ldpd_7031148_024_18.pdf - The Real Estate Record

October 28, 1899. KRCORF» AND GUIDE. 633 ESTABLISHED <^ ftVARPH Sl^i^ 1668. Busij^ESSAtfci THÈMES or Gt^iEryil, I.-JTEIXE.ST. PRICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SIX DOLLARS. Published every Faturday. TELEPHONE, COKTLANDT 1370. CoiamuslcationB shoalcl b« addre«sed to C W. BWEHT, 14-16 Veaey Street J. 1. LINDSEY, Business Maiiaaer. " Ent&'ed at tke Post-Optoe at New îoric, N. T., as sc-ondclais tniVer." Vol. LXIV. OCTOBER 28, 18!)». No. 165;i TXT HEN the Treasury made its offer to pay in auvaoce in * ^ terest maturing on government bonds during the cut- rent fiscal year, it was thought that it would alarm more than relieve. As a matter of fact. the offer dates the heginning of the présent advance in the stock market and the comparative ease in the money market. Consequently, it has to be admitted that the move was a wLse one, and that in this, as în all his other preceding measures to relieve the immédiate situation, Secretary Gage has scored a decided success. In parenthesis lt may be re- marked that this proves the desirability of having a practical financier in contro! of the flnancial branch of the administration, especially in a country whose eurrency arrangements handicap business at particularly inconvénient moments. Following the relief afforded by the Treasury to the money market, comes the «ncouragement to be found in récent reports that reveal the enormous activity of business throughout the country. This week alone we hâve statements regarding the steel business, and the préparations the great railroad companies are making to Increase their equipments, in order to handie the enormously increased business their managers foresee, which naturaily excite the most flattering anticipations in the minds of those people who look for announcements from these sources to guide them in their own undertakings, The railroad of all industries is the one most interested in gauging the business future correctly, not only be- cause on it, as the transport service, lies the duty of keeping the armies of industry supplied and in motion, but also hecause its own pecuniary success dépends upon the correctness of its views, There is, then, good reason for acceptîng the views now expressed by the captains of the railroad industry as the best that can he obtained for practical guidance. At the same time, it must be remembered that the managers of raiiroads look at the commerr eial more than the financial prospect, and while tbere is every reason to accept their opinion that the country has two or three years of industrial and commercial activity betore It, this raay not be effectuai in preventing uncomfortable moments in the money and share markets. Such activity may, indeed, he again, as it has been receûtly, combined wîth over-speculation, the cause of trouble în both. In the past two weeks there has been sound buying in the stock market, and, while money is easier, it is still comparatively high, but there is also présent a spécu- lative feeling that must hâve play; witness, for instance, the iidvancing movement in both railroad and industrial canines and félines, which will be followed by its usual conséquences. Meantime, of course, this spéculative feeling will put up prices and the bold will proflt as usual at the expense of the timid and laggard. I N spite of the unlaudable endeavors of the yellow presses on hoth sides of the Atlantic to scare us wîth suggestions of impending disaster to the British forces in South Afriea, it is apparent that those forces are keeping the Boers well employed pending the completion of the British military plans on the ground, which will now soon be perfected. The movements of the stock markets further indicate an absence of alarm about the outcome of the war or îts effects upon the propeny of the gold mining companies. While we hear so much talk of this belng a war of greed, and that the Rand gold lands are its real object, it may not be entirely useless to point out that this gold country practically belongs to Great Britain already through the invest- ments of her people, The présent may not he iu any sensé a "holy" war, hut it is more one •kuMÉa^Û^estments atready made than to seize Boer land. whJB^wrircmis or agricultural simply, The terms upon which ilSpilU 1iDaïÎ7'be settled dépend, as all such matters do, upon tbe ccsï'to'tihe-cornbalant that proves to be the more powerful of the twô '^ii''Mlclf'ael Hicks-Beach, in the HousG of Commcns, stated di '' of ibe expense that Britain wouid be called upon to meet would hâve to be borne by the Transvaal, and from this it may be taken that the govern- ment of which he is a member has no thought at présent of an- nexation, What they may ultimately hâve to do, there is no man who can s,ay, not even among themselves, for the reason that the final outcome must dépend upon circumstances created by and during the struggle. The activity in the naval yards oE Europe concurrently with this land war will give a new impetus to business and put off the reaction that had already begun to make its appearance. In a country as large as this and which, even late events and présent happenings considered, is a moder- ate spender Eor military purposes, we bave very little idea of the effect upon trade this sort of thing has rn a country as small as Great Britain, and that uses money so lavishly in military emer- gencies. While they appear to be extravagant, these expendi- tures are. however, measures of prudence, because they make other nations very cautious in the support they give to the other side, While the military justification is their first object, thèse expenditures at the same time help the business of the country very materially. for the time being at least. Encouraged hy these facts the exchanges bave developed considérable activity also, despite the high points at which the typical discount rates are maintained and the certain call of heavy proportions from the government on the money market. On the continent, too, a tem- porary ease in money has had a similar effect, though not so ex- tensive, but the financial authorities still hold that stringency will be felt again hefore the year is out. Appearances and précé- dents alike support that view. Any attempt of the Bank of Eng- land to draw goid from the continent, where it cannot he spared, will be met hy higher rates. NOS. 5 AND 7 t AST 66TH STREET. I N the huilding activity, in the way of private dwellinga, upon the east sîde of Central Park, from 59th street, yea, even until SOth street, there is a certain or uncertain proportion which is either instructive or entertaîning. The judîcîous and ex- perienced observer cannot possibly fail to numher among theae the large house-front now nearing completion, and practically, so far as concerns the exterior, now already completed, at Nos. 5 and 7 East 66th street. Although the front occupies two numbers, it is in fact only a single house-front, and of course that is a very good thing for ic in all ways. The stupîd tyranny of the New York deep lot, of itself a conséquence of the New York street-system, has never been more markedly exemplified than in the popular préjudice that the city lot which resulted from the délibérations oE the Commissioners of 1807, was rather more than the normal unit of space, and that a house which occupied the whole of such a lot was, by that fact, a prétentions sort oE abode. The plain fact is that a décent house, with its excessive depth now assumed as one of the requirements, cannot be built upon even a whole city lot, and that a man who îs able and willing to build a really habitable house for his family ought, as a prellminary, to ac- quire more than the "normal" unît of space, made normal by tboFe wonderful men of whom ît may he truly said that the evil Ihat Ihey did lives after them, Ycu must really acquire more than the authorized unît of space if you désire, and ean afford, to be decently comfortable, meaning, among other things, if you désire to hâve every room in your bouse decently lighted and aired. You really cannot attain this moderate goal unless you can afford to occupy more than one lot. And so a number of people are finding out, who, a génération ago, would bave built upon the "normal unit" pro- vided for them by the city, and would bave deemed themselveB guilty of a want of proper municipal feeling if they had doue anything else, However this may be, there is no doubt that a comfortable iu d well-lighted house, not too outrageously deep, can be built, il! Uie worst and most fashionable quarters of New York, upon a frcntage of 45 feet. One has a kindness for a man, no matter how rich he may liave the misfortune to be, who begins his house building in the right way, by insisting upon having room *r.ough, no matter how much his neîghbors. by "extensions" or otherwise, insist upon shutting off his supply of that ligbt and air without which it is simply not possible to bring up a family under wholesome conditions. .à... tbis is net architecture, but when we come to architecture, Llie case is quite as strong. Every new device to which an ar- i-bileci lias recourse to give some interest and individualîty to a twenty foot or twenty-five fcot front testifies anew to the hope- lesEuess of the attempt, It is true that a clever and unscrupu- lous designer may make an individual success, at the expense cf his neîghbors, of a twenty-flve foot front, or even less. But lo make a neighhorly building in a fashionable quarter, he must hâve more frontage than that. On the other hand, if an architect

Transcript of ldpd_7031148_024_18.pdf - The Real Estate Record

October 28, 1899. KRCORF» AND GUIDE. 633

ESTABLISHED <^ ftVARPH Sl^ i^ 1668.

Busij ESSAtfci THÈMES or Gt^iEryil, I.-JTEIXE.ST.

P R I C E PER Y E A R IN A D V A N C E S IX D O L L A R S . Published every Faturday.


CoiamuslcationB shoalcl b« addre«sed to C W. BWEHT, 14-16 Veaey Street

J. 1. LINDSEY, Business Maiiaaer.

" Ent&'ed at tke Post-Optoe at New îoric, N. T., as sc-ondclais tniVer."

Vol. LXIV. OCTOBER 28, 18!)». No. 165;i

T X T HEN the Treasury made its offer to pay in auvaoce in * ^ terest maturing on government bonds during the cut-

rent fiscal year, it was thought that it would alarm more than relieve. As a matter of fact. the offer dates the heginning of the présent advance in the stock market and the comparative ease in the money market. Consequently, it has to be admitted that the move was a wLse one, and that in this, as în all his other preceding measures to relieve the immédiate situation, Secretary Gage has scored a decided success. In parenthesis lt may be re­marked that this proves the desirability of having a practical financier in contro! of the flnancial branch of the administration, especially in a country whose eurrency arrangements handicap business at particularly inconvénient moments. Following the relief afforded by the Treasury to the money market, comes the «ncouragement to be found in récent reports that reveal the enormous activity of business throughout the country. This week alone we hâve statements regarding the steel business, and the préparations the great railroad companies are making to Increase their equipments, in order to handie the enormously increased business their managers foresee, which naturaily excite the most flattering anticipations in the minds of those people who look for announcements from these sources to guide them in their own undertakings, The railroad of all industries is the one most interested in gauging the business future correctly, not only be­cause on it, as the transport service, lies the duty of keeping the armies of industry supplied and in motion, but also hecause its own pecuniary success dépends upon the correctness of its views, There is, then, good reason for acceptîng the views now expressed by the captains of the railroad industry as the best that can he obtained for practical guidance. At the same time, it must be remembered that the managers of raiiroads look at the commerr eial more than the financial prospect, and while tbere is every reason to accept their opinion that the country has two or three years of industrial and commercial activity betore It, this raay not be effectuai in preventing uncomfortable moments in the money and share markets. Such activity may, indeed, he again, as it has been receûtly, combined wîth over-speculation, the cause of trouble în both. In the past two weeks there has been sound buying in the stock market, and, while money is easier, it is still comparatively high, but there is also présent a spécu­lative feeling that must hâve play; witness, for instance, the iidvancing movement in both railroad and industrial canines and félines, which will be followed by its usual conséquences. Meantime, of course, this spéculative feeling will put up prices and the bold will proflt as usual at the expense of the timid and laggard.

IN spite of the unlaudable endeavors of the yellow presses on hoth sides of the Atlantic to scare us wîth suggestions of

impending disaster to the British forces in South Afriea, it is apparent that those forces are keeping the Boers well employed pending the completion of the British military plans on the ground, which will now soon be perfected. The movements of the stock markets further indicate an absence of alarm about the outcome of the war or îts effects upon the propeny of the gold mining companies. While we hear so much talk of this belng a war of greed, and that the Rand gold lands are its real object, it may not be entirely useless to point out that this gold country practically belongs to Great Britain already through the invest­ments of her people, The présent may not he iu any sensé a "holy" war, hut it is more one •kuMÉa^Û^es tmen t s atready made than to seize Boer land. w h J B ^ w r i r c m i s or agricultural simply, The terms upon which ilSpilU 1iDaïÎ7'be settled dépend, as all such matters do, upon tbe ccsï'to'tihe-cornbalant that proves to be the more powerful of the twô '^ii''Mlclf'ael Hicks-Beach, in the HousG of Commcns, stated di ' ' of ibe expense that

Britain wouid be called upon to meet would hâve to be borne by the Transvaal, and from this it may be taken that the govern­ment of which he is a member has no thought at présent of an-nexation, What they may ultimately hâve to do, there is no man who can s,ay, not even among themselves, for the reason that the final outcome must dépend upon circumstances created by and during the struggle. The activity in the naval yards oE Europe concurrently with this land war will give a new impetus to business and put off the reaction that had already begun to make its appearance. In a country as large as this and which, even late events and présent happenings considered, is a moder­ate spender Eor military purposes, we bave very little idea of the effect upon trade this sort of thing has rn a country as small as Great Britain, and that uses money so lavishly in military emer-gencies. While they appear to be extravagant, these expendi­tures are. however, measures of prudence, because they make other nations very cautious in the support they give to the other side, While the military justification is their first object, thèse expenditures at the same time help the business of the country very materially. for the time being at least. Encouraged hy these facts the exchanges bave developed considérable activity also, despite the high points at which the typical discount rates are maintained and the certain call of heavy proportions from the government on the money market. On the continent, too, a tem­porary ease in money has had a similar effect, though not so ex­tensive, but the financial authorities still hold that stringency will be felt again hefore the year is out. Appearances and précé­dents alike support that view. Any attempt of the Bank of Eng­land to draw goid from the continent, where it cannot he spared, will be met hy higher rates.


I N the huilding activity, in the way of private dwellinga, upon the east sîde of Central Park, from 59th street, yea, even

until SOth street, there is a certain or uncertain proportion which is either instructive or entertaîning. The judîcîous and ex­perienced observer cannot possibly fail to numher among theae the large house-front now nearing completion, and practically, so far as concerns the exterior, now already completed, at Nos. 5 and 7 East 66th street.

Although the front occupies two numbers, it is in fact only a single house-front, and of course that is a very good thing for ic in all ways. The stupîd tyranny of the New York deep lot, of itself a conséquence of the New York street-system, has never been more markedly exemplified than in the popular préjudice that the city lot which resulted from the délibérations oE the Commissioners of 1807, was rather more than the normal unit of space, and that a house which occupied the whole of such a lot was, by that fact, a prétentions sort oE abode. The plain fact is that a décent house, with its excessive depth now assumed as one of the requirements, cannot be built upon even a whole city lot, and that a man who îs able and willing to build a really habitable house for his family ought, as a prellminary, to ac­quire more than the "normal" unît of space, made normal by tboFe wonderful men of whom ît may he truly said that the evil Ihat Ihey did lives after them,

Ycu must really acquire more than the authorized unît of space if you désire, and ean afford, to be decently comfortable, meaning, among other things, if you désire to hâve every room in your bouse decently lighted and aired. You really cannot attain this moderate goal unless you can afford to occupy more than one lot. And so a number of people are finding out, who, a génération ago, would bave built upon the "normal unit" pro­vided for them by the city, and would bave deemed themselveB guilty of a want of proper municipal feeling if they had doue anything else,

However this may be, there is no doubt that a comfortable iu d well-lighted house, not too outrageously deep, can be built, il! Uie worst and most fashionable quarters of New York, upon a frcntage of 45 feet. One has a kindness for a man, no matter how rich he may liave the misfortune to be, who begins his house building in the right way, by insisting upon having room *r.ough, no matter how much his neîghbors. by "extensions" or otherwise, insist upon shutting off his supply of that ligbt and air without which it is simply not possible to bring up a family under wholesome conditions.

.à... tbis is net architecture, but when we come to architecture, Llie case is quite as strong. Every new device to which an ar-i-bileci lias recourse to give some interest and individualîty to a twenty foot or twenty-five fcot front testifies anew to the hope-lesEuess of the attempt, It is true that a clever and unscrupu-lous designer may make an individual success, at the expense cf his neîghbors, of a twenty-flve foot front, or even less. But lo make a neighhorly building in a fashionable quarter, he must hâve more frontage than that. On the other hand, if an architect

TtECOTîTl AXD (;T'Tr>K. October 28, 1899.

does not make a success of a forty-five Eoot front în a fashionable quarter, and with practically no limit of expenditure, the fault and the failure are his own.

These conditions seem to be those of Nos. 5 and 7 East ôSth street, and it is pleasant to say, at the outset, and emphaticaîly, that the front is a very distinct success. ^icre than that, it is an interesting front. The wayfaring man who never put in five con­sécutive minutes thinking about architecture finds it successful, and the man who has wasted a good deal of time thinking about the conditions of architectural success finds il eguillj succeàsfui,

Apart from the primary fact that the front is of forty-five feet,

cf material, these two stories being in red brick, with quoins and window frames of the light limestone of which the base­ment and the vertical part of the roof are built, and you see that lhe front is very emphaticaîly divided into three parts, of which the central, two stories are grouped to eonstitute one, while the hasement and the attic are left to eonstitute one each,

So far, there is nothing unusual about the disposition. Nor, indeed, is there anything unusual about the huilding, excepting the ïkill with which the primary suggestion is carrîed out. That is of a high order. Tbe stone basement is very emphaticaîly set ,11 iicni lhe supeiElructme by a cleverly designed balcony, dec-


in a région where twenty-five are regarded as an extravagant maximum, there are other good reasons for the success of this front. On one side of it, and separated from it only hy a rather worse than commonpiace brownstone front, is the very impres­sive and unusually extensive front of the Havemeyer house, • which is, in a very loose and eclectic way, Romanesque, and which dates hack perhaps some dozen years. On tbe other side are Bome truly awful spéculative builders' fronts, of the post-classical brownstone period, which might safely be disregarded by the architect, since it is certain that the progress of civilization will shortly bring about an effective demand for their démolition.

There was thus not much reason why the architect should con­sider his immédiate surroundings, since tbe only respectable building în the neighborhood was separated from him by the width of a house-front. Tbere was every reason why he should simply go on to make an effective and seemly front in a New York block, This he did, in fact, proceed to do, and he has made a front whieh is as congruous as any décent thing could be wîth its surroundings, and which is of an undenîable interest in itself. In the first place, he has made a clear and emphatic composition, wîth a triple division, both laterally and vertically. Laterally, which is of Iess importance, he has marked it hy the three open­ings în each story and by the frame which surrounds them. Ver­tically, which is very much to the purpose, he has made it quite unmistakable and very effective. The front consists of a base­ment of one story, a superstructure of two, and a roof, against which is relieved a row of dormers. Add that the separateness of ttie middle division of two stories is emphasized by a change

orated with rosettes on its soffit, crossing ît completely, and sup­ported by four powerful corbels, of which the structural signifi­cance is not diminished, even if it be not enhanced, by the elab­orate surface décoration that is applied to them. In the second division, including the second and third stories, the stonework is used as framework for the brick, being employed as quoina at the outer edges, and as casings for the Windows. And one of tbe most serious questions the design raises is whether the brick­work is not overdone, whether it would not bave been better to confine it to the two intermediate strips of wall, and, by building the terminal piers of stone alone, to hâve enhanced theîr value and importance, which is certainly none too great, now that each of them is divided hetween a band of brickwork and a band of stoue. Another questionable détail is the gutter in sheet copper over the main cornice. The material is frankly avowed, hut the design is for masonry rather than for métal.

But then how élever is the détail, how good and how hig is tbe scale, and, above all, how true and consistent, from the huge plinth niouiding to the huge cornice? Any one feature, taken by itself, might be said to he excessive, but where everything la equally exaggerated, nothing is exaggerated. And then the détail is particularly "knpwmg." Tt is all, or virtually all, of the newest Paris fashion, in which; of •.•ourse, to be smart and modish la tlie very end of the law. We can find no reason for praising the "soup bunches" under tlie third story Windows, but the car-Louches in the window heads of the second story bave a very vernacular air, as weir as a very décorative effect, It was, a good thought, somehow, to leave them as much as possible like


October 28, 1899. RECOKD AND GUIDE. 635

the elay models from which they were eut, even to the scratches in the clay. And the cartoiiches of the roof-story, conventipnal ornaments as they are, are so cleverly treated, especially at the angles, as to take on tbe aspect of something at once naturalistic and Imaginative, of something, in a word, romantic, Thîs treat­ment of tbe détail gives a new iuterest 'to what was already a very interesting front.

The Realty Market.

T HE effect of excessive cost of construction, coupled with dear money, was more apparent in both the public and the

private sale branch of the real estate market thîs week than last. Two voluntary auctions of considérable holdings of vacant lots resulted in positive failure, a fate which was shared by two smaller offerings of buiiding sites. Being isolated from means of transportation, the Seaman property, comprising 240 lots on Broadway, Seaman avenue, Isham Park, and 21Sth street, Park terrace and the United States Ship Canal, met with precisely the sort of réception wbich might hâve beeu expected in a conserva­tive market; the prcperty was withdrawn after 36 lots had heen struck down. On the other hand, the 21 lots in 148th and 149th streets and St. Anns avenue, belonging to the Jason Rogers es­tate, lie within a few blocks of the 3d avenue elevated railroad, and within the spéculative huilding movement. Their with­drawal in the absence of compétition—seven lots were struck down—can hardly be explained away by local conditions. The failing off in the demand for lots was not accompanied by any compensating increase in compétition for improved property. Of 29 improved parcels offered at voluntary auction, ten were bid în or withdi-awn, a proportion perhaps the same, roughly speaking, as that which prevailed last spring. In the foreclosure actions, a majority of the plaintiffs were compelled to protect their inter­ests by purchase.

The brokerage branch of ihe market developed a similar con­traction in spéculative business, unaccompanied by expansion in investment transactions. The fundamental soundness, however,

, bf the conditions that affect real estate, apart from the-tempo^ f rary dearness of what may be termed spéculative money, was

apparent in the continued and, indeed, increasing demand for mercantile property, occasioned by expanding business. Some good leases were made. The Caledonia Insurance Co. bought the antiquated uremises. Nos. 50 and 52 Pine street, which wiil be replaced by a modem office building. Adams & Co. added an­other iot to the site, now 200x200, on the west side of 6th avenue, extending from 21st to 22d street, on which a new emporium of trade is about to arise, and John Wanamaker was reported to bave purchased a Sailors' Snug Harhor leasehold in 9th street, be-

I tween Broadway and 4th avenue, opposite his présent store. The improvements under way in 6th avenue by Adams & Co. and Simpson, Crawford & Simpson, the latter of which will affect the westerly biock front from 19th to 20th street, wlll fix the shop­ping centre for at least a génération. At the same time, the conviction that Mr. Wanamaker is extending hîs holdings in 9th sireet may possibly lay the perennial rumor that he is buying the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The report of a purchase in 9th street could not be verified in Mr. Wanamaker's absence. But it was said by people in the neighborhood that in addition to premises on the south side of 9th street, taken over from Henry Hilton, he has acquired the block front, with the exception of the corners, and that his purehases include some abutting property on the north­erly side of Sth street. The records show conveyanees since 1896 affecting the premises in question—ali Snug Harbor leaseholds— but Mr. Wanamaker's name does not appear in them. The site of the old Stewart store is aiso Snug Harbor ground.

An interesting report obtained circulation among the patrons of Smith & McNell's this week to the effect that that famous hotel aud restaurant was undergoing a change of proprietorship, The business was founded in 1853, as a cake and coffee stand, by Henry Smith and T. R. McNell, watchmen in the Washington Market. It presently expanded into a chop house, and was eventually transferred to the building No. 199 Washington street. The records show that a large part of the block bounded by Washington, Greenwich, Fulton and Vesey streets is owned by the firra, namely Nos. 195, 199, 201 and 205 Washington, Nos. 73 to 81 Vesey, aud No. 202 Greenwich, so that the deal, îf the reaî property were included, would reach very respectable pro­portions, indeed. Mr. McNell—Mr. Smîth died many years ago— says that no change of proprietorship is contemplated. The re­port originated în the circumstance that aecountants hâve for some days been checking up the business, coupled with the belief that Mr. McNell, now an old man, bas Eor several years been dé­sirons of retiring from active lîfe.

The negotiations between M. L, and H. B, Sire and Waiter Burns, who represents a syndicate of London capitalists, for

the sale of the New York and Criterion théâtres, together with a twenty-five years' lease of the New York Casino, were said by M. L. Sire to be progressing favorably, so that contracts wîll probably be signed without delay. Rumor was busy once more with the Madison Avenue Hotel, at the northwest corner of Madi­son avenue and 58th street, owned by John D. Crimmins and Hugh J. Grant. Mr. Crimmins says that, whîle negotiations are under way for the sale of the property, no definite results bave been reached. Park & Tilford bave been suggested as the pros­pective buyers, on the ground tbat their building on 5th avenue, between 59th and 60th streets, stands on Astor ground, and that the site is wanted for an addition to the Hotel Netherland. How­ever, it turns out that Park Se Tilford own the ground as well as the building, so that, under the circumstances, there is little likelikood of their removing to an inferior business location. The prolongation of the negotiations affecting the Orphan Asy­ium property is thought to be due to a désire on the part of the trustées to retain the Madison avenue tront, which contains a substantial building; silence is maintained on the subject by all the interested parties.

The disposition oE the 7-stor-y apartment house, the Monti­eello, by William B. Franke to Abram S. Hewitt, through Leopold Weil, would hâve been a transaction of the first import­ance, if it had heen an out-and-out sale, as at first reported, in­stead of a trade for the 5-story apartment hotel, the Cecil, at the southeast corner of St. Nicholas avenue and l lStb street. Mr, Hewitt acquired the latter in trade from the builder, Thomas R. White. A most interesting and valuabie transaction was the pur­chase by the Bowery -Bank of the northwest corner of Grand and Bowery. The corner huilding is occupied by the Butchers' and Drovefs' Bank; the inside-buiiding contains a clothing store.


, The System under which the values of their properties are as­sessed for purposes of taxation must form a matter of strong in­terest to property owners. Knowinir this, when the charter re­quired the Tax Department to "establish a just and êqual rela­tion between the valuation of property in each borough and throughout the entire city," the Record and Guide endeavored to obtain for its readers a description of the working process by whieh this was to be brought about, The immense amount Of work thrown on the Tax Department by the charter made it for a long time impossible for any of its officiais to afCord the time to supply the necessary information. Since then other causes of delay hâve crept in, among them the détermination of the Department not to make any statement that could be con­strued into an answer to ûriticisms of their work or in any way place them in a controversial position. Now, however, the Rec­ord and Guide is able to descrlbe the process of valuing real prop­erty for tax purposes through the courtesy of the Tax Depart­ment,

What has to he determined is whether the Department has a System based upon accurate knowledge of values, or whether the deputies make hap-hazard calculations, or are swayed by polit­ical and Personal préférences, Whether, as some infer, New York realty runs the danger of being unfairly assessed as com­pared with its neighbor, or whether the assessments are really equitably and equally made. In the opening conversation with a Record and Guide représentative. Président Feitner said: "Tou raust get rid of the idea if you hâve it that the Department rec-os:nizes any percentage of value which is to be taken as a max­imum value for tax purposes. The 75% of value the public has in mind is purely fictitious. What we endeavor to arrive at is the fair market value of the property, what it could reasonably be expected to sell for readily if placed on the market, and the dif­férence between the ultimate results of our calculations and the amount placed in the assessment roUs is brought about by the considérations necessary to maintain this position."

Mr, Frank J.Bell, Chief Deputy having charge of the real estate, who was présent, said further; "The system finally adopted by the Department for ascertaining values was based upon its work and expérience of a good many years, and that it produces equable results can be demonstrated in most of the sales, as re­eorded, that hâve taken place in the past year. Errors will creep in occasionally, but these are rectified as soon as discov-» ered, Por instance, an unusual raise of value (,' 30,000 to $00,000) on a small property, No. 18 JVIercer St., was made. This was a clérical error, and on the application of the owner, made April 11, ISOO, and acted upon by the Commissioners May 20, was re­duced to the original assessment, .?,S0,O0O. The same may be said of the property at the northeast corner of Ann street and Théâtre alley, raised from .'JISCOOO to .?90,000, and on the application of the owner, dated April 4, 1899, reduced to .$70,000 on May 24, by the Commissioners.

The system of arriving at valuations is: In regard to the land to employ the ordinary methods of the experts, taking size,

636, RECORD AND GUTDE. October 28, 1899.

adaptability to use, reeorded sales of that and similar parcels into considération; and, in regard to buildings to employ factors of value, of so much per square foot of floor surface that the ex­périence of tbe Department has shown to be fair. These for ten­ements run from for a common one $1.25 to $2 for a flat; for stores of a good class with iron front they will run to $2,50. When it comes to steei construction buildings the lowest factor of value is $3, and that only for a mercantile steel construction building; for modem office buildings tliis factor of value runs from $4 to $S per sq. ft. of floor surface. Consequently, the deputy has besides the weli-known means of determining the values of land, the factors of building values ranging from $1 for nominal values, to $8 per sq. ft. of floor surface. A builder would détermine the cost of a building by a careful examination of the amount of material used in construction with the aid of plans and spécifications, the cost of labor and a considération of the difflculties to be overcome. An assessor cannot enter into such calculation, because he has not the plans and speciflcations, nor has he the time, The cost may also be otherwise determined by an architect, who knows the height of the building in feet, by estimating its cubic contents, and using such a factor per cubic foot as his judgment tells him sueh a building wilî cost. The deputy cannot avail himself of this plan, because he cannot as-certain promptly the height of a building in feet. He can, how­ever, easily count the stories—his map gives him the square feet of land, which he multiplies by the stories and this product by his factor for square foot of floor surface, thus arriving at the value. His sélection of the proper factor is guided by an exte­rior and interior examination of the building, to ascertain mate­rials used and style and kind of trim and flnish.

Let us see how these rules work out on the block fronting on the west side of Broadway, hetween Dey and Fulton streets, This block contains the "Mail and Express" and "Western Union" buildings, the former of which was increased from $300,-000 to $650.000, while the latter was not increased at all. A sketch is submitted which is a copy of the tax map. For the pur-poses of comparison let us suppose that an inside lot on Broad­way, at this point, is worth $S0 per square foot. The corners are worth 50% additional or $120, and the southwest corner, which faces an open place, is probably worth more, say $130, while property down the block, on either Fulton or Dey streets connected with Broadway, may be worth $50 per square foot. With these prices in view, let us flgure out some of the values on this frontage. If the above prices are not the real values in every ome'a judgment it will not matter in the process of equalizatlon between the "Mail and Express" and the "Western Union" build­ings, because they are alike affected:

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^'^ / n ._. I— NO. 207 S, 'W. CORNER BROADWAY AND PULTON ST.

17 X 96.10; l .e62 sq. ft, s 1 130 ^^^^'ÎIS5 Building is G stories aud old 2ô,000

Total value • §241,000 Assessed value raised Erom $160,000 to 1SO,TDO

Value as reeorded in sale made in ISSS $226,250 NO. 203 BROADWAY, "MAIL AND E X P R E S S " BUILDING,

2,475 SQ. ft. on Broadway x ÇSO $198,000 4,422 " ou Pul ton street x $50 221,100

6,S!)T '• land value $410,100 10 stories, OÎS.OTO sq. ft. floor surface x $7 4S2,7y0

Total value $901,890 Assessed va lus raised from $300,000 to OoO,000

NO. 195 BROADWAY, W E S T E R N UNION BUILDING, 2 500 sq. t t . nortliwest corner Dey sireet x Ifl20 -Î300,000 5,033 " on Broadway x $S0 402,040 8,100 " on Dey street x .ÇôO 405,000

15,633 " land value* -ÎI.IOT.MO 11 stories; 171,903 sq. ft. floor surface x $5.30 945,796

Total value $ 2 , 0 - J 3 , 4 3 6 Assessed value aame as in 189? 1,500,000

•The land was purchased in separate parcels in 1S72, 1880, 1880 and 1890, a s per Record aud Guide, tor a total ot -îl,007,000.

Now, let US consider the block on the easterly side of Broad­way, containing the "St. Paul," the Park Bank and the Knox buildings, of which a copy of the tax map is also given. The deputy considered this side of Broadway much more valuabie per sq. ft., flxing the Fulton street corner at $175, the inside at $120, the Ann street corner at $200 per sq. ft., and the rear property, connected as it is with Broadway parcels, at $50 per sq. ft:


ST. PAUL BUILDING, 2,500 sq. ft, southeast coruer Ann s t ree t x $200 $500,000 3.200 " Broadway x -¥120 384,000

5,700 • • " Iaod value $884,000 5,700 " X 18 stories = 102,600 sq. ft.: 1.560 sq, ft. x 1

stories = 10,920 sq.ft.; total surface of 113,520 Eq,ft. x $8 = 908,160

Total value $1,792,160 Assessed value 1S98, $1.000,000. raised to ,$1,500,000 reduced to . 1,300,000 ïNORTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND FULTON, KNOX BUILDING. 2,208 sq. ft. X $175 $386,400 Building, old 20,000

Totai value $406,000 Assessed in 1S08 a t $175,000, raised in 1890 to 275,000

BROADWAY, PARK BANK, 5,933 sq. £t, on Broad'way x Ï120 ,$711,960 2,360 •• rear on Ann street x $50 118,000 S.293 •• land value $829,960 Building; 5-stories; 41,465 sq, ft, floor surface s $4 165,860

Total va lue .Î995,820 Assessed value, not raised in 1899 i50,ÛOO

tTh i s property has a reeord of sale i n l 8 9 3 to E, M. Knox (a par t interest only) for $392,000. The deputy probably dropped below the m a t hem a ti cal ligure, t)ecausB the property îs hemmed in by the Park Bank holdings and is not large enough for the érection of a m o d e m high building.

The block on the westerly side of Broadway, between Barclay street and Park place, is another typical case. The corners may be considered worth $120 per sq. ft., the inside $75 per sq. ft. The buildings are quite unimportant in value, varying perhaps from $1 to $2 per sq. ft. of floor surface. The map given here­with like the two given above is copied from the tax map:

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October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. 637

NO, 229 BROADWAY. 2,500 sq. l't. on northwest eornei' of Barclay x $120 $300,000 2,100 " on Broadway x .$75 157,000 2,000 " oa Barclay x .1150 130,000 7,200 • • laud value $580,000 Building 0 s tor ies; 43,200 sq. ft. floor surface x $1,25. say oO.UUO

Total value $037,000 Assessed value 1898, $425,000, raised 1809 to 475,000

NO. 231 BROADWAY. 3,000 sq, ft. X $75 $225,000 Building. G stor ies; old 20,000

Total value $24.5,000 Assessed value 1898, $130,000; raised 1899 to 180,000

NO. 223 BROADWAY. 2,250 so. ft. X, $75 ,Î168,750 Building, 5 s tor ies; old .' 10,000

Total value $178.750 Assessed value 1898, $ûO,OUO; raised 18!)!) to 125,0UO

NOS. 234 AND 235 BROADWAY, 4,200 sq, ft. X .1175 $315,000 Building. 7 stories 50,000

Total value $365,000 Assessed value 1898, $202,000; raised in 1899 to 275,UU0

NO. 237 BROADWAY. SOUTHWEST CORNER PARK PLACE, 3,150 sq, ft, X $120 $37.8,000 Building 7 stories x $2 44,000

Totai value $422,000 Assessed value uot raised iu 1S99 325,000

T h e t a x v a l u a t i o n of t h e B e n n e t t B u i l d i n g w a s i n c r e a s e d f r o m $ 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 t o $750 ,000 . T h i s b u i l d i n g o c c u p i e s t h e w h o l e f r o n t , f r o r a A n n t o F u l t o n s t r e e t s o n t h e w e s t s i d e of N a s s a u . I t c o v e r s 10 ,200 sq , f t , , a n d is 11 s t o r i e s h i g h . T h e l a n d v a l u e a s flxed b y t h e D e ­p a r t m e n t is i^GG p e r s q . f t . , w h i c h w o u l d b e e q u a l t o $ 6 1 2 . 0 0 0 ; t h e b u i l d i n g . 11 s t o r i e s , c o n t a i n s 112 ,200 s q . f t . of floor s u r f a c e a n d t h e f a c t o r e m p l o y e d is $4, $±4S.OOO; t o t a l v a l u e , $ 1 , 0 6 0 , 0 0 0 ; a s s e s s e d , $750 ,000 . T h e r e i s n o d o u b t a b o u t t h e v a l u e h è r e , a s t h e r e a r e a n u m b e r of s a l e s t o s h o w s u e h v a l u e s , a n d t h e f a c t o r p e r s q u a r e f o o t of Hoor s u r f a c e c a n r . o t h e s e r i o u s l y a t f a u l t . W h a t i s n o t i c e a b l e i n a i l t h e s e i n s t a n c e s i s t h a t t h e a s s e s s e d v a l u e b e a r s a b o u t t h e s a m e r e l a t i v e p r o p o r t i o n t o a c t u a l v a l u e a s a s ­c e r t a i n e d b y t h e f o r m u l a of t h e D e p a r t m e n t , a n d s o f a r a s t h e y g o s u s t a i n s i t s d a i m of e q u a l i t y of a s s e s s m e n t . I n t h e f o l l o w i n g l i s t of p r o p e r t i e s , s o l d s i n c e t h e a s s e s s m e n t s w e r e r a i s e d t h i s y e a r , t h e t e s t i m o n y o n t h i s p o i n t i s n o t s o u n a n i m o u s , b u t i t s e r v e s t o s h o w t h a t t h e t a x v a l u a t i o n s p l a c e d u p o n d o w n t o w n B r o a d w a y a n d 5 t h a v e n u e p r o p e r t i e s w e r e n o t e x c e s s i v e a s c o m ­p a r e d w i t h t h o s e of p a r c e l s l o c a t e d in o t h e r t h o r o u g h f a r e s a n d s e c t i o n s :

, Assessed value , Location. 1898. 1899. Sold for,

432-436 West Broadway $36,000 $4,5,000 $58,750 59-65 Liberty ' .^50,000 475,000 580,000 555 Broadway 105.000 135,000 155,000 189 " a35,0iX) 150,000 350,000 51 Nassau 25,000 50,000 60,OUO 3-5 West ISth 155,000 175,000 190,000 3-5 West :i2d 50,000 80,000 90,000 1131-1133 Broadway 800,000 1,700,000 2,72,-.,0tl0

373-375 " 245,000 290,000 400.000 395-399 •' 160,000 , 183,0001

61-65 Walker 63.000 90,000 S 385.000 S. w. cor Broadway and Broome 325,000 400,000 850,000 26-28 Broau 240,000 340,000 500,000 110-116 Washington 75,000 100,000 12;^,000 14 Cortlandt 65,000 90.000 200,000 11 Pa rk Row 110,000 160,000 205,000 283-285 Peari SO,0:iO 95,000 140,000 18-20 Frankfor t 45,0W 50,000 75,000 34 Reade 42,000 55,000 75,000 133 West 15ih 10,000 11,000 16,500 161 West 23d 2*1,0110 30,000 41,600 142 West 24th 8,0UO 9,500 13,500 114 West 2t;th 8,000 lO.OOO 17,500 110 Weat 38tli 16,000 22,000 32,000 43 West ISth 19,000 22,500 34,500 430-434 Gth avenue 150,000 160,000 195,000 224 5th avenue SO.OIJO 115,000 190,000 47 West 3Gth 18,000 21,000 36,000 42 West 4Uth 25,000 35.000 50,000 306-312 4th avenue 275,0t)o 325,000 440,000 7 West 2Gth 75,000 87,000 ) 2 West 27th 18,000 22,000) 170,000 323 5th avenue 100,001' 150,000 220,000 360 3d avenue 25,000 27,500 34,000 60 West 55th 18,50(1 20,000 27,250 20 Eas t 4(ith 23.0UO 25.000 35,000 576 Madison aveuue 31,000 :16,000 50,000



W h e r e p i p e s a r e u s e d f o r t h e c o n d u c t i o n of s t e a m h e a t , w a t e r , o r h e a t e d a i r , c o n s i d é r a b l e l o s s r e s u l t s f r o m t h e r a d i a t i o n of t h e h e a t . T h i s c a u s e s n o t o n l y d e c r e a s e d e f f l c i ency of s e r v i c e , b u t i n c r e a s e s t h e c o s t of t h e fuel , T o o v e r c o m e a n d p r e v e n t t h i s l o s s of h e a t , a n d r e d u c e t b e a m o u n t o f f u e l r e q u i r e d , t h e A m b l e r A s ­b e s t o s A i r - C e l l C o v e r i n g h a s b e e n f o u n d t o b e s a t i s f a c t o r y a n d eff ic ient . T h i s c o v e r i n g c o m b i n e s in i t s c o n s t r u c t i o n t h e w e l l -k n o w n q u a l i t i e s of t h e a i r - c e l l s t r u c t u r e , a n d t h e fireproof c h a r ­a c t e r i s t i c s of a s b e s t o s . I t is c o m p o s e d of d i v i d e d a i r ce l l s , e a c h i n d e p e n d e n t of t h e o t h e r , p r o d u c e d b y a r r a n g i p g in a i t e r n a t e l a y ­e r s , s h e e t s of p l a i n a n d c o r r u g a t e d a s b e s t o s , w o u n d i n t o c y l i n ­d e r s of p r o p e r i n t e r i o r d i a m e t e r t o flt a l l s i z e s a n d k i n d s of h o t a i r a n d w a t e r p i p e s , T h e c o v e r i n g i s n e a t , l i g h t a n d e a s i l y a p ­p l i e d ; w h i l e a s a n o n - c o n d u c t o r i t is s u p e r i o r t o a n y so l i d m a ­t e r i a l . T h e c o v e r i n g i s m a n u f a c t u r e d a n d s o î d b y t h e A m b l e r A s b e s t o s A i r - C e l l C o v e r i n g Co . , 2 6 C o r t l a n d t s t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , w h o w i l l b e p l e a s e d t o s u b m i t s a m p l e s a n d e s t i m â t e s , a n d ful l d e s c r i p t i o n of m e t h o d s a n d u s e s .

^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • é » » » • • • » » » » • $ » • • • » • • • • • • • • •

J READY FOR DELIVERY TO-DAY. • ^ T'Iic R e c o r d a i id G u i d e ' s " P r e l l m i n a r y E d i t i o n " of t h e T

• n e w B u i l d i n g C o d e , s i g n e d b y t h e M a y o r O c t . 24, g o e s J

• i n t o effect D e c . 22a, n e x t . P r i c e 75 c e n t s . 2

• READY FOR DELIVERY SHORTLY. t X T h e c o m p l è t e I l l u s t r a t e d E d i t i o n of t h e B u i l d i n g L a w s , %

5 b y W i l l i a m J , F r y e r . T h i s v o l u m e is t h e s t a n d a r d p u b l i - t

y c a t i o n w i t h A r c h i t e c t s , B u i l d e r s a n d o t h e r s . î t is t h e o n l y %

4 b o o k p e r m i t t i n g r e a d y r é f é r e n c e t o a l l t h e p r o v i s i o n s of t h e

5 C o d e u p o n a n y s u b j e c t . A n y d e s i r e d i n f o r m a t i o n c a n b e J

• t u r n e d t o a s q u i c k l y a s t o a w o r d in a d i c t i o n a r y . T h i s X

^ s a v i n g of t i m e is e f fec ted b y m e a n s o î a n a l y t i c c r o s s -

^ i n d e x e s . M o r e o v e r , in a l l d o u b t f u l m a t t e r s t h e m e a n i n g J

• of t h e I a w is m a d e c l e a r b y t h e a id of i l l u s t r a t i o n s . T h e •

^ v o l u m e c o n t a i n s n o t o n l y t h e B u i l d i n g C o d e , b u t all l a w s i

J a n d r é g u l a t i o n s r e l a t i n g t o b u i l d i n g , i n c l u d i n g t h e M e - • ;

• c h a n i c s L i e n L a w . H a n d s o m e l y b o u n d . P r i c e $3,00. S

^ Iininediale Subscribers to this Edition will be supplied T

• at once zuith a copy of the "Prelimiiiary Edition" free of •

• charge, provided it is returned upon receipt of the larger booli. X

J A l l p l a n s for b u i i d i n g o p é r a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t G r e a t e r •

J N e w Y o r k t o b e filed o n a n d a f t e r D e c , 33d m u s t b e m a d e • -

X 10 c o n f o r m t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o t t h e n e w C o d e , M i s - %

J u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e I a w is c o s t l y b o t h in t i m e a n d m o n e y . •

• U s e t h e r e f o r t h e R e c o r d a n d G u i d e a n n o t a t e d , c r o s s - X

^ i n d e x e d a n d I l l u s t r a t e d E d i t i o n of t h e B u i l d i n g L a w s , T

• w h i c h d o e s n ' t l e a v e y o u t o p u z z l e o u t t h e m e a n i n g of t h e •

• C o d e — t o f ind l a t e r t h a t y o u w e r e w r o n g , ^

Real Estate Market. T h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e c o m p a r a t i v e t a b l e s of M a n h a t t a n - a s d t h s

B r o n x of t h e C o n v e y a n c e s , M o r t g a g e s a n d P r o j ' e c t e d B u i l d i n g s fo r t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g w e e k s of 1899 a n d 1 8 9 8 :


Oct. 20 to26 , inc. Total No, for Manhat tan 178 Amount involved $995,388 Number nominal 100

Total No. for Manhat tan and B r o n s . . . Amount invoived Number nominal Total No. Conveyances, J an . 1 to date. Total Amt, Convey an ces, J an . 1 to date

1899. Oct. 20 to 26. inc.

Total No. for Bronx 89 Amount invoived $114,365 ' ' • . . . 47


Nnmber nominal 1899.

Oct. 2 0 t o 2 6 , inc. 267

$1,109,753 156

12,973 ^124,657,446

1898. Oct. 21 t o 2 7 , inc.

238 $1,431,068

125 11,613

$81,883.418 MORTGAGBS.

Total number for Amount involved Number over 5% Amouut involved Number a t 5% Amount involved Number a t less than 5%. . . Amount involved $1,500.365 No. above to Banks, Trus t

and Insurance C o . ' s . . . . 54 Amount involved .¥2,090,000 Total No. Mortgages, J an . 1 to d a t e . . . Total Amt. Mortgages, J a n . 1 to d a t e . .

, Oct, 20 to 26, inc— Manhat tan . Bronx,

195 $3.728, UOO

100 $1,375,625

44 $852,700


1899. 1898. r-iWanbattan Se Bronx.—>

Oct. 20 to 26, Oct. 21 to 27

96 $427,680

39 $127,922

53 $248.258

4 $51,500


me, 291

$4.156,370 139

.^1,503,547 97

$1.100,958 55


63 $2,134.150


iuc. 285

$3,737,143 135


$1,124,995 42


4& $1.341,200


T o t a l n n i i t b e i ' .

.$358.780,811 $193.758,05& S A T I S F A C T I O N O P M O R T G A G E S .

l ï i y A n i o i i i i t i n v o l v e r t . . 1^3 ,098 ,443 PROJECTED BUILDINGS,

20 28

Total No. New Buildings: Manhat tan Bronx

Grand total -— Total amount for

Manhat tan $1,031.900 B r o n s .Î116,77ô

Grand total — — Totai amount of al térat ion

Manliat tan $100.115 Bronx jJ.ajO

Grand total ——.. Totai No. New Buildings, Maaha t t an

and Bronx, J an . 1 to da te . Total Amt. New Buildings, Manhat tan

and Bronx. Jan , 1 to date Total Amt . Alterationa, J an . 1 to date

1899. Oct. 20 to 26. ino.

1898. Oct. 21 to 27, ine.





$90,250,726 $5,853,898



I 2,844 • ^

S 56,2,') 7,550 $6.117,960

A t t e n t i o n i s c a l l e d t o t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of t h e s a l e of 1 8 c h o i c e E a s t O r a n g e b u i l d i n g l o t s , m a d e in o u r a d v e r t î s e m e n t s b y H i c h ­a r d V . H a r n e t t & Co. , w h i c h f o r m p a r t of t h e e s t a t e of t h e l a t e E d w a r d S. J a f f r a y . a n d w h i e h a r e n o w to b e s o l d b y o r d e r of h i s e x e c u t o r s . T h e l o t s a r e o n a m a c a d a m i z e d a v e n u e , h â v e w a t e r g a s , e t c . , a n d l o c a t e d o n l y a f e w m i n u t e s ' w a l k f r o m a s t a t i o n o f t h e Er i ie r o a d . T h e s a l e wi l l t a k e p l a c e o n T h u r s d a y n e x t , 2 a i n s t . , a t N o . 1 1 1 B r o a d w a y , a n d J . W . M c W i l l i a m s , o p p o s i t e B r i c k C h u r c h S t a t i o n , E a s t O r a n a g e , N . J . ; H o n . C h a r l e s D o n o h u e . a t ­t o r n e y . N o . 2 0 3 B r o a d w a y , a n d t h e a u c t i o n e e r s , a t N o s . 71 a n d 7 3 L i b e r t y s t r e e t , wi l l s u p p l y m a p s a n d ful l d é t a i l s .

W m . M. l î y a n a n n o u n c e s t h e a u c t i o n s a l e . In o n e n a r c e l , of t h e r é s i d e n c e a n d g r o u n d s o n t h e s o u t h e a s t c o r n e r of S t . N i c h o l a s a v a n d l ô O t h s t , w h i c h w i l l t a k e p l a c e on W e d n e s d a y n e x t , l s t p r o x , T h e d i m e n s i o n s of t h e p l o t a r e 7 4 . 1 1 x 1 0 0 . ' T h e i m i

638 RECORD AISTD GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

ment is a Queen Anne house, built of brick, with terra cotta trimmings, and finished in hardwoods. etc.; it contains 15 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Other partieulars will be lound on another page, or can be obtained at the auctloneer's offlce, No. 149 Broad­way. Libéral terms are promised to buyer.

Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OP 59TH STRBET,

21st St, No. 115 West, 25x98.9, with old 4-sty dwelling; seller, a Mr. Early; buyers, Adams & Co.; price, $38,000. Adams & Co., in August, filed plans for a O-sty building at No. 111 and 113 21st st, running through to lOS and 110 22d st, in rear of their présent store, and work on whieh is now in progress. The plans wilî be extended to include this week's purchase. It is the in­tention to rebuiid the block front—the westerly—in Oth av, as soon as the rear half of the site is covered. The combined build­ing, according to the estimate of the architects, De Lemos & Cordes will cost a million and a-guarter. The Gth av front is occupied under a lease. The leasehold and the freehold together make a plot 200x200.

Pine st, Nos. 50 and 52, adjoining the northeast corner of Will­iam plot about 40,2x100; with old buildings; sellers, P. Har-mony's Nephews & Co, ; buyer, the Caledonian Insurance Co., of Edinburgh, which will build, as stated elsewhere; broker, John N. Golding. ^ ,„

5th av northeast corner of IGth st, irregular plot frontmg 49 feet on the av and 141,10 on the st; seller, Jaeob D. Butler; buyer. Leo Wise who will erect a mertantile building. The property was bought by Mr. Butler in September, 1898, and was sold two raonths later to Harry Chaffee. with a building loan of $loO,000 to erect a 10-sty building. The Lorillard mansion, which stood on the site, was torn down, when the property was transferred back to Mr. Butler about a month ago. Broker, Leopold Weil.

27th st No. 436 West, east of IOth av, 4-sty tenement. on lot 25x98.9;,seller, Don A. Gaylord; buyer, James Roberts; broker, J. F. Sheridan; price, $15.000 cash.

Hudson, southwest corner of Vestry, plot 33x100; sellers, Gut­willig Bros.; buyer. William C. Dewey, who will huild a 7-sty warehouse.

Rutgers st. west side, from Canal st to East Broadway, 4b,^x 28.5x94x25; seller, Lorillard estate; buyer, Morris Weinstein; brokers, Douglas Robinson & Co.; price, about $30,000. '

Chatham sq. Nos. 7 and 8, between Mott and Doyer, 4-sty brick store on plot of 2% iots. wlth frontage of 49.8 feet; seller, the Bowery Savings Bank; brokers, Ruland & Whiting.^ The sellers boug'ht the property at foreclosure in 1893 for ,fl03,750,

45th st. No. 63 West. 3-sty dwelling, 18.9x100; sellers, Mrs. I. B Brennan and others. This house adjoins on the east Nos. 6-3 and G7, which were bought by W. Rafel some time ago, and to which he took title this week; it is reported that he is the buyer of this property; if this is so it will give him a plot 56.3x100. He stated again this week that he would improve his purchase in the spring by the érection of an apartment house. arrangea with and without housekeeping facilities.

53d st. No. 144 East, 3-sty. high stoop, brownstone dwelling, w ith store, on lot 17x100; brokers, M. E. Hewitt & Co.; price, $18,000.

Jones st. No. 9, near i t h st. 25x100, with old buildings; buyer, E. Alexander,

46th st. No. 16 West, 4-sty stone front dwelling, on lot 22x100.5; seller, Mrs. S. M. Britton; huyer, Dr. John H, Eden; broker. John N. G-oIding.

Bowery, Nos. 124 and 126, northwest corner of Grand st, old buildings, on plot 50x100; buyer, Bowery Bank; price about $200,000." The corner building, just bought, is occupied by the Butchers' and Drovers' National Bank, the price being $125,-000; the inside building contains a clothing store. The leases expire in a year. more or less,

NORTH OF 59TH STREET. Sth av, east side, 50 feet north of 154th st, 100x100, vacant;

sellers, Anderson Price and Nathan Jarvis; huyer, Myer Heiiman. 78th st, No. 113 East, east of Park av, 3-sty and basement

brownstone dwelling, 18.8x55x102.2; seller, W. W. Hall; broker. Joseph W. Lawrence,

Pleasant av, northwest corner of 122à st, 3-sty private house; seller, Ellen Gaw; buyer, Michael McCarty; broker, Edward J. Welling, Jr.

West End av. No 625, north of 90th st, 5-sty American base­ment dwelling, on lot 24.5x63,10; sellers, Terence Farley's Sons; buyer, a Mr. Bauerdorf; price $42,000. This is the second house sold out of a row of seven which the sellers are completing. and which were described with illustration in our issue of 7th inst.

121st st, north side, 275 feet west of Amsterlam av, 25x95.11, vacant; seller, John L, Jordan; buyer, George P. Cain; broker, Samuel Goldsticker,

112th st, south side, 175 feet west of Amsterdam avenue, 25x 100, vacant; seller, Mrs. Geo. Tiffany; brokers, Pease Se Elliman and Slawson & Hobhs.

75th st, No; 47 East, 4-sty dwelling, on lot 22x100; seller, Iwan Von Auw; brokers, B. C. & F. T. Barry. The property was bought by the aeller in 1897 for $48,000.

66th st. No. 223 West, west of Amsterdam av, 5-3ty flat, with stores, 25x73x100,5; seller, Mrs. Bertha H. Beckwith; broker, James J. Etchingham.

Riverside Drive, No. 63, bet TSth and TOth sts, 4-sty dwelling, 21.3x70x88; seller, W. S. Lawson; brokers, W. B. Taylor & Son and Charles E. Schuyler & Co.

S2d st. No. 351 East. west of ls t av, lot 25.3x102.2, with frame dwelling; seller, Emil Steffens; buyers, Karl M. Wallach Se Son, who will huild a 6-story tenement.

5th av, adjoining the southeast corner of 114th st. Nos. 1367 and 1369, two 5-sl .)ry flats, on plot 50x100; seller, Elkan Kahn; broker, H. Rawak,

Claremont av, southwest corner of 122d st. plot 100x100; seller, the Max Weil estate; buyer, Geo. A. Simpson; broker, Francis B, Robert,

West End av. northeast corner of 79th st. T-story apartment house. the "Montieello." on plot lOOxTô; seller, WilUam B. Franke, wbo takes in exchange the hotel Cecil at the southeast corner of St. Nicholas av and l lSth st. a 5-sty huilding, 120x60 xlOOxllS; buyer, Hon. Abram S. Hewitt; broker. Leopold Weil; price. .$420,000.

Amsterdam av, northeast corner of 165th st, 25x100, vacant; seller. E. Alexander; buyers, Hagenauer & Weslau.

Central Park West, 68.4 north of 94th st, 6-sty apartment house, on plot lOSxlOO. This building, which is just being com­pleted, is reported sold. Wm, Call is the builder and seller,

95th st. No. 13 West, 5-sty dwelling; seller. Peter Wagner, huyer, a Mrs. Peck, who gives in exchange property at Engle­wood, N. J.

141st st, No. 523 West, new 4-sty single apartment house; seller, the Halter Improvement Co, ; brokers. M.' E. Hewitt & Co. 142d st. No. 50s West, new 4-sty single apartment house, on lot ITxlOO; buyer. M. Megrew; seller. D. Stringer; brokers, M. B. Hewitt & Co.

THE BRONX. 159th st, No. 667 East. between Courtiand and Elton avs, 4-sty

brick flat. 25x78x100; seller, Mrs. Maria Steindler; buyer. G. Kel­ly; broker, H. M. Ribeth.

IOth av, south side, 105 feet east of 4th st (Wakefleld), plot 150x114;-seller, John P. Petty; buyer, J. P. Rice, who will build six private houses.

3d av. west side. 100 feet north of Tremont av, 100x150, vacant; seller, Jacob Herb; buyer, Benjamin T. Gilbert, who will build; broker, William E. Brooker; price, $48,000.

Jerome av, southeast corner of Mt. Hope place, plot 128x100; buyer, John M. Blauvelt, wlio has already started în to erect seven 3-family houses; broker, William E. Brooker; price, $18,000.

Park av, west side, 100 leet south of 175th st, four lots; buyer, John Rogers, who has begun to erect five 3-family houses; broker, William E. Brooker; price, $12,000.

LEASES. Lovejoy & Noyer hâve leased for the Phillips estate to the Bell

Manufacturing Co,, the 7-sty building. Nos. 281 and 283 Water st, corner of Dover; also to the Patteson Press, the fourth fioor, 50x100, of the Borough of Manhattan Electrical Building, Nos. 33 t.o 43 Goîd st.

P. T, Canavan has îeased the preraises, No. 137 9th av, for Maria Abeling to McPartIand Bros,; No, 509 West 29th st. for Mary Dengîer. to W. J. Talbot; for Richard Fitzpatrick to J. Ward the stable, No. 405 West ISth st; and for N. S. Hart to J, Lawrence the store No. 348 West 16th st.

Charles Easton & Co. hâve leased to the Berlin & Jones En­velope Co., the six-story factory to be erected by Augustus Meyers, on a plot running through from 2Tth to 28th st, 100 feet east of l l t h av.

OUT OF TOWN. M.'E. Hewitt & Co. hâve sold a 3-sty Queen Anne cottage in

Silver Park, White Plains, for $10.000. and business property sit­uated in Chicago. Illinois, known as the "Megrew Block," corner of Morgan and Harrison sts, on lot 100x100, for $80.000.

W. B. Taylor & Sons hâve sold the former McLean estate, com­prising 90 acres, bounded by McLean, Central and Kimball avs, in "Westehester County. about 150 feet north of the city line. The property was sold at auction last June by William M. Ryan to a syndicate headed by Daniel F. Colahan, The selling price in this week's transaction is reported at between $200,000 and $250,-000, or between $200 and $250 per lot.


The Collecter of Taxes reports so far an increase of about .$15,000,000 over his receipts at this time last year, His flgures indicate that taxes are being paid much more freely than is usual.

Wm. R. Lowe & Co.. real estate brokers and managers of es­tâtes, bave removed their offices from l lSth st and Tth av to more commodious quarters on the southeast corner of l i4 th st and St. Nicholas av. Their téléphone call is 8 Harlem.

The contractor has commenced work on the approach to the municipal building of the Borough of the Bronx, at 3d av and lT6th st. The work is the first of a number of improvements that are intended to bemade to the surroundings of the building, for which the Législature appropriajted a sum of $30,000_some time ago.

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. 639

The North Side Board of Trade are energetically calling atten­tion to the need of the Bronx for an improved water supply. Président Haffen of the Local Board of Improvements advocates the purchase of the Ten-Mile Watershed, and the abandonment of the Bronx river as a source of supply. The Board of Trade has also formally approved the idea of forming the borough of the Bronx into a separate county.

Leopold Weil, broker, agent and appraiser, of No. 3T Maiden lane, is receiving the congratulations of his friends because of his success in closing contracts for such valuabie properties as the Montieello apartment house, on West Bnd av; the Hotel Cecil, on St. Nicholas av; and a plot of lots on the northeast corner of 5th av and 16th st, ail of which are more fully described in our real estate and gossip columns. Mr. Weil's téléphone call is No. 452S Cortlandt.

The Vietor Hugo, a 7-story apartment house. now under con­struction at the southwest corner of Tth av and 114th st, promises to be one of the most complète and best-appointed of the many high-class structures just north of the Park. It covers a plot of four lots, and the fronts are of stone and light brick, a happy combination. There will be 51 suites of from 4 to 10 rooms each, and the rents will range frora $50 per month up, making an aggregate rent roll of $40,000 per annum. There will be four large suites on the ground floor, three of which will hâve private entrances, two on the street and one on the avenue. The main entrance on the avenue will he through a lobby. 12,6x50 feet. done in white marble and gold, and there will be a Turkish ré­ception room off the main hall, A tiled roof and suraraer garden for use of tenants, marble floors in kitchens, Cutler mail chute, said to be the first north of the Park, fire hose on each floor, and the Kenny system of flushing, are some of the features, besides electric elevators, Iighting, e tc , to be introduced by the owner and builder, Mr. Hugo F. Hoefler.


• » • • • • » » • • » • • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

t READY FOR bELIVERY TO-DAY. I ' I • ' t • The Record and Guide's "Preliminary Edition" of the J -# new Building Code, signed by the Mayor Oct. 24, goes A î into effect Dec, 23d, next. Price 75 cents. T • • i READY FOR DELIVERY SHORTLY. % • Th-î complète Illustrated Edition of the Building Laws, • • by William J. Fryer. Thîs volume is the standard publi- * J cation with Architects, Builders and others. It is the only j

book permitting ready référence to all the provisions of the # Code upon any subject. Any desired information can be Y turned to as quickly as to a word in a dictionary. This • saving of time is effected by means oî analytic cross- ^ indexes. Moreover, in all doubtful matters the meaning ^ of the law is made clear by the aid of illustrations. The • volume contains not only the Building Code, but all laws X and régulations relating to building, including the Me- j chanics Lien Law. Handsomely bound. Price $3.00. 4

immédiate Subscribers to this Edition will be supplied Z at once wilh a copy of the "Preliminary Edition" free of • charge, provided it is returned upon receipt of the larger book. S

All plans for building opérations throughout Greater J New York to be filed on and after Dec. 23d must be made • to conform to the requirements of the new Code, Mis- X understanding of the law is costly both in time and money. • Use therefor the Record and Guide annotated, cross- • indexed and Illustrated Edition of the Building Laws, i which doesn't leave you to puzzle out the meaning of the Ç Code—to find later tbat you were wrong. ^

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET.

The Brick market remains unchanged, with large deliveries on unfilled orders.

There is still a heavy demand for both Rosendale and Portland céments. The prices for foreign Portland céments are expected to advance shortly, owing tb the increased deraand for their home use.

The Door, Window and Blind market remains unchanged from the iast increase of Oct. lst. This advance was caused hy the increased price of raw materials.

About all the lumber to be brought into this market is now de­livered, and the little remaining undelivered will not be sufflolent to cut prices before next August. For this reason the prevailing prices will undoubtedly be maintained. This has been the best year in this line since 1892, and a renewal of trade is looked for next season,

The Glass market remains flrm. The scareity of Lath in this market haa been the cause of an in­

crease in "rice, and still another increase is expected. Builders are greatly incommoded by belng unable to obtain this material promptly.

The Tin market is very dull. There is a large quantity of rough stone in several yards, to be

cut for the Hall of Records building, but the stonecutters hère WiU not touch it until the trouble about the labor question at the Chicago Post-Office is settled—the same contractor having both contracts. This particular contract seems to be singled out, as the work on other buildings is continuing under the sarae con­tractors.

Iron merchants look forward to another large year. with prices about the same as at présent,

The contract for Redstone for the Muséum of Natural History in this city has been completed by the Booth Bros. Hurricane Isle Granité Co, The same flrra are filling a large contract at the An-napolis Naval Academy,

• i.

Building News. MERCANTILE.

5th av, northeast corner of 16th st, 12-sty store and loft build­ing, 49.10x149; Leo. Wise, Nos. 338 to 342 East 59th st, owner;, Louis Korn, Nos. 3T and 39 Maiden lane, architect, The building' will be of skeleton construction, with a front of limestone, light brick and terra.cotta; there will be steara heat, electric light and' elevator and a novel feature in the building wlll be a bath-rooi» for each floor. The cost will be about $350,000. The lot Is ex-cavated, and work will start at once.

Pine st. Nos. 50 and 52, adjoining the southeast corner of Will­iam st. The Caledonian Fire Insurance Company, No. 27 Pine st, Mr. Post, Manager, will iraprove this property by the érection of a 12-sty skeleton construction office building; the size of the lot is 40.2x97.1x101.10x43.11; the company will occupy about three floors of the building and will rent the balance, James B. Baker, No, 156 Sth av, is the architect.

27th st, north side, 28th st, south side, 100 feet east of l l t h av, 6-sty brick factory building, fronting 100 feet on 27th st, 75 feet on 28th st, and having a depth of 197.6; Augustus Meyers. No. 542 West 21st st. owner; William Higginson, No. 108 Fulton st, architect. The entire building has been leased for a long term to The Berlin & Jones Envelope Co.

DePeyster, Water and Pine sts, 6-sty flreproof brick factory, 100x60; cost. $40,000; Edward Kemp. No, 68 William st., owner; A H. Thorp, No. 1133 Broadway, architect.

Orchard st. No. 17, 7-sty and baseraent brick store and shop, 22x73; cost, ,$14,000; C. Saul, owner; Charles Rentz, No. 153 4th av, architect.

APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 76th st, Nos. 413-415, 6-sty and basement brick and terra

cotta flat and store, 41x100; eost, $45,000; Aaron Goodraan, 233 East 50th street, owner and builder; M. Bernstein, 245 Broadway, architect (plans only).

122d st, north side, 100 ft west Mt. Morris Park, 6-sty brk and stone apartment house, 50x84; cost, $70,000; Christian Blinn, Jr., 307 West 119th st, owner and builder; W. C. Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av, architect (plans only).

Central Park West, west side, south of 98th st, T-sty brick and stone apartment house, 50x84; cost, $80,000; Christian Blinn, Jr., 30T West llOth st, owner and builder; architect not selected.

S2d st. No. 351 East, 6-sty -brick and stone tenement, on lot 25.3x102.2; Karl M. Wallach & Son, No. 240 East T9th st, owners; George F. Pelham, No. 503 Sth av, architect.

123d ist, south side, near Lenox av, 6-story hrick and stone semi-flreproof apartment house, 50x100; cost, $50,000; Christian Blinn, 30T West 119th st, owner and builder; architect not se­lected.

4th av. No. 431, 66.2 north of 29th st, T-sty brick and stone bachelor apartment hotel, on plot 33x100; Thomas H, Bell, No. 120 West 134th st, owner and builder; Moore & Landsiedel, No. 2S61 3d av, architects. The building will contain 48 apartments.

St. Ann's av, west side, 94 feet north of 149th st, three 5-sty brick and stone flats, 27x85 each; cost, $75,000; B. Mulholland, No. 3106 Park av, owner; Ward Cunningham, 146th st and 3d av, architect.

71st st, south side. 400 feet west of West End av, T-sty brick, stone and terra cotta apartment house, 52x115; eost. ,$165.000; Kate C. Brown, owner; Wm. H. Boylan. 62 Liberty st. architect.

113th st, north side, 100 feet west of Tth av, apartment house; cost, $50,000; M. McKenna, Hempstead, L. I., owner; S. D, Cohen. 203 Broadway, architect.

Ridge st. No. 30, 6-sty and basement brick, stone and terra cotta store and apartment, 20x85; cost. $18,000; Max Hyraan, 123 Madison st, ow^ner; Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery, archi­tects.

ALTERATIONS, 36th st. No. 13 West, altération to 4-sty and basement brick

clubhouse; New Tork Whist Club, lessee; Steln, Cohen & Eoth, 41 Union sq., architects.

ESTIMATES RHCBIVABLB. ** l s t av, SSth to 39th st, 3-sty brick and stone flreproof power

house; New Tork Gas and Electric Light, Heat & Power Co., No, 57 Duane st, owner; estiraates are being taken on the mason work, and a number of mason contractors hâve been invited to bid, araong whora are J. B, Sraith. No. 18 Broadway; Charles T. Wilis, No. 156 5th av, and James D. Murphy, Nos. 1181 and 1183 Broadway.

(For plans flled, see pages 654 and 669.) ^j

RECORD AJSTD GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

22d st. No. 26 East, 8-sty flreproof loft building. 30x93; A. H. Olsen, owner; John Woolley, No. 111 5th av, architect. Estiraates are being taken on mason work.

103d st. Nos. 322 to 326 West, 3-sty stable, 75x100; cost, $25,-000; Mutual MUk & Creara Co,, owners; estimâtes are being re­ceived for a gênerai contract and Charles A. Cowen, No. 1123 Eroadway is bidding; Bart and John P. Waiter, No. 205 Bast 125th st, architects.

Estimâtes are being received for a gênerai interior altération to the S-sty Mohican Building, at New London, Conn, The Mo-hican Co., owners, and Sidney L. Modee. No. 1123 Eroadway, N Y. City, arcljitect. Bunn & Nase, No. 1123 Broadway, N. T. City, are hidding.

Southern Boulevard, southeast corner of ISSth st, 2-sty hotel; Paul Mayer, No. 251 West 135th st, owner, is receiving esti­mâtes; plans were drawn by Neville Se Bagge, No. 217 West 125th st.

6Sth st, west side, 339 feet west of Exterior st, 3-sty brick stable, 53x100; The Central Brewing Co., OSth st and East River, owners; W. Griesser Construction Co.. No. 11 Eroadway, archi­tects; estimâtes are being received.

Ey Treasury Department, until 2 o'clock p. m., November 2Sth, for the installation of a wiring System for the U. S. Post-Office building at Newport, Ky, Drawings and spécifications may ba obtained of the Superintendent of Construction at Newport, Ky., or of James Knox Taylor, Supeiwising Arcliitect, Washington, D. C.

CONTRACTS. AWARDED. 54th st. No. 11 East, 5-sty dwelling, 20x100; Dr, Robert F.

Weir, No. 37 West 33d st, owner; George A. Freeman and Charles C. Thain, No. 27 East 20th st, architects. The gênerai contract has been awarded to the Sturgis & Hill Co.. No, 12 East 23d st,

V. J. Hedden & Sons, No. 143 Liberty st. hâve been awarded the gênerai contract for the 2-sty factory building to be erected at Perth Amboy, N. J., for the Standard Underground Cable Co., No. 18 Cortlandt st. N. T. City.

BROOKLTN. ISth st. Bast, bet Avs A and B, 2i/^-sty frame Colonial dwelling,

37x41; cost, $8,500; John E. Nitchie, 21 Park row, N- T. City, architect,

Bast 2Sth st, southwest corner of Newkirk av. 1-sty frame church, 35x50, to seat 200; cost, .$4,000; St, Stephen's Lutheran Church. owner;, Benj, Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av, architect.

Union st. Nos. 331-33-35. altération of thi'ee dwellings to flats; one sty to be added and rear additions to be raade; cost, $15,000; Estate of Susan Gladwish, owner; J. G. Glover, 186 Remsen st, architect,

Washington st. Nos. 266-268 , altération to saloon and restau­rant ; consists of gênerai overhauling of 3-sty building, saloon on first floor with palm garden in rear; E. P. Weston, on premises, owner; Plemer & Kohier, 11 Broadway, N. Y. City, architects.

Osborne st, east side, 200 feet south of Blake av, 4-story brick, stone and terra cotta tailor shop, 40x90; cost, $12,000; Neugass Bros., 95 Bleecker st, N. T, City, owners; L. Danancher, 2TT Mil-ff rd st, architect.

•METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Easthampton, L. I.—One 2J^-sty frame and stucco dwelling;

cost, $8,000; Benjamin Richards, owner; Grosvenor Atterbury. 18 West 34th st, N. T. City, architect, One 2yo-sty frarae dwell­ing; cost, $10.000; Adrian H, Larkin, 54 Wall st, N. T. City, owner; P, W. L. Strora, 39 Cortlandt st, N. T. City, architect.

Jaraaica, L. I.—One 2-sty brick and wood apartment and office, 30x31; cost. $3,000; Hendrickson & Co., owners; Tuthill & Hig­gins, architects. One 2-sty frame dwelling; eost, $5,000; Alex. Carpenter, owner; architects, same as last.

Portchester, N. T.—One 2-sty frame stable, eight stalls; cost, $2,000; George C. Clausen, 1T5 Broadway. N. T. City, owner; Henry F. Kilburn, IGO Sth av, N. T. City, will probably be the architect.

Mamaroneck, N. T.-One 3-sty brick and stone home; St. Mî-chael's Home, owner; C. C. Haight, 111 Broadway, N. T. City, architect.

Mt. Vernon, N. T.—ith av, 2%-sty frame dwelling, 22x.50; cost, $4,500; Mr, Van der Oeste, owner; W, H. A. Horsfall, architect.

NEW JERSEY. Jersey City.—Bond st and Hudson, cor Public road, 2%-sty

frarae dwelling; cost, $2,000; James Kydd, owner; Herman Pritz, Passaic, N. J., architect.—Central av., opp. Charles st, Si^-sty frame store and dweiling; Prank Schribner. owner; Emil Guhl, architect. Clark st, 3-sty frame dwelling; cost, $3,000; Cath­erine Beck, Brooklyn. N. T., owner; Harry Firth, architect. Germania av, 2-sty and basement frame two-family dwelling; cost, $3.400; Mr. Berg, owner; George A. Flagg, architect, Griffith st. No. 75, 3-sty frame flat, 25x49; Elizaheth Allers, owner; Erail Guhl, architect. Morgan and Washington sts, 4-sty brick factory, 50x100 with L 35x50; Riegel Sack Co., 150 Nas­sau st, N, Y. City, owner; Dean & Mains, 53 State St., Boston, Mass, engineers. Sussex and Washington sts, altération of dwelling to store and dwelling; cost, $G,000; Mr. McPherson. owner; R. P, Smith, architect.

Elberon, N. J.—3-sty frarae cottage, 35x65; cost, $10,000; Chas. L. Bernbeimer, N, Y. City, owner; Small & Schumann, No. 265 Broadway, N. T. City, architects. 3-sty frame dwelling, 36x

66; cost, $10,000; a Mr. Rossin, owner; Small & Schumann, No. 265 Broadway, N. T. City, architects.

if If * if

Notice is hereby given that the firm of Scheidecker & Gonder is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Scheidecker will sign in liquidation for said firm, and will continue the business un­der his own narae at the old address, No. 556 West ITOth street. Téléphone call, 15G Highbridge.


Oct. 16, 1899. w s= * *


The Convention of the American Instltute of Architects w'iil be heid in Pittsburgh, Pa„ Nov. 13 to IGth.

Moore & Landsiedel, architects, will move their offices on No­vember 1 to the Smith Building, southeast corner of 3d av and 148 th st,

George G. Gleason, plasterers' supplies, No. 11 Broadway, and Hugh J. Reilly, Jr,, plumber. No, T2 Trinity place, bave been eleeted members of the Building Trades' Club.

Schratweiser's Patent Sheet Métal Lath will he found illustrated and described on page XIV of our advertising pages. A notice ot the removal and new works of the maker was given in our last issue.

Meetings at the Building Trades' Club will be held next week as follows: Ornamental Plasterers' Association, Monday, at 2 p. m.; Carpenters' Association, Tuesday, at 8 p. on.; Electrical Contractors' Association, Thursday, at 2 p. m,

There îs no change in the Roofers' Iockout, inaugurated by the employing roofers and sheet raetal workers last week. Jacob Ringler. Chairraan of Executive Committee, stated that no propo­sitions for a settlement were under considération by either side, and that the Iockout was stronger than when it started.

Secretary Gage has postponed décision up the New York Cus­tom House plans until l s t pi'oximo; whether the influence that secured this postponement is able also to change the chances of the competing architects, now fined down to Cass Gilbert and Carrere Se Hastings, it is impossible to say, but it is évident that the wire-puiling thèse plans bave created is extensive and strong. -,

The ground is now being excavated for William Waldorf As-tor's S,-sty flreproof apartment house. 201.10xlTl, to be erected on the"èà^t~side of Tth avenue, llGth to llTth street, for which plans were flled this week. The front will be of Indiana lime­stone, and the building will be arranged for 93 families. Clin­ton & Russell, No. 32 Nassau street, are the architects, The building will cost $500,000.

The C. Pardee Works, manufacturers of porous and dense terra cotta flreprooflng, are supplying terra cotta fireproofing for many new structures, including the new Hoe Building, on the northwest corner of Broadway and 3d st, for Contractor John J. Tucker, and for the New York Hospital job, on West 16th st. for Robinson & Wallace. contractors. The Pardee Works also sup­plied the terra cotta fireproofing for the nev\ Vincent Building, Broadway and Duane st, for the Tidewater Building Co,, and Sherry's new building, on 5th av, for R, Deeves & Son, builders. The company also maunfacture Haverstraw hollow brick, sewer pipe and flue linings. Their extensive works are at Pertli Am­boy, N. J.. and New York office at No. 15 Cortlandt St.

Qi luestions and Answers ALTERATIONS.

To the Editor of the RECORD AND GUIDE:

A claims to hâve bought a house and has extensive altération and décorations made in his name. Should the contrator flle a lien for work? Would the lien be valid, when it was proven later tha t 'A was only a tenant, and that A had misrepresented the facts?


Would you kindly inform me what is a fair charge for drawing papers in the usual form for the extension of a raortgage, same to take effect April lst—the papers being executed now and re­eorded—including revenue stamps—but not recording fee, Amount of raortgage, $2,000.

Answer.—Five dollars,—Law Editor.

DOWER, To ihe Editor of the RECORD AND GUIDE:

My father died 25 years ago, leaving a wife and three children. He owned a pièce of property with a house on it. He did not make a will. One child died two years ago, (1) Can my raother claim that pièce of property, or bave the children a right to their share? (2) If she wants to build and to get a loan on the property, bave the children got to sign the mortgage?

Answer,—Your mother has only a dower right in the property, which is a right to one-third the net rents and profits during her lifetime. The children are the owners of it, subject to her right of dower. (2) She cannot mortgage it unless the children join in the mortgage.—Law Editor.

Answer.—No.—Law Editor.

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. 641


CHAS.F. MCKENNA, PH. D., 221 Pearl Street, New York.

Chemical and Physical Laboratories, Test of Materiala made daily on'jOO.OOO Ibs.

Staodard Maciilne. Cernent Inspection Systematized for large worka.

Téléphone, 1443 John.


HENRY J. HUME, Real Estate Broker,

Eschanges of Realty o Speclalty.

257 Broadway (Home Life Bui ld ing) , N, Y .




1_ V. SOUTHACK & 00. , Real Estate Brokers,

39G-398 BROADWAY. S. E. Cor. Walker Street, New York.

Commercial Building. Telepbone, 2237 Franklin. Dptown Office. 3SI Fifth Avenue.

Tel., 1120 Maaison Square, Louis V. Southack. Douglas G. Moore. Isaac A. Cochran.

W . F- & C. H. SMITH, i?ea/ Estate Experts,

Advisers and Dealers, 23d and 2-ltli Ward Property a Specialty,

Smith Buildiug, 3A and Willis Avs, and 1-lSth St, Téléphone, 127 ÎHalrose,


Assessments for the followlng hâve been com­pleted and deposited in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination, Verified objec­tions mus t he presented, to the Secretary, a t No, 320 Broadway, on or betore Nov. 28, a t 11 a. ro. :

Sewer. Fo r t Washington av, abt 1,210 ft from Kings­

bridge road. Receiviug Basins.

Scammel st, n e cor Wate r s t ; 90th st, n w cor Lexington av; lo3d s t and 154th st, n e cor a th av; âGlh st, n and s s, bet Riverside av and N Y

C and H R R R; 13Tth st, 11 e and s e cor Sth av; 151st st and lZ'2â st, n e cor Sth av; 154th st, s e cor Sth a v ; and lijôtli SI. s e cor Sth av. Areas of Assessment; P t Washing ton av; both

sides of F t Washington av, 4,000 ft t rom Kingsbridge road. including lots si tuated iu blocks 2179, 2180 and 2181. For Scammel s t ; e s of Scammel st, from Water st to Cherry s t ; s s Cherry st, ab t 418 ft e Scammel s t and n s Wate r st, 350 e of Scammel st . Fo r SOth s t ; n s of 90th st, trom Park to Lexington av, and e s Park av, from OOth st to Olst st. For 153d s t ; n s 153a st. î rom Sth av to Macomb's l ane ; w s IVIacomb's laue, from li>3d s t to 154th s t ; Macomb's lane, from lS4th st to lS5th st. For 9Gth s t ; Riverside Drive, For 137th s t ; n s of 137th st, from Ttli av to 8th av; w s of 7tli av, frora 137th st to 13Sth s t ; n s 146th at, from 7th to Sth av; e s of Sth av, from 146th st to UTth s t ; s s ol 147th st, abt 600 ft e of Sth av. Po r l - î l s t s t ; n s of l û l s t st, and both sides of lô2d st, î rom Macomb's lane to Sth av; w s ot Macomb's laae, from IS l s t s t to 152d st. For 154th s t ; e s of Sth av, from 153d st to lyôth s t ; s s ot lo4th at, from Macomb's lane to Sth av,

HEARINGS FOR T H E COMING W E E K . At the City Hal l ,

134th st, from west side of Leaox av towards 7tli av for distance of a t least 200 ft. By Board of Local Improvements of IOth District, Oct 31, a t 12 m,

At 176th St. and 3d Av. Keliy st, from Westehester av to Intervale av; Daly av, Irom ITGth st to Bronx P a r k ; lî)2d st, from Grand av to Aqueduct a v ; Aqueduct av, from summit s of 102d st to Kings­

bridge road; and Kingsbridge road, from e s of Old Crotona

Aqueduct to Tee Taw av; regulat ing and grad­ing. By local boards having jurisdiction Nov 2. a t 2 p m.

THE MUNICIPAI. ASSEMBLV. Below îs a summary of the business directiy af­

fecting tbe interests of real estate owners in the Boroughs of Manhat tan, The Bronx, and Brooklyn, which came before the Municipal Assembly a t the meetings of the two bodies conriposing it on Tuesday las t :

COUNCIL-MANHATTAN AND T H E BRONX. Prospect av, bet So Boulevard and Westehester

av; Park av and OTth st, intersection; l o l s t st, from Melrose av to Courtlandt av; 123d st, from Amsterdam av to the Boulevard; SSd at, from Lexington av to line w of l s t av; 28th st, f ro" ' l s t av to Sth a v ;


QHARLES H. EASTON & CO., i^eal Estate Agents and Brokers,

Tel., 795 SSth Street Estâtes Managed,

116 WEST 42D STREET, NEW YORK. Cable Addreaa, " cheaston, N. T."

Charles H. Eaaton, Robert T, McQusty,

JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS, Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Appralsers.

NO. 45 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK GITY. Management of Estâtes a Speclalty,

Highest Références. •fclinF. Doyle, John F. Doyle. Jr. Alfred L. Doyle.

CHAS. S. KOHLER & BRO., Agents, Brokers, Appralsers,

Members of the Beal Estate Board of Brokers, 9 0 6 C O L U M B U S AVE,, n e a r 1 0 4 t h St.

Tha economical aud successful management of im­proved Real Est.ite our specialty. • Mauy years expéri­ence, Higbest références.

STURGES âo 00 . , .Real Estate,


220 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Téléphone, 3S94 Cortlandt.

Thos. L. Sturges, Geo. R, Pur via.

j N. KALLEY & SON, ^ • Down Town Property,

150 Broadway. N, Y.—189 Montague St.. Brooklyn.

$ 4, 4^2 & 5%

MONEY TO LOAN. $ OWNERS of Real Eatate having mortgagea past due

01 maturing tan obtain libéral loana at a low rate of iuterest and r,t smail expense.

N. W. CHAMBERS, 3 5 N a s s a u S t r e e t , N e w York .

German-Americau Building. Tel,. 4O80 Cortlandt.

4th av, bet n and s s of OTth st and e s Pa rk av by railroad bridge; paving, Work ordered,

ITTth st, bet So Bouievard and Westehester av; Crotona av. from Boston road to Crotona Pa rk

South; Dawson st, from Westehester av to Legget t ' s

i ane ; l.'ifith st, from St Anns av to Leggett av ; 120th st, bet 12th av and t racks N Y C R R Co;

and l l l s t st, bet 6th and Tth avs ; paving. Referred

to^the Committee on Streets and Highways . 4Gth st, from Sth av to l l t h av; paving. Re­

ferred to the Board of Public Improvements . Van Corlear pl, from Wicker pl to Kingsbridge

av ; Ri t te r pl, from Union av to Prospect av; ]ri4tti st, bet Macomb's Dam road and .Sth av; l.';rith Et, bet Amsterdam av aud the Boulevard; Kingsbridge road, from Terrace View av to W a r

Depar tment line of Manha t t an ; Westehester av, bet So Boulevard and Prospect

av; 134th st, het Amsterdam av and the Boulevard; 13lith st, bet Amsterdam av and the Boulevard; Washington av, from 3d av at 159th s t to Pel­

ham av; and Macomb's Dam road, frora. 154th at to Macomb's

Dam Bridge abu tment ; regula t ing and grading, Work ordered.

Collège av, bet 163d and 164th s t s ; 2(i2d st, from Anthony to Briggs av; 174th st, bet 3d and Ful tou avs ; Summit av, from IS l s t st to IGGth s t ; liiOth st, from Boscobel av to Marcher av; Timpson pl, from 14Tth st to 149th s t ; Lafayette av, î rom Longwood av to the Bronx

River; 1 (Itith st, from Jerome av to Tremont av; ^y.^û st, bet Ar thu r av and the So Boulevard; Minford pl, from Jennings at to Boston road; ]T7th st, î rom Jerome av to Grand Boulevard

and Concourse; Kingsbridge road, het Webster av and Har lem

River; IS l s t st. from Park av to 3d av; Briggs av, from 104lh s t to 200th s t ; Freeraan st, from So Boulevard to the Bronx

River: and Audubon av, from ITôtli st to F t George av;

regulat ing and grading, Referred to the Com­mittee on Streets and Highways,

Old Elm st. trom center of Worth st to center of Duane s t ; re - regula t ing and re-grading, Re­ferred to the Committee on Streets and High­ways.

103d st, bet Tr in i ty av and Tinton av; water mains . Worlt ordered.

Riverdale lane, bet Riverdale av and Old Albany road;

Brook av, het ICïGth st and Wendover av; Anihony av, bet lT3d and ITÔth s ts ; Old Boundary road, from Tbomson av to Stone

st ; and Stone st, frora Old Boundary road to Middieburg

av; water mains . Referred to the Committee on Water Supply.

IGr.th st, from 3d av to Boston road; s treet ex­tension, Work ordered.

Burnside av, bet Valeut ine av and Ryer av; 177th st, from Tremont av to Je rome av; and Davidson av, from "ITTth st to Tremont a v ;

change of grade. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Highways .

Amsterdam av. from 5Dtli st to 12.)th s t ; re ­flagging, Work ordered.

COUNCIL-BROOKLYN. Irving av, bet De Kalb av and Jefferson s t ; Narrows st, bet Bay Ridge av and Tlst s t ; Bay 20th st, bet Cropsey and Bath avs ; T2d st, bet 3d and Gth avs ; 73d st, bet 4th and Oth avs ; il3d st, het 2d and 3d avs ;

iamburg av, bet Halsey and Eldert s t s ; and


"THOMAS DIMOND, ' Iroa Work for Buildings,

128 WEST 33D STREET, NEW YORK. WnrVfi . s 1 ^ "West SSd Street, Estabiished 18S3. worKù, Î1S7 West SM Street, Téléphone. 311 SSth St.


E D W A R D V. L O E W , P r é s i d e n t .

175 B r o a d w a y . M a n l i a t t a n , ) „ v- n!*^ 26 Coui't e t r e e t . Brook lyn , i^-^- " " r -

E x a m i n e s and Insu rea Ti t les t o Ksa l K s t a t » , l i s ed chargea , no lî istniraenienta.

L o a n s Money on Bond and Mor tgage . Good i n v e s t m e n t B o n d and Mor tgages for s a l e ,


5i) T û C5 L I BE RT Y S T R E E T .

Allows interest on deposits.

Furnishes the names of owners of New York Rcfil Estate,






4. 4H AND 5^

F. de R. WISSMANN 55 Liber ty S t r ee t ,

Cor. Nassau , NEW YOEK. Tel, 1G34 Cort landt .

Spécial F u n d to loan, 75 per eeat . ot Tuluatlon. at 41^%.


Members Real Es t a t e Board of Brokers . J o h n R. Foley, Appraiser , BUalia SnifHn.



Uptown Office, 509 Sth Av.,n. 424.—Tel.,2749-88tk

MAC MANNUS & CO., Real Estate,

Mortgage Loans,

Téléphone, 417,7, Cortlandt. 90 NASSAU ST.

Van Siclen st, bet Neck road and Kings High­way; water mains . Work ordered.

43a st, bet 13th av and F t Hami l ton a v ; 44tli st, bet 13th av and F t Hami l ton a v ; 45th st, het 13th av and F t Hamil ton av; Ft Harailton av, bet 41st and 45th s t s ; 12th av, bet 41st and 45th s t s ; Av S. bet Stiliwell av and Wes t IOth at ; 75th st, bet 2d and 3d avs ; and 77th st, bet 2d and 3d avs ; water mains . Re­

ferred to the Committee on St ree ts and High­ways,

Watk ius st, bet Eas t New York av and New Lota road;

Av D, bet Océan 'Parkway and Coney Island ay ; Scbenck av, bet Atlantic av and New Lots a v ; Georgia av, bet Liberty and Glenmore avs ; Stanhope st, bet Myrt le av and H a m b u r g a v ;

and Essex st, bet Arlington, av and Atlant ic av; grad­

iug, Work ordered, Alabama av, bet Atlantic av and Glenmore a v ;

regulat ing and grading, Referred to the Com­mittee on Streets and Highways .

Océan av, from Av F to Av H; Bast 21st st, from Fos ter av to Av H ; Eas t 22d st, from Fos ter av to Av H ; Eas t 23d st, from Fos ter av to Av G; Bast 24th st, from Fos ter av to Av G; and Bedford av, from Foster av to av G; change of

grade. Work ordered, F t Hamil ton av, from SOth st to SGth s t ; change

of grade. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Highways .

Pennsylvania av, bet Riverdale av and Wor t ­man av; street extension, Work ordered,

Caton av, bet the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach R R Tunnel and Coney Islaud av; establishing a sidewalk limit, Work ordei'ed.


Prospect av, bet l l t h av aad Terrace pl; change of lines. Referred to the Committee ou Streets and Highways.

ISOth st, bet Webster av and 3d a v ; and 171st st, from Ful ton av to Pa rk av; regula t ing

and grading, Referred to the Committee OE Streets and Highways,

102d st, bet I rving pi and 23 av; :>T3t st, î rom l s t av to 2d av; and 27th st, from 2d to 4th av; paving. Referred to

the Committee on Streets and Highways. 4(lth st, trom Stb to l l t h av; paving. Referred

to the Board of Public Improvements . 21(îth st, from Broadway to w a Channel l ine;

s treet extension. Work ordered.

642 [Manliattan] RECORD AND G O D E . October 28, 1899.

ALDERMEN—BROOKLYN. Régent pl, bet Fla thush av and Océan av; and 2d av. bet ô9th and Gôth s t s ; gradiug, Referred

to the Committee on Streets and Highways . SOth st, bet Narrows av and the Shore road ;

street extension. Referred to the Committee on Streeta and Highways,


The toliowing Is a complète ilat of the proper­ties sold. withdrawn, or adjourned dur ing the week ending Oct. 27, 1S99, at the New York Real Bstate Salesroom, 111 Broadway. E i c e p t where otherwise stated, the propert ies offered were in foreclosure. Adjournments ot légal salas to ne s t week are noted under Advertised Légal Sales.

• Indicates t ha t the property desorihed was bld ln for the plaintiff'a aceount.

The totai number a t tha end of the Hat com-prlaes the considération in actual aalea oniy.


(Voluntary sale of lots in the 12th Ward, known as the Seaman Property.)

Broadway, s w cor 218th st. 25.9x130.5, vacant . Charles Weisbecker , Î4 ,9Û0

Broadway, adj , T7,3xl24x75xl03.6. Same. .6,975 Broadway, adj . ,30x103.6x15,3x100. Geo F ,

Wichhousen 1,650 Broadway, adi , 30x100.9x16.3x100. Michael

McDermott 1,673 Broadway, adj , 2i>xl00. S L Berr ian 2,100 Broadway, adj, 100x100. F D Finck 9,000 Broadway, adj, 50x100, Wm B Kaufman . .4,600 Broadway, w s, 411 s 218th st, 25x100. John

Sullivan ^,075 Pa rk Terrace North, n s, 114.6 e P a r k Terrace

West. Chas E McShane 3,000 Pa rk Terrace North , adj, 25x100, S L Berr ian.

9TD Park Ter race North , n w cor P a r k Terrace

Bast, 20x103.6x52,2x100. Edw J Owens.1,450 218th st, s s, 130,9 w Broadway. 25x100, va­

cant, Joseph Abram 1,425 218th st, ad] , 50x100. Henry Doscher 2,T00 21Sth st, s s, 280 w Broadway, 25x100, Edw J

Owens 1,300 218th st, ad], 25x100. Joseph Abrams 1,200 218th st, s e cor Pa rk Terrace W, 25.xl04.6x40x

101.1. J B Powers 2,000 218th st, n e cor Pa rk Terrace W, 2G.lxlOS.8x

25x116,4, Edw J Owens 1,950 (240 lots were offered. ot whicb 24 were sold

for a total o( ?4S,925.) *6ôth st. No 5C, s s, 175 e Columbus av, 25K

100.5, 5-sty stone front flat. (Amt due Î 5 , -4TT; sub to taxes, Sec, Î1,0S5,) John C Barth, . . . . . . . , , , . 2S ,3S3

W a t e r st, Nos 336 and 33S, n s, ab t TO e Roose­velt st, 3T,9x64x3T.6x6T.3, two 4-sty brk stores and tenem' ts . Sherliïs sale on exécu­tion of all t i t le. Wi thdrawn ^ —

13tb st, Nos 419 to 425, n s, 275 w 9th av, lOOx 103,1, Nos 419 to 423, two 3-sty brk stores aud t enem ' t s ; . No 425, 1-sty brk and frame stores. (Amt due .¥25,731; sub to mor t .$31,-000, and taxes, &c, .^;l,200.) Denison P Chesebro, par ty in interest 59,950

*52d st. No 104, s s, 57.6 e 4th av, 19.2x80, 4-sty brk flat. (Amt due $12,305; sub to taxes, Sec. $711.80.) ' K a t h R Jackson 8,000

•89th s(. No 211, n s, 210 e 3d av, 25xlO0,S. 5-sty brk tenem' t . (Amt due Sl,2.^3; sub to mort $15,000, and taxes, &.c, $334,85.) Israël Josefsohn 17.200

•Columbus av. No 428, w s, 102.2 n SOth st, 25.6x100, 1-sty t rame stores, Leasehold. Sheriffs sale under exécution of all title. George H Rudolph 100

63d st, No 322, s s, 275 e 2d av, 25x100,5. 5-sty brk tenem' t with stores. (Amt due $9,233; sub to mort $11,000, and taxes, fie, ,Î3T5.) Rosa H Kahn 16.500

63d st, No 324, s s, 300 e 23 av, 25x100.5. 5-sty brk tenem' t with stores, (Amt due $9,243; sub to mort $11,000, and taxes. &c, $375,) Same 16,000

G3d st, No 32G, s s. 325 e 2d av, 25x100,5. 5-sty brl! tenem' t with stores. (Amt due $9,249; sub to mor t $11,000, and taxes, &c, $375.) Same 16,T50

63d st. No 32S. s s, 350 e 2d av, 25x100,5. 5-sty brk tenem' t with stores. (Amt due 1^9,245; sub to mort ,¥11,000, and taxes. Sec. $375.) Same 17,250

Eim st, Nos 118 to 122, w s, T9,0Vi n Canal st, T4,3x88.11x irreg, 3-sty brk bldgs. (Executors sale.) Trustées Tufft Collège. Boston . . . 50 ,000

45th st, No 315, n s, 200 w Sth av, 20x100,5, 3-sty dwell'g, Astor leasehold. (Executors sale.) R & E J O'Gorman 3,400

45th st, Nos 31S and 320, s s, 275 e 2d av, 50x 100,5, two 5-sty brk tenem'ts , (Voluntary,) Henry Marsh 30,000

Sut ton pl. No 41, e s, 33,9 s 59th st, 16,8xT5, 3-sty dwell 'g, (Voluntary,) Same 6,500

40th at, No 314, s s, 200 e 2d av, 25x93.9, 5-aty tenem' t . (Voluntary,) Bdw J Beers . . . .1T.250

134th st, No 544, s s, 150 w Alexander av, 25x 100, 5-sty Sat. (Voluntary.) H G Sehmidt.

15,300 165th st, a e cor Lind av, 36,01x84,6x29.5x64,

vacant . (Voluntary.) R Busse 2,000 165th st, adj , vacant, Wi thdrawn Lind av, adj. vacant . Withdrawn •—-Mosholu Parkway S, s w cor Marion av. 132x

T2.5xllOx 16, fi, vacant . (Voluntary.) J S Foley 3,500

Mosholu Parkwav S, adj, 132,4x23x113.5x52.9. Same 2,900

Three adj lots withdrawn Broadway, e s, 28 s TTth st. 25.9x9Tx25x103.4,

vacant, Pease & Ell iman, (Corrects error as to price in our last issue) 30,300

Stanton st, Nos 334 to 338, n s, 19.11 w Maugin st, 59,9x70; Nos 3;i4 and '330. G-sty brk bldg; No 338, lumber yard, (Par t i t ion; sub to mor t s $2T,000, and taxes, &c, $1,267,79,) Léon Sobel 30,000

Lexinglon av, No T19, e s, 20,6 s nSth st, 20x65, 3-sty stone front dwell 'g. (Sheriff's sa le on exécution.) Withdrawn •

»Av A, No ;i9, w s. 26.6 s 3d st, 2ti,lixI0O. 4-sty hrk tenem' t wlth stores, with 4-sty hrk tene­ment on rear . Leasehold, (Amt due .$13,015; sub to taxes. &c, $645.50.) Joaeph Applegate.


Houston st. No 314, n a, abt 165 e Av B. 24 , l l x 89.9x24,10x91.4, 3-sty brk tenem' t with stores with 3-sty brk bldg on rear . (SberiS 's sale on exécution.) Amson Florsheim 2oO

•RICHARD V. H A R N E T T Se CO. *164th st. Nos 442 and 444, s s. 225 e IOth av,

50x112,4, 2-sty frame dwell 'g and 1-sty t r ame sheds. Sec, and vacant . (Amt due $4,TT8; sub to taxes, Sec, $1,303,2L) Bachman Brewi_Dg Co ' - ^ ^

20th st, No 234 W, 22x90, T, 5-sty brk tenern t. (Voluntary.) El ias Feinberg .17 400

20th st, No 242, s s, 322,10 e Sth av. 22x93x irreg, 3-sty and basement b rk dwell 'g. ( " o ' -untary. ) T P Hanlon 9,SOO

125th st, Nos 72 to T6 East , 16,8x83x100 each, three 4-sty atone flats. (Executors sale.) Withdrawn ; no bid

2Sth st, N o 2 2 3 W|4 and 5-sty brk factory. 29th at, No220 W | (Executors sale.) With­

drawn; no bid IOth st, No 226 W, 21.6x40.x95, 3-sty and base­

ment brk dwell 'g. (Executors sale,) Timothy J Cronin 10,050

123d st . No 352 W, near Manhat tau av, lOx inO,l l 3-sty stone dwell 'g (Executor ' s sale.) John Hoeckh 10,550

141st st, No 531 W, near Hamil ton pl, 12,liix !K),11, 3-sty stone dwell 'g. (Executor ' s sale,) Withdrawn

2d av, No 132T, s w cor TOth st, 25.,3xS0, 5-sty tenem't , (Executor 's sale.) Withdrawn a t .¥25,000

*Allen st, No 155, w s, 110.8 n Rivington st, 20,10x88,4, 2-sty brk tenem' t with stores; leasehold. (Amt due $3,79i; sub to taxes, SeC, ,¥161.22.) Louis Althof et al t rustées 3,200

JAMES L. WELLS, *4th st, s s, 352 e White Plains road, W a k e ­

field, Sec, 25x114. (Amt due $2,596; sub to taxes. &c. $75.) Mary B Maiiander 1.800

149th st, s s, e Brook av, 25x100, vacant . (Exec­u tor ' s sale.) Anna Oit 4,5U0

14!)th st, adj , 75x100. Eid in a t .$13,000 — -l l S t h st, n s, e Brook av, 50x84,7. vacant .

(Bxecutor 's sale.) Hugh N Camp, J r 7,950 There were 24 lots iu this offering, IS of which

were withdrawn.

W. M. RYAN. West Broadway, No 456, w s, 120 n Prince s t ,

2.5x75, 2-sty b rk bldg with 3-sty b rk bldg on rear . (Part i t ion.) Lowenfeld Se Prager .

1G,300 Leroy st. No 26, s s, 243.9 w Bleecker at, IS.Ox

80, 2-sty b rk dwell 'g. (Part i t ion.) John G Hadden

Ful ton av, No 1185, w s, 240.3 n 16Tth st, 69,11 xl3G,GxTI,3xl44.5, 2-sty and hasement t rame dwell'g, (Parti t ion,) Leo Hut t e r 12,125

Audubon av, s e cor IGGth st, 68,9x96.3x88.5x 95, vacant . (Voluntary.) John J Mahoney.

10.000 Audubon av, e s, 25 D ITOth st, 75x95, vacant .

(Voluntary.) Same 8,000 Bauk st, No 79, n s, 75 e Abingdon sq, 2*x

121.6, 4-sty brk hidg. (Voluntary.) Geo B Dean 18,250

Carminé st . No 80, (Voluntarv.) Wi thdrawn at $8,500 —

Varick st, No 222, (Voluntary,) Wi thdrawn. 46tli st, No 343. n s. 140 w l s t av, 20-1100.5,

4-sty b rk tenem' t , (Voluntary.) Bid in a t S9,400

4Sth st, Nos 31T and 319, n s, 225 e 2d av, 23x 100.5, 5-sty brk tenem' t . (Trustées sale.) Lowenfeld Se P rage r 30,"50

49th st. No -240, a s, 170 w 2d av, 19,6x100.5. 3-sty dwell 'g. (Executors sale.) Mary M Butler lO.TTo

84th st. No 46, a s, 256.9 e Columbus av, lS.3x 102.2, 3-sty brk dwell 'g. (Part i t ion.) Bid ia at $20.300 •

149th st . No 510, s s, 1T5 w Amsterdam av, 15x54x90,11, 3-sty b r b dwell'g, (Voluntary,) Bid in a t $13,100 •—-

149tîi st. No 514, s s, 205 w Amsterdam av, 15x54x99,11, 3-sty b rk dweii 'g, W E Hayes.

12,100 149th st, No 516, adj, 3-sty brk dwell 'g, 15x

99,11, Bid in a t $12,000 149th st . No 51S, adj . 15x99.11, 3-sty b rk dwell­

ing. Wi thdrawn —

P H I L I P A. SMYTH, Lexington av, No 1T33, s e cor lOSth st, 17.7x

65, 5-sty brk flat, (Voluntary,) Moritz Kornblum 17.050

W. K E N N E L L Y . 34th st, No HT, n s, 204,4 * Pa rk av, 21x98,9,

4-sty stono front dwell 'g. Wi thdrawn -—-

B. L. K E N N E L L Y . 2d av, No 2001, n w cor 103d st, 25.5xT5, 4-s ty

flat, '(Partition.) Leo Hut t e r 20,600 Union av. No T03, near Dawson st, 27x100,

2-sty brk dwell 'g. (Voluntary.) C R Kear ­ney T.OOO

Madison av, s e cor Westehester Landing to Bear Swamp rd, runs s along e s Madison av, 102,3, X e 105 to said road. x along same 150,3 to begin, and being lots LSS to 190 on map in part i t ion of real estate of William Adee, West­ehester. (Amt due $5,758; sub to taxes. Sec, $200.) J a s . H Moran T,000

S. GOLDSTICKER, *85th st. No 320, s s, 208,4 w Wes t End av,

16.8x102,2, 3-sty brk dwell 'g. (Amt due $ 1 , -159; sub to morts .¥13,OUO, and taxes, &c, $310,05,) Wm J Shaw 16,050

"Amsterdam av, No 349, e s, 77,2 s 77th st, 25x Bu), 5-sty brk flat with siores. (Arat due $28.629; sub to taxes, Sec, $800.) Liberty Really Co 29,550


''S7th st," No 2. s s. 70 w Central Park West, 18x 100,8, 5-sty brk dwell'g, (Amt due .¥3,121; sub to mort $2T,000, and taxes, &c, $989.13,) Na­than Mayer 30,000

•STth st, No 8, on raap No G. s s, 110 w Central Park West, 20x100.8, 5-sty brk dwell 'g. Saroe.

36,000 STth at, No 4, s s. 88 w Central Park West, 20x

100.8, 5-sty brk dwell 'g. (Amt due on this and No 8, $T,0i)0; sub to morts .$58,000, and taxes. Sec, ,¥2,066.54.) T J O'Connor. . .34,250

•14Sth st. No 305, n s, 100 w Sth av, 25x99.11, 5-sty brk flat, (Amt due $15,871; sub to taxes, Sec, $901,52.1 Leo G Rosenblat t as trustee,&,c.


Total $T9T,608 Correaponding week 1898 244,38(» Jan, 1, 1899, to date 41,801.836 Corresponding period 1898 22,229,062


A D V E R T I S E D L E G A L S A L E S .

Referee's Sales to be held a t 12 o'clock noon a t the New York Real Es t a t e Salearoom. 111 Broadway, except where otherwise s ta ted.

Oct, 30,

89th st, n s, 96.8 w Columbus av, 103.4xl00.8x 100x100.10. vacant . Alexander Walke r agt Mark B Stevena et a l ; Otis Se Pressinger , a t t 'ys , 111 Broadway; Geo H Har t , ref. (Amt due ,¥20,595; sub to mor t s $38,500.) Mort reeorded Oct 3, 1898, By W m Kennelly.

Lexington av. No 1014, w s, 6S.2 s T3d st, ITx 80, 3-sty brk dwell 'g. Mary L Shear ag t Caro­line G M Eecieai'ne et a l ; Théo R Shear, a t t ' y , 32 Liberty s t ; Alfred T Ackert, ref, (Amt due ,¥1683; sub to .mort $13,000, aud taxes, Sec. $589.) Mort reeorded May 27, 1897. By P F Meyer & Co,

5th av Is e cor 128th st, 24,11x110. 5-sty 12.8th st. No 21 bry flat. Henry E Coe and ano

trusteea under will of Richard L Camphell agt Howard D Hamm et a l ; Edo E Mereelis, a t t ' y , 69 Wall s t ; Gilbert M Speir. réf. (Amt due $64,002; sub to taxes, &c. $2,G85.T8.) Mort re ­eorded Aug 5, 1897. By R V Harne t t Se Co,

156th st, s s. extends from Concord av to Jack­son av, 175x90, vacant , Freder ick McCarthy agt Christ ina and James Henderson ; Smith Will iamson, at t 'y , 364 Alexander av; Augustus Van Wyck, réf. lAmt due $17,131; sub to taxes, &.C, $150.) Mort reeorded Sept 23, 1898. By James L Wells,

3d av Nos 4177 and 41T9, on map Nos 41T1 and 41T3, w s. 30 n ITGth st. 52x96,10x52x93,10, two 4-sty brk tlats and stores. Joseph F lynn ag t L a u r a Streifler et a l ; Grasmuck Se Ostrander , 202 Broadway; F rank lyn Paddock, ref, (Amt

, due S4,.S02; sub to mor t s $30,000, and taxes, &c, -$800.) Mort reeorded Oct 12, 1898, By D P Ing raham.

IStb av. n s. 183 w White Plains road. 18x114, Wakefieia, Rosa A Skidmore as gênerai guar ­dian of Saml T Skidmore agt Wm H Glover et a l : Albert W Seaman, at t 'y , 16 Exchange pi; War ren S Bur t . ref, (Amt due .¥2,086; sub to taxes , a c , -$62,) Mort reeorded Sept 9, 1898. By P F Meyer Se Co.

Oct, 31. 2Tth st. Nos 244 to 248, s s, 150 e Sth av, 60,5x

9S,0x62.2x9R,9; two fi-sty brk stores. Mary B Kerr agt Wm H Gildersleeve et a l ; Adams & • Douras . a t t 'ys , Tl Broadway; Allan Lee Smidt, réf. (Amt due .¥21.0!!0; sub to mort $60,000, and caxes, &c, $T48,02,) Mort reeorded Ju ly 16, 1S98. By W m Kennel ly .

35th st . Nos 14T to 151, n s, 208,4 e Tth av. runs n 98,9 s e 16.8 x n 1,3 x e 50 x s 100 to st, X w 66.8 to beginning, 6-sty brk flat with stores, John Reid ag t Fredk C Brush et a l ; John J Gleason. a t t 'v , 140 Nassau s t ; Jul ius Lehmann, ref, (Amt due $9.356; sub to taxes. &c. $3 , -1.3T.T1,) Mort reeorded Aug 28, 1S95, By Sarauel Goldsticker.

104th st. No 58, s s. 22T,4 e Columbus av, 33.4 XlOO.ll. 5-sty brk flat. John T Terry and ano t rus tées under will oî Edwin D Morgan agt Edgar Coles et al (No 1) ; Lord, Day Se Lord, a t t ' ys . 120 Broadway; F r a n k M Holahan, réf. (Amt due $40,643; sub to taxes. &c, $711.35.) Mort reeorded Sept 14, 1898, By P F Meyer.

104th st, No 60, s s, 194 e Columbus av. 33.4x 100-11. 5-sty brk flat, Same agt same No 3 ) ; same a t t ' v s ; Joseph P McDonoush, ref. (Am't due $40.7,32: sub to taxes , &c, $711.35.) Mort re ­eorded Sept 14, 1898. By P P Meyer.

IJSth Et, No -ilT, n s. 170 e l s t av, 25x100. 2-sty brk dwell 'g with 2-sty brk dwell 'g on rear . Clara Kreischer agt Aune Reilly et al; Turner , McClure & Rolston, a t t 'ys , 22 Will iam st ; Maunsell B Field. ref, (Amt duc $6,610; sub to taxes. SeC. $487.64.) Mort reeorded March 6, 1891, By P F Meyer. , „ „

Bradhurs t av. No 4, e s, 27,9 n 142d st, 2(,4xo9.2 x26.10x61.11. 4-sty brk flat. American Baptist Home Mission Society agt Guidit ta Cavinato et al; Edwd S Clinch. a t t 'y . 115 Broadwav; Reu ­ben H Underhil l . re-f, (Amt due $1T.392: sub to taxes, &c. S379,04,) Mort reeorded Sept 10, 1895. By D P Ingraham,

IOth st, n s. 180 w 5th av. 2;jxll4, Wakefield. Isabella Sprunt agt Geo P Stewart et a l ; Clocke Se Clocke. a t t 'vs , 2045 Boston road; Wra F Burroughs, réf.' (Amt due $072; sub to m o r t $1,SOO, and taxes, &c, $25.) Mort reeorded in Westehester Co. By J a m e s L Wells .

Brook av. s w cor IfiSlh st. 71x80. vacant . Chas T Obermayer afft Nicola F De Luca et al; Cbas •Ruston. a t t 'y , 1T5 Broadway; Nelson J Water ­bury ref, (Amt due .$S,5Tt; sub to mort $2.-!,-480'95 and taxes, Xec. $]0T,04; mor t reeorded Mareh IT. 1,S99.) By iP F Mever.

Elton av. No 725. w s, 25 n 155th st. 2.ix99,i.>, 4-sty brk flat and store. John B Pînf t rustée undc-r will of Geo W Robins agt El izabeth Meyer et a l ; Force Parker , a t t 'y , 63 Wall s t ; Lewis L Delafield. ref, (Amt due $13.9,SS: sub to taxes. Sec $2,33.58.) Mort reeorded March 29, ISOS.) By James L Wells,

Nov, 1. 29tb st. No 304, s s, 80 w Sth av, runs a w 54.9

x s e 2 x s w 4 4 x n w 2 2 x n e 98-9 to st. x s e 20 to begin; leasehold: 5-sty brk flat, New York Life Ins Se Trust Co agt Robert Beggs et al (No 2) ; Emmet Se Robinson. a t t 'ys , 52 Wal l s t ; Chas D Olendorf, ref, (Amt due-¥11,227; aub io taxes. &c, $1,228; mort reeorded March 16, '91.) By P F Meyer,

29th st, No .302, s s. 60 w Sth av, 20x54,9: lease­hold; 4-sty hrk tenem't . Same agt Mary A Beggs et ai (No 4) ; same a t t 'y and ref, (Amt due .¥5,721; sub to taxes, &c. $825: mor t re ­eorded Jan 14. 1801.) By P F Meyer.

9Tth Bt, No 65, n s, 151,6 e Columbus av, 16x 100.11, 4-sty brk dw'ell'g, Salomon Marx agt Clarence J Har t iey et a l ; Albert Zimmermann, a t t 'y , 206 Broadway; Daniel P Ingraham, réf.

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan] 643

(Amt due $2.593; sub to taxes , &a, $259-04; mor t reeorded J u l y 19, 189T.) By Samuel Gold­sticker.

134th st. No 31, n s, 285 w Sth av, 25x99.11, 5-sty brk flat. Allen L Mordecai ag t Louis Lèse et a l ; Isaac Rothschild, a t t 'y , 132. Nassau s t ; J Henry Work, réf. (Amt due $6,ST9; sub to •taxes. &c, $86.81; mort reeorded Sept 16, 1S9S.) By Herber t A Sherman,

Sth BV, No 381, a w cor 29th st. IT.lOxOO; leaçe-hold; 5-sty brk store and tenem' t . New York Life Insurance Se Trus t Co agt Mary A Beggs et a! (No 1) ; Emmet Se Robinson, att'y,s, 52 Wall s t ; Chas D Olendorf, réf. (Amt due $16,-696; aub to taxes, &c, $2,128; mor t reeorded Jan 14. 1891.) By P F Meyer.

Adams pl, n w s, 205.8 s w 183d st, runs n w 50 X s w 1 X n w 88,2 to Kingsbridge road, x s 27.9 x s e 80.5 x n e l x s e 5 0 t o Adams pi, x n e 26,8 to beginning, 2-sty frame dwell 'g, Mary J Syme agt Edward Dowling e t a l ; Wm R Syme, a t t 'y , 170 Broadway; Roger Foster, réf. (Amt due -$3,415; sub to taxes , &c, $93; mort reeorded March 8, ISOS.) By D P Ingraham,

Palisade av, w s, 33 n ol land of Wna H Appleton, runs n e 480 to land of Albert G Hyde, x n w 340 to e s of an alley, x s w 175 to u, s South av, x s e 129 x s w 236 x s e 178 to beginning, contains 2 577-1,000 acres, Riverdale. The Mu­tual Life Insurance Co ot N Y agt Mary L Mc­Gill et a l ; Davies, Stone & Auerbach. a t t 'ys , 32 Nassau s t ; Danl P Ing raham, réf. (Amt due -$24,525; sub to taxes, Sec, $473; mor j reeorded Ju ly 25, 1895.) 'By P F Meyer.

Parcel in former town of Westehester, begins at a eorner fence s take marked A on n s ot t u rn ­pike road directiy adjoining lands of W m C Munn, runs n aloug said land 260 to a corner fence post marked B adj lands formerly owned by Landec Doty, x w along said land 39 to a corner îence post marked -C adj lands of es ta te of Charles Doty. x s along said land to a eor­ner post marked D on said turnpike road, x e 37 to beginning. John J Kenneally agt W m H and Mary -Callahan, Cornélius B Kene, a t t ' y , 244 Main at, New Rochelle, N Y; sheriffs sale on exécution of ali t i t le which défendants had on J an 27, 1808, or since, (Amt due $305.3!).) Thos J Dunn, sheriiî . By P F Meyer.

Nov. 2.

T5th st, Nos 22T to 231, n s, 230 w 2d av, 75x 102,2, three 4-sty brk tenem't . Ju l ia L Waldo extrx Horace Waldo agt Margt A Lloyd and •Chas M Levy; Weekes Bros, a t t 'ys , 5S Wail s t ; Chas B Cole, réf. (Amt due $3,824; sub l o mor t s $33,000, and taxes, &c. $3,209.49; mor t reeorded Feb 11. 1892.) By P F Meyer.

95th st. No 140, s s, 3T9 e IOth av, 18x100,8, 3 -sty brk dwell 'g. The Equitable Life Assur­ance Society of the U S agt Wm J Merri t t et a l ; Alexander & Green, a t t ' ys . 120 Broadway; W m J O'SulIivan, réf. (Amt due $9.683; sub to taxes, ÊC, $540,60; mor t reeorded ^Nov 28, 1S85.) By P F Meyer.

08th st, No 2u3, on map No 205, n s, 110 e 3d av, 25x100.11, 5-sty b rk tenem' t . Lamber t Suy­dam and ano aa t rus tées under TVill of Ange­lina Henry agt W m J Gesaner et al (No 1 ) ; Quackenbush Se Wise, a t t 'ys , 163 Broadway; David Thomaon, ref, (Amt due $1T,097; sub to taxes. Sec, $1,900; mor t reeorded May 1, 1890.) By P F Meyer & Co.

OSth st, No 265, on map No 20T, n a, 135 e 3d av, 25.6x100.11, 5-sty brk tenem' t , Same agt sarae (No 2) ; same a t t 'ys and réf. (Amt due $Î7,0!)7; aub to taxes. Sec, .$1,900; mort reeorded -Vlay 1, 1896,1 By same auctioneer,

105th at. Nos 54 to 58, a s, 164.4 e Columbus av, 8G.2xl00.ll , t h ree 5-sty brk fiats. H e r m a n Davidson agt Vincent C;rrito et ai ; A L & S F Jacobs, a l f y s , ;iO Broad s t ; Wilber McfBride, ret. (Amt due $19,846; sub to taxes . Sec, .$1,-661,86; mort reeorded Oct 31 , '98.) By D (P In ­graham.

129th st, No 2.5S, s a, 125 e Sth av, 22,2x99.11, 4-sty stone front flat. James H Aldrich and ano as t rus t ées lîor Mary G B Aldrich agt Naomi C Paine extrx, &c, of Hanford Smith et a l ; Harr ison & Byrd, a t t ' y s . 59 Wall s t ; Wil l iam Allen, ref. (Amt due $12,753; sub to taxes, &c, $503.34; mor t reeorded Nov 9. '83.) By Wm Kennelly.

Brook av, s e cor ICSth st . runs e 91.5 x s 29 x e 3,7 X a 67 X w 95 to av, x n 96 to beginning, vacant, Charles Unangst agt José Rodrlgues et a l ; Char les Unangst , a t t 'y , 175 Broadway; David Thomson, reî, (Amt due $T,593; aub to morts $20,040,03. and taxea, &c, $T5; mor t reeorded March 7, 1S99.) By Wm Kennelly.

Prospect av, e a, présent line, 162 n e West­ehester av, runs e 56.3 s n e 106.2 x n W 8 x n e 2.2 x n w 85,•! to Prospect av, x s w IOT.3 to begin, flve 3-sty frame flats. George Stark agt Geo E Powler et a l ; Otis & Pressinger , a t ­t 'ys . 111 Broadway; Henry M Whitehead, re t . (Amt due $7,600; sub to taxea. Sec .$400.) Mort reeorded Dec 27, 1898. By W m Kennel ly .

3d av, No 4175, w s, 82 n 176th st, 2Gx95.10x2Gx 9G.10, 4-aty brk flat and stores. F r a n k L Tier­ney and ano agt Laura Streifler et al; John R Halsey, at t 'y , 141 Broadway; F r a n k A Acer, ref. (Amt due $2,788; sub to mor t $15,000 and mechauica lien $209; mor t reeorded Oct 19, 1898.) By P P Meyer.

Sd av. No 4G1T, s e cor Bassford av, 34xl42.4x 10.7x162,4, 2-sty t rame dwell 'g. Clarence Tucker et al aa t ruatees under wili of Geo W Tucker agt 'Ernest Freise, Jr , et a l ; Chas P and Wm W Buckley, a t t 'ys , 141 Broadway ; Ed­ward B La Fetra , ref. (Amt due $4,493; sub to taxea. Sec, ,¥883,46,) Mort reeorded April 28, 189U.) By P . F Meyer.

Nov, 3. Ann st, Nos 57 and 59, n s. 144,2 w Will iam st,

runa w 28-1 x n e 74,3 x w 75.7 x n e 03,9 x e 101.7 x s w 122,11 to beginning, 4-sty brk store with 5-Bty brk factory bldg oo rear. The Mu­t u a ! Life Inaurance Co of N Y agt The New York Steam Power Co et al; Chas E Miller, at­f y , 32 Nassau st ; Chas G F Wahle, réf. (Amt due $50,T31; sub to taxes, ftc, $1,399,18.) Mort reeorded Dec 8, 1893. By Herber t A Sherman.

Broome s t . No 33, s w cor Goerck st, 25.3x100, D-8ty brk t e n e m ' t with stores. Danie l Seymour et al exrs Geo R Lansing agt Jacob Rieser et al; Jobn W Blakey, a t f y , 29 Wall ?J; Wm M Hoes, ret. (Amt due $3.836; sub to taxes, &c. -¥342.39,) Mort reeorded March 1. 1895. By P F Meyer.

28th st . No 132, s s, 3T5 w 6th av, 25.\98,9. 5-sty brk tenem' t witb «tores, Daniel Levy ag t

Robt L Askey et a l ; Chas 0 Maas, a t t ' y , 87 Nassau st ; Charies Brandt , J r , ref, (Amt due $6,001; sub to morts $19,200 and taxes. Sec. $200.) Mort reeorded Nov 19, 1898. By P F Meyer,

135th st, Nos 839 and S41, n s, 125 w .St ^ n n s av, 50x100, two 5-sty brk Bats. Ferdinand Forsch agt Will iam Jeffery et a l ; Woif, Kohn & Ull­man, a t t 'ys , 203 Broadway; Franc is C Cantine, réf. (Amt due $35,335; sub to taxes, &C, $T30.T0.) Mort reeorded Jnly 14, ISOT. By Herber t A Sherman.

Oth av, s s, abt 155 e 4th st, 50x114, Wakefield, 3-sty frame dwell 'gs. Sheriff's sale on exécu­tion of all title which Kate F Boyle had on May 19, 1899, or since; Thos F Donnelly, a t t 'y , 41 Pa rk row; Thos J Dunn, sheriff. By P F Meyer.

Nov. 6. Eldridge st, No 64. n e cor Hester st, 19.6x50.8,

5-sty brk store and tenem' t . Ruhsam & Horr ­mann Brewing Co agt H y m a n Gruft e t a l ; Gug­genheimer, U Se M, a t t ' ys . 30 Broad s t ; W m A Boyd. (Amt due $3.604; sub to mor t s -$20,-500. and taxes, Sec, $450.) Mort reeorded Feb 2, 1892. By P P Meyer.

5Tth st, No 44T, on map No 451, n s, 258,4 e IOth av, 16.8x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell 'g. Heury Burden as t rus tée ot Henry Burden dec'd agt Emma C Cruger ; Eugène Smith, a t t 'y , 31 Nas­sau st ; Heury L Scheuermau, ret. (Amt due $12,840; sub to taxes, SeC, $238.64.) Mort re ­eorded July 21, 1892. By R V Harne t t & Co.

5Tth st. No 4T1, n s, T5 e IOth av, 20x100.5. 4-sty stone front dwell 'g. Chas L Jonea exr Horace J Parmelee agt Jacob L Voorhees et a l ; Nash Se Jones, a l f y s , 63 Wall s t ; Heury B Heylman, ref. (Amt due $1,208; sub to mort $14,000, aud taxes, &c. $5T8,42,) Mort reeorded Feb 1, 1893. By Cbas A Berr ian.

132d st . No 32, s s, 335 -w 5th av, 25x99.11, 5-sty b rk fiât, Miriam Fisher agt John McChristie et a l ; Duer. Strong Se Whi tehead. a t f y s , 50 Wail s t ; Wilber McBride, réf. (Arat due $19,-S2T; sub to taxes, &c, $TT2,06.) Mort re ­eorded May 16, 1890, By P F Meyer.

Amsterdam av. No 210S, w s, 5T.11 s IGôth st . 30x100. 5-sty brk flat with stores. Tbe Ger­man Savings Bank agt John E Dar ragh e t al (No 1) ; Holls. Wagne r Se Burghard, a t t ' y s , 120 Broadway; 'Joseph Koch, ret, (Amt due $24,350; sub to taxes, Scc, $300.) Mort re ­eorded Dec 8, 1898, By John T Boyd.

Amsterdam av. No 210G, w s. 87,11 s 165th st, 20x100, Same agt same (No 2 ) ; same a t t 'ys and réf. Amt due $24,350; sub to taxes. Sec. ,¥300.) Mort reeorded Dec S. 1898, By same auctioneer,

Kelly st, Nos 943 t o 947, n s. 75 w Walea av, 75x 115x86,4x72.4, t h ree 4-sty b rk flats. Michaei Cowen agt Louis M King et a I ; , T Channon Press , a t f y , 10 Wall s t ; Chas A Jackson, ret, (Amt due .$5,136; aub to mor t s $27,048,T2, and taxes, &c, ,$83,17,) Mort reeorded April 29, 1899, By W m Kennel lv .

Oct. 26. 15Tth st, présent line, n s, 430.10 w Cour t landt

av. 28x101,6, Henry E Coe and ano as trusteea under will of Richd L Campbell agt Peter J Kinzig et al; Edo E Mereelis, a t t ' y ; Randolph Hur ry , ref, (Amt due $14,T12,)

165th st, s e cor Tiiïany st, 25.6x08.5x18,Tx 100. John Bussing, Jr , agt Mary and John Layden; Smith Will iamson. a t f y ; Jamea C de La Mère, ref. Amt due $2,105.)

165th st . n s, 25,6 e Tiffany st, 25x96.8x25x98,3, Henry Lipps agt Mary and John Layden et a l ; Smith Williamson, a t f y ; James C do La Mère, ref. (Amt due $4.TSJ.)


Valent ine av. w s. 25T.8 s ISOth st, 16,Tx99.5x 16.Tx99,3. John H Metzier agt Gertrude H Janssen et a l ; Ar thu r Knox, a t f y ; Adolph J Kohn, ref, (Amt due $808,)

3d av. e s, 225 n ITls t st, 50x100, E rns t -Marx -Nathan Co agt Mary E Robinson et a l ; Lewis S Marx, a t t ' y ; Edward Browne, réf. (Amt due $13,T3T.)

Oct. 21. i;38th st, s -w s, 116.S n w Boulevard, 16.8x99,11.

Emily wife of Chas L Beaumont ag t Wil l iam Wahle et a l ; Robt C Embree , a t t ' y ; F r a n k D Arthur , ref, (Amt due $11,417.)

124th st, s s. 224.6 e 8th av, 25.6x100,11. The Mutual Lite Ins Co agt Margt C Stevens et a l ; Gordon B Sherman, a t t ' y ; John McCrone, ref, (Amt due $16,416,)

13Gth st . No 125, n s, 402,6 e 7th av. 15.6x99,11. Sophia E Beach agt Alfred Hanley et a l ; Lee Se Lee. a t f y s ; Chas S Davison, réf. (Amt due $13,630.)

l l t h av, u w cor 67th st, 25,5x80. Sarah J F l an ­agan agt Catherine Brennan et a l ; H u r r y Se Dutton, a t f y s ; David McClure. réf. (Amt due $12,454.)

Oct, 23, 6Tth st, n s, 425 w Amsterdam av, 100x100.5.

The Mutual Life Insurance 'Co of N Y agt William Varley et a l ; Daviea, S & A, a t f y ; Ezekiel Fixman, ref. (Amt due $21,9T1,)

27th st, n s, 26T.8 w Tth av. 24.6x98,9. Bradley Se Currier Co agt Robt L Aakey et a l ; Otis & P . a t f y s ; Emil Goldmark. re t . (Amt due $1,R1T.)

Oct, 24, rdlu 120th st, s s, T2 s 4th av, 13x72. John C Rob­

inson agt John Brennan et a l ; ,Tohn C Robin­son. a t f y ; Chas P Bostwick, réf. (Amt due $1,304.)

Lot 193 map of North Marble Hii l , 12th Ward , 25x100, Wm E Thorn agt John G McCowan Pxr John Law; Ar thur J Burns . a t f y ; Edgar M Levintr i t t , ref, (Amt due $3.757.)

IOth st. n s, 3T5 w Sth av, runs n 92 x w 25 X s 42 X e 0.4 x s 50 to at, x e 24.10 to begin­ning. Henry C Tinker et al agt Mary C Ohle et a l ; Andersou & Anderaon. a t t ' y s ; Louis B Hasbrouck, ref, (Amt due $22,9T5,)

lOfh av, "No 360, e s, 62.0 s 31st st . 18,8x100, Jamea A Webb, Treasurer , agt Alexander Klin-kowstein et a l ; Goodwin, T & V, a t t ' y s ; F rank J Duplgnac, ref. (Amt due $8,031.)

Oet, 25.

134th at, n a, 75 e 5th av, 25x99.11. Stephen H Jackson agt James P Sullivan et a l ; Johnston Se Johnaton, a t f y s ; Louis Hanneman, ref, (Amt due $2.434.)

Tôth st, a a, 260 e Columbus av, 20x102,2, Jessie C Tlm agt Mary G Hat ie et a i ; W m Bernard, a t t ' y ; Augustus Van Wyck. ref. (Amt ^ue -$31.208.)

Tth st, n s, T7.C e 2d av. 2T.6xlOr., Wakefleld, Wm M Walton agt Laura S Ellison et al ; Pletcher , McC Se B. a t f y s ; Thos J Sanford, ref. (Amt due $2,113.)


18th st . No 110, s s, 125 w 6th av, 23x100. De­par tment of Buildings agt Geo A Barker and ano exra, &c, of George Bell; violation of build­ing laws; a t t 'y , E Otterbourg.

88th st. No 308, a a, 163 w West End av, 20x 100.8. Belle P King agt Wm V King; action to hâve title held to be in t rust . &c; a t t 'y , L B Embree,

St Marka pl. No 7, n s, 24xl22.6x—xllO.6. 1 St Marks pl, s s, 276 w 2d av, 2iîxl20. |

Henry and Fr i tz Eckei agt Théodore Relch­mann et a l ; at t 'ya, F romme Broa.

Oct. 24. Boone or Longfellow av, w s, 50 s Jennings at,

50x100, Thoraas O'Meara agt Mary F Travla ; action under wa r r an t ot a t t achment ; a t t ' y s , Earley. H & S,

e2d st. n a, 202 e 2d av, 16x102.2. Homer ïï Staats agt Georgiana Specht et a l ; pa r t i t ion ; a t f y s . Weed, H Se M.

36th st . No 434. s s. 425 w Oth av, 25x98,9. Mary and Otto Lulves et al agt Roht H Poote; a t t ' y s , Maas & G.

4th av, w s, 67 a 66th st . 33,5x60. I 4th av. w a, 40 s 66th at, 27x60. !

Lewis Z Bach agt Thos J McLaughlin; action for accounting; a t f y . R Dudenaiug, J r .

Oct. 25. Cortlandt av, No 620, e s, 156.4 s 152d at, 2 5 K

100, E m m a A Boehme agt Odelia or Ottilia and Mary Wirs ing; action to déclare judgment a l ien; a t t 'ys , Hobbs Se G.

Stanton at. No 7, a s, 19.2x50,5. I Sth st. No 335, n s, 199.6 w Av C, 24.9x93,11, I

Gilbert L Hassell agt D Théo Hasaell individ and as exr of Jane Hassel l ; action to déclara a t rust , Scc; a t t 'y , W m P Will iams.

Oct, 26.

Scammel st, No 34, e s, 52,1 n Monroe st, 27x93,1 3d st, No 325, n é s , 100 w Av D, 20x96. |

Mary Goodwin agt Jona J Crooke et a l ; par t i ­t ion; a t f y s , Carpenter Se H.

Grand st, No 384, n s. 50 w Suffolk st, 25x100. Georgianna L Cook agt Jenny A Cornwell et al; par t i t ion; a t t ' y s , H B Wesselman,

13th st, s s, 108 e 2d av, 25x103.3. George Car ­ter as t rustée, &c, of Anthony Gorman ag t Jaraes H Butler aa t rus tée ; action to remove t rustée, &c; a t t 'ys , Fe t t re teh , S & S.

Oct. 27, Throggs Neck road, e s, 100 n Eas te rn Boule­

vard, 24x—. Depar tment of Buildings agt P a t -ricit O 'Hara and Mar t in ; violation Of huilding laws; a t f y , E Otterbourg.

152d st, n s. 100 e Sth av. 100x100. Bradhurst . av. w s, 245,9 s 145th st. 18.2x67.8xlT,llxT0,3. Rosa L Phill ips agt Joseph Lane et a l ; action for accounting, &c; a t fya , Hill , S &; A.


Westehester av, n e Cauldwell av, 245.5x358 to Tr ini ty av, x219.6x430,ll . J o h n L Spalding agt The Lebanon Hospital Association et a l ; a t t 'y , Edwd W Sheldon.

54th Et, No 106, s s, 67,6 e 4th av , —xT8.5x22.6x TS.5. Sa rah C Douglass agt Selina Fa lk e t a l ; a t t 'ys , Bowers & Sands.

135th st. No 1,3, n s, 181,4 w Sth av. lT.Sx09.11. Har r ie t D Jacobs agt Wm J Devlin, et a l ; a t f ya , Hoppin Se 'Berard.

163d st . s s, 350 9 Amsterdam av, 108x112,6, Tbe E H Ogden Lumher Co ag t Ernea t Wet te re r et a l ; a t t 'y , B E Anderson,

12Tth st, n s, 240 w Tth av, 14x99.1L The Mu­tual Lite Insurance Co ag t Phil ip Teets individ and as exr et a l ; a t f y s , Moses & Morris.

Pa rk av, w s, 50,6 n l lGth st . T5.3x90. Mosea aud Sigmund Mendelsohn agt Nicholaa D Ken­dall et a l ; a t f y s , Sondheim & S.

Oct. 23. 98th st, Noa 19 and 21 . n s, 300 e Sth av, 50x

100.9. John C Orr et al agt Joseph W Kierat (No 1) ; to foreclose mechanics l ien; a t f y s , Atwater & C.

Cherry st. n s, 21 w Corlears st, 50x83.8. Sama agt same (No 2) ; to foreclose mechanics l ien; same a t f y s .

65th st, No 113, n s, 135,5 w Oth av, lfi.SxlOO.5. Ka th R Fiera agt Warren A Fann ing et a l ; a t f y , Percy L KIock,

Ful ton av, e s, 100 u ICSth at, 43x100x41x100. Eliz M Dunham agt Theopilus G Smitk et a l ; a t f y . Chas L Foster .

n o t h st, s a, 232.6 e 2d av, 21x100,11, David Frohmann agt Rachel Goldberg et a l ; a t t 'y , L S Marx.

Jackaon av, w a. 3T5 s 156th st, 95,9x6S,4x95,9x 6T.4. Cecelia Petersen agt James G Pat ton et a l ; to foreclose mechanics lien; a t f y , B J Keliy,

52d st, n s. 326 e l l t h av, 26x100,5, Heleiie Gillraann agt Samuel Goldberg et a l ; a t fy , E A Hassey.

Brook av, n o cor 162d st, runs n 66.5 x e 53,8 x still Q 25 X s 50 s w 26.6 to begin. Ellz A Jennoas agt Ellz Meyer et a l ; a t f y s , Greene Se S.

Vyae av, n w s, 500 s w Charlot te pl, 25sm0. Teachers Co-operative Building and Loaa As­sociation agt Ularle Toeberg et a l ; a t t 'y , F C Leubuscher.

TOth st, s s, 245 e Park av, 20x100,5. Betty Pforzheimer agt Simon Llebovitz et a l ; a t t 'y , J H V Arnold.

39th st, n a, 135 ç 2-1 "'•- «'-î-'as.a. Henry Roemer

644, [Manbattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

agt Katie and George Ott, Jr; att'y, H A Heydt, B6th st. Nos 329 to 333, n s, 150 w lst av, 75x

100,5. Tony Malene agt Geo G Banzer; to foreclose mechanics lien; atfy, T J L Mc­Manus.

Oct. 24.

124th st. s s. 1.54,6 w lst av, 18x100.11, Anna J Randell agt Hannah or Annie Kotlowsky el al; att'y, R K Brown.

llOtb sl. s s, 600 e Lenox av, 15x100.11, The American Baptist Home Mission Society agt Emma A Storkinger et al: att'y. D W Perkins,

92d sl, s s, 125 w Cenlral Park West. 1-38x100.8. William Buess agt 'Michael J Donnelson et a'; amended notice to foreclose mechanic's Ile.i; atfys. Pannes Se B.

281h st. s s, l.oO.G e Tth av, runs s 73-5 x e 1,9 X s 24,6 X e 24,9 x n 24.6 x w 3-10 x n T3.5 to al, X w 22,T to beginning: Patrick Keenan, as Chamberlain of the City of New York, agt Wm S Cooper et al; atfy, A Stern.

Av A, n e cor 55th st, 25.5xT9,8. The German Savings Bank agt Joseph Weite et ai; atfys, Schell, A & E.

Webater av, s e eor St Pauls pl, 26,2x100x32x1 100,2. I

Wendover av, s e cor Brook av, 20x109,10x20x1 104.10. I Patk J Hughes agt Geo H Anderson and Wni H Tartruch; atfy, B J Kelly,

Brook av, w s. 195,3 s Wendover av, 100x39,1. 'Martin Maurer, Jr, agt Theresa Goldstein; atfy, W H Reed.

Tth av, e s. 44,11 n I3.5th st, 18.'cT5, Robt J Hub­bard agt Warren P Tompkins et al; atl'y, Chas H Sbaw.

162d st, n s. 26,6 e Brook av, 2TxlOO, Stephen Duncan agt Elizabeth Meyer et al; atfys, Mil­ler, P & D.

162d st, n e cor Brook av. runs n 66.5 x e 53.8 x still e 25 X s ,50 to st, x w 2G.6 to beginning. Jane E Oothout agt sarae; same atfys.

160th st. s s. 405,2 w Amsterdam av, 14,9.\9il.I]. •Wm W Johnson and ano as trustées. &c, agt Chas C Mulholland et al; att'ys, Merrill Se R,

Suffoik st, w s, 40 s Stanton st, 20xT5. Morria Goldstein agt Pincus Rubel et al; atfy, A F Siiveratone,

ISOth at, n s, 100 e l l th av, 25x219,6 to ISlst st, Plorence W Carpenter extrx of Chas B Carpen­ter agt Isaac M Blliolt el ai; att'ys, Salter Se S.

noth at, s s, 100 e 2d av, 90x100.11. Herman Hohouaer agt Bva Muller; foreclos mechanic's lien; att'y, J S Strahl,

Tth av. Nos 2S3 and 285, n e cor 26th at, 49.5x 100. "rhe German Savinga Bank agt Pauline Kellerhouse et al; att'ya, Curtia, M Se C,

179th st. s w eor Amsterdam av. 25x100. Emil

Goldfuss agt John Shea et al; to foreclos me­chanic's lien: att'ys, Menken Bros.

13.ïth st, n s, 110 w ûth av, 18.4x99.11. Cornelia W Slade agt Wm J Devlin et al; att'y, S B Robinson,

Oct, 25.

Railroad av, e s, being part lot T on map of Central .Morrisania. part of Bathgale Farm, 50x125. Albert C Hencken agt Henry G Sil­leck, Jr, et al; atfys, Baldwin Se B.

Vanderbilt av, e a, 325 s ITlst st, 75x150, Aibert C Hencken agt Albert Tusch et al; att'ys, Bald­win Se B.

Lenox av, w s, 26 n 135th st, 2TxlO0, Janet & Althea S Rudd as trustées under will of George Rudd agt Francis Callaghan et al; att'ys. De-Forest Bros. „ ,

i:i5th st. No 15, n s, 189 w 5th av. lT.8x99.11. Richd H Hunt et al as trustées for Cath H

. Hunt agt Wm J Devlin el al (No 2); atfys. Hoppin Se B.

112th st. No 226, s s. 275 w Tth av. 17x109,11. Wm H McWhirter agi Samuei Vollman et al; atfys, Shaw, F & S,

178th st, s s, 100 w Arasterdam av, 25X9I,7X2J,1X 99.3. The Mutual Lite Ins Co agt John B and Mary E Toumey; att'ys, Moses & M.

6i)th st, No 104, s s, 43 w Columbus av, 18x100,5. Jane M Hamiilon et al exrs, Sec. agt Marie J FitzMahony et al; atfy, Geo H Starr.

Brook av, e s, 23G s 16Sth st, 75,2x104.6 to Rail­road, xTôxl50. Johu Kelly agi Dennis Farrell et al; to foreclose mechauics lien; atfy, ii J Kelly.

44lh st, s s, 450 w 5th av, 25x100,5, | 44th at, s s, 4T5 w ôth av. 2-5x100.5, ;

Isidore Jackson and Abraham Stern agt Waiter J Saloraon and The Llewellyn Chambers; att'y, A Stern,

Crosby st. Nos 159 and 161, e s. 134,5 s Bleecker st, 56,10xTT.Tx69,Tx7T,10. Henry and David W Dazian agt Michael O Hanlon et al; atfya. Rose Se P.

34th al. No 456, s s, 195,10 e IOth av, 20.10x 98.9, The Mutual Life "Insurance Co agt Stephen F and Mary E Massett; att'y. Chas G Miiler.

lôSth st (or Cedar pl), s s, T5,9 e Cauldwell av, 18.6x85. Roht P Seiffert agt Thos J and Emma D Tuomey: alfys, Harris & C.

llôlh st, n s, 245 w 5lh av, 25x100.10, Gertrude B C Bunn agt Joshua C Sanders el al; att'y, Wm H Reed.

Riverside Drive, n e cor Slth sl, 5T,4x102,9x52.2x 79, Chas F Bond agt Wm R and James M Slewart; to foreclose mechanics lien; atfy, S Camphell.

Bradhurst av, n e cor 142d st, 2T,9x61.11x2T.llx 64,11. Edith N Wharton agt-Guiditta Cavinato et al; att'ys, Strong & C.

Oct. 26. IOth av, No 833, w s, 20.1 n 55th st, 20.1x80,

Henry B Vaughan agt Edwd V Loew et al; att'ys, Parsons, S & 0.

4th sl. s e a, 180 n e Union av, 20x100, West­ehester. Chas P Brooks agt Pincus Lowenfeld et al (No 1); atfy, J H Stoutenburgh.

4th st, s e s, 200 n e Union av, 20x100, West­ehester. Same agt aame (No 2); same atl'y.

4th st, s e s, 240 n e Union av. 60,9x 100x62.4x 100. Same agi same (No 31; same atfy.

118th st. n s, T5 w Lenox av. ITxlOO.ll, New York Life 1ns Co agt Annie McReynolds et ai; atl'y. E E McCall,

Maple av, e s, 30 s lst st, 25x100, 24th Ward, Marion Campbell agt Geo E Hanson et al; att'y, H P Beach,

158th sl, s s. 400 w Elton av, 21x200 to 157th st. Bella Metzger et al exrs Martin Metzger agt James A Simpson et al; alfys. A L & S F Jacobs.

149th at, s s, 415 w Boulevard, —.x99.11xl5x99.11. Wm H Bagnell et al agi William Wahle et al; Htt'ïS, Mitchell Se M.

13:ld st, n s, 451.8 e Lenox av, 10.8x99.11. Eme­line Barker et al agt Mary B N Bogart et al; Btt'yf, G H & P L Crawford.

102d st, n e cor Lexington av, 47,6x55, Emily M Lawrence exlrx John Lawrence agt Hen-lictta P Siefke et al; att'ys, Nash & Jonea.

Oct. 2T. 3d sl. No 219, n s. 189 e Av B, 23x96,2, Moaea

Kinzler agt Barbara Waizman; to foreclose mechauics lien; atfy. B Arnstein.

Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, n s, al intersection of e s of iand of Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris R R, runs n w 891,10 x e 149.T x s e 93,T x — 133,4 x s w 131,8 to said Parkway, x w 140,5 to beginning. Marian Schramme agt Julius Kat­zenberg; atfy, E H Murphy.

Decatur av, s w cor Mosholu Parkway, runa s 50 X w 159,4 X w 65,5 to e a Hull av, x n 122.T to 'Parkway, x s e 246,10 to begin. James Bverard agt Michl J and Catharine Callahan; atfy, D M Neuberger.

162d st, n é s , 80,6 a e Brook av, 52x100x51,6x 100, Clinton H Leggett agi Henry Mueller, Sr, £t al; att'ya, Greene Se S.

Marion at, e a, 150 n Elizaheth at, 50x100, East-cheater. Clinton S Harris el al as trusteea. Sec. agt Joseph A Haas or Hass: att'ya, Harria & C.

Lot 23, map of 370 choice lots of McGraw Eatate, near Van Neat Station. Christiana Paff individ and aa extrx, &c, of Henry Paff agt Anton Hermanny, Jr, et al; atfy, M Levy.

Broome st, No S2, n e cor Columbia st,, 25x37. Clara S Bloodgood agt William Turbridy et al; atfys, Wyatt Se T.

Jennlnga st, n s, extends from Longfellow av to Boone av. 100,2x217.11x54,2x162,4, Charlotte Blumenthal agt Annie F Vreeland et al; atl'y, M Rapp.

CONVEYANCES. , Whettever the letters Q. C„ C. a. G, and B. ft 8. occur, preceded by tM

•ame of the grantee, tliey mean as follows: . , / • l s t . -Q . C. la an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, 1. e., a deed v/boTélnsJi

tbe right, tltle, and Intereat of the grantor le eonveyed, omitting ail csre-aants or warranty. ^•'''^

2d.—G. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantqr-^nly, tn which he covenanta that he hath not done any tct whereby the eetate con-reyed can ha Impeached, charged or encumbered.

8d.—B. & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, al?^ though the seller makea no express covenanta, he really granta or conveys the property for a valuabie considération, and thus impliedly claima to be the owner of lt. The atreet and avenue numbers given in theae llstK are, In Bll cases, taken from the Insurance mapa when they are not mentioned ia the deeds. 'The numbera it wlll occasionally be found, do not correspond wlth the existing ones, owing to there having been no offlclal désignation raada ot them by the Department of Public Worka.

4th.—The flrat date la the date the deed was drawn. The second date la the date of Dllng same. When both dates are tho same. only one ia given.

Bth.—The flgures tn each Conveyance, thua 2 : 482, dénotes that the prop­erty la In section 2 block 482. , , . , ,. .u . „» .

6 th- I t ahould alao be noted ln section and hlock numbers, the instrument aa flled is strictly followed. „. -t, nn

Tth,—The letters R S $8,00, means Revenue Stampa îS.OtK

y October 20, 21. 23, 24, 25, 26, B O R O U G H O F M A I O I A T T A N

•Bond Bt, No no, s s, abt 98 w Bowery, 22xin,;!x22,.'îx6"..T, 4-sty hrjf' tenem't with stores. John Richard to Johanna and Louis F "y^-ner Joaephine Grieshaber and Katharine J Berges, Taxes.- % part. Oct 2. Oct 25, 'USI. R S .^U.flO. 2:521), .,.^^-,'ï^'^

Canal st. No I U , n s, as widened, 50 w Forsyth st, 2.:ix2.)x24..jx2-5. ..-'' 4.-sty brk store and tenem't. Amelia Thompson TRUSTEE

line Stack to Amelia Thompson individ. Confirmation deed. Mar 25. 'HO. Oct 20, 'IU). R S none. 1:302,

Sarae property. Edwin J Schwartz to Eveline Stack. Q C. All July 2 'ti4. Oct 20, 'G'-l. R S none.

Catharine st. Nos Sl and 8;!. e s. het Cherry aud Hamilton st^ ment as to air shaft. Louis J Levy with Jacob Horowitz Oct "l> 'iW 1-253. ,

Exchange pl. Nos 44 to 50, s s, 14G.9 e Broad st, 89'.âxl024x8 102,4, 5-sty stone front office building. , /

/ y Exchanpe pl, No 52, s s, 124,9 e Broad st. ruus s 74 x w l.S,3 jTs 29.0, y y X e G." X s 30.0 x s e 10S.2 x e 34.S x e 13.0 x n 115,0 x'B

y y J. a HI2 4 to pl X w 22. 4-sly stone tront office building. juliet M Hotchkiss lo Central Realty Bond and Trust C o / M o r t s S.500 OÔO. oct 10, Oct -23, '99, R S -firiO-'iO. 1:25, " ' val consid and l.JJOO

Same nroperlv. The Exchange Place Real Esiate Go to Julie(/M Hotchkiss, Moris !t;i90,<IOO. Oct 10. R S IflOO.OO. /

val consid aûd l.OOO Pulton st, No 102, s s. 99.9 G Dutch st, 25x81.1x25,2x80,4, portion

T-sty iron front stores and offices, y Fuiton st. No Î04, s s, aht 74 e Dutch st. 24.8x80.1x25x79.7, porMbn

of 7-sty iron front stores and offices, y Release judgment. E August Neresheimer to Isaac J Gréenwooc as exr. Oct 21. Oct 24, '99. R S, none. 1;78, , nom

Grand st. No 60, n s, 125 w Wooater st, 25xlCO. 7-siy brk store, * Louis N Narbonne to Edward W Kilpalrick, All liens. Oct 11,

Oct 23, '99. R S %\G.GG. 2:475. nom Grove st, Noa 84 and S6. s s, 122 w Waverley pl, laie Gth st, 40x '

WO. 5-sty stone front flat. ' / West Washington pi. n é s , 106.G s e GroT'd j ^ , m n s s e 15 x n 12.1

X w 8,2, gore. Chas B Browell and .Ada W Rasines to ^^sdk C Dexter. Mor $42,000. Aug 12. Oct 21, '99. R S n O l c £*&£. ^ x c h



Same property. Fredk C Dexter to James W Golden. Oct 17. Oct 21. '90, R 3 ,'i;5,00. 2:512. _ exch

Hyatt st. s w s, 85 s e Broadway. .-DXIOO. vacant. Adélaïde A Yean-' die to Daniel E Seybel. Oct 25. Oct 26, '99. R 5 50 cta. 12:326.-5,

nom Lewis st, No 'iG. e s, 300 n Delancey st, 25x101.10, S-sty brk tene­

ment with 2-aty brk building on rear. Lewis st. No 52. e s. 125 n Delancey st, 25x100, 1-sty frame (brk

front) building. Lewis Et, No 54, e s, 150 n Delancey st, 25x101.6x25x101.4, 3-sty

brk tenem't with two 1-sty frame buildings on rear. Julia wife of and Robt B Bain to Joseph Weber, Hudson, N. J. B & S. Jan V.). Oct 24. 'UO. R S, 50 cents, 2;32S. nom

Ludlow st. No 108, e s, 75 n Delancey st, 25xSil.9, 5-sty brk tenem'l with stores. Wm M Burnstine to Sarah Cohen. .Morts $1S,U00. May 13, '07. Oct 23, 'OU. R S $5.00. 2:410. nom

Mercer st. No 113, w s, abt '175 s Spring st, 25x100. 5-sty stone front] store anâ lofts. _ j

Mercer st. No 135, w a, abt loO s S'pring st, 25x100, 5-sty stone fronll store aud lofls, | FORECLOS. Jacob P Solomon référée to Frederick Moeller, Re­recorded. Jan 10. Oct 21 '99. R S .flOdUO, 2:499. 106,000

'Monroe st. Nos 270 and 272, s s, 25 w Jackaon st, runs s 89'.7 x w _/ 25.2 x n w 10,0 x w 23.9 x n 77.4 to .Monroe st x w -50, two 6-sty

brk tenem'ts with atores. George Dellon to Abe Brumer and Mor­ris Goldstein. Wesl Hoboken, N J. 'Morts $55,000, 'B & S. C a G . 1-3 part. Oct i;ti, Oct 23, '90. R S $5.00, 1:2G1. nom

Same property. Abe Brumer and Morris Goldstein to Herir.an and Israël Palei, Morts .fîSD.OOO. Oct 20. Oct 23, 'yU, R S $5,00, nom

'Monroe st, Xo 274. s w cor Jackson st, 25XS9.7X25XLS7.6, 6-sty hrk tenem't with stores. Same to George Dellon, Morts $4G,000. 2-3' part. Oct 20, Oct 23, '!19. R S .'Jo.OO. 1:201. nom

Monroe st, No 55, n s. 1S7.4 e Market st, 25x100, G-sty brk tenem't. '' Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer to Sarah Kanzer. Morts .'jiSO.OUO.

Oct 20. Oct 24. '99. R S $13.00. 1:274. nom Peck slip. Xo ;:il. w s. 8.8,3 n South st, 19,2.x53.3xl0x52.fi. 5-sty brk

store. Solomon D Cohen to Robt W B Elliott, .Morts $13,000 and all liens. Ocl 12, Ocl 25, 'IU'. R S $1.00. 1:97. nom

Spring at, Xo 19, n s. 71.3 n w Elizabeth at. ruus n 110.10 x w 23,5 • X s 81,7 X s 24 to Spring st x s e 25.9i, 5-sly brk store and tenem't

wilh 4-stv brk teuem't on rear, Charles Jackson to Raffaela Tuso aud Michelina 'Mangiere. Morts $lS.ilOO. Ocl 13. Oct 23 'UO. R S $13.00, L':-!ÎJ3. See 2d av. nom

,Washington st. Xo 440, w s, 82.2 s Watts st, 17.11x80.2, 3-sty brk Slore and tenem't. Chas D Blancard TRUSTEE Ëilen .M Blancard to Geo B Ritter, Mort $0,000. Oct 21, Oct 25, '!l9. R S $.^,00, 1:224. 11,000

Water st, Xo 351. s s, abt 105 w James slip, 10,4x75, 4-sty brk store. Caroline Weinberg, Brooklyn, N Y. to Henrv B Wesselman. Sub lo all liens, &c. Sept 22. Oct 21. '99. R S: $2.00. 1:110. nom

Jl'oosler at. Xos 70 and 72, e s, 190.2 n Broome st, runs s e 100 .x n e 35 X H' 4.10 X n 25 x n w 95 lo st x a w 00 lo beginning, 6-sty iron front store, FORECLOS. Lansing W Walsh référée to Justus L 'Bulkley, Thos G Ritch and Henry B Vaughan EXRS and TRUS­TEES Daniel B Fayerweather. Oct 20. Oct 26, "99. R S .flOO.OO. 2:480, 100,000

2d st. No 113. s w s, abt 250 s e Isl av, 2.3,2x105,10, 4-aty brk store and tenem'l. Mary D Abels widow to Josef Lustig. Morts $15,000, Oct IG. Oct 23, '99. R S $8.00. 2:429. nom

4th sl. Nos 344 and 346, w s, 40 n Horatio st, runs w 24 x n 34,5 x • w 18,9 X n 10 X e 42,9 to 4th st x s 44.5 to beginning. two 3-sty

hrk dwell'gs. Deborah wife James Newton to Thomas O'.Meara Morts $4,553. June 19, '83. Oct 20, '99. R S none. 2:627. nom

Same property. Thomas O'Meara to Deborah wife and James Newton joint tenants. C a G . June 19- '83. Oct 20, '99. R S none. ' npm

ÔctoBer 2&, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan] 64s

4th st, No 289. n s. l l o , 3 w Av C, 27x96.2, 1-sty brk synagogue. .Martin Cballan TRUSTEE to Joseph Justh, Michael Vajdâ, Johu Helenck and Francis J Prihyl TRUSTEES, joint tenants. Q C , AH liens. Aug 28, 1896. Oct 24, '99. R S none. 2:387. nom

Same property. Joseph Justh, Michael Vajda, John Helenck and Francis J Pribyl wilh .Martin Challan, as joint tenants, to The Church of St John of Nepomuch. Sub to all liens. B & S and C G. Aug 25, 1898. Oct 24, '99. R S $20,06, ^ o m

4th st, No 154, s s, 325.3 w Av A, 25x96.2, 4-sty brk tenem'l^'Wi" stores, John M Riehie to Conrad Hesa. Morls !|;18,000. ^O'ct •99, R S $21.00. 2:431. / n o m

•8th st |s s, 386 e 3d av, 26x120, 5-sly brk store antKtene-St Marks pl. No 28| ment, Ferdinand Ehrhart, .Mt Vernon, jq Y, lo

Margt M Sullivan. Morts $16,000. Oct 23, '99. R/i $30.00, 2:463. / ^0,000

Same property. Cornélius E Kene, New Rochelle, N Y,-to Ferdijiand' Ehrhart. .April IG '88. Oct 23, '99. R S none. no

f / 9 t h st, n s, 1 7 5 ^ 2d av, 25.3x92.3x25.4x02.3.

/ 9th Et, No 315 East. I / Party wall agreement. Jonas WeiJ and Bernhard Mayer to tlenvy y Gucker. Oct 16. Oct 24, '90. 2 :451. nofii 61st st, No 345, n s. 155.4 w l s t av, 23x100,5, 5-sty brk tenem't,

80 X n 91.6 X e 36.7 / Jacob May to Tiene Alexander. Q G. Oct 24. Ocl 25, '99. R S

56th st, No 87, n w cor Park av, 35.6x61,1, 6-3ty brk fiât. Frank M Weiler to Frauces Cooper, Montclair, N J. Morts $57,500. Oct 24. •99. R S $7,5U. 5:1292. nom

^56th st, No 11, n s, 225 w 5th av, 24.8x100.5, i -s ty stone front dwell'g,

Oth av. Nos 1043 to 1051, s w cor 59th st, 100.5x71.6. Nos 1043 to 104Ï. 2-sty brk stores; Xos 1049 and 10l51. two 3-sty brk stores; also properly in Brooklyn. Willie L Inman, Margt I wife Westmoreland D Davis and Jennie I wife Wm H Payne to United States Trust Co TRUSTEE Wm- H Inman, Aug 18. Oct 25, '99. R S $85.00. 5:.1272-4:1011. 84,538

58lh st. Nos 13 and 15, n s, 275 e 5tb av, 50x100.o, 4-sty brk stable, Frank S Bond to Henry Sanford. 1-6 part. C a G . Oct 13. Oct

_ 20, '99. R S'.^$20.00. 5:1294. nora 5Sth st. No 138, s s, abl 365 w Olh av, Assign contract, dated July

21, '99. Geo T Wilson to Charlotte T Wilson. Aug 14. Oct 20, •99. 4:1010. nom

Goth st, No 315, n s, 225 e 23 av, 25x98, 5-sty brk store and tenem't, William Umbach to Magdalena .\llovon- Morts $13,000. Oct 24. Oct 26, '99. R S $4.00. 5:1435. nom



13th st, Nos 441 to 445. n s, 150 w Av A, runs w X n 4.9 x n e 6.10 along form'er Sluyvesant st x s 69 .K s 42-3,'four 3-aty brk buildings, Baynie T wife and W H M Reed to Max S A / Wilson, Morts $20,000. Q C. July 8. Oct 25, '99. R S nou^f 2:441. ynom

Same property. Richard B Tunstall to Max S A Wilson. Morts $20,,-000. C a G. July 7. Oct 25. '99. R S none. 2:441. •• nom.

,14lh Et, No 207, n s, 75 w 7th av, 25x90, 4-sty stone front store /,•' and tenem't. 'FORECLOS. Geo H Harl référée to Waiter B Horn. / Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. R S $28.00. 3:764. 28,00(1

16th st, No 125 E, n e s, abt 85 e Irving p!, 22x92, 3-sty frame dwell­ing. 14 part sub to life interest o£ Wm J Donald. FORECLOS, Wm T Gray référée to Wm F Moore. April 28, '92. Get 20, '99. R S'none. 3:782. 4,00Q,

Same property. James F '.Murphy to same. Yi Part. Q C. Aprj! 28, '92. R S none. pom

17th st, No 29, n s, 435 w Sth av, 25x75.Gx—x92, 4-sty stone front .Z dwell'g. Harriet E Brownson to William Sieling. Oct 18. Oct 20.

'99. R S $30.00. 3:819'. See 3d' av. Bronx. nom Tth st, No 327. n s, 300.4 w Slh av, 24,8x92, 2 and 1-sty frame,'^' buildings, Release dower. Emma C KrafEt widow to Benedict A Klein. Oct 17. Oct 20, '99. R S $2.00. 3:741. .1 .565

.18th st. .\o 426, s s, 293.1 w 9th av, 20.5x92, 3-sty brk dwell'g, ' Catherine O'Connor to Mary T and Margt B O'Connor. Oct 20. Oct. '

21. '99. R S $10.00, 3:715. , nom 18th st, No 419, n s, 340 w Av A, 25x92. 5-sty brk tenem't with _,

siores. Helena 'Rexer to Kate Johnsen. Morts $14,8(J0. Oct 12. Ocl 26, '99. R S $2.00. 3:950. nom

20th sl, Nos 114 to 118|s s. 193.8 w Gth av, runs -w 60 x s 184 to 19th 19lh st, Nos 115 lo 1191 st x e 60.4 x n 92 x w 0.2 x n 92 to begin- ,

ning, No 114, 3-sty brk slore and tenem't with 3-sty frame t e n e m ' t / on rear; Xo 116, 3-sly brk tenem't with 3-sty brk tenem't ori rear; No 118, 3-sty brk teuem't; Nos l i o to 119, three 3-aty brk tenem'ts. Jacob D Butler to William Crawford. Morts $127,000. Oct 20. Oct 21, '99, R S $51.00. 3;T95. 100

22d st, No 11, n s, 570.6 w 4th av, 26.2x98.9. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Edward Wilckens to Blias Kemfpner. Morts $40,00 Mar 3. Oct 25, '99, R S $32,00. 3:851. .-hom

22d at, .N'o lOS, s s, 125 w Oth av, 16.8x98.9, 4-sty brk store. Pauline -^ Verdier lo Samuel Adams and John Flanagan. Mort $2,000, Sept

21. Oct 26, '99. R S $20.00. 3;79T, nopï 28th st, Nos 413 and 415, n s. 17o e l s t av, 50x98.9, 1-sty brk

- building. Paul D Cravath to The United Electric Ligbt and PojKfer Co, Oct 19. Oct 24, '99. R S $10.00. 3:960. ,- nom

28lh sl. No 42, s s. 199 e 6th av, 26x98.9, 5-sly stone front store a n l / y flat, Henry G MacKaye EXR and TRUSTEE Lewis T Warner to

The City Trust Co TRUSTEE Lewis T Warner. Oct 21 . Oet 24, •99. R S $42.00. 3.829, nonf

29th st. No 105. n s, 280 w Lexington av. 20x98.9, 3-sty stone front ' dwell'g. Cbas L Holt son and HEIR Alfred L Holt to Margt C Holt .-' wiciow. B & S. Oct 13. Oct 20, '99. R S $18,00. 3:885. gift

ûOth st, No 114. s s, 180 e 4th av, 20x98.9, 4-sty stone front flat. Thoa N Ross to Nathaniel G Bradford, Jr. .Morts .$26,000. June 2, '90. Oct 25. '99. R S none. 3:SS5. 20,

Same property. Nathaniel G Bradford, Jr, to Louise La Montagyfe. Morls $16,060. Oct 23, Oct 25, •99. R 3 $16.50. val consid aiïd 100

30lh st, No 212, s s, 167 w 7th av, 23x98.9, 5-sty brk store and tene- , ment with 1-sty frame building on rear. F0RBCL0S,/ThQ3 J- ' Dunn Sheriff to Tbeo F and Frank W Wieland, Oct 2D. Oct 26, '99. R S .$15.00. 3:779. 14,650'

,3yth st. No .536, s s, 499.11 w IOth av, 25x98.9. 5-sty brk tenem't. / FORECLOS. Francis B Delehanty référée to William Buhler. / ^ Oct 24, '99. R S $14.50. 3:710. 14,250

39th st. No .538. s s, 524.11 w IOth av, 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tenem't, FORECLOS- Same to William Buhler. Oct 24, '99. R S $ 1 4 . 5 0 . / 3:710. 14,150

40lh sl, Xo 450, s s, 175 e IOth av, 25x98.0. 2-sty brk tenem't, l^s'ty frame building front and rear. Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer to Thomas Costello. Oct 19. Oct 20. '99. R S $7..50. 3:737. nom

44lh st. No .324. s s, ,300 w Slh av, 17x100.5, 4-sty brk dweii'g. Mary' j . / • wife and Jacob Bopp lo Tbomas and Margaret' McMahon. Mort5-$6,-

/ ' ,500. Oct 25. Oct 26, 'il9, R S .$4.00, 4;1034. 10,500 .45th st. Xo 65, n s, 195 e Oth av, 18.9x100.5, 3-sly stone tront

dweU'g, Allen Tucker et al children and heirs Margt A Tucker to

none. 5:)436. nom G2d st. Nos 24S and 250, s s, 100 e l l t h av, 50x100.5, two 5-sty brk

flats. Release mort. Theresa Sasaerath to Germain H Marx. Oct 19. Oct 21. '99. R S 25 cts. 4:1153. 1,500

G4th st. No 140, n s, 372 e Amsterdam av, 18x100.5, 4-sty stone ' front dwell'g. WilUam B Lord to Geo A Stimpson. Oct 19. Oct

20. '99, R S $20.00. 4:1136. nom 65th st, No 56, s s, 175 e Columbus av, 25x100.5, 5-sty atone front

flat, PORECLOS. Cbarles Putael référée to John C Barth. Mts $26,-000. Oct 24, '99. R S $1.00. 4,1117. 1,000

.5ih st, No 152, a s. 302 e IOth av, 19x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell­ing. John B Cole to Samuel G Slewart. Morts $16,000. Oct 19, Oct 20, '99. R S $9,00. 4:1136. nom

70ih st. No 332, s s, 3D2.6 W West End av, 20.1x100.5, 2-sty brk store. Alvoni R Allen, Wyckoff, N J, to Eva P wite of Abraham M Graff. Oct, 18. Oct 20, '99. IR S $15.00. 4:1181. See Wesl End av. nom

,71st st, s s, 400 w West End av, 52xl2o, vacant. Tbe New York Investment and Improvement Co to Kate C Brown, Jersey City N J C a G. Oct 18. Oct 20. '99. R S $37.00. 4:1182. val consid and 100

71st st, Xo 121, n s. 200 e Park av, 20xl02.2, 3-sty brk dwell'g. .\gnes Hunt widow to AmeliajR Hunt and Agnes Connolly her daugbters. Sub to m'orts $lo,oOO. Oct 24, Oct 25, '99. R S $18.50. 3:140G. nom

^72d st. Nos 151 and lo3 , n s, 210 w 3d av, 39.5x102.2x39.10x102.2, 8-sty brk fiât. Frédéric E Perham to David S Ritterband, 'Morts $85,000 and all liens. Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. R S none. 5:1407. nom

72d st. No 203, n s, 71.8 e 3d av. 19.3x70.8, 3-aty stone front dwell-/ ing. Leopold Herrmann to Saille Weil. Morts ,$9,000. Oct 19.

Oct 23. '99. RS$2„50 . 5:1427. 11500 TOth st. No 433. n s, 438 e l s t av, 25x140.9x2.5.3x145.3, 2-sty hrk

,.' stable. FORECLOS. Wm L Turner reteree to Emily P Delafield __Oct 24, '99. R S $9,00. 5:1471. 9,000 J £th st. No 337. n s. 375 e 2d av, 2oxl02.2. 4-sty stone front tenem't.

-'feoth st. No 409, n s, 119 e l s t av, 2oxl02.2. 4-sty stone front dwell- -' ing.

Robert Loeb to Joseph Loeb. % part. Morts $13,500. Oct 19. Oct 20, '99. R S $3.50. 5:1452-1565. 3,250

.Sarae property. Malhilde Westerleld and Prances Schonfarber Io

Runyon. Morts $15,000. Oct 20, '99- R S $10-00- 4:1149.25.000 80lh st. No 17, n s , 120 w Madison av. 21x102.2. 4-sty stone front

b4tb st. No 2o7, n s, 197 e West End av, 16x75, S-sty brk dwell'g • James D Putnam to Marianna J Hunter. Morts $14,000. Oct 19

Oct 20, '99. R S $20,00. 4:1232. nom >5th st, No 6, s s, 144 e 5th av, 20.0x102.2, 4-sty brk flat, John

•Cronin, Mary Curran and Deborah A Cronin legatees and HEIRS Ellen Egan to Jeremiah M Cronin. Morts $17.000 and taxes. % part. Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. R S $2.00. 5:1496. nom

8oth st, n s, 175 w Amsterdam av, 0.8x102,2. Release mort. United Siates Trust Co to Patrick Prendergast. Oct 18. Oct 25, '99, 4;r_33. jjQUj

Same property. Release mort. D Willis James to same. Oct "'3 Oct 25, '99. nom

^90th st, n s, S2 w West End av, 18x101.5. John T Farley to Wm B Cogswell, Syracuse, N Y. Morts $25,000. Oct 23, '99. R S $13 00 ^:1-51- nom

91st st. No 330, s s, 200 w l s t av, 25x100.8, 5-sly stone front tene­ment. Joseph Klee to Wilhelmine Klee his wife. Morts $17 500 Oct 26, '99. R S $7,00 5:1553. gift and 100

93d st, No 67, n s, 100 e Columbus av, 17.x55.1 to old road now ciosed, xl7.1x56.4, air title to said road, 3-sty brk dwell'g,

93d st. No 59, n s, 166,6 e Columbus av, 16.6x— to old Apthorpes or Jaunceys Iane xl6.6x69.6, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Mary L Marshall to Thomas Frazier. All title. Q C, Mav 6 Oc 20, '99. R S $6.00. 4:1207. ^ 6,000

Same property. Alfred Marshall, 'Chicago, IU, Charlotte Fiske Mary L Marshall children, heirs, &c, Henry G Marshall to same, Sub to morts $ . May 6, '99, Oct 20, '99. R S $6.00. 6 000

.,-94th st, n s, 275 e 3d av, lOx—x—x9S, vacant. I Will and Frank E Rafel. Oct 6. Oct 23, '99. 'R S $32.00. 5:1261.

i-.u , VT *.- -1-,. .. i..,. -1 o OL l in . - o 1 . ,/ °°y^ -^^tb st- û s,' 285 e 3d av,'39,0xi()0."srvacant? .-l-jlh st, No Gl. n s, lili . ' i e Gth av, lS.9xlOO.;i, 3-sty stone ( l 'Ont/ /-

dwell'g, Sarah J Merritt widow to Will and Frank E Rafel,' CJev^ 23, '99. R 3 $32.00. 5:I2t;i, /yyt&m-''

49tb st, n s, 209 e Madison av. Party wall agreement. Annie P \vjî¥^ ot Douglas Henry wi;h Charlea Buek, Westport, Conn. Oct.-'IO. --'" Oct 23, '99. R S none, 5:12.s.5. . ,Wm

50th st. No 340, s s, 235 w l s t av. 20x100.5, 5-3ty stone front dwell­ing. Rebecca Schwarzschild, Carrie Furih, Solomon, Daniel. Leh­man, Samuel and Elias Levy to Joséphine Weil. AU' tille. Oct 17, Oct 23. •99. R S $14,00, 5:1342. gift

^52d st. No 416, s s, 200 w Oth av, 25x100,5, 5-sLy brk tenem't. John / R Sirong BXR Geo T Strong lo Albert J Adams. 3-10 part. OcU


Oct 23. '99. R S none, 4:1061. :i2d st, Xo 416. s a, 199 w Oth av. 26x100.5, 5-.Bty brk fenem't. ^ i è - -

worlh L Striker exr Joseph M L Striker to Albert J Adam.s. 'B^ 11. Oct 21, '99, R 3 none. 4:1061. ...-' nom

Same property. Elsworth L Striker and Joséphine R his wife to same. Q C, Sept 8. Oct 21. '99. R S none, nom

"3d st, No 144, s s, 116,6 e Lexington av, 16.6x100.5, -J-sty stone front ' atore and flat. Mary Friedel to Alex J Halter. Morts $10.500. Oct 5, Oct 23, '99, R S $1.00. 5:1307. nom'

53d st. No 325. n s, 295.8 e 2d av, 22,3x100.5, 3-sty frame tenem't,. Henry Reese to Martin V B Bilan. 24, '99. R S 50 cents. 5:1316.

Morts $9,000. Oct 2.

Also all title to gore lot adj on n w a above, 2.8x12x10. I Michael M Keshon and Lewis Frank to Katie Deegan. Morts $11 •• 000. Oct 23. Oct 24, •OO. R S-$2.00. 5;1540. no

9,)lh st, No 16. s s, 205 w Centrai Park Weat, 20x100.11, 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Perle N wife Siegmund A Knopf to Siegmund A Knopf. C a G . Oct 20, '99. R S none. 4:1208. noi

9G_th st. Nos 3G and 38, s s. 3-12 w Central Park West. 34x100.8, two .)-sty brk dwell'gs. Release mort. Henry Oppenheimer to Robt Wallace. Oct 20, '99. 4:1209. 5 000

Same property. Robert WaUace to Jonathan BuUdey. Morta $36 000 Oc^ / • " ^ ' -*•• •' '•' ^ S ^~^-^*^- ^^e lO'^I^ s'- exch and 100 1 9,5<0-"~"^ s'* s '^- ^''^ 6 '^th av, 60x100.11, three 5-sty Etone front flats.

FORECLOS. Edwd L Patterson référée to Seth M MilUken. Ocl 26, •99. R S $47.50. 6:1602. 47500

gSth st. No 124, s e, 214.11 w Columbus av, 18x100.11, 4-sty brk dweU'g. Frédéric T James to Marietta B Bellows widow. C a G Mort $15,000. Sept 25. Oct 21, '99. R S $3,00, 7:1852. nom

,lC2d st. No 244, s s, 180 e West Bnd av. 20x98.2520x97.7, 5-sty brk dweU'g. Louise V Weber to Eliphalet W TfÎQT. Morts $25,000 and all liena. Oct 23, '99. R S $10.00. 7:.l873. ^93 CH. Nicholas av nom

lOGlh st, No 303, n s, IOO e 2d av, 2oxlC0.S, î-si:? ia^ store and tene-


Oct 9,500

/ ment. Release mort. Title Guaranlet aaf / wife of and .llexander Haft. Oct 23, ".Vk Cy'"

Lo Cecelia 15,000

646 [Manhattau] RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28,1899.


lOOth et, No 121, n s, 245 w Columbus av. 20x100.11. 4-sty brk dweU'g. David G Garabrant, Jonathan Bulkley and James S S Packard only members firm Bulkley, Dunton & Co to Franklin A Stone. Ocl 12, Ocl 20, '99. R S $14.00. 7:1861. nom

Same property. Helen P Bulkley et al DEVISEES Moses Bulkley and ^ Jonathan Bulkley EXR Moses Bulkley lo same, Q C, Oct 12. Oct,-20, '99. R none. nom

106th st, No 58. s s, 197.3 e Columbua av, 27,6x100,11, 5-sty tirk ., flal, wlth aU title to strip on east 0,214x100.11. George Hessels t o / Katherine wife of Gustav Busch. Mort $25.000. Aug 28. OCt 26, '99. R S $5.00. 7:1841. " " ' '""

-lOGth st. n s, 245 w Oth av, 20x201.11 to lOTth s ,107lb st, s s. 265 w 9th av, 60x100.11. llGlh st, — s, 173.6 w 3d av, 34,6x100.11.

yi\4\.b st, — s, 125 w lOlh av, 25x100.11. 104th sl, — s, 175 w IOth av, 25x100.11. ^

Déclaration of trust. Jonathan Bulkley Lrustee holds above .m trust for flrm Bulkley, Dunton & Co. Jan 11. '92. Oct 21,,..-'99. 7:186L y y

lOTth st, s s, 225 w Columbus av, 20x100.11, vacant. Release mprt, Robt W Cooper to Edward Jeans. Aug 21. Oct 20, '99. 7;iS61,

.•-' 2 ^ 0 Same property. Edward Jeans to Robert Wallace. Oct 12, / Oct .20,

'99. R S ,$7.50. 'T.IOO lOTth sl. s s, 245 w Colurabus av, 80x100,11, 1 and 2-aty frame

buildings and vacant. Helen P Bulkley et al DEVISEES Moses Bulkley and Jonathan Bulkiey EXR Moses Bulkley to Robert Wal­lace. Q C, Oct 12. Oct 20. '99. R S: none. 7:1861. nom

Same property, David G Garabrant, Jonathan Bulkley and J a m e s S Packard membera firm Bulkley. Dunton & Co to same. Oct 12, Oct 20, '99. R S $28.00. nom

Same property. Jonathan Bulkley TRUSTEE to Robert Wallace. C a G. Oct 12. Oct 20, '99. R S none. See 9Gth st. nom

lOTth st, No 54, s a, 100 e Madison av, 25x100.11, 5-sty brk flat. FORECLOS. PhiUp W Kopper référée to Henry Herrmann. Qet 18. Oct 25, '99. R S 50 cts- 6:1612- 22,060

lOSth sl. No 236, a s. 125 w 2d av, 25x100.11, 4-sty brk tenem't. Rinaido € Rockefeller to Nicola M and Maria L. La Rocca his wife. Morts $8,000, Oct 20. '99. R S $4.00, 6:1657. 12,000

09th st. No 118, s s, 171 e Park av. 19x100.11, 4-sty fark flat. Geo / Schaeter to Catherine Ewest, Mort $7.500. Oct 19. Oct 20. '99. •' R S $2.50. 6:1636. 10.000 .

UOlh st, Nos 305 to 309, n s, 100 e 2d av, 75x100,11. three 5-sly.--brk tenem'ts with stores. Myer Heiiman lo Henrietta L Heine and Estella Heyman. Morts $21,000, Oct 20. Oct 21, '99. R S $O.00. . 6:1682. • n o ^

112th st, s s, 358 w 5th av, 212x100.11. vacant. Isidor J Dietz and Wm M Janpole to Louis Burstein. Morts $'201,570. Oct 20. -'Ôct 24, '99. R S .*3.50. 6:159o. va! consid and nom--'

113lh st, No 16, s s, 243.9 e Slh av, 18.9x100.11, .Vsty brk flat-:^ ' Sylvia T Knapp to Robert Sherwood. Releaae covenant. Q C. ^ c t

18. Oct 20. '99. R S none, 6:1618. Êame properly. Magdalena Frey and George Hinck to sapfe.

lease covenant. Q C. Oct 12. Oct 20, '99. R S none.-Same property. Robert Sherwood to Wm G Webber. Aug 31.

20, '99. R S ,$25.00, See 5th av. 113th st, No 132. s a. 2,56 e Tth av, 19x100.11, 5-aty brk fiât. Wm J

Nicklas to larael Lebowitz and Samuel Tarnowaki, Mort $1S,000. ' Oct 19. Oct 20, '99. R S $6.00- 7:1822. See 18'2d at, Bronx. nom

113lh st, s s, 267 w 7lh av, 16x100.11, 3-sty brk dweU'g. -Mary W / Platt to Stanley L Plalt. Jvlort $10,500. -•^pril 16, '95. Oct 2Xy

'U9- R S none. 7:1828. j&om 114Lh st. No 46, s s. 414.1 e Lenox av. 17,8x100,11, 3-sty atone A-ont

dwell'g. Alfred W Franke to Joséphine Franke. Mort SlO.OOOv' Oct 24. Ocl 25, '99. R S none. 6:1597. X .-iiom

114th st, No 431, n s, 395 e l s t av. 25x100.11, 4-sty brk tene'm't. Carnillo Ubriaco to Cancetta Ubriaco. Morts $12,000. Oct 24, '99. R S $3-50. 6:1708. nom

115th st, n s, '244 w Pleasant av,' 45.Ox—x—xl25xl00.10, vacant.

dwell'g. Anthony J Woodruff to Mary Patterson. Morts $8,000. Oct 26, '99._ R S $3.00. 7:1940. val consid and 100

l l l s t st, No o21, n s, 414 e Broadway, 16x99.11. 4-sty brk dweU'g. Patrick H Lynch to Robt B Upham. Morts $12,750. Sept 27. Oct 20, '99. R S $2.50. 7:2073. nom

Same property. Robt E Upham to Ada R De Witl. Mort $12,750. Oct 19. Oct 20. •oa R S $3.00. 7:2073. nom

141st El. Nos 309 and 311, n s, 150 w 8th av, 50x99,11, frame build-' ing and vacant, Samuel Stirn EXR Bernhard Stirn lo Esther A

Wheaton. OcL 25, '99. R S $15.50, 7:2043. 15,500 other consid and 100 Same property, Esther A Wheaton Ig Geo H Smith. Morta $15,000.

t. X -' Oct 25. Oct 26, '99. R S $3.00. nom 142d st, Xo J 0 8 , S a. 453.1 e Broadway, 16x!J0, 3-sty brk dwell'g.

P H Lynch lo Henry D Stringer, Morts $12,500. B & S. Sept 25. Oct 23. 'U'il. 'R S JSl.OO 7:2088. nom

:47lh st. s s, 175 w l l t b av or Boulevard, 25x99.11, vacant. Carl Neuendorffer to Adam Nickel, Sub to morts .$ • - -. Oct 21. Oct 23, ^99. R S 50 cts. 7:2093. nom

147th st, No 604, s s, 40,6 w Boulevard or Broadway, 15x99.11, 3-sty brk dweU'g. Same to Adam Nicltel, Sub to morts $ , Oct 23, '99. R S 50 cts. 7':±,io6. nom

150th st. No 528, s s. 280 w .Amsterdam av, 15x99.11, 3-sty brk dwell­ing. John G Moore and Samuel I Ashiey lo Geo J Wesslau. Mts .1:8,500, Ocl 23, '99. R S $5.00. 7:2081. ' nom

150th st |n w cor Convent av. 25x99.11x68.5x108,11, 5-sty Convent av. No 1S0| brk fiai. James McMillen to Thomas Walker,

.Morts $51,500. Oct 11. Oct 21, '99. R S $5.50. 7:2065. val consid and lOO

153d st, No .538, s s, 525 w Amsterdam av, 25x99,11, 5-sty brk flat. Release mort. Geo H Toop trustée to 'Mary A Cannon, Oct 20. Oct 23, '99, 7:'2flS4. 50

170th st. No 563. n s. 150 e l l t h av, 2oxl00, 2-sty frame dwell'g. 'Bridget Bradley lo Mary and John Whalen. Morts $2,600. Oct 12. Oct 26, '99. R S none. 8:2127. 5,000

182d st, No .509, n s, new Une, 150 w Amsterdam av, 16.10x79.9, 3-aty brk dwell'g. FORECLOS. Emil Goldmark référée to Sarah B Harney, Oct 23, '09, R S $9,50, 8:2155, 9,100

182d st. No .->11, widened, n s, 1(Î6.10 w Amsterdam av, 16.4x79.9, •- 3-sty brk dwell'g. FORECLOS. Same to Cornelia W Slade. Oct

23, '99, R S $9.00. 8:21.55. 9,000 . lS2d st, .Xo 513, n s, 1S3.2 w Amsterdam av. 16.10x79,9, 3-sty brk

dweU'g. FORECLOS. Same to Rachel Mulgrew widow. Oct 23, •m. R S $10.0I>. 8:2155. 9,850

.A,v A, No 1321 Iw s, 70,4 s 71st st, 25x100, 5-sty brk tenem't. Eastern Boulevard! Joaeph Goldstein lo Simon Adler. Morts $13,000

and all liens. Oct 18. Oct 20, '99. R S $10.50. 5:1465. See Washington av, Bronx. nom

'Av A, No 1014, n e cor 55tb st, 25.5x79.8. 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Joaeph C Van Cura to James M Stanton. All liens. Q C. Oct 23. Oct 24. '99. R S none. 5:1371. nom

Av B, No 99, e s. 60.8 u 6th st, 20.2x93, 4-3ty brk tenem't with nom / stores. Mort $6,500.


O e t / ' .100


20th sl, No 311, n s, 170 e 2d av, 20x92, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Mort $8,-500. Regina Férnbacher widow to Pauline WoH, Oct 23. Oct 24, '99.' R S $6.00. 2:389 and 3:926. nom

Av D, No 8, e a, 74.8 s 3d st, 18.7x90, 4-aty brk store and tenem't with 2-sly fram'e building on rear,

Av D, No 10, e s. 56.1 s 3d st. 18,7x90, 4-sLy brk store and tenem'l. .Max Wachsmaun to 'Rosie Wallach, Morts $24,-50'0. Oct 25. Oct 26, '09, R S $2,00. 2:357. nom

..^.Amsterdam av. Nos 9'81 to 987, n e cor 108tb sl, lOO.llxlOO, four 5-sty brk stores and flats, Sarah M Miller to Henr.y P MiUer. Oct 26, '99. R S $25,00. 7:1863. nom

.-Amsterdam av, Xo 642, w s, 25.8 n Olst st, 25x100, 5-sty brk store aud tenem't. Fredk W Sauer, Conrad R Gross and George Herbener to Arthur McConnell. Morts $22,.500. Oct 23. Oct 25, •99. R S $35,00. 4:1239. val consid and IOO

. JBradhurst av, No 22. e s, 26.0 n 143d st, 26.6x80.8x26.4x83,6, 5-sty CONTRACT. Theresia wife of John P Binzen to Simon Epstein and X brk store and flat. Hannah B Williams to Murray O Giles. Morts Joaeph and Meyer Solomon. July 20. Oct 23. •OO. 6:1709. 15,00(ï $21,150, Oct 24. ^99, R S $3.50. 7:2044. See Bronx Cons, lots.

^.115th SI, Nos 40 and 42, s s, 379 e Lenox av. 30x100.11, two 3-sly brk &c, nom dwell'gs, Cecelia wife and Henry R Cassel to Justus L Bulkley Broadway. Xos 5214 to 5222, aoûth cor Hyatt st. 100x8,5, five 4-sty

-• brk siores and flats. Adélaïde A Yeandle to Park Mortgage Co. TRUSTEE Joseph B Bulkley. Morts $28,000. Sept 19. Oct 23, / brk siores and flats. Adélaïde A Yeandle to Park Mortgage '99. R S none. 6:1598. nonï^ Morts $G8,0I!0 and taxes. Ocl 25. Oct 26, '99. R S $10.00.

118lh st, No 403, n s, 66 e l s t av. 28x50.5, 4-sty brk tenem't w i ^ 12:32G5. nom stores. Jane Limmer wife oî Christopher to Jane B Belan. Morts ^Central Park West, w s, 50.11 s SSth st, oOxlOO, error, vacant. Max .$8,000. Oct 4. Oct 20, • 99. R S $4.00. 6:1806, . ' X Danziger to Etta Blinn. Oct 18. Oct 20, '99. R S $17.00. 7:1833.

other consid..-'and IOO 50,500 a2Gth st. No 26, s s, 3o5 w 5th av, 18,4x100.11. 3-siy s>dne front Central Park West, No 247. w s, 45 s 85th st, 22.2x100, 4-sty brk

• " "" Morts $35,000. nom

, _ . . . . -sty brk flat with front dweU'g, Rachel Jandorf to Caroline Stern. Ocl 26, '99. R 'S - stores. FORECLOS, Randolph Hurry référée to Alfred H Marvin. $14,50, 7:1947. nom Morts .$27.5011. Oct 16. Oct 23, '90. R S $9.00. 7:1^13, l.OOO

121at st, No_342, s s,_SO w Manbattan av, 16x100.11. 3-sty stone front Greenwich av, .Xo .5.3, w s. 21 s Perry st, 21x73x21x68,7 4-sty brk

XM\n st, ;NO .L\i, s s, vsoa w otn av. ia,4xiijtf. i i . ^-siy stone front central Park west, No 'Z-^t, w s, •4D s soth st, 'J-'J.:!: dwell'g. Edward P Steers to The Tweifth Ward Bauk. .Morts^S14.- y' dwell'g. Louise V Weber to Helen J Briciîson. 0(0. Sepl 2, '98. Oct'25, ^99. R S $1.00. 6:1718. n o m / March S, Oct 24. '99. R S $20.00 4:1198.

120tb st, No 361, n s. 166 w Manhattan av. l ixlOO.lî , 3-sty atone-"' ,CoIumbus av. Xo 961, n e cor lOTth st. 25,2x100, 5-s

dwell'g, William Foster to Janet Foster. Morts $5,000. B fi;'S. Oct 20. Oct 21, '99. R S $5.00, 7:1947. noih

121st Bt, No 154, s s, 160 e 7th av, 18x100.11, 4-sly .stone frpûtl ,/

s, 232 e 7ih av, 18x100.11, 4-sty stope fronl


/ dwell'g.

121sl st. No 140, . ' dwell'g.

Jacob W and Wm B Smith EXRS Bart'IetL Smith Lo Arthur ' 'L Smilh. Morts $36,,nOO and taxes, Oct 10. Oct 23 'i«). R 7:1905.

122d si. No 171, n s, 2Û0 w 3d av, runa w 21 x n 74,1 x n e — X s 88.7 to beginning, 2-sty frame dwell'g, FORECLOS. Algernon S Norton referez to Thos J McCahill. Oct 20.' Oct 21 'W. $6,00. (1:1771. . / • • 0 , 0 0

125thÊt |n s. at s s Manhattan st, runs w 210.0,x n e 97.10 to Manhattan st| Manhattan al x s e 176.7, vacant. Thomas Berkeley

lo Wm H Scolt. Oct 17. Oct 20, '99. R S $ -. 7:1906 ' nom ;26th sl. Nos -204 and 200, s s, 80 e 3d av, 55x;!;i.l1, Uvo ,5.-Ety brlt

tenem'ts with stores. Eslher Lewis to Lena Lowenberg. Morls $40.000. Oct 19, Oct 20, '99. R S $1.2.5, 6:1790, 3 WO

1,28th st. No 162, s s, 215,9 w 3d av, 19,3x!19.n, 3-sly brk dwell'g. .•\nnie Stevenson lo Thos H Stevenson, MorGs $4,000. V- nart Oct v3. '99. R S $4.00. 6:1776. Bom

131st st. Nos 49 and 51, n s, 175 w Park av, 50x99.11, lwo 5-sly brk Ilats. Release mort. Germania Life Ins Co to John A Picken Oct

. 20, '99. 6:1756. 3200O 133d st. No 55, n s, 268.4 e Olh av, 16.8x99.11, 3-sly bric dwell'g

Caroline Opper widow to Joseph D Jennlnga. Morts $S.OOO. Oct 16 • Ocl 20, '99._R S $2,50. 6:1731, See German pl, Bronx. nom

133d st. Nos ,i06 to 514, s s. 150 w Amsterdam av, 125x99.11, va­cant. Sheriff's deed on FORECLOSURE. 'Tbos J Dunn, Sheriff to Mollie Lowenlhal, OcL 24, '99, R S 50 cents. 7:1986. ' KX)

13.id fct. s s, 150 w lOlh av. 125x99,11. vacant. Mollie Lowenthal to Rachel Juster. Morts $30,000. OcL 24. Oct 25, '99. R S $7.,'iO . 7:1986. 42.500

134th Bt, No 210, E s, 200 w 7th av. 16.8x99.11. 3-sty stone frfl-nt



dwell'g, Noah Morria lo Job B Hedges. Q C. Oct 25. Ocl 26, '99. R S $10.50. 2:612, nom

,.Same property. Job B Hedges to Jane M Morris, Q C, Oct 25. Oct •- 26, '99, R S $10,50. nom

Haven a\' iw s, 150 n fromi s s 170th st. produced, runs w Boulevard Lafayette[ HJS.4 x w again 193.1 lo Boulevard Lafayette or

Drive x s .jl.O x e 185.2 x e again IOS.4 to Haven av x n 5ti to be-gining. vacant, except therefrom 5 ft strip on north tor driveway. Erama Fish. Herkimer Co. N Y, to Alfred Bartels. 'Morts .$8,450, Sept 32. Oct 23, '!I9. R S $16.00. 8:2139. nom

Haven av, w s. 10<l n from s s 170'th st. produced, runs w 103.4 x again w 1S5,2 lo Boulevard_Latayette or Drive x s 51.6 x e 177.3 X n 25 X e 1(i3,4 io av x n 2.i lo beginning, vacant, except 5 ft slrip on u, Same to Morell B Beals. Morts -$0,725. Sept 12. R S $li,-50, Oct 23, '99, _ nom

Lexington av. .Xo 1465. e s, 3i .8 s 95lh at, 18x95, 3-sty stone fronl dweU'g, Morlimer Bishop to Thomas Adelson and Moses A Slone. Ocl 25.. Ocl 26, 'ilO. R S $14.00, 5:1523. nom

Manliattan av, No 390, s e cor 117lh st, 25,10x70, 5-sly brk atore and flaL, Edward Kochkeller to Rose Prensdorf, Zanesville, O. Morts $2il,(;00. July 15, '98. Oct '23, '99. R S $7,00. 7:1!143, nom

Manhallan av. No 386, e s, 27.11 n lUîth st, ,36.3x82, 5-sty brk fiât. -" Frederick Folker to Meyer D Rothschild. Ocl 19. OcL 20. '99.

R S none. 7:1943. IflO Manhattan av, s e cor lû7 th st, 100.11x25, 5-sty brk flat with stores.

Phillip Bruner to Bose McQuade. Vz part. Sub to ail liens. Sent 25. Oct 24, '99, R S $1,00. 7:1842. nom

Manhattan av. No 141, w s, 167,8 n lOôth si, 16.4x75, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Mary Dunshee to Edwd H Kelly. .Morts $6,000. Oct •'5 '99. R S $6.50 7:18H1. nom

-Park av. No 89, e s, 79 n ,39th aL, 19,9x.SO. 4-5ty stone front dwell'g. Herbert L Denny, Brooklyn, N Y, to Pliny Fisk, Sept 6 Oct 'M '99. R S $70.00. 3:S95. "nom

..Sarne property. Pliny Fisk to Maude A Banks. Oct 20. Ocl ''5 '99 R S $70.00. 3:895. ' nom

October 2è, i§c RECORD AND GUIDE. tSrûusj 647



Pleaaant av, No 357, w s, abt 3.5 s 119Ui st. 16-8xiu, 3-sty stone front dwell'g. CONTRACT to excbange for I

2d av. No 948, e s, abt 40 n 50'th st, 20x70, 4-sty sLone front Lene-| .-^ ment. , , '

Simon Uhlfelder and Ferdinand Hecht with Herman Rosenblum. Oct—. Oct 21, '99. 5:1343. exch

Riverside Drive, No 412, e s, 46.5 n 86th st, 20x100, 5-sty brk dwell'g. Scott Lord to Alicia V La Bau. MorLs $30,000. Jan 4, '99. Oct 24, '99, R S $50,00. 4:1248. nom

Sl Nicholaa av, No 189. w s, 59,2 n 119Lh st, 32.3xSS.6x27.6xl05,;i, .5-sty brk flat. Eliphalet W and Julia 'R Tyler lo Louise V Weber. Morts $23,500. OcL 11. Oct 23, •OO. R S $8.50'. 7:192-3, See 102d st. Il"™

St Nicholas av, w s, 59.2 s e l l l t h st, 29.7x122.11x25.3x107.6, va­cant. John A McCarthy to Henry Gundlâch and Henry Kocb. Morts $7,735. Oct 23. OcL 24, '99, R S $7.00. 7:1823._ 14,250

Terrace View av, w s, 83.2 n Kingsbridge av, 100.2x96.5x150x100, vacant. Adélaïde A Yeandle lo Tbe Park Mortgage Co. Morts $35.-000 and all liens. Oct '25. Oct 26, •99. R S $5,00, 13:3402. nora

Wadsworlh av, w a, new line, 75 s lS7lh st, 75x40, vacaut, Release raort. Grosvenor S Hubbard TRUSTEE will John A Haggerty îor Jessie D Bowne lo Margt M McGarr. July 10. Oct 23, '99. S;216i.

nom West End av. Nos 625 to 629'|begins OOth st, n w cor West End av. gOthst. Nos ,301 to 305 [ 100x101.5. four 5-sty brk dweirgs on

av and three 5-sly brk d'weil'gs on st. Building restriction agree­ment. John T Farley with 'Metropolitan Life Ins Co. Oct 23, "99, 4:1251. nom

Same "property. .\greement as to restrictions, John T Parley with Wrn B Cogswell, Oct 23, '99, nom

West End av. No 532, e s, 44.2 s SGth st, 20x80, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Eva P Graff wife of Abraham M to Alvoni R Allen, Wyckoff, N J. Mort $25,000. Oot 18. Oct 20, '99, -R S $15.00. 4:1233. See TOth st. nom

West Bnd av. No 220, n e cor 70th st. 17x70, 3-sty hrk dwell'g. Llly A Godfrey to Mary A Godfrey trustée for Lily A Godfrey. Morts $20.000, Oct 9. Oct 25, '99. R S none. 4:1162. nom

ls t av. No 1119, w s, 60 n 61st st, 20x70, 4-sty brk store. Chalmers Wood to Catherine Norwood. Morts $6,000. C a G. Oct 20. Oct 21. '99. R S $6,00. 5:1436. nom

l s t av. No 2127, w s, 75.11 n lOOth st, 25x75, 4-sty brk tenem't with store. Concetta Marrone to Simon Epstein and Emma Rosen­baum. Morts $10,000. Oct 20. Oct 21, ^99- R S $3-00- 6:1681.

val consid and 100 l s t av, n w cor 112lh st, 100,11x100, 3-sty brk and 1-sty frame build­

ings an-d portion 2-sty brk building. XJavis Karp and Edward Bar-. big to Barney Isaacs. Morts $39,000. Oet 23, •99. iR S $10,00.

6:1684. nom l s t av. Nos 741 to 757, n w cor 42d st, 168x50, nine 4-sty stone

front stores and tenem'ts. l s t av Nos 725 to 739, s w cor 42d st. 197.6 to 41st st, x 49, 41st st 4-sty brk stores.

•42d st James W Hoey to Hugh J Grant. Morts $90,300. Sept 11. Oct 24, '99. R S $23.00. 5:1334-1335. nom

l s t av, n e cor 91st st, 50.8x94, vacant. Wm R and Lispenard Stew­art and Mary S Witherbee to Isaac Metzger. Oct 19. Oct 24, '99, R S $15.50. 5:1571. val consid and 100

l s t av. n e cor 91sl st, 50.8x94, vacant. Isaac Metzger lo Prancis J Schnugg. Oct 24. Oct 26, '99. R S $20.00. 5:1571. 100

,2d av, No 2148. w s, 75.10 a l l l t h at, 2.5x79, 4-sty brk tenem't with / stores. Nicholas Mangiere to Charles Jackson. Morts $11,000.

Oct 16. Ocl 23. '99. R S $6.00. 6:1660. See Spring at, nom 2d av. Nos 10 and 12, s e s . 101 n e HouaLon si, runs s e 65 x s w 1 x

s e 30.5 x n w 101.S to av x s w 34.8 Lo beginning, 5-sty brb store. Y-î part. All tlLle. r&c, Marie wife of and Charles Meyer lo Peter Dotzauer, Brooklyn, Morts $15.000. Oct 7. Oct 21, '99. R S $13.50. 2:442. nom

y,A av. No 2131, e s. 74 n llOlh st, 26x65. 5-sLy hrk lenem't wlth atores. Samuel I Ferguson to Michael McLaughlin. Morta $27,-000. Oct 14. Oct 25, '99- R S $1-50- 6:1666. 40,000

- 4lh av. No 88, w s, 150.9 n IOth st, 19.6x77.4x19.6x76.10, 4-aty brk tenem't with stores. Henry W Brevoort Lo The Rector, &c, Grâce Church. April 17. Oct 23, '99. R S $30.00. 2:557. 30,000

4th av, w s, 150.1 n ICth at, 19.5x77.4x20.11x76.8. Same lo same. Q C. Oct 20. Oct 23. '99. R S none. 2:557. nom

5th av, No 1204, n e cor lOlst st, 25.11x100, 5-sty brk flat wilh store. Wm G Webber to Robert Sherwood. Morts $42,000. Aug 31. Ocl •20, '99. R S $23.00. 6:1607. See 113th sl. exch and 100

5lh av. Nos 1468 lo 1472, w s, 25.11 s UOth st, 75x100, three 5-sty brk ftats wilh atores. Julia Pleischmann to Simon Hoffmann. Morts .f20.000. Ocl 26, '99. R S -$25.0O. 6:1717. val consid and 100

7lh av, n w cor 113th st, 100.11x100, vacant. Edward and Henry Hirsh and Edward Oppenheiraer to Emil Block. Oet 18. Oct 20, '99. R S $100.00. 7:1829. nom

Sth av, No 23S8, s e cor 128th sl, 24.11x75, 4-sty hrk fenem't with - siores. John D Feldmann to Peter Doelger. Morts $18,000. Oct

20, '99. R S $35.00. 7:1933. val consid and 100 8lh av. Nos 2791 to 2797, n w cor 14Sth at, 99.11x100, four 5-sty hrk

flats with stores. George Brown and Louis Helman to Rosie Brown a:nd Zelig Helman. Sub to morts $ . Oct 20. Oct 21, '99. R S 10 cts. 7:2045. nom

IOth av, No 132, e s, 25 n 18th st, 25.4x75, 3-sty brk store and tene­ment. Prank B Colton to Mary M wife Patrick T Canavan. Morts $7,000 and all liens.- Ocl 18. Oct 20, '99. R S $1.50. 3:716. nom

lOlhav, No456[s e cor 39th st, 24.9x100, 4-sly hrk store and tene-39lh st. No 454| ment wiih 2-sty frame building and 3-aty brk tene­

ment on sl. Henrietta Kosinsky and Malilda Wiegmanu lo George Ehret. Morts $4,000- Oct 20. Oct 23, '99. R S $35,00 3:736.

35,000 • Interior gore, begins at centre line of block bet 17th aud ISth sta, at

point abt 435 w Slh av, runs w 25 x a 16.G x n e — , gore. Harriet E wife of and Jamea S Brownson to WiUiam Sieling. Q C and C a G. Oct 18. Oct 20, ^99. R S $10.00. 3:819 See 3d av, Bronx nom

Plot begins at n w s lane 365 n road leading frora Kingsbridge to Williarasbridge. runs n w 87.9 to Iand Maria Shrady x n e 50 x s e 86 lo lane x s w 50 to beginning, being lots 12 and 13 map prop­erty Charles Darke in Yonkers. FORECLOS. Edgar M Leventritt référée to John Parsons. Sept 28. Oct 20. '99. 'R S S2..50. 12:3261. 2,400

BOROUGH OF BBONX. Under thia head the • denotea that the property Is located ln the new An-

naxed District (Aot ol 1896). *CaLharine st. n w s, 225 3 w ISOth sL, runs n w 125,11 x n e 98,11

x s e 56.10 X again s e 122.1 to st X s w 57 to beginning, 2-sly frame store and dwell'g. PORECLOS. Sampaon H Weinhandler référée lo Manin Geiszler. OcL 18. Oct 23, '99, R S $4.50 11:3122.4.250

Chisholm si, Noa 1290 Lo 1298|n e cor Stebbins av, 69.11x30.1 x22,2x Slebbins av i 72.8, two 2-sty frame dweU'gs and

stores. Patrîcio Glmeno lo Carlos S .\renciluce. B & S. Oct 23. Oct 24, '99. R S $3.00. 11:2972. nom

Pairmount pl, s s. 3T2.10 w Marmion av, —x—. John C Embree to Richard H Casey. Request lo hâve above indexed under correct section and block. Deed dated AprU 5. 'Oo. Oct 17, '99. Oct 2o, •99- •11:2954-

Ford st. s s. 125 w Webster av, 25x109.6x25x110.6. vacant. Thomas Murison to Henry and James Cleland. Oct 13. Oct 21 . ^99. R S $1,50. 11:3143. 1,500

Same properly. James and Henry Cleland to Henry J Salzmann and Louis Freitag. Oct 17. Oci 21, '99, Morts ,$700- R S $1.50- nom

Freeman at, n s, 88,1 e Prospect av, 50x67.4x52,3x82.6, vacant. Predk A Strang Lo Walier C Hammond, Kingston, Mass. Sept 23-Ocl 23, '99. R S $3-00. 1:2971, _ val consid and 100

German pi, e s, 25 s 158th st, 25x84.llx2oxS6.2, 4-eLy brk flat and store. Joaeph D Jennings lo Caroline Opper. Morls $11,000. Oct 16. OcL 20 '99. R S ,$4,00. 9:2360, See 133d sL. -Manhallan. exch

•^Hancock st . 'w s. 187-6 a Columbus av. lS.9xl00. Vincenzo Favalle lo Maria Sanatore. Aug 31, Oct 23, '99- nom

*Lafayette st, e a. 50 s St Raymond av, 2,5xl(X). Hudson P Rose to Josepb W and Martha Krauer. Oct 17. Ocl 24. '99. R S -50 cts. 450

"Lafayette st, e s, 75 s St Raymond av, 25x160. Same to Joseph W and Martha Krauer, Oet 19. Oct 24, '99. 'R S 50 cta. 450

*Lineoln sl, w s, 100 n Columbus av, 25x100. Alexander Camphell to Hortense Huerstel, Oct 7, Oct 24, '99, R S none. VLOOI.

*Same property. Melvin A Deering to aame. Oct 7. Oct 24, '99. R S .i;i.OO. nom

Lorillard st. No 2449, s e cor ISSth st, 23.4x9Sx—x9S, 2-sLy frame dweU'g, Edw J Bal! lo Gella C Pre is . formerly Engelsman, Vienna, Austria. 'B & S. Sept 6. Oct 23, '99. R S none. 11:3056. nom

Loring pl e s. 337.2 n University pl, 50.5x113,DX50:X106.8. Release mort. Emile H Roth to Wm E Smith. July 27, Oct 24, '99. 11:3224. nom

Same property. Wm E Smith to Prederic S WeUa. Aug 2. Oct 24, '99- R S $4-50- ^ 4,300

Parkaide pl, n s, 143,1 s w 207th st, 75,1x106.8x7os 102.2, vacant. Prank R Houghton to Bessie T Houghton. Oct 19. Oct 21, '99. R S $2.50. 12:3354. nom

*Sheridan st. s w cor Barker av, runs s along Barker av 362 to Bleecker al x w 40O x n 364 Lo Sheridan st x e 400 to beginning. Francis L Archer lo Cath A L Kertfochan widow. Oct 6, Oct 25, '99. a S $12.00, nom

*Same properly. Release morl, Calh A Kernochan widow to Prances L Archer. Oct 5. Oct 25, '99. nom

St Pauls pl n s, 95,11 w 3d av. 2S.10xl09.4x2S.10xlOS.o, 4-sty brk , ftat. PORECLOS. Thos J Dunn Sheritf to Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co. Morts $12,000. Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. R S -50 cts. 11:2911. 500

*Thwaites pl, n s, 133 e Wiliamsbridge road, 25x114.8x251x110. War­ren J Mitchell to Sarah Breslin. Aug 5. Oct 24, '99, . R S 50 Cts.

r- fil . 42o '"Wilson pl, s s, 175 e Barker av, 25x137.5, 'Edward Bernhard to

Peter Johnson and Hanna his wife, Oct 20. Oct 25, '99. R S $3.00. • nom

''d st, n s. 150 w Union av, 50x100. CONTRACT. Emma M Den­ninger to Jennie Brown. Oct 20. Oct 24, '99. 4,000

• Sd st or avis s. abt 405 e 4tb at, 100x228 to 2d sl, Wakefield. Chas 2daLorav | S Diller to Harriet H Diller. Morts $2,000. Oct 20,

'99. R S $3.00. nom *3d st or av, n s, ahl 100 w Oth st, 50x114.4. Chas A Rosenthal and

Edward Polak 10 Angus McGiliivray. July 19, '96. OcL 23, '99. R S none. 1,2.30

*5ame properly. Henry Markus Lo Chaa A Rosenthal and Edward Poiak. July 10, '96. OcL 23, '99. R S none. nom

IOth st, n s, 200 e Av E, 100x108, Unionport. John S McInnes to Mary M Bicktord, Oct 12. Oct 20. "99. R S 50 cts, nom

134th st. No 807, n s, 206,4 e Brook av, 28x100, 5-aty_brk fiât- Kate wife Campbell Fair to Johu H Loffler. Morts $lo,500. Oct 16. Oct 21, '99. R S $1-00. 9:2262. „ , - _ „ „ °.°'"

Same property. Thos R Loughran to sarae. Morts $l(t,aOO. Oct 16, Oct 21, '99, R S $1,00. nom

136th at. No 6S7. n s. 325 e Willis av, 25x100. 5-sly hrk flaL. Chas O'C Cassidy lo Eliz C Cassidy. Oct 20. Ocl 21, '99. R S $1.00. 9:2281. "om

142d st. No 678, s s, 225 e WiUls av, 16.8x100, S-sty hrk dwell'g-Samuel I Ferguson to Michael McLaughlin, Morts -$4,500, Oct 14. Oct 25, '99. R S $1.50. 9:2286. lO.OOO

144lh st No 694, s s, 35S.4 e Willis av, 16-8x100, 3-sty brk dweU'g. John Finley to Addie Finley. Oct 14. Oct 24, '99, R S .$6.50. 9:22SS, ^^i consid and nom

153'd sl. No 626, s s, 250 e Courllandt av, 25x100.2, several 1 and 2-sly frame buildings. Release mort. Bradley & Currier Co to James F and Catherine Meehan. Cet 21 . Oct 24, '99. 9:2399. 1,325

Sarae properly. Release mort. John J Bell to James P Meehan. Oct 14. Oct 24, -99. 9:2399. nom

153d st s s, 70.3 e Morris av, widened, 50x100, vacant. Thos H Bell to Nelson D Stilwell. Morla $5,450. Oct 16. Oct 20, '99. R S .$2.00. 9:2412. val consid and 100

155th st, Nos 551 and 553. n s. 350 w Courtlandt av, 50x100, No 551, 2-sty frarae dweU'g aud shed; No 553. 3-sty brk dweU'g. Hannah Wills widow to Bernard McLaughlin, Oct 17- OcL 21, '99. *R S $13.00 9:2415. ' 12,900

155th st or Longwood av, n s. 125 e Leggett av, now Barry st, 2.3X 100. Confirmation deed. 'Mary Ulrich to Herraan Ulrich. Morts $400. Oct 21. OcL 24, '99, R_S $1.00. 10:2737. nom

loOth st, s w cor Jacksou av. 7ox90, vacant. Alex R Thompson to Palrick H Cusick. Mort $9,500. Aug 25. Oct 20, 'DO. R S $8,50. 10:2635. ii^m

lôGlh st. No 579, n a. 125.3 w Courtlandt av, 24.11x100, 2-sty frame dweU'g. Anna C Arnold EXTRX Henry Arnold to Daniel Brady. Morts $2,000. Oct 25. Oct 26, '99. R S $2.00. 9:2416. 3,900

Same property. Anna C Arnold widow to same. Q C. Ocl 25. Oct 26, '99. R S none. «om

16'M st No 630, s s, 140 s e Courllandt av, 25x100, 3-sty (rame flat. Marie Bickelhaupt to Wm H 'Bickelhaupt, Jr. B & S. Oct 17. Oct 23, '99, R S $2,00. 9:2408. nom

Same property. Wm H Bickelhaupt, Jr, to Wm H Bickelhaupt and Marie his wife. 'B & S. Oct 17. Oct 25. '99. R S $2,00. nom

n 3 d et, a s, 28.5 w FuUon av, 25.Ix81>. 10x25,2x92.4. 4-sty brk flal. Morris 'Marks to Ell H Bernheim. .Morts $13,000, OcL 21. Oct '23 '99. R S 50 cts. 11:2929. 2.50

173d st, s s, 53-6 w Pullon av,_25x87.5x25.1x8.9.10, 4-sty brk flat.

S $100 11-2929. 1,000

*177th at e s abt 350 w Bronx Park av, 25x100. Edwd M Neil! and ano EXRS J Josepha Neill to Fredk E and Mary A Buser his wife. \ u g 24. Oct 21, '99. R S $1.00. 700

ISOth st Xo 577. n s, 60 e Tiebout av. 20x90, 3-sty frame dwell'g. Rrnest' B Wintersmith to Wra A Dougherty. Morts $4,200, July 11 Oct 24. '99. R S $1,50. 11:3143. 5,400

182d st n w cor Washington av, 100x100, vacant. Israël Lehowllz and Samuel Tarnowski to Wm J Nicklas. Morts $6,000. Oct 19. Oct 20, '99, R S $6,00- 11 ; 3 0 3 S . ^ g g J 1 3 L h _ s t ^ ^

648 [BroniEJ RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28, légg.

Bathgale av, e a, new line, 7S n ISls t sL, 26x100, vacant. Release mon. St Johns Collège, Fordham, lo John J O'Brien. Sept m Ont 9^ ' 4 ^ 11 "3045 OiUvU

Balhgate av No 2173, w s, 225 n IS l s t sl, •25x145.2x25x143,7, 2-sty frarae dweU'g. John J O'Brien lo Fannie wife of Fice Mork, Mort $5,500. Oct 16, Oct 23, '99. R S $8.00, 11:3049. nom

Bathgale av |s e s, 150 s w l l t b sL, 50x120, Central Morrls-Madison av, No 1654| ania, 3-sty frame dwell'gs. 3d av, w s, 150.3 a w l l i h st, 50.1x85.5x56x90.4. Central Morrisania.

Lwo 1-sLy frame buildings and vacant. HamiUon R Searles Lo Mary E wite of Robl Lawson and Fanny J wife Geo A Fuller. Oct 2L Oct 23, 'U9. R S $10.00, 11:2920. gift

Bathgate av, Xo 1781, w s, 216 s 175th st, 24x114,6, 2-sty frame dweii'g. James T Smith lo Michael Conroy. Morl $3,2o0. OcL_ 16. Ocl 24, '99. R S $1.50, 11:2916. ^^-^0

Balhgale av, n e cor 181sE sL. 26x100, vacant. Release mort. SI Johns Collège, Fordham. lo John J O'Brien. Ocl 23. Ocl 24, '99. R S none. 11:3048. nom

Boston av, n s, 166.8 e of an angle in said road opposite Perot st, runs n w 64.6 x e 50 x s 76.1 to av, widened, x w 51-4, vacant-Louise Sehoenfeld to Emma 'C Sehoenfeld. Oct 25, '99, R S $1.00, 12:3257. . , 1 " ^

Same property, William' Sehoenfeld to Louis Sehoenfeld. Oct 2ù, •99. R S $1.00. nom

Bosion road|s e s, 317,7 e from^ angle in said road opposite Jefferson Prospect av| sl, runs s 100 x e abt 7.8 to w s Prospect av x n .j5.2 x

n 58.7 to said road x s w 43.9 to begiuning. Rowland W Thomas and Isaac L Dunn to Prank D Tansley, Mort $4,000. Oct 24, Oct 25, '99. R S $5,00. 11:2962. nom

'Brook av No 498 e s, 25 n 147th st, 25x100. 5-sty brk flat, Berlha Loeb to Louise F K Ries. Morts $17,000. Oct 25, '99. R S $3.00 9:2274. val cousid and 160

Brook av, being lots 39 and 40 damage map acquiring tille 10 av. Release mort. Frédéric R Coudert exr Edward Stern to Mary A Fitzgerald. April 28. Oct 20. '99. ll:289'3-2894. nom

Clinton av, w s, 145 s Lebanon sl, 25x100, 2-3ly frame dwell'g. FORECLOS. Alfred T Ackert reteree to Wm' H Birkmire. Ocl 19. Ocl 23, '99, -R S $4.00. 11:3092. 3,600

Eagle av, w s. 434,'9 s 15Gth st, 19,11x99.5, vacant. John Beattie an'd Helen Brady to John Brady. Morts .$0.800. Oct 20. Oct 24. '99'. :R S $1,50, 10:2617. 8.000

Eagle av, w s, 394,11 s 156th st, 19.11x99,5, vacant. Fred Bailey to William' and Dora Schussler. Morts $6,,-360. Oet 2.3, Ocl 26, '99. R S $7,00. 10:2617. vai consid and 100

^Eastchester road, s s, 25.2 w Blondell av, 25,2xl0O.7x25'xl03.7, Payson S Lane to Edward Secor. Q C. Oct 19. OcL 24, '99. R S 50 CLs. nom

*EastchesLer road, s s, 25.2 w Blondell av, 25,2x100.7x25x103.7. FORECLOS. Irving N Tompkins référée lo Bdward Secor. Oct 14, Oct 20, '99. R S $2,00, 2,000

•"Elliott av, n e eor Fulton st, 135x174x128x148. Samuel J Dennis to Margaret Miles. Morts .$2,500. Oct 16, Oct 20, '99. R S $5.00,

exch Intervale av, No 1054, e s, 133 s 167Lh et, 21.6x100, 3-sty frame

dwell'g. PORECLOS. Uriah W Torapkins -référée to Julia Jahn. Oct 20. '99. R S $2.00 10:2705. 2,000

Intervale av, s e s , at w s 'Barretto sl, new Une, runs s w 07.9 x s e 27 X e 34.11 to Barretto st x n 95,7, vacant, Jacob Weill to Richd ;V Stevens. Oct 19. Oct 24, '99. R S $2.50. 11:2974.

val consid and loO Jackson av, No SOS, e s, 58.4 n 158lh st, 16.8x87,6, 4-sty brk flal.

[Reiease mort. Nelson D Slilwell to Robert Goeller. Oct 24. Oct 25. '99. 10:2647. val consid and 100

Samé properly. Release mort. The CiLy Mortgage Co Lo same. Oct '99. val consid and 100

Release mort. Same Lo sam'e. Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. val consid aud 100

Robert Goeller to Jennie E Miller. All liens, B & S, R S .$1.00. nom

Jerome av, widened, No 2437, w s, 112.11 s Pordham or Highbridge road, 10.5x100, 3-sty frame flat and store. Wm 'P Holding fo Jas Sloyan. Morts $5,000. Oct 23. '99. R S $7.50. 11:3199, nom

Katonah av. w s, 75 n Clinton av. 25x100, vacant. John W Wilson to Robt E Babb, East Orange, -N J. Oct 20, '99. R S $5.00. 12:3375.

exch Monroe av, s w cor 173d st, 100x100, four 4-sty brk flats. George

Andrew to Margaret Andrew. Oct 16. Oct 20, '99. R S $6.00. 11:2792, gift

Morris av, e s, 238,4 n IS l th st, 37.6x120, 2-sLy frame dweU'g. Wm J Hargrave, Jr, lo James V Lawrence. OcL 19. Ocl 20, '99. R S $2.00. 11:3173, nom

Morris av. No 647, w s, 100 s 153d sL, 25x100, 2-sLy frarae dweU'g and siores. John aud Malhias Haffen to Michelangelo Spallone and

. 'Maria Martucci. Oct 9, Oct 23 '99. 9:2412, 5,000 Mott av, Nos 576 and 578, e s. 33,4 s 1.50Lh sL. 33.4x101.1x33.4x100,9,

two ,3-sty frarae dweU'gs, except pari taken to widen av. The Will­iara P Howell Co to Joseph Wiener, Oct 23, '99. R S $12.00. 9:2,347. 12,000

Norwood av, n a, 420 w 205th st, ,"0x100, vacant, Louis Schiller to Patrick McCarthy. Oct 23, '99. R S $2,00, 12:3349. 1,700

Park View terrace, e s, 210,4 s Kirkside av. 28x107.11x25.7x100.11,1 vacant. j

Park View Lerrace, e s, 154,2 s Kirkside av, 56.1x100.11x51,4x86.11.! vacanL. i Alphonse Hogenauer and Albert E Wesslau to John G Moore and Saml J Ashiey. Oct 23. '99. R S $4,50, 12:3318, nom

Park av, s e s , 225 s w 182d sL. 25x1,50, vacant. Joseph Weber to Frank W Gordon and John Gillingham. Sub lo part that may be acquired bv city to open Park av. OcL 19, Oct 2(1, '99, R S $1,-50. 11:3037. 1,4-50

Park av West, No 4461, w s. 147 s 1S2d st. lSxSS,6xlSxS7,10, 2-sty frame dweU'gs. The Northern Improvement Co to Chas L Guy, Oct 19. Oct 20, '99. R S $4.00. 11:30,30. 4,000

Park av, Nos 3778 lo 3782, e s, 90 s H l s t st, .Wx150, 1-sty frame dwell'g and vacant, Margt A, Wm^ S, James E and John A Steven­son HEIRS Samuel Stevenson to Kneeland Moore. Bergen Co, N J, •Morts .$2,500. Ocl 26, '99, R S $2,50. 11:2902. nom

*Parker av, n e s, 50 s e Sl Raymond av, 25x100, i Parker av, n e s, 25 n w SL Raymond av. 50x100. j Latayelte at, e s, ,50 s St Raymond av, 50x100. • |

Release raort. Dollar Savings Bank lo Hudson P Rose. OcL 20. Oct 24, '99, 1,000

•"Prospect terrace, w s, 25 n 12Lh sL, 25x100. Robert Sleedman 10 John H Miller. Morts $2.250. Oct 2. Oct 21, ^99, R S .$3.50, nom

St Auns av, No 302. e s, 81,8 s e 141st st, runs e 100.11 x s 13.6 x e 6,8 X s 13,6 x w 105.9 lo av x n 27, 5-sly brk flat and atores, John Wiilenbrok to Christian and Elizabelh Nestel. Morts $14,000. Oct 24, '99, 'R S .$8.50. 10:2551. val consid and, 100

Sl Georges Crescent, w_s. 355.6 from s e cor Van Courtlandt av and Cordova pl, runs s 2n.4 x w 70,9 x s 1G,7 X W 52 X e l io ,4 . 3-sty îrame dwell'g, FORECLOS. Louis 'B Hasbrouck référée to The

24. Oct 25, Same property.

Same property. Oct 25, '99.

Sun and Evening Sun Building. Mutual Loan and Accumuiating Fund Asaoc. Oct 26, Oct 24, '99, R S none. 12:3313. 2.000

Tiebout av, e s, 92,2 n Clark st, 228x246.7x231.7x208. A Oldrin Sal­ter individ, EXR and DEVISEE H-enry M Berrian to Palrick J and Charles Keary. Q C. Sept 1, Oct 26, '99. R S none. 11:3023. nom

Tinlon av, No 1226. e s, 265,7 n 16»th st, new line, 22x100, 2-sty frame dwelFg, Wm H Wright to Mary A Guion, Oct 13. Oct 23, •99, R S $7.50. 10:2673. ',300

Union av. No 593, w s, 165 s proposed 151st sl, 20x100. 2-sty frame dwell'g. Release mort. Paul M Herzog to William Wainwright. Oct 25, '99. 10:2664. nom

Same property. WiUiam and Elizabelh Wainwright Lo Emma Dan­nenberg and PhUip Kuntz. Morts $3,333. Oct 25, '99. R S $2-oO.

val consid and 100 VanderbUt av E, e s, 50 n ISOlh st, 50x100, vacanL, Saml Cowen to

Richard V Stevens. Morts $4.400, Oct 24. '99. R S $3.00, 11:3040. nom

W^ashiriglon av, w s, 50 n ISSlh sl, 50x101, vacant, FORECLOS. Chas W Culver référée to The Excelsior Savings Bank. OcL 20. Ocl 23, '99. R S $4,00. 11:3039. 4,000

WashingLon av. Nos 1472 and 1474, e s, 150.4 s 171st st, 50.1x164.9 x50xl6T.ll , two 4-sty brk flata, excepl part taken for av. Simon Adler to Joseph Goldstein. Morts $28,000 and all liens, Oct 18. Oct 20, '99. R S $10,00, 11:2911. See Av A. Manhattan. exch

Woodlawn road, e s, 52.4 n Hull av, 52.4x95.Sx.50xlll.l. vacant. Frank R Houghton to Beasle T Houghton. Oct 19. Oct 21, '99. R S .$1.50. 12:334.5. nom

.3d av e s 125 n 171st st, 10Cxl7o, vacant, Erail Goldner to Jobn C Rodgers. All liens. Oct 12. OcL 20, '99. R S $1.00. 11:2928,

nom 3d av. No 3881, n w cor Wendover av, 37x96.10x26x94,1, 5-sly bjk

flat aud store. William Sieling Lo Harriet E Brownson. Morts $25,-<IOO, Ocl IS. Ocl 20, '99. R S .$35.00. 11:2919. See 17Lh st, also interior gore, Manhattan. nom

3d av. Nos 4251 and 4253, s w cor 178th st, new line, 43x78,11x42,9 x80. lwo ;i-sty frarae flats and stores. Ann Grabam lo Alethea V Williams and Agnes K Muligan. Ocl 2. Ocl 2.3, '99. R S $10.00. 11:3043. nom

3d av. No 3733, n w cor Sl Pauls pi, 26..5xl00.9x26,7x9,5.11, 4-sty brk flaL and slore. PORECLOS. Thos J Dunn Sheriff Lo Emsl-Marx-Nalhan Co. Morls $22,000. Ocl 24. Oct 25, '99. R S $1.00. 11:2911. 1,600

3â av, No 37.35, w s, 26,5 u Sl Pauls pl. 26,4x10.5.7x26.11x100.9, 4-sly brk flal and slore. PORECLOS. Sarae Lo Ernal-Marx-Nathan Co. •Morts $14,000. Oct 24. Ocl 25, '99. R S 50 cta. 11:2911. 500

3d av, No 3737, w s, 52.9 n SL Pauls pl. 26-7x110.5x20.9x105.7. 4-sLy brk flat and store. FOREOLOS. Sarae to Ernat-Marx-Nathau Co. Morls $14.000. Oct 24. Oct 25, '99. R S 50 cts, 11:2911, .500

*7th av, s s. .305 w White Plains road. 100x114, Wakefleld. Araanda ' Tousey Lo Démons Spruiell. July 18. Oct '24. '99. R S -$5.00. 5.000 *14Lh av, s s, 15o w oth st, 50x114, Wakefield. Williara Van Houten

to Emil and Anna Leake. Morts $1,000. Sept 21. Oct 24, '99. R S $2,00. hom

*21sl av. s s, 275 e 2d av, 50x114, Release mort, Georgiana D Kim-niilt, Belfast, Ireland. Lo William McNlcholi, Sept 30. Oct 26, '99. R S none. 500

*3ame property. WUliam McNlchoU. New Haven, Conn, to L_ena W F wife of and Quirin A Vogel, Oct 23. Oct 26, '99. R S $l,oO. 1,100

Interior lot, abt 248,3 a Highbridge road and 223.6 e Tiebout av, 40.6 x76x40.2xSG.2, vacant. Release morl. Eglantine BreuiUand, Paris, France, lo Isahella Warren. Sept 26. Oct 24, "99. R S none. 11:.3023. ~ nom

Lota 69, 70, 88, 97, 115 and 116 map property Wm 0 Giles Kings­bridge Heighta, 24th Ward. Murray 0 GUes to Hannah B Williams, Morts $1,600 and all liens. Oct 24, '99. R S $1.00. 12:3258. See Bradhurst av, Manhattan. nom

Mill brook, w s, at intersection of lot 58 raap of lots lying on Websler and Brook avs belonging to EUiott Zborowski, 50.2.x— to centre line Mill brook. .\U tille, &c. Henry L Morris and Clareuce Cary TRUSTEES Gouverneur Morris to Geo W Martin. Q C. Feb 1. '99. Oct 20. '99. 11:2896, 60

~PIoL begins at Reeds Mill lane, runs n 240 lo land Isaac P Hyde x w 60 lo cenire brook x s — Lo lands Faile esiate x e 51 to said lane lo lhe place of beginning. Eastchester. Adaiine A Brundage lo Saml G Brundage. Sept 23, Ocl 24, '99. R S 50 cts. nora

Plot begins street running from Devoe st to Anderson Iane, s w s, at w s Anderaon Iane, being part lot 36 raap Hîghbridgeville, West Farma. Catherine Bagot to Eliz J BagoL, Alice J Harris and Mary J Bagot. B & S, Oet 14. Oct 2o, '99. R S 50 cts. 9:'2509. nom

E _j' __ — . . - L E A S E S .

B O B O U G H O F 2 I A N H A T T A H . (Under this head all Leaaea reeorded, Aaaignment of Leaaes and Leaaehold

Conreyancea will be found, The expreased considération followlng the tenu of years for whlch a lease fs given means 80 much per year.)

Broome st. No 51. all. Surrender lease, Simon Levine lo Dora Haft. Ocl" 2. Oct 23. '99. 2:326 ^^0

Canal st. No 45, store. Harry M Adelson to Nathan SLreich; 2 C-12 years, from Nov 1. '98. Oct'26, '99. 1:298 1,':>20

Cherry st. No 142, front and rear buildings. .Albert lE Park lo Raf­faele Gaimari: 4 7-12 years, trom Ocl 1, '99. Oct 24, '99. 1 - 5 3 .

Elizabeth st No 22-1 n e cor Prince sL, slore, &c. Catherine 'Bishoo to Adolph Kasner; 3 years. trom Sept 1, '99. Oct 24, '99. 2:,507..900

Same properly. Assign lease. .4dolph Kasner lo Frederick Sander. Oct 24, ^99 nom

Franklin st. No 8, bakerv, SeC Maria Purini Lo Antonio Gisolfl; 18 monihs, frora Nov 1, ^99. Oct 20. '99. 1:167 27i

Goerck at. No 31. Assign lease. Breine Sundel Lo The Frank Brew­ery. OcL 25, '99. 2:327 nom

.Monroe sl. n s. 165 w Markel st, 25x100, % part. Consent to assign lease. Clarence R, Margt L Conger and Clareuce R Conger trusiee and Arlhur B Conger hy Clarence R Conger atty and Herbert T Conger by Clarence R Conger atty; also Eliza V Conger by Clarence R Conger altv lo George Tekulsky ADMR John S Tekulsky, Oct 11. Oct 26, '09. 1:276 nora

5lh at. No 226. Adolph Bernstein to Paul and Olga Flieger; 3 years. from May 1, 1900. Ocl 20, '99. 2:460 1,000

IOth st. a s. 10n,5 w Broadway, 25x92,3. TRUSTEES Sailors Snug Harbor to Archibald J C Anderson; 21 years, from May 1, '99. Ocl 20, •99. 2:.561 1,200

Same property. Surrender lease. Archibald J C Anderson to TRUS­TEES Sailors Snug Harbor. Oct 20. '99. 2:561 nom

IOth st. Nn 116 Easl. Susan A Pyne tn .Adolph Krausslich; 3 vears, from May 1. '99. Oct 2.3, '99. 2:465 900

13th st, No 231 Easl, James E Naughton to Paul von Drann; 3 yrs, from Sept 1, '99, Oct 21, '99. 2:469 l,-)00

20th st, n é s , ,500 n w 2d av, 17,6x92. Assign lease. Chas P Muller EXR Lisette Schumacher lo Henry C Glaser, Oct 23, '99. 9:901..930

22d st, No 307, n s, 114.8 w Sth av, 14.8x98.9. Leasehold. PORE-,

RËCORÎ) AND GHJÎDË. tManliaiiànl ê49

CLOS. Lorenzo Semple référée to Caroline M Conner. Sept 28, Oct 20, '99. R S $2,00. 3:746 ^.'JCO

29th at, Noa 2'30 and 232 East. Abner C Bowen to Guiseppe Cottone; 5 years, from Nov 1, '99. Oct 23, '99. 3:909 2,o60

29th at, Noa 230 and 232 E, Assign lease. Alfonso Sllvagni to Ab- _ ner T Bowen. OcL 20, '99. 3:909 421

33d st. No 110 WesL 33d st, No 112 West, rear house I

Phillipine Arras et al EXRS WiUiam Arras to Antoine Steinmetz; 5 years, from' 'May 1, '99. Oct 26. '99. 3:808 2,000

35lh si, No 422 W, store. Edward Gleason lo Adolph A Rurael; 3 years, from AprU 1, 1900, Ocl 24, '99. 3:732 420 lo 4S0

51al st. No 614 W. .\ssign lease. Cecilia wife and Peler Rogers Lo ,Jacob J Vogel. Oct 26, '99. 4:1098' 300

53d si, No 1.58 E, store floor, &c. Emily Cook to Frederick Schroder; 2 years, îrom May 1, -99. Ocl 25, '99. 5:1307 4S0

Same properly. Assign lease. Frederick Schroder to Thos P Mc­Aleese. OcL 25, '99. 5:1307 300

70lh st. No 110 Wesl. Harriet Fearing lo Charles Worms; 5 years. from Ocl 1, ' 90 OcL 24, '99. 4:1141 1,600

93d sL, No 319 B, eaat slore fioor, &c John Pick Lo George Wiesner; 3 6-12 years. frora Nov 1, '99. Oct 20. '99. 5:1556 420

97lh sl. No 303 EasL, slore. &c. Luigi Grippe lo -A M Angino; 5 yrs, from Sepl 1. '99. OcL 26. '99. 0:1669 180

115t'h st, No 317 'East, store, &c. Domenico Salerno to Giuseppe Sproviero: 4 6-12 years, from Nov 1. '99. Ocl 23. '99. G:1(;87. .360

119lh sl, No 311 W- Surrender lease. James Stanton Lo Calberine Dellamore. Oct 2t), '99, 7:1946 nom

Av A, No 1407. s w cor 75lh sl, store, &c. Predk W Mertens to Pat­rick O'Brien; 1 year, from- Nov 1, '99. Oct 26, '99- o:1469. .

780 to 900 Greenwich av. No 115, atore. &c. Theresa Schloaaer to John W Mor­

gan; 5 years, Oct 1, '99, Oct 21, '99, 2:616 780 Lenox av. No 136. Francis J Schnugg lo George HiUenbrand; 3 years,

from May 1, '99. Oct 23. '99. 6:1000 3,000 Lexinglon av. No 1733, s e cor lOSth st. Assign lease, Sidney Bern­

stein to Jacob Pick- Oct 20- '99, 6:1635 nom Lexington av. No 719, Thomas Regan lo F Sussman; 3 years, frora

April 1, '99. Oct 26. '99. 5:1312 900 Madison av. No 220. E L Macorab Bristol to Arthur P Heinze; 2

years, from July 1, ^99. Oct 24. •99. 3:866 6,500 Park row, No 105. Assign lease. John J O'Connell to Patrick

Twomey. Oct 24, '99. 1:121 102 Park av, No 628, store. Thos J McLaughlin lo Frank L Cook and

James Calhoun; 5 years, from May 1, '99, Oct 23, '99. 5:1380..1.000 Park av, No 948, store, &c. Pelix Krupp to Charles Berles; 2 4-12

years. from Jan 1. 't!9. Oct 23, '99. 5:1493 900 to 1,200 Park av, No 1123, store, &c. Henry W Ruppert to John 0 Beutler; . 5 years, frora May 1. 1900, Ocl 26. '99. 5:1519 540 Union sq W.No 19, leasehold covenant by assignée. Horace W Day wilh

Henry S Van Beuren, Fredk T and Bliz S Van Beuren, Mary L V B Davis and Bmlly A V B Reynolds. OcL 19, Oct 20, '99. 3:843. .nom

2d av, No 1.5S4, n e cor S2d st, Assign Ieaae. Bryan Nevina lo Chas Ravinet, OcL 23. Oct 24, '99. 5:1.545 nom

2d av, No 642, n e cor 35lh sl, store, &c. Joseph Wilson to Thoa B McDonald and Charles Harrison, flrm McDonald Se Harrison; 5 yrs, from Nov 1, '99. Oct 26, '99. 3:941 1,080

2d av. No 1762, store, &c. Prancis J Schnugg to George Ringler & Go; 3 years, from'May 1, '99. Oct 26, '99, 5:1554 1,500

3d av. No 1530 | SGth st, Nos 175 aud 177 Bast |

Bsther Moaes and Fannie Moses to Praucis Gartlan; 5 years, frora May 1, '99, 5:1515 4.000,

3d av. No 21S0. s w cor 119th st, Assign lease. Gustave J and Frank M Paul to 'Myer S Sasaeratb, Oct 21, '99. 6:1767 nom

3d av. No 129. store floor. Isaac Marx agent lo Leopold Fuhr; 2 yrs, frora May 1. '98, Oct 25, '99, 3:886 1.500

Same property, Same lo same; 3 years, from May 1, 190O. Oet 25, -99 l,.50O

'Sd av. No 3-59, n e cor 26th st, store. William. Vogel to Chrislopher McCabe; 5 years,, 6 raonths and 19 days, from Oct 12, '99, 3:907.

3,600 Same property. Aasign lease. Christopher McCabe Lo James Ever­

ards Breweries, OcL 24, Oct 25, '99. 3:807 nom .3dav, n w s. 103.3 s w 15th sl, runs n w 79,S x n 29.5 x s e 100 to 3d

av X s w 21.3. Julia K Benjamin to Catharine Jones; 21 years, frora Feh 1, '99. Oct 20, '99. 3:8T0 1,000

Same property. Assign lease, Catharine Jones Lo Mary E Jones, Oct 20. '99 gift

Oth av. No 813, s w cor 46th st. Henry Gaffken to Wetherall Wright; 5 years, frora July 1. '99. Oct 24, '99. 4:998 4,200

7lh av. No .3.S9. store, &c. John H Diehl to Hippolyte Marre; 5 years. from^ Jan 1, '99. Oct 23, '99, 3:807 960

B O B O U G H O F B B O N X . Brook av. No 986, n e cor 164th st, Wm J Nichias lo Frank J Ger-

wins; 5 years. from Oct 1. '99. OcL 26, '99. 9:2386 600 Kingsbridge road, Spuyten Duyvil, loi 102 map 24th Ward for years

1878 and 1879. Mayor, Scc, to John 'Burns; tax lease, 1,000 years. Oct 26. '99 42

Stebbins av, Xo 1050, s e cor 169lh st. Alfred Ericson to Thos J Han-relLy; 5 years, from Sept 1, '90. 10:2694 900 lo 1,020

Sarae property. Assign lease. Thos J HanreLly lo H Koehler Se Co. Ocl 20, '99 . % nom

WestchesLer av. No 783. store floor, &c Albert Rothermel to Adam Gander; 5 years, frora Sept 1, ^89. Ocl 25, '99. 9:2358. ,960 to 1,200

WiUis av, No 486. Assign lease. Fred Schroeder lo Herman Ahlborn. Ocl 19. Ocl 24, '99. 9:2291 nom

MORTGAGES. NOTE,-The arrangement of thle liât ia aa followa: The flrat name Is that

•( the mortgagor, the next that o( the mortgagee. The description ot the property then followa. thea the date of the morigase, the time tor whtch lt WBB given and the amount. The gênerai dates uaed as headings are the dates when the mortgage waahanded into the Régi a 1er'B olBce to be reeorded,

When tho letters "P . M." occur, preceded by the name ot a street, ln theaa llata of mortgages, they mean that lt !s a Purcbaae Money mortgage, and Ior fuller partieulars see the Ust of tranafera under the correspondlnK data.

The Srat date ts the date the Mort Is drawn, thesecond the date of flllng; when both datea are the same only oae is given.

Subscribers wlll flnd Mortgages la Ihle liât with the wrong block numbar attached. Tho block No. we give la taken from tha Instrument aa flled.

Mortgages agalnat 23d and 24th Ward property will be found altogether At the foot of thlB liât.

October 20. 21. 23, 24, 25, 26.

B O B O U G H O F M A N H A T T A N . Adama, Albert J to August Limbert trusiee Frederick C Gebhard. 52d

at. No 416, a s, 199 w 9th av, 26x100.5. Oct 20, '99, 3 years. 5%. 4:10C1. _ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ $17,000

Adler. Simon to Jennie Bendix. Eastern Boulevard or Av A^^^ e, 'iO.4 s 7lËt at, 2-5x100. P .M. Ocl 18, 2 years, 6%. Ocl 20, 99. .> :140J .^^

Anderson. Archibald J C to John A Roosevelt. IOth st. s s. 100.5 w Broadwayf 25x92.3. Leasehold. Oct 16, 5 years, b/„. °';fj,^^\.;Ylbo

Andersen, Henry and .leremiah Flanagan to Félix (i?"sf,î',f:''^'^ l-'^.i]' st s s, 358 e 8th av, 42x160,11. Sub lo morts $43.000. Oct 23 •99. 60 days, 6%. 7:1984. , ^ , .^'^ZT

Adelson Thomas and Moses A Slone to Mortimer Bishop_. Lexington av. e s. 37.S s 95th st, 1S\95. P M, Oct 25, 1 year, o/„. Oct -b, '99 5-15''3 9,iou

Boylê, Charfes to George Ebret. Oth av. No l l l . . cor 33d sL, Saloon lease. OcL 25, demand, 6%. Oct 26, '99. 3:<31. _-,'J00

Bailey, Thomas lo Samuel Riker. Amsterdam av, w„s, 20 i^ ?,^J^' SI. 18.3x75. Oct 23 due Nov 1. 1902, 5%. Oct 25, '99. T:20te3.^^

Blanchard, Jaraea A to Sarah M Blanchard SOth st n s, 120 w Madi­son av, 21x102.2. P M. Oct 25, '99, 1 year, 4%. o:1492 30^100

-Bloomherg, Sarah G wile and Aaron J t o MUTUAL LIPE INS CO. iruh st, No .50, s s, 240 e Madison av, 20x100.0. Oct 2o. ^99. 1 yea' . 4'"/ 5'1379 l'^.i'*^"

Burckle'. Susan to Louisa Cam^befort. 3d av^ s w cor 5(!th st. 50.5xJo-Sub lo morts ,$.50,1!00. Oct 9, due June 1-:.. 1901, GA- Ocl 2.>. 99. 5-1310. '-i.^J^'^

EiLtlner Johanna. Louis F, also Joséphine Grieshaber and Kath__J Berges to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Bond s t. No ^lo, s a, 21„S'x61.3^(22x65,7. Oct 25, '99. 1 year, 4i4%. 2:529. 9,000

Bellows, Marietta B widow, Brooklyn, to Prederic T James. ^Sth et, s s - '1411 w Columbus av. l.SxlOO.ll. Sept 2u, due July 2o, 1900. 6%'. Oct 21, '99. 7:1852. ^^^ , _,- ,"W>

Benson, Henry N to John H Oeters. 108th at n s 300 e Amsterdam av 50x100,11. Prior morl $32,000 Dct 20, '99, due Jan 1, 19^J0. p 0/ ^,-1 Q(\^. 1 f^lJUU

Blinn, Etta lo Max Danziger. Cenlral Park West, w s, 50 U s OSth st, 50x100, error. OcL 18. 1 year, 6%, OcE 20, '99 1:1833. 4-0.000

Same to same. Same property. Similar error. Oct 18. 1 J'^ar, _ii - -Oct ''O '99 ow.iHJU

Block "Bmil lo Edward and Henry Hirsh and Edward Oppenheimer. 7th'av. n w cor 113lh st. 100.11x100. P M. OcL 18. 1 year 6 / -Oct ' '0 ^99 7-1829. 100,000

Breunich' Hieronymua, New York, and Léonard G Preusch, Brook­lyn N Y to Jacob A Geiasenhainer and Eugène UnderhiU trusiees HeAry Elsworth. Delancey st, No 296, n s, 7o w Lewis st, 2oxlOO. oct 20, '99, 3 years, 4V>%- 2:328- ^1.000

Brown Kate C to New York Investment and Improvement Co. i l s t fit s a , 400 w West End av, 52x125. P M. Ocl 18, 1 year, 6%-OcL 20 •OO 4'1187 di.yi»'

Sam4 to same, Same property. Sub to last mort. Oct 18, demand V>7 Oct '^0 '99. ri4,tllH)

Bartels Alfred to Zimri West. Haven av, w a, 150 n from s s 170th at produced, runs w 103,4 x w 193.1 to Boulevard Lafayette or Drive X s 51.0 x e 185.2 x e 103.4 to Haven av x n 50. Sub to morts $ m a U Oct 2i. a-ue AprU 24, 1901, 5%. 8:2139. Oct 23, '99^^^

Bossong, Eliza wife John M to Sophie B Cornell. S7th st, s s 190 w Av A -20x100.8, Oct 18, 3 years, 4%. Oct 23, '99. o:lo66. 5,000

Bunke, Ratje lo MUTUAL LIFE INS CO. yOth si, s s, 44o e lst av 75x100,11. Ocl 2.3. '99, 5 years, 4%. 6:1703. „„,^^'l"*'*

Buhler. Williara to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST 0 0 o9th st. Nos 536 and 538. s s, 500 w IOth av, 2 lots, each 2ox98 9. P M-2 morts, each $10,000. Ocl 24, '99, 5 years, 0%. 3:(10. 20,000

Costello, Thomas lo Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer 40lh st, s s 175 e IOth av. 25x98.9. P M. Oct 19, 5 years, o ^ . Oct 20, 99. 3-•737 ' ' ^ ^

Corn, Henry to Wra H Burgess. 5th av, s e cor 17lh st runs s e 116.10 lo alleyway, x s w 20 x n w 54.2 x w — x n w 60 to av x n 22,8. April 13, 1 year, 6%, Oct 20. '99. 3:844. SOOOO

Cannon. Mary A wife John B to The Truatees of the Home for lhe Aged of the Church of the Holy Communion, ]5.3d st, s s o2o w Amsterdam av, 25x89.11. Oct 23, '99, due Xov 1, 1902, 0/ 7:-2084. . „ 20,000

Same lo Ralph 0 Ives and Andrew A Bibby. Same property. bub to morta $20.000. Oct 20, demand, 6%. Oct 23, '99. _ l.olK)

Same to Pred T Nesbit. Same property. Sub lo raorts $21,o00. Ocl 23, '99, due Oct 24. '99, 6%. . ^ ,^„ ^ ^•^''^

Same to Geo H Toop LrusLee. Same properly. Oct 23, 99, demand, 6% 7-20'S4 1,900

Same'to Geo H Toop. 153d st. s s, 500 w Arasterdam av, 75x99.11. Sub to morts $-20,000, OcL 23, '99. deraand. 6%. 7:2084. MO

Coffln, Buphemia S to Joseph C Levi trustée. 143d st. n s. 2m e 8Lh av 50x99.11. Certificate as lo amt due on mort. Ocl 19. Oct 2o, '99 7'20'^9 I.0OO

Cohen Jaco'b'to THB EQUIT.VBLB LIPE ASSUR SOCIETY of the U S. l l l l h st. s s, 254.6 e 3d av, 16.8x100.11- Ocl 24, due Jan 1. 1902, 5%. Oct 25, '99. 6:1663. ^,^66

Cronin, Jeremiah M lo John Cronin. Mary Curran and Deborah A Cronin. Sôth st, s s. 144 e Slh av, 20.6x102.2. P M. Oct 24 3 yeara, 5%. Oct 25. '99. 5:1496. l,«0O

Church of St John of Nepomuch to THE MUTUAL LIPE IMS CO. 4lh at, No 289, n s. 115.3 w Av C, 26,9x95.3x27x95.3. Oct 26 3 years, 4V2%. 2:387. „ , 1 6 / W

Crafts James M and Sanford S Smith trustées Ogden Haggerty Jor Clémence H Gratis and Anna K Shaw wlth Geo C Batcheller. i2d st No ''37 n s 408 e WeaL End av. 23x102.2. 'Extension m'ort. Oct 13. OcL 26, '99. 4:1164. ^ ^ ^ nom

Crawford. William Lo TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST 'CO 20th El s a, 153,8 w 6Lh av, 100x184 lo 19lh st x e 100,8 x n w 92 x w 03 X n 9'' fee; 6lh av, n w cor 19tb sl. runa w lo3,3 x n 63.8 x e 153.3 lo av X s 63.8, leasehold. OcL 26, '99, 1 year, 5%. 3-.'9-^-^^

Defina Maurizio lo Antonio and Margherita Masiello. Thompaon 3t_. w s 93.9 s Spriug st, runs s 1S.9 x w 72.10 x n o.i x w 4,( x n G..i X e 27.2 X n 1.10 x e 4.9 x n 5.4 x e 45 6 to beginning. Sub to mor a $5.000. Oct 3, 6 years, 4%. Oct 21. '99 2-,4S9. -,.-, ^'^^^^

Dotz;auer, Peter to Philip Dietz. 2d av, Nos_10 and 12 s e s, 101 n e Houston st, runs s e 65 x s w 1 x s e 30,o x n w 101.S lo av x s w 3 4 8 Oct 12, due Oct 15, 1904, 4i^%- Oct 21 '99. 2:442 1, 600

Elmira Bridge Co Limited and The Goodwm- Car Co Lo THE KNICK­ERBOCKER TRUST CO. 37 freight cars, &c leases, rents, &c Aug 1, due , 6%. secures bonds. Oet 2o, '99. gold, 60,660

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Saviour to The Board of Church Extenaion of the General Synod ot the Evangejical Lulh__eran Church in lhe United Siates. Audubon av. n e cor l i 9 t h at j o x 4 ( , 6 . Sub 10 morts $S,900, Oct 21. 5 years. Oct 23, 'OO. S:21o2. 2,000

Parlev lohu T to METROPOLITAN LIFB INS CO. West End av, n w cor 90th at, 32x40. Ocl 23, 'OO, due Dec 1, 1902, 4'A%. ^^l^j j -^ ,^

=!nmp to same West End av, w s, 32 n 9flLh sL, runs w 40 x n 3.10 X w () 4 X n 23 2 X e 46.4 tô av x s 27. P M. Oct 23. '99, installa, 4Yz%. 4:1251. ^ ^ ^ ^ — . - - 27,000

650 [itr.nliatiAii] RECORD AND GtJIDE. October 28, 1899.

Same to same. 90th st, n s, 40 w West End av, runs w 24 x n 61,10 X e 17.8 X s 26 X e 6.4 X s 35.10 to 9Ûth st. P M. Oct 23, '99, in­stalls, 4vyA- 27,000

Same to same. 90th st, n a, 64 w West End av, 18x83.5. P M. Oct • 23, '99, installs, 4y2%. 24.000

Same to same. West 'End av. w s, 83.5 n 90th sl, lSxS2. P M. Oct 23', '99, installs, 4i/.%, 25,000

Same to same. SOth sl, n a. S2 w West End av, ISxlOl. P M. Oct 23, '99. installs, 4^^%. 25,000

Ferrero, Amanda wife of and Edward lo THE SECOND NATIONAL B.A.XK. 57th st. n s, 35 e Park av, 17.0x80.5. Sub to morts, May 29, 5 montha, 0%. Oct 23, '99. 5:131:;. 4,-iOO

Foran, Margt J to NEW YORK LIFB INS CO, Slst st, s s, 250 w IOth av. 25x100.5. Oct 24, '99, due Jan 1, 1900, 5%. 4:1079.

7,001) Foran, Margt to Mary M Foran. Same property. Oct 24, '99, due Jan 1,

1903. 6%. 4,000 Peldman, Elias to Louis Manheim, Cherry at. Nos 93 to 97, s s, 49.6

x60, Sub to morts $ . Ocl 25, '1;9, demand, 6%. 1:251. 5,000 Friedman, Rosa lo TITLB GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO, I th sl,

No 334, s s, 295.2 w Av D, 22.7x96, Ocl 26, '99, 5 years, 4%. 2:373. 5,000

GroLh. Geo H to John W Brice, l l l s t st, n s, 150 w Slh av, 50x33.11-P M. Oct 25. 1 year, 6%. OcL 26, '99, 7:2043. 2,7-50

GoLllieb, Aaron to THB LAWYERS MORTGAGE INS CO. PUL sl. No 63, w s, abl laO s Rivington st, 25x100. OcL 24. due Oct 25, 1904, 4yo%. Ocl 25, '99. 2:313. 18,000

Greenalch, Richard U Lo Jacob D' BuLler. Cenlral Park Wesl, n w cor lOSlb st, lOO.llxlOO. Oct 24, demand, 6%. Oct 25, '99,

' 7:1844, 10,000 Gleason, Joseph J to NEW YORK LIFB INS CO. 77lh st, n s, 150 e

Amsterdam av, 18x102,2. Oct 20, 4 years, 4Y>%- Oct 21, '99. . 4:1149. ' 16,000 Gleason, Jos J. Lydia B Turney and NEW YORK LIPE INS CO each

with the other, 77th st, No 165 W. Agreement subordinating mort-gages. Ocl 18. Ocl 21, '99. 4:1149. nom

Gordon, Louise M and Theodora, Newburg, N Y, wilh Ferdinand Ehr-. hard. Sth st tSt Marks pl). No 28. s a, 386 e 3d av, 26x120. Ex­

tension of morl. April 6, '97. Oct 23, '99. 2:463. nom Gruner, John D l'o George Ehret. 3d av, No 1156. Saloon lease.

Oct 13. demand. OcL 23, '99. 5:1400. 2.465 Greenburg, Mayer to Sarah Kanzer. Henry st, No 159, 21.8x75.

Oct 24. *99. 3 years. 1:284. 1,000 Gundlâch, Henry and Henry Koch to John A McCarthy. St Nicholas

av, w s. 59,2 s e 114th st, 29.7.xl22.11x2o,3xl07.6. P M. Oct 23. 1 year. 4V2%. Oct 24. '99. 7:1823. 4,765

Halbert, Maria widow to EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS B.ANK. 19th st. n s, 3 i5 w 7lh av, 25x94.4x25x95. Suh to morts $9,000. OCL 2 0 -99, 1 year. 4%. 3:769. 3,000

Hamburger, Barneit to Mary R Goelet extrx and Geo G De Witt exr Ogden Goelet. Rutgers pl or Monroe st, n s, o2.6 w Clinton st, 26x 110. Oct 20, '99, 5 years, 5%. 1:270. 35,000

Same to Morris Berman. Same property. Sub to mort $35,000. Oct 20, '99, installs, 6%. 5,000

Sarae to Lily W Beresford et al trustées under will of Louise C Hara-eraley. Rutgers pl. No 21, or Monroe st, n s, 7S.6 w Clinton st. 26x 110. Cet 20. '99, 5 years, 5%. 35,000

Same to Morria Berman. Sarae property. Sub to mort $35,060. Oct 20, '99, instaUs. 6%. 1:270. 5,000

Heine, Henrietta L and Estella to Meyer HeUman. 109th st n s. 100 e 2d av, 75x100,11. Sub to morls $21,000. Oct 21 'Q',) due AprU 4. 190O. 6%. 6:1682. 31000

Heiiman, Myer lo AMERICAN MORTGAGB CO. 109th sl, n s, 100 e 2d av, 75x100.11. Ocl 20, 1 year. 6%. Oct 21, '99. 6:1682. 4,000

Same Lo same. Same property. Oct 20, 1 year, 5%. Oct 21, •99. 18,000

Herter. Rosamond wife and Frank W to •Cornélius H Van Ness. Manhattan av, No 503, w s, 18.5 s 121st st, 15x80. Sept 2S due Oct 1, 1902, 5%. Ocl 21, '20. 7:1947. 'l0,O0O

Herler, Rosamond lo Philip T Leyendecker, Same property. Sub Lo morls $10,000. S'ept 2,5, 1 year, G%. Oct 21, '99. 2 000

Same to C 'Elliott Minor. Sarae properly. Sub lo morls $12 000 Sept 2S, 1 year, 6%. Oct 21, '99. 7:1947, 5 000

Hoffman, Meyer to SEAMENS B.ANK FOR SAVINGS. Manhattan av e s. 25.11 s 102d st, 25x100. Oct 19, due Oct 20, 1904 4%. Oct

20, '99. 7:1837. 20,000 Same to Maria E Herrick. Bosion, Mass. Same property. Sub to

mort .$20.000. Oct 19. due April 20, 1900, 6%. Oct 20 '99 7:1S37. ' 2,000

Hoiïmann, Jobst to Andrew Brose. 125th si, s s 175 e Boulevard 104x100.11. Oct 23', '99, deraand. 6%. 7:1979. Secures notes!

Haft, Cecilia wife of and Alexander to Stanley W Dexter. 52d st No 324, s a, 294 e 2d av, 19x100.5; 52d st, No 326, s s, 313 e 2d av 19x100,0. Aug 2S, due Peb 28, 1900. 6%. Ocl 23 '99. 5-1344

^ , , 30,000 Same to James 'Buchanan and Albert H Atterbury trustées Edwd J C ( Atterbury. 106th st. n s, IOO e 2d av, 25x100.9, Ocl ' 3 '90 3

years, 5%. 6:167S. ' 30 000 Herold, George to THE BOWBRY SAVINGS BANK. -East End a'v

w s, 34.3 s Sôth st, 16.10x82'. Oet 23. '99, 5 years, 4%. 5;158l!

Hopkins, Emma A widow to THE LAWYERS .MORTGA'GE INS c'o Broadway, No 1151, w s, 75 s 27lh st. runs w 76.4 x s 26.9 x e 76 2 to Broadway x n 25.4 lo beginning. Ocl 18. due Oct 23 1901 47 Oct 23, '99. 3:828. 7,000

Hotchkiss, Juliet M to EQUITABLE LIPE ASSUR.ANCE SOCIETY Exchange pl. Nos 44 to 50, s s, 146.9 e Broad st. S9,5sl02.4xS8.9x 102,4; Exchange pl. No 52, s s, 124,9 e Broad at, runs s 74 x w 18 3 X s 29.6 X e 6.7 X s 30.6 x s e 108,2 x e 34,8 and 13,6 x n 115.6 x n w 15,3 X n 102.4 lo Exchange pi x w 22 to beginning, Ocl 16 due Nov 1. 1902. 4 ^ % , Oet 23. '99. 1:25. 500000

Howe, Sadie D to Katharine Bmbler. 150th st, s s 295 w Amster­dam av, 15x99,11. P M, Sub to mort $10,000. Oct 14 2 years 6%. Oct 24. '99, 11:2801. ' l u'ijO

•Helman, Jcseph lo UNITED STATES TRUST CO. Norfolk sl No 105 w s, 125 n Delancey sl. 25x100. Cet 24, due Nov 1 1904 4v>y Oct 2.5, '99, 2:353. 20,000

Same to Isaac Goodman. Same property. Sub lo morts $20,000. Oct 25, '99, 15 years, 5%. <'000

Hertz, Jacob with Baron de Hirsch Pund. 7th st, s s, 91.6 e l s t ~àv 21.5x90.10. 'Extension of mort. Oet 21. OcL 25, '99. 2-434 nom

Holsl. Louis lo Conrad Stein. Washington st No 782. Saloon lease OcL 25, demand. Ocl 26, '99. 2:641. 3 364

Horgan, Wm G lo Bradley & Currier Co. 7SLh st, s s. 225 w Amster­dam av, 50x100. Sub to morts $77,500. Ocl 9. due April 9 1900 G%. Ocl 26, '99. 4:1169, ' 10 687

Jacobson, Morris to Abrabam J Dworsky. Av D Nos .59 Lo 63 n w cor 5th st, 58,9x82: Henry st. No 214. s s, 70.8 e Clinton st ''S lOx IOO. Sub lo morls $ . Oct 26, '99. 3 months, 6%. 2:375 4 OOO

Jacob. Henry lo 'Rosalie Chesterman. SÔth sl, n s 200 w l s t av ' ' 5Y 102.2. Oct 23, due Oct 25, 1902, 5%. OcL 25. '99. 5:1548, 16,000

Juster, Rachel to Alex W Cahn. 1.33d st. s s, 150 w IOth av, 125x 99.11. P M. Ocl 24, due Dec 1, '99, 6%, OcL 25, -99. 7:1986.

10,000 Kennedy. Andrew F lo SEAMANS BANK POR SAVINGS. Courllandl

st, No 12, n s. I'.i3.1 w Broadway, 25x122.2x25x122,4, Oct 25, •99, 1 year, 4%: 1:63. 16.000

Katz, Max J lo Max Kobre. l l S l h st. n a, 360 e Lenox av, 50x100.11. Morts $26.000, Oot 11, 2 months. 0%. 6:1717. Oct 21, '99. 4,500

Katz, Max J and Morris L Abelman to Malvina Strachan and WiUiam McLeod, firm M Strachan Se Co. l lS tb st, n s. 53'5 e Lenox av, 50x 100.11. Sub to morts $43,000. Oct 20'. Ocl 23, •HO. Building loau. 6:1717- 2,S00

Kilpalrick, James lo Bdwin Schultleworlh- 95lh sL, No 19, n s. 100 w Madiaon av, 35x100,8. OcL 19, 2 months. Oct 20, ^99. Secures notes. 5:1507. *'1°0

Same to George Kelly. S5ib st, n s, 135 w Madiaon av, 35x100.8. Oct 19, demand, 6%. Oct 20, '99. 5:1507. 5,000

Kilpalrick, Edward W, Succasunna, N J, to Thos L Watt. Grand st, n s. 125 w Wooster st, 25x100. P M- Sub lo morts $54,000. OcL 23, '99. 1 year, 6%. 2:475. 10.000

Klein. Sali and Nandor Klein to EQUITABLE LIPE ASSURANCE SOCIETY- 2d av, n w cor lOlat st, 25,11x100. Oct 19, due Jan 1. 1903, 4Y-%- Oct 21, -99. 6:1651. 21.000

Karp, Davis and Ida his wife to Nathan aud Wm J Peck, firm N & W J Peck. l lS th st, s s, o5,6 w Park av, runs w 74.6 x s 100.11 x e 69.6 x n S 3 x e 5 x n 17.11 to beginning. Sub to morts $57,000. Re-recorded, Qct 13, demand, Ocl 23, '90. 6:1(118, 2,435

Karp, Davis to Madison G Hawke. 113th sl, s s, ,o5.6 w Park av, 74.6xl00x e 69.6 x n 83 x e ô x n 17.11 to beginning. Sub to morts $50.400. Oct 24, due Jan 1, 1900, 6%. Oct 26, '99, 6:1618, Note. 1.500

Kanzer, Sarab lo Jonas WeU and Bernhard Mayer. Monroe st. No 55, n s, 187.4 e Markel st, 25x100. P M. Oct 20, installs. G%. Oct 24. '99- 1:274. 6.000

LaUy, Mary E to Mutual Loan Assoc. 121sl st. No 249 E. Asaign rent, Oct 9. Oct 20, •OO. 6:1786.

Lazarus, Joshua lo Henry L Sprague, Broome st, Noa ,508 and 510, n s, S0,4 e Thorapson st, runs n 49,6 x e 13.5 x n 30.6 x e 28 x s 80 to Broome st x w 41.10. Aug 23, 3 years, 4 ^ % . Oct 20, 'W. 2:488. 10,000

Leilh, John H and Charles Glenn to WEST SIDE BANK. 92d st, s s, 150 w Broadway, 75x135 to a lane x75,2xl40.10, wilh all title to lane. Sub to morts $167,000. Oct 13, demand, 6%. Ocl 20, '99. 4:1239. 21,000

Loeb Joseph to Malhilde Weslerfeld. SSth st, n s, 119 e l s t av, 25x102.2. P M. Oct 19, 2 yeara, 5%. Oct 20, '99. 5:1565. 3,000

Love, Samuel Lo Ida R Hood. 22d al, s s, 158,4 w 6Lh av, 16.8x 98;9. Oct 16, 3 years. 6%. Oct 20, '99. 3:797. 5.000

Sarae to Odile M Hood. 22d at, s s. 175 w Oth av, 25x98.9. Ocl 16, 3 years, G%. Oct 20, '99. 3:797. 5,000

Levy, Léon lo THB G-ERMAN SAVINGS BANK. 7'lh av. Nos 1961 to 1969, n e cor l lS th st, 100.11x100. Oct 23, 1 year, 6%. Oct 25, '99. 7:1903, 110,000

Levy, Rachel to Max Borck. Av 'B, a w cor l l l h sl, 23x95. OcL 24, due April 24, 1900, 6%. OcL 23, '90. 2:407. 500

Ludeking, Henry lo George Ehret. 3d av, No 512. Saloon lease. Ocl 19, demand, 6%. Ocl 23, '99. 3:890. 5,000

Lustig, Josef to Mary D Abels. 2d st. No 113, s w s, 25.2x105.10, P M. Sub to mort $15,vvu. Oct 16, 5 yeara, 5%. Oct 23, '99. 2:429. 5,060

Loewenberg, Bdward to Jobn H Burt. 123d st. No 69, n s, 40 w Park av. 20x100.11. Suh to mort $12,000. Oct 24, '99, 2 years, 6%. 6:1748. 2,090

. Da .Montague, Louise to Nath G Bradford, Jr. .30'Lh sl. No 114, s s. 180 e 4th av, 20ît9S.9. P M. OcL 23, 2 years, 5%. OcL 25, '99. 3:885, 9.000

Leavy, Joseph. Louis Korn to Elizabeth B Vanderpoel. Washington, D C. 20lh sl. No 220 W, s w s, 25x85.11x25x86.7, Oci 2o, '99, 3 years. 5%. 3:769. 26.000

Same lo Isaac, Max S, Saraïuel and Gustave S Boehm. Same properly. Sub lo morts $26,000. Oct 25. '99, due OcL 16, 1900, 6%. 3,000

Malher, .MiUer Lo MUTUAL LIFB INS CO. 26th sl, n s, 320 w IOth av, 20x98.9. Oct 25, '99, 3 years, 4vyA- 3:698. 2,600

May, Maria L wife Wm M wilb Aionzo P Strong exr Marvin Strong and Helen D Churchill. 52d st, n s, 17o w l l t h av, 25x— to Hop-pers lane x25.4x—. Extension morlgage. Oct 6. OcL 25, '99-4:1160. nom

Murray, Robert to EmiUe J Murray. 119lh st, n s, 473 e Pleasant av. 100x100.11, July 1, 1 year, 4%, Oct 25, '99. 6:1816, 10,000

Marx. Germain H and Julia to Frank M and Gustav G Paul, 62d sl, s s, IOO e l l t h av, 50x100.5. Sub to raorts $14,000. Oct 19, secures notes. Oct 21, '99. 4:1153. 1,500

Moore, Jobn A to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. Oth av, No 208. s e cor 26Lb st, 26x55. Ocl 20, 5 years. 4%. Ocl 21, '99. 3:749. S.OOO

Morgan, John W to Bernheimer & Schmid, Greenwich av, No 115, n .w cor Jane st. Saloon lease. Oct 13, demand, 6%. Oct 21, '99. 2:616. 2.060

M'aloney, Thomas to Joseph Beneditto and James Rogers. West End av, n w cor 96'Lh st, 25.2x100, Oct 18. deraand, 6%, OcL 23, '99-7:1887. 3,000

-Marvin Alfred H to Albert Erdman. Columbus av, n e cor 107Lh st. 25.2x100. Oct 16, demand. 6%. Oct 23, '99. 7:1843, 8,744

Mulgrew, Rachel widow lo Roberl Blackburn. 182d st, n s, new line, 1S3.2 w Amsterdam av, 16.10x79,9, P M. Oct 23', 'â^, 3 years, 5%. 8:2155. S.OOO

Meisinger, John J, Adam J and Peter A and Julia Welle to THE EAST RIVER SAVINGS INST. Norfolk st. No 59, w s, 100 s Eroome st, 25.9x100. Oct 24, '99. 1 year, 4i^%. 2:351. 11.000

Margerin, WilUam to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO, 127th sl. No 56. s s, 285 e Lenox av, 25x99.11. Oct 25, 5 years, 4%. OcL 20, '99- 6:1724. 9,000

-Miller, John L to Michael Coleman. 76th al, s s, 100 w .Amster­dam av^runs s 96.10 x w ,50 x s 26.10 x w 100,11 lo e s Broadway x n w o2.9 X e 89.1 x n 72,8 to 76th sL x e 75 Lo beginning. OcL 24, 1 year, 6%. Oct 26, '99. 4 j l l67 . 110,000

Same lo same, 75lh sl, n s, 12o w .Am'Sterdam av, 25x107.5. Oct 24, 3 years, 5%. Ocl 26, '99. 4:1167. 15.000

Mitchell, Sylvester L lo Louia Bossert trustée. Waahington st, -Mo 440, s w cor Desbrosses sl, 21.10x82.10x21.10x82.3. Sub to morts $16,500 Oct 18, demand. 6%. Oct 26, '99. 1:223. 7,028

McAleese, Thos P to Beadleston & Woerz, 53d st. No 158 E. Saloon Iease, Oct 14, demand. Oct 25, '99, 5:1307. .367

McDaniels, Aunie Lo TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. Am­slerdara av, No 509, e s, 75.1 s S5Lh st, 27.1x100. Oct 23, 5 years, 4Y2%- Oct 24, '99, 4:1215, 28,000

McGuire, James to Jere J Campion, 49th st, No 304, s s 75 e 2d av, 2ox50.3- Oet 25. '99. 5 years, 5%, 5:1341. 7,000

Niles. Clara H wife ot and Arthur L lo EQUITABLE LIFB ASSUR­ANCE SOCIETY. SOlh st, n s, 165 w Wesl End av, 17x102.2. OcL 26, '99, due Jan 1, 1902, 4îi,%. 4:1244. gold, 13,000

Octoher 2a, 1899, RECOUD A^D GUIDE. EManliatialij «SI

Ohl, Daniel lo Peter Wynen and John C Heesters. 25th st. No 212, a s, 198.1 e 3d av, 26.4x98.9. Oct 24, '99, 5 years, 5%. 3:90o.

25,00u Oppenheim Moses lo Abram E Bamhurger guardian Alice C J and

Louis E Bamberger, 2d av, No 1146, e s, 60 n 60th st, 20x75. Oct 23, 5 years. 4%. Ocl 26. '99, 5:1435. 6.000

Oppenheimer, Edward, Bdward and Henry Hirsh mortgagees with John H Leith and Charles Glenn morlgagors. 92d sl, s s, 150 w Broadway, 75x135.10 to a lane x75.2xl40.10. wilh ali title to lane, Agreement as to priority of mort, Oot 13. Oet 20, '99. 4:1239, nom

Perigord, Bessie, Marquise de Talleyhand, Paris, France, Mary J Rus-poli, Rome, Italy. Geo W L Curtis, Catskill, N Y, and Benj L Cur­tis to UNION DIME SAVINGS INST. 36tb st, n s, 7o e 7lh av, 41x98.9. July 25, '99, due Nov 1, 1904, 4%. Oct 20, '99. 3:812.

. 70.000 Phelps, Annie B to Chas K and Kath M Beekman trustées W m B

Beekman. 42d st. No 320, s s, 241.S e 2d av, 16.8x98.9. Oct 30, •99. 3 years, 4Vi%- 5:1334. 6,000

Picken, John A to Jobn N Molter, Providence, R I. IS l s t st, n s, 175 w Park av. 2 lots, each 25x99.11. 2 morts, each $21,000. Oct 20, '99, due Jan 1, 1905. 5%. 6:1756, 42,000

Pierce, Daniel to Hettie A Bedell. Sth av, n w cor 151st et, 199.10 to 152d sl xlOO. Sub to morts $21,5.000. Oct 18. 1 year, 6%. Oct 20, •99. 7:2046. 12.000

Porr, William to Benjamin Salinsky. 32d st, n s, 175 e l l t h av, 25x 98.9. Oct 24, '99. due Nov 7. ^99, 6%. 3:704. 350

Frange, John E, Collège Point, L I, with Amanda and Leopold Bleyer mortgagors. l s t av, e s, 75.3 s 71st st, 25.1x113. Extension of mort. Oct 6. Oct 23, ^99. 5:1465. nom

Paul B Pugh Se Co, a corporation, to THE IRVING SAVINGS INST. 92d st, n s, 175 w Central Park West. 84,2x—xSOxlOO.S. Oct 25, •99, 3 years, 4 '^%. 4:1206. 160,000

Sam-e with same. Same property. Consent of stockholders Lo above mort. Oct 25, '99. -—-

Prendergast, Patrick to GER'MAN SAVINGS BANK. '85lh st. n s. 150.2 w Amsterdam av, 25.6x102.2x25.8x162.2. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1900 6%. Oct 25, '9'9. 4:1233- 37,000

Same to D WiUis James. S5th st, n s, 150 w Amsterdam av, lOOx 102,2. Suh lo morls $37,000. Oct 20. 1 year, 6%. Oct 25, ^99. 4:1233, • 5,000

Peyser, Fredk M lo THE SEA.MENS BANK POR S-4,VINGS. 47lh st, s s, 117 e Oth av, 20x100.5. Oct 26, '99, 1 year, 4 ; j . 5:1262.4.000

Quirk, Palrick J to Sarah Billings et al exrs and trustées Chester Bil­lings. 95Lh st, s s, 117.9 w .Madison av, 2 lots, each 16x109.8. 2 morts, each $22,000, Ocl 25, '99. 3 years, 5%. 5:1506. 44,000

Sam« Lo De Lancey N B D Coleman and Chas S Brown trusiees Jo­séphine Y Birney. 95th sL. s s. 236.3 e 5th av. 16xlC0,S. Oct 24, 3 years, 5%. OcL 25. ^99. 5:1506, 22,000

Ritter, Geo B lo TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. Washing-•ton st. No 446, w s, 82.2 s Watts st, 17,11x80-2. P M. Oct 24, due Oct 21, 1801. 4%- Oct.25, '99. 1:224, 6,000

•Rode, August C and Anna C with Cora and -Agnes Cook. SSd st, n s, abt 279.7 e 3d av, 25.5x102.2. Extension of mort. Oct 25, '99-5:1529- nom

Same wlth same. Samte property. Extension of morl. Oct 25, '99. 5:1529. nom

Romeo, Michael Lo Orrin D Person. l l l l h si, n s, 100 e Lenox av, 75 xlOO.ll. Oct 21, '99, demand. G%. 6:1595. 7.500

Rafel. WUl and Prank B to PROVIDENCE INST POR SAVINGS, R I. 45th st. n s, 176.3 e 6lh av, 37.6x100,5, P M. Oct 23, '99. 2 years, 4^%. 5:1261. 45,060

Reitraan, Serephins to Charles Blum and .\ugusla P Henkel, Hous­ton sl. No 279 E, s s, 2.5x102. Leasehold. Oct 21, 2 years, 5%. Oct 23, '99. 2:350. 5,000

Ravinet. Charles to Bernheiraer & Schmid. 2d av, No 1584, n e cor 82d st. Saloon lease. Oct 23, demand, Oct 24, '99. 2.970

Raymond, Susan A widow to Julius Miller, 82d st, n s, 151.7 e 2d av. 17,2x102,2. Oct 24, '99, 2 years, 5%. 5:1545. 1,000

Rumel, Adolph A to Peter Doelger. .35th st, No 422 W. Saloon Iease. Oct 18. demand. 6%. Oct 24, ^99. 3:732. 400

Rosenberg, Joseph and Jacob Feinberg, Brooklyn, to Hyman Adelstein and Abrara Avrutine. Slanton st. n e cor Cannon st. 100x75. Oct 25. deraand, 6%. Oct 26, '99. 2:330. 10,000

Ruasell, Samuel to Max Gouonsky, Park av, a w cor lOOlh el 100.11 x73.3. Sub to all liens. Oct 25. due Jan 25, 1900, 5%. Ocl 26, •99. 6:1605. 1,000

Schmidl, Bertha lo REAL BSTATE TRUST CO. 102d sl. No 226, s s, .385 e 3d av, 2,5x100.11. Ocl 25. 3 veara 4%%. Ocl 26, '99. 6:1651, " 10,000

Schnugg. Prancis J to Isaac Melzger. l s t av. n e cor 91sl sl, 50,Sx 94. P M, Ocl 24, due Sept 6, 1900, 0%. 5:1571. 20,000

Same to same. Same property, Sub to morls $20,000. Oct 25, due SepL 6, 1900. 6%. Oct 26, '99. 25.000

Schultz, Louise wife of and Louis to Esther H and Joseph Byers trus­tées John Byers. IOth av, -Xo 215. n w s, 24,8x100. Ocl 26. '99, 5 years, 4Vi%. 3:694. 16,000

Sheedy, Cath C to -Buphemia S Coffin. H3d st, n s, 200 e Sth av, ôOx 99.11. Suh to raorts $13,500. Oct 20. demand, 6%. Ocl 26, '99. 7:20-29. 2,600

Same lo Edmund Coffin. Kingsbridge road, e s, 50,6 s 187th sL, in-Lended, runs e 107.7 x n 50 to 187th st x e 50 x s 150 x e 50 x s 50 X w 187 to road x n 151.5. Ocl 20, demand, 6%. Oct 26 ^99. 8:2167. 7,000

Stern, Caroline to Rachel Jandorf, 120th st. No .361, n s, 166 w -Manhattan av, 17x100.11, P M. Ocl 26, '99, 1 year, 4>-A%. 7:1947,

10,600 Sander, Frederick to The P & M Schaefer Brewing Co. Elizabeth

at. No 224, n e cor Prince sL. Saloon lease, Oct 14, deraand, 6%. Oct 24, '99. 2:507. 1,000

Scheinkman, Bernard to Henry De P Weekes. Suffolk st. No 68, e a, 75 n Broome st, 25x50. Oct 24, '99, due Nov 1, 1903, G%. 2:347. 1:000

Stanton, Jamea M to Mary Dodd as trustée. Av A, No 1014, n e cor sr.th st, 25.-5x79-8- Ail title, &c. Oct 23. •OO, due Nov 1, 1900, 6%. 5:1.371, 1,000

Swift, Heury J lo PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIPE ASSURANCE SO­CIETY. 74th at, s s, 62 w 9th av, 18x102.2. Oct 24, '99, 3 years. 414%, 4:1145. gold, 20,000

S'asserath, Myer S to Bernheiraer & Schmid. 3d av. No 2180 a w cor 119th st. Saloon lease. Ocl 20, demand, 6%. Ocl 21 '99. 6:1767. 4,000

SeUgson, Jacob to India Wharf Brewing Co. Monroe st. No 77 and Pike st, Nû 56. Saioon lease. Mar 17, deraand. Oct 20, '99. 1:274, 1,000

Sieling. William to Leontine Marka et a! exrs David Marks. 17lh sl No 29. n s, 4.35 w 5ih av, 25x92. P M. Oct 18. due Oct 17 1904 5%. Oct 20. '99. 3:819. goid. 30.000

Simpaon, John W to UNITED STATES TRUST CO. ôtb av No S26 e s. 117.10 n 73d sl, 26..3xlOO. Oet 20, '99, due Nov 1 1900, 4Y2%. -^^ISSS. _ 7S.00O

Same to same. Sth av. No 92o, e s, 07 n 73d st, 20.10x100, OcL 20, '99, due Nov 1, 1900. ^ ^ ^ ^ 60.000

Sommer, Jacob lo Pincua Lowenfeld and William Prager, 3d av, Noa 1517 and 1519, e s, iti-7 n 8oLh st, 51,1x100. OcL 19, 1 year, 6%, Oct 20, '99- 5:1531- 24,000

Stimpson, Geo A to Marion C Walsh. 64th st, n s, 372 e Amster­dam ;av, 18x100.5. Oct 20. '99. 3 years. 5%. 4:1136. gold, 15,000

Slone. Franklin A, Bioomfield, N J, lo Mary M Ward, Wasbinglon, D C. lOOtb sl, No 121, n s, 245 w Columbus av, 20x100,11, P M. OCL 17, 3 years, 5%, Oot 20, '99. 7:1861- 12,000

Slyles, John H, Jr, Lo Frank H Plalt and De Witt 'C Overbaugh trus­tées, 163d st, s e, 200 e Amsterdam av, lOOxlOO. Oct 11, due Jan 1. 1900. Oct 20, •99. 8:2110. 6.600

Sarae to Anna N Rogers. lG3d sl, s s. 20O e Amsterdam av, lOOx 112,6. Sub to morts $78,060. Ocl 14. due Jan 1, 1900, 6%. Oct 20, '99. 1,000

Sander, Sébastian to John Pish. l lS tb sl, Nos 11 to 15, n a, 210 w 5th av, 3 lots, each 25x100.11. Each lot sub lo part mort $82,000. 3 morts, each $4,667. Oct 18. demand, 6%. Oct 20, '99. R S $2,00', 0:1717. 14,660

Smilh, Chas E Individ and trustée Martha B Smith lo FRANKLIN SAVINGS 'BANK. 78th sL, No 305, n s. 66.10 w Wesl End av. 16.4x69. Oct 23, '90. 1 year, 4%. 4:1186. 10,000

ScuLhack, Eugène to Henry R Gordon, Idlewild, N Y. Broadway, No 194, e s, 20 n Jobn at, 24.3x162x23,4x161.5; Broadway, No 196, e s, 23x160x22x160; Broadway, No 394, e s, 28 s Walker sl, 27.9x175 to Courllandt alley; Sth av, w s, 141 s 28Lh si, 28,2x100; 9th st, n s, 344,6 w Ôth av, 16.8x92.3; 25th si, s s, 250 w 6Lh av, 25x 81.4x'25xS1.6. 1-42 pari of all. Oct 23, '90, 3 yeara, 6%. 1:79 and 195, 3:829 and' 800, 2:573. 5,000

Sheedy, Catherine or Cath C to Joaeph C Levi trusiee, Kingsbridge road, e s. 50.6 s lS7lh st, intended, runa e 107.7 x n 50 to_s s l'S7th st X e 50 X s 150 x e 50 x s 50 x w 1S7 to road x n lol .S, Oct 19, 1 year. 6%. Oct 25. '99. 8:2167. 36,500

Same lo sarae. 143d st, n s, 200 e Slh av, 50x99.11. Sub to raorts $10,000, Jerorae av, e s , — n Tremont av, being lots ,30 and 31 raap 54 lois at Treraont, 24lh Ward, annexed to deed raade by United Real Eslale and Trusl Co to Kountze. Sub to morts $4,600. Oct 19, 1 year, 6%. Oct 25, '99. 7:2029-11:2854. 3,500

Swel-nick, Louis to Louise J Tilby, MarlteL st. No 30, e s. Oct 25. '99, installs, 6%. 1:275. 2,500

Taylor, Edward H. Jr, lo Adélaïde S Prévost, l l l t h sl, n s, 440 e 7ih av, 15x100.11. Oct 25, '99. due Nov 1, 1902, 5%. 7:1821.

gold. 13.500 Teichraan, Edward B and Jennie B aud H Douglas Potier to Hyman

and Henry Soun. 91st st, n s, 120 w Cenlral Park WesL, 57x100.8, Sub to morts $92,500. Oct 20, 'E!9, demand, 6%'. 4:1205. 7,700

Same to GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. Same property. Oct 18, due Nov 1, 1900, 6%- Oct 20, '99. 92,500

Tischler, Sol L and Rosie B to Threasa Tischler, Slh st, n s. 75.3 e Av C, 20x72.9. Oct 6, 5 years, G%. Oct 21, '99- 2:375. 3,500

Tuso Raffaela and Michelina Mangiere to Thomas Brown, Spring sl No 19 n s, 71.3 n w Elizabeth sL, 25-9x24xSl-7it23.5xll0.1O. P 'M. Oct 13, due Nov 1, 1904, 5%>- Oot 23, '09. 2:493. 20,000

Sarae to same. Sarae property, P M. Oct 13, due Nov 1, 1902. 6%. Ocl 23, '99. 2,000

Teller. Eliza M widow lo Peler F Bamm'ann. 19th si, No 318 W. s s, 21.10x92. Oct 26, 1 year, 4y2%- 3:742- 1.000

Ubeiacker, Christian to FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK- 164th st. No 451, n s, 144.8 w old Edgecom'be road or av, 25x136,1x25.2x132.8-Oct 26, '09, 3 years, 4Vi%- 8:2111. 3,000

UNITED STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST CO trustée Matthew 'Byrnes lo TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 3d av. Nos 403 to 40914, e s, 24.8 s 29th st, 74.1x90. Oct 24, '99, due Oct 1, 1902. 4^%. 3:909. 45,000

Volz, John to THB .EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK- 85th st, n s. 250-10 e 3d av, 25-7x101-6x25.1x102,1. Ocl 23, '99, due Juue 6, 1901, 5%, 5:1531, goid, 2,500

Vogel, Max to Charles L Hotfman and Julia Prank, 112th st. Nos 233 and 235 E. Certiflcate of amount due on morlgage. &c. Oct 26, '99. 6:1662. _ nom

Wadley, Albert to Vaasar Collège. 120th st, s s, 125 e olh av, 37x 100.10. oct 26. '99, 1 year, 5%. 6:1746. 4.300

Wiedhopf, Adolph to George Kessier. 75th st, Nos 422 and 424, s a, 253 e l s t av, 55.6x102,2, Sub to morls $44,000. Ôct 25, due May 1, ISOO, 6%. Oct 26, '99. 5:1469. 1,500

Wieland, Théo P and Prank W to George Ehret. 30th st, s s, 167 w 7th av, 23x98.9. P M. Oct 25, 1 year, 5%, Oct 26, '99, 3:779,


of the U S. 107th st, s s, 225 w Colurabus av. 100x100.11. P M. Ocl 12. due Oct 1. 190O, 5%, Oct 20, '90. 7:1861, 20,000

Webber, Wm G lo IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 113th st. No 16, s s, 243.9 e Slh av. 18,9x100.11, Ocl 20, '99, 1 year, 5%. 6:1618. 12,500

W^iesuer, George to Jacob RupperL, 93d st. No 319 E. Saloon lease, Ocl -20, '99, deraand, 6%- 5:1556- 1,065

Wright, Wetherall Lo Bernheimer & Schmid. Gth av. No 81,3, s w cor 46th st. Saloon lease. Oct 23, demaud. Oct 24, '99, 4:998-

1,509 Wheaton, Esther A to Samuel Stirn. l l l s t st, n s, 150 w 8th av, SOx

99.11. P M. Oct 25, '99: 1 year, 6%. 7:2043. 15,000

B O B O U G H O F B B O N X .

Morlgages under Lhls head marked with * dénote that lhe property is lo-cated in the new Annexed District (Act of 1805).

Ahl, Maurice lo Chas J Richter and Washingtou H Irwin trustées Channing 'M •Britton, 139th sL, s- s, SOO e Willis av, 25x100. Oct 25, '99, 5 years, 41/3%. i):22S;î. 15,000

•^Abbatl, Agnes A to THE PARK MORTGAGE CO. Road leading from Village of Westcheater to Eaatcheater, w s', adj land Dennis Heddy, runs s w 18 chains 50 links to Iand Dr Turnbull x n w — lo land Denuia Heddy x e — to Stouy Brook x n — to a corner x e to a cor­ner x a — to beginning. Ocl 18, 3 yeara, 4YyA- Oct 21, '99. 10,000

Arclander, Arlhur J to John P Sieeves. Grant av, e s. new Iinej_95.5 n lOlth st, runs n 21,3 x e 111.8 x s 16 x w 16 x s 5 x w 9o.6 to begiuning. Sub to morts .'p4,260. Ocl 17, 1 year, 5%, Oct 20, '99. 9:2447. 700

Same to BUza Segelken. Sarae property. Oct 17, 5 years, 5%, Oct 20, '99. 9:2447. i.200

Babb, Robt B lo Sarah J Shaw exlrx Robt L Shaw, Katonab av, w a, 75 n Clinton av, 25x100. Oct 20, '99, 3 years. 6%. 12:3375. 2,500

"Buser, Predk E lo Edwd M Neill and Coles Morris exrs J josepha Neill. 179th sl, s a, abt 3,"0 w Bronx Park av, 25x100. P M. Aug 24. due Nov S, 1902, 5%, Oct 21, '99. 420

Briggs, John C lo Samuel Hyman. Fordham or Highbridge road. n a. as widened, 129,11 e Valentine av, runs n 100 and 53.11 x a 135.1 lo road x w 60,6 to an angle x atili w 63 to beginning. Oct 23, due Nov 25. '99, 6%. Oct 25, ^99. 11:3154. gold, l.flflO

Brown, Wesley A lo Norlh New York Co-operative B and L Assoc. Minford pl. e s. 300 n Jennings st, 25x100, Sept 22, due Sept 26, 1802,6%. oct 25, '99. 11:2977. _ _ _ 3,500

,652 [Brousj ËECORD AND GUIDE. October 28,1899.

Brunckhorst, Frederick lo Chas J Richter and Washington H Irwin trustées Channing M Britton, 139lh sl, s s, 52o e WUlis av, 2,5x 100 Oct 25, ^99, 5 years, 4 ^ % - 9:2283, 15,000

Brautigam. Joseph A to Sarah A Wright. Trinity or Cypress av, e s. 283.3 s 149th st, 16,9x109. Oct 21. due Jan 1, 1903. 5%. 10:2557. Oct 23, ^99. , 4.000

"Breslin, Sarah to Warren J Mitchell. Thwaites pl, n s, 133 e WUl­iamsbridge road, 25x114,9x25x115. Correclion mort. -Aug 5, due AUg 3, 1902, 5%, OcL 24, •99. 2,^0

BurUngame, Fred C lo Chas H Darmstadt. Union av, s w cor Daw­son st, 25x100. Sub to mons $17,139. OcL 21, due May 1, 190O, 6%. Oct 26, '99, 10:2665,

Cassidy, Ghas O'C and Eliz C to Julia R Kinkele, ISGlh 325 e WiUis av, 25x100. Oct 20, 1 year, 6%, Ocl 21, '99.

e ,s. 408,6 n lG5ih st. 113,4x185,7x114,8x198.11, beiug land under water; alao^ land al Tarrytown, N Y. OcL 23,- ^90, 1-year,. 0/„. 9:2365 and 2503, ^_^ .-,J'

Leilner, Jacob lo Harriet E Brownaon. Union av. No Gio, e s, — o n 152d sl, 16.8x95. Oct 18. Collatéral mortgage. Oct 20, 9J. 10:2675.

McLaughlin, Bernard Lo Mannah_WillB-iandt av, 25x100.


1,875 st, n s, 9:22SL

1.500 Clarke Richard H to Bllen Wilson- Tremont av, s e cor Prospect

av both widened, 102x100x106x90. Oct IS. 4 years. 6%. Oet 20, '99, 11:2956. golâ. l.- OO

•Cohen. David to Edwd SI T Kennedy trustée John P Kennedy. 3d av. s e cor 174th sl, 26,11x100. P M. Oct 20, 3 years, 4i^%. 11:2930

gold, 22,o00 Same to Sylvester Pope, Wra L Condit and Edwd P Schell trusiees

Joséphine L Peyion. 3d av, e s, 26.11 s 174th st, 3 lots, each 25x 160. 3 morts, each $14,.500. Oct 18, 3 years, 5%. Oct 20. '99,

43,oOO Same to Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co. 3d av, s e cor 174lh st, l O l . l l x

100. Sub lo morte $66,000. Oct 18, 1 year, 6%. Oct 20, •09. O.OOO Cowen Samuel to Eliz W White. Vanderbilt av East, e s, 50 n

186th st, 50x100. Oct 20, '99, due Feb, 190O, 0%. 11:3040. 'ï.oOO Same to Ray Relier. Same property. Sub to above raort. Oct 20,

•99, demand, 6%. 800 •Cusick. Patrick H to Palen-Thompson a corporation. 156[h at, s w

cor Jacksou av. 25x90. P M. Aug 26, 1 year, G%. Oct 20, '99. 10:2635. 4,2o0

Same to same. 156lh st. a s, 25 w Jackson av, 50x90. P M. Aug 26, 1 year, 6%. Oct 20, '99. 4.2-30

Conroy, Michael to James T Sraith. Bathgate av, w a, 216 s 17oth st, 24x114,5. Sub lo morls $3,250. Ocl 23, 1, 2 or 3 years, 5%. Oct 24, -99. 11:2916, SOO

Dougherty, Wm A to New York Building Loan Banking Co. ISOth st, n a 60 e Tiebout av, ^ x 9 0 . July 11. installs, 6%. Ocl 24, '99. 11:3143. 5.T60

Davidaon, Manuel Lo Marie B Starbuck, Mt Vernon, N Y. Simpson Et e s, 215 n 167th st. 25x100. Extension of mort. Sept 30. Oct 20, '99. 10:2728, nom

Dalton, Mary E wife of Jamea to The Franklin Society for Home Buildiug and Savings. Pelham av, formerly Union av, lot 473 map S Cambreling et al at Fordham, 25x108, Suh lo Pelham av widen-

• ing. OcL 23 '.99, installs, 6%, 11:3067. 1,200 Eggers, Geo W. to Mary L McCready as trustée. .Sd av. No 3108, e s,

124.6 n lôSth st, 20.3x88.16x24.10x107. Oct 20, '99, o years, 5%. 9:2360. 20,000

Sarae to AMERICAN MORTGAGE CO. 3d av, No 3116, s e s-, 94.6 s w Brook av. 25x91.2x22.5x104,11. Oct 20, '99, 5 years, 5%. 5:1312. 1T,000

' Prey Freda wife of Charles lo HARLE.M SAVINGS BANK. Stebbins av, e s. ,388 n 167th st, 50x100. Oct 21, 1 year, 5%, OcL 2.3, '99, 10:2692. 2,o00

Feldman, Elias lo Louia Manheim. 3d av, w s, 100.2 s 173d st, SOx 90.5x50x95.3. Sub to morls $—-. Oct 25, '99, demand, 6%-11:2920. 3,500

*Garvey, John L morlgagee wilh John Bussing. Jr, Mt Vernon. N Y. Fulton sl, n w a. being lot 107 map Washingtonville. Agreement as lo priority of mort. Oct 13. Oct 23, '99. nom

Guion. Mary A lo Louisa K Kuntz. Tinlon av, No 1226. e s. 265.7 n * IGSth st. 22x100. P M. OcL 13. 3 years, 5%. Oct 23, '99. 10:2673.

Gray. MalUda lo Cyrus Hitchcock. Willis av, e s, 121 n ISSth sL. • 20x92. Ocl 21, 1 year, G%- OcL 23, '99. 9:2280. 500

Gonzalez, Filoraena lo HARLEM S.AVINGS BANK. 144fh st, s s, 108,4 e Wiliis av, 16.8x100- Oct 23, 1 year, 5%. Oct 24, '99. 9:228S. 250

. Gordon, Prank W and John Gillingham to Frederick Boss. Park or * Vanderbilt av Eaat, e s, 225 s 182d st, 25x150. P M. Oct 19, 3

monihs, 6%. Oct 20, '99- 11:3037. 900 Hammer, Annie to Louisa Rauch. Fairmount pl, s s, 222.9 w Mar­

mion av, 25x75.4x25x i7. -\ug 15, 3 years, 5%, Oct 20, '99. 11:2954. gold, oOO

Hargrave, Wm J Jr, to Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co. Morris av, e s, 238.3 n 184th st. 37.6x120. Sub to morts $5,500. Oct 19, 6 months, 6%. Oct 20, '99. 11:3173. 3,0.50

Same lo Charles Strauss. Same property. Oct 19, due Nov 1, 1902, 5%. 11:3173. 5,500

Same to Simon Siebel, Morris av, e s, 425-9 n 184th st, 37,1x120. • Ocl 10, 3 years, 5%. Oct 20, '99. 11:3173. 5,500

Same to Charles Strauaa. Morris av, e a, 275.9 n 184th st, 2 lots, each 37.6x120. 2 morts, each $5.500. Oct 19. due Nov 1, 1902, 5%. OcL 20, '99. 11:3173. 11,000

S'ame lo Julie P H Nevins. 'Morris av, e s, 350.9 n 184Lh st, 2 lots. each 37,6x120. 2 morts, each $5,500. Oct 19, due Nov 1, 1902, 5%, Oct 20. '99. 11:3173. 11,000

Same to Ernsl-Marx-Nathan Co. Morris av, e s, 275.9 n 184lh st, 187.1x120. Sub Lo morls .$5,500'. Oct 19, demand. 6%. Oct 20,

• '90. , 1-5,235 Hammond, Walier C, Kingston. 'Mass, to Fredk A Strang, Freeman

st, n s, SS.l e Prospect av, 50x67.4x52.3x82.6. P M. Sept 23, due Oct 21, 1902, 5%. Oct 23, '99. 11:2971. l.SOO

Hohl, Cbarles to Catharina H Hagemeyer. Union av, as widened, w s, IIO.S n 166th st, 2 lois, each 19,8x90.9. 2 morla, each $1.000, Oct 23, '99, 1 year, G%. 10:2671. 2,000

Same Lo same. Union av, as widened, w s, 89.6 n 166th st. 21x90.9x 21.2x90.9. Oct 23, '99, 1 year, 6%'. 1,000

*Huerslel, Hortense to Melvin A Deering. Lincoln st, w s, 100 n Columbus av, 25x100. P M. Ocl 23, 3 years, 5%. Oct 24, '99. 300

Herrman, Wm P lo ITALIAN SAVINGS BANK of City of N Y. 165lh si. D s, 2o,6 w KeUy sl, 75x87.5x75x82,2. Oct 26, '99. 1 year, 5%-10:2705. 2,000

Holding, Wm F Lo Chas Ë and Jacoh C Applehy_and John S Sutphen trustées Léonard .A,pplebv, Jerorae av. No '2425, w a, 301,1 s High­bridge road, 19.7x100x19.5x100, July 25, 3 years, 5%. Ocl 26, •99. 11:3199. ô,00O

Same to sarae. Jerome av. No 2423, w s, 320,S s Highbridge road, runa a 19.2 x w 100.2 x n 19.1 x n e 4.10 x e 100 to beginning. July 25, 3 yeara, 5%. Oct 26. '99. 5,000

Same to sarae. Jerorae av, No "2421. w s, 339.11 s Highbridge road, 19.10x100x25.4x100.2. July 25, 3 yeara, 5%. Ocl 26. '99- o,000

Knaggs, Robert L to John Harney- Courtlandt av, e s, 75 n Benson st, lioxlOO. Ocl 26, '99, 3 years, 5%. 9:2328. 8.000

Ketchum, Edgar to Cecilia L. Conron. Brook av, n w s, at intersec­tion n s 3'd av, runs n e along 'Brook av SS'.2 x w 75.S to Port Mor­ris Branch R R x a S6.8 lo 3d av x e 46.3 to beginning; Jerome av.

„„„„„ loôth st. n s. 3o0 w Court-P M. Oct 17, 5 years. 5%'. Oct 21 , '89 . 9:241o.

1,000 Same to same, 155th st, n s, 375 w Courtlandt av, 25x100. P M.

ocl 17, 5 years, 5%. Oct 21, '99, .-,n-,„ McCarthy, Patrick to Louis Schiller. Norwood av. n s, 4^0 w - OOLU

sl 50x100, P 'M, OcL 23. '99, 1 year, 5%. 12:3349. lOO Morgan Thoraas lo Adelhert S Nichols, Burnside av, No oel , n s.

39.2 w Anthony av, 18,8x81,8x18-4x87-8. Ocl 20, 1 year, o7c- Oct ' '3 '99. 11:.3156. • ,_ " ' ^

Same to Mary J Davis. Burnside av, No 533, n s, 20,6 w Anthtjny av, 18.8x87.8x18.4x93,7. Ocl 20, 1 year, o%. Oct 23. '99, 11:3161 (?), , l'OOO

Mulligan, Mary A lo Equitable Co-operative Building and Loan Aasoc, Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, n w s, at centre line of a si known as Northern Terrace, protracted, runs w 114.3 x s 90,6 to Parkway X long same — lo beginning. Ocl 2, instaUs, 6 ^ . Oct 23, 9,)._ 13-3417 . . . (oO

Meehan, James F lo Josephiue T Greene. 153d st. No 626, s s, 2-oO e Courllandt av, 25x100. Oct 2.3, 3 years, 5%- Ocl 24. '99. 9:2399

l.s,1100 Melzler, John H to Henry Keck. Valeniine av, w s, 1-74.5 s ISOlh

- si 25x99.9x25.x99.n. Oct 7, 3 years, 6%. Oct 24, '99. 11:3144-3149 " S'-'OO

'Murrav Meradilh J and Bliz M his wife to Matilde R De Gonzalez. La Fontaine av, No 2052. e s. 14S,2 s ISLHh sl, 16.3x100. Ocl 23, due NOV 1. 1902, 5%, Oct 24. '99, 11:306|9. ^ ^2.:m


• Marthaler, Joseph lo John J Clancy. Poreal av. e s, new lir^e. 344 n IGSth st. 75x13-5. Oct 25, '99. due Jan 17. 1900, 6%.


10:2660.- 4,000 ie E Richnond Co, X Y, lo Morton D Boyne guardian itch. ' Jackson av, e s, 58.4 n laSth st, 16.8x87.6. Oct 2-o

ji;<.rs. 5%- 10:2647. 1,006 Mor'é'an Thomas \o Marv J Davis, Burnside av. No 533, n s, 20.6

w -Anthony av, lS,Sx,S7..8x1S,4x93.8. Ocl 20, 1 year, o%. -Rere-

Miller. Jeun Aima T Hatch '99, 3 year

corded. 1,600

Park R R Co xl8.5x127.6; 203d al, n s, l'20,9 e Grand Boulevard aud Concourse, 25x127,4x25x127.5. Oct 24, 1 year, GA. Ocl 26. •99. 12:3309. gold 4-^00

O'Brien Jobn J to John C GifRug and Henry Karstens trualeea Clark­son Rolius. Balhgate av. e s. 78 n IS l s t sl, 26xl00x2'oxl00. Oct 17. 3 years. .5%. Oct 23. '99. 11:3048. i.'MO

year, 5%. Ocl "23. '99. 0:2293. ,^^ 3,000 O'Brien John J to Cath A Concklin. Bathgate av, n e cor IS l s t sl,

26x100. Ocl 23, 3 years, 5%, Ocl 24, '99. 11:3048 7,000 Poldow Mary to Henry Rothschild. Rogers pl, e s, 283.0 n West-

chesler av. 16.8x90. Oct IS, due Jan 1, 1903, 5%. Oct 20, '99 10:2699. '' OO

Quinlan, Bliz M lo Wilhelmina Mayer, St Anns av, e s, 502 s 156lh st, 26x90. Ocl 26, '99. 1 year. 6%, 10:2617. 1,000

Rossman Annie M wife and Jonas A lo William M Purdy. Alexander av e s 7-'2 s 137lh sl, 14.6x75. Sub to morts $2.000. OcL 26, '99 due Peb 14, 11101, 5%. 9:2298. 3.000

Same lo same. Alexander av, e s, S6.9 s 137th sl, 13.9x7o. Sub lo morls $2,000. OcL 20, '99, due Feb 14, 1801. 5%. _3.ÛOO

Ranieri Peter and Mary to Harriel Rueger. Penfold av. s s, lo4 e Prospect av runs s 58 x n e 2S.2 x n lOO.o to n s Penfold av x w 22 X s 60. Oct 23, 5 years. 5%. Oct 24, '99. 11:2937-2942.

goid. 2.4C0 Reinschmidt, Charles lo Murray Hill Co-operative Building and Loan

Assoc Plot begins 80 n w Orchard av and 265 u e Sarauel st, runs n w 75 X n e 18..11 lo 181sl sl x s e 70 x s w 18,11. Sub lo morls $2,600. Oct 23, inatalls. 5%. Oct 24, '99- 11:3121. 400

^'Rafferty Mary E .- Lo Marcus H Horion. 2d si. n s, wesL pari loi - 9 map Wm Adee al Wesichester, 40x100'. Suh to morts $2.000. Ocl 0, 1 year. 6'%. Oct 23, '99. 12/ „ . . . . „ „ , . ., . >.T,. Montgomery


Rohrig Mary H to EMPIRE CITY SAVINGS BANK, av, w s, 173,8 n 176tb st, 25x109. Ocl 23, '99, 1 year, o_%, 11:2877.

6%. 9:2358. 10.000 Ries Louise P K lo Berlha Loeb. Brook av. No 498, e s, 24.11 n

147lh st 24,11x101), P M, Ocl 25, '99, insialls, 6%. 9:2274. 600 Sattier Tlieodore and Lydia to Thomas O'Conuor. Av A, e s, north

estate lo

11:3170, „ 3^00 Sehmidt, Eliza C wife Carl J to Laura F Van Riper. 143d sL, n s, 225

e Willis av 15x100, V. pari and all tille. Sub to morts. $1,500. Oct 21, due 'Jan 1, 1903, G%. Oct 23, '99. 9:2288, 500

Spallone, Michelangelo and Maria Martucci to John and Malhias Haf­fen flrm of J & M Haffen. Morris av, w s, ICO s 153d st, 25x100. Oct 9. 1 year. 5%. Oct 23, '99. 9:2442, 4,000

Schmuck, Herman and-Michl Montag lo Bradley & Currier Co. 3d av, e a .50 n Spring pl 75x101x70x100, Mis $55,000. Oct 17, due Jan 17. 1900. 6%. OcL 24. '99. lO:260S. 6.000

*3pruieU, Démons lo Amanda Tousey, Split Rock, N Y. 7th av, s s, 305 w White Plaius road, 100x114, Wakefleld. P M, July 18, in­sialls, 5%. Oct 24, '99, 4,850

Stevens, Richard V Lo Jacob Weill. Intervale av. s e s, al w s Bar­rello st, runs s w 97.9 x s e 27 x e 34.11 lo w s Barretto sl x n 95.7. P M, Oct 19, due Sept 26. 1900. 6%. Oct 24, '99, 11:2974. 2.1.50

Same to Charles Springer, Same property. P M. Ocl 24, '99, de­mand, 6%. 1,000

Sarae lo Hannah Keiler. Vanderbill av East. e s, 50 n 186th st, 50s 100. P M. Sub Lo mort $4,400, Ocl 18. 3 monihs. 6%. Oct 24, '99. 11:3040. 1.300

Schwarzler, Amelia lo Duane S Everson. 173d st, s a, 2.30,0 e Web­ater av. 40,4x100. Oct 19, 3 years, 5%. Oct 20. '99, 11:2897.6,000

Smitb Thos M to Bradley Se Currier Co. 3d av. n e cor Wendover av, 39.5x100x43,11x100. Sub to morts $42,000. Ocl 19, 4 monibs, Oct 20, '99. 11:2929. ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ m ^ 4,375

October 28, 1899. tlËCOËt» M D GtlffiË. [Âïaaliaiianl <553

BohlUL, Matthew and Anna to EMIGRAXT IXDUSTRIAL SAVIXuù BANK. 153d si, n s, 295,3 e Morris av, 25x100, OcL 26, '99, 1 year 4%. 9:2413. -1.000

Tansley, Frank D to Rowland W. Thoraas and Isaac L Dunn, Bosion road, s s, 317.11 e of angle in said road opposite Jefferson sl, runs e 100 X e 7.6 to w s Prospect av x n 54,11 and 58,7 to road x s w 43.7 to beginning. P M. Sub to morts $4,0iU0. Oct 25, '99, 1 year._ 5%. 11:2862. 2,(DO

*Trede, Conrad to YO-NKERS SAVINGS BANK. Malilda st, w s, 166.8 s De Milt av, 39.9x100x38.6x100, South Mt Vernon, Oct 12, 1 year, 5%. Oct 25, '99. 2.400

Wright, Wm H lo -Mary L Jex extrx WilUam Jex, Tinton av. No 1224 e s 243.7 n 16Sih st, 22x100. Agreement correcting descrip­tion in mort dated May 15, '99. Ocl 19. Ocl 23, '99. 10:2673. nora

Wallach, Isaac,'Leopold, Joseph G and Emanuel iruslees Samson Wal­lach for benefil of Lena Wallach morLgagees .>vith Margaret Smith, Albany, N Y. Tremont av. s s, as widened, 60.8 e Vanderbilt av Bast old line, runs s w 64.2 and 19.5 x n e 67 to av x w 19,9 to be­ginning. Extension of mort. Mar 1, '99. Ocl 21, '99. 11:2009, nom

MORTGAGES-ASSIGNMENTS. (The datea following the descrlpUon of the property given ln thia list Indi­

cate when the original mortgage was reeorded. The mortgagea without any BpeclQed date were reeorded during the current year.)

October 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26.

BOBOUGH OF MANHATTAN. Bereaford, Lily W et a! trustées Louis C Hamersiey to David E Op­

penheimer and Jos Hamershlag. Re-recorded. .lOlat at. No 329. . n s, 250 w West Eod av, 20.4x100.11. Oct 24. '99, __ 12,000

Berman, Morris to Sender Jarmulowsky. Rutgers pl. n s, 78,6 w Clin­ton st. 26x110. Ocl 20. '99. nom

Same to same. Rulgers pi. n s, 52.6 w CUnton st, 20x110. OcL 20, '99. iiom

Brooks, Clark exr Mary E S de Ramos to Alouzo P Strong exr Marvin Strong and Helen D Churchill. 52d st, n s, 175 w l l l h av, 2.i-\— Lo Hoppera lane x25.4x—. Oct 20, '99. -Mi

Boehm, Isaac and Max S lo Gibson Putzel. 19th sl, Noa 2i4 and 276, s s, 110 e Slh av, 40x123.5x40.3x128.2. Ocl 25. '99. lo,0'3ù

•Bowers Jobn M and ano exrs Jamea N Plall lo Eveliua C Bliss, Rivinglon sl. s s. 90 e Mangin sl, 22x75, OcL 25, '99, 6,027

Baker, Wm H lo Georgina Mosea. 122d st, No 24.i East. OcL 23, '99. nom

Beck, Frederick to Amelia E wife Chas E Runk. 7lh av, s e cor 131sl si. 49.11x75, Oct 23, •99. nora

Cohn Berlha lo Fredk W Beinhauer, 131st sl. No 145 WesL. OcL 23,'-99. 4.50O

Cohn, Félix lo William' Schiff. 64lh sl, n s, 130 w 2d av, 50x100.5. Oct 25, •OO. 4,750

Callanan, Lawrence J to James A Kerap. 4lh st, n w cor Barrow st, 22.10x71.6x22.7x75.4. Oct 21. '99. 7,000

Danziger, Adolpb to Charlotte Hastorf. Lewis at, e s, 100 n Riv­ington st. 25x100. Oct 24. '99. 6,000

Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co to Solomon Moses. 150th st. n w cor Con­vent av. 25x99.11x68,5x108,11. Oct 2G. '9!). val consid and 100

Pox, Edwd W lo Wilhelmina Mayer, Olst st, No 164 B. Oct 20, 'SO. nom

Fischer, Carl to Neilie C Vau Reypen. 63J st. No 161, n s, 225 e Amsterdam av, 25x100,5. Oct 24, '99. 2,500

Gardiner Florence io Eliz M Roe extrx Alfred Roe. Lexington av, w s, 50.9 s 94th at, 16.7x75, Oct '20, '99. 2,000

General Society ot Mechanica and Tradesmen of City N Y to Slephen M Wright. 46th al, No 15 W. Ocl 20. '99. nom

Gillender, AugusLus T as commitlee .A-ugusta Hyatt to WilUam Ran­kin. I lSth st s s, 175 w 5lh av, runs w 44 x s 100,11 x w 0.4 x s KtO.ll to 117th st X e 46.3 x u 100.11 x w 1.10 x n 100.11 to be­ginning. Oct 20, '99. 18,000

Hirsh, Edward and Henry to Moriiz Falkenau. 96th st, n s, 375 e Amsterdam av. lOUxlOO.ll. Ocl 20. '99. 12,000

Hawkins. Fanny C and Chas I exrs Ahial M Hawkins to Maggie Schwab. Broome at, s a, 100 e Norfolk st, 25x100, Oct 24, '99.

3,038 Heilner, Emanuel, Moses J Wolf and Morris Mayer Lo AUen L Mor­

decai. Amsierdam- av, s w cor 179Lh sl, 25x100. Oct 2o, '99. val consid and 100

Heine, David R to Chas L Hoffman and Julia Frank, 112th al. Nos 233 and 235 E. Ocl 26, '99. nom

Josephthal. Louis M and Brnest exrs Moriz Josephthai to Louis Jo-sephthal. l/> part. Spring st. No 19, Filed and discharged Oct 26, •99. 9,000

Kings County Trusl Co to Laura E Mills, .\misterdam av. w s, 20 n 151si sl, 1.8.3x75, Piled and discharged Oct 25. '99, 4,017

Kroger, Henry, John Riete and John H Hingslage exrs Herraann H Hinalage to Henry L Meyer, Madison av. s w cor 137th st, 24 . l lx 9.5. Leaaehold. Oct 24. '99. 4,250

KeUy, George to Martin D Pink. 95th st. No 10, n s. 135 w Madison av, 35x100.8. Oct 20, '99. nom

Lockwood. Sarauel and Thos S, Boston, Mass, and Maria D Westcott and Eraraa H Lockwood to. Zacharias H Oppenheimer, Central Park Wesl, n w cor S9th st, 25.8x100. Oct 24, '99. 20,000

MacKaye, Henry G exr and trustée Lewis T Warner to The City Trust Co trustée Lewis T Warner. 19th st. No 39. n s, 200 w 4th av. 25x92. Oct 24, '99.

McCrorken, Owen to Zacharias H Oppenheimer. w s, 25,8 n SOth st, 25x100. Oct 24, •!)9.

Manning. Wm D to Thos R A and Wm H Hall, firm William HnUs Sons, Rutgers st, n e cor Henry st, 25x104.6. OcL 20, '99. 1,100

Mehrbach, Jeannelte to Julla Mehrbach. l ]5 th si, s a, 75 e 2d av, 25x100,10, Ocl 23, '9!). 2,500

Odell, Benj B, Jr, and Edwd H Hobhs receivers .Murray Hill Bank to Danl E Seybel. 67th sl, s s, 250 e Columbus av, 125x100,-5- Oct 25, 'OO. 0,000

Rives, Geo L guardian Samuel W Pomeroy, Jr, to Allen L Mordecai. Slh av, w s, 75.S s 112lh si. 25.1x100- Oct 20, '90. 7,739

•RuLh, Abraham to Henri Strasbourger. 5lh st, n s, 32-1.6 e Av C, 16.5x83xl7.SxS3. Oct 20, '99. eonsid omUled

Shephard, Harry S to Henry J Braker. Assigna 2 raorts. Riverside Drive, s e cor 83d at, runs e 42 x a 31.8 x e 12,1 x s 7.4 x w 30.4 to Drive x n 42.10 lo beginning; Riverside Drive, e a, 69.3 s S3d st, 26.4x66.10x24x77.9; Riverside Drive, e a, 95.7 s S3d at, 26.4x55.11 x24x66.]0; S3d at, a a. 42 e Riverside Drive, runs a ,31.8 x e 12.1

nora Central Park West,


12,000 Stein, Tbeo G to Hélène Stein. West End av, s e cor 97th st, 100,11

xlOO. Oct 24, '99. nojn Smilh, Adon N exr J D F Smilh to Adon Smith trustée. 78'th st n a

66,10 w West End av, 16,4x69, Oct 25, '99. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 12,046

Sevestre. .\,ugusle L lo Jacob Fischel. Monroe st. No 73. Ocl | 6 ^

The'Cily Morlgage Co to Bdward Winslow, Olh st. a s, 100 w l s t av, 25x93.11. Ocl 25, '90. , ^ , „ ^^"

Title Guarantee and Truat Co to Abbie C Morrison. Amsterdam ay, No 500. 'Oct 24, '99. . ^ ^ O'OOO

Same to H o m e for Old Men and Aged Couples. A m s t e r d a m av, e a, 52,2 s S4th st , 2.5x90.10. Oct 24 . ' 99 . , , ^, ly-O™

Weeks, W m R exr Edwln Lis te r lo E s l h e r G Selhy. l l t h st , No 13G EasL; 4 th al. No 3 5 Weat. Oct 26, '99. °o°l

BOBOUGH OF BBONX. Boehm, Sarauel C, Isaac, Gustave S and Max S to Martin Maurer, Jr .

Brook av, w s, 195.2 s Wendover av, 100x39.1x—x39. Oct 24 '09. 6,5Uil

Barton, Wm C lo WUhelmina -Mayer. St Anns av, e s, 502 s 156th st, 26x00. Oct 26, '99. . .Dom

Cowperthwait, Joséphine N guardian Predk N Cowperthwait to Jo­séphine N Cowperthwait trustée Fredk N Cowperthwait. Ellon av n e cor IGOlh st, 50x100. Oct 20, '99. nom

Same as trusiee of same to The Greater New York Savings Bank. EUon av, n e cor IGOth st. 50x100. Ocl 21. '99. nom

Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co to Soloraon Moses. 3d av, s e cor l (3d st, 74.9x90,6x84.6x100. Oct 24, '99. va! consid and 100

Falvey Cath B to George Hill. 163d st, n s, old Une, 81.3 e Forest av. 25x122. Oct 25, '99. l.'>00

Goldschraidt, Julius, Hamburg, Germany, to Marcus Newburg guard Aima Newburg- Trinity av. No 1040. Ocl 25, '99. 5.014

Hamiilon 'Bank lo Araalia Friedmann. Trinity or Cypress av, e s , 283,3 s 149th sl . 16,10x109. OcL 25, '99. 3.o00

Haviland Mary J Lo Harriel Rueger. Penfold av, s s, 1.54 e Pros­pect av, runs s 5S x n e 2S.2 x n 100.5 to n s Penfold av. x w 22 x s 60 to beginning. Oct 24, '99. 1.709

Païen George to Wm R aud Alex R Thompson. Jackson av, w s, 90 s 15Glh st, 200x73.6. Oet 24, '99. 3.366

Parkin, Louisa F lo The City Mortgage Co. Jacksoii av, e s, 25 n ISSth sl. -50x87.6. Ocl 25, '99. 100

Petty, Soulard Se Walker Really Co Lo Clinion H LeggeiL. Washing­ton, now Elton av, n w cor IGOth st. oOxlOO. Oct 25, '99. nom

Powell Sarah H lo Joann W and Katharine W Sewall. 135th sl. No 806 Easl. Oct 23, '9.9. 11,000

Smith F Vinton to The Tweltlh Ward Bank. Robhins av, south cor 149th st, 80x75. Oct 25, '99. 1,000

Steele, John A K to Mary M, Anna L, Bliz J, Julia F Barretto and Alonzo C Stewart and Sarah A Gesner. Plot begins e s Old Creek •and bounded s and w by said creek x e by lands Widow Brown and n by iand Cornélius Leggett, coniains 6 acres. Oct 20, '99. 7,000

Sieeves John F lo Bverelt L Barnard. Forest av, e s, 100 n IGSlh st, 50x108. Oct 26, '99. 500

Thoraas Rowland W and Isaac L Dunn lo Charlotte Hastorf. Cro­tona av, No 1417, w s, 140.5 n 170th st, 25x100,10x24.2x111.8, Oct 20, '99. 1,000

Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Geo H Risley. Boston road, new line, n e cor 164th st, 107x117,10x99.7x156.10, Oct 20, '99. 23,000

Thompson, Wm R to Maud B Thompson. Ys part. Jackson av, w s, 90 s 1.56th st, 200x73,6. Oct 24, '99, nom

Winslow, Edward to Henry W Ford truatee. 165th st, s e cor Tinton av, 2-5x100. Oct 24, '99. 100

SATISFIED MORTGAGES. NOTE.—The first name is Ihat of the mortgagee; the second name is

the mortgagor; the araount, when given, foUows, then the section and lhe liber and page.

October 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26.

B O B O U G H O F U A N H A T T A N . i

,4,nderson, Archibald J C to John A Roosevelt: .$8,000, 2. .36, 412. Blocb, Emraa lo Clarence D Pord. $1,000. 7, 97, 184. • Bloodgood. John H to Hedwig Hofker, $23,600, 2, 44, 19. Blake, Reginald S lo Aaron Gottlieb, $'20,000, 2. 43, 221. A-. Basch. .Amanda Lo Edward Lowenberg. $2,000, 6, 6, 273, ^ Bibley, Andover A to Mary A Cannou. $6,oOO, 7, 96, 271, l Bussing, Amanda lo Patrick Lynch. $3.000, 7, 96, 270. BuUer, Jacob D to Alfred Waidron. $1,460, 7. 106, 155. 'Bernheimer Se Sehmidt to Geo Augenraeyer. $2,500, 7, 7, 4.S9. Boehm, Saml C to Joseph Leavy, Î IO.SOO. 3, 71, .340. Cornwell, George to Bdmund Bird. ,$ -, 6, 24, 316. Coles, Mary to Andrew F Kennedy. $16,000, 1. 16, 466. Continenlal Trust Co lo Besaie Marquise de Talleyrand Perigord. $60,-

000, 3, 64, 495. Cooper, Robt W to Richard Larab. $ , 7, 1, 420. ? Dale, Anna T to James S Dale. $ , S, 5, 289. ^ ""f Sarae lo same. -$ , S, 12, 62, ,;** Dahlman, Sarah to Marcus 'B Bookstaver. $—^, 5, 19, 364^ •" Danziger, Max lo Patrick J Quirk. .$64,000, 5, 87, 2. Same lo same. ,$50,000, 5, SS, 205. Dayion, Williford to Jobn Leslie, $10,000, 3, 35, 9 . Daughlon, Mary lo Erick Selen, $700, S, 62. 82-Dryer, Henry H to Hannah B Williams. $2,203, 7, 94, 235. Ellenville Savings Bank to Edwd C Bohde. $8.000. 2, 65, 323. Edwards Robert and Thomas lo Thomas Edwards. $8,000, 3, 30, 17S. Edwards, Roberl to Frank A Green. .$33,000, 3, 34, 268, Field, Thos G lo Mary Muller. ,$9.000, 7. 41 . 96, Falconer, Ja* H to Anna T Dale, ,$ , 8, 4, 49S. i Felkenan, Moritz to George Daily. $12,000, 7, 73, 3o7. Feran, Mary M to Margaret Foran. $ , 4, 92, 27, Predenbury, Wra 0 to Jacob Hess. $910, S 18, 107. Fronde, Ashiey A to Margaret O'DonneU, $4,000, 2, 61, 366. Gunther, Laura A to Chas Lowen. $28,000, 4. 47, 295. Gross, Leo lo Belsie Siiverraan. $1,4(0, 5, 31, 121. -,1 Gottlieb, John to Rev Dr Philipp Klein. .$4,000, 2. 27, 282. "• Gulwllllg, Alfred to Bdwd N Taylor, $13,050. 7. 98. 200. Haraersblag. Joseph to Paul B Pugh, $15.000, 4, 97. 213, Same lo same. $27,C0O 4, 91, 371. Sarae lo same. $00,000. 4, 94. 319. Hughes, John J lo Mallhew C Kervan. $3,000, 7. 80, 258, Haines, Nathan to E V R Gmbh. $ , 2, 56. 54. Helme, Geo P to Eliza M TeUer. $200, 3, 60. 212. Inness, G Julia to Frederick Kuhlmaun. $2,000, 6. 32, 391, James D WiUls to Palrlck Prendergaat. $35,000, 4. 90, 381, Jarmulowsky, Sender to Barnetl Hamburger. $7.5CO, 1, 55, <tîS. "• Same lo same. $21.000. 1, 57, 359. / • • Korn, Isidore S Lo Geo E Fahys, $7,500. 4, 82, 97. Kellogg. Annie W Lo Mary E Dempsey. $1„500, 6. TS., 31. Kempner, Elias lo Bdward Wilckens. $25.000, X 6». 440,. Kranzer, Sarah lo Mayer Greenbaum. $1.000, i. 56-, 401. Kernochan, Fredk J lo Mary A Cannon, .'S2T,<360, 7, OT, .34.1. Lahra. Philip Lo The German EvangçUeSl Reformect aethaay Church.

$1,500, 6 ,30 ,187 . . __ . . . _ _

654 L^anliatiaiij RECORD AND GtflbË. October 28,189^.

Levy. Katharine lo Felice Granieri. $.500. 6, 71, 533. Lyons, Susie T lo Wm W Dashiell. $1,500, 7. SO, 177. Leyendecker, PhiUp T lo Rosamond Herter. $3,000, 7. 63, 454. Loeb. Joseph to Robert Loeb. $575, 5, 70, 418. Lowerre, Tbos H to Lydia A Bliss, $14,000. 4, 64, 277. Meyer, Maria to Charles Meyer. $7,000, 2, 68, 367. Minor, Elliolt to Rosamond Herter- $5,006, 7, S9, 442. Mordecai, Allen to John A Picken. $4,000, 6, 78, 270, uMoore, John G lo Sadie Howe, $-—, 7. 83, 12. Moore, John G lo Sallie B McCall'. $2,500, 7, 72, 432, Moses. Georgina to Wm Lyman, $ , 6. 71, 320. Nesbit, Pred J to Mary A Cannon. $6.300. 7, 101, 361. N Y Life Ins Co lo Margaret Foran. $6,000, 4^ 87, 227. Norwood, Louis M lo Frauk Goodwin. $3,oOO, o, 70, 181. Oeters. John H to Henry N Benson. $9,000, 7, 103, 471. otlen. Peter to Elizabeth Klingier, $5,000, 2, 50, 487. Oppenheiraer, Henry to John T Farley, $70,000, 4, 91. 86. Same to same. $88.000. 4, 90, 217. Philbriek, Emeline B lo August Hamelhurg. .$4,000, 6. 54. 422. Paddock, EUa L to Jacob Jung. $22,000, 7, 65, 497. Pell, Alfred D to U S Trust Co. $75,600, 5, S l , 108, Rhinelander, Williara< to Jacob Herb. $8,000, 5, 85, 388. Rogers, Henry C to Robt W Chandler. $5,000, 2, 42, 218. Rosenberg, Herman to Joseph Hamershlag. $40,000, 4, 94, 292. Rothschild, Matilda Lo Geo W Eggers. $10.000, 4, 83, 337. Reed. Mary L lo Léonard Jacob. $ ^ , 4. '23, 231. Smilh. Joseph W to Louis Swelnick, $5,500. 1. 12, 447. Schwarz, Henry G to Benjamin Wood. $6.000, 6, 41 , 330. Seward, Abhie A to Alice E Hughes. $1,500, 2, 86, 102. Sonn, Hyraan to Edw B Tcichman. $45,000, 4, 91 , 310. Same to aame. $49,000, 4, 91. 308. Staftord, Cora lo Daniel Ohl. $22,000, 3," 34, 248. Steward, John A lo Henry L Slade. $18,000, 5, 74, 455. Slrum, George lo Frederick E Clayton. $1,110, 3, 46, 20. Tarlovski, Israël lo Abe Brumer. $10,000, 1, GO, 292. The Brooklyn Savings Bank to Joseph Lawrence. $10,0'ÛO, 3, 67, 286, Thorason Charles lo Jacob Wertheimer. $1.000. 2, S6, 337. Toop, Geo H lo Mary A Cannon, $1,000, 7, 101, 465. The Equitable Life Assur Soe to Thoa Berkeley. $20,000, 7. 67, 266. Sarae to Babelta Bacbarach. .$17,000, S, 72, 28. Same lo Kate Hausmann. $5,500, 3. 73, 344, The German Hospital Dispensary lo John D Feldman. $15,000, 7, 59,

160. The German Savings Bank lo Henry Jacob. $1,000, 5, 86, 1. The Rector, SeC, Church of Incarnation to Joseph Goldstein. $10,000,

5, 66, 335. The Emigrant Indust Savings Bank lo Lawrence J Callanan. $10,-

000. 2. 20, 412. The Washington Trust Go to John Leslie. $ , 2, 43, 496. The Irving Savings Insl lo Ellen M Blancard. $6,000, 1, 44, 320, The N Y Savings Bank lo Ratje 'Bunke. $3,500, 6, 42, 280, Tille G & T Co lo Joseph Leavy. $17,2-50, 3, 71, 338. Sarae lo same. $9,000. 3. 74, 143, Tburber, Horace K to Margt J Lange. $ — - , 7, 5, 238. Uphara. Geo P to Johu McLaughlin. $11,000. 5. 43, 89. Union Trust Co to The Bxchange Place R E Co. $190,000. 1, .32. 183. Van Ness, Cornélius H Lo Alfred Rauchfuss. $10,000, 7, 16. 382. West, Zimri to Bmma Fiah. $10.000. S, 18, 264. Wagner, Peter lo Louise V Weber. ,$-2,100, 7, 103, 321. Willia, Wra P lo Margt Selina Erne Cameron, $1,5.000, 7, 39, 95. Watt, Thos L lo Louis Narbourue. $10,000, 2. 92, 371. Wetmore, W Henry to Lorin B Hine. $3,500, 8. 12, 69. Wynen, Peter lo Daniel Ohl. $3,000, 3, 42, 304. Yutte, Christian W Lo Charles Meyer. $3,000, 2, 50, 137.

B O B O U G H O F B B O N X .

Appleby, Chaa E to Wm F Holding, 3 morls, each $5,000. $15,000, 11, 52-54-55, 296-130-88.

Birkmire, Wm H to Richard W Ahbotl. $1,475, 11. 44, 274. Brann, William, to Frances Betz. $1,500, 9, 15. 29, Brown, Malilda 'B to Alfred Emerson. $3.000. 11. .30, 75. Bell, John J to James F Meehan. $5,000, 9, 48, 10. Deere, Mary to Bdwariï Golthelmer. .$4.000. *. 1, 475. De Harl, John to Jos D Jennings. $6,2-50, 9, 45. 418. Deyckman, Susan to Agnes A Abbott. $500, "*, 6. 54, De Grauw, Marie E to Henry Muller. $1.5,000, Ô, 23. 294. Diehl. Henry to James F Meehan, ,$ , 9, 41, 363. Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co Lo Wm J Hargrave. $26,000, 11. 42, 302. Friedmann. Amalia lo Joseph A Branligan. $3,500 10, 10 342. Filzsimons, James lo WUliam Wirth. .$ , 12, 12, 438. Gusthal, Leopold lo Geo W Eggers. $7.500, 9, 29, 249. Haffen, John lo Nicholas DrouL. $100, 9, 23, 449. Same lo same, $3,500. 9. 18, 322. Kuhn, Augusl to Rowland W Tbomas. $1,600, 11, 51, .314, Krulz, Louia K to 'Cath A Lowerre. $3,200, 9. 23, 203. Karstens, B Carrie lo Horatio A Tieraau. $2,000, 9, 2S, 56. Lawrence, Laura A to Henry 'Muller. $15,000, 9, 23. 297. Levy, Jefferson M to Michael O'Hanlon. ,$300, *, 6, S5. . • Lowenstein, Moritz to Frederick Koedding. $2,o00 "* 5, 199. •Mace, Malinda-to Henry -C -Markus. $900, *, 2, 337. Merril!, Emma H to Jobn G Clifford. $3,200, 11, 28 432. -Millinery B and L Aasoc to Peler J Conlon. $3.500, 10 1 26S MerrUl, Emraa H S to John Sommerville. .$4,'2O0, 9, IS 197. Melzler, John H to George Hudron, $1.300, 11, 30, 467. N Y & Suburban Co-operative B & L Assoc to Mary Poldow. $9 000

10, 35, 38. O'Connor, Thoraas to Tito Chiaffarelli, $S00, 11, 36, 340. Ohle, August -C lo Joseph Webber. $1,000 11, 51. IOO. Pollack, Williara to Gottlieb Schullhies. $1,000, 10, 11 186. Purdy, Wra 'M to Jonaa A Rossraan. $1.000, 9, 38, 217. Same to .\nnie M Rossman. $1,00. 9. 39, 79, Rider , Ray to Sarauel Cowen. $800. 11, 53, 218. Reuger, Harriet to Peter Ranlerl. $——, 11. 30, 380. Same to sarae, $ , 11, 32, 188. Riehan, Montroae R to Chas A Posa. $1,850, 11, 53, 8,3. Rotberrael. Albert to Heury Frera. $2,000, 9. 50, 105. Scott, Thomas to Lizzie Hauser. $69, 11. 44, 207. Smith, Isaac P to John H -Melzler. .$3.000. 11, 30. 222, Siehel, Simon to Wm J Hargrave. $35.000. 11, 41. 432. Steeves, Jobn F to Wm B Brooker. $700, 9. 20, 175. Sieeves. John F to Jos D Jennings. $1,500, 9, 47, 118. Stroock, Moses J lo Samuel Cowen. $450, 11, .53. 220. Slraus, Isidor to Emanuel G Bach. $ , 9, 11, -219. The Mutual Life Ins Co to Mary E Bixby. $22,500, 11, 19, 311. Tbe Ml Morris Co-operative B and L .Assoc to Emily Corbett, $3,-500.

11. 31, 70. Valentine. Mitchel to Bdward Fredericb. $5,000. *, S. SS, While, Elizabelh lo Chas A Foss. $10,000. 11. 53 30. Wentz, James M to David Coben. $30,000, 11 44 '^79 Same to same. $38,000, 11, 47, G\

The following satiafled morlgages refer lo lhe old libers and pages, previous to Jauuary, 1S91, when lhe lot block syslera went inlo force:

Audubon, Maria R lo Henry E Janes, $9,000. 9. 40. '209, Barbey. Mary E lo Michael Fay, $23,000, 2,461. 291, Barry, John D to May Amelia Barry. $- , 2,850. ,S95. Bradford, Nathaniel. Jr, Lo Thos U Ross. $9.000, 2,556, 410. Dorsell, Lydia S lo Harry W Brevoort. $5.000, 1.440, 373. Farnham, Eliza C to Isaac Wolt. $——, 2,619, 139. Guidet, Jenny lo Hannab Kenedy. $6,000, 2,221, 131. Hensey, Elizabelh lo Christiana Nesingler. $5,000. 1.972, 177. Hunier, Cath S to Jobn Beaudel. $16,000, 2,439, 132. Joaephthal, Louia lo Cbas Jackson. $18.060, 2.410. 296. Keck. Mary R lo John Eigeubrodt. .$ , 2,318, 329. Keenan, Patrick to Louia Stein. $12,000 2.098, 65. Lewis, Henry to Wm P Howell. $2,000. 2,086, 287. Same to same. $2.000, 2.086, 300. Moller, Peler, Jr . lo Peler Feudricb. $7.000. 1,850, 371-Mills, Laura E lo Thomas Bailey. $ , 2,599, 490. Marshall, Maria L to .Henry J Swift. $ — - , 2,223, 297. Meisinger, j\dam to Christiana Nesingler. $7,100, 1,970, 144. N Y Produce Exchange to Edward Lange. $16.000, 1,767. 208. N Y Life Ins Co lo John Jennings. $17,000, 1,312, 206. Nultal, Bsther to Geo P Eberle. $1,000. 2.613, 314. Oliver, Tbos S to Francis McQuade. $18,000, 2,321. "403. Paiiley. Almira H lo Jobn Brant. $5,000, 1,510, 364. Putnam, Clifford lo Abraham Stiers, $9,500, 1,984. 219. Smith, Adon lo Marlha B Smith. $ , 2,441, 455. The American Missionary Assoc to Pauline Verdier. $2.000. 1,760. 103. Tbe Trustées of Leake & Watts Orphan House to 1 Wolf, $ - — , 2,5S5,

152, The German Savings Bank lo Thos F Cooke. $14,000. 1,8-2.5, 63, The German Savings Bank to Clara, Henry and Louis Wiegman. $4,-

000, 2,622, 2SG, The Muiual Life Inaurance Co to Wm P Howell. $3,0CO, 2,086 24S Same lo same, $3,000, 2,086, 268. Wissm'an. Prancis De R Lo Mary P T Norwood. $10,560 1 808 7 Yutte, Christian W to Charles Meyer, $10,000. 1,958 397. Same to sarae, $2,000, 2,207, 1T6.

PROJECTED BUILDINGS, H â v e 7 o n t a k e n s p a o e i n t h e n e w l U n s t r a t e d B n i l d l n a

L a w s ? S t a n d a r d p n l i l i c a t i o n f o r ArohiteGtfl, B n e i n e e r a , B n i l d e r s , C o n t r a c t o r s , M a t e r i a l D e a l e r s , B e a l E s t a t e O w a -era. A n offloe t o o l , i n c o n s t a n t a n d p e r m a n e n t nse* A oard i n i t ^riU e n a b l e y o n t o t a l k e v e r ; d a y t o y o n r o n s t o m e r a a n d t o p o s s i b l e ons tomera , I n c o m p a r a b l y s u p e r i o r t o e i r -o n l a r s . T b e m o a t eff ic ient f o r m o f a d v e r t i s i n g . A l l tha b i e , w i d e - a w a k e firma a r e s e c n r i n g s p a c e . T b e b iggeBt t h i n g e v e r i s s u e d . D o y o u w a n t t o g e t i n ? S e n t a p o s t a l o a r d f o r p a r t i e u l a r s . A n -onusual o p p o r t n n i t y .

The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; m'n I « maaon; c'r for carpenter, and b'r tor builder.

When character of roof la not menOoned, it is to be understood that th» roof Is to be of Un.


15S5—Pill st, No 127, G-sty brk flal and siores, 25x87; cost, $20,000; Louis Richman, 89 Bowery; ar 'ls, Kurtzer & Robl, Bowery cor Spring sl.

1588—Ridge st, No 132, G-sly brk ilat and siores. 27x87; cost, $20,-OOOj L Sroka, 258 Delancey si; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery

lo9(—Worlh st. No 103. 1-sty oysier stand. 15x12; cosL. $100; ow'r and ar't, John G Gardiner, 170 Schermerhorn sl, Brooklyn.

1599—2d av, n w cor 9Lb al. 7-sly brk and slone tenem't and store. 39.6x100; coal, $85,000; Simon Jacobs, 212 Clinton at; ar't, Cbas B Meyers, 1 Union sq W.

16C0—9lh st. No 233 E, 6-ity brk lenem't and store, 45x58,11. 63.3; cost. $40,01)0; ow'r and ar't, same as last,

1602—Mott st, a e cor Prince st. 6-aly brk flat, 23.6xllo,7, 121.1: cost. $27,000; Aronson Se Baum, 43 E 75lh st; ar 'ts, Schneider Se Her­ler, 46 Bible House,

BETWEEN MTH AND 59TH STREETS. 1590-26th st. No 45 W. 1-sty brk electric station. 18x92; cost, $1.-

000'; Edison Blectric IU Co, 53 Duane st. 1592—2d av. No 1162, l-aly brk store, 15x25; eost, $800; Erdman &

Blumenthal; ar 't , E L Angell, 1.08 Fultou sL. 1503—23d st, Noa 329 and 331 E, two 6-sly and basement brk and

sloue flats. 25x85; total cost, $60.000; A B Tigor, 1123 Park av; ar ' t . G P Pelham, 503 ôth av. ' 1.59S—25th st. Nos 230 and 232 E, C-sty and basement brk and atone

flat and atore, .39,9x86.6, 79.10; cost, $40,000; Benedict A Klein, '125 E 120th st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, -SOS 5lh av,

1607—33d Et, s s, 330 w Slh av, 6-sly brk and stone flal, 60x87.10; cost, $90.000; Schmuck & Montag, 2S7( 3d av; ar't, John C. Burne, 101 W 42d st.

BETWEEN 69TH AND 125TH STREETS, BAST OF STH AVENUB. 1584—llSth st. n s, 295 e l s t av, 1-sly brk store, 28.6x28,4; cost,

$1,500; Henry Peelsch, 409 E l l l l h st; ar ' t . W C Dickerson, 149lh sl and 3d av.

I S S l - l s t av, s e cor 94th sl, four brk coal poekets and sheds; lota! cost, $9,000; Hencken & Willenbrock, on premises; ar ' l , J C Hankinscn, 93 Watts st.

1609—93d st. No 413 E, 1-sty brk dweU'g, 21.2x47: cost, $1,560; Jos Horgan. 247 E lOSth al; ar ' t . Henry Kemlein, 23 W 131st st.

1610—93d st. No 413 E, 2-sty brk stable, 25.x42,l ; cost, $1,000; ow'r and ar'l, same as last. 09TH & 125TH STS-, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AND STH AVB.

1577—93d at, s s, 125 w Central Park Wesl, G-sly brk and slone flat. 50x88,8; cost, $75,000; James Livingston, 108 W S4th at; ar 'ts, Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125th al.

IIOTH TO 125TH STREBT, BETWEEN 5TH AND 8TH AVENUES. 1586—7ib av, e s, l lGih at to 117lh sl, S-sly brk flat, 201.10x171:

cost, $500,000; W W Astor, 21 W 26fh st; ar 'ts, Clinton & RusseU, 32 Nassau st.

lo9S—St Nicholas av, w s, IIS.S n l lS lh sl, lwo 5-sly brk flals and siores, 29.7x115.2, 130.8; lotal cost, .$60,000; Gundlâch & Koch, 204 E S6th at; ar'L, Jobn Hauser, 1441 3d av.

B O B O U G H O F BROITX. 1573—164th sl, s a, 1,50 w 3d av, 2-sty frame carriage house, 25x30:

cost, $1,500; Benedicta Vetter, on premises; ar 't , A Pfeiffer, 2766 3d av. 1574—Prospect av, s w cor Ritter pl, 3-sty Irame flat, 2ÛK55; cost, !

October 28, iSpg. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan

$5 ,000 ; W n i i a m s Se F a r l e y , 1264 Bosion a v ; a r ' l , Thos 'Reilly, 2374 Wi lk ins pl.

1575—Freeraan s l . n s, 2 4 3 e Union av, 2 - s ty frarae dweU'g. 17 .6x5o; cost. $3 .200 ; ow ' r and a r ' t , sa rae a s iast.

1576—Bagle av. s w cor 156th s i . 4 -s ly b rk flal and s to res . 20x94 ; cost, $22 ,000; H B Reeves . New Br ighton , S I ; a r ' t . H A Reeves , Pa rk Row_Bui ld ing .

1 5 i 8 — B a t b g a t e av. n w cor 175lh sl , r ea r of, 1-sty f r ame s tore , 41 .4 x 2 4 ; cosi, $ 5 0 0 ; J o h n Jo rdan , 3 0 3 W 2 8 i h s i ; ar'L, J L J o r d a n , 449 W 2SLh st.

1579—Bergen av, w s. 100 s Rose st, 1-sty f rame wagon shed, 25x ICO; cost, $1 ,000 ; Lyons Se Chabot, loOth st p.nd 3d a v ; a r ' t , M J G a r ­vin, 3307 3d av,

1580—Jerome av, a e cor H i g h b r i d g e road, 1-sty frarae shop, 2 5 x 2 0 ; cost, .$200; W a l i e r C Rol l ins , Lakewood, N J ; a r ' t , P E Albrech t , I S l t h sl and J e r o m e av.

15S1—176th st . s s, 75 w F lee twood av, 2-aty f rame dweU'g, 2 0 x 5 0 ; cost, $5 ,000 ; F W Mar t in , 17Glh sL and F lee twood a v ; a r ' t . Chas S Clark , 719 B 177 th st .

I S S i - 1 3 8 t h st, s a | l - s t y f r ame shed, 14x12 ; cosi , $ 3 0 ; T h e De L a 137 th s t I Vergne .Machine Co, on p r e r a i s e s ; a r ' t W m H Locust av I Lough ton , 738 B 138Lh al.

1583—Loring pl, e s, 3 3 ( . 2 n I S l s t st. 2-Ely f rame dweH'g, 3 8 x 5 0 : c o s ^ $9 .000 ; F S Wel l s . 4 1 W 3 9 l h s t ; a r ' t , C F Rose , 1 Madison av,

loS9—Vyse av. w s, 100 s J e n n i n g s st, 1-sty b rk and s tone s tab le , 5 0 x 3 0 ; cost, $l,oOO; F r a n k Del BaUo, 1481 Hoe s t ; a r ' t , Niels Toe lberg . H o m e s t and Sou the rn Boulevard .

l o 9 1 — B e r g e a av. w s. 1 5 0 n 153d s t , 1-sty f r ame ahed, 7 x 8 ; coal $ 5 -ow'r and a r ' t , Alber t Bieckner , 2 9 8 6 3d av,

1.594—Beach av , e s, 221 .11 n Ke l ly st, five 3-sty f r ame flata 20x60-Lolal coal, .li30,0'C0; H C Jenk in s , 8 3 B l l O t h s t ; a r ' t s , Moore & L a n d -sied^ei, 2S61 3d av.

•^^^m"^"^*^ ^ ' ' ® ^' ^ - 5 "" Weba t e r av, 2-aly f ramç dwel l 'g , 2 1 x 4 8 ; cost, $3 .500 : Thos Morr ison, 2 2 4 1 B a t h g a l e a v ; a r ' t , W C Dickerson 149th s t and 3d av.

^ '^*J : rJJ l '^ ' ' ^^ ^^- « s, 262.2 a l e O t h st, 3 - s ty frarae flat, 16 .8x56 ; S^?.^' !:,o.0C0; F r e d k 0 F rede r i ckson , SOS T r i n i l y a v ; a r ' l M J Garv in àSGi Su av,

1603—Morr is av. No 655, two 1-sLy f rame shops, 2 6 2 3 3x50- to ta l cost , .$oOO; H e n r y H u g h e s , 108 'W 69th s t ; a r ' t , u S Bandesson ' 4007 3d av,

l ( i04—Clinton av, w s, 100 s Crolona P a r k South , four 2^sLy f rame dwel l 'gs , 19,6 , 21x55, 60 ; t o t a l cost. $20 ,000 ; H Whi l e , 1042 E 169 th

fl. |-^o^'A'~i^*''^ ^'- " ^' '^'^ w .T in ton av, 2-3ty f rame dwel l 'g , 2 2 x 6 0 ; cost ' H .?.o' ^ '^ ro thea Schrai t t . 4 4 S 7th s i , ML V e r n o n ; a r ' t s a m e as las t

•^""ê;;; ;^^"^ ^ ' ' ^ ^- '^^*^ " ' -'^^ ^ - u n i o n p o r t , 1-sly chicken coop I S x S ' cost, $ 2 0 ; F r a n c i s Druhe , 1981 B a t h g a t e av; a r ' t . W C Dickerson 149 th Et and 3d av.


— ^ P ^ ^ ' ^ l ï ' ^h. ^'^ ^^ ^ ' " ^ ^ sky l i gh t ; cost , $ 2 5 ; C W Cl inion, 39 E , n o - ' ^^ ^' ' ^ • '^ 'on & RusaeU, 3 3 Naasau st - 3 b ( — / 4 l h st, No 4 1 W, new e leva tor ; cost , $ 6 , 0 0 0 ; J u l i a 4, Shaw

on p r o m i s e s ; a r ' l , P R H i r s h , 1 6 1 W 126 th s t -^•^^S—-IlOth at, No 77 B. a l l e r pa r l i l i ona ; cost, .$5,000; Mary T R e n n a r d ' ' E o b l h a t ; a r ' t , A C McKenzie , 1123 Broadway, ^^^nnara,

•<tnt.7ri^v^r^\'i,!^u i-^ ^' ' û ' e ' ' ' 0 ' " a l t é r a t i o n s ; cost, $ 4 0 0 ; e s i a t e L

T uy~l'^^^ ^ ' ' ^°^ ^^^ ^ " ^ -'^'l^ •W' a ' t e r p l u m b i n g ; cost $'^-500-W -"sth J j ' ° ™ ^ ^ " ' ' •C^nford , N J ; a r ' t and leaaee, J o h n L J o r d a n , 4 4 9

w f Jrlfa? ;: Sai^B^s È'i^^t' *™' ^ ^ ^ '" --•' ' 2394—Slh av s w cor IOth sl , new p a r l i l i o n s ; cost. $15 .000- W a i t e r

iiTï'£:'^\^'^'J ^ « -' ^ ' ''' ^ ^ '^ ^ •-' ^^ nài -=!,=ll^^?5-^™. ^ ^ - , ^ " 1 ^ - " ^ , ' " •'-•^ ^ ' ' ^ " 6 ' " " ' ^ ' l : ^°^^- -l^- ' "': Conrad f- r l . n . ^ ' 1 - %^\ ^'J:^- " ' ^ ^ ' ^ Gavigan, 11:^3 Broadway ; b 'ra Liai Se Lennon, 14i Colurabus av.

2-398—44th s i , No 324 W, a l l e r wa l l ; cost, .$S0O; Thos -McMahon 410 ' oOth s t ; a r ' t , M Berns te in , 245 B r o a d w a y -vic.vianon. 410

nÂ^^^~'^'^''^^ ^ i ' ^ ' ° •^^'^' ^ - •^-s'J' b r k ex tens ion , 1 2 1 0 x 1 3 - co«r 1:1 COO; A G Papa . 3-10 E 117th s t ; a r ' t , W Bandesson , 1007 3 d a v '


2400—3d av, No 2 8 0 7 . gêne ra ! a l t e r a t i ona ; coat, $1 ,900 ; S Hech t 69S E l l o t h a l ; a r ' l and b ' r , B P K i n g . 5 4 0 E 143d st,

2401—Wash ing ton sl , n w cor Reade al, offlce moved; cost. $ 4 0 0 ; Drohan & Co, on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , H E Ben jamin , 3 2 4 W 4 7 t h st .

2402—Cent ra l P a r k West , 7l3L s t to 72d s t (Holel Majestic) , a r ea cov­e r e d ; cosi , $200 ; J acob Ro thsch i ld , 31 W 5 7 t h s i ; ar 'Ls, J a s 'E W a r e fi: Son, 3 W 2 9 l h ' s t .

2403—27th SL, Noa 49 lo 5 5 W, gênera i a l t e r a i i o n s ; cost, $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 ; W a l i e r B Horn , 3 Broad s l ; ar'L, s ame as lasl ,

AAT,"^*^"^"^^^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ""^ ^'''•^ ^^' ^-^^^ '^'•^ extension; 10x125 ; cosi , $ 1 , -000; Col'lis P H u n t i n g t o n , on p remisea ; a r ' t , Geo 'B Pos l , 3 3 E 17 tb sL' b ' r , John Downey, 4 1 0 W 3 4 l h s t .

2405—Sth av, No 1408, new s l a i r s ; cost , $100 ; J o h n Waldvogel , 1085 2d a v ; a r ' l s , Nevi l le & Bagge, 217 W 1251b s t .

2408—oth av, No 934 , 2-s ty ex tens ion , — x l 2 ; cost, $1 .000 ; Alfred M Hoyt , 934 5,lh av .

2 4 0 9 — l l t h st . No 404 E , new Windows; cost , $150'; H e n r y F u l l n e r , 346 E 15 lh s t ; a r ' l , Hy R e g e i m a n n , 1 3 3 7lh s i ; b ' r . Chr is t R e g e i m a n n , 1 3 3 l l h at .

2410'—2d av. No 2-322, new a tore f ron t ; cosi, $ 2 5 0 ; P a l r i c k W a r d on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' l and b ' r . Jacob Schles inger . 2 Grand Circ le ,

2411—Hora l io st . No 67 . a l l e r s t a b l e ; cosi . .^15; Hencliff e s t a l e on p r e r a i s e s ; a r ' l , Thos P i t z s i r amon , on p r e m i s e s

2412—22d sl . No 116 E . a l l e r s t a i r s ; cost , $3 ,000 ; Wm' B Lovell F a l l R ive r . Maas ; a r ' l s ._ Ho wells Se Stokes, 4 7 Cedar sl ,

-, r^^'^-'^yp!"-^ ^^' ^° - ^ ^- ° ^ " slaiTs; cost , $ 3 0 ; Cary Spr ing W o r k s , 240 W 2 9 t h s l .

2417—Ludlow s l . No 58 , new s lo re f ront ; cost, $ 2 2 0 ; H a r r i s Sokol-sky , 3 8 3 Grand s l : a r ' t , F_red Ebel ing , 354 Grand sl

2418—3d av. No 1311, o-sty extens ion, 12.6.x6; cost , .$3,000; e s t a t e M a r i a Gaffney, 1184 Lex ing ton a v ; ar'L. F D Gheen, 253 'W 2 4 t h st .

2 T H 9 — E a s t Broadway, No 101 . new w a t e r c lose t s ; coat $500- S Solo­mon, l o i E ^ l l l b s i ; a r ' t , Bdw Wenz , 1 4 9 1 3d av,

2 4 2 0 — 1 2 ( t h s t . No 2 1 5 E , p i e r s l aken o u t ; coat, $ 4 0 0 ; M r s M C Pau l in , 21;) E 127 lh sL; a r ' l . T W Ringrose , 142d si and 3 d av

24:i'i--,-)th av. No 1087, 1-sty ex tens ion , 50x22 ; cost, $:iOO; C h a s Gould, 3 4 t h s t and S th a v ; a r ' t , F B W a l l , 3 W •^9Lh st

2422—Whi t e st, No 40, new shaf t ; coat, $400 ; e s t a l e R i c h a r d H BaU - ' - i jTi ," '^™' ^^' ^ r ' I , A L P e r p i g n a n , 3d av and 7 lh st .

- ^ - ^ T - , " ' - ^ ^'^' ' ^ ' ' ^^® ^' •^^'l 'tal^sn 0 1 ' ; cost, $oOO; David F e l d ­man , 3 1 1 B o w e r y ; a r ' t , D N B Slurg i s , 220 l l h av.

2424r—Weat Broadway , Nos S07 and 509 , new s l a i r w a y ; cost $ 2 5 0 : Tes s i e Adaimo, 6 i W 1 4 t h av, Brook lyn ; a r ' l , S D Cohen, 2 0 3 Bway. T, ^^f^T^^^'^ 'S '^a SL, No 288, 1-sty ex tens ion , 1 8 x 3 5 ; eost , $3 ,000 ; David Reich, 1 2 1 Ludlow s l ; a r ' l , P r e d Ebe l ing . 3 5 4 Grand st .

2426—olh av, No 1393, n e w door ; cost . $ 3 0 0 ; F rancea C Cohn, 131 E Ijlat s i ; a r ' t s , B u c h m a n & Deia ler . 11 E .59lh st,

-'^'§y^^^'°Slon av. No 728 , 1-sty a n d b a s e m e n t extens ion 2 0 x 1 8 -cost , $N0O; Blura & Rubenoff, on p re ra i ses ; a r ' t . M Berns t e in , 2 4 5 B w a y

_'4.i9—CorUandt si , No 70, new p a r l i l i o n ; cost , $ 2 5 ; e s i a t e B a r n a r d Cohen, on p r e r a i s e s ; a r ' t . D N S S lu rg i s 2 2 0 4 l h av . ^'-^•^'^—^^oa.aw&y. No 9 6 . build b rk wa l i ; cost. ,$.300; As lo r e s i a t e ^3 W 2t i lh a t ; a r ' t , Thos 'Rae, 4 0 5 W 24th st .

_ 2431—Thompson st, No 77, 3-s ty extens iou . 1 0 x 1 2 ; coal, $500- Mor­n s De P i n a , on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t . Wra Higginson, 5 0 E l l S t h st . '

B O B O U C ^ H O F B R O N X .

•2392—While P l a in s av, w a, 50 a IOth sL, Wi l i amsbr idge , new s to re f ron l ; coat $ 1 0 0 ; F r a n k P ia rck i , on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , B L e r k e , I O t h s t a n d 4 t h av , Wi l l i amsb r idge ,

/ i / iA^'^ '?^^^' '^^° ^ ^ ' "^ ^' "' ^ ^ o s e st, 2-sLy ex iens ion . 2 5 x 2 3 ; cost, $ 2 -oo'ù^^' ' i ' ' .o ' t '^ ' '^ ' '°^'-^-^*^^'^ si and 3d a v ; ar'L. M J Garv in , 3 3 0 7 3d av. - r fJo—149lh al No o lO B, bu i ld ing moved ; cosi , $ 5 0 0 ' Mrs B M e U

'=^-,.P3:5™'ses; ar'L, L F a l k , 1 4 6 t h s t and 3d av.

4 , 7 ^ i . = r ; ' * ° ' ' ' ° " * ' ^"^ "! "" ''°'' ^'-^^^ st, n e w founda i ion ; coat, $ 5 0 ; • & ^%^l' ° " P ^ ^ ï i s e a ; a r ' l , Ohas S Clark . 7 1 9 TremonL av.

M,7.+ -î- w ' - ' ^ ' î , ^ ' "^^ ^ ^''°°^ ^ ^ ' b ' i i l â ing m'oved; cost. $ 6 0 0 ; Leo fP,'- 'H, 1^ -"^^^ ' ^ ' / ' " t ' ^ F^'i^- 3â av and 14Glh at.

a n d ' a l ^ ^ ' s a l V a a ^ / s t . ' ^ ^' ^°'''' ' ^ ' ' " " ' ^ " ^ ^ ' ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ' <=°^ ' ^ 5 0 0 ; ow ' r

r - " i "^Vr^° ' ? "^^ , . ^^ ' ^ ^' ^^'^ ° l '^Sth Si, extens ion, 6 x 1 0 ; cost $ 1 0 0 0 -Cen t r a l Union Gas Go, .350 Alexande r av . ' * ^ ' ™ " '

«^TlO- w - " ° p ' ^ . * " , . ™ / ' ^ ' ^ ^' ^-^ ^ Weba t e r av, n e w founda i ion ; eosL, f u S s c ô t t a v s ^ ^ ^ ' ' " " P^^™'^^^; ''''• W m H Hal lock, J r , W e b s l e r

'-^^''^f^.Z^:^ Z ' y T ^ Z ^ ' ^ ^ ^ t ' . ^ ^ ^ - P - ' " i o n ; cost , $ 3 0 0 ; J o -


In thèse lists of judgmenta the namea aipha­betically arranged and which a r e flrat on each Une, are those of the judgment debtor, The let ter (D) means judgment for deflciency. (•) means not summoned. (t) signifies t ha t the flrst name U fictiliioua, reai name being unknown. Judg­ments entered dur ing the week and satiafled before day of publication, do not appear In th i s column, hu t in the Ust of Satisfied Judgraent».

Oct. '23 Adler, Max .1—C G F Wahle and ano G3.02 23 Andress, Chaa W—.1 T Wil l iams •2H7.îi2 23 Anderson, Geo H—Thomas McManus . .117.22 24 Andrews, Waiter E—H P Rose 2,003.41 2-i Alexander. Hermau—L Fr iedman iïS..nl) 24 Askin, Harry—H C Martin 1,l.'î;),21 24 Adler, Leopold aod Cai-oliiie—The Germau

Exchange 'Bauk 9SS l'"' '27, Ahnett , Wm P—John W Axl'ord as assignée, ' „ _ _ &c 1Ô4,U0 Jr. . ' \k:molo, John—W J Plimiuer 97.011 lil Briggs. F r a n k H—D E Powell et a l . . .i|;G06.4:( 21 Baum, Adolph—C Norwood et al 95,0S 21 Bell. Wm R, Jr—Tweifth Ward Eank .244 4!) 23 Bloom, Joseph—L Pink costa 23,T2 23 Breen, Abigail—B Kleinschmidt 24 73 23 Balh, Bdmund J—D G Pecora 156.1:") 23 Brciner, Johu the same 131 tjg 23 Bauman, Joanna—M Bloch 120 0' ' 23 Brown, Wm H—M Goss. 21)1,17 23 Bach, Gustav—New Amsterdam Gas Co.»3.22 24 Bassett , Wm A—W G Leeson Iô0.3l 24 Bacon, C Graham, Jr—P M McCreery.5fi.ï 7(j 24 Bursiam, Godolphus P—J H While 27fi (M 24 Barret t . F rank I—T D Scaniou 228,37 24 Blum, Hyman—J Solomon 121.15 24 Bennett, Thomas—Bowles Colgate and ano

trusiees 447 i^-, 24 Brady, Joseph E—L N Page . ,144 06 24 Bell. Wm R, J r , individ and as trustée—S „ - j S c h n u r 244.58

• " 1 , Benjamin—J Bowes -•

2.) Behlmer, Christ ian and Jennie—T P Smith,

2 Bidweil, David H — s ' à o e b u c k ' , ' ! ! ! !." ] .•io7.'42 -;i Brennan, Tbomas—Rock Plas te r Co of N Y

and N J gg grj -> Bremer, Auguste—O Kuuath et a l . (D)"? 2rifl',S5 •_'._i Bi'own, George—J H Scully 172 32 2.1 Bulkley, Wm M as t rus iee . &c—T C Camp­

bell cosls 2G7 "- 2.-) Bioomfleld, Roht W—J W Meyer. ' .cosls 12l '75 21. Barret t , P rank I—W H a r d i n g , . 17')')•> 2li n iumentha l , C l a r a - H C Miner L i t h o g r a o h - "

ing Co "ii-yai 20 Bldwell, David H—American Distric-t Tel

Co U 1(1 2fl 'Bradiey, A Predk,—W P Buchanan (;:V.-|(: 2i Bogga, William—W R Bronk 1 7)2S 04 27 Brosnan, J e r e m i a h - D Levy .300 "O 2i Babcock, Hamlin—Consolidated Ice Co 17,40'' 2i Burr . Euphemia J—A M Good ,'3 lU^j'otï 2^ Bloombei-g, Anna—A L Abrama. ,30^ î'^' •2i the aame S Quint Vlô'io 2( Bray, Ar lhu r A—G H Langdon 2!ni 31 2i_ Bain, G e o r g e - W McBurnie "O't'7'"' 2i Bloch, Chas F—P H Leggett et a l . ' . " T ' 7 ' ' 2i Bailey, C C h a r l e a - J J Aator 70j''i'-; 27 Bishop, Clenan—E V Bendon 5) ' -" ' 21 Cronaon, Bertha—J Hirachberg and ano ' 'é.-.'yï 21 Conklln, Henry A—R Hodgson . . . 474'31 21 Cauldwell, William—H C F Koch & Co.

, . . . . . . 1 flj^4 fi5 2.'3tConway, Mary—H G P Koch '& 'Co ' . ' . " ' es'st) 24 Carley. Francia D—Kuappmaun Whi t ing Co' ,,, • • - • •' 425.00 24 the same the same 62(i 50 24 Connery, Thomaa—O J Bueb 2 117 0' ' 24 Chlcklacoa. Peter—M G Kopper ' l ' 279 7T 24 'Callahao. Francis P—Acker, M & c ' l23 0'> 24 Coit, D Clydye—Shotland & Co 77 ,jç) 2-1 Crandall , Dellmer—T J O'Donohue 76'47 '27, Cohen, Abraham—Rudnick ft Wolf 33.C9 20 Coffin. Fred W—Evening Post Publ ish ine

Co ;jfi ij7

2l> Clapp, John H—The Lincoln National Bauk,

^lî Clason, Augustus—G E Lott...'. ', '. '. '. '.L'|458!oO

37 Corcoran, Edward—A G Hupfel 2'>3 14-27 r ^ ? f ^ ' ' ^ - T ^ ' ' " ' f , ^ - ^ Koehler & Co' : : :2Ô9:52 il rautU J2, ' ; '"-M B Stanley and a n o . . . .316.59 21 Collett, Edwm—The Mayor, &c, of N Y,

E ° ° " " ^ ; V ' '^^ï^ a u d ' 6 h ; ; ' F - V T ' K e n y - l m ^ 23, Doe. J o h n - B u r l i u g t o n VeneUan Blind Co

^4 n«! .u i ' ' ^ f i ' ' ' ^ 'V,^-^ '^ ' ' ' ' s "B 'BoWnê 'â ' sôm 24 Darling, Wm M W G Leeson . . . . 15931

i k—P Dl •• -T B K -S S Zaï

•>- n- , , . . • s—J Beck 128 83 2., Dill ingham. W m G - J C Orr Se Co 237'77 •"(• D l v f i ' ^ P h n ^ ? : ' " ^ - ^ R a n k i n . . . . c o a t s 69,93 - ( ' UaviE, Phoebe J and Jaraes E—C Loos &

20 Donnelly; ' Chas A ^ Ë 'L'e'rmân.' ' : : : , • . .".^'"^io 55 20 Donneily, Michael—M- J McArdle ', 01 T " ' • ; - - , - '. ' ' o s t s 1 ,663,60 _ Enger t . Johanna—C A Auffmordt et al.,?53 8,'î y ^ isenberg , Jacob H - J M Thorburn Co. .260 10 2.. Blikofskey. N a t h a n - L Ratner 519 07 •-3 Euse lhard t , Herniai)—J Hynes . . 79'21 24 BraanucI, Achilles—N Werner t " ' ' . 37 ' ' 8 2.-1 Byeus. Morris—W T Hookey an 'd ' âûô! Is'oO 74 2,1 bisenla , Jacob—N Morris et al 17(i 55 20 Ellis, Alfred J - C Gerlich costs 10,'tlO 20 Bps te ln .Murns -Guïnpor t Se Goidenson, 300.71 27 Eccles, John L—J Nevine 1389 07 21*Ployd, J a m e s - T h o Uniled Electric L igh t &

Power Co 42 38 23tFeiuberg. Jacob—W Schlussel 7350 2,-) Ployd, Geo W—Holel Métropole . . 98 5-1 26 FarreU, Annie—Fitzgerald Bros, Brewing '

Co, . . . , . . . , . , . . . 4«2 04 20 Pries , Adolph H - L Fiacher'. . ! . ' I . ' . " . ' . ' l l s '^?

' """ 15 76 28

.„, -, „, , , , . „ - - cosls 24.90 2.Î Grolt, Joaeph C—Everett O Fisk Se Co. .101.00 23 Goodman. Max—M D Lederman 94,19 •23 Gluck, Rosa—Nellie B Jacobs extrx 29!50

6s6 [Manhattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

20 Corse, Israël—M Steger 392,79 23 Gleason, Lafayette B—H L aud W A Sand­

ford 359,94 24 Geramann, Rudolf—J M McManus 50,15 24 Geralty, Aunie M—0 J Bueb 2,167.02 24 Goldner, lEmil—T Altieri 170,97

25 Giles, Aracelyde B and James M—C C Guiteau el al • 244.45

25 Graham. Chaa H ^ N Morris et al 176.55 20 Genl, Marie L—C B Genl 193.77 27 Goodall. Wm A—Tweifth Ward Bank,l ,049.32 27 Gordon, Thomas—F Paaa 220.75 27 Gibbs, Anna Von B—N Y Bldg Co 2,t>44.,53 21 Haiiigan, Jewell N—J H Bâtes 824.53 21 Hutchings , F redk E ^ M a j o r Cément C o . .

costs 73,20 21 Halpin, Abraham—L and S Schachue. .320.9il 23 Hughes, Bernard J—N Ulman et al 503,03 23 Hillebert, James B—Jamea Drew 90.59 24 Harrison, Philip H, Har ry L and Louia B—

R Rogers 190.04 24 Huas, Henry and -Charles—'C A U l l m a n n . ,

1,759.49 24 Horton, Dudley R—J B Lumbard 72.15 24 Herman, Oacar W—Charles Remsen and ano

exrs, &c Ui2.17 25 Heimstedt , Juiius—R McTurck 74.83 26 Heller, Bertha—J Rieger •213.ii0 20 the same D Rieger ;W6.15 20 Honig, Samuei—Browning, King ft Co, 220.62 20 Hilton, Jennie B—F A Condit 281.28 20 Hastings, George—American Newspaper

Publ ishers ' Assoc 484,38 20 Horowitz. Harris—L Cohea 034,11 20 Hurd, Edwd W—Western Union Tel Co. 14,14 20 Hagedorn, Charles—J H Tonges 125,77 20 Hut tenrausch , F r a n z - L Fischer 118,41 27 Hopkins, F r a n k T—Twelftb Ward Bank . .

1,049.32 27 Hopkins, F r a n k the same 226.02 27 Harnet l , John—D Levy 365.21) 27 Horowitz, Adolph—A M Sanders 89.79 21 Judge, Hugh—F Westheimer et al 220.29 21 Johnson, îda—B Nelson costs 22,83 20 Jacksoo, Wm H—H Schilfer cosls 35.85 20 Jackson, John B and Clara—T Russell .390.72 20 Jenkins , Ida L, and Mary E—Wm C Stuar t

et al, t rustées 5,444,75 20 Johnsen, Audria—A Nelson 1,757.77 27 Johnston, J a s and Oiiver—Gansevoort Bank.

3,747.17 27 Jung , Wm and Joséphine—E M Giliiat. .155.87 23 Kurianzich, Louis—Leo Ra ine r 51U.0T 23 Kaufman, Henry—J Berkowitz 107.92 23 Kennedy, Thomaa J—New Amsterdam Gas

Co i:î6.90 24 Kline, Alexander—A Van N Powelson as as­

signée, SeC 131.30 25 Kirk, Walier—J H Schneider & Co 74.50 20 Kennedy, Michael—M Ellenlucb 153,67 20tKahn. Jack H—Marc Klau and a u o . . . .285,88 26 Kennard, Edwd F—Korff Bros Co 41.34 23 Lawrence. J Herbert—The Church ot the

United Brelhren 119.57 23 Lerman, Bdward—C A Donnelly 30.05 23 Levy, Annie—E B Bruce 114.76 23 Larkins . Jobn—H C Eibe costs 08.58 23 Lindemann, Max—N Ulman et al 388.45 23 Lewia, Abrabam—J Solomon 1,121,38 24 Lathrop, Wm A—A A Low 137,75 24 LuElig, L a s o r - M Û; .\ L Lowenstein. .147.13 24 Lomonte. F o r t u n a t o - G Mackenzie . . . . 1 3 9 . 3 0 24 Liebson, Ida—H Relkln .S4.7S 25 Lyons. Henry B—Niagara Fire Ins C o . . l 3 . ] 0 25 Lorenzo, Angelli—P Cassitti 82,22 25 Leggett. Cbas H—Weatern Wheel Works

359.20 25 Lambrecht , Joaeph—P Schonhaua 932,01 26 Lane, George—G H Schwab, exr. Sec

(D) 4,677,34 26 Lahon, Romaine P—L Mascblno 4,548,11 20 Lane. Joseph—J C Barth 5,ai2.50 27 Lutjens, Louis—E G Bennett 101.S8 27 Lichtenberger, Max — German Exchange

Bank 272,45 27 Lubarsky, Jacob—American Surety Co..330.41 27 Levin, Marks—L Black 117,50 27 Levein, Burton N—M Somerville 95.35 27 Lyon, Ameiia—H A Wolf et al 972.45 21 Meagher, James W and Margt P—Z A B

Thomas 1,457.24 21 Murray, Charies—R Teller et ai 29.22 23 -Mitchell, Chas R—J T Will iams 287,52 23 Muller, Henry, Sr, and Ju l ius and Henry ,

J r . . Mueller—The New England Brown Stone Co 540,17

24 Muirhead. Benj C - P Barry 30.22 24 Massarene, Wm G ^ M t Morris Electric Light

Co 81,92 24 Meyers, Paul W—T D Scanlon 228,37 24 Meyerowilï. Barnet—J Solomon lOO.oO 24 Maring, C a r l - J Jenkina extrx. ftc 37..)4 24 Mitchell, Alexander and Johu—P Kane

1,765.6T 25 Mackler, Michael—J Stern cosls .50.00 25 Matteson, Geo E—J A Flomerfelt 290,01 25 Morrison. Edward—Washington Hydraul ic

Press Brick Co 71,9,S 25 Minnaugh, Mary E—E P Hatch 1011,47 26 Meyers, Paul W—W Harding 17;i,;i2 26 Marks, Morris—D Dober .-i:;i),lll 26 lhe aame M Kobre 1,040,10 20 Morgan, Morgan E aud Theophilus—Metro­

politau Sireet Ry Co costs 27,.82 20 Martin, Henry—Kinsey, Rainier Se Thomson^

Domestic Corporation 311.,59 27 Moore, G a r r e t t - T h e Uniled States Mortar

Supply Co 868.79 27 Morse, Waldo G - C Wann 1.767.02 27 Moeslein, Valeutine—C Piani tz 3.275,42 27 Moran, Samuel—Coramisaioner of Charities.

27 Moritz, Hermau—J Leitner 78.8!) 27 Magen, Nathan , Treas—P Levy 245.39 23 McCann. F r a n k B—David Stevenson Brg

Co "-^'-'S 23 McGurn, Edwd L—W Ziegler 1,560.37 23 McCormlck. William—George Ehre t 257.20 24 McKinney, Joseph—J Rowland 99,33 27 McConnell, Jennie—P Tv' Tully 821,60 27 McMurray, Jaa G—Commissioner oE Char- ^

ities 48,12 27 McMunn, .Alexander—S O Livingston. .278.76 23 Nusaenblatt . George—The Brush Electr ic

Light Co .....i •13.57

24 Neimeier. or Neimier, or Niemeier, Adelheit E P Delafield (D) 3,975.19

26 Newcomb, Edwd W—F W Cane :ii:1.34 26 .Neuberger, David M—C Bennger 424.82 27 -Newell, E l i z a b e t h - B B Depew 133,74 2i Oilerbein, Henry—Abeel Bros 2tX).61 :i7 O'Counor, Joseph—J Goodwin 01.22 27 O'Connor, John R—W A O'Neill 979.00 2L Pra l t , James—H A and W L -Peck 285.5-1 21 Poillon, William—A Raymond ft Co 38.14 23 Pearsal l , Denton—W B Fasig 1.043.38 i;3 Per lman, Charles—Nellie B Jacobs extrx.

108.22 23 Passedort , Aiice—.M Clarke ÏSO.Jij 24 Fierce, Geo H—The Security Trus t and Life

Ins 00 290,45 24 Porter , Louis M—F L Dunne 48,62 25 Prior, John—P S Grob 606.57 :.'6 Pickhardt , Emile B—H W Knight 2,39:^.70 20 Paul , NeUie.—W P Buchanan 63,56 27 'Persons. Cbas F—N Y Newspaper Union.

546.03 27 Plumb, Mary A admrx, &c—Metropolitan St

Ry Co coats 122.38 27 Peterson, Gustave—Siegel Cooper Co 58.30 27 Popham. Lewis C—E Buckey 71.6a 27 Preston, A n n a - E V Blocker 180.00 21 Quigley, David—Bradley Se Currier Co.

1,220,75 20 Quigley, D a v i d - C H Meyer 887,30 21tRoeder, Aibert L—C O'Donnell 38.17 21 Rivers , H Pletcher—B J H Tamsen as

Sheriff. Sec cosls 21.03 21 Ruden, Jacob—A Mariani and ano . . . , 2 1 4 , 0 3 21 Rhoades, John—The United Electric Light &

Power Co 42.33 23 Raffel, Tobias E—R Jandorf 190.33 23 Bonne, Geo W—E H Cushman 572.95 23 Rockwell, Samuei—Tbe Germau Exchange

Bank 234,54 23 Riley, Matthew—Burlington & Venetian

Blind Co 75.01 24 Roddy. John S—J C Pla l t costs 109,25 24 Rody, James—S Maloney 182,87 25tRaimondi, Domenico—A Tei te lbaum. . . .64.50 25 Rosenthal, WiUiam—B Abel and ano . .100.82 25 Roedelsperger, Carl—M Valen t ine . . .2,690.30 25 tbe same the same 901.84 25 Roos, Hypoiite—M Cantor and ano . . .292 ,35 26 Robertaon, Eiizabeth—J J Bennet t 538.35 20 Rogers, Wm C—G- Lindenmeyer 711,68 2I> Rogera, P u r m a n B—C Gerlich costs 10.00 27 Richmond, F r a n k H—L H Richmond

costs 90.00 27 Rudin, Jacob—A Polowe et al 325,09 27 Relier, Louis—Thatcher Furnace Co,- .412.05 27 Reilly, Michal—W H Payne 195.71 21 Stephens, W B—C A Auffmordt et a l . .353,83 21 Steenwerth, F r a n k J—H B Kirk & Co. . .69 .57 21 Stoddard, Chas H—J L Bulkley et al exrs .

Sec 23,357,55 21 Stringer. G Frank l in as Treasurer , &c—C

Baker. J r 110.00 23 Strobel. Casper—J Gleason Iit5,28 23 Scheuer, Simon—C Lindner 311.52 23 Sehmidt, Auna K—C G F Wahle and ano,

62.22 23 Sollfrey, Isaac—W Cohn aud auo 284.73 23 Skelly, Horace C—D M Wil l iams ft Co. .140.45 23 Sehaefer, Chas J - C P Hilderbrand 71,28 23 Springer, Phil ip G—J Sondheimer 137.34 23 Schramm, Joanna—M Bloeh .• 120,52 23 Sternlicbt, David—H B Parsons 130,92 24 'Slernlicht, David—H B Paraona 130.92 24 Schuman, Edward—A Harr i son 30,65 24 Simon, Louis S—N Kronman 140.10 24 Shelley, Chas C aud Chas C. Jr—Irving Na­

tional Bank 1,52.94 24 Shoemaker, Albert T—C R (Bassett 95.90 24 Stevens, Geo A—J Bowes 211.28 25 Shaver, Geo F—North Britiah and Mercan­

tile Ins Co of London and Edinburgh.236.06 25tSaxton, John C—Wm H Flaher ty 81,18 25 Schoff, Henry G—A D Baird 386.33 25 Sarles, Thos H—A Sarles costa 48.41 25 Seaman, Wm G—Clara Green et al 140,40 25 Schneider, Barbara—Denis Sweeney, Sr.305.36 25 Sbarre t t . W i l l i a m - J H Schneider & Co.74.50 25 Schurtz, John—0 Rolbachild 220,18 25 Slernlicht, David and John H Springer—R T

Irvin 30,66 25 Schaefer, John W as assignée—G Sco t t . .

costs 372.20 25 Sheehan, Thoa M—Aiberene Stone Co..320.26 26 Sieber. Eustach and Prieda—A Blechmer . . .

032,65 26 Sugeinheimer. Bernhard—Suaan Venable, as

assignée. Sec -282,03 20 Schmitt , WiUiam—K Elias 4,270.60 20 Sharkey, Mary E—F C Train, as t r u s t é e . . .

711,99 26 Steinway. Chas H' and Fredk T exrs . ftc—

H Schiffer '. costa 35,85 2e»Spi-ague, John C—Western Union Tel Co.14.14 26 Sakariasen, Bertine—-A Nelaon 1,7.57.77 27 Sonntag, John A—John Burke ft Co 415.43 27 Schneider, Louis—Pabst Brewg Co 130.85 27 Suttou, Woodruff—J T Per ry 108,33 27 Summers . Thomas—Eastern Brewg Co..201,31 27 Schaefer, Cbas C—C Beck 171.91 27 Scbmidt, Bernard A—H Appleton 603,46 27 Schubkigel, Otto and Heury—W W Fogg.

79,19 25 Smilh, W m B and Jacob W—C Wandell .

10.288,27 25 Smith , Jacob—E D Depew et al 497.51 27 Smilh, Wiufred L—G H Langdon. 296.25 27 Smilh, Wm B* and Jacob W—Abeel Bros,

200,61 21 Taintor , Mary H—Mary A Pbipps 1,807,9'! 21 Tracy, Edwd M—C A Auffmordt et al.353.83 23 Taylor, Geoffrey—C Thorley 52.24 23 Tennev. Henry J—New Amsterdam Gas Co.

. . . . ; . 37.07 23 Trahan, Noe—S Bonis 311.87 24 Thomas . Wm B—J R Abney 4:17,37 24 Tolk, Herman—Jacob Ruppert 29(),I10 •25 Tubbs. Geo W—The Trus iees of tbe Peabody

Education Pund 736,IR 25;Tanenbaum, A d o l p h - A Teitelbaum 61,00 25 Troll. Jobn H, George and Roberl—B Norz.

1,403,53 26 Tiffany, Ferry—Goldsmith & Wolf 133,54 26 Turner , Wm C—The City Trust , Safe Deposit

Se Surety Co. of Philadelphie 931,53 21 Koster, Biai Se Co—P Starhopf 126,0-5 21 The Diamond Light Co—J Grouse 2,045.60 21 Westerleigh Collégiale Institute—N F Kerr ,

2liS..56 21 Third Ave R R Co—J J Casey 575.38 21 Globe Incandescent Gas Light Co—Uniled

Métal Mfg Co 240,93

21 Jocuist i ta Mining Co—J B Haggin.179,190.35 lil New York News Publ ishing (..o—M J Mc­

Mabon 8,279.82 21 Petty, Soulard & Walker Real ty Co—Brad­

ley & Currier Co 1,220.9;! 23 The Mayor, Sec, of N Y—MacKlugbi Fiiniic

Stone Co ll ,493.tia 23 The City of New York—Wm W Strasser,

Ï249,49; L Steinhardt , 51177.34; G F Plack, ¥621.74; P P McLoughlin 444.80

23 Toe Investment (Jorporatiou—George de -Meta 4,618.1ï

23 The Third Avenue R R Co—S Friedman.407.47 23 the same——J Bberaold 527.2i '23 The Sewauhaka Corinthian Yacht Club—

Thos J Dunn, Sherilï, and Reed Se -Vlcil-vaine l.OiXl.OOi

24 The Seawauhaka Corinthian Yacht Club— Thoa J Dunn as sheriff and ano 1,000,OOi

24 Geo W Lederer €o—D A Sweeney 773.70i 24 Faahiou Manufactur ing Co^G F Vietor et a!

i,975.2'2; 24 Internat ional Regiatry Co—B E Clapp .090,91 24 -andrewa Mfg Co—U G McQueen 478,63 24 The Mayor, ftc, of N Y—C Penudorf 88,15 25 The Electr ic Brick. Terra Cotta and Ti le

Co—J T Abell 365-65 25 The City oE New York—J McDonald,

a;205.O5; T M Fay, 16120.25; J Campbei l . 5:180,41; E F McDermott, .t5S6,00; T Gil- , len, *1,52.74; W J Carpenter, $449.75: Jamea Kane, $78,00; P Duffy, ?10.06; R R Henderson, $25.02; C Roddy, $045.00; T P O'Neill, $135.00; J Parks , .$215,00; J J O'Brien, .¥153.52; B Parre l l , $89.50; F S Beard, $218,25; B Welton, $283,00; K Horueck, $142.71; A Rupp, $142.71; G F' Keim, $142,71; J L Daiuba, $142.71; P N Prince, ,i;307.15; J H McLaughlin, $181.60; W E Barry, $143,00; A Casaidy 205.65

25 The Mayor, &c, of New Y o r k - G Daily and ano 1,090.73

25 The Union Paper Box Co—Reynolds Boyle Co 81.47

25 the same the aame 242.28 25 the same——the same 2:iG.ll 23 the aame the same 151.00 25 The Manhat tan Ry Co and The Metropolitan

Bl Ry Co—F Sachse and ano 2,275,44 25 N Y Collège of Deutistry—J C Johnston.697,74 25 National Motor Carriage Co—J W Ealy . .92 .64 •2\i Tbe Cily of New York—J Batton, $1,000.03;

M A Keim, $142,71; J J Quigley, $105,73; E F Gearty, ,ÎS24,50; J A Daly, $475.50; B Doyle, $1,119; C Keller 589.00

20 Moquin-Oiferman-Heisseubuttel Coal Co,—S P Ferrée costs 90.4'.;

20 Sharkeys Monument Works—P C Train.281, lÛ 20 The Associated Colonies—Western Union Tel

Co 41.01 2( The Lawyers ' Titie Insurance Co of N Y—C

Se M Miller 1.154.35. 27 The Mayor, &c, of N Y—E Burlando. ..1S0.5U 27 The Ashiey Engineer ing Co—P McSwegan el

ai 319.22: 27 W C Loftus Se Co—P O Wil l iams .75.72: 27 The City of New York—W N Belcher. -$140;

L Morrison, $157.25; P Carr , $309,50; T Keane, $20i,14: J R FarreU 611,00

27 The Trustées of the Peabody Educat ion Puud—F C Gruen costs 35.25

27 Greater New York Amusement Co—S A Auarggyros 216.06

27 Brooklyn, Queens Co & Suburban R R Co— H P Weiss 947,22

27 The Daunt less Rowing Club—Firemens Fund 1ns Co 82.07

27 Sunl ight Incandescent Gas Light Co—C G Wilson 1.290.33

27 The American Pire Ins Co o£ Philadelpnia— C Rietze 3,330.68

23 Vance, Ar lhu r T—C A Brown 61.15 23 Vaughan, Wra W—H P Robinson , . .1,238,36 23 Vernam, Florence G—M H Coliins . . .1 .137.01 23 Virgil, An lha M—H Newmark costs 108,34 24 Vancotl . Wm H—J E Matheson Co 34,89 20 Von Bernuth, Louis, exr—H SchiBer

costs 35,85 27 Verlini, Angelo—C Verlini costs 93,76 21 Walker , P r a n k B—Bradley Currier Co.1,220,05 23 Wiles, Martin H and Minnie A—1 and M

Levy 163,96 23 Wooliett , Mary A—Bank for S a v i n g a . . .

costs 71.52 23 Wiune, Howard C—Wilmot & Hobbs Mfg Co.

89.59 23 White . Thos R—J T Wil l iams 287,52 23 Wright , Wm H—R Weisel et a l . . c o a t s 223,97 24 Watson. Wiilis S—J P ft S Duncan 83,71 24 Willianis. Henry P—O Zimmerman costs 28,ri? 24 Wai te . Oawald J—J Sabel costs 84,55 25 Weitzer, Joseph W—W T Hookey 300.74 25 Wheeler . E d m u n d - A S Howard 217.05 25 Weiss, Nicholas D—A Weinstein 109.22 20 Werner . Gustave H F—I -Moos and ano . ,92,09 20 Weber, John—H Schiffer costa 35.85 20 Williama, Edwd V—I Smith 10.17 26 Westphal , Brnest—Western Union Tet C o . . .

39.41 27 Whitney, Chas A—W Strong 17.47 27-fWrighl. David (3—P W Day 41.17 27 Webb, P Egerton, exr, &c—O Agramonte .

19,091.78 27 Woods, Z e b u l o n - H Arnhols 184,94 -27 Wolfî, Sarah and *Harry—A ,1 Batea. . .418.72 23 Zienken. William—G W Olivit et ai 129.00 20 Zoccolo, Teodore—H B Scharmann ft Sona . . .



Oct, 21, 23, 24, 23, 26, 27,

Bannon, John—The Mayor, Sec. ot N Y. 1899. 204-84

Brumer. Jacob—Jacob Fr i tz and ano, ISlili, t4,s,((9 Butiner . , lohanna—Juiius Einstein, Is.s'.i, ,(il7,it8 Chagot, . Iu l e s -Lou i s .Megroz el al, t.S98., .6.so,31 Cohen, Barnett—Alexander Fineli te, 1892.

$233.63 •Connolly, F r a n k - P e o p l e of Stale of N Y,

1899 -• 500,00 Densmore, Emmet and Helen—Geo M Hard.

1898 18,997.oa Same sarae. 1899 41,55 Same =-me. 1899 6 6 . 3 D De Corâ^vB, Alfred—Stella A Marshall extrx.

ÛC, ISSB .- 151.35 Ge.me—-i^me, 1897 8,15i.,7fi ï-ri-^KÏît UsTCus S—Jean Stern. 1893 828.09 TViiff. "Vï'ïkïiam—Max Cohen. 1899 220.60

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan] 657

Friede, Marcus S—Alfred Weissenthanuer , 1S99, 108,74

SamB same. 1899 108.74 F u r t h m a n n , Charles—Geo S Nicholas. Is99, l.iO.Ol Friedlander , Joseph B—The N Y Pla te Glasa lus

Co. 1899 103.90 Same Same. 1898 160.U0 iPr iemuth , Henry—People, Sec, of N Y, 189Ï . . .

300.00 Goodstein, Louis aud Jane—Thomas Mead, 1899.

150,:JS 'Gunner, Kate—Geo G Will iams and ano, t rus­

tées. 1899 79.48 Goldstein, Jacob—Jacob Pr i tz aud ano. 1899. . .

148.09 rroldstein, Louia A—The People oE lhe Slate of

N Y. 1899 '. -TT,42 'Hegeman , Benjn A—Johu G Norris . 1899-298,02 Hohman , Samuel—John H Rogan. 1899..284.47 Hakan . J o h a n s e n - W m Haaker Co. 1899.205.02 Het t r ick, Matthew—Kate Howells admrx. Sec

.338,29 1897, 1899 115.30 Same ^same.

Harkness , William—M C & E L Stanley. 1883. 177,59

Same same, 1883 208.70 Sanie anme. 1883 177,39 Holl , John—Ogden & Wallace, 1896 93.IT 'Heudler , Moritz—The People ot the Slate of

M Y, 1899 20(.l,00 iHarkins, John J—N J O'ConneU, 1899 67,or ïaakowitz, Dav i l and Betty—Max Cohen . 1,S99.

220,00 Johnson, F r a n k V—LeRoy Brown, 1891', . . .198,51 Kite, Powell. Maud L and Tour H—Jaraes A

Hawes . 1898 64,27 Kronenberger . Jacob aud L a w r e n c e - C h a r l e s

Kaufman and ano, 1895 172.55 Same Tho N Y Veal &. Mullon Co, l.'iii5, 218,17 S a m & — B a a t m a n a Co ot N Y. 1895 227.31 Kronenberger , Jacob and Lorenz—Joseph aud

John E Conron, 1895 148.41 L.ingsweiler, Eliaabeth—Victor Soeller as exr,

&c. 1887 507.23 W o n a . JuUua J—Department ot Health. 1899.

. . . . 209,30 1-jungotrandh, Sven—'Wm Haaker Co. 1899

205,02 Levy. Abraham—Health Deptartnient of N Y,

1898 2n:\.r,i.) Moriaon, Louis—Louis Megroz et al. 1,S9.S. 0>iU -M McGowan. Mary B—Henry P McGown, J r . 1.s;l9,

_ lti:',59 Moébua, Sopbia—William Samson, 1899 79.62 Meudenhaii , Lorenzo—Charlea Parker , 1894,

96.36 Mahoney, John—J F & J E Claffey. 1899.. .259.42 -Mangel, Henry—Wright & Co, Lim. 1891, 100,93 'NeuECh. Anton F—People o£ State of N Y,

1899 5tlO,00 iPort, George—People of Slate of N Y. 1899,

2,000.00 Reid, Wm G—Andrew M Houstoun, 1899.. .514.57 Rider, Wm P—Uuited Siates Casually Co. 1898,

02.84 Rosenthal , Joseph—Nelson Smilh. 1899.1,138.82 l legan, Thomas—Wm F Cunningham, 1899-. .

7.571.38 Regan, Thomaa—Patrick Curley. 1809. . .2,025,05 Schwarzwald, Abrabam C—Curt Nicolai, 1899,

145,09 Stewart, Tbos E as adrar ftc of Elizabeth Carter

—Joséphine F Ciason, 1898 129.60 Sonneberg, Nathan—Adolph Brandistel , 1897.

590,00 Schein, O s c a r - J o b n B Day and ano. 1893,120.70 Sehmidt, Mary—Departmeut of Heal th . 1808,

203.50 Smolinsky, Joe—Max Cohen. 1899 220.60 Taylor , Andrew L—Robt B Janney . 1.809. .,^73.04 'Tobias, Samuel aud Jacob—Sarauel Steinreich

and ano. 1879 1,035.,S!I The National Ice Co of N Y—Margaret Geraty

by Jamea A Geraty guard ian , ftc. 1809,150,80 Same aame, 1897 107.09 Same same. 1890 12,289,43 Edward ft John Burke (Lirai—Harry Rayraond.

1899 2,662.:W Bohemia Holel Co—Wm A Hankinson. 1S9H,

492,95 The Manhattan Ry Co and The Metropolitan Bl

Ry C o - H e n r y H HaighL 1899 364,94 Same Louisa Bing, 1899 370.52 Same Margaret McElvaiue, 1899 510.50 •The Sfawanhaka 'Corinthian Yacht Club—Tbos

J Dunn as Sheriff. ftc, 1899 1,000,00 The -Mesinger Bicycle Saddle Co—Frederick

Mesinger, 1S99 42t-',2M 'i'he Manhat tan Ry Co and The Metropolitan El

Hy Co.—Susanna Koch. 1.VJ9 ;i99,39 Same Rodman C Peil and ano exrs, ftc, 18!!!),

,S03.75 Henry E Jones & J C Travis Co—Ticonderoga

Pulp & Paper Co, 1899 1,:i60.7t Same—Richard Dudenaiug, Jr , aa reeeiver, Sec.

1899 ii.l)90,20 The Clary Se Long Co—Helen M Long. 1899 , .

3,0(10,00 Board of 'Taxea and Assessments—Charlotte

Aschenbrenncr. 1S98 57.00 Uilmei-, Emma—Benno Loewy. 1899 ."iO.R3 Ulman, H Charues—C Burlington Walker. Jf^os.

2,iril 70 'Vrana . John—People of Slate of -\ Y, 1897, . .

:-1III),IJO Van Dohiu, Casper F—Tlie Mayor, ftc, of N Y.

1,899 204.84 Weiler, Prauk H—Marv C .'Moen, 1899 276,47 Wiliàrd, John lï—Alexr II Ritchie. 1889

;!,4.S5,34 Wagner, E Wm—Leo Buckstein, l.->...i 72.7n Same AlOx S Roseuthal and ano, IS'.l!l,.-|(ill.50 Sarae -Gertrude Hobson, 1899 -19,22 fiame—W ft J Sloaue, 1899 .'Wo.îi-I Zcvrc, Joséphine P—B ft S Bernhard, 18;i:;.. .


'Vacated by order ot Court. 'Suspended on ap­peal. ^Released. -"Reveranl. 'Satiafled by exécu­tion. 'Annulled and vold.


" a r k av, e s, 300 s Wendover av, .50x100,,,.^ Wa<Jiilnglon av, w s, 300 s Wendover av, £tîs.

:'m. oan Giuaberg agi A Ferber $2^.t';«t î a i â Et, Noa 538 to 544 West. Hyman GlaB:

t»!BS ag t I Hoffman .2tïl

3d av, e s, 251 s 174th st, Richard Dolan agt Landsberg Se Rose 50,00

24th st. No 35 Weat, n s, 20x75. Israël Brotaky ' a n d A Aronowitz agt Robt J Mahoney. . . .03,00

Grand at. Nos 4151^ and 417, a s, 22.4x100. James W Conlou agt Cohen & Li l tenberg and ROSE & Fisher -. 121.75

98lh st, n a, 200 e Madison av, lOUxlOO.ll. Arsenio Pernet t i Se Ca agt Otto F Degener and Wm P Lennon ; 983,40

6th av. Nos 268 to 274[being 6th av, n e cor l a n s t , NoOl I l l l h st, '.3,9x100,0,

Hermann Hafers agi Henry Morgenthau and Prank Boyle 150.00

Oct. 23. 92d st, s s, 100 w Broadway, 50x100. Union

Granité Co agt Emilio Vigua and E De Lacey 650.00

l l S t h st, n s. 130 e Madiaon av, 1-20x90. Mayer Schnee agt Ray Winzimmer 44,011

118th st. n s, 90 e Madison av. 120x90.11. Ferdinand Stieger agt Ray Wiuueziraraer and W Winezimmer Se Schildkraut 150,00

Same property, Meeker, Carter & Booracra agt sarae 1,020,00

l l S t h al, n s, 125 e Madiaon av, 120x100. Wra W Vaughan agt Ray Se Wolt Weinziraraer.

5,190.10 Brook av, e s, 100 u ITls t st. 100x100. W m W

Vaughan agt Ray & Wolt Weinaimmer.2,432.55 Sarae property. Max Narias agt s ame . ,1,150.00 Same property. Reis & Drechsler agt same,

375,03 Same property. Rosa EUeader agt W Wien-

zimmer aud A Sichoidrout 730,03 Brook av, e s, 204 s Wendover av, 100x100.

Ferdinand Steiger, Jr , ag t Ray Winezimmer and Wiueziraraer & Schedkraut 2,009.00

Brook av, e s, 200 s Wendover av, 100x109. E H Hinners Sona agt Ray Winezimmer aud Winezimmer & Schi ldkraut 1,899.00

Brook av, e a, 24,11 s 145th st, 25x80. P redk D Holbrook agt John Ful ler ton and Mar­tin Barron 100.00

Kelly st, n a, 110 e Robbins av, 75xl33x83.7x 95.11, J im Chriato agt Michael Cowen and Elizabelh aud Duncan McKinlay 38.50

Same properly, Mike Tarrack agt sarae . ,24,00 n 3 t h sl , s s, 100 w l s t av, 100x100.11, P r a n k

Vaecaro agi Keshin, Blitstein ft F r a n k . .804.011 Washington av. Nos 1521 and 1523. w s, 100 u

]71st st. 5O.\300 to Pa rk av. Ber ton L Wr igh t lo Abraham Farbe r 275.0(1

Arasterdam av, n e cor 120th sl, 100x100. N Y Hydraul ic Preas Brick Co agt James T F i tz­patr ick 618.73

Brook av, n e cor 171st st . 100x100, J P Duffy ft Co agt Louis Gilbert 90.00

Same property. Bornsteiu Bros ag t same.1.100.00 White Plains av, e s, 70 s Sth st, 40x,30, Will­

iarasbridge. John Ruser agt Mary O'Connell and Peter Sponbeimer Se Son 104,70

•Central Park Wcst, n w eor lOSth st. lOO.llx 100, Cleveland & Taylor agt Cornélius DeW Taylor and Wm W Graham Co and Will iam Noble 975.00

13fith st, n s, 400 e St Anns av. 125x100. Jere Hanifin agt Marie Lasperges 500.00

144th st, a s, 150 e 8th av, 50.6x99. Danl A Fi tzpat r ick agt Zenaide D Schullenberg and John O'Kane 117.50

3d av, Noa 218 aud 220, e a, 44x02. Sarauel Greenwald agi Caroline A P r a t t 3,250.00

Union av, w s, 50 a lOOth st, 100x100. Thile-mann ft Smith agt Matthew P Riley and John P O'Leary 380,00

KMth st, Nos 50 to 60, s s, 100 e Columbua av, 180x100, Gabriele Valente agi W m R Bell and Edward Coles 200 01

Vauderbi l t (Park) av, s e cor 171sl st, 4-sty brk bldg. Raimondi Sebastiano agt Michae! Brigllo and Pasquale Amberto 9,2(

Sarae properly. Francisco Deiandido agi sarae. 9.20

l l l t h st, u s. 100 e Lenox av, 75x100, Pfoten­hauer ft Nesbit agt Roraeo & V u c c i . . 50108

Same property. Murray Se Hill agt same,244.50 l->2d s l . n w cor Wales av, 50xS6.11x—x58 5

Herraan Selder agt Louther S Horne . . . 5 4 5 00 Hami i lon Terrace, e s, 365 n 141st st, 110x90

Dimock & Fink Co agt Robert Kelly aud Frank Woytisek '>8i ,37

Jackaon av, w s, 375 s 156th st, 95,9x08.4x95 0 xi;7,4, Herber t Diou and Will iam Petersen agt James G Pal ton, -Bernard D Floyd and ••John" Moriarty 75,0(1

Oct, 24. Brook av, e s, 204 s Wendover av, 100x100.

•lohn Caggiano agt Ray "Virinezimmer and Weinziraraer ft Schildkraut 700,OJ

Same property. Robinson Stoneware Co agt sarac 297 OS

Wendover av, s e cor Brook av, 26.2x104'!)x'26x 104.10. Patk J Hughes agt Geo H Anderson and Wm H Tar t ruch fiO.OO

Wendover av, s e cor Brook av, 20x104, A Jo-hannesen agt Anderson & T o r s t r i c k . . . 75 00

Webster av. u e cor St Pauls pi. 24,0x90. Pa tk .1 Hughes agt Geo H Anderson aud Wm H Tar t ruch (jo.OO

Wc'bster ov. s e cor St Pauls pl, 26.2.x100x32x l'ill.2. Sarae agi sarae OO.OO

Dawaon st, u e eor Prospect av, 50x75. Keahlu Blitstein Se Co agt Joseph Gallo 75 00

75lb st. Nos 422 and 424, s s, 253 e l a t av 37 0 x80, Bdwin Miller agi Adolpb Weidbopf. 1.30.00

l:!4th al. a s, 173 e "th av, îOllxlOO. Lordi Se Peiiuelli ag i Louis Gilbert 2,770.0(1

i n t h st, u s. 100 c Lyuox av, 75x100, Bai'uey Goldraan agt •Ronico ft Vucci ,8,50.0(1

Amsterdam av. w s. 2+.Î] u 142d st, 50x81 to Harailton pl, x51,3x103. Lucia Sess agt Mary P and 'Peter J Counor i7;-i (K»

Cherry at. Nos 478 to 4,84. w s. 25 s Corlears si 83.8x50. John PirkI Bgt Joseph W, John J and Francis J Kierst and Winnifred J Smith

122.07 9SU1 st, Noe 19 and 21. n a, 300 e 5lh av, .50x

100.9, John Plrkl agt John J Kierst 254,30 13th Ht, Nos 39 and 41 , n a, ,323 e fith av, 40x

100. George Derr agt Bernhard J L u d w i g . . 425.00

.^rook av, n e cor 17ïst si, 100x100. Louia ?Jaeowaky agt Louis Gilbert 4.3.30,00

l'-î^th st . n a, 100 e -Morningside av. IOONIOO. •ijjrrin D Person agt Elizaheth -Moore . ,908.40

Sff.ïne property. Sarae agt same -. 101,50 •-.Uldwell av, w s. .325 s 156lh at, 30x115. Tony .^^Itieri agt Louis -\ Schneider 1,001,00

Jackson st, No 35, s w cor Mouroe st. Joseph Herraan agt Joseph Dillen 35,30

lOOth st, s w cor Park av, 75x100. Anthony Saiadino agt Samuel Russell and J a m e s J Benson 38.00

2d av, No 927, w a. 50 n 49th at, 25x100. Adolph Gmelin agt -Abraham Soloraon and Chas J Perry 59,19

l l S t h st, n s. 00 e Madison av, 120x100. B Kreischer Se Sona agt Ray Winezimmer ft Winezimmer Se Schildkraut 316.20

Slst st. n a, 104.10 w Broadway, 49.11x114. Crâne & Clark agt Fireproof Apar tmeut Co.

263.83 Cherry at, s s, 25 w Oiiver at. 49,10x100, B

Kreischer Se Sons agt E Feldman 215.00 l s t av, s w cor ILI th st, 100x100. Same agt

Ksshin, Blitstein & P r a n k 610-92 Brook av, w s, 195 s Wendover av, 28x100. B

Kreischer Se Sons agt Thereae Goldstein.414.00 Ocl, 25.

92d sl. Nos 4, G and 8, s s, 100 w Central Pa rk West, 75x100. Auguat Bischoff agi John W Stevens and John Riesiager 82,00

Central Park West, w s, 50.5 n lOOth st, 50,6x 100. Pasquale Streppone agt Jaraes C Murray,

3,300,00 -arasterdara av, n e cor 129th st . 100x100, Has ­

lun Se Werdall agt James T Fi tzpatr ick 2,775.00

lliOth st, s s, IOO e Tinton av, 30x100, Robert Moore agt Jane McArthur and Edwin R NUI.

234.80 Wales av, n w cor 152d st, 50x100. Heil Bros

agi Louther S Horne 195,00 n 8 l h sl, Noa, 8 aud 10 West. J Bindman Se Co

agt P C Lomonte 150.00 Union av, w s, 50 s IGOth st, 100x100. Dennis

W Moran agi Matthew F Riley 3'22.3S 201h st. No 19, n a, 161,1 w Broadway, 25x98.9.

Hugh J Barron agt Michael Bergman and "John Doe" 139,31

92d st .Nos 4, 6, S, a s, 125 w Central Park West , 140x100, John Rieainger agt Pa tk J O'Con-neil and Johu W Stevens 3,600.00

08th at. Nos 19 and 21, u s, 300 e ôlh av, SOx loi). Nicholas Burki iardt agt Joseph W and John Kierst 1,086,00

75th st. Nos 422 and 424, a a, 2-53 e l s t av, 3 7 . 6 K 80. Bennet t Sanberg agt Adolph Wiedhopf.

185.00 103th st. n e cor Manhal lan av, 25x100, Dauiel

Devant agt " J a n e " Layton and Peter J Ken­nelly 10,30

021 .s-. Nos 152 lo 158, s s, 100 e Arasterdara iiV, 100x100 (i, Jamea Powers agt Robert Ran­kin and Janies Hunter 147,00

Mott av, e s, 120 n 138th st, 90,6x129. Jam-ïs Powers agi John Coller and Christman Se Hosan 314.25

Washington av, w a, 300 s 180th sl , 100x145, F rank Bracalello ag t J a m e s A Lane, 387,76

Amsterdam av, n w cor 138th st, 100x100. The Vermont Marble Co agt H a r r v Chaffee. ,225.00

3d av, s e cor 174tb sl. 100x100x100x100,11. H a r r i s Wallace agt David Cohen aud Max Nar ias 60,00

Same properly. Wolf Berman ag t s ame . . . .165.00 Sarae property. Morris Wallace agi sarae. .30.00 Sarae property. Max Nar ias agt David Cohen.

1.072,00 Sarae properly, Meyer Serrbr insky ag t David

Cohen aud Wolf Berraan and Max N a r i a s . .3l).0O Sarae properly, Har ry Bernhard agt David

Cohen and Max Narias 30,00 Same property. Jacob Cohen ag t same 30.00 Webster av, n e cor Sl Pauls pl, 24.0x90. A

Johauneaen agt Anderson ft Torat ruck. , .500.00 Websler av, s e cor St Pauls pl, 20.2x100, Same

agt same 200.00 Wendover av. s e cor Brook av, 26x104. A

Johannesen agi same 300.00 l lOth st. n s. 100 w Madiaon av, 100x100. Do­

nato Longo agt Beujn Knower and Antonio Altieri 197.50

I lS th sl, u s, 125 e Madisou av, 120x100, J o h n H Shipway & Bro agt Wolt Se R a y Weinzira­raer 168,00

Oct. 26. 174th at, n s, 53,0 w Pul ton av. 125x100. Josepb

Tompkins agt Morris Marks 350.00 Same property, Mayer Schnee agt same. , --50.00 Brook av, w s, 109 s Wendover av, 28x100.

Har ry W Bell agt Thereaa Goldstein 64.50 lOlh al, s s, 285 w Slh av, 43x90. Clifford L

Miller agi The Society oE the New York Hoa-pilal and Robinson ft Wallace 1,829.60

Sl Anns av, w s, 25 u 144th st. 75x100. W m D Graut agt Rufus L Robinson 544.25

Ful ton av, w s, 126,11 a 174th al, runs w 125 x n 83.5 X e 75 X s 4.8 x e 50 x a 78,9 to be­gin. Michael Schumm agt Morris Marka

1,200,00 8th av, n w cor J48th st, 100x100. Olsen ft Co.

agt George Brown aud Lewis Heiiman. . .60.00 54tb st. n s, ZOO e Lexington av, 125x100. John

Kingston & Sou agt Rosamond Her ter and i^iunîng & Travers 119,00

Fnlton av. w s, 120 s 174th st. 125x100. Wother­spoon Se Sou agi .Morris Marks aud Anthony Donlevy 588.04

3d av, s e cor 174th st . um.nxUiOxKiOxlOO. Hirsch Kaplau ag t David Coben and Wolf Berman and .Max Nar ias 26.00

Oct. 27. 2Iat at. No 41, n a, 223 w 4th av, 25-\9S.n. Cos­

grove Broa agt Wai te r M Fernbacb . . .1 ,000.00 Columbia st. No 100, e s, 20.5x100. -Roblnaon

Stoiiewaze Co agt Berlha and Joaeph Wolken­berg 100.00

Brook av. w s, 199 s Wendover av, 39x100. Low Se Plogau agi Theresa Goldstein 32.00

Fulion nv, w s, 126,11 a 174th sl, 12.3x100. National Iron Works agi Morris Marka. .975,00

Brook av, w s, 195 a Weodover av, :;8xl00, Louis Vers agt Theresa Goldsteiu 325.00

Sth av, Noa 2131 lo 2139, n w cor 115th at, lOOxlOO, Henry Walker agi Henry Se Hyraan Sonn 105,00

187th st, s w cor Crotona av, 7.3x00, William Schoept agt Bodo and Paul ine .Manderode, . .

125,00 32d st, No 17, n s, 120 w Madison av, 25x98,9.

Harr is Rose agi Edward Kelly and W m F Martiu 4;j.oo

Waahington st, No 440, s w cor Desbrosses at. 21,9x82. Geo Pflster agt Sylvester J Milcheli


658 [Manhattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28,1899.

OBDERS. Oct. 26,

St Anns av, n e cor 140th st, 75x100. Manhat­tan Improvement Co on Mary A McNamee to E Docior 500.00

St Anns av, n e cor 130lh st, 75x100, Same on same to same 300.00

St Anns av, e s, exiends t rom 139th st to l l f l th st. Same on same to same 200,00


Oct, 21. -40th st. No 443. n a. 250 e IOth av . 25x98.9.

MUla & Pox agt G Otto Elterich, (Lien filed Sept 28, 1899) $2HL0O

West End av, s W cor OSth st . 100x100. Isaac W Ullman agt Erues t Wetterer . (Sept 14, 1899) 105,00

lOOth st, Nos 65 and 67, n s. 125 e Columbus av, —X—. Joseph Vegliante Se Co ag t Car-mine Luekes. tOct 10, 1899) 550.00

Oct. 23. Morris av, e s, 300 n 184th st, 150x100. August

Kirchner agt Wm J Hargravea, Jr , ana H Rolph. ( June 24, 1899) 70,00

Evelyn pl, n s, 150 e Graud av. 25x100. Clarke Se Sherman ag t Kather ine and Otto Metz. (May 29, 1890) 38.1fi

133d st. s s, 200 e Boulevard. 75x99.11. Geo A P ra t t agt Mary A Cannon. (Oct 19, 189i))

075,00 -Jackson av, n e cor Cedar pl. 25x100. Muihern

Steara Heat ing Co agt Jenuie F Miller. (July 29, 1899) 003,93

=Jackson av, n e cor Cedar pl. 75x100. John Morrison Se Co agt same. (Sept 25, 1899).

605.93 =l l th st, Nos 151 10 161, n s, 75 e 7th av, 150x

100. Israël G Howell, Sr, agt Grissler ft Son. (Oct 12, 1899) 1,254.37

Oct, 24. 93d at, s s, 200 w Cenlral Pa rk Wesl . 50x100.8.

Baldwin ft Green agt John De Ha r t and Joseph D Jennlnga. (Oct 23, 1899) 250,00

oth av. n e cor 98th sl, 50x100. F r a n k S Grob agt Patr ick Duffy el al, (Aug 23, 1899)..93.43

12àlh st. Nos 214 aud 216, s s, 125 e 3d av, 50 xlOO. Diraock & Pink Co agt Rachael Ranger et al. ( June 14, 1899) 237,28

119th st, a s, 378 e Lenox av, 32x100. Phillip Semmer Glasa Co (Lira) agi I Vrasda and ano. (Oct 18, 1899) 136,26

Washington av, n w cor 173d at, 100x90. Oacar G Borkstrom agi George Blumenthal aud Al­bert B Woythaler. (Oct 13, 1899) 111,40

Waahington av. Noa 1111 to 1115, w s. 218.10 u 166lh st. Roaa Ellender ag t Vincent Bona gur. (Sept 15, 1899) 150,00

loTth at, s e cor Manhat tan av, 25x100. Fevra -vant i Se Roaai agt Phil ip J Brunner and ano. (Aug 25, 1899) 1,004,00

Morris av. e s, 80 n 184th st . 161x100. B Goetz 'Manufacturing Co agt Wra J Hargrave . J r . (Aug 19, 1899) 90,00

56th st . Nos 83 and 85 Ibeing o6th st, n w Pa rk av. Nos 442 and 444 | cor Pa rk av, oOx

67.1. Henry R Worthington, a corporation, agt (Îerman-Amerlcau Finance Co et al. (Aug 16, 1899) • ^l?-»^

73th st. Nos 422 and 424, s s. 2o3 e l s t av, oox 100, J P Duffy ft Co agt Adolph and Oscar -i^'iedhopf. (Sept 16, 1899) ^ . . . . . - - . . ^ - - - 1 0 4 - o l

Pa rk av No 444, n w cor o6th st . 6o.bx.li.A-Francia Boutenakels agt F r a n k M and Laura Weiler, (Jan 19, 1809) . . . . . .2i8..31

70ih sl, s s, 250 e Av A. - x - . Cirio Gennusa agt Arthur Gorach. (Oct 13, 1899,). . - - - -24 ,00

gytb al, a s, 130 w Cenlral Pa rk West, oOx--. Henry Dowd agt Chrisi ian Bliua. (Oct 16, 1699.) •^•'™

Oct, 23, 97lh s l . No 309 West. Louia Boaaert & Son al

Pred V Osthoff et al, (Sept 16, 1899). . . 2 2 1 03 Av B, a e cor Tth st, 61x93. Bouker Contract ­

ing Co agt Jacob Rose et al. (Oct 21, ^^^^J>^

20'th' si," Nos '218 aud 220 Ëâs t . Samuel Green­wald agt Caroline A Pra l t . (Oct 23. lS99)-Qg

Oct. 26. Waahington at. s w cor Deabrossea st. 21-9x82.

George Pflster agi S J Mitchell- (Oct 6, ^^^^^^

Washington "st, s w cor Desbrosses st, 21,l()x 100. Kar l Mathiason agt same, (Oct b, jgyt) 22O.00

DesbrosseV "st. No 440. Louia Bossert & Son agt same. (Oct 7. 1899) - SOI OO

92d st, Nos 27 and 29. n s, loO w Sth av, 84,2 X—. John J McCourt agt Paul Pugh anO Dowd ft Masiin. (Juue 20, 1899) . . . . . . . ; 'O.OO

113th at. n s, 100 e Lexiugton av. W C DicK-eraon agt Nathau Elikottsky and Louis Kur -landzik, (Sept 16, 1899) ,. . . - - • • • • •So.* I

93d si, s s, 200 w Centrai Pa rk West , oOxlOO.8. Baldwin & Greeu agt John De H a r t and Jo-seph D Jennings, (Oct 24, 1899) 2.)0,( )

Madison s l . Nos 135 and 137, n w cor Birming­ham al, 38x100. T J Mooney ft Co agt Abram Abelman and ano. (Oct 11, 1899) . . . - ••jio.h.)

Amsierdam av, a w cor SOth at, 100x100.-. William Bradley & Son agi B W Waguer and Mark E Stevena, (April 13. 1899). . .13,000,00

OSth st, Nos 19 and 21, n s, :i00 e 5th av, oOx—. Domenico Vitelio agt Joseph W Kiers t . (Ocl 3 1899) 419.2a

îl 'sth st, NÔ "541'. n s. 120 w Av B, 25x103-3. Henry Arit agt Harr ia Goldberg. (March 18. 1899) ^~•'•'"'

Ocl. 27-i s l av. Nos 2279 and 2281, w s. 25.2 n 117th

st, Clementi Indelli ag i George Jenkins . (AUE 1 1890) loO.!)*!

•Washingion av, n w cor 173d at. 100x100. Henry G SiUeck. J r . agt George Blumenthal and A B Woythaler . (Oct 13, 1899 ) . . . - , 61 .88

3d av, Noa 3810 lo 3816. e s, 12.i n 171st st. —X— F B Hawkins & Co agt Will iam NelBÔn. (Aug 0, 1S90) - - - - - . - ,'^-^'^^-P^

106th st. Nos 212 and 214 East, s ?. 160 e 3d av David W Biuna agt Weidbusch & Schwartz, (Oct 13. 1899) 284.8o

Perot sl. n s, loO e Bosion av, —x—, ?a™ , Ajello agi W W Niles l.U,00

'Discharged by depoBlt. •DlECharged hy bond. *Dlsch»rged by order ot court.


Oct, G E N E R A L A S S I G N M E N T S .

21 Menadler, Théodore and Philip (Menadier Bros, brush manufacturera , a t 275 Wate r st) to Erneat B Wright , of 407 W 147th at ; wilh préférences,

23 Geary, Margaret (tailor, 53 Maiden lane) to John U Drake, 644 St Marka av, B:-ooklyn; no préférences.

23 Deraraerle, Théodore (cloth, ha t and cap man­ufacturer, 16 Clinton pl) to Simon Beir, 436 Centrai Pa rk West,

A P P R O V E D P A P E R S . Week ending Oct. 21, 1899.

MAINS, 139lh st. from Lenox av to 7tb av; water .

A T T A C H M E N T S . The followlng la a l ist of the a t t achments flled

In the County Clerk's Offlce dur ing the week. Ths flrat name ia t ha t ot the debtor; the second that ot the creditor, and the third tha t of the a t to rne j tor the creditor,

Oct, 20. Haaae, Heinr ich; Lee Wolff; $575,74; S L Wolff. Metropolitan Collecting Co; F r a n k S Grob;

,$150.00; W R Hill. Oct, 24.

Travis , Mary F ; Thomas O'Meara; $1.000.00: Earley. H & S.

Acme Electric Lamp Co; Fredk B j imes ; $774.12; Dealer Se M.

Oct. 25. Looney Se Carroll ; Henry Huber Co; $571.41; D

McLean-Pepper. E O et a l ; The Eaaton Co; $1,000.00;

A W Gleason,

Oct. 26. Prame, Colin; H a r r y R Far jeon; $2,770.12;

Blumenstiel ft Hirsch. F Hiscox Co; Leber Se Meyer; $101.28; M J

Katz. L Adams Transpor ta t ion Co; Four teen th Street

Bank; $801,50; Rollin M Morgan.

CHATTELS. N O T E . - T h e flrst name,alphabeUcally a r rangea ,

Is t ha t ot the Mortgagor, or pa r ty -who glves tbe Hortgage, " E " means Renewal Mortgage.

Ociober 20, 21, 23, 24, 23, 26-


Ackrou, C E, 199 W 33 th - .Na t l C R Co. Regis-•ler S^"»"

Aaplund, E l i a . . P Westphal , (R) 345 Axt, H e i e n a . , P o i k ft Fr i tz . (H) i . w u jl.peatorf, Jos. 6 S tuyveaanl . . N a t C R Co. Reg­

ister. -'f'' Alexander, D M. Frankl in av and 169th s t . .W

T Trann, Drug Pixlures , T93 AbraiUs, Geo. :ilb D iv i s ion . ,Na t C R Co. Reg­

ister **' . \me3 ," j M & C H. Kiugsbr idge. .D F Smilb.

Horaea, &c. l-oOO ^Saltransiiy, Louis. 181 C h r y s t i e . . K Levy.

Horses, Wagon, ftc. . r-. „ "^'^ Segg Sarah C. 621 Madiaon a v . . M D Barry .

Fixlures , l i t ) 1,004 Beck, Fred. 2388 l s t av . .A P Berg, Bakery

Fixiurea. , ^ ,^ - ^ Brown, laaac- 66-68 Sheriff. .J Hirsch. Horae,

ftc '••^°'' Bimikofsky, Meyer, 141 Chryatie . .Bennet t &

G. Soda Fix tures . 3 1 -Bodine, H W. 187 Pear i . . .Mutual L A. Preaa.

ftc. 1-^ Bonefacio, Stetano, 325 W 41st. .S Granato.

Bakery Fixturea. ,_ , , W Brandatone, Joa. 776 Lexinglon a v , . K Moses,

Barber Fixlures , TOO Berg Fraucis , 152 E H o u s l o n . . F Brunner &

Soii. Pool Table, 100 Bernard, F . ComraouweaKh av and Mansion s t

, ,P ft G H a a g ft Co. Barber F ix tures . 30 Uernstein, Sidney. 1733 Lexington a v , . J Piek.

Drug Fixtures . ' ^-' •i" ' Black ft S o n . . G T McGIaughlin, Horse. Cab,

ftc '>Û0 Brooks G T. 173 Wooster F Stoue, Dye

Pixtures . *00 Brasch, Abraham. 183 Bowery . -M Gmzburg.

Pool Tables. „ , , '>'-'•' Bonner Se Strong, 1026 Madison av, .fa LUI-

mau. Barber F ix lures . (R) 282 Breeu, A i. 2321 7lh av . .C H Bangs . Drug

Pixtures , . ''•>0 Brooks. Chas. 188 3d av , .Na l C R Co. Reg­

ister. - - ' ' Burns . Archibald, 1093 aud 1003 3d av . ."T

Eisele, Butcher F ix tures . lOO Buraford, Marion. 224 W l lOth . .Donigan Se

Nielson. Wagon, 190 Barton, L B. -J -M Quimby Co, (R) 350 Bernsteiu, S. ll>8 E Hous ton . .Bennet t & G.

Soda Fixlures . (R) 210 Bernstein, Hy. 3778 3d a v . , D u n n a u f & Wicke^_

Butcher Fixtures , 77 Bodin, Wilhelmina. 1465 l a t av . .1 Goldstein,

Grocery Fixtures , .30 Cbattle, T H, 1238 2d a v . , W Wisendanger .

Drug Pixtures, SÙO Club Woman ' s Magazine Pub Co, 156 5lh av

Molleson Bros Co. Paint ing, 148 Coleman E J. 235 St Nicholas a v . , H i n c k s &

J, Cab, SOO Columbia Press Asaoc. .Mergenthaler L Co,

Machiuea. Leasa Cohen, Louis. 331 Madiaon-,M Masous, Soda

Fixturea- 320 Coi-emann. Z, 77 Mot t - ,L -Meran, Wagon,

IRl 103 Cirker, H a n n a h . , A Busch Co, IR) 178 Cohen, Saml. 273 Rivinglon T J Collina.

Barber F ix tures . _ (R) 30

Cornell, May E.. . In ternat ional Elevator Co. Grain Elevator. ' (R) 2,369

Coniglio, Calogero. 446 l l l h av . ,R Fasano . Barber P ix lures . 24

Chicklacos. Peter . 2290 3d av . .T Pascal. Con­fectionery Fixtures , 1.500

De La Vergue Refrigerating Mach Co. . J Rup­pert et ai. (R) 150,000

Dagenais, V and A. 1870 3d a v . . B Dutaui t . Confectionery Fixtures , 1,000

Daly, Martin. 1466 3d av . .Metropoli tan P u r Co. (R) 66

Dick, Max. 71-73 Rivington. .Na t C R i;o. Register, 200

Delke, Hlndmarah & Gibbs, 1327 Broadway . , Consoi Dental Mtg Co. Dental P ix tures . 206

Decker, Hy & S B C. 303 W 113th, .Blumen­thal Se Co. Crockery, &c. 30O

Dreyer, W & J R. . . F Eberleîn. (R) 400 Egan, P J, 203 W 64 th . .H incka & J. Cab. 825 Ekenberg, John. 501 3d a v . . H Wagner . Pool

Table. 125 Engelhardt , Hermau, 845 lo 851 E 136th. . Isaac

A Sheppard ft Co. Ranges . 615 Evening Post Publ ishing Co,. .Mergenthaler L

Co. Machine, Iease Ehrgot t , G M. 66 Broadway. .Colurabus L Co.

Office Pixturea. 25 Einhorn , Max, 104 Clinton. .Araerican New

System C ft D A Co. Soda Pixtures , 325 Paber, Chas. 37 Lewis . .Goldberg & E. Si­

phons, 300 Pavata , Antonio, 2.51 Cent re . . F r a n k Fava ta .

J u n k Pix tures . 408 Ficht, L, 240 W 54th- .Hincka Se J, Coupe. 980 Fischer, A J, 2-6 Reade. . W Page . Machinery.

150 Fr iedman, A, 722 E Oth. .S Rolh, Butcher

Pixtures- 60 Foster , E and H. 153 2d av . . F & G H a a g Se

Co, Barber P ix tu res . 45 Prieble, E F . 106 W 25th. . F Wesel Mfg Co.

Cutter . 125 Peuer l ichl , M A. 085 Broadway. ,L Rosenz­

weig, Machine. 100 Pord , G B. l l ô t h and 5th a v . . N a t C R Co.

Register. lOO Franc ia , Lucca , . .Archer Mfg, Co, (R) - î i j . Faulhaber , J C. 401 E 5 : id . .Hincks & J.

Coacb, (R) 675 Fine, Chris topher . . C D Rust , (R) 625 Fluckiger , J A, 248 Bleecker aud 2-6 LeRoy.

C H Reed. Butcher F ix tu res . (R) l.ôOO Frawley, P J. 133 W 31s t . .H incka Se 1. Coach-

(R) 450 Franz , A J, 13/6 Pa rk a v . , O s b o r n C R Co-

Register, 100 PrishOerg, David- 223-227 M o n r o e . . C Gold­

stein. Soda Fixturea. 406 Gahre, Aug. —Leroy 3 I . . E P Kennedy. Ma­

chinery. 500 Gailiuo Se Livolai. 22 Av D . .IM Torrisi, Bar­

ber F ix tures . 420 Gilbert, Louis. 26 Reade. . J L Montague Se Co.

-Machines. 62 Giuseppe, Russo. 239 E l i z a b e t h . . A Salvatore.

Baroer F ix tures . 42 Graham, C H. 344 3d a v . . K Donnelly. Ex ­

press Fixturea. 250 Gretier, C H, 2032 Decatur av, F u r n i t u r e ; 691

Cole, .Fideli ty L A, Horae. n u Grilïiths, G H. 227a Broadway. .Tigetmeier Se

Riepe, Wagon. 1^5 George Darby Co. 153 and 155 W 5 4 t b . , J F

Goodrich ft Co. Coaches, 1,575 Garcia, J G.. .Mergenthaler L •Co. iMachine. lease Goett, John. 173 Webster a v . . N a t l C R Co.

Register, IOQ Goldstein, I. 100 Orchard . , F & G Haag & Co.

Barber F ix tures . 143 Groh, Jobn. 406 E 76th. .W Jan tzen . Horae-

sboer P ix tu res . 45 Gloeckner Se F a u s t , . W Scott. (R) 1,105 Gurgiolo, Nicolo. .Klingier Sons Co, (R) 262 Gruhn, R a y . . M E Sandford, (R) 90 Geaundheit. Isaac, 265 Wyckoff. Brooklyn. , ,

N Y Laundry Mach Co, Laundry Fixlures,550 Godchaud. A...1 Osborn Se Co. (R) 1,700 Same Same. (R) 1,700 GorUkar, B. 24 Su l ïo lk , . .A Brainaon. Drug

Fixlures , 330 Herr l ich, C, 300 B 86th; 438 B 83d; 3305 3d

av . .W Delsuer. Under taker F ix tures , 3,631 Haney, John. 202 B 8 4 t h . . . . M a r y Kaiser.

Horaes, Vans, ftc. (R) 1,473 Hardy . H S. 250 W 125th. .D F Barker . Preas ,

Sec. 2.000 Huasmann, L G , . , H ft H Sonu, (R) 698 Hoefling, W C. 618 E 138th and 621 E 13Sth

. . N a t l L A. F ish Market F ix tures and F u r ­niture, 100

HaU, E W and P J. W Broadway. Vesey and Greenwich s t s , . . L P Slewart . Preas, Sec 2,500

Herczeg, Danl, 1061 Madison a v . . . R o a a Herczeg, Cigar Fixturea. 600

Hoy W J. 400 Pea r l . .Conner, F Se Co, Type, ftc. (R) 200

Har t , Max. 021-629 E 9 lb . .1 A Sheppard Co. Ranges . 1,850

Same. 123th at and Araaterdara a v . . . . S a m e , Ranges, 573

Iskuyan, Jacob- 358 Sth a v . .P Sarian, Looms. 200

Jacobs, Hy, 500 Brook av , .Tyber & Kornhli t . Butcher Fixtures , 136

Joseph, Saml M. 202 W lOOlh. .Dora M Jouph. Cigar P ix tures .

Jenkins , H C, Foot E 121st, .M Malles. Launch. 600

JeHrey ft Co, 81 Cort landt , .Na t C R Co. Register. 400

Jones, Geo. 15S W 26lh, ,Quinaler &. Co. Cab. 875

Same Same. Same. SOO Jordan, Pat . 13 W ] : w i h . . J Rolbachild Se Sona.

Horse, 75 Judaon, T A . . . G C Engel Co. (R) 500 Kahn , Bmma. 28y2 Carminé, . . .C Schoeller,

Wagon. 110 Kandel, Mor r l a , . J Kahn. (R) 600 Kovar & Mishkin. 1054 Lexington av, .J M

Haeper. Drug Fix tures . 340 Kiernan, John, 61sl st and 2d av . .Nat l C R

Co, Register. 250 Kienle, A C. 146 and 148 W o r l h . . H & S H a m ­

mer, Pr in t ing Fix lures . (RI 1.550 Klossk. A J S H and I. 3 P ike . ,M Marrans .

Seltzer F ix tures . ftc 1.000 Kaplan & Arkowilz. 5 P e l l . . M L Abrahams. .

Machines. 400

October 28, 1899- RECORD AJVD GUIDE. [Manbattan] 659

Kahn & Hirschel . 3739 3d a v . . N a U C R Co Regisler. 125

Knickerbocker Co . . .Marg l A McGeachy. P u r ­ni ture , „ ^,, " ^

Koehling, B- 435 E 1 3 3 t h . . J Fisher . Horse, Sec. ^l'J

Kaplan, L. 329 Broome. .Na t C R Co. Reg­ister. 1""

Kerbajekian, S G. 204 E 8 7 t h . . C H Hinck, Grocery Pix tures . 100

Kennedy, Jos . 478 W 22d. ,M W Smith. Wagon. 120

Kirchheimer, David. 114 Pea r l . .Nat l C R Co. _ Register, 27o

Kletl , Geo, J r . Van Nes t . .Geo Klett . Sr, Bot­tier Fixturea. I.-IOO

Kushue . Jacob- 110 E 7 t h , - E Diaraond, Butcher Fixturea. 125

KatK Max, 1708 Park av . .D Ralkyn, Butcher Pixturea, 100

Klett . Wra, 1341 5th av . ,L Stern. Butcher F ix lures . 150

Klein Bros, 260 E r o a d w a y , . . M Warschauer . Machinery. 300

La Rose, Dora. 353 W 5Sth. .Regina Music Box Co. Music Box. 153

Lelteriel lo Se Veroie. 458 3d av . ,'F Se G Haag ft Co, Barber Fixturea. 45

Lewandowski, ——. 154 E Hous ton . .T J Collins. Barber F ix tures . (R) 40

Lyman, Jack. 321 and 323 E 3d, ,C Haller, Ma-_ chines. 75

Lancaster . E H, 202-208 E 8Sth . -Woychinske & Stott- Cab. 68

Leuthy. Emil . 462 3d av . ,Na t C R Co, Reg­ister, 150

Libowitz, S & P. 306 C h e r r y . . J Schmidl. Wagon. 150

Lounsbury , H B. 82 J o h n . .Seybold Ma­chine Co. Cutter. 125

Laru , Danl. 56 E lOOth. . J McGee, Horse, 45 Lebovitz, Louis. 306 Cherry , . .S Beruatein,

Syphons. 328 Lisy. Lingo, 96 J o h n . - E r n e s t o Lisy. Barber

Fixlures , 300 Leaser ft Taffet, 87 Wil le t t . ,H Waguer. Pool.

132 Landers , John. 312 Av A,. .Hoepfner Se Wuest.

Truck. 150 Meltzer, Abraham, 147 Madiaon. .F Hil lman.

Butcher Pixturea. 50 Melvin, J R. 13-19 E IOth, .Hincka & J. Coach.

(R) 250 Meehan. P J. 122-124 W 34 th . ,H incka & J.

•Cab, (R) 550 McCormick Mtg Co , . .S t a l e Trust Co. (R) 25,000 Majori ft , Rapone, 24 Spriug. . .G Cardone,

Théâtre Chairs, 205-McEvoy, T. P. 49 Cliff. . J M Smilh, Horsea,

Trucks , ftc. 700 McGurn, W B, 290 W Broadway. .Roeser ft

Soraraer, Gas Fixlures , 100 McPherson ft May. 150 G r a n d , . P C Goppoldt,

Machinery. 100 Meyer, Siegfried. 205 W Broadway. .A H Sol­

omon. Machines. 424 Miller, J T. 52-34 Lafayette p l . , . P L Mon­

tague, Press , &c. 2,.'JOO Mirabella, M ft G. 2321 7th a v , , P Cagiglia,

Barber Pixturea. 575 Mooney, Tiraothy. 138 W 54lh, ,Hincks Se J,

'Coacb. (R) 250 Muller, r, 1331 2d a v . , D u m r a u f ft Wicke,

Butcher Pixlures , 80 Mansfieid, W C. 1184 Lexingtou a v . . Nat

G R Co, Register. 325 Marino, D. 96 Varick. .R Vauaghoria. Bar­

ber F ix tures . 200 Mcintyre , Thos P, 554 W 2 S t h . . B Weill,

Horses, Vans, ftc, 4 75a McNamara, Bridget. 119 W OOth.,Wolff Broa,

Horse. Ig2 Miller & Kaiieh. 168 Stb av, ,H Wagner .

Pool. ij3<j Mockier Bros. 701 Columbua av . .Nat C R Co

Register, 400 Muhlfarth. M . . A r c h e r Mfg Co. (R) 375 Meenan, Pe te r . .H & H Sonn. (R) 40 Mackei, H F . .'P A Roos. Cab. 80 Magano. John, 45 Monroe. . F ft G Haag Se Co

Barber Fixiurea, 17 Massey, Jaa. Boston r o a d . . P & G H a a g Se Co.

'Barber F ix tures . 56 McGarry, B. 418 l l t h av Natl C R Co.

Register. gp Miese, Hy . 150lh st, near German pl J E

Krahmer . Horse, ftc. 108 Neely, P T. 114 5th av . .W Kleeman. Office

Pix lures . 253 Neumanu, Jos . 1410 Ôth av . .H Wagner . Pool.

Noble, C E . 20 W 6 0 l b . . Hincks & J. Cab. (R) 025

North. M, 721 Westehester a v . . M u t u a l L A. Horses , Trucks, ftc. ''OO

Oldenhagre, H, 237 E 47th. .A Fraenzwick, Horses, 200

Ornik & Meinhard. 02 Clinion. .D Hann . Horae. &c, JâO

O'Brien, T P . :34th at and Brook av . .Nat l C R Co. Register. ^00

Oppenheimer, A d o l p h . , P Westphal . (R) 203 Payton, Hy. 118 W 31sl . .M E Sandford. Pool

Table- 115 Perniciaro, A. 209 Av A - . F Genovase. Ma­

chinery. 90 Portoghese, J, 2409 l s t av . .Kliugler Sons Co,

Barbe r Pixtures , 108 Palmer , Alex, l l l l h st and St Nicholas av . -

F ft G Haag Se € 0 , Barber Pixlures- 350 Parker , Pat . 2-266 8lh a v . , N a t C R Co. Reg­

isler. 230 Pioner, C T, Eas tches te r , . John Pioner. F a r m ­

er P ix tures . 050 Pisco, Nicola, 200 W 04th. . P Napoli. Barber

Pi.Ytures. .365 Popper Se Co, 963 E 105th. .Metropolitan Pix­

ture Co. Comb Caae. 28 Robert , Blei Syndicale. 145-147 W 3 4 t h , , N a t

C R Co. Register. 275 Same. , . , same. Sarae, 275 Rocky, W S. 151 W 42d . .Mershon Se Knight .

Drug Pixturea, 3.200 Rudolph, Albert. 251 E 52d. .h V Weil. Bar­

ber P ix tures . 85 Ryan, J a s . 948 E 149th. .Na t C R Co. Reg­

ister. 80 Riedell, C M. 3251 Broadway. . .Adams L a u n ­

dry Co. Laundry Fixtures , 1,(XI0 Richter ft Co. 2283 8th av. .N Y Laundry Co.

Laundry Fix tures . 2,209

Royal Dental Co. 30 W 231 aud 112o Madison a v . . R Si lverman. Dental F ix tu res . SoO

Rezzo & Barbasso, 252 W 2 0 t h . . P ft G H a a g ft Co, Barber P ix tures . 4oU

Ricksecker, J E ft C A. 143 Leuox av . .A B Ballzly. Drug Pixtures . 6,UU0

Riedl ft Ginsburg. 1823 Broadway. .NaU C R Co. Register. . .„ , ' . , . ,

Richards , P rank . UOth s t and Brook av . .Nat l C R, Go Reffistcr iVJu

Roseuberè, A H, 71 Monroe and 50 Cana l . .Nat l T. A Purn i tu re , Press , Sec _ 'O

Rossf& ÈpitSuia. '210 Grand. .T J Collins. Bar-^

S a ' ! u r a ™ ' ' B " & Sons. 225 Broome, . F W e s e l '

S c t ' y l ^ r ' w ' ' ? ^ ' ' 6 " L a w r e n c e . . P ft G ' H a a g &

S ^ c ^ ' f ^ ' ^ ^ ^ F l T l a t . , J souvay. B a ^ ^

SaufllfpporAr"lhur. 190 7lb av . . F Se G Haag

S c t u ^ y î e r . ^ S ^ ' ^ ^ ' - S T n e a r ^ Anns a v . . J g ^

S t S r g ! ' l ° ' 1 ô 2 7th a v . . N a t i C R Co. Reg^"^

Schwab, w m , 2557 3d a v . . N a u C R C o . Reg^-^^

Storage Battery Supply Co. .Mary J Bunc^e. ^~^^^

Surini, G. 180 Canal . ,C Sacco. Barber Pix^-^_

So'ioman Se Daker, 26 R e c t o r . . P Se G Haag ft Co. Barber P ix tures . ™

Stern. Adolpb. 709 3d av . .Adams Lauudry Co._ Laundry Pixtures , , , ,„ ,-,„ "

Salerno, Chaa, -2688 Sth a v . - A r c h e r Mfg Co Barber Fixlures . . , ^ ' ' ' '

Seuuo, M. Union av and Dawson,, .Archer Mfg Co. Barber F ix tures . yy

Seligman, S 0 L . . F Pollard, Show Cases .40 Sottile, V, 1684 Pa rk av . .Arcber Mtg Co,

Barber Pixturea. , ^ ,, , - ^ ° " Standing, Jaa, 7 3d av . ,H Hnmpfner- Lodg_-

ing Houae Pix tures . _ ^ , , ,_, , , Pr'^ Stanton, F L. 143 W 43d; 44 W 44lh, ,H H

Behse, Déniai Fixturea. o - h t = . Schweer, ChrisUne, 427 E 14th. .A Richte i .

Laundry Pix lures . , „ ^ r- D Scholer & Cohn. 17 Ru tge r p l . . . O s b o r n C R

Co. Regisler. „ „ , •^'^ Schacht. Wm, 1735 Madison av , .M Wegner

Cigar F ix tures . _ , 1-=" Siraiouesca, Max. 1012 3d av . . F Braïuen, Silk. L A, 793 E 138th. . H Englander . Gro­

cery Fixtures , J''^ Slifsky. Jacob, 0/^ Easex. .B Klenberg, Poo'-Spletaler. F r a n k . 1813 Lexingtou a v . . O s b o r n

•C R Co. Regiater. (O Sacha, Betsie, 152 Alleu. ,A Davia. Bakery

Pixiures , , , UO Sandtord, V S, 52 Slh av , ,J ft S Homan

Gas Engine, /^OO Schwab, Predr ika, 743 lOtb a v , . . W Stulz.

Barber F ix tures . „ 200 Schodsky, M, 368 C h e r r y . . J E Horaau, Gas

Engine. —J" Tbomas, John. 826 7lh a v . , H i n c k s ft J.

Coach, (R) ^^o Toomey, Michl. 495 Greenwich . . . J Keily,

Horaes, Trucks . l.ftiO Tigar, Hy, 07-09 P ike . .H Rich. Horae, ftc.^ ^ Tully ft O'Couuell . .Brown ft Pleraing, (R) 3,000 Thorapson, H C. 136 Liber ty . ,W Man. Office

Fixtures , oOO Taylor, P J. 57th st and l l t h av . .F iss , D ft

C H Co. Horses, 442 Talion, R J . . . M Ressener. Horsea, Milk Fix­

tures , &c, 41o Terres, S. 220 C l i n t o n . . T J Colllus, Barber _

Fixtures , IR) 75 Urnstein, Otto and Marie . .H & H Sonu, (K) 180 Ullman, R R. 316 B 98th. . J Lukasch . Wagon. Voges, Fred. 432 and 434 B 71st. .L H Hirsch

ft Co. Machinery. ftc. 238 Voigt, C F, 419 E 7 4 t h . . A Mietz. Gaa Eu-^

gine. ^oO Vicario. John , -Mergen tha l e r L Co. Machines.

(R) Lease Wallace. J C H A Poat. (R) 185 Weiler, Wm. 728 E 1 3 9 l h . . A Stevans. Cou-__

fectionery Fixtures , 73 Winter , Pred. 237 3d av . .Metropolitan Fix ture

Co. Slore Fixturea . 138 Wooda, Tbos. 212 W l l O t h . .Hoepfner ft Wuest .

Truck, 130 Waskovitz , Hyman. 181 W o r t h . . J Lewine.

Soda Fixlures . 322 Warreu Bros Se Prochiusky. 198 Bowery

Adams Laundry Co. Lauudry Pix tures . 350 Webert, H H. 120 Liberty Anchor L Co.

OfHce Fix tures . 65 Werape, F H. 404 B 4&lh C H Uniaudhern.

Truck. 130 Waliaee, J A. 23th st and Broadway. .Mutual

L A. Office Fix tures . 200 Welle, Geo. 10 l s t av P Brunner & Son.

Pool Table, 115 Ward, Pat . l lOth st and 2d a v . . N a t l C R Co.

Register. 80 Will iams, Pletcher , .Sa rah H Will iams.

(R) 2,500 Wilhus , Gus M W. 541 E 88lh. .D Blanscbild.

Grocery Pix tures . 42 Wieser, Rupert . 1050 Hall p l . ,G Schmidl Bar-^

ber Fixlures , 75 Wellenbrok. Martin, 2347 3d a v . . M u t u a l Milk

ft Creara Co. Ice Cream Fixtures . ,300 Whitaker , Edwln, 2 Liber ty , ,Dennison &

Sous, Press , &c, 1,800 Wiener, Herman, 180 C h r y s t i e . ,J Shere,

Blacksmith Pix tures . 00 Youug, H W, 232 W 41st, . F ft G Haag Se Co,

Barber Fixtures . 120 Yerech, Loula. 130-138 R iv ing ton . .M Stenîak.

(irocery Pixtures . 50 Zimm. Louis, 508 B 1 0 t h . . J F Rogers Co,

Machinery. 263 Zinsmeisler, Jacob, J r . Ciauaeua Point . .Jacob

Zinameisler Sr, Far raer F ix tures . 2.000 Ziff G. 303 Broorae. .W H Griffith & Co. Pool.


Adler, E J. 1821 Amsterdam a v . . G Ehret , (R) 1.200

Arnold, Michl. 570 H u d s o n , . M Levin. Restau­rant F ix tures . 193

Amorosi & Fasano . 173 P r i n c e . . V Loew era. 466 Abraham, Morris. 218 Delancey. . Jos Abra^-^^

Abel?s! 'Alfred. 312 E 71st. .Schraitt & S, 150 100

60 13 2d av . .Manha t tan Fix-

S a m e . . , .aame, Sarae sarae, Blank. Rudolph.

But tner . Jacob.

Sarae. . . . same, S a m e . . . .sarae. Amann. Konrad.

Anderson," Richd. 324 Hudson . .U G Oaraun ,^

B^man" ' lTaac , 8 Av B . .H B Scharraann, 450 Same, 134 A t t o r n e y , . . . same. ,^ , ^ „ i . ' ' ^" Beck, R D. 432 .E 58th. .Emera ld Se P ^ ^ ^ - g g

BovI^^Chas. 411 9th a v , . G Ehret . 2,500 Bixer, Hanuah , 648 Oth av . .SchmiU & S. 1^0

73 n o s 3d a v . , S Liebmann. ^ ^ ^

404 E 6 4 t h . . I n d i a Wharf. (R) 710

Barnes, H F . 104 South, ,Colouial By 3,800 Baer, Abraham, 416 E 1 0 t h , . P Ibert, 21o

Braun, A K. 25 Broadway, Brooklyn. .W^Ulj-^^

B a l T n . ' j W . 4 2 4 E 1 0 2 d . . A H a r t h , Res taurant^^

Blanic^H^G, 340 E 7 7 t h . , J Doelger. 150 Biraberg, Archie. 120 Cl in ton . .Congress B Co^^ Bitlschier, Jacob. 663 Boulevard, ..^ C G^Hup^-_^ Burke P M 326 E .21at. ,J Rupper t . (R) 3,000 Cuperman, Erama 2 Bradhurs t av . .C Meyer,^^

874 3d a v . . B & S. Box. 160 and 33d at. .B & S. Pump. 238 761 B 166th. . ' J Eichler. (R) 1,100 49 Goerck., . India Wharf. (R) 500

54 O l i v e r . . E Grasa. bW 1706 Av B . .G Ehret . (R). 2,500

•Connelly, M. Same. 3d av CurUn. D W, Cohen, Benj, Daluiaio, G. Dege, G F ,

Gaulois Club, S a r a e , . B ft 3, Same, .B Se S, Gaignot, Paul .

D u V a u T P , % " l V a v " . H Koehler, V R ) 4:000

g ic l : Max 71 and 73 ^y.^^^T'l'Ttâicn Eisele, Chas. Av A and Oth s t . ,J Se M "affen.^^

Eve, Henry . 248 lOlh av^ .G E h r e t ( I» 1.0*» Ebl ing or Ebeling. B E. 170 and 1<2 E Olst.^,^^

V-HJ^U^F' 84 G a n s e v o o r t . . W Peter , (R* 2 > 0

p y " n J ' J 21 CoTumbia. .P Ballantine CR) 5oO

p lnkens tad t , Wm. 436 E 72d. .G Ehre t . ^^ ^^^^^

Finn w r a , 754 7th av , .E R Biehler . Restau-^^

F Î ' n k . ^ i u l i u T " 186 F lush ing av, Brooklyn.^.^^

^fynVwr'- 104 W 24 th . . co lon ia l By, '600

^ ^ ^ ^ S I : 514 W 4 4 t b . , F 'o^i^er-^ manu, Jr , ,„, ,

Palkenste in . Mart in. 2063 Sth a v . . G R^ngler,^^

Fedderson, J P . 54 Amsterdam av , . J J ^^^''j.OOO

Panz Jacoh 200 Broome. . India Whar t , l'i^^O Garland B J 233 W OOth. .D Stevenson, (R) JOO Gold j o s . 204 De lancey . -S Raynor- R e s ^ ^

Gaue'uraeier, R- 1760 2d av , . 0 Tobesmann,^^

Gu '^daC WUhehn. Fleetwood av and l^^^^^t.^.^

GoIdtefg," 'Hyraan, 80 N o r f o l k . . J F E e U , ^ ^ ^ ^

130 W 2 6 t h . . B Se S. P u m p . 89 Box. 23 Box "•*

331 7th av . . P & M S c h a e f e r ^ Gerdes. Diedrich. 70 Cl i l î . -Consumer ^B^ Co^,.^

Gorezvuski P rank , 105 W 4 t h - , C Freae . 4;000 c m l u D E, 1730 2d av . .W L F lanagan 5,000 geede", Conrad, 314 W 43d. .Consumer^ B C o . ^

Hick^ Michl 4248 3d av . .H Zeltner. 500 H ffuian'^u'-Saml. 439 B ^ ^ t h . D Mayer, 800 Heithoiï, Hy. 464 Brook a v . , . J ^"PP^^Ji j g^Q

Hennings , Christ. 1105 Park av . . F OPP^r^^

Hoîub°& séraelka. 1393 2d av . -Monroe B Co-^^

Har r i raan . H L . - P Stroebel. Tables. «^^^^ ^33

Healy, Jas . Rockaway B e a c h . . J C G Hupfeh^^

Herraann, David, S Boulevard and " ^ e b s t e r ^

Ha 'ush^ . l e ' t ' ch^s - 68 Prince- ,G Bechtel 375 Hanre l ty , T J . 1250 Slebbins a v , - H K o e b l e r , ^

Same, 1(150 Stebbina a v . , .Same .1.300 Holst Louis, 782 W a s h i n g t o n . - € Stein. d.yb^ Howard A .309 E 149th. .C Rlegers Sons On5 S u e m m é r i c h . E, "2.52 E 8 0 t h . . C Stein (R) 2,000 Jacoba Hy 408 Bedford av, Bklyn, , -Excelsior

R Oo Kilgalleu. Peler. 311 Hamil ton av, Bklyn . ^

K i a u ^ e r ^ M ^ B f t F, 293 E Houaton. .A R e i t ^ ^

l a è m e n s , C A. 427 E 12th. .Colonial By^ 1,200 Kopecky: 0 J, 1391 AV A. . . co lon ia l ^By-^_^^^

Kevil, T J , . . D Mayer. (R) 130 Kampfer, Fred.

Kuebler, Bmil, Kennedy, T E.

Kletl , G and J.

314-316 E 63d , .Bava r i an Star (K) t-i.oUO

;ÎOO C a n a l , . . E l ie iusotb, 3,300 West F a r m s . .American B Co.

3543 3d a v . . A m e r i c a n B Co. (R) l,4vnl

Klos, Jacob. 2406 Sth av . . J Kress B Co 781 Kocncr J H. 2343 l s t av. ,G Ehret , (R 2,3oO Ledwith Michl. 719 3d av, ,J Rupper t . (R) 2,000 K a r s c h . W C. 344 E SOth. .V I - o ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ,

Levy. Barnet . 23 Essex, . .Burger B C o ( R ) 600 Loehr, Jos. 619 Morris nv. .J & M H a K e n ^

Leyyreus, Jacob, 96 2d av, B k l y n . . . M Eck-ileiu -e.ow

Ligety ftCo, l,'J78 3d av . .A Falk, R e s t a u r a n t . ^

603 2d a v . . D Stevenaon. l.GOO 449 De Kalb av. Brooklyn. . .Wj

81 80 M a n h a t t a n . . J W Murphy.


Meyer, Jaeob. McCaul, 0 J.

L F lanagan . Mayer, Roraan,

66o t a n h a t t a n ] RECORD AJSTD GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

Mayer, Christian, 3192 3d av . ,A Hupfel „ , (R) 5,000 Malturo, Giuseppe. 489 Tremont a v , . P Skelly.

Mitchell, T P, 255 lOlh a v . . P Ballant ine. 1,500 Mliler, Guslave, 380 2d a v . . B ft S 4 000 McQuilIen, Annie, 2621 3d av . . P Doelger,

Muller. G W. 2994 3d av . .Cleveland Pauce t Co. Pump, 109

Meagher Se Carroil. 650. 658, 660 and 662 w ' 3 4 t h . . P Ballantine, (R) 3 100

Meyer, H. 74 Wil l iam. .B Se S. Box l'*5 Sarae , . sarae , B ft S. Box. • 110 McGurn. W E. 386 Canal . .Cleveland Fauce t

Co. Purap, , 14g McGowan. P J and M J. 427 Oth a v . . J Eichler. Meiselman, Israël . 226 Broome, .D Breicher '550 Muller Se Hopke. 438 17th. Brooklyn. .B ft W.

•Murry, Michl. 1 Duane . . J Ruppert . (R) Î 8 3 4 Newman, Samuel, ICI At torney. . .Araerican B

1 5Û0 0 'Br:cn, John. 404 E 6 6 t h . , D Mayer. 'G5I) Ohlandt, J, 177 W H o u s t o n . . ? Doelger. 5 090 0 Brien. P J. 716 9lh av . .H Koehler, (R) 4.400 O (ponnor, B M, 628 2a av, . J Ruppert . (R) 2,250 Polegre, G, 214 Pea r l . .Fideli ty L A. Res- '

t aurant , 100 Pichert , Ju l ius . 653 E 1 5 4 t h . , J & M Haffen,

Ravinet, C. ,il584 2d av . ,B ft S, 2 170 ^ " t l i e r Jul ius, 89 E 3 d . . G Ehret , (R) 2',000 ROSSI, Michl, 9 Spring,, .Schrait t ft S. 140 Sarae. . , .sarae, jOO Scholer ft Cohn, 17 Rutger p l . . . D Mayer. 415 Schmidl, Jos, 23o3 3d av, . India Wharf, (R) 1 200 Seickel, Andréas . 640 E 9 t h . . J HoSmann.

Strocb, 0 C. 119 W a t e r . . J E Nolan, Re™u*-^^ rant , j 25

Scharles, Johu, Brook av and 156th s t . .J Bich-- (R) 1 7''2

Sasserath, M S. 2180 3d a v . . B ft S. 4'000 Schwalb. John. 108 B H o u s t o n . . G Ebret , Seelig, Adolph. S35 Broadway. -J C G Huprél,

Silverman, M. 1103 2d a v . . S Liebmann IVKJÔ Sountag, Max, 1692 3d av . .G Bhret . (R) 6,0tlO •Sperling, Wm, 30 Wil le t t . , F rank By 100 ^uudel , Breinr. 31 Goerck. . F r a n k By. ,500 Sullivan, C J. 1354-1350 Amsterdam a v , . J

Ruppert , fUj g 000 Sampson, Geo, 832 l s t a v , . N a s s a u B Co. 21500 Schneider, Ju l ius . 3267 3d a v . . A Hupfel,

IR) ' ' 3011 Smith, Jos. 102 C e n t r e . . ? Ballantine, (R)'400 bmith, Wm. ^77 Oth av . .Maleora B Co,

Spellmeyer, C ft M C, 130 Pu l lon , .Consumer (R) 5 000

Tatero, Carlo, 326 E 107lh . . Ind ia Wharf, '

Watson, J B. 17 S t a t e . . B & S, Box. ' l 8 5 Same. ,B & S. Purap. 900 Weisboord & Baylinson. 260 Broome. . F r a n k

•By. ,T75 Witt ler Se Degenhardt . 111 S o u l h , . G Ehret . Weisberg, Sam. 227 E 3 d . , T Petz ' ^ ' ^ ' - ^ u Wrigh l , W. 813 Oth av . .B ft g, i HoO Weisa, Nathan. 57 Clinton. . India Wharf '321 Zeiss, Marie. 52 Trini ty p l . ,V J Bader. Res­

tauran t Pixturea, 30 Ziraraermann, T and C, 343 B Soth. ,A Hupfel. '

Zarats ian, M. 388 3d a v . . M Khazanj ian. Rea-taurant . ^4


Adams. Maude. 235 W 4 3 d . , L Bauraann 230 Andino, Jul ia . 39 W 99th. .L Baumann- 154 Alleu, A J, 172 W 64th. . J Moriarty. 439 Aschenbrenner. C. Anthony av and Ash sl

Lord Se Taylor. l-jlî Baruch, S, 104 E SOth. .Collatéral L A. 100 Bernbaum, D, 332 W 50th, .Brooklyn F Co,

Bickford, L A , 61 W 22d. .Brooklyn P Co, 748 Blauvelt , R, 204 W 12,Sth. . Jordan , M Se. Co,

103 Bradeii. V, 20 W 31at, .L Bauraann, L:U3 Brooks. L R, 136 W 112th. .H B Kellner, 158 Byrne, Eliz. 14 Lexington av , .Garvey Broa. 113 Boyd, L A, 140 W 34th, . Jordan , M ft Co, 050 Brandt ft Manahan. 163 W 1.30th, . , Weber-W

Co. Piauo, 235 Breyer, B S, Bayonne. N J. , ,L Bauraann. 113 Barre t t . Aunie, 778 Sth av . ,L Baumann 208 •Berg. Cbas, 557 W 5 2 d . . L Bauraann. •'21 Beeny, Lewia. 2081 Ryer av , .W H Clapp. l l . î Benton, Chas, 301 W l l l t h . . L Baumaun, 257 Belmout, Lillian. 151 W 5 5 t h , . L Baumann 543 Same. .aame, 202 Bisaiuger, Chaa. 648 Oth av . ,L Baumann 2''4 Bianvo, F rank . 326 W 40th, ,L Bauraann. 211 Block, Pearl, 123 W 2 7 t h . . F Donnatin, 136 Brower, Bsther, 109 W 112th, ,L Bauraann . 177 Buckley, Wm. .317 W 3 9 l h . . L Bauraann 204 Badger, E t l . 326 W 85lh, .Fideli ty L A. -.JO Bolton, K A, 642 6th a v . . J J Frei i . 184 Buckley. S C, 1109 Lexington av . . Jordan

M ft Co. 105 Boasei. Wra. 1103 Pa rk a v . . .Manha t tan L A.

110 Barry, Michl. 133th at. bet 5th and Lenox

avs . .Fideli ty L A. 150 Baumgar tner , A and A. 408 W 4 2 d . . C Stemler.

133 Berningham, C L, 467 W 1 4 4 t h . . W S Beld­

ing, 750 Bickford, F O, 760 E 139th, . L Baumaun. 121 Braxton, G F, 472 Colurabus av . .J Bauraann,

133 Bowen, Mary. 1553 Lexinglon av . .S Bau­

mann . 191 Butler, V A, 57th st aud Broadway. .Cowper­

thwait Co. 3,000 Char lmet , B J. 112 W OOlh. . J Lewin ft Co, 192 Cullen, Minnie. 232 E 123d. .L Baumann. 110 Cohn, Bertha, 524 E 86th. . J R Keane Se Co. 115 Crawford, Julia. 88 W 105tb, .S Baumann. 160 Carpenter, A P. 124 W S3d.. .SI Bartholomew

L A. 300 Christol, Ka te . . Jordan, M Se Co, 146 Coster, H P , 33 W 21st. .Fideli ty L A, 200 Campion, Annie. 19 Grove. .L Baumann. 159 Cavanagh, J J. K 8 W 233. . J W Dimtck, Jr , 050 Cox, Besaie. 754 Sth av, .T Léonard .Sons. 158 Cox, May. 422 W 4 7 l h . . T Léonard Sons, 133

Connolly, J B, 1259 Broadway . .L Bauraann, 420 Corlelyou, Jane . 253 W 39th. .L Baumann, 162 Claua, H E . 1 w 97 lb . .Mutua l L A, 200 Cooper, Lillian. 50 W OSlh . .P isher Broa, 430 Coleman, Mary L. 129 W 130th. ,Lord ft Taylor,

249 Cunninghara, Kath , 121 W 90th. . L Baumann .

273 del CastUlo, Ed. 70 E 94th. . Jordan , M Se Co.

244 Downiug, M H, 54 B 25th. . Jordan, M Se Co. 286 de Kieseweller, R C. 127 W 96th. . L Bau­

raann. 020 Douglas, Fannie . 301 W 21sl . .S I Hersch-" 3

mann, lOo Dallas, Pay, 138 W 2Stb. .L Baumann . 376 De Mabie, S, 263 W 3 5 t h . , F Donnatin. 122 De Vaux, L M. 209 W 3 4 t h . . H B Kellner. 729 Driscoll, Ka th E, S E 34th- ,A W MacRae, 1,000 Dederick, Cornelia, 43 W 126 th - ,L Baumanu .

Dinkelspiel, H B, 254 W 3 3 t h , - L Baumann, 52.5 Doyle, Kath. 3 aud 5 W 83d . .Mutua l L A. 200 Donahue, Kate, 662 19th av , . L Baumann. 120 Duy. G G, 1 W 1 0 3 d . . L Bauraann. 116 Dwyer, Stella. 348 Sth av, , F Donnat in . 141 D'Apery, Helen. 258 W 122d. .Aelua Securi ty

Co, 100 De Laoey, Eliz. 621 W 138th, .CoUateral D

A. 200 De Mare, F . 249 M u l b e r r y . . S Bauraann, 160 Draper, G W. 170 W 78th. .Fidel i ty L A, 200 Draper, Blanche D. 170 W 78th. .Fideli ty L

A, 200 Dewy. Susan, 150 W 21al. .Equi table L A, 110 De Colby. Pred, 340 E 1 7 t h , . R Treacy. 109 Dalton. Geo, 312 W 51s l , ,Mutua l L .\. 200 Decker, H and S B C , 305 W 113th. ,H Mannes

& Co. 340 Bbsliu. L E. 6 Ru tge r s . .Alexander Bros. 277 Erns l , Blla. 246 W 3 1 s t . . S t Bartboloraew L

A, 200 Eno, Jaa, 360 3d a v . . J Moriarty. 244 Fielding, € S, 141 W l l S t h . .Mutual L A, 125 Fields, Kaie. 232 W 123d. .L Baumanu . 1.30 Flannery, Thos. 228 W 2 4 t b . . L Bauraaun. 416 Paroni , N, 125 W 37th. . Jordan , M & Co. .526 Pono. Edith, 508 E 5.8lh,,J Moriarly, 191 Far ina . A, 317 E 121at, . J Lewin. 115 Fitzraaurice. H M. 2447 .Sth av, ,S Baumann. 131 Fleischer, J A. 1498 5th av. ,S Baumanu, 121 Fiynn, David, 1938 Vauderbi l t av . .S tar L

A. 100 Forst . P C. 311 Lenox a v . . F i d e l i t y L A, 100 Prantz , O M. 1165 Hoe av . . J Gregg ft Co, 133 Freeland, A A. 1761 Madison a v , , L Baumana .

183 Foley, J T, 673 9th av . ,D M Brown, 260 Gaynor. J J, 45 Morton. ,Garvey Broa, 446 Gale, Harr ie t , 148 E 1 1 3 t h , , L Baumann. 511 Gail, M J, 44 W 17th, ,J Gregg Se Co. 229 Goldner, S, and G, 1017 6th av . .Collatéral L A.

200 Greene, E G. 3 W 84lh- .St Bartholomew L \ ,

130 Grabe, G H and G, 30 W 116th- .S t Bar tholo­

mew L A, 100 Gi-osaman, Saral. 321 Allen. , J Korareieh, 108 Gallagher, Katie, 419 W 3 1 s l . . L Baumaun, 166 Glasgow, Louise. 517 W 129th, .L Bauraann, 151 Heiraburger, L, 233 E 8 2 d , . L Baumann. 114 Hill, G M, 247 7tb av, . F Donnatin, 44 Horning, Sadie. .30 2d av . .L Bauraann, 141 Hart iey, Jas . 18 Dover. .Pideli iy L A. 100 Hamley, G W. 145 W lOSth. .J J Friel . 102 Heine, Henr ie t ta . 230 E l l o t h ; 2410 2d av-

2414 2d av . .Colurab ia L Co, 123 Henecker, John . 332 B 43d. .Colurabia L Co.

100 Hatch, Estel le, 156-158 W 7 4 t h . . H y Hannah ,

1,575 Hallfield, Chas, 310 W ] 1 8 t h . , S Baumanu. 133 Har t , Jas . 974 Boston r d , . . L Baumaun. l:î4 Hanson ft Igo. 1435 West Parma r d . , S t a r

L A. 110 Holberl, Mary A. 131 W 2 3 d . . J A Keenan. 549 Hatfield. Lena, 33 E 115th. . J R Keane ft Co,

Hutchinaon, C M. 246 W 125th. .Har lem L A,' ' 125

Higgina, D P. 335 Schermerhorn . .Fideli ty L A, • 200

Hood, J P, 170 B 92d, . J R Keaue & Co, 107 Harailton, I J, 66 W 05th. . Jordan , M Se Co.

330 Hahn F W, 112 W 1 3 5 t h . , L Baumann . 158 Henderson, Jaa. 428 St Nicholas av . .G N Y C

Co, 110 Houghton, P M Mra. 220 Lexington av , ,Gar­

vey Bros. 28' ' Ivers. Norah, 222 B 47th. ,J Moriarty. 129 Johnsou, L M, 241 W 33d. . Jordan M ft Co, 100 Johnsou, A J. 103î^ W I 0 2 d . . M u t u a l L A 200 Jaeobs, Carrie. 113 E 112 th . .Es t ey ft. S.

Piano. 375 Jacobson. John . 407 W 1 9 t h . . L Baumann 161 Jacobs. Ester . 308 E Sth, .L Bauraann 1^3 Jones, H L, 635 Park av. . F W Pa r r 400 King, Marjory. 369 W 23d, .Equi tab le L A,

200 Keiser, Mary. 144 W SOth . .L Baumann. 213 Kichliue, W, 155 W 84th. .L Baumanu 221 Knish t . G W. 1125 Park a v . . J Michaels, 112 Kahn , Félix. 311 E O l s t , , S Bauraann, 139 Keating, Mary. 1812 Amsterdam av . .L Bau­

maun. 106 Kelly, Mary, 212 E 7 7 t h . . S Bauraann 152 Keese, J V, 336yo W 4 1 s t . , C Stemler, 162 Lawrence, Prances , 1538 B r o a d w a y , . A Ballin,

585 Laurence, C, 100 W 8 4 t h . , S Bauraann, . . 375 Lawrence, I A. 128 W 3 6 t h , . H a r l e m L A. 110 Larabert , M R, 931 Park av, ,G N Y C Co 115 Lichter, Gussie, 148 W 125th. .L Baumann 185 Loughmau, E A, 269 W 136 th , .S Baumann l' '- ' Lockwood, Violet. 149 W 6(; th . ,S Bauraann,S43 Luta, Chas, 573 W 48lh, ,S Bauraann. 129 Lockwood, Violet, 149 W OOth, .S Bauraann 330 Lord, B G, 160 W 83d. .S Bauraann 170 Lundy, J E. 389 Pleasant a v . , N a t l L A, 100 Laudsberg, Johanna . 155 E 8 I s l . , S t Bar thol­

omew L A. 100 Laster , Sopbie. 418 W 36th. .Doherty ft Co 151 Laaler. Marie, 418 W 36th. .L Baumaun, 144 Loesch, John. 232 E 21st. .L Bauraann. 131 Lloyd, L J. 306 W 2 3 d . . H A Coleraan 300 Laskin . Isaack. 75 2d s t . ,B H Rîpelow, Piano.

Madison, G W. 113 W 103d. .S tar L A. 100 Marks, Laura . 142 B 28lh. . Jordan. M & Co


Murphy, Nellie. 223 E 32d . . Jo rdan . M & Co. 125

McNelis, Margt, 295 Eckford, Bklyn . .Weber-W Co. Piano. 26

McDonald, Agnes. 52 -Canton av. Je rsey Cily, L Baumanu, igg

McLaughlin, M A. 468 4th av . .Garvey Bros.328 Mindeleff, C, 1855 7lh av . .L Baumann. 189 Mathewson, A L. 109 W 105lh, .L Baumann.

Madeira, A D , 74 W 1131b. ,L Baumann. 186 Manley, W, 140 W 3 1 a t . , L B a u m a n n . 162 Matthews, S A, 966 Woody Créât av . .L Bau­

m a n n . 407 McGrath, Eugène. 148 W 4Sth. .NaU 'L A. 200 McLean, P H, 250 W SSth. .A C Hawkins , 600 McMahon, Annie. 724 Waahington F Don-

naUn, 133 McRay, Julia. 250 W 40th. .L Bauraann, 156 Morton, Chaa. 316 W 36th. .Doherty ft Co. 146 Moynthau, Sarab, 204 W 64th. .L Bauraann. 142 Muyler, Chas, 335 E 92d. ,L Baumann, 224 Murphy, W G. 35 E ÔOth. .L Baumann , 308 Mauks, Ed, 174 W 107tb, . Jordan M & Co, 3-30 Malloy, Kate, 102 W 64th. .M Cohn L Co. 100 Mullar, R A, 142 W 99th. .Fidelity L A. 150 Martin. Jos, 220 W 0 4 t h . , J Bauraann. 132 Marley, Mary, 142 W I O t h . . 3 Baumann. 410 McCahe, Wm. 1 9 i l Jefferson av . ,S Bauraann,

199 McCall, A ft K, 441 W 4 9 t h . , C Steraler. 159 McDonald, M B, 1976 Lexington av . .L Bau­

mann, 318 Meyer. Fanny. 784 Greenwich. . J Baumann.

30? Moloney, M, 15 W 1 2 4 t h , . L Bauraann, 1S9 Moonelis, A, 1382 Lexiugton a v . . M u t u a l L A,

200 Moore. J R. 66 E 7 7 t b . . S t a r L A, 110 Muller, Walier , 201 W 123d. . J Baumann. 129 Mulvany, M E. 554 W 162d. ,L Bauraann. 975 Naylor, Rose. ,366 St Nicholaa av, . . J Bau­

raaun. 235 Nickel. H P , 7 W 91a t . .Empi re L Co. 100 Nesbitt, D A and M L, 200 W 8 5 t h . . S t Bar­

tholomew L A, 200 Nally, M T, 271 W 22d . ,Garvev Bros, 252 ouve r t , J O. 231 W 1 5 t h , , J Lewin Co, 111 Overton. Mary L. 111 B lOlh, .Equi table L A,

110 Pa rks , A A, 252 W 9 2 d , . J Gregg ft Co, 116 Pa rkhur s t , K a t h R. 29 W 32d . . J Gregg ft Co.

1,4.30 Philios, Mra. 254 W 34th. .S M ft C Voit, 132 Powell. A G. 1809 Lexington av , .Empi re D

Co, no Parker . J K, 335 B r o a d w a y , . H B Kellner, 334

•Powell, D C. 260 W 133tb, ,Collatéral L A. 108 Purcell, T H, 416 E 7 0 t h . . J Michaels, 102 Parkhurs t , K R, 29 W 32d. . J Gregg ft Co. 200 Pettey, Jennie, 84 Cour t landt . ,J Lewin & Co.

131 Pi r ro , Pred. 157 E .S7th. .S Baumanu. 118 Payne, W J, 154 W 101s t , .C Steraler 161 Parma, L G. 23 W 4 2 d . . M u t u a l L A, 100 Pat ten , J Q'N. 134 W 90th. . Jordan , M & Co.

150 Parsons , F A. 447 4th av . .Garvey Bros. 644 Parker , T J, 78 W 48lh, , Garvey Bros, 146 Pacheco, Mary. 159 W 4 5 l h . . L Bauraann. 141 Pra t t , Mary B, 6 W 102d. .F isher Bros, 121 Rapp, Helen N, 25 W 84th, . E J Pinehout . 769 Railings, Eliza. 11 E 3 3 d . . E m p i r e L Co, 150 Rouh, Abraham. 07 E 104 th . .S Baumann, 215 Roystou, Geo, 411 Manhat tan a v . . M u l l i n s &

Sons, 233 Rollins, Helen, 120 W Olst. .Cowperthwait Se

Co. 231 Rouse, Elida, 108 W 133d. .Fideli ty L A, 200 Roaen, Moritz. 885 'Cauldwell a v . . F r a n k Ro­

sen. 250 Reavely, 'M W. 1389 ôth av . .G Woerfelds, 100 Richardson, Myrtle. 133 W 26th. . F Donnatin.

169 Same. . same. 112 Rowan. T G, 374 Central Pa rk W e s t . .Doberty

ft Co. 131 Schooley, Sharps, 71 W 9 6 t h . . L Baumann, 184 Sarae. .same, 226 Simonson, L V, 309 W 46th. .T Léonard. o l 3 Simmons, Mary. 288 W 7 0 t h . . L Bauraaun, l îO Shannon. M. 346 W 39th. ,L Baumanu, 156 Sraith, Abraham, 224 •Chrystie. .L Bauraann. 174 Smilh, Hélène. 130 W 6 2 d . . D Baumann. 251 Seager, Robt, 13 E 131st. .Cowperthwait Co.

211 Sekendort, Helen. 04 St Marks p l . - J Moriarty.

225 Schniidt, W, 306 St Anu'a a v . .L Baumann. 187 Stebbina, E H, 19 Oth av . .Mutual L A. 100 Smilb, C E . . . J R Keane & Co, 124 Sheehy, E C Jr , 227 B .S3d..L Baumanu, 197 Sullivan, M. C. 1037 Tintou av , .L Baumann,

146 Stockton, R L. 00 E 1 1 7 t h , . L Bauraann. 160 St Clair. G W. 139 E l o t h . .S Baumanu, 283 Scott, P J. 130 W 31st, .Garvey Bros. 208 Seaver. A H, 103 W 77lh. . Jordan , M Se Co. 160 Strub, A A, 351 E 77lh, . Jordan , M & Co. 125 Slern. Moses, 139 W 1 1 3 t h . , , Weber -W Co.

Piano, 250 Schwarze, Elise. 247 B l lOlh . .Colurabia L Co,

100 Schraîdt, HenrieUa, 731 Amsie rdam a v . . F i ­

delity D A. 160 Siraraonds. Mary E, 14 W 33d. .Brooklyn P

Co 4 043 Slater, E Mrs. 355 W 37th. .Needham Piano

Co. Piano, 200 Smith, A D . 39 B 5 0 t h . , G a r v e y Bros, 548 Stewart . Emraa, 397 7lh av . .L Baumanu. 311 Same, . . .sarae, 254 Tremaine, M. Storage. .Mutual L A. 200 Tuthil l . Annie S. 29 W 36th, . J M Seward, 1,100 Thorpe, Louise. 10 W 100 th , ,S Baumann. 432 Tremper, Ka th . • 70 E 105th. . L Bauraann. 139 Til ton. Ida, 340 M a n h a t t a n . . L Baumann. 236 Timmons, M A, 846 E 164th, ,Mutual L A. 110 Vordenbaum, Aunie. 779 Slh av. .T Léonard ft

Son. 148 Van Cleve, Garrelt . 588 Mott av , .Fideli ty

L A. 100 Vanneman, Kat ie . 217 W 3 4 t h - . S Baumann.

380 Von Draun, Paul . 231 E 13 th . .Minna Von

Draun. 500 Weber, Paul , 26 Clinton, . J -R Keane & Co, 123 Will iams, Mary E. 110 W SOth. .L Bauraann.

1,176 Weddle, Bveleen. 35 B 21st, .Fidel i ty L A, 200 WîesketUe, B, 110 w 47 th . .B r i cka ft Enos. 274

RECORD AJNTD GUIDE. [ M a n l i a t t a n ] 66i

Wiggin, Grâce. 25 Columbua a v . . L Baumaun. 119

Whitney, Alex. 244 W 1 1 4 t h . . L Baumann. 205 Warren , -Bella. 437 E 1 3 l h , . L Bauraann, 163 Wali , M J and E M. 236 W 12Uth. .S tar L A,

100 Weinstein, Sarah. 178 E 114lh. .Star L A. 125 Worts , Sarah. 1 W 97lh. .Mutual L A. 200 Young, Neilie, 13 W 134lh. .A Ballin. 376


Alienof, P C . 40 W 20th. .Mrs Geo Durr: Pur ­niture, 150

Arasalague, Jos. 400 6th av . .G G Roderick, Res tauran t F ix tures . V int- ' 700

Achenbath, Fred, 143 Willis a v - , J C Maskot. Saloon Pix tures . 100

Brown. Geo . ,A N Brown, OfRce Fixtures . 140 Beeker. W H. 2083 Madison av C W H

•Rohrs, Grocery Pixtures , 2.000 Barbari to, Rocco, 3'35-337 S 2 9 t h . . F Tobie.

Horse, Sec. — 500 Barbasso, Viucenzo. 252 W 20 lb . ,D Leone.

Barbe r Pixturea, 50 Bryan t & Goldoff. 94 Spring. .C Schumaicher,

Stock, ftc, 1,150 Cohen, L o u i s . . J E Hurivi tz . Merchandise. 223 Davidson, Henry, 402 W 4 2 d . . A b r a m s & At­

kins, Stationery F ix tu res . 225 De Leonardo, Vito. 237 E 44th. , F D'Giovanni.

Machinery, 100 Eachwei, Fredericka. 416 Mott av . .Wm L

Eschwei. Bakery Fix tures . ,320 Fuller , C M, 330 W 5 9 t h . . J Gould. F u r n i ­

ture . 40 Goldstein, I saac . .Isidor Cuba. Safe. 25 Gallo, D, 30 Spring .A Baggonzzy, Cigar

Fixiurea- Vz i n t 300 Gi-ebe, Wilhelm. 1398 2d av . .Eiiz Grèbe. Bird

F ix tures , ftc. 1 Hurwitz , J E. 82 Broorae, .R Cowen. Ma­

chine, 250 Hoffraeister. A. Storage. .Mechanica' & Farra-

era' Bank oE Albany. Tobacco, 1 Halper , J M. 2386 3d av . .W J Robiuaon. Drug

Pixturea, 100 Hanlon, Nath. :îl0-312 W 68th. -Mary Hanlon,

Express Fixlures . 1 Lardner , W J, exr o f , -Banka Pub Co. Law

Books. 1,500 Medley, Allen. 80 C o r t l a n d t . , P J Margan.

Pr in t ing Pixturea. 84 Moore. W H. 36 W 0 3 d . . H E Thompson. F u r ­

niture, 200 Neuville, P V. 4SI Willis av . .T Jacobson.

•Stock, Fixtures,&c. 100 O'Connor. T B. 51 Beach. .Cath O'Connor, Sa­

loon Pixtures , 1 O'ConneU. J J. 105 Park Row, ,P Twomey.

Saioon, 102 •Reinke. G C. 30 Spr ing . .Gal lo ft Baggonzzy.

•Cigar Pixtures , 600 Rock, Regina. 101 Lewis . .S Frunkel , But­

ter Store Fixtures , 120 Eonna , H H A. 841 E 16S th . . J Gould, F u r ­

ni ture . ,50 Ruacigno, Paolo, 89 3d av , .A Nardone. Wood

and Coal P ix tures . V> in t e re s t 209 Stein, Tbeo G. 40 E 22d. .Plelene Stein. F u r ­

ni ture. 1 Schroeder, Pred. 480 Willia av, . . .H _Ahlboru,

'Saloon Fixturea, 1,600 Scarry, D P . 342 E 2 1 s t . . J Gould. Fu rn i tu re ,

50 Schroeder. Julea, 124 Pa rk a v . , C a t h Schroe­

der,, Saloon, 2.000 Swigert, F ranc is . 64 Murray , . .Clara E

Swigert, Type, ftc. 1 Sieber, Eus tach . 234 Otb av . .S Héron. Paint ­

er Fix lures , 1 Soubiran, J T. 210 W 26th. .A Dumoulin, Sa­

loon, 1,500 Struve, Adela E, 1586 Av A; 1733 l s t av . .G F

Wiemanu, Grocery Fixlures , 2,(J81 Vucci, G, 720 G Boulevard, .A MartinieUi,

Barber Pixlures , 600 Wolski. A and I. 3015 3d av . .Eliz M Walske,

Shoe Fixlures . ftc. 2,100 Wieraann, G P. 1386 Av A; 1733 l s t a v . . E p -

pena S & W Co, Grocery Fix lures . 1 Zuckermann, Nathan, 814-810 E 3th, . J & M

Goldberg. Stock Machiuea, ftc, 23


Béer, GerUe to Klingier Sons Co. (J Kruse , Sept (i, 1896.) 1

Eisner, Max to J Reich. (J Seit, Ju ly 24, 1899.) 310

Eberleiu, P ranz to C E Rathborne, (W & J R Dreyer, Oct 25. 1893,) ' 400

Halper, J M lo Hermau Halpun, (Kovar ft Mishkin, Oct 20, 1899.) 1

Rathbone. Chas E lo Mary T Rathbone. (W C & J R Dreyer, Oet 23, 1893.) 1


Aetna Security Co to Chas W Cummings. $-^—, 54,686.

Bernheimer Se Scbmidt to Geo Augenraeyer. $2,500, 64,937.

Barkin ft Elfin to Chas Kraramer . $ . 59„380. Bassett, Mary to Ellen Brennan. $ , 386,511. Bernsteiu. Woif to Abraham Klossk. $1,700,

2 21 ' ' Burbec'k, Henry to Stodder Bros. $ -, 5,646, Dufauit, Edwd to Victor Dazeuais. $ . 56,299, Frankel , Solomon lo Riginia Rock, % , 20,213. Fel tenstein, William to Abraham Klossk, .$311,

67,870, Pailowitz. Sarah to Joseph Brandstone. $150,

57,071, Hermau, L to Jacob Fink. % , 37,497. Hinck, Claus H to Jennie Lederer, $ — - , 40,894, Hochstein, Max to Pincus Bloek, $6,000, 31,708, Jackson, Mary to Albert Shapiro. $175, 21,863. Jandorf, Moses to Giuseppe Raggi. 3 notes.

each $50. 32,548, Koehler, H & Co to Thos J Hanre t ty . ,îl„500,

55,082. Korn, Max to Sophia Daraatzek, ,Ç600, 20,182. John Kress Brew Co to Fredk Schroeder, $162,

60,929. Kleinschraidt, Freder ick to F r a n k E Zeh. $——.

63,665, Mayer, Adolph to H a r r i s Cohen. $350, 19,680, Nat Cash Reg Co to Reetor & B, ,$ . 33,048. Same to Rector Se Essner, S — , 31,444. The Harlera Gas Pix ture Co to F r a n k Spletaler,

$ -, 53,99L

W@stchest(?r County Conveî^aaiDsi

Oct 18 to 24—Inclusive.

EASTCHESTER. Anderson, James T to Millard F Agor. Under­

hiU st, s e cor Breckenridge sl, 100x100. $1,100 Agor, Millard P to Edgar N Reed. Same prop­

erly, 100 Leary, Ann to John Borup. Tuekahoe av, n s,

iot 0 raap Waverly, 700 Schraeidhauser, Ida lo Herber t D L e n t Oak

av, n w s, lot 27 map es ta te J a s Dusenberry. 1


Callan, Cora and ano to Chas M Baster , Lot 6 map Factory property. 2--)0

Clapp, Alex W to sarac- Same property, 230 Clapp, Hawley D to same, Sarae property, 1 Clapp, Nelly V B to sarae, Same property. 1 Kane, Bridget C to Mary A Webb. Lots 10 and

11 biock O raap Woodhine Park . 1,700 Seaman. Joanna et al, W A Woodworth, re£, to

Michl H McDonald. Turnpike road, w s, 119x—. 4,000

MT. VERNON. Babb, Robt E to John W Wilson and wite.

Whi te Plains road, e s, 126.6x120, 1 Bruenu. Dora C to Moritz Lowenstein. Stevens

av. n s. par t lot 1048 map Mt Vernon 23x 73. 1

Nichols. Inez F C to Pau l ina C Riell. ôtb av, w s, 200 n 7lb st. 100.':210. 1

Raymond, Thos A et al, D Swits. ret, to August C Thoma. Bond st, s e s . par t lots 199 and 200 raap West Ml Vernou, 30x100, 970

N E W ROCHELLE. Dexter, F redk B lo Chas G Banks, Mechanic

st, s w s. 130 n w Huguenot st, 41x80. 1 Kelly, Barbara to Plorence Levison, Lafayet te

sl, n w s, 111 n e P rank l in av. 60x47.6x54x 48. 1

Jones , WlU to Henry Nolan, Oak st, s a, pa r t lots 26 raap property Predk Lorenzen, 36x 170, 1,500

Miller, Mary E to Wm M Shettle. Rear pa r t lots 123 aud 124 raap Résidence Pa rk , 50x109,

750 Northern B S and L Assoc to Michael Tanner ,

Lots 3 lo 11, 15, 10, 17 and 20 t o 26 Section L raap Highland Park. 1

Wolf. Jacob to Wm Scherp, Slwanoy av, w s, 240 s Union sl, 40xlGO. 1,100


Bernstein, Morris et al, H T Dykman, ref, to Cerline Laslter, 5th av, w a, 400 s Chester Park, l.OOOx-; also lot 4 and par t lot 5 raap property Anthony Goracz, 10,210

Pelhara Heights Laud Co to Albert P Searles, Lots 106, 108 and 110 block 16 raap Pelham Heights . 2,400

Pelhamdaie Land Co to Chas Mergenthaler . Lots 19 and 20 block 6 grantors map. 600

Rodman, Es the r A to Henry Mesa, Prospect av, a e s, 100 s w Peace st, 209x200, 1


Barg, Chas A H to Sophie C Barg. Lots 1 and 2 block 2 map N Y and Westehester Real Eata te Co. 300

Bissell, Elmer J to F rance Rahman, Pa r t lota 13 aud 24 block 1 map Armour Villa Park , 1

Curtiss, Abijah truatee of to Asiau Sahagian. Woodworth av, e s, 100 n Ashburton av, 50x 100, 3,125

Evar t s , Sherman to Jobn B Gibson. Law­rence st, a s, 70 e Vau Sice av, 55xl06x57x 86, 7,750

Forayth, John to Hat t ie Read, Livingston av, w s, 213 a Morria st, 34x147. 1

Golding, Wra J to Aiice H Golding. Lots 171 and 173 map Por t Pield. 1

Greenhaigh, Wm H to Otia Elevator Co. Wood­wor lh av, w s, 50 s Locuat st, 75x—. 1

Har r i s , Mary H et ai to Pa tk Murphy, Or­chard st, s e cor High st. 50x100. 1,000

Johnston Reai Eata te and Impt Co to David Hawley, Lincoln Terrace, w a, 105 n Glen­wood av, 4<lx92, 1

Kalb, Alb G et al, C B Palmer, ref, to The Araerican Baptist Horae Mission Society. Livingston pi, n s. 100 w Gilbert pl, 50x100,

2,000 La tham, Henry J et al. G Reevs, ret , to Yon­

kers Savings Bauk, Lot 71 raap pa r t Shear­wood HUI, 25x100, 2,900

Lowerre Co to Alice B Hoipradt , Cornell av, w s, lots 29, 30 and 31 block 3 grantora map.

3,000 Malone, Anne S to Wra H Malone. Lot 3

block 1 map Yonkers Heights . 1 Magnuson, John to Cyrus Cleveland exr of.

ClifE st, e s, 40 n Spruce st . 25x100. 1 Meeks, Robt P t o Emanuel Kind. Lot 87 map

101 lots on Yonkers av a t Dnnwoodie, 1 Mick, Claude W et al, C B Palmer, ref, to

The American Baptist Horae Mission Society. Livingston pl. n w cor Gilbert pl, 50x100, 2,000

Nepera Chemical Co to General Arïsto Co. Lots 1 to 9. 18 lo 26 and par t lot 10 block 24 map Yonkers North Eud Land Co; aiso iota 13 •to 29 block 44 map Nepera Park , 1

Reade, Mar tha A to .4manda Busaiug. Lots 122 and 123 map Shearwood Hill . nom

Read, Leander to John Forayth. Oliver av. s w cor Henr ie t ta sl, 50x94, 1

Reeves, Geo W et al to Geo H Lowerre . Mo­Lean av, e s, 15 acres. , 17.000

Richards , Edwd J to New York B L Banking Co. Morningside av, e s, 303 u Gleuwood av, 25x100. 1

Wangenste in , Predk to Paul ine Suyder. River­dale av, w a, 131,3 n Downing st, 37.2x118; Riverdale av, w a, 51,8 n Downing st, 53,9x 83 ; Downing s t n s. 150 w Riverdale av, 25x—, 1

Wintersmi th , E rnes t B 1:0 Olive A Fi tzgerald . St Andrews pl, s s. 100 w So Broadway. 50x 125. 10,000

Sriffler, Edward and ano to Geo Aulenbacher, Nepperhan av, w s, 238,7 s Myrtle st. 25.2x 98. 1

Brooklyn. The followlng are the compara,tive tables for

Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings sponding weeks of 1899 and 1898 given:


Oct. 20 to 26, inc. Total numher 271 Amount involved ,$379,210 Number nominal 178 T o t a l n n m b e r o f C o n v e j - a u e e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d n t e 1 3 , 8 4 1 T o t a l a m o n n t o f C o n - v e y a n c e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e $32,14!>,S2G

MORTGAGBS. Total number 235 Amount involved .$904,240 Nuraber over 5% 101 Amount involved , ,$430,255 Numher a l 5 per cent, or iess 134 Amount involved $467,085 T o t a l n n m l i e r o f M o r t g a y e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e ] 0 , T G a T o t a l a m o n n t o f M u r t g : a g ' e B ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e * i a 4 , 0 G 3 . : î 4 3


Number of New BuIldingB 100 Est imated cost $400,500 T o t a l n a m b e r o f N e w B a i l d -

t n s H , J a n . \ t o d a t e :;.r>7!) T o t a l a m o a n t o f N e n - B n l l d -

I n s H , J a n . 1 t o d a t e i|tlO,C»48,130 T o t a l a m o a n t o f A l t é r a t i o n s ,

J a a . 1 t o d a t e i j !2 ,276,708

the Brooklyn for the corre-

1898. Oct. 21 to 27, inc.

281 ,$437,2,S6



i i l3. ' ï ,097,063

2.35 .$635,128

91 .$210,922

144 $424,206



137 $342,298

3 , 8 1 8


$ 1 , 3 5 0 , 0 7 5

Ft. Hamilton av, between 59th and 60th sts, ten lots; aeller. Chartes Hart; brokers, C. N. M-oody & Co.; price, $7,000.

S4th st, south side, 100 feet east of IOth av, plot 60x100; seller, •Waiter L. Johnson; buyer, Alfred L. Seaver; price, $6,000.

S5th st, south side, 100 feet -(vest of 12th av, house and lot, 60x 100; •seller, Waiter L. Johnson; huyer. R. P. Chittenden; price, $8,000.

Park pl. No. 201, 3-sty and basement brownstone front house; seller, Waiter L. Johnson; brokers, Burrill Brothers; prlce .f 12,000.

Degraw st, near Utica av, two lots; seller, James H. Lane; bro­kers, BurrU! Brothers; price, $4,500.

Sth av. No. 882, 4-sty brick apartment house, with store, 26x 50x80; seller, C. J. O'Brien; brokers, C. N. Moody & Co. ; price, $10,500.

Sackett st. Nos. 191 and 197,two 4-sty brick apartment houses, with stores, 20x50x100; seUer, Miss Clark.

57th st and oSth st, between Sth and Gth avs, six lots; seller, Charles Hegedorn; brokers, C. N. Moody & Co.; prlce, $7,750.

Taylor st. No. 169, 3-sty and basement brick dwelling. 20x86x 100; seller, H. O. Seale; .buyer, Jno. J. Lussier; broker, Wm. H. Carter.

The auction sale of the Lehman lots, announced for Saturday last, Jere. Jahnson, Jr., Co,, auctioneers, was iiidefinitely post­poned, to the great disappoîntment of the large number of in­tending buyers that was présent.

There hâve been sold this week, in the Borough of Queens, six acres on Jackson av. 2d Ward, for $10,000; two lots at Murray Hill, 3d Ward. for $800. to a Mr, Lasano, who wlU erect a dwell­ing; two lots on Central av, Piushing. to a Mr. Cain, a builder, who will improve; he also bought a plot on Flushing place, east of State st.



MONEY TO LOAN. Mortgages For Saie wlth Guarantee.

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RECORD AND GUIDE, 14 aud Ifi Veseï St.

AUCTION SALES OF THE W E E K . The following a re the sales tha t bave taken

place in the city auction rooms dur ing the -week ending- Oct. 26, ISilQ,

•Indicates tha t the property described has heen-bld in for plalntiff's aceount ;


;,5U0 45th st, s 's , 300 e 5th av, 30x100,2, frame

dwell 'g. (Amt due ,$2,1S7 and taxes, &c, ,Î24'J.) Ulysses Brot\'n 1,000

Jefferson st . No 171i, a s, Ji,U.3 w Nostrand av, lS),!).vlOO, brk and stone flat, (Amt due Ï5,025 and taxes. Sec. ifîlJSÛ,) J Howard Ashfleld 5,575

Snediker av, n e cor Livonia av, runs u 240 x e 100 X s 140 X e 100 to Hinsdale st, s s 100 to Livonia av, x w 200, vacaut, Fred NOM- ^ gass .^,025

•Snediker av, e s, 100 s Livonia av, 100x200 to Hinsdale st, vacant, Henry Roth 1,()00

Sls t st. No 1S2, s s, 150 e 4th av, 25x100,2, frame bldgs, (Amt due .fTSl, and taxes, Sec, ,^150,1 Augus tus R Hoefer 1,010

•Atlant ic av. No 1C25, n s, a50.(i e Troy av, 16.8x99. frame bldg. (Amt due .Î2,.53!( aud taxes, &c, .$122.) Chas C Savage 1,000

McKibben st. No 183, n s, 175 e Humboldt st, 25x100, t rame tenem' t , (Amt due ifOfiS, and taxes. Sec, .^282: pr ior mor t s flia.OOO.) Johu Palr iver i 6,000

•24th av, n w s, 500 s w Benson av,â0xl9;î.4 to Bay 35th st, vacant . (Amt due $3.318 and taxes, $170.) Théo S Jenkins 3,100

Tlst st. n s, 144,4 e For t Hamil ton av, 40x100, vacaut . Jacob Martin 450

Tls t sl, n s, 184.4 e Por t Hamilton av, lliOx 100, vacant . Geo W Phillips 1.310

JAMES L, BRUIULEY. Adelphi st, No 102. w s, 4S6.10 s Park av, 25x

100, frame bidgs, (Sub to laxes, Sec, $345, Emil Mesnier 3,450

Total -$30,020 Corresponding week, 1898 79,2TD

ADVERTISED LEGAL SALES. Sales to be held a t the Real Es ta te Exchange, 189

and 191 Montague street , except as otherwise stated.

Oct. 31, By T. A. Kerr igan, a t No. 9 Willoughby St,

Adelphi st. No 451. e s, 22T.9 s Ful ton st, 20x 67x21.6x59. brk dwell'g, Hamil ton W Pear ­sall exr agt El la A McDermott et a l ; R A Davison, a t f y . 26 Court st. (Amt due .Î2.051. and taxes, Sec, -fl4T,)

Kingston av, s w cor Pacific st, 27x50, brk flat, John B O'Donohue et al exrs agt Mary E Mur­ray et a l ; Bailey Se Sullivan, a t t 'ys , 122 Bow^-ery, Manhattan, (Amt duo 3"11,045, and taxes . Sec, .«214.)

Dumont av, n e cor Christopher av, runs e 200 to Sackmau st, x w 100 x s 10 x w 100 to Christopher st or av. x s 90, vacant . Maria D Pa lmer agt Morris Rosenberg et al ; E J Granger, a t t 'y , 38 Pa rk row, Manhat tan, (Amt due $5.010, and taxes, &c, $450,)

Président st. No 63S. s s, 173.6 w âth av, ruus w 17 X s 81,7 X e 6,10 x n e 35.10 x n 4T.1, b rk dwell 'g. Libbie S Russell agt Théo B Wiilis et a l ; J W Greenwood, a t t 'y , 54 Court st, (Amt due $4,455. and taxes, &e. .$282,)

40th st . No 108, a s, 125 w 3d av. 25x100.2, brk dwell'g, Mary B Francisco t rus tée agt Ella Gill et a l ; J J Hood. a t t 'y . 2C Court st. (Aœt due $8,432, and taxes, &c. $656.)

3d av. No 855, s e cor 31at st, 20.2x100, brk tenem't , Mary L Baruicle agt Catherine Do­lan et a i ; J R Kuhn, at t 'y , 26 Court st. (Amt due .$2.846, and taxes. &c, $160.)

Varet at, No 240, s a, 222.10 w Bogart st. 25x 100, frame tenem' t . Jacob Neger agt George Vogel et a l ; F J Greifenstein, a t t 'y , 14 Grabam av. (Amt due .$2,421, and taxes. Sec, $57.)

Degraw st. No 078. s s, 221.8 e 4th av. 16.8x100, brk and stone bidg, John W Konval inka et al exrs agt Christ ina M MoKeuna et al ; G V Brower, a t t 'y , 186 Remsen s l . (Amt due $4,-82.S, and taxes, &*. $435.)

17th st, s s, 20 e IOth av, 80x30, vacant . Pa r -milia D Smith agt Mary E Cary e t a l : Rider Se S, a t t 'ys , 27 Pine st. Manhat tan . (Amt due $4,545, and taxes, &c, $131.)

Océan Parkway. n w cor Lawrence av, 109,6x 246,3x100x201.7, Mary A Ravenhall agt Jobn H Phill ips admr individ et al; Hubbard Se R, att 'ya, 26 Court st, (Amt due $12,431, and taxes, Sec. .$692.)

Nov. 1. By T, A, Kerr igan.

Court st. No 343, n e cor Union st, 24x55x23.10x 30.6x75,5, brk dwell 'g. Anna W Cummings agt Anna W Posbergh et a l ; Larab & J, a t t 'ys , 139 Montague st. (Amt due $8,802, and taxes, &c, $449.)

By Reteree, a t Court House. Halsey st. No 758, s s, 130 w Ralph av, ISx

100, brk dwei rg . Trustées o£ Sustentat ion F u n d of the Reforroed Episcopal Churcb agt Richard Mullowney et a l ; W C Anthony, a t t 'y , Newburgh. N Y; S W Ful le r ton , réf. (Amt due .$4.a56,)

Nov, 2, By T, A, Kerr igan, at No, 9 Willoughby St.

Eas t 21st st. No 252, w a, 107.11 n Av D, -iOx 105, frame dweU'g and vacant . Margt E Glass agt Christopher O'ConneU et a l ; E Kempton, a t t 'y . 175 Remsen st. (Amt due $3,393. and taxes, &c, 5240.)

72d st. No 23T. n s, 226.8 w 3d av. old Une, 16.8 xlOO, brk dwell 'g. Tbeo R Shear t rus tée J a ­cob H Shear agt Samuel T Munson e t a l ; T R Shear. a t fy , 32 Liberty st, Manhat tan, (Amt due $4,739, and taxes. Sec, $115.)

19tb av, n w s, 100 n e Benson av, 100.5x96.10, Thos J Nolan agt Bdmund J Bâtes et a l ; GrifHn Se F , a t t 'ys , 119 Nassau st. Manhat tan . (Amt due .$2,609, and taxes, Sec, $10T.)

2d st, No 517, n s, 217,10 e 7tb av, 20x100, b rk dwell 'g. Henry E Pierrepont and auo exrs and trustées agt Bliz D "Williams and ano; Cary Se W, a t f y s , 59 Wall st . Manhat tan . (Amt due $9,106, aud taxes, Sec, ,$219.)

6Tth at, No 235, n a, bet 2d and 3d avs, 20.5x 72.11x20xTl,6, frame dwell 'g. J ane V H Scran­ton agt Michaei J Hand et^âi ; W H Garrison, a t fy , 49 Court st, (Amt due $3,451, and taxes. Sec, $160.)

ITth av, w s, 115,3 s Cropsey av, 100.3xl35,3x 100x142.2. frame dweU'g aud vacant . City Savings Bank of Brooklya agt Victoria Berger et a l ; Ritch, -W. B & W. a t f y s , IS Wal! st, MaJihattan, (Amt due $9,93T, and taxes. Sec, .ï652.)

South 3d st. No 242, a e cor Havemeyer st. 25x 95, frame dweii 'g. Austin D Ewen exr agt Jul ia F Hyer et a l ; Graff Se B, a t f y s , 2-29 Broadwav, Manhat tan . [Amt due ,$4,947, and taxes, &c, $102.)

By J a m e s L. Brumley. Bedfoi-d av. No 1091. s e cor Quincy st, 20xS5,

brk store and flat. Joseph Goulding agt Sam­uel Goulding et a l : J A McCreery. a t f y , 119 Nassau s t ; J T Canavan. ref, (Part i t ion sale; sub to taxes, &c, $149.)

Nov. 3. By T. A. Kerr igan , at No. 45 Broadway.

Bvergreen pl, No 21. s s, 175 w New Jersey av, 25x100, frame dwell 'g, Thos C Giroux agt Sophia A Hopkins et a l ; J A Holzapfel, a t f y , 103 Broadway. (Amt due $2,321. and taxes . &c. $87.)

Schaeffer st, No 180, s e s, 270 s w Hamburg av, 20x100, frarae dwell 'g. Horace F Bur­roughs agt Andrew Schmit t et a l ; P iaher Se V. a t f y s . S4 Broadway. (Amt due .$1.149, and taxea, &c, $103.)

Nov, 6, By Wm. P . Rae Co.

Bergen st. No 2062a, a s, 220,11 w Rockaway av, 14,6x127.9, frame dweU'g. H a u n a h J Powell agt Sa rah E Wenz; Eas tman & B, a t f y s , 141 Broadway, Manha t t an ; J 'E Nash, ref, (Amt due .$1,861, and taxes. Sec, $164.)


Barbey st, e s, 337,6 s Arlington av, 37,6x95. Marcus Sackett and ano t rus tées of Henry W Lee will of Frederick R Lee agt Jobn L Reed et a l ; a t f y s , Sackett Se L,

St Marks av. s s. 15T.0 w Ralph av, 2 lots, each 18,9x100. Mary D Gardes guard John F Gardes et al agt Frederick Buchar et a l ; 2 act ions; a t f y , J Brunnemer .

Hopkins st, n s. 125 w Tompkina av, 25x100. I De Kalb av, n w s, 225 n e Hamburg av, 25x100, |

Lydia Molz agt Elise P a r k e r and ano; a t f y , E A Goetting.

17th st. s s. 20 e IOth av, runs s 80 x n 80 x w 80 (error) .

ISth st. s s, 20 w IOth av, 80x60,2. Mary B Carey agt Adelia S Robbins et al ; a t f y s . Benjamin Se L,

Oct, 21, Debévoise st, n s, 150 e Graham av, 22x100.

Jacob Schauf agt Leib Lur ie et a l ; a t f y . J Schauf.

F lush ing av, n s, 115.9 e Whipple st, 25xS5x25s 72, Carrie Bendheim agt Christ ian Vogt et a l ; a t t 'y , G F Alexander.

Prospect pi, s s, 367,10 e Grand av, 17,5x131, Joseph J Frtel agt Minnie B and Daniel W Har ley; a t fy , G J O'Keeffe.

Eas t 19tb st, e s, 240 n Av V, 60x251.6 to Océan av, Brooklyn Lumber Co agt Michael Rofrano et a l ; to foreclose mechanica i ien; a t t ' y s , Grout, M & H,

Oct. 23. H a r t st, n w s, 100 n e H a m b u r g av, 25x100.

John Deinhardt ag t Annie Nelle et a l ; a t f ya , Moffett Se K.

17tli st. s s, 20 e lOlb av, 30xSO, 1 18th st, s s, 20 w IOth av. 60.2x80, !

Mary B Cary agt Adelia S Robbins et a l ; a t ­f y s . Benjamin &, L,

67tti st . s s, 340 e 12tb av, 60x130. Geo B Ellis agt Emily 0 E inghoim et a l ; a t f y , G S Billings.

6Tth at, s s, 180 e 12th av, 40x100. Same agt same.

Oct. 24. Thatford av. e s, 100 s Linington av, 50x100,

Gilbert S Thatford agt Joseph Cohen et a l ; a t f y . G Tonkonogy.

Buclid av, e s, 375 n Sentinel pl. runa e 150 x n 125 X — 25 to s s Pul ton st, x s w 127 to Euclid av, X s — to begin. Cornelia C Green-sword agt Susan J McDonald; a t f y , E R Voll­mer.

Jefferson av. No 19, n s, 164 w P rank l i n av, 21x 100. Mary C Léonard agt Francia H McArthur et al; a t fy , A H u r s t .

Atlantic av, n e cor Schenck av, runs n 124,6 X e 200 to Barbey st, x s 25 x w 95 x a 91 to Atlant ic av, x w 105, except pa r t eonveyed to Atlant ic Av R R Co. Ida R Pearson ag t Chas M Thompson et a l ; a t f y , J E Pearson.

9th st, s e cor Gowanus Canal, runs e 230 s s 200 X w 40 X s 300 x w 190 to Canal, x n 490. Geo W Chauncey agt Asa W P a r k e r et a l ; a t ­t 'ys, Bergen Se D.

Président st. No 697, n s, 257.10 w Oth av, r u n s n 25 X w 20.10 x s 95 to Président st, x e 20.10. Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn agt Mary S Kneeland et a l ; a ' tys , Ri tcb, W, B & W.

Berkeley pi, a s, 210 e 6th av. 20x100. Same agt same.

Union st, n s, 525 e Classon av, 25x131. Donald P Ayres et al exrs Elihu Ayrea agt El izabeth aud Benj C Chonies; a t f y , Ute rbar t & G.

H a r t st, s s, 125 e Throop av. 20x100, Emily C BIlis agt Mary B Conklin and ano ; pa r t i ­t ion; a t f y . G L Simonson.

Spencer st, w s, 257.9 n MyrUe av, 16,8x100. Theobald Enge lha rd t guard Augusta Preid et al agt Geo A Hill et a l ; a t f y . Van Mater Stil l­weU,

Utica av, e s, 58 s Prospect pl, 19,6x90. Anna L F a r q u h a r agt Chas H Chandler et a l ; a t f y , M E Havi land.

Oct. 25. Pulaski st . No 2T8. I St Marks av. No 333, I

Charles Wilton agt Wai te r M Balmer ; spécifie performance; a t f y . 3 B Jacobs,

Ful tou st, s s, 20 w Albany av, 20x100. Mary 3 Bennet t agt F ranc i ska Schroeder et a l ; a t f y s , Eas tman & E.

Greenwood av. s w cor Baat 4th st, 45x100x10.10 xlOô-S.

Greenwood av. s w cor Eas t 3d at. 60x100x25,10 xlOô.S. Cornélius Daly agt Geo W McGarl et a l ; a t f y , E CoSin.

56th st, s s, 470 w 16th av, 60x100,2. I ôôth Et, s s, 450 w 16th av, 80x100.2. |

Same agt same. Hamburg av. n e s, 75 n w Jefferson st, 25x100.

Mary -Mink agt Henry Bockrath et a i ; spécifie performance; a t f y . F Mann.

Surt av, n e cor West 33d st, 40,9xl03,3x39,Sx 93,6, Quincy Raynor agt Mary F "Wyman e t a l ; a t f y , G 3 Billings.

Grand st, No 676. s s, 25 e Manha t t an av, 25x75. Will iam Gabriel agt Joseph Gabriel et a l ; to set aside deed; a t t 'ys , O'Neil Se O'Neil,

Weirfield st. a e s, 440 n e Bushwick av, 20x100.1 Bainbridge at, n s, 23 e Saratoga av, 13,6x100,]

Gilbert L Hassell agt D Théodore Hassel l ; to déclare t rus t ; a t f y , W P Will iams.

Greene av. s s. 183.4 w Nostrand av, 16,8x100. Pennington Whitehead t rustée Anna K Shaw will of John A Hagger ty agt Addison J Church­ill et a l ; a t f y , G A Strong.

St Marks av. n s, 378 e Rockaway av. 36x127.9, Charles Jacobs agt Irène Marx et a l ; a t f ya , Bngel. E & 0,

Oct, 26. Ashland pl, e s, 16T.T n Hauson pl. 17,6x94,4x

17,6x95.1, Geo M Hewlet t agt Clarence M Nelson et a l ; a t f y , R A Davison.

Glenada pl, w s, 100 s Decatur at, 49,9x100. Metropolitan Life Insurance Go agt Chaa D Rust et a l ; a t f y s , Ritch, W, B & W.

Pu tnam av, n a, 293 w Sumner av, 17x100. Edward C Woodruff agt Alexis D Caldweli et a l ; a t f y , A C Coursen.

South Oxford st . w s, 321 n Lafayet te av, 22x 100, Edwin A Archer agt Victoria Bergen et a l ; a t f y s , H u r r y Se Dutton.

Columbia st, n w cor Commerce at, 18x79.ôx 16.7x86. Eugène McCarthy agt Ann G Cahill et a l ; a t f y , D O'Reilly,

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Brooklyn] 663


CONVEYANCES. Whenever the letters Q, C. and C. a. G. are preceded by the aame o£ the

grantee they mean aa follows: lat,—Q, C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, 1, e,, a deed in which all

the right, tltle, and interest of tbe grantor is eonveyed, omitting all cove­nants and warranty.

23.—C, a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against grantor only, m Whlch he covenants that be hath not done any act whereby the estate eon­veyed may be impeached, charged or encumbered. „ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ _ _

3 I I 1 October 20, 21. 23, 24, 25, 26. Adams st, e s, 125 n Tiliary st, 23x102,9x28x102.9. Albert H Harris,

New York, to Charles Wurster. - " 0 Adelpbi st, e s, 157.6 s Willoughby av, lS,6x]00. Frauk C Mason lo

Julius Dahlman. Mort .'$ô,0(lO. no™ Adelphi at. No 100, w s, 461.10 s Park av, 25.-;100. Michl F McGrory

and Honora Hennessy, New York, to Wolf HurwUz. AU taxes. 2,000 Arlington pl, e s, 20 s Halsey et, 2CxS0. Release dower. Emily S

Willets to Andrew J WlUets. ^'^^ Bainbridge st, s s, 280 w Stuyvesant av, 120x100, Charles •McLough­

lin, Larchmont, N Y to Geo J Shannon. nom Berry st, E w s, 100 n e Norlh Sth st, 25x100. Release judgment.

•Micbael Seitz to Zelie H Coutellier. nom Same property, Zelie'Contellier, née Bongean, to Philip Hogan. nom Beverley road, s e cor East ISth st, 50x100. T B Ackerson Con­

struction Co to Geo W Douglas. Mort .1^5,200. 9,l0O Boerum st, n s. 549.4 w White st, 25x62.11x25.1x61.2. Louis Adel­

stein to EUïabeth Bauer. Mort $1,200. 2,000 Bradford st, e s, 100 s Sutter av. 20x100. Herbert C SmiLh lo Harry

C Pierce. Mort $2.500. "om Broadway, n s, 23.4 w 'Marcy av, 23.4x100, b & 1. Wm A Scott to

Coleman Saul. nom Same properly, Wm A Scott to Coleman Saul. nom Broadway, s w s, SS,8 n w Siockton st. 20x71.8x28,3x51.8, h & 1.

Jacoh L Long to Louis Long, Mon .flS.OHU. nom Cook st, n s. 237,6 e Bushwick av. 25x100, h & L Sallie Hasenflug

to George HUkemeier, Mort $1,000. nom Court st, s e s, 14 n e Sackett st, runs s e 55 x s e 37 x n e 21 x n w

40 X n w 55 X s w 21 . Robert Castle to Paula Daiber. Ail liens. nom

Covert st, s e s , ISO n e Broadway, 20x100, b & 1. Charles Bisen-hofer to Kittie J Fields, 'Mort $2,500. nom

Crescent st, w s, 90 s Dumont av, 40x100. Frederick, Hichard and Otto Kampfe to Richard Popke. 420

Crystal st, e s, 100 n Pitkin av. 30x100, b Se 1, Stephen W Dodge to James Stackhouse. Mort $2,000. 3.500

Same property. James Stackhouse to Ida B Auerhahn. Mort $2,UU0. 2.800

Dean st,-s s, 50 e Brooklyn av. 45.6x100. Foreclos. L Victor Pleckles to City Real Estate Co. 15,500

Dean st, s s, 100 w Nostrand av, 20x107.2. Annie E and Frank A Barnaby, Plainfield, N J, to James H Biaisdell, Jr. Mort $S.500. nom

Decalur sl, n s, 344 w Ralph av, ISxlOO. Release mort. Rebecca J Lockett to Cbas G Reynolds. 1,500

Same property. Chas G Reynolds to Louise Burkart. Mort $4,500. nom Decatur sl, n s, 60 w Howard av, 20x100, h & I. Chas P Naughton

to Louisa wife Geo W Nagle. Mort $4,000. See East IGth si. exch Degraw st, s s, 137.6 w Court st, 12.6x100, h & I. Sara I wife Jobn

B Taetavall to Electric Building Loau and Savings Asaoc, 3.500 Degraw st. s s, 173.3 w Van Brunt st, 25.3x100, h & 1. Augusta A

BUxt to Salvador Scotto. Mort $7,000. nom Degraw st. a s. 150 w Van Brunt at, 25.3x100, h & 1. Same to An­

tonio Gatiavara. Mort )|i7,000. uom Devoe st, n s, 115 w Lorimer st, 17.6x75. Ernest B Winteramith

to EUen Cooney. Mort $1,250. nom Devoe st, s s, 139 w Lorimer st, —x—xllO.OxlOO, h & î. Selig and

Meyer Voit to Charles Voit. B Se S. Mort $11,000. nom Diamond st, e s, 215,6 n Driggs av, 25x50.8. h & 1. Ida Berdux to

Charles Berdux. B & S. C a G nom Dodworth st, n w s, 2S2.8 n e Broadway, 25x90, h & 1. John Moller

to Anna D Koster. 100 Douglass st, n s. 240 e Buffalo av, 20x110.7. Foreclos. Frank D

Creamer to Jane E wife of Patk J Mansfieid. 760 Douglass st, s s, 231.S e 4th av, 32.10x100. John A Holmes to Adèle

•G Ogden, Rutherford, N J. Morts $6,600. nom Eldert st, s e s , 279.10 n e Hamburg av, 20x100, h & l. Elizabeth C

Wintjen to Herman L Wintjen. Mort $2,500. nom Elton st, w s. 303,3 s Sutter av. 18.3x84,10. xMarie Eiermann to Elin

Janson. Mort $1,600. nom Emerson pl, w s, 125 n MyrUe av, 25x100, Release dower. Mary A

Dougherty widow to Mary A Dougherty. 420 Same property, b & 1, Ellen Anderson, Kate O'Connor Sullivan, John

E and James A Dougherty chUdren and hoirs James Dougherty to Miles Worth, l.OSO

Fleet pl, e s, 175 n Willoughby st, 25x77.2x25.10x70,4. Jobn Begley to Audrew A Halsey. 'Mort .f51S. nom

Fleet pl, w s, 71.10 s Myrtle av, 28.2x62.7x28.2x62.3. h & 1. 'Mary •E wife Sandford J Murray lo Saml E Burtis. C a G , Mort ,'^3.000.

Fulton st. n s, 48.11 w Classon av, runs n 76.4 x w 27.2 x n w 7 ' ' x*" a w 05.4 to st, X s e 35, h & 1. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer t'o The City Savings Bank. 5 000

George st, s e s . 325 s w Knickerbocker av, 75x100. Foreclosure by advertisement, Adolpb Van Rein. Auctioneer, certifies to purchase by Théodore F Jackson tor. Re-recorded as a mortgage and cer-

600 tlficate of publicaUon by Samuel H Coombs. Gold st, e s, 157 s -Myrtle av, 19x85. Caroline T Cookman formerly

TaEL, Jamestown, N Y, to Mathew G Singles. Hancock st, n s, 20 e Nostrand av, 20x100 h & 1.

LO Emily S, Edmund T and Clarence W Willets' . ,,, „,, „„„ Hancock si. s s, 120 e Nostrand av, 20x100. John 0 Kennahan to

Eva Kennahan his wife Mon $9 000 Hancock st, n s, 20 e Nostrand av, 20x100 h & 1

lets to Emily S Willets. Q C. Mort $7 000 Same property. Edmund T Willets to same. Q C. Harman st. e s, 90 w St Nicholas av, 20x100. h Se 1 Harman st, s s, 110 w St Nicholas av, 20x100 h & 1

nom Andrew J Willets

'Mort $7,000. nom

nom Clarence W Wii-

nom Mort $7,000.


e 139,6 X n 12.4 x w 139.6 to st x s 12.4. Hope M Voorhies to Mary F Smith. Q G. 23

Herkimer st, s s, 10.4 e Louis pl, 16.4x78, h & 1. John A Jones, New York, to Charles MuUigan. Mort $2,200. nom

Hicka st, s e s , 98,10 n e State st, 24.8xS0. Susan A Briggs, N Y, to Sadie R gogers. nom

Hicks st. No 678, .Assignment of rents to Jan 1, 1901. Joseph Lam­brecht lo Joseph Lambrecht Jr. nom

Hicks st, w s, 105 s Rapalye si, 20x76.11x28,7x97,3, b Se l. Edgar •McDonald to Stephen W Dodge. B & S. All liens. nom

Humboldi st, w s, 40 s Devoe sl, 20x60, h & 1. James and James H Farrell, Annie A Savage and Ada wife David Schroeder lo Mary wife Stephen Cushing. Mort $1,500. 2,000

Humboldt st, e s, 175 s Driggs av, 25x100, h & 1. Reinhard Hartmann to Andréas and Babetta Bacb joint tenants. Mort $6,400. nom

Huntington st, s s, 100 e Hicks st. 20x100. Alice McGuire to Patrick and Elizabelh Gaivin. Mort $1,000. nom

India al. n s, 270 e Franklin sl, 25x100, h Se 1. Wm W and Arthur B Siikworth and Emily S Wiliels, formerly Siikworth, heirs of John and Geo L Siikworth to 'Bernard J Egan, nom

Jardine pl, w s, I S l . l l s Herkimer st, 17x92. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Jesse Carll, Northport, L L 2 100

Jefferson st, s e s , 125 s w Central av, 50x100, h & 1. Margaretha Kraemer widow to August Mischler. 5 000

Jefferson st, s s, 270 e Bremen st, 25x100. h & 1, Martin Spinner 'to Wilhelm Niewohner. .Mort $2,.5O0. 2 800

Jerome st, e s, IOO n Hegeman av, 20x198.4x20x199. Melvin W Gushee lo Waiter F Clayton. ^om

Joralemon st, n s, 42 w Henry st. 19x100.9x19.1x98.6. Frances S Massey to George Jantzer, J^QJ^

Kenilworth pl, n e s, 520 s e Av G, 60x100. Germania Real Estate and Improvement Co lo Simon Borg and Leo Speyer New York nom

Kings Highway, n w cor East 23d at, —xlOSxlOOxT7.S. Waiter R Lusher 10 George Moore, Mort $430. . exch

Kosciusko st, s s, 325 e Lewis av, 25x100, h & 1. Isaac Bernkopf to Francis C Bernkopf. V2 part. 1,000

Lake lane, n s, 20,2 e West Sth st, 40.4xS9.6.'c40x84.3. Efllngham H Nichols, New York, to Peter Mathews, 4S0

Lenox road, s s, 8,133.4 e Platbusb av, D0xl87,llx50xlS7.10. Mariett L Bowers to Zelie Coutellier. 210m

Logan st, e s. 93 n Glenmore av, 17,10x100, Annie Campion New York, lo Frederick Meyers. 'Mort $1,600, ' nom

Lott Et, w s, 154 s Butler st, O.xSO. Enos Wilder to Hannah Schwartz. nom

Lott st, w s, 160 s Butler st, 53xS0. John Adamson to same, 2 100 Madison st, n s, SO e Patcben av, 25x100, b & 1, Foreclos. Prank D

Creamer to John M Young. 2,100 Marion st, s s, 108 e Saratoga av. 17x100, h & i. Ernest H Kempe

lo Paula Darber, New York, Mort $1,800. exch Same property. Arlhur B Goodkind to Ernest H Kempe. 'Mort $800.

nom New Lots road, s s. 60 e Hendrix st. 20x90. John Meiser lo Sarah

Meiser. 350 Newton st, s s, 101,4 e Graham av, 34xl00x50'.&cl01.4. Bernhard

Herskowitz to Leopold Rotlmann. 40O Noll st, s s, 100 e Bremen st, 23x100. Release mort. John Rueger to

Kasper Beeker. goo Norlh Henry st. w s, 325 n Nassau av, 20x100, h & 1. Robert

Sehwindt 10 Jennie Dickson. 'Morts $4,000, 5 500 Oak st, s s, 170 e Pranklin st, 25x88x30x103, h & 1. Louis Rehele 'to

Louis, Jr, Marie, .Max, Théodore, Sophie and Otto Rebeie. Sub to life estate grantor,, nom

Océan Parkway, n w cor Sherman st, 40x151.10x86,11x130.9 h & 1 Annie L and Edward G Cutler to GotUieb Pey. Morts $13,900. &c,

Pacific st. s s, 415 w Pranklin av. 20x100, h & 1. Julia P wife oE Edwd J Reannie to William Pinley. nom

Pacific st, s s, 400 w Saratoga av, runs s 87.9 x s w 23.8 x n 92 2 to st, X e 23.4, h & 1. Samuel Hart, Hartford, Conn, to Wm H Mount. Q G. nom

Pacific st, s s, 400 w Saratoga av, runs s 87.9 x s w 16.11 x n 9Q 11 to st, X e 16.8, h & I. Same to same. C a G . nom

Paciflc st, s s, 383,4 w Saratoga av, runs s 84.6 x s w 17 x n 87.9 to st, X e 16,8, h & I. Mary A Hart , Say brook, Cono, to same. C a G,


nom EU J


Théodore B Allen to Susanna wife Conrad Ghtth. 6,2.50 «enry sl, e s, at n w angle land now or late of Ployd S Sanford, ruiis

$29.000. Pacific st, n s, 130 e Howard av, 40x100. Pacific st, n s, 210 e Howard av, 20x100.

Harriet P Ludlow lo Jacob Morganthaler, B Se S. All liens. Palmetto sl, n w s, 130 n e 'Bushwick av, 16.8x100. h & 1.

Tiffany, Bennington, Vt, to John P Goodwin. Park pl, n s, 36S e Underhill av, 17.10x131. Pred C Cocheu to Emma

A Peck. 'Mort $5,500'. nom Parkway, s w s, 293 n e Broadway, 16,6x50. Louise T Schwartz née

Herrmann and Frederick Herrmann devisees will Fredolina Herr­mann to Joseph A Herrmann. nom

Penn st, s s, 215 w Bedford av, 15x100. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Ernst F Foerster. 2 750

Président st, s s, 207,6 w 7th av, 41x100. Release mort. Brooklyn Trust Co exr Halsey W Knapp to Louis Bonert. 5 500

Président st, n s, 83.4 w Rockaway av, 92.2x182,10x88.7x207.9. Charlotte E McGraw, New York, to Amelia R wife Joseph Godlrey, Livlneslon, N J. nom

Président st, n s, 180.8 w Court st, 19.1x100. John A Crowley, Jer-sey CUy, N J. to Anna S Schlichter, .\ew York. Y-> Part. Mort $0,750, " 3,500

Same property, Harry L Christian to John A Crowley. Jersey City, '" •J' 7.000

Prince sf, w s, 163 n Tiliary st, 22x85. Saml -E Klein. New York, lo Jacob Finman. Mort $4.500. iî.OOO

Prospect pl, n s, 100 e Franklin av, 25x131, h & 1, "William Deppie to Wm F Dawson. Morts .$8,100. nom

Prospect pl, s s, 95 6 Grand av, runs s 21 x w 95 to Grand av, x s 160 X e 105 X n 50 X e 80 X n 131 to pl, x w 00. Chas G Bâtes N^ew_York, to Edwin G Biddle, Phila, Penn. % part. Vz part mort $i>,7o0, nom

Prospect pl, s s, 95 e Grand av, 10x21. Geo G Dutcher to Chas G • Bâtes. no consid

Prospect pl, s s, 95 e Grand av, 10x21. Release mort. Geo G Dutcher committee estate Sarah J Whitman to 'Chas G Bâtes, New York.

consid omitted Pulaski st, s s, 27D W Marcy av, 18.9x100, h & 1. Henrietta Lings­

weiler, New York, lo Clara M Miller. .Mort $2,500. 4 242 Pulaski st, n s, 79,10 w Lewis av, 20.2x100, h & !. Max BriU exr

Johu Schaeffer to Christine Schaeffer widow, 3,000 Quincy st. s s, 200 w Sumner av, COxlOO, Emeline E Brower et 'a l

exrs James C Brower to Gustave A Gardner.

664 [Brooklyn] RECORD AND GUIDE. October 28, 1899.

HARRY ALEXANDER, Astor Court BuMdinâTp

West S3d & S i t h Streets, Near Sth Avenue.


TELEPHONH. 3767—8801.

Quincy st, n s, 180 w Reid av, 20x100. Wm. H Brearley, East Orange, N J lo Geo E Lovett, Mort li;3,125. nom

Quincy st, s s, 100 e Reid av, 72x110. Annie C Carpenter to Joseph W Hamilton. Mort $4,500, &c. exch

Quincy st. n s, 27 w Throop av, 1x44.0. Ada M Chapman. Hemp­stead. L I. to WUliam Gilflllan. nom

Quincy st. n s, 27 w Throop av, 1x44.6, Release mort, Wm N Dky-man recvr Commercial Bank to William- Gilfillan. uom

Richardson st, s s, 200 w Lorimer st, 25x100, h & 1. Michael Bo-nanzo to Franceseo A and Anuziata Dimieri joint tenanis. Morts $4,275. 5,500

Richmond st, e s, 682 s Jamaica av, runs e 200 x n 25 x e 100 to •Chestnut st x n 91.9 to Etna st x w 302.8 to Richmond st x s 77.4. Henry C Bauer and Chauncey T Austin lo Barbara Lauer. Ail liena. See Glenmore av. exch

Rutland road. s s. 205 e Rogers av, 30x100, h & 1. John L Russell to Leila B Hatry, Mon $3,-500, nom

Sackmann st. w s, 110 n Livonia av, 20x100, h & ).• Sériai Building Loan and Savings Inst to Samuel Lichterman. .AU Uens. 1.40(1

Seeley st. s s, 525 e 18tb et, 12.6x150. Release mort. Bond and Mortgage Guaranlee Co to Matthew J McCue. 1,000

Same property. Matthew J McCue to George W Shirlaw. nom Seigel st, s s, near Buahwick av, being lot 137 map property in Bush­

wick adj Village Williamsburgh. Mary A Rudd to Bruno Haas. •Morts $1.200. nom

Same property. Release morl. Albert G McDonald to Mary A Rudd, nom

Sherman st, w s, 244.3 n Greenwood av, 13xl0'0, h & 1. Stephen J Doyle lo wniiam' Greenberg. 'Mort $900. 1,600

Sherman st, w s, 244.3 n Greenwood av, 1x100. Joseph Phillips to Stephen J Doyle, 175

Skillman st, w s, 139.7 n Lafayette av. 18.2x100x17,7x100. Martha A Place 10 Haltie P Whittaker, Summit, N J. nom

St James pl, w s, 103.9 s Gates av, 15,9x98.8x15.9x98.9. John Gor­don to Adam Ohweiler, Morts $6,500. nom

Sl Johns pl, s s. 226,6 w Franklin av, 18.6x131, h & 1. William Dep­pie to John W Burdy, Q C, nom

Sterling pl, n s, 123,8 e Bedford av, 20x77.5x21.6x85,3, h & 1. Ar­menia R Guest to Margaret Parrell. 3,800

Sterling pi, s s, 97 w Bedford av, 118x131. John A Johnson to .\lbert G Kalb. Suh to encroachment, nom

Sutton st. e s, 128.9 u Driggs av. 25x100. h & 1, Foreclos, Frank D Creamer lo The Bushwick Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc.

4,700 Troutman st, s s, 225 w Central av, 100xl7(,9xl09,4x232.10, I Troulman st, s e s , IOO s w Central av, 125x232,10x136.8x287.10. |

Henry W, Meyer W, Joseph W and Hannah Schloss and as exrs Wm J Schloss, Henry W, Meyer W and Joseph W Schloss exrs and legatees under will Wm J Schloss.Tillie Oppenheim, Rose Jaeobs and 'BeUa Hamburger legatees same will to The Castle Braid Co, nom

Union st. s s, 110 e Hoyt st. 20x100. h & 1, Thos E Davison, New York, lo Margaret wife Wm J Conway, All liens. nom

Vermont sl, e s, 1.50 s Fulton st, —x—xO,2x106. Release mort. Cbas Schaper lo Charles Wagner, nom

Same property. Charles Wagner to Mary J Wadsworlh, 100 Wallabout si. s s, 475 e Bedford av, runs s 50 x e 25 x s 50 x e 25

x n 50 X e 2o X s oO X e 25 x n ÔO' x e 25 x s ~ill x e 25 x n 100 to st X w 2'30. Foreclos, Frank D Creamer to Harry R Ferguson and Wm P Clarke, firm Ferguson & Clarke. 11,900

Walton Et s s, 275 w Harrison av, 25x100. Wm H Wissing. St Louis, Mo, devisee will Mary Hauschildt to Elizaheth Visel. Ys part. 1.450

Walton st, n s, 27-5 e Marcy av, 25x100, h & 1. ,\nna Haas widow to Nicholas Pelle, nom

Warren sl, s s. 100 w Smitb st, 25x100, h & 1. Helen M Soop to Joseph Michaels. Mort $6,000. 7.000

Warren st, n é s , 270 n w Smith st. 16.Sxl00, h & i. Edwd E Black to Edwd P Brown, New York. Mort $3,000. nom

Same property. Edwd F Brown to Edwd E Black. Mort $3,000. nom Watkins st, w s, 200 n Newport av, 25x10(1 Release judgment. Nel­

son J Gates to Waiter P Clayton, 200 Watkins st. e s, 125 s Pilkin av, 75.xlOO, h & 1. Haskel Silverman,

New York, to David Schneider and Joseph Falk. 2,600 Woodhine st, s e s , 3-50 s w Cenlral av. 25x160. Sopbie Wobse to Wm

T Frohwein. '.Mort $2.000, nom Wyckoff st, s s, 120 e Bond st. 20x100, h & 1, Geo W Cummings to

Amalia wife Cbarles Schmidl. 3,900 Wyckolï st, s s, 86,S e Bond st. 16.8x100. Alice. Mary and Ellen

Reddy to Agnes Reddy. nom Wyona st, w s, 175 n Liberty av, 50x100, h & 1. Catherine Wuerth,

Orange, N J, lo Wm F and Anastatia Costello, Maplewood, N J, Mort $2,500, exch

2d st, n s, 225 w ôtb av. 19x100, h & 1. Lucelia A Cooper to Joseph R Kunzer. Mort .$6,000, exch

South 2d st, s s, 100 w Marcy av, 2.3x100. Léonard F Ripley, Bel­mont, Mass, to Tbos W and Prances S Gest his wife, Boston, Mass. Suh to right Jobn A Crawford to collect and use rents during life: also mort $3,000. nom

Same property. Francea S Gest, formerly Crawford, Belmont. Mass, to Léonard F and Margt A Ripley. Sub as above. nom

2d pl, s s, 175 e Clinton st, 2oxl33.5, b Se l. j 2d pl, s s, 150 e Clinton st, 2oxl00. |

Cath A O'Brien, New York, lo Gertrude S Work, Plainfleld, N J, Mort $18.000. 30,000

South 3d st, s s, 75 e Hewes st, 25x95.2. h & 1. Margaretha Ahl to Geo F Kroner. AU liens. nom

East 3d st. e s, 440 s Av D, 60x100. Effingham H Nichols. New York, to Hugh R Moffat. 730

4th st, n é s , 97.10 s e 6th av, 20x95. h & 1. Joseph C Taylor to Elizabetb Gallagher. Mort $7,000. 10,500

South I tb st, s w s. 75 n w Hooper st. 25x94. Release dower. Jo­hanna Demmerle widow to .\nnie M Teves. 150

Same property, h & 1. Frank and Emil P Demmerle exrs Peter Dem­merle to same. Mort $2,000. 3,5.50

East 5th st, e s, 265 s Caton av, 40x100. Peter H McNully to Thos Boyle. nom

Nortb 7lh st, s w s, 150 n w Havemeyer st, 50x100. Mary W Bige­low (formerly Wbeelotik) wife Albert M, East Orange, N J. to Pas­quale Martino and Frank Ciancimmo, C a G . 5.000

East 7th st. e s. 4411 n Av E. 20x120,0, h Ê 1. Denslo D Hamlin to William' Heath. Mort $1,600.

North Sth st, n s, extends trom Roebling to Havemeyer st, 225x100, hs & Is. Frederick Holliday trustée for Thomas Holliday to Fred­erick Holliday as truatee tor The Yorksbire Guarantee and Securi­ties Corporaiion, Limited, trustées for holders debentures of Read Holliday & Sons, Limited, of Huddersfleld, England. Trust deed.

nom Oth st. s s. 340 w 7lh av. 20x72,6, h & 1. Frances Wheeler to Mabel

Joues, nom North 9th st. n s, 360 e Roebling st. 72x100- CaroUne E Prentiss and

as exirx estate Caroline A Edwards lo Christopher O'Connell. nom Same property. Chrislopher O'ConneU by Chrislopher O'Connell com- _

miitee to Gaetano Galandrillo and Joseph Délia, 2,42o 12th st, s s, 450 w 4th av, 18.5x100. Foreclos. Frank D Creame_r

Io Ludwig E Kohier, 2.o73 Bast 12th st, e s. 110 n Av V, 60x120. Fredk H Dressel, New York,

lo EUen Sullivan. Mort $2,500. 6,900 East 14th st. e s. 100 s Beverly road, 50x100, h & 1. John Parkin to

John W Parkin. ' . nom J4lh st. No 262. Charlotte P Wells, West Orange. N J. to Almira L

F Breakspear. nom East lOîh st, e s, 120 s Av TJ. 40x100. Harbor and Suburban Bldg

and Savings Assoc lo Geo W Nagle. 500 Same properly. Geo W Nagle to Chas P Naughton. See Decatur st.

exch East ITlh st, e s. 75 s Av C. 40x100. John S Purdy to John Burchell-

nom West ITth st, e s, 90 s Neptune av. runs e 80 x n 90' to av x e 3S.10

X s 150 X w nS . lO to st X n 60. Danl T Stevens, New York, lo Frank G Curnow, 2,150

East 18th sl. w s, 204.2 s Av C, 60x100- Edward Bull to Kate P Bull his wife. Morts $4,700. _ nom

East 19th st. w s, 275 s Beverley road, 7oxl00'. T B Ackerson Con­struclion Co to Ida E Mott. nom

Bast iwth st, w s, 279,3 a Av C, 75x100. Release mort. George and Wesley Albright aud ano exrs will Elizabeth B Vorhies to Delbert H Decker. 3,300

East 21st st. e s. 420 n Av 0, ru.is e 100 x n 10.4 x n w 76.1 x n e 48 x"w 91.10 10 st X s 100. Augustus F Gardner to George Moore. Mort ,$400, See Bast 39th st. nom

East 22d st. e s. 100 n Av C, 20x100. Release mort, Alonzo B See and Waiter L Tyler to Geo E Hannah. SOO

Same properly. Geo E Hannah to Henry S Vanderveer, nom Easi 23d si, w s, 160 s Av 0, 20x100. Wm E Platt to Peter Gal­

lagher. , nom 29tb st, n s, 296.10 e 4th av, 17,10x100.2. h & 1, Prancis G Quinn

to Geo W Wakeman. Mort $2,200. nom Same property. Geo W W'akeman to Eagle Savings and Loan Co.

•Mort $3,000. nom .lisl st, s w s, 176.8 n w 4th av, 16,8x100.2, h & 1. Isreal Adey to

Geo H and Margt J Burns. Mort $1,600. 3.200 East Slst sl, w s, 81.10 s Grant sl, 40x121,10x36x124. I East 31st st, e s, 83.6 s Grant st, 40x123.6x42.6x100. ]

Franklin AUen to Agnes Ryam. nom East 34th st. e s, 227.6 s Av G, 40x100. Waiter E Dunn to Edwd M

Waring, Mort $3,150. nom East 34(h st, w s. 230 s Av C. 30x100. Chas C Manger, New York,

lo Aima J Hoag. nom 3Tlb st, s s, 94.1 s e Sth av, 20x100.2. Chas S Taher. Jamaica, L I,

to Melvin Brown. Q C. C a G . Ail liens. nom East 3Slh st, e s, 340 s Av C. 40x100. Rufus L Scott, Jr, to Alfred

Gaskell. nom East 3Sth st, w s. 447,6 n Av H. 60x100. Germania Real Estate and

Improvement Co to Sarah Poole, nom 39th st, n s, 160 w IOth av, '20x95,2. ReaUy Trusl to Elmira G Smith.

3,500 Easl 39th st, e s. 208.1 s East Broadway, 40x100. George Moore to

Augustus P Gardner. See East 21st st. nom IOth st, s s. 134,4 e IOth av, 19x100,2, b Se \. Ernest Raymond to

Prank T Morrill. New York, Mort $2,200. nom IOth sl, u s. 320 e 12lh av, 20x95,2. Geo N Crosby, New Y'ork to

Ragan Hooper. 4,000 41st sl, n s, 200 w 5th av, 20x100.2, h & 1. Simon and Henry F

Henchel to Clara Braun. Mort $3,.50O. 6,000 41st st, u s, 3ùO e 5th av. 50x100,2, Henry McCready, New York, to

Rose •McKeon, Mort $1,000. 1,500 42d st, s s, SO w 17th av, 20x100. Annie Heilig to Clara Koster. nom 43d st, n é s , IOO n w ]2th av, 25x100. Dermott J O'Leary, New ' York, to Eveline I O'Leary. formerly Reid. 1895. OOO East 43d st, e s, 297,6 n Ditmas av. 4<kl00. Germania Real Estale

and Improvement Co to Mary .\ Rudd. nom 44th st. s s, 216.S w l'2th av. 33.4x100. Alice L Dawe to Abram K

Williams, nom 44th st, s s, 216.S w 12th av, 33.4x100.2. Release mort. Bond and

Mortgage Guarantee Co to Alice L Dawe. 2,250 45lh st n s 300 w ôth av, 20x160.2. h & 1, Stepben MarUn and Os­

car Abrams to Geo A Van Sleenburgh, Mort $3,500. 6.000 45th st s s, ,360 w Sth av, 20x106.2. Same to Wm A Sambalino.

Mort .$3,500. nom 45th st, n é s . 100 n w 14lh av, 40x100,2, Release mort. Title Guar­

antee and Trust Co to Wm H Reynolds. 2,500 Same property. Wm H Reynolds to Martha J wife Louis A R Kufner.

nom 47th st, s s, r20 w 14th av, 40x100.2. Release mort. TiUe Guaran­

tee and Trust Co to Wm' H Reynolds. 2,750 Same property. Wm H Reynolds to John L Kerr, nom SOlh st, n s, 180 e 14th av, 40x100.2. Wm H Reynolds to Leslie M

Winn, nom 52d st. s s, 220 e ôth av, 20x100.2. Charles Hamilton lo Michael

Shellas. exch 53d st s s. 100 w 2d av, 86x100.2. Louis P Diss, Ilion, N Y, to Albert

B Diss. Jean Wolfs and Wm A Griffiths. Q C. 2.500 53d st, No 106, s s, 135 w 3d av, 17.6x100, h & 1. Foreclos. Prank

- D Creamer lo Elizabeth Decker. 2.900 Same property .b Se 1. lElizabelh Decker to John E Decker. Mort

$2.500. 2,900 -58th st, s s, 320 e .3d av, 19x100.2, h & 1. John Beet to Geo W Wake­

man. Mort $3.250. nom Same propertv. Geo W Wakeman to Eagle Savings and Loan Co,

Mort $4,2.50. nom 5Sth st. s w s, 90 s e 16th av, runs s w 69 x e 96.9 to st x n w 67.9.

Effingham H Nichols, New York, to Febronia Spéciale. 110

October 28, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Brooklyn] 665

JOHN C. ORR & CO. Ind ia, Java and Huron Sts. and East River,

CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUCH OF BROOKLYN. Téléphone, 23 Greenpoint,


Sash, Doors, Blinds and House Trim.

60th st, n e s, 520 s e 14lh av, 35,10x100.2x33x100.2. Release mort._ Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Edward Johnson, 2,7o0

fiOth si, n é s , 140 n w lôth av, 40x100.2. Edward Johnson lo Bdwin N Nelson, ' uom

61st st, n s, IGO e 13th av, 60x160. Maggie Miles, New York, to Saml J Dennis. exch

70lh st, n e s, 100 s e l l t h av, 200x100. Michl Schellens to Charles Hamiilon. exch

79th st, n é s , 290 n w ISlh av, SOxlOO. Geo W Douglas lo T B Ackerson Construction Co. 'Mort $1,000. exch

Slst st. s s, m o w 22d av, SOxlOO. SOlh st, n s, 240 w 22d av, 60x100, 22d av, w s, 100 s Benson av, 100x96.8.

Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to 'Bensonhurst Co. 6.SoO 82d st, s s, 340 e 12ib av. 12uxl00. Release mort. Bay Ridge Park

Improvement Co to Walier L Johnson. 480 Same property. Release mort. Union Dime Savings Inst, New York,

to same, 1,200 S4th Et, s s. IOO e IOth av, 60x106. Waiter L Johnson to Alfred L

Seaver. nom Av C. s s, 62,6 w New York av, 40x100, Germania Real Estate and

Impiovement Co to Richd M Clark. nom Av F , s e s. 60 n e East OSth st. runs s e 100 x n e 40 x s e 40 x n e

100 to East ilOlh st X n w 140 to Av F x s w 1-iO. Michl Braun and Josepb R Kunzer ta Lucelia A Cooper. exch

Mbany av, e s, 4WU s Av J, 30x100. Germania Real Eslale and Impt Co to Chas F Henae, nom

.\tlantic av, n w cor Preseott pl. 15xS0, h & 1. Foreclos. Prank D Creamer lo Janet Pirnie and ano exrs John M Pirnie. 1,900

Allanlic av, n s, ISl), 11 e Nostrand av, -40x99,1. Release dower. Emily S Willets to Andrew J Willets. nom

Atlantic av, s s. 458.4 e Ulica av, 16.8x100. Release dower. Catha­rine wife John Cummins to George .\. Lavelle. nom

Same property. Release dower. Elizabelh wife Martin Cummins to same. nom

AUantic av, n s, 191.8 w 3d av, 20.10x80, Cornelia P Dolane to Marie D Ahlers. Mort $4,000, nom

Same properly. Laura S Metcalfe to Cornelia F Dolane. Mort $4,-000. nom

Same property. Thos H Dolane to Laura S Metcalfe. Mort .$4.000. exch

Atlantic av, s s, 180 w Troy av. 40x100, h & 1. Julia E Margt A Corby.

Bay Ridge av, s s, 440 w ISth av. 20x100. of Annie Williams to Frederick Haffner,

King 10 uom

James Williams devisee Q C. Confirmation deed.

nom Same lo Martin J Koat.

nom Bay Ridge av, s s. 420 w IStb av, 20xlOO.

Q C, Confirmation deed, Blake av, n e cor Watkins sl. ôOxlOO. Co-operatlve Building Bank to

Henry Gassner and Wilhelm^ Rothaeiden. 2,800 Brooklyn av, e s, 340,5 n Vernon av, 40x85,1x40.1x86.9, I •Brooklyn av, e s, 400.0 n Vernon av. 160.lxS0.3'x 100,3x84.3. |

Prank B -Martin et al exra John T Martin to Frank Dames. 700 Chestnut av, s s. being lot 63 map United Freen;ans land Assoc No 3,

Flaibush and Gravesend. 100x100. Partilion. Marcus B Campbell lo 'Elmer G Story and Byron P Stratton tenanis in common, 310

Chestnut av, s s|being lota ti3 and 166 same map, Flaibush aud Elm av, s s i Gravesend. Catb E Gavin lo Elmer G Siory and By­

ron P Stratton. Confirmalion deed. nom Classon av, e s, iiaô.'A n De Kaib av. ôlxS3x53,lxS1.6. Tbos E Davi­

son, New York, to Margaret Conway. .AU liens, no consid Classon av, e s, 228.9 n De Kalb av. 154.6,\81.6xl54.6x7S.ll. Same

to same, no consid Classon av, w s, 44.6 s Dean st, 28.9x160, h & 1. Annie C wife John

P Donohue to Martin J Suydam. Mort $9,000, &c. nom Classon av, w s, 44.6 s Dean st, 2S.9xlOO. Martin J Suydam to .Mor­

ris Sherwin, New York. Mort $9,000. nom De Kalb av, s s, IOO e Evergreen av. 25x100, h & 1. Jobn H Lamke

to John E Heitmann. 4,ô00 De Kalb av, s s, 40 w Sumner av, 20x100, h & 1. WiUiam Henne­

mann to WiUiam Boeker. Mort $3,500. nom De Kalb av. n s, 98' e Stuyvesant av, 27x200 to Pulaski st. Louis

Béer and Michael Schaffner to Louis Beers Sons, a corporation, nom Driggs av, e s. 75 n North Ttb sl. 25x100, h & 1. Tbos King to Eliza­

beth wife Thomas King. nom Driggs av, e s, 75 n Havemeyer st, 25i£lOO. h & I. Thomas King to

Elizabeth wife o£ Thom'as King. nom Elm av, s a, being lot 100 on map Uniled Preemana Land -Aasoc No 3,

Platbush and Gravesend. lOOxlOO. Partition. Marcus B CampbeU to Elmer G Story and Byron P Stratton tenants in common, 330

Evergreen av. u e eor Willoughby av, 25xlOO. h & 1. August Misehier to Ferdinand Mischler, Mort $5.000. 1 ,500

Flathush av, w s, 287,11 s Av C, 20.10x96.3x20.10x90.2. Frederick A Lippold to .\nnie D Lindemann. Mort $4,000. nom

Gales av, n w s, 300 n e Central av, 25x108.9x25.1x107. Agnes yi lEden, New Jersey, to John S Jenkins. All liens. nom

Glenmore av, s e cor Bradford st, 25x100. Katharine Hammond, Mil­ford, Pa, to Barbara Lauer, Mort $4,-500. ' nom

Same property. Barbara Lauer to Henry C Bauer. Mort $4,500. See Richmond st. nom

Grant av, e s, 177 n McKinley av, 23x100. Chas S ForheU to Grâce A Kent. Mort $1.500, &c, nom

Greene av, s e s . 200 n e Knickerbocker av, 20x100. Fredk H Koster lo Elizabeth Moescble. Mort $2,905. 3,250

Greenpoint av, s s, 2o0 e Moultrie st, 25x104,6x25x103.7, h & l. John King to Catherine wife said John King, All liens. nom

Hamburg av, n e cor Himrod st, runs n 20.6 lo Myrtle av x n w" 106.6 X s 106 to st X e 160, known as 1344 to 13-50 MyrUe av. Alex F Wacker to John Picht. V2 part. Morts $35,560. 10,000

Hegeman av, n e cor Crescenl st, runs n 130 x e IOO x 3 40 x w 60 x s !X) to av X w 40, h & I. Frederick, Richard and Otto Kampfe to Otlo P Muller. 2,000

Hopkinson av, n w cor Blake av, 100,1x100, Frank J Friedel to Mary A Friedel, nom

Jefferson av. n s. 175 w Sumner av, 20x100, h & 1. Henry B Hill to Chas E Powell. Mort $4.500. nom

Johnson av, s s, 175 w Graham av, 25x100. John K Gruehel to Augusta Eggenschwieler, Maurer, N J. nom

Lafayette av, n s, 150 w Sumner av, 18.9x100. Wilson Moneypenny to Saml M Moneypenny. Mort $2,-500. n o ^

Same property. Robt l son of Eliza Moneypenny to Wilson Money­penny. B & S. C a G , „f.„

All nom

Lafayette av. s s, 100 w Reid av, 30x100. '.Mamie E Vagi to Lena Blocb. nom

Lexinglon av, n s, 125 e Grand av, 150x100. Waiter L Jobnson to Théo E Lane. Flushing. L L 'Mort $5.000. nom

Liberty av, n s, 175 e Crescent av, 25x100. Poreclos. Prank D Crearaer to Morrill U Hough, 40O

-Manhattan av, n e cor Cook sl, 25x100. Contract. John Holz with Jacob Thorner. 22,500

-Meserole av, s s. 75 e Léonard st, 25x100, h & 1. -Moses B WîckVto The Faith Gospel Church. Mort $3,500. C a G . nom

Same property. jidrian Meserole to Moses B Wicks, nom Meiropolilan av, s s, 67.2 w Wythe av, 75x58,10x75x56,3, h & I.

Lawrence Hughes to William' Hugbes. 'Morts $10,000. 28,905 Meiropolilan av, n s, bet Wylhe av and Berry st, being lot 32 block

-2, 14lb Ward. Sold for arrears of taxes. Same 10 same. All litie. Q C.

Miller av, w s, 125 n Pitkin av, 25x100, h & I Bradford st, e s, 125 n Pitkin av, 25xl<J0, j

Foreclos, Prank D Creamer lo Doroihea Kutlner, 2 500 -Miller av, e s. 80 s Sulter av, 20x95, h & 1, Geo A Minasian to Agnes

St. Johu Bradburn. .Mort $3,1HJU, nom Myrtle av, n e cor Duffield st, 20,2-xSO. Agreement as to party wall.

Dexier Elliolt, Lipman .'Ire'nsberg and Carrie E Prince. nom New Utrecht av, n e cor ÔOth si, runs n l l l .G x s e — x s w 100.2

to at X n w —, 4Stb st. s w s, 240 n w 16th av. 40x100.2. -'•lltb st, n e s, 220 s e 15ih av, 40x100.2. 14tb av, s e s , 80.2 s w o8th si, 40xlOO. 14th av, soulh cor 58th st, 60,2x100, 59ib sl, n é s , 140 n w lôth av, 16x100.2. 59ih st, n é s , 220 n w 15lh av,40xl00.2. 59th st, n é s , 300 n w lôth av, 40x100.2. 59th SI. n é s . 380 n w U t h av. 40x100.2. 5'JJ'th sl. n é s . 200 s- e 14th av. 40x100.2. a9th st. n é s , 100 s e 14th av. 4 0 x l 0 a 2 . 59ib st, s e s , 180 s e l l t h av. 40x100.2. SOlh st, s w s, 240 s e l l t b av. 40x100.2. 59ih st. s w s. 320 s e l l l h av, 4€xl00.2. 59lh st, s w s, 400 s e 14th av, 40x100,2. 59th st, s w s. 180 n w 15lh av, 46x100.2. ÔOlh st, s w s, 100 n w lo lh av, 40x160.2.

Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to The Borough Park ^ Co. . „ , 6,360 bame property. Release mon. Home Life 1ns Co to same. •> 500 Nostrand av, e s. 150 n Av G, 40x100. Fredk C T Soetheer lo Anna

A E Soetheer. -JQQ Nostrand av. w s, 140 n Av P, SOxlOO. Germania Rea! Estate and

Improvement Co to Louisa Bischofi'. nom Ovington av. west cor highway leading to Port Hamilton, runs s w

156 x n w 66.10 x n e 155,3 x s e 75,8. Robt B Downs 10 Tunis G Bergen. Morls $4.50O. noni

Pennsylvania av, e s, 125 s Pitkin av, 25x120, h & 1, August Nick­laus to John and Mary Losleben. 0 700

Pitkin av, n s, 81,3 e Sackman st, 18,9x100, h & 1. Sarah E J Squires New York, to Samuel Lichterman. mjni

Putnam av, s s, 118 e Palchen av. ISxlOO, h & 1. William Fredk J Annie C and James H Renshaw, last name of Montclair N J to Laura E Renshaw. ' jjQni

Pulnam av, n s, 25 e Sumner av, 20x100. Edwin W Dayton New York, and as admr John H Dayton to Laura E Brooke, ' nom

Pulnam av, n w s, 355 n e Central av, 50x100. Emeline E Brower et al exrs James C Brower to James Church and George Gough ' 800

Ralph av, w s, 90 s Bainbridge st, 18x96. Fredk H Chase 10 W m ' s Davenport. 4 (JQQ

Reid av, e s, 126 s Putnam av, 26xS0. Reiease mort, William Knight to Thos G Knight, Rockville Centre, L L nom

Same property. Thoa G 'Knight, Rockville Centre, L I to Johanna C Londes. Morl_ $6,400. nom

Riverdale av, n s. oO w Thatford av, 25x160. Jacob Greenberg. New­ark, N J. to Nachmann and Rosa Vernikoff.

Rockaway av, e s, 75 n Belmont av, 25x100. Dora Klein to Kalkstein. Y2 part. ^ part all Uens.

Rockaway av, w s, 140 s Herkimer st, 27x97.6. HuU st, s s, 93.9 w Hopkinson av, 18,9x88.2x18,10x90.3. Hull st, s s, 112.6 w Hopkinsou av, 18.9x80.1x18.10x88 •'> Hull st, s s, 206,3 w Hopkinson av, 18.9x75.8x18.10x77.9

Thomas Anglesey. New York, to John P Menke, .Morts $13 000 nom Rockaway av. e s, 175 n Belmont av, 2oxi00.1, h & ]. Yetta Kaufman

to Mlnie Silver, Morts •1;3,700. gûO Skillman av, n w cor Manhattan av, 28x75, h & 1. Henry Benjamin

to David Benjamin. Mort $3,000. nom St -Marks av. n s, 378 e Rockaway av, 36.xl27.9. Release judgment.

Frank B Collon to Benjamin Estes. 5 Same property. Release judgment. Abraham & Strauss lo same. nom SL Marks av, s s, 92.4 w Franklin av, runs s 91.1 x n e — x n 82.2

to St Marks av x w 20. Martin J Suydam to Annie 'C Donohue" Mort $2,-500. nom

StiUwell av, w s, 147.6 n Mermaid av. 2,6x125.9. Angiolina wife Nic-alo -Avitobila lo Albert D Bnsohm'an. exch

Stuyvesant av. w s, het Decalur st and Bainbridge st. Agreement modifying restrictions. Richard Brosser admr witb wiil annexed witb Eli H Bishop and Walier P Clayton, nom

Stone av, e s. 100 n Sutter av, 25x100. Foreclos. Frank D Creamer to Annie Rahinsky, 3 ygg

Sumner av. w s, 20 s Qui'ncy st, 20x80. Elbert J Seaman to John W Ohlsen, Mort $2,500. 3 .50O

Surf av. n w cor Warehouse av, 79.9x121.1x78.10x103,6, Joseph ' j Kittel to 'Bridget T wife Lawrence Vastolo. ^om

Surf av. e s. lots 640 to 645 block l 4 map of Sea Gâte, Norlon Point Land Co. 127.6x100x112,6x100. Release mort. Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Norton Point Land Co. 1560

Surf av, n s. 19,10 w West 28tb st, 19,10x101.9x19.10x100.10. Thos A Walsh to -Margaret Barbara, nom

Sutter av, s s, 25 w PoweU st, 18,9x100, h Ê 1, Séria! Building Loan and Savings Inst, New York, to Samuel Lichterman. AU liens. 1,800

Sutter av, s w cor Christopher av, 25x100, h & I. William Gréer and ano exrs and trustées will John N Eitel lo laac Black. 4,660

Throop av, w s, extends from Lexington av to Quincy st, 200x50. •William Gilfillan exr and trustée wiil John Grifiiths to Llewellyn J Grifiilhs, New York. AU liens. ng^j

Same property. -'\gnes A GrURlhs, Larchmont, N Y, lo same. AU title. 7,250 Same property. William Gilfillan lo same. B & S. AU liens. nom

350 Lena


666 [ B r o o k l y n ] RECORD AKD G O D E . October 28, 1S99.

The Roeblîng Construction Co. 121 LIBERTY STREET, ' ^ — ^ - ^ —

T e l e p h o u e , 4 4 7 5 C o r t l a n d t . - - " ^ K W Y O K K .


3d av, n w cor Sackett st, 50x70. Thos E Davison, New York, to Mar­garet wife Wm J Conway. AU Uens. nom

Tth av, n e cor 56th st, 25.2x100. James FarreU to Winifred Conlon.

7lb av e s 85.10 n Degraw st, 21x100, b & 1. Adèle C Ogden. Rulh-erford N J, to Althea Schmid. New York. nom

lô ih av, n w cor 60lh sl. 100.2x147x160,2x144,2. Chas W ^^Id, _ Jr.^^

4 b a v r ' e 2 t ' c t " ' r o p s e y av, 160x96.8x106.3x96.10. Gravesend B^y Yacht Club to John P Morrisey, Jr. '^7'"

Loi 6 block lOS School District No 6, Town Gravesend assessment mans Hope M Voorhies to Pbilip Scbweickert. Q 0. nom

Lot 30 map 2 Cozine farm, New Lots, Phoebe M Van Buren to Anna 'M Probst. Q C. """^

Section 157 nortb part, 46x300, map 283 sections opposite résidence Dr -A Vanderveer, Flatbush. State of New York to Franklin Allen. .Lellers patent.

MORTGAGES. NOTB,-The arrangement of this Ust la ae follows: Tb^ erst na^^e ia tbat

date. Whenever tbe rate is not given, read as 6 per cent,

Octoher 20, 21, 23, 24. 25. 20. \dams, Grant F and Sarab C to Harriet E Dunn. Oth av. w s, 52 ^s^^

BS ïyfiS-yie^i^sy^r^ y^.^yi

^'Si.y:y T^y^^-^^^^^^^^-îi.. flrm W D Hoag Se Co. Throop av, u e s <D S e Baillett st, -^^^•'^^^ Sub to morls $4,500. Oct 16, 1 year. 6/, ' ^ ^

Barbara Margaret to Thos A Walsh, Surf av_, n s. 19,10 w We.t 4 t h st iy.lOxl01.9xl9.10xlOO,lL Oct 2 o , o years, o / . ' ^

Barrett, Robt E to F & M Schaeffer Brewmg Co, Sm»th st. No 4^8 cor West 9th sl. Leasehold. Ocl 2o. demaud ^ . - ^ ^ ,^^4 ' ' ^

Rates Chas G to Chartes McLoughlm. Prospect pl, s s Jo e i^iaii^ av runs I -n X w 95 to Grand av x s 160 x e lOo x n oO x e 80 x n ^ î i 7 o o l x w 90 Cet 24, demand, 6%. BuUding loan 60,^00

•'S'?ï^^.?^^2°sir.r™^?^s°i r :^"ï"% New York av, w s, lO'i.O n Av H , ^HJXJ.U-.O- •vt.i. ^-v, '/°>u(j

B a ^ u r " S , i u a n ' a n d John R Corbin to Elizabelb Werher Av G, s" w cor New York av, 40x107,6, Oet 24. due Jan 1. 1903, o/„, à^ov


-y, S'» yssxr TV^=^ 'riyCJlr Samê lo sopbie V Minasian. Same property. Oct 20, mstalls, fa/^^^ Same to Rose Belanowsky. Same property. Oct 20 instaUs, 6% 200 l î^ck Fdward E to Helen S Rapelye, Elmhurs_tL I. Warren st, n s

270 w Smith st, 16.8x100. Oct 23, S^years D%. -.^UJS BlTss John J to Irving Savings Inst. Hoyt sl. s e s, 20 n e 'Baltic s t

BSIL^'O^^^-^^- -^-'^-- ^''- - ^ - àbo Blïh". Lena and Joseph to Title^Guarantee and Trust Co, Stuyvesant

av w s SO s Kosciusko st, 2oxl00. Oct 2o, 3 years, 5A- „^'","^ BoUÔn 'Wm Gto TUIe Guarantee and Trust Co. 3d st, s e cor Hoyl,^

st 34x190.9 to 4th st. Oct 23. demaud. 12.0011 Bonèrt Louis to Title Guarantee and Trus_t Co. Président st. s s,

. ^ • t o l ^ ^ ^ S ^ 3 t ° ï l , y . F w ^ ^ % 3 lots, each 27x S.

s 4 ^ ? ^ | a m r S S s t . ° f s r l v l o ^ r ^ h ^ ; 3 0 x m Get S T

•Ti sTi rlipt' Sussana to Katharina Bossardet. née Bauman, Metropoli­tan a T ' s s 150 w Humholdt st, 25x100. Oct 23. due Oct 1. 1 9 0 4 ^

B o Ï h a r t Reinhart and Pranz to Gertrude Sehmidt Property in 21st Ward Tbroop av, w s, 50 s Hopkinson st, 2oxS0. Oct 16, 3 years^^^

Br'^au;, Clara to Henry F HencheL 41st st. P M, Oct 24, instalis,^^

Tiriifpkmann Babara to N WiUard and Isaac H CurUs. Logan st, e a 1466 n Glenmore av, 17.10x100. P M. Oct 10, installs, 5%. 050

Brummer, Isaac and Sarah lo Abram S UnderhUl, Belmont av, n s 7T P Thatford av 25x100, Oct 23, installs, GA- -4,000

•Rrvant Jesse Jr and Annie to The'City Savings Bank. St Felix_st, e s iOOn Hanson pl, 20x85. h & 1. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1901, oY^^^

Burchell, John to Platbusb Land Co, East 17th st. e s. 75 s Av C 60x100 Oct 23, demand, 6%, ^ , , OM T. ,'V.

Burkart. Louise to Chas G Reynolds. Decatur st. n s, 344 w Ralph IV l'^xlOO P M. Oct 24, installs, 6%. 1,500

Burkard* Stephen to Dime Savings Bank, Williamsburgh. Myrtle av. s s S5 e Himrod sl, runs s 56.2 x s w 28 S to Hamburg av x _s e 25 X n e 38.10 x n 66,6 to MyrUe av s w 25. Oct 24. 1 year. o^î^^

Same to Théo P Jackson et al trustées Loftis Wood. Hamburg a v n e s, rIO n w Harmon st, runs n -w^So x n e 38.10 x n o x s e 33.6 X s w60 Oct 25, due Nov 1, 1902, 0%. 4,060

Burns Geo H and Margt J to Israël Adey, 31st st. P M. Oct 16. due Oct 1, 1907, 5%. . L^OO

Carter, James to C Olivia Sabine. Sackett st. No 110, s s, 160 w Columbia st, 20x95. Aug 26, 3 years, 5%, 900

Childs, Addie J to Chas J Patterson, Prospect pl, s s, 186.8 e Frank­lin av lb .4xl31. Oct 21 3 years, 5%. 1.660

Christ English Evangelical Luiherau Church lo Cbas A Schieren, Lafayette av, s s. 134 w Patchen av, luns w 55.10 -x s w 14.4 x s liO X e 66 X n 100 to beginning; Lafayette av, s s, 200 w Patchen av, runs s 10 x n e 14.4 to Lafayette av x w 10.2, Sub lo moris $25,006. Oct 23, due Oct 4, 1901, 41/2%. 4,500

Clarke, Alban A to Robt H Taylor. 63d si, n é s . 180 s e ITth av. JiixlUU. Oct 21. 1 year. G%. 100

Collins. Pairick A to Bushwick Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc. Maçon Et, s s, 39.6 w Howard av, ISxlUO. Oct 21, 1 year, 5%, 3,500

Colosimo. Antonio to Lawyers Morigage Insurance Co. 29lh st, n s, 360 e 3d av, 25x100.2. Oct 23. 3 years, 5%. 1,300

Same lo Antonietta Falbo. Same property. Sub to mort $1,300. Oct •2-6, ti months, 6%. 1,240

ConneUe, EliKabelh wife Thomas to Léon aud Aline Pailez. Président sl, n s, 360 e .'ï,lbany av, runs n 140.7 x e 17.2 x s e 12.10 x s 128,1 to st X w 20. Oct 25. due Jan 1, 1903, 0%. 500

Coutellier, Zelie to Lillian Claylon. Lenox road. P M. Oct 24, due Nov 1, 1904, 5%. 6,500

Crowley, Jobn A, Jersey City, N J, lo Kings County Trust Co trustée. Harry L and Pannie B Christian, Président st. P M. Oct 23. due Feb 1, 11160, 6%. 5,750

Cuozzo, Donaio and Rosalie to Giovanni Lordi, Océan Parkway, w s. 305 s Caton av, 40x250 to East 5th st. Oct 19, 1 year, 6%. 600

Curnow, Frank G lo Daniel T Stevens. West l i t h sl. P M. Sept 28, 1 year, 6%. 700

Davia, Mary A to Mary A Mehl. East 96th st, e s 40 n Skidmore lane, 411x112.0, May 17, instaUs, 6%. 2,000

Decker, Elizabelh to Edward A Everit. 53d st. No 166. P M, Oct 24, 1 year, 6%. 2,500

Diss, Albert B, Jean Wolfs and William A Grifaih to Charlotte Dema­ray, Ô3d st. s s, 100 w 2d av, .StlxHJ6.2. Oct 23, 3 yeara. 5%. 5,000

Dolfini, Auguat W and Henry to Pbilip Dolfini. Atlantic av, n s, 50 e Wyckoff av. 2oxH>7, .A,ug 4. 3 years. 5%. 5,060

Douglas, Geo W lo Darsa J Densmore. Beverley road, s e cor Bast .13th st, 50x100. Sub to mort $5,250, Oct 23. .instails, 6%. 2,750

Egan; Bernard J and Sarah A 10 Hugh and Ida Mason. India st. P M. Oct 20'. 3 years, 5%. 2,200

Same to Wm' F Corwith. India sl. P M. Sub to mort $2,200. Oct 20. 1 year. 6%. 7OO

Elliotl, John C and Mary Ann to Prank T Morrill. East 2Sth st e s, 668 s Av C, 28,11x160x30.7x100. Sub to mort $3,000, Oct 19, due Feb 18, 1900, 0%. 150

Emerson, Olivia and WiUiam to John S Williamson and ano exrs Si­mon Rapalje, Boud st, e s, 45 n Bergen st, 20xl(J0. Oct 20, due Sept 30, 1900, 5%. 500

Everett, Thos P to Tille Guarantee and Trust Co. Océan av, w e 75 s Beverly road. 50x130.4, Cet .19. 3 years, 5%. 2,750

Same lo same. Océan av. w s, 240 s Beveriy road, 60x130,4. Oct 19, 3 years. 5%. 3.250

Farrell, Margaret and Francis to South Brooklyn Co-operative Bldg and Loan Assoc. Butler st, n s, 155 w Rogers av, runs n 85.3 x s e 21,(> X s 77.5 lo BuUer st x w 20, P -M, Oct 24, instaUs. 2,700

Ferguson, Harry R and Wm F Clarke. firm Ferguson Se Clarke, to Jane Copeland admrx George Copeland. Wallabout st, P M. Oct 20, installs. 5%. 10.500

Fields, Kittie J to Cbarles and Mary Eisenhofer. Covert st s e s 180 n e Broadway, 20x100, Oct 25. installs, 5%. 1,300

Finman, Jacob and Lena his wife to Annie Newman. Prince st w s. 163 n Tiliary sl, 22xS5. Oct 19. 1 year. 6%. 560

Pisher, Peler, Jr. to Calvin W Withey. -Ralph st, s s, 80 e Central av, 61.8x100. Oct 20, installs, 6%. 500

Foerster, Ernest P lo Louis Foerster, Penn st, s s, 215 w Bedford av, 15x100, Oct 1. 3 years, 5%, 2.500

Ford. Calh G morlgagor with Susan P Mason and Eliz N Mason exlrx Chas R Mason, Extensiou of mort. Sept 14. nom

Friedel, Mary A to Chas S Taber. Blake av. n e cor Hopkinson av, 100x100.3. Oct 20. 1 year, GA- 360

Friedman, Rebecca to Jacob Manheim. Thatford av, e s. 22o s Glen­more av. 25x100. -Aug 4, demand, 6%. 1.600

Frost, Duryea to Joseph A Bill. South Portland av, e s, 233 n La­fayette av, 22x100. Oct 19. 3 years, 5%, 2,000

Garcia, John to Martha Duval, Mahopac Falls, N Y. Hooper st, n s, SO e Lee av, 20x67. Oct 25, 3 years, 5% 2,000

Gardner. Guslave A to Emeline E Brower et al exrs James C Brower. Quincy st. P M, Sept 28. due Oct 5, 1900. 5%. 4,700

Gassner, Henry and Wilhelm Rothseiden to Co-operative Building .Bank. 'Blake av, n e cor Watkins st. P M. Qct 20, 5 years, 5%.

2,550 Gattavara, Anlonio and Mary to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. De­

graw sl. P M. Oct 25, 3 years, 5%, 1,700 Gluth, Susanna wife Conrad to Théo B Allen. Hawthorne st. P M,

Ocl 23, 3 years, 5%. 4,000 Same to same. Same property. Sub to last mort. Oct 23, 2 years,

5%. 1,2-50 Gomer, George and Emma L to Augusta Gomer, Varet st, s s, 50 w

Manhattan av, runs s 100 x s w 53.3 to Broadway x n w 40.9 x n e 29-4 X n 89.11 to Varet st x e 50; Varet st, s w cor Manhattan av, 25x100; Varet st, s s, 25 w Manhattan av. 25x100. y, part, Peb 4. '98, due Jan 1, 1961, 6%, " 26,000

Goodwin. John F to Henrietta P and Edwin Ludiam, Palmetto st. P M. Ocl 25, 3 years, 5%. 3.000 2 morts, each $10.060. Oct 24, '99, 5 years, 5%. 3:710. 20,000

Greenberg, William to Stephen J and Annie J Doyle. Sherman st, P M. Oct 21, inslaUs, 6%, 400

Gregg, Ricbard B lo Nassau Co-operative BuUding and Loan Co. Chester st, w s, 350 s Broadway. 50x100. Oct 23, instaUs, 5 1-5%.

250 Gregory, Geo W to N Willard and Isaac H Curtis. Crystal st e s, 90

n Liherty av, 124.11x90. Oct ]6. demand. 2,350 Gregory. Geo W to Robert Gaffney, Liberty av, n e cor Crystal st,

40x90. Oct 20, demand, 6%. 7,300 Same to Steph D Pyle. Liberty av, n s, 40 e Crystal st, 40x90. Oct

20, demand. 6%. 5JOO Same to Geo C Dutcher as committee Sarah J Whitman. Liberty

av, n s, 80 e Crystal st, 40x90. Oet 20, demand, 6%. 5,000 Same to same. Liherty av, n s. SO e Crystal st, runs n 90 x e 16 x'n

140 X e 50 X s 250 to av x w 60. Oct 20, demand, 6%. 750 Green. Honora D and Eva Dikemau to Edward A Everit, South EUiott

pl, w s. 242 n Lafayette av, 20x100. Oct 21. 2 years, 6%. 300

October 28,1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Brooklyn] 667




J Telephuiifi, 52 lltghbiiiljie. CLIFFORD L. MiLLER,

USED JLN Sloane Keaideuce, N. Y. Lite BuildÏDg, •

Germauiii Li l t Buildi[i>;, New York Uospital, Lxchaoge Court Building.

Appellate Divicioi» yiipi-eiue Court, N. Y. 101«l H T U E E T ,

IVGAB J U U O I U G A V K N D E , N. ¥ .

Grifiiths. Llewellyn T lo Title Guaranlee and Trust Co. Quincy st. P M. Sept 21, due Sept 2S. 1902. 4 ^ % . , ^ ^3 ^^^

Haas, Bruuo to Mary A Rudd. Seigel sl. P M, Oct 20. 2 years, 0,4. oOO

Hahn. Maria, Henry G aud Aunie. also HenrieUa 'Curlb, to Charles P Aukamp trustée for Clarence A Van Dyke. Marion st. n s, i-3 e Patchen av, 2oxl00. Oct 14, due -Aug 30, 1904, 5%. 300

Hausel, Martin and EUzaheth Burkie 10 Martin Hausel. Léonard st, s w eor Powers st, 25x7,1, Oct 14, 3 years, 5%. 1.60U

Haviland, Oscar to AUetta A StillweU, Quincy st, n s, lOi e Frank­lin av 19x100, Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1902, 4^%. i .600

Hawthorne, Elizabelh widow to Title Guarantee and Trust Co, Lin­coln pl, s s, 287,6 e 6th av, 20.16x100. Oct 21, 3 years. .-,%- ii.MO

Healh William and Ida C to Denslo Hamlin. East 7th si, P 'M-Oct 25, installs, 6%, „ •''J''

Heffernan, .May P lo Title Guarantee and Trust Co, East 3d st, w s, 440 s Av D, 2 lots, each 30x100. 2 morts, eacb $1.500. Oct 19, 3 years, 5%, 3,060

Herlet, Charlotte lo Oito E Reimer, Lewis av, s w cor Lexinglon av, 50x100. Oct 19. demand. . n ' o

Hilkemeier, George lo Conrad Hasenfiug. Cook st. P M. Oct IJ, à years, Ô%. '-^^^

Hoag A,lma J and Chas H lo Title Guarautee and Trust Co. Easl 34lh sl, w s, 230 s -Av C, 30x10(1. Oct 14, 3 years, 5%. 1,800

Same to William and Julius Manger, Same properly. Sub to last mort. Oct 14, installs, 5%. l.-aO

Hooper, Ragan lo William Ziegler. 40tb st, n s, 320 e 12th av, 20x 95.2. Oct 18, 3 years, 6%, 2,400

Hough, .Morrill M to Titie Guaranlee and Trust Co. Liberty av, P M. Oct 19, 3 years, 6%, 300

Howard Harry lo Eastern Parkway Co. Président st. P M. Sept 21, 6 months, 5%. 3,600

Hughes William 10 Brooklyn Savings Bank. Metropoliian av. See Conveys. Oct '24, 1 year, 41^%. 17.600

Hull, Anna C to Mary I Simpson, Bedford, N Y. 2d av, wesl cor 92d st, 106x100. Oct 26, 3 years. 5%. 2.000

Hullgreu Annie C wife laedro W to Myers R and Minnie L Jones. 54th sl, s s. 3T0 w 3d av, 20x100.2. Oct 26. 3 years, 5%. 2,000

Hunold Francis M to TUle Guarantee and Trusl Co, 20th av, e s, 420 n Benson av, 60x36.8. Oct 23, 3 years, 5%. 2,500

Jacobs, Timolhy L to Wm A Cumming. Atlantic av, s s, 250 w Stone av, 16,8x100. Mar 13, 2 years, 6%. 660

Janson, Elin 10 Marie Eiermann. Eiton st. w e. 363.3 s Sulter av. P M, Oct 10, inatalls, 6%. 625

Johnson, Waiter L and -Margt M 10 TiUe Guaraatee and Trust Co. 85th st. n é s , 100 n w 12lh av, OÛxlOO, Oct 20, 3 years. 5%. 6,000

Johnson, Waiter L to Gertrude H Suydam et al exrs James S Suydam. 82d st, s s, 340 e 12lh av, 60x160. Oct 19, 1 year_, 6%, 4,2-50

Johnaon Edwd to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. l a t h av, nonh cor 60ih st. P M. Oct 14, due Oct 24. 1900. 6%. 1.750

Kalb Albert G lo Judith W Richardson. Sterling fil. s s, 97 w Bed­ford av. 118x131. Sept 22, demand, 6%, 27.000

Keiling Conrad lo j^nna M Sieling. Richmond st, w s. 133.9 s Pulton st. 17.10x87, Oct 2, 1 year. 6%. 250

Same to Jacob H Walters, Richmond st. w s, 151-.7 s FuUon st, 17.10x87. Oct 17. 1 jear. 6%. 3OO

Same lo same. Rlcbmond st, w s, 222.1 s Pulton st, 17.10x87. Oet 17. 1 year, 6%. 500

Same lo same. Richmond st, w s, 205.1 s Fultou st, l i . lOxSi . Oct 17, 1 year, 6%. 500

Kennay Margaret lo Jobn H O'Rourke. Verona st, s s, 90 s e Van Brunt st, 25x100. Oct 24, instaUs, 6%. _ 6S4

Kenney )rlary I widow lo Mary wife John KeUy. Bond st, e s, oO n Douglass st. 50x100. Oct 20. 6 years, 5%. _ i.oOO

Kerns. Geo H to Jane A Reynolds. 5Sth st, n s, 110 e IOth av, 4flx 100.2. Oct 20, 3 years, 6%. 150

Kerr John L to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 47th st. P M. Oct 24, 3 yeara, 5%. 2,660

Klein Dora to Jacob Manheim. Rockaway av, e s, 75 n Belmont av, 25x100.1. Aug 4, demand. 6%. 1,600

Klein, Minnie, Denver, Col. lo .Annie C Lott. 64th st. n e cor Fort Hamiilon av, 101.1x100x82.10x100.8. Oct 11. due Oct 17, 1902, 6%.

1,100 Knigbl, Thos G mortgagor with Bank of Rockville Centre, Extension

mort. Oct 14. nom Kohier, Ludwig E and Dorette .A to Amt Stoizenauer Verein, 12th

st. P M. Oct 23, due Ocl 1, 1904. 5%. 1,200 Kory, Simon S and Morris lo Christian C -MiUer. Broadway, s w s,

41.1 s e Gerry st, 20.6x83.9x20x79,1, Oct 24, 1 year, 6%. 1,000 Kruae, Gustav A and ,4,nnie to Mutual Benefit Loan and Building Co.

Van Siclen av, s w cor Jamaica av. 51.1x58.2x26.11x72,8. Suh to mort $2„50O. Sept 15, installs, 6%. 500

Kufner, Martha J and Louis -\ R to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 45th st. P M. Oct 2o, 3 years, 5%. 2,750

Same lo Borougb Park Co. Same property. Sub to iast mort. Oct 25, instails. 6%. 1,500

Lauer. Barbara to Henry G Bauer. Hichmond st, P M. See Cons. Oet 20, 1 year, 5%. 6,000

Lee, .\nna M mortgagor with Mary Brownhill, Extension mort. Oct 19. nom

LelievaU. Alfred and Herman to Wm E Kay. 31st st. n é s , 316.8 s e 4th av, 16,8x100.2. Sept 1, InstaUs. 6%. «77

Lichterman, Samuel to Sériai Building Loan and Savings Inst. Sack­man st. P M. Oct 23, 3 years, 5%, 1,200

Same to same, Pitkin av, u s, S1.3 e Sabkman st. IS.lhilOO. Oct 23. 3 years, 5%. 1,900

Same lo sarae. Sutler av. P M. Oct 23, 3 years, 5%. 1,,5Ô0 Losleben, John and Mary 10 -Albert Brons. Pennsylvania av. P M. Oct

20, 3 years, 5%, t.SOU Luppens, Jacob to Monroe Eckstein Brewing Co, 2d av. s w cor 9th

st. Leasehold. Oct 23, demand. 2,500 Madigan, Bridget widow lo Title Guaranlee and Trust Co, Van Brunt

st, east cor King st, 2.5x90. Oct 25, 3 years. 5%. 4.000 Mahoney. John to TiUe Guarantee aud Trust Co. Nosirand av e s

160 s .A,v F, 20x100. Ocl 20, 3 years, 5%. ' 1,700 Malwald, Christina, formerly Hartmaier, to .\nton Huebner, Ham­

burg av, n e s, 25 n w Greene av, 2.5x100, Sub to mort .$3,500 July 1, 1 year, 6%. 1^000

Mansfleld, Jane E to Ruth Van Sise, Douglass sl. P M Oct ' ' l due Nov 1, 1902. 5%. "30(>

Marquardt. Charles to John Probst. Madison st, s s 225 w Howard av, 25x100. Oct 24, due Nov 1, 1902. 5%. 7,(X)0

-Martiu. Pauline K to Rosa Levy. Hawthorne st. P M. Oct 10. de­mand. 6%. 1,100

Mariino. Pasquale and Prank Ciancimnio to Mary W Bigelow, East Orange, N J, Norlh 7tb st. P 'M. Oct 23, 5 years, 5%. 3,000

Same lo aame, Same property. Oct 23, installs, 6%. 1,800 .Meister, Carl .A and Wilhelmine to ChrieUne A Bostelmann, Car­

roll st, s s, l ï S e Hoyt sl, 18x85. Oct 20, due Nov 1, 1902, 5%, 1,500 '.Mensinger, Heury and Margarelha lo Valentine Kessel, Noll st, n •»

s, 12s n e Hamburg av, runs n w 37.6 Lo Flushing av x e 40.11 x s 21,6 10 Noi! st X s w 27, Oct 20, 3 years, 5%. 1,250

-Meyers, Frederick to N Willard and Isaac H Curtis. Logan st, P M. Oct 20, insialls. 6%. y<jo

-Meyersohn, Hyman and Mary lo John R Planten. Sackman st w s, 216 a Dumont av, 18x100. Oct 19, 3 years. 6%. 1,500

Michaels. Joseph mortgagor with Henry G Soop. Extension of mort. Oct 24, nom

-Mischler, August and .Margaretha lo Margarelha Kraemer. Jeflerson st. P M. Ocl 19, 5 years, 5%. 3,000

.MoffaU. Hugh -R lo Effingham H Nichols. East 3d st. P M. Aug 27 d-ue Oet 18, 1902, 5%. 450

Morley, Cath P and Thos J io Délia Dixon. De Kalh av, s s 5S w .\shland pl, 20x75.4x20.3x72.1. Oet 19, 2 years, 5%, 300

Mott, Ida 'E to T B Ackerson CoHstructiou Co. Easu 19tb st, w s 275 s Beverly road, 75x160, Sub 10 mort $3,3iOO. Oct 21 instaUs

, «/é- 750 bame to George Albright et al exrs Eliz B Voorhees. Same prop­

erty. Ocl 21, 1 year, ô%'. 3.300 Mount. Wm H to TiUe Guarantee and Trust Co. Pacific st s s 383 4

w Saratoga av, P M, Oct 19, due Oct 20, 1902, 5%, 1 750 Same lo same, Pacific sl, s s, 40O w Saratoga av, P M. Oct 19 diie

Oct 20, 1902, 5%. i.tjâo •.Muller, Otto P and Prida lo Frederick, Richard and Otto Kampfe.

Hegeman av, n e cor Crescent st. See Cons. Oct 14, 5 years, 4%,

-Muir, Alex C lo Tille Guaranlee and Trust Co. East 9tb st e s 260 Il Av D. 2 lots, each 20x100. 2 morts, each $1,500. Oct 23 3 yrs

w^'^L , 3,000 Murphy, Augustus H, Jr, to TUle Guarantee and Trust Co. 50th st

n s, 200 w l l t h av, 60x100.2. Oct 24, 3 years, 5%. 3 560 Murray. Angeline A and Robert A De Mill to Fiatbush Trust Co

.McCloskey, Mary K, Jamaica, .,800

I, to Townsend Verity. Sunnyside ay, s s, < J e Barbey st, ,37,6x110; 9tb st. n s, 300 e 5th av 25x 9o. Oct 23, secures notes,

McGuire, Thomas to Titie Guarantee and Trust Co. -Maçon sl n s 100 w Palchen av. 2i!xl00. Oct 23, 2 years. 41/3%. ' 3 000

McLoughlm, Charles with Long Island Title Guaranlee Co. • Agree­ment as to priority of mortgages hy George J Shannon. Sept 5 nom

McLoughlin, John to Wm H Dill, SterUng pl, s- s, 50O w Pranklin av 20x131. Oct 26, due Nov 1, 1902, 6%. 400

McQuade, John to Geo L Fox. Berry st, e s, 50 s South 5th st 25x G9,6x—xOo.4, Oct 16, 1 year. 5%. 1 O6O

Neal. Mary B lo Chrislopher G Morris. Dean st s w s l'>0 n w 3d av, 20x100, Oct 19, 3 years, 5%. ' 4 000

Nelson, Edwin N Lo Edward Johnson. 60th st. P M. Oet 24. installs. G A- ' 1 0 0 0

Same to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Same property, p M Oct 24, 3 years. 5%. ' 2 750

Nesbitt. Robt P lo East Brooklyn Co-operative Building Assoc Hen­drix Et, w s. 320 n Hegeman av. 40x77.6x40x78.6. Oct 19 iastalls 6%. o QQQ

O'Connor. Michael and Ann to Kings County Savings Inst, Nortb Sth si, n é s . ]2.:i s e Berry st. 25x100. Oct 21, 1 year 5% 1000

O'Neil Patrick lo Wm N Dykman. ôOlh st, s s, 340 e 2d av 40x100 Oct 23. 1 year, 6%. 400

Ohlsen, John W Lo _Title Guaranlee and Trust Co. Sumner av P M Ocl 12, 3 years, 0%. ' ' 000

Parkin, John W lo Louisa J Hollis. East l l t h st. P M Oct 17 ' '2 years, 0%. ^QQQ

Pette, Nicbolas and .Maria to Sériai Building Loan and Savines Tn t Walton st. P -M. Oeil 11. imitalls. -I-^QQ

Pfennig. Eva to Susanna Hehl. Ashford st, e s, 150 s Liberty av 25 x90, Oct 20, demand, 5%'. 2OO

PhiUips. Geo S and Emma lo Mutual Benefit Loau and Buiiding Co Fleet pl, s e cor Johnson st, 17,6x42.4. Sub to mort $2,000. Oct 26, installs, 6%. ^QQ

Pirkl, John T and Emily by -Mary M Pirki guard and .Mary M Pirk! individ to Christian Zimmermann. Glenmore av n s ' S w Hendrix st, 25x100. Oct 2o. 3 years, 0%. ' 300

Popke, Richard to Frederick, Ricbard and Otto Kampfe. Crescent st. P -M, Ocl 14, 3 years, 4%,

Powell, Chas E lo Henry B Hill. Jefferson av. P M stalls, G%.

Rahinsky, Morris and Annie to Josiah 0 Ward and ano exrs Geo B Ward, Stone av. P M. Oct 25. 3' years, 5%. 3,000

Oct 200

19, In-3,000

Recknagel, George A lo Greenpoint Savings 'Bank. Dupont st û 3 200 e Manhatl'an av. 25x100, Ocl 20. 1 year, 5%, 2 OÔO

Reichling, Charles and Ida to Geo J Siemers. Bartlett st s a. 12fl'w Throop av, 25x100. Oct 18. 2 years, 6%. . , **« ^ ^

Reynolds, Wm^ H to TiUe Guarantee and Trust Co. Sterling pl s s 105 e VanderbUt av, runs s 100.10 x n e 21.1 x s e 8,10 x e'33,4 X s 20 X e 20 X n 17.3 x e CO x n e 33.6 x n e 25 x s e 77,1 lo Butler pl X n e 50 X n w 75.8 x n 31.11 to Sterling pl x w 220. Oct 23, de­mand, 6%. Building loan, 98,000

Russell, Elizabelh and Marlha Collina lo Adolphine Coleman. Nortb 5th st, s s, 143.9 e BedCord av, 18.9x100. Oct 27, 3 years. 6%. 500

Ryam. -\gnes to Franklin Allen, East Slst st, &c. P 'M. Oct 17, 1 year, 6%. ' 800

Sackett, Henry W to Tille Guarantee and Trust Co, 4th av s e s 38 3 n e 12th st, 26.10xSO. Oct 21, due Oct 25, 1902, 4V:%- ' 5.000

Salaway. Lewis and Rosie lo Lazar Jacohsohn. Manhattan av n e cor Varet sl, 20x75. Oct 14. 1 month, 6%. 1,506

Saul, Coieman to Wm A Scott. Rroadway, P M. Oct 23, 10 years -!%%• 12,000

Saunders, Jessie J, formerly Cassidy, and Sidney A to Margt B Mona­han, Park pi, s e cor Nostrand âv, 165x127.9. V- part, Oot 24 due May 1, 1900. 5%. 6.000

Schiellein, Edward. Carl, Louise and Joséphine to Congress Brewing Co. AUantic av, s w cor Vermont st or av, 100.2x122.7x100x119.7. Oct 23. demand, 5%. 3,500

668 [Brooklyn] RECORD AND GraDË. October 28, 1899.

ALSEN'S PORTLAND CEMENT Is the Standard. Hamburg, Germany,

and 143 Liberty St., New York.

Schluter, Christian to Beadleston & Woerz. oth av. No 72. Leaseho^ld.^^^

^yêyy'ij^ y^^-^sr^^ i-^py^» Schmfd â h e a ' t o Long Island Title Guarantee Co, .th av, P^M.^^ S c ^ ^ i d \ S r a . r w i i e S ^ l s / \ o Mary F Bene, Wyckoff st, s s, 120

e Bond st, 20x100, Oct 23, due Jan 1. 1903, pA- - ^ ^ "

S c h S d e r . bivid^and Joseph Palk to Haskel SUvcrman. Watkins_^st.^^

~Tyiiyëj^£^"o^n^^":jy Opbevoiae st x e 50. Oct 21, due Dec 1, 1900. a%. ., 'V

ScSfartz H a n n a b ' o D and M Chauncey Real Estate Co, LoU^st ,^

S a L ^ i o ° a ^ ^ f ' s ï r prop'ei:y- Ocl '23. demand, 6%. Building loan. ^

Scott, Mary C and Ulysses H lo Flalhush Trust Co. Av I. n e cor

,^^:^sy4âJï îâ^r'sîi-... P M. o. 10,3 | r Seddon, w m C witb Charles McLoughlin. Agreement as lo priority of

mongages by Chas G Bâtes. Ocl 21. ^om Seymour, Caroline lo The Brooklyn Savings Bank, Dean st, s s, 200 ™

Kingston av, 20x100. Oct 21. 1 year. IVÈ^ Rainbridge Shannon, Geo J to Charles McLoughlin. Larchmont, N Y. Bainbridge

st P M \ u g 30 demand, GA- , c , yt' Same to l o n g Island Title Guarantee Co. Same property. Sepl 5^de-^^ S b S n ^ W m T to Hamilton W Pearsall. Hendrix st. e s, 350-s

FuUon si 25x100. Oct 2,0. due Nov 1. 1902, oA- T, iV Sbiriaw Geo W to TiUe Guaranlee and Trust Co. Seeley st. P iil.

Oct 19, 3 years, 5%, ^„ ^ • ^'^^^ Shumway, Kate A and Louis E to Isaac P Vandegnft. 6/tb st, n e s

240 s e l l t h av, 60x100. Oct 2o, o years, o / . n t 1 ^

Singles, Matthew G 10 Caroline T Cockman. Gold st. P M. Oct 19,^^

S m i ] l ° E l m " ' i V f T o R L t y Trtist. 39tb st. P M. Oct 19. 5 y e a r s ^

Ba5e to same. Same property, Sub to last mort. Ocl 19, ' a s t a l i s , ^

S t S g Oscar E to Roderick Green. Covert sl. n s. 100 e Bushwick av, 15x100, Oct 17. 2 years. G%. ^ _ „ , ^ , ^ „ ,. , . „ V?'

SuUivan. Eilen lo Martin -\hearn, East 12lh st, P M, Oct 23^ 3^^ » V É & r s Kt Al • '

Taylor,' Mary E to Randolph C Taylor. _ Soutb 2d st. s s. 161.9 w Bedford av, 21,5x75, Oct 24, 3 years, o / . .^o^-

Taylor, Harriet and Joseph lo John L€u lve r . Gates av, s e s. 22o s w Knickerbocker av, 25x100. Ocl 26, 3 years o%. gold 2.20O

Tischler So! L and Rosie -E, New York, to Threasa Tischler, Cook sl n s 25 w Humholdt sl, 25-x75. Oct 6, D years, loO

Twi'ss, Wm J to Harry L Christian and Audiey Clarke^ firm Christian •Se Clarke. Vernon av, s w cor East 34th st, 9i.6x98.1xl00.4x9o.3. Sept 6, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%, ^ , -'^^

Vanderveer, Susan to Clara M MUler, Certificate tbat mortgage i_s now reduced to. Oct 25. • -^'-lO

Vastolo, Bridget T wife Lawrence to Rosa Heidingsfelder, Surf av, n w cor Warehouse av. P M. Oct 2, 10 years, 6/^. '.000

Wakeman, Geo W to John Beet, SStb st. P M, Ocl 1, mstalls, Same to Francis. G Quinn. 29tb sl, n s, 296.10 e 4lb av. l'ï-lOx

100.2. P '-M. Oct 1, insialls, 6%. ûOU Ward Wm A and Sarah J lo John J Lewis. Norman av, s s, 43 e

Oakland st, 19x85. Aug 1, 3 years. »%. ^.,,?-*^^ Watson Amelia F lo Horalio S Stewart. Madison st, s s, 119 w

Lewis av, 19x100- Oct 20. 2 years, 5%. 42o Wehr Mary F widow lo Williamaburgh Savings 'Bank. Stewart st.

s s ' 100 e Broadway, 2 lots, eacb ^xlOO. 2 morts, each $5.000. Oct 20, 1 vear, 5%, 10,000

Wheeler Lydia A aud Wm M to TUle Guarantee and Trust Co. Bed­ford a-v-, e s, 50 s Prospect pl, runs e 104.5 x s 11.2 x w 20 x s 26,11 X w 91 X n 40. Oct 20, demand. 6%. 10,000

Wicks, Moses B to Adrian Meserole, Meserole av. P M, Ocl 23. 5 vgaxË 5 ^ - t5,DUU

Williams A'bram B to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 44th st. P M. Oct '23,'3 years, 57.- ,,-•^.^"1

Same to Alice B Dawe, Same propeny. Sub lo Iast mort. Oct 23, 6 months, 6%. , «00

Williams Rushmore G and .\gnes -M to Edward P Day. Stb av, e s, 115,2 s ÔOth st, 20x100, Oci 2, due OcL 1. 1902, 5%. 4,000

WUson. .\ Frank aud Robfrt B to Title Guarantee and Trust Co, Harman al s s 911 w St Nicholaa av, 2 lots, each 20x160. 2 morts. eacb $2,000, Ocl 19, 1 year. 5%. 4,000

Winn 1 eslie M lo Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 50th st. P .M, Oct'23', 3 years, 5%. , . : , ^-^^

Same lo Borough Park Co. Same property. Sub to last mort, Oct 23, inslaUs, 6%. 1,950

Wohleetban Edward and -Auguste J to David and Barbara Mayer. Columbia st. e s. 60 n West 9th st, 20x83,6, Oct 19, 3 years, 5%. 800

Zeidler Vdolph to LizKie Pangemann, Prospect pl, s s, 121 e Rogers av, 21x100. Oct 2, 3 years. 5%. 1,600

Zimmer Jacob P and .Mary A Lo Julius vom Hofe, Montrose av, n s, 175 eManhattan av, 25x100. Oet 16, 3 years, 5%, 4,560

Zimmer Jacob P ard Mary A lo Frank X, Joseph, Jacob V and Philip Haslach and Joseph Haslach guard of Angela Haalach. Manhallan av. s w cor Seigel st. 2-5x75. Oct 9, due Nov 1. 1900, 5%, 1,200

MORTGAGES-ASSIGNMENTS. October 20. 21, 23, 24, 25, 26,

Bayer. Dionisia to Lizzie Kielmann. 1.660 Borough fark Co to Title Guarantee and Trust Go. Assigna 10 morts.

14,390 Borough Park Co to Wm H Reynolds, 12,lo8 Bail, John O to Louise Jung, 32,000

Bigelow, -Mary W, Easl Orange, N J, lo Louis L Browne and Levi S Tenney trustées Moses B Priehard. 3,000

Burdick, Clinton D admr Bernard Cruse to Tille Guaranlee and Trust Go. 2,000

Berschon, .4,braham and Abraham Elterman to Caroline McHench,^ 500 Brown, Elizabelb to Emma Wail. Rahway, N J, 2,500 Eroadway Bank of Brooklyn to Peler Grimm, o.OOO Cock, Geo H exr Wm E Cock lo Mary E Cock widow. nom Clark, Edwin exr Juliet L Olark lo S Edilh Clark, 1,538 Carter, Edward B L exr Charlotte M McCracken lo Edward B L Car- _

1er trustée Henry J Lanford. 1.125 Cross. Hannah A lo -4.braham Burtis. 1,150 Douglass, William to Chas C Platt. 1870. 6.50 Same to same. 1S64. •''20 Dodge, Stephen W to Robt M G Dodge. 500 Dykman, Wm N reeeiver Commercial Bank to Kingsiand Land Oo, nom Eastern Parkway Co to Thomas -Monahan. nom Eiermann, Marie wife Frederick to James Bollon, 625 FarreU. James to Wintred Conlon. 1,500 Forrester Peter and ano exrs Lucinda Dougherty to Peler Forrester,

7,000 Griffin Michael D and ano exrs Clara GrifBn to Francis L Guenther.

1,600 Gul'ting, George to Horace F Burroughs. . 500 Gearon. Arllissa V to Stepben W Dodge. 400 George, Lizzie L lo Jerry A Weinberg, 1,(00 Grattan, Amy E Lo Flatbush Trust Co, nom Harrison, Geo T Lo Guy Loomis. 1,600 Holcomh, Chas M to Wm K Peacock. 1,000 Haislead, John J lo John J Halstead el al trustées for Chrlslina Hal­

stead will of Pearson S Halstead, 9,000 Same Lo same. 3,700 Same Lo same. 8,060 Humphrey, Owen W lo Plorence Raynor. 400 Hamilton, Charles lo Prank D Creamer, 1,772 Johnson, Edward lo Borough Park Co. 1.200 King, Julia lo Margt A Corby. Assigns 2 morts, • nom Kings Counly Co-operative Building and Loan -\SBOC lo New York

'Building Loan Banking Co. 3.300 Lott, Carrie A lo Title Guaranlee and Trust Co. 3,600 Losee, Wilmot D to James Bollon. 1,000 Loti, Cbas H to Max Klein. 350 Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co lo Franklin Trust Co. 1,300 Lilchfield, Jacoh T E admr Willis H Litchfield lo Benedict 0 Litch­

field. 1,000 Same to Ten Eyck Litchfield. 3,500 Lazarus, Joshua lo Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 7,000 Long Island Title Guaranlee Co lo Josepb P Fradley. 9,000 McDermott, James W and ano exrs Ellen M Murray to Hamilton Trust

Co guardian John Golder. 4,000 Murphey, Chas A Lo Prank Little. SOO -Marx, Samuel to Cbarles Jacobs. 2,000 -McDermott, James W and ano exrs EUen M Murray to Edwin R But­

ler and Ezra R Fisb. 8,000 McGuire, John C lo Edward Ryan, 6,000 McNeely Jobn A. Chas W. James A and Richd A to August Hillmann.

1,000 -Mann, Frank to Jacob Schauf. 500 Meyer, Henry to Herman Posbergh, 2,000 Ogilvie, Annie to John C Scbenck, 2,500 Ogden, -Alfred lo Emeline E Brown el al exrs will James C Brower,

2,000 Ohnewald, Annie E lo James F Bragg, New York. 400 Patterson, Alan lo WUhelmine Stein and WilUam Maber: nom Payne, Deborah H to Eighth Ward Bank. n_om Polley, Grahams to Jobn L Miller, New York. 3,.nOO Same as exr David Polley to same. 3,000 Polley, David to Grahams PoUey. 1,750 Rondout Savings Bank lo Henry C Soop. 6,242 Stratton, Gilbert M admr Anson M Stratton to Patrick SkeUy, 2,9,50 Same lo aame, 1,300 StuUzer, Hermann exr Ferdinand Stulzer to Hermann Stulzer trustée

Ferdinand Stulzer, nom Shapter, Ann A to Stepben D Aftleck. 2.600 Slocum, Henry W and Clarence R exrs Clara R Slocum lo Henry W

Slocum. 14.597 The Bensonhurst Co lo -Nicholaa P Young. S.oOO Tille Guarantee and Trust Co Lo Linda D Cooksey, Assigns 2 morls,

èach $5,000, 10,000 Same lo German Society Cily New York. 5,00<.) Same to HamlUon Trust Co. 17,000 Same lo Anna M St Félix. 1,'200 Same Lo South Brooklyn Savings Inst. 126,000 Same to Wesleyan University, Middlelown, Conn. 6.000 Same to Ella Van Norden, 1,000 Same lo John Thornton. Jr. . 3,000 Same lo sarae. 2,500 Same to Araminla D SmaU. 2,500 Sarre lo Caroline H Sayles. 2,250 Same lo Peekakil! Savings Eank, 3,250 Same to Emma M Pfarre. 2.250 San-e to J Henrv Harper el al exrs and trustées Pletcher U Harper,

8,500 Same to same. 1,500 Same to Mary Busch in trust for -Mary Lowry. 2,000 Same to Emma .\rcher. 3,300 ?ame to Brooklyn Hospital. 1,750 Same lo Corporation of tbe Cathedral of Ihe Incarnation, Diocèse of

Long island, 2,000 Same lo Courtlandt P Dixon guardian, 1.200 Same lo Jennie C B Reynolds extrx -Morris Reynolds, 2,000 Same lo Anna R E Edsall. 2,'r50 Same lo same, 600 Same to Laura R W Otis. 3,000 Same to Geo L Nichols trustée wiil .Mary .A Nichols. 9,000 Same lo Henry G Everit, 2,350 Same to Caroline L Everit. 2,500 Same to same. 3,500 Same to Nalhl B and Nalhl B Hoxie, Jr, trustées will Marv J Wea­

iherby. 4,000 Same to same. 3,000 Same lo Wesleyan University, Middlelown, Conn, 4,000

October 28, 1899. RECORD AJSTD GUIDE. [ B r o o k l T B ] 669

DYCKERHOFF Portland Cernent Same to same, 9,900 Same lo same, 5,250 Same to Margt E Halliday, 1,850 Same to Alice A Hicks. 5,000 TUle Guarantee and Trust Oo to Soutb Brooklyn Savings Inst, 2,000 Valentine, Saml T exr Mary T Kirk to Martha V Griffim Trenton,

N J. 1,500 Same to same. 3,500 Same to Rebecca S Jacobus et al trustées will Samuel i/L Jacobus. 3,000' Walsh, A Stewart Lo Alice D Hartich. 1,1.50

I s t he BËST


E. THIELE, 78 William S t J . ï .

NEW BUILDINGS. The flrst name la that of the owner; ar ' t standa for architect; b'r Ior

hulJaer. Alt rcQflng material la dn, unless otherwiae specifled.

Plan No 1925 should read 11 families instead ot one. 1949—Av L, s s. 40 w East 3oth at. 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 33

x31.6, 1 family, shingle roof, hot air; cost, $3,000; Frank Jones, 271 Tompkins av; ar't. A W Pierce, 1127 Platbush av.

1950~Decalur st, n s, 150 w Bushwick av, 3-sly brk tenem't, 25x 65, 6 families, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $6,600; Ohas Webber, 350 Evergreen av; ar 't , B Finkenseiper, 93 Broadway; b'r, O Welcber, 150 Evergreen av.

1951—12tb st, s s, 203.10 e Sth av, 3-sty brb flat, 19x50, 3 families; cost, $5,000; ow'r and b'r, Jas Jack, 434 Oth av; ar't, Thos Bennett, 198 53d st.

1952—12tb st, B g, 97.10 e Stb av. four 4-sty brk flats, 26.6x61, S families, steam heat, galvanized lorn cornice; total cost, $36,000; ow'r, ar ' t and b'r, aame as lasl.

1953—Buffalo av, e s, 50 n St Marks av, 1-sty frame shed, 14x22; cost, $100; Geo F Van Dorn_. 346 Maçon st.

1954—Léonard sl, e s, 22o n Calyer si, 1%-sty frame stable, 16x15, shingle roof; cost. $100; Patrick O'Neill, 479 Waverly av.

1955—Moore st. n s, 161 e Bushwick av, 2-sty frame tailor shop. 22x 45; cost. ,'^1,260; Micbael Beilar, 178 Moore sl ; ar'ts, Sass & Small­heiser, 23 Park row. N Y; b'rs, Balleisen Se Wexier, 152 Boerum st-

1956—70lb st, s s. 280 w lôth av. 1-sly frame shed. 20x16; cost, $100; Charles Rogers, on premises; b'r, J A Pfalzgraf, 1649 60tb st.

1957—New York av. w s, 227.6 s Av G. 2-sty and altic frame dweU'g, 22x30, 1 family, shingle root; cost, $2.800; W 'Berliuger, Germania and Kenilworlh pis; ar ' t , B Driesler, 1432 Platbusb av,

lOÔS^Av C, n e cor Nostrand av, 3-sty brk slore and fiât, 20x60, 2 families, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $5,500; Louisa Hennington, 1488 New York av; ar 't , same as lasl.

1959—Eagle st, s s, 320 e Franklin st, 3-Ety frame tenem't, 25x56, 6 families, gravel roof; cost, $4,500; Patriclj: ConneU, 118 India st; ar ' t , P TiUion, 121 Meserole av,

1960—Java st, s s, 150 w Oakland st, two similar Lenem'ls, 25x55; total cost, $9,000; 'Mariba Treber, 204 Java st; ar't, same as lasL,

1961—OCth st, n s, lUO e 6lh av. twenty-eigbl 2-sLy frame dwell'gs, 17-16x40, 2 families, tin or gravel roof; total coat. $67.200; ow'rs, ar ' ts and b'rs. Kay & BuU, ôTtb st and l l t h av.

1962—East 9th st, w s, 150 s Av D, 1-sty frame shed; cost, $50; Jobn HoUand, on preimeaes.

1963^-Flatbusb av, s w cor Av F , four 4-sty brk stores and tenem'ts, 62x93, 4 and 6 families. steam heaL, galvanized iron cornice; Lolal cost,

, $47.000; Asa C Brownell, 1076 Dean si ; ar ' t , B 'Driesler, 1432 Plat­busb av,

1964—East New York av. s w cor Tapscott av, 1-sty frame club room, 18x30; cost, $360'; Patrick McLoughlin. on premises; ar ' t and b'r, tleo Graeff_, Buffalo av and Union st.

196a—Prospect pl, s s, 9o e Grand av. five 2-sly and basement brk dwell'gs, 18x45, 2 families, bol air. galvanized iron cornice; total cost. $30.000; C G Baies & Co, 373 FuUon sL; ar't, Irving B Elis, 371 Pul­ton st.

1966—Chestnut st, e s, 150 n Record pl, frame shed, 50x12. tar paper root; cost, $225; Nevins Se Haviland, 247'Chestnut st; ar ' t and h'r. C Singer, Woodhaven, L I,

1967—Rock si . No 27, n s, 75 w 'Morgan av, 1 and 2-sty brk stable and shed. 2a,'i97, feit and gravel roof; cost, $3,860; -4dolpb Goebel, on premises; ar 't , A Wlscherth, Highland Boulevard.

196S—Bedford av. w s, 150 s Av C, 2-sty and atUc frame dwell'g, 36x 40, 1 family. shingle roof, bot waler heating; cost, $5,000; P Vander­veer, Howard and Sutter avs; ar 'ts and h'rs, Bennett & Ryder, Van Siclen st near Av T.

1969—St Pauls Court, n s. 70.3 e St Pauls pl, 2-stv and attic frame dweU'g. ,^8.6x40, 1 family, sbingle roof; cost. .$9,000; Annie S De Seld­ing, 15 Caton av; ar't, C P H Gilbert, Townsend Building, 1123 Broad­way, New York.

1970^Kingslon and Albany avs, Fennimore and Tulip sts, 2-sty brk dlphlheria hospital, 37x73, steam heat. galvanized iron cornice; cost. $17,000; Cily of New York; ar 'ts, Horgan & Slattery, 1 Madison av, New York.

1971—East 40th st, w s, 260 s Church av, 1-aty and basement frame dwell'g, 20x36. 1 famiiy; cost, $1.260; Margaret E Knight, East 39tb sl and Church av; ar't, B Driesler, 1432 Platbush av.

19i2—Av C, n s. 25 6 22d st, IVa-sty frame barn, 24x22, shingle roof; eosl, $450; Henry S Vanderveer, 321 Neck road; ar 'ts and b'rs, Bennett Se Ryder, Van Siclen st and Av T,

1973—Watkins st, w s. 200 n Belmont av. 1-sty brk smoke bouse 5,6 X.-J.6; cost. $100; Jacoh Adler, on premises; ar't, L Danancher, 277 ."ilil-ford st.

1974—Brooklyn av, w s, 130 s Av H, 1-sty frame stable, 16x30; eost Ipl.-); N W Brown. 1535 Fiatbush av.

19'75—Ashford st, w s, 210 n Pilkin av. 1-sty frame church, 30x39 0; shingle roof; cost, ."fl.eOO; Swedish Lutheran Labor Church, Hendrix 3t; ar't, G Philbriek, St James Building, 1133 Broadway, New York.

1976—Putnam av, n s. 180 w Hamburg av, three 3-3ty brk flats 25x 6o, 3 families, galvanized irou cornice; total cost, .$16,500; Cburch & Gough, 1472 MyrUe av; ar't, Geo Acker, Evergreen, L L

1977—Quincy si, n s, 465 e Classon av, five 2-sly and baseraent brk dwell'gs, 26x45, 1 family, hol air, galvanized iron cornice; total cost. $22,n0O: John Gordon, SS Quincy st; ar't. 'Robt Dixou, 213 Montague st

1978—Varet st, a a, 500.10 a e Bushwick av, 5-sty brk faciory 41 9.v 90. plastic slate roof, brk cornice; cost, $10.000; M' Kramer 211 Varet st; ar ' t , A E Fisher. 1123 Broadway. New York.

19i9—Butler st, n s, 75 w 4lb av, l-sty hrk shed, 11.4x40, gravel roof; cost, $900; Herman H Inteman. 95 4th av; ar't, J Softy l ' '36 De Kalb av.

19ol—54Ua Et, n s. 300 w 5tb_av, 3-aly hrk flat,' 20x56, 3 familles, galvanized iron cornice; cost. $D,50O; Stephen C Halstead, 239 SOth st; ar'L. same as last,

19S2—Kenilworth pl, w s, 110 and 140 n Germania pl, two 2-aty and attic frame dweU'gs. 16.6x27. 1 family, shingle roof; total cost. $6,000; W S Colver, 454 Bast 25th sl; ar't, A W Pierce, 1127 Platbusb av.

lo^ù—Crescent st. e s, 25 s Glenmore av, five 2-sty brk dwell'gs, 19x lî^'-i/^^^"^'^''^'"^'^^^ ^°*'^' ^ ° ^ *''"' ga'vanized iron cornice; total eost, $9,o06; E Reineking. 753 Cleveland st; ar ' l . C Infanger, 2590 At­lantic av, o--'-^!.'^"''^^'^^'^^'^'' ^^1 ^ ^ < oi" Glenmore av, 3-sty brk slore and dwell'g, 2oxo0, 2 families, gravel roof, galvaniaed iron cornice; cost $5 000; ow'r and ar'l, same as last. OA'-^^^-?^^'^ Marks av, No 6-58, s s, 210 e Rogers av. 2-sty brk stable. 30x2o. gravel root; cost. $1,400; W C Browne, Jr, on premises- ar't,

rame dwell'g, , , „ „ , . - . - , — , , -f..,,,., , ., Wagenholer, 140 West Broadway, New York; ar't, J Petit, 186 Remsen si

19S(-^East Jth st, w s, 100 n Av C, Lwo 2-aly and atUc frame dwell­ings; lixdO, 1 family. Un and shingle roof; lotal cosi, $4,000; A C Muir, Prospect av near Océan Parkway; b'r, G Perkins, 17tb st and Sth av.

1988—Hamhurg av, e s, 100 n Starr st, 2-aty frame tailor shop 22x 28; cost, .$800; Geo Brunt, 99 Hamburg av; ar't, F Droescb Wood­haven, L I. ' .

1989—Sterling pl, s w cor Underhill av, 4-sLy brk store and flats 20 x90, ( familiea, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $18,000; Margaret Mow­bray, Ovington av near 3d av; ar't, P S Lowe, 186 Reiûsen si- b'r E H Mowbray,

1990—John st, s s, 140 w Bridge at, 1-sty and cellar brk factory, 30x 90, gravel roof, slone and Ule coping; cost, $8,000; J W -Masurg & Son Jay st near Plymouth st; ar't , E H Stone, 1364 Dean sL; b"r Arthur G SLone, 1370 Dean st.

1991—John st, s s, 140 w Bridge st. 1-sty brk faciory, 30x90 gravel ' ' ' '?n'nv°°^ ^^^ ' ' '^ coping; coat, $800; ow'rs. ar't and b'r, same'as lasL, nA^^-~"' '° '^^ ^^' ^ ^' ~'^° " Bridge st, similar factory, 30x25; cost $ 1 -200; ow'ra, ar ' t and b'r, same as last.

1993—Harway av, n s. 42 w Bay 44th st, 2-sty frame dweU'g 24x .J2, t a r paper roof; cost, $660; C Reiss, Jr, Bay 44tb si and Harway av o- iT^^^"®®'*' ^'' ^ ^' *J* " Myrtle av. 2-sty brk mercantile store 2,1x200 to Gold st. hot water heating, galvanized iron cornice- cosi $S,00O; Lipman Arensberg, 143 Myrlle av; ar ' t and b'r W Burwell 317 Bridge st.

1995—East Sl th st, e s. 344 n Av I, two 2-sly brk dwell'gs '>0x4*' 2 families, galvanized iron cornice; total cost, ,^7,000; Geo T Harrison' on premises; ar't, A W Pierce. 1127 Platbush av, '

ALTERATIONS. "'•^''^TT?^^'^ ^'' ^° ^^'^' s s, SO w Bedford av. inlerior altérations;

cost, $10; W S Davies, 303 WashingLon av; b'r. J H Erickson 37 Rich­mond st.

IS^iO-Eagle st, n s, 250 w Provost st, raise buildiug, stone founda­tion ;_cost. $3oO; J A Kenney. 229 lEagle sl.

1871—Si Marks av, n s. 117,6 e Troy av, 3-sLy frame extension 7.10 xlo ; cost, -U.OOO; Angelo Romano, 1049 Si -Marks av; ar't, F Holmberg l l o S 'MyrUe av. *'

1872-Aliantic av, n s, 190-4 w Schenectady av, repairs; cost ,'R200-^^l^il.P^'^P. -02 McDonough st; b'rs, H J Brown Se Son, 1534 Fulton at • .-1:7"^?,' ^^"' ^ ^l'r!^-7' °°'" Herkimer st, 3-sty brk and iron exten­

sion, 20x10,2; cost, .1.6,000; C B Glaud. ou premises; ar ' t A H Mc­Geehan, 2381 Atlantic av. a-i^^Ai^yï"^""' ^^- ^ ^' ^-"^ ° Harrison av, interior altérations; coat. .>i,oOU; John KisseU Se Son, 169 Harrison av: ar ' t W B Wills 17 Troutman sl. , »« JJ ÏVHIS, J.(

1875-Bay_20Lb st. w s, 280 h Benson av, 1-sty frame extension 9x 12; coEti, $loO; Mary Ludwig, on premises; b'r. A Williams Bav ÎStb st, Batb Beach.

IS76—Woodruff av, n w cor St Pauls pi, 2-sty frame extension 17x ii; cost, $tNOU; John Giedhill, on premises; ar ' l J A Broek Cimnc Park; h'r, J C Sawkins, 81 East Broadway. • ' ' ' • ' "^ ''^°''^- ^^°''^

io-^J^T^^i"^'^'^''!^aV^^n^ '^°'^ Williamsburgh road, 4-sty brk exLension, i i '^ 'è^^'*;! ' ™^''nl;-i**'^'^^'' ^ «"ckwell, 195 William st, New York; ar ' t

,c?S^^'^^''*^'' ^^'^ Broadway; b'r, Louis Mader, 257 Throop av ,,1^^'^°-'''^^^ ^K-^" -^^-JJ/ ''^ '^ Union st, 1-sty aud baaement brk e-xlension. 19.6x2o; cost, S^WG; Prank B 'Engel, 1067 Bedford a v b r, P Integlia, 79 Degraw st.

1879—35tb st, s s 100 e 3d av. move 2 frame buildings, new founda­tions; total cost, $900; 'Mary Wise, 933 3d av; ar't, T Bennett 198 SSd si; b'r, J H O'Rourke, 76 39tb st. ^«"neiL, -tao osa

r . i ? ^ ^ S î n * n ^ ^ f ^ ' 4 - ^ ' - ?^ , | p^^^^ ^^' --^ty frarae extension. 12x39; cost, ,>2,SO0; Daniel Winant. 1S6 Qmncy st; ar't. J L YOUUE l'^^l Pul ton st; b'r, W G Clark, 82d st and 24th av.

1.881-Harrison av, s w cor Lyncb st. l-sty frarae exUension 23x11 new foundaiion; cost. $1,060; John Fisher, on premises' ar ' t G Acker Evergreen, L I, . , c ,

1S.S2—WiUoughby st, s w cor Duffield at, 4-Bty brk exiension, 50.2x 9*.6; cosi, $30,000; J Ruppert, 430 Gold st; ar't, L B Voss 65 De Kaib av. , «u- -.'

1SS3—2ïst st. n s. 250 w 5tb av, repairs; cost, .$260; Pasquale Can-sonigri, oO Henry st, New York; b'r, S Barone, 211 21st st.

1884—Utica av, s w cor Pacific st, repairs; cost. $100- F Ohmes 7'' Utica_av; b'r. J Rowbolham, 1747 Dean st,

188-5—Emmons av, n s, 3(10 e Océan av, 1-sty frame extensioti 10x10' cost, $100; Geo Schmitt, 90 Winthrop st; b'r, Jobn Rueeer 250 Moore st. '

1886—Bedford av, e s, 100 s I/afayette av, 3-sty and basement brk extension, 20x i ; cost, $3,800; Bvelyn Skinner. 1021 Bedford a v ar ' t W Winter, 24S Adams sl.

18S7—Nostrand av, w s, 160 n Newkirk av, 1-sly frame extension 8 x6: cost, ,$42; G Heiniz, 1850 Nostrand av,

18S8—Washington st. Nos 266 and 268. w s, 100 n Jobnson st In­terior altérations and repairs; cost. $3,500; Ellsworlb P Weston' "'l Stuyvesant st, New York; ar ' ts , Plemer Se Koebler, 11 -Broadway New York.

1SS9—Berkeley pl, s s, 90O e 7lh av, 2-aty brfc extension, 10.6x14;

'ê?o tSrooklyitl ECORD AND GOTDE. October 28 ,1899 .

LAFARGE Teleplione, 35 Jobn



la the only Cemeat that doee not stain L I M h S T u . \ E , G K A M T t or M A K -BLE. I t i s thebes t ce iuen t touse t ' o i STL'CCO work, Finest, atrungest and lightest in color.

St-HS F U L T O N S T K K E T . N E W T O R K .

cost, $ 3 0 0 ; J C WoodbuU, 198 Berke ley p l ; b ' r , J M H a m b l i n . 2 2 L a ­fayet le av.

1 ^ 9 0 - H u d s o n av. No 4 9 , s e cor P l y m o u t h s l . r ebu i id h rk gable wa l l ; cost , $ 7 0 ; W Gilfillan, York and -Main s t s ; b ' r . J Lal ly , 145 F r o n t s t .

l i ' y i - 3 d av, n w cor P r é s i d e n t s t . out door open ing ; cost , $ 2 0 0 ; Tony Chr is t ian , on p r o m i s e s ; a r ' t , F S Lowe, 186 R e m s e n Et.

1892- -McDouga l s i . s s, 264.9 w Sara toga av, in le r io r a l t é r a t i o n s ; cost. $ 7 5 ; ow'r and b ' r , Chr i sUan Bauer , IT H u l l s t ; a r ' t , C Infanger , 2590 Al lan l ic av .

1893—Slh av , w s, ex tends from l l t h to 15 tb st, in te r io r a l t é ra t ions , on a r m o r y ; cost , $ 6 , 0 0 0 ; Ci ty of New York ; a r ' l s , H o r g a n Se S la t t e ry . 1 Madisou av, New York.

1594—Herk imer st, n e cor Olive pi , r e p a i r s and p u t in b a t h r o o m s in 5 dwe l l ' g s ; lotal cost, $2,ûOO; R o b e r t P a r k i n s o n , 510 Clinton s t ; h ' r s , B C Mil ler & Son, 955 Dean s l .

1895—Throop av, w s, 160 s Gates av. r e p a i r s ; cost, $ 5 0 ; E E Nelson, Glen Cove.

1S96—Miller av, w s, loO n Glenmore av , add f rame s ty ; cost, $ 2 0 0 ; George Rogers , 4 2 8 De Ka lb a v ; a r ' t , H Stevenson. 422 De K a l b av,

1S97—Watk ins st . w s, 200 n N e w p o r t av , move dwel l 'g , h r k founda­t ion ; cost , $ 2 0 0 ; F r a n k Grossba th . 4 4 6 W a t k i n s s t ; a r ' t , Louis D a n ­anche r , 277 Milford s t .

1S98—Pitk in av, n w cor Tha t fo rd av , i n t e r io r a l t é r a t i o n s ; cost, $ 2 0 0 ; David Tobaek, on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , L Dananche r , 277 Milford st .

l û o 9 — H u U st , s s, 56 .3 e Hopkinson av, r epa i r d a m a g e hy fire; cost , $ 4 5 ; W E Wel l ing ton , 8 5 3 St Marks p l ; b ' r , W C Herod, 1450 At­lan t ic av.

1 9 0 0 — S h e r m a n s walk , w s, a t A t l a n t i c Océan Beach, 2-s ty t r a m e ex­t ens ion , 10,6x70, b a t h i n g pav i l lon ; cosi, $ 5 , 0 0 0 ; H e n r y & Ravenha l l , Coney I s l and P 0 ; a r ' l , H D Whipp le , W e s t Sth s t and Surf av,

1901—Kent av, e s, 75 s Li lUe N a s s a u s t , 2-sLy h rk ex tens ion , 25x 10O.9; cost, $1 ,000 ; B d w a r d T Jenk ina , 892 P a r k a v ; a r ' t , Hugo Smi lb , 836 Broadway .

1902—Metropol i tan av. s e cor M a n h a t t a n av. u n d e r p i n founda t ion ; cost , $ 2 7 5 ; E l i za Euckeye , 1246 Jefferson a v ; b ' r s , Howel l & B u r r o w s . 3 6 1 Léona rd s t .

1903—Glenmore av, s e cor Crys ta l st, 1-sty b r k ex tens ion , 50x12 and 1 7 . 8 x 2 9 ; cost, $4 .300 ; G e r m a n A m e r i c a n Reformed C h u r c b , 414 Cbes t ­n u t s t ; a r ' t , C In fange r . 2 5 9 0 Al i an t i c a v ; b ' r , J L e m a i r e , Norwood av cor Ridgewood av .

lHHd—De K a l b av , a s, 1 0 0 w L e w i s av , i n t e r i o r a l t é r a t i o n s ; cost. $2'25; Bordens Condensed MUk Co, on p r e m i s e s ; a r ' t , W Win t e r , 248 A d a m s s t .


m lutstf ii^tB or JuagpEU'tiLs Lhe naiofs a;pna-belica",y arranged. a.rd vh ich are first on each line, are those r f ' t he judgment deblor. The lettfr ( m ]'npans Jugmeiit for deficiency, C) means ^lot summoned, (t) signifies tha t tbe first name Is flctitious, rea.l name being unknown. Judg­ments entered dur ing the week, and satisfled before day of publication, do not appear in this column, hut in list ot Satisfied Judgmeata .

Oct 20 Bail , Jennie—B F Wells $28.07 20 Beniamin, Henr ie t ta , Joseph and Henry—

J Beck 384.64 23 Buel. Wai te r F and Arthur—E S CampbeU

recvr 5,106.93 23 Buel, Ar thur -the same 2.010.1)7 23*Baier, Jobn A—F B Russell 160.34 24 BiancuUi, Nicolo—N CiUra and ano [ D ) J 1 9 . 2 7 24 Bniger, Julia—W Talterow liB.ô7 25 Brown, Helena I—Mary J Wadsworth et al,

Bl.oO 25 Butcher , 'Edward , J r—P S Pearson 69.73 25 Bottjer, Chas A—F P Lowenfels 348,03 26 Breitmeyer, Ju l ia M exrs Ju l ius Brei tmeyer

—J Liebman et al 61.07 26 Bray. Ar thur A—G H Langdon 2i)6,3o 26 Brown, Sylvester D—J Gunther 229.96 26*Bulman. Alvin G—C Ross & Son 130,71 2ô Cuilinan, John—Alden Spears Sous Co.101.S4 26 Coope, James—Annie G SchaSenberg . .80,59 26 Clarke, Annie D—W L Lusher 41,57 21*Donohue, " J o h n " aud • 'Rober t" Davies—

Aspell Se Oo 225,74 24 Deery, Katie—J J Spelh 289.36 24 Dunn. James L—Long Is iand B r e w e r y . .

. . 1 299.69 24 DÔil',' Wiir iâm-^D' S 'Âlpàùgh ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . ' .52.60 25 De Born, Henry—Helen Shearer 48.07 26 Du Mabant. Louis J and Adolph N—Fanny

McKane 934.14 20 Bssig, Gottlieb—Franziska Schuler 432.99 21 Eibler. William—Annie Eibler 89,40 23 Elliott , Mary A—H George 302.21 23 Elikofsky, Nathan—L Ra tne r 519,07 26 Engert , Johannes—C A Auffmordt et al.353.83 26 Elhot t , John C and Mary A—M Mayer.107.94 20 Fel tman, Charles—J Carll 0)412.20 20 the same the same (D) 516.05 20 Fi tzsimmons. Michael J and Katherine—J W

Eeruheim 331,07 20 Fels . L o u i s - S Messner 30.22 21 Friede. Josepb—H Reiss 109,64 24 Felch, ' •F r ank" W ~ J J Speth 239.36 25 Flandrow, W m H—F B Flandreau 105.57 25 Florence, Chas B—W G Rowell 2,39.44 26 Fisher , L Harry—Sanehez Se Haya Co. .186,27 26 Funk . Mathilde—Brooklyn Glass Mfg Co et

al 121,-52 26*Fleming, Margt J - C Ross & Son 130.71 21 Geseiudheit, Isaac—W H Burdet te 50,82 24 Graf. Peter—N Y and N J Téléphone Co.

112.55 25 Garrity. P a t r i c k - W Reid Se Co 58,30 20 Hackradt , Otto—Exrs J Pfalaer 762.09 21 Hassissian, Hovagulne—J Nazarian . . . . 6 1 , 6 7 21 Healy, James B—Karolina W Karlson.420,00 23 Hennessy, John—G H Reeves 01,24 23 Hill , ValenUne J—F E Russell 160,34 24 Hinckson, John R—N Y and N J Telepbone

Co 8L47 25 Horowitz, Harris—L Coben 634.11 26 Hesse, Gustav—P Graf 102,15 20 Krebs. Louise—F Krebs 6T,93 23 Kurlanziek, Louis—L Ratner 519,07 25 Keenan, Daniel F—National Cash Register

Co 111.07 21 Lawrence, J Herbert—Church of United

Brethren 119,57 21 Lipsohn. Samuel—H Reiss 1011,01 23 Lathrop, WUliam A—A A Low 137.75 24 Lyman, Henry H, Stale Commissioner of

Excise—Malcom Brewing Co 359,47 25 Lutjens, Louis—Eva G Bennet t 101,88 25 Leonhardt , John—J Deinhardt and ano,

23.48 26 Lee, Will iam W—P F u n k 371,33 26 Lambrecht , Joseph—P Schonhans 932.61 26 Loffler, Charles—C Morlo 23,47 26 Lewis. Abraham—J Solomon 1,121,28 23 McDonough, W i l l i a m - J Dowling 322.37 23 McMahon, John—M A Qulnlana 117,27 23 Mitchell, Alexander and John—P Kane,265.67 25 Meadoff, Ike—Union Transfer & Storage Co.

100.85 23 McCormick. Pe te r and "Mary"—Leibinger

Brewing Co 3,137.74 25 McKay, Jenn ie C—Mary M Wadsworth et

a l 61.60

25 McMillan, Lewia A and Thos A—Margt L C O'Connor 175,00

25 McCormick, Andrew—Clausen & Pr ies Brewing Co 390.81

25 Mead, Geo P—E P Linton 30,07 2G McKenzie, James—C Ross & Son 130.71 26 Mansfleld, " M a r t i n " M—Waterbury Rope

Co 51.54 25 Newman. " F r a n k " A—N Y and N J Télé­

phone Co 216.70 20 O'Keefe, Samuel—Long laland Brewery.

. : 432.20 26 Orton, Alva H—H A Post 207.90 20 Price. Edward—D Bournigue 173,22 21 Praeger , Carl L—Cable Se Lucas 607.3i) 23 Phil l ips, Frank—S B Jones 78.34 24 Pine, Amv B—G Rivers 331.49 25 Prent iss , Vincent—M Levy et al 412.67 26 Pernell . Tillie—F Kindt 113.79 26 Quinn. Henry and H a n n a h admra Pa t r ick

Q u i n n - H a n n a h Quinn 63.40 26 the same the same 63,40 20 Raftery. William—0 Huber Brewery.1,633.82 21 Rutan . Edward T—H Moran 81.37 23 Rullo, James—American News Co 77.63 25 Russ. Ulmer C and Florence—Mary M

Wadswor th et al 61.60 26 Rockwell. Samuel—German Exchange Bank.

234.54 26 Randolph, Geo B—F Mertz 32,07 26 Reeves, Ward S—Sarab J Vose e t a l . . . 211 .42 26 Roberts, James G—C Ross Se Son 130.71 26 Ray. Geo H- the same 130.71 21 Svigelsky. Daniel . Davia, Morris, Solomon,

" I k e " and D i c k - W H Burdet te 50.82 24 Shoemaker, " A l b e r t " T—C R Basset t . .95,96 24 Stockholm, C l a r a - J a n e t Pi rnie and ano

exrs 212.05 24 Stringer. G Frank l in as Treasurer Co D 25d

Regt National Guard New York—G Baker, J r 110.66

24 Smith, Benj C—Trenton Pot ter ies Co . .152.47 24 Schoff, Henry G—A D Baird 336,33 25 Squires, Edward N—F S Henderson 218.93 23 Streumpaler , William—Aiden Speara Sons

Co 104,84 26 Spencer, Elizabeth G exr J u h u s Brei tmeyer

—J Liebman et al 61.07 26 Smilh, Winfred L—G H Langdon 296,35 26 Strom, Fredk E—M J Dady 75.04 26 Stephen, W B—C -A Auffmordt et a l . . . 3 3 3 . 8 3 26 Seymour, Burr i t t G—Ella F Marsh 865.40 26 Scheele, Hermann—Bridget Healy . . .1 ,403.92 26 Steenwortb, F r a n k J—H B Kirk & Co . ,69 .51 21 Taintor , Mary H—Mary A Phipps , .1,807.95 26 Trowbridge, Robert B—Sarah J Vose et al.

211,42 26 Tracy, Edward M—C A Auffmordt et al ,353.33 20 Prospect Pa rk Brewery—J Beek 334.64 20 Nassau Elec R R C o - M McGee 1.246,54 21 Brooklyn Heights R R C o - W H CurUs.204,82 21 New York, City of—H T Ketcham 121.75 23 Brooklyn. City of—Maria B and Bltza

Lyona 358.-30 23 New York, City of—J J McNamara 117.27 23 Staten Island Elec R R Co—C Clifford. 145.29 24 New York, City of—Manhattan Supply Co.

335.48 24 Altord a Berkele Co—W T Davenport and

ano 3.314.02 24 Mlusl Pulp and Paper Co—J J Speth. .289,36 23 National Motor Carriage Co—J W Ealy.92.64 25 Roscoe Lumber Co—J Nead 2,744,50 23 New York. City ot—J T Maillie 3,009.00 25 Brooklyn Heights R R Co—O Hackradt.69T.07 26 New York, City of—Long Island Wate r Sup­

ply Co 66L27 26 Brooklyn Heights R R Co—A Dofquist, -3-'ï5,29 26 New York, City of—Malilda Y Sharp . .306.44 20 Wall ing, Edward P—Julla 0 Kelsey et al.

241,22 24 Wilshusen, John—Anna Weiland 2.961.55 24 Weisburger, Adolph and Tillie—D Schlff.36,07 25 Wit tman, Lizabeth J and Casper—Inda J

WUbury 1.37,99 2,3 Walker , John—C R Ruegger 185 29 26 Warmer , B Guy—C Roaa Se Son 130.71

S A T I S F A C T I O N O F J X T D O K S K T S .

Oct. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28.

^?î,n^^^' S i s a n n a and Herman—C Hes terman. l o U î ) , , , , . . . , . . , . . OQO 0 5

Brown, Thomas—W C Vosburgh 'MfgCÔ. ' ÏSOg, , - • • 664.01

Same same. 1899 SK) 79 Damm, IsabeUa—G LivoU. 1899 1157 EdIIng, George—W S Hurley. 1897 $"30'77 Harr ia , Isaac G and Albert—Hagerty Broa &

Co. 189,1 228.36 Léonard, Michael B—Cath Bna ls . 1895. . .641,67

Lingsweiler . F r e d e r i c k - J J Graeber et al. 1896. 158.60

Lingsweiler, Elizabeth—V Soeller exr. 1887. 567.23

McCord, W m H—Mary Reed admrx. 1897. 5,801,50

Same same. 1897 116.95 Nebla, W i l l i a m - J Rathjen. 1899 1,015.75 Same same. 1899 515.75 Nicklaus, August P—Emma Rothschild. 1896.

296.40 Reid, W m G—A M Houstoune, 1899 514.57 Rider, W m P—United States Casually Co. 1398.

62.84 Siegel. Cooper Co—Margt Quirk. 1899. ,7,886,82 Same same. 1399 111.75 Brooklyn Elevated R R Co—Anna Rose, 1899.

$2.^1.84 Same -same, 1899 271.00 Brooklyn Heigbts R R Co—Margt Erfur t . 1899.

1.120.82 S a m e — A d a Zucker, 1809 2,150.00 Same Simon Zucker. 1899 100.00 Ullmer, Bmma—B Loewy. 1899 50.85


68th st, n a, 100 w 14th av, 40x100. Cropaey Se Mitchell agt " R H " or Robert H Jones.

.5736,83 gSth st . 3 s. 20 w 7th av, 120x100. ChrisUan &

Clarke agt A G Kalb 144.98 Oct. 21.

Coney Is land av , w s. 60 n Av D, 20x100, George Mohrmann agt Frederick Johnson and Clinton Dean 472,39

Same property. Ross Se Snyder agt same , -368-96 Same property. Snyder & Son agt s ame . .71,47 Coney Island av, w s, 80 n Av D. 20x100.

Brick Geores agt same 47.00 Coney Is land av. w s, 54.0 n Av D, 20x98.8.

Robt M Rodgers agt aame 20.00 Oct. 23.

St Marks av. Nos 1070 and 1072. Joseph Ros­enberg agi Charles Morton and Pe te r Mo­deste 42.00

Steuben st. No 140, w s, 125 a Myrtle av. 25x 100. Joseph T Denison agt Meeney Se Mi­chael Shannon 93.00

84th st, s s, 300 e l l t h av, 60x100. H e n r y Scbmidt agt Berth N Boucher and Gottlieh Blind 100,00

Bast 13th st, e s, 300 n Av N, 40x73. John Higb agt Ever t Albert and J o h n E Dawson & Son 51,76

Oct. 26. Lewis av. No 302, w s, 22 a Pu tnam av. 19x90,

Wil l iam Tilly Co agt Jennie S and David C Blair 66,50

Eaat 37th st, e s, 340 s Av J, 40x100 1 Eas t 37lh st, e s, 100 s Av J, 160x100 |

Curtis Broa agt Bsta te ot Zimri Pa r i s , 1,272,75 21st av, s e a , 160 n e Cropsey av, 60x100. Wm

M Jackson agt Kate F Monio 223.81

BXHUDINe LOAH O O N T R A O n . Oct. 20.

No property specified. Freder ick Johnson wlth ChUton Dean; 4 payments 4,200

Oet. 24. SterUng pl, a s, 97 w Bedford av, 118x131,

Jobn Alfred Johnson witb Aibert G Kaib ; to erect six 3-aty buildings $15,000

Oct. 26. SSth st, n s, 40 6 12th av, runs e 60 x n 130,4

X w 100 to 12th av, X s 40 X w 40 X s 90.4. Wil l iam Ziegler wlth John G Schall, Phila­delphia, P a ; to erect flve dwellings; 4 pay­ments 8,323

O B D E B S . Oct. 20.

Coney Is land av, — 60 n Av D. ChUton Dean on Frederick Jobnson to pay Deane & Beacb.

Î36,00 Samo property. Same on same to pay George

Gana 223.00 Same property. Same on same to pay 'William

Clegg 100.00 Same property. Same on same to pay John H

Gaas 26.38 Same property. Same on aame to pay Tbeander

& Mosaberg SO.OQ

Octobe r 14, 1899. Smmt RECORD AKD GUIDE. [BM»ldymr[^ ILJ I ' 11

Al LAu 148 l i b e r t y St.. ITe-sir York.

CASTLE'S CEMENTINE SIDEWALKS A T M J , Bteopi «nd C«ptnia at &11 k l n d l , Cellar and Stable Floora. RaUroad F l a t l o n n i , «ta.

Concrète Arches for Floors and Taults constructed to carry any desired weight B E D F O R D AND T L A T B U 3 H A V B N U E S , B R O O K L T N , N . T .

Bex 40. M. tc T. a i c h a n g » . T«Uphon«. 111 F la tbuah .

C O N S O L I D A T E O C E M E N T & S U P P L T C O . , 1133 B r o a d w a y .

Téléphone , 1 1 7 6 - 1 8 t h .

A t t e n t i o n ia oalled t o F i reproof a n d Vermiu-Proof

To Architects, Builders

and Owners.

Samples and CiL'culars Free

N. Y. City Téléphone, 663 Cort landt .

Aa a L in ing ln WaUs and F l o o r s for p r even t io g t h e E S C A P E O F W A K M X n A N D T H B D B A D E N I N G OF SOUND,

UNITED STATES MINEEAL WOOL CO.. 2 Cortlandt S t , N . T . Brooklyn Branch cor. Atlantic and Waverley Avs.

Brooklyn Téléphona, 185-B Bedford.

T. NEW CONSTRUCTION 00.. 537 "WEST 1 4 T H S T R E E T . Téléphone. 616 ISth.

WATER T IGHT CELLARS. Brick, Tile and Gravel Roofs. B O O F I N G

T t E P A I B S .

LIGHT • » » • • • • • » » • » • » » » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » •

Any kind, for any place. Even day l igh t for dark rooms, Wri te me

L P. FRINK, 551 Pearl St., N.Y.


Awnings for $2.50 up. '^'^"^ T^""" "^^ Buy Crom l h e Maunfae- Stanhope at. No 190. WUliam J EUiott agt t u r e r and pet Firs t -Claas Nicholas J ajid Anna HoSman . (Lien filed A w n i n g s m a d e and fUted Sept. 28) $139.31 h resper iencodwOEkmeu. Oct. 19.

Es tab i i shed 20 vea ra . South Por t land av, No 31, a s, 323.1 s De Kalh _ . „ ™ av, 23x100. Will iam Harkness agt Henry J F . S K E L T O N N o r n s and Freder ick W Benner. CSept 6.)

" . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . l O o . T T 608' Sixtfa Avenue , Oct, 20.

East side, near 35th Street. Sands st, No 44. Robt M Rodgera ag t Wm W Formerly 13iS Broadway. Davies. April 17) 27.00 Manufac tu re r of Awn- °''*- ^^•

ings , Flaga a n d Tenta . oSth st, s s. 20 w 7th av, 120sl00,2, George L F r e n c h RoUerand Spr ing Kumpf agt A G Kalb. (Oct 13) 541.25 Koller a n d Ven t i l a t ine Same property. John A PfalzgraE agt same, A w i i l n g a . a u d a l i b i n d s o t „ '^^"^ ^ i „ v , : 275.00 Canvas Covera, Décora i - 83d s t , s w s, 396,6 n w uth av, —x—. Jo-i n g w l t b F I a e a B n d B n t i l - ^^P'^ Pres te ra agt George Waugh and John ing . Wedding Canopies , Calyer. (Sept 25) 110,00 Danomit Craah, Gamp Oot, 27.

Çbaira, D in ing Chai re . Tables , H a t Raoke. P a r l o r Patchen av. e a. extenda t rom Maçon at to Mc-Bcreens. t o l e t for Reoept iona and WeddlQgS, Donough st, AusUn Ireland Lumber Co ag t T rade aiippUed, Te lephene Call, 8 9 0 - 3 S t h , c i ty of New York and iHapes-Reeve Con-

struct ion Co. (Oct 23, 1899) 328.40 •

. W. R. Ostrander & Co. APPROVED PAPERS. Manufacturers ot Week ending Oct, 21, 1899.

Oral, Eleotrio PAVING.

and Pneumatic Ainslie st, from Union av to Bushwick av; aa-

A n n u n C i a t O r S , Eckford st. i rom Driees av to Greenpoint av;

w l è ™ ETO^^' u famond ' a t . from Norman av to Driggs a v ; «s-

Blectrio BeUa, Door Richardson at, from Union av to Graham av; Openers. asphal t .

-»-i T .., «., • • , Steuhen at, from Lafayet te to De Kalh a v ; as -22 D e y St . , N e w Yorfc, phait .

; STRBETS CLOSBD. Av P, from Océan to Fos te r av.


QgCjT^c : CHATTELS. ^ - ^ ^-^ ^ '•^ <^f MOTE.—The flrst aame , «lpb«betlcall7 a i r ansed ,

OfBce Furnlture la tha t ot the Uortgagor , or pa r ty who glves tbe of every deficrlption. Uor tea«e , T h s " R " meaaB Kenewal Hortgt tse . T . G . Sellew, Oct, lo, 20, 21. 23, 24, 25.

1 i 1 Fulton Street, N.T, MISCELLANEOUS, n -ar f AbramB, T. 899 MyrUe a v . . F & G Haag. Bar-

THEO GOLDsmTH ^^ r Plxturea, $70 THEO. GOLDËMtiH. AUocca, B. 06 Broadway. , .C Pregiosi. Bar-

• ber Pixturea. 400

JOHN HAUSER, '^'idry! - * ' "^''^ ''''• "" ^ ""'"l^o A 1 , . . Bartel , P. 51 B o e r u m . . H Ruehl, Press . lIsOO

A T C n i t e C t . Beaaey, H. 157 Wil l iam. .A Gray. Press . &c. 3,500

1*41 THIED AVENUE. Beeker, Nellie. 1841 Broadway, ,T J Collins. • ^ ^ ^ — — ^ ^ ^ — — — — ^ ^ — _ » — — (H) 120

BelaiefC. M. 158 Thaiford a v . . M H Petigor. A LBERT LUCIUS, CIVIL siphons. 200

^ 67 Potter Bldg., N, Y. City. ENGINEER. ^°b"er 'Vlxturea"^ ° ^ ^ ' ' " * ^^' "^ ^ " ' " ' " ' 3'27 Dealgns, straln SheeiB. Estimâtes and Plans Ior Bahr . G J . . B ' w e U l , Horses , Scc 200

ArchitecturalConstrnotion. Baltz, F . 337 Van B r u n t . . N a t C R Co. Reg-Bt«el Frames. Fouadations. insnecUon. ieter. ^ ^

Tel., 3*0 B.79th at .

Conradson, C A. R B Wilhelm.

Cornell. Mary E. .

A m e r i c a n H o u s e a n d W i n d o w Cleaning; C o .

207 E. 69th STBBET. EOBT. B. MOORE, Mgr, All maimer ot House Cleaning la City and Country.

Whltewashing and Kalsomlnlng. EatlmateB Furnlahed.

The Great International Window Cleanîi^ Co. No. 196 SECOND AVENUS.

Window Cleaning and Polishing, House Clean­ing. Mail orders at tended to.


Roofers. Manufacturers Galvanized Irou Corniees. Sky llghta, etc.

£ 1 4 - 8 1 6 E . 52a. S t . a n d 3 1 7 E . filât S t . Téléphone, 616 38tb. Estabiished 1B*1.

Same. . same. Register. 195 Bershefsky, S. 566 Stone av , ,Blumenfeld &

Newmau. Furn i tu re . 106 Carls trand, C. 632 Fu l ton . , .Atlant ic Beef Co,

(R) 400 Carey & Meyers. lOls t st and 4th av . .H Wag­

ner. Pool table, 200 Centonez. L. 479 Humboldt . . .Kl ingier Sona

Se Co. • (R) 52 CrosslowQ Club. Manhat tan av and B o x . . . H

Wagner. Pool Table. 120 Vernon and Noatrand a v a . .

Dogs and C. 200 . . i n t e rna t iona l Elevat ing Co.

(R) 2,369 CarroU, G M. ,H & H Sonn. (R) 632 Cocroft, Sarah J. Bushwick av and Conway . .

Fidelity L A. Surrey. 80 Cornellas, J B. 251 Washing ton . .Rubin Se

Lederer. Pool Tables. &c. 750 GurUs. W. 433 Oth a v . , G R. Pinol. Drugs,

&c, 2,200 Daidone. J , . . A r c h e r Mfg Co. (R) 100 Daly. J J. 444 3d a v . .Metropoli tan Store

F ix tu re Co. F ix tures . 200 Dougherty, N. 103 Waverly a v . . W Bowman.

133 Eas tman , D. 458 H e n r y . .WolS Bros. Horses .

400 Bngler t . C . S W Haviland. (R) 900 Evoy, W H. 198 Tth av . . S a r a h Moore. Stock

and Pix tures . 200 Pleig. W, Johnson and Gardner a v s . , H Gar­

lichs. Horses . &c 261 Prak'ner Se Neuman. Morrell st and F lush ing

av , . , Sussman Bros. 144 Fuhre r , H. 7S1 F u l t o u . . N a t C R Co. Reg­

ister, 30 Fusco, G. 60 Carlton av . .L Di Menna. Bar­

ber F ix tures . 250 Fer raro , M, 108 Graham a v . , L Oguibene. Bar­

ber F ix tures . 110 Garlich, P N , . .Empi re S ta te Dairy Co. (R) 600 Guido, P. 48 N a s s a u . . T J Collins, Barber

Pixtures , 110 Grenzig, J A, J r , 25 S t a r r . , A Grenzig, Milk

Plant . 1,000 Greenns. A, 212 Oth av . .J Lewine. Drugs,

Sec 571 Heael, R. 176 I rving a v . .Char lot te A New­

man, Drugs, Sec. 75 Hoffman, H C. 432 Metropolitan av . .M J

Simon. Cigars, &.c 760 Har tcorn , W. 970 MyrUe a v . . W Bowman. 122 Hammers tad . E. 13 U n i o n . . R Reid. (R) 127 Henderson, P S. 107 L a w r e n c e , . A J McCol­

lum. Livery Stable. 2,000 Hoyt. Grâce P . 75 Fu l ton , .Towns &. J .

Drugs . 450 HesUand, J , , B Weill. Horses, &c. 30 Har t se l l Se Fresenada. 610 F u l t o n . . J Mat­

thews . , Grocery. 177 Holden. G P . . . P Bar re t t Mfg Co. Wagon. 223 Herman, L . . B Weill. Horses , Sec 120 Johnson, Mary A. ,S W & J A Haviland.

(R) LOOO Jossa. F . 33 3d a v . . G Sucher. Barber F ix­

tures , 30 Kenuey, Mary J, 239 Boi id . . . J J Kelly. Un­

der takers plant, 1,500 Keidei. M. 3U5 G r a n d . . . J Rolfes. Bakery. 250 Kurzwaii , A. 61 B a r U e t t . . M Boaerman. Sew­

ing Machines, 200 S a m e . . . . P a n t s m a k e r s Union.Sewing Machines.

85 Koch, H . , B Weill . Horses. 40 Koch. P . 722 4th a v . . R e g t n a Music Box Co,

Music Box. 192 King, W . .J Meuse. (R) 230 Lasale, P . G Myrtle a v . .Arcber Mfg Co. Bar­

ber P ix tures . , 140 Lombard, J, 130 Stuyvesant av . , F & G Haag.

Barber F ix tures . 45 Lammers , H A, 129 E U e r y . . . L Greis. Saws,

Sec 100 Meisner, C A. 203 Marion. .Regina Wolff,

Drugs, &c. 1,500 Matthews, J. 453 3d a v . . M a r i a G LitUe.

(R) 2,000 Mouut. P J & W , . . M a r y C Reid, (R) 1.000 Murray & Roberts, 6th av and 4th a t . . M e t r o ­

politan Store Fix Co. (R) 425 .Mil!, J B, 1302 Bedford a v . . K i n s e y R & F .

40 B, 2d av. near IOth a t . .Mary A Horses, &c. .3,000 129 Madison. .Connor , F "

Safe. Marshall , C

Marshall . Mêler, H.

Presa. Moore, R B,

Ister. Motley, J J,

Regiater. Moser, W J , , Same . .sa

110 Bridge. .Na t

138 P r o " ^ ' '

—'.. iTORK.

672 Oc tobe r 28 ,189g . E Q U I P M E N T . RECORD AND GUIDE.

SECURE YotJr Houses against Burglars and Sneak Thieves.

F R O N T A N D E E A K W I N D O W G U A R D S .

A l a o S T O O P G A T E S m a d e i n a n ^ s t y l a a n a p u t u p a t r e a s o n a b l e r a t e s .

All k i n d s o'f RAILING WORK inade , p u t u p o r r e p a l r e d .

ihm J A C O B MAY, P r e e . ,

850 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn.

T E E E G U A R D S I n a l l P a t t e m s .

E s t i m â t e s a n d o r d e r s b y m a U a t ­t e n d e d t o a t o n c e .

T é l é p h o n e , 5S9 Bedford .


r e c o g n i z e t h e n e c e s s i t y o f c o m b i n i a g a t t r a c t i v e ­n e s s of a p p e a r a u c e a n d m i n i m u m c o e i i n t b e i l t -t i a i g u p o î t i i e m o d e m , b a t h r o o m . F o r t h a t r e a ­s o n t h e y s p e o i f y t h e

S T E E L - C L A D BATH I t s g ê n e r a i f a v o r i s p r o v e n b y t h e f a e * of o v e r

4 B , 0 0 O h e i n g n o w n e e d t h r o u g b o n S t h e o o u n t - r y .

S T B B I > O I J A D B A T H 0 0 . o f H . Y . ,

4 4 7 t o 4 5 8 W e s t 2 6 t h S t r e e t .

P L A I h AINU >VliNL)OW G L A S S . E o u s h a n d RIO. Alao W i r e Glaas c u t for t r a d e .

E s t i m â t e s g iven . B I O B A B D W I L S O N , 9 9 F o u r t h A v e . , N B W V O R K .

EXCELSIOR I m p r o v e d P a t e n t


(U.S.Pat . 413,324.)

M a n u f a c t u r e d by

Louis Bossert & Son,

DEALERS IN Sa-ihes, Do ors, S t a i r s , S to re F ron t s , T i m b e r F loo r ing , Sh lng les .

MANTJFACTmtERS OP Bl inds , Mould ings , B r a c k e t s . Newels . L a t b s . Jo i s t s , Eoof lug, S k y U e h t s , E t c .


Grand Street and Newto'wn Creek Brooklyn, N. Y.



URLINGTON Venetian Blind Co/s





Offlce. 6 1 W O R L D B U I L D I N G F a c t o r y , B U R L I N G T O N . V T .


Moist Warm Air Furnaces A N D V E N T I L A T I N G A P P A R A T U S .

2 1 4 E A S T SOth S T R E E T , SBiW Y O B g . .





Forsale by Dealers in BuildersHardware.-

M u t h , H . 1 2 2 B e d f o r d a v . . N a t C R Co. ï t e g -i s t e r loO

N e w m a n . R B . 1 6 2 6 B r o a d w a y . . L M P a l m e r . C o a l P l a n t . ^ . w U

N i e h i e r , J F . C o u k l i n a v a n d R R C r o s s i n g . C o l u m b i a L A . B u t c h e r F i x t u r e s , &.C 2 0 0

N i c o l a , C, 40 F o u n t a i n a v . - W B o w m a n , 1 0 2 N a s e l e v i c h , A . 4S B o e r u m , . S D a v i a . H o r s e ,

Sec 50 N i c k e n i g . C . . A B u s c h , ( R ) S.OUb O ' H a r e , M r s . . . S B e n d e r . H o r s e s , l o P n r i t a n I l a u d L a u n d r y Co, 3^i3 N o s t r a n d a v . .

A m e r i c a n L a u n d r y M a c h i n e r y Co, L a u n d r y .

P a u l s s o n , J . 1117 3d a v . . H u b e r Se Co . B a ­k e r y F i x t u r e s . oW

P r i g o h z y , W a n d D H a r t m a n . 29 A t i a n l i c a v . . M R o t h e n b e r g . H o r s e , Sec *oO

R o s e n b e r g , N , J H U n d e r h i l l a n d .1 T M a r t i n . m M y r t l e a v . . M a r y S h e p a r d . P o o l T a b l e s . Sec. 5 7

R o b i n s o n , C. 2172 F u l t o n . . ! E K r a h m e r . H o r s e . &e, , 4 2

R a u e r . B . 3S0 7 t b a v . . H M e y e r . G r o c e r y . oOO Rosoff. S. 123 G r a n d , . S R o s e u f e l d , G r o c e r y . _ •

ai I S a l a w a y , L , 3 S J G r a n d . . . L J a c o h s o h n , T o o l s

a n d S t o r e T ' î x t u r e s , Sec -iOCi S a v i n o , G. (53 L u q u e e r . . F S a e r , B a k e r y , 200 S t u b b n i a u n . G. 2 1 0 F l a t b u s h a v . . H M o n s e e s ,

B u t c h e r F i x t u r e s . 3 0 0 S a u t a u g e l o . A F . ^1 B e r g e n . , G F e r r a r o , B a r ­

b e r F i x t u r e s . 2 0 0 S e h m i d t , A, 1014 W i l l o u g h b y . . . W i i h e l m i u a

R a h m . H o r s e s , Sec. ToG S e h n e i k r a u t , S. 4 1 S i e g e l , . P a n t s m a k e r s

U n i o n , S e w i n g M a c h i n e s . 100 S c h i e r e n , A , 0 7 5 G l e n m o r e a v . . A r c h e r M f g

Co. B a r b e r F i x t u r e s , 3 4 S h e i n b e r g , G. 0 4 M o o r e . . . C e c e l i a B r o w n .

P r i u t i n g . SOO S c h w a r t z , M. 2 4 B o e r u m . . L S c h w a r t a . T a i l o r

F i x t u r e s . StiO S p r a g u e . Vi' J . M y r t l e a v a n d P a l m e t t o . . N a t

G R Co, R e g i s t e r . 80 S t e f f a n y , G F , 3 5 5 A d a m s . . L i n d h Se Teden._^_^

T o o l s . SeC 75 S c h a e f e r , G. 1 1 7 N o s t r a n d a v . . N a t G R C o . __

R s E ï s t G r ^^ ' S h a r o t . B ' W . 178 S o u t h 8 t h . . F i d e l i t y L A .

P r i n t i n g P r e s s . . ^ „ , ^ ° S o p h r i n , H . 1 7 2 M c K i b b e n . . M R a s e i o H , S o d a

F i x t u r e s . „ , , . ^ ' ^ S p r a g u e . W J . M y r t l e a v a n d P a l m e t t o . . N a t

C R Co, R e g i s t e r . 8 0

T a l f o r d . M a r i a a n d J o h n , 129G M y r t l e a v . . F H o l t e r m a n u . M a c h i n e r y . 2 ,000

T o p p e r , J & S o u s . T12 S e d f o r d a v . . J o s e p h R u p p e r t . ( R ) 12ô

T u t t y , G. : i l 9 R u t l e d g e . . J o s e p h R u p p e r t , ( R ) 50

T o b i n , M. 1 5 0 S a r a t o g a a v , . A n n a M M a y -f a h r t . H o r s G S . Sec 75

T h o m p s o n Se Co . 125G B e d f o r d a v . . R P o r t e r -field. P o o l T a b l e s , &c . 2 ,000

Von G l a h n , W H . . , S W & J A H a v i l a n d . ( R ) 1,200

V o g e l , H W . 1 7 1 1 B r o a d w a y . . N a t C R Co, R e g i s t e r , 158

W e i t K c n Se F r i e d m a n . 240 W a l l a b o u t . . A m e r i ­c a n L a u n d r y iVIachine Co, L a u n d r y . 2 , 150

W i t t s c l i i e b e , H . 1 4 4 S u y d a m . . L o u i s e B a c k , M a c h i n e r y . 5 0 0

W e i n b e r g e r , R o s a . 6 1 T h a t f o r d a v . . B e n n e t t Se G. ( R ) 50

W h i t a k e r , E , 2 L i h e r t y . N Y . . D e n n l s o n Se S o n s , P r e s s , &c . l.SOO

Z e i g l e r , R o s e . 2 S G r a n d . . R e g i n a M u s i c B o x Co. M u s i c B o x . 1 6 3

S A L O O N A N D R E S T A U R A N T F I X T U R E S . B a u m , L , 2 0 E e n E y c k . . W e i z & Z . ( R ) 550 B e l l m e r , L , 727 B r o a d w a y , . W U l m e r , ( R ) ,^,00O B e l l m e r , L . Î 2 i B r o a d w a y . . . W L F l a n a g a n .

( R ) 4,-22S B u r g h a r d t . F J , 1437 G a t e s a v . . W e l z & Z . 4T4 B r a u u , A K , 2 5 B r o a d w a y . . . W U l m e r , ( R ) 0 0 0 B a y , L . 1 2 6 E l i z a b e t h . . E R B i e h l e r , R e s ­

t a u r a n t , B e e k e r , E .

34 8 2 G e o r g e . . S L i e b m a n n s S o n s .

( R ) 5 0 0 C a r r , P B . 1 9 6 G r a n d . . C l e v e l a n d F a u c e t Co .

' P u m p s . 2 2 7 C o l i i n s , J T, 4 7 4 B e r g e n . . W e l z Se Z. ( R ) 5 0 0 C o p i e , J . 2(i 4 1 s t . . M o n r o e E p s t e i n B Co. ( R ) 4 0 0 D a v i s o n , S. 5 0 4 B r o a d w a y , . . E x c e l s i o r B Co,

( R ) 4 0 0 D e n s i n g , L , IGO H a r r i s o n a v . . C F r e s e , 1,282 F l y n n , J J . 2 1 C o l u m b i a . . P B a l l a n t i n e .

( R ) 5 5 0 F i n l e y , W . 1265 3d a v , . E O c h s . ( R ) 3 .000 F r a n k , J . 1S6 F l u s b i n g a v , . J G G r a u e r ,

( R ) 2 ,200 F o r t m a n , A a n d T S c h r o e d e r . 1119 B e d f o r d

a v . . S L i e b m a n n s S o u s . ( R ) 4 , 1 0 0 H a r v e y , M . . . E m e r a l d & P B Co. ( R ) 4 1 H u d t w a l k e r , W . 2 4 0 F l u s h i n g a v . . C o n s u m e r s

B Co, ( R ) 6 ,ono H a e s l o o p , C P . 1560 F u l t o n , . S L i e b m a n n s

S o n s . ( R ) 2 ,000

H o c k , M. 89 B v e r g r e e n a v . , S L i e b m a n n s S o n s . ( R ) 1,000

H e r d j e , K , 2 0 6 W y c k o f f a v . . C l e v e l a n d F a u c e t Co. P u m p . 5 3

J a n s e n , J . 3 0 H e n r y , . W e l a Se Z. ( R ) 2 , 0 0 0 K e u n e d y , P . 63 W a l w o r t h . . C o n g r e s s B Co,

( R ) 8 0 0 K i l g a l l e n . P . 3 1 1 H a m i l t o n a v , . I n d i a W h a r f

B Co. 9 4 0 L u t z . C. 184 H a r r i s o n a v . . S L i e b m a n n s S o n s .

( R ) TOO L u p p e n s , J . 9 6 2 3 a v . . M E c k s t e i n B Co. 2 ,500 L e v y , B . 2 3 E s s e x , . . B u r g e r B Co. (R) 6 0 0 L e a m a n . M i n n i e . 9 2 F l a t b u s h a v . , J G o l d s t e i n .

5 0 M e n d e l , E s t e r . 4 7 C o o k . . . W e l z & Z. 4 1 0 M o l o n e y . W . 1 1 3 F r a n k l i n . . . B O e b a . 4 , 0 0 0 M u l l e r . G F a n d J E H o p k e . 4 3 8 1 7 t h . . B e a d l e ­

s t o n Se W . ( R ) 2 ,000 M c C a u l . O J . 449 D e K a l b a v . . W L F l a n a g a n .

373 O ' D o n n e l l . B . 6 2 3 F u l t o n . . M a l c o m B Co. 1.50O O i s o n , J . 533 A t l a n t i c a v . . M a l c o m B Co. 1,000 P o r t e r f i e l d , C R . 1 2 5 5 B e d f o r d a v . . J R u p p e r t ,

2 . 0 6 1 P a g n o t a , A . 5 5 5 U n i o n . . . P E u g e i . 3 1 7 P u r p u r a , D. 1 L a w r e n c e . . M S e i t z , 400 P u r i i h a g a n , W & H . lOS R e i d a v , . C o n s u m e r s

B Co. 2 ,500 P a u l s e n , H . 7 3 6 B e d f o r d a v . . M a l c o m B Co. 1,800 S c h r o e d e r . W . 0 9 B o e r u m p l , . , P W e i d m a n n .

9 2 7 T i e t z , H . 1 4 7 W a s h i n g t o n . . S L i e b m a n n s S o n s

B Co. ( R ) 6 .000 V i e r b e l i e r . F , 2 T h r o o p a v . . F I b e r t B C o .

( R ) 1 0 0 W i l s o u , A . L i b e r t y a v , n e a r G r a n t a v . . C o n ­

g r e s s B Co. ( R ) 6 7 8 W a r d , J . 1 2 0 4 H a l s e y , . , J F a l l e r t B Co. 3 ,000

H O U S E H O L D F U R N I T U R E .

A h e a r n , I d a . 1 6 4 P u t n a m a v . . C o w p e r t h w a i t 1 0 1

A m e s , J V. 5 0 6 Q u i n c y . . . J o r d a n , M Se Co . 1 1 1 A t t w e l l , J J . 3 7 6 P u t n a m a v . . E m p i r e L A . IOO A y e r s , J e n n i e . 185 A d a m s , , M u i i i u s & S o n s , 1 0 3 A n d r e w s , J B . 1 2 4 W e i r f i e l d . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co. 1 9 0 B r o w n , M^s . 2 9 4 H o o p e r . . S a s s m a n B r o s , 124 B e c k l e y , F a n n i e . 3 3 8 V e r n o n a v , . J A S c b w a r z .

220 B e r e n b e r g , L e n a . 2 2 K o s s u t h pl J A

S c h w a r z . 2 2 0 B i g g i n s , E i i z , 2 9 0 S o u t h 3 d . . A S c h u l z . 1 1 4

Pittsburgh Plate-Glass Company


Warehouses, ' » ^ ^''Èrto^h'^La.m st.. New York w . w . HEROY, General Eastern Manager.

JOBBERS IN ALL KINDS OF GLASS AECHITECTS, BUILDEKS aud OWNERS are invited to send for Estimâtes. We are the largest makers of Plate Glass in the world, and the quality of our production is known to lie beet and pur­chasers will Ënd it much to their advantage to communicate wi th ns .




1(9 and I2Ï West 23d Street, New Yorfc.

Fresco and Plaîn Painting, R e l i e f - D e c o r a t i n g , P a p e r - H a n g i n g .

H a r d w o o d F i n i s h i n g , e t c . .

I n m o s t r e l i a b l e m a n n e r a t m o d e r a t e p r i c e s .

A . E I C H L E R ,

1 2 7 W e s t 1 2 4 t h S t r e e t , N E W YOKK,


Marble Works* 2 3 8 t o 2 4 4 B A S T 5 7 t l i BTREET,

i t 2 d A v e . E l e v a t e d R , R , S t a t i o n . N e w Y o r k . Tel , , 6 7 9 S S t h S t ,

HHNTRY MILES & SON, P r a c t i c a l L a y e r s a n d D e a l e r s ln

Tiles, Hardwood Mantels, OPEN FIREPLACES,


OfHce a n d S h o w R o o m s , E a s t N e w Y o r k a n d H o p k i n s o n A v e s , , B r o o k l y n .

T e l e p b o n e . 2 5 6 E a s t N e w Y o r k ,

WM. H. OLIVER, (Late Hobbs & Oliver,)

Plain and Décorative P a . ï f l t f n P ' . P a p e r H a n g i n g s a n d I n t e r i o r D é c o r a t i o n s ,

104 & 100 U N I V E R S I T Y P L A C E . N E W Y O R K . T é l é p h o n e , 8:!;i I 8 l b . E s t a b i i s h e d 1.S4G,

Marble Mosaic Tiles, BOMAN AND VENETIAN S T T I E S .


E s t a b i i s h e d ISSS.

Wood Maintek; M a n u f a c t u r e r E s c lu al V e l y of

Complo t e a t Bti i lding w l t h Mi r ro r . a t O u t - o f - t o w n M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' P r i é e s .


S h o w E o o m a n d F a c t o r y , 313 a n d 315 E a s t 4 4 t h S t . .

JOHN WEGMANN, P A I M T E R , D E C O R A T O R a n d H A R D W O O D F I N I S H E R ,

4 5 1 W . B o u i e v a r d , Office, 4 5 9 W . B o u l e v a r d ,



Sash, Doors, Blinds and House Trim* 617, 619 AND 621 WEST 130TH STREET, NEW YORK.


Lumber and Timber, 53d Street and East River, NEW YORK.

T é l é p h o n e Call , 171 SSth S t r e e t .

G. L. SCHUYLER & CO., E s t a b i i s h e d 1335.

LUMBER and TIMBER of Every Description F i r s t A v e . to E a s t R i v e r , 9 7 t h t o 9 8 t h S t .

G E O . H . T O O P , P r e s t , T H O S . J . C B O J I B I E , Sec 'y , T rpas . a n d G e n e r a l Mgr.


F o o t of S 2 d a n d 9 3 d S t r e e t a , E, R,

Dealers in LUMBER AND TIMBER, K i l n - D r i e d N o r t h C a r o l i n a P i n e F l o o r i n g ,

E s t a b i i s h e d 1884. Or ig ina to r s a n d I n v e n t o r s . Cisu'eiCLL P R O C E S S .


Kalamein Iron-Clad Wood Works 553-557 West 33d Street,

T é l é p h o n e , 3393-38th, N E W YORK.

CRANE & CLARK, [LQaiMiDD©[p mmd\ ¥ûQnQDD©n°ç,

F o o t of 3 0 t l i S t r e e t , N o r t t i R i v e r . C a l i l o r n i a R e d W o o d S h i n g l e s a S p e c i a l t y .

B r a m l e y , W , I I . T 4 1 s t . , J M c E n e r y . 12ô B y r n e . H J . 3 0 S c h e r m e r h o r n . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co. 112 B r o w n . J A, 15S W e i r f i e l d . . M i l l s B r o s . lu i ) B a r r y , M a g g i e . '211 52d. .1 M a s o n . 114 B i r c h a r d . L . 20G S t J a m e s p i , , . K i n g s Co

L A . lôO B r e w s t e r , H e l e n . '30 S t M a r k s p i . . R T r e a c y , 175 B r o u w e r , G H . . B r o o k l y n L A, 2 0 0 C h a r l t o n , J W . 2 8 7 H a l a e y . . H B K e l l n e r . 21L C a c c a r a j o , R , 2 0 3 L e x i n g t o n a v , . B r o o k l y n L

A. 2 0 0 C o a t e s , L . 3 4 6 I O t h . . R T r e a c y . KM C a l l e n . M a y . 37 D u f f i e l d , , . ! M i c h a e l s . 153 Chandl fe r , J e n n i e . 1139 4,Sth, . C o w p e r t h w a i t .

1 0 0 C h r i s t e n , H . 1 8 8 l l t h . . J M i c h a e l s . 20!) C o w l e y . K a t e . 94 D o s c h e r . . . ! M c E n e r y . I I G Cox , M i n n i e . 1 0 0 C o l u m b i a H e i g h t a . . . J M c ­

E n e r y , 1 4 0 C a r s o n , L i l l i a n . 1030 P u t n a m a v . , M u l l i n a Se

S o n s . 1 7 4 C a r b u s h , J . 5 8 3 H a l s e y , . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co .

109 C o l l i n s , E l i e n T . ôT7 H e n r y . . M u l l i n a Se S o n s .

132 C o r y , C. 7 4 1 M a r c y a v . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co l i s C r o m b i e , C B . 4.TO F r a n k l i n a v . , C o l u m b i a L

-•-'>• 1.^0 D o o l e y . J J . 6 1 H i g h . . . K i n g s Co L A . i r io D o u g h t y , L y d i a R, 3 2 0 H a l s e y . . A S c h u l z . 1 2 0

D u n s c o m b , J M. C o .

E n d e r l e y , S a r a h .

E r d t m a n n , H .

3 2 3 Q u i n c y . . C o w p e r t h w a i t 122

6 6 K o s c i u s k o , . M i l l s B r o s . l(Jt>

127 E a s t l a t h . , B r o o k l y n L Co. 125

E r d m a n n . C. 4 i 9 C l a s s o n a v . . M u l l i n s & S o n s , 112

E a t o n , C , . . B r o o k l y n L A , 1 0 0 E a t o n , E l l a A S a m e . 200 E n t w i s l e , E G, 2 2 9 P u l t o n . . B r o o k l y n L A . 1 0 0 F l e m i n g , W H . B a y l l t h , . M u t u a l L A , 2 0 0 F e e , R M e A , ()91 D e c a t u r , . C o w p e r t h w a i t , 167 F o i l w e l l . G H . 217 L i n c o l n p l , . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co, 125 F r a y , R S. 2 6 0 S t u y v e s a n t a v . . K i u g s Co L

A, 200 F i q u e . R o s e , B a y 1 0 t b . . I M a s o n . 510 G i b b s . C A A . B a y l l t b . , M N a s o n Se S o n s , 1.54 G i b b s , M i n n i e S . 625 L a f a y e t t e a v . , I M a s o n .

13(; Graff, S. 375 B u s h w i c k a v . . J A S c h w a r z . 160 G r u g e l l , W . 1 5 0 S o m e r s . . M i l l s B r o s , 113 G o o d w i n , G W . JOO T o m p k i n s a v . . M u l l i n s Se

S o n s , 115 H a s s l a c b e r , M a u d e G. ,?1S B o n d , . . J M i c h a e l s .

1 6 6 H o f f m a n n , J , 2 2 7 H e y w a r d . . J A S c h w a r z . 103 H o l s t e i n , A C. 6 7 t h n n d ] 5 t h a v . . ' K i n g s Co

L A, 1 0 0 H o p p , J M, 72S C a r r o l l . . . C o w p e r t h w a i t C o .

lOS H o w a r d , H . 140 R o c k a w a y a v . . J A S c h w a r z ,

253 H i g g i n s , D P . 3 3 5 S c b e r m e r h o r n . . F i d e l i t y L

A. 2 0 0 H u s s , L i z z i e . !)3 E a g i e . . P e o p l e s L A . 1 6 3 H e b a r d , F. 4-59 G a t e s a v . . F i d e l i t y L A, 1 0 0 H o r t o n , G A. 2 6 3 . o 9 t h . , I M a s o n . 208 . l a f f ray , M i n n i e , 7 8 F r a n k l i n a v , , , A S c h u l z . 1 3 1 J o h n s o n , E l l e n . 1 4 t h a v a n d 4 6 t h . . M u l l i n s &

S o n s . 186 K a n e , B m m a , 8 3 U n d e r h i l l a v . . M i c h a e l s B r o s ,

1 9 1 K e n n e k e , F W . 3 7 1 P i n e . . . L B a u m a n n . 237 i t a t t e n b a c b , J . 11 S t e w a r t . . M i l l s B r o s . 102 L a F o u n t a i n e , A n n i e . 2 1 4 So S t h . . A S o b u i z .

105 L i l i e n t h a l , J H . 14 V a n V o o r h i e s , . M i l l s B r o s .

117 L u c a s , M a r y . 4 4 2 F u i t o n . . M i l l s B r o s . I i j5 L o c k l l n , P H . 368 B a i n b r i d g e . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co, 316 L a n e , T . 1006 3d a v . . K i n g s Co L A. KM) L é o n . B e r t h a . 229 C l i n t o n . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co,

325 L e w i s , M a r g t . 102 P i n e a p p l e . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co. 170 L y n c h , C P . 133 C o n c o r d , . I M a s o n . 1.30 L u b l i n e r , R o s e . 30fia 5 f U h . . L B a u m a n n . 140 M a t t h e w s , F M. 1127 P a r k p L . . B r o o k l y n L A.

100 M a t h e w s , V i r g i n i a R . 41ÎB ' N o s t r a n d a v

S a m e , 100 M o r s e , S a d i e J . 8 2 4 C l a s s o n a v . .1 M a s o n . 111 M u r a n d a , R , 2 3 6 S t h . . R T r e a c y . 142 M c G o w a n . H D . 7 8 6 F i a t b u s h a v . , B r o o k l y n

L A, KIO M a c k e y . H . 2 1 0 G r e e n e a v . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co .

102 M a r k s , M u s a . 8 7 a S a a k m a n . . J M c E n e r y . 161 M a r s h a l l , W C. 3 9 0 l s t s t . . C o w p o r t h w a f t , ISO M e r k e r t . J A , 104S P u t n a m a v . . M i l l s B r o s . 164 M i l l e r , J B . 3 9 L e e a v . . C o w p e r t b w a l t . 203 M c C o r m a c k , F J . 6 4 9 5 8 t b . . J M c E n e r y 13S M e r g e l , A n n a K , 9 7 0 M y r t l e a v . . B r o o k l y n L

A . , 1 0 0

M i s s e i l , A . 3 8 Q u i n c y . . . ! M c E n e r y . 12S M o r l e y . C B . 1 3 9 « L e l I e r t s p l . . K i n g s Co L A .

2 0 0 M o h a n . A n n i e B . 2 7 3 A d e l p h i . . . P e o p l e s L A .

1 5 0 M a d i s o u , W . 2 4 B e n n e t t . . S u s s m a n B r o s , 1 5 3 M c C o r m i c k . J . B r o a d w a y a u d S p e n c e . . M i i i i i n s

& S o n s . 1 4 6 M o o r e , L i z z i e . 89 A d e l p h i . , . M u l l i n s & S o n s .

1 3 3 M c E v o y , C a m i l l a , 1 2 9 H o p k i n s o n a v . . C o w p e r ­

t h w a i t Co . 2 4 4 N a u s k e r , H . 1004 F u l t o n . . S u s s m a n B r o s . 132 N e v i n s , F r a n c e s M. 1753 A t l a n t i c a v . . I M a s o n .

1 5 6 N i e h o i s o n , L S. 1 2 6 5 F u l t o n . . . I M a s o n . 117 O r m i s t o n , E l i a . S16 H a l s e y . . . M i c h a e l s B r o s .

1 9 4 P a b s t , P . 6006 4 t h a v . , M i c h a e l s B r o s , 1 1 6 P e t e r s o n , A, 2 0 9 4 t h a v . , ! M i c h a e l s . 1 6 1 R o b i n s o u , M a g g i e , 2 3 4 A d e l p b i . . ! M c E n e r y . l 2 ô S a m e . . . . s a m e . S a m e . 1 2 5 R o u s s e a u , H . 7.35 C l ï a u n c e y . . M i l l s B r o s . 124 R o u s s e a u , L u c i e . 7 3 5 C i i a u n c e y . . S a m e , 170 R i c h , M a r y . 1 0 6 1 41)th. . P e o p l e s L A. 1 0 0 R o c h e , R J A. 1 0 3 W i l l o w . . M u l l i n s & S o u s . 122 R y a u , M a r y . 0 7 3 S t e r l i n g p l . . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co. ' 114 R e e d . J . 3 6 0 U n i o n . . M u t u a ! L A . 1 0 0 R i l e y , L u c y E . 468 O t h . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co . 4 3 6 R y a u , M a r y , 4 2 l s t p i . . L B a u m a n u . 1 3 1 S a n f o r d . A i i c e . 7 6 S f J a m e s p l . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co, 2 5 2 S k i d m o r e . T . 6 4 0 H a l s e y . . K i n g s Co L A , 1 0 0 S i m p s o n , M. 1 8 4 S o u t h 3 d . .1 M a s o n . 110 S n o o k , S D . 4 7 5 K o s c i u s k o . ,1 M a s o n . 1 2 6 S t a a l e y , B , 2 1 6 P a r k p l . . . C o w p e r t h w a i t C o .

2 4 4 S t e r l i n g , W W . S3 M a ç o n . . . M a n h a t t a n L A .

2 0 0 S i n c l a i r , C L, 1 2 7 S t J o h n s p l . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

'Co. 175 S e e g a l , E t t a . 3 3 8 O a k l a n d . . M i c h a e l s B r o s ,

135 S a m m i s , H H . 1 4 4 R e m s e n . . ! M c B n e r y . 110 S a r g e n t . A u n i e . 2 3 M y r t l e a v . . ! M c E n e r y . 1 1 3 S a g e r , R . SÔ S t u y v e s a n t a v . . ! A S c h w a r z . 155 S t e a r n s , M A . 2 3 4 A d e l p h i , . . ! M c B n e r y . 174. T h o m p s o n . W F . 3 9 4 D e c a t u r . . E s t e y & S.

P i a n o . 225 T e e d , ! E , 1 3 7 K e a p , , . E s t e y Se S. P i a n o . 315 T r e m p e r , E v a . 2 5 2 F r a n k l i n . . ! M c E u e r y . 112 T y l e r , E F , 3 4 0 P e a r i . . ! . B a u m a n n , 176 T i e r n e y , N e l l i e , 2 7 1 Q u i n c y . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co, 1 2 0 V o s e , E N . 3 7 S h e p h e r d a v . . ! o r d a n . M Se Co .

1 2 4 V a n C o t t , M a r i e . 3 5 So O x f o r d . . C o l u m b i a

L A. 1 0 0 V i c t o r v , J T, 1 3 A l a b a m a a v . . J M i c h a e l s . 4 4 7 V i o l a , B , 1 2 8 P u l a s k i , . L B a u m a u n . 2 8 0 W a l s h , T . 7 3 3 C a r r o l l , . . C o w p e r t h w a i t Co, 1 5 7 W a l l , T E , 2 1 6 6 F u l t o n , . . P e o p i e s L A. 1 1 0 W i l t s i e , A n n e t t e . 126 W a s h i n g t o n a v . . I

M a s o n . 1 1 4 W i l t s i e , S u s i e . 1 2 6 W a s b i u g t o n a v . , , . S a m e ,

1 5 3 W i n t o n , F , 3 4 2 L a f a y e t t e a v . . C o w p e r t h w a i t

Co. 1 2 7

B I L L S O F S A L E .

B r a y Se S m i t b , 3 1 S o u t h , N Y . . M P S m i t b . C o a l P l a n t , 1 .000

B u r k h a r t , F . 1204 H a l s e y , . . ! W a r d . S a l o o n . 3 ,000

E n g e l s , B . 1 8 3 B e d f o r d a v . . M H i r s c h f i e l d . S a l o o n , 6 0 0

E h m e r . A . 2SS C o l u m b i a . , P W a l s h . B a k e r y , 6 0 0

F u g e r n i a n n , I . 1 3 1 B o e r u m , . I L e v i n , S e w ­i n g M a c h i n e s , 150

G r a b i s c h , A. 1690 P i t k i n a v . . M o l l i e G r a b i s c h . Al l i n t e r e s t i n C l o t h i n g B u s i n e s s of G r a b i s c h ' C o h e n Se Co, n o m

H o l m e s , G W . 3 9 0 B e r g e n . , . ! H o l m e s . • B u t c h e r P i x t u r e s . 3 0 0 K a s t n e r , H . 1104 B u s h w i c k a v . . C A B r o w e r ,

' G r o c e r y , 3 .500 K l e i n , ! . 1 2 6 C o o k . . . S u s s m a n O r o s , B a k e r y .

4 5 K e u l e a i a n Sc C a r i s o n . 373 C o u r t . . F l o r e n c e

G a u g e . P a i n t S h o p . n o m L y n c h , ! , . ! ! D o n l o n , S c a t f o l d i n g , &c. 1 0 0 N e h r s , W , 9 3 2 F u l t o n . . ! R a t b j e u . S a l o o n . n o m S o e t b e e r , T, 145 L e x i n g t o n a v . . E m i l i e S o e t -

b e e r , G r o c e r y . 5 0 0 S a e r , F , 6 3 L u q u e e r . . G S a v i n o , B a k e r y , 8 3 0 W c g a n d , J a n d P P . .'18 7 t h a v . . S p r a g u e N a t

D a n k . B u t c h e r F i x t u r e s , n o m Y o n k e r s , T, 6 1 7 G r a n d , . S S t e i n w e g , B i c y c l e s ,

Sec 4 5 0

A S S I G N M E N T S O P C H A T T E L M O R T G A G B S ,

G r o s s , A m y t o ! S c b a e f e r , ( H J a n d G ! C l a r k , A u g 9.) ' 99

S c h a f f e r . H to C a r o l i n e B o t t m a n , (S L N e i e r , J u i y 1 6 , ) u o m







EDWARD SMITH & CO. V a r n i a h M a k e r a a n d C o l o r G r i n d e r B ,

B o o k l e t for t h o aelclDic. 4 5 B r o a d w a y , N E W VORK,

X I L October 28, 1899. IRON AND METAL WORK. RECORD A N D G U I D E .


Consulting Engineers and Contractors. SPECIALTIES: Iron Work for Buildings, Foundations.

Expert Reports, Examination of Structures.

Téléphone, t l50-38th. 128 West 42d Street, New York,

B R O N Z E CHEAPER T H A N W O O D ! NKB1»8 PfO P O L I S H I n C I . Wtn «zldlM uton l lT to • I M Mrtuir

broBie oolor. N«thlog eo olaguit

Gel Onr Pr ice* e n OBstingB BMd Spécial W«rk.

Send Postai Card, or 'Pbon«.

Manhattan Brass Co. 338 Eas t 28th s t r ee t .

JACKSON ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS. Foundriea and Shops, Eaat 23lh and 29th Streets;

Offlce, 315 East 28tb Street.

All Kinds of Iron, Bronze and Brass Work for Buildings, Improved Stable Fittings and Fixtures.

We will be pleased to furnish Estimâtes of Cost or Designs, Téléphone, 2009—SSth,


Offi'.e, Showrooma B.nd "Worka : North l l th and Berry Sts,, Brooitlyn,N.T,

Iron Stairs, Elevator Enclosures atid Cars, Railings, etc. Bower-Barff and Electro-Plate Finishes.

Architectural and Ornamental Iron and Bronze Work.

THE PRINCE & KINKEL IRON WORKS. Téléphone, i32«-38th. 553, 555 & 557 West 33d Street.


STEEL BEAMS.—AU Sizes Carried in Stock.

jno. Williams, J, Mitchell, Jas. Wilhama. JNO. WILLIAMS, B, Stillman, Associate,

Wrought Iron Dept.

""""SfnY 'èntar. BroHze, B r a s s andWrought Iron. Ecclesiastlcal

Foundry and Works, 5 4 4 tO 5 5 6 W e s t 2 7 t h S t . , N . Y . Tel, 212-18th St.


ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. 552 & 554 West 23d Street, New York.

POST & ncCORD, Main Office and Works: Stccl and Iron Construction,

Paidge Ave., Dupont and Setauket Streets, _ ^ . , j . „ .c j r » î j r Brooklyn. BuiIdings, Roofs and Bridges,

JOHN JORDIS, Architectural and 430 & 432 East noth st., New York. Omamental Iron Work

Stairs and Elevator Enclosures a Specialty. f U l i ) U U m i l J | ; o *

H A R L E M I R O N W O R K S , ' 1 Iran Worlt of All Kiods for BuildingB,

Fire-lî sea pcs, Railings, Awnines, e^c. OSCAR G. BORKSTROM. &03 E. lOBth St.. H. V,

S P I T ^ H K & SAMEK, Manofacturers oî Ornamental and Artistic

Wrougtit Iron, Biass and Bronze Work rtf ç-vcvy description.

Wlll be pleaaed to rurnlsb ItBtlmatcs and DealRos.

123 WEST 30th ST. Tel.,403MadlBonSq.

L I U T I D I L J J. B. & J. m. CORNELL,


The Dewey Arch.—The Dewey Tr i -

u m p h a l Arch, in Madison Square , w a s

modeled af ter the a r ch of T i t u s and Ves-

paslan, in Rome. The sculp tures a re the

work of the following a r t i s t s :

Top of a rch—"Quadr iga a n d Vic tory ," J.

Q. A, W a r d .

Group on front of pier—"Call to A r m s . "

Phi l ip M a r t i n y ; "The Combat , " K a r l Bi t ­

ter ; " R e t u r n of the Vic tors ," Char tes H.

N i e h a u s ; "Peace i" Danie l C. F rench , F u l l length of a t t ic—"Commodore P a u l

Jones ," E . C. P o t t e r ; "Commodore Hul l , " H. K. B u s h - B r o w n ; "Commodore P e r r y , " J. Scott H a r t i e y ; "Commodore Deca tu r , " George D. Brews te r ; "Commodore McDon­ough," T h o m a s S, Cla rke ; "Admira i F a r ­r a g u t , " W. Ordway P a r t r i d g e ; "Admira i Por t e r , " J. J . Boyle; " L i e u t e n a n t Cush­ing," H. A u g u s t u s L u k e m a n .

Médail lon head on spandre l s inside a n d outside of arch—"Commodore J o h n B a r r y , " F . W. K a l d e n h e r g ; "Admira i Dav i s , " F . W. K a l d e n b e r g ; "Admira i Dah lg ren , " Casper Buber l ; "Cap ta in L a w ­rence ," H e n r y Bae re r ; "Commodore Bain­br idge ," Ra lph B. Goddard ; "Commodore Preb le , " Carl F . H a m a n n ; "Admi ra ! Foo te , " Freder ick Moynihan ; "Admira i Worden , " Freder ick Moynihan .

Symbolical flgure no r th spandre l—"The At l an t i c a n d Pacific," R. H i n t o n P e r r y .

Symbolical flgure, south spandrel—"The N o r t h a n d E a s t R ive r s , " Is idor Kont i .

Over keys tones of a rch—"Amer ican Eag le s , " Phi l ip Mar t iny ,

Relief on side of a rch—"Progress of Civil ization," J o h a n n e s Geller t ; "P ro t ec ­tion to Our Coun t ry , " Wil l iam Couper.

Décora t ion of the colonnades—"Vic­tory," He rbe r t Adams .

S t a t u a r y group—"The A r m y , " F r e d ­erick W. R u c k s t u h l ; "The N a v y , " George E. Bissell.—N. Y. E v e n i n g Post .

Vent i la t ion of Théâtres .—The four th a n d las t s i t t i ng of the S a n i t a r y Congress was held recent ly a t Sou thamp ton . Con­s idérable in te res t was manifes ted in a paper by Dr. T h o m a s Glover Lyon on "Vent i la t ion for Crowded Bui ld ings and Consumpt ion Hospi ta l s , w i th Spécial Réf­érence to the New Method of Dis t r ibut ion and Remova l of Air ." H e s ta ted t h a t his object w a s to l ay before the Congress me thods of supp ly ing a i r to rooms where there was such a n aggrega t ion of people a s to render some method of forced ven t i ­la t ion necessary in such places a s con-cer t - rooms, public t héâ t r e s , churches , d in­ing-rooms, saloons of ships a n d ra i lway cars . I t was usua l ly considered t h a t each person a t a t h é â t r e should be supplied wi th a t leas t 1,000 feet of a i r an hour. At the Opéra House a t Vienna the figure was 1,000, The necessi ty of mechan ica l ven t i l a t ion in t h e case of crowded rooms and the impor tance of n a t u r a l vent i la t ion were shown by Dr. Ba rwise a t the Con­gress las t year , a n d he also demons t r a t ed how t h e addi t ional expense entai ied in supply ing t h e e x t r a pu r i t y of a i r was amply repaid by add i t iona l o u t p u t in the case of workshops , and e x t r a g r a n t in the case of sehools, The ga in by in t roduc ing good vent i la t ion in offices where c lerks were crowded toge ther would doubtless be even more marked . Whi le agree ing wi th Dr, Barwise a n d mos t au thor i t i e s on the super ior i ty of the p lénum over the v a c u u m sys tem, he would insis t on the g rea t va lue of us ing both Systems to­ge the r—tha t was , of b lowing in a i r a t in-iets, a n d e x h a u s t i n g it from out le ts . Not only by th is m e a n s was t h e a i r in rooms kep t a t near ly a tmosphe r i c pressure , but the necessi ty of m a k i n g the bui lding or rooms a i r - t igh t w a s dispensed with.— London Telegraph.

To Cure F r o s t on Show Windows.—Dur­ing t h e las t win ter I m a d e a numbc.-,..of


experiments ln removing Ice or congéla­tion of water from window panes, using fourteen methods, I found them efîlca-cious in every instance, but some far su­perior to others. That which worked best No. 1, that second best No. 2, and so on. I noted that in shops where there are so-called "box Windows," the congealing was most apparent, and that in some where there was a comparatively dry heat, the Windows were not materially affected.

I place the efficacy of the remédies in the following order: (1) fiame of an alcohol lamp; (2) sulphuric acid; (3) aqua am­monia; (4) glycérine; (5) aqua regia; (6) hydrochloric acid ; (7) benzine ; (8) hy-driodic acid; (ô> boric acid; (10) alcohol; (11) nitric acid; (12) cobalt nitrate; (13) infusion of nutgalls; (14) tincture of fer-rous sulphate. I found, adds the corre­spondent, that by the use of an alcohol lamp (which, of course, has to be handled with great care), the results were immé­diate, and the efEect more nearly perma­nent than by any other of the experi­ments. The sulphuric acid application was made with a cotton-cloth swab, care being taken not to allow any dripping, and so with all other acids. The effect of the aqua ammonia was almost Instant-aneous, but the window was frosted again in a short time. With the glycérine there were very good results—but slight stains on the window which were subsequently easily removed. I hâve had inquiries from retail opticians, who hâve com­plained about their Windows being unser-viceable in very cold weather, and de­siring a remedy. I thought the results of my experiments would reach widest pub­licity through your columns, and conse­quently give the facts to you.—H, C. Dem-ming in the London Optician.

A Close Estimate,—Speaking about close estimâtes, Gen. John M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers, made one some time ago. Con­gress called upon him to estimate the cost of an addition to the Government Print­ing Office. As it was near the close of the session, and Congress was hurriedly get­ting through its work, little time was given General Wilson to consider the mat­ter, but he submitted his estimate, and the appropriation was raade accordlngly. He estimated that the proposed building, ac­cording to the pians and spécifications which had been drawn, would cost $121,-121.90. The building was completed, and there was $0.16 surplus covered back into the Treasury. General Wilson was put in charge of this work, and he took a great deal of interest in it, He ai^ways gave crédit, however, to Lieutenant Sewell, of the Engineer Corps, who had the immédiate supervision of the work, for the care with which the building was erected, and the fact that the cost did not overrun the estimate and appropriation.— Bxchange.

Earthquake Insurance.—One resuit of the rapid growth of seismoîogy is the sug­gestion by Dr. Mario Baratta that provi­sion should be made by insurance against the damage to buildings caused by earth­quakes In certain countries. He shows that since the beginning of the seven­teenth century less than forty earth­quakes hâve been responsible for the deaths of more than one hundred and fifty thousand persons in Italy alone. Moreover, to take but one example, the great loss of Ufe during the Ischian earthquake of 1SS3 was due to the fact that the build­ings had already been damaged by the earthquakes of 1828 and 1881. Dr. Ba­rat ta points out some of the conditions that must détermine the amount of pre­mium that should be demanded by In­surance societies. The most Important Is the degree of selsmlclty of the district; but this would be modified by others, such ca the nature of the surface-rocks and the character of the bulldinga.-Nature.

P E . A 8 T I C , O R A T K I J .

FRED. BRANDT, ^^^^s-r^rxiw » « ! S k „ Corrices., ^ ^ ^

Skylights. B B A N D T ' 8 PATBIVT

Stationary ZincWashTubs Warranted ïor Ten Years,

;Alao a Bath-Tub and Wa%h-Tub Combined.

j 169 E a s t 85th Street , - New York.

Factorr , 44'^ Pleasant Arenne, corner 133iï Street, IVevF Vork.

LEO OPPENHEIMER, Manufacturer of...

Fire=Proof Clothes^ Drying Frames And Patentée of the SCREWLESS


' 521 E a s t l l th S t r e e t , Be t . Avenues A and B, New Vork.

MOESLEIN CEILING "WORKS, 420-422 Baat 48tb Street, New York.

Stamped Steel 'w^aïi Coverings^ "^auiscctït^ and Ceiling.


Tt": Empire

Ventilator Patented

Mareh Sli, 1895.


For Smoky and Faulty Chimneys

without a ElTal for Sanitary Vurposes.

Hermann Doerge, 553 l l t h Ave,, #

Near 42d St., Kow Tork.


Slate aD'.I Métal Eooflng, 364 WEST 46th STBEET, between Tth and Sth 4 T 6 8 .

.TohblnK nroraotlv a t tended to.

Sam'l I. Rochmovitz, METAL GEILINGS,

Wainscot ing and Walle 166 Eas t 3d St., New York.

Eatlmatea Furnlahed.

Portable and Brlclc ^«t Furnaces

tha t wlll give Heat aaH save Coal,

Estlmatea given.

IRA G. LANE, 207 E. fi4th St., New York.


'ô l t ' Ô 3 'FOLTOlVSX/

x r V v O c t o b e r 28 , 1 8 9 9 . IRON AND METAL WORK. RECORD AND GUIDE.

M. GOULD'S SON & GO., Maaufaotnrara ot

ÎBi'ass and Bronze Bailings, I GRILLS AND LATTICH WORK,

F o r B&nks, Offlo«B, Theat ros , Churclies &iid Pr ivâ t* Houses.

Store, 8 3 Reade St . , New York. Faotory, 81 and 63 Hamil ton St., Newark, N, j .


C O K M C E A N D R O O F I N G .

S K Y L I G H T W O R K S , 197 Allen St , BORNSTEIN BîiOS,, Props . Near Houaton St., N.Y,

Te laphonc 2M6 ggr ing.

Manhattan Gornice & Skyligtit Works, ALEXANDER & WEI^5; Prrps.

Tin and Slale Bnnfinp. 4S5 E. HoustonSt., N.Y. Ba,v Windows and Wrndow Capa. l e i . , gSj bpni.g,

The BroQklyn Skylight & Coraice Works. Eetlmatsa furnished

for Sheet Métal a n l Wroufh t Iron Glazed Structures ,

JOHN SETON, 78 and 80

Washington Aye., Brooklyn.

I.MOHrrZ,I>rop. Tel., 104 7»th St.

^^^* f i»L METAL rnni^s CORNICES and ROOFING.

Corrugated Iron W^ork. 1192 A N D 1194 S E C O N D A V E N U E ,

Bet. Q2d and B3d Sts., N. T.

CHâS. EKART, Manufacturer

of the

Gable Drying Frames ï o r R o o l a .

5 2 8 Morr is Ave., near I 4 8 t h St.

IfS Side Walls and Wainscoting. CLASSIFIED DESIGNS

Large Stock, Quick Service. 210 Eas t 23d St . ,

P'hone, 2632—ISth. NEW YORK.

T I C E & J A C O B S , Sclentiflc Constructors of


ILLUMINATING LIGHTS o t Every Description.

Refract ing Pr ls tnâ the la tes t sclentiflc metboa for the diffusion of Light .

Manulac turers of JACOBS' PATENTS.

510 P e a r l S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k Téléphone, 21 Frank l in .

NfiW Y o r k ( COLEMAN & KRAUSE, Propa. I»L 1 i l £ l \ -^ CORNICES, SKYLIGHTS.

ûheet InetaH I^ETAL ROOFING. U l i c g i m c i u i j H o t a n d C o l d A l r p i p e s a S p e c t a l t s Works. 2B7 w . 33a St., N.Y.

M A C H W I R T H & S M 1 T H ,


Iron Corniceâ. Leaders , Gut te rs and S k y l i g h t s .


Brooklyn Vault Light Co.. Manufacturers 'o l

VAULT LIGHTS, SKYLIGHTS, And Patent Light Work ot Every Description.

F a c t o r y , 4 S I D r ï g g s A v e . , T«I., S9&-B WniBbors. (OOT. N . lOâ i St . ) , B ' U y s .

C A M M A C I C R E S I D E N C E ,

T u x e d o , N . Y. B r u c e B r i c e , A r c h i t e c t .

MANHATTAN Cornicos, Skylights, Reofing Works, Estdtuat«s Furnlehed. Bepatrlns In all Branches

M. 8. A, WILSON, 15 »ad 17 Eas t 3d St. TeleptiOD», IttU BprlBf.

THE COLUMBIA Kalameined Iron-CIad Wood Works


543-549 E, 1 l â t h S t . , Tel., 212 Harlem. FITTING Se GLECKNER, Proprie tors .

i - a -3 uor ruga-tions add r ig-iility,and form a beaded joint or lap on all sheets.

Sbeets, M I 96 inches.

Sctiratwieser's Patent Stieet Métal Latti. Tel. , 451 Soutii. 426-428 430 and 432 3d Av,

cor, 7tti St., Brooklyn.


E B T S .


lTI«tBl S l iT l i l ch l s a n d C o r n i e e s , Tin, TUe and Slate Rooflng. No, 333 E, 43d St,.

Terra f olt.n, Vinlals nnrl Cresl.iDc, NR^V YORK, PKTB> MBI^TBR. CRAS, ALBOxmsi.

Standard Cornice Works Tin. Slate and Métal Roofers.

SKYLICHTS AND CORNICES. Roofs Repaired and Painted. Tar, Felt, Grarel and

Cernent Rooiiag. 97 Forsvth Street - - N e w York.

Es tl mates given.

JOHN HOLL, ^ ^ Arch i t ec tu ra l and O r n a m e n t a l I r o n W o r k .

4 0 2 E a s t 104th S t . . t*ew Varie. ' E m p i r e " S la te W a s h T t i b s . -



J38ti i S t . a n d T h i r d A v e . SLATE •WORK

Of Every DescrlpUon,

m • It is no t fhe purpose of T H E D O D G E

C O M P A N Y to issue the statistics r e l a l îng to

a n y b u i l d i n g un t i l the in tent ions of archi tec t

a n d o w n e r a re c lear ly fo rmula t ed .

A l l requests to thîs effect a re faitfafully

compl i ed w i t h . " ^




Téléphone, Comices, Roofing. Fire-Prool 48 Melrose. Doors, Sliutcers and PartitiooB.

433 . 435. 437 BAST i44th STREET. NEW YORK.


Estlmatee fur fiN aud St.iTE HOOFINQ aud SKTLIOHTS. Tel..:;2Ulsprlne. „ .^ ,

I S l T a r i c k S t r e e t - Netv Y o r k .

E S T A B L I S H E D 1868.

S TSE ^ k


KYLIGHTÙ Téléphone,

675—38th St. 243 and 245 West 47tb St..

New York.

Corniees, •

; Skyl ïghts j


Ornamental Sheet Métal Works


410 Eas t 66th Street , Between lst Ave.

and Ave A. Téléphone. l'JT-TStli 8t.f ->•