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Transcript of THE FLORA RECORD

THE FLORA RECORD A Godd Newapaper i« a Power in the^ Home. School, State and Nation




* - Bower's drug stM*. (or 66 yffwa a landmark o( Olney's bftatoess sec-

"nlon, was totaUy deatroyad by fire discovered at 2:46 a. » . Friday.

•The burning of the contenU of the ataik was complete. Hardly a veeir tlge of stock and fixtures rematos within the Walla, which stIU sUnd.

The lire swept-elt the aeeond (loor -«( the Owens vaiwly atora, aaxt eaat to Bowofa and wiped 90* tbb atoelM ot tobaeeo and e«nipaMBt at Cbarta* Britt c^ar uanntfctory.

Swee i^g #eM td th* Baeharaeb hulldtag. th* (ir* at 6 a. m. lodgad In the root, where highly ;e(tectlv* work by the (iremen atQMa^ i ^ QTO-gross. At 8 a. m. fir*, tboagbt to bave eome thru airgates from the basement of the Bower baUdtog, .^ . . l u l l e d in"'the flrst floor of tba, idktlon to the dlt(lcnUl«s confroat-


aotty-Ata (Utooto eonatles were repiiBaitated at tbe annual meeting ot the Illinois Hlgbi^y Improvement assoetotion held/fit Bprtogfleld Tues-day of tbtorweslk.

Tbe miMtUg waa ealled tt> order by WilUaat' O. Eden, president, at 10 o'ettMb'tor a geberal dtoeuaaioa «('tbe'|iO<^ roads coastruettoa pre-lAAaA tStamAat tba^laty mUUon dol-toi% baatLtfsKb.- >•

Lanah*]^ w|n s*rv*d at 18: so to oT*r.t)^rMh''\n^red repreaenutlvea. After ah SMress by Chairman Eden, Qo^aOlOl^Lowdan at>ake for thirty mtoataa ahd gave aasnranee that the syatOin o( kard ro*4a aa out-lined by tba liigtolatur* woultt aiL be con-atruetod aad th* sfbrf Jhished as rapIdiV $A »ossible,'^ Iwt^telled aV

mebaraeb building and the Wllboyt Bros, atore waa flooded with water.

Dr> Solon Eaglaaoa had reaioved bto equipment from the aaeoad floofc o( l:he Bacharach buildtaig.

J - A Stream of water was kept o n \ h e ruins aU day and . frequently ^ the

__ (lames broke ont where it was N thoajiH^t there could be' no tlral

• F i r e - i n t e r s Great W<N-k Th* savtog of the whoto end of

the block weat o( the Bo^rer building «aB be attributed to tha grim and w^Mlraetad work ot tb*«flre-flght-eiK'Th* men staek to the job until it was flntohed, aad natfovMedly sav-ed tba Ba«bar«ab bniMlak. tb* OU n«r Tlmea of ftoe,'tb*>^«rfa7 ^ Sonf hardssare stpre attd tbe bniMlagallil, t b * Mock faolag Whittle av«ns«.<'

Sosaa oK tbe LoaaOs The Bower loaa la the totgeat. The

stoek ta Jnly was sold 4b W. a, Thomls of Danville, for fS6,000. It to stated that, the Insurance agtre-.emAi about 930,000. . ..

'Tne Bower building was owned by 'William JBower. .His insuranee was only t7,e00. P l i a b l y half what a reconstrnetion '^outd cost.

.'Tbe noxt torgest loss will itrObably be by Wllhoyt Bros, whose entire stock Of clothing Is damaged eltber by flro or water.

The losses in the Owens store was more by water than (ire, but trie en-tire stock appears to be damaged.

Tbe toss of Charles Brltt to very heavy.'^It IS said he had in his Ware rooms a two-years supply,of tobae^ stock,, which was destroyed. -^

The Bo^er building will be re-bnlltf during the summer.-^'i-Olney Daily Man: •' • •>'>••'••• • .*., ^


Pearl Eilafikbiai'n and Mtss Nornaa wrade of thto city, were married In vtocMnes, tak., Monday. The bride to the daughter Of Mr. and Mra. Chas. Wade o f ^ x t h street, and to a asember of the Senior claaa o( ibe H. S." T. * . S.

Tbe istidm ta amploired as machin-ist betoar to tb* Baltimore A Ohio railroad abopa to this city. lUr to a n ex-aoldi*r M d wbl)* in tb* army aaw sanrlee tanTrane*.

Th* happy eouple are spending thelrj, hoaeymoon the gnesto ot an annt of tae bride in DaaviUe.


JWashington, Jan. 27.—President 'Wilson this attemoon sent to the Senate the nomination of David Hona on to be secretory of t h e treaaary to succeed Secretory Olass, totely elect-ed senator from 'Virgtola.

Edwin T. Meredith waa nominated to aneeeed HooMon aa bead o( the agriculture depbrtoMmt. '

Dr. Hngh Qummfawa waa named baad o( the - Unitad Stot*B paMto h*aUh servic*. to saeeaad Dr. Rupert

. S i n * , whoa* term had exirtred.

TBiB wtJC tgmmMSo ,

The (la epidemie -ia-th* eitia* to apreadtog, arlth m n ^ pnenmoato. In Chicago tit died and 210» were striek*^ to the 84 hoprs taM Tuesday, In New Tork City t h « « w«re 4083 eaaes that day, white 8L Lmito had SS deaths (riiai pneaaioa-to aad 4 ^ (rom (in tbe aam* «ay.

In ^ r a «ttlt« a nuaiber have had the dlaeaae dartog tne paat (ew days Vat the caae* «s*B mild aad ao one. ao far, to aertaaaly Ul.


The First Katkmaf Baak Saleuuwas robbed a tewjAi and a.beot $i8,0i)0 tolran. mostly (rom -the safety daposib boxes. Otto T*rry, ah Olney man^ Itoa been ar-restlpd as a anapeet.

noiiNois ottwAr ASSOCIATIOX


idg iba sUte at thia time, owing to riHimctM tradsportatlon, the scar-a t f 4H( t«*d Utotartol a^A labor. He atatpC'that wbl l* over Sve hnndred tuUu Ot bard roads were planned (or ISIS on|y 162 miles had. beenr com-inated beeanae of theae conditions. On* tbauaabd ajiles are planned (or ISMt'KVbnr mile of theseTbads will be citopleisd unless prevented by the reasaa's stated-

Illiaoto It seems Is ahead of the otber Stataa In coaatriiMtlon during the yeah 1018. Cblet I^gta«er Clif-iord Oldai' aUtad tbi t surveys of Atary ravtt oot«iutod by tbe legisto-ttite aaaaaaaat wonld be made as rafidly a* poaslbto, permanently lo-oauak WUb read ,for the Informa-tl(tl9 : of counties and construction. Tito .wnrk on iOOO miles for iStO would be iitbrted aa soon as th* #««ther conations permitted.

AU the represObtattVea from the slxty-tlve countlest-'#ere muih pleas-ed i^th the ittfotinatlon given and cam*' itVay feeliif^ assured that Il-linois would within a few years be '^pulled out of tb* mud" and have a hard roacf sysftan^ that would be a credit to the ata,te.


i M w r JiBdicott'was '>orn in Posefr-vil||,-ilnd^. May 7th. 1S8», died ia Flora, III., Jan. SSrd, 1920.

Ma forflieriy lived at Vo/rls Olty, but for - the past eight yours has made hto home with hto son, W. C. Bndlcott, and f a m i l f

Ha -was the father of' nlne'cbll-drM, (e iu of whom., are living. Mhi. BetlM'tMba and Strar Otto Jebnsort ot Norrto City, Oeorge of McLeans-boro and W, C." ot Flora, and one brother, Calvert- Bndlcott. of Oran-lte City, "rb* wlto and five, rhiliiren preceded him.

He was a member of .the Priml-Uv* Bapttot ebareb a a ^ reallved the end was near and told hto loved ones that he was ceaAy to go. . ^

All that loving hapda afid tho<tcht-ful care cduld do wai done, but to bo avail and hts spirit weat to the Ood who gave it. ,

'Fonerat eondnetaff by mi. V. a. Johnson Saturday at the reaiaen-j* of hto son, W. C. Badteoto, with bur-tol at Norris City.


"Vhe marr^ge of Holland Bogard to Htos Otodys Manifee took place Janaarr 1st, at the bbm* ot the brtde In Hooston, Teaas. The wsddtog waa a qul«t home, affair, tne mintoter of thn Baptiat ehurcb offlctottog. The, bride Is a verjr lovely And ac-c*9tp}tob*d yc/«tng<lady and an aetive worker in the Bapttot ebareb. The tr»iim Is an Qtoey b<qr -a gradnato of the- Olaey high ' sehool class of I t l l , and alao of Chleago unlver-slty^ a * has baaa'employed aa.pbar m^etot by. Sebaaider, Caswell Drug Co., at Wllmott*, Ul., (or several yaara. He ealtotead to an eariy call (or volunteera and retnmed (rom overaeaa toat June. Hr. and Mrs. Bo-gard wOl raalde In Wilmette, III.— Olnay Advocate.

TMI Crpom to a nephew o( Frank Bogard aad Mrs. Charles Hkrter ot near


aakWjiCest TjOtteSaato,

HOUSKKKBPaa DTAinNED A woauw who to looking (or a

yermaaeat^ ptoce to tak* (uU 4;barge , « ( a modera bnagalosr. Haat. bot and

•Iwld water, etoetrte Itgbts, vacnnia, j^lrott. tta., te a taaiOy ot two, when;

« * «thbr belp ta'kapt. ^ a g e s ta a«4 %',tord to service given. In the eonn-

t iy two mltos from.Salllvan, III. 4d-fraaa Clyd^'O. Pattarson. Snlllvan.

? '•' '. - - 4 — ^ - r - 'r ' WSD AT^kpONSiOUTH

dbaa. F. Dariaad ba* bean nieeted to tb* oinee at ataa praaident o( the Oitoago Haal SMate Beard. He also contteuea ta b r a mambhr o( the Cook County Real Estata Board. .Mr. Durtoad to aa otd Flora boy,

and to oae of th'e many of our boys who bare been aneceastui to theto bnstaiss^aSbtirs. The Record with a boat o( old b a a e (riead* heartily COB gratatotrUMi k i having thto bonor .bestowed apoa btm.-

Oa Novatober 16, I S l f . Mr.^O. F. Baaa aad HIsa Anda RouU (aa^ Qoop

•«r) were united to marriage at Mon-- moath.

Mr. Bass was tOraMrty trom luka > a d Mfta Koatt tWMtt StoBf0f4 town--^btp:-.'' ' . , ••.

All loto la wtoblBK tbem a M(i uriM aroageroas Joamiay tkr

Tb*y ariH reside fa Ohio.

The ofllcors ot Roman Beauty camp No. 697, Royal Neighbors ot America for the ensuing, term, wore installed Monday night, by District Deputy, Mrs. Bva'O'Donnell of Ol-ney and Ceremonial. Marshal, Mra. E. A. Medley o( Flora.

OracIo-^Mrs. Miranda Valbert. Past Oracle—Mra. Francos Shriner Vlee Oracle—Mra. Nona Brown, . Chancellor—Mrs.; Masma- Q o M ^ : Reeorder—Mrs.- SU|Hi|Mtll Wilson. R^lcelvar—Mtas Myrtle- Dtekersoar Marsbai—-Mra. Martha WooA Aaa't. Maraba^-^Mrs. Flora Med-

luT^at Sentinal—Mrs. Clara Sher-merhorn.

Otttor Sentinel—Mra. Hattle Irwta Manager—Mrs. Hasel Brjran. Phyalfitoa—Dr. ntlrchlld. Faith—Mrs. Haael Bryan. > Modestr-'Mrs. Slisabeth Bunch. Bndarance—Mra. Rena Klnaamaa. Unseiflshneas—Mrs. Leota Wood. Courage—Mrs. Mae Davto. There ^ I n g a large number o^

visitors the doors were opened aad tbe Instaltotlon made publl^. "*

Refreshmento of sandwicbes, pie-' kles and Ootta/a .were aerved, and a social time was ealoyed by all prea* ent.

U l O i p H T HBRB F O a BURMI*

Mrs. Sarab Jane Wheeler, wKe ot the tote Baqaire Thomaa 'Wbaeblf passed away at the home of her nap-hew, F. H. Logan In Oreenabung, Ind., last Suaday of eerabral hemma^ri^ . . < . . . , ... .. v. rage, age 77 years. 9 mo4ths and t% »»trnetlons and likely will days. Mr. Wheeler died at bto homef ta re«ume duties .Wednesday. Thto Is In this city about ton yeara ago.

The remalna Were bronght ta Flora Sunday afternoon, accompan-ied by her nephew, Mr, Logan aind

brother, Richard Simmons of Mun-cle, Ind,i Bunday anemoon and th* interment occurred in -the family lot la Elmwood cemetery. ' \ .



Mr. and Mra. Ray Aggas ware eal-led to luka last waek, owing to Ill-ness of Mrs. Aggas' mother.

B. J. Blatter was ott a faw days laat vreek aad visltad with tba bome boys at Olney. , ^

W. W. Wood", our popular-sontb end brakeman, took rbis son to Ol-ney one day laat- week ,to aee lir. Oeo. Weber at the Olney aanatorinm.

Federal manager'a special and hto j|taff was otl onr raito laat Friday on tour of Inspection. They were ae-Mtoipanied by Superintendent C. O. Stevens from St. Louis to Flora. Masars. Mowry aad Don Ctork wera th* train er*w.

Several aasea Of fltt ainong the ra^lreaid boya/ C. H. Creager'a little glri, Joe Loag and family, W. F. CtoidweU and (amlly, C. VS. Leonard, also onr own s^lt snagged' an ag-gravated caae of flu. W* stuck to the job until tbree p. m. Friday, weat helme, put onr feet In a bowl, (larga fl4e) of bot water, pnt cayenne pep-p«ir poda in th» water, soaked onr fott. lungs and back with Vloks Vap-or^b, then called Dr. Finch. Doek says good work young maa you re-main to bad until Honday. He came aiiain isnnday and I, good patient, w^s still In the "hayl". Oot up at 9 k. m. Monday without am ache or

n and rematoed tadoora as per


I bav* too baMoto of good aoand Joaalbatt. Applea which I srHI sell Satarday. Jan. / l a t , lOSO,' at the n o M Seed and Millku wmpany mUl at $ « , • • Rof' barriM at fS.OO gar buahel. Pbone yaar order^ br com* and as* (or yourseU. All lipples de-livered to yoar>4aBa.»nMMM 4 4 . L. B.jJKelth. L. R „ K n * 4 , Sa iea j lan-ager. •

—rt.—., •' •*"u. a. L. Oibba, -eaahtor at (ba^ C1m.1t

CKy Baaktac 0D..-^«as a Msipeaa visitor iU' rioH, WeAaaaday.' -

Eari H. Hippie "wtoard o( tba xyldphone," is the manager > ( ' t b * Hippie Concert company which i s ' to appear here at Library HaU, Monday evening; February 3nd.

Etoch ot the other three members of the conJkpaby to thoroughly exper-ienced In concert work.

The company^S program, as uaual'^ ly given, to both classical and DRP-utor to character,although a strict-ly claaalcal program will ,b* g l i ^ 00 reqi^esti,

The members of ' the HIppte Oon-cer(-company bave earned a fpleadid reputotlon as enterUtaers. Enthus-iastic words of commendation hav* been written concerning them' to all parto ot the United Stotea. ^

Tbe'^rsobnel' o( tbe company to as (oUowa;

Barl H. Hippie manager, xylo-phone, sblotot, tro^1>onlst, drums, traps ai>d noveltlea.'

Asel A. Osborne, violin soloist and saxaphone.

Mrs. tiarl | ^ Hippie, ptono sololsti planologues. xylophone and phone. ^

Chrtot Knudsoa, flue eololst and comettot. .' Program Earl HIppte Ooaeert Com'

»aay. Library Hall, Moafar/ February Seeoad

Pride of thosTaakee, bavy Mareh ;. , Soasa

sansUne and. Flo'wer*. Overture . •.....'.. . — . . P. Haaa Flath Encore, Dmmology (Noaab^ drum

number) Flate Solo—La Travlata.... Popp

By CbylBt Kbudaon Eneore,^ Polk*. Tksoaph the Air — J.—~ Damm or Vtolln Solo, Mlunirka peCon- .

.........^^ Vueta Ltebatftand... K>a^*i

Huatlag Seeaie ..~ .^...i^oalaaai amaata The . WbtotWr .A'-Hto Dag' —«..^L^...u.wv.'.»-.«.t..i...' Pryor

Light CavalrMDverture.— Sappe Bacore, T I g 7 Rag.

aongs of the Sunny Sontb Lampe Encore—TeU Me ytf(g.

Ptono Solo, OrffV ^^lga.,j^..aaratata Ltost's 12th RfaAi;^^^. Eaeore, Ptonologs-^4oap. When I

Ato't Oot You—Mrs. HIppte. Orpheus' Overture <)Sattbaoh

Encore—Annie litnrto. 8a*aphone Quaretta

Litstyiel-Keler Bela Baeore—Slldus Trombonns.

Bobemton Oirl Selection Balfe Eneore—I'm Forever BIbwtag Bub

blaa. Flnt*—Trombone-Plaao Trio.

TItl's Serenade. Baeore—^Beantlfni Ohio.

Xylophone aolo, Ltostba AtoAaA Rhap •''body.' . . ; • : ' • '' '•

Enc^r*—Tb* Koaary ' (IVitb taar Miftato)' .....J......:... t b r t HIppte

Battto « ( San Taaa u m . » J M j t n r " - Polka tor e o n e t solo NMPSpo ber used by Mr. Sktaaer. BUtar^Ai^bara. Obi1>ry't!!base Tears (or Trombone.

a Jfttte good advise (or others, "It yba (eel It coming on' do as I 'did aa ^ you will be O. K."

ilti the early SO's there whs prgan-Ixed a local lodge of Brotherhood at Railway Trainmen. Thto lodge aiijfi formally dedicate and as a char-jidf was given tbe number 320 I. L. Pprlltigame In honor ' ot tbe then tqiiDraaster, who has since we think al present Oeneral Bupertntendent of the .Great Terminal R. R. assocla-tu>n of St. Louto- The lodge pros-pered all these years nnder the name of I. L. Burllngame and when the world's cfuel 'i ar broke ont. their roster was depoleted eighteen good and true men who lett their horaes, friends and occupations ia order to make tb* world aafe (or daniaeraeyr Th*q there were 18 red Hktaits bbng upon the wall to tedi-cate the' mlsalng ones who were over t h e r * ^ ^ w*re In oamps, bravely a i^ l t lag the call. Then eame the sad newa aad up went a gold ator. Bro-ther Max H., Summer, a tonk gun-ner bad paid the supreme saeriflee. 80. finally all the boys from the 320 retui^ed and as a fitting memory to their dead brothera add comrade th* lodge name to now lifi M. Sum-mer « . of R. T. 880. Aad If ta the !fitUire neceastty aarivea and It Is neoessary tq again (ight the Hun may the boys again emaulate tl^em lamented brother and cqmrade M. M. Summer. Just a line or two more in' iagard to the .1. Iu: B,urllngame lodge we (tod one charter mem-ber James. Cntrter a cbnductor on C. B. A O. yet paying dues to 880 as tralasman. Also C. E. Hendricks a member sine* 1886 ot the B. ot R. T. although not a eharter member o( tbto lodge.




bto His

,Ood Itranalatee and crowns workers, but H* 'calrries on work. ^ I - • i

A gr4at Improvemeat Is being made In our Central Christian Adv vocate though It haa been one ot the beat church papfrs frabMabed by aafy denomination. Four .pages -of church news and Centenary information each week and a speelal Issue once a month, wtt{i 18 pages of thts spec-ial material, will be added to the already exeeltent papar. The thrill: Ing atory of what Is being done with the Centenary money and the reporU ot aueeeaa In the campaign for a mil-lion aouto between now and Jnne 1st, will maka Inapiring readVac for tbe people. A copy ought to he tonnd In every Methodist bome In the land. All of the tolent of our Centenary leaders will' be thrown into tbit at-tort- , '

Some folks can get to church on Sunday when the walks are ley, mud dy or good. Neither «ala nor edid,' bad reada or good roads ean keep them ayifiy. Tkey work aa hard as tbelr neighbors, but are bot too tirad' to get ont ot bed Sunday miming. They worabip Ood Instead of snoose on -the' LorrKjs day. They' feel rest-ed . on Monday momiag and theh^ eyea are lifted to the innllt hllto. They get aomethtag out of thto world and tbla world g^to aomethtag out of them. They ar* b«tter oft than tb*y wonld be l( they trle<^to draw themselves within ttaemselvaa and then pull what waa lett of themsel-ves ta atter them. - Some of our beat Simday school scliolars are patching the churoh-go-Ing habit.

Come next Sunday-W, C. MACURDY, . ' Pastor.


James Armstrong dtod at the bom* ot his nieee, Mrs. Benton Hoard In West Flora, Snnday night, after an iUpeaa of about ten days. The body waa iwmovad te tb* Haaooelii under-taklag pajriors on Third and Locust street to await the arrival of. rato-tlves from Wyoming.

Funeral servtees will be held at Beutoh church Friday at 11:00 a. m. Interment will be mad* ta J*aklns cemetery.


S u t a of Illtaois, Ctoy County, ss: In the Circuit Court. March, 1020.

Otonn Oull*|t vs. Orac* Oultott ta Chancery.

Affidavit of the non-resldenee of Orao* Oullett, the above defendant, having been filed In the Clerk's of-flee of the Circuit Court of said Coun-ty, notice is therefore hereby given to tbe said aon-restdent defendanto that tbe comptotoant fllt^ his bill of complaint In said ^^afi,' on the Chancery side thereof. o/^'pM 20th, day of January. 1020, and that there upon a snmmons Issued out of said Court, whereta said suit to now pend-teg, returnable on tb* second' Mon-Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Oltl^and Uv-

ing aaar Vandalto, were greatly enr- ' • • ' "> "»" "»<»?*•> *>' March next, aa prUad Sunday wben a number of '• »»y '»»' require*. Now, unless you tbelr aelghbors arrived boaring *••• ••'*> non-r*ald*nt d*f*ndaato

•imian 'i"t


Ruth Fem, daughter ot Hr. and Mrs. Alfen Ooldei was bora in Far-ina. Illlnoto. June 17, 1894. Sha waa edacatbd to th* V lora public schooto ^ d n a t t a g (rom the high sehool ta tbe class of 1012. Sbe later grad-uated ta plaao and voice trom.tba Foreat Park university, St. Lobto. Mo. A year later she graduated froaa the KrtMgbr Sehool of Mttalc. St. . Louto. , • "'"

~At the ag*o f IS she professod *1-Mgianca te Christ and waa bapttoad and rofialved Into the First Metho-dist Bptocopal eburcb of this olty. by the late'Or. L. W. Thrall. Sbe b»-, gan plj^ytaf tor the primary elasa / wben only b ehUB and toter for tbe^ Sunday' aebool and then for tb* church. For toir^iwars she had b**n the ettlolent and.faithful plantot tor the eharoh. It wonld be Impoaaibla to speak too highly ot bar work ia this capaelty. - . "'•' •

During a vtolt to Camp Jobnaoa at Jacksonville, Florida, ab* waa marrie4 to Mr. Meryl Lovelao* Oa-ban. May T. IS l8 , Atter a hoaay-mooa of a weak abe was ealtod ' hoate by the news of tha iltaeaa at^ ber tatk*r, who died July 81, i S l S . Idr. Oaiaa soon after went to Franea In the sertrlee of his eonntry. He ra-turnfd froi^ France July 15, I S l f . Their married Ufe was short but beautiful. Mr. Oahan's devotion doc-, ing bU stoy ta Franc* was moat beautiful,

. Ruth had a aunny.and happy dla« position wbleb she retained to th* end. During her very great suffer-ing she at^l smiled and manlfeatoA that hippy disposition which bad characterised her throngh Ufa, To know her was to love her. Her mna*. Ical taleiUa so WllUngly used at all times nuld« K*r a great favorite wherever sb* wMt. Her devotion and fatthfhlness to tbe oburch wa* most beautitui hnd endeared her to th* ehureh peopte. Msy her manti* jfall upon' athe'rs.

We oannot undersund why one so i i sa^4^d4i; iat hilving antered attyf li^e'aEonld'Ee oalieS away, but we bow in M(binto*lon'to tfca irill oVWln-Father and say. "Thy ariU b^ doa*."

At the ago, pt >6 years, ^ m o a t h s and S 4ays, sbe has oaaiA^Lfrom har labora and on tba m o r a ^ of Jaa-aa*r 29. ItSO, ake went td hay eroiwn tag. She toavas a husbaad, mother and stoter b*Bld«a many r a ^ t j v ^ and friends wti<9 mourn her very and-den departura. She haa done ber. work well and bas gone to r*eafv# from her Lord that "Wall dOM, good and toitlifiil sarvant, anter ia-•to tha Joys of thy Lord-"

Funeral serviees ware held at ' tb* Methodist Episcopal church at 8:09 o'clock Saturday aftemoon, oonduet-t ed by Rev. M. C. Folts, of Mt. Ver-non, frho was pastor of %ba Flora eburch for four yaars, aaslstad by Dr. ,W. C. Macurdy, preaent paator. Th* body was told to rpst by tb* sl^a of her (ather la, the family lot l a Elmwood cemetery.


T^ the Tax Fayeds of d a y Ooaaiiy

baaketa wtth, evefy conceivable good tbtag ta the country larder— and tbe name is legion. The dtaner was eertalnly a triumph and the un*xp*cted hoeto were bnoyaatly happy over this graetoaa axpresalon ol goad wHl. Th* gaesto were Mr. and Mra. WM Gtoagg, Mtoaea Atha and Ina Gregg, Mr. aad 1 ^ . Waltor Roe* and danghter. Alma Fem, Mrs. Hugk Utterback and children. Ve-na and Sfllle; Mr. aad Mra. Cleve Butler and daughters Neva, Lucille and VIvton: ki^' and Mrs. Reed Mieebell J. W,"iUd Velma; Mr. and Mri. B. C. WUttita, Miss Ada an4 Edwin Wdfetb; Vr. and Mrs. Colie Oliver and daughter Bthel; Mtoa Hart of Montgomery, gueat of Fof> est Oflyer; Robert M'cKee.

Mr. aad Mra. OilUtond have been occuptlnf the Brown (arm tbe past four years and • have made many frienda,. who regret that they are leaving tor Illtaois to remata per-manently.—Vandalto, Mo., Leader.

Mr. aad Mrs. Ollliland mdfed from Xenia to Vandalia, Mo., about seven years aia, Mr. OUUtond lo bla letter to tb* R*cord says: "We are always glad t 9 f * t th* Record, aaw* a|re abl* to fM^ )|irsp|w. (rom bom* tbat we wouldn't VA atlparwiae."

.. ll, y^ ' 'I'

Catt',*n; StaaCord and Obai^dtor •rbaai jwar BfaChlas a**ds deaalag aad prseabig.

above named, Orac* Oullett, sbaU personally be and appear betore aajd Circuit Court, oa tha flrst day of tbe meat term tbareof, to be holden at Louisville, ta and tor the safd Coan-ty. on be second jMottday ta jflareh aaxt, aad ptoad, tJattfat, er domnr to the aald eomptolnant l^lll ot eom-piaint. tba a a m e ^ d tbe matters and things . therein charged and stoted will bar teken aa contessad, and a de-gree entered against you aceording to the prayer of said bill.


Dated at Lontovllle, Illlnoto, thto Sdtb day oC JJui.. 1*20.

SHRINER- A SMITH, Oompl'to. Sol. 18-21


At the bome on Sixth street, Tue* day-afternoon. Miss Margarat Maba Celebrated bar twelfth birthday. NMe littte schoolmates were her guesto. Thay shewed tbefr friendship by pre-senting Mtos Margaret a handsome seal rinlt. .-''-. •-.

After games and li lolly good tito* utoltoloua refraahmlMnto wer* served

Those present wer* B*rnlc* WH-SOB. BUaan Ntohoto, Audrey Karr. Cal lata MidCawley, Margarat PblUps. ^, .. Marguerite Bowman, Vida Harrtspa, !('"•**• Pearl Bowman, Majorie Irwta.

The tax baoka will be eompletad and tnmed bter to me by. Moaday February the Sad, aftar whleb ttm* the taaas will be due aad payabto at my eftie*. When writtag to flad tb* amoaat ot your taxaa, give aa exact dasfriptioa of your proparty. I( poasible, aend ta your laat y*ar* rOeelpt.

' To (aeUltote matters. I have af>-rangei] with tb* dl((*rent bank* of the county to aaalst In the eolteotloa. If you deaire, go to your baak aad flI) In t m deecription ot yatft pro-perty oa blaafcs sent f r o a / t b e > ot-dce. Tba btoaks will be folNtiMed to the offtee and we wlU mail tbeai Ml* statement of the amount due. Then you- may pay that amonnt Into tbe baak at my credit, and yonr r*-e*lpt ai i ; be mailed to you.

I deaire the keart^-cooperatloyi at arary tax pajrer.

A. K. KBlil^nilS,'^ Treaaurer A Coltoctor.


f: Mra. G*org* Toek*y at RtojMd,

» caaat of- l i ia . W^ J: Outtetagt' •m-anttbiiAii Voaaat, lfoai«Sat«.

aeday vtastll Moaday. . ' i

Laat waak F. H. simpaoa had Bd Otadar mark the MIdtond Tiall tbm Harter .aod Stoaford townships. Tbe offtetol marking to two six In^h strip* of oranga aad one aU Inch strip of


At MqaiiM: night's niaettag o( tba





•» •>

^Romance of At ; BlackhauikWar \

j sBBBBBBasMaBsaaaammaama i Bsr aANOALJl rAKRISH I

ZtatAAtAlmAtr \ • ^rat'Htas* Mik

•jMnAitow BT atwoi Mnat <

Ciwi|»tbyA.C. Atsa,




L.iar OI sicaog down he had scarcely lalaed hto eyes (rom ofl the pewter ptote be(ore him; bnt at last thto was emptied, and he lifted his bead, to star* ont through the open door, tato hla fkc* came a look of dumb. In-articBlato fright, as hia lips gav* ut-terance to on* cry of warning.'

TXHAI Lookr With swift tura of tb* head I aaw

wbat be meant—a man on horaeback,

iMiag Bt'a aavai* salt ap the trail, directly for tke cabta, bent so low In the saddle hto featares conid not be dtoceraed. but, from bto clotbtag, an-qneationably white. I was wltbout th* door, Tim bealde me rifle In band, when the (ellow swept aronnd the base o( tb* oak, still staring behind him, aa ihnngh in (right oC pnrsners, and flog-ging hto straining borse with tb* ead W a rsln. Ha appeared fairly eraaai |riib iaat. aaasrar* U bto bllad tatror

' af tbe dos* prozliaity of tbo eaMa. "Hold e a r I yelled, aprtaglag tmt-

ward, oiy anas threarn np, diraetly ta tb* aalmal's course. "Stop, yoa (ool I"

I know aot whether the (nditic ebaeked ItoeK, or l( the rider

tela, bat tb« beast atopped, half reariag. aad I gased with amaaeaeat tato tbe revealed (ace o( the maa—b* was Jo* klrby. JBetors 'I conld apeak. «r move, ke burst into worda.

•nraal Kaoxl My Ood, man. who-aver yon are, don't rafnse me shelter I"

"SbelterT From whatr my baad eloatag 00 a ptotol butt

Tadiaasl Be merelfnl, (er Ood'a Tbay are there In tba valley.

ladlanal , ^ Merelful far Ctod** Saha,*

they are after me. I Jnst escaped them—they were going to burn me at tbe stoke!"

I glanced sside at Tim; bto rifle was flung forward. .Then I looked qnlckly back- at the man, who had already dropped from hts borse, and ^med scarcely able to stand. Wss this tmet hnd hr ridden here unknowing whom he woald nieet, with no other thonght bnt to save his lifet Heaven knows he looked the part—bto swarthy fice dirtied, aith s stsin of blood on one 'Cheek, his shirt ripped into rags, bare-beaded, and with a look of terror ta his eyes not to b« mistaken. Vlltota and savage as I knew him to be, I still felt a strange wave of pity aweep ma —pity nnd tenderness, mingled witb hatred and distrust

"klrby," I said, and strode In be-'twees htm snd Tim's leveled weapon.

. "There to no friendship between us— aow, or at any time. I believe you to be a miserable, snarling dog; bnt I would save even a cur (rom Indian tot tare. Did you know we were beret"

"No, so belp me Ood. I saw the . cabin, and hoped to flnd help."

' m e savages sre (ollowlng youi" •Tfaa—yes; seet Look down there

—there are half a hundred of tba devils, and—and Black Hawk."

" ^ the holy smoke, Csp, he's right —tliere they sre!" sung out Kennedy, pointing excitedly. "The cusa atat a lyta". What'll we dor

L-saw them also by this time, my mind In a whirl o( tadectolon. What ahonld we dot What ought we to doT We shonid have to flght to the death-there was no doubt at that. An at-tempt to get away was manifestly lm-poesible. Bnt whst about thto rene-KtAa, thto tofemal sconndrel, thto heU-honad who bad been tralltog ns to kill and deatroyT Should we tnra bim baek

t BOW to his deserved tote, or shonid we orr«r bim the same chance (or lUe wa badi. He mlgbt flght; he might add aae illto to oor dafsaae; be might help •a to bold ont natB raacaera cam*. AM tbaa—thea—after tbat—we could asH^ onr aoof*; Tba's voice broka tba alUilce,

"I reckon we ain't got nineh ttma." tf* nald grtosly. 'at's oae tbtng, 'er tha «i«!-r. Cm (er givln* the d— beggar a ciumet I can't tura no white maa •ver ter Injon*—not m& Klrby's gat • soa. a*" I laekaa we're gate' tat tat

• fAAt *am aO afbr* tbli Mans ftticH tAJomjiaiihr ...i.- twu.. .

'Aao 1 agro* wito yoa. Skit n«dy," said Elolse, clearly, apadMag' (rom the open door. *iUciiteaaiit Knox, no one here baa more to (ofgiva than I. W* mnst gtve the man rafa^ —It wonld be tohuman not to." - ' v'Oo lo!" I said, grimly, to Kliby,

looking hlra squarely ta the eyes. "And then play the man. If you car* to live:"

I lingered there npon the outside (or a moment, bat (or a moment only. Th* advaoclhg cloud at savages were at ready coming np the slope, gradually spreading, ont tato the (arm ot a fan. The majority were mounted, although several straggled tbrwatd on foot Near their center appeared the omin-ous gleam of a red blanket, waved back and forth ss thongb in signal, but tbe distance was too great ;for ray ayes to distinguish the one maaipulat-tof It We were trapped, with onr twcks to the wall.

There were but \tm p^arattona to be ma<|e, and I gave smsll attentloa to Kliby nntll tbsse-had been hastily completed. The doar snd window ware barred, tbe powder and slogs brongbt up from below, the rifled loaded aad primed, the few loopholea betweea tbe logs opened, and a pail o( water ptoeed within easy reach. Thto waa all tbat oonld be done.

Kennedy made use of the fellow, ot dering him abont almost bratolly, aad klrby obeyed tbe commands wltbont

an'answering protest To all appeai>-aneea ha was aa eager as we in the preparations (or defense. Bnt he could not commsnd him; to even address the feltow would have been torture, (or even theo I was without (alth, with-out confldeace. Th* very sneaktagi coaranlly way In #hlch he acted did not appeal tb me as nstural. I conld not deny hto story—those approaching Indians alone were proD( that be fled trom a real danger; and yat-rond yet, to my mind b could not anything but tr<tachery. I but one deaire—to kick tlw crlnglnf cur.

I stood at a loophote watching tbe approaching savages. They bad halted Just/below the big tree, aod (oor or flve hal( hidden bj the huge trunk, wera In conanitotion. well beyond rifle shot Assocad by their attitude tbat fb(a attack would not be mada Immedt-ately, I ventured to tura my. lata slightly, and take flnal survey o( tb* room behind. Tim bsd stattoned him-self at the other side o( the door, hto eyes klncd td a narraw opening, both hands gripped on his gun. Blols* ahd the colored girl, the one dry-eyed and alert the other prone on the floor cry-ing, were whera I had told theiin to go, tato tba darkest comer. Tbd boy I did not aee, nor even ramember, bnt Klrby atood oo the bench, which en-abled bim to peer out tbrough tbe loop-hole in the window abutter. Wbat I noticed, however, was, that Instead of keeping watch without' bis eyea wera furtively wandering about tbe room, and, when they auddenly en-countered mtae, wara aa, laatantly averted.

"Wbera waa It you met tboa* la-dlana, Klrby T" I queeUoned atemly.

"Down the valley." "Last nlgtatr "Tbto morning: tbey sariMrtoed na ta

camp." "In campl thera wera othen with

you, then. Who wera theyt the party yoa bad trailing usT"

"Yes," a decidedly sullen tone, creep-ing tato hto voice. "Five pt Ibeia; ona araa a Wlbnetwgo." , ^ "And Rale was along, I • preaum*. What became of the otheraT'

H* shook bto head, but wlUi ao abow at (eellng. • ' ,

"That'a mora thka I know. Thinga wera hot enough for me without botb-ertng about the rest. I.never saw any of them again, except Rale. He was klUed ta the flght About an bour after that I shot the buck who was xuardlng mi, and got away on bis Itors*."

"What Indtona were tbeyr "Saca mostly; some Foxes, bad inay-

be a Wtimebago or two." "Waa Black Hawk with tbemt' "I don't know-^I hover aaw Black

Hawk." I (elt flrmly cenvlncM tbat h* 'waa

deliberately lying, and yet tbera waa nothing In bis story which might not be true. No doubt It waa prejudice, personal hatred, an^ distrust which led IB* to come to this conclusion. Well, true or not I mesnt to seal tbat be fought now. '

"All right bnt I'advis* you to keep yoor 'eyea ontatM ' I aald steraly. "Don't b« staring about the cabin any more."

"I was looklag lur aattuKifSaa to eat"

"to that aot Well, yoo bettor'atand It (or awhile wlthont eating. Wbat to It Blotoer'

"Please let me hand bim aom*(bodf" I beattated, conaclona that I disliked

even tbe thought of her serring the feltow ta any way, yet nnable to redtot tb* *ag*r plea ta ber eyea

*Tary well. If yon wish to; only keep down out of range: thoae Indtona nwy try (or the loophole*. It to mot* than you deaerve, Kliby."

He made no revonse. and I watched him eloaely aa be endeavorad to aat wbat abe proffered bim, and (elt con-vinced tbat It was hard work. The asaa bad lied about being hungry; b* waa not to need at (ood, and my deep-lootad aaqdclon at Mm only flamed ap aaaw.. .

• haad gripped at my ale*ve tlinldly. aad I- turaed qnlckly to encounter the

at Aaa Hall. Never did I read depth o( (ear In the expreaalon

at any (ace—it was ttie wild, unreaaoa-teg'terror at an animal.

*Wbat to tt my boyr I f a bim. aeh." be wbtopered. bto

r trembUng so I eonld scarce catch worda. "Thet (eltor tbar. He'*—

he's tbe oaa I aaw toa' nlgbt witb Btock aawk."

•Aia aa I'

~ici. aan; i nuoa una. a sBW-Afw plala aa i do,now." ' ' I «lo mit know why. Imt aasry bit af

eridcnc* agalkst- the maa eaito fa'

-KttAy, Stand Upl Drap That RMaj"

ataatly tbroaglag beck to my mind'— tb* chance ramark of Throckmorton en tbe Warrior about bto aaspicton at In-dian blood; the high cheek bones and thta Upe; the boy's earlier deacription;

tAa manner In whicb our traU bad-bMa so relantlesaiy followad;' the atrange emblem (ound pinned to the blanket: I seemed to grasp tbe en.#e trath— tbe wily, cowardly scheme of treachery he was endeaVoring to perpotrat*.' My blood boiled ta my velna, so< yet I (elt cold aa lee, aa I a w i ^ abont and (aeed tbe .<eUow, my rifl* flung (or-ward. .

"Klrby. atond npt Drop that rifle— Uke It Bloise. Now raise your bsnda. Tim."

"Wbafs a p r ."' • > "to tbera anytbtaf aariaaa loInK an

ontaldet' "No; nntbiB* mndr—just pow-

wqwln*. Tof want mel" "Search that scoundrai (or weapona.

Doa't aak. qneattoaa; do what I aay." He made abort' work al It nalag. no

gentle methoda, . ^ "War, the gent wasn't exactly baii»

less." he reported, 'grtnalag cbeetfnlty. "conslderin' this yera knife aa' eaanon. Now, maybe ye'U teU ma wbat tbe b—'a upl"

Klrby atood erect- bis dark eyee aearchlqg our (acea. hla Upa seora(nl.

"And perhaps. Mr. bleatenant Knox." he added aarcaatlcally. "Too might condescend to explain to' lae alao the purpoae of this outrage."

"With pleaaura," bnt altbont tower-ing my rifle. "This hqy bera belonged to the company tjl aoldlera massacred yeaterday moming. Yon know where I mean. He was the only one to escape alive, and he saw you there among tbe aavagea—ttat, and one o( them."

"He tella you that I And you accept tbe word ot that bal(-witr >

"He deacribed yonr appearance to a* exactly twenty-four honra ago. I aever thobght o( yon at ttae time, al-though the deecription was accurate enough,, because It seemed so impos-sible (or you "to have been there. But that isn't all, Kirby, Wbat as become of the emblem pIB you wora In your tiel It to goae, I see."

Hto band went up InvolnntaHly, It Is possible h* had never missed It be-tora, (or a look o( Indecision came Into the map'a face—tbe flrat aymptom of.' weakneaa I had ever detected tbera.

"It mnat have been loat—BUStoidr-" "It was; and I chance to be able to

tell you where—In this very room. Hera ta your pta, yon Idtarnate derll.' I fonnd It caught Ih those blanketa yonder. This is not' yonr flrat risit to this cabin; ypu wera here.with.tadtoo. murderars." ,' ' •

"it's a d—d U*-^ Y Bnt Kennedy had bim, locked in a

vise-Ilka grip. It was well he had, (or the (ellow had hnnt Into a (radtio rage, yet was bonnd eo utterly helpless aa to appear almost pitiful. Tbb knowledge of what be had ptanned, of bis destHK ble treacbery, lett us mer-riless. Ia spite of bla atmggles we bora him to the floor, gad pinned him tbera. curaing and aiwpplng like a wild beaat I .\,,

"Teai' up one of tboa* blftuketa," I called back over my ahonlder to Hall. "Yea, Into atripa, of conne; now bring them h<>re. Tim, yon tie tbe feUow— yea, do a good Job{ PU bold him. Lie atlll. Klrby, or I ahaU have to give yon tbe batt of tbto gun ta tbe face."

He made one laat ^ort to break free, and, as my baad attempted to doae ea hto throat tb* clbtcbtng flag-era caught the hand at bte ahlrt aad ripped It AXAa opea. Thera, dlreedy b«fora me, a Scar acroaa bla hairy, «gc< posed cheat waa B broad, btock maik. a tribal totem. I atarad down at |t, reoogalaing Ito atgnlflOBnc*. . "By Heaven. Tim. look at thisr t cried. "He to an ladton himself—a btock Sael" %

• ' a • ' . * * . k- • *, ' ' I do aot kaow lirbat drtaycd tba

atta^ ot tbe aavageb, nnleaf they araaa waltmg for some algnal which nevar came. I. paaaed (i*om loophole to loop* bole, tbaa asmring myaelf not o ^ that they atlU rentolaed. but that tba cabin waa completely aurronnded. al-though the manner In which the war> riora bad been dtotribnted lett Oib great maaa at tlM>m opposite the (Tbat. m e odiera evIdenUy composed a gnard to praveat eaeap*. Ifo mont I coald obaeiv* Indicated aa tos-m*dtoto assault; they ratber>appwad to be awaiting aomething.

Those I aaw wera aU dlsmonntad, and bad advaaeed tovrard the cabta aa Cipely as poaaibte without aaaOttt wttbia tbe range ef gana. They atoo abdtaiad tbemaelvee as (ar aa poaslbto bablad cUynpa o( brnab. or ridge* of MCk. ao tbat }. (ound It tWh* ealt to catuaato tbeto aamber. Oaix. oeeastoaaUy would' a ventai waiwlor BBpear tor a nsoeseat ta

ka gIMad ataiiaur ttamjOm

IK.jiCT.iag: c =sv ^m-rTz ro. anatiaii. No doabt .aanse w;ra brongbt wttbta' rant* af <mx riSea, aa tbaa*- •Carta weijs uaAally mad* to.ifdra advaswed RO itleoa, imt I (o«b«ie Ibtar to die vague hope that not hearing (nan Kliby, the'eblcto mlgbt became dto-cooniged aatf draw ofl withoat rtaktag an open attack.

Thta waa. more a desperate' kO|p*, rather tban any real (altb Iposaasaed,' Beyond doabt tbe Indian ebie( knew, or thought be knew, our exat^t'str^gtb befora be eonseated to use bto waa-rton In tbto asaaait

It ttae band had trailed ns to Oils spot It bad Heen done through' tbe Influeaee at ICIrby, an.d be had, beyond, qnestioii, Infprmed /them ss to who we were, and the cmidltlons nnder which we bad fled^fhim Yellow Banks. Thf only addition to oar party ataee them wBa tbe rescned boy. Tbey would hsve llttle fear of serions loss In an attoel( npon two mei and two, womien, nnarmed, ezcept possibly with a ptotol or two, even tboagb barricaded b# hind this log walto of a cfbta. . Aad, with oiae of tbelr nnmber wttbia,'aay attempt at detensa wonld be Iwt H farce. :.Tbto sam* gang, bad- alresul sacksd the nbta, taking with tbem, as tbv.4>elleved,-every treapoo tt con-taliiML' In tbelr bgato tbey bad over-looked the eetlar bc1*w. They bad ao tboifcbt of Ito axtsteace, nor tbat we awaited them riflea In haiid' andf with ad ample snppiy of powder anfl toad. Whatever mlibt be tbe flnal reantt. a surprise of no pleasant natura, Wae awaiting their advance.

Convinced, a's I bad become, tbat Black Hawk waa actnally with the party, although I waa. unable to obtain any glimpse of him. I felt thera was small chance of bis departnrsy without maktag at least one eflort td captnra the Mblh. Thst wss Ms natora. bto raputatlon—<hat of a bulldog to hang on, a tiger to btrik*. More evep. tbto band of raiden mast b*%ir soatlt ef the main body o( the Hawk's (ol^w-•ra and hence ta danger themselvea, 'They would never remain hera long, daetag the p^iblllty at discovclry, at baring tbelr ratreat cut olC. If tbay attacked tbe attefspt wonld not ba long delayed.

StlU tbera waa nothtag left to do but wait We wera already aa oom-pletely prepared aa poaslbto witb onr resources.

The msin asssult would undoubtedly be delivered from the front directed against the door, the only pblnt whera tbey conld hope to break In. Hera Ttm and myself held our positions, as ready aa we could be for any emer-gency, and watehtui at the slightest movement without Tim had evea brought np the hal(-keg o( coarse pow-der from the cellar, and rolled It into' one comer out of thip way. His only explsna^on waa, a grim reply to my question, that "It mougfit be mighty bandy ter hav' ronnd afora the (racus 'wat don«," fThera trai nO fear In Elolse, no sbrfnkli«g, ao eridenee of coirsrdlce. Not once did I feel the need of giring her- word Of encour-agement—even as I glanced toward, her It was to perceive tbe glesm' of a ptotol gripped In her hand. She was of the old Frei ch flghtlng stock, which never fslls..

Against the ilog wall a felir yards awag, Klrby strained at .his . lanket bonda and had at last succeeded In lifting himself np far enongh ao as to store about tbe roenv. Thera wBa boa* of tb* ordinary calm at tb* gambler about tift fellow now—all .the pitiless hate, and love of ravenge which belonged to bis* wild Ji dtob' blood biased in his eyes. He glared at me In sudden. Impotent ragj. ^

"Yon think you've got me, do youi" be cried, scowling across ;itben an ugly grin distorted his thin lips. "Not yet yon haven't yon soldier dbg. Eve got some carda left to play In this game, yon' yonng fool. What did you butt In for'niywayl Thto was none of your affair. Dt— yon, Knox, do yon know Who she toll i mean thit white-faced chit over there—do yon know -wbo she IsT She's my wife; do rou heart —my wl(el Tve got fhe papera, d— yon! She'a mln*I—mine; and I am going to have her long after yOn'ra dead— yea. and the whole .d— Beaii> caira property with her. By. O—I yon talk aboat flriiting—why tbefe ara fifty ladtons out hera. ^alt tin tbay find Oat what baa happened to aie. Oh. rtl watcb you die at tba stakes you aaraklng wblte aAf, and spltita yonr facer .

'Vtby," I. said atetnly, bat q*letiy.; Btoniteg direetly acroaa tawaid'btta. *Ton a^ a txtoaner, and belpleaf, but I>'am going to talL'yon boif to'bold yonr tongue. Otbefwin'yen wiU aever •ee me at tbe etaka, beeanae T abaU blew yoar bralna oat wbera ydu Ue."

"Yon (tara—'* "And why notf n wis rid tbe gtol of

yoa, and tbat.m**** aometbtag to me -—and her. Jnat txf too, aad see."

H* mast ba;ra raad tb* grim meaa^ lag to my fbce, for ha feU back agalaat tbe log. mattortag lacebereetly, bta dark eyea trOOa \at bata, kto face a pirtnra of ssallgBl^k . but ntteriy kelpleaa—tbe luifclag eo«*ifi bi bias, oaaMe to face jay tbeeat I left blioB aad dtoeped abev* bsa.

"We sbaA be bnay prsasafly; tba da-toy cannot b* tavdb longar. f aia^ aftaid ttiat fMhns aaay aneeeed • - ^

te dotag m bana. Ba to to attceipt aayttdag. Uae <

tivM y«B ttgi guard b t e r . Her lee. abaa||itety (bariaaa aafi A-

^•(t, tookoii stralgbt t» tato ttiaa. ' "Tea, be win owka aa esoveaseat,!

ahall aot aee. Tell laai d* yon bOAAtA eaata la boper

*V«d knows. W* i^all do oor at tba worat cornea—arkatr ' 1>a aet fear far tat; do oot let aay

of me tara yaa aside tttaa sb* aald ^atotty. "t bamt

ttAAjnm maaa ag* iMM tam^^attfi-

•^ ae*«r XaM -Mna uia imaaa. u—<c <an-a*t be 'ottAie, I a* tiAra. aaS BiBI I naat teU yan tbat I—I caaM.jM. •taven. for—tor I lora yoa." ,

tty eager haads wssatqioB iieta,"Htf eyea gr^edfly mi'ding tbh laesaaga tA-fsatod so frankly In tli* depths of ber .awt^ Sbe only waa in-my tbdagbln: we wera tbera alone-^lone. - "Tbey'ra a eomin'. Cap,'''ydied Ken-be4y artl bto rllte cracked. "By O^I tbay'tfi Attar ^

'With oiie Bwlft foriag I waa ba<^ at 'my* deaertad post and liring. NM%r b«ft>M baa^ bfen in an Indian battlls bnt ^ley bad told nfe at Armstrong that the Sacs w<>re flghtlng iben. I knew It now. Thto wns to be no play at war ^ot'a grim, relentless straggle. They came en masse, rashlpjr reckless-ly (orward/ acroaa the open space, pressing bpon eacb ofher lif beaiSoag desira to b^ flrat, yelling like fleada, guns brandished ta air, or gpltting flr^, animated by bnt'one parpoee — tbb battering ot a way into that mblo. I kaow not wim led > tbem-rall I saw waa a mass «r hal(-nak«H bodiea bounding toward me, long balr atream-fag. copper (aces aglow, weapons gMt-. tering In the. light Yes, I saw saart— the meaning o( that flei«e rasa; the Initrament o( destrnction tbey broivbi

with tbem.. It waa tbera te tb* center at tbe maelstrony of leeptng (Ignres, pfstected by tbe grteped bodtoa, bait bl^en by gestlculatlog red armat-a hnge log, borae Irresllltlbly Corwasd OB tbe atamldsrs- o( twenty a^rrioia, gripped by ether hands, and barted toward ns as thongb swept on by a hnmair sea. Again and-again I Hred blindly into tbe yelping mob; I. beard the.crack of IMm's rifl* ecbolpg.mliie, and tKe chug of lead trota aitbdnt Strikteg the aOIld logs. Bnlleto ploughed . crashing tbroi^ tAa door panel*, aad Etoto's sbriO' sereains of fright' raisg 'out above tbe aneartlily d)a. A afng toea throagb mx loopbel*, dcawlog blood (roib my sbboldsr to' tto paaaag*, aad laAedded ItbMf la tba opposfta waif. Ia froat of m* aaitage* J'ell. ataggerteg, aereaas of eager, ad d ageoy mtagHag iaa tbe aatoalabed a*-•allaato rebltoed ni* flgbi befora tbein. Aa Instant we bdd fltoto, atarttfd, aad demoraitoed. The warrfofa bear-ing the 1O|F atumhied over a dead liody ^ d went-down, tbe great ttmber cmsblag ont anotiier life aa tt.feU. Again we flred, tbis time str;dgbt tato tbeir face*—bnt tbera was no-stopplnS

>thenl. A red blanket flaabed back be-yond the big tree; a guttural voice shouted^ Ito hoarse note rising above the hellish uproar, and those demons were on their feet again, ^ e d with new frenay.. It waa a minute—no more. With a blow that shook tke cabin, propelled by twenty atrong arma. th» ^rant trat, hnt» pim*k.

5! apnkianng ta* oak wood a* taoaga ft wera a* macb plae. and driring a tofged bote dear tbroi^ ooe paaeL' Kennedy .waa tbatai btoaiag aaay di-rectljr toto tbb aaaaltoata' ayaa,'a!aA I Islned btoa.

Agata tbey strm^ end agata, tba Jagged end of tbelr battering ram pro-tmded througb the ahattered -wood. We killed, but they wera too many. -Onee more tbe great butt came crasb-Ing forward, thto time cavlag in tbe entire door, bursting It back upon ito Mages. In though the opening the red mob hqrled itself, reckless of deatb or wonnds. mad with the thirst for' victory; a Jam o( naked beasts, erased by the smell ot blood—a wave o* atoMhter, created vrith brandtobed gitaa and gleam ot tomahawks.

Thera to', nottdoig to remember— ; aothlag bat blows, curaea, yelta, the enmch of steel on flesh, the horror .jof crnd eyes KloweriiJ Into yours, the clntehtng ol flngera at your throat the spit of Ata afngeteg yon, the strain of combat band to hand—the ki owledge -tlMt It ta all over, exeept to die. I ' had no sense of (ear; no thought but to kill abd be kflled. I felt within me atrength—desperate. Insane strength. . The rifle butt splintered In my bsnds. but tbe bei t and shapeless barrel ros* an<r (ell like' a flail. I saw It crash against skulls;, I Jabbed It atralght Into red taeaa! I bronght It down with all my (ore* aa elntchlng arms. For an' Instont Tim was beside me- tBa^ bad taat hto gun and was flghtlng with ,a fcnl(e. It was bnly a glimpse -1' bad, bf him through red mist—the next lii-

' ataig ' he was gone. A huge (ellow

:1 it



• V ' l

* 1' V

A HH0e Feltow Faced Me baps, i Knew.


eacM ma, a Winnebago. I knaw. (tom ,~ if Continued on page sevea) -

• l^\i acres qf lAtid in a square. Well .fenced. Poplat Creole flows through it. Well watered; 36, acrM of creek bottom. Lay of land is level and roUiiiflr. Well located for general farming or stock rais-ing, as been pastured five years, by 30 head of horses and mulea. last ytar» 66 bead cattle the two years pre-vious. • • . ' .' ^ '

The heiwly surveyed riailroad nins %-mile west of tbia land. 1'itl'e perfect, no incumbrance, this can be bought at an attractive price and on liberal terms.

, Located in Orchfrd township, aouth half of lot 2 or norweat quarter, and ndrth half of lot ii of south-west quarter, section 7, town 1 nor h,' range 6 east of third principal meridHtii. Wayne County, Illinois.

M; i l Karr • • ';•' ^WNARO. ILUNOIS "^y^- ... .v* "'



' ' . ' • S - • • • ' • ' '

No biW fivpav briaga to yotir

TNA YEAR l9«riali «r


.tha woikdiHfii! variatr of hifr-m U l * treadias

.*§•*• a*!

A YEAR. 52 . . The CompaqioQ aftaa 12 Graat _ .. - . fltaliea, beaidea 250 Short Stbdaa. AnKastfUra and Tr«*«l Storiee Famihr PBML Bo ra' Page, CM IWe.'aaUraii'a Pbge.end thTMBtoli iM t ^ •f loe'dayJar jnatere rM«»<V' START A YEAirS fUBfiCrartlON FOR YOUR FAMLY NOW.

, OOOrra t x a s THAN 5 CENTS A 1VCEK.



AatiorfZSS SMUBltMl'tf TiilltfSB^RiS^SBt!SBlSnS:£i JtsauamA


Iti^y 77¥.'I£:.,.^JMIKI.IM::}IL^- ..'..•'.'i :ii*^.'rr


I WRITE - . i)


Both €it)r and Farm Property.

A portion of your

business solicited ,

, ^ ^ ' ' ' • • • • • • ' •

FLORA. ILLW06. ^^^i I • • '

First National Bank Building «iv i, ^ >,

CLAY c m r ftsbsu'lpUema^ aad Advertla-ia« (or aterord takm at Dab^tg VTft Btare.

•V Barry T^ekeral o( Sullivan, spent

aevetsil daya la t week aa the guest ot Nr. and Mra. /.< M. Ragadale.

Mtaa Marjory UI|oml ot Flara, waa a sr«*k-«ad vteltor o( Mr. and Mrs. A. H. D=((


Tes. misaad tb* U*ms last week aeoount eoVreapoad^at b«tag out ofj towa (or a day or two. k'

Mr. Ed Barrougha, one ot the sen-ior cltisens ot the vlctaity o( Xenis, died at his home In Xanla laat week att«r a prblongdd eaae of pneumon-ta. He leaved a widow aad aeyaral ebUdren moat at wAom war* at hte

ik^ "^"a. viri..i.kki . v . ^ . ^ i-l*>^ •"'•' '«» bte last hoara, Faaorai Nra. H. ^. Vl|*a|*kkl sboppad la^„,y^e„ , t ,j„ Cbrtsttaa-cburtk. R*-malas were laid to reat ia 1. O. O. P. St. Loate.dat Tnaaday.

Mra. Wm. -Denton retortled trom a tma days 'vtelt with nlaUvea ta lilncota last Satusday.

rimak Pennybaekar, who baa b**B worktag at Rbaielaire tor aeveral j ^ t b ^ U ta 0»y Ctty on buata^1 . i " ^ J ~ - . ^ a S r S l ' ? U " i ?

S ^ M eases *fc>(lu are reported Jf tbte community, among them be-ln* A. O. 8tBn(ord aad (amlly.

Mra. J. A. Sabln o( Snlllvan, Nto* Cbtberin* Sabla ot Nobla^lU*. Ind , anil Wm. L. Sabln land family ol Mattoon, were gueats of .Dr. and Hrs. Cartte Beadersoa laat week.

An eatirelyr nnaanal attalr waa tbb leap year danetac party at Woo4 man hall Thursday eveatas. Jan. t>, Tba Jtedtas af tb* party r*at*d tba ball, baylbg for tb* muste and awd4 a date to tak* tbe gaatlamen pt tbelr •boloe to ( le daaee. The. nana) or* der of thtaga being reveraed, tba mea of the party had a taate of be-tag wan flowers, for the ladles re-served the prlvUe^ of •aaking the

e*m*terr. Mr. Barrougha waa a tat-miar and dariag the years o( Ms ae-tlvitles had aecumutated a quit* a bit ot land and a ale* aatat*.

The 8*>w at nekeriags Pataile turday algbt was th* bast In a

loag Ume. Tba pUyara 'w*r* a|l aew (beea to the ahow going peopto and tli* serviee vraa aajcltaat. Mr. Plck-

^rlBK advlse^he will aoon start fhow W Current Event eaoh weak. Tbte i/t a highly •dueational plotara. aa It abowa what te gotag on ta tko-aa-tion. Aa U te obtatnad at quite, an aspehse we shonid take advatatag* p( the opportunity It a((Orda.

The coinmuatty wail shoeked last Thursday to learn at tb* deatb ot Atia. Rath iQoldaa-flaba&at bar home

Ua. Plora. Sba bad e«l/b**a aiek a (aw days with a s**«r* oaaa o( paeu-monia wben deatb rallev*d b*r ot bor su((eriaga Wednaaday algbt. Her] buabaad, Maryl JU Oabaa te aaa o( tba Xeata boya ahd the paopla o(

In spite o( tbe reeent anow and sleet, roads vtere never better. Autos are much In evidence nowa'dayfc

Mrs. Cklldte Mitchell Welsh, who reeently underwent a successful op-eration (or . appendlcltte Is better. Dra. Lewte and' Voaberg performed the" operation, with Misa Dorothy Ruasell. a trained nurse, acting as asstetadt.

Oscar Reed and tamtiy and bla son-in-law bf Arkansas, are visiting Ansell Smith's.

Quite a few of our young people spent' last Sunday evening on Bck-hart's pond. J. R. <Mu(vin and wife took dinner at Garland Murvin's; Paultae Bryant, Dolores and Gladys LeWte visited .Orie JBryant; * Chaa. Oarland called at Blmer Cox's after dinner. I '

Jack McKnlght spent Xbe week-end here with hte many friends.

Katie DIemel and Mary Young visited the school last Priday ave-< nlng-

John Hunley plaaa to move , hte . saw mUl soon.

Oma Hackney and dasighter Datey went to St. Loute recently- Mr. Hack/-ney bas a position there with a haird ware firm we are told.

A Mr. Plerson of Xenta, succeeds Bldon Colborn <>' rural mall carrier on Feb. IB.

-Rev. Chestnut' tilled * regutar appointment at the Christtan church laM Sunday.

Btta Smith, Suate MuMti), "Uncle'' Newt Murphy, Flcijrd BIreb and Paul, Tarr have been on the akk list.

Sylvester Knowlea oontlnnas to

bajr loga M opportanltlsB' to do sp pl*aent themselves. v

BlUworth Ward reeently got a horae down on the Ic*, bat fortunat ely no serious tajnries were susr talned. ) • . . .

Sporadic eases o( l i grippe have been raported-

Hr. Hlselman at Paaapbrt, fell on the ice last week and waa tajurad seriously-

Steve Barker and Barl (Jrlggs had a dtepute over some proporty re-cently, but fortunately It M believed that an <Aml<:able> aettlement 'will soon be reaehed,

Bveratt Bangert Iota on Saturday night laat, prasumably to see hte best girl.

John Oharat spent the week-end with hlu tamily In LouUville.

Considering the recent sleet and numerous colds, attendQaee a,t school is ramarfcably good,


State highway engineer for tbe new hard roads jiy.stengi havd'.beenl hera thto week tfiafclng llnal survey for ronte 25 (Palrfleld-Flora) and, route -15, (Falrfleld-Mt. Vernon.) They are.securtag all the necessary data as to grade elevation, etc.. In preparation for submitting advertise-ments for bids (or tbe cobstruction of the roads. It appears not to be yet definitely settled as to lust where the Mt. Vernon road will eater the city whether on the ,Mt. Vernon road as used at present,' or whethei! over a aeiy right-of-way rnanla)[ directly weat (rom the weat end o( Haln street ta tbla olty, wbleb w.onld make la- pasi througb the Poorman farm weat pt-tow^u—FalrtteW-Preas.

I .tr± '"' '^



"t? - « • >

Disc HaiTows 103C16, 12x1$, 14x16 ±-

c, /

' ..<,



•"•.^^HJ - • v ^ ' , - * •'$

Also Disc Ciilthriitors • • • V ' , . . • . • - • • . - .

You know this ciasisttfgoods^ is hard to get if you wait until late iii'the Beason*.

We jUst i nloaded a car pt Farn^ Iqwlements today.


tba Uaaeera. Cbaa. Pad«n has raturaed to bN

work as emigrant Inapoctor at> Port' HUMn. MIeblgan, attor a twenty day, aaeaVoa, whleb be apaai wtth. bte mptber,'Hra. H. B. Paden and bis Httle danghtar Hargarat.

A llttle daaghter was bora t« Mr. and Mra. O. P. White, Satnrday, Jan. ««, Tbte te their drat child and brat ibiughtar. Th* littl*, on* haa been named Mary Blisabeth.

Mr. and Mra. Brant White ara the guests' of Mr. and Hra. Thos. Whit*. Mr. Wblte travels tor the Kellosr company. Mra. Whtte ae^mpanyiag him on his trip. Mr. White win h* working in this part of the state during tha neiA (ew months and hta wife will visit in Clay City during that time.

Mr. and Mra. Sam Moora bnd Mr. and Hra. Vemon Dillman of Louis-vUle, attended the leap year danee last Thursday evening, ^

P. H. Biassing and Lester Banker retnrned from Detroit, Mich., Satur-day night driving a Dodge car for the Blessing garage.

Mtes Hable Qaus of Noble, spent Sunday In Clay City.

Hra. W. B. WUklns and ehlldran spent the Week-end in Olney.' •

At the ragular meeting ot the Ua-sooie- lodge on Priday night, Howard Phillips and Blridge LevHt wera in-itiated into the mysfbries of the or-der. Both of the gentlemen raslde In Saylor Springs.

Mra. Barl McBlxaIn was removed from the Weber sanltarinm at Ol-ney to hea home here Friday eve-ning and Is improving rapidly. '- Paul Ooings Is cbntlned to his bed

with tbe flu. DI;,, and Mra. Cortis Henderson are also (lu victims. . .

Mr. and Mrs. Tbds. H. White spent Mondayv shopping In St. Louis.

*Dr. B. S. Doberty tfft in Rlnard Monday and Tuesday'on business.

At the regular meeting of the O. E. S. on Monday night Sfra. Opal Bunn and Jobes Coggan of Sailor Springs, and Mrs. Mae Snell of Clay City, were initiated into the order. After the work a lap lunch of sand-wiches, pickles and coffee was serv-ed during the social hour.

ceatlenMn lar aimaaa. Dartog t b i J ^ l a bad learaed to kaow aad lova «v«Blac (tatt puneh vras sarvad tel.Nbtr . ,ttth aa on*,o( tb*lr own produets.

Kit to wHb tb* d*a««at taOOat that 'aur people aa* aad aU mttand to ^ a %a«eaved. buabaad oar baartteit sym-

f thy. As Uey raleaiaa ba baa loat (lower that will long h* ramem

berad by all who knew her. Mra. Bmma Ftaty Coa and Mlaa

Bllen Flnty attended tb* (onnral e( Hra. Oaban In Plor^ Saturday.

Hre. Oladys Hansaa Chaaay was tbe guest ot her parenta, J. H. and Mre. Hanson bver Sunday. 'Oeorge Rlley and wife and the

danghter of Oaaeyvllte, wera the gubsts of ralatives In Xenia over Sdnday. While Mra. Rlley received word of tbe death of hef brotbar wbo died Sunday morning In Akron, O., with pneumonia.

Delbert Baity and Jap tb* wtee bound was summoned home from

hbelr show work Monday owing to 'the Illness of Hn. Baity. > There Is a few caaea Of (lu re-ported In Xenia and surrounding neighborhood. Our board dt health informs us that the atrleteet quaran>-tta* win be kept bn all cases with a view of keeping tbe disease 'as elosely as possible. All sbould be mora than willing to oorberate with tbem to the end that the attack wilt be jk sbdrt one and soon stamped out. ; . . .

Oth' Burroughs of Wlltobi Iowa, who attended the funeral of bis fa-tber, Bd Burroughs, and was ramaln-tag oVer to adjust and settle up some of the business was horridly sum-moned to hb homa on Tuesday bn aocount of the serious Illness of his wlte. , • ' .

The country has been for more than a week now In th* grasp of tbe worat sleet and Ice storm in many yeare. Almost Impossible to get any-where unless one Is rough shod.

Mra. Virginia Thomas lias retura-ed to her home after several weeks spent with her children.

Hra. H.' B. Rose and her daughter Mra. 'K. S. Pritchett, are spending a few daya with ralatives near John-sbnvllle

The beautiful new bungalow of Ed Leach is fast taking on the appear-anee of a real home on Weat Sec-ond street and when completed will add another t<f \ba many comfortable homes ta Xenta.

Look out for the trains. Another man with his wagon and team came near going to the bappy hunting grounds one day laat week at the east crossing when he drove on traek just ahead of Ho. 2t which was with

very low I iu a few rail leagths of him. Only Mra. Sndda Moata te better. A Ut-}f\Z.^^}^. ".'="°? "> backing his team


J . Health in this, nelghbdrbood is some better. No new casea. p( meas-les yet and all better.

Word received that Rosa Carlisle

tie daughter aame to make ber home witb tbem • Mr. and Mra. Jobn StBn(ord and Jay Blllott made a (lying trip to St. Lonls to visit John's father and mo-tbbr. Jay vtalted two soldier boy* tbat tramped thfouch Pranoe with htm. ,.

.,Hr. and Mra. Jobn Carroll ara bo'th able to be up. Their danghter Nancy Tate, has moved In with tbem.

The stork visited tha home of Hr. and Hrs. Thad Harned and tett a little girl. Her name Is Sarah Jose-phine.

The teacher at webester school was on the slek list sinoe Tuesday. The Rusk te eber abo dtemteaed on account of teaeher being sick.

Word just received tbat Jim Arm-atrong bas passed away. Ho Is over 80 yeara old. i

John Stanford haa a- slek horse. The doetor calls It (lu. Haa that epi-demic struck the stoek?

According to gdrernment figures the wages o( tarm labor In Iowa were aa follows: Help hired by the year with board, $65.65 per month; without board, t71.4S; ^ y labor during harveat with board,; without board, tS.SO. Now I noticed adtliW to. seed our ground down to paitura or hay and lot the htjred man go'to the ctty aad pay board. It looks as If we shall be held up this nest season. Single men ara asktag $76 per month and do not consider thetr board and waabtas anytbtag.

OITT JilTED WHBBf WATEB PAIL8 Suit was brought ta city eourt yes

terday acalnst the city of Weet Frankfort for alleged damages ra-snltlng.' from tbe loss of a reaidence and household effeeta, because as al-leged, the city failed to provide suf-ietaat water supply to give adaqnate fln, protaetion. Thto te th* flrst eaa* of -thta abaraeter brar (U*d la tbte «aaatr hAd tt to likaty tbat no alml-tar aatlaa baa avar baaa died to tb*

from the.track was his lafe saved. Look but for trains when orossiag a railroad.. They ara built (or traina to nw on. And they will kill you if they hit you. It is a part of av-ery maa's business to look out for himself and if there Is anything that a mab should do It Is to look for trains when crossing a railroad track

At time of writing tbe item we laara that Ray Woods has sold bts restaurant and bakery. We did not leara the purchaser but tbe business Will change bands.

Oeo. W. Brawer, County Supt. of Hcbools, will be lo Xente In tbe near futur* and will exptata to ns th* manner In which It may be possible for us to obtain a vour year high school. This is What the people have been wasting and what they are go-ing to bave U there Is anyway where by we can have it. We ara aa much entlUed to it and as tbey are else-whera and why not have it. .'


The local army recruiting atation at Contralto, has had for some time a quantity of souvenir hooka to ba issued to every man lirho served In Prance.

These books wers issued by tbe French governmept with the desire to express tbe PraAcb nation's thanks to every man who came to help the cause of Liberty and Justice. <

Very (ew of these books bave been tosued ao far, and it Is the wish of the army recruitlag officer to put one In the hands ot every American soldier ttko served In Pranoe, at tbe earlleat'ttOment.

If you cannot go to the offlee af-ter the tiooks mail your diaeharge in. and It will be retnraed wUh a Freneh souvenir booklet.

Doa«t, pnt tbte off. Do it today, and help tbe recruiting ottiear com-plet* bla part,

L. W. MOSLBT, Ltaat. Col., Inbmtry B*eniltto» Otiiaar.


IN THE BL'LK 5 0 c per lb. * * *

S lb, bagsPue Buckwheat, per bag. Puriua Chicken Chowder. 8Vi lbs. for ip lb. Cupid Syrup, white .... 10 lb. Owl Syrup, dark 5 lb. Cupid.Syrup, white..

' 5 lb. Owl Syrup, dark Log Cabin Syrup, lairge. . Log Cabin Syrup, small.

"vpr: " •V*'"f'•'' "r-¥--~

55c _50c

$1.00 ..'900

50c 4»: 6Sc 45c

Always Ask for Eagle Stamps


Beth TalaphteM



Bd Atkinson haa sold his rasidence to Charley Howe. We undentand Hr. Atktason will go to Chleago, wbera he has a position aa mall dark.

John Hoora and Benton Cunning-ham ara on the sick Itet.

Baraum Hale and wife ara recelv-tag congratulations over the arrival of a flne boy at their home Sunday moralng;.

Rev. Pouts fllled his appointment at tbe M. E. church Sunday morn-ing and evening.

Arch smith of Olsne, was In town on business Saturday,

William Lassater of BarahUI, vis-ited Miss Mamie Young near Willow Branch Sunday evsnlnr.

Rev. Bennett of Newton, was in town Saturday evening ob his way to preach at. tbe Christian Temple west of town. '

Mre. O. W. ITockey attended the funefal of Mra. Meryl Oohan at Plora Saturday. '• '

Logan Bills and Alonso Johns wera in JohnsonVlUe Monday.



Veterinarian, CJAY CITY. ILL v^i.,-. Phona35, , >

J. W. Brewer and family lett Tuesday morning (er Bondvilta, whera they will reside.

Mra. Mary Wllaon raturned bom* (rom Chicago this week.

Dorris Rogeraon and wife of Bast St, Louis, ara visiting with Hr, aad Hra. p. A. Heek.

Hr. and Hra.,'James Davis ratnrn-ed to their home at Noblesvllle. Ind., Saturday. I

Miss Dora Stutton Qf Decatur, waa tbe guaet of ralativea here last w**k.

Morris Snyder of Speneer, Ind., was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. Alfred Snyder a few days ago.

Bstay McOee spent Saturday and Sunday wUb hto paranta. ... . 4« .u.

Jas N. Fender is home from Nbat St. Louis for a faw daya.

RoBcoe Oraham has purahased tb* James Davis property.


Chris Hasler, veteran Olney bus-iness man, suffered a broken hip In front' of bis business house on Haln street Tuesday evening.

Mr. Hasler had started to oross Main street and slipped as be left the sidewalk. He was taken -to ib* sanatarium,. whera an X-ray waa mad* of his Injury. The cbaraeter o( th* (ractura Is not as severe as It might have been an Mr. Hasl*r la resting fairly comfortably.

Mr. Hasler is 76 years old—Ol-ney DaU Mall. .

BUILD IT NOW • - i ^


FLORA LUMBER COMPANY ' South of the B. A. O. R, R.



9sa ran* tm TME^

FLORA REC01tl)it ;a*taSi»rwr52^^^ (Ineorppratad)

WOOD, Maaactac 'Bditor;

Jtatared October S, Itlt, at anatj.* '; igiat risse matter at tbe poat of.'loa

a t Flora. lUtaola, nadar aet at Harak a . 1«7». - '

Pabltebed Weekly

tfttlaa ta tbe Shrtver Bnlldinx.

•ibacriptl^i Ratea: tl-BO p«r y w r l a jUlvaaef; 76 centa (or ata mocths; M''Ceata (or (our montba.

'f . = = =

1VCR8DAT, JANUART tl, llto



(Prop the Wtaamae, Ind. Rep.) Dra. C. 8. aad O. W. Campbell

ha«* Jast completed the eqnlpmeat idbalr hospital rooms which oc-

the upper (loor of their office ling. The front room has been she^ as aa operating room, and

la p a i r for tbe parpOae, reeelvlag I l g p from three directioaa. There aaa^wo wards aad It noMssary tbe tatfBlitiea «ould at p****M-eat* Aat foar or five patlenta. Tb* west room la IP be used (or a diet kiteben and aaedleln* room.

Nettta, eldeat daughter of Hr Hra. Blmer Poor, was the flrat It, betag operated upon for ap-

lldtte on Tnesday moralng. Habel (3aln a narae from la-

apolls, to caring for Htos Poor. The opening of tbe hospital rooms

apoa tba (liat aaalvarsary o( n r ^ 8. Campbell's arrival la Wta-

In an Intarvlew with a Re-rapreaentattve. Dr. C. S.

Gaawbell statad tbat they plan to aata^ge - tbeir eaulpment even mora ia UM aext year than thay did In the paat one. In order to aeeommodata -tba.aeeds of tbe vlelnltr. .Although tbeiir quartera at preaent ara some-arhat small. Dr. Campbell atated tbat tbalr taclllties for operating and the awtt*r of sanitation is aa good aa laaad ta aay city hospital.

I4btevUl| fltteds , o^tbelrj

, * * L * ? ^ i r Ottlea <MMl««t*a a ( toarn

-I a M a u - «


WARTBVi-W* wUI pay tv* centa per poi^d tor good clean, waahed race. Brtag to Record offlee.

WANTkD—^Wonld like to bny three .or (our y o a i g plga, about 60 or •0 pounds, red pigs preterred. Call or write, L. W. Box ?0«, Record o((tee. Flora, III. y^

POR ItKIfT—120 acra (arm, SH mllaa southwest o( Flora. Oood laad. Oood house. I( Ut*rest*d apply P. H. Oreentaav*"'-'"""''' ton Bldg., S t Louis, Ho. U-IA

FOR SALB—Ponr room dwelling on South M'aln atreet. Prtce right. See Wayne Songer, Xenia, HI.

tiM SALB—Bound ten year old bay Biara, In taai, weight aboat 1360 J. H. Elliott, Plora, IU., \ 4 lS-1

WAKTHl*—Wonld Ilka to buy t b r e e > j < , ^ , „ , „ a for ehecktag up mllHoaa or (onr yonng pigs, about 60 or t o pounda, rad pigs pre(err*d. Oall or writa, L. W. Box SOS, Raeord

. o((ie*, Plora, IIL - ^ ',

WANTBD~-At Hetbodlat\araoBag*, saeoad-baad book '*b*lv*e aad tanndry stove. Phone 160. IS- lx

POR RBNT— Rooau (or light bouse koaptag. Oall at Hrs. B. Danaody'a Srooad St., west side ot railroad

0( returas to see that proper taJt | s paid. ^ » , '.; ,

Large bustaeas honses bav*.-baad (altbtully making th«a* IntormatftHl raporta (or 'a*T*ral years and bw** cooperated wbala-beartadly with tb* govorament'a tbbcklag eyetem. I'he same obligation reata on amaller b W , .Ineaaea, and on proteaalonal naan; atoo on persona and orgaalaatlani

U W T ^ A kllver bar pta. Finder'who employ secretarlea, ehaat(b«rn, leave at the Priead Oroeer Co. A raward Is o((ared.

p o l l SAUI—116 acras o( good tand.' known aa the Welah (arm, (our mllea south o( Flora, III. Heira will sign l( taken at onee. She one ot the belrs'ati Harl Lindsey's.




A Responsibility Whan yon seek advice ragardln)r your financial

affaira, the one from whom you seek It becomes your leader, and takea upon lilmsalf a great respon-sibility. A leader's Judgment Imsed'On Inexperi-ence often times brings disaster.

The men who tktf the leadera In this bank are men of sound Judgment and experience In the di-recting of Hnanclal propositions.

They will freely and oonaolentlouly advise you to tbe best of tbelr ability about any buainess ven-ture you think of making. Feel free to come In and i talk with ua I

No Account Too Large to Handle

^ i ^ ^ n e Too Small to Welcome -•

HY TONE I M N FABRICS A Superior Writing Papa^in Bulk


We haoe a coinp(ete

LINE OF-TABLETS, Ruled and unruled

With Envelopes to Match

For pour next supplp of writing ma-

UrlalaskforHY TONE

nROGNOniM'S DRUG STORE wmm^mam^OMaimmimm


Mb INsMct <«< U . . «. Ck Piduafas . Cfrilertor

Sptiagfsld.'^ BL. )aaJ 17, I t t ^ - . -

Prl^t«*r landlords win be h*U to

the Btraigtit and. narrow path III pay-

ing their In^me tjuna tbtt •kr la | .

For tbe tanabta ara doing tb^d^lafs*

and holding th* whip. Revenge ta sweet to the tasMuU

who haa • bad to dig d**p lato. bis aaratags to pay a high rantal ta M l f Oaiberiac bis tamily around.him., be takaa bto acratehy familr Pe^ bi haad. aearabe* .the tak-bo|tte (or that laat drop o( tak. aad wltk a asaater-stroke ln(orms the' Commte-sionor ot Intornal Revenu* that bei, BIII Brbwa, o( the H a l l i ^ m Apart-manta, paid (9 3ohn Smlt&, IS I|n>-llteer Avanue, Ajiyw^ara, U. 8. A., 11200 (or hfs t^/rfojjfpoin (la^ daring the year 101i.t " iJ !'• . "

The InfomMMoH^'lUtnras npw da* covering paymijMf Jf aatarlea, wa^eik rant, Intarest, and otber Inoome serve as useful data (or runntag down tax.

aamat^ A'^

"feS •UhrtaaH BHI 33F •HP


servapta, or persons In any capaelty? Tbe Rsvenne Law requires the dl

Ing o( these Intormation Returtm ta i^sach case whera the tptal of, par-inenta during I t l S to any peraon^ partnerahip, or fiduciary waa $1000 or more. Forms* 108S and 10S<. on which the raturaa must be made, are now available ^ t the officea of Cot-lectora ot Internal Revenue.


Urbana, III., Jan. SS.—Pinal plans for the proposed memorial to perpat-uate the work of the Cyril O. Hbp-klns, originator of the Illlnote yUP-tem of permanent agrieultura,- '>a world authority on sdlte, and tot


* Tie Stor iotMMtn IS KAVING THfiiR'

January Clean-Up - Side of the l i ^ ^ f to f | t4

LADIES' IIEA&Y^-WEAR AX4ax^\oyr M/hoXeafd^ priOea

It will be'to ytpur advantage t* come and aeleet your


Come early asid get yptir cUpice Dbn\ forget th e dilte' -Coj e and save money - ,

frujra IX - 1

.sVo I(fcv^

,MA., JI



yeara bead o( the agroaomy depart-

ment o( tbe Vnlvenity o( Illtabte,

hav* been annenaeed.

Frank I. Hann o( Oilman, chair-man, stated that the Mnal decialon of the committee made up of prom-Inept agrlculturlata of the state which ^as charged with the wprk, waa that a Hopkins Hemorial Association shbuld be formed. This aaaoetatlon will be Ineorporated under the- law* of Illlnote with a capital st<^k of t2E0,000, and will be a eorporatioa without profit. Shares will be placed on the,market. A torge portion has already been pledged. /

Our Razots will give^[|^ a smooth, clean ahave. We "shaved" our piiMn when we marked our

hardware. i* We have the "edge on the hardware busi-

ness, because we " handle " the most reliable brands and keep on hand a full s a!ck.

\ ou can flnd it at our atore. > J .. * A

Bowman's Hardware Store


WHArS IN A STRING? Are you exparioincing :troid>le with your Violbi

'We can ^ulji stop to yoqr tronble'Kiui.oor freeh stock of STBigU;4MMl GUT VioHn SteiDgf,* M ,

Seleet your instnunent from our new line of fiawUan Goltwrn. ^ f





Instructora with all Hawiian Inatrumenta . ^


SftK eaafai! s


Hr. add Hrs, T. A. WilaoHvof Bast '*«•' raeaatly iindarwant V aerlaaaop-

St. Loula, ara ta the city i er a (ew week's visit with Hrs, Wtlsob> ^ e k ther, Hr% Sarab IB. PJ^alby^H': WU-

.1 » . n , I I '1 Sji'i X|j,Ltf,'i)' !==

:n iflli iliii'sliyi!Pi.Li';i II

erbtlon at the > lex lan Bros, hospitol In St. L^ula. Dr. Carrall Smith, ataiC aurgeon, p«r(onned tbe operation.

«Mlii T

PROSPERITY . * > * ' • • ' • • • v . i r f ' - ' - - ' • • - • - . • • • • ! • . ( / ' ^ ' . ' ' ' . ' ' '


« .nfc f •« 1-;

•• y ' r * . "t t* oatAia

'•'^•>r''-'-^' . ri^.-' ...-if-

L U. .

- A thriftp communitp spejla g0pd buaineaa and

prosperitp. Don't^t^up plktr Inconte. Savecf

part. Deposit it In pour Special Intereat^ooQUnt'.

with the '.-H.... .-....,' .M-Z^vf ' rv-'hi-i {i::\u'.

• • { • • ' ; '»v' ' - ^ ' - i V • > - . • • ' , - • ' • 4 ^ ^ ' ''*'. ^C-^-^-Ti'f-H'.'iyi^'r-•'

e Plwa NaiSM Bri^^r^. 7 -y- " i •li,; •• »< -'V'--n, '--.fl

^4,-' • - ; .^t^,..;^^-^,-'^ii•^^:,<^ahU-

' • FLORA,, IIJL. ,^;4^%^,„>.=6

- • .^ '-'i- 'f'- | ^ ^ . , ' « V ' . ^ ' • ' ' . • , - ,

Total Reeources...^.^i.^i^42F6,000.00

Capital and Surphjai-ll-11^2^ ' . . . i ' j . f ,

. ' " ' . •: •'•-. " ' ^ s » > ' - : ' ' ' ^




i * a

C o n u B M v i a l

GET THE SNAPS While the; Getting is Goodj^

S&da Qrackffra,^ par pound,..


Post Toaatlea, perrpackape,. Puffed Wheat, per package, ,».. , Mefa Milk, tall can „. . 3 . ;_J__.tL^ Herahtfp's Cocoa, V4 pound tin, ,L*;L No. 2 Red Beana, *c<i/b....-..v SwarfJOown CakcFlour, package '.

Pacana, aoft aheUed. pekpound.., .,;. -Hickorp Nuta,(:Slfellbarka) perpoitnd... Matehea, per Mr._„... _^..<L.....

Bredkfiut Bacon, per ^ptfiuid...:^..^.

•n i . » " *

wm j iaES^' Miiiiii j j ^ >«g:

Lomel^llps Pancake Flofjir, per patMifa • Mtchtgm NA VY BEANS, per pounds Srttder'a TjaU Tomato, ^oup, per can !w._. Ltoar,par pottndL....... .^... _..: ;___„:

COFFEE Schottati'a.LittleBobbp,perpound.-.. ......^._

A atrtfug iodtad ct^ee Schotteh'a Jerrp, nmdatoeet drta^iw,

Itandtaitefrfff»ica, par pounds Schotten'a Beat Peaberrg, per ptmntf



t8c 12c 15c 15c 25c 12c 40c 25c

8Vtc 5c

36c 15c

9Vxc iSc

1 10c

' i-i-tO .

.. 92e

',43c 48c


~ 10c


F.G.Meyer \ SeDs


•i "^

;. .1


Record aent to W ' d a u ^ t e r , Mra. PreM^ Craft.' ta Ch^veldttd. o u * .

lira., Shell Priend-Pacta ot Odi; attanded tbe (uneral o(* Hr«, Hf ry! Oaban Satnrday. >*,*.'*

Hre. A. L. Kearaey and lira. P. A. Bayles wera hostesses to tbe Ladiea' Aid o( the Baptist ehnrah Wednm-dajr 4(ternooB.


OB aoeoB||tH^( a aevera ,a|ttlaek brtMMbitta:' • . —«


f^m m T *

FlJT^'s . - •• ^ I Cash an^ Carry Pays

SBOBTBRINGS Criaeo, all s ina par lb 38o Compound In bulk, par lb.... 28o M n . Tncker'a Shorbsnlng ^

i Ib pall, each....... • ! J 6 <Bara Lard, par Jb...-.,._ 3Qo ' Pnra J^rd, SO Ib. oina.: Oo

P&BSH M I S L M . >

Pnra Pork Sausaaa lb! . . .^ 18o iPork Cbotia, lb _.;._ . .a« Bolltaf Baa<, ni.„.u ^ f U l f IJvor, lb_ ._ lOc 'Side pork, Ib „ 86e ISmoked MODIOS. whole, lb.... 22o

Bom*-kllied maats f 0OFFBB8 Bulk ooffee Ib tSo

molaugbl lB's X X X X , pkjT- SSc .'Bulk Peaberry,- Ih 43a !ural& 1 Ib ptaB. lb. 430 ^ 1 Braoa, flSruitt...... fiSis

Wa frtiHl It for jrou OLBOMABGA&IIIB:

Hut Ola,' lb. „ 330 ^<OeinJIi«.Olao lb ..^ .-...» SSa-r.'VsMao lb KwTHartgoM, lb,

....^-.-.i ;,>.«.k-.\A«



X X X Olao, natbral c6lor Ib 43o r i o n Creameif batter lb:... Mc

suovas: All prioea belo# praaenfe ijrbol*-

aale ooat at (Iia nl lT Indtaoaqbtor, sack L a i . 4 8

1.161 im 1.70 1.70 1.95


s^l^m' aM*d A^riooU^b. Bulk Baaaiaab Batkab Ib tSd SabdadEal8lnB»o2. pkfeabh IDo Seeded n la l iml tozpkf eaoh aoo -SanmaMNedDeaMsmanaad) 23o SaamaMkiidlaas lawr* a a ^ 2So .Above priota J«aa w a n ,ar|ipla-.

. . aajpiof^jpaiy.




..... 60 i.i.:},9o

7c* 4e

WaablDgtoD's best, teck ^.'(tald Medal aaek.. ^.«t-...

bunny Plour saok Oolden Aga sack,

- Quakar aaek - Entarprfan aack...„ ^....,.

-e 48 Ib aaeks'lOo oheapat than J than two 24 lb. sacks £ Bonny Craam meal sack 3fic 1 Bulk Oorn Meal lb - 5c |. 10 Ib. sacks meal e a ^ SOc

§ 25 lbs. aacks meal, aaeh.... C}.2S Cracked Corn per cw{ a3,75

P CIGABS A N D TOBACCO; 1 Kd Ctgara over, each Se * CarnalClgarettiC,3-pkgs ......SQs

Star Ibbaisco, whole pi ug... 90<s Rorhesho* whole plug fjOe Union Leader tini, each...../.. lOe*

ii Stag Tins, each - '........ 10c l i Prtue* AllMrt, VettM anii k'' Tuxedo In tins, each.. 150

3 B 1 E D FRUITS: ; New Prunes sizes 70-60 lb.. 23c :'• Ntw Pruned sizes 60-60 lb . 28c a New Prunes sixes 90-40 lb. 38c I DrIedPeaoliee lb„.^.,...^ il3c I TaggaJt t a n t m ^ i.4Aam tt Como Honiv per section ... 30c M Calumet iMklog powder 1 • lb cans 25c S Calumet baking powder In I bulk lb .i 20c f Cascade oats, regular ske ^ twu packages .. 25c ^ Tryphosa,- puriB fruit flavor f two tor ;.. 15c VCbum Salmon tall Oans.can. I9c f Shinola all ootors, per can., dc fV All ISc shoe polishes-cash ^ and carry lOo ; American lady canned aoups

IOc 13c

^ per oan .,. iCamptiell'a canned aoups... >,,Quakei; oata large aUaper *** pttekaffl...: ;....„. >*Mead<fws#«et toilet •«K|r

3 bare for Jap Boee toilet soap per bar lec




Ivpri Soap riakea Star Jiaatba powder Sopade; w g e alia 4ft oi, aa. Uat l l bbusa claaoar Palm (Miva soap....:_ Batb tableta 3 for,.. Wblta Ptyar aoaii.... Bob WiMa aoaP- - -GryBUTWIittB aoai>.. LantB.;jp lMb aoap . _ _


6 I^Jaea pw« JalUas eaehi.vSl'SS ^ aa-alHa'' *' >'"' - * - " 'T.-..'' 16c' OaMan Weat Aprioota CBDI' 23c Lbodon Style Batiah '23c Bidair<3aim milk 3 for 2So Tail B e b e n i l k 3 for 46c Caroleaa Ull milk 2ior....... 26o All othar tairmllk 3 for ... 60c Eagle brahd milk 3for 8Qc

•Currapta 8jlliPll«--aj7. 23o

'ClwpSti ni^^MHnmws I3c' Soup beans Ib lOo

. Pinto beana nhole lb...,- lOo Lima fauna lb .„...:...... 18o Bead Riba U> 18o A 65c broom now each 48c SOc Jar beef extract each.. 350 drandmaa Macaroni each- 6c Orandmaa SpaahattI ea6h 8c 1 mora brand Fork &B*ans

each - So Barral Sorghum per gal Ion. 11.25 Barral wfilte ayrup gall6n.. 80c Jap Rose soap bar 10c RulBr brand pumdkln Oan. 10c Bulk animal oradkeia lb... 26o Bulk Ginger snapa lb I&c Grape outa (m> advano«)>.... 16c Puffed wheat (no advance)- l&o Po ira beat homlriy No.3oan 10c 2 cana tall Caroline milk 2So >fgallon darksyrup 46{i I galloa dark syrjip....... 86o >( gal loo a r b i t e r rap.. SOo I gallon w h l t e i ^ u p , 90c

llVave crast braiid yellow , free peaches ;.... 38c

A dandy lead pencil each, i c 117 Cigaradppings.cloae out

abSTot 26c New Mackerel, each 16 and

20c according to size New white &sh 10c each or

3 for 25c Armours bullion cubeslSfor SSc Large caq red robed sliced

pineapple; , 48c Large can American Lady

sliced Pineapple SSc No, 2 can American Lady

sliced PIneKpple 43o Large can Smilax Krant... 15c Large can Smilax Spinach. 2Sc Large can Smllaz Sweet po-

t a t o ^ . . . . . _ :. 28c 1 gallon oana noeteaa peach-

ea. -...,. 98c-

Our spaelal Ac Coflee bas qualltjr-and atrength. • On* lady - bougbt Zdlba. after tryldg oba pouad, add. anotber bougbt

12 pounds after one trial. V f

SOAPS B T T B B GABK t S S S TjTAN J^jaOLii^ALB F « I 6 B Clean Easy Soap. W b a n ........•_ $ 3 . ^ eaae

' Lenox aoap, 180 ten, .<:... ._u.T..".U......:.. S.SOpas i Maple Ctty ooap. lOO^bara .:..:....i...„.,.i...;.,^ft.....«.*36 oase Swfft'B Pride, 100 barB^;......;.^;.. :....... .„.?... ..'..T KTC base Wblta r iyir , 100 baia,..., ,w-,~',' . . . . . . t - .* J-M eaae

\ B i ^ W h i t e Soap, lOO bars „......._ :„ », .- 6.00iiaaa l ryMaK WhlU, too bara .S-.:.:...-.J5,.!..._..:„....... a46 case KIrk'a Whit* Flake MIHwn _. 7.00 aaaa

Bera*a aomethlnit ctaeaI^and talghtj good. Brook's Tobasco I Catsup, par Bottia, ........ '. ,..J , „ iSc

U n n ; E 4 0 ; Mix MUl Peed, ISJOe MIddUngs, 13-30 Quick Maal Preparad Flobr, waa 36o, now 25o

Add Water only to make a aloa white oak*,

m o r s TBKSB SPECIALS OM MBtBAKFAST FOODS Latge Quaker oats, 3 pkga. for ..;._„.!„.... T...J.._..2 80o Bmall Quaker oata, I pkgs. f9r .t....':.i...—; „.„:. '40e Larga Armour o»to, 3 pkgt. for.. . .'.,...„::.„.....,..w 91.00

• Siball Armour oata, 3 plus, for .. .».„. ^ ^: 40B Post Toastlea, small, 31 for..

...•^..tbte. J N

..?». »..-

. 4 0 * .. 40e .. 60o

. 40c ... 40c ... tOc . . 40o : SOc . 40e .91.25


Poat ToaetleB, larae, 3 pkga (or. Com Flakea, amafl, 3 ppcga. for _.; Corn Plakae, larga, Spkga. tor^.... Qaaker Oi»n P a n i 3 pkga. (br.. . . Putted«baat, 3 piifi. tot. Puffad Rloa, J pI tS ior ...., SItraiMM whaak; 3 pkga. f o r . . 4 - -G n p a Kuts, 3 far. Z— Twa MUrat* OUttfaod a lor,:, ' K e l l o ^ BrutaU* B h n , 3 tpt,

' ' CraaaaoT wbaat, 3 (or . . . .— KelTog** KorO'Ktiap, 3 for Shelle4 Baf Heh Walnuta and Peoana, p«r lb. Shelled Pllberta and Almootfa, per lb..A.;i... t..^-i,ii.

Wesbe l lourown and. guaianta* tbem to ba freah a n d t h e beat obtalnabia.

- WE PAY CASB F O B BGGS . ,. - " - ' 'I • I' - . - .

Bead Chia aA. atvt tiabb tit prk-«s are obaagad add AAA i tpna ' ^^^'. ..^ addad with every lame. ^: • • • , . '

Flora Ci^lStore

awBeyeara ago today (Tbarsday) the Ladtea' Raadlac "alt at Plora waa organised, beln^

ot the (irat elabs o( this 4tind ^Orsaalaad In southern Ulinois. The 'aaalvaraary was to have been oel*-brated at the home o( Hr. and Hrai; C. P. Brown, on North Haln Mraet. but haa beea poatpoaed owlns'ilA tbe

fllaa-i' Btandba'Itaaaa «(' speur Honday In tbte eity.

Dr. Jifletto Wllltama baa^ letara-ed (rom a vialt witb ratat|vaa la St. Loute. I .


- "W: arar liJK^ f"*

Hiaa Katbrya

saa bera

Rteketta aatarUla-

aagsBt jmm: ».- «.. « » n ^ tHOt'tMiiAfO' •Mr, Hra, 1. M. -Coom**. ta South itaa(ord. Hra;>Oo«mM kaa beda- crtt'-

rjly IH Cot aavasal sraaii»-ftf« .•.-"• , The W. d.'rf. S. o f * , fe church bald th* Jaatmry meettag. ta ehurah

tara: Th* stadgcbocft (or tb* yaar "jUnertesyataaMoa." Tb* program

lolbded a aapdr' arcHlaa Bibma Shad lUt taanatt''-mAim taoA M Vta. C. Stoait aKi, WjB. WoK*. Tb* hoe-

^Aa tot t M a(tanioon wera Hes-|aa«»''rf> H. ^amaiawt and c . c . Rip-^ . • • * . . . - , , • > . - .

; dtki («>rd ¥ CbaaAiar win S ^ ^ f l y to db etoaalag and preaBia» Moailay, fab.'IBd. • ..,•• '•,* •


Tlie k'eco14> pleaaed to I iat B. B. Obrrall, (onaar

aahoiinee tlmt B. B. Oorrell, (onaarly adltOr e i tbte papa^.-te rapidly • raeoverteg trom a serloaa Ulaeaa at (oar w**ksV dqr^tlon. H« l|opes to loave bte room fli a short tlm*.

* . - ' • ' ,

tilen Bakes, wbo haa beea work-•d a number. o( har (ri*nda with a f """u »"•"'». " • " •••• "^^ -»• • . -party Honday night. ' Th* young >•« 1» Hlchlgan-durtag the Wintor, (oika had a nie* tlm*.


Mo.,'war* tk* gneata o( J. O. Tibba faaiT tanlMr'-Mi VtaafaaiM Avenae laat

weak. TMgr ttara eaQed hera by-tb* 4*B(b o(Mr: Bdoa'a (ather.

.Mtes Anal* Hyera came home Sat-urday (rom Belleville and bas ac-eepted .a poaitloa-.Be atenogr^ber (br the J. P. Haawell Wholeaale Co:

'" Ira Theobald le(t Sunday |or Ham-' Uton, Ohio, wbera' he wUI work ta an, auti^mobile (aev>ry.,.

Ben Reaugh. Is wAking (or an aur tomoblle company in Detroit, Hieh.

Rev. Father Hannwinkle ot BI-dorado, waa' a recent gueat ot Rev. Father Bchert o( tbte eity.

P. S. Nichols, who Is doing con-strtiction work In Paoll, Ind., te

te at home (or a«vtelt with Flora ral-- „ _ . . _ . , 1. . tSltms and (riends. Olen Is telling C. C. RlPJe^-ta a new member o( ,ig,iboyhood (rienda^thkt be tateads

th* PloWL Mtdtand Trail organiaa- a»aklng a (ortune this yaar by pur-obaaloK aU 4b«'iJmmMniteia while

W. I. Combs kaa been appotated ••JT ^T* doyn, ta IVnjjjgaa and aell-«orottar o( RIchUnd county, to (111 a < ' » 2 n » f.?*? Mjay t o up aeat sum^ vB«»aey1 eansed by Joe Mlller'a m^- ^ » t »<»y »** • «>*•» business' deatb. W d . • ' ,StantoH A Chandler have bought :J (^Kar Durlaad o( Higbpotat, No, the V. Suggett Cleaning and preastag fQkrollna, sp«at Sunday with bte ta-<|atabUabBMat on NOrth avenae. ._ tbar, J. T. Dnriaad. Osear baa a host

' Mr. a i d M«b. Wta. Eden o( SIran, K S J l l ! ? ' * S S o l S * " * * ^ *"'*'^

Peb. 2nd. home this week and has been en^ ^ 1 ? " e'eanlng and prasslag on Hon-tertalnlng the (In. He is able to bo * f • out in town today. " ' '

W. N. Tolliver o( Bast St. Louis te spending' the week ta Flora and LouisvUle.

Stan(ord * Chandler will be ready 'to do cleaning and pressing on Hon-day, Feb. 2. \

Mrs. O. w ! YoQiMry o( Rlnard, waa tba guest o( Hra- W. P. Cunning bam In our city (rom Saturday nn-tll Honday. ' , •

Hra. Douglas Naaey Is spending the week In Ctaejanatl,' Ohio, and ta Kentucky.

Walter Stata .-ot Vincennes, waa the guest ot P. B. Ooldsby and (am-> Ily Monday.— • •

- Mra. L. PuUlam o( Bible Orove, I s f ifpendlnK a (ew days with her dauJAr ••er, MYs. d e c Sturdivant, I -STv

G. A. Hamer o( Bast St. Lants, spent Sunday with hte (amlly Aera,

Prof. Homar Moata, county tTuelnt officer, spent Sunday with O. C. Ola^k ahd tamily In 8tan(ord.

. Wm. Thompson will be able t* re-turn to his bome In this city the lat-ter part of the week (rom the Ol-ney sanitarium. Mr. Thompson re-cently underwent a serious opera-tion.

• Mra. John Dungan o( Indianapolis,

spent last week In our city ib4 guest of her mother, Mra. 'W. *W, Jones on West Third street.

Sister "Veffffnioh raturaed to her duties In thl»'Clty Wednesday, hav-


Randall o( aear X«ata, had Vrintod -Vor a pablte sal* oa ay, Feb. 3rd. Saa ad ta this

. ,j:or l lst ,o( propertjr. A(tor the r b e W01 mov* to Iowa.

^ i t i . . C ..Coawitry and wl(* ,o( Ol-npy, ,w*ra h*ra laat Priday, looking tot b. room ta wbleb to start a rack-et atora.

Chas. Chiekedants, Sr., raturaed Subday (rom a vtelt with hts son, R. A.' Chlckedanta at Snmner.

Mr. and Mra. W. J. Cunningham vldted the latter's sister at AshUud, (rdm Tuesday until Thuraday.

. Stantord A Chandler will be ready

..„ pttia Burrougb o( Tipton, Iowa, w4i called to Xente on account of tals (atker's death. Le(t hts wi'e slek, but mach better, bnt «raa calhr-l back to lowa^belora they co:ild (Ix u;> his (a-t h d ^ business, .is his wlto wns Worse Mij. Bdrrough will move t j Rolilnson tnJ,>on a-tarm 'n Kar-oh. His a l (e is a daughter of H. 'V. Stout.

lif the man that run into Mrs. H. W.TBtout with hts o:ir Tues'lay, JUD. 2Ttb, Is a gentlen^i he will kindly stqp.and settio, tor yuu l>roke my buggy badly. Mrs. H. W. Stont.

iftt^Newman o( The Model, was In' k^jC/ouls (rom Sunday until Tues-

.ductor Doug Naney o( the •ad, took a lay otf Monday,

tlnta. ta many yetfts.

>Randolph Smith was at Spring ileUF (rbnl Monday until Wednesd,\y, s tand ing a meeting ot the state highway association.

Harvey SchneU wUl move (rom her* to Ploi-a, where he expects to run* a bakery—Noble News.

Tbe Cummins orahard east of toMn Is being cut off and the ground will, be sown in gra^s (or pasture.— uma News.

^ Newman, was her'e

t*. Taylor iturday.

Mra. Clarence Freeae and baby of Eldorado, are the gueata of ratatlvea in this city,

Adam Rinard retiraa (rom the head Ing been called to Mt. CJarmel l a s t h i r ^ e Fairfleld National Bank, a(-Satnrday by the'iUneas o(, her moi \^hartlag (or nearly 27-yeara in

thatjM Ity,


SAVE 910.00 , - • • " • / . • •

On a i^oat or a Suit A BIG STORY IN A FEW WORDS

" • % " $ 2 5 . 0 0 c o a t a o r s u i t i . . . . . iSOvOO c o a t o ox aulto — $ 8 6 . 0 0 c o a t s o r su i to :;.

W « h a r a aoiMi wary n i e a O n e l o t o f C h i l d r e n ' s c o a t o , a^ea 6 t o 1 4 . O n e l o t o f Mis se l^ ' c oa ta , a g e s ' 1 3 - t o ' 1 8 .

. . $ 1 4 . 8 5

.. 1 9 . 8 6

.. 2 8 . 0 0

. . . $ 2 . 9 8

. . . $ 3 . 8 0

1t^O-it6.E-t-S On receivinffotir new line of Warner's Rust Pr<rof

Cors to and GOSBkBD Famous Front Lace Corseto Wa Put Out a Lot of Diaearded Lot Numlwr*

aiaaa 18 to 20, mdf, at...... BOe

nEMNXim--AFTER INVOICn^' Qhoes, Ginsfaaras, Ribbons, Baeas, Trimmings,

Wool goods, «tc.; THEY ARE .GOING FAST ^

i -

P . A . M E Y E R



Y —IN—


Thr i l l a

S t u a t a

D a r i a g

A d T a a t o r a




t EVELYN NESBIT niie lateraatloaallir

A e O e e a • • ••'>' ^..

"A FALLEN IDOL" A story which strfkea at the

keyaaaa at two's ponla. 4-4«Uao( aa laaoeaat woaiaa trapped at aea by a wealthy aeoandral, with tbe aid o( a so-ealled "soelety woman."

The Hawltan atmospbera wbWb surrounda the develop-mmit o( '^he atory landa Itself peeultarly to scanio eKedlve-n«ss, with Ita beaatttul,taann-tains and sea-coast. Z'. ^

Tou arf aura to enjo^ "A PALLBN IDOL."

• V " ', - • , ! • .




• t


one of the




• • ' ' - \




-"JI, 'li'VliU' MM*

MARY PICKFORD "t(jniii1^»;.


• , W ; N -

" J O H A N N A E N L I S T S ^

( F r o m t h e s t o r y bjr R u p a r t H u g h a a )

A wonderlul story, dellghttully humorous and pleasantly ro^ mantle, with an unusual number of bits of comedy, and pathoa,' such as only. Mary Plckford ean produce. ^ . '

Never a beau be(ore and now lotera three! X.bard/'aristoeratle^ captain, a handaome lieutenant and a peppery private! Who gel her? Bet you can't guess.


•'X. l i e and n c

•ir t


FATTY ARBUCKLE Now Hecogateed aa the

W o r l d ' s g r e a t a a t e o m e d i a n


"CAMPING OUT" Oae of bto latent and (aanieat

Pity the poor llttle hen-peck-ed husband ("Patty"); wl(ey is cruel t(\Jtlm, sbe Is; sb he goes (samping to get a reat (rom her abuse.

While camping on the beaa-tiful CataUaa Island, inst o(( tha coast o( California, Patty maeta "a sweet, yaOJ^MoA". —a beautKul, b a t ^ M P M a d " wl(e,'who haa ma-away ^ m her cruel husband. ,<

Things ara Jnst getting An-teresttng when.- Fatty'a frite and the woman's husband both tavad*. , V

Needless to say, "party's bustad!" ._,, , . •,

Better See TIds Goasedjr



Beaatttal, Vlvaoooa, Charming



Another of thoa* *squtelt* romantic oomedy-dramas o( the higher claas, which hav* made Constance (amous. ITou hav* seen Constance Talmadge aa a kid; a debutante, a qnBrrie.! woman and a dlvoraee. Kow see ber as a'charming young wid-ow.

Is the girl 7oa tav* romaa-


.; Ar* you prosaloT

V Do you want to know bow to wla her despit^ bar lov* Cor romance?


'••" % —IN—

'ROMANCB aifd ARABkliliA''

\ t

i I

Wm. Brollea, a Ctay eouai^ r^al-dent so^e yeara ago, but aow ot' Hambiond, 111., called on A. J. Cban-ey and I. I. Cassidy Wednesday, ^a waa enroute to Texaa.

Hra. Creekmur, mother o( Hra. Brad Hann, had tbe tnte(ortun* to tall on icy walka at the poat oifflce, braaking her arm. Sh* te .Improving at bar bome on Eaat Sixth street,

Wm. Karr o( Bquallty spent the week-end with bis paranta.

Klm Kne(( and ttita, who Ie(t piora some months ago, have retura-ed. The (ormer having sold hts bus-inesa Intarasta In Hoopeston.

His. D. Naney Is visittag retatlvo* In Sberhon, Ky.

Ambs Bteks spent Satorday in .Flora visiting ttae McCaulley (amlly. —Wayne Co. Bxamlner.

ff I'. ' . 8«me basket ball (ana w*ra> ta-censed over a wriieup the Olney team got ta the Plora Jouraal, pre-aufnabty tha work o( one Abraham Hobllt. Tboa* ao lno*nsed ara (abs, new to tb* buataeaa, and need to be Intormed tbat tbe writeup In ques-tion- is a real bunch o( roses com-pared with what Olaey haa been used to'gatttag (rom the Flora Jour-nal. Abrakaai always reaponde to a real eall o( tbe wild when Plora wins an athletic contest (rom Olney.—Ol-ney Dally Mall.

Mtea Bra Chapman arhb la(t Ctaaa a week ago Is studyiag tbe styles la a large St. Louis millinery aetahllsh-ment whera she will ramaln three or (our weeks longer after which she will be employed In Plora by Mrs. H. M. Cummins In her mlUlnery store —Wayne Co. Bxamlner.


mm 'jiuuuMuiuMAmufMHMMWtaBa WMmmm»>jj>pMi»mum}m»»»am»>iiUf»»»>»a^ita»mmxm

Onr j | ^ d l J p ^ is | 3 per sack. Why pay p r ^ . Qnality gnarasteei \ymm^ wmmaaaammammai^ematMUmaaamaHmmmmmBmmmaaamm'maBmm "wmmm. ipiiiPiinP9«pi«NMHMnpppiimRp«


DESPAIR I t yon ara traabted w M t p i i a a c r

' aMbat; fed tsai; hava headachy fBdiceation,inaofiiqia; painfial paaa> a « a of urine, yon wHl find n H i f ia


woiUftattaiatA lamady fcr fcidna]L m, btaddar end orie add tioablsa aad

RMMdyer HoOaad since l«M, isisM^aO

Iee and sleet everywhera. It has been almoat a week sinee a aleet and rata (rose on the ground, mak-ing It very dangerous (or man or beast to get aroaad.

Bdgar Kltley )s getting ont plans and apecKleations (or a new school hoaae at No. 171 Forest Hill dtetriet.

Muriel Stantord had a horse lo taU on the ice and broke his hip. It hmd to be killed. J. R. Babeoek had Sk eow to (all aad tbay pnt her on a b a n door and bitebed hte Pord to the door, dragging her to the b a n . Another ase (or the Ford.

Robert Mosley, (rom Rlnard, waa te tbte neighborhood on bnsiness ladt Thursday;

Andy Schmidt (rom Plora, attend-• d ehurah at Harmony Saturday nlgbt.

Chester WlUlams, the teaeher (or Baat Semiaary, te aiek.

Mra. Frank Dobba te' at Flora, cartag (or her son Raymond and vrite, who are hoth quite stck.

The revival meeting Is still In pro-gress at Harmony, with 28, conver-sloas and 18 unitad with the church t o d a t e . ' •...,...:.-,•>...-:•..

^ [ • - , • ^ • - ,



Austin Winchester's, after a year te this neighborhood, moved to their (ormer bome near Bdgewood.

Howard Songer Is carrying mall on Route four.

Mr. and Mn. Prank Randall ar* gotag to lo-sra to Uve.

Mra. Ben Thomas and childran vte^ed at J. O. Hlggaaon'a Thurs-day.

Mr. and Hra. Croy Howard attend •d the (uneral ot Mra. Meryl Gahan Bt Flora Saturday.

Sam Holman left Monday for his home in Bolss, Idaho.

Church was well attended at Ons-tott last week.

J, O. Higgason waa In Plora Fri-day.

Mra. J. J. Smith Is on the sick Itet

W. O. Hnlshausen and wlte and Oerald Boston and wife visited near Parina Sunday.

Miss Hasel Foraythe went back to Cbicago Satnrday.


Olympte, Waah., Jaoi I # > i 4 t 0 . BdUor Reeord: Reeetved yonr no-

tice that my aabaeriptloB l ad *x-pir*d D*c. S. I f 1». a tew dayb ago, and am writtag to ranew, sb aa aot to miaa a copy ot th* apiendid littta paper you ara patting out.

1 am a formef Clay county boy. now engaged in ttae lumber bustaesa in Central Washington. The lumber bnslneesa is enjoyteg a great boom at the present time, hut greatly ham-pered oa account of tbe car shortage. The logging eampa are runntag (all blaat and ara hardly ahle to aupply the milla with au((lclent amount at loga to ran steadUy.

A great deal ot hulldtag te go-ing on hera in Washington now and businsss ot aU kinds te being push-ed with plenty o( pep.

The people ot tbte -vlctaity have lust witaessed the worat side o( tbe bolseviki natnra by the marder out-rage at Centralta, Armistice day. I hope you people bave none 'o( that natnra In good old Clay eounty and 1( you have, hope yoa will be ridded of them as quickly aa the law can act.

How is bnsiness In Ctey connty this winter?

I am wtehing you great auccess in yonr Mldtend Trail movement now on ta your eounty.

Prom a former Ctay eounty boy. PRANK CLAWSON.


Bngland. Ark., Jan. S, 1*10. Thnraday moroing ushered In the

jrear ItSO, "Leap Year," aad hence 43iera will he S<< days and aaeh day may be one o( dangei* to the sons o( "Adam" as the dangbtera o( "'Bvb" have the tradltloaal prtTUege o( as-aumtag the aggreaahra In the court-ahip game, and l( tbey ahould be aa peratetent and aa prodctont In pro-taetatloB o( undying, admiration and protray the bapplaeae, peace and tbe advantagea o( married IKe. as the (male) usually doeh, th* year ahould be reoord breaker In matrl-montal Unas.

In the early days the (ollowlng aet was passed by an Englteh ham-let: "An act to amend the laws o( courtship and matrimony. Albeit It Is now beeome part o( the common law Ita regard to aoeial ralatlon o( IKe, that-as often as every bissex-tile year doth return, the ladies have the sole privilege of milking love unto the men, which they do either by words or looks, aa unto them seemeth proper; no man will be entitled to the benedt o( the cler-gy who doth refuse to accept the offer of a lady, or who doth In any wlae treat her proposal with negleot or contumely."

Corrospondenta |n last weeks Is-sue of Record wera of much Interest.

OLD SHADY. P. S.—The old proverb that "Bar-

cus was willing," auggeat possibly "Old Shady" te In a recep^lVe mood — In "Leap Year." /^ "

UJi. ' •'


INFLOENZA ^•iilridia H B i l M C a ^ A t d M


•tat tayama t hcss ml*. WM*. aa tmmia at • MM % M

, tmHanajtrla ia < Oma,

At Alt


Health geoaratly pr*tty good with tbo *xceptlOna of Irw Rltwr'a two boys. Dr. Young waa called to aee them a few days ago.

Leslie Valbert and family attend-ed the fnneral of bis consta, Mra. Rnth Oahan at Plora SatuMay. *

Owlpg to the ley condition o( the roads, a great many wera hinderad (rom attending churab Sunday.^

A Mr. Stephana (rom south* of Johnsonville, passed throagb this neighborhood Friday evoBlag en-rodte to Flora', to take tb* ndrth bonnd train (or Springflald, wbara hto wKe waa visittag. H* had inst reoeived a meaaage tbat hte (ear months old baby waa dangeroaaly sick.

Cunatagham A Otay and O. I. Davis ara oparating their saw milte In this vicinity.

Lealie Valbert aad (amlly motored t* Hra, V s paranta, Wm. Hant'a fun day. They wera accompanied by bar sister, who has heen visiting a i tk tbem (or some time.

A baby boy waa raported at each o( the (oUowtag homea: Baraum Hale, Dewy Hoora and Forest Will-long, and a girl at Bverett Pearce's. I say the old, stork has been pratty busy. Oood thing be didn't bava to go a(oot.

The ley roads a^e hard on rural Sunday schools. .

Mr. and Mn. M. P. CampbeU have returaed trom their visit In Iowa with their daughter, Mra. Edna Whit son.

Carl Banhart'a have their tele-phone line built conneeting with the Oak Orove line.

The new power generator recently Installed at the Rlnard s-witch board Is giving splendid satlsfaftlon.


J. P. Hawkins, Champaign. IU 21 Carrie King, Marlon Co 21 Hugh Utterback, Streator 30 Anna WeUer, Stanford Tp ;...S2 Wm. HeCord, Buckingham, la 24 Lora Hinman, Plora 20 Olenn Moatgomery; Loulsviile Tp 19 Stella M. Hammer, LouisvUle Tp 18' LewtSfW. Depolster, Blalr Tp 21 Velma Cruse, Larkinsburg Tp. 2((

Q P F T T H Q T T T r > T n High Grade Photos. OrL4L 1 n 0 1 Ui/4>V/ Artistic Picture fra-

,#••;'•^>*;:••"f,•^^ • '^ , ^

miDg, — ;' ,'""'¥'. .p''

Enlarging and copies from your old Photos, if ;v ;


What te the cause of the unrast In. the conntry? .

Oompera say prohibition. \ The preaehera aay a laek of broth

erly spirit. GapltalteU say natural after-war

conditions. Wage earaera say a dlsragard of

,thelr rights. The householder says high prieea. The retailer says the other fe)to;qc. And likewise the wholesaler. •The packer says, "not me." Republicans say the Democratic

party. D^ocra t s Bay "You'ra another." All admit there Is unrest. And all dance the "sidestep." And everybody's happy to have

something to kick about. That's the American- way. Why not? • ' 6ut what is th* cause of the un*

rast? , Ask oeorge, he may' know.


.jfprom the Repnblteaal Mi|a'Suite Lewte left M ^ ^ y (or

Indtaaapolte, latt., whera aha.wUl at' t«ad tb* spring mUlhtary opMilag. Sba altl be employed aa trtmnier again thte a«ason at th* Kteeald atora.

Roy A a ^ t a a aatf hte brotbar Ray, bongkt lb* tatereeta o( the otb«r stoekliald«n o( tbe Farmera' stora ta tbte dty tbe thrst ot tbe weak abd at oiuJe took poaeeaaioa ot the atora.

AniUa Toolay, * daughter ot Wm. Tooley, was bnrtod at Hoosier eeme-tery laat Thuraday. The,young wo-man died o( the (In tbe day b*(oro aad several membera at tbe tatatly wora su((ering with that diseafo at tbe Ume. I

Lew Stacy, clerk at tb* Lontaflll* postoffice, haa,received the appoint-ment ot carrier on ronte (onr, hte duties to begta the K t b o( February Prank Parrell waa (ormpr carrier oa thta route, hnt since his resignation aeveral months ago the sab, Ray Docklns, haa been serring Ita pa-troaa.' ' -

Hiss Hae Brwin has been spend-ing the paat (ew days ta Flora, car-ing for h*r staler, Mra.. Wayne Har-ris aod childran, who ara on tbe sick list.

Hiss Ocie Browa, who tor aama time baa beaa havtag aar troubta went to Olttfy Saturday to coaault Dr. Weber abont, the. matter. She flada ber eondltloa cannot be better-ed unless an operation te per(onn-ed. •

Henry MeKnelly, daaghter and ganddaughtar of Viewtleld, S. D., ara bera tor a vbrtt wtth Pred Me-(inltam and (amlly and other ral-ativea ta the' connty.

Mtes Natalia Mbore Is teachtag tbe Oetweller school thto week In plae* ot Miss HargaroliThompaon, wbo (rom doeter'a ordera, te taking a va-cation- Hiss Thompson has eryslpe-laa and the length ot her vacation is lnd*(lnate.

Cards arrived here the latter part o( last week announcing the arrival at a bahy girl at the home ot Mr. and Mra. Herman Kenley at Drumrlgbt, Okla.. Jan. 12. The young lady has been christened Alice Betty.

Wm. Olardon, son ot Prank Qtar-don'of thte dty , haa gone to Cham< palga, ^bera be baa emplpyment.

Dr. Wm.^L. Suggett, ""giS r** OrnOKs: In W. C. MoCaully Building. . • . « w '

:.•::, = t i , • / ' , , '•: , i ? i %

Proteogens, Serums. Antitoxlnes and Vaccines; Salvarsan (600),

Neo-Salversan, {914), Therapeutically and SolenUOcally admlntetered

/ i

^^^^i:^ •4#i

NOTICE W* are fully equipped to taw your

wood. Call EARL SMITH or ae*' ROSCOB COBLE. lg-20t

tba aort ol advice we weald ralit* as ta battanr CBI*. Ws maks repain as csseftdtr aa wa aeuld ask to haaa thai


LService Co.



£;A.Ho oil CNlloaoWtItt lat Natl. Baak

(Froai the' l>esiiocra0',' ':'-~^ Havllle BIMe has puh; based the

Dawkins Hvery' hai^ this week and took charg* of sam* at onee.

John Fleener o( North Hooaier has bought the Rtaehai;t propert:^ In this city and VUl move to same In a short time.,

J. .R. Blalr waf mitified tbts week that hte penalon had been Increas-ed. He geta a raise of $50 per month with 1490 back pay. Geo. Owen, we underatand,' haa also received an In-crease of* 160 per mont|r.

Mra. Jett Abel, 'Who has held a clerkship with the Ktacald Bros, store (or several months, has. re-signed ber position and will leave (or Peoria whera she will join her httsbanb and whera they will make their futura home. .'I ^-.l-.--.

Real Estate Insuraiice Loans Tb|B Leading ^ o c y

BfeAL S 8 T A T K - W * bandte tarm and rixy, Pr^Mrty-Arkanaaa 'Uada- llaQbat^mMfotftatM.

I B S n S A i r C S - A t l k l o d a - l i i a , U ^ t n l n g and tomada on (arm anfl d t y piupBitif. . ^' ' '

OLD L t N X \;iaa IVSUKAJIOK-Uve ^tock Inanranoa agalmS daatb fram aqy eaaaa.

:«^ANa-H«(ot latad on farm and d t y praperty. Oni beat frWala ' are tfaoaa wttb wfatmi we hav* d«alt.

NOTARY PUWJC " , |«i I'll ll '! .

Ca^omtx^lte or phmteua



AbstQCts, Real EMate aid Uaas In buylng'iand or town proparty BK SUKB T H A T THK T I T L B IS GOOD. T b n a might be a miSBlag <Med, an nnreteaaad tnortgag* or a Jndgment. Tou oan flM out about tktt t it i* by aeeuriog an Abatnot. Wa have bad over twenty yaan dx^arlenea i a / t b a AB-STRACT BUSINESS and ara rai^ly to aanr* JOA, An ab-atract oosti Imt b nnall anm and ouy aava yon faondrada of dollara.

We also maka loans on (araa landa. Beaabnabie cbargae

and prompt, raltaUe aarvlea la our motto.

Call on'or writ*

Erwii Abstract & Realty Co. C. S. ERWIN, BilQH.;(8nooaaairtoKrWta&MBkWBll)'

i.. •I.." 'ii'tf^,. Louisville, Illinoif. .-JJ*

y ,F-^>

. 1 . . r '

' Peoples''48' '"'• •O'?^ ' '' rS'^^'^ ..••'• • • . t . . • - ' •• • • '

City 12

: ^ : ^ i - . .> -^ \. 't -t -v . ' ;^v?SV^N^ H O L A D A Y .

Office in Boyles Bldg


i^-t.^j!^' J, Fibril, IU.

O. O. Plies raturned Monday to Flora, where he is employed In the B. ft O. round house, after spending a few days with his father, TJ. S. Piles.—Deland Tribune.

A O O A TWiTQ. Resident Phone 444 . \3. V j A J L / i / l O , Office Phoiie 243


V,; V.'; Jiomcnj-^^^'j^^'^-v.: , . •: • — - ^ .f/-:.-- •

7411 peraoha wha v^ll nurae Infln-«nsa patlenta, volunteer or otherwise are urged to raglster with P- H. Simp son at once. , . '


Wm. ^ a r t the expert apple man, ^ telte us (here will be a big apple crop this year. He says the only sure phrophetlc ' sign Is' that when Ico .' forms on the .limbs of trees In Jan- , u'Bry or February and remains threo days, then tbe coming season's erop Is assured. We'ra (or Wllltam.—Ol-ney Advocate. i


V .,-:. ,;• ^^ •jLiT'l^'i i

•^'i •V'i--,;.-J'. '^.k'-:fyl:-ij'^'l"

" u.

. " ^ ^ . ' ^ • - . , * • ; ! :ri-'• ' . . . .


It S toasted • • ^


• r - f l

At first sigfis of a cold or grip' ' t i k e

C H t t i u i i i i m >



Paris, January 24.—III (ortune has attended statesmen intimately assoolated wUh tba (ramlng ot tb* treaty of VersaUleS, In the opinion of Pramler Lloyd Oeorge of Qreat Britlan, according to a nefirspaper ar t i d e published ~here.

Lloyd Qeorge was so convtacSd Oeorges Clemenceau would be tho

I next Preaident of. the Pranch Re-- public that be eolmlderad the r a ^ , over, Therafora when he' heard of

(be election o( Pbnl Deschanel Bs Prebldent be. conld not ratralp trom expreaatiig hte aatontebment.

"Wbo eonld have expected such, a reversal o( (^rm?" be ejacu-lated wben the'r reanlt was an-nounced.

In conversation' with a meibber at tbe Chamber 6( Deputlee, the Britteh Pramler te said to bave, axpreaaed an opinion that the "peace treaty wjta hard luck (or anyone having had • hand In It."

"Yes," the l%puty is quoted as raplytag, "Pramler Orlando to ont o( ottlta, Pramler Clemenoaau te agata In private lite and President

i'V Urilson haa met wtth raverses In: *. Washington. Only yon havo been

spared." "Yes. and i n less than six

months It wlU be my turoiV te the raply attributed to the British lead-er- '


• San Bealto, Tex, Jan. 22, 1920. Editor Record: My' mother suh>

scribed tOr the Flora Record (or ma some time ago, aad (''have raeeived ti^o editions alrefdy. I never raalls-ed until I received your paper how much pleasura one got out ot read^ Ing: their own hon)e paper.

I am thlbklng of ro-tnllstlng (or three mora yeara, wbaa my en|lat-mei|t period Is out In Mgrah, and it I "do rcan assura you that I will not be dowp hera on the border without yaat paper and the home new*. ..

Yours staceralyL , PVT. WARREN ElCmON,

I Troop V Igtb Cav.


j I( ,so, vrrite bs givtag (Ull des-I criptlon, price and terms. We I handle Southern minote (arn^ I almost exoluaively and 1( you wil) I give us a (air opportunity we will I try to sell yoara,, " / ; . .>• v I . - . , • * • . ' • • ': ' ( / , - > :••••

I T. S. A T. H. -WnXHITB I iSlS Citlaens Bldg., Decatnr, I|l.

Q^nged; Iiands li


I fiave pot^tdlsM tbe Shoe Repair outfit ot S:1tap-lan and will do your shoe repair work at the

same stand. Have made arrangements with a man of many yeartf experience who began work at my shop Saturday morning, January 24th.

Shoe repairing is particular work and should bd done by a man who kvows his business. Our ability .will be unquestioned and with an expert shoemaker at the bench we feel that we can please you. Try us.

Our Motto is-'Fihish to a Finish

S. J. Greene ^ v^'PiTOf^WETOf? ':: ^'U ^v^-




.The QLOBB-DSHOCRAT soUelto your patronage solely on Its merita as a truly, great newspaper. It prtats aU the ne^a

.at all the i^orid. It long s^ce raallsed that the day o( the party Organ has passed; that the newapaper that etalme to vfleld the largest and most salutary indueaoe mnst consider public ques- , tlons upon tbe stagle baste o( right; that the tateresta ot the country, apd l)ie general welfare o( the people shonld'not be subordinated to the Intereata ot any organisation, tiolitieal or 'otberwiae., and dnring ttae laat (ew yeara it haa abapeil 4te course upon this conrictipn. That courae will b? conil[^ued. Ev-ery reader ot the OLOBB-DBMOCRAT, whatever hte party must admit that, white he may not.alwayS agree with Ita"opinions, t^ey are nevdrtheless (ounded upon sineera Judgement ot the right, and that, we aaaert, is tbe ess9Bttel.«nallty ot the editorial policy o( a newa^per. In Jta preaeatatlon jrf.the news the OLOBE-DEM-OCRAT endeavora (if be accurate, tair and,Impartial, presenting (acte without color or prejudice,

NOTE THIS UBERAL CLUB OFFER The present price ot the Daily Olobe-'Democrat, without Spn-

' day, to 14.00 iier year. You tAa cut that price to oaly tSJIO per year tf yon promptly send to two or asore other siabscrjlptloas pins yonr ovra. ta one order with ranstttiMce ot at least VIOJM.

The Dafly O|obe-Deaiocrat, taclndtag Snndey te 97JW. per yaar. Tou may send a complete club o( three or more. Dallir la-eindlag Saoidairi at the net elub 4rate o( tt.tfi tor «acb yearly

. snbeeriptloa, * '

R A T E S M A Y B ^ I N C R E A S E D A T A N Y T I M E

S m d i a YMir O n b r N e w - ^ T m i ^ y l

AC^mPKIlitnG CO., P i t t ^ ST. LOVIS.Md.

THB nt!VtMf»'<>anf

( Conttaaad (rom page two) .

a u aaaveh aeaa. i ttrnca mm once, teying open bte cheek to the bone; theb be brake throngh and gripped do.

The reat ta what—a dream: a d*-Urfam (ever? I know pot; It comes ts' me In flashes o( mad'memory., I was strack agata and again, stsMied. %nd flung vto the lloor. MoccaBibed (eet trod on me, and'some Send gripped my hair, liending my hnid back acroes a dead body, until I (elt the neck crack. Above m* wera naked legs and arnA, a pandemonium o( dancing JIgurea, a horrible choras o( maddened yeUa., I caught a gUmpse o( ^taa Hall Snag high Into tbe air. shot dead in mld-flVit. the whlrilng body dropping Into tbe rock below. I saw the savage, whoae flngera were twined In my balr, U(t a gleaming tomahawk and circta It about his hesd; I etsred tato the bate at bla eyee, and as It swept d o w n -there wga a g lan at red and ydlow ibima lietween us, the thunder ot an eaplofdon; the roo( above seemed ta burst asunder aad (BU In—and dark-neaa, death.

CHAPTER l^Vll. * ' — ' ' '"

Tbe Trail ta Ottawa.

When my eyea again opened It to darkness aad alienee as pro(onnd a* tbat o( my (ormec uneonscionsneaa. Por the moment I (elt no- certainty Wen that I was actually alive, yet slowly. Uttto by Uttle, reality con-quered. aad I became keenly con-sdoas o( physlesl pata, while memory also began to hllocBy reassert ItfeK.

I could see nothing, hear nothtag. All abou^ waa Impenetrable blackness anil the aUenoe at the grave. I (oand

•yaelf nnaMe to move my body anfl wben I desperately atteaipted to do ao, even the sUghteat moUon brongbt pala. Ibeodme cona<leaa BMO at a .weli^t craablng down npon me, and dtlfling my breath. .One Of my arma waa trae; I conld move It about withta aarraw Umita, altboagb It ached as (rom a aerious burn. By use of l t , l endeavore<| throngh the blaek darftneia to leara the natura o( that heavy ob-ject lytag across my chest (eeltag at It cautiously. My flngera touchM cold, dead flesh, ttom contact with which they' shrank in horror, only to 'ed-counter a straiid o( coarse hair. The Brst terror o( tbte diacovery was over-whelmiqg, yet I petaevered, 8atis(ylng mysel( tbat It was tbe half-naked body ol an Indian—a very giant at a (eUow —wblcb lay stratchsd across me, an Immovable weight. SosMlblng ejse, perhaps another dead man, held 'Ay (eet as though In a vise, and when I ventured to extend my one (ree arm gropingly to oiie side, the flngera en-countered a moccaslned (oot Scaraely daring to Ifreathe. I lay staring up-ward and, (ar above, looking oat through what might be a jagged, over-hanging mass of timbers, although scarcely discernible, any eyea CBli(^t tbe sUver glimmer ota atar. , , I was aHve—aUvel Whatever bad occurred in ttaat (ateral second to de-flect ttaat murderpna tomahawk, Ita keen edge had (ailed to reach me. And what bad occnrrMT Then It waa tbat the probable tn^th came to me—that flash and roar; that last Impression IsSprinted on my brata be(ora utter darknesa descended apon m«, must have meant an exploalon, an npheavsl shattering' the cabta, briagiiig the roo( down upon the straggUng mo( within, the heavy timbera crushing ont their lives. And the cause 1 But one was possible—the hal(-keg o(' blasting powder Kennedy had placed In'the cor-ner aa a last resort.' Had Tlm reached It In a final, mad effort to destroy, or had aon^e accidental flame wrought the terrible destractlon? Perhaps no one could ever answer that—but was I thera alone, the sole surrivorT Had those othera o( our Uttie party died amid their Indian enemies, and wera they lytag i ^ aomewhera In thl* darkness, crafted and mangled In the midat o( the debrisT

Kennedy, BUIe ^ a r k , the hal(-wltted boy Aab Half—their (aces seemed to stsra at me ont at the black-ness. Tbey must' be deadl Why, I'had seen Kennedy (Bll, th* heedless (eet crancblBg hte (ace, and Aaa Hall toaSed tato the air and ahot at as he (eU. Elolse! Elolse! I covered my eyes with the (ree hand, conscious that I was crying like a chUd—Eilolse. My Ood, Bloise! I wonder 1( I (atated; 1 knew ao little after that; eo Uttle, ex-cept that I suffer^ g^pliMy. I( I did not talBt tben I most have been upon tb* verge of tasanlty, (or tbere wag a time—Ood knows how l o n g -when all wes blank.

Some slight, scarcely dlsHngntehable noise aroused me. Yes, It was actually a aound, as thongh soraeooe move^ In the toom—moved stealthily, na thongh npon bands and kaeea, seeking a pas-sage ta the darkness.' I Imagined I could dtetlngnish breathing. Who, what could It beT A man;.a prpwHag wild animal which had scented blood? But (or my dry, parahed Upa I waviA bave cried out—-yet even Sfltb/ tOb- atia endeavor, dMbt- Alenecd m& Wbo conld be tbeie • wboT SAgM eaeaklng. cowardly thie(; som* dbapollv o( the daadt Some Indten r*tahied tbrongb tb* aiidit to tak* bte toll at scalps, boidag to thus proctalta blma*l( a ndgbty warrtort Moa* Hkely enemy tbaa triead. I t waa b*tt«r tbat I Ite aad MIfer tban aMeal «o aaek a fland

t l i a i lgbt sound ablftad to tha right at Khar* I lay. noloaiNir rewinding B* ar.ibe Mow paegaasB at a moving b«lp, bat. lalber- aa tmOU tataaaau

attangttaig bl taAyto acnp* to

hr •« e*"**- ttttmS'.ti (OMMl»a*« aa i t wat t . )


Tbe (Kth aaaaa;! meatlag o( the HUaols Agrlealtaral aaaoelBtiion held at Peoria, Jaauary .18 aad H , was tb* mosf SlgBldeaikt meeting o( 11-llBote tarmen ever held. Thte te true haeause a strong raprasentatlve or-ganisatl6i| ta anmber. In abUlty. and ftaanolaUy baa h«en built up, and the atUtuda o( thea* men Is to work, *brk hard Bt their blr\probl*ms, with the b*Bt brains tney bave, keep ing tn mtad their obligation lo the public and society »-•« to steer clear ot partisan poUtlcs. These things wera slgnlllcant In mi of the talk and actions at the meeting. SUty-sU counUes qnblKied aad seated .de-legates at the meeting.

The report o( the secretary and all standtag commltfees waa an over wbelmtag mass o( evidencb o( what (armera Tan apcompttsn in their' or-gaalzatlon.' The Oteanlsatlon, Com-mittee reported a total o( 47,000 %i members. The laat r«port (rom tb*{ four county campalgna gotng on te aa (OUQWSI Champaign l l t l ' ; Pulton T»l: Shelby 4SS: and Paoria 7S1; making a total memberahip o( BO,-078.

Howard Leonard o( Euraka, Wood (ord county, waa eleo^ted preeahlent. Z. M. Holmes o( Peoria county, vlce-prosldent, and Oeorge Pox o( Syca-mora, DeKalb oounty, troasurer. The Baecutlva Committee (rom the Con-gressional District^ was elected as (oUows: District it, Hmiry Hc-Oough, Haple Park, ivanfe county; IS, H. T. Marshall, Seratta, LaSalle eoanty; 18, L. B. :i^rdsall, Sterltag Whlteesld* oounty; 14. RObt N. Clarke, Strooghurat, Henderaon coun ty; 16, J. W. Morgan, Oalvai, Henry county; 16, A. L.. Robinson, Pekln, Taaewell coanty; 17, a . C, Johnstone Btaomington, McLean county; 18, J. W. Robinson, Kansas, liiagar county; 19, A. A. HIU, Decaciir, Macpn coun-ty; 20, J. R. Pulkeraon, Jeneyvllle, Jersey county; 11, J. P. Stout, Chat-ham, Sangamon couaty; tt, J. C. Onmmenhetm«r, C<Mumhla, Honro* eoupty; IS, Bdwin O. Stifle, Robln-aon, Crawford county; 14, N^ P. Eld-er, Raleigh, Saline county; t5 , C, P. Klest, Anna, Union county.

Marketing will be th4 hlg work (br the new year. The Corp Orowera Committee recommended a grain growera markettag department and a budget o( 1100,00 Oto carry on the work. The Live 'wtock Committee urged a budget o( ft00,000 to car-ry on eight deflnlt* projeeta In re-lation to live stock marketing, The plan is to carry these products as close to tbe manufacturer and con-sumer as possible, «iimlnatlnK the speculator and reducing the heavy expense of markettag. The e((ect o( such work must be to establish steadier marketa (or produeera, to eliminate unnscessar/ handling costs by middlemen and -o nold the price down to consumera as low as pos-sible as is consistent with produc-tion costs.

The Rock Phosphate Committee reported that commercial fertiliser eoncerns are absorbing a large pro-portion of the grj&und rock from Tennessee mines. Watch will mean theria will be no supply (or Illinois farmers. It will mean a ciit In pro-duction. In view of this (act, the Committee Is attempting to contract for 69.000 tpns (or the use o( Illi-nois (armera next year. The Lime-stone Committee Will cbntract (or 500,000 tons. ',

One thousand (armers from almost every county in tbe state attended the meeting.


la order to clear away mteunder-atandlnga as to what conaUtutes de-pendency. In eodneotion with the ad-dKlo^al exemption granted Income tax payera, CoUeet^r of ' Interiial Revenue J. L..Pickering today gave out the following .statement.

"Por 101* a taxpayer inay be al-loyred a credit of ^200 tor each per-soa (or: whom he Is tbe chle( sup-port. But It must be ramembered that he can'clalBA~ (bis additional exemp-tion only with raspect to childran seventeen^ j?eara ot age or younger and MTBons menu>:y defective, crIppMs and' Arsons old enouiib to be attbout question phyaieally In-eapaoltated (or self support.

If/t'h* taxpayer contrlhuiieB to the sapport of some ralatlve or other per son who Is ,*v*r seventeen years ot age. In f|ilr health, and still active, he eannot be allowed the additional 1200 even 1( he Is (urnlshing the chief sf.Dport

The very different /iqniramenta of the two exemptions ("head o( a fam ny" additional flOOO; "dependent" additional l>00) must nbt be con-tused. To be tbe "head of a (amlly" the person whom he supports must be a close relative, must live wl^h him, and he muat be snch rolatlve's sole support. To be entitled to ex-emption for "dependent" the per-son whom he supports doas not have to be a ralatlve, but can be any child or any cripple or defective, the^ ehild or Incapacitated adult may IWS anywhera; and It Is necessary that he furnish only mora than bait of the support.

The ehle(. dRterance Is that (or "head o( a (amily^- tba reatrlotlon is to close ralatives, tbe evident object o( which Is to promote the home, (or "dependent" the restric-tion Is to children under eighteen yeara of 'age or persons mentally or physically defective, the object o( which Is to reeognlssL material asste-tance given .to those who eannot help themselvas.

A son, who has lett, home, but who still sends to his mother more than bal( o( her support with enough ragutarity tbat she may depend upon It, ean beaUOwed tb* additional 1100 provided, however, that the mother has become sufficiently aged to be without doubt physically Incap^ielt-ated for. her self support. Otherwise, the amount contributed must be eon siderad as a gift, not deductible as an expense and not entitling him to the additional ezeihptlon ragardless ot amonnt.

A (ather may elalm the exemption (or every child under eighteen yeara o( age. B|it if one of hte ehildren receives, from some estate or other-wise, sufficient distributed income to provide (or the expense o( bis sup-port In the station o( IKe in which he te placed, the (ather cannot claim the exemption with rv«oect to that chUd, (or, although the child te legally dependent npon him, he te In (act (Inandally Independent."



Por week ending Suaday, Jaa. 26, 1920-

Teibperatsra Date Maxinwn , Minimum Jan. 19 42 , U 19 Jan. 2a StO • - -i , ,; 2S Jan. 21 3 * 'i • ' ' 20 Jan. 22 80 * , . ' 28

82 «7 3 3 • , • , „ • • ; • • • , ' , : , * • - - ^

Jan. 25 21 •'- • i t > Date Practpltatlbta SaoWfatl Jan. 19 ' 0.00 0.0 Jan. 20 0.00 „ 9.A' Jan. 21 T . . . \A,9. • Jan. 22 T'V •<••'••',• .*.*= Jan. 28 0.78 • ^ pA Jan. 24 0.08 , « J Jan, tfi . 0.00 0.0

VIROIL S T A L E Y , Cdbperatlve Observar.^



rngfleld, Jan. 24.—Any (ran-irdinance Issued (or more than J

two yeara is not worth the papar it Is written on, aeeording to attorneys who have, peraued the supreme court's dectelon holding utilities rates, making In lUlnols rasU en-tirely In tbe state public utilities oommtsston.

One section ot the 'decision holds one legislature has the right to abro-gate the act of another. This being] true, any franchise written ' undar the act of one leglstature would be subject through .Invalidation, thru the act of another, p^sibly a suc-ceeding law making body. « The rultag, atithprltles say, wlU have a strong tendency to ramove the water from the stocks of Illinois utilities corporations.


Corwith, Ioa:a, Jan. 19, 1920. Ptara Record: Will drop you a

few Itaes to let you know we ara all fine and dandy and enjoying Ilte It haa only been 28 degrees below here th'te winter. We have bad a.{ big faow on since Thanksgiving day, but (be c a n are running right along.

SbaUla'g eorn, movtag and ship-ping ebttie te the Order of the day amaag our temera.

Wa eajoy out' Record very much and (eel . aa though we could not get al^og wltbput I t So aa my sub-scription has expired, I am sendlag a choek to you (or ti.fio wUh which renea' (or enauIng year.

Wlahiagryvu much auacesa In tha paMlkiaMI'tba Radord, Item,

Respecttally y o a n , AL BROWN.

Onlv Best ,.-^-^-^-

8 -" ^ '" >:.<^:^' ^




Do nbt (ail to not* the q{(er made by that sterling newspaper, the ST. LOITIS aLOBE-DBMOCRAT, else-where ta this Issue. In spite o( the enormously lneraas«d fokt 61 produc-tion, the DAILY OliOBE-DBMO. CHAT, except Sunday, Is ottaroA at the ramarkably low rate o( 14.00 per year—or In complete clubs ot thrae or mora at the net club rat|) ot $3.60 per oach yearly subscription. The DAILY OliOBE- DEMOCRAT. Includ tag Sunday te offered (or $7,60 per year, «>lr In clubs of three or mora at the net rate o( 16.06 (or eaoh yearly subscription. Again w* urge you to raad the otfer and send In your order AT ONCE. Address the blobe Printing Company, Publtehers S t Louis, Missouri. 18-23.

L • • • . „ " T • ' , : „ .

'--' Tha Wlae Man,: 'Ba ts tb* ivtsest man wbo %Otfld

have the least to do with the multl-jtude... . It Is not for the wise man to be much affected with tbe censures of the rade and unskllKoI vulgar, but, to hold (ast unto his own well-chosen and well;flxed resolutions; every (ool knows what te wont to 'he done; but what te beat to b* done. Is known only to the wise.—Joseph HaU.

(tfraxa E(flnRha|n Record) During, the next few weeks over

flye million dollars worth of hard road contracts wUl be let out through this local office ot Supt C. M. Hathaway In Bftlngham, who ha* charge of tbe aoutheastera dtetriet of the state of lUlnols Highway de-partment.

This comprises about ISI miles of hard road which will average about $35,000 per mile exclusive o( tha cement whleb will be an additional $5,000 per mUe.

The contraeta to be let are (or the road from Vandalla to Ashley, througb Centralia. a distance o( about 40 miles; the road (rom Ht: Vernon to Palrfield a dlataaea o t about 86 mllea; the road (rom ~Mt Veraon to Beaton a dlstanee o( about 82 miles and the road (rom B((lngham to Palrdeld a xUstance o( abont 46 miles.

This 164 miles of road will Inelada the ramalnlng part ot th* Old Na-tional road which was not let last year.

These new contraeta wlH be tba flrat of the state aid road work on the $«0,00e,000 bond issue thrangh the automobile license (ee which makes thp roads (ree o( extra taxa-tion.

The stata highway department to going to hend every e((ort to paaH all ot theaa new roada to eoibplatlon by th* *nd o( the preaeat year.


The annual meeting o( the stoek-holdera o( th* Plora dlrislon o( tb* Psople's Telephone, cbmpany will ba beld at the olty hall, Saturday, P*b. l\, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., (or tb* purpose o( levying an assessment to meet the expendlturas of. the Incom-ing year, and to (111 the vaeaneto* which have occured In the old board of trustees by the raslgnatlon o( J. C, Scudamore.

M ;; JOHN WINDLE, .' '4 Hanager.


Notlee te herebr given, that ear-rant Installmenta of all apecial as-sessmenta o( the City o( Flora, ItU-note, (or water-works, sewera and paring Improvements, beeome dua ahd payable on January tad . 19S0. and the same may be paid at tha^ Oftic*' of tha undersigned City Col-lector of Speelal Assessments, seeoad floor In the P i n t National, bank building, at any time hereafter.

Plora, Illinois, January 1st, 19S0. . RUTH RBAUOH.

tf, 1 City CoUector.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oottghenour' are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a flne baby girl, born Thursday night.—Wayne County Examiner.

Raoord Hiirrloan* Oamage. Ibe worst hurricane of which anp

record exists was tbat ot Oi^oher VU, 1780, which atarted la ths Barbadoa. An EngUsh fleet anchored off S t Locta simply disappeared. Nearly every building oo the Island waa blown down and 6,000 people boried.

'. -I'

PUBLIC SALE I WlU se|l at public auction on my (arm,. 2 i i mllea aortb-

eaat o( Xenia and % mile west and ^ mile south o( the Oak Mound churab, on ' ' ' ,j

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 , at ^0 o'clock a. m., the (ollowlng property:

Blaek maraT^SH habds high, 6 y e a n old; dark gray mara, 16 H hands high, 4 years old, both well broke to haraess, are good workert.

Oae (resh Jersey cow, 6 y e s n old. cal( by side; Jersey cow, 8 yeara old, giving milk, fresh In spring; Hereford coW, 6 years old, gIvlBg milk, (resh In August; Red Durham cow,.3 yean old; one . coming yearling heifer; one rad sow, 15 months oia, pig April 30.

Wagon, buggy, farmtag Implementa, set doubta work har-ness, set single driving haraees, steel fork hora saddle, buggy pole, two stacks unthreshed rad top hay, 100 busbote data, Eeoa-omy King cream separator, almost new, bottghs last tell; eoal heating atove, cook atove, household and kiteben (arnitura and nameroua other arttelea. •

TERMS OP SALE ^ AU sums ot $6.00 aad under cash In band, tfb all sums over'

f S.OO a credit o( atae 'moi^tbs wlU be given no notes with ap-proved eecnrtty, to draw taterest at tba rate o( aeven pec cent per ann am (rom date. 8 par cent dteeonat (or eaah. No property to be removed until terma o( sato ara eompUed with,

; Frank Randall a W. MaVEIOW.A,amiwaoer.







ftifl:- «


STUDY OUR PRICES—Note tKe SAVIN6—Get ^he habit-^me to the store that save^ ypu mopey. We buy for less and sell for less. Why? because we tuy in large quantities. Our lar^eVoltime of CtfgtOmers make us our profits; that's the reason we cai^^l for less. Visit out store, we will 'be pleased tb, show you our goods and, quote you our prices.

faaammammmaaiaaHammammaaaaamalaaaatklkaaamaammmeamaaaaaaaamammaaaammmaa^^ wmttamfrnmaawfa


^ Begins - ; Jf ' • rA'-r

> Saturday


XXXX C d F F E fi Not a ^heap Coffee—but a high-griide rich flaypr Coffee. We had to bnV in large^wholesale lots oi we could not sell you this^ Coffee at this price.




iCnds • »

» • •


February Tth




T- V.-: B' '-.' POTATOES

Pw Bme .: , W.7B


ary bory knowa what thaaa raiafau are

—atrictljr first quality—not thra«»

f ourtha of a pound, but a whola pouoV-

for , .,*..;.+: ,....„..;28ki

LARD PURE HOG LARD—th* beat that

money can buy—^We buy this in ton

lota, makiJiff it poaaible.for na to aell

you the beat lard at theae prieea. • Per Poimd ! .'.l..'.....^.,..30c

Per Can •A


TOKtATOES Tlo. 3 can aupcor r. f iQBiiatoea, reguUr

price 23c. ...-..• '~l --

Sale Price .i. .........;........; 20c

No. 2 cam Tomatoes, rocular prkelMc.

Sale Price :..'...'...„ „...13c

for«.....a .-:*f?iS;..»^;h::26c

" B R E A K F A S T F O O D S

Small size Postoaatiea, pkc«——— 13c Larfe aiae Postdastioa, pkce.- 18c Moat alay Idnd of oata you want.

Small aiae package 13c ..arga aize package Oata 29c Quaker Com puffs, pkge 12c Puffed Wheat, package 13c Puffed Rice, package a 18c Grape Nuts, package..' 14c Znninute Oat Food, pkge. 13c Kellogg's Krumbles, package 14c KelloggV Bran, packiage 13c Pettijohn's Breakfast Food 18c

FLOUR! FLOUR! WE BUY IN CAR LOTS dhrect from the ^lill^FLOUR PRICES m the market are advanc ing—But thu FLOUR ia sold to you in thUSALE on the lower Market Basia of what we paid for it. OUR AIM ia to LOOK ahead, tSE ARCH tli» markets, BUY in LARGE quanti. ties Uking care of ourselves as well a«JBiirCUSTOMERS.

• •

24tb Sack belle of Egypt ftl ^K t Flour, Sale price W * a t 9 [

\ 481b Sack Belle of Egypt « d ABe-e"

Flour. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . • ^ • * « ' £ ^

241b Sack B. itO. Flour. ft 4 • 7 / I 1 Sale Price 9. • ' ' " WJ

Mtb Sack B. ^ a Floor. ft^ O S | Sale price _ ^ a * B W W *


24<b Sack Enterprise Flour, ft 4 Q # | -Sale price '^ ; '

48 lb Sack Enterprise Flour, ft O fK Sale Price ....!^.: ^ ' * - ' ^

241b Sack Ostrich Flour. Sale price

481b Sack Ostrich Flour. Sale Price S3.45

B R A N $.240 S H O R T S $3.00.

I .alto

Star and Horseshoe tobacoo, plub .90o

C A N h f E D G O O D f S SmalF Hebe Millc, per can 07c Small Pet MilH I»«»r can. .....08c Tall Pot Milk, per can...« .......i,.....17c Tall Everyday MUk p«r can-...! 10c Sardines, per box fUk 20c MusUrd Siardines, box. '.Mc No. 3 Can Honiiny, per can l..';.13c

No. 2 Can Red Beana, caa J^^: 10c r^. 2 Can Kidney Beauna, caoL. ...Jdc No. 2 Can Pork A Beana, ehtf. ^'.Mt 10 oz. Bottle Marrhi^ Catsup 10c 14 oz. Chili Sauee 39c No. 2M Can Silver Dale Peaehes 30c



Six Bars Lenox Soap 18c

Six Bara Lautz Gloss Soap 25c

JOY—this la a white aotp, per bar.... 8c-

Bob-White Soap, per cake 6c

Dr. Hamilton Soap, 4c cake, 3 for 10c

STUDY OUR PRICES study our prices thoroughly—note the saving. We save you money on most

j ' ' ' • ' - ' •;•'••

everything you buy. OUR SLOG AN ,.wUl be quick sales and small profit

B A K I N G ' P Q W D E l t

B. St p . Baldag Powdor, per«an........08c

l i b can Eddy'a Baking Powder. 22c

l i b oaa Cahunet Baking PowdM-^...24c



One lot of Ladies* and Misses' Shoea Sixes 3 and 3H with Cuban Heels, the pair



Suitable for Old Gentlemea or tender feet—Worth $8.00. Onr price


L % ^ ' Gray Shoea with claOi

hik Heel. Regular price SOwOO.

top, Cu-

S«le Price $3.98


Men a a i Young f$aat'a Sleeveleaa Sweatera—Ovage anA Gi»aB—Heavy Rope Knit, Reg. price $8.00„

Sule ^rice fa99
