ldpd_7031128_029_17.pdf - The Real Estate Record

REAL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. XXIX. NEW TOEK, SATUEDAY, APEIL 29, 1882. No. 737 Published Weekly by The REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION TERMS: ONE YEAR, ttt advance $6.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager. After Mayl, THE REAL ESTATE RECORD offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street. The Forrestry Congress, which has just adjourned at Cincinnati, was a notable gathering and its work ought to result in good to the community. The waste of timber is simply criminal, and we are already beginning to feel its disastrous effects in freshets and droughts, as well as the abnormally high price of lumber -where most needed. Every energy of the nation, the State and the locality should be brought to bear to promote the growth of trees. The sanitary reasons are as strong as the economical, for reclothing mountain sides and the banks of rivers with woods so heed- lessly cut down. The croakers are pointing out that there are too many railroads underway, and especially that there are more than can ever be needed reaching out from New York to other parts of the country. The Philadel- phia roads have all an outlet in this city, the Baltimore & Ohio is bent on securing a right of way to New York, and the Ontario & Western, Delaware & Lackawanna, and the "West Shore & Buffalo will be feeders to the metropolis. In the ancient world alFroads led to Rome, and railway building in North America ultimately is designed to reach this port. There may be a waste of capital in the stock of these enterprises, but their construction will add to the value of realty in New York. It was during the paper money inflation period that the experiment was first at- tempted of building immense and costly structures for business and office purposes. The Equitable building, the Drexel & Mor- gan building, the Tribune and "Western Union structures, and the large concern at the corner of Fourteenth street and Broad- way, as well as others, date from this very costly period. It was predicted that they would be financial failures, but it did not so turn out, and upon the revival of prosperity well posted capitalists eagerly entered upon a career of building even more gigantic stmc- tures. Hence theBoreel Building, "Fort" Sherman, comer Broadway and Wall street, the London, Liverpool and Globe BuUd ing and scores of others, while last but not least the great Mills building on Broad street. These great edifices wtU certainly pay, pro- vided no catastrophe affects the trade of New York. Plans filed in the Building De- partment continue to show the confidence of persons of large means in big buildings, for domestic as well as office purposes, instead of little ones. RECHARTERING THE BANKS. Between now and the close of February, 1883, the charters of three hundred and ninety-three national banks will have ex- pired. These institutions have a capital of $91,985,950, and their total issues of notes is $67,853,910. Unless an enabling act is passed, all these banks must go into liqui- dation. They must be wound up and started afresh. If the present Congress gives no relief, it foUows that the circulation will be withdrawn, about $150,000,000 of loans called in, and a sufficient amount of assets sold to create a first-class currency panic, when stocks will be actually given away in Wall street. The votes show that a decided ma- jority of the House of Representatives is favorable to the banks, but that there is' great difference of opinion as to the provi- sions under which the national banks should reorganize. Our national banking system came into existence while a gigantic civil war was raging, and one of its main objects was to create a market for the floating of Government bonds. But the war closed eighteen years ago, and it is realized that new conditions have arisen which demand some changes in the reorganization of our banking system, and it is in this honest difference of opinion lies the peril of a failure of Congress to recharter the banks in such a way as to prevent a violent contraction of the currency. Ex-Secretary of the Treasm*y, John Sher- man, is of opinion that every bank ought to be reorganized after twenty years of exist- ence. There is danger that these financial institutions may have skeletons in their vaults in the way of worthless assets. During the bard times a great many of bad debts must have been made; two-thirds of the business men of the country failed, and these same bankrupts were in many cases the managers of the national banks. It was always a mystery how the national banks managed to live through the crises which ruined their customers. Perhaps if all the national banks were forced into liquidation, the mystery would be explained. Until this bank matter is settled, an uneasy feeling will prevail in financial circles. The wise thing to do would be to extend the charters of certain groups of banks in such a way that no more than ten would be wound up each month ; but they all should be required to reorganize, and the limit of their corporate life should not be more than twenty years. It is a pity Congress could not act upon this matter at once, for, if settled satisfactorily, it would remove one cloud, and a very lowering one, from the financial horizon. We have not thought it worth while here to discuss the question of the substitution of Treasury notes for .national bank bills. Whatever arguments there may be in favor of that scheme, it is not likely to be indorsed by either the Senate or House, and if it should gef through Con- gress it would be promptly vetoed by Pres- ident Arthur. The hesitancy which has been observed in the real estate market within the last ten days is attributed in certain quarters to tbe fear that Congress may not act wisely in dealing with the bank problem. A state of affairs that would involve a great displacement and violent contractions of the currency would be dis- astrous not only to stock values but to the price of real estate, at least temporarily. AGRARIANISM IN NEW YORK. The real estate interest of New York is a very heavy contributor to the revenues of the New York Herald. The houses for sale and to rent cover page after page of that paper, daily. Yet this journal, so munifi- cently supported by the owners of realty, has become the organ of 3 class of tenants who are \jnable or unwilling to pay their just rents. An anti-landlord cry may have a meaning in Ireland, but it certainly has none under our laws. What is a landlord in the United States? He is simply a person who, having spare means, has bought or buUt houses which he rents to those who wish to occupy them. The money is in- vested for the same reason that any other property or commodity is bought, either for use or to allow somebody else to occupy for a consideration. The landlord, in providing homes for those who have not got them, per- forms a social function honorable in itself because necessary. In the laws of all coun- tries, provision is made for the prompt col- lection of rent, and the processes are neces- sarily summary, for if the landlord cannot get the return for his money promptly, he will do one of two things, he will raise the rent to insTire himself against loss and annoyance in its collection, or he will decline to rent his houses. Any popular or legislative action which prevents him from collecting what is due promptly, would be a severe tax on the renting community, for investors would not build new houses and landlords would advance the price of those in the mar- ket to make up for the delinquencies of their tenants. There is really no comparison between farm land as rented in Ireland and house property as let in New York. In the case of the Irish farm, the value is given to it by the labor of the tenant. The complaint has been that the improvements he makes are taken advantage of by the landlord to in- crease his rent, but the occupant of a house in New York or Brooklyn, or of apartments in a house, gives no additional value to his holdings; indeed, as a matter of fact, the tenement is more or less depreciated by the fact of its occupancy, and, therefore, while in the one case it may be cruel to evict a tenant from the home which he in part created, there can be no hardship in forcing a person to leave a house or suite of rooms, : the rent of which he is unable or unwilling

Transcript of ldpd_7031128_029_17.pdf - The Real Estate Record



Published Weekly by The



ONE YEAR, ttt advance $6.00

Communications should be addressed to

C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager.


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street.

The Forrestry Congress, which has just adjourned at Cincinnati, was a notable gathering and its work ought to result in good to the community. The waste of timber is simply criminal, and we are already beginning to feel its disastrous effects in freshets and droughts, as well as the abnormally high price of lumber -where most needed. Every energy of the nation, the State and the locality should be brought to bear to promote the growth of trees. The sanitary reasons are as strong as the economical, for reclothing mountain sides and the banks of rivers with woods so heed­lessly cut down.

The croakers are pointing out that there are too many railroads underway, and especially that there are more than can ever be needed reaching out from New York to other parts of the country. The Philadel­phia roads have all an outlet in this city, the Baltimore & Ohio is bent on securing a right of way to New York, and the Ontario & Western, Delaware & Lackawanna, and the "West Shore & Buffalo will be feeders to the metropolis. In the ancient world alFroads led to Rome, and railway building in North America ultimately is designed to reach this port. There may be a waste of capital in the stock of these enterprises, but their construction will add to the value of realty in New York.

I t was during the paper money inflation period that the experiment was first at­tempted of building immense and costly structures for business and office purposes. The Equitable building, the Drexel & Mor­gan building, the Tribune and "Western Union structures, and the large concern at the corner of Fourteenth street and Broad­way, as well as others, date from this very costly period. It was predicted that they would be financial failures, but it did not so turn out, and upon the revival of prosperity well posted capitalists eagerly entered upon a career of building even more gigantic stmc-tures. Hence theBoreel Building, "For t " Sherman, comer Broadway and Wall street, the London, Liverpool and Globe BuUd ing and scores of others, while last but not least the great Mills building on Broad street. These great edifices wtU certainly pay, pro­vided no catastrophe affects the trade of

New York. Plans filed in the Building De­partment continue to show the confidence of persons of large means in big buildings, for domestic as well as office purposes, instead of little ones.

RECHARTERING THE BANKS. Between now and the close of February,

1883, the charters of three hundred and ninety-three national banks will have ex­pired. These institutions have a capital of $91,985,950, and their total issues of notes is $67,853,910. Unless an enabling act is passed, all these banks must go into liqui­dation. They must be wound up and started afresh. If the present Congress gives no relief, it foUows that the circulation will be withdrawn, about $150,000,000 of loans called in, and a sufficient amount of assets sold to create a first-class currency panic, when stocks will be actually given away in Wall street. The votes show that a decided ma­jority of the House of Representatives is favorable to the banks, but that there is' great difference of opinion as to the provi­sions under which the national banks should reorganize. Our national banking system came into existence while a gigantic civil war was raging, and one of its main objects was to create a market for the floating of Government bonds. But the war closed eighteen years ago, and it is realized that new conditions have arisen which demand some changes in the reorganization of our banking system, and it is in this honest difference of opinion lies the peril of a failure of Congress to recharter the banks in such a way as to prevent a violent contraction of the currency.

Ex-Secretary of the Treasm*y, John Sher­man, is of opinion that every bank ought to be reorganized after twenty years of exist­ence. There is danger that these financial institutions may have skeletons in their vaults in the way of worthless assets. During the bard times a great many of bad debts must have been made; two-thirds of the business men of the country failed, and these same bankrupts were in many cases the managers of the national banks. It was always a mystery how the national banks managed to live through the crises which ruined their customers. Perhaps if all the national banks were forced into liquidation, the mystery would be explained.

Until this bank matter is settled, an uneasy feeling will prevail in financial circles. The wise thing to do would be to extend the charters of certain groups of banks in such a way that no more than ten would be wound up each month ; but they all should be required to reorganize, and the limit of their corporate life should not be more than twenty years. It is a pity Congress could not act upon this matter at once, for, if settled satisfactorily, it would remove one cloud, and a very lowering one, from the financial horizon. We have not thought it worth while here to discuss the question of the substitution of Treasury notes for

.national bank bills. Whatever arguments

there may be in favor of that scheme, it is not likely to be indorsed by either the Senate or House, and if it should gef through Con­gress it would be promptly vetoed by Pres­ident Arthur. The hesitancy which has been observed in the real estate market within the last ten days is attributed in certain quarters to tbe fear that Congress may not act wisely in dealing with the bank problem. A state of affairs that would involve a great displacement and violent contractions of the currency would be dis­astrous not only to stock values but to the price of real estate, at least temporarily.

AGRARIANISM IN NEW YORK. The real estate interest of New York is a

very heavy contributor to the revenues of the New York Herald. The houses for sale and to rent cover page after page of that paper, daily. Yet this journal, so munifi­cently supported by the owners of realty, has become the organ of 3 class of tenants who are \jnable or unwilling to pay their just rents. An anti-landlord cry may have a meaning in Ireland, but it certainly has none under our laws. What is a landlord in the United States? He is simply a person who, having spare means, has bought or buUt houses which he rents to those who wish to occupy them. The money is in­vested for the same reason that any other property or commodity is bought, either for use or to allow somebody else to occupy for a consideration. The landlord, in providing homes for those who have not got them, per­forms a social function honorable in itself because necessary. In the laws of all coun­tries, provision is made for the prompt col­lection of rent, and the processes are neces­sarily summary, for if the landlord cannot get the return for his money promptly, he will do one of two things, he will raise the rent to insTire himself against loss and annoyance in its collection, or he will decline to rent his houses. Any popular or legislative action which prevents him from collecting what is due promptly, would be a severe tax on the renting community, for investors would not build new houses and landlords would advance the price of those in the mar­ket to make up for the delinquencies of their tenants.

There is really no comparison between farm land as rented in Ireland and house property as let in New York. In the case of the Irish farm, the value is given to it by the labor of the tenant. The complaint has been that the improvements he makes are taken advantage of by the landlord to in­crease his rent, but the occupant of a house in New York or Brooklyn, or of apartments in a house, gives no additional value to his holdings; indeed, as a matter of fact, the tenement is more or less depreciated by the fact of its occupancy, and, therefore, while in the one case it may be cruel to evict a tenant from the home which he in part created, there can be no hardship in forcing a person to leave a house or suite of rooms,

: the rent of which he is unable or unwilling

414: T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29,1882

to pay. I t is notorious tha t investments in New York real estate do not, on an average, pay more than 5 or 6 per cent. Any agita­tion which would render this kind of prop­erty insecure as an investment, would result in a grievous additional tax upon the general community, for if capital is frightened away from real estate to stocks and bonds, there will be fewer houses built and those in the market would command a far higher rental to make up for the insecurity.

W A L L STREET. The stock market still wants a leader.

The bears as yet as a general th ing still have command of the street, but thei'e are many reasons which render selling short somewhat risky. W e have very easy money, a heavy immigration and a number of other factors which ought to advance prices, but of course there can be no decided upward movement expected unti l there is some assurance that we shall have good crops. So far the condi­tions of weather and growth have been fav­orable, and if these indications continue good, a buying movement will in t ime re­sult. I t may take thir ty days to create a decided impression for or against the new crop, but if the indications should be favor­able by the early part of June , an active rising market may come with the advent of hot weather. Tlie weak points in the mar­ket are the suspicion there may be a fight among the coal roads, and the heavy falling ofl compared wi th last year of the East-bound freight business. If any stocks should have real prospective value, it is those of the Northwest. Indeed the entire country north of Kansas and west of the Mississippi is growing so enormously, that wi th a fair average crop there ought to be a large addition to the price of the shares of the railways which have a monopoly of tha t region. Northwestern, St. Paul & Omaha, as well as Rock Island will profit very lai-gely this coming season, provided the crop is a fair one. But it is difficult to find a bull argument for the Vanderbilt stocks east of ihe Mississippi. Lake Shore will be subject not only to the competition of the New York, St. Louis & Chicago, but when navigation is open, the Welland canal will tell as a competitor, now tha t its depth is twelve feet. Indeed much of tlie depression ia the t runk lines is due to the great com­petition which will take place in the grain trade when the Welland canal can be used by large sized boats. Barges caiTying 700 tons of coal will hereafter be able to get through the Welland canal; they could not carry more thau 500 tons heretofore. Then the t ime is fast approaching when the Dela­ware &, Lackawanna, the Ontario & West­ern, and the New York, West Shore & Buf­falo will be active competitors for the busi­ness now monopolized by the New York Central and the Erie. The immediate out­look for the stock market is very puzzling, but the growls of the bears are on the whole drowning the roars of the buUs.

up the t ime [of courts, and yet we have be­fore us the example of Pennsylvania, in which money lent on land or houses is. col­lected promptly or the property confiscated, without the machinery of mortgage suits. If default is made in tho jpayment at the t ime specified, execution issues without de­lay, and a sale by the Sheriff follows. I n this State ou r . laws are codified in such a way as to retain the old forms, while in Pennsylvania the common law practice has been retained and th^ forms gotten rid of.

W h y not assimilate some of the laws in this State relating to real estate, to those in force in Pennsylvania? In the latter State mortgages are almost unknown, and a sim­ple judgment costing $1.25, which has all the effect of a mortgage, takes its place. The machinery in New York, by whicii en­cumbered real estate passes into the hands of a creditor is cumbrous and costly. I t in­volves the employment of lawyers and takes

MINING INFORMATION. The declaration of the seventy-eighth 50 cent,

monthly dividend by the Ontario, calls attention to a class of mining stocks in which there is very little speculation, but which are reallj- the standby's of the market. Ontario was put on this market at $20 a share, the original subsrib-ers have received back $39, and are in possession of their original certificates. The mine is good for many years yet, though one peril constantly menaces it. I t is situated in a canon, surrounded by hills, and, as the workings increase in depth, the springs of the lakes and streams in the neighborhood are being tapped. Immense pumps have so far kept the mine so that it can be worked, but it may become a cistern with plenty cf good ore in the lower levels. Among the other steady dividend-payers are the Home-stake, Father de Smet, Deadwood, Terra and Standard of Bodie. These properties have all fulfilled expectations, but the stocks are not active, as they are looked on as steady dividend-payers, and the element of doubt is limited, which is so essential iu speculative transactions. Still it is the experience of California operators that dividend hunters e^sentually get "stuck."

When] the mining fever first began to rage it was pointed out in these columns that owing to the imperfection in our laws there would finally come a harvest for the lawyers in litigations which would ensue as soon as people found they lost money, and that promoters could be called to account. New York needs a well-guarded law under which mining corporations can be organized, and which will admit of assessments. The companies are now organized under the general manufacturing law, and under its pro­visions promoters and others are held to a strict accountability. A glance at the] legal columns of the daily papers shows how many suits are under way against persons who have been active in organizing mining corporations. When the Bullion Club was in active operation au attempt was made to draft a law that would meet the case, but it was never presented to the Legis­lature, as it was known that the lobby stood ready to blackmail the mining interest.

The National Mining and Industrial Exposition which Avill open at Denver on the first of next August, win doubtless mark an epoch in the his­tory of mining in this countiy. Of course the railroads will encourage a visit to Denver on that occasion by giving lower rates of fare, and all who can afford it should visit the wonderful region in the neighborhood of the capital of Col­orado. The country thereabouts is wonderfully pictm-esque. The tourist would do well to spend a couple of weeks in visiting Pike's Peak, the Clear Creek country, Georgetown, the Garden of the Gods, Manitou, the Queen's Canon, and the Cheyenne Canon. We are entering upon an era of immense mineral development, for oui' railway system is now being connected with the mineral regions of the West.

George D. Roberts has come to town, and he and his associates have organized a grand raid upon the pockets of the community. He will have the shares of four mines in Lake Valley, New Mexico, to dispose of; indeed the machin­ery of the deal has been copied from the State Line programme. There are two centre mines which are supposed to be of exceptional value, and two outside mines that are promising pros­pects. It is understood that these properties are soon to be listed upon the New York Mining

Board, and it is known that there is already an active private demand for the shares of the com­pany. Five dollars a share is eagerly bid for one of the mines of this group, and $1.75 for the cheaper outside properties. It is to be seen whether the mining public will deal in these properties after their unfortunate experience in Mr. Roberts' previous ventiu-es.

Wm. M. Lent writes to his friends from San Francisco that at present pi ices Standard and Bodie are a purchase.

The Union Consolidated of Bodie which figures so extensively in the newspapers is the worst kind of a cat, it does not deserve to be men­tioned. It is situated on a part of the Bodie bluff, in which no mine will ever be found. All the ground north of tho Standard, so far ex­plored, has not brought to light any ore that will more than pay the expenses of mining. So far the high pay-ore of the Bodie district has beeu found in the southern two-hirds of the Standard mine and in the northern half of the Bodie.' In the southern half of the Bodie the formation breaks up, and as the northern line of the Stand­ard is neared the ore grows lean.

BEYOND THE HARLEM. In 1S79 a charter was obtained for the running

of a rapid transit railroad over or adjacent to the line of the Harlem River & Portchester Rail­road. Under this charter this company were to run half hourly trains, with the usual commis­sion hours, within thirty days after the comple­tion of a bridge across the Harlem River, which they were empowered to build. Upon the open­ing of the subscription books 95 per cent, of the stock was taken by the ofiicials of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Raih-oad Company, who are also the owners of the Hai-lem River & Port­chester Railroad, over which this new line was to mn. Property owners along the route of this line complain that nothing has been done towards, accomplishing the object that they had in -view when they secured the charter referred to— namely, the running!|of fx-equent trains for the accommodation of residents in the district through which it passed. This charter, nothing having been done, will expire on May 2d next, but it appears that application has been made to the. Legislature for an extension of two years. A meeting of the property owners in this locali­ty was held at 130 Water street, some days since, at which the following gentlemen, representing over five million of doUars, were present: James C. Cooley, President, Edward Haight, Secretary, Chas. D. Burrill, H. D. Tiffany, Frank Watson and William Caswell. The president stated that the officials of the railroad company had been in­vited to attend the meeting but have declined, and that they also refused to make any tacit agreement in regard to the running of more fre­quent trains, and therefore he moved that a tele­gram be sent to Representative Catlin at Albany, to leave nothing undone to defeat the extension of the charter to which we have heretofore re­ferred. This motion was unanimously adopted and the telegram sent.

It is alleged that the reason the Harlem River & Portchester Railroad Company do not move in the matter, is that they have such a'Jarge freight business that they do not care for the passenger traffic, and consequently run as few trains as is consistent with the terms of their charter.

Estimates for paving the following streets will be received until May.Sth, at 12 ii.: Morris, between Greenwich and West; Fourth, between Broadway and Thirteenth; Tenth avenue, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth; North William, between Frankfort and Chatham; Rose, between Frankfort and New Chambers; Vandewater, between Frankfort and Pearl; Twenty-flfth, between Fifth and Sixth ave­nues; Twenty-sixth, between Avenue A and the East River; Fifty-fourch, between Seventh and Eighth avenues; Avenue A, from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-sev­enth ; Tenth avenue, from Seventy second to Seventy-fourth; One Hundred and Thirty-third, from Fourth to Sixth; Sixty-second, from the Boulevard to Tenth avenue and. Ninety-ninth, from Third avenue to ext<-rior street.


[From our Special Correspondent.J

ALBA^ r, April 27. A l,jll lias been introduced in the Assembly, to-day,

by Mr. E. C. Shee'.ey, to amend the act of la.st year relative to the registration of plumbers, and the sub­mission of plans to the Board of Health for drainage and plumbing of houses, before the sink can be erect­ed. The amendment is in the interest of a particular pipe and provides that "nothing contained in the act of last year gha^l authorize the Board of Health, or Health Department in either the cities of New York or Brooklyn, to prohibit the use of vitrified glazed pipes for the drainage of any buildings in said cities." It is hardly possible that the Health Board will exclude the use of any proper drainage pipe, and this bill there­fore leads to suspicion of an attempt to force the Use of a pipe which does not meet all the requirements for proper drainage.

The act to abolish tho small-pox recep'ion hospital on East River, and establish a park on that site, has been advanced to third reading in the Assembly.

The Assembly Commiitee on commerce has reported a bill to establish a ferry at the foot of East Forty-second street, and the general act for the construction of street or horse railroads, which will enable the par­ties which have commenced these horse railroad in that street to complete it from river to river, has been seS down as a special order in the Assembly early nest Week.

The bill to require tlie Department of Public Works to change the grades of the streets from Eighty-fourth to Ninety-sixth street, west of the Boulevard, has passed the Senate.

A bill, which may effect the convenience of the busi­ness of real estate lawyers in searching titles and re­cording transfers, has passed the Assembly. It authorizes the Sheriif, the County Clerk, the Register and Surrogate to close their oflices afc noon on Satur­days from the 15th of Jiine to the 15th of September. Its passage in the other house and approval by the Governor, will stop all business to be transacted in these ^offices for half a day each week for three months in the summer. These ofScials would seem to be well enough paid to afford to keep their offices open all of week days the year around for public con­venience.

A bill has been introduced in the Senate, by Mr. Grady, and favorably reported by the Cities Com­mitter;, relative to certain agreements by the Dock De-jmrtment and the delay of work by suits, intended to allow the work to go on, without prejudice to the liti­gants. It provides that the agreement of lease consti­tuted by the formal resolution of the Department of Docks of the City of New York, adopted November twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred aud seventy-eight, and in the writings pursuant thereto on file in said de­partment of pier number thirty-six, North River shall coutmue m full force and effect, notwishstanding the delay caused m reconstructing said pier by the pen­dency of suits against the municipal authorities of the city, by persons claiming bulkhead or pier rights under grant from the city or State, and subject never­theless, to the operation of any relief awarded such claimants m any such litigation; and, in so far as not aifected thereby, the rights of the respective parties shall contmuL- as in said agreement of lease set forth.

There is a controversy going on between Ex-Super-iutendent of Buildings McGregor and the present Superintendent Esterbrook, as to the merits of their respective building act bill. The former lias been here all the week watching. In the meantime, a bill has been introduced by Mr. Grady and favorably reported in the Senate, amending section 33 of the present building law, in reference to the plans for alteration of buildings and the subsequent change of those places. It provides that b?fore the erection, construction, alteration or repair of any building or part of any building in the city of New York is commenced, the owner shall submit to the Fire Department a detailed statement, m writing, of the soeciflations, and a fidl and complete copy of the plans of such proposed buildmg, erection, alteration or repair, which shall be accompanied with a statement, in writing, sworn to before a notary public or commissioner of deeds givmg the full name and residence (street and num­ber) of the owner, or of each of the owners of such buildmg. or proposed building. If such erection, construction, alteration or repair is proposed to be made by any other person than the owner or owners of the land in fee, the person or persons intending to make such erection, alteration or repair shall accom­pany said detailed statement of the specification and plans with a statement, in writing, sworn to as afore­said, givmg the full name and residence (streec and number) ot the owner or owners of the land, and also of ,.every person interested in said building, or pro­posed building, either as owner, lessee, or in any representative capacity. Such sworn statement may be niade by the agent of the person or persons here­inbefore required to make the same, when duly authorized so to do by power of attorney from said person or persons, duly executed aud acknowledged and filed with said sworn statement. Said sworn statement, power of attorney aud detailed statement, and copy of the plans and specifications, shall be kept on file iu the office of the inspector of Buildings ill the Fire Department; and the erection, construe-"' tion, alteration or repair of said building, or any parfc taereof, shall not he commenced or proceeded with until said sworn statement shall have been so filed, and

.said specifications and plans shall ha'^e been approved by the Inspector of Buildings; and after such ap­proval by said inspector, the said plans and specifica­tions or application shall not be altered or changed without the written consent of the owner and con­tractor; but the inspector may. in his discretion, and for reasons to be stated in writing and filed with the plans and speciflcations, dispense wifch the making of said sworn statement in any case. Any false swear­ing in a material point in any statement submitted in pursuance of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed perjury and punished as such.

The bill for improvement and filling of Twelfth avenue, was changed by the committee before re­porting it by taking out the provision for the transfer of the railroad track from the Eleventh to the Twelfth avenue, and also changed so as to improve all that section to the new bulkhead line west of Eleventh avenue, between Twenty-ninth and Fifty ninth streets. The bill, as transformed by the commitcfe and re­ported provides that the Board of Street Openings and Improvement in the City of New I'ork shall, within three months after the passage of this act, take such proceedings as may be necessarj', for and in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of said city, in manner now provided by law for opening other streets, avenues and roads in the city, to open the Twelfth avenue from a line in the centre between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets to Fifty-ninth street, one hundred feefc wide as ia'd out on the map of tho city filed in the Department of Public W orks.

And when opened as above provided, the "ommis-sioner of Public AVorks shall proceed with the regu­lating, curbing, grading, flagging of the same; this work to be proceeded with in two sections, the first Sf ctioh extending from the line in the center between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets on the south, lo the center line of Forty-second street on the north, and the second section extending from the centre line of Foi't^-second streefc on the south to the southern line of Fifty-ninth street on the north. Speciflcations of the work required to be executed in each section shall be prepared by the Department of Public Works, and the work embraced in each section shall be separately let on sealed bids and proposals to the lowest bidder, al ter public advertisement in the manner now pro­vided by law for the letting of public works in the city, and shall be provided for by assessment upon the property benefited.

The act also provides that the Department of Docks shall immediately proceed to build the bulkhead or river wall on the North River front from Thirtieth to Fifty-ninth street upon the present estabhshed bulk­head line, and in accordance with the plans made and adopted hy the Department of Docks, and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York on the tw-enty-seventh day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. under and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter five hundred and seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, in order to prevent the washing into the harbor of New York city of the filling to he placed on said Twelfth avenue, and to avoid the necessity of building any bulkliead or other retaining structure on the west-ei-ly side of said Twelfth avenue.

The act making the necessary appropriation for the completion of the Brooklyn bridge and the approaches thereto, has been favorably reported in the Assembly.

No further progress has been made in connection with the improvements in the annexed wards. The committee are still examining the question of parade gi'ound in that section. feThe effort to change the gi-ade of the bridge across the Harlem, at Second avenue, appears to have been defeated. The elevated railroads now oppose the attempt of the surface road to change the law.

OUT AMONG i m BUILDERS. Messrs. Cleverdon & Putzel are preparing the plans

for four four-story brick and terra cotta apartment houses, to he erected on the south side of One Hun­dred and Twenty-sixth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Two of these houses will be 30x73, and the other two 20x60. Owner, John A. Hardy. Cost, J60,0C0. The same architects are at work on the design for a three-story brown stone dwelling for Mr. G. Gould, to be erected on the north side of One Hun­dred and Fortieth street, between Willis and Third avenues. Ifc will be 17.6x50, and cost $15,000.

C. Baxter is making drawings for six four-story flat houses, 22.2x67x100, to be erected on the south side of One Hundred and Twenty ninth s'reet, 125 feet east of Eighth avenue. The fronts will probably be of Ohio stone, and it is estimated that the cost will be about $100,000.

Cyrus Blauvelt proposes to build a three-story brick dwelhng on the north side of One Hundred and Thirty-first street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, S0x50. I t will have an extensive bay window and be cabinet trimmed. Cost, $17,000. Architects, Clever­don & Putzel. (

S. O. Wright proposes to build three three-story brown stone dwellings on the north side of One Hun­dred and Twenty-seventh street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues. They will be 16,16.8 and 18x50 each, and cost about $50,0C0. Architects, Cleverdon & Putzel.

Coogan Brothers propose to erect a five-story brick building, with stone facings, on .the southeast corner of the Bowery and Grand streefc, 25x75. The building will contain sixty rooms, a" '! U is estimated that the cost will reach $30,000, The architect has not yet been selected,

John G. Prague is at work on the plans for two five-story apartment houses, 60x90x100.5, to be erected by Frances A. Croft, on the north side of Fif ty-seventh street, 246 feet east of Second avenue.

Messrs. Pettier & Stymus will erect an extensive building to be used for show room purposes, on the easfc side of Fifth avenue, between Forty-firsfc and Forty-second streets, wifch an L fronting on Forty-second street. Mr. S. D. Hatch is no w at work on the plans for this building, which it is estimated will cost at least $100,000.

Messrs. D. & J. Jardine are engaged on the plans for a new church building to be erected by the Protest­ant Episcopal Chm-eh of the Incarnation, on the north­east corner of Madison avenue and Thirty-fifth street. This building is to take the place of the one that was burned down a few weeks since. Cost, about $33,000.

o Bids will be received at the same department for

regulating and paving Fifth avenue, from One Hun dred and Tenth to One Hundred and Twentieth street; One Hundred and Twentieth street, from Fifth avenue to Mount Morris avenue, and Mount Morris avenue, from One Hundred and Twentieth to One Hundred and Twenty-fourth streets; also for sewers in West End avenue, between Sixty-fifth and Sixty-sixth streets, and'in Sixty-flfih street, between West End and Tenth avenues; Montgomery street, between Cherry and Water streets; Seventy-second street between Eighth and Ninth avenues; Seventy-fifth street, between West End avenue and the Boulevard; Seventy-Eighth street, between Tenth avenue and the Boidevard, Regulating and grading One Hun­dred and Fifth street, between Fourth^and Fifth avenues, and One Hundred and Fifteenth street, between the Boulevard and Riverside Drive. Setting curb stones and flagging side-walks in One Hundred and Sixth street, from Fourth to Madiaon avenue; One Hundred and Thirteenth street, from Fourth to Fifth avenue; One Hundred and Seventeenth street, from Fifth to Sixth avenue, and in Eighty-seventh street, from Eighth to Tenth, avenue.

< » •


Chas. E. Hume & Co., one of the oldest subscribers to THE REAL ESTATE RECORD, can he found afc 17 West

Forty-fomth street. This firm is among the oldest carpenters and builders in New York, hein'? estab­lished in 1830, and their work can be found in some of the finest residences in this city.

Alexander M. Lesley, manufacturer of the Zero Re­frigerator, has moved to No, 1327 Broadway, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth streets.

The tile men are making headquarters in Twenty-third street. The latest removal is T. Aspinwall & Son from 604 Broadway to 75 and 77 West Twenty-third street, in the Masonic Temple.

Janes & Kirtland, dealers in furnaces, have removed from their Murray street store to more commodious quarters, a t No. 19 East Seventeenth street.

SPECIAL NOTICES. Attention is directed to the advertisement elsewhere

of Charles H. Moore, of Plattsburgh, N. Y. Mr. Moore is an extensive dealer in real estate in northern New York, especially in Essex, Clinton and Franklin Coun. ty properties. Persons having property to buy or sell in the northern par t of the State could not find a better agent than Mr. Moore.

M. M. Vail, of 346 Broadway, has three very cheap houses for sale to which attention is especially directed. For further particulars see advertisement.


offices will bo found in the Mercantile Bank Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street.


^g~ For l ist o f lots and bouses for sale See paffes II., Iii . and v . of advertise­ments*

Another active week at the Exchange and the prices generally very f.iir, especially for business and tene­ment house property. Brokers complain that their customers are attracted to the auction sales where they admit, the prices are somewhat better than can-be obtained in private dealing. The auctioneers expect a much larger business during May and June than in any year since before the panic of '73. Still we have nothing as yet that looks like a speculative market. When speculation rages it is unimproved property which attracts the most attention; but t t e

416 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29,1882

present buying movement is clearly for investment, as vacant lots are not fn demand and will not command good prices except when in choice localities and upon the immediate line of improvement. Landlords have no reason to complain of the rent market. There will be fewer houses left over than for many years past, and in the absence of new buildings tbir, summer there is every prospect of a further advance in rents next fall. Building enterprises are being very generaUy postponed, as it is believed, and with reason, that labor and material have reached their highest figures. The population of this city is rapidly increasing, from immigration and other causes, and with fewer houses to be rented and less than the usual number erected, there may be a building movement this fall or at least preparations for one in the following spring. There is quite an eager demand for houses in Harlem, and if this continujes, as it bids fair to do, there will grow up an active demand for lots on which to erect dwellings in the upper part of the city.

A cumber of out-of-town properties were offered this week at the Exchange Salesroom, and were sold at low figures. These include a large plot of ground on Perry and Butlers streets, Fordham, aiid some lots on TJnion Terrace, Hoboken, as well as a handsome resi­dence at Tarrytown, and a three-story and French roof house at Greenville, N. J.

On Thursday, May 4, M. A. J. Lynch will sell at the Exchange some desirable business property on South and Water streets, between Roosevelt street and James slip, belonging to the estate of Sarah Thorne, deceased. It comprises the four-story brick store, No. 180 South street and the five-story brick store and tenement, No. 341 Water street.

On Tuesday, May 9th, Adi-ian H. Muller & Son vriR sell at the Exchange some very valuable lots. This is an Executor's sale and well worth the attention of in­vestors, as it comprises two lots on Broadway, south of Fifty-seventh street, two lots on the southeast cor­ner of Eighth avenue and Fif ty-seventh street, five lots on Fifty-sixth stree^;, hetween Eighth avenue and Broadway, four lots on Third avenue, northeast corner of One Hundred and Fourth street, four lots on Forty-eighth street, west of Eleventh avenue, four lots on Thirty-eighth street, west of First avenue, and thi-ee lots on Thhty-ninth street, w^est of Fu-st avenue. Builders and investors would do well to take a look at these choice lots. Fur­ther particulars can he had hy calUng at Mr. Muller's office, 7 Pine street.

On Wednesday, May 3d, Richard V. Harnett will sell under foreclosiu'e, the four-story brick tenement and store. No. 309 Avenue C, near Sixteenth street; also on the same day the lot, 25x100 feet, and three buildings thereon, known as No. 28 Columbia street. On Thm-s-day, Slay 4th, i\Ii-. Harnett will sell the three­story bro'mi stone residence. No. 134 West One Hun­dred and Twenty-seventh street, between Sixth and Seventh*avenues. This house contains all modern im­provements. On the same day the same auctioneer will also sell the thi-ee-story brovm stone house, No. 314 West Fifty-fifth street. This is leasehold property, paying $306 groimd rent till the lease expires on May 1st, 1889, when the same can be renewed or the im­provements will be paid for.

On Tuesday, May Oth, Mr. Harnett will sell 1 - ^ city lots, of which 9 are above high water mark on Eighty-seventh street and East River. The water privileges are of immense prospective value, for the bulldieads •wiU he needed for the commercial purposes of the im­mense district now being so rapidly built over.

Gossip of the Week. The properfcy forming the centre of the Rutgers Col

lege building, on the east side of Fifth avenue, be­tween Forty-first and Forty-second streets, 51x100, and one lot of gi'ound forming an L to the same, and fronting on Forty-second street, have been purchased by Messrs. Pottier & Stymus. The avenue property for $180,000, aad the street lot for $46,500.

Hiram Merritt has sold the three-story high stoop •brick house. No. 212 East Seventeenth street, 22x55x 100, for Mr. WiUiam Neely, for $17,000.

S. M. Blakely has sold four lots on the southeast cor­ner Eleventh avenue and Ninety-ninth street, for the estate of John Murray, for $13,000.

Messrs. Smyth & Burtis have sold the frame build­ing and lot, 25x100, No. 150 West Fif fcy-fourth streefc, to S. J. & E. E. Ashley, for about $15,000.

Mr. Tavlor has sold the two three-story hrown stone houses, Nos. UO and 112 West One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, on private terms.

The Hoffman estate propose to erect a splendid club house, with stores underneath, on the plot of ground on the northwest corner of Madison avenue and Fifty-ninth street, 100x95. The huilding, when completed, will be occupied by the Progress Club, who have agreed to pay a rental equal to 6 per cent, on the ac­tual cost of the improvement, in addition to a valua­tion of $150,000 placed upon the ground.

Messrs. L. J. & I. Phillips have sold for Smith & Bannen, four four-story brown stone dweUTngs, three on Seventy-second street, between Third and Lexing­ton avenues, and one on Lexington avenue, south of Seventj'-second street, and have taken in part pay­ment nine lots on the south side of Ninety-fifth streeti between Lexington and Park avenues.

Two lots on the southwest comer of Ninth avenue and Eighty-ninth street, and one lot adjoining on the street, have been sold for about $12,000.

The brick building on the southwest corner of WaU and Broad streets, 1.5x29. has been sold to Mr Wilkes, for $168,000. The owners of the premises were Mrs. Dr. Fitch, Mrs. H. L. Mills and Samuel Glover. It is said that this price has never been exceeded in this city with the exception of that paid by the Drexels for the opposite comer previous to the erection of their extensive huilding.

Mr. Shelton has sold the plot of ground on the south side of Eighteenth street, 280 fqet east ef Fifth avenue, 53x93, for $45,000.

Brooklyn. Messrs. Bulkley & Horton have sold the plot of

gi-ound with the double frame dwelling and stable thereon, kno-svn as 86 Letferts place, 70x338, to Stephen F. Shortland, for $30,000.

W. F. Corwith has sold the two-story and basement frame building. No. 163 Norman avenue, for Wilson Ahmutj-, to Andrew J. McKee, for $2,550, and two lots on the south side of Norman avenue, 25 east of Eck­ford street, 50x95, for Geo. H. Granniss, to W. F. Cor­with, for $2,800.

The foUowmgarethe sales at the Exchange Sales­room forthe week ending April 28:

• Indicates that theproperty described has been bid in for plaintiff'a account:


Franklin st, No. 110, n s, 25x100. flve-story brick (stoue front) store. H. W. Nichois. (Amount due. abt $20,100). (Leased for 2 years, from Feb. 1, for $3..500 per year)

26th st. No. 405 W., n s, 14.0x98.9xl7.6x—, brick store and dweU'g. R. Johnston

48th st, No. 246 E., s s, 18.8x100.5, three-storj^ stone front dweU'g. Sophie Fraend

49th st, No. .531 W., n s, 25x100 5, four-sfcory stone fi'ont tenem't. John Klein

109th st, n P. 356 5 e 1st av. 13 7xl00.10xl06.lx—, gore. Hy. McGuire

109th st, n s, adj.. 50x100. William Hayes . . . . 109th st, n s, 420 e 1st av, 100x100.10. H. P.

McGowan 109th St. n s, adj., runs easfc 81 to high water

mark Harlem River, x along river to centre line block het 109th and UOth sts. x west 93 X south 100.10. Capt. Faircliild

109th St. s s. 411.7 e Isfc av, 108.5x118.2x100.5, gore. William Hayes

109th sfc, s s, adj., runs easfc 89 to Harlem River, x along river — x north wesfc —x north 118.2. J . Littman

110th St. s s, 171.5 e 1st av, 98.7x100.10x130 9, gore. Charles Shade '.

llOth st, s s, adj., 2.5x100.10. Thos. Monaghan. UOth St. s s, adj., 2.5x100. G T. Stewart UOth st, s s, adj., 25x100.10. G. T. Stewart . . . . UOth St. s s, adj.. 50x100.10. S. Bernhardt UOth St. s s, adj., 50x100.10. S. Bernhardt. . UOth st, s s, adj.. 25x100.10. Carl ToUman.. UOth St. s s, adj., 5!xl00.10. Carl Tollman UOth st, s s. adj., runs east 107 to high water

mark Harlem River, x along river to centre block bet 109th and 110th sts, x west 93 X nor th 100.10. Capt. Fairchild

l l l th st, Nos. 421 to 4m E., n s, 134.11x100.11, seven four-story stone front tenem'ts. J. D. Hotaling

114th st. No. 314 E.. s s, 20x100, four-story brick tenem't. John Boylan ;

U5th St. No. 421 E., n s, 20x100, two-story brick dweU'g. J. Porter

U9th St. No. 517 E., n s. 20x100.11, four-story stone front flat. J. Porter.

120th St. No. 431 E., n s, 18.9x100.11, three-story brick dwell'g. L. Hopner

131st st. No. 54 E.. s s. 17.6x99 U. three-story stone front dweU'g. E. A. Briggs

Av A. e s, 16.9 n 120th st, 16.10x71.3. four-story stone front dweU'g. L. Hopner

Av A, e s, adj. 16.10x71.3, four-story stone front dweU'g. L. Hopner

Lexington av. No. 527, e s. 16.8x75, three-sfcory stone front dweU'g. E. A. Briggs.

Madison av. No. 2068. w s, 16.8x75, three-story stone front dweU'g. E. A. Briggs

1st av. No. 551. w s. 19.4x65. four-story brick store and dweU'g. L. Hopner

1st av. No. 2264, e s, 20x74. four-story stoiie front store and dweU'g. F. Darraeh (Rent, $700) 7. „ . '

1st av. No. 2288, e s, 19x75, four-story brick store and dweU'g. F . Darragh. (Rent, $700)...

l l th av, s e cor 99th st, 5C.llxl07.9x51xl05.2, va­cant. Geo. B. Blaney


Ann St. No. 63. n s, 25.4x115.10, five-story brick building aud four story brick extension. Ruland. & Whitmg. (Rent, $3,000) 33 500

Dey St. Nos. 43 and 45, s s, 49.11x74.6x50x74.8, two five-story stone front buildings. A M Ross. Jr . (Rent, $2,400 each) 46 500

Dey sfc. No. 55, s s, 25x85x25x84.10, five-story ' stone front building. Ottinger Bros. (Rent, $3,050) ;, _ 26 50O

Grand Boulevard, s e cor 99th st, 25.Uxio6. V. ' K. Stevenson, J r * 7359

Grand Boulevard, e s, adj., 25x100. V. K. Ste- ' venBon,Jr . . 5475





2.005 1,960




5 325

2,650 1.000 1,000 1,010 2.200 2,020 1,170 2.560
















Grand Boulevard, e s, adj., 25x100. V. K. Ste­venson, J r , 5,600

Grand Boulevard, e s, adj., 25x100. V. K. Ste­venson, J r 5,675

Goerck st. No. 32, e s, 25x100, three-story brick dwell'g. George G. Hallock, exr 5,200

Jones St. No. 7, n s. 25x—. threestory brick and frame dweU'g and three-story brick dwell'g in rear. Lambert Suydam 8,300

Spring st, n w cor Wooster st. 25x75; No. 143 Spring, three-story brick and frame store and dweU'g; No. 93 Wooster st, one-story frame store; No. 95, five-story brick stores and tenem't. Henry Rowe S:0,000

Warren sfc, No. 44, n s, 24 9x85.4x24.8x85.2, flve-stoi-y Btone front building and onestory extension. Leasehold. A. Keppelman. (Renr, $4,000.) (Lease has 15 years to run; ground rent. $1,250 per annum, taxes. &c.) 22,1C0

WiUiam st. No. 161, w s, 22.3x89.8x irreg., fom--story stone front building. M. Plummer. (Rent, $3,000) 31,750

WiUiam st. No. 103, w s, 22.3x80.2x irreg., four-story stone front building. Alex. M. Ross, Jr . (Rent, $3,61)0) 32,700

Washington st, Nos. 727 and 729, e s, 36x91x 41.4x80.4, two three-story brick stores and dweU'gs, and two two-story frame dwell'gs in rear. • Manuel Poseda ' 10,000

West st, No. 500, e s, 2ii.5x80, four-story brick store and dwell'g. James Cassin 9.925

9th st, No. 16 E.. s s, 25x93.11, leasehold, tour-story brick dweU'g. E. J. Hansg. (Lease expires May 1, 1886; ground rent, $400 per annum) 6,600

13th st, Nos. 419 to 425 W , n s. 100x103.1, two three-story brick stores and dwell'es, and two one-story brick buildings. A. Welling­ton 29,600

*29fch st, No. 414 W., s s, 25x98.9, four-story brick tenem't, and three-story brick tene­ment in rear. Wm. H. Van ' Wormer. (Amount due, abt $18,900) -16,100

*41st st. No. 41 W.. n s. 20.0x52. four-story stone front dweU'g. John F. Gray. (Amt. due, abt $19,675) 16,400

46th st, No. 204 E., s s, 15x100.5, three-story stone front dweU'g. James Henry. (Rent, $900) 7,500

99th st, s s. 100 e Grand Boulevard, 25x100.11. Fred. Denhart. 4,550

99th st, s s. adj.. 25x100.11. S. T. Hubbard. .. 3,800 *128th St. Nos. 47 and 49 E.,.n s. 37.6x99.11, two

four-story stone front dweU'gs. Abraham Steers 32 nso

*140th st, n ' s, V66"e''oVh \av,''l6.¥x99.'lVxi3i'l()x 155.6, vacant. Jacob and Wm. Scholle 2,400

*141st st, n s, 200 e Oth av, 33.9x45.1x55.9, gore, vacant. Jacob and Wm. SchoUe.... 500

*141sfc sfc, s s, 250 e Oth av, 20.6x88.1x73x50.7. two­story frame dweU'g. Jauob and William Scholle 1,200

*142d st, s s, 250 e Oth av, runs east 118 x south­west 227.6Xnorth43.8xeast 5 > x north99.11 to 142d st, vacant. Jacob and Wm. SchoUe. 2,600


Henry st, No. 257, n s, 34x93.8, three-story brick dwell'e:. George Graham. (Amount due, aht $2.700) 9,600

*79th st, s s, 75 w 2d av. 30x50, leasehold, one-storv brick shop. George Elu'ct.. (Amt due,' abt $1,8.50) 1,7.50

105th st, n s, 2.5U e4thav, 16.8x100.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. W. P. Flaneley. (Anit due, abt $1,72.5) 7,150

131st st. No. 72 E . , s s, 17.6x99.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. N. J . Neuwitter. 7,650

*118th sfc. No. 135 E., n s, 16.8x100.11, fevo-story fi-ame dweU'g. Emma Eifert. (Amt due, abt $3,600) 4,000

*123d st, No. 357 E., n s, 14x70, fom'-story stone front dweU'g. C. B. Keogh. (Amt due, abt • .$3,850) 7,444

p . F. MEYEE.

86th st, No. 526 E., s s, 21x102.2, four-story brick tenem't. A. P. Fitch. • (Amt due, abt $2,725) 11,163

Mott av, e s, 83.4 s ia5th sfc, 16.8x101.4. John B. Haskin. (Amt due, aht $3,475 3,750


54th st, No. 20 W., s s, 25x100.5, three-story brick dweU'g. J. J. McCi ok. (Amount due, abt $8,850) 42,500


Lexington av. No. 612, w s, 20x70, three-story stone front dweU'g. Patrick Duffy 14,000


Greenwich av. No. 9, w s, 19.2x57.6, four-story brick store. John SuUivan 14,500

Greenwich av. No. 11, w s, 19x56.8, four-story brick store and tenem't. E. M. Benjamin. 9,875


Bleecker st, No. 202, s e cor Cottage pl, 25x98. two-story brick dweU'g and two-story brick stable. Joseph Laemmle 17,000

41st st. No. 333 E., n s. 16.8x98.9, three-story stone front dweU'g. W. L. Cutting. (Amount due, abt $6,3'>0, 1st mort. $5,000.) 7,950


Sold hy order of the Commissioners of the Department of Docks, the right to collect and retain wharfage of the followinp^ piers and bulkheads; Lot No. 2, pier at Ganse­voort st. North River, except reservation of the right to cancel the lease at any time during its existence should the premises be required . for the uses and purposes of a public market erected in the vicinity thereof, term three years, from May 1, 1883, for $2,500, to D. Shea, and durmg the term of one j^ear, from May 1,1882, bulk­heads and piers on East River; lot No. 4, hulkhead at East 20th sfc. to Farmers' Pro­tective Union, for $670; lot No. 6, bulKhead at East 35th st, to Mr. Schuyler, for $500; lot No. 7, bulkhead extension, stone dump, a t Eas t 45th st, to SchwarszschUd & Siilas-

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECosen. 417

berger, for $250; lot No. 8, bulkhead and stone dump at East 47th st. to James Owens, for $1,000. Also, during the term of three years, from May 1.1883: Lofc No. 11, outer half of easterly side of pier No. 22. to Storer, Lamphere & Co., for $5,100; lot No. 13, easterly half of pier No 51 and westerly half of pier No. 52 and bulkhead and small pier between, except reservation at outer end of easterly side of pier No. 51 for berth for public bath during summer season, to J . V. Brown, for $2,200; lot No. 15, northerly half of pier No. 56 and south­erly half of pier No. 57 and hulkhead between, to W. H. Wood, for ai,.500; lot No. 16, about 211 feet of outer end of west­erly half of pier No. 23, to Storer, Lam-phere&Co., for$2,125

Toiai $819,707

< - » - > '•

BROOKLYN, N. Y. In the city of lirooklvn Messrs. A. H. Muller

& Son, Cole & Murphy, T. A. Kerrigan nnd A. J . Bleecker have made the following sales for the week ending April 28: Adams st, n e cor York st, 23.2x103, two three-

' story brick stores and dweU'gs. J . Buck-' iing $7,200

Adelphi st. e s. 333 n Atlantic av, 26x100. H. Bellows. (Morfcs. $2,375) 3,450

23d St. s s, 100 e Oth av, lOOx^ block ' 2.3d s t . n s. l!50e 6th av, 50xi^ block, two­

story frame dweU'g G. B. Sanford 3,000

Washington av, e s, 2.53.2 n Gates av, 16 8x120. Alfred Ogden 6,000

•Highway through Gravesend ViUage from Coney Island to Brooldyn, at intersection of land now oi- late James Van Siclen 4,500

Total $24,150

Estimates will be received at the Department of Public Works untU May 4th. 1882, a t 12 M., for con­structing an iron foofc bridge afc Fourfch avenue and Forfcy-firsfc street, and for furnishing stop-cocks, boxes and hydrants.

The regular annual rents for croton water for 1883 will be payable ou and after May 1st.

. . < • •

Bids will be received at the Department of Public Works until May l l th, at 13 M., for furnishing, deliver­ing and laying a forty-eight-tnch cast iron conduit pipe from station 303 to station 523.

Pi'oposals for white marble and granite, for the Washiugtou monument, will be received until May 15th, 1882, at 12M., at the engineer's office in Washing­ton.

BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. So far as the demand for immediate consumption is

concerned, the business in most kinds of material continues good and at satisfactory rates, with sellers even gaining an advantage in some instances. Against the future, however, the call is extremely limited, and buyers seem to move with increased caution, the con­tinuation of the striking mania among the artisans naturally leading to this result. The prostrating in­fluence upon business is, of course, disagreeable, but there can be no doubt that the workmen who create the evil will, ia the end, be the greatest sufferers.

BRICKS.—The firmness shewn on the market for Common Hards at the writing of our last report, has since developed into positive buoyancy, and sellers for several days have had matters pretty much their own way. Demand has really continued to decrease, but by no ndeans in proportion to the shrinkage of supply, and absolute scarcity seems to be the basis upon which the market has reached its present posi­tion. We are told that very seldom have old stocks been shipped off so closely as this spring, the majority of the yards scraping up clean, and leaving the market now dependent upon one or two holders, who can. of course, dictate terms until the appearance of new brick in sufficient quantity to more evenly balance the call. As matters stand, it is simply use­less to say anything about a regidar market rate, as thers is nothing of the kind, the cost of a cargo depend­ing entirely upon momentary governing cireum-.stances, but [email protected] per M. are generaUy named as showing probable inside figures, and sales are re­ported at sfcill higher limits. As m a y b e expected, no buyers negotiate for consumption except through force of the most imperative necessity, bufc ifc is hinted that some of the dealers have had a little competition • over stock in order to keep in a position to accom­modate regular customers. For Pales there has been a very good Brooklyn demand, with $4.50 per M. ob­tained without much diflfteulty, and even as high as $5.ii0, and we have a quotation for " l ammies" a t [email protected] per M as a dealer said. " according to bulge."_ In regard to new brick, it is likely that a few will be in next week, but no important quantity can be expected inside of ten days or a fortnight. Eventu­ally, the offering wid no doubt be quite liberal, as it is very generally understood that the amount of work already accomplished exceeds anything in the way of production for the month of April for many years," and manufacturers anxious to draw kUns and get their stock upon the market. Fronts are offered in very Umited quantities from flrst hands and only a t ex­treme rates, but are to some extent nominal for the present.

CEMENT.—Foreign is flrmly held for immediate de­livery, and in some cases seUers want to talk "bullish," but the market does nofc sfcimulate much even for the pet brands of English Domestic is sell­ing first-rate on local and shipping orders, and there is a hardening tone for values, with many sellers now refusing to nearotiate for less than $1.15, and favorite brands held 5(ai0c. per bbl. higher.

HARDWARE.—There is not much to say on this market at the moment. Quite a number of dealers appear busy, but they are to a large extent delivering on old contracts, and really new business is of a moderate uncertain character, with indications that no improvement can for the time being he looked for. The old line of valuation is retained for all sfcandard goods with sellers claiming flrmness, but the general market is evidently losing tone. Supplies commence to fill up somewhat better.

LATH.—Supplies have again proven a little too much for the market, and prices made a further shrinkage'during the past week. As low as $1.90 per M was touched, but we only mention the figure to ex­plain that, so far as known, it was for poor and unde­sirable stuff, probably well sold even afc the price; while subsequently a couple of million Maine stock brought $2.00 per M, and this is about the rate now, with probably at least 5c. additional required to secure St. John cut goods. A pretty good distribution for ccnsUmption has been made, but dealers could prob- | ably exhaust a moderate additional supply .''rom week ' to week for some little time to come.

LIME.—Some little irregularity has prevailed on this market, but at the present wi-iting the tone , appears to be steady again a t the rates shown last i week, at $1.10 and $1.20 respectively for common and flnishing. Demand full and exhausting the supply, with- a portion of the trade thinking that an advance on cost must soon be made.

LUMBER.—Slowly but surely the general market is giving way. and we note a decided diminution of the effort to controvert this view^ of the situation. Indeed, on the contrary, some of those who a few weeks ago were rampant "bulls ," and went so far as predict the largest consumption of lumber ever known in the his­tory of th« trade, after performing a complete double backward somersault in theory, with the true nature of all sudden converts, have become howling "bears ." and appear to talk as though the market were going to " tne demuation bow-wows" by lightning express. We see no more reason for the laiter result than we did for the first^mentionrd, and while a shrink­age on all extreme views of values must unques­tionably take place, notes of warning were sounded early enough in the season to prevent the trade placing themselves in a position to suffer serious loss, i t is useless to again go into a detailed recapitulation of the causes leading to fche re.suU, but briefly stated they may be clearly traced to the decided spirit of cautiou permeating the entire commeruial circle, and in this particular case further intensified by the threatening aspect of affairs upon the labor question, which has already paralyzed so many building and manufacturing projects. Even the export ti-ade, while a source of relief, especially lo holders of white pine, has disappointed promises somewhat and runs behind the record of last year. The demand for stuff is verj- Ukely to retain its pres­ent indifferent form until buyers can be infused with more confidence resarding the future, but wis imagine that, as manufaeturers commence to appreciate the situation, they will adjust their shipments and prevent too heavy an accumulation. If they do not, then stand from under and make room for the " bears" on all grades of stock.

Eastern Spruce steadily settles off in buyers' favor under the increasing amounts on the spot and offer­ing to arrive, with no corresponding addition to the demand. Even the journals which have been making the most desperate efforts to hold the market up, have heen surprised into admitting that the mills are all getting to work, and seeking buyers for their pro­duct with poor success. Lower prices have also been published with the usual apology for presuming to give any information not favorable to sellers, but even the latter would have been omitted, no doubt, had the terms on some of the undesirable cargoes been known. It, however, is really much less fair to use the cheap base.' upon short, light, and in fact now, unmerchantable stuff as a guide to values, than it was a few years ago; and, while such offerings may go all to pieces on price a t any moment, wide and heavy is likely to settle away fraction by fraction only as necessity may require, and should buyers a t any time commence to take hold with greater freedom, a prompt stiffening on values is sure to follow. We quote special schedules [email protected], and randoms down to about $15 00, though on the latter the position is very unsettled.

White Pine is stillihrough momentary influences th& best sustained of all the leading descriptions of lum­ber. The light stocks at the commencement of the spring-trade, a somewhat sudden spirit in the export demand, with a fair home call and the usual delay in getting forward fresh supplies at anything like reason­able rates of transportation were all factors tending to help the seller and still remain in force to a consid-erable-extent. Buyers, however, are commencing to talk about th« decline in other grades of lumber, are figuring down closer than ever to actual wants, and with some quiet intimations from the interior that an expression of views on values would be acceptable easier rates are not considered as among the remote possibilities. There seems to be quite an irregular feeling at most primary points with signs, however, of an effort to hold the market up to a fuller level than circumstances fairly warrant. We quote $19@21 perM for West India shipping boards, $22©24 for extra do.. $25®30 for South America do., Sl6@17 for box boards, $I8@19 for extra do.

YeUow Pine has found a moderate call, mainly on orders to meet some pressing"want, hut the amount of business appeared to he just about fuU enough to look lone"some as compared with what should be doing at this time. The market in fact is without improvement, but tends rather in ihe.other direction

with agents looking anxiously for orders to forward to their mills, and likely to compete .sharnly when the opportunity is afforded. As matters srand va!nations are made very generally from a noniinnl basis, and flgures are more liwely to be too high than too low when it comes right down to actual busines>«. Even the out of town trade has been disappointing and many Eastern orders are hvld back. The t. o. b. bus­iness is helping manufacturers place a little stock, but generally supposed on easy terms. We quote random cargoes. $23a24 do.; green flooring boards. $22@23 do.; and dry do. do.. S25fr.25.50. Cargoes at the South, $12.50@16 per M for rough, and $18@22 for dressed.

Hardwoods remain firm and are finding about the usual sale, with the supply of desirable stock well un­der control. There is no really new feature, however, except that some of the venerable so called commer­cial journals have just made the discovery that there is a good demand for maple. Why, bless your dear old heart, you don't say so. We quote at whole­sale rates by car load about as follows: Wnlnut, $80ai00 per M; ash, $4f!@45 do.; oak. S40,'?J45 do.; maple. $30@40: chesnut, 1st aud 2d. [email protected]: do. do. culls, $20®25 do.; cherry, [email protected] do.: white-wood, )4 and % inch, [email protected]. and do. inch. $-3:3® 40 do.; hickory. $35@45 do., for Western, and S05@75 for good near-by stock

shingles continue to be reported quite steady as the supply is small with a very good demand, tending to increase from interior points. We quote Cypr^^ss at .$7 per M for 5x20, and $8.00 do. for 6x20 regularly as­sorted shipping; pine shipping slock, $2.50 for l8-in2h, and Eastern saw grades at S2..'S0(a 4.50 for 16-inch, as to quality and to quantity. Ma­chine dressed cedar shingles quoted as follows : For .30-inch. $16.00(a23.25 for A and $2B.750i?A25 for No. 1; for 24-inch. $6.50@16 00 for A and S!6.7.')<a23.00 for No. 1 ; for 20-inch, [email protected] for A and [email protected] or No. A.

From among the lumber charters and engagements recently reported we select the foUowing:

A Br. steamer, 1,331 tons from St. .Tohn, N. B., to the United Kingdom, deals, 50s., old style charter; a Br. steamer, 1,363 tons, same voyage, 47s. Cd., cargo delivered; a Br. .steamer, 1,153 tons, from Mirimichi to the United Kin.gdom, deals, 5'-s., old style charter: a Br. steamer, 1,511 tons, from St. John, N. B., to Liver­pool or Glasgow, deals, 4ns. 6d., c. d.: an Am. barque, 045 tons, from Portland to Buenos Ayres, hmiber, S13 ne t ; a Br. .ship, 1,164 tons, from Pensacola to the. United Kingdom, timber. £6 for sawn, and 40s. for hewn; a Br. ship, 1.198 tons, from Pensacola to the United Kingdom, timber, £0 for savm and 4ns. for hewn; a Ger. barque, .541 tons, from Doboy to the United Kingdom, saw n timber, £5 10s.; a Br! barque, 1,000 tons, from Ship Island, Lou., to a direct port United Kingdom, hewn timber, 39R.; a Nor. barque, from Pascagoula to a direct port United Kingdom, sawn timber, £5 ^ standard, and hewn tmiber, 4Js. fj^ load ; two Br. barques, 880 and 803 tons, from Doboy to a direct port L^nitcd King­dom, sawn timber, £5 Is. Od.: a Br. steamer, 917 tons, from Brunswick to the United Kin.ardom £1,7.50; a Ger. barque. 477 tons, from Dai-ien to Wolgast, tim­ber, £6 for sawn and 40s!. for hewn; a Br. barrjuf, 768 tons, from Pensacola to Montevideo or Bnenris Ayres,-lumber, $19 net; a Nor barque, 249 tons, from Pensa­cola to Cardenas or Blatanzas- lumber, .SU, Spanish gold; a Br. barque, 668 tons, from New Orleans to Aspinwall. lumber, §12; an Am. barqnp, . 95 fr.ns, from Wilmington, N. C , to Demerar.a. lumber. Si0; a Br. barque, 314 tons, from Bridge-water to Havana, Inmber, $0; a Br. brig, 189 tons, from St John, N B., to Bar­bados for orders, hmiber, [email protected]: a Br. barque, •397 tons, hence to Matanzas, white pine lumber, $4: a steam schr., 400 tons, hence to King.^ton, Jam , 400 M white pine lumber, $5; a schr., 400 M lumber, fi-om Pensacola to New York, $9.50: a barque. 500 M lumber, from Pensacola to Boston. $10, option of New York, |t!9.50; a schr., 285 M lumber, from Satilla Biver to New York, $7.75; a .=:clu-., 200 M lumber, from Port Royal to Philadelphia.$7.50; abriir. 250 M lumber, from Apala­chicola to Pi-ovidence, $10.50; abarque, 505 tons, hence in ballest to Doboy or Union I.sland, and back to Balti­more, lumber, $7; a selir., 181 tons, hence to Bruns­wick and hack, lumber, $10, option of Fall River, $10.50.



The Argus reports for week ending AprU 25 as fol­lows:

We have not any change of moment to note in the values of pine lumber; the market therefore moves rather slow, though sales of small parcels am made to the buyers who daily visit the district. The late clos­ing of navigation last fall,by which much lumber was moved to the seaboard, and its early opening this year, before the demand for lumber jrenerally com­mences, is seen in this spring's lessened trading. Re­ceipts from Tonawanda, for which the New York trade were to some extent depending for an easing up in prices, have made their appearances, the fit st being delivered yesterday.

Hardwoods are unchanged in prices and are in fair demand.

Coarse lumber goes off quickly; new orders are being received as fast as old orders are filled. The trade here is still in some anxiety as to the supply of water to the Northern mills to drive logs. Prices of both spruce and hemlock are steadily held.

In Canada and Michigan there is not much dry lum­ber.

Freights are unchanged at $3.00 ^ M feet from Bay City to Tonawanda; from Tonav.'anda to Albany, $2.00. Lake Ontario freiehts. $1.20 from Toronto and from Bay Quinte to Oswego; 90c. from Port Hope to Oswe­go. From Ottawa to Albany, $3 2-^03 .50.

The receip* s of lumber at Buffalo for the week ended AprU 32d were 3,046,800 feet. The receipts at Oswego for the week were 7,031,000 feet; the shipments by canal, 4,813,000 feet.

River freights are quoted: To New York, ^ M f t . . $ ((bl 00 To Bridgeport @1 37t^

j To New Haven @ 1 . 3 ' ^ ' To Providence, FaU Eiver and Newport,. —-(22.00

4l8 T H E REAL ESTATE REcoRDii April 29,1882

To Pawtucket. . . . To Norwalk — To Hartford To Norwich To Middletown.. To New London. To Philadelphia.

-fe>2 25 -tai.ao -®3.00 -®2.00 [email protected] -®1.75 [email protected]




Within a few days past quite a number of dealers from the east and west have been on the river scent­ing around in quest of bargains, but as very few sales, and those of inconsequential importance, are reported, the inference may be drawn that they have been gen­erally disappointed in the search. Manufacturers StiU evince the same stolid indifference as to sales that has characterized them since the opening of naviga­tion. The fact is, there is no dry lumber on the mar­ket worth mentioaing, and very little new lumber being manufactured. Several of tbe mills which ha i commenced running have been compelled to cease operations because of a lack of logs. The Tittaba-wassee boom compaiiy did not commence rafting until to-day, and it will probably be several days before active operations are fully inaugurated; hence the indifference on the part of the manufacturer may he fuUy appreciated. "The situation as regards stocks and prices is virtually unchanged since our last report. "The present demand is good and the indications from every direction poinfc unmistakably to the probability that there will be no diminution, and that if not inter­fered with by labor troubles, or other unexpected difficulties the present season will be a continuation of the boom ivhich has attended tbe lumber business

.on the Saginaw river during the last two years, and consequently the manufacturers are buoyant in spirits and contideut as to prices.

Shipping is dull, and very few freights offering. Several barges have digchargrd their crews and tied up until there is a change. Freights are unchanged since oui lasfc reporfcand remain at $1.50 to Ohio ports and .$2 to Buffalo and Tonawanda. Shipping culls $ 7 50®10 00 Common 14 00@20 00 Three uppers '. 35 00@40 00

The northwestern Lumberman as follows: AVhile trade at the yards is nofc represented by the

dealers,.as a class, as being all that they can desire, ifc will be seen by the record of the week"that the ship-menls exceed the receipts by not far from 10.000,000 feet of lumber, and 5,000,000 sliingles, while with receipts since January 1 exceeding those of 1881 to the same date to the extent of 111,622,000 feet of lumber and 35.495.0(X) shingles, the excess of shipments has reached 20(i,9()7,000 feet of lumber and 76,615,000 shin­gles.

With this stafement of the general condition our readers can gather the tone of the Chicago market in The additional facts presented at the cargo market, ( f the 33,()37.000 feet received, a goodly proportion has been offered for sale at the Franklin street docUs, the offerings .some days being as many as Ki to 30 cargoes. Those of April 20 comprise 19 vessels, of which seven were shiugle loaded. Prices through the week have heen quite steady, and the following may be cited as leading quotations from specimen sales, presenting an average for the week, as well as showing the condition of the market up to the hour of this report: Short dimension, green $]3.00@, —— Dry 13.25@,13..50 Long dimension, green 14.00@,17.00 Boards and .strips, No. 2 stock 12 25(gjl5.i50 No. 1 stock 16 [email protected] No. 1 long run. culls out [email protected] Standard shingles 2.7.5@, 2.80 -A* 3.85®, 2.90

The market of the 20th comprised a fleet of twenty vessels, all of which cleared for the .yards of pur­chasers before noon at the quotations given. The fleet had been detained for a day or two on accomit of a heavy gale, and it was feared by some that the heavy receipts consequent upon so lai'ge a fleet arriv­ing ih a bunch would depress prices, hut such did not lirove to be the case, and the conviction is fast gaining ground that lumber will not arrive any faster than it will be required, and that, consequently, present (juo-tations will continue for at least a moiith to eou>e. The i-eceipts of lumber by lake did not commence in 1881 in volume to be reported until April 19, and the excess of lake receipts, consequent upon the early navigation of the current .season, h.ive reached 91,157,000 feet of lumber and 40.315.000 .shingles, and are supplemented by 4, 896.000 lath. 44,i:W cedar posts and 511.743 i-ailroad ties.

HARDWOODS.—Offerings of wahiut culls and white-wood in all grades, are inundating dealers, and the bottom seems falling out of prices, though there are operators who can hancUe stocks with sufficient advan­tage, on account of special facilities to keep above board, while the general dealer finds the two lines of lumber mentioned the most unprofitable and unprom­ising featm-e of the stock in trade. More whitewood is estimated to have been gotten out in Tennessee than ever before, and there has not been over two weeks time out of five or six months when" the logs could not be floated this season. In St. Louis large quantities of whitewood were lying on the docks recently, offered at ruinously low prices ih an effort to dispose of it, the hindrances produced by fche fioods making ifc a burden <in the hands of its holders. In southern Indiana, and other sections, whitewood is proportionately plenty, and the superabundance in the market augiu-s poorly for results.

Walnut culls are found to be in a precisely similar condition, superfluous stocks being scattered through the country everj'where, and the market continuing on the wane. Many dealers who laid in large stocks when prices had a firmer tendency, now assert that they cannot get out of culls the money that is tied up in them, and they are often sold on margins so close as to scarcely pay for hauling. Naturally dealers making a specialty of walnufc suff«r the most from the %veakness in fche market and must depend mainly on the flrmness of prices on the higher grades to help out the revenues of business.

'^berry is scarce in some grades and sizes. The main demand is for thick lumber for flnishing cars. .. o c rsssult, heavy handlers find many unfilled orders on their hands, and there is a general scouring of

cherry stocKs. One and a half and one and a quarter inch cherry are very scarce, and the same sizes in good walnut ai-e hard to obtain.

There is quite agood trade in ash, the stock of thick plank not being plenty, though there is any quantity of thin ash to be had. Sales of ash, in large quantities, to manufacturers, by vessel load, are being made at $28, $29 and $30.

There are good stocks of maple flooring, and, in fact, all thicknesses of thafc wood are plenty.

Red oak continues to he sold largely for house fin­ishing and in the manufacture of furniture.


The news from various sections is of the most cheer­ful character. The rivers and creeks are afc a fair driving stage and the log crop will be secured at a minimum expense at the mills. The manufacturing season bas fairly op-ned everywhere (Fxcept Minneap olis) and the mills are busier than ever before. The ap­proximate figures of the lumber production of the Mississippi valley is about as follows: From Wisconsin River 205.000.000

'• Black River 190.O00;O00 Chippewa Ui ver 5?.0.000.C0O

'' St. Croix River 185;000;000 Upper Mississippi 325,000.000

" Railroad Mills 425,000,0.-0

Total 1,880,000.000 These figures may he varied some but the total will

be found nearly correct at the end of the season. The situation at Chicago and St. Louis is satisfactory

to all parties concerned. Prices are well maintained wifch a disposition to ask an advance on number cue dry stocks,

"The log market is inactive and prices nominal. We note the sale of 11,000.000 feet at Minneapolis this week at $10, with but few lots offered at that flgure. The only logs now on the market from northern waters is an unsold balance on the Black River of perhaps 20,000,000 feefc and nearly the same quantity on the St. Croix, with less than half that amount on the upper Mississippi. Under these circumstances there can be no faUing off in log prices.

NAILS.—There is some very nice steady talk on this market, and frequent>tfcempts made to .show how well the position should be sustained, but somehow or fche other, when ifc comes to actual business, the sus­taining influence appears to be lacking, and buyers have the advantage. The old card is the only list of rates current, but the figures are all too high for any­thing in a wholesale way.

We quote nominally a t lOd to 60d, common lence and sheathing, per keg, $3.39(93.40; 8d and 9d, com­mon do., per keg, $3.75; 6d and 7d, common do., per keg, $4.00; 4d-and 5d, common do., per keg, $4.25; 3d, per keg, $5.05; 3d. fine, per keg, $5.75; 2d, per keg, $5.75. Cut spikes, all sizes, $.5.65; floor, casing and box, [email protected]; finishing, $4 [email protected].

Clinch Nails — m inch, $6.00; 7% inch, $5.75; 2 inch, $5.50; 2)4@2% inch, $5.25; 3 inch and longer, $5.00.

PAINTS AND OILS.—About the average amount of business doing and mainly with the regular outlets and calling for standard good.s. Buyers in fact have the cautious fever in common with those who handle other articles of merchandise, and the weight and ex­pense of carrj'ing is forced back as near flrst hands as possible. On prices no change of a decided character have been made. Linseed oil in very good demand with the tone of the market quite steady for flrst class stock and not much offering. We quote at about .50@ 61c. for domestic, and (>8@69c. for Calcutta from first hands.

PITCH.—Trade slow and uncertain, the supply full euough for all calls, but we'l under control, and i^rices remaining quite flrm. We quote at [email protected] per bbl. foi- City, delivered.

SPIRITS TURPENTINE.—The consumptive demand is in the same position last noted, buyers all working slowly and carefully with a general effort to keep oper­ations on a basis of actual wants. Iln a wholesale way the tone was feverish, bufc ihe speculative grip relaxed under fuller offerings of stock and less favor­able accounts from the South, with prices making quite a i)ositive drop. A partial withdrawal of the pressure led to a subsequent reactionary tone. As this report is closed the quotations stand about 59@61c. per gallon aceoi-ding to the quantity handled.

TAR.—A fair sort of trade repotted but the market not in flrst-class shape, aud holders more or less dis­satisfied. Some additions to stock are expected at an early day. We quote [email protected]^ per bbl. for Newberne and Washington, and [email protected] for Wilmington, accord­ing to the size of invoice.

CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre

ceded by the name of the grantee ihey mean as follows 1st—Q.C.is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed

i. e., a deed inwhich all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all coveiiants or war­ranty.

2d—G. a. O. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in ivhich he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered.


A P R I L 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27. Allen 's t , No. 79, At s, 137.6 n Grand st, 25

x87.6, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Jacob Latus to Frederick Lauber, Mort. 110,000. A p r i l s . |15,000

Allen st, No. 94, e s, 75 n Broome st, 24.9x 87.6, fiye-story brick store and tenem't . . Peter J . Froehlich, Brooklyn, to Conrad Ruhl. Correction deed. April 21. uom

Baxter st. No. 63, e s, 117 s Bayard st, 23x 107.4x23x105.8, three-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g and two one-story frame stables in rear. Mayer, Harris and Wolf Baum and Moses Fried­m a n to Morris Livingston. Mort. 18,000. April 25. 10,150

Broadway, No. 423, and No. 3 Rose st, also all other real estate in State of New York, and personal estate generalIJ^ Edmund Grant, Lebanon, N. Y.. to Jer­emiah G. Shaw, Biddeford, N. Y. 1-88 part . Oct. 18, 1873. 750

Bedford st, No. 19, AV S, 104.3 s DoAvniiig st, runs west 38 x nortllAvest to a point 75 from Bedford st. and 98.9 from Downing st, x south 16 x soutiieast 39 x east 38 to Bedford st. x nortlnvest 20, three-story brick store and dwell'g. Anna M. F. Wiemann," AvidoAV, Denver., Col., to Julius A. Ritter. Mort. $2,000. April 26. 6,250

Broome st. No. 213, s s, 25 w Norfolk st, 25 x75, five-story brick store and tenem't. Siebrand NieAvenhous to Gertrand Doop­er. C. a. G. March 15. nom

Broome st, No. 213, s ?, 25 AV Norfolk st, 25x75, five-story brick store and tenem't . Gertrude wife of and Auke Dooper to Nicholas Kodisch. April 27. 22,000

Broome st. Par ty wall agreement. Ame­lia G. wife of Daniel Ullmann, Rockland Co., N. Y., Avith Hamilton W . Merrill. May 19, 1871. —

Broome st, Nos. 472 and 474, n s, 50 w Greene st, 50x100, flve-storvtbrick (stone front) store. Henry_Morrison and ano., exrs. and trustees ' Moses Morrison, dec'd, to EdAvard Morrison. March 30.

150,000 Same property. Henry Morrison, Matilda ^

and Frederick S. Myers, Maria Moss, Ada Frank and Sarah Myers, children of Ma­tilda Myers; Benjamin I., Julion B., Mary H., David B. and John I. Hart , children of Benj. J . Har t ; RoAvena Mor­rison, Avidow, Sarah M,, Julian, Rosalie and Gerti-ude Morrison, children of Rowena Morrison and LeAvis M. her husband: Sarah Morrison, wadow, Lewis I., Adelaide and Emily Morrison, children of Sarah Morrison, to EdAvard Morrison. March 30. nom

Columbia st, No. 146, e s, 39 s Houston st, 18x50, three-story frame (brick front) store and dAvell'g. Henry Shaw, Brook­lyn, to Jacob Larschau. Morts. $3,500. April 27. 4,400

Cannon st, s e cor Stanton st, 25x100 ; No. 104 Cannon st, three-story brick store and t enem ' t : No. 291 Stanton st, three­story brick dweU'g. Salomon Cohn and Simon Manges to Hugh McMahon. April 19. 11,700

Charles st, n s, 60 AV 4lh st, 20x94.6, three­story brick dwell'g. Josephine Avife of Joseph J . Little to Augustus C. Wede-kind. Mort. 15,000. April 25. 15,000

Dey st, s s, 85x100. Release mort. An­nah P . and Harriet O. Cruft, Boston, Mass., to William Little. April 13. nom

East Broadway, No. 105, s s, 139.4 AV^ Pike st, 23.2x75, three-story brick store I and synagogue. -

Henry, st, No. 201, n s, 71.4 AV Clinton j St. 24x87.6. J William C. Clopton to Howard Saun­ders. March 16. . 12,400

Emerson st, n s, 100 e Pi-escott aA-, 88.5x 240 to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, x — along creek, X 146.3x165,9 to Prescott av, x 159.3x100x100. Foreclos. Joseph Fet­tretch to Darius G. Crosby. Apr. 25. 4,000

Forsyth st, n e cor Division s t ; No. 2, five-story brick store and tenem' t ; . No. 4, three-story brick building. John Ahrens, exr. F . Ahrens, lo Minna Kroos. Con­tract . April 20. 23,000

Front st, n s, 96.2 w Jackson st, 18x70, three-story frame store and dAvell'g. J o h n Klippert to Benedickt Fischer. Q. C. April 21. nom

Franklin st. n s, lot 958 Church farm 25x 87.6. Lewis Horton to The New York City Church Extension & MissionarA^ Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Churck. AprU 24. 1(»,0C0

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECOD 419

Grand st, Nos. 564-566, n s, 60 e Lewis st, 40x100, two two-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'gs. Owen Ewers, Island of St. Thomas, to Ellen wife of Aaron B. Woodauff. Q. C. Jay . 7, 1818. nom

Hester st, No. 32, s s, 75 w Norfolk st, 25x 100, three-story brick dwell'g and three­story brick dwell'g In rear. Gerson and Tobias Krakower to Isidor Goldstein. Mort. 17,500. April 27. 13,750

Hester st. No. 107, n w cor Eldridge st, 24.4x50, five-story brick store and tene­ment; William J . Syms et al., exr.s. J o h n Syms, dec'd, to Morris Silberstein. April 19. 18.950

Hester Bt, No. 129, n s, 80 w Forsyth st, 20 x50, two-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g. Simon and Isaac Scheuer to Joseph J . O'Donohue. April 18. 6,500

Houston st, No. 191 E., s s, 40 e Orchard st, 20x31, four-story brick store and ten­ement. Simon and Isaac Scheuer to Henry Fischer. April 18. 7,800

Houston st, No. 446 E., n e cor Manhattan St. 13.10x47.10, two-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g. Newman Cowen to Henriet ta W. wife of Robert B. Wilson. Mort. $2,000. April 19. 4,050

Lewis st, No. 139, w s , 121.2n North st, be­fore widening, 21.2x100, two-story frame store and dweU'g, and one-story brick shop in rear. Nicholas Cantor to Geo. B. Whateley. M. $3,000. Apr: 25. 4,000

Ludlow st, No. 24, e s, 100 s Hester st, 25x 86, five-story brick store and tenem't . Lewis Franklin to Lewis Levy. Mort. $11,500. April 25. 22,000

Ludlow st, No. 87, w s, 112.6 n Broome st, 27 X 87.6 x 26.9 X 87.7, two-story frame (brick front) dweU'g. Adaline Woods and Mary B. Blakely, New York, and Hugh Woods, Bernardsville, N. J. , to Samuel and Martin Engel. Q. C. March 10. nom

Ludlow st, No. 89, w s, 139.6 n Broome st, 25.9x87.6, five-story brick store and

. tenement. James B. Mackie, exr. I. Acheson, to Roderick M. Gedney. March 21. 20,000

Macdougal st, No. 141, s w cor 4th st, 34x 86, four-story brick store and dweU'g, and one-story brick (frame front) store and dwell'g. George M. Miller, surviv­ing trustee of A. P . Merrill under trust deed, to Samuel C. Welsh. Apr. 19. 20,000

Mulberry st, Nos. 7 and 9, w s, 76.6 n Chat­h a m st, 70x102x70x103, two six-story brick stores and tenem'ts . W. Emlen Roosevelt, freeholder, to Will iam Nel­son, J r . , Wassaic, N. Y. Feb. 26, 1881. 30,550

Mulberry st, No. 109, w s, 125 n Walker st, 25.3x100.11x25x100.11, three-story frame store and dweU'g, and three-story brick dweU'g in rear. J o h n Boyd to J o h n Bonner. Mort. $7,000. A.pril 27.

10,000 Mulberry st. No. 113, w s, 131.1 n Canal st,

25x100, five-story brick store and tene­ment, and five-story brick tenem't in rear. ^ Julius J . Lyons to Abram E. Soper. April 27. 14,500

Norfolk st, No. I l l , w s, 40 s Rivington st, 20x50, four-story brick store and dweU'g. Daniel Rosenbaum to Anna M. Eichler. Mort. $4,000. Apr. 26. 10,550

Orchard st, No. 15, w s, 55 n Canal st, 20x 50, four-story frame (brick front) dwell­ing. Louise Walter , widow, to Nathan Cohen. April 27. 9,100

Rivington st. Nos. 12, 14, 16 and 18, n w cor Chrystie st, 92x75, four three-story frame stores and dwell'gs, and three­story brick factory in rear of No. 18. Frederick Fink to John Stemme. April 26. 41,000

Same property. Denis Burns, trustee of J o h n Walsh, to Frederick Finck. April 6. 38,500

Ridge st, No. 63, w s, 152.11 s Rivington st, runs Avest 75 x north 25 x west 50.7 x south 51 x east 125.7 to Ridge st, x nor th 26, three-story brick tenem't and two three-story brick tenem'ts in rear. Na­than Levin, Louis Gootman and Harris Sakolsky to Caroline Neu. Mort. $7,000. AprU 25. 11,000

Spring st, No. 192, s s, 100 w Thompson st, 25x100, two-stoiy frame (brick front) store and dweU'g. Daniel HoweU to

Daniel HoweU, J r . Mort. $6,000. Nov. 20, 1876. 10,000

Thompson st, No. 65, w s, 214.9 n Broome ' st, 25x100, two-story brick store and

dweU'g and two-story frame dweU'g in rear. John M. Knox et al., exrs. Han­nah Ireland, to Rich. Eustace. Apr 21. 9,400

Vesey st, No. 41, s s, 32.6x80.6x32.6x80.10, two and three-story brick store. James D. Lynch, exr, and trustee Peter Lynch, dec'd, to Lawrence J . Callanan. April 17. . 42,500

Washington Square West, No. 38, w s, 27.6 n 4th st, 27.6x91.10, four-story stone front dAvell'g. George M. Miller, trustee under trust deed made by Ayres P . Mer­riU, to Maria wife of Imre Kirafly and EUse wife of Bolossy Kirafly.|Apr 24. 21,900

Washington st°, No. 174, w s, 21.5x46.5x" 17.5x51.8.

Washinsjton st. No. 176, w s, 25.3x115.10 . x27.irx75x3x46.5. r

West st. No. 122. s e cor Dey st, 30.3x 49.2x14.2x54.7. Emily and Roland Redmond, Frances wife of Henry B. Livingston, Anne, Ger-aldyn and William Redmond, New York, Sabina wife of J . Walter Wood, Matilda Avife of R. James Cross, South Orange, N. J. , to Goold H. Redmond. Feb. 3, 1882. 100

4th st, Nos. 334 and 336 W., w s, 22 s Ho­ratio st, 44x74, two five-story stone front stores ahd flats. Edward M. Townsend to Marx and Moses Ottinger. Morts. $23,250. April 22. 38,650

5th st, No. 748, s s, 80 w Av D, '22x96, four-storv brick tenem't . John Moon to Abraham Westheimer. Mort. $4,000. April 22. 11,000

6th st, No. 425, n s, 300 w Av A, 25x90.10, five-story brick store and tenem't. Chris­tine wife of Henry Yut te to Olga Avife of Carl Schmeising. Morts. $13,300. April 21. 21i000

7th st. No. 101, n s, 187.11 e 1st av, 20x 97.6, three-story brick dweU'j,'. Hermann Raegener to Jobst Hoffmann. Apr 17. 9,750

7th st, No. 318, s s, 250 e 2d av, 25x100, five-story brick store and tenem't . Wil­liam Jose to Ernst Kreuder. Mort. $10,000. AprU 27. 26,000

l l t h st; No. 145, n s, 123 w Oth av, runs west 30 X nor th 103.3 x east 50 x south 20 X west 20 x south 83.3, Avith carpets, pier glasses, &c., three-story brick dwell'g. David B. Moses, Ossining, to Elizabeth Lyons. April 27. 21,000

l l t h st. No. 47 W., n s, 271 e 5th av, 26x 103.3, four story brick dwell'g. William B. Lynch to John O'Connor, Newark, N. J . Mort. $12,750. April 21. 30,000

13th st, n s. Par ty wall agreement. John C. Tucker with Robert Maclay. Dec. 6, 1878. nom

14th st. No. 210 W., s s, 200 w 7th av, 25x 131.6, four-story brick dwell'g. Mary M. Johnson, widoAv, Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., to Cayetano de Socarras. April 20.

24,500 14th st, s s. Pa r ty wall agreement. John

C. Tucker wi th Robert Maclay. Nov. 27, 1878. . nom

U t h st. No. 521, n s, 291 e Av A, 25x103.3, six-story biick store and tenem't . Roch­us Kucklick to Moritz J . Hirschbein. Mort. $12,500. Feb. 25. 23,000

16th st. No. 13 E. Assigns rents to pay debt. Henry B. KimbaU, Newark, N. J . , to Will iam F. Kidder. nom

16th st, No. 235 W., n s, 363 e 8th av, 20x 100, three-story brick dwell'g. Thomas H. Cook to Charles R. Parfitt. Mort. $5,000. AprU 18. 8,000

16th st. No. 331, n s, 350 w 8th av, 25x50.8 x25x53, three-story brick dweU'g. John H. Griflith to Frank E. Beau. Mort. $3,000. AprU 26. 6,000

17ih st. No. 414, s s, 174.7 w 9th av, 25.2x 92, three-story brick factory building. J o h n G. Seaman to Minot F . Winch. Mort. $5,000. April 20. 13,500

17th st, No. 32, s s, 475 w 5th av, 21.6x92, four-story stone front dwell'g. Mary M. wife of William F. Grinnell to Sarah C. wife of Roswell D. Hatch. Janu­ary 19. 25,000

18th st. No. 325, n s, 340 w 1st av, 20x92, three-story bricTj: dweU'g. Ezra M. Strat ton to Solomon Haviland. April • 24. 11,000

19th st, No. 319 W. , n s, 200 w Sth av. 21.4 x92, three-story brick dweU'g. Peter Van Iderstine, Jr . , to GamalielT. Spring-steed. AprU 22. 15,000

19th st, No. 308, s s, 126 w Sth av, 22x70, three - story brick dweU'g. Will iam E. Keys, Jr . , to WUliam E. Keys. April 26. nom

Same property. Gilbert S. Keys, heir D. Keys, dec'd, to William E. Keys, J r . Q. C. and confirmation deed. Apr. 7. nom

Same property. John and W. E. Keys, exrs. D. Keys, dec'd, to WiUiam E. Keys, J r . April 26. 10,400

Same property. Angelina wife of Ezra M, Stratton, David Keys, Lavinia Lap-ham, widow, Elizabeth Keys, widow, Gilbert S., Charles G., Mary L., Elijah C , John, W m . E. and Jesse G. Keys and Hannah Hudler, widow, heirs David Keys, to same. Q. C. and confirmation deed. April 14. nom

20th st. No. 319 E., n s, 250 e 2d av, 20x92, three-story brick dwell'g. Blanche E. Sayre, widow, to August C. Hassev. April 24. 10; 200

21st st, No. 213, n s. 192.6 e 3d av, 23.6x 98.9, two-story brick dwell'g. George Hanft to J o h n Lindenmeyer. April 20. 9,810

21st st, No. 237, n s, 465 e 3d av, 23x71.9, three-story brick dweU'g. John Mul-lane to Josephine MuUane. Morts. $8,500. April 24. gift

22d 8t, No. 321, n s, 278.1 w Sth av, 21.10x 98.9, four-story brick (stone front) dAvell'g. Cornelia Howland to Elvina Donaldson. Morts. $15,000. April 26. 16,500

22d st. No. 469W., n s, 191.8 e 10th av, 16.8x98.8, four-story stone front dwell'g. Charles M. Corhyn, Jersey City, to Maria L. wife of Thomas D. Adams. Court yard covenant. Mort. $7,000. AprU 22. . 9,000

22d st. No. 232, s s, 175 w 2d av, 25x98.9, four-story brick store and tenem't . John MuUane to Mary F. MuUane. AprU 24.

gift 22d st. No. 242, s s, 375 e 8th av, 25x98.9,

threei-story brick dweU'g. Frederick Gore to Ferdinand S. Ferguson. AprU 17. ' 14,750

22d st, s s, 197 e 3d av, 0.43^x98.9. Mary • F . wife of Maurice J . Power to Ernst Gabler. Q .C . April 25. 100

23d st,~No. 450, s s, 224 e 10th av, 24x98.8, four-story stone front dwell'g. Joseph M. Mestre to Ines E. de Angarica. AprU 24. 22,000

23d st. No. 368, s e cor Oth av, 29x74, four-story brick dweU'g. Benjamin Russak et al., exrs. H . Harris, to J o h n J . Jen­kins. 3^ part . April 24. 10,125

Same property. Benjamin Russak to same. Impart. AprU 24. 10,125

24th st. No. 105 W., n s, 68 w 6th av, 16x 49.4, four-story brick store and dwell'g. Lydia M. wife of Richard B. Davis, Car­mel, N. Y., to WUliam Britton. April 27. 9,000

25th st. No. 50 W., s s, bet Broadway and 6th av, 19x99, five-story brick dweU'g. Catharine B. wife of and Ariel Lathrop, San Francisco, to Sarah E. Tuttle. March 16. nom

25th st. No. 258, s s, 255 e Sth av, 15x98.9, four - story brick dAveU'g. Mary J . Waters, widow, to John G. Noble. April 18. 10,500

26th st. No. 138, s s, 100 e Lexington av, 25x98.9, three-story brick dwell'g. Geo. T. Jackson, the younger, and Samuel M. Jackson to Leonard R. Kerr. April 25.

20,000 26th st. No. 239, n s, 100 w 2d av, 25x98.8,

five-story brick store and tenem't . Jacob Schlosser to Adolph Goldner and Ver­onica his wife. Jo in t tenants. April 27. 23 000

26th st, No. 313, n s, 139.8 w Sth av, 17.8x 98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Henry Dryer to H u g h Burns. Mort. $4,000. AprU 27. 9,000

2Sth st, Nos. 206 and 208, s s, 108.4 e 3d av, 36.8x98.9, two four-story brick tenem'ts. Peter J . Kiernan to J o h n Livingston. March 31. 25,000

30th st. No. 7, n s, 164.4 e 5th av, 21.5x 81.2, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. WiUiam R. Sands to WUliam C.


O'Brien and Margaret T. his wife. April 25. 30,000

31st st. No. 14 E.. s s, 187.3 w Madison av, 21x74x20.10x74, four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Amelia Smith, wife of William D., to George T. Jackson. Mort. $12,000. AprU 27. 25,125

Slst st. No. 108 W., s s, 120.10 w 6th av, 20.10x94.8x21.8x90.6, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Sargent V. Bag-ley, exr. and trustee Mary Lare, dec'd,

^ to Margaret Swim. Mort. $8,000. AprU 26. 14,500

Slst st, No. 121. n s, 140.8 w Lexington av, runs north 98.9 x west 42.2 x south 35.3 X east 21.1 x south 59.8 to Slst st, x east 21.1, four-story brick dAvell'g. Leonard M. Thorn to Rufus M. Stivers. April 20. 14.000

32d st. No. 324, s s, 233.4 w Sth av, 16.8x 98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g, Erastus H. Munson and ano., exrs. J . Munson, to George Daiker. Apr. 20. 12,700

32d s t . No. 25 W., n s, 372.6 w 5th av, 23.9 x98.9, four-story brick dwell'g. Made­line wife of and George E. Stone to Jane H. and Louisa Suydam. Mort. $22,000^ AprU 21. 39.000

32d st, No. 370, s s, 200 e Oth av. 16.8x98.9, four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Alexander Buchanan to Alexander Johnston. April 26. nom

Same property. Alexender Johnston to Frances M. K. Osborn. April 26. 13,000

SSd st. No. 342, s s, 470 w 8ih av, 20x98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Ellen D. wife of Samuel E. Mattison to Z. Swift Webb. April 17. 10.250

SSd st, No. 420, s s, 237.6 w 9th av, 12.6x 98.9, four-story brick dweU'g. Freder­ick Ackerman to Joseph I. West. April 25. 6,000

34th st, No. 241, n s, 354.4 e Sth av. 22.10x 98.9, three-story stone front dweU'g. Mary C. wife of John W. Kilbreth to John J . and Mary Mooney. Apr. 24. 20,000

34th St. No. 259 W., n s, 147.11 e Sth av, 22.11x98.9. three-story stone front dweU'g. Frances M. K. Osborn, widow, to Amalie Avife of Herman Reesmg. lyiort. $11,000. April 25. 20,000

34^1 St. No. 449, n s, 208.4 e 10th av, 20.10 ' x98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Sarah Ross, AvidoAv, Sarah W. wife of and John Arbuckle, James A., Edward F. and Anna E. Ross, heirs W. Ross,- dec'd, to James K. Hutchison. Mort. $8,000. April 18. 10,605

Same property. ] Also, Av B, n w s. lots 161 and 162 map I

Prospect Hill estate, Fordham, lOOx f 130.6. J WiUiam H. Ross, Washington, D. C , to James A. Ross, 1-5 part. Mort. $8,000. Sept. 27. 1881. nom

35th st. No. 342, s s, 405 e 9th av, 20x 98.9, three-story brick dwell'g. Doro­thea wife of Albert Lewinson to Catha­rine Dumar. April 14. 12,000

S7th st. No. 304, s s, 78 e •2d aA-, 21.6x 98.9, four-story brick tene'mt. Release mort. Cyrille Carreau to Eliza V. Smith, Brooklyn. April 22. nom

Same property. Eliza V. Smith, widoAv, to Patrick White. AprU 25. 10.000

39th st, BS, 281 w 5th av, 22x98.9, four-story brown stone dwell'g. Lewis Beach. CornwaU, N. Y , to Sophia E. and Emily Beach. 1-5 part. Apr. 1. 6.200

39th St, No. 433, n s, 350 e lOthav, 25x98.9, five-story brick tenement. Johanna Oehlers, widow, to Gottfried L. Koenig, Tolland Co., Conn. Morts. $9,000. March 13. 16,000

40th st, No. 338, s s, 250 e Oth av, 16.8x 98.9, three-story brick dAveU'g. Samuel H. Leszynsky and Chester A. Troup to Isaac N. Lowe. Mort. $4,500. April 24. 8,000

43d st. No. 413, n s, 166.9 w 9th av, 16 6x 100.4, three-storv brick (stone front) dwell'g. Jul ia W. wife of Louis SneU to Ellen D. wife of Samuel E. Mattison. Mort. $5,000. AprU 27. 10,500

44th st. No. 204 E., s s, 105 e 3d av, 25x 100.5, five-story brick tenem't. Silas J . Donvan to George Gottheimer. Con­tract . AprU 26. 16,000

44th st. No. 10 E., s s, 200 e 5th av, 25x 100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g.

William H. Vanderbilt to John L. Lo­gan. AprU 25. 62,500

Same property. John L. Logan to Ed­mund Hendricks. Morts. $35,000. April 25. 65,000

44th st. No. 518, s s, 275 w 10th av, 25x 100.5, three-story brick tenem't. Kath­arina wife of Anton Jaeger to George Brown. AprU 26.. 5,450

45th st, No«. 522 and 524. s s, 325 w 10th av, 50x100.4, two five-story brick stores and tenem'ts. James Mills to Francis J . Herron. Morts. $20,000. April 18.

exch. and 10,000 45th st, Nos. 502-504, s s, 325 w 10th av,

50x100.4, two five-slory brick tenem'ts and stores. Herman C. Von Post, in­divid. and as guard., to J a m t s Mills. C.a. G. April 17. **4,000

45th st. No. 23, n s, 300 w 5th av, 25x100.5, four-storv stone front dwell'g. Raphael Buchman to Elizabeth Opdyke. Mort. $12,000. AprU 19. 47,750

45th Rt, No. 12 W., s s, 208.7 AV 5th av, 16.5x100.5, four-story stom* front school. Frank C. Holiins to Frederick L. Eldridge. April 20. nom

Same property. Frederick L, Eldridge to Celine S. wife of Frank C, Holiins, April 20, nom

46th st. No, 146, s s, 252 w 3d av, 18x100,5, four-story stone front dwell'g, Bernard Spaulding to Johanne C, M. Blume. Mort. $13,000. April 25. 25,000

46th st, s s, 252 w 3d av. Release mort . The National Broadway Bank to Ber­nard Spauldmg. April 25. 3,000

4Sth st. No. 126, s s, 285 w 6 th av, 20x 100.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Dennis W. Buckley to William P . Per­kins. March 17, 1858. 10,000

Same property. Marv Bussing to William S. Ridabock. April 22. 23,000

48th St. Declaration as to par ty wall by Mary W. Amerman.

48th st. No. 255, n s, 40 w 2d av, 20x70, three-story stone front dAA-ell'g. Fred­erick M. Bartholomew to Abraham Van­derbeck. Aprd20 . 9,500

48th st, No. 548, s s, 175 e l l t h aA-, 25x 100.5, four-storv brick tenem't . Robert Auld to Patr ick 'Whelan. Apr. 35. 10,250

49th st, n s. 143.9 e 5th av. 56.3x100.5. Edward Kemp to George Kemp. Ju ly 18, 1881. nom

50lh st. No. 425, n s, 235 e 1st av, 20x100.5 four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. The Marine Soc. NeAv York to Emil Loeb and Louisa wife of Ignetz Hoff­man. April 11. 11,880

50th st, n s, 235 e 1st av. Release dower. Louise A. wife of J . Milton Fen y, Baby­lon, to The Marine Soc. of City New York. April 22. nom

50th St. No. 360 E., s s, 37.6 AV I s t av , 18.9x l'">0.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Thomas R. A. Hall to Samuel Cohen. Mort. $6,000. April 17. 13.500

50th st, No. 328, s s, 274.6 e 2d av, 20.6x 100.5, three-story stone front dweU'g. Bai'betta wife of Levi Silberman to Jonas Stolts. Mort. $6,000. Feb. 13. 15.000

50th st, No. 114 W. , s s, 175 w Oth av, 25x 100, two-story brick stable. Alfred R Whi t ing and Charles S. Smith to Wil­liam Rhinelander. April 12. 17,000

SOth st, Nos. 405, 407, 409 and 411 W., n s, 100 AV Oth av, 100x100.5 ; Nos. 405, 407 and 409, three three-story frame dAveU'gs and a two-story frame pottery, &c., in r ea r ; No. 411, two-story frame dwell'g and a three-story brick stable in rear. Ruth A. WaUace (Ruth A. Mott) to Hop­per S. and Alexander H. Mott. Release. April 14. nom

Same property. Ruth A. Wallace, extrx. J . Mott. and Hopper S. and Alexander H. Mott to John Tresch. April 15. 35,500

Same property. Release mort. The Broad­way Savings Inst, to Alexander H. and Hopper S. Mott. AprU 21. 12,000

50th st, n s, 200 w Oth av. Covenant not to convey or lease to any railway com­pany. Hopper S. and Alexander H. Mott to John Tresch. Apn l 20. nom

50th st. No. 537, n s, 475 w lOth av, 25x ino.3, one-story frame stable. J o h n Moore and Mary his wife to Henry M. Wheeler. AprU 15. 6,000

52d st, No. 17, n s, 225 w 5th av, 25x100.5 four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Benjamin Russak et al., exrs. H . Harr is to Frances E. wife of Adolph B. Ans-bacher. K part . Mort. $20,000. April 24. 30,875

Same property. Benjamin Russak to same. ^ part . Mort. $20,000. April 24. 30,875

52d st. No. 68, s s, 121.4 e 6th av, 18.8x 100.5x22.2x100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. Edward A. Morrison and ano., exrs. J o h n Morrison, dec'd, to J o h n Wakeman. April 13. 28,000

52d st. No. 237, n s, 324.3 e Sth av, 18.9x 100.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Robert E. Deyo to Miriam D. wife of ChiUon F . Doane. AprU 18. 20,000

53d st. No. 50, s s. 47.9 e Madison av, 20.7x 100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. William Sinclair to Thomas Stillman. Morts. $20,000, and interest from Jan . 1, 1881. March SO. 7,500

5Sd st. No. 349, n s, 120 w 1st av, runs nor th 100.5 x west 19.6 x south 50 x west 0.4 X south 50.5 to 53d st, x east 20, one-story franie store and dAveU'g, and onerstory frame dweU'g in rear. Maria Ready to John O. and Ann Reese. Mort. $1,600. April 26. 6,000

53d st. No. 145, n s, 283.4 e 7th av, 16.8x 100, three-story brick (stone front) dAvell-ing. Georgiana T. Washburn, Wash­ington, D. C , to William H. Streeter. Mort. $8,000. April 17. 11,000

Same property. William H. Streeter to Alice Chapman. Mort. $8,000. April 27. 12,750

54th st, Nos. 334-342, s s, 200 w 1st av, 94.4 xlOO.5, five three-story frame dAveU'gs. James P . Bai'nett, Brooklyn, to Bertha wife of John B. Smith. AprU 12. 20,500

Same property. Bertha wife of John B. Smith to Jonas M. Libbey. Mort. $19,000. April 15. nom

54th st. No. 248 W. , s s, 225 e Sth av, 25x 100.5, new building projected. Alfred ll. Loomis to Ha r t Tanner. April 20. 16,250

57th st, No. 120 E., s s, 138.6 w Lexington av, 16x100.5, four-story stono front dweU'g. Alf 1 ed Henderson, Jersey City, t oCord ieG. Hammill . AprU 21. 24,000

57th st, Nos. 322-324, s s, 225 e 2d av, 62.9 x59.4x63x58, two four-story brick ten­ements ; No. 326, four-story stone front tenem't . J o h n Mullins, heir J . Mullins, to Thomas F . , Michael J . and Ellen Mullins, heirs J . Mullins. J^ part . Morts. $7,088. April 20. 4,500

57th St. n s, 246 e 2d av, 60x100.5, new buildings projected. Marv Devlin, wid-OAr, to Frances A. Croft. " 23,000

57th st. No. 138 E. . s s, 100 e Lexington av, 18.9x100.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Mary J . wife of Lansing D. SneU to Charles W . Lang. Mort. $7,500. • AprU 24. 13,000

57th st. No. 119, n s, 190 e 4th av, 20x100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. Phebe A. Baldwin, widow and devisee Jesse Baldwin to Emily Jordan. Mort. $7,000. Feb. 24. 40,000

Same property. WiUiam B. Baldwin to same. Q. C*. April 24. nom

57th st, No. 319, n s, 250 w Sth av, 25x 100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. Samuel A. Lewis to Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn. Morts. $25,000. April 24. 45,500

57th St. No. 319, n s. 250 w 8th av, 25x 100.5, four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn, to Samuel A. Lewis. Mort. $28,000. April 25. 48,000

5Sth st, No. 142, s s, 85 e Lexington av, 20 80.5. three-story stone front dweU'g, Wiliiam C. G. Wilson to Christina M. Tems. Mort. $8,000. April 26. 13,500

59th st. No. 139, n s. 80 e Lexington av. 20 xlOO.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. Stephen E. BroAvne to Patr ick H, Mc­Caffrey. Mort. $10,000. April 20. 12,000

OOth st. No. 239, n s, 155 w2d av, 4(txl00.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. Dieder­ich A. Heidgerd to Jacob Schmitt . April 25. 24,000

60Lh st. No. 125, n s, 145 AV Lexington av, 20x1(10.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. E m m a L. Ely, formerly E m m a L. Braitsch, now wife of EdAvard T. Ely, to Will iam A. Jenner . AprU 23. 25,500

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 421

60th st. No. 317.. n s, 350 e 3d av, 35x98, five-story brick store and tenem't . . The New York Life Ins. Co. to T imo thy J . Breen and Mary A . his wife. C. a. G. AprU 27. 16,000

e is t st, s 8, 350 w 10th av, 50x100.5. Re­lease of judgment . Charles G. Haggerty to James Philp. AprU 22. nom

63d st. No. 342, s s, 100 w Ist av, 25x100.5, five-story brick store and tenem't . Fer­nando Wood, Yorktown, N. Y., to Sam­uel H . Allen and Henry A. Bodwell. Q. C. April 31. nom

Same property. Alice M., Henry A. W. , Otis F . M., W. F . , Benj . and LiUie M. Woods, infants, by A. T. Gillender, guard. , to same. Q. C. April 21. nom

Same property. Joseph L. R. and Mary J . Woods, Ann D. R. wife of and 'Alonso G. Hagedorn, Catherine R. wife of and Alex. C. Chenoweth to Same. April 21. nom

Same property. Calhoun Wood to same. Q. C. April 13. nom

Same property. Samuel H . Alien, Thom-aston, Me., and Henry A. Bodwell, Pi t ts ton, Me., to Isaac J . Maccabe. April 17. 13,000

63d st. No. 406, s s, 135 w 9th av, 35x100.5, four-story brick (stone front) store and tenem't , and three-story frame dwell 'g in rear. Nicholas F . Palmer, exr. F . B. Hegeman, to Solomon W . Albro. April 15. 12,900

64ch st. No. 177, n s, 160 w 3d av, 16x100.5, three-story stone front dweU'g. Gideon Founta in to Therese M. wife of Oscar Seebas. .IprU 22. 16,000

64th st. No. 42, s s, 100 w 4th av, 20x100.5, four-story stone front dwell 'g. Ed\v3,rd S. Dakin, referee,to Theodore H. SchiUz. Feb. 37. 30,000

64th Bt, No. 43, s s, 100 w 4th av, 20x100.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. Par t i ­tion. Edward S. Dakin to Theodore H. Schulz. Re-recorded. Feb. 27. 30,000

68th st, n s 275 w 10th av, 50x100.5, shanties. Isaac Meyer and L. Deutsch, trustees J . Deutsch, dec'd, to Edward Clark. April 15. . 8,600

Same property. Annie Deutsch, widoAV, to same. Release dower. April 3gL nom

68th st, Nos. 217and 319, n s, 225 w lO thav , " ' 50x100,5, shanties. Annie Deutsch, . widow, to Edward Clark. April 20; 8,600

69th st, No. 109, n s, 105 e 4th av, 20x100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. J a n e W. Congdon, widow, to J o h n T. McCJuire. Mort. $10,000. April 25. 30,000

71st st. No. 315, w s,: 326.10 e 3d av, 20.8x 103.3, four-story stone front dwell'g. J o h n Livingston to Henry Leopold. Mort. $10,000. April 19. 33,000

7l8t st, n e cor Lexington av, 19.8x100, known as No. 981 Lexington av, three-

A story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Fanny wife of Henry Leopold to J o h n Livingston. Mort. $12,000. April 21. 23,000

71st st. No. 349, n s, 156.6 w 3d av, 18.6x 102.3, three-story stone front dweU'g. Mary M. Kircheis to Pauline Josephie. Mort. $8,000. April 36, 13,500

73d st, s 8, 100 e 3d av,. 100x103.3, vacant. Bertha wife of J o h n B. Smith to Jonas M. Libbey. Mort. $16,000. Apr. 15. nom

74th st, No. 163, s s, 168.9 e Lexington av, 18.9x103.3, three-story stone front dwell­ing. Samuel K. Schwenk to Theodore E. Heidenfeld. AprU 33.

other consid and 13,500 74th st, No. 509, n s, 133 e Av A, 35x103.3,

three-story frame dweU'g in rear. Jul ius J . Lyons to Thomas McManus ati^ Oscar T.Marshal l . April 37. ^or 2,500

76th st, n 8, 300 e 3d av, 75x103.3, vacant. Foreclos. Michael J . Cody to Will iam H. Jackson. Subject to mort . and int . AprU 31. 4,500

76th st, Nos. 189-191, n s, 100 w 3 d av, 51.4 xl03.3, two four-story stone front tene­ments . Frederick W . Styles to Henry McCloskey, Sr. Morts. $36,000. AprU 35. • 40,000

76th st. No, 43, s s, 160 e Madison av, 30x 103.3, four-story stone front dwell'g. Will iam .Noble to J o h n S. Law, Wilkes­barre, Pa. Mort. $33,500. April 33. 35,000

76th St. s s, 160 e Madison av, 40x103.3. The Mayor, Aldermen, &c., New York,

to Will iam Noble. Confirmation deed. AprU 83. nom

77 th st, n s, SOO e 5th av, 16.8x103.3. The Mayor, &:c.. New York, to Max and Salomon Herzog and Samuel Wolff, of Herzog & Co. Confirmation deed. AprU 19. nom

77th st, s s, 394.6 w 9th av, 87.6x103.3, va­cant. Frederick C. C. Schack to Edward A. Morrison. Q. C. April 6. nom

77th st. No. 447, n s, 94 w Av A, 25x102.2, four-story brick tenem't . Jonas Weil and Bprnhard Mayer to Daniel McNa­mara. Mort. $3,000. Apri l 25. 13,150

78th st, No. 248, s s, 198.9 w 3d av, lS.9x 103,3, three-story brick dweU'g, Ba­bette Gottgetren, widow, to Simon Kahn, April 33. 10,000

7Sth st, No. 150, s s, 363.6 w 3d av, 18.9x 102.2, three-story stone front dwell'g. WiUiam Trotter, J r . , Oyster Bay, L. I., to H u g h Humes. Mort. $6,000. April 23 13 550

79th st. No. 165, n s, 373 w 3 d a v . 15,6x , 102.2, three-story stone front dwell'g. Oscar T. Marshall to EUen L. wjfe of Alfred H. Timpson. Mort. $8,000. April 20. 15,500

SOth st. No. 181, n s , 116.8 w 3d av, 16.8x 100, three-story stone front dwell'g. Catharine Bradley to Amelia wife of Joseph Stern. April 21. 10,605

SOth st. Corrects a mistake in an instru­ment wherein Catharine Bradley ap-peai:8 as wife of J o h n J . Bradley, where­as siie is his mother.

SSdst, No. 323, s s, 375 e Sdav , 35x103.3, thrpe-story frame dweU'g. Part i t ion. Edward S. Dakin to Franz Schmidt. April 25. 6,500

Same.property. Charles H. Dugliss, exr. Joseph W. Dugliss, to same. Apr. 85. nom

SSd st. No. 341, n s, 137.6 w 3d av, 15x102.2, three-story brick (mansard roof) dweU'g. Henry Bodge to Jul ia A. wife of J o h n Vesey. AprU 27. 7,000

SSd st, n s. 50 e Madison av, 50x103.3, va­cant. Edward Oppenheimer and Isaac Metzger to Thomas Gearty. Morts. $33,500. Nov. 18, 1881. 30,000

84th 8t, s s, abt 304.3 e 3d av, 50.10x103.2. Margaret E. Adriance, widow and de-. > visee of I. Adriance, to Charles F . Wil­lis. Q. C. Feb. 8. 50

Same property. Charles F. Willis to Ben­jamin F. Carpenter. April 21. 200

85th st. No. 426, s s, 169 w Av A, 25x102.2, tlires-story brick dweU'g. Margaret A. wife of Thomas O'Rourke to Charles A. Acton. Mort. $4,500. April 25. 9,300

86th st, Nos. 530 and 532, e s, 258 w Av B, 40x102.2. E m m a J . wife of J o h n S. Johnston, Astoria, L. I., to Lucy N. Styles. Q. C. April 10. nom

86th st, Nos. 133 and 135, n w cor Lexing­ton av, 41.8x100.8, one-story frame shop. Elizabeth H. Theal, ext rx . R. Theal. to Edward Oppenheimer and Isaac Metz­ger. April 24. 23,000

Same property. Release dower. Eliza­beth H. Theal, widow, to same. April 34. nom

86th st, 8 8, 100 w 3d av, 135x103.3. ] 85th st, n 8, 100 w 3d av, 135x103.3, two- I

story frame, and two and three-story [ brick Hebrew Orphan Asylum. J Mary J . wife of Lemuel B. Clark to Jas . L. Montgomery. Morts. $30,000, and taxes, assmts, &c. April 31. 75,000

Same property. Release judgment . Isaac J . Geery and ano., exrs. I, Geery, dec'd, to Mary J . wife of Lemuel B. Clark. J an . 5, 1883. 3,500

86th st. No. 541, n s, 175 w Av B, 35x139.8 x85xl40.1, three-story frame dweU'g. J o h n C. G. and Adolph G. Hupfei to Augusta Sulzer. M. $1,500. Apr. 30. 8,000

89th st, n 8,100 e Av A, 18.9x100.8, two­story brick dweU'g. Thomas S. OUive to Margaret SpiUane. Mort. $3,000. AprU 33. 4,750

89th st, No. 508, s s, 137.6 e Av A, 18.9x 100.8, three-story stone front dwell'g. Salomon Marx and Randolph Guggen­heimer to Louis Gehlert. C. a. G. Mort. $3,500. April 19, 8,500

Same property. Thomas Tate to Louis

Gehlert. Release judgment . Apr. 13. 100 91st st, No. 165, n s, 170 w 3d av, 30x100.8,

1 four-story stone front dweU'g. J o h n

Sullivan to George Goldgart. Mort. $9,000. AprU 35. 16,000

Same property. Release mort. Robinson Gill to John Sullivan. April 85. nom

93d st, No. 149, n s, 384 w 3d av, K.6x61, . three-story brick dwell'g. Theodore C. Landmesser to Cornelius Horgan. Mort. $4,750. March 38. 8,000

93d st. No. 161, n s, 300 w 3d av, 14x63, three-story brick dwell'g. Theodore C. Landmesser to Alpheus Ferris, Mort. $4,750.. iVprUSO. ' 8,000

98th St. 8 s, 335 e 3d av, 35x100.11, vacant. Frank Etzel to Joseph .and Albert Etzel. AprU 34. ; 3,500

104th st, n s, 180 w 4th av, 35x100.11, va­cant. Fanny Albert to Aroiji Asher.

,., AprU 7. 3,500 Same property. Fanny wife of and Hal-

pern Albert to same. Q. C. AprU 24. nom 105th st, Nos. 331-285, n s, 880e3d av, 40

.xlOO.ll, three three-story brickdweU'ga. Benjamin Russak et al,, exrs. H . Harris, to Louis Stern, y^ part., April 24. 7,377

Same property. Benjamin Russak to same. ^ p a r t . AprU 24. 7,377

106th 8t, n s, 75 w Lexington. av, lOOx 100.11, six three-story. brick dweU'gs. August Baumgarten, Brooklyn, to Spen­cer A. Fanning. AprU 24. .84,000

Same property. Release mor t . , John H. Deane to August Baumgar ten , , Brook­lyn. April 22. n o m

Same property. Releasemort . S a m e t o same. April 22. nom

Same property. Release judgment . Same to same. April 25. nom

108th st, n s, 105 e 4th av, 125x100.11, va­cant. Bertha wife of and John B. Smith to Jonas M. Libbey. Mort. $10,000. April 15. nom

108th st, n s, 100 w 2d av, 50x100.11,. new buildings projected. Max Danziger to John L. Eschenbacher. M a r c h l . 9,000

109th s t^n s, 129.10 e 3d av. Release mort . J o h n B. Cauldwell to Maria J . Moore. April 25. nom

109th st. No. 22, n s, 865.3 e 3d a r , IQ.lOx 100.11, four-story brick tenem't . J o h n H . Deane to Maria J . Moore. Release morts. April 19. nom

Same property. J o h n B. CauldweU to same. Release mort. April 19. nom

Same pj:operty. Maiia J . wife of Hi ram Moore to Ida Bettels. AprU 81. 14,000

109th st, n 8, n o e 3d av. Release mort . John B. Cauldwell to Maria J . Moore. April 19. nom

Same property. Release moi t . J o h n H. Deane to Maria J . Moore. April 31. nom

109th st. No. 174, s s, 200.11 w 3d av, 19x 100.11x19.2x100.11, four-s tory brick dwell'g. Caroline M. wife of Searles Babbitt to Peter Diehl and Sophie his wife. Mort. $8,000. AprU 34. 10,600

llOlh st, No. 348, s s, 185 w Ist av, 35x 100.11, four-story brick tenem't . Fore­clos. Richard M. Henry to The New York Life Ins. Co. AprU 13. 5,000

110th st. No. 344, 8 8, 100 w 1st av, 85x 100.11, four-story brick tenem't . Fore­clos. Richard M. Henry to The New York Life Ins. Co. AprU 13. 5,000

110th st, No. 346, s s, 75 w 1st av, 35x 100.11, four-story brick tenem't . Fore­clos. Richarr' M. Henrv to The New York Life Ins. Co. AprU 13. 4,800

110th st, No. 310, 8 8, 145 e 1st av, 35x 100.11, one-story frame store and dweU'g and two-story brick dweU'g in rear. Guillaume Vandenhove, assignee Rich­ard Stoker, to Thomas F. Judge . April 25. 1,100

Same property. Same to WiUiam S. Barnes. Contract. March 20. 1,100

Same property. Assign, contract. Wil­liam S. Barnes to Thomas F . Judge. AprU 3. 1,600

Same property. Richard Stoker to Thomas F . Judge. April 25. nom

l l l t h st, Nos. 162-170, s s, 204.6 w 3d av, 90.6x100.11, five three-story brick dwell­ings. William Libbey to Bertha wife of J o h n B. Smith. Morts. $29,000. April 20. nom

l l l t h st, No. 72, s s, 213.4 w 4th av, 16.8x 100.11, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. John H. Deane to Thomas F . Treacy. AprU 36. 9,100

Same property. Thomas F . Treacy to

422 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29, 1882

Adolph Leindecker. Mort. $7,500. April 26. 9.100

113th st, No. 120, s s, 235 e 4th av, 19.7x 100.11, four-story brickdweU'g. Thomas H . Nally to Nathaniel WithereU. April 18, 17,250

Same pioperty, Lucy N. Styles to Thom­as H, Nally. Q, C. and release mort, AprU 14. nom

114th st. No. 414, s s, 209 e 1st av, 61x 100.11, two-story brick dweU'g. Timo­thy Donovan to Sophia wife of Edward Westermayer. Mort. $3,250. April 35. . 11,800

116th st, No, 307 E,, n s, 120 e 2d av, 20x 100,11, four-story brick dweU'g, Adam Munch and Frederick Albrecht to Wil­Uam H. Simonson. Mort. $12,000. April 3. 20,000

l lS th st. No. 506, s s, 123 e Av A, 75x100.10, two-story frame dwell'g. Lillie M. Mil­ler, by James F . Buck, guard., to Henry Krooss. Infant 's share. April 24. 11,000

118th st, No. 225, n s, 310 w 2d av, 16.8x 100.10, three-story stone front dwell'g. Abby E. Laytin to Mary. E. Smith.

Z Morts. $5,000. AprU 19. 8,100 118th st. No. 235, n s, 210 w 2d av, 21x

100.10, three-story frame dwell'g. Wil­liam J . Seabury to Edwin E. England. April 26. 7,000

119th st, s 8, 660 e Oth av, 35x100.11, va­cant. Francis M. Jencks to William H. Austin, New Brunswick, N. J . Mort. $3,000. AprU 21. 5,500

119th st, n s, 75 e 2d av, 150x100.11, new buUdings projected. Henry Hawkes to George B. Dunn. Morts. $33,000. AprU 24. 34,700

123d st. No. 357, n s, 59.6 w Sd av, 14x70, three-story stone front dweU'g. Fore­clos. De Wi t t C. Graham to Christo- • pher B. Keogh. Mort. $4,800. April 25. 2,500

122d st. No. 249, n s, 115.6 w 2d av, 14x 100.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Adelia K. wife of James E. Broome, Brooklyn, to Christopher B. Keogh. Morts. $6,000. AprU 22. 8,500

123d st, s s, 138 e I s tav , 200x100.11, vacant. ' William Austin to John B. Sniith. ' Mort. $8,O0O. Jan . 6. 19,200

Same property. J o h n B . Smifch to Jonas ~ M. Libbey. Morts, $17,200. AprU 15. ndm

i23d st; No. 126, s s, 333.4 AV 6th av, 16. Sx 100.11, three-story brick mansard roof dwell'g. J ane Cowen to Harriet N. Cryan. April 27. 8.350

123d st, Nos. 429, 433. 435, 437, 439, 441, 443 and 445 E., n s, 342.2 e 1st av, 133.10 xlOO.ll. Assignment of par t of rent to pay debt. Madeline E. Hawes, extrx. and trustee J . Hawes, dec'd, to Mount Morris Bank. April 22.

"124th st. No. 230, s s, 341 e 3d av, 19x 100.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. Ellen H. Avife of and Thomas J . G. Clark to Edward Callan. April 22. 9,750

124th st, No. 318, s s, 335 e 3d av, 31xl00.ll , three-story stone front dweU'g. Ed­w a r d Curtis, heir Jul ia B. Curtis, dec'd, to Samuel B. and John G. Curtis, heirs of said Jul ia B. Curtis. Q. C. April 20. nom

Same property. Samuel B. and John G. Curtis to Dominic O'ReUly. Apr. 30. 9,500

I25th st, No. 221, n s, 221.8 e Sd av, 16.8x :-, 99.11, three-story brick dweU'g. Isaac Hendricks to Sarah E. wife of Justus

. Cooke. April 26. 6,000 ; 126th st. No. 15, n s, 235 w 5th av, 20x

99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Charles E. Van Tassel to Mary C. wife of Francis B. Clark. Mort. $12,000, AprU 20, 20,000

126th st, No. 19, n s, 272.6 w 5th av, 17.6x 99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Charles E. Van Tassel to Mary E. wife of John F. Black. Morts. $10,000. AprU 22. 18,000

126th st. No. 51 W. , n s, 231.5 e 6th av, 17.10x99.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. Henry Morgenthau to Rebecca L. Crasto. M. $5,000. May 2, '81. 10,400

. 126th st, No. 45, n s, 284.6 e 6th av, 19.3x 99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Marcelina V. wife of Wallace P . Bird-

. s a l l t oMine wife of Meyer Goldsmith. TJLprt. $8,000. AprU 14. 18,000

126th st, n s, 384.6 e 6th ay. Release mort .

Joseph Larocque, Astoria, to Marcelina V. and WaUace P . BirdsaU. Apr. 14. 3,350

186th st, No. 163, n s, 150 e 7th av, 16. Sx 99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Charles Batchelor to Hannah E. wife of WUUam Boardman. Mort. $10,000. April 85. 16,000

126thst. No. 47 W., n s , 267.1 e 6th av, 17.5 x99.11, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Henry Morgenthau to Edward P . Dickie. Mort. $5,500. Apr. 27. 12,750

126th st, No. 227, n s, 237.6 w 7th av, 12.6x 99 11, three-story brick dweU'g. Susan­nah J . New wife of George A. to George E. Pasco. Mort. $3,500. Apr. 25. 6,500

127th st. No. 213, n s, 125 w 7th . av, 13x 99.11, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. A. Alonzo Teets to Sarah wife of George H. Thomas. Morts. $6,000. AprU 13. 11,750

137th st, No. 153, -n s, 290 w 3d av, 20x 99.11, three-story brick dwell'g. Whee­lock N. Harvey, exr. C. R. Harvey, to Elizabeth wife of Marcus Adler. April 17. 8,500

:1,88th st. No. 215, n s, 183.4 w 7th av, 16.8 x99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Robert M. Strebeigh to Sarah Morrison. AprU 1. 11,500

129th st, No. 154, s s, 251.8 w 3d av. 16. Sx 99.11, three-story frame dwell'g. Fred­erica wife of and George BretteU to Wil­Uam Kiinkel, J r . Mort. $3,000. April 25. 5,100

129th st, No. 50, s s, 110 e Madison av, 25x 99.11, four-story stone front flat. An­thony Smyth to Eliza Aldhous. Mort. $14,000. March 23. nom

129th st, s s, 125 e Sth av, 133x99.11, va- ] cant. I

128th st, n s , 250 e Sth av, 8x99.11, A a- f cant. J Henry Hughes to John L. Brewster, Plainfield, N. J . Mort. $25,000. 27,000

130th st. No. 233, n s, 350 w 7th av, 16.8x 99.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. George H. Harloe to William Noble. Morts. $9,645. April 19. 13,000

ISOth st, No. 17, n s. 214 e 5th av, 16x99.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. Jordan L. Mott to Maurice Solomon. April 19. 8,000

131st st, Nos. 43, 45 and 47, n s, 335 e 6th av, 50x99.11, three th rees to ry stone front dweU'gs. Sarah E. wife of Samuel C. Hinman to John W . Thomson. Mort. $27,000. AprU 22. • 38,750

142d st, n s, 350 e Sth av, 25x99.11, vacant. Marcus A. Loewe, New York, and Jessie L. wife of and Aron Bernheim, Neuilly, France, heirs A. Loewe, to William Whisten. Mort. $500. March 27. 1,750

157th st, n s, 200 w 10th av, 50x99.11, two­story frame store and dwell'g and two­story frame stable. Mary A. Avife of and Thomas Gerehart to Cornelius R. Terwilleger. April 25. 4,000

Av A, 8 w cor 71st st, 45.4x100, vacant. ) 71st st, s s, 100 w A v A , 50x145.4, vacant. \

Alexander Louis to Edward Leissner. yi part. Oct. 26, 1881. nom

Same pronerty. Amelia E. Louis to same. Q. C. Right of dower in 3^ part . April 32. 500

Greenwich av, No. 7, w s, 40 n West 12th st, 20x68.2x19.2x72.6, t h rees to ry brick dweU'g. Charles J . Goeller to Frank Nordman and Theresa his wife. Mort. $5,000. April 24. 8,384

Lexington av,.No. 134, w s, 49.4 s 29th st, 16.3x81, four-story stone front dwell'g. Mary A. and Martha Buchan to Mary M." wife of Asahel H. Heath. AprU 24. 14,800

Lexington av, No. 364, w s, 79 s 41st st, 19.9x87, three-story stone front dwell'g. Jul ia E. Bailey, widow, Dracutt , Mass., to John A. Halsey. Morts. $13,000, taxes two years, &c. March 1. 20,000

Lexington av, s w cor 56th st, 18.5x56.6, vacant. WUliam J . Demorest to Wil­liam Burnet. AprU 26. 8,000

Same property. Release mort. Wml Betts to W m . J . Demorest. Apr. 14. 5,000

Lexington av. No. 647, e s, 75.11 s 55th st, 24.6x100, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Zelina M. Jewell, nee Janvier, to George V. Sims and Ellen T. his wife. Mort. $10,000. April 25. 20,000

Lexington av. No. 1084, w s, 34.2 n 76th st, 17x72.10, three-story stone front dweU'g. Mary E. wife of WiUiam T. BoucheUe to

David B. Keeler. Mort. $6,000. AprU 21. . 15,000

Lexington av. No. 1105, e s, 35.2 n 77th st, 16.8x70, three story stone front dweU'g. Henry M. Wheeler to J o h n Moore. Mort. $8,000. April 12. . 14,000

Lexington av. No. 1613, s e cor 102d st,"] 25.11x80, four-story brick dwell'g. I

Lexington av, n e cor 101st st, 25.11x80, j vacant. J Mary wife of Michael Duffy to George M. Chapman. Ms. $34,000. Apr. 26. exch

Lexington av. No. 1609, e s, 50.11 s 102d st, 25x80, four-stoiy brick dwell'g. Thomas J . Crombie to George M. Chapman. Mort. $10,000. AprU 26. exch.

Lexington av, e s, 25.11 s 102d st, 25x80. George M. Manchester and Williain J . Philbrick to George M. Chapman. Mort. $10,000. AprU 26. nom

Madison av, © s, O l s 122d st. . Release mort . J o h n H . Deane to Thomas F . Treacy. Apri l 31. nom

Same property. Same to same. Release mort . AprU 21. nom

Madison av, s e cor 96th st, 100.8x100, vacant. Alfred ColviUe to Euphemia C. Purton. 1-5 part . AprU 26. 8,000

Pleasa,nt av or Av A, n w cor 115th st, 75.7 x94, six three-story stone front dweU'gs. Thomas Pearson to Catharine Pearson. April 20. . 500

Pleasant av. No. 5, e s, 34.3 n. 121st st, 16.8 . x64, two-story stone front dwell'g.

Isaac E. Wr igh t to John. G. Henry. Mort. $4,500. April 25. 7,000

Pleasant av, e s, 34.3 n 121st st. Release inort. J o h n Ross to Isaac E. Wright . April 25. nom

Prescott av, e s, 259.3 n Emerson st, 437.6 to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, x — along creek x 146.3x165.9, wi th water rights, &c. Foreclos. Joseph Fet t re tch to

Darius G. Crosby and Mary G. Waters , Westchester, N. Y. AprU 25. 5,500

Ist av. No. 127, w s, 52 s "Sth st, 24.6x50, five story brick store and tenem't . Jacob Kissling to J o h n Kleem. Mort. $4,000, AprU 24. 17,250

1st av, No. 527, w s, 24.7 s Slst st, 24.7x75, five-story brick (iron front) store and tenem't . George W . Tubbs to L. Napo­leon Levy. All morts . April 17. 15,000

I s t a v , No. 1629, ws , .26 .6s 85th st, 25.2x 75, four-stcry stone front store and tenem't . Mariam S. wife of and Sig­mund Warshing to Jacob Strubel. Mort. $11,000. AprU 24. 21,000

1st ay, No. 2258, n e cor 116th st, 26x74, four-story stone front store and tenem't and one-story frame stable. Bernard Peyser to Ferdinand C. Bamman. Mort. $6,000. April 25. 17,000

2d av. No. 695. w s, 98.1 s SSth st, 16.8x80, four-story brick tenem't . Daniel A. Clarke to J o h n A. McCoU. Mort. $7,500. AprU 26. 11,000

2d av, No. 470, e s, 74 s 37th st, 24.8x100, three-story frame dweU'g. Caroline A. wife of William Crossy and formerly wife of Richard C. Beamish to Maria Gucker, extrx. H . Gucker. Mort. $7,000. AprU 24. 11,000

2d av. No. 915, w s, 70.5 s 49th st, 20x78, three-story stone front dwell'g. Mary A. Kennedy, individ. and wi th others,' exrs. T..Kennedy, dec'd, to Michael and Rebecca Wolbach. Correction and con­firmation deed. April 19. nom

Same property. Susan A. Oakes, individ. and extrx. J . Oakes, to same. Q. C. April 20. nom

Sarne .property. Michael Wolbach and ;^elg|^ca Wolbach, widow, to Isaac Lu-bin; Little Falls. Mort. $5,000. AprU 22. 10,500

2d av, No. 2265, w s, 40.10 n 116th st, 20x70, four-story stonei front store and tenem't . J o h n M . Hudson, Brooklyn, to Daniel Regan. Mort. $8,000. AprU 15. 9,600

Same property. De Lancey NicoU to Job n M. Hudson, Brooklyn. Mort. $8,000. Feb. 7. nom

2d av, Nos. 258 to 266, s w cor 122d st, 75x. 86, five three-story stone front dweU'gs. Elisha G. Selchow to Nathaniel Smith. Morts. $31,000. AprU 15. 50,000

3d av, No. 3136, s e cor* 110th st, 85.8x75, four-story stone front store and tenem't . Israel Gasper to George M. Chapman.

: Mort. $9,000. April 20. nom

April 29,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 423

2d av. No. 953, w s, 80,5 s 51st st, 20x80, three-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. Elizabeth wife of WiUiam J . Smith to J . Heary Dutt ing. Morts. $6,500. AprU 27. 9,500

2d av,. Nos. 1633-16.39, s w cor 85th. st, ) 103.8x100, four four-story brick (stone front) stores and tenem'ts and four-story brick (stone front) tenem't on 85th St. ^ • •-•

3d av, Nos. 1641-1647, n w cor 84th st, 103.2x101.8, four four-story brick (stone front) stores and tenem'ts and No. 249 85th st, four-story brick tene- ment. James A. Frame to WUliam Frame;-AU liens. April 14. 100

3d av, n e cor 99th st, 75.9x80, three four--story stone front stores and tenem'ts . Israel Casper tb George M. Chapman. April 20. nom

3d av, No. 1465, e s, 42.2 s SSd st, 20x80, four-story brick store and tenem't. Walter H. Mead and ano., trustees An­gelina J . Depau, dec'd, to Peter Brown and Carl Becker. AprU 25. 15,000

3d av, e s, 100.11 s.lOOth st, 25.2x105, va - , cant. Thomas Pearson to Margaret Pearson. Dec. 5.1881., 3,500

4th av, s w Gor 77th st, 51.1i—x51.1xS0, vacant. Bertha wife of John B. Smith to Jonas M. Libbey. Mort. f 14,000. April 15. nom

4th av, s w cor l l l t h st, 100.11x100. l l l t h st, s s, 100 w 4th av, 30x100.11.,

b'ight three-story stone front dweU'gs and two-story brick stable in rear of No. 98. ; >' William Libbey to Bertha wife of Johh B. Smith. Mortp. $41,000. A.pr. 20. nom

5th av. No. 89, e s , 78.10 n 16th st, 26.3x 100. Anna D. wife of and J o h n H. Cheever to David W. Cheever, Boston, Mass., and Charles C. Beaman, J r . Trust deed. April 15. nom

5th ay. No. 249, e s, 172.6 n 27th st, 25x1 100, five-story brick club house.

SSth st, No. 8, s s, 100 e 5th av, 25x98.9, two-story brick building, par t of club house, and two-story brick stable in rear. Jared B. Flagg to The Knickerbocker Apar tment Co. Mort. $90,000. AprU 85. 175,000

Same property. John J , Astor and Robert S, Hone, New York, and Alexander HamUton, Greenburgh, N. Y,, to Jared B. Flagg. Mort. $90,000. Apr. 88. 160,000

5th av, e s, 75.9 s 97th st, 85.8x100, shanty. Libbie S wife of J o h n C. RoAve, J r . , Utica, N. Y., to Charies F . WiUis. Con­firmation deed. Aoril 83. 100

5th av. No. 3099, n e cor 139th st, 18x73, four-story brick dAyell'g. Charles Welde to Walter T. Marvin. Mort. $16,000. April 31. 33,000

Same property. Releasemort . Frank M. Clute to Walter T. Marvin. April 80. ndm

Othav, No. 961, w s, 35.3 s 54th st, 35.3x 98, five-story brick (stone front, mansard " roof) store . and tenem't . Benjamin Russak et al., exrs. H. Harris, to Matilda W. White, Lenox, Mass. y£ part . April 34. 16,650

Same property. Benjamin Russak to Same. ^ p a r t . April 34. 16,650

7th av, e a, 139.5 n 26th st, 20x85. Ernst F . Frasch to Mary wife of Charles Falk. Correction deed. Q. G. April 20. nom

7th av, 8 w cor 57th st, runs west 115 x south 89 X east 15.3 x south to centre line bet 56th and 57th sts, x east 100 to 7th av, ' x nor th 100.5, new building commenced. J o h n Taylor, Bayside, L. I . , to WiUiam Noble. AprU 19. 130,000

7th av, e s, 25 s 127th st, 50x100, new buUdings projected. Thomas H. Tay­lor, Bloomfield, N. J . , to Thomas Mac­keUar. Feb. 25. 10,500

Same property. Thomas MackeUar to Isaac E. Wright . Mort. $10,500. April ~ 1. 16,000

Sth av, s w cor 82d st, 102.3x129.7x— to 82d st, X 140.3, vacant. J o h n O'Connor, Newarkj N, J . , to Ellen,A, D, de wife of Jose F . Navarro, M6rts:-f 55,000, April 80.' nom

Sth av, w s. Pa r ty wall agreement. Jacob J e n n y wi th J o h n McGarry. Apr. 21. 650

Sth av, w s, 100.5 n 123d st. Release mort. '

Samuel S. Constant to Jacob Jenny, April 22, nom

10th av, w s,.74.1 s 36th st, 74x100, vacan t , . , Francis J , Herron to Amelia F . Dykman, widoAv, Morts, $13,259, taxes, 1881, &c, AprU 18, nom

10th av, s w cor 69lh st, 100,5x100, 69th st, s s, 100 AV 10th av, 25x100,5,'

Vacant. Levi Goldenberg to Edward Clark. April 20. • 35,000

Certified copy of the last will and testa­ment of Frederick'Deming.

Last will and tes tament of William Miller. Hudson River, about 100 acres, Ijegins bet

33d and 34th sts, extending nor th tp abt 48d st, wi th water rights, &c.; also abt 186 lots in the 16th Ward, at Greenwich, bet Fitzfoy road and Hudson River and bet land of S. Boyd and J . Staxjles and land under water; also Broad\?ay, No. 364, n 6 cor Franklin st, 85x150, to alley; also Houston st, Nos. 533 and 535, 50x 100; also lot on Sullivan st, adj last on rear, 85x100; also farm at Pelham, N Y., 60 acres and lease of two parcels a t Throgg's Neck. Copy of an order of the Cour tofChancery ,da ted 1845, decreeing t h a t Walter Skidmore, Eliza Taylor, Ann Smith and James Nixon w6re not heirs of George Rapelye at t ime of his de­cease and had no title in his estate, and adjudging null and void deeds and mortgages made by them involving above property or any other property of said'decedent;

Interior lot, 75.4 n 47th st and 78.7 e, 6th av, runs north 85 x east 80x85x80.-. Ka te B. wife of and Louis J . Belloni, Jr . , to Ani ta P . wife of Paulino Echeverria. AprU 80. 8,500'

Interior lot, 135.4 s 51st st and 300 e l l t h av, runs north 35 4 x east 35 x south 39.1 X west about 25.4. Release mort. Jef­ferson ins . Co. to John Moore. March 28. nom

MISCELLANEOUS. All real estate vested in grantor as trustee.

E m m a Jackson, Scarsdale, N. Y., trustee , W . Jackson, to Theodore Heidinger. April 26. nom

All title in partnership of firm Waibel & Bleidon. Franz Waibel to Charles Bleidon. nom

Bond of Charles and Catharine Serr for $500, to secure to German Bund in ap­pointing Charie Serr, Treasurer.

Certificate of^incorporation of the Trustees of the Congregation B'nai Israel Chased She lEmeth .

Exemplified copy will, &c., Eugene De-prez, dec'd.

Estate of Abram Wood. 4-5 par t of grantors ' shares. Nelly Hewlett and Samuel Wood to Samuel Wood et al. The parties all being contestant of the will of the late Abraham Wood. nom

Order of the Supreme Court in an action brought for a construction of the will of David M. Peyser, dec'd. Deciding tha t the property should be sold a t once and settling matters as to distributive shares, costs, &c.

Release of' dower and acceptance of pro­vision in will of Chas. R. Harvey, dec'd. Alpha R. Harvey to Wheelock N. Har­vey, exr., &c. nom

33d and 24th WARDS.

Ar thur st, e s, lot 347 map S. Cambreling property, 25x87.6. Edward GUlier to Michael Donohue. Ju ly 28, 1881. SO

Courtland st, n w s, 50 n e 159th st, 25x 100. Jacob MUler to Johann G. HengeL AprU 24. 3,200

Gouverneur st, s s, 150 w Courtland av, 50 x l l8x50xl l8 .5 . John Bussing, J r . , to Conrad Hoffman. April 15. 3,000

Kingsbridge to Williamsbridge road, n s, adj small graveyard, 102 to a lane, xl40x95.8x148.

Indeft lane mentioned above, e s, 107 n e o f said Kingsbridge road, 50x99.4x50 xlOO. ..

Also, plot adj land conveyed by P a r k e to Eliza A. BaldAyin 50x133, to said Kingsbridge roadi, x 57.6 x a g a i n .ploxig said road 5x95. "'"'"". " ^ WUliam Lindsay, assignee of and John ,C. Cameron, to Thomas . Johnston, In-wood .^AprU 37. 7,700

Post road from New York to Boston, a e s, iQt 21 map of building lots of heirs J . . Mapes, 26x113, West Farms. Christian W. Norton to Delia Norton. April 22. igift

Waverly st, n s, 100 e MonrOe av, 40x100. Michael Nolan, New York, and Mary wife of WiUiam Kirk, Huntington, L' I., to James Nolan. April 19 ' 200

135th st, s s, 190 e WiUis av, ,30x100. Catharine C, wif e of Thomas H. McAvoy to William and Isabella Johnston. M:ort. $3,500. April 35. 5,800

136th 8 t , s s, 70 w Alexander av, 15x66.8,' h & l . Elizabeth wife of James O'Kane to Simon Jordan. April 35. 5,000

136th st, s s, 85 w Alexander av, 15x66.8, h & l . Regina wife of Richard Haffer-berg to Emily L. Hetzel. Mort. $3,500. , April 35. 4.300

137th st, s s, 855.6 e Southern Boulevard, 75x300 to 136th St. Michael H. Hager tv et al., exrs. J . McConviU, to Robert Hall and Samuel H. Merritt. Feb. 1. 4,000

138th st, n e cor College av, 35x100. Jor­dan L. Mott and ano,, exrs. J . L. Mott, to Ellen wife of George Scofleld. Jan . 1, 1883. 2,500

156th st, 8 s, 150 w Courtland av, 50x100. Joseph Wagner to Phil ip J . Muiray. AprU 33. 2,800

165th st, n e cor t r i n i t y av ; 25x71, h & l . . Release mort . Jul ius Pollock, to J o h n B. Swasey, J r . April 22, 85Q

Same property. Johh B. Swasey, J r . , to Thomas D. Kelley. April 24. 4,350

173d st, s 8, 105 w Washington av, 45x100. Charles J . Hobe, New Lots, L. I. , George J . and Adolph Hobe, San Francisco, Cal., devisees Anna C. Hobe to Mary A. wife of John H. Hamann . AprU 12". 3,350

Alexander av, w s, 33.4 s 136th st, 16.Sx70. The Germania Life Ins. Co. to John P . Holzderber. April 21. 6,500

Eagle av, s e cor Cedar st, 100x100. J o h n Becker to Herman Weissker. Morts. $2,000. April 21. 2,860

Grove av, w s, extdg from Is t st to 1st pl, 200x100. Benedickt Fischer to Barbara wife of Ludwig Lauer. Mort. $6,000. April 1. nom

Madison av, cor l l t h st, 50x120. Madison av. indeft, 50x120, being lots B

and 156 map Central Mon*isania. , Mary A. Disosway, widow, Brooklyn, to WiUiam. H. Clinchy. Release doweiv Nov. 4, 1880. nom

Union av, n e s , 300 n w Hoffman st, 50x . 100. Foreclos. Abraham B. Tappen to John B. Haskin. March 17. 440

WiUis av, .w s, 39 s 140fch st, 18x66. A n n wife of CpriaeUus La Cost to M a r y E . Schroeder. April 20. 5,800

3d ay, s w cor 159th st, 135x100, hs & Is. Casper Hake to Franklin, A. WUcox. Morts. $9,300. April 34. 14,000

3d av, w s, par t lot 64 map of Morrisania, runs west 104.7 x south 50 x east to point 100 west Sd av, as widened, x south 135 X east lOO to avenue, x nor th 175. WiUiam Cauldwell to The Harlem Bridge, Morrisania & Fordham Railway Co. April 18. 10,500

Plot beginning at intersection of lands W m . Cauldwell, Michael Sagmon a h d estate of Andrew CauldweU in Morris* ania, abt 104.7 from west side 3d av, runs west 34 x south 135 x east 30 ± nor th 135 x west 4.7. WiUiam and Jane t Cauldwell to The Harlem Bridge, Mor­risania & Fordham Railway Co. April 18. 700

Same property. Release of dower. Mary L. CauldweU, widow, to same. AprU 18. " 46

Lot 8 damage map, &c., relating to Sedg­wick av. Release mort . Will iam B. Isham and aho., exrs. B. P . Burhausj to Mai-y A. Peck, widow, &c. March 20. nom

LEASEHOLD COBfVEYAirCES. Chatham st, westerly cor Wor th st, 57.7x

64.3 to Wor th st, x 66.8.. The Trustees of the New York Soc. Library to Marie wife of J o h n Koster and Harriet wife of Albert Bial. 81 years, from March 31, 1888, per year.. ,2,500

East Broadway, s s, 127.8 w Montgomery st, 23.8x y^ block. Catharine A. Hedges to Lucinda W. Smith, extrx . J . J R . Wooter. Renewal 31 years, from Aug .

1 1,1877, per year . 800

424 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29, 18S2

Houston st, n s, 151.8 e Av C, 30x43.4x20x 44.8. Caroline wife of Adolph Green to Charles Neufield. Assign lease, 2.350

Rivington st, n w cor Alien st. 28x75. Assign, liease. Louisa wife of Simon Binfe, Jr . , to Isaac Reinheimer. 2,750

Stanton st, Nos. 314 a;nd 316. Assign, lease. August Hassey to Helene Kucklick. nom

Vandewater st. No. 12, 1st floor and base­ment;- Assign, lease. Ggorge Ohrt to George Bechtel. nom

West st. No. 129. Assign, lease. Patrick; Divver to Henrv Ehlers. nom

3d st, s s, 313.4 e Av B, 24.9x105.11. John Schaeffer to George Kumpf. Assign. lease, 5,50u

4th 8 t ,No, 259 E, Assign, lease. Frank and Theresa Nordman to Charles J . Goeller; 3.500

6th st, s s, 350 e Av A, 25x97. John J . Astor to Margaretha Reldenbach. extrx. V. Reldenbach. 20 years, from May 1, 1879, per year. 350

Oth st, s s. 298.7 w Av A, runs south 50.8 x westO.O X south 9 x northerly 65.6 to 6th st, X east 87.11. J c h n J. Astor to George Kilian. South Oyster Bay. 20 years, from May 1, 1882, per year. 140

Oth st, s s, 191 w Av B, 25x97. John J. Astor to John Grasenauer and John Kronester. 20 years, from May 1, 1882, per year. S75

Oth st, s s, 216 AV Av B, 25x97. John J . Astor to John Grasenau- -r. 20 years, froin Mav 1, 1882, per year. 375

Oth sit, s s, 241 AV Av B, 25x97. John J . Astor to John Grasenauer. 20 years, from May 1, 1882. per year. 375

7th st, s s, 150 w Av A, 25x90.10. John J . Astor to John Ritter and Louisi his wife. 20 years, from May 1, 1882, per vear. 375

12th st, n s, 350 w 3d av. 25x103.3.' Maria R.wife of and Chauncey Shaffer to Cath­arine Lenihan. Assign, lease. 9.000

19th st. No. 315 W., n s. 16.8x91.11. Al­mon Goodwin to James R. Cuming. Assign, lease. nom

Same property. Consent to assign. Benjamin Moore to Almon Goodwin.

23d st, n s, 340 e 9th av, 24x117.6. Joseph I. West to Jo.'ieph Corbit. Assign, lease. 6,500

Same property. Consent to assign. Ben­j amm Moore to Joseph L West.

25th st, s s, 85.3 w BroadAvay, 25x98.9. Assign, lease. E m m a L. wife of and Marcus C. Stanley to Robert J . Living­ston. •: 30,000

25th st. No. 8 W. Assign, lease. Emma L. Stanley to Robert J . Livingston, nom

25th st, 8 s, 160.3 w Broadway, 25x98.9. Surrender of leasehold premises. Joseph Stickney to Louisa M. Livingston. 40.000

29th st, s s, 337.6 e 9th av, 18.9x98.9. John H. Cole, admr. Isaac P. Cole, dec'd, to Anna Hartvrig. Assign, lease. 11,000

55th st, n 8, 358.4 w Sth av, 16.8x100.5. Carl L. Racknagel to Jennie Nebenzahl. Assign, lease. 7,500

12l8t st. No. 154 E. Assign; |lease. Wil­liam T. Mawbey, admr. Ann E. Mawbey, to Henry Woodgate, nom

Av A, w s, 48.6 n 5th st, 24.3x100. As­sign, lease. John Breuer to Simon Manges. 13,000

Av C, e 8, 72 n 3d st, 24x80. The Hebrew Free School Assoc, to Rosa Rosenheim. Assign, lease, 4,000

3d aVi e s, 43 n 16th st, 18x60, Assign, lease, John Warnke, Jersey City, to Eobbins Battell, nom

S.ime property. Assign, lease, mort . and agreement, John A, Smith to same, 1,500

Oth av, s w cor ISth st, 18,4x59, Assign, short lease, George A, Cambeis to George A. Cambeis, exr. Mary Cambeis. dec'd. Aj-sign. lease. nom

Tth av, n w cor 42d st, 100.4x131. Louisa M. wife of and Robert J . Livingston to J o h n McB. Davidson, 21 years, from M a y l , 1882, per year, 5,000

10th av, n w cor 42d st. Release life inter­est in rents, &c, J ane R. McKinley to Jane E, Graeff, ndm

After May 1, T H E R E A L ESTATE RECX)ED offices wiU be found in the MercantUe Bank BuUdings, 191 Broadway,, corner of Dey street."" " ' • '

RINGS COINTY. APRIL 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27,

Adelphi st, w s, 100 n Lafayette av, 20.11x100, Maria Rice, widow, to Mary J. Waters. Mort. $5,000. $10,000

Bergen st, n s, 225 w Stone av, 50x107.3, East New York. Edith F. Sackmann to Frederick Heddesheimer and Maria his wife. Q. C. nom

Bergen st, ii s, 250 w Stone av, 25x107.3, East • New York. Charles Buchold to Frederick Heddesheimer and Maria his wife. 250

Boerum st, n s, 397.9 e Bushwick av, 25x6i.8x 25.1xt)6.5. Marvin Cross, Sherlock Austin and John H. Ireland to Frederick Landsiedel and Catharine his wife. 2,350

Boerum st. s w cor Leonard st. 50x100. Peter .1. Hughes and anc , exrs. Maria F. Hughes, dec'd, to Ellisa Alter. Mort. $4,000. 7,600

Brevoort pi. ns , 240 e Franklin av, 20x120.3, h &1. Jnmes C.Derby, Plainfield, N. J , to Jeannette S. wife of Q. K. McKendrick. Mort. $<>.00l». ll,.500

Bridge st, n w cor W a t e r st, 100x95. . Joseph Le Comte to George H. Perkins, Philadelphia, Pa. C. a. G. 4 par t . 7,orO

Bridge st, e s, 33.7 s J o h n st, 25x'00x24x100. Robert E. Topping to John J. Drake. Mort. S' t- t-'O. nom

Bond st, s e s . 100 n e Li\ ingston st, 50x100; also court yard in front. Elise Frank, Hen­riette and Hannah Rosenberg, Therese Wine man, Lena Kohn, Carrie Manheimer, Rose Rothschild, Chicago, and Hannah Goldsmith, INew York, heirs M. Reese, to Wilham Johns­ton. Q C. nom

Same property. Charles Lux et al., exrs. M. Reese, to same. 7,100

BroadAvay, n e s, 4-5 n w Lawton st, 22x100, h & 1 Frederick Sauerbrunn to James N. Pat-t Tson and Mary E. his wife, joint tenants. Mort $l,fi00. ; 3,000

Broadway, s w cor Vermont av, 25x100, h & 1, East New York. John Kiesel to Emil Schiel-lein- nom

Same property. Emil Schiellein to Barbara wife of John Kiesel. nom

Broadway, n e cor 2d st, 19.1x42.3x10.9x45.8, h & I. James RodweU to Thomas E. Wallace. Mort. SS.OUO. 15,000

Broadway, s w s , 65.2 n w Willoughby av, runs southwest 51 to Willoughby av, x Ave.st 28.4 x north 21.9 x northeast .52.4 to Broadway, x sout east 17.10. Frederick Hen- to Joseph Mentz. Mort. $1,700. 3 600

Conselyea st, n s, 175 w Graham av, 26x100. Samuel B. Baker, .Jr., Oluff T. and William F. Baker to Ahce Bryant. % part. 900

Same propertv. Ella R. Barker, by R. P. Tilney, guard., to same. Infant's share. 300

Columbia st, e s, 28 n Harrison st, 22 x abt 78x —x77. James D. Lynch. New York, to Timothy Cox. 2,000

Catharine st, s e cor Devoe st, 25x100, h & 'l. Mary H. vsofe of Elbe D. Cordts to Frank Eller Mort. $3,500. 6 000

Clay st, s s, 405 w Manhattan av, 25x100, h &'l. Henry Jeblick to Emil Bang. )4 part. 1 640

Dean st, s w s , 335 s e 4th av. 20x100. Fanny wife of John R Halsey to John R. Sutton, nom

Same propei-ty. John R. Halsey and ano., exrs. John Halsey, to same. 6 500

Dean st, s s, 515 e 3d av late Powers st, 20x100. Comeha Covert, Avidow, to WilUam De-

^lacy. ' 4 500 Dean st, n e s, 330 s e 3d av, runs southeast 15 x

noitheastlOOx northwest 37.6 x southwest 20 X southeast 22.6 x southwest 80 to begin­ning. Charles E. Higgs, Somerset, N. Y., to Edward W. Taylor. g^oOO

Debevoise pl, e s, 80 s Lafayette st, 20x75. John Q. A., Augustus and Benjamin F. But­ler and Ephraim and Martha K. Brock to Hannah Butler. 4-5 parts. 4 400

Degraw st, s e cor Bond st, 50x100. Foreclos. Gerard M. Stevens to Adaline M. Brooks et al., exrs. and trustees E. S. Brooks, dec'd. 3,300

Degraw st, n s, 280 e Clason av, runs north 189 7 X west 80.7 X south 45.3 x southeast 123.6 to Degraw st, x east 13.10. George A. Powers to John J. Drake. 535

Deitraw st, n s, 278.2 w BuflEalo av, 103.5x130.1 Sackett st, n e s , 31.5.5 n w Buffalo av, runs

north '..60.3 to Degraw st, x northwest 103.2 l X south 260.5 to Sackett st, x southeast 10 . o. I LPO Goldmark to Augustus A. LeArsr, recvr. ** nom

Same property. Charles Schwarz to Augustus A. Levy, recvr. of P. GUman, dec'd Q. C. nom

Eckford sc, w s, 250 s Meserole av, 25x100, h & 1. William H. Marshall to Joseph I. Wev Mort. $1,500. ^ 2500

Ewen st, w s, 20 n Powers st, 20x75. Enoch J Peterson to George H. Allen. Mort.' $2,900. o gnn

EUery st, h s, 275 e Marcy av, 18.9x100. Sam­uel L. HiU to Peter Fatscher. 1,475

Ellery st, n s, 320w Tompkins av, 30x100 Caroline Hall to Samuel Raitzyk. 2,000

Floyd St. n s, 261 e Marcy av, 20x100. WilUam Schneider to Mary Kaiser. 712

Floyd gt; in s, 441 e Marcy "av, SgjclQO;' Mary '

Fort Greene pl, w s, 230.6 s De Kalb av, 30x85. Mary E. Boies, widow, San Francisco, Cal., to David J. Evans. S.SOQ

Front st. No. 88, s s, 75 e Washington st, 2.5x93. Abraham Lott, exr. Cath. L. Lott, to S. Wil­lets Haviland and Johu A. Haviland. 2,500

Front st, s s, 75 6 w Adams st, 25x93. Abraham Lott to S. WiUets Haviland and John A. Haviland. 3,.500

Front st, n s 185 6 e Jay st, 19.6x100. James E., Pell, New York. Gilbert PeU, Brooklyn, Isabella Pell. Martha J. wife of John J. Young, Adelia wife of James Bath, Adeline P. wife of Robert Raynor, Jr., and Anna wife of Albert Pell, dec'd, to Hannah Coo-n^^. 2,800

Fulton st. No. 319, begins Washington - t, w s, .59.3 s Johnson st, runs west 90.9 to Fulton st, x.north 18.3 x east 97.2 to "Washington st, x south 17.1. Evan M. Johnson to Ellen J. wife of Foster Swan. Mort. $20,000. 3J,500

Grand st, s s, 105 e from westerly line land of John Groppe, runs south 213.3 x southwest to Mill pond, x southwest along Mill pond to easterly line land heirs Abraham Cook, dec'd, X northeast to land of Groppes, x east 134 6 X north 213 2 to Grand st, x east 25. Alpheus W. Montgomery to V\ illiam Mar­shall, Janies M. Waterbury and Chauncey Marshall, of L. Waterbury & Co. Q. C. 3,500

Grand .st, n s, 45 w Lorimer st, 20x100, h & l . Chester D Burrows, Jr., to David Engel. Mort. $3,075. 8,500

Grove st, n s, 100 e Central av, 20.10x100. Jane wife of Rodney T. Lu Gar, New Rochelle, to Dennis Hart. 230

Guernsey st, e s, 300 n Nassau av, 35x100. h & 1. Jemima Van Nostrand to Saniuel Phillips, NewYork. 14,000

Hancock st, s s, 257.6 e Tompkins av, 17.6x100, h & 1. John Q. A. Butler et al. to Catharine wife of John Schliemann. 1,775

Hancock st. n s, 390 e Bedford av, 20x100. Susanna E. C. wife of Walter C. Russell to John Moon, New York. 8,750

Hancock st, n s, 410 e Bedford av, 30x100 Susanna E. C. wife of and Walter C. Russell to Wi liam H. Ludlum, Passaic, N, J. Mort $5,000. 8,750

Hooper st, s s, 122.2 w Marcy av, runs south 50.3 X west 0.6 X south 49.9 x west 23.4 x north 100 to Hooper st, x east 22.10. John F. Ryan to David Levy. Mort. $6,000. 10,000

Hall st, w s, 108.4 n Willoughby av, 16.8x100, h & l . Joseph Etzel to Thomas Armstrong and Isabella his wife. Mort. $3,750. 3,7.50

Henry st. No. 64, w s, .')5.9 n Oranee st, 21x74.4 x21x74.6, h & l . Elizabeth W. Blake et al.. exrs. and trustet*s Anscn Blake, dec'd, and Elizabeth W. Blake, vridow, to Edwin D. Phelps. 3,700

Henry st, n e cor Sackett st, 20x7,5. ) Heiuy st, s e cor Degraw st, 20x63. (

Henry C. Boschen to Catharine Icken. 9,000 Henry st, southerly cor Orange st, •<ilx78x41.1x

80 2. Martha C. Kee'er, admrx., to Theo­dore Schloerb. 8,500

Same property. Release of dower. Martha C. Keeler, widow, to same. 1,600

Hartst, s s , 19i w Throop av, 19x100, h & l . Release mort. Frederick "W. Rebhann to Ruth S. wife of Melville C. Baker. nom

Same property. Ruth S. wife of and Melville C. Baker to Henry Lochmtdler, New York. Mort $3,250. 6,500

Hewes st, s s, 160 e Bedford av, 20x100. Mary A. wife of William H. Owen to Amelia A. wife of Richard S. Place. Mort. $3,000. 8.000

Hewes st, n s, 34S.4 e Lee av, 20x100. John F. Ryan to Catharine Niemann. M. $.5,000. 10,000

Hewes st, 8 6 s. 36.3 s w Leeav, 16x90, h & l . Patrick F. O'Brien to Albert Williamson, Jr. Mort. $3,550. 8,000

Hi^h st, No. 200, s s, 75 e Gold st, 2.5x76. Mary E. Carpenter to Cornelius B. Payne. C. a. G. Correction deed. Mort. $1,500. nom

Same property. Cornelius B. Payne to Annie L. wife of Joseph Smith. Morts. $1,700. 2,500

Halsey st, s s, 120 e ArUngton pl, 20x100, b & 1. Hermon PhiUips to Robert B. Shimer. Moit. $5,500. 8,750

Hopkins st, n s, 218 1 e Delmonico pl, 2.5x100. Michael Christopher to Valentine Maurer. Mort. $1,000. 1..500

India st. n s, 100 w Manhattan av, 25x100. Jane A. McDonald and ano., exrs. T. Mc­Donald, to Wm. Schwartz. 5,000

Same property. Jane A. McDonald, widow, to same. Q. C. nom

Jefferson st, s s, 100.3 w Nostrand av, 79.9x100. George W. Brown to OpheUa G. Riley, widow. Morts. $38,000. 60,000

Kent st, n s, 175 e West st, 25x100. Elizabeth B. Archer, Jamaica, to Jame^ C. Stead. Mort. $600. 2,500

Kosciusko st, s s, 180 e Marcy av, 20x100. Sarah M. Drohan, Huntington, L. I., to Daniel B. Stewart. 1 700

Kosciusko st, n s, 145 w Sumner av, 20x100. Georee L. Smith to Mary wife of George A. Smith. Mort $1,00(1,' 3,500

Lefferts pl, n s, 325 e Gi *ad av, 60x120. : ^ r y J . Wmiams,-, widow-' to: - BeaiSamin Lmi-Idn.^ ' ^ ' .10;5(KK

April 29,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD, 425

Lefferts pl, n s, 192.8 e Clason av , 0.3x125. K a t h a r i n e Avife of Charles E . Cooke t o P a u l C. Grening a n d J a m e s A. Thomson. n o m

Leonard st, w s, 125 s Calyer st, 35x100. El iza wife of Cornelius S. Qu imby to Allen M. Ja rv i s . 3,400

Lincoln pl , n s, 150 w 6th av , 17x75, h & l . Charles A. W h i t n e y to Gustave A. Koos. Mort . $3,000. 2,700

Lor imer st, w s, 125 n Nassau av, 50x100. Sa rah E. wife of Samuel Self to Wi l l i am Lawton. Mort. $5,400. 9.200

Madison st, n s, 139.6 e Nos t rand av , 13.6x100, h & l . J o h n S. J . K i n g t o M a r y A. Stack-pole. 5,575

McDonough st, s w cor LeAvis av , 20x100, h & l . J a m e s D. Fish, recvr . , to Maria L. wife of J o b Corbin. 6,000

MorreU st, e s, 50 s V a r e t st, 25x100, h & l . El l iot t E. Wood, exr . J . Hulst , to Louis Weber . 1,200

Same proper ty . Louis "Weber t o J a c o b Bauer. 3,500

Monroe st, n s, 425 w Nost rand av, 100x100. E d w a r d M. Danfor th , Olena, N. Y . , to F r a n ­cis J . McMahon. Taxes 1881. 7,.500

Monroe st, n s, 425 w Nost rand av , 100x100. Release mor t . E d w i n D. Phelps to E d w a r d M. Danforth, Olena. N. Y . 5,000

Monroe st, s s, 125 w Reid av, 2.5x100. Carol ine Stephenson to J a m e s Pilling 1.000

Monroe st, s s, 440.8 w Frankl in av, 16.2x100. J o h n Q. A. , Augustus , H a n n a h and Benja­m i n P . Butler, E p h r a i m Brofk and M a r t h a K. Brock, heirs W. R. Butt ler , to Maria Geyer. 4,000

Monroe st, n s, 241.8 e Nus t rand av, 16.8x100, h & l . Alber t A. Reeve to Sa rah A. S ta rk­weather . Mor t $500. 5.750

Moore st. s s, 100 w G r a h a m av, 25x100. George Underbi l l to H e n r y Free( 1 man. Mort . $1,500. 2,200

Nassau Canal, dock line Newtown Creek , ' Levden st a n d Pa idge av , t h e block, 383x 200x378x200.

Nassau Canal , Paidge av , H a m b u r g s t a n d J a p a n alley, the block, 465x206.2x371.2x 176.3.

Nassau Canal , J a p a n alley, H a m b u r g st and Greenpoint av , the block, 428.5xl76.Sx 369.10x1.85.7.

Greenpoint av , H a m b u r g st, J a p a n al ley a n d Kings land av, t h e block, 185.7x343.3x 176.3x294.8.

Pa idge av, Kings land av, J a p a n al ley and H a m b u r g st, t he block, 203.4x241x176.3x 342.5.

Pa idge av,. Lnyden st, dock line Newtc^wn Creek a n d Er ie dock, the block, 200x375x 202x344; also al l t i t le to streets, &c., and l and under w a t e r in NeAvtown Creek. Thomas a n d Frances A. Fleming, exrs . Franc is C. Fleming, dec'd, t o Louis V. Sone. K p a r t . 26,944

N o r t h EUiott pl la te H a m p d e n st, e s, 135 s A u b u r n pl, 20x100. J o h n Anderson to Smi th W . Tryon. 1,200

Nevins st, w s, 84 n Wyckoff st, 16x67.8. M a r y

Martense to P a t r i c k Woods. Q. C. nom Newell st, w s. 40 n Nassau av, 20x75, h & l .

Ann ie J . wife of P a t r i c k J . Mitchell t o Charles A. Moyer. Apr i l 26. 3,350

Newell st . e s, 67 s Nassau av , 14.3x75, h & l . S a r a h E. wife of Samuel Self to Charles H. Gill. 3,900

Oakland st, w s, 75 n H u r o n st, 2.5x100. Fore­clos. Thomas M. RUey t o J o h n McCar thy a n d Cathar ine his wife. 3,360

Orange st, s s, 175 e Hicks st, 25x100, h & l . Sa rah E. Wason, Hempstead, L. I . , t o K a t e Avife of Charles S. Frost . 6,000

Pacific st, s s, 265 e 4th av, 20x100, h & l . Foreclos. . Lewis R. S t e g m a n to Theodore A. Drake . 5,000

Powers st, s s, 100 e H u m b o l d t st, 25x100. Franc is McEvoy to F rances wife of W m . Hendricks. 3,000

Prospect stu n s, 25 w J a y st , 25x70. Par t i t ion . Rober t Merchant to Pa t r i ck McCleam 2,600

Prospect pl, n s, 100 e New Y o r k av, 10x50. Release mor t . E d m u n d W e t m o r e a n d Wil­l i am A. Jenne r , New York , t o "William H. Lyon. 550

S a m e proper ty . Lyd ia A. wife of a n d Russell W . Adams to "William H. Lyon. 550

Pa lme t to st, s e s , 275 n e Bushwick av . 25x 100. Adr i an M. S u y d a m t o H a r r i e t J . Wid-doAvs. 3,600

Penn st, n s, 249.2 w M a r c y av , 20x100, h & l . Thomas B. Sadding ton t o El iza Quimby. Mort . $4,500. 7.600

P e n n st, n w s , 273.6 n e Marcy av, 21x100, h & 1. J a m e s Sher idan t o Albe r t Kelsey. Mort . $4,000. 8,500

Pres ident st, n s, 174.6 w H e n r y st, 20x100, h & 1. J a m e s Gallagher to J a m e s "Woods. 7,000

Pres ident st . n s, 304.9 w Smi th st, 20.3x100, h & 1. Wi l l i am P. L ibby to Pe te r J . Rich-r a th . Mort . $6,000. 9,500

Pres ident st,' No. 190, s s, 117 e H e n r y s t , 3.5x100, h & L Elizabeth C. wife of and Theodore F . Lewis . Alice M. wife of Rober t K . "White a n d Niobe Min turn , deAdsees of L y d i a M. M i n t m n , t o Ellai L . wife of Cor!nelit^ E . DonnftHtva. -"•- -^''•'''••—'•'-''^•- - 6^000

Quincy st. n s. 413.6 e Bedford av. '37.6xl00, hs & Is. Eliza Pollard, widow, to "William K a y . Mort. $2,,500. 3,850

Rapelje st . e s, 775 n 4th st, 5^x150, Eas t New York. Freder ick Cobb to Eliza C. wife of Charles J . Wardel l . 400

Rush st, n w s, 90 s w W y t h e av, 30x125. Wi l ­liam E. Chapman to Joshua E. Gibbs. Mort . $6,000. 10,000

Rush st , n w s, 120 s w W y t h e av, 30x125. Wi l ­l iam E. Chapman to Wi l l i am A. Rober ts Mort . $6,000. 10,000

Ryerson st, e s, 115 s De K a l b av, 20x100. Syn-t h a wife of Augiistus A. Comstock to M a r y A. Culbert. Mort. $4,000. 11,000

Sands st, s e cor Washing ton st, 100x100, also all t i t le to al ley ad j . Rober t Center, exr . and t rus tee H e n r y Center, dec'd. H e n r y J . Schenck, as t rus tee Virginia W . Burleigh, to J a m e s H. Ki rby . 31 ,.500

S t rong pl, w s, 148.7 n Degraw st, 31.6x81.9, h & 1. E d w a r d D. Burt to Nannie B. Roberts .

6,750 Scholes st, n s, 81.3 e Lorimei st, 18 9x66, h & l .

Jo.seph Cockings to Gustave Mothner. Mort. $2,000. 3,000

S u m m i t st, s s, 107.6 e Hicks st, runs south 100 x east 17.6 X nor th 50 x ea-tst 0.6 x no r th 50 to S u m m i t st, X west 18, h & l . A n n e H o r g a n t o Margare t Shea. 1,000

South Ell iot t pl, e s, 106 n Hanson pl, runs east 100 x n o r t h 6 x east 10 x nor th 15 x west 100 to South EUiott pl, X south 31. E m m a H. wife of a n d H e n r y W . Bar t l e t t t o Rober t Ormiston. 12,.500

St. J ames pl. w s, 340 s De K a l b av, 30x80. Eliza G. wife of George D. Puffer to Mary J . wife of J a m e s H. Winchester . 10," SO

St. Marks pl, s s, 370.6 e .5th av , 33.4x63.5. George M. Chapman. New York, to Charles Sedgwick. exch

Sacke t t st, n e s , 215.5 n w Buffalo av, 102.3x 360.5 to D e g r a w st, x 103.3x260.3. Paul Cushman and F. J . Horst to Charles Schwar tz or Schwarz. Release judgment . nom

Same proper ty . Louis Weil and ano , exrs . P.-Gilman, to same. Release judgment . nom

Same proper ty . Phi l ip RoUhaus, J r . , t o same. Release judgment . nom

Sandford st, e s, 261.10 s Myr t le av , 25x100. Richard R. La toure t t e to Amel ia wife of Phil ip HUz. 2,700

Schermerhorn st. No. 70. s AV S, 196.4 s e Cour t st, 17.4x73.2x17.1x74.3, h & 1 . H e n r y Chu te to M a r y wife of J o h n Davis. 5,000

Schermerhorn st. s s, 289.5 e Cour t s-t, 19.7x67 X19.3x68 3. J o h n Dixon, exr . Cather ine O'Brien, dec'd, to H e n r y J . Brand t . 4,250

Schernierhorn st, s s, 75 e Hoyt st. Ifi.SxlOO. E d w a r d P. Dickie to P e r r y Dickie. Moit . $5,000. 10,000

Schei-merhorn st, n e s . 78.3 n w S m i t h st, 23.1x74.2xi2x72.8. J o h n Dixon, exr . Cath. O'Brien, to WiUiam H . Temple. Mort . $5,000. 9,200

Smi th st, w s, 96.7 s l i ivingston st, IS.llxlOOx ]8..5xl00. J o h n Dixon, exr . Cath. O'Brien, to J eanne t t e P. Le Grand. M. $5,000. 5.950

Smi th st, w s, 115.6 s Livingston st, 18 6xl00x 19.1x100. J o h n Dixon, exr . Cath. O'Brien, to Christ ine wife of Ferd inand Sboop. Mort . $5,000. 5,700

Smi th st, n w s , 134 s w Livingston st, r uns nor thwes t 78 x southwest 18.10 x southeast 20 X nor theas t 0.3 x southeast 58.3 to Smi th st, X nor theas t 18.5. John Dixon, exr . Cath. O'Brien, t o Gustav A. Frietsche. Mort. $4,000. 5,.500

Ten Eyck st, s s, 80 w G r a h a m av, 20x55.10, h & 1. Charles BoUer t o Wil l iam G. Zeitler. M<rt $1,000. 2,000

Vare t st, n s, 330.6 e Bushwick av , 27.8xl00x 25x100. E d w a r d C. UnderhiU to Charles BoUer. 1.900

Van Buren st, s s, 165.9 w Throop av, 18x100, b rown stone dwell 'g. Wi l l iam Ziegler to EUa L. wife of Le Viness WardeU. Mort . $3,500. 5,000

Verona pl . e s. 156 n Fu l ton st. 19x100, h & l . Thomas B. Jackson to Caroline L. wife of Wil l iam A. Joy . 6,800

Verona pl, e s, 251 n Fu l ton st, 19x8J.5xl9.6x 86 9, h & 1. Thomas B. Jackson to Augus t Dyet t . Mort. $4,000. 6,800

WiUiam st, s w s . 133.4 s e Van Brun t st, 16.8x 100, two-story br ick dwell 'g. J u h a Avife of J o h n E g a n to J o h n Har r idan . M. $1,100. 2,200

Wi l l i am st, s w s , 423.4 s e Van B r u n t st, 16.8 x75, h & l . Daniel O'SuUivan to S a r a h Pat terson. 2,100

W a l w o r t h st, e s, 201.10 s Myr t l e av , 25xl(i0. Foreclos. WUliam B. Hurd , J r . , t o Phebe A. Davis. 552

W a r r e n st, s s, 300.10 w 4th av, 20x100. Chas. E. Otis to J o h n Howard . Mort . $1,000. 3.350

Wyckoff st, s s, 182 w 4th av, 42.4x100, h & l . Sidney Cornell to Wil l iam Arnold. Mort . $28,000. exch

Wyckoff st, s s, 40 w H o y t st, 30x100. J o h n GaUagher to Ahce Gallagher. M. $3,000. 4,000

W a l l st, n s, 325.3 a Broadway, 25x86.8x25x86.3. R icha rd G. Phelps e t al . , exrs . J o h n M. Phelps , to Babe t t a Wolf. 2,250

2d st, s s, 400 w H o y t st, 20x90. : A n d r e w H . . . 1 ' AndOTSCHi t o He lena Nolte; " ' 4,6i)0

2d pl, s s, 75 e Court st, 25x133.5. ) 3d pl, n s, 50 e Cour t st, 50x133.5. f

Regina Goldmark and ano. , exrs.. and t rus ­tees Joseph Goldmark, dec'd. to Bridget wife of Thomas Canavan, t-usquehanna Depot, Pa .

9,000 2d st, n s, 487.3 w Bond st, 16.8x78x16.8x78.4. h

& 1. J o h n Layton to H a n n a h wife of Wil l iam Schnur r Mort. $2,000. 3,250

2d st, e s, 25.1 s South .5th st. 2.5.1x70. .3x2.5x7 i. 8. Frances E . Leach to WiUiam Har r i s a n d Mar ia his wife. nom

3d st, s w s , 297.10 n w 6th av, 75x200 to 4th st. hs & Is. M a r y H wife of Carl l H. De Silver to Benjamin F. Hobron. 16 000

South 3d st, n e s, 192 n w 12thst. 33x120. EUz­abeth Haver , widow and devisee of Bernard Haven , to Franc is A. Wilkisson. Mort. $3,000. 4,000

4th pl, n s, 200 w Court st, 20x100. E d w a r d Lav in to J a m e s Howard. 4,500

Nor th 4th st, No. 83 s w s , a b t 251 s e 3d st, 25x 60, h & l . Anne V. Denton, Flushing, L. 1., t o A n n Kel ly . 3,000

8th .«t, n s, 241.7 e 6th av, 18.9x100. J o h n S. Will iamson to Jennie wife of Rober t A. Roulston. Mort . $3,000. 5 7.50

8th st, w s, 113 n South .5th st, 20x74.4x13.11x74. Release of judg t . Marvin Cross, Sherlock Aust in and J o h n H. I re land to Francis Lahey . 50

Same proper ty . Franc is Lahey to J o h n Raw-son. 1,325

10th st, n e s , 95.9 n w 6th av, 16.8x'00. Er ror . Agnes A. Root, widow, to A n n a wife of J o h n Purcell . Mort. $3,0'0. 2,200

l l t h s t , s w s, 173.6 s e .5th av, 75x12.5. .5x7.5x 124.8. O l i v e r s . . Samuel E . W . , R o b e r t s , a n d Jesse S. Fleet, A r a m i n t a T. wife of George W. Baxter , Mary A. wife of E d w a r d Kissam and S. F., Robert F. and Robert , J r . , Spier, Lavin ia E . wife of Peter A. Hegeman and Emeline P . Sacke t t to Wil l iam A. BKss • 4,000

l l t h st, n s, 269.9 w 4th av, 14x'0O. M a r y J . Ovington to Elizabeth Hemstreet . Mort. $1,400. 2,.300

l l t h st, s s, 223.6 e ofh av, 25x12.5x25x125.3. Wi l l iam A. Bliss to Mar tha Cumming. 1,.S.S3

13th st, s s, 97.10 w .5th av, 6.7x100. Thomas S. S t rong to Dennis M. Hur ley . 150

Eas t 15th st, e s, 175 n Av X . 175x75 to Brook­lyn, F la tbush & Coney Island R R , Graves­end. Sa rah Chris ty t o WiUiam A. Enge­man . A p r i l , 1880. 200

18th st. n e s , 300 s e 4tli av, runs nor theas t 100 X southeast 60 x southwest 10 x nor thwest 20 x s o u t h w p s t 9 0 to l»th st, x nor thwest 40. Freder ick C. Vrooman to H e n r y F . W . Risch. 1.575

19th st, n s, 150 e .5th av, 1.5.7x100, h & l . J o h n Badum to Leonhard Boltz, New York. 1,600

19th st, s w s , 125 s e 3d av, 20xli'0, h & l . Ca thar ine M. E i l ey , widow, to Anna L. Rudolph. 3,.500

21st st, n e s , 285 s e 4th av, 20x100, h & l . El izabeth Kelley, wife of Thomas, to J a m e s A. Parker . 2,300

37th st, n s, 225 e 3d av, ab t 25x100 2, h & 1 J o h n H. O'Rourke to Fr iedr ich Seifried. Mort $575. 1.300

43d st, n e s, 100 s e 3d av, 20x100. E d w a r d T. H u n t e t al. , exrs. and trustees Thomas Hun t , to Adelaide Klein. 500

55th st, n e s , 450 n w 2d av, 25x100. E m m a M. Brown to Alexander Cashow. Q. C. nom

55th st, s s, 275 e 1st av , 2.5xli»2.<!. Alber t Woodruff to Chris t ian and Emel ine Leange.

2..500 At l an t i c av , n s, 180 w New Y o r k av, 20x149.1.

J a m e s J . Dunn to J o h n R. Wood. nom Bushwick av, w s, 80.5 s Montrose av . 23.3x77x

2.5x80.5. J o h n Timmes to H e n r y Zipp. Re­lease mor t . Q. C. nom

Clermont av . w s, 103.4 s Myr t l e av, 18.9x76.8x 1^.9x77. Mulford T. R a y n o r to George W . Raynor . Q. C. n o m

Car l ton av . e s, 44 s W a r r e n st. 22x80. P a r t i ­t ion. Gerard M. Stevens to Andrew J . Ond­erdonk. 6,1.50

Same proper ty . Elizabeth Benton, widow, M a r y J . Ea ton et al, heirs Joseph E. Ea ton . Sr. , dec'd, to same. Q. C. nom

Division av or Broadway, s s, 32 10 w 3d st, 20 X— to Rush st, X 20x41. L y d i a M E a s t m a n et al., exrs . H. W . Eas tman , dec'd, to Irene A. B. wife of Franc is H. St i l lman. Mort . $3,000. 4,000

Same proper ty . Lyd ia M. Eas tman , widow, Freder ick M. E a s t m a n et al. , children and devisees of H e n r y A. Eas tman , t o same. Q. C. nom

De K a l b a v la te pl, s s, 127.1 e Broadway, 18.3 xl34.6. George T w i d y to Vinzenz Kricek. K pa r t . nom

Same proper ty . Vinzenz Kxicek to Frances Avif e of George Twidy . )4 pa r t . n o m

De K a l b av, n w s , 250 n e I r v i n g aAr, 25x100. A n n Fi. Crouse, Avidow, t o Thos. J . Smi th . 350

Division av, souther lv cor Rodney st, runs east a long a v 8.1 X south 53 x e a s t — x southwest — x nor thwes t t o Rodney s t , x nor theas t 56.6. A n d r e w H e m h a n u or H a r m o n t o Alber t Piesch. Mort . $6,000. n o m

E l d e r t a v , w s^ 350 n L ibe r ty av , 2 5 x l 0 5 . 2 x ^ : .

426 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. April 29, 1882

105 1, New Lotf. Thomas P . , J ane , H e n r y a n d WiUiam E. Doyle b y M a r y Doyle, guard . , t o J o h n M. Moore. 4-14 par t s . 571

Same proper ty . M a r y Doyle, widow, M a r y wife of J a me s Field, J o h n R. and Roderick Doyle to same, 10-14 pa r t s 1,438

Same proper ty . M a r y Doyle, AvidoAv, to same. Release dower. 4-14 par t s . nom

Elflert av, e s, 221.2 s At lan t i c av, 25x100, New Lots. Thomas J . and Miranda O. Atkins, MiddletoAvn, Conn., to Cornelius Hall , same place. nom

Evergreen av, nor the r ly cor Bleecker st, 25x 100, h & l . Freder ick Doering to Bal thasar Norwig a n d Christ ina his wife. Mort. $1,200.

2,725 Flushing av . n s, 167.10 w Morgan av, 20x88.8x

30.1x86.1. WUliam Hoffman to Christ ian Behr. Mort . $800. 1,525

Flushing av. s s, 300 e Nost rand av . 2.5x100. "WUliam J . SaATes. Jamaica , t o Oscar fl. S t eams . Mort. $-2,500. 5,.500

Gates av, n s, 63.8 e Lewis av, 18.8x80. Oscar H . S t e a m s to WUliam J . Savres, J ama ica , L. I. Mort. $3,.500. " 7,.500

Gates av, n s, 40 e St. J ames pl, 20xl0», h & l . M a r y E . wife of and WUliam H. Thompson to Carolina wife of Wi l l i am E. Cox. Mort . 85,000. 11,000

Gates av, n s, 347 e Clason av, 69x200 to Quincy St. E d w i n Beei-s to L y n d e A. Catlin et al. , a n d the Church of Reformation. Release from condition. nom

Same p'-operty. Stephen CroAvell to same. Re­lease from condition. nom

Graham av, w s, 75 n Powere st, 25x100. A b r a m L. Douglass to M a r y E. Eccleston. 3.700

Hudson av , w s, 88.3 s Concord st, 53.7x97.6x 52.11x89. Foreclos. Archibald C. Shenstone to M a r y Cornell. 3 525

Knickerbocker av, nor ther ly cor Magnolia st, i 3.5x100. 1

Pa lmet to st, n w s , 230.9 s w Wyckoff av , 25 f XlOO. J Le Grand Whi t e , Pompton , N. J . , t o Helena P . Avife of George P. Whi te . 1875. nom

Same prope i ty . Helena P. wife of George P, W h i t e to Elizabeth L. Dewey. Taxes, &c. 300

Lexington av, s s, 379 4 e Nost rand av, 20.8x • 100, h & 1. Charles W . Frey, New Bri tain,

Conn., an^i Sa rah J . By water , Meriden, Conn.,', t o Bernard -Frolke, Je rsey City. Mort . $900. 1,400

Lexington av, n s, 215 e Tompkins av, 3xl00x 0.3x100. M a r y A. wife of Lemuel Burrows to WiUiam Kennedy. 50

Lafayet te av , s s, 433.6 e Bedford av, 18.6x100. George P . Chapman to Zella wife of Andrew Mercer. Mort. $3,7.50. 7.000

Marcy av, e s, 16.8 s Lexington av, 16.8x66. Louisa wife of H e n r y C. Mueller to Helen E.

- HeUwig. 4,350 Morgan av, e s, 10 s Remsen .st, now closed, 41.7

x9.3x53.4x37.6. Charles H., Alber t M. a n d FranKlin H. Kalbfieisch, individs. and as exrs. Mar t in Kalbfleisch. dec'd, to WiUiam MarshaU and Lawrence Wate rbu ry . 107

Montrose av, n s, 150 e Humbold t st, 8.5x61x ^ 2.5x—. I

Also interior lot 150 e Humbold t st, a t point on centre of block 81, runs east 25 x south 37.6 X west, ab t 25 x no r th 45. Frederick Dreyer . Hoboken, N. J . , to J o h n Klueg. Mort.-$3,000. 4,400

Myr t le av, s s, 75 w Schenck st, 25x100. H e n r y Conley to James Conley. AU ti t le. 1877. 3,000

Nostrand av . s e cor Jefferson st. 60x100. J o h n S. Tutt le , New York , to the Reformed Episco­pa l Church of t h e Reconcihation, Brook­lyn. 4,750

New Y o r k av , e s, 40 n Prospect pl, 10x100. Augus tus T. Carpenter to W m . H. Lyon. 775

N o n n a n a v . n s, 100 e NeweU st, 25x95. Wi l ­son A h m u t y to Andrew McKee. 3,550

P a r k av . s s, 75 w Carl ton av, runs west 35 x south 83.6 X east 14 x south 30 x east 6.6 x north-104. Frances E . O'Keeffe to Joha ima Grosche; . Mort. $1,2Q0. . 3,200

P a r k av . n s, 375 e Throop av. 25x100. Lipp­m a n Reitzenstein to Charles Drager and MTar-ga re tha his wife as joint tenants . Mort . $1,000. . . 2,300

P a r k av, n w cor Clermont av, 31.7x—^x7x80. Caroline wife of Louis Pechin to Lawrence McGoldrick. Estabhshes boundary . 100

Prospect av , n s, 130.11 e 4th av, 20.1x96.1x20.2 X94..5. Mary R. Avife of B. P r a n k Burt is , Ehzabe th W. Smith, Cathar ine K. wife of J o h n H. Car r a n d Annie B. wife of Rober t B. HaU t o A m a n d a C; wife of J ames B. L a Hon. Q . C . nom

Ra lph av, w s, 60 s Monroe st, 20x80. | Douglass st,' n s, 185 w Bond st, 20x80. \

AugustuSj H a n n a h and Benjamin P . But ler and E p h r a i m and Mar tha K. Brock to J o h n Q. A. Butler . 4-5 par ts . 2,950

Seigel av , ,n' e cor Division av, 100x100, New Lots . - , Susan A. Ocldson to Rober t H. Lahy." 1,300

Shepard, av , e s, 150 s B a y av . 50x100, Eiast New York . J o h n Campbell to Pranc is Cepirlo. .500

Smi th ayi n e cor ' Bi-oadway,— 100x75, New • Lots . Lucas E . Schoonihaker, to Hirarh Schoonihak^r, J r . , and Chester H . Davis t o . J a m e Mcijluigan. 1,750

Sackmann av, w s, 100 's l i b e r t y av, .50x100, New Lots. Thomas Scherger to "WilUiamson Rapal je , J r . 500

Tompkins av , w s, 20 s. Halsey st, 20x100. Phebe wife of Elias H. Seaman, Oyster Bay, L. I., t o Franc is P . Ripley. Q. C. Correc­t ion deed. nom

Tompkins av, e s, 66.8 s Stockton st, 16.8x90, h & l . Mar ia T. wife of Pa t r ick Drennan to J o h n A. Hamil ton. Mort . $1,-500. 3,000

Tompkins av, e s, 84 s Vernon av, 31x100. J o h n Dixon exr . Cath. O'Brien, to David S. Beasley. Mort . $.500. 975

St. Marks av, s s, 303.10 e 5th av, 66.8x 62.5. George M. Chapman to Charles Sedg­wick, exch

Vanderbi l t av, w s, 237.6 n Myr t l e av , 25x75. Isaac 0 . Horton, J r . , t o J ames McArdell . .S,200

Vanderbi l t av , w s, 75 n Gates av, 20x100. WiUiam A. Ellis to J ames R. Michael. Morts . $4,800. 6.000

Same proper ty . Release mor t . H e n r y A. Butterfield to same. 100

Washington av, w s, 148.10 n P a r k av , 85x100. A n n a M. Mangles, individ. . and as e x t r x . R. Doscher, dec'd, to Lizzie wife of J ohn Seton. Q. C. nom

Washington av, w s. 189.8 n Pn l ton st, 17.1x 100. E m m a Anderson, Avidow, and E m m a L. wife of Edwin S. P r a t t to Maggie T. F e n -yon. 10,500

Washing ton av, w s, 189.8 n Pul ton st. Cor­rection deed and s t ra i ten boundary line. H e n r y Steybing to E m m a Anderson a n d E m m a L. P r a t t AU t i t le . Q. C. nom

Same proper ty . Elizabeth M. wife of Thomas S tewar t to same. AU ti t le. 150

Washhig ton av, e s, 407.4 n Gates av, SO.lOx 120. Annie Y . wife of David H. Fowler to Emeline C. wife of George H. Smi th . Mort . $8,.500. ' 18,000

Wil loughby av , n s, 150 e Lewis av, 16.8x100, h & 1. George Nichols to WUliam H. WeUs. Mort. $3,7.50. 5,500

WiUoughby av, n s, 40 e S tuyvesan t av , 20x75, h & l . J ames S. Barclay, t rustee EUza B. HoweU, dec'd, to WUUam Durst." 3,303

Wil loughby av, s s, 225 w Tompkins av, 25x160, h & l . Eliza R. wife of Calvin C. Kelsey to Marga re t J . De Leon. 5,000

WiUoughby av, n s, 116.8 e LeAvis av, 33.4x1 100.

WiUoughby av, n s, 250 e LcAvis av, lP.8x100. I Wi l loughby av, n s, 283.4 e Lewis av, 16.8x

100, j George Nichols to Benjamin Wr igh t . Mort . $14,750. 23,000

Wil loughby av, n s, 85 e Throop av, 40x100. R icha rd G. Phelps e t al . , exrs . J o h n M. Phelps, dec'd, to S y n t h a wife of Augus tus A. Comstock. 3,800

Wyckoff av , s w s, 75 s e Myr t l e st, 50x96.3x50 x98.6. A n n E. Crouse, widow, to Henr ick Foistle. 450

W y t h e av, n e s , 55 s e Rodney st, 18x60. The Wil l iamsburg Savings Bank to J o h n Le Maire. Mort. $3,500. 3.000

W y t h e av, e s, 40 s Clymer st, 20x75. Salomon Igelheimer to Wencel Dufek. M. $3,.500. 5,750

2d av, w s, 2.5.2 s 41st st, 25x100. Havid Har ­ris to Thomas Hagan . Mort. $32.5. 1,525

3d av, n w s,. 33.4 n e Wyckoff st. Release mor t . Charles R. Lynde to E d w a r d H. Bab­cock. nom

3d av, e s, be t 23d and 24th sts, all t he old Gowanus road, ly ing wi th in 100 e of 3d av, except ing where i t crosses a lot 20 feet wide a t

. point 30.2 s of 33d St. The Ci ty of Brooklyn to Joseph P. Darl ing. nom

3d av, e s, 40 2 s 23d st, 20x100. Joseph P . Dar­ling, Flushing, L. I. , to Daniel Ryan . 2.000

6th av, n w cor CarroU st, 100x70, bs & Is. George W . Brown to J o h n B. Spencer. Mort. $24,000, • 7.5,000

6th av, n w cor St. John 's pl, 20x90, h & l . George B. Hedges to Edwin HoweU. 3!,000

Same proper ty . E d w i n Howell to A d a L. Hedges. 21,000

7th av, e s, 80 n Ster l ing pl . runs east 90 x no r th 10 X east 54.7 x no r th 10 x west 144.7 to 7th

. av, -x south 30. WiUiam Gubbins to Joseph P . Durfey. 4,000

7th av, s e s, 140 s w Lincoln pl, 20x90, h & l . R ichard J . Clarke to Har r i e t P. wife of E r w i n A. Hussey. Mort. $6,000. 11,000

AU real estate in Brooklyn of which Augustus Butler died seized. J o h n A. Halsey, assignee A. Butler, to Augustus Butler. nom

General release. An ton Vog t and wife t o Pi-anz X . Obermeier and wife. 75

In ter ior lot, 50 n Prospect pl and 100 e of New Y o r k av , runs no r th 50 x east 10 x 50x10. E d m u n d W e t m o r e and WiUiam A. . Jenner , New York , t o A n n P . Carpenter . Release of mor t . 450

Same proper ty . L y d i a A. wife of and RusseU W . Adams to A n n P . Carpenter . 450

In te r io r lot, 90.8 e Gallat in p l a n d 170.1 n Liv­ingston st, r uns no r th 23.5 x east 2 x? south 32.4 X west 3.4. Andreve S. Wheeler to Abra - . h a m J.;^iBeekman. C. a. G.... . :_v vi : ., . . n o m

In ter ior lot, 73.6 n lOth'st and375 eS th av, runs : no r th . l5 X east 8.3il'5x8.2. J ames H . Mc­

K e n n a to P . O. MeCarten. 50

E i a g s H ighway , ad j . CebaUos, Gravesend, indeft. plot. The New Y o r k & M a n h a t t a n Beach RaUway Co. to J u a n M. CebaUos, J r . 569

New Lots to Pla tbush road, s s, adj land Simon Rapal je , 25x290, New Lots. Wil l iamson Rapal je , Sr. , to Simon Rapal je . nom

Old B a t h lane, n w cor Brooklyn, B a t h &") Coney Is land R. R., 50x166.4. '

Old Ba th lane, n w s, 50 n e Brooklyn, B a t h f & Coney Island R. R., 50x166.4, Ba th , L. I. J Charles H. Gercken t o E m m a L. wife of J o h n C. Gercken. . nom

Old Ba th lane, n w cor Brooklyn, Ba th & 1 Coney Is land R. R. Co., 50x166.4. i

B a t h lane, n s, 50 e Brooklyn, Ba th & Coney j Island R R., 50x166.4, New Utrech t . J J o h n C. Gercken to Charles H. Gercken. nom


BEDFORD. Arms t rong , John—Hiram JelUffi, f a rm on n s

h i g h w a y leading from Joseph Brady ' s to H i r a m Jelliff's, ad j l and of J a m e s Merr i t t . $5

Chapman , I rene S.—Sarah S. Bar re t t , 10 acres land on w s Che r ry st, adj l and of J a m e s W . Anderson, nea r Kn tonah . 2,400

Fannie and J a m e s Fish—James S. Piersall , J r . , lot on s s Smith ' s av , ad j l and of Hezekiah R a y m o n d , Mt Kisco Village. 350

Haigh t , Phebe, exr . of—Elbert S. Ha igh t , 1st av . on s s h i g h w a y in Whit lockvi l le , ad j MiU Pond. 1,705

Munson, L a u r a L .—Henry K. a n d I rene G. Chamberla in , 43 acres land a t intersection of new road leading from Geo. W . Wil lers a n d road leading from Bedford to Newcast le , ad j land of Alanson Raymond . 3,400

Matthews, Henry—George W. Raymond , f a rm t o acres, adj l and of Stephen Knowl ton , and also adj land of J ames Owen. 3,375

Sarles, Myron, et al . , b y Charles Haines, ref.— J a m e s "Wacker, land on s s road leading from Mount Kisco t o New Castle. 1,700

COBTLANDT. E l y , N a t h a n L., et a l .—Edward Whalen , lot on

e s W a t e r st, ad j land of W . H. a n d E. Lyons, PeekskiU. , 1,000

Henry , Jefferson, Jr.—^Edward McEneny, lots Nos. 62 a n d 64 in block No. 18 on w s 6th st on m a p of Verplancks. 1S5

Lark in , Prancis—Prancis Timoney, lot No. .56 in block No. 18, and lots Nos. 76, 56, 57 a n d 58 in bloeWNo. 10, as shown on m a p of Ver­plancks. 250

Lent , Freder ick a n d W.—Maria Graft, t r i angu­la r lot on w s Union st, ad j lot g r a n t o r in PeekskiU. 1

Croft, Maria—Frederick Lent , same proper ty . 1 Lane, H e m y H.—Prankl in Couch, lot on s w

cor J a m e s a n d Cort land sts, ad j land grantee , PeekskUl. 500

Sherwood, J ames D —Levris Horton, 8 acres on road leading t o Red MiUs, opposite residence of J o h n T. HoUmans. 6,000

Smith, A. M. C , e t al. b y Har r i son W. et al.— W m . J ames Booth, lot cor Cort land a n d Highland avs. 335

Webb , S a r a h a n d Alvin—Susan P . Travis , lot on e s Smi th st, adj lo t of M. E. Church, PeekskUl, 28x120. 1,800

EASTCHESTER. Boe, M a r y a n d .John—James L. W a r r e n , No.

42 lot 375 m a p of vi l lage of Mt V e m o n , on e s 5th av, 50x10.5. 3,500

Disbrow, J a n e P.—Susan W . Disbrow, w s 9th av , 100x105. 1

Ferr is , George D.—^Elizabeth Keodding, lots Nos. I l l , 113, 113, 114, on m a p of Washing-tonville on s w s Westchester av , and s e s Pu l ton St. 1,800

H u n t , Nehemiah T.—WiUet E . Bronson, 6 acres land on w s Old Post road leading from Whi t e Pla ins t o Eastchester , ad j l a n d of Rich-.. a r d Fowler. ' 250

H u n t , Nehemiah—WiUet Bronson, 6 acres land on w s Old Post road, leading f rom W h i t e P la ins to Eastchester , adj l and R icha rd Fow­ler, dec'd. 250

KeUy, R ichard B.—John C. Rasrmond, lot on s AV s road leading f rom the W h i t e P la ins road to Tuckahoe, ad j l and of J a m e s Dusen­b u r y . 17,000

Leny, Catharine—Theophite E u p h r a t , lo t No. 158 on m a p <;f Mount Vernon on s e s Green­wich St. 5,000

Montague, Abaga i l S., e t al. , b y George W . H u n t , r t f .—Mary Boe, lo t No. 375 on m a p of viUage of Mt Vernon, 100x105. 1,000

Muir, Margare t—Mar ie t t a J . Robinson, e s.4th av, 100x105. 1,800

Newton, A b b y A.—^Louis Blanchard, lot No. 511 on m a p vi l lage of Wakefield, on s s 17th av. . . 235

Nolan, Michael—WUliam H a r t , lots Nos. 333 a n d 339 on e s 6th av, of m a p of vUlage of Mt. Vemon,.50x200. . - - - - -• 2,400

.Sinith;-' .Thomas—Daniel P . Alger , land-. 'on -v UnderhUl r o a d in vUlage of , BrouxvUle, ad j land of. Hor ton , nea r BrbnxviUe station,


April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD. 427

Schwartz, Louisa and Chas.—Elizabeth H; Sut­ton, lot No. 915 on map Mt. Vernon on e s 12th av. 100x105. 900

Scott, Susan, by P. L. McClelan, ref.—Jacob Scheurmann, lot on w s White Plains road, adj land of grantee. 1,100

Tiebout, Samuel—Louisa Hudson, lot No. 333 on map of viUage of Mount Vemon, on e s 3d av, 100x105. 6,500


AiTnour, Paul J.—James J. McComb, two par­cels of land, first 5 lots w s Clinton av, 575 feet from south line Broadway; 2d parcel on s e cor Broadway and Clinton av. 41,774

Briggs, Amos S.—^Amos W. Briggs, lots Nos. 67 and 68, on n s Pine st, 123 feet east from Jones av. 2,000

Chamberlain, Sarah H. and George A.— Charles T. Smith, w s Corsa's lane, 24 14-ltO acres. 1

Delehanty, Bridget and Michael—James Car-rolan, lot No. 78 on map of lots in Union-town, 50 feet from north line of Hudson st, about 50x120. 400

Hunt, Jane—Oscar McCoy, lot on e s Water st, adj land of Justice D. Re Qua, ViUage Tarry­town, 81x100. 1,175

Lauge, John—Anna W. Wittscheuhis, s s Av A, adj land of Phebe^Losee, 40x128, in Dobb's Perry. . 800

McCarty, John—Joseph W . Tompkins, lot on w s Orchard st, adj land of Wm. J. Sutton, Tan-ytown. 3,100

Meldrum, Alex. A.—Augustus C. A. Sigafus, , sarae property. 6,000

Smith, Charles T.—Sarah H. Chamberlain, s e cor Highland turnpike and road leading from Highland turnpike to Saw Mill River road in village of Irvington, 1 378-1,000 acres. 1

Thurber, Horace "K.—Mary I. ElUott, 2 lots in Uniontown, High st, cor Rose st. .550

Willsea, Abraham O.—Ida M. Willsea, land on w s New York and Albany Post road, 63 2-13 ft from Elm st. 3,825

Wall, Prank T.—Alexander A. Meldrum, s half lot No. 15 on map of west part of farm of heirs of S. B. Tompkins, 4 446-100 acros. 2,500


Archer, Benjamin—Elijah Hopkins, w s North st, adj land of WiUiam Parker, 100x100. 1

BurUng, John. exrs. of—Milton Knapp, farm 40 acres on e s Purchase st, adj. land of Allen Sutton. 15,800

Carpenter, David S., andH. T. Dykman, ref.— John P. Buekhout, 17 acres woodland w from Rye Lake, adj. land of Jackson Wright and Andrew Luke. 370

Hopkins, Elijah—Phebe M. Archer, same property. 1


Whitlock et al., John B., Jr., exr. of John B.— Alex. S. Haight, y^ acre on s s road leading from station adj. land of grantee. 400


Field, Phebe—Henry Grifiin, four acres land on White Plains road, adj land of grantee. 1

Haines, George I.—Frederick A. Potts, two lots on Union av, 750 ft from White Plains av. 2,000

Hallett, Sarah M.—Caroline L. Bliss, lot on n s Park av at intersection with e line of lot No. 134 on map of Larchmont Manor. 3,000

Murray, Charles H.—Julia R. Southack, lot No. l i n block No. 42 on map of Larchmont Manor. . 1

Murray, Charles H.—Mary E. Woodruff, lots No"?. 2, 3, 4 and 5 in block No. 5. on map of Larchmont Manor. 1

Roehester, Margaret and Thomas F.^Thomas L. Rushmore, lots Nos. 11, 14, 23, 24 on map of Edgwater, De Lancys Neck, on s s De Lancy av and on n s Walton av. 15,000

Rushmore, Samuel M.—^Eliza V. Rushmore, lots Nos. l a n d 5 on map of Delancey park, intersection of n e line of Union av Avith s e line of Madison av. 1

MOUNT PLEASANT. Cook, Jacob—William A. Purdy, lot on w s

Pleasant st, cor Continental av. 1 Donohue, Bridget, and ano.—John Canning, e s

Cortlandt st. 50 ft from Michael Hogan's lot in North TafrytoAvn, 25x99. • 1,175

Foster, Carrie H.—Horace B. Hobby, con. land on highway, leading from PleasantviUe to North Castle, adj. land of Wright Hobby. 800

Prerich, Wittschen—Patrick Norton, e H Clin­ton st, 100 ft. from Beekman av, in North TarrytOAvn, 25x100. 650

Hyatt, Abraham, et al., by Edgar and S. B. Hyatt, exTS. bf—Adaline Hyatt, 87 acres on n s Bedford road, adj land of John Klipp. 7,900

Purdy, - Phebe and Elisha T. — George W. Shelly, farm 34 acres, on road leading from Tarrytown to Kensico, adj. land, of Steph-jn Shelly and Elijah e. Purdy. 2,000

Purdy, William A.—Christina iCodk, satne •'••• properfcy. , . - - .i -,11"'

Sheria, Rosanna and James-i-Prancis and Mar­garet Clark, lot on s s Depiiyster st, adj land now or late of John Quinn, 29x125. 1,636

Wild, Alden, exrs. of—Snowflak© Marble Co., e s H. R. R., adj. land of grantees, 15-100 acre. 70

WUd, Alder, exrs. of—Thomas Garrigan, farm on w s of highway leading from Pleasant­viUe to Unionville. adj. land of heirs of Alder Wild, dec'd, 33 acres. 3,3.50


Banks, Alvah L., et al.:—James E. Wickson, | lot on s s Smith st, 397^ ft w Main st. 60# .

Birdsall, Daniel S.—Noah Washburn, farm 16 acres, adj. land of Chancy G. Bailey and also adj. land of grantee. 1.488

Merritt, Charles A.—Caroline S. Merritt, farm oh s s turnpike adj land of John and Reuben Sarles. 6,000

Merritt, Caroline B.—Henry N. Merritt, land on n s road leading from Merritt's Comers to Merritt's station, adj land Nathaniel Cor­nell. 100

Quinby, Edward H., et al.—Alexander Beard, farm 74 acres on Une bet Yorktown and New Castle, adj. land of Peter Jay. 4,000

Wickson, James E.—CamUla Lissauer, e s Maple av in Village Mt. Kisco, adj. land of B. E. Hazen, 55x105. 2,100


Denton, Thomas—^Thomas McMahon, w s of road leading to Pelham, adj. land of John Bolton, 75x150. 950

Finch, Edwin W., and wife—James M. Martin, lot n e cor Central av and Prospect st, in ! village of New Rochelle, 143>^xl47X. 1

Hunter, John—John H. Starin, two islands east of New RocheUe, adj. land of grantee.

5,000 Jackson, Mary L.—Thomas S. Drake, w s River

st, 350 ft from Boston post road, adj. land of grantee, 3.5x175. ^ 175

Lorenzen, Frederick—Thomas Bartnett, lot on s e cor of River and Oak sts. 250

Martin, James W.—Emma W. Finch, same property. 1

The Huguenot Park Land Association of New Rochelle—Mary M. Bergholz, land on s s Lake av, Germania av and Coligni av, adj. land of Richard Lathers and Dorr estate. 800

Underbill, John Q.—Mary E. Stouter, lots Nos. 8 and 9, on s s Railroad av, on map of Wm. Remma. 225

William, J. Marshall, ref.—Mary A. Varian, lot on s s Huguenot st, adj. land late of Widow Dean. 1,500

WUlcox, Sarah E. and Edwin A.—Douglas Fairchild, lot on Boston turnpike road, adj lots Nos. 24 and 25 on map of lands made by Wm. Bridges. 1,130

Yates, Robert—Sarah E. WiUcox, same prop­erty. 635


Hopkins, James—Ezekiel FleweUing, )4 acre, land on n s road adj land of Lavinid Lewis, village of Armonk. 7,000

Hopkins, James—Edwin R. and Abram S. Hopkins, )4 acre, on e s road leading from Kensido to New Castle, adj land Cornelia H. Sperry. 3,000

Jones, Abraham H.—Philip J. Seiter, 80 acres on road leading from Armonk to Kensipo, adj. land of Joseph BirdsaU. 1

Thompson, JohnC—Charles H. Lindsley, farm on e s road leading from Banksville to Bed­ford, adj, land of David Hobby. 180

Wycoff, John B.—Charles H, Mosher. 3 acres , on road leading from Kensico to Purchase, adj

land of Wm. WiUiams. 400 OSSINING.

Jenkins, Ann W.—Frederick A. Munson, 3 acres,, land on w s Quaker Bridge road, adj land Isacc K. Lounsbury. 2,500

Raymond, Charles M,—^Martha Bell, 2 plots land on Broadway in village of Sing Sing, adj land Francis Larkin and land of Charles M, Raymond, 2,000


Barton, Esther R.—Charlotte A. Bissicks, e s 5th av, lOOxlOC. 250

Cordier, Louis—Edwin R. Bertine, lot on w s Plymouth st, at intersection of Turnpike road on map of Prospect HiU village, 200x200. 600

Freeman, Caleb—Martha Gilbert, lot on n s Pranklin av, 400 e Main st, City Island. 1,400

Sparks, Hannah et al., Silas A. Bradley, ref.— Benjamin A. Simonson, exr. of, 5 acres on w s Wolf's lane at intersection with N. Y., N. H. & H . R. R. 3,800

Waterhouse, Lurana—^Ezra L. Waterhouse, lot on s s Prospect st, adj land of Amelia Mc-Clennon on City Island, 100x100. 1


Berrian, Charles A.—George E. Underbill, plot No. 1 on map of Cottage park, on w s Grace Church st, adj land of Frederick Faw­cett; 289-100 acres. ' 1

Carpenter, George W.—Nicholas Fox, lot on n w s Marvin pl, 125 ft from cor Willet av. 980

Hunt, Harry jt.—Catharine Hickey, land on e • s Grace Church st, adj land of grantee in vil-wnage^efviPortcheistier.e. . V •-- . .•• , ; :• -1,000 Ireland, Hannah, exrs. of—Elizabeth S. .Moore,

3 lots on w s 3d av, and n s Boston Post road adjlandslateof Daniel P. Smith. .3,600

Purdy, Mary W.—Sarah M. Sniffln, lot on e s Purchase av 146 ft from Smith st. 500

Studley, Caroline and Theodore E.—Susan A. Wright, 2 9-10 acres, lot on e s Stuyvesant av. 10,000


CockeriU, Thomas—Catharine Cockerill, 36 acres land on e s road, leading from Croton FaUs to Carmel, at intersection|with Old Bos-, ton Turnpike road near Croton'PaUs Station.

3,000 Howe, WiUiam—George E. Todd, farm 120

acres on n s road leading w from Turnpike road, adj land of E. B. Bradys. 10,000

Kipp, Merritt—Jane A. Moseman. 25 acres, land on road adj land formerly of Ward Mc-Keel, also adj land of Abram vail. 3,000


Robinson, Nelson—Gertrude Robinson, land on s s Griffan av, adj Quaker meeting house. 8,000


McQueen, Margaret—John Grifiin, 3£ acres on North st, adj MUl Brook, also adj lands of James Dick. 1,200


Blake, George—Stephen C. WiUiams, lots Nos. 523, 474 and e y^ lot No. 473 on map of Union-port, other consid. and 100

Bowen, Andrew—Thaddeus B. Wakeman, lot No. 471 on map of Unionport, on w s Av A and on n s 1st st. exch

Downing, John H.—John S. Mapes, lot on e s road leading from Westchester to Pelham, adj lands of Thomas Bibje. .3,000

Findley, Andrew—Ann Hitchcock, w cor Union av, cor 2d st, 100x100. 3!i0

Fergeson, John D.—Wm. E. Fergeson, lot on w s Schuyler st, 275 ft n Elliott av, 60

Mapes, Henry C—John S. Mapes. lots Nos. 827, 328, 229, 230, on n e cor Cornell av and old road, also n s Cornell av, 375 ft w Mapes av. ' : 1,400

Mapes, Daniel J.—Susie A. Tier, h & 1 at inter­section of s e cor road leading to WiUiams­bridge and road leading from Westchester to Eastchester, adj land late of Matson S. Ar­now, abt 100x100. 5

Purdy, Russellanna—Jacob Buhre. w s Madison , av, adj Westchester tuhipike, 100x100. 2,400 Valentine, Ebenezer B.—Mary E. Ketcham, ss

Sth st, 100x216. 300 WiUiams, Stephen C,—Thaddeus B. Wakeman,

w s Av A, 105x108. 350 WiUiams, Stephen C—Andrew Bowen, lots

Nos. 475, 485, 486 and gores H and J on map of Unionport. 1,200

Williams, Stephen C—Andrew Bowen, lots Nos. 471, 481, 483 and w yi lot No. 472 on map of Unionport. 1,200

Warner, John W.—Patrick M uUen, lot on s w s road leading to WilUamsbridge, 92>^ feet from lands formerly of School District No, 2. 4,150


Anderson, Isaiah, et al., by Joseph P. Daly, ref.—J. Christy Bell, lot on e s School st, 25 ft from n s of School District No. 2. 3,000

Austin, Mary J.—Michael Mooney, lot on n • Yonkers av, 243 feet from w s Oak st. 1

Alvord, Edmund—Joseph M. Alvord, yi lot e s Grinnell st, 400 feet n St. Mary st, 37i^x

. 100. various sums of money Alvord, Joseph M.—Sarah E. Finkel, same

property. 4,000 Bashford, Georgianna and Henry W.—J.

Christy BeU, lot No 7 on w s Highland pl. 264 2-12 ft from Ludlow st. 1

Cleveland, Cyrus—Henry T. Behrends, lots Nos. 13 and 15 on map of Cyras Cleveland, on w s Cedar st, 50x100. 800

Flagg, Ethan—Ephraim R. Gardiner, s s Ehn st, aiij land of gi'antee, 25x100.. 750

Goulding, Mary A., t y William J. Marshall, ref.—George G. CoflBn, lot on e s Clinton st, cor Hudson st, 50x100. . 6,200

Herriot, Warren, and wife—Ann M. Herriot, lot on map of property, .of George Herriot, -' dec'd, eof South Broadway,, in 2d Ward on w s Park Hill av. i

Herriot, Ann M.—Sarah L. M. Herriot, same property. \

Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co.—Georgianna Hitt Law, lot on w s Park av, 200 feet s Glenwood ^7- 7,166

. Same Susie E. Heennance, lot on w s Park I av, 100 feet s Glenwood av. 4,833 Mead, Lucy M.—Peter W. PearsaU, s s Willow

pl, 200 feet e Warburton av, 37x100. 3,500 Mitchell. Agnes, et al.—Ahce J. Adams. 4 lots

s s Main st,'at intersection of Hawthorne av 863

Silkman, Theodore, et al., by Geo. W. Poucher, ref.—Theodore H. SUkman, two Jots on s s Hudson st, 100 5-12 feet e Buena Vista av; also, s w cor Hudson and GrinneU

„.sts, 7,250 Simmonds, WilUam-Lavinia H, Simmons, lot

No, 14 oh \v s Mechanic st, ' . 1 Saunders, Alexander—Andrew. Saunders,- lot ^

on w s Atherton st, 152 ft n Wells av. ' ' ''1,000' Taylor, Allen—Mary A. Murphy, lot on w »

Buena Vista av, 89 feet from n uhe of prop-


e r t y of Geo. Her r io t , gore lot No; 189 on Ci ty m a p of Yonkers . ,170

Vanderbeck, Richard, b y Chas. A. Davison, t rus tee-^Margare t H. Knigh t , n s Hudson st, ad j land John Capcut t , 40x100. 2.000

Wheeler , John—John W . Alexander , n s Bald-Avin pl, 75 ft n e BeU pl, 2.5x12.5. . . 1,.500

Wakeman , Henry T. and W.—John H. W a t -lingtson, e s Woodwor th av, 75 ft s Locust st, 7 5 T 1 0 0 1

Watl ington , J o h n H.—Martha J . W a k e m a n , same propei ty . 1

Whi te , Marga re t and Pa t r i ck—John Browne, lot No .331 on w s Riverdale av , ad j lot of Adal ine Guion. 6,300


Flewellen, Wil l iam H.—Benjamin Flewellen, f a rm on w s h ighway, adj land of Absalam R y d e r . 84 acres .5 roods 6,000

FlewweUinff, B e n j a m i n ^ W i l l i a m H. Flew-welling, farm of H 4 acres on n s Highway , near Hallock's MiUs, ad j land of Rober t Hal­lock. 900


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey


MORTGAGES NOTE.—ZTie arra-.xgement of this list is as folloivs

The first name is that of the mortgagor, the next thai of the mortgagee. The description of the properly then follows, then the date of the mortgage, the time for which it was given, and the amount. The general dates used as headings are the dates when the mort­gage loas handed into the Register's office to be re­corded. , , , ^,.

Whenever the letters " P. M." occur, preceded by tha name of a street in these lists of mortgages, they mean that it is'o Purchase Money Mortgage, and for fuller particulars see the list of transfers under the corres­ponding date.


A P R I L 31, 23, 34; 35, 36, 37. Adler, Elizabeth, Avife of and Marcus , to

Ber tha Fr idenberg, admrx . H. Fr idenberg . 137th st. P . M. AprU 17, due May 1, 1885, 5 per cent $5,000

Acton, Charles A., to Margraiet A O'Rorke. 8.5th St. P. M. AprU 35, due Apr i l 1, 1884, 5 per cent. 3,000

Ahrens, Hen ry M., to T H E G R E N W I C H S A V ­I N G S BANK. 3d av, w s, 50.5 s 45th st, 25x95. April 20. due May 1, 1887, 4 ^ P'^r cent. 12,000

Baker, Alice, heir Alice Baker, dec'd, and Mi­chael Baker, husband of said deceased, to Rober t Yates , t rus tee L. Burger, dec'd. 1st av, e s, 76. s s 85th st, '25 6x100. Apr i l 25, due May 1, 1883. 1,000

Barnum, Henr ie t ta , to Deborah Hankins . Madison av . s e cor "\^'^illiamsbridge road, 99x 233 to Bronx River , xl39x301. Apr i l 20, 3 years . 1,000

Bergman, Robert , t o Charles Brandt . . 3d av, w s, .75.7 n 110th st, 25.3x100. Apr. 24, 5 >;rs. 6,500

Brown, Peter , and Carl Becker to T H E G E R M A N S A V I N G S B A N K , New York. 53d st, n s, 140 e 4th av 25x100.5. Apri l 24, 1 year . 7,000

Same to Wa l t e r H. Mead et al. , t rustees Ange­l ina J . Depau, dec'd. 3d av. P . M. Apr i l 25, 5 years , 5 per cent. 10,000

Bettels, Ida , widoAv, to John H. Deane. 109th st. P . M. Apr i l 21. 3 years . 5 per cent. 6,500

Bouyon. or Bourjon. Louisa, Dansville, N. Y. , to WUliam J . Haddock. Greenwich av, Ni>. V!5, w s, 55 s Horat io st, 27.6x7.5.1x25x63.8. Apr i l 2 0 , 1 year . 600

Buckley. Richard W. , to T H E BOWERY. S A V ­INGS B A N K . Slst st, s s, 133 e Madison av . 16x102.3 AprU 20, 1 year , 5 per cent. i0,()00

Byrd , Hannah , widow, to H e n r y S. Fear ing e t a l . , t rustees Amey R. Sheldon 29th st. s s, 1.50 w .5Th av, 25x98.9. Apr. 23, 3 yrs . 35,000

Braender , Philip, to Robinson Gill. 64th st, s s, 101) e I s t a v . 12.5xl00..5. S u b j e c t t o morts . $34,0(10 Apri l 21, demand. 1.325

Braender , PhiUp, to Louis C. Tufts. 2d av, e s 50 11 n 104th st, 50x75. Subject to morts . $14,000. AprU 31, due Aug. 1, 1882. 4,000

Bronson, Willett , t o The Society for the Relief of Poor Widows with SmaU Children. Mad­ison av, s e cor 6.5th st, 17.1x60. AprU 19, 1 year , 5 per cent. " 20,000

Banzet, Nicolas, to Henry B. Sands. 87th st, n s, 19.8 w Lex ing tonav , 16.5x100.8. Apr i l 21. 4 years •'> 000

Brady . Mary E. , Avife of Terence, to Marv A. P Gordon, Newburgh. 2d av, w s, 24.1 n 22d St. 24.11x63.8x24.8x63.8 AprU 24, 5 yrs . , 5 per cent. 10,.500

Burne. J o h n C . to Edwin A. Bradley and Geo. C. Currier , of Bradley & Currier. I s t a v , w s 25 4 s 86th st. 50x7^ Subject to morts . $ 3.000. April 25, 4 months. 4,900

BiUings, Ju l i a H. , ,widow, to. J o h n J . Aston.

Bonner, John , to J o h n Boyd. . Mulber ry st. P . M. Apr i l 27, 1 year . 1,000

Breen, T imothy J . , to T H E N E W Y O R K L I F E I N S . Co. 60th St. P . M . Apr . 37, 5 yrs . 11,000

Same to Phil ip a n d Wil l iam Ebling. Same p rope i ty . 3d mort . Apr i l 27, 1 year . 1,000

Brewster , John L., Plainfield. N. J. , t o H e n r v Hughes. 120th st, 128th st. P . M. Apr i l 18, due Oot 19, 1882. 25.000

Bri t ton. Wil l iam, to Lydia M. wife of Richard B Davis, of P u t n a m Co., N. Y . Oth av and 24th st P. M. AprU 27, 5 years , 5 p. c. 6.000

Browning. WiUiam H., to J o h n C. Umberfield. Lexington av, e s, 35.5 s 53d st, 35x100. March 30, demand. 4 000

Chapman, Alice, t o Wil l iam H. Streeter . 53d St. P . M. AprU 27, due J u l y 1, 1884, installs. 3,250

Cohen, Na than , to Isaac Sedersky. Orchard St. P . M. AprU 27, 1 year , 4)4 pe r cent. 500

Same to Louise Wal te r . Orchard st. P . M. Apr i l 27, due May 1, 1887, instaUs. 6,(500

Crvan , Ha r r i e t N , to J a n e Cowen. 123d st P . M. Apr i l 27. 1 year . 4.000

Candee, EdAvard W. , to T H E B A N K F O R S A V ­INGS, Ci ty New York . A v A, w s. 44.10 s .53d st, runs west 94 x south 119.2 x east 195.5 crossing AV A, X nor th 138.5 x west 100 to beginning, AA'ith land u n d e r w a t e r Eas t River, &c. ; A v A, n w cor .52d st, 2l.7x95..5x 36.10x94. Apri l 26, 1 year , 5 per cent 15,000

Cooke, Sa rah E. , Avife of Jus tus , to Ju l i ana Hendricks. 12.5th st. P . M. AprU 26, 1 year , 5 per cent. 3,000

Curt in , James , to Thomas H. Hur ley . 54th st, s s, 110 e 3d av, 2.5x100.5; 48th st, s s, 175 w 1st av , ."iOxlOO.S. K par t . AprU 36, 3 yrs . 4,000

Callanan, LaAvience J . , t o J a m e s D. Lynch , exr. and trustee P . Lynch , dec'd. Vesey st. P M. Apri l 17, due May 1, 1887, 5 p. c. 33,-500

Same to same. 43d st. P. M. Apr i l 17, due May 1,1887, 5 per cent. 8,000

Croft, Prances A., wife of a n d WUUam P . , to M a r y Devlin. .57th st, n s, 346 e 2d av , 60x in0..5. AprU 18, 13 months. 22,000

Calam, M a r y H. and Maria, S ing Sing, N. Y . , Sa rah E. Lawrence and E m m a L. Smi th , S ing Sing, N. Y . , Fannie Lane, Newcastle, N. Y . . Leonard R., Leonard P. and Stan ley C. Kipp , to Theodore H. Calam, Sing Sing. Cherry st, n w cor Pike st, 65.3x159x62x1.53. Apr i l 20, 1 year . 4.000

Callery, J ames , P i t t sburg , Pa. , to Caroline L. Macy et al. , exrs. J . Macy, J r . P e a r l s t , Nos. 324. 326 a n d 328, s s. 100.6 e Peck slip, runs south 96.2 x east 48.2 x south 19.11 x east 26.6 x n o r t h 131 to P e a r l s t , x west 75 1. April 6, 3 years , 5 per cent. 25,000

Crasto, Rebecca L., to H e n r y Morgenthau. 126td St. P . M. Apr i l 3, due May 1, 1884. 3,100

CuUen, Marv , wife of Chnrles, t o T H E B O W E R Y SHAVINGS B A N K . 10th st, s s, 83 e A v C, 25x 92.3. AprU 21, 1 year , 5 per cent. 10,000

Daiker, George, to F.rastus H. Munson a n d ano. , exrs. J . Munson. 32d st. P. M. Apr i l 20. 1 year . 6,000

Dean, Lottie L . wife of H a r v e y N. , t o J o h n H. Deane. 121st st. s s, 60 w 4th av, 20x 100.11. March 14, 6 months. 10,000

Same to same. i21stst , s s, 80 w 4th av , 20x 1()0.11. March 14, 6 months. 10,t)00

Same to same. 1.'Istst, n s. 80 w 4th av , 20x 100. 1. March 3, 3 months . 10,000

Decker, John , to Daniel Ryer , Westchester . W a v e r l y st, n s, n e a r Court land a v , west )4 of lot 78, m a p of Melrose, 25x100. Apr i l 15, 8 years . 1,200

Dempsey, Patrick, to Samuel Courtney. 132d st, n s, 135 e 5th av, 2.5x99.11. AprU 21, 8 nionths. 2,500

Pame to same 133d st. s s, 135 e 5th av , 25x 99.11, Apr i l 21, 8 months . 2,000

Demorest, Will iam J . , mor tgagor , wi th S a r a h C. Gorham. Agreement to appor t ion mor t ­gage agains t lots. ' n o m

Dumar , Cathar ine , wife of Theodore, to T H E G E R M A N S A V I N G S BANK, New York , 3.5th St. P . M . Ap 'U3- ' , 1 year . 3,000

Dassler, Doris, wife of a n d Wilhelm, to T H E B A N K FOR S A V I N G S , City New York . 47th st, n s , 175e l l t h av , 2.5x100.4. Apr i l 24, 1 ' year , 5 per cent. 8,000

Dil l ingham, George W. , to T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S T R U S T Co., New York. 6M st, n s, 70 w Madison av, i8xl00..5. Apr i l 23, due Mav I, 1884, S p e r c e n t . 2.5,000

Douglas. John, to Wil l iam Man. 116th st, s s, 144 w A v A or Pleasant av , 100x100.10. Ai>ril 20, due Aug. 1, 1883. 9 250

Dar l ing , WiUiam A , to Eliza Gu. 'genheimer. 4th av, s w cor 112th st, 100.11x105. Apr i l 24. 1 year , 5 per cent. 9,000

Dean, Lot t ie L , wife of H a r v e y N. , to The Uiuver-sitv of Rochester. 119th st, n s, 230.6 e 4th av, 20x100.11. March 0, 1 year . 9,000

Same to same. 119th st, n s, 350.6 e 4th av, 3(ix 100.11. March 10, 1 year . 9,000

Dunn, George B., to Hi-nry Hawkas. n 9 t h st, n s, 75 e 2d av, 1.^0xl00.11, Subject to buUd­ing loan mort . $.i0,0u0. Apri l 2.5, due Nov. 1 1882. 1,200

Dean, Lot t ie L., wife of H a r v e y N.^ t o The Uniyey?ity, of, Rochester. . 119th st , .n s, 190 e

Same to same. 119th st, n s, 210.6 e 4th av, 20x 100.11. March 10, Lyea r . ^,000

Same to Rebecca E. "WUliams a n d ano. , exrs . P . B. Williams. 119.th st, n s, 370.6 e 4th av, 20x100.11. Apr i l 10. 1 year . «.0J"

Decker, Mar ia E. , wife of and Nicholas H. to T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S T R U S T Co., of New-York . .5th av, No. 5a5, e s, 81.6 n 4 7 t h s t , 18.10x100. Apr i l 21, due M a y 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 60,000

Dinkelspiel, David, and Simon Lightstone, w i th H e n r y H y m a n . Agreement as to p r io r i ty of mortgapre.

Du t t i ng J . Henry , t o George A. Barker , t rus ­tee for El izabeth Barker . &c. 53d st, s s, 83 6 e 3d av, 17.6x100.5. AprU 37, 3 years , 5 per cent. "'.""O

Emrich , Clara, wife of Joseph, to -Tohn Keegan. 122dst, n s , 100 e 8th av, 100x100. Subject to mort . $23,500. AprU 31, due M a y 22, '82. .500

Eschenbacher, J o h n L , to Max Danziger. 108th St. P . M. Agrees to bui ld a t once. March 1, 6 months. t'*^*^

Same to same. 108th st, n s, 100 w 2d av, 50x 100 1' . To build a t once. March 1, 6 months . 10.000

Et l ing, Jacob , to Benjamin W . Jones. 44th st, s s, 168 w Sth av, 18x73. Apr i l 18. 1 y r . 1,000

England , E d w i n E . , t o WUliam J . Seabury . 118th St. P . M. AprU 26, due M a y 1, 1884, 5 per cent 2,000

Ferguson, Frances C , widow, and M a r y A. - Conklin. Avidow, to Charles E. S t rong, t rus ­

tee W . Murray , dec'd. 42d st. No. 143 W . , s s, 160 e Broadway , 3.5,6x98.9. Apr i l 25, 5 years , 5 per cent. Jt ' OO

Ferguson, Ferd inand S., to Helena D e W i t t Chambers , Bronxvil le , N. Y . 22d st. No. 242 W. P. M. AprU 17, due AprU 34, 1887, 5 per cent. 'i'.OOO

Ferris , Alpheus, to Theodore C. Landmesser. 93d St. P.M. Apr i l 20, due March 31,188.5...450

Fischer, Henry , to Simon a n d Isaac Scheuer. Houston St, No. 19i E. P . M. AprU 18, due Apri l 20, '885, 5 per cent. 3,900

Faber , R o b e ' t , t o J o h n Haubner . 35th st, n s, 267.10 w 8th av , 17.10x98.9. J u l y I. 1881, 5 years , 5 per cent. 3,000

Paneher , J a m e s H., Brooklyn, to Charles A . Bloomfield, Meridian, N. Y. , exr . Mar ian A. Bloomfield. 19th st, s s, 422.4 w 6th av , 19.9 ' X^J9.7x 18.9x99.6. Apri l 24, 2 years . 4,000

Fanning , Spencer A., to C I T I Z E N S ' S A V I N G S B A N K . I06th st. P . M. AprU 24, 1 yea r . 7,000

Same to same. yea r .

Bame to same. y e a r

Same t o same. year .

Same to same.

10«th St. P. M.

106th St. P. M .

106th St. P. M.

106th St. P. M.

Apri l 24. 1 7,000

Apr i l 24, 1 7,000

Apr i l 24, 1 7,000

AprU 24, 1 7,000

AprU 24, 1 7,000

Broome st, s w ' c o r Mercer st, 50x95.;,73^^ ^.W^A^^ii,YeaXip;j;^.Geigiif,,4: I S O ^ i l y 4thy?3^;20:6xl00.1|;;^;Ma«^^^ 9 ^ ^

year . Same to same. 106th st. P . M.

year . F r a m e , Wil l iam, to T H E NEAV Y O R K L I F E I N S .

Co.. New York . 85th st, s s, 80 w 2d av , 20x V 83.2. Apr i l 20, 3 year.s. 9,000 Same to same. 2d av , w s, 27.2 s 85th st, 2.5x80.

Apr i l 20, 3 years . 13,000 Same to same. 2d av, w s, 52.2 s85th st, 25x80.

AprU 20, 3 yea r s 13,000 S a m e to same. 2d av, w s, 77.2 s 85th st, m n s

west 80 x south 6 x west 20 x south 19 x eafet 100 to 2d av, x nor th 25. AprU 20, 3

•. yea i s . 13,000 Same to same. 2d av, w s, 77.2 n 84th st , runs

west 81,8 X nor th 6 x west 2 0 x n o r t h 1 Oxeast , 101.8 to 3d av, x south 25. Apr . xO. 3 yrs . 13,OoO

Same to same. 3d av , w s, 52.2 n 84th st, 25x 818. AprU 20, 3 years . 13^000

Same to s-imb. 2d av , w s, 27.3 n 84th st, 25x 81.8. A p r i l 20, 3 years . 13,000

Same to same. 2d av , n AV cor 84th st , 27.3x 81.8. Apr i l 30, 3 vears . 17.000

Same to same. 84th st, n s, 81^8 w 2d av , itOx 83.2. Apr i l 20, 3 years . 9,000

Same to same. 2d av , s w cor 85th st, 27.2x80. AprU 20, 3 years . 17,000

Gedney, Roilerick M., to T H E C I T I Z E N S SAy-iNGs" B A N K , New York . Ludlow st. P . M. March 21, due Apr i l 37, 1883. 10,000

Goldner, Adolph, to Hel lmuth Kran ich . 26th St. P . M. AprU 27, due May 1, 1885, 5 por cent 13,000

Same t o J a c o b Schlosser. 26th st. P . M. Apr i l 27, installs 2.000

Graeff, J a n e E. , widow, Pottsville, P a , to Franc is H . Lewis. 10th av, n w cor 42d st, 2.5..5x'00. Oct. 3 ' , 18bL installs. 9,700

Gault , James , to Thonias H. Beeckman, Brook­lyn. Pleasant av , w s, 38.6 s 118th st, 18.6x 75. Apr i l 17, I year . 1,-500

Gerehar t , Mary A. , wife of Thomas, to Rebecca Hopper. 158th st, s s, 200 w 10th av , 50x99 11. AprU.25, l y e a r . 2,000

Gremer, Margare tha , widow, and M a r y wife of Charles Falk tm Charles E. St rong, t rus tee of Eleanor P . S t rong -7th av , e s , 129.5n 26th St. 20x86. Apri l 36 3 years . 2,0^0

Gehlert , Louis, and Emi ly Kircheis. naortgagors, ' w i t h Anna Ottendorfeir. Agreement e x t d g mort .

Goldstein, "Yetta, wife of Har r i s , mor tgagpr , -wi th A n n a Rupjiei-t. Agreeinwit .e^jag;"'

April 29.1882 THK REAL EST TE RECORD 429

Graham, John , to J a r es D. Lynch . 37th st, s s, 80 e Lexington av , 100x98.9. AprU 21, 3 months . 1(),000

G e a r t y ; Thomas, to E d w a r d Oppenheimer a n d Isaac Metzger. 83d st. P . M. Nov. 18, 1881, due Oct. I, 1882. 27.000

Gorham, Sa rah C , wi th W . J . Demorest. Agreement appor t ioning mort . , &c.

H a r t w i g , Anna , wife of Wil l iam E., to J o h n H. Cole, admr . I. P . Cole. 29th st. Lease­hold. P. M Apr i l 25, 5 yeara, 5 p. c 6,000

Hea th , Asahel H., to Mary A. Buchan. Lex­ington MV. P . M. Apri l 24, due Mav I, 1885. 5)4 pe r cent. 12,000

Hengel , J o h a n n G , to J a c o b Miller, Morri­sania Csu r t l and av. P . M. AprU 24, due May 1, •S85. 1,200

Havi land , Solomon, to Angel ine wife of Ez ra M. S t ra t ton . '8th st. P. M. AprU 24, 3 years , 5 per cent. .5,000

Bame to Elizabeth C. Field. 18th st. P . M. Apri l 24, 5 vears, 5 per cent. 2.000

Henderson, Willinm, to Whitfield Ter r iber ry . 8.5th st, s s, 120 w I s t a v , 8 )xI02. Subject to al l mor ts April 2i, 3 months . 2,500

Herron , Francis J . , to E d w a r d V a n Orden. 4.5th St. P ; M Apri l 18, due May 1, '84. 4,450

S ime to same. 45th st. P . M. Apr i l 18, due M a y l , 1884. 4,450

Hoffman, -'obst. to T H E G E R M A N S A V I N G S B A N K , Ci ty New York . 7th st. P. M. April 34 l y e a r . 6,000

Same to H e r m a n n Raegener . Jth st. P . M. April •i4, 2 years , installs. 1.600

Holzderber, John P. , to T H E G E R M A N I A L I F E I N S . Co.. NeAV York. Alexander av . P . M. Apri l 21. due Nov. 30, 1886. 4.000

HaU, Robert , a n d Samuel H. Mierritt to Mi­chael H. H a g e r t y et al. , exrs . J . MhConvill. 137th st, s s. 3)5.6 e SoutUeru Bouleviird, 75x 200 to 136th st. Bu i l i i ng loan, advancf^d as needed. Feb. 1, 1 y e a r 14,000

Ha imr i l l , Cordie G., to J a m e s Reid, Je r sey City. 57th st. P. M. AprU 2 , 5 years , 5 per cent. 3,060

Hatch . Sa rah C , wife of Roswell D., to M a r y M. wife of WiUiam P. GrinneU. 17th st. P . M. J a n . 19, due May 1, 1885, 5 per cent 16,700

Same to T H E M U T U A L L I F E I N S . C O . , New York. 8.5th st, s s, 325 e I Oth av, runs east 125 X south 65.2 x nor thwes t 14:9 x south 37.3 X Avest 110.3 X no r th 102.2 to beginning. AprU 3'l. due September 1, 18*^3. 10,000

Heidenfeld, Theodore E . to Wil l iam M. Kings-land, Mt. Pleasant , N. Y . 74th st. P . M. Apr i l 22, 5 years , 5 per cent. 8,000

Hinman , Samuel S.. to J o h n W . Thomson. 119th st, n s , 150 w 1st av, 2.5x100.11 Ajfril 20, 3 years . 13,000

Hoffmann, Conrad, to J o h n Bussing, J r . Gou­ve rneur st. P . M . Apr i l 15, 5 > ears. 1,000

Same to Franziska Hoffmann.' Gouverneur st, s s, 1.50 AV Cour t land av , 50x118x50x118.5. Apr i l 20. 5 years . 1,000

Houston, EUen, t o Mnry Brodly. 143d st, n s, 100 e WUlis av, 2'-ixl00. April 22, 5 vrs . 3,000

HamUton, George W. , to The Union Theologi­cal Semina ry , New York. 73d st. No. 469 W. , n s, 135 e 10th av, 17x102.3. Subject to m o r t held b> mortgagees, $13,000. Apr i l 26, due J u n e 1, 188.5. 3.000

Same to same. 73d st. No. 471 W. , n s, 118 e 10th av , 17x103.2. Subject as above t o $12,000. Apr i l 26, due J u n e l , 1885. 2.000

Same t o same. 73d st, No. 47-H, n s, 100 e lOth av, 18x102 2. Subject as above to $l--i,0O0. Apr i l 26. due J u n e 1, 1885. ^ ^ •<,C00

Hughes , Henry , to Samuel Cohen. 44th st P . M. Apri l 27, due May 1 1885. 2,600

Jenkins , J o h n J . , t o T H E B O W E R Y S A V I N G S B A N K , New York . 33d st. P. M. AprU 24, 1 year , 5 per cent. 8,000

J e n n y , A n n M,, wife of Jacob , to J o h n H. Deane. l l l t h st, s s, 49.6 e Lexingtoij[ av , 7.5.6x100, a n d 113th st, n s, 104.6 e 3d av,-.50x 100.11. AprU 26, demand. ' 3,121

J u c h , Wilhelmine, wife of a n d Wi l l i am A., to Spender A. Fanning. 2d av, n e cor 106th st, 25.9x75. A p r i l 23, demand. 1,800

Same to J o h n H. Deane. 2d av, n e cor 107th st, 76.10x135. Apr i l 26, demand. 1.508

Jenner , WUUam A., t o H e n r y B. Renwick. 60th st, n s, 145 w Lexington av , 20x100. .5. Apr i l 24, 1 year . ' 12.000

Jo rdan , EmUy, to Phebe A. Baldwin, widow. 57th St. P . M. Feb. 24, due May 1. 1883, 5 pe r cent. 13,000

Judge , Thomas P . . to IsabeUa J . Brock, Mor-gan town, W e s t V a . 110th st P . M. Apr i l 25, S y e a r s . .1,000

Keyes , "t hr is topher, t o Louisa Bliven. 117th st, s s, 160 w 2d av, 25x100.11. AprU 25, 3 years . 11,000

Kroos, Henry , to Lillie M. MUler, a n infant . 118th st, s s, 123 e A v A, 75x100.10. AprU 24, 3 years , or sooner. 6,000

Kel ly , Thomas D., to John . B. Swasey, J r . T r i n i t y av , 165th St. P . M. AprU 24, due M a y 1, 1884. 850

Kissam,t Clinton, t o Brewster Kissam, Brook­lyn . 12.5th s t . n s , 188.4 e 3d av, 16,8x99.1 i: A p i i l 1 9 i - l y ^ r ; . ' 5(6

K n a p p ; (Sheppard, to Charles A i k m a n and .ano . r i

w 6th av, 20x100. Apr i l 20, due May 1,1885, 5 per cent. • 12,o00

Keys WiUiam E , to Susan E m b u r y . 19th st, s s, 126 w 8th av, 22x70. Apr i l 26, 5 years , 5 pe r cent. 5,500

Kira l fy , Maria, wife of Imre , and Elise Avife of Bolo.«sy Kira l fv to F i ank l in H. Delano et al. . t rustees for J o h n J . Astor . Washington Square West. P. M. Apr i l 24, 1 year , 5 per cent. 11,000

Kleem, John , to George Widmaye r . 1st av. P . M . April 25, 3 years 5 p e r c e n t . 7,000

Kiim|if, George, to J o h n Schaeffer 3d st, s s, 313.4 e A v B , 24.9x105.11. Lease. Apr i l 2.5. instaUs. 4,500

K a h n , Simon, to Babet te Gottgetreu. 78th st. P . M. April 27, 2 vears , 5 per cent. 4,0('0

Kreudf r , Erns t , to Augus tus Hoelzle, guard, of Ro.se Hoelzle. 1st av . No. 5:^. w s, ^2.1 n 3d st, 24x100. Apri l 26, due J a n . 1, 1883, 5 per cent. iO,iiOO

Same to Wil l iam Jo.se. 7th st. P . M. Apr i l 37, 5 years, 5 pnr cent. 10,<lOO

Knubel , He rman , to T H E M U T U A L L I F E I N S . Co , of Nfw York. I34th st, n s, 123.3 AV WUlis av , 16.8x100. AprU 27, due Sept. 1, 1883. 1,800

Loeb, Emil , and Louisa wife of Igna tz Hoff­m a n to The Marine Society, New York. 50th St. P . M . AprU 11, due Ai.rU 12, 1883. S.UOO

! Lynd , Roher t B , to H e n r y H v m a n . 72d st, s s, 200 e Madison av, 100x102.3. ApiU 27, 6 months . 35,000

Lyons, Elizabeth, to David B. Mo=;es, Ossining. I Ith St. P. M. Apri l 27, due May 1, '87. 1.5,000

Logan. J o h n L., to Alexander Brown, Philadel­phia , Pa. 44th st. P. M. Apr i l 25, 3 years . 4)4 per cent. 35,000

Lei'-'hton, Will iam, to T H E N E W Y O R K S A V I N G S B A N K . I7th st, n s, 375 e 9th av . 25.4x92. AprU 26, due J u n e 1, 1885, 5 per c m t . ' 8,000

Longstreet , Samuel , to Mahlon Sands et al . , exrs. A. B. Sands. 16th st. No. 121 W.. n s, 275 w 6th av, 2.5x92. Apri l 22, 5 years , 5 per cent. 8,000

Same to same. 16th st. No. 117 W. , n s, 225 AV 6tlt av , 25x93. Apr i l 22, 5 years , 5 per ct. 8,<i00

Lit t le , Wil iam, moi tgagor , wi th A n n a h P. and Har r i e t O. Cruft , Boston, Mass. Agree­men t ex tending m o r t and reducing interest.

Maccabe, Isaac J . , to T H E M U T U A L L I F E I N S Co., New York 63d st, No. 342 E , svs, 100 w 1st a v , 2.5x100,5. Apr i l 26, due Sept. 1, 1883, 7.500

Manges, Simon, to J o h n Breuer. A v A. Lease. P . M. Apr i l 27, due May 1. 1887, 5 por cent. 8,000

Mattison, Ellen D., Avife of Samuel E. , to B R O A D W A Y S A V I N G S I N S T . 43d st P . M Apri l 27. due J l a y 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 5,000

Meehen, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh, to The Amer­ican Baptist Home Mission Soc. Lexing ton av, e s, 20,11 s 109th st, 20x68 AprU 25, 1 year . 7,000

Same to same. Lexington av, e s, 40.11 s 109th st, 20x68. Apr i l 25, 1 year . 7,000

Same to same. Lexing toa av . a s, 60.11 s 109th st, 20x68.. Apr i l 25. 1 year . 7,030

Same to John H. Dean. 109t,h st, s s, 68 e Lex­ington av , 57x100.11. AprU 24, demand, 2,283

Same to The Univers i ty of Rochester. l<9th st, s s, 68 e Lex ing ton av, 19x100.11. AprU 21, 1 year . 6,000

Same to same. 109th st, s s, 87 e Lexington av, 19xl00.1L Apr i l 21, 1 year . 6,000

Messiter, R ichard P. . Arl ington. N. J . , t o T H E N E W Y O R K L I F E I N S . CO. New av. w 8th av, n w cor 14=.th st, 99.11x178. Apr i l 26, du" Sept. 1, 1883. . 13,00

Montgomery, J a m e s L , to Mary J . wife ol; Lemuel B. Clark. 86th st. P . M. Apr i l 21, due AprU 22, 1883. .31,471

Mooney, J o h n J . a n d M a r y t o Mary C. Kil­bre th . 34th st P . M. 2d mor t . Apri l 24, 1 year . 5 per cent. 2.000

Same to same. 34th st. P . M. Apr i l 24. 5 years , 5 per cent. 10,000

Murphy , Mary E., to Robinson Gill. 90th st, s s, 82.3 e 4th av, 76.8x100.8. Subject to morts . $41,20H. March 14, 4 months. 6,000

Mur ray , PhUip J . , to H e r m a n Henneberger . 156th St. P. M. Apri l 22, 1 year . 2.300

McReynolds, WiUiam, to H e m y Weil, Brook­lvn. 130th st, n s, 262.6 w 7th av , 18.9x99.11. Apr i l 2 3 , 1 year . 9 000

Same to same. 130th st, n s, 281,3 w 7th av, 18.9x99.11. AprU 33, 1 year . 9,000

Same to same. 130th st, n s, 335 w 7th av, 18.9 x99. l l . Apr i l 23. 1 yenr. 9.000

Rame to same. IWth st, n s. 343.9 w 7th av, 18.9x99.11. Apr i l 33. 1 year . 9,000

Marvin, Wal te r T., to Charles Welde. Sth av, n e c o r - i 3 9 t h s t . P . M . AprU 21, due J a n . 1,1883. 4,000

Mills, J ames , t o George M. Palmer . 45th st. P . M. AprU 17, due May 1, 1885, installs.. 5 per cent. 10,000

Same to snme. 45th st. P . M . AprU 17. due May 1, 1885, installs. 10,000

Moore, H i ram, to Helen L. Shober. 109th st. No. 205 E , n s, 1 0 e 3d av, 19.10x100.11. Apri l 21, due May 1, 1885. 9 000

Moore, Mar ia J . , wife of Hi ram, to J o h n H. . Deane. 109th st, n s, 110 e 3d av , 19. lOxlOO. 11.

: :ApnI"ai^i,iye3r*.^. • 1,59ft

Morgan, Louisa J . , wife of David, to T H K E A S T RivKR S A V I N G S INST. 46th st, n .s, 75 e .3d av, 20x.5()..5. AprU 21. 1 year . 5 p e r c e n t . 5,000

Mort imer Helen, wife of Morton, Englewood, N. J . , to T H E S E A M ' N ' S B A N K F O R S A V I N G S , City NcAv York . Broome st, s -. 222 8 e Hud­son st, 22x68. Apri l 22, 3 years , 5 p. c. 4,000

Miihlkei", Henry, nnd Clir s topl iT I'flu.ser to J o h n A. Brown. J r , Phihid. Iphia, Pa 116th st, n s, 7S w 1st av. 22x100.11. Apri l 20, 4 voars. 14.000

Mulligan. CadAvallader R., to T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S L I F E I N S . Co , New York. 7'ith st, s s, 275 AV 8th av, 7.5x100.5. AprU 17, due AprU 1, 1887, 5 per cent. T^.OOO

Murphv, James , to Har r i e t Fl int . 2.5th st, n s, 215 w rt av , -.0x98.9. AprU 20, 3 years , 5 per cent. 3,000

McGuirw, J o h n T.. to J a n e W . Conjtdon. widoAV OOth St. P. M April 25. 2 y r s lf',000

Moiitgoinery. Eliza, Avife of and Samuel , mor t ­gagors, -with Sel igman Jaeobson, g u i r d . Agreement extending mor t . and reducing interest

Morrison, Edward , to li'annv Woodleaf, widoW. Broome st, Nos. 472 and 474. n s, 50 w Greene St. .5'»x100. Apri l 20, due Apri l 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 38,000

Mullins, Thomas F . and Michael J , to WUliam P. Ear le . .57th st, Nos. 324 and 3 2 6 E . , s s , 247.3 e 2d av, 40 6x.59x40.6x.5H.4. Apri l 24, 3 years . 2.000

Murphy, James , to Franc is H. Weeks.- Bow­ery, w s. .59 6 s Grand st, 25x1*0. Apri l 25, due May 1, 188 , 5 pt-r cent. I(i,u00

McGuinis, Robert , to T H E M U T U A L L I F E I N S . Co., New York. l-'3d st, n s, .300 w 6th av . 5 lots, each 1.5x100.11. 5 mor ts . of $8,000 each. Apri l 2(5, due Sept. 1, 188:1. 40,000

Same to Benjamin Richardson. 123d st, n s. 300 w 6th av . 75x100.11. Apri l 26, due Nov. 1, 18S2. 3.850

McNamara , Daniel, to H e n r y A. Cram and ano. , exrs. and trustees George C. Cram, dec'd. 77th st. P. M. Apr i l 25, 3 years , installs. 5,000

Same to Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer . 77th st P. M. April 25, due May 1, '87 3,000

Mack, Jacob, to T H E S E A M E N S ' B A N K FOR S A V I N G S , New York. 34th st. No. 261 W., n s, l i 5 e 8th av, 23x98.9. Apr i l 26, 5 years , 5 per cent. 12,000

Marshall , Louisa P. , wife of Fran,;is P . , Mt. Kisco, N. Y , to John E. Lrissig. Po r t Wash­ington, L. I. .54th st. No. 54 W. , s s, 175 e 6th av, 25x1(13 3. Apr i l 26, installs. -.5,240

Mestre, Jose M., to Rober t B. Minturn. 21st st, n s, 395 e 7fch av, 20x98.9. AprU 24, 3 years . 13,000

MiUer, .-'arah C , Avife of Fr.-derick D., t<> Ida R. wife of George P. Opdykp, Plainfield, N. J . Jefferson av. s s, 211 w Will iamsbridge road. 62 6x100. Apri l 34. installs. 500

Minzesheimer, Lazarus, to Moses Selig. Beek­m a n pl, s e cor 51st st, 20.5x100. AprU 26, due May 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 8.010

Moore, Maria J . , wife of Hi ram to Elizabeth T . Hicks, Nor th Hempstead, L. I. 109th st, n s, 149. i e 3d av, i9.4x100 l l , Apri l 25, due May 1, 188.5. 8,000

Sarae to Samuel WiUets. admr . G. T. Neale, dec'd 109th st. n s, 168.6 e 3d av, 19.4x100.11. Apri l 35, due May ' , :885. 8,000

Same to Samuel Willet«, as Treasurer of the Monthly Meeting of Friends, NCAV York . 109th st n s, 2117.2 e 3d av , 19 4x10,1.11. Apr . 2.5, d u e M a y 1, 188.5. 8,000

Same to sarae. l()9fch st, n s, ' 87.10 e 3d av, 19.4x100 11. April 2A. due May 1, 1885 8,000

Same t o J o h n H. Deane. 109th st, n s, 168.6 e 3d av, 19.4x100.1'. AprU 5, 1 year . 1,000

Same t o same. loOth st, n s, 149.2 e 3d av, 19.4 XlOO. II. AprU 25, 1 year. 1.000

Same to same lOittli st, n s. 187.10 e .Sdav, 19.4x100.11. Apri l 2.5. 1 year . 1,000

Same to same. li'9th st, n s, 207.2 e 3d av, 19.4 xlOO.ll. April- .5. 1 year . 1,000

Morrison. Sarah , to Rubei t M Strebeigh. l iS th s t . P . M . AprU 1, 4 years . 5,!i00

Munch, Adam, to Ja<-ob F. Wyckoff. 118th st, n s, M)5.9 e Pleasant av, 61.4x100.11. Apri l 21, notes. 6,000

Moore. Maria J . wife of and H i r am, to J o h n H. Deane. lOOth st, n .s, 149 2 e 3d av, 19.4x 100.11. April 26, 1 year . 1,319

Same to same. 109th st, n s, l(i8 0 e 3d av, 19.4 XlOO.ll. Apri l 26, 1 year. 1,319

Same to same. 109th st, n s, 18^. 10 e 3il av , 19.4 XlOO.ll. Apr i l 2', 1 year . 1,319

Same to same. l ' '9 ths t . n s -07.2 e 3d av . 19.4 xlOO.ll. AprU 26, 1 year 1,319

Mart in . M a r g a n t A , Aloisiu.«, John H., M a r y E. and Cathar ine T., heirs A. Mart in , dec'd. and Anna Stephenson, widow, all ot Brook­lyn, to Michael Hert le . 2d st. No. 247, s s, 184.5 e A v C. 2.5x40.'^x2.5x4i (?J. 5-6 par ts . Apr i l 25, due J a n 1, 1886. 2,('C0

Neufield, Charles, to Caroline Green Houston st, n s. 151 S e Av C. 20x43.4x20x44.8. Lease. Api-U 25,1883, due May 1. 1866, instaUs. 1,350

Noll. Lisette. to Regina Klein. Chrystie st, e s, 75.5 s Broome st, 25x100. Subject to mor t . $11,000. Apr i l 27, 1 vear , 5 per cent; • 8,000

;NordDMiii, Frank, to Charles J Goaller./Green-:-,-.

430 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. April 29, 1882

wich av . P . M. Apri l 24, due May 1, 1887, instaUs. 2,000

O'Brien, Will iam C , to David A. Johnson, Newark, N. J . SOth st. P . M. AprU 25, due May 1 1887, instaUs, 5)4 per cent. 25,000

O'Connor, John W., to Timothy Donovan. 2d av. P . M. Apri l 26, 5 years, installs. 5,500

Ogden, Isaac C , to John E. Parsons. Wash­ington st, s e cor Laight st, 7.5x80. Apri l 15, due May 1, 1885. 1.7,000

Osborn, Frances M. K., to Alexander Buchan­an. 32dst . P . M . AprU 37, 3 years, 5 X per cent. 6,500

O'MeaUia, John, to T H E EraGRANT INDUS­TRIAL SAA'INGS B A N K , New York. 7th av, s w cor 25th st, 24.9x78.3. AprU 18, 1 ' y^ar. 8,000

Oppenheimer, Edward, and Isaac Metzger to Elizabeth H, Theal, extrx. R. Theal, S6th st, Lexington av. P. M. Apr. 24, 1 yr. 17,000

O'Reilly, Dominic, to George L. Ingraha'm. 134th St. P. M. AprU 30, due May 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 4,000

O'Rorke, Margaret A., Avife of Thomas, to Richard P. Betts, Newtown, L. I. &5th st, s s, 169 Av Av A, 25x103.3. April 25, 3 years, 5 per cent. 4,500

Phillips, Moss S., Brooklyn, to Mary P. Stoughton, Windsor, Vt. 57th st. P. M. April 34, due July 30, 1885. 8,000

PhUlips, Moss S., mortgagor, with Mary P. Stoughton. Agreement to reduce interest, also declaration as to validity of the lien, &c.

nom Price, Mary J., wife of and William M., to Ed­

ward T. Schenck et al., tnistees S. Wood, dec'd. 57th st, s s, 250 e Oth av. 25x100.5. AprU 24, 3 years, 5 per cent. 23,000

Peck, Cassius C , to THE MERCANTILE TRUST Co. 56th St. P. M. , AprU 26, 1 year. 3,000

Pasco, George E., to Susannah J. New. 126th St. P. M. AprU 25, due May 1, 1884, install. 1,500

Petri, Heinrich, to THE BANK FOR SAVINGS of City NeAV York. Grand st, n s, 75 w Suffolk st, 2. x100. April 27, 1 year, 5 per cent. 10,000

Reese, John O., to Fanny Sussmann. 53d st. P. M. April 26, 4 years, 5 per cent. 3,400

Rinaldo, Marks, to Newman Cowen. 57th st, s s, 1.50 e 2d av, 25x100.4. AprU 24, due May 1,1883. 8,000

Ruhl, Conrad, to CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK. Allen st, e s, 75 n Broome st, 24.9x87.6. April 4, 1 year. 10,000

Requa, Mary A., Avife of Elijah L., to Richard O'Gorman, Jr. 22d st, n s, 284 e Oth av, 25x 98.9. AprU 30, 2 years. 1,500

Requa. Mary A., wife of Ehjah L., to Clinton G. Baker and ano., exrs. and trustees. 22d st, n s, 284 e 6th av, 25x98.9. AprU 20, 5 years. 5,000

Robert, tYederick, to THE GREENWICH SAV­INGS BANK. 26th st, s s, 259.1 w Broadway, 25x98.9. April 20, due May 1, 1885, 4)4 per cent. 20,000

Schulhofer, Louise, to Simon M. Schulhofer. o5th st, s s, 256.3 e 2d av, 18.9x100. AprU 24, secures bond of indemnity.

Sims, George V., to Zelina M. JeweU. Lexing­ton av. P. M. AprU 25, due Oct. 1, 1882, 5 per cent. 5,000

Soper, Abram E., to Julius J. Lyons. Mulber­ry St. P. M. AprU 27, 3 years, 5 p. c. 8,000

Same to same. Mulberry st. P. M. April 37, lyear . 4,500

Stemme, John, to THE METKOPOLITAN SAV­INGS BANK, New York. Rivington st. P. M. AprU 26,1 year, 5 per cent. 22,000

Swim, Margaret, to Sargent. V. Bagley. exr. ' Mary Love. 31st st. No. 108 W. P. M. April 26, due May 1, 1883. 3,500

Springmeyer, Apjlonia, wife of and WiUiam H., mortgagors, with Margaretta Glasser. Agreement extending mort. and reducing interest. nom

Schmeising, Olga, wife of Carl, to Christine Yutte. 6th St. P. M. April 31, due July 5, 18&2, 5 per cent. 2,600

Schroeder. Mary E., wife of WiUiam H., to Ann Lacost. WiUis av. P. M. April 20, due May 1,1885. 4,300

Seebass, Therese M., Avife of Oscar, to Gideon Fountain. 64th st. P. M. April 23, 2 years. 10,000

Solomon, Maurice, to Mary E. and Rebecca R. Townley, exrs. Amanda G. Weeks. 130th St. P.M: AprU 19, 5 years. 6,000

Stem, Amelia, wife of Joseph, to Gustav P. Amthor, exr. C. Amthor. 80th st. P. M. AprU 21, due April 23, 1884, 5 per cent. 7,000

Sour, also caUed Sauer, Christian, mortgagor, with Francis Schneider. Agreement extend­ing mort. and reducing interest.

Stivers, Rufus M., to Leonard M. Thom. 31st St. P. M. AprU 20, due May 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 5,000

Schmidt, Franz, to Oswald Ottendorfer. 82d St. P. M. AprU 25, 1 year, 5 per cent. 3,000

Schmitt, Jacob, to Diedrich A. Heidgerd. 15th st. No. 314 E., 8 s, 167 e 3dav, 26x103.3. April 25, 5 years, 5 per cent. • . . . 12 000

Same to same. OOth st. P. M. April 25, 3 years, 5 per cent. 12,000

Scofleld, EUen, Avife of George, to Jordan L.

Mott and ano., exrs. J. L. Mott, dec'd; 138th St. P. M. Jan. 1, Syears. , 2,000

Silberstein, Morris, to Tni;' CONNECTICUT MUTUAL L I F E INS. Co., Hartford, Conn. Hester st, Eldridge st. P. M. April 19, 1 year, 5 per cent. 4,000

Stem, Johanna, to Ascher Meyer. 76th st, n s, 413 e 1st av, 25x144.11x25x148.10. AprU 24, 6 years. " 8,000

Stolts, Jonas, to Levi Silberman. 50th st. P . M . Peb. 13, due May 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 4,000

Sullivan, John, to George N. Manchester ahd WUliam N. PhUbrick. Olst st, n s, 125 w 3d av, 45x100.8. Apri l 35, 1 month . 1,500

Schroeder, Carl, to Antony Wallach. 51st ^t, n s, 278 e fith av . 21x100.5. Apr i l 23, due M a y 1, 1885^ 5 per cent. 15,000

Smith, F r a n k E., ahd H e n r y Ellis to Salomon Marx. A v C, s e cor i4 th st, 103.6x87. Apri l ' 25, demand. 1,'650

Stephens, Joseph, to T H E B R O A D W A Y S A V I N G S INST. 70th st. No. 161E., s s, 220.8 w 3d av, 19.9x100.-5. Apri l 25, 1 year, 5 per cent. 6,000

Stone, Elias, to Katie Gordon. 112th st, s s, 153.9 e 4th av, 17.1x100.11. AprU 25, instaUs, 5 per cent. 5,000

Sulzer, Clara, to John C. G. Hupfei. 2d av, e s, ex tdg from 126th to 127th st, ab t 200x450. Lease. Apri l 19, demand. 12,000

Tems, Christina M., to Will iam C. G. Wilson. 58th St. P . M . Apri l 26, 2 years. . 3', 000

Terwilleger, Cornelius R., to Rebecca Hopper. 157th st, n s, 200 w 10th av , 50x99.11. Api i l 26, lyear . 2,000

Tooker, Harriet E., wife of WiUiam T., to Thomas P. PoUard. 85th st, n s, 235.11 w Av A, 16.5x103.3. April 18, notes. 5,000

Treacy, Thomas P., to John H. Deane. Madi­son av, e s, 91 s 123d st, 18x100. April 24, . demand. ' 2,800

The New York City Church Extension and ' Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Chm-ch to Lewis Horton. Franklin st. P. M. April 24, 1 year. . 10,000

Tompkins, Warren P., to Franklin J. Wall. 134th st, s s, 206 e Alexander av, 50x100.* AprU 1, 6 months. 3,408

Taylor; Sarah S., wife of J. Manigault, of Gar­den City, L. L, to THE BANK FOR SAVINGS, City New York. 2d av, e s. 98.9 n 38th st, 58.5x110.3x12x100. AprU 21, 5 years, 5 • per cent. 18,000

Tefft, David C , to Hugh N. Camp. 80th st, n s, 375 w 1st av, 25x103.3. April 5, due Aug.

^8,1883. " ' 1 250 Thurston, Annie E., Avife of "Franklin A., to

John M. Pmkney. 126th st, n s, 335 e Sth av, 50x99.11. April 21, demand. 9,600

Treacy, Thomas P., to James M. Varnum and • Richard M. Harison. Madison av, e s, 91 s 133d st, 18x100. April 21, due May 1

^1885. 1.5,000 Tresch, John, to THE BROADWAY SAVINGS

INST. SOth st. P. M. AprU 15. 1 year. 3,000 Same to same. 50th st. P. M. April 15

lyear . - • 3 000 Same to same. 50th st. P. M. April 15 „ lyear . 3,000 Same to same. SOth st. P. M. April 15

lyear . S,6QO The Har lem Bridge, Morrisania & Fordham

Rai lway Co. to WUliam CauldweU. 3d av, w s, lot 64 map Morrisania, about )4 mile from Har lem River, &c., 175xl00xl2.5x—xSO xl04.7 ; also plot beginning a t intersection of lands of W. Cauldwell, M, Sagman et a l about 104.7 w 3d av, 34x125x30x135x4.7 April 18, 1 year. " g.OOO

Vesey, Ju l ia A., wife of John, to^Mary A. Avife of Henry Bodge. SSd st. P. M. AprU 27, 5 years; 5 per cent. 4 oOO

Webb, Z. Swift, to EUen D. wife Samuel E Mattison. 33d st. P . M. Apri l 17. due AprU 29,18S5. " 5,000

White, James W., et al.. trustees S. S. White dec'd, to Helen S. and Ida C. White. Broad­way, s w cor 9th st, 29.2xl3I.4x3Llxl23 : Broadway, w s, 29.2 s 9th st, 26.6xll9.7x 36.7x131.4. Leases. Jan. 23, due Dec. 17 1883. 20,600

Welsh, S. Charles, to George A. Barker et al., exrs. and trustees Geo. BeU. Macdougal st' 4th St. P. M. AprU 19, due May 1, 1885, 5 percent. 10,000

Westray, Anne, Avife of Fletcher, to Edwin K. Linen. 34th st, n s, .134 w Lexington av, 22.9 x98.9. 2d mort. AprU 21, 5 years. . 2,000

Same to Mary M. Lanier et al., exrs. in trust for Margt. L. Pumpelly. Same property. AprU 21, 5 years, 5 per cent. 20,000

Whisten, WiUiam, to Charles Coudert. 142d St. P.M. March 2?, due April 21, 1883,5

Wper cent. 500

edekind, Augustus C , to Joseph J. Little. Charles St. P .M. AprU 25, 2 years, instaUs., 5 per cent. . 5 600

Westermayr, Sophia, Avife of Edward, to Timothy Donovan. 114th st. P. M. April 25, 2 years. 5,550

Whateley, George B;, to Nicholas Cantor. -Lewis s t P. M. AprU 25, due''Mav 1. 1885. / 3,600

Wakeman, John, to Edward A. Morrison and ' ano., exrs. John Morrison, dec'd. 52d st, s s,

121.4 e 6th av, 18.8x100.5^23.3x100.5. April , 25, 1 year. 10,000,'

WaldrOn, Hugh, to THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL [". SAVINGS BANK. 116th st, n s , 344 w A v A, 23.6x100.10. A pril 36. lyear . 7,000

Whelan, Patrick, ' to T H E EMIGRANT INDUS--TRIAL SAVINGS B A N K 48th st. F. M. April 35, 1 yean ' 5,000,

IH» :


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building, 191 BroadyraVj comer of Dey


RINGS COPNTI. APRIL 31, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. " '

Alexander, Plummer, to Catharine Molloy./ Union av, Monroe st. P .M. April 13, in­staUs. $450

Ansley, Eliza. Avidow, to Martin F. Tunon. Dean st, s s,'80 e Bond st, 20x95, AprU 24, , 5 years, 5 per cent. 2,500;

Beasley, David to., to John Dixon, exiv Cajtha-., rine O'Brien. Tompkins av. P. M. Apnll^ 35,3 years. . :• 500

Boardman, Hemy, Westfield, .N. J., to Amelia C. Dailey. Bleecker st, n s, 90 w Hamburg av, 140x )4 block. AprU 17, 3 years. 2,100'.

BoUer, Charles, to Abi-aham UnderhiU. Varet ..-. St. P. M. AprU 13, 5 yeai-s. l.OOa

Bridges, Serena L , to Hannah W. wife of Rob­ert R.. Carpenter. Nassau st, w s, 1,125 n 1st st, 100x1.50, excepting theref rpin property con­veyed to city of Brooklyn for engine house.. AprU 30,due May 1,1885.. ;; 1,700

Brooks, Marqia W., Avifeof,George G., to Cath­arine M. Rapelye. Jeffereon st, n s, 175 e Patchen av, 43x300 to Putnam av. April 35, due May 1, 1885. "• 4,350

BuUough, WiUiam, to Maiy BuUough, widow. Bergen st, n s , 156.3 e Grand-avj 18i9xll6. April 18, 5 years, 5 per cent. , 3,000

Barnes, EUen L., Avife of ZuingliusF;, to The East Brooklyn Savings Bank. Pranklin av, e, s, 75 n WUloughby av, 25x100. : April. 20, lyear . . > ;- 2,S0O--

Bishop, James A., to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., NewYork. Carlton av. No. 180, s s, 185.11 • AV WUloughby av, 20x100. April 20, due Sept. 1, 1883. 3,500

Bock, Ferdinand, to Gerd Martens. Mt. Vemon. Pranklin st, n e cor Freeman st, 25x80. April 1, Syears. 6,000

BroAvn, Maria L., AA'ife of George W., to John Schaible, Staten Island. Sth av, s w cor Dean st, 20x73.4. April 19, S yeara, S p. c. 6,000

Barnswell, Margaret M., widow, Paul G. and and Thomas P. Barnswell, Ashea L. Wood, to Lemma Van Harlingen. Livingston st, s s, 39.4 w Boerum pl, 19x4S.6xl9.1x48.L April 23,3 years. 2,000

Brower, Rem L., to Joseph Robley. 17th st, n s, 300 w 4th av, 25x by abt 200 to Prospect av: 17th st, n s, 250 w 4th av, 50x100.2. AprU 24, due May 1, 188.5. 5,000

Brown, David H., to Seymour L. Husted, exr. and tmstee John A. Cross, dec'd. 4th st, e s, 61.4nSouth Sth st, 40x80; South 2dst, s s , 78.6 w Sth st, 25x96; South 2d st, s s, 103.6 w Sth st, .25x100. April 20, due May 1,1885, 5 percent. 20,000

Bang, Emil, to Archibald K. Meserole. Clay st, s s, 405 w Manhattan av, 25x100. Apiil 36, 5 years. 1,500

Conweil, Margaret, Avife of Francis, to John Brennan. 89th st, s w s, 110 s e 3d av, 75x 84.8x70.9x68.7. April 25, 1 year. 250

Canavan, Bridget, wife of Thomas, Susquehan­na, Pa., to William M. Tebo. 2dpl, s s, 75 e Court st, 25x133.5; 3d pl, n s, 50 e Court st, SO X133.5. April 20, 3 years. 8,000

Conklin, Harriet T., wife of Joseph W., to The • Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York. Madison st. No. 204, s s, 100.3 w, Nostrand av, 20x100. .

. 2d mort. April 22, due Sept. 1,1883. 1,000 Cadmus, Howard, to Jessie Tough. .Putnam .

av, s s, 90 w Marcy av, 17.4x100. AprU 23, 4 years. S per cent. •••; ; .• 2,500

Colell, Phillipina, wife of Hennann, to Louis Dentz, guard. Bertha Dentz. Georgia av, w s, 275 s Liberty av, runs west 100 x south 80 X east 20 x north 38.9x east 80 to Georgia av, X north 41.3. April 19, installs. 1,.500 -

Corbin, Maria L., wife of Job, to Annie E. StoUer. McDonough st, s w cor Lewis av, 20 xlOO. April 18, 3 years, 5 per cent. 4,500

Cox, Mary, wife of Timothy, to James D. Lynch. Columbia st. P. M. AprU 17, 1 year. ,1,500

Cashow, Alexander, to CaroUne Pardee!, Jersey . City. SSthst, eSi 450 n 2d av, 25x100.3. Apnl • 25, 3 years. 1,600

Cregier, John, to Detlef F. Bauer. Greene av, n s, 180 w Sumner av, 20x100. April 7, due

. April 10,1885. 3,000 piarke, Henry L., to Henry Elliott,, trt^tee 1 Joseph T. Whitehouse, dec'd. - Sackett-^t, n

s, 199.5 6 Hicks' st, 20x100. " ApfUlr,~3 years." Spercent. 4,000

Same to, same. Sackett st, n s, 319.5 e Hicks st, 20x100. Apiil 17, 3 years, 5 per cent. 4 000

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORIX 431

Same to same. Sackett st, n s, 239.5 e Hicks st, 20x100. April 17, 3 yeai-s, 5 per cent. 4,000

Davis, Mary, wife of John, to Henry Chute. Schei-merhorn st. P. M. AprU 27, due May 1, 1885, 5 per cent. 2,000

Dittrick, George, to John Haslocher. Varet st, s s, 150 e Graham av, 25x100; Varet st, n s, 125 e Graham av, 16.9x100. April 26, due April 1, 1885. 4,000

De Lacy, WiUiam, to Cornelia Covert, widow. Leanest P .M. AprU 2-5,1 year. 2,500

De Leon, Margaret J., to Eliza R. wife of Cal­vin C. Kelsey. Willoughby av, s s, 3?5 w Tompkins av, 25x100. AprU 24, due May 1, 1887. 3,000

Durst, William, to James S. Barclay, tmstee Ehza B. HoweU, dec'd. T\ illoughby av. April 24, 2 yeare. 1,000

Drake, Theodore A., to John N. Eitel. Pacific St. P. M. April 3, 3 yeai-s. 2,000

Dickie, Edward P., to The Irving Savings Inst., New..York. Schermerhorn st, s s, 75 e Hoyt st, 16:8x100. »April 24. 1 year, S.per cent. 5,000

DonneUon, EUa L., wife ol Cornelius E., to Maria E. Badeau et al., exrs. and trustees

...,, Nathaniel NUes..., President st. P. M. March 15, 2 years, 5 per cent. 5,000

Palco; Louisa E., Avife of Joseph, to Roswell Eldridge, as Town Treasurer of town of Hempstead, L. I. Carlton av, e s, 124 s Pros­pect pl, 19x80. April 26, due May 1, 1885, S per cent. - 4,000

Frost, Oakley, to Grinnell, Mintum & Co. Withers st, s s, 150 e Leonard st, 25x100. AprU 15. 500

Furgueson, Cornelius. Jr., to Isabella D. wife of Frederick B. Furneil. 19th av, n w s, 138 • n e Bath av, 25x80x25x78.9. April 18, 3 years. 150

Plamer, John, to Jeannette A. Haydock. Dean st, n s, 400 e Albany av, 40x107.2. AprU 21, due June 1, 1887. 200

Gustin, Mary S., Avife of Horatio N., to John Dicks. Patchen av, e s, 80 s Monroe st, 20 80. July 15, 1879, 2 years, 7 per cent. 500

Goodrich, WiUiam W., to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York. Atlantic av. No. 391, n s, 79 w Bond st, 21x80. April 31, due September 1,1883. , 3,500

Granniss, Robert A., to Mary S. Wadsworth. Willow st, n w s, 90.3 s Clark st, 24.9x 100x25.2x100. AprU 25, due May 1, 1883, 5 percent. 8,000

Hegeman, Joseph Jr., to Nicholas L. Duryea and aho., exi-s. Michael S. Duryea, dec'd. East New Y,ork av, n s, 381.10 e WiUiams pl, 125xl03.6x—xl68. AprU 25, due May 1, 18&5. - 1,600

Hovey, EUza S., widow, to The German Sav­ings Bank, Brooklyn. Quincy st, h s, 300 w Tompkins av, 20x100. April 25, due June 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 2,000

Hyde, Richard, to Louis C. Behman. Division st, n wcor Bedford st, 100x112x89x100. March 23, Syears. 3,000

Same to same. Gold st, e s-, 263 s WUloughby st, 2.5x85x24.3x85. March 33, 5 years. 4,000

Hart, Dennis, to Jane wife of Rodney P. Lu Gar, NeAV RocheUe. Grove st. P. M. April 12, 3 years. . 130

Hendricks, Prances, wife of WiUiam, to Pran­cis McEvoy. PoAvers St. P. M. April 20, Syears. 1,000

Herod. Josephine, to Florence R. Hayes. Pros­pect pl, n s, 116.8 w Albany av, 16.8x137.9. AprU 31, 3 yeai-s. l.OOO

Homiston, Carrie J.,- widow, to John Reis. Sands st, s e cor Jay st, 25.10x103.3.- April 21, 5 years. 5,000

HoAvard, James, to Peter Mallon. 4th pl, n s, 200 w Court st, 20x100. AprU 21, due tn April, 1887, 5 per cent. 4,500

Hobron, Benjamin F., to Mary H. wife of . Carll H. De SUver. 3d st. P. M. April 24, 3 years, S per cent. 3,000

Same property. 3d st. P. M. April 34, 10 • years, Sper cent. 10,000 Irvine, William, to The Germania Savings

Bank. Kings Co. Sth av, s e cor 8th st, 20x -SO. AprU 24, lyea r . 4,500

Same to same. Sth av, e s, 20 s Sth st, 20x80. April 24, 1 year. \ 3,500

Joy, Caroline L., wife of Wm. A., to Silas Ludlam. ^ Verona pL P. M. April 20, due May 1, 1883, .5 per cent. 4.000

Same to Thomas B.Jackson. Verona pl. P. M. April 20, due May 1, 1883. SOO

Joyce, Peter, to Jane wife of Rodney P. Lu Gar, New Rochelle. Grove st. P. M. April 12, 3 years. IpO

Jaeck, GottUeb P., to Konrad Kratzer. Hum­boldt st, w s, 75 n Montrose av, 25x100. March 31, 2 years, S per cent. 1,800

Jarvis, Eliza A., widow, to Barbara Seibold. South Sth st, n s, 125 w l l th st, 25x100. April 24, due May 1.1887. 1,600

Johnston, WUliam, to Samuel M. Meeker, exr. Wm. Broistedt. Bond st, e s, 100 n Living­ston st, 50x100. April 26, 1 year. 2,500

Kertz, or Hertz, John, to Jacob Strauss. •Moore st, s s, 125 w Humboldt st, 25x100. April 22, 3 years. 400

Knapp, Fanny, to Henry Rauch. Throop av, e' s, 20 s Whipple st, 20x71.2. AprU 1, 3 years, 5 per cent 800

Kirby, James H., to Hemy J. Schenck, as trus­tee Virginia W. Burleigh. Sands st, Wash­ington St. P. M. April 23, due April 24, 1883, 5 per cent. 16,000

Kehrwieder, Marie, wife of John C , to Francis Miller. Atlantic av, n s, 75 e Wyckoff av, rmis north 107.6 x east 25 x north 25 x east 100 to Butler st, x south 25 x Avest 25 x south 109 to Atlantic av, x west 100. April 1, 5 years. 7,000

Kelly, Ann, to George L. Pox. North 4th st. P. M. April 25, due May 1, 1885. 1,000

Klauberg, Carl, Jr., to The Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn^ Prince st, w s, 220 s Wil­loughby st, 23x85. AprU 37, 1 year. 1,000

Lewis, Mary v . , wife of Henry M., to James Affleck and ano., exrs. Charles Barlow, dec'd. Remsen st, n s, 178.8 w Court st, 21.4x100. April 22, due May 1, 1885, 5 per cent. ' 5,000

Le Maire, John, to The WiUiamsburgh Savings Bank, Wythe av. P. M. AprU 22, 1 yr. 2,500

Liebmann, Louis and Harman, to Lewis D. Mason and ano., exrs. and trastees Theodoi-e L. Mason, dec'd. Washington st, s e cor Tillary st, runs south along Washhigton st 79.3 xeast 67.5 X south 9.8 xeast 43.10 x north 95.4 to TiUary st, x Avest in tAvo courses 108.6. April* 19, 2 years, 5 per cent. 15,000

Same to Lewis.D. Mason. Washington st, e s, 197 n Johnson st, 23x120. April 19, 2 years, 5 per cent. 5,000

Lane, Katharine M., to Edward C. Jones, New Britain, Conn. Bleecker st, easterly cor Irving av. 190x100. April 19,1 year. 500

Levy, Philip, to Samuel M. Meeker, exr. Wil­Uam Wall, dec'd. Broadway, Elm st. P. M. AprU 20, 3 years. 7,000

Loffler, Anna C , wife of Charles, to Maria Maudery. Beaver st, westerley cor Locust st, 20x91.6. April 24, installs. 2,400

Landsiedel, Frederick, to Marvin Cross, Sher­lock Austin and John H. Ireland. Bush­wick av, Boerum st. P. M. April 26, due May 1, 18&5. 300

Linikin, Benjamin, to Mary J. Williams. Lefferts pl. P. M. April 37, due Jan. 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 10,000

Loeffler, Henry, to Julia Lang:. Stockton st, n s, 150 e Throop av, ,20x100. Mai'ch 18, 5 years. • 1,800

" Meehan, John, to Jacob Roos. Magnolia st. s s, 175 e Central av, 16.8x100. April 25, 5 years, 5)4 per cent. 1,200

Same to same. Magnolia st, s s, 191.8 e Central av, 16.8x100. April 25, 5 yrs., 5)4 per ct. 1,200

Mallon, Peter, to James Woods. 3d pl, s s, 84 e Clinton st, 93x100. April 20, 3 years, 5 per cent. .3,000

McGovern, Ellen M.. wife of Peter, to Andrew McKee. Leonard st. P. M. April 19. 5 years. ' 500

Macfarlan, Daniel T., to WUliam H. Wells. Jefferson st, n s, 39S e Tompkins av, 100x100. March 30, 1 month. 7,200

Same to same. Jefferson st, n s, 195 e Tomp­kins av, 100x100. March 30, 1 month. 7,300

Same to same. Jefferson st, n s, 195 e Tomp­kins av, 200x100. March 30, 1 month. 28,500

McAvoy, Thomas, to The Greenpoint Savings Bank. Greene st, s s, 300 e Manhattan av, 35x100. AprU 23, 1 year. 1,000

McClean, Patrick, to Josiah H. Post Prospect St. P. M. April 33, due May 1, 1887. 1,000

McGuigan, James, to Lucas E. Schoonmaker, Hiram Schoonmaker, Jr., and Chester H. Davis. Smith av. P. M. April 19, due April 22 1884. .• • 1,000

Moon, John, to The Dry Dock Savings Inst. Hancock st. No. 93, n s, 390 e Bedford av, 20 XlOO. April 26 1 year, 5 per.cent. . 3,500

Morrell, Francis v., to Francis V. MorreU, Jr. Ross st, n s, 190 w Bedford av, 20x100. June 3, 1878, 6 months, 7 per cent. " 275

McMahon, Francis J., to Henry N. Curtis and ano., exrs. Francis A. Armstrong. Monroe st, n s, 435 w Nostrand av, 30x100. April 15, 3 years. 6,000

Same to same. Monroe st, n s, 445 w Nostrand av, 20x100. April 15, 3 years. 6,000

Same to same. Monroe st, n s, 465 w Nostrand av, 20x100. AprU 15,3 years. 6,000

Same to same. Monroe st, n s, 485 w Nostrand av, 30x100. AprU 15, 3 years. 6,000

Same to same. Monroe st, n s, 505 w Nostrand av, 30x100. AprU 15, 3 years. 6,0C0

Moore, John M., to Mary Doyle. Eldert av. P.M. AprU 20, 3 years. 1,400

Muller, John H. C , to August F. H. Muller. Brookljrn and Jamaica Plank road, s s, 95 w WUliams pl, 23x94.8x23.5x90.1. April 1, 3

' years. 14,000 Munchon, Julia, wife of John, to John H.

Livingston, Longlsland City. Eckford st, e s, 425 n Calyer st, 25x152.6x25x150.3. AprU 21, due Nov. 1,1882. 500

Nelson, Emily N., wife of WiUiam, to Charles H. Reynolds. Sumpter st. P. M. April 11, 1 year. 400

Noll, Conrad, to Frederick Hackmann. Atlan­tic av. n s, 181.5 w Rochester av, runs west 43.7 X north 99.1 x east 17.1 to Himter Ply road, X southeast to beginning. AprU 35, due May l , 1887. 1,500

Ormiston, Robert, to Emma H. wife of Hemy

W. Bartlett. South EUiott pl. P. M. AprU 36, 3 years. 6,500

Ohlsen, Henry D., to Mary B. Van Tuyl. Cumberland st, e s, 435.7 s Park av, 16.8x100. April 24, due May 1, 1885. 2,500

Osborne, Harriet C , to James H. Watson and James H. Pittinger. Fort Hamilton av, e s, adj. land P. Cowenhoven, contains about 1 58-100 acres. April 20, due Aug. 1, 1882. 193

Perry, Emereon W., to John Ross. Atlantic av, s w cor Utica av, 389.3x317.3 to Pacific st, X 304.5x200; Utica av, s e cor Pacific st, 314.5 to Deane st, x 200. April 26, 4 months. 20,000

Pearce, Henry O., to WiUiam H. Kissam, Greenfield HUl, Conn. WiUoughby av, n s, 260 w Marcy av, 20x100. April 21, 3 years, 5 per cent. . 6,000

Paterson, James N., to Frederick Sauerbrum. Broadway, Lawton St. P. M. AprU 24, 1 year. 400

Prendergast, Mary A , Avifeof James W., to Hosea Webster. Atlantic av, s w cor Hicks st, 19.10x60x20.2x60. April 24, 3 years, 5 percent. 5,000

Roberts, Nannie B., to Mary G. Burt. Strong pl. P. M. AprU 20, due May 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 4, .500

Russell, Susanna E. C , wife of Walter C , to Cornelius S. Stryker, Gravesend. Hancock st, s s, 430 e Bedford av, 20x100. April 17, due May 1, 1884. 5,000

Ryan, Daniel, to Joseph P. Darling, Flushing. 3d av. P, M. April 1, 1 year. 1,500

Reynolds, Charles H., to Abram Cooke. Grand st, s s, at intei-section centre line Gardner av, runs east 305 x south 95 x Avest 75 x south 127.6 to centre line Maujer st, x west 230. April 21, 3 years. ' 3,.50O

Reif, David, to Henry Lowenstein. Magnolia ' St. n w s , 100 s w Wyckoff av, 20x107. April

24, due April 1,1887. 2,000 Roulston, Jennie D., wife of Robert A., to

Johu S. WUliamson. Sth st. P. M. April 26, 3 years. l,5fM)

Saddington, Thomas B., to JohnF. Saddington. Penn st, n s, 289.2 w -Marcy av, 44.2x100. April 20, due July 1,1885. 2,900

Scholerb, Theodore, to Alexander McCue and ano., exrs. Edward Harvey, dec'd. Henry st, s e cor Orange st, 21x78x41.1x80.2. April 27, due May 1, 1882, 5 per cent 6,000

Schwartz, William, to Jane A. McDonald and ano., exrs. T. McDonald. India st. See Conveys. April 27, 3 years. 3,000

Sedgwick Charles, to Jane L. Avife of Henry T. Satterlee, New Hamburg, N. Y. St. Marks av. P. M. April 26, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Same to same. St. Marks av. P. M. April 26, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Same to same. S t Marks av. P. M. AprU 26, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Same to same. St. Marks av. P. M. AprU 26, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Spencer, John B., to Margaretta A. Jones. 6th av, n w cor CanoU st, 20x70. April 25, 3 years. 8,000

Same to same. 6th av, w s, 20 n Carroll st, 20x 70. April 25, 3 years. 7,000

Staats, Jane E., to Mary A. Raymond. St. Felix st, s e cor Lafayette av, 16x8,5. April 37, dueMay 1,1885. 3,000

Smith, Ann B., wife of Charles G., to Mary A. and Ada J. LUlie. WUloughby av. P. M. April 15, due AprU 1,1887. 6,000

Sedgwick, Charles, to George M. Chapman. S t Marks av. P. M. April 20, 6 months. 2.000

Same to same. St. Marks av. P. M. April 20, 6 months. 2,000

Shea, Margaret, to Anne Porgan. Summit st, s s, 107.6 e Hicks st, mns south 100 x east 17.6 X north SO x east 0.6 x north 50 to Sum­mit st, X west 18. April 26, 1 year, 5 p. c. 3,230

Schnurr, Hannah, Avife of William, to John Layton. 3d s t P.M. Apr. 20, installs. 5.50

Schumann, Theresia, Avife of Prank, to Bern-hard Haussner. Montrose av, s s, 100 e Lor­imer st, 2.5x100. AprU 19, due AprU 1, 1887. 3,500

Sedgwick, Charles, to Jane L., wife of Henry Y. Satterlee. New Hamburg, N. • Y. St. Marks pi. P. M. April 20, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Same to AUeine Lee. St. Marks pL P. M. April 20, due May 1, 1885. 4,000

Smith, Annie L., wife of Joseph J., to Cor­nelius B. Payne. High st. P. M. April 30, 1 year, 5 per cent. 200

Stead, JaTfies C , to Elizabeth B. Archer, Jamaica. Kent s t P. M. April 22, 3 years. ' 900

Stocker, Frederick, to John C. H. Trost. Dean st, s s, 193.4 w Sth av, 20x100. April 21, de­mand. 4,500

Scholes, Henry B., to The WiUiamsburg Sav­ings Bank, Rodney st, s e s , 228.5 s w Bed­ford av, 16.9x100. AprU 5, 1 yr, 5 p. e. 4,000

Sone, Louis V., to Thomas and Prances A. Flem­ing, exrs. Francis C. Fleming, dec'd. Nassau Canal, dock line Newtown Creek, Leyden st and Paidge av, the block, 383x200x378x200; Nassau Canal, Paidge av, Hamburg st and Japan alley, the block, 465x206.2x371.2x176.3; Nassau Canal, Japan aUey, fcfamburg st and Greenpoint av, the block, 428.Sxl76.3x369.10x 185.7; Greenpoint av, Hamburg st, Japan

4§2 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29, 1882

aUey and Kingsland av, the block, 18.5.7x :^43.3xl76.3xi94.8; Paidge av, .Kingsland av, J a p a n al ley and H a m b u r g st. the block, 2Cte,4x241xl76 .Sx342.5: PaiHge av, Leyden st, dock line NcAvtown Creek and Er ie dock, the block. 200x37.5x20 •x344: also, all t i t le to streets and avenues, and land under wa te r in Newtown Creek. See Conveys. AprU 22, 1 year , 5 per cent. 40,000

Swan . Ellen J . , to Frederick M. Mixter. P a y -mond st, w s, 288.3 n Fulton st, 20x100.6. Apr i l 24, due M a y 1, 188.5. 4,000

The Rector. &c , St. John 's Church, Brook­lyn, to The Bowery Savings Bank. S t John ' s pl, n s. KKi w 7th av, 13.5..5x'00. Apri l 15, 1 year , 5 per c e n t KO.oOO

Thoering, Johanna , to Mary Kaiser. F loyd st, n s, 441 e Marcy av , 22x100. Apr i l 18. 5 years . 1,000

Thompson, Caroline O., wife of Samuel L , to J e a n n e t t a A. Haydock. Dean st, n s, 480 e Albany av, 20x107.2. Apr i l 21, due J u n e 1, 1887. 300

The Van B m n t St ree t & Er ie Basin Rai l road Co. to E d m u n d R. Terry , in t rust . Roll ing stock, furni ture , franchises. &c. . of the Van Brun t St. & Er ie Basin Railroad Co. AprU " 1, 5 years . Secures 25 bonds of $1,000 each. 25,000

Taylor , Edward W. , to Elizabeth Swackhamer . Dean s t P . M. Apr i l 26, due March 1. 188.5. 1,.500

Van Cleaf, David, Chicago, 111., t o J o n a t h a n M. Barkley. S u m m i t st, e s, 125 s Conover s t i'5x.50x2.5.0x.5.5.L AprU 21, due AprU 1, 1883. ,500

Wardel l , Eliza C . to Freder ick Cobb. Rapelye s t P . M . Apr i l 21, installs. 1.50

Wardel l , El la L.. to Wil l iam Ziegler, Van - Buren s t P . M . AprU 20, installs. 1.000

W e y . Jcseph J . , to WiUiam H. MarshaU. • Eckford s t P . M, Apr i l 22, dne May 1,

1887. 1,500 Whitlock, Har r i e t S.. MiddletOAvn, N. Y . . to

Thomas W . Conklin. J a v st, e s, 100 n Myrt le av, 2.5x107.6. Apri l 20, due Apr i l 24, 18S5, 5 per cent. 3,000

Will iamson, Albert , J r . , to Pa t r i ck P. O'Brien Hewes s t P. M. April 21. 3 y rs , 5 p. c. 3,.550

WiddoAvs, Har r i e t J . , to Adriiin M. Suydam Pa lmet to st. P. M. AprU 13, 5 years . 1,600

Wolf. Babetta, to Richard G. Phelps e t al., exi-s. John M. Phelps, dec'd. Wa l l st. P . M. AprU 8, due AprU 1.5, 1887,'5 p. c. 1,000


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building. 191 BroadAvay, corner of Dey




A P R I L 21 ST TO 2 7 T H — I N C L U S I V E .

Anrich, Emanuel L., to Townsend, D y e t t & Emptein. 2-13 p a r t of m o r t

Austin, Wil l iam H., Now Bnmswick, N. .T.. to The German Savings bank . New York. $3,000

Same to.same. 3,000 Beyer, George H., to Christ ian F r i e d m a n . 3,000 Bogert , H e n r y A. e t al. , exi-s. J L. Bogert,

to Phebe PearsaU, t rus tee M a r y Brad-h u r s t consid. omit ted

Same to same. consid. omit ted Bronson, WiUett , Hunt ing ton , L. I. , to

George H Grannis , Brooklyn 20,000 Cahn. Wilhelmina, Avidow, to Oscar Gold­

smith. 7,083 Cowen, Louis, to Phil ip B o h n e t 1,289 Crosby, Darins G , to J o h n E. Lockwood,

of Long Island. 3,000 Crombie, Thomas J , to Randolph Guggen­

heimer and Betche Marx . 6,000 Deane, John H., to The Amer ican Bapt is t

Home Mission Soc. 10,000 Same to same. 10,000 Same to same. 10,000 Same to Samuel S. Constant. 6,000 Same to same. 5,000 Same to same 1,000 Deane. Bertha A., to Wil l iam Whaley . 1,012 Einstein, Benjamin P. , to R a n d o l p h " W .

ToAvnsend and Anthony R. Dyet t , jo in t ly and severally. AU title.

Fear ing. Hen ry S , et al . . tnis tees A m y R. SheldoTi, lo George L. Kingsland et aL, exrs. A. C. Kingsland. 60,000

Guggenheimer, Eliza, t o Amelia E . Louis, admrx . A. Louis. 8,500

Same to same. 8,000 Goldner, Adolph, to George Steinbrecher. 3,500 Same to Jacob Schlosser. 4,000 Haven , .Tohn, t o J o h n M, Hopkins a n d ano. ,

t rustees. 1,504

Holly, H e n r y H. , and ano. . exrs. A. Voor­his, to Thomas J . Hoghta l ing.

Same to Benjamin C. WandeU. Kleem, John , to Thomas H. Rctdman a n d

ano., exrs . , &c., A. Mann, J r . Libbey, Jonas M., to Ber tha wife of J o h n

B Smith . Libbey, WiUiam, to Ber tha wife of J o h n B.

Sniith. Louis, Alexander , t o Eliza Guggenheimer. Mayer," Rosa, to E m m a Newhouse. Newton, Charles H., to Lizzie M. Sproul. Ormiston, Thomas S , to Charles A . Runk . Palmer , Francis A. , to Louis J . Fooler,

Goshen, N. Y . P u r d y , Samuel M., to Abbie E. Wille. Pelz, Joseph, to Augus t Hassey. Ritchie, Cathar ine , to Mary E. Jones. Schuchmann; J o h n P . , to Es the r B. Shel­

don, F o r t Ann, N. Y . Smith, Ber tha , Avife of J o h n B., to Frede­

r ick Heerlein. Smith, John A., to Robbins BatteU. Swasey, J o h n B. . J r . , to Ju l ius PoUock. Sat ter lee, J a n e L. wife of Henry , of New

Hamburgh , N. Y. , lo Emi ly V. wife of Clai-ence Sat ter lee, of same place.

Smi th . Edward , to Rober t Reiners. Tobias, Louis and ano. , exrs . J o h n P rage r ,

to J a c o b Friedlander , Townsend, A m y ( ' . . . t o Mary A. Townsend

and ano. , exrs. I. Townsend. The Bank for Savings, City New York , to

The New Y o r k Dispensary. The N e w . Y o r k Life Ins. and T m s t Co.,

admrs. of J o h n Carey, dec'd, t o M a r y P. Stoughton, of Windsor , Vt.

The Relief F i re Ins. Co. to E b e m z e r Wil l -son; trustee.

Walker , Stephen A., to A n n H. P a r m l y e t al., exrs . J . Pa rmly , dec'd.

Wandel l , Benjamin C . to Moses B. Abra ­ham.

Whaley . Will iam, to Ber tha A. Deane. Same to same. Same to J o b n H. Deane. Whi t in , LeAvis P . , Richmond County . N.

Y. , to Wil l iam P. Morgan, t rus tee of E lbe R. Morgan.

Whit lock, Daniel B., exr . A. Whi t lock, to Pamel ia W. Whitlook.

4,0C0 1,000



nom 5,2.50

600 18 375 2,057


2.500 6,000


nom n o m


2,000 7.000







1,000 1,6.51 1,417 1,012




offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey




A P R I L 21ST TO 2 7 T H — I N C L U S I V E .

Adler. Elizabeth, to The Nor th Amer i can Relief Society for the Indigent J e w s in Jerusa lem Palestine.

Archer , George A. , exr . Geo. B. Archer , dec'd, to Rebecca A. Smal ley .

Auld, Robert , t o John Sinclair. Backus, J . T., Schenectady, N. Y . , to Ju l i a

E . Cameron. Bavlis, David B., to J a m e s Beveridge. Behman. Louis C , to Alfred Thompson,

Cambridge, Mass. Same to same. Same to same. Boerum, F . Rapelje, t o Hosea O. Pearce . Clement, Nathanie l H., to Nathanie l H,

C lemen t commit tee Marga re t Kearns . Cutt ing, WiUiam, exr . Pranc is B. Cut t ing ,

dec'd, t o J a m e s Lam oat. Cropsey, James , and ano. , exrs . G. W .

Cropsev, dec'd. to J a n e E. Cropsey. Same to same. Same to same. Same to same. Same to same. Same to same. Same to same. Same to same. Same to H a r m o n W. Cropsey. Same to same. Same to Jaimes Cropsey. Same to M a r y J . Van Cleef. Dutcher, Andrew, to Lewis Rushmore. Floyd, David V a n H. , admr . Rosamond M

Floyd, dec'd, to David Van H Floyd Green, Lyd ia P. , to George H. Stone. Har tw ig , Mary , a d m r x . Augus t H a r t w i g ,

to EUis S. Yates . ^ ' Lott , J o h n E. , to Ann Barre . O'Rourke, J o h n H., to David F i th ian . Porterfield, Robert , and ano. , exrs . Allen

Alexander, dec'd, t o Samuel R. Jackson Plainfield, N. J .

Soper, Lot t ie A , to Eras tus D. Bened ic t Swan, EUen J . , t o The Treasurer of the

P lymou th Memorial F u n d Soc. Schumann, Christian, t o LiUie M.'Miller. S t e m , Joseph, to Freder ick W. Von Stade

a n d anOi, t rustees S. B. H . J u d a h , dec'd.


1,000 500

1,000 5,000

nom nom nom 6,000



2,.500 1,200

600 500

1,000 300

1,000 1,500 2,500

SOO 1,000 4,500


nom 19,e00

nom 800


12,500 350

7,000 2,500


We.st, Wi l l i am H. , t o Be r in tha Hea ly a n d E m m a A. Wes t • 4,000

Wiekes, Wi l l i am W., to The Eas t R ive r Savings Inst . 20,1.35

Whi te , Joseph J. , to Wil l iam R. Siney. 2,500 WiUiams, A n n a G., to M a r y J ; MaUoh. 301


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey


CHATTELS. NOTE.—The'first name, r,lphab*etically arranged, is

that of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mort­gage. Tlie "'R" means Renewal Mortgage.



SALOON MXTURBS. Aaron. Henrietta. 78 Eldridge Mary Stein. : Benjamm, M. 199 Bo«ery S. P. Humphrey. Brady. « . H." 118 Wall.. . .Helen J Brady. Brennan, M.; 18 Grand J. Brennan. (R) Banmann, M. 191 E. Houston S. Liebmann's

Sons. Burke. J. and Mary L. C6 Delancey R. Cope-

land. BultT, G., and H. Botjer. 1641 Broadway.. . .J.

Diftz , Bendel, C. 306 Broome.. . . C. Gysin. Canvein, Jos»>plnne. 908 2d av H. Clausen (R) Carroll. J . 223 .Id av . . . J . Fenry. Cohn. M. and Lena. 36 East Broadway Jen­

nie Cohn. (R) Dion. J. 6(1.5 6th av Brunswick & Balke Co. IR) Dykstra. T. 247 Tth av. . . A. Hupfel's Sons. Fackler. F. X. 12.18 2d av . . . .M. Metzger. Funking. E. 132 Frsnlilin .. H. Krey. Gallo, Francesco. 101 W. 27th.. . .W. H. Giif-

fith&Co. Pool Table. Gans, S. 190 Elizabeth . J . Raber. Gaydoul. A. 581 E. 12th... L. W. Steinmelz. Gobber, F. 92 9ih av . . . . J. N Meyer. Gromns, A. 428 E. 5th . . . . Bernheimer & Schmid. Ginsburg, B. 356 Bowery.. ..Hirsch & Her •

mann. ( R ) Gross, C. L. 88 Sheriff... .J. Eichler. Guedere. J. 275 W. 38th... J. Dore. Harjresheinner, C 65 Norfolk C. Goetz. Hanff; C 2I0E. ad ...M. Weinfeld. (R) Heiles, F.. Jr . 6 Stuyvesant . . .G Ehret. (R) Herrick, J . J. 201 Chatham sq G. Ringler &

Co. Herr. L 33 S*anton . . .H . Breunich. (R) Himker, P. 341 5ih .T. & M. Haffen. Jfflnger. C. 107 Hester . . . A. Herrmann. Jacoiisen. H. A. 137th s t and 4lh a v . . . . W . H.

Griffith & Co. Pool Table. Koenig, Florian. 1785 3d av . . . Bernheimer &

Schmid. Kramer. C. .300 Greenwich... J . Eichler. Kuehler, W. P. a5 J a y . . . . J . Eichler. Murphy C. 33 Oliver.... H. Elias. Maack, W. 1381 Broadway... J . &L F. Kuntz. McCormick, J. fi05 I s t av . . P. F. Noonan Merklinger, T & B. Willis av. north of 145th

st L. Merklinger. Mohlmann, W. 90 6th av . . . J . Hoffmann. Mooney, J. 347 Bleecker... T C. Lyman & Co. Mulligan. L. 1.32 Broad. . . . J. H. Kiems. Mackenzie. May H. 195 Chambers . . . . ? . W.

Engs & Sons. McCord. D. 3d av and :44th....Bernheimer &

Schmid. McCormack, J. 605 1st av . . . .W. H. Griffith &

Co. Pool Table. McVitty, A. 740 I s t a v . . . . W . H . Griffith & Co.

Pool Table. Neuffer. P . 650 E. 16th... Hh^ch & Schwarz­

kopf. Novoting. J. 212 E. 8d.. . Hirsch & Hermann. Obright, S. 1642 3d a v . . . . Bruns wick & Balke

Co. Pool Table. Ohrt. G. 12 Vandewater.. . G. Bechtel. Probst, J . 189 Eldridge.. . .S. Liebmann's Sons. Reis. J . 143 E. 8th.....T. J . Jones and ano.,

exrs. Schneider, C. 7 2d av . . . .C . S c h d d t . Schultz. F.. and R. Mairhofer. 435 6th aT. . . .G.

Ringler & Co. Schneider,? 9 City Hall pl and 26 Duane . . . .

P. & W. Ebling. Strobel, F . 68 Chrystie . . . J . H. Berenter. Pool

Table. Schmidt, C. 86 Attorney. . . . J . & M. Haffen, J r Vines, Eleazer. 20 Av C. . . .W. Sohn's Estate.

(B) Wild, J . 193 2d. . . . Bernheimer & Schmid. Wicht. H. Manhattan st and 12th a r . . . . J . B.

Radley. Woodward, J. H. 118 Christopher... .Mary A.

Woodward. Westemian, S. 74 Suffolk....M. AUemann. Zuch er. L. 165 E. 4 th . . . . H. Schalk.


Acker, W. J. 113 Macdougal....Herschmann & Vanges.

Arnold, B. T. I l l , 13 and 115 E. 14th... Eliza F . and Julia L. Arnold. (R)

Adams. Bella G. 124Hester....Herschmann & Manges. (R)

Amidon. F . H. 220 and 222 5th aT . . , . J , Webb. Bi-rnstein, M. €6 E. 12th... .Emma Goldstein. Biomberff, C. W. 116 W. SOth... .T. K«lly.

$200 300

1,600 1,500



500 150 800


34 1(15 100 500

225 l O i l

132 600 150

mo 386

60 150 300


1,000 120 750 300


300 .500

1,200 400 160 400

150 300 250 600





30 250

200 1,000 138

SOO 150



225 250

160 250


800 250




227 6.500

100 190

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 483

fiuhlmeyer, G. 44 W . 2 8 t h . . . . W . S. L o u d e r b a c h . , J . H a y s a n d E . St . J o h n H a y s (R) 7,50

B a r n e t t , Mary . 31 W. aoth .. F . D. K n a p p . 1,000 B e n n e t t , Maggie . 210 E . 1 1 6 t h . . . . Q . F e n n e l l &

Co. •:. 123 B r a n d o n , M. H 266 W . l 2 t h . . .D . C. B a c k u s . (Rf 150 B i a i d w o b d , E l za; 159 E . 91 s t . . . . L . B a u m a n n . 112 B u h l m e y e r , G. 44 W . 2 8 t h . . . J . P; Reed , J r . (R) 2.50 B u s k y , Abbie: 184 W. lOth . . Coogan Bros. 1I2 Bar t l e t t , A . T ; 3 B e t h m i e . . . . Coogan Bros . 121 Car r , D. 114 W. 4 8 l h . . . . W. Ca r r . 664 CasseU, C. L. 84 E . 108th . . . J . L i n d l a u . a5i) Conkl in , Nellie. 3l4 B r o o m e . J . Mor ia r ty . 360 C r a n e J . 43 7th a v . . . L . B a u m a n n . 1,675 Davis , Virg in ia . 406 E . I 2 3 d . . . . L. B a u m a n n . 122 D a y t o n , W. H . 109 E . 87th . Coogan Bros . 125 Doane , B. K. 8 W a s h i n g t o n sq .. S. Scot t . (R) 384 Dixou , F . B. 23 W. 33d . E . P . F o w l e r . (R) 2,075 Dud ley , G. G. 168th st , n e a r Bos ton a v . . . . G .

Fenne l l & Co. 351 1 iunn , S. 6 W. 1 4 t h . . . . M. S m i t h . 1,000 D e u t s c h b e r g e r . F . 300 E . 8l8t . . . P . O ' F a r ­

rel l . (R) 149 D a y r e C: 146 W . 2 7 t h . . . . E . P l a t e t . 900 Dunk ley , W . R.. 41 3d a v . . . . E . D. Fan-e l l . 124 Elze , W . H . ' 22 B a r r o w . : . . L . B a u m a u n . 140 E g a n , K a t e . 10J E . 112th . . . G. Fermel l & Co. 234 F a n n i n g , J . H . 145 E . 19th . . . W . F a n n i n g . (R) 950 1-inkeriauer, P. , J r l 230 E. l l l t h . . . . G . F e n n e l l &

Co. ' - . . 143 l i s h e r . Minn i e . 47 Bond . . . . H e r s c h m a n n &

Manges . . - (U) 439 F o g a r t y ; M a r g a r e t . 149 E . 2 1 s t . . . . L a v i n i a M.

McCredy . (R) 1,800 F r e d e r i c h . W. 331 F . l O i h . . . S c h u l z & B r e c h t e l . 162 F a r l e y , T. H . 571 l l t h a v . . . . Coogan Bros . 137 Ful le r , E l i zabe th . 1.50 W : 4 t h : . . . J . S c h l o m s k y . IfeO Giles,- C. 403-Madison . . . . Coogan Bros . 110

"Geller, .1. '144rh sr, be t 3d a n d Willi.s a v s . . G. Fenne l l & Co. 197

H a r t i u a n , J . I50th st , n e a r E a g l e a v . . . G. F e n ­nell & Co. 187

Hea<li, J . K., J r . iS l s t s t a n d P ' e a s a n t a v . . . . G . Fenne l l ^ Co .. 150

H o r n , H. A. a n d E V. 5 E . •i7th . . . A. P . Horn i 3,000 H o rt ell. W. W. a n d A u g u s t i n e . 206 2d a v . . .

Klenore Schmi t t . TR) 1,2.50 Hicke.v. Ann . 58 fi], 25 'h . . . l a ' i e E S t e w a r t . 2,40' H a g g e r t j ' , J . 1 9 7 H e n r y . . . . D . K r a k a u e r . P i a n o . 170 J o h n s t o n , J a n e . 55 Wil l iani E. D. F a r r e l l . 164 J o n e s . L. 153 W 24lh . . . . T . Kel lv . 113 J o h n s o n , . \ d d i e M. a n d lE. A. 181 6th a v . . . G.

C. F l in t & Co. 200 K e a r n s . J . J . 2-4.52 4th. a v . . . G. Fenne l l & Co. 143 L a w r e n c e . J e s s i e . 112 E. 89th . . T. S t a e o m . 106 Leoar . H. J . 2326 2d a v . . . U Fenne l l & Co. 118 L a Hergp. L. 11 K i n g . . H . Sp ies . 231 L a w t o n , T. 31 P a r k r o w . . . . C o o g a n Bros . 114 L y n c h , J . 29 VV. 'id .. .Coogan Bios . 101 More . M E 215 B. 1 0 9 t h . . . . E D. F a r r e l l . »:« Mullen. J . 331 7th a v ,. .Congtin Bro.-<. 166 McMur t r i e . B P . & U. W. 355 W. 23d . . L o u i s a

G. Schaefer . (R) 4.400 Miller. D. K. 1013 L e x i n g t o n a v H e r s c h m a n n

& Manges . , 125 Miu-rav, VV. 407 VV. 40th . . .G. F e n n e l l & Co. 119 O'Rei l ly , E . J . 2a5 W. 12th . E . D. F a r r e l l . 185 Pa t t en son . F r a n c e s M. 136 VV. 12th D. "Patter­

son 2.58') P e a r n , C. 35i E . 7 0 t h . . . . E . D. F a r r e l l . 145 P o o l m a n . Mary . 40 . lane Coogan Bros. 124 Hheiii, T. .5W E. 89th .. G. Fenne l l & Co. 128 R e t o u , K a t h a r i n e . 318 W. 22d . . . T . W a r r i n . s ecu r i tv Rft tchford, G. 1 Ha l l p l (6th st) . E . D. Fa r re l l . 116 Sing le ton , J . 757 G r e e n w i c h . Coogan Bros . 147 Sni tzer . A D. 2,'65 Ist a v Coogan Bros. 182 Sh ie lds . VV. H Av B and Both . . . H. Spies . (R) 108 Sigel . F. Can ldv^e l lav . C t y . . G. Khre t . (K) 1.500 Stoecker . J . P . 219 R 112th G. Fenne l l & Co. 177 S inmions . Br idge t . 2454 4th a v . . . . G. F e n n e l l &

Co. lie, T a n e n b e r g . \ n n i e 42 F o r . s y t h . . . . H . S. Eisler . 113 Ty le r . Rhoi la J . 56 L e x i n g t o n a v J . C.

C r a m e r . 250 V a n Buren . Mat i lda . 231 E 8 2 d . . . .Coogan Bros . 202 Vermi lye . A. W. 2(i9 W .3Sth . . . T . Ke l ly . 297 V o n H a g n . C. 186 E. 6 4 t h . . . .Coogan Bros . 211 W a l t e r s , S a r a h C. 666 Sd av Coogan Bros . 39 Wi l l i ams . G M. 1.59 E. 8 6 i h . . . .L . B a u m a n n . 104 Wi lson . H a n n a h . 1.57E. 72d . . Co< gan Bros . 490 W a r l o w , Adel ia . 35 W. I32d s t . . H e r s c h m a n n '

& Manges . (R) 118 W o o d . S. S. 315 E . 5 8 t h . . . . J . W Cross ley . Car ­

pe t . &c. 86 W a l k e r . J . T . 94 C o h i m b i a . . . . H e r s c h m a n n &

Manges 110 W e s t l a k e . J . S . 25 7tli . . H. M. T i n k e n . 440 W e y m e r . F . L. 91 C h r i s t o p h e r . . . . H . S. E ' s le r . 113


Beck . J . M. 273 B r o a d w a y A. R u m r i l l & Co. B a r b e r F i x t u r e s . (R)

B o p p . A. 47 L u d l o w . . . . W . R. F o s t e r & Co. i l o r s e s . B a k e r y W a g o n s , &c.

But le r , C. L a k e George , N. Y F i r s t N a t . B a n k of Orwel l . S t e a m b o a t s . (R)

C a h l l , T. E a g l e av . bec 149th a n d 150th s t s . . J . Malone. Hor ses , Car t s , &c.

C h e r o u n y , H W. 17 V a n d e w a t e r . . J . F . E s c h . P r in t tTg P re s s , &c. (R)

Chr is t ie . W . H . Fo 'U of Cha r l e s . T . S. R. » r o w n a n d J . H . Bedle . O y s t e r Boat , (R)

Coll ins . . E . 627 E . 1 5 i h . . . . Ade l ine Decker . C a r p e n t e r F i x t u r e s , (R)

Conley, F . 537 W. , 3 7 t h . . . . H . H a s t o r f C a n a l Boat , H o r s e s , C a r t s &c.

Car ig l iano , A. 280.; Mot t L i b e r t y Mach ine Works .

Degnen . C. 46 W o o s t e r J & Co. C a r r i a g e .

De Mandevi l le . J . 252 B r o a d w a y L. K u U m a n n . P r i n t i n g P re s s , E l e c t r o t v p e s . &o.

F i n e ? a n . C. 408 E . 3 t h . . . . E Willis. Coach . (R) F r i t z , E . P . 753 G r e e n w i c h M. Fr i t z . D r u g

F i x t u r e s . (R) F r i t z , L. 14522d a v . . . . E . F r i t z . B a k e r y F ix ­

t u r e s . Geiger , J . 80 C a n a l . . . . G. A. L i l i en thaL W a t c h ­

m a k e r ' s F i x t u r e s . G a n n a n , T. F . 76th a n d Isf a v . . . . P . G a n n a n .

Sa loon F i x t u r e s , H o r s e s , I c e W a g o n s , &c.

F . M. W e i l e r ' s P r i n t i n g P r e s s . Cunn ingba i i i , Son











500 67





Grefe , R. H . 43 G r e a t J o n e s C. M a h n k e n & Co. HorFes . W a g o n s . 1,165

H a n i n g t o n , R . W . 744 B r o a d w a v C h a r l o t t e H a n d l e v . Oil P a i n t i n g . F u r n i t u r e . &c. 3.000

H a u g , J . W i l l e t s t H a r t & Co. H o r s e , W a g o n . &e. 50

H y d e .». B. 176 F u l t o n . . W . L . V a n Derzee . Office F u r n i t u r e . (K) 50

H e i n e c k e . A n n a . 25 E . H o u s t o n . . . C . Voge l . Safe . F u r n i t u r e . &c. 850

H i n d s . K e t c h a m & C..>. 449 a n d 451 W a t e r G. Frevga'fE-. E n g i n e . P r e s s e s , &c. (R) 12,966

Kilian, C. 3d av n n d 153d , P . Killian. B u t c h e r F i x t u r e s , Horse . W agon . &c. 150

K u h l , L . P . 8 1 7 B r o a d w a y . . Globe M f g Co. P r i n t i n g P r e s s a n d P a p e r Cu t t e r . 295

Kel ler , F . . a n d R. M a t h e s h e i m e r . 3 ^ 32 a n d 34 S o u t h 5 th a v H . A Dingee . M a c h i n e r y . F u r n i t u r e . H o r s e . VV^agons, «S:c. (R)' 775

K n i c k e r b o c k e r G a s L i g h t C o . Ci ty E l i zabe th B a v a r d . All P r o p e r t y . M a c h i n e r y , &c., of Ki>ickerbocker G a s L i g h t Co. (R)450,n00

L e e c h . W. 161 B l e e c k e r . . . R e b e c c a T e n n y a n d ' J o h a n n a J a c o b y . Furn i tm-e , Books . &c. 1,000

Le issner , Ed. Ci ty Ame l i a E . Louis , ind iv id , a n d a s e x t r x . W a l l P a p e r , F u r n i t u r e a n d H o u s e Decora t ion F i s t u r e s . 29,000

Louis , Ame l i a E. , a s a d m r x , a n d individ . Ci ty E. Leissner . WaU P a p e r . F u r n i t u r e a u d

H o u s e D e c o r a t i o n F i x t u r e s , &c. --40,000 1 Malone , H. J . .323 P e a r l . . O. Lub l in . C u t t i n g

Machines , P r e s s e s , &c. 350 Mayer , J . 101 \ v C , P . J . McGui re . B a r b e r

F ix tu i es . 250 M o n t g o m e r y , W. M , & On. 014 VV. 37th . . .S . Vro ­

m a n & Co. Hor.ses, Jlti es , I ce Wagons , &c. 1,500 Mcf^'abe. F . 71st s t and Av A a n d B . . . . J . F .

F a r i e y . H o r s e s , 'iV. g o n s a n d S tab l e F i x -tn r e s . : 6,0(0

Monroe , C. G r e e n w i c h s t M a r y Monroe . Ma-cliine.s for IVlfg. T i n w a r e . 350

N a h o n . S. 192 W o O s t e r . . . . I). J . Benol iel . C iga r F i x t u r e s . 200

N o o n a n , M. l l t h av , n o r t h of 1.55th s t t o K ' n g s -br idge road 1'. G. O 'Br ien . De r r i cks , TooN, &c (R) 1.200

N e u m a n n , Maria . 88 F l i zabe th S o p h i a R o t h . Hoarding: House F i x t u r e s . 405

O 'Ca l l ahan , El len . Brook av , be t 146th a n d 147th W. a n d G. Loeb . Cow. 45

Phi l l ips , M. L. C i t y . . . C. H a i n e s . H o r s e s , W a g o n s , &c 200

P f a n n i u u U e r C. 128 W o o s t e r . . . . C . P f a n n m u l l e r . Mach ine . 335

H o u s t o n H . R o e d e r .

B u t c h e r F i x -

Hoeder , A. 57 W. P r i n t i n g F i x t u r e s .

R o e d e r . A. 57 W . H o u s t o n H . R o e d e r . P r i n t i n g F i x t u r e s .

Reiss , B. 99 R i d g e . . . H . R e i s t u r e s .

R i c h a r d s , T. A. 75 P ' u l t o n . . . G. W. B e n n e t t M a c h i n e r y , L a t h e s , &c.

R i t t e r b u s ' h , H . A. 127th a n d Oth a v . . . . G. Scha­pe r . G r o c e r y F i j t tu res . (R)

Rohl s, J . 353 VV. 3 9 t h . . . . B . F i s c h e r & Co. Gro­ce ry F i x t u r e s , Hor.«es, &c.

R o n a n , F. M. U n i o n s q a u d Wth J . S c h m i t t . Cigar F i x t u r e s .

S a n d a h o v e l , VV. H . C i t y . . . . I Bett.s. Mules . Sch re ine r , J . C 2d av a n d 124th s t . . .Se i i i ld -

w a c h t e r & Ke ipe r . W a g o n s . Schwarzkopf . C. 226 2 d . . . , H . V o e e l . Milk

W a g o n . Truck,- Hor.-es . a n d Milk F i x t u r e s . S p u h l e r . B a r b a r y . 513 E . 15ih H . S t r a s s e r .

B a k e r y F i x t u r e s . Sager , G . F . N e w Y o r k — W . A v e r y . Cana l

Boat . Schne ide r , W . 186 F o r s y t h . . . . H . He l l r i ck .

Cigar F i x t u r e s , F u r n i t u r e , &c. Schulze , C. F . vv. 420 W. 4 9 t h . . . J . Zier . B u t c h ­

e r F i x t u r e s . Si lsby, J . B . 362 W. .53d.. . . F . E . B e a n . E x p r e s s

W a g o n s . H o r s e s , &c. S m i t h , D. P . 9 M u r r a y L . H . L a n d y . P r in t ­

ing I ' ress, F i x t u r e s , &c. S p i n i n n e , T. S. 90 W a r r e n I . A. I s a a c s . Rul­

ing Mach ine . S t ah l . M. 254 W . S 5 t h . . . . M . E r n s t . B u t c h e r

F i x t u r e s . Sutliff, W. C i t y . J . L e o n a r d . Cana l Boa t (R) Tay lo r , W. W. W e s t c h e s t e r road , n e a r R e t r e a t

a v . , H . H o w a r d , Hor ses , Triicku, &c. T h o r p e , Susan E , a n d Ph i l l i c , a n d S a m u e l I y-

m a n . A q u a r i u m Bui ld ing — Caro l ina H u b ­b a r d . Scene ry a n d F u r n i t u r e .

Volz, F . E . C i t y . . . . M , T r a v i s & Co. H o r s e , ' I ' rucks, & c .

V a n Lelie, J . C. 622 6 t h . . . . E i d e A h r e n s . H o r s e . Milk W a g o n s , &c.

W e r n e r , Caro l ine . 73J4 C o l u m b i a J . F r o s c h . B a k e r y F i x t u r e s . (R)

W i n c h , C . A . 521 a n d .523 W. 2 1 s t . . . . J C. W i n c h . H o r s e s , W a g o n s , &c.

Wolf, L . 499 W a t e r . . . , ! . F r a n k e l . MiU F i x ­t u r e s , W h e a t , &c.


B a c o n . J G. 18 E . 6 8 t h . . . . H e l e n P B a c o n . F u r ­n i t u r e .

B a u m a n n , H . 550 P e a r l H . J . F u l d a . Sa loon F i x f r e s .

Bis ter , W. 78 W a l k e r . . . . J . L . L a u b e n s t o o f e r . Sa loon F i x t u r e s .

B i t b e a e , Fel ic ie . 344 Oth a v E u l a l i e C. P e r r i e r . F u r n i t u r e a n d D r e s s m a k i n g F i x t u r e s .

B r a m , G. .\. 5241st a v . . . . F . S c h w i m e r . B a k e r y F i x t u r e s .

Bre i t ens t e in , F . 33") W , 3 7 t h . . . . H . H a n d s c b i n . Sa loon F i x t u r e s ,

B r u n n a r , F . 233 2 d . . . . F . T i chy . Sa loon F ix ­t u r e s .

Duboce . E_ B . 47 W. 2 8 t h . . . . Caro l ine Wins low . F u r n i t u r e .

F a r l e i g h . C. 12 J a c o b . . . . G . W . Hill . S h o e s , L e a t h e r , &c.

F r e u n d e n b e r g , C. 22.53 2d a v K a t h a r i n a Gass . Confec t i one ry F i x t u r e s a n d F u r n i t u r e .

G r i m w o o d , T . S. 51 C h a m b e r s . . . . J . W. E a l y . " a f e .

Gu ide ra , E l i zabe th , a d m r x . a n d individ . 13.52 B r o a d w a y . . . . J . G u i d e r a . B a r F i x t u r e s . (R)






1,200 00


2 000






400 536


3,6 0














3 0




Gu ide ra . J . 1352 B r o a d w a y E . A. . L u h r s . Bar F i x t u r e s . 500

H a n s e n . W. Ci ty C . V a n Leer . H o r s e a n d "i r u c k . 155

H e l l m e r s , H. 90 6th a v . . . W. M o h l m a n n . Sa­loon Fi .vtures 3C0

H e r m a n n , C F. E. 191 O r c h a r d . . . H . Scherff. Groce ry Fixturt^s . 3B0

J o r a l e m o n " W. 13 H o w a r I J . C. J o r a l e m o n . C a r p e n t e r F i x t u r e s . 130

Kel ly . J r , J . C i t y . . . W . T. R o y l a n c e . Hordes , W a g o n s . &c. ' 500

Krul i sch , V. ; 30 2d a v . . . . H . Berhtloff. Sa loon F i x t u r e s . 100

McDona ld , M. 505 W. 2 7 t h . . . . J . McDona ld . H o r s e , Milk W a g o n , &c. 225

P a t e n . J . H . 3u4 VV. 54th O. B . Wil l is . L ive ry S tab le . , 4,000

Roll . G, 51 W a l k e r . . . M, B . Ochs . OfQce F ix ­t u r e s . 250

Sacke t t . J . W. 1132 B r o a d w a y . . . . E m m a A. P e c k Safe 54

Simon . L. 4-i5 E . 47th G. Muller . )4 i n t e i e s t ir es tabl i - ihiuent for inainifacturi»>g s a u s a g e cas ings . 1,000

Tel ler , E . R. 110 4th a v . . . J . J . Moen. F u r n i ­t u r e . 1.000

W h i t e & McNul ty . 201 C h a t h a m . sq , . . , J . J . Her ­r i k. B a r F i x t u r e s . 1.100 ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES.

A. H u p f e l ' s Sons to Geo. E h r e t , (Mor tgage m a d e b y A n ton E i se r , Nov. 9, 1881.) 246


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building. 191 Broadway, corner of Dey


RIAOS COIRTY. Adams, H. G., and Annie Brigcs, 142 Taylor .st

. J J. Poillon. Furriti re. ' (H) $r.00 A n d e r s o n , Mimiie, 343 Clinton s t J . Mul­

l ins F u r n i t u r e 368 Ault , G. W. 767 F u l t o n s t . . . H B . Grifflng.

Sewing Machines , &c, 257 Aus t in , Williai.i E 208 Byer son s t D. Swan-

nell . F u r u i t u r e . 100 Basst^it, Mrs R i c h a r d . 3-'6 Sth s t . . . J . Mull ins.

F iu ' i i i tdre . 252 B c i k , F . W . 8-12 F u l t o n s t C. Beck. B a r b e r

S h o p . (R) 450 Benedic t . Mrs . J o h n R. 78 2d s t J . . Mul l ins

F u r n i t u r e . 221 Brown . V i e h h e m e i d a '•". 62 S o u t h Oth s t

S a r a h A. h'obins. P i a n o . 105 Buel , Ar hiu-, N e w t o w n Creek S. C h a p m a n .

Mach ine ry . (R) 2,000 B a n k s , C. W . a n d F r a n k . 92 Tay lo r s t . . . . J . P .

Ma t thews . F u r n i t u r e . (R) 150 Benisch , J o s e p h . 28 D i a m o n d s t F . J a e c k .

H o r s e , Wagon , <S.c. 400 Boos, H e n r y . 823 Myr t l e a v . . . , D . Schr iefer .

F i x t u r e s . 400 Bur se , J . M G. W . Noyes . H o r s e s , W a g o n s ,

&c. 625 Brown , T h o m a s and J o s e p h i n e . 975 B r o a d w a y

a n d a t Lake L a u d , L. 1 G. S. Caliill. F u r -nitiH-e, F a r m i n g Utensi ls , &c. (R) 400

Case A. R. 371 N o r t h 2d s t . . . . O t to S c h u t t e . D r u g S to re . (R) 7.50

Cox, H . 686 Madison s t . . . J . E . M u r r a y & Co . F u r n i t u r e . 542

De La Moi ta , H. F , 149 VHnde ib ' l t a v . . . . J . E . M u r r a v & Co. F u r n i t u r e . 314

D o n n e l l y , ' T . J . 74 Hu . l svn a v . . . W . B. Davis . Coach . 850

Devine , Mary . 1142 D e g r a w s t M. Dockery . H o r s e , W a g o n s , &c. (R) 400

F lo raok , H e n r y . 22 McKibben s t N. Schu­m a n n . B r a s s F o u n d i y . 200

G r a n t , Cha r l e s W J . G. G r a n t . Book Case, &c. . (R) 50

G i e b ' l , J . 1.59 L a w r e n c e s t . . . F . D ies t e lbusch . B a r b e r Cua i r . 28

Gi lman , W. D. 309 Myr t l e a v . . . C W. Von G l e h a a n d VV. H . T o m f o r d . Sa loon F i x ­t u r e s . 1,500

Green , J o h n B . 141 Bergen s t — G r e e n & Wa­t e r m a n . F u r n i t u r e . 148

H a m i l t o n , Wi l l i am. Cor C o v e r t s t a n d E v e r ­g r e e n av . S a m u e l S t r a u s s . Cows. 122

H e p w o r t h . E l i zabe th Cor P a r k a v . . . G . W i n g -field. D r u g S to re . 600

H o h e , J a c o b . 1 P r e s i d e n t s t . . . G . F e y . R e s ­t a u r a n t . (R) 300

H e n c h e l , S . W . 1 3 8 J a y s t . . . W . R u g e . G r o c e r y S to re . 300

J o h n s o n . J a n e A. 36 Clinton s t A. L . W o o d . F u r n i t u r e . l,fCO

Lewis & Fowle r . 8 Co lumbia H e i g h t s J . T . P re s ton . Dril ls , L a t h e , &c. 1,000

Manassk i , J a c o b . 411 1st s t . . H e r s c h m a n n & M a r g e s F t i m i t u r e . 130

M c N a m a r a , J , F . S > co r .5th a v a n d 26th s t . . . . J . D e l m a r . Salor.n F i x ' u i e s . 105

Meier, I . 6 7 Bedford a* .. F . D i e s t e l b u s c h . B a r b e r C h a i ' s . 21

Miller, A n n . 33 C a r l t o n av — P h e l p s & S o n . P i a n o . (R) 185

McCloskey, H u g h . 133 Conover s t . . P . Mc­Quade . Sa loon F i x t u r e s . 250

Muhler , Ji^hn. 9 D o d w o r t h s t F . S h e r m a n . , H o r s e s , W a g o n s , &c. 1,000

Mooney , A g n e s . 756 F u l t o n s t P h e l a n & Du­va l . Sa loon F ix t ' i r e a . 30O

N a t h a n , Gus t ave . 1417 F u l t o n s t . . . W . H . Grif­l i th & Co. Poo l Tab le . 150

Noon . J o h n . 224 S t a t e s t . . . . C . E . R u n d e l l . Coaches , &c. 210

O 'Br ien , M,, a n d J . Conlon . 245 Myr t l e a v . . . . R . H y d e . Sa loon F i x t u r e s . (R) 600

434 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD. April 29,1882

Preller, William. 101 Madison s t . . . . C. A. Prell-er. Furniture

Preller, William. 101 Madison s t . . . , E. O. Prpller. Furniture.

Proeetler, Rosa. Cor Meserole av and Bush-•wick av S. L. Laders. Bakery.

Rand, Edwin. Cor Henry and President s t s . . . . I. Mason. Furniture.

Richards, T. A. 75 Fulton s t . . . .Q. W. Burnett. Machinery. <Src. ^, ^

Reeve, William F. 983 Fulton s t . . . . A. M. Craw­ford. Drugstore. (R)

Rugen, J. H. 146 Bushwick av. . . .Fischer & Frese. Saloon Fixtures.

Schwarz, Louis. 66 and 68 Fulton st. New York. B.F.Adams. Fixtures, &c.

Scott, Walter H. 503 Clinton a v — J . Mullins. Furniture. _

Shaw, Mrs. C. Corona, L. I . . . . W. H. Griffith & Co. Pool Table.

Slattery, John. Cor Paciflc and Emmett s t s — N. Langler. Shop Tools, &c.

Somers, G. A. 447 9th st J. E. Murray & Co. Furniture.

Swift, Qeorge F. Cor Waverly and Park avs — W. Conselyea. Horses, Carts, &c.

Thomas, Margaret. 288 State s t . . . . A. A. Thomas. Furniture. (R)

Vickerman, J a s . W. 52 Hicks s t . . . . J . Mullins. Furniture.

Weishar, M. 140 Keap s t . . . .1. Mason. Furni­ture.

Wheeler. E. E. 73 3d s t . . . . J . Cunningham, Son & Co Coach.

Wendt. Frederick. 240 Ellery s t . . . . C. Kluepfel. Saloon Fixtures.


Burgert, Charles, to Charles Farleigh. Leather, &c., 179 Gwinnett st.

Grimwood, Thomas S., to John W. Ealy. Safe, 51 Chambers st, New York.

Ketcham, J. Edward. & Co., to J o h n H . Bottyer. Grocery Store, 426 Clason av.

Kluepfel. Carolina, to Frederick Wendt. Lager Beer Saloon. 240 Ellery st.

Lazarus, Michael, to Jacob Cohen, Tailor Shop. 329 Sth av.

McGuire, Elizabeth A., to George E. Nichols. Stock. Fixtures, &c , 83 De Kalb av.

Miller & Co. to Charles Bugert. Leather, &c., 179 Gwinnett st.

Schlereth, Elisabeth, to Joseph Lohmuller. Lager Beer Sal>on, 31 Metropolitan av.

Schwendemann. Joseph, to F. Noll. Shoe Store, 44 Manhattan av.




























A f t e r M a y 1, T H E R E A L E S T A T E R E C O R D

ofi&ces w i l l b e f o u n d i n t h e M e r c a n t i l e B a n k

B u i l d i n g , 191 B r o a d w a y , c o r n e r of D e y

s t r e e t .

JUDGMENTS In theae liats of judgments the names alphabetically

arranged, and which are first on each line, are thosa •f the judgment debtor. The letter (D) means judg-wient for deficiency. * means not summoned. Judg­ments entered during the week and satisfied befora day of publication do not appear in this column, but in list of Satisfied Judgments. i

NEW YORR CITY. Apri l . 24 Allen, H i r am—Wm. Vogt $71 06 26 A m e r m a n . J o h n W.—R. M. R a v e n . 7,291 81 26 Amberg ,Gus tav -Math i lda Cottrel ly 2,3.!S4 92 26 Anderson, Rober t N.—Z. S. A y r e s . .592 25 26 Allen, J o h n H . — G . W . A n d r e w s . . . 14,332 44 27' Aust in , J ames A.—S. M. Hami l ton

costs 62 76 22 Bowe, Peter , Sheriff—Russell & • Hopper M ' fg C o . . . 606 85 24 Boothby, S a n i u e l - G e o . H a m l i n . . . . 580 58 24 Bylandt , J o h n J .—J. B. Mackie,

exr . I . Acheson costs 101 98 24 Blasdell, J ames H.—First Nat .

B a n k . N . Y 782 13 24 t h e same the same 732 15 24 Barker, Oakley S.—Denis D o r e n . . . . 123 46 24 Babcock, Isaiah C.—^Enterprise Sav­

ings Bank 7,552 91 25 Burdiek, Lucinda L.—E. K. Meigs. . 430 35 25 Burke, Thomas C — J o h n Roach 92 32 25 Bassford. E d w a r d D.—W. E. Po t t e r 149 72

2 5 r n X c k ! ' £ ^ S a ? d S . j . H . l s ^ a s h . 494 87 26 Blatchford, Amy—M. C. Bouvie r . . 5,038 34 26 Breisinger, Rudolph—L. S. Chase . . 186 99 26 Bar ton . Wi l l i am B. and Wil l i am

O.—J. P . E d g a r 837 24 26 Blish, Wi l l iam A.—R. M. R a v e n . . . 7,291 81 26 Bergman, J o h n S.—J. H . Park inson 92 50 26 Butler , A lbe r t H . - J o h n S e r g e n t . . . 307 37 27 Betts, Ira—N. M. Whi te , t rustee ,&c 33,953 46 27 Beck, Will iam—V. K . Stevenson

costs 77 32 28 Beach* Hei i ry c ! —c'. H. wi ' l iamson,

as assignee of Miller & Ussing 136 59 28 Brown, Daniel G., Leonard S. a n d

*Char lesS . - rG. W . D e m o r e s t . . . 143 46

28 Burns t ine Na than—3am. B a r o n . . . . 1,137 97 23 Conner, J a m e s M.—Thos. S u g d e n . . 313 75 22 Cohen, Jacob—H. H. Gordon 647 22

^ C=eTjSf" f «• - ^ - - - ^^ '' 24 Clark, T imothy—W. P . Long, J r . . . 575 97 24 Cohn, Rosa—Jacob B o n h a g . . . .costs 65 50 24 Caffrey, Patr ick—R. L. D a r r a g h . . .

costs 124 17 25 Carleton, Margare t t a—J. L. Sey­

m o u r 296 49 26 *Curtiss, Wil l iam—J. C. M e a d . . . . . . 11,533 29 26 Conn, Eliza—L. S. Chase 168 45 26 Clairmont, Jul ie—A. B. P u r d y 90 35 27 Carson, Thomas—F. W . Devoe 121 44 27 Canavan, Thomas, pltff—John Mc­

Andrew 135 86 87 Clyde, Wi l l i am P . a n d B. F .—Jacob

Lor i l lard 15,02117 28 Cleveland, Orestes—J. E . E u s t i s . . . . 1,782 35 24 Demarest , John—Chas. B o u t c h e r . . . 79 22 25 Donovan, M a r y — A d a m H o r r m a n n . 23 02 36 Dolan, Tessie—Ellen P . Gilbert 234 58 26 Duffy, James—Tne F i r e Depa r tmen t

O f C i t y N . Y 59 50 26 the same the same........... 59 50 26 the same-:—^the same 64 50 26 the s,ame t h e same 59 50 26 t h e same the s a m e . . . . . . . ; . . . 59 50 26 the same t h e same 59 50 27 Daly , Ellen—T. E . Leeds 287 48 27 Doerr , J o h n B.—Peter H a n d i b o d e . . 356 44 28 Doellner, J o h n P .—Fredk. Hof 154 10 28 Demarest , P r a n k P .—J. O. R o u s e . . 76 14 23 Erben, Henry—T. S. G r i m w o o d . . . . 1,492 45 24 Elliot, Freder ick—Samuel Sachar ias 97 95 24 Ellison, Thomas J .—Andrew J o -

c h u m 225 37 27 Edwards , J o h n - J . C. S t ree te r 46 60 28 Edson, Had ley J .—E. C. H a z a r d . . . 202 43 23 Freidenrich, Heon—Wheeler & Wi l ­

son Mfg. Co 132 77

22 Pinney, E d w a r d H.—E. G. Selchow 154 38 24 Ferr is , J a m e s R.—^First Nat . Bank,.

N . Y 732 15 24 Foster, Rober t—Otto Mever 579 02 25 French, Haml in Q.—J. H . B a m e . . . 245 13 25 Feldhusen, Mary—Augus t W e b e r . . 40 70 25 Flory , Ju l iana—C. H . Reed 131 74 26 Poucher , Wi l l iam W. , J r . — J . C.

M e a d . . . . ' 11,533 29 26 Fairchi ld , Benjamin P .—W. D.

Smi th , J r 2,203 86 26 t h e same Fann ie B. D y c k m a n 1,563 13 26 Fuchs , Peter—L. G. Preuser 394 76 27 Faulkner , J a m e s W.—Eliza Homer ,

a d m r x . of S a r a h Tilly 153 84 27 Fiss, Wil l iam—Peter H a n d i b o d e . . . . 356 44 28 Fr iedman , L u d o l p h ~ P . J . McCar­

t h y 78 34 28 Fil let te, Therese G.—W. D. R y d e . . 23i 80 24 Gray , P r a n k H.—W. E . C o x . . . . . . . 197 84 24 Gallagher, E d w a r d — M. L. De

"Voursney. costs 25 Gault , James—G. F . Werner 25 Gaffney, Michael—C. H . Evans 26 Graves, Eliza A.—E. H. C o u t a n t . . . 26 *Goldberger, Max—Phil ip Goldstein 26 Goldstein, Henry—Morris K a h n 26 Getz, Henry—J. B. Wingote 27 Griffiths, Cornelius T.—Louis Som­

m e r 27 *Grundy, J o h n H.—F. W . D e v o e . . .

38 Gran t , E d w a r d B.—H. P . Degraaf . . 28 Gomez, Charles—Fitzhugh S m i t h . . . 22 Heitler, Bertha—S. E . Brumley ,

admr . S. S. B r u m l e y . 22 H a r r u u a n , J e rome F . — H . W .

K n a p p . . . 24 Herger , Wi l l i am—Henry F e i b e l . . . . 24 Hazelt ine, Mayo W.—J. T. Ki l ­

bre th , exr . of C. V. Ri ley OC Hall , Charles B. ) xj Q TJ^„ •,-.„,.. ^ H o r t o n ^ W . W . \^- ^- B r a d f o r d . . . 36 Hall , W a r d r o p J .—Abby G r a n b y . . . 3,306 40 26 Hutchings, Rober t G.—W. D . S m i t h ,

J r . 4,407 73 26 the same Fann ie B. Dyck­

m a n 3,136 26 36 Hangua rd , Augus t—J. H. Park in ­

son 92 50 26 Hanks , E d w i n P . - J o h n S e r g e n t . . . . 307 37 26 Ha tch , Elias T.—The Fire Depar t ­

men t of Ci ty New Y o r k 59 50 27 Hollander, Henry—Bernhard Blum. 4,796 89 27 Hendrickson, Piei'son, J r . — A n n B.

Hendrickson costs 46 50 28 H u n t , Montgomery—J. H . Demar­

est 120 55 22 Johnson, Wi l l i am H. — S a r a h

Q u a r r y 1,718 33 24 J ewe t t , H u g h J . , recvr . E r i e Rai l ­

w a y Co—Sophie Schmid, a d m r x . C. Schmid .* 5,616 42

24 the s a m e - — t h e same costs 93 17 25 Jacobs, Conrad—Geo. H o U i s t e r . . . . . 267 78 27 Johnson, Alexander T.—F. W. De­

voe . . i . 131 44 28 Johnson, James—C. H. Wil l iamson,

. a s a s s i g n e e . . . . . ' . . 136 59

51 69 150 .54 80 37

15,922 22 830 04 883 47 39 50

72 75 121 44

1,136 24

80 31 84 57

313 36

213 44 36 08

353 64

563 45

24 Keenan, James—Geo. Lane 753 99 25 Kaestner , Heinr ich—J. G. G. H u p ­

fei 104 37 25 King , J o h n S.—W. W . K i n g 22.823 83 25 the same EUa K. A d a m s . . . . 23;823 83 25 t h e same M. K . K i n g 22,823 83 25 t h e s a m e — J o a n n a K. W i l e y . . 22,823 83 25 the same C. H . K i n g 22,823 83 26 Karwiese , Rudolph—Mathias Neger 125 90 27 Keal , Joseph—Cath. L. Wolfe 86 00 27 Kerne r , Peter—L. W . Johnson 221 99 27 King , Augus tus W.—Edwin WiU­

cox 168 14 28 Koelble, Jacob G.—B. M. F e l d m a n . 5& 50 22 Linehan, Jeremiah—C. F . R a n k i n s . 88 98 22 Lancaster , Daniel E.—G. M. Ra iney 29 30 24 Lydecker , ComeUus — Enterpr i se

Savings Bank 7,553 91 27 Luedemann, Albert—Louisa TJnseld,

adnorx., &c., L. Unseld 3,213 47 22 Moller, George H. — The Graphic •

Co 27255 23 MitcheU, Margare t—R. G. Larason. 155 59 24 Mangold, A m a n d — W . R. Clarkson. 739 95 24 Magnin , David J . a n d Elise—G. C.

T a y l o r . . : . 55185 24 -Meine, Freder ick A.—^Adam Schrei­

b e r . : .costs 48 66 24 Messina, Francesco — Salva tore

Miragl ia . . cos ts 54 05 25 Mittelsdorf, Louis — Gerha rd L u y ­

ties 509 88 25 MiUer, PhiUppe—J. C. G. H u p f e i . . . 156 67 25 Miller, F r anc i s J . ---John B a r d o n . . . . 737 36 25 Muller, JuUana—G. H. R e e d . 131 74 25 Mason, Lowell , J r . — H : M. Munsell. 5,354 83 26 Myers , Louis—jr. J . Cummings 35 11 27 MUler, Wi l l iam C — A . T. Decker . . . 45 86 27 Moore, Mar i a J .—J. S. Simpson 344 39 28 Mason, Lowell, J r . — H . M. MunseU. 666 50 22 McKeever, M a r y , a d m r x . , &c,, Con­

s tan t ine McKeever—New Y o r k Cen t r a l a n d Hudson R ive r Rai l ­road Co costs 102 64

23 McCabe, Patr ick—Geo. L a n n o n . . . . . 72 50 24 McLaughUn, . Thomas C—Fredk .

Pe te rs . , 90 21 27 McKay , Na than ie l—Wm. McNul ty . 147 72 27 McGaughran , John—Margt . Morow 425 26 27 McCar thy , Daniel J .—Mayor , &c.

. . . . c o s t s 260 84 27 McPherson, Join—^Isaac Sommers . . 28 00 27 McCaffray, Pa t r ick—Thomas GaUa­

gher 173 72 25 Nagle , Joseph—J. C. G. Hupfei 129 68 26 Narvessen, Ccnrad—J. H. Parkinson 92 50 35 O'Hare . Patr ick—G. M. M i t t n a c h t . . 283 56 27 Owen, E d w a r d — T . E . L e e d s . . . . . . . 287 48 22 Pirz , A n t h o n y — W m . Eccles, J r . . . . 1,104 66 22 Pa rke r , James—Geo. Lannon 72 50 25 Perqua , Joseph M. — Ferd inand

Reed 11133 25 P layer , Amelia—Rachel G r a v e s . . . . 316 63 26 Pot te r , Joseph J .—W. D. Smi th , Jr . . 4,407 73 26 the same — F a n n i e B. D y c k m a n 3,126 26 28 PearsaU, Fu rman—A. O. L i t t e l l . . . . 225 59 25 Quigg, A r t h u r W . — W . E. Dodge,

J r . . 1,389 50 23 Roth , John—Nicholas Seagris t 301 05 22 Radford, Wi l l i am L, — H e n r y

Welsh 24 Roper , M a r g a r e t A. and J a m e s -

Michael Fui-st 24 Ronaldson. Peter—Enterpr ise Sav ­

ings Bank : 7,553:91 35 Ramsay , Jacob , Jr,—^VandeUa R a m ­

say 25 Roset t . Moritz—PhUip Go lds t e in . . . 26 Ramsey, E m m a — W . H . W a l k e r . . . 26 *Rosett, Moritz—PhiUp Golds te in . . 26 Rothschild, Ludwig , E d w a r d a n d

Charles A.—Leopold S inshe imer . . 27 Roe, R ichard R.—Max Doctor 267 87 28 Ranges, J o h n H. and Christena—

EUse Henke 38 Reed, Pa t r i ck E.—Sam. Groocock. . 38 Richardson, George D.—G. W . Ven­

able 33 Stern , J o h a n n a - I s a a c H a m b u r g e r ,

as Pres ident of U . S. G r a n d Lodge Independent Order of t h e Free Sons of I s rae l .

22 Sniffln, P h e b e . J . — Lizzie WU­son costs

22 Shay , Mary—W. M. Hin ton 223 68 24 Stoughton, Charles B.—W. E . Cox. 197 84 24 Sull ivan, John—Rector , &c. , Grace

Church . . . . c o s t s 93 03 24 the same—W. W . Owens costs 75 00 24 Swift, Garret t—Michael F u r s t 142 51

130 53

142 51

221 88 630 04 21 69

630 04

107 98

396 01 670 03

97 31

135 02

47 44

24 17 -E . P .


24 Shelly, Peter—Thos. Slowey. 25 Stevenson, V e m o n K. , J r . -

Beach 25 Schaefer, H e r m a n ^ G e r h a r d

ties 26 Simis, Adolph, J r .—Ferd . Forsch . . 26 Steiger, Freder ick—J. M. Mor r i s . . . 36 Schmi t t , Joseph—Thos. K e r r 26 SulUvan, Daniel J .—L. S. C h a s e . . . 26 Si lverman, H U M — H y m a n Schni t-

z e r , J r . . ! 232 81 27 Schumacher , Freder ick—W. A. Sea­

ver, recvr . of New York , West ­chester & Boston RaU way Co 826 83

163 50

509 Sfc 133 36 313 26 529 13 168 45

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 435

27 Secor, David P.—Annie d e E . Blood-. good 175 47

28 S tewar t , Orlando L.—C. R. P u r d y , exr . A n n Lohman 10,000 00

576 41 1.50 00 83 12

81 65 156 26 225 37 881 47 338 58 313 34

545 81 .595 71

1,002 50

900 17 228 90

78-3 13 11,735 09

28 t h e s a m e t h e s a m e 38 t h e s a m e t h e s a m e .costs as Schuyler , E z r a A.—W. P . Durando. 28 Stevenson, Vernon K. , Jr .—Isabel la

P e t t u s 22 Todd, Charles J .—Benj . T a t h a m . . . . 24 Todd, Charles J .—Andrew J o c h u m . 25 Thomas, Joseph B.—C. C. Hough ton 25 Traver , J o b n P.—M. J . Cot ter 35 Taylor , Wal te r—H. W . Catherwood 20 Tripler, Archibald B.—Charter Oak

Life Ins. Co. of Har t ford , Conn . . . 28 Til ton, Lawson V.—Jas. McCreery i 28 ThaU, Joseph—Maurice Ober . 23 Poughkeepsie I ron and Steel Co.—J.

H. WilUams 4,091 05 32 The Manufac turers ' Ins . Co., of

Newark, N. J .—D. C. W h i t m a n , . 24 Wilson Mal t ing Co.—Fred'k Spiess. 24 Kenebec Grani te Co.—Pirst Nat .

Bank, N. Y 25 The Mayor, &c.—Darley R a n d a l l . . . 25 The New Y o r k Life Ins. a n d Trus t

Co., admrs . Charlot te Brincker­hoff. dec'd—J. J . Townsend 9,000 07

26 The Vic tory W e b b P r i n t i n g a n d Folding Machine Mfg. Co—J. B. Ford 4: 8 68

26 The Bald Mounta in Mining Co.—G.' V. Watson 8,026 83

26 the same W m . Montgomery , J r . . . •.. 7,.339 88

26 The A l t a Mining and Smel t ing Co. of Arizona—Wm. Schley 18,376 S4

87 The D r y Dock, Eas t Broadway & , Battci-y Rai l road Co.—Catharine Mart in , a d m r x . , &c., N. M a r t i n .

costs 27 The Bald Mounta in Mining Co.—

Tribune Assoc 28 The New York , New H a v e n & H a r t ­

ford Rai l road Co.—C. S. A r c h e r . . 24 Unger , Jobn—Leonard L a w r e n c e . . . 28 Vans, J ames R.—Tobias New 2 V a n Duzer, Byron—Ferd. Fo r sch . . . 20 Van Tassell, E m o r y M.—F. P. Nes­

bi t costs 31 Wendt, Freder ick B. . exr . of P a v i d

M. Peyser—P. B.-Wendt costs 31 t h e s a m e P . O. Zeysing.costs 31 • the same Ida Si Nagel ,

a d m r x costs 31 t h e s a m e J . P . Peyser . . cos t s 21 t h e s a m e E. P . Peyser . . cos t s 21 the same Eugene Peyser .

costs 21 the same L a u r a Reimers.

costs 21 the same Dora W. Peyser .

costs 31 the same M a r y Veerhoff

costs 21 the same Annie Kohlsaat .

costs 28 Webner , Baptis te E. — E m m a M.

K e n n e y 33 Wiener , Bernhard ina — Gregoi'

Sbarfenberger 23 Waldo , Horace, exr. Sa rah C. H.

Waldo—Tho E m i g r a n t Indus t r ia l S a v i n g s B a n k ....(Dy 5,013 80

23 Wilson, WiUiam M.—T. S. Grim-. wood 1,493 45

24 Wil l iams, John—E. V. Buck 74 50 24 AVisemau, Jennie—S. J . Hersch­

m a n n costs 71 08 24 Woodwor th , Rober t N.—Philo Peck. 560 68 25 Wales, I r a L.—L'Art is te Publ ishing

Co 70 18 35 Wal te r , George—Walburga Stalder . 24 13 25 Wheelock, Eugene D.—Geo. S m i t h . 381 54 26 West , W a l t e r S.—Z. S. A y r e s 592 25 36 Wallerstein, Jacob—Bernard Siegel.

costs 37 93 22 Winchell , Benjamin—Ithmar Eldred

costs 133 43

* » • •

RINGS COUKTY. Apri l . 20 Abbot t , George B., as publ ic admr .

and as admr . , &c., Michael Fegan —P. A. Davis $1.57 54

33 Brown, H e n r y L.—J. & I. L e v y . . . . 333 38 34 Bassett, Carr ie W . a n d Theo. W.—

A. P . Jenks , gua rd 116 00 25 Bergen, Susan M. C — J . D. P r ince . 166 44 35 t h e s a m e County Kings 316 44 37 Blatchford, Amy—M. C. Bouv ie r . . 5,033 34 28 Brown. Josephine M.—H. WiUiams 158 80 28 Brown, Josephine M. a n d Thomas—

H . W i l l i a m s . . . 53 75 24 Conner, J ames M.—T. Sugden 313 75 35 Crooke. Rober t L., M a r y H . , F rank ,

Charles and Cara—J. D. P r i n c e . . . 166 44 35 the same County Kings 316 44 23 Dowd, Michael J .—P. O'Toole 150 72 22 Draper , Albei-t—Sarah Beadel, e x t r x 107 59 26 Ducas, Isaac—A. Bryan t 172 62 22 F reeman, Alber t H.—^B. B o a s . . . 23S 43 34 Frankl in , J a m e s T.—H, D. Y o u n g . . . 66 78

97 46

598 98

10,688 40 107 20 95 .50

133 36

105 73

2,137 15 115 00

415 00 368 64 215 00

375 00

.501 55

265 00

115 00

265 00

374 24

264 01

25 French, Haml ine Q.—J. H . B a m e . . . 25 Fr i tz , WilUam—P. W. O b e r n i e r . . . . 26 F rame , E . H.—T. H. McAl l i s t e r . . . . 36 Fegan, admr . , &c., of Michael,

dec'd—P. A. Davis 28 Ferchland, Charles—E. Geau^se t . . . 34 Graves, Eliza A.-^-E. H . C o u t a n t . . . 24 Hepe, Theodore—B. P . Clark 36 Huber , G e o r g e - H . B. Claflin 38 Hoyt , J . Henry—G. M. Beard 34 Koven, Wil l iam—B. P . Clarke 28 Karwiese . Rudolph—M. Neger 24 Lapsley, Samuel W.—C. Head 25 Lawton , J . War ren—G. H. N a s o n . . 26 Lynch , James—C. P . S t a d i g e r . . . . . 36 Luedemann, Albert—L. Onseld 28 Lake, H a n n a h M.—A. J . P r o v o s t . . . 21 Milgate or Millgate. Mary—C. Crei-

felds 23 Merr i t t , Al t red—W. H. H. Ch i ld s . . 33 Megar r , Thomas—Abbie A. Mitch­

eU 36 Mittelsdorf, Louis—G. Luyt ies 26 Player , Amelia—R. Graves 28 PearsaU, Fu rman—A. C. Li t te l l - . . 22 Roper, Marga re t A. and James—M.

F u r s t . 23 Reeve, Alber t A.—W. CuUen 24 Remsen, M a r y E . — G . H. D e n n i s — 23 Swift, G a r r e t t ^ M . F u r s t 24 Sniith, S a r a h L.—G. H. Dennis 25 Smi th , Robert—C. P . S tad iger 26 Schaefer, Herman—G. Luyt ies 27 Simis, Adolph, J r . — P . Forsch 24 Titus, J o h n P. and Mercy—G. H.

Dennis 26 The public admr . and as the admr . ,

&c., of Michael Fegan, dec'd—P. A. Davis

25 V a n TasseU, Theodore—P. S. Abbot t 27 Van Duzer, B y r o n - P . Forsch 24 Wells, Charles T. a n d F a n n y T.—A.

T. Jenks , g u a r d 36 Weswell , Edward—S. A. Di tmars . .

345 13 119 14 337 04

157 54 81 60

15,923 22 237 33

93 65 163 67 237 33 125 90

1,731 41 334 60 94 71

3,313 47 434 68

96 83 43 30

614 6!) 509 88 316 63 325 59

143 51 247 58 74 77 143 51 74 77 72 38 509 88 133 .36

74 77

1.57 51 34 34

133 36

116 00 113 95


April 22d to 28th—inclusive. *Auclesner, Simou—People of State N. Y.

(1882) $100 00 Ayres, James E.—Wm. Caney. (1880) 78 50

Same—D. D. Ives. (1878) 208 83 Buckley, Wm. P.—Elias Ponvert. (1881) 94 7 J Butler, Thomas S . - G. H. Proctor. (1880).... 3 894 25 Byk, Morr is-J . C. G. Hupfei. (1880) 213 25 Bogatcky, Henrietta—W. H Walker. (1882). 08 09 Birdseve, George W.—U. S. Life Ins. Co.

(1877) 1,8M 2(i Bushnell, Chester—Wilfred Powell. (1882)... 494 ti3 Bowen, Henry C—J. M. Jordan. (1879) 3,495 37 §Boltz, Katy Curran—J. J. Ryan. (1882) 748 20 Benton, John B.—G. H. Moller. (1882) 78 57 Clarke, Patrick M.—Thos. Kirkpatrick. (1880) 412 C3 tCameron, William—Ad. Kuster, assignee of

J . T . Muller. (1881).; 260 00 Curtin, Mary, as admrx. of Daniel—J. J. Ho­

gan. admr. (1880) 5,535 53 Central Paik, North & East River R. R. Co.

—Annie Speers, admrx. (188J) 07 02 Chalmers. John—A. S. Walker. (1881) 93 84 Dimock, Anthony W —G. P. Andrews (Eliz

Boorman by assign.) (1873) 6.73 J 37 Devlin. John B.—Fifth Nat. Bank of N. Y.

(lESi') 1.745 52 Same same. (1881) 1,070 38

Dunning. Wm. H.—J. E. Kelley. (1881) 2,343 07 liDalley, John—Elias Ponvert. (1881).,..,.... 94 74 ^Durant, Charh s "W., as exr. of Clark Durant

—P. M. Hurlbut. (1881) 83 10 Derby. Frank M. and James C—F. A. Baker.

(1882) 084 40 Donovan, Timothy and Mary—U. S. Life Ins.

Co. (1877) 1,85126 Fogarty, Patrick A.—C. C. Hefferman. (1882) 302 84 Gilman, Joanna B., George F., Charles B.

and Winthrop W.—Anna K. Gilman. (1875) 182 32

Hirsch. Leon M.—A. B. Rice. (1882) 193 04 Hays, Jane M.—L L. Bamberger. (1881).... ]()4 20 Herter, Christian—Abby W. Marble. (188i). 2.37 22 *Innes, I s aac -B . A. Willis. (1&81) 47 44 IngersoU. Wm. H. and Adelaide M.—U. S.

Life Ins. Co. (1877) 1,85120 *Joung, Henry-People of State N. Y. ('82). 100 01 Uose, William—Theo. Gotze. (1876) 135 00 Jackson, George M.-C. A. Healy. (1881).... f29 93 *Johnson, Hiram A.—Willett Philips. (1871). 295 10 Mount, John A.—T. J. Ellison. (1874) 133 04 McOwen, Anthony—John Alf. (1874) 05 71 Murray. Michael—Alex. Mclntyre. (1882)... 4C6 27 Marshall, Stephen D. 1 Miller, George M.,

as exrs., and J-Abby.W. Marble. ('62) 237 22 Morgan. Paulina A. | Marsh, Caleb P. j O'Reilly, Hugh—C. C. Hefferman. (1882).... 362 84 •Palmer, Charles P.—W. C. Baker. (1876)... 1,014 11 Parsons, R. M.—J. Q.- Adams. (1858) 113 67 Pitt, Charles J . and Wm.—A. S. Sullivan,

kdmr. '1882) 816 94 Phillips, WiUiam-C. A. Healy. (1881) 829 93 Pickert, Rozel F. and Hattie E.—G. P. .^n-

drews (Ehz. D. Boorman, by assign.) (1873) 6,732 37

Redington. Isaac—Anna K. Gillman. (1875). 182 32 Roberts, E d w a r d - J . R. Foley. (1882) 211 34 Stoveken, Francis—Rufus Story. (1875).... 407 29 Scheuer, Simon and Max—Leopold Sonn.

(1881.) (Lien suspended on appeal) 368 92 Skelly. Patr ick-C. C. Hefferman. (1882).... 362 84 Staples. Orrin C.-D. M. Stern. (1881) 13ii 38 Smith, Henry—Abby W. Marble. (1882) 237 22 'Thurston, iFranklin A.—R. H. Lyon, as

recvr. of John, Franzman. (1877) 506 90

•Same-—-New York Life Ins. Co. (1878).. 1,477 77 •*Same-^Cit izens 'Sav. Bank. (1877)... 16167 **Same same. (1877) 599 13 **Same^—same. (18T7).. ; . . 238 99

STallman, Jacob B.—Francis McNamara. (1880) 98 5K

Theobald. Jacob and Henrv, impld.. A c -Matilda Theobald. (1880) • 3,818 (il)

Texas & Pacific Railway Co. -S . L. Jacobs. (1882) .573 59

United States Express Co.—J. E. Valentine. (1876) 118 02

Wallace, John F.—Mark Brophy. (1882) 62 23 Wick. Jacob, Jr.—Martin Fogarty. (1878) .. 1.347 60 Walsh, Richard C.—C. C. Hefferman. (1882). 362 81 Walker. Isaac—L. B. Crane. (1877) 807 61 Woodgate. Henrj'—W. B. Filch. (1880) 1.59 44 •Waters, Wary J.—Eliz. F. Martin. (1875)... 270 71 Weber. QIartha and Albert exrs. of Albert

Webcr-Jasper Kellv. (1881) 9S0 09 Willet, Anne O.—Abby W. Marble. (1882) .. 237 22 Whitney, Elisha D.—U. S.-L^fe Ins. C.i. ('77) 1,851 26 Whitehead. Charles E.—Anna K. Gilman.

(1875)... 182 32

* Vacated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal. t Released. § Rever.sed. I Satisfied by Execution. ••Discharged b.y going tlirr ugh bankruptcy.


April 2Cd to 28th-inclusive.

E ^ ^ g f c j X p : J-Stutter. (188.) S302 71 Capet, John K. and Mary A.—R. H. Harding,

<rxr. (;8S1) 103 l.-J Dunning, Williani H.—J. E. Kelsey and auo.

(1881) 2,343 00 Derby, Fi-ank M. and James C—F. A. Baker.

(i882) 684 46 Dikeman, Isaac Remsen—P.J. Markey. ('SO) 126 60

Same J. Muller. (880) 33123

J o n e t ' / S a s l' «" ^ - Fl«' ' >< '-- ^'^80).... 693 43 Same — same. (1881) 68 80

? i & n i m r : T l m s . J . ! j - F - I < l . (1881) 108 47 Gifford. Alaria » Town of Gravesend. Clark; Chaur.cey W. ( (18«0>. 59 93

Same same. (1680) 63 88 Hepp, Theodore ( ^ ^ r iarke HSS') "27 2" Koren, William ) ' - ^ • 'a'^K®. Ubb~) -'it 2.A Rode, Charles ) Dubois, John B. VF. Keller. (1879) 135 09 Sieitibauer. Michael) S a h a n ! ^ ? a t ^ i c k ^L.M. Hirsch. (.882).. 198 04 Schneider, Mariin—H. Knable. (18T6) 2.79189 The Brooklyn Library Building Fund Assoc.

of the Eastern District—D. Strong. ('80). 172 24 The Rector. &c., St. John's Church, Brook­

lyn—Magie B. Lacey, extrx. (1879) 7.273 04 Tm-ner, Francis L.—C. L. Francis. (1882).... 166 95 Voege, August-B. F. Riel. (1882) 205 68 Whiting, Cordelia C—O. Nolan. (1881) 115 42

Same Siune. (1881) 102 79 Wolverton, William H., as President of the

N. Y. Transfer Co.—J. Boswell. (1882).. 150 52 Whiting, Cordelia C—BI. Nolan. (1880) 3.41,3.11

. -mi- - < t >


offices will be found in tlie Mercantile Bank Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street. •


NEW YORK CITY. April 24 Avenue A, e s, SO n 86th st, 20 front. Hugh

McQuade agt Francis G. Bi'own and Stephen L. Merchant .$7;;'0 00

24 Same propeity. Andrew T. Judge agt same 200 00

24 Ea.st Broadway, No. 39. s s, bet Catharine and Market s(s. Nalhan Ruff ag t ' Boyd, Harris Marx and —--Daily 22 7'5

22 First av, w s, 25.2 n 119th st. 25.2 front. Henry Turno agt Peter and Robert J. Algie 90 00

22 Same property. Gilbert Wood agt William A. Coursen. Robert J. and Peter Algie... 405 13

25 Same property. George H. Toon agt Algie & Son r 210 OO

28 Fifty-sixth st. s s. abt 331 e 10th av, abt 63 ft. fiont. W. M. Howe agt Hugh Grinning... 50 £0

24 Madison av, Nos. 945, 947 and 949, e s, abt 60 s.7.5th st, 50 front. J. L. Blott Iron AVorksaigt Jacob Cohen and Shandley & Cody 501 2.->

22 Ninety-third st, n s, 1; 0 w 3d av, .30 front. W. D. & A. S. Nichols agt Frank E. Smith and Henry R. Ellis 410 00

22 One Hundied and Twenty-sixth st, s s, 225 e 7th av, 75 front (4 build'gs). Thomas J. Crombie agt Samuel C. Fenwick and John S. Johnson 279 97

22 One Hundred and Tenth st, s s, 38 w Boule­vard, 125 front (continued by ordfr of

•Court). James I'ettit agt Cortland Palmer. J r 1,348 00

26 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 350 e Sth av, 75 front. John F. McLaughlin agt George H. Hai-loe , : 204 18

26 One Hundred and Thu-tieth st, n s, 375 e 8th av, 50 front. Same agt same 370 99

27 One Hundred and Sixteenth st. s s, 100 w 3cl av, 22 fi'ont. Henry C Bradley agt An­drew Spence and — - Van Cleve 23 00

One Hundred and Twenty-ninth st. n s. abt l 423 e 8th av, 50 front. . . . . |

One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, abt 425 , e 8th av, 50 front J John L. Calder agt Griffen & Young and

' Ellison (5fc Todd 500 00



26 Seventy-second st, 'n e cor 2d av, 87x100. (Coniinued by order of Court.) W. M. & R. J. Howe agt James Lynch. William Noble'and Cornelius Ward. (Uischarged by depositing amount Blay 20, 1881)

Same propertv. (Continued by order of Courc.) Ditmar Powder Blfg. Co. agt sarae. (Discharged hy depositing amount Mav 20. ISSl)

Seventv-third st, s s. Jibt 200 w Oth av, 50 front. James Phelp agt George Nichols, Marv L. Smith, Charles J. G. Hall aud Richmond F. Taggart .•

Seventy-third st, s s. aht 216.8 iv 9th av, 16.8 front. Joseph and William E. Pruden agt Mary L. wife of J. E. Smith and Rich­mond F. Taggart

Seventv-third st. s s, abt 2-33.4 w 9th av, 16.8 front. Same agt Charles J . G. Hall and Richmond F. Taggart,

Seventy-third St. s », abt SOO w Oth av, 16.8 front. Same agt George Nichols and Richmond F. Tasgart

Seventv-third st, s s. abt 200 w 9th av, three buildings. Charles W. Hoffman agt George Nichols. Blary L. Smith and Charles J. G. Hall

Seventy-third st. .s s, 2-33.4 w 9th av. 16.8 front. John and William Curry agt Charles J. G. Hall and Richmond F. Tag­gart

Seventy-third st, s .s, 216.8 w 9th av, 16.8 front. Same agt Mary D. Smich and Richmond F. Taggart

Seventy-third sr, s s, 200 w 9th av, 16.8 front. Same agt George Nichols and Richmond F. Taggart

Seventy-third st, s s. 2C0 w Oth av. 51 ft. front. Pinkel & Garrison as t C. J. G. Hall, Blary L. Smith, George Nichols and Richmond F. Taggart

Seventy-third st. s s, 2iT. w 9th nv. abt 50 ft. .ront three houses. Edgar B. Sandford agt George Nichols, Blary L. Smith and Charles J. G. Hall -

Third av, w s, abt 25 n 119th st, 25 front. Wil­liam and Timothy McNab agt Peter and Robert J. Algie - •

Thirty-ninth st. No. 437 W., n s, bet 9th and 10th avs, 2.5x75. Robert E. Rogosenski agt - — V a n Cleve

232 59

164 49

625 00

215 49

215 49

215 49

135 00

113 83

113 .33

113 33

415 00

300 00

300 00

5 50

K I N G S COUNTY. April. 24 Sands st. No. 115. n s. bet Bridge and Jay

sts. Alexander Blurphy agt Wm. Haed­rich. owner, .and John Wilson

21 Same property. Timothy Vauglm agt same. 24 Same propertv. W*m. Carney agt same. . . . 24 Same propertv. Wm. Booth agt same. 2i Same property. Patrick Scott agt same 25 JIacou st, s s. 2S1 e Stuyvesant av, 125x100.

John Smith & Son agt George Nichols, owner, and George Nichols and Joseph E. Vandewater

25 Chauncey st. n s. 70 w Ralph av, 06.8x—. Wm. Washington agt Baldwin Pettitt, owner, and Peter Dyson

26 Clason av, s e cor Dean st, 50x60. Walter T. Klots & Bro. agt John and Frederick Richter, OTimers. and David Donald

38 Gates av, s s. mo w Lewis av, 175x100. Christian F. Hommel agt George Nichols, owner, and George Nichols and Joseph E Vandewater 1

28 Blonroe st. Nos. 223, 2231^ and 225, n s, 225 e Nostrand av, 50x100. Furman F. Romans agt Alfred A. Reeve, owner

5 00 6 25

16 00 14 00

155 00

22 50

648 69

,057 40

146 00

26 Same propertv. John McClave agt Henry Hall and HeVman Gierke. (Dec. 8, 1881). 426 47

26 Same property. William Schraalz agt Ben­jamin W^allace and Herman (jierke. (Dec. 6,1881) 029 GO

26 Same propertv. William Keeney agt Ben­jamin Wallace. (Nov. 15, 1881) 405 12

$22 Ona Hundred and Ninth st, n s, 110 e 3d av, 175 ft front James fllara agt Blary J . Bloore. (Feb. 9. 1882) -142 72

28 One Hundred and Thirty-second st, n s. 100 e Sth av. 50 ft front. J. L. Blott Iron Works agt Robert Licid-ey. John Hutch­inson and Mount. (Xov. 3. 1881).

28 Lexington av. e s, extdg from lOlst tb 102d sts and 80 ft On each street. James Fay agt Mary Dufl.y. (April 4, 1882) . . . . 2,197 00

•*24 Thirty-third st. Nos. 252 and 254, s s, het 7th and Sth avs. Rowe & Denman agt Julia Ungrich and R. Remmert. (Sept. 29.1881) 730 10

••24 Sarae property. James Glenn agt Um-stetter & Ruppert and Louisa Ungrich. (Dec 21, 1881) 280 00

28 Washington av. e s, abt 50 n 164th st. abt 50 ft front. Wm. L. Haup tmm agt Wm. Roland. (Feb. 2, 1882) 35 00

••'24 Tiiirtv-third st, Nos. 252 and 254 W., s s, abt 200 e Sth av, 50 ft. front. Gillie & Walker agt Louisa Ungrich and Umstatter & Ruppert. (Dec. 14, 1881) 235 OQ

•Discharged hy depositing amount of lien with Clerk.

+ Discharged on Bond by order of Court. + Discharged on depositing amount of lien and

costs by order o t Court. ••Discharged and cancelled by order of Court of

Commou Pleas.

K I N G S COUNTY. April 22d to 28th—inclusive.

Summit st. No. 37, n e cor Hamilton av, 28.1x — X — x29.8. Blichael Gibbons agt James and E. Sinnamon Calvert, owners, and James Calvert, (.\pril26, 1882) $156 55

Court st, n vr cor Remsen st. lOOx — x — x 150. Remington, Bros. & Co. agt A. A. Low, owner, and William and Thomas Lamb. Jr . (Dec. 9,1881)


offices -will be found in tlie Mercantile Bank

Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey


SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. April. NEW YORK ci r r . 24 Ninetieth st. s s, 82 e 4th av, 76.9 front.

John Fox agt Svlvester Murphy. (Lien filed April 5. 1882) S107 61

*22 Seventy-eighth st. No. 341 E. Christian Webei- agt Peter Seebold and Louis Hauser. (Filed Blarch 18. 1882) 8100

*22 Same propertv. Louis HausT agt Peter Seebold. (Filed Blarch 18,1882) 40 30

•22 Same property. Jacob Menzer agt Peter Seebold and Louis Hauser. (Filed Blarch 18,1882) 28 00

**iU Thirty-third st, No. 1.56 W., ss, 275'w8thav, ,50 front. Fetherington & Son agt Louisa Uugricli, Mathias Umstatter and John Ruppert (Filed Jan. 4. 1882) 167 00

*25 Washington av. e s, 200 n 163d st, 50 ft fi-ont. JosepirMesserschmitt agt Speck, and Williain and Thouias BlacPherson. (Filed Aprils, 1882) 286 20

1-25 Fifth av, s w cor 125th st. lOO.xlOO. Patrick BIcKenna agt Helena BI. Edmundstone, owner. (Filed July 30. 1881) 73 00

t25 Same property and sarae owner. In favor of John Redden, §.56.25; Jolm Conklin, $24.75; Michael Vetter, S47.50; Marie Langevin, §40.25; Win Kenny, §8.50.00; Peter Fitzpatrick. §20.75; Blichael Barry, §1.57.57; Thos. Barry, J22.5">; John Kenney, §41.65; Geo. Cole, §22..50; John Mulia. §32.25; Joseph Barn, §16.13; Frank Josea, §16.13; Joseph Poiesta, §7.50; Frank Sai\d, $8.63; Dominica Jim. §15 00; Josepli Blaria, §7.88; Blichael Lennon, §62.50; Diego Coada, $4.00; Perlite Gia-cinto, $14.25; William Gro, §4.88; Domi- " nica De Carlo. $16.13; James De Carlo, §14.63; Patrick Lawlor, $52.5J

22 One Hundred and Thirty-first st, n s, 335 e 6ih av, .50x99.11. John Cullen agt Sarah E. and Samuel C. Hinman. (Sept. 3. '81). 750 00

24 Thirty-fourth st. n s, 100 e 1st av, 50 front. Dolan & Fichtel agt Joseph Marshall. (Dec. 2.3, 1881) 102 50

25 One Hundred and Sixth st, n s. 75 w Lexing­ton av, abt 120 front. Patrick Allen agt Ann E Davis. (May 13,1881) . 454 13

26 Sixteenth st. Nos. 449. 451, 453 and 455 W.. n s, bet Oth and 10th avs. James Boden agt. Benjamin ;. Wallace and Herman Gierke. (Dec. 10,1881).... 39 00

NEW YORR CITY. P lan 434—Lexington av, n w cor S6th st, one

five-story a p a r t m e n t house, 42.6x96, t in roof; cost, S4o,000; owners, T. F a r l e y & Son, 16.5 Eas t 61st st; architects , Thioni & Wilson; builder, no t selected.

425—86th st, n s, 42 w Lexing ton av, th ree four-story Connecticut b rown stone tenem'ts , 30 x8.5, t i n roof; cost, each, $.3.5,000; owners , a r c h i ­tects a n d builder, same as last.

426—86th st, n s, 132.6 w Lexing ton av, t w o four-story Connecticut b rown stone tenem'ts , 18 x85, t i n roof: cost, each, §18,000; owners, a rch i ­tects and builder, same as last.

427—72d st, s s, 100 e 2d av, s ix three-s tory Connecticut b r o w n stone dwell 'gs. 16.8x.50, t i n roof; cost. each. §12,000; owner, Michael Duffy, 156 Eas t 102d'st; archi tect . A. Spence.

42S—107th st, n s, 260 e Sdav , eleven four-r tory br ick and b rown stone t r immings tenem'ts , 25x6.5, t in roof; cost, each, §10,000; owner, Wilhelmine Juch , 1st av, n w c o r 104th s t ; archi tect , F r . S. Barns ; builder, W . Juch .

429—107th st, n s. 100 e 3d av, e ight four-story br ick and brown stone t r immings flats, 20x65, t i n roof; cost, each, §9,000; owner, a rchi tec t aud builder, same as last.

430—Lexington av. No. 676, one four-storj'-br ick store a n d flats, 18.5x56, t i u roof; cost, §16,000; owner, Eliza Pelham, 574 Lexington a v ; archi tect , Geo. B. Pelham.

431—Worth st, Nos. 180 a n d 182, s w cor Mul­b e r r y st, one six-story br ick a n d i ron store and factory, 43.6x40.6, t i n roof; cost, §25,000; owner and builder, J a s . Cassin, 896 Flushing av , Brook­l y n ; archi tect , E. Gruwe.

43'i—Madison av, n w cor 69th st, one three­s tory a n d a t t i c br ick a n d b rown stone t r immed dweU'g, 34x84, mansard , slate and t in roof; cost §120,000: owner, Adolph Kuttroff, 62 Eas t 61st s t ; architect , E. Schott .

433—128th st, n s, 70 w Madison av, t w o three­s to ry b rown stone dwell 'gs, 20x50, t i n roof; cost, each, §15,000; owner, M. A. McCormick. 2^95 2d a v ; architects . Car te r & Fe rdon ; builder, J . E . McCormick.

4 3 4 - ^ 8 t h s t , Nos. 1.55, 1.57,159 and 161 West , two six-story br ick a n d Connecticut brown stone tenem'ts , 47.6x86 a n d 92, t i n roof; cost, each, §60 -000; owner, Cornelius W. Luyster , 237 West 53d s t ; archi tect , Jas . E . Ware .

435—126th st, s s, 285 w 6th av , two three-story b r o w n stone dwell 'gs, 12.6x55, meta l roof; cost, each, §7,000; owner, S a r a h B. McKenzie, 121 Wes t 132d s t ; architect , J . B. McKenzie.

436—Corlears st. No. 738, n e cor W a t e r st, one one-story br ick ofiice, 13x14, t i n roof; cost. §100:

i owners , Geo. Thorbium a n d W . W . Roe, 9 9 5 t h s t ;

architect , J a s . C. Johnson ; builders, C. Merkle and P. Randal l .

437—Olst st, s s , 400 vr 10th av, two five-story bro^^^l stone tenem' ts , 25x62.6, and extension, 9.6 x l7 , t in roof; cost, each, §13,000; owner, Anne McKenna, 733 11th a v ; architect , Jos . M. D u n n ; builders, McKenna & Darragh .

488—105th st. s s, 175 e 2d av , th ree four-story brick double flats, V5x60, t in roof; cost, each, §12,000; owner and builfier, C. Johnson, 101 E a s t 119th s t ; archi tect , R. Rosenstock.

439—12Sth st, n s, 2.30 e 7th av, four four-story br ick flats, 30x67. t i n roof; cost, $18,000; owner, Chas. P . Twigg; 310 E a s t 121st s t ; architect , R. Rosenstock.

44(1—Gansevoort st, Nos. 100 a n d 102, one five-s tory br ick wholesale store a n d fac tory , 50x70, a n d extension, t in roof ; cost, §40,000 ; owner, J o h n Glass, 209 Wes t 31st s t ; archi tect , G. A. Schillinger.

-Ml—East st, s w cor G r a n d st, one two-stoi 'y br ick stable, 49.6x15, t i n roof ; cost, §1,500; own-era. Goodwin & Co., 207 W a t e r s t ; architects , W. Pield & Son ; builders, J a s Ashfield & Son and Powder ly & Murphy .

442—o2d st. No. 52 W. , one three-s tory br ick studio buildings 25x92.5, t i n roof ; cost, about §12,000 ; owner, J . Q. A. W a r d , 9 Wes t 49th s t ; archi tect . R. M. H u n t ; builder , David Campbell .

443—^3d av. No. 470, one five-story br ick store and tenem't , 24.8x81.6, t m roof; cost, §12,000 ; owner, Mrs. Mar ia Gucker, 183 2d a v ; archi tect , F . W . Klemt .

444—llSth st, Nos. 319, 321 a n d 323 E. , one three-s tory br ick, t e r r a cotta, a n d galvanized i ron bui lding for religious services, 77 a n d I OOx 100.11, t in roof ; cost, §6,.50O ; owner. Rev. J . Johns , 317 Eas t 118th s t ; archi tects . S t a rkwea the r & Gibbs ; mason, N o r m a n ; carpenter , no t selected.

44,5—Western Boule'vard, e s, 100 s 96th st, one one-story br ick store a n d dwell 'g, 22x43, t i n roof, wooden cornice; cost, §1,000; owner, J o h n Mid­ler, 1267 B r o a d w a y ; archi tect , M. C. Merr i t t .

44(3—Stanton st. No. 224, one one-story br ick smoke house, 6x8, t in roof; cost, §175; owner . Charles Pebler , 129 P i t t s t ; archi tec ts and builders, B. Schaaf & Son.

4'i7—6th av , e s, 73 n 50th st, one frve-story br ick store and dwell 'g, 28x23.6 a n d 24, t in roof; cost, §7,000; owner, Thomas Thacher , 108 Eas t ,36th s t ; archi tect , J n o . M c l n t y r e ; builder, no t selected.

448—;st av , n w cor 34th st, t w o five-story br ick tenem'ts , 34.8x55, t i n roof; cost, each, §14,000; owner, Michael Kane , 126 Eas t 70th s t ; archi tect , Jno . M c l n t y r e ; builder, no t selected.

449—34th st, n s, 70 w 1st av , one five-stoiy br ick store a n d tenem' t , 20x76, t i n roof; cost, §13,000: owner, a rch i tec t a n d builder , same as last.

450—Av B, No. 378, one two-s tory br ick shop grave l roof: cost, §800; owner and archi tect . To­bias New, 32 J o h n s t ; builder, J a s . H. Slocum.

451—114th st, s s, 193 w A v A, one four-story b rown stone tenem' t , 25x60, t i n roof; cost, §!4,0U0; owner, George Kuhn , 101 Eas t 10.5th s t : archi tect , J . C. B u r n e ; builder, no t selected.

452—1 Wth st, s s, 205 e 1st av , one one-story br ick stable, 22x15, grave l roof; cost, §800; owner, E d w a r d W e s t e r m a y r , 202 Eas t 73d s t reet ; architects , Cleverdon ife Putzel .

453—^^Valker st, e s, ab t 200 n Locust av. Wes t Fa rms , one two-story f rame car r iage house, 41 x 32, shingle roof; cost, §1,000; owner, Isaac But­ler. Westchester .

454—Baxter st, s w cor F rank l in st, one five-s to ry br ick store a n d tenem' t , 25x57 a n d 49, t in roof; cost, §18,000; owner , H a r r i s Cohen, 134 W h i t e s t ; archi tect , E . W . Greis.

4.55—106th st, n s, 100 w 1st av , s ix four-story br ick and b rown stone t r i m m e d dwell 'gs, 40x65, t i n roof; cost, each, §14,000; owner , Wilhelmine Juch , 1st av , n w cor 104th s t ; archi tect , F r . S. E a r u s ; builder, W . Juch .

456—2d av, n w cor 107th st, th ree four-story br ick and b rown stone t r i m m e d dwell 'gs, 25x60. t in roof; cost, each, .$9,000; owner, a r c h i t e c t a n d builder, same as last.

457—75th st, No. 33 E. , one f oui -s tory b rown stone tenem't , 25x80, t i n roof; cost, §11,500; owner, A n n a C. A. Ih lenburg , 740 l l t h a v ; a rch­itect, J . M Forster.

458—126th st, s s, 165 e Sth av , th ree four-story br ick a p a r t m e n t houses, 20x60, t i n roof; cost, §10,000; owner, J a c o b Jenney , 149 Eas t 110th s t ; archi tect , Chas. Baxter .

KINGS COUNTY. Plan 347—Walton st. No. 106, s s, 225 w Throop

a v , one three-s tory f rame tenem' t , 35x55,' t in roof; cost, §4,.500; owner, Jacob- laes , 104 Walton s t ; archi tect , Th. E n g e l h a r d t ; builders, H, Gras­m a n and D. Kreudei*.

348—North Sth st, n s, a b t 50 e 6th st, one one-s tory br ick factory, 70x35, grave l roof; cost, §5,000; owners, E d g a r Holl iday's Sons, on prem­ises; architect , E. F . Gaylor ; mason, J . Rodwel l ; carpenter , no t selected.

.349—^Whipple st, s s , 161.9 e F lush ing av, one thi 'ee-story f rame tenem' t , 25 a n d 23x35 a n d 25.4, t i n i-oof; cost, §3,200; owner, J o h n Schmit t , 685 Flushing a v ; builders, H . Grassman a n d A. Sdunit^

April 29,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE RECORD 437

350—Dikeman st and Partition st, south and north sides, 125 w Ferris st, one two-stoiy build­ing, with two wings, for machine shop, 435x200, each wing 25x25, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §15,000; owner, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 96 Liberty st. New York; architect, Q. V. Beekman; build­ers, P. Carlin & Son and Jas. Martin.

351—-17th st, n s, 200 e Sth av, one three-stoiy brick tenem't, 25x53, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, §6,000; owner, architect and builder, Thos. Green, 195 6th av.

3.52—2d av, vr s, 160 n 13th st, one one story frame dweU'g, 20x83, gravel roof; cost, $300; owner, James McFarland, 9 Fifth st; builder, Martin Lynch.

353—Freeman st, No. 129, one two-story frame stable, 30x20, gi-avel roof; cost, §400; owner, Thomas Keller, 239 Freeman st; builder, J. D. Eggers.

354—Penn st, 55 from s e cor Lee av, one two­story brick stable, 15x14, tin roof; owner, archi­tect and builder, Henry Ranken, 179 Bedford av.

355—Oakland st, w s, 100 n Eagle st, one three­story brick tenem't, 25x55, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $4,900; owner, — Riesker, 486 Manhattan av; architect, P. Weber, builders, M. Vogle and J. D. Eggers.

356—Richards st, w s, 204 s Elizabeth st, two one-story brick storehouses, each 100x150, gravel roofs; cost, each, §8,000; owners. Beard&±lobin-son, 140 Amity st; builders, —^Bentzen and id. Turner.

a57—Carroll st, Nos. 584 and 586, s s, abt 320 w .5th av, two three-story brick tenem'ts, 20x35, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, §3,500; owner, E. S. Plant, on premises; architect, J. D Hall; builder, R. F. Clayton.

358—Pulaski st, s s, 37.5 w Marcy av; five two­story and attic frame dweU'gs, 18.9x38, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,000; owner and buUder, Thos. E. Greenland; architect, I. D. Reynolds.

3,59—Jackson pl, ws, 70 n Prospect av, one two­story frame wagon house, 15x16, tin roof; cost, §200; owner, J. H. Borman. ti' 360—Floyd st, n s, ' 50 e Sumner av. 'two three­story fi'ame stores and tenem'ts, 2.5x.50. tin roof; cost, §4,000 each; owner, John Kramer, Floyd st, near Sumner av; buUder, John Rueger.

361— 20th st, n s, 80, w 7th. av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x33, gravel roof; cost, .§2,600; OAvner, Joseph Clark; ai-chitect, Thomas F. Houghton; builder, P. J. Carlin.

363—Java st, n s, 75 e Franldin st, three three­story brick dweU'gs, 20x45, gravel roof and wooden cornice; owner, G. J. Roberts, 157 Kent st; architect, E. J. Evan.

363-McDonough st, n s, 350 w Reid av, three two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 16 8 x45, gravel roof and wooden cornice; cost, .§3,000, each; owner, R. H. Heasman, 904 Madi­son st.

364—Bush st, n s, 100 w Henry st, one one-story frame dweU'g, 12x17, board roof; cost. $100; owner, P. Reel, Hamilton av, near Smith st.

305—Grand av, w s, 150 s Myrtle av, one two­story frame dwell'g, 25x18, felt and gravel roof; cost, §800; owner, James Wheelin, Steuben st, near Myrtle av; architect and carpenter, An­drew A. Perbush; mason, Edward Wheelin.

,366—Franklin av, e s, 131 n Butler st; also Bnt-ler st, s e cor Franklin av (4 on Franklin av and 10 on Butler st), fourteen three-story frame dweU'gs, comer 2,5x40, and balance 16.8x40, gravel roof; cost, $3,000 each; owner, Emerson W. Perry; architect, Amzi HUl; buUder, T. S. Denike.

367—Division av, s s, 106.5 w Clymer st, one three-story brick store and dwell'g, 25x55, tin roof, wooden cornice;cost, §8,000; owner, August Waeldin, Division av, opposite 5th st; architect, John Platte; builders, G. Lehrain and F. J. Ber-lenback.

368—Conover st, Nos. 143 and 144, e s, 60 from SuUivan st, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 25x22, gravel roof; cost, §1,200; owner, Timothy Giilly, 142 Conover st; architect, Patrick F. Giibary; builders, P. Cunningham and T. BrommeU.

369—41st st, No. 20, bet 1st and 3d avs, one one-story frame stable, 25x15, tin roof; cost, $250; owner, Peter Jost, on premises.

370—^Meserole st, n s, 25 e Waterbury st, two one-story frame storehouse, 13x85, gravel roof; cost, §300; owner, Hemy A. Smith, New Lots.

371— 2d av, s e cor Sth st, one one-story frame stable, 26x42, gravel roof; cost, $500; osvner, Mrs John Delmar, 131 9th st; builder, Robert Cald­well.

372—^Monroe st, s s, 225 w Reid ay, one two­story and basement brick dwell'g, 30x37, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, §3,500; owner, G. E. MiUer, 72 Stanhope st; architect and buUder, Thos. MiUer.

373—3d av, e s, 90 n Bergen st, one one-story brick storehouse for brewery,-39x91.6, tin roof, ^^oodencornice; cost, §3,000; owner and builder, liOng Island Brewery, 81 to 91- 3d avi architect, M. J. MorrUl. ' .'

ALTERATIONS NEW TORK CITY. Plan 633—46th st, No. 423 W., church floor low­

ered four feet and roof raised ten feet, &c.; cost, ^3,000; owners, Trustees Faith Chapel, on prem­ises; architect, Jno. Sexton.

634—Dey st, No. 77, repaii* damage by fire; cost, §500; owner, Morgan Long, Somerville, N. J.

635—13th st. No. 109 E., one-stoiy frame iron and tin extension, 10x25, tin roof; cost, abt §100; owner, J. F. DonneU, 20 Bast 16th st. . 636— lOth av. No. 217, front alteration; cost, $800; owner, Paul McKenney, Jr . ; builders, R. Huson and McKenney & Scrafford.

637—6th av, n w cor 20th st, three-story brick extension, 114x64 and 65, tin roof ; cost, § ; owner, Hugh O'Neil, 1207 Broadway, room No. 24; architect, M. C. Merritt.

638—5th av. No. 481, two-story brick extension, 16x29.6, tin roof, interior alterations, chimney removed, iron skylight, &c.; also new front waU; cost, §25,000; owner, Mary A. King, Newport, R. I.; architects, McKim, Meade & White; builder, W. W. Owen. I

639—146th st, n s, 200 w 3d av, two-story frame j extension, 8.7.icl5, tin roof; cost, §500; owner and builder, John A. Murray, 146th st, n s, bet 3d av and CoUege av; architect, John Rogers.

640—2d av. No. 33i)l, n w cor 121st st, two-stoiy brick extension, 25.11x30, tin roof; cost, §1,500; lessee, John LaUy, on premises; architect, J. S. Wightman; builders, J. & W. C. Spears.

641—87th st. No. 341 E., windows, doors and partitions in cellar; cost, §500; owner, Kunigun­da C. Pfister, 341 East S7th st; architects and builders, Peplar & Wolfart; mason, P. Kay. .

642—18th st, No. lOS W., new glass front; cost, .$300; owner, James Dowd, 162 West 18th st; ar­chitect and builder, E. Dowd.

643—Christopher st. No. 84, raised one-story, flat tin roof; cost. §3,000; owner, D. Fink, exr., 106 West Washington pl; buUder, Jno. Jordan.

644—Chambers st. No. 117, brick wall in rear to break connection; cost, §1,500; owner, estate N. D. Higgins, O. M. Arnold, agent, 84 White st; builder, W. Brennan.

G45—Lewis st. No. 80, store front altered, iron work; cost, § ; owner, Mr.s. Keller, 80 Lewis. st; builders, John Kraft and G. A. Sturtzkober.

•i46—132d st, No. 119 W., raised one-story, flat roof; cost, §900; owner, Edwin B. Hale, on premises; architect, B. Rosenstock.

647—Grand st. No. 19, ^jartitions and stairway altered; cost, $350; owner, estate of P. Finck, 106 East 32d st; buUder, G. Spraul.

648—26th st, s s, 175 e 1st av, four story brick extension, 30 and 25x88, tin roof; cost, $1.5,000; owner. Medical Department of University City New York, 410 East 26th st; architects, D. & J. Jardine.

649—120th st. No. 422 E., three-story brick ex­tension, 18.9x15, tin roof;-cost, §i,500; owner, Hannah Michael, 423 East 120th st; architect, A. Spence; buUder, Garrett Van Cleeve.

650—6th av, Nos. 161, 167 and 169, one-story brick ^extension, 20 on 6th av and 6.10 on 12th st, and 43.2x30.6, tin roof, fronts and interior altera­tions; cost, §4,400; owner, trustee W. G. Rhine­lander, 155 West 14th st; architect, G. M. Huss: builders, H. M. Reynolds and Jno. Spence.

651—Grand st,. s w cor East st, at rear, two- j story brick extension, 13x44, tinroof ;eost, $3,000; owners, Goodwin & Co., 207 Water st; architects, W. Field & Son; builders, Jas. Ashfield & Son and Powderly & Mui-phy.

6.53—SOth st, No. 230 W., repair damage by fire; cost, §1,725; owners. West, Bradley & Cary Mfg. Co.; buUder, P. J. V. Outcalt.

653—7th av. No. 388, front altered; cost, §200; owner, Hannah Morris, 388 Tth av; builders, Jas. Potterton and D. Jester.

654—24th st. No. 347 W., interior alterations for three families; cost, abt §600; owner, architect and buUder, Jas. W. Elgar. 335 West 24th st.

&55—South 5th av. Nos. 239 and 241, one-story brick extension, 10x12, gravel roof; cost, §400; o%vner, M. Coleman, 335 West 23d st; lessee, M. Murdo; builder, Jno. Derr.

656—Av B, No. 278, one-story brick extension, .18x25; cost, §300; owner and architect, Tobias New, 32 John st; builder. J. H. Slocum.

657—^North Moore st, No. 17, one-story brick extension, 6.9x10. tin roof; cost, §400; owiier, John MiUer, 16' Varick st; architectj^W. Jose; builders, Peter Tostevin's Sons and Krogan & May.

658—Baxter st. No. 513^, interior alterations; cost, days' work; owner, Mary A. McBride, 363 Schermerhorn st, Brooklyn; buUder, P. Gard-ella.

659—WUliam st, Nos. 301, 203 and 205, repair damage by fire; cost, §1,100; owner, AmeUa V. Wilson, Fordham, N. Y.; architect and builder, J. D. Miner.

660—Vesey st. No. 62, repair damage by fire; cost, §1,500; owuer, Mrs. Fair, on premises; architect and buUder, J. D. Miner.

661—East Broadway, No. 199, raised 3 feet, in­terior alterations; cost, §900; owner, Jacob Ru-benstein, on premises; architect, F. Jenth; builder, not selected.

663—17th st. No. 510 E., one and one-half-story brick extension,.13x12.8, gravel roof; cost, $100; ovraer, Bridget Igo, 510 East 17th st; builder, Thomas Seery. '

663—Slst st, Nos. 144 to 153 E., repair damage by-fire, wails taken down, &c.; cost, $6|S00; owner, Rufus M. Stivei-s, 142 East 81st st; archi­tect and buUder, Henry WaUace.

664—Monroe st. No. 293, repair damage by fire;

co' t, §1,000; owner, Jacob HenkeU, 72 South ?d st, Brooklyn; builder, G. N. Levers.

665—Oth av. No. 425, new brick front; cost, §50; lessee, Wm'. Tobin, on premises.

666—Franldin st, Nos. 210 and 312, new win­dows in rear; cost, §100; owner, William L. Skidmore, 49 West 52d st.

667—SOth st. No. 81 W.. n e cor 6th av, nnw bulkhead on roof, w^alls altered, iron work; cost, §5,000; owner, Henry C. Thacher, Yarmouth. Mass.; architect, Jno. Mclntyre; buUder, not selected.

668—Washington st. No. 401, new chimney; cost. §1.50; owner, James Devine, 689 Hudson st.

669—Madison av, s vr cor 40th st, two story brick extension, 17.6x46, tin roof, also interior alterations; cost, §23,000; owner, Sarah S. Mor­gan, 9 West 29th st; architect, Geo. E. Harney;

1 buUders. Jeans & Taylor. 670—8th ay. No. 166, one-story brick extension,

9.6x12, tin roof; cost, §3.50; owner, John A. Whittet, 548 We.st .35th st; builder, James Noble.

671—16th st. No. 263 W., raised two feet, flat roof; cost, $1,100; owner, John H. Pulis, on prem­ises; builder, J. D. Demarest.

672—Front st, Nos. 203 and 204, reduce one story to four stories, new fi-out Avail and internal alterations; cost, §-?,000; les.see, Wm. Wainwright; architect, Th. Engelhardt; builder, J. Hoffman.

673— 7th av. No. 405, new rear balcony; cost, §30; owner. Mrs. Mary Curry, 323 West 29th st.

674—Reade st, Nos. 97, 99 and 101, girdei-s restored; cost, • lessees. Rose, McAlpine & Co.; owner, Higgins estate.

675—23d st, Nos. 235 to 239 E., raised on rear, &c.; cost, §4,500; owners, Kranich & Bach, on premises; architect, H. J. Dudley.

676—^King st. No. 137, new brick partition waU and general repairs; cost, §350; owner, John Moyngh, 3 King st; builder, N. Connor.

677—Broadway, s e cor John st, enlarge two windows on second stoiy; cost, §1,500; owner, estate Margaret Cheesebrough; builders, J. J. Tucker and A. C. Hoe & Co.

678—Chrystie st, No. 179. rebuUd front waU; cost, ; owner, John Stemme; builder, D. CaUahan.

679—Railroad av, e s, COO n 169th st, raise one story; cost, §800; owner, Mrs. Susan A. Maring, on premises; architect, W. W. Gardiner; builder. Louis Falk.

680—Sth av. No. 632, one-story brick extension, 24.6x48, tin roof ; cost, §3,000 ; owner, Htrbert C. PeU, 22 East 32d s t ; buUders, O. W. & F. A. Cook.

681—37th st. No. 304 W.. interior alterations for three families ; cost, §1.000 ; owner, Cbarles Lehritter, 309 West 38th s t ; architect, J. M. Forster.

682—Slst st, No. 131 E., one-story brick exten­sion, 21x58, gravel roof, interior alterations, &c.; cost, about §1,000; owner, R. M. Stivers, 143 East Slst st ; masoii, G. W. Moore ; cni-penter, not selected.

683—9th st. No. 419 E . . int 'rior alterations; cost, §3,000; o-wner, Henry Bindewald, 143 1st av; architect, Jobst Hoffmann.


363—^Broadway, s e cor John st, interior altered into offices, elevator, &c.; cost, §13,000; owner, Seventh Ward Bank, cor Pearl and Jolm sts; buUders, A. G. Bogert & Bro.; carpenter, John J. Tucker.


Plan 262—Atlantic av. No. 199, new store front, ironwork; cost, §1,200; owner, Player or Plager, on premises; builder, M. J. Murphy.

363—Pacific st, No. 885, raised one-story, flat tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, §500; owner, Pati'ick Brady, on premises.

264—Dean st. No. 297, raised one-story, flat tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, §1,000; owner, Ernest Jahn, on premises: buUder, Wm. Vanse.

26.5—Smith st, No. 46, new store front, &c.; cost, §500; owner, F. Schoop, on premises; archi­tect and buUder, C. Dietrick.

266—6th st. No. 275, raised one-story, flat tin roof, wooden cornice; also, three-story frame ex­tension, 20x14, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $1,400; owner, Mr. Haley, on premises; builder, John Wilson.

267—North 3d st, s e cor 1st st, two-story brick extension. 36x20, tin roof, iron cornice: cost, ; owners. Metal Stamping Co.; architect, J. Waters; builders. J. Fuchs ahd G. D. Trevor.

368^Front st. No. 9, two-story brick extension, 18.6x33, tin roof, cost, $1,100; agent, Chas. C. Gignoux, 27 Pierrepont st; builder, Issac B. Jacobs. •

269^—Livingston st, s s, bet Court st and Boerum pl, three brick extensions, one of one-story, 18.6x20; one of one-story, 13.6x14, and one of three-stories, 47x20, tin roof; also base­ment newly partitioned, windows altered, &c.; cost, §15,000; owners, trustees Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital; architect, Henry Dudley; buUd­ers, P. Castner and Edwin Burnet; plumber, Jas. Powers.

270—Franklin st. No. 148, one-story frame ex­tension, 10.4x23, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $400; ovmer, C. Kramer, on premises; arch­itect and carpenter, S. F. Bartlett; mason, D. H. Hulse.

438 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 29, 1882

371—Van Dyke st. No. 65, two-story f rame extension, 35x16, t in roof , wooden and t i n cor­nice; cost, §950; owner, Pa t r i ck Crawley or Crowlev, on premises.

272—Broadway, No. 006, front a l te red; cost, . •;500; owner, Jas . H . Skil lman, 915 th av.

273—Plymouth st, Nos. 250 and 252, br ick r e a r foundation, &c. ; cost, §2,000; owners and archi­tects , Ca ry & Hooper, on premises; buUder, E. S. Force.

274—Herkimer st. No. 971, add one s tory, t in roof; also, two-s toiy f rame extension, 5xi5, t in roof; cost, §800; owner, Mrs. Dietrich, ou prem­ises: builders, C. B a u r and H. Wohlers .

27.5—Van B r u n t st, n w cor Par t i t ion st, new store f ront ; cost, §1,400; owner, H e n r y Hain, on premises; buUder, J . J . Cody.

276—Dikeman st, a t foot of. one-story franie extension, 13x18, grave l roof, wooden coruice; cost, §80; owner, Joseph Mercedei, on premises: builder, J . Gleason.

2 7 7 - L e e av, Nos. 163,165,167 and 169, two-gtory brick, 8x10, t in roof, wooden cornice: cost, feach §500; owner a u d builder, H e n r y Ranken, 179 Bedford av.

2 ( 8 - P a r k av, s w cor Schenck st, add one-story, flat grav;^l roof, wooden cornice; also, two-s torv f rame extension, 20x13, gravel roof, wood­en corni(>e, dooi-s altered, &c . ; cost. §400; owner, P . McCi-dedy; builder, S. or L. T. Hard ing .

279-S te r l i ng pl, s s, 100 e Oth av, one-story br ick extension, 20x13, t in roof; cost, §350; owner, Mr. Belden, Oth av, cor Ster l ing p l ; arch­i tect and carpenter , AVm. WiUiamson; mason, J o h u Bauer.

280 -Lex ing ton av, u e c o r Tompkins av, raised >< s tory flat, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, §v:00: owaer , G. W. Craw, 778 Greene a v ; budder , G. H. Prifcs.

281—Ten E y e k st. No. 213, in ter ior al tered, front and l e a r windows a l tered; cost, §6.50; owner, Frederick AVailant, on premises; builders, Pi,auth & Fieger and Louis Brand.

28.'—Atlantic av , n w cor Smi th st, one-story brick extension, 24x25, t i n roof, i ron cornice; cost, §1,400: owners, F igge & Bro., on premises; archi tect , J o h n Mumford; buUders, C. Cameron and l l a r t t & Bovd.

283—Wui worth st, w s, 100 n Wi l loughby av , one-storv brick extension, 33x53, t in roof, i ron cornice;" cost, §2,.500; owners, Doty & McFar l an ; builder, J a s . Lock.

2^!i4—Prospect st. No. 119, flat, t i n roof; cost, §360; owner, J o h n Bredley, on prendses ; archi-tAf't nnd carpenter , J . A. KeUy; mason, Btriugham.

28.5—Johnson av, cor Var ick st, add one s to ry ; cost, §2.50; owner and builder, Geo. Binns, 56 Lee a v : builders, Mr. Hess and A. Mould.

2 8 6 - N o r t h 2d st, No. 430, add one s tory ou extension: cost, §850; owner, Jacob Bechthold, cor 18th s t a n d .5th a v ; builders, J . Doremus, J . Deringer and J . Campbell.

2S7—Bushwich av, n w cor Montrose av, one-story f rame extension, 9x8.6, t in roof ; cost, §100; owner. Michael B a u m a n ; builder, J o h n Krebs.

288—Franklin st, n e cor Oak sc, post to be t aken from under and subst i tute a foundation of liard brick; cost, $7(X); owner, Chris. Cook, cor Huron and Wes t s t s ; architect , Fred. Weber ; builder. Mar t in Vogel.

289—Bleecker st, s s, 150 e Evergreen av, two­s tory frame extension, 20x22, t inroof ; cost, §2.50; owiier. Chas. T. Gastmeyer , Bleeckers t ; builder, M. Holcher.

290—Remsen st. No. 88, front a l te ra t ion ; cost, §!00: owner, H e n r y Polhemus, on premises; architects and biiilders, W . H. Hazzard & Son,


olHces will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building. 191 Broadway, corner of Dey



Schedule of assets and liabilities filed during the weeks ending April 28th :

Nominal Real Liabilities. Assets. Assets

Luedemann, Albert.. $6,0.50 §6,43^ §;3,:308 Myers, Lillie H . . . . . . 2,979 4.229 1,708 Sachse, AVra 31,244 1.5,049 11,8*3


April. 2! FiU-'demann, Albert, to Michael Edesheimer,


Courtland av. bet 156th and 161st sts. (Request to Park Commissioners to take necessary action.)t


87th st, from westerly crosswalk of 1st av to easterly crosswalk of 2d av.t

Liiicoln av, from a line ,5 ft north of northern curb line of Southern Boulevard to eastern crosswalk of 3dav,atl .S8ihst . t

5th av, extending 100 northerly from the southerly") crosswalk of 27th st. ! ..

27th st, extending 20D easterly from the easterly ,' ' crosswalk of Sth av. At owner's expense. J


141st St. both sides, from west curb of 7th av to east curb Sth av.t

143d St. both sides, bet Willis and Brook avs.* 140th st, both sides, bet North Sdav aud St. Ann's av,*


6th st, from Lewis st to East River. ") 10th av, froas i07th to 110th st. | 4th st, from Lewis st to East River. | 8tli st, from Lewis st to East River. gas.t 3d st, froni Goerck st to East River. 1 .5th av, from 110th to 120th s \ I 142d st, both sides, het Willis and Brook avs. J lOOth st het 3d and Lexington avs; Croton.t 137tli st, het Southern Boulevard and Willow av;

Croton.t 141st St. from CoUeze <o Rider av: Croton.* 147th st. bet Brook and St. Ann's avs; gas.* l. Sth .st, from Mott to Gjerard av.) „._ , Gerard av, from 1.58th to 161st st. f&as.l 172d st, from 3d to Railroad av; gas.t Av A, from ,54th to 57th st ; gas.* Madison av, from 115th to 116th st; gas.* Oth av, from 151st to 155th st; gas.* 12th av, from 1,30th to 133d st; gas.*


89th st, from 1st to 31 av.*


Willis av, w s, 25 n 144th st, abt 125 ft. front, t FENCING VACANT LOTS.

Baxter st, No. 34.* 79th sf, s s, bet 3d and Lexington avs, 3 lots.t 12:3d st, n s, 125 w 1st av, abt 150 ft. front.t 125ih st, n s, 200 e 6th av, abt 200 ft. front I , 126th St. s s, 200 e 6th av, abt 200 ft. front ( ' i:32d st. s s, bet 5th and Oth avs.t 4th av, B e cor 118th st, 160x140.* 8th and 9th avs, both sides, bet 71st and 72d sts / . 71st and 72d sts, both sides, bet 8th and 9ih av& )


Greenwich st, in front of No. 679.t 2d av, bet l l l th and 112th sts, opposite No. 2172 t Sth av, w s, 35 n 75th St.*


112lh st, bet 3d av and East River.*



* Under the different headings indicates that a reso-'iMtion has been introduced ana referred to the appro-liriate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has I>asseJ and been sent to the Mayor for approval.


82d st, from west curb 6f Av B to east curb of Av A.t lo4th st, from west curb line of St. Nicholas av to east

curb line of 1( th av.*


7th av, e s, 74.11 s 134th st, 2,5x75, i r reg . vacant, by Scott & Myers. (Amt. due, abt $4,5.50') 6

l l t h st, 5 s, 193 w Av C, 25x94.9, by SherifE, a t City Hall. (Sale under execution) 6

Hunt 's Point road, w s, 125 s e of easterly cor] John Brown's land, 86.3xl25s227.3x43.2xl30x i 315.1x101.1 ; I

North St. centre line, at intersection centre line Hillside av. 43.2x335 10xl&3.6x305 |

Meadow av, e s, 200 s ceii're line Maxwell st, 2.50 x832.6 to centre line Coster av

Eastern Bayav, e s, 585 s of north line Maple st. runs west 1,586.6 to westerly exterior line of lands under water &c., X southeast 171.9 to centre of Prospect st, x east 1,513 to Eastern Bay av. x north 155 to beginning , by W. O. Hoffman. (Amt. due, abt $4,300).....


Madison s^ u s, 387.6 w Tompbins av. 18.9x100... ( Adelphi st, e s, 300 s Park av. 16.8xl0ii \

by J. Cole,.at 389,Fulton st 2 Hewes st, n s, 64 e Marcy av, 20x86, by J. C. Eadie,

at 45 Broadway. E. D. . 2 Gwinnett st, e s, 119 s Harrfsonav, 19x74.4, by Cole

& Murphy,.at 379 Fulton st 3 3d st, n s, 25 e Bond st, 17 6s90 I 3d .st, n s, 43.6 e Bond st. 17.6x90 f

by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st 3 Centre st. e s, 500 s Sackett sf. 50x1' 0. by J. Cole.

at 389 Fulton st. (Amount due. $885) 4 Lexington av, n s, 150 e Nostrand av,- 150x100, by

T. A. Kerrigan..at 35 Willoughby st . . 4 State st, n s, 223 e. Chnton st, 21.1x10^.7, by T. A,

Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby si 1 State st, n s, 223 e Clinton st, 21.1x103.7, by T. A.

Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughhj' st 4 Skillman st, w s, 133 n De Kalb av, 25x100 1 Franklin av, e s. 132 6 n De Kalb av, 25.6x300.... f

by T. A. Kerrigan, a t 35 Willoughby st 6 Flushing av, s s, 50 e Bedford av, 2.5x67.3, by J .

Cole, at 389 Fulton st 6 Johnson st, n s, 31.4 e Washington sf. 25 6x100— I Atlantic st, s s, 200 w Bond st, 25x90 f

by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st •',



Jackson st, from Humboldfest to Kingsland av.i-CROSSWALKS.

Bushwick av, 18th ward.t LAMPPOSTS ERECTED.

Jackson st. bet Humboldt st and Kingsland av. at owner's expense.t "


Luquer st, bet Hamilton av and Hicks st.



I>Iav. White st. No. 87. s s, 82.10 vr Elm st, 24x68 3, two-

story brick shop, hy J . T. Boyd. (Partition Sale) 3

32d st. No. 311, n s. 160 e 2d av. 20x98.9, four-story brick tenem't, by W. Kennelly. (Amount due abtS3,500) ' 2

South st, n s, bet Market slip and Pike st, 40x160 to Water st. by E. H. Ludlow & Co. (Amount due, abt $7,9.50) 2

Prescott av, w s, 210 s Emrrson st. 104x123.10x100 X136.6, by B. Smyth. (Amount due, abt §1.325).. 3

Broadway, or Kingsbridge road, s e s. 521.10 n w of centre of Naegle av, 50.1x205.6x50x202, by R * V.Harnett . (Amountdue,abt$2,100) " 3

211th st, s e cor Isham st. 166,9x95.8x136.7, by R ' V Harnett. (Amount due. abt $2,300) " ' 3

AvC, No. 269. w s, 22.9 s 16th st, 23x88, flve story-brick store and tenem't, and three-story brick stable in rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount due abt $.3,700) ' 3

Madison av, s e cor 96th st, 100.8x100, vacant' b-v Wm.Kennelly ' ^ 3

Sth av, n w cor ESth st, runs west 200 x north 100.5 X east 99.11 to Circle, x southeast along-; Circle 122.5 X south 40.8. one-story brick (frame front) stores, by R. \ . Harnett. (Amount due, abt

Charles st, No. 44, s s, 221.7 e 4th st,' '20x95, thr 'e'-'l story brick dweU'g

20th st, No. 242 W., s s, 22x93, irreg., three-sto'ry brick dwellg

Washington st, w s, 6.5.11 n Christopher st,'22x93.5 y Elm st, No. 82. w s, 67 s White st, 18.2x65 7, t-svo-

story brick store and dweU'g Clinton st, No. 11, w s, 125 s Houston st. 21x61'

three-story brick store and dweU'g... by E. H. Ludlow & Co. (Partition s a l e ) . . " . " 4

Av A, No. 16.33, e s, 60 n 86th st, 20x75, four-story stone front tenem't, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount due, abt $9,900) 4

Macdougal st. No. 101, w s, abt 146 n Bleeciter st . 25x150.2 to Minetta St. x29.10xl35.1: No. 101 Mac­

dougal s t , twostory brick dwell'gi No. 9 Minetta st, two-story frame dwell'g and two-story frame stables in rear, hy R. V. Harnett. (Amount due abt $6,150) 4

7th av, e s, 49.11 n 133d st, 22x75, irreg., "vacant ijy Scott & Myers. (Amt. due, abt $6,000) ' 6


April 31st s^. s s. 360 e 10th av. 20x89. Ann O'Hara agt

Elizabeth O'Hara et al.; action to establish will. &c.; att 'ys, DevSlin & MiUer 22

5th av, s w c o r fSih st, 100.5x100. Samuel aud Samuel, Jr . , Weeks agt Jacob Weeks CornweU et al.; partition; att 'y. S. H.Thayer 24

Idt av. e s, abt r>1.2 s 82d st, two buildings. Wm. P. Esterbrook, Inspector of BuUdings, agt An­drew Kelly; notice of violation of building law; att 'y, Wm. L. Findley 24

3d av. R e cor 79th st, flve buildings. Same agt Samuel Simmons and Chas. A. Buddensiek; game att 'y '. 21

85th st. No. 311. E., n s. Same agt Frederick Schuck; same att 'y 24

88:h st, Nos. 437 and 439 E.. n s, two notices. Same agt Wm. Stacom; same att 'y. 24

6th av. No. 36.5, w s, 80.9 s 23d st, ISxIiO. Kate Mur-]ihy agt John W. and Jane A. Wolfe et al; action for do.wer; att 'y, Cliarles W. Truslow 2.')

Canal st, Nos. 170. 172,172)4,174 and 176, s s, 47.61 w (?) from e 8 of Mott st, runs east 93.10x73.4, ', irreg

Canal st, Nos. 163 and 165, n e cor Elizabeth st, 46 x25

Canal st. >^os. 167 to 183, n s, extdg. from Mott to i Elizabeth sts, 188x100.1

Elizabeth st, Nos. 34 and 36, e s, 50.1 n Canal st, I 50x100.3

Elizabeth st, No. 47, w s. 5:ix94.6 Molt st, No. 76, e B, 75.3 s Canal st, 25.4x70.6 East Broadway, No. 72. n w cor Market st, 13.7x

67.4 : . . . . . Allen st. No. 167, w s. 125 s Stanton st. i'5x88 3?d fit, No.~2]6, s s, 203.9 e 3d av. 18 9x98.9 53d st. No. 59, n s, 205 e Oth av. 20x100.5 j

Jeannette A. Giles agt John C , Henry C. and William GUes et al.; action for dower; att 'ys, Scudder & Carter

151h st, n s, 362.3 vr 7th av, 75x103 3. Erastus New agt Henry C. McEwing; attachment; att 'y, Jobn M. Tierney

48th st. No. 313 E., n s, 175 e 2d av, 25x100. Moritz Bauer agt George F. Jones and ano., exrs. of John C. Collins; action for specified perform­ance o 'contract ; att 'y, Randolph Guggenheim­er

East Broadway, s s, a t t 150 e Montgomery st, 23x 78.5. Josephine wife of and Peter Forrester agt Lucinda Dougherty et al.; partition; att 'ys, G. S. & J. H. Stitt . .

72d st, n o cor 2d av, 87x100. Foreclosiu-e of me­chanics' lien. WiUiam M. and Robert J. Howe agt James D. Lynch et a'.; att 'ys, Midler, Peck­ham & Dixon

Same property. Foreclosure of mechanics' lien. Robert Kliss and ano., as assignees of Dittmar Powder Mfg. Co., agt same

Reade st, No. 177, 1-6 interest and 1-15 interest. George H. Phelps, as recvr. of estate of Frank­lin Peters, agt Franklin and Emma Peters and Charles Sigler ; action to set aside deeds; att'y, Charles S. Simpkins

Suffolk st, No. 50. e s, bet Grand and Broome sts, 16x50. MorrisKotshofski agt LesserKottshof-ski et al.; partition; att 'y. Otto Horwitz


47th Bt, Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7 W., n s, 92 -w 5th av. Fore­closure of mechanic's lien. Ihomas Mickell agt Theodore Weston; att 'ys, Forbes & Sage

Leggetl's Creek, e s, at easterly corner of boat 1 house, 199x317.6x395.6 to road leading from I West Farms to Hunt's Point, x700x622xl30xl03 I X220x900x590x300xl46, contains 17 and 114-1,000 i acres of upland, salt meadow and sedge land.. 1

Road leading from town landing on Leggett's Creek to Hunt's Point road, 60 s of L. B. 1 iJrown*s ice house, 17x289x22x15x317 J



Hermann D. Fellkampf agt Robert N. Kitching et al.; att 'y, Elial F. HaU 2J

AvA, s wcor 121st st, 100.10x100 1 121st 6t, s s , lOOwAv A, 25x100.10 f

David Oppenheimer agt Mary and John J . Bur­chill et al.; att 'y, Isaac Untermyer 83

Grand st. No. 38, n s, 18.11 e Thompson st, 18 l lx 46.11. Christian Bruns agt Simon Witmark and Rosa his wife et al.; att 'y, B. Aymar Sands 22

Grand st. No. 40, n s, 37.10 e Thompson st, 18.11x 46.11. Sameagtsame ". 22

131st St. s s, abt 93.6 w Madison av, 17.6x99.11. Her-man'E. Street agt Thomas Darragh et al.; att 'ys, Wingate & Cullen .; 24

3d av, s e cor 113th st, 40.11x69. The Manhattan Savings Institution agt James S. Carpentier et al.; att 'ys. Fellows, Hoyt & Schell 24

100th st, n s, 400 w 9th av, 50x100.11. Oscar C. Fer­ris et al.; trustees, agt Philip Braender, individ., and as admr. of iilinnie Braender et al . ; att 'y, G. M. Thompson 24

107th st, s s , 400w 9th av, 50x100.11. Same agt same; sameat t 'y . 24

104th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 50x100.11. Same agt same; same att 'y 24

142d st, n s, 230 w8thav, runs west 64.11 to New av, x north 100.6 x east 53.11 x south 99.11 to begin­ning. Henry Meigs and Alfred Roe, as trustees of John J. Palmer agt De Witt C. Winslow and Samuel A. Lewis and Sophia his wife; att 'ys. Roe & Macklin.. - 25

14th st, n e s, 175 n w 6th av. 25x123.3, x irreg. Harry W. Morris agt John G. V. A. Duj-yea, in­divid. and as exr. of J . J. Duryea et al.; att 'ys, Grimball & Tunstall. 26

Centre st. No. 253, vr s, 25x53. Henry Rose agt Simon Mann et al.; att 'y; Thomas H. Cook 26

31st st, s s. 180 w 2d av, 20x98 9. William R. Rose agt Philip and Anna L. Bohnet et al . ; att 'ys, Rose&Putzel 26

1st av, e s, 25.1 n 69th st, 25.1x113. Viola W. Gale agt Henry Galvin et al.; att 'ys, Armstrong & Fosdick 20


Flatbush av, s w cor Caton av, runs south along Flatbush uv lo Caton av, if extended, x west to East 21st st, X north to Clarkson av. x e a s t to beginning. The Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn, agt Frank Crooke et al.; att'j-s, J..L. Marcellus. 24

Myrtle av, s s, 142.2 e Stockholm st. 2.5x47.6x27.1x .58. • Lucy F. Donnelly agt Peter Donnelly; par­tition; atfy, John T. Barna rd . . . . . . . 34

North 9th st, centre line, at intersection centre line 1st st, runs east along centre line North 9th st to dividing line bet farms Sanford and Titus, X south to centre line 2d st, x south to centre line North 8th st, x east to farm line, x south to centre North 6th st, x west to point 200 w west­erly line 2d st, x south 130 to centre line block, X west to and into East Biver to exterior line, x northeast to intersectiou centre line 1st st and centre line North 6th st, x east 230 x north 260 to centre North 7th st, x east 200 to westerly line 2d st, X north 230 to s s North 8th st, x -west 4.30 to centre 1st st, x north 290 to centre North 9th st; excepting 6 lots, each 25x100, two lots being on 1st st and 4 of said lots being on North 6th st. Ida C. Von Briesen agt Annah B. Bush et al ; action to set aside and vacate a certain deed: att 'y, Isaac L. Egbert 25

St. Marks av, s s, 195 e Clason av, 66x126. Robert Fletcher agt Jolm B. Sheridan, James C. Bre­voort aud Frank CrooKe; att 'y, Htnry C. Mur­phy, J r . . 26

Myrtle av, n s, 50 w Steuben st, 25x100. Eleanor E. Jackson agt Bedell Baldwin and Charles E. Clark; att 'ys, S. W. & H. W. Gaines 25

North 3d st, u e s , 250 n w 5th st, 25x122. Sarah A. Vingut agt Jautha J. Michaels; att 'ys. Roe & Macklin 25

Congress st, No. 197. n s, 115 e Clinton st, 25x90. G. W. South agt George Butler et al.; amended notice; att 'y, Francis Byrne 27

Myrtle av, n s, 72 w Carll st. 24x100. JohnC. Perry agt Maiy A. Brody; att 'y, John C, Perry.. 27

Carlton av, w s, 134.3 s Myrtle av, 30x100. Wm. Conselyea agt John D. and Margaret O'Keefe; att 'y, J. Stewart Ross \ 28

Prospect st, s s, 125.2 e Jay st, 33.10x80x33x80. Anna M. Springer agt Charles Springer et al.; action to declare void certain moi"tgages and a deed; att 'ys, H. C. & C. Place 28


NEW YORK. Per year. Broadway, No.-1146, e s, 105.9 s 27th st. Mar­

ietta R. Stevens to Mark M. Stanfleld; 10 years and 7 months, from Oct. 1,1879 $3,003

Beekman st, No. 127, s e cor Water s t . ' Maturin Livingston to C. D. Mever; 3 years, from May 1, 1882 . . . . . ' . 2,200

Barclay st. No. 94. Helena S. Price to Rem. L. Brower; 5 years, from May 1,1882. 2,000

Bowery, No. 79!^, cellar, flrst and second floors. Clifford A. H. Bartlett, trustee of estate of Susan P. Leggett to Fanny Wolfers ; 4 years, from May 1,1882....... 800

Cortlandt st. No. -44. Harriet B. wife of Charles B. Hoffman to Henry Klein & Co; 3 years, from May 1,1882 2,750 and 3,000

Canal st. No. 154. WiUiam C. Wetrnore, trus­tee of and Matilda Delaplaine to Peter Kraeger; 5 years, from May 1, 1882.... 1,200

Canal st. No. 191, store floor. John Ochse to Fe-dinaud Neis; 2 years, from May 1,1882. 1,400

Duane st. No. 211. Ambrose K. Ely to Cran­dall & Godley; 5>^ years, from Nov. 1,1881, for 6 mos per year, $300; balance of term. . 3,600

Delancey st, No. 304. Anna Wolf to Louis Stel­ter; 3years,from May 1,1883...; 900

Oreenwich st, No. 92, store and south ^ of vault. J o h n H Schutte to Otto Hemken; 10 years, from Mayl 1,300

Houston st. No. 485 E., s w cor Goerck st, | store and cellar. >-

XJoerck st. No, 143. : ; . . . . ) Catharine Gillis, widow, Mary E. Boyd, Annie E. Lindeman and Isabella GiUis,













heirs Samuel Gillis, dec'd, to William C. Oesting; 3|years, from May 1.1882 1,200

Houston st, No. 13 E., basement. Albert E. Wolf to Fred Matthiosen; 3 j-ears. from Mayl , 1882..

Houston st, No. 84 E., store. Gertru-'e Muller to Lorenz M. Kerling; 3years fromMay 1, 1882

Lawrence st, No. 91. Diedrich W. Hoffmann to-Frederick W. Turner; 10 years, from May I ". . . . . . .

Ludlow st. No. 103, basement. &e. Henry Kiddle to Bernard Ploch; 3 years, from May 1,1882

Market st. No. 93, n w cor Water st. Henry Punchard to John Blanken; 5 years, from May 1,1882 1,200

Monroe st, No. 116)4, store. Clara McGovern to Mary Whelan; 5 years, from May 1,1881. 144

Prince st, No. 66. Jane Baker to Herman Grobe: 3 years, from May 1,1882 1,200

Rivington st. No. 33. Henry W. Ricklefs to Charles Stein; 5 years, from May 1.1882 ..

Spring st. No. 120. Aaron J. Henriques to Otto Barthels; 3 years, from May 1,1882

Stanton st, s e cor Ludlow st, store. Anna Jung to Adolph. Beck; 3 years, from May 1,1882

Union pl, No. 6, known as the Monument House. Lambert and John F. Sus^dam to Daniel Brubacher; 5 years, from May 1, 1882

Vandewater st, No. 12. Palrick Higgins to George Ohrt; 3 years, from May 1,1882

Washington st, Nos. 512 and 514. and Nos. 3.9 and 310 West st. Jacob H. V. Cockcroft to Warren R. Hedden; 5 years, from May 1, 1682

Woll" St. cor Sedgwick av, —x380 to N. Y. & Northern R. R. Smith W. Devoe to Charles Kessel; 5 years, from May 1, 1882 900. 1,000 and 1.200

2d St. No. 132. James W. McBarron to WiUiam B. Ast; 2 years, from May 1.1882. .1.000 and 1,050

6th st. No. 415 E. Maria E. Rieffel to Israel Gruen; 3 years, from May 1,1882

l l th st, No. 114 E. Samuel H. Bailey to George Wahlheimer; Syears, from May 1,1882

12th st. No. 136 W. Belina Froehlich to Frances Patterson; 3 years, from MayJ, 1881.... =.. 1,200

23d st. No. 368 W. Benjamin Russak to Pat­rick Malone; 3 years, from May 1, 1880 1,300

24th st. No. 163 E , barber shop. Alfred Abrams to David Lewitzky; 3 years, from Mayl , 1882.... ;

34th St. s s, 100 e 12th av, 2.5x100. Euphenia Sloane to John Schwetje; 10 years, from Feb. 1,1882 .500 and 600

37th st. No. 335 W. Lukas* Breitenstein to Hermann Handscbin; 5 years, from May 1, 1882 1,400 and 1,500

53d st. No. 241W. The New York City & North­ern R. R. Co. to John Branigan ; 1 year, from May 1,1882

54th st, s s, 175 vr l l th av, 2.5x71.2x25x74.5. Hop­per S. and Alexander H. Mott to Martin Holzhausen; 5 years, from May 1,1881

taxes, &c., and 125 86th st, No. 204 E., carriage i-epair shop. Julius

J. Lyons to Frank Bazzoni and H. Wit­kowski; 1 year, from May 1

105th St. No. 105 E. J. L. Eschenbacker to B. GutwilUg; 1 year, from May 1,1882

155th st, No. 625. WiUiam Birss to Karl F . Spitz; 5 years, from Nov. 1,1881

Av A, No. 168. store, &c. Peter Schaefer to John B, Edelhauser ; 5 years, from May 1, 1882

AvB, No. 291, s e cor 17th st, store. Chris­tiane Grunewald to John Meyer; 5 years, from May 1,1883 1,020

Av C, No. 255, store, cellar, &c. Robert French, guard. Eliza Jane and Joseph Johnson, to WiUiam Chapman; 2 years, from May 1. 1882

Lexington av. No. 820. M. Phillips, agent of Mrs. S. Cahill. to Samuel Guggenheimer ; 2 years, from May 1.1881

South 5th av, No. 47. P. M. Temple to M. J. Garzon; 1 year, from May 1,1882

1st av. No. 1.335, store and cellar. John Forbes to Francis Earley; 2 years, from May 1, 1882 .300 and 360

1st av, s e cor 103d st, 25x100. N. Park Collins to Nicholas Brennfleck; 4 years and 6 months, from Nov. 1.1881 75

2d av. No. 635, store, first floor and basement. Moses Stern to John Schweers: 2 years, f romMayl , 1882 ' 960

2d av. No. 415. store. Edward Mulvany ta James J. Walsh ; 3 years, 3 months and 9 days, from Jan. 23,1881 1, 00

2d av. No. 466, store and rooms adjoining and basement. Gottfried Glock to Patrick Burns; 5 years, from May 1,1882

2d av, No. 1.587, store, basement and first floor. Denis Flanagan lo Charles H. Meyer; 5 years, from May 1,1883

3d av. No. 1381, store and part of cellar. Simon Herman to S. Stemfels; 3 years, from May 1,1881

3d av, No. 424, store and basement. Catharine Grifittu to Emil Kellner ; 2 years and 2 months, from Marchl , 1882

3d av. No. 612, store floor. PhiUp Dressel to Frohman Brothers; 3 years, from May 1. 1882

3d av. No. 149. Mary wife of John McCartney to Simon R. Bluman; 5 years, from May 1,1881

3d av, s vr cor 75th st. store and basement. Bridget Conway, individ and as guard., to Edward Hanley; 4 years, from May 1,1883

Sth av. No. 263, s e cor 29th st. E. Coralie Gardiner et al., to Daniel Neumann ; 10 years, from May 1 7,0C0

9th av. No. 475. store floor, basement and four rooms on third floor. Adam Neumann to Edward Pflugi; 4 years, 10 months and 22 days

l l th av, s w cor 54th st, 25.5x60. Hopper S. and Alexander H. Mott to Catherina Gerhold ; 5 years, from March 1,1883... .J^ taxes, &c., and


oflfices will be found in the Mercantile Bank

Building, 191" Broadway, corner of Dey


















N. Y. S T A T E . NOTE.—Tlie arrangement of the Conveyances, Mort­

gages and Judgments in these lists is as follows: the first name, in the Conveyance is the Grantor; in Mortgages, the Mortgagor; in Judgments, the Judg­ment debtor.


Bartlett, Israel M, Stanford—George Card $125 Colepaugh, Henry, Milan—Hiram G Killmer 163 Colli, s, Louisa W, Amenia—Desault Guernsey.. 500 Cusack, John H, Poughkeepsie City—Pough­

keepsie Savings Bank . . . . 2,8C0 Davis. Henry, Poughkeepsie City—Frederick W

Davis 5.50 Denton. Judson A, Union Vale—Alva Hall 850 Felton, Eliza J . Rhinebeck—John O'Brien 12,900 Gemmill, Cynthia P, Washington—Aurella W

Doty 300 Howland, Anna J, Northeast—John M Webster. 2,000 Hunting, Isaac M, Stanford—Amy E Fanner l,.50O Hunuston, Mina C, Pine Plains—Mary Eno Ellis. 1,112 J ud son. Harriet Jane. Matteawan—John F G eron COO Kelly, Mary, Poughkeepsie—Poughkeepsie Na­

tional Bank. 5,600 Leahy, Patrick, East Fishkill—Edward Waldon. 1,000 Lee, Mary E, Poughkeepsie—Edward Varick... . 50 Pitt, Esther. Wappinger FaUs—Alanson Fowler. 1,000 Rees. John E, Dover Plains—H Clay Losee 1,500 Simmons, Edward E, Pine Plains—Harmon W

Pulver 1,100 Van Dyne, Harvey E, Clinton—Almonson L Irish 1,000 White, William A, Hyde Park-Catharine Mc­

Grath 550 JUrOMENTS.

Candee, John N and Geo W, Poughkeepsie—City National Bank 2,217

Lane, Murrin—Chas W Lane 116 Lawrence, Charles—George W Rhodes 157 Michael, David—Abraham C Harris 57 Poughkeepsie Iron and Steel Co, Poughkeepsie

City—WmH Arthur e t a l . . . . 72 Same, Poughkeepsie City—Hllend R Rose . . . . 75 Same, Poughkeepsie City—James H Williams. 4.091

Whalen, Ellen—Dennis Whalen 79


Anderson, Chas—Jacob Keller, Deerpark §2.50 Babcock, R M, e t al—Middletown Savings Bank,

Middletown 12,000 Boak. Robt N—Middletown Savings Bank, Mid­

dletown 5.000 Cornell. Carles H—C S Coleman, Corn wall 1 .(NH> Cornrll , Charles H—James C Cornell, CornwaU. 800 Corwin, Alvira J . and J o h n Cummings—H R

Low and Abner MiUs. Middletown l.OOO Foss, Henr ie t t a C—Geo W Robertson, Middletown 775 Gedney, D F—Ellen Lanigan, ext rx , Goshen 1,400 Hous ton , John H—John Coe, Warwick 4 OOO J u n e , Geo A—N T Hawkins , Newburg 8(l<i Lirelv, J o h n A—Middletown Savings Bank, Mid­

dletown 100 Mat thews & Barnes—F C South-wick et al . New- <»

burg 8 OCX) McGuire, Peter—Marg' t Le^ry, Newburg 2,000 Nor th rup , Joel—J D N or thrup , OtisviUe 650 Pecheux, N i c h o l a s - J B MiUer, Newburg 4,000 Pendy , Richard—.Marg't Powers . Chester i)56 Smith , Wm H—R C Miller, Wallkill . 4,000 St Thomas Church, C o r n w a l l - N e w b u r g Sav­

ings Uank, CornwaU 12 OOO Tuthil l , Annette—Orange Co B & L A-Sioc. Por t

Jervis 800 Wright ElizabethO—Marv D Wilkes. Newburg. 1 .5;)0 Wulstein, Johanna—Geo Van Elten, Deerijark.. 5.Mi

JUDGMENTS. Bolton, Frederick P—The M Y. L E & W R R. . . . 418 Beatty, Israel O—James M Beatty 5iS Brown, Charles L—Charles F Brown et al 1,02!) Coe, Wyatt—Robert Bowman f,o Cook, Dennis—Zebulon AV VaurJerhoef e t a l . . .. ].(>33 Decher, Philip—Rosa Norris i :>5 Denton, Nathanie l R, admr , &c—Andrew J

Mapes et al, exrs .58 FerwiUiger, George W—Catharine Maz OOS Fieldman. F—Edgar Dumon 114 Kelly. John—David Brown .5:5 Kennedy. Patrick—Theodore Werttalio 2(i Mapes, Edson S—Robert B Heoch no Murray, Gertrude B—The New York Life In­

surance Co 1.170 O'Connell, Lawrence and Bridget—William Gau-

ley i?4 Steiger, Frederick—Jacob H Morris 31i The New York. Lake Erie & Western R R C o -

John Gottlieb 5,.388


CONVEYANCES. Albee, H M—E S Albee, Newark av ?I,003 Albee, F T—M J O'Connor, Newark av 2,300 Allen. F B—L L Morris. Orchard St.. nom Babcock, .T C—H C Adams, West Orange 1,500 Baldwin. J E—H W Stephens, Niagara st 75 Baldwin, W H—R D Weeks, East Orange 1 800 Bein, G F . etal—H Smith, Bank St.. 3,000 Bender, Jacob—B Kaufmann, Patterson st 2i000 Bonnell, IW—J H McCracken, Adams st nom Bradley, M A—T Nevins, Orange 5,500 Condit, Edmund—C Ringer, West Orange nom Condit, J P—E K Olcott, East Orange i 500 Conselyea, J M—P Held, Darcy st £00

440 T H E REAL ESTATERECORD April 29,1882

Coumont. Pauline—I C Ogden, Orange ,3 200 Crossman, M B—E Reeve. Chestnut st nom Denison. J H—S A Bnldwiu Roland st 1,500 Dey, J W—C S Middleton. South 19th st 800 Dodd, M M—M D Jennings, East Orange 1,000 Doremus, Elizabeth—B O'Connor. Warren s t . . . . 2,700 Doughty. S S—W Donegan. Chambers st 800 Duryee, G S—E E Rankin, Howard st 500 Emmons, Charles—P H Leonard. Orange nom Field, J W—I M WiUiams, West Oi ange 420 Fletcher. Francis—W Sutton. Chestnut st 2 200 Germania Life Ins Co, of Newark—C AVidmann,

South 18th st 775 Gerdin, J W C—G Russell, South Orange!....'.'.'. 500 Hartung, Miirgarethe—J Hartung. Spruce s t . . . . 1,600 Hedden, W D—T M Untiedt. Easi Orange . . . . . . nom Igoe, Peter—BeUeville Bldg and Loan Assoc,

BeUeville nom Jackson, John—J Cherry, B cornfield 2,.500 Jeffries. John—S .J Beach. Greenwich st 2 400 Jones, Thomas—J Schmidt, Sr, Magazine s t . . . . 287 Kernaghan, M E—L M Allen, Runyon st 4 000 King, Alexander—G W" King, East Orange nom King, G W—A L King, East Orange nom Kissam, Samuel—J B Drew. Milburn 558 Leonard. Virginia—C Emmons, Orange nom Mandeville, Jr, Cornelius—H Metzger, Hamburg

pl 800 Martin. Christina—31 Maver, N J R R av nom Matthews A J[—H M Matthews, South Orange.. 1 000 Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co—I Schaedel, Bruce st 1,200 McKav, Alice—F Whiteiey, Sheffield st 3 900 McKeivey. John—T Creaden, East Orange.. . . 400 Mitchell. A P—M M Dodd. East Orange 1 200 Morris, D H—F B AUen, Orchard st nom Nevins, Thomas—P Mitchell, Clinton 2 000 Nichols, S E—J Barth, Prince st 900 Rankin, William, exr—G S Duryee, Howard s t . . 500 Reehner, Mary—A HeUwig. lath av i,50fl Schmidt, John^A Schmidt, Magazine st 1*5.50 Slater. John—M A O'DonneU, Belleville 950 Taylor, J S—N H Taylor. Passaic st nom The Mayor, etc—C Schwarz, Hamburg pl nom Tillou, D W—H McCloskev, Orange. . . . . . 700 Tichenor, F M—T Brady, Market st 1,100 Vaughn. Thomas—J D.=iwson, Hunterdon st. . nom Volheye, Ahvine—H C Rohlffs, Plane st 443 Ward, Patrick—C Schneider, Polk st 750 Wilkinson, E A-=J Spratt, Monroe st 900 W^right, William, sherifl—The Mayor, etc, of

Newark, 7th av 700 Wright, WiUiam, sheriff—Dime Savings ' inst.

Mechanic st 3 000 Wright, William, sheriff—P Bennett, Chestnut st 'sOO

MORTGAGES. Baldwin, S A—J H Denison, Rowland st 1 000 Barth, Jacob—S E Nicbols, Prince st '800 Beach, G E—S Petty, Greenwich st 1 oOO Brady, Thomas—F M Tichenor, Market st 1,000 Burns, llosanua—M Norton, Condit st 105 Coe, C E—A Coe. Court st r ". ogo Daneck, J (1—Newark Savings Inst, Jefferson st, 800 Eberhardt, F T—P Hassenger, Bruen st 1 500 Elbertson, E J—E 3 u)ul(i. South Orange 1*200 Hartung, Jacob—M Hartung, Spruce st 'oOO Hell wig, August—M Reehner, 12th av 200 Held. Peter—J W Conselyea, Darcy st KIO Jolley. R O—E Appelbaum, Bloomfield 1 200 Loeb. Lazarus—W Scheerer. Market st 4 000 McKinney, Peter—A P Lindsley, Orange . . . . 'lOO MitcheU, I'hilip—M A Bradlev. Clinton 1 500 Nevins. Thomas—M A Bradley, Orange 3*500 Peele, Anna—C H Wilcox, Bloomfleld 10 000 Peterson, Otto—H Nelson, Orange '350 Samuel. Adolph—Excelsior Building and Loan'

Springiiel'J av . . 5 OOO Schwarz, Catharine—G Meyers. Hamburg pl. 1 200 Spratt, James—Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co, ' « Monroe st 500 button, William—F Fletcher, Chestnut st.. ' 1 200 Taylor, N H—C Hager. Passaic st •6*500 White. Margaret—M HoueymaQ, Crittenden St.. 1,500 Widman. Christine—Germania luS; Co. of New­

ark, South 18tli St 375 Williams, U G—H A Williams. Commerce s't!"!!' 950 Wyckoff, J N—D Almond, New st 250 Zeek, Marcus—J A Francisco, CaldweU 1,000

CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Abe, Charles, Clinton—L Nuding, horses and

wagon Qi Bergen, Martin, Bloomfield av—Knickerbocker

Life Ins Co, horses, cows, farm utensils 360 Condit, E JI, Orange—T J Smith, colts, wagons,

harness 225 Habig. Leander, 16 Livingston s t ^ B Galin,

piano 140 Mahon & Co, J H, Newark—John Matthews,

soda fountain UO Miller, F W. Caldwell—Isaac Lane, horses!

wagons, harness 797 Miller, J H. 29 Bathgate pl—F B Al en, f u r n " ! ' ! 100 Olvauey, D T, 94 Norfolk s t - J Olvaney, bar

room flxtures 1 coO Reffer, G, 63 Norfolk s t ^ L Meyer, horses,'cows! '

wagons 422 Schutte, C F, Washington st—BaUantine'&'Co!

bar room flxtures 300 See. Edward, cor AVai-ren and Hunterdon sts-^W

F Hahn, horse and wagon 150 Trusdall. W C. South Orange. . . . J H Schenck,

furniture, horses, etc 265 Vierling, Chas, 57 Paciflc st—D Kaufhol'd,'ice

box and butcher shop flxtures 200 JUDGMENTS.

Bowers, WiUiam—R C Wightndau 304 Herring, Sarah—A Vanderbeck 659 Loehenberg, August—J Staff 40 Norton, J o h n - H W Perine et al ! 958 O'Brien. James—W H Ritter 2 088 Seinhardt, Doritta et al—J N Hesse ' 092



Beach, W M—T Cox, J City $3 650 Benson, B D, A A Sumner and H L Taylor—The '

FideUty Ins. and Safe Deposit Co, Bayonne .„ ••••••^•..1 to secure payment $2,000bonds Besson, J 0—GDucker, Hoboken 3,000

Bussing, F W—C F L Hennemen, J City 500 Bussing, F W—F Fox, J City 500 Butler, J H and T A—C B Booker, Hoboken.. . . 10,300 Barber, E F—Jane Barber, J City nom Brown, Charles—A Deneche, J City 1,500 Crevier, J C—J SulUvan, Hoboken 2,.500 Cook, CeciUa—O Flemming, J City 2,675 Clark, F L—D E Clean, West Hoboken nom Cleary, D E—J Edelstein, J City 3,100 Crevier, J C—H Altmann, West Hoboken 3,000 Cadmus, J W, Margaret A Griswold, Nelson Cad­

mus and Lavinia V Cadmus—E Seymour, Bayonne 4,500

Clay, R J , S H and Edmund—G Mai-sland. Kearney 10,000

Cleveland, Overtes, et al, by sheriff—Exr. J Budderow, J City 5,000

Currie, James, by exr—J J Kelly. Bayonne 275 Carrie, William—J J Kelly, Bayonne • 75 Cook, Adeline—Francis M Bostwick, J City.. . . . nora Davis, G W—J W Falk, J City 300 Edelstein, John—D E Cleary, J City 3,750 Gremigni, Gaetano—A Caragnard. J City 550 GUbert, W S. et al, by sheriff—S Colgate, J City. 150 Graves. Eliza S—W Mare et al. Bavonne 12,500 Hulse, W T—Mary E Babbitt, J City. . . . i 8,400 Humphreys, Ellen—Ifl W Humphreys, Bayonne. nom Hoerth, Ignatz—Margaret Lorch, Union nom Henrethy, William—Mary Canowan, J City 5,000 Hurson, Rohert—F W Bussing, J City 2,000 HoUins, Elizabeth C—T Murray et al, J City 1,100 Headden, John—W Atcheson, J City 2 000 Harriman, J N, E TT and W M, Anna J Van

Bensselear, and Cornelia N Simons, heirs of Orlando Harriman—F W Coles, J City nom

Jones, G H—F W Coles, J City 4,000 Kratz, Rosina—Emma Siegel, J City 1,700 Kausche, Sophie—Auguste Baumgard, Hoboken 10,000 Lorch, Frank—I Hoerth, Union , nom Lamb,;jane—F Fuller. J City 3,800 Lembeck, Henry—J H Doscher, J City 7,000 Lohmeyer, Herman, by e x r - C Meyer. J City.. . 3,000 Manns, J F—A T Hutchinson, J City 3,500 Miller. Joseph—J Gassmann, Jr , J City 1,450 Mehan, J F—Margaret P Hicks, Hoboken nom McLaughlin, J J—J Fora, Bayonne 400 McManus. J F—J Donelon, J City 3,500 McLaughlin, J A—P Mclntee, J City 10,000 Manson. Daniel—R H Root, Bayonne 14,000 McDonald, Estha, Catharine McManus and Jane

Kelly, heirs of WUliam Fenlon, dec'd—Wm Fenlon. J City.. 250

Moore, Martha—Gitty Newkirk, J City 2,600 McGrane, John—A Hoppe. Union 700 Page, S W—P Waters, J City : . . nom Rain, .loha—J Alexander, J City 410 Robertson, Catharine—J Robertson, West Ho­

boken 900 Rudderon, Ann B D, individ, and exr of John

Rudderon. dec'd—The Mayor and Aldermen of Jersey City 30,000

Sch :iidt, J F—Mary A Coe, J Citv 7,000 Scott, Mehitable, et al, by sherilf—C E Butler,

trustee of Julia C Reubell, Hoboken 085 Smith, John—P G V Pemartini, J City 1,000 Sobel, Elias—J E Frank, J City 17,000 Stuhrman, Albert—H Wilkins, Hoboken 5*300 Steil, A H—J O Besson, Hoboken 3,U00 Steil, Catharine M same, Hoboken nom Stilson, H J—E R Adams, Bayonne 350 Stuyvesant. I- J—F Meyer, J City 3'JO Timm, H < —A Fener, Hoboken 5,500 Toffey. J J—L Clai-k, J City 3,000 Trembley, Kate L—T Sullivan, Bayonne 375 Tuxbury, Mary J, Helen A, and M Alice, by

sheriff-Marie J Lambert, J Citv ' 5 100 Tuxbury, Mary J and Mary A—W E Worthen. . . 3,600 Vail, L E—Charlotte L Brown. Uniou. . . : 500

Same H Volkhausen, Union 600 Vail, L E—Wilhelmina Norden, Union 250 Van Vorst, W B—Mary M Miller, J City 1,200 Van Winkle, Maria—H Roberts, J City 600 Wicks, 0 L—H D Meyer, J City 2,475 Wilson, WUliam, et al, by s-heriff-AdeUne Co6k. 1,100 Wood, Louisa, widow, of Charles Wood—H

Wood,JCi ty 3,200 Zabriskie, Augustus—A B Whitehead et al 3,200

MORTGAGES. Baumgard, Auguste—Dora Schinzel, Hoboken, 3

years 4 000 Bookin, C B—C Cohen, Hoboken, 5 years 5 000 Bornemann, Cbarles—A Steenken, 1 y e a r ' . . . . ] 500 Buret, F C—A Berg, West Hoboken, 2 yea rs . . . . 280 Buret, F C—AmeUa Maas, West Hoboken, 3

years 1 500 Clark, Luke—J J Toffey, 3 years 1 oOO Conant, W S—A Conant, 1 year 2000 Crowell. G L—A G and CaroUne F Reynolds', '

Kearney. 3 years 2,000 Doscher, J H—H Lembeck, 5 years 1 '500 Ford, John—Catharine V McLaughlin, Bayonne,

4years 3 ooo Freiss, Michael—H Tietjen, 4 years 1,000 Gassman, James. Jr—J Gassman. 5 years 950 Inselberg, Herman—L Sabol. 3 years 308 Johnston, CaroUne W—L L Beland, Harrison, 5

years 7 coo Kelly, WiUiam—The Greenville Building and

Loan Association, Bayonne, installs 2 040 Kohn, Anna M—C F Harms, Hoboken, 6 years.. 1,000 Marsland, George—R J Clay, Kearney, instaUs.. 3,505 McComb. Louisa—The Bergen Mutual Building

and Loan Association, instaUs 5 000 McEntee, Philip—J A McLaughUn, 5 years 6,000 McGeown, John—Lavina T Mason, 5 years 800 Mclnlee, Philip—A A Lutkins, 5 years 6,500 McLaren, John—The Hoboken Bank for Sav­

ings, Hoboken, 1 year 10,000 Murray, J P—H Kohner. Union, 1 year 5,000 Noonan, Thomas—The Greenville Building and

Loan Association, Bayonne, installs 1 860 Noyes, D A—T N McCarter. 1 year 1,167 O'Brien, James—The GreenviUe BuUding and

Loan Association. Bayonne. installs 3,010 O'SuUivan, John—The Howard Institution for

Savings, Harrison, I year 700 Platz, John—C K Camp, 2 yeai-s 500 Roberts, Harriet—Maria Van Winkle, 3 years . . . 600 Root, R H—D Manson, Bayonne, 5 years 7,000 Schmidt, J F—J S Noyes, 5 years 7,000 Schreyer, WUliam—Pauline Schreyer, 1 yea r . . . . 1,412 Seymour, Egbert—J E Smith, Bayoime, 5 years. 4,000

The Tide Water Pipe Co—The Fidelity Ins & Trust Safe Deposit Co, Hudson Co and else­where, 10 years J',00n,000

Toffey, Mary E—Exr Blakely WUson. 1 year . . . . 6,200 Whitehead. A B—A Zabriskie, 3 years 1,000 Wilkins, Henry—H Meyer, Hoboken. 1 year 4,000

CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Bogert, M P, West Hoboken—J Bogert. f u m . . . . 650 Boylan, M J—Jas Cunningham, Son & Co, hearse

and Berlin coach 1,532 Callanan, Luther—H Weisbecker, saloon 100 Campbell, G B—Odell & Littlebrandt, fumiture. 40 Connell, M G—Catharine Brady, confectionery.. 967 Ferguson, C S—S N Linn, piano 40 Flannagar, James—B Levy, saloon. &c 125 Hartje, August and Mary—B Levy, horse,

wagon, grocery store flxtures 200 Moore. G W—W Jenkins, saloon 150 Murrer, James—J Cunningham, carriages. 1,285 O'Keeffe, John—Jas Cunningham, Son & Co.,

Berlin coach 1,290 Parker, Joseph, Jr , Arlington—A S Parker,

library 550 Perrine, N H, Weehawken—J Matthews, soda

water apparatus 40 Rible; F J—P Smith, oyster and liquor store 370 Sanders. O D, Hoboken—W Zanlich, horso,

wagon, &c 250 Schroeder, WilUam, Hoboken—H Eggert, ma­

chinery, &c 400 Smith, Frederick, and F J Corielle—D Rehber­

ger, horses, wagons, &c .' 225 Thombury, W H—J Matthew-s, soda water appa­

ratus 100 Van Schaummberge, Desire, West Hoboken—W

Braband, furniture 339 WeastiU, J H—J D Evans, horse, wagon, milk

cans 176 Wel«h, H J—H H Farrier, saloon, &c. (Central

Theatre) 1,300 Willse, John—H N Van Wagenen, horse and

wagon 40 BILLS OF SALE.

Connor, ! atrick—Q Gleistein, saloon 975 JUDGMENTS.

DeLeon, P M—L Bradley et al 1,139 Waechter, Martin—G Cox, surviving par tner . . . . 71


Burke, James—B Crane, Deanst Cooling, Joseph—L H Coover, Sherman av Cooper, EUzabeth—G Van Riper, Godwin st Demarest, M A—J B Van Blarcom, Fair st FarreU. AVilUam—E M Stiles, Edmund sJ; Finn, Mary—H Sutherland, Second st, Passaic... Graham, S J—C D Vreeland, Broadway and

Aubm-n Greaves, S A—J Nussey, McCurdy st Hamilton, C A—H Hepburn, Acquackanonk T'p. Hardy, Catherine—E White, Jersey st Heap, W H—Moore & Reynolds, trustees. Van

Houten st Hillen, J H—E B BushneU, Grove st Keating, C A—T C Cooper, Grand st KeUey, Andrew-—B Kelley, MiU st Lawton, H T—M Fei-guson, Little FaUs T'p Sehuer, Erederick—GEnglehardt,Cliff"st Levi, Bertha—Pat Sav Inst, Tyler and CaiToU.... McCran, Mary—Tuttle & Van Winkle, exrs.

Fus t av Moran, Michael—Geo Beesley, Spring and Weiss

Munson, E W—T Gould', 'Tyler st!!!!'.!! !'.'.'.'..".'.*.! Plock, John—E Kip, Dean st Reed, Chas—T T Probert, Beech st Rohloff. Charles L—H J Smith, Sussex st Rohloff, WUliam—F Gesler, Atlantic st RoMoff, WiUiam—C Rohloff, Atlantic st SuttiU & Diekman—Hannah Doukersley, Wayne

av Stafford, Lawrence—D W Doremus, Mary st Stanley, John—L Qu.ackenbush, Oak st Van Houten, George—R D Van Houten, Man­

chester T'p Van Houten, John—R D Van Houten, Manches­

ter T'p •. Van Houten. J Rr—Pat Sav Inst, Van Houten Vandenberg, Barney—John Berdan, Water s t . . . Walker, William—S H Board, Main st Weiss, .E R—A Van Blarcom, Fair st Westervelt, Louis—O EdsaU, Benson st

$550 400

1,300 2,500

315 1,000

2,000 1,400 1,500


1,500 1,575 1,000

300 400 400



300 2,000

500 425 600 100 600

1,300 450



1,150 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 1,5C0

CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Byard, W F, Passaic—J M Howe, furnitui'e 208 Crawford, Paul, Paterson—J T Walker etal , sUk

machinery 8,927 Farrell. William, Paterson—E M Stiles, house in

Edmunds t 345 Fischer, L J, Paterson—J Riley, furniture 110 Vacher, Jerome, Paterson—J Nussey, silk ma­

chinery 1,163 Wrigley, John, Paterson—A Wrigley, horses^and

wagons 1,000 Wrigley, John, Paterson—E Wrigley,~furniture. 500 Wrigley, John, Paterson—A Wrigley, sUk wind­

ers 500


offices will be found in the Mercantile Bank Building, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street.


The following table of prices is furnished by the Secretary of the Lumber Board: Pine, good, 2)4 in. and upwards, per M.$60 00© 65 00 Pine, 4ths. do per M. 55 00® 60 00 Pine, selects, do per M. 50 00® .55 00 Fine, pickings, do per 31. 45 00® 60 00 Pine. good. 1 to 2 inch, per M 65 00a 67 00 Pine, 4ihs, do pe rM 50 00® 52 00 Pine, selects, do p e r M . . 45 00® 47 00 Fiae, picking*, do p«r M 40 00<^ 42 OQ

April 22,1882 T H E REAL ESTATE REcx)Ri3 441

Pine, selects, do per M 43 ooa 45 CO Pme. picking. per M . 38 Oot 40 CO Pme. cutting up. l to 2 inch, per M.. ' 3" 0 1 36 00

piS«' af^?"-*"pi*' - per M.: *^....:: ; 33 S 35 00 Pii^e, shelving boards, ]2 in. and up. per Pine;dressin"g'boards.'narrow:'per M.!! 20 a t 22 0° P n e ' h o ^ P ' " ^ f P ^ " " ^ ! l 9 0 o | 2 0 00

i • ^^^'^i^re^^^^^p:,.^ ^' «;t ^ '3 Di„ IO • ,? . common, each . 8 ^ P ^ e . 13 m. boards, dressing and up 2m Pme, do common . . ^ 19® Pine. 1^ in sidmg, selected, 13 feet 43© Pine. do common ^ Pme. 1 In siding, selected... . 4.!!,a Pme, do common PJne. Norway. eel«eced..!!!!!."" " Pine. do common Pine. 10 in plank, 13 feet, dressing'knd

better, ewch .. . Pine, 10 in plank. Is'feeV.'cuiis.each ! " Pine, 10 m boards, 13 feet, dressing and

better, each ^ Pine, 10 in boards, 13 feet.'culls eit'ch' fcpruce boards:, 9 in dre.saing each ' Spruce boards, 9 in culls, each ' ' ' Spruce boards, 6% dressing, each ""'-i Spruce boards. 6% culls, eaoh Spruce, 1J4 in 9 in dressing, each Spruce, do 9 in culls, e cti Spruce. do 6% dressing, eacli . ! ! ! " Spruce, do 65|cuU8. ach . . Spruce, 2 in 9 in dressing, each Spruce, do 9 in cull.-, each Hemlock boards. 10 in. each Hemlock joist. 4x6, each ' Hemlock do . 2Wx4. each He«ilocfc wall strips. 2x4. each "' Black; walnut plank, per M Black walnut boards, 1 ip per M

do, % in per M.



27® 20®





44 25

30 21 16 12

l lKj 8

20 14 14

9 30 2a 14 :3 14 II

Black walnut

5100 0C@120 OU . 90 00® 110 0(1

80 00® 90 GO Black walnut common boards and

thicker. perM 50 o<® 60 OO Sycamore 1 m.. per M .3(1 or® :« 00 Sytamo«-e. 56m.. per M . . . ; . . . . ..,, 23 TO® 25 10 Whitewood. I m. and thicker, per M . . . 38 Oi® 43 0» Whuewood. underIn?h, perM 30 Oc® aa 00 Cherry, good, per M eo OD® 83 UO Cherry, common. pe rM - 5 00® 35 0.j Ash. perM 40 00® 43 00 Ash, brown. pe rM 25 CO® 30 00 Basswood perM 25 0(;@ 30 CO Oak. perM .. 40 00® 43 00 Hickory, per M 40 00® Maple, per M. 28 60® 3G 00 nhesinut. per M.. 38 OO® 40 00 Shmgles, shaved pme, per M Shingfles, shaved pine. 2d qual., per M ! ! Shingles, sawed- pine, extra Shingles, sawed t)ir><». clear butts, per M Shingles, cedar XXX. pe rM Shingles, cedar mixed, per M . . ! . . ! ! ! ! ! . Rhinglea, hemlock, per M ! . , Lath pine, p e r M . . ! ! . . ! ! ' ! ! ! . . ' 2 Lath, spruce, per M ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lath, hemlock, per M !!! !


6 50 5 00 5 00 3 75 4 (10 3 25 2 50 2 35 2 00 1 75

MARKET QUOTATIONS. Our flgures are baaed upon cargo or wholesale valu

ations m the main. Due allowance must therefore be made for the natural additions on lobbins and retaU parcels. ^

Cargo atloftt 9 M. f4 50 © 5 00

(% <&1Q 00 (210 25 (S a — ® 9 25

BRICK. Pale Jerseys ; Longlsland Up-Rivers 9 75 Haverstraw °3V. 2da 10 00 Haverstraw Bay, Ists 10 50 Favorite brands HoUow Fire Clay Brick 9 00

FRONTS. Croton and Croton Points-Brown ^ M 811 25® Oroton " " —Dark 13 25a — -

Su?^^ , u -" " ~^^^- • 1- 25a PhUadelphia 35 00 a Trenton 35 00® Baltimo.e . . . . 45 00® ^ Clark's Ottawa White 25 00®

Yard prices 50c. per M higher, or. with delivery added, $2 per M for Hard e-d $3 per M for front Brick. For delivenr add $5 OA. Philadelphia, Trenton Bnd Ottawh. and 96 on Baltimore.

FEEtE BRICK" Welsh 20 00 Engl i sh . 3(j 00 Silica. Tjce-Moor 30 00 Silica, Dinas 50 00 «„ „o , White Enamelled, English size, per M.lOO 00 ®

do do domestic size 85 00 " Warm BufE facing, domestic size 45 00 American, No, 1 i;5 00 American. No. 2 ] 27 50


40 00 45 00 40 00 65 00

@55 00 & 40 00

35 no ®

Rosendale . . . ..9 bbl. «1 10 Portland. Saylor's American 2 40 Portland (English) . 2 75 Portland Laf arge , .".' .540 Portland K. B. & S 3 20 Portland Burham 2 gg LimeofTei l 2 30 LimeofTeil ^ ton 15 00 Roman sg bbl. 2 75 Keene's & Martin's coarse 6 00 Keene's & Martin's flne 10 50 IRON.




1 20 2 65 3 50 3 65 3 35 3:00 2 50

18 C6 3 4 6 5

10 7

Duty. -Bar 1 to IJ^c. ^ B>; RaUroad, 70c. « lOOtt Boiler and Plate, IHfi. «I I>: Sheet, Ban^ H o d l ^ d 2 5 « V . 1 * * ? ^ ^ ? - 1 ^ I ' / ' l i ? ? ^ * o n ; PoUshed Sheet ac. « ft; Galvanized, ^ c . * tt; Scrap Cast. $6 « ton-Scrap Wrought, $8 ¥ ton-!Su less 10 per cent No Ba» Iron to pay a less duty than 35 per cent, ad val Pig. Scotch, Coltness » ton f 25 50® ' 26 CO Psg. Scotch. Glengamock; 24 00® 24 50 pig. Scotch, Eglinton 22 £0® ^ 5 0

Fig. American. No. i 25 00® 26 Of) Vi):, American, No. 2 . . . 23(0® 24 50 Pig American. Forge 32 50® 23 50 BAE—Common. rftore price )x%to6xl f l a t @ 2.9 Iii to 6xM and 5-16 fiat 1 _ „ .

and l.!^xM and 5-16 flat ( • • • • ® -^l ^ round and square @ 3.Q ^ and 9-'.6 round and square ® 3 1

BAR—Reflned— lx%to6xl f la t @ 3 0 1 to 6x4 and 5-16 flat ® 3.2 X to 2 round and square ® 8.0 3V to 2J^ round and square ® 3 2 3 to 8J^ round and sauare ® 3.4 2%to4round @ 3.6 4V to 41^ round ® 3.8 4^gto5round 4.3 ® 4.4 HodH—3-5i4rasll-16 round and square . . 3.1 @ 4.9 Ovals—Half ovals and half rounds . . 3.4 ® 4.9 Bftiifio-1 tn 6x.';-:6 No. 12 3.4 ® Hoop 14 to 1 ^ and UD 3.9 ® 5 9 Horse Shoe—%x^ to i^x% ® a.6 ScroU .. 3.6 ® 5.8 Angle iron @ 3.5 •'^" iron 4.0 ® 4.1 WroughtBeams 3.9 ® 4.1

common R. Q. Sheet. American. American

Nos. lOtoie ^11)31^®.. . . 4 ® . . . . Nos. 17to20 35ti@. . . 4J4®.. . . Nos.21to24 4 @i)4 [email protected] . Nos.25co26 414® 4%®--.-Nos. 27 to 28 4^®5 5 ® 5J4

B . B . 2d quaUoj Galvanized, 14 to 20 7 80®... 6 6 0 ® . . .

21 to 24 8 4 5 ^ . . . . 7 15®... 25to26 9 l o a . - . . 7 70®... 27 9 75®.. . . 8 25® .. 28 1 0 ' O a . . . . 8 80®...

Patent planished <p lb A, 12c; B. 10J<J Bails American steel f5 00 (a 59 00 Rails. American iron 46 OU ® 48 JO

LUMBER. Prices for yard delivery, average run of stot 1

Allowance must be made on one side for special coi -tracts, and on the other lor extra selections. Pine, very choice and ex. dry, 9 M ft. 8611 00® $70 00 Pine, good 55 00® 60 Oc pine, shipping box 21 00® 22 50 Pine, common box 18 00® 20 0( Pine, common box. % 16.00® 18 oc Pine tally plank, IJ4, lOin., dres'd ea. 44® 5C Pine, taUy plank. 154,2d quality 35® 3? Pine, tally planks, IM. culls vJ8® 30 Pine, taUy boards, dressed, good . . . . 3 ® 32 Pine, taUy Doards, dressed, common. 25® 28 Pine, strip boards, culls, dressed 23® 25 I'ine, strip boards, merchantable 18® 20 Pine, strip boards, clear 24® -6 Pine, strip plank, dressed clear 33® 3& Spruce boards, dressed 25® Spruce, plank, 1 ^ incn, each 25® 26 Spruce, plank, 2 inch, each 38® 40 Spruce plank, li^in.. dressed 28® 30 Spruce plant , 2in., dressed 43® 45 SprucewaU strips 15® 16 Sprucetimber ^ M ft. 20 00® 25 00 Hemlock boards each 17® 18 Hemlock joist. 2i4 X 4 16® 17 Hemlock joist, 3 X 4 U® 80 Hemlock joist, 4 X 6 40® 44 v«!h good S M f t . 55 00® . Oak.. 60 00® 65 00 Maple, «uU 25 00® 30 00 Maple, good 45 00® .50 00 Chestnut 48 00® 52 00 C3rpres8,1,1^, 2 and 2>^ in 55 00® 40 0 Black Walnut, good to choice 115 00® 125 0 Blick Wahiut, % 85 00® 100 OP Black Walnut, solected and seasoned 150 00® i75 OP Black Walnut counters ^ ft. 22® 2S Black Walnut, Sx5 li O 00® 160 00 Black Walnut, 6x6 350 00® 160 00 Black Walnut, 7x7 , 175 00® 180 00 Black Walnut, 8x8 175 00® 18u 00 Cheny, wide 9 Mft. Ico 00® i2o 00 Cherry, ordinary 60 00® 80 00 WLitewood, inch 45 00® 50 00 Whitewood, %m 35 00® 40 Whitewood, % pane l s . . . . . . . . . . . 48 00® Shingles, extra shayed pine, 18in. 18 M 5 00® Shingles, extra shaved pine, 16in 3 7S® 4 Shingles, extra sawed pme. 18in 4 00® 5 CO Shingles, clear sawed pine, 16in 175!$ 4 00 Shingles, cypress, 2 4 x 6 . . 18 00® 20 00 Shingles, cypress, 30 X 6. 10 00® 18 00 YeUow pine dressed flooring..V M ft. 30 00® 40 00 Yellow pine girders 32 50® 40 00 Locust posts, Sft spin. 18® 20 Locust posts, 10ft 24® 25 Locust posts, 12ft 29® ,34 Chestnut posts.. fli ft 3® 3U

Cargo rates 10 per cent. oft. PAINTS AND OILS.

Chalk block sp ton 53 00 @ J3 .50 Chalkinbbls ^ lOOB 35 @ 37U Chinaclay ¥ ton 15 00 ® 22 00 Whiting, gilders, &c 70 ® 75 Whiting, common Oft 50 ® 55 Paris white, Eng . ^ tt 1 23 ® 2 00 Paris white, American 90 ® 1 oo Lead, white, American, dry 6^@ 6% Lead. whitd.Airerican, in oUpure 7 ® 7 j | Lead, EngUsh, u.B. in oil 834® 9 Lead, red, American 63^® 6% Litharge. American 6j4@ 6)4 Litharge, EngUsh 9^® 9% Ochre, French, dry l j |® ijjj Venetian red, Aiiierican 1 @ IM V^enetian red. English 1%@ l j | Tuscanred, EngUsh.. . . 16 ® lb Turkey red, EngUsh 12 @ 15 Indian red <:i, .® 7 VermiUon, Am. Lead HH® 12 Vermilion. English '-49 ® 53 Carmine. American, No. 40. 4 00 ® 4 25 Ohrome, veUow, in oil 18 ® 80 Orange Mineral 8 ® 10 Parisgreen 16 ® 18 Sienna, raw (American) - 3 ) ^ 8 Siemia, I t aUanlump. . , . . ^ i ^ 4

Sienna, Italian powdered 7 @ Umber, American, raw & powd'(i 1V6® Umber.Turkey. lump i S ® Umber " powder 4^® Drop Black. EngUsh 1 0 ^ Drop Black, American iQ ai PruBsianblue 30 ® Ultramarine blue j @ Chrome green ! ! . ! 10 ijxide zinc, American 414'a Dxide zinc, French, V M G S . . . . 8^% Oxide zinc. French V M R S 6%^


15 14 60 25 -.6 4% 9 7J6



B U I L D E 1238 Tliird Avenue, New York.

Elegant dwelUngs in Choice LocaUties for sale, send

for Descriptive Pamphlet.

"W. .A- !Haii!kii ison, CARP'ENTEU AJXD BUUDER,

K O . 2 1 3 W E . S T 3 l 8 t S T R E f e T .

Berger & Baylies. ARCHITECTS,

U a F I F T H A V K N U E . N E W Y O R K Formerly with the late GKIFFITH THOMAS.

We have in our posses.sion aU the drawings an J speciflcations of buildings erected by Griffith Thomas, architect, which can be seen upon application.


G3 East 41st St., Cor. Park Av.

F i n e b o u s e s f o r s a l e o r b u i l t t o o r d e r .

Pamphlet containing particulars of flne new residen ces on Murrayand Lenox Hills, mailed on appUcatioi

U U F F Y B R O T H E R S ,



MASON m BUilD[R, 96 S E C O N D AV.

Telepnone caU »pnng 287.

A O R O U T ! K R , ,


155 Wes.t B r o a d w a Y . Special attention paid to Alterations and Repairs

CHAS. E. HUME & CO., Carpenters & Builders


17 West 44th Street. E s t a b l i s l i e c l 1 8 5 0 .


Manufacturer of Ornamental and

A R T S T A I N E D C L A S S 157 Wooster St,, bet. Prince and Houston Sts., N- Y. '


The best covering for steam and water pipes. It waUs, floors and partitions, prevents passage of ali kinds of vermin, keeps in heat and deadens sound.

U. 8. MINERAL WOOL CO.. 16 Cortland St., N ! Y .

J. H. DKEW & BKO.,

House Movers, OFFICE and YAED, 428 & 430 WEST 14TH ST '


V i HE f i E A L i i S T A T E i l E € 0 & l > ,


J. ROMAINE BROWN, Real Estate,

1 2 8 0 B r o a d w a v , Southeast cor. 33d sV NEW YORK.

Entire charge taben of Estates. N o t a r y P u b l i c a n d € o i » m i N R o n e r o f 'eeris .


AND AUCTIONEER, 62 Liberty St., New York.

Geissenhainer & Geny, REAL ESTATE BROKERS,

2 9 3 B K O A D I V A V . mi 1 4 6 4 T H I R D A V .

R E A L E S T A T E . ~

E.A. Cruikshank & Co., 68 BROADWAY

E S T A B f . I S H E P 1 7 9 4 .


Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker 5 P i n e St . , JST. Y .

Renting and Collecting a specialty. Entire charge taken of Estates.

H I R A M M E R R I T T , Real Estate,

Office 5 3 T l i i r d Ave . , N . Y . Description of any property which you may have for

SAJ.E or to BENT solicited. E n t i r e Cbarig:e t a k e n o l P r o p e r t y .



REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Insurance effected and collections made. Money

loan on mortgage. Estates Managed. Off ices , INo. 1 9 P a r k P l a c e , a n d

N o . 1251 B r o a d v t a y 5 c o r . 3 1 s t S t .

E. K. Raubitschek, BEAT:, ESTATE,

2 0 6 BROADWAY, ( E V E N I N G P O S T B U I E i D I N a . )


N o . 1 5 0 5 B R O A D W A Y , Southwest cor. 44th St.

Special attention given to Management of Eststes.


18 East SSth 8t.,Near Fifth Av.

Loans Negotiated.

J. Edgar Leaycraft, Real Estate Broker

and JIanager of Estates, 1 5 4 4 B R O A D T T A V .

EstabUshed 1878.


Ml ETUTE A i IDiS, 149 Broadway, Cor. Liberty.

Q l D N E i r i i . R O W J L A N D , •^ R e a l E s t a t e a n d I n s u r a n c e ,

Renting and Collecting a specialty. 691 MYRTLE AVENUE, BROOKLYN.

BEAL ESTATE. B e n n e r Sc Z e l l e r i

Builders leans negotiated. 81 C B H A R ST.

G - u s t a v u s B r a m s o r i , Stie,A.Iu E S T A T E , 62 Liberty St. Money to Loan.

W. J. COLE & CO., K , E ^ ^ L . E S T . i l L T E ,

5 PINE STREET, ROOilS 4 and 5. M.'-ney for Builders' Loans.

JA C O B V . » . T V Y C K O F F , 1 7 6 A N B 126T Broadway, and 112 East 8lth Street. Dwellings,

Business Property and Lots on every Avenue and Street, New York and Brooklyn. Greatest reduction. Property paying 20 per cent, on investments.

A d r i a n H . M ^ l l l e r & S o n . UCTIONEKKS AND R E A I . ESTATE BBOKEBS,

No. 7 Fine Street. New York.

U A R T O N & T V H I T T E m O R E : ,

106 BROADWAY, comer Pine street MONEY tc LOAN on Bond and Mortgage.


Sales and Exchanging Real Estate. As Brokers, &c. Established 1853. 16 8th Avenue

] R o b e r t A n l d , I J - E A L E S ' r . A . T E ,

9 4 0 8th. A v e n i t e . R e n t i u ; ; a n d C o l l e c t i n g a S p e c i a l t y .


4.'5 and 47 EXCHANGE PLACE. Loans, Building and Water Sites, Down-Town and

Westchester I'roperty a specialty.

7 7 I . i b c r t y S t r e e t . Entire charge taken of property.

T V I I i l i l A M G R K K N , * ' R e a l E s t a t e a n d I n s u r a n c e , Renting and Collecting a specialty.

Nos. 185 & 187 FOURTH ST., Brooklyn, E. D.

A. P . S M I T H A G E N T A N I > K I I O K E H ,

1475 BroMway, near 42d St. EstabUshed 1852.

W F . C O R W I T H , " • REAL ESTATE,

55 GREENPOINT AV., BROOKLYN, E. D. Renting and Collecting a specialty.

OLANOY & DuisrisrE, Real Estate Brokers and Agents

1 7 8 3 B R O A D W A Y (near 58th St.).


GUERINEAU S DRAKE, Real Estate and Insurance,

11 B I B I i d H O U S E , NEW^ Y O R K '

DAY & WALKER, Real Estate and Insurance,

19 U n i v e r s i t y P l . a n d 2 6 E a s t 9 t l i S t . ,

W . j ^ . A r m s t r o n g ,

2281 3d av., cor. 124th St., under Harlem Sav. Bank.

J o h n S . JP ie rce ,

Loar-3 Negotiated. 7 P i n e S t r e e t .

H . H . C A M M A N N ,


Vf. A. Lottiiaer. J. Searle Barclay. LOTTIMER^ & BARCLAY,





Butler, Matheson & Co., 149 B R O A B W A Y .

E S T ^ A B X t l S U E I D . , I S e O

A.W.BOGERT,JR 1 6 E A S T I S t l i S T R E E T , n e a r B r o a d w a y .


1142! Broadway, iiear 26th St. C I E G M U N D T . M E Y E R & SONS, R e a l <J Estate Rrokers, Auctioneers and Appraisers

111 Brr^'d'yiy, Room J. and BROADWAY, Room 60.


CHARLES H. MOSES, Real Estate and Insurance.

aS l St . J a m e a P l a c e , B r o o k l y n .


Real Estate & Loan Broker, lyO' 2 4 2 E A S T 7 9 T M S T R E E I .

OF ALL DliilENSIONS. n t h A V E N U E A N D 2 1 s t S T R E E T .


M A H U ll M N O A B H s T E T W O O D S .

Saw M i l l a n d Y a r d , 30t l i S tree t a n d l l t b A v e n u e , JVe-wYorU,

JOHN F. CARR, Hard Wood, Pine and CaUfornia

RED WOOD LUMBER. 5 4 3 t o 557 W e s t 33d St.

DANNAT 3G PELL ITaTing erected a substantial weather-proof Ijuildfug » ^ upon one of our yards, embracing 82 city lots, are are prepared to furnish thoroughly

Seasoned Lumber and Mahogany,

at lowest current tatis. Black Walnut and other Hard Woods a specialty. MKmiQAN and CANADA PINE, together with every other article In the trade. Yards fofit of BROOME and DELANHEY .STO R R.

WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bills sawn to order up to 80 feet long.-

E . P . W ^ A I i U N G , 7 2 W a l l S t r e e t , N . Y .

GEO. H. SCOTT. SINCLAIR MYERS j^COTT & M Y E R S , R e a l E s t a t e

B r o k e r s a n d A a c t l o n e e r s NO. 8 PINE STREET.


X-i XT 3!^ ::o :E3 _ COR. UTH AV. & 23D ST., NEW YORK. Mahogany, Pine, Whitewood, Hickory, Chestnut

Maple, Basswood, Cherry, Beech, Oak, Ash, Birch Butternut, Black Wahiut. &(!, Terms. Cash upon deUvery.


Mahogany and Walnut A8h, Oak, Cherry, Maple, Whitewood, Butternut

&c., ftc. F O O T E A S T E L E V E N T H S T . , N . Y .


BLUE STONE YARD, l l t l i A Y . n e a r 3 9 t l j S t . , N . Y .

H . H . B A Y L E S & Co. , Manufacturers of Sheet and Cast-h-on Exhaust Venti­lators and Chimney Caps, all sizes. Galvanized Cans. Pails, Coal Hods, &c. 243 Water atreet, New York.