doon, Hugh, to Frederick Ryer. 114th st, P , M. Dec, 1, 3 year. 2,500

Doty, Spencer C , to Katie Gordon, 72d st. P .M. Dec, 1,3 years. 5,000

Dugan, Mary, to Thomaa J. Crombie, Alex­ander av, w s, 68,6 n l36th st. 16,6x75, Dec. 1, lyear , 3,000

De Frece, Mary B., wife of and Benjamin, to .1, Nelsou Tappan, as Chamberlaiu of New York. 9th av, w s, S0.7 n 96th st, 25,2x100, Nov, 28,1 year, S per cent. 3,875

Some to same. Sth av, w s, 25.S s 97th at, 36.3x 100. Soy. 26,1 year, 6 per. cent, S,626

Ecker, Edward B., to Wells S. Dickinson and Fayette W, Lawrence, Malone, N. Y,, and Darius A. Moore, De Kalb, N, Y, 4th av, 73d et. P. M. Nov, 30, 1 year, instaUs. 51,000

Edwards, John, to Emma Boone. 130th at. P, M. Nov. 28. 1 year, 5J^ per cent. 3,000

Erichs, Henry W., to Edward F. Murphy, I l ths t , ns, '396,8 w 1st av, 90,5x72.3 x east 4,11 xnor th 31 xeas t 39.8 x northeast 44,7 along old Stny vesant st, x south 24,& x west 4.1 X Bouth69,10xsouth34,6, Dec, 3, Syears, 5 per cent. 13,000

Ernst, Otto, South Amboy, N. J., to F. H. R. Canel, Sr,, Hamburg, Germany. 83d st, s s, 275 6 10th av, 75x137 x northwest ^ x north 131.2. Dec. 3, 1 year. 16,000

Ely, Smith Jr,, with Simon Haberman. Agreement that a morfc, for $5,000 by Haber­man to Ely (see Morts,} shall be security only for amount actually advanced under a cer­tain contract, Dec. 4,

Efinger, George, to Louis Dorzbacher. 1st av, P. M, Dec. 6, 1 year, 5 per cent. 5,000

Este, Mary B., to James Rintoul, trustee. OSth at, n s, 100 w 4th av, 17x100.5. Nov. 28, due Kept. 1, 18B4, .500

Farlev, Jobn T,, to Bridget M, Farley, 73d st. P. M, Dec, 3, 3 years, 5 per cent. 7,000

Pau'man, Sarah E., wife of and James, to Annie W. wife of Charles J. Gould, 19th st. No. 363, 8 s, 60 e 9th av, 20x69.8. Nov. 17, 3 years, 6,000

Foley, Mary A,, to John S. Bassett, 4th av. P. M, Dec, 4, 3 years, 5,000

Same to Esther Gordon, 4th av, P, M. Dec, 3, 1 year, SJ^ per cent. 4,500

Foulke, Joseph, mortgagor, with Isabella L, wife of Henry R, Beekman, Agreement ex­tending mortgage. Nov. 30. nom

Farley, Terence, to Edward Oppenheimer and I^aac Metzger, 80th st,s s, 100 e Madison av, 153x102.9. Nov, 30, dueDec, 1, 1884. 6,000

Folsom, George W,, to Louise W, Knox and ano,, trusteea for Jeanie de F, K, Barbour. 19th st, n a, 39ii e 2d av, 20x93, Hov. SO. due Dee, 1, 1886. 5 per cent, ' 4,500

Friedsam, Michael, to James R, Smith. 83d St. P, M, Nov. 28, due Dec. 1, 1888, or sooner, 5 per cent. 31.009

Gelles, Isaac, to Wendolin J. Nauss. Chrystie St. P .M. Nov, SO, instaUs., due J u l y l , ISS9, 5)4 per cent. 14,000

Gessner, WiUiam J,, to Emilie wife of Morris L. Chaim. 1st av, e s, 77,6 n 14th st. 25.9x94; 1st nv, e s, 51,9 n 14th st, 25,9x94. Leaae, Nov. 30, 6 yeare, , 12,000

Goldstein, Joaeph,'to Lena Morris, Ridge st. P. M. Nov. 28, duo Dec. I, 1885. 2,000

Goldberg, Morris, and Nathan Schancupp to Robert W, Tailer. Hester st. No. 1, cor Clinton st, P, M- Nov, 38, S years, 20,000

Grabowsliy, Louis R,, to T H E K I N G S COUNTY SAVIKGS INST. AV A, S W cor S6th st, 26 8x 75,9, Dec. 4, 1 year, 5 per cent, 13,000

Haberman, Simon, to Smith Bjly, Jr . 4th av, s e cor 103d st, lOO.llxlSO, Dec, 1. 3 yrs. 11,001

Same to same. Same property, Dec. 1, due March 1, 1887. 5,000

Haerting, Paul C , and Anthony Rieger to the H. Clausen & Son Brewing Co. Broad st, southerly cor Pearl st, 31,9x66,11x0,8x5,lOx 31,8x77.11. Leaae, Dec, 3, demand. 3.500

Horcher, Ernst, to Henry Simon, 3d st, P, M, Lease. Dec. 1, due Jan. 1, 1890, 5 p, c. 5,000

House, Henry H,, Rockland Lake, to John E, Schermerhorn, as trustee of estate of Emile De Macarty, 3d av, P, M, Nov, 21, due Nov. SO, 1S88, 5 per cent, 12,000

Hall, Catharine, wife of and John E , . of Weat New Brighton, to Harriet H. Bridge. Hous­ton st, No. 28. n s, 75 w Mercer sfc, 25x105. Hov. 30, due Nov. 1, 1384. 1,200

Same to Edward W, De Grove. Same prop-e r t j . Nov, Sfi, dueHov, 1, 1^84. 7,500

Hanna, Roberfc, to Henry Weil. 100th st. n s, 300 w 9tb av, 25x100.11, Deo. 1, 4 months.

10,i93 Heckler, Charles, to Jonas Weil and Bernhard

Mayer, 1st av. P. M. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 3,o00

Heerlein, Frederick, to Sarah H, Powell. 61st St. n s, 300 w 10th av. 100x100.5, Nov. 30, 2 months, 12,500

Heiibroner, Fanny, wife of and Samuel, to Alexander Hamiltcn et al., ti'usteeB. 74th st, P. M, Nov. 34, due Dec. 1, 1888, 4J^ per cent. 5,000

Henderaon, William, to Bertha wife of JohnB. Smith. SOthsf See Conveys. BuUdingloan. Nov, 21, due lel, 1884, 14,000

Same to san- P. M. Nov. 31, dne June 1, 1884. 13,000

Hilton, Fanny E,, widow, to T H E EQUITABLE M L I F E ASSURANCE S O C , U . S . 46 ths t P.M. ' Nov. 30, due Dec. 1, 1888. or sooner, 15,000

Jonas, Abraham H . to WUliam R, BeU, 73d st, n a, 360 e 3d av, 50x103.2. Nov. 30, 3 months. 2,956

Jeffcott, Thomas and John, to Samuel Costello. 24th Bt, B B, 326 w 1st av, 25x98.10. Dec, 5, due Dec, 1. 1888, 5 per cent, S,000

Jonas, Abraham H., to Bernard Peyser, 73d st, n s, 260 e 3d av, 50x102.3. December .*<, I month, 8,000

Same to Julius Lipman. 73d st, n a, 310 e Sd av, 23x102,2, Nov, 28, fi montha, 1,000

Same to same, 73d st, u s, 336 e 3d av, 35x 103.2. Nov, 28, 6 months. 1,000

Killaan, Ann, widow, to T H E BOWEHY SAV­INGS BANK, 40th st, a s, 175 e 2d av, 25x98,9, Dec 4, 1 year, 5 per cent. 3.500 raft, Gustavus A., and Jane E. his wife, to Mnry Kooiae, C o r n w ^ N. T . Sreeowitil*

December 8,1883 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD

at, e s, 298.1 a 13th st, 20,10x34x37.6x55, Dec. 1, 1 year, S per cent. 6,000

Ei'ulewitch. Betsey G., wife of) Lonis, and Morris Fagenson to Henry Meigs and ano,, trustees J , I. Palmer. James st, P, M, Dec, 1, 8 years. 13,000

Karst, John D., Jr, , to Ferdinand Kurzman. Sd av, n w cor 95th st, 75,8x100; 3d av, w a, 75,8 n 95tb st, 35x100, Nov. 24, 3 mos. 5,000

Kaufman, Isidor, to T H E N E W YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. SOth st, a, s, 125 w 4th av, 23x 103,3, Nov, 30, 1 year. 6 per cent, 22,000

Kehoe, Alfred, to John H, Deane, 122d at. P, M. Aug. 23, demaud. 14,364

Kunkely, Sophie, to T H E GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. 4Ist st, s s, 180 w 4th av, 16,8x98.9, Dec. 3, 1 year, 3,,50O

Lathers, Richard, New Rochelle, N. Y,, to T H E H E W YORK SAVINGS BANK. Pleasant av, Nos. 233 tn 293, e s, 69.S s llfith st, 109.11x94x 110x94. Nov. 33, due Deo, 1, 1884, 4>^ per cenfc, 40,000

Levy, Emil, to Marcus Nathan, 8th av, '14th st, P, M, Nov, 30, 2 years, S per cent, 10,000

Lindheim, Moaes, to William Buchanan. 123d st, 8 s, 133,4 w Mt. Morris av, 16,8x100.11. Dec. 1, 3 years. 6,000

Lochmann, Louia, to Garret Kouwenhoveu, Newtown, L. I, S4th st, s B, 74 e 1st av, 26x 51,1, Nov, 28, due Dec, 1, ISSfi, 5 p. c, 8,000

Lowerre, Catharine A,, to August Freutel, 161st st, 8 8, 465 e Courtlandtav, 50x100. Dec, 1, 3 years. 3,000

Laderer, Samuel L,, to Sarah Friedlander et al., exrs. H. Frielander, 37th et, s s. 443.9 w7 tb av, 18,9x98.9. Dec. 1, 10 yeara, 4 ^ per cent. 5,(j"0

Lang. Alice, to T H E EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, Waters t , n B, 44.6 e Mont­gomery st, 23.3x59,9x23x68.9. Nov. 30, 1 year. 3,500

Long, Emily A., wife of and Johu F,, Hew York, William H. Long, of Saco. Me., Martha L, wife of a u d C b i r l s s J . William­son, Trevorian, Eng., Mary L, Long, Clara J. S, Long, Trevorian, Eng,, children Job Long, to Alesander Hamilton, Irvington, N, Y,, et al,, trustees, Sth av, s w .54th st, S0,.5xI00. Oct, 19, due Nov, 30, 1888, 4)4 ner cent. 35,000

Manes, Stephen H,, to John D, Crimmins. 10th av, P. M. Nov, 5, due Dec, 1, 18y4. 8,000

Same to same. Same property, 2d niorfc. Dec, 5, due Dec, 1, 1S61 7,000

Maschke, Jacob L,, fco Thomas Hagan, 69th st, n s. SO w 3d av, 50x100.4. Subjecfc to all morta, Nov. 20, 6 months. 3,1)00

MoCaulley, Kate D,, wife of aud William, to T H E NORTH R I V E R SAVINGS BANK, City New York. Lexington av, e s, 74.1 n 37th sfc, 24.6x87,0, Sub, to mort. $15,000. Dec, 4, 1 year, 5 per cent. 10,000

.McCormick, Peter, to Lambert Su.ydam. Man­hattan st, n e s , 89,8 s e 10th av. SOxlOO, Dec, 3, due June 3, 1884, ,5,300

Same to Edwiu A. Bradley and George C. Currier, Same property. Sub. to mort. $6,300. Dec. 3, fi months. 3.030

McGinnis. Owen, to T H E EMIGRANT INDOST, SAVINGS BANK, City New York, Goerck st. P, M, Dec, 4, 1 year, ;i,O0O

McManus, Mary M., wife of Pafcrick H., to T H E GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. City New York, Bedford st, Nos. 41 and 4-3, w s, 40x 75. Dec. 4, 1 year, 35,000

Merritt, WUliam J., to Benjamin H. Howell, exrs. W. P. MiUer. 128th st, P. M. Dec. 3, dne Jan, 1, 1SS7, 5 per cent. 10,000

Same to Jacob Lawson, Brooklyn. 12Sth st, n B, 150 w fith av, 7.5x99.11. Sub. to mort. $10,-OOO. Dec, 3, demand. dfi.OOO

MuUalv, Jnlia, wife of Jobn, to Eliza Guggen­heimer, 60th st, n s, 250 w 10th av, 25x100.5, Nov. 30,1 year. 5,000

Muller. George, to Racbel Krooks, Allen st, P, M. Dec, 5, due Jan. 1, 1S85, 5 per cent. 3,500

Maschke, Jacob L., to Max Danziger. 71sfc st, n s, 75 e 2d av,, 250x103.3. P. M, Nov. 1, 7 montba. 65,000

Saine to same. Same property. Building loan, Hov. 1, 7 months, 75,o00

McCormick, Peter, to Heuri de la Chappelle, France. Manhattan st. No. 109, n e s , 89.8 a 6 10th av, 36.3x100, Dec. 3, 3 yeare. 6J^ per cent, 11,000

Sametosame. Manhattan st. Ho. 107, n e a, 114,11 s e 10th av, 24.9x100. Dec. 3, 3 years, 5X per cent, ll,(jO0

Mehl, Gertrude, wife of and Eugenie, St. Paul, Minn., to William P. Woodcock, Bedford, N. Y, 14th at, n s, 256,8 e 3d av, 33.3x103.3, Nov, 87, S years, 5 per cent, 15.000

Merrill, Florence A, S,, to Kate L. wife of John D. Haines. S4th st, P, M. Nov. 30. 3 years,

13,260 MuUer, Salomon, to Celia wife of Gustave

Schnaier. Slst st. P. M. Dec. 1, 8 years. instaUs, 5 per cent. 7,500

MacKellar, Thomas, to Caroline F. Reynolds, East Orange, H. J. 134th at, s e cor 4th av, 30x100.11. Dec. 5, 6 months. 15,000

Same to same. 124th st, s s, 30 e 4th av, Sox 100.11. Dec. 5, 6 months. 15.000

Same to Clinton G. Reynolds, Orange, N, J. 134th st, s a, 60 e 4th av, 30x100,11. Dec, 5, 6 months. 15,000

McGrath, WUliam J. A., to Jamea K, Brush, Brooklyn, 115th at, n s, 325 w 7th av, 75x 100,11. Dec. 5, demand, 765

McGrath, William J. A, and Joshua M. Brush, to THK MUTUAL L I F E INS. CO., New York. 115th et, n s, -325 w 7th av, 76x100.11x35x10.7 x—x24xl00.11. Dee. 5, due Umrcb 1,1885. 7,000

Miner, Henry C , to Mary T, and Elizabeth V. Cockroft. Bowery, Wos. 199-205, and 167-17S Chrystie st, 1-5 part, P, M. 4 morts, re­corded with conveyance for full amount of cousideration in deed, 34,000

Newman, Henry, to T H E EQUITABLE L I F E AssORANCK Soc, of U. S. Crosby st, Nos, 153, 155 end 157, e s, 90.1 n Houston st, 75x 91,6x50x7,1x35x104,3, Dec. 6, due Dec, 1, 1888. 53,500

Naylor, Joseph, to Josephine K. wife of Jobn D. Jones, Beacb st. No. 53. P. M. Dec, 1, 3 years. 12,000

Netter,;James, to Henry J, Powell. Baltimore, Md. 67th st, s a, 150 e 10th av, 50x100. Dec. 1, 2 mouths. 4,000

Newman, Hannah, widow, to Adolphua H, Maas, IOth av, 6 s, 40,2 n 49th at, 30.1x04, Leasehold, See Conveys. Nov, 30, installs,

7,000 Nolen, Samuel A,, with Charles W. Dayton,

both mortgagees. Agreement as to prioriiy of mortgages covering premises, Sd av, n w col 11.5tn Bt. See Tomlinson,

Norwood, Mary F, T,, widow, to Cbarles A, Wiasmann and ano.. substituted trustees John De Ruyter, dec'd. Utb st, n s, 481,11 w 7th av, 39,2xl03..3, Dec, 1, 3 yrs, 5 p. c, 10,.500

Nicoll, Charlotte A,, widow, Bayside, L, L, to T H E INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS MER­CHANTS'CLERKS, Slstsfc, No, Ifi, s s, 17(1 w Sth av, 25x93. Dec, 4, due Feb. 15, 1887, 4 ^ percent, 2250O

Same to Nina A, MeineU, Same property, Dec. 4, 1 year. !-;,500

Same to Albert Smith, New Rocbelle, 3d st. No, 38,8 8,46 e Wooster st, runs south 60 x east 4 X south 25 x east 18 x north 76to street, X west 23. Dec. 4, due Dec, 1, 1886, 6 ner cent. *8,0OO

O'Connor, John, Newark, N. J., to Santiago Francisco Alonzo, Maria B. A, y Blanco de wife of and Juan Cereijo Fernandez. Bridge st, Dover at, &c. See Conveys, Aug. 14, 10 years, 335,000

Same to Juan Garcia Blanco. Lexington av, av. No. 98, abo Brooklyn property, Dec, 1. 10 years. 60,000

Same to Joaquin Garcia Blanco. Pearl st, No. 83, aud 50 atone st. No, 238 East l l th st, and also property iu Brooklyn, Dec, 1, lOyrs. 86,000

Oppe-heim, Benjamin G., to Augustus G Op­penheim, 133d st, n s, 170 w Bth av, 36x99,11. Hov, 30. noto. 1,590

O'Kane. Thomas J,, to Alexander P, and Edgar, Jr . , Ketchum, exrs. E, Ketchum, dec'd, 13nh s t P. M. Dec. 1, 1 year, S per ct. 6,250

Philp, James, to George Palen, as admr, Gil­bert Palen, 61st sC, s s, 350 w lOfch av, 25x 100,-5, Nov, 30, 2 years, 15,000

Post, Alfred C , to Marianna C, Cobb, widow. Riverside av, e s. 475 n 12:;d ^ , 25x200 to Claremont av. Nov. 30, 3 years, 5,000

Pusch, Oscar F., to William Knight. 4th av, P. M, Dec, 1, 3 years, 5>^ per cent. 13,000

Pease, George A,, Brooklyn, to T H E MUTUAL L I F E INS, CO,, New York, 134th sc, s s, 300 e I3tb av, 50x99,11. Dec. 3, due March 1. 1836, !,60O

Same to same, 131th st, n s, 200 e 13fch av, 75x 99,11. Dec, 3. due March 1. 1885, 2,400

Peck, WUliam L., New York, and Henry A,, of Flushing, L. I., to George B. McClellan et al., trustees of T H E SUN F I R E OFFICE CO. Isfc av, n e ..or 35th st, runs north 74.1 xeas t 100 X north 2-1,8 x east 205,6 to Eaat River, x southwest to SStb st, x west 297, Dec. 3, due Nov. 1, 1888, 40,000

Quinu, Hugh, to Sarah T, Zabriskie, Mulber­ry sfc, P. M. Dec, 1, S years, installs., SJ^ per cent. 8,000

Quinn, Thomas, Brooklyn, toJohn Roas. 119th st, n s, 188 e 2d av, 18,9x100,11, Hov. 20, 1 year. instaUs, 2,000

Same to same. Same property. Nov, 20, 1 year, I ,(J00

Rausch, Herman, to Ephraim A. Jacob. 3d av, P, M, Dec, 1. 3 years, 5 per cent, 7,000

Ricketson, Catharine A., to John W, C, Lev­eridge. 37th st. No, 131, n s, 184,5 w Lexing­ton av, 30x98.9, Subject to morts. $6,000, Dec, 1. 1 year. 4,000

Robie, Ellen N,, wife of John W., to Wooster Beacb. 69lh st, s s, 91,8e 2d av, 16,8x77,4. Aug. 22, S years, .5}^ per cent, 3,000

Rogers, Edward B., and Augusta M., bis wife, and Augusta C. Small to ilonza Kimball. llOthat, n s . l 3 5 e 3 d a v , 41otB, each 25x100.11, 4 morts.. each $13,500, Dec, 4, 6 years. 54,000

Rosendorff, Morris, to Elizabeth H. AUen, Brooklyn, Norfolk st. No. 48, e s, 135,1 n Grand st, 24,10x100x35x100, Dec, 3, due Dec. 1, 1888. 7.000

Rosenstock, Richard, to Edwin A. Bradley and George C. Currier. 19fchst, s s, 215 e 4th av, 25x100.10. Subject to morts. $ll,5l)0, Nov. 3*, 3 months, 3,000

Schmitt, Margaret, wife of Frank, to Edwiu A. Bradley and George C. Currier, 3d av, n w cor 136tb st, 75.4x99,8x81.11x99,6, Subject to morts, $45,000, Nov. 12, 4 months, 9,500

Sedgwick, Charlea, to John T. Muller. 70th st, s s, IfiO w 1st av, 28x110.4. Nov, 1, due May 1, 1884. 1,500

Sims, George v . , to Frederick BiU ings, Lex­ington av, e a, 75,11 a ?5th st, 34.6x100, Dec. 6, 1 year. 6,000

Smith, Mary V,, wife of aud Frank J,, to William H. Macy and ano., trusteea Sidney Maaon, dec'd. Downing st, No. 33, n s, ISx 70. Nov. 28, S years. 2,000

Schader, Joseph, to Willi&m H. Neilson and aao., trusteea of Anna A. Nulson. Hudson

st, w s, 24,10 n Hammond st, 24.10x76.9x25,2 x77,8, Nov. 15, 5 years, 4^ per cent, 5,000

Schleier, George C , to Matilda W, White, Lenox, Mnsa. 23d st, No, 116 W,, s s, 135 w 6th av, 25x98,9. Nov, 24, 3 years. 5 p, c. 15,1 00

Schwarz walder, Henry, Ernest H Herb and Elizahetha Schwarz walder, widow, individ. and as extrx, J, Schwarz wai der, to Alexander Hamilton et al., trusiees. 51st st, n a, 23.̂ e ISthav, 175x100; 63d st, s a, 275 6 ISthav, .'̂O xlt'O, Dec. 4, 1 year, 4)4 per cent. 16,000

Schorske, i.atlaarine, to George Gebe. Mil­ton st, P. M. Deo, 4, 3 years, 6 per ct. 1,000

Simmons. Samuel, to Am' Snow t t al,, trustees for John D. Young. 125th st, n w cor 3d av. 18x74.10x18x74,11, Dec. 3, due Dec, 1,1886, 14.400

SmaU, Augusta 0., to Edward B, Rogers, Brooklyn. 110th s t , n s, 185 e 3d av, ,50s 100,11, Dec. 4 ,1 vear, 1,010

Satterlee, Samuel K,, as trustee Galen Carter, dec'd,, to Frances A. Barnard, 43d st. n a, 370,10 w Sth av, 20.10x100,6. Lease, Nov. 30, 3 years. 3,010

Schmid, Josephine, wife of August, to John Livingston. 48th st, P. M, Nov, 15, due May 31, 1884, 10,000

BcuUy, Thomas, to David Stevenson. 36th st, s s, 100 e l l th av, 35x98,9. Nov, 30. 3 ypars, Spercent , 6,ii(0

Schwartz, Simon and Mi.reus, toTHE MUTUAL L I F E INS, Co,, New York, I9th st. No, 44n n s, 93,10 w Av A, 29,6x93, Dec, 1, due March 1, 1885. 5,0( 0

Shancupp, Nathan, and Morris Goldberg to Phebe Pearsall. extrx, Frances Pearsall. and trustee for Mary Bradburst, under her will. Essex st, w s, 50 a Hester st, 25x62.6. Nov. 28, 5 ̂ ears, 8,0C0

Smith, Eliza, wife of James, to Henry A. and Edward C, Bogert, as trustees for the child­ren of Charles L, Bogert. Slst st, ss , 375 w 9th av. 17xic.;i,s. Nov, 30, 3 years. 10,000

Smith, Macpherson and Donald, to Mary E. wife of Henry D, Harris, filth st, n s, 250 w Stb av, 50x100 5. Dec. !, 3 yeais. 13.000

Smith, Margaret C , wife of and Thomaa to John Bell. filst st, n s, 149,6 e 2d av 25x 100.5 ; 63d St. s s, 149.6 e 3d av. 36x100.5. June 6, securea building material. 8,000

Smyth, Anthony, lo Catharine L, Hanscom widow. 136tb st, s s, 350 e Sthav. P, M. Nov, I, 1 year. 4,000

Same to same. 126th st, s s, 375 e Sth av, P. M, Nov. 1, 1 year, 4,000

Solomon, Bertha, wife of and Marx, to T H E METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK. Ridge st, P, M. Dec. 3, lyear , S percent, ],5O0

Same to George Muller. Same property. Sub, 10 morts, $8,500. Dec, 3. Installa, 3,700

Stahl. Jacob, to John Eichler. 3d av, w a 90 6 s 168th st, 120,9x114.9x120,6x106.3. Dec, 1, 3 yeara, 5 per cent, 30,000

Styles. Silas M,, to William H, Morrell, 9th av. No. 2004, 6 8, 74,11 nl25th st, 25x100, Oct, 20. I year, 1̂ 700

Taylor, Alfred J., to Louise R. Edey, William St. Leasehold. P. M. Dec, 1, 1 year, 7,000

The Bankers Sc Merchanta Telegraph Co. of New York and New Jersey and Pennaylvania and of Baltimore City, Md.. to T H E FAR­MER'S LOAN AND TRUST CO,, State Now York, trustee. AU proparty rights and fran­chise of all above companies, Hov, 24, issues bonds. 10,000,000

The George Winter Brewing Co. to George Winter, .55tb st, n s, 210 e 3d av, 66.8x100,4, Nov, 24. 5 years, 5 per cent. 12,500

Tomlinson, Theodore E,, J r . , to Charles W, Dayton. 3d av, n w cor 11.5th st, 47,8x71,9, Subject to morts, $44,000, Nov. 23, due March 1, 1SS4, a.sco

Trinkaus. WUliam, to Frederick Baker, Brooklyn. 13th at. P, M. Dec. 1, installa, Spercent . 7=0

Tackaberrv, Jennie A,, wife of and John A,, to WilUam V. Carolin, as trustee for Thaddeus P. Mott and others. Madison av, e K, 80,6 s 124th st, 20.5x80, Hov, 28, 5 years, 5 per cent, 9,000

Tannenholfcz, Louis, to Morris Feigensohn and Samuel Joseph, Hester st. No, 114, P. M, Dec. 4. 1 vear. 1,000

Teets, A, Alonzo, to Benjamin B. Sherman lS2dst, s s . 231 6 7th av, 19x100,11. Dec. 1. 3 years, 6 per cent. 12,500

Same to Peter Moller, Jr, et al,, trustees Peter MoUer, 122d st, ss, 2l3 e 7th av, 19x100,11, Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 13,500

The American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society to Thomas W. Pearsall and ano,, trustees T. W. Pearaall, dec'd Lafayette pl. P. M. Nov. 39, due Dec. 1, 1885. 4J^ per cent. 10.000

The Chelaea to T H E EQUITABLE L I F E ASSUR­ANCE S O C , of the U. S, 23d st, s s, 20O w 7tb av, 175x98.9. Dec. 4, due Dec. 1, 1884. 300,000

Totten, John, to Louisa A, Stewart, 26th st n s, 188e7thav, 90,8x98,9x89x98.9, Dec, 1,' 6 months. 24,000

Tresch, John, to Augusta Gillender, SOth st, n s, ISS w Othav, 35xl00,.5. Nov, 30, due Dec 1. 1884, 5,500

Same to same. SOth st. n s, 100 w 9sh av, 25x 100.5, Nov, 30, due Dec. 1. 1884. 5,500

Taylor, WUliam H., to James G. Smith and Garret S, Mott. 87th st, a s, 110 w Av B, IS xfiO.l. Dec. 5, demand, l.tioo

Ungrich, Louis and Louis K,, to William Bocsein, Greenville, H. J. 43d st, P. M, Dec. 6, due Dec. 1,1884, 5 per cent, 3,500

Chi, Conrad, to WiUiam T. Whittemore e taL, exrs. Henry Lawrence. 2d av. e a, 75,5 s 44th at, 35x100, Mov. S3, due Hov. :<4, 1888, 12,000

Valentias & Co. te THK UNION D I U B SATXVSS

d b i

986 T H B REAL ESTATE RccoRCki December 8,1883

INST., New York, Pearl st. No. 333 and No. 80 Cliff st, begins Pearl st, w s, 113,2 n Ferry st, runs west 99.7 x still west 14,11 x still west 68.5 to Cliff st, X north 19.1 x e a s t l 3 L 9 x south 0.4 X east 38.8 to Pearl st. x south 33,2. Nov. 24, dne Nov, 1, 1886, 5 per cent. 25,000

Valentine, Julia, wife of and Joseph M., to T H E EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK. 130th st, u s, 260 w Sth av, 20x99.11; ISlst st, s s, 260 w Sth av, 50x99,11. Nov. 24, 1 year. • 17.600

Wheeler, John C , to Cornelius K, Garrifon. 2.3d st. No. 130 W,, s s, 35 x >^ block, Nov. 28, 1 year, 10,000

Wall. Frederick A., to Franklin J. Walt. 127th st, n a, 275 w Oth av, 50x99.11; 127th st, u s. 235 w 6th av, 50x99.11. November 30, 1 yeai-. 4,7.'30

Walter, Valentin, ti> Valeutine Rehberger, 10th st, P. M, Nov, 30, installs, 5 p, c. S,3O0

Waters, Henry, to Fmderick A., Williani S, and Jame.-! H, Ridabock, Catharine L, Schmelzel end Frederick R, Ryer, Bowery. P. M. Nov. 30, due Dec. 1, 1886, installs, 4i4 per cent. 43,u00

Weber, Frederick, to WiUiam Femschild. 114th St. P, M. Dec, 1, 2 yeara, oj^ p c, 3,000

Weeks, Honry A,, to Orleana R E. FeU. 2d st, Nn. 2fi, n s, 1 2,6 w 2d av, 20.6x68,8x20.6 x69.4, Nov, 30, 5 years, S per cent, 6,000

Wetmore, Theodore A,, to T H E EQUITABLE L I F E ASSURANCE SOCIETY of U. S. 19th st, Ho. -107, n s, 60 6 2d av, 20x46.8. Nov, 28, dueDec. 1, 1888, 5,500

Wiessner, Oscar E. A,, to T H E UNION DIME SAVIKGS INST., New York. Grand st, n e cor Foi-s,vth st, 25x87.6, Nov, 28, due Nov, 1. ISSri, 6 per cenfc. 26,000

Sam© to Susan Woodford, widow, Brooklyn. Same property, Nov. 38, due December 1, 1884. 2,000

Williams, Morris R,, Hempstead, L, I,, to T H E BOWERT SAVINGS BAKE:. 89th st. No, 169, n a, 100 w 3d av, 2.5x100.8. Nov. 28, 1 year, 5 per cent, 5,000

Winans, Henry D,, to Emma Gilson. 128th sfc. P. M. Dec. 1, 1 year, 6 per C"nt. 2,C00

Wolfe, Margaret V.S, , widow, toTHE CENTRAT, TRUST CO,, New York, as gnard. of Court-land H, Smith, Jr . Madison av, 68th st, P. M, Nov. 28, due December 1, 1888, 4 ^ per cenfc. 12.000

Wortmann, Sigismund B,, to Edward S, Mayer. .Sd av, P. M, , Lease, Dec. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 4,000

Wright, Elizabeth, wife of Green, to Mary Dugan. Alexander av, s w cor 137th st, 19x 75, P. M, Nov, 24, notes. 4,000

Wright, Isaac E., to John Ross. 7th av, e s, 35 s 137th st, 74.11x100. Nov. 28, 1 yr. 12,000

Wbite, Mary A„ to Edward C. Underbill, guard, Catharine White. SSth st, n s, liO e Sth av, 20x100.6. P. M, Dec. 6, due Dec , 1888. 4,107

Yoerg, Henry J., to Alexander D, Wilson. Sth av, e s, 3S.6 n SOth st, 24.8x70, Nov. 31', 3 years. 3,.500

S m e S C0Li9T¥.

NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 1, 3, 4, 6, 6,

Archer, George E., to Annie Dickinson, extrx. Alfred Dichinson. Dwight st, w s, 20 s Sul­Uvan st, 40xS0. NOV, 10, due May 1,1884, $313

Attwond, Jennie D,, wife of and James G., to The Institution for tho S.^vings of Merchants' Clerks. Sackett st, n s, 240,7 e Oth av, 15,7x 1̂ 0, Dec. 4, duo Ffcb, lo, I8S7, 5 p. c. 3,500

Boden, fTsrriet, iwifeoC and Frederick C , to .Samuel M. Meel;.=r, exr. and Irustee Wm. VFaU, :dec'd. Strong pl, w s, 199,2 s Harri­son at, 35,10x109,10. Dec. 1, 1 year, 6 per cent. 6,000

Bond, Jane J., widow, to Augusta L, Mever, 12th st, s w s , 347.10 s 6 4th av, SOxlOO. Hov. 10, 3 years. 1,600

Bossert, Barbara, wife of and Carl, to Jacob Gaertner, Johnson av, s s, 200 w Lorimer st, 25x100. Hov. 22, due Jan. 1, 1887. 1,700

Bostwick, Hancy L., wife of and James, Jr. , to John Englis. Lorimer st, w a, 170 s Her­man av, 18,9x100. Nov. 30, 3 years. 3,750

Same to same. Loriu'er st, w s. 1SS,9 s Norman av, 18.9x100, Nov, :.0, 3 jenrs. 3,7.50

Same to aame, Lorimer st, w s, 207.6 s Norman av, 18.9x100. Nov. 30. 4 years. 3,750

Slime to same, Lorimer st, w s, 326,3 s Norman av, 18,9x1(0. Nov, 30, 5 years, 3,750

Brady, Henrietta A., Philadelphia, Pa,, to Rob­ert L, Woods, Herkimer st, n s, 180 w Rochester av, 20x100. Sept, 22, 3 years. 1,300

Buehler. Jcseph, to Frank C, Lang et al,, as trustees Anna B, Meyers. Atlantic av. Shep­herd av. P. M, Nov. 34, dne Dec. I, 1686 450

Brown, George W,, to Laura D, Tweedy, De Kalb av, s s, 66 w Elliott pl, runs south 90,4 X west 43 X still west 42,10 x norfch 98,10 to De Kalb av, x east 84. Dec, 4, 30 days. 6,000

Castner, Mary L, B., wife of and Frederic K., William K. Badeau, Mary A. wife of and Charies G, Badeau, Gilbert 'H. Badeau and Mary F. wife of and Isaac Baoeau, to Par-menas Castner and ano,, exrs. and trustees Deborah W, Mason. Sands sfc, s s, 60 e Adams st, 26.9x100. Dec. 3, due Nov, 1. 1888. 3,300

Corr, Henry, to George R. Haydock, Wil­longhby st, n s, 2.5,9 w Jay st, 25x100. Dec. 6, due Dec, 1, 1887. 3,000

Candli!, Flamen |i , to L u'sa Durand and ano., admrs. ausau Duraud. Greene av, s s, 42 w Vanderbilt av, i-uns south 74 x west 3 x south 31X west SO x nortb 95 fco Greene av, x

east 33. Nov. SO, due Nov. 1, 1886, S per cent. 9,000

Carter, Colin S,, to The Williamaburg Savings Bank. Brooklyn av, s w cor Warren st, 41,9 xl35, P, M. Dec, 1, 1832, 4 years, iustaUs.

9,^00 Casey, John A,, to John A, Tucker et al,, exrs.

and trustees Richard S. Tucker. Union st. P. M. Hov, 17, due Nov. 30, 1886. S.e'JO

Cheers, Edward, to Alice H, wife of James L, Morgan, Jr . 3d av, w a, 80 s 6th st, 30x100. Dec, 1. Syears, 1,000

Clayton, Ransom P., to Hannah Enston, Phil­adelphia. Greene av, n s, 400 w Reid av, 8 lots, each 15s 100, 8 morfcs, of $3,700 eacb, Dec. 1, 3 years. 29,600

Same to Emma wife of Robert MUler. Greene av, n s, .505 w Reid av, 15x100. Sub. to mort, $3,7011. Dec. 1,1 year. 700

Craft, Johu, to Levi N. Smith, et al,, exrs. Samuel Smifch. Fulton st, s s, 73.9 w Smifch st, 36,10x126.8x26.10x126.3. Nov. 30, l y e a r , 5 per cent. 1,000

Craigie, MaryE . , wife of Charles O, H,, to Tho trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush. Flatbush av, P, M. Sept, 15. du9 Hov. 1, 18S6. 4,000

Sarae to George H, Sbarpe, Kingston, H, Y, Same property. F. M, 3d mort, Sept. 15, 4 years. 3,000

Conklin, Edward and Fraucis, to Suaan A, wife of James H, Mullarky, Franklin av, e s, 40 n Bergeu st, 20x80, Nov. 27, due Jan, 1, 1887, 5 per cent, 3,000

Cordes or Kordes, Henry, and Catharine his wife, to The East Brooklyn Savings Bank. Howard^v, n w cor Marion sfc, 100x100; Mai'-ion st, n s, KO w Howard av, 50x100, Dec, 1, 1 year, 6 per cenfc, 8,000

Cooke, William H., and James Mathison, Jr . , to Louisa Grasman, Schenectady av. P, M, Nov, 28, due Jan, 1, ISSS. 1,500

Doud, John, to The Southold Savings Bank, Southold, L. I. 9th st, n e s , 97.10 s e 6th av, 18.4x100, Dec. 1, 1 year, 5 per cent. 5,000

Dower, Andrew J., to Edward Lavin. Sackett st, a s, 99,8 6 Hovts t , 40.8x100. Dec. 1, 3 years. 6,000

Dalton, Theodore, Washington, D. C , to Mau­rice Fitzgerald. Elm st. n s. 125 w Ever­green av, 26xl9o to Suydam st. Nov, 16, 2 years, 800

Dearing, James W., to Tbe Emigrant Indus­trial Savings Bank. Baltic st. s s, 275 e Smith st, Olots, two eacb 29.6sl00, aad four each 39x100, 0 marts., each $7,OU0, Nov, 21, I year. 42,000

Deegan, James, to Thomas Lynn. Elm st, s s, 254,2 w Evergreen av, 20,10x97,6. Nov, 30, Syeara. l .OCO

De Witt, John P, H,, to Maria A, Hartung, Sth av, P, M. Nov, 30, 6 years, 5 p. c. 4,00iJ

Donzelmann, Claus, to The WiUiamsburg Sav­ings Bank. Division av, u s, 125 6 10th st, mns north 93 x east to Bi'oadway, x south­east — X SL'ulh 89.11 to Division av, x west 60. D=c. 1, 1 yeiir, oper cent, 8,000

EUiee, Uarl. und Edward Cheers to Alice H, wife of James L. Morgan, Jr . 3d av. P. M. Dec. i, 3 years, 5 per cent. 700

EUis, Maria S., wife of Charles R., to The Long Island Insurance Co. Putnam av, n e cor Downing st, 21x80. Nov, 80 1 yr, 7,000

Erhardt, Frederick, to Anna M. wife of George S. Fraser. Jackson st, s s, 75 e Hum­boldt sfc, runs easfc 25 x soufch 50 x wesfc 100 to Humboldt st, x uorth 35 x easfc 75 x north 25. Dec. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent, 3,500

Earl, CharlesE,, to Almcn J, Dexter, Down­ing st, w s. 315,9 n Putnam av, IS.xlOO, Dec, 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 5,000

Flynn, Patrick H., and Celeste H. bis wife, to Edward T, Hunt et al,, exi-s, aud trustees Thomas Hunt. 47th afc, s w s , 140 a e Sfch av, 40x100.3. Nov. 16, due Dec. 1, 1888. 375

Fagan, Thomas, fco Chauncey E, Low and ano., trustees Jame; M, MU a, dec'd, Lin­coln pl, B a, 338.3 e 7th av, 20,10x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5}^ per cent. 10,000

Same to Chauncey E. Low, tmsfcee of Char­lotte A. M. Blackwell. Lincoln pl, a s. 317.4 e 7fch av, 20.10x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5}4 per cenfc, 10,000

Fey, Ijouise, to Thomas M. Lahey. Plymouth St. P .M. N jv. 2S, due Jan. 1, 1385. 600

Furman, John C , Westchester, to Julia Wa­terbury, South 9th st, a s, 75 w fith st, SSx 100. Nov, 33, dne Hov, 1, 1884. 3,600

Gelston, Ann E,, widow, to The Brooklyn Life Ins, Co. Union st, u s, 234 e Smith st, 22x90. Nov. 30. 6 years. 1,400

Goetz, John, and Alois Spahn to Eva Honnen-macher. Middleton st. P, M. Hov. 24, due Dec, 1, 1893, 5 per cent. 1,000

Goodman, Jonas H., to Sopbronia Waldron. Herkin er st. P. M. Nov, 28, 1 year. 1,450

Graebedunkel, Wilhelm and Josephine, to Peter J. Hiltmann, Monroe st, w a, 300 n Liberfcy av, 50x90. Dec, 1. 6 years. 1,000

GrasmanjLouisa, wife of and Henry, fco Cor-rea M. Walsh, New York, Marcy av, w a, 63 n Heyward st, 19x80, Nov. 30, 3 yrs, 3,600

Gillam, Anu L., to Martha J, GiUaiu. Clark­son sfc, n s, 2,090.10 e Flatbush av, 75x249x75 X249.2. Dec, 5, 1 year. 600

Gorden, WUliam, to The South'Brooklyn Sav­ingslnst , Wasbingtonst, w s, 76.6 s John­son sfc, 25,6x85x37,3x74.7. Dec, 6, 1 year, 5 per cent, 4,000

Grening, Paul C , to Joseph C. Hoagland, Greene av, s s, 334.S w Lewisav, 20,3x100. Hov, 37, due Nov, 1, 1886. 4,SCO

Same to same. Greene av, s s, 244.10 w Lewis av, SO. 3x100, Nov, 37, due Nov. 1,1886. 4,500

Howell, Sarah J., wife of and Francis R,, to JuUus U. Davenport. Park av, P, M. Dee. 4, 2 years. 700

Halley, Andrew, and Thomas B, Miniter to Alice H. wife of Jaiues L. Morgan, Jr, 3d av, P. M, Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent, 700

HaUiday, Adelia C , widow, to Susan A, Hen­drickson, Oyster Bay, L. I. Prospect pl, s w s . 85 n w Cariton av, 20x83,3x26,9x100, Dec. 1, 2 years, 5 per cenfc. 3,000

HamUton, Eliza, to Thomas C. Gomlay. Front St. n s, 210.9 6 Gold sfc, 18,9x100, Nov, 28, due J n n e l , 18S4. 1,322

Harrold. Roberfc, to EUzabeth wife of Charles Karutz, Franklin st. P. M. Nov. 29, due Dec. 1, 1884. 500

Hatlield, William A., to Theodore Brouwer. -Sthav, e s , 100 s Uth st. 26.6x372.10x34. l l x 373.10. Nov. 28, due Nov. 1, 1888, 5 p. c. 3,000

Hawkins, Mary A,, wife of and John to Mar­garet Pearson, North 9th st, u s, 176,6 e 4th st, 23,6x100. Nov, 27, 3 years. 1,100

Heoly, Richard, to Thomas Truslow et al, exrs. GUbert Potter, dec'd. Rutledge st, s s, 80 w Bedfordav, 18.4x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent, 3,000

Same to same, Rutledge st, s s, 116.7 w Bed­ford av, 18.3x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 p, c. 3,000

Same to same, Rutledge st, s s, 134,11 w Bed­ford av, 18.3x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 p. c. 3,000

Same tosame, Rutledge st, a s, 153,1 w Bed­ford av, 18,5x100, Dec, 1, 3 years. S p. c. 3,000

Same to same. Rntlerige st, s s, 171.6 w Bed­ford av, 18,5x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 p, c. 3,000

Same to Catherine W, Taylor, Rutledge st, s s, 98.4 w Bedford av, 18.3x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 3,000

Hildebrandt, John C , to Homer L. Bartlett. Magnolia st. P. M. Dec. 1, 1 year. 400

Hill, Frances, widow, Thomas A. aud Edward B. HiU to Chauncy Perry. Manhattan av, w s, 25 s Eagle st, 25x100. Hov, 30, 3 years. 400

Hoese, Margaretha, wifeof Frederick W., to Henry Arlt, Jackson st, n s , 00 e Leonard st, 20x75, Nov. 34, dueHov. 37, ISSS, 5 p, c. 1,000

Honeywell, Susan R,, wife of Edward, Jr . , to Daniel S. Arnold, 6th av, w s, SO s Stirling pl, 20x90. Hov. 28. due Dec. 1, 1884. 1,500

HUl, Dominick, to Martha Asch, Maujer st, s s, 450 e Waterbury st, 26x95, Dec. 3, lyear . 300

Hohn, George J,, to The German Savings Bank, Brooklyn, Adams st. See Conveys. Dec. 1, 1 year, 5 per cent. 3,900

Hunter, HeUie A,, to Nelson Sizer. Monroe st, s s, 135 e Tbroop av, 25x100. Dec. 1,1 year. 300

Jackson, Thomas B., to Hannah K. wife of Gerrit D, Vau Vranken, Hempstead, L, I. Hancock st, s s, 550 e Bedford av, 20x100. Nov. 30, 1 year, 7,000

Kennedy, Annie, to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York. Butler st. P. M. Dec. 1, 1 yr. 2S0

Knell, Phillip, to Emma C, wife of Robert M, Decker. Gates av, s s, 187.6 e Stuyvesant av, 18,9xU0, Dec. 1, due Dec. 31,1886, 5 p. c. 1,400

Knobelauch, Edwin J,, to John Reuhl and Catharine his wife, Foadick av. w s, 101.3 n Myrtle av, 35x134,7x26x133. Nov. 28, due Jan. 1, 1889. 275

Kuypers, Adamina, widow, to Catharine E. Schmidt, Baltic av, n a, 56 w Wyckoff av, 44x25, Sept. 35, 3 years. 500

Leary, Michael, to The South Brooklyn Sav­ings lost, Huntington st, n e s , 150 n w Hicks sfc, 25x100, Nov. 30, 1 year. 1,000

Lifctle, Robert, to Caleb S. WoodhuU. Hancock st, s s, 100 w Tompkins av, 75x100. Hov. 30, secures advances, &c., not to exceed 14,000

Loeser, Frederick, to Katharine M. Cooper. Garfield pi. P, M, Nov, 15, 3 ye«rs, 3,500

Lowden, George, to John F. and Wiikins U. Greene. Cumberland st, e s, 83,4 s Lafavette av, 80.10x100. Nov. 30, due Feb. 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 5,000

Lynch, John, to Francis Markey. Monroe st, w s, 125 n Bay av, 50x90; Monroe st, w s, 175 n Bay av, 50x90, Dec, 3, 1 year. TOO

Lang, August, to The Williamsburg Savings Bank. North Heury st, e s, 135 n Richard­son st, 2.5x100. Dee, 6, 1 year, 5 per cent. 2,200

Mahon, George C , Plamfleld, H. J., to The Williamsburg Savinga Bank. South 6th st, s a, 20 w Sth st, 20x80, Dec, 5, 1 year, 5 per cent, 4.000

McCourt, John, to Sarah and Catharine Stoothoff, Arabella P, Waters, Jamaica, L, I^ and William Stoothoff. Jefferson at. P. M. June 1, 5 years. 600

McGrath, Andrew, to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., Hew York, Butler st, P, M, Dee. 1, dne March 1, 1885, 250

McKhone, John, to Mary Lynam, Ellery st, n s, 150 e Nostrand av, 35x100. Oct, 15, S years, 350

McMonnies, David, to The Long Island Ins. Co. Madisonst, F .M, Dec, 5, 1 year. 4,000

Madn, Louis, to Tbe WUUamsbnrg Saviogs Bank, Throcp av, s e cor Vernon av, 40x85. Dec. 3, 1 year, 5 per cent, 5,600

Mann, George, to Friends CoUege at Locust Valley, L. I. Halsey st, n s, 300 e Reid av, 75x100. Dec. 1, 3 years, 3,500^

McCaffrey, Beruard, to John A, Tucker et al., exrs. and tiustees Richard S. Tucker. Union st, P, M, Nov. 17, due Nov. 30, 1886. 8,400'

McDonough, William, to WilUam Taylor. Jeffersoust, P. M, Nov. 30, notes. 1,000|

McGrath, John, to Serena L, Spader, Jamaica, L, L Sdav. P .M. Dec. 1, 3 months. 5,750^

McDicken, John, . to Caroline A, Strong, Setauket, L, I. Lewis av, e s, 40 a Vun Buren st, 20x100. Dec. 5, 6 iii.Mitbs. SOO J

Menahan, John, to Tho Vti.Uamsburg Savings Bank. Bleecker st, n w s , 20.9 B W Evergreen av, 19.2x80. Dec. 6 ,1 year. 1,800

December 8,1883 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 987

Same fco same. Bleecker sfc, n w s, 40 s w Ever­green av, 19x80, Dec. 6, 1 year. 1,S00

Bame to same. Bleecker st, n w s, 59 s w Ever­green av, 19x80. Dec. 6, 1 year. 1,800

Same to aame, Bleecker st, n w s, 78 s w Ever­green av, 33x80, Dec, 6, 1 year, 1,800

MUler, Williani M,, to Stephen T, Rushmore. Hull sfc, n s, 460 w Rockaway av, 28,9xl00x 25.8x100. Nov. 10, 3 years, 2,000

Nofcmnn, Pefcer,to The South Brooklyn Sav­ings lust. Joralemon st. P, M, Dec, 1, 1 year, 6 per ctsnt, 7,000

Osborn, Abner, to Francia Markey, Front st, 8 s, 35,5 w Garrison st, 27x95 to Mercein st, Dec, 3, 3 years, 7,500

Oulton, Sampson B,, to Benjamin F, Hobby. 14tb st, n s, 333.10 e 3d av, 35x100; 13th st, a a. 364,3 e 3d av, 20.1x100, Nov. S4, due May 10, 1884. 1,100

Peterson, Andrew, to The Mutual Life Ina, Co., N. Y. Bedford av. P. M. Dec, 1, due March 1, 18S5, 3,750

Pfeiffer, George, and Minna his wife, to Tne Mutual Life Ins. Co,. N. Y. Myrtle av, s e cor Franklin av, 34,8x7L10x24.9x73, Nov. 30, due Mai-ch 1, 1885. 8,000

Phillips, Mary A,, wife of Jobn, to George E. Woolley, Park av. P, M, Nov. 30, due Dec, 1, 1884, 5 per cent. 300

Picard, Madard, to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y. Central av, northerly cor Suydam st, lOOxlSS, 2d mort, Nov. SO, due Dec, 1, 1884, 1,000

Raymond, Mary A,, to John J. Vanderbilt, Flatbush av, n e s , 149.10n w Hansou pl, runs northeast .63.3 K east 31.0 to Raymond at, x north 19.3 X west 37.7 x southwest 54,3 to n e s Flatbush av, x southeast 20, 1-7 part, Dec, 1, lyear . 800

Reid. Thomas, to Henry Day. CarroU st, F.M, Oct. 19, 3 years. 19,000

Redman, Henrietta, to James H. Redman and auo., exrs. aud trustees Charles H. Red­man. Taylor at, s s, 176 w Lee av, 35xS2,4x —x91.1. Dec. 3, Syears, 4 per cent. 1,000

ReUly, Anna M,, to Henry C. M, Ingraham, as trustee. Gates av, n w cor Lewis av, 125x 100, Dec. 1, Syears, 5,000

Russell, Susanna E, C.,wif0of Walter C , to Cornelius 8, Stryker, Hancock st, s s, 220 w Nostrand av, 20x100, Hov. 1, due May 1,-1866, Sper cenfc. 7,000

Same to same. Hancock st, s s, 200 w Nostrand av, 20x100. Hov. 1, due May 1, 1886, 5 per cent, 7.000

Schaefer, Elizabetb, wife of Michael, to John Field, HicksvUle, L, I. Kent st. P. M, Dec, 4. due Dec. 1, 1885. 1,000

Schnopp, Ernest and Christian, fco Albert Pur-gang. Liberfcy av, Bufcler av. P. M, Dee, 1, 2 years. 400

Salomon, Lionel J. and Joseph, to Zipporah Hirshfeld, All title of mortgagors to real estate M. J. Salomon, at Greenpoint, Eiugs Co., and in Sew Utrecht. Nov. 28, 1,350

Same to Adeline Levy. Greenpoint av, s s, 137.6 e Wesfc st, runs east 110,6 x aouth 95.3 x easfc 48 x south 95 to Milton st, x west 158.6 x north 190.6; all title; Franklin av, northerly cor old Bath road, runs northeast 338.1 x southwest 303,11 x soufcbeast 60 x southeast 72 X soutbwest 375 to Franklin av, x south­east 203; Bath pl, northerly cor Franl;lin av, 395x259.7x335 to Brown's pl, xl00.8xS17 to PrankUn av, x southeast 360,3. All title, Hov, 38, due June 1, 1884. 700

Schaefer, Charles, to Otto Huber, Meserole st, n e cor Waterbury st, 25x100; Boerum st, n s, 200 e Graham av, 25x100. Nov. 14, due Nov. 1, 1886. 6,000

Scally, Patrick, to The Greenpoint Saviugs Bank. Oakland st, P. M, Dec, 1, 5 years, installs, 1,800

Seimel, Conrad, to Herman aud Phoebe Gund­lacb. South Sth st, u s, 40 w 7th at, 20x80. Correction mortgage. Nov. 27, due Sept. 38, 1888, 2,426

Skene, Alexander J, C , to The South Brook­lyn Savings Inst. CUnton st, P, M. Nov. 1, 1 year, 5 per cent, 6,000

Stevens, Linden D., to EmU Gabler et al,, exra. and trustees Ernst Gabler. Columbia Heights, Nos. 169i^ and 170, e s, 350,5 n Pier­repont st, 33,6x101x33.7x45,1x55.11. Dec. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent, 20,000

Same to William Tumbridge. Same property, Dec. 3, demand, 10,000

Stewart, James W., to William J, Sayres, Quincy st, n s, 193.9 w Throop av, 18.9x100, Nov. 28, due May 1, ISSS. 3,800

Same to same. Quincj st, n s, 175 w Throop av, 18.9x100. Nov. 38, due May 1, 1885. 3,800

Same to Cornelius S. Stryker, Gravesend. Quincy st, n s, 231,8 w Throop av, 18,9x100. Nov. 15, due May 15, 1885. 3,800

Tilney, Katie, wife of Thomas J, to R o b e r t " WiUets et al., exrs. Samuel Willets, Hamil­ton av, n w cor Cliuton sfc, runs northwest along av 73,5 x northeaat to Huntington st at point 68.2 e Hamilton av, x east 34 to CUnton st, X south to beginning. Dec. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 6,500

Todtschinder, Paul, Rochester, N. Y., t o J o h n W. Pierce, Lee av, Keap st. P. M. Dec, 1, 1 year. 4,000

Travis, Andrew B,, to Susan A. Dunn, Pine Hill, N, Y. Kosciusko st, s s, 303.8 w Nos­trand av, 18x100. Nov. 24, 3 years, 5 per cent. 2,200

Trigge, Sarah I., wifeof and Richard, to The East Brooklyn Savings Bank. Monroe st, s s, 318.9 w Sumner av, 18.9x100. Dec. S, 1 year. 3,000

Volckening, Gustav J . , to Rebecca Hickman.

DeKalb av, n w cor Throop av, 32.11x100. Dec, 1, 5 years, 5 per cent, 7,000

Vogell. Henry C , to John D, Oxner, De Kalb av, n 8, 335 6 Tompkins av, SOxlOO. Nov. 13, 1 year, 1,000

Waite, Ruth, to Henry Burnett. North 1st sfc, s s, 85.1 w 2d sfc, 50x131,6x50,6x126,11. Dec. 1, 2 years. 300

Walker, Robert S., to Prances A. Findlay. Hawthorne st, 8 s, 879,4 e Flatbush av, 75x 1(16, Dec, 1, 3 vears. 3 500

Sumo Lo Charlus P. LuLfciug. Same property, Dec. 1, Syears, 1,000

Same to Maria H. Brush. Hawthorne st, s s, 639,4 e Flatbnsh av, 50x106. Dec. 1, 3 yrs. 4̂ .500

Werhan, Friederike or Tedereche, to Jobn J. Allen, 10th at. P . M . Dec. 1, installs. 1,6C0

Westlake, Benjamin, to Henry Ginnel. Car­roll st, s s, 146 e Clinion st 33x100. Dec, 4, due Dec. 1, 1680, 5 f*r cent, 3,500

WUliams. Elizabeth A., to Lucy E. wife of John H, Clayton. MagnoUa st. n w cor Knickerbocker av, 380x36.7x—xI23. Dec. 3, note. 525

Wozniak, Michael, and Emilie E, his wife, and Christopher F. Stettner aod Mary A. his wife to Herbert C. Smith. Henry av, P. M, Nov. 28, installs. 976

Werbach, Charies A,, to Eiizabefch W. Blake, extrx, Anson Blake, Union st, n s, 481 w Vau Brunt st, 21,3x97,10x17x97.6. Dec. fi, dueDec. 1, ISSS, 6 per cent. 5,000

Williams, Elizabeth A,, to Benjamin Evans. Rapelyea st, w s, 1,136 n 3d st, 75x160. Dec, 6. due May I, 1884. 300

Young, Edward M., to WilUam H. Bagnell et al., as trustees for Kate I. C. C, Burrowes, St, James pl, w s, 453,10 s Gates av, 25x100.7. Nov. 33, 3 ysars, 800



Baker, Frederick, Brooklyn, to John M. Rider, Brooklyn. $1,100

Blesson, Edward J., to George L. P. Cham­bers, 7,600

Boardman, Cordelia E., extrx. G. G, Yoe-lin, to Harriet Washburn, Brooklyn. nom

Bronson, Willett, Huntington, L, I., to Michael C. Gross. 1,130

Carey, Arthur A,, Cambridge, Mass., to Isabella L. Beekman. 5,000

Cassidy, Peter A., to MatUda M. Franc-forfc. .5,000

Consfcant, Samuel S,. to John H, Deane. 2,000 Coudert, Charles, trustee, to John A,

Aeschimaun. 6,000 Deane, John H,, to Samuel S, Constant. 2,000 Decker, Agnes, to Charles H. WUlaou aud

Charles L. Adams, of Willson Sc Adams, ncm Ellison, John E., to Benjamin T, Kissam,

cs trustee Josephine K. Field. 2,C00 Feigensohn, Morris, to Samuel Jo.^eph, 500 Fairchild, Benjamiu P,, as trustee Daniel

KeUy, dec'd, to Michael RusseU, exr. and trustee Patrick Martin. 10,000

Fearing, Henry S. e t a l , trustees of Amey R. Sbelddu, to Oscar C. Ferris and ano., trustees Aline Journault,

Fersch, Georgo O., exr, Caspar Fersch, to William A. Fersch, 5,000

Foster, William R., to Zebulon C. Inslee, Sing Sing, 3,500

Frankfeld, Emanuel, to Emily E. Carpen­ter and ano., exrs, Jaue S. Carpenter. 52,000

Goerlitz, John, to Randolph Guggenhei­mer. 2.850

Guggenheimer, Eliza, to Conrad Boschen. 7,500 Hayward, Robert S,, trustee of David

S^nds, dec'd, to Snsan and Charles F. Alvord, exrs. A. A. Alvord, 4,800

Hill, Alexander B., James White and Wil­liam H, Bush to WUUam A. CoUing-wood, nom

Jenkins, Theodore P. , to Charles 0. Le Count, as assignee Wm. H. and Theodore P. Jenkins. 3 aasigomts. nom

Jewett, George L., and ano., exrs. aud trustees D. Jewett, to Sarah E. Wells, Brooklyn. 18,330

Same to George L, Jewett. 20,506 Kemp, Edward,, to WiUiam A. Darling,

President, nom King, John A. and Richard, aotingexr.s.

of Mary King, to Benjamin F, Curtis, 1,000 Kingsland, George L., et al,, exrs. Ambrose

C, Kingsland, to George L. Kingsland etal , , as trustees of Albert A, Kingsland. nom

Langsdorf, Emil, to Emma Adler. nom Larned, Charies E,, to Maretta W. How­

ard. i.090 Leavitt, Mary L., widow, to ElizaGuggen-

beinier. 5,500 Lynch, Thomas, to Charles Himmelsbach. 5,737 Mackellar, Thomas, to George N. Manches­

ter and William N PhUbrick, of Man­chester & PhUbrick. 5,000

McGinnis, Margaret, to Thomas Phelan. 1,000 McKee, Thomas J,, to George G. and Alice

A. HaUock, exrs. George G. HaUock. 7,000 O'Brien. Morgan J,, to John and Mathias,

Jr., Haffen. 500 Olmstead, Dwight H., et al., exrs. and

trustees Noah T. Pike, to Joseph W. Savage, Jr . , Rahway, N. J. nom

Orvis, Orel D., to Bartholomew Skaats. oom Parfitt, Cbarles R., to Tbomas O'Connor. 7,536 Peabody, Charles A , Jr. , toLeon Abbetc. 5,000 Purdy, Charles R,, to Frederick Beitz,

Hoboken, N. J. 2,180

Purdy, Samuel A., to John Ross. nom Purdy, Samuel M,, exr. A. Purdy, to An­

drew Purdy, Yonkers. 1,370 Same to same, 2,047 Robins, Francis F., acting exr. Amelia

Robins, to Francis F. Robbins, truatee for Sarah A. Robins,

Same to same, Same to same. Secor, John D., to Theodosius P . Secor,

18(19. 9,000 Same to same. 1869. ' 10,0;;0 Skaats, Bartholomew, to Mary A. wife of

Orel D, Orvia, nom Speir. EmUy D,, to Abbett&FuUer, 3,000 The Bank for Savings, City New York, to

Horace W. Carpenter, trustee. S,000 The Citizens' Savings Bank to John W.

Warner, 13,333 Same to same. 12,333 Same to same. 13,334 Tbe Mutual Life Ins. Co. to John W, War­

ner, 13,364 Tbe United States Trust Co., New York, as

guard, of Ayres P,, Jr . , Francis S, and Eustace S. MerrUl, to Ayies P. MerriU, J r . nom

Thorn, WilUam E., to Randolph Guggen­heimer. 800

Tracy, J, Evarts, as exr. Charlotte Beare, to Mary C. Blanck, 7,124

Tarrant, James A,, Elizabeth, N. J., to WiUiam C, Traphagen, . 3,600

Valentine, Cornelia M., widow, to Morris C. Valentine. 20,000

Wall, FrankUn J., to David D. Withers. 4,760 Winter, George, to Salomon Marx. 12,500 Winslow, Rachel A,, to Thomas Lynch. 2,264 Same to same. 2,881 Wissmann, Charles A., and ano,, trustees

John De Ruyter, dec'd, to Fanning T. C. Beck, trustee for Anne S, Beck. 3,025


Andrews, CaroUne, wife of Norman, to Mary Britton, $7,097

Bostwick, Amelia M., wife of George W., to Annie L, Titus, 1,000

Concannon, Patrick, to Andrew D. Bau'd, 1,500 Curran, John J., to Lucy A, Vanrein. SnO Davenport, Julius, to William Harkuess. 2,000 Davison, Oliver, etal , , exr. Alex. Davison,

to Thomas A. Clowes. 500 Dean, Samuel to Alexander M. White. 3,000 Dickinson, Annie, extrx. A, Dickinson, to

Harriet Townsend. 2,500 Green, Thomas, to Henry Montsnus, 1,300 Hatheway, Ellen M,, extrx, Mary G, Hath-

eway, to JohnD, Heisenbuttel and ano, guards, 1,500

Henderson, E. B., to William R. Young. SOO Haydock, George R , to Maria H, PhiUips. 2,000 Jewett, George L., and auo., trustees C,

Jewett, dec'd, to_ Edward M. Jewett, Boston, Mass, 3,07S

Rame to same, - S,011 Same to same, 8,519 Same to same. _ 3,061 Kalbfleisch, Charles H,, etal. , exrs. Marfcin

Kalbfleisch, to James H. Mullarky, as trustee. 1,050

Kelsey, James, to Timothy Perry. 3,500 Lazansky, Alois, to Samuel Ayers. nom Lutz, Joseph, to WiUiam McGeorge, J r . ,

trustee, 3,125 MacDiarmid, WilUam R,, as Receiver of

the Lamar Ins. Co,, 1» The Home Life Ins, Co,, Brooklyn. 5,000 ,

Masten, Peter, exr., &c., C. N. Kiersted, to Frances M, Lawrance. 9,000

Meany, WilUam H., to Delia C. Depew, 3,000 Meeker, Samuel M,, and ano,, exrs, Jacob

Suydam, to Adrian M, Suydam. 2,391 Meeker, Samuel M., and ano,, exrs, Jacob

Suydam, to The Bushv^ick Savings Bauk. 600 Onderdonk, Frank S., to Andrew J. Onder­

donk, nom Perry, Emerson W., to Peter McKenzie, 750 Same to same. 7S0 PettengUl, SamuelM., to William M, Ingra­

ham, 10,000 Schneiler, AUcia C , et al., exrs, and trus­

tee G, H. Schneider, tn Joseph Lutz, 3,135 The Brooklyn Trusc Co. to Mary E, Hud­

son, 2,000 The Fulton Bank, Brooklyn, to Calvin L.

Witty, 100 Titns, Edmund, and ano., exrs, Wm. W.

Titus, to Amelia M, wife of George W, Bostwick. 5,000

Townseud, Joseph H., to Daniel S, Arnold. 1,500 White, Prentiss, to Clarence E, Bmith, nom Whitney, James W., to Anna M, wife of

Adolph L, King, 800

TTELS NoTK,—IVie first name, alphabetically arranged, is

that of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mort­gage. The "It" means Renewal Mortgaoe.


SALOON F I X T U R E S . Apell, W, A. 3S9 Tth av.. .Bernbeimer & Schmid

{R> S300 Breitag, J, and Frieda, 215 Broome — Opper-

mauD & Muller. 150 Eargfrede, F. 346 W. 4Iat...,F. & M, Schaefer

Brewing Co, (R) 231 Becker. J. and Franzlska. lOr E. 3d . . .P. Jh--

oudek. m

d88 T H E REAL -ESTATE RECORD December 8,1883

SOO Bechto ld .J . 4'BW,4lBt . , .G ,Ehre t . (R) Benezed, L., and I. Bowrieune. 63 Nosaau. . . ,L ,

Martin. Restaurant.. Bernabo, F . and Roganna, 38i 13th st . Brook­

lyn, 491 Pearl and 3 Beaver st New York ,. .Epstein & K, Restaurant . &c.

Butt H U. SI Devoue, West Washington Mar­ket . . .G Wiuter. (R)

Butkowski, J, 304 Broome "V. Gazda, Beck. C. 835W.4)rb . . .W.Pe te r , (R) Campbell & McKalleo, 3 Cathar ine . . . . C. H.

Evans &. Co, (K) Downey, T. VV. 163 Leonard — J . Cravm. Dorn. H. aoSE, Sid s t . . -P , & W. Eliliug. (R) Fitzpatrick, J . 101 8th a v . , , . P . Donohue. Fournier, U. 90 Ridee. . . . I . Herr, Frei wald, Haa nab, 53 Orchard .. M.Levy. Foley, H, 695 1st a v , . . I, Sommers & Co. Flanagan, P. 1411 ad av. , . .M, H, Roseabohm. Fuchs, G 4.9 Bleecker . . , .C. Stein (R) Groen, Tony. 1' 7 Sd a v — G e o r g e Ehret. (R) Haer t iae & Rieger. lOi B r o a d — H . Clausen

& Son Brewing Co. Hall & Coleman. 457 Greenwich , . . .H. Elias.

(R) Hiller. G. 146 Orchard .. A. G. Hupfel. Haider, T. a3Spruce . . .C . Keefusa. HuKhea, J. C. 1843 3d av , . . J . Wallace. Hoffman, J . 33 A v B , . . - T b e H. W. Collender

Co. Billisrd Table. Hughes, Oweu, 529 i s t a v G.McGibney, Kuuz, H, loa Chatham Williamsburg

Brewing Co, Kahny, W, S l s t s t a n d 3d av H, X, Kabuy,

(K) Kehoe, J, 114th st and 1st, a v . , . , P . CunniDg-

bam, (R) Kelly, P, J . 48 Laight Bernbeimer &

Sobmid, Killer or KelJey. P. J . HO W. 53d . , , . D. G.

YuenBliug, Jr , 10,000 Kramolisch, J . 840 E, Sflth., . .Hirach & Her-

m i n . Krikava, M. 318E Sd. . 1 ) . Mayer. Luther, III. H. 26 Thomaa . . . . F. Bacbmann. Lam pert, F. 379 East Houston Berolieimer

Se Schmid, 350 Lentz, H. SW B r o a d w a y . , . . a , Bechtel, (R) 1,500 Masin, J , 838 E, 38th. . . . P , Doelger. 400 Menken, A . H . 31883d a T , , . , 0 . Schlesinger &

Sons, McEnroe, Ann. 3fi4 Ist a v — J . Lynch, Oyster

Saloon Fixtures. Murphy, Thos. 701 l 8 t aT . . , .A , & J, Doelger, Nor ton , J . 1867 3d av Haddock & Langdon.

(B) Nordineer, J . 151 AvA .. J . M. Brunswick Se

Balke Co. Poo! Tahle. 0 'Nei l l ,T . 517W.4-.'d ., M, J . Barry . O'Brien. P, H, 5fl8 7tb a v . . , , J , & M, HafCen. Pape, F. 93 Market. , ,Sandman & Borgbard. Pfisler, S, 34 3d a v , . , .H, W. Collender, Billiard

Tables, (R) Shook, S. 89 Norfolk, , . , S, Liebmanns Sons. Steter, C, 86t) 3d a v . , . , J . Ablea. Schimkovvitz a Tobias. 71 Suffolk — F. Scblue­

ter. Pool Table, Bchnatz, L. 393 7th av . . . J, 0, G. Huof'il. Spengeman, T, 311 Oth a v — C , F, Eelchman.

(R) Schuiz, H. P . 139 A v A . . . . P , Doelger, Slate. H. H, 3BW.3i]th .. .Annie R. Sharkey, Tangney, Elizabeth C. 70 Catharine and 60

Beaver Ellen O'Sullivan. Bar and Piano, (R) 1,000

Vath, W, 1 8 a 3 M a v . . . . G . Ebret 3C0 Weingarten, G. L. U ' t h at, bet St. Anns and

Brook avs D. Mayer, Waters, W. S, 31 Liberty C. J . Perry. Hea-

taurant . Wendel, C. 280 W. 47th, . .Beraheia ier& Scbmid.




100 2 0 337

500 300 SPO

1,001) 80

150 500 75 750 400


2no 250 400 100






400 200 500


550 600


187 350 StiO


S9 175 140

15S 500

100 100




Haveron, J. 304 E, 60th J. Mullins. Rild--brand, C. 9fl66thav ., G, D. Carroll. Marker, Katharioa. 293 Broome — J. Reuter,



Addison, Josephine, 33 Bleecker B, M. Cow­perthwait & Co,

Andrevr, H. 3H E, 40th., , ,M, J , Gibbons. Barker, Mary, 336 W. 31th. . , . Jordan & M. Banta, S, ]0I Clinton pl .. L. Baumann, Barattoni, C. A. 1853 Madison av A, Bau-

maoD. Be l l .W.F , 167E. l ia tb . . .B .M. Cowperthwait

&Co. (.Junel7,18;2), BoonOD, a. oOi 9lh av , . Jaue Guinevan, a d m r s . Bowdeu, Laura, 105 W, 10th ., B. M, Cowper­

thwait Se Co. Bowden, Mrs. L. 105 W. 106b-,..T. Kelly, exr. Bradley, Jaue, 315 W, 35th. . , .D. O Farrell, Brown. J, W. 60 Attorney. . . . J , Moriarty. Bregulia. Mariptta. 345 E. 65tb . . .T , Davis. Bryloi), F. 10 Union sq . . . J Mullins. Browcson, Angeline. 172 Wiilla a v . . , , R . K.

Fox. Bedore. Minnie. 156 E. 01th.. . .D. O'Farroll. Brucken, Kate, H7 2d av Coogan Bros, Buscher, B. 1U5 Stanton — H. Lampe. Carey, A, J . 164 Allen., , ,E. D, Farrell, Coffee, Ellen. !9City Hall pl . . ,E , D. Farrel l . Cook, Maria. ]5i Mott , . .W. H.Smi th . Sew­

ing Machines, Furniture, &c. Corson. Henrietta S. 1839 Lexington av Ep­

stein & K, Craig, E, H, 76 Forsyth . . . .H . Schile, Carlan, Anna. 3 « E. S5[b,,. ,Thoesen & Ubl, Carr, Fannie a, 273 W. 33d . . ,G, E, Kernochan. Chandler, W. W. 17 Charles . . J . Mullins. Deeka, Annie. 24-2W. 43.1. . ,T . J, Busbell, Dunn, VV. H and Philomene. 457 W, aad . , .

Schoolherr, Bernstein & Co. Dunne, E, 15 lilh av . . .M, J Gibbons. DeVeuoze, M. 1J7E, 12[h,., .U, E, Kernochan. Durrie, G, P, 105 E, 33ib ..A, Baumann. Eller, Charlotte A, 113 W, lS l ib . . . .A . Bau­

mann. Eliaa, Fannie. City Kra t aue r Brog, Piano. Fairchild, Henrietta. 6 Jones R. M. Walters,

Piano. Francis, A. L. 40 W, 35th S, W, Smith. Fiiilam, J . 103 E, 131st L. Baumann, Fairbanks. E, ISl W. 3d . , . ,T , Kflly, exr, Friedrich. P, aJ7 W, 35th , . , D . O'Farreli . Folpy, Mich'l, 631 W. 40th . . .O, O'Farreli, Fisber, Julia, formerly wife of Geo. Dibble, 105

E. Sfith . , . 1 . B, Fisher. Gale, W. H., and L, Spader. 18 W, 33d . . .A,

Baumann. Georgtj, T. F, 340 E, 46th. , , , H, Lampe. Gordon, A. W., Mrs. 464 W. 30th. . . .E. D, Far­

rell. Oollagher, Dora. 64 Lexington a v — J , Mori­

ar ty . Graham. Carrie, 157 E. 72d-.. .Epstein & K. e r i f f l n . J . B . a34E, 5 tb . . . ,Ep3 te lD£ K. (fi.)


175 199 32G 490


150 213

155 124 10! 134 300 373

360 141 163 128 198 113


159 650 150 178 197 2ib 138 281 118 390 123 349 199

334 260 137 149 104

100 331 145 120

174 144 121 135

l.OOil 310

1,100 617 100 300

1,578 150

;S35 335 774 133 146 179


2.684 246


810 l,07i


Hill, Lorene. 74W. BSd.. .L. Baumann, Hobbs, G T. jeth Bt ., S .F .Cohen . Hooper, C. L. USE, 81lh. . . . Jordan & M. HeiozBlmann. J . R, 31 I s t a v . . . . H . Lampe, Henry. W, 157W.14th. . .A .Baumann, JoBt, H. 95 Canal ., Alexander Bros. Kane, H. H, 339 W. 4 3 i . . . . L. Baumann, Kelly, Hannah, 41 Goerck , . . .E D, FarrelL Kelly, J. G, 139 Char l ton . , , .E , D. Farrell, Kellv, Uagsie. 760 3d a v . . . E . D Farrel l . Loniion, J L. Orchard at and B r u m m e r a v . . . .

D. O'Farreli, Lewis, May A. 13E. 30ih . . . ,L , Baumann, Lichtenstein. H. 3J0 E . T9th., , . A, Baumann, Lyncb, F. 158 E, 107th... . H. Spies, l.arsen, C. 1617 ad a v — H. Spies, Lederman, Hannah. 165 E. 74ih, . . .Fennell &

Co. (B) Le Pard, W. A. 768 Greenwich. . . . T. Kelly, esr , Lewiu, F, O, 197 P r i n c e . . . E . L. Russell. Liebman, A. 13 Baya rd . . . . Epstein A K. Linkfleld, Anna N. 39 W, Bth . . . .H . B, Ren-

ivick secures rent Mahady, Julia. 218 E, 5 tb . . . .R . Spink, 111 Meagher, W. 180 E. I32d . .J , Mullina. 378 Merritt, J, D, City J. Moriarty, 117 Mil'er, Georgia. . . Thos. Nolan. 50 Mdloer. C. A. 436 E. SStb .. .H. Spies. li 9 Moinehan, J, P. 149 E, 44 th . . . .Eps te in&K, (R) 689 MorKenthau, L, ai4 E. 701h .. .Beriha Littel, 1,350 Mosley, Anna K, Windermere Flats, 57th s t —

J . Mullins. 185 Manheimer, Lena. 1928 3d av Krakauer Bros,

Piano. 250 Middleton, C. N. and Florence, 431 Pleasant av

. . .Anna M, Anderson, 130 May, Lizzie. 28 Wooster . . . .E. D, Farrell , 114 Matihews, A, W,, Mrs. 119 E, 104th .. E . D .

Farrell. 115" Morrison, Margaret M. 88 E. i a t b . . . . W . H.

Hom. (R) 500 Murphy, E. L. 837E. I6 tb- . . E .D . Farrell, 111 Mylius, t:, 178 Av C . . . : J . F. Mangea. 213 Nelson, Jeanie, 1343 Broadway , . .Epstein & K. 1,254 Nickels, J . 711 lOthav, . .8 , Baumann. 335 O'Brien, J, W, 281 Hudson. . , .Donohue &

Smith. 11-i Oliver.Mra, 3d av and 75tb a t . . . , H . Schile, 107 O'Neill, W,, Mrs, 159 W. 3 l8 t . . , . J . Moriarty. 157 O'Connor, Lizzie, 333E, 16th.. . E. D, Farrell, 104 OfEenbach,L. 319 E. 6ad . . .S , Strauss, (R) 300 Pierce, Emma, 197 W. l l t h . . . , C . Weinstein. 36C PfeSer, P, 91 Chrystie . .Anny Hamel, 800 Pritchard, Ellen. 9173dav . . . E . D. Farrel l . 118 Roberts. Louise. 104 W, 40th. . . .A, Baumann. 131 Reilly, J. 537 W, 44tb . . . .S . F. Cohen, (R) 106 Reeb, Cecilia. 185 Bowery J . Biberthaler. 1,300 Rotsch, Jeanet te , 239 W, S 2 d — S , I, Hersch­

mann. 478 Reiaer ,R, 400E. 14th. . . .Fennell & Co, (R) 169 Rodgers, Mra, 88 Hora t io , , , .T, Kelly, esr . 179 Bumpier, Louisa. 508 6tb st Epstein & K.

amt not given Sheppard, Fannie. 205 W. 30th . . - S . Bramson. 1,661 Sleight, Maria,S319 W. 4Bth.. . .G, E. Kernochau, HO Stange, H. F. 346 E. Sth st T. Stacom. 165 SteinTiardt. B. 334 W. I S t h . . . . J , W, Crossley.

Carpets. 209 Stewart, J. 347 W, 43d , . . L. Eaumann. 240 St. Clare, J ane M, and L. E. 309 W.23d . , . .T .

Morton Se Co, bCO Swick, C, L, 109 Char l ton , . . .E , M. Walters.

Piano. (R) -il Shields. J . H. 191 E. 78th.- . .Greeaherger &

Keek, 143 Simon, F. J . 303 E. 63d Anna Gnmbiner, 242 Smilh, Mary A. 164 W, 58d L. Baumana, 143 Thompson, Otta. 133E.53lh . . .Abrams & Levy, 1.413 Thomas, H, 232 E, 76ih . . .Coogan Bros, 213 Travis, H. 430 W, 49th. . . .E. D. Farreil, 117 Van Why, E„ Mrs. 113 W, l l t h . . . . D , O'Farreli. 12^ Volkmar.G. 145 W, 55th , , . .L . Baumann. 104 Walker, Mrs, E. S38 W. 59th . , .G . G, Flint &

Co. 350 WiUis, Mrs. 335E, lUth . . . .Coogan Bros, 109 Wassermann, Amelia, 75 Elizabeth ., Babette

Beck, " 3.000 Weber, M a r y J . 1543 i s t a v . . .Thoesen & Uhl, S'.4 Wntaon, Emma, 150 W. 34tb . . .R, S. Watson. 1.675 Williams, MinnieE. 463 W,34th , . . .D, O'Farreli, 151 Wilson, Flora, 337W,aoth . . , J . MuUins, 265 Wolff. W. S. 423 E. 117th,, D. Krakauer.

Piano. (R) 116 Zwolinski, J, 76 W, 36th , , . .D, O'FarreU, ISO ZauUg, Mary, 34a6thav 8. I, Herschmann. 333

M I S C K L U L N R O ^ J S ,

Baltzer.G, IStb st, bet Avs A and B , , . . C , J. Baitzer, Horse, Wagon, &c. (R) £00

Bankers ' and Merchants' Telegraph Co, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Brlli-more Farmers ' Loan and Trust Co, Lines, Poles, Instruments, OEGce Fixturea,

bonds 10,OJO, 000 Beck, P, 93 E, 4 t b . . . . J , Cunningham, Sou & Co,

Horses, Carriages. ii!c, 83 Beck, P. 93 E, 4th J . Cunningham, S o n * Co.

Carriages. (R) 950 Blass, H. 509 6 t h . , , . F , V, Mayforth, Milk

Waeon. 250 Brady, P. 1-83 Oth a v . , , . D , McEntee. Stock,

Lease, Fixtures, i c , 4,533 Brew.'iter, H, 293 Broadway — O, Horwitz

(Margaret B. MillT, by assignment). Law Books, Offtce Furniture, Sec. 150

Broderick, J. C, 229E. 9Lh Hineks& Johnson. Carriage. 450

Cook, J. B. 100 Bowery—Rebecca L. Dayton. Lodging House Fixtures, Beds. &c, tK) 1,000

Cummins, J . Temple Court .. Silberman & Jacob. Law Books, Ofiice Furniture, &c. (Dec. 30, 188>.) 350

Chamberlain, C. C. 43 Elm W. Burgess. Machinery, Stock, &c. 1,843

Davis, M. IBI Mott . . .A. Pollack & Co, Gro­cery Fixlures, Horse, Wagon, &c. (K) 30

Drennan, Nora, 67 W, 65th J . Cunningham, Son & Co, Carriagea. (R) 1,010

Dugan, T. 10 Sd st J , Cunningbam, Son & Co. Carriages. (E) 264

Durr. J. 337 W. 40th.. . C. Stigeler. Horse, Truck. &c, 60

Dayton, I. 341 W. 23d. . . ,F , II. Bangg. Library, 1,500 Docker, I. W. £33 E. 138tb .. E. C. Butcher.

Horse, Wagon, Milk Fixtures. Sec 200 Eismann, A. 359 W. 40th . . .Anna Bueggcr.

Tinsmith Rooflng Fixtures, Sea. 210 Eckstein & Porr. 60 Fulton Stem Bros.

Lithographic and Steam Presses, Stones &c. 13,000 Finnelly, J . 156 E. 30th.. ,J, Cunningham, Son &

Oo. Carriages. (B) 786

Francke. C. J . 34 John . , . .Augus t a Francke. Machinery. Tools, Fixtures, &c. 8,500

Frers, R. 614 W. 4Stb . . .Katbar ina Henneke, Horses, (Vaeons, Vinegar Faclorr . 800

Flynn, T. B. 398 lat av .. Hannah Flynn. Belt­ing. Spindles, Frame?, &c, 1,300

Freese, J . 381 Madison .T. Blumenthal. Horsea. Trucks, &c. 1,000

Grieschman, Caroline, 14 Bowery . . . S. Sllber­stein. Bution-hole Machine, 380

Gerdes, C, 6893d a v . . ,A, Arna, Bakery FIxt. 1,500 Gibbs, E, H. 21 Clinton nl .,,11 W, Kand.

Hall's Journal of Health OfQce Fixtures, &c, 1,600 Godsoii .J , Central Marktt and 341 vv.SOth,,.

W. Bradley, Butcher Fisturea, H part. 605 Gall"'van, M.J . 131 W. 4 r t h . , , . J . Cunningham,

Son it Co. Carriages, (R> EH7 Godoy, J , 159W,a3d . , .L , Godoy. La Amer­

ica Musical, Bougs, Copyrights, Household Furniture. &c, lO.WO

Gorman, T, F. 76th s t a n d 1st a v , . . , J . Gorman. Hor^^es, Ice Wagon*, 4 c . 760

Handy & Waiters. 51 Rose, , . ,Campbel l Print­ing Press & M'f'g Co. Presses. (B) 450

Hart , E. 105 E. 36th, . . , J . Cunniagham, Soa & Co. Carrisige. <R) 480

Hewitt, H. J, 37 Rose . . . - W, P. Qarriaon. Presses, Type Machinea, &c, <B> 16,189

Hildebrandt, J , ]5tb st and 7th av .. Gllmm, Korner & Co. Grocery Fixturea, Horse, Wngon, S c . (B) 1,600

Hoops, J Goerck and Stanton Anna Hoops. Wagon, &c. tR) 450

Harding, G, E, 1160 Broadway — G. J . Pen-field. Book Cases, Books, &c. (R) 1,500

Hure. V. 358>i 8(h av R. L. Miranda Jew­elry Store Fixtures, (Dec. 4, 1880 ) 400

Ibberson, A, U, 591 Grand. . . .Harr ison & Co, Ciller Manufactory, Horses, Wagona, Sec. 1,700

Juzznlini, N. 373 Cana l . , . .M. Perotta. Drug Fisturea. •*10

Jennings, T, 3 Willett... . J . Cunningham, Son & Co. Carriages. (R) 108

Koerber. J, 52 8th a v , . . , C . Gutman. Barber Fixtures. 'W

K a t z & B r o . 24011st av . . . . J u l i a Katz. Butcher Fixtures. (K) "OO

K a t z & B r o . 1388 Sdav Julia Katz. Butcher Fixtures. 1,B00

Keeling & Co. 16S Mercer J . Zimmermann & Co, Straw Gooda, Sewing Machinea, Presses, &c, 6.™0

Koehler, J , 120 Chatham F , A. Lederle, PressBS, Type, &c. 500

Leonard. Mary, 78 W. Washineton pl. and 17th st and 6th av, Brooklvn. A, B, Butts (H, C. Butts, bv assignm't). Pianos.Oil Painting.&c. 100

Levinson, S. L, 219! Sdav — Susan R. Ward. Cigar Fixtures. Household Furni ture . &e. 60

Loeb, L,. & Co. 175 Prince Gertrude Loeb. Confectionery Factory, 300

Lyon, J. H. 313BIeecker. , , .J , S. Huyler, Con­fectionery Fixtures, 500

Lange, Johanna. 403 W. 40th — A. Harris, Loan Offlce Fixturea. 800

Love, J., & Co. 114 Fu l ton , . . .C . Levey, Blank Book Manuf. 2,019

Martin, W, S. 99 E. 4th . . , J . Cunningbam,Sou Se Co, Carriages. (R) 545

May, W. H, 38 New Chambers Maria Fried­rich. Soda Water Manufactory, 3,655

Miller. M, 486 10th av C. H. Miller, Grocery Fixturea, 800

Mayer, I, 321 B. 13th., . C, S. Levy, Furni ture . Horse, Wagon, &c, 600

Mayers , ! . City M, Arma-rong Se Co, Car­riagea, 1,850

Melahn, L, W. 1543 Broadway . , , . J , Cunning­ham, Son & Co, Carriage. CR) 203

Morgenthaler, J , 61 Beekman — Walker & Bresnan, Preases, Type, Sec, 2,500

Nebel, G. J , 4tb av and iBGth st . . .Ca 'ha r lae Murnhy. Horses, Express Wagons, &c. 3,000

Neubauer, J. 32 Gansevoort . . . B, Fry, Fix­tures, T^ols, &c. 80

OUendorff.T. Hester and Suffolk . . . H , Klein SeCo. Drug Fixtures. (R) 233

Overin Se Hastings, Ci ty . . , J . Cunningham, San & Co, Carriagea. (K) 939

Price, J . 61 Duane . , . CampbeU Printing Press Se Mfg. Co. Presses. 2,300

Range, Sophia. 334 E. 42d . . . . J . A. Delatoni. Machinery, Fixtures, Tools, &c. 40)

Rauscb .W. 3 4 7 E . 4 t h . . . . P , Lambertus . Bar­ber Fixtures. 60

Risotto, G. B, 8 Gouverneur slip . , , F , Tosi. Ver­micelli and Maccaroni Manufactory, 600

Rosenhauw, H, V, 336 E, 14th, . , .M, Kirstein, Sewing Machines, Furnishing Goods Store. &c . (R) 800

Scbnnor, Ida W. 453 lOtbav — W, Jung, Cigar Fixtures. (R) 4M

Slater, J, Islip, Suffolk Co.. New T o r k . . , . E . C. Hall Pavilion Hotel Furni ture . Fixtures, &c. W.OOO

Smilh, P, BOl 8th a v . . . . A , Rohr. Drug Fix­tures. 8,009

Spriggs. W, S. 636 Greenwich — W. H. Raser. Horsea, Trucks, &c. 150

Sprigg' , ^ - S- **-̂ Greenwich. . . . J , L. Baasett. Horses, Truck, &c, (R) 150

Sullivan. T, J. Pell s t . . . . T . J . Seelig. Horse, Milk Wagon, &c, 67

Steinhardt, T. 697 Broadway. . . , Amelia Stein­hardt . Photographic Gallery, 800

Stever, D , 0 . 313E,53d A. Hadden. Horses, Wagons, &c. 300

Saar, S. and Dora, 603 W, 45th — S. Lit tman, Barber Fl j tnrea . 44

Sarasohn, K. H. 44 E. Broadway. . . , 0 . W. and T. R. Barnes. Press, Type, &c. 181

Schick,T. 9S V e s e y . . . . J . Weiss, Barber Fix­tures. iR) 106

Schmidt, H, 9 3 E . 4 t h . . , . H , S t e i n . Bath Tubs, Bathing Fixturfs, &c. 500

Sielman, 0 . Cily D. J , Carroll. Horses, Trucks. &c. 12,100

Siffert, H. 11 Delancey. . . G. N, Siffert, Fix­tures, Tools, Hies, Sec. 800

Staats, P. 304 E. 32d, . . .N. Richter. Grocery Fixtures. HO

Staib, J , G , a i d J . Gaul. J r , . . . J . Springer. Lithograph Presses, &c. (R) 1,000

Stein, L Su Vesey. . . P, Scblessinger, Paper Bag Manufactory. Horse, Wagon, &c, SOO

Strickrodt, C. 117 Walker . . . .Ko.etta Kinde-water. Pressea, Tools, Sec. (R) 750

Suydam, C, 114 Warren . . .M, V. B, Smltb. Presses, Typo, &c. 230

Smith, T, 2335 3d a v , . , , H . C, Beaoh. Loeb-smith and Bellhanger's Fixtures. 76

SonnenfCbeln, L 185 Rivington , . . . B e b w c a Cohen. Horae, Wagon, &o. TH

l)ecembsr 8,1883 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 989

Thayer. H. H, 350 Canal . . . . Kellle Manley. .Machines, Presaes. &a. 2,000

Toner, P, S. IOi Madison st . , . ,N«JIer& Lippe, Coach, (B) 453

Tousey, F. 80 North Moora, . . .W. H, Parsons, Pieaues, 5 000

Tabele, W, 3309!^ 3d a v , . , .W, Gee. Fish Mar­ket, Horae, S.c, (R) 830

TurkoLisky. A, U 2d av and 1st st bet 1st. and ^d avs . .Katbarina AusEall, Plumbing Shoo.

(R) 80J Vincent, J , . . , A . W. Shadbolt Se Son, Horses,

Trucks, Sec 'R) 633 Wilson, E, N. " L a n g h a m , " Bth av and 62d st

, , . ,Pot t ipr Sc Stymus M'f'e Co. Furniture. Fixtures, ific, 50,000

Wanamaker , L, C, 167 Church . Susan E, Wanamalter, Store Fixtures, &c. 3,860

While, C. Ist av and llOtb st T, Hagan, Horses, Carts. &c. (R) 840

WaU. H, 335E. 10th . . .Henr ie t ta Wall. Barber Fixtures. 500

Williams, C . & Co. 420i^ 6th a v , . , C. B.Waring, Cigar Fixtures. 400

Winter, R, J3 Minetta laue , , .G . M. Cox. Horae, Wagou, iailk Fixtures. 600

Zuber, W , and F. Millang. 1516 Broadway J . Zuber, Florist Fixtures. 300


Andrews, T, J . 24 Broadway. . . .C, F. Boland. Iteataiirant Fixlures. J.̂ part. 750

Bond. J. N. B., Jr. , by J . N . B. Bond, S r . . , , Bond Patent Deoderizing and Rendering Co., 796 Shares of Stock. 1

Dorzbacher, L. IBUU 1st av G, Eflnger, Bakery. 1

Dunlap, E. B, 131 W, 45 th . . . .H . H. Rogers, Horse, Carriage, Sec. 800

Fucbs, G, 84 > Broadway Theresa Gross, yhoB Manufactory, 550

Ooetz, T, 38 Suffolk. . , .Fany Ader Barber Fixtures. 275

Gross, T. 810 Broadway G. Fuchi . Shoe Manufactory, 500

Haughey, F, 313 Elm and ?33 Mulberry Mary A. Haugbey. Stocic Fixtures, &c, 1

Hermea, L. F , 116 4th a v . . . . C . KudeU, Barber Fixtures, 450

Hirsoh Se Herman. 340 E, 86th J , Kramo-lisch. Saloon, 4(;0

Katzenberger, W, 603 W, 45th. . . ,Dobra Saar, Barber Fixtures, 50

KoerQor,F, 103 B r o a d — H a e r t i n g & Rieger, Saloon. 6,000

Leblanc, A, 144 W. 25th . . . .P , Mougin. Restau­rant aod Bar Fixturea, 3,000

LIssner, Sigmund, 171 Attorney. . . .A. Mahler. Bakery, &c. 200

Masin, J . 310 E. 36tb Hirnch & Herman. Saloon. 400

Pape, J . H. C. Market and Water sts F . Pape, Saloon, 1 200

Poppe & Mayer. 508 E. 6 t h , . . , E. Goethe, Bakery. 250

Roemer .H. 338 E. 38tb . . . , J . Masin. Saloon. 400 Schmidt, A. 70 E, 49th Havecker& Otten.

Hotel Fixtures. &c. 1,800 Woehr, F, , exr 163 E l i zabe th , . , .F . Kasslug,

Machinery, Tools, Fixtures, &c, L7,500


Klein F „ to H, Klein. (Mortgage given by C, H. Brickwedel and J . Hofman.) HOO

Rigbter, S.. to O. Barnett. (Mortgage given by 0 . G, Mortimer, May 25, Iti83.) 1



Busse, August. 1435 Fulton s t . . . H, Kushn. (R> Cosgrave, James . 799 Sd av D, Ryan. Dunn, R, 70 Metropolitan av Williamsburg

Brewing Co. Diercks, C. A, 833 Atlantic a T . . , , H . Mahnkan, Heppner, K. 65 Bart le t t s t . ,Es ta te o£ David

Jones (R) Hoch, Joseph. 237 Johnson a v . , . . A. Frank, Hoffman, Jacob. 618 Court st . . .C . A, Ooete.

(R) Huber, Wm. 131 S t a g g s t , , . , C , Frese, Hering, Robert, 15i. Franklin st . . .Geo. Ehret. KQOII, A. I i i 4 t b s t . . , 0 , Huber, (R) Mayer, Wm, 102 Greenpoint av . . . J . C.G. Hup­

fel. Olsen, Peter A. 70 Smith st J , Ennia. Ochs, Frederick. 201 Court st C. Ochs. Slebelist, August. 53 Grand s t C. Lipsius,


Bolitho, Edwin, 309tEckford s t , , . , G , E. Ker­nochan.

Boland, VV, P. 79 Poplar s t , . , .T. Cassin. Bouner, Tbomas, 81 Fort Greene p I , , . . L , Z,

Murray. Casey, J, 331 Hudson av L, Z, Murrav, Clark, L, G. BSai^ Lafayette a*',...Bflen V,

Hobbs. Coates, AlliCB H. D. and Frank L. Coney Island

Plank Road , . , H. M, L e e . ' (E) CoUer, Mrs, M. E. 193 Washmgton St.. . . J . Mul­

lina, (R) Eisemann, Dina, 61 S u m n e r a v I. Stern, Geery, Mrs, E. F , 480 Bedford a v . , . , M . Riley,

Piano, (li) Gahagan, H, V, 39B Sackett s t . . . B . F. Wat­

son. Harris , J . O. SONevinast Wm, Conselyea.

(R) Hutchinson. James R. 14 Utica a v . . . E .D,Far ­

reU, Jordan, Jul ia H, 131 Hewes sC R, D. Green. Jonep, A, K, 216 Hewea st C, L, Montague.

Piano, Kibbee. Henry M, 137 Clinton a t , . . . J o h n B,

Coffin, Kavanagb, NeUie. 43 ] 6 t h s t . . , . E . D, Farrell . LoEGn, Josephine, 68 Downing st Anderson

Se Co, Piano. McStok.r, Lillie, 336 Wyckoff s t , , . , I . Mason. Pamer , J. 78 Ryerson s l , , , J . Mullina Rhodes. H, 0, S3l Walworth st , . E. C. Merry-

weal her, Reilly. Margaret, Bi Amity at L, Z. Murray, Rockfellow, 3. A, 115 McDonough s t Wm,

H. Foimtain, Rowley, W. 129 Lafayette av , , . I. Mason. Sofleld. Mrs. A, C, 375 Bedford a v . , . , 0 a r r &

Murray, SaToge, J . 93SBt«ubeaBt I. Mason.

S700 1,000

200 1,000

150 360

.500 120 600 300

150 aro 350 550

200 165

455 63



148 SOU




248 2,000


500 184

625 188 ITl

100 140

300 181

17T 181

Schindler, Elise. 103 Wyckoff a t , . , , 8 .1 , Hersch-laann, 200

Storey, W, W, 613Pacifiest ,, J . MuUins. 243 Rweet, C, J, 177 Gold ".t.,. H, Spies. (R) 163 Tully, Michael, 79 Woodbdil s t , , . . E . D. Far­

rell, 170 UndnrblU, Louise G, 176 Clifton p l . , . , ^ . C.

Place. Piano. (R) 250 Waiurlght, B. 0 . 344 CJ if ton p l . . . . C , L. Monta­

gue, 100 Wilson, Sarah A. B, Flfttlanda.,, .Geo. A, Seott.

(R) 3,003 Wanamaker, L. C. 394 Greene av S. E. Wan­

amaker. 3,B60 UISOHDLANEOD 3 .

Bernard, Riley. USl Pacific st Celia Stlnson. Grocery. 400

Buddie, Geo. IU Smith s t , , . . A . Levy. Butcher Shop. 390

Brunnemer, F, 6C9 to 673 Grand Bt. . . . L . Frank. Horaes. IR) 800

Clayton. James, 45 and 47 York st pboebe Q. Clayton. Machinery, 30,833

Col lota n. Jas , 79 Flatbush a v . . . . L . Schwager. Fixtures, 7u

Colonel, Emma, 14 and leMontroseov, r e a r — A. Horn. Machinery. 2,000

Dodee, E. & 95 Chambers st, New Tork C, Potter, Jr. , & Co, Printing Establishment,

(R) 2,917 Donnelly. T. J. 74 Hudson a r J. Cunning­

ham, Son & Co. Carriage. (R) 48 Helfenstein. J . W, 371 ^or tn 2d s t . . , ,Rober ;8 ,

C o i a n & C o . Bakery, 76 Hopkins, T. 231 York st J. Cunningham,

Son Se Co, Carriaee. (R) 148 Himiler, Wm, 20 Tompkius av , . ,War ren , Foote

& Son, Bakery. 400 Hirt, Wm. 33 Moore S t . . . . S . Cohn. Sewing Ma­

chine, 170 Jackson. T. 1020 Atlantic av J . Cunningham.

Son & Co. Carriage. (R) 811 Keeling & Co, 103Mercerst, New York . . . Jobn

Zimmermann Sc Cc: Sewing Machines. 5,000 Martin. L. V Henry F. Taintor. Barge Mary

and Emma. 760 Murphy. B. J .. Feter Barrett, Wagon (R) 35 McDowell, J . »93 Sackett s t , . , . F . Fradley,

Fixtures, Sea. 310 Olsen, Theo. 203 23d at J , Oucterloney.

Horse. Wagon, &c. SSO Pengel, W. 101 De Kalb a v . . . , N . Langler.

Tools &c. (R) 90 Rogers. F . W. Cor Atlantic av and Clinton st

C. E, Fougera. Drug Store, 800 Selleck G.W. Buller si, cor Stb av . . . .M, A.

Selleck, Horses, Trucks, &G, 600 Simonson. H, J, Cor Waverly and De Kalb avs

The J a m e s Cunningham, Son & Co. Carriages, 073

Suydam, (Jhas, 114 Warren st. New York M. V. B. Smltb. Printing Preasea. &c. 260

Van Wicklen, Emma M. Central av, cor Schaffer S t . . . . J , Strauss. Cows. 460

Whittaker, Geo. 65 Atlantic av and 93 or 95 Pea r i s t Wm, f-pense. Machinery, &c, (R) 2,600

Wolff, Ferdinand. 157 13th S t . , . .Cora Baker. Machinery, S:c. 1,000

Wid mer, Charles, 13 Baxter at. New York , , . F , J. Firmer. Machinery. 50O

Wiliams, John S. and Joserbine H. 1Q8 Fulton St . . . ,S, 0 . Holmes, Presaes, &c. (R) 600


Carpenter, William S„ to Pitt, B a m u m & Glld-den. Fixturea. &c., 268 Grand et, 900

Church, Lewis H , and Catharine L. Cameron to Rosenthal & Co, Merchant Tailoring De­par tment , 85 to 91 Sand St. 1,700

Delcher. Friedrich, to Henry Ahaihin. Butcher Shop, 81 Ewen st.

Evert.y. William, to Fred. Ochs. Saloon, 119 Ewen St. 775

Herrmann, J. G., to Joseph Riedmann, Bakery, 233 Montrose av 375

The Jordan Iron and Chemical Co. to the Vulcan M T g Co, Horses, Trucks, Machinery, &c., cor North 10th and Stb sta, conaid omitted


Dec. 1 Asch , A b r a h a m — M o r i t z B u l l o w a . , $83 63 1 Ad le r , L e w i s — E m m a A d l e r 29,436 36 1 t h e s a m e L. M. H o r n t b a l . , . . 2,522 72 1 t b e sume I saac R u b e n s t e i n , . 1,0^7 47 3 Al l sopp , J a m e s — A l e x . K i n g 289 97 . Al len, Cornel ius L. [ W , H . * Al len, H a r r y A, pltfF, f H u g h e s , . . 581 84 4 Arcie l lo , Miche l e—Ferd inande C a r -

gui lo 24 40 4 A n d e r s o n . A u g u s t a , a n in fan t , b.y

W m , Caffer ty , h e r gua rd ian—God­frey Olsen costs 42 IS

5 Apple ton , A a r o n A.—G. W , H a r r i ­son 476 54

7 Alber t , J o h n — J o h n E i c h l e r 218 &5 1 Bai ley, H e n r y W.—Chas . L e h m a n n . 109 25 1 B r o a s . George E ,—E. B. T a y l o r , in­

divid . a n d as t rus tee 1,814 30 1 Bur r i s , J o b n E , — F , J . S w a i n 31 52 l*Bun, George—L. K. S t rouse 134 64 1 Bigelow, EUio t—Tradesmen ' s N a t ,

B a n k 738 51 3 Bussell, F r a n c i s F .—Eliz . G. Bus­

aell 7,019 87 3 B a r k a l o w , M a r y M , — T . H . K e e s i n g 769 46

Bacon, F r e d e r i c k E . . Graves , B e n j a m i n F . ^*Bnt ler , J o h u H .

P a r e t , J o h n 4 t b e s a m e — H , B . Claflin 8,306 03 4 t h e s ame Tbe T a n i t e Co 6.176 97 4 t b e s a m e A n n a E , P a r e t 5,565 04 4 t b e s a m e M a r y E. P a r e t 5,109 S3 4 t h e same Caro l ine P a r e t 4,975 HO 4 t h e s a m e C a t h a r i n e E .

S c h m i d t 1,049 20 4 t h e s a m e W m . F u r e t 1,354 23 4 t h e Hune A b r a h a m G r a y . . , . 1»,903 03

T, D . P a r e t 3,955 94

t b e s a m e J , A, H u l s k e m p e r , 1,813 t h e s a m e Jah ia l P a r m l y 3,600

4 Beudford . S i m u e l — F h i l i p K a h n 4 Bell , I s a b e l l a - C . R, Gi l le t t 4 Bassford, E d w a r d D,—A & L, Bau­

m a n n 4 Bellows, Car tas R.—C. 8 . S impk ins .

costs 4 t h e a a m e C. F , Wal l e r s . cos t s 4 t h e s a m e • D a v i d C u r t a i n ,


170 27

387 67

63 e3 63

367 4 Beir, Dav id—H. W. Er ichs 4 Bowers , W i l l i a m F ,—George K o e h ­

ler sa* 17 4 B o n y n g e , W i l l i a m F . — E m i l y M,,

e x t r x . of E. C , R i c h a r d s . . . . co s t s 169 21 5 Berns te in , Jacob-—Tobias K r a c k o w e r 67 50 5 B e r t s c h y , S a m u e l - J . T, W a l k e r . , , 786 89 5 t h e s a m e T u n x i s Silk Co 1,472 97 ^ i S a a a r a [ j ° * ^ - S ' = ^ ' ^ t z . . . 3 , 1 8 4

5 Becker , Geo rge—John E ich le r 147 39 t-*Bacon, F r e d e r i c k E. i S. W . F a y , ^ •But le r , J o h n H , f t r u s t ee 45,595 40 6 Berke ley , Danie l —- Manches te r Sc

Phi lb r i ck 98 50 6*Ritt6r, F r e d e r i c k H.—G. D, Wi l ­

l iamson 13S 04 6 Bruce , Lesl ie C — C , F , L a Mont .

costs 87 90 6 B r a y , E d w a r d P . — H . B . T u r n b u U . HO 37 7 Benderscheid , W i l l i a m — P a u l P r y i -

bil 35 07

' fsakeK^Sf S. \ f̂ °b-* 9'̂ "^^°- S9 50 7 B r o c k w a y , L j a e n r y - J , F . Do lan . . . 151 91

^ * c K : Or iva l O. | S o p h i a A . S t e i n , 190 66 1 Corco ran , Michael—P, B, C l e m e n t , . 45 03 1 Cairnes , J a m e s — J . W , Colwell 155 33 I CaiT, A n d r e w — E m m e t N e a r 80 43 l+Crowley , F r e d e r i c k C, — Gerson

Lockwood 188 86 1 Cocks, H a r r i s o n — E . F . C h a b e r t 1,197 14 I f C r a i g , J . H — J o a , W h i t e 101 38 3 Cronin , Cornel ius F .—Alex , S imp­

son 283 06 3 Cromwel l , George — Eliz , G, Bus-

sell , 7,019 87 3 Coogan, J a m e s W . — D a v i s & Ben­

son 3,41)3 47 4 C o n a n t , Al len G., pltff, — W . H .

H u g h e s 581 84 4 Coleman, A l b e r t C - S . A. C o h e n . , 383 OS 4 Cur i i s , Wil l iani D, F , — N a t i o n a l

B a n k of t h e Repub l i c j of C i t y of Ph i lade lph ia , P a 7,574 44

5 Cleveland, P a l m e r — W i l k e r & Gar -t e lmau 135 63

6 Cushman , H e n r y M,-—J, fi. P r e n ­t i ce costs 628 75

5 Ca l l ahan , P a t r i c k D.—R, C, H a g e r , 1,066 51 5 Chandle r , George W , — W m , C a m p ­

bell 1,755 03 6 C r i m m i n s , Danie l—Manches te r Sc

Ph i lb r i ck 147 50 6 C a r p e n t e r , W i l l i a m S. — H , C.

W h i t n e y 253 57 6 C a r t w r i g h t , I s a a c T,—G. D, W i l ­

l iamson 122 04 6 Conan t , H e r m a n — H . S. T o m e r 80 18 7 Char l ick , G a r d n e r B .—John S loane , 318 17 7 Conkl in , W i l l i a m H.—Pbi l ip K e m . 398 78 1 Dare , C. W . F . — W m , Ba ldwin 624 04 1 De Ronge , Char les—Isabel la J u d g e . 1,022 14 1 Diggins, H e n r y M.—Jos, W h i t e 101 26 3*Dil l ibgham, H o r a c e E , — H , P . Soud­

he im 1,049 00 4 t b e s a m e Chas. Moul te r 13,186 93 4 De lmou te , A b r a h a m — I s a a c H a r t ­

m a n 137 29 4 D i s o n , H i r a m R.—Tradesmena ' Na t .

Bank , C i t y of N e w Y o r k 854 13 6*Doe, J o h n , of Conan t <fe Co.—H. S,

T o m e r SO 18 „ D e r r e n b a c k e r , J o h n I B, Fjsch-' De r r enbacke r . J o h n P e t e r f e r & C o , 1,485 75 7*Doe, J o h n — P , A, Rodr iguez 27 60 7 Douglass , Char les W , — J , H . W e t ­

m o r e l i s 32 7 Doy ing , I r a E , — J o h n M o r r o w 151 43 1 E d d y , R o b e r t H,—H, A. Tozer 150 98 1 Ecclea, W i l l i a m . ' J r . — J . H. Marv in . 190 i'5 3 E n o , A m o s F,—C, F , Chr is tensen .

costs 167 41 3 t h e s a m e t h e s a m e 11,230 6U 5 E a s t o n , W i l l i a m — F r e d , Lee 2,938 06 5 Eschenbe rg , Louis , aiso k n o ^ n a s

W a l t e r T r a u t — E u g e n e B r e h m . . . . 275 73 6 Elsas , Myer , impld .—C. P . Ti l l io-

g b a s t 2,858 84 6 E a r l y , J a m e s — E , T, Tefft 3,795 46 1 F r e n c h , Cre igh ton B . — J u I i u s S i m o n 856 51 1 Fe rguson , Ju l i u s M,—L. K, S t r o u s e 134 64 S+Fonda, Char l e s VV., sued as Charlea

— J . C. B. M a t t h e w s 90 88 4 F O I , Casper—P. M. P u r r o y 34 00 5 F a r n h ' i m , H e n r v T .—James Coll ins 188 75 5 F o x . E d w a r d - T . P . S impson 133 33 6 F r a n k e n b e r g , Aa ron—M, L. S t ieg-

litz 64 63 7 F i che r , R icha rd—Is idor Gun tzbu r -

ge r 115 89 7 F r i e d m a n n , Lndo lpb—E. A, Ha ld i -

m a n n 624 63 7 F r e i d m a o , Lndolph—Chas . B r o w n . . 93 29 1 Gr ind le . Jos i ah S . - C . K. R a n d a l l . , 5,164 43 1 Gruens te in , Moritz—C, G. J u d s o n , . 852 00 1 Goldbeck, Alfred C — H e n r y Meyers 290 63 S G a m b l e , J a m e s — H o w a r d B o w s e r . . . 994 98 4 G r a v e s , B e n j a m i n F,—T, D. Pa re t ,

(For 10 o t h e r j u d g m e n t s a g a i n s t G r a v e s see But ler) 3,955 94

4 Gould , J o h n D . — H . E , P i i n n * , . . , . . fiO 73

990 T H E REAL ESTATE RECOR©. December 8,1883

4 Gould, Henry E.—F. T, Luqueer, J r 360 72 5*Grav6s, Benjamin P . - S . VF', Fay,

trustee 45,955 40 7 Gearon, Miles, pltff,—Bauk for Sav­

ings City N. Y . 194 04 7 Garnett, John G,. and ano,, doing

business as the Kailroad Age Pnb-l ishingCo.-H. O, Morris 130 65

1 Hopple, Henry—J. A, Mit tnacht . , . 163 6iJ 1 HoUahan, Kichard—H, E,. Ke l ly , . . 165 24 r;'Hughes, John J,—Jos. White 101 26 4 Hirsi-b, Jacub—E. E. Levi . .. 1,016 S3 . Hoffstadt, Adoiphus } J, C. Wilmer-* Hoflstadt, Oscar f ding 746 46 4 Howland, G, G., Jr.—A, B. Purdy. 133 68 4 Hirshfeld, Jonas—Lancaster County

Nat. Bank 3,479 34 4 Hark in , Mary—Michael Fox T-S."} 09 .'^HoffsLadt, Adoiphus | J . B, Grosve-^ Hoffstadt, Oscar f no r 920 34 5 Harris, WilUam—Jacob Hecht 306 33 5 Holly, Isaac M.—S. M. Roseoblatt., 50 77 5 Hamilton, Jobn—W. D. Duyckinck 314 8S 5 Hass. Bourchard—H. B, Claflin,,., 863 34 5 Hamilton, Johu W.—-Wm. Camp­

bell 1,755 03 7 Hughes, Henry—W, S. Warwick, . . 264 43 - H.ffstadt, Adoiphus ) ^ pr p,,i„„i.i i lefj on ^ Hoffstadt, Oscar ( ^ - ^ ' ^^^^^ l.^^'' «« 7 Hays, Johu B.—The Tribune Assoc, 1,031 01 7*Haydock, Joseph-^F, A. Rodriguez. '27 50

Hill, Eliza 1" 7 Hill, Thoraay >K. M, Peyser 847 04 *Hm, William S. )

7 Hannigan, Edward H,, individ. and as exr. of James D. Gallagher— Susan Crooks — costs 94 63

7iHerz, Jane E, A.—T, C. Piatt 98 95 3 Isaacs, IsaacA,—W. G. Walke r . . . . 488 41 5 Innis, George—J. H. Prentice..costs 638 75 1 Johnson, Christian—Mitchel, Vance

&Co 45 19 3 Jamp, Julia A.—W. K. Thorn 177 03 * . J o n : s ; ? o h r M ^ « - ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ° ^ S r o v e . 243 03

3fi Klenen, Martin—Isaac Hays 173 43 3 Kidder, Wm, P.—Victor Branson., 101 30 3 Kraus-, George J.—XJ. S. Illumin­

ating Co 266 76 3 Kelly, John A.—J, J, Smith 141 70 3 Kirchof, Adolf—David Lewi 749 78 3 Kelley, Patrick J.—H. L. Clapp , . . 54 36

Koster, Emma C. 1 J, C, and „ Koster, William ( Christina

Koster, Sophia Cliristina | Kapp. Koster, Christopher H, J costs, , 4.57 81

3 tbesame J, H. Rapp.,,costa 156 82 3 Krayer, Frederick—iMathias Zim-

mernianu 1,018 45 4 Kahu, Israel—B. E, Levi 1,GI6 33 4 Knapp,I ra C - T h e o . Huffman. , . . 76 31 4 Kjrkpatrick, William—Tradesmen's

Nat. Bank City of N, Y 854 13 5 Keyes, Christopher^Fire Depart­

ment of City N. Y 109 £0 5 the snme tbe same 109 50 5 the same the same 59 50 5 Kobn, Arnold—G. H, Farley 28 40 5 Kloiis, Julius S.—J. H, Prentice

costs 628 75 6 Kissam, Edgerton—Bernard Marti-x 418 64

, Karst. Katberiue ( \ ° ° , J C ^ ^ Karst, Katherina ] Bayer , , , , 594 90

7 t b e s a m e — J . P. KrolJpfeiffer, 38193 1 Ludington, J. B.—Wm, Baldp,'in,., 6i4 04 1 Langsdor,'', Emil—Emma Adier 29,436 36 1 the^ama L. M, Horntbal , . . 2,523 72 1 tha same Isiac Rosanstein,,, 1,027 47 1 Lowtber, John R.—A, R. Hammond 803 08 4 Lightowiers, Joseph—J. J, Kit tel . . . 74 96 4 Lugar. John B,—Lewis Matbey 531 84 5 La Farge, Alphonse J,—Wm, Lum-

mis 837 63 c Lovell, Prank H 1 Ziglia, extrx. of ° Lovell, OrvilleD, ( Co::, Maver.. 113 63 5 Lsvy, Harris—JO'S. Meltsuer 110 00 6 Lewinski, Loui*—Julius St rauss . . . . 120 20 7 Iiemm, Henry—Hai.iiuh Leuim 106 95 1 Mockridge, William M.—H, C. Dra­

per 165 83 1 Mueller, John M,—J. L. R. Camp­

bell 14,496 46 1 Meeker, Frederick W,—W, H, Cut­

ter 97 66 , Mayer, Ferdinand 1 Isidor Rosen-^ Mayer, Benjamin [ beim, 25,828 35 3 Mills, James—r, N, Galway 27 20 4 Mitcbel, George—Siegmund Illch,, 51 13 ,- Mayer, Perdinuud I „ p r ) „^ f„ 4 7,0 o, ^ Mayer, Benjamin f '̂ ^ ^- ^^^^er . . , . 4,716 81 5 Manwaring, David W., Jr.—John

Kellogg 12 08 « S a ; ^ ^ ; E ^ 3 S u T n } « t ' ^ t e B a n k , „ . 4,93113 7 Maugelman, Conrad—Paul Pryibil, 35 07 7 Moulton, Charles P . - P , A, Rod­

riguez 27 50 7 Miuear, A. P.—P. A, Roe 5,696 50

f National Broad-n Mayer, Ferdinand | w a y B a u k

Mayer, Beojamin j of City New L York 4,998 48

1 McEUigott, Henry R,—J, H, Reed. '296 44 3 McGrath, Thomas J,—E, W. Tabor 733 85 4 McHugh, Tbomas J,—J. & M, Haf-

feu, J r 49 01 5 McLeau, Andrew—J. H Prentice

costs 628 75 5 McCann, Johu—H. B. Claflin 131 74 6 McBean, Archie N.—Henry Selling. 115 05 1 Nathan, Michael—Sara. Stern 683 70 l*Norris, George Pepper -L , K.

Strouse 134 64

3 Niles, LucienH.-NorthamptonNat, Bank

3 Newaome, William—Hugh Laekay. costs

6 Nelson, GeorgeP,—L, S, Samuel . . . 6 Nicholas, Joseph—E. V. Rowe 3 Oakley, Charles P,—W, P, Willis,. . 6 Orr, Jackson—Fred, Mohr 6 O'Hare, James—Sarah Cleary 1 Pettigrew, WilUam J,—B. A. Ball, . 1 Purdy, Samue! A,, Jr,—Michael

Geu'ou. 3'Port6r, James P,—J, J. Caulon 3 Parks, Robert H.—H. P, Sondheim. 4 Paret, Juhu, and three others—T. D.

Paret, for tea other judgments agaiust same see Butler

4 Parks, Robert H,—Chas. Moulter.. . 4 Pollock, Watson — W. H, Duck­

worth , Paton, Robert I m •• -nr ^ **Paton; Robert H, [ T. H. Wentz . , . 5 Paret, John—S. W, Fay, trustee 5 Passegger, Frauk—E, I*, Tyson 6 Pratt , Zimri L, impld,—C, P, Til-

linghast 6 Pike, Noah W.—Emily Meeker 7 Parker, Joseph W.—H. O, Morris , . 7 Firie, John T,—Eliza Kelsey 3 Rudausky, Mendel — August Rap­


J, H, Prentice costs

;Rapp, Christina Sophia ~| J, C, and a Reinhardt, Johanna | Christina

Caroline j S. Rapp. Reinhardt, Augustus j costs

3 thesame J, H. Rapp., .costs 3 Roberts, Charles—W, P, Wil l is , , . . . 4 Ritchie, Charles, pltff.—Wm. Zieg­

ler 5 Rosenberg. Wolf — Tobias Krack­

ower 5 Richter, Wenzel-Emanuel Berger,. 5 Radawsky. Mendel — Wm. Riech-

mau Roberts, Richard S.

5 Roberts, Nathan B. Roberts, E lward

5 Rourke, Johu—John Eichler 5 Ryan, Williani—Annie, admrx. of

Mathew, O'Keefe. . . . , Rankin, McKee 1 J. W. Buck-*Rankiu, Mi-s. McKee f ley

6 Reichmann, Cbarles, Jr, — Phillip Happ ers berger . , . ,

7*Roe, Richard—F, A.Rodriguez 30 Strickrodt, Cbarles—J, H, Keller..

1 Starin, Myndert—J. W. BeU 1 Stoutenburgh, Johu A,—E. G, Tin­

ker 1 Steru, William—Tradesmens' Nat.

Bank, City of N. Y 1 Seabury, James L,—C. L. Jones 3 Samuels, Lewis—Philip O'Neil, Jr ,

costs 0 Sloat, Frank I TJ,,- f, D H ^ Sloat; George M. f ^^='- »• Bussell.. 3 Sirait, Andrew V,—David Wei l . . . . 3 Schmidt, Joseph—W, P, Willis 4 Sullivan, Jobn—A. S. Nichols 4 Sears, James W,—W, H. Duck­

worth 4 Scott, Thomas — Lancaster Co.

Nat. Bank 4 Sytboff, Victoria—Johu Lawler . . . ,

Steinau, Isaac 1 4 Steinau, Jacob >-S. L, Leader

*Steinau, Samuel) Schwarz, Adolph I D J n >

5 Schwarz Sigmund I ^^''^ ^iP?.'^ Schwarz; Simon [ Woolen Mills

5 Seidenstock, Maurice—J. W. But­ler

5 Street, Joseph L,—Alfred Von Beu­ren

5*Story, Rufus—S. W. Pay, trustee.

s i K r ; 2 r i M i - i « C o l U n s . c o s t s 5 the same the same 6 Snow, Joseph I. — Mrs. Hannah

Shannon 6 Spaulding, Edward B. — W. A.

Wheelock, as assignee 6 Seidenstock, Maurice — Sigmund

Bergman 6 Stevenson, Vernon K,, Jr.—Real

Estate Record Asaoc Shaw, Fayette "I

e Shaw, Brackiey ! Market Nat. "̂ (flrm of F. [Bauk of N, Y . , . .

Shaw & Bros.) ) 6 the same W, B. Kendall 6 thesame thesame , , , 6 tbe same——the same 6 tbe same the same 6 Stoll, William H.—Beruard Martin, 6 Suliivau, Algernon S.. public admr.

aod admr. of H. W, Churchill— Margaretta R. Elliot

7 Saltzman, John L,—P S. Berge . , . , 7*3toll, Wilham H.—J, L S i e r ae s . . . 7 Steward, John—A, H. AUen 7 the same C. C, Allen 7 Schieck, Rochus—Metropolitan Life

Ins, Co.. costs 7 Shufeldt, Edwin—Thos, Evans costs 3 Smith, Augusta D.—Reuben Smith, 7 Smith, Ballard—C. vV. Bartlett 7 Smith, George W.—J. L, Brower. . . 1 TaUmadge, Hiram E.—J, B. Dash,, 3 Trnjillo, Enrique—G. B. Robiuson,. 4 Tresai, Cbarles—Louis Joris 5 Trowbridge, Edward—W. A, Cole,. 5 Traut, Walter, otherwise Louis

Eschenberg—Eugene Brehm

9,316 87

143 43 51 24

3,254 79 735 73 210 81 170 5U 534 53

230 r.^ 278 72

1,049 OC

3,955 94 13,186 93

181 98 154 53

45,9ii5 40 44 70

3,877 54 6S 18

130 65 980 54

198 28

457 81 156 83 735 73

499 31

67 50 lUO 70

508 74

638 75 109 56

1,193 71

IOO 33

88 03 37 50

179 9U 365 81

355 73

1,308 67 84 98

58 69 7,019 87

87 05 351 86 355 63

181 98

3,479 34 261 05

837 90

2,048 48

199 63

84S 06 45,955 40

75 56

311 30

101 90

629 49

37 80

176 Ul

5,336 97

5,221 93 5,219 13 5,314 96 5,211 m 418 64

3,049 55 332 57 231 63 540 73 417 10

111 55 63 50 107 OJ 891 49 293 54 595 29

17,666 62 li'6 31

461 67

276 73

J, Treacy, George A, I p w -n™„. ^ Treacy, Richard H, \ * ' ^- ^^voe, 7 Treacv, Richard H.—W. E. Lucas.. 1 The Nickel Mining & Smelting Co.

of N. Y.—J, B. Dash 1 Brewster Reduction Co, — Peter

Himrod 1 The Metropolitan Mining, Milling

Sc M'f'g Co.—Ed. Dart 4 The New York, Lake Erie & West­

ern Kailroad Co.—E. G. W. Woerz . . . . . costs

4 thesame M. A. Rolli,,,costs 4 the same Sebastian de Neuf-

ville — costs 4 thesame Wm. Cunard,.costs 4 the same Therese W., exr.

of H. H,, Seabrook costs 4 the same F. W. Newcomb

costs 4 the same — W . A.Butler, exr,

C H. Marshall costs 4 the same the same, trustee of

Mary R, Butler costs 4 the same C. G. Pranklyn,

exr. of Ed. Cunard costs 4 tbe same H, A, Vatable

costs 6 The Relief Pire Ins. Co.—European

Medicine Co 5 The Morgan Sugar Skimmer Co,—

F. C. Knowles 6 The Knudson Electrical Co. (limit­

ed)—C. D. Abel 6 TbeUnionStoreof PeekskiU—Benj.

McCabe 7 The Union Investment and Promot­

ing Co.—People ot State of N. Y . 5 Urban, Henry A,—John Galwey. . . „ Uecfcermann, Frederi.-k J E ^ ^ C ^ ^ „ ^ Ueckermann, William ] Bank.^ 1 Valeutine, William G,—C, L, Jones. 6 Von Brandenstein, Hugo—Nicolas

Henry 7 Vandelinder, Martin O.—National

Pai-k Bank of N, Y 30 Wilson, Elijah N.—Bernhard Bein-

Icke 1 Wheeler, EUza—Julia E. Blackman, 1 Wbite, Henry K.—L. D. Crossmond ll-Wolcott, A, A,—B, D. Traitel 3 Warker, Edward H — Sarah P,,

extrx, of Alfred, Wagstaff.,.,(D) 3 Witherbee, Martha—Mary M. Jones 3 White, Cumberland G. — H. P.

Sondheim 4 the same Chas, Moulter 4 Weber, A l b e r t s Wm. Byfield 4 Woodworth, Charles P.—S. P, Shaw 4 Washburn, HenryL.—J. H. Barnard 4 Westbeimer, H e n r y - E , T, Holton. 5 WeU, John—Albert Preuud 5 Wllain, LouisB.—A. P, Day 5 Waldron, Andrew V.—G. W. Har­

rison 5 Waldejo, Augus te-Adam Moebus.. „ Williams, John R. 1 -̂ ^ .j, g v ' Williams, Tbomas ( ^ - ^- -"eebe.,., 7 Winter, Henry—^Oscar Godley 7 Weber, Albert—George KitcheU 3 Young, Harrison—J. C. Rajpleyea, 4*YateS| ,—Baruett Cosgrove 1 Zwanzig, Albert—R. J. Anderton. . 1 Zincke, Ai'min—Paul Roseugarden,

365 36 722 61

595 29

3,393 91

1,334 18

fil 67 61 67

61 67 61 67

61 67

61 67

61 67:

61 67

61 67

74 37

1,018 58

641 05

383 83

633 34

980 12 138 36

335 06 84 98

1,625 83

3,687 14

11,739 29 317 73

3,001 45 294 50

3,437 10 1,329 94

1,049 00 13,186 93

331 13 830 85 78 89

3,733 90 193 67 134 iJ7

476 54 S2 26

296 55 1,139 48

478 58 190 66 243 03 153 60

1,433 19

KL\eS COURTT. Nov. and Dec. 30 American Heating aud Power Co.~

S. Lyman, assignee $1,099 03 3 Andrews, William H,—J. Powler.. 311 13 3 Anderson, James—C, Henigin 47 09

HO Burtis, Leonard J,—C. K. StUwell,. 72 25 1 Bounermann, Henry—G. Bechtel . . . 76 71 3 Barrett, Hopkins G.—J. Warnock., 179 03 4 Bauer, Ernst—R, Brueckner 288 83-j 4 Boemerman, John—W. Waring 149 71'̂ 4 the'some W, F, Graham 71 57! 5 Brewster, Clarence N,—W. H, Bur­

hans 433 13 6 Brower, George A.—T. J. Tavlor . . . 505 IS 6 Bliss, Charles G.—W, R, Pitt", 37 65

31) Carpenter, Joseph O,—C, K Stevens 109 33 5 Curtis, William D. P . - N a t . Bank

Republic, Philadelphia, Pa 7,574 94 6 Carpenter, William S.—H, C. Whit­

ney 353 57 4 Dinnin, Hugh—D. Sheffiin 313 77 1 Eccles, WUliam, Jr,—J, H. Marvin, 190 35 3 Edwards, WUliam—R, B. Wilson.,. 623 43j 4 Eich, Henry^Mary Gi-ismaon 1,049 69] 5 Elsas, Myer, impld , -C, P. TUIing-

hast 3,858 801 6 Euander, Lars—J. Abrahansson.. . . 137 96'

30 Pitch, Josiah P,—D, Barnes 3,246 45 3 Farren, Philip—D, D. Mangan 393 34 4 FarreU, John O,—Nelson & Holden. 58 79 5 Pagan, Dora J. ana Bryan — J,

Roesch 110 35 6 Favor, Myra E,—H. L. Chapman . . 680 08

31) Gair, Robert—T. Fitzmaurice, Jr, , infant 618 39

30 Hickey, Felix—J. W. Smith 68 07 30 Hawkins, Michael~J. Fury or Haw­

kins 119 02 30 the sama Mary A. Fury or

Hawkins 119 03 1 Herms, Henry—F, Pfefferkorn 26 35 4 Haughty, Mary, admrx, Patrick

Haughty, dec'd—P. McEvoy 155 33 30 Jordan, WilUam P. — Sarah I.

Chambers 236 61 30 Jordan Iron and Chemical Co, and

WiUiam P. Jordan—J. Chambers 1,693 83

December 8,1883 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 991

S Isaacs , I s aac A . — W . G. W a l k e r . , . , 4 Johnson , Susan—Rache l G. Sk in­

ne r ii I r e l and , W a l t e r B .—W. H. B u r

bans 30 K e e n a n ^ P a t r i u k — O , N o l a n

1 Kn ick , F ranz—G. Zipp 1 t h e s a m e H. Huckfe ld 1 K e n n e d y , Charles—N, Y, Life Ins .

Sc T r u s t C o , . , . ; , . . 3 Kr ines , Margare t—.Orphan H o m e , , 1 L i t t l e john , De W i t t C , individ , a n d

05 t rus tee u n d e r will of A l i d a n Li t t l e johu , for H u g h a n d L u c y A, L i t t l e john a n d said H u g h a n d L u c y A . L i t t l e j ohn—H. Y . A t t r i l l e t a l

5 Lovel l , P r a n k H. a u d Orv i l l e D.— Z. Maye r , e x t r x , C. M a y e r

1 Mockr idge , WiUiam M,—H. C. Dra­p e r •

4 M o n t g o m e r y , Arch iba ld—J, W a r d , 4 Morgan . M. L,—E, A. F r a s e r 6 Morr issey , Thomas—M. K n a p p 6 Meislahn, H e n r y — H . N . R e a d 6 Morgan , J a m e s P,—Eliz. A, B r i t t o n ,

e x t r x 6 Mangels , C a r s t e n - H , M u c h m o r e . , , 6 Nicholas, J o s e p h — E , V . R o w e 6 Micb thanse r , S i g m u n d — S . Sl lber ­

stein 30 Oakley, J o h n W . K .—E, D, B u r t . . . ,

5 Oakley , Char les P .—W. P . W i l l i s . , 6 Orr , J ackson—P, M o h r 6 O u r d a u , Jose P .—Luc ina H . W i l ­

c o x 30 P a l m e r , Solon—J, Donel ly . -

5 P r a t t , Z imr i I . , impld ,—C. P . TUl-has t

G F i r i e , J o h n T . ~ E , Kelsey 30 Robinson, D o r a B.—E. D, B u r t . . , . 3 Raphae l , R o b e r t — W . P . WiUis S Rober t s , Char les t h e s a m e 4 Ri tch ie , Cha r l e s—W. Ziegler 4 Reil ley, J o h n B.—A. C, Fiscbor . . 4 Requa , Leona rd F,—T. M c C a n n 5 Reevo, A l b e r t A, , i m p l d . — W H .

Nichols 6 Redd ing , M a r y — J , F l y n n

30 S c o m m o d a u , H e r m a n R.—G. W, D e a m a r e s t

1 S t e i n w a y , J o h n , J r , , in fan t , b y J o h n S t e i n w a y , g u a r d . — L o n g Is land R. R

3 S c h m i d t , Jo seph—W, P , Wi l l i s 3 Smi th , E d w i n H.—G. R e q u a 3 t h e s a m e J . T. L o n g 4 Sherwood , J a m e s K, O.—Firs t Na t ,

Bank, Helena , M o n t a n a T e r '5 SuUivan, John—A., S. Nichols 5 S c h n e i d e r h a m , Freder ick—C, P l a t e 5 Sheldon, W i l l i a m R,—A, H. K i n g . , 6 S impson, J a m e s — J . C h a m b e r s

30 T h e A m e r i c a n H e a t i n g a n d P o w e r Co.—S. L y m a n , assignee

30 T b e J o r d o n I r o n & Chemica l Co,— J, C h a m b e r s

1 T h e De C a s t r o & D o n n a S u g a r Ke-fluing Co.—P. R e l n h a r t

1 Tice, W i l l i a m K . — L . Meyer 1 T h e g u a r d , J . S t e i n w a y , J r . — L , I .

R. R. Co 1 T b e t ru s t ee of H u g h a n d L u c y A .

L i t t l e john—A. A . D e G r a u w e t a l t o t a l

3 T h e R o c k a w a y J o c k e y Club ,L imi ted — J . T. C u y l e r

3 T h e Citizens ' M u t u a l Gas L i g h t Co., L, 1. C i t y—P. F , Shea

4 Tbe a d m r x . P a t H a u g b e y , dec'd— P . M c E v o y

4 T b e g u a r d , of J a s . Watk ins—Nelson 6 H o l d e n

6 V i g o t t y , Joseph , J r . , a n d Joseph, Sr . —Commiss ioners Char i t i e s , & c , . ,

6 V a n Dive, J o h n K.—T. J . T a y l o r . . . 4 W a t k i n s , J a m e s , in fan t , b y J . O.

F a r r e l l , g u a r d . ^ N e l s o n & Holden 6 Wi lz in . L o u i s B . — A . P . D a y 6 Wei l , J o h n — A . F r e u n d

488 41

93 43

433 13 110 29 86 60 63 70

59 74 636 (6

308 34

1,136 63

165 82 1,039 93

. 101 06 82 76

135 28

361 45 161 76

3,251 79

1,464 64 68 l a

735 73 310 31

82 10 416 41

3,877 45 990 54

41 40 868 70 735 73 499 21 172 78 603 00

150 84 190 54

287 43

66 03 351 86 549 76 877 07

3,570 67 SS6 62 103 34 322 40

61 25

1,099 02

1,693 82

1,368 97 1,479 96

6P 03

303 34

2,840 07

175 10

155 33

68 79

150 47 605 18

58 79 124 37 193 67



December 1 to 7—inclusive.

Barton, William B,—Theo. Moss. <1881).... BurEham, John F.—E. L. Partr idge. (1883), Blum, Ferdinand S. M,—F. R. Abbott, ('7a) Brush, Joshua M. — National Broadway

Banlr. (1883) Brady. John—Fred. Ellmers. (1873). Colleran, Jobn and Michael—D, T. Kennedy,

(1881) Colleran. John same. (1S83) Chase, Lewis S.—Henry Pattberg. (18BS)..

Same same, (I8fi3) Cohen, Jacob—H, H, Gordon. (13^3)

Same T .A .Wr igh t . (1882) De Lever, Antbonv—J, J, Astor, trustee.

(1879) Same-^—-John Stuart. (1879)

Davidson, Alexander V,—Anna E. Davidson. (1882)

*Dean, Lottie L.—H. M, Woolf, (1883) Elkins. George B.—G. D. Arthur (Mary C,

Elkins, by assign.) (1876) Eisner, Samuel L., exr. of Henry—Jobn Mc­

Keon. (1883) Freund, .Albert, esr,—Jobn McKeon. (1888) Frankel, Mai—Celestino Palacio, (1888)... tFrench, Hamllne Q,—Michael O'Meara.

(1883) Felter, Samuel W.—Mary Wbalen. (1883)... Qardaer, Qeorge—Kate A. Sperry, (1883) ..

Same same. (1981) Same same. (1880)

Goodman, Louis—Jacob Colm. (ISSS) . .

*],5Br 05 103 78

1,109 73

538 33 673 05

208 43 77 la SS41 84 OB

647 83 933 ee 973 4S 403 85

567 80 443 46

3,679 TO

1,302 67 1,802 67

188 17

408 43 77 60

113 13 119 00

1.T88 43 177 77

•Hargrave, Richard—James McKenna, ('83) 922 64 Harley. John P., odmr,—U, S, Life Ins, Co

(1883) . , . 106 77 JHandel, Herman—Wm. Demuth. (1876),,. 1,818 84 Herman, l . ' idor-Abraham Wolf. (lftH2).... 4,082 81 Jud<J,Hop'dns—Wm. McCleery, (IKUJj 95 88 Koehler, David M,. esr.—John McKe<n. |'8:i) 1,3'ia 67 Kladlvko, H u g o - J a c o b Ruppert. (1880) . . . 1,187 flO Kaiser, J.—Conrad Stein. (1876) .. 90 39 Kemp, William C, B —J. M. Schmidt. (1883) 117 33 Kaufmann, Adolph—F, R. Abbott. (18T9)... MOU 73 Lawlor. E l l en -Herman Mathias, (1883) 252 30 Lowenthal, George L.—Louis Briefner, ('83) 339 77 Lawlor, Frank—Theo, Moss. (1881) 1.597 05 *LivinKston, Mortimer—Octavia Livingston.

(1878) Lyon, M a r y E - A , C, L Mfyer. (1883) 352 61 Lewis, Nathan—Jacob Cohn. (18«3) 177 77 Morr. Jacob—Mary F . Henkel. (1881). 3,765 56

Same Mrs. M, F. Henkel, admrx. (1882) 631 31 'Muller, Charles F.—A, B. Cohn, (1883) , . 48117 •Newman, Hugh—People of State M, Y. ('83) 800 OO Palmer, Courilandt— W. C. Schermerhorn.

(1879) 6,761 41 Ritterman, Israel—Estelle Redlich. (I880).. 4fl3 47

Same Henry Wilson, (1880) 389 B3 Same, e s r of Amelia Wilson ^Louise

Joel, (1830) 48347 Rector, &c., Christ P. E, Church City N, Y,—

John Macs. (18&3) 386 28 Sherwood, Jason H„ as exr. of Nelaon Sher­

wood—Mai Borek. (1883) 140 BO Same. same, (1883) 393 06

Schwartz. J a c o b - W m . Daily. (1871) . . . 854 51 Smith, Wiliiam B —G. W. Van Siclen, (1871) I43 77 •Sheppard, Henry—A. B, Cohn. (1883) .. . 48117 Sonthero, Char les -A. C, Gibson, (1883) . . . 115 16 Slampfeld, Augi is t -G. Hi Beyer, (1865),,,. 633 80

I ' m i t t F ^ a c c i s s " ' [ • ' • ^ • ^ - - " « « " '^•'°' '' Sadler, Edward Y/.—Abraham Wolf. (188S), 4,3?4 88 Simon Henrv-Lou i s Goldsmith. (1883) 93 87 Unger. Abraham—Philip Goldman. (1875).. 335 78 tUlrlch, Simon J.—Wm. Demuth, (1876) . . . 1,818 31 Van Pelt, Moses D.—Mosea Chamberlain (C,

A . V a n P e l t , b y assign.) (18781 1,575 50 Webfr, Alberl^Campbell Printing Press and

Manufacturing Co. (1883), 1,340 08 Same same. (1883) 1,883 85 Same — aame. (1883) 838 07

Wiirowski, Julius—Jacob Cohn. (1883) 177 77

•Vacated by order ot Conn. 1 Secured on Appeol, t Released. § Reversed. | Satisfled by Executi ' in. ••niBcharKed bv goine through bankriiptor. t t Par­tially suspended upon appeal.

K I N G S C O U N T Y ,

December 1 to 7—inclusive.

Abbott, George B., public admr., ae admr, of W Rear ion—Eliza Burgyes. (188H)

Berringer, Char les -O, Wick. (1883) Bossert, Jacob—L. Bossert, assignee. (1878) Brady, Juhn—F, Ellmers. (1878) Brooiilyn City & Newtown R. R —Mary Mc­

Glynn. (1881) Same same. (1881)

Cohen, J a c o b - H , H. Gordon. (;e83) Same T. A. Wright, (1882)

Elhins, Qeorge B,—Mary E. Eikins, assignee. (1876)

Hicltey, Patrick—W, Wilson. (Eiecution.) (1882)

Howard. Jacob P, J,—Ann E. Conkhn, ('S3) Kenny, Jobn—H. Korf, (1877) McCormick, James J.—J. Atkinson. (Exe­

cution > (1893) McLaugblio, Michael—M. Healy. (1883) Munn. Henry N,—Maria Tice. (1881),

Same same, (1881) Mllher, John—D. Metzger. (leSO) Murr, Jacob—Hary F. Henkel. (1681)

Same P. Henkel. (1882) Prospect Park & Coney Island R, R.—Mary

Owen. (1983) Quereau, Abram, and William H. Mailler—R.

A,Stewart . (1883) Same same. (1683)

Smith, Francis S., and Francis S, Street—J. A. Vose. (Reversed,) (1881)

Ulrich, Simon J . , and Herman Handel—W, Demuth, (Release,) (1876)

Wood, Francis L. and Allen L., and Nathan P. Brooks—F. Lyons, J r . (Exe­cution ) (1883)

Woods, Francis L., and Nathan P . Brooks— F . Lyons, J r

9628 21 358 67 109 89 672 05

8,611 74 88 B7

617 23 923 96

3,679 70

74 73 40 75

128 37

3,696 99 43 86

3,286 39 85 30

1S3 12 2,765 56

521 81

433 32

618 S9 613 29

33,303 11

1,818 84

834 67

42 04


Dec. 8 Broadway, w s, abt 68 a 30th i t , abt 40 H,

front, Z. S. Ayres agt Edward F . James, reputed owner and debtor. $1,800 00

I First av, n e cor 63d st, 100.5x131.5. J . O'Hare agt Sarah E. Hinman, owner or reputed owner 1,133 60

1 Fortieth st, s B, 150 w lat a i , 35 ft. front, George McNamara agt Laura B, Smith, owner Joel B. Smith, debtor, an Henry Ellis, contractor 200 00

8 Fifth av, No. 410, n w cor 37th st. Hilbome L. Roosevelt agt The Trustee of the Brick Churcb, owner, and John La Farge, deb­tor 900 00

5 Fifty-ninih st, Nos. 3a'-833 W,, n s, 275 e 9th av, 125 ft. front Michael Cain agt Anne E 'Treacy, reputed owner, and Richard H. Tracy, aebtor 3,034 66

6 Fifty-flfth at. No. 18, K , a a, bet Madiaon and Sth avs. Louia Heck agt Ralph N. Ferlee. reputed owner, and John J . Brier­ly, dphior 10800

fl Forty-seventh st, No. 4 1 6 W , , S B . Patrick Reynolds agt Nicholas F . Seebeck, owner and Fincke & Haenschen. debtors. 202 &0

6 Fourth av, s e cor 87tb st, 100,8x106, 6 houses, Henry C. De Rivera agt Jennie Christie, owner, and Wm, Christie, con­tractor « 8 00

7 Fourth av. No. 1574, w s. L. C, Tuft i agt Irvine & Smith e t a l 206 80

7 Fifth av, e s, 25.3 s 38th at, 37xlC0, Charlea Whitlock agt Henry A. Bobbins, owner, and H, Gray, oontraotor 1,886 60

„ Ninety-fourth at, a e. 160 w2d av, 100x100. I ' Ninety-third st. n s, 100 w 2d av, 100x100.. (

L. C. Tufts Bgt M. Duffy et al 1.313 18 1 One Hundred and Twenty seventh st, n s,

abt 130 w adav , 50 feet front, Dunn & Lyons agt Charles H, Barton, reputed Owner, and Charles H. and Wm. O. Bar­ton, debtors . - 845 ro

I Samej)roperty, H. Cary & Son agt same. . 860 00 4 Oue Hundred and Twenty-seventb st, s s,

ion e 3d av, 75 feat front. Daniel Carroll agt John Keys, reputed owner, and Cow­an Keys, contractor 70 00

6 One Hundrad and Twenty-eighth at, Noa, 268, 271 and 273 W., n a, 150 e Sthav, 108 feet front. George Boyce and Bro.. egt Elizabeth C. O'Brien, owner, and John J. O'Brien, contractor 626 00

7 One Hundred and Thirty-flrst st. n s. 385 w 5th av, 2 houses. James Boyland agt Walter S, Price, owner and contractor . . . . 600 00

4 Sixtennlh St. Ho. 408 VP., sa , 100 w 9tb av, 35 feet front, Hugh Getty agt Honora McGrory, reputed owner and debtor 414 00

4 Same property, S a m e a g t s a m e 06 00

KISGS CODMTY. Dec. 4 McDonough st, a s, 436 w Reid av, 60x100.

Hanlon & Madden agt George Adams, owner, &C -. $179 00

1 Putnam av, No, 194, s s. 70 e Bedford av, 21 xino. Clarence E. Smith agt Jamea A. Blake, owner, Ac 3175

3 Same property. Burns Se Johnson agt Alice E. Blake, owner, &c 106 87

3 Same property, H, F, Burroughs Se Co. agt Jas . A, and Alice E. Blake, owners, &c.. 142 8

3 Same property, C. F. Mullen agt Alice E. Blake, owner, and W. H. Burhana 27 70

3 Same properly. Watson & Pittinger agt Alice E and J. A, Blake, owners, and W. H. Burhaus 600 00

3 Hull St. n s, 235 e Saratoga av, 175x100, George W. Evans agt Margaretha Bauer, owner, and Jno. Bauer 133 00

5 Putnam av. s B, 79 e Bedford av, 20x10(1. L, M. Weeks agt James and Alice E, Blake

and Wm. H. Burhana 145 00 5 Bergen st. No. i.'11, n s, 231,3 e I'ood st, 18.9

;xlOO. Friend Elbs agt Catharine Barrett, owner, and T, Barrett 80 00

SATisFiKD ini;:cuA\ic>' \Av,m, NBW I ORK CITT.

Deo, ItBowery, Nos. 199, 301. 303 and 205, e a. Jobn

Fish agt Henry C. Miner, (Lien flled Oct, 6,1883) $0,180 8»

a One Hundred and Four tb st, s a. Z-30 w 4tb av. 25 ft front. Frank Grube agt Hew­man Cowen, Jacob Korn and Tbos. Flynn. (Oct. 2, IS83) 60 00

3 Braadway, Nos. 1237 and 1239, w s, 66 n 30th st, abt W ft front. Z S. Ayres agt Ed­ward F. James, {Nov. -TO, 188') 1,800 00

SJOne Hundred and Ninth Bt, n e cor Madi­son avenue, 70x100. John H, Lyon agt Mary J . wife of Hiram Moore and John H. Deane. (June 3-3, 1883) ft"? 96

4 Eighty-sisth st, n e cor Madison av, 63x100. J . J, Bowes & Eros, agt New York Chris­tian Home for Intemperate Men and D.T.Kennedy. (July 19, 1883) 1,777 06

4 Same property, James V, Uonvan agt sam^, (July 24, 1883), 3.48112

4ttSeventh av, n w cor 13Ttb st, ICOxliS. James Ford agt Samuel H, Bai'ey et al, (July 13, 1883) 1.-300 00

7 Eighty-third Bt, n a, about 100 w Madison av, IOO ft. front. John McLaughlin agt M, Gehegan and John Murphy & Co. (Sept. 19. 1881). 659 35

+ DlBcbarged by order of Court on Bond filed De­cember 1.

+t Discharged by order of Court of Common Pleao, by depositing with Clerk amount of lien and costs.

i Dwchorged by order of Court.

K I N G S C O U N T Y .

December 1 to 7—inc'usive.

Bleecker st, w s, about 150 & Myrtle av, SOxlOO, Wm. D. Chase agt Mra, Lane, ownir , and Cardwell & Hawkins, (Lien flled Aug. 10.1883) 876 00

Schermerhorn st. No. 129, ne , about 78 w Smith Bt, 30x55. John W. Nelly agt George H, Messenger. (March 3, 1883) 390 00

Grand av, Nos. 146.14S and 150, John Seton Bgt Ebenezer W. Swana. (Oct. 9,1883).., 283 BO


H o u s t o n s t , Kos, 118 a n d 120 W, , one s ix-s tory b r i c k l a u n d r y , 50x95, g r a v e l roof; cost, ¥40,000; owne r , Mrs, El len B, W a r d , Ros lyn , L. I . ; a r c h i ­t ec t , S. D. H a t c h ; bui lders , R . L. D a r r a g h & Co, a n d J o h n Malloy, P l a n 1355.

Chr i s topher st . Ho . 167, one one-story b r i c k c a r p e n t e r shop , 23x40, g r a v e l roof; cost. $3,500; owners , H , C. Sc J. H. Calkins , 256 W e s t s t ; a rch i t ec t , W . J . F r y e r , J r , ; bn i lder , R, S h a p t e r , P l a n 1378.


4 th a v , w s, 53 n 18th s t , one th ree - s to ry b r i c k a n d s tone- t r immed tbea t r e , 78.10x140, me ta l roof; cost, f rom ?125,000 t o $150,000; owner . I m r e K i r a l f y , ;i9 W e s t W a s h i n g t o n sq, fur K i r a l f y Bros . ; a rch i t ec t s , J , B. McEl fa t r i ck & Son, 30 Eas t 14th st. P l a n 1354.

15tb s t , Nos. 537, 539, 541 a n d 543 E , , four flve-s t o r y and cel lar br ick a n d b r o w n stone t enem ' t s , 20.1 a n d 20,7x56,3, t in roofs ; cost, each , $10,000; owne r , J a m e s Mul ry , 307 E a s t 12th s t ; a r c h i t e c t , F r e d e r i c k J e n t b . P l a n 1361,

SSth s t , Hoa. 147, 149 a n d 151 W . , one s i x - s t o i y b r i c k f ac to r y , 66.8x90, t i n roof ; coat, 165,000-

992 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD December 8,1883

owner, Marie L. Olliffe, 130th st and Sth av; architect, G. E. Harding. Plan 1367.

54th st, Ho, 210 W,, 8 B, bet Broadwayand 7th av, one one-story brick smith shop, 25xb0, tin roof; cost, J3,700; owner, Lucy H. Donahue. 7 East 6.'ith st; architect and builder, M, J. Hew­man. Plan 1372.

57th st, n s, DJ5 e 7th av, one four-story brick dwell'g 19x60, with extension, tin roof; cost, $3?,00a; owner. Charles T, Wills, 463 West Slst st; architects, D, & J, Jardine; builders, Sinclair & Wills, Plan 1356.

57th st, n s. in e Tth av, two four-story brick dwell'gs, 18 and 20x60, with extension, tin roof; post, ¥22,000 and $23,000; owners, John Jardine, Yonkers, David Jardine, 1263 Broadway, Wm, H. and Chas. Gedney, 143 West 40tb st, and Thos. Cochrane, 223 West Sfith st; architects, D. ife J. Jardine: builders, Sinclair & Wilis, Plan 1357,

57th sfc, n s, 183 e 7th av, two fonr-story brick dwell'gs, 33 and 20x65 and 60, tin roof; .^ost, $23,000 and «35,()iiO; owner, Richard Sidenberg, •54 West 52d st; ai-chitects and builders, same as last. Plan 1358.

42d st. No, 406 E., one one-story brick shed, 17 x.̂ ii), gravel roof; cost, $400; owner and archi­tect, Robert Ellis, 2 Prospect pl; builders, Daw­son Sc Archer and S. Smyth. Plan 1380.

36th st, Nos, 6(14, 606 and 608 W,, and 604 West 35th Bt, being 125 w l l t b av, three one-story sheds, one 21x43, one 23x43 and one 61 on rear x 90 to protect lumber; owners and builders, Ed­mund Macy & Co,, 604 West 36th st. Pian 13H5,


76th st, Nos. 102-118 E., s s, east from 4th av, thirteen threestory brown stone dwell'gs, 16. 18 and 18,9x54, tin roof; cost, each, $14,000; owner and builder, John J. Macdonald, 1533 Park av ; architect, Augustus Hatfield. Plan 1362,

8Wth at, n s, 134 e 4th av, two five-story hr'ic.k tenem'ts, 25x33, tin roof; cost, each, $31,000; owner, William Henderson, 513 East S3d st; architect, J. C. Burne; builder, nofc selected. Plan 1376.

90th st, s 3, 100 w 2d av, four five-story brick tenem'ts, aSxa"!, tin roof; cost, oach, $30 OOU; owner, architact and builder, same as last. Plan 1377.

Av A, s w cor 87th st, tbree five story brick stores and tenem'ts, 30 and 25x60, tin roof; cost, each, $10,000;own6rs, Emehne Johnston, 443East 94th st and Eiizabefch Johnston, 445 East 94th st; architect. A, B, Odgen, Plan 1381.

87th st, s s, 75 w Av A, one five-story brick and brown stone tenem't, 2.5x53. tinroof; cost, $10,000; owners, architect and bnilder, same as last. Flan 1383.

Is tav , s e cor 1041b st, four five-story brick stores and teneiu'is. one 3a, 11x69, others each 2.5x69, tin roof; cost, each, $13,000 (?); owner, Wilhelmine Juch, 307 Easb lC6th st; arcbitect, C, Biela; builders, E, Han: mer and P. Duden, Plan 1373.

l"4th st, s s, 69 e Ist av, one flve-story brick aash and blind factory, 95x85, and one-story ex­tension, 15x11, tin roof; cost, $16,000; owner, architect and builders, same as last. Plan 1374.

106th st, s s, 450 6 1st av. one three-story brick sash and blind factory, 104x100, extension, 12x11, gra-'el roof; cost, $15,000; owner, Morris Tuska, 131 East 71st Bt; lessees, Thos. R. A. Sc W. H, Hall, 533 Easfc 20th st; arcbitect, B, Walther; builders, W, Hall & Sons, Plan 1370,

Lexington av, w s, 67.6 n 134th st, oneone story frame and glass offlce, 33.5 and 30,1x80 and 15.5, tin or gravel roof; cost, $800; owner, Walter A, White, onpremises; architect, B, Walther. Plan 1371. BETWEEN 1 1 0 T H ANU 125TH STREETS, 5 T H AND

8 T H AVBNtTES, 6th av, n w cor 133d st, one four-story and

basement dwell'g, 35,3x60, tin roof; cost, $33,000; owner, architect and builder. A, B. Vandusen, Plan 1375,

NORTH OF 1 2 5 T H 3 T .

137th st. Ho. 169 E., ono flve-story brick tene­ment, 28.6x83,6, tin roof; coat, $5,000; owner, Francia Geis, 73 East 137th st; aichitect, J Boekell, Plan 1368.

133d st, n 6, 260 w 7th av, one three story and basement brown stone dwell'g, 20x50, tin roof; oost. $15,000; owner, Charles Kopp, 161 East lU3d s to r 4 and 6 New Chambers st; architect, Jas, Barrett, Plan 1359,

Sth av, e s, from 134ih to 135th st, seven Hve-story brick tenem'ts, one 19.10, and the rest 30x 70, tin roofs; cost, $——; owner, E. H, M, Just, 35 Great Jones st; architecb, M, C, Merritt, Plan 1363.

130th st, No, 215 W,, one three-story brown stone front dwell'g, 30x48, tin roof; cost, $10,000; owner, Hannah M. Halpin, 217 West l30tb st; architecb and builder, W. J, Merritt, Plan 1369.

132d st, n s, 150 w6thav, one tbree-story br^wn stone dweli'g, 18.9x45, tin .oof; cost, $7,000; owner, Jane Anderson, 255 West 123d st; archi­tect, G, A. Schellenger. Plan 1379,

23D AND 24TH WARDS. Washington pl, s s, 305 e Monroe av, one two­

story frame dweU'g, 33x38, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Joseph Ducimitiere, 333 4th av ; architect J. E, Kerby. Plan 1S65.

172d st, n w cor Bathgate av, rear of lot, one one-and-a-balf-story frame stable and shed ex-rension, 50x20, shingle roof; cost, $600; owner, WilUam Finger, 3d av, 173d to 174th st; archi­tect, J. E, Kerby. Plan 1364,

Sfc. Ann's av, e a, 1.50.8 • Rae st, on line 153:1 st, three two-story and extension frame dweU'gs, 16,8x45 and extension, tin roof; cost, each, f l , -

600; owner and architect, B. C, Murray, 904 Westchester av. Plan 1366.

Sd av, e s, 180 n 170th at, one one-atory frame stal)le, 26x70, plastic, slate or gravel roof; cort, $ ; owner, Harlem Bridge, Morrisania Sc Pcirdam R, R. Co., by Henry Spratley, 3d av, north of 169th st; architect, W. W. Gardiner, Plan 136 ,

Riverdale av, n s, 300 e Broadway, one two­story frame dwell'g, 15x38, tin roof; cost, $ ; owner, Joseph H. (jodwin, Kingsbridge; archi­tect and builder, S. L Berrian, Plan 1383.

Riverdale av, n s, 350 e Broadway, one two­story frame curriage house and dweU'g, 35x40, tin roof; cost, $——; owner, architect and build­er, same as last. Plan 1384.

KIMGS eODMTT. Plan 1352—Clay st. No. 93, s s, 175 e Manhattan

av, one three-story frame tenem't, 25x50, gravel roof; cost, $3,OnO; owner, Timothy Desmond, Dupont st; buUder, J. H. Murphy,

1353—25th st, n s, 300 w 4th av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 19.6x36, tm roof; cost, $3,990; owner, Charles Kromback, SSth st and 3d av; architect, F, Ryan; builders, R. Wyeth and G. W. Brandt,

1354—Calyer sfc. Ho. 113, n s, 131,6 from Frank­lin st, one one-story frame storage, 34 and 23.6x 40, gravel roof; cost,$l,.500; owner, Theo. Camm, 111 Calyer st; builder, W. Bryant,

1355—Quincy st, n s, ICO w Tomi-'kins av, ono two-story *nd basement brick dweil'g, 20x43, tin roof, wooden cornice; cosfc, $4,000: owner and builder, Jas. W. Stewart, 435 Bedford av; archi­tect. M. Walsh.

1356—Putnam av, B B, 170 w Throop av, six three-story and baaement brick and sfcone trimmed dwell'gs, 20x42, mansard, slate and tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $6,0li0; owner, Hannah E. Stoutenburg, 187 McDonough st; architects, Parfitt Bros.; bu Idera, W. Johnston and G, B. Stoutenburg. ,

13.57—Central av, © s. 50 B Troutman sfc, one three-story frame tenem't, 25x.54, tin roof; cost, $4,000 ; owner and builder, Wm. Bayer, Starr s t ; architect, Geo. Hillenbrand.

1353—Lafayette av, n s, 213.6 w Lewis av, five two and a-halC and basement brown atone dwell­ings, 18.9x40, tin roof; cost, each, $4,500; owner, architeot and builder, P. P, O'Brien, 148 Lee av,

1359—White st, s e cor Boerum at, one one­story frame acid works, 70x48, gravel roof ; cost, abfc $1,400 ; owner, Joseph Binns, 175 Hooper s t ; builder, 0. Bott.

1360—Evergreen av, Hos. 315, 317 and 319, being 20 ft from s e cor Harmon st, three two-atory frame dwell'gs, 20x43. tin roof; cost, each, $3,60U ; owner and arcbitect, Theodore J. Beir, 772 Broadway ; builder, not selected,

1361—North5th st. No. 21' , one two-story frame stable, 25x20, gravel roof; cost, $600; owners, J, I, and J. F. Healey, Horth 4th, cor 5th st; architect, J, I. Healey ; builder, R. B, Ferguson,

1363—Quincy st, n s, 100 e Bedford av, two tbree story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 16,8 and 15x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; total cost, $11,.5(10; owner, Mrs. Creighton, 179 Quincy st; architect, Tbos. F. Houghton.

1363—Page st, s e cor Sutton st, one one-story brickshedfor storing oil, 173 and 166x100, gravel roof; cost, $3.3,,0; owners, Sone Sc Fleming Manuf. Co., on premises; architect and builder, J, B. Woodruff.

1364—Ellery st, Noa. 94 and 96, a s , 110 e Marcy av, two tbree-story frame tenem'ts, 20x50, tin roof; cost, each, $3,500; owner and bnUder, George Lehrian & Sons, 321 South Sth st; archi­tect, Th, Engelhardt.

1365—Jay st, n e cor Joim st, one one-story briek boiler house. 47x53, felt, paper and cement roof; cost, $1,000; owners, C. Sc J. Arbucker, on premises; architect, D. Samison; builder, E, Carmody.

1366—"Park pl, n s, 133,10 e 5bh av, four two­story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 18x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,000; owner, architect and buUder, J. V, Porber, 184 Park pl,

1367—2d av, e s, 40 n 55th st, two two-story frame dweil'gs, 17x30, tin roofs: cost, $1,000; owner, architecfc and builder, C. Holmes, 2d av and 55th st.

1368—Kosciusko st, No. 313, a s, 135'e Throop av, one one-story brick shop, 21x40, gravelroof; cosfc, $500; owner, Joseph Ruth, 313 Koscnisko st; architect, M. Walsh; builder, P. Costello.

1369—12bh st, n s, IHO w 3d av, four three-story frame tenem'ts, 35x48, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,000; owner, F, C. Corwin, 108 Wall st, New York; architecfc, I. H, Herbert.

ALTERATIONS NEW lORK t ITI , Plan 1681—Jackson av, e s, 260 n Columbia av,

one-story frame extension, 8x3.6; coafc, $75; owner and architect, John Q. Becker, Jackson av, Belmont; builders, R, Mylea and Farrer,

1682—I76th st. No, 512, near Morria av, one­story frame extension, 13x20, tin roof; cost, $450; owner, Dora Smifch, Tremont; architect, J. Bar­rett ; builders, J. Condon and J . W.Davis .

1683—Produce av, cor Fulton row, West Washington Market, repair dsmage by flre; cost, $1.50 to $200; owners, John J, and Daniel Toffey, Jersey City; builder, T. Goddard.

1684—Fuiton row, Nos. 29 and 31, West Wash­ington Market, repair damage by fire; cost, $ ; owners. Smith & Steera, by J, H. Smith, 85th st and l l th av; l>uilder. R, L. Warke.

1685~Spring st, No. 106, s w cor Mercer st, side wall in cellar lined and anchored; cost, 1

$1,500; lessee, Henry Block, 333 Grand st; owner, Mrs. Elizabeth Taggart, 34 Clarkson st; architect, W. Graul,

1686—10th av. Ho, 203, n w cor 22d st, one-story brickextension, 27,4x40.6, t inroof; cost, $1,500; owner, Jacob AppeU, 377 West33d st; arcbitect, Geo, B, Pelham.

16S7—lOfch av. Ho. 205, being 37 n 33d st, three­story brick extension. 33x13, tin roof; cost, $1,500; owner and arcbitect, same as last.

1688—17tb sfc, No, 8 E.,- onestory and basement brick extension, 25x31, front aad interior altera­tions, iron work; cost, about $6,000; owner, Jose­phine H. Egan, 56 East 10th st; mason, not selected; carpenter. C, W. White.

1689—165th st, n s , 50 w lOthav, moved 3 feet on new foundation; owner, Mra, Mary Barry, I65th st and lOch av.

1690-lOtb av, e s, 50 n 165th st, moved and placed upon new foundation; cost, $700; owner, Mary Barry, on premises,

1691—Produce av, Nos. 20 and 21, West Wash­ington Market, repairdaraagebyfire; cost, $——; owner, Weston L, Snyder, on premises,

1692—Franklin st, Nos. 121 and 123, repairroof lath and plaster, &c.; cost, $1,395; owner, John R. Smith, President Star Fire Insurance Co,, Jersey City; builder, N. Johnson,

1693—1st av, No, 1483, one one-story brick ex­tension. 26.1x35, tin roof; cost, $1,500; owner, Ignatz Schmitt, on premises; architect, J. Brandt.

1694—Cedar st, No. 3, add one story, also two­story brickextension, 15x3.6, rebuild front and rear; cosfc, $5,0(10; owners, J. H, Rhoadea, S9 West 22d st, Caroline M. Child, 125 West 47th at, Eliz, G. Wheelwright, 12 West 17th st, exra and trustees; builders, A, G, Bogert & Bros.

1695—97th st, s s, 75 w 3d av, front and inter­ior alterations; cost, $300; owner, Francis A. Clark, 8116 8th av; architect, Jno. M. Poster.

1696—33d st. No. 170 E,, weather board east side wall; cost, $160; owner, Sarah B, Connell, 134 East I9th st; bnilder, J. J. Guiry.

1697—141st st, n s,lS5 w Broadway, rear, one­story frame extension, 40x13,6, tiu roof; cost, $200; owner, Thomas Loughran, Broadway, s w cor 141st st; builder, J. Sullivan,

1698—Melrose av, s e cor 159th st, one-story and basement frame extension, 23x10, tin roof; cost, ?45U; owner, Jacob Bach, ou premisea; architect, J. Heberlein.

1699—Ann st, No. 13, one-story brick exten­sion, 7x ' l , tin roof; cost, $3,500; owner, John H. Cheever, 89 Sthav; architect, G. E, Harding.

1700—Leonard st, Nos. 66, 08, 70 and 72, three­story il on and brick extension, 23.6x30, iron and glass roof, connect stores, put in elevators, new windows, doors, &c,; cost, $20,000; owners, Henry A, Livingston and Margaret F. Lee, Florence Flat, 4th a v a n d ISthst ; architact, A, Crooks,

1701—Eim st. No. 196, rear, repair damage by fire; cost, $1,400; owner, Theodosia Baldwin, extrx. L. Baldwin, dec'd, 153 West 30th st; builders, E. Smith & Co,

1703—North 3d av, No, 1365, bet 169th and 170th sts, repair damage, altered for store and dwelling; cosfc, $950; owner, Frederick Klein­knecht, 1364 North 3dav ; architect and builder, Jobn J. Kierst.

1703—130th st. No. 317 W., fill up doors and windows and cut new ones; coat, $750; owner, Hannah M. Halpin, 317 Weat 130th sfc; architect and builder, W. J. Merritt.

1704—69th st, s s, abt 25 w 9th av, one-story brick extension. 33x3S, tin roof; cost, $3,0DO; owner, G. H. Houghton, Church of the Trans­figuration, No, 1 East 39th st; builders, W, C, Hanna and W. Hughes.

1705—Produce av, Nos, 23, 23 and 26, Weat Washington Market, repair damage by fire; cost, $ ; owner, Adam Rathgerber, 10 Jones st, New York; buUder, C, M, Gebharde.

1706—10th av, s e cor 160th st, repair damage by fire; cost, about, $300; owner, Charles Banks, 453 5th av, agent, W, J, Roome; ^builder, M. Coleman,

1707—2d av, n e cor 116th st, new store front; cost, about, $750; owner, Charles S. Loper, Riv­erhead, L, I,; architect, A. Spence.

1708—114th st, Ko. 410 E,, chimney, 4,4x1; cost, $50; owner, Margaret Coates, on premises; architect, A. Spence,

1709—llthav, s e cor 43d st, fonr-story brick extension. 20x33, tin roof; cost, $5,000; owner, WiUiam Van Twistem, 358 West st; architect, J . Kastner.

1710—153d st, n s. 70 w proposed Melrose av, moved back and raised 6 feet, rear wall taken down and extended 6 feet; cost, $80(1; owner, Charles Grigg, 639 East 153d st; architect and carpenter, E. Stiehler,

1711—Coiumbiast, Ho. 67Xi add one story and front and interior alterations; cost, $!,000; own­er Frank M, Weiler, 208 West ISSd st; architect, J. BoekelL

1713—93d st, n s, 275 e 2d av, one-story frame extension 7 and 10x36, tin roof; cost, $50; owner, Henry Hanlein, 329 Eaat 98d sfc.

1713—3d av. Ho. 2074, iwo new show windows; cost, $350; owner, Lena Wolfe, 322 East 76th s t ; architect and carpenter, H. Brandt; mason, J . Kennedy.


Plan 734—Van Brnnt st. Ho, 348, rebuild pier: cosfc, abont $300; agents, E, B. Miles Sc Co,, 324 Court st; buUders, Thos. Hayes and T. F. Smyth.

785—17th st. Ho. 411, n s, 75 w Sth av, add one i tory to extenaion; oost, $50; owner aud car­penter, R. W. Fielding, 405 Prospect av.

December 8, 1883 T H E REAL J^STATE KEOOUU 993

736—Broadway, n e cor Y a t e s pl , n e w atore fronta. & c . ; cost . $600; owne r , Mrs, Hech t , 667 B r o a d w a y ; a r ch i t ec t . A, H e r b e r t ; bu i lder , Ch. Schneider ,

737—Evergreen a v , e s, 80 f rom H a r m o n st, one-s torv f r a m e ex tens ion , 19,3x10, t i n roof; cost, $,500; o w n e r and a rch i t ec t , Theodore J , Beir , 772 B r o a d w a y ; nui lder , no t selected,

738—Sumner av , s w cor E l l e r y st, p l a t e gloss f ron t a n d one-s to ry f r a m e ex tens ion , 25x38, t i n roof; cost, $600; owne r , C, Deunenhoffer , on p remises ; bui lders , J . F u c h s and L, Bauer ,

739—17th st . No, 382, one-s tory f r a m e extens ion, 18x13, t i n roof; cost, $220; owne r , P a t r i c k K e a n e , 882 17th s t ; a r c h i t e c t a n d ca rpen te r , F, S c h r o e d e r ; mason, Lauens te in ,

740—lOtli st, Nos. 109 a n d U l , rea r , ra i sed 8 ft on br ick p iers a n d f r a m e s to ry , also th ree - s to ry f r a m e extens ion, 40 a n d 37x15, t i n roof, n e w weafcher b o a r d i n g in f ron t ; cost, $1,800; owner , T h o m a s J , Ti lney , 73 H icks sfc; bu i lders , J . Wila a n d W, O. G r a d y ,

771—Myrtle av . No . 805, n e w s tore f ront , I ron w o r k ; coat, $7(0; owner , R. Reppenhagen , 90 C u m b e r l a n d s t ; bui lders . Long & Barnes .

743—3d st, s s, 98 w of G o w a n u s Canal , one­s t o r y br iok ex tens ion , 33x16, t i n roof; cost , $500; o w n e r a n d a r c h i t e c t , L, B. S h a w , B a t h , L. L ; buildera, E, P , C r a m a n d P e r k i n s Sc Green .



Dec, 7 Adelson, Thomas, doing business as Adelson Bros,,

to Isidor S. Beanmache. 4 Brodek, Alfred. clothinE, 447 Sth av, to Siegfried

Freudcntbal; preferences, 88.019. 4 CunninKham, Thomas, shirt maoufacturer, 71 Leon­

ard street, to Charles H. Reilly, 7 Carrick. Abraham H , 315 Canal st, to Qeorge H.

Carrick. 4 Piiedman, Jjudolpb, surt loaeer and dealer in

jewelry, 277 6lh av, to George H. Benuelt 6 Jones, Si^aman, Jr. , anil Joseph J, Yates toJoseph

Hardcastle. I Klenen, Fredericlc. to Wm. N. Denman. 8 Langsdorf. Emil, and Lawis Adler, flrm of E.

LsQKBdorf rt Co., clotbiug, 013 Broadway, to Ed­ward SallinKer

4 Leeman, John E.. and Henry W, Dennia, firm of Leeman & Dennis, cnt I age furniture. Oil New Bowery, to John Chadwick.

4 Meyenberg, Solomon M., and Max, firm of 8, M, Meyenberff &. Co., manufacturers of Bilks, 72 Leonard st, to Nathaniel Myers,

3 Morrell, John H , storage, 4th av and Bid st,. lo Sd-mund Stephenson.

5 Morgans, Morgan, J r , silverware, 6 Liberty pl, to Wm. Hoyt.

7 McCanlis. Thomas L.. to Thomas Starr. 7 Noot, Louis, to Hugo Kanzler. 6 Paret, John, Fredericlc E, Bacon, Benjamin F.

Graves, John H. Butler and Rufua Btory, flrm of John Paret Se Co.. doibing, to Chas, L. Lard.

5 Paret, John, and Frederick E, Bacon, flrm of John Paret & Co,, to Chas. L Lord.

1 Seldenstocic, Maurice, to Jobn W, Kulenkamp.

K I N G S C O U N T Y . Dec. oiCKEaAr: ASSIONUENTS. 4 McGrandle, John, to J. Woolsey Shepard.


COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Dec. 5, :383, f In pursuance of Section 916 cf tbe ".New York City

Consolidation Act of 188?," the Comptroller of the City oC New York gives notice to ail persons, owners of pronerty affected by the following assessment lists, viz:


40th st, bet inth av and Hudson River. 44th and 45th sts, sewer extension a t Hudaon River. 72d st, bet Av A and 1st av. 75th st, bet West End av and Boulevard, 7Sth at, bet IOth av and Eoulevard.


71st sl, from Boulevard to l l l h av, TBth st, from ICth av to Riverside drive.


69th st, from lat av to Av A. 70thst, from Boulevard to l l t h av. 11 Bill st, from 3d to 4 th a v. 192d st, from 33 to 4th av. laad Bt, from flth to 7th av.


AT A, e s, bet 92d and 93d sts. 4th av, s e cor 118th st. —whicb were confirmed by the Board of Revision an'i Correction of Assessments, November 30, ISSS. and entered on the same date in the Record of Tides of Assessments, Itcpr, in tbe " Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assess­ments ," unless payment is made before February 7, 1884, interest will be charged a t ibe ra te of 7 per cent, per annum from date of entry, Paymems te be made betweea 9 A, U, and 2 p. u,


N E W T O R E , December 4, 1893. f ( Notice is given to the owner or ownera of all houaea and lota affected thereby, tha t the following asaesa-ments bave been completed aud are lodged In the offlce of the Board of Assessors for examination by all parties interested, who must present tbeir objections in writing, if opposed to the same, within thirty days from December 4,1883:


No, 1.—Leiington av, from 86th to 93d at; Belgian, ' No, 2.—123d st, from ad to 3d av; granite blocks,


No. 3,—114th at, u s. 70 w of 2d av . RECEIVING BASIN ANn SEWER COITNECTIONS.

No. 4.—Rider av, n e cor Eas t ISSth s t . IThe limits embraced b j such asaegsments include

all the houaes and lots o t ground situated o i follows: '

No. 1.—Lexington av, both sides, from SSth to 93d st, and to tbe extent of half Uie block a t lhe intersecting s is .

No. 2,—ia3d st, both sides, from Sd to Bd av, and to the extent of half tbe block at tbe intersect­ing ava.

No. 3.—1 Hth st, B s, bet 3d and 3d avs . No, 4.—135th st, n s, bet 3d av and Mott Havan Canal,]

Tbe above described lists wili be transmitted as pro­vided by law to lhe Board of Revision and Correction of Assesamenta for confirmation, on January T, IdSl.


AFFFCTING REAL ESTATE. * Under the different headings indicates tbat a reso­

lution bas been introduced and referred to tbe appro­priate committee t Indicates that the resolution bos passed and haa been aent to the Mayor for approval .


lB8tb St. a t intersectii-n Public drive.t New nv (flrst east ot 9lh BV), bet and IBBth 8ts,t Westchester av, bet east curb line Prospect av and

west side of Bronx Hiver,1-CHANGE OF GRADE,

4th av, e s, from centre line 97th to centre line 102d st.t

73d Bt, bet 8tb and 9th avs,* TTth at. bat 8th and Oth ava.* Blst at, bet 8lh and Dtli avs." T5th st, bet etb and Sth avs • n s t h st, bet Stb and New ave,t


EGth st, both sides, from point 300 weat ef l l t h ay to e B of IStb av, a t owner's expense.*


Hester at, from Bowery to Division st. Allen Bt, from Grand to Division st. Orchard st, from Houston to Division st. Essex st, from Houston to Division st. Rivington st, from N orfolk to East st. Suffolk st, from Division lo Rivington at, Ooerck st, (rom Grand to Stanton et. Sheriff st, from Delancey to Staoton st. Jachson st, from Qrand lo South et. Clinton st, from Divisfoa to Stanton st, 18th st, from Bth to 13tb av. 20th st, from Stb to 13th av, lOtbst, abt 4,'JO west 10th av, IStb BV, from ]6tb to 95th St. 2nth st, bet Sd and Lexington avs, Av B, from 14tb to 2Cith st. 18tb st, from I s tav to East River. 16th Bt, from Sd av to East River 19th at, from ad av to Av A, 25lh st, bet Sd and 3d av*.


80th st, bet 4th and Madison avs; Croton.t l l th ov, bet 155th and 155Ch sts; Croton.t Suburban st, from Webster to Perry av; gaa.t


APPROVED PAPERS, KOBOlutlons passed by the Board of Aldermen

calling for the following improvemeniB have been received from the Mayor without his approval or ob-jecliona thereon, therefore as provided In Section 11, Chapter 355, Laws of 18T3, the same became adopted:


Monroe st, bet Catharine and Qrand sU, Cherry st, bet Catharine and East sts. Montgomery at, bet Division and South BM. ' Jackson at, bet Qrand and South sis, Waier st. bet Clinton and East ats, 47th st, from 10th to l l t h av. 49th at, from 10th av to North River. 49th st, from Bth to 9tb av, 44th st, from 1 th to l l lh av. A» A. from 7th to 14th st. I2tb st, from Sd av to East River. 11th st, from Av B to East River. Hester st, bet Cenire at and Bowery. Baxter st, bet Canal and Grand sis, Mott st, bet Canal and Bleecker sts. Mulberry st, bet Spring and Houston sta, 4lh st, bet Broadway and Bowery. Centre Market pl. bet Qrand and Broome ats. Peck slip, from Pearl to South st. Oak St. from Pearl to Catharine at, 4th st, from Bowery to Av B. 6tb st, from Bowery lo Av B, Oth st, from Bowery to Av B, Hudson st, from Canal to Houaton st, Sullivan st, from Canal to Bleecker st .


ROOU. NO. I l l aaoAnwAV. Dec

Madiaon av. No. 5101, s e cor I28th st, 20iS5, three­story frame dwell'g, by A. H, Muller & Son. (1st mort., amt due, abt 816,400) 10

Madison av. No. 2099, e a, 20 s ISSth st, 30x85, three-story slone front dwell'g, by A. H, Muller & Son, (1stmort , , a m t d u e , abt $13,7^5) . , . 10

noth Bt, No. lOS, 8 s, 80 e 4th av, 25x100.10, four­story hrick store and tenem't , by Sheriff, a t City Hall. (Sale under execution) 10

Qieenest , No, 1921^,0 8, 173 n Bleeekerst, 16.10x69 x57, gore, three-story brick store and dwell'g, bv R. V. Harnet t 11

51lh st. No, 444, s w a, 250 B e 10th av, 25x100,5, two-slory frame factory, by J, Johnson, J r . (Par­tition sale) 13

n e i h st, s a, 370 w 3d av, 125x100.11; No, ISO, fonr-story stone front flat; Nos. 158 lo 164, four four-atory brick flats, by E. Pettinger. (Amt due, abt $7,500; flve prior morts. , four of J13,C0O each and one of 811,000) 12

112d at, n s, 325 e new av e of Mount Morris sq, 100 XlOO.ll, vacant, by R. V, Harnet t . ( A m t d u e , abt $4,150) 12

7Sd st, s s, 198 e Av A, 250x103.2. frame shanties and stables, by L. Mesier. Amount due, about 8:3,800) 14

Pleasant av. No. 420, n e cor 122d st, 19.11x74,' three-story brick store and tenem't

Pleasant av. Mo. 440, s e cor IS3d st, 19.11x74, four-story brick store and tenem't by L. Mesier. (Two 1st morts., amount due, $S,3-J5 and 87,200, respectively) 14

4th av, s w cor 63d st, 100.5x83.4, aeven atory brick ar 'ar tment bouse, by R. Y. Harnet t . (Ist mort, , amt due, abt $135,000 16

8th av, n e cor 130th st, 100x100, vacant, by H. Henriques. (Aasignees sole) 15

16th at. No. 231, n 8. 352.8 w 7th av, 75x103.3. four­

story brick flat, by A, H. Mnller * Son, (Amt due. abt $9,6*5) 16


Court st, n e cor Livingston st, 36x29.5x3^.SxH8.B, 1 Huhermerborn at, n a, 325 e Smith st, 35x100 )•

Partition ) by Cole & Murphy, at 379 Fulton at B

South 3d ar, s s, 25 n w l l lh at, 25x90. W part, by T. A, Kerrigan, a t 85 Willoughby st 10

Qnincy st, n a. 341.8 e Bedford av. 16.8xirO, by Cole & Murphy, at 379 Fulton at II

Luquer st, n s, !?5 w Court Bt, 41.8x100, by T, A. K:errigfln,at 35 Willoughby st ., . . . 1 4

Bedford av, a a, 240 n De Kalb a v. 32x100. "41 par t I

Spencor st, w a, 50 n D e K a l b a v , 17x100 Spencer st, w s, 374 n De Kulb av. 17x10 . Jj

Eart, y Cole Se Murphy, a t 379 Fulton st. (Admra.

sale) •. . 16

L IB P E N D B K 8 . KINCJtS C O U N T Y . Dec.

Bergan st, n s, 319.6 e Troy av, 35x107,2 Sarah De Mott agt Williara Howe aad Mary L, hia wite; a t t 'y Q. S. Billings 3

Somers st, s s . 125.1 eof centre line old Kingshigh-way and 700 e Stone av, runs south to point mid­way between Somers st and Brookl.yn and Ja ­maica plank road, x aouthwest to ri e s of said road, I southeast along road Io cenire of block bet Somers and Truxton sts, x east 90 to point 3aO e of Sackman st, i aouth 60 to n e s Brookiyn and Jamaica plank road, x southeast to J. El-derl'a land, x northeast ~ to Somers st a t point 18 w Broadway, X weat 273 to beginning, Reu­hamay Proctor, guard, L, Du Bois, agt Elizabeth Furman; a t t 'y . A, W, S. Proctor 8

Railroad av. a s, 300 n Union av, 100x300, New Lots. William Kammann agt William Mi'Qrea-dy and Sarah his wife; at t 'y. J, C. Schenck

Lewis av, e s, 60 n Monroe st, 30x100, Charl B E . Smith agt Albert A. Reeve et al . ; att 'y, G, W, Pinckney

Putnam av, s s, 100 w Clason av, 30x80. Mary K, Colyer agt Ada wife of a r d James T, Sid ford: att 'y, W. M. Powell

Clason av, w s, 375 n unnamed street on Delaplnjne, William T. Patterson et al., exrs. W, W. Crane, agt Ellaabeth Begley et al . ; a t t 'y . W. H. Greene . , , .

Tillary st. No, 273, n s, 81.10 e Raymond st, IT.IOi 100. Eliza M. Allaben agt Isabella H, aad Chas, C, Carroll; a t t 'y . J . R, Allaben .

Qiiincy_ at. s s, 525 e Bedfordav, 30x100, Jacob Travis agt Samuel A, D i tma iae t a l , ; at t 'v. W M Powell ; .

Bth at, n s, 40 w 2d av, lOOxiOO. Tbomaa S. Strong and ano,, trustees F. Maclean, agt Gerard M, Ste­vens et al.; att 'y, A. A, Spear

Putnam av, n e cor Tompkins av, 295x100, Joseph C. Hoagland agt Emma J, Woolley; action to t e s n i t l e ; a t t 'y , D. W. Northup T

Plymouth st, n s, 100 e Bridge st, 4CxKrO, Alex­ander Armstrong agt William S. Marrin; action to forecloae debt; a t 'y, G, W. Pearsall 7

Bridge st. e s, 21.2 8 York st. runs south 20,10 x past 75 X norlh 42 to York st, x weal 25.6 x south 21 3 X west 4fl.6 Io Bridge at. Mary F. Schieflylin agt Catherine T. O'Connor, Indvid., and aa exlrx, Michael O'Connor, dec'd, and others: a l t 'v , Chaa. M. Schieffelin . . ,


Broad st. No. 103. William Whitney to Fred­rick Koerner; lOyears, from May 1, 18<ifl.. $4,000

Samo property. Assign, of leases Prederick Koerner to Paul Haerting and Anthony Rieger fl,fi(io

Same property. Assign, of leases, J< hn P, Schuchmann to Frederick Koerner 1 300

Christopher st . No, 105. Ernest Schroder to Hugh Coman; 4JS years, from Nov. I, 1883 : 480

Clinton st, a w cor Hester st, store and base­ment. Nathan Shanctjppand Morris Gold­berg to Frank Wolf; 4 5-12 years, from D e c l . 1 8 8 3 UOO

J a m e s s t . No. 6. furnished. Konrad Akerm n to Elizabelh Rogers; S years, from Nov, 19, 1883 j.iflo

Prince st, No. 106, atoreand partcellar . George H, Eckhoff to Charles Anthes; 10 years, 4 months and 28 days, from Dec. 5, 1883, 1 800

24th st. No. 231 E, Maria Fletcher to Jacob Wolf; Syears, f romMay 1,1883 1,100

27tb st. No. 455 W., store. Sec. and use of cel­lar, James and John J . Casey lo Patrick J, Goggin; Syears , from Sept, 1. 1883 300

36th ht, No, 24, Brower House Joseph Croch­eron to Morris W Winchester and CbarJta T. Russell, of Thos. D. Wlncheater & Co.; from Dec. 6,18S3, to April 30, 1889.. 2,100 and 3.000

30th st. No. 340 W. Mary E. Richardson to Julia A. Groh; Syeara, 63^ months, from Nov, 15,1883 ....],OUOand 1,100

41stst, Nos.130, 132, 84 and 13BW, apar tments NOB. 3, 5, 6 and 7 In basement. Louis L. Todd to John V, Har t , J r ; 10 vears, from Dec, 1.18B3 i',3E0, 2,2f'0 and 2,800

76th at. No. 205 E., reur portion, as follows: Srst floor for ofBce and three upper floors for cigar factory,exclusivB use of elevator, Nellie H. Smith, Brooklyn, lo Jaeger Bros,; 3 years, from May 1, per year $1,210; also entire two top floors of said front buildiog for 2 6-12 yeara, from Dec. 1, 1883 420

A T C, NO. 126. n e cor 8th st, house. &.C. Sam­uel P. Patterson to William H. Brien; 1 year, from May 1,1882 i Soo

2d av. No. 1204, store and two rear rooms, Felix Connor and Joha Graham to Qeorge H, Ahlers; \% years, from Nov. !, 1883,., 640

3d ay. No. '469. a e c o r 83d st. John Gillroy to Henry Reith; 5 years and 5 months, from Dec. 1, 1833 7,800

3d av. No. 203S, the portion used ns a shoo store, Chorles Levers to John Nimmo; 8 712 years, from Oct. 1, 1883 SOO

3d av. No. 2313, S. Oppenheimer and Mrs, William Fforzheimer to Phillip Zimmer­mann; 3 7-12 years, from Oct. 1, 1883... 90U and 9B0

3d av, Ko 411, s e cor S9th st. Isabella Garvey to Diedrick Schriefei: 5 years, from May I, 1881 S.OO0

8th av. No. 791, n w cor jflth st, atore and cel­lar, exceptiDg store and basement used aa

991 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD December 8,1883

cigar atore. Fannie Crawford, extrx, , to John Fitzpatrick; B years, from May 1, 1883 1.™

9th av, n w cor 50th st. 25.5x75. Hopper S. and A H. Mott to Simon Wolf; 6 years, from Mayl,1883 1,600

lOlh av. cor of Croton lane, being nor th of 165th Bt, store and three back rooms, Mary Clancy to John J . Organ; 3 years, from Oot.6 ^0

NEW JERSEY-IfOTK.—The arrangement of the Conveyan<:ea. Mort-

ffoqes and Judgments in these lists is as follows: the llrst name in the Conveyances is tha Grantor; tn Mortgages, the Mortgagor; in Judgments, the Judg­ment debtor.




1.800 3,800

900 1,000 2,000 2,000


780 I

Atwater. Sam'l, trustee—,TPNorman, Sth a v . . . Brein'nall, S A, by exr—J N Moore, Breintnail

pl Breintnail, J H H, e t al same, Breintnail pl, ,

Same J Cort, Newton st Same J Spatcber, I3th av

Buchanan, Paul—CM Reimers. ISthav. Branday. Adam— -—• Buchanan, 16th J,V BorrowB, Waters—M P McKirgan, Clinton Brantigam, F A—W H Sears. Lincoln av, Mont­

clair Coe, S H—K Winter, Magnolia at Decker, C M—T T Freeman, Washington pi,

Eas tOrango i De Groot, Ann—Second Q M E Church, Bergen

at 1 Dempsey, J a o e - J & W Wella. Oraton at 787 Davia, Louia—L Cohn, Jones st 6,0UO

Same same, Bedford st 1,600 Dnugbtv, Sam'l—S V Halse, Halsey et 3,700 Flick C A—E AHulme, Sumner av 5,600 Freeman, Wiib erforce—S F Kent, Day 3t,0rang6 2,500 Freeman, T T—C M Decker, Washington pl,

EaatOrange I Gallagber, J S, hy exr—S B Fackbard, Ridge­

wood av. Bloomfleld 3,100 Garalde. John, by exr—H M Doremus, Garside

Bt... 3,000 German Savings Bank - K Christopheraen, New

st, Bloomfleld B50 Grant, A O & J O—J Roberts, Chatham at 1 Haefeli Franz—J Wegle et al, Green st and in

Clifton - ] Harrison, E M—W H ower. Mountain av, Mont­

clair 3,376 Heenan, Morr i s -T McAuiiffe, Adama st 1.700 Higgins, Edward, by guard—B W Tichenor, Or­

ange st, Bloomfleld 240 Hoff mao, H M—P L Nichols, Bloomfield av 75 Johnson. E O, et al—A Lister, Monmouth at 950 Kent, W M—W Freeman, Day st. Orange 3,500 Kins Wm L—H M Matthews, Ralston av, 3 Or­

ange 8,000 Krueger, Gottfried—C Schnellbacher, Broome Bt 1 Langan, J F—M E Kohbe, Mt Pleasant av 1

Same same, Mt Pleasant av 1 Latimer, Qeorge—J & C Gregory. Foundry a t , . . 425 Mahony, Jeremiah—P Mahony, Mill st 1 McEvoy, Ellen, et al—P Gargan, Clover st — 1,660 Mechanics' Nat Bank of Newark—A Underwood,

SOrange 100 MelDott, J A—Kast Orange, Arlington av, E Or­

ange 1 Melius, S A—J& WWells , OratOQSt 76 Mitchell, G L—F R Pruden, Pulaski st, E Orange 1,000 Morrison, Careline—I Kussell, Montclair 1 MornghofE, Wm—GSTunstead , Norfolk st 800 Newark Savings Inst—H H Tichenor, Halsey

Bt 3,800 Newark Savings Inst—M Littell, Parker st 2,000 Osborn, Dennia—E Weisel, Newton st 800 People's Ins Co—A Underwood, Wall at, Clinton 650 Eeves, W M—O Biegler, Gaston st, W Orange ,. 750 Reynolds, P M—A H Caster, Mulford st, E Or­

ange, - - . - . . . _ . . , . . , 600 Roberts, John—H C Grant, Chatham st Russell, Thomas—C Morrison. Montclair Randall, J M—East Orange, Mainst , E O r a n g e . . Bhepbard, F M—East Orange, North Mun av, E

Orange Scheider, Bernhardt—P Kull, Perry st 3,700 Second G M E Church—C B Israel. Bedford at . Shaw, J A, et al—E T Shaw, Clinton Sheafe, M L—J S Salter thwaite, Belleville Smltb, A O—J V Dipfenthaler, Springfield av,

Clinton 500 Sturm, John—E Oswald, McWhortei" s t Tichenor, B W - J Smith, Orange st, Bloomfield. Twlle.R H—W A Power, Montclair Vehslage, Henry, et al—A O Smilb, Springfleld

av. Clinton Werner, John—S N Coe, Magnolia st Westervelt, S J—S V Hulse, Brunswick st 3,000 Whitehead, DA—C Wiesel, Hayes st Wiesel, Edward—D A Whitehead, Hayes st Wakeman, J P — S R Boner, Bloomfield av 2.500 Williams, 3 B—J Essig, Waahingloa st. Orange. 375

MORTQAQES. Asamann, Albert—O Krueger, Kinney s t 1,000 Boner. S K—J P Wakeman, Bloomfleld av I.OOO Bradner. R D—W B Bradner, Central av . . . . . . 800 Christophersen, Edward — German Savings

BanTi, Water st, Bloomfleld 650 Coleman, G K—G F Tuttle, Fair st 5,500 Coyne, C F—A P Lindsley, Lakeside av. Orange 1,000 Craig, J W—Howard Sav Inat, 6th av 1,600 Dicltert, John—E B & L Assoc Ho 2, Charlton at 1,200 Doan, FB—Howard Sav Inst, Arlington av, E

Orange 19,000 Freeman. J M—M L I Co of New Tork, Prospect

St. E O r a n g e 8,000 Gargan, Pet.^r—E McEvoy, Clover st 650 Gugenhan. Wm—C Feigenspan. Orange st 2,500 Hammel, Morr i s -A Dodd et al, Essex st. Orange 2,500 Hessentbaler. Jacob—8 H Pennington, Mercerat 1,000 Hirst, J H—J Wol'enscblaeger, Charlton st 1,200 Hulse, C E—S Doughty, Halsey St. 2,700 Kent, W M—W Freeman, Day st, Orange 1,756 Kombecber, Nicolaus—J F Shanley, Charlton st 3,000 Klemm, George—A F Henaler. Hamburg pi 2,600 Madiaon, C H—Howard Sav Inat, N 7th st 1,400 Manser, James—M McDead. l a t h a v ],600 Matthews, H M—W L King, Ralston av, S Orange 7,000 Mesier, J G—M Sayre. 8 Orange av 400 McKenna, Patrick—J B Hay, S Bth st • 1,600 Packard, B B — P W Taber, Ridgewood ay,

Bloomfleld 6,000

Ross, AS—DPolhemua, Milburn Renner. Pauline—S S Doughty, McWborter a t . . , Reimera, C M—C Korn, 16th av Strauas, Bernard—E B & L Assoc No 2, Broome

St .

800 750


2,400 2,000


Sayre, H N—Newark B & L Assoc, Oriental a t . . Smith. T H—A KirKpatrick et al. Stuben st, E

Oraoge The Chebroh Binai Israel—R Seiseuschmidt,

Bedford st , 1.000 Tunstead. G S—E Woonighoff, Norfolk st 700 Tolk, W F—Nawark B & L Assoc, Oriental s t . . . 1,000 Vreeland, S M—ACoe, Brucea t . 1,200 Wells, J & W - J T Kitchell, Oraton st 2t0 Weingarth, Chas—Howard Savings Inat, W Kin­

ney st 700 Way, J N—A Walker, Maolis av, Bloomfleld . . . 2,000 Weisel, Cbrlstiua—N G B & L Assoc, Hayes St.. 1,100 Wolfe, A R—R C Crane. Orangeav, Montclair., 4,000

Same same. Hillside av, Montclair, 3,700 Same^—same. Park st, Montclair 3.000

CHATTEL MOBTQAQES. Banisch, David, 309 Plane st—P Hauck, saloon, . 500 Beach, H E, 583 Orange st Smith, grocer­

ies. &c 1,500 Bellmer. Pauline, 15 Ward st—E Karutz, furni­

ture 600 Bradner. W E, 53 N J R R av—J J Hockenjos,

machinery 600 Bradner, W E, 63 N J R E av—W B Bradner, ma­

chinery 1,028 Dear, T W, Newark—W H Cleveland, wagon . . . 86 Graham, Chas. II River st—M Smith, saloon . . , 180 Jacobus, Peter, Ca ldwel l -H Dey, oo«s , &c 140 Jacobi, Wm, 7:i Commerce st—John Wegle et

al, plumbing flxtures EOO Merrell, J B, 2 3 J Market s t - F A Cleveland, fix­

tures, &c - 116 Sanders, L M, 226 Ogden st—J Cheyne, o rgan . . . 50 We der.'. Joseph, Milburn—Joho Forster, horse . . 50 Schening, Wm, 3.0 N J R R av—G Steup, saloon 40 Sinclair, T M, Green st—E Umhach, machinery. 1,900



Anderson, Louisa—F Rourke. J City nom Andes, Henry—J Muller, North Bergen 8135 Bellmer, Eliza—CFHeisiiiger, J City. . - . 2,150 Broderlct , Lawrence—A F Denniston, J Ci ty . . . com Brown, Mary S, E J , Sarah E, Mary L, I H and

G A, and Eliza B Chapman, Catharine M Den­ny and Anna J Jenks—J E Andrus, J City., nom

Bramhall, Esther A—C Jager, J City 350 Cannon, John—Margaret Costello, Hoboken nom Costello, Margaret—J Gannon, Hoboken nom Collins, Ellen—Margaret Baraall, West Hoboken nom Cullen. Edward—Annie Coyle, J City 1,700 Corrigan, J F—J Reilly, Harrison 10,500 Crothers, J A, as J A & Son, by sheriff—M Na­

than , Hoboken IOO Dittenhoefer, Sophie—Louisa Anderson, Hobo­

ken 30,000 Engel, Anna M—F A Engel. Bayonne 200 Engel. F A—AnnaM Engel, Bayonne. 300 Fraser, Mary—Jessie Q H Chambers , J City 8,000 Gier, Lou i s -Mary L Kirkly, Weehawken nom Gregory, Eliza—President of Adams Express

C o . J City 10,000 Gregory, Q w, by exr—D S Gregory, Jr , 2d nom Half, P e l e r - J P Hall, J City 3,000 Heri tage. Edward—Mary J Siebert. J City 395 Halladay. J R — A F D e n i s i o n , J City. 2,850 Hartshorne, Stewart—Katharine E Hahn, Kear­

ney 1,600 Heritage, E d w a r d - J H Hein. J City 395 Hicks, Margaret F—Auguste Sch wed ler. West

Hoboken 450 Hibbard, Matilda H—Susan F Goetze, J C i t y — nom Howard, Mary F—J McComb, West HoboHen. , 825 Habn, Kat ' .ar ine E—S Hartshorne, K e a r n e y . . . 1,600 Isley, Alletta—Fanny Evans, J City 275 Judd, Sylvanus, and Q C B u c k i n g h a m - F Wil-

m o t . J C I t y - - - 2,6C0 Same- A D Pbillpa, J City 800

Kalbfleisch, C H, A M and F H—The Constables Hook Railroad Co, Bayonne £.000 and exch

Kalbfloish, C H^ A M acd F H—The Bayonne Chemical Works, Bayonne nom

Kerrigan, Sarah C - S G Cook, West Hoboben, . , 1,503 S a m e — - T H Diclison, West Hoboken 1,500

Killeen, T M—J J Cogan, Bayonne nom Kolberger, Catharine—CGriseh. North Bergeu. . 225 Kirkly, Thomas—L Qier, Weehawken nom McCarthy, J o h n - W F Mldlige, J City nom Meyenberg, S M and Max, firm of S M Meyen-

berg-Natban ie l Myers, trustee all their es­ta te , real, personal and mixed, for benefit of tbeir credi tors . . . nom

Midlige, W F—Ann McCarthy, J C i t y nom Mount, 8 O—F Thorn, J Citj 1,200 Muller, Conrad—Augusta M Morrow, Bayonne. . 300 Nagel, Charles—L Maisch, J Cily 1,000 Newraan, John—Augusta M Morrow, Bayonne, 500 Pitschke, J C—W F Pitschke et al, Harriaon ., nom Rademann, Peter - Christina Miller. J Cily 4,850 Sehlawitz, Ernest—Biirtha Schlawitz. J Ci ty . . . nom Schlawitz, Berlha—L fchlawitz, J C i t y nom Sisson, Mary E, by exr—M Cuddy. J City 435 The Arlington Homestead A a s o c - F P Vulter,

Kearney 250 Same W J Rogers, Kearney 450

The Central New Jersey Land and Improvement Co—Rebecca L Sanborn, Bayonne 808

The Hoboken Laud and Improvement Co—P Eichner, Hoboken 6.000

The Mutual Life Ins Co—Jessie Q S Chambers . . 3,000 Wilmont, Francis—S J u d d et al, J City nom


Ayres, C D, and Christian Gerrit—T J Daly, Bayonne. 5 years . . I,30O

Bruder. M J—Hannah 1, Dodd, Kearney, 1 year . l.OUO CardinI, I J—Grace C Smelling, 1 year 1.100 Chambers, J G S—Mary Fraser, 3 years 4,000 Dlnniston, A F—J R Halladay, 6 years 1,3U0

Same L Broderick, installs 675 Foster, WC—J S Bancroft, 1 y e a r . . . , 1,336 Gardner, John—H Hopper, Union, 3 y e a r s . . , . 1.500 Garret, W A and Joseph—M S Thompson, Kear­

ney, 2 years -, 2,000 Guy, Robert—Tbe Bergeu Mutual Building and

Loan Assoc No 3, Bayonne, installa 600 Hilliard, Ann P—Tbe Fifib Ward Savings Bank,

l y e a r 7,000 Hoefer, Anton—J Heusler, 3 years 1,800 Hunzlcker, Emil—J Flueck. 1 year - 800 Kohler. Adeiheit—L Immericb, Union, 3 years . 1,̂ 00 McComb, John—J Carr, Weat Hoboken, 5 yeara 650 UoMackin, Margaret — Jul ia A Fennlngton,

K«amey, 1 year 135

McSorley, Catharine—C T Tbompson, Harrison, l y e a r 3,000

Morrow, Augusta M—John Newman, Bayonne, 6 years 2,500

Muller, Wilhelmina—I) Blanch, Hoboken, 8 yra. 3,0'0 Paret , John—Caroline Paret et al, 5 years 8,000 Philips, A D—S Judd et al, 3 years 600 Roger, W J—The Arllngtoa Homestead Aasoc,

Kearney. 1 year 200 Sheridan, Chris topher-The Fifth Ward Savings

Bank, Jersey Citv, 1 year B.OOO Thom. F r e d e r i c k - S C Mount, 3 years 900 The Bankers 'and Merchants' Telegraph Co of

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Baltimore—The Farmers ' Loan and Trust Co, trustee, telegraph lines. &c., 21 y rs . . 10,000,000

The Bayonne-Chemical Works—The President and Directors of Manhattan Co, Bayonne, 1 year • 100,000

Van Benachoten, J R—I S Taylor, 3 years 1,000 Vultee, F P—The Arlington Homestead Assoe,

Kearney, 1 year 100 Willse, Margaret A—Sarah P Zabriskie, North

Bergen, 5 years 1,500 CHATTEL MORTQAGES.

Anderson, F E, Hoboken—G Coppers, furniture. 100 Carls. Charlotte M, Hoboken — D Krakauer,

piano 160 Dwyer, T P, North Bergen—J Blatz, S frame

houses, horse, wagon, pigs, &c BOO Flynn, E A. and Edward Toppin—T Bulpla,

saloon 5110 Foote. J M—G Fennel l&Co. , furniture 91 Doelger, Bernhard. Hoboken — J Hoffman,

aaloon 700 Meyenberg, 8 M and Max, Hoboken—S Ham-

merschlag. silk factory 5,400 Murray, J C—J M Conners, priming business 225 Pearson, W H. Hoboken—F O'Reilly, caoalboat

James Brayling 100 Semmler, Anton and Catharine, Hoboken—J

Hecht. 20 cows, 2 borses, &c 1,188 Tbe Bankers ' & Merchants' Telegi'aph Co. of

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Baliimore—The Farmers ' Loan Se Trust Co. telegraph lines, &o - - - 10,000,000

B I L L S OF S A L E .

Blatz, Jacob, North Bergen—TP Dwyer, 2 frame bouses, horse, wagcn, pigs, Sec 600

Welsh, Patrick—T Walsh, norse, wagon, &c • ISO JUDGMENTS.

Andrews, Wi l l i am-T H Williams 737 Andrews. Williara~A A Griffiag Iron Co 439 Duffuls, E l izabe th-A P Salter 411 Hartung, Elizabeth—F Birstlap, damages 31 Hillier, G B, and F A Moore, firm of R Hillier,

Son & Co—J L Beckbam. agt 2,000 Sehaeffer, Dorothea—J Sahr 232 The Metropohtan Life Insurance Co—T Walsh.. 196


Fritsche, P T and H T, as Fritsche Bros—E P Francis . 46


Barker, Smith—I Cocker, J r , West E7th st 8600 Beam, Jane—C L Cornish. Van Houten st 1,700 Causer, Frederick—Celtic Building and Loan

Assoc. Paterson st 800 Crosby, R i c h a r d - J Berbeck, Straight st 2C0 Deitmer, Heinrich—H Hatheway, Marshall s t , . . 500 Gorman, Thomas-Socie ty for Useful M'f'g,

Little Falls road ,, 300 Hopper M C—P R Hopper, Straight st 1,600 McCully, F K, trustee—M H Donkersley, Ham­

burgh a v 2,100 McCann, H u g h - P Gorman, Passaic s t 600 Meyer, Adrian—A Benson, Arch st . 1,800 Post, R i c h a r d - T Gould, Sussex st 600 Sharpe. Joseph—Reynolds Se Smith, trustees,

Will isst - B,0O.l Wells. Henry—T Gould, Getty av 700 Whitford, J a m e s - M Coffey, Newarkav 160

CHATTEL MORTQAGES. Cunningham, Robert, Paterson—Janet Cunning­

bam, f u r n i t u r e — . 480 Gall. Paul, Saddle Biver T'p—Hopper & Son,

borses, wagons, &c SOfl Hill, Cornelius. Pa t e r son -Ka tz Bros, saloon 5 0 Morse, Rulb, West Milford T ' p - T J Cahill, five

heifercal?es . . 33 Zeim, Frederick, Pasvaic—A Aclferman, grocery

fistures JUDGMENTS,

Amot, Alexander—N Wbite et al . . , Filzpatrlcir, Mart in-Rogerson & Beaumont ,, Forbes, Edward—D Alexander fiidgway. John—A Meyer



Large Connection ' In the trade, is desirous of arranging with a

Manufacturer of Rosendale Cement, to handle his make on commission.



Steam Marble Works, 256, 258 & 260 E 57tli Street,

At 2d Ave, Elevated R, E. Station. NEW YOEK.

40T Broa(lw-,y N.Y.Ci^.