Record and Guide

November 5, 1S98 Record and Guide ^i" ESTABUSHID-Kj/i BiisDftss AJtoTHEMES of GEjteR^ iKitufsi,, PRICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SIX DOLLARS. Published every /Saturday, TSLEPHONE, LCOBTLAimT 1370. CommuDlcatloiis should be addreaeed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Vesey Str««t /. 1. LrjfDSEY, Business Manager. •' Enfernd at the Post- O^ii'e at Nrw York, jV Y., as second-class mailer." Vol. LXII. NOVEMBER 5, 1898. 1,599 T HERE must tie confidence in the minds of the men who con- trol our railroads, that they can obtain relief from Con- gress froin the unpleasant situation created l)y the recent Joint Traffic decision. Otherwise it would be impossible to account for the strength of railroad securities since the Supreme Coui-t held that the Joint TrafBc agreement was illegal. Those who remember the discussion that preceded the passage of the Inter- State Commerce law, which was presumed to sanction rate agree- ments, will recall the fact that its necessity was insisted upon, because rates were disorganized and railroad properties were threatened with disaster as a consequence. By the passage of the act it was thought that equitable ari'angements could be made that would satisfy the railroads and be just to shippers. That has not been the case, however. The railroads have not held to their agreements, because the law was weak in that it afforded no means for enforcing them. Rates were cut and dis- aster finally overtoofe: the railroad world so Ihat at one time the mileage operated by receivers was appallingly large. Whatever good it may have done in other directions, and it may be sup- posed to have done some, the Inter-State Commerce Act has to- tally failed to benefit railroad investments, so that the investing public have a right to ask Congress to give tliem some assistance, especially in view of the sacrifices made by them in the past five years. What form this assistance should take has not been sug- gested, but it ought certainly be such as will allow agreements on rates to be made, and also provide that when once made they shall be maintained. The shipper's interest in this matter will have to be protected, which can be done by creating a commis- sion to whom he can appeal for readjustments of rates when such operate to his disadvantage, and who will have the power to en- force their orders. A year ago it was thought likely that Con- gress would pass a railroad pooling bill as a result of the Trans- Missouri decision, but it did not. Evidently there is a stronger ground for hope of relief now, otherwise it would be natural to suppose that a break in prices of railroad securities, similar to that that immediately followed the Trans-Missouri decision, would have occurred on the announcement of the later and more important ruling against agreements. As it is, prices are not only strong, but there are signs of extensive new buying of rail- road bonds, in spite of quotations that at one time, especially in the cases of the new bonds, would have been thought much too high. '^WO years of industrial activity in Great Britain, with a con- A. sequent and continuous increase in the demand for money, have brought about a substantial reduction in the prices of the very best securities. Consols have in this time declined sis points and guaranteed Canadian and Indian loans nine points. Prices of other gilt-edged issues show corresponding declines, and the end of this movement has probably not been reached be- cause there is no sign that lower prices are attracting new buy- ing. Certainly, with military and naval preparations now di- rected against Russia instead of France, if not against Rus- sia and France combined, there is little likelihood of a change in sentiment toward these issues. That there is no doubt of the industrial activity previously mentioned is shown by the report of the Labor Department of the Board of Trade for September, which states that, in 117 trade unions making returns, with an aggregate membership of 467,075, 12,027, or 2.6%, were re- ported as unemployed at the end of the month, as compared with 2.8% at the end of August and 4.4% of 113 unions, with an aggre- gate membership of 462,292, reporting In September, 1897. While we have no similar returns from labor in other countries. In view of the reports that have been current for the past year or two, the same cause, trade demand, supplemented in Bome cases by over-Bpeculatlon, \B operating to create stringency In money and to restrict operations on the bourses. It is the fall demands that are the severest, so that putting aside extraordinary agen- cies In the Inflation of rates such as war, relief ought soon to appear; otherwise accepted theories of the sufficiency of available money to sustain a growth of trade that has been unprecedented will be very thoroughly tested. In a period of over a quarter of a century, in which wars have been of short duration and carried on in very restricted fields; in which new markets have been opened up, and resources, quite revolutionary in character, as, for instance, electricity, have been extensively developed, trade has grown so enormously tbat, failing tbe uprising of some unnatural check to that growth, a situation of intense interest will arise. In a year the aggregate gold holdings of the great European national banks have decreased by about $100,000,000 (a sum, by tbe way, that corresponds somewhat to the gold gains by importations of the United States in the same period). As these banks are the channels through which flows the gold pro- duction of the worJd, outside of that of the United States, and which ought to replace the gold drawn away on exchange, this loss reveals a very large dispersion of basic funds among de- pendencies in the provincial districts. The readiness and extent of the return tide ought to indicate whether the present strin- gency is simply an aggravation of an old symptom or a new one whose precise nature has yet to be diagnosed. On the solution of this question will depend whether European Industrial devel- opment can continue. The situation in the United States is very different, as we show in another column. T HE adoption of a budget for 1899 cf $93,520,082 must make the propertyowner desirous of knowingwhere the money is to come from. The amount to be raised by taxation will be reduced to an extent, estimated at $7,000,000, by returns from the general fund, but this still leaves $86,500,000, roundly, to be provided directly out of the ratepayers' pockets. This is about $14,000,000 more than the budget of the current year, after deducting the income from the general lund. It is stated, and we fear with only too much truth, that the whole of this increase will be put upon realty in Manhattan and the Bronx. Going into details, report has it that the real estate valuations of these two boroughs are being increased in the total between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000, mostly by raising the assessments on the commercial and better class of residential properties, especially in the middle sections of Manhattan, from twenty to forty per cent. The tenement sec- tions on the extreme East and West sides are not touched. Ordinarily such reports as these would not be worth repeating, but at the moment they have credit and importance because it is impossible to imagine where the increase in the city's pecu- niary needs is to come from, unless it be from real estate in the old city. That this is so is not surprising; it is one of the results aimed at by consolidation, and which the provision in the charter requiring an equalization of valuations throughout the consoli- dated city was intended to produce. It is expected that the per- sonal assessments will be increased in Kings and Queens, as they were in Manhattan and the Bronx last year, but that will not off- set the results of equalization against the boroughs or the in- crease in the cost of running the larger city. The final result must be to increase the burdens in Manhattan and the Bronx and correspondingly relieve the other boroughs. X PPLICATIONS for paving streets and avenues are now met *^ by the city authorities with the statement that this year's appropriation for such work is exhausted, and such applications can only he placed upon the list for consideration when next year's appropriation becomes available. This is not a pleasant prospect for owners of property abutting on streets needing re- pair, but it is one that will have to be borne with such philosophy as has been vouchsafed to them. The fact of the exhaustion of this appropriation probably accounts for the suspension of work on Elm street, which has occurred in spite of the protests of the owners of land and buildings along the route and of other repre- sentations made to the authorities. In our report of the Munici- pal Assembly will be found the announcement of the postpone- ment of other paving work in different parts of the city for the same reason. T HERE are indications that red brick is returning to favor. Except that fashion is as arbitrary and extreme in archi- tecture as In millinery,there never was any reason why the archi- tects and builders of New York City should have so completely banished this warm-iooking material from the exteriors of their work as they have for ten years past. They deprived themselves thereby of a valuable resource for contrast and color, and the general appearance of the city has suffered. Light bricks were a valuable addition to the architect's palette, but much of the gain was lOBt when one form of monotony waa substituted for anoth4r.

Transcript of Record and Guide

November 5, 1S98 Record and Guide ^i"


BiisDftss AJtoTHEMES of GEjteR^ iKitufsi,,


Published every /Saturday,


CommuDlcatloiis should be addreaeed to

C. W. S W E E T , 14-16 Vesey Str««t

/ . 1. LrjfDSEY, Business Manager.

•' Enfernd at the Post- O^ii'e at Nrw York, jV Y., as second-class mailer."

Vol. LXII. NOVEMBER 5, 1898. 1,599

T HERE must tie confidence in the minds of the men who con­trol our railroads, tha t they can obtain relief from Con­

gress froin the unpleasant situation created l)y the recent Joint Traffic decision. Otherwise it would be impossible to account for the strength of railroad securities since the Supreme Coui-t held that the Joint TrafBc agreement was illegal. Those who remember the discussion that preceded the passage of the Inter-State Commerce law, which was presumed to sanction rate agree­ments, will recall the fact that its necessity was insisted upon, because rates were disorganized and railroad properties were threatened with disaster as a consequence. By the passage of the act it was thought that equitable ari'angements could be made that would satisfy the railroads and be just to shippers. That has not been the case, however. The railroads have not held to their agreements, because the law was weak in that it afforded no means for enforcing them. Rates were cut and dis­aster finally overtoofe: the railroad world so Ihat at one time the mileage operated by receivers was appallingly large. Whatever good it may have done in other directions, and it may be sup­posed to have done some, the Inter-State Commerce Act has to­tally failed to benefit railroad investments, so that the investing public have a right to ask Congress to give tliem some assistance, especially in view of the sacrifices made by them in the past five years. What form this assistance should take has not been sug­gested, but it ought certainly be such as will allow agreements on rates to be made, and also provide that when once made they shall be maintained. The shipper's interest in this matter will have to be protected, which can be done by creating a commis­sion to whom he can appeal for readjustments of rates when such operate to his disadvantage, and who will have the power to en­force their orders. A year ago it was thought likely that Con­gress would pass a railroad pooling bill as a result of the Trans-Missouri decision, but it did not. Evidently there is a stronger ground for hope of relief now, otherwise it would be natural to suppose that a break in prices of railroad securities, similar to that that immediately followed the Trans-Missouri decision, would have occurred on the announcement of the later and more important ruling against agreements. As it is, prices are not only strong, but there are signs of extensive new buying of rail­road bonds, in spite of quotations that at one time, especially in the cases of the new bonds, would have been thought much too high.

' ^ W O years of industrial activity in Great Britain, with a con-A. sequent and continuous increase in the demand for money,

have brought about a substantial reduction in the prices of the very best securities. Consols have in this t ime declined sis points and guaranteed Canadian and Indian loans nine points. Prices of other gilt-edged issues show corresponding declines, and the end of this movement has probably not been reached be­cause there is no sign that lower prices are attracting new buy­ing. Certainly, with military and naval preparations now di­rected against Russia instead of France, if not against Rus­sia and France combined, there is little likelihood of a change in sentiment toward these issues. That there is no doubt of the industrial activity previously mentioned is shown by the report of the Labor Department of the Board of Trade for September, which states that, in 117 trade unions making returns, with an aggregate membership of 467,075, 12,027, or 2.6%, were re­ported as unemployed at the end of the month, as compared with 2.8% at the end of August and 4.4% of 113 unions, with an aggre­gate membership of 462,292, reporting In September, 1897. While we have no similar returns from labor in other countries. In view of the reports that have been current for the past year or two, the same cause, trade demand, supplemented in Bome cases by over-Bpeculatlon, \B operating to create stringency In money

and to restrict operations on the bourses. It is the fall demands that are the severest, so that putting aside extraordinary agen­cies In the Inflation of rates such as war, relief ought soon to appear; otherwise accepted theories of the sufficiency of available money to sustain a growth of trade that has been unprecedented will be very thoroughly tested. In a period of over a quarter of a century, in which wars have been of short duration and carried on in very restricted fields; in which new markets have been opened up, and resources, quite revolutionary in character, as, for instance, electricity, have been extensively developed, trade has grown so enormously tbat, failing tbe uprising of some unnatural check to that growth, a situation of intense interest will arise. In a year the aggregate gold holdings of the great European national banks have decreased by about $100,000,000 (a sum, by tbe way, that corresponds somewhat to the gold gains by importations of the United States in the same period). As these banks are the channels through which flows the gold pro­duction of the worJd, outside of that of the United States, and which ought to replace the gold drawn away on exchange, this loss reveals a very large dispersion of basic funds among de­pendencies in the provincial districts. The readiness and extent of the return tide ought to indicate whether the present strin­gency is simply an aggravation of an old symptom or a new one whose precise nature has yet to be diagnosed. On the solution of this question will depend whether European Industrial devel­opment can continue. The situation in the United States is very different, as we show in another column.

THE adoption of a budget for 1899 cf $93,520,082 must make the propertyowner desirous of knowingwhere the money is to

come from. The amount to be raised by taxation will be reduced to an extent, estimated at $7,000,000, by returns from the general fund, but this still leaves $86,500,000, roundly, to be provided directly out of the ratepayers' pockets. This is about $14,000,000 more than the budget of the current year, after deducting the income from the general lund. It is stated, and we fear with only too much truth, that the whole of this increase will be put upon realty in Manhattan and the Bronx. Going into details, report has it that the real estate valuations of these two boroughs are being increased in the total between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000, mostly by raising the assessments on the commercial and better class of residential properties, especially in the middle sections of Manhattan, from twenty to forty per cent. The tenement sec­tions on the extreme East and West sides are not touched. Ordinarily such reports as these would not be worth repeating, but at the moment they have credit and importance because it is impossible to imagine where the increase in the city's pecu­niary needs is to come from, unless it be from real estate in the old city. That this is so is not surprising; it is one of the results aimed at by consolidation, and which the provision in the charter requiring an equalization of valuations throughout the consoli­dated city was intended to produce. It is expected that the per­sonal assessments will be increased in Kings and Queens, as they were in Manhattan and the Bronx last year, but that will not off­set the results of equalization against the boroughs or the in­crease in the cost of running the larger city. The final result must be to increase the burdens in Manhattan and the Bronx and correspondingly relieve the other boroughs.

X PPLICATIONS for paving streets and avenues are now met * ^ by the city authorities with the statement that this year's appropriation for such work is exhausted, and such applications can only he placed upon the list for consideration when next year's appropriation becomes available. This is not a pleasant prospect for owners of property abutting on streets needing re­pair, but it is one that will have to be borne with such philosophy as has been vouchsafed to them. The fact of the exhaustion of this appropriation probably accounts for the suspension of work on Elm street, which has occurred in spite of the protests of the owners of land and buildings along the route and of other repre­sentations made to the authorities. In our report of the Munici­pal Assembly will be found the announcement of the postpone­ment of other paving work in different parts of the city for the same reason.

THERE are indications that red brick is returning to favor. Except that fashion is as arbitrary and extreme in archi­

tecture as In millinery,there never was any reason why the archi­tects and builders of New York City should have so completely banished this warm-iooking material from the exteriors of their work as they have for ten years past. They deprived themselves thereby of a valuable resource for contrast and color, and the general appearance of the city has suffered. Light bricks were a valuable addition to the architect's palette, but much of the gain was lOBt when one form of monotony waa substituted for anoth4r.

• <] Gu ide

Record and Guide November 5, 1898.

And of the two, we are inclined to think the red is prefer­able to the white. On the whole, both aesthetically and physi­cally, the darker hue wears better. It is not so thin, and staring, and under our bright skies one would hardly choose the most reflective of ail colors for miles of heterogeneous street fronts. Yet, of late, that is exactly the thing our architects have selected. They have preferred the lightest of brick. H. J. Hardenbergh was one of the first, if not the flrst, of our architects to return to the older material in work of importance. The Wolff building on Maiden Lane, admirable for so many good qualities, was notable also for Its red-brick work. The Waldorf and the more recent Astoria hotels reasserted on a larger scale the value of red brick. Bruce Price's St. James Building obtains and deserves no small part of the public approval it has received on account of the skilful and picturesque use of the same material. Many persons who are unable to appreciate the Parisian translation into Americanese which Brnst Fiagg gave us in the Singer Build­ing, accept with satisfaction his Gallic predilections as "the thing" because presented to them in an oid and familiar sub­stance; and, latest of all, W. Wheeler Smith is using red briek in his building on Wall street and Broadway, now under construc­tion.


NOBODY but those who are responsible for it will deny that our municipal architecture is, upon the whole, a municipal dis­

grace, and very much behind and below the standard of private building. Until within a few years, no municipal department thought it necessary to employ an architect, or if it did, it content­ed itself with an "artchiteet." Commonly, it contented itself with a builder. This was conspicuously the case with the school houses. No other class of buildings requires more considerate planning, nor in any other is there more need, in the very interest of public instruction, of an appropriate architectural expression. Until within less than a decade, these were left to a "boss builder," act­ing upon the inexpert illuminations of trustees and commission­ers. Now the department has taken to itself an architect, end has been well-inspired in selecting him. The immense improve­ment in the exterior architecture of the school houses is not less marked, though it is necessarily less conspicuous, than the im­provements in the arrangements proceeding from a thoughtful consideration of the special requirements of the buildings.

As the department which does the most and the costliest build­ing, that of education offers itself most obviously to criticism. But other municipal departments are in as bad an architectural way as this ever was. Thanks to a special commission there Is in New York one excellent district courthouse, but there is only one. There is not even one architecturally decent police station. Ten years' ago or so some exceptional fire commissioner was moved to the belief that it was worth while to employ an archi­tect, and the immediate result was gratifying and encouraging, more gratifying than some of the ulterior results. The first-fruit of the employment was the engine house in Old Slip, unless, in­deed, i t was the headquarters of the department In East 67th street. The latter is a reasonably successful essay in the Rich-ardsonlan Romanesque then prevalent, with an impressive mas-siveness and an attractive simplicity, and has in the crowning watch tower a picturesque feature of which the picturesqueness is attained without any perversion of the purpose of the building. To the engine house in Old Slip an even higher praise belongs. To have an engine house which was worth looking at at all was so novel and refreshing an experience that it indisposed the on­looker to criticise. But the building would stand criticism, came, indeed, very near to being a model In point of architectural ap­propriateness, and is better worth looking at to-day, not only than any of its predecessors, but than most of Its successors. The designer was happily inspired when he deferred to the genius loci of the oldest part of New York so far as to design it in the Dutch Renaissance that was in vogue when New Tork was New Amster­dam. For, apart from the local appropriateness, the style was capable of that homely and unpretending picturesqueuese which fitted it for the purposes of an engine house. It Is built of brickwork laid in the Dutch manner, with black headers, of which one regrets now to notice that the black, being apparently produced by pigment and not by burning, has not shown itself weather-proof. There ia a more extensive use of brown stone than would have been available or permiss­ible when New York was in its Infancy. Eut it is very well ap­plied, and the Dutch crow-stepped gables and other quaint and sparing decoration make the buiiding picturesque without con­troverting Its prosaic destination. A little better studied detail, and it would have been quite a model for Its purpose. In subse­quent essays whch were much more elaborate and pretentious, the purpose seems to have been quite lost sight of in the archi­tecture, which consisted In a profuse application of delicate de­

tail, mostly scholarly and refined in itself, but very much "from the purpose" of an engine house. There are a good many of these engine houses scattered about town, and the admiration one might feel for them if they were examples of domestic architec­ture, of an ornate and even "palatial" kind, is multiplied when one regards their ornate and palatial character in view of their actual destination. This is conspicuously the case with the most extensive and expensive of all, the large engine house at Elm and White street. Abstractly this is a very pretty and success­ful composition in a well-detailed French Renaissance. One does not come upon many buildings of which the architecture shows such careful and affectionate study. As a mansion, say on Riv­erside Drive, it would be entirely in place, and but for the large and numerous driveways which alone betray its actual purpose, would be accepted as an agreeable example of a rich and refined domestic architecture. But as a lodging for firemen and fire horses and fire engines, it is manifestly an extravagant absurdity.

Much the same may he said of a later engine-house, apparently by another hand, in West 43d street. Instead of being in six­teenth century French of the Loire—this is, in very modern Parisian, with the neatness and precision of lay-out and detail which are the excellence of that manner, and also with the sharp edges, the absence of transition and "middle tint," and the unconsciousness of the uses of mouldings, which are among its defects. In point of modernity and up-to-dateness, this may be admitted to be a more suitable abode for a steam fire en­gine house than the chateau in Elm street. But in the profusion and the minute delicacy of its ornamentation, it is quite as un­suitable and as absurd. Such things make the judicious grieve almost to the extent of longing for the old stupid engine houses in which it is plain that no architect was concerned. For these are at least devoid of that pretentiousness which is a chief ele­ment in vulgarity.

It is not praising a new engine house in 3d street, between the Bowery and Broadway, highly enough to say that it marks as great an advance in suitability upon its architecturesque prede­cessors as it marks in respect of abstract architectural excellence upon the old stupid builders' engine houses. There is here no lavish display of ornament of whieh the only ostensible motive is to run up the cost of the building, including the architect's commission. It is not only comparatively much more to the pur­pose than they. It is positively much to the purpose.

In the first place, it is of red brick, with visible white joints, with a basement and "trimmings" of light freestone, used rather sparingly. As we shall see, cut stone is not employed even for the main cornice, whieh is an arrangement of metal between and over panels of brick work. Already the material gives a sense of suitability which is absent from the profuse stone carving or even from the highly elaborated terra-cotta of such of the ear­lier engine houses as have architecturesque pretensions. The eut stone here is confined to the basement, tbe sills and lin­tels of the plain openings at the sides, and the big arch which oc­cupies the centre. The brick might be even plainer and rougher with a gain in architectural expression, but it is very effective, and visibly bonded with every other course of headers, giving an unusual sense of structural connection.

Tbe front is an effective composition. Being a double engine house, it has a frontage of some forty feet, as against the single lot to which a single engine house is confined, and the designer has taken advantage of his unusual opportunity in tbis respect to convert it into a single telling feature. The basement shows two equal segmental archways at the centre, with a small door­way on one side and a small window at the other. The arrange­ment, in so far as It introduces the subsidiary doorway at one side of an ample entrance which habitually stands open is com^ mon in the recent engine houses. Seeing that the two open ap­parently into the same apartment, it resembles the ingenious de­vice of the late Sir Isaac Newton in cutting in the side of his cat kennel one opening for the cat and another and smaller one for her kitten. The substructure is of big blocks with deeply recessed joints and in point of design is neither here nor there.

The real design is the superstructure. This is of three stories under the cornice, wtib au additonal story in the roof. The cen­tre is occupied by one great arched opening taking up about half of its breadth and running through the three stories of the wall. There is room on each side for an abutment of ten feet or so, and this abutment is properly kept as solid as possible, being pierced on each side only with a single small and plain opening in eaeh of the two stories below the springing. The central arch, on the other hand, is entirely open, a mere sash-frame, in fact, in which the intermediate floor lines are treated as transoms. The contrast is effective, and the feature, though of course not novel here, having many precedents in the domestic architecture of the West Side, has seldom been so effectively handled.

There are, however, drawbacks to its effectiveness. While the piers of the great arch have been pjerqe^, ^" '^as been explained.

N o v e m b e r 5, 1898. Record and Guide 653

though BO pierced as to attenuate or weaken them as little as possible, the wall above the springing, which forms the spandrils of the arch is left entirely unbroken. Tbe effect of this solid wall at the top of a building is undeniably awkward. If the arch were monumental, the solid spandrils would explain themselves. In that case they would carry some decoration, and In the present case it seems that simple decoration in keeping with the charac­ter of the buildings, mere patterns in brickwork, for example, would have done much to relieve the awkwardness. But this is not all. This is not a monument but a building, and tbe fourth, story of it is lighted, so far as appears only from a semicircular opening at the centre and at the floor line. We may assume that tbe architect has arranged for a more equable and effectual il­lumination than his front shows. But his failure to explain in his architecture what he has done In this behalf gives their chief awkwardness to these solid spandrils.

The arch itself is in good relation and keeping with the build­ing, and is an impressive feature. But it has a very bad fault. Having no extrados, it has yet the hood moulding which should mark the extrados. Here the mQulding is cut upon the face ct the arch, while the vouissors are extended behind it and outside of it to level joints. This ia architecturally meaningless and ab­surd, besides being a most wasteful way of cutting stone. It is odd that i t should be used in a building which shows so clearly as this the influence of Paris, because the solecism was long ago castigated by Viollet-le-Duc, and nobody who has read the "En-tretiens" has any excuse for not knowing that it is a solecism. The terminal cartouche of the arch, however, is designed with much spirit and ingenuity, carrying as it does the corbel in which rests a flagstaff.

The best thing about tbe building, excepting tbe main idea of the composition, is the treatment of the top. The main cornice is a series of iron brackets carrying a gutter of sheet copper, and between the brackets the briclfwork is panelled. The arrange­ment is frankly expressive and the execution of it capital. Upon the whole the new engine house is architecturally the best that has yet been done for the department, and is a refreshing depart­ure from the irrelevant ornateness of most of the work done for the department that was worth talking about at all.

S PEAKING of things French, for a year or two to come Parisian example will be as potent in New York archi­

tecture as in bonnets or robes. It's tbe vogue of the hour, and the builder who has hitherto "done" Romanesque, old Colonial,

considerations of this sort will deter for a moment the New York builder in search of "the latest." We are destined to suffer for our sins, and the passage of "Art" along


the history of the city wlli be marked by blocks of buildinga in the "French style," exemplifying in a crude and crucial manner what French architecture is not.


In what may be called the heart of the residential portion of New York City there are so many instances where old houses are being remodelled into modern dwellings that it is Interesting


Francis 1st and whatever other styles were current, will apply himself assiduously to the French, if not of Paris, of Stratford-atte-Bow. The French style has many qualities. One is that ite charm is native and of the soil, French. Therefore it has not the virtue of being easily seized by the unlnstructed alien. Indeed, deprive French work of Its indigenous element and the residuum lacks many qualities that other work possesses. It Is a poor style for the copyist and, adapter to touch. He is sure to-accentuate ItB defects. Nevertheless, we may b? CRrtal^ tftat no

to consider whether it ig really a profitable operation to alter an out-of-date house into one embracing all the requirements of modern living, or whether it is not better to tear the old houae down and start anew.

The various kinds of alterations that are now in a state of progress or that have been made within a few years past ma,y be grouped into two general classes: One comprising those where the essential arrangement of the house has been undisturbed, and the renovating process has been limited to a general over­hauling of the premises; repointing the outside stone work; re­


634 Record and Guide November 5, 1 ^ . - - • • ' - ^ —

Ycird Levfcl

r ig. 1.—LONGrrUDIKAL SECnOM. All hatchod lines Ehow new work, Ail Etalra. closet work, plumbing flxtureB, etc;, shown

sre sew.


Old plan Ehown by dotted Unei.


^ New DrjcKworK,

^ ^ N e w woodworK

Old WorK.


Fie. 3. iSecond 3oor plan.

rig. 4. Fig. 5. Third flocr plan. Fourth floor plan.


Fig. e. Fifth floor plan.

A r i h J

November 5, 1898. ) m a ] Record' and Guide 555

decorating the Interior; substituting new plumbing for the o'd. »nd placing the dining room on the rear of the parlor floor, add­ing an extension for the butler's pantry and second story bath. The other class embraces the houses changed from "high stoop". to "American basement" houses. In reviewing this modiflcation, which Involves, in almost every examp]e, extensive operations, the most important phaze of modernizing out-of-date houses Is dealt with.

The main feature of the American basement house Is the en­trance on the first floor. This may or may not involve a change In floor levels. If what was the old basement floor is consider­ably below the level at the sidewalk, say, for instance, two feet, so that It would be necessary to descend three or four steps to enter the house. It Is desirable to construct a new floor as nearly level with the sidewalk as possible. This may nectssltaie a raising of floor levels throughout ail the stories, or the change may be confined to the ground and the second stories if tha height of the old parlor celling ia thirteen fset or more, as It sornetlmes Is. In this case the first floor may be placed at the aa'rhe height as the sidewalk, but it becomes necessary to raise the' level of the second or old parlor floor so as to give a proper helg-ht to the first floor celling. The second story celling Is then at a height of eleven feet or more from the floor, which is sufll­cient. Where the height of the old parlor ceiling will not permit this change and the owner does not care to raise all the levels, the flight of steps descending at the entrance becomes necessary, but can by Judicious treatment be made unobtrusive. An ex­cellent solution of this problem was effected in a house in Weat 82d street where the level of the first floor was so far below the sidewalk that three steps seemed at first to be necessary. The architects utilized one step In going from the front hall to the kft'Ghen, the height of another wa3 neutralized by pitching the area four or five Inches from the railing coping to the doorstep, when it waa then necessary to descend only one step to enter the hoUse.

The arrangement of the basement floor In the old high-stoop hodse Is generally as follows. The entrance In under the stoop and opens into a dark hall, lighced only by the glass panels in the entrance door aud what light It could borrow from the front room, or more properly the dining room. The hall extended back, to the kitchen and laundry, which In most cases were one. The space between the front and back rooms was taken up with closets, storeroom and butler's pantry. In the newer arrangement the kitchen may remain the same, but in most cases it Is neces­sary to change the stairs, not only to enlarge them, since there are rarely more than 2 ft. 4 ins. from the wall to centre of rail, but to make them conform to the new entrance and arransrement o; the front room. A narrow passageway must be provided for entering from tbe outside to the kiti^hen, and the space formerly occupied by the butler's pantry and closets Is now converted Into a storeroom, or Is used for any other purpose not requiring a great deal of light, as the only way of lighting it at all is by putting glass panels In the front and rear partitions. An exten­sion Is generally added to provide a laundry on the first floor, a butler's pantry on the second for the new dining room, and a bathroom on the third floor. This extension contains back stairs for communication between the kitchen and butler's pantry. The main stairs lead up Into a foyer hail on the second floor, with a drawing room in the front and dining room In the back.

The entrance hail can be treated in a variety of ways, and a small room may even be constructed at one side to be used as a cardroom or reception room, and which, In any case, Is Isolated frohi the rest of the house. The nsw situation of the drawing room allows a seclusion that Is necessary for the proper use and enijbyment of this apartment. The rearranging of what Is now the third floor is effected by abolishing the closets, washrooms and bathroom (see Fig. 4), and substituting the salon dressing rooms of the present day (see Fig. 4), the bathroom being placed In the extension. The fourth floor may be remodelled In the aame way and an extension bathroom added. The whole top floor may be arranged as servants' quarters or the front room used as a billiard room.

The alteration of the facade Involves the construction of a new main entrance on the first floor and a smaller entrance to the kitchen. The old front door is made Into a window conforming to the old windows, and a new cornice is sometimes added and the front repointed and cleaned. The new entrance may bb treated as a doorway with an entablature and columns with or without the addition of a metal and glass enclosure, or the treatment may consist of an entranceway of stcne either open or enclosed. A new window Is generally substituted for what was the window of the old dining room, or what Is now the reception room or hall, or in some cases the old window opening may be utilized.

AH or part of these changes may be made with any degree of elaborateness, and there are Instances where a new front has been put in a building and the rear wall rebuilt, so that tha only parts of the old house that remained were the side walls. In aome cases the old basement, parlor and second fioors, three In all, are removed, and a flrst floor several feet above the sidewalk and a second floor substituted. Both stories have h'gb celllnga, but It is then necpssary to add another atory at the top of the house, and this In a'most every case calls for an additional S Inches to the side wsills for at least two stories, to bring the •trength ot the wails up to tbe requiremeots ot the law.

The cost of altering a house ranges In proportion to the extent of tbe operation, the value of the material used and tbe quality and extent of the plumbing system. Where the entrance Is un­changed and the work is conflned to removing the dining room

Fig. 7. Sketch showing rew main tntraoce and entranco to kitchen, etc.

The old basement window remains anl a new window to match old ones takes the place of the o.d entranie on ihe stoop.

from the basement to tbe rear of the parlor, extending the latter to the full width of the house and adding an extension for laun­dry, butler's pantry and bathroom, the expense will amount to about 40% of the cost of a new house on the same scale. The ex­pense of changing a high-stoop house Into an American basement will cost in the neighborhood of (;u% of the cost of a new house of the same kind. In all cases the figures ar.; based on plana containing only what Is adequate and necessary In the ordinary sense. In extreme cases where only the sidewalls are kft stand­ing, or where the remodelling ia done on a very lavish scale, there ia a proportionately small saving over an entirely new house.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that it does pay to alter out-of-date houses Into modern dwellings, but It must be fully under­stood that the success- of the operation depends upon two pr:n-cipal factors: The house must be one that lends Itself readily to the change, and the work must be carried out with a due re­gard to economy.

The accompanying drawings show the alterations that were made in a particular case which is a fair type of the conversion of a high-stoop into an American basement house. The details are explained by foot notes to tha draw.ngs. In the p.r6paration of these drawings and of the article which they Illustrate we are Indebted, among other architects, especially to Horgan & S.attary for valuable assistance.

The accompanying sketch shows a rather artistic arrangement of the entrance hall of an American basement house on the up­per West Side. The principal feature cf the hall ia the gallery at


656 Record^ .and jGuide fovember $', 1S98.

the end, which Is the flrst thing to meet the eye on entering the hall from the street. On the gallery are fluted columns support­ing the timbers of the ceiling, and a delicate balustrade in ma­hogany and white extends from these to the wall on either side. The next feature in the disposition of this room is the fireplace and seats on either side of the same, forming an artistic com­position. The placing of seats in the windows add to the com­fort and attractiveness of the interior. The room is flnished in white, with mahogany doors, and the windows are in leaded glass.


An interesting group of private residences has just been com­pleted on the south side of 108th street, east of Riverside Drive, by Builder Joseph A. Farley. The houses, three in number, are in modern Prench style, and are constructed of Indiana limestone

finish of the hall is in-white enamel, the walls are wainscoted for seven feet, at which height a 6-inch shelf runs around the apart­ment. Another interesting and attractive feature is a gallery at the back with fluted Ionic columns supporting the ceiling. The stairs ascend from this gallery. An arched recess, with a coat closet at one side, leads through a mahogany door to the rear rooms on this floor. The effect of this hall is estremely artistic and attractive.

Back of the hall is a bicycle room with excellent light and provided with a washbasin. In the rear are the kitchen and laundry, which have separate communications with the street. The kitchen is airy, light and spacious, and has an abundance of dressers and closets as well as a large storeroom. The laundry is light and roomy and has closets for the laundry utensils. The ainka and tubs are of white ceramic, and the plumbing and water supply pipes are all exposed. Back stairs extend from the laundry to the fourth floor, and a dumb-waiter connects the

Janes & Leo, Architects. NEW DWELLINGS. Nos. 324, 326 and 328 West lOSth St.. Eael of Riverelde Drive.

Jos. A. Farley. Owner and BuHder.

to the second story, with grey Roman brick and terra cotta above The fronts are treated in bays for three stories, so that an excellent view of the river is obtained from the front rooms. While the treatment of the middle house differs in general de­tail from that of the others, the three harmonize together with -good effect. ,„,

The interior arrangements are the same in all the houses. The hall is entered through a Colonial vestibule entirely paneled in white enameled wood. The doors are dark mahogany and the outside one has a fall length panel of plate glass, protected by a handsome black iron grill. Over the inner door ,s ^ fanhgh of leaded glass, and there are sidelights to correspond. The hall has a parquet floor, a large fireplace and mantel surmounted by a stepped hood, and supplemented by deep flre-seats on either side Recesses formed by the projection of the vestibule are lighted by latticed windows and furnished with aeata. The

kitchen with the floors above. On the flrst floor are the draw ing room, the foyer, the dining room and the butler's pantry The drawing room is in white mahogany and gold, and contain a large Colonial mantelpiece and fireplace. A high base run around the room, and full length French windows allow egres to a balcony in tbe front, which commands an excellent view o the Drive and river. The foyer on this floor is flnished In whit enamel and dark mahogany. Large mahogany columns, witl an entablature in white, support the ceiling at the stairwell, au between these is a broad seat opposite a mahogany mantel am tiled fireplace. The balustrade of the stairs. ^'i>'ch can be seei

•from the hall.- has a mahogany hand-rail, . " 1 the balusters a r in delicate spiral designs, placed three on ^ ^^^P- ^ach one of th three being difl:erent in design. The s l ^ " g doors between th hall and the front and rear rooms b a v e ' ^ ^ l V t " ! ^ ^^" 'f" ^t°Z Ing a symmetrical pattern in the n. . tural wood. Tha dlnln

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide 657

room is in Eng l i sh Gothic design, execu ted in d a r k q u a r t e r e d oak, On one side is a man te l she l f suppor t ed on Gothic co lumns , tha cap i t a l s of which a r e ca rved lions' heads . T h e room Is wa in ­scoted to the he igh t of seven feet, a n d there Is a la rge window in leaded g lass w i th swing ing s a s h in the middle a n d s l iding s a sh a t the sides. Eelow th i s is a b road w indow sea t adjoining the flreplace. T h e three rooms on th i s floor a r e laid In p a r ­que t ry . B a c k of th i s room is the bu t l e r ' s p a n t r y in oak, which con ta ins a w e a l t h of d resse r s a n d closets, besides a porcelain lined re f r igera tor .

On the second floor t he re is a h a n d s o m e l ib ra ry lit b y a spac ious bay window. T h e t r i m Is d a r k m a h o g a n y and the floor is la id in p a r q u e t r y . Th i s room is s e p a r a t e d f rom a bedroom in the r e a r by a sa lon p a s s a g e which con ta ins four l a rge h a n g i n g closets, one w a s h s t a n d wi th closets a n d d r a w e r s a n d a l a rge cheval g lass . T h e bedroom h a s a fireplace in the Colonial s tyle, a n d is finished in b i rdseye-map le . Adjoin ing th i s room is a h a n d ­somely appo in ted ba th room, the floor of wh ich is p a v e d in m a r b l e mosaic , a n d the wal l s a re wa insco ted in whi te and gold tile. T h e tub is enameled a n d provided wi th a shower . T h e th i rd floor Is iaid out in bedrooms, and is p rov ided wi th a b a t h r o o m in a differ­ent s tyle from the first, t hough it ia qu i te a s luxur ious . T h e front room h a s a fireplace a n d m a n t e l a n d is finished in hazel wood. T h e r e a r room is finished in sycamore . A sa lon p a s s a g e w i th cheval g lasses , t w o w a s h s t a n d s a n d closets a n d four la rge h a n g i n g closets , c o m m u n i c a t e s be tween the f ront a n d r e a r rooms. T h e top floor h a s two roomy bedrooms in the front, provided wi th closets, a n d in the r e a r a r e the s e r v a n t s ' rooms, t h r e e in n u m b e r , e ach provided wi th a l a rge closet. T h e r e is a we l l - ap ­poin ted b a t h r o o m on th i s floor for t h e use of the s e r v a n t s , besides a la rge s to re room. A la rge s t a i n e d - b l a s s sky l igh t l igh t s and ven t i l a t e s the s t a i r s a n d hal ls . T h e p l u m b i n g t h r o u g h o u t the houses is n icke l -p la ted a n d open, a n d a s e p a r a t e line of w a t e r supply pipes r u n s to each floor. T h e houses a re wired for e lectr ic l ight and piped for gas , a n d a r e comple te in eve ry detai l , a n d the a rch i t ec t s , Messrs . J a n e s & Leo, h a v e no t only t u r n e d out a n a r t i s t i c design, b u t h a v e m a d e a s t ep f o r w a r d in domest ic a r c h i t e c t u r e .

I t is i n t e res t ing to note t h a t Mr. F a r l e y is e rec t ing a t the side of these houses four o the r s of s imi la r cha rac t e r , th ree of them to be 22 feet a n d one 25 feet wide. I n t e n d i n g b u y e r s a r e inv i ted to examine the plans , which in case of p u r c h a s e can be a l te red to su i t the wishes of the owner du r ing cons t ruc t ion . I t is qu i te u s u a l for b u y e r s of even new houses to m a k e a l t e r a t i o n s to su i t the i r own p a r t i c u l a r r e q u i r e m e n t s , a n d i t is easy to see how m u c h b e t t e r and. more economical ly th i s can be done before the houses a re comple ted t h a n af ter .

I t is u n n e c e s s a r y to s p e a k of t h e locat ion of these houses , a s it is k n o w n so well to be in the v e r y bes t res ident ia l section of the W e s t Side. T h e s t r ee t is r e s t r i c t ed to p r i v a t e houses not less t h a n 22 feet wide, a f e a t u r e no t recal led in connect ion w i th a n y o the r s t r ee t in the neighborhood.

Mr. F e r l e y ' s office is a t No.-967 Bou leva rd , be tween 107th a n d 108th s t r ee t s , a n d n e a r the houses he is now offering to res ident ia l inves tc r s .


Since the revival of the bu i ld ing i n d u s t r y in 1S95, specu la t ive a c t i v i t y in the cons t ruc t ion of flats h a s been cen te red In Ihe d i s t r i c t immed ia t e ly no r th of the P a r k , be tween 110th and 12oth s t r ee t s , Morn ings ide a n d P a r k a v e n u e s . I n fact , th i s dis­t r ic t , wh ich is d i s t inc t ly a flat-house dis t r ic t , h a s p rac t i ca l ly been bui l t u p du r ing the p a s t four y e a r s . T h e r e is no o ther p a r t of the borough where an equal a m o u n t of n e w hous ing can be found in a compac t g roup . T b e d i s t r i c t i m m e d i a t e l y n o r t h of the P a r k is adjoined on the ea s t by an old flat-house d is t r ic t . T h e compet i ­t ion for t e n a n t s occasioned by recent bu i ld ing necessar i ly lies for the m o s t pa r t be tween these two d is t r ic t s , a s the more s u b s t a n ­tial t e n a n t r y of the m o d e r n flats wes t of the P a r k will, for social a n d o the r reasons , prefer to p a y t h e ex i s t ing difference m r en t to r e m a i n whe re they a r e . Two weeks ago the Record a n d Guide publ i shed the r e su l t of a house - to -house c a n v a s s of flats in cer­t a in s t r e e t s in the new d i s t r i c t no r th of the P a r k and in the a d ­j a c e n t old dis t r ic t , those s t r e e t s being selected in which the " t o -le t" s igns a p p e a r e d mos t numerous . I n t h i s c a n v a s s it w a s found t h a t the p ropor t ion of v a c a n c i e s w a s s l ight ly smal le r in the ola t h a n in the new flats, a phenomenon which is expla ined by the fac t t h a t the r ap id ly g r o w i n g t e n e m e n t house popula t ion , wh ich some y e a r s ago p rac t i ca l l y did not extend west of 2d avenue , haa been overflowing into the old flats a n d p r i v a t e houses between 2d a n d 3d avenues . I n a to ta l of 2,.'J24 new a n d old flats (i. e. su i t es of rooms) c a n v a s s e d the p ropor t ion of vacanc ie s w a s found to be 11.G pe r cent . A s the c a n v a s s w a s confined to the least p ros ­pe rous s t r ee t s th i s p e r c e n t a g e of v a c a n c i e s is inferent ia l ly h igher t h a n the a v e r a g e for e i the r or bo th of the d i s t r i c t s in ques t ion, a n d is u n d o u b t e d l y m u c h h ighe r t h a n the propor t ion In a n y o the r typica l fiat-house d is t r ic t in the borough . I t is w o r t h v/hile to discover w h e t h e r flat-house p rope r ty p a y s on the bas i s of a v a c a n c y of 11.G pe r cent a t the r en t a l s which ru le whe re the pe rcen tage exis ts . R e a d e r s m a y d r a w thei r conclusions from ce r t a in p roper t i es whose incomes a n d expendi tu res h a v e been furnished to the Record a n d Guide, a l t h o u g h it Is not a t l iberty to locate the p roper t i es f u r t he r t h a n to s a y t h a t two of t h e m were a c t u a l l y included in the c a n v a s s of two weeks ago. while the th i rd is a.n a v e n u e p r o p e r t y In the new d i s t r i c t . T h e y a re a d m i t ­

t ed ly f avorab le examples , b u t the i r v a l u e lies in the in fo rmat ion furnished r e g a r d i n g them be ing qu i t e reliable.

T h e first p rope r ty con ta ins a n old 5-s tory double flat house , wi th G rooms and a b a t h to the flat. T h e p rope r ty w a s p u r c h a s e d by i ts p r e sen t owner one y e a r ago. Since then one flat h a s been v a c a n t th ree m o n t h s , the v a c a n c y ex i s t ing a t the p r e sen t t ime. T h e to ta l income from the house , w h e n fully occupied. Is a t t h e r a t e of $2,088 a yea r . T h e p r o p e r t y w a s p u r c h a s e d for $23,000. T h e income a n d expense a c c o u n t on the basia of a v a c a n c y ol 11.6 pe r cen t would be a s fol lows:

Gross income when fully occupied $2,088.00 Less 11.0 per cent 2i2.20

Balance ?1,845.80 TaxES $230.00 Janitor 120.00 Water ; 46.00 Insurance 15.00


Net Income $1,434.80

T h e ne t income from the p roper ty , on the bas i s of a v a c a n c y of 11.G pe r cent , would be $1,434.80, or 6.2 pe r cent pe r a n n u m "on the p u r c h a s e pr ice of the p roper ty , free a n d clear. As a m a t t e r of fact , however , t he re a r e two 5% m o r t g a g e s on the p rope r ty , wh ich would m a k e the income a n d expense a c o u n t r ead aa fol lows:

Gross income when fully occupied §2.083.00 Less li.C per cent 242.20

Balance $1,845.80 Interest on mortgage of .flT.OOO at 5% $850.00 Interest on mortgage of .¥2,700 at 5% 135.00 Taxes 230.00 Jani.or 120.00 Water 46.00 InsuruLice 15.00


Net income $449.80

There is h e r e a ne t Income of $449.80, or 13.6 pe r cen t i n t e re s t pe r a n n u m on the o w n e r ' s equ i ty of $3,300. Th i s would cons t i ­t u t e the profit f rom the equ i t y on the bas i s of a hypo the t i ca l v a ­c a n c y of l l .G pe r cent t h r o u g h the year . T h e owner ' s a c t u a l proflt is m u c h larger , a s in the course of the p a s t y e a r he h a s h a a a v a c a n c y of b u t 10 per cen t t h ree m o n t h s only.

T h e second p roper ty , wh ich w a s p u r c h a s e d for $20,000, Is an old 5-s tory double flat house , w i th four rooms a n d a b a t h to the flat. T h e house h a s been fully occupied d u r i n g the pa s t year , while t h e y e a r before a loss of 15 d a y s ' r e n t for one flat w a s oc­casioned by a c h a n g e in t enan t s . T h e a c t u a l income a n d expense accoun t of th i s p r o p e r t y for one y e a r i s :

Gross income wlien fully occupied $1,830.00 Mortgage of $15,000 al 5% $750.00 Taxes 221.00 Water 46,00 Janitor 108.00 Insurance 15.00

1,140.00 Net income .$696,0 i

T h e net r e t u r n s from the p r o p e r t y is $G96, or 13.92 p e r cent pe r a n n u m on the owner ' s equi ty . If the p r o p e r t y were held free a n d clear, the r e t u r n would be 7.23 per cen t pe r a n n u m . On the bas i s of a hypo the t i ca l v a c a n c y of 11.6 per cent, the ne t income from the p r o p e r t y would be 6.33 per cent in te res t on the p u r c h a s e price, and 9.66 per cent i n t e re s t on the owner ' s equi ty .

T h e ' t l i ird p r o p e r t y is a new 5-story double house w i th two s tores . I t h a s s ix rooms a n d .a b a t h to the flat, a n d suppl ies s t e a m h e a t a n d hot wa te r . I t m a y be p u r c h a s e d for .$30,000. I t h a s one flat v a c a n t a t the p resen t t ime. On th i s basis Its income a n d expense a c c o u n t is a s follows:

Gross income when fully occupied $3,576.00 Less actual vacancy 357,00

Balance $3,21!1.0[) Mortgage of $20.0CO at 4Vj% $900.00 Taxes 212.00 Jani tor 144.00 Coal 150.00 Water .^0,00 Insurance 25.00


N'ct income .¥1,738.00

T h e a c t u a l i n t e re s t on the owner ' s equ i ty is, therefore , a t the r a t e of 17.38 pe r cent pe r a n n u m , or 8.79 pe r cent on the sell ing price. On the basia of l l .G per cent of v a c a n c y the in t e re s t on the sell ing pr ice would be 8,63 per cent, and 16.81 pe r cent on the equi ty . In the foregoing c o m p u t a t i o n s the only e lement of expense which h a s been omi t ted Is t h a t of r epa i r s , which is a more or less va r i ab l e q u a n t i t y , b u t t h e profi ts a s ca lcu la ted above both in the a c t u a l a n d the hypo the t i ca l cases , a r e a m p l e to p r o ­vide not only for r epa i r s bu t for a s i n k i n g fund to r e p a y the orig­inal cost of the bui ld ings wi th in a reasonab le t e rm of yea r s .


Below Is our usua l t ab le showing the disposal of p roper t i es an ­nounced for sa le In foreclosure d u r i n g the m o n t h of October, com­pa red w i th the s ame for the co r re spond ing m o n t h of l a s t year . T h e only sa le of m a r k e d i m p o r t a n c e included in the figures for l a s t m o n t h w a s t h a t of No. G34 B r o a d w a y . 25x192, ex t end ing into Crosby s t reet , which w a s b o u g h t by the plaintiff, who first pur­chased it some yea r s ago, a t the pr ice of $156,000, a n d to w h o m t h e p r o p e r t y now s t a n d s a t $192,000. T h e chief f ea tu re b r o u g h t ou t by the compar i son of the fljures of the t w o m o n t h s la the l a rge r

658 Record and Guide November 5, 189S.

propor t ion t h a t waa t a k e n tn p ro tec t ion of t h e m o r t g a g s loana in t h e m o n t h of t h i s y e a r ;

FORECLOSURE OFFERINGS AND SALES OCTOBER 1897-'9S. Total offered. , Bought by 1 j-Withdrawn-j

Flats and tene- Incum- ,—PlalntlfTa-, ,—Others—, Incum-ments. No. brances. No. Realized. No. Realized. No. brances.

October, 1897 41 ;ji913,152 13 $481,863 18 S3o9.5:i8 10 8104.527 October, 1898 43 802,160 26 557,301 14 272,9!J6 3 34,625

Dwelllnes. October, 1897 37 345,337 21 140,810 10 152,882 6 B8.6S2 October, 1898 19 218,128 8 71,775 6 66,437 6 68.379

Lot9 and plots. October. 1897 81 100.799 13 39,582 45 63,985 23 27,020 October, 1893 24 312,716 6 202,000 9 33,057 9 49,860

Btisiness. October, 1897 11 •1.235,457 3 •440.025 2 392,546 6 459,114 October, 1898 8 423,731 3 181,766 4 86,150 1 146.975

Total, all. October. 1897 170 2,594,745 50 1,102.286 75 918.951 45 686 213 October, 1898 94 1,856,735 43 1.012,842 32 458,640 19 299,339

•Includes American Theatre Bu:idlng, with Incumbrancea of $344,834, T h e above t ab l e la compiled from d a t a furn ished by the n u m ­

ber s of the Record a n d Guide, publ i shed wi th in t h e per iods cov-• r«d . lj J


The m o n u m e n t erected to the m e m o r y of R i c h a r d Mor r i s H u n t , the d ia t lngulshed a rch i t ec t , w a s unvei led on las t M o n d a y a t 4 o'clock. T h e memor ia l Is execu ted In m a r b l e a n d g r a n i t e f rom the des ign of B ruce Pr ice , the P r e a i d e n t of t h e A r c h i t e c t u r a l

T h i s w a s In a n s w e r to t h e ques t ion, w h e t h e r a m o r t g a g e Is t a x ­able a t the t ime of Its del ivery a n d record, o r w h e t h e r it would be a sufficient compl iance w i t h tbe W a r R e v e n u e bill to p u t s t a m p s upon the m o r t g a g e a t the r a t e of 25 cents for every ?500 a d v a n c e d or f rac t ion thereof exceeding $1,000 a t t h e t ime w h e n t h e m o n e y is a d v a n c e d .


Below la a a u m m a r y of the bus ineas d i rec t ly affect ing in t e re s t s of rea l e s t a t e owne r s in the bo roughs of M a n h a t t a n , T h e Bronx a n d Brooklyn , which c a m e before the Munic ipa l Assembly a t the m e e t i n g s on T u e s d a y l a s t :

COUNCtL—MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. 173d St, be t 3d and F u l t o n a v a n d F u l t o n av, be t lT3d a n d 174th

s t s , l ay ing w a t e r m a i n s ; referred to C o m m i t t e e on W a ^ e r Supply. V a n Cor lea r pl, f rom W i c k e r pl, 243.8 sou th , c h a n g e of g r a d e ;

re fe r red to C o m m i t t e e on S t r ee t s a n d H i g h w a y s . Gun Hill road, f r am D e c a t u r a v to Bronx R ive r ; La fon t a ine av ,

from 179th s t to Q u a r r y road ; Cro tona P a r k Nor th , be t A r t h u r a v a n d Cro tona P a r k , a n d 139th a n d 140th s t s , be t S t A n n ' s a n d T r i n i t y a v s , l ay ing w a t e r ma lna ; w o r k ordered.

Broome st, be t C l a r k s t a n d H u d s o n st , p a v i n g w i th a s p h a l t ; w o r k ordered .

90 th to 91st st , be t A v e n u e A to E a s t River , fencing v a c a n t lo t s ; w o r k ordered-


League . On the p e d e s t a l a t the cen t r e t he re s t a n d s a splendid bronze bus t of Mr. H u n t , executed by Danie l Ches t e r F r e n c h , who Is to do the bronze figures r e p r e s e n t i n g A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d the Allied Ar t s , which a r e to occupy the pedes ta l s on e i the r side of the m o n u m e n t .

T h e ce remony b e g a n wi th a p r e l imina ry recept ion In the Lenox L ib ra ry , a f te r wh ich the commi t t ee of a r ch i t e c t s a n d g u e s t s a s ­sembled in front of the m o n u m e n t . George B. Pos t , P r e s i d e n t of the A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e of Arch i t ec t s a n d of t h e F i n e A r t s F e d ­era t ion , a n d C h a i r m a n of tbe H u n t Memor ia l Commit tee , In p r e s e n t i n g the m o n u m e n t to the c i ty pa id a h igh t r i bu t e to Mr. H u n t ' s memory , a n d spoke of h im as the f a t h e r of A m e r i c a n a rch i t ec tu re . A t the conclusion of his speech the m o n u m e n t w a s unveiled by R i c h a r d H u n t , a g r a n d s o n of the a rch i t ec t , a n d w a s accep ted in the n a m e of the c i ty by R a n d o l p h Guggenhe imer , P re s iden t of t h e Council, a n d G. G. Clausen received it Into the cus tody of the P a r k Board , of which he is P res iden t . T h e cere­mony closed w i th a p r a y e r by Wi l l i am R. H u n t i n g t o n , of Grace Church . T h e m o n u m e n t s t a n d s on the edge of t h e P a r k in a s ingu la r ly a p p r o p r i a t e posi t ion, d i rec t ly opposi te the Lenox Li­b ra ry , one of Mr. H u n t ' s m o s t beaut i fu l composi t ions .


T h e following add i t iona l ru l ings , of i n t e re s t to t h e r e a l t y world, h a v e been m a d e by the Commiss ioner of I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e since the Record and Guide las t referred to the W a r T a x Ac t :

T a x m u s t be pa id on a m o r t g a g e presen ted for record a f t e r Ju ly 1, 1898. w h e t h e r m a d e before t h a t da te or not .

T h e t a x on a conveyance is ca l cu la t ed on t h e v a l u e of t h e p r o p ­e r t y conveyed, a n d i r respec t ive of w h a t t h e equ i ty of t h e con­veyer m a y be. This is a repet i t ion of a n old ru l ing .

A m o r t g a g e m u s t be s t a m p e d to the a m o u n t of the cons idera ­tion n a m e d there in a t t h e t ime o£ ita I ssuance , de l ivery a n d record.


57th St, f rom l l t h av, 2G0 feet west , 49 th st , from l l t h to 12th avs , > 129th st , f rom Lenox to 7th avs , 24th st , be t 1st av a n d A v e n u e A, As to r p ! and y th st , from B r o a d w a y to 4 th av, a n d J o h n st, from B r o a d w a y to Pea r l st , r e p a v i n g wi th a s p h a l t ; r e

ferred to C o m m i t t e e on S t r ee t s a n d H i g h w a y s . 19th st , be t 4 th a n d Sth avs , Wa l l st, f rom B r o a d w a y to Broad a n d N a s s a u sta. 234th st , be t W e b s t e r a v a n d 233d s t ; 235th St. be t W e b s t e r and Kep le r a v s ; 236th st , be t W e b s t e r and K e p l e r a v s ; 237th st , be t Verio and Kep le r ava ; 23Sth St. be t "\"erlo a n d K e p l e r a v s ; 2 239th st , be t Verio and K a t o n a h a v s ; K a t o n a h av, be t 233d a n d 239th s t s ; F o r t W a s h i n g t o n av, be t B o u l e v a r d a n d Depot lane. D e c a t u r av , be t W o o d l a w n road and 207th s t ; H u l l av , be t W o o d l a w n road a n d 207th at ; 205th st , be t W e b s t e r a v and W o o d l a w n r o a d ; Wi l low av, be t 134th a n d 137th s t s ; Audubon av, l)et IGGth a n d IGSth s ta ; J a c k s o n av, bet ICls t and IGGth s t s ; Edgecombe av, be t 155th s t and A m s t e r d a m av, lay ing w a t e r

m a i n s ; re fe r red to Commi t t ee on W a t e r Supply. 63d St. s s, 100 w A m s t e r d a m av, e x t e n d i n g 100 weat, 113th st , 24-3(1 Wes t , 118th st , n a. 100 w P a r k av, ex t end ing 75 west , a n d 44th st , Nos 532-53G Wes t , fencing v a c a n t lo t s ; referred to

Commit tee on Pub l i c H e a l t h . 140th st, from Sth to E d g e c o m b e a v ; 77th st , from P a r k a v to Sth a v ; 108th, 109th a n d l l O t b sta, from 5 t h a v to SJast River , a n d

November 5, 1S98. Record and Guide 659

121st st, from 2d to 3d av, petitions for paving, etc.; ordered on file on statement of Commissioner of Highways that appropri­ation for repaving streets and avenues Is exhausted and petitions placed on list for consideration when next year's appropriation becomes available.


52d st, bet Sth and 9th avs; SSth St. bet 5th and Fort Hamilton avs; 21st av. bet S4th and SGth sts; 3d av, bet GOth and Gist sts; Slst st, bet 2d and 3d avs; Bay 22d st, bet Cropsey av and SGth st; Park pl, bet Albany and Troy avs; ISth av, bet 63d and 67th sts; 93d st, bet 3d and 4th avs; 23d av. bet Bath av and SGth st; SSth st, bet Fort HamiUon road and 7th av; 40th St. bet Gth and 7th avs; ISth av, bet 50th and 57th sts; 51st St. bet 7th and Sth avs; 53d st, bet Sth and Gth avs; 3d av, -bet 73d and 74th sts; 44th St. bet 2d and 3d avs; 7th av, bet SGth and 92d sts; 3d av, bet GOth and GSth sts, and GSth st, 1st to 3d av, 37th st, bet 4th and Sth avs; Bay 2Sth and 2yth sts, bet Bath av and SGth st; 23d av, bet S2d st and Stillwell av; 79th st, bet 22d and 23d avs; SOth st, bet 22d and 23d avs to Stillwell av; Slst st, bet 22d and 24th avs; S5th St. bet l l t h and 12th avs; 12th av, bet S3d and SGth sts: Prospect av. bet 9th and 10th avs; Avenue L and East Sth st; Douglass and Degraw sts, bet Nostrand and New York avs; 73d St. bet 2d and 3d avs; Avenue U. bet Ocean and Coney Island avs; , Newton st, bet Graham av and Engert st;

" Degraw st. bet Buffalo and Ralph avs; CSth st, bet 7th and Sth avs; President st, bet Brooklyn and Kingston avs; GOth st, bet Sth and 10th avs; , OOth St. bet 3d and 4th avs; Avenue U, from New Utrecht Pumping Station to 25th av, and

in 25th av and 4th av, where necessary to connect witii present mains;

18th av. bet G4th and G7th sts. etc; 71st St. bet. 17th and ISth avs; Hampton pl. bet Park pl and Sterling- pl; 67th st, bet 17th and ISth avs; GGth st, bet New Utrecht av and l l t h st; 15th av, bet Bath and Cropsey avs; Throop av, bet Halsey and McDonough sts: 3d av, bet S2d and S3d sts, and S3d st, bet 2d and 3d avs, laying water mains; work ordered. Sterling pi, n s, bet Underhill and W^ashington avs. Adelphi st, No 232. St Marks av. No 993. De Kalb av. Nos 14G9-1473. Har t st, Nos S44-S50. 4th av, Nos 9G9. 971. Metropolitan av, Nos 573, 575. Atlantic av, n e cor Buffalo av. Linden st, Nos 361-3G5. Pacific st, bet Nos 1009-1025, and bet Nos 998-1014, fencing va­

cant lots; work ordered.


Palmetto st, Nos 192-198. Wyckoff av, Nos 8, 10. Union st. bet Gth and Tth avs. Sth St. Nos 1S3. 1S5. Gates av, n w cor Knickerbocker av, Pulaski st, Nos 227-231. Bptler st, n s, 100 e 4th av, extending 280 feet, fencing vacant

lots; referred to Committee on Public Health.

Notice to Property Owners. ASSESSMENTS DUE AND PAYABLE.

The comptroller gives notice that assessments for sewers, etc., as under, are now due and payable. Payments made on or be­fore December 24 will be exempt from interest; after that date interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum will be charged from the dates of the respective entries of the several assessments In the Record oE Titles andAssessments: Sewers:

Washington st. bet King and Leroy sts. Avenue C. bet 2d and 4th sta. STth st, bet Columbus av and Central Park West. For areai of assessment, see Record and Guide, October 1, 1898.

ASSESSMENTS COMPLETED. Assessments for the following have been completed and de­

posited in. the office of the Board of Assessors for examination. Verified objections must be presented to the Secretary, No. 32U Broadway, on or before December 6. Regulating, grading, paving, etc.;

137th st, from Southern Boulevard to Locust av. Melrose av, from 3d av to lG3d st. Areas of assessment both

sides of streets named within limits stated and haif hlock on in­tersecting streets.

HEARINGS FOR THE COMING WEEK. At No. 2 Tryon row, when not otherwise stated.

Monday, November 7. Riverside Park, No. 2 Wall st, at 11 a. m. St Nicholas av, No 29 Broadway, 2 p. m.

Wednesday, November 9. 3d avenue bridge, 2 p. m. Division st Park, 11 a. m.

Thursday. November 10. Hall of Records, 10.30 a. m. l l t h Ward Park. 2 p. m. SSth and 59th sts, 10th av, high school site, 2 p. m.

Friday, November 11. St Nicholas Park, No 29 Broadway, 11 a. m. Riverside Park, No. 2 Wall st, 2 p. m l.'th and lUth sts, bet Livingston pl and 1st av, high school

site, 2 p. m. At Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway.

Monday, November 7. "loStb st. River to Walton av and Mott to Sheridan av. 12 m. Burnside av, 11 a. m. lG2d st. Concourse to Sheridan av and Sheridan to Morris av,

11 a. m. ITSth st. Creston to Ryer av, 11.30 a. m. Bainbridge av. 11 a. m. Mt Hope pl, 2 p. m. Kingsbridge road. 11.30 a. m. IGOth st, Cauldwell to Prospect av, 11 a. m. Mott av, 4 p. m.

Wednesday, November 9. .120th st, 4 p. m, , , . . - : • ; ; - . 192d st, Jerome to Grand av, 11 a. m. lS2d st, Arthur av to Boston road. 4 p. m. ITUth st. Aqueduct to Jerome av, 10 a. m. Public pl, at Elton, 10 a. m. Walton av, lG7th st to Tremont av, 11 a. ni. Station pl, 11 a. m. Broadway, 12 m. Boston ro&d, 1.30 p. ni. Clay av, Webster to 17Gth st, 2 p. m. Johnson av, 2 p. m.

. Ogden av, 3 p. m. Spuyten Duyvil road, 3 p. m. Rogers pl, 3 p. m. Beaumont av. 4 p. m. Ryer av, Burnside av to ISTth st, -1 p. m. Gun Hill road, 1 p. m. Townsend av, 4 p. m.

Thursday, November 10. 135th st, 3d av to Exterior st, 3 p. m. lT4th st, 3d av to Fulton av, 4 p. m. Rose st, 11 a. m. Morris av, H R R to Concourse, 2 p. m. Depot st, 10 a. m. Daly av, 10 a. m. Morria av, Tremont av to Park View pl, 10 a. m. Walton av, 12 m. 23d Ward Park, 12.30 p. m. lT9th St. 3d av to Bronx st, 2 p. m. lS3d st, Jerome to Webster av, 2 p. m. Fairmount pl, 3 p. m. lT2d st, 3d to Fulton av, 3 p. m. Martha av, 4 p. m.

Friday, November 11. 232d st, 3 p. m. 13Sth st, 3 p. m.

At. No. 34G Broadway. Jennings st, bet Edgewater road and Bronx river, changing

lines. Hearings by Board of Public Improvementa November IG. at

2 p. m. At the City Hall.

Hearings on petitions for local Improvements, etc., will be given by the several Local Boards interested as stated below. The petitions themselves are now on Hie lor inspection in the offlce Ot the President uf the Borough of Manhattan, City Hall.

33d, 34th and 35th sts, from East River to North River. Laying new flagging and curb, and repairing the old flagging, by Local Boards, 14th, 15th and 16th Districts, November 14, 12 m.

114th, on w s of Boulevard, laying sidewalk, by the Local Board of 19th District, November 15, 12 m.

66o Record^'/and Guide November 5, 189&.


BRICK.—The arrivals thia week were about as usual, and the sales were up to the arrivals. The number left over on Monday was less than it has been for some time past. The quality is not up to the usual good grade, the wet weather of the fail hav­ing made it Impossible for manufacturers to produce the desired quality. Owing to this the values on some favorite brands have apparently not been maintained. Straight cargoes, however, have gone off quickly at former prices, and in some cases an advance of 25 cents has been asked for specials, making the price $G.25. Pales are very quiet at $4.00. New Jersey manu­facturers have difficulty in meeting the demand for tlieir product, and are able to market their brick in Newark and other New Jersey cities a t prices superior to those obtained in this market for North Rivers.

LIME.—About 5 cargoes of Rockland came in this week, and is selling off easily at prices ranging from 65 to 75 cents. The de­mand is good on account of fall laying in of stock, and cargoes are being sold to arrive. The demand for State is seasonably very good. There is only a limited amount on the way and quantities are selling to arrive. The market is in good condition, and the demand will probably continue very good until the end of the month, or until the canals are closed and rail rates prevail. Prices are firm at G5c. for common and 90c. for Jointa.

LATH.—The number sold during the past two weeks was in the neighborhood of 2,000,000, at $1.75. There are practically none in the market, and few on the way. The demand is very good; $1.75 is offered for lath to arrive.

CEMENT.—Domestic and Imported Portland are being ab­sorbed aa rapidly as they come to the market. The mills are working night and day, and cargoes are arriving right along, but the demand is far In excess of the supply, and dealers are hav­ing great difficulty in filling orders. In some cases work is be­ing laid over until the spring, awaiting an easier market. The de­mand for Rosendale ia Increasing, and prices are firmer than they were. Manufacturers who have heretofore been Felling off are now getting better prices. The demand will probably coniinu.^ good up to the end of the season. Prices are firm at 70 and Ta cents. j -.,f: -(

OIL.—The market is very flrm, both in spot and future oils. The principal factors which sustain this condition are: The ex-oellent demand; dealers taking oil so readily that it is not accumu­lating on the hands of the crushers; the high price, of seed in Chicago; as high at $1.05 and $1.0G being paid for spot seed and the increased export demand for seed. Out-of-town brands are pretty well up to city oil, and none can be procured at less than :S5, and even 36 is paid In some cases. The indications are that the demand will continue excellent for some time, owing to the small stock in the hands of consumers. Raw oil quoted at 37c. for 5-barrel lots and 3Sc. for smaller quantities. Boiled oil is 39c. and 40c. Calcutta oil is selling at 54c.

NAILS.—There has been some cutting of prices on carload lots. 'L'he demand has fallen off a little and will continue light prob­ably until the end of the year. There is a good assortment of .slock on hand, and orders are being promptly filled. The cut nail manufacturers held a meeting on Thursday, at which was dis­cussed the cutting of association prices on carload lots by some (if the mills.

LEAD.—Owing to the decline In price of pig lead, from $4.09 to ^'3.00 per 100 lbs., the prices of white lead, red lead and litharge have dropped ^ of a cent. The prices of the above commodities quoted by the National Lead Co., are now as follows: In lots (if less than 500 lbs., 6 cents net, In lots of 500 lbs. and over 5Y2 cents. The other conditions of the sched­ule of the above company published last week have not been changed. September business was satisfactory, and Octo­ber business was very good. Trade will probably quiet down during the present month, although at present it is seasonably very good.

PAINTS.—Business is seasonably good, and prices this week show no material change.

GLASS.—Business is quiet at present, but there is nothing to warrant a decline in prices. The American window glass man­ufactures are starting their flres. This will have no material ef­fect on prices, as the new stock will be conflned to certain sizes, which are required to complete the full assortment of sizes which is at present incomplete. Prices are as follows. Plate SO, French window 80 and 10, American window SO and 20.

LUMBER.—Prices have a tendency to stiffen throughout the market. Business in Yellow Pine is improved, although no mate­rial changes have been made in prices. Spruce is in good deinand with prices unchanged.

HARDWOODS.^The advance in prices of hardwood is due more to light stocks than to increased demand which continues v -ry good. Poplar is in excellent demand, and has sustained an advance of about $1.00 per 1,000 feet, during the last two months. Cypress is in good demand, and is bringing good prices. The supply of this wood is limited by local conditions at the mills and by quarantine restrictions at points along the Gulf.

NAVAL STORES.—The spirits of turpentine is quiet. Inquiry waa light and limited to jobbing trade. Large consumers are not buying, so that the light stocks are sufficient for current trade. Local prices have resumed a more normal condition in relation to the Southern market, and buyers are inclined to hold off, await­ing future developments. The market closed dull at 37c. for

Southerns and 37%' for machines. The offerings In tar are -light, and the Inquiry Is very limited, so that the market is dull. Reg­ulars are selling at $1.80 and $1.85, and oil barrels at $3.00 and .$3.10. Pitch is moving slowly at $1.60 and $1.G5.

Building News. MERCANTILE.

4th avenue, northwest corner 134th street, 5-story brick and stone warehouse, 50x100; John T. Walther, No. 205 West 125th street, architect.

4th street, No. 25 East , S-story brick and stone steel construc­tion store and loft buiiding, 22x126; H. S. Cole, No. GSS Broad­way, owner; F. B. Cole, No. 658 Broadway, architect and builder.

12Gth street, Nos. 115 and IIT, plot, 50x99.11. Gilbert Robin­son, No. 217 West 125th street, is the architect for the 2-story business building w-hich the American News Co, is to erect for its own use on this site.

19th street. No. 39 East , 8-story brick and stone flreproof store and loft building, on plot, 25x92; John F. Scannell, plumber. No. 49 Liberty .street, owner and builder; Henri Fouchaux, lG2d street and l l t h avenue, architect. Plans will tae ready in four weeks.

Broadway, northwest corner of 29th street. I'lot HO-SxSD.Sx 24.."1x15.3x98.9x140.5. This site, which has been leased for 21 years, by Weber & Fields, the music hall proprietors, will be im­proved by the erection of an S-story theatre building. The new lessees do not obtain possession before May 1, and no architect has so far heen selected.

APARTMENTS, PLATS AND TENEMENTS. 100th street, south side, 175 east of Amsterdam avenue, plot,

125x100. Charles Kervan, No. 46 West 135th street, who has recently purchased this property, will improve the same, probably hy the erection of flats.

Goerek street. No. 1, 6-story hrlck and stone tenement, 25x75; ccst, $24,000; J, Luhrs, owner; Charles Rentz, No. 353 4th ave­nue, architect.

3rd street. No, 60 East, brick, stone and terra cotta 3-family tenement, with store, 23.9x84; cost. $26,000; Weil & Mayer, ND. 35 Nassau street, owners; Schneider & Herter, Bible House, architects.

Central Park West, south side, 25 north of 9Sth street, 5-story brick and stone flat, 25.3x84; cost, $20,000; John Knox McAfee, No. 335 West S4th street, owner; James W. Cole, No. 403 West Slst street, architect (plans only).

West End avenue, southwest corner of SSd street, 7-story apartment house; owner, the Colonial Building Co., which is said to be composed in part of members of the Empire Construction Co., No. 23S Columbus avenue; architect, Henry Anderson, No. IISO Broadway.

Amsterdam avenue, southwest corner 179th street, 5-story brick flat, 25x100; John Shea, owner; Edward Wenz, No. 1491 3d avenue, architect.

IGOth street, OS feet west of Cortlandt avenue, two 4-story brick and stone flats, 25x70 each; G. L. Leyrer, No. 157 Bast 125lli street, owner; Ward Cunningham, No. 505 West 12oth street, architect.

Wendover avenue, southeast corner of Washington avenue. six 5-story brick flats; Emil Goldner, No. 7 Teasdale place, owner; Rudolph Werner, 171st street and 3d avenue, architect.

Boulevard, southwest corner of 102d street, G-story brick and stone apartment house, 96x115; David R. Todd. No. ,'520 Broad­way, owner; Neville Sc Bagge, No. 217 West 125th street, archi­tects.

7th avenue, northwest corner 120th street, two G-story brick and stone apartment houses, 100x200; William G. Webber, 53 West l l l t h street, owner; George P. Pelham, No. 503 Sth avenue, architect.

92d street, south side, 100 feet west of Boulevard, 6-story brick and stone apartment house, 50xSS; Emilio Vigna, No. 338 East 114th street, owner; Neville &. Bagge, No. 217 Viest 125th street, architects.

109th street, 120 feet east of Sth avenue, 5-story 3-famlly flat, 25xS5; Mary McDermott and Nathan Goldstein, No. 144 Mon­roe street, owners and builders; Samuel Sass, No, 23 Park row, architect.

Willett street, Nos. 85 and 87, G-story tenement with stores, 40 xSG; cost, $35,000; Michael and Max Chisling, owners and biiiid­ers; Horenburger & Straub, No. 122 Bowery, architects.

152a street, north side, 185 feet east of Westchester avenue, three 4-story brick flats. 25x75: cost, $15,500 each; Patrick R. Smith, IfiSth street and Mott avenue, and Wm. Holmes. No. G73 East 144th street, owners and builders; W . C. Dickerson, 140th street and 3d avenue, architect.

I."i2d street, north side, 110 feet east of Robbins avenue, three 4-story brick flats. 25x75; cost, $15,500 each; Martin Smith, No. 177 Bast 93d street, owner and builder; W. C. Dickerson, 149th street and 3d avenue, architect,

152d street, north side, 150 feet west of Wales avenue, two 4-story brick flats, 25x75; cost, $15,500 each; Elizabeth McKinley, No. 538 West 122d street, owner; W. C. Dickerson, 149th street and 3d avenue, architect.

DWELLINGS. Union avenue, west side, 150 'feet north of 151st street, five

2-story 2-family frame dwellings, 20x58; cost. $4,000 each; Hofi!-For plans flled see pages GTS and COS.

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide 66r

meister & Snyder, 156th street and Prospect avenue, ownera; W. :;. Dickerson, 149th street and 3rd avenue, architects (plans only.)

178th street, north side, east of Bronx Park avenue, 2-story frame dwelling, 20x28: cost. $3,500; "W. S. Harlan, St. Lawrence avenue, owner; W. C. Dickerson, 149th atreet and__3d avenue, architect.

MISCELLANEOUS. 26th atreet and East River, l-story brick and stone pavilion for

Ihe Insane (Bellevue Hospital). 40x100; cost, $20,000; New York Oity Department of Charities, owner; Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, architects.


IGSth street, No. 9TS East, alteration to dwelling, to consist of new open plumbing; Albert Lohr, on premises, owner; Dodge & Morris, No. 45 Exchange place, architects.

Biackwell's Island, alteration to City Hospital, to cost $15,000; Department of Charities, No. 1 Madison avenue. New York City, owner; Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue. New York City, architects. Bids will be advertised for.

Union avenue. No. T19, new 30-foot front in 3-story dwelling; J. Figliuolo, on premises, owner and builder; Dodge Sc Morrison, No. 45 Exchange place, architects.

ESTIMATES ItECEIVABLB, By the Board of Education, No. 585 Broadway, until Novem­

ber 7, at 4 p. m., for supplying an electric lighting plant for Pub­lic School No. IT, Richmond.

By the Department of Sewers, No. 265 Broadway, until No­vember 16, at 12 m., for rebuilding sewers In Jaraaica. Blank forms of estimate, etc., may be had at the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Sewers, Hackett Building, Jackson avenue, Long Island City,

By the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, No. 34G Broadway, until November 10, at 1 p. m., for repairs and alterations to the municipal building of Brooklyn. PJans may be seen at the office of Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, and blank forms of estimate may be obtained In Room 33, Munic­ipal Building, Brooklyn.

By the Fire Commissioner, No. 157 Eas t 67th street, until No-v<=>mber 16, at 10.30 a. m., for erecting a fire building on the south stle of 12th street, 108.11 west of University place; for a fire building on the north side of Maiden lane, G0.9 east of Pearl street; and for furnishing 40 fire-alarm boxes and 52 keyless doors for fire-alarm boxes for Brooklyn and Queens.

BROOKLTN, West Sth street, west side, 120 feet west of Surf avenue, l-story

frame car shed, 88x240; Coney Island & Brooklyn R. R. Co., De Kalb and Central avenues, owner.

52d street, southwest corner of 3d avenue, four 3-story hrlck and stone stores and flats, 20x76 and 26x62; cost, $33,000; Will­iam McCormick, STth street and 3rd avenue, owner and builder; Thomas Bennett, No. IOS 3rd avenue, architect.

Huron street, 4-story brick and stone apartment house, 32.Gx 80.4; cost, $16,000; J. M. Baker, 27 Har t street, architect.

Lorimer street. No, GGS, 3-story frame tenement, 25x75; cost $6,500; Samuel George, No. GGS Lorimer street, owner; J. M, Baker, No. 2T Har t street, architect.

Prospect place, south side, 100 feet west of Nostrand avenue, flve 4-story brick and stone flats, 20x30; total eost, $80,000; John Fraser, No, 089 Nostrand avenue, owner; Axel Hedman, Arbuckle BuUding, architect.

St. Marks avenue, east of New York avenue. Clarence W, Sea­mans, No, 280 Broadway, N. T. City, has purchased a site for a residence here. The architect has not been selected, but Mont­rose W. Morris, No. 41 Wall street. New Tork City, will possibly prepare the plans.

SOth street, north side, 200 feet west of Sth avenue, fifteen 2-story brick and stone dwellings, 20x50; cost, G,000 each; Chas. Hamilton, No. 271 52d street, owner and builder; Thomas Ben­nett, No. 198 53d street, architect.

JIETROPOLtTAN DISTRICT. Arverne, L. I.—One 2i^-story frame dwelling, 63x57; cost, $10,-

000; A. Stein, owner; Werner Sc Windolph, No. 94 Liberty street, N. Y. City, architects.

Bayswater, L. I.—Alteration to 21^-story frame dwelling; cost, $4,000; Hubert Collis, owner; Werner & Windolph, No. 94 Lib­erty street, N. T, City, architect.

East Williston, L. L—One 2-3tory frame dwelling; cost, $10,-000; Ghas. Edison, owner; Wright & Drewey, Rockviile Centre, L. I., architecta.

Far Rockaway, L. L—Alteration to 2i^-story frame dwelling, to consist of bath and kitchen extension; cost, $1,000; Mrs. Jo­seph Biglin, owner; Werner & Windolph, No. 94 Liberty atreet, N. T. City, architects.

Glendale, L. i.—Three 2-story frame and galvanized iron dwell­ings, 20x40; coat, $3,000 each; N. Schimmel, owner; H. E. Funk, No. 1561 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. T., architect.

- Hyde Park, L. I.—One 2^-story frame rectory, 30x40; cost, $4,-000; Rev. P . H, Murray, owner; Ingle & Almirall. No. S74 Broad­way, N. T. City, architects.

Hempstead, L. I.—One 2i^-story frame dwelling, 25x40; coat, $2,500; M. A. Reilly, owner; C. B. Meyers. No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. City, architect.

Ivanhoe Park, L. I.—Fresh Pond road, 2-story and cellar Wood and galvanized iron flre truck house, 20x50; cost, $3,000; Volun­teer Flre Co.; Glendale, L. I., owner; H. E. Funk, No. 15G1 Broad­way, Brooklyn, N. Y., architect.

Long Island City, L. I.—llfh street, near Ely avenue, four 3-story brick and stone flats, 2.3x61.6; cost, $0,500 each; P. W. Phil­lips, owner; J. M. Baker, No, 27 Har t street, Brooklyn, N. T., architect.—^—Several brick and iron buildings for gas works; purifying house, 140x80; scrubber building, 25x80; condenser house, 80x50; generator house. 21x100; all 45 feet high; Amater­dam Gas Co.. No. 340 3d avenue, N. Y. City, owner; C. S, Miller, Company's Chief Engineer; C. Curtis Woodrulf. mason.——Alter­ation and addition to 3-story frame dwelling; to consist of three stories at rear, new dining room, new billiard room and studio; I. Alexander, owner; W. H. Mersereau, No. 32 Broadway, N. T. City, architect,

New Brighton, S. I.—One 2-story brick and stone stable, 35x35; Otis L. Williams, No. 26 Cortlandt street, N. Y. City, owner; Car-rerre & Hastings, No. 28 Eas t 41st street, N. Y. City, architects.

Wave Crest, L. I.—Alteration and addition to 2i^-story frame dwelling: cost. $4,000; Mrs. Eva N. Foster, owner; Werner Sc Windolph, No. 94 Liberty street, N. Y. City, architects.

Westbury. L, I.—One 2-story frame dwelling and barn; cost. $10,000; William C. Whitney, No. 32 Nassau street, N. T. City, owner; J. E, Aldrich, architect.

Yonkers, N. Y.—South Broadway, two 2M!-story frame dwell­ings. 25x30; cost, $3,500 each; Mackenzie Schiff. owner; A. J. Van Suetendale, architect (plans only). Bronx River road, Sher­wood Park, 2V3-story frame dwelling, 20x26; cost. $3,000; Will­iam C. Cromberg, owner and architect.—-Lee avenue and Sher­wood Park. 2y2-story frame dwelling, 29x31; cost. $3,000; W. E. Andrews, owner; C. R. Knapp. Haines Falls, Ulster County. N. Y., architect. Yonkers and Central avenues, l-story frame sta­ble and barn, will contain 40 box stalls. 38x504; W. H. Clark, No. 15 Wall street, N. Y. City, owner; C. E. Eggelson, architect.

or INTEREST TO THE BUILDING TRADES. F. J. Miller has removed frora 343S 3d avenue to No. 962 Boston"

road. Lawrence & Ringrose, of 3d avenue and 150th street, will re­

move to lhe Metropolis Theatre Building, 3d avenue and 142d street.

The contract for the new flre engine-house at Schofield avenue and Main street, Bronx, has been awarded to John Fury, at $7,997.

The provisions of the Federal Bankruptcy Law, under which creditors may move to have debtors adjudged bankrupts went into effect on Tuesday last.

The conditions in the plumbing trade are at present fair. It Is to he hoped this state of things will continue, although in vj'^w of the comparatively small number of building operations in pros­pect it is feared that the demand for workmen will decrease.

An informal gathering will be held at the Building Trades' Club rooms in the Townsend Building, on the evening of Election Day, when the results of the election will be announced. A special wire has been put in for the purpose, and an attendance of about three hundred members and their friends is expected.

An examination of the last caisson for the new East River bridge, which recently struck bedrock at a distance of 108 feet on the Williamsburg side of the river, was made this week, and it is understood that progress will now be made In beginning the overhead work.

The terms of the architectural competition to be held for the purpose of selecting the plans for the new Mount Sinai Hospital, to be erected on Sth avenue, between 100th and 101st streets, will probably be published in the course of next week. Thehospitalwlll comprise a group of eight buildings, the estimated cost of which will aggregate $1,000,000. Ground will be broken in the spring.

Although the work of changing the motive power of the Third Avenue system to the underground electric trolley began this week, the reconstruction of the power house at Kingsbridge road and 21Gth street will not be commenced before spring. The building, when completed, will furnish the motive power for the entire system. The contract for the improvement Is held by Isaac A. Hopper, No. 219 West 12Sth street.

Although no settlement of the strike in the IvIns Syndicate Building has as yet been effected, the work is progressing with workmen who have replaced the strikers. Up to a few daya ago the portion of the plumbing work left unfinished at the time the strike commenced was the only work Ih the building that was not progressing, but the plumbers have now returned to work, and it Is hoped that the building will be completed without any more interruptions.

The following is a statement of the permits granted for new buildings and alterations In Brooklyn during October, and the es­timated cost of the same: Brick buildings, 171; frame, 27G; totaf buildings. 447; alterations, 225j total number of permits issued, 072. Estimated cost of brick buildings, $1,054,145; estimated cost of frame buildings, $711,228; total estimated cost of all buildings, $1,705,373; estimated cost of alterations, $139,273; to­tal estimated cost, $1,904,G4G; total estimated cost for October, ISOT, $2,114,597; excess in favor of 1897, $209,951.

The Mercantile Exchange of this city met on Wednesday last and adopted a series of resolutions endorsing the purpoaea and work of tbe Merchants' Afliociation of Now Tork. In the Uat of

Record and Guide November 5, 1898.

o the r a s soc ia t ions wh ich h a v e pas sed s imi la r resolut ions , or h a v e t h e m u n d e r cons idera t ion a r e the n a m e s of the A r c h i t e c t u r a l League , the N e w T o r k C h a p t e r of the Amer i can I n s t i t u t e of Arch i tec t s , t he Bui lders ' L e a g u e of N e w York, the A r c h i t e c t u r a l I ron M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' Associat ion, a n d the Tile, G r a t e and Man te l Associat ion.

The following is a c o m p a r a t i v e s t a t e m e n t of the receipts of the D e p a r t m e n t of W a t e r Supply for Croton w a t e r for bu i ld ing p u r ­poses for the m o n t h s n a m e d :

1896. $1,(511.80 January .

February Marcli . . April . . . . May June . . . . July August . . September October . . November December

l.oao.'lo .^,723,IiJ 6,171.20 3,260.65 3.610.90 2,976.70 2,661.55 2,172.66 3,286.66 2.40T.55 2,860.70

1S97. .•62,605.30 3,3T6.:0 3,292.45 5,590.79 3,842.40 4,212.85 4,252.40 3,718.35 3,534,50 4,988.60 3.379.70 4.090.10

1898. li;2.4U4.65 2 095-10 4.612 on 2,.M4.10 3,528.85 2.709 5:) 3,921.95 .^.292.30 :i.352.15 4,8^5.70

Totals .¥36,833.97 $46,833.54 Rate, 10c. per 1,000 bricks. Ttiese flgures include stone work, which is flgurea as brick and lumped

with br ick; and frame houses in 23d and 24th Wards . The DepartmEn: rec­ords, therefore, do not show exact number of bricks paid for, nor do ihs records show the following i tems;

Buildings in which water is used through meter. These a re 'pa id by meter measurement in Meter Depar tment as charges for general consumption.

Buildings in which no Croton is used; well or spring water only being used; no charge.

•Alterations and extensions, using less than 10,000 brick; not charged.


Marble Industry Association, Building Trades' Club, Monday evening, at S o'clock.

Hod Hoisting Association, Building Trades' Club, Monday evening, at 7.30 o'clock.

Mason Builders' Association, Building Trades' Club, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.

Real Estate Market T h e bus iness of t h e p r i v a t e sa les ' m a r k e t h a s been ve ry re­

spec t ab le for an an te -e lec t ion week. T r a n s a c t i o n s in fiats a n d dwel l ings , a n d in p roper t i e s in tended for i m p r o v e m e n t w i th res­ident ia l hous ing , h a v e been the f ea tu re of the m a r k e t . Several o t h e dwel l ings r epo r t ed were of a h igh g rade , as . for example , .NO. 5 E a s t 42d s t r ee t , wh ich sold for ¥120,000; a n d No. 414 Madison avenue , which sold for $75,000. A n a p a r t m e n t house on the co rne r of 85th s t r ee t a n d A m s t e r d a m a v e n u e b r o u g h t $200,000. Besides the fa i r vo lume of bus iness a c t u a l l y t r a n s a c t e d , the week h a s p roduced r u m o r s of nego t ia t ions concern ing a n u m b e r of la rge p roper t i es , including, a m o n g o thers , No. 117 W e s t 42d s t ree t , No . 538 B r o a d w a y , a n d the old Columbia College site. P a c t s like these accoun t for the feeling gene ra l a m o n g rea l es ­t a t e m e n t h a t the m o v e m e n t in the p r i v a t e sa les ' m a r k e t which became mani fes t a t th.3 beg inn ing of October will con t inue to g a t h e r force. T h e to ta l n u m b e r of t r a n s a c t i o n s given below is 43, wi th cons idera t ions given in 15 a m o u n t i n g to $765,550; cor­r e spond ing figures for l a s t week w e r e 44.9 a n d $517,000 respec t ­ively.

T h e following a r e t h e c o m p a r a t i v e t a b l e s for t h e N e w Y o r k Conveyances , M o r t g a g e s a n d P r o j e c t e d Bu i ld ings for the co r r e ­spond ing weeks of 1898 a n d 1897:

CONVEYANCES. 1898. 1897.

Oct. 28 to Nov. 3, Oct. 20 to Nov. 4. inclusive. inclusive.

Total No. for Manhattan and Bronx,. 336 292 Amouni Involved $2,567,116 9:1,795,171 Number uomlnal 176 180 Number. 23d and 24th Wards, omitting uew annexed district (Act 1S95) 98 71

Amount involved $386,757 $203,572 Number nominal 43 42 Number 23d and 24tli Wards, including

new annexed district 112 98 Amount Involved $402,482 $238,972 Number nominal 49 51 Total num.ber of Conveyances, Jan. 1 to

date 12,549 12,490 Total amount of Conveyances, Jan. 1 to

date $84,450,534 ?94,-^04,958 MORTGAGES.

Total No. tor Manhattan and Bronx., 454 343 Amount Involved .?5,123.047 $3,830,415 Number over 5 per cent 221 167 Amount Involved . , , . . $1,850,068 $1,044,855 Number at 5 per cent 155 131 Amoun-t Involved $1,882,229 $1,755,060 Number at less than a per cent 78 45 Amount involved $1,390,750 $1,030,500

Number of above to Banks, Truat ajid Insurance Companies 71 53

Amount involved $1,573,050 $946,150 Total No. Mortgagea. Jan: 1 to da te . . . 14.528 I3,49S Total a:i;onnt Mortgages, Jan, 1 to date $198,881,106 ?177,247,33S

PROJECTED BUILDINGS. Number of New iBulldinga 77 52 Estimated coat $1,127,740 $746,200 Total No. New Bldgs., Jan. 1 to date. .. . 2.857 3,081 Total Amt. New Bldgs., Jan. 1 to date . . . $62,832,016 $71,219,6:i5 Total Amt, Alterations, Jan. 1 to date. $6,157,690 ' $6,490,1S4

T h e a p a t h y u s u a l In t h e auc t ion m a r k e t immedia te ly before an election w a s m a r k e d th i s week. T h e r e w a s only one parce l sched­uled for v o l u n t a r y sale, name ly . No. 512 W e s t E n d avenue , by B r y a n L. Kennel ly , a n d th is w a s w i t h d r a w n . Of the proper t i es OfEered In foreclosure proceedings , few were of a n a t u r e to in­vi te compet i t ion . T w o parce ls , more a t t r a c t i v e t h a n t h e ave rag e ,

were w i t h d r a w n a n d disposed of a t p r i v a t e sale—No. 13 E a s t so th s t ree t , and No. 32 W e s t 75th s t ree t , bo th of wh ich had been billed for public sale by R i c h a r d V. H a r n e t t . A th i rd parcel , No. 423 141st s t reet , on the n o r t h e a s t corner of H a m i l t o n t e r race , which w a s to h a v e been sold on Monday by P e t e r F . Meyer, w a s disposed of a t p r i v a t e t r e a t y l a s t week. T h e foreclosure sale by J a m e s L. W^ells, of the p r o p e r t y belonging to L e w i s S. Samuel , a t H u n t ' s Po in t , in the 23d W a r d , w a s the p n n c i p a l event of the week. T h e p rope r ty comprised 117 lots, offered in seven parce ls , five of wh ich wen t to the plaintiff. The sale of ten of the dwell­ings buil t by the la te George J. H a m i l t o n , on E d g e c o m b e a n d Sth a v e n u e s a n d 13Sth and 139th s t ree t s , resu l ted in a deflciency of abou t $24,000. I t is sa id t h a t pr ior to the sa le a responsible offer w a s m a d e to t h e execu to r s to rel ieve t h e m of l iabi l i ty on the m o r t g a g e bond for $12,000, an offer which they were , however , unab le to accept . No. 13 W e s t 113th s t reet , S t rong & I r e l and , auc t ioneers , w a s w i t h d r a w n . T h e r e were no a d j o u r n m e n t s to da t e s beyond the coming week.

D . P h o e n i x I n g r a h a m , o n T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 15,will sell in fore­c losure Nos. 813 to 323 E a s t 22d s t ree t , a 5 - s to ry br ick fac to ry building, w i th a plot 150.8x98.9, and engines , boilers, macb ine ry , etc . T h e bu i ld ing is capab le of sub-d iv is ion into s epa ra t e " fac­tories . L ibera l t e r m s a r e promised to buye r s . P o r p a r t i c u l a r s see a n n o u n c e m e n t in ou r bus iness pages . Maps m a y be h a d a t the auc t ionee r ' s offlce, No. 11 B r o a d w a y , or of Ju l i u s J. and A. Lyons , a t t o r n e y s . No. 520 B r o a d w a y .

B ind your copies of the "Record and Guide . " They a re in­va luab le for sea rch a n d reference. We will e i the r b ind y o u r copies in Y2 sheep for $1.75 a volume, or in Y2 morocco for $2,00 a volume, or s u p p l y you wi th h a n d y b inders , which you can use yourself, for $1.00, p o s t a g e n ine teen cents . "Record a n d Guide" office, 14 and 16 Vesey s t ree t .

Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF 59TH S T R E E T .

University place, southeast corner of 12th street, old building, 50xS2x irregular; seller, estate of G. W. Tucker; buyer, Meyer S. Auerbach; brokers, M. & L. Hess; price, $100,000.

Sullivan street, Nos. 31-35, old buildings, 60x100; seller, estate of Josephine L. Peyton, brokers, William A. White & Sons.

42d street, No. 5 East, 5-story brown stone dwelling 30x100.5; seller, Sniffln estate; buyer, Daniel B. Freedman, No. 7, adjoining, a 4-story dwelling on a lot of the same size, sold in ISSl for $70,000. The price in the present sale is reported to be $120,000.

Madison avenue. No. 414. 4-story dwelling, 24x95; seller, J. Hooker Hamersley; brokers, Pease & Elliman; price about $75,000.

Goerek street, Nos. 110-116, old buildings, 80x61; sellers, Isaac Harris and others; buyers, Lowenfeld & Prager.

10th street. No. 29 East, old building, 25.5x95; seller, Mrs. Mar­tha H. De Coster; buyers, I. S. & M, S. Korn; brokers, J. Leslie Van Sant.

3d street. No. 60 East, old building, 22.9x100; buyers. 'Weil & Mayer.

1st avenue. No. 332, 4-story building; seller, L. S. Marx; price, $15,500. The seller bought the property in 1895 for $17,725.

Rivington street, No. 345, old building, 22x80; seller, estate of Nathan Clark; brokers, B. M. Strauss & Co.

19th street, Nos. 134-136 West, old buildings, 43.6x100; seller, Hagen estate; buyers, Mandelbaura & Lewine. - 50th street, No. 315 East, 3-story and basement dwelling, 16.8x

100; seller. Elizabeth J. Goldner, who takes in part payment a farm of 220 acres at Westbrookville, Sullivan Co., N. T.; broker, J. Varnum Graham; price, about $13,000.

35th street, Nos. 41S-420 West, old buildings, 50x98.9; seller, V. J. Pappe; broker, John Davis.

45th street. No. 319 West. SVa-story dwelling. 20x100.5; J. Ed­gar Leaycraft has sold this property.


3d avenue, northwest corner of Slst street, old frame buildings, 51.10x93; sellers, Heilner & Woif; buyer, Lorenz P. J. Wieher, Jr.

Exterior street from 6Sth to GSth street, plot of 15 lets and two gores, extending westerly to within 348 feet of Avenue A; sellers. Augustus N. Morris and Caroline Schulthaius; buyer. The Cen­tral Brewing Company; brokers, John F. Doyle Sc Sons. The sellers owned the entire block, Mr. Morris having hought the twenty-six lots comprising the southerly half of the block in 1S7S for $50,000; the northerly half was bought by the other seller in 1890. The buyers will improve.

97th street. No. 210 East, 4-story tenement 27x65x100.11; seller, George H. Storm; broker, John Armstrong.

136th street, No. 156 West. 3-story dwelling; seller. Alexander McDonald; brokers. Hall J. How & Co,

Sth avenue, southwest corner of 124th street, 4-story brick hotel, 25.11x75; seller, John McGarry; price, $50,000.

SOth street, No. 13 East, 4-story dwelling. 21x100; seller, estate of Anne Bishop; buyer, a Mr. Haas ; brokers, L. J. Phillips & Co.; price, $36,000.

Amsterdam avenue, northwest corner of 166th street, 5-story three-family fiat, 25x96x100; seller, William Wetterer; buyer, a Mr. Westcott; brokers, Charles E. Schuyler & Co.

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide 663

88th s t ree t . No, 335 Wes t , 4 - s to ry dwell ing, 20x60x100; seller, Wi l l i am Buh le r ; broker , Alfred V. A m y .

5 th avenue , Nos. 1346-1348, t w o 5-s tory flats; seller, S. W . B. Smi th .

75th s t ree t , No. 32 Wes t , 4 - s to ry dwell ing, 20x00x102,2; seller, A n d r e w L i t t l e ; b rokers , S lawson & H o b b s ; pr ice $30,000.

TSth s t reet , No. 58 E a s t , 3 - s to ry dwell ing, 20x45x100; seller, a Mrs. Sohn; b rokers . P o s t & Reese..

SSth s t reet , No . 119 E a s t , 3 - s to ry dwell ing, 20x100; seller, Rev . S t ephen A. W i s e ; buyer , Dan ie i B. F r e e d m a n .

L a w r e n c e s t ree t , No. 13, 2 -s to ry f r a m e dwelling, 25xl30x2Sx 117; seller, P e t e r J. McCoy; buyer , H e r m a n K e r t s c h e r ; b roker , D a v i d S t ewar t .

M S t h s t ree t . Nos . 531, 533 a n d 537, t h ree 3-s tory dwel l ings; seller, H e n r y C. B r y a n ; buye r s , Leonard , George W . a n d Lou i s H y a m s ; b roker , D a v i d S t e w a r t .

Sth av, No. 1388, n e a r l l l t h s t ree t , 5-s tory double flat, 25x100, w i th s to re s ; seller, Louis D. L e v y ; broker , C. P . W . J o h a n n i n g . T h e seller b o u g h t t h e p r o p e r t y in September , for $27,600, a n d is r epo r t ed to h a v e resold a t a b o u t $30,000. No . 1386 ad jo in ing w a s t r ans f e r r ed th i s week for $28,500.

76th s t ree t . No. 50 E a s t , 4 - s to ry dwell ing, 15x102.2; seller, A n n a M, Somervil le.

Sth avenue , No. 2288, 5 - s to ry bui lding, 25.9x100; seller, Lou i s H e i n s o t h ; b roker , S. A. Stone.

A m s t e r d a m avenue , n o r t h w e s t corner of 85 th s t ree t , 5-s tory flat, 70x102.2; seller, Louise Schwegler ; buyer , George P . D u y ; b rokers , R. P e h l e m a n n & Son; price, a b o u t $200,000.

112th s t ree t , No. 119 E a s t , 3 - s to ry dwel l ing. 20x50x100; seller, a Mr. S i lve rb la t t ; buyer , a Mr. Doniger ; b rokers , J. P . & E . J. M u r r a y ; price, a b o u t $13,750.

120th s t ree t . No . 328 E a s t , 2 - s to ry a n d b a s e m e n t b r ick dwell­ing, 21.10x50x100; seller, a Mrs . B r o w n ; buyer , O, M u r p h y ; b rok­ers , J, P . & E . J, M u r r a y ; price, a b o u t $8,000.

THE BRONX. 3d avenue . No. 3709, 4 - s to ry br ick flat w i th s tores , 26.6x75x95;

seller, George Sto l tz ; b roke r s , Bo rgs t ede & K l e n k e ; pr ice. $20,000. 135th s t reet , sou th side, 346.6 wes t of Wil l i s avenue , f r a m e

dwell ing, 20x100; sellers, S e h m u c k Sc M o n t a g ; b rokers , Bo rgs t ede & Klenke .

Union avenue , e a s t side, 50 feet sou th of 161st s t reet , 100x100, v a c a n t ; seller, J. H . B o r g s t e d e ; b roke r s , Bo rgs t ede Sc K l e n k e ; price, a b o u t $16,000.

T r i n i t y avenue , s o u t h e a s t corner of 163d s t r ee t ; seller, George J. Fe rn sch i i d ; b rokers , Bo rgs t ede & K l e n k e .

B a t h g a t e avenue , n o r t h e a s t corner of 174th s t ree t , v a c a n t ; se l ­lers, M c D e r m o t t & Cur ley ; b rokers , L e i t n e r & M a r k s .

Beacon s t ree t , n o r t h w e s t corner of Classon avenue , dwel l ing; seller, A lbe r t L a m o t h e , who t a k e s in exchange a t $500 lot No. 2S4 Mapes e s t a t e ; buyer , D a v i d L a m o n d ; broker , Char l e s H . Baech le r ; pr ice. $3,300.

139th s t ree t , n o r t h side, 250 eas t of St. Ann ' s avenue , 200x100, v a c a n t ; seller, W i l l i a m R a n k i n ; broker , Mr. Axelrod. T h e seller b o u g h t these lots a t auc t ion in Apri l for $16,250. H e is now t a k ­ing off the rock. T h e pr ice for the resa le is r epo r t ed to be $33,600, wi th a loan.

W e b s t e r avenue , Nos . 1353. 1355, two 4 - s to ry double flats, 25x 70x90 e a c h ; seller, a Mr. S t a c k ; b rokers , W . P . & C. H . Smi th ; price, a b o u t $30,000.

B a t h g a t e a v e n u e . No. 1037, 3-s tory single flat, on lot 25x120; seller. E d w a r d All iger; b roke r s , W . F . & C. H . Smith .

153d s t ree t . No. 626 E a s t , old bui lding, 25x100; seller, H e n r y Diehl, execu to r ; buyer , J a m e s F . M e e h a n ; h roke r , J o h n A. E g a n . T b e buyer will improve .

C a m b r e l i n g avenue , w e s t side, 90 feet no r th of lS7 th s t reet , 60x 100, v a c a n t ; seller, B a r t h o l o m e w Reil ly; buyer , Tony Ca to r i ; broker , J o h n A. E a g a n . T h e b u y e r will improve .

Cambre l ing avenue , eas t side. 200 feet no r th of lS7 th s t ree t , 50x87, v a c a n t ; seller, a Mr. Weissbacker ; buyer , Char l e s Wolff: broker . J o h n A. E g a n .


T h e fol lowing a r e t h e c o m p a r a t i v e t ab l e s for t h e B r o o k l y n Conveyances , 'Mor tgages a n d P ro j ec t ed Bu i ld ings for t h e co r r e ­spond ing w e e k s of 1898 a n d 1897:

CONVEYANCES. 1898. 1897.

Oct, 28 to Nov. 3, Oct. 29 to Nov. 4. Inclusive. inclusive.

Total niumber 344 332 Amount Involved $C33,2G1 $554,i;51 Number nominal 192 205 Total number of Conveyances, Jan. 1 to

date 12,834 13,100 Total amount of Conveyances, Jan. 1 to

date $20,330,323 $22,296,520 MORTGAQES.

Total number 311 283 Amount Involved $1,049,561 $687,62'! Number over 5 per cent 125 101 Amount Involved $.543,045 - $263,58^ Number at 5 per cent, or less 18R 182 Amount Involved .¥706,.'il6 $724,040 Total No. Mortgagea, Jan. 1 to date. ., 10.84. 10,-I6r. Total amount Mortgages, Jan. 1 to date .$70,940,998 $39,925,741

PROJECTED BUILDINGS. Number o( New Buildings 99 38 Estimated coat $596,485 $122.5ns Total No. 'New Bldga., Jan. 1 to date. 2,918 2,955 Total Amt. New Bldga., Jan, 1 to date. $13,119,803 $12,385,906 Total Amt. Alterationa, Jan. 1 to date. $1,371,130 $1,413,438


De Blois & E l d r i d g e h a v e leased for t h e W h i t i n g E s t a t e to H a r ­old Brown, of Newpor t , E . I., t he dwel l ing No. 382 5 th avenue .

G u s t a v e L. M o r g e n t h a u h a s leased lor ten y e a r s , from M a y next , from the t r u s t ee s of A n n a R. Morris , No. 244 W e s t 125th s t ree t , which adjoins a p rope r ty Mr. M o r g a n t h a u owns a n d r e ­cent ly a l t e red into a d ry -goods s tore . The- p r o p e r t y now leased will be a l t e red when possession is obta ined.


No. 117 W e s t 42d s t reet , owned by the e s t a t e of George TT Pease , is r epor ted sold a t about .t;92,000.

T h e H a m m e r s t e i n A m u s e m e n t Co. h a v e ob ta ined a bu i ld ing loan of $30,000 from H e r m a n W r o n k o w for the erect ion of the new t h e a t r e a t 7 th avenue a n d 42d s t ree t .

Roswel l P . F l o w e r h a s t aken tit le to No. 599 5 th avenue , the cons idera t ion s t a t ed being $160,000. At t h e t ime of s ign ing con­t r a c t s the price w a s repor ted as a b o u t $151,000. T h e seller paid $72,750 for the p rope r ty in 1877.

No, 53S B r o a d w a y , a 5-s tory bu i ld ing on lot 25x110, owned by the e s t a t e of N. D. Higgins , a n d for which Mr. H i g g i n s pa id $60,-000 in 1878, is r epor ted sold a t $110,000. No. 536, adjoining. 25x100, w a s sold a t auc t i on in 1896 for $110,250, a n d Nos. 532, 534, 50x100, were sold a t p r i v a t e sale in 1S96 for $235,000, and h a v e s ince been improved wi th m o d e r n bui ld ings .

I t is r epor ted t h a t negot ia t ions a r e ve ry nea r ly completed for the sa le of the Columbia College s i te a t Madison avenue , from 49th to 50th s t ree t s . I n connect ion w i th th i s r epor t it is s t a t ed t h a t if the sale goes t h r o u g h the Madi son avenue f ront will be improved wi th h igh class dwell ings, a n d t h a t the two co rne r s will be occupied by gen t lemen p r o m i n e n t in rea l e s t a t e circles.

S tephen F a r r e l y , a m e m b e r of the Commi t t ee on Site for t h e R o m a n Cathol ic Or.ohan Asy lum, s t a t e s t h a t t h e y a re no n e a r e r a decision as to the new si te for the a s y l u m t h a n t hey w e r e six m o n t h s ago. A g r e a t n u m b e r of si tes h a v e been offered, a n d he s t a t e s t h a t the n u m b e r u n d e r cons idera t ion is n e a r e r th i r t een t h a n th ree , the n u m b e r s t a t e d in c u r r e n t r epor t s . A plot in t h e H u n t ' s P o i n t sect ion is said to be rece iv ing favorab le cons idera ­t ion.

An i m p o r t a n t mee t ing of the H o u s e a n d Rea l E s t a t e Owner s ' Associa t ion of the 12th and 19th W a r d s w a s held a t the assoc ia ­tion rooms, No. 1591 2d avenue , T h u r s d a y even ing of th i s week. T h e fai lure of the city to begin w o r k on Ex te r io r s t ree t , t he p r o ­jec ted s t r ee t which is to r u n a long the E a s t R i v e r from 64th to S l s t s t ree t , w a s the lead ing subject of d iscuss ion before the mee t ­ing. The a s s e s s m e n t on ad jo in ing p rope r ty owne r s w a s pa id In by the 1st of November , a y e a r ago. while the c i ty h a s done n o t h ­ing to app ly t h i s money to i ts in tended use. T h e counsel for t h t associa t ion , Mr. Adolph Bloch, w a s directed to d r a w up a resolu­tion for t h e in t roduc t ion into the Munic ipal Council p rov id ing for an official inqu i ry a s to w h y work on the s t r ee t h a s not been com-n 'enced. H e w a s also in s t ruc ted to p r e p a r e a resolut ion to p ro ­vide for g r a d i n g and pav ing 8)^d and 84th s t r e e t s f rom E a s t E n d a v e n u e to the E a s t River . I t w a s repor ted to the mee t ing t h a t Chief E n g i n e e r Birdsal l , of the D e p a r t m e n t of W a t e r Supply, in Answer to r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s from a commi t t ee , p romised speedy relief from the w a t e r f amine which h a s preva i led in the s t r e e t s eas t of 3d avenue , the famine be ing due to the i n a d e q u a c y of t h e s u p p l y - m a i n for these s t r ee t s .


J. C a s m e n t o & Co.. of No . 160 5 th avenue , m a n u f a c t u r e r a of p las t ic s la te rooflng. r epor t a g rowing d e m a n d on the p a r t of a rch i t ec t s , bu i lders a n d owners for plas t ic s l a t e rooflng. T h e y a r e ac t ive ly e n g a g e d in r ecove r ing old t in and s l a t e roofs in t h e lower p a r t of the city w i th p las t ic s la te rooflng, and h a v e recen t ly covered w i th the s a m e m a t e r i a l roofs of Nos. 155 a n d 137 W e s t 34 th s t r ee t . 109th s t r e e t a n d Cen t ra l P a r k Wes t , a n d 95th s t r e e t a n d Rivers ide Dr ive , a n d a re now engaged roofing three houses on 117th s t r ee t , n e a r Morn ings ide P a r k , for Bui lder J u d s o n L a w -son. P l a s t i c s l a t e does not sof ten u n d e r the influence of hea t , or c r ack from cold, a n d affords a w a t e r a n d fireproof cover ing . I t is l ight in weight , does no t re­qui re pa in t ing , wiil not corrode, a n d is g u a r a n t e e d for a te rm of yea r s . C i rcu la r s and e s t i m a t e s for new or old w o r k will be sen t on app l ica t ion to J. Casmen to & Co., the oldest firm In the bus i ­ness , a t the above -men t ioned add re s s .

ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. T h e young and en te rp r i s ing firm of P o s t h a u e r & DIcht ing, who,

a y e a r ago. commenced bus iness a t the o ld-es tabl i shed a r ch i t ec ­t u r a l iron works . No. 422 E a s t 4Sth s t ree t , h a v e had a very busy year , a n d executed sa t i s fac to r i ly m a n y i m p o r t a n t con t r ac t s . An except ional ly speedy a n d u n i q u e job w a s executed in 15 d a y s a t Nos. 763 a n d 765 Co lumbus avenue , where a can t i l ever bridge w a s erected to c a r r y two 12-inch l ight sha f t walls , a f t e r p l ans by Arch i t ec t G. A. Schel lenger . T h e flrm suppl ied all the Iron work, inc luding beams , s t a i r work, e leva tor enclosures a n d ra i l ­ings for the s even - s to ry br ick a n d s tone a p a r t m e n t house Nos. 28 and 30 W e s t 12Sth s t ree t , and for t h ree 50-foot f ront s ix-story flats, on 92d s t ree t , n e a r Cen t ra l P a r k W e s t . They also furnished all the iron work for a block of five flve-story flats, on 102d s t reet , be tween 3d a n d Brook avenues , for Thos . Over ington. All or­ders receive careful a t t e n t i o n f rom s t a r t to finish.

Record and Guide MJ.HCtihLANICO US.

November 5, 1898.


CHAS. F. MCKENNA, PH.D 221 Pear l Btreet, New T o r k City.

CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL LABORATORIES. Tes t s ot Materials made Daily on 100,000 lbs.

S tandard Machine. Cement Inspection syatematized for large works .

Telephone, 1973 Cort landt .

A U C T I O N S A L E S O F T H E W E E K .

Tbo folloiviug are the sales t ha t have taken place dur ing the week ending Nov. 4. ISOS. a l New York Real Es ta te Salesroom, 111 Broadway, fxcept where o therwise s ta ted.

• Ind ica tes t ha t the property described has been l)id iQ for the plaint iH's account.

This list does not include propert ies bid in or withdrawn by the owners .

GEO. R. RBAD. *^Vashmgtou st, Nos 301 to 39o|s e cor H u b e r t • H u b e r t St. Nos 27 to 33 j st, r u u s e T9.9

X s 50 X w 9.0 X s 25 X w 70 to Washington st, X u T J to beginnins , 6-sty brk store and lofts. (Amt due $46,976; sub to mor t $100,-000. and taxes, &c, $1,105.50.) Chas A Pea­body. J r . . . . $110 ,000

P E T E R F . M E Y E R Se CO. * : u t h at, No I U . s s, GOO e Tlh-av, 25x98.9, 8-

Kty b rk store. (.^nU due .f25.420; sub to morl ¥100,000, aud taxes. See, 1?1,300.) Sam­uel Heymau 129,SS3 i

T i th St. No 215. u s. 18S e 3d av, 22x102.2. 4-Hty brk teuem't . (Sub to taxes, See, ^150; part i t iou.) I rv ing I Kempner 3,100

"Kdgecombe av. No 06, s e cor laSth st . I S . l l x S j , 3-sly brk dwell 'g . (Amt due .I;lo.l04; sub lo taxes, See, $494.20.) The Germania Life Insurance Co 14,100

'Edgecombe av, Nos 90 to 04, e s, 18.11 s l a inh st, 3 lots, each 18x35, three 3-sty brk ilwell 'gs. (Amt due $14,061 on each; sub to taxes , SeC. ?390.2ii on each.) Same 32,750

"Edgecombe av. No SO. e s, 00.11 n ISSth st, 1SX.S5. (Amt due g^U.Ofil; sub to taxes, See, ?411.G0.) Same 11,200

•Edgecombe av. Nos 78 and SO, e s, 18.11 n loSth St. two lots, each lSx85. two 3-sty brk dwel l 'gs . (Amt due $14,061 on each; sub to laxes, Sec, $300.45 on each.) Same 21,500

*i:i8th St. No .S23. u s, 85 e Edgecombe av, ^7.6x99.11. 3-sty brk dweH'g. (Amt due $11,-075; sub to taxes, &c. §32,8.80.) Same..11,SOO

• i ; i8 th St. No 311, n s, 190 e Edgeeambe av, 17.Cx09.ll, 3-sty brk dwell 'g. (Amt due $11.-075; sub to taxes. Sec, $500.) Sarae 11,600

loSth st, No 309, n s, 207.0 e Edgecombe av. 17.6x09.11. 3-sty brk dwell 'g . (Amt due $11,-075; sub to taxes , SeC. $328.S0.) Charles Kruse 11.750

R I C H A R D V. H A R N E T T Se CO. *Is t av. No 2205. n w cor l l S t h st . 25x75. 5-

Ety brk s tore and tenem' t . 25,500 •*U8th St. No 349. u s. 75 w 1st av, 25x50. 5-

sty b rk t euem' t wilh stores. (Ami due $6.-S35; sub to mor t s *2S,000. and laxes. See, $2,403.) Amanda Wolff 11.400

B. L. K E N N E L L V . l l S l h El, No 20, s s, 33 w Madison av. 27x100.11,

5-sty brk flat. ( . \rat due $2,556; sub to laxes. ftc, $241.20; prior mort , $25,000.) Max H a r l . party iu interest 2S,020

A. H. M U L L E R & CO. *Krojit El, Nos 2S',i and 30, n s, GG.8 e Broad st,

37.11x70.0x37.8x73.9, two 4-sly brk s tores . (Amt due .$25,474; sub to ta.\es. See, $572.06.) Tacie McHarper et nl exrs, See. of F le t che r W Harpe r 26,000

W. K E N N E L L Y .

45Ui st, Nos 535 to 547. r s, 200 e l l l h av, 123x 100.5, 1-sty brli building, 2-stv brk office ;iud 1-sty [ rams building, sheds. See, s toueyard. (Amt due $27,6:il; sub to taxes, See, $610.80.) Barney Shanley 30,200

Lexington av. Nos 1030 and 1932. s w cor 119th st, 5i,G.ilO, two 5-sty brk s tores aud Bats. (Amt due $43,845; sub to taxes, &.c, $887.10.) S Ashner 52.100

•70th s l . Nos 501 to 509, n s, 9S e Av A, 125x lOO.j. 5-sty brk molding mill. 1-sty frame s tables sheds Sec. {Ami due $37,188; sub to laxes , &c, $3,10S.) Union Dime Savings IQ-st i lut ion -. 32,400


*)iolIman st . No 2381, n s, 527 e 3d av, 23x 100, 2-sty b rk building. (Amt due $3,883; sub lo taxes, Sec, $103.75.) Hebrew Mutual Bene­fit Societv 4-000

*137th St. No C61. s s. 98 e Willis av. 27x100, 5-sty brk flat. (Amt due .$20,920; sub to taxes,y See, $1,078.85.) Will iam Jay a subst i tu te jK t rus tee under deed ot t r u s t by F lo rence -^1 Burrowes (now Bagnell) .,.:'20,000

JAMES L. W E L L S . , ^ - ' '

•Anthony av, w s. 'OS n Southern Bouleffarfl. 44.10 to land oC Jerome P a r k Railroad, x78.5 x:{!i. 11x70.10. (Ami due $873; sub to taxes, & <

,$25.) Henry 3 Trenchard ^-.<.800 ' 'Fai le Et, s w cor Gilbert pl, r u n s s 100 x w

150 ,\ n 75 X w 113.7 to H u n t ' s Point road, x n 21.2 to Gilbert pl, x e 21.8 x c 275.10 to hrgi i ihing, except par t taken !ar widening oE H u n t ' s Point road, vacant . Na than S HarJ,_ and ano as t rustees 4,750

'P i i i le St. e 3. 200 n Lafayet te av, 214 .7x2u3 .8xy 253x200, stone buiidiug. Same G,_O0O

"Lafayet te av. n i cor Bryan t st, 200 to Long­fellow st, x503x203.8x46-1.7, frame shed. Same

10,000 •Lafave t t e av, n e cor Longfellow st . r uns e 50

X 11 100 X o 150 to Whi t t i e r st, x n 307.10 x w r.O.O x n w 132.5 x w 70.6 to Longfellow st, / X s 514,7 to beginning, vacaut . Same . . . 4 ,725

' L a f a y e t t e av, s w cor Bryant st, r uus s 105.7 X w 46.2 X -51111 w 5.8 X u w 154 to s s La­fayette av, X e K>1. vacant . Same 2.500

Lafayel le av, s w cor' Whl t l ler s l . 2O0.x93.1x 1^00.1x09.9. vacant . E A Roll ins 2,2^


128 W E S T 33D STREBT, N B W YORK. „ , , . 5 128 West 33d Street . , p , , Qi i .qsfh W o r k s : \ ^ 3 ^ -^^^^ y^d Street . ^ ^ ' • ' ^ " - ^ ' " ' ^


Edward V. Loew, Prea. and Gen. Manager .



Loans money on bond and mor tgage on good ci ty real es ta te . F i r s t -c lass bonds and mor tgages a lways on hand for sale to inves tors .

Examines and Guaran tees Tit les to Real Es ta t e .



ALL NOW READY. Complete set, e ight volumes, wi th owners '

names , $200. Single volumes, $35. W r i t e (or fur ther par t i cu la rs .

I . A. L E F E V R E , 29 Broadway.


Management of Bus iness Proper ty ft Specialty.


(Central Bank Bui lding) .

$ 4 , 4^2 & 5% <h

M O N E Y T O L O A N , M? OWNERS of Real E s t a t e hav ing mor tgages

past due or ma tu r ing can obtain l iberal loans at a low ra te of in te res t and a t small espense .


174 I i roaawa.y, Kew York ,

Lafayet te av, s w cor Longfellow st, 200 to Bryan t st. xl01.2x219.2x92.9, vacant . (Ami due on this and G preceding parcels, $30,429; taxes. See. $L7(;2-86.) Same 2,950

Prospecl st, s e cor Main st, 50x100, City Is land. 2-sly frame dwell 'g . (Amt due $1,917; sub to taxes, See, §29.40.) F redk H Seacord. .2,250


•94th sl. No 55. n s, 4S5 w Centra l P a r k West , 20x100.8, 3-sty s tone front dwell 'g . (Amt due $7,0-13; sub to m o n $16,000, and taxes . Sec, $201.30.) Iva G Hicks admrx . & c . . . . . .19,817

Total $048,054 Corresponding week, 1897 .$188,782 Jan 1, 1898, to date $22,91(5.432 Correspondiug period, 1897 $30,582,000




116 W E S T 42D S T R E E T .

Telephone, 785 38th Street .

JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS, Real E s t a t e A g e n t s , Brokers and Appra i se r s ,

NO. 45 WILLIAM ST., N B W YORK CITY. Management of E s t a t e s a Specialty.

H ighes t References.

John P . Doy le . John F .Doyle , J r . ,Al f red L. Doyle.



AMSTERDAM AVENUE AND 168TH STRBBT. Telephone, 174 Highbr idge .

M^H, RAUBITSGHEK, 18!l B R O A D W A Y , K o o n i 1 .

Vacan t and improved proper ly cons tant ly bought , sold and exchanged.

Establ ished 1882. Telephone, 4323 Cort landt .


906 Columbus Avenue , n e a r 104th Street ,

Telephone, 452 Columbus. New York.

Establ ished 1887.




lo5 BROADWAY, near Liber ty Street . Tel. , 848 Cort landL

I ARKIN & O'DONNELL, Real Es ta te nnd Loan Brokers ,

6 Wall Street . 1474 Madison Avenue.

1762 Amste rdam Avenue.

Personal Supervision Given to Care ol Es ta tes .

| y | O N E Y




4, 4%. 5 and C per cent, for New York, Long Is land and New Jersey.

Bui lding Loans a Specialty.

W , H . F O S S , 10 Wal l Street.

1 eiepbone, 157!) Cortlandt.

Wherever the let ters Q. C , C. a. G. and B. & S. occur, preceded by the name o£ the grautee , they mean as follows:

1st—Q. C. is 3u r.bbreviation for Quit Claim deed. i. c . a deed wherein all the r ight, t i t le and interes t of tha g ran to r is conveyed, omit t ing a',1 covenants or w.irrr.nty.

" i l ^ C . n. G. means ,1 deed containing Cove­nant agains t Gran tc r o;i:y. iu which he covenants tha t he ha th not done any ac t whereby the es­t a t e conveyed can bs impeached, charged or en­cumbered.

3d—B. Se S. is an abbreviat ion for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein , a l though the seller m a k e s no express covenants , he real ly g ran t s or con­veys the proper ty for a valuable consideration, and thus impliedly claims to be the owner of it. The s t ree t and avenue n u m b e r s given in these l is ts are, in all cases, taken from the Insurance maps when they are not mentioned in the deeds. The numbers , il will i :;casio.nally be found, do not correspond with tho exis t ing ones, owing to , there having bscn no official designation maije' of them by tbe DeiJ^rlnient oE Piibiii' Works .

B O R O T T G H O F M A N H A T T A N . ' ^

October 2S . 29 . 3 1 . Nov . 1 . 2 , 3 .

B roome st. No 2 8 8 , n s, a b t 2 3 e E l d r i d g e s t , - ' ' 28 .7x102 .7x23 .3x102-4 , 3-sty b rk and I ' rame s to re and l e n e m ' t wi lh 3 - s ty b rk t e u e m ' t on r ea r . F r e d e r i c k Care l l to H a r ­r i s and A b r a h a m Cohen. Mor i $13-000 . Nov 1. 19 ,000

Broome st . No oOli, n s, 4.3.5 w L a u r e n s s t , ( a s w idened a n d c h a n g e d to Sou th . i ih av a n d ^ l a t e r to W e s t B r o a d w a y ) , 2] .0xSU, 3 - s i v > r k s to r e . .Mber ta V a l l e a u to S a r a h .\ Grfflin. R e l e a s e dower . 1-3 p a r t , Oct 10. Co r r ec t s e r r o r in l a s t i s sue , 150

M i i a l s t , Nos 230 , 2 4 1 and 2 4 3 . n w cor / C e n t r e s t . P a r t y wal l ag ree raen t . P e t e r . - '

a n d J a c o b Lor i l l a rd a s f r t i s tees u n d e r w-'fU of P e l e r Lor i l l a rd for Lou is L L o r i l l a r d w i lb P e l e r and Louis L L o r i i l a ; J as i r u s t e e s u n d e r said will for Jacob i . o r i l ' a r i . Aug ?i.

nona •<^ather iue s t , No 3 7 . e s. 4(1 n Madison eL.

27 .Lx l0 . ' . 7x2Tx]O2 .S , O-siy ;)rk f c n ^ m wi th s i o r e s . Michael F y y and . . 'Will , l a m S tacom to J o b u K and Michael Keogh . -Mort $3 ,000 . Uct 2S. ijO.OflO

C h e r r y st . No 2 1 , s s. a b t 270 w R o o i i c v l t l s t , 23 .9x102 .6 . I


EXCLUSIVELY. 135 BR0ACf7AY, Telephone, 165 Cortlandt.

FDWIN B. WILLCOX, 5 0 3 F i f t h A v e u u c , c o r . 4 2 d S t i u e t .

5 0 L i b e r t y S t r e e t . K E A L E S T A T K

B o u g h t , Sold. Exc i i i i uged , Kei i ted. L o a n s a n d Mortgagres.

/ ^ h e r r y st. No 17 , s s, a b t 3 1 0 w P.DOsevehl St. 1

C h e r r y s t . No 1 9 , s s. ab t 2 9 3 . 9 -v R O O ^ R - I -^ v e l t St. " I

T l i r ee 4 - s t y f r a m e s t o r e s and tenem't.^,| w i t h 4 a n d 5 - s t y b r k t e u e m ' t s on rea r , | J o b n W Hea ly to Mary H e a l y h i s wife.

• Mor t s .'i;i9,000. Oct 2 9 . nora C h e r r y s t , No G3, s e s, 1 4 5 s w J a m e s cl ip,

20x63 .7x19 .11x63 .7 , 3 - s t y b r k s t o r e and t e n e m ' t . J o h n W Hea ly to Mary -A-ife cf

_, J o h n W Hea ly . Mor t $3 ,500 . Oct 29 . n o m - C h e r r y s t , No 4 1 2 . n s . a b t 3 1 0 e S c a m m e l

St. 2 1 . 5 x 9 7 . 4 , 2-s ty f r ame (brk f ront) s t o r e and t e n e m ' t . Miles B r a d l e y to I s i d o r e Jac l t son . Oct 19 . n o m

C h r i s t o p h e r s t . No 2 2 , s s. 9 4 e "Waverley pl . lOxf j l . 8x19 .10x67 .4 , 1-sty f r a m e s t a b l e . F o r e c l o s . F r a n k M H o l a h a n to B a n k for Sav ings . Nov 3 . 5 .S00

-Chrys t ie st, No 50 , be ing only s e c t N o S 3 , m a l e , in t h e S y n a g o g u e ; s ea t N o 8 3 , f emale , in the S y n a g o g u e ; s e a t No 8 3 , m a l e , in lhe B e t h H a m e d r a s h . Cot ig rega t ion M i s h k a n I s r ae l A n s h e S u w a l k e r to N a t h a n H a f t . J u l y 12. 1S89. 3 0 0 l i n t o n s t . No TS, e s. 6 7 s R i v i n g t o n s t , r u n s s 3 2 . 1 1 x e 7 0 x n 3 4 x w 19 .9 x n 0.(} X w 2 5 . 1 0 X s 1.5 X w 24 .4 to b e g l c -n i n g , 5-s ty b r k t e u e m ' t w i t h s to res . Adol ­p h u s C H o r b a c h e r fo Ado lph F re i f e ld . All l i ens . J u n e 3 0 . noni

t r o s b y s t , No 1 6 3 , e s, 101 .6 s B l e e c k r r s l . 32 ,§ ,x ,55 .7xl9 .Uf5J . . l . , 5 - s ty b r k s t o r e .

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide gusta and Adolph GrowoU to Louia Haims. ,-Mort $10,000. Oct 31 . 17,000

Rivington st, No 307, s 3, 100 e Tompkina at, 20x70. 3-sty brk tenem't. Christin_a . S Rapp to Christopher H Koster. Oct 2a.

Dom Rutgers pl, Nos 24-2S[s w -inr Clinton st, Monroe st | 83.2x72.1x83.1x ' 71.4, three 5-sty brk tenem'ts with s t o r e S ; /

Julius Solomon and Dora Harris to John/A Anger. Nov 1. 1S9S. Mort 3570,000^ nom .anton st. No 164. n s. 25 w Clinton st, 25x -• 75, 4-stv brk tenem't with stores. Samuel' Greenfeld to Pincus Benenson. Morts,$l3,-000. Oct 28. " 19,600

Suffolk st, No IS, e s, 150 n Hester st, 25x 100, 5-5ty brlc factory. Samuel Rams^^ felder to Esther Salzman. B & S. C O't?. Dec 4, 1896. - - ' ' noirf

!it- /Su l l ivan st. No 49, s e s, 63 s w Broome st,l 13,50{K 21.4x90, 4-sty frame (brk front) store and|

Isidore Jackson to Simwr tenem't with 4-sty brk tenem't on rear,]

Charles Dougherty to Harry R Gould, Morts .-.$24,000 and all liens. Oct 24. nora

Aldridge st, No 73, w s. 100 n Hester st, _. 25x100, o-sty brk tenem't with s tores^ ' ' Jacob Paskusz to Abraham Levenstein. Mort $25,000. Nov 1. 40.000

- Franitlin st. No 156. n s, abt 125 e Hudson st, 25x87.6, 7-sty brk store and lofts. Ben­jamin Bleier, Montclair, N J, to Josephine Bleier. Morts $60,000. Oct 28.

val consid and 100 ' Front st, No 170, w s, abt 105.3 s Burling

slip, 19xS0, 4-Ety brk store. Foreclos. Charles Putzel to Sigmund .•Vshner. All

_, liens. Oct 31. ' 2,S07 / G o u v e r n e u r st. No 2S, e s, 74.1 n Madison

J ^ st, 23.11x83.6, 2-sty brk dwell'g. Wm U.-' / ^ Walton and Mary C Brown and Caroline

M Thomas individ and as exrs and trus­tees will Mary L Walton to Isidore Jack­son. Oct 7.

x ? ^ a m e property. y Jacobs. Mort $9,500. Nov 1. nom

/ Gouverneur st. No 39, w s. 49 s Madison st, 24.6x62.5x24.6x61.9, 3-sty brk dwell'g.--'^ Mary A Mullins widow to Barnet Feinberg and Harris Friedman. Nov 1. 11,500

tiouverneur st. No 37, w s, 24.6 a Madison St. 24.6x61.9x24.6x61, 5-sly brk tenem't. Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine to Harris Friedman and Barnet Feinberg. Morts $S.0OO. Nov 1. nom Sth st

Greenwich at, Nos i 2 0 a n d l 2 2 | s w cor Al- / dwell' .Mbany «t. No 2^4 ' I bany st. runs

w G5 X s 55.4 X e 20.6 x n 4 x e 47.4 to Greenwich st, x n 50.5; Nos 120 and 122, two 3-sty brk stores and tenem'ts; No 2Y2> 2-sty frame building. Foreclos. John H- Rogan to Geo B Ashley. Mort $40,000. Oct 31. 57,500

Hester st, No 31, n e cor Norfolk st, 25x52, - / . 5 - s t y brk tenem't with stores. Geo A

-^ Barker admr Samuel Beli and substi-/ tuted trustee of trust created by will f Samuel Bell for Eliaabeth Barker and he r ' '

children to Geo A Barker individ, Chas B

with use of alley. Inferior lot, 63 s w Broome st and 70 n e|

Thompson st, runs n w 30 x a w 21.4 xj s e 30 s n e 21.4, all right to alleys. | .--Henry S Raven, Bay Shore, N Y, by power of sale grantor by will Isabel J Rowen to Richard M Raven. All liens. Nov 11, 1897. m>rh

St Marks pl. No 4G!s s, 150 e 2d av, 23x 1 97.6, 4-sty stone ft-ont

Albert and Moses Hochster to Marx and Amy Reies. Sub to assessments, &c. Nov 1. 1,000

.Washington st, Nos 391 to 395|being Wash- -" ubert st, Nos 27 to 33 | ington s< a e cor Hubert st, runs e T9.9 x s 50 x w 9.9 X 3 25 X w 70 to Washington st, x n 75 to beginning, 6-sty brk store and lofts. -' Foreclos. Henry S Sayers to John S M o n / gomery. Oct 31.

to Charlea Naarden. Morta $53,000. Nov 1- nom

10th 3t, No 410, 8 fl, 173 e Av C, 20x92.3. - ' 4-sty brk tenem't with storea, Rosie Bier

to Scbelndel Baron. Mort $8,500. Oct 26. See Houston st. 9,500

^•Ith st. No 53S, s a, 170 w Av B, 2o.6x9>.y. 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. David Cahn to Louis K Baton. Mort $9,000. Nov 1.

.UiSOO --lotb st, No 119, n e s,. 225 n w 6tb av. 25x

104, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Michaei J, Thos P, John A. Henry J and Fannie H Kelly exrs Thomas Kelly to Mary E Corr. Morts $10,000. Oct 17. 18,225

5th St. No 332, s 8. 416.S e 9th av. 16.Sx! SO, 4-sty dwell'g. |

- 2 l 6 t St. No 352. a s. 116.1 e 9th av, 16.11x1 T4, 3-sly brk dwell'g. I

21st St. No 3.54, 3 3, 99.6 e 9th av. 16.7x1 -" 74, 3-sty brk dwell'g. 1

Angelica B Faber to Matilda C Wilcoxson. 1-20 part. Morts $20,000 on this and other property. Oct 25. ],600

/ S a m e property. Same to Geo F Wilcoxaon. 1-20 part. Mort $20,000 on this and other properly. Oct 25. 1.600

Same property. Same to same as irustee --•• Emilie A Wilcoxson for Wm P Wilcoxsou.

Sub to mort $20,000 on this and other property. 1-20 part, Oct 25. 1,600

/Same property. Angelica B Faber to Emilie -' R Wilcoxson. 1-20 part. Oct 25. 1,600

Same property. Same to same as trustee of --'' same for Catherine C Wilcoxson. 1-20 part.

Morl $20,000 ou this and other property. ^Oct 25. 1,600

J^ith st. No 224, a a, 322.10 w 7th av, 24.9x / SO.6, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Annie S wife of

John W Sittig to Gerlrudc Mygatt. Moris $12,500. Oct 29. nom

ater at. No 28, n w s, 46.9 n e Broad st. 2Sx35.9x31.2x35.10, 5-sty brk store. Ca:th-erine Dellamore to Mary Hennessy. Morts $20,000. Oct 7. nom

Barker and Mary B Leavitt. Oct 24. nom West st, Nos 164 and 165. e s. 44,4 s Murray ^ Hillside st, s e s, at n e s Plot No 145 map y"^ st, 45.2x50.3x43.10x50.3, 5-sty brk storpt-

3 28 acres land part Isaac Dyckman es- / Gertrude R Waldo to Joseph J, Jr, Thomas

1 1 ^ , 0 0 0 ^ / 1 Tth st. No 10, s s, 250 w Union Square

late, runs s e 312.(J to l l l h av, x n e 152.9-x n w 209.9 to Hillside st, x s w 168 to heginning. Milton Schnaier to Thos K Moore. Q C. Oct 31 . nom

Hillside st, e s, lot 146 map Fort George , ' property, s w cor l l t h av, 168x209,9x152,9 x312.6, vacant. Thos K Moore to Wm R Bell and Wm R Bell, Jr . Morts $8,250. Oct 31. nom

J and Teresa R O'Donohue, Lenants in com­raon. Oct 31 . 36.500

Willett St. No 85, e s. abt 150 n Rivinglon. . -st, 20x100, 3-sty brk tenem't. A n n a ' K Jamrath widow, John Wagner, Eliaabeth Gerold, Louis, Matthew, and Frederick Wagner, Helena Frowley. John N Wagner to Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager. Nov 1. 14,500

Houston St. No 4S0, n s, 64 w Goerek st, ^-Willet t st. No S7. w s, abt 170 n Rivington 17.10x68.9, 4-sty frame (brk front) store . / st , 20x100, 3-sty brk tenem't. Herman F and tenera't. Scheindel Baron to Rosi^ Bier. Morts $6,750. OcL 26. See IOlh st.

7,750 Same property. Rosie Bier to Joseph Isaacs.

Morts $6,750. Oct 20. no Same property. Joseph Isaacs to Hernia-

Hollander. Moris $6,750. Oct 26. nom Houston sl, Xo 271, s a, 18.5 e Suffolk st,

18.11x61.1x18.11x60.8. 3-sty brk tenem't. Geo A Harris , Boston. Mass, lo Esther LipschiU. Moris $12,750. Dec 9, 1S96, nom

ludson sl. No 434, e a, 23 s Morton st. runs e 55 X s 8 X e 25 X s 14 X w SO to Hudson st, X n 22, 4-sty brk store a n d / lenem't. James Bird individ aud exr Eli is^ beth Bird lo Jacob KoLtek. Morts .$9,000. Oct 31. 11,050

Jones sl, No 7, n w s, abt 70 S w West 4lh ,.-St. 25x100, 5-sty brk tenem't. Simon P' Flannery to Walter L Bogert. Morts $22,-500. Nov 1. , / nom

Madison st. No 134. s a, ab t 160 e Market ^ st, 25x100, 5-sty brk tenem't. Morris Lisle' lo Samuel Weiss. Mort .$30,500. Nov-'l .


West. 25x92, 4-sly brk dwell'g. Mayer FT v\uerbach to Thomas McKeone. .Mort.' $.30,000. Oct 27. nom

ISth st. No 120, s s. 230 w 6tb av. 25xi/l. block. 2-sty brk store. Michae! J. Thos P, John A. Henry J and Fannie H Kelly exrs Thomas Kelly to Agnes Lynch. Mortf •riZ.OilO. Oct 17. 22,500

•^alh at. No 238. s s, 138.7 w 2d av, 20x9.S.9. 3-aty brk dwell'g. Esther Levy to Wra P Mitchell. Mort $9,000. Oct 31. nom

32d st. No 245. u s. 135.9 w 2d av. IT.lOx ''9S.9, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Felix McGorry to Hyman Greenstone. Mort $6,200. Nov 2.

12,."(10 35th St. No 27, n a, 150 e Madison av, 25-:

08.9, 2-sty brk building. Waldron P Brown and ano exrs Julia E Krawn '.-' ?resi-)!L i^-Butler.. Oct 31. 40 ,5 '0

-Same property. Acknowledgraent aud dec­laration of conveyance. Waldron P Crown and ano exrs of James M Brown with same. Oct 31. i.cni

/ 3 7 t h El, No 208. s s, 141.8 c od iv, 33.4x 98.0, 3-aly brk dwell'g. Elizabeth,-i Hed-

Klumpp et al exrs John G Klumpp to aame. Mort $8,000. Nov 1. 14.000

d st, Noa 301 to 30T, n a, 257 w Av D, 97.11x96, four 6-sty brk stores and tene­ments. Barney Isaacs and Morris Jacob-son to Leon Tuchman. Morts $112,600-Oct 31. • nom

d sl. No 278, E s, 92.11 e Av C, 24xl06xr^ 24.:;xl06, 6-sly bi'k store and teneni't. 3Sth st, No 236, a s, 120 w 2d av, 20x72.6, Bernhard Klingensieiu to JuHus Fishman, y-^ 3-aty brk lenem't. Moaes Greenebaum In Morts $25,000. Nov I. nom Henrietta or Yetta Greenebaum. All liens.

desheimer to Evan Thomas. .\ ov 1

.4th st. No 124, s a, 125 w 1st av, 25x96.2. 5-sty brk store and tenem't with 2-sty brk tenem't on rear. George. Fredk J. Williara. Louisa and Louisa J Dorn. Charlolte Bentz, JLaura Schumacher and Caroline Kienzle ^ to Charles Schmidt. Nov 1. 20,OpO

Sth st. No 525, n s, 325 & Av A, 25x97.^3-sty brk store and tenem't. Wm W Astor to Caroline Froehlich. All liena. Oct 31.-

16,500 5th st. No 530, a a. 38.9 \v from point on 5th

st, 223.10 w Av B. 19.4x96.10x19.4x96.3, 3-atv hrk tenem'i. Pauline Brommer to Max Reinach. Morts $7,000. Oct 31. ' nom 1S98.

/ Madison st. No 328|begins Madison st, s w / 7 t h at. No 272, a s, 161.2 w Av D, 22.9.^: / ^ ^ c a r a m e l st, No 27 | cor Scammel st, 2ox / 90.10, 2-aty brk dwell'g. Augustus D

' ' ^ / ^ 00.7, 3-sty frame (brk front) ato/e Brooks, Alfred A Baker and Geo B Darling / and tenem't wilh 4-sty hrk tenem't with

stores. Release dower. Annie wife of Moi'ris Berger lo Dora Scheer. Oct 25. nom

-Madison st, No 330, s e cor Scammel at. 17.2x34x17.2x33. 3-sLy brk teneni't with stores. Contract. Henrv D Rathjen to Louia Lese. Dec 30. 1S97. 7,600 onroe st, No 1T5. n s, abt 215 e Pike st, 23x100, o-sty brk tenem't with siores. Solomon Ladinsky to Charles Berry. Moris..-' $14,000. Oct 20, , exch onroe at. No 53, n s, 187.4 o Market at, 25x100, 4-sty brk store and tenem't with 4-sty brk tenem't on rear. John Hau% child to Leopold Kaufmann. Moris $12^-000. Oct 3. val consid and 100

i lulberry st. No 36, e a, abt 70 n Park at, 21x85x20x85. two l-aty frame stores and vacant. Pasquale Angelillo to Micha.i Bernardini. Morts $11,000. Oct 7. , ' n o m

' ^ e r r y st, No 4 1 , n a, 125 e 4th st, 2.ax05. 6-sty brk tenem't with stores. Jacob , Klingenstein to Wm R and Thos S Roane.^ Morts $25,000. Oct 31. horn

Rivington st, Nos 164 and 166|n e cor Clin--Clinton st, No 70 I ton st, 50x57; ,-

No ]64, 4-aty brk atore and lenem'l; No .166, 3-sly frame brlt front tenem't; No 70, 2-sty brk siores. Henry KaraLens exr and truatee Gerhard H Karstena to Theo P An-

• derson. Oct 27. n o i i / Rivinglon st, No 61. 5 a, 67.1 e Eldridge at,

• 22.1x80, 4'Sty brk tenem't, Julia, Au- ,

exra Georgina D Brooks lo Rebecca Cohn. Oct 29. nora.

7th at. No 274. s a, 138.5 w Av D, 22.9x1 90.10, 2-sty brk dwell'g. _ |

Oct 28. nom 40th St. No 268. s s, 75 e Sth iv, 25x98.'!.

5-sty brk store and tenem't. Wm H Sand.s to Eliza L Sands. 1-9 pari. Feb 1-V no:n

Same property, Benj A. Anna, C r?uds and Kath A S Havemeyer to same. 5-9 parts. Feb 21 . aora

S:ime properly. Frederic J Middlebrook io sarae. B Sc 3. 1-9 part. Peb 26. nom

Same property. Mark T Oox assignee for creditors Chaa E Sanda to same. AU i iDc Q C. Oct 27. nom

Same propertv. Elina L Sands lo John W Fink. 1-0 part. Occ 22. 15.0lH)

Same property, Samue! -i and George W Sauds by Real Estate Trust Co gua r ! io same. Oct 31. - 1.667

40lh at, No 48, a a. 307.6 e 6th av. 17.6x 98.9, 4-aty slone front dwell'g. Mary C wife of and Benjamin Knower to Helene Pagenstecher. Nov 3. nom

o-sty to Samuel E Jacobs. 1.

Mort $40,708. -Nov nom

7 t r s t N o ' r e s a abt 115 w Av D o-y Q^l^ 42a i t . No 363, n s, 80 e 9th ,.v. 20x120.6, So 10. 2-f l tybrk 'dwell'g ' " T "'"^ty brk store and tenem't. oaura. Streifier Rachel Wertheimer to same. Morts $!)2.-500. Nov 1. nom

' 7th st. No 273, 3 s, 93 w Av D, 22.9x90.10, 3-3ty brk dwell'g. Max Cohen and B a n n e d / Friend to same. Mort $S,o00. Oct 31- r/om

9th st. No 629, n s, 283 w Av C, 20x92.3, 4-3ty brk tenem't with storea. Anna E WO'.T of and John Schafer to Pincua LowenteliJ^' and William Prager. Nov 1. , n o m

Oth st. No 627, n s, 303 w Av C, /:0x92.3. 4-aty brk tenem't with stores with 4-.5ty brlc tenem't on rear. Louis and Wllli:tm Stumpf to aame. Morts $0,000. Nov 1.

45lh St. No 341, n s, 100 w 1st ;.v, 20x160.'). ' - ' 4-sty brk dwell'g. Jacob i^'izer to Samuel

and Morris Vollman. Mort $7,li00. Oct 31 .

46lh sL. Nos 335 and 337, n a. 200 w 1st av, . / ^ ."OxUIO.,S: No 335. 2-sty brk store; No

337, 5-aty brk lenem't. David M Bondy, Amelia wife of and Daniel Krause to Ja-1:0b and Julius Fleiachhauer. Morta $10.-Ot)0. N'ov 3. uom

/ y t h St. No 40. s s, .391.6 e Oth av. 21.6x - 100.5, -il-sty stone front dweU'g. John J


13,600 Sth s(, No 625, n a, 323 w Av C, 20x0.2.3.

4-aty brk tenem't with stores. L.iurei'cu',. Keenan to same. Oct 29. 11,750

9th st. No 623, n s, 343 vr Av 0, 20x92.3. 4-aty brk tenem't wilh atores. Mary E wife of Charles Wilson to same. Ncv 1 ^ 49th st. No 506, s s, 138 w 10th av. 26.4x

.M.460 100.5, 5-sty stone front store and tcnem'L.

Crooke to Richard Delafield. Nov 3. 40.00U 49th sl . No 332, s s, 475 w Sth av, 25x100.;!,

:"-sty brk flat. Samuel A Heaslein and Gertrude Bloch exra Isidor Wm de Jongo to Gertrude Bloch. Mort $18,000. Oci

^0th st, No 621, n a, 363 w Av C. 20^92.3, 4-sty brk tenem't with stores. John I'aa'-frank to eame. Nov 1. nom

9th st, Nos 621 to 629, n a, 283 w Av C. JO^x 92.3. Pincus I.owpnfcld ( ncj WiUiam p r a g o r /

Richd H Clarko to Lianio Bardon. Foreclos. Oct 27. 15,000

r>0[h st. No 357 , n s, 65 w 1st av. 20x80, 4-sly alone from, lenem't. Marks Rothschild and Mirnio Hirsch fornierly Kahn exrs

666 Record and Guide November 5, 1898.


Amalie Rolhschild to Jacob and Julius Fleischhauer. Morts $10,000. Oct 31. nom

•^Ist st, No 139, n s. 275 e ' f i av, 2 - j x l 0 0 . 5 , / 2-sty brk buiidiug. Geo R Read to Anna L Morton. Rhinecliff, N Y. Mort ¥13,000, Oct 24. See 119th sl. val consid and 100

51st St. No 328, s s, abt 340 w Sth av, 2" Oxy'' 100.5. 4-sty brk dwell'g. Conirict. C i i j / B Humphi'ey to Kale Oliver. Git 8. J<I.3o0

' S l s t St. No 32S. s a, 340.6 w Sth a\\y20.6x / 100.5, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Cath B HOmphrey to Kate Oliver. Moris $8,000. Xov

U.3.50 54th st, No 15S, s s, 110 e 7th av. IS.GxlOO..^,

4-aty Slone front dwell'g. Edwin Lord td Annie E Logue. Oct 31 . nom

.54th St. Nos 145 to 153. u s, TOO e Lexing-'' ton av, 12.3x100.5, 2, 3 and 4 -uy brk

brewery. Abraham Boehm and Lewis Coon to Rosamond Herter. Morts $60,000. 0 31. ''nom

54th st, No 54, s a, 125 e Madison av. 23x 100.5. 4-sty stone front dweU'g. Marie J. and Carrie L Suiton to Theodore Goe, Sept 14. val cousid and 100

Same property. Blanche E Sution widow lo same, .B & S. 1-9 part, being dower right of granlor. Oct 31. 15:)

Same property. Fannie Sutton individ and extrx WoodrufE Sutton lo same. 1-9 pan . / l i s t st, No 113, n a. l.",0 e Park av. lox B & S . C a G . Oct 12. n o n / 100.8, S-sty stone front dwell'g. Foreclos.-

-55lh St. Xo 155, n s, 115 w 3d av. 2 f t / Lcuia Hauneman lo Marks Kirshbaum. Mort

S4th at, Nos"22S to 232. s a. 203.4 w 2d av, 50.10x102.2, three 4-sty stone Iront stores and tenem'ts. Maurice Untermyer to Charles Naarden. Morts $28,000. Oct U .

n S4th st, No 504, s a, 123 e Av A. 2 5 x 1 ^ 4 ,

5-siy brk tenem't. Heiiiiich Roth to Chas A Xafz. Mort $12,000. Oct 31. nom

S4th st, s a. 64.6 w Madison av. 2 8 . 6 x 1 0 2 . 2 / vacant. Mary A King. Newport, R I. tb Ethel R King. B & S . Oct IS. gift •th St. Xos a\4 and 516. a s, 142 e Av A. 37.4xl(!2.2: No 516. 3-sty atone front dwell­ing with 2-sty brk building on rear, fram shed. Sc, covering both. Dietrich BehnXo Annie L Behn his wife. All liens. Correction deed. B & S . Oct 27. nom

87th St. No 331, n s, 356 w West End av, lo xlOO.S. 4-sty front, 3-sty rear, brk dwellg. / Lavinia wife of and James M Van Note to' Wm A Ballantine. Morts $15,000. Oct 24.

23.00J> SSth st, Xos 111 to 117, n s, 175 w Columbu^

av, 70x100.S, four 4-sty brk dwell'gs. •4%\h St. Xos 125 to 131, n s, 305 'w Co,

lumbus av, 70xlOO.S, four 4-sty bl k dwell'gs. Release mort. Edward and Henry Hirsh ^ .\.\omo E Kight. Nov 1. 7-0,744



160,5, 3-sly slone front dweU'g. Charies Steinhardt lo Anita C Fernando, Morts $10,500. June 2, 1897. nom-

56[h at. Xo 409. n s, 150 w Oth av, 25x106.2 x25,3xlCl3.3, 5-sly brk flat. Donatus Reiger lo Marcus Nathan. Mor,a $22,000. Oct 31. See 5th av. nonj

56th sl . No 152, a s, 20."i e Lexington av. 20x'' 100,5. 3-sty stone front dweU'g. Eliz J Clarke widow to John D Wilkens. Nov 1.

nom 5Sth st. No 244. s s, IOO w 2d av. 20x100.5,

3-sty stone front dweU'g. Mra Petronell Czarnecki to John H Strzelecki. Morts $9",-000. Sept 8. 14,50n

\58ih st, No 305, n a, 40 e 2d av, 20x57.3, 3 -sly brk dwell'g. Jennie L De Witl widow lo Matthias Mayer. Q C. Oct 26, nom

Same properly. Robert Rogers exr Maria S_ Dowling to same. Oct 26. 6,7^"

5S[h sl, Xo 451, s s, 225.5 e 10th av. 24.11'X 100.5, 5-aly slone front flat, Thoa P Fitz­simons lo Mary A Lewis. Xov 1. .^om

Sarae property. Mary A Lewis to Michael Abrama. Mort $18,600. Nov 1. 22,0011

-Rflth st, Xo 210, a s, 142.2 e 3d av, 19.2x 100.5. 3-Ely stone front dwell'g. Jacoji-Kaasewitz to Rose Abrahams. Mort $8 OffO. •Nov 1. "" ijpm

6.3d st, s s, 250 e West End av, loOxlOO.o. vacant. WiUiara Milne, Mary A Robinson exrs Edward Robinson and Edwd W and,-' Herman and Hope E Robinson to Mary Burgess. Oct 29. nom

.Same properly. Mary wife of Heary G Bur­gess 10 Geo W Arthur. Oct 31 . See St Anna av, Bronx. ' 36.000

ti4lh at. No 115. u s, 125 e 4th av. 20x100.5, 3-sty alone front dwell'g. Gitei wife of Jacob Dreicer lo Albert J Kramer. Morts $15,000. Oct 27. lioni

65th sl, Xo 35, n a. 2C0 e Co'.umbus av, 31.3x100.5, -l-sty brk flat. Theodore G_-' a-cough to Miriam Nicholson. Mort .$36,5U0. Nov 1. See Columbus av. nora

• 70th st, No 336 WestlParly wall agreeraent. "70lh st, No 338 Westl M Louise wife of

James G MarshaU to L Laflin Kellogg. June

^ l a t st, No 317. n s, 2. .0 e 2d av, 2-5x102.2, 5-sty brk tenera't. Release mor^ German Savinga Bank to Max Danziger. Oct 2 4 /

in.c-iit 72d St. No 9, n s. 100.8 w Madison av, 59.4

xl02.2, 4-siy stone front dwell'g. Henry T Sloaue to Jessie A Sloane. Oct 20. VL^A\

•72d Et, No 152 West, s s abt 21)0 e IOlh aV.] 4-sly stone front dweU'g. I

Also property in Georgia. A Wm H Tutt to James L Fleraing trustee. Trusl deed. Sept 17. _ no

7?d El. s e cor Wesi End av. 31xi6.S. Re^ lease agreement. Virginie wife of Julius N Jaros to Amadee Spadone. Oct 29. noni

74lh St. Xos 244 and 246. s s. 133.4 w 2d av, 33.4x102.2, two 4-sty brk tenem'ls. Julia, Caaper lo David J McFalla. Morts $17^, SOO. Oct 28. nom

75th at. No 37, n s, 1S3 e Madisou av, ITx 102.2, 4-Ety slone trout dweU'g. Matilda August to Julius Ellinger. Oct 10. nom

-'7Sth at, Xo 4, s s, 126.6 e 5th av, 22x82.2. 4-sly hrk dwell'g. Wm F Borgelt lo Gitei Dreicer. MorL $36,500. Xov 1. 65,000

• Sls t st, No 513. n s, 108 e Av A, 25x102.2, 5-sty brk tenem't. Charles Halbe to Rose Olto. Nov 3. nom

S2d st, No 119, n s, 281 w Columbus av. 19x. ' 102.2, 4-sty stone front dweU'g. EUen and John A King. Greal Neck, L I. to Annie J Yuille. Oct 17. norn

^3d st, Xo 119. n s. 210.6 e Park av. 25x 102.2, a-atv hrk flat. Jacob Pizer to Sam­uel and Morris Vollman. Mo:-ts $2S,ei>0. , Oct 31. See lOSth st. nora

S4ih st, No 5, n a. xlO w Sth av, 18.6x102.2, 4-Ely atone front dwell's, Carrie O'Xelll to Hugh O'Xelll. Oct 31. 50

.$6,(iC0. Oct 31. 5.000 92d sl. Xo 316. s s, 100 w 1st av, 2 5 x 1 0 0 . 8 /

5-ELy brk lenem't with stores. Emar!.uel Raunheim to Christian Frank. -Mort $14,-000. Nov 1. See l(l5th st. nom

fl3d Sl, No 157, n s, 234 e 10th av, 15x85.4 10 .4plhorp's lane. xloxSo.O. 3-sty ston from dweU'g, wilh ail right and t i t l e / o lane. Mary Sproul widow lo Charles Schlca-iuger. Mort .$15,000. Xov 1. nora

;'3d St. No 160, s s, .300.2 w 3d av, 16.lix 1(10.S, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Foreclos. Waller G Hennessy to Jacob Rupperl. Morts %5^ OCO. Xov 1. "nom

•OSth st, n a, 300 e 5lh av, 511x100.9, vacant.. Louia Lustig to Henry W Deans. All liens.' Oct 11. np

tiOth St. n s. 275 w 4ch av. widened, 2DX 100.4, vacant. Mary H Abbott to John H Yockel. Oct 31 . 6,50n

OOth St. Xo 20, 3 s, 325 w Central Park Wesl. 25x100.11, 5-sty brk flat. Rachel Axelrod t Katharine Furnival. Morts ' .$22,500. Oct 31. See 130th at. _ 28,.500

iOOth St. Nos 150 to 160. s s. 17o e Amster­dam av, 125x100.11. 1 and 2-sty f r ame . / stables, sheds, &c. Sub to encroachraenl on west side. Eugene C Poller to Charlea ' Kervan. Mort $35,000. Nov 1. See 7th'av.

nom -102d St. Xo 107, n s. 237.6 w 3d av, 27x

100.11, 5-sty slone front flat. Sarah Ryan to / Jacob Levy. Mort $16,500. Nov 1. nom

04ih st, No 168, s a, 2.50 w 3d av. 2ox 100.11, 4-sty stone front flat. Edward Gun-lermann to John and Eugenia Vanoni. Morta/ $8,000. Nov 1. See 114lh st. nora

105lh st, Xo 317. n s, 220 e 2d av, 20x 100.11. 4-sly brk fiat. Christian Frauk .to Emanuel Raunheim. Mort $6,000. Xov 1. , 1898. See 92d st. nom

105lh St. Xo 317. n a. 220 e 2d av, 20x 100.11, 4-aty brk tenera't. Emanuel Raunheim to Simon Alexander, Morts $6 000. Nov 2. nom 16th sl. Nos 212 to 216, a a. 160 e 3d av, 5:1x100.11. ihree 2-sly frame dwell'gfi. Peter Fuchs to Peter J Herter. Morts $17,-CUO. Nov 2. 3n,0inl

HKith st, Xos 217 and 219, n s, 333.4 w Am­sterdam av, 66.SxUI0.ll, two 5-sty brk flats. Paul B Pugh to A Burgess NeedhanV' ' Mons $S6.C('(l. Oct 31. nom

S'ame property. A Burgeas Needhara ' ' t o Dempsey Duncan. Morts $86,000. Nov 1. • nem

^OSth st, Xo 157, n s. 250 e Arasterdara av. 25x100.11, 5-sty brk Ilat. Xeison D Stil-..-weii to Mary E McEniee. Moris $19,1,00' C a G . Xov 1. See 146th st, Bronx. _nora

08th at, n s, 350 e Amsterdara av, oOx 100.11, vacant. Samuel and Morris Vol man to Jacob Pizer. Oct 15. Mort $CJ,230. See 83d si. / • nom

lllOlh Et, n s, 86 e Boulevard, 39x35; 09th sl, n e cor Boulevard. Party wall agreement.- Annie Murphy Wilh John Hickey. Oct 27. nora

OOth st, s s, 120 e 5th av, 25x100.8, v a - / cant. Solomon Jacobs to Naihan Gol^ stein and -Mary McDermoK. Oct 31. no.n

lOO'th sl, s s, 115 e olh av, 25x100.11; also properly adj on w s. Party wall agreement. Lewis Z Bach with Solomcn Jacobs, Oct 12.- ' '

no.n Olh st, Xo 123. n E, IS'O e Park av, 25.\ 100.11. 5-sly sione front flat with stove. Justus Stoehr lo Wm J Skelly. Mirta $8,-COO. Ccl 31. nom

l l l t h St. Nos 421 10 429. n a. 220.11 w Av A, 97.1x100.11, five 4Tsty stone from teutm'ts. Release. Julia F Brown lo Uity of New York. 1/' part. Oct 24. nom

.112th st, Xo 230, s s, 308 w 7th av, 17x 100.11, 3-sty stone front dwell'g. Jcseph >Rueth and Emil Bartolicius to Ray Gold­berg. Morl $14,000. Xov 1. nom

12th sl. No 140, a s, 100 e "th av. 25x 100.11, 5-sty brk flat. Michael J Keenan


to LUIian Bernstein. Morts $22,000. Oct 28. nom

12th B:I, NOS 3 to 7, n s. 100 w oth av, 70x 100.11, three 5-sty brk flats. Julia Fieisch­mann to Henry D and Sigraund D Green­wald. Moris $57,500, Nov 2.

val consid and 1,000 l l l t h Et, No 122, s s. 255 e 4th av, 2ox

lUO.ll . 5-siy brk flat. John Vanoni to Ed­ward and Anna Guntermann. Morts $1S.~ 000. Nov 1. See 104th st. nom

l l o i h st, Xos 446 and 44S. s s, 118.10 w Pleasant av. 49.6x100.10, two 5-sty brk tenem'ts with siores. Morris Finn to Asher Salwen. Morts $20,000. Oct 29. Mf Part.

nom . l i e i h st. No 336, a s, 241.S w 1st av, 16.Sx

100.11. 3-sty stone front tenem'i. Robert and Joseph Gordon to Hyman Stern. Nov 1. 7,500

l i y i h st, No 24, s a, 137.8 w Madison av,| - 15.8x100.11. 3-3ty stone front dweU'g. | J . i 9 th st, No 20, s s. 168.10 w Madiaon av,[

lo .7xlf l0 . l l , 3-sly slone front dwell'g. | Levi P Morton, Rhinecliff, N Y, to Geo R Read. Oct 22. See 51at st. nora

l l&th st, Xo 20, s s, 168.10 w Madison av, 15.7x100.11. Release mort. Same to same. Oct 22. nom

/ i H t h sl, Xo 24, s B, 137.8 w Madiaon av, 15.Sxl00. l l . Releaae mort. Same to same. Oct 22. nom

, 119lh st. No ITO. s a, 260 w 3d av, 16.Sx 100.10, 2-sfy frame dweU'g. Henry Kara-lens exr and trustee Gerhard H Karstens to Theo P Anderaon. Oct 27. nom

126ih st, Xo 111, n E. 210 e 4lh av, widened. 2 5 x ^ block, 3-sty trame dwell'g. Wm T and Jaraes H and Eraily E Purdy to Solo­mon W Johnson, preaident American News Co. Oct 25. 9.500

,130lh St. Xo 108, s s, 111 w Cth av, 15x 09.11, 3-Ety stone front dweU'g. Katharine Furnival lo Rachel Axelrod. Morts $8,000. Oct 31 . See 99lh at. nom

133d st, Xo 502 West. Aaaign renls. David Kleiu lo Julius Rosenfeld. Oct 29. nora

133d st, Nos 216 and 218. s s, 346 w 7th av, 54x99.11, two 5-sly brk flats. Lincoln Mc­Cormack to Cortland Betts. Morristown, N J. All liens. B & S . Oct 24. nom

33d St. n s. 225 w Amsterdam av, 75x99'.ll, vacant. Thos J McGuire lo John O Baker. Mona $8,000. Xov 1. 1898. _ nora

'34th St. No 205, n a. 82.8 w 7lh av, l i . 4 x 71.9. 3-Ety brk dweU'g. Dora wife of and Dayve de Waltoff to Jacob L Hano. Morts $9,000 and all liena. Oct 28. _ 12,000

131lh st, Nos 1:33 and 235, n s, 41o e Sth av. 40x99.11. 5-sly brk flat. Foreclos. David Thorcfion to Germania Life Ins Co. Oct 31. 29,500

110th El. Nos 306 to 318, s s, 130 w Slh av. 105x99.11. seven 3-3ly brk dweU'gs. Edgar

' Ketchum to Henry Gallagher, C a G . June 1, nom

141st at. No 415 ou map No 417, n s, 152.1 w St Nicholas av, 16.4x99.11, 3-sty slone front dwelTg. Eugene C Potter to Peter E Talman. Mort $10,o00. Oct 27. _ nom

443d st. No 305, n s, 100 w Slh av. 2ox99.11. o-sty brk flat. August Jacob lo Rudolf Otte. Morts $17,000. Oct 31. 22.000

1.52d all No 623. n s, 300.10 w Boulevard, 153d st! 24.7x199.10 to 153d at, 2-aty_frame

dwell'g with 2-sty frame stable on lo3d st. Michael J, Thomas P, John A, Henry J and Fannie H Kelly exrs Thoraas Kelly to Ag-

, nes Lvnch. Mort .$S.000. Oct 17. lO.SOO 152d sl[ n 3. 325.5 w Boulevard, 24.7x199.10

-l.'od st! to 153d st, vacant. Same to same. Mort $2,750. Oct 17. 5,400

'1.52d st | n s, 350 w Bouleyard, 25x199.10 15.3d all to 153d st, vacant. Same to FarreU

F O'Dowd. Mort $2,750. Oct 17. 5.400 161st St. Xo 563, n s, 246.9 e Boulevard, ISx

99 11 4-sty brk dwell'g. Julia Schwartz lo Moritz Swicker. Mort $6,000. Oct 31. 6.000

1. 3d at, No 516. s s. 236.10 w Amslerdam av. 16x104.11. 2-Ety brk dweU'g. Max Marx to George Nimmo. Morts $7,100. Oct • •>8 nom

^ v A. Xo .1556, e a, 21.5 n S2d si, 20x78, 4-sly atone from tenem't. Clancy -A. Frees to Eliza Frees. B & S . Dec 27. 1S97. nom

•l-Av A. Xo l i 2 , a e cor l l t h st, 20x7o.6, 4-sty brk store and tenem't. Magdelena M D Scharamith lo Ernest-Marks-Xalhan Co. Moris $22,000. June 2. nom

/ Av D. No 8. e s. 74.8 s 3d at, lS.7x90. 4-sty brk store and lenem't with 1 and 2-sty frarae buildings on rear. Philipp Schuch­mann Fort Lee. X J, to Adam Schuchmann.

• 'Mort $4,000. Nov 1. ll.oOO ,^-Av D, Xo 22, e s. 24 n 3d st, 24x75, 3-sty brk

tenem'i with stores. Eliz L Hughes former­ly Hanigan and wife of .Augustus S Hughes

, to Sarah E Jones. Mori $7,000. OcL 31 . 11.000 Av D. Xo 59 In w cor 5th sl,19.7x82. 5ihEt. Nos 753 and 755| 3-sty brk tenem't

with stores on av and 2-s!y brk siores on St. Benjamin Wright and Benj D F CurMss exrs and trustees Charles Curtias to Char-liella Higgins. Jennie C Strong, Bmily J Pickford. .\lma L Eramona, Julia D F Xash Eiiz A Maltby and Susan M Clark. Aug 1, 1SS3. 15,500

San;e property. Cbarlietta Higgins, Alma L Emmons, Jennie C Strong. Emily I Pick­ford. Julia de F Xash. Susan M Clark, surviving children of Charlea Curtiss, E

November 5, 189S. Record and Guide! 667

./ / .

y New York Invest and Impt Co to Moses and Marx Ottinger. C a G . Nov 1.

val consid and 1' , Riverside Drive, No 321, e a, 36 n 104lh st,

26.5x100, 4-str etone front dwell'g. laalah Joseph! to Sylvia Josephi. All liens. Oct 31. nom

' s t Nicholas av. No 185, n w cor 119lh at, 29,10x95.9.x25.5xlll.5. 5-sty brlt flat. Wm P Mitchell to Esther Levy. Morta $40,-000. Nov 1. nom

/ S a m e property. Release mort. The Bradley •^ Sc Currier Co (Lim) to Oscar Phillips, Nov

1. nom, ' St Nicholas av, No 842, e s. 25.6 n 152d s t /

22x67.7x21.6x63. 5-sty brk dwell'g. Avery D Andrews to John T Comey. Foreclos. Nov 1. 15.500'

nom y s t Nicholas av. No 844, e a. 47,6 n 1.52d sj;< or .- runs e 67.7 x n .3.6 x w 2..5 x n 17 x w

133d st ' I 133d 3.5 X n 0.6 X w 67.4 to av. x s 21.5. 5-sty, St. 100x100, four o-sty brk stores and brk' dwell'g. Same to same. Foreclos. tenem'ts on av with 5-aty brk flat on at. Nov 1. 13.500 Foreclos. Ilriah W Tomnkins to Charles West End av. No .858, a e cor 102d st, 17.11 Brown. Morts SS2.6n7. Oct 31. 13.500 / x72. 4-sty front. 3-Ety rear, atone front

. jcK .- ;i„._ii-„ T7',..., T„^ Pennington Whitehead

- Chapman Maltby and Benj D F Curtiss as exrs Eliz A Maltby and Chas C Persianl and ..• Fredk A Persian!. Florence E Malrby. Ge­nevieve Persiani.all being children and dev­isees under will of EIlz A Maltby. who was child and heir of Charies-Curtiss lo Barney Isaacs. Sept 21, 1S98. 16.7o'

•Av D, No 61, w s, 19.4 n Sth st. 19.5x82^ xl9.6x82.5. .j-aty brk tenem't with stores, y John Broesaler to Barney Isaacs. Oct 10.' Mort $14,500. 10.300

.Amsterdam av, s w cor 179th st. 25x100, vacant. Emanuel Heilner. Moaes J Wolf and Morris Maver to John Shea. Morts ' $6,006. Oct 24. 100

Amaferdara av. No 1268. w a. 74 s 123d st. 26.11x100, .n-sty brk tenem't with stores. Louis and John Brandt to Christ Andres.

, Oct 27. •ATTi^ferdara av, Nos 1471 to 14771s e cor

_Am='tprdam av. X'o 1601. n e cor 139th st, 55 xlOO. 1-stv frame dweU'g and vacapt. Jaraes R Hay to Hannab HiUier. Nov 1. nom

--Amsterdam av, n e cor 189th st, 55x100. I Amsterdam av, e s, 55 n 139th st. j

Party wall agreement. Same with same. Nov 1. nom

Amsterdam av. e s, 24.11 n 139th st, SO.lx 1<10. Release mort. Mary Hoyt to Jaraes R Hay. Oct 31. nom

ifmslerdam av. No 1S3, e s, 25 n 68lh st. 2.>.5x74.6. 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Theodore Fisele to Julius Baebarach. Morts

dweirp. Foreclns, fo Ernest E W Schneider, Henry Herter,Eu­gene Schulz and John Fish. Oci 4, 2o.00O

West End av, s e cor 82d st, 102.2x100, va-' ' ' cant. Alfred B Scolt lo Samuel W Bowne.

All Hens. V2 part. Oct 1, 1897. nom .^Same properly. Samuel W Bowne to Abra­

ham Boehm and Lewis Coon. Morts $12,-000. Nov 1. nom

/West End av, s e cor SSd st. 72x100. portion 2-sty frarae dwell'g and vacant. New ToiTi Invest and Impt Co to Colonial Bui'ding Co. 0 a G, Oct 27. 71 500

$13,000. Oct 27. nom ^ t av^ X'os 2190 and 2192. e a. 71,9 s 113th roadway. Nos 54 and 06, s e cor 130th st. ..-' s t . 54x95, two 4-sty brk tenem'ts with 3 1 . 9 Y 1 0 0 X 2 6 . 7 X 1 0 1 . 7 , two 2-sty frame storea. Release dower. Fredericke Fried-dwell'gs. Louisa Hinlz lo City Real Bs- erlch to Gottlieb Friederich her husband, tate Co. Mort !R6,250. B S- S. Oct 25. 200 July 9. nom

Broadway. No 63-)|p s. 7.' 4 3 Bleecker St. 25.1 / " S a m e property. Release dower. Caroline Cro<;hv sf. No 166 1 x196 3 to Crosby st. x - ' Friederich to Louis or Ludwig Friederich

25x196.5. vacant. Foreclos. Henry B Clos- her husband. July 9. nom son to Loui? and Samuel Sachs. M^rts -2d av. No 952. e a. 80.5 n 50th st. 20x70. S120,ron. Oct ?.l, 2T.0nO--'^ 4-aty stone front store and tenem't. Sam­

uel Weiss fo Morris Lisk. Nov 1, 1S98. Mort .H;7.000. 15.500

2d av. Nos 1171 and 1173. vr s. 20.5 a 62d at.

-Central Park West, a w cor 94th st. 75.Sx ino, vacant. David E Opnenheimer and .Josenh Hamershiag to Joseph .and J Arthur Pinchbeck. Oct 28. Morta SriO.OOO. nom / 53.4x72, two 4-sty stone front tenem'ta


oli>mhus av. No 992. w s. 25.5 s 109th et. 25.2x100. 5-sty brk store and tenera't. Min'am Nicholson to John S Ascough. Mort .?25,000. Oct 31. nom olnmbi's av. X'o 990, w s, 50.7 s 109fh st, 25.2x100, n-sty hrk store and fenem't. Sarae to Then O Ascough. Morts $25,000. Oct 31 . See 60th st. nom

HamiUon teri-flceln e ror 141st st 20x59.11, 141st St. No 423 I x20x5R.6. 3-sty brk dwell­

ing. Chas H Knox tn Antoinette wife of Oscar Bunke. Morts $11 500. Oct 27. nom

Kippsbridgp RV. n w s. ^59,4 n e Terrace View av. 35.2x100, vacant. Cbancv A Frees' to Eliza Frees. B & S . Dec 27. 1897. nom

LP"OX av, No 6.34. s e cor 142d st. 24.11 x 75. 5-sty brk store and flat. Release mort. Citizens' Savings Bank to Robt J Blaicp, Nov 2. 15,311

^ame property. Release mort. .Tames D r, Putnam to same. Nov 2. 16.172'

Lexington av, No .332. a w cor 39lh st. 20x 75. 4-aty sfone front dwell'g. Frances R Gwyer widow to Alexander Trautman. Nov 1. 34.000

^,/Lexineton av, Nos 972 and 974, a w cor 71st St. 80.5x15, 4-sly stone front dweH'g with 1-at.v brk atore. Julie Weill to Martin R, Goodkind. Oct 31 . Mort $15,000. 100

/•Lexington av, Xos 1920 to 1924. n w cor n S t h St. 90x40, 7-sfy brk flat with atores. Wm J Xirklns (n Isidore S and Max S Korn. Mort $65,600. Nov 1. ,nom

' 'Lexington av Is w cor 122d st, 17.7x81.8. ]22d at. No 130| 4-sty brk store and flat with

,/ 1-sty hrk atore on st. CaroUne F Buden-hender to Morgan V Gress. Mort $16,000. Oct 22. •' nom

Lexington av. No 1.34, w a, 49.4 a 29th st, 16.3x81. error. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. .-Mary M Heath to Joseph E Ergens. Morta' $14,000. Nov 2. 19,000

,/MadiFon av, No 1702. w s, 51.10 s 113th st, 25x75. 5-sty brk flat with stores. Marin- .• us E Sepp to Solomon G Proops. Mort $17 .T

, 000. Oct 29. See oth av. -nom Madisnn av. No 1780. w a. 25.11 s 117th st,

25x90. o-sty brk flat with atores. Frederick Levy to Solomon Kohn. Morts $22 0 0 0 . / Nov 2. n6m

.^"Madison av, Nos 1776 to 1780, w a. 25.11 s n 7 l h sl, 75x00. three 5-sty brk flats with stores. Isaac Mayer to Fredk Levy. M o r t s / $60,000. Nov 1. .com

'Madison av, No 1984. w s, 99.11 n 126ih at. 20xSo. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Rachel H Rathbone to Brian G Hughes. Morts $17,- , ' 000. Oct 20. nnm anhaltan av. No 465, w s. 67.7 n 119th et. 16.8x82, 3-aty brk dwell'g. Ella F Scott ' •to Wm W Morrow. MortK $12,000. Oct

. 26. nom Park av, a w cor 100th st . 100.11x73.3. 1-sly

frame store and vacant. Geo W Arthur to Samuel RusseU. Sept 27. .35 000

Slverslde Drivels e cor 84th at, 112.4x80.3 y^9Ath Bt I xl02.2xl26.9. vacant. The


^ '

wifh storea. Rachel Weiss to Leonold Hellinger. Morts $34,000 and taxes 1898. Oct 25. 42.000

,2d av, No 2111, e a, 60.10 n 115th at, 20x 80. 4-sty slone front store and tenem't. Philip Levi to Betsy Levi. Morta $10,000. N O T 1. nom

d av. No 612. w s. 72 s 40tTi at. 24x80. 4-afv brk afore pnd tenem't. Moaes Grpene-banm +0 Samuel Katz. Morta $17,000. Oct 27. 21.500

,--3d av. No 1764, w s. 50.11 s 9^th sf. 25x 100. o-sty brk fenem't with stores. Charles Schlesinger to Mary Sproul. Morts $19,250 nnd all Hens. Nov 1. nom

4th av. Nn 1.38. n w a. 21.7 n e 31st st. 20.1 (.^rTc7R.11, 7-aty brk flat. Mathilde B B Sauer

(iand Herman M.isemann e-^rs Dorothea R W - -«iL Sauer fo Marie E L Masemann and Ma-;'C;"- thilde B B. William. Geo F and Anna H

Sauer. Nov 2. nom ,15th av. No 599. e s. 46.-5 n 4Sth st, 27x

100. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Elizabeth F wife of Wm V Brokow to Roswe'l P Flower. Nov \. 160.000

th av. N'o 1386, w a, 50.11 s 115th st. 2ox 100, 5-sty brk flat with stores. Leonold Barth to Louis Benedict and Arthur Baum. Morta $17,000. Oct 31 . 28,-500

th flv. No 2206. w a. 24.11 n 134lh st, 25x110. o-sfy brk tenem't with stores. Solomon 0 Proona tn Marlnmi B Renn. Mort $18,000. Oct 29. See Madison av.

nom 5th av, X'o 2161. n e cor 132d at, 2."x90.

5-sly brk Rat with stores. Marcus Na'han to Donatus Rieger. Morts $29,000. Oct 31. See o6fh st. nom

^ t h av. No 5. w a, 50.9 n Carmine st. ISx 70, 4-sty brk store and tenem't with l -aty frame extension covering lot. Forecloa. Wm J A McKimm to John M Knox trustee nf Julia A de Pevater. Oct 27. 13,7-5fl

"6th DV. No 918. a e cor o2d at. 22.11xS0.6x 22.11x81.4. 4-sty stone front atore. Michael J. Thos P. Jnhn A, Henry J and Fannie H KPUV exra Thomas Kelly to Agnea Lynch. 1-3 part. Oct 17. 20.175

^ t h av, Nn 22-20, n w cor 131at st, 24.11x75, 5-sly brk atore and tenem't. Alphonse Hog­enauer and Alhert E Wesslau to John J Donahue. Oct 28. Mort $25,000. nom

7th av. No 2522. n w cor 146th al, 26.6x100, o-sty brk lenem't with stores. Foreclos. Theft F Haacall to Wm H Redfleld, Jersev City, N J. Oct 31 . 30,000

7 t h av. No 2524. w s, 26.6 n 146th st. 27.1x 100. 5-sty brk store and tenem't . Presby­terian Home for Aged Women to same. Oct 12. nom

'7th av. No 2285, e a. 62.6 n 134th st. 37.ox 75. o-sly brk flat with stores. Max Schwarz fo Rohert F and Henrv F Blias. Oce 31. Wort • S27.000. nom

7 th av. Nos 2472 and 2474, widened, s iv cor 144lh at, 49.11x75, two 5-sfy brk flats with atores. Charlea Kervan to Eugene C Potter. Oct 31. See 100th at. ' nora

,7th av. w B. 125.11 a 113th at, 50x100,

vacant. Declaration stating consideration In former deed to be $29,000. Freling H Smilh and Harry W Simpson as exrs Obed Wheeler to Clarence J Hartley. Oct 20.

7th av e a. extends frora 138th st to 1.39th 13SthEl| St. —x625. vacant, Thoa L Watt 139th st | to Guatave L Morgenthau. Nov 1.

300,000 8th av. Noe 188 and 190, e a, 75 s 20th at.

31x100. 5-sty slone front tenem't with stores. Louia Frank to Mabel Suydam. Oct 29. nom'

^Sth av. No 2370. n e cor 127th st, 25x100. o-sty brk flat with atores. Alexander Mc­Dowell to Rrnest Machenbach. Mort S32.-000. Oct 31. 64.500

. '10th av, n e cor 20Sth st. 99.11x100. vacant. Paul Halpin to Sybil M Boland. Morts $4,-000. % part. April 21.

val conaid and 1,000 l l t h 3v. Nos 732 and 7.34. e s. 19.4 s 52d|

st, 56x75, two 4-st7 brk tenem'ts with] stores. r

52d St. a a. 64 e l l t h av, runs e SB x s 75.4 ix w 25 X n 56 X w 11 X n 19,4 to be-l ginning, 5-aty brk tenem't and' l -s ty framel store. f

Forest av. e s, 71 3 165th st. 19x60. 1 lR5th St. a s. 22.5 e Forest av. 18,7x71. 1 165th St. s s, 41 e Foreat av, 19x71. I Tinton av. n e cor 165th st, 125.5x73.2x1

125.11x7.3.2. 1 165fh St. n E, 100 w Union av. lOOxllfl. | Union av. n w cor 165th st. 122.1x100.3x1

122.3x100. I Anna C Klitiker widow to Dora Maaa and Bmma W Klinker, All dower right. Nov 1. 3.750

Parcels Nos 61 and 62 map Coramiaslonera of Batlmates. Award for acaulrlne: land In 12th Ward for public park and parkway. Release dower. Caroline Sieber fo .Tohn A Sieber her husband. Sept 24. 331

Sarae property. Release dower. Minnie Sie-bpr to Louis Sieber her husband. Sept 30. 493

Same property. Release dower. Pauline Sieber to William Sieber her husband. Sept 17. 493

Sarae property. Release dower. Dora Fried­erich fo Charles Friederich her husband. Sept 17. 1.149

B O R O U G H O P T H E B R O N X .

Under this head the • denotes that tlie property is located iu tlie new Aniii-xi d District (Act, of

*Adama at, e a. aht 247.3 n Columbus av, 50x100. Bphraim B L e w to St Luke's German Lutheran Church. Oct 22. $1,000

*Beach st, n a, lot 152 map of Laconia Park. Westchester. Jennlo E Jutten to Bmma Jutten. April 18, 1.898. 325

*Bronx River nl. n w s. .86.7x200 to Bronx River, x—x 146.6. and being lots 423. 424 and 425 on ipap of Washingtonville. Henry Karatens exr and truatee Gerhard H Kar-atena to Theo P .Anderson. Oct 27. nom

Dawson sl. n a, 93,7 w Prospect av, 0.4x25. Release mort. John F Steeves to Jas F Mee­han. Nov 2. nom

Dawson at. n a, 93.7 w Prospect av. O.-ox 25. Release mort. Thomaa O'Rourbe to sarae. Nov 2. nom

Elmwood nl, a a, 100 w Clinton av. 25x122.11 x25xl22.S. Foreclos, .Tordan J RolJIns to Ella J Breckenridge. Nov 1. 5.8rO

Elsmere nl. n a. 75 w Marmion av, 50x100. Annie P Vreeland to Frederick J Sherman. AU Hens. Oct 18. IOO

•Hancock st, e a. ab: 280 n Columhus av. 25x100, Jacob Werner fo Maurilzio Zefenn. Oct 31. See McfJraw av. 050

Jefferson st, Nos 923 and 925. n a. 149.4 e Clinton av. runs n e 120 x s e 16 x s 4.5.3 x s w 80.4 to at, X n w 40. Fred Bailey to Fredk C Winter and Ida M Raucbfuag. Nov 1. 14.000

Jennings st, n a. .50 w Stebbins av. 16.7x100. Fa t t i e E Davidaon to Elllah D Clark. Oct 29. nom

Minford pl, e s. 75 n Jennings st. 50x100. 0^a.rIotte C Rice to George Stolz. Morts $7,600. Oct 28. See Southern Boulevard.

exch Motf St. s s. 161,10 e Terrace pl, 25x100,| Mott fit, s a. 236.10. e Terrace pi. 75x100.)

Carrie, Alice. Julia and Christopher Stumpf children of Christopher Stumpf to Rose Stumpf widow. All liens. Oct 13. nom

Old Albany Post road, w a. 132.10 n 23l3t at. 52.10x5nxo4.Sx.50, Francia M Vurlan exr Angeline Carlough nnd Louise F. C.TvIough hy Francia M Varian her guard at^d *iattfe P Powera to Bmtdlo D'Andrea. Nov 1.

1.475 •'Ponlar at., s a. abt 302.6 e Foreat st. 50.4x

115.6x50.4x113. Ole Omsted to Arne Omsted. Eau Claire, Wis. Morts $3,4-50. Oct 14, 1897. nora

f?uburban st. e a. 21.9 n Bainbridge ar . runs e 96.7 x n e 4 x n 1 9 x w 100 In st. X s 21 to beginning. Bertha wife of Aiie-1'st Krefft to Wm H Birkmire. Morts $3,."00. Oct 31 . nom

Tinipson pl, a e s. 109.3 a w 149th at, 2ox 75. Michael H Hagerty. .Tames H Mullarky and John McCann exra John McConvill to .Tohn Heufllng. Nov 2. 475

Timpson nl. s e a. 259.3 a w 149th st. runa] II w 105.4 x 0 241.5 to Austin pi, x n •!

668 Record and Guide November 5, 189S.

109 .10 to 149 th s t , x n w 59 .8 x a w 97 .6 n n w 50 X 8 w 75 X n w 100 lo beg inn ing .

149 th s t , s w s. 26 .9 B e T i m p s o n pl, r u n a s w 104 x s e 5 0 x s w 25 x s e 2 5 x n e 8 0 . 1 to 149 lh f l t . x n w S9.6 . S a m e to C h a s A and G A u d r e w T o e t . Nov 2 .

5 3 5 0 T i m p s o n pl, s e s, 2 3 4 . 3 s w 149 lh s t . 25x

100. S a m e to N e t t l e wife Of J o s e p h T Da l ­la s . Nov 2. 'i'-T

T r a v e r s s t . a a. 100 .1 w Cres ton av . 50x 1 0 0 . 1 . W m H B i r k m i r e Io Mary A Coste l lo . Oct 3 1 . 10™

Vlr f ' ln la s t , e s, 3 S 4 . 8 s Sanford s t . 34.4x1 105 . 1

P a r t of fee In V i r g i n i a at In f ron t of saldl p r e m i s e s , '

Balnh ' - l ' ' ?e av. s e s. 72 n e 1S4lh s t . 2ax^2l.' f^br ic ' Ine M n n ' a g to np" ' ' ' ' e Stolz . Mor l s so t ; ^ 0 0 0p( ^ I , ppg TFirltb pt. excb

«2d s t w a, 4 6 a 20 th av . 23- '1fo,R. W n k e -iield. F r e d e r i c k and .''ohn Sni-rader exrs wil l of F r e d e r i c k S c h r a d e r t o W i l l i a m Gar ­r e t t . Nov 1. ^ 0 0

• ' 'r! s t a B. ^0 e I s l ftv. oOslOO. Olinvi i ie . Wnvron T, M u r r a y to Bdwd F Ca r r . M o r t s SS.^nO. Oct 26. l o m

*5 lh s t = 5 f-dng lot 9 0 on m a n nf TTnlon-p n r l " l00x'>16 lo 4 lh s ' . Oath R AUIsnn widow io C h n r l n t t e D Al l i son . Sub t o oil tfix ga les . N " " 1 ^ "Om

• I l t h at n a. 371 ,S w W h i t e P l a i n s av . 33 .4 1(114, TTolpase m n r t . .Tohn F S teeves In W m F i s h e r . Oct 3 1 . ,n^^^

i S J i h .=1. a s. 125 w .Mexander aV. 2nx100 , P a n e c h l e r to Anton Gofz. Mn- ' a

Sin nno, Nr-f i . 16"50 137111 at. Nn 6 3 5 . n a. 81 .6 w W i n i ' ; av. 25x

ffiO R o r l h s S c ^ m u c k t o J a c o b Re i s . Mor ta SiriOOO Oct " 1 . Iiom

141st St. s a. 1^4 6 e A l e x a n d e r av . r u n s a 4 0 S Y w 5 X P o" .4 X e 2 6 , 8 x n 1 0 0 to s t . x ' w 21 ,8 tn b p p l n n l n g . L a u r a Stroifjer tn Tamest K a m p e r m a n n . Morta $ 6 , 0 5 1 . Ont

7. lo.fioo 14fith s t e s, old l i ne . 150 n w 3d sv , old

l ine 25-<90 •lv'>'3v77 7. Marv T^ 'vr.'iiintee to Kelson P St i lwel l . Mnr ia S2.000, C a G Nov 1 SDO 10St>i tt, iWtiT. l iat t an , n o m

14nfh St. No 696 . a a. 4 0 0 e W l ' l l s av. 25x100 , Chos A Nafz lo H e i n r i c h R o t h . Mor t $ 1 . -5 0 0 . Oct 3 1 . tiom

148111 Pt. p 3. 1 6 6 . 8 e Brook av. I f i . S x i n o . Adnlnb G H u p f e l to E m i l R o a e n b a u m , Oct 27 . 0 .300

15'>ft «t No 5 3 3 . n s. 5 5 0 w C o u r t l a n d t av , ' ' 5 x 1 0 0 . r h a " M TCaennel to L e n a Sie-fpld. Mor ta S11 .500 . Nov 1. 6 0 0

152rt s t . a a. 125 w P n u r f l q n d t av. 2 5 x 1 0 0 . , TWafgle n i n e d e tn M i n r i " wife of Bdwai-d F r e y . M o r t s SS.OOO. Nov 2 . 4 ,800

S a m e p r o n e r t v : a l so p r o p e r t y adj on w 8. A p r e e m e n t a s to e n c r n a c h m e n t . ChfiB W S c h u m a n n to M a g g i e Gloede. Nov 2. 1898 .

n o m 152d at. a s. 6 2 5 e C o r t l a n d t nv, 25x114 2x

5 5 x 1 1 4 . 3 . npoTBc H r e p n r y t o Michael C nrfSKS. MorfR S^ ^ 0 0 . Nov 2. nnm

1 5 4 t h at. 9 3. S4o .3 e M o r r i s av . 50x100 . F>-5nTt Piaclnftn fo M a r t i n M a u r e r , J r . Ml RopSriOO. Oct 17 . n o m

1.55th St. s a. 325 .3 c Morr ia nv, 2 5 x 1 0 0 . ex­cept na r t tfilren tn widen 1 5 5 t h sf. J o h n Hoffman tn J a c o b P ioh l and . \ n t o n R i n a c h -le r Oct 3 1 . See Ea^-'e av. nora

155th at, Nf^c 5JO ar\fi 514 . s ?, 4 5 0 w Cour t -Ifinilt av 50x100 Gpnrge Rto 'z to C h r i s t i n a M n n f a e . ' Mor t $20 ,000 . Oct 2 8 . See V l r -e in ia a t . f ' teh

156th at. I w cor Jaclraon nv. 7 o x 9 0 , exceot n n r t tpT'en for afreet . Sophia Qu ick +" •RUen MulhoUnnd . N o v 1. 0 0 0 0

1*i7iii St. « B, ' ion w CnuT-flnndt nv. 21x210 x 2 1 x ' ' ' ' 1 6 Mar ia prtelzer v-idow to J o b " r; T . T t z " M n r l S3 nno. Off or>, 5 550

157fh s t n s. i i l ' ' . 9 w O m t r d a n d t nv. n e w Hne n m s n 51 .0 x w 105 .8 t o P a r k av . x s w 5S.3 fo 157fh s t . x e 1 3 3 , George Pfolz t o John J BeU. Mor ta $ 4 , 0 0 0 . Aug 1 5 . " ^ ^

15P'th sf. a ^. 242 e Court ls indt av . 2 o x 9 8 . 5 . pUen Mulhnns'nfl tO Sophia Oi 'Ick. M o r t Slo.^flO Oct 3 1 . •"«! consid t>'",'^ 100

IPOfT^'st n a. 9 8 w P n u r f l a ^ - n av , n O r l O l , FT-rfh C Pel l V-^o"''-, N y. tn Ph'M-n J •ni-lr^an. Mot-'-r 81^ noo . R fli R O c t ? ' ' i n m

IROHi .^t. R B ? 8 w rn" ' -Hp ' ' d f a'- "OvPO •pr-or-y. r Doll >'vaf.V. N T . tn Mav^fl 'e t W C B nf V I P 1 ' " P 1 Refl ican. B & S . M o " ' s e s n n o . Oct 3 1 . nom

163d sf. a c '-n-- T'iT-Hv 3v, r - n s s 2 2 x p ' 'O X n 2 X o t 'o X tl 20 fn 163d f. X w 100. Oen .T Fp'-r'cfhtiil (n HeT*"?"" ^'•hmuC'f »nd Michnel Mnntair. Vorlfi M.'iOO. Nf"' 1. nom

105th s i . B 9. 155,11 e Bi-nok av, 50v116 . Forec loa Tbn ' ; ^ rinxtiBllv to M a r y L dp Cflsfano. Mnrf.. S 1 9 7 1 6 . O^t 26 . R 2 5 0

lfi7th at, Nn 120r., s a ii8.4 e Sou the rn Bou-levjird 16 8 - ' ' 0 K U B " <^ni.n to Georee S 'nlz . ' Mort Sn.OnO. Oct 14. nom

169lh St. 3 w a. 6 5 5 n w 167th at . r u n s e w 2 S . i l y s w 3 0 X n 16 .1x15 t o 169th at . X 6 e 30 to b e g i n n i n e . Releo'ip morf, Geo W S E l l i o t t to Dan ie l J Oaffney. Nov 2.

nOO 174fh St. a w cor F u l t o n av, 88 .3x126 l l x

—X126.10, F rn s t -MavT N a t h a n Co t o M'>r-r la M a r k s , All l lenS. Oct 3 1 . 16..50O

IfiOth sf. old l i ne . Nn 1044 . a s, 51 w Mnoea ^v , old l i n e , 24x103 . C h a r l e s and N e t a

J B j o r k e g r e n t o J o h n P aod K a t h r y n e F a r r e l l . MOrta - $ 2 . 7 D O . Oct 22 . 4.50O

l S 2 d at, s S. 65 .9 w P a r k av W e s t , 16.Sx 82 .6x16 .8x80 .9 . N o r t h e r n I m p r o v e m e n t Co to Chaa A B e r n h a r d t . Oct 28 . nom

.\v A. c s, ^ 0 n 5th s t . 50x130 .6 . F o r d h a m . T h o m a s M u r r a y . WateTvi l le , N Y. h e i r Munlco . W i l l i a m a n d J a m e s M u r r a y tn J o ­a n n a -M R o n a n . V o n k e r s N Y, Oct 10 300

Av B, w 3, 3 0 0 n 5 th s t , 50x130 .6 , F o r d h a m . J a r a e s A and W m H Ross , Anna R H u n t e r fo rmer ly Boss wife of F r a n k D H u n l e r . Edwd P and K a t h e r l n e T Ross , of P h i l a ­de lph ia . P a . and Sa rah W A r b u f k l e foC-mer lv Ross h e i r s a t law of W i l i l a m Ross t o T h e n d o r p and Dvdia S a t t l e r , Jo int t en ­a n t s . Oct 7. B & s : 2 ,000

• A s h av. s a llota 7 3 and 135 m a n Lacon ia Beach av, n 5 | P a r k . W i l l i a m a b r i d g e . 25x

100. each . M a r t i n J K e o g h to Glovan lnna C i a n c h e t t i . Oct 19 . 2.-500

B a l h g a t e av. e a. 4 9 n 176 th st, 2.Tv;75. M a r y Seiferd to M a r y E Bowles . Oct 27 .

nom Boston flv, e a. or a e 3, 87 n e T e a s d a l e pl .

2 0 . 5 x 6 5 x 1 9 x 7 3 . Maur i ce U n t e r m y e r to C h a r l e s N a a r a e ^ . Morta $10 ,000 . Oct 27 .

n o m Brin-ss av, n w s, 202 .4 n e T r a v e r s at . 25x

100. TTarrv E Cornwel l (o Sa rah H a i ' s o " . Mnr t S500. Nov 3 . 1.000

Brook av. e i. 81 ,3 n 169th s l . 3Txin( i 0 to l a r d N Y * ; H a r l e m R R. Nl'^ls Toelh '^rg lo OeorfP Stolz. M o r t s S9..-i00, Or" ''1 m m

B u r n s l d e av, n w cor A n t h o n y av , 20,6x93..8"; 2 0 , 1 x 1 0 0 . 3 . T h o m a s M o r g a n to S a m u e ! S c h w a r t z . M o r t s $7 ,500 . Oct 29 . 12 .500

CIinlr>n av, w idened , w s. 72 ,7 s Jefferson nf, 2 4 x 8 7 . 3 , excep t n a r t t aken t o w ldsn Cl in­ton av. B l l en wife of and J o s e p h Corcoran fo rmer lv E l l e n Ca l l ahan to W e r n e r Mavlv. Oct 20. 1..500

Cllnfnn av. w idened , vr a. 9 6 . 7 s Jefferson al. 2 4 , 3 x 8 7 . 4 v 2 4 . 3 x 8 7 . 8 . excep t p a r t t a k e n tn widen Cl in ton av. S a m e to M a r t i n and FTise P l e t s c h e r , t e n a n t s by en t i r e l y . Oct 20, 1.50(1

Cl in ton av , e a. 22 n O a k l a n d pl , 22x100 . C a l h a r i n e and Ju l i a C u r r a n to . \ u e u ? t TCirchner. Mor t $ 3 , 2 0 0 and all l i ens . Oct 3 ] , 4,7011

Ccllee-e av. w s, 7 1 5 . 5 n 169fh st . 25x92 .6 . R n h r a t m B L e v y to J o h n S h a n n o n . Oct 24 . 8-50

Cour f l and t sv . N o 729. w s. 5 0 a 156fB 6t. VR xlOO. P h l l l p p i n a K e r n e r to J a c o b K e m r r . Nov 1, nnm

Crntnnn av . w P. 214 n Jefferson st . 2 5 x 1 1 3 . 3 • x 2 7 2 x 1 2 3 . 1 0 . R n w i a n d W T h o m a s and

l e n a c L D u n n to W i n s l o w E Busby . Mor t s SI .125. Nov 1. nom

E a g l e av . e s. 4 1 2 . 8 n W e s t c h e s i e r av . 16.Sx 115. J a c o b R ieh l a n d Anton R i n s c h l e r to .Tohn Hoffman. Or l 3 1 , See 1 n 5 t h s t . noni

F r a n k i i n a v . w iden ing , from 3d av to Cro­t o n a P a r k , d a m a g e m a p No 1 1 , 17x10 .4 . Re leaae m n r t . T-ouisp A McBwen lo City of New Y o r k . .Tuly 30 . n a m

F u l l o n av. w B, 1 2 6 . 1 1 A 1 7 4 t h at . I'unn v-— X a 5 0 X w 1 0 X s 75 X e 8S.9 to nv. X n 125 . E r n s t - M a r x - N p * h a n Co to Morr i ' ; Marka . All Uens. Oct 3 1 . ISOO'l

"Glehp s v P a. 235 .7 n W e s t c h e a t e r nv. 25x 139 .6x26 .3x147 .6 . M a r y W a l s h to A u g u s t a BerKPr. Oct 20 . l.^lOO

l-Tnrrison av , w s, 125 .1 n Morton p l . 50 .2v 1.30,10 tn land Croton A q u e d u c t D e n a r t -m e n t . x-"Rvl ' i4 .1 . Re leaae m o r t . F r e d e r i c E nnd H u g h N C a m p . J r . ex r s and t m a ' c e s H u g h N C a m p to C a r r i e J S i n g h i . Nov 1.

?4n Same p r o p e r t y . Re l ea se m o r t . H a r r i e t H

Wi lcox , W e s t e r l y , R I, to s a m e . Oct 20 . 5 ,500

Hul l av, w a, 250 s Scol t av, -^tixllO. H e n r y H Meise to George Donne l ly . Morl $ 5 7 0 . Oct 1 7 1.500

Tnwnod av, e a, lot 3 2 1 m a p Inwood . r u u s v.-— to Cromwell. '! or D o u g h t v a Brook, x n

- X o "If"; X a .87,9 x w 112.6 . cxcent n.irt t a k e n to ex tend Tnwnod av . . \ u e u s t a Fs'l-ve l l a to Marv Rosc iano , % p a r t . Oct 2 5 .

fiOO Jackson av, e s. 0 0 s InOlh st, now laid out .

1 5 0 x 8 7 . 6 . Gen R F o w l e r lo P r e d k H Call-beck . Morta .$9,000. Oct 2 8 .

- val consid and 100 Jackaon av . e a. 2 3 0 n 1 5 6 t h at . 25x87 .6 .

Alex C Campbel l to A u g u s t Hambiirp-cr . Mor t s S4.0nO. Oct 29. 6.300

Jackaon av , w s, 11.1.6 n Cliffnn s t . lO. ' .Hlo . F<-"fl.i( A S tah l to W i l l i a m Schi l l ing . .M.irts $2..500. Oct 3 1 . , nom

J e r o m e sv, s e a , 2 5 n lOTth s t . also 27.71 n e lOTtli st . m e a s u r e d a l o n g J e r o m e ftv.l 2 7 . 7 x 9 ^ x 2 5 x 1 0 9 , 8 . ' .^ 1

J e r o m e ' v . s e s. 5 0 n 167 th s t . a l so 55.2J n e 1 6 7 t b St, m e a s u r e d a long av , 27 "x.'ii.l.5l x25x9R. I

Je i - tme av. a e s. 75 n 167 th at, a lso ^2 .0 nt 167th s t , m e a s u r e d a l o n g av, 2T.7x74.8x 2 5 x 8 0 , 5 . 1 F e r d C, B a u m a n to W C u r t i s Deane . M o r t s $2 ,860 . J u l y 6. nom

Johnson av. w s. a cor plot F m a p land Thoa H Edaa l l . a t Spuv ten Duyv i l , r u n s n w 114 y n e 100 x s e 108 ,6 to s t a k e In J o h n s o n av, xlOO.6, except par t t a k e n for w i d e n i n g .Tohnson av . n o w K a p p o c k St. Mary A B a r r y to B r i d g e t Cour tney . Oct 2 9 . 3 ,500

S a m e p r o p e r t y . C h a s S G l l e h r e s t , Espef-ance , N Y. to M a r y A B a r r y . Oct 25 , Horn

Madison or B a l h g a t e av . w s. 1 3 6 . 1 g Ta l ­m a d g e or ISOlh St. 21 .1x04 .8 . Bliza T Carev lo F r e d k E Wood. Mor t a $3 ,100 . Oct 27 . - nom

Marlon av, n w s. lot 166 m a p ViUage E a s t T r e m o n t . 6 6 x 1 5 0 . 2 . Danie l W K e n n e d y to F r a n k J P a l t e r s o n . Oct 2 8 . nom

Miihegpn • e a, 104 ,10 n F a i r m o u n I av. .lOx 70 . WiUiara Mellor lo B d m o n d C Allcot. Oct 27. nom

Morr i s av . w s, 150 n 1 7 4 t h s t , 50x100, F e r n a n d o BaUes t o Leo Sch les inge r . Mort $7 ,500 . Oct 6. ftom

Morria BV. w s. 2 5 . 8 n C a m e r o n pl , o l . 4 x i l 4 x50x105 .4 . T h o m a s De laney to Jacob and S'ophia P r l l z . jo in t t e n a n t s . M o r t s $l..iO(l, Nov 1. Dom

* M r O r 8 w av, n a. 100 w Oot taee Grove av, 25x100 . Mai i r l lz io "Zetena to J a c o b and Louise W e r n e r . Oct 28 . See Hancock sf,^

Mot t av . e S. a t n o r t h cor p r e m i s p s cohvevpfl bv R i c h a r d s to Car ley, r u n s n 2 5 x e 221 .7 to N V & H a r l e m R R. x s w 25,6 x w 216 5, Forec los . fleo C Aus t i n to Annie C Tower fo rmer lv C a r t e r , Sou th F r a m i n g h a m . Mn^s. Oct 3 1 . ' 17 .750

P a r k av , e s, 100 n e I T l s t at, 5 0 x 3 0 0 tn W a a b i n g l o n av . except n a r t t aken to widen av . Sub to m o r t s .S3.000. Mabel Goodman bv Geo A Vosa" gua rd lo Max S B o e h m . All t i t l e . Oct 26 . 312

Samp p r o p e r l v . .Taraea H M a r s h . J r , to -Abra­h a m F a r b e r . Mor t $ 3 , 0 0 0 and t axes . 23-24 p a r t s . Oct 31 l.OOO

t^amc p r o p e r t y . Max 9 B n e h m lo A b r a h a m F a r b e r . 1-24 p a r i . Oct 31 nom

Penfold av . a s. 137 .0 w S u b u r b a n pl. L'^.llx 130. Nel l ie Rice lo E d w a r d M Scudder . B & S . C a G . Oct 2 7 . 5 0

P roapec t av. s w cor Daweon a'. 2 ixOi i ; alao p r o p e r l v a d i o i n i n g on s a P a r t y wall a u r e e - . m = n t . T h n m a a O 'Rofke lo H e r m a n n H r r -ing. Oct 3 1 . „ " ° ' "

P r o s p e c t av , W s, 26 .8 s Dawson at. n .4x 94 9 x 2 . 4 x 9 4 . 1 0 . H e r r a a n n H c r l n g to T h o s O 'Rorke . Oct 3 1 . ^ ^ , " " " i

P roapec t av . w a. 1 9 8 n John 3t, 3.,: i l . i i i . wi th r i g h t of way o v e r 4 2 ft a d i land S a m u e l Rye r , from premii-e? to road lead­i n g f rom W e a l P a r m a lo K i n g a b r i d g e . R n b e r t R o b e r t a lo WUUam Schmi l z and GuEtav B u l e n s i e i n . Oct 20 . l.oOO

P r o s n e c t av . No 6 3 3 , w a, 5 0 n l o l a t at . 2ox 100. Cha r l e s Van R i p e r to Adolnh H Rie t -n ian and Albe r t L u l h e r , Morte $ 4 , 0 0 0 . N o v 1_ val cons id and 100

P r o s p e c t av . w s. 8 0 s Lehanon s t . 25x100 . Ju l iua H Giese lo M a r g a r e t F Ke i ly . Oct 3 1 . Mor t -$2,500, 4.nOO

Spdgwlck av, e a. I S n lot 6 m a p e s t a t e David M c l e o d . ?t H I g b h r l d p e . r u n s a 145 x e ,88.6 X n 135 x W 124.6 to beg inn ing , be ing Iota 1 to 5 and p a r t 6 s a m e m a p . except p a r t t aken to open 161s t s t and S u m m i t av. C h a s H Davis and E l l a s 3 Sandford lo Dav i s Se Sanford , a corporn l ion . Mort $ . n e t 20. 4*^m

P o u t h e r n Bou leva rd , e s. 25 n J e n n i n g s st, 2.> slOO, George Stolz t.o C h a r l o t l e C Rice . Mpr t s $ 9 3 6 . Oct 2 8 . See Minford pl . exch

Sou ihe rn BnulFVcrd. w a, 50 .7 n 181 th ai, 25 .4x109 .1x25x113 .2 . M a r g a r e t Hirk-^ '_n A u - u s l i t s Oare les , Nov 2. I . . i0n

S i ebb in s nv. s e a, at s a H o m e s t . 3 3 x 1 0 2 . 9 x 9 4 x 5 2 . 1 1 . P r e d k W P i l r h e r to Alfred k r i c a o n . Sub to e n c r o a c h m e n t on s s of 0 .2 . Oct 24 . -'••''II*

Pame p r o n e r t v , F o r e c l o s . Chaa D I lur r l l l to F r e d k W P i t c h e r . Sen! 19 . . 1600

St Anna av , e s, 502 a 156 lh a l . 51.2x90?; 51 .6x00 . Geo W A r t b u r to Mary Burffrt:=. Mnr t s $20 ,000 . Oct 27. (See 63fl at, M a n ­h a t t a n ) 3n,nn()

s t A n n a ' a v . o s. 5 2 8 a 1-56th a t . 2 6 . 2 x 9 0 x 2 5 7 x90 Marv B u r g e s s lo Edwd W , H e r m a n and Hopp E Rnblr?=on. O d 3 1 . 18001)

F n l o n av, w s. 5 1 s 1.50lb s t , 2 4 x 8 0 . Re l ea se m o r t . Soloraon Cohen ond H a n n a h R e i t e r t o R a c h e l R e i t e r . Oct 2 4 . nom

Sarae p rope r ty . Re l ea se m o r t . W m H B a r t h . W m H Dewey and H a n n a h R e i t e r tO Same. Oct 24 , » " ' "

S a m e p r o p e r t y . Re leaae m o r t . F r e d e r i c J Midd lebrook t o M a r g a r e t Qu inn . Oct 3 1 . 5 0 0

Same n rope r tv . Rache l R e i t e r to Same. Mor ta $ 7 , 0 0 0 . Oct 24 . 9.30O

Union av, from n a E a s t 156 th s t to Soaton road d a m a g e m a p parce l 44 . Rei=i»e m o r t . H a r l e m Sav ings B a n k to George l l u t t U o g . s e p t 1. " ° "

Union av . n e cor Dawson s i , 2 5 x 9 8 . 6 . J a m e s Mpehrtn to Augirntiis Gare i ss , J r . Mor t s $20 000 . Nov 2. S'-e W e s l c h c t t r ftv.

3 2 . 0 0 0

Wfllniil flv. w a. 130,5 n l ^ l U t s l . 177 . J t ' ^42 .8 x 2 1 2 x 2 7 n . 3 . R a v m c n d S P e r r i n and H o r a c e B Pavson to T h e P e r r i n . Paygon S- Co. a corporaf lon . B & S . C a O. J u l y 27, R e ­recorded , nom

W a s h i n g t o n av . w s, 120 .9 n 6 4 t h at, 5 . 1 * 150 . L a u r a B and El iz J H a m m o n d hei ra and d a u g h t e r s E d m u n d H a m m o n d to Thoa 0 H a m m o n d . J u n e 15, nom

S a m e p r o p e r t y . Marv B BOntote fo rmer ly D e s m o n d and C h a r l o t t e h DflSmoflil t« sftmp, Q p, ^use S, Mtt^

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide S a m e p r o p e r t y . Thoa G H a r m o n i o u s G a n d

W m C H a m m o n d to Michael Clear . A u g 1. n o m

W a s h i n g t o n av , No 1103 , w a. 120 .9 n e 4 t h s l . 24.77^150. G r a n t i n g re lease , T h o s G Hara raond wi lh I s r ae l C Jonea . A u g 1. n o m

W a s h i n g t o n av. w s, 120 .9 n e 4 t l i at, 4 9 . 5 x 150. excep t p a r t t a k e n to open av . T h o s G H a r m o n i o u s G H a m m o n d to Michae l Clear . B & S . C a G . A u g 1 . 6 ,000

W e b s t e r av . a e cor propoaed s t 30 ft wide , .50x75, Forecloa. Dav id M u r r a v to Sonhia Z i m m e r m a n n . Mor ta -$14,000. Oct 2 8 . 5 flOfM^

W e n d o v e r av . a s. 1 0 0 e 3d av, 7 5 x l 3 1 x 7 5 x ' 1.32.6. Emst-TVTarx-Nathan Co to Solomon Roae. Oct 3 1 . 12 .000

W e a t c h e a t e r RV. e a. 140 .2 a W a l e s av . 50x 124 .11x60 .4x91 ,1 . A u g u s t u s Gare i s s . J r . to Jame<? M e e h a n . M o r t s $12 ,000 . Nov 2, See Union nv. 3 2 , 0 0 0

Woodruff av, a w coT C r o t o n a av, 100x107 .6 . Nie l s Toe lbe rg to George Stolz, M o r t s ^a,-750. n e t 27. • n o m

3d av. s e cor Rose st . 49 .4x87 .3x49 .4x .87 . except p a r t t a k e n to widen 3d av . F e r d i ­n a n d F o r s c h to F r e d k W W a n e , M o r t s $7 . -0 0 0 . Oct 3 1 . va l consid and 100

3d av. e a. 176.11 a 1 7 4 l h s t , 75x100 . Pao lo Corona and Mar i a V a c c a r a fo E r n s t - M a r x -N a t h a n Cn. Oct 3 1 . 2 0 . 0 0 0

3d av, e a. 176.11 a 174 th st, 7 5 x 9 0 . E r n s l -Marx-Nalhf in Co to I s a a c L a n d s b e r g . All l iens . Nov 2 . 20 ,000

3d nv. e s. 225 n 171s l s t . 50x100 . E r n r t -M a r x - N a f h a n - C o to Mary E Robinson . Oct 31. nom

3d av . No 3 5 5 1 . w s. 2 0 x 1 0 0 , Sophia H a g e ­m a n n t o Max H i r s h k i n d and Soloraon B Tfraus. Mor i s ^ 7 0 0 0 , Oct 3 1 . 10

S a m e p rone r ty , F m i l H an d B e r t h a H a g e -• m a n n , B l i zabe th T. Tfronemoyer and Mnr-

g a r e t C o a h i n g lo Sophia Ha .gemann . Oct 3 1 . O C. 10

*Road l ead ing from Vi l l age of W e a t e h e s t e r ' tn P e l h a m Bride-p. a t infer.=ectlon s l one wal l , r t ' na e e 4S5 to l a n d s F e r r i s e s t a t e . X n e 1 IO X n w 521 .9 to road , x a w 175 fn b e g i n n i n g , cnnlnin,' ' 2 a c r e s . J e n n i e W S h r e v e fo rmer ly W a t s o n wife of Geo R Shreve and J e m ^ ' p W W a t a o n hpi ra M a r t i n V B and J p n n i p H Waf^on to B d w a r d Sec" r . B & S . C a o , Oct 20. 7.25

L o t s 15 , 16, 17 an d 1 8 m a p Villac-e of M t B d e n . n e a r U p p p r Morr iaan ia D e n o t . J o ­seph Bnr fon and 5' 'Icforlne B o g e r t . of BrusFc ls . B e l s l u m , to F r a n k J P a t t e r s o n , Oct 19. nom

*T ots 30 . 4 4 . 4 5 r n d 4 6 m a p in p a r t i t i o n pala te of Mar i a F P i e r c e et al a t Wesfchpa le r . Pnra Mor r i s wldnw, F r a n c e s T Mor r i s . H and Alice V Morr i s h i s wife t o Alfred H Mor r i s . Sepf 22 . nom

• T o l a 4 2 . 46 . 4 7 64 . 65 , 136. 3 2 7 . 4 7 0 and .^18 man of the Arden p r o p e r l y , Haa t chea -fpr and W e s t c h e s t e r . Mat i lda F r a s e r to W a l t e r W Taylor . All l iena. Nov 1 8 . 1SP6.

n o m

T.EA S E S .

(Under th is h e a d all Leases reeorded. Assign­m e n t of Leases and Leasehold Conveyances will be found. The expressed conalderation following 11:^ term of ye.Trs for wbli'h a l"ase l5 given — "ns] .-n TT.,.rh " n r v ° n r , W l i p r i f v o r flic i l a t e i '

C h e r r y s t . No 235 , s t o r e an d roome. F e l i x P h i l l i p s lo Mor r i s Rooben ; 1 7 - 1 2 y e a r s .

26-1 Divis ion st . No 264 , 1 s t floor and b a a e m e n t .

Moe A d a m fo B e r n h a r d So lomon; 5 y e a r s , 6 0 0

F r a n k l i n s t . N o 1.56. J o s e p h i n e Ble ie r tn Ei '^npr and Mende l snhn Co; 9'-^ y e a r a . , 6 . 0 0 0

H a m i l t o n at, No 12, al l . L o u i s P e r e l s t e i n to Bonave .n lu ra and Brae l i a .'VbrlolR: 3 y e a r s .

r e p a i r s and 3 000 L u d l o w !=f. w a. 75 a S t a n t o n s t . .50x87.6.

Ass ign lease . L o u i s F u c h s l o c h e r to Alex­a n d e r M i l n e nom

Madison at . Nna 307 and 309 . L o u i s Leae fn Max Gold : 3 v p a r s ^0,500

Riv ing ton at . N o 1 5 . Dan ie l L S h e a r e r . C a m ­b r i d g e . Mass , an d J a m e a C Jonea fo H a r t ­man F G u n d r u m : .3 y e a r s , from Mav 1 1 8 9 9 . , 2 , 1 0 0

South Bt. No 4 0 . H a n n a h V C B a a s c t t and Margarp I C F e e t e r lo H e n r y Nobel and F r e d e r i c k B a a r ; O^^ y e a r a 3 60O

W e s t B r o a d w a v . No 166. .\Balgn lease . Geo K i n n e y to Thorans M S L o t t nora

2d s t . n s. 1 9 3 w Av B, 2 5 x 1 0 6 . H e n r l e t t n W y n k o o p to C o n a t a n l i n e K n e e r ; 10 y e a r s

taxea . See, and 500 Sth at. n a, 1.32 e B r o a d w a v . 2 6 x 9 3 , 1 1 . Aa-

flign l ease . L o u i s Cowen fo E l i s h a F Fnipa ^^^'.7(1000

9th a l . n a. 147 .7 e U n i v e r s i t v p l . 2.5x92.3. Assign leaae. W i l l i a m Schne ide r to W m A T i n n e b e r g . - nom

13 th St. Nos 4 7 and 4 0 W e a l . S a m e to a a m e : fi yea r s , from May 1, 1 9 0 0 2.7.50

14 lh at. No .52 Weat , F a r m e r s L o a n and T r u a t C o , t r u s t e e E d w a r d C C e n t e r to .Adolph F r a n k f l e l d : 3 veara 8 OIIO

14 th at. No 4 8 Wea t . W i l l i a m . Se rena and T J Oakley R b i n e l a n d e r . e s t a t e M a r v R S i e w a r t . W m R and L l s p e n a r d S t e w a r t exra and t rus t eea J u l i a R b i n e l a n d e r In M a t t h e w Ca l l ahan and T h o m a s Morr lasv . firm C a l l a h a n Ss Mor r l say ; 5 r e a r s from May 1, 1 9 0 0 9 .750


17lh St. No 4 3 7 W e s t , W m P Lawleaa to R o b t J L a w l e a s ; 3 y e a r s , w i t h o u t r e n t . .

19 th at, No 4 6 1 W e s t . M a r y E L a w l e s s to Robt J L a w l e s s ; 3 yea r s , w i t h o u t r e n t . .

19 th St. No 4 5 9 W e s t . T h o s J La^vless t o s a r a e ; 3 yea ra , w i t h o u t r e n t

2 1 s t St. n s. 6 0 c IOlh av, 20x98..8. Ass ign lease . Helen E and Jen i i l e L Deue l w i t h c o n s e n t of M a r i a T B Moore to Chas W R o s e k r a n s - - 5 .000

•3d st . N o 22 . a a. 229 .6 w 5 t h av . 28x98 .9 . Ph i l l i p s and Lloyd P h o e n i x Individ e x r s and t r u s t e e a S tephen W P h o e n i x to N a ­than , Sr, N a t h a n . J r . and Har r i aon n i a r k ; 10 yeara , from May. 1892 11,000, 12 .000

-Sa rae p r o p e r t y . S u r r e n d e r of above l e a se . C la rk H a r r i s o n . H e r m i n e H C l a r k a d m r of N a i h a n Cla rk 2d and G i lbe r t H C r a w ­ford e x r N a t h a n Cla rk to PhUIIps and Lloyd P h o e n i x n o m

' ' 29 th St. Noa 3 9 nnd 4 1 W e s t . J o h n Da ly and J a m e a O'Connor to W m H B u s t e e d - o y e a r s 50OO

4 o t h St. n a, 100 e 8 lh av, 16 ,8x100 .5 , Chas P S o u l h m a y d and J a m e s F Clhamherlain t r u s t e e a for H e n r y Aafor to Joaeph T W o r t -e n d v k e , Boonton , N J ; 2 0 y e a r s , from Aug 1. 181*^ t a x e s . &c. and 400

S a m e p r o p e r t y . Assign lease . J o s e p h T ^^ 'nr tendyke to Anna M C a r t e r nOm

?tarap p rnne r ty . Aaaign lease . A n n a M Car -l e r tn J o s e n h i n e Do Horae n o m

4Slh sf, s s. 562 w 5 th av . 1 lot. C o n s e n t t o asa ign lease . T r u s f e e a Co lumbia College to Geo E Corne l ! a d m r Sa rah A Cornel l and B i rdsa l l Corne l ! n w n

•I8lh St. No 4 6 W e s t . Ass ign lease . B i rdsa l l Cornell to George B Cornel l ' nom

S o m e p r o p e r t y . Aaaign lease, George B Cor­nel l a d m r Sarab A Cornell to Geo B Cor-"e l l , n o m

oOfh at, No 5 2 7 W e s t , afore floor and base ­m e n t . Bede l l a M a u l o n fo A n d r e w H F i n n e ­g a n ; 3 y e a r s 4S0

Same p r o p e r t y . Anstgn lease, A n d r e w H F i n n e g a n In Pa t r ip l r J F i n n e g a n . . . . n o m

-50lh sl , 5 a, 7 2 1 w 5 t h av , 1 lo t . Conaent In aF=aiffn lease . T r u s t e e s Co lumbia Col ­lege to F r e d e r i c k P e t e r s o n n o m

50n i 'it. No 2 0 s W e s t . I da B Da ly to Michael .T C n n n n o r : .5 v e a r s o (;n--

f;6fh St. s B. 60 w 4 th nv. 2 0 x 1 0 0 , 5 , Conaent" to a s s ign leaae, E l b r i d g e T O e r r y lo J e n ­n ie Smadhec l t . . , , nora

Samp p r o p e r t v . Ass ign leasp. J e n n i e S m a d ­beck t o Al icp O D e m o r e s t n o m

6 9 i h St. N o 1 1 8 W e s t . A n n i e Ormla ton and I sabe l l a McCnrmnck to J a m e a E N e w c o m b -3 y e a r s I . R O Q

72d s t , n a. 3 0 w r ,pxington nv. 25x102 .2 . A n n a B Lyon to Hofel St T^orenz Co: 5 A'cara. frnm M a v 1. 1,899 2 5 , 0 0 0

. \ t - ^ t c r d a m av . Nos 1354 nnd 1356 . s w cor T .awren-" sf. co rne r afore and a tore s o u l h rrni-n pnrn=r. T h o m n a S W a l k e r to Chr la -tnnbpr J S u l l l v a n ; 4 2-3 y ea r s ' - . 1 . 2 0 0

A m a f e m o m av. Nn 1^121, n p pnr 1.50fh at, AcnIha R e i n h a r t tn Bdwd J Adlpr ; 2 v e a r s

- • 840 . 9 0 0 Brnnd-n-fiv. c P pnr 9fh at, 2 3 . 4 x 5 0 x 4 5 . 6 y " 6 . 2

x P 3 . 1 1 . . \ s s l e p m p n l nf lease , . \ m a z l a h T, Ashman fo E l l aha F Fa lea • - 2 6 . 0 0 0

C o l u m h u a av. n e cnr 66 th pt, 25x100 . Leaae .""d a g r n p m e n t . .Tnhn O B a k e r t o Thomn ' ; H P H I V : t e r m pndinir Mfiv 1. 10i>5.3.00O, 4 . 5 0 0

C n i i ' m b u s av, Nos 336 and 338 , g w •^or 76fb at . . \ s s lgn l ease . R o g e r V Bnnnel l fn P C T a l m a n m m

Columhua av. a w cnr SOth s t . s t o r e . Tm-ncr la l Cnns t rucf lnn Co. a co rpo ra t i on , tn Butrene Brnwn : 10 v e a r s • • . . . .2.7^10

1st av. No 167 . s t o r e Oonr. F r a n c e s and Al­bprt Vnlkcnberp- |o Max and M i n n i e Mav, Opf 3 1 , 4 U v p a r s 1 020

1st HV, No 1144 . a p cor 63d at. s t o r e floor and f ront b a s p m e n t . Bridsreporf S t p a m -hnnt Co. nf B r i d g e p o r t . Conn, fn Caro l ine M u l l e r : 5 7-12 v e a r s 1,0.80, 1.200

2d av. Nn 773 . a tore and 2 r o o m s and f rnnt bqaeiTipnf. Mra Bllzahpfii Schuenem.Tnn tn SamiiPl L n e w y ; 5 7-12 y e n r s 696 , 8 4 0

2d nv, N o 1 3 1 , a w cnr 8fh at, s t o r e a n d baaempnt , A u g u a t Ruff to Michae l G e b ­h a r d ; 5 vpara l.ROO

3d nv. No 9 5 3 . u o cor 57th st . 1st finor. Marv M Davldaon lo N i n e t p p n t h W a r d B a n k : 3, from May 1 . 1,890 3 .000

.3d BT. No 2086 . afore nnd h a s e m e n t . Solo­mon Annel nnd Ouefflv Bnach fo Chna D n i r k h p h n : 5V-, yea ra 1.300

3d .''V. No 1560, afore floor and b a s e m e n t . J o h n H Schwegle r lo Max MenK; 4 U v e i r s . 1,600. 1.700

8 t h av . 1 w cnr 4 9 t h s t . r u n s w 1 2 5 x a 1 0 0 , 5 X w 2 5 X s 25 .5 x c 150 to av . x n 125 .10 . E Holbrook and W m F C u s h m a n . Anael ica B F a b e r and Geo F Wilcoxaon Individ and pxr and t r u s t p p f lmi l l e \ Wi lcoxson and Bml l i e R and M a t i l d a C WUcoxsnn devlspps to M a r t i n W B o w m a n ; 21 yea ra S.OOfl

B O R O T T G H O F T H E B K O W X .

l l H h st, Nos 4 5 1 - ^ 5 7 . n a, 2 4 0 c P a r k av,I

13Bth s t , n 3, new l ine , 100 w Sd av . old l ine , -50x70.1. J a m e s H Moran t o Michael Gleaaon; 10 yeara 5 0 0

137 th at. No 636 E a a t , s t o r e a n d g r o u n d floor. J o h n D B e h n k e n to M a r y Q e r k e ; 5 y e a r s 4 2 0 , 4 8 0

C o u r t l a n d t av , No 8 2 4 , n e cor 159 th s t . F r e d e r i c k D i l l e m u t h to S u a a n n a G l u m ; 5 yea ra . 5 4 0 , 600

Da ly av , w a, k n o w n aa P r e s b y t e r i a n Manae . 212x100 , except p a r t to open and w iden I S l s t s t and Da iy av. J aa S Bol lon, F r a n k A B e c k e r and S Car le ton H a i g h t t r u s t e e s F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h of W e s t F a r m s to M a r k u s E b e r h a r t ; 5 y e a r s . r e n a l r s and 8 0 0

P a r k av B n s t . n e cor ISOfh s t . 3 5 x 3 0 . s t o r e . J a m e a Kel ly to H e n r y C C a r s t e n s ; n y e a r s

„ • • 4 2 0 . 4 8 0 St Anna av, n w cor l o 6 t h s t , s t o r e and r o o m s

in r ea r . M o r r i s Neufe ld to Michael J Brod­e r i c k ; 7 y e a r s 8 4 0 , 1 , 2 0 0

S o u i h e r n Bou leva rd . No 506, Aaaign lease . H e r m a n Ohl In Ben.lamin Q i n n s b e r g . , n o m

S o u t h e r n Bou leva rd , s w cor L inco ln av . 2 0 x 90 . Ass ign leaae. B e n j a m i n G a l n s b o r g t o T h e Colonial B r e w e r y n o m

T r e m o n t ay, N o 1 3 3 1 . 'Bl len Car ro l l t o Chai W T u t t l e ; 5 y e a r s 660 , 7 2 0

S a m e p rope r ty . Ass ign lease . O h a s W T u t ­t le t o J a m e s M a h e r n o m

Union av , No 619 , s tore and 1st floor. B e n ­j a m i n R o b i t z e k t o F r a n z G e u t z e l ; 1 11-12 y e a r s 6 9 8

W i l l i s av , Nos 5 1 S and 520 . J o n a s W e i ! and B e r n h a r d Maye r and Leopold H u t t e r to M a r y C and S a m u e l A B u r n s ; 5 y e a r a . . . .

3 .300 . 4 . 0 0 0 S a m e p rope r ty , Ass ign lease . Mary C Burnfl

t o Saml A B u r n s ; a l l t i t l e n o m 3d nv. No 3267 . Ass ign lease . D o r o t h e e or

D o r a t h y S c h a r r e n b e c k to J u U a S c h n e i d e r „ 2 , 7 0 0 3d av . No 3192 . Conaen t to a a a l g n m e n t of

l ease and a g r e e r a e n t aa to r e n e w a l . K a t e B D e c k e r to G u a t a v M a y e r . Oct 2 5 . . . n o m

S a m e p r o p e r t y . Aaaign leaae. G u s t a v KeUer to G u a t a v Meye r n o m

3d av. No -3309. T h e o d o r e E b e l i n g to W m O W a l t e r ; 3 1 ^ y e a r s 0 0 0 . 1 .000

S a m e p rope r ty . S u r r e n d e r l ease . F r a n k P a v e l k a w i t h c o n s e n t of J o h n F Be tz m o r t ­g a g e e to T h e o d o r e E b l i n g n o m


1 0 7 x 1 ^ b l o c k . .1 116th St. s 3. In r e a r of e a s t 2 2 ft of above.I

22xV, h lock .....] Cars ten H Bohlen to H e n r y S t u I t z . J r ; 1 1-6 venrs • • 1.650

134 th st, Noa 8,86 and ,888 B. R e l e a s e f rom lease . A m a l i a Ricca to Marfin Labe . Oct 2 9 Tiom

NOTE.—The a r r angemen t of this liat IB as fol-lowa: Tbe first name Is t ha t of the mor tgagor , tho nex t tha t of the mortgagee. The description of the proper ty then follows, then the date of the mortgage, the t ime for which il was given and the amount . The general dates used aa headings a re the dates when the mortgage was handed Into the Regis ter ' s office to be recorded.

When the le t te rs " P . M." occur, preceded by the narae of a street , in these lists o£ m o r t ­gages, Ihey mean tha t it is a Purchase Money Mortgage, and for fuller par l icu la rs see the l ist of tranafers under the corresponding date. W h e n ­ever the r a l e I3 not given, read aa 6 per cent.

Mortgagea agains t 23d and 24th W a r d prop­erty will be found al together a t the foot of th is list.

Mer tgagcs under th ia head m a r k e d with * de­note tha t the proper ty Is located in the n&w Annexed Dis t r ic t (Act of 1S95).

B O R O U G H O F M A N H A T T A N .

October 2 8 , 29 , 3 1 . Nov . 1, 2, 3 .

A d a m , M a r i a L to T I T L B G U A R A N T E E A N D T R U S T GO. 2 7 t h at . No 229 , n a, 317 .4 w 7 t h av , 24 .8x98 .9 . Oct 2 8 , d u e Oct 2 7 . 1 9 0 1 . 4 % . .'i;7.5O0

Adier , B d w a r d J to George E h r e t . A m s t e r ­d a m av . No 1 8 2 1 . Saloon leaae . Oct 29 , d e m a n d . 1 .200

Aguero , Ignac io Ma de V and Minn ie C de V" to Geo T S todder . 4 9 t h s t . No 6 0 4 . a a. 100 w l l t h av . 25x100 .4 . Sub to m o r t s $4 ,000 . Oct 1 5 . due J a n 2 , 1 9 0 2 . ^ 3 ,000

S a m e to s ame , l l t h av, No 6 7 5 , w s- c e n l r e l ine 4 8 t h and 4 9 t h s ta , r u n s w 1 0 0 x n 2.5.1 X e 100 X 8 2 5 . 1 - Oct 16 , d u e J a n 2 . 1902 . 5 ,500

Ander son , T h e o P to T I T L B G U A R A N T E E A N D T R U S T CO. C l in ton at, n e oor R i v ­ington s t i 5 7 x 5 0 . Oct 2 7 . 1 yea r , 4^7.

1 8 , 0 0 0 . \ b r a h a m s . Roae to . lacob Kl fngena te ln . OOth

a t . s s. 142 .2 e 3d av , 19 .2x100 .5 . P M. Nov 1, Ins ta l la , 5%. 4 . 0 0 0

.Ascough, J n h n S fo J o h n H Dav . C o l u m b u a av . w a, 25 .5 a 1 0 9 t h at, 25 .2x100 . Sub to m o r t ? 2 5 . 0 0 0 . Nov 1, 1 yea r . 3 ,000

Ascoueh , Theo G to s a m e . C o l u m b u a av, w a. 5 0 . 7 s 109 th at . 25 .2x100 . Sub to m o r t a $25 ,000 . Nov 1, 1 year . 3 ,000

Axel rod . Rache l wife of J a c o b fo W i n t h r o p Sa rgen t , F l s h k l l l , N T . 9 9 t h a t , s a. 1 0 0 w C e n t r a l P a r k W e a t , 2 5 x 1 0 0 . 1 1 . Nov 2, due Nov 1. 1903 , 5 % . gold, 2 4 . 0 0 0

S a m e to W i l i l a m R a n k i n . S a m e p r o p e r t y . N o v 2 . duo Nov 24 . 1898 . 1,125

S a m e to s a m e . 1.30fh a t . N o 108 . a s, 117 w 6fh av , 1 5 x 9 9 . 1 1 . Oct 3 1 , due Nov 1 . 1899 . 2 . 2 0 0

Boger t . W a l t e r T.. F l u s h i n g . L I, to Simon P F l a n n e r y . Jonea a t . No 7, 25x100 . Nov 1 . due Mav 1. 1 9 0 1 , 6 % . 2 . 0 0 0

Br i s to l . E l i aa L e R o y M to N B W T O R K L I F E INSTTRANCB CO. Madiaon av . w s. 37 .6 n 3 6 l h et . 2 8 , 4 x 9 5 . Nov 2, d u e J a n 1, 1902 . 4Yi%. gold, 8 0 , 0 0 0

Record and Guide November 5,

Brown, Charlea to Bradley & Currier Co. Amsterdam av, s e cor 133d at, 100x100. P M. Nov 2, due May 2, 1899. 9,500

Berger, Morris mortgagee to Dora Scheer. Madison st. No 328; Scammel at, No 2_7, being Madison st, s w cor Scammel st, 2ox 90.7. Declaration as to amount due on mortgage. Aug 3. nom

Boehm, Abraham and Lewis Coon to Samuel W Bowne. West End av, a e cor 82d st, 102.2x100. Nov 1, 1 year, 41/2%. 63.000

Bell. John to Emanuel Moses. 123d st, n s. 425 e Sth av. 25.6x100.11. Sub to mort $12,000. Oct 26. 3 yeara, 4Y->%. 1.000

Benenson, Pincus to Samuel Greenfeld. Stan­ton st. No 164, n a, 25 w Clinton st, 25x 75. Oct 28, due Dec 18, 1902. 2,000

Berg. Louia R to Fernando Baltes. 73d at. s e cor 4th av, 19x102.2. P M. May 16. 6 montha. 2,500

Brommer, Pauline and Alois to Marie Eichler, 86th et, n a, 257 w Av A, 25x100.8. Oct 28. 1 year. 4%. 6,000

Bunn, Julia A with John Caswell. S4th at, No 109, n a, 184.8 w Columhus av. Ex­tension of mortgage. May 16. nom

Benenson, Pincus lo Samuel Greenfeld. Stan­ton St. No 164. n s. 25 w Clinton at. 25x 75. P M. Morts $15,000. Oct 28, installs,

2,3.iO Bunke. Rat le and Henry H Cording to Henry

Bunke. 136th st. n s. 110 w 5lh av, 12.5x 99.11. Sept 10. due Aug 1, 1903. 5%. 10.000

Beckel. Hannah widow to THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST CO, Lexington av. No 613. e s. 20.5 s 53d st, 20x80. Nov 2 due Nov 3. 1901, 4Y27.. 4,000

Bergonsl. Pietro and Albina to New Tork Building Loan Banking Co. Thompson st, w s, 225 n Spring sl, old Une, 25x100. Oct 31 , installa. 18.000

Blake. Robt J to IRVING SAVINGS INST, Lenox av. s e cor 142d st. 25x75. Nov 3, 5 years, 5%. 22.000

Bacharach, JuUus and Fanny to Thpodore Fisele. Amsterdam av. e a. 25 n O' lh at. 25.5x74.6. P M. Oct 27, due Nov 1, 1903, 5X. 4,000

Baker, John O. Newark, N J. to Thomas J McGuire. 133d st. n s. 225 w Amsterdam av. 75x99.11. P H*. Nov 1, 1 year, 5°i. 5 000

Bamberger. Max lo New Tork Pub'ic Library. Astor. Lenox and Tilden Foundifion, Co­lumbus av No 784. w a. 50.11 n 98ih st. 25 x75. Nov 1. 5 yeara, 4%. 9.000

Bamber?er, Theresa to same. Columhus av. No 788. w a, 75.11 3 99th st, 25x75. Nov 1, 5 yeara. 4%. 9,000

Belter, Louisa Individ and extrx John H Belter with John H Belter. Augusta P wife ot Joseph Taylor, Louisa H and Josephine F Belter. 130th st. s e cor Bloomingdaie road,being bet Amsterdam av and Old Broad­way. Distribution of estate of John H Beller dec'd. Nov 5, 1879. nom

Benedict, Louis and Arthur Baum to Leopold Barth. olh av, w a, 50.11 s 115th at, 25x 100. P M. Oct 31, Inatalla, 5%. 6 500

Benton, Etta L wife of and Leonard to LAW-TERS' MORTGAGE INS CO. 104th st. No 308, a s. 140 w West End av, 20x100.11. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. 15,000

Bogner, John B to EOW'BRT SAVINGS BANK. Amaterdam av, e a, 50.2 a 67th st. 25.1x100. Nov 1, 5 yeara. 4%. 12,000

Buchsbaum, Just ina to New Tork Public Li­brary, Astor. Lenox and Tilden Foundation. Colurabus av. No 792. w a. 25.11 a 99th st, 25x75. Nov 1. o years. 47. 12,000

Butler. Prescott H to Jere E Tracy. 35th st, n s, 150 e Madison av, 25x98.9. P M, Oct 31. due N o v l . 1901. 4^7o• gold. 30.000

Carragher, James E individ and as exr will of Kate Kavll and Carrie A and Frank Carragher to Carrington S Smith, l l t h st. No 61, n a, 213 e 6th av, 24x103.3. Oct 29. due Oct 29. 1899. 1,-500

Coit. Tracy and Roht A to George R Fear­ing and Henry A C Taylor trustees of Char­lotte T Taylor under wil! of Daniel B Fearing. 31st st. n a, 150 w oth av, 25x 98.9. Oct 27. 3 years. 4'! ' . gold, 32,000

Carle, Adelaide A to Harris D Colt trustee Bdward M Cameron. 64th al. No 161, n s. 100 e Lexington av, 20x100,5. Oct 29. due Nov 1, 1901. 41/.%. 13,500

Cirrito, Vincent and John fo THE UNITED STATES LIFE INS CO. N T. 105th st s s 164.4 e Columbus av, 33.3x100.11. Oct 26. 5 years. 5%. 33,560

Eame to same. 105th st, s s, 197.7 e Colum­bus av, 33.6x100.11. Oct 26, 5 years, 5°/.

33,500 Same to aame. 105th st. s a. 231.1 e Co­

lumbua av. 19.5xlOO.ll. Oct 26, 5 years, 5%. 19.000

Same fo Herman Davidson. 105th at s a, 164.4 e Columhus av, 86.2x100.11. Sub <o morls $.86,000. Oct 26, 3 years. 16.7-50

Same to Edwin Shuttleworth et al aa trus­tees for creditors ot Vincent Cirrilo Sc Brother. Same propertv. Oct 31. Sub mort $ , due Dec 11. 1S9S. 9..^42

Same to Don A Gaylord. 105th st. a s, 197.8 e Columbus av.52.10xlOO.ll. Sub to morls .$52,-500. Oct 31 . due Dec 1. 1808. 3.399

Cohn. Rebecca to MECHANICS' AND TRADERS' BANK. Henry st. s s. 271 e Jef­ferson St. 23.10x100. All title. Sub to morta $10,658, Oct 31- Securea advances.


Cohn, Rebecca to Lina Ettlinger. 7th st, Nos 272 to 278, s s, 93 w Av D, 90.11x 90.10. P M. Sub lo morts $40,000. N o v l , 1 year. 4,000

Same to PRODUCE EXCHANGE TRUST CO. Same property. P -M. Nov 1, 1 year. 35,000

Same to Frederiolt J Middlebronk. Same prop­erly. P M. morts $35,000. Nov 1, 1 year. 5,000

Christie. David to Bradley Se Currier Co. 109lh st, a s, 200 e Arasterdam av, 25x 100.11. Suh to morts $21,000. Nov 1, 6 months. 2.272

Same to same. 109th st. s a, 300 e Am­aterdam av, 25x100.11. Suh to mort $20.-000. Nov 1, 6 montha. 3.000

Canavello, Helene M to John W Ferguaon, Paterson, N J. Greenwich st. Noa S12 and 814, a w cor Jane st, o5.Sx5Sx55.Sx7S. Oct 14. 3 years. 5%. 24,000

Cole, Hannah S wife of Fredk B to Elias Kempner. 4th at, No 25, n s, 117.8 e Lafayette pl, 21x127.4x21x126.4. All title to strip. 4th st, n s, 13S.8 e Lafayette pl, 0.6x62.10. Oct 26. due May 1, 1899. 28,000

Cranitch, Wm I A to Helen M wife of John R Foley. 34lh st. No 233. n s, 362.6 w 7th av, 12.6x98.9. Oct 31, due May 1. 1899. 1.350

Crow, Wm L and James W Taylor to THB GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. 104th st. s w cor Boulevard, 35.3x100.11x48.7x101.9. Nov 1, 1 year, 80.000

Same to same. 104th st, s s, 35.3 w Boule­vard. 2 lols, each 40x100.11. 2 morts, each $60,000. Nov 1, 1 year. 120,000

Deans. Henry W to Jack Fanfe. 98th st , n s, 300 e Sth av, 50x100.9. Oct 27, secures debts of Sarauel Oppenheimer. Demand. 400

Donohue; John J to Alphonse Hogenauer and Albert E Wesslau. 7lh av, u w eor IS l s t st, 24,Jlx75. P M. Oct 28, due Nov 1, 1901. 4H%. 11.000

Davis, Albert D, Tonkera, N Y. to Matilda and Simon R Weil and David Hochstadler exrs Max Weil. 78lh sl, No 65. n s. 105 w Park av, 17x102.2. Nov 3, 5 years, 5%.

20,001.1 Donellan, Alhert V to Edwd J Moloughney.

98th St. n s. 350 w Slh av, 25x100.11. Sub to mort $9,700. Sept 29. deraand. 11,000

Dahlberg, Gustav to Solomon H Kohn exr Morria Kohn Sls t st, Nos 320. s s, 280 e 2d av, 22.6x98.9. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%.

9.000 Deen, Anna M to Jas A Deering. Edgecombe

av. e s, a t centre line block bet 146th and i47th sts, runs e 165 x n 99.11 x n 30 x w 163 lo av, X e 129.11 to beginning. Oct 31. Secures notes. 1 year. 1,000

Demorest, Alice G to Ruth Livingston. 66lh st, s s, 60 w 4lh av, 20x100.5. Leasehold, Oct 31 , 5 years, 5V> and 6%. 14,000

Dolan, Mary A lo NEW YORK LIFE INS CO. 55lh St. n s, 108.9 e 4th av, 18,9x 100.5. Oct 31 , due Jan 1. 1900, 5%. 12,060

De Forest, Shepherd K to TITLE GU.4.RAN-TEE AND TRUST CO. 36th st. No 118, s s, 230 e Park av, 25x98.9. Nov 2, due Nov 3, 1903. 4%. 25,000

Doll. Jacob to THE IRVING S.WINGS INST. 1st av, a e cor 30th st, runs s 74.1 x e 100 X a 24.8 X e 100 X n 98,9 lo st, x w 200 to beginning. Nov 2, 5 years, 4V>%. 50.000

Eakin. Margt S to TITLB GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 95ih st , No 71, n s, l i s e Columbus av, 19x100.3. Nov 2. 1 year. 4%. 5,000

Eaton, Louis K to David and Pauline Cahn. l l t h st, s s, 170 w Av B, 25.6x94.9. P M. Sub to morts $9,000. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%.

3,000 Eve, Henry to George Ehret. IOlh av, No

248. Saloon lease. Oct 31 , demand. 1,000 Friedraan. Harris and Barnet Feinberg lo

Mary R Goelet and Geo De Wilt e.xrs and trustees Ogden Goelet. . Henry st. No 188, s s, 219.11 w Clinton at, runs s 44.3 x w 0.1Y-' X s 55.9 X w 25,3 x n 100 to Henry sl, X e 25.5. Oct 31, 5 years, 5%. 30,000

Same to Geo G De Wilt trusiee Harriet Bininger. Henry at. No 186, s s. 24o.4 w CUnton st, 25.4x100x25.3x100. Oct 31. 5 years, 5%. 8,000

Same to Mary A Lockraan. Windham, Conn. Same property. Oct 31, 5 years, 5%. 22,000

Friedman, Harris and Barnet Feiuberg lo Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine. Gouverneur at. No 37, w a, 24.6 s Madiaon st. 24.6x61.9x24.6x61; Gouverneur at. w s, 49 a Madiaon st, 24.6x62.5x24.6x61.9. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 6,000

Finnegan, Patrick J to Bernheimer & Schraid. .50th st. No 527 West. Oct 28, deraand. 600

Felt, Emily L to EmU E Gabler. 1131b st, s a, 100 w Lenox av, 26.8x100.11. Nov 3, due Feb 1, 1902, 5%. 23,500

Feinberg, Barnet and Harris Friedman to Mary A Mullins. Gouverneur st. No 39, w e, 49 a Madison st, 24.6x62.5x24.6x61.9. P M. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. 9,000

Fernando, Anita C wife of and Joseph to The Jacob Hoffmann Brewing Co. 55th st,- No loo. n a, 115 w 3d av, 20x100,5. Nov 1. demand. 550

Fink. John W lo Frederic J Middlebrook. 40th st, s a. 75 e Sth av, 25x98.9. Nov 1 3 years, 5%. 16,000

Fink. Sam to THE GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. 74th st. n a. 129 e 1st av 2Sx 88.3x28.6x92.8. Oct 31, 1 year. 14.000

Fiechel, Harry to Mary B Schwab, Sharon. Conn. Henry st, a a, 247.5 e Clinton at. 35.4x100. Nov 1, 5 years, 4^^%. 41.000

Same to John T Metcalfe and Herman C von Post exrs Susan S Metcalfe. Henry st, a a, 212..1. e Clinton st, 35,4x100. Nov 1 5 years, 4ya%. 41,000

Froehlich, Caroline to Herman Lambert. 5th st, No 523, n s. 325 e Av A, 25x97. P M. Nov 1. 5 years, 5%. 17.000

Fishman, Julius to Bernhard Klingenstein, 3d at. No 278, s s, 92.11 e Av C, 24xl06x

• 24.2x106. P M. Nov 1. 1 year, 5%. 6,550 Francia. Joseph F mortgagee to Isaac Marx.

Houston St. No 271, n s, 18.5 e Suffolk st, 18.11x61.1x18.11x60.8. Receipt for pay­ment on account of mortgage. Sept 13. 2,000

Golden, Barnard and Morris Rosenberg to Henry De F Weekes. Roosevelt at, Nos 56 and 58, e s, 32.4 n New Chambers st, runs e 50 X n 25 X e 49.11 x n 27.7 x w 100 to Roosevelt st, x s 52.9. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1S99. ' 6,000

Geraty. Annie M to New Jersey Agency Co. Hamilton st, No 22. s s. 25x84: Cherry st, OSIo 134, n a. 25x123. Oct 31, 5 years, 5%.

30,000 Gerson, William and Delia A. St Paul Minn,

to Sara McC Welling, Warwick, N T: 19th sl. No 268, a w s, 190 s e Sth av. —x65x 18,4x65. Oct 24, installs. 500

Goldstein. Nathan and Celia, also Mary wife of and Roderick McDermo t to Solomon Ja­cobs. 109lh at. a s, 120 e 5th av. 25x lOO.S. P M. Sub to morls $2,000. Oct 31 . 1 year, 5%, 9,300

Graham, Wm Van W to Mary Eraser. S2d st, a a, 133 w Park av, 16x100. Oct 25, 3 yeara. 5%. 22,000

Same to GERMAN-AMERICAN REAL ES-T.4TE TITLE GUARANTEE CO. S2d st, s s, 117 w Park av, 16x100. Oct 25, 1 year. 4,000

Same to same. Same properly. Oct 31 , de­mand, 5%. 25,000

Same to aame. S2d at, a a, 100 w Park av. 17x100. Oct 25. 1 year. 4,000

Same to same. 82d st, s s, 133 w Park av, 16x100. Oct 25. 1 year. . 4 000

Same to same. 82d sl, s a, 149 w Fa k av, 16x100, Oct 25. 1 year. l.nOO

Same to Allan Marquand admr Mab^l M Ward. Same property. Oct 31 . due -N'ov 1. 1903 ,5%. god , 22 000

Same to Mary L Fraser. 82d st. s s. ICO w Park av, 17x100. Oct 25, 3 years, 5A 22.000

Gray, Augustus B to THE IRVING ?AV-INGS INST. Park av, a e cor OOth s;. 1 0 8 xS2.3. Oct 28, 1 year, 4%%. 5,000

Galllker, Adelle to Silas A Allen. G5ih st , s w s, 400 n w 10th av, 25x100.5. Oct 10, 1 year. 1.842

Geagan, Mary E to THE EMIGRANT IN­DUST SAVINGS BANK. lOtb av. No 260. n e cor 25th st, 24.8x100. Nov 3, 1 year. 5%. 12,000

Same to same. 25lh st, a s, 352.6 e 10th av, 22.6x98.9. Nov 3. 1 year, 4%.

6.000 Goerek, Theodore to Ma:rie _L and Carrie L

Sutton. 54th st, s a, 12o e Madison av, 23x100.5. P M. Sept 14, due Nov 3, 1901. 4%. 20.000

Geiger, Abraham to Isaac Shiman, Cleveland, 0. Rivinglon at. No 260, n a, 100 e Sheriff st, 25x100. Nov 1, due Jan 1. 1904, 5%.

gold, 20,000 Same to same. Same properly. Nov 1, due

Jan 1, 1904, 5%. gold, 5,000 Granite, Luigi to Thos J Falls. 115th st, n a.

175 w la t av, 25x100.10. Nov 1. due Nov 30, 1903, 5%. 12,500

Gottlieb. Lizzie to Harris Luatgarten. De­lancey sl. No 11. Agreement to re-convey upon payment of notes. Nov 3. 1898. nora

Hay, Isabella wife of and .4.11en mortgagors with Margarel A Bence. Mt Morris av, No 28, w a, 40 s 123d sl, 20x80. Extension of Mort. Nov 2. nom •

Hlllier, Hannah widow to Jamea R Hay. Nutley, N J. Amslerdam av, n e cor 139th st, 55x100. P M. Nov 1, demand. 37.000

Same to same. Same property. Nov 1. de­mand. 38,000

Hickey, John to Mary B Schwab. Sharon, Conn. Boulevard, n e cor 109lh st . 35x 86. Oct 28. due Oct, 1903, 5%. 50.000

Same to Eliza Walker. Same property. Oct 28, due April —, 1899. 2..500

Hoffmann. Mary wife of and Joseph to Ed­ward A Weiss. 89th st, n s, 260 e 3d av, 25xlOO.S. Oct 20, 2 years, 1.300

Holmes, Eraraa R to Francis B Chedsey. Lexington av, w s. 40.5 n 58th st, 20x70. Oct 28. 1 year, 5%. .500

Har :e - , J a n e s lo George Ehret.. 1?.t av. :"o 2257; 116th st. No 358 E. Saloon lease. Oct 31, demand. 3.179

Hofinger, Andrew to .METROPOLITAN SAV­INGS BANK. SOth sl. s s, 200 w Av A, 25\ 102.2. Oct 28, 3 yeara, 414%. 13,000

Horn, Walburga to EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. 106th st, s a. 53 w Park av, 25.6x100.11. Oct 31 , 1 year, 4%. 12.000

Herman, Simon and Hvman larael to E.4ST RIVER SAVINGS INST. Bowery. Nos 86 and 88, a w cor Hester st. 50xl00, Nov 2. I year, 41/0%. 10.000

Howes, Elbert D and Joshua F fo Wra N Tobin. 120th at, n a. 100 w Sth av, 50x 100.11. Oct 28, due Marcli 1, 1898. 1,095

ovember 5, i8g8. Record and Guide m Herter, Peter J to Peter Fucha. 106th al,

Nos 212, 214 and 216, a a, 160 e 3d av, 54x100.11. P M. Nov 2, due Nov S, 1S99, 5%. 15.500

Same to same. Same property. Buiidiug loan. Nov 2, due Nov 8, 1899, 5%. 20,000

Herter, Roaamond to Abrahara Boehra and Lewia Coon. 54lb st, n s, 100 e Lexington av, 125x100.5. Oct 31 , due July 1, 1899.

60,000 Same to same. Same property. P M. Oct

31, due July 1. 1899. 2, -.[:. ; Same to same. Rivington st, s e cor AUen

st, 58x77. Sub to morta $85,000 and taxes for 1898. Oct 31 . demand. 10,000

Halms, Louis to Julia, Augusta and Adolph Growoll. Rivington st, s s, 67.1 e Eld­ridge st , 22.1xS0. P M. Oct 31 , installs, 5%. 3. UOO

Healy, Thomas to Jacob Ruppert. Columbus av, n e cor 66lh st. Saloon lease. Oct 26, demand. 5,000

Isaacs, Barney to John Broesaler. AV D, No 61, w s, 19.4 n oih st, 19.3x82.4x19.6 x82.5. P M. Oct 10. due April 10, 1900.

3,500 Same lo Abner B Mills, Av D, n w cor olh

st, 19.7x82. P M. Oct 31 . 1 year, 5%, ' 13,250

Jackson, Isidore to HUDSON RIVER BANK. Cherry st . No 412, n s, 21.5x97.4. P M. Nov 3, ' year. 5%. 0,660

Jackson, Isidore to Wra M Walton et al exrs and trustees Mary L Walton. Gouverneur st, No 28. e s, 74.1 n Madison st, 23 . l l x 83.6. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. 9.500

Jacobs, Simon to Isidore Jackson and Abra­ham Stern. Gouverneur sl. No 2S. e s. 74.1 n Madison at, 23.11x83.6. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. (j.OOO

Jacobs, Julia M to Maria R Audubon, Salem, N Y. 65th st. No 144. s s, 200 e Lexing­ton av, 20x100.5. Oct 28, 3 years, 4y2%.

2.000 Johnston, Margaret widow and devisee will of

Francis U Johnston to THE FRANKLIN SAVINfSa BANK. 34th at, Nos 324 to 330, s s, 325 e 2d av, S5x9S.9. Oct 31 . 1 year, 5%. 55,000

Jones, Sarah E wife of and Thos J to Albert W J Peuie . Av D. Nos 20 and 22, n e cor 3d st, 48x75. Oct a l , 1 year, 5%. 14,500

Kasner, Adolph W to John F Betz. Vesey st, Nos 84 aod S6, n e cor Washington st. Saloon lease. Nov 1, demand. 2,000

Same to same. Souib st, No 70. Saloon lease. Nov 1, demand. 3.000

Kight, Alonzo B, Morristown, N J, to Mary Smilh, Leiilia S Sands, Mariha H Camp­bell exrs John Campbell. S8th st, n s,

. 20S w Columbus av, 18x100.8. Oct 24. 3 years, 41^%. 17,500

Same to same. 88th st, n s, 226 w Columbus av, 19x100.8. Oct 24, 3 years, 4 ^ % . 18,500

Same to same. SSth st, n s, 305 w Colum­bus av, 19x160.8. Oct 24, 3 years, 4V^%.

18.500 Same to same. SSlh at, n e, 324 w Columbus

av, ISxlOO.S. Oct 24, 3 years, 4Vi%,. 17,500 Same to Josephine Brooks aad John Duer

trusteea Emma L Higgins for Reginald, Josephine W, Gladys ii Brooks ana John Duer trustee. bBth si, n s, 359 w Colum­bus av, 16x100.8. Oct 24. 6 years, 4Y'7o.

lo,500 Same to Mary M Baldwin. SSth st, n s, 191

w Columbus av, 17xi(JU.8. Oct 24, 3 yrs, 4Y27o. 16,500

Same to Julia Hallgarten and John Duer trustees Adolph Hailganen tor Eleanor and Alice Haligarteu. &6lh si, n s, 1(5 W Columbus av, 16x100.B. Oct 24, 3 years, 4%. 14,000

Same to John Duer truatee. SSth st, n a, 342 w Columbus av, 17x100.8. Oct 24, 3 years. 4Ya7^. 16,500

Kirehhof, WiUielmina to Chas F Roberts trustee Christian Metzger. STth at. u s, 106 e 1st av, 2oxl00.S. Nov 1, due July 1, 1903. 57o. 2,000

Koehler, Marie to Benjamin Haxtun trustee Peier Naylor. SUih st, n s, 15a.6 e Co­lumbua av. ISxlUO.S. Nov 2, 5 years, 4Yi7a-

gold, ia.uOO Kohler, Hilda J mortgagor with Juiius aud

Emilie Kander. 02d st. No 219 West. Declaration as to validity of mortgage and as 10 amount due ihereon. Oct 'J.7. nom

Kaufmann, Leopold to Jonas Weil and Bern-hara Mayer. Monroe fit. No 55, n s, ISi.4= e Markel at, 25x100. Nov 3, 1 month. 15,1100

Kerwin. Andrew J lo FOUGHKEEP;ilE SAV­INGS BANK. S8Lh st. No 316. s a, 225 w West End av. 20x100.8. Nov 1, 5 years, 4%. 12,U00

Kiernan, Terence to Williara McMahon, U3d st, 3 a. 80.10 e Columbus av. 19.2x100.8. June 7, due July 1, 1900, 5%. 2,000

Knabe, Diederich lo THB SEAMEN'S BA.s.v FOR SAVINGS. Grand sl, n e cor Centre Market pl, 24.8xi2x2a9xT2.3. Nov 2, 5 years, 4%. 25,000

Knowlton, Edward to The Bachmann Brew­ing Co of Staten Islaud. Hudson st. No 2b2, n e cor Doramick st, 20x55.6 to alley. Oct 31 , 1 year. yti

Keogh, John E and Michael to Michael Pay anci WUliara Stacom. Caihenne si, e a, 46 n Madison st. 27.1xl0a.7x27xl02.S. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 2,000

Kervan, Charles to Fredk G Potter. 100th

St. 6 a, 175 e Amsterdam av, 125x100.11. Sub to encroachment on w a of 3'34 inchea and also encroachment oa e a of 1 inch. P M. Sub lo morts $SS,750. Nov 1, 1 yr.

11,500 Knight. Clara S formerly Salter to Heurielta

M Parker, New Brunswick, N J. Manhattan av, w s, 4S.5 s 121st st, loxSO. Nov 1, 2 years. 2,500

Kraua, Maurice J to BOWERY SAVINGS BANK. OOth St. 6 a, SO.4 e Lexington av, 19.7x100.5. Nov 1, 1 year, 470. 10,000

Levenstein. Abrahara lo Jacob Paskusz. Eld­ridge st , vr s, 100 n Hesler st, 25x100. P M. Nov 1, inslalls. 11,000

Levy. Frances wile of Benjamin to Saml J Krooks. AlLorney st. e s, 100 n Riviug­ton st, 30x100. Oct 2S, due Jan 1. lOUJ.

gold, 3,000 Levy, Frederick to Isaac Mayer. Madison

av, w s, 25.11 a l lT ih st, 3 lots, each 25 xlMJ. 3 mons . each $2,000. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 6,000

Levy. JacoD lo Jas Siokes, West Orange, N J. ISlh si, s s, '100 6 Av A, 25xi03.3. Oct 21, 3 yeara, 57,. 23,00U

LiuienLual, j=aly S to Mary McCabe. S l s t st, n s. '116 e AV A. 'laxiOl.l; Cilsl st, u s, l't'6 e Av A, 25x101;.2. Oct 3 1 , due Nov 1, 1901. 3.000

Lisk, Aiorris to Samuel Weiss. 2d av. No 952. e s, ftO.o n oUlh st, 20xVO. P M. Nov 1, iusLalls. 4,000

Liviugstou, James to Frederick W Jockel. Ueiiirai Park West, s w cor S i lh st, Yi blcck xTO. Goniract to scicure purchase money, $2S5,UOtJ. May 23. _

Logue, Annie lil to Edwin Lord. D4lh st, s s. i lO e u h av. lS.lixlUO.5. P M. Oct 3 i . 5 J ears, a/o- 13.000

Loweuteia, Pincus and WiUiam Pragir lo MUIUAL LIFE INS CO. yih st, Nos Oil to 629, n s, •l:^'6 vr Av C, 100x92.3. Mov 1, 1 year. oVo- 45,000

Same to Frederick J Middlebrook. Same property. Sub to last mort. Nov 1. 1 vr.

•S.OOO Same to same. WiUett st, Nos So and S*,

w s. 15U u Rivingiua st, lOxlUO. i-' M. Sub to mons })19,0U0. Nov 1, 1 year. 4,000

S'ame to B Aymar aud Wm H Sands cjii's Samuel S Sands. WiUett st. No S5, v; e, 160 n Rivington st, ZOxlOO. P M. Nov 1, 1 year, 5 ^ . 11.000

Lange, Uarl to NEWBURGH SAVINGS BANK. Madison av, No 1599, e s, 50.11 s lOSth st, '15x^6. Uct 28. A years. 4Y2'/o-

14,000 Long, John J mortgagor with Giles R Dart.

Waverley pl. No lil, n e s , 4.5.1 w Gay st, 22x62.1. Extension of mortgage. Oct 27. nom

Lapp, Michael to Josephine Hess. Spring st, n s. 50.6 e Mulberry st. 25.3x119.3x25 x l i 3 .6 . Oct 27. due Uct 29, lyuO, 47^. 1(,500

Levinson, barah to Naihan L Uohen. Madi­son st. No '6'27, n s, O'l.'A e Gouverneur s t , Zix7a.6x20.11xi3.S. Oct 26, due Oct 25, ibyy. 1,100

Lulher. Grace W to UNITED STATES LIFE INS CU of N Y. 20th st, s s, 349.10 e IOlh av. runs s 92 x e 0.1^^ x a 20 x e 25 X n 112 to st, X w 25.1. Oct 28, due Aug 6, 1900, 6%. I.UOO

Larcham, Joseph to EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. I s i av. No 1602, n e cor b3d st, 27.2XS4. Oct 31 , 1 year, 4%. 17,t00

Lindeman, Helena M E lo Samuel Riker. 3Slh st. No 246, s a, 375 e Sth av. i:5x y&.y. Oct 31 , due Nov 1. 1901. 5%. lO.OOO

Lyons. Julius J to THB STATE BANK. 79th St. n s, 200 e 3d av, 40x102.2. Oct 31 . due May 1, IsyO. 6,500

Leo, John P to GER.MANIA LIFE INS CO. Boulevard, e s, 49.11 n 14Slh st, 37.6s luu. Nov 2, due Peb 1, 1904, 0%. 32,500

Same to same. Boulevard, e s, 87.5 n 148tli st, 37.6x160. Nov 2, due Feb 1. 1904, 5%.

32,500 Lott. Thomas M S to Simon E Bernheimer

and Josephine Schmid, firm of Bernheimer Sc Schmid. West Broadway, No 166, cor Wonh at. Saloon lease. Nov 1, demand.

2,600 Lynch, Agnes to Michael J Kelly et al exi's

Thomas Kelly. lo2d st, n s, 300-10 w Boulevard, 24.7x109.10 Lo 153d st. P M. Oct 17. due Nov 1, 1900, 5%. _ 8.000

Same to same. 152d st, n s, 325.0 w Boule­vard, 24.7x199.10 to i53d st. P M. Oct 17, due Nov 1, 1900, 5%. 2.750

Lynch, Patk H to Andrew A Bibby. l l l s L st, n s, 350 e' Grand Boulevard, runa e 116.S to n w a old Kingsbridge road, x n e to n w a Hamilton pl, or Diagonal av, x n e along same to centre Une of block bet 141st and 142d st. x w to point 350 e Grand Boulevard, x a 99.11 to beginning, with all t i t le lo said old road. Sub to mort $126,000. Sept 29. demand. 7.000

Lipschiiz, Esther, Boaton, Maas, to Isaao Marx. Housicn sl, No 271, a a. IS.o e Suf­folk st, 18.11x61.1x18.11x60.8. Sept S. 1 year. 2,000

Lyon, Saml B' mortgagor with Suaan B Ca­bot. 122d st, No 56, a s, 222 w 4th av, 41x100.11. Extension of mortgage. Oct 1. nom

Machenbach. Ernest to Alexander McDowell. Sth av, a e »;or 127ih at, 25x100. P i l . Oct S l , due J aa 1, 1902, 4^^%. 12.500

Maloney, Patrick with Sarah P Jonea gucrd Francia C Jonea. Newport. R I. JOth st. n s, GO w 3d av. 20xt>7.8. Extenaion of mort. nom

Manheimer, Pannie to Jacob Knight individ and with Sarah M Knight and J Leo Hon-igman .as truslees will Sylvester Knigbt for Rebecca Knight. Emma L Hodgman and Julia Kreia-ir. 4th at. No 161, n e s , 86.1 Q w 6th av, runs u w 20 x n e 45.4 z a 60.6 x a e ( . 6 x s w 5 4 K s e 5 x a w 19.5 x s w 40. Nov 2, 3 yeara, 4i^%. 3,500

Manning, John to 2Jon Widow and Orphan Society. S4[h st. No 249, n a, Sl.S w 21 av, 20x80.2x20x83.2. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, ISUO, 5%. 1,000

Masemann. Marie E L, Mathilde B B, Will­iam. Geo F, and Anna H Sauer to THE BOWERY SAVINGS BANK. 4th av. n w €, 21.7 n e 31st st, 20.1x78.11. Nov 3 . o years. 4%. IS.OOO

Mead, Henry B, Pelham Manor, N Y, to Mary L Shear. Lenox av, e a, 67 a 127lh St. i6.6xSo. OcL li, 1 year. 1,500

Melville, Louise_ M to Townsend Wandell. 34lh sl, No 2Ui, n s. 92 w i th av, 17x98.9. OcL 2D, due Nov 1, 1699, o/i- 500

Mercadante, Mary wife of and Ignazio to Birkbeck Inveslment Saviugs and Loaa Co of America. I20ih sL, No 318, a s, 2:60 e 2d av, . Oct 20, installa,

o.oOO Mitchell, John A to THB FR_ANKLIN SAV­

INGS BANK. 55th st. No il, s a, Ud e Olh av, 25x100.5. Nov 2, 1 year, 4i^%. iO.uOO

Same to Mary H Mitchell and Frauk V Wright irustees lor Mary H Miichell under Will Johu H Mott. 4Liih St. s a, 3U8 w olh av, 22xl0u.5. Oct 31, 5 years, 5 ^ . 22,500

Moore, Henry a wiih Francis Gerber. l i i U i , s t , n s, lUU e Morningside av East, 25x

lUO.ll. Extension of reduced mortgage. Oct 31 , nom

Muore. Ida E and H Morton Moore to Merita Falkenau. 7th av, a w cor l i i t h st, 33.11 xiOO. Sept 22, 1 year. 7.000

Morgenihau, Gustave L to TITLE GUAR-A N i E E AND TRUST GO. Tlh av, n e cor 138th st, iOO.lU to 139ih at, x625. F M. Nov 1, due Nov 3, i syy , 5%. 2UU,000

MuUer, Ancnouy J and Annie T, Nanette Fleischman and Louisa Keinacher mort­gagors wilh Auolph Hinze. lU3a at. No l o i , n s, laO.'l e Lexragiou av, aUxlUU.ll. Exiension ot mortgage. Oct IU. nom

Muller, Carolme lo bernheimer Sc Schmid. 1st av. No 1144. cor t>3d &i. 'iialoon lease. Oct 27, demand. 3,300

Mjers, ij'reaeiick, S to Herbert Kettell, oi pa;:saic, N j . 18th st, a a, 125 e yth av, l^.x-ai, mons $4,ouU; Uyth st, n B, aU e 3a av, 2Jx'io.y, morts $iU,UUtJ. 1-3 part . Oct 6t, due Jan 31, ISuy. :i,000

McCm^Lin, ii,ieauor to Geo W McAdam exr John i l Wilson. Wooster s t . No 22U. e s, 101.6 s 3a ai, 20.i)XbO. Oct zy, oue Nov 1, lyuo, 5%. 2,UOO

McCracken. William aud William S Dagnall LO Wm S EUgar guard Lawrence K and Wm C Eddy auQ as truslees Walter Ashe. Bt Nicholas av, e s. bU.2 s lo2d at. 'la.7x iia.'6 to bt Nlcnoias pl. x25xyu.S. Uct 29, due Nov 1, l y u i . i^'-,o. Al.ooii

McLJraciien, Wuiiam aud Martha also Wm S anu Emma B Daguall to iiJmily A Kyder. Same propeny. uci ill , 1 year. 5,500

Samti 10 soiue. SL Nicnolas av, e a, 35 a l<>2d St. :^o.tx96.I to Sl Nicholas pl, :i25^ lUi.U. Uct 51 . 1 year. U.oOO

Same lu same^ St Nicnolas av, e s, 60.7 a 152d st, 25.ixyu.8 to tit Nicholas pl, X25J£ yo. l . Uct 3 1 , 1 year. 6,000

Same to Guar lea Uondy. Same property. Oct 20, due Nov 1, l y o l , 5 / i . 32,U00

Same tu Louis Siix. SL Nicholaa av, e s, 35 s 152d St. 25.7x96.1 to St Nicholas pl, x25xl01.6. UcL 20. due Nov 1. iwui, a-/o.

3i;.O0O McCracken, Wm and Wm S Dagnall to MO^CK

A Hoppoek. Sl Nicholas av, e a, 35 g 152a st , iii.Sx— to tal iNicholas pl, x75x—. Oct 31 . due Jan 15. 18yy. gold, iU,S31

Same to Arthur J Foster. Same property. Uci 3, demand. gold, 10,300

Mclimtee, Mary E to Nelson D Stilwell. 108lh st, n s, 25U e Amsierdam av, lax lUU.ll. P M. Nov 1, inslalls, 5%. 3.000

McGann, John to Sarah M Morton, Cam­bridge, N Y. so th St. No 410, a a. 156.5 e 1st av, 25xlOU.4. Sub to morts $16,500. Oct 31, 3 years. 4,000

McKinley, Jane R, Elizabeth, N J. to Annie WhUiemore. l l l h av, s w cor 44ih st. las. 100. Life estate. Oct 26. aecures taxea aud note. 20O

Sarae to Jane E Graeff. 10th av, n w cor 42d St. 25x100. Life estate. Oct 26, ae­cures money advanced to pay taxes. 525

McKennee, Joseph H to Henry L Shippy trustee. 4ih av, Nos SO and S2. w a. 55.1 n IOlh st, 50x92. Sub to morts $50,000. Oct 25, due Jan 25. 1899. 19.594

McKeone, Thomas lo Mayer S Auerbach. 17Lh sl, a s, 250 w Union Square West, 25x 92. Oct 27, 1 year. Building loan. 32,000

Same to same. Same property. P M. Oct 27, 1 year. 38,000

McMahon, Thomas to Elizabeth Rosenbaum et ai as trustees under will of Albert S Rosenbaum for Edna Cullman. 70th at, Nos 40S and 410, a s. 163 e l<t aT, 2 loU,

ecord and Guide

each 25x100.5. 2 morts, each $16,000. Nov 2, due NOT 1. 1903. 4 ^ % . 32,000

Naarden. Charles to Maurice Untermyer. S4th st, No 228, s s, 237.2 w 2d av, 17x 102,2. Oct 11, 1 year, 5%. 2,000

Same to same. 84th st, No 230, a a, 220.4 w . 2d av, 16.10x102.2. Oct 11, 1 year, 5%.

2,000 Naarden, Charles Lo Pincus Lowenfeld and

William Prager. 9lh st, Nos 621 to 629, H 8, 283 w Av G, 100x92.3. Nov 1. 1 year.

12,000 Nathan. Marcua witb Edwin B Meeks exr

and trustee Joseph M Meeka. Sth av, s e cor 132d et, 25x90. Extension of mort. Oct 27. nora

Nosser, Charlea to Benj P Ducas. 72d st. No 1S4, s s, 90 w bd av. 20x102.2; also all title that he might have or acquire in es­tates August and Johanna Nosser. Sub to morta $ . Oct 31 , 2 years. S.OOO

Noonan, John to Sarah King. Oth av, s w cor i y t h 6t, 18.8x64.5. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1903, 4 ^ . sold. 20.006

O'Dowd. Farrell F to Michael J Kelly et ai exrs Thomas Kelly. 152d st, n s, SoO w Boulevard, 25x199.10 to 153d st, P M. Oct 17, due Nov 1, 1900, 5%. 2,750

Oppenheimer, Fanny to EMIGRANT IN­DUST SAVINGS BANK. 50th st, s s. ISO e 1st av, 20x90. Oct 31, 1 year, 4%. 3,250

Otto, Rose to Charles Halbe. S l s t st, n s, 198 e Av A, 25x102.2. Nov 3 , 6 years, 5%.

14,000 Orcutt Caroline S wife of Edwin B to Geo

Ehret. Av A, s 6 cor 69th st , 100.ox34S. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. 7,690

PhUlips, Clara to Marx and Moses Ottinger. 7th st. No 239, n s, 107.5 e Av C. runs n 97.6 X w 13 X s to curve or angle, x by a (ence to point from Av C, 89, and from 7th et 46.7, x s to 7th sl, x e 19. Oct 27, demand, 5%. 1.500

PhiUips, Felix to Eliza M Zerega et al t rus­tees under will of Augustus Zerega-Cherry *t. No 233; Water st, No 496, being Cherry St. B s, 263.9 e Pike slip, 69.4x120 to Wa­ter st , x69xl20. 3 lOis, 3 morts, each $27,000. Nov 1, 5 years, 5%. 81,000

Same to Isidore Jackson. Same properly. Sub to mort $61,000. Nov 1, 1 year. 8,000

Pinchbeck, Joseph aud J Arthur to David E Oppenheimer and Joseph Hamershiag. Central Park Wesl, s w cor 94lh at, 75.Sx 100. P M. Sub to morta $50,000. Oct 28. due Oct 1, 1899. 37.500

Pomares, Ana M lo Audrew J Onderdonk, Sarah 0 Linkietter loimeriy Onderdonk, Maria O Simms, Josephine D SkiUman, Catb E O Linkietter. Cath E Onderdonk, Edwd P Simma and Harry Simms exrs Horatio G Onderdonk. 7Sth st, s a, 375 w Oth av, 18x95.2. Oct 3 1 , due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 5.000

Prior, James C Lo Alexander W Fraser. Prince st, Nos 143 and 145. n e' cor West Broadway, 40x71.3. Morts $63,000- Oct 29, demand. 25.000

Powell, H Wheeler to Jacob D Butler. 144lh st , n s, 195 e Convent av. 37x99.11. Sub to morta $128,000. Nov 3. due Nov 1, 1899.

4.000 Pernetti, Arsenio and Masia Q to Laura A

Delano. Mulberry at. No 78, 25x100- Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1903, o%. 17,500

Quigley, Harriet t A to Benjamin HacLum trustee Peter Naylor. 2d av, n w cor 109Lh st, 20.10x80. Oct 29, 5 years, 4%%-

14,000 Read, Geo R, Rye. N Y, to Donald Mackay.

119th st, No 20, 6 3, 168.10 w Madiaon av, 15.7x100.11. Oct 24, due Nov 1, 1901, 4 ^ % . 8,000

Same to same. 119th et. No 24, s a, 137.8 w Madison av, 15.SxlOO.ll. Oct 24, due Nov 1, 1901, 4y2%. 8,000

Redfleld, Wm H, Jersey City, N J. to Robt C, Francis A and Henry R C Watson exrs and trustees William Watson. 7th av. n w cor 146th at, 26.6x100. Oct 31 , 3 years, 5%. gold, 35.000

Renn, Ludwig to James McClenahan et al trustees under wUl David Stevenson, Jr . SulUvan at, w s, 125 n Bleecker at, 2 5 K 100. Oct 31„ 5 yeara, 4%%. 15.000

Rieger, Donatus to Marcus Nathan. 5th av, n e cor 132d at, 25x90. P M. Sub to mort $29,000. Oct 3 1 , 2 years. 4,500

Rogers, Amaiie or Amelie wife of and Au­gustus C to EMIGRANT INDUST SAV­INGS BANK. 114lh st, s s, 250 w Boule­vard. 25x100.11. Oct 31 , 1 year, 4%, 2.000

Roome, Wm J to Matilda W White. 57th fit, No 101. n e oor 4th av. 17.6x80. Oct 24, 5 years. 4%. 20,000

RusseU. Samuel to GERMAN AMERICAN REAL BSTATB TITLE GUARANTEE CO. Park av, s w cor 100th at. lOO.llx 73.3. P M. Sept 27. due July 1, 1899.

35,000 Reiss, Mark and Amy to Albert and Mosea

Hochster. Sth at (St Marks pl). No 46, a a, 150 e 2a av, 25x97.6. P M. Nov 1, 3 yrs. 4 ^ % . 10.000

Rosendale, Isaac and Mai'y E to THE EMI­GRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. 114th st, No 123, n s, 175 e Park av, 15x100.11. Nov 3, 1 year, 4%. 4.000

Redfleld, Wm H to Tbe Freabyterlan Home tor Aged Woman la tbe City ol N T . Tth

av. w B. 26.6 n 146th at, 27.1x100. P M. Oct 12, due Oct 18, 1901. 5%. gold, 23.000

Roekafeiler. Rinaldo G and Jul ia to HAR­LBM SAVINGS BANK. lOSth st. a s, 125 ^ w 2d av, 25xlOU.ll. Nov 2, 1 year, 5 4 .

Rodman, Susan A and Esther A lo THE EM­IGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. Sr .h st, 3 s, 218 w Columbua av, 18x160.8. Nov 2, 1 year. 4%. li^.^U^

lioseuawalke, Maurice wilh Louis Eosens-walke. S4th sl, No 408, e a, 74 e l a t av, 26x51,1. Extension of morl, Nov 1. nom

Sanders, Florence widow to Alfred Jaretzki. 73d st, No 16S, « s, 119.2 e Amsterdara av 18.7x102.2. Sub to morts $14,000. Oct 3 1 , 1 year, 5%. 2,000

Sallenaiein, Reuben and Betsey Lo Hyman Schnitaer. Broome st, Nos 212 aud 214; Norfolk si . No 71, being Broome at, n W cor Norfolk st, 42x75. Morts $56,000. Oct 25, 2 years. 3,lU0

Scheer, Dora to Lambert Suydam. Madison si . No 328; Scammel st. No 27, _begln3 Madison sl, s w cor ScammeU sl, 25x90.7. Nov 1, due May 1, 1899. 6,000

Schenck. Mary L wlie of and Geo H to Pat­rick H Gilhooly, Eliaabeih, N J. Grand sl. No 384, n a. 50 w SuUolk st, 25x100. Oct 31, due April 30. 1899. l.OOU

Schildwaehter, Fredericke lo THE EMI­GRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. Madi­aon av. No 2064, w s, 50 n 13ULh at, lO.Sx 75. OcL 29. 1 year. 4%. 6,000

Schlosser. Jacob lo THE LAWYERS' MORT­GAGE INS CO. b5th st, s E. 17S. l l Vi. 3d av 25.7x102.2. Nov 3, 5 yeara. 4i^%. 21,U0U

Same to same. S5ih st, s a, 20 i ,5 w 3d av, 25.7xlO:i.2. Nov 3, 5 yeara, 4y2%- 21.000

Same ;o same. Soth st, s a, 230 w 3d av, 25.7x102.2. Nov 3, a years, 4YiA- 21,000

Schmidt, Charles to Emily M Uoddinglon. i t h st, s s, 125 w l a t av, 25x96.2. P M. >,ov 1. 1 year, 4Y27,.. .12,000

Schmidt, Frederick to DRY DOCK SAV-l.N'GS INST, la t av, e s, 78-3 s 12ih st, 23x100. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1899, 4Y2A-

1U,U00 Schneider, Ernst E W, Henry Herter, John

Fish and Eugene Schulz to Mary A A Wood­cock, Bedford. N Y. West End av, a e cor 102d at, 17.11x72. Oct 4, due Oct 31 , 1899 .5%. ^ ^5,000

Schuchmann. Adam to Philipp Schuchmann, Fort Lee, N J. Av D, No S, e a, 74.8 s 3d St. 18.7x90. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 3,000

Schuster, WUliam to De Witt C Middleion, PhUo T Hammond and Louis C Greenleaf, aa Railroad Commiasioners. of Watertown, N Y. City Hall pl. No 15, a s, 83.3 e Duane st. 24.11xl00x25--il00. Oct 31 .

ISys. 5 years, 41/2%. 20,000 Sepp, Marinus E to Solomon G and Theresa

Proops. Madison av, w s, 51.10 s U b l h st. P .M, Oct 29, 2 years. 2,000

Same to same. 5th av, w a, 24.11 n 134th st, 25x110, P M. Oct 29, 2 yeara. 2,000

Shea, John to Emanuel Heilner, Moses J Wolf and Morris Mayer. Amsterdam av. a w cor 179th st, 25x100. P M. Oct 24, due July 1, 1899. 11,000

Same to same. Same property. Oct 24, due July 1, 1S99. 12,500

Same to Bernheimer & Schmid. 2d av. No 1512, cor 79th at. Saloon lease. Oct 27, demand, 7,000

Sheldon, Mary R wife of and Geo R to Mar­garetta C Sione, Morriistown, N J. 38th st, No 24, s E, 125 e Madison av, 25x98.9. Nov 1, 3 years. 4 ^ . 50,000

Skelly, Wm J aud Frances R to Juaius and Rosa Stoehr. l lOth at. No 123, n s, 180 e Park av, 25xl00.11.»Mort $8,000. Gel 31 . due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 4,250

Slevin, Hugh to UNION TRUST CO o£ N Y. 12ih st, No 371, n e cor Washington st, 22 xSy. 10x21.10x89.9. Nov-3, 5 yeara, 41^%.

16,000 Snyder, Esther S to Elvira K Trowbridge.

2 l s t st, No 459, n s, 142.6 e 10th av, 17.6 x98.S. June 30, 1 year, 5%. 600

Solomon. Jacob to Moses Solomon. ISSth st, fi a, at w line of retaming or sea wall Hud­son River, runs a 363 x w 15 Lo w exterior line, X n 370 to s s, 15Sth st, x e 15 lo be­ginning, with land under water, wilh all improvenients thereon. Leasehold. July 1, 1897, 5 years, 5%. 6,000

Stern, Henrietta wife of Louia to Sigmund Cohn. Lexington av, No 1606, w s, 51.2 a 102d st, 16.7x75. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1899. . 1,700

Stewart, Perez M and H Ives Smith to Ed­ward and Henry Hirsh. Riverside Drive, n e cor 106th st, 100.11x125. Sub lo mort $108,000. Nov 2, due Feh 1, 1899. 15,000

Sullivan, Christopher J lo Jacob Ruppert. Arasterdam av, Nos 1354 and 1356, s w cor Lawrence sl. Saloon lease. Oct 26, de­mand. 3,000

Suydam, Mabel to LAWYERS' MORTGAGE INSURANCE CO. Sth av, e a. 7o s 20th st, 31x100. Oct 31, 3 years, 4y2%. 35,000

The BoLtlera' and Manufacturers' Collecting and Distributing Co to IRVING SAVINGS INST. 37th St. NOB 218 and 220, s a, 250 e 3d av, 50x98.9. Oct 31 , 1 year, 4y.%.

30,000 Same witb aame. Same property. Conaent

of Btockbolders to above mortgage.

The Colonial Building Co to The New York Investment and Improvement Co. Weat End av, s e cor SSd st, 72x100. P M. Oct 27, 1 year. 71,500

Same to same. Same properly. Sub to m o n $71,500. OcL 27, deraand. 75,000

The Church of the Holy Cro.^s lo E.VIIGR.^LNT INDUST SAVINGS BANK. 43d at, a a, 4O0 w Slh av. 75x75.5. Nov 1, 1 year, 4%.


Louis Goldberg and Samuel Wacht. Henry El, s s, 156,8 e Rutgers si, 26.1x100. Bx­tensiou of mort. Oci 31- nora

Thuraas, Evan to Elizabetba Heddesheimer. 37ih al. 3 s, 141.8 e 3d av, 33.4x98.9. P M. Nov 1, 5 yeara, 4^^%- lO.OOO

Tierney, Frank I lo Carrie C Moritz. 123d st, n a, SO w Park av, 19.5x100.11. Oct 28, 5 years, 5%. 10,000

Trautman, .Alexander to THE L.\WYERS' MORTGAGE INS CO. Lexington av, ^ w cor 39th at, 20x75. P M. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%.

23.000 Same lo Calh R Walah. Same property. P M.

Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. O.UOO Tuckerman, Bayard 10 Laura W Lowndes and

Lawrence C Fenno exrs and Irusieea Wal­ler C Tuckerman. 53d at, s s, IXfi e Oth av, 21x100.5. Oct 28, due Nov 1. 1903, iy-i%. • 35,000

Tully, Michael and William Evana to Charles Renach. Gouverneur at. No 42, e e, 24x 102x24x102.3. Sub to mon $28,000. Oct 31, due Nov 1. 1901. gold. 4,000

Same to Geo G De Wilt and ano trustees under will of Sarah Talman. Same prop­erty. Oct 31 , D years, 5%. 28.000

Same to LUy W Bereaford, Geo G Williama and Jacob K Lockman trusteea will Louis C Hamersley. Gouverneur st, No 44, e a, 24x102x24x101.9. Oct 31 . 5 years, 5%.

2S.001I Same to John Denner. Same property. Sub

to mort $28,000. Oct 31, iustalls. 4,000 Universlly Seiilemeut Socltiy ol New York

to FIFTH AVE TRUST CO. Rivington si . No 59; Eldredge st. Nos 182 to 1S8, be­gins Rivington £t, s e cor Eldridge at. 67.1 xSO. Nov 2, 1 years, 4%. 70,000

Unierberg, Isaac to_ Morria L Maahkowil^z. Monroe st, s a. 3ol .2 e Calherine st, 2ox 9S lo HamiUon st . x25xl00. Oct 28, 2 years. 400

Van Iderstine, Garret and Josephine A to Chas P Emery. y3d st, n s, 219 e Am­slerdam av, 15x86 lo Apthorps lane, xl5x S6.S, with ali title to said lane, Oct 2S, installs. l.OOO

Van Rensselaer, Mary K to Isabel A Lane. 29th st, a s. 162,6 w 4th av, 20.10.\9S.9. Sub to morts $15,000. Oct 31, 1 year. 6,000

Wagner, Marie L to Elizabelh Betz, 3d at, a a, 60.11 e 1st av. 30.'c39.10x2y.4x41.1. Leaae­hold. Nov 1, 3 years. 2,aOO

Weiss, Samuel 10 Jacob Shire. 51st st, s s. 165 e 2d av. 20x70.0. Nov 1, 2 years. 2.000

Same 10 same. 2d av. No 954, e a, 80.5 s 51st st, 20x70. Nov 1, 2 years. 2,000

Wennberg, Mary C to Ida M Murpby. Lenox av. No 365, w a, 49.11 n 12Slh st, 2ox 75. Oct 31, due Nov 1. 1SH9. 350

Wegener, Fritz to Bradley & Currier Co. 132d st, n s. 125 w .Amsterdam av. 2.5x 99.11. Sub to morts $15,500. Oct 22, due Jan 22. 1899. 1,322

Weidhopf, Jacob to Sarah H Bentley. Platta-burg, N Y. 103d st. n s, S0.2 w Park av. runa n 59,9 x e O.PA x n 41.2 x w 25 X s 100.11 to 103d st, X e 24,10 to begin­ning. Oct 27, 3 yeara, 5%. gold, 19,000

Same to Callman Rouse. Same properly. Sub to morta $19,000. Oct 27, 1 year. 2.000

Same to William Kirehhof and Isaac J Brown, fii-m Kirehhof & Brown. Same properly. Sub to morts $21,000. Oct 27. secures notes. 300

Weinatock, Caroline W L to Benjamin MOU. 9lBt st, s s. 176 w 1st av, 74x100.8; 103d s t , 3 e eor Park av. 64x100.11. OcL 27. due Dec 1. 1898. 420

Wightman. Hester C and Eliz L Ennis for­merly Riley mortgagors with Williani and Waller H Sloane. I s t av. w a. 68.5 n 62d st, 32x64. Extension of mort. Oct 7. nom

Williams, Biair S with Drayton Burrill exr Anna Morria. S2d at, n a, 308.4 e Colura­bus av, 16.8x102.2. Exiension of mort. Sept 1. nom

Wolters, Frederick to Hermina Butt. SSth at, No 535, n a, 145.11 w East End av. 24.11x100.8. Sub to mort. Oct 27, due Jan 1, 1901.. 2,000

Walker, John to Hyman and Henry Sonn. Washington at, a w cor Beach at, 25x75. Nov 1, due March 1. 1S99. lO.OI'O

Weekea. Eatelle D to Beniguo S Suarez trus­tee for Maria del C S S de Carvajal under will Benita C de S Suarez. 47lh st. No 46, a a, 347.4 e 6th av, 22.8x100.5. Nov 2, due Nov 1. 1899, 4%. 15,000

Wilkens, John to Henry Hull. Slh av, w a, 76.9 n 28lh at. 22x78. Leasehold. .March 17, 5 years, 5%. 3,000

Wilkens. John D to TITLE GUAR-WTEE AND TRUST CO. 56th st. No 152, s a, 205 e Lexington av, 20x100.5. P M. Nov 1. 3 years. 4%. 7.000

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide 673

Same to BUz J Clarke. Same property. P M. Sub to laat mort. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. l.OOU

Winierbotlom, Mary P to THE BANK FOR SAVINGS iu lhe Cily of N Y. 46th at, Nos 213, 215 aud 217, a s, 1S7.9 w Broadway, 51.6x100,5, Nov 2. 1 year, IVaX- 5,O0U

Woolsey, Ediih De L to Henry J S Hall et al a s irustees under will oC Wra H Hall. 72fl Sl. 3 s, 2U0 e Weat Bnd av. 20x102.2. Oct 1, I year, 5%. 30 OiiU

Whilfield, Alfred L to .Mary B .M Lawrence. 2d av. n w cor 25th st, 25.8x100; ilh av. II e COI' 2Sth st , 49,4x70; 34th st, n s, 375 w 7th av. 25x100.6; 17ili si, n a, 200 e 4ih av, 25.>:92. M> parl. Oct 31 , 3 years.

gold, l.UOO Whitfield, Geo B, Belmar, N J, to Archibald

M .Maclay, Same property. 1-20 pari. Oct 31 , 3 years. • gold, l.OOU

Vockel, Johu Henry to Mary H .4,bboti. yOlh st, n s, 275 w 4ih av, as widened, 25 xlOO.4. Oct 31, due Nov 1, 1S99, 5%. 4,000

VulUe, Annie J to Ellen King, Great Neck, L I. S2d at, No 119, n s, 281 w Colum­bus av, 19x102.2, P M. Oct 17, due Oct 20, 1903. 5%. 20,000

Zerban, Marie C to New York Building Loan Banking Co. Lenox av, e s. 34 s 127th at, 33x85. -Nov 1. inslalls, 40,800 '•

B O R O U G H O F T H E B R O N X .

Mortgages under tliis head marked with * de­note that tbe property la located in the new fcoaexed District (Act of 1886).

.•Vllcol, Edraond 0 lo .Andrew Trenchard. Mohegan av, e s, 104.10 n Fairmount av. 25x70. OcL 27, 3 years. 2,500

Samo to Halsey Trenchard, Mi Veruon, N Y. .Mohegan av, e s. 129.10 n Falrraounl av, 25x70. Oct 2 i , 3 yeara. 2,500

"Allen, Thoa H and Eliz A lo Sarah A Brigga, -Mt Vernon, N Y. lat av, e s, 350 s 2d st, 100x160, Olinviiie. Oct 24, 3 yeara. 300

Bernhardt, Ohas A to Hose Schwaab, Eaat Orange, N J. lS2d sl, a a, 65.9 w Park av West, 16.8x82.6x16.8x80.9. Oct 28, 3 years, 5%. 2,S0O

Beyer, Meyer to Maxiralliau Morgenthau. 140th sl, s s, 102.9 e St Anns av, lOOxlUO. Oct 25, due April 1, 1899. 32,500

Bowles, Mary E wile of Richd W to Mary Seiferd. Bathgate av, e s, 49 n 176th at, 23x75, except part taken for widening av. P M. Oct 27, due Nov 1. 1903, 5%.

3,500 Brennan. John J lo BRONX BOROUGH

BANK, Lols 62, 03 and 64 on map of 65 choice lols part of Oak Tree Plot, Tre­mont, 24th Ward. Oct 27, 3 months, se­cures note. 500

Buckley, Janies to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK. Crane pl, w a, 195 n 174th st, runs w 100 X s OU x w 160 lo 'lopping st, x n 150 X e 200 to Crane pl, x s 90 to begin­ning. Sub to morta $15,000. Oct 2S, 1 year, 5 ' 5,0UO

Burns, Saml A to Bernheimer Jt Schmid. Willis av, Nos 518 and 52U, cor l l S t h st. Saloon lease. Oct 28, demand. 6,600

Breckenridge, Ella J to Julie E Chaffanjon. Elmwood pl, a s. 100 w Clinlon av, 25x 122.11x25x122.8. P M. Nov 1, 3 years.

5,000 Belsky, Frank lo The Colonial Brewing Co.

Lot 116 map of Section A of the Vyse es­tate. June 30, due -May 30, 19u0, 5%. 500

Berberi, Lillian D and Geo J lo Kate A Brennan. Washiugton av, w s, 117.4 s w 172d Sl. 17.UixlOu. Nov 1, 3 yeara. S.SOU

Brigga, Jobn C lo Alberi E De Moll. Cbh-eourse, e s, 225 s 192d si, or Primrose st. 5(1x100. Nov 3, 3 years. gold, 1,500

Busch, Emil to Marie L Ahrens, Pleasani-ville, N Y. Tremont av, n w cor .\nihony av. 5UxH-0, except part taken for opening of Anthony av. .\ov 1, 3 years, 5%. 4,000

*Clougherty, Munnica to Mary McGurl. iViapes av. n e cor Greeu av, 56x100. Oct 31, due Nov 1, 1900. 300

Couriney, Bridget lo Mary .A. Barry. John­son av, w a, al a cor plot F raap land Thos H Edsall at Spuylen Duyvil, 100.6xl63.6x 106x114. P M. Except par t lakeu within lines ot Kappock si and Johuson av. Oct 29, 5 years, 5 ^ . 2.500

Campbell, Alex C lo Sarah_A Williarason. Jackson av, e s. 205 n loOih st, 2 lots, each 25x87-6. 2 morts, each $4,000. Oct 29, due Jan 1, 1S92, 5%. 8,000

Same to Martha C Lavelle. Jackson av, e s, 230 n 156th st, 25x87.6. Mort $4,000. Oct 29, due Jan 1, 1902, 5%. 500

Clark, Elijah D to Hattie B Davidson. Jen­nings st, n s, 50 w Stebbins av, 16.7x100. P M. Oct 29, 3 years. l,70u

Glirford, Annie L lo TITLB GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. Pordham av, north cor Bathgale pl, 30.5x62.6x30x59.3. _ except part taken to open 3d av. Ocl 31 , 3 years, 5%. 3,500

Callbeck. Fredk H lo Geo G Dutcher as committee estate Sa_rah J Whitman. Jack­son av. e a. 90 s luOth st, as now monu-menled. 18.9x87.6. Oct 2S. demand. 3,75U

Same to Geo E Fowler. Jackaon av, e a, 90 s loOih st, aa now monumented, 150x 87.6. Ocl 28, 1 year. 6,600

Same to Roxanna N Turner. Jackson av, e a, 127.G a 156th st, as now monumented. 18,9x87.6. Oct 28, demand. 3,750

Same to Mary S Croxson. Jackson av, e s, loS.y 3 156lh Sl, as uow monumented, 18.9x87.6. Oct 28, demand- 3,750

-Same to Martense B Siory irustee Isaac Orr-Jackaon av, e s, 146.3 s 156th SL, as now laid out, 93.9x87.6. Oct 28, deraand. 18,750

L'asciuarelU, Casimirro to Anna von Hesse iruaiee under will of Christian von Hesse. 146th St. No 630, a a, 147 e 3d av or Boston road, 25xlOu, Oct 27, 3 yeara, 0%. 3,000

Cassidy, James H to Edward S Prince. 136th St. a a, 100 e St Anns av, 125x100. Oct 24, 2 moulha. 500

*Ciancheiti, Giovaninna lo Marlin J Keogh. Aah av, a a, lota 73 and 135 map Laconia park. Oct 19. inatalls. 2,250

Coagrove, Patrick to Henry Buckley. 134Lh Sl, a 6, 225 e Trinity av, 25x103.Sx—x 108.8. Oct 28. due Nov 1. 1901. 5%. 2,aOU

-"Day, Johu 11 aud Grace G to Cbas F Rob­erta uueiee, Fillmore sL, w s, 255 n Co­lurabus av, 56x100. Oct 29, due July 1, 1905, 5%- 2,U0O

Deane. W Curtis lo Ferd 0 Baujnan. Jtrouie av, s e s, 25 n 167Lh at; also 2i.7 n e 167ih st, measured along av, 27.7x98x25xi69_.S; Jerome av, s e a, oU n 16i ih ai; alao 55.2 u e 167ih Sl. measured along av, 27.7x &6.5x25x1)8; Jerome_av, a e a. 75 n lOi th s l ; also S2.9 n e 16iLh si, measured along av, 27.7x74.bxZ5xS6.5. P M. July 6, 3 yeara, 5%. l,20o

lie Castano, Mai-y L to Naihan Necarsulmer, 165ih sl, No 6b6, s s, 155-11 e Brook av. 2 lots, each 25x116. 2 mona , each $y,000. P M. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. gold, 18,000

Dlrkseu, i-hilip J to iinoch u Bell. 15ytiti at, n a, US w Counlandt av, oOxlUl. P M. OCL 31 . due July 1, 1^99. gold, 3,500

Same lo aarae. Sarae piopeny. Oct 31, de­mand, gold, 14,000

IJuiiy, Andrew to Michael Duffy. Ciane pl, © s, 150 a Gray at, 2oxlOU.4x:i5xl00.3. Nov 3, 1 year. 5%. 500

"Daily, Daniel, Sr, to Julia A .Morris, Brook­side. N J. Washington av, w a, 'I'd.ii s 2d st, 50x100. Oct 10, due Nov 1. l y u i . 600

*D'Anarea, Anionio to Charles F Roberts trusiee. Columbus av, w a, 155 n Garlield st, 25x100. Oct 25, due July 1, lbU5, 5yi%. 3,000

IJ'Anuiea, Emidio lo Prancis M Varian exr .Augeiine Caiioufeh and Louis E Ganough <iuu r l aa ie i ' Powers. OiU Albany P J S I road, w a, 132.10 n 23isL st, 52.i0xjUx54.Sx5U. P M. Nov 1, 5 years, 5%. 975

Donlon, William to GEtt.VIAN AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANIEE CO, Fox st, s w cor lOUth at, runs & 211.7 x w S8.J.1 X " 15 X n e 113.11 to iutUh si, x a e 03.0- Sub to mons ipzi.uuu. Oct 26, ae­cures buUding loaa conlract. 5,60U

*Ui -viana, jjuu-tnicaiigeio aud Nicola to Huuson P Rose, i^oseoaie av, w s, 42 a VvesL li'arms lOad, runs a 25 x w 114 x n w 13 X n e 36 X e &T.5 lo beginning. P .\1. UCI 31 , a yeara, 5''/a- 324

*Donovan,Pairick. to H Elizabelh Oliver. 12tb av, u s, w Yi ot lot 3S1 map Village of Wakefleld, 5Uxll4. Ocl 31, 6 years. 560

Ericson, Alfred to Helena B Acker. Sieb­bins av, B e a, at s a Home st, 33x102.Wx 94x52.11. P M. Oct 2S, due May 1, 1S99.

3,00U Same and Elizabeth to Ida M Murphy. Steu-

bins av, s e cor Home sl, 33x1.02,9xy4x 53; 169Lh at, n e s , 154 s e Slenbins av, 37.6x107. Oct 29, due May 1. 1899. 9,000

Farber, Abraham to Isaac and Max S Boehm. Railroad av, e s, lUU n yth st, 5Ux3UO lo Washinglon av. P M. Sub to morts $36,-OUU, except part laken to widen Washing­ton av. Oct 31, due Oct, ISyy. 14,oOi,)

Farber, Abraham to Judson S Todd. Railroad av, e s, 100 n e 9lb si. 5Ux3U6 to Wash­inglon av, except part taken tor widening of V\'ashinglon av. Oct 31, 1 year. 36,OU0

Same to Isaac and Max S Boehra. Same prop­eny. Sub 10 last mort. Oct 31, 1 year. b,lX"J

••"Falvey, Fleury to John F Ebrgoti . Poplar st, s a, lyy.y w Main st, 50x108.4x49.11 x 105.2. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1961. 1,OOU

I-'ischer, WUUam and Magdalena to Emma H G Schrader. l l l h sL, n s. 371,S w White Piaius av, 33.4x114, Williamsbridge. Nov 1, 3 years. 3,000

Fowler, Ellle B wife of and Bdgar M_ to Mary A Newell widow. 136th sl. No aOS, s s, 196.6 e Alexander av, 2UxlU0. Oct 21 , due Nov 1, 19Ul, 5%. 5,000

FarreU, John P and Kathryne to Charles Bjorkegren. ISOth st, old line, s s, 51 w Mapea av, oid line, 24x103. Oct 22, in­aLalla. 1.35U

Gareiss, Augustus, Jr, to Augusius Gareiss. Union av, n e cor Dawson si, 25x98.6. P .M. Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. 9,O0U

Gowdey, Santord S lo Margt T Manin. 136ih et, n a, 199.4 w Southern Boulevard, 6Sx 200 to Cypress av. Ocl 28. due Feb 14, 1903. 3,00u

Heinrich, Karl lo Paul M Herzog. Union av, w a, 245 s IS l s t st or Beck st, 2Ux 100. P M. Oct 27, due Ocl 1, 1904, 5%.

1,SSU Haight, Eliza C to Harriet A Shepperd. 176th

sl. n a, 370.5 w Southern Boulevard, 75x 151.6. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. 2,100

*Harper, John to James 1 Corsa. 2d at, n s, w 1-3 part of lot 505 map ViUage of Wake­

fleld, 24th Ward. Oct 31 . due Sept 16, 1S99. 200

Hanson, Sarah to Henry G StUeck, Jr . Briggs av, n e, 202.4 e Travers st, 25x160. P M._ Nov 3, 6 months. 450

Hartuell. Jaraea and Mary to HARLE.M. SAV­LNGS BANK. Clinton av, w a, 75 n Leba-uon Sl. 25x100. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. 2,300

Hookey, Wm T with James G Wentz. Rob­bins av, w s, 150 n Weslchester R R st (or old line 149ih at}, 50x95. Agreement sub-urdiuaiing mort. Oct 29. nom

Kaysser. Louia W lo Wm T Hookey. 168lh at, n a, 45 e Brook av, ruus n 96.7 x e 50 10 lands of N Y & Harlem R R Co, x s 95.8 X w 3.7 X s 0.11 to st, x w 46.0 to be­ginning. Secures maieriaia. Nov 1, 6 mon Ihs. 3.500

Kelly, Margt P to Chas J Wacker. 134th et, s w cor Brown pl, 16.8x60. Oct 29, due Jan 1, 1962, 5%. 2,000

Kirchner, August to Catherine and Julia Curran. CUnton av, e a, 22 n Oakland pl, :12xlUU. Oct 31, 3 years. 1.000

Keiner, Jacoo lo PhiUppiua Kerner. Couit-landi av. No 729, w s, 50 s loUth el, 25 KlOO. Nov 1, 5 years, 5%. li.UOU

Knox, Hellle, Walden, N Y, mortgagor with Johu Bussing, Jr, Ml Vernon, N Y. Sieb­bins av, 6 a, 2il6 s Freeman at, 56xilO. Exiension of mortgage- Sept 30, 1SU8. nom

'4,ewis, Elizabeth to JUlia A Morns, arook-side, N J. Laiajeite at, e a, lUU n Turn-iJike road, now VVesvCheaier av, 65xy6x05x 102. Uet 2T. due Nov 1, ItiOi. 30u

Luessen, Sophie wife of Herman to Simon BlaLt. 15"iLh at, n s, 25u u w Counlandt av, 25x100. Oct 29, 3 years, 5%. 3,000

Lanusbtrg, Isaac to i!.rusL-Maix-i.\aihan Co. 3d av,-e s, 170.11 s 174ih at, 75xiHJ- All liena. .Nov 2, due Nov 28, 1899. 26,600

Same to same. Same property. All Ilena. Nov 2, due Nov 2S, ISLiy. 22,500

Marks, Morris to Brnat-Marks-Nathan Co. 174lh Bl, a w cor FuUon av, 88.3x126.llx —xi26.10. Sub 10 mons $——. Ocl 31, 1 year. 43,000

Samo to aame. Same properLy. P M. Suh to morta. Oct 31 , 1 year. 16,500

Same to aame. Fulton av, w a, 126.11 B 17-iih Sl, runs w — x e 50 x w 10 x a 75 X e 88.y X n 125- Oct 31. Building contract.

4U,000 Same to same. Same property. P M. Sub

to mons $ . OCL 31, 1 year. 18,000 Mulholland, EUen, Long Branch, N J, to

hiuwin A Sumner, Woicester, Masa. 156lh Sl, s w cor Jackaon av, lOxUU. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 4,500

Same to Kichard Cummings. 165th st, B a, 1^0 w Sd av, aO.UxDU. buO to mons $22,-aUU. Nov 1, uue March 1, ISOU. 2,600

Moeuus, aophia 10 .Vlary L Campion. Coun-ianui av, e s, 25 n i 54 th st, 22xlUU. Oct 31 . 3 years, 5%. 8,500

Muuiag, uuns i ina wife of and Michael to CuriaLina Vvlcul. i55th si, Nos 542 and 544, a a, 45U w Couruandl av, 2 lots, each 25xi66. 2 morts, each $1,UU0. Oct 31 , 1 year. ;i,000

Macoonell, Allan G Lo Mary E Gugel, OaK-hursi, N J. Souih Oak Drive, n e s , lot 55 on map of Bronxwood Park.WilUamsuridge, runs n e 121 x n w 75 x s w l i s . 1 1 to Drive, X s e 75 Lo beginning. Nov 3, due Nov 1, i syy . 3,000

.\lanu, Albina V Lo Henrietla M Elderd. 135ih st. No "iU8, a fi, 498.6 e Willis av, 16x100. OcL 28, 3 years, 4V2X,- 7,000

Manneilo, Angeio to Augusla Trageser. Eagle av, e s, 4^ j s i56in at, 75x i l5 . Oct li, a years, a~A. 11,000

Mayer, tiusiav to A Hupfel's Sona. 3d av, No 3iy2, n e cor lOlsL st. Saloon lease. Oct ID, demand, 5 ^ . 5,u00

Meade, .Viaigaiet widow, Mary A de Noifclle. Jonn H Meade heira and children ol Anthouy Meaae 10 Ellen Green, 2-5 parte. IrlUth st, a a, 155 e Kunoina av, oOxSO. Morl $1,500. Oct 22, due Jan 1, 1900. SOO

.Meyer, Elizabelh Lo Petty, Soulard & Wal­ker Realty Uo. Brook av, n e cor 162d st, runs e 06.5 x e 53.S x siUl e 25 x n 50 x e 54 X s 100 lo si, x w 80.6. Sub to mort $42,600 and all lieus. Oct 2S, demand, 5,000

-Meyer or .Vjaier, Geo A heir 01 Maisaretna Meyer to Hiram R Becannon. ISOth ai, a s, lot 112 map ViUage ol Melrose, 5UxlOO, except part taken lor opening Melrose av and winening 159ih sl . Oci 29, demand. 400

Muller, Henry lo Benjamiu Sirasser. 13Sth at, n s, 206.6 e Alexander av, 25x106. Oct 2S, 3 yeara, 5%. 16,000

Same to Adolph Frankenthai- ISSlh at, n s, 256.6 e Alexander av, 25x160. Oct 28. Syears , 5%. 16,000

Same to Simon Pretzfeld. 138th st, n a, 231.6 e Alexander av, 25x100. OcL 28, 3 years, 5%. 16,000

Maher, James to P Ballantine & Sons. Tre­moni av, No 1331. Leasehold. Nov 1, de­mand. Securea notes. 1,200

.Mulligan, Catharine to James Douglas. Northern terrace, s s, 90 w Westchesier av, runs w 1S5 x a 200 x e 12.8 to Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, x n e — x n to beginning. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 3,200

Naarden, Charlea to Maurice Untermyer. Boston av, e s, or s e a, 87 n e Teaadale

674 r Record and Guide November 5, i8g8.

pl, 20.5x65x19x73. Oct 27, 1 year, 5%.

Neville, Annie E wife of John H to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK. Pranklin av, e a. 100 a Tremont av, 100x100. Nov 3. 1 year, 5%.

5.000 *Peterson, John R and Eliz A to Roae Seiferd.

Brigga av, n s, part of lot 43 map of Brigga estate, Williamsbridge. Oct 31 . 3 years . .

Perth, Bmma A and Charlea to Sarah G Meyer. 17l3t st, a a, 156 w 3d av, 16x100. Nov 1, 3 years. . 500

Prltz, Sophia wife of and Jacob to Jennie M Brady. Berrian now Fleetwood or Walton av e 6, 75 n Cameron pl, 25x100. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. ^ ^ 1.100

Person HUma to Tremont BuUding and Loan Assoc. Vyse av, w s, 12o n Jennings st, 25x100. Oct 26, installa. 4,o00

Pletacher, MarLin and Elise to WUliam Braun, Amityville, L I. Clinton av, as widened, w s, 96.7 s JeEferaon at, 24.ox 87-4x24-3x87-3. P M. Oct 20, 1 year. 600

Quinn Margaret lo Rachel Reiier. Union ay, w a, 51 a loOlh st, 24x80. P M- Oct 24 inatalls. . l'™*^

Rice Charlotte C lo Augustus L Carrington. Southern Boulevard, e e, 25 n Jennings sl. 25x100- Ocl 2S. due May 1, 1899. 900

Rieiman, Adolph H and Albert Lulher to Charlea Van Riper. Prospect av. No 633, w a 50 n Beck or 151st at, 25x100. Nov 1, 5 years, 5%. 2,000

Roae, Solomon to Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co_. Wendover av. s a, 100 e 3d av, 75xl31xio X132.6. Oct 31 , demand. 25,600

Same to same. Same property. P M Sub to mort. Oct 31 , 1 year. 12,000

Rothermel, Albert to Edwd M Burghard. St Anns av, n w cor Westchester av. as widened, lhe start ing poinl being distant 34.7 n of old line of Weslchester av, 231.11

• xl07x237.11xS4.11. Nov 2, 1 year. 4,000 "Ryan, Thomaa S to JuUa A Morris. Cooper

av, e a, lot 35 map pioperty William Cooper; Grant st, a s, lot 67 aame map, 25x224 to Westcheater Creek, x—x230. Oct 27, 3 years. 500

Reia, Jacob and Marie to Bertha Sehmuck. 137lh sl. No 63a, n a, 81.6 w Willis av, 25x100. Sub to morts $15,000. Oct 3 1 , due Nov 1, 1904. 2,000

Riehl, Jacob aud Anton Rinschler to Joseph Messerschmilt- 155th st, a a, 325.3 e Morris av, 25x100, except pari laken Lo widen 155th sL. Oct 31, 3 years, 5%. 2.500

Robinaon, Mary E lo Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co. Sd av. e s, 225 n 171st si, 5UxlOO. OcL 31, 1 year. ., l^.*)™

Same to same. Same property. Oct 31 , 1 year. xo,UUv

Ricca, Amalla to New Y'ork BuUding Loan Banking Co. 134th st, s s. 425 e St Anna av, runs s 114.6 to n w s Southern Boule­vard, X n 80.9 X n S4.6 to 134th al, x W 75. Ocl 2S, inslaUs. 30,000

Rosenbaum, EmU lo Adolph G Huplel. 148th sL a s, 166-S e Brook av, 16.8x100. P M. Oct 27, due Nov 1, 1903, o%. 4,860

Redicau, Margaret wife of Michael to Enoch C BeU, Nyack, N Y. lOOlh at, s s, 98 w Courtlandt av, 00x99. Oct 31 , demand.

gold, 14,000 Sarae to same. Same propeny. P M. Oct 31 ,

due July 1, 1899. gold, 3,500 Schafer, Mary wile of Simon to Frederic J

Middlebrook. 3d av, w s, i5.5 s i65ih SL, 19.16x103x19.8x100.9. Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. 14.000

Sehmuck, Herman and Michael Montag lo Geo J FernschUd. Triniiy av, s e cor 163d st, runs a 22 X e 20 X n 2 X e 80 X n 20 to ai, X w 100- P M. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%, 4,100

Slumpf, Rose to Adeline Warner- 14iith at, No 444, s s, 231.7 e RaUroad av East, 38.2x100. OcL 29. due Jan 1. 1902, 5%.

2,500 Same Lo Harriet I Nixon. 14Sth sL, No 446,

a a, 269.9 e Railroad av East, 17.4x100. Oct 29, due Jan 1, 1902. ^ 2,000

Same lo Rafael D de la Cortina. 148lh st, No 44S, 3 s. 267.1 e RaUroad av East, IS xlOO. Oct 29, due Jau 1, 1902, 5%. 1,500

*Shea, John J to Delia Norton. Union av, a w cor 5th st, 158.5x100. Oct 15, 3 years.

1,200 Singhi, Carrie J wife of Henry U to Elwood

W Brooks. Harriaon av, w s, 125.1 n Mor­ton pl, 5U.2xl30.10 to land Croton Aque­duct Department, x53xl44.1. Nov 1, 3 yeara. 5%. 6,000

Same to Frederic B and Hugh N Camp, Jr, exra and irustees Hugh N Camp. Sarae property. Sub to raorts $6,000. Nov 1, installs. 1.500

Stadler, Blizabeth to Elizabeth Betz. Alex­ander av. No 227, w a, 73.4 n 137th st, 26.8 x75. Nov 1, 5 yeara, 5%- 10,500

Schneider, JuUa to A Hupfel's Sona. 3d av, No 3267. Saloon lease. Oct 26, deraand.

2,300 Schunlng, Kate to Sarah P B PrUnd. Mon­

roe av, w a. widened. 270 s 175th st, 25x 95. Oct 25, due Oct 24, 1901. 450

Schuyler, Cornelius B and Sophia to G De Witt Clocke exr wUI John M Corsa. Brook­line at, a a, 42.6 w Decalur av. 104.3x3o.ll xl03.5x35. Oct 27. due April 27, 1S99. 500

Shannon, John to Ephraim B Levy. College

av, w s, 715.0 n 169th st, 25x92.6. Oct 24, 2 years, 5%. 5oO

Schaefer. Caroline to John B Ryer. Arlhur av, w a, a£ widened, 24.10 s 178th st. 25.4x90. Oct 31 . 3 years. ^.oOO

Sirapson, Jaraes A lo Wm T Hookey. Elton • av. n w cor 160th sl . 50x100. Sub to morls $35,500. Oct 11. deraand. 800

Sarae to sarae. 15Sth st, s s. 400 w Elton av, 21x260 to 157tb st. Sub to morls $43,500. OcL 12, deraand. 800

Stolz, George to Richard Webber. Railroad av B. n e cor 148lh at, 108.11x121.3x106.6 X113.3. Collateral mort. Oct 25, demand.

5,600 Strasberg, Simon lo .Marcus-Krizer, Jersey

City, N J. Tiffany st, w s. 231.3 n 165lh st, 20x100, Oct 29, due Nov 1, 1899. 1.100

Trapnell, Joseph, Jr, lo Mary B Henderson. Rockfield sL, n a, 750 e Marion av, SOx 126.4 to Jerome Park Ry Co, 50x126.5. Ocl 31 , 3 years, 5%. 2,500

*Thomas. Frederick A, of Passaic, N J, lo Edraund Lockwood, ijarehmont, N Y. Pilot av, n w cor Main st, 126x100x12} x 100. Oct 27, 3 years. 2,000

Temme, Oscar to Mary W Lee. Tower pi, or 202d st , s s, 100 e Webaler av, 25x100. Oct 31 , 3 years. 2,000

Same to Otto Renner. Same properly. OcL 31, 3 years, 5%. 400

Thornion, Chas H and Edwd A, Minnie F and Emily L lo Frank 0 Brown and ano exra and irusLees Caroline S Sherwood. Tiebout av. w s, 100 u ISOth at, 16.8x90. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%. 2,500

,Same lo same. Tiebout av, w s, 116.8 n ISOth SL, 16.Sx90. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%. 2,500

Same lo Eliza N Hough. TiebouL av, w s, 133.4 n ISOlh st, 16.8x90. Nov 3 , 3 years. 5%. 2,500

Thornton, Chaa H and Edwd A to Geo B El­liott et al as •'truateea ol Morgan School Fund." of Clinlon, Conn. Tiebout av. w e, 150 n ISOlh sl, 16.8x90. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%. 2.350

Same lo same. Tiebout av, w s, 166.S n ISjJth st, runa w 90 x n S.4 x w 5 x n 8.4 x e 95 10 av, X a 16.8 to beginning. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%, 2,350

Same to Joseph M Prat t , Old Saybrook, Conn. TiebouL av, w s, 1*3.4 n ISOih sL, 16.8x 95. Nov 3, 3 yeara. 5%. 2,350

Toelberg, Niels lo George SLolz. Crolona av, w s, 107.6 s 176th Sl, 92.6x100. Sub lo m o n $17,560. Oct 27, 4 montha. 1,500

Von Gerichien, Theodore to Augusi Freutel. Bergen av, a e s. 239-9 e Weatcheaier av, 50x100. Nov 2, 3 yeara, 5^2%. 3,600

Walker, Mary A wife of and Frank H to Jo­sephine N Rathbone. Sedgwick av, n w s, 1,199.9 n frora e s Cedar av, runa a w 125.6 X n w 123.6 X s w 147.9 x n w 125 lo Cedar av, x n e 18S x e 276.8 to beginning; Cedar av, a e s, 734 n e Sedgwick av, 3 i x 125. Nov 2, 6 monlhs. 5,500

Woolf. James A and Eugene T individ and as firm Jas A and E T Woolf to Margt L Crow. Suraraii_ av, n a. 964.3 w WiUiarasbridge road, 2oxluO. Nov 1, 5 years, 3,000

Wane, Fredk W to Ferdinand Porach. 3d av, a e cor Roae at, 49-4x87.3x49.4x87. P M, except part taken to widen 3d av. Oct 31 , due July 1, 1899. 20,000

Same to same. Same property. Oct 31 , due July 1, 1899. 23.000

*Werner, Jacob and Louiae to Mauritzio Ze­tena. McGraw av, n a, 100 w Cottage Grove av, 2oxl00. P M. Oct 2S, due Oct 31 , 1901. 5%. 600

Watson, Thomas B to Thomas McCracken. I'lld at, a a, extends from Hoe av to Vyse av, 200x75- Oct 2S, due Nov 1, 1901. 3,000

West. Whitney A to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK. 141at st, a s, 4S1.6 e Alexander av. 25x100. Sub to mort. Oct 29, 1 year, 5%. 500

Yost, Chas A and G Andrew to Michael H Hageriy aud James H Mullarky and John

• McCann exrs John McConvill. Timpson pl, s e a , 259.3 s w 149lh st. P M. Nov 2, due Nov 3 , 1901, 5%. 2,175

Same to same. l49ih al, s w a, 26.9 s e Timp­son pl. P M. Nov 2, due Nov 3, 1901, 5%.


MORTGAGES-ASSIGNIVIENTS. (• ll.- i'-,!. s following tbe description of the

pri pc; ly pi v n in Iliis list indicate when the original mortgage was recorded. The mortgages wiibout any specified date were recorded during tbe current year.)

B O R O U G H O F M A N H A T T A N .

Ocloher 28. 29, 31 . Nov. 1, 2, 3.

Baltea, Fernando to Joaeph C Levi aa trua­tee. Park av, s e cor 73d at. 2,500

Bradley Sc Currier Go to George C Gun ler. 7th av, w s, 24.11 s 144th st. nom

Brown, Sophia E C and ano exrs Susannah Alvord lo General Fire Extinguishing Co. 101st st, s a, 109.4 w Lexington av. 17.1x 100.11. Oct 8, 1895. 8,023

Burby, Sarah J to The Bachmann Brewing Co. Hudson sl. No 2S2, n e cor Dominick at, 20x55.6. Sept 9, 1S97. 1,560

Butt, Hermina lo Lorenz Burghardt. SSth st. No 535 E. 2,000

Cohn, Bertha to Joseph C Levi truatee. 73d at. a e cor 4th av, 19x102.2. Jan 23, 1895.

5,000 Coffin, Herbert L to Esther L CofBn. 1st av,

No 2235: o*W Canda, John M lo Lizzie J Cauda. Av A,

n w cor 25th st, 197.6-to 26th st, x l l2 .11 . OcL 9, 1S93. nom

Day, John H lo Eraanuel Heilner. Columbus av, w a, 25.5 s lOyth st, 2o.2xl00.

val consid and HJO Same to same. Columbua av, w a, 5U.7 s

109th st, 25.2xlU0. val conaid and 160 Deutsch, Morris to Louis Lese. yOth st, n a.

250 e 4Lh av, 25x100.8. 1.600 Darrow, Charles and Ida M W LenLUhon trua­

teea Herbert D Ward to Ida M W Lentiihon trusiee Herbert D Ward. lOlsL st, Nos 116 aud l i s E, Oct 1, 1895; Alexander av. n w cor Souihern Boulevaru, 2o.\"i5. Feb 21, lSy3; i2yih si. a s, 230.10 e i t h av. 21.8x99.11; Leroy at, Nos 00 and US. .iprU T, 1S87. Assigns 5 mons, nom

Foley, Helen M wife of John R to Crosby Leonard. 34th st. No 233 WesL. l.oaO

Felbel, Edward LO Michael SchiC:. Riving­lon at, a s. 24.2 e Goerek sl, 37.6.'i75. 2,560

Gabler, Emil et al exrs and truatees BrnsL Gabler to EmU E Gabler. IsL av, s e cor 30th at, runs s 74.1 x e lOU x a 24.8 x e lOU X n 96.9 to al, x w 200 Lo beginuing. July 1, 1S85, discharged Nov 2. IStiO. uom

Greenfeld, Samuel LO laaack Selig. Stauton St. No 164. 2,000

Green, Margarel to Title Guarantee aud Trust Co. 13bd at, a s, 346 w 7Lh av. 24,000

Guniher, Frankiin L lo Continental TrusL Co of City of N Y. AmsLerdam av. No 627.

20,000 Gorsch, Arthur to Bradley & Currier Co. I s i

av, No 2046. 3,50U Haas, Freoerick lo Sophie Halbe. S l s t st, n

a, 198 e Av A, 25x102.2. Jan 3, 1&93. Dis Nov 3, ISyS- 4,0U0

Heaslein, Samuel A and Gertrude Bloch exrs laidor W de_Jonge to Gertrude Bloch. UUih st, n a, 37o e Amaterdam av, 25xlOU-5.

5,UU0 Hinze, Adolph to Christian and CaroUne

Wagner. 103d st. No 15( Bast. Oct 23, 1895. 13,534

Hyams, William to Isaac L SmiLh. 62d st . No 219 West. Dee 18, 1895. 2,030

Ireland, John B truatee Andrew L Ireland to Mary J Morriaon. l l l l h st, a s, 160 e 3d av, 25x160.11. Feb 23, 1SS2. 6,000

Janeway, Wm R, New Brunswick, N J, to Conlinental Truat Co. Cily HaU pi. No 6, and No 20 Cenlre st. July 8, ISJo. nom

Same to same. Same property. July S, 1895. uom

Jacobson, Marie B to Wm G Starr. 63d st, n s. 300 w 3d av, 12.4x160.5. May 7, 1894.

7,506 Jones, John H lo Abbie B Jones, Cold Spring

Harbor, L 1. y4lh sl, s a, 250 e 9lh av, 25x117.2 to Old lane, x25xl l6 .2 . Nov 15. 1SS9. 3,000

Kane, John P exr of Mary T Kane lo Eugene H Pomeroy. 72d st. No 14 West. nom

Kouwenhoven, Eve A, lo Louis Rjsenawaike. S4th at, a s , t4 e l a t av, 26x51.1. Dec 1. 1SS3. S.OOO

Kouwenhoven, Francis D admr GarreL Kou­wenhoven to Eve A Kouwenhoven. Same property. nom

Kelly, Richd B to Stephen B Nash. 57th sl, n a, 130 e 4th av, 20x160-5. June 22, 1893. 4,786

Lawrence. Henry S to Emily H Moir as truatee for Johannah S Seymour, yth av, w s. 61.9 n 26th at, 18.6x70. Oct 13, lSo3.

4,500 Same lo same. Assigns 4 morta. l l t h st,

a a, 377.1 e 6lh av, 21.8x94,10^ May 1. 1S78, May 1, 1884, May 2, 188o. Juiy S, 1S86. 7.500

Lewia, Estelle P to Geo A Steinmuller. y2d st a a, 100 w 1st av, 25xlU0.S. Nov 2, 1896. i-MO

Moll. Benjamin lo David Rollo, Newarlt, N J. 91sL sl, s s, 176 w IsL av, 74x100.8; 103d st, s e cor Park av, 64x100.11. uora

Mazzelti, Sophia A to Wm G Gaston- S3d st, e a, 371 e 10th av, 16x102.2. June 5, 1890. i^'*^

McDowell, Ale.'iander to Tille Guaranlee and Trust Co. Slh av, n w cor 12Tlh st. nom

Miller. George M as trustee ot Sarah Lanier to Elizabeth G Turnure. l25lh si, s a, 160 w lo th av, 25x100.11. June 27, 1583; 1st av No 2206, Aug 22, 1888; 104ih st, n s. 130 w Park av, 25xllKl.ll , April 22, 1SS9. ^ ,\5signs 3 mons . 26,13S

Sarae lo James F D Lanier. Rivington st, No 277. May 10, 1895; Lexinglon av. No 1600, April 26, 1S94; Av C, w s, 26 n l l l h st, 25.9x83, Nov l l , iSSO; St Nicholas av, s w cor 157lh st. 25.10x76.7x24.11x69.9. July 2, 1884. Assigns 4 m o n s . 26,362

Nash, Stephen E to EUza M Bailey. Assigns 2 raorts. 57lh st, n s, 130 e Park av, 20x 100.5. April 12, 1SS7 and June 22, 1S93.

nora Purdy, Sarah A trustee for Chaa F and

Alfred C Cooper to Alfred C Purdy, Colo­rado Springs, Colorado. 96lh at, s a, 140 e Columbus av, 20xlOO.S. Nov 21, 1890.

lO.OOO Post, Chaa A and ano aa truslees for Lina P

Webster to Lina P Webster. 124lh sl, s s,

November 5, 1898. ^Record'''and Guide 675 174.6 e Sth av, 16.8x100.11. Dec IS, 1S94.

nom Rosenstock, Berrihard, Ferdinand and Samuel

exra of will of Loeb Rosenstock to Bernhard Metzger. 109th sl. n s. 80 w 4th av, 29.4 XlOO.ll. AprU 4, 1805. 5.700

Sarae to same. lOyth st, n s, 138.2 w 4lh av, 29.4x160.11- April 4, 1895. 6.260

Sarae to same. lOOlh st, n a, 109.4 w -ith av, 28.10x100.11. April 4. 1895. 5.760

Schraidl, Charlea to John A Baumann. "Sd -.t. No 164 East. Nov IS, 1891. 4,680

Roosevelt, Jamea R, Hyde Park. N Y, to Wm G Fellows, Schaghiiche. N Y. 17th st. No 115 E. Nov 3. 1^93- 11,238

Schmilt, Jacob to Jacob Hoffmann Brewing Co. 55th St. No 155 East. May 15, 1896.

3,000 Sminck. Chas S admr Sarah Sminck to Leo­

pold Blum, Asa Heinemann and Louia Isenber^er trustees for children of Just ina Spiegel and Asa Heinemann, Nathan Necarsulmer and Louii; Isenbetger trua­tees lor Albert L .Blum. 12Slh st, No 232 East. July 8, i syu. 5.U83

Sheanan, Uomelius F to Mary A and Daul J Carroll. 10th a.v, e a, Sci s 34th st, 20x lOU. uct 1, i s y i . nom

Smith, Isaac L to Julius and Emilie Sander. t>2d Sl, No 219 West. Dec l&, lUiia. 2.000

Seaiiiooii, i h t r e s e VV exirx Henry H Sea-•biook to -Annie L Conu\er ana Martha W Schanck. i2d aL, a s. 210.9 w Lexington av, lS.Uxl02.2. Aug 1, lSti5. l-;,uO0

The Lawyers' Mongage Insurance Co lo Mary D Sieers extrx Eugenia K Beales. Hamilton pi, W S, 334 n l - i ls t at, lOxiOU.

10,500 The Dry Dock Savings Inst to Stephen E

Nash. 57 in ai. ix s, i3U e Park av. 2Ux iUU.5. AprU 12, 1587. 26,513

The Lawyera' iviorigagc ins Co to The Prui . s -lani Episcopal riociety tor Promoiing Relig­ion aud Learning. lOl ih sl, a a, 140 w WeaL End av, liUxlOU.ll. 1^,000

The Meiiopoiuan impt Co to MuLual LUe Ins Co. Boulevard, u e cor 112ih at, lOU.ll x l25 . 5U,UU0

Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Saugenies Savinga Bank. aOih si. No 152 E. 7,uO0

TiLle tiuarantee and ' Irust Uo lo Clarence W Hillyer exr Garret E Winania. 13uin si . n a, l l u w 5th av, —x— to I 3 i t h at. 22,oUU

Title Guarantee aua Truat Co LO Jiaiy h. a.iia Rachel J Bitven exrs barau M Biiven. Buw-ery, .NO 660: 17,000

Uihiein, Jai;ob guard Henry Uihiein to Heury Uihiein. Lewis si, e s, lUU u Kivingiou st, 2JX10U. May 5, 18^2. Y2 Part. U,UOO

Unueinui, Eiiza n. laomeiimes caiita Eliza C> to Aufiuata E Howaru exr nidwara L How­ard. Lexington av. No IU16- aept 29, I t iSl . 4,000

Wiener, Henry, Jr, as sub-trustee under wiil Ht iunch vs leuer LO Henry Wiener. East­ern Boulevard, w s, 25.2 u S4Lh at, 26xi5 . PeO 21, 1885. lU.uOO

Wiener, Eugenia K and The Real Eatate Trust Co 01 Philadelphia trusteea under will of Lewis Wiener 10 Eolami L Tay­lor. U4th si,_n a, 30U w 3d av. 20x100.5. March 19, i a i 2 , discharged Nov 2, i syS .

1U.500 Wood, Joseph to Robert Main. 2d av, w s,

24.11 a l^Glh st, 25x105. 4,O0O Willeta, James H, also Dauiel and Samuel J

UnderhiU exrs xiaunah Wiiieta to james R Willeta, North Herapaiead, N Y. IOth sl, 'No 413 E. Feb 14, 1894. 5,500

B O K O U G H O F T U B B K O N X .

•Benjamin, George W Lo Archibald A SkUl­man. Kaat 1/0 of lol 1689 map VUiage of VV akeheld. 750

BitLiiier, Edmund lo Charlolte Haslorf. Prospect av, w s, 90 u Uoaion road, 4rlx 90. 1,150

Brown, J Romaine to Aunie E Browu. Ger­ard av, e s, 3i.U a Arcularius pl or loyih Bl, 5lxlOS.lUx56xi2U.2. uct 21 , 1693. nom

Conroy, Francia A 10 itobi L Harriaon. Knox fit, n 3, lots 251 to 254 map 01 woodlawn Heights, .;4Ln V\ara. Jan i, 1892. nom

Durland. Freak L LO Uiditn J Hulben. Bremer now Woody Ureal av. e a, 324 n ol lot 5U ou map ot Hi&hundgevUie, West Farms, ruus e 215 X n 3u X w i l j x a U.ti x w lUU 10 av, xa2U.Uio beginniug. Feb 7, 18y6. l.UOO

Bisert, Aluin to Henry j Norris- Mott av, a w cor 163d st. runs w 12U,1U to e s Wal­ton av, X a 15 X e 32.11 x s 25.3 x e yS-iO lo Motl av, X u luU-5 lo beginning. Nov 1, 1897. 465

•Gih'ord, Albert W, Worceater, Maas, to John T PriLchard. FuUon ai, w s, 3UU u Eliaa­beth SL, DUxlOU, VVakeheld. Nov 30, 1695.

SOO Hulbert, Bdith J to Fredk L Durland. Bremer

now Woody Crest av, e a, 324 n ol lot 56 on map of Hlghbrldgeville. Weat Farms, runa e 21o x n 30 x w 115 x a 9.6 x w 100 to av, X s 20.6 to beginning. Feb 7, 1896.

2.000 Harrison, Robt L to Carrie H Thorn. , Knox

at. n a, lots 251 to 254 map of Woodlawn Heighia, 24th Ward. Jan 7, 1«92. 1 500

Henderson, Mary E lo Emma B Levin. Sum-mil av, e a, lOO s Devoe st. 25.^:87. 3 000

Bame to same. Brook av, w a, 52 a 170th st ^ ' " • ° 3,000

Hohl, Charles to John P BuUwinkel. Home st, n s. 126.11 w Tinton av, 20.3xl37.6x 20.3x136.6. Dec 2, 1897. 2,000

Lawrence, Henry S lo Alfred Jaretzki. Tin-ton av, 6 a. 160.6 s 166lh at. 16.5x100. March 10, 1890. 2,000

Lowenaiein, Helene to Louis and Albert L Lowenstein, Charlotle Blumenthal and Jen­nie Rosenbaum. Webster av, e a, 88.10 s 173d al, 29x90. Oct 1. 1892. uom

Miller, George M as trusLee Sarah Lanier to Fannie L Appieton. Brook av, e a. 25 s 147th st, 24.10x100. Dec 11, 1895; Jer'ime av. w s, 50 a Evelyn pl, 50x160. Ocl 14, 1S92; Proapect av, w s, SO s Lebanon st, 25x100, May 22, 1896; Madison av, e> a, 50.11 a lOlth al, 16.8x70, Sept 14, 1888. Assigns 4 morta. 26,087

MerriU, Payson to Libbie N Lyon. Webster av, e s, 124 a 183d at, 36x90. July S, 1S97. 1,200

Same to same. Jerome av. e s, 586.10 a Highbridge road, 100x26.4x100.1x31.3. Aug 9, 1895. , 1.100

iMolfell, Wm Z, Minneapolis, Minn, to LUIian B Moffett- Bathgale av, e s, 103 a 175th at, 2(xlO5.1Ux27xl05.4. April 29, 1897.

4.028 Monlag, Chrialina to Christina Wiehle. 3d

av, e s, 149.4 n Rose at, 25x100- 1,500 Minturn, Robert S truatte for Susan C Bar­

ing 10 Robl S Miniurn and C Edward Bill-quist irusteea for Anna .VI Quicke. Mott av. n e cor 144th st, 25xlu0. Apiil 2, 1,^95.

2-,388 O'Neil, Margaret extrx Michael O'NeU to An­

nie Kranz. 144th st, No 462 Eaat. April 30. ISSS. 500

Reiter, Rachel to W H McWhirter. Union av, w a, 51 s 150th st. l.OOO

Smith, WiUiam P to Magdalena Walter. 155Lh st, a a, 95.9 e Morris av, 24.6x100. 1,960

Stolz, George Lo Wm F Smilh. 155th at, a a, 95.9 e Morria av, 24.6x100- 1,900



Ill tbese li;U ot Judgcui'iU'? llie names a!p!ia-belit-a'.y arranfecl and v.hicb are first on each line, are those cf Ibe judgment debtor. The leltBr (D) means jugment for deficiency. (*) means not summoned, (t) signifies that the first name Is ficlilious, real name being unknown. Judg­ments entered during the week, and satisfled before day of publication, do not appear In this column, but in list of Satisfled Judgmenta.

Oct. and Nov. 29 Archer. WiUiam—J Dohn . . . cos ta $124.37 31 Auama, AUred B—R Rossenwasier.222.26 31 Abrams, Lewia—L Ullmann 190.30 31 Austin, James—A Hirueis 72.48

1 Andrews. David C—H H Davis aaaignee. 167.36

2 Azzolio, Antonio and Angiola—J Di Marco -• 404.07

2 Adier, Christian—E F Heagney . . . .943.4S 3 Allen, W HaU—.Mutual Bank 33.42 3 Atwood, Chaa E—E S Alpaugh 4S9.80 4 Anoerson, .vialcolm C—Ellicott Square

Bank of Buffalo 845.12 4 Allison. Jennie E—B H Lawaon. . . .143.80 4 Abrahama, Samuel—Third Ave R R Oo. .

69.70 29 Buttle, Wm W, Jr—A E Davis 50.05 29 Brennan, Catherine—B A Brunnan .3iS.5y 29 Blauvelt, Charlea—G F While 679.51 20 Baer, Louia—E Heller 209.83 29 Boiweil. George—J Heas costs 111.34 31 BennetL, Jas U—G Garby 2,191.03 31 Brown, Eliz J - W A Alexander 46.17 31 Baker, Geo H - J Scott 72.13 31 Boutard. Pauline and Louise L M L Ben-

oist—H Jacquln coats 145.60 SlfBehrman, Benjarain—H Weiller 115.7S 31 Baaden, Jacob—S Baumann 155.18 31 Baylies, Albert S—F E Gude 1S6.4S 31 Brewer, Marion S—H F .Miller 52.IS

1 Billings, James. Jr—J Andrews 76.18 1 Bock, Louis—H H Davis assignee. .167.36 2 Buchignani, Antonio—M Newman . .94.39 2 Benaon. Geo S—L Herakey 289.7.^ 2 Begiebing, Emil P—C H Bvans . . . . 8 3 . 5 4 2 Bierach, Wm J—Manhattan Marble Co .

756.67 3 Bell, Jas H - J I Delaney 168.45 3tBage. Albert C—W P Carr 37.87 3 Bell, George—The Rector, &c, Christ

Church, New Brighton, S L - 22S.33 3 Brosnan, Frank X—G N Reinhardt .386.71 3 Bellows. Charles—A 0 Bellows . . . . 1 0 0 . 9 3 3 Bail', Bernard—C Kaufman 104.44 3 Billington, Reno R—W P Carr 08.19 3 Baichelor, Ruius the aame 37.79 3 Bertram, Ernest C—P C Eckhardt, Jr.7y7.1'4 4 Bashara, Gamin and Salem—W H Gilman

132.62 4 Bridgman, Adolphus—S M Hedges Se Co.

163.00 4 Block, Wm J—G J Grunow 122.92 4 Bloch, Ferd inand^J .Mayer 523.35

29 ColUns, Wm E—John Pullman & Co . . . 390.85

31 Corey. Geo A—H H Lyman, Corar. . .250.00 31 Clark, Wm F and Mary—W D Barron. .

82.70 1 Crichton. Mary A—J L Quimby 72.00 1 Clark, Henry B, Jr—M A Krelslhelmer.

191.59 3 Cullen, Thomaa H, Jr—J Luhrs 216.30

3 Creighton, George—T B Kniffin 83.48 4 Cook, Charlea—Messinger Bicycle Saddle

Co 224.57 4 Claus, Emilie and Peier—Birkbeck In-

vesLmeni Savings and Loan Co of America (D) 1,049,93

4 CorbelL, O t i s -A S Thomas 5,105.25 4 Cooper, John R—Edwards, MerriU & Co.

84.66 4 Caraman, Alex—L J Osborne 27.S7 4 Christ. Ferdinand—J Huggiua 06.12 4 Cole, John P—Gorham Mrg Co 25.86

29 Dixon. Agnes G 0—W KeUocfct 486.111 29 Dawson, John—J Dohn cosis 124.37 31 Dursie. Frank P ^ W Coogan 112.22 31 D'Eaesse. Grace .Vl—F Debenham. . ,272.44 31 Downes. Allred H—A S Cohu 2i3.oO 31 Diehl, Uailhasar—A S Nichols 12U.66 31 Davol, Wm H and Frank H—J H Davis.

••• costs ItiiJ.Sl 31 Daly, Peter H—Central R R of N J . . 118.08 31 Douglass, Wm H—J Krakauer 3c>3.05 31 Dixon, jignes—J Siahl 60.13

1 Durjea, Henry—P Barrett Mfg Co . . . 4 l .U8 1 Lonohue, Joseph F—W H Husseya Sona

1 De Vean, John—H T Peiree 103.33 1 Dahn, Uusiav Q—G Damrauf IJ.5.71 1 Davits, Eduh M—F E Barues 309.01 2 Long Uhin i:eL—C D Shaw 206.63 2 Davis, Lewis K—E Bonfleld •• 93.58 2 Dixou, Jaa M—B Abel ISU.lo 2 Dwyer, Patrick J—J E Linde Paper Co. , , •- . . 2 L 1 S 2 Donges. Chriatian—E F Heagney . ,943 .40 3tDeueU, JoUn—A Hudson • • . . 3 a . 7 5 3 Darliiig, uLemsen—.Viuiuai Bank 45.37 3 Davia, Frederica M—H Hoeier , . .coals 124.8S

3 Denninglon, Fredk C—N Y Print ing Co. , ^ • - ai.'lZ

4 Dochtermann, Paul—H L Cohn li.5.70 4 DuUy, Archibald B—Acker .U & C. .4y.7T 4 Donahue, Lawrence F—J G Gillig and ano , , exis ..i,UoU.80

4 Dawson, Williara—B Kahn '100.69 29 Elias, Joseph—J T Williams 287.98

2 Ershowsky, Bernard—G F Swift . . . .539.43 4 EspusiLo, calvatore—Ptople State N Y . .

^„ 5^0.U0 29 Fiynn, Chas S—K F Flynn 2,Ulu.y4 31 I'Oiei, Johu and Mary—c Fornutf . . . , i5 .5 ' j 31 Franx, isiiac—D Appieton &, Co 29.24 31 Flash, Joaeph—H B Ciadiu Co 15U.49

1 Fe ins , David—J B BisaeU 101.22 1 FioreuLiiie, Giovanni—F S Baione. . . .90 22 2 Froehlich, Juliua—H G SUieck e.xr, &c. .

_ _ ^-^Q QU

2 Flynn, Chas S B-^ManhauVn ' Elecrrie Lighi Co aj.Ol

2' 'Peitner, AUred—L Siegbert 141.19 3 Frosen, Juiius H—J Stam 74.41 3vFeIt, H,=nri'—J Mitchell . .3o.ti5 3 Franklin, urace H and Spencer—0 Min-

enzhagen exr. Sec costs 47.00 3 lhe adme G W Young Individ and „ exr . . . . i i t i . y t i 3 the same L B Young 21 ' ' 75 3 Farley, Kichd S—W P Carr '. . '73779 4 Flato, J a c o b - J Kroder 6y.25 4 Felix, Julius—People Slate N Y...3Uu.U0

29 Gibbona, Maria K and Robt H - J M Knox trustee, See (Uj 524.93

29 Goodridge, Harry S—G C Daboll ,„ „ coata 212.57 29 Gerrodette. Frank H—T. Leeming , ,170.86 31 Goldstein, Philip—The State Bauk. .3l2!77 31 Greengrass, Meyer and Jacob Goldfine-

B Hamburger 149.30 31 Guggolz. WiUiam—A S Nichols 110-53 1 Gray, Wm H—P M Lewis extrx, &c.545.24 1 the aarae- the same 42S.56 1 Groitey, Bessie—M A Taylor 140.33 1 Gerding. Benj F—R Bentdict . . . .2,309.50 1 Grossman, Adolf—.\l Cohen 229.18 1 Gruiiering, Emraa—J H Mohlraann C o . . ^ 34S.52 2 Gunuiaon, Austin—R Benedict . , . . 1 5 1 . 3 3 2 Golighily, Uobt P—C F Matilage ..1.947.41 2 Grasso, Vincenzo and Allonso—F Kaffe-„ ™an 205.50 3 Goianer, Samuel—W J Davidson & Co . . ^ •-•• 273.80 3 Gafney, Thomas—W-H Kenney . . , . 2 4 . 7 0 3 Griggs. C Robinson—Caw, Prentice, Clap-

pertou & Co 3,U20.13 3 Gray, VVilliam—J H Blauvelt 88.33 4 Goouman, Anolph-D Fine.ite.costs 13.b6 4 Golatiue, Joseph—R Wallach 27.S7 4 Gelles. Isaac—People Stale N Y OL-O.OO 4 Goldsman, Alec D and Jennie—J J O'Don­

ohue Sa.OO 4 Gurnee, Oliver R—D McLtan 25.22 4 Goodwin, John C—E HamUton 895.47

31 GuskewiLz, Abraham, fJohn, *Jamea—A _.„ Oreully 168.67 29 Honig, Karl—S HerZog 661.52 29 Hahn. Henry J—J E Walker -- 131-96 29 Honig, Char les -H B Bonart 43.22 29 Haveratein, Henry—T .McMorran . .102.62 29 Harris, George—J G Benla 539.62 31 Hatch, Edward P—J Leonard.'.cosla 155.43 31 Hendrickson, Chas C—The Thomaa Eleva­

tor Co 147.41 31 Hirsch. Abrahara—Dresser Sc C o , . . 134.01 31 Heyraann, Chaa M—E A .Mayer 135.89 SltHagadorn, Geo W—R D Thurber. . . .49.34 31 Haraillon. E l i z a b e l h - j Mueller 301.22

I tHarr is , Robl D—Hill Brothers 7S6.16 1 Holraes, T Harry—T B Conklin 321.31 1 Harriman, Herbert M—H H Spies. . .181 .61

Guidi November 5, 1898,

I Hueraiel, Edmund—B A Robinaon. .160.42 1 Heath, Joseph K, Jr—H T Pierce. .368.61 1 Havemeytr, Edwd A—B Altman 74.75 1 Heller, Charles—E Heller lOa.lS 1 Honig, Karl—1 Frank 308.64 2 Hay, John L—L Sacha (D) 51,469.33 J HaniiUon, LoLUi B—S a Darling . .867.34

•2 Huynuui, Rudolph L—J P Sjoberg . .62 .90 2 l i \ a u . Thaddfus P—Mllchell-Vance Co . .

94.60 2 Haniniel, Leopold aud Frederica—I J

Mayer 754.87 2 HocUeiOos, Uoberi—C P Zentgraf . .67.35 2 Howard, Robert—G U Eaatou 2S.o4 2tHasler, John E—J J Slern .-121.11 2 Haramond, Harriet E—B Abel 186,45 2 Hopkins, Le Roy—E F Heagney . .943.40 3 Hall, Frank B and A Araes Howle t t -C A Carlsen 67.54

4 HLjiiian, Henry M—'Communipau Caul Co. 162.51

4 Hauser, Annie—People Stale N Y.1,606.00 4 Hermaun, Frank——the same SOO.UO 4 Hardy. James the same l,aUO.0O 4 Heiieh. Frank W—— ihe same 500.00 4 Horowilz, Salo A—Bank of the Metropoljs

225.38 4 the aame^——the sarae 223.91 4 the same lhe aarae 175.04 4 Humphrey, Henry J—C C Rice 109.19 4 Hoyl, Wm G—J W Sewall la3.9o •1 ri.-i:iisUr, Uuufi C—H vvelt3ltin. ,..,446.47 1 luiemann, John is, and K a t i t . - R E WesL-

eoti 76.48 3 Irwin. Thomaa C and Emma L—J Blum

46.15 29 Johnaon, Geo P—A B Gough 1.093.19 29 Jonap, Samuel R—Siegel Bros 1.234.8.D 31 Jonea. Percival S — l h e same 30.22 31 Jusephson, S.imuel—The Siate Bank. .312.7. 31 Jacobs, Edwd W—L L Levey 364.79 31 Judge, Jas J—Karasch Brewing Co..403.26 31 Jacobs, Maurice—Pratt, Hurst & Co (Lim)

, ISl.SO 2 Ja'cit'son," Wm H C—L Sachs . .(D) 51,469.33 2tJohnson. Chas H—G L Storm lO.SS 3 Jonea, Charles—G N Reinhardt • - . . 836 .71 4t''Jack,5ou. John—Acker. .Merrall & Condit

152.74 4 Jacit'e'l, 'August-People Slale N Y. .1,000.60

29 Kerr, Leonard R—B Hayes 4.660.39 20 the same W Ashe 13,141.67 29 the same P B Olney guard.14,131.61 29 the aame—-J Hymeman - - . .3 ,366.93 29 the same F Jolley 3.371.68 29 the same W Jolley 3.534.71 31 Ker \an , .via.ihcw C—J B Sargent. .421.36 31 the s a m e — t h e same 380.91 31 Klepp, Ahren—W H Newborn & Co. .192.52

1 Kilgannon. Wra H—Tbe J Chr G Huplel _ Brewiug Co 159.17

1 the same the aame 204-96 1 Kurth, Arnold—L Barilati 241.69 1 Ketiner. 'Francis J aud Geo J—D Eilau

1S9.17 1 Kohler, Albin—M A Kreialheimer.. .191.59 1 Kervan, Matthew C—L Friesen - - - ' . ' ^ 1 the same ihe sarae 280.3t) 1 the same^ Union Stove Worka.881.03 1 Koch, Joseph—Consolidated Slock ^and

Petroleum Exchange Building Co. .355.61 2 Kandel, Morilz and Fani—L J Kahn 3S8.69 2 Kandel, Morilz—L J Kahn 679.47 2 Kettner, Francis J and Geo J—D Eilau. ^

, ^ . , - w , . , , » . - - ' • , . ^ • X'Jtf-J. i

2 Kohnstamm. Louis M—Manhaltan Elec­iric Light Co f^l-12

2 Kelgour, J F—R Halsey . • 280.56 2 Kaue Jas W admr, Sec—H P Whilaker.

117.29 3 Knipe, Wm J—T H Benedict 109.70 3 Kane, Williara—D .Moms 160.76 3-i-Kauliman, Samuel B—W S Weiaa . .87.77 3 Kervan. .viaithew C—A A Thomson 637-88 3 Kemble, Gouverneur, Jr—.VtULuai Bank , .

21.01 4 Kilgaiinon". Thos W—The J Chr G Huplel

Brewing Co 3jti.0U 4 Kilpatrick, Frank J—L C Tufts. .6 ,3 i2 . l6 4 KifeuUei, Jostph—People State N Y.l.UOO.OO 4 Knoll, Helene Lhe same 560.00 4 Kuslnsky, Harris the same ...1,UOO.OO

29 Levy, Isaac—N Kfershaw 1,173.81 29 Lichtwilz, Agnes G 0—W Kellock ,4S6.12 29 Levy, Bernard—A Baumann la9.Sb 31 Legraud, Leou T X, Edgar T A. Chas T L,

Paul J M, Jean B T A, Jean J B T—H Jacquin coats 145.69

31tLoai. M a r y - J A Deane 30.15 31 Llchwllz, Max—J Stahl •00-]3 31 Littman, Jacob M—S Arnstein 492.21 31 Lake, Jas R—C P Zocsada

1 Lilowilch. Jacoh—M A Taylor . . . - 140-33 1 Leyrer, Louis G—W C Ilsley o0.20 1 Liabacher, Gottlob—E Hel le r . . . . 389.-^ ••' Landon, Wm R A—Manhattan Marble Co

(O6.6J 2 Levy, Moses—B M Cohen ' ^ i^ ' ^^ 2 Levy. Louis T—J Seligman . . . . . . .155.00 2 Lowndes -Robert J—Thomas Lehigh Coal

QQ 590.63 2 Ludeking/Henry—P W Engs & Sons Co

l u . 4 S StLennon, Tbos J—J S Barron '^^'i'^^ 3 Lovejoy, John F—L B Embree . . .3o6-bS

•'9 Morgan, Robt W—A E Gough 1,093,19 29 Merges, Francia—Manhatlan Ry *^°-^.j'n., 29 Maher,' Patrick L—J Brosen . . . . 1 , 6 2 4 . 3 4 29 Mackubln, Chas C—A Morello - . . .901.61

29 Michaels, Minuie—H B Bonart . . - . 5 2 . i 2 31 .\Illler, Chas D—H Ruschmeyer 306.01 31 Meyer, Elizabelh—J Mueller o** 11 ;il Mekin, Max—S Palmer ^ ^ 1 ^ 31 Meyer, Elizabeth—J Mueller 361.22 31 .\lanin, Clinton S—Colonial Co 49.41 31 .Macklin, John J—F J Farrell 169.07

1 .Michaelis, Edwd and Emil M—V Kiemann 21505

1 the same the same 129.48 1 Moore, Joseph J—T G Emory- . . . 512.1o 1 -Moore, Fredk W—Produce Exchange Trusl

Co • 5S4,95 liMarka, Morris—U T Hungerford. . . .112.22 2|Murphy, Michael-C A Bereuter ^'i^'lr-2 Michaels, Minn ie - J Belwin 122.00 2 Mugler, August, *Herman and *Jacob—

J M Potter 125.01 2 Mills, Edward S—G L Buck . . . . 2 , 1 1 4 . 3 3 2 Myers, Edward—D Weil . . . . c o s t s 155.54 3 Muller, .Vlichael—J P Schuchmann .111.80 3 Moran, Joseph—W H Schmohl . . ; . . .78.63 3tMaibach, Peter and T*John—J Stern 115,59 3 Myers, Ellen—A Starke . . . . . . . .16.343.10 4 Mooney, John and ^Patrick—P O'Neill,

J r 1.606.31 4 Meyer, Elizabelh and John — Knox Sc

Woodward <D) 237.0S 4 the sarae-—-C H Voorhees 81.02 4 Miller, Wm H—Johu Osborn's Sons & Co.

252.91 4 Mordaunt, Frauk—G J Grunow 122.92 4 -Murray, Rober t -Acker . .M Sc C . . . 152.74 4 Maiher, Chaa E—People Stale N Y.1,5U0.00 4 Maaa, Sarah as exlrx—C M Jonea

10,656.66 4 Murphy, Michl J—J J GUlig and ano aa

exrs. &c 1159.36 31 McLoughlin, Thomas—W F Connerion.39.0-J 31 McNamara, Patrick—S S Willels 93.42 31 -McAvoy, Franela—H WelLer ^"^5]<

1 McSorley, Joanna—HamUton Bank.. .737.09 1 McElvaney, James—C H Randall . . .73.42 2 McDonald, Henry M—J J McManus . .29.34 2 McWhirter, Roberl W—A L Clark . .189.66 3-;-McLellan, Chas M—Manhattan Athletic

Club -iO-Ol 3 McCue, Wm J—C B Barkley S2.o9 3 -McCarthey, James—A McGovern . .126.o4 3 McKee, Henry B—J G Shaw Blank Book

Co . . . . • • 1,609.52 3 -McEnroe, Thomaa-M Roaenfleld ,.123.U8 4 McGurk. Jobn H—People Stale N Y.5UU.0O

29 Nussbaum, N a t h a n i e l - N Kershaw 1,173.S1 31 Nussbaum, Frank—D D V Harned. .66.65 31 Neuraan, Marcus—H Wendorff 491.|51

1 Nev/dorf, Chaa A—G Cowen 81.31 2 Neuraann, Albert F—S Baumann . . 25.29 3 Newman, Michael J—0 Kauiman . .131.74 4 Needle, Benjamin—E Boaaut 579.22 4 Nelson, Samuel—People Slale N Y. .500.00 4 Nelson, Williara the same loO.OO 4 Newman, Harris—Third Av R R C o . . . .

COSLS 69.70 4 Newman, Albert P—Edwards.-Merrl.i & Co_

73.(2 31 O'Toole, Francis H—A S Nichols. . . .90.68 31 OltenhoS, John L M—The Paterson Natl

Bauk 6.524.05 1 Otto, Wm A—R Weibezahl 173.22 2 Oppenheim, Aarou J—J P Sjoberg . .62 .90 2 O'Toole, Jaraea J—M R a t h b u n . . . . 250.18 4 Oliver, Elmer W—-Messenger Bicycle Sad­

dle Co 224.57 4 Obre. Lewis—People State N Y 100.00

29 Palladino, Angelo—L S Keller - • . . 2 i 6 . 9 S 31 Polidori, Viucenzo—E L Scolt 93.55 31tParker, Chaa M—F M Coker. . ; 467.22 31 Ptcke, Frances S—W F Montross 94.39 31 Perry. Wm B and Mulford—H M Edwards

1SS.34 31 Pell. H Archibald—G P Bofinger 54-o8 31tPhUlipa, -Vloaes—T C Eaiee 197.40

1 Pillabury. Robt A—L Cahen Sc Sons. .107.52 2 Pfiuger, Christopher—W H Lake. . .165.94 2 Pieliiach, Charles—George Ringler & Co.

187.76 2 Plaas, Louia—M Weil 442.47 2 Palmer, Geo W—J S May 1,631-05 3 Parker, John R—Manhattan Athletic d u b ,

. .' 46.67 3 Panneuier, Isaac W—S S Wright . .245.69 3 Persons, Chaa A—W P Carr 39.57 3 Paige. Edwd W—W P Carr 31.28 4 PhiUips, .Andrew-People Stale N Y.506.00 4 Peluso, -Maria——the aame oUO.OO 4 Pearson, Henry H—Ellicott Square Bank

of Bufialo S45.12 29 Quackenbush, Garrett D—J Lynch .104.90 •'0 Robertson, JuUus—The Abe Stein C o . .

9,547.36 29 Reichenbach, Ernest—B Rosenbohm . .

•• 155.09 31 Rothschild, Theresa—I Manneaovi lch. . .

321.66 31 Reynolda, Jessie C—F H Foster. . . .148.15 31 Richter, Emil—G Kauffmann 76.o6 31 Rosenthal. Ger t rude -T Riehm 32.S7 31 Runk, Otlo—G C Coe 21i.S4

1 Reissmann, Otto admr—Natl Lead Co. . . . 149.52

1 Rubinaky, Beasie—M A Taylor. . . . 149.33 1 Reilly, Thoa P—Third Av R R Co

costa 69.70 1 Roderiguez, Emil—^E Brennan . . . . 219.44 1 Robinson, Ediih M—F E Barnes. . . .309.61 1 Richter, Adolph—W H Frank Brewing Co

1CS.3S 1 Rool. Edwd T and Henry T—The Produce

Exchange Truat Co 5S4.95 1 Redhead. Chaa B—M A Welier 226.09

2 Robinson, Joseph C—B Hamilton 248,06 2 Riley, Wm J—Brown & Fleming. . 2,023.14 2 Roberla. John B—B F Heagney. . . .943,4U 3 Rutter, Sara B sued aa TNellie—B Alt-^^

man 378.87 3 ReiUy. Chas H—M Collins 1,319.34 3 Reilley, Chaa H—NineteenLh Ward Bank

. . . . 433.17 3 Ruehl Adolph—B Harlman 298.12 3 Rohrsser. Chrislian—B H Tewes . .949.41' 3 Rappold, Otto C—A Bruen 278.48 4 Roelofs, Mabel—Grand Ceutral Stablea. .

527.54 4 Hlchmau, Jacob—People Sta e N Y. .560.00 -! RosiUiky, H a r r i s — t h e sarae 1,500.06 4 Raymond, Haltie- lhe aame 500.00

29 Siewart, Sarauel—H E Bowna 336.50 29 Spellman. Benjamin F—N Nilea 101.94 29 Schnell, Henry—H Knoblock, Jr 411.89 29 Southwick, George—J B Murphy . .257.41 :;L SchnUdi. Edmund P--CoIonial C o . . . . 2 5 . 0 1 31 Sulhpin, Wra C—G P Bofinger 54.5S 31 Schwartz, Herman—Citizens' Bank of Buf­

falo 132.67 31 Sirauss. Louis—I Blank 128.77 31 Spear, Cameron—Hale Co 266-75 31 .Scheimer, Thomas—M H Tully 47.15 31 Silverthorn. Ella—R D Thurber 49.34

IfSchneider, Geo J - W C Ilsley 45.35 1 Sirauss, Max—G F Swifl ,. . .499 .95 1 Spear. Cameron—E Hartman 439.54 1 Siadie, Max and " t W i l l i a m - W C Ilsley.

15.72 1 Schlauaky, Moaes—O M Stein 250.76 2 Shaw, 'Edward E and Henry M—P Arnold

21.&4 2 Serviss. Louisa—F Crawford. . . (D) 496.13 2 Schloen, Claus—G H Heinbockel. . . .795.19 2 Steinhardt, Beniamin—F de P P o s t e r . . .

155.52 2 Seefeld, Paul—F W Vanderbeek . , . .267.75 2 Saylea, Henry L—C E F McCann. .187.61 2 Schmidt, Arnold L—W Endemann. . . .27.22 2 Solomon, Abe—H B Scharman Se Sons. .

946.44 2*Schwarlz, Annie J—L Siegbert . , . . 1 4 1 . 1 9 2 St John, Charles—R Halsey 280.56 2 Schubauer, Joseph—Manhaltan Marble Co

756-67 2 Shaver, Amy R—J Wanamaker . . . .5o2.65 3tSLreiflcr. John, Jacob and Laura—J W

Rapp .'. • • 195-03 3 the alime J Miller 226.59 3 Schiff, Louis—J A ClarU . . . . . . . . . . 157.22 3 Sterling, Richard—Mulual Bank . . . .46.39 3 Stafford, John—Bourbon County Distilling

Co 92.36 3 Sewards. Sophia and Samuel D—L G Ap- _

pleby trustee. costs 76.47 3 Sandford, Walter—F Hadley 232.77 3 Staples, John J—H B Kirk Sc Co 28.97 3 S'uramers, Herbert A—J G Shaw Blank

Book Co 1,009.52 StSteln, Fannie—L Rosenberg •-82.14

•1 Schatfer, John—J Wil.iamson 118.03 4 Serra. Mary—J Fineman 30.72 4 Speer, Max H—P Kalterwasser, J r . .166.S1 4 SLhlesinger, Chas T—S Haas 128.34 4 aitiine, . \nhur—People State N Y.500.00 4 Siraon, Blance-^—the same lUO.OO 4 Schaeffer, John and Max Schuss the

same ' . . . 166 .00 4 Sconck, Alice the aame 300.00 4 Shiller, Dora—M Milier 145.21 4 Steiber, Julius—L Curlis 40.50 4 Schloen, Charlea or Claus—Beadleslon Sc

W 356.89 4 Setaer, Hyman—C J Goldsmith 80.15

29 s:miih, Michael—M J Dempsey 112.02 3 Smilh, Ida -4—E S Moler 130.31

29 The Godey Co—Martin Cantine Co. .38.05 29 The Aatoria Horaeaiead Co—J H Hemp­

stead • • 4,495^86 29 the same C H Steinway exr, See.

50,976.28 29 Haines Broa ( Incorp)-Pra t t , Read & Co.

1,061.33 29 The Metropolitan Street Ry Co—M Vau

Wagner 124.65 31 The City of New York—D Cuitin,$214.62;

M J MuUane. $o30.60; J Golden, §775.64; J LaEfan, $416.75; H Leisa. S212.56; A Guldbranson 365.00

31 The Ciiy of N Y—T F MatLhews, $633.50; W T Brown. $243.25; D Finerty, $633.50; G Kolb, ^^OOl.SO; J Fagan, $508.50; M Brausch, §605.00; W B Barry, $528.21; J HUI. $161.31; H Breitweiser, $444.25; P J O'Rourke,

395.00 31 The City of New York—W Pagan . .442.50 31 Hungarian Assoc, City of N Y—J Malya-

so^ics 1,620.13 31 The City of N Y—D W Wheeler, $o3.19;

K Bauer, $13.90; H Bevin, $30.83; H .1 Wjnell , $28.95; H D Cue 221.87,

31 N Y & Soulh Brooklyn Ferry & Trans­portation Co—E Cromwell 368.32

31 T New Rooflng & Mfg Co—Crescent Steel Co 94.09

31 Holland Trust Co—J H M i l l a r d . . . . cosia 148.95

31 The Brooklyn Brasa & Cooper Co—J A Davis 108.35

31 Gibson Art Glass & Decorating Co—T W Morris 497.04

Sl The Western Assurance Co of Toronto, _ Canada—H Silver costs 116.7o

Record and Guide 1 T h e Rochea t e r B r e w i n g Co—W E u l e r . . , .

1 ,117.93 1 George B W r a y D r u g Co—J El lwood Lee

Co 16S.15 1 P r e s s P u b Co—J W P u l n a m . . . . 1 0 , 8 2 5 . 9 2 1 N Y & H a r l e m R R Co and N Y C e n t r a l

R R Co—E H a r v i e r 2;;5.6S 1 J a c o b Sc S k i n n e r R e a l t y Go—Natl A c a d e m y

of Des ign 1,822.82 1 T h e City of N Y—-M W e c h s l e r by g u a r d

$ 2 2 5 . 0 0 ; M Q u i n l a n , $ 1 , 1 7 5 . 0 0 ; E Swee­ny . $ y i i . a O ; A Smi th , $ 4 2 9 . 2 5 ; I P e c k . $ 6 , 7 0 9 . 5 7 ; E R i t c h i e ' . . 4 , 8 4 4 . 7 1

1 T h e Dav id Tu l loch S t e a m S t o n e W o r k a — B B Odell , J r , and ano r ecv r s , Scc. . . .

7,657.66 2 T h e N Y B a n k N o t e Co—The R e y n o l d s

Card Mfg Co 120 .71 2 N Y & S t a t e n I s l a n d L a n d Co—^ Capo-

r a l e 4 1 4 . 1 6 2 T h e M a n u f a c t u r e r s an d P u b l i s h e r s P r i u t ­

ing Co—G D B e a i t y s a s s i g n e e . . . . 746-30 2 T h e Ci ty of N Y—T F O ' R o u r k e . . . . 2 7 . 7 3 2 lhe s a r ae F Ra i r aondo 31 ,67 2 T h e M L Kieco P a r k Club—C L W e n d e l . .

142 .18 3 T h e Cily of N Y — P A W i l l i a m s . . . 9 y 9 . 9 4 3 t h e s a m e H K Mulford Co . . 2 2 9 . 7 7 8 t h e , s a m e D B O'Brieu 26^.2a & t h e s a m e J J O 'Br ieu 105-S7 3 SaUiL Crucifix Socie ty of N Y—L M e l e . .

c o a t s l l 2 . s u 3 T h e S t r o b r i d g e L i t h o g r a p h i n g Co—A F o r ­

r e s t - • cDsta 133.11 ' 8 T h e City of N Y ^ F a r m e r s ' L o a n and

T r u s t Co t r u s t e e 10 ,078 .69 4 T h e H e b r e w CUizeu P u b l i s h i n g Co—1

G o l d m a n 7 6 6 , 9 0 4 Be lden C l u b — H H L y m a n . . . . c o s t s 16 .99 1 ToLien, W m H - C A Von R a m d o h n . . 3 3 . 0 7 1 T r a u t w e i n , W m F—J H M o h l m a n u Co . .

3 4 8 . 3 0 1 T h o m p a o n , S a m u e l A—J H y s l o p . . . . 7 5 . iO 1 Tapseo t t , F ra J ik 1^ -P Van D a r a . . 7 ,717 .15 1 T u r i n i , G iovann i—J C a r a b e l l i . . . . 3 ,078 .15 2 T r e e n , R o b e r t — M a n h d l t a n M a r b l e C o . . . .

756.67 2 T a m a g n o , Osca r—C L B u r l o n 3 5 2 . 4 1 3 Tyson , Geo G—W P C a r r 37 .87 3 T a m a g n o , Osca r—Tbe E m e r y Candle Uo

1 0 L 6 4 3 T a r d i o , .Michele—B B l u m e n t h a l

• • . - coata 2 4 3 - 0 1 2 9 T r e d w e l l , W U b u r F — G i l b e r t & B a r k e r

Mfg Co 11 .62 4 T u c k e r , W m W—G H a r r i s 1.311.10 4 T e r r a l l , F r a n k J—Peop le S l a t e N Y . 3 0 0 , 0 0

3 1 U l m a n . H C h a r l e s — 0 B W a l k e r . . . 2 , 1 5 1 . 7 0 2 9 Voelcker , C o n r a d a u d G u a t a v — M A F e u e r -

l i c h t 2 0 6 . 6 3 2 Vinge r , Geo A — L S i e g b e r t 4 1 . 1 9 2 Ve rmUyea , R o b t W—S S D a r l i n g . . 3 6 7 . 3 4 4 V e r m e u l s . L o u i s e — G r a n d U e n t r a i S t a b l e s

0 2 7 . 5 4 4 Ve i l , S a m u e l — S c h w a r z s c h i l d & S C o . .

91 .79 2 9 W a l s h , J o h n — N u g l e r B ros Co 31.42 3 1 Whee le r , C l a r e n c e S—G E Hea ld . . . . 7 5 . 8 4 3 1 W i g a n d , P a u l P — R F a n n i n g 2 8 . 9 4 3 1 Wlcka , A lonzo A—The B u t i e r i c k P u b Co

tL lmj 194 .43 3 1 W r a y , Geo B—A M a r i a n i 1 6 5 . 9 0 3 1 W i l l i a m s . J o h n J — J H D a v i a . . c o s t s 16u.t>4 3 1 W e i s s , I g n a i z — I Hoth coata 6o .S5

2 Wood, J o s e p b S—F Arno ld 2 1 . 8 4 2 W a s h b u r n , -Wilber F — H e n r y M c S h a n e MIg

Co 4 0 6 . 7 1 2 W e l l h a u s e n , H e r m a n — A C W e t m e y e r . . .

1 1 4 . 8 4 3 W h i t e , J o h n M—G K S l e v e n s 4 1 6 . 9 9 3 WooUey, Ur iah B—W P C a r r 3 i . a 7 4 W e r n i g . F A l b e r t - M e e a i n g i - r Bicycle s a d ­

d le Co 224 .57 4 Wi ld , W m H a n d N a i h a n P — A m e i i c a u

S u r e t y Uo 1,550.55

4 Wenz l , Alo is—People S l a l e N Y . . . . l U t J . U O 4 Wilaon. S tacey t h e s a m e I , 5 o 0 - 6 0 4 W a l k e r , J a m e s lhe s a m e 3uU.UU 4 Wi laon , V P a l m e r — J De Wolf 7 5 . 6 5

3 1 Z e l t n e r , H e n r y — o M I r w i u . . . cos t s 5 1 2 . 5 6 1 Z i m m e r m a n n , J o a e p h L — B l u e HiU G r a n i t e

Co of Maine 3 , S o l . 5 4 2 Z luk , L e o u a i d a n d E l i za—J J B u t l e r a d m r .

Sea 126 .29 3 Z e i l m a n , George—M L e v y and a n o . . 150-60


SATISFISD JUDGMENTS. Ocl. 20. 31 . Nov. 1. 2, a aud 4.

American Surety Co—General Society of Me­chanics aud Tradesmen of Cily ot N Y. Ib'JS.

7,U7U.50 Auaiiu. James—11 Anton, l&ys V2.48 Berbert , George—P Pusemann . 18i)8 45U.72 •Burke, Jolm—U H Duryea . 181)8 luT.yy ^Beaton, Geo A—ii Simonds Soap Co. 18uj.tH.i;S Bach, Lewis Z—J Davis . ISyS 177.S4 ^ u i u t r , wi lham—3 Uolabeiger. IStlT oO-LiS Bluwtllt l iul , AUrud—E F Kitlile. Ibbb 2u7.21 Brown, Uul iam, exi—A . 18'JS 3u7.18 Uunniut 'naui, aamuei 11—UicKiiiacn Co. 18U5,.. „•,•, ; , •l.Oi.O.Ol (^ay^a, Huury J Jr , admr iit:—Tliu .\Iuyur, See,

1887 10,011.73 Carnavai, Felix—J Huppert. IhOU 14L5a Casey, Samuel—E Caiman. 18D7 1SJU.15 Conlou. J a s W—N w Ryan. ISUS 10,00 Casey, Samuel and Tbomas—Nat Wall Pape r Co-

Cobeu, Harris—The PeoVle."&c! "ifrJl."!-" lioUO^uy Lirrlto, Vincent and Joseph—C Marlin lioH -

•Dufly. Peter—W M Newman. 1898 1,427.59 Deutsch, Albert and laaac—E Roaenwald et al.

1896 2,513.79 Soanic—U Levy. 18SIJ ti,hOii.61 Same—I Hambureer . 1S8« . . . . 2 , B l l . y i Derrlekaon. Saiouti G—C Martin. ISiJb .-...TJ.tii) Dunn. Wal ler E—A M While. 1898 ITti.SEi Edelsou, Jacob—S Werner. 1897 sau.tia Forsbay, David—E lU-U. ISua U9.SL) Same same. 1805 83.1>i Same same. ISOi 184.20 Graziadfo. Glaclnlo—G A Adamo. 18ii8 2i.0.7t> Guidera, Antlno—A Savaresa . ISDl 104.33 ^Gaines, F u r m a n V—A L Biedler, 181)8 l i i l . l l Goodwin, G Ray—L L Banmra , ISUS 233.1)8 Same S E Goodwin. 18^3 1,3-10.21 Hayden, Bldln B—D J Lees, VKVV, 18i)3. .tJUl.Uo Same and Auna K same. \%0'6 .211.215 Has t ings . Wm H—The GoUacbalk Co. 18112.344.82 Hubacbek . Margare t admr—E .A K a U . 1893.

332.D2 Horn , Andrew—M Felleman & Co. 181)0. . . .1JT0.2'J Harden , George—Otto Huber Brewery. 188;). .

8U1.54 Hal l . Albert C—W P Carr. 1S'.!8 38.(14 l-lyatt, ThaddLUE P—Mitehell-Vaiioe Co. 1898,

OI-.CO Heusner. Conrad L—C T Schukraft . 18ii2.. .aT.llJ Hunt , Jane A exlrx—A .\1UUT. 1898 307.18 Jessup, Edward P—Colonial Brewery. 1898. 2U.5.! Kaysser , Louis W and Otlilio—li" P u s e m a a n .

181)8 -130.72 Kayton, H a r m o n H—A Horowitz . 1898. . -1 ,310.21 Lamb Jamee—A Miller- 18U8 S07.1S Manin , Cliniou S—O Hull . It'JB lS8.a'J ' .\laelian, JUB F ^ U Fitzgerald. 1898 U!).t.o Manheim. Bdward and Mark—E i Gumper t .

1894 1(48-39 S a m e - — L Goldstioker. 1895 1U3.11 Moebus, Sophia-13 Bust iu . 1S98 2U2.UU Manheim, Bdward and .Marliu—S Borustein.

1895 425.39 Manheim. Edward and Max—M I i Colin. 1895.

411.03 Moran, Adam—A K Ely. 1897 1,984.20 Peli , Alice B or Mrs Geo H—G M Wright , as­

signee- 189S 704.07 Schneider, Louis A—A fi Nichols. 18Ufi.... .32ii.98 Same -G Edel. 1898 .1.0L2.J Steinway Se Sons—H Keller, by g idn . 1898. .lUJ.U.) 'Shea . John—D Fitzgerald. 1898 OJl.lia Squier. J Bentley—•)• l i agan . 1895 Uia,36 Same J Pirkel. l8:Jt) 749,25 'Simon, Isidor—S H Miskend. 1898 085.37 Stark . Byron—J S Bliss. 1898 : lOl. l l j Smith, C h a r l e s - T b e People, See. 1SJ7 500.00 Rat jen , Henry—M J Engel . 18i)0 31.22 Sinnott , Mary A—A Koebler . 1898 70.08 "Scannell, Joun P—E Cottin, l8i)S 73li.OS Seixas, Gershon A—Nat'l German Am, Bank.

1898 i>0S.o3 Schwartz, John—Excelsior Brewing Co. 18!i7.

410.98 ^Scribner, Daniel—The People &c. 1892.. .1,000.00 The Nat l Gum Sc Mica Co—J J Braeudly, 18D7."

, 75.55 Ti l lmans, George—Tbe People, &a. 1892.1.000.00 Tbe Peunsylvauia C o - H Gioss. 1898 1,750.0J The Third Av R R Co—E C Atber ton . 1898.75-00 Taylor , Van .Campeu—J D Bui ler . 1897 909.17 The Standard Oil Co—I Lelkow.iz . 1898.. .307.8U Well. Abraham—E F i i ienle. 1898 257.21 Walker, Jobn—The Berger MEg Co. 1898. .403.03 Wood, Alfred M—H Carroll- 1898 1,152.45 Weiler, Peler R. exr &c—\V S O'Brieu, exr &c.

1893 91.90 Same——same. 1893 113.21 Werner , Benj F—N Y Net and Twine Co. 1898.

2,^28.00 Zimmerman, Kugene—J S Beams . 18i,'8. ..1,'4U5.25 Zimmerman. Leopold—E Heil . 1808 13y.8j Same same. 1895 83.07 S a m e — s a m e . 18U4 184.25

'VacDt 'd by KTd-r of Court . 'Suspended on appeal. ^Released. ^Reversal . "Satisfled by execution, "Annulled and void.


Oct. 29.

WIUIs av. No 444, e s, 25 n 14oib st, 25. 'L98.0. Guslav P Brudurle iu ngt Adolpb Weber.:f55O.O0

Same properly, Heu ry Weiss agt Adolph Weber and Gustav P Bruder le .n 45.00

Mouroe sl, .'^os 250 and 252, s s, 40x100. Hen ry McSbaue MIg Co of Bal l lmon; CUy agl Levy Sc 'Goldstein and Rody MeUcrmott 55U.00

I s t at, a a. 334.9 c While P la ius road, 23s l23 . Mark E S tev tns ag t Autouio Rusao 1,000-00

St A n n s av. Noa 15 to 19. w s, 25 u i44ih st, lax IUO. Wm D GrauL ugt K u t u s L Robmson. (Continued l l tu ) 514.25

Monroe st, Noa 250 aud 252. s s, 270.3 w Jacksou st, 40x97.9. Ludwig Tremel and .Miyhael FUetia agt Levy Se GoldSieIn 3,280.00

Oct. S l .

65th at . No 234 Weat, s s, 25-'il00. B Kre iscber Se Sons ag t Wm H Stearns and Ciias II Galll­ker 100-00

aSth sl , n s, 300 e Sih av, 50x100. W m H Browniug Se Sou agt William H o r w i t z . . . .750.00

Cherry st, Nos 233 to 237, u s, 1(S5.1 w I tu tgers Slip, 70.3x123.2. T h o m a s G KaigUt ugt Pdllx Phil ips and P Ay rea 710.15

Ogdeu av, w s, 175 a Union st . 25.slOO. Uobt J Howe ag t Kdgar Ke tchum, f r e d and John D a m m 41.25

Gerard av, w s. 259.4 s 144lb at, 25x100. Samu agt Char les Vau Kiper and John D a m m . . 3 7 . 5 0

Ogaen av, w s, OS n WolE at, 25x100. Same agt Wm B Osdcu and P r t d and Joliu Ddmm.

22.50 Roekfleld st . n s, 4U0 w Brigga av, 25.'(1U0,

Church B Gates & Co agt H 11 Joues . . . .370.04 P a r k av, n e cor I78;h al, 108x100. F r a n k P

Lockwood agt aame 280.00 Same proper ly . Church E Gales agt same.147.11 a7tb st, iNoa 327 uud 329, s a, 200 w 1st av,

50x100. Charles Marl iu agt Sophia, Hoeber­mann 450.00

Rivington st, Noa 325 and 327. s a, 37.0x73, An­tonio BertoUno and Pie t ro Dekelpeay ag t Mary J and John Sull ivan 430.00

Grand et . No 582, n a. 76 e Goercfe at, 25x75-Antonio BertoUno agt Jeesy Greenberg aud H M Greenberg 50.00

»Tth s l , Nos 327 and 329, a s, 200 w I s t av. Pasqua le Fossano agl Sophia Hocbermau aud Charlea Martin 2a3.Ul

176th st, Nos 701 to 711 In e eor, —x—. Railroad av, Nos 1972 and 1974f B e n n o A B o h n c

ag t N Y Building aud Loan Banking Co aud Ol to Holmgren . . . 50 -60

4 th ay. Nos 89 and 82, w a. 07 a lOtli st, oOxOS. McEntee & O'Brien agt Joseph H .\lcKenneo.

UOO.OO 83d St. u w cor Le.'Ungton av. 41.8x102.2. Deu­

nis O'Connell ag t Jauob J u n g 215.00 91at El. Nos i. aud 3 Wsst . u a, 120 w Central

P a r k West , 57x107. Same agt Sonn Broa aud J a m e s A and Richard Coatly 112.00

lOlst 61. n e cor 3th av. lOOxlOO.U. Orriu D Person agt Wil l iam G Webber 912.10

4th av, Noa So and 82, w s, 55-1 a IOlh a;, 50x 02. John A Roebllug'B Sons Co agt Joseph H McKennee 0,573.00

Cenirai I ' a rk We^i. s eor S7tb st . luu.S.'iiJO. Samuel F bugg agt James Livmgs tou unci H B Coho Sc Go. CError) 1,434,00

Nov. 1.

17Sth St, Nos 701 10 711 Ibeiug Railroad KiiiiitjaU av, Nos 1972 and 1974| av, n e cor

17SUi st, 108x109. H e n r y H Meiae agl R Holeorab Jones 401.50

Roclilleld s l . n s, 400 w Briggs av, 25xlUO. , •Same ag t same bO.CO

124th sl. No 152 West . A E Jacksou agt Oscar D Dike 'jl.oO

4ln av, j\0B bO aud 82, w a, 53-1 n l o t h at. oOx9:i. .Uouitr te Co iigt Jostpji r l jlcn.euiii:i;.

4U0,00 1^3d sc. No 80, s s, 128,1 w 3d av, iO.Uxii.O.

Church E Gales Se Co agt Joe! ,n .viorx aud Hogbln Sc Brown 1-18.(17

127th 31, NOB 28 uud 30, 3 s, .'133 w ."itb av, OOx 99.11. Johu -VlHddiiU agt Jchn 11 Si.'buiier, J r , and J D Ecclestou 12.1.73

65th st, No 234 Wesl , 25xlU0. WUliam Brad­ley a g l Wm H Stearns aud Cbas K Gall lker.

108,57 Amethys t av, e a, 100 u Morria P a r k av, 75x100.

Johu J Dell ag l J Sommer 457.90 n 8 t b st, u e cor P a r k av, 100x108. Same ag t

R H Joues aud N Y Building Loan S a n k u i s Co 835.14

135ih st, Nos 835 lo 811 B, u s, 124 w St Auus av, 100x100. H Raabe & Sous agl Wil. ium Jeffery and Alexander Thomson aud H e r m a u , Tr i t t le r commulee 425.00

Nov. 2.

Cl inton st . Nos 182 lo 186, e a, 250 a Grand sl , —X—. Cather ine .Casey a g t Bmil ie Glass and •Diehl aud Wiegand 800.00

Same property . K a r l Mathiasen agt aame and J L e v y . . . . , 500.00

4tii iiv, .NOS SO aud 82, w s, 75 n l o i b st, 50x75. Uuiou Akron Cemout Co ag t Josepn H -vic-Kennea 387.30

Same property . Vermont Marble Co age^. 2.i3.90

Monroe st, Nos 250 and 252, E e s, 4Ux9f. Ri ­der Er lc isou Ene lue Co agt .Abraham Levy aud U Goldstciu ISJ.OO

Riverside Drive, e s, 450 n 122d st . 75x2tJU to Claremont av. 0 T Miickey ii Co agt the Cath­olic University of Auitrit-a and Augus tus C Dexter. He-doelcet TS.j.OO

123d st. No 180, s s, 128.1 w 3d av, lUfixlUl. Wiliiam Cutt ag t Joel .VI ,\larx aud Hogb-n aud Brown lij:;.34

35lh st, Nos 147 lo 151 West. Decorative Stained Glass Co agt Jo rdan L M o u . H a r r i e t V Houghwn , Wiiijam somers 1,1)31.50

l.")lst st, -Nos 437 and -1.J9 Eas l , 30x100. C Uund & Son agt George iitolz 23.00

l u t h st, s s, 225 « Buuluvard, I'SxlOd. Wm U Grant ag t Freder ick Wachsmitl i a ad Stein­metz aud Miiehell 518.00

Madisou sl , Nos 329 lo 333|n w cor, 45x97. Scammel st, Nos 21 a n a 2.3 | Peter G Aruot

a g l WUUiim Suga imau aud J a m e s Nevius & Sous , , 025,00

174tli St. No 770, a s, 122.0 w 3d av. 20xloO. Jaa A and B T Woolf a g l Chrls : lan a Koel­liu and Heury Schopper 401.04

Ams te raam av, u e eor 13l3t st, 72.4x81. Ha r ry W Bell agt Webster WUue . . l . ; j .U4

STih St. No 103, n s, 23 W Columbus av, 10.Sx 100,8. Samuel Fiue agl George LaugOciu aud ' J a m e s Millen 30.40

l lOih s l . Noa 113 aud 117, n s, 140 e P a r k av, 50x luu . l l - Bege Sc Co agt Henie and Leou Lie­b e s k i n d . . . , 300.00

05th St. No 234 Wesi. H a r r y W Be.l agt Wm l i Stearns and Chaa H Gal.liter 140.00

Sedgwick av, w s, luu u .vlorris lane, 200x150. Beujamiu j Carr . J r . agt -Vlr and .Mrs Heu ry G l i i l lon :JUO.03

Nov. 3.

Bui;khouL st, n w cor Grand Boulevard and Concourse, 50x100x73x11)0. Wa4-a aud Shan­non agt Emil Hel ler aud T J .McLaughlin •Co 410.98

llOtii st, s e cor Grand Uoulevard, ~x—, India Rubber aud GuUa Pereha lusu ta t iug Co agt Josepbiiie Schmidt. Pe te r Bckbard t Sc Sons aud Cilizcus Elecir ic Eciuipmeut C o . . . . 201.37

34tb st, Nos 110 to 120 Weal. Heu ry P Koo-iiisou agt Victoria 1-luiel Co 3,U70.33

10:id st, u a, SO w P a r k av, 23x111. Max Uuld-atein agt Jacob aud Oscar Weidhopf . . . .73.00

lOtli av, Nos 208 to 274, e s. 25 s 20th st, luOx 100. Uavid Shuldiner ag l Jul ia A .vloore aud Geo W I'hi.iliis :i25.09

4th av, Nus til. to 09, e a, 50 s 10th st, 30.^03. Same ugt Juhu E aud Chaa U S.^ger. . . .30i'.37

34[h st . NOB 110 to LiO. S a, 175.11 w Oih av, 80 X98.9. Jaekson Arcbl tec iura l i ron Worlcs ugt The Knickerbocker Kealiy Imp i Co and Vic­tor ia Hotel Co 44,045.00

137ih st, u s, 300 e Leuox av, lUOxlOU. Fe r -diijundo Olivier! ag t John Babcock, Lordi & Co 940.10

Nov. 4.

34th al, Nos lUi to 120 West. Michaei E O'Con­nor agt Vicloria Hotel Co 2,804,00

:cord i rRecord and Guide November 5, 1898.

•Same proper ty . Michael E O'Connor ag t same. 43,650

Same property . Cenlral F l r e Proofing Co ag t same aud Knickerbocker Realty Impt Co.

3,375.00 120th st, E s, 100 w 8lh av, 50x100.11. Augus t

K i rchne r ag t E lber t D and Joshua F Howes, L D aud Elber t D Howes 45.05

3d a\ e s. 25 n 171st st. 100x100. Joseph J Scarry agt Charles Brogan and Pat r ick and J a m e s Sheehan 18.00

Same property . Pietro Domelic agt s a m e . . 1 3 . 5 0 Same properly . Adolphus Scott agt s ame . .18 .00 S a m e proper ty . John J Collins agt same . . . .0.75 Same property . John G Heiser agl s ame . .18 .00 Same property . John Dimmick agt s a m e . . . .19.30 Same properly . Charles Joyee agt s a m e . . 13.00 Same property . Thos A O'Neill age s ame . . 20 .25 Same properly . John McKnight ag l s ame . . 20 .25 Same property . Thomas Dolan agt sarae . . . 1 7 . 1 2 Same property . T h o m a s McCarthy agt sarae.13.75 3d av, s e cor Wendover av, 25x100. Samuel

Wil l iams ag t Je r ry Altieri and Lu ig De Maiof 1)4.00

171st st, n s, 150 e 3d av, t u x i u o . John Spari agt Charles Schroeder aud Behnken Bros.25.50

Av St Nicholas, w s. 29.7 n l l l t h st . 53x75.5x 58x100.7. Ha l lahan Se Aheara agt F W Moore.

9J0.0O 13th st, Nos 335 and 5;i7, u s, 170 w Av 6 , 30x

103.3. J and M Weinstein a g l A J McQuade and u iehle & Vveigauil i ,UuO.OO

Madison av, n w cor SSth st, 100.8xi;i8.10. Richard E Thibaut agt F r a n k W Gilbert . .633.09

Molt av, e s, 542.10 n 138th st, 75x137.7x76.Gx 142.2. Mart in Kenney agt Mary E Robinson and Freder ick Robinson and J a m e s Keenan.

21.00 Same properly . Pa t r i ck Ennis agt s a m e . . . .17.25 34th St. Nos 116 to 120 W, s s. 175.1114 w Otb

av. 80x98.9. R Gill Se Sons a g l Tbe Victoria Hotel Co 12,000.00

34th St. Nos l i e lo 120 W, 20x100. Johu J Mulleu agt The Vicloria Hotel Co 28,950.00

34th St. Nos 116 to 12g W, s s, ab t 179 w Broad­way, 80x98.9- While . Pot te r Sc Paige .M£g Co agt Victoria Hotel Co and Knickerbocker Realty Improvemen t Co 1,433.00

Orchard SI. No 177, w s, bet Slanlon aud Hous­ton Ets. H a r t n e t t & R u s l ag l B r u m m e r & Goldstein luO.OO

'186th st, a a, 100 w Amste rdam av, 175x160. Gannon & Givvins ag t Daniel J Murphy .2,000.00



Wes t End av, a w cor 83d si, 72x100, The N Y Inves tmen t aud* Improvemen t Co with The Colonial Building Co; to erect a 7-i ly brk apa r tmen t houae; 16 paymen t s $75,000.00

Nov. 1. Centra l P a r k West , w s, 50.4 s 90tb at, 50.4x

100. The .MetropolUan improvement Co wi th Tbomas J McGuire; lo erect a 7-sty aud basement brli api t r tmenl bouse ; 10 pay­ments 45,000

Fu l ton av, w s. 126.10 s 174th st, 125x8S.0x i r ­reg. E r n s l - M a r x - N a t h a a Co with Morris M a r k s ; to erect five 4-sty b rk and s tone flats; 12 paymen t s 4U,Ouu.0O

174th St. s w cor Ful ton av, 88.3x126. l lx—x 126.10. Same with same; to erect flve 4-siy brk flats; 12 payments 43,000.00

Sd av. e s, 225 n 171sc s t , aOxluO, Same wilh Mary E Robinsou; to erect two 4-sty brk and stone dwel l 'gs ; 13 payments 15,000.00

35lh st, Nos 418 and 420, s s, 200 w Oth av, 5 0 x ^ block. John Davis with Josepli F Doyle; to erect two 5-aty b rk flats or tene­m ' t s ; 10 paymen t s 22,000.00

Nov. 2. Wendover av, s s . 100 e 3d av. 75x131x75x132.0.

Erns t -Marx-Nathan Co. with Solomon Rose. To erect three 4-sty and basement brk and atone apar tmen t houses; 13 payments , ,2o,0iJO.00

Nov. 3.

3d av, e s, 17G.11 s 174ih sl, 75x90. Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co with Isaac Laudsberg. I o erect three four story brick and sioue apar tmen t houses; 13 payments 22,50 i.OO

54th at, n s, 100 e Lexington av, 125xii.O 5. Abraham Boehm and Lewis Coon, with Rosa­mond Herter . To erect £our 3-sty and base­ment brick apa r tmen t bouses ; 10 p a y m e n t s . . .

Ou.OUO.OO Nov. 4.

ICOth st, E a, 98 w CourUandi av, 50.\99. Enoch C Bell WUh .Margaret Red.can. To ereci a 4-sty brick apar tment bouse; 14 payments ..14,O0J.00

159lh at, n E, 98 w Court landt av. 30x101. Enoch C Eell with Pnilip J Dirksen. "To erect a 4-sty brick apa r tmen t house; 14 paymen t s . .14,000.00

O R D S B S . Nov. 1.

Clinton st, Nos 184 and ISO, e s. 90.9 n Di­vision St. Diehl Sc Wiegand on Emil ia Glass to Orrin D Person $9,850.00

Ru tge r s Sup, Nos 66 and 68, n w cor Water st . 60x55. Same on Na than Hutkoff to s a m e . .

6,500.00 Nov. 3.

3d St. Nos 301 to 309, n s. 257.11 w Av D. Diehl Sc Wiegand on Isaacs &. Jacobson to Orriu D Person 1,200.00

13th st, Nos 535 and 537, s s, 170 w Av B, 50x103.3. Same ou A J .McQuade lo same.

2,20U.00 Rutgers slip, Nos 66 and OS, n w cor Wal te r st .

60x55. Same ou Na than Huikoff lo Lawrence Houl ihan . SST.OO

126ib St. a s, IUO w 3d av, 75xG5. Webi ter White on Henry Schile to Louis Foliano . .

730.00 Same property. Same ou Hardy Sc Caldwell lo

same 750.00 Nov. 4.

127th St. Noa 28 and 30 W. Pos thauer & DIcht­ing on John H Sehleuter J r aud J B Eccleston. to F W Davis (Wailabout Foundry) 359.00

Cliuion st, Nos 182 to 186. Dlehl & Wiegand on on EmlUa Glass to Lawrence Houl ihan. . .685.00

S A T I S F I E D O R D E R S . Nov. 1.

Beacon at, s s. 102.4 w Classon av, 23x142. Clocke Se Clocke paid J A & E T Woolf on order of Rose Berwiu. (Order filed Dec 10, 1898 243.50


Monroe st . Nos 250 and 252. Ludwig Tremel aud auo agt Levy Sc Golustein. (Lieu filed Oct 27, 1S98) 3,280.00

Division st, Nos 224 and 220. Manha t tan Cor­nice and Skylight Works ag t Jonn Duaue . ( Ju ly 11. 18USJ • 173.30

Oct. 3 L

lu3d st. No 73 Eas t . K i rchoa Se Brown agt J a ­cob Weiahopf. (sept 13, iOJSJ i.,i24.00

Siiixie iiri-p^i Ly. joscpn tiai . ick ag t same. (Sept 28, 18ijH) .lUJ.OO

Same piopcfcy. Scbnalz Se iMassoth agt same. Irftpt -LO, i6 j8) ;i5U.O0

Ifao.h St. n a. 45 e Brook av. 30xluo. Cnarlea auu (-.nas H c^dtl agt Actelia K o j s e r et a l . t u c t •2'1, ISyS) O.UO

-5th av, n e cor 133ib st . luOxlUO. Heury Burge a s t i^ l^aiicey Cohen et ai. (dept '!.>, iddftj.oi-SO

-Same prope i ty . Jvavier Scuiuii-g agt aame, (bept -0 , 1 8 J S ) ,j:i.60

Eafeie av, t s, aJO a 156th st, 25x100. Antouio Nutile agt Augelo ,Viauello. ( June 9, 18ySJ.

i t S . 7 5 Buckhout St. n w cor Grand Boulevard anU Con­

course, 15x100. Chiiat iau Vo iuu iau agt l^Jmil Hei ier . (Uct 21 , ISuS) 215.00

Ams te rdam av, e s. 100 s 132d st . George Grossman agt Webs te r White. (Oct 3, 1890).

300.00 Juekson av. No 885. EdwiirJ Cunn ingham ag t

F r e d k A Stabl . lOct '11, iSuS) Li.oO

Nov. 1.

13lh at, a s, 271 e Av A. 50x100. Laudeaberg Sc CO agt Jacob Levy. (Sept 30, 1808) iiO.OO

- l l y t h st, u a. l l j t rom .viauhattau av, 25x100. Max Jaffe agt Joanna F Howes, i-viay 18, 18!>8) llu.OO

13 i tn at, n s, 475 e St Anus av, 75x100. David lUoNeiil ag t Tneo G Stem. ( Juue 2, i8J8 ) .

l . luJ .96 Riverside i i r i ve . a e cor luti th at, 3 0 i i u 0 .

Hen iy i lurr i iy ag t P M BtuWiiil. (Aug la , 1»!)8) 24J.U0

T\ iisiiiiistou av, e s, 190 a. 167th st- Carr ie T i u a x agt F r a n k Pisciot ta . (Uct 3. 1S9SJ.01.00

15Jth Sl, s s, 315-3 e Morris av. Same agt same. (Oct 3, Ibah) :i6.33

Ibytb t l . n w cor St Auus av, 100x75. HacDier Sc Co agt Mauua t t an Impt Co. (Oct 17, 16i)Sj.

ISU.OO ^Willis av, Nos 114 to 118, e s, 2o n So Boule­

vaid, T3x—. Robt J Howe agt Hot te ro th et al. (Uct 20, 18i)8) OU.OO

Nov. 2.

13tb St. Nos 520 and 522 EaaL H y m a n De­liusky ag t Jacob ijcvy. (Uct 4, iSiJS). .4u2.S3

-Riviugton st, s a, 'li.'i e Goerek st, aT.3xi3. t icoige Mackenzie agt Mary J SuUivau et al. (bept 13, 1898J i:;4,00

'liiLh St. Noa 320 aud 5:^2, s s. 271 e Av A, 5ox—. .\lax Alexauder agt Jacob Levy. (Sepi 1:9, 1S9S) 4U.0O

y i a u e o e a st, n w s. loO s w Columbus av, lois l lO, 111 and 112 map ot Vau Neat P a t k . Al-bL;rl J ToDie ag t Augcia and Joatipnine B Rez­zano- (July IS, iSiiBj 42.00

' Same property . VVilliam J e r m a n a g l same. (J uly 18, 1B9SJ :i6-62

^131st. No l l u West. Sylvauus TUiQaudeau agt ^ VVculan. (Nov 1, 18^8) .- '20.'25

'Che r ry sl , Nos '2i'6 to 2'ii. u s, lOo.l w R u t ­ge r s sl , 70.3.^—. ' Ihos G K u i g h t agt Fc i ix I 'hil l ips. (Uct 31. 1896) 71U.15

Nov. 3 .

OTlh st, No 546 Wesl . Bullock Electr ic Co ag t VVilliam Alleu. (uc t 7, 1SU8J 9:ii.00

96tn st, n s, 2uO w Lexington av. Josepn Gal-iicK ag t c n u r c h of St F rauc i s Di Sales. (Sept 2, 1890) loo.OO

P n n c e at. No liO. Rapp i t Spiedel I ron Works agt Harr isou K e a k y c o . (Nov 1, 1 8 J O ) . -4,;suu.O0

' 3 Q av, s e cor l i i id St, lUUxloO. Viucenzo and Augeio Gaudio agt E Fe ldman . (Uct 'll, 1898) 2y.49

Nov. 4.

' A m s t e r d a m av. s w eor 150th st, lOOxlOO. Geo A Fearse agt Freder ick Haas , ( uc t 14, 1898).

460.80 Amstei uam av, s w cor 15uta st . Thomas

Peuders agt Freder ick Haas , (.vlarch l i . 1SJ8) 1,110.00

• l l O t b st, Nos 115 aud 117 Eas t . F rauc i s Cal­laghan & Bro agt Henie aod Leon A Liebes-kmo . (Nov 1, iStiS) 1.400.00

Jackson av, w a, 2i;i.4 u 165tb s l . Emll NlRo,al ag t Louis A Schneider. (April 28, 18t)8>. .d73.40

J a c t s o u av. No lUi7 to 1061. w s. 159 s 163th at. Kichard J Culleu agt same. ( Juue 27. 18J8).

72.00 Jacksou av. Nos 147 to 161. George Spaeth agt

same. (April :;8. ISJS) 2UU.U0 3d st . No 3u3 East , Kider-Ericasou Eug .ue Co

agt I saacs Sc Jaoobsou. (Oct 20. 1808) . . .175.00 3d st . No 303. Same agt same. tOct 20, 18oSj.

173.00 3d ai. No 301. Same ag t same. (Uct 20. 1898).

. . . . _ - 115.00 3d St. No 30i East . Same agt same. (Oct 20.

1S98) 175,00 3d st, Nos 301 to 307 Eas t . Union Stove Works

agt same. (Oct 20, 1898) U2S.99 Same proper ty . F B Hawkins Sc Co agt same.

(Oct 19, 1898) , 350.00

56th St. No 240 West. Rober t Rossman. (Oct 13, 1898) 12.81

90tb st, s s, 100 e 1st av. 125x100. Caspar Strobel ag t St Josephs Orphan Asylum. (Oct 12, 1898) 4.385.00

'Discharged by deposit. ^Discharged by bond. 'Discharged by order of cour t .


T h e r e h a s no t been a n y book oR t h e m a r k e t c o n t a i n i n g a l l t h e l a w s a n d r e g u l a t i o n s r e ­la t ing to bu i ld ing in N e w Y o r k C i t y ; ye t tho aeed of euch a v o l u m e Is p l a in e n o u g h , be­m u s e a b u i l d i n g from I t s t o u n d a t i o n to Ita Inal d e m o l i t i o n is s u b j e c t no t on ly t o t h e

b u i l d i n g l a w . bu t to spec ia l r e g u l a t i o n s of t h e b u i l d i n g d e p a r t m e n t c o n c e r n i n g p a s s e n g e r e l e ­v a t o r s , flre-escapes, l i g h t a n d v e n t i l a t i o n a n d p l u m b i n g . T h e r e is a lso A I a n l i m i t i n g t b e b e i g h t of dwelUng houses a n d a n o t h e r r e q u i r ­i n g t e m p o r a r y door lug. T h e r e a r e the t e n e ­m e n t h o u s e and lodg ing h o u s e law^, l aws r e ­l a t i n g to t h e ex t i nc t i on a n d p r e v e n t i o n of fires a n d exp los ives , a n d t h e s t o r i n g of c o m ­bus t ib l e m a t e r i a l s in bu i ld ings r Moreove r , t h e r e a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t fire d e p a r t m e n t r e g u ­l a t i o n s which m u s t be observed In t h e In s t a l -la t lun of e l ec t r i ca l a p p a r a t u s , a n d t h e r e a r e , • I cou r se , KU t h e r e g u l a t i o n s ot t h e d e p a r t ­m e n i of p u b l i c workB c o n c e r n i n g C r o t o n w a t e r r a t c i a n d the use of wa t e r , t h e o p e n i n g and refi l l ing ol t r e n c h e s a n d r e s t o r i n g of s t r e e t p a v e m e n t s ; In a d d i t i o n to o r d i n a n c e s p e r u i u -Ing to Uie In spec t i on of s t e a m DoUers. T h b • r c h l t e c i , b u i l d e r , bu i ld ing m a t e r i a l m a n a n d reAl e m a l e owner m u s t be EamlUar w i t h t he se l aws and r e g u l a t i o n s ; If h e is no t , b e sufterft. T h e y a r e now al l g a t h e r e d t o g e t h e r (w i tb a d i r ec to ry of a r c h i t e c t s ) for the l i r s t t i m e in one v o l u m e , i l l u s t r a t e d , i n d e x e d a n d s u p p l i e d lo r $:i,5u. R e c o r d a n d Guide , P u b l i s h e r a , 1 4 and I t l Ve i ey a t r e * L

Till- r; . . • .i . i . t 01 he ow ..-r: ar'f s tands for archi tect , m 'n for mason, c 'r for ca rpen te r and b ' r for builder.

When cha rac t e r of roof is not mentioned, It l3 to be underatood t h a t t h e roof Is to be of tUi.

•Real Es ta ie Record and Guide. Gent lemen; The lien filed by my firm agains t

Mr. and Mrs. Liebeskind and property on I I O I K s t ree t was filed uuder a misapprehension and h a s been cancelled. Yours respeclfuly,

F r a n c i s Callaghaji Sc Bro .

B O A O U G K O F M A N H A T T A N .


8 6 5 — 1 3 l h s t , s s, 1 3 5 w B r o a d w a y , one H-s ty b rk s t o r e a n d lof ts , 25xt ,( i ; cos t , ¥yu,tJUO; H e w iViilier, IOO B r o a d w a y ; a r ' i , H e n r i F o u ­c h a u x , i l t h av a n d itjiid s t . (Cor rec t s e r r o r in l a s t i ssue . )

Sy i j—Tompkins s t , w s , 1 0 0 a S t a n t o n s t , 1 -s ty b rk marKe t , 4Ux(jU; cost, $3,5Uu; l^Tank E t ­ze l , l i l 'Id s t ; a r ' l , A H B l a n k e n s t e i n , il'l £i D^th s i ; b ' r , E R F o e r s h k e 5 5 tal M a r k s pL

bi i t j—Tompkins s t , w s, SU n S t a n t o n s t , o n e open coal p o c k e t ol f r a m e , m e t a l cove r ing , lUx 20; cost , $i;oU; S u s a u D Brown , i - r lncc ton , N J ; a r t s , H e n k e n & Wil lenbrock , T o m p k i u i a n d ISianton s t s .

a u i — C e n t r e s t . No 2 1 0 , 6-s ty b r k s t o r e a u d lo i i s , 2JK4iJ; cos t , $12,0ttU; Al ice F i t z p a t r i c k , :iHJ C e n t r e s i ; a r ' t , L o u i s F H e i n e c k e , t i^ Bowery .

UUU^Goerck s t , No 1, one 6-s ty h r k t e n e m ' t , 25x l i8 .b ; cost , $ i8 ,UU0; J o h n L u h r s , 5Uy G r a n d s t ; a r ' t , C h a r l e s K e n i z , 158 i t h av.

y u 2 — H o r a i i o s t , n s, UU.cXt w of W a s h i n g l o n s t , two t)-sty b r k w a r e h o u s e s , 4a .6xa l .AU a n d S l . i ^ i ; cost , ;^:;u,UtJU e a c h ; H u g h J G r a n t , 5 i W a l l S L ; a r ' t , Geo P Chappe l l , 1-i S t a t e sU

a a r W K E N 50TH AND 125rH. STS. , BAST OF OTH AV.

SSS—116th s l . No 1 2 3 E , 6 - s t y a n d b a s e ­m e n t b r k s t o r e s a n d flat, 'l5xH6.0; cost , $ - 0 , -Uou; Rose l i ne l - ina ie , liJOS F u l t o n a v ; a r ' t , .Alex I I ' l i ik ie , lO i,'th av.

b^iU—l(, t ih s t , Nos '111, 2 1 4 a n d 2 1 6 B , t w o G-sty b r k s to r e a n d h a t s , '17xS0.'3-, cost , ^'lo.­OOO each; T e t e r H e r i e r , iUii2 Leacmgion a v ; a r ' t s , F H e r t e r & teon, s a m e a d d r e s s .

P l a n b b l — i s t av . e s, ::5 u iUDih s t , 1-sty f r a m e shop . 25.\bU; cos t , $4iJ0; Au tonio I n ­fant , 3 1 1 l i l u y t h s t ; a r ' t , M R D ' A m o r a , 1102 1s t av .

aOi.—79th s t , s s, 150 e 5 t h av, one o - s ty b r k dweU'g . 'laxiO'1.2; cosi..$50,(JU0; L o u i s e M G e b ­h a r d . W e s t b u r y , L I ; a r ' t s , B a r n e y & C h a p m a n , l l b l i B r o a d w a y .

o9TH A.\'D 1 2 5 r H S T R E E T S , W E S T OF CEN­T R A L P A R K WmST AND 8TH A V B N U E .

S63—Bouleva rd . No S43 , n w cor 1 0 1 s t s t , one 1-sty o rk boi ler house , 1 0 x 1 0 ; cost , $ 3 5 ; H e a r n e s t a t e , 12 W 4 S t h s t ; lessee, C h a s H a ­b e r m a n , 3 4 1 P l e a s a n t a v ; m a s o n , J o h n K r e u t ­zer . i U l t h s t , n e a r . - imsterdam av . (Gor rec t s e r ro r in last issue.)

bS5—yUih s t , s s, 150 w C o l u m b u s av , 2 -s ty b r k workshop , 12 .5s l J0 ; cost , $2,oUL); Va len t ine Wi l l e , 3 1 W ySth a t ; a r ' t , J a a W Cole, i O S W S l s t «L

November 5, 1898. "Hecord and Guide 8S9—117th sf, n B. 50 w Manhattan av. 6-sty

brk flat, 75x90.4; cost, ?7f),C00; Judson Law-son. 898 West End av; ar ' t . S M Holden, S l E 125th sL

891—Central Park West, w s. fiS-S n 94th st. 6-sty brk flats. 011x90; cost. $125,000; Will­iam Call, 1133 Broadway; ar ' ts. Jas E Ware Sc Son and H S S Harde. 3 and 5 W 2yth st.

893—Boulevard, n e cor 96lh st. 7-sty brk stores and flat, 100.11x86.8 and 99.8; eost. $200,000: C J La Grassa, 60 Liberty st: ar ' t , C Steinmetz. same address.

894—112th st, n s. 140 w Amsterdara av. two 5-sty brk flats. 30x88; eost $32,000 each; Jno Paterno. 030 Arasterdam av; ar ' t , M V B Fer­don. 64 E 90th St.


888—llSlh st, n s, 325 e 7fh av. five .S-sty and basement brk dwell'gs. 20xn6; cost. ?1R,-000 each; Francis Crawford, 24 B 42d st; ar ' t , A H Tavlor, 20 W 34th st.

890—llSfh St. n s. ?I60 e Lenox av. three 5-Bfy brk tenem'ts, 25x86.6; cost $17,500 each; Kalz Se HauE-h. 1820 Bathgate av; ar ' t , S M Holden, 81 E 125th st.


801—13?ld st, n s. 125 e 12lh av, elpht 5-st> hrk flats. 25x84.8: cost. $20,000 each: EUen Eden._403 St Nicholas av; ar't, A Spence 58 W liinth st,. Corrects errnr in last lsF"e.

884—Columhus av. No 1350, s w co*- 127th st. 1-stv brk toilet. 1.^.2x?2.^; cnst. .t^.nflO: Rev G H Huntman, 405 W 125th st; and Chairman of Es ta te ; ar't, L F Ryan. 366 W 127th st.

892—N w cor of block bounded by 2d and 3d avs, 12Sth and ]29th sts. one 1-sty frame pas-sapeway and ticket oflif e 10x57: cost. $1.|J00; Manhattan Ry Co. 105 Broadway; ar ' t , John Waterhouse. same address.


Branch office of Bulldlnp; Department, 2775 . d avenue, iunction Courtlandt avenue, where plana for buildings lo be erected in 2^3 and 24th •^'n'-d? may be fi>d.

SS3a—Woodycrest av. e a. 162.6 s IHllh st, 2Y2-sty frame dwell'g. 20x57. shiusle roof; cost, .$5,500: ow'r and ar ' t . J I Campbei:, 165tb st and Jerome av. . 884a—Ferris pl. w s. 102.4 n Thoraas st, four 2JA-sty frarae dwe'l 'es. 21x2.'^; cost, S12.-000. total; Baisley fr Watsnn, Main st, West­chester; ar ' ts . T,awrence Sr Ringrose. Metropo­lis BulIdfnE, 142d st and 3d av.

8S5a—Valentine st, n s. 200 e Main st. 1-sty frajne out buildiuE. 10x16. sMn^le ronf; cost. $45; Cornelia Naran. on premises; ar ' t and b'r, Wm J Arnow. Westchester.

S86a—3d st. s s. 425 e Av B, Unionport, 2V.-sty frarae dwell 's. 20x.^0: cost, S3 0(10, slate roof: Nathan H Moore, 3d st. TJnionnort; ar ' ts , Lawrence & Ringrose, Metropolis Build­ing. 142d st and 3d av.

887a—Paxe av, w s. 100 s McGraw av, 1-sty frame shed. 48x15: cnst ."iLiO; ow'r and ar ' t . A B Paff. Saxe av and McGt-aw av.

S8Sa—City Island road, n s. 151 e N Y, N H & H R R (rear). 1-sty frarae shed. 24x17. gravel roof; cost, $95: Joseph Schoek, Bartow Station, N T C; ar ' t , Chris F Lohse, 906 Westchester av.

889a—179th st, g s. 102.66 w Webster av. 2-sty frame dwell'g. 22x62.4; cost, -$3,800: A W Traphagen, 2087 Anthony av; ar ' t , Samuel Lord, 447 St Anns av.

890a—Bristow st. e s, 78.75 s Jennings st, 2-sty brk dwell'g. 22x.50; cost. .$4 500; Henry Pritchard, 1082 Jennings s t ; ar ' t , Robert Glenn, 2958 3d av.

891a—Union av, e s. 4-S0.8 s l(;5th st. two 3-sty frame flats. 21.4x58.6. and 18.8x70.2; cost. $4..500 each; .Mrs Serena Clark, 970 Union av; ar ' t , E R Will. l.%2 Fulton av.

892a—Webster av. e s, 75 s Wendover av. 4-sty brk flat, 25x78.6: cost, $13,000; Eliza B Earll ; ar ' t . same as last.

893a—White Plains av. w s. 225 n 2d st. rear, lV>-sty frarae stable. 35x25. iihingle roof; cost $900; C W Oakes. 3d st and White Plains av; ar ' t . James E Dobbs. 120 6lh st. Williams­bridge.

894a—Ryer av, e s, 62 s 180th st. flve 2-3ty frarae dwell'gs. 21.6x53.6: cost. $3,800 each; Jos E Butterworth. 20.S5 Bathgate av; ar ' t , Chas S Clark, 719 East 177tb st.

89.5a—l.'^Sd st. s s. 200 vr Webster av, 2-sty frame dweirg. 21.6x53.6; cost. .'?3,.800; Mrs H Carter. 1689 1st av; ar ' t , same as last.

89Ra—Spencer pl. e s. 300 n 114th st. two 5-sty brk flats. 27.0x90; cost, $25,000 each; Nicholas namaino. 507 East 149th st; ar ' t , Louis Falk. 2769 3d av.

897a—152a st, n s. 75 w Wales ay. three 4-sty hrk Rats. 25X7.K cost. $15,060 each: Robert Little. 2349 Bathgate av; ar ' t , W C Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av.

89Sa—Elton av. w s. 51 n 160th st. two 4-sty brk flats. 25x75; cost. $15000 each: John P Ells, Hotel Avon, l lGlh st and Madisor^iv; ar't, sarae as last,

89na—Prospect av, w 3. 75 n 15nth st. ten 4-Etv brk fa ' s , 2"x62; cost, .$14 000 each: Peleg C Smith, n55 Orange st. Newark. N J : ar ' t , eame as last.

900a—Verio av. e s. 100 n 233d st. 1-sty frame greenhouse, 61x98; cost, $5,000; Robt Caterson. 95 East 85th st; ar ' t , John C Bab­cock, Woodlawn, N T C.

901a—Prospect av. e s, 100 3 Westchester av, two 3-sty brk flats. 22x60; cost, $8,000 each; Chas G McGlade, 091 Prospect av; ar ' t , A F A Schmitt. 004 Courtlandt av.

902a—Union av, s w cor 151st st, 3-sty frame flat and store. 25x70; eost, $9,000; Timothy Flood, 1012 East 162d s t ; ar ' t , Edw Wenz, 1491 3d av.

903a—174th st, s e cor 3d av, four 4-sty brk flats, cor 27x92 and 25x84.6; cost, cor. $25,000; three. $18,000 each; David Cohen, care of Arch R W e r n ^ , 7 Teasdale pl.

904a—Railroad av, w s. 150 n Morris av. 1-sty frarae shed, 25x14; gravel roof; cost, $200; Hatty B Powler. 788 Morris av; ar't," eame as last.

ALTERATIONS. 711—14th Et_. No 35 W, roof with skylight

raised: cost, $ i00; W C Demarest, 60 Liberty st; ar ' t J 0 Bruce, 10 E l l l h st; b'r. Jones Construction Co, 10 E l l t h st. Corrects error in issue of July 2.

1.S66—6th av. No 523. new store front; cost, $175; Astor estate. 23 W 26th st; ar ' t , E Van Caiiwenberphe. 230 E 59fh st.

136i—Cliff st, Nos 85 to 89, steel beams and girders with hollow terra cotta blocks on first floor instead of wooden beams; cost, $ 1 0 -000; Geo H Chatillon, 14 E SOth st; ar ' ts , Julius Kastner & Sons, 1133 Broadway.

1368—Columbia st, Nos 24 and 26 and Broome st, Nos 76 and 78. extension. 9x14; cost, $1,000; estaie of Richard Dudgeon, 25 E SOth st; ar't, Jos Ireland, 203 Broadway; b'rs Berton & Nickel, 435 E 2.Sd st.

1369~129lh st, No 47 E, new area in front, new stairs, door cut; cost, $1,000; Jas W Pow­er. 47 E 129th st; ar ' t . H M Devoe, 41 Madison av, New Brighton, Staten Island.

13iO—125th St. No 405 W. new window, new partitions, an enclosed bridge built to vestry roora: cost, $G0O: Rev Gerald H Huntman. 405 W 125th st, Chairman of estate; ar ' t . L F Ryan, 366 W 127th s t ; b'r. Isaac A Hopper, 219 W 125th sL

13(1—Williara St. Nos 216 and 21.8. erect offlce partitions; cost, $350; .Metropolitan Re­ally Co, 5 Beekman st; b'r, N Y Expanded Met­al Co, 256 Broadway.

1372—West End av, No 1S3. extensinn 25s 45, new parlition; cost, $1,000: John C Klett, 341 W 44th st; ar 'l , Jos Wolf. 1125 Broadway.

1373—Monroe st. No 137. new show window; cost, $500; Adolph Pawel, on premises; ar ' t , Michl Bernstein. 145 Centre st.

1374—Rivington st. No 167, new fireproof vent shaft, new skylight; eost, $1,200; Paul Hoffman. 312 W 104tb st; ar ' ts , Kurtzer & Hohl. 7th st and 3d av.

1375—110th st. No 216 E, stores altered; cost, $150; City of N Y; ar ' t , C B J Snyder, 5So Broadway.

1376—St Nicholas av, s w cor 117th st, win­dows cut; cost, $200; ow'r and ar 't , same as last.

1377—1st av. No 402, flrst t ier beams raised, new girders and cast-iron posts; cost, $300-Rutherford Meyer, 402 1st av; ar ' t , Henry Regelman, 339 E 19th st.

1378-Fi f th av. No 677, new partitions and raised one story; cost, $3,000; Alexander Coles, 1 W 3d st; ar ' t , James Stroud. 1269 Broadway; b'r, Jno Fulton, Jr, 451 W 32d st.

1379—109th st, s s, 100 e 1st av. new par­titions, peak roof made fiat and raised V' -s ty cost, $200; Sens & Trederick, HjS E 109t"h st" ar ' t , Jno C Watson. 408 E 109th st.

1380-Slh av. No 176, s e cor 19th st. beams and girders lowered, new Iron columns new stairs, new partitions; cost. $1,000; Dennis P Dowd, 169 W ISth s t ; ar ' t , Geo M Walgrove. 42 E 23d sl ; lessee, G Dawson.

1381—21st St. No 543 W, one 4 and 2-sty brk stable and storage; cost, $40; Fred S Myers. 658 Broadway; ar ' t , J Oscar Bunce 10 E l l t h St.

1382-1s t av, e s. 3S s 61st st, boiler chim­ney raised; cost, $70; Predk Buse, 1104 I s t av; ar ' t , Phillip Goerlitz. 212 E 57th st.

1383-Henry st. No 49. new stairs; cost. $100; Hyman Schnitzer, 49 Henry s t ; ar ' t M Bernstein, 145 Centre st.

1384—Forsyth st, Nos 84 and S6, new gable wall, present stairs and board partilions shifted; cost, $.51)0; Julia Solomon, 14 Nesbeth sl, Newark; M Bernstein. 145 st.

1385-14 th st, Nos 120 to 122 E. new store front; cost, $250; J W Condit, 122 E 14th at; ar't , Jacob Schlesinger, 2 Grand Circle, 5Slh st aud Sth av.

13S6—Broome st. No 482, elevator shaft erected; cost. $1,500; H B Thatcher, Boslon, Mass; ar ' l . J o Whitenack. 6 Sullivan s(.

1387-Ful ton st, Nos 206-208. new columns and girders; cost, $1,000; -Maihilde B Brown, 931 .Madison av; ar ' t , J D Theismeyer, Jr . 605 2d av.

1388—18lh st, Nos 623 and 625 E. replace trusses and root; cost, $300; J .M Brookman, 931 -Madison av; ar ' t , J D Theisraeyer, Jr, 665 2d av.

13S9—13lh st E, No 249^^, cu; opening for window; cosl, $3.T: Eimer & Amend, 3d av and 18th st; ar't, Henrv Klein, 191 E 3d st; b'r, Chas Klein, 191 E 3d sl.

1396—Sufl'olk St. Nos 171-173. repair dam­age caused by flre; cost, $2,000; Frederick S

Flower, 45 Broadway; ar ' t , Cornelius O'ReUly, 121 E 44 lh St.

1*397—23d st, n s. 125 w of 6lh av, two stair cases shifted, balconies hung; cos', $3,000; Darling estaie; ar ' t , W H Torstrick, S l B 125lh St.

1398—42d Et, No 156 E. new store front and galv iron cornice; cost, $160; Jo.^enhlne L De Porest. WiUiam Laimbeer, 118 E 36lh s t ; ar ' t and b'rs. Elward Smith A Co. 116 W 39th st.

1399—21sl st, No 343 W. ex'ension, 2.6x4; cost, $300; John Mackin. 343 W 21st st; b'r. Alexander Henderson. 305 W 21st st.

1400—Sfh av, No 906. fourth and roof tiers to be framed for vent shaft; cost. $260; Hen­rietta Bell. 262 W 54th st; ar ' t , James W Cole, 403 W 51st St.

1401—-Monroe st. No 95. partitions removed, new store front: cost, $350; Jos Weber, 44 Pike st; ar't, M Bernstein, 145 Centre st.

B O R O U G H O F T H E B B O N X .

41.5a—3d av. w s. 150 s lOnth st, rebuilding wall; cost. $300; Theo Ebling, 691 E 143d s t ; ar ' t . Arthur Arctander, 561 E 139th st.

416a—.'\nthony av, s e cor Ash st. move building and 1-sty frarae extension 3.6x13; cost, $3,000; Thos J Lock. 207 Lexington av; ar ' t . Jarap'i Stroud. 1267 Broadway.

417a—Tremont av, n s. 100 e Washington av. 25.8x37.6; cost, $800; Ruppert & Hatty, on preraises; ar ' t , . J G Robinson, 2272 Bath­gate av.

418a—233d st. n s. 44.90 w Verlo av. move building and repairs; cost. $50; Lazzari & Barton, Woodlawn; ar ' t , John Cargill, Wood­lawn.

419a—Stinthern Pnulevard. w s. 230 n 187th St. add 1 .ety and 3-sty frame extension 18.9x 25: cost, Sl.OOO; ow'r and ar't, Thos PhUllps, Soutliern Boulevard and 187fh st.

42fla—Oeden av. w s, 215 n 167th sf. raise hiii'ding to grade and new partitions; cost, $.'{,500: Wm B Oi^den esfa'e, 214 Broadway; ar ' ts . Walker ft H'orrls. 56 New st; b'r R Ki'^'hen, '^igh Bridge. N Y C .

421a—20tb av. s s. 1?n p 1st st. -Wakefleld. 2-stv frame exten^^ion, 20x14: cnst. $600: Mrs Mary Schrader 20ih av, Wakefleld; ar ' t and b'r. John McGin, Woodlawn, N Y C .


Oct. 29 The Lennx RenuhHcan C!ub fnf 122 West 12nth

st) to Tbomas T Ellison; wUh nreferences to the Hamilton Bank for $7511.110.

31 JTulcahy. Jnhn J (Picture dealpr. at fi70 6th avl to Rnhf A Davis: withnut prefTencPs.

3 Brae's, Hpnry T Oiffht machinery manufac­turer. &c) to James S Pitch; without pref­erences.

A D V E R T I S E D t E G A t S A I , E S .

Referee's sales to be held at 12 o'clock noon at tbe New York Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadwav, except where otberwise stated.

Nov. 7. 2TtIi st. No 53, n s, 100 e fith av. 100x98.f>. lf>-sty

brk apartment house. The Gerlach. The Trus­tees of the Peabody Education Fund ast Chas A Gerlach et al: Sherman Evarts, att'y, 63 Wall st; Edward Schenck. ref. (Amt due $413.nna; sub lo taxes. Sec. $10,111.^0.1 Mort recorded March 8. 188S. By S De Waltearss.

llSth St. No GS. n s, 2.'iT e Lenox av, 17x100.11. 3-=ty brk dwell'g. Minnie 'Walli agt Geo F Picken et al; Olcott Se Olcott, atfys. 4 Warren st; Armitage Matthews, ref. (Amt due $9 570: sub to taxes, fie. $:inf)..1n.) Mort recorded Oct

. 16, 1.S93. By John N Golding. Nov. 9.

Bradhurst av. No 124. e s. 49.11 n 14Rth st, 25x75. 5-sfy brk flat. Paul T Kammerer agt Frank W Gilbert et al. Rider Sc Sraith, att'ys, 27 Pine st: Arthur D Williams ref, (Arat due $14,795; sub to taxes, fie, if245.24.) Mort recorded Deo 30. 1897. By Wm M Byan.

Nov. 10. Delancey st. No 22;i, s s, 50 w Willett st, 25x

87.(5. 4-sly brk lenem't with stores. Isaac Was­serzug agt Katie Slczefsy: Chas I Schampain, atfy. 2. 8 Broadway: Patk H Whalen, ref. (Arat due ? M 8 : suh to morfs $20.n0fl. and taxes &c, ?606,70.) Mort recorded June 11, 1897. By John T Bovd.

33ri st, u s, lOti.lO e Lewis sf, G83.1 tn so'ld filling of East River.xlSJ.C to 4th st, x w GRO x s 104.1, with land undfr water. See. Wra 11 Philips agt John F Dimon et al; Alex T Mason.att'y.11 WiU­iam st: Edwd L Patterson, ret. (Partition.) By Wm M Ryan.

Tlst st. No 439. n s, 100 w Av A. 2rixl02.2. 1-sty frame store wl'h two 1-sty frame buildings in rear. Julia A Harper agt james E Welsh et al: Stedman Se Larkin. ati'ys. 7 N.Tssau st: A H Vanderpoel, ref. (.\mt due *:i.l36; sub fo taxes, fie, $170..'i9.1 Mort recorded Dec 30. 1895. By B L KciincMv.

135111 Et, No U;2, s s, 324.11 w Lenox av, 2.'ix!IO 11, o-sty brk flat. Ellxa T Patterson agt Chas H Kivlen and Hannali Gi'l: Young, Ver Planck & Prince, aU'ys, 149 Brovlw.Tv: Elbert Crandall rot. {Aral due S24..>'=;4; sub to taxes. &c. $5A0 48). Morf recorded Juue 29, 1807. By P F Meyer.

135th St. No 120. s s, 299,11 w Lenox av, 25x 99,11, n-sty hrlt flat. Wm T Sabine and ano as trustees for Frances Sabinn net sarae; same aft'r? ard ref, (.\rat due $24,582; sub to tastes *c . ,¥:i49.48,) Mort recorded June 29 I89T Rv P F Meyer.

162d St. n s. 365 e l l th av. 1^x90.11. eight 3-sty stone front dwell'gs. Ferdinand Forsch agt Joseph P Turner et al; Wolf, Kohn & Ullman,

ecord and Guide .; November 5, 1898.

Att'ys, 203 Broadway; Wto F Clare, re!. (Amt due $48,601; sub to mort .?41.000. and taxes, ftc. ?950.) Mort recorded April 23, 1897. By W m M Ryan.

Boulevard, w s, 50.3 n 122d St. old line, and abt 40.5 n present line, 25.2s— to Bloomingdaie road, x26.9x—, vacant . Mary A Burns agt J a m e s Ray et a l ; Holden & Allen, a t t ' y s . 173 Broadway; Royal S Crane, ref. (Par t i t iou; sub to taxes . &e. $6,638.86.) By B L Kennel ly & Oo.

Greenwich av. No 55, s W cor Fe r ry st, r u n s a 21 X w ^8.10 X B 7.10 X w 0.7 X n 6.9 X n e R.l X e 2.2 X n 9.5 to Pe r ry at, x e 40,11 to beginning. 4-stv brk tenem' t with s iores . P r a n k A 'Weyrieh agt Ferdinand C Weyrich and ano s s exrs, fcc. of El izabeth Weyr ich et a l ; Mayer A Gilbert, a t t ' y s . ^S P a r k Rnw: Edwd E Mc­Call, ref. (Part i t lon. l By John N Goiaing.

Cambrel l ing av, nor th cor lS3d sl. 125x100, 2-Sty frame dWell'fi. WUliam Jay as subst i tu ted truatee ijnder deed of t rus t made by Florence M Burrowes , now Bagnell . agt Ha r r i o t M Vre-denburgh et a l ; F lamen B Candler, a f fy , 48 Wal l s t ; Danl P I n g r a h a m . ref. (Amt due $7,087; sub to tnxes, &c. $151.90.) Mort re ­corded June T, 1890. By P F Meyer.

St Anns av. No 413, n w cor 144tb st, 2OK97, 5-sty brk flat with store. Absalom P Bachman and ano agt Clarence C Garrison et a l ; Jobn O Ball a t f y . 2 'Wall s t ; Thos F Donnelly, ref. (Amt due .'[Ifi.fi37; sub to morts .$27,600. and taxes, &c, .?475.G0.) Mort recorded Nov 30, 1897. Bv P F Meyer.

Valent ine av, s e cor Clark st . r u n s e 12o x a 100 X w 25 s n 25 s w 100 to av, x n 75 to beginnjag, except Valent ine av as not widened, s e cor Clark sf, 75x15, 2-sty frame dwell g. 'Wm E Parsons , J r . admr . See. agt J a m e s V Fa lvey et a l ; Adams & Hyde, a t t ' ys , -59 Liber ty s t ; S L H Ward. ref. (Ami due $8,33G; sub to taxes , &e. .TlOO.l Morl recorded Dec 10, 1894. By J a m e s L Wells.

Nov, 11 . SSth st. No 150. s s. 191.5 e Lexington av, 22.2x

97.6, 4-aty s tone front dwell 'g . The EquUable iLife Assurance Societv of the TJ S agl J o s i a b . S LindsBV et a l ; Alexander Sc Colby, a t t ' y s . 120 Broadwav; A H Vanderpoel , rrf. (Amt due $17.0,'lfi; sub to taxes, fie If618 09.1 Morl r e ­corded Oct. 8. 1S95, Bv Wra Kennel ly .

Clinton av. w E. 25 n Blmwood pl, 50s190, 2-sty frame aweU'K. Shpritf'a sale on execution of all t i t le which H e n r v Schopper had Aug 6, 1898. or s ince: P A Ha t t ing , a t f y . 5 Beekman st ; Thos J Dunn, Sheriff. By P P Meyer.

Nov. 14.

144th st. No T19 on map No 717 and 719. n S, 575 e Wil l is av. 34.11x88.0x24x91.7. 4-5ty b rk Hal. Jnsppbin" N Cnwperthwaii as t rus tee , fie, ae l Horace G Booth et a l ; MorrU P Fer r i s , a t t ' y . 71 S rnadwnv : Leo G Rnsenblntt , ref. ( . \mt due .1113 340: sub to taxes. &c. $160.) Mort recorded Oct 12. 1897. B L KenneUy.


138th st n s. 255 w Boulevard, I 5 s 9 9 . l l . Cor­nelia W Slade agl Patk H Lynch et a l ; Seth B Robinson, a t f v , 203 Broadway; C W Har t r idge . ref. (Amt due $9,434.)

Nov. 1. 32d st, n s. 150 e l l t h av. 25x98.9. John W

H a a r e n et al exrs . fie. of Claus H a a r e n agt A r . nold J D Wedemeyer et a l ; H H Glass, a t f y . 49 Chambers s t ; Saml B Pau l , ret . (Amt due $4,200.)

158fh St. n s, 300 e Boulevard. 59x99.1L Tr lna Prigge agt Thomas Alexander et a l ; Geo W filcAdam aU'y. 90 W Broadway; Bdwd E Mo­Call, ref. (Amt due $5,916.)

15Sth st, n s. 225 e Boulevard, 75x99.11. Annie •S Greacen agt Tbomas Alexander et a l ; Geo W McAdnm, a t f v , 90 W Broadway; Edwd E Mc­Call ref. (Amt due $8,.875.)

OOfh St. No 18. s s. 263 w Central P a r k West . 21x100.8. F a r m e r s Loan and T r u s t Co agt Chas 0 Tobias et a l ; Tu rne r . Mc fi B , a t t ' y s , 22 WilUam s t ; Geo F War ren , J r . ref. (.4mt due .$22,073.)

Nov. 2. soth st, n s, 58 e Columhus av, 42x75. Louis P

Mahler agt Albert Klemrae et a l ; Wi l l i am O'Donoghue. a t t ' y . 30 Nassau s t ; Joseph Mc­Elroy, J r ref. (Amt due $5,256.)

Union av. No 674. e s, 175 n 152d st . 21x95. Mary T Cosgrove ag t Alexander MacDonald et a l ; Geo W McAdam, a t f y , 90 West Broadway; Armitage Matthews, ref. (Amt due $6,296.)

Union sl. w s. 396.6 n Ogden av. runs n w 96.7x— X n 33.5 X e ICiO to av, x s 78.6. Phebe R H u n t ag t Benjn J Carr, J r , et a l ; Noble Sc Camp, a t f VE. 2 WaU st ; John B Pannes , ref. (Amt due $9,076.)

I l l s P E N D E N S . Oct. 29.

3a av. w B. 110 s 172a st . —x—. Dept of Build­ings agt Charles T r u e m a n ; violation of builoing l aw; a t f y , E Otterbourg.

3d av, w E, 100 n n 3 d st, —x—. Same a g l Linton B Mat thews ; s imilar act ion.

Nov. 1. Pyne st, n e cor Bavard st, 100x100, Fo rdham.

Emily L Fe l t agt John B Kel ly ; specific per­formance; a t l ' y . H B Wesse lman.

51h av, s e cor 80tb st, 25.8x100. 3d av, n e cOr 51st st, inOxlIO. 3d av, n w cor 51st St, 75.6x100.

Emi ly A Bliss et al agt Byram L Win te r s et a l ; aetlon to set aside will. &c; a t f y s , Ransom & Ransom.

Monroe st. No 74. S s, 20x100. Rache] SchweUzer and ano agt Pau l ina Aronowitz e t a l ; speciflc performance; a t f y . M S & I S Isaacs .

Nov. 2. Monroe Bt, No 74. a B. 20x100. Rachel Shweitzer

and ano agt P a u l i n a Aronowitz et a l ; speciflc per formance; a l f y s , M S & I S Isaacs .

Brook av, a w cor IClst st, runs s 47..1 x w 9T.1 i n 56,8 X e 54 .U tp 16l8l et, X e 48.3 to baglnnlng

Mflf'.heW Coogdn agt Thomas Leahy et a l ; ac­counting. &c; fllfys, Eark-y & Prendereast .

Nov, 4. 114th st, s 8, ISO e -id av, 2 0 K 1 0 0 . 1 1 . F r a n k

Garofaio agf Eliz V Ca r t e r ; specific perform­ance; a t f y , J H Corn.

Sr.tli st, E s, 200 w I s l av. —x—. The Dept of Buildings agt Rcgenia Nussbaum and ano; v io­lation of building l aws ; a t t ' y . E Otterbourg.

Mott st, No 181. w s. 35x100. Baxter st, No 14, and cround in rear of said lot

and Nos 10, 12 aud 12^i Baxter st . Morris Kaufmann and ano agb Barnel t Levy individ and exr et a l ; par t i t ion ; a t f y s , Gold-ffigle. Cohn fi Lind.


Oct. 29. 161st st, n s, 209,10 e Grand Boulevard, lSx99.1L

Edwin Shute ldt agt Will iam Broadbelt et a l ; a l t ' y s . McCrea, Somerville fi Taylor .

4GIh sl. No 108. s s, 140 w Olh av. 20x1110.5, Wil l­iam Wicke et al exrs. See, agt Minna Duncau et a l ; a l f y s . Hoadley, Lau te rbach & Johnson.

rjli;h St. n w cor P a r k av, 36.0x07,1. Mnry C Moen agl F r a n k M Weiler et a l ; foreclose l ien; a t f y s , Hi tchings , Pall iser & Moen.

.88:1: st, n s, 391 e Amsterdam av, 17x109.8. The N Y Life Ins and Trus t Co agt F r a n k L Smith ft a l ; a t t ' ys , Bramet & Robinson.

118fh St. n s. 175 e 3d av. i a .9x l00 .5 . The So­ciety for the Relief of Poor Widows wilh Small Children agt Eiiz C Morrissey and ano admrs , &c; a t f y s . Miller. Peckham & Dixon.

Bowery. No 391. S e s, 48.6 s w Olh sl , 24x i r reg. Sanford Simons agt Cather ine or K a t i e F Wag­ner et a l ; amended foreclosure; a f fy , L S Phill ips.

Washington av No 2J34, e s, 30!> n Tal lmadge st, 16.8x79.6x16.11x76,3. Magdalena Roden agt Maria Murrav et a l ; a t f y , J Homer Hi ldre th .

45fh sf. s s, 150 w 2d av. 22x82.1x25x94.2. W m H 'Williams and aoo t rus tees agt James Bienen­feld et a l ; a t t ' ys , W H Wil l iams.

65th St. No 234, s s, 375 e Wes t Bnd av, 2,1x100.5. Thomas P Setz a e t Chas H GaUiker and a n o ; foreclose l ien; a t t y , 0 C Coffin.

Oct. 31. Road leading from Kingsbr idge to Wi l l i ams­

bridge, n w s, par t of lot 62 map No 2 property nt Cbarles Darke, 24lh Ward . John H Thorn agt The David Mayer Brewing Co and ano; two mor t s ; a t f y s , R B & A J P r ime .

Molt av, s w cor 163d st. r uns w 120.10 to Wal ton nv, X s 75 X e 32.11 x s 25,3 X e 98.10 lo Mott av, X n 100.9. Alwin Eiser t agt Mnry Hopkins et a l ; a l f y s , L ippmann & Ruck.

4th av, n w cor 132d st, 20x75. N Y Life Ins Co agt John T Gay et al exrs, &c; a t f y , E E McCall.

Davidson av. center line, 230 n 184th st, cen te r liue. runs w 130 s n 50 X e 130 to center line of av. X s 50 to beginuing. Sarah P Fabbr ico t t i extrx . &c, ag l Eda H Sachera et al, exrs, Sec; a t f y s , Adams fi Hyde.

C3d st, s s. 150 e W e s t E n d av, 100x100.3. Al­ber t E Fos te r agt Bridget Cooney et a l ; a t f y , F de 'P Foster .

Hamil ton Ter race , e S, 199.9 n 141st st, lG5.1s 74,6x102x85.10. The Bauschard Co agt Rober t Kelly et a l ; foreclose; a t t ' y . H F Miller.

Anthony av, e s. 1:10.9 n 175th st, 95x l "0x9S . l l x 142.5. Thos R A Hal l and ano agt Ha r r i e t A Gieason et al ; a t t ' y s , Ennever & T r a u t m a n n .

97lh st, n s. 100 w 3d av, 27x100.11. J a m e s Chambers et al agt Wili lam Moger et a l ; a t t 'ya , DeWitt . Lockwood & De Wi t t .

Nov. 1. 76th st, n B. 2T5 e 2d av, 25x102.2. I 7oth st, n s, 300 e 23 av, 25x102.2, |

Henry H Jacksou agt Ju l ius B Steiber el a!; 2 ac t ions ; a t f y s , Johns ton & Jol inston.

135th st, n s. 75 w Alexander av, 15x66.8. John O M Hafemacn agt Sarah J Hyde et a l ; a t t ' y s . GribbletoD fi Hot tenro th .

22d St. s w s, lots 369 and 570 map land of Clem­ent C Moore, 50x28.8. Blizabeth B Jones et a l . exrs . &c, agt Eleanor I rv ing and a n o ; alt '3 's, Jerolomon & Arrowsmith .

Kingsbr idge road, e s, 50.5 s 187th st, r u n s e 107.7 X n 50 to st, X e 50 X E 150 x e 50 X s 50 X w 130.11 to road, x n 151.5 to beginning. Joseph R Brown agt Margare t O'Brien et a l ; a t f y . T Hooker .

81st st, No 100, s e cor P a r k av. 25.6x100. United States T r u s t Co agt W m B Pope et a l ; a t f y , E W Sheldon.

Av .'\.. n e cor 72d st, 35.2x98, I Av A, e a. 25.2 n 72a st, 26x98. |

Charles Lanie r t rustee agt John J Rellly et a l ; 2 act ions; a t t 'y , F A Snow.

Nov. 2. Amsterdam a r , s w cor 143d st, rl ins s 09.11 x w

71.2 to Hamil ton pl. x n 108.6 to st. x e 28.9 to beginning. Mechanics and Traders Bank agt Isaac Kaufmann; 2 mor t s ; a t f y , C Strauss .

Tiffany st, No 1046, being lot 19 block 407 map Lyman Tiffany, property, par t Fox Esta te , 23d Ward. Bradley L Eaton agt E r n s t Weber and ano : a t f y , E H Moeran.

4Is t sf. No 3, n s. 100 e Sfh av 22x98.9. Union Trus t Co agt Anna A Driggs el a l ; a t t ' ys , Mill­er, Peckham fi Di>;on.

114th st, 3 a, 175 e Sfh av. 25x100.11. P e t s r Donald agt Peter Behrens et a l ; a l t 'ys . Town-send. Dyett & Levy.

Delancey st Nos 251 and 253. s s. 44 e Sheriff st, 44x87.6, Ferdinand R Minrath agt Hat t ie Werner et al ; a t f y s . Hoadley, Lauterbach & Johnson.

123d st. No 101, being P a r k av, n e oor 123d st, rioxlOO.U. Wm B Ewing agl Alice I Blrrell et a l ; a t f y , Q S Hea th . .

4th st, n s. part lot (188 map village of Will iams­bridge, 25x114. The Railroad Co-operative B nnd L Assoc agt Forest W Toll et a l ; a t f y , E G Whitaker .

Verio av, n e cor Opdyke av, or 236lh st, 110.2x 148,5x100x194,7. E m m a S Pot ter agf Benjarain H I rv ing et al ; a t f y s , J A & A S Mapes.

35th St. n s, 208.4 e 7th nv, e6.8xl00x Irreg. Cor­nelius L Cooks agt Wm E Conklin el al ; fore­close lien; a t t ' ys , Redfield, Redfleld Se Lydon.

Willis av, e s, 25 n 145th et, 25x100, Elise Otfe agt Adolph Weber et a l ; foreclos lien; a t t ' ys , Menken Bros,

Stebbins av, n w cor 167th st . runs h 85.4 x w 29.3 X vr 29.3 to Prospect av, x 9 00 to 107tb st, X e 34.1 to beginning. Herman Wendt agt Will­iam Walsh et a l : a t f y s , Wendt, Berfy fi Edson.

:;ist st, No :;iS. s s, 257.6 e 2d av. 22.6x98,9, Gleo H Byrd agt Anna Betty et fti; a t t 'ys , Harr i son & Byrd,

Nov. 3. 70th st, No 50. s e cor ColumbUs av. 22x100.5. The

Mutual Life ins Co agt Evalyn A Stump and ano; a t f y s , Moses Sc Morris,

42d sf. Nos ii52 to 560, s s. 110 e l l t b av, 117x 98.0, Same agt Hrn ry Murray et a l ; a t f y s , Davies, Slone & Auerbach.

S.'id st, n w cor Lexington av, 41.8x102.2. Dennis O'ConneU agt Jacoh Jung et a l ; foreclose I lea ; a t f y . N J O'C^onnell.

123d st, n s. 35 e 4th av widened. 35x100.11- Ho­rat io C Craig ag l Almira Churcli et a l ; a t f y , C D Rust .

124th st, s s. 174,6 e Sth av, 16,8x100,11, L ina P Webster agt Mathilda Addison et a l ; a t t 'y , 0 R Hatheway.

124fh st, s R. 191,2 e Sth av. 16-SxlOO.ll. W Kintzing Post agt same; same a f fy .

127th St. s s. 190 e P a r k aV, oOx99.Il. Bradley & Currier Co agt George Jenkins et a l ; a t f y s , Otis Se Pressinger.

Pe lham (Union) av, a e cor Cambreling av, SO.llx 118.31x50x109.3. Cather ine Sachs agt Will iam Walsh et a l ; a t f y s , Eust ls , Fos te r fi Coleman.

155th st, n s. 25 w Melrose av. 25x100. Francia K Thayer agt Michael Rellly et al ; a t f y , J P Coffin.

155fh st, n w cor Melrose av, 25x100. J ane J Thayer et al. exrs, fie agt Michael Rellly and ano; a t f y , J F Coffin.

Cannon st, e s, 50 s Stanton st, 25x100. Ignatz Schulta agt Aaron Weissberger et a l ; a t f y , Geo Hahn ,

Pear l st, No 273, s s s, 22.2x01.3x18.8x91.1. The United Slates Life Ins Co agt Annette M Baker et a l ; a t i 'ys . Buel, Toucey & ^ ' b i t i ng .

45th ,=t, s s, 150 w 2d av. 22x82.1x25x94,2. Wm H Will iams and ano t rus tees ag t J a m e s Bienenfeld et a l ; a t f y , W H Will iams.

04l.h st. No 55 West, Pauline Tebrick agt J Shep­ard Clark et a l ; a t f y s , Venino & Sloiiel.

151sl St. s s, 550 e Amsterdam av. runs s 99.11 x e 116.6 to St Nicholas av, x n 102,2 to I S l s t st, X w 94.10 to beginning. F r a n k B Hawkins a n * ano agt Claude W Mick et a l ; foreclose 2 Uens; a t f y , A E Smith.

Nov. 4.

107th sl. No 53, n s, 282 w 4th av, ISxlOO.ll . Jaraes Douglas agt Edward C Roche et a l ; fttt'y, F M Holahan.

134th st. No 30. s s, 438 w Bth av, 22x09.11. Ran­dolph W Townsend agt F r a n k W Gilbert et a l ; a t f y s , Townsend, Dyett Se Levy.

Davidson av. centre line, 230 n I84th st, centra line, runs w 130 x n ijO x e 130 x s 50 to be­

ginning. Anne B Levey et al, exlrx, &c, agt Carrie J Singhi, et a l : a t t 'y . G A Wingate .

Loring av, centre line. 206 n cent re line 206th st, runs e 170 to Macombs Dam road, x n 75 x w 170 X s 75 to beginnin.e;, JuUa Stanbery age James Morrison el a l : a t f v . H Odell,

7th st, s s, 125 w Av A, 2.5x90,10. Leasehold. Geo Ehre t agl Jacob Russ. exr, Scc, et a l : 3 mor t s : a t t ' ys , Hoils, Wagner fi Burghard.

175th St, No 522, s s, 127 e Audubon av, lBx94,8. David Stewart agt Lucy J Benai and a n o ; a t f y s , Alexander fi Ash.

ATTACHMENTS. The following Is a Hst of the a t t a chmen t s filed

In the County Clerk 's Ofiice dur ing tbe week. The first name is t ha t of the debtor; the second tba t cE the creditor, and the third ihat of the n t to rn -y ffrr lhe creditor

Get. 28. La V a k e fi Co, Chas S; George Sllva & Co; $2,-

637,85; R G Kreraer , Bussing, Edwd 0 and George; Webe r fi B u r k e ;

.¥1,287.76: A J Skinner.

Oct. 29. Gibb, David T; T McKay; $1,000.00; Kellogg,

Rose & Smith. Nov, 1.

Klmher . W m G: Lynn N a t B a n k ; $702.91; Op­dyke. Willcox Sc Bris tow.

Sunl ieht Incandescent Gas L a m p Co; W m O G Wi lson : $1,200.00; P raye r , Smith, W h i t e fi Seaman.

L Bucki fe Son Lumher Co; W B Aust in; $8,925.00; E Bisbie.

Nov, 2. PI P Watson a Co; Francklyn ft Ferguaon;

-$401,32; W L Cannon. J r . Somers Will iam; Decorative Stained Glass Co;

Sl,4.'^0.00; W B Ellison. Wh' t rnuib , Guy 3 ; Joseph Roeenfcld; $2,4R0.r0;

G Robinson.

CHATTELS. NOTE.—The first name, a lphabet ical ly ar ranged,

is tha t of the Mortgagor, or par ty who gives the ^'ensnpe. The ' ' R " means Renewal Mortgage.

Oct. 2 8 . 2 9 . 3 1 , Nov. 1, 2 , 3 .

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

Argond lzza & D 'Amico , 2 0 J a c k s o n . . F & 6 H a a g & Co. B a r b e r F i x t u r e s . (R) . f l JO

A m a t o , V. 3 0 3 W 5 4 t h . . L Cuomo. B a r h e r f i x t u r e s , 100

A n a b l e . E N . I r v i n g pl and 1 6 t h s t . .A S Anab le . Hote l F i x t u r e s . (R) o-I,02S

Apice l la . L . . A r c h e r Mfg Co. (R) 107 B a c k m a n & Gruber . 3 1 5 C h u r c h . . M B F e r ­

t ig . L a u n d r y Mach ine ry , &e, 175 S a m e . . . . s a m e . J Horowi t z , S a m e . 4 0 0 S a m e . . . . s a m e . G W a r d e n b u r g . S a m e . 2 0 0 B a r b a n e H & D a u b a c h , 11 M a r k e t . . J Mat ­

thewa. Soda F i x t u r e s . 7 4 2

November 5, 1898, .ecord and Guic^ Beaslnger. P W. 180 and 182 W 101s t . .

Hincks Sc J. Coupe. (R) 300 Bernstein, Simon, 181 ChryslJe. 20 Rutgers pl

, .Bennet &G. Soda Fixtures. 210 Same. IfiS East Houston. .Same. Same. 2.10 Brady & Ziegfeld. Manhaltan Theatre. .T

Kane & Co. Chairs. contract Same. . . .same. contract Breen, A I. 2321 7th av. .C H Pangs Drug

Fix Co. Drug Fixtures. 6c0 Buermann. C & Co. 507 Grai id . .W Klee­

man. Store Fixtures. 170 Barnes. Wm F. 125 Sth a v . . H Wagner.

Pool Table. 450 Basrome Sc Banks. 857 Courtlandt av. . F & G

Haag Co. Barber Fix'ures. IGS Bauer & Neuwelt. 1112 3d av. .T Hacker &

Co. Store Fixtures. 1S7 Berkowitz. N. .Archer Mfg Co. (R) 507 Same. . . .same. (R) 125 Blumstein. L M. 250 W 12olh. .Nassau Show

Case Co. Store Fixtures. asrreement Bohm, ."ami, J V. 115fh Furniture. 65 Wal-

jfpr, n"=f-e PivfTTpq, ptar L A. 135 Bartieg. Wm F . .H Waener. Pool. 450 Barnpft. Abraham, Inl W O. d sl atid 115 and

117 Western Boulevard. .Nat L Assoc. Foil. 200

Baumann. 0. 17-11 Ist av and 1692 3d av . . B & S . Bottler Fixturea. 400

Beeg. S 0. 021 Madison av. .M D Barrv. Stock Fixtures. 1 000

Bn.'-n-ne, Hy. 1406 Av A. .Schmit t & S. Bottles. (Rl 82

Breiting. Herman. 565 and 507 Boulevard ,. Lowe Dru"' Co. Drue Fixtures. 4,500

Bruh. M. 17S1 Lexington av . .R Kaminker. Grocery Fixtures. 107

B6rn^a^d. J K.. .A Lipman. (Rl 250 SerlrnwIfK Sam. 101 Mang in . .H Berkowitz.

Tailor Pixtures. 75 Bronhv. Jas. IlOth et and Lexington av. .

F Boulton. Coach. 10 Canaisnle. J, 42-1 West Broadway. . J Ma-

cheae. Laundry Fixtures. 250 Ciihen. Louis. 237 Division. .Bennett *• G.

Soda Pixtures. fRl 50 Coroneft, F. 2.?S E lOSth. .S Grazlone. Ma­

chines. TOO C a r r i e r . G A. 21S.'! Sth a v . .A F r i e d l a n d e r .

Drug Fixture?. 2 250 Cerohe. Felix. 303 E 72d. .F & G Haag Co.

Berber Fixtures. '428 Christ Sc Bode. 124 Baxter . . C Beislcr. Ma­

chinery, fie. 200 Cicerone, P. 402 E 114th . .T J CoUins. Bar­

ber Fixtures. 29 Crooks, T' G. 2m w 63d. .F & G Haag S-.

Co, B-irber Pixtur°R. ''05 Carlstedt n=car, 2.342 1st av. .B Watman

Drug Fixtures. 650 Carmel, Max. 20 Rutgers pi. .S Bernstein

Syphons. 217 Ca?Kldy. J H. R42-.«50 E ISflfh. .Consolida­

ted Chandelier Co. C.a^ Fixiures. 330 Chase, Chas, Is t av and 122d s t . . T J Col­

lins. Barber Fixtures 00 Christine. Saml, 301 E C4th . .R Ralnfnfth.

Barher Pixtures, fR) 251 Citv Government Puh Co. 108 FuUon. .J B

Coyle. Printing Pixtures. 100 Cohlman, Max. 307 'E 93d . . S Littman.

Barber Pixtures. 73 Cdlfman. Danl. 120 and 122 W oRth. .P J

M Count. Liverv Fixtures. 1.0->0 (Connolly, Ella. S05 W 57lh. .T F Devine.

Horse. &c. 1.50O Gommoss. T T . 234 and 235 Broadway. . , ,

Star L A. Billin'd Tables. Sre. 200 Densler, Otlo. 3(^03 .3d av . .W T Kugler.

Pi^h ^T^rkct Flxt'ires. 500 ^'Alexander. M. 147 Alexander a v . . D La-

cnlla. Barber Fixtures, 217 Davis. Jesse. .M Hein. fR) 62 Dpi"npv. E P. 436 W 57tti. .S L & S Frank.

Horses. &e, 1 .570 Delaney. E P. 436 W .57th. .Hincks & J. Cah.

(R) 300 De Leo. Frank. 4 Pranklin. . F & G H.iag &

Co. Barber Fixtures. fR) 201 Dekle, HIndmnrsh ft Clifford. 1327 Broad­

wav. , Ponsolldated Dental Mfg Co. Den­tal Fixtures. 20R

Dickson Bros. 24 Beekman , .H Llndenmver. Press. S-c, 2,700

Dnliner. Emll. 173 2d. . J Souvay. Barber Fixturea. P4

De SanHs. A...Archer Mfg Co. (R) 22 Dillen. Wllsnti. IS and 20 Oak. .Ootiner, ^ A

Co. Press, &c. 437 Donohue. J. 411 E 7.^tll. .Turnbull & Cn.

Hparse. 7S0 D'>rTvif!i ^ntirt. 355'/ . Bowsfy. .T J CoIU"s.

Birher Fixtures. 1,!^^H Deegan, Dennis, . 0 DeSseker. Coach. 400 Dewev & Lowden. 81 Beaver. .R Bowne,

Press, ftc, 3,200 Denker. E, 711 2d av. .M Borchardt. Bak­

ery Fixtures. 450 Dl Benedetto. G. 770 7th aV. .V La Barba.

Barher Plstures. 120 Dlenstfrlen^l, Louis. RS Rivington. .R Rain­

forth. Barber Fixtures. (H) 37 Esihfleen, Theo. 154 E g5th A Wolf.

Hor=es, ftc. H I EtipIInc. Eliz. !)01 3d av. .R Glalttli. BaKerv

F i x t i i r p j . -^(jjj Eichenbaum. F!. 1."2 Rivington. .Benoett ft

G. Sods Pixtures. gO Ford. Walter. Webster av and 183a a t . .

A T Hagan ft Co. Lslindry Fixturea. 900

Feueriich, M A. 883 Broadway. .L Rosen- , zweig. Machine. 100

Fishel, Alex. 86 Norfolk. .M Price. Butler Pixtures. &c. 300

Fitzer &. Van Horn. 106 fiuane. .Damon^P Co. Prese. 175

Purber, J H Co. .C H Lovett. (R) W> Frank, Nathan. 127 Duane. .H Proses. Bar­

ber Fixiures. '"01 Farjeon, Kate. 52 Broadway. .J King. Opti­

cal Co. Fixtures, fie. 20O Fortaus. J . .Arche r Mfg Co. (R) 418 Fisher. J . .T J Collins. (R) 84 Flas & Dembach, 1745 l e t aV. .N P Sand­

qulst. Wagon. 120 Frank Leslie Press. 143 E 25lh. .T W & C

B Sheridan. Machine. 350 Freestone Quarrying C 0 . . H A Richardson.

(R) 14,400 Gofe, Sam. 125 Attorney. .L Shermann.

Harse. fie. 250 Gottlieb & Schneider. .Wagner & S. (R) 10 Grabkowllz, D. .T J Collins. (R) 67 Gebhardt, Geo, 432 Pearl , .E! Stutz. Butch r

Fixtures. l.OnO Jefke, Mary. 630 B 1 3 7 l h . . J D Behnken,

Grocery Fixtures. 600 dodchaud, A. .J Osborn & Co, (R) 1,700 Same. . . .same. (R) 1,71^0 Gilbert Printing Co. 141 W 24th. .Van Aliens

& B. Presa. 1,400 OurfEin, Louis. 166 and 168 Delancey. .Hlfl-

ig Bros. Machines. 200 Qannuzzullo, V. 51 E l lO tb . .Archer Mfg Co.

Barber Fixtures. l 5 Giglio. G. .Archer Mfg Co. (R) 14 Gill, W H. Foot lOOlh and 107lh s t s . .A B

David, Stone Yard Fixtures. 20,000 Greenstein & Cohn. 500 E l l t h . .E Green­

baum. Press. . 75 Gebrelli, Antouio. SSS Morris av. .Sender-

ling Mfg Co. Truck. 200 Hattermann, D. 1.542 3d av . .J Matthews.

Soda Fixtures. 768 Hhtchinson, E A. 511 Oth av . .Henry ft

Wellbrock. Elfctric Fixiures. 2C0 Halsted, Nellie M, S t o r a g e , . . . G D Beatty.

Elect Plates, &c. security Hauler, O and A B. 129 W 55th . .L S Kel­

ler. Horse, &c. 62 Hegewi£ch Se Faprenhorst. 227 3d aV. .J G

H Kramer. Grocery Fixtures. 2."50 Hornsteln. J0S . .S Bernstein. Syphon. 300 Hicks, H T. 349 W 4 8 t h , . ^ .H Wagner.

Coach. 27 Hoeree, Mathilde, 46 W 24th. .Duparquet,

H ft M Co. Range. 100 Jackson. Wm. 171 Allen and 132 Chrystie

. . L Lewltzky. Seltzer Fixtures. 105 Jeffers. W H. .Backus Water Motor Co. Ma^

chines. 1,044 Jol-neon & Ross. 310 W 41st . . P & G Haag

& Co. Barber Fixtures. fR) 224 Jolland, E O. 185 West End av. .Weber &

Breen. Grocery Fixtures. 200 Jaeser. Hi'rman, 845 E 8 1 s t . . . . D Jaeger.

Butcher Fixtures. 175 Jenkins. R W and M M. .D Toler. (R) 375 Jones, T W. 50 Ann. . 0 B Gregory. Ruling

Machine. 340 Kahl. Gustave. 2302 3d av. .F & G Haag.

& Co, Barber Fixtures. (R) 4.8 Kahl, H F . . F Nicola. fR} 1,000 Kalman, Isaac, 341 Henry. ,T J ColUns

Barber Pixtures. ri76 Karmei. Hy. Swain, R G. 3.15 20th. Brook­

lyn. .Lindh S: Teclen. Press. So Klett. Geo, Jr. Van Nest. .Geo Klett. Bo ' t 'er

Fixiures. (R> 1^400 Kreeker, Richd. 972 1st av. .J Dahtifs Son§.

Biittet* Fixtures, ftc. 25 klossk, A aud S. 61 Pike, .J Richmond.

Soda Bottler. 311 Krauss, Hy. 130 E S d . . H y Muntz. Horse.

S^e. Milk Fixturea. 175 Kelly, Sarah. Foot Whitehall. . D J Mur­

phy. Boats. (R) SOO Kehlenheck, Dick. .H Hauck. Coal Wagon.

200 Koplan. r . .T J CoIIlna. (R) 120 Kar-o Tony, fl-I2 B 1 1 4 t h . . . . B Diamond.

Butcher Fixtures. 25 Loewenstein, Carl. 2 and 4 W 33d. .Joseph

Loewenstein. Office Fixtures. 500 Lane. J H. 812 and 814 Western Boulevard

H Wagner. Pool Tnhle. 175 Ldfigfiian, Jacob. 2 Orchard, .F & G HSag St

fn P ' .^hnr PiTMi—n 43") Lebenhetm, L, .Wagner & S. fRl 40 Menz. Max. 1500 3d av. .W Thomann. Bak­

ery Fixturea. 4,600 Messina fe D Alessancho. 8G8 Oolumbus av

. , 1 Ma7znla. i'hoemaker. 100 Meyer ft Hill. 265 Broadway. ,A H Salomon

Machlnea, 424 jriMelman, B. 305 E 3d. .S Bernstein. Sv-

Phon. 143 Moio«on. Llzztei 130 EasI Broadway. .W.

Horfman. Grocery Fixtures. 400 MoOf-e. J J, 153 B 113th. .C C SchUdwachter.

Livery Fixtures. 450 Muller, Anthony. .T Hollmann. Horaeg, ftc.

300 Martin!, P and J. 732 Sroadway. .J Souvay..

Barber Fixturea. 489 Maver. Jol-n G. 200 E lOOlh. .Annie Maye''.

Express Fixtures, ftc. . 2.000 Maver. John. 24 B 4th. .Duparquet, H ft; M

Co. Range. 94 McDermott, J C. 17 E 27fh. .Hlncks & J.

dab, 600

Miller, M and G. §4 W 301&. ,G Backs. Ci­gar Fixturea. 50

Morrison, Robl. 4fith at and 8th av. ,W Kle-^.' man. Store Fixtures, i!S7

Morris, Danl. 28 B SSth. . Hincks & j . Cai.. (R) 5-0

Marf & Schoenbrunn. 21)0 Pleasant av..7p Wegnet. Grocery Fixtures. 200

Max, J C . A r c h e r Mfg Co. (R) i|I8 McAuliff fi Booth. -317 W 125th. .H. i rem L

A. Press, ftc. IOO Mirabella, M. 1708 Park av. . F Ficario. Bar­

ber Fixtures. 30O Miller, David. 359 F r o n t . . M Dranow, Gro­

cery Fixtures. 125 Munsey, F A'. .Mergenlhaler L Co. .Machine.

leaee Monaco, N. .Archer Mfg Co. {R) 448 Montenero, Donato. 5S3 Courtlandt av. .Sea­

board Milling Co. Bakery Fixtures. 126 Muller & Buskirk. .Archer Mfg Co, (R) 511 Morano, Jos. 2186 1st av. .B & S. Poo!

Table, (R) 100 North Bros. 721 Westcheater av. .Hoepfner

ft; W. Truck. 235 Neekin, F. 341 G r a n d . . . . S Shereshefsky.

Stand Fixiures. 150 Nathanson & Workman. 238 B o w e r y . . , . M

Levin. Fixtures, 35 Noone, Rose, 1S3 West End av . . j W Coflv

& Co. Blacksmith Fixtures. 850 O'Brien. Cath. . j Glackner. (R) 600 Oeste. Hy. 40 FrankUn. . F ft G Haag fe Co.

Barber Pixtures, (R) 125 Oppenheimer, S, 14 Chriatopher. .Roeser fi

Sommer. Gas Fixtures. 130 Same. . . .same. Gas Fixtures, 35 Oppenheimer, Saml. 1358 5th av. .S Wass-

tnan. Butcher Pixtures, 200 O'Halloran, Reilly. S2S and SSO 7lh av. ,C

Mooney, Livery Fixturea. secures rent Olff. Louis, 504 6th a v . . . . J Xiques. Pool

Tables. SOO Perlno & Vincet t . 2 W l S t h . . P Weslphal.

Barber Fixtures. 324 Pierce. Robt, 812-020 7th av. .Hincks & J,

Coaches. fR) 1,000 Flzzo, Michael. 358 E 116th. .Archer Mfg

Co. Barber Fixtures. 117 Pollak. M, 254 E 3d. .E Diamond, Biifcher

Fixtures. 105 Parente, A. 1 Orchard. .M O Lombardi. Bar­

ber Fixtures. 110 Pastore, F. 153 Whits Plains av. .T J Col­

lins, (Rj 20 Peet, Fannie D. .G Hogenkamp. (H) 1,41K) QUenCer, W J, 4011 W 5 i i h , . M a r y A Qu'n-

cei'. Brdg Fixtures. (R) 4.l>''0 Rahbifts, L e o n . . H Telll-eira. (Rl r.^O Rslniers^ B N. 46 Greenwich. .J Loster. Gro­

cery Fixtures. SOU Richards, G A, Roylslon Ho te l . . J D McEn­

tee. Medical Instruments. &c. 202 Rodenbaeh. W J, 827 Washington. .B ft S.

Pool Table. . _ (R) 125 Rossi, Louis. . 297 Av C, .J Commeau. Bar­

ber P'ixtures. 305 Rosenfieid, Sol. 41 Essex. .J Kahn. Drug

Fixiures. (R) 975 Kudel. A H. .K Most. (R) flOO Ryan fe McEwan. 103 Walker. .W J Crogent.

Machinery, 60 HogOw Se Bareshou. 678 and 680 Water . .M

Lawler. Wagon. 12 Rdoney. Andrew. . P Mctjuade, (R) 3,500 Rosenberg. Morris, l iO Elizabelh. . . ; J J

Graeber, Horse, ftc. 45 Ranch, (Sustav. 132 E 3d. .Damon Peets Co.

Press. • 35 Reich, Phil. 35 Sheriff. .J Hirsch. Machines.

70 RIpoli, G. 317 Bowery , .P Corchia. Barber

Fixiures. lOO Rosenthal, Wm. 353 E 4 th . .M Goldblatt.

Horse, fed, 180 Ruehl. Bd. OS!) Washiugton av. .Hoepfner

A W. Wagon. 102 Sanders, Wm. 21flO Valentiiie av. ,G N Rein­

hardt & Oo, Horses, fto, 100 Schurr, G P. 516 3d a v . . C A Bereuter.

Pool Table. 408 Schmitt, Adam. .P Westphal. (R) 175 Schiilum, Louis. 252 Monroe. .J Kranler. Coal

Wagon. _ _ 215 SUeler. Oscar. 74 W 97th . .F & G Haag &

Co, Bather Fixiures. (R) 148 Slrit tmatter, Aug, Forest av and Cedar pl. .

B & S . Bottler Fixtures. (R) 450 Stripe, H G . , H A Parr. (R) 46 Sullivan & Krause. Dewey Theatre. .Manito­

woc! Seating Co. Chairs. contract Scelzo. F . .Archer Mfg Co. (R) 29 Schmalz.L. 301 E S2d. .Eardley & W, Press. 50 Schumacher, G. .G Dessecker. Coach. 225 Seta, Chas, -588 Willis av. .G Laurouf. Bar­

ber Fixtures. 100 S(;hwenn, J . .T J Conins. (R) 178 Servoos, R D. 9 Murray. .Mutual L Assoc.

Printer Fixtures. 100 Shelley, D J, 136 W 137th. .Fisa , Doerr fi

C H Co. Horsea. (R) 177 Skinner, Edith. F R. .M M Hunger. (R) 2,000 Smith, J A. 146 W 50th. .R Rainforth. Bar­

ber Fixtures. (Rl 40 Smith, Archie. 183 Weat End a v . - H Wag-

Der. Pool. 135 Trapaun, Isaac. 26+ B Houston. .B Dia­

mond. Butcher FlxtureB. 15 turkhe lmer , B A. 14tli at and 4tb av. WIIl-

Umsbrldga. .Hoepfner & W. Wagon. 15S

681 Tl 'Record and Guide -ir November 5, 1898.

T h o m p s o n H C . . W Man. S u r v e y o r F i x t u r e s , ftc. 5 0 0

T h o m p s o n . W . 57 I r v i n g p l . . F i s s , D o e r r & C H Co. H o r s e s . (R) 1,465

Ti l lmann , Sol. 4 3 9 E 1 3 t h . . P F a u l h a b e r .

R R, 3 1 6 E 9 8 t h , , J 2 2 5

L u k a s c h . 200

Soda F l x -1,050

(R) 120 J a c o b s &


T r u c k , U l l m a n n .

W a g o n . U p t e r , Hy . 175 L u d l o w . , 1 K a r p .

t u r e s . Voydl , L e o p o l d . . P F Schmi t t . Von G l a h n , John , U n i o n p o r t . . S

Sons. F a r m e r F i x t " - e s . V a n N o r m a n , A R. 2 7 8 . 280 a n d 282 W 7 1 s t

. . H Lee. School F i x t u r e s . , s ecu re s r e n t S a m e . . s a m e . School F i x t u r e s . 2 , 0 0 0 W e i n s t e i n & Goldberg. 10 and 12 R e a d e . .

M u t u a l L Assoc. M a c h i n e . &c . 2 0 0 W a l l a c e , J G, 147 W 5 5 l h , . H A Pos t . Coach .

2 2 5 W a l k e r , J o h n . .M A r m s l r o n g & C o . ' Cah . 6 9 0 Wasself , Saml . 1 2 9 0 L e x i n g t o n a v . . C l a r a

Wasse l f . D r u g F i x t u r e s . 1.200 W e i s s . Saml . 147 an d 1 4 9 A t t o r n e y . .D H e m - _

ley. Machines . 6 5 Wolf. H a r r i s . . B Tolk. (Rl oOO W c k i n g m e n ' s P u b l i s h i n g Assoc. 9 R u t g e r s . .

S Spies e t a l . P r e s s , ftc. 7 0 0 W a x . Rosa . 2 3 2 6 2d a v . . H B r a n d . Butcher_

F i x t u r e s . 156 W i l k i n , F r a n k . Grand a n d L u d l o w . . A Reg-

n ick . S t a n d . 3 0 Wolf . T h e r e s a . 4 0 W 1 4 t h . . . .ConsoUda ted

r e n t a l Mf^ Co. Taenia] F i x t u r e s . 2 2 5 Yaxog low, A. 1 5 8 F u l t o n . . F i s c h e r Bros ._

S tore F i x t u r e s . 3 5 0 Z i m m e r , C h a s . F r e s h P o n d r o a d and Cooper

av, " Q u e e n s " . ,C K o r n e r , P a r m e r F i x t u r e s . 2 2 5

Z o t t o . F r a n k . . J Souvay . (R^ 5 4 3 Z w e r n b a u m , L, 14 Chr i s t i e a n d 6 8 B a y a r d . .

N a t L A. M a c h i n e s . 100 SALOON AND RESTAURANT F I X T U R E S .

Adier E J. 1S21 Amslerdam av . .G Bhret , S1.200 Aminelti. G. 217 J l u l b e r r y . . V FaloUco. Bes-

taurant . , „ 1" ' ' Archbold, Elen. 147451 W Soth. .Lembeck Se B.

Adrian. Jos . 251 W a t e r and 22 Peck Slip ' . . B & S . (R> l-;>00

Baiocchl Emanue l . 172 Bleecker. . W H F r a n k . 41:1

Bankowski . Karol , IfIS 23 . .Excelsior B Cn. 2.241 Bennett , Cath, 582 7th av . .B Se S. (Rl ^.000 Betzold, Louis. 4fi6 3d av, Brooklyn . .Mlncif

Erns ft Go 50O Elieh R W, ' 477 Amsterdam av . .B St S. (B) 4 (Vlfl Brntier, M L. 141 T H r h , ,J Ruppert , (R) 2,792 Bullwlnkle. Geo. 51 CourUandt. ,P Bal .amine

B u r n s S A. fil.«-.'i5n Willis av . .B fe S, 0 ROD Burns . Archibald. 109?,-95 3d av . .T Eisele. Res­

tauran t , „ ' W Bultell J ,L 2S6 Willis av . .M Reischman Sons,

Tables, fee. , ,_ 66 Boschen, F L. ^ 118 Centre . .E J ^ ' ^ ™ * | ^ ^ ' { ^SJ

Baecher , Celestin. 504 W 53d. .Bachmann

Bauer . Cbas. S l l fith a v . .G Ehre t , (R) L500 Bernkowski , W. 141 21st st . Brooklyn. . W Ul­

mer • *oo Balrer M A. Webs te r av and S Boulevard . .A

Hunfel . <R;1 ^™ Bed'>maTm, G A, 21fi2 2d av , .G Ringler . 1.400 Binninger . J and L. Wliite P la ins road , .A " " J P - ^

fg] (R) 400 Casfidv M -T. S15 Rd nv. .B & S. (R) S.OOO Cc-fnran, Thos. S81 IOth a v . .Bishop & B Co.

P u m p '•^ Caplan H R. 67 St Mark? pl . .G E h r e t . (Rl 7,500 CarduUi fe Stanzianl . 469 E 151st. .B & S Cuperman. S and E. 1349 2d av . . W H P r a n k .

Conlan Jas . 592 l l t h a v . . W L Flanagan' , (R.) l.rillu

Colucci, D. 143 S n l l i v a n . . B fe S. 1.000 Davison, Sol. 594 Broadway, . .Excelsior B Co.

400 DevEurort . Jas , 115 Broad. . .E R Biehler. Res­

tauran t . „ 110 Dokel U W. 150 W, 1 0 t h . . C Stein. 3,200 Donnvan, D J. 143 120th st cor Lexington av , .

B fe S. 2.4IW Duerk. Chas. 163 Bth av, Bklyn. .Obermeyer &

Duffe H W. 99 Nost rand av. B r o o k l y n . . Schmilt fe s. (R)

Diin-ll A!on7o. 226 F u l t o n , , C Frese , 2.200 DufTv Pat . 11 and 13 E FiDlb. .Consumer . 2.000 Delsnidpr, W H . 100 3d av, Brooklyn, .Danen­

berg fe C. _ 1.5"0 Eisemann, Pred. S4 Gansevoort . .W Pe te r ^

Rva. Hv. 248 lOlli av . .G F h e r t . i.OOO Faien Fred. lOR Poarl . .P Bailantioe. (R) 3 r>nO PpVii-enhollK. BerthT. i r S l I s ' av . . ^ Se S. (R) 3.500 Peinberg , Max. 72 C o l u m b i a . . D Stevenson.

(R) ni4 Finnegan. P J. 527 W fiOih..B & S. 600 Frollicb, Chas. 222-224 Elizabeth. .Bishop Sc B

Co. 80 F s r r e i l P S . 282 H u d s o n . .G Rineier . (R) 2.000 P i ' c h e r , Chas- 44R W .^Rth. .G Eliret . (R) SOO Fisber , L. 423 WIUIs av . . H D Be rne r Co.

P u m p . - 112 F lvnn . J J. Coney I s l and . .Schmi t t fe S. (R) 1,000 Follies Louis . 95 Amsterdam a v , , H Smitli.

Res tau ran t . 400 Fr i"d lander . Jos, 261 3(1 av . . P Skelly. 350 C r d e s D, 70 r ' i f t . .Cnnsuraer. (R) L.'i.iO Gilhulv, M .1. 2110 Pth a v . . J G Hupfel, 2,000 Gcid ' toin, Peter . 1413 Myrtle av. B k l y n . . M

Seitz. S.'iS Gu-Iielmnni, Luigl. S5 W 3d. .J Kress . (R) 400 Go^flnesF. Phi l ip . 431 C a n a l . . G Rins le r . (Rl 1,1?il Hortel , H E. 1644 3d av . .G EhrPt. (R) T..=500 H o T t . Hy . 424 E 1023. . K a t r i n a Hor th . Res ­

t au ran t . 4^ Holtgrewp. H W. 1 S t a t e . . G Ehre t . (Rl 2.000 Hot7,. F W. 321 5 t b . . G Ringler . (R) 100 HaJinon. Thos. 206 Columbia. . J Ruppert . CR) 1.420

Har t , T M. 257 Av A.. .B fe S. (R) 2.985 Hausen & Borkheira. 188 3d av . .B ft S. (Rl 2,870 Healy, Thomas . 143 Columbus a v . . J Rupper t .

Hirshkind. Hy. ISIS Will iam, , J Ruppert . (R) 4!092 Holzer. Max, 3S6 I s t av. .M Levin, 20 Hudtwalker . Wm, 246 Flushing av, B k l y n . . .

consumer . (R) ^ . ^ 0 Fuemmfr i ch , E, 252 K fiOth. .C Stem. 2.000 Hau=ler . Reinhold. 156th s t and Wes tches te r

a v . . M T Garvey. l.oOO H e r m a n n Richd. 432 W B r o a d w a y . . C Je t ter ,

R e s t a u r a n t . „ (R) 22o Hi-sseman fe Dreyer . Boulevard and 109th s t . ,

M Reischmann & Son, Tables, fee. 66 Hnctor, Jobn . 149 W n l s t , . J Rupp- r t , 800 Hynes . P H. 278 Tth av . .W L F l a n a g a n ,

(Rl 5.000 Jarobs fe Queen. 125 Macdouga l . .H J Welr>i,

Hotel, Res taurant , fee. 2..o0') J a m b s Maurice. .'i4 61h av . .D Stev-n^on. (Ri 1 nOO Jehie. Kernel . 225 W Gfith. .P Skelly. (Rl 1 701 Ke^nev P J. 2000 2i3 av . .B fe S. fR) 2,]nft Ke ' ly " T J . SmS-W 3d av , ,B Sc S. (R) 1.1^10 Kola, Hv, POl W 20th. .C B Wur t raann . (R) 5 ono Kapner." AdolDb- 70 S o u t h . . J F Betz. 3 000 Same. 84 snd SR V e s e y . . s a m e . 2,000 Kennedy Wm. 468 Greenwifh. .B fe S. 300 Kl^rnpr . Hv. Rock.-'way. . 0 H u b T . (R) 500 Kleine, H and W. 1.15 Ceflar. ,G Ehre t . (Rl 3,100 Kea rnev . Mar t in . 6.12 10th a v . . J Rupner t .

(Rl 2.262 Kennedy Jos . 127 9th a v . - W L F l a n a g a n ,

{ R I S 300 Ki lmur rav , Peter , 130 Oth av, .Colonial By. 1,200 Kip'n Wilhelm, 112 and 114 C a n n o n . . W L

F l a n a e a n , (Rl 4.000 Korn. Moritz. 2S7 E H o u s t o n . . J Spiegel. Res-_

fa i i ra r t . - JJ Eame. . same. 300 KrnniPr. Cbas . 104 Bowery . .M Reichmann

Son. Tables . 1.058 La%'en'lol, G S. 67 Gansevnor t . .B fe S. I , 4 i 5 Lpbovit^ J S4 Eiariclse'. , P Weidmann, fR) 400 Lfirdi. Thos. 23 Clinton p l . . H Schroer. Res -

faursn t . ^^ Lott . Thcs M S- 166 W P S I Broadway. .B fe S. 2 600 L i ' t ' Sophia. 126 Newtown road, L I C l t v . . P

Skelly. ( R ' 725 Lor-I;e, C S. l?Rth Bt and Brook av , .H D Ber­

ner Cn. Pumn. 1"S Lenz Kat ie . 216 W S 4 ' h . - B & S. (R) 2,000 Li l ienthal , W H. JOSO P a r k a v . , G Rineler .

(R) 3.OOO Loewv. Saml. 773 2d a v , , N a s s a u B Co, 1.500 Lux "Robt. 134 .Mien, ,RubPam fe H . 1.000 L v n a m . M J . 504 1st a v . . G Ehre t . (R) 500 Mpflflan, C H . 152d s t and Nor th R i v e r . . J

Eichler. I . " " " Mr-ncels, F ibe . 1800 3d av . .G Ehre t . (Rl 2.000 Maver fe O'Brien. 57 and 59 Great J o n e s . , N a s ­

sau B Co. ftOO Maher , J a s . 1331 T r e m o n t a v . . P Bal lant ine ,

1,200 McColgan, J J. 227 P a r k R o w . . O Huhor .

(R) 1.500 Miller Geo. 36 F o r s y t h , .S Koodinofskv, 150 Monatsberi ier . F r i t z . 1708 2d av . .G Ehre t .

(R) 1,500 Mutarel l i . Giusepne. 122 M u l b e r r y . , C Frese , 2"0 Marks, David. 73 N Moore.. .C Tba. 675 !ifaus Lnuise, Lion P a r k . . .B & S. (R) fl ^00 Mnver. Guatav. 3102 3d av. .A Hupfel . 5 000 McCabe Jas . 701 Columbus a v . - B fe S. (R) 4,000 McCarthy. Pat . 5.55 W 5T th . .D Stevenson.

(R) 900 McCarthy. Jeremiah, 325-327 West . . ,B fe S.

(R) S.cni McKeon. P P . 2.114 3d av . . J Eichler . 5 001 Same. 219R 33 av . .T Eichler. 5.000 McMahan. Jas . 2669 3d av . .B & S. (R) 4.000 Menn Jas . Tth av and 133d s t . .D Stevenson.

(V) 4.340 Midland Hotel Co. 108 W 34tli. .B fe S, (R) 3 000 Muller. Caroline. 1144 1st av. .B fe S. 2 910 Madden C H . 1523 st and North R ive r . .C Rae .

3.000 Marsehese Frni>k. 327 R lOTtVi. .G Rins lor . 162 Maver C A. 1349 Broadway, B r o o k l y n , , W Ul­

mer . 2.500 Mpver. Benjamin. 62 Av U, .J Rupner t . (R) 2.400 Michaelson. Sussman. 72 Belmont av. Brook­

lvn . .L L a r g e r . . 75 Neuman . Michael. 37 S tan ton . .S Levin. Res ­

t a u r a n t 55 Nash. Isidor. 342 Tth av . .Karsch B Co. 4.00!) Neumann . I H. 219 Cent re . .Congress B Co.

(R) 750 Oher laskamp, Ju l ius . 503 6 lh . .Bachmann ,

(Rl 1.500 Oherst C. 204 and 206 Church . .B fe S. (Rl 4,113 Ordemann, C H, 14.55 2d av . ,G Ehre t , fR) 3.000 Purnh.Teen, W & H. 108 Reld av. B k l v n . . .

CnnFUTOPr. (R) 2,500 O'Keefe. W D . 7 P a r k ol . . B fe S. (R) 2.000 Per ls te in , Louis , 96 M o n r o e . - E a s t e r n B Co,

CR) 600 P r a n g e ft L ledemann. 989 3d a v , .W L P l a n ­

aeran. (R) 3.000 Reillv, John. 1714 Amsterdam av. .D Stev i -son .

( R ) 3 650 Riley. F L. 21S0 3d av. .Pmprald fe P B C". 6.0J7 Rons. Phil ip. f-nP. 2d av. .V Ln"w=rs. (Rl 2,000 Rose, J H, 1754 Park av . .B ft S. (Rl 900 Rn^enhach. David. 15 l s t . . G Rins le r . (Rl 675 Schwartz . Saml. 1889 2d av . .Danenbe rg Sc C.

1,054 SchwaleTibpre:, P red . 97 and 99 Borden av. I, T

Citv. .G Ebre t . fR) 3.000 'SchuHhels F o r t George Casino. P o r t G p o r e e . .

G Ehre t . (R) 20,000 Shea, J a s . 429 8th a v . , C Fr f sp , 4,000 Smith. Matthew. 26 R S5th. ,G Ringler , (Rl 2.4SO Smolensky. Jos . 350 Canal . .G Ringler . (Rl 1.200 Skuse, T S. 19 M a n h a t t a n . .B fe S. (Rl 2.100 Soccorato fe Cangro. 40. 1 R 112tb, .B fe S, (R) 9.- 0 Scblerfsteln. Minnie. 177 C l in ton . .D Steven-on.

(R) 5no Sehwartz, H v . 0 r i i n t c n . . . J Kress, 646 Schemer, E E, 522 Flushing av, L I C I ( y , . . J

Rupner t . fR) 413 Schmidt. Wm. 189 P a r k Row. . .B fe S. (Rl 2 OOT Scblpner. Louis . 4^1 3d av . .B fe S. (R) 3,001 pphneider. .lulla. ,12R7 3d av . .A H n o M . 2,300 Schueler, Casper. 183 Christie. , J Hoftmann,

(Rl 550 Schrneder, Fred, 63 Bleecker, . .Cleveland Fau ­

cet Co. Pump. 120 Seickel, Andreas . 640 E 9 t h , , J Hoffmann. 458 Snedeker . J B. 622 Linwood st, Brooklyn. .

W DUner. 881

Shea, John. ' 1512 2d av , .B & S. 7.000 Staubly, J H, 275 Av B, . ,D Sfevonson. (Rl 1,200 Thoma. Jacob. 1605 1st a v , . G Eber t . (R) 700 Todd, Jas , 399 7tli av, .G Bhret . (Rl 5.200 Tor re , Giuseppe. 73 T h o m p s o n . . J C G H u p -

to). (Rl 100 Volpe 'D and A. I I S Mulber ry . .Eas te rn B Co.

(R) 800 Vsetcka fe Kropacek . 406 E 7 3 3 . . E a s t e r n R

Co. 1-050 Vickers S-. IMoselov, 102 Sth av . . B & S . 5 ''OO Wate r s W P. 435 l l t h av. .T) S'evepsnn. (Rl 2,091 Walsh John. lOPfi 2d a v . . D Slev^-nson. (R) 2.122 Weber. Saml. 62 W a l k e r . . . E R Biehler. Res­

taurant , 35 Wesp, Jacob. 407-400 W Bou leva rd . .B fe S.

(R) 1,200 Wolnin. Adolph, 108-110 Eldr idge. .S Levin.

Rpstnurant . 125 Wolfert7. F H. 248 I s t av . .NaU L A. Res­

taurant . 1^0 W n e n e r . .'albrecht. 1465 3d a v . .G F h r e t . (R) 2,500 W a e n e r . Albert . ?"1 D u a p p . . G Ehre t , (Rl 4 .^10 W a r d . J a s . 740 7th av. . J Rupner t , 3,500 TVpti Efl 21 CUntnTi..B Lipbmann. (R) 800 Weber fe Fie lds . 1209 Broadway. . 0 H " b e r .

(R) 2.400 Worner . Geo. 315 E 9 l h . . B fe S. (R) 500 Whir t ley . H P U T V . 'UnioTinort. .P ft W Rblins-. 4.80 Zapharaicv. Louis . 23 Roosevel t . .P Pappanton .

Restnur.Tnt. 180 Zimmermann. T & C. S43 E Soth, ,A Hupfel,


Ahrens, Herman. SflR Oth av. . ,W Bowman. 168 Aklns, A. 217 Sull ivan. . .Cowperthwait fe Sona.

107 AUher. .\. 207 P 4t!'h. .T, Baumimn, 125 Allen. R T. 5 W •"Hh. ,L B a " m a n i , 106 Arnott r 16^ F m n n . . .L nnfman, l^iO Avant J R. 152 w 32(1.. .D O'Parrell . 526 AusUn. Alice. 20 Fleet pl, Bklyn . . .L Eaumann

129 Arcnncls. P . 352 E 115tb . . M u l n ' l L A. 100 All^nn H T. 105 ™' 101=t, .T R K'ar iP fe Co. 123 Anilpffin ^T L ^fio W "3(1. .Mi ' iual T, A. 200 Att i la . Lf^'iis. 4*? W '>,i=ih , . J n r^an , -M ft Cn, 113 Ba rne t t TPler. RK* R " I ' h M n i h a t ' a n L A, 100 Barnps, C L, 406 W 5fith, ,N" t L A. 100 B^'iirk ft Grossman. 63 Macdougal . . Jordan fe

M. 2^6 BlVrPll. Belle. 1.568 Rroadway. . .TJ Ba ' imann. l7S B>ckm.-in. Mamie. 52d st and Broadway. . . T . _

Baumann . 555 Blnnmin'" 'a le . Wv. 2-=6 W 14th. .A Kramer . 3.000 Banks . F l ' z . 24S VJ ?5(h. .J Baumann. 281 Barre t t .Tohn. 291 W l 4 2 r l . . L Baumann . 145 BaversVa P. 211 ^V 105th. . J Paumnnn . 119 Peers Cath. 456 Manhmtan av. .B Bai 'maon. 161 Bennineer Mary. 2^7 "W 10'h . .T Raunionn. 119 Bif'fpld. Emily.' 245 E 51st. .Cowperthwait fe

Snns. TJ4 P1a?rtpll A M. 45 W 60th. .T B a u m a i n . 200 Bdwpp V a r y . 56 Plon^iant av . . J Baumann . 141 PranrI Lena'. 204 E 5th . L Ro'-sman. 83 Brandenburg . Amelia. 323 E 9 f h . . J o r a a n & M.

178 Bishop. A G. 136 W 2 1 s t . . W e h e r W Co. P i ­

ano. 425 Buckley. J ane . 116 B 92d. .Es tey & S. P lane .

250 Bi 'ohler. K. 412 W 'lOth, .Wobor W Co. Piano. 300 Pairi) , .Tulla, 116 W 47th . ,TJ Baumann , 445 Rp'forrt LizTiP. 2"3 1 32(1. .T, B i u m a n n . 131 Boll P C. 140 'W I l O t h . . L B-iumann. 17.S Rpi-ins J D, 209 R fi"fl..L Bnnmann . 192 BicV-man, F W, 1'64 5th a v . . L B a u m a n n . ISO Brooks R ' la . 114 W 49tb Jordan , i ' & Co. 600 Cberrv , ""ars't. Arlington Hotel , W h i t e f l a i n s

rjiad. . E m p i r e L Co. 109 Cb 'nnening Club. 374V~ Grand . . K r a k a u e r Bros .

P i a n o . , 210 Corson P E . 53« R SOKii, .Mutual L A, 100 Carrol l . Victor, 75 E 4 th . .Cowper thwai t fe Son.

157 Castillo, .^nnle. ?23 T h o m p s o n . .T> O 'Far re l l . 400 Chri=ty. R J. ^07 w -tOth. .C Stemler. 135 ClRpn 'T> C . 106 w 44th. ,S Baumann , M 4 Cinrke Richd. 326 W 53t1..T B a u m a n n . 169 r i o r . Marv. 215 W ^-id. .C Bnrrer . 200 Ghorry. F r ances . TOR Rth av . .J Baumann . 113 Cchpn. D^Fid. 100 Graham av, B r o o k l y n . .

Cnwpprthwsi t fe Sen. 131 Collins, Matilda. 406 W 53d. . J Raumann . 100 Cntlins, Mrirtin. 244 R 46th . . J Baumann . 108 Collins, J P . 56 B 101st. .Cowper thwai t & Son.

109 Colonial Club. 794 3d av . .Cowper thwai t fe Son.

100 Connolly. Jnhn . 501 W 1 9 t h . . D O'Farrol l . 147 Cumings . Thos . 118 E l l t h . .Cowper thwiat fe

Son. n ? Curley A, 213 W 53d. .Cowporthwalt & Sons. 115 Curran'. Catb. 42R R 52d .J Baumnnn . 127 Cavnnach, T J. 258 W 2 3 d , . .T W Dimick. 1,500 Child A. ' 23 W l^ tb .Garvov Bros . .55+ Cler Marv. 215 W 2'>d. C Rcr rc s 200 rn losnn . A M. 101 W 106fb..T, B a u m a n n . 246 Dallentach M. 173 E 4 th . .Cowper thwai t fe

Sons. I W Darlintr. B W. 314 W 19th . .Na t L A. I.TO De Lange, I . 433 Central P a r k W e s t . , L Bau­

mann , 425 Do Lacey. Delia. 572 Park av . .Cowperthwait &•

SOPS, 323 Di Rla'^i, M, 49 B lORth. .Nat L A. 100 Dick P F 79 p o r r v . .L Bnumann . 172 Donlter R. 313 W 42d. .L Baumann . 123 Dooley. J J. 22 W eo th . .Cowper thwai t fe Sons.

258 Doolev Mary . 245 C l i i t o n . . J o r d a n fe M. 100 Dnrefhy, Ka t e . 130 W TOth. .Cowper thwai t ft

Sons, ^ ^"^ Drew Caroline. 100 W 90 th . .Weher W Co. P i -" aoo. 350

Dunham C 370 W I I R t h . . I . Pnumann . 126 Du Bose. P B. 41 W 3 4 t h , . L Baumann , ISfi Duffv Marv. .348 W 23d. .J Baumann . 225 Durnham. Mary. 2072 2d av . .Cowperthwait fe

Snns. * l l ' l Diimosch, H. 2216 Bth av , .Cowper thwai t fe

Sons. 114 Dwyer Mamie. 60 Beach. .Cowper thwai t ft

Sons. 148 Dewal . L 101 W 1 0 6 t h . . L Baumann . 142 Duff W J. 134S 5ih B v . , L Baumann . 149 DPVIVO A B . 48 W 91s f . .Mutua l L A. 150 Dimick. C J and E L. 100 W 109th. .St Bar tho l ­

omew L A. ZOO Edson, HatUe. 2147 7th av . . Indus t r ia l L A. iOO

Npvember 5, 1898. Record and Guide 683 Eames, C J. 74th st aad B o u l e v a r d . . L Bau­

mann. 342 Bkaw. S. 1227 P a r k av . .Cowperthwai t & Sons.

144 Ekerot . Chas. 122 E 127th., 'M Lion, 134 Eisinger & Cohn. S9 4th av . .L Reisman. 010 Elliott , Mary. 126 W 9l)th. .L Baumann . 417 Bdwardy, L. 48 W 6 j : h . .L Baumann . 537 F inkamaue r , P . 452 E 1201b. .L Baumann . 212 Prost , Lyd ia M. 78 Washington p l . . G a r v e y

Bros. • 142 PuUager, J P . 1462 Slh av . . L Baumann . 216 Faulkner . M E. 342 E 13th. .J Baumann . 136 Fi lch. F . 306 W 4th . .Cowper thwai t fe Sons. 167 Piske, Greenwood. 669 E 142d. .Cowperthwai t

& Sons. 228 Frost , Lydia. 73 Washington p l . . J Baumann . 325 Ful ler , Mary. 1869 3d a v . , E s t e y fe S, Piano, 150 Gerlach, M. 103 E S 9 i h . . L Baumann . 1,S2 Gerrard . D. 560 E 1 3 5 l h . . L Dorfman. 217 Gleeson, W F . 27 W 112th, .Cowper thwai t &

Sons. 131 Grossman, L. 520 E SSd. .Cowper thwai t fe Sons,

149 Gund, A, 376 B o w e r y . . L Baumann , 118 Same. 376 B r o a d w a y , , L Baumann , U S Finch, Louisa, 30 W 4Gth. .Mathushek Se Son.

P iauo. 300 Gebhard. EUse. 100 E 04th . . K r a k a u e r Bros.

Piano. 373 Gail, L. 1488 2d a v . . L Baumann . 123 Goldbach, Saml. 306 E 50th. .L Baumaun . 13S Gretsch. Jennie . 25 E 1 1 5 l h . . L Baumann . 113 Handy . F C. 160 E 7 1 s t . . L Baumann . 13:1 Har r i s , Ar thur . 266 W 25th . .Garvey Bros. 301 Hermanee . A C. 355 W 3 2 d . . L Baumanu . 135 Hope. W C. J r . 129 W 1.33d..L Baumaun . 192 Howard, G. 60 W 9 2 d . . L Baumann . 260 Heyraann, M and B. 101 B 65th . ,St Bar tholo­

mew L A. 200 Hernandez , E . 755 E 13Sth. . Jordan , M fe Co, lOfJ Hewitt , Isabel la , 122 W l i l lh . .St Bartholoraew

L A. 125 Houl ihan . J F . 275 Hudson . . Jo rdan fe M. 210 Hal l inan, M. 222 E 571h. .L Baumaun . 141 Healy. IsabeUa. 15G W 74th. .S Baumann . 147 Hinds , E J. 7th av and i:i7tb s t , . L Bauraanu, lliti Howard. Alida, 103 W 1 3 6 t h , , S Baumaan . 630 Hol iban, T. 110 E 5 4 l h , , L Baumann, 149 Hopewell, Jul ia , 418 W 3Gth, ,D O 'Far re l l . 17S Howard . H. 219 W 1 0 0 t h , , L Baumann, 249 Isaac, J B. .106 B 86 lb . .Collateral L A. IDO Illofski. P . 204 E S 4 l h . . L Baumann, 262 Ingersoll . Annie , 24 B 116th, . Jordan , 'M Se Co,

122 Jackson, J L. 669 E 136tb. .Mutua l L A. 100 Jackson. J L, G69 E 130th. .Mutua l L A. IOO Jones . Mary. 326 W 53d. . L Baumann , 1,10 Kaiser . A. 45 Broadway . .L Baumann, 307 Kahn . Bertba, 7S4 Greenwich, ,J Bauraann, 388 Kar l , Mamie. 128 W 3 5 t h . . L Baumanu . 643 Kar l , Mamie. 128 W 35th . .L Baumann . 4(ri Kane , J F . 1024 Jackson av . .American L Co. 125 Kass . Danl . 400 Grand, .Cowper thwai t & Sons.

155 Kendrick, J a s . 346 W 45th, . J Baumann, 310 Kieruan , Margt, 93 Bed fo rd . . J Baumann . 134 Klopper, Mary . 477 Centra l P a r k Wes t . .J Bau­

mann . 113 Kraft , R C. 290 Alexander av . .S Baumann , 180 Kloman, T W. 309 W l l l t h . L Baumann . 310 Kues tner . P. 760 E I39 tb , . Jordan , M fe Co. lii:i Ki rchner , W m . .Brooklyn L A. 100 Klaber . Eraraa. S to rage . .Mutual L A. 200 Klaber , Emil . S torage . ..Mutual L A. 20U Landeburg . H C. 72 W 94fb. .S Baumann . 23:J Loper, Charlot te . 211 W 4 6 t h . . L Baumann . 409 Loper, Charlot te . 211 W 4 6 t b . . L Baumaun . 236 S a m e . . L Baumann . 40!) Lillie. M. 243 W 5 5 f h . . L Baumann . l i S Lanoce, Jos . 351 B 41st. .J Baumann . 195 Lubasher , R. 61 E 123d . -L Baumann . 132 Laza rus , Alice. 354 W 3 2 d . . D O'Farre l l . 498 Levieu, Ophelia. 770 Lexington av. .S B a u m a n n .

447 Lo For te , Lino. 127 W oStb. . J Baumann . 1,19S Louries . Fel l ies . 20 W 6 5 t b . . J Baumann . 205 Le Paige, C E. 1 W 1.14th..L Baumann . 161 Liebeskind, H. 115 and 117 E 119th and 10 E

l l l t h , . L o r d fe Taylor . , 306 Landsberg . Johanna . 129 E SSd. .S t Bar tholo­

mew L A. 100 Lawler . O B. SGS Boulevard, ,Mutual L A. 200 Link, J H . . H a r l e m L A, 100 Mansfield, M H, 422 W 2 0 t l i . , T A Hiue . 450 Marfin, Amelia. 145 W 61st. , St Bar tholomew

L. A, 100 Meagher, S J. 215 E S l s t . .Mutual L A. IOO McCulloch, Stella, 104 W 52d. .Mathushek &

Son. P iano. 330 Mclves. J ane . 431 W 33d. .Mutual L A. 100 Melik. N. 54 and 50 E . Id . .Lord & Taylor . 210 Moses, Raphael . 84 E lOSth. .Globe L A. 150 Mulligan. T J . Wi l l iamsbr idge . .American L

Co. • 165 Marcus . A L. 116 E Olst . .Na t L A. 150 Mayhew. Ed. 1267 Broadway. . Jo rdan . M & Co,

106 McCormack, Mary. 227 W 15th. .D O'Farre l l . IRS McCready, B W. 2 W 1 0 1 s t . . L B a u m a n n . 365 McKeown. M J. .32 E 29th, .Manha t t an L A. 200 Mulvany, M C. 1151 'Park av, ,L Baumann . SIO Maltese, P S , 56 E 1 2 0 l h , , L Bauraanu. 147 Martyn, F S. 2329 7th av . .Fidel i tv L A, 200 Morgan, J ane . 161 W 7 5 t h , . F Aldhous. 2,800 Miskey, H L. 101 W 52d. .L Baumann . 126 Maule, Mary. 385 1st a v . .J Baumann . 120 McLaughl in . Mary. 147 E 4 0 t h . . D M Brown, 14S McMeumann, M. 330 E 48 lb . .Cowper thwai t &

Sons. 217 McGoldrick, Lizzie. 40 Lewis . . Jo rdan fe M. 103 Merritt, M E. 441 W End av . .Cowperthwait Sc

Sons. IOO Menby, W C. 351 Lenox a v . .Cowperthwait Se

Sons. iQQ Meyer, T S. llOfh st and 7th av . .Cowperthwait

& Sons. JOO Mischler. Chas. 78 W 4 8 t h . . J Baumann . 299 Morris. Mary, 189 W lOOth. .S Baumann. 322 Moo, G W. 161 W 106tb, ,L Baumann, 112 Moser, Marie, 207 E 33d. ,L Baumann. 126 Mordaunt.Glemenfie. 311 W 5 5 l h . . G N Y C Co. Moller. E L. Kingsbridge, . .S tar L A. 2iio Moore Annie. 133 W 26th. .D O'Farrel l . 164 Mulcahy, Kale . 60 W OSth. .S Baumann. 2.14 Murphy, N. 930 2d av. .L Baumann 151 Munro, B. 254 W 38lh. ,L Bauraann, 119 Nelson, Ester . 88lh s t and Madison av . .J Bau­

mann. i(j5 Nadel, P . 300 W 140th, .L Baumann. 129 Nellis, Dora H, 145 W 69th . .L Baumann . 151

Oakley, H L. 120 W 13th . .G N Y L Co. 100 Oberwager, S, 417 E C t h . . L Baumann. 129 Oleon, Henr ie t ta . 174 E 76th. .J Baumann. 139 Odinet, M. 241 W 31st. .L Bauraann. 384 Oakley, Helen L. 120 W 13th. .G N Y L Co. 100 Odinet, H P . 241 W S l s t . .S I He r sehmann . 129 O'Keefe, Ellen. 506 B 1 1 9 t h . . L Baumann , 127 Patton, M. 149 W 33d. .L Bauraann, 350 Peftingill, H. 268 Monroe., ,Cowperthwait fe

Sons. 105 Pidgeon, Ida. 354 W 5Gth. .S Baumann, 269 Powers, Lillie. 232 W 28th. .D O^Farrell. 115 Pr im, W S. 5 W 1.35th. .G N Y C Co. 100 Parodi , E L. 228 E 1 1 4 t h . . L Baumann . 122 Quatirocchlo, Rita. 323 W 1 7 t h , , J Baumann.148 Radker, M L, 1G5 Av A . , , J Baumann . 162 Rees, C E. L I City,. . L Baumann. 167 Roos, Delia. 514 W 5 0 t h . . L Baumann. 112 Rothermel , H W. 100 E 71st. .Star L A. 100 Rankins . A F. .321 W 45fh, .Mullins ft Sons. 330 Randenbush , Sadie. 246 1 0 8 t h . , J Michaels. 112 Raydt, Chas. 274 E 10th. .Standard L A. IUO Schein, P. 105 W 1 2 9 t h . . L Baumann. 113 Schlesinger, G ft P . 2516 Sth a v . .C Steraler. 336 Reilly, J J. 558 W I S l s t . .Cowperthwait & Sons,

140 Rink, John. 285 E 4 t h . . S h e r m a u Outfltting Co.

120 Rank ins . A F . 321 W 45fh. .'M Lloyd. 115 Reardon. Mary. 223 E 123d. .L Baumanu . 161 Reynolds, M 0 . 114 W SSth. . L Baumann . 123 Rose, Alice. 255 W 1 5 l h . . W O'Neill. 119 Ruseufeld, C S. 222 W 135tb. . L Baumann. 12.1 Roth, B. 10 E l I 2 i h . . . L Bauraann . 123 Raedig, Adam. 404 B 9 t h . .Manha t t an L .4. 110 Selden, E J K. 340 Manha t t an . .S t Bar tholo­

mew L A. 200 Sheahan, D B. 399 St Nicholas a v . . S t Bar­

tholomew L A. 100 Shirlaw, Mrs I. 793 E 161st. .Mathushek ft Son.

P iano. 275 Simon, Har r i s . 6 Wi l l e t t . .Mathushek fe Son.

P iano. 340 Siraon, Robt. 163a Madison av American L

Co. . 125 Sutton, Mathild. 498 M a n h a t t a n . . Jordan , M

& Co. 223 Sulorino, M M. 39 Whi teha l l . .Mutual L .'V. 150 Sanger, A. SO E l l l t h . .Mutual L A. 110 Schuhis . J A. 216 St Anns av . ,L Baumann. 150 Smith, B l l a . . R M Wal te r s . Piano. 215 Spero, Lazarus . 58 W 114th. . L Baumann . 176 Springer , H a n n a h . 15 W 103d. .S I He r sehmann .

309 S tewar t , W m . 273 Slh a v . . D O 'Par re l l . 131 Schivirner, Rose. 614 E olh , .B H Repelow.

Piauo. 110 Shaw, E C. 124 E l l t h . .L Baumann. 215 Sisson, E. City I s l a n d . . L Baumann . 428 Smilh, Alice. l:iS W 35lh. .J Baumann . 123 Smith, May. 57 Bayard. . Jordan ft M. 102 Sinclair, TiUie. 949 6th a v . . L B a u m a n n , 147 Smith, B. 172 E 90lh. .L Baumanu . 116 Same. .. .same. 146 Smith, Margt. 572 P a r k av . .L Baumann, 133 Spencer, T P. 107 Lexington av, ,L Baumann, 319 Soulhall, Lizzie. 1,33 W 26th. ,D O'Parrell'. 120 Spinger, Hannah . 15 West 103d. ,S 1 Herseh­

mann. 295 Stern, Mary, 208 W 46th . .Cowperthwait fe

Sons. , 383 Strebel, L. 112 7th a v . . L Baumaun . 139 Stollenberg, Mary. 200 E SOth, .S Heyman Co. lS l Sylva. Margt, 16 W 104tb, .Cowperthwait ft Son.

233 Trueman, G B, 104 Sth av . . Jordan ft M. 142 Taylor, S. 68 W 93d. .L Baumann 271 Thompson, Cora, 1S3S 7fh a v . . L B a u m a n n . 454 Toelberg, Marie. 1219 Hoe av , ,Star L A, 200 Taylor, M. 770 E l a i d , .L Baumaun . 280 Thompson. E R, 358 W 5 1 s t . . M u l u a l L A. 200 Tobin, M F . 401 E 77th. .Manha t t an L A. 100 Vogt, Aug. 2138 S Boulevard . . N a t L A. 150 Von Lange . Mathilda. 7 E 1 1 2 t h , . L Baumann .

139 Van Wyck, J G, 342 Amsterdam av . . J Bau­

mann. 156 Valentine, B. 754 Sth av. .L Baumann . I l l Vinson. M. 373 W 56th. . L Baumann. 134 Von Oertzen, Ella. 163 E 87th. .L Baumann. 116 Wagner, C. 1657 3d av. .Cowperthwai t ft Sons.

170 Wagner. Wm. 4.56 W 35th. ,D O'Farrel l , 134 Wamhoff, J D. 523 E S 3 d . . J Baumann. 188 WaUace, Alice. 310 W 26th. .S 1 Hersehmann.

132 Wallen, A. 248 W 9 9 t h . . L Bauraann. 210 Ward. W C. 112 W 25th. ,L Baumann. 331 Warfield. M W. 241 W 29fh. ,J Gregg fe Co. 107 Weis, Annie. 516 E Sls t . .S I Hersehmann . 199 Wenige. Joseph. 7 i0 E 173d. . L Baumann, 210 Weiss & Inglessi . 109 E 19th. .S I H e r s e h m a n n .

582 Weiss, C. Por t Richmond. . .L Baumann, 280 Weiss. Wm, 63 E 122d. . L Baumann . 153 West, Flora. 206 E 36tb . .CowpErfhwaif ft Sons.

139 Williams, J T. 152 B 49fh. . J R Keane & Co. 249 Wihrler . L W. 214 E Sls t . .L Baumaun . 185 Wilson, Emma. 177 W 2 6 t h . . D O'Farrel l . 175 Wigg, A R. 200 W 27lh. .L Baumanu. 121 Williams, A V. 326 W 5 3 d . . D O'Farrel l . 323 Wilson, J B. 142 E 4Sth. .L Baumaun. 177 Wil l iamson, C C. 74 W 4 5 t h . . L Baumann . 112 Woollen, H. 15 W 63d. .L Baumann. 133 Wal l , J E . 642 E 141st. . L Baumann . 204 Wachte l . Jos . 134 W 1091b. . L B a u m a n n . 163 West , L a u r a . 142 Lexington a v . . L Baumann .

600 Will is , Paul ine . 216 W 4 6 t h . . G a r v e y Bros . 369 Walsh , Ka te .A 48 Mad i son . .S t Bar tholomew

L A. 100 White , J D and C N. 453 W 2 3 d . . G Beck 252 Wil l iamson, Addie. 227 W 34th . . Jo rdan . M fe

Co. 260 Zabinskie. Martha. S W 133d. .Cowperthwait &

Sons. 135


Altman, David. 208 Bowery. .W S Wood. Photo Fixtures . 1,500

Atlantic Bott l ing Co. 61 P ike . .A S Klossk. Soda Bott ler . 1,361

Brady, S M. 93d at and Riverside D r i v e , . W J Woods, Horses . Truck, fee, 375

Banso, G. 1559 Lexington a v . . F Camlolo. Bar­ber Fix turea . 335

Bailey, A E ft Co. 1290 Lexinglon av. .S War-self. Drug Fixtures . 920

Behnken, J D, 636 E 137th. .M Gerke. Grocery Fixtures . 1,300

Billings, Gertrude. 861 Columbus av . .M K Rob­ins. Saloon. 150

Block, Rubin. 24 Orchard. . ,M Fr iedman. Buteher F ix tures , 75

Bonajiuto, P r a n k . 328 Sth av . .S Caputa, Bar­ber Fixtures . 1

Dil lemuth, Fred . 824 Cour t landt a v . . S Glum. • Bakery Fixtures , 300

Eisele. Theo. 1093-1095 3d av . .A Burns . Res­tauran t . 1,000

Epstein, Louis. 362 Madison. .Swpilcr & Bp­stein. Horses, Trucks , ftc. 300

Esposto, P . 5 Bat tery pl . .N Laura . Barber Fix­tures . 1

Frees , C A. 853 Broadway. .El iza Frees . Ma­chinery, fee. 1

F ie i schmann, Jacob. 12 Av D. .H Weinstock. Battery P ix tures . 425

Fr iedlander , Ar thur . 2183 Sth av . .A Carrier . Drug F ix iures . 3,00 >

Gantz, N a t h a n . 187 Division. . F a n n i e Gantz . Bologna F ix tu res . 100

Gahagan, Thos. 1191 Washington a v . . M a r y E Gahagan. F u r n i t u r e . 1

Gordon, Isidor, 2S91 3d av . .E Nathanson. Shoes, fee. 2,000

Gurfein & Weiss. 188 Delancey. .Olga Sohwarz. Umbrella Fixtures . 2^0

Giauuelli, Giovanni. 12S M c D o u g a l . . P Ceri. Butcher P ix tu res . 125

Hutchinson . J T. 513Y2 Columbus a v , , A fe M Zilleisher. Tailor F ix tures . 35

Hebeler . Philip, 2082 Lexington a v , ,P Conigllo, Barber F ix tures , 100

Hal ly . J M, 229 E 9 5 t h . . C Wagner . Candy F ix iu res , fee. 155

Hormann . Matilda. 233 E 7 7 t h . . C MarUns. P u r n i t u r e . 200

Jul ian, Hy. 273 W Broadway, . . Jennie Jul ian. Cloth, Sec. 1

Kinney, Geo, 164 and 166 W Broadway, . T M S Lotf, Saloon F ix tu res . 4,500

Levy, Freida, 238 West 2 0 f h , , N a t h a n Levy. Butcher Fixtures . 125

Langdon & Ayres. 233 E 3 4 t h . . C M Ganther . L a u n d r y F ix tu res , 225

Lehmann , A, 78 B Oth, , L Chiron, Res tau ran t . 200

Moskovitz, David, 120 Sheriff. .Salie Moski-vila. Butcher P ix tures . 1

Mabie, H W. 129ih st, near Lexington av. . Mary E Mabie. Under taker F ix tures , fee. 1

Mansell ft Jeaunason, 390 Canal . . P Nepper t . Jr . Glove Fixiures, 70

Mafhewson, S W, Jr. 254-264 4th av, ,E Allen, Furn i ture , 2.00.)

Mirabel. Jos. 152 Lenox av . . .Mich l Mirabel. Barher F ix tures . 78

Murphy fe F l anagan . Wes tches te r . . J Green. Grocery F ix tu res . 1

Oberle. Chas . 426 1st a v . . G M KeUer. Bicy­cles. 1

Robben. Leo, 119fh s t and St Nicholas a v . . H W Bosein. Drug F ix tures . 2,500

Schapiro, Ida. 104 C l i n t o n . . ! Goldenherg. Soda Stand, fee. 75

Siebprschpr & Steinhaus . •573',^ Columbus a v . . J T Hutchinson . Tailor F ix tu res . 25

Sateriale. A, 23 Sul l ivan. .Mar ia G Sater ia le . Grocery F ix tures . 1

Schuhmann . Adam. 2704 Slh av. .Phi l ip Schuh-mann . Butcber P ix tures , 50O

Schneier, Kate , 232 Woos le r . .Sol Schneier . Grocery F ix iures . 1

Tenerman fe Co. 276 Broome. . H Levien. Drug F ix tures . 1

Thomases , M fe L. 168 C h r i s t i e . . ! Thomases . Grocery F ix tures . 225

Wagner, Dora. 213 E 19tb. .Wagner Glass Wks . Stock and Fixtures . 1

Weisberger, Lottie. 198 2d s t . .K Bankowski . Saloon. 75

Weisskopf, Morilz, 167 I s t av . .M May. Sa­loon. 2,750

Weiss, Anton, 100 C e n t r e . . . R Freedman, Ma­chinery, Shafting, fee, 250


Crogent. W J lo J Cartruel . (Ryan & McEwan, Oct 29, 1898.) 60

Gitzendanner, Pau l to C Columbine, (J A Col­umbine, June 29. 1898.) 1

Harne t t . Amelia to H Ellas B Co. (M Curry, Ocl 17, ISOS.) 1

Hersehmann. S I to Bernheimer ft Schmid. (S S Weinthal , May 12, 1S9S,) 1

Hel lenstein, Herman fo C Goldstein, (Mort giveu by .4. Brainson, Oct 13, 1898.) 1,000

Syanga, Jacob lo R Fasano . (Campanella fe Chirafsi. Feb 3, 1S9S.) 300


NEW JERSEY. NOTE.—The a r r a n g e m e n t of tha Conveyances,

Mortgages and J u d g m e n t s In these lists Is as fol­lows; The first name in the Conveyances Is the Gran tor ; In Mortgages, the Mor tgagor ; in Judg­ments, the J u d g m e n t debtor.

ESSEX COUNTY. Oct, 27 to Nov, 2—Inclusive.


Baldwin, Oscar L to Horace F reeman . Lot No 160 section P .'Sl

Baldwin, Rhoda A e t al to Margare t J Cranford. But ters town road, a l s e cor Ids A Crane, Verona 100

Munn, Joseph et al fo same. But te rs town road, s e cor Ids A Crane, Verona 100

Bal lan t ine . Rober t F to Charles S Newell. N 2d st, e s. 290.4 s 7lh av 1

Baker, Ida R to Wm J Rogers . Reynolds Ter­race, s s. 125 w Cent re st. Orauge 27.500

Bat t . Ludwig to Leonard R Jacobus . Riggs pl. s e s, 20O s w Garduer av. S Orange 1

Beach. J a m e s C t o .-Vanie E Siandisb. Ridge­wood av, e a, 481.8 n Baldwin st . Glen Ridge.

. . . . . 2 , 0 0 0 Same to Louise O Irwin. Ridgewood av, e a,

281,8 n Baldwin st. Glen Ridge 4,000 Beisinger, John lo Grace A Coe e t al. S 12th

st, e s, 508,9 n 12th av I Bloemecke, Henry J to Pasquale Testa . Sun­

set av, e s, 230 s fr an alley. Va i l sburgh . . . .150 Bloomfleld Presbyte r ian Society to S t Valent ine

•Society. P rank l in av, s s. n w cor G Mein­ha rd t . Bloomfleld 1,875


Record and Guide No.vember 5, 1898.

"^^ . ^ J. j : : i . i„ . , t « D-ioi p Q + Q t A i n n n v n a r t o r N e w J e r S ' C a p i t a l a n d S u r p l u s , $ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

NE'W A R K , N . J. %

IVevr V o r U Offlce, • t C W B r l B u i l d i n g , N o , 3 8 0 B r v a d w a y .

Xelephone, 1341 Franklin.

Guarantees titles to Real Estate in any part of New Jersey. TnWnafinn sp.tTches aod Abstracts ot title furDisBed.

s T o d a f a t t e S n pifd t titles in Essex and Monmouth Counties. New Jersey^ Charges fixed aud moderate.

Money loaned to complete purchases^

Boylau. Alberi R to Sarah E Hopwood. Moun-tain av u w cor Ids J Dobbins, Caldwe.l 1

Bray Joseph B to Orange Land and I m p t Uo. N li Ids Joseph B Bray, Orange s,()00

Burns , Mary 0 el al to Selma M Southward. Grove st, s e cor W a l n u t st, Montclair . .J.OUO

Caody. Sarah E to Ar thu r L Davis. Middle

of road leading fr Millburn to Chatham, Mill-

Cannon.' Charle's' 'E 'to Tliomas 'Nichols. Marke t st, s s, 100 e Mulberry st • - • • 1

Cerrato Antonio lo Pietro Oechicone. 14th av. s s, 60.2 e Prospect Pi ,'r'' •;''k'"-kr'y"

Condit Fi l lmore to John J Vreeland. West -view road, e s, lOiM s Claremont av. Verona,10

Coe Theodore C et al lo John Beisinger. Mar­shall s l , s s, 151.2 e Coe's pl . ••_ . . . 1

Courter , Alhert C to Mary A Parkinson. Pea -hody pl, e s, 2G0.1 n Chesier av - • • • • • • • • • • • • 1

Clinton Land and I m p t Co to He rbe r t W Hop-_ per S 10th st, w s, 550 n Clmton av l.OoO

Sarae lo Wm Zimmerman . S ITth st, e s, 'Sl . i l n Clintou av •• ;;-Vi".", .

Crabb Robert to Mat thias Ludlow. N l l t h st, e s. 137 uly tr 5th av . . . . . . . . S U O

Degnan. Mary A to Michael Ciark. State at, n s, 154.1) w High sl 1

Dwver, Edmund to Ambrose M Mat theus . Waver ly pl, s s, 224 e Scotland st. Orange 1

Devine Ar tbu r lo George WenUardt and auo. 21st st, w s, 100 u l y t h av. Clinton • - . . • P '

De Vine, Lore t ta A to Theresa Schoenig. IS^h -av, u w cor Livingston st • , ; • • ; \'^

Dodd, Henry P to Cora B Michael. Hazlewood road s w cor Clarendon pl, Bloomfield . . . .bOO

Dodd, Lizzie C to Susan C Doty. Dolt st, s s, 260 w Midland av. B Orauge . . . . . . . 1

Same to David A Dodd. Dodd st . s s, dbl .S w Midland av, E Orange . . . . . . . . . . 1

Doremus Heury M sheriff to Pranc i s Smilh. Mountain av. n cor Ids A 0 Moore, W Orange

10,001) Same lo New Jersey P la te Glass I n s Co. Bar­

bara Et, n s, 391 e H a m b u r g pl .800 Sam.e to P rank l in B aud L Assoc, Lafayet te

pl w s 205 a Avondale road. P rank l in . .l.oOO Same t o ' T o b i t h a A Lane . Belmont av, e s,

23!).() s Waver ly pl • .l,UUU

'^-'"'"' Pet te t . George to Millie Wiener. Wakeman av, e s, 140.1 n 2d av -.O'^

Kelly, F r a n k A to John M Haack. , s, 2:M n South Orauge av \-;:• • • W'-6"^

Keen Oscar, Supecial Masier to Jul ian B Ka^-dolpb. Clinton av, corner Halsey s t . . . .i±,DJU

Kiefer, Charles to Alois Krach and ano. Peshine av, w s, 302,1 s Waveriy pl, ••••,•>.•••.;•• '1i

Kingman, Anna H to Callahan McCarthy aad ano. Scotland sl, e s, s e cor lands property par ty of second part , Orauge • -1

Same to Margaret ta Tra i t teur . K m g m a n road. w s, 510 n Soulh Orange av. S O r a n g e . . 1

Kohl Joseph to Henry Heinsheimer. Bergen sl. e s, IIS.S s Clinton av • • • • .UOOU

Kreut ter , Jaeob to William Krueger. Cbarllon Et, e s, 160 s Kinney st . - . l . W )

Krueger , Gottfried C to H a r r y Heller. P r m " . st, w s, 200 s Montgomery st . . , . . . - - ^ . •- .• ' ->

Lindsley Manor L and Imp Co to Chas B Leh­mann, Norwood st, w s, 150 s Abinger pl, S Qrange '•^^

Littell , Violet' JlcG Lo Thos D Miller et al. S l l l h st, "~ ' " ' " "

Matthews, erly

Me landt Belleville „ ,

Meany,* Edw P to "Willard S Muchmore. Broad St. n e cor Eas t Kinuey st " •; ' ^

Merz Edward to Kalher ine Merz. Howard t t , e s 100 s Soulh Orange av . ^ . . . . . . i

.Mitchell, Anna E to Esther Kellow. S l a b sl, w s, 246.i) s w Dth av. E Orange .obO

Mt Pleasant Cemetery Co lo Oscar L Baldwin. Lots No leo and 161 on section P . . . . . . . . .-.-lOU

Mulual Life Ins Co of N Y to Corneaa J Brooks. Valley road, centre line. 289,3 n centre ime Chestnut st, Montclair .u: • ,-••• v v " ","i^

Nesbit, Mary T to Alvarado C Eick. Lots 14b., and 150 on map Vailsburg • • - • • " ' ^

Nichols, Wal ter S to James M Cameron. S lOtli st, w s. 425 s 16th av - ^ v v : ,"ii7.

Same lo Herman H Quaint. S 19tb st, w s. 400 s lOlb av - . „ • . . .dJU

_. , ^ ^ Lower

Turner , Margaret J to Tlios J D Smith. F red ; erick st, w s. 350 s Market sl 2,E>00

Van Arsdale, Henry to Mary J Berry, 3d st, e s, 36G.1 n Sussex av Om

Van Dohlen. Mary E J et ai to Nellie Robert­son. Grace st, w s. 20i .2 n Watsess ing av (Bloomfield) . . l , ioil i

Van Duyne, Siephen to Wilberforce Collera. Nortb cor lot of T G Collyer. Caldwell 200'

Valentine, Cyuthia B B to Horace E Miller. Kinney st, s s. 184 e Broad sl .,J,SHO

Ward Edgar B to Fredk A SchiossteiQ. Ticbe­nor sl, n E, 200 e Orchard st 3 , 3 u

Walker, Phebe A to I r a H Condit, Liber ty »t, w s. 100 n e Alden st, W Orange .-.-1

Waliis F r a n k E to Georgianna A l iu th t r ford . Claremont av, s w cor Upper Mouatam av,

Cortlandt st . 50(<

Montclair. Ward, Annie C to Geo E Scheider.

e s, 325 s F e r r y st West End Land Imp Co to Ernes t Nagel . West

End av w s 150 s South Orange av, Vaus -burg • . ; ; H ' " '

Same lo Mlua Seifert, Muuu av, w s, .14b s Soulh Orange av. Vai lsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.*

Whilfield. Ja? -M lo Fann ie J Whitfield. Moun-3 Orauge .- • 1

Mam 750

Church. 1

izabeth . . , . 1

to H Carl German. Milford 303.3 s Alpine st 1

tain av, n e,

av, w Zimmerman,

av, e s.


Adams, Emeiine Y lo Ka te Underbil l . Scot­land st, n w s, cor F A Wright , S O r a u g e . ^ ^

Balbac'h,"Art 'hur"to "Frederic W Hinr ichs et al. Myrtle av, n s, S4 from Myrtle court, Bloonj-flgld • • " ^

Bechtoldt, Edmund W and auo to Beneficial B Se L Assoc. Union av. w s, 430 frcm John si_. Belleville V V ' .

Beyer, Sophia to John B Du^enbsrry. Broad st . e s 22 from Pa rkhur s t st ''>'•>>

Same lo l i t h Ward B and L Assoc. Some prop-Nichols, Tbomas to Charles E Cameron Lower - " r t v ' " " " - g.OOO road from Newark to Elizabeth, 112.0 from Bike Be'r'tba' 'to' Anna H Kiugmau. Mechauio^ cross road, Clinton . . . . , .,v. .. ,

Occbicoue, Pietro to Antonio Cerrato. l l t h av, s s. (iO.2 e Prospect pl _"' 1"." "

Broome st . Orange . .

Eisler, Isaac lo Leopold Halper i . w s, 375 s Montgomery sl / V " ' " ^

E=sev Building and Land Co to Minnie M Jeo -UiDS. Fa i rmoun t av, e s, 120.0 s Cenlral av . . 1

Pa i touie , Sarah M to Er i D Bemiss, Lafayette_ El £ s 120 w Union s t :i't

Fidelity T r u s t Co to Violet McG Lit tel l . S 10th sl , e s, 325 s Centra l av ; S l l l h st, e s, loO s Centra l av ; S l l l h st, w s. 2T5 s Central av ; S 12th st, e s, 250 s Central av i

Smilh st, .400

Cehvic Char les .4 to Alhert Scott. w s, 200 n Abiuger pl, Vailsburgh

Giifort Mluna to Rober l Gilfert. Oakwood av. w E 50.1 n Pa r row st . Orange; Valley road. S O S 50 s w Ids B Colemaun, W Orange 1

Glen. Cbar les T to Aaron R Todd, Mt Pi'os-pect av, e s, 703,4 s fr a monument 4,i)00

Gless, August ine J et al to Max Kaudenbach, Lyons av n s 25 w Wil loughby sl, Clintou.loO

Same lo Ka tha r ine Bar th . Lyons av, n s, aO W Willoughby sl , Clinton . . . . . . . i a u

Giguou-1. Louise F to Charles Berg- Maple sl , s. 300 s fr Ha r r i son av^ W Orange .,^....:iH)

Ri'al Esiate Assoc to P a t k F Healey et al. Richelieu terrace, e s, 150 s F o r t u n a st . V*"?,^^

ReiVo!d, 'Edw'd' 'l-i' to 'Lena E Slaight. S 7th s t w s. 225 n 12th av . . . . .4 ,51)0

Reliable B and L Assoc lo Simon Fnedberge r and ano. Coideu st. w s, 120 s Bleecker s t . l .20J

Richards, Horalio B lo Henry Law. Bony-kamper av. n e cor Brill st. . . . . _ . ',-;,;;•

Righter Wm S et al to Hannah Robinson. C U - . ton av. w s, lS-1.10 s 2d av • -.. • -3.000

Robbins. Geo T to Charles MacLean. Liuds.ey av n s, 150 w Gaston EI, W O r a n g e . . . . . . . . 2 , t o 0

Rodgers. Elizabelh B C to Alexander C Howard. S ISlh st, w s, 100 s 10th av : S IStb st w s. 175 s IOlh av; S ISth sl. n e cor 10th a v ; Springfield av, n s. 125 ,w S IHth St.. •••••'•

Rodman, Thornton M to John W McLaughlin, \ s turnpike road in middle Pine Brook Ditch,^ Caldwell i.ioO

Roe, Chas F to Auuie V H Roe, Maple av._ w s, 409 E w Will iams st . E Orange . . . . . . . . o . O O O

Roloff E rnes t to Ernes t ine L Boloff. Highland av. e E, 125 s Gralton av • 1

San Giacomo, Sebastian to Teresa Gesumana . 160 s Downing sl boO

st ' s w s, cor Scotland st. Orange 900 Beisinger. Johu and ano to Theodore C Coe et al

Marshall st, s s, 151 from Gees pl >-,ma B e r r y m a n John and ano to Orauge Savings

Bank. Clinton st, n w s, 165 fr Centra l av. E Orange • • - • 'J-O/"

Beyer, Stephen aud ano to Lucas Peter . ^"J.^ Fer ry and Alyea sts f*"

Beach, I rene to Freder ick H Smith, J r et al, Clifilside av, e s, 120 t r Anderson, Montclair.

d.&OO Bradl'e 'y,"jaiie"t 'o' j ' o ' h ' n 'F 'McDouough. Fa i r -

moun t av. e s, 675 from Godet s t -^.nw) Burns Annie lo Will iam Rank in . Walnu t st,

n s, 203 from Adams st • • - • • -AlUU Buler John H and ano to Peoples B and L

Assoc. Kingsland st, n e s, 7 J from Balch-eldou, Frank l in . ..300

Guttr idgc. Mary to Abraham Appel. Av L s e cor Alpine s t ; A v L . s e cor H u n t e r st.-l.OOO

Harr ison Margare t to F r a n k Malt ine. faoutu__ sl s s. 219,9 e Centre i t , Orai^iga - , '

et 1

al, r>,;iOO


Hasse lman, F rances G to Wi lhe lmina Hasse l ­man . N e cor lot No 70, on s s Essex st, i^ Orange • - • •

Hawes , Anna M to Eugene E Crane Grant st, n s, 5S.5 fr Spr ing st - - • • • • •

Hei lman, C W m exrs to Josepii Mubel. St. n s, 63,6 w Newark st i - ; , ; ! ; ; .

Hel ler . Annie J to W m Zimmerman , b l l t n st, w s, 31.4 s Bank st • • • • n " ; - ^

Hinr ichs , F reder ick W el al to Ar thu r Bal­bach. Myrtle av, n s, 84.9 w Myr t le courL^_ Bloomfield ,-,• • V." " i T " ' '

Samo to John S Scholes and ano. Myrt le av n w cor Myrt le court. Bloomfield l . l JO

Same to Alfred H Edgerley, Myrtle av, ii s._ 260.9 e Myrt le av court, Bloomfield .. .. .,_i...^vi

Same to Chas Gies. Myrtle Court, w s liJ..> n Myrtle a v ; Myrtie Court, n e s , 102.9 n .Myrtle av ; Myrtle Court, .s w cor H e n n c h s pl; Henr lchs pl. n e s. 460,7 s Myrtle av, 31oom-_ o . 1 . . t .^ou

Hurom's'e'b'as'li'an to E m m a ' L K d l e r m a u . 15th av n s, 100 w S 12lh st . , 1

Holey. John H to F r a n k Wolfarth. Thompson St. p K, n cor Academy sl, E Oj;""Se. . - • • -1 ,00 . '

I rvuiglon Land aud Imp Co to Edward Studer. Woodlawn pi, n s. 100 e Liuden av, Irvmgtori_^

Saine' to Mari;' UeiUz. ' ' 'jVyVllC 'a'v.' w 's, 50 s Pul-Irr ul, I rvinglon -J.- -.'• ',

J;ii'ksoii Sr.huvlcr B. Special Masier lo Benjamin Atlia & lIlii\gworth Co. N w cnr Lister av and lands Lewis Nichols, deed 400

,. s . '230 s Bowery st „ , , . ^ Schneider. Herman C to Alex Cumraings. S l l t h

st, w s, 194.10 s l l t h av ; . - -1 Same lo Mary -A Bowers. 3 l i t h st, w s, 220

. August Heini e t al. Brem-H a m b u r g pl 72 Loret ta A De Vine. ISth av,

s t 1 Sciiotte. Annie to Henry C Boeger. S 14th st.

w s. 125 s ISth av . . . .400 Sinnott. Mary E et al to James E Fa r r ing ton .

Oxford st, e s, 175 s River st 1.400

Cadmus, James aud ano to Haunah M Lilenherg. Ches tnut st, s s, 361 from Sanford s t . . 1,^00

Cameron, Jas M and ano to Ehzabeth H Green S lOib sl, w s. 4:i5 from 16th av 1,^01

Same to Walter S Nichols, Same proper ty ..3i>0 Carlson, John S and ano to Chas H belick. Lin­

coln Et, n c s , 100 from Maple av, Moutclajr. 4,0110

Sa'me' 't'o' ' s a m e . ' ' ' 'Lincoln' st, n e s , 400 from Maple av, Montclair . . . . . . . i . L u u

Same to same. Lincoln st, n e oor Myrtle ay Montclair ,••••"-,,"•-ir TTI

Carpenter, Rundle L aud ano to Joseph M ^ Kitehell . Glenwood av, e s, 40>) from i^a^k

0,0U0 B and L

aton st 2,U00 ,.„ Glass Ins Co, Verona 3,000


Delhag"n', William H ' a n d a n o ' t o Mary E Morri­son, t rustee. • Montague pl, 23 , from Midland av, Montclair. • • • „•••• ,••••

Dimond, Zenas and ano to F r e d k Speckman W Kiimey st, n s, 59 fr Boyd st . -. • • • • . • • ---fJ

Due immanuei , and ano to Daniel 0 Wilkinson. Lots 4 andS map S Fi tzherber t , Bloomfield. 2,000

Dusenberry ,<rohn B and ano to American Ins Co, Peniiingion st. s s, 120 fr Orchard st 3,000

Edgerley Alfred to Frederic W Hinrlcba et al. Myrt le av. n s, 260 t r Myrtle Court, Bloomfie^ld._^

Snyder, W m V to Lory Prent iss . Grafton av. Rfiuger' 'wil'liam and 'auo to Dime Savings Ins tn s, 50 w Ridge st A-.V-p'* Broad st, w s. 3.3S fr Washington st . ...i.OOO

" --' ' ' ' ' • • • ^ — =^11.'- Ei^k? A lva rado 'C and ano to Newark B and L Soutti Orange B and L Assoc to Giuseppe Sallit-ti. S cor o£ Thomas Murphy on n w side Church st, S Orange . . . , . , . . . l ,3oO

Somer John J to Ber tha Somer. Pre lmghuysen av. w s, 50 s Miller st : ; , • ; ; , - '^

Speer John W to Sarab M Kent et al. Middle of stone culvert over Big di tch; cor lauds John Mead- E e cor ot Great Piece, Caldwell i)00

Speer, Richard lo Frances Speer et al. Middle stone culvert over Big ditch . _•. .1

Standard Land aud Bldg Co to Theresa Schoenig, S •'Oth st VI s, 4S3.10 n Springfield av 600

Thompson.Jacob D to Thos H Thompson. Ogden sl, w s. 06 s Cross st. . . . . . . 1 . 2 0 0

Tiffany Chas L to Louis C Tiffany. North cor Greenwood Lake R R and Aqueduct s l ; Mt Prospect av, w s, s e eor lands J Honiss ; n e

Assoc, Lols 149 and 150, w s, Vailsburg ••,-

Essex B and L Co to Pliilip mou


Telford st, OOO

lissex JJ anu u '--o m J. nn.i . J Orbou. t air-moun t av. e s , 120 fr Ceutral a v . . ; " • • "r™

5ame to Robt H McCarter. S Grove st, e^ s 19S fr Sussex av, E Orange . . . . . . ..^,i.W

Farr ing ton , James E and ano to Sophie Baer. OxtoFd st, e s, 175 fr River s l ; Oxford st, w s. 134 fr E River s t •• •--•ouu

Felder Louis A and ano to American Ins Co. Oxford st, w s, 230 fr Bowery st • . - -ooo

Fitzherber t , Sylvester aud ano to Montclair Say­ings Bank, S w cor Myrtle av and Fitsberber^t^^

POT." Add^e^o 'Texti'le'Pubiishi'n'g 'Co.' Coope^ pl, s s , 300 t r Cooper av, Montclair . . . . . . . . 3 OOJ

cor Greenwood Lake R R and Parker s t ; w s lands one Williamson . . . . . . . . . . 1

Tucker Theodore M to bchuylcr B Jackson. Miller st, s s, w cor Avenue A 1

cor n e s' 102 'fr Myrtle av ; Myrtle av, s Hinr ichs pl; Hinrichs pi, n c s. 4M(J tr Myrtle av, Bloomfield ~'^^'

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide' ^ 685 ^

Oermer. H Carl and ano to William Koch. Mil­ford av, Q s. 303 fr Alpine st 2,400

Same lo Prances S Peshine, a t t 'y . Milford av. e s, 303 fr Alpine st 1,003

Gesumaria. Matleo and ano to Sebastian San Giacomo and ano. Adams sl. n s, 160 Ir Down­ing st .1 50O

(Jilroy, Mui'J- to Peoples B ahd L Assoc. Thoraas 5t, 11 e, 44 fr Hermon sl 1,600

t 'naegl, Josephine to Morris Herbst , Niagara sl. e R, I'JS fr Darcy st 250

Oiabam, Ar thur W and ano lo Essex Co B and L Assoc. Orchard sl, w s, 645 fr Montgamery .•it, Bloomfield li^UO

Lukowiak, Andrew aud ano to sttrac. Reservoir road. 11 fr A Baldwin, PellevLls . . . . ._. ^ - ' ' i

• liiaclt. Johh M and ano to Improved D r^zc''^ Assoc, S Olh st, w s, 563 fr l:!th av ' . : ,30J

llaughwoUt, Margaret to Catharine C Middielun. Ileywund av, 441 fr Scotland st. Orange . .4,500

Hankins , Lillie E to Abijah F Tillou, J Murpby north corner 3 Orange av, S Orange 500

Hein:. Regina to Security B aud Loan Assoc. Bremen st. n s, ;i06 fr H a m b u r g pi; Magazine s t e s, 175 fr Koniorn st 7,600

Same to Predk Bonykamper, J r et al. Magazine Bt, e s, 1T5 from Komorn st 2.500

Ilealy, Pa tk F aud ano to Emll C Mertz. Riob-clieu terrace , c s, 150 fr F o r t u n a st, Vails­burg 150

Heller, Ha r ry and ano to F rank Bormann. Prince st, w s, 200 tr Montgomery st l,r..00

Hemming, Edmund and ano t:i Lewis D Heath. Sleuben st, e s, .'105 fr Sussex av, E Orange. ,

. . . 1 ,000 Hill. William and ano to Mutual B and L Assoc.

Ii'Drest Kt, n w cor S Jefferson st . Orange. .5,500 Hopper, Herbert W lo Flilollly Trus t Co. S

16th Et, w e, .5.50 from Clinton av 350 Isenberg, Jos to Clementine B Runyon, admix .

Market st, s H, cor J T Garthwaile S.OOO Irwln, Louise G t i James C Beach, Ridgewood • av, 0 s, 2S1 fr Baldwin s;, GleuRidga ..l.OCO

Jacobus, .Austin G and ano lo Sarah M Kent. Eloomlield av, s s, 74 fr J C Cannift, Verona.

1,000 Jacobus Leonard R to Ludwig Ball and ai o.

H i g g s ' p l . s e s, 200 fr Gardner av, S Or­auge 3,000

Joyce. John J and ano ID George SchambaLh. Will iam Et, u s, 30 fr N IOlh st, E Orange.750

Kiefer, Chas and ano to John HenrizI, Runyon av. n E, 730 fr Osborne terrace tiOJ

Kiefer, Andrew 0 and ano to Henry J Kisfer. S 7th st, e s, 275 fr Dank st 2.000

Same to Anna Kiefer. Arlington st, e s, 65 fr William s; 2,5 0

Kierslead. Wil;on G t rustee , to Samuel Hcpp^r. Hillside av, n e cor Er ie R R. Frank l in . . .3 50J

King..Margaret .4 to Orange Saving B^nk. Laurs l . s t , s a, 2119 fr Scotland sl, Orange I.OOO Kuhn, Williani F to S l t t e B and L Asio?. Clil-

ton av, w s. 217 t r Bloamfield av l.COO Krueger . William and auo to Newark G;rman B

and L. Charlton st, e s, 160 from Kinney st. l . iOJ

Laidlaw, Benjarain P and auo lo Hor ton D Will­iams. Cogan av, n w s. 100 tr Burnsid3 st, Orange l.UOO

LelTauo, Antonio and ano to Knights of Pylbias B and L. Dark lane, n s, 63 fr Hayes s t . .3 , t :00

-Littell, Violet McG to Alicee T W Coudert. S IOth st, e s. 325 fr Central av ; S l U h sl, e s. 150 fr Central av ; S l l t h sl, w s. 275 tr Cen­tral av ; S 12th st, e s, 250 fr Central av.2.729

.Mandeville, Sarah B to Chas A Feick. Summer av, c s. 2.S0 fr Crane st 3,20^)

McLean. Charles aud ano tn Geo T Robbln . Lindsley av, u s, 15u tr Gaston st, W Orange.

. . . . ; I.ILO Meyler, Nicholas and ano to Sarah E Gar r l s in .

Wakeman av, e s. 51 fr May st 2,000 Same lo same. Wakeman st, e s, 77 fr May ; t

Michel, Joseph and ano to Newark B aud L As­soc. Bank st, n s, 63 fr Newark st 1,600

Molter, Lil l ian to German Savings Bauk. Com­merce st, s w s. oor Corrigan l.OOO

Morrisou, Alice P lo Timothy Burnet . Valley st, n w s, 77 fr dwelling house, S Orange 400

Nagel Ros ina lo J a m e s C McDonald t rus tees . 15th av, u s. 50 fr S Oth Sl l.OOO

Newell, Charles S aud ano lo Roseville B and L Assoc. N 2d st, e s, 290 fr 7th av .l.SOO

Nichols, Thoraas aod ano to Charles B Cannon. Markel sl, s s. 100 fr Mulberry s l 19,000

O'Conuor. Lucy to Mary Newport et al. Ha r ­mony st, s w cor Cedar st, Bloomfield 1,400

Orange Land and Impt Co to Freder ick Berg. J r . N s 1st st, 127 fr Day st . O r a n g e . . .2,500

Osmun. Wil i lam D and ano to Alvah W Os-mun t rus tees . 3d st, e s. 125 fr 7lh av . . .2,000

Place. J a m e lo Robert Crabb et a l . Sylvan av, u s. cor E B Clark 2,500

Preut i ss Lory and ano to Woodside B and L Assoc. N w cor Grafton av and Ridge st.5.50i>

Quant , Herman R and ano to Wa l t e r S Nichols, S 19th st, w s. 400 t r 16th a.v 3d0

Same to Elizabetli H Green, S 10th sl , w s, 400 Cr IGlh av 1.200

Heady, Margare t F to Charles Berg. Amhers t st, e B. 42 fr H a r v a r d s l ; Renshaw av, s s. 700 fr Prospect st, B Orange 1,.500

Renta . Mark and ano to Mary Solomon. Myrtie av, n w s. .10.7 t r Ful le r pl, I rvington 300

lleibold, An'na C E to Wal le r M Ward, S 7th st, e s. 328 fr ISth av 3,000

Robertson. Nellie to Progress B aud L Assoc. Grace st, w s, 207 fr Watsess ing av, Bloom­fleld ..l .oilO

Robiusou. H a n n a h to Wil l iam S Rigbter et al. Clilton av, w s. 184 fr 2d av 2,300

Schaal, Bernhard and ano to Char les A Feick . Mulberry st . w s, 309 fr J P Jacitson 100

Scribner, Jolin L and ano to Winton C Garrison, E Sylvan av, n s, 200 fr Washiugton av 500

Scholes, John S and ano to Preder ic W Hin­r ichs et al. Myrtle av, n w cor Myrtle court, Bloomfield 800

Schroth . John aud ano to Will iam H Schroth. Broome sl, e s, 225 fr Rose st fi.OOO

Seward, Ka te S to State .Mutual B and L As­soc. Hawtho rne av, e s, 063 fr Main s t ; H a w t h o r n e av. c s. 1,0?.S fr Main st, E Or­ange 10,000

Smilh. Henry lo Charles P Emery . N Clinlon st, e s. 346 t r Suiuinil st, E Grange 450

Sommer. Alfred and ano lo Mutual B and L As­soc, Frryllnhu.vscn av, w s, 50 fr Miller st.

Southward, Selitui M to American Ins Co, Grove sl , 3 o cor W a l n u t st, Montclair 1,000

Steiner, Ka ro l ina to German Mutual F i r e Ins Co. Hawthorne av, u s, 50 fr 5th av ; H a w ­thorne av, n s, 75 fr 5 th av 400

Struck, Freder ick M aud ano to Orange Savings Bank. Hawthorne st . s s, 100 tr High st, Or­ange 1,800

Valentine, Cyathifi It B to Auua V Vau Arsdale . Kinney sl , s s, 1S4 fr Broad St 2,500

Van Voast. Mary W to Rober t Crabb et al, Sumiaer av. W s, 150 fr Arlington av 1,500

Watson, Mary to George S Ward . Ridge st. w s, 628 fr Montclair av , , 2,000

Z immerman , Wra and ano to Roseville B and L Assoc. S l l t h sl , w s. 64 fr 12th av 3.600

Same to Roseville B and L Asaoc, S l l t h st, w s. 31 fr 12th av 3,600

Same to Slate B and L Assoc. N 16th st, e a. 365 fr P a r k av, E Orange 3,600

Bame to State B and L Assoc. S l l t h at, w a, 03 fr Bank st 3,400

Same to Stale B and L Assoc. S l l t h st . w s, 121 fr Dank s t 3,400


Ackermann . Gustav J and ano to Gustav Toble-manu . Candy Store and Fu rn i tu r e , &c 200

Bcckler, Freder ick to Caroline Beckler, Horse , Wagon. &c 170

Coben, Morris lo Abraham Kle iumann . .Ma­chinery, &e SOO

Edward Kl ink Bar F ix ture Co lo Louise Schneider. Machinery, &c 1,744

English, John to Nal ional Cash R Co. Regis­ter 200

French , Theodore W to J S Biesecker, Wagon.140 Gcbhart , George to J a m e s D Lynch, Horses,

&o 34 Kelly, Pa t r i ck K to George J Busch. Dia­

mond Ear r ings 200 Mackinson. Thomas J lo Freder ick J Hul l .

Horses . Wagons . &c 432 Schudde, C J to Hen ry Klein Se Co. Drug

Slore . . 02 Smolinsky. Isaac lo Rachel Pe ldman. Dry

Goods Store , . . . 6 0 0 Stors!, John to Nat ional Cash Regis ter Co. Cash

Register 200 Wilson, Charles E to Nat Cash R Co. , Register .

. , 325

SALOON AND RESTAURANT F I X T U R E S . Bingham, Bdward lo P Bal lan t ine Se Sons 400 Gers, Gustave lo G Krueger B Co 1,271 Giles, Janies to G Krueger B Co , , . . .111 Hauer , Wm lo G Krueger B Co 414 Kohn. Anna to G Krueger B Co 210 Malcolm. T h o m a s to G Krueger B Co 130 Marshal l . Robert to Pe te r Hauck .500 McCarthy, Benjamin F to Gottfried Krueger B

Co 339 Murphy. Frauc i s to Emera ld & P B Co .HOO Ray . George W to G Krueger B C o . . 327 SchwarlK. Lena to Gottfried Krueger B C o . . . . 5 7 2 Strong. Robert lo G Krueger B Co 510 W^all, T h o m a s P to G Krueger B Co 104

HOUSEHOLD F U R N I T U R E . Baldwin. Owen N and auo to B W G w e a n s . . 2 S Banks , Janies W et al to W m Win te r 50 Breuning . B Freder ick to Ludwig Baumann , , 1 4 2 Cammann , Hen ry PI aud ano to D R McNaught .

33 Duffy. Mar t in and auo to J D Lyuch 4S Gillick. John J to Samuel Baumann 40 Har l in , Sarah A to Mary E Lyuch. P i a n o . .133 Harv'ey, Nett ie to Ludwig B a u m a u n 122 Irick, Anna to Jacob Baumann 335 Kaufmann . Levi and ano to F r a u k P Archer . ISO Kiiiglit, Albert to Samuel Baumann 145 Moore, Goldie to A H Van Horn 426 Mulligan, J a m e s and auo to J D Lynch .44 Per ry , John H and ano to Wra Vollmer . . . . . . G U O Riegner. Emil to Edwin A Kirch Sc Co 245 Ripley, Rachel A to D Wolff & Co 135 Roberts . George H to Amos H Vau H o r n . . . . 1 0 2 Schwartz, Es ther to A H Van Horn .140 Spear, Howard aad ano to Blisha B V l i e t . . . . 9 5 0 Ward . Michael to Amos H Van Horu ,;?G Wil l iams. Norman lo Amos II Van Horn 32


(In each Conveyance. Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage where the city or town is not men­tioned, read it Jersey City.

Oct. 27 to Nov, 2—Inclusive. CONVEYANCES.

AdL'iUiiH. J H to G Ortoiana and wife. Hobokeu. .¥3,000

Ahlborn, A L E lo F Ullrich, Wes t Hoboken.nom Alien, Rober t to M M For res t , Kearney G.oMi Bellamy, L H In R E Mart in 1,600 Behrer , Martin to .\. D Slough, Weehawken .4 ,000 niak-!i. Johanna et 'c' *o j a n e K i rkman 1.50O Bmsui i . J a m e s hy t>:i-j ;o Ellen Walsh , Ho­

bolien 4,500 Bonn. .^li&plnin : J J H Bonn, Weehawken . .nom Bonn, J II by exrs to J H Bono, Weehawken.5,0110 Brock. Fhillipp lo Aii-ie Riegler . North Bergen.140 Bruraer, .^be to Jennie Roseutha i , West Ho­

bokeu 6.000 Campion, Anne to J B i rmingham. Union . . . . 1 5 0 Camp, H N by exra lo S B Penner , Weshawken .

5,000 Centra l New Jersey L^iid i m p t Co to J J Cogan,

Bayoune nom Condit, Fil lraore lo B H Goldberg, K e a r n e y . . 2 5 0 Condict. II V to Mary E Ahrens nom Condict. J D to .Mary E Ahrens nom Cook. Jennie E to P P Renn et al. Bayonue. .Ill:) Costello, Char les to Mary Moran. Hoboken . ,2,070 Crawshaw. Hugh lo A Wolf 7,000 Darl ing, Mary Ann et al by sheriff to K De

Groff. Union ' 5,000 Dar l ing . E A to J F Dunn and wife 450 Same lo W H Condict - . .nom Dimmig, John lo Auule Dimmig, West New

York nom Oonzelli. Natal lne et, al by sheriff lo L Mayor,

Wes t Hobokeu 3,030 Doremus , Marian A ct al to Alice Boyd. Kear ­

ney uom Duhme, A M to Adelheid M Duhme 2.500 Dunn. Denis to J Connolly, Har r i son 450 Edelstein. Jolm to P Damhach 2,!)0'i F i a a t k e , G W, J r . to J R Wrigh t ct al 1.52," Por res t , M M lo F J O'Neill, Keiinipy :!,5nii F reudenberger , Louisa lo O H Albanss ius . .7,750

Ful ler , D B by exr to E Anderson, K e a r n e y . .350 Gahagan, W A to E Schmidt and wife, Ho­

boken • 5,(B0 Same to same, Hoboken 100 Graack. Anna ct al to F W A Fu l l e r . . . . . . 3 . 2 5 0 Graham, Mary A to L Lowenste in and wite .2,150 Graham, W A to L Lowenstein and wife nom Greer. Mary A to J Leimbache and w i f e . . . .3,200 Hayden, P H to Margare t Ross. North Bergen.125 Heinsohn, Heury to J Zeller, Gut tenberg n o m " Same to sarae. Gut tenberg nom Hoboken Land aud Impt Co to T But t s . Ho­

boken 3,655 Hollenhach, Carolina to G H Kae tz and wife,

Bayonne nom Hudson City Impt Co to R B Suckley uom Johnson. E E to P H Hayden, Nor th Bergen, .101) Kinsman , P A to E A Strong, K e a r n e y . . . . ,noiu Kupcak, Joseph to J Skleuer, Bayonne 295 Kuster , C A to Helen M Honnecker et a l . . . 1 , 5 0 0 Mart in. R E to L H Bellamy 3,000 Maukowski. Lucy A e t al lo A Gasparini 300 Mara, J I to C H Wit te nom Mayor and Couucil of Bayonne to C O McGuire,

Bayonne 135 Mayor and Aldermen of Jersey City to N Hol­

land et al 1,005 McGuire, G O to Annie Hauck, Bayonne 140 Meisinger,. Char les by sheriff to W F Nurge ,

North Bergen 1,000 Meissner, Christ ina et al to J 0 Moore, Kearney.

3,500 Muller, J G H to S Pa t te rson ,• 1,600 Mulual Life Insurance Co of New York to H

Manookyan 1,700 Robiuson, John by exr to H a r r i e t t E Robinson.

nom RobiuEOU, A H to J B S t ra t ton nom Rooney, Elizabeth M to P J Byrne, West New

York 30O Roos, P W A et al to C H Welier uom Ruggies , W W to S S Wyckoff el al nom Rossy, Paul to Selma Self 10 Ross, Margaret to M Degelmann, North Bergen.

250 Rossitto, Giuseppe to C Romano, Nor th Bergen.

1,400 Siegfried. Adam to C H Babrenburg , Wes t Ho­

boken 500 •Same to M Raucoroni 2.100 Siegfried, A A 10 L Paragollo 2,100 Sinclair. Anna B to Lucy A Maukowski 325 Scott, J ames lo Henr i e t t a A Springhorn, Ho­

boken 600 SmiLh, A I to O Kolb and wife. North Bergen.300 Smilh, P A by exrs to C H Wit te .4,000 Snel i iug. Grace C et al to F J Mathews nom Spellissey, John et al by shsri t t to G Limouze.

Union 3,385 Springhorn. Henr i e t t a A to H Diele, Hoboken.

1,775 Slohn, Oscar to B Stohn et al 3,000 Stra t ton, J E to Ida A Robinson nom Strong, E A to Cora M Kinsman , Kea rney nom Tepper. C F to K Munz, Uuion 1,200 Tut je . Emil to J E F a n n i n g aud wite . Ho­

bokeu 4,300 Tonnele , Lily P et al lo Mary A C o n n e l l . . . .3,525 Ullrich, Anton to A L E Ahlborn, Wes t Ho­

boken nom Van Wagenen, H N lo Eliza J Cockelet S.oOO Same to H a u n a h E Vau Wagenen 3,500 Van Buski rk , J C to May A Beardsley, Ba- _

yonne 25 Vau Buskirk . Dewitt to J A Pliaro, Bayonue . . 600 Vreeland, E V W to R J . \ Nixon and wi fe . .nom Walker . Herman el ai to Lillie M Van Riper .

Weehawken 9,000 Weiler, C H to J .1 Coleman nom Same to P' W A Roos nom Wit te , Frieda J ct al to J I Mara nom Wiison, Blakely by trustee to H P Osborn 135 Whi te Lizzie M et al to Delia Par re l l , Bayonue.

2,500 Zeller, John to Louisa Heinsohn, Gut t enberg .uom Same lo same, Gut tenberg noni


The figures in. parentheses indicate the n u m b e r of years tor which the mortgage is given.

Albanesius , 0 H to Louisa Freudenberger . (5). . , 3,750

Bal, Annie A et nl to G A Dunkin. (3) , ,3 ,000 Bauer, John to Anna M Nicolaus. (3) 450 Bode, August to H Muehge, Union. ( 2 ) . . . . 1 , 0 0 0 Bott i , Luigi to Eagle Brewing Co ot Newark .

(1) 500 Bohn, Morris to Bayoune Building Assoc No 2,

Bayoune. installs 5,000 Bonn, J H to Hudson Trus t and Savings Ins t ,

Weehawken. (.") 5,000 Blocb, Lizzie et al to Peoples Safe Deposit and

Trus t Co. Union, inslalls 2,000 Brennan , Ellen to Peoples B and L j \ssoc, Kear ­

ney, instal ls . . . 500 Bioedel, F A lo Peoples B and L Assoc, K e a r ­

ney, inst 400 Burns Rosalie et al to Hudson Trus t and Sav­

ings Inst, Union. (5) 2,900 Clarke. Emily cl a l ta New Jersey Tit le Guar­

anlee and Trus t Cn. insi , , 3,GOO Condict , W H to A A Abrens . -(1) 1,701) Same to W G Ahrens . (1) 1,700 Same to Prances J Rae. (1) 701) Same to exr cf W Rae. (31 LOOO Conuell Mary A to Provident Ins t Eor Savings.

(1) l.OOO C u i r a n . P M to C Kaufman et al. ifi m o s ) . . 4 0 0 Cuddy, Elleu to Greenville B and L . \ssoc, Ba­

youne. ( 2 ) ISO Damhach. Phil ip lo J Edelstein. (3) 1.900 Dessoly. Louise lo J Belte, West Hobokeu, (3).

1.401) l l iners tc in . .Mas to II Roberson t rusiee , Ba­

yonne. (1) S.200 ilJinnerstine, .Mux to Harr ington B and L Assoc,

Bayoune, instal ls 2,000 Dukes , J E to J Conk, Har r i son . (1) 1,000 Evar t s , C E, Jr , to Bllen H Ellis. (3) 3,200 li'ornoff, T F to Hudson T r u s t and Savings

Inst. North Bcrijen. (5) . . . 2 , 2 0 0 Forres t . M M to Kearney B and L Assoc, Kear­

ney, inslalls 2,000 Poster , Ja ines to Peoples I! nnd L Assoc. Ha r ­

risou. installs 20O Foye, F M lo New Jersay Title Guaran tee 'jod

Trus t { o. (1} 14,000 ]''ioblsbi-r. J E l o M AV Perria, Konrney. (4)

"(..M)!) Ful ler , F W A to exr ot J Fa lk inburgh . ( I ) .1 ,000

686 Record and Guide November 5, 1898.

Heciit , Emi l ie et al to J Anaels and wife. (2L^^

Helras ' . 'c i i ' r ' i s t ian ' toO Grote. (3) - • . . • • • • • -^-^^ Higgins . T F to Greenville B and L Assoc, Ba^-_^

Ju^nke"r!'Fra^nk to *W Br'annsteln ' . 'west Hoboken,^^

K a e t z ^ ' c H ' t o Centrevll'le B and L Assoc, Bay -. ^

K e n n l i . ' M a ? y ^ ' e t ' a i ' t ' o ' W m Peter B 'CD. Noi-th Bergen, demand - . • ••• "y*;

Kolb, Ot o to A I Sraith, North Bergen. (3) - - - -^^0 Lazarus . H N lo S Burger, Bayonne (•i)--6.20^ Leimhach, John to Mary A Greer, (o). . . . . .i.iOO Malopski, Samuel to P C Anderson Sr, Bayonne^^

MaVkie'.MarV'l'et al ' to 'Creenviu 'e B and I -Assoc . ,^

Malfookyan'. • Ha r ry •to"Mutuai Lite Ins Co, (1)^^

Mathews " p ' j i o ' E i i z a K Buck. (1) 2,000 McClory.' Mary et al to Provident Instn for Sav-^^

Minck, A n n a ' C 'to' M u m k l ' L \ t e ' f n s ' Co'."e't "New^^

MJo°re':'J^c'?o Kea^ne'y "B'and 'L 'Asm'c, '"kek ' rn |y .^^

M'ue'uer!''Dan'iei'to'Pe'o'pieV'B "and 'L A s ' ^ c , ' W

Mmu: Toseph loCommer'ciarB"and'L'Ass 'o"c^o_f^

N ^ r M A r l ^ t ^ P e o p l e ^ s B "anA'L Assoc! lns ta l l | , ^

Norden,' 'Amelia 'ei 'al ' to •A^tl ' ia 'Schimper.Uuion.^^

Ninh 'HudsonLigh t ' , "Hea t ' and"Po"wer^Co 'W^

Jersey Title Guarantee and Trus t Co, t m s ee Hudson county. (40), • - • - " " " • ' j ^ , ,

L Kohn. (6 months) J- J ' a lo Hudson Trus t and Savm 3ergen. (3) - - . - - i Arlington B and L Assoc. Ke.

o S . G 1 ' e ^ ^ i o • B • B P W g e , ; W e e h a W k ; n : ; ( | . ^

•^ame'to E x r of J B Page." Weehawken. (3). .1 2.5j Osborne H P to Trustee of B Wilson. ( l ) . . . , b . 3 ^ l l o w s k i . Fred to People's B aud L Assoc. Har^.^^

P a S l o ^ ' L o u - s ' to ' 'Theresa ' s i e g i r k d ! ' ' (7) .700 Peterl^in 'Mary A lo N Y Mortgage Co of N^ew^

P?e& t:o%l to ' •dentreV.ile ' B ' and ' L ' ^ S S O C ^ ^

Ph^a^"j-^^A '^X.lcaoe Bl^g Xsso'c' 'NO '2.' " B a f ^

Po°ppe'-H"M j ' t o E Foe'r 'st;;: Hoboken : ' '(ki, .425> p ™ e r s John to Cora A Gurney. (D ......Ota Renner, 3 E to Provident Instn for Savin^s,^ ^ R o ^ e T w T ' l o ' l^earney 'B 'and ' 'i: 'Assoc,- K'ear-^^

ney, Inslalls, '

Roncorino, Mario to A Seegfried. ( 6 ) . . . . . . . .680 Rome, Lillie to L Winkler et al West New York,

i q i . , ^ . . . . . . . . . .OLfU Rubine , ' 'Har r i s • t o 'NeW'Je r j ey Title Guarantee

and Trus t Co, inslalls -•y'J^^ Same to same, Bayonne, (1) , . . . . . i , u u u Schmidt, E P to W .A Gahagan, Hobokeu. d j - • f, Sc'hitte'r', "George" t ' o 'F"w"Bebe rdeck , West Hc_-__

bokeji ('''I . - - - - - - M .L,i to Sheeran, Bridgel et al to N J Tille Guarantee

and Trus t Co, installs ',,'rK7», Spaeth, Margaret to C A Feick. Kearney. (1) 60O Stabler. Mary M et al to Provident lus tn for

Savings, Bayonne. (1) ;•--r •-•;,• .^•••.••'*,K^ The Willing Workers M-ssion to W H Bonds, (b) Tucker" 'Sariiet 't'o' H'it'o'ber'Eon, trustee, Bay onne.

n J ' 'Or Van Riper "L i l l i e M to Hoboken Bank for Sav­

ings, Weehawken, ( H - - - - - - - ; ,.,;••=•., . Same to H Walker et al, Weehawken, ( i ) . . o . 2 J ) Voorhees. Phebe A et al to Ex r ot M 1 Anson, ^ W i n ^ T r ^ ' n o r a e't 'ki't 'o'Peoples Safe Deposit and^^ wiz%''uto%r p 'A'smith. 'i^:;;----;• -a'n Same to Pat terson Consolidated B Co. (-^l-'^.^^O Wolf. Aaron to H Cranshaw. (10) o.OOO



Dahl, GuElav, to Natl C Reg Co Regi£ter , .200 Demming. .Mrs Ida, West Hobiken, to S H btn-

c'air Co et al. Laundry business Machinery. 34S Gurr Will iam. Hoboken, to A G Witickebnor

L i S ^ B t a n ^ f n a ^ ^ ^ t Hoboke 'n , to W Ho-fl'm'a'nn fJrncerv Busienss • • • • . " '

Low, T A to Mary C Cosad. Butcher Business Stock and Fix tures , Horses and Wagons -LOO

North Hudson Ligbt . Heat and Power Co to N J Tille Guaranlee and T ius i Co. t rustee. All real and personal estate, mortgage secures au [ssue oF bonds to amount of .^2,000,000. p a y _ able in 40 years a t :i% • - •- • • • • • • • • • • •

Rubens, Abraham. Harr ison to P Pulaski . Cloth-ine Busiuess. Stock and Fixtures . &J0

Ryan , Michael to E Baer, Horse, Wagon ar.d,^

Sa^ndTo'rd," 'j'oseph to N'ali C "Beg" Co, ' Re'g'isie'r,'loo


Flynn, T H to Colonial Brewery. , . - . • • • • - • • • -f^? Gern, Jul ius , Hoboken to Excelsior B Co 62^ Ginnochio, Louis to W H Frank B Co • J^S Kelly, H J to Colonial Brewery l.o-ia

Leffler, Eugene to Sahner & H .-.450 Meyer. J F , Union to Dorothea Bermes SaO O'Leary John North Bergen to William Pe te r

B Co. Saloon and Hal l 1.000 Perrella, G E el al. Harrison, to D Stang. Res­

t au ran t and Hotel 300 Kaiser, Jacob, Guitenberg to J H Meierdlerck 400 Rusack, Carl, Hoboken to Excelsior B Co 50O Schlagentweltb, George. North Bergen, to Wm

Frank Brewing Co -• JOO Shiff, Joseph. Hoboken, to E Wultt UO Wilusz. Victor to Bernheimer Se S dtii


Beltair, H G to L Baumann 271 Busch, John to H Muller , 300 Har tung , F A, Hoboken to Jordan Se M faO Hubei, F C, North Bergen to W Gulden. J r Sa Izod, Fannie , West Hoboken. to J Gregg Sc Co

Lambert', 'Annie j to 'commercial B and L Assoc ^ ,,. . . otKj

Mahoney. E l l en F . Gut tenberg to J Gregg & Co. .. J-tf

Mi 11 er "Ber tha Weehawken, to J Gregg &Co. . . 2 3 O-Leary Sophie Hoboken, to L Baumann 10^ Pat terson, G F to S Bauraann . - - .<4 Riker W H Weehawken to J Gregg Se Co, . .14b Rotha'nge, George, Wes t Hoboken, lo W Gulden,

j j . ^•J° Sam'man'or, Ferdinand, Hobokeu to Mullins &

Sons '^^^


Smith Sarah, West Hoboken, to L Baumann . .23S Tongue John, Wesl Hoboken to J B a u m a n n . . .oi> Wir th , Cathar ine to J Gregg & Co i ' Wit t s . Jessie to J Gregg &• Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o u Davis Theresa to W Goldstein, Tailoring Bus­

iness. Stock and Fix tures - . '00 Kuchewrei ter . Louis, West Hoboken to F P lank

Clothing Business. Stock and Fix tures . . . . 3 0 0 Lemmermann, H J to Sophia Lemmermann, G^ro-^^

P a \ ' e 7 s o f c S i d ' a ' l ' e ' d - B c J , ' H o h o i e n : m ' j ' G ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

R e ^ d ' ^ ' w ' w ' m ' C ' E R e i ' d " ' s t o c i r a n d ' F i x t u r e s o£ American Snow Ball Machine and Supply W k s and the Reid Chemical Co f>w


Board of Chosen Freeholders ot Hudson C o - P T ^ Lockwood





I ^ ^ i i ^ SALES ^e THE WEEK. The following are the sales tha t have taken

p l L e in Ihe^city auction rooms during the week ending Nov. 3, 180S.

• I n d i c a u s thEt the property described has been bid in tor p la in t i f fs account .


20th av, n w cor TOth sl , lOOxlOO. A Bag^-^„

TOm'^st,' n " s ; 'lOO' 'w' -26ih ' aV,"^ 'l-ols: " W ' / ^ ^

70?b V t ' u"s. ' "2 lois adir k ' H Wiberg! ' . 301 TOth s t n s, 2 lols adj. J W Wal te r dO 70th st n s 2 lots adj. J Per ry 2^L' 7 0 h I t n s 5 lots adj. WaUer Mathewson . . , 3 . . 20th av, s w cor TOth st, 100x100. H S Band^^^ m h 1 t , " s ' s , ' i 6 6 ' w 2 6 l h " a v , " i ' i o t ' s : " M ' V a n ^ ^ mhW^ 'a,' i o ' l o t s ' ad i ' . " W Mamew'son.'.'.".V,510 TOth St. 3 s. 1 lot adj .A B F l y n u . - . • - • • • p • •'i^'^ 20th av, s e cor TOth s l . 100x100. P^|^[. ,-

70th st; s"s , ' i0O e 20lh av, 100x100, Same, . M O 70lh st, s s. 3 lots adj. P H Baren ^oi> TOth St. s s, 2 lots adj. M Bi rkman dOJ TOth St. s s, 2 lots adj, M Russel ^00 TOth st s s, 2 lots adj. R H Wiberg • - • • • - ^ ^ ^ TOth st, s s, 2 lots adj, J Far re l l 2o0 TOth st, s s, 3 lots adj- W Mathewsou iOo TOth st, s s, 2 lots adj , L J Haniy ^-O TOth st, s s, 4 loU adj, F Spelman , . . ^ ^ a ^ 2 l E t , a ; . E w cor TOth st, 100x100. W m ^ H ^ ^

ZlsTav " " i n 'w'coi 70th '^ t .^ 'MOxioO, ' ' "F ' H Bay Ridge avl Lester • • • • •^.•, '" '" 70th st, n 3. 100 w 21st av, 3 lots. W C O'.ivcr.^^^

70'th'Et, 'n 's,"4'lots 'a 'd' j , J Da'lton ; §10 TOth st, n s. 4 lots adj , M V L a r m i c k , , oOb 70tb st, n s, 2 lots adj. 0 Stevens 300 TOth st, n 3, 4 lots adj, J B Roche nJO TOth st, n s, 2 lols ad.l. M Whi te 300 TOth st, n s, 2 lots adj . M Weil 2J» TOth st, n 3, 21ots adj . J Bur ra 300 TOtli st, n s, 2 lots adj . W J Oliver 30t> 20tli av In e cor TOth st, SOO-tlOO. H S Bay Ridge av | Bandholta 2,250

JOSEPH MEAD, ^ SaTer"' Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.

Eiobf tBg lng a Bpec ia l ty .

T e l e p b o n e , N o . 873 BrooHlyn.

38 C O U E T S T E E E T , B R O O K L T N , N . T .

H R E S E L B R O S . , Tel.,2071Bkljn


Send lor regular ly p r imed lUi ol p ropor t j -Pot Sa l e " and "Bxchange .

20th av, n w cor TOth st, 100x100. A Baggaley.^ ,

W J Oliver.aitO To'lh'st. 'n s. lOO'w 20th av. 2 lots. . -TOth st, n s, 2 lots adj , R H W'be rg 30o TOth st, a s, 2 lots adj . W J Wal te r TOth St. u s. 2 lots adj. J Per ry TOth st, n Bay Ridge av, s s, 100 e '2um av, • • . '"•=; . j ' ^ ^ ^ -

.300 ^ _ ^ . . ^ .300

5 lots adj . "w Mathewson . . . . . / | 37 100 e 2Jth av, l a Jo ts , W

Mathewson R H W i b e r g , . 2 o 8 Rav Ridee av -s s, 2 lots adj . R H W i b e r g , . ^ o o Ba^ Ridg'e tvl^i s,' 2 lots adj , ^ El P'itlerberg.3O0 Bay Ridge av, s s, 2 lots adj. Same 300 Bay Ridge av, s s, 2 lols adj Same 300 Bay R i d l e av , . s s, 2 lots adj Same • • • • • • • ' f O Bay R id l e av, n s. 100 w 21st av, 0 lots. ^ J^ .

Pe r ry _• • • • •:,••'':,••-.'••'.'''',•'.: ' • j nn T M Kennedy . .300 Pe r ry Bay Ridge av, n s, 2 lots adj - ; - „ - - - _ - , -mi Bay R i d i e av. n s, 10 lots adj, A d a r n e r . . ,1,500 Bav R ' d i e av, n s, 2 lots ad] , P Campbell . . .30. Ra? R d i e av n s 2 lols adj. M Van Houten.31U ?0ih av n e cor Bay Ridge av, lOOMOO. Geo^_^

Seyfried ^' ~ T. A, K E R R I G A N .

•De Kalb av, Nos 628 lo 632, s s, 100 e Nost rand av, 50x100, three 3-sty frame (brk fined flats with stores. (Sub to mor l ;?0,000.) A " ° a ^ . ^ H u r l b u r t ifriu.'juu

Bast l>ih St. e s, 200 n Av B, 100x250 to Ocean P T r \ f w s i V . • - ' _ . . . » » - - - • • • • • - ' " " •

E a s t 12th st"."e"s, 301.8 n Av D, 4 0 x 1 0 0 . . . . . . . . Samuel U Bailey - - • • •*••' '"'

"Prospect av. e s. 265.1 u Ocean Pa rkway , i'-f xlOO. Guy Loomis • • • • • • ; -A^-Qi j

•Bedford av, No 643, e s, 20 s Penn st . 20x81.1, 3-sty brk and stone dwell 'g, Germania Life Insu rance Co ••• a,-00

* \ t l a n t i c av, s s, 105.5 e Cour t s l , 31.1 to cen­ter Red Hook Uue . xTO.3x4.8x13.0, 4 - s t r b rk buiidiug. Germania Lite Insurauce Co . .y.^UO

Ryder av, s s, 5T0.8 e Gravesend av, u0xl40.__ Geo Cunningham - - • , ; , ; • • • , " • , '

Union =t n s, 2r>.'i.G w Clinton st, 2ixU10, r ight ot way over alley, 3,6x100, on n s Union sl, •>'>4 w Clinton sl, also over premises bet lot described and alley, sub to r ight of way over 15 ft in rear ot lot described, 4-sty brk Hat. Pliz W Aldrich 12,0011

"Myrtle av. No 56, s s, 46,6 w J a y st, 22,6x80, 4-sty b rk building. Mutual Lite Insu rance Qrt .11,100

•Lexington ' av, No 728. s s, 103.6 e Reld av,

ITxlOO, 2-sty b rk dwell-g. (Sub to m o r t ?2j-500 ) Henry Ti tscher • • • ".^A"""

•Ga te i av. No 1S5, n s. 220 ^ C l a s s o n av, 22v 9 U X 2 2 , 1 X S 9 . 7 , 3-sty h rk dwell 'g . W m S Gin­nel and ano t rus tees ; , " " ' , " i ; ' ; i ' ; n ' v e ' r -

Lewis av w s, extends from Myrtle av to Ver­non av" 200x200, vacant , Tbeo A H a v e m e ^ | r ^

•Bergen si." No" 206S; 's 's, ' Ko" ^ ' R c c k a w a y ' a v 25x127.0, 2-sly frame dwell g. ^ " " ^ ' ^ O Q

• B ' e r c l n " s t " N o " 2 b i 5 . ' n s . ' s i ' e ' H o p k i n s o n a'v. ITxOl SxlT.SxSS 0, 2-sty frame d w e i r g . Louis^^

D Giroux : \ ' ' " "il-C'V.i'"ok'vQ^ 'Un ion sl. No 640, n s, 12.> w 4th, av -^xao,

5-s?y hrk fl^t. Jam_es S Sfearns t rus tee T.oOO •HProspecl av, n e cor Tlh av. E>''.>^*^-;J^'-7S,^t-Yo

two 4-sty b rk flats, s tores m cor. ( S i ° to mor t S ie.OOO.) Br is ter Wil l iams . . . . . . . . 1 8 , 0 0 0

-Mar tense av, s s. 101.3 e Rogers av. 1^9^122.^1^ '•^.faT^ttea^.^ma 34 l ' to 34T |' 'begins ' ' LafayVtre Steuben st, Nos 255 to 261 1 av n e cor Steu­

ben st 100x160.3. four 4-sty brk flats wltk store in No 341. Uuion Dime Savings in ­s t i tut ion ^ • ° " "

TAYLOR Sc POX. Norlh 6th St. No 115, n cor Berry sl 25x50

3-sly b rk t enem ' t with store_. B Wood, . . 4 4 2 o North 6th St. No 113. n s, 2o w Berry s t 2 2 x

50 3-sty hrk t enem ' t wi th store, Rudolph Schwartz ^'"'^


•Buffalo av. No 104, w s, 17.4 s Dean st, 16.4x 85 2-sty frame dwell 'g. F o r t Greene Co­operat ive Building and Loan Assoc , . , , , .3 »aa

Hicks st . No 46T, e s, 25xS3,6. 3-sty brk dwell-ine . P 0 Davidson * i 5 ^

Pul ton sl, No 21T2, s s, ISO e Rockaway av, 20x 100, 4-sty stone front flat, F ranc i s Pannon,_

. , , , ^ . 1 1 - - U , I A J V

JACOB COLE, De Kalb av. No 1013. n s, 306,3 w Stuyvesant

av. 18,9x100, 3-sty b rk dwell g. A W Howe ^-^^^

Total $254,510 Corresp'o'n'dlnE week, 1897 $98,225

November 5, 1898. Record and Guide 687

Borough of Brooklyn CONVEYANCES.

Wherever tbe letters Q, C. and C. a. G, occur preceded by the name of the grantee tbey mean as follows:

1st—Q. C. Is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed. i. e,, a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omit­ting all covenants and warranty.

2d—C. a. G, means a deed containing Cove­nant against grantor only. In which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the es­tate conveyed may be impeached, charged or en­cumbered,

October 2S. 29, 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3.

Adams sl. e E. 222.6 n Myrtle av. lS.6xlO'2.9. Eliza Potts and Charles Partridge to Joseph Wichert. Mori $2.5C0. nom

Adams st, e s, 2axlC0. being lot 220 map Comfort and Joshua Sands. Edward Hig­gins to Silas A Ilseley, N Y. 7,750

Bainbridge si. s s, 1S2 w Ralph av. runs w IS X s 91.10 to Brooklyn & Jamaica plank road, X e to line 1S2 w Ralph av. x n to beginning. Laura and Charles TuckEr to Thos H Dolane. Mart $1,500. See Grand av, -, 5.000

Bainbridge st. u s, 135 e Lewis av, 20x100, Walter P Clayton to Saml T Maddox. Mort .fS.COO. nom

Bay Parkway, s e s, 200 n e Benson av, 100 xOG.S, Tom A Ritson to Thos H Siewart. Mort $7,000, 14,5011

Bergen st, n s, 304 e Ralph av, 16x107.2, h & 1. Margaret Arnold to Ellen Ward. B & S . All liens, nom

Bergen st, s s, 175 w Rockaway av, 13x127,9, h & I, Sarah E Wena lo Harry W Blair. Morl $1,200, &c, exch

Bergen st, n s, 287 e Ralph av, 17x107.2. Ellen Ward to Jorgen Jakobsen, N Y. Mort $1,000. nom

Boerum st, n s, 100 w Bushwick av. 25xliiO, h & I. Geo W and Elizabeth P May to Max Klein. Mort $3,000. 5,000

Boerum st, s s, 50 e Manhattan av, 25x75. Henrietta Benjamin lo Annie Levy. Mort $1,350. nom

Bridge st, e s. 100.4 n Myrtle av, 24.5x100,3. excepts strip 0.4x100, Bliza Potts and 'Charles Partridge lo Josepii Wichert. Mort $3,500. nom

Broadway, s w s, 123 n w Wiilougbby av. runs s w 79.1 x n 17.9 x w S.2 x n e 69,11 to Broadway, x s e 20. John Palmer to Joseph L Bienenstock. Q C. All liens. 10

Same property. Max Hllborn assignee for benc'fit of creditors. John Palmer to Jo­seph L Bienenstock. B (& S. All liens. 25

Broadway, s w s, 129.3 s e McDonough st, runs s w 03.5 x s e — x n e 34.8 to Broad­way, x n w 20. Louis J Seabrey to Ger­mania Real Estate and Impt Co. Mort $3,000. 7,500

Carroll St. No 219. n s, 165 w Court st. 22x 100, h & 1. Michael and Henry Halpin and Frank Halpin, Far Rockaway, L 1, children and heirs Michael Halpin to Bridget Mcln­erney. 6,250

Carroll st. n s, 262.6 e Oth av, 27.0x100. Jere J Giiligan to Cathariue Courtney, nora

Carroll st. n 3. 2G2.6 e 6th av, 27.6x100. Re­lease mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Jere J Gllligan. 9,0110

Chapel st, n s, 175 e Jay st, 25x40. Fore­clos. Frank D Creamer to Sarah M Mygatt and auo trustees for Matilda Mygatt under •will Jacob A Robertson. 1.050

Columbia st, e s. 120 s Bush st, 20x100. William Gillen to Mary A Harrington. Al! liens. gift

Courtland st, s e s. at interesection n w angle land Wm H Lord, runs s e 145.4 x n e 37.6 x n w 145.4 to st, x s w 37.6. John J Courtney to Albertina Spitz. 900

Crysial st, e s, 130 n Pitkin av, 30x100. Poreclos. Frank D to Eagle Sav­iugs and Loan Co. 2,500

Cumberland st, e s, 193.4 n Atlantic av, 18.11x100. h & 1. James Johnson exr will Joseph Johnson to Joseph Trapnell. Jr . Yonkers, N Y, Mort $2,500. 4,200

Dean st, s s, 146.10 w Hoyt st, 21,10x 100, h & i. Pauline Thompson to Ann Mc­Veigh. Q C. nom

Dean st, s s, 175 w Classon av. 25x110, h & I. Wm H C Leverich to Francis Mc­Grath. Mort $3,000. nom

Dean sl. No 407. Agreement as lo tenancy and dower of Agues Stevenson widow Sami Stevenson. James T Stevenson et al exrs and truslees will Samuel Stevenson with Louisa Dittman. "

Dean st, n s, 323.7 e Rochester av, 16x 107,2.

Dean st. n s, 355.7 e Rochester av, IG.lx 107.2.

Dean sl, u s, 100 w Buffalo av. 17x 107.2.

Dean st, n s, 133.8 w Buffalo av, 16.Sx 107.2. I Archibald Buchanan, Jr, to Emmeline G H Condict, N Y. All liens. nom

Dean at, s a, 175 w Classon av, 25x110, h & 1.

Francis McGrath to Nellie M Cook. Mort $3,000. nom

Decatur st. n a, 115 w Throop av. 20x100. Adam W Sproule to Edwd D Bloodgood, nom

Degraw st, No 330, s s, 250 w Smith st, 25 xlOO.

Nelson st, ^No ISO, s a, SO e Court st, 20x 100. Wm P Gregory, N Y, lo Elizabeth F Greg­ory his daughter, B & S . gift

Degraw st, s s, 133 e Van Brunt st, 19,6x100. Antonio Cararro to John Dondero. Yz part. Mort $2,000. 2,700

Douglass st, n e, 310.4 e Albany av, 114.Sx 130. Release mort. Richard Goodwin to Elizabeth McIIravey, nom

Douglass st, n s, SO e 4th av, 20x100, h & i. Sadie J Pino to Harry W Blair, N Y, Mort $771. exch

Duryea pl. s s, 173.4 w East 22d st, 16,8x 100. George T Harrison to Denis S Robi-chaud. Mort $2,000. 4,000

Eldert st, n w s, 220,3 n e Hamburg av, 20x 100. Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Andrew J Fagereng. 2,500

Same property, Andrew J Fagereng to Chas L and Delia T Harrington, nom

Ellery st. No IGS, s s, 125 e Tompkins _av, runa e 25.3 x s ICO x w 3,4 x n w 28.o x n SO.l. Margaret Garvey to Mary J Lam­bert. Mort $4,238. exch

Easex st, e s. 139.9 s Belmont av. 0,3x100, Mary B wife of Robt F Willan. Coylesville, N J, to Alexander Davison, Rockviile Cen­tre, L 1. 40

Essex st, e s. 139,9 s Belmont av, 75x100, h & 1, Alexander Davison, Rockviile Cen­tre, L I, to James Stackhouse. 2,400

Fennimore st, n s 375 e Brooklyn av, 70x100. The Thomas Phillips Company, a corpora­tion, to Chas H Hannburg, N Y . C a G . nom

Freeman st, a a, 200 w Oakland sl, 25x100. h & I, Ruth '.Mason to Henrietta H Bier-sehenk. "Mort $1,500. nam

Fullon St. n w cor Glenada pl, 82,1x03.2x (7.2x110.7. Wm F Betts, N Y , t o Eveline C Birdsall, East Orange, N J, All liens, nom

Same property. Chas W Betts to Wm F Betts. AU liens. nom

Fulton st, n w cor Sackman sl.33x6i;x25x OS. Nicolaus Wtber only heir Mary Weber lo Margaret and Henry Weber and Julia B wife of Michael J Hanselman. Yi part. B & S. C a G , nom

Glenada pl, Nos 2 and 4, s w cor Decatur st, 50x85. Declaration by Charles Dougherty that he holds as trustee for Edward Dough­erty Y2 inierest.

Gold St. e s, 16S s Concord st, 21.3xS0,3.x 21.3x81,8. Sophia Schoenberg to Anna M C Itjen. Q C. nom

Gold st, e s, 21.3 s Concord si . 21,3x50.4x 21,3x51, h & 1,

Hudson av. a e cor Willoughby st, ruus s 01,10 X e 40.4 X n 3.S x w S.S x n 3.8 x w 14.6 X n 11.1 X w 2.2 x n 10.4 x e — x n 30 to Willoughby st, x w 20.11. Rebecca L P wife of Wm A Mahon to Henry O'Dough-erty. Morts $6,000. nom

Same property. Henry O'Dougherty to Wm A Mahon and Rebecca L F Mahon, tenants by the entirety. Morts $6,000. nom

Hall St. e s, 21S.3 s Myrtle av, 18.9x100. Mary P O'Donohue late Mary F Freel and sole heir Mary Free! to Anna A Barry. nom

Halsey st. n w s, 240 n e Evergreen av, 20x100, h & I, Martiu D Joyce to Mary Steinmetz, N Y. nom

Halsey st, s e, 100 w Reid av. 40x100, h Sc 1. Wm F Heisinger lo Rhoda J Sparrow. Morts $9,000. See Greene av. exch

Halsey st. No 439, n s. 25 e Lewis av, 16.8x 100, h & 1. Sherman Esselstyn to Patk J McNamee. Mort $4,500. nom

Hancock st, s s, 130 e Bedford av, 20x100, h & I. Mary A wife of Bii M Merrill to Henry Heath, Jr . nom

Hancock st, n w s. 170 s w Cenlral av 20x100, h & 1. Thos P Garris to Charies Weber. Mon $3,200. 3,".00

Hancock st, s e a , 261 s w Central av, 20x 100, h & I. Pauline E Brighlou to Mat­thew Riley. Mort .$2,5flO. val consid and 10;i

Hancock st, n s, 172.9 e Patchen av, 20x100, h & I. Chas P Naughton to Rudolph C Gilbert. Mort $4,000. O.OlU)

Hancock st. n s. 302.6 w Reid av. 18.9x100. WaUer P Clayton to Maria L Chaiiiberlain. Mort .$4,500. _ uom

Hancock st, n w s, loO s w Cenlral av, 2Ux 100. Eva V Cbrist to John Schliemau. Moris $2,900. exch

Henry st, w s, 25 s Sackett st, 25x96, h & 1. Jobn F Gantz to Ferdiuando Esposito. Morl $3,000. 5,900

Herkimer st, s e cor Sherlqck pl, (jOxSS. Paul W Ledoux to Michae! Tanner. nom

Herkimer sl s w cor Stone av. 20x'-'6. Pore­clos. Frank D Creamer to Jaines MacGr^p;-or Smilh trusiee will James Rowe. 5,000

Herkimer st, Nos 1143-1147, General as­signment. Joseph H Seed, Richmond Hills, L 1, lo Mulual Loan Assoc. Secures rents lo amount of $575. nom

Hewes st. s s, 52.0 w Lee av. 16.3x90, h Se 1. Julia 0 and Mary A Hawley 10 Wm P Clarke. Mort $0,000. S.OOO

Hicks st, e s, 38 n West Oth st, ISxSO. Sarah M McFeeley to Thomas Lynes. l.SOO

Hull st, e s, 225 w Hopkinson av, 18.9x73.7 xlS.10x75.8. Adele R S't Felix, Chase, N Y, to Louise M Rowe. nom

Hull st, s w cor Hopkinson av. lS.9x96.5x 18.9x97.3, h & 1. Geo E Hanson to Emma M Ross. Mort $0,000. nom

Humboldt st, e s, 160 s Engert av, 20x100, h & 1. Charles Engert to Joseph Trapnell, Jr, Yonkers, N Y. Morts 1^3,300. nom

Huron st, s s. 175 e Oakland st, 25x100. Josepii Trapnell. Jr . Yonkers.N Y. to Build­ing Loan Banking Co. Mort $1,000. 1,500

Same property. John C, Bertha E and Lizzie M Reuss, Decatur Co, la, heirs John Reuss to Joseph Trapnell. Jr . 1,500

Jerome st. w s. 3GG.7 s FuUon st, 50x95. h & I. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Chas J Hobe. 2,500

Jerome st, w s. 200 s PUkin av, 25x100, h Se 1. Isabella M La Barbiera to Kobi Klein. Mort $2,560, taxes, fie. nom

Johnson st, s s, 60.5 e Fleet pl, lS.lx26.11x 18.11x32.0. Mary C, Regina and Wm J Flynn and Chas E Egan to Mary E Farrell.

2,000 Johnson st, a s. 60.5 e Fleet pl, lS.lx26.11x

18.11x32.6. Mary E Farrell to Mary C Regina and Wm J Flynn. B fi; S. nom

Kings Highway, n s, at interseclion centre line East 34th st, runs n w 45S.S x n e 196 X s e l o 2 X s w 408.4. Saml L and Lawrence Ryder to Joanna H, Ryme J, Al­letta and Maria B Ryder. B & S . All title.

nom Kopfs lane, sometimes called Av A, and now

known as school lane, which point is 127.4 from n w s of Av G, and 23.6 s w Benson av. runs n w 2115.2 x n e 83.4 x s e 264 to lane, x s w S3.4. Theodor Koch, N Y, to Charles Tritschle. exch

Kosciusko st, n s. 276 e Tompkins av, 25x 8.1. Louis Spitz to Carrie Spitz. Mort $3, -700, gift

Kosciusko Si, n s, 225 w Tompkins av, 4ljx 100, h Sc 1, Andrew D Baird lo Wm B Skid­more. 11,500

Lawrence st, w s 30,0 s Willoughby st, 19.6 x57.G, Fannie W Forker to Harrison B Moore. Mort $5,500. nom

Leonard st. e s, 100 s Bayard st, runs n 30 to land Glendale and Easl River R R Go, X s e ^ X w 45. Partitiou. Sanders Shanks to Julia D Harris, Clarlsse B Goodnow and Jane A McMahon. 75

Leonard st, s e cor Powers st. IS.4x50. Bliza­beth Vitty lo Margaret Dunn, Jennie Sparks formerly Jackson and Blisha Jackson. All • title. Q C, C a G . nom

Liberty at, e s, 275,10 s Concord st, 25,2.xl02 x24,8x101,10, Harry C Graef and Olive wife of Harry W Treat to Pompeo Maresi.

nom Lincoln pl. s s, flO e 5th av, runs s 28 x w

5.9 X s 72 X e 25 X n 100 to pl, x w 19.3. Isaac M and Ophelia M Dean exra David J Dean 10 Patrick Fox, 1,600

Linden st, n w s. 175.3 n e Wyckoff av, 25x100, h & 1. Henry Roth to Anna Mahlmann. Mort .$4,250. 5,900

Linwood St. w s,_425 n Liberty av, 50x90.| Hale av, w s, 22o.7 n Atlantic av, 2oxl00.1

Harriet A Miller to Lillian V Rourke. Q 0, nom

Locust st, w s, 103.S n Union pl, 25x100, Margt S Snyder lo John J Snyder, Jr."'B & S, C a G, nom

Logan st. No 545. e s, 270 s Belmont av, 20 xlOO, b & I. Florence E Bentley to Mary I Oliver, Mort $2,000, _ 3,000

Lorimer st, \v s, 130 s Calyer st, 2.jxl00, h & 1. Harriett J Williamson, Martha S Alexander, Lizzie C Carr to Lulu S Bal-derson, Philadelphia, Pa, and James Ford,

4.50O Macon st, n s, 131 w Howard av, ISxlOO.

Frances wife of Edwd H Allen to Edwd H Allen. Mort $4,500. nom

Macon St. n s, 327 w Ralph av. 20x100, h & 1, Olto Singer to Henry L Bogel. Mort $4,-500, nom

Madison st. s s, 195 w Sumner av, 75x100, Mary E Graham to S'tephen Burkard and Louis Meyer, Mort $4,500. exch

Madison sl. n s. 116 e Bedford av, 40x100. h & I. Thomas Fitzgerald lo Catb M wife Patrick Shannon, nom

Marion st, No 201, n s, 150 w Saratoga av, 25 xlOO, h Sc 1. Joseph Hyman, N Y. to Co­lumbia Bank, 10.475

Maujer st, s s, 175 w Graham av. 25x100, h & 1. Geo J Stein to Johann Muller. 3,500

McKibbin st, s s, 25 w Humboldt at, 25x100, h & 1, Prank Brown, Queens Oo. L I, to .'Vnnie .M Thompson, Sautharapton, L I. Mt $13,5011. nom

Midwood Sl, n s, 2l'l5 e Bedford av, 20x100. Wm A .'X Brown to Louise Borchers. nom

Midwocd St. n s, 205 e Bedford av, 20x100. Release morl. Title Guaranlee and Truat Co to Wm A A Brown. 4.000

Milford st, w s, 268,9 n Liberty av, lS.9x iCO, h &. \. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Seiial Building Loan aud Savings Inst. 1,200

Mill road. ]'li:i I 1 undcd s by Mill road, w by land Johannes and F Oliver and An­thony Moore, e by land Henry Van Houten, reserves wagon road. Joanna H widow, Ryme J, ,\lletia. -Viaria E and Lawrence Ryder lo Saml L Ryder. B & S . noni

Nelson st. s s, 115 e Clinton st, 25x100,

Record and Guide "November 5, i8g8.

Foreclos. Frank D Creamer lo Jobn E Ket-son. 2,2r>0

Newel st, e s, 225 s Meserole av, 25x100, h & 1. John W and Edwd F Scully children' and heirs Hannah Scully to Adrian Meserole. Mort $2,000. Dom

Noll st s E. 100 e Central av, 25x100. h Sc I.| Noll st, s s, 225 e Central av, 25x100, h & l.|

John G Jenkins to People's Realty Co, nom Ocean Parkway, s w cor Estate road, 40x

250 to East oth st, Lewis Hurst and ano exrs and truslees will Henry Johnson, Mary B and Martha E Sharkey to Henry W Somerset. 1,230

Pacific st, n e s , U S n w Henry st, runs n e 46 X n w .6 X n c 10 X s e O.G X n.e 34 x n w 22 X s w 90 lo Pacific st, x s e 22, h Se 1 Fredk C Dexter, N Y, to Chas G Ross, Mort $4,0( 0. exch

Palmetto st, s e s, 325 a w Central av, 16,8x 100 h & I. Samuel Katz, N Y, lo Katie Young. Mort $2,000. exch

Park pl, s s, lOO.S w Brooklyn av, 120x127.9. Release mort. Richard M Hoe and ano trustees to Chas G Reynolds. 15,000

Park pl, s s, .501.8 e Nostrand av, 10x13.-1.1. Geo F Beatty to Eliz F Dare, exch and 1,7-50

Park pl, s s, 178 e Vanderbilt av. 19x131. Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. 7.000

Same property. Wm H Reynolds to Adam W Sproule. nora

Same property. Same to Lina wife of Moaes M Hydeman, ^r ,?""^

Park pl, s s. 482.3 e Vanderbilt av, 18.9x 131. Release raort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. 7,000

Park pl, n s, 493 e Underhill av, 18x131. h & 1 Annie E Seaman to Wm H Rey­nolds, Mort !Pn,500. nom

Park pl. s s, 197 e anderbilt av, 19x131. Release mort. Title Guaranlee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. - S.OOu

Park pl, s K, 444 e Vanderbilt av, 18.9x131. Release mort. Same to same. 7.000

Park pl, E s, 197 e Vanderbilt av, 19x131. h & 1. Wm H Reynolds to Frank C Jen­nings. , ^ „ .^i^o"^

Park pl, .=; s. 444 e Vanderbilt av, 18.9xlol , h & 1 Wm fi Reynolds to Annie B Sea­man. _ .^^oni

Park pl, s s, 140 e Vanderbilt av, 19x131, Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust

. Co to Wm H Reynolds. f.OOO Same property. Wm H Reynolds to Emily

wife of Geo W Carr. nom Penn st. n s, 220 w Harriaon av, 21x100.

Eliz F Dare to Hannah L Dolbert. nom President st, n s, 115 w Clinton st, 16.8x100,

h & I. Seba M Bogert to Julia C Moran and Ella F Browne, tenants in common. o.oOO

President st. No 290. n s. 122.6 w Smitli st, 20,3x100. Seba M Bogert to Seth L Whip­ple. Mort $4,500. ^^ ^j^J"

President st, n e s , 456 n w olh av, lOxOa. Diantha M wife of Saml Y Walker to Franie W Dennis, N Y. Mort $3,000. 4,000

Same property. Frauk W Dennis, N Y, to , John H Kearney, New Haven, Conn. Mort

$3 000. 2.U00 Prospect pi. s s, 375 e Troy av. 18x90. Harri­

son P Wallis and ano exrs will Harriet P Bisco to John J Reddy. ji-r'^^

Prospect st, w s, 200 n Vernon av, 42x l (0 . Eliza A Martense and Mary M Prince to John C Elliott. . ^ ^ J^^*^

Pulaski st, s s, 19a e Sumner av, 20.8x100, h & 1. Charles Tritschler to Theodore Koch. N Y. Mort $0,000. exch

Quincy st. n s, 20 e Bedford av, 20x100. Berry st, e s, 40 s South I s t st, 20xbo.b. |

Geo E Smith, Bast Cambridge, Mass, to Henry A, James E and Arthur H Smith. All title. C a G . „_ 2,000

Remsen st, s s, 17a e Clinton st, 2.:ixl00, h & 1. Ellen G and Louisa S Gilbert^to Thos P Rochford. 2 D , 1 1 O

Remsen st, s s, 76 w Hicks st, 25x180 to Grace court. Frank Lyman to Geo C. Mary A and Ellen Brackett. 2o,0U0

Remsens road or lane, s e a, at dividing hne| lands Herman Lohmann_and Martin Morri-1 son, runs s e 150 x w aO x n w 50 x n wl 150 X e 50. , _ !

Remsens road or lane, s s, adjoimnj land Henrich T Winterberg, runs s e laO x w| 50 X n w 150 lo Remaens lane, x alongl lane 50. , , , X-, Katy Konig to Henry Konig, Y2 Part. UO-

Sackett st, No 173, n s, 39.6 e Hicks st,l 2 0 X 7 5 , h & 1. ^,1

Nelson st. No 1S2. s s, 100 e Court sl, 20| xlOO. ,_ i Wm D Gregory to Emma D Barr, his daughter. ,.S'*^

Sackman at, w s, 123 s Herkimer st, 4ax - 110 h & 1. Leopold Hellinger, N Y, to

Rachel Weiss, N Y. Mort $4,000. exch Sackman st, w s, 150 s Pitkin av, 25x100.

Mariha A Youngs heir and legatee Cath-" arlne Shaw to Mendel Geltinger. Mort $200. • : SOO

Schaffer st, a e s. 325 n e Bushwick av, 16.Sx 100. • Geo W Pearsall to Charles Heyman. Mort $2,000. 4 <J0O

Skillman st, e a. 138,8 n Lafayette av, 20x 100, h & 1. Hatlie P Whiltaker, Summit. N J, LO John Monahan, Mort $1,000. 3,600

Smith at, w s, 60.9 s Nelson st, 20x80, h & 1, Foreclos, Prank D Creamer to Henrietta Priggs. Mort $1,500. 200

Starr st. n w R. 100 n e Hamburg av 25x 100 h & 1. William Weiner to Julius Beyer ^°^

Sterling pi, n s, 400 e nnderhill av. 200x131. Wm H Reynolds to Bessie L Martiu. nom

St Johns pl. n s. 104,7 e Oth av, 20x100, h & I, John H Doherty to William R Do­herty. All liens. ^oni

Same propertv. William R Doherty to Katie wite of John H Doherty. non^

Stockton st, s s, 200 w 'Lewis av, 2axl00. r-onrad Hartmann to Louis G Heiberger. Mort $5,000. „ exch

Same property. Louis G Heiberger to Peter Somber^er. Mort $5,000. exch

Sumpter st, s s, 200 e Hopkinson av, 2.ix 100 James Burke to George Mouter and John M Dumproff. . noni

Sumpter st, s s, 275 e Ralph av, aOxlOO. \ nna Duechting.devisee under will Caspar Deuchling lo Matthias Grossarlh. nom

Union St. n s, 160 e Smitli st. 14x90, h & 1. Sarah R Hartley, N Y, to Joseph Harlley. O C C a G nom

Union st, n s 342 w filh av. 18-51x95 Thos F Green to Fredk E Farrell. Mort $..i,000,

nom Uuion St. No 432. s s, 175.4 w Bond st, 19.8]

xlOO. Summit Et, No 31, s s, 140 e Columbia at,

20x100. I Wm D Gregory, N Y, to Mary P G Dever­eux his daughter. Sift

Van Buren st, s s, 32S.6 w Reid av, 14.3x 100 h & 1. Chas T Larab to Caroline Reoch.

2.10O Vanderbilt st, n s. 6C0 e ISth st. 100x150.

Wiliiam Shillaher. Jr, t rustee for Mary I Writfleld and Flora E Rogers under will Jason Rogers to August W Koester. 2,o00

Vanderbilt st, n s, 500 e ISth st, 100x150. Same to Frank Manker. A'S^^

Walworth st. e s. 179 n Park av, 18.9x100. h Se 1 Palk J McNamee to Sberman Es­selstyn. Mort $1,500. noni

Weirfield st. n w s, 300 n e Central av. 20x 100 h & 1. John R Lettenberger to Annie Lettenberger. B & S . nom

White st, a s, 697.4 e Brooklyn and Coney| Island plank road, 50xl2o. I

White st, a s. 147.4 e Brooklyn and Coneyl Island plank road, 100x125. 1

White St. s s, 147.4 e Coney Island plank] road, 100x125. 1-3 part of this. I

White st, E s, 747.4 e Brooklyn and Coneyl Island plank road, 100x125. I

Washington av, s s, 100 e 3d st, 50x100. | Brooklyn and Coney Island plank road, e s,

at s w cor lot 5 on map David Johnson,| Flatbush, runs e 692,6 x s 31i).8 x w] 1,811 lo said road, x n 350.5. 1

White st, plot bounded n by White st. s by| land A G Hammond, e by section 30 audi w by Coney Islaud plank road, all on map| Johu White, Flatbush. I Cheshire Improvement Co (Lim) to The Butierick Publishing Co (Lim). nom

Willow St. n w s, 177.2 s w Clark st, 37.6x 100. Marie N Benedict to Frances E Jud-son ——TUV"

1st at, n e s , 184,5 n w 7lh av, 28.5x100, Peter J and Tbomas Kelly to John N Kon­valinka, no™

South 3d St. n s, 94 w Bedford av, runs n| 120 X w 34.6 X a 40 X e 25 X a SO to South| 3d st, X e 9.6. I

South 3d st, n s, 128.6 w Bedford av, runaj u 120 X e 25 X n 30 X w 50 X s 150 tol South 3d st, X e 2a. ^_ I

South 3d st, n s, 153.6 w Bedford av. 2DX| 150. „_ I

South 3d st, n a, 17S.G w Bedford av, 2axi

150. __ 1 Interior lot, 103.G n Bedford av, and la s| • South 2d st, runs s 75 x w 2a x n 75 x e|

Interior lot, 183.3 w Bedford av, and 7a si South 2d st, runs s 15 x w 21.5 x n l a xl e 21.5. _ I

Interior lot. 140.5 w Bedtord av, and ta sl Soulh 2d st, runs s 15 x w 21.5 x n 15 x| e 21.5. ! Partition. Sanders Shanks to Julia D Har­ris, Clarisse B Goodnow and Jane A Mc­Maban. ^_ 6.S25

Soulh 4th st, n e s, 25 n w Hooper st , 2ox9o, h & 1. Frank Koch, N Y, to John G Kra­mer, Mort $0,000. 14.000

South 4lh st, s 6, 81.5 w Driggs av, 22.1x 92. Foreclos, Prank D Creamer lo Mary A Cooper, Babylon, L I. 3,500

Eas t 4th st, w s, 172.4 s line land formerly of town of Gravesend, 40x65.5x40x05.0. Lewis Hurst and ano exrs and trustees will Henry Johnson, Mary B and Martha E Sharkey to Chas M White. 122

4th pl, a a. 41.8 w Court st, 20.10x133.5. h & 1 Palk J Murphy, N Y, to Katie C Mur­phy. B & S . - nom

East-Stb St. vr s, 40 s Estate road, 20x100. Lewis Hurst and ano exrs and trustees will. Henry Johnson, Mary E and Martha E Sliarkey to Delilie A MacKnight. 110

6lh st, n s, SO e 7th av, 37,10x100, Kate L • Reid to Walter L Johnson. Mort $3,000.

nom East 7lh st, w s. 440 s Beverly road, GOx

250 to Ocean Parkway. Wm P Schmidt to Martha Merolla. Mort $2,000. nom

East Tth st, w s, 388.11 n Church lane, IOO

xlOO, Peler H McNulty to Mary J Greeu, nojii

East 7lh st, w s, 100 s Av B, 100x250 to Ocean Parkway. Annie wife of Augusius P Stevens to A Stewart Walsh. Mort $3, -000. nom

Bay lOtli St. s e s. 220 n e Bath av, 40x96.8. Robert Weber to John Singlehurst. See SSth sl, 2.30O

l l t h st, n e eor 4th av, 22x80, h & I. Herbert C Smith Queens Co, L I, to John C Morton. Mort $11,000. 13,000

Same propertv. Albert Morion aud ano exrs will John Morton and Albert and Johu C Morton to Herbert C Smith. Mort $11,000.

lOpUUU l l t h Et. n e s. 265 s e 3d av. 19x100, h & I.

Stephen Burkard and Louis Meyer to Mary E Graham. Moris .$3,000, «xcli

12th st, e s. 200 n Beverly road. 50x109. John S Nugent to Franz P Hahnemann,_ Mort $1,100. ^.'>''>

12th st, s s, 152,10 w Prospect Park Wesl. 220x100, Release mort. Calh B Aitken lo James Jack. ^^ li.OOO

llllh at n s. 299.1 e 5th ov. IS.OxlOO. James P Davis lo Eliz A Nellis. Mort .$2,500. See 7lh av exch

East 13Lh st, e s, 2G0 n Av I, 20x100, John H Storer, Waltham, Mass. to Mary Gaffney.

nom IGlh st s E, 89.10 e 7th av, 16x100, James

p Davis to John L Nellis. Mort $l ,a00. See 7th av. eJ'ch

East 16th st, e s, 345 n Av U, 20x100. Harbor and Suburban Building and Sav­iugs Assoc to Granbatista Perazzo, N Y.

17lh st, n e s , 152.0 s e Oth av, 17.6xS0. Cecelia J Vau Cott widow. North Hemp­stead, L I, to Arthur A Skinner. l .wO

Bast ITth at, e s, 250 s Av A, 150x100. Kate C and Jacob H Roberts, Hempatead, L I, to Alonzo B See and Walter L Tyler. Morts $10 150 '^"m

Bast 17th St.' w s, 400 s Av O. 40xl03.8x40x 104.10. Warren C Crane, N Y, to Wm E_ Piatt. ^^^

19th st, n e s . 320,4 n w 10th av, runs n e 100.2 x n w 44,2x102.8 to 19th st. x s e 21, h & I, Julius Albers lo John Albers. 300

19lh st, n e s , SO n w 5th av, 20x75. Eliza­beth Kroekel lo Mary E Egan. 2,.i(IO

20lh st, w s, 39.6 s Terrace pi, 21x100, h & 1. Thos H Sherman to John A Sherman. •Mort $1,300. noni

20th st, n s, 240 e 4th av, 60x100.2. Release ' mort. Brevoort Savings Bank of Brooklyn to John H Stoddard. l.aOO

Same property. John H Stoddard to Geo F

Ihnken. 2,72.^ 20th St. n s, 130,9 w 7th av, 15.4x100. John

Muir to Henry Meirer. Mort $1,900. non. 22d st, n e s, 109 n vr 4th av, 26x100.2, h &

1. Patk J Mahoney, N Y, to Mary Mahoney. uom

Bast 2Slh at. e s, 180 s Av C, 40x100. | East 40th st, w s, 420 s Av C, 200x100-1

Germania Real Esta te and Improvement Co to Louia J Seabrey. Mort $2,500. exch

East 32d st, w s, 140 s Av P, SOxlOO. Henry T Hoffmann to Charles Griamer. nnm

Bay .32d s t . ' n w s. SO n e Benaon av, OOx 96.S. WaUer Jones to C Corlnne Swayne.

nom Eaat 34lh st, e s, 100 n Grant st, 100x100.

Mary J Caulfield widow to John L Keeney. Q C. 1^"

Same property. Grace Caulfield by Henr^_ B Wood guard to same. taO

Eaat 35th st, e s, at Intersection dividing line lands grantor and grantee herein, runs e 19.9 x s w 54.4 to East 35th st, X n 50,10,

East 34lh st. e s, 340 n Av F, 47.6x200 to East 35th st. „ „

New York av, e s, 340 n Av F, 4(.Gx200 io Bast 34th at.

Eaat 32d st, e a, 340 n Av F, 4i.Gx20a to New Yorlt av.

Bast 31st at, e s, 340 n Av F , 4i.6x200 to Bast 32d st.

B3SI 31st st, w E, 340 n Av F, GOxlOO. Germania Real Eatate and Improvement Co to Flatbush Water Works Co. nom

East 3Sth St. e s, 527.0 n Av H. runs e 1001 X n to land Harriet Bergen, :: n w lo EastI 3Sth st, X s SO. I

East 3Sth St. e s. 107.6 n Av H. runs n 401 X e 200 to East 39ih st, x n 40 x w 100| x a SO X w 100. ^ I

East 40th Et, w s, 207.6 n Av H, l o x l J l x | 102x100. 1

Av I, s e cor East 35th st, 100x97,0. 1 East 35th St. e s, 337.6 s Av I, runs e 200|

to Brooklyn av, x s to land Elias A Hub-1 bard. X s w to Bast 35lh st, x n 240, |

Interior lot. begins at point in n s laud Long| Island R R Co, at intersection centre line| block bet East S i lh st and Brooklyn av,| runs n 61 X s w 80 X e 52. 1

East SSlh st, w a, 257.G n Av I, 120x100. | East SSth sl, w s. 217.6 n Av I, runs w|

100 X s to land Elias A Hubbard, x n e| to East SSth st, X n — to beginning. 1 Release mort. James P Hubbard lo Ger­mania Real Estate and Improvement Co.

4.aOO East SSth at, e a. 260 n Av K, 40x100. Ger­

mania Real Estate and Improvement Co to John J Mitchell, N Y, ___,. _ noni

November.5, 1898. Record and Guide 689

IGast 4mh St. e s. 260 s Av C. 40x100. Will­iam J Elliott to Jacob Blank. nom

,40lh St. west cor 12lh av. runs s w 150,2 x| -n w 100 X n e 50 X n w 175 x n e 100.2| • ' t o 40th at, X s e 275. I

10th av, soulh cor 40th st. 100.2x91.4. | 12th av, soulh cor 40th st, 100.2x136.3. |

The Borough Park Co to Ernest Raymond. nom

40th st, n e s , 320 n w 12th av, 20x95,2, h & I. Ernest Raymond to Viola Reynolds.

nom 40th St. u e s. 300 n w 12th av, 20x95.2. h

& I. Same to Samuel Olsen. nom 43d St. s w s, 240 s e IGtb av, 40x100.2,

Elizabeth W Johnson, Rahw.iy, N J, to Michael J Shea. 440

Beach 4fith st. s s, 100 w Surf av, S0xl06,9x SOxlOl.2, Norton Point Land Co to Julia M Meyer, N Y. 2,600

•Beach 47th st, n s, IGO w Surf av, GOx lH.1xt;n.5x1U7. Norton Point Land Co to Edmund Dwight. Jr . N Y. 2,T0O

49th st, s w E, 140 s e 13th av, 20x100. The Boiough Park Co to Wm H Reynolds. 400

49lh sl. s w s. 140 s e ISlh av. 00x100.2. Wm H Reynolds to Danl C Meyer. nom

4!!lh St. n e s , 120 s e 4ih av. 20x100.2. Foreclos. Henry Manne lo Adolph Kiensll.

• 2.5 o;> 49th sl. s w s. 1.50 n w ISth av, 50x100.2.

Wm H Reynolds to Grace HickerKon nom 49th st, s w s, 150 n w 13th av, 50x100.2.

Release morl. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. 3,000

COth st, n s, 140 e Sd av. 20x100.2. Wm A Short. Richmond Co, S I, to Wm J and Margaret L Barry, tenants by the.entirety, B & S , C a G . Mort $1,300. nom

Same property. Margaret L Barry formerly Cahill and child and heir Rosanna Mc­Gralh. to Wm A Sliore. Mort $1,300, nom

.lOth st, n s, 246,4 e 5th av, 19x100.2, h & 1. Geo E O'Hara to Predk C Dexter. Mort .$3,550. nom

50th St. n s, 246.4 e 5th av, 19x100.2, mort • $3,550,

aCth st, n s, 379.4 e 3th av, 20.8x100,2, mort • $3,500. • li'redk G Dexter to Cellia Schultz. All liens,

nom 51st Et, n a, S82 e 4th av. lSxlOO.2. Geo W

Wakeman to Eagle Savings and Loan Co, Mort $4,200. nom

51st Et, n s, 382 e 4th av, lSxlOO.2, h & 1. John Beet to Geo W Wakeman. Mort $3,-000. nom

52d fit, n s„ 1S0,2 e 4th av. 20x100,2, h & I. Fred A Kennedy to Magdallne A Kennedy.

• Mort $2,500. nom 56th st, a s, 140 e 4th av, 60x100.2. Han­

nah Lee lo Wm S Hassan. nom 56th st, s s, 140 e 4th av, GOxlOO.2. Releaae

mort. Charles Emmons, N Y, to Hannah G Lee. 1,750

58lh st, s E, 180 e 4lh av, 20x100.2. h & 1. -John Beet to Edwd A Roth. Mort $4,000.

nom 5Slh st, s s, 140 e 4lh av, 20x100.2, h & I.

Sarae to Wm J Shimer. Mort $4,000. nora 58th st, s s. 100 e 5lh av, 100x100.2. Re­

lease mort. Joaeph Marhoffer lo Jamea G Carroll. 1,000

59lh St. s s, 240 e 20lh av. 40x100.2, b & I. Henry J Trahan lo Florence E Bentley. Morts $2,S."0, 4.500

59th St. n s, 300 w 17th av, 60x100.2, h & 1. Hans C Pfaizgraf to Bdwd K Fryatt, Mt $2,500. 3,850

(llllh 6t, s s, 140 w 17lh av, SOxlCO. John D Giiligan, Jr, lo City and Suburban Homes Co. nom

70lh El, n s, 240 w 17th av, 40x100. Wm J Houlahan lo City and. Suburban Homes Co.

nom 73d st, a s, 100 e 2a av, runs n 40 x e 10

X n GO X e 30 x s 100 to st. x w 40. Thomas Bennetts to Chas W Lyon, Jr. nom

7Sd st, n s, 148 e 2d av. 52x100. Chas W Lyons. Jr, to Thomas Bennetts. nom

74lh Bt, E s, 343,2 w ISth av, 40x100. John H Hanley to Chas E Orr. 800

7Sth Bt, n s, 140 w 4th av, 33.4x109.4. Anna Martin to Thomas Ostick. Mort $3,350. nom

7Sth Bt, n E, 150 e 2i.l av, 60x109.4, h & 1. John Freed to James McKenna. Morts $3,(50, . 5,000

79th st, s w a, 340.2 s e "th av, 60x100, Edwd W Duryea lo Emilio Rossi. nom

Sls t st, s w s, 311 n w 19lh av, runs s w 100 x n w 189 X s w 100 to 82d st. x n w to 18th av, X n e to Sls t st, x a e — lo be­sinning. John V Van Pelt to Townsend

^ a Van Pelt. All title. nom Sls t Kt, west cor IOth av, runs n w 311 x s w

IOO x n w 189 X s w 100 to 82d st, x a e . 380 X D e 100 X s e 120 to 19lh av, x n e

100. Jolin V Van Pelt to John L Nostrand, ' All title. nom 82d St. n e s , 2G0 n w 19lh av, 00x100.

Jno L Nostrand to Oceanna B Van Beuren. uom

Same property. Oceanna E ^'au Beuren to Wm C Sawjer, nom

SGth 61, n s, 100 w ISth av, runs n 200 to -. SSth st, X w 100 X s 100 X w 40 X s 100

to SGth St. X e 140. Fredk C Dexter, N Y, to WaUer L Johnson. Mort $4,4U0. nam

SStb st, n a, 350 e Fort Hamilton av. OOx 169.7x60x167, Release mort.. Margt R Starr lo John Singlehurst. nom

SSth St. n s, 390 e Fort Hamilton av. 20x 169.7x20x167. Johu Singlehurst to Robert Weber. Mort $1,200, See Bay 10th st. 2,150

Av C, s w cor Eaat 3SLh st, 100x100. Will­iam J Elliott to Jacob Blank. Morts $1,-000. nom

Av C, n s, 26.8 e East 29th st, 26.8xS0. Mary E Oldham to Chas C Manger. 3.300

Av F, s e cor East Sls t at, 35x100. Edwd R Strong to Emil R W Schoenteldt. Mort $3,000. nom

Av J, n w cor Bast SSth st, 100x97.6. Ger­mania Real Esiate and Improvemenl Co to Wm H Kouwenhoven. nom

Av K. a s, 65.3 e Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach R R Co. 41.9x112x41.6x132,3, h & 1. John H Petersen to Anna Petersen his wife. Mort $2,000. nora

Av L, n w cor East SSth st. 100x100. Theo­dore Bergen and ano exrs and trustees will Jeremiah Bergen to Mathias L Rosecrans.

1.275 Av U, n s. at intersection centre line Lotts

lane, runs e to point 40 from e s East SSth st, X n 100 X w to centre line Lotts lane, x s — to beginning. Release mort. Charlotte D Robertson, Morristown, N J. to Ferdinand T Coleman. nom

Av U, n e cor Easl SSth'at, 40x100. Ferdi­nand T Coleman to Jurien S Lott. nom

Atkina av, w s, 90 s Belmont av, 40x100, h & 1. Fredk W Hearn to Leo Samuels and Abraham Mayer, All liens. 3,000

Atlantic av, Nos 172 and 174, s s, 137 e Clinton st, 43.11x80. Louis Mendelson, N Y. to Harris Beaver. Morts $11,000. 1,250

Atlantic av. s s, 205 e Bond st, 20x80. Patk J A Burns sometimes called Joaeph A Burns to Mary T Burns. 250

Atlantic av, s e. 150 e Buffalo av. 50x74.Gx— xS3.9. Irving Fish, N Y, to Annie Pish. Mort $1,900. nom

Atlantic av, n s, 125 e Hoyt st. 25x90, h & 1. Horatio S Stewart exr Henry Bodger to Arthur Thompson. 3,000

Atlantic av, n a, 250 e New York av, 50x 149.1. Conrad Bahr to Mary E Bihr. Mort $2,500. 4,500

Atianlic av, n a, 72 e Sherlock pl, 25x98.7, h & I. Vennette P Pelletreau, Long Hill Farm, N J, to Chaa A Murphy, B & S , All liens. nom

Atianlic av, n s, S33.10 e Troy av, 16.8x99. Lucy I .McComb, N Y, to Emeiine G H Condicl, uom

Bedford av, e a, 96 a South 2d st. 48x103.6. Partition. Sanders Shanka to Julia D Har­ris. Clarisse B Goodnow and Jane A Mc­Maban, 4,275

Bedford av, n e cor Sterling pl, runa n e lOO X e 73,3 x s e 11.5 x s 93.10 to pl, x w 103.5. James F Salter to James W Crocker, N Y. Mort $9,000. 12,.50O

Christopher av, e s. 125 s Pitkin av, 25x100. Mary E Hughes heir and legatee Calharine Shaw to Edward Leber. 500

Classon av, e s, 20 n President st, 20x83.10 x21.Sx92.1, Lizzie M wife of Frank E Jamea to Chas J Curtin. Mort $1,200. nom

Cypress av, s e cor Highland av. 100x100. Norlon Point Land Co to Chas F Lott. 2,12."i

Cypress av, n e cor Highland av, lOOxiOO. 1 Maple av, s a, 100 e Highland av, 120x100. Maple av, a s. 140 w Sea Gate av. 100x100. |

Norton Point Land Co to John B Leavitt. N Y. I, I l a

De Kalb av, n s, 15a w Throop av, 20x100. Cornelia M Swimm to John Lane. Mort $2,250. 3.300

Driggs av, n a, 77.7 w Diamond st. 25 , l lx 82.7x25x89.5, h & 1. Wm H Jones to Fred­erick Schwarz. B & S . C a G , nom

Same property, Geo F Muir to Wm J Jones. Q C. nora

Dumont av, s s, 20 e Vesta av, runs 100 x e SO X s 40 X w 100 to Vesta av. x s 120 x e 200 to Snediker av, x n 160 x w 20 x n 100 to Dumont av. x w 160. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Henry J Robinson as trustee, Mort $2,250. aOO

Eaat New York av, n a. 258.8 w land Roger Clancy, conlains 1 10-100 acres, James J Tapseott, N Y, to Robt P Lelhbridge. nom

Euclid av, e s, 209 a Sentinel pl, 19x100. James I Newman to Marie L Coon. Hazle-lon, N Y. Mort $2,000. 3,100

Evergreen av, n e a. 75 n w Melrose at. 2.i,\. 7S, h & 1. Julius and Adolph C Minck and George Doeacher to Julius Minck, Mo:t $2,000. exch

Fountain av, w s, 16-1.2 n Glenraore av, 17.10 xlOO. Release mort. Title Guaranlee and Trust Co lo Chas J Kiesel. l.SOu

Same property. Chas J Kiesel to Geo A Ba­ker, nom

Glenmore av, n w cor Crescent st, SOxlOO.| Glenmore av, s w cor Crescent at, runs si

200 X w 100 X n 100 X e 20 X n 100 to av.I X e SO. I

Glenmore av, s e cor Crescent st, runs s 200 X 0 100 X n 100 X w 20 x n 100 to av.I X w SO. I John J Eagan and Louis Medler to Bernard J Pink. Morl $5,000. nam

Graham av, e s, 25 n McKibbin st, 25x100, h & I. Isadore Dresdner to William Dread-ner. Mort $4,500. 0.5U0

Graham av, e s, 75 n Skillman av, 25x100, h & 1, Marie Nepp or Neipp widow lo Mor­ris Blau. Mort $1,300. nom

Grand av, e », 248,1 n Gates av, 19x101.0,

h & I. Thos H Dolane to Laura Tucker, Morts $3,000. See Bainbridge st, 5,000

Grand av, w s, 175.5 n Gates av, 16.9x100. Foreclos. Prank D Creamer to Lucius B Hutchinson. Mort $4,138. taxes, &c, 1,000

Greene av. s e s, 250 n e Evergreen av, 25 xlOO. James Culllngford, Clarenceville, L I. to Kate Taeger. 2.900

Greene av, n s, ISO e Patchen av, runs n 100 X e 130,10 x n e S7.S to Broadway, x s e 160,11 X s w 68 to Greene av, x w 259,8. People's Realty Co lo John G Jenkins. Morts $64,500, nom

Greene av, a s, 190 e Patchen av. IGxlOO. h & I. Rhoda J Snarrow lo Wm F Heis­inger. Mort $3,500. See Halsey st, exch

Hamburg av, w s, 49 s Woodbine st, 21x90. h & I, Charles Blumhardt to Henry and Mena Meis. Mort $2,500. 4,0011

Hamburg av, w s, 50 n Grove st, 25x100. h & 1. Margaretha Augustin to Valentine Leiser, Mort $3,500. 6,S0l.

Sarae property, Joaeph Sauerwein to Mar-garelha Augustin. Mort $3,300. exch

Hamburg av, north cor Bldert st. 100x100. Saml H Coombs to Prank Schlegel. Morts $5,800. nom

Hamburg av. s w s, 75 a e Harmon st, 25x75. Ignala Martin to Fred May, Queens Go, L I. Moris $4,100. nom

Hamburg av, s w s, 25 a e Schaeffer st, 37.6x SO. Solomon Styler to Saml H Coombs. '

1,900 Hamilton av, e s, 2S.5 n Garnet st, runs e

40 X n e 55.1 x n w 10 x s w 45.3, x s 40 to av. X s 20. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Mary C Anglim. 2,600

Hamilton av, e a, 142,7 n Huntington st. runs n 60.5 x n e 64.S to Nelson st, x s e 69 X s w 44.3 X w 78.1. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to John Caulfield. 4,850

Homecrest av, e s. 16a s Av T. 40x85. Harbor and Suburban Building and Savinga Aasoc to William Bock. 40O

Howard av, w a, SO a Marion st, 20x53.9, h & 1. Maria E Sutterlin to Susanna Enders. Mort $1,500. 2,700

Jefferson av, s s, 120 w Lewis av. 20x100. h & I, Wilfred Burr to Arthur F Knowles, Morts .^"5,000. nom

Jefferson av, s s, 140 w Lewis av, 20x100. h & I. Wilfred Burr to Herbert Baker. Mori $5,000. nom

Jefferson av, a e s, 252 s w Hamburg av, 19x 100, h & 1. Adolpbua Gload to Wm B and Annie E Kranz, tenants in eommon. nom

Knickerbocker av, s w s, 25 s e Suydam si, 50x100. Bertha Storch to Jacob Blank. >Mt $1,830. nom

Lafayetie av, s s, IGO e Classon av, 20x121! x20x12G.O, Edward D Bloodgood to Char­lotte R W Bangs. Mort .$4,000. nom

Lafayette av, n w s, 250 n e Broadway. 18,8x100. Wm H Kempton to Theo E Green. Mort $3,000. nom

Lewis av, e s, 100 n Lafayette av, 20x100. Maria L Chamberlain to Frances Vau Riper,

norn Lexington av. n cor Concord st, 12oxlOO, Warren st, s e s, 301 s w Atlantic av. runs

s w 47 X s e abt 105 x n e abt 17 x s e 10 X n e 30 x n w abt 12S. Edward Lumner to Lena Donellsen. N Y. •Mort $],50O. nom

Manhattan av, w s, 50 n Maujer st, 2ax .100. Charles Buehl and Charles Koehler to Geo P Jochuni and Susanna his wile, ten­ants by the entirety. .Mort $7,500. 12,0U0

Maple av, s e cor Highland av, 100x100, Norton Point Land Co lo Calh F Lindemann, N Y, 2,250

Miller av, w s, 100 s Sutler av. 20x100. h & 1. Lulu E Clarke to Geo A Minasian. •Mort $3,000. 4,000

Myrtle av, n s, 175 e Sumner av, 25x100. Release mort. Arlhur B Critman lo Peter Aronson. 200

Myrtle av, n a. 175 e Sumner av. 25x1011, h & I. Peter Aronson lo Annie M Thomp­son. Morl $9,300, taxes 1S07, &c. uom

Myrtle av. n s, 75 e Tompkins av, 20x100, Release dower, Alice W Nagle to Chas F Nagle, uom

Neptune av, s w cor Highland av, 220x100. Release mort. City Real Esiate Co lo Norton Point Land Oo. 2.000

Xeptunc av, s e cor Sea Gate av. 100x100. Release morl. Same lo same. 8.'i0

Neptune av, s e cor Highland av, 100x100. Norlon Point Land Co lo Anua R Green, Westfield. N J. 1,S75

Neptune av, n a, 100 w Sea Gate av, 120x 100. Notion Point Land Co to Corneliua Macardell, Middletown, N Y. Mort .$1,000.

2,40U Neptune av, a a, 100 w Sea Gate av, IQOxl

100, [ Cypress av, s a. 100 e Highland av, 200x|

IUO. . I Cypress av. n s, 100 e Highland av, 200x|

100. I Same lo same, 9,375

Nepluuc av, s s, 100 e Highland av, 200x1 IOO, I

Neplune av, u s, 220 w Sea Gat6 av, GOxj IUO. t Norton Point Land Co to .Albert G Mc­Donald. Mori $500. 4,025

Newkirk av, s e s, 100.11 n e Easl 22d si, 75x150,3x7axl5i.3. Mary A Brill lo Benj F Stephen. nom

R e e ^ ^ a n d Guide November 5, i8g8.

Newport av, s B, extends from Snediker to Vesta av, 200x325, Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Henry J Robinson as trustee. Mort $2,500. „^ , „ _ SOD

Nichols av. e s, 200 n Union av. 60xl2a, h & 1. Foreclos. Alex A Forman, Jr, to Eliz­abeth, Edward F and Chas S Taber exrs Pranklin W Taber, All liens. 1,200

Norman av, s s, -50 e Lorimer st, 25x95, h & 1. Mary Avery widow of and devisee un­der will Edmund Johnson now wife of Wm H Avery to John Wood. 3,750

North Portland av, e s. 2SG.S n Myrtle av,| 25x100. 1

Nassau st, No 218, s s, 92.2 e Gold st, 22.0x1 SS.lxl9.5x—. 1 John P Harrigan to Mary Harrigan. Q C. Confirmation deed. nom

Nostrand av, w s, 75 s Flushing av, 25x100. h Se 1 Foreclos. Thomas Gilleran to Abra­ham I Bleistift. Mort $4,900, 6.750

Sarae property. Abraham I Bleiatift, N Y, to Simon Zaretzky, N Y. Mort $4,900.

7,250 Oceanic av, n s, 140 w Sea Gate av, GOxlOO.

Release mort. City Real Estate Co to_ Norton Point Land Co. 450

Patchen av, No 23, e s, 50 s Van Buren st, ••'5x100. Bernard J Pink to Louis Medler, Mort $7,200. nom

Patchen av. No 25, e s, 75 s Van Buren at. Same lo John J Eagan. Mort $7,200, nom

Pennsylvania av, e s, 200 a Pitkin av, lax 50. Releaae mort. Joanna M Boyle to John Meyn. _-, S°™

Prospect av, n s, 1S5.4 w od av, lbxa2. ix 10,9x53.6. Mary D Nordon forraerly Rob­erts sole devisee and extrx will William Roberts to Mathilde Behl, 712

Prospect av, s e cor Stb av, runs e 20 x s 55 X e O.G X s 25.2 x w 20.G to Sth av. X n 80.2. Arnold Tisch to Melissa R Holmes Glenbrook, Conn. Mort $10,000. taxes, &c. ^ , nom

Same property. Melissa R Holmes, Glen­brook Conn, to Wm J Hazlewood, Mort $10,000. taxes, &c. 100

Prospect av, s s. 98 e Sth av, 26x80.2. h & 1. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to John Will­iamson. 0.00^

Prospect av, e a, 86.S s Greenwood av. 49.10x 100. Elias J Reynolds, Catskill, N Y, to Henry Brown, nom

Prospect av, e s, plot begins at easterly cor lOtb av and Prospect av, 475 ft to a gcre of land late of the heirs John W Wyckoff, runs e 225 to l l t h av, x u 123.6 to land Jeremiah Vanderbilt as laid down on map 700 to IOlh av, X s 55. Orsemus H Wheeler lo Harry R Schaffer. 1,000

Putnam av, s s, 95 w Patchen av, 20x100. Otto Lehmann to Arthur S Vance. Mort $3,500. nom

Ralph av. No 232a, w s, 111.11 s Bainbridge st, runs w 90 X s 19.8 to centre Brooklyn & Jamaica Turnpike road, x e to Ralph av, X n 22 1, Annie A Hunt to Joseph Trap­nell, Jr, Yonkers, N Y. 4,0C0

Rochester av, s e cor Herkimer st, runa e

74 X s 94 X e 24 X s 21 X w 98 to av, x n 115. Immanuei Congregational Church lo Calvary English Evang Luth Church, 9.i00

Rockaway av, e s, 225 n Belmont av, 25x 100.1. Halhy, Pincus, Samuel, Max and David Kaufman and Yetta Rosenberg and S'adie Goldberg both formerly Kaufman to_ Hannah Stern. Mort $3,200. .- '-^^

Schenectady av, w a, 78 s Bergeu st, l ( . 6x 75 h & I. Archibald Buchauan, Jr, 10 Em­meline G H Condict. N Y. B & S. All Uens. nom

Snediker av, w s, 100 n Dumont av, runa w 100 X a 100 to Dumont av, x w 80 x n 100 X w 20 to Vesta av. x n 299.2 x e 200.8 to Snediker av. x s 35.10 x w 100 x s 11a X e 100 to Snediker av. x s IGa. Foreclos. Prank D Creamer lo Henry J Robinson as truatee. Mort $2,750. oOO

Snediker av, w s, 340 n Dumont av, runs n 40 X w IUO X 6 40 X e lOO. Forecloa. Same_ to same, 250

Snediker av, n w cor Newport av, runs w 200 to Vesta av, x n 260 x e 100 x s 20 x e IOO lo Snediker av, x s 240. Poreclos.

-Same to same. Mori $2,000. 500 St Marks av, n s, 378 e Rockaway av, 36x

127.0. Benjamin Estes to Diana Cohn. Q C 5,100

St Marks av, No 177, 20x131, Mort $6,000. Contract to exch for

9th at. No 296, 18.9x72.6, Mort .$8,000. Mary Von Ulner with Johu A Holmes.

difference in values 2,2o0 St Marks av, n e a, 100 s e 5th av, 29.6x100.

Ezra D Bushnell lo David J Stewart. Mort $12,000. _ nom

Stewart av, north cor OGth st, runs n w o92.0 X n e 100 X s e 570.1 lo 4th av, x s 81.10 to Stewart av. x s w 21,3. Francis Hop­kins exr Sarah Sears to Thornton L H Hopkins. val consid and S,500

Stone av, e s, 125 n Blake av. 25x100. Israel Strulewitz, N Y, lo Harris Levy, N Y, % part, Mort $60, . 100

Stuyvesant av. e s, SO n Quincy st, 20.xSS. Ruth Simonson to Henry Loeffler. Mort $3,750. nom

Surf av, easterly cor lot G4S map Sea Gale| property, runs n e 243.G x s e 100 x s w| 23G.7 x n w 100. 1

Neptune av, s a, 200 w Sea Gate av, 100x| 100. I Norton Point Land Co lo Frank E Phillips.

(J. y '- '•- '

Surf av, n w cor Beach 50th st, 88.5xG6,7xl 96x60. 1

Neptune av, s w cor Highland av, 220x100.] Same to Walter Tompkins, Tompkins Co_ye^ N Y. 0, (oO

Surf av, s w cor Beach 49th st, S7.9xlO6,10| xlOOxlOO. , „ „ I

Neptune av, n s, 220 e Highland av, 100x| 100. I Same to Wm P Rae, Mort $167. _ 5,250

Tbroop av, w s, 50 n Stockton st, 2oxlOO, h & 1. Chrislian and Regina Goess to Robt M Ullrich and Ida his wife, tenants in common. Moris $4,800. 7,000

Throop av. e s. 100 a Myrtle av, 20x80. Julius and Adolph C Minck and George Dosacher lo Margarethe C Doscher. Morl $3,aO0.

exch Throop av, e s, CO n Vernon av, 20x80,

Julius and Adolpb C Minck lo C Adolph Minck, Mort $3,500. exch

Tompkins av, n w cor Madison st, 18x80, h & 1, John H Steckmest to Louis Schroe­der. Mort $5,000. _nom

Troy av, n e cor Ditmas av, 97,6x132.8x97.0 xl30,9, Germania Real Estate and Impt Co lo Louis J Seabrey, exch

Vanderbilt av, e a, 121 n St Marks av, 20x SO. John O'Hara to Sophia Freberg. nom

Vernon av, s s, 212.6 e Tompklus av, 18,9x 100, h & I, Frank C Jennings to Wm H Reynolds. Mort $5,000, S,000

Vesta av, -e s, 13a n Liberty av, 40x100. h & I. Catharine J Burdett lo John W Bux­ton. Morts $2,500, taxes 1S9G to 18t)S, &c,

nom Washington av, n w cor Prospect pl, runs n

w 63-6 X n 102 X e G7.4 to av, x s 131,9. Hugh McAleer, Jr . to Mary A McAleer. 5,000

Washington av. s e cor Crown st, 102,10x95x| 102,4x96,4. I

Washinglon av, n e cor Crown st, 10'2.10x| 08,6x102.4x97,4, I Wra H Scott to Thomas Berkeley, nom

Same properly. Thomas Berkeley to Wm H Scott, All liens. nom

Wvthe av. No 2S7. e .s, 28,8 n South 1st at, 21,11x76.3x24.11x75,5. John J Reilly, N Y, to Catharine Reilly widow. B & S . nom

Wythe av. n w s, IdO n e Grand st. 25xS1.9x 25x81.6. Mary Reber, N Y, to Thos W Keley. Mort $3,500. _ 5,550

3d av, w 3, 22 s Sth al, 26x i l .6 . Maria von Wieding. Okolona. 0 ; Anna Speckin, Fredk, Christopher, William and August Von Wieding, Mary Brummer, Dora Sehierbaum and Wilhelmina Holers to Frederick Brum­mer, S.OOO

3d av, s w cor 7Sth st, 29,10x94, h & I, Blanche de Failly, Paris, France, to Geo E Hanson. 13,500

Same property. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Blanche de Failly. 13,300

4Lh av, s e cor Warren st, 100x190. Isidore S and Max S Korn, N Y, to Wm J Nicklas.

nom 4ih av, e s, 60.2 s 54th st, 20x80. Mary J

Lucke to Anna M Gavel. Mort $4,51.0. 7,500 4lh av, w s, 70 n Union st, 25x75, h & 1,

Ellen J Dodge widow to Andrew F Kind-berg. B & S . nom

5ih av, n w s, 17,0 n e 10th st, IG.GxSU. Agreement as to encroachment wilh build­ing on w s. Henry Gerken to Mary C Egan. nom

5lh av, e s, 40 a 51at st. 20x100. John Schlieman to John E Sullivan. Morl $500,

nom 7lh av. w s. 24 n 12ih st, 19x44,10. Charles

Schlesinger, N Y, lo Mary Sproul, N Y. Mort -$6,000. nom

'7th av, 6 w cor 20th st , 5CxS0, h & 1. Charles Berry, Hartford, Conn, to Arthur

14th av n w cor SSth st. runs w 240 x n 150,4 x e 190.4 x s e 73,1 x s 90.4. Fore­clos. Edwin R Root to Donald McLean, N Y. """^

14th av w cor 56th st, 50.2x100. Prancis W Miller to Clara B Dederick. Mort $2,anO.

4.400 17th av, n w s, 60 s w 62d st, 20x80. Jennie

and Albert Lane by Samuel Rosenthal guard to Wm H Diehl. nom

Same property. Frank E Lane. N Y, to same. B & S . nom

19th av north cor S2d st, 100x120. John V Van Pelt to Jacob L Van Pelt. All title, nom

22d av, s e s. 373.6 n e Cropsey av. runs n e 129.6 to Bath av, x s e 96.10 x s w 123.3 x n w 96.S. Jaraes D Lynch, N Y. to Cor­nelius P Rosemon, nom

Lot 16 block 32 assessment raap 26th Ward. Michael O'Keeffe, Deputy Collector Assess­ment. &c. to Fred Miller. 29a

Lot 17 same block and map. Sarae to same. 310 Lots S and 4 block 78 assessment map 22d

Ward. Abraham Manchester, Adamsville. R I, to Samuel Roebuck. Q C. nom


General release. Bridge Mullen to John Farrell. nom

General release. Ellen Farrell legatee under will Michael Hoiohan to John Farrell exr. ScC. Michael Hoiohan. r,?"*^'

Spring or Third Creek, w s, 20x80x20x90. being at Plunders Neck on map a7 lots sit­uated in the meadows, 2nth Ward, aa lot No 2 Theodore Kiendl lo Wm H Maas, Jr, lo

.000 S Harris and Leah Ladinski. Morts $7,-000. taxea J S 9 7 , &C. 1 3 , 0 (

7th av, w s. 42 s l l t h st. S2x43.7x—x4S,3. Release mort. P Ballantine & Sons to John L Nellis. nom

Same properly. John L Nellis to James P Davis, Ellenvllle, N Y. Mort $7,500. See 16th st and 13th st. excb

10th av, nortb cor 72d st, 100x100. | 74tb st, n e s , 201.2 s e Fort Hamiltonj

Parkway, 40x100. | Release mort, Chas S Baylis to The Bay Ridge Park Impt Co. 1,400

12th av, s e s ,40.2 ji e 57th st. 100x100. Fredk B Farrell to Thomas Green, val consid

13ih av, e cor 50ih st, 60.2x100. Re:ease mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. 3.500

13th av, e cor SOth st, runs u e 80.2 x s e 100 X n e 20 X s e 40 X s w IOO.2 to 50Lh sl, x n w 140. Wm H Reynolds to .Alex­ander Pearson. nom

13th av, s e s, 60.2 n e 5Cth st, rvns s e 100 x s w 60.2 lo 5th st, x s e 4- x n e 100.2 X u w 40 X s w 20 X n w irO lo av, X s w 20. The Borough Park Co lo Wm H Reynolds. nom

13th av, north cor 4Sth st, 60.2x100, Re­lease mort. Title Guarantee and Truat Co to Wm H Reynolds, 3,500

Sarae property. Wm H Reynolds to Maria A Stuurman, nom

H t h av, s e s, 40 a w 66lh st, 20x100. Lulgi Intrieri to 'Maria D Urso, nom

MORTGAGES. NOTE—The arrangement of this list Is as

follows: The first name is that of the mortgagor, the next that of the mortgagee. The description of tbe property then follows, then the date of the mortgage, the time tor which it was given and tbe amount. The general dates used as headings are the dates when the morteage was handed into the Register's office to be recorded.

Whenever the letters - P . M." occur, preceded by the name of a street, in these lists of mort­gages, they mean thai it is a Purchase Money Mortgage, and for fuller particulars see the list of transfers under tbe corresponding date. When­ever tbe rate is not given, read as 6 per cenL

October 28. 29. 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3.

Anglim, Mary C to Sidney V Lowell Hamilton av e s ,28,5 n Barnet st, runs e 40 x n e oa ' l X n w 10 X s w 45.3 x s w 40 to av, X s 20. 'Nov 2, installs, 5%. . 2.900

.ipel, August and Wilhelmina to Soulh Brooklyn Savings Inst, Bergen st. n s. 100 e Smilh st, 21,3x100. Nov 2, 3 years, 4 1 4 / .

Bahr, Mary E to Mendel and David Levy. Fuiton st, u s, GO w McDonough st. 20.x80; Atlantic av, u a. 2.^0 e New York av, 50 x l49 , l , Nov 2, 1 year, 5%, 1.000

Bainbridge, Henry C, Richard W and Han­nah M, firm Charles T BaUbridges Sons, lo Dime Saviugs Bank of Brooklyn, Flush­ing av s w cor Cumberla_nd st, ruus s 1G7.1 X w 100 X n 75 x e 5a.5 x n 99.2 to av, X e 25. Nov 2, 1 year, 4 V J % . 1-^.000

Baker, George A to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Fountain av. P M. Oct 31, 3 years, 5%, I 'O"^

Baker, Celestia W to Rose Reis. Flatbush av. block bounded tf by Av I, x e by Eaat S4th sl and a w by Flatbush av, Nov 3,due Jau 2, 1899. - " "

Baker, Rolland R to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 4Gth st, n e s , 400 s e 12th av, 100x100,2. Oct 28, installs. laO

Baldauf, Mary to Edith M Schwcckend:eck. North 7th st, s s, 143 e Berry st, SSxlOO. Nov 1, 1 year. «0l)

Barry, Anna A to Title Guarantee and Trust Co, Hall St. P M. Oct 29, 3 years, aA-

2,2a0 Bates Aaron P to William A .\ndrews. Flat­

bush av, No 91. e s, 309.10 u Hanson_pl. 20x7O.9x20.1xGS.S. Nov 1, 1 year. a%.

Begly Hugh J and Cath E lo Chas F Emery. Prince st, w a. 243 s Willoughby st, 25x S5--Bridge st, e s, 200 s Willoughby st, 21.6x100.3; Johnaon st, s s, 95.5 e Lawrence st 24x100; Adama st, e a, 112 s Concord st 49,10x105,10x50.2x105.6; Adams st, e s, le-'' s Concord st , 25x106,2x25x11)5,7; Jay st e s, 48 s Nassau st, 45.10x84.Sx46x S4 7. Sub to morts $25,000. Nov 1, in­stalls. '^•^^'^

Bell, Margaret. White Plains. N Y, to Green- • wood Savings Bank. Meserole av, s e cor Lorimer st, 50x42. Nov 1, 1 year, 57c. -.500

Bell. Margaret, White Plains. N Y, to Green­point Savings Bank. Lorimer sl, gos 620 and 6'''2 s e cor Meserole av, 42x50. Nov 1, l y e a r , 5%. 2,500

Berkeley, Thomas to Chas H Scott trustee, Washington av, s e cor Crown st, 102,10x 95x102.4x90.4; Washington av, n e cor Crown st, 102.10x9S6xl02.4x97,4, Sept 20, 1 Xfar, 5%. 6.000

Betts, Wm F to Cbas W Belts, Pulton _st, P M, April 26, 1 year. a.OOO

Bierachenck, Henrietta H to Ruth Mason. Freeman st. s a, 200 w Oakland st, 2ox ICO, Oct 15, due May 1, 1899, aOO

November 5, 1898. Record and GuidB 691

Blhl. Mathllde to Mary A Norton. Prospect av. P M. Nov 3. 1 year, 5%. oOO

Bishop, Ell H to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Decatur st. n e oor Lewis av. 22x100. Oct 29. 3 yeara, 5%. 16.000

Bishop, Ell H to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. Hamburg av, north cor Covert st, IOO X104.3. Nov 2. demand. 5%. 15,500

Blau. Morria and Louisa to Marie Nepp widow. Graham av, e s, 75 n Skillman av,

. 25x100. Oct 29. due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 1.500 Bloodgood, Edward D to Title Guarantee and

Trust Co. Decatur st. P M. Oct 31. 3 yeara. 5%. 4,500

Boll. John J to Emilie Huber et al exrs Otto Huber. Prospect pl, n s, 190 e Vanderbilt av, 20x131. Nov 2, S yeara, 5%. 6.500

Borchers. Louise to Wm A A Brown. Mid-wood St. n s. P M. Sub to mort $4,250. Oct 29, 2 years, 5%. 875

Same to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Same property. P M, Oct 29, 3 years.

, 5 % . 4,250 BOTOUgh Park Company and Title Guarantee

and Trust Co both mortgagees. Agreement subordinating mortgage made by Wm H Reynolds. Oct 28. nom

Broderick, Mary A and Edward F to Bdward Cooney. Court st, n w s, 40 n e Hunting­ton at, 20x80. Oct 27. due Nov 1, 1899, 5%. gold, 50O

Same to same. Court st, n w s. SO n e Huntington st, 20x100. Oct 27, due Nov 1. 1899, 5%. gold, 600

Brown, Henry to Gamalia B Holcomb. Pros­pect av, e s. S6.8 a Greenwood av. 2 lots.

• P M. 2 morts, each $2,0U0. Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. 4,000

Brummer, Frederick and Mary to Julie Block. 3d av, w a, 22 a Sth at, 26x71.6. Oct 31 . 3 years. 5%. 2,000

Burkard. Stephen to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Hamburg av, east cor Himrod Bt, runs s e 100 x n e 28.S x n 56.2 to Myrtle av, x w 85 to Himrod st, x a w 9. Oct 28. demand. 4,500

Calder, Wm M to Alex G Calder. l l t h st, s w s. 197.10 3 e Gth av, 25x100. Oct 29. 3 years. 5%. 7.000

Calvary English Evangelical Lutheran Church to Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Roches­ter av, a e cor Herkimer st, runs e 74 x s 94 X e 24 X 3 21 X w 98 to av, X n 11a, Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. G.OOO

Capen, Gertrude A and Wm B lo Title Guar­antee and Trust Co. Lenox road, 3 s. 233.4 o Flatbush av. 33.4x76x—x75.S. Nov 3. 3 years. 5%. 2.750

Carr, Emily and Geo W to Emma K Powers. Park pl. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 2, 1901. 4y2%. 6,000

S'ame to Wm H Reynolds. Same property. Sub to last mort. Nov 1. 5 yeara, 5%. 2,500

Carioll. James G to Geo H Granniss. 58th st, a s, 100 e 5th av, 2 lots, eaeh 20x100.2 2 morts, each $3,300. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%.

6,600 Same to same. 5Sth st, s s. 180 e 5th av, 20

xlOO.2. Nov 1, S years, 5%. 3,300 Same to Sarah A G Skinner. 58th st, s s. 140

e Sth av, 20x100.2. Nov 1. 3 years, 5%. 3,300

Same to Abbott Foster. SSth at. s a, 160 e Sth av, 20x100.2. Nov 1. 3 years, 5%.

3,300 Caulfleld, John and Mary to Harry P Bartlett.

HamiUon av. e s, 142.7 n Huntington st, runs n G0.5 x n e 64.S to Nelson st, x 3 e 69 X 3 w 44.3 X w 78.1 to beginning. Oct 31 . 3 years, 5%. gold, 3,500

Chamberlain. Lizzie R, Somerville, Mass. to John Y McKane. Lots 16 to 22 and 21 ft on 3 a of lots 23 and 24 map John Y Mc­Kane, of West Brighton, Coney Island. Leaaehold. Oct 28, 1 year. 700

Christianaon, Ellen to Geo W Pearsall, Chaun­cey St. H e B, 157 s w Evergreen av, 19,6x 100. Oct 28, 1 year. 100

Clarke, Wm F mortgagor with BUz P Beales. Bxtension of mortgage. Nov 1. nom

Cloke. Ellen widow to Kate H Smitb. Carl­ton av, w a, 141.4 n Park av, 24.4x100. Oct 27, 3 years, 5%. 4,500

Cochran, Jamea to Napoleon Schneider. Bed­ford av, e s, 109.11 s Sterling pl. 20.5x 115.4x20x111.4. Oct 27, due Nov 1, 1S99.

2,000 Cohn, Diana and Herman to Benjamin Estes.

St Marka av. n s, 37S e Rockaway av. 2 lota. P M. 2 morta, each $2,250. Oct 8, due Oct 15. 1899. 4,500

Cohn, Sigmund and Charles Weis to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. Dean sl, a s. 174.6 e Vanderbilt av, 2 lots, each 17.7x 110.- 2 morts, each $3,000. Oct 21 . S yeara, 5%. 6,000

Coleneates, Chrest to Jesale V Hutcheson. Rockviile Centre. L I. Neptune av, a w cor West 15th st, 60x90. Oct 28, due Nov I, 1901. 2.000

Collet, Jules A to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Galea av, P M, Oct 17. due Oct 28. 1901. 5%. 6.000

Colver, Wm S to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. Eaat 26th st, w s, 2S5 B Newkirk av, 45x100. Oct 27, demand. Building loan.

3,250 Condict, Emmeline G H wile of Silas A to

John Lind. Atlantic av. n a, 333.10 e Troy *T, 16.SxS9. Nov 1, 3 yeari. 1,500

Coon, Marie L, Hazleton, Pa. to James I Newman. Kuolld av. P M. Oct 27, In­atalla. 675

Coiaentino, Giovanni C to Chaa C Manger. Brooklyn av, e a, 280 s Av C. 40x100. Sub mort $2,750. Nov 2, Inatalla, 5%. 1,150

Same to Benj P Stephens. Same property, Nov 2, 3 years. 5%. 2,750

Courtney, Catharine to Brooklyn Savinga Bank. Carroll st, P M. Nov 1, 3 years, 4 ^ % . 9.000

Crocker, James W, N Y, ta Byron E French. Bedford av. P M. Nov 1, demand.

gold. 3.500 Crooke, Robt L to Wm A Martin. Mill Island,

Flatlands, mill dam or pond and meadows, &c. containing abt 500 acres of meadow or marsh land. 45 acres of upland, except 3 38-1,000 acres conveyed to National Lead Co. Oct 28. 3 years. 5.000

Cropaey, Harmon W and E Leah to Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn. Cropsey av, centre line, at land Robert Speer, Jr, runs 3 w 500.11 to highwaler Gravesend Bay, x a e 113.6 to n w a Bulkhead ot James Crop­sey, X n e 99 X still n e 456.8 to cenlre line av. x n w 139.11, conlains IY2 acres; Gravesend Beach, highwater mark at di­vision line of lands of mortgagor and Lewis G Mitchell, runs s w 1,654.11 to pier line, x n w 110 x n e 1,681.7 to highwater mark, x s e 111.11, conlains 4 21-lOU acres, land under water. Nov 3. Secures note ol George Shields. 5.000

Dederick, Clara B to Francis W Miller. 14ih av, w cor 56lh st . 50.2x100. Sub mort $2,500. Oct 31 . 3 yeara. 5%. 400

Dempsey, Jennie R (ormerly Washington to John M Johnson. 61st st. s s. 260 w 17th av, 20x100. Oct 29, due Jan 1, 1902. 1,200

Deppe, Rosa widow to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Stuyvesant av, a w cor Quincy st, runs s 25 X w SO X a 18.9 x w 20 x n 43.9 X 6 100. Oct 31 . 3 years, 5%. 9,500

Same to same. Stuyvesant av, e 3, 50 a Quincy at, 25x90. Oct 31 , 3 years, 5%.

2,500 De Veau, (Emma H to Louise C De Veau,

McDonough st. P M. July 11, 5 years, 5%. 2,000

Doenecke, Chriatian to Samuel Wolff. Spencer st, e 3. 50 3 De Kalb av, 26x100. Nov 2, 6 months. 1.000

Dolane, Thos H to Laura Tucker. Bain­bridge St. P M. Oct 31 , 1 year. 1,500

Dolflni, August W and Henry J to Joaeph C Hacker. Lafayette av. n a. 279 w Nos­traud av, 20x100. Oct 29. 3 years, 5%.

4.000 Dugan. Francis D to Mabel S and Louise

Kalley. Hancock st, s a, 243 e Sumner av, 18x99.6x18.1x101.1. Nov 1, 2 years.

gold, 3,500 Ehrlich. Gelia to Bond and Mortgage Guar­

antee Co, 79lh at. n e a, 20O n w 19th av. 60x100. Oct 31 . demand. Building loan.

2.750 BUiott, John C to Eliza A Martense and

Mary A C Prince. Prospect st. P M. Oct 28, 3 years, 5%. 650

Enders, Susanna to Maria E Sutterlin. How­ard av. P M. Nov 1, 3 years. 5%. GOO

Esposito, Ferdinando to John F Gan;z. Henry at. P M. Nov 1. 1 year, 5%. 500

Bvana, Bttie L to The Aasured Building Loan Assoc. Av P, s a, 40 w East OGth at, 40x 100. Oct 29, inslalls. 2,500

Farrell, Frederick E, Ridgewood, N. J. to Harriet E Dunn. Union et. P M. Oct 31, 1 year. 750

Fett, Philip H to Amelia Fett. Carlton av, e s, 90 n St Marks av, lS.6.xlOO. Nov 1, 5 years, 5%. 4.000

Findeisen. Ernst to Jeremiah and Mary Con­nell. Jackaon st, s s, 100 w Lorimer st. 25x100. Nov 1, due Jan 1, 1902, 5%. 1,400

Flannery, Margaret to Margarel Maaon. Gra­ham Et, 6 3, bet Park and Flushing avs, lot 16 map Gen Jeremiah Johnson. 25x75. July 22, due July 1, 1899. 500

Firth, Christopher C to Lydia B De Witt. 52d st, n s, 100 e Oth av, 20x100.2. Nov 1. 3 years. 5%. 2,000

Pitts , Edwin A to Hannah Chichester. Hunt­ington, L I. Jerome st, e s, 175 s PUkin av. 25x100. Nov 1, 3 years. 1,500

Platbuah Waterworks Co 10 Bdward S Hage­dorn trustee. East 35th st. &c. P M. Oct S l , due Nov 1. 1901. 5.900

Plynn, Francis P heir and Anna Flynn widow of Patrick Flynn to Wilhelmine Clauss. Warren st. n e s , 325 n w Bond st. 25x100; Warren st. a s, 250 w Bond st, 37.0x100. Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. gold, 3.50O

Fogel, Jacob and Jenny to Samuel and Tillie Hobach. Moore st, n 3, 88.9 e Bushwick av. 20.3x100. Oct 15. Installs. 1,300

Pox. Patrick lo Bertha S Quig. Liucoln pl, P M, Nov 1, 3 years, 5%, 1,000

Friel. Margt A to Samuel M Meeker exr Fred­erick Herr. Greene av, 3 a, 254 w Reid av. ISxlOO. Oct 31, 2 years. 5%. 4.500

Fuhrer, Joseph to Broadway Dry Goods Co­operative Building and Loan Assoc. High et. G a, 100 e Jay st. 26x100; 60th st. a a. 260 w 5th av, 20x100. Oct 27, installa.

4.500 Gantz, John F to Geo B Forrester. Henry si,

w B, 25 a Sackett st, 25x96. Oct 27, S y«arfl, &%. 3,000

Same lo same. Henry at, w 3, 50 a Sackett st, 25x96. Oct 27, 3 years, 5%. 2.500

Gavel, Anna M to Mary J Lucke. 4th BV. e s, 60.2 s 54th st. 20x80. Nov 1, In­stalls, 5%. 2.000

Geraghty, Timothy to Annie Geraghty. 3d av, e a, 50.2 a 45th at, 25x100. Oct 26, due Nov 1. 1901, 4%. 280

Gerke. Emma and August to The German Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Covert st. s e a , 179.8 n e Evergreen av. 17.11x100. Oct 28. due Dec 1, 1899. 5%. l.SOO

GllSllan. WUUam to Mutual Life Ins Co, N Y. Remsen st, s w cor Henry st. 25x100. Nov 2. 1 year, 4Y2%. 15.000

Gillen, Thos P and Joseph T and John J to Charles Gillen. Hamilton av. w 3. 77.10 n Garnett st, runs w 48.4 x 3 w 20 to Gar­nett St. X n w 25 X n e 20 X 3 e 10 X n e — x n e 45.4 to av, x s 20.10. Oct 25, secures notes. 1,500

Grace, Lizzie T widow to John Dill, Jr . Har­rison av. n e s, 23 E e Heyward st, 22x80. Nov S, 3 monlhs. 200

Graham, Mary E to Stephen Burkard and Louis Meyer, l l i h at. P M. Nov 1, I year. 250

Green, Mary J to Peter H McNulty. Eaat 7th St. P M. Oct 29, due Oct 3 1 , 1900, 5%. 875

Griggs. Stephen C to Chaa P Emery. Lef­ferts pl. n s, 112.10 e Clasaon av. 20x125. Sub to mort $8,000. Oct 27, Installa. 700

Guyon. Kate S wife of Chaa F to Madeline S -Smith exr Wm S Smith. CarUon av, vr a, ^ ISO n Greene av, 15x100. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 6,000

Hahnemann, Pranz P and Charity L to John S Nugent. Bast 12th st, e 3, 200 n Beverly road, 50x100. Oct 31 , 1 year, 5%. 1,100

Hanson. Geo E to Leila H B Kiasam. 3d av, a w cor 7Sth st. P M. Oct 5. 3 yeara.

10.000 Hardwick ,Ira W and Jesale W to Harry

Hardwicke. Lincoln. Neb. Easl 32d st, w a, 500 3 Av F . 30x100. Oct 27, 3 yeara, 0%.

1,500 Harrington, Chas L and Delia T to Tlt.e

Guarantee and Trust Co. Bldert st. P M, Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. 2,500

Same to Andrew J and Aasine G Fagering. Same property. Sub to lasl raort, Nov 2, installs. 1.650

Harris, Julia D, Clarisse B Goodnow and Jane A .McMaban, N Y, to Alfred Slma. Bedford av, P M. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 5,000

Hassan, Wm S to Hannah C Lee. 56th at. P M. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%, 3,000

Hassan, Wm S to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. OOth al, s s, 320 e l l t h av, 20x100. Oct 29, 3 years. 5%. 1,500

Hearon, Nellie lo Brooklyn City Co-opera­tive Building and Loan Assoc. Parkway, s e s, 259.9 n e Broadway, 16.6x50. Oct IS. installs, 5%. 1,100

Heath, Henry, Jr, to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Hancock st. P M. Nov 1, 3 years. 4ya%, 4,500

Hebb, Jonas G to WilUam Greve and ano exrs Jobn N Eitel, Herkimer st, n s, 25 a Sackman st, 2 IOLS, each 21,10x100. 2 morts, each $2,200. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%.

4,400 Hennemann. Wililam and Cath S to Louia

Bossert. De Kalb av, 3 s, 40 w Sumner av, 20x100. Mort $3,5C0. Oct 24, demand.

2,000 Hendrickson, Phebe T to Robert Seabury,

Herapstead, L I. Decatur at, s 3, 381.3 w Ralph av, 18.9x100. Oct 26, due Nov 1, 1S99, 41/;.%. 1,500

Heymann, Charles to Geo W Pearsall. Schaef­fer at. P M. Oct 29, 1 year, 5%. 200

Hickerson, Grace and William H to Tille Guaranlee and Trusl Co. IOth st, P M. Oct 19, 3 yeara, 5%. 2,500

Same to Borough Park Co. Same property. Sub to last mort. Oct 19, installa. 1,350

Hopkins, Thornion L H lo Loug Island Title Guarautee Co. Stewart av. P M. Oct 29, due Nov 1, 1S99. 5.500

Hurley, Samuel W to Rudolph Chrlstensen. Quincy sl . s s. 41S.9 w Throop av, lS.9x 100. Nov 1, installs, 5%. 5.000

Hydeman, Lina and Moses M to Title Guaran­tee and Trust Co. Park pi. P M, Oci 31, 3 years. 41/2%. 6,000

Same lo Wm H Reynolds. Same property. Sub to last mort. Oct S l , 5 yeara. 5%. 2,500

Israel, Sarah to Leon K Israel, Carlton av, w s, 164.3 s Myrtle av. 70x100. Nov 1, 5 yeara. 5%. 5.000

Jack, James to Tille Guarantee and Truat Co. 12th St. s a. 322.10 e Sth av. 3 lota, each 20x100. 3 morls, each $4,500. Oct 27, 3 yeara. 5%. 13.500

Same lo same. 12th st, s s, 382.10 e Sth av. 19.11x100. Oct 27, S years, 5%. 4,500

Same to same. 12lh at, s a, 402.9 e Sth av. 20x100. Oct 27. 3 years. 5%. 4,500

Same to aame. 12th st, 3 3, 462.9 e Sth av, 20x100. Oct 27. 3 yeara. 5%. 4.50O

Same to same. 12th st, s s. 482,9 e Sth av, 20.1x100. Oct 27. 3 yeara. 5%. 4,500'

Same to same. ]2lh st. 3 a, 502,10 e Sth av, 2 lota, each 20x100. 2 moris, each $4,500. Oct 27. 3 years, 5%. 9,000

Jakobaen, Jorgen and Mary to Ellen Ward. Bergen a t P M. Oct 28 , InitalU. 6%. £50

693 Record and Guide ;bef 5, 1898.

Jamieson. Sarah A to Eagle Savings and Loan Co 55th st, n s. 240 w Sth av, 20x100.2. Sub to mort $5,200. Nov 1, instaUs.

gold, 6,600 Same to Wm S Hassan, Same property. Nov

1, InstaUs. aV^X. l-'i'O^ Jauck Cathrlna C to Wiimot D Loaee. Shep­

herd av, e s, 120 n Ridgewood av. 20x 102.4x20x120.3. Ocl 31 , Inatalls, 800

Jennings, Prank C to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Park pl. P M. Oct 31 , 3 years. 5%. 8-00*^

Same to Wm H Reynolds. Same property, p M. Sub to mort. Oct 31 , 6 years, n%.

o,' IU'-' Kavanagh, Isabella to Wra J Hefferman. 4th

av n w a, 80,2 n e 17th at, 20x60. Oct 28. due Nov 1, 1904. 5%. 500

Kelly, James and Mary, N Y, to Mutual Beneflt Loan and Building Co, Powell st, w 3 164 n Liberty av, ISxlOO. Sub to mort $2,000. Oct 15, installs. oOO

KeUy, John to Prancia J Gallagher. Kings Highway, E W cor Ocean Parkway, runs s to land Prospect Park Fair Aaaoc, x n w to Kings Highway, x e — to beginning. NOV 2, due Nov 1, 1903. 10,000

Kirschenbaum, Joseph L and Sarah R to Abram S Underhill. Stone av, w s, 135 n Blake av, 23x100. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1903. 900

Kitaon, John B to Geo W and Emma Buffard. Nelson st, s s, 115 e Clinton st, 25x100.

. Oct 31 , 1 year, 5%. 1.500 Klein, John lo Margaretta Remsen. Queens

Co, L I Gth av, n w cor 21st at, 40xS0. Oct 31 , due NOV 1, 1901, 5%. 5,000

Knowles, Arthur P to WUfred Burr. Jefferson av, P M. Nov 1, 4 years. 1.500

Konike, George and Amelia to John and . Matthias Haffen. Baltic st, s s. 434 e Sd

av ''6.6x100. Sub to mort $6,000, Oct 28', 1 year. 1.000

Konvalinka, John N to Title Guaranlee and Trust Co. Ifit St. P M, Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. • 10,000

Kouvenhoven, Wm H to Germania Real Es­tate and Impt Co. -Av J, n w cor East SSth St. P M. Nov 1, .J yeara, 5%. 1,000

Kramer John G and Bva to Frank and Mary Koob. South 4th st . P M. Oct 27, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 2,-500

• Kranz, William B and Anna to Augusi P Baumann. Jeflerson av. P M. Nov 2, 3

. years, 5%. ^.500 Lambert. Mary J to Margaret Garvey, EUery_

st. P M. Sept 15, inatalls. 450 Leavitt, John B, N Y, to Norton Poinl Land

Co, Cypress av, n e cor Highland av. P .\1. .Nov 1, S years. 1 ' . ,

Same lo same. Maple av. P -M. Nov 1, 6 years. ,1.600

Same to same. Maple av. P M. Nov 1, u years. 1,-00

Leiser Valenline and Louise to Margaretha Augustin. Hamburg av, w s, 50 n Grove st, 25x100, Oct 31, 3 years, a%. 1,800

1 Le Blanc, Maurice M to Mary M Welch, ath el, E a, 167.10 e Sth av, 15x100. Nov 2, 3 years, 5%. '-•^00

Lettenberger, Annie and John R to Eaat •Brooklyn Co-operative Building Assoc. Weirfield st, P M. Oct 3 1 , installs. S.ollO

Levy, Charles to Henry Geisman and Hen­rietta Levy. George st, n w s, 200 s w Knickerbocker av, 25x80. Sub to mort. Oct 27, S years. 5%. 2.0U0

Liftchild, Julia A and James to Mary L Clarke. Pulaski al, s s, 132.6 w Tompkins av, 17.6x70. Oct 29. 3 years, 0 / . 2.8110

Lindemann, Calh F , N Y, lo .Norton Point Land Co, Maple av, s e cor Highland av. P M, Nov 1, 1 year. 1,11a

Loeasing, Leo and Anlonia A to Chas W Lang, N Y, Voorhies av, a s, at intersec­tion centre line East 24lh sl, runs s 224.4 X w 18,1 x n w 178,1 x e 32 x n 60 to av, X e 55. Oct 28, due Nov 1, 1899. 2,060

Lott. Amelia M wife of Englebert to Marion F Fleischman. 20th av, n w s, at a w s road 60 ft wide, ruus n w along at 61,2 to De Buynes lane, x s w 108.8 x s e 61.9 to av, X112.7 to beginning. Oct 31, 3 years 5% I' ^OO

Lott°'Cbaa F to Norton Point Land Co. Cy­press av. s e eor Highland av. P M. Nov 1, 3 years. 'OC

Lott, Thos M S to Rose Reis and Flora L Davenport. Church lane, s s, 69.2 w Ocean av, 43.11x115x40x118.8. Oct 3 1 . In-stalls. 800

Lott. Thos M S to Eagle Savings and Loan Co. Church lane, a a, 69.2 w Ocean av. 43.11x115x40x118.8. Sub to mort $3,800. Nov 1, installa. gold, 4,a60

Lowry. Thomaa to Bushwick Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc. Russell st. e s, 200 s Driggs av, 20x100. Oct 24, Installs.

2,750 . Lynes. Thoraas to Long Island Title Guaran­

tee Co. Hicka st, e a, 3S n West Oth st, 18x80. P M. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1901. 5%.

oUu Macardell. Corneliu«, Middletown, N Y, to

Norton Point Land Co. Neptune av. P M. _ Nov 1, 1 year. 937

Same lo same. Cypress av. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 1 J 5 0

. Same to aam«. Cypres* av. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 2,000

Mahlmann. Anna to Henry Roth. Linden at- P M. Nov 1, installs. 8a0

Mann, WUllam and Julia to Mutual Beneflt Loan and Building Co. Manhattan av, e a. 48.10 s Meserole at, 26.2x75, Sub to mort .$7,000. Oct 15, Installs. l.oOO

Martin Bessie L to Wm H Reynolda. Sterling pl. P M. Nov 1. 1 year, 5%. 25,000

Mattern, John and Amalie lo John Oellrich. Sls t st, a w a, 140 n w Sth av, 20x100.2. Oct 1, 1 year. Eold, 200

Mayer, Abraham and Leo Samuels to Fredk W Hearn. Atkina av. P M. Nov 1. in­stalls, 5%. 2,o00

Meyer. Dorothea and Henry to Title Guar­antee and Truat Co. Hale av, e s, 128 a Etna st, runa e 101.6 x a 182.9 x a w — x n w 167.1 to av, x n 50. Oct 27, demand. Building loan. 3.600

Meyer, Julia M, N Y, to The Norton Point Land Co. Beach 46th st. P M. Nov 1, I VCSTd X, r ivv

Mever Daniel C and Emily to Chas M, Fred­eric B, Geo D and Herbert L Pratt, 49th st. P M. Nov 2, installa, 4,600

MitcheU, Robt B to Geo R Dutton, Englewood, N J. Montague st, s s, 50 w Hicks st. 25 xlOO. Sept 23, due Jan 1, 1899. 2,000

Mohrmann, George to Excelsior Brewing Co. Blm pl No 20. Leasehold. Oct 2S. de­mand 3,000

Moller, Catherine and Wilhelm mortgagors wilh Caroline C Stoll extrx Wm W StoU. Extension ot morlgage. Oct 31. nom

Moody, Leonard to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. S2d st, n e s, SO s e 23d av, 40x100. Oct 29, 3 years, 5%. 2,000

Moore. Alice and John W to The Eastern District Savings Bank, Brooklyn, Kings-land av, w s, 135 a Norman av, 85xlU0. Oct 29, due Nov 1, 1899, 5%, 2,600

Moore. Sarah A to Henry C Needham. Madi­son sl, s a, 160 e Tompkina av. 20x100. Oct 31 . 3 yeara. 250

Moran, Julia C and Ella P Brown to Seba M Bogert. President st. P M. Nov 1, 1 year. 5%. 600

Morrisey, Minuie J and Wm G to Title Guar­anlee and Trust Co. 20th av, s e s. 380 3 w Benson av, 66x96.8. Nov 3, 3 years, 5%.

4,000 Muller, Johann and Auguste to George J

Stein. Maujer at. s s, 175 w Graham av, 25x100. Oct 31 , 5 years, 5%. 2,500

McCann, Mary E "wife of and Thos J to Sarah C Hall, De Kalb av, s s, 450 w Lewis av. 25x100, Oct 27, 5 years. 2,000

McCarthy, Ida wife of Patk J to Frederick Middendorf, Richmond at, e a, 800 n 4th sl. 50x150. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1903. 3,500

McComb, William L to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Dean st, s s. ISO e 4th av. 20x 100. Oct 31 , 3 years, 5%. 2.a00

McDicken, Archibald H to Victoria C Beck. Clarkson st, a a, 47a e Platbuah av, 25x 200. Nov 1, 3 yeara, 5%. 3.000

Same to Thos S Ollive comraittee E O Brinck­erhoff. Clarkson st, s s, 500 e Flatbush ' av, 25x200. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. 3.000

McDouald, Albert G lo The Norton Poinl Land Co, Neplune av, P M. Nov 1, 1 year.

1,750 McDonnell, Chas E to Emigrant Indust Sav­

ings Bank, Nostrand av, s e cor East New York av or Lincoln road, 100,5x220; Lef­ferts av, n w cor Canaraie or Clove road, runs w 150,4 x n 200 to Sterling at, x e 40 X s 100 X e — to road, x a — to begin­ning, Oct 27, 1 year, 4%. S.OOO

Mclnerney, Bridget to Michael, Henry aud Frank Halpin. Carroll st. P M. Nov 1. 3 years, 5%. 4,000

McKinley, Jane R lo Regina Snyder and Patk H Gilhooly. Fulton st. s s, 219.7 w Wash­ington av. 20x100. Oct 26, secures note.

1.000 MacKnight. Delitie to Lewis Hurst et al

exrs Henry Johnaon and Mary B and Mar­tha E Sharkey. Bast Sth st. P M. Oct 17, S years, 4%%, 88

McLean, Isabella J and Alexander to Mutual Benefit Loan and Building Co. East 35th St. e s, S47,6 n Av H. 40x100. Sub to mort $2,7a0. Oct 15, installs. (Corrects error iu last issue.) 750

McLintock, Helen A and David B to Edward A Everit. 1st st, s s, 325.9 e Sth av, ISx 100. Oct S l , installs. 250

McTighe. Thos J and Kate M to Mutual Beneflt Loan and Building Co. Bath av, norlh cor Bay 25th st , 96.10x108.10x96, Sx 115.1. Sub to mort $12,aOO. Oct 15, In­atalls, (Corrects error in last issue.) 2,500

Same to Calvin W Withey. Bath av, north cor Bay 25th sl, 96,10x108.10x96.8x115.1. Oct 26, installa. 300

McVeigh, Ann to Caroline Solinger, Dean St. P M. Oct 26, due AprU 27, 1900. 1,050

Nebe, Henry A and Kale to Chas M, Frederic B Geo D and Herbert L Pratt . Albany av. e E, 420 s Av J. 20x100. Nov 1. installs.

2,000 New, Lizzie A P and Tobias to Annie C

Adair. Gates av, s w cor Waverly av, 20 x85. Oct 25, 3 years. 5%. 6,500

Same to Edwin E Dickerson. Same property. Sub to last mort. Nov 1, Installs. 1.500

Olsen, Samuel and Anna M to Chaa M, Fred­eric B, Geo D and Herbert L PratL 40th st. p M, Nov 3. installs, 3,200

Same to Brnest Raymond. Same property. Sub to last mort, Nov 3, due Nov 1, 1910-„

400 Orr, Chas B and Maggie W to Serial Build­

ing Loan and Savings Inst. 74th st, P M, Oct 27, installs. 400

Paulsson, Carolina and John to Henry F and John L Bruning and George Schwabe­land, firm Huber &, Co. 3d av, No 114 *, e 3, 44.10 s 47th st, 20x85, Oct 2 i , de­mand. 600

Pearson Alexander to TUle Guarantee and Trust Co. 13th av, east cor oOih at. P M Oct 28, 3 years, 5%. 4,a00

Same to Borough Park Go. Same property. P M. Sub to last mort. Oct 28, Installs, 5% 2,aOO

Peper Edward to WiUiam and Ferdinand Punk flrm of Funk Bros. Graham st, e a, 3S6 E Willoughby av, 24.4x91.3. Oct 28,_ 1 year. 5%. ^ _ ^ ^ 0

Phillips, Frank E to The Norton Point Land Co, Surf av. P M. Nov 1. 3 years, 2 _ parcela. •*,0iO

Same lo same. Neptune av. P M. Nov 1, 3 _ years. , - ^ ' ^

Piatt, Wra B to Warren C Crane. Eaat l i t h

at, P M. Nov 1, 5 yeara, 5%. '•l'^ Potts John to Hannah K wife of Gerrit D

Van Vranken. Albany av, e s, 75 s Bergen at 2.5x95. Nov 1. 3 years, 5%. 9,000

Putnam, Wilkina K and Joseph B (McQuilUn to The Vermont Marble Company. 51st at, s E 100 e Sth av, 20x100; S l s t st, a s, 160 e Sth av 20x100; Sls t st, a s,_259.6 e oth av 20x100. Sub to mort $10.oaO. Oct 2o, due Nov 1, 1899. l.SOO

Radcliffe, Alice J lo Mary L Tilden. Lenox road, n s, 2,387 e Flatbush av, 2 lols, each •'5x200. 2 morta. each $2,750. Oct 24, due Nov 1, 1901. 5%. O.oOO

Rae Wm P to Norton Point Land Co. Surf av, w'cor Beach 49th st. P M. Nov 1, 3 years.

l .ba i Same lo same. Neptune av. P M. Nov 1, 3

veara aM\} Rapaport. Emma and Bernard to May H Bul-

ley. Decatur st. No 109. n a. 345 e Tbroop av, 20x100. Nov 3, 3 yeara, 5%. 6,o00

Rappaport, Roaa widow, PhUadelphIa, Pa, to James S Bearns. Broadway, n e s . laO w Manhattan av, 42,5x42,5x3a.3x46.4. Oct 20. 3 years, 5%. ^ ^ , 2.00O

Raymond, Brnest to The Borough Park C(>. 40th St. wesl cor 12th av, runs a w laO;.i X n w 100 X n e 50 X n w 17a X n e 100.2 to 40th St. X s e 27a; 10th av, south cor 40lh st, 100.2x91.4; 12th av, south w r 40th st, 100.2x136.3. Oct 27, 1 year. a/ , .

i2,o4y Reddy John J to Title Guarantee and Truat

Co. ' Proapect pl. P M. Oct 2S, 3 yeara, 50/ SoO

ReiaV Fredk W and Ida to Mary C Griffln. Glenraore av, n a, 25 e Wyona st, oOxlOO. Nov 1. S years, 5%. 2.0W

Same to Francis J McMahon. Same prop­erty. Sub to last mort. Nov 2, due May 2, 1800, 5%. ^00

Re,xer, William to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Slh av, w cor 44th st, 27.6x100. Nov 2, S years, 5%. ll-^OO

Reynolds, Chas G to Bliz H Bowers. Park pl s s, lOO.S w Brooklyn av^ 2 lots, each •'0x1''7 9 2 morts, each $7,aOO. Ocl li, 3 years, 5%. l^'OCO

Same to same. Park pl, s s, 160,S w Brook­lyn av, 20x127.9. Oct 27, 3 years, 0%. i.oOO

Same to Clementine S Patchen. Park pl, a s , 180.8 w Brooklyn av, 20x127.9. Oct li, 3 years, 5%. '-oOO

Same to John H Loofl. Park pl, s a, 200.8 W Brooklyn av, 20x127.9. Oct 27, 3 years 57. 7,a00

Same' to Frank U Gregory exr Geo P Greg­ory. Park pl, a a, 140.8 w Brooklyn ^v , ' '0x127.9. Oct 27, 3 years, 5%. (,oOO

Reynolds, Chas G to Zadok H Jarman and ano admra Zadok H Jarman dec'd. Brook­lyn av s w cor Park pl, runa w 220.8 x a 127.9 X w 129.4 x a 122.9 to Butler st, x e 350 to av, X n 250; Park pl, s s, 239.2 w Brooklyn av, 37x127.9; Park pl, s a, 294.8 w Brooklyn av, 18.6x127.9. Sub to morts $44,500. Oct 27, 1 year, 5%. 9,000

Reynolds, Chas G to Frances T Ingraham. Newport av, n w cor Stone av, runs w 20O to Watkins st, x n 250 x e 100 x a SO x e 100 to Stone av, x s 200. Oct 20, inslalls.

Reynolds, Viola and Geo A to Chas M, Fred­eric B, Geo D and Herbert L Pratt . 40lh at. P M. Nov 3, inslalls. 3,200

Same to Ernest Raymond, Same property. Sub last mort. Nov 3, due Nov 1, 1910, 400

Reynolds. Wm H to Tille Guarantee and Trust Co. 46th st, n e s , 120 a e 13th av. 40x100.2; 46th st. n e a, 240 a e 13th av, 40x100.2; 46th st, n e a, 400 s e ISth av, 40x100.2; 46th at, n e s, 100 n w 15th av, 40x100.2; 46lh st, n e s , 260 n w lo th av. 40x100.2; 46th st . n e s , 420 n w l a t h av. 40x100.2; 47th st. n e s, 220 a e 13ih av, 40x100.2; 47th st, n e a, 120 n w 14lh av, 40x100.2; olat st, n e 3, ISO a e 13th av, 40x100.2; Slat st. n e s , 340 a e 13th av, 40x100.2; S l s t st, n e s , 160 w H t h av, 40x100.2; 51st st, n e a. 220 s e l l l h av. 40x100.2; olat i t , n e a. SSO a e 14th av.

ovember 5, iSpl • Record and Guide 40x100.2; Slat st, n e a. 140 n w 15th av, 40x100,2, Oct 28. demand, 38,000

Robichaud, Denis S and Delphine to Rosina C Klein, Duryea pl. P M. Nov 2, 4 months. 5%. 500

Rochford, Thos P to Ellen G and Louisa S Cilbert. Remsen st. P M. Nov 1, a years. 5%, gold, 20,000

Rosemon, Cornelius P to James D Lynch. 22d av. P M. Oct 31 , 2 years. 5%. 8,000

Rosencrans, Mathias L to Theodore Bergen and ano exrs Jeremiah Bergen, Av L, n w cor East SSth St. P M. Oct 31 , S years, 5%.

950 Roaenthai, Annie mortgagor with Charlea

Hamma. Extension of mort. Oct 31 . nom Roth, Edward A and Nellie M to John Beet.

SSth st, s 3, ISO e 4th av, 20x100.2. Nov 1, installa. 1,SOO

Rowe, Louise M to Ellen O Wakeley trustee. Hull at. P M. Oct 27, 3 yeara, 5%. 2,500

Ryan, Mary A formerly Wood to South Brooklyn Savings Inst. Lee av, a w cor Heyward st, 24x80. Oct 2S, 1 year, 4',^%.

0,000 •Ryan. Mary widow and Mary and Matthew " Reynolds to Florence L Gook. Dean st, No

909, centre line, 254.10 w Classon av, runs n 145 X w 25 X a 145 x e 25. Nov 1, 1 year. 225

Sayres, Phebe H to Rachel Martense. Lex­ington av, s s, 235 e Tompkins av, ISx 100. Oct 31, due Nov 1, 1901. 5%. 2,800

Schneider, Bmilie to Clarence H Eagle et al exrs Henry Eagle. Cornelia at, s a, 156.2 w Hamburg av, ISxlOO. Nov 2, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. gold. SOO

Schlegel, Frank and Lena to Samuel H Coombs, Hamburg av. P M. Oct 25^ 4 months, secures note. 5,200

Schoenfeldt. Emil R W to Edward R Strong. Av F, east cor Baat Sls t st. P M. Oct 28, inatalls. 500

Schroeder. Louis to Ignaz Gans. Clifton pl, n w cor Grand av, 20x100. Nov 1, due Jan 1, 1904, 5%, 4.000

Schwarz, Frederick to Long Island Building and Loan Assoc. Driggs av. P .M. Nov 1. iustalls, 5%. 2,000

Schloen, Claus to Henry and George Well­brock, firm Henry Wellbrock Sc Co. FuUon st, u e eor Saratoga av, runs e 44.2 x n 31.4 X again n Sl,4 to Hull st, x w 50 to av, x s 52.3. Nov 1, 1 year, 5%. 1,180

Scott, Blizabeth A and George to Merah K Willard, Eldert st, s s, 150 e Evergreen av, 17.10x100 and out-of-town property. Nov 2, installs. 5i/a%. 2,600

Seabrey, Louis J and Eliz to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Broadway, s w s, 129.3 a e McDonough at, 20x54.Sx—x63.5, Oct 27, 3 years, 5%. 3,000

Seaman, Annie E and Bdward L to Title Guarantee and Trust Co, Park pl. P M. Oct 31, 3 years, 41/3%. 6,500

Shearman, John A to Thomas H Sherman. 20th SL. P M, Ocl 31, S years, 5%, 400

Shimer, William J to John Beet. SSlh sl? s s, 140 e 4th av, 20x100,2, Nov 1. in­stalls. 1,800

Simon, Abrahara and Jenuie wife of Jacob Morgans tein to Minnie D Geseheidt. 5lh av, n w B, 50 n e ISth at, 25x100. Nov 2, due Nov 1. 1901. 1.000

Singleburst,_John to Margt R Starr. S8th at. n s, 3(0 e Fort Harailton av, 20x167,

, Oct 29, due Nov 1. 1901. 1,000 Same to Emma B Starr. SSth st. P M. Oct

29, inatalls. 1,200 Somerset, Henry W to Rosine Worner, Ocean

Parkway. P M. Oct 17, 5 yeara, ir%. 3,200 Spazzah. Margaret widow to Tille Guarantee

and Trust Co. 97th st. n s„ 165.11 6 Shore road, 50x100. Nov 1, 3 yeara, 5%.

4,250 Spitz, -Albertina to John J Courtney, Court-

land et. P M. Oct 31 , 1 year. 400 Sproule, Adam W to Title Guarantee and

Trust Co, Park pl, P M, Ocl 31, 3 years, 41^%. 5,500

Stabler, Elisabetha to German Hospital So­ciety of Brooklyn. Stewart av, east cor 74th st, 60.1x09x60x95.11; 92d st, n e s . 22U s e 2d av, 40x100. .Nov 1, due Jan 1, 1902. 5%. ' 2,500

Stackhouse, Jamea to Chas B Molloy. Easex st, e s, 139.9 s Belmont av, •>5xlOO. Sub to mort $1,000. Oct 29, due Oct 11, 1S90.

350 Same to Mary A Wood, Queens Co, 1. 1.

Same property. Oct 29, due Oct 1, l .kl l . 1.000

Same to Chas B Molloy. Essex st. e s, l--;4.9 • 8 Belmont av, 25x100. Sub to mort $1,000.

Oct 29. due Oct 11. 1899. CSO Same to Mary A Wood, Queens Cc, L I

Same property. Oct 29. due Oct 1, 1901. i.OOO

Same to Chas B Molloy. Essex st, e s. 189.9 fi Belmont av, 25x100. Sub to m o n •'ifl.-000. Oct 29. due Oct 11, 1S9S. 350

Same to Wm H Statesir. Queens Co, L i. Sams property. Oct 29, due Oct 1, 1;'01. •

1 .<I00 Steinmetz. Mary to Mary D Joyce. Halsey

St. P M. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 3,500

Stephens, Ben] F to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. Gatea av, e a. 145 w Marcy av,

•40x100. Oct 31 , 3 yeara. 5%. 8,000

Stuurman, Maria A and John H G to Title Guarantee and Truat Co. 13th av, north cor 4Sth St. P M. Oct IS. due Oct 31 , 1901, 0%. 3.500

Same to Borough Park Co. Sam.a property. Sub to last mort. Oct IS, installa. 2,150

Sullivan, John E to Eva V Christ, Sth av, e B. 40 a S l s t st, 20x100. Oct 31 . 1 year.

500 Swayne, C Corlnne to Walter Jonea. Bay

32d St. P M. Oct 15, due Nov 1, 1901. 5%. 4,000

Taeger, Kate to William Boeckel. Greene av. s e s, 250 n e Evergreen :iv, 2.5x100 P M. Oct 27, due Nov 1, 1901. 5%. 1 00(/

Tanner, Michael to Willlamsbur,Th Savings Bank. Herkimer at, s e cor Sherlo.:k pl. 20x98. Oct 28, 1 year. 5%. 3,250

Same to same. Herkimer st. s s, 20 e Sher­lock pl, 2 lots, each 20x9S. 2 mor 's , each $2,750. Oct 28. 1 year. 5%. 5,500

Taylor, George to Zella Bogardus s";trx Rob' Bogardua. Marion st, s s, 325 e Patchen av, 50x100. Oct 2S, 3 yeara, j ^ , !,20O

Tetzner, Fredk J to Title Gua.-aniee and Trust Co. 2d av, w s, 20.2 a o.'Hh st, 20 x70. Oct 29, 3 years, 5%, 3-000

Thompson, Arthur to Horatio S Stewart exr Henry Badger. Atlantic av. P M. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. 2,000

Thompaon, Thos J and Henrietta R to Danl P Phillips exr James R McGee. Logan at, w s, 1,325 n 2d st, 25x150. Nov 1, 3 years, 5%. 2,000

Tobiassen, Edwd N and Ingeberg M to Wm S Hassan. OOth st , a a, SOO e l l t h av. 20x 100. Sub to mort $1,500. Oct 2J, in­atalls. t o o

Same to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Same property. Oct 29, S years, 5%. 1,500

Tomkins, WaUer lo Norton Point Land Co. Surf av, north cor Beach SOth sl. P M. •Nov 1, 1 year. 1,087

Same to same. Neptune av, s w cor Highland av. Nov 1. 1 year. 1.787

Tracy. Patrick to Brooklyn Cily Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc. Baltic st. n a, S69.4 e Clinlon st, 21,2x99.10. Nov 2, in­stalla. 5%-. - 2,500

Trapnell. Joseph. Jr, to John J Adier. Cum­berland St. P M. Sub to mort $2.a00. Oct 31, inslalls. 700

Same to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Ralph av. P M. Oct 31 , 3 years, 5%. 2,250

Trapnell. Joseph. J r . to Charles Engert. Humboldt st. P M, Nov 1. 3 years, 5%.

2.500 Same to same. Same property. Sub to last

mort. Nov 1, installs. SOU Trapnell, Joseph, Jr, to Arlhur A Swany.

Huron st, s s, 175 e Oakland st, 25x100. Oct 20, 3 years, 5%. 1,000

Tritschler, Charles to Dime Savinga Bank of Williamsburgh. Suraner av. s e cor Pu­laski St. 20x95. Nov 2, 1 year, 5%. S.OOO

Same to same. Sumuer av, e s, 20 a Pulaski st, 20x95. Nov 2, 1 year. 5%. . 7,000

Same to aame. Sumner av, e s, 40 a Pu­laski st, 20x95. Nov 2, 1 year, 5%. S.aOO

Ui-so, Maria D and Michael to Hugo J Panzer, l l t h av, s e s, 40 s w GGth st, 20xl00. Nov 1, 3 years. 2,01)1.)

Van Brunt st and Erie Basin R R Co to The People's Trust_ Co, N Y, trustee. _ Van BrunL at, n w 3, 7a n e Verona at, 7ax9U; Imlay st, s e a , 125 n e Verona st, 25x90; Van Brunt st, s e a , 125 s w Delevan st, 25x90 (this piece of laud is not included iu morlgage), all the double track right at way, franchises. Scc. Oct 1, secures bonds.

75,000 Sarae wuh same. Conseut of etockboiders

to above mortgage. Sept 19. Van Riper, Frances lo Tiile Guarantee and

Trust Go. Lewis av, P M. Oct 27, 3 years, 5%. 3,250

\ 'ance, Arthur S to Otlo Lehmann. Put­nam av. P M. Nov 1, installa. 1,300

Wakeman, Geo W to John Beet. Sls t st. P M. Nov 1, Installa. 1,200

Walters, Minnie E lormerly Warren devisee of Eliz L Warren to Hannah Chichester. Duffleld St. e a, 255 n Willoughby st, 20x 10U.3, Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1901. 3,000

Wasserman, Nathan and Betsy to Fredk C Glark. Belmont av, n s, aU w Watkins st, 25x100. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1901. 5'/>%.

2,000 Weber, Henry and Julia wife of Michael J

Hanaelman to Helene Brendel. Fulton at. P M. Nov 1, 3 yeara. 5%. 2,500

Weber, Alberi lo Long Island Building and • Loan Assoc. Clifford pl, w s, 125 s Cal­

yer st; 25x85x27.8x97.11. Oct 2G, inatalls. 250

Weber, Robert to John Singlehurst. SSth at, n s, 390 e Port Hamilton av. P M. Sub to mort $1,200. Oct 29, due Nov 1, 1900.

175 Well. Carrie and LIbmau to Georgiana Rieger.

Bay 17th st, w s, 350 s SGth st, 100-\96.8. Oct 31 . due April 30. 1S99. 650

Weat, Margaret B to The Truatees of the Sixieenth Baptist Church, N Y. Bainbridge Bt, n s, 239.9 w Hopkinson av, 20x1110. Nov 1, 3 years. 5%. 3.000

Whipple, Seth L to Seba M Bobert. Presi­dent at. P M. Oct 31 , due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 2,000

White, Chas M to Lewis Hurat et al exra Henry Johnson •and Mary E and Mariha

E Sharkey. East 4th st. P M. Oct 17. 3 years, 4 ^ % - G8

Winter, Fred G to Adam C Miller. Patchen av, w s, GO n Van Buren at. 20x90. Oct 20, 3 years, 5%. 2.500

Wood, John lo Railroad Co-operative Build-lug aud Loan Assoc. Norman av. P M, Oct 27, Installa. 5%, 2.50O

Young, Kate to Samuel Katz. Palmetto et. P M. Oct 28, installs. 5%. 1,240

MORTGAGES-ASSIGNMENTS. October 2S, 29. 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3.

Brooklyn Trust Co to Chas M Prat t et al truslees will Sarah L Richardson. 5,000

Brown. Kate admrx Prank Brown dec'd to Kale Brown individually. 1,500

Bachmann, Margaretha widow to WiUiam Geyer. 2,000

Bond, John W to William Warner. 200 Bowers, Eliz H to Cath R Bowera. 5,000 Braun, Katy lo Congress Brewing Co. nom Braun, Elizabelh to Joseph Bauer. SOO Buhrman, Predk W and ano exra Wm C

Buhrman to Leopold Levy. S.lOO Burrows, Siephen J to Benj J Brown, Sr. 324 Burt, Abbie A to Mary E Farrell . 1,000 Bradley. Harry L to Guy Loomis. l.SOO Bossert, Louis to Matthew Kircher. 5U0 Buliman, Henry D to Geo F Martens. 3,000 ConacliJated Conslruction Co to James G

McLoughlin Larchmont, N Y. 1,UOO Cohn, Sigmund to Rosa Schoeffel. 1.300 Corrigan, Thomas to Albert Morion. 3,000 Davies, Agnes H to Walter D Davies exr

Henry J Davies. 1,700 Dickinson, Edwin E to Edward E Black, nom Davenport, Wm B ref 10 Elizabeth Hitch­

ings trustee for George, Joseph S. Wash­ington B and J Howard Hitchings. 1,670

Same to Elizabeth Hitchings. 4,270 Dill, John, Jr . to Anna K Bock. 1 250 Egan, Mary A to Adelaide Keelv. 3,500 Same lo K Pi'ancis X, Chas B and Mary A

Egan exrs and truatees will Kiernan Egan. 2,001

Ehrlich, Celia. Roseville. N Y, to Brooklyn Lumber Co. 725

Falconer, Jamea H exr Martha Falconer to James S Greves truatee will iMary T Power.

2,000 Huckel, Wm M exr Susan Cornwell to Chas

H Thorne. 3,000 Home Life Ins Co to John S Morgan. 3,000 Horwill, Wm E to Emilie M Horwill 1,000 Hawkius, William to Easl Brooklyn Savings

Bank. 2,500 Jenkins, John G exr and trustee will Will­

iam Layton to May McCarty, nom Katen, Chas T and Mary F Ferris to Title

Guarantee and Trust Co. 8,215 Keller, George to John Read admr Wilson

Read. 650 Koch, Elizabetba to Meta and Elizabeth

Kirchberr. 1,7C0 Kaufman, Adolph to Matthew Riley. iiom Low, Harriet L to Lydia Low, 1,150 Loewenstein, Helene to Louis and Alberi L

Loewenstein, Charlotte Blumenthal and Jen­nie Rosenbaum. nom

Loewenstein, Louis and Albert L to Charlotte Blumenthal and Jennie Rosenbaum. 1,250

Loll, John Z to Magdalena Cowenhoven. 50O Lewis, Isaac, Joseph B aud Henry, firm

Isaac Lewis & Sons to The State Bank. 9,500 Long Island Title Guaranlee Co to John

Warnken. £00 Losee. Mary C B to George Moffat. 1,600 Lynch, Michael to Laura J L Stilwell. 1,250 Manneschmidt, Jacob lo Pauline Moat. 900 Maclay. Archibald M and Chas I McBurney,

N Y, to Laura J L Stilwell. 275 Morten, Albert et al exrs Johu Morton and

Albert and John C Morion individ and aa partnera of John Morton & Sona to Her­bert C Smith. 3.000

McDonald, Edgar lo Mabel A Roby. 4,500 .McKane, John Y to Kings County Bank, nom Merritt, Henry, Jr, to Charles Meyer. 2O0 Mercells, Mary A to R Hinton Perry, 500 Metz, Herman A to Edgar McDonald. 4,500 Mullane, Harry D admr Mary Mullane lo

Eugene F Brady. 500 Morris, Grace 0 formerly Deverall guard Wm

A Deverall to Frank E Bogeri liuatee Peter W Williamson. 3,000

.Morrison, Wm J lo Sarah R Newman. 158 Martin, Geo V to Mary C B Losee. 1,500 Monroe, Augustin el al exrs Jamea Ren­

wick to James A Renwick. 2,405 McCoun, Fredk H et al exrs Hewlett T Mc­

Coun lo Geo R K. Franklin S and Stanton M Smith. 2,700

McTiernan. Patrick to Florence Raynor. 1,200 Meireis, Paulina to Wm H Gerger, 203 Munsell, Eugene, Lewis W Klngaley and

Franklin Brooks, flrm Eugene Munaeli & Co to Geo F Van Doom. 174

Norlon Point Land Co to Long laland Loan and Trust Co as trustee under will of Sarah C Butler. 937

Same lo same. 1,087 Same to .'lame at t rui tea under will Morria

R Mason, 1,300 Same lo same. SOO Same to sarae, • 1,125 Same to same as truatea for Annla M Barnard

will John A Cross. 7S5

Guidi November 5, 1898.

g a m e to s a m e as t r u s t e e for A n n i e M B a r n a r d will John A Cross . 1,750

S a m e to s a m e as t r u s t e e l a a b e l l a F T a y l o r wil ! John A Cross .

S a m e to s a m e . 1,GOO 1,200

S a m e to s a m e aa t r u s t e e for J o h n A Cross will John A Crosa.

S a m e to s a m e . S a m e to aame.

1,625 1,G87 2 . 4 5 0

Same to Annie M B a r n a r d wil l J o h n A Crosa. 8 7 5

Same to s a m e aa t r u a t e e for J a n e B Ness l e wil l J o h n A Crosa. 1,750

S a m e to s a m e g u a r d H e n r y E Adaras . 1.7S7 O c k e r s b a u s e n , E m m a E and A d e l a i d e F to

E l l e n T M a r t i n . 1.590 Pos t . V i rg in i a W gen g u a r d . &c, J a m e s B a n d

Geo W Pos t . J r , to V i rg in i a W P o s t gen g u a r d Geo W Pos t , J r . n o m

P e l l e t r e a u , V e n n e t t e F to G e r t r u d e Schoon­m a k e r . 1,500

P h e l p s , John "W to Adela ide E B u s h n e l l . nom P a s c a l , W m A to Edwd A E v e r e t t . 1,200 Rider , Bdwd W to .Michael Lynch . 5 0 0 Reyno lds , W m H to F r a n c i s S S m i t h e r s . 2 .500 S t a r r , F r e d k W t o Ot to B P R i s c h . Aaaigns

2 m o n a . each $ 5 5 0 . 1,100 Schenck , J o h n C and ano i r u s t e e a of K i t t y M

Bergen , now L i n i n g t o n , a n d E . d e r l B e r g e n u n d e r wi l i I s a a c C S c h e n c k to J o h n C S c h e n c k . TOO

Schenck, J o s e M wife o t J o h n C t o J o h n C Schenck e t al I r u s t e e s K i t t y M and E l ­d e r t B e r g e n u n d e r will I s a a c C Scbenck . F e b 2, 1895 . R e - r e c o r d e d . 4 1 0

Sage, E d w a r d E and E m i l y S to Ade l ine B Vai l . n o m

Sandmeye r , M a r g a r e t h a to Br idge t W e l s h . 5 0 0 S m i t h , H e r b e r l C to J o h n C Mor ion . 3 .000 S c h n i t z e r . H y m a n , N Y, to E s t h e r R i c h m a n .

1,125 S t a r r . F r e d k W to Robt R Brea r l ey . 5 5 0 Towle , Sa rah D lo K a t e U n d e r h i l l . 6 ,000 T i l l e G u a r a n t e e an d T r u s t Co to P o u g h k e e p ­

sie Sav ings Bank . 5 ,000 Same to E l l a R o m e an d ano e x r s and t r u s ­

tees will J a m e s H M ason . S a m e to s a m e . Samo lo L a u r a S K i m b a l l . E a m e to s a m e . .Same 10 H o m e L i fe I n s Co . S a m e to s a m e . S a m e to s a m e . S a m e to J a n e -M D i e t e r . S a m e to Alfred De W i t t Mason . Same to Mary A Goodsel l . S a m e t o a a m e . S a m e to s a m e . Same to W a U e r W Gil l ies .

4 ,500 1 6 , 0 0 0

2 ,500 6 .600 3.50O 5,0U0

la.OtJO • 1,000

3 ,250 3 0 0 40O 2 5 0

6 ,500 1,500 2 .500

Same to Robt J Wi lk in , Sarae to H a r r y A Grube r . S a m e to T h o s E Maaon t r u s t e e for T h e o W

Mason . 1,000 T i t l e G u a r a n t e e a n d T r u s t Co to W a r r e n G

H u b b a r d . 4 2 0 S a m e lo Cha r l e s E m m o n a . 1,300 Uih i e in , J a c o b g u a r d H e n r y U i h i e i n to H e n r y

U i h i e i n . 919 W a l k e r , H a r r i e t N , D e l a w a n n a , N J, lo Mary

H Wal ton . 2 ,3 0 W e r n e r , Mar ie E L to T h o s E Colby. 2 . a 0 0 W a g e r , George W to G u s t a v H e l m s t e t t e r . 2 , 5 0 0 W i n n e , R i t t e r P to M a r i a J Morr i sey , n o m Ziegler , W i l l i a m to T i t l e G u a r a n i e e and T r u s t

Co. 4 8 , 5 0 0

JUDGMENTS. In tbese lists of j uagmpn t s tbe uames alpha­

betically ar ranged and which a re first on each line, are those c t the Judgment debtor, Tbe let ter (D) means judgment for deflciency. (") means not summoned, (T) signifies t ha t the first name is fictitious, real name being unknown . Judg­ments entered d u r i n g tbe week and satisfled before day of publlcalion. do not apoear In tbis column, but In the l ist ot Satisfied Judgmen t s .

Oct. and Nov . 2 8 A p p e l g a t e . J o h n H — J V o U k o m m e r . . 6 0 3 . 1 4 3 1 Alagna , I gnaz io—Brook lyn H e i g h t s R R

Co • • • . 111 .82 31 Ans iey , H a r r y L — A n g l i m Bros l O a . 2 6

2 A n d r e w s , H e r b e r t F—VV Ber r i . . . . 1 7 7 . 9 5 2 App lega te , John H—T McCann 276 .57 3 A r m a i r o n g , J a r a e s L — N o r w i c h P h a r m a -

cal Co 134 .57 28 Booraena , Mary S—V P o m e r a n t z 7.27 2 9 Berger , " J o h n " — J Skolaky 130 .96 2 9 B r a n i g a n , N o r a l o r m e r l y W y m e s — H S

F r i e l a u d e r 80 .07 3 1 Bayer., M a r g a r e t h a — S F r i n d e l 109,07 3 1 Brad l ey , J o h n — S t Louis Dressed Beef and

Prov Co • • 536 .28 1 Bayl i s , A lbe r t S—J C Gude e t al 186 .4S 1 Berge r , V i c t o r i a — S p r a g u e N a t l B a n k . .

. : , 4 6 . 5 9 2 Bi rch T h o m a s — B r o o k l y n Cash R e g i s t e r

Co S6.07 2 B o w m a n , M a r l i n W — W Ber r i , , . . 1 7 7 , 9 5 2 B e n j a m i n , J o s e p h an d H e n r i e t t a — A Li l -

l e n i b a l • • .'• • • .'• 132 .60 2 t h e s a m e t h e s a m e 103 .51

2S C h a m b e r s , E d w a r d — S a r a h O p p e n h e i m e r e t al •i'8.22

2 8 Car ro l l . Wi l l i am—D Meschendorf . . 1 6 1 . 1 2 1 Cook, J o h n - 1 Levy et al 7 3 9 . 0 6 2 Cede r s i rom, S lg i r ied—Moore & Arnold .

39 .07 2 9 Dreyi 'ua, Jo seph—A C S t e p h e n s . . . . 5 0 . 0 4 8 1 D u B y , a e r b e r t - - C C S m i i l i . , . • 37 .07

1 Dis t l e r , Goodwin A and J o h n — A r m s t r o n g Clock Co •• 04 .22

3 D r e s e h e r , J o h n F W — P Sinc la i r . . - - 8 5 . 6 4 2 8 Ebbe t a . SeUna A—J McCaldin 120 .32

2 Ecc les ton , i s n e — E x r a Bl len M M u r r a y . . 141,17

2 E h r h a r d t . Ida- "^aw B l a n k Book Co . . . . . , 110,07

•'S F r i e r S imon—H B S e h a r m a n n & S o n s . 114 ,82

2S P r e u s e n , A u g u s t W—C Voigh t . J r , e t a l •• 117-26

1 F r i d a y , E d w a r d R — M i r - D u n h a m 1 0 8 . 4 8 1 F l a s h , J o s e p h - H B Claflin Co 150.49 1 F i n k e l s t e i n , H e r m a n — J McO.ea ry 1,409.57

2S G i a v e s . E d w a r d B — M a r g t D.^.dcer . . 4 1 . 0 7 28 Goetach , H e r m a n — M a i c o m B r e w i n g C o . .

2.<V>3.II0 29 Garvey , Jolin F—A A J o y c e 2 8 8 . 5 0

2 George . H e n r y — H S i m m a !l.'i.29 28 H a e s l o p p , D ied r i ch—C Voight , J r , et "iI

. . . . . . 1 1 . "0 2 9 H a y e s . T h o s F — G e r m a n - A m e r i c a n Ina Co

77 .62 31 H o r t o n , H e n r y L — P E Ca ldwel l . . . . 9 5 . 7 3

1 H o r a k , R u d o l p h — Y o u n g & Ge ra rd . 2 . 4 8 5 . 4 9 1 H a r r i s o n , A r t h u r B—Exra of H M Smi th

144 .45 1 H o l m e s , T H a r r y — T E ConkUn 3 2 1 . 2 1 2 H a v e m e y e r . E d w a r d A—B A i l m a n . - 7 4 . 7 5 2 H y a t t , T h a d d e u s P—Mitche l l V a n c e Co .

94.GU 2 H o c k . Ju l iu s—C Zlesen lss . .'. 737 .72 3 Hef fe rnan , M a r g a r e t — G Loomis (D) 1,5119.90 3 H o c h m a n n , A n n i e — T a y l o r P a i n t and Oil

Co - . 4 9 2 . 8 1 3 Hocken-jos, Rober t—G F Z e t g r a f and ano

G7..S5 2 8 I r l a m . C a r r i e B—J R W a l k e r 8 3 . 5 4 2S J o h n s o n . W i l l i a m R — H i l d a B R o d e r i c k .

8 9 . 3 3 2 J o h n s o n . Helen—G H e r b e r g e r SS..'<7

28 Kopf. J o h n — H Mi l ihack 2 4 . 7 0 2 K e h o e , George—R W h i t e 175 .81 3 K a i s e r , F r e d e r i c k — W i l h e l m i n a Cowen . .

107 .01 2 8 L e e t e . Annie S and J a m e s P—Corne l i a S

S c h a r f e n b e r g 3 ,231 .00 2S L a m b e r t . J o b n J—D Meschendor f . .1111.12 3 1 L a n g , L o u i s , J r — J F a l l e r t B r e w i n g Co .

140.(10 l * L e v y , F a n n i e — R B e a t l i e & Co . .3 .5G5.53 1 L i p p m a n , Leopold J — E q u i t a b l e Co-opera ­

t ive B and L Assoc 1.511.<13 2 9 Mosly. O s c a r - H D i e c k m a n 9 0 . 9 3 2 9 McCar tney , J a m e s , S i r e e t C l e a n i n g Gom-_

mis s ione r—A H S c h u m a a n i 13,08 3 1 Mack l in , J o h n J — T J F a r r e U 169.07 3 1 Mass , C h r i s t i a n A—H Wei l l e r . . . . l l i . S 2 31 Mor ton , W i U i a m C—P G Kev l l l e 211.00

1 Moses . Chas H—Bedford B a n k . . . . 2 1 6 . 9 5 1 Meyerhoff. Moses—A Wei l e t al . . - . 1 0 r , , i ; 4 1 M c E n a n y , Owen—G S H a s h r o u c k . . 2 8 8 . 7 2 1 Misikoff, So lomon—J W R o s e n s t e i n e t al

3 7 . 2 2 2 Malone . " T h o m a s " — J B C l a r k 48 .57 2 Moran , Dav id—B P H a v i l a n d a n d a n o . .

37-24 2 M c K n i g h t , G e o r g e — K a t h R u p p . . . . 7 3 2 . 2 0 2 Mesero le , E v e l i n a A—W E S i n n ex r - 9 7 . 5 J 2 M a r t i n , Ph i l i p—El l en Nev ina 138.59 3 M c K i n n y , D e n n i s J — H Rosenbrock 22S .24 3 M u r r a y , Mary E — B B r y e r ex r .. . .8-13,11-5

S l Nobles . .Mil ion—Israel P L a w t o n . . 2 0 9 . 6 7 2 8 O l t m a n n , D ied r i ch—C Voigh t , J r , e l a l .

117.26 1 Ot to , W m A - L N i s s e n . . - - 2 .490 .2S 2 Ut io , "V\ilUam A—K Wabezah l . . . . 1 7 3 . 2 2

2S P e r e t t a , Al-fonso—A F r a n z e s c o . . . . S S S . G l 2 8 P o d e s i a , A n t o n i o — P Glover 4 4 5 . 2 a 2 9 * P r e c h e p , " J o h n " — J Skolaky 130.90

1 P l ace , F l e t c h e r — L y d i a P a l m e r , . . . 3 5 . 2 6 1 l h e s ame——A P a l m e r 71.SL 3 P r a t t , W a l t e r — H P o s t a s s ignee . . . 2 2 7 . 4 5

28 Rudd , W n i i a m A — F Slo l tz 554.411 29 Rulf, J o h n — L o n g l a l and B r e w e r y . .10.07

1 R a n d e l . W i l l i a m F — A d e l e G u i l b e r t 109 .15 1 R o s s m a n , A a r o n — R B e a t l i e & Co . . 3 , 5 6 5 . 5 3 3 R i l l e r , F r e o e r i c k - L o u i s B r a u n . . , ,2;-S!l.:;7

2 8 Se lvage , W a l t e r — J N Spe r ry t r u s i e e 184 .20 2S S t r a u s s , Sad ie—Corne l ia S S c h a r f e n b e r g .

. . . 3 , 2 3 1 . 6 0 2S Schoppe, J o h n — C Voigh t , J r . et a l , 1 1 1 . 2 6 29 Sou thwick , George—J B M u r p h y . .257.-11 3 1 S t rong , P r e s t o n W — W a l d e n Kni fe Co . .

• . 2 0 4 . 7 4 3 1 S t u h r m a n n , J o h n D ^ G H Heinbocke l and

ano 5 0 8 . 1 j 1 S t e r n b e r g , Cha r l e s and L a d y s — J G Acke r

112 .60 2 Savage , J o h n — N a s s a u E lec R R Co . 1117.50 2 Schach te l , G e o r g e — F o u r t e e n t h St B a n k , ,

351 .84 3 S h a v e r , A m y R—J W a n a m a k e r . . . . 5 5 2 . 0 5 S Schloen , Claus—G H H e i n b o c k e l and ano

. . . . 7 9 5 . 1 9 3 Schaab , W i l l i a m — L o u i s B r a u n . . . . 2 3 9 . 2 7 3 S o m m e r , Geo H—A J S 'harroi t . . . . l .SSI i .76

28 G r e a t e r New Y o r k .Athletic Club—G R u h l i n • 776 .34

2 8 the s a m e T S h a r k e y 2,1(11.19 2S N e w York . Ci ty of—J A B u r r 72 .30 28 t h e s a m e t h e a a m e 72 .55 2 S Amer i can Sand E r i c k C o - C F r a n c k l y n . .

. - 3 8 6 . 4 0 2 9 Brook lyn H t i g h t a R R Co—Lot t i e S F r e y .

1 5 1 0 0 2 9 the a a m e A J o h a n s e n 150 .00 2 9 J a m e r S t e a m H e a l i n g Co—H B Boyle . .

. . 4 , U 9 . T 4

2 0 N e w York , Ci ly of—F W H Nelson . .2 .88.33 1 S h e a r w o o d Hil l Land Co a n d E a a t Side

L a n d Co—Annie H Campbe l l 2 , G r j . i 7 1 N a s s a u E lec R R Co—Q J M c N a m a r a . .

6 5 3 . 8 2 1 A t t a l a I r o n and Stee l Co—Bedford B a n k .

2 1 6 . 9 5 2 N e w York , City of—Derby Desk C o . . 1 4 i . : ; 8 2 t h e s a m e — - M i l l i k e n Bros . . . . l l f i . S S 2 Brook lyn City R R Co—J Qu inn . , 1 , 0 5 1 . 0 7 3 N a s s a u E l e c R R Co—-N P u t t e r . . l , U 7 i l . J i 3 t h e s a m e nl ulckoff 4 , 3 0 0 . 5 3 3 Long I s l and R R Co—J H a r t t u n g .

3 1 T u t h i l l . Josepb—Ht Louis Dressed Beef and P r o v Co S 3 5 . 4 0

3 Uhlendor f . L o u i s - E H a r t m a n n . . . 3 1 1 . 4 8 2 8 Van P e l i , T u n i a E—Bxra J E r v i n . . 4 9 6 . 3 0 S l \ a f l R a a e n . 1 h e o d o r e - E x r a of B Van

Raden U , i 7 0 . i l 2 Van Ness , Ada—Susan A D r a k e ....i}4.oJ

3 1 Wolf, A b r a h a m — H B Claflin C o . . . 2 2 2 . 3 0 1 ftigand, P a u l P—Conso l lda l ed Ice Co . .

3-i2.40 1 w ' l ldue r , EmU F—J E l s b e c k i J y . S S 2 W i g a n u , P a u l P — R fd .nn ing .iS.Wi 2 W a i s h , J o h n — F o u r i e e n i h tai B a n k S51.S4 2 W a i s h , W U . U m — K a i h R u p p 732 .20

• •


Alexander. George—C E Pell and ano. ISS?- , . (ill .rla

A t k i n s o n , ' J o h n W—.Mary A Simouson. la t JS . . 2J.I.07

Baldwin,' Virgiaid VV—FloreuUue Ganger . 1 1 **-tCor r t c l s t i r o r lu last isaiiej ^Joo.bU

Btnne t t , Will iam and Kate—AanU Gordon. l»J'*-,„ lgy5 uLlO

Bennet t . 'wi l ' l i am—W Siahl . 1 8 J 8 ^^J^i^ Same——same. 1S!»7 llo.jL Cahill . Mary A—Pauline Thompson. 181)8.l.lUd.It) De Fere . A Litsnei—Alice B Furb i sh , 1 S J 8 . : ; 1 - 1 . | 1 J Everson , Giles—R Peabody. 1SJJ3 ILi.Sl) GuLKiOcig j i a g i i u s - f J BuUivau aud auo. I S J J .

Li 1.1)7 GrVtnian,'Wi'lii 'am S—H E Taylor et al. l ^ J ' - „

. . , . , iJfS.42 HaiplD, FVaacia—W Kggerts and auo. lSS!t-34J.4i Same BciQitsiou t Wi-en. ISdj - oo'l.'d'l H a r m a n , J a c o b ~ P W = Uge ib ; r . I S J l i iS . lO Hower . i l a r y tl—.viaria Brol .ensteiu extrx. i6'Ji.

__ Kiabfiei'sc'h'.'Tlie'odore P—J Grogan. 18'JT.iy-l.i4 Klein, Jobn—A Barbara Schm.t .e . ISDS.ii.lilo-US Lisan te . Autonio—ii De Sautes. ISUl 160.01 Lusher , WaUer R—-M G Woolley. ISJa lllt.UT M a n i n , Auna or Mrs Levi—AoenQroth Bros .

loyg i y i - i 2 ••• psoQ. I S J S . l . l i i S . l '

SJS 3U-r> Grill- 18j8.:iU:;.l

Mi r e r ' F r e a k W—.Maude E Burlier and auo. 189S ^'V,^!

S a m e — s a m e . 18i)8 ^•^* i i cCann . Thos J—Oswego Casket Co. 18JtJ.lJU.lS O'Donnell, John—D J Foley. ISHT 421.23 Smith . Jennie—A Barba ra Schinli te . 18i*8^. Bi 'o 'oklv'n'Helgnts R R Co—J J Simpson, J r .

1SU4 ^-'^^'A^ Same same. 18115 iJb.69 Same same. 181)8 U2.d-2 Well Carrie and Llbman—Isaac Levy and aoo.

18L)8 - . - -L"^ Winter , Fred G—C W Har . r idge et al. 18.)8.

.:i,G8i.34 Sam'e^-^Jennie E Winter . 18l>8 8i.3T


P u t n a m av, s a, 111.4 e Ormond pi, l ixlOO. Thomaa Read agt Sarah .\I Blanchard 4:i J 3

E ' m pl n w a. I T J n Livingston at. oUxlob.bx — x l 4 8 . l l . J ames .McAr.hur agt Rosa Zipp.


Oct. -il). Sth av. nor th cor 1st st. (iOxIOO. Jacob Frj^d-

m a n n agt Will iam J Dilthey .liii.OO Oct, 31.

Church lane, n s. ItW w East ISth at, IfKlx 110 11. Watson Se Pi t t inger .igt George Sie­bold and Chr i s : West ^ r ; " , ' V o ;

San-e p ioper ty . Fred W Starr agt Diedrich 3_.e-bold and Cdi ls l Weat • . ' V i

E a s i Uth St. e a. 3t)U a Av C. WxlOU. John S Lcomls agt Abraham aud Mark B K m s b t .

Nov. 1. 56tb St. S s. 100 e 5.h av, tlUxinO. I otiLh st, s s, liOU e J th av, liUxliHJ. 5Tib st, s s, aSO e otb av, ^u.-t-. I

F r a n k W Bradford agl Souiheaat Bui lding Co.

B a s t '-istli 'stV w 's, ' 'so ' s 'Ru t l and road, 40xlUl>. M M Cauda Co agl Grace E Tabor and J a m e s K n l g h l - '^^•° '*

Nov. 2 . St Marka av, Nos 17:^7 and 1729. a a, 378 w

Rockaway av, —x—. Freder ick Page agt Sam­uel Rockwell and Mr Coben ..SO.oO

Dupont st, n a 4o w F r a n k l m st . 33.-1x1110. Dora Fe ldman agt " H e n r y " C Harney and Ju l ius Schapirow -•'-.V; y \ i , .

Cburcb lane, nor tb cor Bowne st, oU.tll.i 3. Wat ­son & Pi t t inger ag l George Siebold and Ctirist Wes t "- '• '^^

Nov. 3. pier repont st, s s, JU w Hicks at, 100x100.

Ludlam & Sluchfleld agt .Martin W and Ao-drew Bowman W :,k' '^i

Coney Islaud av. w s. 340 s Av C. 40xi)0. Sher­man and Guy Loomis agt Sarah aud -«ar.a B Knight • V'^j?"**

42d Sl, n 3, 100 e I s t av, — x - . Burger & Oo-lilke agt Annie Meierdiercks 60.00

55 b St. a a. 130 w 14th av. 50x100.2. John A Ne l ioa a s t A n n a Garner 01-*»

November 5, 189S. Record and Guide ^K^'^^^J^"; • ^ ^ " n * ^J°f*," ' i^ ' '^ ^2^^-55J. 3S54-AV D. B w cor East SOth et. 2.Ety and

t« PrOEpect pl- I D and J L Stafford agt St . t t l c frami dwell'z •'•'K4<1 1 faml v shinirie Marthas Sanitarium and Dispensary., ,4.323.43 Z f T «% (Uin^' —. ^ ' . ^ " ' i ' ^ / . * " „ ? „

Sergen St. a s . I.-.U e Brooklyo av. GOii . . . . . . . . I T^of: =0^^ ?3.000; oWr. a r ' t and hT, C C Bergen st, E S. 250 e Brooklyn av. 40x— ] Manfrer. 11 Eagle Building.

BlerdE Sash, Door and Blind Co agt D Top- ISn.*)—George at. s s. 171 w Hamhurg av. 1-ping Atwood and B Johnson 160.00 sty frame stable, 11x13. gravel roof; coat. $90;

Bth av, e e, 50 s st, 100x100. Nicola Ti- John Leonhardt. 128 George st; h'r, J Rueger, §^l'i'!/l,'.=''°r-''„" ° ° ' ^""^ ' ' ° ^ ° " ^'"^ ^°r°-^^ 250 Moore st. So vole Bros Co GJ.OO i n - . - — . , i n - . .

Sarne property. Same ag: same 1:15,00 , IS.^b-Brooklyn av, w s 1 3 . s Av H, 1-aty Plot bounded n w by old road and Jere Schenck J.^i5^ office and store, Idx^Jb. gravel roof; eost.

Homestead, o e by center line said road, s w S'wOO: Benjamin Jayne, 7 Arlington pl; ar ' t , B by land heirs Nicholas Schenck and s w by Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av old Canarsie road. Noyes F Palmer agt Er- 1S57—oOlh st. n s. 200 w oth av, fifteen 2-nest Rost and John D Reitz. (July 9, 1897^. g^y brk dwell'gs, 20x45, 2 families, galvanized

^ • " " Iron cornices; total cost, $90,000; owT and b'r, * Cbarles Hamilton, 271 52d sl ; b'r, T Bennett

198 ii3d St. O R D E R S . 1858-Garfleid pl, s s, 292 e Slh av, 4-sty

Oct 2K ^nd basement brk dwell'g, 21.4x-J8, 1 family, SSth Bt. B a. 40 vr 24th av. 40x100. WHIIam E l ? ° i ' . ^ ' l .l'°'V>^"'•'' ' '^i. n^'u''•^^*'^--^2.i * ' '^ '" ;

Glazier on Fratiklln Society for Home Build- ^^'•^ ^'^^ ' " - Delaney & Collins, 6i Clermont Ing and Savings to pay Cropsey &, Mitchell. ^''• . . . . . . ' 100.00 1859—Steuben st. vr s, 17o n Park av, 3-sty

Nov. 2. bJ"k tenem't. 25xGr;, fi farailies. asbestos roof, Prospect pl. n s, Iflo e Pranklin av 25x131 galvanized iron cornice; cost. .l fi.OOO; W B A

William Deppe on James C Foley to pay M F Jurgens. Fluahing av and Ryerson st; ar ' t , T Gleaaon 600,00 Engelhardt, 903 Broadway.

ISGO—Franklin av, s s, 170 e 3d st, 2-sty and SATT!!PrPTi nRrnrpf^ ^'^''^ frame dweli'g, 20x45, 2 families; cjst. SATISFIED ORDERS. . $2,500; Fred Drexler, 322 19th s t ; ar't. Th

Oct. 31. Engelhardt. 905 Broadway. Essex St. e 8. 12-1 n Sutter av, 75x100. Chas B 1S61—East 24lh st. e s, 100 n Av G, 2-.=i;y

Molloy on James Stackhouse to pay Curtis and attic frame dwell'g. 32x52, 1 family, Ehi)i-Bros. (Order flled Aug 2) $l.iO.OO gle roof; cost, $4,200; ow'r, a r ' t and b'r '£ V

Sune property. Similar aclion. (Aug 4)..50.00 B Ditmaa. 60 Amersfort pl. •^ 1862—Monroe st, s a, 225 e Stuyvesant av,

Bm.«*»*•> .«».*.»» . « . . — 3-sty brk flat. 25x54.8. 6 families, galvanized S A T I S F A C T I O N O F M F C H . U E W S . iron cornice; cost, $7,000; ow'r and b'r, Henry

Oct, 2B ^° ' ' ' ^ ' ^^^^ Broadway; ar ' t , H Vollweiler, 483 " TTArt Kf

Norman av, east eor Diamond St. —X—. George , c , . ^ r, Dunkhase agt John Wolf. (Lien flled S^nt IbUti—Bowery, s s, id w Buschmann'a walk, 22) . , . 140.00 2-sty frame hotel. iyxSO, gravel roof; cost,

Prn^nect W, n s, 100 w Pranklin av. 2.-iKn5. $2,500; Eora Koppel. W lo th st and Surf av; wmr= HJ"^ ^^T ^ S ' Wi-l'a™ I^eppie and ar ' t , H D Whipple, West Sih sL •William Browm (Juoe 1) 64.34 lS64_Stuy%esani av, w s, I D s Hancock at,

0< *- 27. three 4-sty brk flats, 26xli2. 6 fami.ies. gal-18(h Bt. e 3. 20 w inih av, 60x100. Samuel vanized iron cornice; total cost, $27,000; ow'r,

Ostergren agt Adda Robbins. (Oct 18)...35.00 b'r and ar ' t , same as No lhB2. mo^x. . , , 1 ^ . ,^^' " . „ „ .,.„ , 1865—Stuyvesant av, s w cor Hancock st, ' Ostick "aet-Ifna'^Mlrlln"' (Oo't i s ' f ^°4™0 00 ^ ' ^ ' ^ ""'^ ^'•°'^' ^""^ S^^' - -= '^- ' ^ f^°^"*«^' eam1%^o'pfrt l '"He^nry'LSpl«r,^ 'r 'agt 'same, '" galvanised iron cornice; coat, $12,000; ow'r,

(Oct 18) . 694 32 ar ' t and b'r, aame as No 18b2. Oct 31 1S66—East Tth et, e s. 2fcO s Av D, 2-sty

21st av, e B, 120 n Cropsey av. 40x168. Nel- ^v? j j ' ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ,^«S ' -Fn --''^-- n ^Tl!^' BOB Sperling agt Kate F Salomon. (June 9). ^ ' i * ^ ' ^ roof, cost, $2,o00; ow r, ar ' t and b'r.

Yll.ljO C C .Vlanger, 11 Eagle Bldg. Baltic st, n E, 90 e Hoyl st, 76x100. 'John H 1S67—Beverly road, n e cor East 12th st, 2 -

BrobBt agt Fredk C Molloney, (Sept 2T).348.00 Ety and attic frame dwell'g, 34x36, 1 family, Nov. 1. . shingle roof; cost, $4,000; Geo P .Moore, -ISO

Bay 32d st. n w e. IfO n e Benson av, 120x96.8. Ocean av; ar ' t , J A Davidson. S2S Flaihuah av. Cropsey Se Mitchell agt Walter Jones and 1S6S—ISih av, s e cor 85th st, 2-sty and 9t-•Wa;ier L Npwbnrv. (Jnoe 25) 488.20 tie Irame dwell'g, 39x30. 1 family, shingle

Sumpter sl. Nos 268 to 2,4. S s. 100 e Hopkinson rnof- rnst .H;4 "il (1- Walrpr T Tfihn^nn K-irf at av Beroard Klepper agt James Burke. (Sent T d "ll th a v H r ^ S t a n i y S Cover^^^ ^ ' Jio.oo pi_ ]^ Y.

-^-^ • , , - - • - , , • • • - - . T r • ISGy—East 12lh et, e s. 100 n Beverly road, I v l l S C E L L A N E O U S . 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 2Sx3S, 1 family,

shingle roof; cost, $3,500; ow'r and ar 't , same GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. ^^-,"^-''„^^i*''^\, ,

Oct. IbiO—st Marks av, n a, 240 w Albany av, 28 Palmer, John (residing at No 1- 2 West 102d two 4-sty brk flats, 27.6x69.4, 8 families; total

St. N Y. carrying on business of Faocy cosl, $18,000; ow'r aud ar ' l , same as No IS62, Goods, at No 8 East l-ltb st. N Y. under name 1871—Sl .Marks av, n a, 227 w Albany av 4-of J Palmer & Co) to Max Hllborn. sty brk flat, 2Ux69.4, 4 families; coat, $8,000;

—- ow'r and ar ' t , same as last. W F W R U N niMn<% „ I872—vanderbiit Et, s s, 20 e Prospect av, ^^^^ Pmi-UIIMUO* s-aty frame flat. 19.11x60, 3 famLlea; cost. $3,.:

" The flrst nam^ Is that of the owner;"i; ' t stands o« t ; Emily A Durring, on premisea; ar ' t . G M for prcbitTt; b'r for bui:der. Lawton, 9o Lenox road.

A:I rooflng material Is tin unless otherwise UM3—Eas t 16ih si, e a. 325 s Av T, 3-sty specified. frame dwell'g, 20x30. 2 families; cost, $2,700; • John Connor, Easi l l t h st, Sheepshead Bay;

1S45—2d av, n e cor 77ih st, 2.aty and attic ^'^'hJ, ^ ^ ^ " ' ^^^^ ^^'"^ ^'- ^^^ Av J. frame dwell'g, 41x52, 1 family, shlngie roof; lHi4—Poplar st, a w cor Henry st, 2-aty and cost, $5,000; J C Larnaus, 145 St Marks av; ^"i*^ frame dwell'g, 23x37, 1 family, shingle ar ' t , G Edward Eachou. 162 West 27th st, ^°^^- '=°^'-' $^.<00; Wm J .Monahan, 08 Degraw N Y. ^^'' ar "-. W P Banister, 44 Broadway, N Y.

1846-Kingston av, s e cor Fennimore st, 1875—SOth st. n s, 100 w 13th av, 2-sIy and l -s ty brk lodge, 21x22; cost, $905; Gity of attic frame dwell'g, 34x41, 1 family, shingle New York HeaUh Department; b'r, J Guilfoyle, roof; cost, .fo.oOO; WaUer L Johnson, SOth st 175 Nassau st. '^nd lath av.

1847—West 16th st, e a. 150 n Mermaid av. 2-6ty frame dwell'g. 19x.50. 2 families, gravel roof; cost. $1,500; M A J Koppel. on premiaea; ar'l. H D Whipple, West Sth st.

1848—Seeiey st. n a. 700 e East ISth st, 2r Bty frame dwell'g, 25x30, I family; cost, ^2,-000; ow'r and b'r. H .M Phrew, 625 Greenwood av; ar ' t , C G Wessell. 97 East 4th st.

1841)—Seeley st. s s. 675 e East ISih st, 2-aty frame dwelPg. 25x48. 2 families; cost, $2,300; ow'r. ar't and h'r. sarae as lasl.

1S50—17th st, 0 «. 139 e lOih av, 2-sty brk dweil'g, 18x43, 2 famlllea, galvanized Iron cor­nice; cost, $2,00(1; M J .McCue, Prospect av and Webster pl; ar ' t , 0 G Wessell, 97 East 4ih Bt.

l S 5 1 - 4 2 d st, n 8, 350 w 12th av, 1-aty frame barn. 20x14, gravel roof; cost, $150; ow'r and h'r. S Bellows, 892 41at et ; ar ' t , E Price. 55th Et.

1852—Atlantic av, n s. 230 e New York av. 2-sty brk stable. 20x00, gravel roof; cosl, $2.-500; Frank .M Lupton. 839 St Marka av; ar ' t , E T Betts. 1297 Pulton at; b'r, P P Gavan. lCf>7 Paciflc Bt.

1853—Rochester av, w B, 36 8 Union at, 2-tty and atdo frame dwell'g. lSx3a, 2 famllJea, Bhingle roof; coBt, $3,000; Mra W Diffbach, on premUeB; ar ' t and b'r, H Dieflbacli.

av; ar ' l . Thos Benneii. 198 53d st. 1877—5ih av. s w cor 52d st, 3-sty brk tene­

ment, 22x.O. 4 families; cost. $9,OuO; ow'r and ar ' t , same as last.

1878—East Slh st, w a. 400 n Av C, 1-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 18x30, 1 family, shingle roof; coat, $800; A .M .Myrray, 516 CarUon av; ar ' l , R B Riley, 789 Paciflc st.

1S79—Clh at, s s, 108 w Prospect Park West, two 3-Eiy aud basement brk dwell'ga, 20x48.0. 1 family; total cost, i^_0,OCO; ow'r and ar ' t Chas G Peterson, 603 7Lh st.

ISSO-Hamburg av, w s, 25 s Schaffer st 3 -Bty brk tenem't, 25x60, G famlllea; cosl, $4,-000; ow'r and b'r. Frank Schlegel, 205 Schaef­fer st; ar ' l , W B Willa, 17 Troutman st.

1881—Knickerbocker av. w s, 25 n Hart 6t. eix 3-fity brk tenem'ts, 25x65, 6 families, gal­vanized Iron cornice; total coat, $30,000; ow'r and b'r, Jacob Blank, 638 Willoughby av; ar ' t , tame aa lasL

18S2—East 36ih nt. e s. 200 n Av L. 1-sty frame stable, 20x20; cost, $50; M Loughran, 121 Ulica av; ar ' t , J Nicholaa, 361 Sumpler st.

1883—Madison st, a a. 350 w Howard av. 3-sty brk tenem't, 25x65, 6 families, galvanized

Iron cornice; cost. $6,000; ChPs A Bertrand, 60 Harman st; ar ' t . E Dennis. 591 Liberty av.

1884—89th St. B s, 210 e 3d av. 2-sly and basement frame dwell'g, 22x35. 1 family; cost, $1,SC0; .M Wedlock, 89th st and 3d av; ar ' t , W Brockel, oih av and 92d st,

1SS5—21st av. n w cor Baih av, 2-6ty and attic frame dwell'g, 43x30, 1 family, shingle roof; cosl, $7,000; ow'r and ar 't , Walter E Parfitt, 20O6 Benson av,

1886—61st st, s s, 240 w 13lh av, 3-sty trame dwell'g, 20x34, 2 families; cost. $l,5ilO; ow'r, ar ' t and b'r. Frebonla Speciale, 547 War­ren st,

1SS7—21st av, n e cor Bath av, 2-Ety and attic frame dwell'g. 43x30: cost, $7,000; ow'r and ar 't , same as Plan 1885.

ISSS—Warwick st. w s, 100 n Belmont av, 2-sty frame dweU'g, 20x42, 2 families; cost, $2,000; Geo Schade, 265 Milford s t ; ar ' t , L F Schillinger, 853 Blake av,

_18S9—Hicks St. No 750, o-ety brk tenem't, 25,2x86,_ 10 farailies, galvanized iron corn ce; cost, S''3o,000; John H Clark, 58 Clark s t ; ar ' t , J A Clark, SG Roosevelt st, .^ Y.

1890—Prospect pl, s s. 100 w Nostrand av, flve 4-sty brk flats, 20x76.4, 4 families, gravel roof; total cost, $60.C00; John Prater . 44 Ro­chester av; ar ' t , A S Hedman, Arbuckle Bldg.

1S91—India Wharf, No IG. 3-sty brk dweU'g, 25x4S, 1 family, gravel roof: cost. $7,000; In­dia Wharf Brewing Co, 60 Hamilton av; ar ' t . G C Gillespie. 47 Broadway. N Y,

1892—Lincoln road, s s, 105 e Bedford av, two 2-sty and basement brk dwell'gs, 20X4.T, 1 family; total cost, $13 000; ow'r and b'r, Wm F Schaefter, 30 Irving pl; ar ' t , A E White, 100 Kingston av.

1S9.S—Midwood st, e a, 360 w Bedford av, len 3-sty and baaeraent b'k dweU'gs, 2r'x45, 1 family: total cost. SSOOOO; W A A Brown, Flatbush av and Midwood st; ar ' t , Wm .M Mil­ler, same address; b'r. J MacArthur, 1190 Bed­ford av.

1894-Clarkson et, n s, 511 e Flatbush av, four 2-sty and basement brk dwe I'gs, 18.9x 43, 2 families; toial cost, $16,<.C0; ow'r, ar't and b'r, sarre as last.

lS9o—56th Et, s s, 20O w 16th av, 3-sty frame dwell'g, 22x42, 2 families; cost, $2500 : Will­iam Marlin, 122d st, N Y; ar ' t and b'r, J C Wandell, 37th st. bet 13lh and 16tb avs.

1896—Chester st, e s. 300 s Pitkin av. two 1-sty frame dwell'gs, 18x2S, 1 family; total cost. $1,000; ow'r and b'r, John L Schrieber, 1781 Pitkin av; ar ' t , L Dananeher. 431 Stone av.

1897—Thatford av, w s, 100 n Riverdale av, l-sty frame dwell'g, 18x34. 1 family; cost, $600; Gilbert S Thatford, Herkimer st and Vesta av; ar ' t . L Dananeher. 4.^1 Stone av.

1S9S—Melrose st, n s, TOO w Central av, two 2-sly brk ice factories, 104x100, aaphalt roofa; total cost. $2o.000; estate Leonhard Eppig, on premises; ar ' t , F Wunder.

1899—Clarkson st, n s. SOO w Albany av, 1-sty frarae pavilion, 40x100; cost, $4,000; Department of Public Charities. New York City; ar ' t , L H Voss, 65 De Kalb av.

ALTERATIONS. 1774—Lawrence st. No 5. new brk wall; coat,

$215; W H McDonald, 1085 Bergen st; b'r. H Konig, 3S1 Gold st.

177.1—Shore road, e s. 100 s TOth st, frame extension 12x4,6; cost,$riO(l: Van Brunt Bergen, on premiaes; b'r, J N Neilson, 77th st and 3d av.

177C—Benson av. n s, 66.4 e Bay 13;h st, 1-aty frame exiension; cost, $100; Adam Smith. OP premiaea; ar ' t , A Squire, Bath av and Bay 19th st.

1777—Carroll st, n s, 2.n0 w Slh av, Interior aUerations; coat, $40; James Fenimore. 517 Carroll st.

177S—Tompkins av, e a, 75 n Ellery sf. repair brk wall; cost, ?."0; Adolph Beriga. on prem­ises: ar ' t . T Engelhardt, 905 Broadway.

1779—Chestnut st. w s, IOS s Ridgewood av, l - s ty frame extension 16x6; cost. $300; Berlha Braunworlh. on premises; ar ' t and b'r, A Mc­Lean. 134 Ridgewood av.

17S0—12th St. s s, JOO e 2d av, repair frame walls: cost, .?25; John Schroder, on premises.

17S1—Bergen st. s s, ?I5G w Smirh st, 3-sty bi'k exter'^ion and Interior alterations: cost, .'f4,00O; Alhert Kreinbrink, 46 Bergen st; ar ' t . C Werner, 2G Coun st.

J7S2—Park av, n s, 125 o Hall st. cu! door­ways in brick walls; cost. $175: A G Jennings, on rrpfflises; ar ' t , G L Mo'se. Eaele Bui'ding.

1783—FuUon st, a a. JOO e Gallatin pl. In­terior alterations; cost. .flOO; Abraham & Strn"a. 430 Fulton st; ar ' t . same as last.

1784—Adanr-s st. e s, 100 s Vork st. I-sty brk (Iwell'ff, 37x65; cost, $1,000: SHas D Isley, on premises: ar't, T Bennett, 198 53d s i ; b'r. J Crocker 343 13th st.

1TS5—67th st, n s. 140 w 4th av. new store front; cost, $175; Mary Priscoll, 72d st and 2d av; b'r, A Klein. 318 47th st.

17.8fl—Broadway, s w cor Wallabout st. un­derpin walls with new sill: cost, $400; J Kem-raerer. Morgan av and Gratlan at; b'rs. Becker Sc Pupcr. 270 Scholes st.

I7S7-3(i th Bt, n s. 112,5 e 3d av. move building on brk foundation; coat, $1,500: Mra Elizabeth Assip, 224 6th av; ar't. W M Coots. 240 Flatbuah av ; b'r, J Asalp, 224 6th ar .


Record and Guide Noveriiber 5, 1898.

1788—Bridge at. vr s, 175 n Willoughby tt, bridge connecting buildings ot Wayside Home; cost $750; Ralph L Cutter, CUnton aud Amity BtB- ar ' t A E Parfitt, 26 Court st.

17S9—South 4lh st. No 171, auhslitule fiat for peak roof, frame; cost, $230; John Berry. 46 Rogers av; ar ' t , W B Wills, 1, Troutman at.

179.0—Bushwick av. No 132, frame exiension. 8.2x16.6; cost, $200; William Rauth, on prem-

^ ^ r f g i - O l d Wood Point road, No 11, change pitch of roof; cost, $10; John Ross, on premises.

1799—Jamaica av, s e cor New Jersey ay, 1-sty frame extension, 26x4; coat, !t,aha; George Faubel, on premises; ar ' t , Chas Infang­er 2590 Atlantic av.

1793—Elm pl, No 13, interior alterations; cost $50' P Loeser Sc Co. 484 FuUon st ; ar ' t , W H Campbell, 4S4 Fulton st. -

1794_VanderbUt st, s e cor Prospect av, 1-sty frame extenaion. 29.2x23.10 and interior alterationa; cost, $2,C00; Emily A Durring on premises; ar ' t . G W Lawton, Oa Lenox road,

1793—S7th st, n e cor Stillwell lane, frame extenaion, IGxlS; coat, $400; James D'^lan^''iJ. on premises; ar ' t , J R Brundage, East 9blh st.

1796—Pearl st. No 356, underpin foundation walls; coat, $40; Geo Menz, on premiSES _

1797-Carrol l st, No 839, 2-sly brk extenaion, Sx9- cost, $300; Wm Flanagan, on premises.

ITQS—Greene av, s s, 30 e Hamburg av, 1-sty frame extension, 25x13; cost, $600; North American Brewing Co, on premises; a r t , Th Engelhardt, 905 Broadway.

1799-Allant ic av, n e cor Flatbush ay, new wall of angle iron; cost, $1,000; Long Island R R Co, Long Island City; ar ' t . J A Davis, d-i Nassau sl, NY'. „ . , 1 „t^

ISOO—Eagle st, n w eor Provost sl. 1-sty frarae extension, 12x16; .ccst, $300; H C Har­vey & Co, on preraises; b'r, W P McGarry. 23b Huron at. . .. •

i £ o i _ C o u r t st, n w cor Rerasen at, interior alterations; cost, $50; A A Low, 3 Pierrepont s t ; ar ' t , A B Parfitt, 26 Court st.

1S02—Schenck av, w s, loO n PuUon st, frame exiension, 2.6x20; cost. $100; Max Levy, on preraises; ar ' l , H Rocker, 129 Bradford st.

1803-Fla tbush av, a e cor Winthrop at. ^-sty and attic brk extension, 27x29 and interior al­terations; cost, $2,000; W A A Brown, P a t -bush av and Midwood at; ar't, W H Miller, aarae address,

1804—Montague st, s e cor Hicks s t , brk chimney; cost, $200; C M Peed, on premiaes; ar ' t , A Ullrich. 371 Fulton st. „ , .

1S05—Rapelye st, s s. 125 e Van Brunt st, add brk story to extenaion; cost, ^>iaO; owr , ar ' t and b'r, H ' R Worthington, on prEmises.

1S06—3th av, n w cor 9th st, rebuijd rear brk wall; cost, $300; Joseph Jacobs, 3aa llth st; ar ' t , C Werner, 26 Court at.

1807-Olh av, n s, SO w 9th st, similar al­teration; cost, $300; ow'r and ar ' t , same aa last

1808-Neptune av, s s, 21 e West 5th st, add frame sty; cost, $150; C M Van Duyn, on premisea; ar ' t , J A McDonald, 56 West 1st st.

1S09—West 1st st, w a, 100 s Neptune av, move stable 20 ft; cosl. $20; J F Wade, on ^^isio—Atlantic av. n e cor Hunterfly road, new aill on south aide; cost. $:iO: J T Wulf, 99 Ryerson st; ar ' t , C Infanger. 2o90 Atlantic

i S l l - E a g l e st, n e cor Provost st. 1-sty frame extension to joundry . 2<x20; cost, $iOU^ H C Harvey, on premises; ar ' t , J Moore, 6O1 Kingsland av. , ^„ .

lS10_Van Bergen walk, e s, 100 a Bowery, move building to rear of lot; cost, $oO; J Sheflin. on premises. , , ^

1813—Sth st, n s, 200 w 6th av. add frame story to extension; cost. $300; S A Osborne. 335 Sth at- ^^ „ ,

1814—Koaciuako at. n s, 98 e Broadway, frame extenaion 13x12; cost, $3o0; Wm Frec-heil, 176 Hart s l ; ar ' t , J H Erickson, 3i Rich­mond St. , , „ . . .

1S15—De Kalb av, n w cor Lewis av. new store trout; cost. $100; T J McCann, 112 Lewis av.

^ A D V E R T I S E D L E G A L S A L E S .

Pairs to he Md Pt the Real Estate Excbanse. IRO and, Ifll Montague street, except as other­wise stated,

Nov. 9. By James L. Brumley.

Atlantic av, n w cor Clinton st. 96,6x180 to State st s916xlS0, 7-sty brk hall "The Fougera"; assessed value. $125,000.

riBrk-=on st s 3 2 298.9 e Poor House road, runs s 696 to mamond Bl, x e 621,8 x n 706 x w

Plo't begins at high water mark Gravesend Bay, at boundary line land Charles Baker runs n e 3'>Q0 to land Chae Baker, x s e 60,10 by land A Voorhis to stake, x s w 3351 to bay, x n w 49,5 to beginning, 1-7 pari all. Rose Frey agt Chas R Fougera and ano, J C De La Mare, 203 Broadway. Manhattaa; Noah

nTh'*^av"'4^fcor 66th «t, 80x100. fram. dwell'g and vacant; assessed value. $900. Mutual Benefit Loan and Building Co agt Isabella O'Reilly et al;,Wm.F WyckoK. att'y, 216 Mon-

63dVt' n'e a. 425 n w 16th av. 32.3x100x33.1x100, vacant; assessed value, $110, Same agt James O'Reilly 6t al; same att'y.

Nov. 10. By T. A. Kerrigan, at No. 9 Willoughby St.

Clifton pl, No 102, a s. 127.3 w Clasaon av. 27,4x 100x25.5x100, 3-sty frarae dwell g; aasessed value. S3,500- Daniel S Griffln agt John R Lawrence et al; G L Terry, 93 Nassau st, Man-l l t l J J H Tl

Eldert St. s e s. 329 n e Evergreen av. ISxlOO, 2-siy frame dwell'g; assessed value, .'t> ,diJU. James Watt agt Helen M Buttle et al; J J Wood, att'y, 26 Court st.

Garfield pl. No 32, s w a, 330 s e 4tli av, runs s e •10 X s w 140 11 to center Une Old Mill road or st X w S.IO x n w 14.3 x n e 143,6 to beginuing, vacant; assessed value, SHOO. Alleu Orr exr agt Mary Gibbins and ano; A J Hook, at ty . Law

Maujerst, No 283, n s, 92 w Waterbury st, 23x 100 2-sty frame dwell'g; assessed value, $i,-uOO Perd H Von Damm agt Jobn Miszkowiak et al; 0 F Struse, att'y, 99 Broadway. _

Jackson st, No 129. n s. 75 e Manhattan av, 2DXO0, 3-Ety frame (brk filled) flat; assessed value, .$2 200. John P Cowley agt Toney Kusso et al; J H Steenwertb, att'y, 1153 Myrtle av.

3d st No 605, n s, 31T.10 e -Sth av, 20x9o, 3-sty and basemeut brk dwell's; assessed value, S^O 2110. Eagle Savings and Loan Co agt Wm HCocbrau aud auo; Grout, J, M & H, a t tys , ISO Montague st. . „ , . - . „ „ . .

3;)th st, No 104, s s. 125 e 3d av, 25.0x100.2, 4-sty brk flat; assessed value, $6,500. Ira 0 Miller agt John F Reilly et al; 1 0 Miller, a t ty . 108 Pulton st, Manhattan.

Purraau av, or si. No 25, n w s. 240 n e Broad­way 2(1x100. 2-sty frame dwell'g; assessed value, $2,200. Broadway Dry Goods Co-opera­tive Building and Loan Assoc agt Annie M Clark; Judge Se D. att'ys, 189 Montague st.

Furman av, No 21, n w s. 200 n e Broadway, 20x 100 2-sty frame dwell'g; assessed value, !t2,-200. East Brooklyn Co-operative Building As­soc agt Annie M Clark; Judge & D, att'y, 189 Montague st. „^ ,„., „ _

Montauk av, e s, 370 s Blake av, 20x100, 2-sty frame dwell'g; assessed value, .1 900. Louisa G Gregory agt Patrick O'Connor et al; E H Childs, atfy, 59 Wall st. Manhattan.

Stone av w s, 50 s Somers st. 25x80, 4-sty brk flat; assessed value, $5,200. Abraham D Rhodes agt Wm D Stewart and ano; F N Lang, att'v, 16 Court st. „^ ,

7th av No 202 w s. SO s 2d st, 20x80. 4-sty hrk flat;'assessed value. $10,500. Ezra D Bushnell and ano agl Mary E Powell et al; E Kempton, att'y, 175 Remsen st.

By James L. Brumley. All rights, titles and franchises of Union Ele­

vated R R. Also ^ _^ Myrtle av No 27, n e cor Adams st. 20.2xi2,

3-sty brk building; assessed value, $19,000. Myrtle av. No 196, s w cor Hudson av, 21.4x38.9

J:26.11X34.9 3-sty brk building: assessed value, $5,800.

Broadwav. n s, 714.10 e Conway st, runs n e .•582.1 to Bushwick av, x n w 258.6 x s 133-1 X w 242 x s w 125 x n — x s w 100 x a 495.2, sheds, &c.

Broadway, n s, 764.10 e Couway st, eOxlOi.ti, sheds. See.

5th av, n w cor 30th st, 168x100. engine house and part yard of El R R; aasessed value, $14,-

5th av. s w cor 36th st, 200.4 to 37th st. xlOO, yards Union El R R; assessed value, $15,000.

,-jth av. s w cor 37th st, 200,4 to 38tb st, xlOO, yarfls and coal bunkers of Union El R R; aa­sessed value, .?15,000. Central Trust Co agl Union Elevated R R Co and auo; J E Swanstrom, ref.

All rights, titles and franchises of Seaside aud Brooklyn Bridge Elevated R R Co. Alao.

soth st, 3 w s. 100 n w 5th av, 1(10x200,4 to 37th st vacant; assessed value, $4,400.

STth st, s w s, 100 n w 5lh av 100x200.4 to 38th st vacant; assessed value, $3,100. .Central Trust Co agt Seaside and Brooklyn Bridge Elevated R R Co and ano; J Edward Swanstrom, ref.

All rights, title and franchises of Brooklyu Ele­vated R R Co. Also

Front st, Nos 22 to 2S, s s. 115.6 w Garrison st, runs w 92,1 to lands New York and Brooklyn Bridge, x a 24,5 x s e 28.2 x e IG.ll x a e 35 K p 0 3 x s 6 x 5 e 3 5 t o Mercein st, x e 35,S X n 27 X W 30.10 X n 68 to beginniog. several •> and 3-s:y frame buildings; assessed value, S4,300.

Fuiton av, s e cor Hendrix st, 20O to Schenck av. X 300, several 2 and .3-stv frame (brk filled) buildings; assessed value, $9,800.

Park av, s w cor Grand av, 50x104,2x69,9x92.2, vacant; assessed value, $2,600.

Broadway, n s, 991.8 e Couway st, runs o 656-2 to Bushwick av, X n w 157,3 x s w 382,1 x e 54,1 X s 156.8 X e 60 X s 107.6 to Broadway, x e IGG.10. car houses, etc. Same agt Brooklyn Elevated R R Co; same ref.

By William Cole. Marion st. No 215, n s, 225 e Ralph av, 75x100.

2-sty frame dwell'g and 1-sty frame building and vacant; assessed value, $2,600, Frank Miller agt John J Miller et al; H C Conrady «tt'y, 204 Montague st. (Partitioii sale.l

Nov. 11. By T. A. Kerrigan.

Monroe st. No 228, s s, 83 e Nostrand av, 20x100, 4-sty brk flat; assessed value, $7,500. Julia Wood agt Pauline L Dodge et al; M E Haviland. att'y, 32 Nassau st, Manhattan.

By Referee, at Court House. Halsey st. No 785, n s, 150 w Howard av, 16.Sx

100 2-aty frame (brk fllledl dwell'g; assessed value $1,600. Sarah M B Kellogg agt Mary Austin et al; R L Scott, atfy, 93 Nassau at. Manbattan; W E Warland, ref.

Grand st, s w B, lot 217 assesBment map Wlll-iamshurgh, 25x100. Albertine Rankin Individ and as extrx Josepb Rankin agt Max S ana Ernestine Levison; atfy, G C Caae,

St 'Marks pi, No 56, s s, 100 w 4th av, 21x100, Rosa Jellenek agt Walter R Lusher; specific performance; atfy, G Elliott.

Warren st. n s, 65.5 w 5lh av, 14,6x100. Chaa S Donaghy and ano agt Harry Donaghy et al; partition; atl'y, J J Bennett.

Mermaid av n e cor West loth st, runa n 14o X e 109,9 X s 20 X w 54,11 x s 25 x w 25 x s 100 to av X w 30.2, Michael Cosenio agt Mi­chael Balsamo et al; att'y, S B Jacobs.

North Portland av, e s, 286.8 n Myrtle av, 25x

Nassau st. s s, 92.2 e Gold st, 22,5x88.Ix 19.5x—, Also land In Queens Co, . , , ,

Mary Harrigan aet Margaret Golden et al; par­tition; atfy, T J Farrell. _

3d pl n s, 210 e Coun st. 20xl33-o. Mutual Life Ina Co agt Catharine Hannigan et al; atfy, C B Miller.

Oct. 29. East 32d st. w s. 227.6 s Av G. 80x100. 1 East .32d st. w s, 347.6 s Av G. 40x100. I Henry L Potter agt Peter G Kerr et al; a t tys ,

Sackett & Lang. „^ .,„„ „ •Livonia av, s e eor Osborne st, 20x100, New York State Mortgage Bauk and Savings Assoc agt Davis Rosenbaum et al; atfy, J B Sab me.

Cooper Et, s e s. 274.9 n Broadway. 19.6x100. Samuel H Coombs agt James J Mills et al; att'y "J T Bladen.

S'ld st s w s 220 n w Sth av, 20x100.2- Algernon S Higgins and ano trustees Jane E Ryan agt Prancis Merlam et al; atfys. Rider & Smith.

Oct. 3L Blake av n e cor Sackman st, 100x100. Samuel

Aronson agt Leah and Morris Merowlta; to aet aside deed: atfy, H G Loew. „ , ^ , B-

47th st, s s. 120 w 3d av, 20x100. Richard F Cumiskey trustee for John, Mary and Richard Halev aet John Haley and ano; atfy, M Gru.

High st n s, 138 e Jay st, 20x100. Lewis J Morrison agt Barnabus Goodenough et al; to remove cloud from title and partition; att'y, P C De Wolf

Sth av. No 1504, w s, 20 s 15tb st, 27.3x56-3x25,11 x55,5, Mary E Harris agt Mary L Kellogg et al; att'y, E F Caldwell.

Nov. 1. Central pl, n e a, 122,9 n w Grove st 22x100. . Central pl, n e s , 144,9 n w Grove st, 21.11xlO0x

24 9x100 Central pl, n e B. 100 n w Grove st, 22.9x50.

Bmma Hammen agt Emil Opitz exr Frederick Hammen et al; admeasurement ot dower; a t - r t'ys, Judge Sc Durack, ^

Barbey st e s, 272.4 s Fulton st. 30x9o. The Nassau Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc agt Anna C Lawson et al; atfys, Kiendl Bros. •

Anthony st, e s, 530 n Shore road, o8,5x82,3x 57 11x84.8, Kings County Bank agt Antonia A . wife of Leo Loessing et al; atfy, N S Bike. _

Metropolitan av, n s, 100 e Bushwick av, Sox 76,5x26,3x68. Mary Carroll agt Aquila Rich et al; atfy, D Tease,

1st pl s s 347 e Court st, 22x133.5- United States Life Ins Co agt Eliz M Moore et al; att ye, Buel, T & W. -„ n- , „ .

Glenada pl s w cor Decatur st, oOxSo. Llia A Hamilton agt Harry R Gould et al; atfy, W R Butcher. „„ . _

Hicks St. e s, 45 n Luquer st. runa e 70 x n 5 Tt again n 25.6 x w 48,6 x s 20. Sarah Will­iams agt Caroline Williams et al; partition; atfys. Marshall, M, W & M.

Nov. 2. Willoughby st, n s. 77-5 e Navy sl, 24.10x98x

24.6x92. -Augusta A Roby agt Mary E Lynch; att'ys. Sturges Se Roby. ^ , -„„

Shepherd av, w s. 175 n Belmont av, 2oxlOO. Anna Cook agt John H Cozine et al; atfy, C

Webster av n s, 182 w 1st at. SOxlOS.-'i. Richard J Macaulay agt John F Little; atfy, H E

Van 'sind'eren av, e s, 135 n Liberty av. 40x100. Ellen T Martin agt Johu W Buxton et al; att y,

Bushwick av, south cor Kossuth pl. 23.-5x72x23.5 xTl.G. Lindley J Higbam- agt Elmira Bella et al; att'y, C L Sicardi.

Logan st w a. 1.995.3 n Dmsmore pl, 18.3xloO. Walter D Davies exr to .Ads F Dood et al; at­fys, Smith, G £ B. , ,o o ,-n

Logan St. w s. 2.031,9 n Dinsmore pl, I8..3xlo0^ Jane M Birkbeck agt same; atfys, Smith, G Sc B

Belmout av, s w cor Montauk av, 20x90. Julia Wood agt Daniel McClain et al: atfys, Smith, G & B.

Nov, 3-I Marcy av n e cor Gwinnett st, 18x85. Moses

May agt Jobn H Meyer et al; atfy, F Solinger. Evergreen av, east cor Hancock st. 30x80, Frank

Bennett agt Michael Coben et al; atfys. Mof­fett & K. , , „ n-

Stockholm St. n w s. l i ^ s w s Hamburg av, i5x • irtrt

Linden st, a e a. 100 s w Central av, 25x100. Also land in Queens county. Winifred Tuohy agt Bridget Fitzgerald et al; admeaBurement_of_dower;_atfy,_T_Burgmeyar.

CHATTELS. NOTE —The flrst name, alphabetically arranged,

is Ihat of the Mortgagor, or party who gives tbe Mortgage. "R" means Renews; Morts^ip".

L I S P E N D E N S . Oct. 28.

1st pl. e «. 341 e Gourt st, 22x133:5. United State* Lite Ins Co agt Eliz M Moore et al; at-ty'i Buel, Toucey Se Whiting.

Hancock st, e s, 20 s Evergreen av, 20x100. Easl Brooklyn Co-operative Building Aasoc agt Ber­nard 0 Tletze et al; atfya, Judge Se Durack.

Oct. 27 to Nov. 2—Iniiluslve. MISCELLANEOUS.

Averre, L C. 235 Gold . .Abram and Annie Greenua. Drugs. $1,100

Barich, L. SS6 Paciflc JohaJina Barich. Barber Pixtures. 200

Sama. . .T N Bowlea. Barber Fixtures. ^ 1 • Beck W. 66 Floyd. Natl C R Co. (R) 185 •-Betzold. L, 468 3d av. ..Minck Broa & Co- .

Blaney, J V. 469 6th av E C Johnson. PresBO. 3 5 0

November 5, i8g8. Record and Guide 697

Eatabl iabed 1 8 3 r .

c. w. KOCH ik SON, PARQUET FLOORS. 467 FIFTH AVE., N.Y, _, « *- ,. ^ .. ....

opfoaite Old Reservoir. Floors Rcfinished by the Factorr . SeT«iith A r e n a e and 3 4 l h Streel . Te lephone , SSG 3Sih . M o S t A p p r O V e d M e t h o d .

Bragin, M S and A S. 826 Fulton. .Harry S Wilson. Drugs. 4rrf)

Bruckner. A. 2ri2 H imrod . .W Bowman. ITS Bua. D. 24 Hamilton st, N Y, .Archer Mfg _

Co. Barber Fixtures. 2Sa B a l s a m , I . 2 7 5 Me t ropo l i t an a v . .1 P i n s t e r .

B u t c h e r P i x t u r e s . SO B u d e n b o r n , H and A J. 22d av and 8 6 t h s t . .

Helen Boe tzkes . D r u g S tore F i x t u r e s . 1,200 Carhone , P . 2 2 8 E a s t 2 S t h . - A r c h - r Mfg Co.

B a r h e r F i x t u r e s . ">1-T Comel l a s , J E . 2 5 1 W a s h i n g t o n . . R u b i n Se

Lede re r . Pool T a b l e s , Sec. S23 C u m m i n s , T J . . P H C u n e . , (R) 3,U0O

CoUison. P J & Co. 1 7 W U I o u g h b y . . B a b ­cock P P Mfg Co. P r i n t i n g P l a n t . <R) 1,520

D 'Amica , M. 1S7 Bedford a v . . A r c h e r Mfg Co. B a r h e r F i x t u r e s . 5 7 6

D a l d o r i e , J . 15 M e s e r o l e . . A r c h e r Mfg Co. B a r h e r P i x t u r e s . 2 1 0

Di l lon , P . . E J M e r r i a m . (Rl ? . 4 2 6

D r u m m o n d , R . . H J W e b e r . TR) ^,500 D u n n , J J . A t l a n t i c a v . . W B Dav i s . Coupe.

350 D a n a n e h e r . L . . J o s e p h M Cohn. Boa t . 2 1 D a n e w i t z , W. 2 0 8 Wyekoff a v . . J We tz l e r . _

Grocery F i x t u r e s . 2 2 5 D u g g a n , Mary . 9 8 W i l l o u g h h y . . J E L i n d e

P a p e r Co. P r i n t i n g P l a n t . 4 6 1 E i s e n b e r g , L. 2 1 1 O s b o r n . .A Metz . Gas_

E n g i n e . 1 5 0 E b e r h a r d . C So N o r t h 6 l h . . . . P h l l o m e n a

Be t t ighofe r . M a c h i n e s , &c. 4 0 0 E n g l e r t , C. 2 1 3 J a y an d I l o Concord- .S i

W H a v i l a n d . B a k e r y . 9 0 0 F a s e l , J . 17 1 9 t h - - W B o w m a n . : ( i l P e i n e r , S. Ves ta , n e a r P i t k i n a v . . P Book-

fitaber. M a c h i n e s . 130 F r u h , G. .Good R o a d s M a c h i n e r y Co. (R) 1.624 F e l d m a n . J . 4 0 2 B u s h w i c k a v . - J Acker ly .

B a r b e r F i x t u r e s . Sec. 5 0 Geiss le r , J . 130 E l l e r y . .S B K r a u s . Scaf­

folding, &c. 5 0 G r a g u t i s , E v a and H. L i v o n i a a v . . T i l l i e

F r i e d l a n d e r . H o r s e , See. SOO G r o d e n s k y , S & Son. 5 9 G r a h a m a v . . E Solo­

m o n . . S t a t i o n e r y , &c. SSO G r u b m a n . J . . .A Mietz . (R) 1 1 5 H a n n o n , T. 2 0 6 C o l u m b i a . . J R u p p e r l .

(R) 1.500 Ho l l enbeck , L . 137S B r o a d w a y . . H M Klo t z -

baeh. B u t c h e r P i x t u r e s . 9 1 0

Hofe r t , W i l h e l m i n a A. 2 2 8 Hamil tO/i e v _ ^ F Elflein, D r u g s , &c. : i ,000

H e l f a n t , J . 3 5 H u m b o l d t . . L Sapan . S tore P i x t u r e s 3 0

H o w a r d , J S. 597 M y r t l e a v . .Ha l lwood C R Co. Reg i s t e r . 7 5

H a r l e y , J. 2.yS F l a t b u s h a v . . M a r g t E H a r l e y . Mach ine ry , &c. 1,000

I s aac s , D . 6 6 Coope r . . . . C o n n a i , F & Go. P r e s s 07

J o h n s o n . P . 2 7 8 A t l a n t i c a v . . N a t l C R Co. Reg i s t e r . 145

Jones , T W . 6 5 4 Macon a n d 110 5 l h a v . . K e y e s & W i l s o n . C a r r i a g e . 7 4 1

J o a c h i m , M. 4 7 4 3d a v . . T N Bowles . Be r ­be r P i x t u r e s . 3 0

K o n e m a n n , E . -550 1 7 l h . . . . T F i l ln ia i in . Grocery , &c. a'l'd

Krugs, J. 1S3 Montauk av. . . .J W Pastor. Barber Fixtures. 50

Kuever, D. Pranklin av and Bergen. .Mrs A H Timm. Butcher Fixtures. 1,600

Kearney, T P . 112 Noble. .WaU L A. Coal Truck, &c. 50

Keidanz, E H. 535 Flushing av. .C Goldstein. Drugs. 650

Koplan, S. Walking Bt, cor Blake av . .J Levy. Horses, &c. 1.200

Knabe. W 0. 121 Montague. .T N Bowles. Barber Pixtures- 150

Lane. Emily V and C.. .Islah S Lane. (R) 55U Lewis Sc Vonder Llehe. .J Cunningham, Son

Sc Co. Carriage. 1,384 Lincoln, M D. 1305a 3d av. .N Waterbury.

Butter and Egg Store. 350 Marshall. C E. 2d av, near 10th. .Mary A

Marshall. Horses, &c. 3,000 Masone. G. 1038 Flushing av. .T J Collins.

Barber Fixtures- 104 McGinty, J J, 76 South I s t . .D B Dunham.

Coach. 775 McLaughlin, Joseph A. 270 Washington-.

J F Sinnott. (R) 2,000 Marino, G. 157 Watkins, ,G Lordi. Barber

Fixtures. 50 Ohlson. 0 and C E Anderson. 318 Atlantic

av. .A B Marx. Pool Table. See, 100 Pillipo, T. .T J Collins. (R) 58 Paulsson. J. 1147 3d av--Huber & Oo. Bak­

ery. 367 PerlUB, A. Shell road and Neptune av. ,

Henderson Sc Quinn.' Bakery. 1.000 Perliman. Gussie. 57 W h i p p l e . . . . N Dix.

Horses, See. 250 Pero, J. 259 3d av. .T N Bowles. Barber

Fixtures. 215 Peterson, P. 419 Atlantic av. .R A Holcke.

Barber Plxturei. 25

Factory at Akron, New York State.

Room 310,

1 i 2 3 B r o a d w a y , N e w York. Telephone, 1417 18th 8t.

Price, A M.. .H A Gubner. (R) 100 Peters, J. 361 Kingsland av. .J W Hamilton.

Tools. 4S Pol lenz , J . l i s H a r r i s o n a v . .S B K r a u s s .

H o r s e , &c. 5 0 P a l m , J . . . J P S c h m a d e k e . (R) 2 3 8 P e a r s a l l , G F . . . E & H T A n t h o n y & Co.

P h o t o A p p a r a t u s . 1,000 R i c k m a n , Meyer . 1 6 3 M y r t l e a v , . M E S a n d ­

ford. Pool T a h l e . 9 5 Rosenfe ld , J. 1 7 5 B o e r u m . . H Rosenfe ld .

Bicycles . 1,400 R u g e . W . . Sophie Mul le r . (R) 8 0 0 S igne r . B & Sons . 9 0 1 L e x i n g t o n a v - - C N

M a r t i n . M a c h i n e s . 600 S m i t h . C V, 3 2 3 D e l a n c e y s t . N Y . . K a n e

& W r i g h t . H o r s e s . 6 ,000

S t e inbe rg , G. 6 4 Moore . . . .Cece l i a B rowu . P r i n t i n g P l a n t . SOO

St robel , P . H u n t e r l l y road , n e a r C la rkson s t . - J W Mehl . W a g o n . 150

S i l b e r m a n , P a n d M K i w o k . 6 4 4 P i u s h i n g a v . .M K a l r o t s k y . Sewing M a c h i n e s . 4 0

R e m h t , G. 66 F l o y d . . J Dockwei le r . H o r s e s . &c. 1,500

S a m u e l s , L a n d A Mayer . 1 2 0 9 F u l t o n . . F W H e a r n . H o r s e s , &e, C lean ing A p p a r a t ­u s , 2 , 5 0 0

T r u m , E J . 3S2 5 t h a v . . K n o w l t o n & Beach. M a c h i n e r y . 2 7 5

T i e t z sch , M a t h i l d a . 2 1 9 S m i t h . . . . A u g u s t a Senff. C iga r s , Sec. 2 0 0

T e r n n . G. 6 7 S De K a l h a v . .G Suche r . B a r ­he r F i x t u r e s . 7 1

Vas to lo . L. Ocean a v . . . . A d e l a i d e Ses t i t a . B a r h e r F i x t u r e s . 6 5

Vas to la . L a n d P M a s t r e l l i . . J Souvay . (R) 130 W e c k e s s e r & P l u m t r e e . B u s h w i c k av a n d

P a r k w a y . . T L e i t c h . M a c h i n e r y . 500 W i n t j e n , A. 2 1 5 T h r o o p a v . . W i l h e l m i n a

N o r d e n . Grocery . 2 ,000 Wyckoff, W . 737 3d a v . . . . T N Bowles .

B a r b e r F i x t u r e s . 1 5 5 Young , B R. 5 0 3 N o s t r a n d a v . . . . A d a m s

L a u n d r y M i c h i n e r y Co. L a u n d r y F i x t u r e s . 2 9 5


Ahrend, A. 25 L o r i m e r . . N Y and Brooklyn B Co. 650

Becker, E. 82 George. .S L i ebmanns Sons B Co. CR) aOO

Bertsch, A. 106 Teu E y c k . . J F a l l e n B Co. (R) 500

Boylan, M J. 379 Sth av . . L o n g Island B. (R) 1,200

Duerk , C. 163 5th av . .Obermeyer & L. 2,821 Davison, S. 591 Broadway. .Excels ior B Co, 400 Delsnider, W H. 100 3d a v . .Danenbe rg & C.

1,500 Davis, C A. 139 S tuyvesan t av . .iNassau B

Co. 900 Di t tmar , C. 63 Sacket t . .Beadles ton Se W.

P u m p . 71 Duffe, H W. 99 Nost rand a v . . S c h m i t t & S.

<R) 1,000 Eagone, P. 51 Havemeyer . .Oamlllo Eagone .

2,000 Er ickson. Marie. Thompsons walk. .Bachmann

B Co. CR) 000 P o r t m a n n , A and T Schroeder. 1119 Bedford

a v . . S L iebmanns Sons B Co. 4,100 Peiuberg , -M. 72 Columbia. .D Sievenson. (R) 474 P lynn , J J . Surf av, near West Sth s t . .Schmi t t

& S. (R) 1.000 Gaetzner, J and E Re inhard . 16 B r o a d w a y . .

O Huber . (R) 4,000 Giardello. G. 87 Walwor th . .Nassau B Co. 450 Goldstein, P . 1411 Myrtle a v . . M Seitz. 55S Har lghous t . D H and C P Haesloop. 345 Jeffer­

son a v . . S L iebmanns Sons B Co. (R) 1,500 Haesloop, C P. 1560 F u l t o n . . S Liebmanns

Sons B Co. (R) 2,000 Ho l t e rmann , H J. 1645 and 1647 B r o a d w a y . .

S Liebmanns Sons B Co. (R) 2.300 Hock, M. 89 Everg reen a v . . S Liebmanns Sons

B Co. (R) 1,000 Heiser, B. 339 Lewis av , . 0 Huber . (R) 1,100 Ho l t e rmann . R H. 1560 Myrtle av . .S Lieb­

m a n n s Sona. (R) 4,000 Hudtwa lke r , W. 246 F lush ing a v . .Consumers

B Co. (R) 6,000 Kemnl tz , B. 132 W e s t . .G Ringler Sc Co. 360 Kleine . E. 680 Myrtle a v . .H L Meyer. 2,2o0 Kenniff. J J. 317 Hudson a v . . E Ochs, (R) 2,660 Lutz , C. 184 Harr iaon a v , . S L iebmanns Sons

B Co. (R) 700 Lyons, B. 226 Ti l la ry . .Barkin Se Elfln. 525 Lark in , S. 309 Grand . . 0 Huber . (R) 1,400 Miller, A. 10 Lee av , , 0 Huber . (R) 1,500 McGrath. M. 1662 Atlant ic av . . E Ocha, (Rl 1.0(K) Metz, Eugene A. 87 Nos t rand a v . . H Yunker .

Rea tau ran t F ix tu res , fie. 300 Mohrmann, G. 20 Elm pl . .Excels ior B Co, 3,000 Mollnarl, L. 130 S a c k m a n . . F Iber t B Co. 100 PurnhaKen, W and H. 108 Reld av , ,Congumera

B Co, (R) 2,500 Quinn, J P. Rockaway and Atlant ic av9- .M T

Garvey. . 178

Rothgieser, H. 150 M e s e r o l e . . F Schwinn. Res ­t au ran t P ix tu res . 130

Runkowiski , W. 141 2 I s t . .W Ulmer. 41)0 Reges, H. 213 Wal labou t s t . . P I h e n B Co.

CR) 1,100 Snedeker, J B. 522 L i u w o o d . . W Ulmer. CR) SR2 Sweeney, J. 287 Myrtle a v . .Cleveland Fauce t

Co. P u m o . 162 Schmidt, C. 409 Kent a v . . S L iebmanns Sons.

(R) 1,100 Voigt, G. 249 Reid av . . 0 Huber , 4,050 Weissenborn, G C. 1087 F u l l o n . . O Huber ,

CR) 1,000 Wala, W, 197 5th av . ,T Krueger . Rea t au ran t

F ix tures . 850 Wild, J. 690 Metropolitan av . .Obermeyer Se

L. 2,000


Aiidrie, W. " l l 9 N o b l e . . S Baumann . 166 -Alison, LiUian. 18 Wes t 102d. .Michaels Bros.

440 Atwell, Marlon G. lOSS D e a n . . M u t u a l L Atwell, Josephine B. . same. Ausiin, Alice. 20 Fleet p L . L Baumann . Albonesi, Lina . 1229 Madisou. .Collateral

Bapp, H. 433 Wythe a v . . P e o p l e s L A.

A. 200 200 167

L A. 100 100

Branagan, Lizzie. 181 Cornelia. .Peoples L A. 105 Bernsee, Sophia A. .Collateral L A. 130 Berger, Victoria, 17th av and Cropsey a v . .

Peoples L A. 150 Blumeutba l , Mary. 1241 Sth av , ,J Micbaels, 143 Braddock, Jul ia . 135 S t e u b e n . . J Kur tz , 102 Bret t . H W. 22 Piske p l . . I Mason. CR) 103 Brogau, Addie. 217 Wil loughby. .J Michaels. 115 Bunee, D. 1320 B r o a d w a y . . J Michaels. l&S Cabot, B P . Brooklyn av, near Av J ~ C o w p e r -

thwai t &. Co, 275 Carlson, Albertine, 185 Boerum pl J Kur tz , 163 Cassin, T R, 251 L o r i m e r . . A Schutz. I l o Carter, Clara, 419 S ta te . . J Michaels. 197 Carter, R D, 95 H a r t , , same. 340 Carney, N J. 375 13th. .Michaels Bros, 168 Clark, J. 769 4th a v . . J Kur t z . 105 Cuccia, P . .T J Collins. CR) 30 Camerick, D, 323 Myrtle av. .Brooklyn L A. 150 Caccavago, R. 943 Fu i tou . .Brooklyn L A. 150 Coroell, W H. 138 Livingston. .Brooklyn L A. 150 Connor. Mary A. 576A McDonough. .R H Mac­

donald. 261 Crawford, Mary and J B. 195 Johnson . . W

O'Neill. 121 Davis, B T. 724 Decatur . .Brooklyn P Co, 294 Davidson, Mary P . 210 l l t h . .Brooklyn L A. 100 de Ber t rand, L G. 405 Oth. .Mutual L A. 200 Doubleday, J H. llfiA Patchen av . ,J Kur t z . 135 Dubernel l . Louisa. 11)76 D e a n , . N a t L A. 100 Dudley, Miss A. 315 7th a v . . l Mason. (R) 140 Davenport , C P . . B r o o k l y n L A. 110 Dunne, P. 265 War ren and 519 C o u r t . . N a t L

A. Butcher P ix tu res , 6 c . 130 Efferty, W. 139 Glen. .Michaels Bros. 144 English, H P. 840 H a l s e y . . J McEnery. 109 Flood, Bridget, 664 4tb a v , , M i c b a e l s Bros. 129 Flood, Lizzie. 29S Wythe av . .Cowper thwai t &

Sons. 128 Foxall , H E. 489 16 th . .Brook lyn LA. 100 Preda , L. 18 Roosevelt st, N Y. .Cowper thwai t

Sc Sons. 180 Polenstein, G W. 230 1 4 t h . . T r e a e y & T. 178 Poote, Emily, Bay ISth, n e a r Ba th . ,T reacy Sc

T. 103 Gries, J enn ie E. 604 Q u i n c y . . J McEnery. 118 Gamble, E M. 273 Hew'es. .Cowper thwai t Co. 106 Gastro. T. 63 P r a n k l i n . . Jordan & M. 109 Gillen, R E, 31 Columbia p l . . J Michaels, 138 Golden. 'Mary. 140 Pres ident . .J Michaels. 138 Grant . D. 2S8 B l e e c k e r . . J Kur t z . ISO Granger, E H. 23 Marlon. .J Michaels. 148 Guniher , J . .T J Collins. (R) 40 Galvin. Kate . 117 .1th av . .Mull ins & Sons. 198 Gardner , P, 473 Ridgewood a v . . J Gregg Sc Co.

124 Hill , A. 344 Gates a v . . B r o o k l y n F Co, 202, H a n r a h a n , D C, 511 B«rgen. .Mutua l L A. 110 Haff, W P W. 730A Macon. .Mullins Sc Sons. ..

CR) 135 Haynes , W J. 86 Bond. .Michaels Bros. 191 Helsing. E m m a P. 808 Bedtord av. .1 Mason.

(R) 108 Henry . H. 549 IOlh. .Michaels Bros. 357 Holland. Sarah. 545 H e n r y . .Cowper thwai t Se

Sons. 108 Hanson, Nellie. 340 H o y t . . R Treacy. I l l Hand, H L. .T Kelly. 123 I r l am, Carr ie B. 820 Lafayet te a v . . I Mason.

CRl 121 Jackson, L. 42 Chappel . .Mullins & Sons, 117. Johnson, Lizzie, 292 F u r m a n . . J .Michaels, 250 Jones . E. 346 Broadway. . Jo rdan Se M. 112 Jackson, Amelia. 7 Alice c o u r t . . L Baumann .

(Corrects er ror In last issue.) 128 Johnson, G. 520 Vanderbi l t av . . W O'Neill. 12.^ Koliker. Helen. 144 D i k e m a n . . J Baumann . 12.'J Kemp, C. 119 Nost rand av. .R Treacy. 118 Knapp, A R. 748 Marcy av . .Mullins & Sons, 171 Keller . H a r r y S. .Cowper thwai t Sc Sons. 213 Kingsland, Susan E and G A, 110 H a n c o c k , . .

Kings Co L A. 200 Lester , Florence W . . B r o o k l y n L A. 100 Lester, Rober ta V . . s a m s . 200 Lampor t , S . . J Kur t z . 102 Long, Stella. 126 B u s h . . J Kur tz , 202 Lynch Cath, 72 Ken t a v . . A Scbulz, 197 Knobel, J. 119 Adams . .Cowper thwai t & Sons.

148 Kocb, F . 363 Hamil ton a v . . J Kurt?.. 101 Lynch . W J. 215 8 2 d . . J Far re l l , 104

ALSEN'S PORTLAND CEMENT Is the Standard. Hamburg, Germany,

and 143 Liberty St., New York.

Levy, L. 53 P a r k p l . . M u t u a l L A, 103 Leyden, El len. 66 W o o d h u l l , . J McEnery. 109 Lewis, Mabel, 332 Sth . .L Baumann . 122 Lamber t . W M. 94 Covert , ,Brooklyn F Co. 109 Longenecker , W R. 577 P u t n a m a v . . B r o o k l y n

F Co. 100 Lloyd, Mary C. 126 Vanderbi l t a v . . K i n g s Co

L A. 100 Lynch , W H. 549 Jefferson av . .Brooklyn L A.

100 Lucas , Mary. 442 Pu' . ton. .Mills Bros, 153 Mapes, H. 417 S la te , -Brook lyn F Co. 181 MeCann. J . 43 Vanderveer . .Mills Bros. 100 Mergel, Anna K. 230 Tliroop a v . . B r o o k l y n L

A. 100 Mason, J J . 145 Dupont . .Mathushek & Son •

Piano Co, P iano. 200 McNally. Anna. 335 P u r m a n . . J McEnery. liiO Milner, Sarah A. 82 C a l y e r . . J Baumann . 112 Mahon, J J . 607 B 2 9 t h , . J Michaels, 103 Matherson , Helen, 549 Nosirand av . ,J Kur t z . 105 McConnell, J, 50 '^ SOth. .Michaels Bros. 110 McCormack, Johanna , 32 Milton. .Cowper thwai t

& Sons. 19S O'Leary Mary. 147 L a w r e n c e . . J McEnery . 149 Olsen, Olpa. 36 Grand . . J Michaels. 123 Pendrel l , G W. S82 Myrtle a v . . J Michaels, 236 Philleo, Margt . 183 H e r k i m e r . .Brooklyn L A. 150 iPotter, Sarah. 849 Union. .Mull ins & Sons. 1119 Pearson , W H, I0 !5 Bergen, ,Brooklyn L A, 150 Petrel lo , M. 178 Sands -Jcrdan & M. 134 Queck. Bernier C L. 333 Lafayet te a v . . B r o o k ­

lyn F Co. 161 Quirk, Mrs C. 1446 B r o a d w a y . . ! Mason. (R) 163 Rauscber , P . 30 Driggs av . . J Michaels. 234 Reed, J. 144 Car ro l l . .Mutual L A. 100 Reilly, J D. 236 De Kalb av . .Brooklyn F Co. 170 Ryder, E S. 376 P rank : in av . .Peoples L A. 100 iShSne, A. 70 Johnson . .Brooklyn F Co. 109 Shover, G F . 455 Gates av . .B rook lyn P Co. 279 Stokes, B E. 806 Macon. .Brooklyn F Co. 297 SmLh, Annie E. 499 Wil loughby. .Mutua l L

A. 100 Sandgren, H a n n a . 24 St Marks p l . , J Michaels.

Scott , W. 285 1 s t . . M i c h a e l s Bros, 120 Scheurer, Rosl. 129 Nor th Oxford. .Pacific L

A. 100 Slpley. Lena L. 538 P u t n a m a v . . S t e r l i n g P iano

Co. P iano. 273 Sinnott, J M. 43 Clarkson. .Cowper thwai t Co, l i o Stagg, Anna, 144 Broadway. .Cowpenhwa i t &

Sons. 120 Stephens, S. 203 P rank l in a v . . J McEnery. I l o Stratford, Sarah. 129 Van Pe l t a v . .J Michaels.

108 Shelton, F . 162 Garfleid p L . J B a u m a n n . 309 Snow. W B. 160 P a r k p l . . L B i u m a u n . 149 Same. .eame. 347 Skippen. Agnes. 220 H i g h , ,J McEnery. 120 Slack, Lina A,. .Brooklyn L A. 100 Taylon. Annie. 24 Grand a v . . J McEnery , 112 Todd. E A, 132 Hooper . .Manha t t an L A. 200 Varian, Anna M and I rene . 46S Monroe . .Kings

Co L A. 150 West. H T. 207 Kosc iusko . .Brooklyn P Co. 113 Wangere ln , Cath . Doscher s t . .Cowper thwai t &

Sons. 103 Webber , Annie. 576 Lexington a v . . J Michaels.^

Whalen , A. 682 Lexington a v . . J Micbaels. 122 Whi t t i e r , Lizzie. 70 R u s h . .F rances A C h a p - _

m a n . 1-3 Wil l iams. A D. 614 M a c o n . . R e l d Bros . Car­

pet. 108 Wil l iamson, Agnes and R G. 450 S6th. .TJ S L

A. loa Wagnel l . A. Waver ly a v . . J McEnery. 196 Weaver , E. 371 7 t b . .Treacy & T. 114 Young, W C. 319 6 lh . .Michaels Bros. 105


Bliedung. L. 249 Broadway . .Sophie Seewald. Bakery . See. 263

Brag in , A S. 1052 Sth a v . . H S Wilson. Drugs . nom

Cooney, D E. 109 Nost rand a v . . M J Daly . Store P ix tu res , &c. 800

Campbell. D. 216 Columbia . .Mary C Cleary. Bu t t e r Store. 500

Goldsmith, W. 1354 3d a v . . G Crosby. Cigars . &c. oO

Greenus. A and Annie. 233 Go' .d-.L C Averre . Drugs . 1.600

H a e r T . F G. 1828 Pu ' . ton , .G Mozer. Bakery . 280

Helfant J. 33 H u m b o l d t . . L Chanln. Grocery, 1T3

Henry , W. 485 F u l t o n . . G Weinlg . Pho to Studio. 92

Lenz, A. 213 J a y and 115 Conco rd , .C Engle r t . Bakery . 2,000

Marmar , M. 31 Meeker a v . . H Larx or Sarx. Grocery. HO

Mussler . P. 174 Central av . .Camille Lehman._ Groctry . 150

Nochomson. L. 1844'^ F u l l o n . . M Nochomson. P ic ture Store. 300

Rolker , H, 422 Sth , .A P Hoefer. F u r n i t u r e . 427 Schemitz, P . 411 Humbold t . . Josepha Schemltz.

Grocery. nom Tr l t l , Aoadelia J, 19 and 136 Wal labout Mar­

k e t . . G W Trl t t . RfsLaurant F ix tu res . nom Wilson, H S. 826 Pu l ton . .M S and A S Bragin.

Drugs . no™ Wetzler . J . 208 Wyckoff, . W Danewltz. Gro-"cery. 537


Booketuber, P to S Pa'.ley, CMortsage made by S Peiner , Ocl 23, 1898.) 150

Klo.zbacb, H M to Henr le t t M Klotzbach. (L H Hollenbeck for .$910, Oci 27. ISUS.) 910

Schar .maons Sous. U B to S Liebmanns B Co. (A HrlBke or Heisko, April 29, 1895.) (Cor­rec t s er ror In laai Usue,) nom

Butberiafid, R J to O Huber B Go. (W C Camueie, M u c b 4, ISDB.) s o n


Oct. 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 and Nov. 1.

CONVEYANCES. Alsfeia. William, Christ ian a r d Louise, and

Prances Catharine Scharen, BIlzabEth Sieber to Jaeob Maimen, 10th av w s, loO It n 14lh Et, 50.1140, Wbitestnne 900

Astoria Homestead Co to Charles and Joseph Sigal, Steinway av, n w s, 250 ft n e Waver ly av, 25x100, L 1 Cily 900

Bausch, Robert, to Adolph Bausch, Be 'hpage turnpike , s s, adj land ot grantee . 26x73, F a r m ­ingdale nom

Baylies, Edmund L, to Thomas Keat ing, lots 609, 610, block 14, map of g ran tc r , Louona Park , Corona 350

Bausch, Adolph, lo Kat ie Bausch, Bethpage turn­pike, s s, adj land Wm Bausch, 100x270, F a r m ­ingdale. nom

Same to Robert Eausch, Sr, highway from F a r m ­ingdale lo AmityVKe, adj land Cent ia l Rail­road, 195x206 Parmiugdale nam

Bayles, Alfred C to Ebbe Hallen. Plower Hill av, s s. adj Long Island R R Co, 45,4xl06.11x 106x47.4, Por t WaJbington 400

Belts, Mary E, -to Charles O CoZvin, road from Newbridge to Hicksville, w s, adj land Caro­line Crawford, contains one acre, Sra l .hv l le , South nom

Bowers. John R to Hannah Newman. CoopT st. n s, 277 t t e Knickerbocker av, 93,41,^x100x7.8 100, Ridgewood nom

Braman. Preder ic T, to Valen tme G Wa ' te rs , Ocean av, w s, 323,3 n Pul ton st, 354..^xl00x 176.6x219.4x173.4x323,4 to begin, conlains aboul lY acies, Preepor t 3,500

Brady, Elizabeth, to Jacab W Johnson, Clinton av, w s, 375 s Broadway. 50x100, Ozone Pa rk , Jamaica

Brogan, John . William a r d Freder ick, by guar­dian, to James A Macdonald, Linden st, e s, 125 ft s Queens av, 125x130. nom

Brooklyn Manor Co to Mary Schenck. Wood­haven av. n e cor Asbland st, 20x97.4, Brook­lyn Manor, Jamaica nom

Brown, Gertrude A, to Elizabeth Brady, Clint, n av, w s, 375 ft s Broadway, 50x100. Oione Park , Jamaica nom

Brunnemer , Jobn , referee, to Deville N Bulson, Reed av, n s, 241,6 e Woods av, lS3.1x5uxl54 x50, Rockviile Center, foreclosure l,.3O0

Beyer. Jul ius , to Wililam Weiner, lots 754 to 757, block 28, map of grantor , Jamaica nom

Caldwell Emily P, to Fannie Corsor, Hollywood av, w s, 284.8 s Rose av, 151.6x197,1x130x178 8, Pa r Rockaway 2,000

Cain, Hance, to Alexander R Boyce, Amity st, s s, 300 fl e Boerum av, 25x107. Piushing omit

Craft, Anna A. to .Myron L H t n r y , lots 113 to 116, map land Ann Norton, Pa r Rockaway 1,200

Colbln, Chas 0, and Freder ick W J Menendez to Freder ick M Wood, Warren st, s s, adj laLd W m A Seaman. SIIxS9.6x80xS4.2, Hempstead 50

Corsor, Fannie, lo Emily P Caldwell, Motl road, u s, 50x^00, Fa r Rockaway 5,500

Darmstadt , Chas H, to Marie Darmstadt , lot 39, block 3, map No 1 of Kollis. nom

Darmstadt , Wililam, to John G and Annie Coyle. Hancock st. w s, 290 ft s Sherman av, loOx 200, Hewlet ts 750

Davidson, Adelaide C, to Virginia L Wilkinson. Fifth St. e s. 150 ft s Lawrence bouleyard, 13.1 XlOO, Bay Side nom

Davis, Rober t A, to Joseph H Warner . Spruce st, e s, 200 s Stewart av, 40x110, Morria P a r k nom

Demorest, Wili lam A, Jr , to Louis P GHsner. P a r k st, n s, 273 ft w Summit av, 25S1L0 ,_ Corona laO

Dockum. Georgianna P , to Mary A Bennet, Bald­win's road, e s, adj land Patr ick Shea. 715x812 x663x244x401 lo beg.nning, Oceanside, Hemp­stead nom

Doherty, John H, to Wm R Doherty. Lots 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 14, 10, 18, 20, block 12; 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 04, 66, 68, 70, 72, block 2, map of South Bay Beach, Amityville nom

Dorniagen, Frederick, to CbrUtian E Smith. Lot 363, map of J C Chooley, Glendale 350

Dowell, Agnes H to Adolph Cohn and George Hooks, E lm st, s w cor Myrtle av, 100x200, Newtown 1000

Eden, Annie S, lo James A Eden. Lots 19 to 31, 33, 3a, block 1, lots 8, 10, 12, 14, lO, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, block 7, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13. block 20, map of South Bay Beach, Amity­ville nom

Edison, Nathan, to Cornelius J Jordan. 9 tb av, s e s, 173 fl s w Por le r av, 16.2x100, L I City nom

Elliott, Lucy A, to Lawrence A Whllehil l . Ed­sall av, s e cor Grover av, 100x150, Glen­dale nom

Ely, Annie P . lo Otis Wilkinson. Sth st, e s, 150 ft a Lawrence boulevard, SOxlOO, Bay Side nom

Parre l l , Thomas F , referee, to Moses P Clifford. Lot 1,273, map of Sea Cliff, Clifi Grove; Oyater Bay, foreclosure 950

FarnsworLh, Florence E, to Sophie E Lennou. Norlh St. n s, 173 ft e Union place, 23xl0iJ. Woodhaven Jucci ion COO

Pifhe'-. George H, and ors , exrs of Louis Zecblu', to John W, Wair.wrieht. Bay View Park , e e, ISO ft w Conway Et, 60x150, Rockaway Beach, releast: 1,500

Fischer, Louis, to Christina Steara, Lots 87, 38, 32, map E L Bayiles, Louona Park,Corona. 1,800

Glasner, Louts F , to Hegine Wachsmuth, Park El, n 3, 273 It w Summ.t av, 25xj.0J, West F lushing 340

Oluek, Uavid L, to Mary A Post . Storm av, w a, 459 ft a Lincoln terrace. 73x123, Arv t rne 3,000

HamiUon, Wm J, to Richard Holder and wife. Park B', n s, 300 ft e MyrUe av, 25x100, West F lu sb in s 260

HamllloB, Wl l lUm J , W M u ^ S SuUlyas, l>ot

18 block 7 map of Grinnell property, New­town 250

Hamilton,Elizabeth to Emily F Caldwell. Ho' ly-wood av. w s, 264.8 s Rose av , 75,6x157.1'^x 75x178.7. F a r Rockaway 1,000

Harvey, Mary A, lo Phil ip H Victory. Lot 2 i3, block 12, map of 2,023 lots William Ziegler, Morris P a r k 3,400

Hardenbrook, Laures t ine J, to Jul ia A W i l l P m s . Lot 31, block 1, map of Brown, Norr is & Har­denbrook, Jamaica nom

Hayes , Prances , to Alga P r a t t . Steinway av, e s, 107,9 n Jamaica av, 23,1x90; S l e n w a y av, e s, 144.8 n Jamaica av, 23.1x90: Steinway av, e E, 122 n e Jamaica av, 23x90, 4lh Ward, L I City com

Heinlein, Michael, to Margaretha Heinlein. Hop­kins av, s w s, 100 ft n w Academy st, 23xli.O, Third Ward, L I City ncm

Hitchcock, Benj W, to Wm H and Carrie J u s e r . 2d st, n s, 100 e Shaw av, SOxlOO, Union Course nom

Hoyl, Frances E, to Edwin W Bar re s . Spring­field road, w s, 31 rods s lot 4 cn map of Li t t .e P la ins , contains 5 acres, Jamaica nom

Same to Theodore P Barnes . Springfleid ro-d, w s, adj land A Finn , contains six and a half acres, Jamaica nom

Hooks, George, and Adolph Cohn, to Rocco J Gailucci. Myrtle av, s w cor E lm st, lOOx.OO. Corona 1 OCO

Hunt , Henry E to Mercanti le Co-opera'ive Bank. Davison av, n e cor Pear l st, —x—, Springfield.

nom Hyatt , J Bowne, exr Tbos B Hyat t , to Eliza J

Griffiths, Lols 33 to 42. 44, 4ti, 47. 98 to 100 map of Lawrencevil le, Newtown, 300

Hyat t . Christ iana K and J Bowne Hya t t to same. Same properly. Q C. 300

Idlewild, P a r k Land Improvement Co to Ju l ius Beyer, Lots 754 to 757 block 28, map ot grantor , Jamaica . nom

Jackson, Thomas H exr to Blizabeth Sslb.rL, Maple av, e s, 100 n Jackson Boulevard, 46 11 X—x39.6xll.3. Newtown. 1000

Jones, George W to G A Otto PrceEd:rf. 4th sl. e s, 10 s Anderson av, 25x100, Woodside. 1 20O

Jones. Hen ry R to Geo W Jones. Same prop­erty, Woodside. 1,000

Jones , All l thena A to Geo J and Mary E Ring. Napier pl, e s, 220 n P . tk ln pl, 40x100, Clar-enceville. 450

Jones, Meivina A to Frederick Dormagec . Lot. 363 map Jobn C Schooley, Glendale. 350

Johann knecht , P redk A to Ade.aide Simons::n. Grove st, n s, 175 e Ray st, 100x134, Jamaica .

nom Kenna, Anna C to P r a n k Vogel. Stb sl, s E,

SO e Montana av, 23x100, Union Course, 375 Kirchner , George C to A .M Louise Tha je r . Lot

511 block 18 map 2023 lots Wm Ziegler, Mo.r s Pa rk . nom

Kirchner , Emily lo same. Lot 510 block 18 map 2,023 lots Wm Ziegler, Morris Pa rk , nam

Koehler, George to Jacob and cophia Oertell, Pomeroy st, w s, 573 n Vandeventer av, k5-i 100, L I City. 2.500

Koeller, E m m a J to Edw Richards"n . Lots 2 3 block 194 map Murray h i . l , P l u s h n g . 230

Kunz, Paul ine C to Predk J Kunz, L t t s 3L7, 368 block 9 map ol Dunton Pa rk , Jamaica .

n : m Lavelle, Fel ix to Joa F Lavelle, Lots 778. 779

block 27 map T B Hya t t homestead, Winfleld, n .m

Lawton, Mary A ex t r s of Giovanni Nocera. Nev­ins st, s s, 316 w Corona av, 60.7x50.7xij8x.")0. Corona. 1,100

Lethbridge, Cathar ine J to F R Abbey. Lots 73 to 73, block 4 map Holliswood, Jamaica , nom

Leavens, Wm A and Thos D to John S Smith. Lots 9 to 13 block 18; 1, 2, 80 to 82 block 15 map of Holliswood, Jamaica . 100

Lombardo, Donato to Rocco J Gailucci. LoU 814, 815 block 22 map of Louona Park , Corona.

nom L 1 City Savings Bank to Amanda C Underbil l .

Highway from Birch Hill to Glen Cove, s a, adj land Mra E Ludlum, contains 19 ac r t s . Release. Locust Valley. 500

Man, Mary E and Wm to Kate Schwenger. Lef­fer ts av, e s, 100 n Brooklyn and Jama ica plauk road, 25x100, Richmond h i l l . 810

May, Fred M to Ignatz Martin. Smith st, n W s, 225 w Ralbjen av, 2oxluO, Newtjwn. nom

Maskiell, Wm to E m m a Mask.el. 1s t av, c E, 125 s Grand st, 25x109, L 1 City. nom

Morris, Jennie M lo John V and Elizabeth Co­reil . Smith st, s s, 80 w Washington st, 20x 100, Newtown. 1_5U0

Morris , Jennie -M to W m F Lounsbury . Lot 2 i5 Hitchcock 's map of Coroua Pa rk , NEWLOWQ.

1,650 Murdock, Cynthia H to W H and Carrie Jus te r ,

2d st, n s, 100 e Shaw av, 5oxluo, Uuion Course. Release. 423

Newman. Hannah , to Albert E Park . Cooper St. n 8, 277 e Knickerbocker av, 93.4%xlUl)x 87.7x100, Rldgewocd. nom

Parkinson, Wm to E r n s t Brown, J r and Walter H Howe. Orcbard sl, n s, 100 e Mj r t l e av, 50x100, Corona. nom

Post, Sidney T lo Micbael Mdia . Pearsall av, s s, adj land Jobn S Valentine, 50x104, Frea-porL 250

Poole, Richd W et al, exrs RIchr W Poole to Gilson Verity. Meadow lane, w s, adj land Henry Brower, 78x179, Baldwms. Release, n o m '

Piper, Carroll A to Pa t r i ck Sellers. Washing­ton Et, G s, adj land Abigail Burl ing, contains

• Vi-acre, Flushing. 4,01)0 P ra t t , Chae A B, assignee of Benj W Hlichcock

Wm H and Carrie JuEter. 2d st, n E, IOJ e Sbaw av, 50x100, Union Course. 38,

Randall , Jobn J and Wm G Miller to Annie P and Adeltah PerlnBchlet. Eas t av, a s, 568 ' B Smith Et, 75x—, Freepor t . 500

Same to Owen W Humphrey aud Samuel O Sl<^ gum. Rose et, n e, 450 w Ooeaa M , 2 1 2 X 4 1 0 . Fr«Bport. %0W

November 5, 1898. ecord and Guide IX

COOPER & WIGAND, I R O N WORK 801 St. James* Building;, _

J O H N C O O P E R , I T r t l - D I I i l ^ i l ^ / V £ > Broadwav and 26th Street, New York, ^ ^ WIGAND. T O T B»U I IQ i n g S i

R E Mortgage Co to Jennie Rider. Plot 5 block 7 map Hempstead Gardens. 000

Same to Joseph A Fal ls . Plot 1 block 7 map of Hempstead Gardens. 3,050

Reichard, John F to Wm P Buckley. Broadway, s s, 250 e Fe r ry st, 107x92.9x118.6x67.5, Wood­haven . 10

Richmond Hill Inves tment Co to Jennie Kiefer. Hillside av, s w cor Beech st, 40x100, Rich­mond Hill. 3,600

Scholle. Melville J et al. exrs Jacob Scholle, to David L Gluck. Storm av, w s, 459 s Lincoln ter race . 75x125. Arverne-by-the-Sea. 2,500

Schoellig, Edward to Sabina Schoellig. Lot 15 map L I P a r m s , 3d Ward, L I City. nom

Searing Saml V to Ella L Pearsal l . Cleveland av, n s 22G.8 e Willis av, 78.2x102x89.3x75, Mineola. 300

Self, Sarah E to Henry P Libby. Grand av, n s, 150 e Bedford av, 2(;0x—x297x150, Bellmore.

nom Siebert, Blizabeth to Henry O Saul. Maple av,

e s, 100 n Jackson Boulevard, 46.11x—x39.6x 11.3, Newtown. 1.200

Smadbeck, to Saml Eichen. Lots 84, 85 map of 93 lots at Springfield. nom

Smith Mary T et al lo CbYistian B Smith. Lot 362 map land J E Schooley, Glendale. 400

Same to Meivina A Jones. Lot 363 map land John E Schooley, Glendale. 400

Smallwood, Saml B to Geo W Cloos. Rapelyea st, e s, 610.4 n F lu sb ing av, 197.5'/>xo8 3%x 206.8?ixS3.5%. L 1 City. 900

Simonson, Wm H to John Jl Carpenter . Lots 21 to 31 block 51 map land Henry Kammann , Woodhaven. 4,409

Stearns, Geo A t o Helen T Britt . Radde st, e s, 139.3 n e Webster av, 50x100.1, L I City.

1,000 Story, Chas B to Elmer G Story. Ashburlon

av, s w cor Bell av, 100x200, Bay Side. nom Townsend, Beekman H to E m m a M Work. High­

way from Townsend Mill,e s, adj land grantee . 260x—, Oyster Bay. nom

Towns, Mirabeau L to Wilhelm Kiso. Lot 54 block 113A map of grantor , Laure l Hill, New­town. 250

Uhlig. Caroline to Angelina Bruner . Lots 1 to 7-15, block 41 map of South Bay Beach, Amity­ville. nom

Underhill , Amanda C to F redk A Horsey. High­way from Birch Hill to Glen Cove, s s, adj land Mrs. B Ludlum, contains, 10 acres Lo­cust Valley. Release. 2,500

Van Nostrand, John W Jr to Wm W R d d . 1st, av, e s, 472.3 s Methodist Church lof, 122,9x 213.6x12.1x212.7, Jamaica, nom

Van de Water Ar thur , to Geo P Kochersberger. Lot 24 block 194 map Murray Hill, F lushing.

150 Van Nostrand, John B ref to P r a n k Wetzel. Mil­

ton st, e s, adj n s lot 52 on map Linden Hill. 25x206.7, Newtown. 100

Whitehill , Lawrence A to Cbarles Hagedorn. Edsall av, s e cor Grover av, 100x150, Glen-' dale . 25

Whi t taker , Hat t ie P to Lucy A Elliott. Same property. nom

Wilkinson, Otis to Marda Craigen. Stb st, e s,

MURESCO! I t Is a p e r a a a n r a t l y h a r d w a l l finish, O T O T p l a s t e r i t p r o d u c e s soft , e v e n t i n t s , g i v i n g t h e effect of k a l s o m i n e , w i t h o u t t h e flashing, w i t h n o n e of Ita d i s a d v a n ­t a g e s . I t does n o t r u b off a g a i n s t t h e c l o t h i n g : wi l l n o t c r a c k n o r peeL I t wi l l k i l l suc t ion , a n d g ive a s m o o t h , soft , o r e n coa t o v e r a n old p l a s t e r e d w a l l t h a t h a s been p a t c h e d . I t comes la fifteen a r t l e t i c c o l o n a n d w h i t e .

You may have a color ca rd an d lul l Informatloo

about Mureaco for the aaklng .

Benjamin Moore & Co., i 5 6 - 2 6 2 W a t e r S t . , B r o o k l v n N e w T o r t

yf l f f t f^^ E C U R E : V o n r l l o a s e s

A g a i n s t B u r g l a i ' t a n d S u e a U T h i e r e s .


Also STOOP GATES made In any Btjle and put up at reasonable ratea.

All ftladB of RAILING WORK made, put up or repaired.

JACOB MAY, 850 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn.

T R E E O V A R I k S I n a l l P a t t e r u H .

Sstimates and orders by mail at­tended to at onoe.

J Y A V O W T A I Tfllaplwiio. 0S» Bedford

J O H N W. MORAN, ^ Blue Stone Dealer. l ^ ^ l ^ T O N AV., COB H I C l t a ST., BROOK^TU.


299 3 8 t h S i r e e t .


VAN COURT CO., F o r m e r l y B o n n e r & V a n C o u r t C o .

JOHN A. MURRAY, 114 West 34th Street,

New York.



MANUFACTURERS OF : F ' I 3 > f f E 3 F'.^.C^'EI : S ( X = L I O X S . (Whi te ) , (L igh t a n d Dark) BufI, Ochre , Red , G r a y , Old Oold a n d P o m p e i i a n (or Mot t l ed ) , h o t h

P l a i n a n d Moulded , a U o E N A I U E I J E D B R I C K , a l l c o l o r s . H a r d B u i l d i n g Br ick . HoUow a n d F i r e Br ick . J A S . B . S A V R K , J r . , & C O . , A g e n u .

m'Si lKS^h AmboS.j': Office, 207 Broadway, S.W. cor. FuUon St., New York

Sash, Doors, Blinds and House Trim 0 1 7 , 619 & 6 2 1 W E S T ISOth S T R E E T , N E W T O R K .

UNION GRANITE CO. Manufacturers of


Laundry Tubs, Kitchen Sinks, Etc.


Porcelain Ba.thfl, Waeb Tabs , Sinks, «te.

' '^^'rion.N.. Weetiawkin, P. 0. 81«t&

Material Men's Mercantile Association, Reports and Ratings on

BUILDEES A C0HIBACT0B8, Daily Infonuation as to

i^jirt ^'^na affecting SnbBcriber'B i/.Sf Customers.

A Bureau of Quick and Be-liable ]bifoFmation for

M A T E R I A L M E N . W r l s c f o r C l i r c t t l a r .

154 Nassau 8t.«Tribaue BalldJD?,iV.l

Steel Mantels.

I m p r o v e d de­al gna, beaut i fu l ly finished In inalta-Eion of v a r i o u s 'woods a n d mar-blea.

C h e a p e r t h a n w o o d or s l a t e .

Also C a b i n e t T o p s , e to .

S t e e l M a n t e l C o . ,

1 9 V a n d e w a t e r S t . N e w York.

HENRY MILES & SON, P r a c t i c a l L a y e r s a n d D e a l e r s In

Tiles, Hardwood Mantels O P E N F I R E P L A C E S .

B R A S S A N D I R O N G O O D S .


Offlce a n d S h o w R o o m e , Ernat N«w York and Hopklnaon Aves., Brooldyn

T e l e p h o n e , 25G E a s t Now Y o r k .

EXCELSIOR Iniprov«d P a t e n t

Sliding Blind U. 3 . Fa t . 4T9,8!Ii.

Manufac tu red by

Louis Bossert & Son, Dealer in Sastaei,

Doors, Stairs , S t a r s F r o n t s . T imber Flooring, BhlnslsB.

Mant t lagtJ ro i ef Bl inds , UoDldinss , Bracke ts , Newels . L a t h s . Jo is ts , Roof-i n s Sk r i i shb i . * o .

O F F I C H :

6-8 Union ATenne BROOKLYN.

M I L L S : 16'SO JohnsoD A T .

P l a n i n g Mill u d T imber Y u 2 :

Newtown Creek aB4 Q n u d Street .


Tile Roofs, Gravel Roofs Repaired. Water Tleht Vaults, Cellars and Stable Floors .

Sidewalks and Floors Cemented, ALL WORK Q D A R A N T B B D .




Y E A R S A N D A R E S T I L L AO K N O W L E D G b l D TO B E T S B L E A D E R S — B E C A U S E T H H


Offloe. 61 W O R L D B U I L D I N G . F a c t o r y . B U R L I N G T O N , VT.

p M. DARLING, ^^" Architectural Photoarapher

1 2 3 WEST 3Rth ST., $ e o o n a d o o r w e s t of Brot^dwdy, FBJW YOftJC

X Record and Guide November 5, 1898.

i i p r n r r p T P P WARM-AIR FURNACES r c n r c u i ,„„ POOKING RANGES


Richardson, Eoynton Co., IIHANIJF AC T I 7 B E B 8 ,


EstabUsbed 1 8 4 9 .

> » • • » » • • • • • » • • • » • • • • » • • » » • » • • • • » • • • • • • • » • • » • » • • • • • $

C A N Y O U U S E to advantage '


ADVANCE and UTHENTIC ^ " d conta ins

SPECIFIC DETAILS per ta in ing to your bus ines s?

W E OBTAIN such by personal in t e rv iews wi th Archi tects , Engineers , Contractors , Owners and others , and supply dai ly t o our subscr ibers .

THE SUCCESS Of our plan has been proven from continued use by

W7k-- • r ^ « d u r i n g t l ie las t

Progressive Firms SYEARS.

YOU CAN - • • J

hard ly make a n inte l l igent a n s w e r w i t h o u t full k n o w l ­edge of t h e methods and resources by which we would

Increase Your Business Our represen ta t ive will call if you are in teres ted .


146 Pranklin St. NEW VORK, 310 Six th Ave.

PHILADELPHIA, 447 Bourse Bui iding.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • < • • • • • « • • • • •

136.11 5 Lawrence Boulevard, 50x100, Bay S d e l ,9o0

"Willett, Wm. J r referee, to Edw G Alsdorf. Road to Brower 's POiiit, adj land Matthew Finaijane, contains 14 acres, Hempstead. Fore­closure. ,. l-b-'O

Wacb imuth , Louis, to Alois ana Elizabeth Braun. Grand av, s w cor Central av, 50x100, Newtown. ^ " - . f W

Wade W II and Howard J Cullingtord to F r a n k Grimm. Letfeits av, e s, 250 s Stewart av, 00x112.0. Morris Park . , nom

Ziegler, Wm to Cathar ine M Connor. I-ots iO^. 4.D•.^ block U map of Ingleside. Flushing. nom

Same to Jas A Stephens. Lot 40 and EJ^ lot 48_ blocli 3 map of Ingleside. F l u s t i n g . 2!ii.o0

MORTGAGES. Adam, Jul ius to W m L Flanagan, as managing

director. Lot 449. 445, 441. map of H tch-_ cock's Plan for Homes. Woodside. l.Olo.oO

Alsdorf. Edw G to exrs Nicholas Schench. Roafl to Brower 's Point, adj land Matthew Fimlcane; contains 14 acres, Hempstead. 1,500

AUhof, Herman H W to Annie A Brandre th . Rockaway Boulevard, s s, 50..T e land Thos A Welwood, 32x115.10x45.4x116.6 to beginning, Rockaway Beach. 2.r;00

Barron, Wm to American Co-operative Savings

and Loan Assoc. Grove st, n s, 355 w Junc­tion av. 50x200. Corona. 3,000

Chittenden, Horace H, assignee of A S Hatch & Co. Plots 1 to 3S map of Rockaway Point .

i.SlS.SS Cordy. Sophie to Louis Levy. Crown Et, s s,

200 w Central av. 50.^100. Corona, 225 Connor, Catharine M to Realty Trus t . Lots 492,

493. hlock 14 map of Ingleside, F lush ing . 2,100 Corel!, John V to Jennie M Morris. Smitli av,

ES, 80 w Wash ine 'on st, 20x100, Corona. 665 Clifford, Moses F and Lillie A C Brinkerhoff to

Alice Townsend. Lot 1,275 map of Sea Cliff Grove. Oyster Bay. 600

Falls . Jos A to Chas E Rider. Plot 1 block 7 map of Hempstead Gardens, Hempstead. 4.000

Gulager Elizabeth to Samuel H Meakim. Lots 1 and S block 192A map of Murray Hill, F lush ­ing. 2,000

Gibbons, Josephine to M Matilda Morrell. High­way from Manhasset to Por t Washington, w s. 232.10 n Nor th Hempstead turnpike. 2,500

Hayes, Thos F to Chas A Wiilets, Sr. North st. s s, 150 w Wyckoft av, 25x85, Brooklyu Hil ls .

2„500 Hines Michl R to Margaret ta M Maybee. Parcel

at Oyater Bay. on w s highway across the Plains and Bobbins lane, contains about 41 acres. Oyster Bay. 2,300

Hunter , Johu to L 1 City Savings Bank. Sth st e s. 625 n Broadway, oOxlOO, 4th Ward. L I City. 2,000

Humphrey , Owen W and S Giffcrd Slocum to F a r Rockaway Bank. Rose st, n s, 450 w Oceau av, 212x410, Freepor t . 3,500

Holder. Richard to Wm J Hamil ton. P a r k st, n s. 300 e Myrtle av, 25x100. Corona. 500

Jahelka , Joseph to Vaclav Cernovsky. Black-well st, e s. 600 n Vandeventer av, 46.4xl00.1x 38.0x100.5, Four th Ward, L I City. 900

Same to Joseph Gregor. Pomeroy st, w s, 625 n Vandeventer av. 100.1x21.4x100.5x29.2, 4th Ward, L I City. 500

Johnston. Jacob W to Eas t New York Co-opera­tive Savings and Building Loan Assoc. CUn­ton av, w s, 375 s Broadway, 50x100; WyckoS av, e s, 20O n Belmont av, 75x100.6, Ozone Park . 2,500

Kil'.et, Louis to Maria J Livingston. Wilbur av. s e cor Redde st, 25x100. 3d Ward, L I City.

500 Knodlhaus, Anna to Gerhard and W:lhe:mlna

Possenriede. l-Iurleate road, s s, 51.1 e Grove st :0'J.5x25xllO.Sx25, Newtown. 600

Lasker, Hat t ie and Tillie to Emanue l S Cahn. Banks av, s e cor Rockviile Center, lOOxlOO, Rockviile Center. 427.50

Martin, Pe te r to Jobn Shilds. Highway from

Pittsburgh Plate-Glass Company


T E L E P H O N E , 1184 SPRINQ.

Warehouses, 49, 51 & 53 Lafayette Place, New York. W. W. HEROY, Oeaeral Eastern Manager.

JOBBERS IN ALL KINDS OF GLASS. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS and OWNERS are invited to send for Estimates. We are the largest makers of Plate Glass in the world, and the quality of our production is known to be best and purchasers will find it much to their advantage to communicate with us.

rr,.,. Nbvember 5, 1898. Record and Guide

DYCKERHOFF Portland Cement


Please send word to

E. THIELE, 78 William St„ N. Y. SOLE AGENT.

If you cannot secure prompt supply.



CHARLES PLOCK, Sole Agent for U.S.

1123 BROADWAY ( T o w n s e u d B u i i d i u g ) ,

T e l e p h o n e , 2 ^ 6 7 I S t b S t . N E W Y O E K

Glen Cove to Hempstead Plains , e s, adj land Josepli Wansor, contains about 1 acre. Oyster Bay. SOO

McCallum. Robt C to Rose Ross. Van Pe l t st, • w s. 450 n Ski'.lman av, oO.xluD, L I City. 1300 Melia, Michl to Sidney T Post . Pearsall av. s s,

adj land J S Valentine, 5Uxl64. Freeport . 135 Meier, Sopliie to Chas W and Meta Stentzel. Cy­

press av, s cor Smitli at, 102x22, Newtown. 3.500

Morris, Jennie M to Geo H Gill. Lot 19 block 12 map Grinnell property, Newtown. l.tJOO

Nocera. Giovanni to e^r Mary A Lawton. Nev­ins st, s s, C16 w Corona av, oO.lixfiSxoO, New­town. 1.100

O'Connor, Bridget to L I City Savings pa i ik . Bar tow st, e s, loU s Vandeventer av, 23'c 111.10x25x110.11, L 1 CUy. 750

Pearsal l , E l la L to Hempstead Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc. Cleveland av, n s. 2211.8 e Willis av, b;^.3xT8.2x112x75, Mineola.

1.920 Pet t i t , E lv i ra C and Alfred to Martin King .

Broad st, w s, 50 n 4th st. 23.0x107.5, New­town. 300

Payne, Geo E to Queens Co Bank. Borden av, n s, 475 e West av. 25x80, L I City. 1,100

Same to same. Borden av, n s, 450 e West av, 25x90. L I City. l.OOO

Rea, Daniel R to Brooklyn and New York Arca­num Building, Loan and Savings Assoc. 4th, Bt. s w s, 200 s e Newtown av. 75x200, New­town. 4.203

Reid, Wm W to Union Co-operative Building and Loan Aasoc. 1st av, e s, 472.3 s Methodist Church lot, 122,9x213.0x123x212.7, Jamaica .

3,800 Saul, Hen ry 0 to Elizabeth Siebert. Maple av,

e s, 100 n Jacksou Boulevard, 4G.llx—x39.6x 111.3, Newtown. 900

Salvatore, Comincio to W m C Roe and John R Devine, trustee Nelson Sands, deed. Newins St. n s, 3G2 w Corona av, 75x100. Corona. 800

Sigal, Charles and Joseph to Astoria Homestead Co. Steinway av, n w s, 250 a e Woolsey av, 25x100, L I City. 5th Ward. GOO

Story. Elmer G and John H Story to Augus tus F Way. Asbburton av, s w cor Bell av, lOOx 200. Bay Side. 4,1100

St Pa t r i ck ' s Church, L I City to Emig ran t Indus­trial Savings Bank. Academy st. n cor P a y n ' a r av. 200.3x200.2x100.1x100.1x100,1, to begin­ning. L I City. 20 OOO

Tangredi , Cathar ine A and Antonio t o J a s M Challerton. Lot S map Geo B' Brinckerhoff, Mount Prospect, Newlown. 1,200

Wall t ropp, Charles to Jacob and Elizabeth Motz. P lamers av, a a, 50 e P a r k at, oUxlCO, College Point. 500


Becker, Kasper to John H Schleidt. 1,200 Boenke, Rudolph to Richard H Rhame. nom De Witt . Lydia B to Garre t J Garretson, guardn

James Garretson. 501 Edwards , Clarence to Geo J Scheibel. 50O Hendrickson, Nathaniel 0 to Richard W Ncail.

SG" Hempstead Bank to Mary E Shotwell. 3.000 Hunt , Cora E to Mercantile Co-operative Bank.

nom Leprohon, P M to Charles Enger t . nom Loeber, Pri tz to Joaeph,Henry and Charles Lieb­

mann. TOO Muller, Louise, to Stanley Poole. 2.725 Meyer, Henry W to Nett ie D Meyer, (IS mor t ; )

nom Moen. Florence to Margare t Walsfer, 025 Nerlacher. John to Florence A Cutler. 613.75 Rit terband, David S to Edw A Gearon. nom Treadwell . Jas W to Gertrude J Ingraham. 501

Improved PlasticSlate Roofing " " T o r ^ r k ^ o r " " ' " M a n n f a o t o r e d b y J . C A S M E N T O & C O . ,

1 6 0 F i f t h A r e n u e , NefV 1 o r k .

Trubee, Saml C and John H u r d exrs Isaao Con­lin to Alex B Conklin, t rustee of Isaac Conklin deceaaed. nom

Tyler . Wm H to Johanna Ford. 2,000 Wyckoff, W m P to Wyckoff Llnnlngton. 800

JUDGMENTS. Best. George and William—Chas Hoffman, J r .

561.78 Baylis, Elizabeth G—Wm W Stout et a l . 291.01 Campbell, Edw J—W T Se G Knapp. 130.16 Darley, John—Frankl in Society for Home Build­

ing and Savings. 1,308.01 Daeschler, . George—Karseh Brewing Co. 38.61 Driscoll, Prebe A—Pliebe A Rider. 58.32 Same Wilbur Pearsa l l . 1C.32 Same Corneliua Carman and ano 66.1 0 Engelbrock, Robert—Fredk 0 Pierce 50.23 Gottlieb, George and M a r i e ^ A m h o n y Darmstadt .

30,22 Gould Roofing Co—Wm A Gilldea et al. 1,44S.82 Har r i s , Eliliu F—Long Island Wood Co. 108.61 Henra t ty , Minnie C—Thomas Conville Bwg Co.

152.37 Hicks, Leonard M—P P Mast & Co. 132.73 Jackaon, Margaret—Jos F Fel ton. 34,93 Kevlin, Maggie—Sallie E P Coles. 1?9.43 McKenna, Nicholaa—Jeasie C McBride. 101.94 Muhlenbrlnk. Otto—Moore Se Sijinott. 91.05 Murphy, Josephine—Fredk Opperman, Jr . , exrs

of 358 41 Muller. John C—James Gordon Bennett . 255.86 New York and Queens Co Rwy Co—Bridget Bra­

den. 1,163.61 New York, City of—Chas W Hal le t t . 414.69 Same Wm H Edwards . 93.15 Same Max M Myers. 113.16 Same Walter B Andresen, $167.85; John S

Noble, $72.35; Henry D Ing. $30.35; Geo F Gerard. ,?81.75; H e n r y D Ing, ^^30.35; Geo Shea, .$G1.S5; Geo P and Enoch Jacobus 342.50

Pa t ten , Dana A—Climax Quick Tanning Co and Canaigre Construction Co. 32'.i.28

Palmer . Erns t and Maggie—Frank Wetzel. 819 38 Puels, Joseph P—George Keyes. e s r s of 78!1.2o Quinn, M a r g a r e t - S a l l i e E P Coles. 130.43 H:sch, Fredtr :ck—Christ ian Munk. 86.77 Reynolds, Jessie C—Fredk H Foster . 148.15 Sharp, Lewis B—E G Washburne . 13S.34 David, Stevenson Brewing Co.—Elmore D Mc-

Inroy. 12,736.60 SchJotz, Carlos A—Francisco De Paula et al.

Vosa, Kar l and Marie—Fredk Podann. Wheelwright . Wm B—Emil Gus'afson. Wenst . Gustav—Julia Blumhardt . Winkle , Herman—Florence Burchard .

3,021.76 44.08

3,8'I7 00 3,314.02



Cooper av, n s. 27 s w Wyckoff av, Glendale, L I. Ha r ry Raines and Thos N Mosher agt Mary S Klingenbeclt. 1,310

Same property. Same agt same. 470

Oct. 31. Ward St. w s. 67 s Garden st, 30x90, Morris

Park . L I. Michael Serpico agt Geo B Har t ­man.

N o S c a u i H . N o R i v e l a . . N o l i e a k s .

W i t b a


C o p p e r H o u s e R a n g e

BOILER in t h e ki tc l ie i i , you ave abso-l i . t e ly f ree I rom all a m i o y a o c e s iDcident to t h e o r d i n o i y fcal vai i ized i r o n r a u g e Dolier. Made o l t w o pii-cea, u n i t e d t i n d e r h y d r a u l i c pres . iu ie . t l i e B r o w n Boiler CaiiMOt h a b . T h e s p i r a l r i b g u a r a u l e e s agMOet co l l apse . TUe t i u lin­ing i n s u r e s

Clean Hot Water Boi le r Book le t for t h e a s k i n g

Raiiol i l & Clofes, E o s 1 8 ,



Preservative Coatings. For Exteriors.

S P A K C O A T I N G . S P A R U N U E K C O A T . E L A S T I C O U T S I D E .


For In ter iors . IXL No. 1. IXL No. IH-IXL No. 2. FLOOR FINI«H,


.. EDWARD S M I T H & CO. Varn i sh Make r s a u d Color Gr inde r s ,

B o o k l e t l o r t h e a sk ing . 45 B r o a d w a y , N. Y


DESKS Office Puru i i iu -

o l e v e r y de sc r i p t i on .

T. G. SELLEW, 1 1 1 F u l t o n B e , N. y .

O. W. O B . TtiEO. G O L D S M I T H ,

J O S I A H S. U:Nl>isAY,

Pliamber, Only flrat-class work aoIlcEted.

ISO Eaa i 35 t i l Street

A. K L A B E R . I m p o r t e r o l a n d W o r k e r In


9 3 8 t o 3 4 4 K A S T a v t b S T R E E T , At2 i l Ave E l e v a t e d R R BtEit.ion. N e w York.

T e l e p l i o n e , i>45 H a r l e m .

WILLIAM G. COCHRANE, Electr ical Engineer and Contractor.

I n s i a l l a i i o u and M n i u t e D a r e e of E l e c i r i c L igh t and P o w e r P l a n t s .

4 9 YV«Ht I d S l h Mt., N « i v V o r l i . L a t e w i t h G c u e r a l E l e c i r i c Co . .Sc l jeueotady ,N.Y.

J WILLIAM J. FRYER. T e l e p h o n e . 7 3 C o r t l a n d t .


Consulting Architect and Engineer Offers h i s Bervlcea to owners , i rch i tec to , b u i l d e n , lawyers aud o tbers in auy capacity wbere a knowl­edge of bui lding construct ion, and ot tho U w s r«-lat lng to buildings m a y be Jcs l red .



W. R. OSTRANDER & CO.> Maoufacturere of



2 3 P E T . S T K E E T , - - N E W Y O R K .


W e w i l l b i n d c o p i e s o f " T h e B e c o r d a n d G n i d e " i n h a l f

m o r o o o o , € m o n t l i i , p e r v o l . , $ 2 ; h a l f s h e e p , $ 1 . 7 6 .

R E C O R D A N D G U I D E ,

B i n d i n E D e p a r t m e n t s

XII Record and Guide November 5, i8g8.

B K T L I O H T S , V A U L T L I G H T S , C O R N I C B 3 A N D R O O F I N G .


Concrete Vault Lights ana lUuminating Lights JeSSon.

B e f r a c t i n s P r i a m s — t h e l a t e s t sclentlOo m e t h o d for t h e diffusion of L i g h t .

M a n u f a c t u r e r a of J A C O B ' S P A T E N T S .

S I O P B A K L S T R E B T , N E W F O R K .

T e l e p h o n e , 2 1 F r a n k l i u .

Brooklyn Vault Light Co. (Former ly T O W L B VAtJ l /T U Q H T OO.)

Manufacturers of

Vault Lights, Skvllffhts, And Pa ten t Light Work ot Every Description,

F a c t o r r , 4 8 1 D r i g g a A r e .

Tel., 1240 Wmaburg. (cor. N, 10th St.), Brooklyn.

ORNAMENTAL SHEET METAL WORKS. Cornices, Skylischts, Roofing.

E. D O C T O R , P r o p r i e t o r ,

4 1 0 E A S T 6 6 t h S T R E E T , Be t . l 8 t Ave. and Ave . A.

T e l 6 p h o D e , l l l 7 7 9 t h S t r e e t .


EstimateB for TIN and SLATE ROOFING aud SKYLIOHTS. Tel. 2201 Spring.

1 8 1 V a r i c k S t r e e t , - N e w T o r k

Manhattan Comics & Skylight Works. A L E X A N D E R &. W E i a S , P r o p s .

T i n and S la t e Rooflng. I 435E.HoustonSt.,N.Y. Bay Windows and Window Caps. 1 Tel.. 332 Spriag.

NATIONAIi Slate and Metal COKNKJE A N D Eoofing, S K Y L I G H T W O R K S , 50 Clinton St..

BORNSTEIN BROS., Propa. Near Stanton St., N. Y

U. F . Westergren, Vtvi. TkLttHdrw^ The Architectural Sheet Metal Works

SKYLIGHTS C e r n i c c a n d R v o f l n g .


4 3 3 , 4 3 a a n d 4 3 7 E a a t 1 4 4 t h S t r e e t , K.S.



C. BICKELHOUPT 243 & 245 ^Vest 4:7th Street,

TelepliOB*, No . « 7 5 SSth S t . N E W Y O R E .

M A C H W I R T H & S M I T H ,


I r » n C o r n i c e s , I j « n d « r a , O n t M r a a n d 8 k r U s h U .

1 4 f t E A S T a a t b S T R E E T , N E W V O R K .

THE BROOKLYN SKYL16HT& CORNICE WORKS E i t l m a t e s fuTBlatied

for BlieBt M e t a l a n d W r o u g h t I r o n G-laael S t r u c t u r e s .

JOHN SETON, r s a n d 8 0

V r a a h i n g t « a A T . ,

R r o o k l y n .

REMOVAL T o 3 9 f l R r o o i a c S t ,

N e a r C e n t r e . Tel . , 909 S p r i n t .


WORKS. Skylights. Roofing.

National Cornle« and Skyllsht Works. Louia Perlstein, P rop .

Bay Windows and Window Caps. Tin and Metal Rooflng, and Architectural Sheet Metal Works .

*.*6 M a r k e t S t r e e t , N e w V o r k .

nrnjasH, BTO.



•*AH E. 1 0 4 l b n t . . N e w T o r k .

E s t a t e of J . C3r- XXiES'X'SZJEjXjy M a n n f a c . « r e r g L A T E R S ' A N D T I N N E R S ' C E M E N T

U s e d fo r E e p a i r i n g aU k i n d s of l eaky roofa, and p o i n t i n g s k y l i g h t s a n d flashing iu b r i c k wa l l s .

E a t a b U s h e d 1 8 6 0 . 6 r K I A I N E S T R E E T , N E W A R K , N , J .

F K ^ D - BRANDT, Roofing, CorniceSj Skylights

B R A N D T ' S P A T E N T

Stationary Zinc Wash-Tubs Warranted for ten yea^

Price, $10,50 per Bet. klti^ c Bath-Tub and Wasb-Tseb


'»9 lew -Ee S T A B i t i l S H E D : ± B 6 . 8 *

F I R E - P R O O F eONSYf3UC-DlON ^ ^'^


D O n S L K .

Siaes. i s t . 2d. 3d. Ath. 6x 8—10x15 $23 50 $22 0 0 $ 2 1 0 0

11x14—14x20 28 50 26 25 2 4 50 10x26—16x24 3 1 25 28 5 0 26 25 1 8 x 2 2 — 2 0 x 3 0 3 4 50 3 1 7 5 28 7 5 1 5 x 3 6 - 2 4 x 3 0 36 5 0 33 75 3 0 50 26x28—24x36 4 1 0 0 37 25 3 3 75 26x34—30x10 4 7 0 0 42 75 38 00 3 3 x 3 8 — 3 0 x 5 0 55 0 0 50 0 0 45 50 3 0 x 5 2 — 3 0 x 5 4 57 0 0 51 75 46 50 3 0 x 5 6 — 3 4 x 5 6 . . . . , 59 50 54 00 58 50 3 4 x 5 8 — 3 4 x 6 0 63 00 57 50 59 0 0 36x60—4,0x60 6 6 60 SO 50 5.S 0 0 - —

F R E N C H L I S T .

s i z e s . 1 s t . 2d . Sd. iXh. 6 i 8 — 1 0 x 1 6 . . . . SIB 5 0 $ 1 4 5 0 $ 1 4 0 0 $ 1 3 5 0

1 1 x 1 4 - 1 6 x 3 4 . . . . 18 5 0 1 7 7 5 16 75 1 6 00 1 8 x 2 3 - 2 0 * 8 0 . . , . 2 4 35 2 3 0 0 fflSS 3 0 6 0

B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L P R I C E S .

a«x34-aex44.,.. 26146-30x50,... 30x52-30x54.... 30x56—34x56.... 34x58-34x60.... 36x60^0x60....

32 35 38 25 39 •'S «. 50 43 50 47 60

30 50 36 50 37 50 39 00 42 00 44 25

37 00 32 75 33 75 36 00 39 00 42 00

DOOBLE. s u e s .

6 i 8 - 1 0 x 1 5 . I l x l 4 - l f t x 2 4 . 1 8 s 2 2 - 3 0 x 3 0 . 1 5 s 3 « - a 4 x 3 0 . 2 6 x 2 8 - 3 4 x 3 6 . S « x 3 4 — S 0 x 4 0 , 3 2 x 3 8 - 5 0 x 5 0 . 3 0 J 5 2 — 3 0 x 5 4 . 8 0 x 5 6 - 3 4 x 5 6 . 94x58—B4x60 . 8 6 x 8 0 — 4 0 x 6 0 .


I s t , 3d . Sd . . . . f 3 1 50 $20 50 $19 7 5 . , , 26 0 0 25 0 0 3 3 75

31 75 39 7 5 3 3 75 SO 50 37 38 3 3 75

7 5 38 0 0 45 50 4 8 75 4 9 75 5 3 5 0 t>7 5 0

4 t h .

I.MOKrrZ.Prop. Tel., 164 7901 St.

Cornices and Roof ing. C o r r u g a t e d I r o n W o r t .

U 9 2 & U 9 4 SKCONT* A V E N U E Bet . 6 2 d a n d 6 3 d Sts . , N . "Y

Chris. Greenthaier, HAHUrAOnnUB OF

O a l v a n l z e d I r o n O o m i c e s and Slryllglj tt

Tin, Iron and Slate Booflng,

Bittm&tu Oheerfnll; Olven.

_ SflO DeKalb AT«. , Bet. Throop and Bumnei

R o o f l n g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ / /

branches. ^ ' ^ ^

V Eagle Corntce and ^ ekrlishi Worlu. ^ • v y ^ BOIS A

. \ X'-^^^ COLBMA \ \ \ \ X:> 302 V X V ^ ^ ^ W e s t 40ti V ^ ^ ^ ^ street, ^^""^ New Torh

MANHATTAN Cornices.Skylights Roofing Works.

Estimates irnrniebed. Repairing In all Branches

M. a. A. W I L S O N , 210-213 'Cana 1 St . , N . Y

, u » > t V W b m i i e i d i ? H M U ^ L 5


Cornices, Skylights and Awnings. TIN AND SLATE R O O n N Q .

3 9 9 H a m b a r g A T . , B k l y n . Tel . 233 B'wicfc



6 4 Raid A v e n u e . B r o o k l y n , N. Ti,

LTJMBKK. A p p e n d e d q u o t a t i o n s a r « h a s e d a l m o s t w h o m

u p o n p r i e e s o h t a l n e d for goods f rom first h a n d s . Y a r d r a t e s neoesea r l l y r a n g e m u c h h i g h e r o w l n s t o t h a e x p e n s e s a t t e n d l p g s o r t i n g o u t a n d g r a d I n f o a r f 0 a n d e v e n oa r l o t s , bes ides w h i c h m u e l h e a d d e d t h e o o s t of h a n d l i n g a u d c a r r j l n g u n t i i o a n s u m e r s a r e r e a d y t o luYest . T e r m s of sa l e a lso p r o v e I m p o r t a n t f a c t o r s , a u d a l t oge t l i e r i l \i t rnposa lb le t o g i v e a l ine of r e t a i l qao ta t lo i iF t h o r o u g h l y re l i ab le i n o h a r a o t e r . S P R U C K — B a s t e m — i p e e l a l

• a r g o e s d e l i v e r e d N . Y . . . . $ 1 5 0 0 « 1 7 5 t R a n d o m oa rgoes , n a r r o w . . . 13 0 0 1 4 2 t Bf tndom ca rgoes , w i d e 1 4 5 0 16 DC

P I L I N G — E a s t e r n — c a r g o r a t e s : R a n g i n g 3 0 ® 4 0 p e r M u t 12

t n o h b u t t , 35 t o 4 0 f t . a v s r a g e l e n g t h 4

B a n g i n g 4 0 ® 5 0 pe r o e n t 12 I n S i b u t t , 3 5 t o 4 0 I t . a v e r a g e l e n g t h 4-'4 • —

B a n g i n g 5 0 ® 6 0 p e r o e n t 12 I n o h b u t t , 88 t o 4 0 ft. a v e r a g e l e n g t h 4*2

T w o - t h i r d s 13 I n c h b u t t . 3 8 t o 4 2 ft. a v e r a g e l e n g t h . . . 5 —

T h r e e - f o n r t h e 12 i n o h h u t t , 4 0 to 4 5 f t . a v e r a g e l e n g t h 5 ^ —

A l l 12-inoli b u U a n d u p , 4 0 t o 4 5 f t . a v e r a e - e l e n g t h . 5 % »

P i e c e s t ick, 40 feet e a c l i . . . . 4 0 0 — do. 4 5 . . . . 6 00 d« . 5 0 . . . . 8 0 0 d o . 55 . . . . 12 0 0

I n o h s p a r e , pe r I n c h 2 0 Soaffoldlng p o l e s , e a c h 7 5 C lo thes po les , 45 t o 66 ft.

eaol i 3 0 0 H E M L O C K .

P e n n , j o l a t 11 00 do. b o a r d s 1 3 0 0 do. do . su r faoed 12 50 do . t i m b e r , 20 tt A n n d e r I ' i 00 do . do . 2 2 t o 24 f t . . . 12 5 0 do. do . 2 6 t o 28 f t . . . do . do . 3 0 t o 3 2 tt... do . d o . 3 4 to 36 f t . . . do . do . 38 t o 4 0 f t . . .

W H I T E PINE—Good U p p e r s . I t o 2 incl ies 45 00

U p p e r a n d s e l e c t . 2 i 3 t o 4 i n . 55 0 0 Shelv ing , o r d i c a r y 37 0 0 Cur t ing-up 28 00 B r a e k e t p l a n t 28 00 Dress ing-boards 2 3 0 0 BoT. ino l i 1 1 00 B o i . t h l o k 15 0 0 Wes t I n d i a s h i p p e r s 17 0 0 Rio J a n e c i o do 2 0 0 0 R t v o r f U t e do 25 00 Aust ra l lB do 25 0 0

I R O N . Pig , Amer ioan , No. 1. ,per t on 1 0 oO Pig , A m e r i o a n , No . 2 10 0 0 Pig , Amer ican . P o t g * 9 **>

BAR HON r»OM ITOKI. C o m m o n I r o n

^ to 3 l a . r e u n d i s d ^([vare. . Kftf lnedlroB.

5* t o 3 in. r o u n d a n d t q a a r e . . 1 » 0 l 60 l t o 4 t B . x S 9 t o l i a l « I S O 1 6 0 4 H t o 6 U . x N t o l i * 1 » 0 1 6 0 1 t o 6 in . x>4 a n d 5-16 1 7 0 I B O R « d s — ^ •a l l - l « r o u n d vA

•n t i a r e ! , • • I T "

13 25 13 50 14 25 15 00

2i 1 Ol'

6 O.

11 2. 12 50 12 75 12 60 13 OD 13 60 14 OO 14 75 16 OD

60 00 70 00 30 00 35 00 33 00 30 00 12 00 18 00 19 6u 22 00 30 00 30 00

12 00 11 50 10 50

P«r lb. 1 10 * 1 16

M ri«H