d Guide. - The Real Estate Record

an d Guide. iw e^ ^ ESTABLISHm^M,ftRCH2r-i^l968.'^ DE/O^EQ TO HE^L ESTME , BuiLoif/C ^RC^^lTECrrol^E ,HoiSElJOLD DECORAHON. ~~ BLISIIJESS AIIDTHEMES OF GEHEIV^L IJ^JTCR^EST PRUE, PER VEAR IM ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every Saturday. TELEPHONE, . "^ , . JOHN 370. Communications should be addi-essed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. /. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager. VOL. XLII. OCTOBER (i, 1888. No. 1,073 Evei-ytbing secimecl to favor the "bulls" in stocks early in the week. Treasury disbursements were large because of the falling due of the October iaterest;; and dividends. Theu tlie boud pur- chasei'S were ou so large a scale as to add to the bank reserves at a time of the year wheii they usually run down. Tho rai,c war,"; iu the West were officially aiiiioiiiiced ay over, and tbeu the close of Septeiuber settled the question, that we bad raised the 1-jrgest corn, oats and hay crops ever known iu our liistory. But stock specula- tion is always uncertain. The dealings" in -wheat became positively frantic, then tbe Atchison & Sauta Fe reduced its dividends to a 4 per cent, basis. It was known also that money was ruling unnat- urally higb abroad, due to the dangerous investments in all the European bourses. So the market baited for a time. StiU it looks as if " bulls " were likely to have the best of ihe game in tbe long run. The reduction of the Atchison dividend was a conservative measure m itself, and the wild wheat speculation injiired foreigners more tbau Americans. The primary fact remains that our couutry bas generally been blessed with abundant crops, and tlie foreign demand for tbem will be large. Our i-ailroad system will be taxed to tlie utmost to carry the freight that will be offered during tbe coming yeai, a state of things wbicb inaures us against destructive rate wars. Altogetlier ihe outlook for American securities is very promising. - For many years past foreigu grain dealers and sjieculators have made a great deal of money by "shorting" our wheat market. They used to buy the cash article and sell late options. In this kind of trading the foreigners got the best of the New York and Chicago wheat sharps ; but tbe tables have been turned this year. Emboldened by their past experiences, foreigners have sold vast quantities of wheat which they did not own, but a speculative " bull " fever has broken out iu our markets, and " wheat has gone out of siglit." In fact that cereal has cornered itself. Wlien options involving forty or (ifty million bushels are bought and tbe supply of actual wheat is less tlian ten millions, it follows tliat there will be an insane scramble amoug the "bulls" to get possession of the coveted cereal. Tbis is what is iiappcning in our grain markets. A reaction must come some time, wliich will be the more severe as there are so few " sboi-ts " to cover, and thus break the course of the downward surge. This wheat business sbows the speculation, wliich has been dormant iu the grain as wcli as in the stock market lor some time past, is now at work agaiu, and we will probably soon see its effect in aii departments of business. This is why " bulls " are so confident about the future of iirices in tbe securities market. One point respecting our crops it will be well to bear in mind. There is no large surplus of wheat; but of )iay, corn and oats there is an exceedingly abundant supply. We shall have 30 per cent, more hay and oats, and om- corn yield may reach 2,300,000,000 bushels; that is to say, our animal crop will be very large for the next two years. Hay, oats aud corn are generally used up near where they are grown and reappear in the form of cattle, bogs, lard, provisions aud manufactured products. It is this wbicb gives the railroads their principal busiuess, as not only tbe wheat, rye, grass and potato crops are short abroad. Europe will need more animal as well as vegetable food up to the close of the present crop year. There is a rumor from Washingtou that the Repubhcans will urge on the Executive to open negotiations with the English Ministry looking towards the auuexation of the Dominion of Canada to the United States. It is written in the book of Destiny that some time in the futm-e there \^'iil ouly be one government in all of North America. There is every human reason why the two countries should become one. The offer to be made, it is said, is tbat the United States should assume the Canadian debt of some 1^300,- 000,000. We could afford that mouey and $300,000,000 io addition. •Annexation would greatly enrich Canada. Still, we doubt if this deshable result wiU ever be brought about except through force of arms. There are but few instances in the history of Great Britain when its government has vohmtarily sui-rendered auy territory. It would be the i-uin of any Cabinet wJiich would seriously propose such a measure to Purliainent as the surrender of Canada to the United States. The Republican senatorial advocacy of tliis matter is largely poUtical, (he intention being to offyet President Cleve- land's retaliatory message. Wheu Blair and Rives published a Democratic organ in Wash- ington in General Jackson's, time it was said that if it was necessary to kill some rising popular leader, Blair would attack him or Rives would praise bim. Either mode of procedure was fatal to fche unfortunate politician. Mr. Charles A. Dana four years ago tried opposition to see if be could defeat Grover Cleveland, but this year to affect the same result he is supporting Mr. Cleveland, and he certainly shows rare dexterity in knifing tbe candidate he ostensibly supports. Still, he sbows the cloven foot at times too obviously. His demand that the Demo- cratic Presidential candidate shall write a letter indorsing Governor Hill is not so much intended to help the latter as it is to injure the candidacy of Mr. Cleveland. The Mugwumps are solid for the President uow in oifice, but notbing cau induce them to support Hill. The latter will, however, poi! a very heavy vote because he has behind him fche powerful brewing and Liquor iuterest as well as tens of tlioiL-iands of voters in both parties who do not believe in any Australian electiou law which would prevent their taking bribes when personal and party feeling ran high. Many of these votes are not available for Mr. Cleveland, and unless the Prohibi- tionists .ioin the Mugwumps and the labor people in supporting Warner Miller the latter will not have as many supporters in this State as General Harrison. The tariff bill pnt forth by the Itepublican Senators contains some good points, and would undoubtedly reduce tbe revenue more eft'ectively tban would the Mills bill; but it is idle to discuss either of them, as neither havea chance of passage through tbe present Congress. We doubt if the Senate bill will help tbe Republican canvass, as its free fists and proposed reductions will offend many powerful interests. The added duties wfil gain no new friends, for manufacturers very geuerally now favor tbe Republican candidate. We sbaU have no tariff legislation until the sirring of 1890. Chances seem to favor a House of Representatives committed to protection. If there are any changes in our import duties it will be uuder the provisions of au entirely difl'erent bill from tbat proposed by a Dem- ocratic House or tbe Republican Senators, Mayor He\vitt will soon have the appointment of seven commis- sioners for the Board of Education. The present board is composed of lawyers, bankers and two women. Would it uot be a good idea for the Mayor to bave one architect or builder among tbe twenty- one commissioners? New school-houses are constantly needed, and some technical knowledge ought to be available in their arrange- ment and construction. A sanitary expert also, vested in the mys- teries of plumbing, would make a useful commissioner, provided he was not a crank, or was uot interested in any invention. It is all right that the bulk of the commissiouers should represent the general public, but the past appointments have been made too exclusively from the ranks of the lawers and bankers. There is beginning to be a feeling iu metal trade circles that tbe great international copper trust is not so bad a thing after all. The copper industry in the past has beeu characterized bv years of heavy production and low prices, followed by years of ligbt produc- tion compared witb the demand and high prices. Hence tbe busi- ness methods of the trade bave resembled gambhng. In 1880 copper sold at 33 cents a pound. Up to the formation of tbe syndi- cate tbe price was as low aa 10 cents a pound. The price fixed by the trust—about 10 cents—is not exorbitant, and every interest would be benefited if that rate could be maintained for many years to come. That price pays for the mining of tiie copper, and mann factnrers have no cause for complaint, as they are all treated alike and kno-w upon what they can depend. But the mannfacturiug industry is tin-owu into disorder when tho price of copper fluctuates so widely ; then some producers get flie better of others by securiug the raw metal at exceptionally low prices. There is no getting away from the fact tbat the great industries of the world are being organized to get rid of unwise and wasteful competiti m. In tbe long run uo oue is really benefited when commodities aro sold below cost. This reduces the price of labor and ruins the employer. Hence the organization of trusts so much complained of aims to put a stop to ruuioas competition. There is always danger that organized capital may be tempted to exploit the community, after they have secured a monopoly hi the production. of any needed product. But excessive profits would inevitably in time lead to renewed competition. A trust cannot permanently exist unless it sells its wares at a price winch renders competition unprofitable. The international copper syndicate so far has acted wisely, and there can be no reasonable objection to tbe organizatiou of that or any industry, so as to bring about steadiness in prices. Botb labor ^ ii ift

Transcript of d Guide. - The Real Estate Record

an d Guide. iw

e^ ^ ESTABLISHm^M,ftRCH2r-i^l968. '^


PRUE, PER VEAR IM ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every Saturday.

TELEPHONE, . " , . JOHN 370.

Communications should be addi-essed to

C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. / . T. LINDSEY, Business Manager.

VOL. XLII. OCTOBER (i, 1888. No. 1,073

Evei-ytbing secimecl to favor the "bu l l s " in stocks early in the week. Treasury disbursements were large because of the falling due of the October iaterest;; and dividends. Theu tlie boud pur-chasei'S were ou so large a scale as to add to the bank reserves at a time of the year wheii they usually run down. Tho rai,c war,"; iu the West were officially aiiiioiiiiced ay over, and tbeu the close of Septeiuber settled the question, that we bad raised the 1-jrgest corn, oats and hay crops ever known iu our liistory. But stock specula­tion is always uncertain. The dealings" in -wheat became positively frantic, then tbe Atchison & Sauta Fe reduced its dividends to a 4 per cent, basis. It was known also that money was ruling unnat­urally higb abroad, due to the dangerous investments in all the European bourses. So the market baited for a time. StiU it looks as if " bulls " were likely to have the best of ihe game in tbe long run. The reduction of the Atchison dividend was a conservative measure m itself, and the wild wheat speculation injiired foreigners more tbau Americans. The primary fact remains that our couutry bas generally been blessed with abundant crops, and tlie foreign demand for tbem will be large. Our i-ailroad system will be taxed to tlie utmost to carry the freight that will be offered during tbe coming yeai, a state of things wbicb inaures us against destructive rate wars. Altogetlier ihe outlook for American securities is very

promising. • — - — •

For many years past foreigu grain dealers and sjieculators have made a great deal of money by "shor t ing" our wheat market. They used to buy the cash article and sell late options. In this kind of trading the foreigners got the best of the New York and Chicago wheat sharps ; but tbe tables have been turned this year. Emboldened by their past experiences, foreigners have sold vast quantities of wheat which they did not own, but a speculative " bull " fever has broken out iu our markets, and " wheat has gone out of siglit." In fact that cereal has cornered itself. Wlien options involving forty or (ifty million bushels are bought and tbe supply of actual wheat is less tlian ten millions, it follows tliat there will be an insane scramble amoug the " b u l l s " to get possession of the coveted cereal. Tbis is what is iiappcning in our grain markets. A reaction must come some time, wliich will be the more severe as there are so few " sboi-ts " to cover, and thus break the course of the downward surge. This wheat business sbows the speculation, wliich has been dormant iu the grain as wcli as in the stock market lor some time past, is now at work agaiu, and we will probably soon see its effect in aii departments of business. This is why " bulls " are so confident about the future of iirices in tbe securities market.

One point respecting our crops it will be well to bear in mind. There is no large surplus of wheat; but of )iay, corn and oats there is an exceedingly abundant supply. We shall have 30 per cent, more hay and oats, and om- corn yield may reach 2,300,000,000 bushels; that is to say, our animal crop will be very large for the next two years. Hay, oats aud corn are generally used up near where they are grown and reappear in the form of cattle, bogs, lard, provisions aud manufactured products. It is this wbicb gives the railroads their principal busiuess, as not only tbe wheat, rye, grass and potato crops are short abroad. Europe will need more animal as well as vegetable food up to the close of the present crop year.

There is a rumor from Washingtou that the Repubhcans will urge on the Executive to open negotiations with the English Ministry looking towards the auuexation of the Dominion of Canada to the United States. It is written in the book of Destiny that some time in the futm-e there \^'iil ouly be one government in all of North America. There is every human reason why the two countries should become one. The offer to be made, it is said, is tbat the United States should assume the Canadian debt of some 1 300,-000,000. We could afford that mouey and $300,000,000 io addition.

•Annexation would greatly enrich Canada. Still, we doubt if this deshable result wiU ever be brought about except through force of arms. There are but few instances in the history of Great Britain when its government has vohmtarily sui-rendered auy territory. It

would be the i-uin of any Cabinet wJiich would seriously propose such a measure to Purliainent as the surrender of Canada to the United States. The Republican senatorial advocacy of tliis matter is largely poUtical, (he intention being to offyet President Cleve­land's retaliatory message.

Wheu Blair and Rives published a Democratic organ in Wash­ington in General Jackson's, time it was said that if it was necessary to kill some rising popular leader, Blair would attack him or Rives would praise bim. Either mode of procedure was fatal to fche unfortunate politician. Mr. Charles A. Dana four years ago tried opposition to see if be could defeat Grover Cleveland, but this year to affect the same result he is supporting Mr. Cleveland, and he certainly shows rare dexterity in knifing tbe candidate he ostensibly supports. Still, he sbows the cloven foot at times too obviously. His demand that the Demo­cratic Presidential candidate shall write a letter indorsing Governor Hill is not so much intended to help the latter as it is to injure the candidacy of Mr. Cleveland. The Mugwumps are solid for the President uow in oifice, but notbing cau induce them to support Hill. The latter will, however, poi! a very heavy vote because he has behind him fche powerful brewing and Liquor iuterest as well as tens of tlioiL-iands of voters in both parties who do not believe in any Australian electiou law which would prevent their taking bribes when personal and party feeling ran high. Many of these votes are not available for Mr. Cleveland, and unless the Prohibi­tionists .ioin the Mugwumps and the labor people in supporting Warner Miller the latter will not have as many supporters in this State as General Harrison.

The tariff bill pnt forth by the Itepublican Senators contains some good points, and would undoubtedly reduce tbe revenue more eft'ectively tban would the Mills bill; but it is idle to discuss either of them, as neither havea chance of passage through tbe present Congress. We doubt if the Senate bill will help tbe Republican canvass, as its free fists and proposed reductions will offend many powerful interests. The added duties wfil gain no new friends, for manufacturers very geuerally now favor tbe Republican candidate. We sbaU have no tariff legislation until the sirring of 1890. Chances seem to favor a House of Representatives committed to protection. If there are any changes in our import duties it will be uuder the provisions of au entirely difl'erent bill from tbat proposed by a Dem­ocratic House or tbe Republican Senators,

Mayor He\vitt will soon have the appointment of seven commis­sioners for the Board of Education. The present board is composed of lawyers, bankers and two women. Would it uot be a good idea for the Mayor to bave one architect or builder among tbe twenty-one commissioners? New school-houses are constantly needed, and some technical knowledge ought to be available in their arrange­ment and construction. A sanitary expert also, vested in the mys­teries of plumbing, would make a useful commissioner, provided he was not a crank, or was uot interested in any invention. It is all right that the bulk of the commissiouers should represent the general public, but the past appointments have been made too exclusively from the ranks of the lawers and bankers.

There is beginning to be a feeling iu metal trade circles that tbe great international copper trust is not so bad a thing after all. The copper industry in the past has beeu characterized bv years of heavy production and low prices, followed by years of ligbt produc­tion compared witb the demand and high prices. Hence tbe busi­ness methods of the trade bave resembled gambhng. In 1880 copper sold at 33 cents a pound. Up to the formation of tbe syndi­cate tbe price was as low aa 10 cents a pound. The price fixed by the trust—about 10 cents—is not exorbitant, and every interest would be benefited if that rate could be maintained for many years to come. That price pays for the mining of tiie copper, and mann factnrers have no cause for complaint, as they are all treated alike and kno-w upon what they can depend. But the mannfacturiug industry is tin-owu into disorder when tho price of copper fluctuates so widely ; then some producers get flie better of others by securiug the raw metal at exceptionally low prices. There is no getting away from the fact tbat the great industries of the world are being organized to get rid of unwise and wasteful competiti m. In tbe long run uo oue is really benefited when commodities aro sold below cost. This reduces the price of labor and ruins the employer. Hence the organization of trusts so much complained of aims to put a stop to ruuioas competition. There is always danger that organized capital may be tempted to exploit the community, after they have secured a monopoly hi the production. of any needed product. But excessive profits would inevitably in time lead to renewed competition. A trust cannot permanently exist unless it sells its wares at a price winch renders competition unprofitable. The international copper syndicate so far has acted wisely, and there can be no reasonable objection to tbe organizatiou of that or any industry, so as to bring about steadiness in prices. Botb labor

^ i i i f t

Record and Guide. October G, 1888

and capital are entitled to fan- returns, but at the same time the community should be protected against um-easonable charges.


Dwight H. Olmstead is of the opinion that the Block Indexing law. which will go into effect on Jnly 1st next, would reduce to a minimum the chance of any such forgeries as those committed by Bedell and Foster, Under tbis system small areas of search would be established and titles would be verified in a way to secure greater pubhcity thau at present. The same authority is of opinion that under the land transfer laws of many continental nations, and which are known as the Torrens laws in the British colonies of the South Pacific, would render such forgeries as those which have recently startled the community almost impossible. It is quite certain that if real estate was as readily and as surely transferable as are stocks or bonds that there would be far less danger of forgeries. Time was when bond and stock issues were insecure because of the possi­bility of fraudulent over-issues, but the famous Schuyler frauds in the case of tbe New York & New Haven road led to a system of registration which practically insures the validity of bonds and stocks sold in Wall street. Until the laws are changed the only safety is for all who deal in real estate or have to do -with mortgages is to subscribe for THE RECORD AND GUIDE and keep track of the official transcript of conveyances and mortgages. No one person should ever be trusted absolutely. If a member of the firm interested had checked off the official list of mortgages in THE RECORD AND GUIDE lie would have seen that Bedell had never recorded them, and this would have brought the career of tbe forger to a sudden end,

The stories of the BedeU and Foster mortgage frauds recall many attempted frauds in real estate circles. Only the other day the writer was told the foUowing by a down-town broker : " Some yearsago," said he, " a well-dressed and gentlemanly man entered our office and asked for particulars and price of a well-located and costly liouse we were advertising for sale. A permit to inspect the house was furnished, and he returned a few days later, expressed himself as pleased witli the property, and arranged to call the next afternoon, sign the contract, and pay down |10,000. He kept the appointment, and, after signing the necessary papers, gave a check for the amount agreed on. Shortly afterwards a clerk from a down­town broker's office called with the contract to ascertain if it was genuine, and particularly if the payment had been made. There was no suspicion against the buyer, and the inquirer was told the contract was all right, and that a check for $10,000 had been handed over. In tbe regular course of business the check was deposited and returned wilh the significant words ' No good,' In the meantime the would-be buyer and swindler had borrowed $5,000 from, the bankers, leaving the contract as security."

The decision of the Court of Appeals in the JIcQuade case settles the question tbat there wfil be no more trials of " boodle" Alder­men. We pointed out when these trials were pending that tbe bull­dozing of judge and juries by the press was enough to vitiate any verdict tbat might be rendered, The newspapers kept up a clamor wliich fairly frightened tbe jm-ies, Everv man of them knew that if tbe Aldermen were not convicted they would be held up by tbe press as purchased perjurers. TUe jom'nals must bave their sensa­tions, and the Iiowling down of the " boodlers"' was very profitable for tbe time being, and it did look so -virtuous on the part of the editors. Officials who accept bribes are persons who are not to be encouraged, but there is a right way and a wrong way in proceed­ing against them. The decision of the Court of Appeals shows that the judgments of courts and juries influenced by newspaper clamor will not stand in communities wliich expect fairness and imparti-ahty in trials affecting men's liberty and fortunes. There are other ways of improving tbe tone of our official life tbau the method pursued by om- press. The Australian election law would be one ; depriving tbe Uquor iuterest of its powerful political " pull" would be another, and then the control of aU natural monopoUes by tbe State or city would be the most effective of aU, It should be borne in mind tbat the corruption is not in the work that is done du-ectly by the city which makes dishonest officials ; the corruption comes in when wealthy corporations or individuals who want valuable franchises by means of wliicb tbey can pluck the public. Nine out of evewy ten doUars spent in corruption comes from tliis source.

Tbe directors of the Atchison & Santa Fe road did a very wise thing in reducing the dividends of that corporation from a 6 per cent, to a 4 per cent, basis. Tbis company has been altogether too enterprising in extending its lines of traffic. This policy has re­sulted in loading the corporation down with a stock and bonded indebtedness for new Unes which are not likely to pay for five years to come. Atchison is not really earning any dividend, aud the same is true of St. Paul. It foUows that these companies should save the dividend money to pay debts and increase the value of the companies' business. The situation in the West is clearing up. With the Chicago, Burlington and Northern in the hands of tbe C , B. & Q., all further trouble or rate wars would be at an end,

But it is a wholesome sign vphen corporations decMne to pay divi­dends which have not been eai-ned.

On the Eiverside Drive, The at'chitectural treatment of the Riverside Drive is a matter of

real importance to the attractiveness of New York. Tlie work upon tbe Drive itself is very nearly completed. The filling that replaces the temporary bridge at 86th street ia almost ready for the paviors, and very fair progress has been made during the summer in the laying out of tbe park. It will of course be mauy years before tbe park reaches its full attractiveness. The shadelessness of this sti-ip of shore, exposed for its whole length to the afternoon sun, is its chief drawback now, and tbis will not be removed until it is bordered with trees. Then the foresight of its projectors will be fully vindicated, and indeed it is vindicated already, although the quarter, in its present condition, presents a singular example of arrested development in contrast with the activity just to tbe east­ward. But the whole west side lagged and languished curiously for many years, and many sanguine investors who imagined that the new city that has tardily but at last suddenly sprung into being would be buUt in time to repay their confidence have "d ied without the sight." The Drive is still inaccessible except for car­riages. Not until the transverse roads connecting it with the Elevated and the Central Park are in operation can any marked development of building activity take place, and then the long delayed " boom " is likely to set in with great fury.

AU this makes the building already done and now doing along the Drive a matter of peculiar moment, and imposes upon the pioneers a public responsibility. Upon what they do wiU depend the character and the attractiveness of the whole Riverside quarter. If it were to be built up in solid aud monotonous rows of brown stone like tbe island below tbe Central Park, or in soUd and variegated rows like the west side, the money spent upon the park itself would have been in great part wasted, and the park-Uke character tliat should attach to tbe quarter would be in great part destroyed. Obviously the cliaracter of tbe Drive calls for a quarter of villas. In countries in which tbe government concerns itself with tbe aediUties it would bave been ordained, when the Drive was pro jected, that nobody should build a house on less than fifty feet of frontage. Of course in this country we should never think of putting such a limitation on the right of the individual to do what he likes with his own, and it has accordingly been left in the power of any insensible or greedy owner of a single piece of land along the Riverside Drive to do much towards -vulgarizing the whole quarter and nullifying the work, not only of tbe city, but of his more appreciative neighbors.

This is runuing a great risk, but upon the whole the result thus far has justified the application of laissez faire to this case. There have been scarcely more than a dozen houses built fronting the Drive since the Drive was constructed, and in a general way these are what they ought to be, while the latest of them show a gratifying advance upon their predecessors. Among those tbat have been buUding since progress was noted in these columns there is, as will presently be seen, a considerable difference in architectural merit, but tbey are all detached bouses and aim at the character of vUlas, and with reference to the future this is the main point. The own­ers deserve weU of their feUow-citizens, for what they have already done almost insures that the border of tbe Drive will not be converted into a city street by rows of attached houses, and tbat in this one part of the city the speculative builder wiU find no opportunity. As mauy more houses as are already completed or in progress will make tbis assurance final.

At the southern corner of OOth street is the first of the recent villas. It occupies two lots and is about 50 by 55 feet in area; is of three stories, of which tbe upper is a parapet story and is in a monoclirome, of the warm, light gi'ay, Indiana limestone, ivith a roof of red tUes. The stories are divided by heavy moulded string courses, that between the second and third being the main cornice. The features are a shallow, segmental bay window, with an elhptic arch over on the sti-eet side] and a round tower on the north corner balanced by a corbelled one on tbe south, while the sky-Une is further broken by a small central gable ou the sti-eet side, flanked by solid round pinnacles completing Uttle tm-rets that are continued down the wall. On tUe avenue front the string course over the first story is projected at the centre into a shaUow corbelled balcony. The main entrance is an elliptic arch at the centre of the sti-eet front. The windows of the first storj' are Uutelled witb stone tran­soms ; of the second, round arched. The composition thus formed is agreeable and quiet, and the contrast in color between tbe waUs and the roof is effective. Unfortunately the modeling and detail are crude and inartistic, and detract considerably from tho effect the composition ought to produce. The mouldings throughout lack crispness and emphasis. The principal enti-ance is a succession of shallow and monotonous mouldings. Tbe impost of tbe arcbes is unmasked, the pinnacled turrets are unmodeled and lumpy. With better detail this house would be very good indeed. As it is, it ia respectable, and it has the advantage of being unmistakably a villa

a n d no t a c i ty house , a n d in th is respect se t t ing a good example to succeeding bui lders .

At lOOtb s treet a la rge hcuse of red br iek a n d brown stone is n o w in course of erect ion w h i c h is fair ly ent i t led to t h e praise of respectabiUty a n d inoffensiveness if no t to a n y higher . I t is r a t h e r a mans ion t h a n a villa, t h o u g h it is de tached and visible on a t least th ree sides. I t is in r ed br ick a n d b r o w u stone, quiet a n d convent ional in t r ea tmen t , a n d if i t does not const i tu te a posi­t ive o r n a m e n t to the Drive afc all events does no t disfigure it.

If this does not seem ve ry w a r m praise a contempla t ion of a house beyond a t 103d street will conver t it in to dis t inct eulogy. W e had imagined t h a t bui ld ing in cast-iron h a d gone out , even for commer­cial purposes, since t h e fires in Cliicago and Boston, aud m u c h more for purposes no t commerc ia l . Ye t here , a t one of t h e mos t con­spicuous points of the Riverside Drive, somebody has h a d the courage to erect , for a gen t l eman ' s residence, a consti-uction of cast i ron w h i c h has all t h e vices a u d vulgari t ies of the B r o a d w a y arcln-tectm-e of twenty-f ive years ago , a n d looks l ike the adver t i sement of a n b-onmonger. I t is a box of w h i c h the box-like charac te r is r a t h e r emphasized t h a n relieved by t w o bays r u n n i n g t h r o u g h the t h r e e stories of t h e f ront a n d flanking a recessed cent re , a cen­t ra l bay of like cha rac t e r pro jec t ing on the side, a cen t ra l cupola recognizable as a " cupalo ," a n d a square portico a t tbe en t rance . The detai l is t h e detai l of A. T. S tewar t ' s store or the P a r k A y e n u e Hote l ; t h a t is to say, it is absolutely -worthless for a n y other piu-pose t h a n to show t h a t it cost m o n e y , and it is worthless even for this purpose , be ing palpably a cheap imi ta t ion of t h e real th ing . People w h o imag ine t ha t sesthetic cu l tu re has pe rvaded the ent i re com­m u n i t y wil l be undece ived by r ega rd ing this atrocious per formance —the a u t h o r of w h i c h would deserve to be prosecuted for " i n c i v i s m " if he k n e w w h a t h e w a s doing, as , of course, he did no t . H e has done all t h a t one m a n could to vulgar ize t h e whole of Riverside Drive, a n d unhapp i ly even a pubHc-spirited incendiary can n o t rel ieve us of t h e consequences of his misdeeds, for the re is every reason to app rehend t h a t the house is fire-proof, a n d t h a t w e m u s t t m s t to t b e slow processes of oxidat ion or the arousal of public ind igna t ion .

Near by is a solid-looking pile of gneiss, m o r e or less in t h e semb­lance of a castle, a semblance w h i c h is impar ted to it m a i n l y by the ba t t l emen ted pa rape t t h a t suiTounds it a n d conceals t h e roof, w h i c h is ind ica ted by low crow-stepped gables emerg ing from fche ba t t l emen t . I t is r a t h e r a pueri le affectation to give a modern dwel l ing t h e aspect of a fortified keep, b u t it is m u c h more toler­able w h e n car r ied out iu hones t stone, as here , t hau in t in , as is the c o m m o n prac t ice , and it sui ts very well t h e massive a n d a lmost Cyclopean masonry w h i c h is employed here , a n d is appropr ia te to t h e mate r ia l . There is no th ing especially in teres t ing abou t the genera l des ign of the house, nor about a n y of i ts featm-es, except a shaUow r e c t a n g u l a r bay projected upon rough a n d mass ive corbels which real ly bas charac ter , bu t the mater ia l gives it a solid and honest look t ha t ough t to mor t i fy the cast-iron m a n .

At 108th s t reet is m u c h t h e best bouse t h u s far erected on tbe Drive. I t is p r e t t y a n d ar t i s t ic in itself, a n d is eminen t l y appro­p r i a t e to its site a n d its surrountMngs. I t occupies two lots w i t h o u t filling t h e m iu e i ther direct ion, a n d is r a the r deeper t han it is wide. I t is conspicuous by t h e choice a n d combinat ion of mate r ia l . A basemen t and j ir incipal story in l ight g r a y sandstone , f r amed and enr iched w i t h b rown sands tone in t^vo t ints , carr ies a second story in a b rown brick, r epea t ing the t in t ;of t h e da rke r b rown stone and r is ing in to a t o w e r a n d gables t b a t fo.im balf of a th i rd story, a n d a re relieved agains t a p y r a m i d a l roof of flat red tiles w i th hip roUs of the same mate r ia l . The tower is a t t h e n o r t b end, o]ipo-site the corner . The features of the avenue f ront a re this tower , a

fine a n d r ich a r c h w a y for en t rance , w i th coupled shafts iu the j ambs , flanked ou one side by a t r i angu la r bay wi th a n elliptic a rch above u n d e r t h e gable, a n d in the gable a t r iple opening w i t h a r o u n d arch over the cen t ra l Ught, and on the other side by the tower above a n d by a recessed v e r a n d a or loggia u n d e r n e a t h ex tend ing a long the side ; of t h e s t reet f ront an exterior c l i imney a u d a shal­low bay i n me ta l u n d e r the gable . The " s t o o p " is expanded in to a la rge semici rcular p l a t fo rm or uncovered v e r a n d a afc the left of t h e en t r ance . Tbe upper s tage of t h e tower is a co lonnade of s tou t rounded piers ca r ry ing t b e a rch i t r ave t h a t iu t u r n suppor ts t h e rcof of t b e tower . Tbe detaU t h r o u g h o u t is scholar ly a n d spirited, a a d the car-viug is notably good also. The l a t t e r is Byzan­t i n e in charac te r , whUe t h e deta i l is Romanesque . The bui ld ing , in its t r e a t m e n t of form a n d its combinat ion of color, s t rongly recalls Mr. Richardson 's work , a n d is one t h a t h e need no t have been a shamed to own.

There is one mun ic ipa l questioji connected wi th fche t r e a t m e n t of t h e Drive t h a t is ye t unsolved. The road dips a t 96th s t reet a lmost to t b e level of t h e r iver and. t h e p a r k disappears . Ev iden t ly tb is low g round will no t be a suirtable site for vUlas, a.nd as evident ly , unless someth ing is d o n e to rec la im it , i t will be occupied by bui ldings t h a t -will disf igure t h e Dr ive . I n oi-der to p reven t this it wUl be necessary for the eibjv to acqui re tbe p roper ty uear the Drive to protec t it from the ini jasion of l umber y a r d and lager beer

saloons, which is a l ready th rea tened , or else to ca r ry the Drive itself across on a v iaduc t pierced wi th an a r c h for t h e street , a n d thus main ta in the r o a d w a y a t its n o r m a l level. I t is n o w plain t h a t t h e s inking of t h e road at this poiut in t h e or iginal p lan of the p a r k was an error ; bu t , since it was commit ted , t h e easiest a n d m u c h t h e cheapest course tor t h e ci ty wou ld be to acqui re the adjo in ing prop­er ty , possibly to sell aga in u n d e r condit ions t ha t p revented the es­tab l i shment on it of nuisances or eyesores, r a the r t b a n to correct t h e error by a l te r ing the g r ade of t h e roadway a n d recons t ruc t ing it. A t any ra t e nobody can look a t this po in t w i t h o u t recogniz ing t h e necessity of doing somet lung .

London, a n d in fact all E n g l a n d , is ve ry na tu ra l l y exci ted over the myster ious m u r d e r s a n d mut i la t ion of so m a n y abandoned women. These atrocious deeds have ev ident ly been tbe w o r k of a lunat ic . Tbe police author i t ies a re b lamed for no t discovering t h e murde rous wre t ch , bu t this is ha rd ly jus t , London is a c i ty of nearly five milUons of people, and tbe best place to hide after all is in a crowd. This impat ience of the publ ic a u d t b e press w i t h the police when a grea t c r ime is commi t t ed often leads to undes i rab le results . The officers a re t emp ted to r u n to ea r th some poor c rea tu re who has h a d no th ing to do wi th the c r ime a n d even to m a n u f a c t u r e evidence so as to relieve themselves of responsibil i ty a n d re ins ta te t b e m in the good opinion of t h e public. A case in point is t h a t of a w o m a n w h o was m u r d e r e d in th is c i ty some years s ince by a negi-o. She h a d had t rouble w i t h he r h u s b a n d a n d the poUce h a d every prepara t ion m a d e for a r res t ing h i m a n d were r eady to supply the missing Unks t h a t would have appa ren t ly c r imina ted a feeble­minded old m a n . But luckily a s m a r t r epor te r discovered t h e rea l culpr i t iu Boston, a u d th is city was saved t h e ho r ro r of a jud ic i a l murde r . There is good reason for bel ieving t h a t m u c h of t h e evidence in the case of t h e Chicago Anarch is t s was m a n u f a c t u r e d . Some one m a n t h r e w a b o m b tha t kil led a n u m b e r of pol icemen and w o u n d e d others . F o u r m e n w e r e h u n g a n d th ree sent t o prison for Ufe, a l t h o u g h t h e c r ime was clearly t h e work of one person, the police supplying all t h e needed t es t imony . They, of course, we re incensed agains t the Anarch i s t s because of the k i l l ing of their associates on t h e force. W h e n t h e d y n a m i t e ou t rages w e r e occur r ing the re was wide and unreason ing denunc ia t ions of t h e police. To this day the re are ve ry g rave doubts whe the r t h e m e n who were subsequent ly punished had a n y t h i n g to do w i t h t h e cr imes. People would do weU to wi thho ld the i r j u d g m e n t s if t h e London police, s t imula ted to some k ind of act ion by t h e popu la r c lamor , should a r res t a n d t r y to c r imina te some friendless w r e t c h who m i g h t have had no th ing to do wi th these e x t r a o r d i n a r y

m u r d e r s . «

Keal Estate Busmess So Far for tbe Tear, The following tables tell thei r o w n story. The conveyances u p

to da te a re less n u m e r o u s t h a n they were for the same per iod las t year . The m o n e y spent on the purchase of rea l ty is also less. A not very wholesome fea ture is t h e fact t h a t a l t h o u g h t h e r e is a smal ler expendi rure t h e m o r t g a g e indebtedness is abou t the same as it was in 1886. The rat io be tween t b e mor tgages a n d the to t a l paid for r ea l ty in 1886 was 55 pe r cent . , in 1887 it was 59 per cen t . , while for this yea r i t is 65 per cent . I t a lways looks bet ter w h e n real estate t r ad ing involves a la rge propor t ion of cash a n d not m u c h debt. I t is in speculat ive eras t b a t rea l ty is bough t on n a r r o w marg ins . I t is ordinar i ly t b e precursor of a break d o w n in values .

B u t the re is no speculat ion now. Business is r a the r dul l , t h o u g h October wUl doubtless m a k e a be t te r showing t h a n was expected . A bet ter period m a y come after t h e na t iona l election. A reassur­ing fea ture in t h e bui ld ing plan^ for Sep tember is t h a t t hey a re as n u mero u s as t h e r e t u r n s of last year a n d will involve a l a rger out lay. Howeve r , it should be borne in m i u d tha t we a re n o w beginning to compare bu i ld iug stat ist ics w i t h the per iod of last yea r w h e n they began to fall off so largely . B u t t b e official figures show t h a t t h e ] iumber of p lans a n d money ou t lay a re increas ing. I t wi l l be not iced t h e r e is a considerable r ise in expend i tu re south of 14th street . The region east of t b e Cent ra l P a r k shows a fall ing off, b u t t h e west side m a k e s a bet ter exhibi t t han du r ing last Sep­tember . The region n o r t h of 135tli street a n d t h e 23d a n d 24th W a r d s a re also more act ive than they were las t year .

B u t i t is idle to c o m m e n t . E v e r y one in teres ted in rea l es ta te wi l l scan t h e a n n e x e d figures ve ry closely. They tel l be t t e r t h a n a n y descript ion the fluctuation iu real es ta te in all par t s of t h e ci ty f rom m o n t h to m o n t h a n d year to year .

1888. Conveys. Jan,-Aug. inc. 8,010 September CdO

Total 9,2lO 18B7,

Jan.-Aug, ine, I0,a30 Sep tember . ., 70S

Total 10,793 1986,

Jan.-Aufr, ine 5,495 September 804

Total 10,200

Anoount, 8149,193,071


81 UO, 74(1,909

$193,394,074 12,248,007


£173,737,330 ia,307,S40


CONVEYiNOES. , Nom. 2:Jd & 24th W. Amount . I,n55



1,771 1B9


l,ti01 mo


l,4(i-2 1,25

85,.359,3S.3 435,81.7

1,537 $5,795,190

1,741 157

88,053,818 50H,2t5

I,BB8 88,662,088

I-II .64,8.-8,547


1,425 $5,*!6,.'J08

Nom. 320 87

. 367

388 34


]9B 37


1190 .econ an d G uide. O c t o b e r 6, 1888

1888. Jau.-AuR., Iuc September

Total 18S7.

Jan.-Aug., inc. September

Total 1880.

Jan.-Aug., ine September, , . ,


No. a t Banks No. No. a t less tban T. &

Morts, Amouut. 5p . c. Amount. 5(i. c. Amoimt. I. Cos. . 8,019 896,751,804 4,204 845,352,288 7111 815,318,SCG 1,4C0

871 8,385.r><)3 326 3.140,027 31 702.200 283

. Amount, S29,002,385


'9,790 8103,137,557 4,530 $43,498,915 798 810,081,0661,742 ^33,560,835

9,483 8114,109,765 4,757 853,845.489 1,030 8187462.375 !,B03 815 8,315,05-2 37.3 3,7]5,330 74 HHH.SOO 1 6 0

880,053,379 2,580,745

10,303 $123,134,817 5,130 $56,560,328 1.104 $19,429,375 1,663 SS2,6S4,134

8,473 895,911,716 4,377 $45,833,831 768 $14,469,767 1,298 817 8,398,633 377 3,il.-a,860 71 l,7-20,847 I5S

538,470,599 3,lS],07b

Total 9,390 $104,310,399 4,654 849,485,631 839 $16,196,014 1,451 820,657,074


Total No, of buildings projected Estimate (I CO Rt No. south of 14th st

Cost Ko. bet 14th and 59th ete

Coat Ho. het sath and 135th sts, east of Stb av

Cost No. het 59th and lS5th sts, woEt of Sth av

Cost No. hot 110th and 195th sts, Sth and 6tb avs

Cost No. north of 1-^th st

Cost No. 2. d aud a4tb Wards

Cost , 1886 ,

No, Cost. J an . foAug, i n c . . 3,097 845,5,'j7,193 Ssptember 323 3,924,335

1886, September.

322 $3,934,305

25 S4.'i0,600

.14 $020,9.10

41 $561,700

77 $1,082,0C0

35 $437,000

• 34 8481,025

90 8281,090


1887. September.

249 83,323,840

15 8207.600

19 8291,000

50 81,052,800

42 £775, CfO

Q 8108,000

34 8490.500

83 8303,740

No, 3,472

349 $55.


Cost. No, ,797,337 2,200 ;,S23,6!0 245

Total 3,419 S4'n.481.658

TotAl No, of plans filed Total No. of buildings projected Estimated cost No. soutb of ]4thBt

Cost Ho. bet Wth and 59th st«

Cost No. bet 59tb and 120th sts, eaet of Sth av.

Cost No. bet 59th and 125th sts, west of Sth av.

Cost No. bet no th and lS5th pts, .5th aad 3th avs

Cost No. north of ISSth et

Cost No, 33d and 34th Words


3.721 859 1886.

Jan . to Sept., inc.

1,512 3,419

£49,431,558 358

$3,197,830 408

88,764,625 703

$10,311,700 837

$13,377,000 !88

82,645,250 403

$4,097,130 33-3


,121,007 2,4.15 1887.

J au . to Sept., inc.

1.7C3 3,721

8-59.121,007 4!8

S3,S0e,.36O ;180

$7,085,432 778

$14,247,040 731


S3,37fi,CO0 152


3888. September.

245 $8,526,415

23 $468,000

11 8337,700

26 8.571,9a';

50 $049,000

6 £78,000

38 $883,550

91 $333,230

-1888. , Cost.

$33,496,028 3,536,416



1868. J an . to

Sapt., inc. 1,414 3,445

$37,033,443 233

$7,716,507 290

$6,151,790 407

87,489,193 400

87,699,800 77

81,.386,Ffi0 258

83,505,1 EO 734



Am' t Number. involved. Nom.

J anua rv 1,193 $4,370,490 350 February 949 4,280,730 231 March 1,098 4,852,414 360 April 1,5-39 7,586,537 £61 Jlav 1,375 0,398,731 294 June 1,130 4,262,870 3.59 July 1,275 4,364,753 [230 August 950 .•?,,508,47H IliO S e p t e m b e r , . , 9fiu 0,938,817 . ,g27

Total 10,481 8 (•i,47I.8'30 3,214


Number. 971 SOS

1,34] 1,732 1,488 1,269 1,374

855 1,024

_ 1 8 8 7 . — Am' t

involved. $4,208,938

4,5.33,175 6,478.032 8,330,450 7,793,553 5,739,433 5,349,353 3,112,518 4.038,102

9,932 $49,569,604

Nom. 210 154 £07 ;i08 258 370 341 194 2J2


No. J an 917 Feb 718 March, , 903 April ... 1,1.54 J l a y . , . . 1,055 J u n e . . . 1.019 J u l y . . . 975 A u g . . . . 823 S e p t . . . 839

Am't involved.

83,0-33.048 2,742.624 3,397,481 4,-236.342 3,673,514 3,730,635 3,583,503 2,994,344 3,14-3,.395

No. a t 5 per cent. Ain't

orless. involved. 485 $1,603,142



384 473 640 556 578 579 484 475

1,889.504 3,458;9I5 2,235,700 2,289,671 2,537,575 2,001,799 1,906,313

Ko, 838 650

1.002 1,151 1,123 1.100 1,028

703 890

Am' t involved, $3,242,024

3,733,761 .'?,671,1IX) 4.317,713 4,723,905 5,483,940 3,385.600 2,4.37,830 3.983,783

No, a t 5 per cent, orless.

441 330 544 071 027 027 6.S0 393 501

, Am' t involved. $1,809,159

1,516,075 2,255.788 2,983,:i51 3,317,522 3.469.539 3.338,513 1,515,416 1,869,334

Tota l , 8,101 830,533,000 4,G54 818,756,619 6,491 $33,878,812 4,762 $-30,973,587



J a n . . . F e b . , Blar., April. May.. J u n e . . Ju ly , . Aug . , Sept. . .

Total No. b'gs. 179 ad9 344 413 541 371 J76 400 348

No, of bi'ick b 'gs.

61 90

152 219 337 200 157 171 166

No. of frame b'gs. 118 179 192 104 304 171 309 229 133

Total No, b 'gs. 199 290 475 434 477 409 349 357 360

No, of hrick b 'gs.

55 113 SGS -215 244 193 136 173 220

No. of frame b'gs. 144 178 207 219 333 216 223 184 140

Cost, £754,895 1,519,509 1,601,398 2,253,769 3,078,120 3,850,637 1,634,950 1,08],907 1,603,123

1887. Cost,

$764,855 1,117,426 2.125,033 2,138,330 2,449,805 3,350.47] 1,703,825 1,038,394 1,717,137

ToMi 3,241 1,503 :,678 3,350 1,006 1,744 $17,873,517 816,300,335

C o n g r e s s h a s v e r y w i s e l y c o m e t o t h e c o n c l u s i o n t o s u s p e n d f o r a

w h i l e , if n o t a l t o g e t h e r , t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o T r u s t s . T h e N a t i o n a l

L e g i s l a t u r e h a s U t t l e t o d o w i t h t h e s e c o r p o r a t i o n s e x c e p t i n t h e

T e r r i t o r i e s . " W h e n t h e y h a v e a n y l e g a l b a s i s a t a l l t h e T r u s t s o p e r ­

a t e u n d e r S t a t e l a w s . I t is p r o b a b l y t r u e t h a t s o m e T r u s t s a r e b e n ­

e f i t e d b y h i g h t a r i S d u t i e s , b u t a f t e r a l l t h e g r e a t m o n o p o l i e s , U k e

t b e S t a n d a r d OU a n d t h e C o t t o n S e e d T r u s t , h a v e n o t h i n g t o d o

w i t b t a r i f f s . T h e c l a m o r t b a t h a s b e e n r a i s e d o n t h i s s u b j e c t i s n o t

c r e d i t a b l e e i t h e r t o o u r p r e s s o r p o l i t i c i a n s . A p p e a l h a s b e e n m a d e

t o w h a t i n m a n y c a s e s i s a n u n f o u n d e d p r e j u d i c e . T h e r e a r e g o o d

T r u s t s a n d b a d o n e s , b u t b o t h k i n d s a r e a l e g i t i m a t e o u t c o m e f r o m

p r e v i o u s t r a d e c o n d i t i o n s . T h e r e i s n o a c t i o n b y t h e g e n e r a l g o v ­

e r n m e n t o r b y t h e S t a t e s t h a t c a n g e t r i d of t h e m , a n d t b e s o o n e r

t h e p u b l i c m a k e s u p i t s m i n d t o t h a t f a c t t h e b e t t e r . W e h a v e h a d

t o o m u c h c o m p e t i t i o n i n t h e p a s t . T h e g r e a t T r u s t s a r e t e s t i n . g t h e

fiflSoacy of a n o t h e r a n d m o r e c o n s e r v a t i v e w a y of d o i n g b u s i n e s s .

O U T P r o p h e t i c D e p a r t m e n t .

M U G W U M P — I s u p p o s e a l l g o o d c i t i z e n s a r e d e s u - o u s of h a v i n g t h e

r i g b t k i n d of a M a y o r f o r t h e c o m i n g t w o y e a r s . T b a t official w i l l

h a v e t h e a j i p o i u t m e n t o f a u u n u s u a l n u m b e r of i m p o r t a n t b e a d s

of d e p a r t m e n t s . I t is t h e r e f o r e of t h e u t m o s t m o m e n t , if w e a r e t o

h a v e g o o d m u n i c i p a l a ] j p o i n t m e n t s , t h a t t h e J I a y o r s h o u l d h e

c h o s e n t o g i v e t h e c i t y t h e b e u e f i t of o f i i ce r s w h o a r e b o t h h o n e s t

a n d a b l e . A M a y o r l i k e A b r a m S. H e w i t t o r A n d r e w H . G r e e n

w o u l d b e s u r e t o g i v e u s g o o d a p p o i n t m e n t s . B u t if e i t h e r T a m ­

m a n y o r t h e K e p u b U c a n s e l e c t t h e i r n o m i n e e s , t h e p o U t i c i a n s

w o u l d p r o f i t a t t b e e x p e n s e of t h e t r e a s u r y o f t h e c i t y .

S I R O R A C L E — I s y m p a t h i z e w i t h a g r e a t d e a l t h a t y o u s a y , a n d

w o u l d m y s e l f c h e e r f u U y v o t e f o r e i t h e r H e w i t t o r G r e e n ; b u t i t

s e e m s t o m e t h a t y o u r e f o r m i n g g e n t l e t n e u a r e r a t h e r h a r d o n t h e

p o U t i c i a n s . O u r s is a D e m o c r a t i c f o r m of g o v e r n m e n t , a n d s o m e

o n e m u s t a t t e n d t o t h e m a t t e r of o r g a n i z i n g o u r e l e c t o r a l m a c h i n ­

e r y . T h e n o m i n a t i n g o f c a n d i d a t e s a n d t h e c a n v a s s i n g f o r v o t e s

i n v o l v e s l a b o r a n d m o n e y ; t h i s i s s o m e b o d y ' s b u s i n e s s , a n d o u r

s y s t e m of g o v e r n m e n t w o u l d b e a f a i l u r e u n l e s s t h e r e w i t s a s p e c i a l

c l a s s w h o a t t e n d e d t o t h e s e n e c e s s a r y m a t t e r s . T i i a t c l a s s w i t h u s

a r e t h e s o - c a l l e d p o l i t i c i a n s . N o w , t b e y a r e n o t a n g e l s b y a n y

m e a n s , b u t I d o u b t if o n t h e w h o l e t h e y a r e a n y w o r s e t h a n a n y

o t h e r c l a s s of o u r c i t i z e n s w h o p u r s u e a m o n e y m a k i u , g b u s i n e s s .

M . — S u r e l y y o u d o n o t u n d e r t a k e t o c h a m p i o n p o l i t i c i n n s i u v i e w

of t h e g e n e r a l c o r r u p t i o n of o u r p o l i t i c s . H o w c a n y o u d e f e n d t h e

' ' b o o d l e " A l d e r m e n f o r i n s t a n c e ?

S I R 0 . — I d o n t p r e t e n d t o d o a n y t h i n g of t h e k i u d . T b e p o U -

t i c i a n i s a n e c e s s i t y , a n d w h e r e v e r m e n ' s g i -eed o r l o v e o f p o w e r

c o m e s m t o p l a y t h e r e w i l l b e m o r e o r l e s s w r o n g d o i n g . B u t m y

c o n t e n t i o n i s t h a t t i i e p o l i t i c i a n is a b o u t a s h o n e s t a s t h e a v e r a g e

b u s i u e s s m a n . I t s h o u l d b e r e c a U e d t h a t t h e c o r r u p t i o n i n p o l i t i c s

is a l m o s t e n t i r e l y d u e t o r i c h m e n a n d w e a l t h y c o r p o r a t i o n s w l u c h

d e s i r e s p e c i a l p r i v U e g e s s o t h a t t h e y m a y e x p l o i t t b e p u b l i c . T h e

p e o p l e w h o s p e n d fche m o n e y c o r r u p t l y , w l i o b r i b e A l d e r m e n a n d

l e g i s l a t o r s a r c t h e o w n e r s of g r e a t r a i h - o a d c o m p a n i e s ; t h e h o l d e r s

o f g a s , f e r r y a n d s t r e e t - c a r s t o c k s . T h e s e p" .op le a r e n e v e r s e n t t o

p r i s o n , b u t t b e i r v i c t i m s a r e . I t i s t b e l a t t e r w h o g e t a l l t h e k i c k s

a n d a l l t h e o d i u m , w h i l e t h e r e a l c u l p r i t s a r e n e v e r e v e n b r o u g h t

t o t r i a l . I s u p p o s e t h e c o r r u p t A l d e r m a n r e a s o n s w i t b h i m s e l f

s o m e w b a t i n t h i s w a y . A v a l u a b l e f r a n c h i s e , s u c h f o r i n s t a n c e a s

t h e B r o a d w a y r a i l w a y c h a r t e r , i s d e s i r e d b y a g r o u p of c a p i t a l i s t s .

I t w o u l d b e v e r y v a l u a b l e t o t h e m , a n d t l u - o u g h t h e i r s e c r e t a g e n t s

t h e y of fe r t o p a y t h e A l d e r m a n h a n d s o m e l y f o r i t . T h e l a t t e r

t h i n k s t h e m a t t e r o v e r a n d .says t o h i m s e l f , t h i s i s r e a U y a d e s i r a b l e

p u b l i c i m p r o v e m e n t . W e o u g h t t o h a v e h a d h o r s e - c a r s o n B r o a d ­

w a y t h i r t y y e a r s a g o , b u t t h e f r a n c h i s e is a v e r y v a l u a b l e o n e . N o w ,

w h y s h o u l d I m a k e i t a p r e s e n t t o M r . J a k e S h a i - p a n d M s a s s o ­

c i a t e s ; t h e y c a n v e r y w e l l a f f o r d t o g i v e m e §90 ,000 , a n d tf I v o t e

f o r i t I a m d o i n g t h e p u b l i c n o h a r m , b u t r a t h e r a b e n e f i t .

M . — I a m p e t r i f i e d w i t h a s t o n i s h m e n t t h a t a. j o u i - n a l i s t c a n b e

f o u n d w h o w i l l i n t h e s l i g h t e s t deg i -ee j u s t i f y t b e a c t i o n of a

" b o o d l e " A l d e r m a n .

S m O . — I d o n ' t d o a n y t h i n g o f t h e k i n d , b u t I w a n t t o g i v e a n

i d e a of t h e p r o b a b l e r e a s o n i n g o n t h e p a r t of t h e s e c o r r u p t A l d e r m e n .

I s u p p o s e e v e r y h u m a n b e i n g , n o m a t t e r h o w b a d , h a s a t h e o r y t o

j u s t i f y h i s o r h e r c o n d u c t , h o w e v e r s c a n d a l o u s i t m i g h t b e , a n d ifc

is w e l l s o m e t i m e s t o l o o k a t t h e u - c o n d u c t f r o m t b e p o i n t of v i e w of

t h e c u l p r i t .

M . — B u t l e t u s c o m e t o t h e p o i n t . I f T a m m a n y H a l l s u c c e e d s i n

e l e c t i n g a M a y o r i t is u n d e r s t o o d , of c o u r s e , t h n t t h e p a t r o n a g e o f

t b a t i m p o r t a n t office w o u l d b e u s e d t o s t i - e n g t h e n t h a t w i n g of t h e

D e m o c r a t i c p a r t y . T h e offlces, h k e s o m u c h p l u n d e r , w o u l d b e d i s ­

t r i b u t e d a m o n g t h e g a n g w h o m a r c h u n d e r t b e b a n n e r of M r ,

R i c h a r d C r o c k e r .

S I R O . — N o w , w h i l e I -wan t M a y o r H e w i t t e l e c t e d I t h i n k t h e r e i s

s o m e j u s t i f i c a t i o n f o r T a m m a n y H a l l d e s i r i n g t o m a n i p u l a t e t h e

s p o U s . T h e y h a v e a g r e a t o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d a r e f o r c e d t o h i r e

n u m e r o u s h a l l s a n d d o t h e h a r d w o r k of a n e l e c t i o n c a n v a s s . T h e y

c l a i m t h a t a f t e r t h e i r s e r v i c e s a r e a c c e p t e d t h e y s h o u l d n o t b e

t h r o w n o v e r . B u t a c c o r d i n g t o M a y o r H e w i t t ' s t h e o r y t h e f a c t of

b e i n g a p o l i t i c i a n is a d o w n r i g h t d i s q u a l i f i c a t i o n . H i s i d e a i s t o

a p p o i n t m e n w h o h a v e p u r s u e d t h e i r o w n se l f i sh i n t e r e s t s a l l t h e i r

l i v e s a n d h a v e n e g l e c t e d t h e i r d u t i e s a s m e m b e r s of t h e b o d y p o U t i c .

T a k e t h e a q u e d u c t a p p o i n t m e n t s — g o o d m e n n o d o u b t ; b u t w h o e v e r

h e a r d of t b e m b e f o r e ? W h a t p u b l i c s e r v i c e h a v e t h e y p e r f o r m e d

e n t i t l i n g t h e m t o h i g h p o s i t i o n s ? I p r o t e s t a g a i n s t t h e c u r r e n t

c a n t , t h a t a p o l i t i c i a n i s n e c e s s a r U y a r a s c a l a n d t h a t a m a n w h o

t a k e s n o i n t e r e s t i n o u r m a c h i n e r y f o r p o U t i c a l g o v e r n m e n t i s n e c e s ­

s a r U y a n h o n e s t m a n a n d t h e o n l y fit p e r s o n t o o c c u p y a p u b l i c

p o s i t i o n . If, f o r i n s t a n c e , S h e r i f f H u g h J . G r a n t w a s e l e c t e d

M a y o r , h e w o u l d n a t u r a U y a p p o i n t T a m m a n y m e n f o r t h e p o s i t i o n s

w h i c h w o u l d b e c o m e v a c a n t d u r i n g h i s t e r m of o f d c e . T h e y w o n ' t

a l l b e u n i m p e a c h a b l e b y a n y m e a n s , b u t I j u d g e t h e y w i l l c o m p a r e

f a v o r a b l y i n h o n e s t y a n d a b U i t y w i t h a n y o t h e r c l a s s of c i t i z e n s ,

i l . — I f t b a t v i e w o b t a i n e d v e r y g e n e r a l l y t h e r e w o u l d b e n o u s e

of u s M u g ^ v u m p s . W e t i y l o b r i n g i n t o p o l i t i c s s o m e h i g h e r i d e a l s

thtm tb.Ofi" whioh obtain in nfndal ou-cles. There ought to be in

October 6, 1888 Record and Guidi both part ies independents , m e n w h o wou ld kick a n d revolt w h e n the i r pa r ty makes bad nomina t ions , or has been coiTupted by being i n power for too long a period.

S I R O.—There I agree wi th you. A M u g w u m p has his uses, a n d I hope t h e t r ibe will increase; bu t it is well somet imes to look at the o ther side of the question. Par t i es do get cor rup t by beiug long in power , a n d tiiero a re m a u y scurvy fellows a m o n g t b e polit icians. But organized par t ies a re indispensable iu a free r epubhc , and it is polit icians w h o m u s t lead t h e m . H e n c e the la t ter fil! a useful func­t ion. All the same I so far s y m p a t h ' z e w i t h you t h a t I would like to cast m y ballot for e i ther A b r a m S. H e w i t t or A n d r e w H , Green for the oMce of Mayor of New York ci ty. Exclusion from power for a yea r or two would helj) to check some of the wors t ]n-actices of t r a d i n g poli t icians. B u t in t h e long r u n it is t h e m e n w h o inter­est themselves in publ ic affairs w h o will become our ru lers , no t t h e persons \^dio claim superior v i r tue by ignor ing or neglec t ing the i r polit ical duties.

The recen t Bedell a n d Foster forgeries recaU t h e a t t e m p t m a d e some yea r s ago to encumber p roper ty by means of record ing a forged deed. The fol lowing letter from La-^vyer Glover tells h o w t h e la t te r forgery was cUscovered:


99 NASSAU STREET, New York, I Sept. 10th, 1S74. f

Editor R E A L ESTATE RECORD: SIR—I tbink ifc my duty to say to you that it was by means of your pub­

lications alone that my clients and myself were put upon inquiry iu respect to the fraud recently attempted upon the estate of Isaac Youug by the recording of a forged deed.

I have oeen a subscriber to and a reader of T H E RECORD frora tbe time of its first issue, aud have fomid it very useful. Aud it was in consequence of a pi-ompt persual of your number of last Saturday tbat I was able to detect the crime which bad been committed, and to put tbe officers of justice upon tbe track of the criminals.

Had it not boon for your publication tbe deed would bave been obtained from tbe Register's office, my clients' title would have been clouded hy it, and we should bave bad uo clue whatever to tbe perpetrators of the wTong.

I am, your obedient servant, CHARLES H . GLOVER.

The weekly examina t ion of our lists of Conveyances a n d Mort­gages wiU lead to t h e discovery of similar plots.

Men and Things, a * *

Dr. WiUiani A. Hammond, who has changed bis residence from New York to Washington, has published an article in a Sunday paper advising weakly and sickly people to do a good deal of walking up aud dowu stairs. He claims it is one of tbe best methods of developing muscle and helping tbe staying po^-er of invalids ; yet it is within the experience of moyt ail­ing people, esjiecially those who have a tendency to heart and kidney trouble, tbat climbing stairs is ])ositively dangerous. I t is especially hm-t-f ul to women aud aged people. It is strange tbafc so clever a physician as Dr. Hammond should give this preposterous advice to sick people. The Albany .Journal bits tbo mark iinicb bettor in the following paragraph :

An Albany physician says that the ino.^t curious prescription he ever gave to a patient was one to a lady. Tt was "s top waikintf up and down stairs." The ouly way tbis prescription could be taken ivas by changing ber house, as she Uved iu oue of tbe three-story aud basement bouses pecu-Itai' fco Albauy architecture. Her husband secured a roomy cottage ot two stories, and, within a j 'ear, the invalid's health was almost completely restored.

*** The wi'iter of the "Financial Wor ld" in the Simday Times wields a

very skillful pen. His contributions to 1 Vail street literature are among tbe best that are puhliKbed. He shines best when the " hears" are in con­trol, for he takes more kindly to depreciating securities thau in lecom-mending their pnrcbase. I t foUows tbat he is often caiigbl out in his vaticinations on tbe market. Two weeks ago, after the passing of the St. Paul dividend, he was cocksure tbat tbe market, for a time at least, was a sale; but last Sunday be had to admit tbat he was wToiig, and instead of the depression lasting two weeks it did not last two days. Most of the WaU street " beai-s " bave been converted to the " buU " side, and tbat is an element of danger to the market, for in case of any sudden catastrophe there would he no " s h o r t s " to cover aud so help check the downward movement. Writers who undertake pi'ophecy as to the course of prices usually bave a hard time of it, as tbe I'iines' scribe bas often found out.

» ~' t.

Tbe failure oC tbe " Quick or fche Daad " wai easy to predict, A play tba is mmifestlygofcteu up fco take advantage oE tbs te-Jiporary popularity of a novel'would need the genius of a Sardou to make it successful. The autbor of tbe adaptation of Mrs. Cbanler's novel has modestly aud vi'isely kept bis name from the public, but certainly he is no Sardou, His task was inconceivably difficult. The popularity of tbe novel has been due largely to fcwo things: (1) Its salacious character, and (3) a certain vigor in tbe style. Neither of fcbese quaUfcies could be reproduced effectively in tbe play. The story is about fcbe mental trials of a morbid woman. Tbere is no incident in it, and har^Uy tbe skeleton of a plot. Who could make an interesting jilay out of such materials? The buraor dragged in is forced and heavy. The fact is, while tbe serious parts of the play often made the audience smile, its funny parts tended onl3- to make their faces more solemn and fcbe durafcion of tbeir stay precarious. Miss Clayton looked the part to perfection, but as much cannot be said of ber acting. At times it was heavy and amatenr-isb, while vigor was often lacking; stUl she was a star compared with the sfcrictly non luminous bodies by wbicb sbo wao surrounded. A poorer com­pany would have been bard to flnd. It is safe to say that the performers would bave been hissed o£E tbe stage by a Liondon audience.

The expenditures of n^one^ for bawl ' s and portraits c)f the Presidential

candidates must be very large, aud tbe woi-st of it is tba pictures are very poor ones, and the great outlay is the merest wasta. Ifc doss not change a single vote to bave a po:>r portrait of Mr. Cleveland or G-aneral Harrison strung acrOs,s the street. Tbere is room for reform in tbis matter, Tbe same money if used for bniaorous pictures or characteristic painted mottoes might help a canvass very rnatsi-ially, Tbe ouly bright thing so far i u t h e pending contest has been the management of tbe stere J i t^cn, corner of 2'i^d street aud Broadway. I t has been ruu by a man of sense and humor. Political caricatures in this country have generally been very poor. Those oLFiick and Judge are generally coarse aud clumsy. Our most popular artists are Germans and their bumor is of a very obvious kiud. Some d iy we wUl bave a Presidential coatsst wbicb wU! be under the direction of men who can see tho point of a joke and make one if necessary.

In spenlving of the bond purchases last week tbe tyjies made us say tbat no government can borrow money at three par cent. Of course two per cent, was meant, for there are several nations can get any mouey they require for less than three per cent. Our remarks were called (orth by what practically amouuts to a " corner" of our bonds on the part of their rich owners, who naturally take advantage of the chance to pub thesui-plus in their own pockets. Now that General Harrison has indorsed President Cleveland's policy in tbis regard, it is satisfactory to note that many Dem­ocratic papers are shoiving up the absurdity of making a present of govern­ment money to people who are already rich enough.

*** In the published accounts of the Emperor WilUam's visits to neighboring

mouarebs, it will hs noticed tbafc these august personages and tbeirretinues do a gretit deal of kissing. Tbe Emperor commences with bis Imperial brother and_kis3es aU tbe male relatives who are present. Tbia seems to English-S])eaking people a very absurd and unnatural custom and one which could never be naturalized in the United S&ates or England, Women inevery country are effusive kissers of their own ses, but in Contmeutal Europe kissing between men is quite frequent, though not so much so as between women. The practice recalls the witty remark of the lady who said that men couid do batter than kiss eaeh other while women could not.

AuotliBi Builders' Orgauiaation.

We referred last week to the companies organized by tbe fii-ms of Charlee Graham Sc Sons and W. J. Merritt & Co., and now a third company comes to ligbt tn the shape of the Phenix Building Company. Ifc has been organized by Architect R. Guastavino, who found himself unable to meet bis creditors in easb and therefore resolved to convert bis equity and kheir material into stock. Tbe company bas a capital of S80,000 in 800 shares of ^100 eaeh. The treasurer is W. Uffreduzi, who, with the president, Mr, Guastavino, appear to comprise the company. The stock I'epresents the equity in three buildings, which are claimed to he "absolutely flre-proof.'' Tbey are two five-story flats, with stores, on the northwest corner of 9tb avenue and 99tb street, tbe corner 35x90 and the otber 24.Cs80, and a sim­ilar building, 2.5.11x90, on the northwest corner of 9th avenue and lOOth street. On these are mortgages of Si;il ,000, $48,000 on each of the corners to the City Chamberlain a t 5 per ceut. interest, and one at $2-'),000 on the inside building. In addition there are second mortgages held hy R. Guas­tavino, one of 825,00(1 on tbe 99tb street houses and one of 813,000 on the lOOtb street house, in aU $;;7,000, maldng the total mortgage Indebtedness Sl.58,000,; _

The lOOtb street corner is finished and is now being rented; tbe two other buildings are not quite completed. Tbe material men who ai'e creditors are understood to be Me,ssi'S, C, B, Keogb Sc Co,, John Bowes, Gill & Baird, Eader Sc Co., Leouard de Rache, J", F. Oweus, the Mosaic Tiling Com­pany, the J. L, Mott Iron Works, and a few others. "Thei r accounts," said Ml-. Guastavino to a reporter of T H E RECORD AND GUIDE, " including tbe cost of finishing tbe buildings, will amount to about 837,000. We have deposited with our laT.vyer J37,000 in tbe stock of our company to secure these debts and §5,000 additional for interest aud otber charges. I have made my second mortgages over to the stock thus deposited, so tha t the materia! men who accept stock will practicaUy have a second mortgage, and thus come ahead of the balance of the stock, which would he S43,00P, representing tbe net equity which the company estimates it has m the property,"

"Suppose the creditors should refuse to accept the stock," asked the reporter, " a n d demand cash foi- tbeir bills."

" I n that case," said Mr. Guastavino with a significant shrug, " t h e y would he forced to place a mechanic's lien on the property and stand their chances of losing everything by a possible foreclosure."

" What do you estimate tbe value of your property at ," asked the writer, " W e v a l u e t h e ground at SG9,OOO and the buildings afc $135,000, in all

§204,000, This leaves an equity of §83,000 behind tbe first mortgages wbicb is a Uttle more than tbe capital stock of the company."

A reference to tbe flies of T H E RECOED AND GUIDE sbows that on June 1, 1SS7, Quintin Garretta paid §30,000 for the 100th street comer, and that on Ju ly 38, 1887, he paid 838,000 for tbe two lots on the 9Gth street corner, in all $52,000, and that too witb a builder's loan, said to t e S28,000. Ahout tbe eud of August, 18S7, be filed plans, Mr. Guastavino being tbe architect, in which their signatures appear to an official document in the BuUding Department estimating the eost of the 100th street corner a t $40,000, and of the two other sti-uctm-es S;i7,000 aud .?48,00O, in all £115,000. This gives a total of $107,000. I'he company estimates tbe rental of tbe thirty-three apartments, fom- stores and vftnlt.s, at $15,.500 per annum.

I t should be added tbat tbe title to the property is vested in tbe name of Quintin Garretta, a clei'k of Mr. Guastavino, and thongh the foi'iner is fcbe nominal tbe latter is the real owner.

C. B. Keogh said: " We are covered by obtaining an interest in second mortgages on the property. Of course we will have to wait for our money, hut there is nothing,' else for it," Iir. Keoifh tUd n^t eai'? t' ftlK sboiit the

matter, and only spoke witb reluctance. His fli-m were also creditors to a small extent of Merritt Se Co., but have not taken any special pains to obtain a settlement of their biU.

The J. L. Mott Iron Works do not seem to be much troubled about the matter. They are simply assignees for J. F. Owens, tbe plumber, and the latter refuses to continue work on tbe buildings unless some other arrangement is made tban assigning part of a second mortgage to him on one of the bouses. Mr. Owens asks for some means of security whereby be wUI be able to realize cash for tbe work done. Mr. Goebel, the weU-kno-wn cashier of the company, was asked by the reporter what effect these arrangements by builders to satisfy tbeir creditors with scrip instead of cash would have upou material men in future, and he said : " I tbink tha t it •will be rather beueficiai than detrimental, except in the case of smaU con­tractors who cannot afford to wait for their money. Tbe moneyed contractors are better off -with a second mortgage, or stock, tbau they would be if a fore­closure took place, and they should be wiped out. In one case tbeir biU is assured, although they may have to wait for it a year or more; in tbe other case they lose every cent. A mechanic's hen is rarely of value, for it generally comes after other mortgages. I t is only of use when it is placed on property before there -s any mortgage on it. Besides, material men do not like to take harsh measures, as it not only stOps tbem from doing busi­ness with then- debtor in future, but puts them in bad odor with the other builders."

Kotes and Items, The fall season afc Avery's Galleries on oth avenue was opened last night,

•with a press view of oil paintings by tbe weU-knowu English artist, Geo. H. Bougbtoii. The works exhibited are owned by Hy. G. Marquand, Henry T. Cos, Charles Stewart Smith and others, and include " T h e Widow's Acre," " Tarn O'Sbanter," " A Puri tan Maiden," " Tbe Cronies " and others of equal merit.

The Commission of Estimate on the a-;\'ards to be raado in the mat ter of the new parks and parkways beyond the Harlem have ]ust issued their report. Tho total sura is §9,353,101.00, which is exclusive of .S339,8ii0.13 for the engineers'surveys and the pt-o:;ce:ling3 before the commission. Tbe awards cover the lands to be taken for Van Cortlandt, Bronx, Pelham Bay, Crotona, St. Mary's and Claremont Parks, and the Mosbolu, Bronx and Pelbam and Crotona Parkways, tbe entire area being 3,848 39-100 acres. Tbe number of awards made is upwards of 1,300,

There was a long string of taxpayers in line on Monday to avail them­selves of tbe saving which a prompt payment of the property tax insures. A majority of tbe early payers were of the fair sex. The Tax Office bas been besieged during tbe week with alacrious taxpayers, and a large pai-t of tbe year's assessment ah-eady lays in the city's treasury. Receiver of Taxes MacLean said to a reporter of T H E RECORD AND GUIDE, a t the closing hour yesterday, that about S9,000,000 bad been turned in dur­ing the flrst five days out of a total for ISSS of about §32,000,000.

The pressure test recently instituted by the Board of Health on plumbing work bas evidently created quite a stir amongst tbo plumbers. Their association is so much impressel witb tbe deficient qualities of tbe pipes heretofore generally manufactured that they are actually advertising, with the object of endeavoring to ascertain if it is possible to obtain a grade of cast iron pipe known as " extra heavy " and from two to six inches in diameter, f rea from air holes and capable of standing the Board's test. Chief Inspector John C. Collins said to a representative of T H E RECORD AND GUIDE tbat the pressure test bad discovered very serious imparlections in the pipes generally used, aud he showed tbe writar a simple of a joint in which an air hole existed that was positively dangerous to the health of the occupants of the building in wbicb it bad beeu placed.

Several months ago Messi-s. Craivford & Hauseman, builders, purchased a plot of ground on the southeast corner of 10th avenue and 73d street. On this property tbey commenced tbe erection of a stable, to tbe great dismay of the neighboring residents and property-owners. Tbe latter made an effort to purchase the property and so stave off the objectionable sti-nctm-e, but the owners did not consider the advance offered as sufficient indemnity to tbem for tbe prospecfcive possibilities of the income from the stable. Hereupon the neighbors put tbeir beads together and obtained the assur-ancas from scores of their feUow-neighbors that they would nofc pafcronize the stable wbeu built. The builders originally intended erecting a five-story tlat aud subsequently resolved to build a fonr-story stable; but a reporter of T H E RECORD AND GUIDE, tbe other day, went to see the bnild­ing aud found it only tbi'ee stories high, with a cornice on it, showing that ifc wiU not be as high as originally coafcemplatad. The reporter called on several of fche residents i-u tbe neighborhood, all of whom ex])ressed them­selves wifcb indignation about tbe stable, and the lady whose house adjoins it on 73d street spoke iu especially strong fcerms. Tbe block is covered with private bousas o.i each sida of fcbe streat, most of tham baing owned by the residents. The stable v/iU somewhat affe:;t about a quarter of the block eastwards oa each side, though nofc materially. There is already a stable adjoining the new one built, but it is ou tbe lOfch avenue side in the middle of tbeb'.o^lt, and isless objectionable tban that now in coursa of construction. EUa J, Filson, who owns tbe bonsa adjoining tha stable, bas taken action in the Suprema Cjurt witb intent to have th3 building removed. " In the coaaplainfc," said a representative of Hornhlower Sc Byrne, her at 'orneys, • ' i t is claimad that tba damage resultiu'; to bar housa will ha 510,000 and a reduction in annual rental value ofS'JM. A notice was put up by tho builders notifying tbe neighboring owoais of their intention to build a stable, upon which they were immediately warned, before the plans were filed, tb i t it would ba considere:] a unisanea, and tbat action would be taken to stop the erec'tion of tbe structura if conimencad." The plaintiff avei's iu tbe complaint " t h a t they undertoak the coiisfcructioii wantonly and maliciously, aud with tbe intent to coerce plaintiff and other pi-operty-ownei's into a.money payment to prevent the work beiug done."

An Interest ing Decision to Brokers. A trial has just been concluded before Judge O'Gorman and a jury in

Superior Court, Par t I II . , in which Herman Joseph represented tbe plain­tiff, tbat is of vast interest to real estate brokers. The title of the case is Samuel Rosenthal vs. Valentine Rostzier. The case was the first one on Monday last and was concluded on Tuesday afternoon, resulting in a verdict in favor of plaintiff for S526.50. The defendant was represented by Senator Louis S. Goebel and ex-Police Justice Cbarles A. Flammer. These are the facts:

In December, 1887, Hiram Einaldo, a real estate broker, informed the defendant Rostzler, who owned 169 Rivington street, that he had a pur­chaser for his premises, provided Rostzler could get tbe owmers of 171, 173 and 17.5 Rivington street, adjoining property, to consent to sell their property, since his purchasers, Messrs, August and Chai'les Ruff, builders, would not buy one piece without the other, and tbat if ho succeeded iu sell­ing the property ho would expect to obtain commission from eacb, being one per cent, ou the price tbey would each receive for tbeir property. After considerable negotiation aU of the owners agreed to sell their property, eacb to receive §12,700. Messrs. August and Cbarles Ruff theu appointed a time to draw formal contracts a t fche office of tbeir attorneys, Messrs, Cook Se Shuck, where all met. Some slight concession was made by the broker to one of the owners of tbe property because his bouse was vacant and was to remain vacant until passing of title, wbUe aU tbe others, includmg Rostz-ler's house, was to be occupied during that tima. Rostzler then refused to make contract, claiming the original agreemant or contract broken, because one was to receive more tban the other, and the sal« thus fell throngb.

The broker assigned his claim and sued to recover aU damages sustained by Rostzler's wrongful acts, alleging that aU fche otber owners were ready to sell, and tha t he lost his entire commission hy Riistzler's refusal, and claimed that Rostzler alone was responsible to him for his entire commission.

The judge, in charging tbe jury, substantially held this view to be correct, and instructed tbem, " i f they believe that the bro'a;er was injured or dam­aged, he bad a rigbt to recover tba extent of bis damages, but it was f or tbem to say whether from the evidence tbe defendant was justified in bis refusal to couve;' bis property, since tbera was some conflict as to the pre­cise refusal on his part in conveying, tbe defendant claiming tbat he did nofc believe a contract could be entered into, tbe otber owners asking for too many concessions and modifications.

The jury, after twenfcy-Sve minutes' dalibaration, returned a verdict for tho fuU amount in favor of plaintiff.


Keal Estate Exchange Affairs, The Directoi-s of the Exchange mifc on Tuasdiy, eight members being

present. The president's report was read. I t stated that tbe knock-downs during

June, July and August amounted to $1,613.50, as against §l,7.i) in tho corresponding mouths of 1887. Tbe balance to tbe credit of tbe Exchange up to August Slst was §19,495.05.

Tbe offer inado by tbe Holland Trust Company to place the debt of tbe Exchange m mortgage bonds bearing 3.65 pi>r cent, was withdrawn by that institution.

I t was announced that all the debts due to the Exchange had been col-ected to August 31st, witb tbe exception of ?9,

The Exchange has received §1,203.85 in aid of tbe yello-.v fever sufferers. The following is tbe full list of suhsci-iptious to date : John Jacoh Astor S.iOO.00 W. C. Sehermerboru lOO.OO S, Van Rensselaer c r u d e r & Co... lOO.OD E. H. Sehennerhom 50.00 D, C, ConneU 50,00 Hirsh Brothers 25.00 H. H. Cammann & Co 25.00 Ottinger & Bro M.OO Smyth & Rvan a.i.00 Jloses Sahlein 35.00 Robert. W, Etlgar 35.00 Fred, T, Hopkms ,. 25,00 Frederick Zittel 25,00 George P, Ti'igg 35.00 Leonard J, Carpenter 25.00 Horaces. Ely 25.00 N. V. Bailev 25.00 Barton & Whittemore 25.00

J, Romaiue Brown & Co S i.OO T. Wolfe Tone SO.00 ,Tohu T, WiUets 20.00 Rulaud & Wtiitinc 10.00 J. Edgar Leaycraft 10,00 William Cnukshank lO.OO Robert F . Bixby 10.00 H. G, dt F . E, Eilsbeuiius 10.00 J . N. Cushman ,5.00 APriend 5.00 E. Morrison.., . 5.00 Adolpb 8, Kalischer .5.00 Thomas Mouashan 2,00 .JohuN. Henbiier 2.00 Contribution box ou floor of tbe

Exchange 4.85

Total $1,368.83

Owing to the recent Bedell and Foster troubles several of tba Exchanges have beau examiuiiig their accounts. The Liberty street institution has bad its accounts audited, and everything bas been found to be cori'ect to a penny.

The Auction Room Commitfcee met on Thursday, and amongst other ' matters declined an offei' to rent the Exchange for political meetings made by tbe insm-ance brokeis and two Republican clubs. The amount of rental would ouly bave been ahout 8200, and the committee did not consider it advisable to make the Exchange a place for poUtical gatherings.

I t ems for Taxpayers to Scan. The pay-roU of the Bureau of Buildings for 1888 amounted to SOS,000.

The sum of §110,600 has been called for by the Fme Commissioners for running fcbe Bureau next year. For the current year, §38,500 was allowed the Fire Departmant for new buildings. The commissioners ask for §100,000 for the =ame purpose next year.

Tbe Park Commissioners call for $36,000 for the care and maintenance of 72d, llOtb aud l-33d streets and Morningside avenue during 1889, and for 5133,705 for the reconstruction of down-town p.irlcs. For the con­struction of a tunnel uuder tba Harlem River, fco replace the present Central or Macomb's Dam Bridge, the sum of §2,000,000 is asked for by the comraissioners.

Capti in J. .1. Vuiidcr,^iift, apromiueut Pennsylvania oi! producer, pre­dicts that oil will be §3 a barrel by the first of next year. The supply is waning and wUl soon be below the demand,—(?««e(te and Free Press.


5ctober 6, l'8^^__ Record and Guide. 119

The Architectural League. The members of tbis society met at Morelli's lasfc Monday and decided to

bold their fom'tb annual exhibifciou of architectural ,and decorative work on December 34tb and following days at the Fifth Avenue Ar t Galleries. The committees selecte<l to condncfc the exhibit are as follows: Jui-y—R, M. Hunt, C. F. McEbn, R. S. Peabody of Boston, T. P. Chandler of Philadelphia, and A. D. F. Hamlin, assistant-professor Columbia CoUege. Hanging Committee—Georges A. Glaenzer, C. E, Atwood and E. M. Wheelwright of Boston. Medal Jury—C. F. McKim, R. S. Peabody, C. T. Mott, C. A. Rich and E. R. Tilton.

I t was decided to incorporate the League as a club, and suitable rooms will be rented for tho purpose, Tbe discussion oC tbis matter was postponed tUl the next meeting in November.

The society will take a trip to Washington in Decenibei-, to see the public buildings and other objects of interesfc at tbe capital. I t has also been decided to take monthly ti-ips to places of interest near New York, not ouly to see special examples of architectural work, but also, andespacially, interior decoration.

The League uow numhars 163 members, of which ahout thirty are out of town, some of tbem bemg resident as far off as St. Paul. Tbe non-residents are honorary members, ouly a few from Boston, Philadelphia and one or two other places taking an active part iu the Leag'ue's woi'k.

The New Appraiser's Store. The bill authorizing the purchase of a site for new public buildings has

passed both Houses of Cougi-oss and was signed last Saturday by Pi'esident Cleveland. The total amouut appropriated is §3,000,000 for the site and $650,000 for the erection of a building to be used for an Appraiser's store. There is no restriction as to locality, that being left entirely to the discre­tion of the Secretary of the Treasury. He is required to advertise ten times for proposals for sites, and in case none that meets with his approval is offered be is empowered to acquire tbe laud by eondenination. Whether the Secretary will choose the BoivUug Green site or the site westof the Washington buUding between Greenwich and West streets, or whether a location will he selected somewhere in tbe neighborhood of the present Appraiser's store on Laight and Hubert streets, can only betonjeetured.

Important to Property-Holdera. BOARD OF ASSEySORS.

No. U K CITY H A L L , N E W YORU, September 38, 1888, |

Notice is given to tbe owner or omiers of all houses and lots affected thereby, that the following as,5es3ments bave been completed and are lodged in the oflace oE tbo Board of Assessors for examination hy all parties inter­ested, who must preseut their objections iu writing, if opposed to the same, within thirty days frora date of notice:


No. 1,—Extension of sewer at foot of Rector st, Hudson River, with altera­tion and improvement to existing sewers.


No. 2.—91st st, from IOth av to Riverside Di'ive. No. 3.—93d st, from West End av to Rivei-side Drive.

[The limits embi-aced by said assessments include all the houses and lots of ground situated as foUows: , No. 1.—Beginning at a point on t h e e E of Wests t , 81 feat s of Rector st,

thence easterly to the centre of the block bet West and Washington sts; thence southerly along tbe centre line of the block to a poiut about 125 feet n of Morris st, thence easterly to aud across Wash­ington st to the centre of the block bet Waslungtou and Green­wich sts, thence soutberly to Morris st, thence easterly to Church st, thence along the e s of Chm-ch st to a point ahont 250 feet s of Tinpot alley, thence eastei-ly to Broadway, thence northerly along tbe w s of Broadway fco tbe centre line of fche block befc Cedar and Thames sts, thence westerly to Greenwich st, thence to the s w cor of Gi'eenwich and Albany sts, thence ou a line to the s w cor of Carlisle and Washington sts, thence on a line to a point on the e s of West st about 155 feet n of Rector st, thence along tbe e s of West st to tbe place of begiuning.

No. 2.—9!st st, both sides, frora 10th avfco Riverside Drive, and to the extent of half tbe block at tbe intersecting avenues.

No. 3.—93d st, both sides, from West Eud av to Riverside Drive, and to tbe extent of half the block at the entersecting avenues.]

The above described list will he fci-ansmitted, as pi-ovided by law, to the Board of Revision aud Correction of Assessments for conflrmation ou tbe 29th day of October, 1888.

a How to Draw a Contract,

An invaluable work for all dealers in realty is found in " Tbe Guide to Buyers and SeUers of Real Estate," by Counsellor Geo. W. Van Siclen. This pamphlet, of ouly fifty-six pages, offers a complete solution of aU the complicated questions that arise iu drawing contracts. I t discusses ques­tions of titles, liens, curtesy and dower rights, deeds, searches, etc., and contains forms of coufci-acts and judicial decisions which, witb other general iuformafcion, -will go far towards making every man his own lawyei-. I t teUs all ahout fixtures, assumption of mortgages, apportionment of rents, description of property, terms of pa>'meut, damages for failure to carry out contracts, information on setting aside contracts for mistake or fraud, aud forms of deeds, PublLsbed by T H E liECORD AND GUIDE, 101 Broad way. Price 50 cents.

Back Nnmhers Wanted. Fifteen cents apiece will be paid at tbe office of T H E RECORD AND GUIDE,

No. 191 Broadway, for each of the folloM'iug numbers of said paper: Year i88.5_Nos. 873-883. Year 1887—Nos. 983-987. Year i sss—No. 1035.

Wants and Offers at'the Excliauge. IFor the week ending Thursday. Oct. ilh.

The items under the head of ' ' wanted " are condensed statements showing what sort of pi'operty tbe broker, whose " n u m b e r " pi-ecedes the item, is-isbes to secm-e for clients. The items under " ottered " give the location, size, cost, aud a brief description of the pi-operty offered for sale by tbe broker whose "number ' ' precedes tbe item, MO. W A N T E D . P R I C E

123 On the wesfc side, below 59tb street. Corners and avenue lots for cash; also lots and corners iu tho 9th 'W^ard

316 To pm-chase, on or near Cenfcre and FrankUn streets. Prop­erty suitable for light raaunfacturing

468 West side lots in exchange for furnished cottages; free and clear, a t Seabi-ight, N, J

46S -Below .59th street. Tenements and flats in exchange foi-' pri­vate houses in Brookl3m

4GS A loan of §7,000 on eacb of two fom'-story and store teiiemeuts iu Brooklyn. Value, $12,000 each

1085 On north side of 14th sfcreet, between 7'th and 8tb avenues. Residence

O F F E R E D .

Tenements on east side in exchange for lots and cash. Each . . §35,000 to 30,000

Fifteen lots on the west side; will exchange for flats or tene­ments. Mortgage §75,000, a t 5 g 150,000

Below 50th street, between 7fch and 8th avenues. Two four-story tenements, 25x94 each. Rented for Sl,800 each, Each 18,000

On 55th street, between 8tb and 9fch avenues, Three-stoi-y and baseraent bl'0^vl^ stone private residence, 22x.5Gxl00 26 000

In Sth Ward. Building site 63x200 feet, froutiug three proini- ' iieut streets; suitable for stores and flats 105,000

East 38th street, near 5th avenue. Four-story, high stoop, browu stone house in elegant oi'der, with .stable on 39ch s t ree t . . . . 1.30,000

Broadway, near Cortlandt street, twenty-one year.s' lease of five-story building, iron front and basemeut, uow i-enting for .S13,000. Neb per annum to 000

Ou Broadway, near Fulton street, flve-story iron front and ' basemeut buildiug, paying (i^ net 175,000

Front street, below Old SUp, double four-story brick budding in flue order .- .50,000

Pearl street, helow Wall street, foim-story bi'ick store build­ing, '26x80. Rent, £4,000. Clear 50 000

Grand street, west of Broadway, three-story and extension ' buildiug; rented to 1893 at S1,.W0 18,000

Broome street, uear Centre street, neai'ly full lot with fonr-stoi-y, basement and snb-celiar brick building 21,000

Broadway, uear Spring street, vacant lot to lease for eighty years ; size 25x100

West 26th street, uear Broadway. Five-story brown stone residence, leased at §-3,000 22,.'iOO

Near 29th street. Pour-story brown sfcone residence, rented at §1,400. Mortgage §10,000, at 5 :? 16,000

lO.jd street, soutb side, 150 feet east of Riverside avenue. Two lots, excavated, ready for building. Eacli •.,, 10,000

93d street, hetween 2d aud 3d avenues. Five-story brick tene­ment, 25x84x102. Rents for S2,100 18,CO0

House iu Broome sti-eet and cash for atonement below ,^9th street

Store property on 10th aveuue; might .exchange for down­town or factory property

Southwest corner Park aveuue and 58th street. Private stable, two-story, browu stone, 2,')s 100 36,000

East 65th street, Nos. 348 and 350, hetween 1st and u'd avenues. Two five-story brick double flats, each 27x85x100

No. 348, 27,500; No. 3.50, 2S,.500 West 78th street, south side, between 10th avenue and Boule­

vard. Two lots, lacb 25x101), adjoining, aud both exca­vated 10 feet, street restricted. Mortgage §10,000 30,000























Funiisbed bouse for a smaU private family wanted, from November to May, between 4th and (itb avenues, ISth aud 50tb streets. Terras from $250 to §300 per month. Address, " Clintou," RECORD AND GUIDE office.

Real Estate Department. The market on 'Change this week has shown greater activity, botb iu

improved and unimproved realty, aud tbe annouu cements of auctions dui'­ing the uext fortnight are quite numerous. Tbe rtsult of the sales during the current month will go fai-towards indicating what tbe character of the market wiil be tbis season. Down-towm property seems to retain its firmness. An investor who bas made a searching canvass amongst tbe brokei'S i'eports that hetween Fourtoentb aud Seventy-second streets con­cessions ai-e being made on dwellings and flats, owing to tbe many vacan­cies, especiaUy in the latter. An active broker, however, deiues this statement aud says tha t be has beeu unable to close negotiations for the sale of several dweUings owing to tbe flrmness of holders.

Tbe Cutting estate sale has beeu postponed until Wednesday, the 24th inst.

The sales on Monday at tbe Exchange were few and uuirapoi'tant. Tha foi'eclosure of a new dwelling on West TOth street resulted in its sale to tbe plaintiff for ij;27,000, about sufficient to cover tbe second mortgage.

Tuesday's sales were quite numerous; several dwellings on tbe west side were foreclosed aud invai'iably brought less than the encumbrances. Twenty-two lots ou Wasbiugton, Porest and Tinton avenues and lOSfch street, were sold for a total of' §28,100; Washington avenue lots averaged §1,950; Foi'esfc avenue .^1,125, and Tintou avenue §1,050 apiece. There wei'e quito a number of biddei'S for the lots, considering that tbe sale was poorly iidvertiscd, Nino lots on Van Cleef sti'eet. Rose and Woodlaw-ii ave­nues, Jersey City, br<iught from §60 to §105 each. L. N. Levy and E. A. Roblfs were the buyers,

Wednesday was tbe hnsiest day of the week and the Salesi'oom was very weU attended. Foreclosure sales were.the most numerous and generally embraced new dw-elliugs which builders were unable to carry any longer. Tbe Bijou sale was agaiu postponed, this time without date. Over IOO lots a t WiUiamsbridge belonging to the Associated Lace Makers' Company were offered. The bidders w-ere few .and tbe pi-ices obtained were far below the figures expected by tbe seUers. Among the buyers w^ere BuUder Francis Crawford, Joseph Kennedy, J. H. Collins and John McCarthy, About eighty lots were disposed of,

Thursday's sales were few and the attendance was smaU. Nothiug occurred of uoto.

The one parcel announced for sale yesterday was -withdraivn. The foreclosure sales for next week embrace several valuable parcels.

On the east side do'wn-town the Assembly Rooms, Nos. 2,8 and 30 Avenue A, will be olTered to satisfy a mortgage held by the Citizen's Savings Bank, on which over §43,000 is due. In the choice residential quarter flve dwellings -will be sold, viz., Nos, 9 to 17 East 75tb street. Over 8117,000 is owing thereon to Charles L. Tiffany. In June of last yeai- Mr. Tiffany sold tbe four lots, on which the flve houses have been erected, for §95,000 to Buildei- Anthony Mowbray, who was iuvolved in tbe De Forest failure last January. The houses are far from flnished, aud tbei'e is a second mortgage for about S30,000. Outhewests ideof tawn the block front outhe east side of 9tb aveuue, between S7th and SSth sti-eets, comprising teu lots, will be pufc up to satisfy a flrst mortgage of over §97,000, There is a second mort­gage against the same property for §47,257. The defendant is Builder Charles L. GuiUeaume, who startetl to improve the lots, hut abandoned tbe work after part of tbe -walls were buUt. There wiU also be sold ten lots ou 8Stb sti'eet, east of 10th avenue, standing in Guilleaume's name, and on wbicb over §88,000 is dne.

On Tuesday, October flth, Richai-dV. Harnet t & Co. \vill sell Nos. -240 and 244 West 72d sti-eet, two fom--stoi'y, high stoop, brown stoue residences.

On Wednesday, October 10th, Richard V. Haruet t Sc Co. will seU the Ray estate leasehold, No. 365 Sth avenue, a three-siory brick dweUing and store with extension, having a twenty-one yeai's' lease from May 1st, 1SG9 witb two renewals of like period.

On Wednesday, October 10th, Richard V, Harnet t & Co. will seU the handsome fonr-story high stoop, brown stone dweUing, No, 7 West .53d sti-eet, 285 feet west of 5th avenne.

On Wednesday, October 10th, Richard V. Harnet t Se Co. -wili seU, to close an estate, Ko. 14 East ICth street, a five-sfcory brown stoue dweUing with two-story exteusion on the south side of the street, 211.6 east of 5th avenue. Tbe plot runs back to within 10 feet of East lofch street.

On Wednesday, October IOtb, Richard V. Harnett Se Co. will seU Nos. 37 and 39 King street, the former a thi-ee-story and coUar brick building, and the latter a thi-ee-story and ceUar (brick front) frame buildiug. The plot is 61,9x100, and on the reai- of it are two tbree-story brick buUdings.

On Thursday, October l l th , Richard V. Harnetfc Se Co. wUlseU, byorder of Superior Courfc, under foreclosure, valuable business property ou the north side of 37tb street, 126 feet east of 1st avenue, i-unning 200 feet to the liue knovm as tbe Harbor Commissioners Bulkhead line.

On Thm-sday, October ISth, Richard V. Harnett Sc Co. -will sell two three-story, high stoop, basement and cellar, brown stone dn-ellings, Nos. 250 and 258 De Kalp avenue, Brooldjm, aud four choice lots adjoining on tbe south­west comer of Clinton and De Kalb avenues.

CONVEVANCES. 188G. IBSr. isas.

Oct. 1 to 7, Sept. 80 to Oct. G, Sept, 28 to Oct. 4, iuclus. inclus. inclus.

Number ^'S 311 2-i7 Amount involved 84,922,598 $5,D80,e84 $4,«H,43i> Number uoniiual 57 71 60 Number 3:!d and Slth Wards..,. 46 57 51 Amount mvolved $256,14ti $311,660 $120,302 Number nouiinal 8 8 13


Number 202 32S SR3 Amount mvolved §3,888,406 $3,1365.123 - $-3,070,005 Number at 5 per cent 153 14.S ]ai Amount involved Sl,SS0,73O Sl,378,8H £1,010,1:00 Number at less than 5 pei- cent.. 30 20 82 Amount mvolved §725,100 §806,300 £020,000 Number to Banks, Ti-ust and

Insurance Companies 55 66 C6 Amouut mvolved Sl.190,100 81,651,000 51,010,850

PBOJECTEn BCILrilNGS. i8se. ies7. im.

Oct. 2 to 8. Oct, 1 to 7. Sept. 29 to Oci. 5. Number of buildings 67 ' 52 56 Esthnated cost $722,300 8432,050 £090,500

Gossip of t h e Weok,

Bellamy & Winans have sold for Wra. C. Lane the four-story brick and stone dwelling on tbe northeast comer of Madison avenue and 69th street, 27 feet on the avenue s &JX7.5, aud known as No. 19 East 69th street, to President King, of the Erie Railroad, for ahout §87,500.

Cbas. A. Seymour Sc Co, have sold the four-story brown stone dwelling No. 5^ Madison avenue to H, S, Lawi-ence for §82,5110.

Samuel Raub, of 113 Spring street, has purchased from McCaffcrty Sc Buckley the four-story d-iveUing No. 54 East ?3d street, 20x102,2, for §50,000.

Tbe four-story, high stoop, broivn stone front I'esideuco No. S West 51st street, which WB last week reported that Chas. Hathaway had sold, was purchased by Mrs. W. R. Hopldns, through Ed. P, HamUton Sc Co., for §42,-500. [t is 22i55,-<:100 iu size.

Edwai-dHu-sb bas purchased a plot, 100x111,6, on tho southwest corner of WiUis avenue and I44th street for §20.250.

Tbe dwelling purchased by Banker Koimtze is No, 299 Madisou aveuue, on the northeast corner of 41st street. I t is a four-story stoue front house witb extension, on lot 25x100. Sm-geon Wm. Todd Helmuth was theseller The price is said to be -§100,000. At a previous sale a few j 'ears ago S45,000 was tbe consideration.

John Brower has sold about eight lots on the uorth side of lOStb street, between Riverside Drive and the Boulevard, for §6,000 each, to Congress­man S. G. Bayne.

Wm. H. De "Forest has sold the four-story stone front dwelhng No, 821 Madison avenue, between 68th aud GOth streets, 20.5x55 witb extension, lot 85, to S. A. Swenson,

Wm. A. Bigeioiv- has sold eight lots, two oa tbe north side of 12.5th street (each 25x110) and six (each 25x90) on the south side of 120th street, com-menciug 125 feet west of Ttb avenue, to Oscar Hammerstein for improve­ment, as announced elsewhere, The price was something hke §100,000. Broker, Wm. H, Rosenblatt.

T. J. Kilpatrick bas sold for James McDonnell tbe four-story stonefront dwelling No. 70 East SOth street, for §40,000 to George C. Lyraen of tbe Wiudsor Hotel.

Presdee Se Moore have sold for W. W. Bower one lot on tho north side of 96th street, 150 feet east of 10th avenue, 25x100.11, for SS.OOOto John Mulford.

F, E. Barnes has sold for the trustees of the estate of L. Appleby the two foiu--story hrick tenements and stores, 40x7.5, Nos. 609 and 611 2d avenue, for §30,000 to F. Wehr,

J. S. Stiger has sokl the three-story browu stoue dweUing No. 970 West 70th sfci-eet, 75 feet east of West End avenue, 16.S x about 50x100.5, fo §13,000 to Rev. Dr. Edwin O. Flagg. Brokers, Skiuner Se Nellis.

I t transpires that the report relative to the sale by B. S. Levy of thp second of his West 77th street I'ow was without foimdation in fact.

The sale is reported of the fom--story dwelhng No. 51 East 07th street, 20 xlOO.5, to Wm. Marks at §35,000.

M. McCormick bas sold for James Phelan oue lot on the north side of lOCth street, 225 feet east of 2d aveuue, 2.5x100, for §5,000 to Jaines Flynn.

F. Beltz, attorney, has sold the fom--story stone front dweUing No. 1056 Lexington avenne, on the northwest corner of 75tb sti-eet, 18x85, for §17,500 to a Mr. Finelite.

Soutb Brother Island, in the East River, uear the North Brother aud Riker's Islands, has been offered for sale to tbe city. The matter was I'eferred to the ComptroUer by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

A price has been agi-eed on by the Sinking Fund Commissioneis with the trustees of the Church of the Redeemer for the purchase by the latter of the laud which tbey applied for on 82d street and 4th avenue. The Coraji-troUer states that a report wUl he presented at tbe uext meeting of the Board providing for the sale under certain stipulations aud conditions now under consideration.

The Broadway Dry Goods Co-opei-ative Building and Loan Association has been incorporated under th© act of 1S51, by Walter P. Walsh, N. Judson Stone, Wm. H, Rawlins and Andrew H. KeUy, for accumulating funds to be loaned to members for acquiring real estate, erecting buildings, etc., within twenty-flve miles of the City Hall.

Notice is given that tbe hUl of costs relative totheopeuing of lS9th street, from the Boulevard to 10th avenue, wUl be presented for taxation to the Supreme Court on October 17th.

Messrs. Shipman, Bai-loiv, Larocque & Choate havo forwarded certified checks to the Fat-mers' Loan Sc Trust Company for §112,664.84 and §17,370.42 to Johannes Koop, in I'ayraeut of the amounts of mortgages forged by James E. BedeU.

Real estate owners are much interested in a new form of search, called a blauket search, -n-bich has been prepared hy the Title Guarantee and Trust . Company. Heretofore it bas been necessary for a lawyer in examining a title to make ont six different requisitions for as many different oflices, put them in and take them out, and, if the closing of the title was adjoui-ned, perhaps repeat this three or fom- times before he was ready to close.

All the officers have different schediUes of fees, and the aggregate has been a very large and very uncertain amouut, Tbe Title Guarantee and Ti-oist Company, by the aid of its plant, bas been able to offer to take a siugle icquisition on a single sheet aud from it make all of tho six searches and d6li\or the returns on tbe same single sheet, without putting the la^wyer to the trouble of having the six searches to look after and six oflices to go to for his retm-ns. ,

The cost, too, has been reduced about as much as the labor, and a definite fee estahUshed for the search. The change is likely to be a great con­venience to la-wyers and a great rehef to tbeir clients, w-ho can at once compute what the amount of the disbursements in any given case should be. I t will put a stop to the extravagant ex2Jenditures for so-caUed searches, which many attorneys have been too prone to make. If tbey do not use the blanket seai-ch clients can still see tbat they do uot too much exceed its cost,

Brooklyn. Notice is given that property in arrears for taxes of 1S83 to 1880 vrill be

sold at Room 11 iu the City HaU, Brooklyn, a t 2 o'clock, on October IOth. On Tuesday, October 9tb, Adrian H. Muller & Son will sell, by order of

tho executor and trustee, 304 choice lots, forming part of tho Hunt estate, situated on 1st, 2d, 3d, 4tb and 5th avenues and 50tb, 57th and SSth streets.

On Thursday, the l l t h inst., A. H. Muller & Son wiU sell eight four-story brown stone front flats, with stores, a t Nos. lOOO to 1014 Fulton street. These properties are located between Grand and Clason avenues, and are iu a rapidly improving neighborhood, withiu flftean minutes of the Brook­lyn Bridge, and w-ithin a stone's-throw ot an " L " road station. The sale is peremptory, aud affords an opportunity to buyers to obtain some real estate which is certain to speedily onbance iu value. The sale nill talre ])]ace at the New York Real Estate Exchange.

Charles A. Se3Tnour & Co. have sold tbe Peter C. Cornell mausiou No 223 Columbia Heights, corner of Pierrepont street, consisting of a four-story brick and stone dwelling, 35x75, to Daiuel J. Leggett, of the baukiiig firm of Whitehouse Se Co., of New York, for about §75,000.

J. P. Sloane has sold for Moses T. Babbiugton the three-story aud base­ment frame dwelhng, with lot 25x100, No. 151 Oakland street, to Ralph L. Newton for S4,800.

Felix R, McCloskey has sold the two-story browu stone house, 20x42x SO, No. 3S7 Tompkins avenue, to WiUiara J . Pierson for §6,000.

Corwith Bros, have sold for Jennie A. WiUiams the bouse and lot north­east corner of Normau aveuue and Diamond street to Ann Boyle for §6,600.

J . H, SUliek has sold for AVm. Rapalye aud John H. Ireland sixty-four lots, comprising two blocks bounded by Eastern Poi-kway, Belmont and Alabama avenues and Hinsdale street, to Johu Rathbone for §110,000; also tbe gore, containing ahout five lots, on the northwest corner of Broadway and Putnam avenue, for James Demai-est for $15,000, and for Moore &

Lequesne the three-story bri^k apartment houses on the north side of Quincy street, 205 west of Ralph aveuue, to James Demarest for §33,000.

Thomas H. Brush has exchanged the six four-story brown stone stores and flats Nos. 1031 to 1041 Bedford aveuue, southeast corner of Clifton place, 20x76x100 each, on which there is a uiortgage of S62,000, witb Mas Moses. Mr. Moses sells to Mr, Brush twenty lots on tbe east side of Lewis aveuue, extending from Greene to Lexington avenue, and five lots ou the southeast corner of Lewis and Lexiugton avenues.

OONVETANCffiE 1886- 1887- 1888.

Oct. I to T, Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, Sept. 27 to Oct. 3, iuclus. inclus. iuclus.

Number S27 303 307 Amomit involved §1,040,938 $1,605,732 - $1,318,301 Number nominal 75 70 70

MORTGAGES. Number 309 277 274 Amouut mvolved S1,359,6G0 $908,088 $899,718 HumberatSuer cent, orless,, . 144 150 153 Amount mvolved $930,435 $589,937 $524,615

PROJECTED BUn.DINGS. 1886. 1887. 1888.

Oct. 2 to 8, Oct, 1 to 7. Sept. 23 to Oct. S. Number of buildings 155 80 70 Estimated cost,,., S59I.955 $369,166 $231,600

Out Among the Bmlders, A handsome theatre, which will be one of the largest and finest in the

eity, is to be erected on 125th street (running through to 136tb street), 135 feet west of 7th avenue. The owner is Oscar Hammerstein, the erlitor of the United States Tobacco Journal, who bas purchased two lots ou 135th street and six ou 196tb street, "Work will be connnenced on the theati-e on October 15th, and the inteutiou is to have it finished for tbe next season. Tbe 125th street frontage wU! probably be devoted to stores. The area of the theatre itself will be 90x150 feet, the design of which will be made by J . B. MacElfatrick & Son. The cost is not yet estimated.

Dr. Wm. H. Jackson will shortly commence tbe erection of a five-story store bnilding, 21x41 in size, a t No, 3 Burling Shp, near the northwest corner of Pearl street. I t will bave a brick front, with gi-anite trimmings, and wiU cost about SlO,000. The old two-story and mansard roof frame and

. brick buUding on tbe site, which will be torn dowu to make way for the improvement, was purchased by the grandfather of tbe present owner 156 years aga, and has bean iu the family ever since.

George M. Walgrove has plans on tbe boards for thi-ee five-story flats of brick and stono, with improvements, 35x75 eacb, which Thomas J. and George Jeukins will build on tbe north side of 130th street, 100 feet eaat of Sth avenue. Cost, §00,000,

William Ranldu will shortly build two sis-story brick and browu stone front tenements, 19 and 26x89, at Nos. 3 and 5 Sberiff street, the single one, to have two families, and the double four families, per fioor, their esti­mated cost being §37,000. Plans are being prepared by M. L. Ungi-ich. Tbe same architect has sketches ou tbe hoards for a two-story and mansard roof frame hotel, 35x.50, to be built by Edward Johnson on the east side of Jerorae avenue, a little south of Woodlawm Cemetery.

Geo. B. Pelham is drawing plaus for a five-story brick and stoue front tenement with store, 24,1x40, to be built by Johu Schuback on the east side of 9th avenue, 75 feet north of QOth street, to cost §13,000.

Thom & WUsou are tbe architects for tbe six flats which John Casey will bmld on 8Sth street, east of 4th avenue, reported iu this column ou the 33d ult. They will havo brick aud stoue fronts, two families per floor, aud will be 25.8 and 25,0xS6.S in size, tbeir estimated cost beiug §108,000.

Daniel D, Lawson will build a four-faiuUy flve-story flat a t No. 224 West 16tb street.

WUl, A, O'Hea has plans prepared for five five-story flats to be built on soutbwest corner of Sth avenue and I03d street, by Herrman Masche.

The cirner wiil be 20x85, and the others 20x70 each. Richard L. Walsh, of No. 12 Dutch street, has plans for a flve-story tene

ment, 35x85, to be buUt for Marks Arnheim on the east side of Elizabetb street, 75 feet uorth of Grand street.

John H. Deeves will build a flve-story tenement, 35x65, on the south side of 120tb street. 150 east of Pleasanfc avenue. He is drawing tbe plans himself.

Jobn C, Burne bas the plans under way for eight five-story brick and stone front flats to be built by Cotter Bros, oa the east side of Willis avenue, between 143d aud 144th streets. The corners will be 35x81 and the others 25x65 eacb, and tbeir cost is estimated by the architect at §170,000, The same architect has plans for five flve-story tenements to be built by Harry Muldoon on the southeast corner of Avenue D and luth street, the corner 25x88 and tbe others 35x65 eacb, Cosfc, about §90,000. The latter was referred to lasfc week.

O'Counor Se Freeman bave plans for a four-story apartment house, SSx 70, for the estate of J. J. Kelly. I t wiU be erected on the northeast corner of 3d avenne and 42d street.

Rentz Se Lange bave plans for a flve-story tenement, 25x96, of stone, brick and terra cotfca. J. & G. Schreiner, Jr . , wiU buiid ifc on tbe north-wast comer of Delancey and Lewis streets. Cost, S28,0O0.

George W. Walgrove has plans for alterations to No. 237 West SOth street, 0. T. Mackey, owner.

There is a plan on foot to bnild another theatre on 43d street, a little west of Broadway. Designs are being prepared. Further information wiU be given shoi'tly in these columns,

James Flynn wiU bnild a shop,on the north side of 108th street, com­mencing 225 feet east of 2d avenue.

Jobst Hoffman bas completed plans for a fonr-story extension to No. 299 Broome street, Maria Theresa Koempel, owner.

J. B, MacElfatrick & Son are prepared to let the contracts for the new theatre at Bridgeport, Conn, I t wUl cost about §85,000.

Louisa, wife of Lonis M. Jones, of Hoboken, will improve two lots a t Nos. 170 and 173 Cliuton street with stores aud tenements.

Pbillipina Schappel will build three tenements on the east side of Varick street, 171,7 north of Rivington street.

The Park Commissioners received four bids for constructing the addi­tion to the Museum of Natural History. Tbe names of the bidders were W. & T. Larab, Jr . , Edward Frauli, Richard Deeves aud James B. Smith, The contract was awarded to the last named, his total bid being §343,610, which Wife only about §3,000 lower than that of Richard Deeves. Eaeh of the bidders deposited $3,500, or 5 per cent,, of the $70,009 boud required. The buUding is to be corapleted iu 300 days.

Brooklyn. Montrose W. Moiris ha-s plans ou the boards for a handsome two-story

brick and stone stable, 40x46, to he erected ou Waverley avenue, a t the rear of the recently erected Arbuckle mansion on Cliuton avenue,

Th. Engelhardt is preparing plans for seven tbree-story and basement brick dwelliugs, six 20x50, and one 25x50, to be erected on the northeast corner of Vernon and Lewis avenues, for Max Hallbeimer, to cost §40,000, and a four-story double frame tenement, 25x60, aud oue-story stable, 25x15, on the south side of India sti-eet, 125 west of Manbattau avenue, for Chris­tiau Siebers, to cost §7,000.

Amzi HiU has prepai-ed plans for four thi-ee-story brick flats, 17x55, to be built ou Howai'd avenue, between Herkimer street and Atlantic avenue,

Robert Dixon is a t work on plans for a tbree-story frame store and flat, 19.6x60, to be erected on the north side of lOthstreet, 100 westof Othavenue for Patrick Green, to cost §4,800.

Thomas H. Brush ivUl build several detached houses on Lewis, Greene aud Lexington avenues, and a row of brick flats on the southeast comer o Lewis aud Lexington avenues.

William Corrigan wiU build either hrick or frame Bats, on plot 180x100 on tbe soutb side of 19th street, 90 west of 7th avenue.

The Fire Department are to bnild a new hook and ladder bouse in the Sth Ward, ou SSth street, near 4th avenue, aud a new engiue house in the 26th Ward,

A, W. Deiter wiU add two stories to his hotel, Nos. 367 to 373 Fulton street.

Laurence B. Valk & Son are about to begin plans for a handsome church, to be erected on Reid avenua.

Out of Town. CLINTON, CONN.—E. F , Gaylor, of Brooldyn, is the architect for a two-

story and attic frame cottage, 30x30, to be erected here for S. C. BlaisdeU. HOBOKEN, N . J.—Three flats, two 35x78 and one 25x81, with aU improve­

ments, four stories high, constructed of brick and stone, are to be built on the southeast corner of Bloomfleld and 14fch streets a t a cost of §40,000. F. W, Frericbs, owner. Rentz Sc Lange, architects.

N E W HAVEN, CONN.—L, B . Valk Se Son have plans for the Third Meth­odist Episcopal Cbm'ch for this place. I t will he a brick stimcture. 72x107, with terra cotta enrichmeute, and will cost §18,000.

SYHACUSE, N . Y . — J . B . MacElfatrick & Sou are preparing plans for a §300,000 theatre which Moore Se Lyucb -will huild here. It wiU bo 133x153, and is to seat §2,100 people. H. R. Jacobs wUl be the les.see.

Oontractors' ITotes. The Department of Public Charities and Con-ection wiU receive bids

until 9,30 A. M. Tuesday, October 9, for reconstruction of the plumbing a t the Essex Market prison ; for construction, setting, e t c , of a boiler a t BeUevue Hospital ; for the same work hetween the uew pavilions of the Almshouse, Blackwell's Island, aud for materials and work for steam heat­ing tbe east end of the Reti-eat, BlackweU's Island.

Tbe Department of Docks wiU receive bids until noon, Monday, October 1.5th, for rsinoving tbe present pier, etc., a t tbe foot of East SSfcb street and erecting a uew wooden pier, crib bulkhead, etc., on the site.

Special Kotice. John Siewart, the real estate agent and broker, has gi-eatly increased his

clientage since ha enlarged his office last year at No. 958 Sth avenue, near 57th street. He has made a specialty of buUders' loans of iate more thau in previous years. Mr. Stewart is one of the best Imown amongst west side agents, having been established in the real estate business for upwarda of a quarter of a century. He has a branch office at No. 221 West 15th street.

There is a report that the Mormons have a scheme under way to emi­grate from the United States to Mexico. I t is stated that tbe Church authorities, through a New York syndicate, have bought four million acres iu Mexico, and that the Mexican government havo made valuable conces­sions looking towards the improvement of teu million acres of timber and mining lauds. A further assertion is made, which tends strongly to cast a doubt on tha truth of the whole report. I t is said tbat " the names of all tbe male members of tbe Church are thrown together in a box and then drawn out. Every tenth name is marked for departure to Mexico, and, after the di'awing has takeu place, every tenth man gets a notice, and a cer­tain length of time in which to dispose of his worldly possessions and take his depai-tm-e is allowed him. Many of them object to the emigration, eveu after tbey bave been drawm, but the order of tbe Church is iraparativc, and they are threatened with eternal daiimation unless they obey insfcruc-tions." This part of tbe story sounds lUio the invention of soma cafcerei- to tbe prevaiUng auti-Mormon prejudice.

— • The Hemeuway expedition has discovered that so extensive and eompleta

wero the irrigating works of tbe ancient inhabitants iu Soutwesteru Arizona that the valley of the Gila was at one time able to support 200,000 people The country is uow of a desert character, except where modern irrigating, works have beeu established, Tbe ancient ditches carried the water across tbe flat land between tbe Gila and the Salt Rivers, aud they were so well conatrueted that tbe present settlers can utilize them in parts. ^

110.6 Record and Guide. October C; ISSfi

BL'ILDI\U MATERIAL MARKET. BRICKS.—History continues to repeat itself ou this

market , and a very slow uneventful condition of affairs is revealed in conversation wltli themore proiu-jneut operators. Every Monday morning for four or flve weeks past, It Is said, has found a somewhat less­ened supply accumulated a t the depot, but subsequent trial of tbe marke t geuerally revealed a shrinkage of demaud m jus t ahout the same proportion, so tha t mattei-s kept upou ahout a halauce, aud the marke t gained uo strengthening influence, aud.occasionally, as we have noted, it was necessary to shade a trifle in order to secure custom, especially on intei-mediate aud common grades. One little feature seems lo be shown this week iu au uiquiry for the bet ter quali­ties more closely balancing the available supply, uot tha t Jhe outlet has Increased, but because the offering has been smaller, many of the leadiug manuf acturers concluding to do a little holding hack in hopes tha t when the season is over somewhat better terms will, iu the natural course of events, develop. As to the end of work there is still nothmg vei-y clear so far as preconcerted action is concerned, hut the frosty at­mosphere of tbe 'past week is a significant waruiug tha t Dame Nature is likely to solve the problem and put a quietus .ipon further production. The distribu­tion of the supply here retains a reasonably general character, hut some of the receivers give It as au ex-

Eerience tha t dealers wbeu solicited tor bids claim to ave all the stock they can take care of, this feature

holding good to some extent for Brooklyn as well as beie. Pales are also on the dull list, and while quoteil about as before some very good stock is understood to bave been available a t mside figm-es.

LATH,—Tbe marke t is comineucing to stiffen up again somewhat andi-epoi-fs are more cheerful. Dur. iug the eai'lier pa r t of the week former ra tes were all t ba t could he obtained aud deraand stood off slightly, but. iindiug no additional offei-ings of importance were making, buyei-s bave of late manifested gi'eater iutci'-est, and we have reports of full parcels sold a t S3,05 and $3.10 per M within a day or two, and to which basis quotations a re revised. There does not appeai' to he any speciaUj- buoyant talk over the sitiiatiou. but receivei'S are nioi-e confident of retaining advan­tage andsugges t smaller shipments and higher trans­portation enaiges as assistants. There is also said to be somewhat better demand from &ut-of-to«'u sources,

LIME,—A resumption of shipmeuts from the East a t about the date of our last, ond favorable winds have brought forn-ard a pre t ty good supply of stock. In view of the previous somewbat prolonged scarcity, however, reasonablj- full wants bad beeu growing tip and receivei-s experienced no dilliculty in finding a pret ty good run o( custuni and preventing an accumu­latiou calculated Ii> cause any trouble. Of course all th t IfadiuK reccivris have refused to allow any mcjdilicaliou trom ivKularly estabhshed rates. Other liesci'iptious Lit .lijcl-: letiiin their usual relative posi­tion, both in the mai le r of price and proportion of demaud seemed,

LUMBER.—There is a great deal of sameness in the general m n of report. Tbe volume of t rade seems to hold well up to the loruier average a t least, with now aud theu a little more huiTy iu the demand from deal­ers who bavo heretofore been backward about enter­ing tbe marke t . There is, however, no genuine snap aud vigor in t rade, nor does any one really expect il this season, owing to the absence of any thing a t pres­ent encoui-agiug in the outlook. Some operators, and they rank among those ordinarily eousideied (be slue^'desl, have au Idea there may be an agreeable dis-appoinlnieut next spring to those who canoff t ragood assortment u£ huilding stuff, but not a great many are inclined to winter over very large amounts against such a contingency. A featui-e accounting for a por­tion of ein-reut moderation iu demand whei'e uiore auiniatiou was calculated upon, is the cousidernhle quantity of supphes coming torward on contract, and rittUer tending to conliriu previous inipressious tba t the persibteut manner witn which our mai'ket was canvassed by agents during the summer actually led to more business tbau was luaile laiowu, and probahl.-i' a goodly portion of it a t pretty low rales, Home of the yards already show snug piles Of stock, but wilh room enough for more, and the filling up of which is doubt ful.

Eastern Spruce appears to have disappointed the selhng side to some extent this fall, judging from com­plaints now aod then to be heard. Dealers ha\& tailed to stock up freely on direct natural demand, and eveu when cargoes were offered a t considuiably shaded rates there did uot seem to be the appi'eciation expected and it requued constant crowding to iiad a lilace for the supply. This was, of course, most marked on poor assortments, hut there bas been some pret ty nice average schedules p a i t t d with a t compar­atively low rates, about ^14,f>(i getting some of theUest randoms, we imderslaiul, under the i ecent break. The iuelinalion now is lo steady up a tritle, but not mauy additional supphes ai'e wauled. We quote a t fn'A.ifO @SI4.00 per M for 0 to 0 inch aud S15.(il)@ 16.00 for 10 to I2 inch, with specials a t i5i0,[email protected] per Sl.

Northern Spruce secures about former proportion­a te attention, and all stantlard grades ai-e reported as steady in toue, witb the same general suggestions made in regard Northern Hemlock, the offering of which is uot over-abundant. Pennsylvania Heunoek meets with attentiou, and now and llien operators claim some - 'pre t ty good" contiacts closed, but there does not appear to be demand enough to infuse any special bouyancy or add lo the foi'iuer range of values even on the best liue of stock. We quote Joist a t gU.SOfgilS.OO pel' M; Boards a t j61S.OL)®ia.0OT>er M; Timber gid.UO per M for aO-foot and underi $13.00 for 22 to a4 foot; $13,50 for B6, 38 and 30-foot; tsM.oOfor 32 to ai-Ioot; S15.50 for 3C to 3e-foot, and 17.00 for 40 to 'U-foot.

The following from tbe London Timber Trades Journal may be of iuterest to the t rade.

Hemlock is one of those woods we often hear abonl-^in this coimCi'y—but vei-y seldom see. I t Is uukuowu to the t rade here, either in the log or iu the sliape of planks, oud Is not called for as a specially by any branch of business tha t we are aware of—cer­tainly uot to a suflicieut extent to call into uotoi-iety. As white pine grows seai'cet' possibly hemlock will come more to tbe front, autl perhaps there is a g rea t field of utility opening for 11.

Piling is beiug delivered to some extent on contract as woi'k becomes ready to receive it, and u little fresh trailing now aud theu takes place, but there Is no great nmouut of Activity, and witb plenty of

stock available the marke t a t the best can only be called steady. A suspicion indeed prevails t ha t ex­t reme valuations are uot in all icases rigidly in­sisted upou. We i^uote hy cargo ruuniug one-half 13-incli but t aud upward 33 to 40 feet aver­age, 4i!i(5ri5c, per liueal foot; running two-thirds 12-iuch liiitt, 33 to 42 feet average, 5i4@5i^c. do.; ruuniug three-fom-ths 12-incb hutt, 40 to 45 feet average, SJ^ti^lic, do.; running all 12 inch bu t t aud upward, 40 to 45 feet average, Oc. do. Eastern Kpara by cargo, 40-foot sticks, $4,00 each; 45-foot, 80.00 do. ; 50-foot, $8,00 do.; ao-foot, S12.00 do. Inch spars ie@ 2-2c. per inch. Scaffolding Poles, 60c. each, and clothes poles, 45 to Go feet long, S3.00 each.

I t is said tba t all further a t tempts to build rafts in Nova Scotiafor towing to this port have been aban­doned, aad tha t in future transportation ivill he secured by sailing vessel in the good old-fasbioued way.

White Piue, on a broad view of the situation, may be called steady. A close search could possibly be made the ruediimi for revealing weak spot^, and irom a proper basis of composition a greater degree of s trength might also be claimed for some grades, but nei ther buyer nor seller reahy gains any positive ad­vantage, and business is only fairly active ou what are strictly uew deals. Box, as;iisual, eells the best, bu t receivers report in some cases tha t they Hurt box-makers commencing to complain a little about the condition of trade. Some few fair-sized parcels have recently gone out for exiioit, but the foreign t rade is hy no means brUliant in character. We quote 817.50® ly.OOfor West India shipping boards; $30@3H for South American do,; $14,50®16.00 for box boards; Sl(i,[email protected] for ex t ra do.

Yellow Pine is not changing much in general tone. Some talk is uow and theu heard about a ra ther mod­erate accimiulatiou of stock here, but uo difBculty has been experienced iu satisfying all the calls made from coDsumei-s. aud from the somewhat indifferent man­ner of dealers it looks as though ihey had enough stock left to satisfy additional custom. The market , however, is evideutly under good enough control to maintain a t least former values, ana on special cuts there is greater sti 'engtb shown, a slight atlvance hav­ing recently been made. Some of the t rade cjut inne to speak of the yellow fever having shut off shipmeuts, but others claim tha t loading bas been going on without much interruption a t poiuts beyfiud the iiuarautine liue. We quote Randoms, ? 18.50iSi31.00 per M; apecials, S19.00®31.00 do. ; Green Floormg Boards, S^[email protected] do.: Dry, do. do,, $23,00©35.00 do.; S13.00@14,50 do.; Cargoes, f. o. b. a tA t l au t i c ports, $13.00©lo.00 for rough and [email protected] for dressed; Cargoes, f. o. b . a t Gulf ports, SIS,00gfcl3,50 for i'oui;h and $111.00(5)21.00 for dressed.

Carolina Piue t imber is wanted in only a few unim­portant cases, witb the general market reniainlug uoniiually unchanged. Kough boards have steady sale, some for use and some for stock, as a portion of the local t rade is very weU disposed to carry them to a moilerate extent. Dressed stock retains friends enough to give it fiUl as good a market as for some time past, ancl iutiniatious are given tha t the season has been sufficiently satisfactory tb induce prepara­tions for increased productiou capacity next j e a r ,

Hardivoods seem to oe doing fairly well. That la, there is some demand for bouse trimmings, about au average ca.ll from furniture mauiLfaclurei's, and more or less picking out of desirable selections to fill ex­port orders. Dealers ai'e also buyers to a moderate extent when thej- find an especiaUy at t ract ive otVeriug, but as a rule the larger operntoi-s seem to be getting consideiable stock iluect. Home of the iuterior mar-kots report a heller t rade and firmer prices, and at­tribute it to Eastern demand. We quote a t wholesale rates by carload.s as follows ; Walnut, $liO(ji;no per M; White nsh, S30(g,43 do.; oak, S3('i®,4i do.; quar ter sawed clear, SIOQ.-JO do ; maple, S3ri(;.-3] do.; chestnut, S.')0@,37 do.;chen-y S1)T@!)2 do,: white wood, $25®33 do.: elm, $20(3,33 do.; hickory, Sa0@i80 do.

Tbe exiiorts of lumber, exclusive of hardwoods from the port of New York during the month of September last and since Januai-y Ist, were as follows;

Feet. To West Indies 1,338,000 To South America ;l,O43,000 To East ladies 053,000 To Europe

Total feet 5,300,000 Previously reported tills year 45,T!I7,000

Total since Jan . 1, 18SS 51,093.000 Total same time, 1887 53,51)0,000


Tlie Northwestern Lumberman as follows on the Chicago marke t oy ca rgo :

A notable feature of this season's marke t is the in­crease of receipts from Lake Superior, tlie Bleuominee region aud Lake Huron ports. In tbe Gi-een Bay dia-t r ic t independent operator.s, as distinguished from Ihe old mill concei-us, have multiplied within the past two years, and much of the stock tha t they stir up is put on tbe cargo market . A good deal of the wide and high grade lumbei- goes East, ieaviuglhe strips, coarse boards and piece stuff to come here. Lake Siiperinr has also sent an increased amouut of Imtiber to this market this seasou. I t is estimated tbat fuUy 100,000.-OOO feet will have come from Cbequamegon Bay alone by tbe close of navigation.

A guess a t the number of cargoes tha t were pnt ou tbe marke t iluring the week makes it about 90. Much of the lumber was commou inch, i-imning largely to coarse, which (b-agged somewhat. The short piece stuff offered went off wilh facility, and a t the firm prices t ha t had pi-evlonsly prevailed. No eff'ort seems to bave been made as yet to raise the priee above SlO for strictly choice lengths, though it is claimed by the comnussion men tha t it is easier to seU at tha t price than a httle earlier, -

I t is estimated that 100,000,000 feet of hemlock has been receivetl a t this port aud Soutb Chicago tbis j-enr. Much of it has beeu street pavmg plank, but a large amount ha.s beeu received a t the yards. Generally speaking, however, hemlock is said to bave got a blitck eye, tliis season, aud less bas gone into disfcributian than the manufacturers calculated on. Hemlock di­mension is mostly cut into small and slim long stuff much of it IS to 33 feet. I t sells for $8,50 a thousand.

At t h e y a n l s as follows: Several yards have beeu quietly takiug in Lake

Huron dimension this season. Owing to the lack of demand for railway bill sttifl', the manufacturei-s found tha t they bad put in an excessive numberof long Nonvay logs last winter, and the only way to get rid of this season's surplus product ivas to sell as

much as possible in this market . It has been shipned heie iu imusual quanti ty, and for tha t purpose b a s been cut into all sines from 3s4 to SxlC. Cargoes con-tainiug schedules running through the sizes up to and ineiudmg 13 and 14-inch widths have been solil a t SlO to $10.50 a thousand. Tbis remarkably low priee has caught the attention of several dealers, and deter­mined tbem to put in large stocks of tbis cheap long stuff, for they could get a heavy percentage of it in each cargo. Some dealers bave gone to Oscoda and Alpena, and there contracted for guautities to he cut and sbapednp to suit. I t Is argued that , though long, heavy joists have been depressed in the market this season, there is good j;eQson to think tha t they will be wanted next spring and snuimer, and likely as uot there will be a scarcitj ' .

It is noticeable, also, tha t tbe yards are stockiu" up well with small timbers. The demand for this class of mill product has been good all the season, whieb has induced dealers to lay in ample supplies.

Lumber, of Chicago, s a y s : Tbe evident disposition of logging operators t o get

iuto camp betimes, indicates ades i re to avoid, as far as may be, tbecbaueesof delay oud disaster that some­times at tend the work during the lat ter par t of tbe sea­soa. The experieuce of last winter is still fresh in the minds of mauy. and they are striving to escape repeat­ing some of its unfortunate I'eaults by ,gelting an early start , and as far ahead with their work aa they can be­fore tbe wiuter actually begins. This seems lo he the rule in nearly all parts of the logging district, and tbe preseut prospect is t ha t the proportion of the work done by the first of the year will be larger than usual. I t may be thought t ha t this implies a con-espoudiug increase in the cut of logs, but it does not, as a mat ie r of fact.' Indeed, most of the present indications point the otber way. On some streams there will certainly be less logs pu t in, because there are less of the mill ownere who have any t imber left to cut, and ou oue large producer of pine logs—the Menominee River—it is stated tha t a ciutai lment of the cut will be made in order to instire the clearing of the stream of ah its old stock next season. I t is gett ing to be a pre t ty difficult matter, on the other hand, to glance over the lield nnd point out the districts in which it m a y fairly be expected tha t any considerable increase in the log cut can he made. The larger logging streams, with the possible exception of the Menominee, bavereaclied their maxliuum output, aud tbeU-history from uow on nmst tie lliat of a more or less rapid decline in their importance, while tbere a re no new districts opening up tha t can hope to rival the older ones in the extent ot their yield. Probably for a good mauy yeai's to come the production of pine will go oh in the North­west, but tbe t ime of its mcreasing volume mus t he very nearly if not quite past. I t is possible, also, t ha t the decline, when it begius, may be more rapid and marked than Is generally expected. I t is the policy of mill owners to cut pret ty well up to the capacity of their nulls, even if it takes all tbeir timber, luid when they do drop out the reduction will be meas­ured by the full amount of their cut. For this reason the decline is likely lo he much less i-egular antl gradual than has beeu the increate in the cut lo its present proportions.

The Mississippi Valley Lumberman as follows; The stimulus giveu to shipments froui both St. Paul

and Minneapolis hy the break in Southwestern lumber rates, or ra ther tlie prospect of tlieir restoration, is clearly shown iu the table of receipts and shipments printed berewitb. A great deal of lumber was rushed out on the cut ra te , and there was a very large in­crease in the shipmeuts, particularly from Minneap­olis. Afier this spui-t iu ti'ade some lull may naturally he expectetl, although the demand in the terri tory not affected by the cut rates continues to be steady, and for the most pa r t satisfaetory. The fall demaml has begun to slacken, although tbe steady advance iu tbe price of wheat has bettered the condi­tion of the farmers in some lucahties, and local dealers repoi't that they are buj'ing witb more freedom thau was anticipated and tiepleting tbe stocks laid iu by country yaril men.

Stocks of lumber in the market are now as complete and full as they bai 'e ever been, although practically all the lumber tliat is offered is of this season's salv­ing. Dealers generally assert t ha t they are gett ing a shade better prices tbau they were a month ago, and the indications are t ha t this is the case. There is tbe usual complaint of a scarcity of curs, but the feeling both iu St. Paul aud Minneapohs is good.

GREAT BRITAIN. From Timber Trades Journal :

LONUON. American Black ll 'aluut.—Tbere has certainly been

mure movement iu this lately; indeed the sales by private contract have been unusually heavy, and in the coming sale will he found a large assortment of logs, iilanks aud boards, much of which is for abso­lute sale,

American Whitewood,—Of botb logs and lumber there is a good assortment iu the catalogue of next week, and as tbe lat ter is uow getting very .'Jcarce it vvill no doubt sell readily if uot held ton siiiily,

American Satin Wamut.—Some SIIKUI parcels of boards and planks are in the sale catalogue, a portiou being unreserved ; and as latel.v there seems to ba^'e beeu an iucreased demand for this wood we should think it is likely to go off better a t this sale.

Sequoia.—A ciuantity of planks of this wood ap­peai-s in the catalogue on Wednesdaj' , Tbere has cei-tainly been a much bet ter inquiry lately, and il is now selling more rapidly. The shipment per Wind­hover being the only parcel in the marke t buyers will do well to secm-e stock whilst it can be had, especially as no more shipments a re kiio^in to be afloat or are expected


An-ivals of walnut and whitewood logs have been ligbt for a good many weeks past, and slock in first bauds is get t ing reduced, Tlie imports for the past tivo montlis have beeu 370 logs walnut aud 150 logs whitewood,


In sawn pitch pine to an-ive ou contract we hear for good ports round the coast liOs. c. i. f, bas been pnui for .15 ft, average, and 56s, for 35 ft. Freights foi' the pitch pine ports still keep very firm, and ships ai'e most difbcult to secure. We hear t ha t a vessel bas been chartered a t £5 10s, per s tandard for sawn tim­ber. Peusacola to United Kingdom, but tha t hi all probabibty is without the usual to«'age and stevedore clauses, as the market r a te may he takeu a t present as £5 15s. to £0 per s tandard for good ports Uuited Kingdom.

WETALS.—CoppER—Ingot remains quiet, and to a considerable extent, nominal. There appears to be no

i t -

Record and Guide. 1197

new outside speculation upou the market whatever, and as stock is wanted for legitimate purposes i t i s dealt out iu quantit ies to suit. Lake is quoted ou the open marke t a t 17i^(S;i7^ for the regular price, but it understood tba t active consumers can purchase from the companies a t lower ra tes . Manufactured Copper meet with a fair call, somewbat fuller of late if any­thing, aud the marke t is held iu a 4teady posi­tion for all leading descriptions o5 stock. We quote as follon-s; Slieets, not above 30x73 in.. 10 oz, and over, 35c.; do, 14 to 10 oa, SOc; do, 13 to 14 oz, 23c.; do, 30 to 13 oz, aSc; do, 8 to 10 oz, 33c,; do, under 8. oz, S*l®33c, Sheets longer than 72 inches add Ic. for ]3@14 oz, 2c, for 10@I3 oz, and .Ic. for8@10oz. Sheets, uot above 30xi)t; in., Iti oa and over, 2.5c.; do, 10 to 32 oz, 2^c.;"do, 14 to 10 oz, a7c.;do, 12 to 14 oz, aoc.: do, 10 to 12 oz, ;^3c.; do, 6 to lO oa, 3Gc. Sheets longer than 96 inches add le. for uuder 10 oz; and 2c. for 8 to JO oz. Sheets, not above 4Sx9G, ,'2to 64 oz,23ia25c.; d o , I 6 t o 3 3 o z , 37(a30c.; do, 14 to 10 oz, 33c,; do, 13 to 14 oz, 3rc. Sheets 60x93 and over, 3,5@20c.; for SS to Gl oz.and over, 3D(ffi31c.; for IO to 33 oz. —©.—. AUbathtubsheets , per lb., lUoz.aSc; 4oz, SOc; 13oz, 32c.; and 10 oz, 35c. Bolt copper, % inch diameter nnd over, 2ac. Circles, GO diameter ancl less, 3c. ahove price of sheets of same thickness; circles, GO to 96 do do, 5c. do; circles, 96 do and over, 6c. do. Segment and pat tern sheets, 3e, ahove price Of sheets required to cut tbem from. Cold or bard rolled copper, Ic. per lb, aiiove the foregoing prices. Copper bottom, 2G@31c. per lb. IRON—Scotcli Pig comes for­ward rather slowly, aud while the demand is confined principally to small invoices, rarely exceeding 50 ton lots, an outlet is offered sulHcient to prevent very great accumulatiou of stock, and prices are flnuly maintained a t a recent slight advance in some in­stances. We quote a t S10.00®23,00 per ton, accordiug to brand, delivery, etc. The latest report from the American Irou and Steel Association shows tba t the total imports of irou and steel iu tlie fli-st seven months of 1S88 amounted to .551,541 gi'oss tons, against],100,702

f ;ross tons in the first seveu months of 18t7, The total mports of irou ore in the first seven montlis of 1838

amounted to 379,347 tons. The exports of iron and Bteel from Great Britain to the Uuited States in August last aniouuted to 51,8'J5 gross tons, agaiust 54,87G tons in July. American Pig has been meeting wilh a verv fair demand, and some of tbe agents a re really quite busy a t times in gett ing forward their orders, owing to delays iu transportation. There is not, how­ever, any real scarcity of stock and apparent ly an ahsense of iuelinalion to mark up values, while some of the under grades cau occasionally be picked up comparatively cheap. We quote a t SIS.00@13,50 per ion for No, 1 X fouudiy; tfIG.50ft7;ir,50 foi- No. 2 X do. do.; and [email protected] for Gray Forge, Old ma-aterial bas been ra ther quiet. Tbe stock of rails bas become reduced to comparatively narrow compass anct owuers are asking a great deal more money than con­sumers are willing to pay, especially as purchnses can he made direct from railroads or to arrive from abroad on much easier te rms; while for scrap tbere does not appear to he any special marke t a t tbe momeut. We quote a t abotit 823,50@3^1,r5 for old rails; $30,00((5, 20,50 tor No, 1 wrought scrap; $2I.00@31,nD for crop ends, and $I8.50iS!lil.50for ear wheels. Steel rails do uot receive much attention and tbe contracts are cou­flned to a small quanti ty taken now and then for special necessity. About former rates a re asked and the marke t nominally steady, though some of the mills are thought to be souiewhat anxious to get more contracts booked. We quote a t $28.00(^29.51) per ton for s tandard section, according to delivery. Maunfact-ured Irou has undergone no change worthy of note in the mat te r of general store t rade and few new orders ou specials a re coming in, though some of tbe larger concerns have excellent contracts to keep them Imsy for the balaace of the year. We quote; Commou Merchant Bar, ordinai-j- sizes, a t 2,[email protected], from store, and refined a t 2.20@3,50c.; Rods, round and square, 2.30@2,40c.; Bands, S.40ffi2.-)0c.; Norway Nail itods, 4fS5c., aud domestic sheet on the basis of 2.75©2.80c. for commou Nos. I0®16. Other descriptions a t cor­responding prices, with I-lOc. leas ou large lots from cars. LEAD-Domes t i c Pig bas sold higlier, mainly through the force of speculative manipulation, as tbe consumptive demand is very limited and takes only enough for natural early requirement. Supplies a re very well controlled. We quote a t $5,05(r/i5,15, as to quality. The raanufactm-es of lead are lower and quoted: Bar, Oc; pipe, 7J4C.; sheet, Ec, less tlie usual discount tothe t rade; and tm-lined ])ipe, 15c.; block tin pipe, 45c,, ou same terms. TIK—Pig is handled by dealers only to the extent of positive want, and with consumption hght the marke t lias a quiet toue, espe­cially as speculators do not make mauy extensive deals a t the moment. We quote a t ahout •^i],i''i?:,2Sikc. for round lot.s aud 23?^@S.'l)^c. for nobbing pari:els Tin plates as a rule have remained under good con­trol and tha t neutralized a moderate demand suffi­cient to preserve a pre t ty steady market for all kinds of stock. We quote prices as follows; I, C. Charcoal, i4 cross assortment, Melyn grades, $5.7."i@5,77i.^, each additional X add SI.50; I. C. Charcoal, J^ cross assortment, Allaway grade, S5.'i5 ®.5.30, each additional X add Sl; Charcoal terne, M. F. grade, 14x20, $G,05iJi)6,70; M. F. grade, 20.t 28, $13.40® 13-50; Worcester, 14x20, S4,G2Hfii'l.G5; Wor­cester, 20x28, S0.20(<S,9,35; Deane grade, 1-1x20, g4.33W (5|4,.?7!4; Dean grade, 20x28,38,70(r'!8.r5; Allaway grade, 14x20, [email protected]>ii; Allaway grade, aoxiS,$8,10f(?;8.a0; I, C, Coke, B. V. grade, |4,60(ffj4,G3K.; J . B. gi-ade, 14x20, S4,[email protected]!^: I. C, Bessemer steel, squares, $4.65(gj4.70 basis; I. C. Siemens steel, squares, $4.70 (514.75 basis. Spelter has reached somewhat higlier rates and met witli a very good demand, especially from galvauizer.'i. Quoted a t S5,[email protected] for Western, accordiug to brand.

K41LS.—General demand has beeu fair from most regular sources, with sonic tendency to increase on orders received of late against growing wants a t in­terior points. Supply is apparent ly equal to the out­let, but kept well Ul hand an<l prices rule quite steadily. We quote ot Sl.8.5(riil,90 per keg for car loads, aiid 81.'.t5(®2,00 frora store.

PAINTS. OILS, ETC.-Kotl i ing very new on this marke t of late. Demand has fluctuated .slightly, hut on the whole returned about former general volmne and required a siifflclent variety of stock to give all leading grades a chance. Local calls, it is said, have been a liltli- fuller than anticijiated, and many in­terior localities, although uot slocking up for the dis­t an t future, manage to exhaust quite au amouut ot stock to make assortment. Linseed Oil of WestcMi brand is slow and ui certain, hut Oity docs welt and ndes pret ty firm. We qtiote a t filiVJWSc. for Western, and 54®54!^c, fur City, Spirits Turpenline not very active, but supply kept well in baud and tbe market firm. We quote a t 43@43c. per gallon, according to quality.

TAR AND PITCH.-Probably no further increase iu busiuess has takeu place since our last, but the move­ment is holding up well to former level and prices apparently maiutained witliout much dilliculty. We quote Pitch a t $I.3ri(ov],30 per bbl,; Tar a t $a.OO(oi 3.20, according to quality, quanti ty and delivery.

For tables of Building Material prices see pages v., VIII . , IX. and x,

-i • t-


Tbe following ai-e the sales a t the Real Estate Ex­change and Auction Eoom for tbe week ending Oct. 5.

* Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiff's account;

R, V . E A R N E T T & CO,

spr ing st, No. 191, n s, 82.8 e Sullivau st, IG.Ox IOL', tbree-story brick tenem' t with store. Max Goetz , S13,300

4eth st, No, 313, s s, 143.!) w Stb av, 18.0x100.5, three-story stone front divell'g. F . Bebre. (Leasebold; lease expires May !, 18D0, with privilege of renewal; ground rent $2^5 per annum, taxes, &c). , , 5,450

*5eth St. No. 156, s s, 315 e 7tii av, 20x100.5, fonr-story stone front dwell'g. Jamea H. Hume. (Amt due S5,3n0; prior mort. 835,000) 34,500

*71st st, No. 28!, n s, 19 e West End av, 10x92.2, three-story Iirick dwell'g, Elizabeth Odell, Amt clue $14,873 15,600

Stl av. No, 1774, e s, 25.8 n 03d st, 25x75, foiu"-story brick tenem' t ivith two stores. Ileil-u e r & W o l f 14.700

WM. R. B R O W N .

8Sth st, n s, 335 e JOth av, 100x100.8, vacant . E. C. Simonson. (AmtdueS37,516; p r io rmor t . $0,273) 30,000

SCOTT & [ l Y B R S .

New av. w s, abt 35.0 s 154th st. 3 lot.s, each 25,G X irreg. U. L. Anstey. (Bid iu) 4,800

WM. E B K N E L L Y & BRO.

*120tli st, Nos. lO'i and 101, s s, 85 w Lenox av, 36x1110.11, two three-story stone front divell'gs. James H. Lee et al. (Amt due $2,964 ou each; prior mort. S15,OQ0 on each) 37,800

O T H E R i U C T I O N E G R S ,

51st st. No. 238. s s, 321 e 8tli av, 17x100,5, threc-stoi-y stoue front dweU'g. Cbas, Mnync. (Amt due $30,526) 16,000

*5I,=!t st. No. 2;K, 17X100.5, similar dweU'g. Sarah K, Agate et al., esrs . , i tc , (Amt due $20,526) 16,000

*70th st, No, IG4, s s, 180 e 10th av, 20x102,2. fonr-story stone front dwell'g. Robert Elliott for Kobinsou Gill. (Amt due S6,504; prior mort . S20,000) 27,000

*i;Otli st, Nos. 134 aud 136, s s, 350 iv Lenox av, SGxIOO.lI, two three-story stone frout divell'gs. Robinsou Giil. (Amtdue $7,114; prior mort, on eacb $13,000) ;W,433

*120t.b St. Nos. 342-140,54x100.11, three similar diveU'gs. Thos, R. A. and Wm. H. Hall, Amt due S5,465; prior moit . on each Sl.?,0001 45,646

165th st, s w cor Tintou av, ab t 30x90. B. P , I-'au-cbild 1,G00

lG5th st, ad.i, 20x90, R. Wbitson 1,075 lG5thst, ndi,20xno. Henry C, Schaupp 1,050 I6,5thst, adi , 40x90, E, P, Fairchild : 3,100 )G5th st, adj , 60x143.9, Same 3,925 IGSthst, adj, 20x90. H . R , Foulkes 1,075 IKjtb st, adj , 20x90. B. P. Fairchild 1,050 Forest av, e s, 90 s ]65th st, ab t 54x100, vacant .

B, P. Faircbild 3,375 Gai'den av, n s, Go.9 w Prospect av, 35x100, two-

story frame cottage, Seward Baker 2,000 Robbins av, 35,7 u of junction Port Morris

Branch R R a t 144th st, 61,5x56.6x70.4x 23.5. Amelia L. Dench COO

Robbins av, adj , 80x107,0 to Branch R R, x abt l.W.Gx56.7. Same 1,950

Robbins av, adj , 30x114,2 to E, R., xaixl07,6. C .S .S to rms 4W

Robbins av, adj . 30xIM.3 to R, R., x21xI14.3. Walter Grant 5G0

Tintou av, w s, !10 s 165th st, abt 54x100. Henry C. Schaupp 3,150

West Eud av, No. 1.S3, e s, 80.3 s 71st st, m.'i^i-O, three-story brick diveU'g. J . A. Rochford. (Amt due $15,233) 17,700

Washington av, e s, 250 n 169th st, G0xl32.6. Simon Adler and Henry S. Hen-man 4,800

Wasbingtonav, ad j , 40x1^3,6, Same 3,000 Washmgtonav , adj, 25xl-22,6. Same I,ilOO Kingsbridge road, ii s, west of Webster av, 51.4

x i r r e g . W. H. Myers 2,300

Total S3'!3,240 Correspoudmg week 1887 |470,375

i • • -


O T H E R A U C T I O N E E R S .

Adams st, s s, 30G.1 w Coney Island plank road, runs sonth 101,3 x west 30 x north 83.8 to Sherman st, xI9.8 to Adams st, x east 13,8, Sophrouia M. Fickett. (Mort. Sl.500) 83,040

^Chester st, late Centre st, n w cor Eastern ) Parlnvay, 75x100 J-

Chester st, s w cor Eastern Pai-lnvay, 100x100 ) Martha J . Stevenson 2,600

Fnltou St. s s, 287.9 e Bedford av, 19.0x100, F. B. Beers 4,635

Garnet st. No. 51, n s, 80 w Smith sfc, 20x100, Emanuel New I,GOO

Hopitins st, No. 28, near Nostraud av, 25x58x— x40.4,frame bnilding. Silas Condit 2,135

Pulaski st, s s, 326,0 e Throop av, :i05.6x100. Richard Goodwin. Mort. S30,550) 30,800

Richardson st, No. 23, uoarUuion av, 31.11x100 xll0.3xl33.4, two-story frame pickle fac-U>i-y. Flmglestock. (Bid in) 3,900

6th st, s s, 202.10 e Oth av. a^xlOO, 5 br ickaud stone dwell'gs, T. J . Tiluey. (Each siih. to mort , of fy,a50) 18,050

Frankliu av, e s, 80 s Putnam av, 20x3G.';80, tbree-story brick. A. C. Boyntou 5,450

Flatbush av, e s, 60.6 s East Broadway, 30x91.9 x38.9x63,10,thi'ee-story frame lodge room. Flatbush. Edw, Ehlers 8,000

Flatbush av, adj :above, 44.1x145.6x72.8x01. Jul ia Duggan r,500

Lafayette av, No. H03, n s, 61 e Lewis av, 19x60. A, D. Beard 6,600

Park av, Nos, 34, 35 and 20, s s, 20 e Navv st, 54.4x75x52.5x75. Chas. H, Washington' 1,000

Scbeiiectadyav,necorDean^st,45.0x100. Peter Delap 3,100

7th av, s w cor 12th st, 100x97,10. Wm, H, Ludlow 7,000

Total SI03,390 Con-esponding week 1867 $134,740

CONVEYANCES. The regular semi-annual Index io tha Con­

veyances and Projected Builditigs published in

this pafier during the first half of the curj-eiit

year, is, as has been announced for several

loecks, ready, and copies can be obtained at the

office, 191 Broadway. 'I'he Index is printed on

extra heavy j)aper, and, as usual, inchides New

York and ICings Counties, and is the most ex­

haustive ever published. The labor and expense

connected with the loork has become so formida­

ble that a charge of fifty cents is made for this

is-swe, a s announced in these columns last .fanu-

ary. Subscribers requiring cojiics should send

in their orders at once.

WIterever the letters Q. C, C. a. G. and E. c& S. occur, preceded by the name of tlie gran tee they mean. as foUows:

Ist—Q. C. is an abbri;viation fur Quit Claim di'cd, i e., a deed in which all thr riyhl, I ilie mul itili-n-.^t of the gi'antiir is conveyed, mnilling all curenants or warranty.

2d—C. o, G. means a deed conta,ining Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenojits that he hatlinot done any net irherehy the estate conveyed 7nay be impeached, charged or incumbered.

3rf—J5. te S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although ihe seller makes no (x-press covenants, lie really grants or conveys ihe property for a valuable consideration, and thus im­pliedly claims to be tlie owner of it.


S E P T E M B E R 28, 29, O C T O B E R 1, 2, S, 4.

A t t o r n e y s t , No . 85, w s, 100 n D e l a n c e y s t , ;.Sx 1(10, five-story b r i c k s to re a u d t e u e m ' t . Char les a n d A n g u s t Huff t o D a v i d Z a b i u s k i a n d F a n n i e G o o d m a n . Mort. $33,.500. Oct . 2,

$40,000 Banlc s t . No. 63, s s, 103 w 4 t b s t , 33.1x75, t b r e e -

s t o r y b r i c k dwel l 'g . S u s a u S, W i l e y w i d o w to S a r a b F . G-omau. Taxes , 1888. Sept . '^S.

13 000 B a n k s t . No . 106, s s, Ci.lO w Greenwich s t , 20x

4,5.8x18x45,0 in t w o courses , t b r ee - s to ry b r i c k d w e i r g . W i l l i a m Teas t o J o b u P e t e r s . T a x e s 1888. Oct. I . 7,?M

B ^ d st , Ho . 3o, s s, a b t .5.50 e B r o a d w a y , SSx n i9 .1x25 .5x114 .3 , t h r e e - s t o r y b r i c k b u i l d i n g . / C a t h a r i n e wife of W a s h i n g t o n H . T a y l o r t o

•J M a r g a r e t B a r n e s . A l l l iens, Sept . 2'J, n o m B r o a d w a y , Nos. 78 a n d SO, e s, 84.S s W a l l s t ,

i -u i i s sou tb48 , l l X eas t S1.2 x sou th 2.6 x ea s t / 3 1 . 9 t o N e w s t , X u o r t h 5:5,2 x 108,5; Nos, 76 / a u d 80 B r o a d w a y a n d 5 a n d 7 N e w st , five-I s t o r y b r i c k (stone front) oflice bu i ld ing . T h e

\| N e w Y o r k I m p r o v e d R e a l E s t a t e Co. t o T h e U n i o n T r u s t Co., N e w Y o r k . Oct. 1. 775,000

B r o a d w a y , e s, 3 5 . 2 n 4 ' J 6 h s t , 135.7x54.9x12.5.5x 50. Mai 'y J . Ciaj-k w i d o w to J u l i a A . C la rk . Confii-mation deeci. Oct. 11,1887. n o m

S a m e p i 'oper ty H o r a c e C l a r k , Somerv i l l e , N . J . , a u d j e n u i e W . w i f e o f W a l t e r Clai-k t o s ame . Sept . 14. n o m

Christophei- st . No . 22, s s, 94 e Wave i - ly pl , 19 xfJI.8x19.10x07.4, one-s to ry f r a m e bu ikUng. T h o m a s R o a c h t o T h o m a s S. Godwin . Taxes . 1S88. Oct. S. 7,030

C h r y s t i e s t . No . 174, e s, 100 s R i v i n g t o n s t , SQx 100, five-story hr ic l i s to re a n d t e n e m ' t . D a n ­iel F . Kahi-s t o M a t i l d a J a h n . Mor t . $7,0C0. Oct. 1. 30,000

C b r y s t i e st . No. 176, e s, S l s R i v i n g t o n st, 19x 75, t ive-s tory h r i c k s tore a n d t e u e m ' t . S a m e t o M a r y E l b e r s . Mor t s , S7.500. Octo­be r 1. 18,000

Cl in ton st, No . 170, e s, 1 0 0 s G r a n d s t , 2 i i . l x l 0 O , two-s to ry f r a m e (brick front) dwel l 'g . M a r y L, wife of W i l l i a m R, Lewis , M o i m t V e r n o n , N. Y . , t o Lou i sa wife of Louis M. J o n e s , H o ­boken, N. J . Mor t , S12,O0O. Oct. 1. 18,050

Cl in tou st, No . 173, e s , 125.1 s G r a n d s t , 25.1x100, t w o - s t o r y f r a m e (brick front) d'well 'g. Ca ro ­l ine A. ivife of S p i r e P i t o u , N e w B r i g b t o n , ' S. I . , t o s a m e . Mor t . £1-3,000, Oct. 1. 18,050

Chrys t i e st . No . 40, e s, 3,5 s C a n a l s t , 35x00x37 xOO, four - s to ry b r i e k s to re a n d t e u e m ' t a n d three-stoi-y b r i c k t e n e m ' t on reai-. Char l e s Bro-.TU to E d w a i ' d and Meyer F l a t o w . Oct . I,

17,000 Delancey s t . No . 393, n s, 50 o C a n n o n s t , 25x

100, flve-stoi-y s tone f r o n t s to re a n d tenera ' t . M o r r i s Bei-gcr t o M a x Gross. Mor t . $17,000. Oct. 2. See Sufl:olk st, U0,000

D e l a n c e y s t , No . 315, s s, 50 w Goerck st, SSx 75, flve-story b r i c k s tore a n d t enem ' t . W i l l ­i a m D e t t m a r t o Louis S h n m a c b e r . • Al l l iens. Oct . 1, ^ 34,500

Division s t , s S, 75 w R u t g e r s st, b u t uow on s s of N e w C a n a l st, a n d b e i n g 3.5 IVontauil r e a r , a n d e x t d g t o E a s t B r o a d n a y . l loiu-y K l i n g ­enste in a n d F i she r L e w i n e t o E m i l G o o d m a u . Mort. . S:JO,000. Oct, 1, S e o . e o t h s t , 53,000

1198 Record and Guide. October 6, 1888

Essex St. No. 36, e s, 25x100, six-story brick store and tenem't and four-story brick ten­ement on rem-. Contract. Charles Mebltret­ter to Morris Eerger. Sept. 25. SO,0OO

Gansevoort st, No. tii, s s, 12S.5Q Washington st, 34xS6.5x;;S.llsS6.2, five-story hrick store and tonem't. Isabella •wife of and Jobn GlasE to Jonathan N. Glass. Mort, §15,000. Sept, 35. nom

Goerck st, e s , 171.7 n Rivington st, runs east 100 X north 110 x east 100 to Mangin st, x nortli 6r.,l) X west 100 x soutb 26 x ii-cst 100 to Goerck st, x south 150,7, vacant. Julius Katzenberg to Randolph Guggenbeimer and Salomon Marx, AU liens. Sept. 1. 60,000

Goerck st, e s, 171.7 u Ri\ ingtou st, 7.5x100. Randolph Guggenbeimer and Salomon Marx to Phiiippina Scbappel. Sept. 34. 34,000

Hudson st. No. 641, w s, 81.11 a Perry st, I8.10x 07.11x17.10x73.6, foiu-story brick atore and teuem't. Bridget DonneUy to Seamen Lich­tenstein, Jr . , Jersey City. Taxes 16S8, Oct. 1. 11.150

Hudson st, Ko, 611, n w cor 12th st, n m s north G7 X west 30 x uorth 3 x west 8,9 x south 4o.3 to 12tb st, X east 24.6, three-story brick store and tenem't. Esther H. SiBick to Tbomas Kyau aud James T. Cooper. Sept, 36. 17,500

Ludlow st, No. 52, e s, 135 s Grand st, 20x87,6, f oui--story brick store and tenem't, Benja­min Rosenthal to Harris E, Goldstein. Moi-ts. 315,000. Sept. 25. 24,750

Madisou st, No, 211, n s, abt 150,8 e Rutgers st, 20,1x100, flve-story brick tenem't, Jacob Samuelson aud Daniel Lcviiisky to Emanuel Isaac, Mort. 827,000. Oct, 1, 38,500

Madison st. No. 5, n s, 35x56.2x25x56.4. Emma J -wife of Jaraes Dunphy to Edward J. Dun­phy. May 10. 10,000

Monroe st. No. 131. Agreement not to excavate to a greater depth than foundation of No. 1J3 . Jacob Miller aud Pbillip Goerlitz to George Vassar. Sept, 20, nom

Norfolk st, No, 113, w s, l!),fl s Rivington st, 20.3x50 (now No, 135,) four-story brick store and tenem't, flioi-i-is "Weinstein to Sarah wife of Simon Dribin, Mort, 511,000. Oct. 1.

13,000 Norfolk st, No. 134, e s, next to n e cor Norfolk

and Rivingtou sts, 32x78 to 3-foot alley, two-story frame biick frout dwell'g. Abraham Znhrinsky to Nathan Cohen. Mort. §7,000, Oct. 1. 10,250

Priuce st, s w cor Mott st, 25x119.10s25xl 14. Prince st, s s, 75,9 w Mott st, runs soutb 128.6

X west 73.0 s nortb 25 x north 109 to Prince st, X east 35.3. . Mary A. Smith widow Alicia Dunne, New York, aud Mai-gaj-et J. Dunne, Omaha, Neb,, heirs Comelius Heeney to The Roman Cath­olic Orphan Asylmus, Kew York. Q. C. Aug. 3. nom

Frincest , B wcor Mott st, 101x101.5x99x139.1, three aud four-story brick orphan asylum, Roman Catholic Orphan Asylums to Tbe Tmstees of St. Patrick's Cathedral. C. a. G. Sept. 23, other consid. and 100,000

Rutgers pl, Ko. 5, n e s , 52,Ce Jeffersonst, 26.1 xlilO, Ioui--story brick store and tenem't. Abraham Siege! to Julius aud David Israel. Sept, 28. 20,000

Rutgei-S pl, No. 7, n s, 79.6 e Jefferson st, 26x 13U, fom--stoi-y brick store aud tenem't. Julius Israel to David Israel, Sub. to mort. Sept, 27, 9,500

Sheriff st, No. 3, w s, 80 n Grand st, 30x100, ^ also,

Sheriff st, No, 5, w s, 25x100. Two-story brick stores and dwell'gs. Margaret wife of and Tbomas Sliannon to WiUiam Rankin. Mori. S14,.500, Oct. 2. 22.500

Sheriff s t , w s , 175 u Stanton st, 25x100. Re­lease mort. Jennet R. Wilson certifies satis­faction of above. Sept. -26. nom

Sheriff Et, No. 113, w s, 175 u Stauton st, 85x ICO, three-story brick factory aud five-story brick factory iureai-, Peter Albrecht to Max Bamett , Oct. 1. 14,500

Same property. Max Barnett to Pincus Low­enfeld. Mort. $10,500. Oct. 1. 15,500

Spring st, No. ISO, s e cor Thompson st, 19,10x 63,3x20.4x63.7, foui--.tory hrick store and dweU'g. Harriet A. Evans, Morristo-^vn, N. J,, to WiUiam Fitzpatrick, Sopt, 24. 17,500

Stauton st. No, 356, and Sheriff st, No. 101,1 begins Stantou st, n w cor Sheriff st, 18.9x-60.

Sheriff st, No. 103, n w s, 60 n e Stanton st, 30x75.

Stauton St., No. 254, n s, 18.9 w Sheriff st, 1S.9 xOO. Fom--story brick stores and tenem'ts. John Schmidt to Jouas 'W'cil and Bernhard Mayer. Morts. S9,000. Oct. 1. 30,000

State st, No. 6, 26.9x106 10x26.4x104,8, three- '


story brick store aud factory. Pearl st, Ko. 18, 31.3x105.9x20.9x105.11, two

story brick stable. . Robert A. Chesbrough to Winand M. Wig-%ger. :BIort. £40,000. Sept. 28, 26,000 Suffolk Bt, No. 64, e s, 84.6 s Delancey st, 23x

100.3, three-story brielt store aud dii eU'^ and two-story frame dweU'g in rear. Simon Stein to Dora wife of Simon Stein, Mort. $8,000. Sept. 28. nonri

Suffolk st, No. 110, e s, 175 s Ri-vington st, 25x 100, flve-story brick store aud tenem't. Henri Straahourger to Cbarles A. Platb. Mort. *SO,000. Oct. 1, 40,000

Suffolk St, Ho. 186, e s, 60.8 s Houston st, 19.4x

74,10x19.5x75, three-story bi-lck store and dtveU'g aod tbree-story fi-ame dwell'g on rear. Max Gross to Morris Berger. Mort. $7,000, and taxes 1888. Oct. 3. See Delancey st. 13,500

' \ ' ^ t st, Nos, 143 and 144, e s, 106.1 s Barclay' st, runs nortb 42.6 x east 74.9 xsouth 1.5,1 x east 63.9x25x west 134, three-story brick store.

Washington st. No. 214, w s, 106 n Vesey st, runs west 132 x north 26.6 x east 57 x uortb 15 X east 75 to s t , x ' s o u t h 41.6, five-story brick store.

"V^st st, No. 142, e s, 25x83.9x24x73.9, three-story brick hotel. Samuel H. Everett to Peter J, Hiekey et al, trustees for creditors of Samuel H. Everett. Sept. 25. nom

5th st, No, 640. s s, 139,6 w Av C, 24.9x96.3, five-story brick store and tenem't. George H. Roberts, Brooklyn, to Elias Jacobs. Oct. 1. 25,500

Sth st. No. 368, s s, 206,3 6 Av C, 24x97,6, four-story brick tenem't and two-story brick stalile iu real-, Mary Graham widow and John F. aud Mai'y E. Graham and Adaline wife of and Josepb Kinlcade, Brooklyn, K. Y., cbild-ren and heh-s Robert Graham to Com-ad Reinhardt. Mort. $6,000. Sept, 25, 16,000

Sth st, No. 31S, SE, 308.4 e Av B, 19.10x97,0, four-story brick dweU'g and three-story brick stable ill rear. Hem-y A. Schadowsky to Fanny Scbwabe. Mort. S7,000. Oct. 1. 13,.500

10th st. No. 47, n s, 353.1 w Eroadway, 25,5x 94.9, four-story brick store and dweU'g, Joseph Friend to Henry B. Renwick. Moi-t, £18,000. Sept. 28, 31,500

l l t h st. No. 4 a , s s, 294 w Av A, 35x94.10, five-story brick store and tenem't. Benjamin Z, Friedman to Hei-mau Hu-scb. y part. Mort. S10,000. Oct. 1. nom

Sameproperty. Jacob Friedman to same, y part. Mort. $10,000. Oct. 1. uom

16th st, No. 224, s s, 337 w7th av, 25x103.3, two-story frame store and dweU'g and four-stoi-y brick tenem't ou I'ear. George L. Kingsland, Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., to Daniel D. Lawson, Oct. 3. 14,750

23d st, Ko. 207, n s, J37,C e Stb av^ 18,9x98,0, thi'ee-story stone front dwell'g, William M. and John M, Kemp heirs William Kemp to Harriet M. Kemp. C. a. G. Mort, .S5,ti00. Sept. 30, nom

Same property. Release dower. Agnes Kemp widow to same. Sept. 20, - nom

23dst ,No, 325, n s, 300 e 2d av, 25x98.9, five-story brick store and tenem't. Catherine Booth wife of Hem-y F. to Harriet Gar­diner. Mort. ^18,000. Taxes, &c. Sept. 18.

33,000 23d st. No, ]39, n s, 50 vr Lexington av, 3.5x98,9,

four-story brick store aud dweU'g. Andrew J . Robinson and Edward H. Wallace to Henry Steeger. Mort. *25,000. May 15. 40,350

24th st. No. 163, u s, 59 e 7th av, 30,3x43.10x20.2 x43.10, three-story brick store and dweU'g, George H, Forster to James M, Hare. B. & S. 3-5 part. Aug, 9. 6,000

26th st. No. 128, s s, 65 w Lexington av, 20x66.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Mary Shaw, Brooklyn, N. Y., sister and heir of Eugene Gallagher to Mary E. KeUy. B. Sc S. Jan. 14, 1S88. nom

2Stb st, No. 228, s s, 320.8 w 7th av, 24,10x9S.fl, flve-story brick store aud tenem't and fom--story brick tenem't on rear. Foreclos. Jef­ferson M. Levy to Timothy G. SeUew. Sept. 39.

29tb st, No. 34, s s, 250 e 6tb av, 33x98,9, 29th st, No, 32, E s, 372 e 6th av, 33x98.9.

Two tbree-stoi-y brick stores and dwell'gs. Alexander C. Howe to Ada Howe. Jau. 31.

6-5,000 Slst st, Ko, 311, n E, 140 e 2d av, 20x93,9, four-

story bi-ick store and tenem't and two-story brick stable iu rear. Louis Weinlandt to Acton T. CiviU, Coeymans, N. Y. Mort. $3,000. Sept. 35. 11,000

32d Bt, n 3,27.5.3 e 8tb av. 24.10xll6.6x24.llx 114.10. Release mort. Simon Kay to Ed­ward D. Bertine. Oct. 1. uom

33d st. No. 341, u s, 170 w 2d av, 15x98.9, foui--story stone front dweU'g. Paul "Waltiier to WUhehnina Walther. Mort. §5,000, Sept. 27. • 13,000

33d st, Nos, 304-308, s s, 100 w 9tb av, 50x98,9, tlu-ee three-story stone front dweU'gs, John and David Dunn to Michael Tobm, Sept, 17. 67,000

33d st, Nos. 255 and 257 W, Par ty waU agi-ee­ment. Amy Deane to Eleanor R. Stlleck. Juno 30. nom

34th st, Ko. 239j a s, 116.8 w Sd av, 16.8x96.9, four-story bnck dweU'g. Josepb Rimoldi to Valentine E. N. Cook. Mort. S5,O0O. Sept. 28. 11,000

34th Et, No. 357, n s, 1.56.4 e 9th av, 18,7x98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g. Jennie K. wife of and Henry C. Barrow to John O'Gai-a,

' Sept, 28, 16,000 34tb st. No. 239, u s, 377 e 8th av, 23.10x98.9,

tlrree-stoi-y stone front dweU'g, Minna Sil­berberg to Sarah Bauman. Mort. §5,000. Sept. 6. 17,000

35th st, Nos. 147 and 149, n e, 208.4 e 7th av, runs north 98.9 X east 16.8 xnor th 13xeast 50 X south 100 to st, X west 66.8, two six-story brick stores aud apartment houses. Jobn Coi-n to Michael Steinhardt. Morts. ?160,000. Sept. 28. 145,000

Same property. Sophie wife of and Michael


St-einhardt to Johu Com. Morts. §145,000. Sept. 28. 145,000

S5th st, Nos. 147 and 149, u s, 208.4 e 7th av, runs nortb 98.9 x east 16.8 x north 1.3 x east 50 X sonth 100 to S5tb st, x west 66.8, two six-story bi-iek stores and flats. Michael Stein­bardt to Sophie Steinhardt. Morts. £100,000. Oct, 1. 105,000

37th st. No. 1-34, s s, 194,8 w Broadway, 31x98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g, Catharine Ryder beil-Mary A.,Bai-ron to Richard and Bessie CuUen. 'Oct. 1. 22,000

396h st, No. 328, s s, 489.7 e 8tb av, 20.7x98,9, tbree-story stone front dweU'g. Kate E, Stevenson to Josephine M. Coue. B. Sc S. Morts. $11,000. Sept. 28, nom

40th st. No. 446 W., s s, 235 e IOtb av, 25x98.9; four-story brick store aud dweU'g and four-story brick dwell'g ou rear. Christiana wife of Albert L, Conklin to James Keai'uey, Hackensack, N. J. Sept. 4. nom

Same iiroperty. James Keai'iiey, Hackeusack, K. J\, to John Stewart, Mort. $9,000. Oct, 1. 13,800

42d St., No. 321, n s, 275 w Sth av, 25x100.4, tbree-stoi'y frame stoi'e and dwell'g and three-story brick dweU'g on rear-. Alfred B. Price exr. Cyrus W. Price to Mai-y D. Pressiuger. Oct. 3. 19,000

4Sd st, No. 319, n s, 250 w Sth av, 25x100,4. Alfred B. Price exr. Cyrus W. Price toMai-y D, Pressuiger, Oct, 3. 19,000

48th sb, Ko. 340, s s, 125 w 1st av, 35x100.5, four-story brick stoi'e aud tenem't and four-story brick tenem't on rear. Anna Luttench-lager widow to Max Barnett. Mort. $2,000, Oct, 1. nom

SOth st, Ko. 413, s s, 200 w 9th av, 25xlC0.5, flve-story hrick tenem't. Pati'ick CoUins to Paidine Wolf, Mort. $16,000, Sept, 28. 24,000

SOth st. No. 410, s s, iOO e 1st av, 20x90, four-story stone front dwell'g. George P. Ockers-bansen to EUzabeth M., Hauiiab, Louisa and Susan S. Ockershausen. B. & 8. and C, a. G, Mort. $9,000. Sept, 29. 3,895

SOth st. No. 542, s s, 535 w IOth av, 26x100,5, five-story stone ft-ont tenera't. Nathan Wise and Julius G. MiUer to William H. Blulidom, Jr . , Brooklyn, N, Y, Sept. 29, ,19,500

54th st, Ko. 1,58, s s, 119 e 7th av, 18.6x100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. Catharine King to Edwin Lord, Mort. $13,500. Sept. 28. 19,500

54th st, No. 446, s s, 225 e lObh av, 25x100.5, two-story franie store aud dweU'g and two-story frame reai- dweU'g. Catharine C. Agatz individ. and extrx. Frederick Agatz to Gustav N. BaUin. Jnly 2. 7,350

58th st. No. 403, n s, 70.5 e 1st av, 18,4x100,4, four-story stone front dweU'g. Mary E. Habn widow to Charles A. B. ]?ratt. Morts. $13,500. Sept. 25. 17,685

56th st, Ko. 114, s s, 128 e 4th av. 19x100.5, tbree-stoi'y stoue frout dweU'gs. George F. Kobler, Broolrlyn, to Sarsb B, Weed, Green-•wich, Conn. -,; part. Mort. $9,000. Mar. 1. " 4,000

60th st. No, 338, s s, 181 w^s tav , 25x100.5, four-story brick store and tenem't. EmU Good­man to Henry KUngeustein. Mort. $7,000, Sept, 20, See Canal st, 18,000

OOth st. No, 21, n s, 320 e 9tb av, 18x100,5, three-story stone front dweU'g, Henry Fowkes, Melrose, Mass., to Frederic J. Middlebrook, B. & S. Mort. $18,000. Oct. L nom

03d st, No. 1-38, s E, 425 w Oth av, 25x100.5, five-story brick teuem't, Peter Doyle to Mary J. Doyle. AU liens, Aug. 10. nom

63d st. No. 134, s s, 375 iv yth av, 25x100.5, five-story brick tenem't, Martiu J, Barron to Esther Carey, y part. Sub. to morts. and taxes 1388. Sept." 29. 15,500

Sarae property. John Bai-ron to EUen Aspel, y part. Sub. to morts., taxes, &c. Sep­tember 39. 15,500

63d st. No. 121, u s, 188.4 w Lexington av, 16.8 xlOO.5, fora--story stone front dweU'g. Hen­ry G. Schrenkeisen, Brooklyn, N. Y., individ. and as exi-. Hem-y Schrenkeisen, and Grace C. his wife, and Anna C, Schrenkeisen widow, Mai'tin F. Schrenkeisen aud Mary L, his wife, aud Frank E,, Arthur I, and Catharine E, Schrenkeisen, beirs, &c., of Henry Schrenkeisen, to Charles Mangel and Charlotte M. Mangel his wife. Mort. $8,000. Sept. 18. 14,350

67tb and 68th sts. Agreement as to eastment for retaming wall. Edgai- S, Appleby to Tbe New York Central &, Hudson River R. R. Co. Sept. 13. nom

70th st, Nos. 317 aud 319, n s, 250 w 3d av, SOx 100,5, two five-story brick flats. Samuel W. Waldi-ou to Nathaniel Wise, Mort. $44,500. Sept. 39 58,000

71st st. No, 87, n s, 30 e Oth av, 30x103,2, four-story stone front dweU'g. John T. Farley to WUUam H. Parsons, J r . Mort. $17,500. Oct. 1. 33,000

7lBt st. No. 102, s s, 35 w 9th av. 18x100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. Mary E. Moran to John T. Farley. Sept, 35. nom

71st st, No. 281, n s, 19 e West End av, 16x93.3, three-story brick dweU'g, Foreclos. Frank G, WUd to Elizabeth OdeU, of Ardsley, N.Y. Oct. 3. 15,000

71st st. No. 09, n s, 210.6 e 9tb av, 18x102.2, four-story stoue front dweU'g. James H, TaUman, New Bedford, Mass., to Frank B. Hurd, Mort, $15,000, Sept. 31. 37,000

71st st, No, 275, n s, 70 e l l th av, 18x92.2, three-story brick dwell'g. Foreclos. Justus A. B, Cowles to Theodore aud WiUiam KUian,

October 6, 1888 Record and Guide. 1199

Sub, to decree of foreclos. and judgment 815,913. Sept. 29. 1,000

71st st. No. .273, n s, S8 e l l t h av, 17x92.10, tbree-story brick dweU'g. Porecloa, Same to same. Sub. to decree of foreclos. and judg­ment S15,939. Sept. 29. 500

72d st, No. 33, 6 S, 177 w 4th av, 23x103.5, four-• story brick dweli'g. Heury Liebmann,

Brooklyn, to Emma wife of Henry Liebinaun. B. Se a. Sept. 28. gift

72dst, No, 340, s s , 250 6 West E n d a v , 30x102.3, four-story stone front dweU'g. William No­ble to Orlando B, Potter. Mort. $30,000. Sept. 27, 38,000

73d st. No. .53, s s, 231 e Madison av, 23x103,2, • fonr-story stone front dweU'g. Richard W.

Buckley to Hem-y Goodkind. Mort. $32,000. Sept. 38. val. consid

74th sS, No. 334, e s, 200 e 3d av, 25x103.3, thi'ee-story frame dweU'g, James O'Brien to Pat­rick F. Ormond. All liens, Oct. 3, 1,500

75th st, No. 400, s s, 113 e 1st av, 3,5x112,11x25.4 xl09, fom--story stone front tenem't, Will­iam C. Poppendieck to Henry Piatt. Mort. $8,500. Sept, 27, 16,000

76thst, n s , 489 w Oth av, 18x103.2. Release mort, Hem-y E. Mei-riam to Michael Giblin. Sept. 20. 4,000

77th st, No, 136, s s, 361 wOtb av, 30x102.2, fom'-story stone tront dweU'g, Euttei-ick Pub­lishing Co. to Walter H.ToUard, Brooklyn. Mort. $30,500. Sept. 25, 29,000

78th st, No. 133, a S, 341 w 9th av, 16x95.6xlOx 95.10, four-story stone frout dwell'g. Bern­ard S. Levy to Pauline wifo of Joseph A. Levy. Mort. 818,000, Oct. 1. 25,000

79tb st. No. 428, s s, 210.8 w Av A, 33.4xlO'3.3, tbree-.^tory frame dweU'g. Margaret wife of Albert Luoz to Blary wife of James SuUi^'an. Mort. $8,600. Sept. 24. 11,300

SOthst, s s , 20O w Av A, 35x102,2, five-story brick teuem't. James Higgius to Andrew Hofinger, Oct. 3. 20,100

Slst st, No. 117, n s, 145 w Lexiugtou av, SOx 103.3, tlu-ee-story brick dweU'g, Henry E, Woodward to "WUliam C. Clai-ke, Eidgcfield. N. J Mort. $14,000. Oct. 1. 23,760

82dst, No. 23-:;, n s, 305.5 w 2d av, 35x103.2. thi'ee-story frame dweU'g aud oue-story frame buUdingou rear. Elizabetb Johnston wife of Richard E. to Honj-y A. Schadowsky. Mort. §17,000. Oct. 1. 20,500

82d st. No. 168, s s, 153.9 w 3d av, 35x100, two-story bricit dweli'g and one-story frame build­ing on rear. Cathai-iue I. wife Michael Sta-Sletou to WUliam Cohen. Jloi't. SO,500.

'ct. 3. 10,500 83d st. No. 413, s s 206 e 1st av, 2.5x103.3, five-

story hrick teuem't. Maria wife of Wiiiiam Ueckerraauu to Franz F, Pfaff, Mort, SH,-500. Oct. 1. 20,500

Sith st, Nos. 430 aud 432, s s, 300 e 1st av, 35.10 xl02,2, two two-story brick dweU'gs. De Wit t H. Parker to Forrest H. Pai-ker. B. & S. Morts. $6,000, June 28, 1883, nom

84tb Et, No. 357, u s, 53.5 w Boidevard, 10x75, 84th st. No. 203, n s, 101.5 w Boulevard, 16x75,

Two three-stor'5' brick dwell'gs. Sai-ah L. Jacksou to James D. Putnam, Brooklyn. Morts 815,500. Sept. 1, 36,000

851h st. No, 526, s s, 373 e Av A, 25x103,3, live-story bi'ick tenera't. Frederick Schuck to Samuel Mangold aud Elise his xvife, joint tenants. Sept, 39. 19.000

SSth st, Nos. 30 aud 33, s s, 181 w Stb av 38x 103.3, two foui--story stoue front dweU'gs. EUzabeth wUe of John H. Steinmetz to Ed­ward P. ScbeU, AU liens. Oct. 3. uom

87 tbs t , s s , 63.3 6 Madison av, 31.3x100.8. Re­lease raort, Harriet Overhiser to Edward KUpatrick, Sept, 24. 4,000

89th st, No. 86, ss, 220 e 9th av, 20x100.8, four-story stone front dweU'g. Francis Craw­ford, Wakefield, N. Y., to Carrie E. wife Edwin W. Orvis, Morts. $20,000, Sept. 37,

37,500 SOth st, No. 90, s s, 180 o 9th av, 20x100, four-

story stoue front dweU'g. Fraucis Ci'awford, Wakefield, N, Y., to Jacob F, MiUer, Mort. $20,000, Oct. 1. 33,500

95th st, Nos. 205-315, u s. 100 e 3d av, 160x100.8, six fi\'e-stoi-y brick tenem'ts. David Oppeu-heimei' to Eliza wife of Randolph Guggen­beimer and Salomon Marx. Morts. $75,000. Aug. 39. nom

95th st, s s, 199 6 4th av, 18x100.8, three-stoiT bi'ick dwell'g, William J. aud Jobn P. C, Walsh to Clara Hirscbberg, Mort. $13,000, Sept. 35. 21,000

95th st, s s, 199 e 4th av, 18x100.8, Release mort. Nicholas O'ConneU to Clai'a Hirscb­berg, College Point, N. Y. Oct. -i. nom

97th st, No, 119, u s, 603,6 e 10th av, 1.5x100,11, fom--story brick dwell'g. Charles H. Linds­ley to Robinsou Gill, Brooiclyn. Mort. $15,000. June 30, 19,000

lOUth st. No. 109, u s, 135 w Otb av, 35x100, five-story brick flat. Johu J. Gerhard to Caroline Voylits. Q, C. Feb. 7. 475

Same projierty. Release mort, Maria EUe-biscb to same, Sept. 36. nom

Same pioperty. Jobn Heintze and Charles W. Klebi ich to same. Q. C. Sept. 2(j. nom

Same jii'operty. Thomas McCarty aud Shubel KeUj' to same. Q, C. Sept, 37, uom

Sameproperty. Cbarles Wehle to same. Q.C. nom

Alexander Wehle to same. nom

Caroline Voytits to Tliomas F. Garrett. " Sub. to mort., taxes, &e. Sept. 36. iy,500

Same property, Thomas F. Garrett to Patrick H, McMauus. Oct. 4, 30,000

Oct. 3. Same propei-ty.

Q. C. -Oct. 2. Same property.

107th st, No. 301, u s, 75 e 2d av. 50x76.10, four-story brick tenera't. Phebe B, Allen exti-x, Jonathau W. AUeu to Robert B. Merritt. Mai-. 7. 25

107th st, S3, 200 w2d av, 35x100.11. Mayor, &c., Now York toEruest Sulzer. Q.C. Sept. IS. 340

lOSthst, No. 132, s s , 73 w '^d av, 27x75, four-story stone frout tenem't with stores. There­sia wife of and Charles W, Fai'ciot to Winnie Mauuion. Morts. $13,000. Oct. 'l , 18,500

l l l t h st. No, 38, s 3, 75 w Madison av, 25.'6ys. 100.11, five-story stone frout flats. Release mort, WUliam J, Light and Theodore P. Jenldns ti-ustee,s to James Healy and Josepli Handwoi-iv, Oct. 1, 4,000

Sarae pi'opei'ty, James Healey and Josepli lIaud»orIt to Mai'garet Mamiey. Mort, $16,000. Oct. 1. 23,000

113th st, No. 305, n s , 334 e Stb uv, 18x100.11, thiee-.st.ory brick dweU'g. Johu D. Ci'im-mins to George F. Vogel. Resei'ves compen­sation for party waU. Aug. 38. 14,500

115Ch st, u s, 845 o 1st av, i-uns east 35 x north 58.1 X northwest UO x south 8.5,4, vacant. WUUam C. Lesster to Annie T. MarshaU. Oct. 2, 5,000

116th st, 3 s, 90 w 4th av, 100x100.11. noth st, s s, 88,8 w 4bh av, 0.4x07,

Five flve-story brick flats. Samuel SebM'ab to Simon Hennan and Ferd­inand Kiu-zmau. All liens. Sopt. 27. 140,000

120th st, n s, SO w Manbattan av, 30x100.11, va­cant. Joseph W. Teets to A. Alonzo Teets. y part, B. & S. Sept. 39. uora

130Lb st. No. 319, u s , 215 6 3d av, 30x100.10, four-story brick store and tenem't. Michell HaUiday to Rosina wife George W. Eeunort. Mort. $7,500. Sept. 38. 12,000

13JtbEt, u s , -250 w 4 tbav , 50x100.11, vacant. IVilliain A. CauldweU to Hem-y J. Mc-Gueldn, Oct. 1. 17,000

121st st, No. 505, n s, 81 s Pleasant av, 17x84,3, two-storj frame dn-ell'g. Tereuco Mc­Manns to Borudiua Doiunaun. Mort. 4,000, Sept. 35. 7,000

13,2d St, No. 136. s s, 437 w Leuox av, 21x100.11, three-story stone fi'oiit dwell'g, Bm-tlett Smitb to Auna M. Braudes. Mort. $9,000. Oct, 1, 22,500

133d st, rTo. 204, s s, 115 w 7th av, 15x100.11, three-storv brick dwell'g. Evelyn Smith to Alfred P. 'Hanan, Brooklyu. Morts, $13,500. Sept. 37. 18,500

123d st. No. 202,5 s, 80 vv 7th av, 10x100.11, three-story stoue front dweU'g, Mattie A, Cockburu to Auna Lcouhard. Mort. $10,000. Sept. 36, 15,000

123d st, u s, 49.5 w Stb av, 17.2x50.2, three-story brick d«eU'g, Toomas D, Rambaut to Pat­rick Malloy, Sept, 36, 3,500

126th st. No. 30r. u s, 100 w Sth av, 25x99,11, five-story tiirick flat. John W. Haaren to Theresia Pfauueschlag. Mort. $14,000. Sept. 29. 28,000

12Sth st. No, 347, n s, 99 w 3d av, runs north 74. l l x west 6 X nortb 35 xwes t 13.8 xsouth 99.11 to 138th st, X east 18.8, three-story brick dwell'g,

7Sth st. No. 362, s s, 88.7 w 3d av, 10.4x76,8. 78th st, s s, 105 w 3d av, 0.1>^x51.6x0.1x51.6,

thi'se-story stone fiout dweU'g. -Hem-y A. Sherwood to Henry Greenebaum and" Bernhard Beinecke. Morts. $13,000, Oct. 1. 21,000

13Sthst, n s , 99 w 2 d a v , ruus north74.11x-(vest 0.6 X north 25 x west 13.8 x south 99.11 to st, xeas t 1S.8. Hem-y Greenebaum and Beru-hai-d Beinecke to Maria "'ife of Michael J. Kilcoyuc, Mort. $5,000. Oct. 2. 8,600

138th st. No. 325, u s, 283,10 e 3d av, 19,5x99,11, fonr-story brick teueiu'c. George C, Hoff­man to Mary Hoffman. Morts. $11,033. Oct. 1. 15,000

138th st, No. 01, u B, 181.8 w 4th av, 16.Sx99.lI, tbree-story frame dweU'g. Albei't Black-b u r n e t o K a t e B, wife of Stephen A. West. Mort. S4.500. Oct. 3. 7,100

129tb st, No. 51, n s, 340 w 4th av, 2.5x99.11, two-story frame d^^"6li'g, Charles W. Lamb to WiUiam Robbius. Oct, 1, 9,000

ISOth st. No. 110, s s, 133 w Lenox av. 18x99.11, three-story stone fi-ont dv\'eU'g. Thomas Keeuau to William J. Coates. Oct. 1. 21,500

130th st. n s, IOO e Stb av, 75x99. LI, vacant. Jacob Booliman to Thomas J. and George Jenkins. Sub, to taxes 1888. Oct. 1. 24,000

134th St. s s, 375 e Sth av, 25x99.11, vacant. Ed­wiu F. Raynor to Thomas Mclnei'ny, Brook­lyn, Sept, go, 8,000

134tb st, Nos. 310 and 312, n s, 150 -w Sth av, 50 x99.11, two four-story brick dweU'gs. Fred­erick Aldhous to John McFee. Morts. $18,000, Sept. 28. 29,000

146th St. n s, 100 o Sth av, 25x99.11. Georgia C. wife of WiUiara S. Gray to Edwiu C. Fronk, Mort. $12,000, and taxes ISSS. Sept. 28. 31,000

i46th st, u s. 125 0 Sth av, 25x99.11. Floreua B. wife of aud AUan A. Irvine to same. Mort. $13,000 Aug. 14. 23,500

u o t b st, Nos. 271 and 373, u s, 100 e Sth av, 50x 99.11, two flve-stoi-y brick flats. Edwin C. Fronk to Ricardo P. Martinez. Mort. $34,000, Oct, 1. 4.5,000

Av A, No, 1659, w s, 25 n S7th st, 35x77, five-story hi-ick tenem't with store. John Schnugg to Katbarma Doellafeld. Mort. £10,000. Oct. 1. 18,500

Greenwich av, No. 23, e s, 31.4 n West 10th st, runs north 15.4 x east 60.S x south.5.9 xsouth­west 30,5 x west 41,3, tlu-ee-story brick tene­ment with stores, Thomas L. Jones to Ed­ward L. Jones, y part. Sept, 24. nom

Leuox av, No. 369, w s, 77 a lS9th st, 23x35.6,

four-story hrick store aud tenem't. Joseph Bierhoff to Johu Boriuann, Mort. $7,000. Oct. 1. 15,000

Lexiugton av. No. SS2, w s, 40.5 s OOth, 20x70, four-story stone frout dwcU'g. Melissa Hotcli-kiss, Middleton, Couu., to Fannie Hotchkiss, Middleton, Conu. nom

Lexington av, No, 1727, e s, 50.11 n lOStb st, 16.8x65, four-story stone front flat. Diary Tiilottson, l\[ongaup Valley, N. Y., to Johu Scbefller. Morts. $8,500, Sept, 33, 11,350

Lexington av, No. 670 and 673, w s, 18.5 E 56th Et, 37x90.6, four-story briek flat. Foreclos. Jobn H, Rogan to Isaac Uutermyer, Mort. £35,000. Oct. 4. 9,500

Madison av, No. 63, n e cor S7th st 34.9x71.1, five-story brick store and dweU'g. Heni-y Brash to Gevert WeadeLken. Sept. 38. 58,000

Madisou av, s e eor 73d st, 37x03; Ko. 341313 st, foui--story brick dweU'g. J, Mouroe Tay­lor to George R. Read. Oct, 1. See 3d av.

nom Madison av, s e cor 135th st, ruus east 400 x

soutb 49,11 X west 90 x south 50 x west 310 to av, X nortii 99.11, vacant. David Oppen­heimer to Eliza wile of Randolph Guggen­hemier, Mort, $18,000. Juno 30,1887, 80,000

West Eud av. No, 215, w s, 43.3 s 75tb st, 30x80, three-story hrick dweU'g. WilUam E. D. Stokes to Charles M. Bergstresser. C. a. G. Oct. 1. 39,750

West E n d a v . 3 e cor 99th st, 100.11x100 va­cant. AhihouB S. AUen, Paterson, N, J,, to Thomas J, Huston. Oct. 1. 30,500

Same property. Thomas J. Huston to Nettio wife of Samuel W. Bowne. Mort, $35,000. Oct. 1. ^0,510

1st av, Nos. 1370-1374, n e cor 73d st, 77,2xU3, three flve-story brick (stoue fi-ont) teuem'ts with stoi-es. Joseph L. Buttenwieser to Ju­lius Dreyfus. Oct, 1. 128,000

1st av. No, 1376, es , 77.3 n 73d at, 2.5x113, flve-stoi'y stone front tenem't with stores. Sarao to Amandus E. N, Steffens. Oct. 1. 39,750

1st av. No. 138, e s, 73.10 n St. Marks pi, 20.3x 60, three-story bricit store aud tenera't. Bridget wife of Francis Cavanagh formerly ^'ife of Micbael Cuddy to Charles Docen. Mort. $8,000. Oct. 1. 14,500

1st av, Kos, ISy-l'jl, w s, 46,1 s 12tb st, 45.10x 10t», two flve-story brick stores and flats. Na­talie wile of and AA' olf Silverman to Louis Leso. Morts, 848,000. Oct. 1. 63,000

1st av. No. 414, e s, 34,9 n 24th st, 24,8x100, f oui--story brick store and teuem't and foui'-story briek teuem't on rear. Joim Kliuger to John Keck, Re-recorded. Morts. $15,000. Mar. 1, 1869, 33,000

I s tav , w s, 35.4 s 70th st, 50x77. Max Dan­ziger to Jacob Katz. Q. C. Sept. 39. uom

2d av, No. 1055, w s, 75.4 s .50th st, 35x100, four-story brick store aud tenem't. EUas Jacobs to Peter and George Brickelmaier. Mort. S11,000. Oct. 1. 30,500

2d av, Nos. 1885 and 1887, w s, 49,11 n 9~th st, 51x100, two five-stoi-y brick tenem'ts with stores. Gi'orge Ebret to Francis A. Clark. MortB. 634,000. Sept. 20. 54,000

2dav, No. 313, w s, 50.1L s 104tb st, •'25x100, two-story frame dwell'g. Pauline wife of and Ernst Pecker to Samuel WeU. Oot, 1. 8,000

2d av. No. 3303, w s, 30 n 118th st, 20x90, four-story briclv store and tenera't. Harry C. Har t to Dorothe Adehnann. Mort. $5,000 and taxes. Sapt. 39, 13,750

3d av, Nos. 501-505, s e cor 34th st, 44,3x80, two flve-story brick stores and flats. George R Read to J. Monroo Taylor. Mort. £90,000. Sept, 29. See Madisou av, also leases. nom

3d av. No. 1297, e s, 03.3 n 74th st, 20x110 five-story brick store aud tenem't. Louis Ploch to Babette Welker. Morts. $35,350. Au­gust 20, 30,000

Same property. Walter Steinbrecher to Louis Ploch. Correetiou deed, B. Sc S. Aug. 20. uom

3d av. No. 1483, w s, 103.3 s 84th st, 36x9^.6. Release mort. Heury WeU, Brooklyn, to Thomas Smith. Get. 1. nom

4th av, No. 1574, o s, 50.4 s SSth st, 25,3x,S3.3, five-story brick flat, Cecilia w-ife of Julius Feder to George Theiss. Mort. $10,000 aud taxes 1888, Sept. 39, 12 350

9th av. No. 119, w s, 75.10 n 17th st, 39.3x100, four-story frame store and tenem't and two-story frame buildiug ou rear. Bridget Cul­len widow to WUliam Rankin. Mort, $5,000 Oct. 3. is,000

lOthav, No. 689, w s , 25.1 n 45th st, 2.5,1x100, five-story brick store and tenem't Helen, Meribah, LeUa M, and Carrio C, Carhart to Matilda Schuaper. Mort. S2i,000. Sept. 37

24,750 IOtb av, Nos, 1710 and 1712, e s, 75.3 n 9Sth st,

59.5x—x54.4x100, two five-story brick tene­ments with stores. David Christie to Lydia A. I-Iougb. Moi't. $34,000. Sept, 25. nom

IOtb av, u 6 cor 6Sth st, 75.5x100, vacant. Joliu M. Ruck to Margai-et Devlin. Mort. §39.500 and taxes ISSS, Oct. 1. 45,000


All real estate iu City of New York ivhereof Rosanna GaUagher died seized, Q. C, Peter Rafferty to devisees of Rosanna GaUaeher Sept. 20. " uoui

Extensiou of time for erection of buUding.s The Maufacturei-s' and Builders' Fire Ins. Co, witb Louise Sclmeider et al, Sept. 34,

Receipt for legacy under wiU of Ann McDon­ald, Anu McDonald to Rosa GUIespie extrx Peter GUIespie, Nov, 25, 1885, 500

Release for legacy. George J. Shaw to Mary E, KeUy extrx. Eugene GaUagher, Septem­ber S9. - ^

1900 Record and Guide. October 6, 1888

Receipt for legacy. Norah Gallagher to same, Sept. 29. 475

Receipt for legacy, Fran'i J. Bi-ady to same. Sept, 29, 965

Ratification by Hemy V. R. Kennedy of the probate of wUl of Jaines Lenox dec'd, Oct. 4.

Satisfaction of uniecorded mortgage, see Liber 1940 of Conveys,, p, 307, William Sperb to Jaraes McGaviskey. Sept. 35, nom

SimUar satisfaction. Seo same Liber. Erama L, Finii admi'x, John W. Fink to same. Sept. 35. uom

33il iiud 2ltli MAUDS. Buckout st, n s, 153 w Morris av, 100x100. John

W. Scalleu to Carrie E. Sciilleu, Morts. S6,000. Sept. 27. uom

Clifton st, s e cor Tinton av, 31.3x76.2x31 2x 76.3. John W. Decker to Josef M. Pfaffen-zeUer and Walbnrga bis wUe. Mort. $1,000,

' taxes, &c, Sept. 38. ' 4,050 Fox st, s w cor Lyou st, 59x02,7x51.6x09, Heu-- ry D. Tiffany to Luke Clayton. Sept, 35. 900 Home st, s s, 377,11 c Stehhins av, runs soutb

33.6 xsoutheast 05 to Iut;rvale av, x north­east 25 x uoi-lhwe^t .55 xnor th 22.5 to st, x west 25. Henry D. Tiff my to Alexauder C. McCone, Aug, 15, (jOO

Jumel pl. w s, 3iJ6.4 u Vut'.i st, 2.5x100. Micbal Powers to Nicholas Po'Aers. Sept. 15.

val consid LoriUard st, s e s . lot 119 on a map by Andi'ew

Findlay, dated Mar. 14, 1851, 50x100. Agues , Mayer to Flora wife of Isaac Gross Sep­

tember 39. i e35 LorUlar-^'-'- - " - '"'- "•" ^~--<^-— '

Oct, 3. Popbam st, s s, e y plot 87 shown ou mortgage

map of laud belonging to Isaac T. WUIis, Sec Release of covenants, Louis G. Morris to Susaima Walker. Juue 13. no nom Riverview terrace, w s, 1,497,3 n Re<lgwick av i-uus north 330.5 x oast 84,5 x southeast 108.11

r - . - . . , Julyjy- uom Same property. Lewis G. Morns to Tho

Mayor, Sec, New York. Deed of cession July 26.

Riverview ten-ace, w s, 440.4 n Sedgwick av 229x79.7x538.6x15 to Sedgwick av, y 136.6 to centre Riverview terrace, x north 396 x west 37,6. Fortlbara Morris to same. Deed of cession. July 36.

Riverview terrace, 'n-s, 675.0 u Sedgwick av, runs north 6.53.1 x ITS to terrace, x 504.4 x 79 7 Mary A. wife of Frank H. Walker to sauie' Deed of cession. July IT, I.ss8.,

River-view terrace, -ivest ,'„J Jyiug at side of mortgaged premises and up to the centi-e line of said aveuuo. Release mort. Jobu H. Powel, Jr . , and auo. e.srs. aud trustees Sam­uel Powel to Mary A, IValker. JiUy 16 uom

Rockfield st, n s. 500 c Marion av, 25x126.11. 1 Rockfield st, n s, 525 e Marion av. 25x126.10 (

J. Henry Hoffstadt to Johu Ruck. Taxes &c. Sept, 37. jj^j^

Southern Boulevard, east cor Samuel st, 24x 100. Tbomas Kirklaud to Gustav A, l<^-ietscbe. Sept, 0, (.j ' j,

Spring st, u w cor Prospect av, C3xl30x90x 143,8. LiUian A, Wolff to Alfred Pieper Sept. 28, 2,000

Waverly st, s w cor Madison av, 50x125. Lewis G. Morris to Charles Kaiser. Oct, 2, 3 000

Is tp l , s s, 175 w Grove av, 75x100, Gustavus W. Fuess to Wiliiani Jex, Oct. 3. 4 loO

134tbst, s s , 302.5 w Brown pl, 16,10x100x16 11 xlOO. Thatcher M. Adams to Charles D. Steurer. Sept. 38. 7 ooO

135th st, n s, 100 w Alexander av, 135x100. James T. Meagher to Mai-y E. Meagher, AU mort«. Oct. 3. val consid

138th st, s s, 708,6 e WiUis av. 19.6x100. Release mort. Alexander P. Eetchmn to John C. Bushfleld, Brooldyn. Sept. ,','8, nom

ISStb st, s s, at intersection witb east line of lands of Harlem River Sc Portchester RaUway Co., runs east 100 xsouth 303,10 to 137th s t , x ivest 100 to Railroad Co,'s lands, x nortb 303,10. Grant of right of way. The Port Morris Laud and Improvement Co. to Tbe De La Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co. May 35. uora

14:Jd st, s s, 350 c Willis av 25x100. Henry West to Bernhard Schmidt. Mort. $1 000 Oct. 3. 5,100

144th st, n s, 75 w Leggett av, 135x100. Tillie C. MerrUl to Francis J. and Bridget Kear­ney, Q. C. Sept, 26, 2,00i)

145th st, s s. 75 w WTiitlock av. 29 to Harlem & Portchester R R.. x—x38xl00. Antbony Mc­Owen to Robert A. Campbell. Jan. 16. 500

Same property. Thouias T. Campbell, Wcst^ field, Mass., and Robert A, CampbeU to An­thony McOwen. Jan, 12. 500

146th st, n s. 175 e "\\ iUis av 3.5x100. Christian Vomdron to Richard H. Deeves. Mort. $500 Sept. 38. 3,300

148tb st, n s, 135 e Courtlandt av, —xl06.0x2.5x 100.6. Andrew Weller to Anu unci ata BrautU, Sept. 27. ;j,125

15.5th st, s s, 1.50 e Courtlandt av, 25x100. John Volk to JuUus Hoffman. Sept, 39. 3 000

16lst Bt, n s, 300 e Morris av, 100,6x181x101.4x 181. Gaspar C. Baruette to Charles P. Beck­er. Aug, 16, 14 600

167th St. n s, 33,7 e KeUy st, 60x93.6x60.3x97.6, William FemsehUd to Fj-ank McGai-j-y Mort. $3,300. Oct. I. 4,.5(J0

Brook av, e s, 75 u 144th st, 25x100. Release mort, Jobn Burke to Natale, Luigi, Gui­seppe and Steffauo Cavinato. • Sept. 26, 5,000

Same property. Release mort. Helen B. Coles, Orauge, N. J,, to same. Sept. 24. 1,100

Fi-anklin av, s e s, 46 s w lOOtb st, rmis south­east 93.4 x southwest 48 x southeast 43,8 x soutbwest 16 x northwest 137 to av, x north­east 04, George Bachmanu to Margaretlia Messei-schraitt, Sept. 24. 6,300

Grant av, e s, abt 380 u Central av. Gi-ant of sijace for retaining w-all. EmUie and Gus­tave A. Raszewski to Tbe New York Central aud Hudson River R. R. Co. and N. Y. and Harlera R. R, Co. Sept. 33. 150

Grove av, e s, 416.8 n CUff st, 16.8x100. Adara Jauson to Ann Jackson, i lo r t , $2.500, Sept. 26, 3.500

Grove av, e s, 400 n Cliff st, 16.8x100. Same to same. Moj-t. $3,500. Sept. 36. 3,500

Honeywell av, n w s , 3iiT s w Samuel st, 5x150. John G. Michels to Henry Thornton, June 37, 65

Intervale av, u w s, 333.6 n e 169tbst, 2.5x134.11. Mary L. Tiffany widow to Jobn Ii-elaud. Sept. 11. 500

Laf ayett« av, e s, lot !t6 map Mt. Hope Tl'"estern reserve, Upper Morrisania, 75x99x97x106.3, Lewis andEdwai-d, J r . . Haight exrs, Edward Haigiit to Alexander B,, Jobn C , Joseph T. and Hem-y C. Williamson beii-s Mary A. Bodine formerly WUMamson. Q, C, Mar. 31, 19

Madison av, s e s , ISO s w 13th st, 50x120, 24th ^Val d. Annie V. wife of Augustus J. Paris to Rosanna C. Crowley. Oct. 3. 5,500

Madison av, w s, 216 s 175th st, 51x120. Luis Drescher to John P. Wenninger. Oct. 4, 5,000

Marion av, w s, 4T53 u road from West Farms to Kiugsbridge, 50x155.8x50x155.3. George Teasdale exi-s. WiUiaiu Teasdale to Katha­rina M, Wilhelm. Mort. $3,000, and taxes from 1880. Sept. 31. 5,900

Marion av, w s, 452 u Kingsbridge to West Farms road, .50x1.5-5,8x50x155.3. George Teasdale, EUzabeth Ravekes wife and Albert and Charles Teasdale and Mary bis wife, Alice Mclntyre beirs William Teasdale to Katharina M. Wilhelm, Mort, .=;8,000. Sept. 31, _ 5,9C0

Same property, Alfred L,. Ryer beir Mary E. Rutbert'ord to George and Cbai-les Teasdale. Elizabatb Ravekes and Alice Mclntyi'e heirs William Teasdale. Q. C and release tax lease. Sept. 1. nom

Morris av. w s, 75 n 173d st, 2.5x100, Susan Donnelly to Mary E. Bird, Sept. 29. 1,000

Morris av, e s, 75 n Gray st, 49.6x101.5x30.8x 100, Warren C, Crane to James J. LaUy, Sept. 29. 1,650

Raihoad av, s e cor Sth st, 309x238x364x174. Foreclos, John H. Judge to Henry P. De-gi-aaf, y part. Sept. 28. 1,400

Raih-oad av, s e s , 05.5 n 0 from s w cor lot 61, and being pai-t lot 61, map of Morrisania, .50 xl.50. SheritE's certificate of sale. Jolm Bus­sing to Margai-et L. Constable. Feb. 1, 1871.500

Same pi'operty. Assign, of Sheriff's certificate. Margaret Constable to Susan A. Marring, Mar. 10,1874. nom

Sedgwick av, w s, 168.10 s Riverview terrace, 168.10x440.4x37.6x390 to av, x2ai.l0. Lewis G, Morris to the Mayor, &c., Kew Yorls. Deed of cession, Ju ly 26, 1SS8.

Tinton av, w s, 170.3 s 168th st, 16.8x135. Hem-y MuUer and Herman Oetjen to Johu C, and EHse Streck. Mort, ?2,000. Oct. 1. 3,600

Tinton av, w s, 363.3 s lliSth st, runs west 135 x south 0.7 xeas t 08.7 x south 11,3 xeas t 66,6 to av, X nortb 18.0, John A. Knox and Kow-bui-y D. Lawtou to Charles Torbrich. Mort, $1.9.50, Oct. 1. 3,.500

Walnut av, Locust av, 137th st aud 138th st, witb riparian rights. De La Vergne Refrig­erating Machine Co. with Port Morris Laud and Improvement Co. Agreement in rela­tion to erection of factory witb penalties, Sec. May 25. uom

Webster av, e s, 13-5.3 s Central av, 47.10x65.0 to ceutre MiU Brooli^ x38x west 62.1. Ellen S. Ward to Sereno D, Bonfils. Mort. $400. June 15, 18,85. nom

WiUis av, s w cor 144th st, 100x111.6. Con­tract. Annie Ai-ctander to Edward Hii-sh. Oct. 2. , 30,250

Lane leading from Kingsbridge to Williams- I bridge road to lauds of Mary Schrady, s s, | 380 w of said road, 35x100, being lot 15 map I" No. 3 C. Dai-ke property. J Owoii Keenan to Robei't Dolan. Ail liens. Nov, 35, l.-'iST. 1,000

Mott Haven Canal, n w s , 227.3 s \v lUStb st, 50 x58. Release moi't. The Mutual Life Ius. Co., NewYork, to Amiie C. Young. Sept. 26.

uom Sarae property. Release mort. John H,

Cheever and Paulino A, Dm-ant extrx, Hem-y F. Durant to same. Sept. 20. nora

LRASEIIOLO C»i\VEYAX€ES. Attorney st, Nos. 136 and 128. Assign, lease,

Casper V. Stumpf to Anna Hartmann. Sept. 35. 700

Clinton pl, Ko. 63, Assign, lease, Amelia F. A\'ai'C et al, exi-s, Cai-l Klaniberg to Cbarles L, .ind Cai-rie L, Vatb, val, consid

Grand st. No. 5S3. Assigu. lease. Fi-ed Klock-luaun to Juuus Schaimann, Sept. 10, uora

Henry st, No. 193. Fisher aud Asber Lewine to David Abi'ahamsou, 15 years, from May 1, 1889, per year, taxes, &c,, and 2,000

Mott st, No. 77, Assign, lease. Bernard Isaacs to Valentine Newberger and Adam Hilde­brand. val, consid

Same prot>erty. Consent tp tissign. lease. Oct. I, • " - . u o r a

Washington st, e s, bet Wat ts and Canal sts, kiioHTi as lots 314 and 315 Sth Ward map for 1876 to 1879. The Mayor, &c., of New York to Morris H. Sraith, 14 years, from Dec. 1.

24 413

years, 1,088

Morris H. 1,846

Sarae to 773

1881, per year, Same property. Sarae to same,

fi-oin May 7, 1883, per year. Sarae propei'ty. Assign, lease.

Snuth to WiUiam C. Bowers. Same property. Assigu, lease,

sarae. 5th st, n s, 300 e 1st av, runs north 97 x east 15,6

X south abt 43 x agaiu south 54 to st, x west 31. Cornelia L, Heckscher to Jonas Mehl, 31 yeais, fi'om Nov. 1, 1883, per year-, taxes, &c.. and 625

24tb st, s s, 108 c 10th av, 14.8x80. Consent to assign, lea.se. William T. Moore to WUUam L, Van Valkenbiirgb. Oct, 1. uom

Same property. Assign, lease. WUUam L, Van Vaikenliurgh to Leon RoUac. Sept. 89.

3.750 45tb st, n s, 310 e Sth av, 30x100.5, Assign,

lea.se, Alexander Waldron, Orange, N. J., to Sarab, Sarah A. and Mary B. Waldi-on. uom

Slst st. Ho. 34, s s, 378 w Stb av, 37.6xl00,.5. Trustees Columbia College to Julia S. wifeof Edward P, Dutton, 21 yeai's, from Nov. 1, 1888, per year, taxes, &c., and 1,170

Slst st, Ko. 16, s s, 294 w Stb av, 21,6x100, The Trustees of Columbia CoUege in tbe City of New York to John A. Hadden. 31 years, from April 1, 1.888, per year, taxes, &c., and963

Slst st. No. 30, s s, 338 w Stb av. 20x100.5, Same to Olive B. wife of Henry K. Enos. 21 years, from Oct, 1, 1888, per year, taxes, &c.,and 874

Slst st. No, 40. s s, 631 w Sth av. 33x100.5. Same to George McKibbin. 31 years, from Aug. 1, 1889, per year, taxes, &c., and 800

54th St. No. 331 W. Surrender lease, Oscar S. BaUey to Jobn Downey. Sept, 28.

val. consid Av B, No. 7T, Surrender of lease. Arthur C,

Searies to PhiUip Deffan. Oct. 4. nora 3d av, No, 1483, Assign, lease. Thomas Smith

to Louisa Grimm. 34,000 Oth av, Ko. 504. Surrender and cancellation

of lease. John and Josepb Clark with Pat­i-ick Byrne and Edwai-d F. James. June 17. uom

IOtb av, s e cor 37tb st. Assign, lease. Mary DonneUy extrx. Ovi'eu Donnelly to Peter DonneUy, 4,500


SEPTEMBER 37, 28, 29, OCTOBER 1, 2, 3,

Adelphi st, e s, 14-1,5 n Lafayette av, 22x100, h & I, Jaraes H. Grovesteen and John I, Ful­ler, New York, to Beu.iamin C. Bara])ton, DunueUen, K J. Mort. $6,000. S;10,500

Aberdeen st, s e s, 150 s w Bushwick av, SOx 100, Josepb Ryan to Anuie E, Biu'ronghs, Mort. $3,000. 3,500

Same property. Release mort. Richard Good­win to Joseph Ryau. nom

Aberdeen st, n w s. 180.8 s w Bushwick av, 40.4x100. Dora J, wife Bryan Fagau to Jus­tus Schoenewald. Mort. S700. 1,500

Ashford st, w s . 150 s Arlington av, 50x97.6. John C, Schenck to Charles O. Faber. 1,200

Baltic st, s s, 218 e 3d av, 81x100. Gilbert P. Concklin to Charles D. Speucer, Clifton, IST. J. Morts. $5,500. exch

Baltic st, s s , 75e Grand av, 50x103.6. John Williams to Margaretta Bolten, 3,000

Barbey st, w s, 187.6 s Arlington av, 37.6x95. Joseph Lang to Adam Donaldson. 1,200

Bergeu st, s s. 145 w Hoyt st. 20x100, h & l . Rosa wife Morris Le^vine to Jacob C. Hai-ris.

7,800 Bergeu st, s s, 130 w Nostrand av, 20x125,3,

Ebsha Post to Chauncey J. Hastings, Mort, $7,500. 9,000

Bergen st, n .s, 135 e Rochester av, 25x107.3. Releasemort. EUen C. Terry, Orient, L. I., to Margaret and Jobn CoUins. nom

Same propei'ty. Margaret wife Jolm Collins to Joseph Sabra, 500

Bridge st, w s, 80 s Jobnson st, 20x56.6. Robert WiUiam B., Henry, James, John S. and George W. JIcKeon to Daniel Rissler, 4,350

Broadway, n e s, 85 n w Myi-tle st, 18,11x100. August E. Frey to Bernhai-d Davidsbiu-g. Mort. $4,750. 9,.50O

Broadway, n e s , 337.10 s e De Kalb av, 30.8x JOO, h & I. Foreclos. George G. Barnard to Tbe Long Island Bank, 9,350

Broadway, n e s , 134.6 s e De Kalb av, 40x100, h & l . Foreclos, Same to same, 17,100

Broadway, n e s , 317,3 s e De Kalb av, 20.8x100, h & l . Foreclos. Sametosame. 9,400

Broadwaj', 11 e s, 190.0 s eDeKalb av, 20.8x100, h & 1. Foreclos. Same to same. i',350

Broadway, n e s , 50 n w Lafayette av, 25x100. Jobu Schmitt to John Krapp, Jr. B. & S. nom

Sarae property, John Ki-app, Jr . , to John Schmitt iind WUhelmina E, his wife. B. Sc S. nom

Butler st, u s, 125 e Hoyt st. 50x100. Josepb M. Sorzano, Ji-,, to Louisa Martfeld. Mort. $3,000. 0,500

Calyer st, n s, 303,4 w Fi'aiiklin st, i-nns west 34.5 xnor th 100 x east 31,5 x soutb 30,11 x east3,8 X soutb 17,7 X west 3.3 x south .5.6 x west 0.0 X sonth 46, h Se Is. Chauncy Per-i-y exr. Jabez Williams to Catharine, Agues and Margaret McGrath, New York, 4.400

Clifton pl, s s, 270 e Nostrand av, 30x100, George H, Cooper to Ar thur W, Perego. Mort. $3,600. 7,750

CarroU st, n e s, 117 s e Nevins st, 23x100, h & 1. Jacob Gentes to Marian Meyer. 3,000

October 6, 1888 Record and Guide. CarroU st, s s, 430.8 e Sth av, 20x87,Ux30.x87, b

& I. Ernest W. Ford to Helen K. Suuiuer. Sub. to mort. 15.000

CarroU st, n s, 133 w .Stb av, 30x100. Louis Bonert to Lucinda Poulterer. uom

CarroU st, n e s. 93 u w Stb av, 80x100. Release raort. Title Guarantee aud Trust Co. to Louis Bonert. 5,750

Carroll st, n s, 9'i w Sth av, 20xi00. Louis Bonert to Lucinda Poulterer. nora

CarroU st, n s, 112 w Sth av, 30x100. Same to same, nom

CarroU st, n e s , 173 u w Sth av, ruus north­east 100 x northwest 19.7 to centre Gowanus road, X west 3 x southwest 97 to st, x south­east 20, Lonis Bonert to Bella wife Henry • Wiltshire. 6,175

Cleveland st, e s, 175 s Ridgewood av, 50x100, Edwin F, Linton to Edward Duffy. 4,000

CorneUa st, n v s, 130 s w Bushwick av, 20x100, Robert B, Midler to Jaraes Black, Moi't. $3,600. 5,250

Cornelia, st, n s, 330 e Broadway, 40x100. Cor­nelia F. McCreary to Leah A. V. C. Kaul. exch

Courtst , e s, 41.6 n Garnet st, 19.0x80, h & i. ly^artiu Fogai-tj' to Jobn P. Rolfe, B. Sc S. uom

Same property. Johu P. Rolfe to Bridget wife of Martin Fogarty. B. & S. nom

Dean st, Kos. 328 and 330, s s, 350 e Sd av, S3.4x 100. James W. Dumiing et al. exr.s., &e., CroweU'Adams to BarretH, , Emma J. aud Mary E. Adams, children of aud Emma Adams widow of said Crowell Adaras. nom

Dean st, n s, 316.8 e FrankUn av, 16.8x100, h Se 1, George H. Cook to Jaraes A, Stevenson, Mort, $6,000. 10,000

Debevoise ot, n s, 175 e Morrell st, 50x100. Margaretta Roeckel widow to Michael aud George Kern. Mort. $3,000. 5,000

Decatur st, s s, 145 w Lewis av, 30x100. Sara­uel Dean to Alonzo D. Mohi- aud Ada his wffe. Morts. $4,266. 5,700

Degraw st, s s, 137.6 w Court st, 1-3,0x100, h Sc I. Mary A. B, wife of Eugene L, Townsend to Sara I, wife of Jobu B, Taltavall, 3,500

Diamond st, n s, 790 e Bedford pl, 100x300, Flatbush, Samuel Inslee to Aai-on S. Rob­bins. uom

Diamond st, s s, 3,633.4 e Main st, 100x183.10x100 xlSl.lO, Fiatbusb, Aaron S, Robbins to Tbomas P. Venable. Fiatbusb, l.SOO

Douglass st, n s, 278,4 e 4th av, 20x'.00, b & l , Louisa T. Clarke widow, Monson. Mass., to WUliam C. Clarke, Ridgefleld, Corn). Mort. $4,000. nom

Douglass st, n s, 258.4 e 4th av, 40x100, hs Sc Is. WiUiara C. Clarke to Henry E. Woodward, New York. Morts. $8,500. uom

Douglass st, s s, 335 w Howai'd av, 25x85. Jaue Smith to Sophie J, Bormann. Mort. 5!300, 850

Eckford st, e s, 100 s Calyer st, 2.5x100, h & l . Francis Brodsky to Augusta M. Holste, 3,300

Eliery st. No, 47, u s, 350 -w Marcy av, I'mis north 100 x n'est 35 x soutb 100 to Ellery st, X east 100, Probable error. Margaret wife of Pbiliu Bossert to Hugo WeU, New York. Mort. $3,000. 0,300

Ellery st, u s, 350 e Throop av, 25x100, b & l , Eijgene Guiuaud to Christian Schi-otb, Mort. $3,000. 5,650

Elton st, w s, 375 s Ridgewood av, 50x100. Ed­ward F. Linton to WilUam S. Stubbs, 4,200

Ewen st, w s, 100 n Withers st, 25x100. Thomas F. Taylor and ano. exi-s. Richai'd Taylor to Owen Clark. 1,208

Ewen st, w s, 75 s Jackson st, 25x100. Matilda E. Chalmers to Joseph M. Briggs. Morts, Sl,300. 1,300

Fennimore st, n s, 358 e Rogers av, 80x100, Flat­bush. WiUiara Bowers to Joseph W. Sut­pben. B. & S. nora

Sameproperty. Releasemort. Jobn Lefferts to WUliam Bowers. ISO

Same property. Joseph W, Sutpben to Mar-i-iett L, wife of WilUam Bowers. B. & S. nom

Frost st, s s, 125 w Lorimer st, 50x100, Anna Klees to Matthew Smitb. 3,100

Fulton st, s s, bet Utica aud Rochester avs, known as lot 35 block 98 assessm't map 35tb Wai'd, John C. McGuire Registrar Ari-eai-s to Wm. T. Duuean. 325

Fulton st, n s, 340.10 e Rockaway av, 20x89.3x 20.1x87.9. George Walker to Maurice Stack, SUID. to morts. 700

Fultou st, s s, 200 w Kingston av, 40x100. Thoraas Donohue to WiUiam H. Bierds. Mort. $30,000. exch

Fulton St. No, 1171, n s, 85.7 w Speucer pl, ' runs northeast 75 x north 15.11 x west 2,4 x nortb 1 X west 13 x southwest 84.7 to st, x 20.

Fulton st. No. 1173, n 5,05.7 w Speucer pl, I-uns north 06 x northwest 9,10 x west 15.11 X south 75 to st, X east 30. John S, Nugent to Clara M, Kugent his wife, uom

Garden st, s w s, 194.6 u w Bushwick av, 20x 100. David Mayer to Maria Mayer, uora

Garfleld pl, n s, 159.9 w oth av, 16x70.5x16x77.3, h & l , Rosella F, wife of Alvin C. Hender­son to George M. Brooks, New Yorii. All Uens, 6,000

Garfleld pl, n e s, 150 s e Sth av, 175x103,0x175.3 x!l5.4, Joseph B. Br-own to Samuel W, ElUott. 17,500

Goldst, w s, 75 u Prospect st, 33x75, h & l . Hem-y L. Brvant to Augusta H, Wyand, Mort.' $1,200. " 3,400

Gold st, e s, 353,3 s Concord st, runs sonth 63 x east 71,5 u north 31.1 xwest O.ljr, x north 43.1 X west 75.9. Jabez and Eliza, wiiow. Banister to Henry Rausch. Re-recorded. 6,000

Grahara st, e s, aiit 300 n Myrtle av, 35x100. Henry Roth to Daniel T. Dwyer, Mort. $3,500. 7,000

Gi'ove st, s e s , 400 n w Central av, 50x100, James A, Bills to Leonard Moody, Morts, $4,500. excb

Halsey st, n w s, 165 u e Broadway, 30x100, h Sc 1, Johu "Wilhehn to Adara Offner, Kew York. Mort. $2,300. 4,.500

Halsey st, n s, '280 e Bushwiet av, 100x100. Joseph W. Schmidt to William Gormley, Jr. , and George W. Conine. Morts. $3,000, taxes, assessm'ts, &c. 6,000

Halsey st, u s, 85.8 w Lewis av, 17x100. PhUip H. Maguire to Cathariue Aehald. Mort. $3,000. 5,500

Halsey st, n s, 50 w Lewis av, 350x100. Charles J, aud Julia E, Maguu-e to Pbilip W. Maguire, B. & S. nora

Halsey st, n s, 131.4 w Lewis av, 178.8x100. Philip W. Maguire to Charies H. CoUins. 15,180

Sameproperty. Contract. Sametosame, 15,180 Halsey st, n s, het Stuyvesaut and Reid avs,

beiug an interior lot known as lot 77 block 61 assessm't map 35tb Ward, John C, McGuii-e Registrar Arrears to Wm, T. Duncan, 13

Hai'iuau st, s e s , 170 s w St, Nicholas av, 30x 100, h & I. Katie wife of Nicboias Pfleg-hardt to Crawford Mom's. 500

Horkiuier st, n s, 440 w Albauy av. 20x100, b & 1. John C. Spencer to Matthew Hale, Al-iiauy, C. a. G, Mort. $3,31.5. 4,500

Herkiraei- st, s w cor Olive pi, 19x90, b & l . Foreclos. Clark D. Rhinehart to Elizabeth W, Aldrich, 4,700

Hei'kiiiier st, No. 97, n s 100 w Kostrand av 44 XlOO, h & l , Erama B. wife of Edward W. Carr to EUzabeth L. Chinnock. Mort, $0,350,

8,000 Herkimer st, s s, 100 e New York av, 35.4x107.3,

h & 1, Maria Kroger to Emma, Mary and Johanna Kroger, nom

Hendrix st late Sraith av, e s, 165 s Van Brunt av, 30x100, WiUiain B, Nichols to Pannie Ahi'aharas, 75

Hendrix st late Sraith av, w s, 105 s Hegeman av, 80x98,7x80x96.3. Snme to Mary Sugai--man, SOO

Hendrix st Iat« Smith av, w s, 135 n Van Brunt st, 30x103,3x30x103.8. WilUam B, Nichols to Christiau Epple, 125

Harrison st, s w cor Hicks st, 41,2x70, b & l , John Davis exr, Catb, Mahady to Patrick PoUard, Mort, §5,000, 15,000

Heyward st, s s, 54 e Bedford av, 20x80, Elias H. Hawldns to Thomas Walling. 3,500


x75xT3.6, Kicholas DanueuEoffer to Louis Bettiger, 7,000

Himrod st, u s, 290 w St, Kicholas av, 30x100, Jauies D, Lynch to Aun Mullan, 435

Hiim-od st, n s, 370 .w St, Nicholas av, 30x100. Same to Thomas T\IuDan. 425

Hopkins st, s s, 313.6 e Marcy av, 18.9x100, h & 1. Caroline Hall, Glenridge, N. J,, to Jane E. wife of WUliam Taaft'e. 3,000

Hopkins st, No. 104, beiug lot 58 block 59 assessm't raap 3Ist Ward. Matthias W. Cole Registi'ar Arrears to Sarah F. Mead. 692

Hopkins st, No. 108, s s, bet Marcy and Tomp­kius avs, being lot 60 block 59 assessm't map 31st Wai-d. Matthias W, Cole Registrar Ar-reai-s to Sarab F, Mead. 692

HuU st, n w s, 90 s w Bushwick Boulevard, 160 xlOO. Lewis Parmer to David W. Briggs. B. & S. nom

HuU st, s s, 306.3 w Hopkinson av, lS.9xT5.8x 18.10x77.9, b & l . IsabeUa Mclntire to Sarah R. Soper, exch

India st, s s, .335 e Manhattan av, 25x100, b &l, Mary and James Neill and Eleanor wife of Micbael V, Sheehan heirs Thomas Neill to Annie wife of John Reid, Morts. $3,300. 4,350

Jacob st, w s, 110 s Evergreen av, 40x100, Adi-iau M. Suydam to David H. Scott, 3,500

Jacob st, es, 150 s Evergreen av, 35x100. John Schmitt to Jaraes K. MiUer, 1,135

Jefferson st, w s, 300 s Lexington av, 50x126, Kew Utrecht, George S. Gelston to Cath­arine wife of Lawrence O'Donnell. 300

Jefferson st, s e s, 275 s w Knickerbocker av, 50x100. John 6 . Jeukins to Hen-y Hnther,

2,000 Kent st, s s, 194,6 w Manhattan av, 19,0x95, h

& 1. Johu S, OgUvie to Annie L. Whyte, NewYork. 13,000

Same propei'ty. Annie L. Whyte to Charlotte E, wife of John J. Ogilvie, C, a, G, 13,000

Kosciusko st, n s, 100 w Nostrand av, 35x100, Henry W, and Hugh S, Fingleton and Sai-ab E, vi'ife of Jauies Ljiich to John Jurgeus. 1,700

Kosciusko st, s s, 335 w Reid av, 125x100, Re­lease mort. The WiUiamsburgh Savings Bank to Elizabeth E. wife of Waldo Hut­chins. nom

Lake st, e s, 357 s 3d pl, 05.7x73, Gravesend. Catharine B. wife of and Waslungtou WiUis to Charles WiUis. 407

Lake st, e s, 433.7 s 3d pl, 34.5x73. Sarae to Albert H. Inge. 3-50

Leonard st. w s, 75 n Meserole st, 35x100, Karl Heisinger to Cbarles Heisinger, Jr , Mort. $5,000, nom

Lincoln pl, s s, 100 w Sth av, 35x100. Edward H. Cross, Jr . , to S. Edwin Buchanan, 7,000

Linwood st, w s, 80 n Liberty av, 30x77.0. Al­bert R. Reeve to Charles Corey. Mort. $2.50. 350

Lorimer st, e s, 305 s Nassau av, 36x75, h & l . Jobu J, RandaU and William G. JUillei- to Henry Brey. Mort. $3,000. 6,t00

Madisou st, n s, 100,4 w Lewis av, 20x100, h & •

I. William Johnston to Jaue A: McGrane. Mort. $4,.50O. 8,3.50

Madison st, n s, 439.4 e Reid av, 14.4x100, h & 1. Harriet B. Hiucbniau, individ. and extrx. George W, Hincbraan to Jeremiah Miuideil.

3,000 Madisoii st, s s, 150 e Marcy av, 90x100. Geoi'ge

S. Green to H. Goodwin Dancer. nom Sarae propeity. H. Goodwin Dancer to Han­

nah J, Green. nom Malbone st, n s, 130 e Canarsie av, 40x50x43x

70, Fiatbusb. John H. Kane to Jane wife of Richard Hnssey, 125

Marion st, u w cor Reid av, 18.9x50. Contract. John P. Conrady to Edwai-d D. Mr;Greal. 3,717

Maujer st, s s, 75 e Ewen st, 35x75. Caspui-Kranz to Pbilip Dieffenbach, Mort, $li00. 2,660

Maujer st, s s, 00 w Humboldt st, 30x100. | Maujer st, u s, 50 w Humboldt st, 3-5x7.5. f

Johauetto Schaefer to ^^'"illiam J. Krause. nom Maujer st, s s, 325 e Waterbnry st, 25x95, b &

I. Mary Lowrey, widow, Brooklyn, Jobn Lowrey, New York, and Robert Lowrey, beirs Robert Lowery, to John B. Hamraer-scbniiLt, Mort. $1,200. 3,2.50

McDonough st. Par ty wall agreement. Louise NelUs to Joseph P. Puels.

McDougal st, n s, 393.11 w Howard av, 35x100. Richard Gleicbniann to Herman Diebt-iug and Henrietta L. bis wffe. j ,800

Same property, Henry A, Gleichmann et al. heirs Johanna Marschiich to Richard Glieli-mami. 1800

Melrose st, s e s , 125 n e Evergreen av, 35x100. WiUiaraKUgusto Carl Muller. Mort. $1,500.

3,900 Milford st, e s, 110 s Liberty av 30x100. Effiug­

ham H, Nichols to Guiseppe Cai-caterra. 400 Milford st, e s, 130 s Liberty av, 30x 100. Same

to Ferdiuando Canci-o. 400 Milford st, e s, 150 n Glenmore av, 140x100. 1 MUford st, e s, 170 s Glenmore av, 20x100. V Eastern Parkway, s s, 40 w Logan st. 40x90. )

Eelease moi-t. Matilda W, Magaw, Flat­bush, to Effingham H. Nichols. 1,000

MUford st, w s, 350 s Blake av, 40x100. Will­i a m F , Lloyd to WiUiain M. Miller, 400

Moffatt st, ses^ 110,6 n e Broadway, 18x75, h Se I, Ernst F. Sutteriin to Margaret S. wife of Augustus Darames. Mort. $3,500, 5,000

Mom-oe st s s, 445 e Bedford av, 30x77, George Marinor to Mary J. Gascorae. Mort, $3,000. 5,300

Montgomery st, east cor Clove road, 89.3x31.3x — to road, x—, with all title to st and i-oad. Jaue wifeof and Richard Hussey to Daniel Harailton, Kew York. Mort. $300. 1,000

Montgomery st, u s, 35-3.11 e Sth a v . 100x87.11 xl00.1x83.4, Ernest W. Ford to Helen K. Sumner, y pai't. Sub. to mort, §^9,000. 6,000

Moore st, s s, 561 e Bushwick av, 2Sx.55.5x3;),6x 56, h & l . Christian Epple to Johu Rueger,

3,100 Oakland st, s w cor Dupont st, 25x75. Edward

W. Ketcham. Hoboken, N. J., to WiUiani H, H, Glover, New York, Q. C, and C. a. G. noin

Paciflc st, s s. 325 e Nevins st, 18x100, Stephen C, Betts to Anua M. wife of Johu Braun. 3,100

Palmetto st, n w s , 275 s w Central av, 35x100. Jaiues K. MiUer to Caspar- Volbard, 1,125

Palraetto st, n w s, 250 s w Central av, 25x100. Angeline W. wife of JuUan V. Petti- to Cas­par Volbard. 950

Palraetto st, s e s, 75 s w Bushwick av, 20x100. Theodore B. and Henry A. WilUs to Henri ' Fischer. Mort. 84,600. 7,600

Palraetto st, s e s, 325 s w Central av, lO.RxlOO. Ernst Angmtin to Jacob Blank. Mort. §2,500.

Park pl, n s, 150 e Kingston av Foreclos. Jolm C. Murray to Snow et al. exrs. J. S. Young,

Park pl, s s, 330 w Kingston av

5,500 100xl,->Li,

Ambrose 2.230

50x255.7 to Butler st, B'oreclos, Same to same. 3,350

Parkway or Sackett Boulevard, n s, 87,6 w Frank'liu av, 100x193 to Degraw st. Foi'e­clos. Robert Merchant to Edward P. Brown­ing, Kew York. 5 000

Penn st, n s , 103,6 e Wythe av, 20x100, h & h Jane A, Valentine widow to Patrick C, Davy, 5 S75

Presidentst, s s , 132.10 e 7th av, 30.4x100, h & I, Patrick Sheridan to Jesse H. Bunnell Mort, $9,000. 16 149

President st, n s, 135 w Bond st, 60x100, hs & Is, Sarauel Pamson to Bernai-d Friedman, Hunt­ington, L. I, y-part. Sub. to aU liens. 1,500

President st, s e cor 7th av, 38x100. Cornelius E, Donueilon aud Ezra D. BusbneU to Ca-vecb-a B. Sheldon. Mort. $4,600. 12 500

President st, n s. 473 w 5Jb av, 45x95. John Adamson to CorneUus E. Donnellou. val, consid

Same property, Comelius E, Donueilon to Mary A, Donlon. g yoO

Prmce st, w s, 133,8 u WiUoughby st, runs west SSx south 33.8 xeas t 13.3 x n o r t h 1.8 x east 72.9 to Prince st, x uorth 31, b & l , except­ing portion conveyed by Jas. Smith to Henry Shute. Adolphus A. Smyth, KasbviUe, Tenn., to John J. Clark. 125

Same property, David Smith et al. heirs James Smith to same. Morts, $600. 1,875

Sarae property. Carrie aud Frazier D. Smith to sarae. 250

Prosyect pl, n e s , 155 n w Vanderbilt av, 30x 131. Coi-neUa R. L. Mansfield widow to Sarah J, wife Charles B. Barker, New York Mort: S5.000. 8^000

Prospect pl, n s, 375 w Albany av, 35x137 9 Catharine E. Day individ, and extrx, Jacob Day to George J. Boud. B . & S . 300

Prospect pl, n o corUticaav. 79.6x137,9. Doris E, Pctersou adrarx. Chris. Peterson to Henry B, -miitc. Q. C, " ' 50

120B Record and Guide. October 6, 1888

Quiucv et, s s, 100 e Patcheu av, 20x100. John H. Forshew to Isaac Karlsrubei-. Mort. $6,400. 700

Ra-yraond st, w s, 98 s Fulton st, 20x100,0, • Henry F. Roberts to John Akhurst. Mort.

$3,000. 7,000 Roebling st, uorth cor North 3d st, 50x100, l Roebling st, east cor Kortb l l th st, runs |

uortheast along Roebling st49.7 to Union [-av, X south 71,10 to North l l t h st, x north­west 53. J George W, T, Lord, New York, and Samuel Lord, J r ^Orange , N. J., and Thoraas Vark-er, NewYork, to Jeremiah V, Meserole, 1,200

Roebling st, w s, 50 n Driggs (Stb) st, 25x100, h & 1. Blanche -wife of Moses Katzeustem to Josepb EUern, B, & S. 4,500

Same property. Joseph EUern, Hartford. Conn., to Moses Katzenstein. B. Se S. 4,600

Rutledge st, n s, 245 w Lee av, 20,4x100. Mar­vin Cross to AmandarJ. wife of CUEU-IOS S. HaU, nom

Ryerson st. w s, .52.3 n Park av, 10,11x39.6x17.6 •x43.0. John Wood to Frank B. Morehouse. Mort. $700. nom

Same property. Frank B, Morehouse to Mary wifeof John Wood. C. a. G. uom

Sackett st, s s, 81.11 e Cora-t st, runs soutb SO.Sx east 19 X south 38.7 x east 30.0 x uorth 75 to Sackett St. x west 33.1, h & l . Robena wife Tbomas McKeachie to Katharina Kassinger widow. 6,000

Sandford st. e B, 250 s Pai-k av, late TiUary st, on old map, but now -within tbe limits of Park av, 325x200 to Nostrand av. Gustav J. L. Doerschuck to Richard Healy. 40,500

Saudford st. No. 13, e s, 125 s Flushing av, runs east 100 xsouth 34.5 X northwest 101,3 to st, X north — 17.5. EmU A, Meresheuuer to Sarah A, wffe of Roland F, Field, B, & S. and C. a. G. Mort. $1,700. 2,000

Backman st, w s, 135 n Diunont av, 25x100. Herbert C. Smith to Louisa Eoden. 275

St. James pl, e s, 140 s Gates av, 75x100. An­nie Seagi'ave, Patchogue, L. I,, to Anua B. wife of RusseU L. Engs. iO,000

St. Johns pl, n s, 84.7 e 6th av, 20x100 h & l . John H. Doherty to Anua E. wife of Louis Ti-ueg. Mort. $8,000. nora

Schaeffer st, s o s, 175 n a Bushwick a \ , 16.8x 100. Authouy J. Bm-ger to John K. Powell. Mort. $1,300. 3,500

Schenck st, n e cor WUlougbby av, 37.4x—x— x52 Stewart L. E. McCalemount to Corue­lius N. Hoagland, 1.750

Scholes st, s s, 275 e Union av 2-5x100, h & I Elizabeth wife of Chai-les Kai-utz to Louis Seedoi-ff and Mai-ia his -wife, Joint tenants, Mort. $2,500. 6,500

Somers st, u e cor Hopkinson av, 20.6x100, h Sc 1, Foreclos. Thoraas H. York to Thomas Donohue, 3,150

Stagg st, n s, 175 w Loriraer st, 35x100, Hemy Hoerner and auo, exi-s. Effliie Hoei'uer to Ig­naz HertUng. 4,100

Stagg st, n a, 11S.7 w Bogart st, 75x73.11x72.11 to Meadow st, X east 75x80.6x60.6. Mary S, wife of Cliarles R, Baker foi-merly Scbenck to Isidore Mock. nom

Starr st, s e s , 175 n e Harabui-g av 25x100, h & I, August Sedhneier to Herman Fiuck. Mort. S3,750. 6,150

Steuben st, w s, 140 s WUloughby av, 100x100. h & l , Charles B. Curtis et al, exrs. aud ti-ustees Peter C. CorneU to Charles Prat t .

23,000 Steuben st, w s, 140 s WiUoughby av. 50x100.

Sarab wife of Mark C. Mirick to Cbarles B. Curtis et al. exi-s. &c. Peter C. Cornell. 75

Stockton st, n s, 100 w Surauer av, 25x100, h & 1. Coni-ad Sack to Sophia Becker. Mort. $2,000. 6,800

Suydam st, s e s, 200 n e Broadway, 20x75, h & 1. Josephine -wife of Gustave Frauz to Henry D. Siedenhnrg. Mort. $2,500. 4,700

TOlary st, Nos, 371 and 273, two frout, one rear house, Coutract. Frederick Wurster to George W. Heatley. 7,000

Tompkins pl, w s , IUO n Degraw st, 20x113,0, Elibu B. Silvers Rahway, N, J., to Addie M. Heald, New York. Mort. $4,000. exch

Truxton st, s s, bet city line aud Sackman st, known as lot 11 block 196 assessm't raap 3.5tb Ward, Johu C. McGuire Eegistrm-Ai'rears to AVm. T. Duncan. 165

Union st, s s, 145.9 e Sraith st, 20x98, h & l . Hannah Toner widow to Cbai-les F. Lauer,

7,500 Union st, u s, 417.3 w Van Bi-uut st, S1.3x99.4x

17x99, h & l . Horace K, Thm-ber, New York, to Johu C. Ferruggai-i, 9,500

Uuiou st, s v»s, 295.11 s e Stb av, 17.9x95. Jobu J, Stevensou to Herman T. Selss. Mort. $3,500. 7,000

Van Brunt st, n w s . SO n e SuUivan st, 25x90. Aun CosteUo to EUie M. O'Brien. 100

Van ]3ra'en st, n s, 100 e Lewis av, 20x100, Samuel R. Walters to Isabel W, vnfe of Or­lando P. Smitb, Mort. $4,000. 0,600

Same property. Release mort. WilUam J. Sayre to Samuel R. Walters. nom

Vau Buren st, s s, 50 w Stuyvesant av, 20xlt0. Aim Connelly widow to Jane V. O'Brieu. B. & S. 1,500

Van Buren st, s s, 4S5.10 w Sumuer av, 19.2x 100, h & l . Lydia E. wife of Charles W. Boyuton lo Carsten H. Fitter, Mort. $3,500. 6,800

Van Buren st, s a, 175 w Stuj-vesant av, 71.4x 100. Samuel R. Walters to Mary A. Bm--rows. All Uens. nom

Van Buren st, s s, 400 w Reid av, 14.6x100, h & I, Darwiu R. Jaraes to Samuel Dunlap. 3,800

Same proporty. Eelease mort. Haimah E. MUler, PhUadelphia, Pa., to Darwin R, James- 1.-500

Van Voorhis st, s e s . 300 n e Bushwick av. 18.9 xlOO, Release moit. Thomas H. Clowes to James W. Lamb. nom

Van Voorhis st, s e s , 225 u e Bushwick av, 18.9 xlOO, h & i. James W. Larab to Tbomas O'Brieu, 3,050

Same property. Release mort. Thomas H, Clo«es to.Jaraes W. Larab. uora

Vauderbilt st, n s, 75 w 3Uth st, 35x100, Flat­bush. Eliza Mm-jihy et al. exrs. Thomas Murphy to WilUam Lcutzbach, HOO

VanderbUt st, s s, 435 6 Short st, 12,6x100.6. h & ). Sophrouia M, wife Hom-y E. Ficketc to Frederick C. ICinkead. Mort. Sl,250, 2,500

Warwick st, w- s, 225 s Ai'liugtou av, 25x95, Jobn C. Scheuck to Emma wife of James J, Ne\vmau. 650

Watldns st late T^'ilUamsou av, w s, 275 s Sut­ter av, 25x100, h & 1, Batholomew Dau-maim called Eaumei- to Fiiederich Hack. Sub. to mort. uom

Weirfield st, s e s, 360 u e Bushvrick av, 20x100, h & l . Jaraes Gascoine to Creszeuz Oberer.

nora Wintlirop it, s s, S,1S4,6 e Flatbush av, runs

south 345,2 to Robinson st, x west 83 x north 133,7 X east 60 x nortb 122,6 to st, x east 33, Fiatbusb. WiUiam H, Bierds to Bridget Douobue. Mort. $600. exch

Woodbine st, n w s, 335 u e Bushwick av, 25x 100, b & l . Clarissa E. aud Clarissa Alza­mora to Louisa wife of Stephen Fiesei-mau, 3,200

South Istst, s s , 150eKentav,70x100. Caroline A. Waterbm-j' et al. exrs, Lawrence "^Vat^r-bury to Jacob Staats, Jr . , and Michael DUl­meier, of Staats & DUlmeier. val. cousid

1st pl. u s, 158 e Court st, 2.5x133.5, Mai-y A. wife ol Jacob "Wilson Woodbridge, N, J., to Michael L. Brosnan, Nnw York, 9,000

South 3d st, n s, 149,9 e Wythe av, 25.3x75, h & 1. Katharina wife of George Peters to Mag­dalena M, wife of Jacob V. Weber, New York. 6,100

East 3d st, w s, 100 n Av I, 50x100, hs & Is, New Utrecht. Albei't F. Johnson to Bei-uard Le^'ino. Mort. $3,000. 5,000

3d st, u e E, 401 s e Stb av, 30x90, h & l , Ger­mania Lffe Ins. Co., New York, to Clara J. wife of Jaraes Bliss. 7,500

South 4tb St. 8 s, 45 w Union av, 20x85 WUl­iam J. Dodds to Johu J. AVeinabst. Mort. $3,250. 6,500

North Sth st, E B, 75 w Bedford av, 35x100, h & 1. Chi-istiaua GaUagher to UMOh and Katie Meier. ^ 4,700

South Sthst, u s, ISO w Havermeyei' st, 20x90.4 x20xS9.10, h & h Josephine Kai-raosky extrx. Gottlieb Kai-mofsky to John Kai-mofsky. Mort. $3,000. 7,000

Sth st, B 3,167.10 e Sth av, 15x100 h & l . Eg­bert S. Litchfleld to Maurice M. L© BIBUC. Mort, S2.500, 6,000

Soutb 6th st, D w cor Wythe av 3d st), ISxSSx 13,8x55.3. WUliam F, Rugen to George Un­derbiU. nom

Same property, George Underbill to WiUiam F. Rugen and Meta his wiie, joint teuauts. Sub, to any Uens. - nom

North Otb st, s w s, 200 s e Wythe av 25x100. Timothy J, ConnoUy] to Gustavus F. Swift, Chicago, aud Edwin C, Svi-tft, Lowell, Mass, 7,400

Nortb Oth St. No. 271, n s, 87.4 e Havemeyer st, 20x100. John F, McGuiggau to Jaraes H. Hohnes. Mort. S600, 2,000

Bay 8tb st, s e s, 230 n e Bath av, 40x96.8. Bath Beach. John L. Nosti-aud to Ti-acy Grey, Kew York. 400

Stb st, u s, 197.10 6 Oth av, 12.6x100, h & 1. Alfred R. Page to Hm-riettE. Page, Rutland. Vt. Mort. -53,900. 6,500

Otb st, n s, -155 w .5th av, runs uorth 80 x east 10 X north 45 x west 40 x south 13-5 to 9tb st, x east 30, Mary F, BurriU formerly Mosely to Hai'i'eit E, Bounie formerly Moseley, Cran­ford, N, J , X pai-t. Sub, to dower of Mary F. Bm-riU. uom

Otb st, s s, 278.0 e Sth av, 71,6x80, h & l . Ther­esa B. CoUins ^vffe of Jereraiah J. to Tbomas J. Tiluey. Q. C. nom

10th st, n e s , 300.9 s e Sth av, 10.5x87.6. Ben­jamin Hannan et al. ti-ustees uuder marriage settlement et al. to Patrick 0 . Higgius. B. Se S. nom

IOtbst, s 8, 9.5.9 e Sth av, 18.9x100. Thomas Broivn to John D. Pray. B. & S. Mort $5,000. nom

Sarae propierty. John D, Pray to Mai-y wife of Tnomas Brown. B. Sc S. Mort. $5,000. nom

IOtb st, s s, 100,5 e Sth av, 10,9x100. WUUam Corrigan to Edward Egolf. Mort. S4,500. nom

10th st, u e s, 88.1 n w 7tb av, 18x100, h & l . Lam-a F. wife of Winston H. Hagen to Mary wife of Nicholas O'ConneU. Mort. 84,500, 0,800

l l t h st, n s, 110 w 3d av, 84x100, bs & Is. Mary A. McCormick to Charles E. Keator. Mort. S8.800. exch

l l t h s t . UE, 162.0 v,'5th av, 16.8x100. Frank­lm J. FeUows to Maggie wife of David E. Taylor. 4,800

ISth st, n e s, 295 n w 7th av, 35x100. James Mai-tin to "W'iUiara P. Martin, gfft

13th st, s w E, 397.10 s e Sth av, 95x100. Mary E. -wile of Dauiel W. Martin to William P. Morris, New York. Morts. $2,500. 3,150

13th st, s s, 97,10 e Tth av, 16.8x100. Sampson B. Oultou to Herman J. Hoff, Mort. $3,-500.

U th st, s E 87 w Tth av, 17.10x100. 5,000


mort. Asa W. Pai-ker to Sampson B. Oul­ton, nom

Bay 17th st, e s, 300 s S6th st, 100x96,8, h & l . New Utreebt. Jobu M, Ashton to Leo Eiu'-licb. Suh, to raorts. 4,300

IStb st, s w s, 176 n w Sth av, 3.5x—. WiUiam Browu to Mai-v McCarthy, 2,300

19th st, n s, 250 w Sth av 25xl06.Sx-25xl08.9. Gustav A, Frietsche to Thomas Ku-kland. Mort, $3,250, exch

19tb st, s s, 90 w 7th av 180x100, Edwai-d Egolf and John A, Lott, J r , , to WilUam Cor­rigan. Mort. $2,500. uom

21st st, s s, 247,0 e 4tb av, 37,6x100.3. Thomas H, Chapman to Cbarlea Tokonauer. 2,ii00

31st Et, No, 104. Jobn Mulligan, Worcester, ]\iaBs., iudivid. and devisee, exr., &c,, of Thoraas MuUigan 1o Edward J. Miuligan. Q 0. : 350

3.?d st, s s, 125 e 4th av, 25x100. WUUam L. Cole to Ida A, Cole. uora

Bay 39tb st, n w s, 390 s w Beuson av, 70x96.S, New Utrecht. James D. Lynch to Annie L BedeU, Kewtown, L. I. 1,400

Bay 29th st, u w s, 330 s w Benson av, 70x96.8, Samo to Sarah E, Jewett, Kewtoivu, L, I

1,400 35th st, u e s, 831.10 n w 4th av 30x100,3, h & l .

Mary A, wife of James W, White to Arthur Brown. ]\Iort. $500. l 400

40th st s s, 400 e 7th av, 50x100,2, James Mc­DonneU, New York, to Harry S. Morris, Ail title. nom

40tb st, E s, 350 e 7th av, 100x100.2. Patrick McNulty, Mai-garet and Joseph D. Maguii-e widow and heirs PhiUp McGuire to same. AU title. nom

42d st, s w s, 100 n w 12tb av, 75x100, New Utreebt, The West Brookl-^-n Land aud Im­provement Co. to Charles M. Cole. i 050

43d St. n s, 343.9 w 3d av, 18.9x100.3. Johu Moriarty to Alexander Sbanuou, 1 595

45th st, n e s, 300 s e 4tb av, 100x100.3. Jobn C AUen to Robert B. Hull, y part. Sub. to morts. $1,000. 500

Same property, Robert E. Hull to Anna E Bigelow, New Brighton, S. I, Mca-t. $1,000. 100

4:tii st, s s, 100 w 4th av, 20x100.2, h & l , John H. Fi'eneh to Jaraes Donahue and Mai-y A. his wife, jointtenaute. Mort. $1,800, 4 000

SOth st, n a, 1T3.S w 3d av, 18.3x100.3. John H O'Rom-ke to Timothy O'ReiUy. Mort. $3,000.

3.700 SOth st, n s, 154.6 w 3d av, 18.3x100.3. John H

O'Rourke to Mary PoUock, 3 700 53d st, s s, 840 o 3d av, 60x100,2, Simon Stiner

to Anua E. Bigelow, New Brighton, S. I. 2,178 SSdst. s s . 400 e 3d av, 46x100.2, Hannah J.

wife of Simon Stiner to Annff E. Bigelow New Brighton, S. I. 1 (J77

Mtb st, n s, 120 ©.5th av, 30x100.3. Release raort. Edward T. Hunt, exr., &c., Thomas Hunt to John Wicheru aud Hem-y Kettel­hodt, 1S5

55tb st, s s, 175 e 1st av, 25x100.2. Hannah wife of Thomas Bennett to Anua E. Bigelow, Riclunoud Co. Morts. $2,700. 3 450

55th st, s s, ISO e 2d av, 35x100. Fi-ederick £1. Parcels to John Dayton. §50

57th st, s w s, 100 s e 12th av, 30x100,3. Blytho-hom-ue Improvemeut Co. to Thomas S. Sands. 1 ooO

59tb st, n s, 100 e l l t h ay, 40x100.2, New Utrecht, James V, S. Woolley to John Stack. 300

59th st, n s, 140 e l l t b av, 40x100.3. James V. S. Woolley to Dauiel W. KeUy. 300

OOth Bt, 3 s, 300 vr l l th av 20x100, Bath Junc­tion. Jaraes V, S. WooUey to EmU L Jasse. 200

OOth 3t, s w cor Uth av, 40x100 Bath Junction, James V. S, Woolley to Elizabeth A, Mc-CaskeUy. 400

eotb st, s s, 160 w I l th av, 20x100, New Utrecht. Clara Hughes to Annie Van Wai-t. Mort S120. 200

61st st, s s, 60 w l l t h av, 20x75, New Utrecht. James V. S. Woolley to Johu L. Tiltou, 125

65tb st, s w s , 330.3 n w ISth av, 868 11x100x1 366.3x100,

65th st, s w s , 190,2 n w ISth av, 40x100. 66th st, n e s, 133 u w 18th av, 60x100. 67th st, n e s , 3.57.10 n w 18th av, 140,1x147 1

xl40xl42.9. 67th s t , u e s, 537.11 u w 18th av, 54.5xI50x

58.4x148,4, New Utrecht. Richard L. WiUiains to Maiy E, C. Jobuson.

4,395 66th st u s, 260 w 4th av, 35x67 to New York

Bay Ridge & Jamaica R. R.,x35.3x64.1, Bay P.idge. George W, Brandt to Mai-garet Dav­idson, aoo

67tb st, s w s, 325 s e 4th av, 25x,57.8, New Utrecht. James W, Mut-pby and Micbael McCorraack to Robley D. Stout, Bay Ridge. 50

75th st, s w s. 140 u w 4tb av, 200x107.2, New Utrecht, James A, Townsend to Johu E, Renwick, Montclair, N, J. Mort. $1,100. 3,000

94th st, n e s , also s e s , indeft, lots, Canarsie. Cancellation of contract, Josiab M, Foote to Hem-y Lehiuanu, nom

Atlantic av, n s , 135.1 w Nostraud av, .50x99.1 to Herkiiner pl, h & l . Howard M. Sraith to Amelia C. wife of Edward P, Waite. 7,400

Atlantic av, n s, 185.1 w Nostrand av, 10.8x50. Timraas Yoirag and ano. exi-s. GUbert P. WiUiams to Elizabeth Hamiltou. 2,250

Atlantic av, s s bet Rockaway av and Stone av, Icnowu as lot 67 block 236 assessm't map 24tb Ward. John.C. McGuire Registrar Ar­rears to William T. Duncan, 110

Bedford av, e s, 92 s Prospect p,20x85.10x20x 81.10. Foreclos. Gerard B. Van War t to Isabella M. Seaman. 1,000

October 6. 1888 Record and Guide. 1203

Bedford av, w s, 140 n Lafayette av 20x100. Home Life Iu3. Co., Brooklyn, to W, Frank Briggs. 7,500

Bedford av, u e cor Deau st. Par ty wall agree­meut. Asa C. Bi'ownell with WUUam G. and Charles H. Lee. nom

Belmont av, n s, 1'35 e Thatford av, 27.6xl00x 37.9x100. Mary wffe of Edwin K. GaUaer to Elizabeth C. wffe of John Power. Morts. 32,600. 3,740

Belmont av, n s, 2.5 e Vesta av, 25x100. WiU­iam M. MiUer to Willjara F. Lloyd. Mort. $1,750. 3,525

Bushwick av, n e s, 30 a e Jacob st, 20x100. Leah A. V. C. Naul to Cornelia F. McCrgary. B, Sc S. exch

Bushwick av, s w B, 20 n w PiUing st, 50x88,4. Houry Weil to Josepb Hopkins, Jr . 3,700

Bushwick av Boulevard, s w s, 30 ii w Ivy st 30x 80. Edward D, G, Jones, Pittsfield, Miass,, to Elizabeth Higginson. Mort. $000. 3,500

Central av, e s, 35 s Stockholm st, 35x100. Carl Week to Henry Steiuebri aud Elise his wife, joint tenants. Mort, $3,000. 7,350

Central av. No. -315, n e s, 50 u w Lindeu st, 35 xlOii, Louisa B, wife of Charles Welcber to Patrick O'DouneU. Mort, S3,000. 0,500

Central av. s w s, 75 s e Linden st, 35x100, h & 1. John Rueger to Albertina Heyne, Mort. $2,600, 6,.5:i0

Clermont av, c s, abt 186 s Greene avj 20x100. Contract. Sophia Van Deursen to EUzabeth G. Freeman. 10,500

De Kalb av, s s, 300 w Stuyvesant av, 200x100, hs & Is. Adelaide A. wffe of Edward K. Robbius and Eugenia B. wife of Richard D. Robbins to CecUia H. Pohle widow. Morts. $36,000. 73,000

De Kalb av, n s, 450 e Throop av, 35x100. Bernard J. Sweeney to Hem-ietta C, wffe of Adolpb C. Schuakenberg. Mort. $7,500. 13,000

De Kalb av, n s, 435 e Tbroop av, 100x100. Carrie E. wife of Frederick L, Hine to Bern­ard J. Sweenej'. Q. C. 410

Evei'greeu av, n s 25 e Jacob st, 25x92. Adi'ian M, Suydara to James Coudrou. 1,100

Flushing av, s s, 75 w Nostrand av, 25x75, Dietrich W, Kaatze to Jacob WeU. Mort. $3 000. 4,135

Flushiug av, s s, 50 w Nostraud av, 25x75, Sarae to RosaUe WeU. Mort. §3,350. 4,125

Flushing av. n s. 138,1 e Morgan av, 36x104,5x 35.11x111.3, h & l . Joseph Her to to Joseph Waimer. 0.700

Flushing av , s s, 375 w Torapkins av, 35x100. Mary L. wife of Nathaniel W. Burtis to Paul Koch. Mort, $450. uom

Fountain av, w s, 775 n Liberty av, 25x100. Elizabeth E. Palmer widow to WUliam R. Palraer. 400

FrankUn av, s e cor 1st st, 92x107.5x93x107.8, Flatbush. Leopold Gusthal et al. exrs, Ed­ward Ridley to Patrick Keenan, ParkvUle.

3,000 Frankliu a v , u e cor Butler st, 38.6x75, h & 1.

Auna F, Winter to Richai-d J-lcGann. Mort. $13,300. 13.900

Gates av, No. 685, n s, 80 w Sumner av. 20x100. Albert D. Sheridan to EUza Sheridan. B. & S . 3

Gates av, n w s , 100 s w Kmckerbocker av, 16.8 x93,3x17,3x97.6, Josephine H. Cautus to Jobu G, Grauer. Mort, .51,000. exch

Gates av, n s, 198 e Lewis av, ruus north 53 X — to Gates av x west 48.

Gates av, n s, 2^0 e Lewis av, runs north 100 X west 50 xsouth 50.9 x southeast 69.10 to Gates av, x east 0.5.

Oakland st, s w cor Dupont st, 35s:75. ) MiUie K,, George E. and ' Jessie A, Trow­bridge and Nellie M. Trowbridge by Will­iam L. DowUug guard, to WilUam H. H, Glover. Infant's shaie, 794

Sameproperty. Benjamin A. Trowbridge to same. B, & S. nora

Gates av, u s, 198 e Lewis av, S3xlO0x50x51x3x 63. Edward W. Ketcbam Hoboken, N. J,, to William H. H. Glover, New York, Q. C. and C. a. G. nom

Gates av, s e s , 200 s w Irving av, 25x100. Jane E. wife of WilUam Croft to Caroliua Man­tel. 1,075

Gates av, s e s , 150 s w Irving av, 25x100, Cai-o-Una Mantel to Herinaun Haase. 1,300

Gatesav, n s, 34 ePatchen av, 19x90. Sarauel Hanna to Ferdiuand Cromer, 9,500

Glenmore av s e cor MiUer av, 34.9x100. Charles Ulli-ich to Houry Graeser, New York, nora

Glenmore av late Baltic av, s s, 35 w Henry av, 35x100. Matilda Weisbrod widow to Augus­tus Boeckel aud Mary E. his vrife, NewYork. Mort. $1,100, 3 ,500

Gravesend av, e s, 104.6 n public highway, 15 x83.0x15x82,6, Gravesend, Joanna Ditmas to Aletta wffe of Theodore S. Jenkins, aU of Gravesend. 200

Greene av, u e cor Wyckoff av, 88.1x100x85.6x 100. James D. Lynch to Peter Riebling, 3,500

Hamilton av, w s, 76.9 a 2d av, 20x94,10x33,Ix 83.3. Nicholas Langler to Pi-ederick W. H. and WiUiam F. H. Nelson, of Neisou Bros, 800

Hopkinson av, n e cor Bergeu st, S2x—xl07x 140. Bernhardine S. Struller forraeriy Sack­mann to Frederick Dhuy, J r . 3,399

Howard av, s w cor Putnam av, 74,4x87, bs & . Is. Henry Grasman .to Henry Hyer, New

York. Itlorts. 816,000. 26,000 Jamaica av, n w s , 75 e Miller av, 35x114,3.

Jacob Gruher to EUen I. Morrison, Mort. 42,500. 4,000

Jefferson av, n s, 200 e Nostrand av, 20x110, h & 1, Jobn F. Saddington to George J . Har-

, ley, Mort. $7,500, 17,000

Jefferson av, s s, 490 e Throop av, 17x100. Rob­ert A. Demill and ano. exrs. and trustees Richard M, DeniiU to Alwino wife of George Westendorf, Mort. g4,500. 5,000

Jefferson av, s a, 390 e Throop av, 16,8x100 h & 1. George D, Holt to Mai-tba wife of Dean Holt. Morts. $5,600. 7,000

Jefferson av, No. 331, u s, 228.4 w Tompkins av, 16.8x100, h & l . Adrian B. Westervelt to Jennie E. EeUly. Mort. $3,000.' 7,100

Johnsou av, n s, 150 e Huraboldt st, 25x100, h & l . Louisa wife of Sebastian Hob to Charles Beyer and Barbara his wffe. Mort, $3,000. 6,475

Kent av, w s, 434,8 s WUloughby av, 24.1x109, George Heiberger to WilUam S. Hurley. Mort. $3,300. 4,000

Knickerbocker av, south cor Stai-r st, 35x100. Tbomas Haslacb to Valentine Haslach. 1,400

Knickerbocker av .wes t cor Jefferson st, 35x 100. Elizabeth Kramer to Franz MiUon, Mort, $3,000. 9,000

Knickerbocker av, uorth cor Harraan st, 2,5x 100. Dai'wiu R, James to Nicholaus Gebelin.

2,000 Knickerbocker av, n e s, extends from Harman

to Himrod st. Release raort. The Williams­burgb Savings Bank to Darnin R. James. 1,000

Kjiickerhocker av, east cor Himrod st, 175x100, Darwin R. James to Ernst Augustin, Kew York, excb and 6,800

Knickerbocker av, s w s, 25 u w Jeffersonst, 35 xlOO, h & l . Jobn Rueger to Chi-Lstiau Epple. Mort. $3,500. exch aud 4,100

Lafayette av, u s , 75 w Marcy av, 25x80, Ar­thur W. Perego to George H. Cooper. 4,000

Lafayette av, u e cor Bedford av, 160x100. WiUiam B. Everitt, Queeus, L. L, to George R. Haycock, Morts. $17,500, uora

Lafayette av, s s, 340 e Stuyvesant av, 20x100, h & l . Geoi'ge F, Bigley to Albert White, Kew York. iVlort, $3,750. 5,650

Lexiugtou av, n s, 360 e Stuyvesant av, 20x100. George VValker to FaueuU B. Moultrie. Mort. 85,600. 7.700

Same property. Release mort. Cbarles E. Rogers to George Walker. 973

Lexington av, s s, 160.8 w Marcy av. 17.10x100. Foreclos. WilUam S. CogsweU to The New York Fii-e Ius. Co. 3,700

Lexiugtou av, n s, 280 e Stuyvesant av, —xlOO x30xlOO, George Walker to EUeu F. Walker. Mort. $5,500. nora

Lexington av, n s, 330 e Stuyvesaut av, 40x100. Same to same. Sub, to mort. nom

Lexington av, n s, 300 e Stuyvesant av, 30x100. Same to Thomas Berkeley, Kew York, Mort, S5,500. 7,700

Litierty av, s s, opposite w s of Grant av, 35x 100. John Sakker to Berubard J. Pink, 3,000

Liberty av, s s, 45 w Schenck av, 30x100, b & l . Richard L. Barth to Samuel Baer. Mort. $1,000. 1,800

Liberty av, n s, 39,6 w Linvrood st, 19x80. h Sc 1, Hattie L, Reeve to Franie C, Case, Rocl;-land. Me. Mort, SI,500. 3,000

Lincoln a v , w s, 389.8 n Liberty av, 60x100. Robert M. Cann to Catherine MoUoy, 035

Marcy av, s e cor Stockton st, 35x85. i Marcy av, e s, 75 s Stockton st, 35x85. f

Richard Healy to Gustav J. L. Doerschuck. Morts. £10,.50O, 33,000

Mai-cy av, Ko. 466, lots 4 and 0 block 63 assess­ment map 31st Ward. Matthias W. Cole Registrar Arrears to Sai-ab F. Mead. 412

Myrtle av, u e cor Graham st, 31.7x92.4x31.7x 93,2, h & 1. Simou Alexandre to Milton T, Richardson. Moi-ts. $10,000. excb, aud 3,000

Myrtle av, nortb cor HamiDurg av, runs north­west 51.3 X northeast 75 x southeast 20 x southwest 14.10 xsouth 64,9 to Myrtle av, x west 30, Darvrin R. James to Jacoh Blank, Kew York. 3,500

Myrtle av, n s, 23.2 e Division st, 30x75, h & l . Elentherio Pinto to John Healy. 8,000

Nassau av, u e cor Monitor st, 25x80, h & l . Samuel Self, Smithville South. L. I., to Michael Ring, Mort. $2,500. ' 5,800

Nostraud av, w s, 100 s Prospect pl, 43.7x200, hs & Is. Release raort. Elizabeth W. Aldi-ich to Sarah E. Lowther. 10,400

Nostraud av, w s, 106 s Prospect pl, 31.10x300. Sarah E. wffe of Johu R. Lowtiier to Stephen BaUai'd. nora

Kostrand av, w s, 137.10 s Prospect pl, 31.9x300. Same to Gayton Ballard. nom

Kostrand av, e s, bet Floyd and Stockton st, being lot 44 block 07 assessm't map Slst Ward. Matthias W. Cole Regisrrar Ai-rears to Sarah F. Mead. 539

Park av, n s, 29.1 w Korth Oxford st, 16.8x63.9 xl7x67.3, h &1 . Eleanor Jacques widow to WiUiam B. Spelman, 5,050

Patchen av, s w cor Halsey st, 75x100. Jobn W. Harmau to James Byi-ne. 8,500

Prospect av, n e cor Webster pl. 19.6x80, h & l . Bridget wffe of Mam-ice Foley to Michael Bennett aud ano, exrs, Thomas Wheeler. B. & S . Nov,, 1877. nom

Putuam av, s s, 121.4 w Broadway, 20x100. Clara E. Cobb to James W. Lamb. Morts, $1,150, 1,-500

Putnam av, s s, 375 e Howard av-, 20x100. Putnam av, s s, 415 e Ho'ward av, runs east

121.4 to Broadway, Xsoutheast 17.9 xsouth- !-west 104.3 £ south 14,8 x west 55,11 x north 100, J Sarah A, Bennett individ. and as extrx. George C, Bennett to James W. Lamb. 9,000

Rockaway av, e s, het Deau and Bergen sts, known as lot 4 block 334 assessm't map 34th Wai'd. Johu C, McGuii-e Registrai- Ai-rears to Wm, T, Duncan. 115

Rogers ay. s w cor Douglass st, 137.0x175. George W. Baker, Rome, N. Y., to WUliam Eldredge, Cambridge, N. Y. 1-14 part. 200

Schenck av e s, 350 s ArUngton av 35x100. Abraham Van Keuren to Jacob Gruber, 900

Schenck av, w s^ 135 n Baltic av, 35x100, h & l . Rosalie wifo Henry Me,yers to Jacob Becker, Jr. , and Anna bis wffe "joint tenants. Taxes 1886 and 1887, 1,900

Schenck av, e s, 80 n Repose pl, 32.0x100x31. Ix iOO, WiUiara B. Nicholsto JuUa E. Browmie,

300 Scbenck av, w s, 175 u Liberty av, 35x100.

Mary wife of Michael McTueruay to George C. H. Koch, 3,350

Snediker av, ws , 270.5 s Atlautic av, 135x300 to Vau Sinderen av. Emeline C. wife of David Gribbon to The Loug Island R. R. Co. 10,000

Shepard av, w s, 320 s Sutter av 25x100, h & l , W illiam MiUer to August Raal>. 800

Shepard av, w s, 155 n Blake av, 50x100. h & 1. EUzabeth Taher et al. exrs. Frankliu W. Taher aud EUzabeth Taber indirid. to John Broad. I.bSO

St. Nicholas av, e s, 60 s Greeue av, 20x90. Jaines D, Lynch to Margaret GaUagher. 400

Sumner av, u w cor Har t st, 17x80, h & l . James Campbell and Morris Hirsch to Sarah wffe of Simou Alexandre. Mort. $3,000, exch

Sutter av, n s, 40 w Mifford st, 30x90, Effing­ham H, Kichols to Carrie Ki-nger, Jefferson-ville, Sullivan Co., N. Y. 300

Snttei- av, s w cor Milford st, 40x90. Eliza Kruger to Caroliue Koby. 340

Sarae property. Caroline Koby to Charles H. Kruger, 340

Thatford av, iv s. 100 s Sutter av, 50x100. Michael O'Neil, New York to Margaret wife of John McCaun. AU liens. 1,500

Throop av, e s, 80 s Decatm- st, 34x85, Har ry Ambrose to WUUam Herod. B. & S, All liens. E. Sc S, vai. consid aud 25

Throop av, w s, 25 n Ellery st, 2.5x100, h & l . Rosa Bloom widow to Kathariue Wissenbach. B. & S. Mort. $3,700. 0,450

United States av, s s, 100 w Lexington av, SOx 125, Fort HaiuUtou. PhiUp L. Wilson to Julia WUsou, New York. 750

VanderbUt av, s s, 337.6 e Short st, 13.6x104, Flatbush. S. MUls Newraann to Kate E. Rich. Mort. $1,000. 3,000

Willouahby av, s s. 300 w Leviis av, 50x100, John Gorman to Micbael Gorman, y part. Sub. to mort, $1,760, nora

WUlougbby ay, s s , 350 w Lewis av, 30x100. Christian A. Keppler to Jobu A. Hamilton, Mort, §3,000. 6,600

Wythe av, s e s , 18.11 s w North 1st st, 18,llx.58 xl8.1lx57.3, h &1. Elizabeth SeUer, widow, to Doris Tragman. Mort. $3,000. 3,600

3d av, s e cor Dean st, ruus east 77.11 x south 75 X west 7.11 x north 22 x M-est 70 to av, x north 53, hs & Is. Lilla wife of Johu W. Brown to The Long Islaud Brewery. 10,009

Sthav , n w s , 80.2 n o 50th st, 20x80. Jaraes D. Lynch to Malcolm McKiunon, 195

10th av, n w s , 20.2 n e ISthst, 80x100. John T. Bierds to Bridget Donobue. M. $800. exch

l l t h av, s w cor 61st st, 75x60, New Utrech. James V. S. WooUey to William H. Tilton. 375

13th av, n w cor OOth st, 100,3x60, Kew Utrecht. James V. S, Woolley to Jobn C. Hesseu, 900

All of mortgaged premises lying s e of liue 100 s e of Walton st. Release mort. The WiU­iamsburgh Savings Bank to Fredericka wife of Emanuel Glaeser, 1,500

Brooldyn and Canarsie Landing road, at a turu ill sarae, adj K. G. De Groot, 351,,5x 364,1x80.10 to said curve in road, x330.10, being 3 acres, Cauarsie. Peter C. Vreeland, Jei-sey City, to Mary Boehracke, Canarsie. Sub. to taxes. 3,000

Cauarsie Landing road, s w s , het D, Doody and H. Winterhergs, Cauai-sie, indeft, tract, Canarsie. Johu Longhlin exr. Mary Lang­don to Henry Lehmaim. 3,000

Interioi- lot on centre line bet OOth and 61st sts, a t poiut 80 e 13th av, runs north 87 x east 25 X south — x w-est 30, Kew Utrecht. James V. S. Woolley to Andouio Rotunno. 300

ludefluite 30-foot road, w s, lot 4 map of IVyck-off tract, Couey Islaud. George W. La Brie, New York, to •WiUiara C. SamueUs, Q. C. l.< part. Sub, to raorts. $0,334. 3,208

Lols463-471 iuclns. and JNo. 474 block 11 map P. Rapel.jefarra, 26th Ward. Release raort. MatOda W. Magaw to Effinghara H. Nichols.

1,000 Lot begins 137.8 s w of 67th st aud 335 s e 4th

av, I'uns southwest to n e s Cowenhoven laue, xsoutheast 25.2X northeast85, l lxnorthwest 25, New Utrecht, Jaines W, Murpby and Michael McCorraack to Frederick M, Do ^^oe, 400

Old Gowauus road, centre line, at intersectiou witb centi'e line, bet President st auii Carroll st, runs southwest to s s of old Gowauus road, X uortheast along s s of old road to said cen­t re of block, X northwest to beginning. City of Brooklyn to Louis Bonert, Q, C. uom

Plot adj S Halstead pi-operty and south of Dia­mond st, 50x83, Flatbush, Susan E. wife of . PieiTo A. Laporte to James A, Hamblin, Flatbush. 300

Plot iu New Utrecht, 8y acres, New Utrecht. "WiUiam Man to Jane E, Johnson, Kew York. C. a. G. 6,850

Plot 31 sedge bank. Coney Island, 1 chain 20 Unks on Sheepshead Bay, and 1 chain 7 links on Atlantic Ocean, x—x—. Anna M. wife of WiUiam Lott and Amelia M. wife of Engel­bert Lott to Herbert H, Drake, y part. B. Sc S, and C. a. G. nom

Same property, Cynthia Lott widow, aud

1904 Recos'd and hhev 6, 1858

Aletta Suydam widow to same, y part . B. & S . a u d C , a. G. nom

E-ante of Glendalo aud East River R. R. Co., hegiiming at poiut 375 w from Kingsland av and 87.6 s Richardson st, runs east 35, Re­lease mort. Charles H, Kalbfleiscb et al, exi-s. Hart in Kalbfleisch to Austm Corbin trustei\ Jan.,lST8. uora

Street running south along e s of District School house, Fiatbusb, w s 337,8 s of Flat­bush to Kew Lots road, 71x135. Robert Rich­ards to Joseph Schmidt. Mort, $2,500. 3,050

MORTGAGES. NOTE,—T/ic arrrnmi'inmt of this list is as follows:

The first name is thai I'f Ihc ninrtgayor, the next tha: of the miirtgiii/re. Thr description of the property thenfi'llo'i-.i then the date of the mortgage, the time for which it wasifrvn, and the amount. The general dates used as hi-iidinils ore the dates tvhen the mort­gage was handed into the Eegister's office to be re­corded. . , L ...,

Whenever tlie h tiers " P. M. occur, preceded by the name of a st'-n I, in thi-m- lisl^ i<f n^r.rlgiun's, they mean tliat it is a Furihii.if Munn, jliirlgiuji', find for fuller particular.':sec Uic list of trirn^.feii' uinl'-r the coire-sponding date. lV7ieiic'uc-r the rate is not given, read dsG per ceut.


Ames, Sarali F, wife of aud Johu R, to Flor-antine T. De Beixedon, extrx. Edward F. De Beixedou, 14,5tb st, s w s, 100 s e College av, 2,5x100, Sept, 20, due Sept. 28, 1893, 5 %. $2,.50O

Alcott, Charles "W. to T H E IRVING SAVINGS INST A V B , W S. extends from 18th to 19tb sts, 184x130. Oct. 3, 1 year, 4k.' f, 30,0C0

Ames, Sarah F, wife of Johu R. to Heury Budehuan. 145th st, s w s, 100 s e College av, 3.5x100. Sept. 3S, 5 years, 5 %. 1,000

Barnett, .Max to I'cter Albrecht. Sheriff st. P . M. Oct. 1. mstalls., 5 ?. 10,500

Earr , James I, to Emmeline W, St. Clair, trus­tee Eleanor V. St. Clair. Waverly pl, E., 80 n West l l t b st, .50x66. Sept. 21, 3 yeai-s, 4K - ^'^^

Same to Emmeline W. St. Clair, Brooklyn, K. Y, Sameproperty. Sept, 21,3years,4;^';i. 4,000

Becker. Cbarles F. to Gaspar C. Baruette. 101st St. P . M . Aug. 16, due Oct. 1,1893, 5 %. 7 350

Bergstresser, Cbarles M, to WUliam E, D, Stokes. IVest End av, w s, 43,3 s 75th st, 30x 80. Sub. to mort. $13,500. Oct. 1,5 yeai-s or installs., 5::;, 6,000

Same to sarae. Same property. P. M. Oct. 1, 6.years, 4 S , 12,-500

Bertine, Edward D. to WiUiam A. Smith exr. George Jones. 32d st, n s, 275.3 e Sth av, 24.10x116.6x24.11x114,10, Sept. 29, due Oct. 1, 18!J3, 5 %. 24,000

Bettjemanu, Herman to Bertha Wagner. 1st av, s w cor 130tb st, 20.5x08. Oct, 1, 1 year, r, 4, 1-000

Bluhdorn, J r . , WUUam H. to T H E GERMAK SAVIKGS BANK, Kew York. SOth st. P. M. Uct, 1, 1 year, 6,000

Bohleu, Henry to T H E D E Y DOCK SAVINGS lKt;T. 3d av, s e cor 65th st, ruus east 64 x south 33 X west 16 x north 3 x west 48 to av, X north 30. Oct. 1, 1 year, 4y % 8,000

Boi-mauu, John to Josepb Bierhoff. Lenox av, No. 369. P. M. Oct. 1, 2 years, 5;;. 1,750

Brandes, Anna M. to Batlett Smith. lS3d st. P. M. Oct. 1, 6 months, 5 f,. 6,000

Brennan, James F. and David O'Connor to SophieC. wifeof WiUiam H, Sneckuer, 146tb st, s s, 315 w Brook av, 25x100. Sept, 29, in­stalls., 5 ;. 4,000

Burdelt. Henrietta L. wife of and Jacob to Boudiuot C. Atterbui-y. 39th st, s s. 101.8 c I/exington av, 31,8x98,9, Sub, to mort, $8,-000, Oct, 1, 5 yeai-s, 5 % 3,000

Bi-acht. Mary C. wife of aud Frauk to James W. Sraith, trustee. 13th st, s s, 478 w 2d av, 1.5.6x103.3. Sept. 17, 3 yeai's, 7,000

Brandi, .iununciata to Andrew WeUer, 14,Sth st, n s, 135e Courtlandtav, —xXOO,0x25x106.6. Sept.-27,due 1S9I, orsooner. 1,000

Baker, Jaraes to Horace S. Ely and ano. exrs. A. M. Ross. 35th st, Ko, 34, s s, *)5 w .5tb av, 20x75,3, Oct, 1, 3 jears , 5 ii, 15,000

Bamett , Max to iVuua Luttenchlager, 48tb st, P. M. Oct. 1, 3 years or sooner, 5 ^ . 8,000

Bezold, Jobn to Sebastian Kerner and Mary bis wife. 6Ttb st, u s , 131,8 w Bloonimgdale road, •2.5x75.5. Sept. 2S, due July I, 1890, 5 %. 2,500

Campman, Helen D, to Mary S. Hoe tmstee Richard M. Hoc. Thompson st, No. 71, w s, 26x100, Oct. 1, 3 years, iy %. 20,000

Clai'k, Jessie, CornwaU-on-Hud son, with Otto Hoffeid. Agreement as to priority of morts^ages made by Frederick Rohi-s dated Sopt.^19 and 34, 1888. Oct. 4. uom

Cotter, John and Nicboias to Edward and Henry Hirsh. 10th av, e s, 35 s 99th st, 35x lOil. Oct, 3, demand. 2,.5O0

Clark, Francis A. to George Ehi'et. 2d av, s w cor 97th st, runs west 100 x south 75 x east 25 X uorth 49,1 xeast 75 to av, x north 35.11; 2d nv, u w cor 97th st, 100.11x100; 1st av, n w cor 97th st, runs north 301.10 to 98th st, x west 100 X south 100.11 x west 40 x south IOO 11 to 97th St. X east 140; 64th st, s s, 393 w Otb av, 33x100,5; 04th st, s s, 300 w Oth av, 20x100.5; 7th av, n w cor 12(lth st, 100.11x135; 3d av. s w cor 96th st, 100.8x170; 1st av n W cor9-5tb Et. 140x301 to 96tb st, x 140x201,5. Ovt. I, installs, 5 ;;. 45,000

Ca\ inato, Natale, Luigi, Guiseppe and SteffaiiO to Eliphalet W, Tyler exr, Cbarles Thurber. Brook av, e s, 75 n 144th st, 35x100. Oct. 3, 5 years, 5 %. 10,000

Crowley. Rosanna C. wife Michael to Annie V. Davis. Madisou av, 34th Ward, P .M. Oct, 3, installs, 5 %. 4,000

Carliu, Mary E,wife of and Johu to Jobu BeU & Son. 121st St. s s, 303 w 7tb av, 72x100 11. Sub. to mort. $45,500. Sept. 27, 6 raonths or sooner. 10,000

Clark, Jeunie C. to Fi-ederic J, Middlebrook, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sth av, n w cor hSlst st, ruus west 30 to centre of creek, x uoi-thwest 00 X northwest 153 to 153d st, x east 76 to av, X south 199.10. Sept. 37, 1 year. 5,000

Coar, Mary J, wUe of Johu to Patrick H, and Robert Power, 74th st, s s, 400 w Otb av, 100 X102.3. Sub. to morts. $64,000, Sept. 37 installs. 4,ti00

CoUeran, Johu aud Micbael to Francis L. Le­land, Presdt. N. Y. Co. NAT. BANK. 103d st, n s, 22.5 w 9th av, runs noi'th 100.11 x east 74.0 to old Croton Aqueduct, x south — to st, X west 75. Sub, to morts. §14,000. Sept. 37, due Nov. 30, 1888. 4,000

Cook Valentine E. K. to Joseph Riraoldi. 34th St. P . M . Sept.'38, due Oct. 1,1889, 5? . 4,000

Carlin, Mary E, wife and Johu to John Bell & Son l,59tb st. n s, 175 e Grand Boulevard, 150x99,11. Sept. 38, due Jan, 1, 1SS9. 4,000

CiviU, Acton T. to T H E E A S T R I V E R SAVINGS IKRT. 3Ist St. P. M. Sept, 25, 1 year, 5 f;, fM'W

aa i 'ke , WiUiara C , Bidgf.eld, N. J., to Heury E. Woodward. Slst st. P. M. Oct. 1, 1 year, 5 ^. 4,000

Coates William J. to Thomas Keenan. 130th St.. s s , 1.50 w Lenox av, 18x99.11. Oct. 1, 5 years, 4 S. 10,000

CuUen, Richard to T H E GERMAN SAVINGS BANK iu City New York. 37tb .st. P. M. Oct. 1,1 year. 13,000

Cox, Mary E. widow raortgagor with "Will­iam T. Williams exr. Amelia L, WiUiains. Exteusion of raort. July 13. nom

Devlin, Margaret wifo of and Jaraes to Jobn M. Buck. 10th av, n e cor 08th st, 75.,5xl00, Oct. 1, 6 raonths or soouer. 23,000

Sarae to same. Same property. Oct, 1, 6 montbs or sooner. 13,000

Same fo same. Same property. P. M. Oct. 1, 5 montbs or sooner. 15,.5C0

Docen. Cbarles to Cbarles Himiuelraann. 1st av, No. 138. P .M. Oct. 1, 1 year. .5,000

DoeUafeld, Katharina -wife of .Sigmund to Jobn Schnugg. Av A. P. M, Oct, 1, 3 yeai-s or installs, L.-iOO

Dreyfus, JuUns to T H E G E R M A N SAA'-IKGS B A N K , Kew Y o r k . Is t a v , n e cor 73d st. P , M. Oct. 1, 1 year , •• 60,000

Same to Josepb L, Buttenwieser. Sarae prop­erty. Suh, to mort, $60,000. Oct. 1, de­maud. , , 08,000

Dribin, Siraon and Sarah his wife to Morris Weiustein. Bayard st. No, 14, u s, 31.3 e Cbrystie st, is:9x.50xl8.9x49.10. Oct. 1, 3 years or sooner, 11~00

Dworak, J, Vina to Maria A, Knoblauch, widow. Vanderbilt av, w s, 255,4 n 177tb st, 35x150. Oct, 1, 4 years. 3,o00

Daly. Daniel to Harriet t A. Stewart. Oliver st No 76, e s, "25x100; Av A, s e s, lot 153 raap Prospect HUl estate, 60x130.6. Sept. 39, due Nov. 1, 1888. -'-f'OO

Duffy Tbomas L. to Serena and Carolme L. Non&s, 101st st, n s, 110 e 3d av, .50x100.11. Oct. 3, 3yeai-s. S7,r00

Doetschmann, Catharine, Kyack. N. Y. , to Mary C Youug. Slst st, u s, 303.4 e 1st av, l(l,Sxl00,5. Sept. 19, 1 yeai-, 5 ;;. 3,000

Duffy, Thomas L. toTHEMURRAY H I L L BANK, lOlst ; t , n s, 110 e 3d av, 50x100.11, Sub, to nioi-t, ?;37,000, Oct. 3, 1 year or sooner. li,000

Eckel, Antonia to Thomas S. Ollive. Ludlow st, s s, 300 w Prospect av, 50x100. Sept. 39, due Oct. 1,1893, 6 „. 4,000

Ehlers. Herman H. to JuUns Dietz, J r . Rail­road av, e s, .57.9 n e 160th st, .56.6x63x.50x eo.O, Oot. I, 5 yeai-s, 5 %. 3,000

Elbers, Marv wife of Gerbai-d to Mathes Sehoner. Chrvstie st. P. M. Oct, 1, 5 years, 5 f/ 10,000

Saiuc to Henry Bader, Same property, Oct. 1 5 vears, 5 %. 4,;i00

Fi-ouk' Edwin C. to Georgia C. Gray. 140th st n s, 100 e Stb av, 3 lots. 2 morts, eacb 85 000 P. M. Sept. 38, installs. 10,000

Fitzpatrick, WiUiam to Alexander Perry. Spring st. No, 180. P. M. Sept. 34, due Oct. 2,Wi>3,iy%. , , i'OOO

Feehan, John J. aud Ernest Hammer to Charles Laue. Macdougal st. No. 95, w s, 74 n Bleecker st, 2.5.0x75, Snb. to raort. ¥li,000. Oct. 3. 1 yeai- or sooner. 4,000

Same to Cbarles Coudert trustee Jean G, Tor-rUhou. Same property. Sept. 39, 5 years, 5jj_ 1,,000

Ferris, Oscar C. to T H E EQUITABLE L I F E AssuE. Soc, Otbav, u w cor 90th st, 100.8 XlOO. Sept, 27, due Jau. 1, 1890. 75,000

Sarae to sarae. Oth av, s w cor 9Ist st, lOO.bx 100. Sept, 27, due Jau. 1, 1890. -o.OOO

Foley, Elleu wife of Micbael W. to Charles B. Perry and ano., tmstees Mary P. Tucker. Southern Roidevard, n w cor Lyon st, 35x 103.6x36.7x100. Oct. 4, 3 years. 3,500

Farciot, Theresia wife of Charles W. to Jo­sepbiue Auchner. 108th st, s s, 73 w 3d av, 37x75. Oct, 1, 3 years or sooner. 2,000

Same to sarae. Same property. Oct. 1, 3 years or sooner, 1,000

Farley, Peter to T H E BoWER-y SA-VINGS BANK. 21st st, n s, 275 w 7th av, 25x98.9. Oct. 1, 5 years, 4% %• ~*''*' *'

Flatow, Moyer and Edward to Charles G. Spencer. Chrj-stic st. No. ^0. P. M. Sept. 38, due Sept, 30,1891, 5 %; ViMO

Same to Charles Broivn, Same property. P . M. Oct. 1, 3 years or sooner. 3,500

Forbrich, Charles to Jobu A, Knox, Kew York Citj-. and Newbury D. Lawton, New Rochelle, N. Y. Tinton av. P. M. Oct. 1, due Oct, 2, ISIU, or sooner. 1,050

Fuller, Charles A. to -William T. CampbeU. IOtb av, s e cor 74th st, 36x100, Sub. to mort. $49,000. Sept. 29, 1 year. 3,000

Gibliu, Michael to Ernest G. Stedman. 96th st, s s, 154.3 e 3d av, 37x100.8. Sept. 28, 1 year. 4,000

Gonnoud, Annie M. to T H E EMIGRANT INDUST, SAYINGS BANK, 10th av, No. 647, w s, 4'.t.l s 46th st, 26,1x55, Sept. 29, 1 year. 5,000

Goodmau, Emil to Fisher L'e^tinc. East Broad-way. P .M. Oct. 1, 4 yearsorinstalls. . 5^.4.000

Gray, WUliam S. to Newman Cow-en, 146th st, n s. 175 e Sth av, 49.llxil9.ll. iKng. 39, duo Sept. 1, 1889, or sooner. 17,000

Grimm, Louisa to Thomas Smitb, 3d av, Ko. 1483, w s , 76,2s 84th st, 20x93.6. Lease. Sept. 26, UistaUs., 5 S , 11,000

Guggenheimer, Eliza wife of and Randolph aud Salomon Marx to Isabella Ruuk. 96th Kt, u s, 233 e 3d av, 37x100.8. Sept. 39, due Mar. 30, 1890. 5 %. 15,000

Godwin, Thomas S. to Charles H. RusseU, Jr . , et al trustees C. H, Russell. Ist av, s e cor 114th st, 19.11x75. Oct. 3, due Oct. 1, 1893, 5;;. I2,.5O0

Same to same. 1st av, e s, 19.11 s 114th st, 18x 76. Oct. 3, due Oct. 1, 1893, 5 %. 8,500

Sarae to same. 1st av, w s, 19.11 n 113th st, 18 x75. Oct, 3, due Oct. 1. 1893, 5 %, 8,350

Same to George R. Fearing and ano., Kewport, R. I., tmstees Araey R, Sheldon, l l l t h st. No. 404, s E, 75 e 1st av, 19.6x100.11. Oct. 3, 3 yeai'S, 5 ^. 7,-500

GaUagher, Patrick to Jobn Hardy, 5-5th st, n s, foO w Otb av, 30x99,6x20,3x97. Lease. Oct, 1, 1 year. 3,.500

Gibson, WiUiara mortgagor with CorneUus IVaUace exr, Cyrus Hicbcock mortgagee. Extensifin of reduced mort, June 6, nora

Gross, Max to Morris Berger, Delancey st. No, 292. P. M. Oct. 3, instails, 5y $. 6,000

Goldsteui Hai-ris E. to Beujaniin liosenthal. Ludlow st. No. .53. P, M, Oct, 1, installs. 4,000

Glass, John to Henry A. BarUng et al. trustees E M. Robinsou. 13th st, s s, 100 e Sth av. 75x103.3. Oct, 1, 3 years, iV. %. 90,000

Godwin, Thomas S. to Louise T. Kneeland exr, Cbarles Kneeland. Cbristopber st. P, M, Oct. 3, 3 years, 6,000

Goman, Sarah F, to Susan S, Wiley. Bank st, s s, 103 w 4th st, 3?.lx75. Sept. 28, 15 yeaa-s, 6 and 5 %. 9,000

Haiues, Provost S. to Joseph F . J o y and ano. exrs, Annie Joy. 134th st, n s, 197,6 e Oth av, 20.4x100.11. Sept, 25, due Oct, 1, 1891, 5 i. 5,000

Hofinger, Andrew to T H E GERSIAH SAVINGS BANK, Kew York City, SOtb st, P, M. Oct. 1,1 year. 13,000

Same to James Higgins. Same property. P. M. Bub. to mort. $12,000. Oct. 3, installs, 5 ^. 6,.50O

HagWty, James to T H E CENTRAL T R U S T Co. of New York. 114th st, s s, 118 w Pleasant av, a lots, oue 25 and oue 35.4x100.10. 3 moi-ts., each $12,000. Oct. 3, dne Oct, 1,1891, f,%. 24,000

Higgius, James to T H E GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, New York, 80th st, s s, 100 w Av A, 4 lots, each 2.5x103,3. 4 morts., each $11,000, Sept. 24, due Sept. 25, 1889. 44,000

Same to same. SOth st, s s, 277 w Av A, 2 lots, one 26 and one 25x103.3, 2 raorts,, each $11,000. Sept. 24. due Sept. 2.5, 1889. 23,000

Haberman, Simon to Julius S, Ehrich. U tb av, s w c o r 48th st, 100.5x100. Sept. 39, due May 1, 1889 or sooner, 30,000

Hafker, Hermanu to Charles II, Reed, Water st, n s, 25 w Jackson st, 35x100. Sept. 39, due Jan. 1,1894, 5 ;;. IS.OOO

HoUister, Robert A. to Jacob Lawson, Brook­lyn , N. Y. 73d st,. u s, 213 e West End av, 19x103.3, Sept, 18, demand. 3,000

Sarae to sarae. 73d st, n s, 350 e West End av, 19x103,3, Sept. 18, demand. 2,1X10

Hohiderlicr. Heurietta to Henrietta Holzder­ber, extrx. John Holzderber. 8th av, Ko. 3101, w s, 75 s 139th st, 34.11x7.5. Sept. 38, 10 years, 6 % 13,000

Harrigan, Thomas to Isaac P. Smith. Denman st, n R, 125 w Morris av. 25x118,0. Sept. 39, 5 years or iustalls. SOO

Hasbrouck, AmeUa R. -wife of and Ferdinand to T H E MUTUAL L I F E INS, CO, of Kew York. 126th st. No. 147, n s, 283.3 e 7th av, 16.10x 99,n. Oct. 3, 1 year, 5 Jf, 13,000

Hauleuheck, Ellen A. -^rife of and Peter to Mary E, Brennau admrx, Owen Breiiuan. Abing­don sq, Ko. 14, begins w s Hudson st 151.7 s West 13th st, runs west " 7.1 x south 33.6 x east 33.2xeast4.3.6t .ost ,xnorth 24.4. Oct. 3, Dec. 1, 1891. orinstalls, 5^. 3,500

Healy, Mary wife of and Thoraas to The Socie­ty of the Lying-in Hospital, Kew York. Slst st, n s, 101.8 w 2d av, 25.5x102.3. Oct. 1, 5 y^ r s ,S> ' . 16,000

Same to lleiiry de Forest Weekes. Sarae prop­erty, Oct. 1, 1 year. LOOO

Hearn, Johu to Jane H, wife of Josepb S, Wright, Valley Stream, L, I, 38th st, s s, 75 e 2d av, 35x74,1, Oct. 3, due Dec. 9, 1S90, S^i, l.COO

Hoffman, Jidius to Johu Hoffman, J r . 155th st, P, M. Sept. 39, 3 yeai-s, 5 % 500

Hui-H-itz, Raphael to Fritz Fedderke, Pike st, w s, 35 B Madison st, 35x71, Oct. 1, due April 31, 1891. 4,''0O

Huston, Tliomas J. to Alpheus S. AUen, Pater-

October C, 1888 Record and Guide. 190S

son, N. J. West End av, s e cor 99th st. P. M. Oct. 1, 3 years or sooner, 5 $, 35,000

Israel, Julius and David to T H E E A S T R I V E R SAVINGS INST, Mora-oe st, Rutgerspl, Kos, 5 aud 7. Sept, 28, Lyear, 5 $. See Conveys.

31,000 Sarae to Abrahani Siegel, Same property, P,

M. Sept. 28, iustalls. 5,000 Ireland, John to The Harlera Co-opei'ative

Building and Loan Assoc, of City of New York, Intervale av, u w s. 333,5 u e 169th st, 25x184.10. Sept. 39, mstalls., 5 %. 2,000

Joseph, Sarah wife of Hei-man to Louis Arn­heim. Ridge st, Ko. 115, n w s, 150 u e Riv­ington st, 35x100. Oct. 3, 5 years, 5 f„. -23,000

Jahn, Matilda to T H E D R Y DOCK SAVINGS INST, Chrystie st. No. 174. Oct. 1, I year, 4y, %. See Conveys. " 15 000

Same to Daniel P. Kahrs. Same property. P. M. Sub. to raort. $15,000. Oct, 1, instalsl, 5 r;. .5,000

Jenkins, Thomas J. aud Geoi'ge to Jacoh Book-raau. ]30tb st, n s, 100 e Sth av, 7.5x99.11. Oct. 1, due Oct. 3, 1889, or soouer, 24,000

Sarae to sarae. Same property. P, M, Oct, 1, due Oct. 3, 1880, or sooner. 24,000

Same to same, l l l t h st, n s, 220 e Sth av, 7Sx 100.11. Oct. 1, 3 months or sooner, 1,000

Johnston, Elizabeth wife of and Richard E, to William H. Macy, J r . , et al., exrs. Josiah Macy, J r . 82d st, No, 223, n s, 30.5.5 w 2d av, 25x103,3. Oct. 1, 5 years, 5 ;5, 17.000

Jones. Louisa wffe of Louis M. to Cai-oUne A. m f e of Spii-e Pitou. New Brighton, S. I. CUnton st, e s, 125.1 s Grand st. P. M. Oct. 1, I year, 5 %. 12,000

Same to Mary L, wife of William R, Lewis, Mt. Vemon, K. Y. CUnton st, e s, 100 s Grandst, P, M. Oct. 1,1 year, 5 ^, 13,000

Jones, Rachel A. to James Kapke, Macdougal st. No. 43, n e cor Priuce st, 20x75. Sei^t, 38, 3 years, 5 •?. 900

Jacobs, EUas to George H, Roberts, Brooklyn, K. Y, .5th St. P. M. Oct. 1,3 years, 5^. 13,000

Josepb, Samuel to Moi-ris Schlesinger. Norfolk st, No, 29, w s, 25x100. y part. Oct. 1, due Sept, 30, 1893, 5 ^. 3,500

Klopfer, Louis to Jacob Scbneider. Myi-tle av, nortb cor Fitch st, lOSxlSO. Sept. 39, 3 years, 5 J.', 3,000

Knapp, Phebe J, wife of and William to T H E CONNECTICUT MUTUAL L I F E INS. CO., Hart­ford, Conn, 31st st, n s, 241,8 o IOtb av, 16,8 x9$.8. Oct. 4, 5 years, 5 % 8,000

Katz, Jacob to T H E BANK FOR SAVINGS IN THE CITY OF N E W YORK, 1st av, w s, 35.4 s 70th st, 35x77. Oct. 2, 1 year, 5 %. 10,000

Sametosame. I s tav , w s , 50.4 s 70th st, 35x ^77. Oct, 3, 1 year, 5 %, 10,000

Kaught-an, Jobu E. to Thei-ese Mack, Somer­viUe. N. J. Bi-oorae st. No. 416, and No. 186 Elm st, begins Broome st, n w cor Ehn st, runs north 116 x west 75.3 x soutb 15.1 x east 50,2 X south 101.5 to Broome st, x east 2.5.4. Sept. 6, due Oct. 1, 1891, 5 %. 30,000

Keamey, James, Hackensack, N. J., to Cbi-is-tiana Conkliu. 40th st. P. i\T. Sept. 4, 3 , years, 41^' 9,000

Keck, Katarina widow to T H E UNITED STATES TRUST CO. OF N E W YORK. 1st av, e s. 34,9 n 24th st, 34.8x109. Oct. 1. 5 years, 4i.,; i. 9,500

KeUy, Bridget, Jersey City, N . J , , to Nancy CroKier, 34th st, s s, 194 w 1st av, 33x98.9. Sept. 29, UistaUs. 5 %, 13,000

KeUy, Mary E, to T H E EMIGRANT INDUST. SAVINGS BANK, 36th st, s s, 65 w Lexiugton av, 30x66.9, Sept. 39, 1 year. 6,500

Kerby, Jobu and Jobn E, to John W. Mac­Knight, 115th st, s s, 343 e Lenox av, 18x 100.11. Sub. to morte, Oct 1, 3 mouths or sooner. 3,397

KimbaU, Mary S, to T H E CENTRAL TRUST CO., New York, 33d st, s s, 280 e Oth av, 33x98,9. Sub. to morts. g8,000. Oct. 1, due June 1, 1889,5^. 3.000

Klauber, Henry to T H E EMIGRANT INDUST. SAVINGS BANK. Sd av, e s, .56.10 n I13th st, runs east i00 x uortb 40.3 x southwest — x west 79,8 to av, x south 19. Oct. 1, I yr. 9,000

Kearney, Francis J, aud Bridget his wife to TiUie C. Merrill, 144th (Ely) st, n s, 75 w Leggatt av, 135x100. Sept. 38, 3 years or jn-

_^stalls, 5 S. 500 Kilcoyno, Maria w-ife of Michael J, to Henry

Greeuebamu and Bernhard Beinecke, I38tb St. P .M. Oct. 3, installs., 5 ;i, 1,600

Lester, Josephine wife of aud Sidney to Peter Molier, J r . , et al, trustees Peter Molier. SOth st, s s, 100 6 1st av, 30x90. Sept. 28, due Oct. 1, 1869. " 500

Loughran. James and Eliza his wffe to Hugh King. Greenwich st. No. 443, w s, 30,10x78x 30,10x80; 47th t,t. No, 45, u s, 300 e 10th av. 18.9x100,5. Sept. 29, 5 years, 5 '^.. 10,000

Lyon, Dore to Janet Rudd et al. exrs George Rudd. 9Ist sb. No, 30, s s, 2tit) w Sth av, 18x 100.8. Sept, 38, due Oct, 1, 1893, 5 fi, 15,000

Lyous, Jeremiah C, to George R. Fearing and ano, trustees Araey R, Sheldon. 10th av, e s, 35.3 s 12Stb st, 50..5xl00. Sept. 27, due Sept 38, 1889. "^ ^,500

Lav^-son, Daniel D. to George L, Kingsland, Mt. Pleasant, N. Y, Kith st, P, M, Oct. 2, dne Oct. 1, 1889, or soouer. 10,000

McKenney, Paul to T H E N E W YOKK SAVINGS BANK. 10th av, w s, 24.5 s 33d st, 24.8x100 Oct, 3, due Dec, 1, 1893,4!<i %. 5,000

MarshaU, Mary E. wife of and Henry to Sarah A. Sands. 134th st, u s, 100 e ^Vill!s av, 3.5x 100. Sept. 39, dne Oct, 3, 1891, 5 ';',. 3,000

Same to Jobn A, McEh-oy admr. Anuie McEl-loy. Same property. Oct, 3, due Octobei-1, 1889, or soouer, gig

McDonneU, Jobu to The Mt. St, Viucent Co-

3)erative BuUding aud Loau Assoc, of City ew York, Waterloo pl, as proposed, w s,

35 s 176th st, 20x70. Ch't, 3, iustJtUs., 5 %. 1,250 McGarrv, Frank to WiUiara FernschUd. 167tb

St. P : M. Oct, 1, installs,, 5 ' ^ 3,300 SIoQuade, Fraucis to The Bi-adley Sc Currier

C'o, (Lira,). Oth av, n e cor 94tb st, 75,8x80; Otb av, s e cor OStb st, 75,8x80. Sept. 31, 6 months. ' 30,000

Murray, Mary G. to Antony WaUach. 99th st, s s, 110 e 3d av, .50x100.11. Oct, 1, 3 years, 5 %. 5,000

Mehl, Jonas to Peter T. O'Brieu, S t h s t , n s, 300 e 1st av, ruus no. th 97 x east 15.6 x soutb 43 X — 54 X west 31, Lease. 6 years. 5,000

MuUer, Eva wife of and Georgo to T H E INST, FOR SAVINGS OF MERCHANTS' CLERKS. 116th s t s s , 190 e 3d av, 4 lots, together in srcQ 85x100.11. 4 raorts,, each $12,500. Oct. 3, due Aug. 15, 1893, iy %. .50,000

Moscovitch, Rachel wife of David to Louis Arnheim. Ridge st ,Ko, 113, n w s, 125 n e Rivingtou st, 35x100. Oct. 3, 5 years, 5 %. 23,000

Same to Herman Joseph. Same property. Oct. 3, instaUs. 9,000

Marshall, Annie T. to WilUam C. Losster. 11.5th St. P. M. Oct, 2, 6 mos. or sooner. 5,000

McCone, Alexauder C. to The American Co­operative Savings aud Loau Aasoc, Horae st, P, M. Aug, 15 installs. 3,350

McFee, John to Freaerick Aldhous. lS4tb st. P. M. Sept. 29, installs, 1,864

McGuckiu, Henry J, to William A. CauldweU. I30tbst, na , 150 w 4th av, 1,50x100.11; .5th av, n e cor 98tb st, 50.11x100; lot SO map Prospect Hill village, Pelham, Oct. 1, 7 raonths or sooner. 15,000

Same to sarae. 130th st, n s, 250 w 4th av, SOx 100.11. P. M. Oct. 1, 7 months or sooner.

17,000 Messer scb mitt, Margai-etha to George Bach­

manu, Frauklin av, P. M, Sept. 24, 5 years, 5 %. 5,000

MiUei-, Geoi'ge M. to T H E GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK, Madison av, s w c r 59th st, 14.5x 100.5, Sept. 20, due Oct. 1, 1893, 4 %. 110,000

Muller, Hera-y and Hei'uiau Oetjeu to John M. MuUer. Tinton av, w s, 176,3 s IfiSth st, lO.S xi:i5. Juue 19, 3 years, 5 %. 3,fX)0

Mui-phy, Ann to Kate Tappan, Glen Cove, L. L OUver st, No. 37, w a, 31,llx77..5x21.llx

(Jet. 3, due July 5, 1891, 5 %. 1,000 Mangold, Samuel and Elise his wife to Freder­

ick Bcliuek. hStb st, Ko. 520 E, P. M. Sept, 39. due Oct. 1, 1893, 4W %. 10,000

McGuekin, Henrj ' J, to T H E METROPOLITAN L I F E INS. CO, 130th st, n s, 150 %v 4th av, 6 lots, each 16.8x100,11. 6 raorts., each $10,.500. Sept, 28, due Nov. 1, 1893. 63,000

Mcluerny, Thomas to Edwin F. Raynor. 134th St. P. M. Sept. 20, 1 year or sooner.

10,000 Same to same. Same property, P. M. Sept.

20, 1 year or sooner. 8,000 McI\Iannis, Michael, Greece, K. Y,, to Catharine

J. McManuis, Greece, N. Y. lOOtbst, s s, 350 w Sth av, 19,10x100.11. Dec. 22, 1887, 3 years or iustaUs,, 6 % 1,000

McQuade, Fi'ancis to Julius Weil, Titnsville, Pa. Oth av, e s, 50.8 s 95th st, 25x90. Mort, $18,000, Sept, Li), 6 months or sooner, 3,300

Same to same. Oth av e s, 75.8 n 94th st, SSx 80. Sub. to mort. $18,000. Sept, S9, 6 months or sooner. 3,400

Same to Hewlett Scudder et al. exrs. H. J, Scudder. Otb ov. No. 1630, e s, 75.8 s 9.5th st, 35x80, Sept. 38, 3 years. 5 %. 18,000

Same to Goklchen Adler. Same proporty. Suh. to mort. S18,000. Sept. 29, 6 mouths or soouer, 3,300

Mooney, Patrick to Jacob Ruppert. 3d av. No. 2102. Saloon lease, Sept. 28. demaud. I,.5O0

Moshack, Adam to David J. King et al. exi-s. E. J, King. Willett st, w s, 100 u Delaucey st, 25x100. Sept, 39, due Oct, 1, 1893, 5jJ. 9,000

Murray, Dauiel to N, Y. Co-operative Build­ing and Loan Assoc. Rogei-s pl, e s, 533.4 n Westchester av, 30x86x33.6x89, Sept. 2S, iustalls., 5 %. 2,2.50

Myers, Fi'ederick S. to Lucille Dreyfous. 68th st, Nos. 410-410, s s, ISS e Ist av, lOOx.55.4, Sept. 27, 0 months, 7.000

Nichols. John P, to T H E IRVING SAVINGS INST. Leroy st. No. 17, and Morton st, No, IK, be­gins s s Morton st, 175 e Bedford st, I'uns east 25,4 x south 181,3 to Leroy st, x west 25.8 X north 181.3. Sept. ;J8,1 year 6 ;;. 2,000

Niver, Kornian L. to Robert P. Lee trustee Maria L. Groves. Slsts t . s s , 84.5 e 3d av, 17.1x80,10. Oct. 2, due October 1, 1891, 4y %, 4,000

Kiver, Korman L. to James Gribble. Slst st, s s, 84,5 e 3d av, 17.1xK0.10; also right to strip 2 inches wide extending along e s said lot. Sub. to raort, $4,000. Oct. 3 3 years, 5 %, 1,000

O'Connor. Jobn to Siraon E, Bernbeiracr and August Schmid, 9th av. No. 1838. Saloon lease. Sept, 39, demand. I,,500

O'Kane, Thoraas J, to John Scott et al exi's. A. F. Sterling. 143d st, s s, 350 e Sth av, 3Sx 99.11. Sept, 29. 3 years, 5 %. 13,500

Sarae to same. 143d st, s s. 275 e Sth av, 26x 99,11. Sept. 39, 3 vears, 5 %. 12,500

Parker, EUzabeth F. wffe George to William Hendriclcson, Baldwins, L, I, Intervalo av, e s, 300 u Westchester av, 35x100, Sept. 35, Syears. 1,200

Peters, John to T H E GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. Bank st, s s, fiS. 10 w Greenwicb st, runs 30 x soutb 15.19 X west IS x uorth 45.8 to st, x east 30. Oct. 1, 3 yeai'S, iy %. 3,009

Pfannenzellei-, Josef M, and Walburga bis wife to Johu W. Decker, Clifton st, s e cor Tin­tou av. P. M, Sept. 38, iustaUs, 1,900

Pieper, Affred to LiUian A. Wolff, Prcspecfc av, 11 w cor Spriug st, P. M. Sept. 28, in­stalls, l,.5O0

Platb, Charles A, to Heiii'i Strashourger. Suf­folk st, No, 110. P. M. Sub. to mort. S20,000. Oct, 1, iustalls. 11,000

PFanneuschlag, Theresia to John "W. Haaren. 126tb St. P. M, Sept. 29, 1 j 'ear, 4,500

Prat t , Cbarles A. B. to Mary E, Hahn. 68th St. P. M. Sept. 35, installs. 2,735

Palmer, Theodore J., Hackensack, N. J,, and Petor A. Embury, West Orange, N. J., to Robert 'A. Hone aud Henry Channcey, J r . , trustees. Water st, s e cor Gonverneui- slip, 150x70. Oct 1, 5 years, 5 %. 40,000

Parker, Benjamin with Mary S, Hoe trustee Piicbard Jl. Hoe both mortgagees. Agree­ment as to priority of raorts. raade by Helen D. Carapnian, Sept. 28. nom

Plggott, Mai-y E, raortgagor with Cbarles Weinberg raortgagee. Extension of raort. Oct. 3. nom

Pressiuger, Mary D. to Alfred B. Pi-ice ti-nstee for LilUan Price. 43d st, Oct. S, due Oct. 1, 1891, 5 %. See Conveys. 10,000

Sarae to Alfred B. Price trustee for Ernest I. Price. 42d st, n s, 375 w Sth av, 35x100.4. Oct, 3, due Oct. 1, 1891, 5 ^. 10,000

Quackenbush, Daiiioi McL, aud Abrabam aud Elizabeth A. his wife, and Vestiana Q. vnte of and Nathaniel M, Freeman, aud Charles E. Quackenbush and Frances L. his wife to Fi-ederick A. Constable et al. ti'ustees Georgiana E. Arnold, J r . 87th st, s s, 252.9 w 3d av, (7.5x100.8. Oct. 1, 3 years and 8 months, iy %, 7,000

Same to sarae, 87th st, s s, 370,3 w 2d av, 17.5 XlOO.S, Oct. 1, 3 years and 8 mos,, 4y %. 7,000

Ryan, Michael to WiUiain Rankin, 47tb st, u s, 135 w l l t b av, 25xl00,.5. Oct. 3, due Oct. 3, 1889, or instaUs, 2,000

Reilly, Mary R, wife of and Francis A. to David J. King et al. exrs. and trustees E, J . King. 73d st, s s, 139 w Otb av, 20x103.3. Oot, 3, due Oct. 1, 1893, 4y $, 15,000

Roberts, Edward to Emma" T. Hull, Asbury Park, N, J. 3d av, e s, 30.11 s 125tb st, 30x 75. Sept. 24, due Nov. 1, 1890, 5 ^. 0,500

Samo to same. I13tb st. n s, 80 e 4th av, 18.9x lOO.lI. Sept. 24, due Nov. 1, 1890, 5 ;;. 3,500

Rabeiistein, William, Jr. , mortgagor with WUIiara W. L. Voorhis mortgagee. Extension of reduced raort, Sept. 29, nora

Rankin, Johu to T H E MUTUAL R E S E R \ T I FUND L I F E ASSOC. 33d st. No. 361 to 357, n s, 100 eSth av. 4 lots, together 100,4x109. lO.xlOO.Sx 103.3. 4 raorts., each $18,500. Oct. 1, dne Nov. 1, 1893, 4 '^ ;S. 74,000

Reinbardt, Conrad to Anna P. Roe, Cornwall, N, Y, Sth st. Sept, 25, 6 years, 5 %. See Conveys. 7.000

Same to Mary, John F. and Mary E. Graham and Adaline Kinkade. Sarae property, P. M. Sub. to raort. $7,000. Sept. 25, due Oct. I, 1S91, or iustaU, 4,000

6ame to Anna P, Roe, Cornwall, N. Y. 6th st, s s, 174 w Av 0,21x97. Oct. 1,5 years, 5 ^. 6,000

Reyuolds, Samuel T. to Elise Muller. 13tb st, s B, 435 w l l th av, 25x103.3. Oct, 1, 3 years, ^ %• 3,000

Rich, Joseph S. to Fanuie M. wife of Her man L, Kingsbui-y. Manhattan av iv s, 03.5 u 120th st, 15x80. Sept. 38, due Oct. I, 18i)3,' 5 %• 4,500

Robbins, William to Chai-les W. Lamb, 139tb St. P. M. Oct, 1, 3 yeai-s, 5 -;;. 5,000

Ryan, Thomas and James T. Cooper to T H E N E W YORK SAVINGS BANK. Hudson st, u w cor West 13th st. P. M. Sept. 26, due Dec, 1,1892,4,^;;, 7,000

Same to Esther H. Sillick, Same iiroperty. P. M. Snb. to mort. $7,000. Oct, I, I ii^ar, 5%. 150

Sarae to sarae. Sarae property. P. M. Sub. to same. Oct. I, I year, 5 %, 750

Rehfiiss. George to T H E METROPOLITAN SAV­INGS BANK. Rivington st, s e cor Suffolk st, 18.10x.53xl9xS3. Oct. 3, 1 year, ii<: %. 10,000

Reynolds, Martha wife of and William to Ihorntou M. Rodman, Flushing, L, 1, Hous­tou st, n s, 266.0 w Av D, 30.3x.5S.lx20.3.x.55,6. Sept. 39, due Oct, ••, 1893, 6 '^. nmo

Rohrs, Frederick to Otto Hoffeid. 130tb st, s s, 165 e 4th av, 25x100. Sept. 24, 1 year or sooner. 2,500

Rothkugel, Dora to Alexander T. Watson. Stb st, u s, laS w 1st av, 35x85.11. Lease. Sept. 20, 3 yeai-s. l,.50O

Schuaper, Matilda to Heleu, Meribah, Leila M, aud Carrie C. Carhart. 10th av, w s, 35,1 n 4.5th st, 35.1x100. P . M . Sept. 27, due'Oct. 1, 1890, or sooner, 5 %. 9,000

Sebuckle, LUla C , formerly Berri, and Cora S. aud Julia B, Berri to Edgar J. Shipniau exr, Harriet C. Shipman, 20th st, s s, 191,8 e IOtb av, 16.8x91,11. Re-recorded. July 30, I year, 5 % )s,000

Stevens, WiUiara to T H E HARLEM SAVINGS BANK. 134th st, n s, 105 e St. Anns av. 5 lots, each 17x100, 5 raorts, each $3,500, Oct, 4, 1 year, 5 fS, 17,,500

Saxe, Siraon P, to Thomas H. Cook. 184th st, n e s , 142 s e Bainbridge av, 26.3x77.3x3,5x 83.8, Oct, 3, due Oct. 16, 1883. 381

Scboilowsky, Henry A. to Elii^abeth wife of Richard E. Johnson. 83d st, No. 2-,>3 E. P. M. Oct. 1, iustaUs., by %. 5,000

Schaeffei-, Johu A. to T H E METROPOLITAN-SAVINGS BANK. East Bioadway, n s, 70 e Clinton st, 33.3x55x33.4x,55. Oct. 1, 1 year, ^4%- s,(ioo

Schneider, Louise wife of Matthias H, tq

1206 Record and Guide'. Octobgr 6, 1888

Simson Woff, S.Stb st, n s, 173 e Av A, lOOx • 10-3.3. Sub. to raort. Oct, 1. demand. 3,000

Same to TuUy Sc O'ConneU. 85th st. n s, 198 e A v A , 2.5x1.02.2. Suh. to mort. Sept. 13, 8 months. 2,000

Same to Frederick Brandt, Snme property. Sub, to morts, Sept. 13, 8 mos. 885

Same to John C. On-, Long Island Cit\' N. Y. SSth st, n s. 233 e Av A. 50x103.2. "Sub, to mort. Sept. IS, 1 year. 3,500

Sarae to Cbas. Huber & Son. Same property. Sub. to raort, Sept. 20, 1 year. 3,000

Schneider, Louise wife of and Matthias H. to Kirchoff & Bi-own. 85th st, n s, 173 e Av A, 25x103.2. Sub. to mort, Sept. 13, S months, 4,350

Sclioenhucher, Anton to Frederick Ryer, J r . Raih-oad av e s, new line, lot 159 raap Mel­rose South, 20.10x67.9x26.10x61.3. Sept. 18, 3 years, 600

Scallen, Jobu W, to EUza A. wife of David Kohler. Buckhout st, n s, 203 w Morris av, 100x100x50x100. Probable ei-ror. Aug. 1, 3 years, 5 %. 1,000

Schaefer, Caroline to Andrew WeUer. Ai-thm-av, w s, south y lot 101 map Monterey, SSx 100. Sept. 37, 3"years, 5^. 1,000

Schafer, Mary wife of and Simon to Frances Stepatb. 131st st. No, 445, n s, 125 w Pleasant av, 35x100,10. Sept. 29, due Oct. 1,1891, 5 fc.

12,000 Schappel, Phillipina to Randolph Guggen­

heimer and Salomon Mai-x. Goerck st. P. M. Sept. 34, due Sept. 15,1889, 34,000

Same and Andrew her husband to sarae. Same property. BuUdiug loau, Sept. 24, due Sept, 15,1889, 18,000

Schneider, Wilbelmina L. wife of and Charles to Mary L. Fraser. Sth av, w s, 25 e 133d st, runs south 25 x west 100 x uorth 12,5 x north­east 21 X east 83.3. Sept, 38, due Oct. 1, 1893, 5 %. 17,500

Shorb, DeUlah L. to Seamen Lichtenstein. 52d st, s s, 80 w Otb av, runs south 113.10 x west 20 X north 18.9 x west 20.4 x north 91.7 to st, X oast 40. Sep-t. 29, due April 16,1890. 6,000

Sheehan, Ann wife of PatricK J. to Abbie J. Cooper, Brooklyn, Boundary Une of land late of W, W. Fox at point 118,6 n from n e cor of lot 67 map Woodstock, mns north 36 x west 107 X south along line parallel to e s of Prospect av, aud distant therefrom 126.S x east 114-9, Sept. 29, dne Jan, 1, 1892, 000

Shorb, DclUah L. to Ida J, PhUUps, Jersey City, N, J. 53d st, s s, 80 w Oth av, i-uus south 113,10 xwes t 20 x north 18.9 x west 30.4 x north 91.7 to st, X east 40, Oct. 1, dne May 1, 1889. 3,000

Steffens. Amandus E, N. to T H E GERMAN SAV­INGS BANK, NewYork. 1st av, e s, 77,2 n 73d st, P. M. Oct, I, 1 year, 32,000

Same to Joseph L. Buttenviieser. Same prop­erty. P. M. Sub. to raort, $-33,000. Oct. 1, instaUs,, 5%. 3,000

%einbardt, Michael to Johu J. Bowes, Passaic, N, J. 35th st, Oct. 1,1 year. See Conveys.

15.000 Sterling, Blanche wife of and Joseph H. to

Thomas Storra aud ano, exi-s, Stephen Storm. 77th st, n s, 166,8 e Stb av, 10.8x103.2. Oct. 1, 1 year or sooner. 10,000

Steurer, Cbarles D. to Thatcher M. Adaras, 134th St. P. M, Sept. 28, due Oct, 17, 1891, Ssf. 3,000

Stie.', John and Anna his wife to Clu-istian Brennemann, 41st st, n s, 330 e 2d av, 20x 98.9, Oct. 2, due Oct. 1, 1893. 5 ^. 2,500

Streck, Johu C. and Elise to Jobn M. MuUer. Tinton av, P, M, Oct. 1, 4 years, 5 , 1,000

Syms, John G, to T H E BOWERY SAVINGS BANK, Caual st, n w cor Elm st, 31x75x19,7x78,9. Oct. 3, 5 years, 4y ^. 35,000

The Mutual Real Estate Co. to The Farmers Loau aud Trust Co. trustee. Broadway, n e cor Houston st, 109.3x193.8 to Crosby st, x soutb 95.6 to Houston st, x west 197.7, Lease-bold, also all rights, privileges and fran­chises. Secures bonds, Aug, 37. 225.000

Tbe trustees of Pt. Patrick's Cathedral, Kew York, to T H E EMIGRANT INDUST. SAVINGS BANK, Prince st, s w cor Mott st, P. M. Sept. 38, 1 year. 60,000

Sarae to The Roraan Catholic Orphan Asylum, New York. Sarae property. Sept. 38, 5 years, 5 %. 30,000

Thurston, Fi-anklin A. to Annie Orraiston. iSouthem Boulevard, s e s , extends from 13':th

• st to 136tb st, 335,4x80.10x200x204.7. Sept.

28, demand. 10,000 Tillotson, Mary mortgagor with The Araerican

Baptist Horae Jlission Society. Extension of mortgage at 5 ^. Mar, 17, ia87, nom

Tobin, Micbael to T H E NORTH R I V E E SAVINGS BANK, 33d st, s s, 100 w oth av, f, M. Sept. 17, due Oct, 1, 1890, 5 f,. 13,500

Same to same, 33d st, s s, 125 w Oth av. P. M, Sept. 17, due Oct. 1, 1890, 5 ^. 13,500

Van Raden, Eenjamin to Charies Boss, Spring st, No, 119, n s, 48.3 w Greeue st, 33.6x89.6x X northeast 8 x east 17.10 x soutb 95.0. Suh, to mort. S4,000. Sept. 27, due Jan. 3, 1892, 5 %. 8,000

Vidal, Etienne C. to Heury Gottgetreu. 40th st, ss, 380 w 7tb av, 30x98.9; 01st st, s s, 165 w 3d av, 30x100.5, Oct. 1, due October 15, ISSS. 1,000

Walker, Mary A, wife of aud Frank H. to Charles L. Tiffany, Riverview terrace, s w cor PoweU pl, 98x1-20.10. Oct, 1, 5 years or sooner, 5 %. 19,000

Wendelken, Gevert to T H E GREENWICH SAV­INGS BANK, Madison av, n e cor 37th st. Sept. 28, due Oct. 1,1893, iy %. See Con­veys. 30,000

Sarae to Henry Brash. Same property. Sept. 28. instaUs. 18,000

WUhelm. Kathai-ina M, to George Teasdale exj-. William Teasdale. Marion av. P. M. Sept, 31, due Jau. 1, 1890, or soouer, 6 ;;. 1.000

Wolf, Pauluie to Johanna Leipziger. BOth st, s s, 200 w Oth av, 25x100.5. Sept. 38, 1 yr, 1,400

Walker, John to Louis J. Pooler, I33d st, n s, 385 e Oth av, 100x99,11, Sub, to mort. S15,-500. Sept. 28, demand. 35,000

Whitehead, Harriet, New Yoi-k, and LydeU, of Crescent, N. Y., to T H E EMIGRANT INDUST. SAVINGS BANK. Edgecombe av, s e cor 137th st, 19.10x90, Sept. 37, 1 year. 13,000

Waldron, Samuel W, to Benjanun A, and George N, WilUams, J r . SOth st, s s, 107.9 w Park av, 137.9x103.3. Sub. moi-ts. $116,000. Sept. 29, due April 1, 1889, or sooner. 9,000

Walker, Pauline D. wife of and WiUiam M, to T H E EAST RI-VER SAVINGS INST. Eltou av, 6 s, 150 n 15Sd st, 60x84.1 to 3d av, xS2.10x70. Oct. 3,1 year, 5 % 3,500

Williams, WiUiam H. to Margaret A. and Mary JteUy. Clintou av, w s, lot 16 map Mount Hope, 25x98.9. "Sept. 37, 2 5-12 years.

2,400 Yoimg, Annie C. •vrife of Hugh to the tmstees

of the Peabody Education Fund. Mott Haven Canal, n w s or bank, 176 s w I38th st, runs southwest 103.3 xuoi'thwest 336 x north­east 49.8 x west 108.5 to roadway, X north­east 73.5 X southeast 310 to canal, except part taken for Railroad av, Oct. 3, 3 years, 5 J?.

20,000 Young, WilUam J. to Ii-ving S. Carraer. 82d

st, s s, 100 3 10th av, 50x102.2, Sept. 26, 1 year or soonei", 1,700

Zabinski, David to T H E IRVING SA-VINGS INST. 3d av, e s, 135 n 84tb st, 25x100. Sept. 39 1 yeai-, 5 $. 8.000

Zabinski, David and Faunie Goodmau to Cbarles and August Ruff. Attorney st. P, M, Mort. $32,500, Oct. 2, 2 yeai-s." 6,500


SEPTEMBER 37, 28, 29, OCTOBER 1, 2, S,

Andrews, John to Hannah W, Andi-ews, New­ark, N. J. Clasou av, w s, 181.3 s Myrtle av 16,8x93. Oct, 1, 3 j-ears, 5 % . .- $3,600

Same to same. Clasou av, w s, 147.11 s Myrtle av, 16.8x93. Oct. 1, 3 years, 6 % 3,000

Anti-obus, Mary A. wife of and Thomas to Lucy R. Blanlte. IStb st, s s, 147,10 e Oth av, runs soutb 100 x west 50 x nortb 10 x east 20 X north 25 x east 13,6 x north 05 to st. x east 16,0, Oct. 3, 3 years, 5 ^. 1,500

Adams, Barret H., Emma J, and Mary E, to James W. Dunning and ano. exrs. Crowell Adaras. Dean st, Ko. 330, s s, 266.8 e 3d av, 10.8x100. July 13, due July 16,1691, 5 %, 3,050

Ashald, Catharine to PhiUp W. Maguire. Hal­sey St. P, M. Sept, 28, 2 years or sooner, 450

Augustin, Ernest to Mary E. wife of Darwin R, James. Kuickerbocier av and Himi-od St. Himrod st, P, M. Sept. 26, 3 years, 5 «.

4,300 Ashfield, James to Cbarles G. Emery. Brook­

lyn av, w s, 34.6 n Herkimerst, 75.6x70, Sept. 39, 3 years, 5,000

Becker, Jacob and Anna his wffe to Joseph Krank. Scheuck av, w s, 125 n Glenmore av, 25x100. Oct. 1, 3 years, 4 %. 700

Bradford, George W, to Ann Fitzsiraraons, 53d st, u s, 300 w Sth av, 20x100.2. Oct. 2, 5 years or installs, 5 % 1,200

Burroughs, Aimie E. to Joseph Ryan. Aber­deen st, s e s, 150 s w Bushwick av, 30x100. Oct. 3 3 months. 600

BjTue, James to John W. Harman. Patcheu av and Halsey St. P.-M. Sept. S3,8 months.

17,500 BedeU, Annie L., Newtown, L, I,, to James D,

Lynch. Bay 29th st-, u w s, 390 s w Bensen av- 70x96.8. Sept. 27, due Sept, 29, 1889, 5 i- 1,120

Bennett, Prank J, to Robert Bennett, Sr, Atlantic av, n s, 25 w Nostrand av, 25x99.1, Sept. 20, due Sept. 1. 1891, 5 %, 3,000

Berger, Annie B. to Peter V. Burnett, Witba ers st, s s, 100 w Graham av, 35x4' x—x—f Oct, 3, due Oct. 1, 1893. 500

Bergmaun, Frederick to Salomon Woff. Jef­ferson st, s e s, 125 n e Evergreen av, 25x100, Sept, 39, 3 years, 5 %. 4,500

Bieg, Barbara -wffe of Henry to EUza J. Smith, Bush st, n w cor Smith st, 1-25x75, with ma­chinery &c. Sept. 39, 5 years. 4,500

Biggm, Thomas to John P. Tandy. 55th st. P. M. May 8, installs. 700

Brey, Hem-y to John J, Randall and WiUiam G. MiUer, Lorimer st, P. M, Oct. 1, iu­stalls, 1 800

Briggs, W, Frank to The Home L=fe Ins. Co. Bedford av. P. M. Sept. 19, due Jau. 1, 1S89, Sg, 7,000

Brittain, Fred. J, to Esther R. Barton, Moni­tor st, e s, 340 s Normau av, 40x100. Aug. 39, 5 years, 5 %, 1,300

Broad, John to Elizabeth Taber et al. exrs. F. W. Taber, Shepherd av, P. M. Sept. 24, due Sept. 27, 1891. i,000

Browley, Susannah wffe of Geoi-ge to Cross, Austin & Co. Decatur st. n s, 216.8 w Patchen av, 10.8x100. Sept. 18, 1 year. 1,000

Butler, Thomas and Elizabeth bis wife to Eben W. Roby. Clark st, u s, 123.3 w Fultou st, 49 X north 100.8 x east 35 x soutb 10.1 x east 24.3 X south 90.7 to beginning, Sept. 30, dne Feb, 1 1889, gold 10,000

Bm-ke, John G. to I ra 0. MiUer. 39th st, s s, 135 e 3d av, 50x100. Sept. 29, due Mai-ch 8, 1889. 2,^00

Barry, Joseph to JuUa Wood exi-. Mary C. Wood. Jamaica av, n s, 175 e Barbey st, 25 xll4x25xll3.10. Sept. 39, 5 years, 5 %. 1,800

Beckei-, Sophia, NewYork, to Conrad Sack, Stockton st," n s. P. M. Sept. 29, 5 years, 5 $. 2,000

Becker, Jr . , Jacob to Rosalie Meyers. Scheuck av. P. M, Sept. 28, due Oot. 1, 1890. 1,000

Butler, Thoraas to Hannah E, I\IUler, PhUadel-

Sibia, Pa. Quiucy st, s s, 161.4 e Lewis av. 3 ots, each 17.4x100, 3 morts., each $3,800.

Oct. 2, due Oct. 1, 1891, 5 %. 11,400 Sarae to Robert I. Miller, Philadelphia, Pa.

Quincy st, s s. 144 e Lewis av, 17.4x100. Oct. 2, due Oct. 1,1891, 6 %. 3,800

Same to Hannah E. Miller, ti-ustee Hanuah M. Lovett. Quincy st, s s, 230. 8 e Lewis av, 19 xlOO. Oct, 2, due Oct. 1, 1891,5 ^, 4,000

Sarae to same. Quincy st, s s, 213.4 e Lewis av, 17,4x100. Oct. 3, dne Oct. 1, 1891, 5 %. 3,800

Sarae to Robert I, MiUer. Quincy st, s s, 125 e Lewis av, 19x100. Oot. 3, due Oct. 1,1891, 5 %. 4,000

Barker, Sarah J. wife of Cbarles B. to Cornelia R. L. Mansfield. Prospect pl. n e s , 1S6 n w Vanderbilt av, 20x131. Sept. 27, due Oct. 1, 1S91, 5 $, , 5,000

Beckwith, Bertha H. wife of J. Carroll to Emi­grant Indus. Savings Bank. Jefferson av, s 3, 594 e Throop av, 17.6x100. Sept. 27,1 year.

3,250 Bigelow, Anna E., New Brighton, S, I,, to

Haimah J, wife of Siraon Stiner. 53d st, a s, 340 e 3d av, 100x100.2. Sept. 37, 3 years, 6 %.

1,850 Blank, Jacob to Mary E. wife of Darwiu R,

James, Myi-tle av and Hamburg av, P, M. Sept. 1, 3 years, 5 ^. 3,000

Same to same. Palmetto st, s e s , 1,325 s w Cen­tral av. 16.8x100. Sept. 37. 3 yeai'S, 5 % 1,000

Broadbent, Sarah aud Esther to Eliza Harding, Frandford, Pa. Brooklyn and Jamaica plank road, e B, 36.9 e Miller av, 4S.5x40.6x 59,7x63.0. June 1,1 year, 5 ;?. 2,000

Brosnan, Michael L. to Mary A. Wilson, Iselin, N, J. 1st pl, n s, 158 e Court st, 35x133,5, Sept. 27, 5 years, 6 % 4,000

Bi-oivu, Susan L. to Leon Rollac, New York. Clason av, w s, 160 n De Kaib av, 35x100. Sept. 10, dne Aug. 1, 1891, 1,600

Bi-ust, Jobn and Paul to Bernard Fowler. Mal­bone st, s s, Flatbush. P . M. Sept, 15, 1 year. 5OO

Cooper, George H. to David aud Grahams Pol-ley. Lafayette av, P. M. Sept. 25, due Oct, 1, 1891, bk. 1,000

Coulter, Johu H. to The East Brooklyn Sav­ings Bank. Lexington av, s s, 106.3 w Bed­ford av, 19x94.6x19x94,3. Sept, 27, 1 year, 5 %. 1,000

Cruse, August W, to E. Cowper Sheustone, Lafayette av, n s, 180 w Marcy av, 20x100, Sept, 25, 1 year, 5 $. 600

Chinnock, Elizabeth L, wife of George H. to Tbe Brooklyn Trust Co. Clason av, w s, 311.4 s Gates av, 20x100. Sept. 29, 1 year, 5 %. 3,500

Caufleld, Jaraes A. to The WilUamsburgb Sav­iugs Bank. Stockholm st, s e s , 200 u e Ever­green av, runs southeast 100 x southwest 18.9 X northwest 57.5 x northeast 0,4 x northwest to st, X northeast 18.7, excepting what was transfen-ed hy said J. A, Caufleld to Chas. A, Jackson. Sept. 39, 1 year, 5 %. 3,350

Clark, Owen to Thos, F. Taylor exr. Richard Taylor. Ewen st, w s. P. M. Sept. 18, 1 year. 1,200

Clement, Jobu to Alexander Place. Suydara st, s s, 375 e Central av, 35x100. Sept. 39, due Oct. I, 1891, 5 fS. 3,800

CoUius, Cbai-les H. to Philip W. Maguire. Halsey St. P .M. Sept. 34, 8 mouths. 14,680

Condron, James to Adrian M. Suydam. Ever­green av, n s, 25 e Jacob st. P, M. Sept. 35 5 years. 900

Conlon, James to Lucy D. Booth et al, tmstees R. Booth. Dean st, s s, 123.4 w Smith st, 30x100. Sept, 27, due Oct, 1, 1891, 5 %. 3,.500

Cornell, Peter J, to Andi-ev7 Peck. Woodbine st, s e s, 300 n e Bushwick av, 35x100. AprU 30, 1881, now due, 3,700

Corrigan, William and Thomas to Hannah E. MiUer trustee Hannah M. Lovett, PhUadel­phia, Pa, Sth av, n w s , 05,6 n e President st, 39.6x93. Oct. 1, 3 years, 5 %. 9,000

Cromer, Ferdinand and Lodviska his wife to Samuel Hauna. Gates av, P, M. Sub. to mort. $4,500. Oct. 1,1 year, 5 % 500

Same to Hannah E. Miller. Same propertv, P, M, Oct, 1, 3 years, 5 $. 4^500

Cumings, Joseph, Untherford, N. J,, to Hau-dren & Robins, New York. Pacific st, u s, 370.1 w Oth av, 19.9x100, Sub. to mort, $6,000. Aug. 31, 4 months, notes. 30,469

Sarae to same. Broadway, centi-e Une, inter­section of proposed Miller pl, runs north along pl 414,8 to patent line x west 360 to centre of Brooklyn av, x soutu 416 to ceutre of Broadway, x east 262.10 to pl; also Broad­way, ceutre line, intersection of eentre line of Kingston av, i-uns north along av 385.3 to patent line, x west 260 to centre of Aitken pl, X sonth 307.3 to centre Broadway, x east 263.10 to av. Aug, 31, 4 months, notes. 30,469

Cautus, Werner and Josephine E. his wffe to John G. Grauer, Evergreen av and Linden st, P. M, Oct. 1, 3 years, 5 %. 2,000

Cole, Charles M, to The West Brooklyn Land and Improvement Co, 43d st. P. M. Sept. 15, due Oct, 1, 1891, 5 !E. 400 .

Cooke, Andrew J. to Abram Cooke. Graham av, E w cor Frost st, 75x100. June 39, 3 years, 5 %. 8,000


October 6, 188S Record and Guide. 1307

De Voe, Frederick M. to Thoraas S, Curtis, Ho­boken, Lot begins 137.8 s w 67th st aud 325 s e 4th av, runs southwest to Cowenboven's lane, x southeast 25,3 x northeast 85.11 x northwest 35 New Utrecht. Oct. 1,3 yrs. 1,000

Dieffenbach, PbUip to Casper Krauz. Maujer 6t, E s, 75 e Ewen st, 25x75. Oct. 2, due May 1, 1SS9, 5?;, 500

Diehlmanu, Charles F. to Jacob H, Berukopf, Hopkins st, n s, 100 w Throop av, 25x100. Oct. 1, due Jan. 1, 1890, Sf 600

Dodds, WiUiara J. to John J. Weinabst. Lynch st, s s, 360 e Marcy av, 2.5x100. Oct. 2, due Oct. 1, 1893, or sooner. 3,500

Same to same. Lyuch st, s s, 2S5 e Marcy av, 35x100. Oct, 3, due Oct. 1,1893, or soonor. 3,500

Donlon, Mary A. to Cornelius E. DonneUou. President st, n s, 473 w 5th av, 46x95. Oct. 3, 1 year. 600

Sarae to same. Sarae property. P, M. Oct, 3, 1 year. 3,300

Dougherty, Mary J. to Heurj ' A. Hiors. 55th st, u e B, 350 u w 3d av, 35x100.3. May 25, 1 year. 200

Duffy, Edward to Edward F. Lintou. Cleve­land St. P. M. Sub, to mort, $2,000. Oct. 28, instaUs. 1,300

Dwyer, Daniel F. to Henry Rotb. Graham st, P. M. Oct. 1, 3 years or installs., 6 %. 1,000

Same to same. Kent av, w s, -;i63,4 n De Kalb av, 2.5x100, Oct, 1, 3 years, 5 ;?. 1,500

Ernst, Frank F. and Louisa H, his wife aud EraiUe Ernst to George Zirauiermann. .Lib­erty av, n s, 25 w Bradford st, 35x109, Oct. 1,3 years, 400

Devine, Catharine to Robert C. Embree exr. Jacob W, Moii-is. India st, s s, 320 e Frank­lin st, 25x100. Sept. 25, due Oct. 3, 1893, 5 %. 4,500

Donaldson, Adam to Hewlett T. McCoun, Bar­bey St. P. M, Sept. 25, due Sept. 1. ISiH, 3,000

Donohue, Thomas to Elizabeth W. Aldi'icb, Somers st, n e cor Hopkinsou av, 30,0x100, Sept. U, 1 yoar. 1,750

Downey, "WiUiam to Mimiie Hofer. Summit st, n s, 130 w Columbia st, 20x100. Oct. 1, 6 years, 1,300

Duffy, Patrick to Sophie Hillmanu. Division st, w s, 73.9 n Myrtle av, 35x06x—x60.6. Oct, 1, 3 years, 400

Duulap, Sarauel to Hauuah E. JMiller, Philadel­phia, Pa. Van Buren st. P. M. Sept, 37, due Oct, 1, 1891, 1,500

Same to Mai-y E. James. Van Buren st, s s, 400 w Reid av. P. M. Sub. to mort. $1,.500. Sept. 37, 3 yeara, 5 ^. 800

Edwards, Thoraes to Johannah W. Harris. Douglass Bt, s s, 410 e Smith st, 30x100."" Sept. 27, 2 years, 5%. 1,200

ElUott, Samuel W. to Mary Rogers, Garfield pl. P. M. Sept. 18, due l 'eh. 1, 18S9. 45,000

Eugle, Kate A. to Geoi-giaua Greenlie, Oak­land st, e 3. P. M. Sept, 2S, due Sept. 30 1890,5^. 2,500

Engs, Anna B. wffe of aud RusseU L. to Annie Seagrave, Patchogue, L. I. St. Jaraes pl. P. M. Sept, 13, due Sept. 2L>, l,- 89, 4 '^ %. 7,,500

Eddy, Sarah A. wffe of and Robert H., Stan­ford, N. Y., to Emma S, w ffe of Walter R. Leggat. De Kalb av, n s, 300 e Sumuer av, -300x100. Sept, 35, 1 year. 10,000

Ernst, Caspar to Chai'les J. Hobe, Liberty av,' S s, 50 e Chi'istopher av, 50x100, Sept. 27, ' due Oct, 1, 1893. 400

Feirabend, laartm to Albert V. B. Voorhies. Lot begius 175 s e 1.5th av and 105,10 s w 61st st, ,53.11x65.8x51.6x64,.5. Sept, 26, 3 yeai-s, 100

Ferruggari, Jobn C. and Naucy bis wffe to Horace K. Thurber. Uuiou st, u s, 417.3 w Vau Bruut st, P. M, Sept, 36, 5 years, 5 %. 1,500

Sarae to same. Siime property. P. M. Sept. 36, 5 years, 5 %. 5,000

Fischer, Heur,y to The WiUiamsburgh Savings Bank. Central pl, n e s , 334.10 n w Grove st, 23x130, Sept. 38, 1 year, 5^. 3,000

Fisher, Hera-y to Theodore B. and Henry A. WiUis, Palmetto st, s e s , P, M, Sept, 33, due Oct. 1, 1889, 6 %. 1,000

Fox, Michael to Ecrnai-d Fowler, New Yoj k av and SterUng st, Fiatbusb, P. M. Sept. 17,2 years. - 175

Fieselmau, Louisa to Sarah Preston, Newtown, L, I, Woodbine et, n w s , 325 n e Bushwick av, 25x100. Sept. 36, due Oct 1, 1S91,5^, 2,000

Fieseler, Kai i to WilUara IScbwicker and Cath­arina bis wffe. Stone av. e s, 50 n Liberty av, 35x100. Sept. 29. due Oct. 1. 181)3. 700

Flanagan, WiUiara to Ella Pbilip nud auo. adrai-s. Catliarine A. Philip, President st, s s, 332 w Stb av, 20x100. Sopt. 27, dne Jan, I, 1892, 5 %. 8,000

Fitzpatrick, Thoraas A. aud Theresa W. his -n-ffe to Margaretha Pleuss. Dod\v'ortli st, s B, 3.55.4 w Bushwick av, 25x91.0. Sept, 25, 5 years, 4 iS. 1.400

Gilbert, Anne C. to The Cowperthwait Co. Lot at Gravesend, begins at pdinton highway or road leadiug to Sheepshead Bay or Cove, adj laud B, Freeman, 20rx207 to Bay or Cove. Oct. 2, iuBtalls. 3,441

Gerowske, Augiist L. to Johaun Plagcmann and Margaretha his wife. 20tb st, n s, 250 w 3d av, 30x100. July 2, 5 years, 5 fS. 1,600

Goedel, Christian to Catharine Goedel. Rut­ledge st, n w s, 275 s w Bedford av. 15x100. Sept 28, due Sept. 39, 1893, 5 %. 1,000

Gorraley, Jr . , WiUiara aud George W, Conine to Jobn W, Phelps. Halsey st, n w s, SSO n e Bushwick av UWxlOO. Sub. raort. $6,000, June 1, due Mar. 1, 1«89, or sooner. 5,000

Sarae to Joseph W. Schmidt. . Sarae property, P, M, Jime 1, due Mar, 1,1889, or soouer, 6,000

Cfrey, Tracy to John L, Nostraud. Bay Sth st. P . M. Oct. 1, S years, 5%. 340

Given, Margaret C. wife of and Robert to John Brmiuemer trustee for Ruth A. Vincent. Somers st, u s. 200 e Stone av, ruus east 25 x noi-th 20.11 X northeast 30 to Brooklyu & Jamaica tui-npikc, x northwest 35 x soutbwest to point 53.3 u Somers st, x west to point 200 e Stone av, x soutb 53.3 to beginning. Sept. 36, due Jan. 2, 1889. , SOO

Goodspeed, Albina E, wife of Henry S. to Henry A, Barling ct al. trustees of Edward M. Robiuson. Columbia Heights, north cor of a public place lying bet Columbia Heights and Furman st, 25x100, Sept, 20, 6 yeai-s, 6 %, 15,000

Harris, Jacob C. to Rosa wife Morris Levine. Bergen st. P. M. Sept. 26, 5 years, 5 %, 4,800

Heuzel, Cbarles F. to James J. Thomson. Jefferson av, s s, 683 e Throop av, 18x100. Sept. 36, due 1 year. 159

Hertervig, Ole to South Brooklyn Co-operative BuUding and Loan Assoc. ' 59th st, u s, 340 w 13th av, 20x100.2, New Utrecht,, Sept. 2.5, instaUs, 5 %, 3,()00

Hiklt, Anna toMai^E- ' 'ife Dai-win R. Jaraes, Knickerbocker av, s w s, 75 s e Harmau st, runs southeast 73.3 x southwest 85,3 to Myi'tle av, X north 39.9 x northwest SOx northeast 57.3, Sept. 18, 3 years, 5 ^. l.yoo

Hack, Friederick aud Julie his wife to George Walther and Anna M. his wife. Watkins st, w s, 275 s Sutter av, 3.5x100. Oot. 1, 3 yrs. 4,50

Hamilton, John A, to Christiau A. Keppler. WiUoughby av, P. M, Oct. 1, 2 years or installs. 2,000

HamUton. Elizabet'i to Thomas Young et al. exi-s. Gilbert P. WUliams. Atlantic av. P. M. Oct. 1. 3 years, 5 %. ],,500

Harley, George J. to Jobn F. Saddington. Jef­ferson av. P, M. Sept, 30, 1 yea.r. 4,000

Harris, Isaac G. to Albert G. JVIcIJonald. Adaras st, e £, 135 n Tillary st, 33x103.9x-3Sxl02.9. Oct, 1, due April 1, 1890, 800

Healy, John to Elentherio Pinto, Myrtle av, n s. P .M. Oct. 1. installs., 5,-;. 6,000

Healy, Richard to Gustav J. L. Doerschuck, Sandford st. P. M. Sept, 29, due Oct. 1, 1889, 6 fi- 40,500

HertUng, Ignaz to William Schroeder. Stagg St. P. M. Sept. 39, installs., by % 3,000

Heyno, Albertina to John Rueger. Central av, P. M, Oct. 1, 5 yrs. or installs., 5 ffi. 3,050

Higginsou, Elizabetb to Edward D, G. Jones, Pittsfield, Mass, Bushwick Boulevard, s w s , 30 n w Ivy st, 30x80, Suh, to raort, $5,000. Building loau. Secures boud of raortgagor and Petor W, Higginson. Sept. 1,1 year. 1,300

Same to Frances M. Reed, Quogue, L, I, Sarae property, P, M. Sept. 1, 3 years. 5,000

Same to same. Bushwick Boulevard, s w s , 140 s e ^Voodbine st, 30x80, Sept, 28, due Nov. 15, 1888. 2,000

Hoffman, Jobn A. to Lavinia E. wife of Benj. W. Blott. 10th st, n s, 332.10 e 7tb av, 3 lots, each 17..Sxl00. 2 morts. , eacb $3,000. Oot. 1,3 years. 4,000

Hoff, Hurraau J. to Asa W, Parker. 13th st. P. M. Oct.,1, l y e a r . 750

Holste, Aug-usta M. wife of Frederick to The WiUiarasburgh Savings Bauk. Eckford, e s. 100 s Calyer st, 25x100. Oct. 3, 1 yi-., 5 g, 1,500

Hopkins, J r . . Joseph to Henry Weil. Bush­wick av, s w s, 30 n w Pilliug st, 50x8ti.4, Oct.'i.- due May 1, 1889, or sooner, 3,600

Same to sarae. Same property. Oct, 1. due May I, lS89j or sooner, 3,700

Hudert, Martm to John Bach. McDougal st, u s, lot 48 block 14 map Hunterfly farm, 35x100. Sept. 37, due Oct, 1, 1893, 5 %. 500

Handenschild, George to Frederick W, Bading, exi-. Margaretha Wittstadt, Leonai-d st, e s, 5(1 s Stagg st, 35x75. Oct, I, 5 years, 5 % 4,000

Hedeinau, CaroUne P. widow to Tbe WUliams-bui'gh Saviugs Bank. Division av, n e oor RoehUug st, runs north 61,9 x east 34,3 x south 11.9 X west 14.2 x south SO to av, x west 20. Oct. 3, 1 year, 5 $. 6,000

Henken, Margaretha to Tbe Frauklui Trust Co. .Sthav. n w s , 30 s w l l t h s t , 20x70. Oct. 3, l yea r , 5^ . 6,000

Jivita, Raffaelo and PasqueUo Zauiata to EUza­beth Farrington. Malhone st. P, M, Oct. 3, 3 yca'-s or soouer. 125

Jewett, Sarah R,, Newtown, L, I,, to James D. Lynch. Bay 39tb st, n w s , 320 s w Benson av, 70x96.8. Sept. 37, dne Sept, 29, 1889, 5 $,

1,120 Johnson, Jane E,, New York, to Heleu A. Da

Russy. 8," acres in New Utrecht. P. M, Sub, to niort. $4,741. Aug. 0, due July 1, 1S9S, 5 %. 1,800

Sarae to WUUara Man. Sarae property. Aug. 6, due Jnly 1, 1893. 5 %. 4,741

Joues. John M. to T!ie Kings Co, Co-operative BuUding and Loau Assoc. Lawton st, s e s , 133,3 n e Broadway, 17.6x90. Oct. 3, installs,

3,400 Jaraieson, Mai-y to John Drescher, J r . Ja­

maica av, u w s, 101.11 s w New Jersey av, ruus north 143,11 x east 23.6 x soutb 134.4 x west 35, Sept. 38, due Jau. 1, 1894, 800

Kean-, David to Gei-raania Savings Bank, Kings Co. St Marks pl, n s. 83,10 w 4th av, 30x100. Sept. 36, 1 year, 5 $. 4,000

Sarao to same, St, Marks pl, u s. 102,10 w 4tb av, 30x100, Sept. 26, 1 year. 5 % 4,000

Keyes, Jaraes B. to Mai-y A. Knight et al trustees Henry Knight, UnderhUl av. e s, 75 s Bergen st, 35x100, Sopt, 28, 3 years, 5 %.

3,000 Knapp, Lizzie L. to Joseph E. Beakes. 6th av,

s cor 7th st, 20x75.1, Sept. 27, due Oct 1, 1891. 1,500

KcUcy, Cora M. wffe of J. P, to The Produce , Exchange BuUdiug and Loan Assoc. 93d st.

s w s, 220 s e 2d av, 40x200 to 93d st. Sept. 28, installs. 5,300

KeUy, Thomas to Patrick LaU,y, Dikeman st, s w s, 40 n w Richards st. 20x80, Sept. 28, 1 year. ,. soO

Kaiser, Frederick to Fridericke Munch, Ham­burg av, No, 348, s w s, 50 n w Gates av late MagnoUa st, 25x100, Oct. 1, 5 yea.rs. 800

Kiobge, Wilhelm aud Katharine bis WTIO to Tbe Riverbead Saviugs Bank. 49th st, s w s , 200 n w 4tb av 3 lots, each ;;OxlOO, 3 raorts., each Sl ,500. Oct, 3,3 years. 5 % 4,500

Knoi'r, Earbai'a to Peter Kaufmann. Scholes st, n s, 350 w Waterbury st. 100x100. Oct. 1, due Oct. 1, 1S90. i goO

Kendall, Elizabetb to WUIiara Green. Eclcford st, s w s, 313.4 s G centre of Norman av, 16.8x 100. Sept, 18, due Dec. 1, 1891. 1,500

Kilgus, Mathias to Edward C. Reinhardt, Gi'eene av, s e s , 175 s w Evergi-een av, 30x 100. Oct, 1,3 years, 5 ^ . 3,000

Kuig, Johu S. J. to Marshall J. Mon-iU, Rochester av. No. 33, w s, 94 s Herldmer st, 14x98. Oct. 1,3 years, 5;;. 1,500

Kinkead, Fi'ederick C. to Sophronia M, Fick­ett. Vanderbilt st, s s, Flatbush. P. M. Sept. 18, instaUs, 6 %. 1,050

Koch, George C. H. to The Herald Employees Buildiug and Loan Assoc. Scbenck av, w s, 175 u Liberty av, 25x100. Oct, 3, mstalls, 4,500

Lavery, Julia E, wife of Daniel J, to Jobu A, Casey, Carroll st, u s, 100 w CUnton st, 20.6 xlOO. Oct, 3, 1 year. 1,000

Longbi, Adela wife of Jobu N, to Martin Byrne. Vernon av, n s, 85 w Sumner av, 30 XlOO. Oct. 2, 3 years, 5 ^. 4,000

Lyons, James otherwise James H. to The Man­ufacturer's Nat. Bank, Brooklyn. Broadway, 6 cor Hewes st, SOxlOU. Sept. 37, notes, 3,146

Lamb, James W. to Sarah A, Beuuett exti-x. G. C, Beraiett. Putnara av, s s, 375 e How­ard av, 20x100- also Putnam av, s s, 415 e Howard av, P. M, Sept. 1, 3 yeai-s, 5 %. 8,000

S.irae to Josephine M. W. Sirapson, New York. Van Voorhies st, s s, 300 e Bnshwick av. 18 9 XlOO. Oct. 1, 3 years. 5 $. 1,500

Larabert, Mary vrife of Matthew to Hezekiah S. Archer. Prospect st. No. 136, s s, 165 w Bridge st, 35x100, Sept. 38, due Oct, 1, 1893, 5 %• 3,000

Levy, Adelaide wife of and Pbilip to The Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Cumberland st, e s, 508 n Lafayette av, 26.3x100.7x36,9x100. Oct, 1, 1 year 6 %. 2,000

Lcutzbach, AVilliam to Walter Brewer. Van­derbUt st, u s, 75 w 20th st, 25x100, Flatbush. Sept. 37, due Jan. 1, 1801, 5 %. 600

Loi'cnzin, Peter to Sarah F. Mead. 17th st, s s, 480 e llJth av, 30x100.3. Sept. 31, 3 years. 300

JIarsb, Morris C. to Peter R. Kissam. Spencer pl, e s, 100.4 s Hancock st, 20x100. Sept. 38 l y e a r , 6^ . jfioo

McLann, Margaret to Laura F. Beecher. That­ford av, w s, 100 s Union av, 50x100. Sept 28, 1 year, 1 ooO

McCarthy, Mary to Tbe Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 18th st, s w s, Sept. 28, 3 years, 5^- 400

McDicken, John to Cordelia T. Smith and auo. guards, of WilUam S. and Heleu T, «mith. Quincy st, n s, 110.8 w Stuyvesant av, 2 lots, each 18x100. 2 morts,, eacb $4,000. Sept. 28, 3 years, 5 %. ^,000

Same to Mary Boorraan, New York, Quiucy st, n s, 306.8 w Stuyvesant av, 18,4x100. Sept. 38, 3 years, 5 %. 4 oOO

Same to Thoraas S. Strong, New York. Stuy­vesant av, n w cor Quincy st. 37.6x98 4 Sept. 38, due May 1, ISSy, 4,000

Same to same, Stuyvesant av, w s, 37.6 n Quiucy st, 3 lots, each 18x98.4. 3 morts., eacb Sl,760. Sept, 38, due May 1, 1889. ,5,350

Same to same. Stuyvesant av, w s, Sl.8 n Quincy st, lS.4x9a.4, Sept. 38, due May 1. 1889. ^^•^so

Sarae to Thoraas S, Strong, trustee of Lucy Derby. Quincy st, n s, 98.4 w Stuyvesant av, 18.4x100. Sept. 38, 3 yeai'S, 5 g. 4,000

Same to sarae. Quiucy st, n s, 116,8 w Stuyve­sant av, 2 lots, each 18x100. 3 raorts., eaeh $4,000, Sept, 38, 3 years, 5 %. 8,000

Same to Eweretta C, JJIcV'ickar, Now York. Quincy st, n s, 153,8 w Stuyvesant av, ISxlOO. Sept, 38, 3 years, 5 'i: 4 oOO

Meyer, Marian to Jacob Gentes. Carroll st, n e s, 117 a Q Nevins st, 33x100. Sept. 37, 6 years, 5 %. 1 20O

Meier, Uh-ich and Katie his wife to Christiana GaUagher. North Sth st. P. M. Sept. 39, 5 years, 5 %. 3^900

Miller, Theodor to August F. H. Muller, Rail­road av, e s, 150 s Adaras st, 135x103. Oct, 1, 3 yeai-s. 1,000

Miller, Johu D. to Agues H. Davies. Jacob st, n w s, 180 s w Central av, 100x100. Sept. 6, 3 years. 4^000

Monas, John to WUIiara Tousey. Berkeley pl, u s, 210 w 7th av, 16.8x100. Oct. 1, a years, 5 %• 6,000

Same to Fannie E. Spooner, North Plainfleld, N. J. Berkeley pl, u s, 230.8 w 7th av, 2 lots, each 16.8x100; 2 morts., each $6,000. Oct, 1, 3 years, 5 %. 12,000

Monds, Crawford to JuUa Wood extrx. Mary C. Wood. Harmau st, s e s , 170 s w St, Kicho­las av, 20x100. Sept. 29, 3 years. 1,000

Morrissey, Auna, Kew York, to The Produce " Exchange Buildiug and Loan Assoc. Lots 34 and 35 estate of J. Lott Nostrand, New Utrecht. Sept. 29, iustalls. 3,600

MundeU, Jeremiah to Harriet B. Hinchmau. Madison St. P . M . Oct. 1, 3 yeai-s, 5 <S. 3,300

Murphy, Charles A. to Hannah R. Van Vranken, Hempstead, L. I. Montgomery st,"

iM s w s . 33.5.10 u w 9tb av, 20x100. Oct. 1, de­maud, 5%. . 10,000

Maddeu, Luke to Jobn G. Price. WaUabout st, 3 s. 425 e Bedford av, 25x100, Sept, 34, 3 years, 5 %. 500

Magan, Fi-edei-ick L. to Gertrude E. Bergen, Fiatbusb. Ocean av, ceutre line, adj land George Lot, I'lins nortb 838 x east — x soutli — X east — X sonth ^ x west to beginuing. Flatbush. Sept. 30, 1 year, 200

Martin, Martha A, to W, H. M. Sistare. Sonth Sth st, u s. 33.8 e Driggs late .5th st, 17.4x50. Sept. 25. 6 years. 3,000

McGiath, Cathai-ine. Agnes and Margaret to Chauncey Perry exr. Jabez Williams, Cal­yer st, P, M, Sept, 26, due Oct. 1. 1893, 5 %.

1,000 Meyer, EmiUe wife of and Otto to Johu P. Cha-

tillon. CUnton av, e s, 180.4 n Myrtle av, 19,7x200 to Waverly av. Sept. 35, due Jan. 1. 1859. .. 4..500

McKeon. Margaret to Michael Dalton. Union st, s s. 170 w 3d av, 20x90. Oct 3, due Oct. 1, 1889. 1.400

MiUer. William M. to J. C, and H, C. Sraith & Koepke, Eastei-n parkway, s w cor Sned­iker av, 50x100; Eastern parkway, u w cor Hinsdale st, 50x100; Eastern parkway, u e cor Snediker av, '35x100; Snediker av, w s, 00 n Belmont av, 40x100; Snediker av, w s, 140 u Belraont av, 80x100; Belraont av, n e cor Vesta av, 35x100; St, Marks av, s s, 350 e Rockaway av, runs east 35 x south 46.8 x southeast 41.4 to East New York av, x south­west 35 X northwest 44 x north 49.3. Sept. 27, deuiaud. 3 000

MUlon, Franz to Elizabeth Ki-araer. Knick­erbocker av, west cor Joffei-sou st. P. M. Sept. ^6, 3 yeai-s or instaUs,, 5 ^. 2,000

Moubray, Edward H, to Jobn E. Tousey. 1st st, s w s. 188,9 u w 7th av, 18x100, Sept, 37, 3 yeai-s, 5 %: 4,500

Same to same. Ist st, s w s , 241.9 n w 7th av, 18x100. Sept. 27, 3 yeai-s,- 5 %. 4,500

Neelj', Robert S. to WUliam H. Bierds, Bush­wick av, south cor Schaeffer st, 21x100, ex­cepting what has beeu taken for the mdeniug o f tbeav . Oct. 1, note, 4 raonths. 860

Nelson, Katie L. wife of Jaraes to Margret J. wife of William Reynolds. Fultou st, s s, 240 e Brooklyn av, 30x100. Oct, I, 2 years. 1,000

O'Brien, Thoraas to The lCin;js Co-operative BuikUug and Loan Assoc, \ an Voorhis st, s e s , 2-25 n e Bushwick av, IS.'JxIOO, Oct. 1, instaUs, 3,000

O'Brien, Jaue V. wife and Patrick to WilUams­burgb Saviugs Bank. Van Buren st, s s, 50 w Stuyvesant av, 30x100. Sept. 39, 1 year, 5;;. 1,500

O'Connor, John to Mary Sbildaud. Union st, n w cor Smith st, 30x8. Oct. I, 5 years. 5,000

Oberer, Creszenz to The Wiiliamsburgh Sav­ings Bank. IVeirfielil st, s e s , 300 n e Bush­wick av, 30x100. Sept. 27, 1 j-ear, 5 %, 3,000

Sarae to same. Weirfield st, s e s , 100 n e Broadway, I'uns northeast 35 x southeast 100 X soutbwest 40 x northwest 50 x northeast 5 X northwest 50. Sept. 37, 1 year, 5%. 3,000

Peai-son, Theodore to James Calvert, New York. 4th pl, s s, 300 w Court st, 50x100. Sept. 2S, due Jan. 2, 1889, (i,000

Pearson Theodore, to TheMutualLife Ins. Co., New York. 4th pl, s s, 215 e CUntou st, 2Sx 100. Oct, 1, due Oot. 3, 1889, 5 %. 8,000

Peterson, Charles G. to Matilda S, Taylor. 7tb st, u e s, 253.4 u w Oth av, 19x100. Sept. 38, 3 years. 5 %. 5.000

PetteugiU, Sarauel M. to Louise C. Pettiugell. Mora-oe st, s s, 100 w Stuyvesant av, 70x100. Sept. 1, l y e a r , 5,'i. 3,869

Pflegharcit, Katie wife of Nicholas to Julia Wood extrx, Marv C. Wood, Harman st, s e s, 190 s w St Nicholas av, 30x100. Sept. 2fi, 5 years. 1,000

PoUard, Pati-ick to Johu Davis exi-, Catharine Mahady, Han-ison st, s w eor Hicks st, P. M. Oct. 3, due May 1, 1889, 5 %. 6,.50O

PoUard, Patrick to John R, McDonald. Car­roU st, s s, 210 e Hicks st, 20x100. Oct. 3, due Uct. 1, iWil, 5 %. 3,800

PurceU, Eva E. to Henry and Charles Lock-wood, Huntington, L. I. Powell st, e s, 170.3 s Liberty av, 22.6x100. Oct. 3, 3 years. 3,L00

Putnam, CaroUne to Patrick Duun, Herkimei-st, n s, lot 53 block 23 map Huntei-fly farm, 25x100. Oct. 3, 5 years, 5 f,. 600

Hachow, John aud Katharina his wife to Christian Gerhardt. 3d av, e s, 75.2 s 49tb st, 25x100, Sept. 20, due Kov. 7,1889, b%. 5,000

Rachow, Jobu and Katrina his wife to Edward O'Bi-yon. 3d av, e s, 50.3 s 49th st, 25x100. Sept. 36, 3 years, 5 %• 5,000

Reagen, John L. and Mary C. his wife to Free­man Clarkson, Degraw st, s s, 325 w Boud st, 30x100; Sept, 12, due Sept. 1, 1891,5^. 500

Richardson, MUton T. to Sunon Alexandre. Myrtle av. P. M. Sept. 25, due Oct. 1, 1893, or sooner, 5 ;;. 3,000

Ring, Michael to Samuel Self. Nassau av, n e cor Monitor st, 35x80. Sept, 27, 3 yrs, 5 %. 1,500

Raah, August to WiUiara Fischer aud Clara his wife, Shepjiard av, P. M, Oct, 1, 3 years. 600

Randall, John J, and Williaui G. Miller to Greenpoint Saving's Bank. Lorimer st, e s, • " ' " " •"" " " 4^^-


900 Roth, Henry to The WiUiarasburgh Savings

Bank, Jackson st, s s, 300 e Graham av, 35x 100, Oct. 1, 1 year, 5 %. 3,000

Schaumloeffel, Henry aud Maria his wife to

7d ecora am lUide. Alexander H. Anderson. Graham av, w s, .50 n McKibben st, 35x100. Oct. 1, 3 yeai-s, 5 %. 3,.50O

SchoU, Louisa vrife of John to Joseph Vou Hat-ten, St. Marks av, s s, 80 o Rockawa.y av, 30x75. Aug. 30, due Oct. I, 1893, or iusialls,, 5 %. 1,-500

Schwahu, George to Thoraas Dengler. Hura­boldt st E,, 141,10 u Frost st, 33.6xl23,Sx25x 132.4. Oct. 1, 5 yeai-s or installs.. 5 %. 700

Smith, Matthew to Anna Klees. Frost st. s s, 135 w Lorimer st. 50x100, Oct. 1, 5 yeaj-s or sooner .5 ^. 600

Stubbs, WUliam S. to Edward F. Linton. El­ton st. P .M. Sub. to raort. $1,7.50. Oct. 2, instaUs. 1,950

Saddingto", John F. to Tbe Williamsburgb Saviugs Baul-. Jefferson av, n s, 120 e Nos­trand av, 30x100. June 30, 1 year, 5 ^. 8,500

Scanlon, Andi-ew to David A. Fitliian, 38tb st, n K, 275 e 3d av, 25x100.3. Sept. 27, due Sept. 1, 1889. SO

Scott, David H. to Adrian M, Suydam, Jacoh st, P, M, Oct, 1, 5 years, 5 r^, 1,.500

Self, Samuel to J, H. Hai-mon, David Rice and J, H. Gannon. Guernsey st, w s, 1.5 s Bed­ford av, runs south 100 x west 4* .5 x north­west to Bedford av, x northeast 87,11 x east 3,9. Sept. 37, 1 year. 4,800

Self, Samuel to Greenpoint Savings Bauk. Nassau av, u e cor Monitor st, 3.5x80. Sept. 36, 1 year, 2,500

Same to same, Nassau av, n s, 35 e Monitor st, 5 lots, each 15x80. 5 raoi-ts,, each $1,400, Sept. 36, 1 year. 7,000

Sarae to James D. Lynch, New York, Nassau av, n s, 25 e Monitor st, 75x80; also North 2d Bt, s e cor Roebling st, 75xl00,10x75x—, Sept. 26, demand 5 ^. 6,750

Selss, Hei-raau T. to John J. Stevenson. Union st, P . M . Oct, 1, due April 1. 1890, 5 ^ . 1,000

Sheldon, Cevedra B. to Cornelius E. Dounellon aud Ezra D. BusbneU. 7tb av, s e cor Presi­dent St. P, M, Sept. 37,1 yeai-, 5 %. 7,900

Simmons, Thomas to Josepb M. Greenwood, exr. Anna C, Walsb. Skillman st, w s, 30 s WUlougbby av, 18x00, Oct, 1, due M a y l , 1891, 300

Smith, Isabel W,, New York, to Samuel R. Waltei-s. \''an Buren st. P. M. Sept. 39, due May I, ISiiO, or soonor. 1,000

Scherff, Adam, Flatbush, to Bernard Fowlei-. Malbone st. P. M. Sept, 15, 1 year. 275

Siedenbnrg, Henry D. and Emma his wife to Josephine Fi-anz. Suydam st, ^ e s, 300 u e Broadway, 20x75, P. M. Sept. 36, 2 years, 5 %. 1,000

Smith, Mai'y wffe of Matthew' to Michael O'Keeffe, Di-iggs st, n w cor North 13th st, 100x100. Sept. 34, 3 j'ears, 1,000

Sweeney, Bei-nard J, to The Loug Island Loau and Trust Co. De Kalb av, n s, 436 e Throop av, 4 lots, each 25x100. 4 morts,, each $7,50O, Secures bond of Sweeney Bros, Sept. 26, due Oct, 1, 1891, 6 %. .30,000

Solan, Honora vrife of and Michael to "William H, Dannat and Charles E. PeU, Kew York, Roebling st, west cor Korth 4tb st, 43xl25x— X131.6. Sept, 30, notes. 2,000

Spai-row, WiUiam to Edward Spai-row. 55th st, s s, 80 e 3d av, 34x100.2. Sept. 39, due Sept. 1, 1898, 4 ^ . 5.50

Stabler, John to John Klein. 31st st, s s, 335 e 3dav, 75x100. Oct, 1, installs. l,.50O

Steveuson, James A, to Geoi-ge H. Cook. Dear st, P .M. Oct. 1, installs. 3,000

Taaffe, Jaue E. to Maurice Fitzgerald. Hop­kins st, P. M. Sept. 10, 3 years. 800

Thrush, Minnie wife of Henry, Jr . , to John P. Tandy. 5.5th st, s w s , 210,8 n w 3d av, 16.Sx 100.3, April 2,5, instaUs. 700

Tokonauer, Chai-les to The Germania Savings Bank, Kings Co. 3lst st, s s, 247,6 e 4tb av, 27,6x100.2. Oct. 3, 5 g. 1,400

Tragman, Doris to EUzahetb Seiler, Wythe av, s e s , 18.11 s w North Istst, 18.11x58x18.11 x-57,3. Oct. 1, 1 year, 5 ;;. 400

Ti-ueg, Anna E. wife of Louis Tmeg to Johu H. Doherty. St. John's pl. P . M . Sept. 24, due Mai-. 34, 1890, 4,600

Tripp, Marie L. 'wife of Terris to J, HaU Browning, Tenafly, N. J, Wiilougbhy st, s s, 57.9 w Jay st, 19.4x80, Sept. 24, due Sept. 1,1891. a,500

Trost, Mathias to The Stuyvesant Co-operative Biulding and Loan Assoc. Fort Hamilton av, w-est cor 42d st, —xl21.7x50xl30.8. Oct. 1, instails. or subscriptious, 6 %. 7,500

TaltavalL Sarah I. wife of and Johu B. to Serial Building Loan and Savings Inst, De­graw st, s s, 137.6 w Com-t st, 12,6x100, Sept. 18, iustalls. 3,000

Venable, Thomas P. to Aaron S. Robbins. Dia­mond st, P . M . Oct. 1, 6 years, 5 ^. 1,700

Waite, AraeUa C. wffe of Edwai-d P. to Howard M. Smith. Atlautic av. P . M. Oct, 1 3 years, 5,900

WaUing, Tbomas to Elias H. Hawkins. Hey-wai-d St. P. M. Sept. 27, 3 months. 5,000

Waltei's, Sarauel R. to John Cassidy. Van Buren st, s s, 346.4 w Stuyvesant av, ;53.8x 100, Sept. 38, due Jan, 1. 1889. 4,800

Wanner. Joseph, New York, to Joseph Herte, Flushing av. P. M. Sept. 27, due Oct. 1, 1891, 5 i. 3,700

Weber Magdalena M. wife of Jacob V. to Hen­ry W. Jacobi. Sonth 3d st, n s, 149.9 e Wythe av, 25.3x75, Sept. 39, 3 years, 5 %. 1,000

Westervelt, Adrian B. to Mai-ia E- Westervelt, Newark, N. J. J ay st, w s, 25 s Plymouth St. 100x90.8. Oot. 1, 5 years, 5 %. 4,000

Willis Tbomas to The WiUiamsburgh Saviugs • Bank. Wythe av, w s, 105 s South 4th st, 21

X90. Oct. 3, l y e a r , 5 ^ , 3,000

6c to i ie r 6, 1888

Wiltshire, Bella to Louisa C. Bonert. CarroU St. P, M. Oct, 3, 1 year, 5%. 4,-500

Wihuer, LycUa W. wffe of and John R. to The WUUamsbm-gh Savings Bauk, Bushwickav, u e s, 18,9 s e Bleecker st, 18,9x79,8, Oct, 3, l y e a r , 5 ^ . l,0T5

Winter, Anna F, formerly Klesick to James C. McEacben. 9th st, n s, 173,10 w 7tb av, 18,9x80, Sept, 29, demand. 354

Wiuterralt , Frank to Louisa Hob. Middleton St. P. M. Oct, 1, 6 months, 5 %, 700

Worth, Jacob to Mary W, Smith. Sunnyside av, u s, 200 e Barhey st, 200x300 to Laurel st, Sept. 39, 3 years. 1 500

Wyand, Augusta H. to Martha Bryant. Gold st, w s, 75 n Prospect st, 33x75. Sept. 39, due Oct, 1, 1889, 5 !J. 1,200

Warren, Horace M., Jr . , to Horace M, Warren, Sr. Kent av. n e cor Rutledge st, 100x104.2 xll5,llx86.2. May I, 2 years, 5 > 2,000

Wilkinson, Thomas P. to Herbert L. Judd, New York. Herkimer pl, s s, 365,1 w Kostrand av, runs south 99.1 to Atlantic av, x west 50 X north 99.1 to pl, x east 50; also Jamaica av, s s , 2,39.6 e Clove road, 4.5x 18-5x45 x—. Sept. 36, 1 year. 5,000

Weinabst, Jobu J. to William J. Dodds, South 4th st, P, M. Oct, 3, 1 year, 5 %. 3,000



Adler, Siraon and Henry S, Herrraann to Frederick H. AUen. $3,057

Alvord, Susau to Susan Alvord and ano. exrs. Alonzo A, Alvord. 8,500

Sarae to same. y 000 Bezold, Jobu to Sebastian and Mary

Kerner. 4^017 Bonwell, Emily C. to John T. Fenlon. 250 Borger, Max to David H, Goodman. 4,925 Budelmau, Hera-y to Bernard Ci'use. 876 Carbrey, Jobu L, to Harriet A. Evans, 724 Carroll, William D, to Patrick S. Treacy. 1,000 Clark, William H. exi-. Esthei- A. Clark to

Tbe Umon Dime Savings Inst. 4,000 Cannon, Charles M, to Amiie G. Paddock. 5,000 Charlier, Elisee to The Presbyterian Hospi­

tal iu the City of New "York. 5,500 Coudert, Charles tmstee Jean G. Tori-Uhon

to Petrus Ai-naud. 10,000 Doden, Alexandei- J. to Patrick Lilly. 3,000 Ebret, George to David Frank aud Henry

Hyman. 43,000 Eisendeck, Francis to James Floy. 4,371 Ely, WiUet C, to James D. Shipman, com-

mitteee Asa L. Shipman. S,133 Foster, Frederic de P. to PhUip J. Sands

and ano. exrs. A. B. Sauds. 13,000 Sarae to same. i s QOO Ginnel, Hera-y to Coleridge A. Hart. 2^600 Guggeubeiraer, Randolph aud Salomon

Marx to •\\^ilUam H. Beadleston, 9,000 Giblin, Michael to Francis L. Stetson. 6.000 Hitchcock, Elizabeth U, extrx. Julius S,

Hitchcock to Elizabeth W. Hitehcock. 40 360 Hall, Daniel K, et al. exi-s. D. K, HaU to

OrvUle D. HaU. 10,000 Harbeck, Johu H, to Emma C, Fisher

extrx. Sarah Chichester. 500 Hai'heck, WiUiaiu H. to John N, Harbeck. nora Hewlett, George T. adrar. Charlotte L.

Hewlett to EUza H, Searing and Mai-y WUlets. Hempstead, L, I. 5,000

Sarae to Cai'oUne and Charlotte Hewlett. 5,000 HoUand Trust Co. to Francis M. Jeucks. uora Jacobs, Elias to Morris Mayer. 4,000 Kaufmann, Sigismund to Gottlob Guu­

ther. 3,000 Koi-n, Jacob to Theresa wffe of Leopold

Schmeidler. 30,000 Levi, Joseph C, trustee to Arthur L,

Meyer, val, consid Martens, WiUiani H, to Johu Belzer. 10,000 McCormack, Fannie to Jane J, Quiun. 4,080 Middlebrook, Frederic J., Bi'ooklyn, to

Leopold Gusthal aud ano. exrs. Edward Ridley. 18,233

Sarae to sarae. ,18,300 Same to same. 9,032 Same to M. Adele Smith and ano. tnistees

Saniuel Smith. 13.171 Minton. Sopbie E. to Peter Doelger, 13,380 MitcheU, Walter to Diua Weil, 5,000 Merriam, Hem-y E, to Maria H. Crane, nom McKiiday, Duncan C. and James B. (IJnnn

to WiUiam L. aud Tbouias Mortou aud David Brown, 3,000

Moi'i'is, Lewis to The Manufacturers' aud BuUdei-s Fu-e Ins. Co. of Kew York City.

consid. oraitted Paine, WiUis S. Supt. Bankiug Dept. to The

Manhattan Trust Co. uora Russak. Benjarain e ta l . exrs. Hem-y Har­

ris to Cbarles ^Veinberg. 13,000 Ruck, Johu M. to George RoU. 16,600 Ranch, Anna A, and JJUO. admrs. Catha­

rine WaUace to Anua M. Haimau, 2,000 Ra'yuor, George B. exr. Hiram Raynor to

Hirara M, Raynor. 14,167 Redlicb, Abraham to Maurice Gran. 3,000 Ruck, John M. to Theodore Von EUert, 3,000 Rust, Charles D, to Charles H. Ropes. 3,600 RuKicka, Alois exi-. Bertha Karples and

Julie "\ragnei- to Abrabaui Redlieh. 3,000 Scbwabe, Fanny to Hem-y A, Scha-

dowslty, 3,000 Stedman, Ernest G, to Hera-y E. Men-iara. 4,000 Snow, Fn?derick A. to Edward Winsiow. 3,000 Street Frances L. to Julia A, Lockwcod,

Long Islaud City, ncm

October 6, 1888 Record and Guide. 1209

Strauss, Charles T, to Catharine E. AgatK extrx. Fredk Agatz.

Sillick, Esther H. to Amelia S. Dunn. Same to Coleridge A, Hp.i-t, Speai-s, Joseph exr. Gondlet French to

Fredrika and Louise Probst, Trowbridge, Jaraes A. and Edwin D, trus­

tees for Jlary A, Davis to Theodore P. Trowbridge.

Trowbridge, James A. guard, for William B. TrowTjridge to George Trowbridge.

Tbe Kew York Lffe Ins. aud Trust Co. ti-ustee Catharine W, Woolsey to Tbe New York Lifo Ins. and Trust Co.

The Twenty-fourth Ward Real Estate Asso­ciation, N. Y., to Williaui H, Appleton and ano., exrs, James E. Cooley.

United States Trust Co., New York, guard, Comelius A, Otis to Cornelia A, Otis, nom

Warring, WUliam H. to 'WUUQm P. Hill. val. oonsid

Weinstein Mon-is to Jacob Rubenstein. 1,300 Weinz. Margaretha to B. Fischer Se Co, 1,000 Wolff, Lillian A. to MaryCorsa, 1,500 Woodward, Henry C, to Effe V, V, wife of

Charles H. Knox.

nom 750 750








Acor, Kate to David Thornton. Same to same. Aldrich, Spencer, New York, to Henry J.

Schenck, Kew York, Alrau-all, Josepb J, to Edward F, Patchen

adrar. Martha W. Patcben. Almirall, Joseph J. to Edward P. Patchen

trustee. Beakes, Joseph E. to Henry A. Moore. Brooklyn Mill and Lumber Co. to Sidney

G. Poole. Buck, William H, to Peter Alsgood. Bierds, WUliam H. to Bridget Donohue. Erabe, Theresa B. to Ellen and Henry Ham­

ilton. Concannon, Patrick to Alice M. La Grove. Conrady, Howard C. to Fannie M. E, En­

seU, Cooke, Jr . , WiUiam A. to Mary A, Scboon-

naaker, Cortelyou, Gerrit, Brunswick, N. J,, to

John Z, Lott, Flatbush. Doerschuch, Cbarles to George Straub. Drake, Josephine C. to Morris Fosdick, Ja­

maica, L. I. Sarae to same, Dodds, William J. to Frank H. Sieraer-

man. Erabury, Helen to Morris Fosdick. Embury, Edraund to same. Grenzoback, Henry, New Rochelle, N. Y. ,

to Morris Fosdick. Same to sarae. Hayes, VVUUam to Frank S. Bradford et al.

exrs, S. I. Hunt. Hawkins, Elias H. to Sarah H. Powell,

Kew "York. Ibert, Antbony and Martiu, Jr . , to Frank

and Theodore Ihert, Klees, Anna to Annie Klees. Kaplan, Soloraon, New York, to P, Katban

&Co. , Kew York. Keenan, Patrick to Crowell Hadden, Presi­

dent Long Islaud Bank. Lamon, Arcbibald to George J, Anderson. Lewis, Jobn A. et al. exrs. Benj, Sherman

to John A, Lewis et al. ti-ustees Cornelius L. Fowler.

Lott, Johu Z. to James -Vanderveer. Lowe, Sr., WilUam to Frank H. Tyler. McCorraick, Mai-y A. to John S. WUUam­

son. McKeon JohnS . toGeorgeD, Betts, cashier

First National Bank of Brooklyn. Sarae to same. Moriartv, Jeunie to Mary Peterson. Morse, Rena M., Salera, Mass., to Eugene

A. Curran. Moser, Martin to Magdalena Moser. Muller, Chai'les to Sebastian Hob. Meyer, Henry to Jobn W. Smith. North, Sarah E. to Howard C. Conrady, O'Brien, Edwin A. to Lorenzo D. Yates. Paddock, Annie G., Kew York, to Mary

Batschelet. PearsaU, Thoraas E. and ano. admrs, John

Apel to Mary Peterson, Peck, Andrew to Sarah G. Suydara. Pennoyer, Fannie L. wffe of WiUiara A,

late WUson to John S. MoKeou. Sarae to same. Poole, Sidney G. to Warren B, Sammis. Reilly, Jennie E. to Franklm Koehler. Scott, Rufus L. to Henry M. Needham, Self, Samuel, Hempstead, L. I., to George

H. P e n y . Same to James D. Lynch. Seedori' Lonis to Elizabeth Kai-utz, . Taber, Tbomas T. e t a l . exrs. Stephen Ta­

ber, to Thomas S. Taber, Glen Cove, L. I. The Gerraania Life Ins. Co. to Elleu E.

Power, Syracuse, N, Y, The Mechanics Bauk, Brooklyn, to WiU­

iam H. Bierds. Title Guarantee and Ti-ust Co. to Euphemia

J. Blakslee. UnderhUl, Edward C. to CroweU Hadden. Van Dolsen, Abrabara, New York, to Will­

iam H. Arnott. Van Wyck, Harriet E., New York, to

Jaraes Lynch, New York. Webster, Isaac L. to James W. Webester,

Kew York. Weeks, Thomas W, guard. Rena M. Morse

•to Rena M. Morse, Salem, Mass.

$500 500



6,638 1,200

2,000 4,000


1,.5C0 3,058


u o m

l,.50O 1,000

1,300 1,300

2,000 3,000 3,000

1,300 1,300



3,000 600


(i-50 4,000

n o m 1,500 3,600


4,000 1,000 1,037

506 n o m 1,100 1,700

650 2,-500


1,500 3,0,50

4,000 1,000 2,000 1,035 4,304

750 1,500 3,200



n o m

1,200 1,000



n o m


Wickes, WiUiara W. tmstee for Mary W. Rossiter to The City Savings Bank, Brooklyn. SOO

Sarae tosame. 800 Wiggins, Jaraes T,, New York, to John

Dclraar. 3,000

CHATTELS. For New York and Kings County Chattels see

pages 1314,1315 and 1310.

JUDGMENTS-In these lists of judgments the names alphabetically

arranged, and which are first on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. The letteriD) inrnns judg­ment for duficiency, (*) means n"l xniiininned, (+) signifies that the first name is fictiliniii. iriil name being unknown. Judgments t'lilrri-il /hiring the week, and satisfied before day of piililiriiluni. ilii iii/t appear in this column, but in list of •Siiliafii'd Judg­men ts.

HEW YORK CITY. Sept. and Oct.

Abel W A 1 29 sued as' I A C NeUis Co. . . $193 35

'I'Abel, WUIiara A I 1 Austin, Besson J—Manufacturers

and Traders Bauk 1,581 71 1 Atchison, Tbomas A—H S Marsh.. . 330 86 2 Aicher, Eugene—Eddy T Tbomas.. 138 25 3 Anderson, John R—Thomas Vernon 183 31 3 Altman, Cbarles—R J Hoguet 1,505 75 3 tbe same tbe same 1,894 93 3 the same Henry Abegg 1,197 9-3 4 Adams, Rudolph P—Leo Schlesinger 2.56 38

* i l | £ ; William H [ E S A l l e n . . , . 1.160 99 28 Brooks, James W—0etavias Knight -537 45 28 Biggs. Frank D—Abraham Steers. . 343 32 28 Beetson, Frederick W — Edward

Condon 363 76 38 Brown, Lauretta J—S H Stuart as

assignee 134 S3 28 Bacon, EUen—Herman Lewinson.,, 163 17 29 Brennan, George H—D M Koehler, 113 74 29 Bruna, J o h n - A J Ennis 735 73 20 the same-—the same 2,573 04 39 Bennett, Richard F—J W Jones . . . . 78 03 1 BuUard, Henry L—Edwin IVooley.. 37 73 1 Buttuer, William H —H S Marsh . . . 330 86 1 Brown, Sarach C—J Y Brokaw, . . . 3,5: 5 38 1 Boyd, Robert L—J Q Prebie 1,343 41 1 Berry, Charles H—F ^V Devoe 684 13 3 Baiunan, Morris—O F Finnerty 243 60 2 Butters, Henry A - J C Cady 839 82 2 Brandeuberg, Louis — H C Rich­

mond 82 85 2 Brooks, John F—Arend Stenken. , , 73 42 2 Beckel, Benjamiu—C E GUbert 139 04 2 Butler. J ay F—Bowery Nat Bankof

N Y 1,028 00

^ K S i p S V [ j B L a n g t o n 103 02

3 £ ^ ; S J A fOi-D - «^«o 3 Baker, WUliam M—Thomas Vcrnoii 183 31 3 Belt, E N—S D Styles 89 35

Rush, Myi on P j ^^ ^.^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ j ^g^g g-, 3 Becker, Jul ius^Authouy Dillman., 37 75 3 Brower, Zebulon—Emily Chai-les,.. 74 05 3 Bothweil, John R—M F Dickinson,

J r 1,093 83 3 thesame R P Lincohi 1,093 57 3 Beplat, William—E G Blakslee Mfg

Co 107 49 4 Bauer, Paul—Elizabeth Matthews.. 4-30 30 4 Brand, Gustav D—Leo Scblesfluger 255 38 5 Behrendt, Julius—S A Guggen­

heimer 98 00 5 Brenack, Richai'd G—Cbarles Un­

derhiU 349 42 5 Barnes, WilUam—C L Cobn, a.s as-

.sigiiee 85 58 r Beatty, Samuel A | W H N e u -•t'Beatty, Emily A \ scbafer 80 SO

5 Bogart, Albert — Samuel Johnson as receiver 31 00

« B ^ c r i o S " " ' 1 c J « ^ ' l f - 3 ' - " - 1 « « ' " 28 Cone, Edward P—Cbaritv Whi te . . . 673 86 28 Coben, Sarauel A—E Wtlonverse . . 168 00 28 Cardani, Ambrosia—S J Cowen, as

temporary adrai-x 1,731 16 29 Costello, John—Maria J Myers 384 19 1 Creifelds, Richard—H W Meyer. . . . 190 97 3 Cornwall, E Stanley—P J Clancy.. 168 7]

Cocks, Sarauel W ) Friedi 'ich 2 UowliBbaw, George M V p y^;^ g .^y -^

Cowlishaw, Herbert W ) , ^ -."J 3 Cohen, Nathan—C F Lawrence 493 46 2 Coben, Kopel—Asber Salwen 346 07 3 Cohen, Israel tbe same 267 64 3 Cohu, Aai'on B—J E Leaycraft 145 70

" C o r n i H e m ^ ^ ^ J S ^ - y ^ " ^ " ^ - - ' ^ ^ a Cahu, B—S D Styles 89 25 4 Callaghan, John—Jobn Haffen 410 53 5 Carter, Mary E—E W Ashley 103 43 5 CuTraingham. Joseph L — Franco-

Araerican Agency 259 50 6 Curtiss, Samuel—J H Boschen 96 39

29 Duffy, George C—WUUam Morres.. 1,6.52 09 29 Dippei, Frederick—A T, Weloh 176 01 29*Doe, John—W H Beadleston 186 86 '29 the same -A J Ennis 735 73 39 the same the same 2,573 04 ai'Dick, Adolpb E—J C, Cady ', 839 82 3 Diss, Debar E d l t h a ^ W T Ryerson.. . 254 51

2 Duffy, George C—Margaret S King.s-land

3 Duff, James C—B J Falk 3 Ducliart, Anna—W A Durbin,.costs 3 Devan tey, Joseph—Manhattan Brass

Co 3 Daly, Hugh I—WUliam Farrell 4 Davis, Lewis D—Emil Stern 4 DeitK, Francis—George Fowler .5-!*Doe, John—W S Hough, J r

39 Edwai-ds. Albert B—Jane A Colwell Of, Everson Giles | A C Nellis -'' Everson, Cbarles B. f Co 1 Enright, John J—Central Nat Bank

of C i t y N Y 1 Eunson, Eugene S—Middlesex Co

Bank 1 the same- the same 2*Engelraan, Charles Pilling — J C

Cady 2 Enright Michael F—D G Yueng­

ling, J r , Brewing Co 3 EUinger, Jobn—T G O'Counor 2 tbe same C L Weeks 3 EUer, Max F—J A Haraann 4 Evans, J K—Isaac Ross Kara

1,883 09 104 33 83 83

98 a5 1,53 06 253 51 120 11 283 7R

49 72

193 25

178 .59

920 4(1 333 4ti

829 83

396 16 390 50 444 24

.59 34 141 65 34S 32

68 96 335 15

461 05 321 49

56 92

384 08

26,673 83 80 47

101 19 259 87

68 96

87 49 37 73

433 .59 286 00 216 75 235 19

3 8 S d . ' V u i i ^ W . ! " A b r a h a m S t e e r s

29 Flatow, Richard—H Clausen & Son Brewing Co

29 Foley, John—George Blalcom 39 Fox, John—F & M Schaefer Brew­

ing Co 1 Frayue, Mary—Paul Cusbraan

Fuller, George j 1 Fuller, Horace W r W I Negus

Fuller, Cbarles D ] 1 Froehlieh, JuUuB—Conrand Herr­

mann 3 Foley John, as exr of Daniel Foley

—Elizabeth Foley 3 Fried, Louis—Asher Salwen 4 Fi-eeman, Sarauel T—N M Jones 4 Prehel, John—Elias Hartman

39 Goetting, WiUiam H—H Clauseu Se Son Brewing Co

T Gebbard, Hat t ie—Thomas KeUy costs

1 Green, E r m n L—Edwin Wooley. . . 1 Gebhard, Henry—Peter Herter 3 Gies, Franz—WilUara BIcShane (, Goodman, Ahron ( t;„_,„„i Tn.iiB ^ Goodman; Elias f^^amuel Louis,. 2 Goodman, George the same 3 Gerson, Bertha—Herrman Bachar­

ach 5,698 46 3 Gradt, Osias—Abraham Roseman,, 133 00 3 Gold, Hillic—Josiah Partridge 503 98 5 Gold, Moi'decai L—Niueteenth Ward

Bank 271 07 28 Herrmann, Charles F—Wiliiani Ed­

wards 78 00 29 Hayden, John H—W H Beadleston, 180 86

1 Hughes, W Duryee—H S Marsh, . , . 230 66 3 Hai'denherg, Jobn P, J r — 0 W

Blauvelt 239 93 2 Hutchinson, R o h e r t H — J G Gary , . 113 28 2 Hogan, Michael—J R Beecroft 76 08 2 Hearue. Charles E—Alfred Cour­

tier 69 53

^Sr:?£,jr.Sj«i^"^-«^y ^^ 3 Hunken, Diederick-Card Bischoff. 304 73

^X^ZSiS^li-sc'^- ^™s- 3 Harris, William E—H E G Luyties. 176 57 4 Hoigate, George W—Robert Pi-en-

tice 77 50 5 Hill, Stephan F—C J G Eeehan-

berg 623 68 5*Huuter, David McBirney — T B

Smart 2.614 37 5 the same G N SmaUey 4,990 84 5 Handy, Alexander F—Middlesex

Co Bank 1,370 83 5 Hubbard, Dwight L—P L Bones. . . 37 27 5 Handy, Alexander F — O g d e n

Brower 1,1.59 06 5 Hart , Edward H—Photo Gravure

Co 395 53 5-*Hart, H e n r y - C J Godfrey 499 51

29 Ihle, Affred—F & JI Schaefer Brew­ing Co 306 31

3 Jacltson, James L, J r—J L Laugh­lin costs 37 84

3 Jones, George 0—D P Dey 139 11 3 Jaiues, Edward F—J W Duryee . . . . 553 43

Jaraes, Edward F, ] individ.

Jaraes, Edward P 4 and i-TB CarroU (D) .6,961 85

Jaraes, Ella E . as exr, Edwai-d D Jaraes

28 Kent, Julia—S H Stuart as assignee 103 13 4 Keenan, Thoraas-T C HoUand 3.023 S3

28 Levyson, George—E W Converse,,. 168 00 29 Laue, Jeremiah J—G W Venable.. 353 07 29 Loos, August—C B Hewitt , . 350 32 , Loewenthal, Irwin S ( W i l l i a ra

Loewenthal, Abraham j Brummeler 074 19 1 Lynam, Thoraas E—Freeport Bank. 3.53 38 1 tbe same the sa.rae 258 98 1 Liehermuth, Abraham—Louis Stie-

fel •. 3,196 31 1 tbe same Lippman Sachs 2,196 31 1 thesarae J H Monbeimer,,. 4,05143 1 Lacrouts, Jean—C F Dnjat 5,193 93 2 Lapeuta, Guiseppe—Adolph Goet­

ting 72 £9 3 Leahy, Thomas—D M Koehler 114 72 3 Lane, James—Chai-les Cordes 44 66 3 Le-yy, Louis—C F Lawrence, 493 45

ecord and October 6,1888

3 Lyles, James H, as surviving part­ner of Lyles Sc Gilson—J R •UTiitney

S Lefevre, Alfred M—Charles Jacques 3 Lougbotham, Ei-nest^-Pulaski Beu­

jamin 4 Levy, Emanuel--Harris Bartelstoue

38 Miugay. James B—John Droban (E B Mingay, hy assign)

28 tbe samo the same 28 Mariano, Giaconio—S J Cowen, as

teinporai-y assignee 33 Morrison, Robert H—S H Stuart, as

assignee 29 Mulligan, Frauk—H D Non-is 39 Miller, James H—W H TurreU 29 Meirbacb, August—August Hechin-

39 More, David L—Louise Turner 1 Mackin, Charles—Laflin & Rand

Powder Co 1 Morrison. Benjamiu A—Central Nat

Bauk, C i t y N Y 1 Morton, Edward—I N WilUaras , 2 Maddeu, lA'illiara J—Le--vis Stein­

bardt 2 Jlecbraami, William H, Jr—W H

Mechmann, Sr 3 Milne, Alexander—Friederich Pol-

lak 2 Meuer, Abraham J—J G Miller 3 Martin. Harvy—Willard Scott. Jr . , 4 MiUs, Emma D—Martha R Powell,, 4 Mersereau, Josbna D — Matthias

Rock 4 Madigan, Micbael—Pearl Yard 4 Mills, George F—J H Garretson,, . . 5 Morris, Andrew—Josepb Beck 5 Meres, Frederick R—J W Fiske . , , 5 Meyer, Louis—Couper MiUing Co. . 5 Mahoney, Alice—J I) Mui-pby

38 McEUigott, Henry R—Nat Broad­way Bank of City New York

1 McCarthy, WUUnm J—H H Mux-low costs

1 Mackin, Chai'les—Laflin & Kand Powder Co

2-l'McColl, Johu - A B Butler 3 McCarthy, ^^illiam J—H H Muxlow 5 McDonald, Theodore F—Louis Che-

vanuey 1 Nixon, John M—J B Miller 2 Newell, Emily—H B Kirk 3 Na-wrocki, Lucji—F J GaUagbet-....

28 O'Counor, Susan—S H Stuart , as assignee

5 O'Brieu, Tbomas F—W H Beadles­ton

28 Pea-^e, WiUiam H—Gevert Wendel­ken

28 Parker, John A—Charies Miller.. 39 Piatt, Carlos W—Moreau Morris . . . 29 Post, James E—H D Norris , Prat t . WiUiani T > , f) Frphle 1 Prat t , Charles D \ •' ^ >^'^^'^^ 1 Prigge, Jobn^Chm-lcs Meyer 3 Pearce, George E—B M WaUace.... 3 PhUips, Morris — Fi-ederick Hoff

costs 3 Petchaft, Bernard, J r — Bemard

Petehaf t 5 Puunacci, Edwai'd—,/Ucon & C o — 5 Paine, Madge S^Rober t Dunlap. . . . 5 Prat t , John F—Unexcelled Fire­

works Co 1 Quaid, Catharine A — Hai-riet S.

Weaver 28 Rosenfleki, Joshua, J r — Reuben

Isaacs 29 Rice, Susan—John Von Glahn 29*Rily, Hugh-Geoi 'ge Malcom 29*Roe, Richard—W H Beadleston., , . '39 the same A J Ennis 39 the same the same

2 Robbins, Jaraes B ( j j ^ Lester . , , Rohhms, Hem-y u \

2 ROBS, WiUiara — Standard Wood Turning Co

2 Rose, Cbarles F—F W Adaras 2 Reece, Cbarles A—J C Austin g*Rogei's, Thomas P t j^^^^i, Schle'T-=l ** Rogers, Charles I , Josepn fjcnie^.i 2 Redman Joseph E—S 0 ^Vright, , , , 2 RusseU, EUzabeth—Marx Ottinger,. 3 Rosenbaek, Herman—Anthony Dill-

man 3 ReiUy, Edward—J N H Pa t r ick . , . . 3 Ryan, Edward F—D M Koehler . . . . 3 Rugan, Auna M—G H Hoeffuer ., Rosenbusch, WiUiara I Max Gold-° Rosenbusch, Hem-ietta f berger., 3 Rich, L e o n - A M Church 5 Rostzler, Valentine—Samuel Rosen­

thal 28 Saqui, Esther—Joseph Sinsheimer.. 28 Seek, John—John STiarp 28 Swfft, George F—Joseph Wechsler. 28 Stover, Edward R—James Harri-

mau 38 thesarae Isidor Levi 38 Shaw, Moses A, individ and as sur­

viving partner of Shaw & Co—F W Taylor

28 Stalder, Frederick—H Clausen & Son Brewiug Co

39 Schneider, Rudolph—C B Hewitt . . . 3 Scbraidt, John M —WiUiara Mc­

Shane • o the same

~ Siebert. Jacob 3 Sulzer. Herman—G G Knatz 3 Stone. Howard C—F W Adams . ,, 8 Suiffon, John J—H A Westcott an

fecrv f , , . . . .MM . - .

the same

1,096 34 4d5 79

3.293 41 580 69

750 29 93 S3

296 95

103 36 814 93

96 18

129 04 69 56

595 99

178 59 80 70

97 79

558 50

6,073 50 160 96 174 03 238 93

333 10 143 63 198 96 319 35

8! 00 98 77

339 00

525 76

3i 94

.595 99 39 50 37 42

133 19 2r=3 32 357 45 418 70

78 60

748 80

100 43 135 .51

35 50 314 93

!,343 41

46 34 12!^ IH

93 75

4,203 94 145 o;j 411 93

IWi 62

2,031 89

81 65 3,717 00

;;35 16 180 SO 735 72

3,.573 04

131 31

139 03 300 15

71 11

1,709 38

1,290 3,5 1,3.58 a s

27 75 600 31 108 76 108 46

895 74 136 07

697 95 161 85 105 40 454 16

3,.568 75 177 03

3,.594 00

Vi5 87 :'.)0 33

388 06 284 87 52.5 05 360 15

193 QS

Saitta, Philip S—Max Levy ^Staudi-ing, John—S R McDowell... Salter. Johu T—Central Bank of

Canada Schecker, Fiederick — M a t i l d a

Scbecker costs Schwenck, Gustave A —Theodore

Bomeisler Segal, Isaac—Asber Solweii Siff, Philip—Loius Rostowsky Sharp, Anrelius S—A H Kellogg, , , Siff, PhUip—Max Kohre Schildtt'aohter, George—Stefen Sco-

koloozky Snow, Tristam B—C R Weeks Stew-art, WilUam C — Cbarles

Jacques Shaw, James G i ^. y - . p , . Shaw. Hera-y i ^'' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ e l t , , , , Seffried, Edward V — Abendroth

Bi-o.< Stivers, George W—J F Smith Stnll, Henry—Mary E Masou Sharp, Freclerick—C J G Recheii-

berg Sehwarzler, Joseph—J M Cauda, . , Scott, AmeUa F ) . r - J ,i r -.„.-/-•„ Scott John . M i d d l e s e x Co. SeUmair, Max \ ^ ' ^ " ' ^

the sarae Ogdeu Brower Steinbardt Micbael—C H Bunn Stranskj-, Eraanuel—Leopold Rosen­

berger Smith, R Earle—0 J Stiraler Sauth, Charles E—Friedrich Pallak. Taylor, Sandford A—Charles Miller Towsend, Robert—Campbell Print­

ing Pi-ess and Mfg Co Talhuan, WUliam D i p , . Rnvlnrd

:-Tallmau, Mary \ " ^ t-.aylord, Truman, Charles M—B A Trow­

bridge, admr, &c Taylor. Kinchen R—W H Mundy., Tira, David—H C Harway ' . . . Thomas, Charles W—Jane H Roome Thompson, John F—R S Lat imer . . , Taylor, Mary E—G W Folsom, as

conunittee Terhune, C b a r l e s P - W SStough, J r The American Exhaust Carboaat-

ing Co—JC McCarty Vitrite & Luminoid Co—E P Gieson

Mfg Co 3 Tbe Soutbwesteni Lumber Co (Lira)

—Gabriel Elias 4 The Hobeustein Mfg Co—Thomas

Manning 4 Saranac Horse Nail Co—A V Bries-

sen 4 The Nippon Mercantile Co—F P

Forster 4 Tbe Ne^vton Bottle Stopper aud

Britanuia Co—W J Arnold 4 The Flemmg Cut Sole Co—J H Gar­

retson 5 The Supreme Lodge KnigbtB and

Ladies of Honor — Fritz Cfross-luanu

5 Knickerbocker Cutlery Co of N Y— Charles Boltwood

3 Ure, WiUiara H—Wilson Bohannan 5 Vai'ian, George W—Hilton Timl^er

and Lumber Co 5 Van Note, James M—T B S m a r t . . .

the .same G N Smalley West. Hera-y—John Droban (E B

Mingay by assign), the same G "W Waslee (E B

Mingay by assign) Weir, Zacbary T—Abraham Steers, Wood, .-inth-ew—WiUiam Wood Webb. ^ViUiara E—The Chatham

Nat Bank of N Y Warner, Benjarain W—H B Ki rk , . White, David S ( Edward Kelly White, Margaret G \ •' We.st, Robert, Jr—E M Travis Wiggin, Edwin R—Park Benjarain. Weir, Daniel J—Eliza N Campbell,. Wilson, Jaraes—Bela McFarnhara, . Warner, Leonard—J B Langton Wiisou, Monmouth B—F VV Devoe. Walsh, WUliam E I p , TJ, ,_„, , Walsh, Margaret T ( C A B i o w n , , , Wagner, JuUus—William Toepfer.. Williamson, Joseph T—J W Bissell.

the sarae tbe same Woolf, Soloraon — Rudolph Hoer-

mann the sajne Henry Abegg

Whiteiaw, Alexander L—ItGtcheU Vance Co

Yeandle, George W — Abrabara Steers,



28 Young, LiUan A—S H Stuar t as as­signee.

83 25 7,-573 18

1.058 16

55 75

437 43 187 37

4,051 39 75 94

1,831 98

87 00 2,837 70

425 79 216 55

36 94 966 71 403 67

523 68 4,54 11

1,370 82 1.1.59 06

344 63

168 47 305 78

6,073 50 135 51

130 62

224 41

233 07 117 SO

1.302 77 111 38 274 63

269 90 283 78

87 93

411 57

98 80

95 94

928 03

090 15

191 61

195 73

1,4.52 17

98 22 171 13

306 13 3,014 37 4,990 84

750 29

93 83 34:J 32 205 53

7,579 49 1.30 43

1,040 33

133 01 1,190 63 1,0.53 -29

100 00 103 03

83 64

389 37

73 78 91 40 9! 80

364 51 191 74

106 05

343 32

98 03

S ^ l r r n S j ^ r [SRMcDoweU. . . . 7,573 18

KINGS COCNTY. Sept. and Oct. 4 Altman, Charles—R J Hoguet $1,565 76 4 the sarae the same 1,894 93 4 thesame H Abegg 1,197 93

2'J Brandenherg, Louis—H C Richmond 83 85 29 Burke, William F—C L Franc i s . . , , 167 50

1 Belden, Alfred G—J D Gregory & Sons : . . : , . . , I,2fi0 02

2 Burck, Ernest—Knickerbocker Ice Co 141 OS

4 Branagan, Honora—C "Wisse! — ,, 33 50 4 Black, Alexandei- G—City of Brook­

lyn , . . . , . , ( . . , . 1 . . 58 31

47 35

106 67 79 07

582 51 207 23

5,101 13 0,1 S6 68

4 Brooks, Jobn F—A Stenken 73 42 4 Bauer, Paul—A V B Voorbees 549 70 4 the same EUz Matthews 420 20

Cocks, Sarauel W I nt-ocTj^n. 28 Cowlishaw, George M [ «--nas Kow-

Cowlishaw; Herbert W i ^^^ ^''^^ °^ SS-t-Cuyek, IViUiam A—F B Thurber. . 28 36 3 Court, Johu W—J W Edwards. , . 3,56 75

Cocks, Samuel W i 3 Cowlishaw, George M ^F PoUak,, 6,073 50

Cowlishaw, Hei'bert W ) 3 tbe same W D Ryde 200,848 17 4 Cooney, WiUiara J—W Ii" SneU 133 07

go Doeringer, Edward C ( F B Thur-Doeringer, Frank |' ber

39 Dugan, John A—E G Blakslee Mfg Co

1 DonnoUy, Ellen—J Hennessy

^ a t , ?!?'•'i - - - ^ ^ ^SSE'.itiStK^JBi-adish.... 1 Ellis, U r i a h - L Brandies

Elkins, Georgiana 1 , S n o w 2 Elkins, Mary C admrs -^^„. ° m?

Elldiis, George B \ ^ x i , . . (U| 3 tbe sarae——tbe sarae (D) 2 Enright, John J-^Central Nat Bauk,

Kew York 178 .59 4 EUer, Max F—J A Haraann .)9 34

38 Freeman, Saranel T—A F Kingberg (D)

29 Frazier, Stephen R—E Holraes et al. 4 Freeraan, Sarauel T—Nathalie M

Jones 4 Fallon, Stephen—G E ^Vard 4 Flick, Otis C—H Abbey

28 Gre^smau, Pine—D L Newborg a9 Godfrey, WilUam—J H Heroy 3 Gaus, C—First Nat Bauk, Brookljm.

38 Hayden, John H—IsabeUa S Hayden 38 Kennedy, Mar i an^P Haggei-ty 3 Kuntz, John—M Levy

39 Lincoln. Jonas A—Ella TredweU. .„ 4 Lvles, Jaraes H—J R Whitney 1,090 24 4 Lung, Jesse B—P L Brokaw 185 05

28 Mihie, Alexander—C Rowley 9,008 01 38 McGmn, James V—F B Thurber,, , , 04 60 38 Marks, Charles C—Isabella S Hay­

den 1,523 88 28 McCaim, Charles L —E A Mors-

cba.lk 1 Moser, Mary—J Hennessy 1 McConueU, James—P McGuigan. . . 3 Morrison, Beujamin A — Centrai

NatBauk. N Y 2 MiUer, Andi-eas—J Riegelinan 3 MiJue, Alexander—F PoUak 0,073 .50 3 Moeller, Hem-y-Firs t Kat Bauk,

Brooklyn 9-=> 77 3 MUne, Alexauder -W D Ryde 2QC.,S'l8 17 4 Mills, George F—J H Garretson 198 96

38 Nillsen, Carl—A Vau Opstal 381 48 3 Nason, James H—Grace A Povey. . 35 60 3 O'DonueU, Hugh—H Koehler 337 03

28 Plump, Eric—S E Fuller 156 33 556 i.9

685 07 387 59

101 19 77 60 53 41

183 73 30 03

130 94 1,538 88

• 5li 85 461 00

4,479 18

1.50 71 79 07

219 85

178 59 256 77

28 ^"!^' | ^ " ' ^ , A v r C H SUvia. Post, Samuel W ' 387 59 29 Post, Erama A ~ B Holmes

1 Reiuhard, Fraucis H - J D Gregory &Sons 1,300 63

3 Rose, Charles F—F W Adams 360 15

38 Smith, Chai-les E—C Rowley 9,008 01 1 Scherick, Henriette—D C Ripley,. . 105 56 3 Stewart, James W—W C Vosburgh

Mfg Co 101 31 3 Smitb. Charles E—F PoUak 6,073 50 3 Stone, Howard C—PW Adams 300 15 3 Smith, Charles E—W D Ryde 20tJ,848 17 4 Schuh, Hans—C Raichle 132 13

29 Trimian, Charles M—B A Trow-bi'idge, adim- 233 07

I, ^^!!°^^°' I'^i'l'ara D t j3 ^ Gaylord. 224 41 •^raUraan. Mary \ •'

1 Tbe St Paul, Minneapolis and Man­itoba R R Co—B Estes 572 08

1 Taggart, John—P MoGuigan 219 85 2 The admrs Geo B E lk ins -W H

Youug, exr DI 2 the s a m e — t b e same (D) 4 The Fleming Cut Sole Co—J H Gar­

retson 29 WiUiams G F P—A Dugan

1 Warsawer, Norman S—H Edwards. 1 Wade, Ellen— J Hennessy 2 Walsh, Eliza P—F SteUing q Walsh, WiUiam E i (•, ^ jiy^^y, 2 Walsh; Margaret T ( "" ^™"^°-"" 3 Walter, Ernest—W Noll

5,100 12 6,186 68

195 78 90 40 38 95 79 07 61 87

389 37

114 S3



September 20 to October 5—inclusive.

Alexander, David—John E Develin. (1883).. $88 ^4 Bentham, William—Allred Rav, It-SH) '-iOJ Si)

S a m e — s a m e . (ISSb) 4-033 31 *Biackburn. Albert—George Turnbiill. ('SSj. 3i9 f4 Carlin, John aud Mary E—Theodw e Dieter-

leu (1888) 277 IJ Siiuie Esther Goidman, il8S8) SS i "•''

Ciark, Francis A—Fire Dept Cily N "!'. ','80). biU ^0 *Cle?g. Chai'les A—W E Cramer, (1888),,.. 49.:;09 12 Cleary, William—Ulman Uoldsborough Co. _ ^

(itoS) 537 30 Same VVilliam McShane. (1888) 673 37 Same—at i f ;ppard Knapp, (1883) 1.115 i!8 Same James Flanagan, (1838) «")fi a.> Same—-Isaac Sommers. (1888) -i'O ™

De Rivera, WllUam J—Hilargaret Vassmer. (leST) 2,m0 41

FoK, Harry E—Theodora Pl9terl6n, (ISfiS),, SiT U

October 6. 1888 Record and Guide. 1211

Froehlieh, Liouel—LG Bloomingdale, ("SB). 441 31 Frohman, C h a r l e s - J F Deluiy. (IStro G,". 51 Fiti^eeralii, Marv and James—Patrick Leu-

liue, (188:)-- 1,578 n6 Hayes, Nalhau—Jolm Claflin. (1383) 2il5 48 Hovt, Johu O and John O, J r —Nathan

'F rank . (1888) 840 30 Hagei'ty, J a n i e s ~ F A Seitz. (ISSS) 109 78 lasigi, A D—W H Appleton. (ISBG) 2;!3 00 Jarboe, Jobn W aud George—Jobanna M

Jarhoe, as extrx. (1887) SIO 44 Kirby, J o h n - J u h u Vogrler. (1888) 1 0 75 Lewis, Edwin G - M a r y ARobiiison. (188^).. 4,017 03 La Montagne, Pierre—T G Thomas, (1867).. 151 58 Lubelsky, Isaae- BeujammKaplau. (I8BS)., 070 73 I^ambert, Julius J autl Simon —Benjamin

Wechsler. (1672) 205 BO Same Sigmund Alexander, llh'.it 178 20

Mayo, Gir man ie — Alexauder Gonlon, as exr, (1S8B) 1,3M 08

Mon-ice, Samuel 1 ^ 8 M Beard. (Ifc61) Siil 51 Mora, Jose M—A M Mora, (1868) 9,1)31 or. Malga, Victor—A B Furdj-. (1886) ISfi 95 McArtney, R o b e r t - C T G Chace. (1888).-.. .1^0 19 Neumann, Anton-David Neumana, (18661.. 678 32 Oil, Paint find Drug Pub Co—A C "\\'right.

(1868) 831 31 Peabody, AugustusS—J L Colby. 0883). , . . 18,fi')9 3. Prenskv. J o s e p h - J L St John. (I6SS) 373 114 Richai'ileon, Benjamin—Fire Dep't City N Y,

(13871 59 50 S ime same. (1887) 59 50

Smith, Charles T—Isaac Stern (E F O'Dwyer, assignee). (1836) 315 45

Smith, Edward—Otto Egner. (1888) ll.'^ 44 Schaller, Otto—M W Pember. (1888) 514 79

Sanie—-same, CSSO) 543 03 Seiler, E h z a b e t h - M M Ej'er, (1886) nS 67 Thorpe, Phillip—J C Freeman. (1685) 173 44 Taylor, Cathariue-Michael Brendel. (1887), 28 "T

S a r a e — s a r a e . (1385) 101 03 S a m e — s a m e . (1685) 101 til

Vau Tuvl. William T—F G Smedley. (1688). 108 80 WeOs, Abraham—Andreiv Walter. (1888),.. H,371 (-9 West, Heur>-—Edward Goodwin. (1668).... 435 53

*Vacated by order of Court. tSecured on Appeal, t Released. S Reversed. || Satisfied by Exetut iou, **D';scbai'f!:edhy going through baiiki-uptcy.

K I N G S C O U N T Y . September 28 to October 4—Inclusive,

Brandeis, LeopoH—P Schmitt. (1679) $23 24 Cohen.Henry—S Downing et al. (1688), (Exe­

cution) 767 8- Durack, Will iam—GHPluni;et t , J r , (1880). 47150 Gaus, Edward A—Mattle BRy le . (1886) 934 CO

Same same. a830) iliM 00 Harbeck, John II Harbeck, Henry Robinson. Thomas D, exrs of Harheek, Elvira

Same Miu'y Scott, (ISSS) 105 03 Same Elvira D91. (1387) 15.803 4<1 Same same. (1688) 1 Oli 33 Same MarvScott . (1337) 1.3S0 Gl Same D Barker, admr, (18S7) 1,500 80

^ a ' i C e r E r a i - d \ J B - d . .1881) 003 33 Haley, Edward—H McShane, (1S66) 609 79 McColemouut, Stewart L E—H McShane

a n d a u o . (1884) 63 12 i S r t ' P ^ . m ? ! " S J M - ' i s . (1879) 840 01 Riley, Edward—N^Ford, (1881) 151 14 Seiler, Ehzabeth—Ji Meyer, (ISSS) 88 87 Smith, M a r g a r e t - J T Gately. (1888) 164 75 Stoddard, Lucy E I Thos Martin. (1S88.1 (Sus-MulvahiU, Mary f pendedupon appeal) . iM7 SO The Abbott Brewingtf-o. I j , wiei.en (13S8) nil 39 Abbott, Warren G j -D wieuen, ijaaa). lui .la Winter, Anna F ^ T C McEacben. (1888) 304 00 Winter, Anna P, formerly Auna F Long—J

F E b e r b n g . (1888) 475 HO


D B a r k e r, admr. (1888) IG3 33

KEW YOEK t l T Y . Sept. sa Eighth av, e s, 50 s I iSth st, 35x100. Oswald

Wirz agt Frances Hart , debtor and owuci-, $80 00 E9 Ohver st. No. 76, e s, IOO n Cherr,v st, 26 .3K

100.5. Young & McLatchie age Dauiel Daly, owuer, and Miuto & McDonald, oou-t racters - 370 17

Oct, 1 Fifth av, No, 303, n e cor Slst St. Hugh

Martin agt WOham Moir, owner, aud Hugh M. Reynolds, contractor 600 00

I Fortieth st, No. 446 W., s s, w IOtb av, 25x 100. Geo, W. Odell agt John Streeter, ownerand contractor 115 00

1 Fifth av, s w cor l-SOth st, 100x1-25, J . S, and G. F. Simpson agt Jacob S. Haus­man, John Doe and Jaue Roe, owners, and Jacob S. Hausman, contractor 710 00

1 One Hundred and Thirty-niuth st. s s. 350 e Willis av, 35x100. Banigan & Blaney agt Thomas J, McCarthy, owner and con­t raeter 464 51

1 Eider av, w s, 768 s I44th st, 75x105. A. B. Johnson & (3o. ag t John J . Jloore and North N. T . Electric Light Co., reputed owners, and James Madden, contractor , , , 413 08

1 Twenty.flfth st .Nos. 215 and 317 E., n s, IcO e 3d av, 50x100. Cauda & Kane ag t Marx Rinaldo, owner, and Henry H, Amberg, contractor. 1,010 18

2 Ninth av e s, extdg from 63th to rOth st, 200.10x70, WiUiam J , Bailey ag t Sarah J. Doying, o-wner and coEtractor. (Contin­ued hy order of Conrt) 3,035 00

2 Manbattan av, n e cor l ia th st, 100x75. Mills & Amot ag t Mary A. Petti t , owner, aud William B, and Mary A, Petti t , con­tractors 8,600 00

3 One Hundred and Twenty-second st. No, 211 E , , n 5,130 e S d a v , 35x100,11. James H, McManus agt Heni-y Thau, ;)WDer, and John Kerby & Son, contractors 1,160 OO

3 Lenox av, Nos. 187 aud 189, w s, 01.11 n 119th st, 37,0x75. Margaret Sinclair agt Sarah F. Elmer, owner aud conti-actor, and Richard A, Elmer, contractor 1,.574 00

S One Hundred aud Forty-second st, n s, 150 w Willis av, 50x50. Patrick Mallou ag t Martin J . Santmier ,debtoraGd owner. , . , .i? 7.5

Fortieth st, n s, 60.11 w Tth av, a(j.!s74.iJ,. ) 3 Seventh av, No, 368, w a, 31,10 D WCh st. ^

mumu ,i

ir.o 00

350 00

713 95

CIO 00

.'lOO 00

Barron iS: EaiTou ag t Antou and Hasi -uiiliaiia Ehrmann, owners aud lesseesauU coutractors, nnd John G. Wendel, lessfU-, 13,301 00

3 One Hnnilied and Twenty-seventh st. s s, 3-30 e 3d av, G):;99.I1, Manchester & Pliil-hrick ag t Ai.n MulhoUaud, owuei' aud con­tractor 2,700 00

3 F.ightb av, e s, 25 s MSth st. 25x70. Tony Remantou agt Hard, owner ISO 05

3 First 8v, n e cor 60th st, 75x100. Adam Knapp i'.gl Blax Danziger, owner ' and Anil ill I Si-liapjiel, contractor

8 Nineti'.:.cvriUh st, s s, 150 w 8tb av, 75x100. CUailes Illiiig Hgt James McKeuna, own­er, and Ford & Weir, coiifcractoi'S

4 Oue Hundred aud Tliirty-Oftli st, Nos, 239-S3T W., n s, 300 e 3th av, 135x85. Joseph Bohner ag t P, J, McManus, owuer, and Becker iS Rosenbaeh, contractors 182 33

4 Leuox av. Kos. 167 aud 189, w s , 117s I'^Otbst, 36x65, Thoiuas J. Moore agt Richard A. Elmer, owner, aud Williaiu hiiuclaii', con­t ractor .

. Boulevard, Nos, 651-659 I ^ Ninety-second st, No, 251 W.. f ° " eoi - , . .

Joseph I, Yates agt Fredei'ick and . BoUwage, John E. Fischer and Adam Boecher, owners and conti-actors

4 First av. n e cor 60th st, 35x100. George Hoffmann ap t Max Danziger. owner; Christian Arnold and Phillipina Schappel. contractoi-s

4 Tenth av, n e cor 83th st, 100,8x100. Heni-y C. AspinwaU ag t Ellen Earle, owner and contractor; James Earle. ber agent B.3 85

4 Stanton st. No. 30, n w eor Cbrystie st, 20.3x 63.10, Owen McGinnis agt Finkelstone & Solomou, owners and contractors 1,700 00

4 Third av, Nos. 1731-1735, e s , 50 s lOOtb st, 75 XlOO. George Woehrle & Son agt George C. SrcLaugiilin, debtor, and Mary E, Mc­Laughlin, owner

4 Lenox av, Nos, 200-218, e s, ex tdg from 130tb to 131st st, abt 200x8(1- Avtbiir Bi'iais agt John P. Kane, Jacob Moi-gentbalei-, Charles Van Riper, Genrge E. Baxter, John E. Bugbee, David W. O'Neill, own­ers, ami William W. Ford and Zacbary T. Weir, coutroetors

6 Eiglity-eighth st, s s, 83,3 w 4lh av, 05x100. Elizabeth Quiun ag t Joiiu P. Thorntou, owner and contractor 600 00

5 Eighty-second st. n s, 335 w 9tli av, 7.5x100, Petei' B, Stanton ag t ,1, Edgar Leaycraft and William H. Slaft'ord, owners, and William H, Stafford, coutractor

5 Delancey st. No. 136. n s, 50 e Noi'folk st, 35 x73,0. Edward McCnnn agt A. J . Gi'ozoky, ownerand contraeter 435 00

5 Thirty-eighth st. n w cor 7ih av, 2.5x75. Cauda & Kane agt Euu], Sire & Sons, owuers, and John Ross, contractor 319 90

5 Sevtnty-secoud st, Nos. 348-250 s s, 150 e West End av, IOO ft front. Plowden Ste­vens agt Rosalie Steinbardt, owner, and Lesser Steinbardt, owopr aud contractor.. 53,135

5 Fifty-sixth st, Nos. 203-307 E., n s, 80 e 3d av, so" ft front. Baker, Smith & Co. ag t New York Maennerchor Club, oivner aud con-tractor 1,373 00

6 Oue Huudred and Fortv-eighth st, u s, 144.3 e Railroad av, 50,0x100,0. John A, Miiller agt Mrs. Hester B. Poillon, owner, and John B- Poillon, contractor 5,000 00

S Eighth av. w s, IT s 107th st, 30x100, G, L, Schuyler & Co, agt John J . Deuuis and Albert G. Dearing. owners and contractors 255 10

175 00

00 00

300 00

New YORK, Oct. 3, 1888.


G E N T L E J I E N - T h e lien filed against me on Sept. 38, by John W. McKnight, is an injustice. I gave Mr. Mc­Knight a contract for $700 to concrete my cellar; he also did some other work for ine. for which I have paid him. The cellar contract has uever been com­pleted; as a proof of it I have taken estimates from Matt Taylor and other responsible houses, who want 3700 to finish what Mi, McKnight called a completed job, and the lowest est imate for doiug so is £500. 1 shall pn t other contractors on tbe work and charge the same to his contract, and shall commence imme­diate action to compel cancellation of tlie lien and prosecute McKnight for damages tha t his defective work has caused to the machinery of my buildiug. Yours respectfully, CHAS, A, GERLACH,

KINGS COl'i\TT. Sept. 38 Bergen st, u s. 325 w Rockaway av, 50x100.

Edward Mullen ag t John H, T^irdy, own­er, and James Cathcart, contractor S37 86

38 EvergT'^en av, e s, extdg from Bleecker s t to Ralph St. 200x75. Peter Graff agt Leo­pold Michel and John H. Schiedt, owners, and Clarence Lincoln, contractor 0 35

38 Same property, John Cunningham agt same , 28 75

28 Same property, Ernest Paul or Pohl a ^ same 13 50

38 Sameproper ty . Eugene Wilcox ag t same. £T 50 38 Same property, Ghi-istian Gran ag t same, 34 00 28 Same property, J a m e s Kerrigan agt same 32 50 38 Sameproper ty , James Varley agt same , , 11 35 38 Stone av, w s, 175 n Eapelvest , 50x100. Sam­

uel Sanders agt James Martin, owner, aud B. J. Searby. contractor 60 00

39 Fifth av, w s, 50.3 n 18th st, 25x100- John McTiernan agt Mrs. J . Simons, nwner, and P, J- O'Brien, contractor 675 00

39 Sumner av, s w cor Pulaski st, lOOxJOO, Tbomas Ostick agt James and Joseph Hood 3,200 00

29 Atlantic av, n s 90,4 w Schenectady av, 35x ICO, Dannat & Fell ag t John Cboyce 603 "4

33 Bbi'gen s t ,n s, 335 w Rockaway av. 50x107.3, James Farrell agt Joim il Purdy or Pow­ers, ownei', and Jaftie.^ Catbcait, ownei',, 83 00

33 De Kalb av. Nos, 1010-1035 inclusive, n s, 1:0 w Stuyvesant av. W, (j. Pax ten & Co. agt Emma A. aud Samuel W. Post 388 00

Oct. 1 Evergi-een av, c s. extdg from Bleecker s t

to Halpb St. 3.00x7.i, William Holland ag t Leonoid Micbel end John H, Schcidt. own­ers, apd Clarsuce LincolL, coutractor . . . t6 S5

1 Same pi-opwty, Thomas Sargent agl same ST 60

1 Same propeity. Ben;iamin Barton ag t same 15 00 1 Same property, Jesse Johnson ag t same , , . EO 00 1 Fifth av, w s. 50 u 18th st, 35x100. Pati'ick

O'Hara ag t Johanna Siraon, owner, aud P, J- O'Bi'ien & Co-, contractors 200 00

1 Quincy st. n s, 33T w Ralph av. AV, G, Pax-ton & Co. ag t John Moores and C, A, Le Quesne . . . 34 50

1 Henry st. No. 140. bet Clark and Pierre­pont sts. Walter H, Wilson ag t William Wallace, owner, and Samuel H. McKewen. eonti'iictor 30 00

I Arlington av, s s, .10 w Essex st, 35x80. That­ford & Ackerman agl Johu P. Kelchei ' . . . 95 06

1 Bergeu st. u s, 326 w Rockaway av, IG,8.Y IOO. Roes O. Sidney, J r . . ag t John H. Pui-dyand Jaraes (Jathcart 4150

3 Broadway, n e cor Cornelia st, 40x100. Cbai'les E, Ring ag t iMaiT R. Woodworth, owner, Peter C. Coudit and William Lev­erich. contractors 145 15

2 Fifty-Sixth st. n s, 100 e 12th av, 40x87.6x43.2 X71.2, Geo. E, Buckley agt Frances E. and David Gilger, , . .53 50

3 Powell St, e s, 190 s Liberty av, 45x100. WOliam H, Adams ag t Eva S. PurceU, owner, and John Dresher 80 00

3 Powell St. e s, 200 s Liberty av, 35x100. Walter W, Wemyss & Co. ag t same and Clellan Trunble 35 50

3 St, Marks av, s s, 136 e Clason av, 40x100, Thonia-'i McGilligan ag t George J . Penfield, owner, and William Middleton 33 43

4 Berkeley pl. n s, 100 w Gth av, 1-35x100. William H. Bierds a ^ Stephen F, Hill aud Frederick W. Shar]), owners and con­tractors 000 00

4 Greene av, s s, 310.4 w Stuyvesant av, 4ox 100. J o h u M , Campbell ag t Ada E. and Augustus S. Bedell, Frances E. and Tbomas H. AUen 350 00

4 Eastei-n Parkway, n w cor Logan st, 20x30. Thomas Warburton ag t James Fleming. , IB 08

4 Sarae property, Jno . Crowstou agt s a m e . , 35 !W 4 Flushing av, s e cor Steuben st, 51bf]00, Al­

fred W. Simpson agt Albert H, Osborne, owuer, and George W. Evaus, contractor, 158 18

4 Reid av. e s, 77 n Gates av, 33x50. Jolm JI, Cauiphell agt Fi-ances E, and Thomas H, Allen aud Augustus S. Bedell 37100

— — — « • » •


Sept. 33 Cbristopher Et, No, 0, n s, 330 eV.'averly pl,

N. Y, Roofing Co. ag t Jobu Davidson ami Henry G. Gabay, as general assignees. (Lien filed Dec. 5, 1887) 8131 IT

Oct. JiOne Hundred aud Sixteenth st, s s, bet 4th

and Madison avs, James O'Hare to Ame­lia Stolte. (Aug, 33,1888) 3GO 00

1 Tbirty-fifth st, Kos, 147 and 151 W., n s, 300 e Tthav, 80x100, Don A, Gaylord & Co. ag t Soi'hic and Micbael Steinhardt, (Aug. 24,1888) 4,400 00

1 Same property, Bonner & Van Conrt agt Michael Stemhardt. (Aug, l-J, 1888) 1,100 CO

1 Pike Bt, No. 44, w s, 35 to 30 feet s Madisou st, 35x86, Joseph Dilzer agt Eapbael Hur-witz. (Sept, 4, 1688) 2,100 00

1 Ninety-second st, Nos, 08 and TO, s s, 135 w 4th av, ,i5 ft front. Louis Weber agt William Walker. (Aug. 3, 1863) 80 9T

1 Sixty-foui-tli St. Nos. 125-143, n s, 236 w Otb av, 165x300, Charles Franck agt Freder­ick and Charles H. BlL^s. (Aug. 3, 1866)., B32 00

1 Rivington st, No. 315. Calvin Tomkins agt Frank Merck and Solomon Gerber, (May J7. 1868) 109 00

3 Eighty-fifth st, Nos. 513-519 E„ n s, 173 e Av A, 100x103.3. Jobu Nesbit's Sons agt Louise Schneider and Henry Schaumberg. (Jnly 37, 1888) 5,393 35

2 Same property, Tnlly & O'Connell agt El! ward Loew aud Louise Schneider. lJuly3T, 1868) l,]T3 43

3 Sarae property, George Hoffmann ag t ^ame and Henry Schaumberg. (Ang, T, 1688) t ° . , : 330f0

2 Same property. Same agt same. (Aug. 3, 18881 396 00

3 Same property. Frederick Brandt ag t same, (Aug. 7,1868) 885 00

2 Eighty-fifth st, n s, t e t Avs A and B, Johu Suser ag t same. lAug, 1, 1888) 440 00

3 Same property. Kirchhof & Brown agt Louise and Mathias Schneider. (July 30, 18681 1,E05 64

2 Oue Hundred and Forty-fifth st, a s, 4 ^ e Willis av, 35x100, Charles O'Connor agt George Deschler an4 Downey Bros. (Sept. 31, 1838) : , 143 00

2+Niuetietb st, n s, 304,5 e -5th av, 51 ft. front, James J . Jones ag t David H. McAlpin, James Palmer and Sigmund Warshmg, (Aug. 22, 1688) f. 2,377 18

3 One Hundred aad Sixteenth et, s s, 90 ft. w 4th av, 100x100, Henry E. Janes agt Amelia Stolte and H, B. TUIotson. (Sept. 33,1668) ,. 463 EO

4 Pelham av, s S, 56 e Lorillard st, Owen To­her ag t Jul ia Deraerlein and Har rv HaU, (June30, 1S881 350 00

4 One Huudred and Thirteenth st, Nos. 73-77, n s , 134.6 w 4th av, 76,11x100,11. Janes & Kirtland agt Thomas P. Dunne, (Oct, 1, 1888) Of) CO

5 Ninth av, w s, 50.5 s GTih st, 60 ft, front. Wm. J . Bailey ag t Henry E, Hilher. (Oct, 2, 186S) 3,354 00

5 Morris av, e s, ab t 75 s iTEtli st. aht 50 ft, frout, Jobn Bremner agt McKenzie & Mc­Pherson. (July 7,1888),,,. S68 OS

3*0ae Hundred and Fourteenth st, s s, 93 w Pleasant av, 50 ft, front. Mason B. Dres­ser agt J a m e s Hagger ty and John Bames. (Dec, 13, 1887) 33 TO

* Discharged by depositing amount of lien and in­terest with County P.lerk,

1 Cancelled of record by order of Court on filing of bond. JDlscbarged ny order of Court,


Sep6. 38 Flcyd .'-t, Xo, MO, s 3. 183 o Tbroop av. Dan-

r a t & I-'eU ag t Mrs, B. .Mohr aud Wiliiani Ptfliipscs, (sept, J3, istj.^ ,,, gsg s

1213 Record and Guide. October 6, 1888

28 Forty-third st, s s, and n s 44th st, bet I3th «ud 13th avs, 10 houses, Frederick Sei­fried agt West Brooklyn Land and Im­provement Co. and Benson & Gllder-sJeeve, (Sept. 14, 1888.) (By order, ou fihng bond) 550 00

29 Same property. Frank D. Creamer ag t Benson & Gildei-sleeve. (Sept. 15, 1888.) (Bv deposit) 95 40

SS Sanie property. Sylvester Searing ag t same. (Sept. 19, 1(^,) (Byorder) 535 75

aa Twelfth st, s w s, 372 n w 3d av, 35x100, Wilbam H. Bierds agt Michael Kenady and Garrett Redmond. (Sept. 13, 1888) 85 00

Oct. Forty-fourth st, n s, bet 12th aud )3th avs,

, 5 houses Forty-third st, s s, bet 12th and 13th avs.

5 houses F rank D. Creamer ag t Gildersleeve & Benson, (Sept, 15, 18881, 35 40

I Quincy st, u s, 337 w Ralph av. W. G. Pax-ton & Co. agt C. A, Le Quesne aud John Moores. (Sept. 1. 1888.) (By d e p o s i t ) . . . . 34 50

1 Comelia st, -n- s, 100 s Bushwick av, lOOxlCO. •' J a cob May ag t Robt, B. MuUer and Jacob

Schwartz. (Sept, 13, 1888.) (Bydeposit .) 55 00 2 Hull st, n s, 115 -K' Bushwick av. Christiau

Siemers ag t Briggs S: Palmer aud Henry Hess. (Sept. 28, JSI S) 57 75

2 Stone av, w s, 80 s Herkimers t , 81x38. Eiik Holmgren agt Charles G. Revnolds and M. J, J , Rej-EOlds, (Aug-20.1888) 136 00

3 Oooper st, Nos. 93. 92A, 34, 116, 96A, 38 and 100. Dudley & Barry ag t George C. Card-weU. (Sept. 29) 8 CO CO

2 Herkimer st, s s, foni-th and fifth houses frora Hopliinsou av, Robert Blinn agt H, C, Baker and Bertram Fich. (Oct. 1, '88.) By deposit) 16 00

i Bushwick av, w s, 41 s Covert st. 40x100. G. F . F . Williams agt Garrit H. and John K. Garrison. (Aug. I3, 18S7) 10)00

BUILDINGS PIIOJECTED. Thefirstname isthatof the owner; ar't stands for

architect, m'nfor mason and b'r for builder,


SOUTH OF 1 4 T H S T R E E T .

Bedford st, Nos, 91 a n d 93, t w o five-story s tone f r o n t flats, »4.4x9l, t i n roofs ; cost , S20,000 e a c h ; J o h n H . H a v e n s c t a l . , .534 W e s t 51st s t ; a r ' t . E . S. To-n-nsend. P l a n 1421.

Norfo lk st . No. ISi (old No. 114), sLx-story b r i c k workshop- 2^x7.5, t i n roof; cost , *17,000; N a t h a n Coben, 2bi De lancey s t ; a r ' t , W . G r a u l . P l a n 1424.

De lancey s t . No. 314 a n d 31B, t w o flve-story b r i c k fiat.=, "24.7x89, t in roof; t o t a l cost, $3.5,000; I d a Dreye r , 339 W e s t IS th s t ; a r ' t s , R e n t z & L a n g e . F l a n 14':^7.

BETWEEN 1 4 T H AND 59TH STEEETS. 9 th a v , N o , 119, five-story b r i c k t e n e m ' t a u d

s tores , 2S,6x89, t i n r o o f ; cost . gl'J 000; "Wni, R a n ­k in , 253 W e s t 51st s t ; a r ' t , M, L. U n g r i c h . P l a n 141S,

.54th st, No . 353 W . , r e a r . one-stoi 'y b r i c k w o r k -shop . 2.5x;i3, t i n roof; cost , .?I,(100; o w ' r s a n d a r ' t s . J o b n a u d W m . W i l l i a m s , 358 West ryid st . P l a n 1435.

10th a v , Nos, 18.5-191, five-story b r i c k s t o r e . ^4 8x100, t iu roof; cost, $23,500: o w ' r a u d a r ' t , J a c o b Appel , 277 W e s t 21st st . P l a n 1431. BETWEEN 5 9 T H A N D 125TH STREETS, EAST OF

5 T H A"\T:NirE,

n S t h s-t, No, 309 a u d 311 E , , t h r ee - s to ry b r i c k a u d s t o n e dwel l 'g , 37x80. .slate a u d t i n roof; cost, «30.000; J a c o b Doll . 321 E a s t 13th s t ; a r ' t , E , W . Greiss. P l a n 1437.

'.id a v , No. 2013, flve-story b r i c k a u d s toue flat a u d s tore , 25x69, t iu roof; cost , *18j000; J o u a s W e i l e t a l . 227 E a s t (iOtb s t ; a r ' t , G. B. P e l h a m . P l a u 1429. '


a v ; a r ' t , W , B. TnthiU. P l a n 1414. 103d st, n s, 225 w 9th a v , four five-story s toue

f ron t flats, lS.<lx85, t u i r o o f s ; cost , S1S,000 e a e h ; J a s W l i a t c sey , 44 W e s t 127tb s t ; a r ' t , G. M. W a l g r o v e . P l a u 1433.

W e s t End a v , s e cor 8 l s t st, oue-s to ry s tone f r o n t

Snook & tions, P l a u 1434.


l-2t;th st, n s, 70 w 4th a v , one-s to ry f ran ie shed, 2 5 X 8 , t i n roof; cost, SlOO; Cbr i s tophe r G r a y , 178 Wi l l i s a v ; a r ' t , A . Spence. P l a n 1412,

I36th s t , 170 e Madison a v . one-s tory f ran ie sbed, 20x20, i r on roof; cost . *1.50; Cbas, O. W a r ­r e n . 115 W e s t l-35tb st . P l a n 1428,

187th St. u s, .50 e IOtb a v , two-s to ry f r a m e dweU'g . 1,5x35, t in roof; cost , §1,000; F r a n c e s S i m m o n s , '.307 E a s t I20th s t ; a r ' t . A, S p e n c e ; b ' r , M, J . San tu i i e r . P l a n 1411.

10th a v , w s, b e t 144th a n d 14.5th s t s , e i g h t five-s to ry b r i c k a u d t e r r a c o t t a flats, 25x69, co r 80; t m roofs ; cost, co r S25.000; o the r s , e ach , §18.000; W m H N i e b u h r , 410 E a s t 120tb s t ; ai-'ts, C. B a x t e r & Co, P l a u 1422.

2 3 D A N D 3 4 T H W A R D S ,

Hofeman s t . e s, 540 s P e l h a m a v , two-s to ry f r i m o dwel l 'g , 18x28, t iu roof; cost, a b t $1,800; C i a s B e n n e t t , 179tb s t aud S o u t h e r n B o u l e v a r d . Plau um.

R o c k s t , s s, 9M0 w A l b a n y P o s t road , .one - s to ry

f r a m e s tab le , 24x16, g r a v e l roof; cost, 8150; C. Keefe , u s Rock st, 150 w A l b a n y Pos t r o a d ; a r ' t a u d c'r , W . J . N o r t h r o p ; m 'n , M. K e n n e y , P l a n 1423,

134th sb, » s, 80 e S t . A u n s a v flve two-s to ry a n d basen ieu t bi-ick a n d s tone dweU'gs, 17x45, t i n roof s ; cost, ^4,000 e a c h ; H a l l Sc E n t w i s t l e , 199 A l e x a n d e r av; a r ' t , A, E . D a v i s : ra'n, K. l i a l l . P l a n 1425.

144tb st, n s, 125 e 4 th a v , t w o two-stoi-y f r a m e bu i ld ings , s tab le a n d f ac to r y , s table 15x36, f a c t o r y 50s96. t in roof s ; t o t a l cost, SS.OOO; J . F . H o n e , 8 W e s t 135th s t ; a r ' t , C. 'S tegmayer , P l a u 1420.

Boston a v , w s, a b t 200 s lOUtb s t , two-s to ry f r a m e dwel l 'g , 20x32 a u d extens ion 14.1x14,6, sh iugle roof; cost , ?4,500; Rob t , H o l d e n , T in ton a v , n e a r 167tb s t ; a r ' t , C. S, Clark , P l a u 1415.

P r o s p e c t a v , No. 1919, one-s toiT f r a m e w o r k ­shop, 15x25, t i u roof; cost, $250; Cbas . F o r b a c b , ou p remises ; a r ' t , S. Pr ice , P l a u 1419,

T i n t o n a v , w s, 184 n 161st st, t h ree - s to ry f r a m e dweU'g, 22x44.6 w i t h ex tens ion 9,4x6, t in r o o t ; cost, S2,500; Chas . F . Seelig, SSS F o r e s t a v ; a r ' t . O. A. E b b i n g h a n s . P l a n 1417.

U n i o n a v , w s, 200 s 168tb st, fou r two-s to ry f r a m e dweU'gs, ]9.r,x44,6, t i n roof s ; cost, S3,U00 e a c h ; M a r y E. M c C a r t h y , 1008 Delmonico p l ; a r ' t a u d b ' r , F , M c C a r t h y , P l a u 1413,

137th s t , s s, 150 e Wi l l i s a v , t w o four-stoi-y b r i c k a n d t e r r a c o t t a flat;, 25x(i7, t i n roof s ; cost, ?15,000 e a c b ; Lo renz G a n t z , 173d s t , ne-ar C e n t r a l a v ; a r ' t s , C. B a x t e r Sc Co. P l a u 1426,

146tb s t , s s, 125 e 3d a v , two-s to ry f ran ie w o r k ­shop, 25x20, t i n roof; cost, $350; ow'i ' , a r ' t a n d b ' r , Geo. M a n d , 146th st a n d 3d av . P l a n 1436,

149tb st, s s, 475 w C o u r t l a n d t a v , one-s tory f r a m e shed, 40x15, t i n roof; cost , §200; Michae l V e t t e r , 575 E a s t 149th s t ; a r ' t , A . Pfeiffer, P l a u 1438,

18.5tb s t , s s, 100 e ^ ' ' anderhiI t a v , s ix t w o - s t o r y f r a m e d w e l l ' g s , lf).8x32 a n d ;i2.fi. t i n roo f s : cost , §2,500 e a c b ; ow ' r , ai-'t a n d b ' r . J o h n A. K u o x , 1107 Madison av . P l a u 14;i0.

T o p p i n g st, s e co r i74th st, t w o - s t o r y f r a m e dweU'g, 20x55, sh ingle roof ; cost, S4,000; F lo rence T . A d a m s , 176th s t a n d A n t h o u y a v ; a r ' t s , Clever­don & Putze l . P l a n 14.32.

KIIVGS C O I K " . . P l a n 1801—18th st, n s, 175 w Oth a v , one tbree-

s t o r y f r a m e t enem ' t , 22x50, ii-a-icl i-oof; cost , §3,500; B. H e n d r i c k s o n , 19th s t ; ai-'t a u d b ' r , J . N . S m i t h .

1802—Pacific s t , s s, 375 e . N e v i n s s t , one t w o -s t o r y a n d b a s e m e u t b r i c k dwel l 'g , 18x40, w-ith ex tens ion , t i n roof, w o o d e u c o r n i c e ; cost, §5,000; A n u a H. B r a m i ; a r ' t a u d c'r , E . O s b o r n ; b ' r . A . S m i t b .

1803—Schenectady a v , e s, 1'24 7 s P a r k p l , t w o th ree - s to ry b r i c k s t o r a g e bui id iugs , 21.0x50, t iu roof s ; cost , e a c h §5,000; Al f red Moore , 2 l l S c h e n e c t a d y a v ; a r ' t , C. W . C o w a n ; b ' r , u o t se­lected.

1801—V^an B r u n t s t , w s, 75 n Reid s t , one t w o -s t o r y f r a m e t euem ' t , 25x-15, t iu i-oof; eost, §2,000; I. Shea , 1.50 Conover s t ; b ' r s , M. She l ley a n d J . M u r p b y ,

1805—Columbia st, e s, 41 s C e n t r e s t , oue t w o -s t o r y f ran ie dweU'g, 20x38, g r a v e l I'oof; cost , §550: J o e Borch.

ISOfi—Pacific s t , s s, 300 e A l b a n y a v , oue t tvo-s t o r y f r a m e shop, 40x20, g r a v e l roof ; cost, §400; o w ' r a n d b ' r , J o h n A , De C a m p , 1542 Pacif ic s t ; ai-'t, J . G . Glover ,

1807—Hopkinson a v , e s, 75 n S u m p t e r s t , one one-s to ry fi-ame shed, 18x25, gi-avel roof ; cost , $75; ow ' r , a r ' t a n d b ' r , Tbos. DonueUy, 281 S u m p t e r st .

1808—Greenpoint a.v, n s, 105 f rom N e w t o w n Creek, one one-s to ry f r a m e shed, 85x33, gi-avel roof; cost, §500; Cbas , A , MUler, 128 K e n t st .

1809—Stagg st, n s, 75 e L e o n a r d st, one fonr-s to ry b r i c k s tore a n d t euem ' t , 40 a n d 25x40 a n d ' i3, t iu roof a u d i ron c o r n i c e ; cost, §10,000; Char l e s S teh l in , 144 E a s t 02d st . N e w Y o r k ; a r ' t , P . W e n n e m e r ; b ' r , n o t selected,

1810—Kosciusko s t , s s, 75 e T h r o o p a v , one fon r - s to ry b r i c k teuem'ii , 29x50, t in roof, wooden co rn i ce ; cost , $7,000; E d w a r d Miu-ray, 310 K o s ­c iusko s t : a r ' t , I , D. R e y n o l d s ; b ' r , n o t selected.

1811—Jay s t , No, 247, b e i n g 25 s B a r k e r s cour t , one fonr - s to ry b r i c k t e n e m ' t . 19x50, t i n roof, t i n eo ru i ce ; cost , S4,,500; E , G. Begley, 81 L inco ln p l ; a r ' t , J . B r y a n t ; b ' r , n o t selected.

1812—Palmet to St. US, 225 w C e n t r a l a v , one t h r e e - s t o r y f r a m e (brick filled) t e u e m ' t . 25x57, t iu r o o f - c o s t , §4,200; Casp . 'V'olbardt. C e n t r a l a v , co r P a l m e t t o s t ; a r ' t , B , F inkeus ieper ,

1813—Graham a v , w s, one 35 a n d one 75 s Mese­role s t , t w o one-s tory f r a m e s tores , 18,tJx2:j, g r a v e l roof; cost , each , S600; o w ' r a u d b ' r , B. G. R. R, Co. 10 F u l t o u s t ; a r ' t , A W . Dickie .

1814—39th s t , n s, 1-35 w 7th a v , one one-s to ry f i 'ame dwel l 'g , 25x18, t t u roof; eost, §5(K); Dan ' l , McVarielc ,

1S1.5—Columbia s t , u e co r Cbui 'ch st, one one­s t o r y f rame s tore , 25x25, t iu roof; cost , §500; J o b n E y r u e s , 435 t Jo lumbia s t ; b ' r s , S p r a t t E ros .

1816—Steuben s t , e s, 1,50 u JUyi-tle a v , oue oue-s to ry f r a m e s tab le , 2-5x20. g r a v e l roof; cost, §100; P . M. B r i t t o n , 102 S t eubeu st .

1817—Jerome st, e s, 180 s D u m o n t a v , one one­s t o r y f r a m e dwel l 'g , 12x20, t i n roof ; cos t , §1.50; J a m e s KeUy, 55 C u m b e r l a n d s t ; b ' r , S. E. EUiot t ,

1818—Ralph st, s s, 66 e C e n t r a l a v , one-aud-a-ha l f - s to ry f r a m e s tab le , 12x20, t i n roof; P e t e r F i sbe r , 319 C e n t r a l av .

1819—Duryea s t , s s, 218 e E v e r g r e e n a v , one two-s to ry a n d b a s e m e n t (br ick filled) dwel l 'g , 21x 24, t i n roof; cost , §2,000; Cbas, G r o t b e r , Wiu-field st, n e a r E v e r g r e e n a v ; b ' r , Mi', Boner ,

1820—9th s t , u s, 447 w 3d av , , one thi-ee-story f r a m e t e n e m t , 25x50, t in roof ; cosfc, $6,000; S. B .

Oul ton , 188 l l t h s t ; m ' n , W y e t t : a r ' t , W . H . W i r t h .

1831—Stagg s t , n e cor B o g a r t s t , one t h r e e -s t o r y f r a m e (brick flUed) s tore a n d t enem ' t , 25x 56, t i n roof; cost, §4.800; G, E n g e l h a r d t , 368 S t a g g s t : a r ' t , F . H o l m t e r g .

1822—Bergen s t . n s, 71 e Hopk insou a v , fou r t w c - s t o r y f r a m e (brick filled) dwell 'gs , 17 a n d 18x 36, t iu roof s ; cost, t a i b , $1,000; o w ' r a n d a r ' t , F r e d ' k D h u y , J r . , 30;) M c D o n o n g b st,

1823—Bushwickav , w s , 20 u P i l l i ng st, t h r e e two-s to ry a u d b a s e m e u t f r a m e dwel l 'gs . 16.8x34, g r a v e l roofs ; cost, each , §2,300; Joseph H o p k i n s ,

i824~-39th st, s s, 100 e Sth a v . o r e t w o s t o r y f r a m e dwel l 'g , 17x28, t i u roof ; cost . $9T5; Mrs . M. F a r b r o t b e r ; b ' r s , J , B , & H , Lenton ,

182.5^—Flushiug a v , s s, 50 e B e a v e r st, oue one­s t o r y f r a m e s tao le , 16x24, t i u roof; cost , S150; M a r t i n K n o o p , 813 F l u s h i u g av ,

1826—Eagle st, s s, 650 e P r o v o s t st a n d SO s of E a g l e st, oue oue-s tory f r a m e shed, 200x.5O, gi-avel roof; cost, §1,200; N e w Y o r k C e d a r W a r e Co, , foot E a r f e s t ; b ' r s , G. H e n k e l & Son.

1 8 2 / — P u t n a m a v , s s, 78 w B r o a d w a y , fou r t b ree - s to ry b r i c k t enem ' t s , 19x4.5, t i u roofs , w o o d e n corn ices ; cost, e a c b , $4,000; ow ' r , a r ' t a n d b ' r , J , W . L a m b , 32 Bushwic l : a v ,

1828—St, M a r k s a v , u s, 300 e U t i c a a v , one th ree - s to ry f r a m e (briek fiUed) t e n e m ' t , 25x,54, t iu roof; cost , §4,000; T. K n a p p , 1553 St . Mai-ks pl .

1829—Atlaut ic a v , u s, 80 w N o r w o o d a v . one one-story f r a m e sbed, 18x100, fe l t roof; cost §150; H a m p t o n & C r e v l e r i n g , A r l i n g t o n a v , cor W a r ­wick St.

1830—9th st, s s. 350 w 2d a v , one-s torv f r a m e sbed, 25x40, g r a v e l roof ; cost, §300; C. Mul le r , ou p r e m i s e s ; B . P , Giber t son .

1831—Hart st, Nos. 52-56, 274 w M a r c y a v , t h r e e two-aud-oue-ha l f - s tory a n d b a s e m e n t b r o w u stoue dwel l 'gs , 19x40, t i n roof, wooden c o r n e r s ; cost, a b t §0,001) e a e h ; o w ' r a n d b ' r , J o h n P a r k e r , 58 H a r t s t ; a r ' t , J . W . P a r k e r .

1832—Central a v , n e co r P a l m e t t o s t , oue th ree - s to ry f r a m e (brick fllled) s to re a n d t e n e m ' t , 25x55; t i n roof; cost $5,500; ow ' r , a r ' t a u d b ' r , Char les W e i c b e r , 73 G r o v e st .

l S 3 3 _ B e r g e n s t . No . 737, u s, 80 w W a s h ­i n g t o n a v , one oue-stoi-y b r i c k shop, 25 a u d 22x49 a u d 62; t i n roof, wooden co rn i ce ; cost , SSOO; o w ' r a u d b ' r , Leonai 'd Bros . , 735 B e r g e u s t ; a r ' t , W , M, Coots.

1831—Hancock s t , Nos . 684 a n d 686, 321,6 e E e i d a v , t w o two-stoi-y b r i e k dwel l 'gs . 18x55; t i u roofs, wooden c o r n e r s ; cost, e ach , §4,000; o w ' r , a r ' t a n d b ' r , Chas . L. Pash ley , 63 P a l m e t t o s t ,

183-5—Van Co t t a v , s s, a b t 100 e M a n h a t t a n a v , one oue-s tory f r a m e s tore house, 50x72; t in roof; cost, §1,700; J , To t t eu , G r a n d s t , cor. D r i g g s s t ; a r ' t . B. F inkens i epe r ; b ' r , S, M. Weekes .

1836—Himrod s t , s s, 80 w E v e r g r e e n a v , o n e thi-ee-story f r a m e (brick filled) tenera ' t , 20x55, t i u r o o f - c o s t . $4,800; o w ' r a n d b ' r , Cbar l e s H a n ­son, 55 H i m r o d s t ; a r ' t , T b , Eugelhai -d t .

18:i7—Charles pl , e s, 150 u Myi-tle s t , one one­s t o r y f r a m e s tab le , 25x00, g r a v e l roof; eost , §1,000; P . L a u z e r 40 S u y d a m s t ; a r ' t , T h E n ­g e l h a r d t . b ' r . M. Metzen.

1 8 3 8 - G r o v e st, n s, 210 w St , Nicbo ias a v . fou r two-s to ry a n d b a s e m e u t f r a m e (brick filled) dwel l ' g . 20X.50. t i n r o o f : cos t , t o t a l , §15,000; o w ' r a n d b ' r . Roede r . WyckofE a v , co r M y r t l e a v ; a r ' t , Th . E n g e l h a r d t ,

1839—Weldon s t , n s, 175 w Crescent s t , one one-.story f r a m e shop, 20x13, t i u roof; cost, . ^ 0 ; W m . G. Osborn , on premises .

1840—Bleecker st, s s, 250 e I r v i n g a v , one oue-s t o r y f r a m e dwel l 'g , 20x25, g r a v e l i-oof: cost , §400; L. a n d E l iza Mil ler , 398 R a l p h s t ; b ' r , J , L. Sweeney .

1841—McDonough s t , n s. 76 w Lewis a v , one thi-ee-story a n d basemenb brovi-u s tone dweU'g , 19x45, t in roof, w o o d e n co rn i ce ; cost, §8,000; George P , Pentecos t , 123 M c D o n o u g h s t ; a r ' t , J , C, M o u o b a u ; b ' r , E, J . G r a n g e r .

1 8 4 2 - A s b f i r d s t , w s, 150 s Ai-l ington a v , one two-s to ry aud a t t i c (br ick filled) dwcU'g, 22x31, t i n roof; cost, §2.600; Chas , O, F a b e r , Bai-bey s t , n e a r F u l t o u a v ; a r ' t , C. I n f a n g e r ; b ' r , n o t se­lected.

1 8 4 3 - M o n i t o r st, e s, 163,3 s V a n Co t t a v , one two-s to ry f r a m e (brick filled) dwe l l ' g , 20x32, g r a v e l roof; cost, §1,800; A l b e r t Spindles , 529 L e o u a r d s t ; a r ' t , F r , W e b e r ; b ' r , n o t selected,

1844—Norman a v , s s, 41.8 e NeweU st , o n e th ree - s to ry fi-ame (brick filled) t ene ra ' t , 33.4X-19.6, g r a v e l roof; cost , §(),000; Char l e s Cros.ieau, Nor­m a u a v , s e cor Newel s t ; a r ' t , F . IVeher ; b'l-, J . F a l l o o .

1845—Gates a v , n s, 198 e L e w i s a v , t w o four-s t o r y b r i c k s to res a n d t e n e m ' t s , 26x65, t in roofs, i r on c o r m c e s ; cost, e a c b , $11,000; W i n . H . H . Glover , 794 Q u i n c y s t ; a i - t , F . W e b e r ; b ' r , u o t selected.

1 8 4 6 - W a l l a b o u t s t , s s, 4,50 e Bedford a v , one tb ree - s to ry f r a m e (brick fiUed) shop , 25x00, t in roof ; cost, $1,000; o w ' r a n d b ' r , J o l m B r e n n a n , 102 H e y w a r d s t ; a r ' t s , D, A c k e r & Son.

1847—37tb s t , 11 s, 275 e 3d a v , oue tbree-s tory f r a m e (brick filled) t e u e m ' t , 20x38, t i u roof; cost , §2,500; C a t h e r i u e S v e n t e n , 63 37th s t ; a r ' t , A . Sven ten ,

1848—Leouard st, e s,. 1S5 n Meserole s t , one t h r e e - s t o r y f r a m e (brick filled) s to re a n d t e u e m ' t . 25X.55, t i n r o o f ; cost. §4,800: J . Spor , 1S7 L e o u a r d s t ; a r ' t , F . H o h u h e r g ; b ' r . no t selected.

1 8 4 9 - C l a s o n a v e s, 90 n M y r t l e a v , one fouT-st i i ry b r i c k t enem ' t , 25x73, t in rcof, i rou co rn i ce ; cost, §10,000; L, Ai-eusberg, 154 M y r t l e a v ; T. F . H o u g h t o n ; b ' r s , J . D. A n d r e w s Sous a n d Dan l . Boyle .

1850—Penn st, No . 203, s s, 281.6 w Hai-r ison

Record and Guide. av . one fonr-s tory b r o w n s tone t e n e m ' t , 20.2x60.4, t iu roof, i r on corn ice ; cost, §10,000; ow ' r s . ai-'ts a u d b ' r s , Geo, L e b r i a n ' s Sons , 2613 P e n u st.

1851—Hudsou a v . Nos. 368 a u d 370, w s 130 s Myi-tle a v , t w o fom--story b r i c k t enem ' t s , 25x5S, g r a v e l roo' 's , wooden a n d b r i c k co rn ices ; cost , eacb, §8,000; A, L e v y . 258 H u d s o n a v ; a r ' t , J . G, Glove r ; m ' n . u o t selected; c 'r , A. Sbepper .

1852—Bedtord a v , w s, 25 s N o r t b l l t h st, one one-story f r a m e s m i t h s shop, 2-5x75, t i n roof ; cost , §760; J a m e s H a b e r s h a m , 181 N o r t h 3 d s t ; a r ' t , A , H e r b e r t ; b ' r , J . Roster ,

ALTERATIONS NEW YORK CITl. P i a n 18.5-2—Stb a v , No. 351, in ter ioi ' al tei-at ions,

wal ls a l t e r e d ; cost, §,500; W m . E . K e y e s , ex r . , 10(17 Madison a v ; ai-'t, F . Diaper .

1853—Sth a v , No. 202, wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost, §750; W, W . Stephoii-=:on, 20li C l e n n o n t a v , B r o o k l y n ; a r ' t , J , B. L o r d ; iii'tis, McCabe Bros . ;'c'i-s, J e a n s Sc Tay lo r .

1S54—lllth s t . No- .520 E-, wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost, §250; J u l i a Duns te r , on p remises ; a r ' t a u d m 'u , W , M c G r a t b ; c 'r , M, E, Duuster -

1855—14tb s t . No. 35 W , , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , §135; W . J . Demores t , 31 Ea.st ,57th s t ; a r ' t , C. B. J . S n y d e r .

1856—15ltb st, No, 623 E . , ra ise one s to ry , a lso in t e r io r a l t e r a t i o n s ; cost, §700; Andi ' ew M a u r e r , 101 W e s t 52d s t ; a r ' t , W . Kusche .

1857—I33d st, No, 209 W , , ra ise one s t o r y ; cost , §2,300; Diedr ich S c h m i d t , on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , S. W , Y a t e s ; b ' r , H . G e t t y .

18.58—Greenwich st . No. 846, one-s tory b r i c k ex tens ion , 16.7x12.3, t in roof; H , G. M o h l m a n , 15 V a n Ness p l ; a r ' t , S. W . Y a t e s ; b ' r , H , Ge t ty ,

1859—10th st, No. 448 E . , i u t e r io r a l t e r a t i o n s ; cost, §300; A d o l p b Moonelis, 123 E a s t SOths t ; a r ' t , L . F . H e i n e c k e ; c 'r . F . Miller .

1860—32d st, No . 29 E . , oue-s tory b r i c k e x t e n ­sion, 25x51.SJ^i also i u t e r i o r a l t e r a t i o n s , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost. §15,000; Gro l ie r C lub , 64 Madisou a v ; a r ' t s , C, W. R o m e y n & Co . ; m 'u , R. L, Dar ­r a g h ; c 'r , W . Germond ,

1861—1st a v , Nos. 939-<.Ml, waUs a l t e r e d ; cost, - — - ; W m . Leeke r ing , 143 E a s t 60th s t ; cV, H . Wi lkens .

1863—3d a v , No, 3721, r a i se one s to ry , also oue-s t o r y f r a m e extens ion I7x36 ; t in roof ;cos t , §3.000; R o b ' t C r a w f o r d , D u n b a m , G r e e n e Co., N . Y . ; a r ' t s , A r c t a n d e r Se Meyer .

1863—3d a v . No, 2858, waUs a l t e r e d ; cost, §450; A u g u s t B r i n c k m a n , ou p remises ; a r ' t , H , Siller.

1864—Uth st. No . 356 W , , four - s to ry b r i c k ex­tensiou, 17.6x9 a u d 16, t i n roof; also i n t e r i o r a l t e r ­a t ions , w a l l s a l t e r e d ; cost, $5,(100; Pb iUp Kis sam, 324 Wes t 45th s t ; a r ' t , F . H. K i m b a U .

1865-62d st, No, 100 E . , oue-s tory f r a m e ex­tension, 12,9x6.6; t i n roof; a lso in t e r io r a l t e r a ­t ions ; cost, §300; R. S te iuecke , on p remises ; a r ' t s , H. J . E h r i i a r d t & Co,

1806—42d st. No . 212 W . , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , $-300; Rose H y m a n , ou p remises ; a r ' t , Geo. B. P e l b a m .

1867—Coi-tlaudt st . No. 70, ra ise ex tens iou t h r e e stories, also wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , a b t S3,5(XI; ag ' t , C. Wol fe , 145 B r o a d w a y ; a r ' t , J , A . L i e a a u .

1S6S—117th st, 11 s, 44S e A v A , one-s tory b r i c k extens ion, .50x100; t i n roof; cost , §10,000; R, H. WolfE Sc Co, (Lim.), 118th s t a n d H a r l e m R i v e r ; a r ' t s , B u c h m a n Se Deisler.

1869—RaUroad a v , No. 884, one-s to ry f r a m e extens ion, 13,8x15; t i u roof; cost, Sl ,200; Ca ro ­l ine MuUer, 548 E a s t i5Sth s t ; a r ' t , J , W , L a Bau,

1870—.58tb st, No . 338 W . , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , $300; W m . Lovel l , 31 W e s t a3d s t ; b ' r , E , Smi th ,

1871—Duane st . No. 139, a n d Nos. 62-66 T h o m a s st, i n t e r io r a l t e r a t i o n s ; cost, $3-50; J e s s e W . P o w -ers, 34 M o u n t Mor r i s av .

1872—Broad st, Nos. 12-16, wa l l s a l t e r e d ; cost , §500; a g ' t a n d b ' r , R. L, D a r r a g h , 1539 B r o a d ­w a y .

1 8 7 3 - 2 3 d st, No. 6 4 W . , p u t iu passenge r ele­v a t o r ; cost, §2,500; rece iver , J o h n T, Wi iaon , 5 P a r k av .

1874—37th st . No . 6 6 W . , i n t e r i o r a l t e r a t i ons , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , $iiOO; H e n r y F . Dimock , ou premises ; a r ' t s , P e a b o d y & S t e a m s ; c ' rs , Mor ton Se Chesley.

1875—Kutger pl , No . 31 , a l t e r roof, also r e m o v e ex tens iou ; cost, §1,500; I s a a c Wolf,'.iSO Madison s t ; a r ' t s , H e r t e r Bros.

1876—163d st, n s, 400 e 3d a v , r a i se 5 feet , also a l t e r founda t ion wa l l s ; cost, §250; T h e S e h n o r e r Club, o n p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , A . Pteiffei ' ,

1877—142d s t , n s, 160 e R i d e r a v , ra ise one s tory , also tb ree - s to ry f r a m e extens ion, 20x15, t iu roof; cost, $1,300; M a r y McConnel l , 493 E a s t 142d s t ; a r ' t , A . Pfeiffer.

1878—Intervale a v , e s, 90 u Westcbe-ster a v , ra ise 5 fee t ; cost, §100; J a c o b Ziusmets te r , 2000 Wes t ches t e r a v ; a r ' t , A . Pfeiffer.

1879—Rutger st, n e cor W a t e r s t , i n t e r io r a l te r ­a t i o n s ; cost, §4,000; H e n r y C h u r c h , 151 E a s t filst s t ; a r ' t . F . Ebe l ing .

18S0—1st a v . No- 583, fonr - s to ry b r i c k ex ten­sion, 21x87, t i n roof; cost , ; H e n r y S. O'Brien, 59 L i b e r t y st,

1881—Joues st, No, 8, ra ise one s to ry , also t w o -s to ry b r i c k ex tens iou , 38.6x22, t iu roof; cost , $1,8IJ0; J , W, Dimick , 31 Madisou a v ; a r ' t , Ja.s. Hendei ' son; m ' u s a n d e'rs, M. A. R y a u & Eros .

1882—Prospect a v , No. 1064, wal l s a l t e r e d ; co.5t, §1,50; E . J . O 'Connor , ou premises : m ' u s , P . McGowau Se Son.

18S3—Ist a v , No- 356, i n t e r u a l a l t e r a t i o n s , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , §150; B e r n a r d E a r l e , Hicksvi l le ,

, ^ r , i^*^^* '^ ^ ^ ' s ^ <^oi' 56th st, wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , $900; E w e n M c l n t y r e , 34 W e s t 18th i t .

1885—Perry st . No . 116, r a i se one stoi-y. also in­t e r n a l a l t e r a t i o n s ; cost, a b t $1,000; Heni-y Car-lough , o n p r e m i s e s ; ai ' ' t , R. B e r g e r ; e 'r , J . New­m a n ,

1SS6—3d a v . No. 2592, i n t e r n a l a l t e r a t i ons , cost, S500; M a r y C, Steele , on p remises ; a r ' t s , A r c t a n d e r Se Meyer ,

1887—12.5tb s t , No. 207 E . , one-s tory b r i c k ex­tension, 17x16, t iu roof; eost, $400; J o h u H. F r e d r i c k , on p remises ; b ' r , T. Dieterleu.-

1888—;id a v , No. 1654, i n t e r u a l a l t e r a t i o n s ; cost, §800; J a s . J . Rei l ly , E a v e n s w o o d , N . Y , ; b ' r , E , S m i t h .

1889—Willett st . No . 24, i n t e r n a l a l t e r a t i ons , wal l s a l t e r e d : cost, §800; H a r r i s Boskey a n d S i m o n F i n e . 185 H e n r y s t ; a r ' t , F . Ebe l ing .

1890-92d t o 93d st, 200 w 2d a v . iutei-nal a l t e r ­a t ions , wal l s a l t e r e d ; cost , §1,500; Geo. E b e r t , s e cor 94th s t a n d 9th a v ; a r ' t s , t o o k Se R a d l e y .

1891—3d a v , s e cor H t h st, oue-s tory b r i c k ex­tensiou, llx-2.5, t i n roof; cost, §900; J o b n F , H e i n ­bockel , 57 Berke ley p i , B r o o k l y n ; a r ' t , B. W a i -ther-

1892—134tb s t . No . 4 E . , wal ls a l t e r e d ; cost, §120; J a s . E v e r a r d , W o r t h H o u s e ; a r ' t , E . Mal ­lou.

1S93—Mouroe s t . No. 86 wal l s a l t e r e d ; cos t , §1.200; D. I, K a n e , 48 E a s t 136tb s t ; a r ' t . F , W a n d e l t .


P l a n 1014—Weldon s t , n s. 200 w Crescent s t , one-s to ry f r a m e ex tens iou , 13x13, t i n roof; cost, $120; ow ' r a n d b ' r , W , G. Osborn , on premises ,

1015—Marion st . No, 377, one-s tory w o o d e u ex­tension, 14x5, t i n roof; cost , §100; Mrs, J , Mc­Cour t , on p r e m i s e s ; b ' r , P , Modesto.

1016—"Washington a v . No . 506, m a n s a r d ou ex­tension, a lso t b ree - s to ry b r i c k extens iou, oc tagon , 13x6, s la te a u d t i n m a n s a r d roof: cost , $4,500; A, J . Cu lve r , 16 C o u r t s t ; a r ' t , M. T h o m a s ; b ' r , J , T h a t c h e r and E , S, B o y d & Son,

1(117-Greeupoi i i t a v , No, 198, a d d t w o s tor ies t o ex t ens ion ; cost, §400; ow ' r s a n d b ' r s . S w a n & H a m i l t o u , o n p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , J . F , Conlou,

1018—Seigel s t . No, 23, a d d oue s to ry t o ex ten­s ion; cos t , §200; Mr, Feeker , ou premises ,

1019—-McDonough st, No, 41 , ra i sed on b r i c k w a l l ; cost. §1.50; M. G i i t m a n , on p remises ; b ' r , E. Su t t e r i in .

1020—Kaue pl . No . 13, two-s to ry br^ck ex ten­sion, 14x16, t i n roof; cost , $460; M. H a e c k e r , 919 H e r k i m e r s t ; b ' r s , C. B a u r a n d G o r d a n Sc Bor­m a n n ,

1021—Hancock st, n s, 100 e H o w a r d a v , exca­v a t e cel lar , bu i ld s toue f o u n d a t i o n ; cost , §150; H e n r y A. Nolan , 679 H a n c o c k st .

1022—Halsey s t , No. M5i,V, one-s tory b r i c k ex­tension, 16.8x9, t iu roof; cost , §.500; K e a t Jones , 228 S c h e r m e r h o m s t ; a r ' t , J . B a k e r ; h ' r , S. Ben­ne t t .

lOS;!—McKibben st . No, 145, ex tens ion widened 1 foo t ; cost, §300; Mr. R o t b h a r d t , on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , Th , E n g e l h a r d t ; b ' r , C. Bo t t s ,

1024—Clasou a v , No, 399, oue-s tory b r i c k e x t e n ­sion, 30x8, t i n roof; cost, §750; H a v i l a u d & Sons , 399 Clason a v ; b ' r , C. K i n g .

1025—Locust st, s w cor B e a v e r st, one-s tory f r a m e ex tens ion , 13x14, t i n roof; cost , $200; Cbar les Be ton , on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , G. H i l l e n b r a n d ; b ' r , H , S c h u m a u n ,

1026—Rush st, s s, 100 e E e u t a v a d d oue s to ry , g r a v e l roof; cost, §2,500; P , M o l l e n h a u r , R u s h s t , co r K e n t a v ; a r ' t , "VV. H , G a y l o r ; b'l-s, T. Gib ­bons and L a n g e r Bros ,

1027—De K a l b a v , s w cor A d e l p h i st, f r o n t a l ­t e r a t i o n s ; cost , §500; P h . Cor re l l ; b ' r , W . Z a n g .

1028—Lorimer st, No, .563. t w o - s t o r y a n d base­m e u t f r a m e exteus ion, 8x12.6, gi-avel roof; cost, $475; Mrs . A . Amel i , on p remises ; a r ' t . S. W . R a n d a l l .

1039—South 3d st, No . 75, t h r ee - s to ry a u d b a s e m e n t b r i c k ex teus ion , 32x13, t iu roof; cost . §1,500; Chr is . Gooszen. ou p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , A . H e r ­b e r t ; b ' i \ n o t selected.

1030—Broadway. No. 583, two-s to ry f r a m e ex­tensiou, 33x31, t m roof, woodeu co rn i ce ; cost , $1,300; H , H o t f m a n . o n p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , G. HiUeu-b r a n d ; b ' r , J , Aue r .

1031—Jefferson a v , No. 313, one-s to ry b r i c k ex­teusion, 8x8.6, t i n roof; cost, §150; A. S c h w a r t z , on p remises ; a r ' t a u d b ' r , J . jPowell.


Schedule of assets and liabihties flled for two weeks ending Oeloher 5:

Nominal Real Liabilities, Assets. Assets.

Bruce& Owen S4,312 $3,008 §1,1% Colyer & Judson 7..'a3 6,524 3,*» Luad, Peter W 085 d-20 ITT Moses, Ahraham a,3T(j 6,T83 1,854 O'Connell, Wra fi,313 3,.'>H3 3,535 Oliver Bros 19,504 2a,7M 13,364 Thome, Can-oU & Co (IT,074 9ij, 06 75.384 Weinberg, Morris, , , , 5,610 1,000 1. 0

N. Y. A SSI QNM BNTS—BENEFIT CREDITORS* Oct. ] Collins, Joseph, Jr. , and Charles C. Marsh (fhm

Chailes 0 . Marsh .S, (Jo,, bankers aud brokers, 15 ISroad s t | to tieorge H. Adams.

I Sarae to sarae. 1 Sackett, James H. to Job E. Hedges, 4 Lacrouts, Jean (dealer in wines, liguoi's and gro­

ceries, 19 Greeuwich av) to Louis Mathot. 4 Keed, Marvin T, (individ, aud surviving j jartner of

McFadden & Reed, importer ot glass, 05 Warren st) lo Leouard S. Howard,

5 Moore, Wiiiiam R, and Arthur T, ((ii-ra Moore Bros., h tmher s st) to Stephen Lane, J r ,


AFFECTING REAL ESTATE. * Under the differeut headings indicates t ha t a reso­

lution has been introduced and referred to the appro­priate committee, + Indicates tha t the resolution has passed and has been seut to the Mayor for approval, I Passed over the Mayor's veto.

N E W YORK, Oct, 3,1888,


East 148th st, bet 3d and Courtlandt avs, a t expense of owners,*

119th st, from 8th to Manhattan av, with granite blocks,*

130th st, from Sth to Manhattan av, with grani te blocks.*

PBKCING VACANT LOTS, 86th st, both sides, frora 8th av to Eivei-side Drive,

where not already done,*

APPROVED PAPERS, Resolutions passed by the Board of Aldermen call­

ing for the following improvements have been sigije<i by the Mayor for the week ending Sept, SD, 1888. *rn-dicates tha t the Mayor neitberapproved norobjecfed thereto, therefore the same became adopted.


Av St. Nicholas, a t n s of 138th st. Av St, Nicholas, a t s a of 155th st. Westei'n Boulevard, a t n s of 82(1 st. Western Boulevard, a t n s of S-Sd st.

B R O O K L Y N B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . BROOKLYN, Oct, 1.188S.


Middleton st, from Lee av to Wallabout s t , t Lexington av, from Reid lo Patchen av I . yoraers st, from Stone av to Broadway f Snydam st, from Knickerbocker to Haraburg av ) Harabucg av. from Myrtle av te Suydam st. J- +

a t owners' expense, ) Jacob st, from Evei'greeu to Central av. a t ownci-s"

expense.t Nortii Tth st, from Havemeyer st te Union av, a t

owners' expense,-I Carroll st, from Frankliu av to 180 feet east therefrom.

a t expense of L, Fitzpatrick.+ Sackman st, frora Broadway to Jaraaica av.l Covert st, from Bnshwick to Central av,l


Wallabout st, from Clasou te Marcy av.t Duryea st, het Bushwick aud Central avs. I a t owner's Hull st, het Broad iiay aud Bnshwick avs. f expeaseit Sackett st, bet 4th and ,Wh avs, and to request Metro­

politan Gas Co, to lay mains, Douglass st, het Brooklyn and Kingsten avs, ) Butler st, bet Brooklyn and Kingston avs, - t Kingston av, bet Butler aud Douglass sts. ) Quiucy st, bet Patchen and Ralph avs.*


Vanderveer st, bet Broadway and Buahwick av, a t owner's expense.t

Hamburg av, from Elm st to De Kalb av ) a t owners ' n a m b u r g av, from Myi'tle to tinydara st i" expense, t Cook st, bet Bushwick av and White st 1 Boei-ura st, het Old Bushwick road and 1 a t o w n e r s '

White st r expense,!-Whitest , from Boerum s t t o Johnson avJ Hamilton av, from Clinton to Smith st . t Pacific St, frora Troy te Bcbenectady av. t

BASINS OR ClILVEBTS, Rock st, s w cor Morgan av \ Comelia st, s e cor Central av Tompkins av, n e cor Flushing av Broadway, n w cor Lexington av Stanhope st, n w cor Wyckoff av Bayard st, n e cor Union av Macon st, n e cor Tbroop av JefEerson av, u e and n w cor Tompkins av Macon st, n e cor Suinnej- av Stanhope st, s e cor Knickerbocker av J North l l t h st, n w cor Union av I , Devoe st, n w cor Ewen st f'' North 10th st, n e cor Roebling st . t


Halsey st, n s, bet Reid and Patchen avs. | Pulaski st, s s, bet Sumner and Lewis avs. ( ' Halsey st, s s, e of Nostraud av.t Driggs st, n w cor North 5tli s t . t Huniboldt st, e s, het Meserole st and Montrose av. t South Tth st, s s, het Wythe av and Berty st . t Reid av, w s, bet Macon and McDonough sts . t Bradford st, bet Fulton and Arlington avs.-f Van Dyke st, n s, bet Kicliards and Van Brunt sts, I . Kiug st, s s, bet Ferris and Conover sts, f ' Grand av, e s, bet Myrtle and Wiilougbhy avs. t Halsey st, s s, bet Sumner aod Lewis avs.t Nostrand av, bet De Kalb av and Pulaski st.*

CROSSWALKS, Manhattan av. s s Nassau av. t Grand av, s s Pu tuam av; repaired.t


Myrtle av, s w eor Throop av. t Pulaski st, n s, bet Sumner and Lewis avs. | Madison st, n s, bet Ttiroop and Sumner avs. f '' Clason av, e s, bet Clifton pl and Lafayette av. t Grand av, e s, het Pacific and Dean sts . t Nelson st, n s, bet Columhia and Hicks sts. I . Columhia st. e s, bet Luquer and Nelson sts, f Halsey st, s s, bet Sumner and Lewis avs.t Lynch st, near Lee av.*

ELECTRIC LIGHTS, Lee av. s w cor Clymer st . t Livingston st, n s, bet Com-t st and Eoerura pl.t Red Hook lane, bet Fulten and Livingston Sts.t North 3d st, bet Kent av and Berry st . t Washington st. from East River to Sands st . t Front st, het Hudsou av and Fulton st. [. Navy st, cor York st. i ' Public School No. 18, iu front of.t Nassau st, s w cor Washington s t . t



Oct. Av A, Nos. 38 and 30, e s, 88.G s 3d st, 44x130, five

and three-Story brick Assembly Rooms, by R, V. Harnet t . (Amt due $43,044) g

50th s t No, 64, S s, lUli e Madison av, 30x100,5. Cour-story stoue front liwell'g, by A. IL Muller & Son. (Amtdue S3G,6T1) , ' , " ' , - "

flth av, e s, 130.5 n OTtb st, GOxIDO, vacant, by L, J , ALPhi l l iu s , (Amtdue $3,353) AA'^ ",-"- ' ^

9olh=t No 181. n s, 316 w Oth av, ITxlOO.S, three-story brick dwell'g, hy R. V. Harnet t . (Arat d u e $ l 3 , 8 3 r ) , , , , , , : . : . - : v , X ^ , c ^ . a ; „ 0 d , l , ; ' "

eint 's, by J. F, B. ir morts, SiO.OO".';

sold Feb,'S7, 18K6, for SSS.OiW; leased a t S3.30O per year) -.•••- ^

S t h a v new No. 44, e s, 150.5 s Horatio st, runs southeast 40,3 x east 33,10 x south 13.9 x west 35.9 " X northwest 40,3 to av, x uortheast 19.3 to begiu­ning four-story brick store i.nd teuem't. by J . C Lalor. (Amt due $13,539) II

fltb av, Nos. 1873 aad 1875, s w cor lOTth st, 50.5x100, two five-story hrick stores aud teuem'ts, hy C. S, Rrown, (Arat due $31.18S; pr iormort , S30.000).. 11

STth st, n s- 135 e 1st av, n ins nortb flT.6 to nortli line of old Susau st, x east lli.IO to point 95.3 u 3Tth st, X east 189 to Harbor Coramissionei-.s, bullthead line, x south 05.3 to st, x west 300 to he-ginning; also title to laud in front of ahove, va­cant by R. V, Harne t t . (Amt due Slli.051) 11

Horatio st, Nos. 34-33, s s, IT4 w \\ 'est 4th sl, SOx 8T0 two fi'.e-btoiy stone frout tenem'ts, un­finished, by K- V, Haruet t iS Co. (Arat due

T5th'st, us, '95'w"Madison av. id6.\;i03,3; Nos, li, i i aud 17, lliree four-story stone ti-ont dwci rgs ; Nos. 13 and 15. two four-story hricl; dwell'gs, un­finished, by K. V. Harnet t & Co. (Amt due Sil7,19I; the lots were sold June 6, I8S7, for B95 000) . , , , - , , , - - II

Tlst St. No.'365, u s , 156 e West End av, 1B£93,3, tbree-story brick dweU'g, hy D. M. deaman, (Amt due SU,H43) .-•-•- • - "

33d st. No. 130, s s. :i81 w Otb av. 14x irreg, slOx^e,!), four-story brick dwell'g. by Wm, Kenuelly & Bro, (Auit due S4,,538; prior mort. i;r,5C0. Sold May 5, 18^7, for 514,000) I I

STth st, n e cor Oth av, 1-25x10,1.8 j 88th st, s e c o r flth av. 135x100.8 ,-

Buildings partially constnicteti . ) by P. F. Mever. (Amt due f;9r,0I3; other morts. S4T,-J57)..,.". 11

morts, , total £o6,463) 1-88tb St. n s, 335 e IOth av. 100x100,8, vacant, by

W m K. Brown. (Amt due S'J7,516; prior mort. $9,3T3; sold Apnl 30, 1S8T, for ii:il,000.^ 14

Fleetwood (iladison) av. s w cor Pophara (Jlorris) Sl 13.1X100, by Wm. KenneUy £ Bro. (Arat. due $1,553) - 15

8Sth st, u s, 350 e 10th av, 50x100.8 fifith st, n s, 100 e 10th av, 100x100.8

Vacant ; • - - ^ • • • „ , by Wm R.Brown. (Amt due on two lots $14,2*), aud on foui- lots §37,438) 15


Oct. i r th st. No, 370, s s, 336 e .5th av, 31x100. hy

Keirigan, a t 35 Wiilougbhy st :--:,w " Lluden st, s e s , 133.10 sw Hamburg av, Ih.lOxlOO. I Lindens! , s e s , IIT S w HarAbm'g av,. 16,10x100.. f

by J, Cole, a t S89 Fultou st 8 14th st, s s, ioe.'i e 4th av, ifi.SslOO, by J . F. Brush,

ref,, a t Court House , , . , . - , - . , . . . . . . - . . t* Clason av. s e cor Greene av, 30x83, by J . Cole, a t

3S9Ful tenst ^ Graham av, e s, 35 n Scholes st, 35x101, by J . Cole,

a t 3S9 Fuiton st . . . , , . . , , . . , 0 Gates av late Magnolia st, n w s, 300 s Central av,

50x100, by T. A, Kei-rigan, a t 35 WiUoughby st . 9 Eart st, n e cor Troy av, ISlxlOO, Flatbush, by T.

A Kerrigan, a t ::5 WUlougbby st 10 Cooper pl, w s, 138.3 s Uei-kimer st, 3 lots, eachl

lT,3x97 L Degraw sl, s s. 167 e Henrj ' st. 35x100 [ . Utica av. w s, 83,4 a Atlantic av, 10.8x83,4 J

by J . Cole, a t 389 Fulton st 10 Plot containing abt 5 acres, adj lauds of Jolmson,

Remsen & Spader. Flatbush. hy F, C. Cornell. adrar,, a t Comt House, at 10 o'clock. (Bub. to mort . 853,583) • • • 10

Berkeley pl, n s. 3Jii w Ttb av, 20x100. by J. Cole, a t 389 Fultou st -„ ' . ; • , - • ' ^^

Jieau St. n s, 300 e Albanv av. 2 lots, each 30x80, by J , Cole, at 389 Fultou st ^ - - - ' - ' *

Decatur Kt, s s , 17 e Throop av, 17x86, by W. H . Ganisou, ref,, a t Court House I*

Devoe st, s e s , aht 33T.6 s w Bushwick av on old map, 35xe4,5x—xT8,5, by T. A. Kerrigan, a t 35 WiUoughby st • - 1-

St James pl, Nos. I4T and 119. e s, 100 a Gates av, 10x100, two tliree-story brick dweU'gs, by Wm. t'ole a l 379 Fulton sl. (Partition sale) 12

Atlantic av, s s, 101,10 w Wilhaius av, a0.4xT9x3Jx —. by T. A. Kerrigan, a t 35 Wilioughby st 15

St Marks av, n s. lOO w Vanderbilt av, Sjxl3I, by J . Cole, a t 389 Fulton st . (Partition sale)


Broadway, No. 175, first storj-, John Hoss. e s r . Florence A. Johnsou to North Kiver Ins, Co.; IJ^yeai 's , from Jan, 1,1883 £4.C00

Chrystie st, No. 23«, store and rear room. David Fiendenbei'irer to Sigmimd Heller; 3 years, from May 1. 1869 430

Mulberry st, No. 39. h & l , Mary B. O'Donnell lo Donate Tuozzo; 5 veais, from Oct. 1, 'SS 1,800

Pearl st, Nos. 436 and 438", first lloor and par t of ceUar. Daniel Murpby lo George H, Wheeler i n d Arago J. Guck; 5 years, from May 1,1889 1,630

54tb st. No. S ll W. John Do\vEey,te Oscnr S, BaUey; 10 ,veai-s. from Oct. 1, IEW 8,050

e4th St. n s , lol33TmapW. aurtA-K. fSeekman. Jacob G. Sanders to Jobn Bartnet t ; IK^ years, from Aug. 1,1688. tnxes, &c 300 aud 400

lS2d s t . s s. 213 e 1st av, T.5xl00,!l. William Austin to John Marco; 5 yeais, from Oct. 1, 1688 750

Av B, No, 1633, n w cor 84tb st (also known as 54? e 84th st>, store and cellar, H e m y Harms aud John Meyer to John II . and Albert Oetien; 55Byeai'S, from Sept, ] , IRSS , , . 4TOaud5I0

Leuox av. n w cor laTth st, 30x100. Sonhia E, Ceoi-ge and George D. Hencken individ. and a s c x i s - George Ileuclien, br.. to Gii'--puhage 1 Gi'os,; 5 years, from Nov. 1, 16S!:-'., 1,100

West End av, No. 115. store a r d pa r t bafemeut , ' Rata & Schwagar to George Heiliuan; 5 years, from June 1. 1G8B 3li0

3d av. No. 587. store, basemeut aud first tloor, J E, Houghton to Harris Brock; 1 year, from May 1, iSST 730

3d av, a w eor 133d st, store, William T. Camp­bell to Max Htehihai-dt; 5 yeare, from Jan . 1 1889 l.OOO to 1.300

3d a v , s e c o r : i 4 t h s t , 44.3x80. J, Monroe Taylor to George R, Eeac'; 10 .vears, fi-oni Oct. 1, 1868. See Conveyances IO,TaO

3d nv. No, 2103. store and baseraent. Simon Fox to Patrick Mooney; 411-13 years, from June I- I8S8 '^.MO

Same property. Consent to assigu lease. Si­mou Fox lo same. Kept, 30 uom

4th av, No. 1619, store and par t cellar, Andiew J . Kerwin te Herman Mollau and Henry Vorra th; 5?^ years, frora Sept 1. 166S 1,300

5th av. No. 367, Horace P. ^Vbitney ( t al, guards Giiard N. Whitney te Nettie Nauzig; 5 vears. from May 1, 1338 5,000

Tth av. No. a)59, stoi-e. Sarah M, Cogan to Heni-y and WUliam Nordeii; 5 years, fi months and 39 davs. from Oct 3, 1( 88. SGOO to 1,400

S thav No 603, store fioor and basement, John Leicht to Isaac Har lem; 5 years, from March I. )SS8 I.IM

9th av, No, 3GI), stere floor. Christopher Gies to Leo A. Von Flieduer; 5 yeai-s 7 mouths and Ifi days, from Sept, 14. 1388 900 to 1,080

IOtb av. No. 430, i e c o r m b st, stcire and base­ment. James Madden to Oweu DonueUy; Syears, from May 1, 138T 1,600

l l t h a v , No. 716, aU. Moi-y Cheevers to John H- D. Devermann; 3 years, from Feb. I, 1888 253


CHATTELS. NOTE.—T'le first name, alphabetically arranged, is

.hat of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mort­gage. The -' fi " Kieaits Renewal Mortgage.



Banker F J . Tl Moutgouiery, . , C H Evans,(R) $000 Bockle.A. 151 A v A , . . . J Hoffmann. (K) 150 Born L S363 3 d a v . , . . J Eicbler. (R) 3,500 Barlow. J F. Tiil Bth a v . . , -Williamsburgb B Co.

(R) l.IOO Bames. Anna. 333 E 106th-.. .G Kingler it Co.

(R) Baver & Brawn, 8:) 1st a v . , , .V Loewers G B Co. Bimberv & Son. 138 E I 5 t h . . , . H Eirabery, Blaack. 'P. |-J43 E 5 th - , . .Wagner & Co. BiUiards.

350 500

1,335 135


Monroe St, n s, 367,8 e Throop av. IT.4x100, Mary E. Watson ag t Henry De Zavala; a t t ' ys . Pad­dock it Camion .••-• ~8

Tth av, s w cor Tth st, lOOxTO. Bertha Goldman ag t Uharles E. Cozzeus and Lionel E. Brown; foreclos mechanic's hen; at t 'y , Theo, Burgmyer. 39

Oct. 4th St. s B, ISO w Bond st, aOxTT.4x30.5x73, Edgar

Tucker ag t Alexander Ross; a t t 'y , De Wit t C. Joues - ,' '

Douglass st, s s. 114.3 e 4th av, IT.fixlOO I Douglass s t . s s . 1T9.2 e 4th av, 17.6x100 , . , . f

International Tile Co. agt Stephen F, HUl and Fredei-icli W. Wharp; a t t 'ys , T. J . i ; R. F. Tilney, I

Rogers av, n e eor Rolnnsou st, 33.0x93.6, i la tbusl i . WiUiaiu B. Smith agl Thomas Love; a t t 'ys , Taber Sc Case , 2

Chestnut St. w s , 1,350 n 4th st, 50x150, Emauuel Newman ag t Gottlieb Buhrer; action on at tach­ment ; a l l y , M, Furs t - - 3

Prospect av, n e S, 535 s e 3d av, 30x64.6x30sb3,ll. JoUn S, Cokahte ag t Jobn J . Gocdwm; at t 'ys , T r a v i s & S m i t h ;;, '.;, '," ;*,

Hicks st, w s, 168 n State st, 30x100. \ \ ilham M, Safford agt Clara Goodmau; action for specific pei-forniance of contract ; a t t 'y , W, M. Saffoid,. i

Schaffer st, u s, 335 e Broadway, ''5x100 I Kockaway av, w s, T5 s Smiths lane, 100x104 |

Frederick B. Ti'avis agt Josephine H, Davis: par­tit ion; a t t 'y . sam ' l E. Faron 4


400 400 950 450 350

Klaus. L. 691 Greenwich Matropolitau B Co, Klockmanu, F. 583 Grand — Budweiser B Co. Kuapp, F. r^' . iPitt , , , Eppig ct I. Laderer. M, 336 East H o u s t o n — F i n c k & Sou, Langness, Eosa, 91 Duane G Bechtel. (E) Len/.. H J. 3009 3d av . , ,,G Ehret , Liviugston, H. 331 E 34tb G Rmgler & Co. McMauus, J, 199 Chatham Bernbeimer & S.

Ice-box. Mooney, P. SlOaSdav J Ruppert . Morrissey, D. I s t a v audSIs t st — G E h r e t , ( R l Maack, W. 13SI Broadway Eei-nbeimei'A S.

(R) Ma l lov .KJ , 113 West Houston , . ,W i 'eler. (R) Martin, J, 33 3d av . . .Beadleston .t W. (Kl MeCabe.P- 319 E-34tb., , , P Daly. McGiveiiey & McMabon, 42S 1st a v . . . . Koehler

&Co. McGuire, T, 54T W 6is t , , , .Wil l iamsburg B Co.

(R) Merz,A. ^01 Forsyth . . .Bemhe imer & S. Jtoskovits, A, 3-16 a tanton Wagner & Co.

Billiards, Murray, J . 33T West Hous tou . . , .S M McFarland. J lurray, J . 155ii Stb av Bernbeiraei- & S, Murray, Mrs Mary. 341 E 61st Eernheimer

& S, (R) McMenaray.T. 331 W Iflth Bea-uheiuier & S.

O'Conror, J , IS.'ifi flth av Eernhci.ner & S. Oldorp, R. SI Ciinuon M t'dtz, O'Koui-ke, P . li 91 l i t av . ,M Livuigi.ten & Co.

(XO Perkins, Mattie J. 1I8T 3d av F & M Schaefer

B Co. Pollitzcr, E, 1131 I s t a v ., ,Fhzgei'ala B Co. Pllctschiuser. F, 105 Foreyth . . -, M tteita, Raub, T L, 435 E 10th ....il ^citz, Sauter, J. 406 W 38th , . . .D Bei-ues. Schuster, J, 509 a<l av Bernbeimer it S. lee-

box. Sukar, H, i l E s a e x Abbott B, Co, Sander, H. 139 West Broadway Baclimann

BCo, Schroder, L. 180 A v A , . , . A B Vleser. P.estau-

rant . ' (R) Schultz, P, 43 W 34t!j.,,.MoDeiise Jlfg Co.

Restaurant . Sullivan, J . 69 Oliver M W Boiieu, Sabater, J. 53!3dav J WiiUace & Son. Saner, R. 175 Ludlow, , , ,Sehmitt & S, Soberer, Pauhne F , II Barclay — G Kingler&

Co, (K) 3,000 Simou. S. 73 Ludlow D Mayer, (R) 5,150 S i m o n . F Q b y H Lentz agent. 196 Centre L

I BrewerV. St ieue&Nothel . 301 S o u t h , . , , I I Vauder Wyk. Stoessel, F, 151 E 3 ; t h . , , - J K r e s s BCo. (R) Straub, A, 310 E 4Gth,.., F Oppermann, J r . (R) Taxter, W. £03 E 511th,...Moneuse Mfg Co.

Reptaui'ant, WUliges, J , 181 Macdougal , . . .P . L^vl. Restau­

rant , Wagner, Eliz. 88 Riviugtoa. . . Wllliarasburg B

Co. (R) 6.000 Wamke , J F , 313 Fulton H Leinraermaun.

(R) 0,000 Zaganelli. L. 89 P a r k , . . . J Fallert B Co. 400 Zimmer, J . 39 V a n d e w a t e r , . , , ? S: W Ebling.


Boick .R. 158Canal- , . ,FM:uncb, (R) 1, 00 Brosnan, T J & Bro, 0 0 0 3 d a v , . - , 0 Taussig. 1,000 Buchiquani, S E, !S4 Sdav , . . .Be rnbe imer & S-

(R) JOO Cherricre, J F. 306 Wooster , . . .L, Valeite. IUO Delauey & Cuitui. J8S 8th a v , . , ,Bemhehner&

a (1!) 150 Diete'rhen, F . 1543 Av A , . , ,Bernhe!raer & S, (R) 500 Donono & GiUigan, 39 Centre, ,-,GEhi;et. 3,(100 Davis B S 45 Sthav P BaUantine & Sous, (R) 3,300 Dickescheid, J . 51 AUeu, , - ,V Loewers G B Co. 450 D o b r m a n n , J H - 86 A n n , , . A EUers, . . , „ 1.000 EickholT, Charlotte, 303 Wes t , . . .C F Eickhoff.

(K) l.aTo Efiuger & Pfeil. 535 3d a v , . , ,Bei'uheimer & S .

(Rj 1,000 Folk, M. 39 C a n a l . , , . A b b o t t s Co. 500 Fredericks, R. ajOESflth . .MStmer . 311 Fisber, E. 4-2'J East Houston. . , Loewei-s G B Co. tibd Fitzgerald, H. T;i5 l l t h a v . , , .Burr B Co. Flatow, Helen, 11 Univei-sity p l — G \ Brem-

S6I1 F u l t o n . ' j W . 439 Cana l , . . .AKremer . Gardner, E C , 1551 Broadway , . . .G Ehret . Grazmdo, G. 3137 1st a v , , , .G RiuRler & Uo. GrifteQ, Ji. 151 Hudson Eernlieimer & S. (E) Gallagher, P H, 550 W 44tb. , , ,Fi tzgerald B Gautier, C & L- 5106 thav , - , J . \ppeU, (R) Goidmaun, L 353 E 3d, . . . J Ruppert- <f ' „„ , GrassmncK. J , 63 Maiden lane, - - ,G Ehret, (R) 1,900 Hanley, J , -3238 Ist a v , . . . F & M Schaefer B

Co. ' " ' Hansen, J P. 433 W I35th, . , ,Loewers G B Co. Hartigan, P. 145 Madison. . . .G Ringler & Co. Hatton, R, 388 1st a v . , . - S H Stone. Oyster

saloon, Ifi) Heiles. WUhelmina, 1613 3d a v , , . , G Ehret, Heller S: Pisch. 153 Stanton 1 & M Gaiu.

bossy, Higgius, C. 169 Av D. . . ,Bernbeimer S: H. Janicke, C ' 303 Ii. 41th, , . ,Met B Co. Kolisch, K G . 318 2 d , . , , S Ki-aus, Kurtz, J , 414 Otb a v , , . . G Ehret . Kaufmann, W. 193 3d. , , .Bernbeimer & S. Km-k & Pump. 93 Clinton Met B Co. KenneUy, D A. 10 Sou tb . , . .Kuppbl B Co. Kerwin & KeUy, 368 10th a v . . . ,J Lawlor,

3C0 1,500 •J, 000

SOO 583 310 500


4C0 500

135 1,5(0 1,500


IS5 ],-:oo



700 ; 0 J 300 64r 400





178 600

3,000 350

350 3,300

mo EOO






135 JOO

3,000, 360 300

150 1,350


300 358 460

65 1,800

(R) 1,2C0 350 300 BOO

IR) 6,000 iK) l.UOO

400 1,51H|


Abrams, H, 3'39 E 33d H Greenstone. 184 Ames, Helen. 161 W 45tb , . . R Parmly, 300 Arnold, R. 414 E 58lh. . . .Thoeseu £ IJhl, 113 Adaras, H, 35i5 W 4'ld, , . , J Moriart)-, 336 A m b l e r . J G , 40 W 46th. , - ,W U Kelsey. 337 Armstrong, Lilhan, lol Stb av S Bau­

mann. (K) 82fi Barrett , A H, 130 W i3d , . , ,L Jones, 750 Barrows, Saiah A. Asbury park — D Schwarz­

kopf. 1,543 Beck, A C H . Broadway aud 33a s t . . . .S Bau­

mann, (R) 314 BeU, Rebecca A. SI E l l l t h , . , . A F Collins. 130 Bennett, J A. 74 W 100th Cowperthwait

& Co. 359 Beneron, Celestine. 189 Woos t e r—Fide l i t y 1

& G Co. 135 Blakely. H. 64 W l l t b . . . .Cowperthwait & Co. 307 Same tame. 410 Borot, Harne t . 335 W 5Sth. . . .J Welmore. 500 Eriuker, B N. 437 Hudson. . . . P H Hanley. 300 Burke, F W. 355 E 88lh, . . . Harlera Loan Assoc. 230 BaU. T. 490 7(h av Jane Gninevan, admrx . 1C5 Barrett, A H . 130 W a3d.- , -T KeUy. 310 Barron, Gail F, 35S W 5jth , . , L Baumann. 151 Bell, Belli, 163 W I7tb. . . . F T Higgms, 33G Berg, Rosa. 163 E 3 3 d , , , , F G Smith, Piano. (R) 60 Blake, W S, 163 W 36th , . . . L Baumann. 137 Blaney, Jennie. 346 W 14lh L Baumann, 396 Brown, Bertha, 210 E T6tb,., .T Kelly, 110 Clark. Josephine. 3-3S W 16th, . , .O'FarreU & H.

IV 1118 Cohn. E. 314 E ISSd.... Fidelitv I & G Co. ITS Coon, S H. 131 E I f i t b . . . C H Blair, 10,') Cunnlnghani, Mary A. 403 E 34th , , , Jordan &

M. " 7 Cariienter, Margt E. T59 Greenwich J Brown­

ing. 1,000 Chandler, Mai-y F. Adams a v. near Kings-

bridge r o a d . . , . AVbeelock & Co, Piano. (K) 230 Converse, Hai ' r ie tM. 135 W 40th, . , ,S T Gor­

don, Clobm-u, Mary. 1098 Washington av R Bih-er-

raan. Combs. Mary H, 936 Madison — Susan E

Keeler, (R) 1,000 Conway. Hanuah L. aa3E14th J Moriarty. 2T5 Correno, Theresa, 307 E 18th, . , , J Gregg, 20T Coyne, Sarah, 400 E 55th, , , J Moriarty. 193 Culler, A. 130 W 36th , . , .S Baumann. (R) 112 DeCarauza, A U. 440 Canal , , . ,O 'FarreU & H. Donaldson. C. 113 W Tlst — RSilverraan, Donovau, Brtdget, 155 Monroe G Feunell

& Co- (K) Day, J K , 315 E SSth,., .Thoesen ALl i l . Davenport., Jenny. 305 W 3Ist , . , J F Manges, Douuey, J E. 103 W 39th , . , ,S Knapp & Co.

Carpets. (R) Esehhach, Rebecca V. 307 W 133d.., .T Leonard. Elias, 1, ISOE l-33d,.,-Fidehty I & G Co, Ellis, Mai-gt J, 185 E 133U,... G FenneU & Co, Evelie, Edith, 414 W 47tb, , , ,G Feunell & Co. Fischer, 0, 69 E l-3.3d-.. .Dreisacker & Co. Feinberg, M & H. 113 Monroe — Wheelock

& Co. Piano. Finger, EUen, 1619 Bathga te . , , ,Wheslock &

Co, Piano, (R) Fisher, T B. 364 W 51s t , , . , Jane Guinevan,

adrarx, Florentine, Lizzie, 858 W 48th, , , .J Moriarty. (R) PorJ . May. 303 E l l t b . . . .R M Wnlttfrs, Piauo.




143 100

114 :.(5 4il4

lfi3 T16 130 14i) m 175





October 6, 188S Record and Guide. Fullenhack, Bertha. 820 Broome Wheelock

& Co. Piano, (R) Gannon, Ka te , ' 35 E I4lh Wheelock & Co.

Piano. (R) Oranort, F. 118 E 9Tth., ,,TboeBen i t Uhl. O r a y . T H . 66 W I3Sth,. , .T Kelly. Greuier. Caroline. 130 W B'id,., .F J Brechtel, Gross, H. lTI)8 3 d a v ,,Spies Bros, Gandolfo. H H, 5 E 30th . . . .S Knapp & Co.

Carpet*;, (R) Gimber, G C. 3313 Sth av . , , , F T Higgius, Grogan, Mary, 13 Hamiltoii H S Eisler. Goodman, Lina. 301 K 114th,. , .G Fenuell & Co. Oraj ' , L, 418 W46tl i . . . ,Cowperthwai t & Co. Griffin, M. 30;57 7tb a v , . , . G Fenneil ,£ Co. Griggs, A M . 330 E70tb . . , ,Thoesen & Uhl, Gross ,CL. 330 E 43d, . . , Simpson & P, Piano,

(R) Harrison, W H. 678 6th a v , , . Brockraann.Bros.

Piano. Hathawav, C, 8 W 5 l 8 t . . . . J G Batlerson, 10, Heidliuger, R. 306 2d-, , ,H SEisler. Holz, E, 816 3d a v , , , .W Peter. Hoop. Helene, 113 E 32d., , ,H S Eisler. HenningH, Georgia. 4-51 E ] Iflth F T Higgius. Havey, C M. 360 W l i s t F G Sraith, Piano. Hirsch, Alex. 3.35 E. 75th st Spies Bros.

July 10. Irwin. Katie, 131 H e n r y . , . ,T Kelly. Jaluiicke, W S Heyman & (.'o. Jennings, N A. fifi W J38tb. , , , Jordan & M. (R) Johnson, Emily. 19037th a v . . . Wheelock & Co.

Piano. Keegan. Mary C. 350 W .36th . . . L Bauraann, King. Lucy. 54 Clinton pl j Naylor, Kirby, Marg tE , 551 Grand . , PGSmi th . Piano. Kearney. DIi's M. 396 Pleasant av H S Eislei'. Kellj', joseuhine. 350 Pleasant av G FenneU

&Co, Lutien, May, 301 E l l l t h . , - , G FenneU & Co, Lyons. W. 179 E l l l t h , . , . R M Walters. Piauo, Levv, P. 101 E 65th , , , , Jordan & M. LeWis, J C. 316 W BOth..,.Wheelock & Co,

Piano. (R) Lindsay, J D. 106 W 133d... .Wheelock & Co.

Piano- (R) Lyons, W. 1T9 E l l l t h , , , .R M Waltei-a. Piano. Marsliall, C. 331 E 4Is t , , , .J Moriai-ty. Martin, Josephine, 309 St Nicholas av ,, Wheel­

ock & Co. Piano. Moore, Tillie A, £6W a3d,. , .Fidehty I A" Q Co. Manstield, BeUe. 305 W 3l6t , , , O'FarroU & H. McCarthy, J, 4Sfl WSIs t L Banniann. McCormlck, M E. 349 Stb a v , , , .T Kelly. McQuade, Sarah, 313 W 3Ist L Baumann. Milford, Fanuie, E08 W 3;3d,,,, L Baumann. Minmaugh, M J . 351 W 32d., . .HooK& Schulz. Mohrinan, F, 401 W 4 6 t b , , . , L Baumann. Moyuihau, P J, TGI Sth av T Leonard, Malone, L. 335 E 9Tth,,, ,DreisacI;er & Co. McCarthy, W H. 256 W I35th. . , ,Cowperthwait

&Oo. Moffitt, Augusta. 3 0 E 8 t h . . . , J F M a n g e s , (R) Morse, Carrie E. 10 W l-45th,,,, G FenneU it Co. Morse, iSlarie. 36 W 30tb. . . L B Crane. Murphy, Maggie, 155 E 137th,,. Feunell & Pye. Naddy. EUz. 330 E 2Tth, . . , G Ratkowsky. Notz, Jeanie . 52 W IBth.. . . J Moi-iartv. Nugent. Cornelia. 143 W I39th..--G FenneU &

Co, Nisbett. Lavinia, 34 Irving pl , , - H Spies, Oblatt, L. 306 E 3.->th,., ,L Bamuaun. O'Brien. Elleu. 101 Sth J F Manges, Oertel, G F. 401 W 2'3d,.,,Wlieelock & Co.

Piano. O'NeUl, J . Boulevard and 95lh s t , . , .T KeUv. Oldeubuttel, D. 343 E 131st G Fennel! & t 'o Oppenheimer, L, 307 E I13th J Cassidy. Plch. H- 2i3 E TOth,.. J F Manges. Pluudeke. Mathilde, 249 W 47tb , , , ,J Maitfeld. Paul, Kate R. 46 W3Sth . . . , J J Has'os. Peck. Mary A. IOO W Sflth,,. L Bauraann, PettbjgUl, C H . 41 W 6 5 t h , . , , F i d e h t y I & G C o . Pritchard & Mackersick. 33 Madisou av S

Kuapp & Co. Carpets. Parker, Hatt ie C. 148 E 86th-,--Wheelock 4

Co. Piano, (R) Read, H . 11-J E l l t b . . . . J Moriarty. Roux, F . 1341 Broadway J Moriarty. (R) Raborg .CB- 170 W 10th.-,-Wheelock & Co.

Piano. Randolph, 51, 61 W flTth L Baumann. Randolph, E H L . fil W 9 T t h . . , , L Baumaun. Eeinhardt. A. 5fl3 Tthav L Baumann, (R) Rosenstock, A E, Stb av aud I04th s t — L Bau­

man. (R) Ross, Fannie. 143 W 33d. . . . L Baumann, Eansom, G M, 5 Charlton J H Sevmom-. Kayraond, J H. 3.53 W 4:M,,. ,O'FarreU & H. Salomon, M. -345 E I-34th.--.G FenneU & Co, Schuhertn, E. 403 E Sls t - - , -Fidel i tyI & G Co. Shandley, Margt. Westchester Dreisacker &

Co. Sherman. K. 310 W 59 th , . , . J H Littlefi: Co. Sherwood, Alice. 330 W 4Hth... -R R Avres. i Bketchley, C. 330 W 4Hth,. . .Cowperthwait &

Co. Slowey, Jane . 40 Horatio Simpson & P.

Piano- (R) Smiley, Alice F, Holbrook HaU, , - ,E J Post, (R) Smith, G, 405 W, SOth Cowperthwait & Co, Smitb. W H. 33 E 85th, . , ,Spies Bros. Spence, Susan M. 833 W 33d. , . Cowperthwait

A Co Stacom. Mary. II W 34th. . . .S Green. 1 Steiohoff, Mary, 133 Manha t t an . . . .G FenneU &

Co. StiUman, E, 339 Alexander av Cowperthwait

&Co . Stone, R E , 300 E Sls t , . , .H S Eisler. Siidlow, Mary A. 691 Ei ; J4 th . , . .G Fenaell & Co. Spehuan, W. 367 W 53d Jo idau & M. Stewart. J, 353 W SOtb., . ,L Bauraann. Siokes, Faunie. 149 W 53d L Baumann. Silas, Auna. G3 1st H Spie,\, Sion. E A, 430 E a o t h , . , . H Greenstone. Smith, W H . 38 E Srith...,Fidelity I & G Co. Sperry, Josephine. 406 W B8th Wheelock&

Co. Piano. (R) Suraraers, J, 308 E 36 th , . , ,A Pearson. Thompson, Mary W. 13 W :j4th . . A K E l y . (R) i Thompson, K L, 315 Hudson R Bicker. Troster, Hannah, 114 Norfolk. .,M Newman. Tappey, Eva, 409 W 33d.., .11 S Eisler. Telter, Cnarlotte N. 314 E 109th.,. .G FenneU &

Co. (R) Tinkham. A, 3.59 W I2Stb S Bauraann, (K) Them'er, W. 54th Jst a v , . . .E Wolf. Thompsou, Jeannie, 239 W 33d J B Thomp.

son. Turk. W, 109 K 85tb . , , , A N Gearon. Ui'uao. EUeu, 436 3d av .. .Jordan & M. Utzig, F iank , 147T Lexington av Spies Bros,

Sept. 35,


70 168 142 404 188

331 139 llfl 116 215 105 130


125 718 101

mo 22G 163 836

106 165 316 146

3T5 r-j

soo 156

140 116 135 353


310 135 148

30J 12S 458 119 330 136 333 160 186 133 147

S06 319 53T 500 131 153 205

152 48T 303 297


160 133 185 310 IfiO 350


I» 301 143

203 180 157 336

149 36i •2aO 173 117 493

1'23 159



Van Saun, Aunie. 207 E 109th., . .Wheelock & Co- Piano- 200

Van Caranen, Mary E- 137 E 3Ist ., - J B Foid, exr, (E) 3,303

Vietiughoff, P , , . , J Gregg. 141 Vogelsang. O . , , .G Feunell & Co. 13S Walter, H. 647 E Oth,., .E Wolf, U'9 Warner. Adele 0. 30 E 43d,,, ,G FenneU it Co. 2^2 Watson, Marie. 360 W 134th,. , ,G FenneU & Co.

(H) 157 WUliams, E F . 5 E 133d,. .G Fenneil &Co . 203 Wilsou. Lizzie. 100 W 53d S 1 Herschmann,

(R) 115 WUkeus. Emmehne B. 263 W I23d, . . ,Wheel­

ock & Co. Piauo. (R) 60 WUsou, Emma. 10th av and IflQlh st J ane

Guinevan, adrarx. 19i


Aramann, C. 335 Lenox N DuUmeyer, Store Fixtures. 250

Accocello, G. 248 E 46th . . . . Archer Mfg Co, Barber Fixtures. (R) 106

Bauraann. T. 348 E 39th. . , ,H Sanfield. Barber Fixtures, 50 er. Leon & Co . . , G J Hasse. Machinery. 315 er, C. 610 l l t h a v , , . ,S Bauer, Bakeiy. 300 •5' M J Cunuiughara Sou it Co. Cioach.

(R) 313 Bothner & Co. 14 Charlton — J Cunningham

Son & Co, Coach. (R) 32 Caniani .D. 150 Park row A Gai-ritano, Bar­

ber Fixtures- 100 Crocker, D C. 2"i5 Greene CampbeU P P &

Mfg Co- Press- (R) 2.150 Same Cottrell i t Sons. Printing Press. TOO

Caan ing . J . 4l2 IOth av . . .MCanning, Barber Fixtures. 300

Calaraara. G, 414 E 17th . . , Aicher Mfg Co. Barber Fixtures, 263

Canning, J. 412 IOth av — M Canning. Barber Fixtures, (R) 300

CoUins, J . 53! W 36th. . . ,M Cosgrove. Horse and Wagous. 1,100

Connelly. T 559 Washiugtou . . .Teresa Kean. Blacksmith. 135

Doehnkc, W. 408 E i Otb D Cordes, Hoi-ses, &c. 150

De La Mare & MaglU. 1H9 Fultou . . . J S Brownne, Printing Office. 300

Eckel, F. 304 W Kith,,,-.S Bauer. Bakery. 300 Edelyi, G S. 255 E 3d K Nyitray, Prinl ing

Offlce. 200 Engelke. R B, and R H Tangemanu H

Engelke. Hoi-se, Ice Wagon, iSc. 1.400 Eckhardt, E H . 401 W 48th . . , .C Martui. Real

Estate Office. 2,100 Fritz, L H. 375 W 10th. . . .G W Mead. MUk

Wagon. (R) 2&1 Ferguson C J Cunningham Son it Co, Couiis.

IR) 65 Fiss, G W CampbeU P P and M Co. Printuig

Press, (KI 1,67» Gerth, A, 46 1st av . , - ,Meta Gerth. Butcber

Fixture?, 400 GUTI, G, 800 E l l l t h , , , - F Tewraro. Barber

Fixtures, TB Goldste in , K, 4 M a r k e t Lou i se SclmeU. Bar­

ber Fixtures. BOO Grahara. W H. 55 W l 8 t h , . . , J Dahlman. Horse. TT Hansen & White. 695 Bth av Marvin Safe Co.

Safe. 150 Han-is, R, Yonkers J Corn. Hoi-se. 100 Havens. Mrs F C . . . -W H Browne S: Co. Cabri­

olet. IIT Heinrich. F. 318 Centre Libei'ty Machine

Works. Printuig Office, 3,055 Jansen, J, BO Stb a v , , , . J P Katbhun & Co,

Press, 135 Jenson, P, 218 E 81st N Haveman, Grocei-y,

(R) -200 Jordan, C. 22 Av B , , . , I Fi'anke!. Fixtures , -

Horse, &c. 1.000 Janssea, f. 41 Great J o n e s , . .PLevi . Bottling

Estahhsbment, 100 Johnsou. H. 136 W3T th . . - ,S A Cobn, Grocery

Fixtures , 100 Kenedy, T S. 3d av aud D7ths t , , - ,W Kenedy-

Horse and Wagon, 100 Krafft. R. 339 6 t b . , . . H Dorzbacher, Barber

Fixtures, (R) 100 Koepke. G F , 37 Jobn, , . .CatteUe & Decker-

Si ach luery. 350 Lawrence. J it Sou. Plusbing, L 1 Hilton

Timber and Luraber Co, Horses, fiOi Sarae same. Machinery. • 3,000 Lehmann. Anna, 77 Av B — LawaU & Searies.

D r u ; Fixtures, 300 Levi, B. 387 3d A Klein. Butcher Fixtures, 30 Lewis. A, 327 E 107tb. . . . J Cassel. Butcher

Fixtures. 300 T.ewin. W H . , . , E T Westei-field. Wagon. 333 Luez, A. W a l k e r , n e e o r Elra Margt Luez,

Slacbinery. 2.000 Lohse, F . 628 E I61st , , . ,T Kremser, F rame

Buildings. 350 Laurent, H. 919 3d av . , .F Olivet. Drug Fixt-

lures, (R) 3,375 Leibrock. Emma, 1057 3d av N Leibrock.

Store Fixtures. 50 Malone, H H and J A. 23 J o n e s , , . . 0 C Sraith.

Horse and Wagon. 300 McKee, Rankin A. 4!'i 3d av and 306 E 31st st

A J Dam & Bon. Theatrical Fixtures. (E) 15.000

McTagne. P . TOth st. near 8th av . . . L Heil­brunn, Horses. B6I

Meehan, J . Boulevard, I l l t h a n d 112tb sts P J Mmphy. Horses. (R) 3.000

Mewrag, A, 1640 3d a v . , . , J H Evers & Co, Fixtures, (R) 1,000

Morche. J r . E, G06 E 17th. . , .Koenig & Schuster. Horses, Wagons. &c. (R) 3,000

Same sarae. Horses, Wagons, itc, (R) 3,750 Mutual Real Estate Co. 610-618 Broadway , , ,

Farmers ' Loan, i tc . Co, Lease of Fixtures, 330,000 Maguire, T, 333E53d, . . J Cunningham Son .t

Co, Coupe, (Rl SGI Mahler, H, 352 Pleasant a v . . . J Mattfeld, Bar­

bel' I-fstures. 35 Mayers. 1. 436W5Ttb. .A J Adams. Horses.

Coaches, &c, 5,000 Mead it Froude. 419 W 15th, . , ,Tower Mfg Co.

Horses, Tmcks . &c. 700 Myers, F S, 41fi E 66th L Dreyfous. Ma­

chinery, &c. 7.000 McGarry, P . , , , M A r m B t r o n g i C o . Cab. (R) SOO Middleditch, L,- , ,Campbel l P P & M Co. Prints

iug Press, (R) 1,600 Monoppella & Pizno, 314 Canal — GLordi. Bar­

ber Fixtures- S8 New, T. Av B, s w cor SOth s t A 0 Mon-eU.

Macbinery, &c. 20,000

New .Jersey Steamboat Co. Farmers ' Loan and Trust (Jo. Boats, Wharvea, Rights and Frau-clii-ses. (El 158,000

Nevin & Sou. 79 William Liberty Maehiue Worlts. Paper Cutter. 277

New Jersey Steamboat Co Kelly & Hays, tnistees. Boats, Wliarves, p-ranchises, iSc.

(E) 173,000 fJew Process Aerated Bread Co Eliz P Soule,

Machiuerv. (R) 500 Nixon, J B, 819 Oi-eenwich J P Eathbun i t

Co. Press, 135 Plansker, Clara, 524 6th,, . .E Pokoeay. Gro­

cery. 300 Pohs & Sons. 42 Nassau Mosler. B & Co.

Safe- 150 Eennenberg. T. 702 3d av H Bobmfalk.

Store Fixtures, 2,300 Rosenberger, J, 1690 Otb av,- , .Ai 'eher Mfg Co.

Barber Fixtures, (R) 203 Rosenfeld, S, 338 East Houston Libei'ty Ma­

chine Works. Printing Office, 186 Eoyal Food Co. 78 Warren . . . T Gill. Ma­

cbinery, 1.000 ReiUy, J. 100 7th av J A Murray. Store

Fixtures 8,000 Sanders it Kuenne. 375 Canal Morvin Safe

Co. Safe. 115 Scbwab. A, 363 1st a v , . . , S Wunderbcb. Ba­

keiy. 700 Sraith. Agnes. 17 Greenwich . . . S Amolaky,

Livery Stable, 300 Stelzenburg, G C, 9842dav NTauszig. Drug

FislureK. • (R) 1,000 Sanghoist. F. 60 Soutb 5th a v , , , , P H Dooi-

raann. Horse and Wagon. 300 Schlitz. J. 101 E 5 3 d . , , Maiy Donibecker. Bar­

ber Fi.Ytnres, 200 Sbeffiin, D, 113 E IOGth... .J Cuunlnghara Sou

& Co, Coach. 803 Smith, T. 341 E 21st , . , , J Burke. Cab, 600 Sacco, M- 63 OUver. , . ,LRo2zo . Grocery, 18.5 Schinultz, A. 415 W 4.5th Walker, Son &

Co, Machinery. indebtedness Schindier, J . 37 East Houston Austin, Nich­

ols & Uo. Grocery. " (R) 250 Sluiu.son. S W. 39 W I4ih CottreU & Sons.

Pr intmg Press. 1,300 Stevens, J, E — A u n a and F M SeUeck. Horses.

Trucks, itc. nom Tboi'bm-n, D. 431 E 139th , . , ,W H McDougall.

Jlachinery. 400 Tighe & Moonan Mosler. B & Co. Safe, 100 Trainer, C, Hai'lem River and ISfith J J

Coogan. Macbinei-)-, 500 Thorbnrn, D. 484 E I3Ulh, . , .W L McDongaU.

Machiuery. 400 United States .Metal Co. 61 Dri.ggs st, Brooklyn

(E, D.) , , . ,D Culhane. Mule and Tmck. 600 Uuokl, Eliz. 300 E lC4tb. , . .Eva Scbwetzer.

Butchei- Fixtures. 600 Vanden Houten J£ Co R Hoe & Co. Press.

(R) 1,085 Vogel & OUvottl, 337 6th a v . . . . I s a a c Vogel.

Japenese Goods. 3,000 Walz W. 205 Woos t e r , , . -WSHui ' l ey . Bakery. fiOO Walther, L, 285 B o w e r y . . . . E F Scharff, Ice

Cream Saloon, ],ooo White. M H, 47 Ann W R Beach, trustee.

Machinery, 850 WUUs,H, 4 E 39ch,, . ,N J Demarest, Horses,

Carriages, &c. 1,004 WUson, A H . l e t a v . c o r 135th.. . ,R K WUson.

Horse and \\ 'agon, Bottling EstahUeiiment. (R) 175

Wood ,au6anA, , ,M Armstrong A Co. Coaches. 4,500 Werasseii, U. 144 Eldridge M Kreck, Ma­

eliinery, 350 Wendel, F, 105 4 t h a v , . , , T G Eunmers, Pho­

tographic Apparatus. 135 WUliamson, T. 337 W flSth Porter Bros & Co.

Maehinery. • 200 Wood. A . . . W J Becker. Horse and Wagon. ISO Waltham Wateh Club Co. 10 E 14th.. Mos­

ler, B & Co. Safe. 200 Zom. F - , . , C Steinbol. Lite Boat Charles H,

0-NeUl. 200 BILLS OF SALE,

Atwood. T S, 130 •Vl'aUier,,,, J C Cramer Laim­dry Maehmery Co. Machinery. lOO

Bayer, G W. 833 1st av , , . .L izz ie Baver. Sa­loon, 350

Davidson, S L, 2T3 Broome S and V Fanneila, Butcher Fixtures, 300

Donohue, W F. 164 E i2d... .R Sheehan. Res­taurant . 400

EUiingtun. F W. ITS E I l l t b Lma Elkiugton. Fiiruitm-e, val. consid

Eylei-s, W. 607 E I58 th , , . ,H E Reymers. Wheelwright, &c. 200

Feist, H, 3G1 I s t a v . . , , A Metzger. Gent's Fm--nisbing Goods. I.OOO

Grifflu, Maiy P, 155 E l S t h . , , . S J Cowen. Furniture. val, consid

Hattendorf. E, 175 Chi-ystie H Her rmann, Boarding and Lodging House, y, part , nom

Levy, L, 153 B o w e r y — J u h u s Levy. I^ira, 500 Moehring, Henriet ta M, 37 Av A. -. .M Weber,

Picture Store. other cousid and 811 Mora, Jose M. 707 Broadway A M Mora.

Pliolographic Establishraeut. val. consid N Y Safety Reserve Fund. Fulton st cor Green­

wich s t — V a n Wyck BrinckerhofE. 0fi3ce Fui'uitm-e, nom

Rahl, J B. 318T Tth av . . . . W W Helwege. Ma­chinery, &c, 1 000

Roos, Mai'tha A, I6S9 S t h a v . . , .M G Smith. Sa­loon, 1,000

Rozzo.L, OlOliver M Sacco, Grocery. 185 Sellick, G W — J E Stevens, Horses and

Trucks. val, consid Schlesinger & Sous, 145 Ehn G Raubitschew,

Machinery. 8,000 Schmitt & Orsino. 522 Manhattan av, Brooklyu

J Haims, Machiuerv. Tools. &c. 300 Van Boskei-ck. Agues, 140 W 43d, , , , F Patter­

son- Fm-niture- nom Wokal, Anna. 5;JI Sth Fredericka Popper.

Grocery, isO W o l f . F C , 80 University p l . . .F C Wolf, J r .

Manufactm'ing Busiuess. 3.500 Wyat t , Matilda A. 102 Washuigtou Marke t , , . ,

Mary E, Wyatt, Stand and Ii'ixtui-es. 160 Zabinski, Maria. 160 Bowery F H Hobbs.


Booth. A to The John Kress Bi-ewing Co (Mort given by Alex C Sherman, Mar. 30, 1868) 1,000

Bowen, M W to J WaUace & Son (J Sullivan, Oct I, I6SS) nom

Hoffman, Katbrina to Amelia Hoffman (E Landrock, Oct 6,188TJ ' " nom

1216 Record and Guide. Jctober

Eothmaun, J to J W Schuh (C J Hesse, Aug fl, 1888) . 300

Sanfield. H to W H Maisner (I Baumaun, Aug 23.18681 , nom

Secor, H H to L B Crane (Marie E Moi-se, April 16, 1888) val consid

SeideU, Eliz A to J ABrowne (SusanMW Parker, Sent 30, 1S8S) 2,500

Wolf, Jr , F . adrar to 0 A Schafer (F and J C Wolf, June 29. i>m) 1>500

Zahn. G W te Katbrina Hoffman (R Landrock, Oct 6,1887) nora

H » > - —



Albert, J . 129 But le r . , , -WUliamshni'gh B Co. Buckley & Marshall. Eas t New York av, s e cor

Atlantic av Danenberg it C. Bohan. D J . 1315 Atlantic a v — W i U i a m s b u r g h

BCo. Bambi, N. 24 Hamilton a v . . . - H B Scharman.

(R) Braun. C W. Graham av cor Maujer s t — H B

Scharman. (P) ConneU. J . 131 Imlay . . .Lyman & Co, Connelly. Ann, T9 4 t b a v L y m a u i t Co. CbUds. C H , 164 Johnson . , . .Obermeyer i t L,

(R) Duffy P, 43T Fulton Moore & Siunott, Denning, J T, 63 Kent av Abbott B Co. Ely. W, 13 Union a v . , , , Cath Lipsius, Fen-uggiari. F C. 23 U n i o n — M Seitz. Frey, A. 243 Humbold t , , . , Burger & H B CO-Fendel, M, 76 Fnlten ,. J Amold. Frey, G. 296 Devoe , . . .H B Scharman. (R) Geisser, A. 9TVare l . , , ,H BScharmau, (E) Gerry, M P . 99 Debevoise., , ,N Sehz & Son. Grogan . J - ITIO Pulton P Buckei- (R) Gerken, H. 81 and 83 Grand,, . ,WiUiamsbm-gh

B Co. Ice House, Haas, E. 19 Meserole Fallert B Co. Herrlein, G, 171 Jefferson — Danenberg i- C. Haft, S. 77 Johnson av F Munch. Hensler, G. 216 Throop a v , . , ,F Munch, Jaeck, W. 170 Meserole, . . , Eppig & I, Jazek, F. Cooper av Danenberg it C, Kort, J. IOJ Graham av Liehmann's Sous B

Co. Larabert, S W , 3.S5 Smith . . . , P J SuUivan, Leach, P C. 689 Atlantic a v . , , .W Walker. Long, J T. 97 Coramereial Williarasbm'gh B

Co, Long, J T. Jobnson av and Humboldt st

WUliamsburgh 3 Co. Iee House, McGowen, J, Hamilton av, cor 16th s t — W i U ­

iamsburgh B Co. Minder, V. 173 Johnson Wimamsburgb B Co. MiUai'd, J J and M C Heenan, 217 H o y t , . . , M

Seiiz. MueUer, A. 7fl Ewen MetropoUtan B Co. MiUer, G. 84 North Oth Streeter it Denison. Morrissey, T. 703 H e n r y . . , . M Seitz. Nagle, J . 330 Oakland . , . .Lyman & Co. (E) O'Connor, J J . 161 Greenpoint av WiUiaras­

burgh B Co, PhiUips, L A. Meserole st Brunswick-Balke

Coileuder Co. Billiard Tables. Iteynokls, M, 407 Van Brunt M Seitz, Scheibel, E. 69 Morrell , , . .Burger & H B Co. Strong, J. 94 C e d a r — D a n e n b e r g & C. Swift, Sara E. Main st, s c coi- PIvmoutb M

Wolf, (R) Shepherd, J B. 193 Columbia, ...U Seitz, iK) Sulhvan, D. 17:J Harrisou a v — H B Schar­

man. IR) Sbumpf, A. 173Ten Eyck Liehmann's Sous

B Co, Wolf, J. 173 Ten Eyck Liehmann's Sons B

Co, Zimpfer, F . 128 Meh-ose—Cath Lipsius.

HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKE. Ackei-mau, C W. IISO Greene av H Spies. Anderson, Louise, 203 Schermerhom IMason. Aldridge, Eliz M, 117 Lawrence Mary W Har-

212 Dean IMason. 66 North Oxfo rd . , , . F G Smith.

(R) 11-iReidav,. , ,FG Smith, Piano.

1090 De Kalh av . , , R Silverman. I South 6 t h , , . . Fidelity I & G Co,

19 Wiilougbhy a v , , . , R Silver-





300 1,044

842 300 93-t 800 40J 600 400

1,500 375 100 Olio 380

350 40U 350 300 TOO 400 100

600 1.000



500 400 525

713 975 lOil 050 300


350 600 450 5Jl

1.500 4;il



. 50 300

100 335

mau. BebeU, W F. Bennett , J E.

Piano. Boyden, W A. Builon, J N. Benson, R. Biebler, Lizzie.

mann. Bucklin, Mary wife of W. 43 Albany av , , . ,E l l en

M Creegan, Burrows, W T, 565 Quincy, . . .Ellen M Creegan. Carton, J J , 62S Pres iden t—Thoesen it Uhl, Comstock, Mrs H, 166A Hull, - , . J MuUins, (R) Coon, S H, 1.34 E 16th. New York , , , C H Blair. Cortis, F S . 353 Grand a v , . . . F GSmith. Piano. Chadwick, Sarah C, 434 Paci f ic , , . F G Smith.

Piano. IK) Cowan, Louisa. 84 South flth—G Femiell i t Co. Casslciy, B. 721 Lexington — IMason, Davis, J, 645A Madisou Mary A Davis. (R) Duryea, Comelia .\, aud B A. IITO Gates a v —

W Jardin. Delaney. Maria, 310 16tb., , ,F G Smitb. Piano, Devere, Mrs Mamie. 89 North Oth — A Schulz. Erbeldiog, Mrs A. 619 Franklin av — Wheelock

& Co, Piano, Flatley, Mary. 163 2d a v — A n d e r s o n fi; Co.

Piano, Fonen, 1^'innie.

Piano, Frankliu, E M. Pleraing, T M. Fontana, J E,

102 WiUoughby , , , , FG Smith. It!)

IPl Keap , . , Fidelity I & G Co, 290 Washingten I Mason.

40313th , , , O'FarreU i t H. Feldraayer. E. 185 Wash ing ton—O'Fa r r eU

& H . Garrett , Mrs Susan. 43 Prospect — J Moriartv. Gordou. J W, 883 Myrtle a v , , . , F G Smith.

Piano. (R) Graham, A. 290 Pacific F GSmith. Piano, Hiekey. Mrs Eliza, 1*5 North fith,... F G Sraith.

Piano, (R) Howard, J P J, 119 H i g h . , . ,H W Betts, (E) Hair, S. 313 22d.. . , M Nason. Harding, Anna D, ST Lewis av — F G Smith.

Piauo, (it) Hami-e, II, 3fl4A fltb . . . P B M e y e r , Keefe, J J, 74 Johnson — L U Bailey. Piano, Leonai-d, J T. S20 De Kalb a v — A n d e r s o n &

Co, Piano. Leese, J. 1 St Felix H Hyams. Lowe, Jaue . 162 Nortb IOth , , . ,F G Sraith.

Piano. M a r s h , A u n a C . 4 3 2 0 t h , . , , F G Smith. Piano.

.,.500 393

145 3.50 100 100


100 130 139 115

nr, 350 lliO 131 3S1 500

250 3.50 133



220 1100 153 102


105 300

113 110 135



250 3T5

375 250


200 164 408 415

175 800 a59 104 349 275



131 195 050 399 117






200 158


134 553

603 140

150 130



1,000 1ST




McGiU, P . 32 Ebu. -. E SUverman. McKeever, Maggie, Glenmore av and Hinsdale st,

.,,,.A Schulz, (E) Miller. Kate. 92Washington, , , FenneU & Co. Morse, D E. 730 Madison. , . .Sebula it Ero. Murphy, A J . 204 Sebemerborn 1 Mason. McCormielc, Lizzie. 440 Decatur F GSmi th .

Piano, N a s h , C I . 594Frankhuav , , , F G S r a i t b , Piano. Neuning, Louisa. 145 Heyward A Scbulz. Newman, J J . J ay s t F GSmith, Piano. (E) Newmann, W. II WyckoEE J F Mauges, PoUard . JG, 141 R a y m o n d , - , . F G Smitb, Piano. PeUatreau, C D, 143 Bond.. . .Anderson & Co.

Piano. PhiUippi, Mrs E J . 19S WiUoughby.. . .Ander­

son S: Co. Piano, Ridge, R R. 6TI (Duincy. .- .FG Smith, Piano.

(R) Riddick.H. 13UHull , , . C P a l m e r . Scott. Elizabeth. 361 Bridge ., Agnes C Green. Sharkey, P J . 136 Concord J Moriarty, Sieap, Laura. 1T53 Fulton I Mason. Spear, Mary T. 334 Washington av S Knapp

& Co. Carpets. Seaver, Julia A, 431 McDonough F G Sraith,

Piauo, Skidraore. L M, 13 Soutn 2d-, , r G Smith,

Piano, Souter, Susan G. 22C52d,.- ,F G Smith, Plano-

(R) Sivartz, Henriet ta A. 23fl Bergen . . , ,F G Sraith.

Piano, Sc ross .RD. .35 Beekman st, New York Fi­

delitv 1 & G Co. Turner. D A. 163 Eeid av I Masou. Tripp, L C. 344 Stuyvesant a v , . . , V A Q Rus­

seU. Van Lier, W M. 425 Fiatbusb av Anderson &

Co. Piano. Valerino, F P. 770 Monroe I Mason, (R> Weeks, Martha, 215 Division av J F Man­

ges, (R) West, Frances S t e , 203 Quincy, . , ,S S HaU, Winham, Eleanor E, 159 Havemeyer F G

Sraith. Piano. (R) Wbelan, R M, Guernsey st , , .MrsD E Prat t . Wuttue, Emma. 331 Columbia. . . . 0 FenneU &


MISCELLANEOUS. Bai-gmann, L. York st, n e cor Greene lane J

H Rebse, Grocery. Bened i c t .WE, 6TJ^ Bond, . , ,L Benedict. Print­

ing Establishment. Campbell & S c h r a i d t — P Barret . Wagon. Campbell, F R . 196 Sth av , , , -McSbane i t Co.

Fixtures, &Q. ( R ) Craig, R. Van Voorhies st, near Central av

L WeU, Cows. Drapo, D. 14 Myrtle a v . , . . V C GuUi, Barber

PLv tares . Dexter, M C. Foot 21st, Gowauus . . . ,C L Web­

ster. Bath House, De La Mare, A T. it Co, 169 and ITO Ful ton , , . . J

5 Brownne. Presses, &c. 3,000 Fort , J H. and G T Bowler, of JIarsb, White &

C o . , . , D D o w s , FloatingMiU. (R)35,000 FroeUg, B, 105 George , , . FElfiein, Horse, &c. 115 Feist. E F. 166 Han-isou av . . . -Weeks & P-

Bakerv- iR) Fick, H W. 497.3d a v a n d 18310th S t . . . .CFicker .

Grocci-.v, &c. Ciallavau, TiUie J- Havermeyer st, cor South 2d

C MinshnU- Horses, Wagon, Ganzeubach. C A S Ruppel. Machines. Hervey, C A. T83 Slarcy av Cnnninghan Son

6 Co, Brougham, Jaeck, F. 1T3 Ffatbush av D Kearr. Butcher

Fixtures, Koch, H F. 316 Atlantic av J and I Levy &

Co. Meat Business. Kaiser it Heig. 133 Troutman Singer Mfg

Co, Machines, Larkin, P, Atlantic av, s e eor Howard av

Eliza Dunn. Groceiy, MuUer, C, 170 Ewen M Oppeuheimer, Bar­

ber Fixtures-McLoughlin, R F. 283 Hewes , . , .Singer Mfg Co,

Machines. Morris, R J, 505 4th av Margt Morris.

Presses, &c. Mcllhatton, A, T33 Myrtle av C Goubeaud.

Hoi'ses, Neder. Laura wife of G, 36 Monteith, . .Catb.

Speck, Fixtures, Hoi-ses, itc. New. T A C MoneU. Lease of Presses in

Av B, s w cor 20th st, New York, all En­gmes. i tc . 20,000

Oltrogge, H M. 198 WiUoughby,. , ,M Goebel, Pi-inting Office. (R) 582

Oerzen, Ijj'jis. 916 Fnltou Snsan Godwin. Meat Business. 1,000

Pearce, J W, Atlantic av, 26th Ward Mc­Sbane & Co. Tools, i tc . (E)

Rogei-s Paper Co, Bridge st, cor john Smith Paiier Co, Tools, &c.

Stanley. Eliza S A G Wheeler. Shoe Store. Steul, H, 21 Broadway . . .A Buchlein. Barber

Fixtures . Slraonson, U J . De Kalb av, cor Waverly av

B Weill. Horses. Skinner, H J . 3d av and 4Stb s t Adaline A

Neumann, Horses, itc. Schroeder & Grannemann, 89 N a s s a u . , J

Schacb. Fixtures, itc. Solan, Honora, Porter av and Calhoun st J

Delap. Planing Mill. Stebhn, V, 332 Flushing a v . . , .S W ,t J A Havi­

land. Lea.se aud Fixtureii. Townsend, W H, 64 Montague S Knapp &

Co. Carpets. U S Metal Co. 01 Dr iggs . , . .D Culhane, Tools,

i tc . secures credits 600 W ilev, E C . 130 William st, New Y'ork, , . , Eliza

Wiley, Engiue. &c. 1.000

BILLS OF SALE, AUgeir, Eva, 203 Jefferson J Franz. Ci­

gar nnd Fancy Store. 150 Hansen, MN, 533 3d av Caroline Langbein,

Cigars, &c. 225 Hipwell, G W D. 1T3 Havemeyer . , . ,T J Galla­

van, House Decorations, i tc , 500 Leopold. C. 05fl Myrtle av J (Jebaur, Fixt-

iM-es, 2,000 Meyer, G, Fulton st, s w cor New York av. J

Scugstacke. Grocery. 1,450 Pierson, R I. 1350Fulton... .Nichols Bros, Gro­

cery. 145 Sidney, E O, J r . 2015 Ful tou . . . .E l len J Sidne.y,

Plumbing Business. 100 Zinn, F. 153 Park a v , , , , P & G C Zinn, Gro­

cery. 1,500




350 4.000










ASSIGNaiENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Godwin. Susan to Henry Bloeh (mort. made by

L Oerzen, Sept. 13,1S88), uom Pieterowski. Esther D, to (Jbai-les C Mnnch, J

StoU. (June 18, 1883,) 100


2.070 fiSO








NEW JERSEY. NOTE.—The arrangement of the Conveyances. Mort­

gages and Judgments in these lists is as follows; the first name in the Conveyances is the Grantor; in Mortgages, the Mortgagor; in Judgments, the Judg­ment debtor,



Ayers, H F—H Reilly. Lafayette s t $BO0 Ayei-s, L S—T P Denning, Ehn st 750 BaUard, G M -sarae, 69 lots ou W H and E W

McClave map on Soutb 17tb st, South iSth st and South lyth st 12,000

Banister, Isaac—M A HiU, s w s Chestnut st 3,000 Bartlett , W W—F Stmble. North Oth st 156 Beach, J C. e t al, exrs—E Rhodes, Summer a v , . 1 Blake, J L—J J H Love, Montelair 2,000 Breintnall. J H H same, same property 700 Brennan, James—R Cusack, Orange 2,700 Broason, Ohver—C E Tyler, Clinton i Brown, E L—C Cadraus, East Orange 5,000 Buerman, August—A M Widmer, Hillside av 1.032 Buntele, (jeoi-ge—H Buntele. 16t!i av 50O Butterworth, J W—S A Pope. Eas t Orange 300 CampbeU, J E — A T Waldron, Orange 1 Canfield, Jobn—E P Lorigau, Caldwell 35 Castle, L F—F W Griffin, Orange 1.660 Cavanagh, John—p.A KeUer. bloomfield 600 Cobane, John—M E';,cliraidt, Orange 2.800 Coeyraan, Levi—J Ten Ej'Ck, Newark I Cavanagh. E T—W Augstinann, South U t h st, , - 800 Condit, A M—M J Richraond, East Orange 400 Crump, Samuel—C SpeUer, Montclair 80 Cullen. J P—H Bourne, Orange 276 Dodd, Amzi—E E Dannenbeig, 1.3th av 700 Dodd, Daniel—S Mackiu, South Broad st 1 Dodd, G F—D S Coyle, Blooinlield 4,53T Donald-ion. H C—S Ji Lauinger, Park pl 1 Downey, Wra—J E Downey, Polk st 100 Edwards, A J—J W Butterworth. East Orauge. 335 Elin, Fanny—M Straus, n s Ticbenor st 460 e N J

E II av 30x100 0,000 Eliza, Frances—E J Brooks, East Orauge 7,500 Emerson, Isabelia—I M Banks, Frankhn 4,100 Engliscb, Emanuel—C F G Walther, n s Bank s t

31T w Broad st 25x111 13,000 Faber, Thos—M Schaaf, u s Bank st 21T w Broad

s t 35x111 1 Fort, J F same. South Orange av 1,500 Gould, M A—J Huber, Bruce st 1,800 Grummon, H E—J ReiUy. Hillside av 350 Haffuer, I 'rank—S Meidling, u s New st 83 w

Wasbiugton st 42x115 10,000 Herring, C E—M Andersou. East Orange 1,540 Honiss, Johu—J Brown, Coeyman s t 400 Jacobi, Amelia—M Kasch, n s Walnut st 94 e

Sandford st , 3,700 Jacobus, E F—L J Lyons, Broad s t 1 Jacobus, M N—S K Lauinger, Park pl 1 Jacobus, S H—S K Laninger, Park pl 1 Keen, Oscar, a d m r - S K Laninger, e s Park pl

14 s Park st 30x90x174x75x383 20,000 Kraemer, George—E Meier, s s Cottage st. IOO e

Mulberry st 5,000 Knef, Margaretha, et al—C Seuffert, Belmont av 2,000 KnoiT, Matilda—A M Smith, n s Nelson pl 125 e

Sidney'pl 2.5x117 11,000 Laug, George, et al—H MueUer et al, n s WiUiam

St 633 w Higb st53x51xTlx54x35 10,000 Lynch, Heleu—F D Lorton, Orange 6,000 Lyous, L J—S K Laninger, Park pl ] Mackie, F J—S T WUlets, High st 80 Mackin. Francis—G M Ballard, Ist t rae t s s

Bremen st 100 e Niagara st 25x100, 3d t rac t s s Bremen st 160 e Niagara st 340x100 19,500

Macknet, M H—H Fischer, Littleton av i,050 •Marsh, F E. special master—B Ruppel, Mercer st l.SilO McDougall, J M - T H Mason, e s Penusylvauia av. 3,500 McGregor, John—F B Alleu. Avon av 506 Jlicbalski, Auna—The Standard B and L Assoc,

Baldwrast 1,163 Meyer, Jacob same, Elliot st 1 Miller. Martha—C E Laine, South Orange av 1

Sarae M E MiUei-, Nelson pl t MUler, J W—K Tittel, Malvern st 500 Mitchell, A P and ano—B Ki'ueger, Bloomfield... 150 Moore, F C, e t al—E Rhodes, Summer av 75 Newkirk, Matthew—S K Laninger, Park pl 1 Preiss, Daniel—A Marsh, Orange 2,6C0 Randel!, G D—ftl Ferris, East Orange 310 Rayner, Catharine—A H Cui-rey, Bloomfield 650

Same S Black, Bloomfield 610 Ribbaus, R C—E Ribbans, Green st 1

Same E L Garduer, Prudea alley 1 Richardson, H W—L M Puck, East Orange 1,800 Ross, C P—P Hauck, Orange st 200 Satterthwaite, T E, tmstee—A F Satter thwaite,

Franklin ],357 Schaaf. J o h n ~ T Faber, South 8th s t 1 Schloss, J L—M E Rodrigo. e s Plane st 5,504 Scott, J B—S K Lauinger. Park pl 1 Seitz, C A, hy admrs—H E Radel, w s Littleton

av 372 n s Orauge av 40x109 4,500 Senffert, Christian—M Tiraiuins, e s Behnont

av 2,500 Skinkle, Jacob—F B Allen, Avon av. .- 00 Speller, Coi-neUa—F Newton, Montclair 1,750 Spottiswoode, George—I M (iennng 2,145 Straus, MOITIS—F Elin, e s Broome st 46 n

Spruce st 44x108 4,O0O Sraith, M A—J P Clarke, w s Plane s t 135 u

Bank st 4,150 Teu Eyck, Jay—L Coeyman, Newark 1 Terhune, A B—R T Cissell, s w cor Harailton

aud Liberty sts G,T[0 Thein, Sarah—C Boblen, e s Liberty st 44x64.,.. 3,800 The Mfg Ins Co—A C Nuuz. South iTih st 1,800 The Second Associate Presb Clim'cb-G W Bald­

win, n s Clinten st 387 e Broad st 40x78 9,000 Tuers, David—Joseph Tuers, Montelair 850 Tyler, C E—R F Jenkinson, Clintou T,OOJ Waldron, Alexander—J R Carapbell, Orange . . . 1 Willis, Walter—J F WiULs, n s Bth av 3,440 Wood, Alexander—M A Slatteson, Sylvan a v , , . 600 Wood, Joseph—A A Stryker, Thompson st 350 ZeU, E L—The Ghurcb of Our Lady of Son-ows,

Sonth Orauge 2,600 MORTGAGES.

Battey, S J—E J Van Ness, Kearney st T60

October 6, 1888 Record an< Boehm, Louis—The En t B and L Assoc, Ham­

burg pl.'. 2,000 Bolia, C A—J G Frey, Fairraount av 800 Brady, James—J H H Brieutuall et al, Newten st 3,000 Cadmus, Catharine—E L Brown, East Orange , , 4,000 Denning, T P—E F Ayei-s, Jr , Elm st EOO Duifey, J T—G Deuraan, East Orange 1,400 Durbrow, W B -A L Ward, East Orange 4,000 Elin, Fanny—M Straus, Broome st 500 Genung, I M—G Spottiswoode, Orange 300 Hagen, James—M T Collms, Summit s t 2,900 Hall, M D—H B Bamster, Aqueduct st SOO Hunt, R E—E J Shurts, 4th st 400 Kasch, Martin—A Jacobi, Walnut st 900 KeUer, F A—J Cavanagh, Bloorafleld 400 Lauinger, S K—S H Green, Park pl in,000 Liehsteiu, Mary—Tbe Excelsior B & L Assoc,

Bruce st 1,000 Marsh, Edmund—The Auiericau Ius Co, 4th s t . , 3,000 McLaughlin, Ann—S M StrobeU, Orange l.flOO McLellan, G H—T Nevins, East Orauge 1,100 Mon-is, AT—Tbe Bloomfield Savings Inst, Bloom­

field 4,000 Morrison, J G—A F Tillon, South Orauge 3,000 MueUer. Hemy—The Standard B & L Assoc.

WUIiara s t 9,000 Rhoades, C K—E J a m e s et al, exrs. South lOt.h st, a50 Ruppel, Bernard—The Lincohi B & L Assoc,

M e r c e r s t , , . . 3,400 Searle, Joseph—N Frederich, Frauklin 1,600 Seely, Uriah—A P Condit. East Orange 1,850 Straus, Mon'is—The Standard B & L ASSOC,

Tichenor st 4,000 Taylor, E E—M L Parse, MUliuru 200 Thompsou, John—The Prud Ins Co, Quitraan s t . 3,500 Trautz, August^-Tlif A mci-icen Ins Go, Spring st, 6,000 Tuers, Joseph—I.I Tiici's, Moutelair 350 Van Duyne, Gcerge—II M Doremus, North 6th

s t SOO Walther, C F G—A Hupfel, Bank st 18,000 WiUis, J F—W B Endei-s, 8tb av 3,060 Wood, Joseph—Firemen's Ins Co, 8tb av 6,000 Wregmann, A W—The People's B & L Assoc,


Albe, Gus, 49Winans av—J Van Nest, horse and wagon 500

Cassale, James , 333 Peshine a v — A Meyer, hoi-ses and wagon 105

De Wolf, Geo, 333 Halsey st—J H Muchmore, stock of groceries 150

Doty, I N. East Oran.ge—S H Doty, fumiture 1,630 Doty, 1 N, & Co, 159 Market st—Dunham, Buck­

ley & Co, stock of dry g o o d s — 4,646 Grossman. Rudolph, 23 Court s ( ^ F Moser, horse

aud wagou 200 Hasson, P F, 74J^ Cutler s t - S McConnellogae,

furniture 175 Kopp, Chai-les, 419 I5th av—P Kopp, hoj-se and

wagou 400 McLean, J P. SOO Broad st-—M Newman, fur­

niture 4T Mellor, John, Bloomfield—Hirsch & Schwai-z-

kopf, saloon 600 Mneures, Gustav. 813 Broad st—G Krueger, ^res­

tauran t 3,000 Oberst. G N, II Belmont av—G Krueger, saloon,, 540 Record, Walter, Orauge st—M Newman, furui­

ture 80 Rowe, Alishu, 170 South st—M Newmau, fui-ui­

ture 40 Theuer, L G. 293 Springfleld av—M Newman,

Eurnltin-e 40 Wooby, S P. 494 Washington st—J S Grant,

horses and coaches 1,100 JUDGMENTS,

Burckhardt , Pbilip, et al- -M Burne et al 340 Drake, I H—A Kalisch 133 Garrigan, BM—LE Lines 1,240 Hahn, J H—L M Finger 1,000 Mayor, &c, of Newark—A Stickel 15,79T Mun-ay, M H—G W Venable e t al - 90 Saratello. Guisseppe—D Esposiate 150

Same L Mendel I3,75T Schumann, Joseph—B E Hitchcock 792


Appleby, J C—Hillric J Bomi, Hoboken S5.600 Barnes, Emma S—W Wheeler, Bayonne nom Bergeman. Cathariue—C Eoblolf. J City T35 Bloodgood, F W—EUeu Eich, West Hoboken nom Bonn, J H—P Maloney, Hoboken 3,500 Bose, C H—Annie Bosse, J Citv 3.500 Braden, Jaraes . by exi-—J N Baden, J Cify 4,800 Cadmus, Catbalina. heirs of—Emeline Standish,

Bayonne nora Caffrey, Annie E, Samuel Froelich and Philip

Koehler et al, by sheriff—S Froehlieh, Harri­son . 2,000

Cassidy, G W—W Speck, Union 635 Cattaneo, Frederick—Theresa Vatter, Hobokeu, 3,400 Central New Jersey Land and Irapt Co—Jesse F

Vau Winkel, Bayonne 375 Coe, Elizabeth H—J Woehl, J City 1,600 CosteUo, Joanna—Johannah E Clostello, Harrison 4,000 Culla, John—M Connelly, J City 3,000 Cummings, James—Susan O'Donnell, J C i t y 1,000 Dayton, A B—J Mogridge, J City 2,000 Dubois, Elizabeth A—J H Masker, J City 900 Ehmann, Barbara—J Ehniann, North Bergen . , . 250 Faulkner, E J—S H Lal;e, J City uom Flood, Thomas. Bridget. Kate et al, hy sheriff

—Amelia NicoU, J City 900 Poffey, Daniel, and Florence A Wilson et al, by

sheriff—D Toffey, J City 5.250 Gaines. Henry—Anna M Hopkins. J City 1,700 Gai-rick, John—J D Har t , J City 3,500 Gregory, G S and D W—W Gritt, J City 3,500 Haaren, J W—H Meinken 1 and exch of property Har t , J D—J Garriek, J City 2,250 Heck, J W - T Roach, J C i t y nom Hexaraer. Heleu—Heinrich Hingel, Union nom Hobolren Land and Impioveraent (Z)o—A Seitz,

Hoboken l,8flT Honiss, J o h n - S A Beckett, Keamey 400 Howard, J a m e s - E Ho«'arth, Union

^nom and natural love aud affection S a m e ^ ^ s a m e , Uuiou

uora and natural love and afl'ectlon Inhabitants of Union—E H Eidder. Unon 15 JungUng, Julia—Helen Hutchinson, J City 4.500 Kane, T J—J McCloskey. Kearney 475 Ker, W H, Emma Perry and Jane Wickstead et

al—Elizabeth Lindsay, J City otber good and val consid and uora

Kissam, J W. Jr—B H Kissam, J City 5,000 Koster. Henry—D Kretzmer, Hoboken nom Masker. J H—Elizabeth A Dubois. J City 600

Massormeau, Virginia—H G Molini, NorthBergen nom Meinken, Heury—A B Dayton, J C i t y 1,500 Molini, H G—G Muller, North Bergen 400 North Jerse,y Land Co—H Fleiduer, Kearney. , , , l.SBO

Same Frances M MiUer, Kearney 775 Sarae Beckett & McDoweU Mfg Co, Kearney 1,400 Sarae Maria Exton. Kearuey 5,000 Saiue^—C W Burroughs. Kearney 7,500 Same A Leeds, Keamey 1.400

O'Brien, John—J FarreU. J City '. 10,000 O'Snliivan, John, by exrs—C O yulhvan, Harri-

.son nom O'Sullivan. J O. by esr—J Costello, Harr i son , . , nom

Same Mary (5 SuUivan, Harrison nom Parker , Joseph. J r - Georgianna I Hotchkiss,

Kearney lOO Parker, C J—LiUianDeForestCreenanal t .JCli ty 3,000 Pleiffer, G W—Mary A Dunn, J City 670 Eich, EUeu—A A Rich, West Hoboken 000 Rohh. William—Thos Mahony, J City 3,800 Roberson, Horace—Eva Ruh. Bayoune nom Rull. Peter—H Roberson, Bayonne nom Sands, Rodman—Georgianna I Hotohkiss, Kear­

ney TOO Schreraser, Alice M—B O'NeiU, J City 1,610 Schwartz. Sarah A—Barbara Elsmann. North

Bergen 600 Sh;\rp, Kriu in aud J C Mai ' t in-H O Cai-stens 1,900 Shi•i-uiMill, T P—D Toffey, J City nom Sissuu, .tlury E, by exr—J C Fox, J City 2,TOO Squire, G A—W Wheeler, Bayoune 3,000 Steffens, Elizabeth L—Sarah A Schwartz, North

Bergen love and aljection Stnhr, Henry—WG K'.eupliuger, J City 3,000 Symes, J H—E Alberts, North Bergen ioo Tappen, Catharine V—Mary J Smith, J City 3,300 Toffey, J J—T E Bray, J City nom Toffey, Daniel, J J and W V, et al—T E Bray, . . , 12,000 Totfey Daniel—C S Dodge et al, J City 31,660 Van Alen, J l a ry G—IS Taylor, J City 2,135 Vreeland, Mary—D S H a z a r l , J City 375 Vreeland, Jaue—J R Minugh. J City 1,000 Waldcnberger. EmU—P RiUi, Bayonne 500 Ward. G E—L Mueller, West Hoboken 1,500 Westervelt. D P—Rosa Lowry, Hohoken flOO Wittiger. Joseph—Elizabeth H Coe, J City T5 Wolf, Margaret A—J G Wolf, Union 200 Zimmermann. Heurietta—E J Habst, Hoboken,. 935


Beeton, Helen J—Elizabeth Bacot, 1 year fiOO Blake, G H—Esther P Henry, 3 years 2,850 Blasius, M a t h i a s - C Vogel nom Bradford, Turner—Sarah M Post, Bayonne, 3

years 4OO Braden, J .\—Rnthella E BlackweU, 2 years 3,300 Brown, J R—Aunie Harrison 4,500 Bui'ch, Nora A—Bergen Mutual B and L Assoc No

3 install 1,000 Burroughs, C W—North Jersey Land Co, Kear­

ney, 5 years 3,500 S a m e ^ ^ s a r a e , Kearney, installs 4,000

Byrne, H e n r y - N e w Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust Co, instaUs 2..50O

CahiU, Jobn—Mary McFerran, 3 years 1,000 Carstens, H 0—E Sharp, 2 years 500 Combes, Mary E—H D Winters, Bayonne 1,300 ConnoUey, Martin—G Holraes, 3 years 500 Coming, W 0—New Jei'sey Title Guarantee and

Trust Co. Eayonne, installs 1,200 Crome, Ernst—M Mulry, 1 year 500 Dodge, C S. aud E K Meigs—M P Dodge. I year., 25,000 Edelstein, John—H Kehr 50O Exton. Maria—Ellen P Schuyler, Kearney. 3 yrs , 2,000 Farrier, Agnes—E H Moore 625 Flieduer, Heni-y--Kearney B & L Assoc, Kear­

ney, iustalls 1,400 Forst, Catharine—Cecelia A J Blauken, North

Bei;geu ],000 Poi-st, John—Erail Wakienherger. Bayonne. 5 yrs 500 Fox, J C—Exrs Mary E Sisson. 5 years 1,300 Furcron, W A—Fairraount Mutual B & L Assoc,

iustalls 3 800 Gayuor, H F—North Hudson Co B & L Assoc, in­

stalls 4,400 Gibson, Edward — Fairraount JIutual B & L

Assoc, installs 3 200 Glenn. W H—P E J Schmidt, 2 years 350 Grace, W S—People's B & L Assoc, Harrison, in­

staUs 300 Greenawald, L D F—Exrs H B Cowles, 3 yea r s . . 3,000

Same Tmstee of J F Foster, J year 3,500 Griffing, Abbie S—E A Sirapson 3,900 Gritt, WiUiam—D S Gregory. 5 yeai-s 500 Har t , J D—Exi-s Naomi C E Wright, 5 years 1,600 Har tung, E A—A Warmnth , Union 1.550 Herraaus, C P—J Warren, 3 raonths 5,000 Hoboken Land aud Impt Co—A Klahre, West

Hohoken 1,035 Ickler. J H - H o b o k e n Bank for Savings, Union,

1 year s,000 Jackson, Eliza L—Provident Ins for Savings, 1

year ' 3,000 Kenny, Edward—People's B & L Assoc, Kear­

ney, Installs 3,300 King. John—Fairmount B & L Assoc, instaUs.,,. 4,000 Kohllnind, Cresencia — Hudson City Savings

Bank, I year I,BOO Same—F(JKohlhund,5 years 3,000

Leeds, Albert—Nortb Jersey Laud Co, Kearney. installs 700

Same same, Keamey, installs 400 Lightfoot, R o b e r t - O Wagner, 3,500 Loury, Rosa—D P Westervelt. Hoboken, 5 y r s . . 900 Mahony, Thomas—W Robb, 3,years g.oOO Maloney, Patrick—Hoboken B & L Assoc. Ho­

boken, installs 2,000 Same—J H Bonn, Hoboken, 3 years l.OOO

Martens Metta—Elmira G Brown, 3 years 3.000 Mason, Geoi'ge—Mabel D Loud, 3 years 500 McCloud, Leonard—A C Hobbv. Kearney, 3 yi-s, 1,500 McGuire, Mary, by e x r s - E m U E Datz 16,000 McNalley, Daniel—Margai-et S Kingsland. 2 yrs , 350 Michel, Marie E—J Kay 3,000 Mogridge, John—A B Dayton, 3 years ., 800 Moore, E H—T Robertson, 59T Mom-US J A—J Mourns, 3 i-ears 300 Mueller, Ludwig—G E Ward, West Hoboken, 3

years 1,000 Muller, Gustave—H G Molini, North Bei'gen, in­

stalls 300 Newbold. George—Howard Savings l a s t of New­

ark, Keai'uey, 1 year 3,500 Northrop, J P—Hattie A Campbell. Bayonne, , 3,400 Paul, Christian—Christian F Scbane. Union, 5

years 3,000 Pesenecker, Christepber—Provident Ins for Sav­

ings, 1 year 4,000 Fickett, Br idget^People ' s B & L Assoc, Harr i

son. installs TOO Prochnow, Bernhard—H Fahi-, Guttenberg, 3

yeors soo Puckeridge. V L and Helen V—Sarah A Kings-

land. I year 6. 0

Reid, Johu—People's B & L Assoc. Harrisou, in­stalls 3,000

Reider, J R—T Connon, West Hoboken, 5 years. 70B Reilay, Anna—F Fox, 1 year 1 000 Reynolds, Thomas—Admr of C R Wortendyke.

6 years 3,500 Eoiiloff, Charles—Catharine Bergeman, 1 yea r , . 325 Ryan, John—J P Northrop, 3 years 8.000 Saudford, Squier—J P Morgan. Harrison 1,400 Scarlett. Jobn—Jessie L Parsons, Harrison 1 „ year i,000 Seitz, Arthur—E Foerster. Hoboken, 3 yea r s , , , 3,500 Schraitt, Louise—H Eopei-s, 1 year , . . 3,500 Siefke, Louisa^Mutnal Life Insurance Co of

New York 12,600 Snllivan, Comelius—Mary Kaue 1.500 Taylor, I S—Mary G Van Alen, 5 vears 1 437 The trustees of the Palesaid Methodist Episco­

pal C h u r c h - R B Suckley, installs 6,000 Tindell. Hemy—People's B & L Assoc, Harrison.

mstalls 1800 Tumulty. Philip—Phoauix L & B Assoc, installs 4,000

Same same, instaUs 1,000 Turner. H E—J B Branagan, North Bergeu. 2 „ years 400 Vatta, Theresa^Char lo t te F EickhofE, Hohoken,

5 years 3,000 Von Stegg, Amalie—Maynard HoUister, Keamey,

S y e a r s 1,500 Wagner, Oscar—Garfield B & LAssoc, mstal ls . , 3,000 Wells, Alinda and Flora E B la rney-S ta r Mutual

B& S Assoc, installs <IOO Wheeler, WiUiam—G A Squire. Baj'onne, 3

years i,800 Wier, J o l m - J a n e D Newkirk, 3 years 500 Woehl, Joseph—West End Co-operative B & L

ASSOC of New York, installs 3 50O Yaeger, Adam—People's B & L Assoc, Kearuey. '

mstaUs I eoo Zeitler, Caspei-—The Blechanics" Trust Co of

Bayonue, Bayonue, 1 year 1,600


Brane, C H, S e a c a u c u s - L Heilbrun, horse, wagon, cows, &c 500

Collins, Martin—Hoos & Schulz, furniture 100 Cooney, James , Bayonue—J Mullius & Co, fuj-ni-

ture ]48 Erhard, Adam, West Hobokeu—E C Haberiy,

butcher shop, fixtures, &c lOO Grosskopf, H e r m a n - A A Heimsotb, grocery

store eoo Grunwald, August. Union—W Peter, saloon 510 Hermans, C P—J Warren, buildings and lease. . 5 000 KoUe, Henry, and Olto ICi-ause. Hoboken—The

P & M Schaefer Brewing Co, beer bottling business 350

Larsen, A M—W Peter, saloou ...'.'.'. 750 Lawless, Matthew—Bemheimer & S, saloon 250 Lischke, Anton—The F & M Schaefer Brewmg

Co, saloon 350 Lutvogdt, Hei -man-Tbe F & M Schaefer Breil­

ing Co. saloon 700 Mauker, Albert, West Hobol;en—J Ludwig, gro­

cery stere and wagous 300 Rose, G C—C C Rose, masons' tools, horse,

wagon.&e 700 Eousby, Lizzie—F G Smith, piauo 36T Eusch, Wra F, Hoboken—H Cordis, buUding and

lawbooks 625 Schmid, Bo-uard—W Peter, saloon 700 Schmidt, Conrad and Maria—F Bottcber, bolog­

na sausage busiuess 350 Seely, Is,aac—W G Hibbard, furuiture .500 Shannon, James and Maria B—T Banshaw, bug­

gy, sleigh aud furniture 3(55 Shaughnessy, Tliomas—The Burr Brewing Co,

saloon, ;, , . 809 Smith, Josephine—D B Dunham, coaches 550 Steffens, G W. Hohoken—W Peter, saloon 4,333 Stilwagon, WiUiara—O B Jordan, saloou 1300 Weir, D J—E WullT, furni ture . . . 30O Wells, E S—Winchell & Welsh, Crampton, horses'

carriages, &c 3 gfu Wendall, John—F G Smith, organ go

B I L L S O F SALE. Bearse, John. Bayonne—J W Rushton, boats 600 Cordis, Henry, and W F Eusch, Hoboken

, saloon goo HaU. F R—IdaM WeUs, furait iu-e. , , . '.".'" aoo Steinbmch. Henry, Sr—H Steinbruch, J r , et af

horses, trucks, &c 1 500

J U D G M E N T S .

Aesehbad, Jacob—R Gantzlierg 309 Capuana. Bliebele-H Frank ' 333 Hilpert, J A, and Julius Bahr—Mary 6 Mills, 818 Huek, Frank—H Lange 35 Kanenbly, Martha and A u g u s t - G R Laurence 53 Lowe, Catharine A, and WUUam Miller--D Mm­

ray aa S a m e — G Spotts 75 S a m e — W Hughes ]og

McGuiuess, Eiizahetb—M J Martin 31 Winkler, Eohert—G Johnson " 1 530



This C o m p a n y , a t 120 B r o a d w a y , comple ted i t s flrst business y e a r on J u l y Slst , I n p r e sen t ing b is a n n u a l s t a t e m e n t , a i r . Coggeshal l , t h e p res iden t , says ;

" As i t w a s o rgan ized for t h e purpose of insur ing titles after examination by counsel selected by dealers in real estate from among those ap­proved by the Company, mailing insurance ad­ditional security to the certificate of counsel, a compar i son seems p r o p e r be tween t h e resul t s of i t s m e t h o d s a n d tbose of o t h e r compan ies o p e r a t ­i n g on t h e e n t i r e l y di f ferent p r inc ip l e of exami­nation aa well as insurance of title byacorpora-tion. F o r t b i s pu rpose t b e r e is also presen ted tbe r e p o r t of t h e l a rges t a n d oldest of t b e on ly o tbe r Title Compan ies of tbis c i ty (organized in 18S3), of


i t s condi t ion J u u e SOth, 1S88. a s filed in t b e ofBce of t b e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of tbe B a n k D e p a r t m e n t .

" A compar i son of these s t a t e m e n t s wil l show t h a t t h e L a w y e r s ' C o m p a n y bas s full pa id capi ta l of S500,000, whi le t b e o t h e r has SOI 4,MOO subscr ibed a n d pa id of a cap i t a l of Sl ,000.000; t b a t p l an t , w h i c h is n o t ava i l ab l e a s a cash asset , r ep re sen t s in t h e s t a t e m e n t of t h e L a w y e r s ' C o m p a n y less t h a n 814,000, wh i l e in t h e s t a t e m e n t of t h e o t h e r c o m p a n y i t r ep re sen t s m o r e t h a u §450,000, ancl t b a t t h e ne t cash resources of t h e L a w y e r s ' Com­p a n y a f t e r one yea r of business , a n d on a capi ta l of §500,000, a m o u u t t o n e a r l y §525,000, w h d e t h e n e t cash resources of t b e o t h e r c o m p a n y , a f t e r s ix y e a r s of business a n d ou a pa id c a p i t a l of §914,300 a m o u n t t o a Ut t le ove r S5SO,000."

T h e r e p o r t i n fuU is as fol lows:



OF NEW YORK, A u g u s t 1 , 1 8 8 8 .

Organized AprU IS, I88T. Began business Ju ly 18,1887.

ASSETS. U. S. 4 per cent. Registered

Bonds IB07, Guaranty F u n d , . , M'kt value $347,224 31 do '• " 30,570 00

N. Y, City 3 per ceut. Regis-teredBoiids " '• 103,350 00

Cash deposited m U, S. Ti-ust Co 32,000 00 Cash deposited in Bank of

America. - 3,847 85 Cash deposited in office 433 58 Ledger balances due August I, I8S8 13,867 34

Cash Assets S531,191 33 Bureau nf iuEoriuation (Plant

less than 1-5 of cost) -- $13,879 61 Oflice fmnlture 1,833 06 Library 151 DO 15,354 57

Record and Guide. Of tbe above capital stock $400,000 was paid iu for

the pnrpose of paying for searches, abstracts, indexes, maps and copies of records, and is required te be sepa­rately stated to the Banking Department.

SUPPLEMENTARY. Total amount of iuterest, com­

missions and profits of every kiud received during the last six montlis $63,383 33

Amoirat of expenses of the in­stitution durmg same pe­riod 60,78907

Amount expended in procnr-ing seai'ches, abstracts, in­dexes and copies of records Iplant) dm-ing last s i s months 3^-5^7 50


Manufacturers of


TofalAssetS $547.04640


Capital Steck 5500,000 00 Eeut accmed l.SOO 00 All other debts ^•719 00 Surphis 40.837 40 $547.046 49

N E W YORK, August 1.1888.


Total receipts of all kinds from commencement oE business July i8. 18S7. t o August 1, 1888 (13)^; montlis)

Total payments from organiza­tion April 18, 1S8T, to August 1, 18B3 (15J^ months), iucludiug all esiienses of organization aud office expenses $30,623 00

Paid for plant and charged te ex­pense account 56,130 95

$131,639 20

97,753 B5

Sunilus cash receipts N E W YORE, August 1, 1888.

$33,885 35

The b e s t and most r e l i a b l e White Lead made and u i i e q u a l e d for i i m l ' o i - i u

Whiteness, Fineness and Body. R E D L E A D A N D L I T H A R G E ,

P U K I i L I N . S E E O O I L , l E u w , R e i i i i e d a n d B o i l e d .

Atlantic Wliite Lead & Liuseed Oil Co., 3 8 7 P E A R L S T R E E T . N e w Y o r k . ,


Steam Marble Works. 238 to 244 East 57th Sticct,

At a i Av, Elevated R. R. Station, NEW YORK,

Material Men's Mercantile Association, Reports and Ratings on

BCILDEES i C0HTEACTOB3, Daily Information ae to

Liens allecting Subscriber's Custom ers.

A Bureau of Quick and Re­hable Information for

M A T E R I A L M E N ,

B y w a y of compar i son Mr, Coggeshal l r ep rmfa

t b e l a s t ofHcial s t a t e m e n t of t b e o t h e r c o m p a n y

refeiTed to , as fol lows:



TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO, On the thhi^ieth day of June . 1886, a t the close of business on tha t day, made to the Superintendent of the Bank Departraent, as requh-ed by Section 319 of Chapter 409 of the Laws of 1883:

RESOURCES. Bonds and mortgages, as per schedule A $288,400 00 Stock investments a t maritet value, as

p e r s c h e d u l e B 317,812 50 Amount loaned on collaterals, as per

schedule C '3,700 00 Cash on deposit iu banks or other

moneyed histitutions, as per schedule JJ 3,930 73

Plant accuraulated reprcsenthig an ex­penditure of and now worth 450,133 3r

Amouut of assets not included under either of the above heads, tbe iteras of wbicb are fully set forth lu schedule E, 27,330 40


W. & J. SLOANE are now offering over 500 patterns of the "best


C A R P E T I IM C , new goods, at a great re­duction from last season's prices.

Broadway, IStti and I9tt i Streets, N E W Y O R K .




JftNES & KIRTLAND '-'^^ e r . a d w a y .

JOHN W. MORAN (Successor to J . W, & H. C, MORAN.)

H a i u l l l o n A v . . C o r . H i c b t . S t . . P o h l y n .

The "Nightingale" Wood Block Tiling OUAnANTEED FOR A TERM Of- VEARS.

154 NASSAU ST., Tribune Eldg., NEW YOEK.


Patented July, 1880.

\bsolntc Snt fcss l Positive C u a r a u t c e !

T h u t y days" trial without lay. After being used for liree months purchasers, if ot entirely satislied, wih ave their money refunded, lierefore no risk.

• ; . H . L ' A i u o u r e i i x patentee and Man'fr,

3hl HUDSON ST., N. Y. Rights to manufaciure for



Over 5,000,000 square feet laid. Ou ground, on flre-oroof I'OUEh uudi-essed boards and woodeu joists or other floors. In any style, rough enough for a factery or artistic enough for a hall or drawing-room. Prevents malaria. Each block firmly keyed to sub­structure by metal keys dove-tailed rate under sides of hlocks, other extreraities of keys embedded in damn-proof composition, which prevents dry-rot. Each block keyed mdependently of its neighbor te suhstmctiu-e. Composition is forced into groves traversing sides of blocks hinduie them to each other and foundation. Adopted extensively for many years in places -where Ules'^parqnel, marble, ete,, a re often laid. Advantages being its thorough solidity.immovabibty, noiselessuess

• " " S u i n ^ - a l e F l o o r I . u i > r o v e m e o t C o . , 151 BR""OADWA?, Rooms 3, 4 and 5, - - - N E W Y O R K

$1,100,-347 00

914,300 00 71,414 47

LIABILITIES. Capital stock subscribed 5914,300 00

-Capital steck paid m c a s h . , . . Surplus fund Accrued rents and runnmg

accounts (esthnated) 4,200 00 Temporary loans, prmcipal . . 110,000 00 Temporary loans, acci-ued in­

terest 833 fi3 114,533 1.3

$1,100,347 00

fOOALE'' ™fii»iiisii!i T H t^ B - T i i r v r N l i lE B I T can be guided in any dsect ion regard-

fecreen Work, Can be seen m operation a t the * - " ' ^ ^ ' * ^ ' : ! ' ^ ' ' f V e e RlSstrated Price List on Apphcation. se t (S-3 to l l -8Uni1nec lo lhcase ,or50c ._f_or«sample . ra^ i le_dJree .^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^^^^


HILL'S PATENT INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS. These b l " d s , 'e.uire no binges, -^y^i^'^t^^%ri^ltJ.Th^ S ^ h ^ n d

fere with curtains or window o ™ a ^ ^ ° / ^ v ^ " , ^ i ^ I , t ° BeinTeasi ly and rapidly air can be admitted from , e ? / P^'^L'jf „*, f 'f 'nrdeV Tbev^econoraize space by

- i l e't bTnfLV" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 1 8 0 l n . p r o v c d E n g l i s U a n d A m e r i c a u " V e n e t i a n B l i n d s "

in any desired wood b e a u t i f u l l y finishec

l l r o o k l y . . , I G c o u r t S t r e e t B o o m 3 1 4 , 1 8 C o r " « ' n d t S . . , N . Y . Telephuul Call, 135 Brooklyn N. Y. Telephone, 597 John.

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