The City Record

I I';ti„ t> - ! \I ci k l:u ling \Iarclt S, In \ iii liicl (mmi-:i,nI- \ltract • , i I•al-cn~littires and Lia- IOti 1)urin}; the Month of lanttarc. Iv!u Il,a l .\ [- } -. ; i,l~._. Uct~;trlmn: of— It ~~t,s. I;.,r,4iclt ~i-- 1'ublic , ;rai,• I)arr.agc (oinmi~ i u- I'ubli,~ .c- t huf lI Ut-, etc ) k - an , 1 1 , : ri, I)cpari:ncut (t— I • ra , I),;-:r.;,,u,t „i 11innr.,: • , f tatil Alectin . , f )mars '. uni , n, lanttcu`' _'6, 1910. I' t; - i, c , ,u l \ nm n;, It .aril ,-I— I'0 Ici ':etnr71: Al;tl1,1 \]-,-_ . „! f:c.<;r ,f ]I - ?ii' tit: t'litnibrrlain l; I':, lice I' lrttry u it Il-i ,l aitl Stock.. \ -. , , ,f S:il, i, f Tax \h- ; , 1'i-"poets O'.%[lees : , r ti,-- ,,;•, t „r.tract- I , , arE'n' i-r -- 2910 I'„ ' i1 - 2910 II.<,It]. ilactncit -f-- 1 nii: 1 Altitti f hoar,) , •f II,;j'li. F,-1sitae2 ". 1!ill) 101 2i92 2793 291 2 2803 2910 2509 2903 2799 2911 27°3 2913 2910 tisn 29111 2804 2804 2905 2804 .a,i I'n 2`;1) ) THE CITY RECORD. \ or.. XXXVI1I. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1910. NUMBER 11196. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD, WILLIAM J. GAYNOR, MAYOL ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CORPORATION COUNSEL, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, COMPTROLLER Report of violations of section 63 of the Sanitary Code. The Secretary was directed to notify the persons named in said report that a repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for the revocation of their permits. Report on Compliance with Certain Orders to \'acatt' Prenu,es, etc. On motion. it was Resolved, That the following orders be and are hereby rescinded. f r the rca;nn that the causes for the same have been removed BOROUGH OF nUEENS. 21515. Alest sibs of \V'ickes street, about 12 feet nurllt of tictri p Iii,tn ;, cll), Riclhmnud hill. 24789.. Southwest corner of Channel and _\tl:trnti ;u ltuc , I:.Ir R, cia',va Certificate liscllirilig 912l,1c at No. 13(11 1\ a-1rit! t oi ;ttrnnc', lir nh 1 I Ii a public ntlisarnce. O n inotioll, the it,lluin; order was rntcrs- l - \V'hcrcas, "11!c stal,lc Bleated at N. 1,301 11 ;t>ili!u,t~-n :t\I'nut'. lo tcH i I:;, Bronx, in The City of New York, and the btt,ins $ Imr,ui, ,l~eciticd in this cu u. ile'II in the opinion of the Bitarrl in a condition and in circrt Illileeruns to life atol llt;tltll :Itl~l ;t ptthlic nuisance, and the 1ioard having t;ikell all') filed alll~ill'j lt: rccnrtl t11C of the Sanitarv - Sttperintcnticnt and the 1!!spcct- r< rcl;)tin ,hcrrt, :tn'l s itt: . gar(ls aS sufficient pro(11 to authorize its dt'l'I;ti'a i1'Ii lillit ills' 111t!ltic° ;Rini 1}1111)t -~ 2808 pursuit 111 this Case are 111 condition anti ctlt'it tI - Ii1~cr, iu t.t lift' aoil i:ctl(a ,11111 .I public nuisance, the Board hereby enter in it 1c1, )r(ls till' 5)1)11 prctt1 -- ;t° ;t rani saner. and declares the salne to be a public mti<;tt!s' flan cr it< t i iI1' :!31 1lcalt't. and in mspcct thereto orders, viz.: That the flit of said premises in It$ c'il!tlltioll ;ice ,t st:thit' i,c ti1 1u t't~ that the sail prelui1c lie cleaned; that the filth-s;ltnrtttcd sill lie rcnl'r 1 ;ril n placed With fresll eltrih, and the surface sn ir;uled that all 5tirl;lwC vv.tter -Bail fn-, lv (li.scllargc'd therefrom; that the wooden floors of the hor< c - ;'all ; and t:iI,1,c un l aturate(l earth Lenrath same he remcn - ed, the its ci rtitel and li itlt. ti ii. tlic floor; of the horse stalls he ceniciiled, anoi sit -Tr;idol aO I') tii<<h:1r i ;.11 lt;i I- into a \\atertigltl \ally\ tlr;tin which is c-, nnectrd ooitlt a sc \er In: mtail- ,i ,l prl„ trapped drain of extra heavy cast iron pipe: t!!;tt -;ttli sIC lie lirov hh-~l wilt :t tit able rack. an(i tll;lt the portions of the •'full)' ll'i, ir ti: ~ui-tit'l l,- pr' - ii-i a new anal proper w,'itcrtight floor. Ri- i its tin .111li;tti t) i r lormit. ( )n 111 ,1 0'u, it Nvllo 1Vt'S1CCd, That Iteril1it 11C and arc 11CItl`,” I;i!Iel, ;tom tii ',1.. )toi oUGII (11 ,l VNII_A"tl•\N. 43457. )rime's A. ll)g;;, to keep birds and small attinrBs for ;tic at N. 271 \1 c'st 0i - Iluntlred an(l Sixteenth street. 43459. _Angulina'caranluzzmI), to board one child at No. 2372 Olrl llrladn- ac- . 4346(1. Airs. C. Sclir' tiler, to hoard one chile) at No. 12 \\ est End avenue. 43461. Alrs, Alari Larr usse, to board one child at No. (6 East Fifteenth -trc— t. 43462. ),lrs. 1L MacDonald, to board one chile) at N. 4o3 \\ r•st lis;htt'i'ntII -.trcrl. 434(i3. Mrs, C. O'l),mn- an, t4 , hoard one child at \n. 327 l-It t Ssventic:h steed. 434O4. Elleti (irec'nc, it hoard one child at No. 241 Fast I-:i,fitv-tirst tmct. 434(,5. lla,!iic Satigeniti i, t.. board (mc child at Ni. 3ll7 l:t>t One IItnllr-I I'JCCCIlth street. 43466. .11artyaret •l hornton, to hoard t vo children at Nn, 1789 Third av t•!hic. 434O7. A- irginia Scott, to hoard t vo children at N. 1793 "l'hirrl avenue. 434-68. 1•arnirr tichiiils, to, Ituard two children at Y . 1835 Third avenur- 434C)9. tlary L. O~,tens, tit heard two children at \o. 228 \\ c'st Sixty-t'u-st sh•, 43470. Margaret Splain, tit in nard two children at \n. 235 East Sistv-ninth 'trrct. 43471. I.ytlia lynapp, to h_yard two children at \o. 31S last ()lie Iiuntir-d and Tt~enty- sisth street. 43472. tIrs..A. 1ltirrav, to 1,(lard two children at \o. 333 East Eighty-first street. 43473. A[arg:trrt Davis, tit 1ward four children at \'. 333 1'a8t f.i htr fiat steed. 43474. Arthur Fisher, to manufacture carbonated waters at \o. 84 I~nrsvtli street. 43475. Ilerntan Jr echtniclit, to use smoke house at \~,. 302 First avenitt-. PATRICK J. TRACY, Sureavisoa. Supervisor's Office, Room 807, Park Row Building. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), oetween West Broadway and Church street, New York City. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy, SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists. 5 cents each assembly district; Law t)cpartmcnt supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Entered as Second cla,s Matter. Post Office at New York City. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IIOROUGH OF MANIIATTAN. 27791. No, 317 East Seventieth street. ROROUGIi OF BROOKLYN. 15610. No. 553 Sixth avenue. 288(16. 1\ o. 366 Ralph avenue. 18676. Nos. 224 and 226 York street. \lunicipal (i- il Service Conmtission- Public Anticcs. 2803 „nice b) Contract,,r 2816 Official Borough Papers 2803 ( ,1ticial Director}• 2900 I 'ark s Department of- - 1'n wu al , Police IIcpartment- .\uctir n Sale 2803 t Itt ncrs Wanted for Lost Property 2.03 I 'rllccedj nq; of February 24, 1910 2798 Rep rt of 'an it arc CnmpaIIy (Boiler Squad) for February 19 and 21, 1910 1'ul , lic (haritie:, I)ep:u'tnient of- l'r, pusal Ptil,l c St-iv;ce Comznis,i, m, First District- ( a?ctt,lar of hearing) Re ier. Fin); County- Ricbrn11nd, Ffore2afib of- I'rnhn al SIr, , t (')ennui,. I)r! , ae1uisnt nf- 1' - „sal. ul , nem - Cut. Fir-t 1)rt,artment- \o, Iniriii!; •litl~' to;, etc S; me G on t. Secr,nol Department- .Ac'Ittirins; •Bile to Land 17 , etc 28 w,stm)- tnrt. Tbi01 Tu,ticia] District— -Ac1!ttiritt¢ Title to Lanils, etc Su;tncmi- ('eu21, Ninth Twlicial Di~trict- .Acqu)nig Title to Lands, etc Taxes and :\sscesmcn!k. I)crtartment of- I'ublic 'Notice \Vance Sn)y2k, P,oard of— \Vain. Su!,Iolc, (;as nnil E'.cctricity, Dc- ! , artnicnt of- I,I 'al-- Ktl,,rt> of •rrau=act)-ins for the \\',•t-k, I i,lii R January 3 and 15, 11111 2799 2.903 2777 2903 2912 2912 2013 2913 2816 28111 2812 2807 :,3118 2792 '1 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION—FIRST DISTRICT, No. 154 I\ ASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Weekly Calendar of Hearings. The following hcarin,is ovjll he held during the remainder of the week commencing .\11)lhI1V, February 28, 1910: -;ttitrd;ly, t!arcli 5-10:O11 a. 111.—Roomll 31)5.—Case No. 1200.—MANHATTAN BRIDGE 'fiioi ' CENT L1NE.—".Application for certificate of public convenience and a necessity for street railroad over Manhattan Bridge and on certain street;."—(ommissioner Bassett. 1)) :3)) I. in.—broil) 319—CITS OF \ER" TORN .AND (RANFI)II) ('n\1P.\1,- Ar1titratinn of deterntination of Henry fl. Seanlati, Chief Engineer." --I I. I f. AV•pitman of Counsel. Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at 11 :30 a. m. in Room 310. BOARD OF HEALTH. Minutes of Meeting Held Wednesday, February 9, 1910. \ctv- Yuri:, I c'hruary 9, 191t), I;-c [fuard llll•t pnr>n;tnt to itfl]Iiltrllt1tunt. I'rc<cnt—(` ntul~;i ncrs Ernst T. Lcdcrlc. Plt. D., President: .-\lv -alt 11. Doty, 1I. 1)„ I l-aih n)tficcr of Ilic ]htrl : 11 m. F. Baker, 1'c1ce Cflnnni;Eioner. 'I 1!i- nvi!lub-= i f 1l!- l;t,t micBng Xvi-r- eras and approved. Sanitary 1t - ca0t. 'l11ee ill„grin c-onmluniCatiuns were receive(! frr,in the Snitary 5uperintcudeut: 11rckly ItlI its of the S;tnitary Superi,ntendcnt. Orde'ed on tile. \V'ccklv report tof file pork performed in the Division of General Sanitary 111- 0pectit Ordered on file. \\•eckly report of the work perfurmcd in the Di'.ision of Contagious Discase9. (J r I 5 -rt l on tile. \1ccklv rrpurt of the w-irk performed in the Division of Food Inspection. Ordered on file. Meekly - report of the work performed in the Division of Child Hygiene. Ordered on file. \V'rek o report o.,f the sork performed in the Division of Communicable Diseases. K )idi'rtd on file - \Veekly• report of Ibc work performed in the Division of Laboratories. Ordered (ill fie \V'ccklt - report of the work performed in the Division of Hospitals. Ordered I 'II tilt. \V- ci'k14 - rep its from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston Ave- title 1 tctspitals. Ordered on file. BOROUGH OF TIlE IBRONX. 4347(. john Dittmiar, t keep birds and small anir]ffis fr sale at \„- .37 J-I:tst t On - 1 I ut drstl and Sixty-sixth street. 43477. Theresa Tsuves, tpt hoard one child at Ni. l.47 i.e'la7tti avenue. 43475. _lnnit' tl rris, to board one child at 'No. 312i 1litlrllet ,, tvii n>a,l. 43479. JI)sephinI,' Leidinger, to board one child at No. 3994 Park a'cnuc. 43480. Teresa Thuile, to heard one child at No. 41. l'st ()rnc Irtiru2l ;Inp) i nK tir~t street. 43481. Atare- firth, to 1 aril two children at 111 unlcll, ne;tr St. Rac fiords avenue. 434,42. Iiarrit-t \\;I 11cr, t ,, hoard two children at N. 2311 1I - ttghton avcnttc. 43483. Linti:e I tc, to bn;trti to children at \ . 4(1;; Lowerre place'. 43484. latlia)tic 1fmleii, to Board two children at .Xo. 1;)5 \lavflciver ;ttr;ltn. 434i5. 1linnir l'alu', tai lo,artl ttco children at .\. (42 St..Atl,!s avenue. 434t-(i. Clara tTs't t, t , 1:oai7l two children at \r. 453 ):apt One piia2irs-,l ;ut,l Sct-rnK -third street. 43487. Sophie -Andre'uss, to hoard four cbihlri'ii at X . 1595 lac flatter )1o0liC, 434, 8 !(. Jasehin7 1fcflari', t,) hoard four children at No. 64? 1. tst Twa I lu!ulre l and "I e'ntV 70th street. 43489. l arrie V- ii (Itntten, to board six children at \,I. 373 2 obf)ms avcnui'. 43490. A'it,, 7.ant he•]1i, to keep one goat at N. 811) last Two Iflmsrcd anti I - hteenti street. 43491. 1lenr lleise, ti, manufacture carbnin;ttetl ',caters at \,'. 402 Fast Tremont ;lVelltle. - 43492. Fred \~ltiiter, t') manufacture carbonated haters at N. 2456 Jt r, , nlc avenue. 43493. Louis ),lanco, tp, keep five chickens at No. 2161 Creston avenue. 43494. :Andres SeheUcr, to keep twenty pigeons at No. 2409 Crotona ;vunc 43495. Isador Schellor, to keep twenty-five pigeons at No. 2417 Crotmua arunuc. 43490. ;Antonit) Galircri, to keep twenty-five chickens al \o. 2078 Prospect avenue. 43497. Joseph 11ofal , tp to keep ten chickens at Noy. ila Fast one IJuuilre7! and h.illty-tirot street. BOROUGH O1 , IIROOKLYN. 43498. Rusie' I)ilicne•tlitto, t , hoard one child at No. 91 Jackson street. 43499. Antonia t]rilna, to board one child at No. 792 Metropolitan aDmtie. 43500. ):osina G. Rig, to hoard one child at No. 194 Prospect street. 43501. Letitia HC it lsqu;l, to board one child at No. 455 Union street. 43502. Estella Potter, to hoard two children at No. 1711;t Bergen street. 43503. Mrs..Aunit Dioughertv. to board two children at No. 277 Division ;tvt'tui'. 43504. Anna =\Nelsen, to board two children at No. 703 Henry street. 43505. Catherine Jihnson, to board three children at No. 221 Fifth avenue. 43506. :\lethea Locke, to hoard three children at No. 47 Hopkinson arenue. 43507. Florence llozett, to) board four children at No. 205 Hull street. 43508. Ellen Murray, to hoard four children at No. 316 McDougal street. 43509. Friend in Need Day Nursery, to conduct day nursery at No. 95 Bradford street.

Transcript of The City Record

I I';ti„ t> - ! \I ci k l:u ling \Iarclt S,

In \ iii liicl (mmi-:i,nI-

\ltract • , i I•al-cn~littires and Lia-IOti 1)urin}; the Month of lanttarc. Iv!u

Il,a l .\ [- } -.

; i,l~._. Uct~;trlmn: of—

It ~~t,s. I;.,r,4iclt ~i--1'ublic

, ;rai,• I)arr.agc (oinmi~ i u-I'ubli,~ .c- t huflI Ut-, etc

) k - an,1 1 , : ri, I)cpari:ncut (t—

I • ra , I),;-:r.;,,u,t „i 11innr.,: • , f tatil Alectin . , f )mars

'. uni, n, lanttcu`' _'6, 1910.

I' t; - i, c, ,u l \ nm n;, It .aril ,-I—

I'0 Ici ':etnr71: Al;tl1,1

\]-,-_ . „! f:c.<;r ,f ]I - ?ii' tit: t'litnibrrlain

l; I':, lice I' lrttry

u it Il-i ,l aitl Stock..

\ -. , , ,f S:il, i,f Tax \h- ; , 1'i-"poets O'.%[lees :, r ti,-- ,,;•, t „r.tract-

I , ,arE'n' i-r -- 2910


i1- 2910 II.<,It]. ilactncit -f--

1 nii: 1 Altitti „f hoar,) , •f II,;j'li. F,-1sitae2 ". 1!ill)




2912 2803



2903 2799


27°3 2913

2910 tisn

29111 2804 2804 2905 2804


I'n 2`;1) )




Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the




Report of violations of section 63 of the Sanitary Code.

The Secretary was directed to notify the persons named in said report that a repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for the revocation of their permits.

Report on Compliance with Certain Orders to \'acatt' Prenu,es, etc. On motion. it was

Resolved, That the following orders be and are hereby rescinded. f r the rca;nn that the causes for the same have been removed

BOROUGH OF nUEENS. 21515. Alest sibs of \V'ickes street, about 12 feet nurllt of tictri p Iii,tn ;, cll),

Riclhmnud hill. 24789.. Southwest corner of Channel and _\tl:trnti ;u ltuc , I:.Ir R, cia',va

Certificate liscllirilig 912l,1c at No. 13(11 1\ a-1rit! t oi ;ttrnnc', lir nh 1 I Ii a public ntlisarnce.

On inotioll, the it,lluin; order was rntcrs- l - \V'hcrcas, "11!c stal,lc Bleated at N. 1,301 11 ;t>ili!u,t~-n :t\I'nut'. lo tcH i I:;,

Bronx, in The City of New York, and the btt,ins $ Imr,ui, ,l~eciticd in this cu u. ile'II in the opinion of the Bitarrl in a condition and in circrt Illileeruns to life atol llt;tltll :Itl~l ;t ptthlic nuisance, and the 1ioard having t;ikell all') filed alll~ill'j lt: rccnrtl t11C of the Sanitarv- Sttperintcnticnt and the 1!!spcct- r< rcl;)tin ,hcrrt, :tn'l s itt: . gar(ls aS sufficient pro(11 to authorize its dt'l'I;ti'a i1'Ii lillit ills' 111t!ltic° ;Rini 1}1111)t -~

2808 pursuit 111 this Case are 111 condition anti ctlt'it tI - Ii1~cr,iu t.t lift' aoil i:ctl(a ,11111 .I

public nuisance, the Board hereby enter in it 1c1, )r(ls till' 5)1)11 prctt1 -- ;t° ;t rani saner. and declares the salne to be a public mti<;tt!s' flan cr it< t i iI1' :!31 1lcalt't. and in mspcct thereto orders, viz.:

That the flit of said premises in It$ c'il!tlltioll ;ice ,t st:thit' i,c ti1 1u t't~

that the sail prelui1c lie cleaned; that the filth-s;ltnrtttcd sill lie rcnl'r 1 ;ril n placed With fresll eltrih, and the surface sn ir;uled that all 5tirl;lwC vv.tter -Bail fn-, lv (li.scllargc'd therefrom; that the wooden floors of the hor<c- ;'all ; and t:iI,1,c un l aturate(l earth Lenrath same he remcn-ed, the its ci rtitel and li itlt. ti ii.

tlic floor; of the horse stalls he ceniciiled, anoi sit -Tr;idol aO I') tii<<h:1r i ;.11 lt;i I-into a \\atertigltl \ally\ tlr;tin which is c-,nnectrd ooitlt a sc \er In: mtail- ,i ,l prl„ trapped drain of extra heavy cast iron pipe: t!!;tt -;ttli sIC lie lirov hh-~l wilt :t tit able rack. an(i tll;lt the portions of the •'full)' ll'i, ir ti: ~ui-tit'l l,- pr„' - ii-i a new anal proper w,'itcrtight floor.

Ri-i its tin .111li;tti t) i r lormit. ( )n 111 ,1 0'u, it Nvllo

1Vt'S1CCd, That Iteril1it 11C and arc 11CItl`,” I;i!Iel, ;tom tii ',1..

)toi oUGII (11 ,l VNII_A"tl•\N.

43457. )rime's A. ll)g;;, to keep birds and small attinrBs for ;tic at N. 271 \1 c'st 0i -Iluntlred an(l Sixteenth street.

43459. _Angulina'caranluzzmI), to board one child at No. 2372 Olrl llrladn-ac-. 4346(1. Airs. C. Sclir' tiler, to hoard one chile) at No. 12 \\ est End avenue. 43461. Alrs, Alari Larr usse, to board one child at No. (6 East Fifteenth -trc— t. 43462. ),lrs. 1L MacDonald, to board one chile) at N. 4o3 \\ r•st lis;htt'i'ntII -.trcrl. 434(i3. Mrs, C. O'l),mn- an, t4 , hoard one child at \n. 327 l-It t Ssventic:h steed. 434O4. Elleti (irec'nc, it hoard one child at No. 241 Fast I-:i,fitv-tirst tmct. 434(,5. lla,!iic Satigeniti i, t.. board (mc child at Ni. 3ll7 l:t>t One IItnllr-I

I'JCCCIlth street. 43466. .11artyaret •l hornton, to hoard t vo children at Nn, 1789 Third av t•!hic. 434O7. A-irginia Scott, to hoard t vo children at N. 1793 "l'hirrl avenue. 434-68. 1•arnirr tichiiils, to, Ituard two children at Y . 1835 Third avenur-434C)9. tlary L. O~,tens, tit heard two children at \o. 228 \\ c'st Sixty-t'u-st sh•, 43470. Margaret Splain, tit in nard two children at \n. 235 East Sistv-ninth 'trrct. 43471. I.ytlia lynapp, to h_yard two children at \o. 31S last ()lie Iiuntir-d and Tt~enty-

sisth street. 43472. tIrs..A. 1ltirrav, to 1,(lard two children at \o. 333 East Eighty-first street. 43473. A[arg:trrt Davis, tit 1ward four children at \'. 333 1'a8t f.i htr fiat steed. 43474. Arthur Fisher, to manufacture carbonated waters at \o. 84 I~nrsvtli street. 43475. Ilerntan Jr echtniclit, to use smoke house at \~,. 302 First avenitt-.

PATRICK J. TRACY, Sureavisoa.

Supervisor's Office, Room 807, Park Row Building.

Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade street (north side),

oetween West Broadway and Church street, New York City.

Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy,

SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents;

Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists. 5 cents each assembly district; Law t)cpartmcnt supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each


Entered as Second cla,s Matter. Post Office at New York City.



27791. No, 317 East Seventieth street.

ROROUGIi OF BROOKLYN. 15610. No. 553 Sixth avenue. 288(16. 1\ o. 366 Ralph avenue. 18676. Nos. 224 and 226 York street.

\lunicipal (i- il Service Conmtission- Public Anticcs. 2803

„nice b) Contract,,r 2816 Official Borough Papers 2803 ( ,1ticial Director}• 2900 I 'ark s Department of- -

1'n wu al, Police IIcpartment-

.\uctir n Sale 2803 t Itt ncrs Wanted for Lost Property 2.03 I 'rllccedj nq; of February 24, 1910 2798 Rep rt of 'an it arc CnmpaIIy (Boiler

Squad) for February 19 and 21, 1910

1'ul , lic (haritie:, I)ep:u'tnient of- l'r, pusal

Ptil,l c St-iv;ce Comznis,i,m, First District-( a?ctt,lar of hearing)

Re ier. Fin); County-

Ricbrn11nd, Ffore2afib of- I'rnhn al

SIr, , t (')ennui,. I)r!,ae1uisnt nf- 1' - „sal.

ul , nem - Cut. Fir-t 1)rt,artment- \o,Iniriii!; •litl~' to;, etc

S; me G on t. Secr,nol Department- .Ac'Ittirins; •Bile to Land 17 , etc 28

w,stm)- tnrt. Tbi01 Tu,ticia] District— -Ac1!ttiritt¢ Title to Lanils, etc

Su;tncmi- ('eu21, Ninth Twlicial Di~trict- .Acqu)nig Title to Lands, etc

Taxes and :\sscesmcn!k. I)crtartment of- I'ublic 'Notice

\Vance Sn)y2k, P,oard of—

\Vain. Su!,Iolc, (;as nnil E'.cctricity, Dc-!,artnicnt of-

I,I 'al-- Ktl,,rt> of •rrau=act)-ins for the

\\',•t-k, I i,lii R January 3 and 15, 11111







2013 2913






2792 '1


Weekly Calendar of Hearings.

The following hcarin,is ovjll he held during the remainder of the week commencing .\11)lhI1V, February 28, 1910:

-;ttitrd;ly, t!arcli 5-10:O11 a. 111.—Roomll 31)5.—Case No. 1200.—MANHATTAN BRIDGE 'fiioi ' CENT L1NE.—".Application for certificate of public convenience and a necessity for street railroad over Manhattan Bridge and on certain street;."—(ommissioner Bassett.

1)) :3)) I. in.—broil) 319—CITS OF \ER" TORN .AND (RANFI)II) ('n\1P.\1,-

Ar1titratinn of deterntination of Henry fl. Seanlati, Chief Engineer." --I I. I f. AV•pitman of Counsel.

Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at 11 :30 a. m. in Room 310.


Minutes of Meeting Held Wednesday, February 9, 1910.

\ctv- Yuri:, I c'hruary 9, 191t), I;-c [fuard llll•t pnr>n;tnt to itfl]Iiltrllt1tunt.

I'rc<cnt—(` ntul~;i ncrs Ernst T. Lcdcrlc. Plt. D., President: .-\lv-alt 11. Doty, 1I. 1)„ I l-aih n)tficcr of Ilic ]htrl : 11 m. F. Baker, 1'c1ce Cflnnni;Eioner.

'I 1!i- nvi!lub-= i f 1l!- l;t,t micBng Xvi-r- eras and approved.

Sanitary 1t-ca0t.

'l11ee ill„grin c-onmluniCatiuns were receive(! frr,in the Snitary 5uperintcudeut: 11rckly ItlI its of the S;tnitary Superi,ntendcnt. Orde'ed on tile. \V'ccklv report tof file pork performed in the Division of General Sanitary 111-

0pectit Ordered on file. \\•eckly report of the work perfurmcd in the Di'.ision of Contagious Discase9.

(J r I 5-rt l on tile. \1ccklv rrpurt of the w-irk performed in the Division of Food Inspection. Ordered

on file. Meekly- report of the work performed in the Division of Child Hygiene. Ordered

on file. \V'rek o report o.,f the sork performed in the Division of Communicable Diseases.

K )idi'rtd on file - \Veekly• report of Ibc work performed in the Division of Laboratories. Ordered

(ill fie \V'ccklt- report of the work performed in the Division of Hospitals. Ordered

I 'II tilt.

\V-ci'k14- rep its from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston Ave-title 1 tctspitals. Ordered on file.


4347(. john Dittmiar, t keep birds and small anir]ffis fr sale at \„- .37 J-I:tst t On -

1 I ut drstl and Sixty-sixth street. 43477. Theresa Tsuves, tpt hoard one child at Ni. l.47 i.e'la7tti avenue. 43475. _lnnit' tl rris, to board one child at 'No. 312i 1litlrllet,, tvii n>a,l. 43479. JI)sephinI,' Leidinger, to board one child at No. 3994 Park a'cnuc. 43480. Teresa Thuile, to heard one child at No. 41. l'st ()rnc Irtiru2l ;Inp) i nK

tir~t street. 43481. Atare- firth, to 1 aril two children at 111 unlcll, ne;tr St. Rac fiords avenue. 434,42. Iiarrit-t \\;I 11cr, t,, hoard two children at N. 2311 1I - ttghton avcnttc. 43483. Linti:e I tc, to bn;trti to children at \ . 4(1;; Lowerre place'. 43484. latlia)tic 1fmleii, to Board two children at .Xo. 1;)5 \lavflciver ;ttr;ltn. 434i5. 1linnir l'alu', tai lo,artl ttco children at .\. (42 St..Atl,!s avenue. 434t-(i. Clara tTs't t, t , 1:oai7l two children at \r. 453 ):apt One piia2irs-,l ;ut,l

Sct-rnK -third street. 43487. Sophie -Andre'uss, to hoard four cbihlri'ii at X . 1595 lac flatter )1o0liC, 434,8!(. Jasehin7 1fcflari', t,) hoard four children at No. 64? 1. tst Twa I lu!ulre l

and "I e'ntV 70th street. 43489. l arrie V- ii (Itntten, to board six children at \,I. 373 2 obf)ms avcnui'. 43490. A'it,, 7.ant he•]1i, to keep one goat at N. 811) last Two Iflmsrcd anti I-hteenti

street. 43491. 1lenr lleise, ti, manufacture carbnin;ttetl ',caters at \,'. 402 Fast Tremont

;lVelltle.- 43492. Fred \~ltiiter, t') manufacture carbonated haters at N. 2456 Jt r, , nlc avenue. 43493. Louis ),lanco, tp, keep five chickens at No. 2161 Creston avenue. 43494. :Andres SeheUcr, to keep twenty pigeons at No. 2409 Crotona ;vunc 43495. Isador Schellor, to keep twenty-five pigeons at No. 2417 Crotmua arunuc. 43490. ;Antonit) Galircri, to keep twenty-five chickens al \o. 2078 Prospect avenue. 43497. Joseph 11ofal , tp to keep ten chickens at Noy. ila Fast one IJuuilre7! and

h.illty-tirot street.


43498. Rusie' I)ilicne•tlitto, t , hoard one child at No. 91 Jackson street. 43499. Antonia t]rilna, to board one child at No. 792 Metropolitan aDmtie. 43500. ):osina G. Rig, to hoard one child at No. 194 Prospect street. 43501. Letitia HC it lsqu;l, to board one child at No. 455 Union street. 43502. Estella Potter, to hoard two children at No. 1711;t Bergen street. 43503. Mrs..Aunit Dioughertv. to board two children at No. 277 Division ;tvt'tui'. 43504. Anna =\Nelsen, to board two children at No. 703 Henry street. 43505. Catherine Jihnson, to board three children at No. 221 Fifth avenue. 43506. :\lethea Locke, to hoard three children at No. 47 Hopkinson arenue. 43507. Florence llozett, to) board four children at No. 205 Hull street. 43508. Ellen Murray, to hoard four children at No. 316 McDougal street. 43509. Friend in Need Day Nursery, to conduct day nursery at No. 95 Bradford


2778 THE CITY RECORD. S.ATCT:I-) Nx, 11_AIy(:II , 11;11).

43510. Mothers' Aid Day \urscry, to conduct day nursery at No. 97 Lawrence 7936. .Alma Cuvler, No. 763 Amsterdam ar,' itc. street. 8294. Schiefer & Barst, No. 2204 _1tu,tcrd!;in,, av , ii,

43511. Alorris Goldfarb, to keep ten chickens at No. 275 Glenmore avenue. 10147. ITenry Feinstein, No. 61 Sheriff street. 43512. Franzis'::t Streithorst, to keep twelve chickens at \o.:60 Lafayette avenue. 111373. Ilernlan \chl, No. 2228 Aiu t,:r,iau a ;i~..~. 43513. Henry C. Ilnnhen, to keep ten chickens at Ni, 10 Grove street. 10635. Vincenzo Collcti, No. 341 1•:::,t I' rt ;iJi,'i -n, t. 43514. William Siis irck, to keep twenty pigeons at \n. 592 Metropolitan avenue, 11155. Henn- 1Vendelken, No. 840 l.l.' t:th 43515. I[enry Lerlerlialts, to keep ten chickens at No. 277 Moffatt street. 11742. Jacoh Vogler, Ao. 338 East l (,rt-vvi'laic trect. 43516. C. \\. ltenui., to keep ,vvent_•-tive chickens at north side of Neck road, 50 feet 12221O. Charles Kaul1,~.var, , No. 07 1t I I ut

c,ist ;,f F:i t Sevetntnth street. 1 "4!1. Frederick A. Jark;, No. 26l1 In,~.~l~~a~.. 43517. James J. llfd grove, t:, keel, fifteen pigeons at \ .404 State street. I"^O. 'I'liom (i;;rd ell \o. 270 \V't-t t!. ~ ! !r.' ! I ri 43515. Charles W. R no I el' four clucks at north side of Neck road, 50 feet 12291. -the Tint/ n. An. 190 Alad ,

cast ( , t Ias. Sc; entcenth street. 123(16. .AnLelo (la tliard", No. 2 Ja;n,

43510. 'Iichae1 J. I)ttnn, to keep cane hundred chickens rit n ,-Irtheast corner of Elm 12376- I retlerick l'lmnp, Ao. 14811 fit. A;, I' I fVt: UR rinol I:a<t Sixt,(nth street.

43520. I:ran';c 11. Itriees, to keep tliirty chickens at No. 2242 Ifomecrest avenue. 11a~ 4321. Tlerry A. C~ ~ cr, t') kCe1) thirty chickens at No. 151)~ Iagenta street. 'loll-21_'2. Starnl;tr~l 1)i;1 i Compare, A, <. ~~1 [ICI t,l,; 43522. F. A\ . I l(rin~tn:t '. kcep tv.- vI e chickens at \o. 1951 East Fourteenth street.

?1'3. Will. II. f;~tdfreo,•, Ao. 1., `: ~; t': ~! 43523. P(:rr IItrri,~tti tI 1;cel) ?lrc,lt~-fife chickens at East Iifteenth street and ~1?I IrI , LulIrtit,r, An. I I)H,:.r :Ii, ~ ;.

•Emmons lane. r '1 2;-'I_'6. I1iI:tn1 1' •• •err \o. 712 F:!<t •'1•vgy •• ••''t -1r, 43524. Parris TT}ams, to sl~ i l~le toe one horses in cellar at \o. 206 Osborn street. 'l'i. Toler. J. 11 rri: An. 334 'tl c t

LnaI)I;r,II OF ULI•:rYs. ?1?~.

'i' Innits 11c1 iclker, Ao. _212 \1 c-1 \rio t, o .tl,

ach _9 '131. I r"'. 3

2419. T. l;is Ltcr, to I,r, n ei w

ght} cos at south side of Trotting Course lane, 680 r c riC k I. Knitinsnn. \ 1 i

213'. Artllp,u,l llcl)„n,~l(l, A~~. to t cast r ` T)r%- Tlarl~or road, Elmhurst. ?l i 13;. T;u~~l, Snlitlt I \u, 260 Uiti i ~.t.

43.25. Aicn'a P,tatnl~•o n, t ;:(, c;, one gnat at \o. 3 R;tilr~,iii avenue, Jamaica. ~~ Tlay II n,~t, \n. 9 I 43;26. I L r% :A. D(~cl~. to !~ ~ ep Ii (teen chickens at \'o. 4 Chestnut street, WVinfield. ;l `'`'' ~ ~

43527. 1[cnr., iTnrttl,ttcr, to tllirtcen chickens at \~1, 3(11 I ighth a enuc, Long -141. 11 u1f ~teit;L~r An. 9? ~lirri+f

P '142. l'inctis 11 allach, Ao. 217 I:•t t k 1~li1nrl City. ?1511-2158. Vlcl~acl 11-tir,r.laii, No. I;, , V, " ', !,

43i2~. J ~~ttth 11 a1t~:'r, t~ I:c:p tcu pi~cons at \o. 303 Fi;hth a~-entte, Long Island 1-i,ts

. 1,1 ~lilh Rcitcr, Ao. 371 1 , + 1 1 ;i -ti t 4352Q. Alr~, 1 r n~(> T n'r~'1 i i n to keep twenty chickens at No. 76 Fifteenth a~'enu~~, ?lei. Trinlc~ A. ~~;:u~7han, A~'. 7' ~'t•

T.n T~I' Clt'.. ')0' 11f -,1] I clk!'h;irdt, No 37 I i 435311. 11r~ l a j l~ lr~ ~ 11 it lf1, t 1ecp fourteen chicl,c:Is tit A'o. 78 Fifteenth avenue,

Ln,i l~latt 1 '213-"15. Drank . atch, An, 121 V, c~'

43:31 \1r-. Chri~tii t;1- 11City.

right, tto keep fifteen chickens at fro. 82 Fifteenth avenue, „ ~~ I G

If I cicr, Ao. 531 11~~t 1 -

L('1t Tslan(l ( ite. )fl \:fiat G. 1'imscn, Ao. 4l,~ 1~~:~t i i 43;3?. ltrS. T 'ii~~ P , to l.e~ti Itfteen chicke is at \n, 42 \Tasneth aenue, AIaspeth. , ~_

43 33 J X111( 1~ ,1-;;l, t~~ k~: fntrtcen chickens ;~t \n. 518 \inch arentte Long, ~. 1.r,tu~ A\ ilken:, Ao. 11(1 T,1 •,~„

1p ;)'9 ~~ „~1- Tsla 1(1 Cit',.

-r )) 11' lc i t

43;34. ITantia i ll,ti to l'tkh fifteen chickens at \o. 544 \inth a entte, Long Island ~~~~ ~,9 I I r i t~~~~ii t Comp,ulj, A~ ,:, -1-.r• _,ii(). .Afu-tthaIi 1 o.I. Inan, Ao. 4?.•

City. 1 '317-2310. Jn~c~,h 1?. A[rI~enn, '~o. !t~? 43~31. ) ;l~n Il,~lc r t,, l.eelt ten ihichetu at \o. 25 \(,rth Clmse avenue, Rockaway

tc1' 1[cl)~~nald,

43 36. 1Tarr', r~l, t-) II:eci, 'n- o ti,~,cn_ns at \n. 31 \rlrth \Vashiugtou place. 2'.21 2327. Church Tcii rauce Sr ~t:.,. A

.~ I 1~

43 37. Aitai; t 1 'up t'',iA' eoi1S at 1!,. 376 \V nnlsev avcilue, L011 ~'~ ~~3(l. (lll~>t. ~,,11~ I:I( c1-", Yu

1'1:> >I,,4--?3a.4. t~~~crn C ~ ,nrlt t',ctl "Ii _l, I I~1111~ Ci'~'. ~ .

433, I ltrit ,i ,1or 1la'~ r'~~. i:n' v lei n? ,tt \~.. 115 I'ii'llteenth street, '' 741 Cl~t~r 1-;i' i• CnnllJat

24R2-24111 D;.I • Cnn)panv. , •,r ,

_ 4 )1 _~19_. flat i.1 1..;iIOtl, Yu. I'

I(lltii[r,I[ (I I:ICIt\1i)Sh. 24Qi. I i< Tli 24211. r,,,,1-,;-, It 1\ i' . ,• :ur cv, s at snuthnvest C rucr of Bridge avenue ant ?494. Jn>cl~'t (l. A1 Iman. N ii i !

l ti ltIal r 1, (li l(l~c )4I)497. Mir T'i.. \~t 2112 I 1 2421. Chrl• Ili:; :. . , I,k , ~ ~,( c,,w at svcst sot •'i l~ichm , i~l avenue, g0!1 fart 2 14. ('1;:r1v, Thon ,e, No. 97J

~ ., 1 i T 1 ",. r I I1"% ) l: IL,rt 1' L:1L%. A ,. 548 1 2422 V'' ' ' '1 ' 1, '' ~ k n 11e k' a` r,-)rtll X1(1,' of T1c11ninnd turn ike, 2,0 ); ); 1 i ~ p l~ _. 17. 1"~ ,(r l,itrlin• ,n, No. 11 1 0 I, ". I

i r l u', 2W. Phili & Srm. \ „`

U;i it ~'...< 22(1. (;cor,~r Fal~cr. No. 27O -I'i l 'S'1 '531. IToiv 11 T)rntare t Comma i , \

~l>iICCl. I it tl'.~ l lli~pi"_~ l~ll- Il?:t• I 1!~'I i 11"iI1Cl[~'r1 1'1 lit. '1t\ '1t1' nt At', .

rk, l•. n,~! t ', err ,..r: t + ~' '1,3 5 Arthur 1lcRl, ncrts, Vin. lt~ I

n 535-2;3S. Pwni I Mii'1 r, No. 341 \\ t

noRovi;u OF \I.ANIF.V1 .lN. 239--24?. AVilli,titi I I. lla~•s, N. 12 1 t

411l .t 1 ',, i . i , A ,..311 lL~: i strrk.t 2414. 1Cit11 1fartn iii. An, ,~'~t

4112. IIri L'i~ h! \<k~, A„• t tt, °ir~t >trtut. 2 1 2~ t TTcrman 'I'uln. No. 1O-1 \I t i ~ I I

41<i3 I r;1-:i:ci :Ir.. ;i o ltcra, \~ '11 13 .Avrnu' \. ' R( 2!. I.ntu; flcrt4ntti, No. 11 1'

I 11. I i iii: I 1 A.. 1u; I t ( 'nc I lt'I In I ,1 I trth ,I 21115 21 97. .I.ncm t I:ar: i Comp an.y.

41Sh. I2;ii1I 1 l\. (;,~,~!>~ci1, \ lei l l , tti ll: ;ti t. 26) \n ii-t I c.ring, An, I,Ct,: '1 '1".

1'6 l rtl;a ( i id A 114 t T'nc1ttli >trcet. _2711. John IT. D clier, Ao, ;A.t \1~

1i~i7. I•Hiilic G;tt , ~..tlfLr. N. 31, 1'.t ei'rcntvr- o1 .tit. 2712. Alfrt~l r, No. 242 I. t 4i1. T')ivnrli (;tnri~ri. An. 417 li~t T~rclitli ut. 2713. David Ci h( ii. No. 221 \V I

41~11 1 ). ~1r.- Viri,tlii Iii, An. 2-1tt Kiel°tll :1., (00. -714 Royr Cry.. Ao. 649 tip, ,- ,ii 4l20. TiItl~l \o. 3I)( I'.t 1 e:r'I' , - ~'.t hilt ii- t 213i-_213~. Ill' I'1~11, T.'llu•( (i . . I'1- \\

111. Aii is \cccr. Ao~ 147 11;ic s :i .:\: 21-2176. A1 i1.litii 1l. 1ra11s. An t~,~~ I'::,

ll. Si,;, Aiu:\irtlt, Ao. 321 I <t 'I' iii t!t :=ti t. 21"1 212 I ii 1)irlc-cn. yn. II 7 (I:1-l!- t 41? (;trn:t'.1- :11ii,i 1 1 :y, ,. 437 t It trc t. 21 ,3. I),AV"itt M,I`sicii, An. ?I I. t~

4IiiJ4. :Ann;: l~~l~~ \~,. 422 I':;:<t Sep ,. t r t _;.~, ,, ~1 _treat. 21~Ss T) F U Ir~~ I „ iiira. An. 24t) Ili'. Ii 412• CIlrntcll l\i~ cnl An 441) l:;t;t 'I l:ir'rktttlt >ti t. 222W2U1. Ai,r;l't~.I'a I`t.ndci, An. 71 II 41t2ri. Pa~,lii *demo, Yo. 294 Ta r;tl~ct1i street. 22294-2.1~. I~;':1-t Cowpaw,. A 2;- (.

41k'_/. T~CC;t I S-i- cttti'il, Nn. Ii :A',tni•to >treet. _'3;t.',. I'.r11r-t hIkiii, An. 198 11,. 41¼i?. Cath(rlilt \\i! l<;i, An. "t 1~a t Icit l ti !. '3,;7. \\ Li t ' 1 \il 21 1~ -t1~2o. L. ii 1` l' , . A~,. 211 A\ cst H\t 11 i' 1 ti t 2,14 -271 T ̀,1 . ho 1 imore Coi i

no,oU•GfI 0r Tut III:(~y-. -,~;5 ';Q1. 1`, 1111;1 u T ' ' , k, An Vi'7 I; ,•

r . tc' ~2t ~~I) i ) ' ~

31 1 i. 1r lIit'Vt fi~ht~, .17_1 11;'11 ;iitii. ~. 1 11~ll l .ilC Cnlll A \\,

BOP.O> GII OF 1tl )o1:1.T\. 2;19. T ,,Itn I[nl<1. Ao. 211 1 (~ tt •l

411. \!i- .. Ai na Frier, No. 170 Il,~.t- itan -trckl. 2 47-2 4. CiFtave l[cvr' \n. 6121 Iln:t' 1 . ,_ t. i; 2Sg2 Plidit Iyratnc, \o. 155 1'ri~l; ;k . Ilr -11_'. [':I1'li~' T.I~t~:11~,C1' \ ~~j J1' ;11111 Jl/ 1 l ll~1;'IC ;f,~~_. - -' .~

.l133 Fcntiaui, No 30 II,t\cmcver stl(ct. 22. A1H ':1 T F. As , iigt. No. \

414. T.1:/ i, LiinpnI~kv, No 70 iiurnilu,1(It sticJ. 2:84. Ric!iar l Dvr1h. No. 62 "I ~ ,1 ,

41~35. :Ai' 1cd i' o t'. A(~. 339 SCv.c- itccntll str(et. 2;e5. TTo,iu•y IDrii-n, An. 455 \l 1 r~' It 1:'

41~i( T. , ttcth 1•:i i Ia ,- 1yi- . A 137 A:silt T I.tti ti . 2 7 r '' W. 1la.'hagcu. s 271 ?:' ., .~ -t l: 4117 I \Inllcr. AL,. 2 l lli •'t t. 2'86. A l,crt S. I1-;'„tnt. An. 7111, 1';,, t I;t

?5~ti 237. 1)i tit 't 1 1) iii Cnnlpn i I4, 1,,~,'. 1-,;t(; fir I;i' ~r. \ I 1 2 1 i i ~trc~t ~

-'7O3 2784. T iI ,:) II:,n - ,1, Shepherd ;,<<:' ~ 1\ ii I,0R0L tI OF I) 1; I:E\S. 270;-271' 1 ~ T. u ~t, ',: t Lii~ f~k' I.iii I 1 1 1

41O. 11i• . LIiri1~14i 111,tek, N. 7 I c.I:tll strcct, 1111» Ill,, Loin Islan(I. '707. Tic K;,ntr, Ao, 413 111 l,_ ;i n t 1 [ c>.v,'

1 ~crtr.i~., i.r the snlc and ticli~'crr ~,- ,• T r;trin~-itz, Linn. ~ I ~ t. 11. 1 t , , i ' ~.1:'. ~fll~ 1'1 of .,lll)lii tlnn tnr ~tUf~ ;Ila 1C;•I 1 *~ -~ - -

mill: i.i 71r Cit', r \v, A tI.. 27(M). .stn r tt~!~, Ao. 419 Ilk , ~n1 . I 1d, t 171( ?7IQ- l r,i„1< AV r(l, An. 5ti TliI' l i t.

(1-n motion, it uv:a> 27_2(1-2723. Tr,iii] IT 1n1-l. No. 23 T"1] r ,'. ;:,~.',

[crl\cl, "I11;1t t i~ll r.i~: t~criitit: O,r tlIC i1 l,lir} of milk iii i:_ 272-1-?74~. F. Cr. II: pri iv iii. No. 367 'ii 't a,, ~"!I', ,

Cit of \cNv 1- rl; 1-k' ,,tint the <:1'tt.. ii itcrrltt ~,rautcii : _27-19-275(1. J iin fl. Alnllrr, Nn. 351 (' ~,ii It'-

2104. [1'rr.s I.if~cllitz. No. 1621 W:1,11::1L~ , •1i

BO1(OUGHI OI 'II :1\II.AIf'y;. 2?IY-2112 T,,hn ``clincid r Cpmpspv-. 1)11 I ii i ;iii. 1V '1-i:,t:1~• Il_.

Stores. non 223. ( rite S. W\ liitc, 11. D.. A', 1 11 ar'u,.rt n ... ti . 1 +11: \_ 1 . 13,11;. J i I. I;:Lll.i,icr A''. 1) \1 t 1 iii iii iii sti t. 2 I it Pr t'1er., No. 316 Fa,'. ()ii 11,t ldri l ,1 1 I r'~ t t

1(i25. :Abmliaiii 111 'vyn, No. 711; I~a-t Fifth street. -'195-2107. TIvrmiip SitereQhensky. " . 14~I 11:t..hi i ii • t ; i' to. I! •

1914. 1 f' iii;.' C i11lm. .vn. 156 Lei'; i trect. .?45. Tn'1tt T. Kohler, No. 655 1':!a 'l it n 1Itinclr~ l oil 'II

2410 I )V i(i Viler, A, ). 20; Fait t e'lth strclt. Prnn~. 32'f1il. S,ii I~rCite , Ao. 115 \tt i :rN- >trk-kt. ?41 Sate 1 i rc1 , No. 545 F;t~t C:i lht,t1rcl : ,, I I:r 'li •

3218. [ III res,i It , i-I)i~, A n. ?;; 11 t'<t tin,, I [n:i,Irl ;tn~l I rte (~ stn th sire:, l`rp;lx. 3224. 1 rciIrrick I1(ck. An. 7413 Sec ml ;Ivco n . 271-2732. TTv. Tirescr. Yo. 540 Fa?t me TIi1i(r ! and C rt ~iyt'.t 'r,.+ 4' 34':3. lacl (iiild;1n, `,1,. 519 1:; st lJ(r ., ttlt strckt. 2143-2144. Jou(tgia Ttri thers. Walnut tre t :lot :vu: , ();,,, t 3jfl5. A\ illi 1m Schlun:tr Ii( I \n (i2 first ,ter tr,c. 2147. (;tt<';n c A[IlPcr. Fcrr anal \\ ate rci t; 1\ d 1 ~~ (~t T. 41761, 1I;2p!1ii11n 1 I trshi \n, u44 I:,'st Siy:t)t str((t. 21.4 21 T.clfi~ Olor to k, AVick; st I ii ii I lnc. 4959. \l ever hI(in, 4 tt ]at Ninth strk:ct. T.Eiii , l. 274 I Ih11 G;Irtinkcl. \{,. 12i .AIli tcr(i,!m ,\cnttt. 2215-22210. I., -rc iii 1 ( m> 11,illin I t1. IIlrn4 1 l T~l:ntl. 793. 1Frank :Arli.o(li, No. 2,A Scc-'nf1 :ivei1iie. 222 . 111:l1lell:l Schlosser. No ,. 2 (1 it tr l't;lll 1 - to', nlli,I!-.

631. tamttcl lieii.msp. Vin. 191) cnrill street. ?2?. S iii Grman. Ao. 106 nth .t. ()i1 n~.

6145. 1 rc(krirk STiervvoc,d, Ao. 261$ 1' ii Ith ; v nti . 2,1.11. Tltn~l;: o. 5 Pro Acct oc':lz (1951. G'.istve A. Ili 1>clicr, N. 1427 St. Aicbnla; avemle. 2332-2333. Ed tar II. IIuhlhs. Hv,,itt avnne. A1;Hn_t11. (1.1~ n<. 7156. I I( Iii L, IirI( r, Au- 135 St. `Nicholas aN cnuc. 2,334 ?335. 1k ii (I Cnittntbia ;t n,tc, '\f t.i Oil II , 7442. Christopher Glaser, Ao. 1431 Tlord avenue. -9498-?5(12 Henry hrvcr, Maiden lane. 1l;1,[1e11i, (loan:. 7804. harry Knohler, No. 178 Marlin street. 2510-9513. Genre Fieiibriiik, No. 1727 (Th iv ntte,

21460. Isaac [ilen, ta e1h milk at No. 395 Jr mc U5e 21461. J(llu 11. (ih1i-t, to sell milk at N,,. 57I( 1\eLr a' 21462. Samuel (;icelllLig, tJ sell milk :it Yn 101 214(3. flariit \\iLnlr, t, , s 11 milk at N. 25t Scie I CL L 21464. Charles <hcjn1ardt, to sell milk at Ye. 41 h \:i 1riii:t ULIt. 21465. Richard BLrglllan. Ii sell milk a No. 2e)5 ln1 a 2146(. Inii1 I larder, to ehl milk at .32 1i (hI H -I L I. .?14(7. \lorris Strauss. to sell milk at No. I 127 Ii r I\IIIIC. 2146$. \iinic R. 1!ni:ui, ti keep twelve c1 i i 1 ii Itt \ . .eacII aL lIe


2141'9. 1'nni 1ric1i. to Lh1 milk at Mvrt ...... a Id l.:l,( .... VLflU 21470. Jac S. 1)idr.11. i cr.iuluct pill :5 1 5 . 123 11111 125 •.. ..........5,

Taniaica. 21471. S, p:)4: \II1LillItii)}, I 1ccp tl!re" 'i'al r .1. ... ::. 21472. (; orgn, lIl'tl, t luep chickens :. , \ . 14,C : .' 5 ( ci e.. i. . . c

I I ill.


21473. \\. 1. W, k.> twelve cid.(<.r :Y . Ii [ \i iv P ,ik, .\ t_ \V ltriili tall.

On motion, it WaS

Resolv(d, ilYlt tllC i: Wing permit td ic SII1C IC. lic:- t I iy re e 5:ctl


32()6. Isaac N. leO to .il milk at 'No. I 15 .\ It. ii V 3?18. \hary Lang, to sell milk at No. 255 \\ct lhlu,IrLd 1111 irI. :ICt Ir 3224. T.'1\carui A. \'teilier, ti sell milk-it '\,,. 743 Sec. i1 Ileanc. 3505. Herman I [clunILl, to cell milk at .\. (2 lir i\L II. 4176. Alax 1:!l)ars1<v, to e!b milk at Ni. (44 !:i S:' h r

4939. Pella Lauber, to sell Mille at No. 42S ISo N mu s Cci 5274. \Jtrianinia \[aItci, to sell milk at \ . ISs "iJO IrCeI. 5793. Fraiik .\riinia, to sell milk at No. 12t Fast I I in te ii tr. en 6315. Minnie Rctiilere% to stdl milk at No. 1) Scecad sIre. I. 6745. Ernest Diieschicl, to sell milk at Ye. 2(15 IULSIIh avenue. 6951. Edward Kcetiier, to sell milk at No 1 M .ni clr at. 715(1. JLtc(1lt 1\Utfl, to t.cfl milk at No. l35t il:i a;Lllnc. 7442. SanincI (ncn, to s-,11 milk at No. 1431 Idrd a 7936. Alni ,1 Ttkcli .ff. tn sell milk at N. 763 4294. Slilliltil C;at1.ii, to seth milk at N . 2204 .\ni id,ini LVCflIIC.

10373. Fraicia & Sherra. to cell milk at Yc. 10) Al 1O35. 1astaii:i D laca, to sell milk at Y . 311 ISo: Farll 51111 U Ye'.

11155. 1 hltriv Sienel. to se1 I milk at No. 12* . .1 a: 11742. Jesepli 1ctrooiia, to s:ll milk at N i. 5t ii 12240. Salinlrin, to sell milk PI 03 'lo:,!_ e tr 12259. JoiLihi (roiil:ci, to sell Iflilk at

street. 1231)6. John Kraiicr, te LIII milk at No 5 M c12376. llcrry ]iCJI, t o ;dl milk at No... h el:,aiui cv 1 1',t

1237. Jacob Sintcr, i ,) il milk at No. 9 41 Sc cti:5 :,Vciic. 1304. r;lias I\J pp(l. to SL1I it,. ik at No. 2e N) cin: a trat. 1767. Coiidolova Gutto. to sell milk at Na. 72 Iill\Lr LtrCet, 2232. Sam lallitulchl. I1 'tell milk at N. 5 Plv5nI II t 5463. Morris (5rnuan. to L 11 milk at N. 142 (Sicrtl trc. 5613. Rachel Pcrslev, t . 'LII milk at No. 26 :11 ntCtivary C r ct 9?87. Samuel FLr1 o\vitz, to sell milk at Na. 63 Pike s'rc(t.

10661. Sorcher Pros., in cell milk at No. 11)5 F. x trcet. 2418. Joseph I.c''r, to sell milk at Ni. 257 J:i. ( mt Jfii:i!';l :115

street. 3fl9S. AF11nic ilari'ie, to sell milk at Na. 1)75 l'irt Illenna. 493. Minnie TTainie, to All milk at Na, 2 5 iII1 Ii stre ' 9210. Loriiz iranatte. to sell milk at Na (( \V, (luCY lI''l ti

43123. Ferdinand Nauner. fl i, table her H a. lIliC I' \t 14") V, - 'I : '2222 Toliii Slevart, to ctiblo horses in c 5::i' ar, N . 121) lIlli 122


JlIaROUGEI (ii: Tt I I;

20. Bill Mcliiaii.I., I milk at N. 722 15 sire1 t.

34. j.ln J. .\ltiirt\., to .Il milk a 4. ' . .71 t 'h CI I1. car!, 2101. Dom( nic lt:iii5, to sell milk ;i, .N1152) '.t

Street. 995, .\hlcrt 1:ltlila, a 1li milk at .:. 4V) Il\tI 845. l\eIin:l liLehi. 1.1 '' 11 milk at 'i

1n1. 1.e\\'ill V .. tfl sell lUl(i :'tt \ 21O \h'rii Ji i L 11 B Ill t '\ .0) I

333 kdWCIrl Ja'kin:i. I Si-l1 milk :it \, 7(1 ,l, 2525. (lliit .5 .1 1'. 'Ili-, i milk :v

street. 2760 Malilcr It c-, Ii il milk at Xi (5 2t29. Polal<otI , (il- i hl milk at \e, 7i17i T'ul: S tI

it t re t. 2330. Tinrnc't ()lll. t uIi 1111k :11 No. 1504 )te'l: 2330. Trelerick l\1II11PICCIL', to sell milk I t Ye.. 71)

1456. (i(). J:tIhL ' cli milk at a street.

2 '2 ( un I P',,I I milk at N o.( . I I t 1OS(e jet-phi !.nii, 1 SLII milk at N' 3277 I IlIll ILl ill' 22O I 11111 ii t I I 1 i 11 11 at "sc) i' I III I

263fl. \lax l\1l(t1l. to l%i.11 1111k at No. IlYil Jr . n'i 2222. \-1i Yiiniti Li'll II''. ti sell milk at \ ,-) . 4i92 ildol a 79t. Cord \hi!lrtcIl. to <ell milk at Na 55.3 !Slt ) ua

St reet . Naih:tn Glen, t' Cell iiulk at No. 422 lt: r a\ lee. lturn:iil itri \litI'. 1(1 sell milk II \'. 4(1 tr.''

2349, Tl nry hahleilinLir, to ell milk 2640. J)avi! Mccc, to Ll1 milk at No. 11)74 Pr".'n.'I IV IllI'. 1919. J1111 RC1H, In ell milk at nortll\v t C

str, et Clii Pr'ancct avenue 1640. 1 leery lox. ta "hl aid]: at "No. 155 ViLla r ULilil 2437. PliilIiii C n a LI1 illilk at Nn. ) I i i 1 ] t

55. Charles ltcns. i sail milk at N. 417 l5i- ))ì: ( :il .1 'i5 .'5i.Yl

ctreet Philip rleflIv, 4 1) ti' milk at N $7i T':rk ic. In Chant s .'\lr:tI c ii.

c( II milk ;ti N 7111 l5:t Oiit , I street.

ttc)RQIJCIJ OF tlR'ti'i It T

9241. Cha,, . U. T.idirsii, to sell milk at Na. .124 \ 'I'l D:11 tuet. 14571. ?IlIIllIIe G1.risni is sell milk at Ni. 222 5 ci:' t LIrLct. 2670. DiIlliliC 1\L'IIV. ti eli milk at No. $7 In i":i :.1 cllle.

12705. Lena Scc. r, ta 511 1115k at No. 253 T. ,'ia YiI(OlUe. 101(3. Jiii 1.trcn'en. 0 tI! milk at


o. 111 -,. u t\ liii'

39020. lilt3ll(I:i \JaiiiiLre]ln, ta hoard chiiidr 'i .1 Na SSa Carroll tr:'t. 35506. To..e;)iiHlIC (aria. t. 1ta:rd ell'.ldICll lIt "'. 95 Carroll street.

, ( 42. r , d ) 42120. t)lvlllpia Pccc, :n heard children: .Y 2(1 (utlln1i)ia street. ,3°719. lary Mct. le"l children at N I Sit) f)cI'1ah autilue. 3971)0. 1irtiiiiiIta 511111. 1) hoard children :t 'n 2 I):ntcn piece.

t 4234. Adelaide Reiclit, to hoard children at No. 33 (raTliIe sirci 39740. Annie Pinto, to iirai'd children at N'. 205 Mill 5ICCL't. 36799. Florence P07CM, to tinerd children It Ne. 295 IltilI st re, '., 42469. Mary McCarthy, to board children at No. 153 huron stre t.

1•:;' '1' II

27.5. 11)50.

2)115 ,.t5

S;\TLRD.\ 1, Al Al,( 5, 1911). THE CITY RECORD. 2779

R;ert 1I. : r, Vfltl street, near Howland avenue, Queens. .139-214(). 1 I UI, No. 1 170 \\usiiington avcnuc, Richmond. 14- 14,. [, c Itnn, Sliurc road, KrciIirvh1e.

2 189 -211 3. 14' 214'). ( ,. F .Iur iI. \\;thiiiitun avenue.


Alilk Lnii1p:iny Willow Brook road. ;rtiitcvih1e. ( 11hV( I':ti-1a!11, flnt]e Point. 21. henry I l:i:i, Nu. h103 Cat1ctnii tv(lII1C. 1199 221.

•1. J. 1 I\()r .\I ilk Company, No. 16 Griffen strcct, Tompkinsville, Staten -279.

B: )1\10D;11 OF TIlE BRONX.


4. 1)ieiricli [e\ ljchni, Yo. 76 CuLIItlafl(Jt a\ CIIIIC.

34. Dciii,. .\fee1aii. No. 571 Southern !ou1evard. 1-40. Philip .\hlgier. Ni'. 2420 11athgte a eune. 14 1\ hi:t (;t{IL(•1 , .\). 1(I4 11U(Ilc a\•U11ue. I 40. J j1ii Rrner, No. 4117 F:it One I hiuidrd and Thirty-Iourthi street. 151. Anw P()ltklItt, N, ,. 707 Last 0iie Hundred and Fifty-ix1i street. 13. i'iik 1hiu1f, N. (2 Morris aveinie. 14. hi- I;i B. J)uj;-i. Nn. 53 St. Ann ncnue.

1. 1)aa I \1:is:i, N. $3() Last ( Illc I hundred and Fiitv- xii street.

1(H. (1rt .a'.1 No. 436 Lnt One I lun(lru(1 and Fiftv-iifiI srect.

12. ( : Ll 1hivan, No. 4(Y) Iii-(k avenue. o3 .\ I IrL. No. 760 [c1roe avenue. ..

( J4. Ci- G. I a cr tt, No. 1(i j' j vo Ibuniril and Jitt1 srect. 166. Sa 1.\iii & No. 772 Prospect avenue. 17. J':nuy iU.])OC1

No. 7;3 St. .\un avenue. i . J ')I •J'f , 24 1;:t ()i: Iltindred:[lid Fiftyuh StFCCt.

P). r;]1 Sl:;ti il', N. 3)) Park avenue. (:\vcr & biCl1, 3277 Park aV enuc. 170.

171. I. Sc1u1e & fin., N. 221 lat l'renioiit avenue.

73. 1. it N. 121 )re kav, iie. .\!n lia (jo(Iyk. X. 416 Brook avcutic.

177. IicJ Zccarc1i, N. -)3 1:: it one 1 lunIrel and Fiftv-iiit street. 179. 'A[r y Scin-:t1:z, N. 1751 Iu]oate aeuiiu.

\\i ii ikue, Xe i3L Stc11u a\ i1, I1LrIR S;tiNo. 747 Jackson avenue.

13. - e 1.1i:(•U, \. 954 I.OI]O()(i aciiue. )Fa \\:i. y'. 11'6 1'ro1ct :venui.

17 •.\Jr jn S:tier, :\O. )13 H t re t .

1,e . :Irie I I1. \H, 1192 1:oN

]0. ClOLF. fl. 1217 lut1i cad. P'0......;;hi•HI (i, hiLl], 1t74 11!1(Ct aVellUe. 101. Jdii Rap, No. 23 iat One 1 hn)i(led and Sixty-eighth street.

iO3. ( L -(1 \1 1ii1 a, \.. 53 Eat )fle 1 JutlklFC(1 and 'fhiirtv-third srcet.

1L1. 1 ary 1: a, >:. 1434 Cniiuoiiw:tiih aveillic.

1 1 1 7. Ch:irl No, 4() 1oret a unue. (;. ]itt:i, :c. 470 East Ouc hundred and Puny-fourth street.

0,) Ire! rek huiniuer . No. 5() Pcllian avenue. 2)1. \\eif /IIuIenaiu, No. 4031 Third avciinc,

2o2. a I) nol;c, Yo. 91 Freeman srcet. 2 7. 1 iid Zere n e, N . 34 I1ro1 avenue.

2. fte Ti'1rrn, \(. 9:') 1r(cnl:In strec. 207. \\• \\ i.nei-, Ye. 3116 '1hiird avenue. 21d. N;han .\Je1iian,

No. 593 East One llul]dee(h and Thirty-eighth street.



'\o.214 St 1er[\e


J'AIII 14u(Ial :L\taue 1.rl1 Scaul.:v, N.a 13 1.ina a\eauc. 22295.

22 4. lea lYaac5i, N . 5 i Luien iet. 222)J.

.\r;d' ih:L11:Y, 31t Ne\v J(ry avenue. I N. 2910 1krn StCct t.

)2284. i\t!1 "'I cut. L:!ie I t• r !riI, Yr,. 329 \;tu Pruat urct. .hiliini l.esnunv, N. 5 <ert1i S veih re Ianh \c(u. N . 2u3 Furdi :[V,1111('. 22279. JLii I5idii, . (; Xrh c\Lii1i ticut. , )

\:1ic avenu. 222. F1I:i 1'H,(, \) P7 lick avc1n1. 2222.

1:iFI 1VL111C. 22277. IrNi.0 Ka:ii. Y

31; le;i:in Sc'i•.

164. 1t.e ( i a. Y . i (73 r;i;1 avciile.

2272. 31 iirdi LVL line. I enC; '. 1 I'r

\ Stl jtirdi cclii. 2345 le5c SiCc t. 225l

2235. Ttai151 .1 \\ ••.: 52 M i:ii1 avuic.

23(17. liaril Lli:in. N . 179 ( ia\ emever tecet. ' 447 Ric1:v .ii:ill'( lUlL.

hllelll I at Hiiui S diii lect. 22314. l:ri 1vCli \\ 11ii,..i. 5217 LVlliil iv 1115•. 223(111. l.5ii c.H r 112 \Uiall(1 Il jilL. 2225.

Illl :u l.:yll a \. 51iL.


( i - h Ki cli, N h(4 k rtc ;lvelluc, I;\C iCc I ii. 1e liil(l I (lid av ciiuc, .\[apetli.

,'9 (velu ilVLiIiiC, 1.1111 ( '. ( 11( . . . 221 ( clln1\ leO. :lV UlIIL, I\1(IL\V()O(I I eihi.

I ( I IIISLI, C. 257 );IlLili1ViW SVCIIIIL,

(.iii il t5ll. i!

aiiil are Inie! 1 i ci ,H f:L •.


2144). kSlu Sci:5t r. a d milk :t Ye. 75 LeWIS stl ct

21-i42. 1. 1, I,cCilj 1. H 1 iiij5 at N. 23 Pill Street.

2l44. J.'tll \\ina r, a ctl nii ri Xi. 513 Lat LILvLllt]l 1rLL1.

21444. 1 1ii ii:elli. n i mdl ,at N. 141) SIII!iVIi 11­et.

21445. I\lltc ! JaI, L 1(1 (IflL .,lljrj t ]. 57 iirt IIVCIIIIL.

21441. L , Iiv \\ cii, l 1 d (JilL Chid I (. 316 East T1irtv-5ist trcct.

2(447. 1 l\ III i h (I illll lClI Iiidveiuiiv iirne at Xe. 1974 _\\n) L 151111] lIla Ii


Lie I [tT. (ci Hi, i' clI iiii]k :t Ye. 2443 Roseland avelluL.

21419. lIthe I i ei; I, l d iid l k nue. 2145(1. 1hii ) ni, t: fl 1111k ,t It -trl livellue ;id One Hundred and Ei1itv-


]451. \\ H L IC lillIlliel ;it i. 3306 TidrI IiVt1tte.


21452. CIiiUCH 1511/Il, I Iiidk II N. 231 Tro"ItI11,111strea

2153 IliC.

S kll ndlk Iit N. 237 South Second treet,

21454 II I)l.11r, 1 ,t 11 Ii; Il \. •)t 1•\j((fl a\LllIle.

21455, It1 iS. It v5 ', t,, ull niiJi a No. 4015 lvcftIi LVLIIIIL.

2145(. 1 cC 1d ill, n LIl ni11 ::t N. 3 \Ivona lrLL.

21457. lrCi h \Y,li, I 1 1,i! iii'k at No. 537 Schc,ick IIVIilliL.

2145. 1ce i Iar, ii II huh; at No. 1221 Fae1v-1irt Street. 21479. J1ii Itlierli, 1 sell milk at No. 257 1eiFli e treet.

2780 THE CITY RECORD. s.AT1:1l).AV, yI\1011 ;, 111.

42109. Mrs. Selina Hansen, to board children at No. 200 Java 'street. 39727. Mrs. Hannigan, to board children at No. 226 McDougal street. 35632. Ellen 1liurray, to board children at No. 316 McDougal street. 28017. Lena Schliffer, to board children at No. 411 Marion street. 40831. Mary Leah Hunter, to board children at No. 52 Rochester avenue. 38099. Mrs. Lillian Della Pia, to board children at No. 56 Tompkins avenue. 43170. Teresina Carrino, to board children at No. 77 Withers street. 38633. Catherine Johnson, to board children at No. 221 Fifth avenue. 42966. Concetta R. Donnarummo, to board children at No. 554 Seventeenth street. 39441. Margaret Cahill, to board children at No. 449 Twentieth street. 27022. Johanna A. Stewart, to board children at \o. 305 Howard avenue. 27109. Willoughby House Settlement, to conduct day nursery at Na. 97 Lawrence

street. 32781. Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, to keep beds in dormitories at No.

1550 Dean street. 37084. Brooklyn Iloward Colored Orphan Asylum, to keep beds in dormitories at No.

545 Herkimer street. 32648. Paul Kaplan, to keep ten chickens at No. 312 Atkins avenue. 21601. Mary Gursel, to keep twelve chickens at No. 531 Essex street. 40236. Minnie Kuehule. to keep six chickens at \o. 2943 Fulton street. 22412. Henry A. Coyer, to keep eleven chickens at No. 150 Magenta street. 35774. Louis Grabo v, to keep ten chickens at No. 487 Pennsylti ,tnia avenue. 16324. Owen T, Sheridan, to 'stable twelve horses in cellar at No. 55 Dehevoise place.

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. 3763. Anthony V'v'uthe, to sell milk at No. 447 Steinway avenue, Long Island City.

29546. Mrs. M. Weyhmann, to keep three chickens at No. 11 Grinnell avenue, Corona.

The following list of permits to practice midwifery in The City of New York, granted by the Board of Health at a meeting held February 10, 1909, expired Feb-'

9, 1910:


35195. Ada Ellen Baker, No. 1 King street. 35196. Maddalena Brune, No. 70 New Chambers street. 35197. Mary Capra, No. 93 Macdougal street. 35198. Adele Carcassola, No. 175 Bleecker street. 35199. Luica Ciciliani, No. 565 Eleventh avenue. 35200. Antonetta DePoalis DeBernardi, No. 185 Bleecker street. 35201, Gertrude Freund, No. 555 \Vest Fifty-third street. 35202. Geninia Giallanza, Nos. 157 and 159 \Vest End avenue. 35203. Filomena Giordano, No. 352 East One Hundred and Fourteenth street. 35204. F.ldica Jlaurl Jackman, Nos. 213 and 215 \Pest Sixty-second street. 35205. Margaret'1lichler, No. 429 East Sixty-fifth street. 35206. Aladdalena Napolitana, No. 43 Spring street. 35207. Anastasia Nelson, Nos. I and 3 East One Hundred and Seventh street. 35208. Rosa Osnato, Nos. 14 and 16 Cherry street. 35209. Isabella Pascale, No. 53 East Houston street. 35210. Paola Perazzo, No. 239 Bleecker street. 35211. Anna Placek, No. 338 East Forty-eighth street. 35212. Amalia Rude, No. 460 \Vest Fiftieth street. 35213. Fanny Sander, No. 83 East One Hundred and Tenth street. 35214. Guiseppa Scalanlandre, No. 240 East One Hundred and Ninth street. 35215. Anna Setuerad, No. 422 East Seventy-third street. 35216. Annie Toro, No. 50 Oliver street. 35217. Celentina Turini, Nos. 26 and 28 Carmine street. 35218. Louise Weiss, No. 69 Amsterdam avenue. 35219, \athalie Wiener, No. 201 East Seventy-second street. 35220. Sophie \1 interfeld, \o. 299 East One Hundred and Sixth street. 35221. Christine \Vitterauf, Nn. 305 Tenth avenue.

BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 35222. Amelia Arata, No. 1627 Van Buren street, Van Nest. 35.23. Sophie Nlajewski, Two Hundred and Twenty-sixth street, crest of White

Plains road, IN'illiainsbridge. 35724. Francesca Princippala, No. 3155 Villa avenue, Bedtor l Park.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 35225. Lina Brambora, No. 174 Suydam street. 35226. Airs. 1laria Prokos, No. 655 Third avenue. 35227. Ilcrmyka 11. Bnliz, No. 65 North Sixth street. 35228. Fannie Canter, No. 138 Willoughby street. 35229. ].,%-a Fleishman, No. 333 Pennsylvania avenue. 35230. Guiseppe Gambino, Ao. 59 Hamburg avenue. 35231. Jessie Gelhspan, No. 204 East New York avenue. 35232. Lena Grady, No. 477 Hicks street. 35233. .\lary Ilalloran, Old Ocean avenue. I'iii s highn•ae. 35234. :Anna fluency, Ao. 133 hent avenue. 35235. \lrs, Margareth Jurgens, No. 180 Jefferson street. 35236, Mary A. Koruer, No. 264 Stagg street. 35237. Mari Korodi, No. 112 North Seventh street. 35238. Mary Lan,bcin. No. 213 Suydam street. 35239. Mare Neifus, No. 128 Prospect street. 35240. Johanna Pitsch, No. 229 Humboldt street. 35241. Anna Regina, No. 381 Manhattan avenue. 35242. Mary Sollmer, No. 671 Monroe street.

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. 35243. Barbara Hartmann, No. 150 Onderdonk avenue.

Reports on Applications for Relief from Orders.

On motion, it was

Resolved, ']'hat the following orders be extended, nlodiled or rescinded, as fol-lows:

BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 28367 and 28368. Yes. 3407 and 3409 Albany avenue, extended until February 22, 1910.

Oil motion, it 11 was

Resolved, That the following applications for relief from orders be and are hereby denied


1679. loo. 144 East Fourth street. 2192. No. 514 East Eighty-seventh street.


1763. No. 162 Lorimer street (rear). 2826. No. 57 Lorimer street.

29219. \o. 162 Myrtle avenue.

Bureau of Records.

The following communications were received from the Registrar of Records:

Weekly report. Ordered oil file.

Reports on Applications to Record Corrected Ccr~ilic ites.

on lllotion, it was

J2esol%ed, That permission he and is hereby given to r;ci)rd corrected certincates relating to

Meta Sanders, born August 18, 1878. (George Sanders. born July 7, 1882. Robert Colby, born December 28, 1902. Rebecca Gomora, born May 10, 1903. John Peter Krings, (lied September 27,

1894. Stefano Delnorn, (lied October 9, 19(15.

Reports :ii Applications to file 1)cl;l.,'c(l ,'iii l hi,, ri,c' r 1

On motion, it was

Resolved, That the Registrar of Ru'o,rds lie anal N Ii r~l lir,,•to , ] volume of "Delayed ail Imperfect (.'erti~ieat• ~" thy' i~,!,I tug crt C:i -.

lfabel Raabe, born larch 25, 1907. Ida L. Bird, I~~~rii J;n,llary 2-I, 1'-14. Louise E. Ryan, born December 12, 19') . .AngciL> (,rle'c 1̀ hi i,j jllk .l,

George Holab, born March 23, 1904. 1:Mlannel SHilnuck, rn I;n)1!:u 1, 1'!114 William Yellas, born September 14, 1913. Edward I 1. 'I Ii iw! ::. r N''v,IWy,r 1largareta Pfeiffer, born August 14, 1th);. 1')t)4. Mary Margaret McGuire, born July 6, 191_2. 'lie ml;l5 A. ('1F r;tl, . .Ai .1 . I'll l~- 11'illiam \ovotny, born September 14,,l~cv ti;lnl;ei. 1,:rn l::1 1:1'-1.

1903. Sy111;t lillll, li<irll I):11'Ji": .i, 1'I i}.

IInward 1. Swanson, born October 7. Syiluev Galli1i, ]n , rn I ritl', i, I'!1!I

1902. I-Anlr C. Skinner, 1, rll \ Sadi,. Golub, born November 23, 1903. Louis J. l,aa(len, born February 2, 19!)3. Carlo Pmliericr ,, born September 5, 19116. Isi(lor Isracl,)lvitz, I)nrn March 25, 1904. Ilia Israelotcit7, born March 18, 1906. 1I()nlv Levy, born \larch 29, 1905. Arthur Mlortlock, barn November 26, 19:4. Samuel Sutfin, rn January 21, 19114. Ethel P tas~in, barn )1arcl1 10, 19:)3, Sidney Niel c. born September 30, 14 1. (lrorge 11. Zam1, lmrn December 31, 193. 1':thc1 \\ 'lfnl:!n, born July 9, 1907.

Reports on App:icati,m for I.lave

On motion, it was

Resolve(, That leave of absence be and L lkru lv- u;r:!r:;,1 ,,, i .I'.


Rose Brady, from February 3 to Fcl,ruary 4, 1910. \Villis R. Ilill, February 5, 1919. NV. 11. t.o11 (ersdorff, from 1'ebrlc!r)- 4 hI 1' ru;lr :. i'll Roswell P. Blake, from January 2' :u I ,)rti;lr ;, 1'l I I Theresa Brennan, from February 4 to IeIsal;!r_ '. 1')9. Alma Chancellor, February 4, 1910. Raymond Plessis, February 4, 1910. Annette Culiinan, from February 4 t' I rt:;!ry ; , 1'1111 Ma~, F. Ila!lowav, February 2, 1910. Rena I1. Plnmmur, from February ' t•• i ',l ual ~ Thomas J. Brady, February 2, 1910. \Vilfred :1. 11wcn, front Februare ] I u() , r1l: i ', 1;1. Marti' C.uiins, fr,-till January 31 to 1 vbronrr 2, lillll


Bertha Pav'itt, front January 1 t , 1; .0 , ', 10111 . lolin 11. 0bcrle, M. 1)., from Ja!Inl') 31 (I n:l; 3, 1'1 1.. l Ienry W. ylever, January 31, 1011l henry JnHr()sur, January 31, 1911. henry Johnson, I'ellrnary 1, 1911). 1L V. Rohbin~, 1I. 11, from Fehrulrs ' 1 'm ; ,;. ill ,

BOROU(G11 of 1 J II(>I:LS ~.

James I. Alci)onald , February 5, 19111 . George 11. Bentz, 1I. D., from 1"tllliru n•_, 1 _ I ' r,c ', 1111' Rosalie hell, 11. D.. February ? 111111. Michael Sn-cenev, from Jauttar! .!ii ,,, T;ulr,.u, ,11, 1111.

BOROLr,II UP i~t'1:1:A-.

Nicaiior Diaz, l'cl~ruary 2, 1910. (jlenn E. Rvther, from January 14 t„ LiI1l:l 1-e ?.

A conlmunicatioI1 from the Conilotr,)1Ier re01rninnL r !ilc-t, ,1 illy .. I I1~,1.;

adopted December 1, 1909, for the cl,nsent iii Illy 1 arJ Fstiill,c :L_•1 -1; , , : nlent, to award contract for plumbiu ulatrri;lll~, 'iytnr :..1 : tt . : I i l :' construction of various buildings on the r~ull~l: ut the I il!".:- C:l'. _ . ,. .11!1 ;.. (Jtisville, Orange County, A. Y., at a cost n"t ;11 , ::e alterations to the stable building lo,atctl n the \' et 1l I: , i _\', !. l ifteenth street, Borough l of 111anhatta:l, ;l; ;tn e tinl;l:':l 't 1)I, i t consideration, as received, and the President v;i rY jl:L I< <i t ;1!i'. i ,: , ,:I t*. resolutioiis to, The Lnar(l of Estinla;c ;eel -11,1rt1e1I It tVilt t' if ':1~.: 'I ,.... the n-crk referral to , is necessary ;ul,l -ii ii1l ni"', i1. 1H1 'of l:stitn;itc (!nil .1purtioniiient.

.A Cl)!1111111!llct1ti )Ii frill the Iit'~latr,lf n! l'9 ." r'l, c.!!

fI r ad(htlilllal hell) ill rCiiidexll1a Illarri;l-i' i l t ft';It(

and birth certi:icatl's fi' in 1896 to 1~'1') inlu< ' . 1 11, on tilc.

llartin J. 11 Mite anal Thomas F. 1\ Mile. ;i:.1 illy' 1, h; for the rcn1)val of natal, (lead a1tiu1;:1~, ii~l1t - !I ;!lrl t' . u' i:l •, various burotl'ihs of l'lle City of \cuv 'r k, Sr:l,1it1_,1 ' :•~ i ,. during the nlontll ni l ehruary, 191(1, ;1; i, ~l , ',• ~ ;

:l1ni't111 1. and I llulnas F. NVIII—', ~i 11it:L'',.~', ~'!lI 1lartin .I. and Thomas F. «"hitr, 'I lie l;rlls 1 Ze \lartin J. ,and Thomas F. 1 'hits, i~i.'lnl I 443 McReel er Company, Brooklyn 1, L;11 1111 Mchcetcr Company, Queens 1,,; 11 .'I

—and on reconmlellllat1 oil of the Preil.; were adopted :

Whereas, A written contract betcvx ii till' I),partluc.l~. ~~i Il~1ll.'s ~i l',l t 1 New York and 1lartiu J. White and I Il luas F. 1\ hits, u:lllur )\ iliul :1', ! „ I, animals, offal, etc., is removed from File Cih r~f N:', \ 1 11k. . !i t i;l 1 i 1,, 31, 1909, and 110 fi , riilal written contract \laving, y t i ec:l 11J ic, :lnl! t'i,. 1), Health vld the contractor aforesaid ll:atin ;t,, curl tll:lt X11 ii vv rk .'1;14 r u ndder the same terms and conditions for the 111119 It I'l'1!r11;tr1, 111 11. ',e:iii '1 l; •.0 ing a rCge1V'n1 of such contract and the Clitlti'acti)r liaei!lm it in ;Ill I l'II;;lii' 1'1 t form of bills to do such work for the month It 1uljruarv, 1)111, ll:l,l,r :';o and conditions per month as in the c ,lltract CSl~tln;g for t9 111 :itli I I ).. C!I1l l r. 1 1! 1' 1 , nanlely, for the suns; following:

Manhattan II 11 The L'ro,ix . 7 0) Riclinioid aa,; ,,t

—for said month; it is Resolved, lll;lt, pursuant to Section 1211 I tll (()repel \k-,x 1 rP I I!'irtcr,

said estimate be accepted and the said c)ntract' 'r lie cmpl'\ rl i r t:lu :ll 'n:11 1 roan•, 1910, onll-, to !lo all the work reeuuired h) be !hire iu tlic rt'lI'";ll i nmi]t 11, offal, etc., from the boroughs of 1lanl1:tt.'an, 'I1 li llr ,l.x a:lrl Itf:l,!n l ,l :11 I , C;! of New York,

1111creas, .A writtcn contract bctwec:l the Dullrtnlcnt i Ifc:in'1 1111 I ity i New York anll McKeever Company, under 11i11 ni l;t lit. (leIili ;!,1illa, 1i:11, is removed from The City of Nev l'orlc, having expir~•(l Ikcen,lIur 31, l )1lO ;iii formal written contract having yet been male, anll tlic Ilrll;!rt'ucnt poi I1 111 contractor aforesaid having agreed that such mirk :1i:!11 Cyiltinur n:1, i r t'.Il' 5:1111 t r: and conditirl;ls for the month of February, 19111, ' ithnut )\)rl:inC 1 r~ I~ \',;II Hof contract and the contractor having put in all l'5t111late in the 1~ ,1'ill :' il1: t'I (11) gllC"l. work for the month of February, 1910, tinder the game term, null c .l1l]:t - p('.

as in the contract existing for the month of December, 1419, Llallll•1)-, I r ;'ie following:

Brooklet] S1.25() (II) Queens 1,3; 1 119

—for the said month; it is

Ilona Bogaty-, died December 27, 1906. Peter Ruppell, died December 16, 1909. Domenico Frezza, (lied December 29, 1909. Maria Greichmann, died January 11, 1910, J. Fred Lees, died January 20, 1910. Anna Stcpnak, (lied February 3, 1910.

in •

1993. 11i1t(11 1:udick, nrn i;'1)' 1~. l"It4. I)nrnillv (;amin. rn~ 2. 1')h 1 . William 1" r inali, burn I , 1, i i ~. 1' 11 14. 1Villi;lnl M. Lml,(\, ,! A'

I`h13. Soil, 'bb11vc. hnrn i;ulu: 24. 1P 1 ,14. .Alt'Xai1llt'r IP; 1, lI'!1 Jn 72, 1 1 jl.

'I~hnma Ili;l_ini. rn t. ~'- I:r,rii~~ Itiini, i, ern J 1 11. 1` .Anti Ti:lini, rn v . ;'1 .I1. 11.~ Quin;,! l;iari!li, 1h„rn . 1',nu,

t, ld;1

Ii , a'. .

sXriA I).A'i, .AkUII 5, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2781

l esolred, I hat, lntrsuant to section 1205 of the Greater New York Charter, the x;liil estli i etc lie accepted and the said contractor be employed for the mouth of Feb-ru;trt, 19111, oiik', to (lo all the work required to be done in the removal of night soil, )It;tl, etc., front the llurou lls of Brooklyn and Queens in The City of New York.

All the papers in relation to the matter of the bids for furnidling all the labor, c(111111 cnt cull materials necessary or required for the removal of night soil, offal ;tntl dead aiuiiials fr 'iii the several Boroughs of The City of New York, during the _ c:irs 19111, 1911, 191 ', 1913 and 1914, received and submitted between the dates of _Aov'etnber 11, 19U9, and l clbruary 1, 1910, were called for by the President, who ex-pressed his desire to submit the same for final disposition, and the entire question was tli'cussed and consi(lere(1.

1'cnlar3 J. York, atturilev fur the llcKecv-cr Company, appeared in behalf of his 'hunts anel v as heard at length, and Phillip J. Britt, attorney for Martin J. and I human 1. 11 ilite, also appeared and was heard in behalf of his clients at length. Both

:(tt rne~.* ubinitted supplementary proposals from their clients, which were ordered !Nell with the other papers in the matter. At the conclusion of the arguments made in !Iu'ilalf of their clients by Messrs. Britt and York, the President submitted and moved tllc a(loptlun lof the fnllQb- in, resolution and preambles and resolution:

lesl'ltll "Ihat tlli.s Ikard hereby mfltec1es the co;itracts heretofore awarded to \lartip J. :ul,l I holua, l:. A\ bite and the AMcKeever Company, for the disposal of Ili ht soil, offal Mend dea(1 animals, until Jtllit- 1, 1910, at the stulte terms and prices as ft vV laid, llr(,lililig tae said parties shall, within live days, notify the Secretary of this

:rd in lvritin of their acceptance of sal contracts. 11 li rc~ls, It is necessary that the Department of Health should make some immedi-

;I;v 1lrn\ i 1I forthe relnoi,-al of night soil, offal and dead animals froin The City of \yto V,)rk, t!le previous live-year contracts covering the various l;oroughs within The

cif \e'v lark haying already expired or being about to expire : and . 1V"hcrcas. 'l he 1) parluicnt nt health (hul.o- advertised for sealed bills or estimates lit. sul)Onidc(l to it on Novenlbor 11, 1909, covering the furnishing of labor and ma-US ncusiry or required fur the removal of night soil, offal and dead animals from

'I City of New York, all Boroughs, during the ycnrs 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914, c :ttrlcts to be allartled as a whole or by each Itoruugh separately as the Board might ilcci,!c is fur the best interests of the City; and

\\ llcrcas, (lc or before the 11th day of Yo,,'enlber, 1909, there was duly submitted !ii(, Depart 1 it of 11calth, in accordance with the terms of said advertisement and

;It't•.,I1j (11!c(1 1'l the s(•curity required therein, the following hills:

The Van Iderstine Company.

11:ulhattt , for each l of the live years S~,000 00 'I - Io Ilr lly, fur each of the live vicars 10,000 00 Ilr. lcl',u, for (ac]] (if the live years 9,000 00

O1',ecn , f r cacil of the live years 1,(I10 (Xi i hnr n 1, ;' r ('acv of the five }ears.. ,(XIJ 00

:iI ft- ;!11 liyC M)rrvmhs f )r car~ $250,000 00

lZul,crt l net . y,I;tllliatl~la, 1 (•;icll ill tilt 111'C )'earn S ,a,O(XI W

Tie. Ilri~ux, f''r c;tcll got t11 iivc vcarti 14,510 (II) 1;1?!, for c:lc f t11r live years '4(1(J (it)

t)ttci,1'rc,l'.111theiirc}- car ; _'4,((l) 0X) ;i''lnlftl, : (,t_II of tllc !itc uare 11,3(N) (kl

I' l:ll f"r oil Olc Borough for live : $569,000 00

McKeever (' nlpanv.

art lr 1501X) 00

t,r >tcnil \c;lr 16,0(X) 00•1:,,r third c';tr 17,((10 (N)

18,000 00 I ,:r I ur;l; \t;u

I~" , !. hill `.c ~lr

?(tO(() (it)

I' 1' ;I1,' Vtal'e $Sn, 00

I•! -1rt .(' SI(,2(NI (I()

I,, • , till :1 l7,(HN) (0

r t',linl ,car 1(H)O (ll) 1 . ,.' fstn ;' . t';Ir 211,(;(11) (N)

21,(i) ()

Ct t t';ll": 92,200 00

li ollI?ml lir~)o1:11'a :Ills! 011l'l'll till' x.11(' t"t'll'i~.. $178,200 00

:I:i'I 1. (! I1I?1?il> 1.. \\li'tc.

!r 1 t l r, l' y_?4,245 00 I"Il" 1l i Vc,li• 24,(i711 (it) r

I sir iiit!r l VIl 5,2(1O ( )

0 i ii 1• 11 A ( ,;It. _(1,4(X) (4)

I 1 'li,.'1 :r- 7,43u (I()

111 $127,945 00 I;r Thy

r Ir,t \;!r 9,1l5 (10 I 1- Ir 1(tl)tk) Ut.) r 1f1 \t;Ir S S 1Otk) 114)

I•ilr f''I1!tlI l ir 11.221)4) (11)

r ' ith ~ ll500 IX)

I r ;.\ i•:t $52,31500 1`i •llin'inl -

f"r ;ir , I n S;,32t) (it)

n(1 t t':.r (i.650 (N) H t1i r d v carr 7.5() (( I'"r f ,tutil .ar 7o)Ofl l'O I'1;r tift'n

l r Io ears 35,750 00 llr la Ii--

r I •' H:lc' 'itr tt'r: y22,0(K) 00

I. r:': t' 1:i'' ' 110,000 00

1''1111 ti'r lrtlit°!lti nt Manhattan, the 1iril1lx, lil''1} 1y'I allll

kicllnl,)uil i. )r !ire year- $326,010 00

---cull 1l1itra1-, 'flit Aids "i the 1-an Tderstine t,nllrinl" for all !iv c 1 oroughs for five

:ir.: anlnunt to ? 251),11011, ;111(1 the bids of \1artin 1. (n(I 'I ll, ,ma; F. 11 bite for the• I,,rotl2!i f 'tlaidi ttan, The fro nn aol ficIrcoi l and the lids of the McKeever t 1) IliA" f l• i)1(' 111 ~rtull~lls Hof lirnnl~ll'll and (~uct11s tetIcr C 1 edge all five Bor-

aIl)I1?nt l r -IV'c A"l;ir to-) 5394210, Meiich 1 thelox lout I,l~l (or combination

litl'idk f''r ;111 lilc brn11~: ,end

\V- hcrca:, This 1;oard did (Ili the 27th dat of 1)ecemlier, 11 0), r(•ject said bids in rlr tloit 'I The (itv r, f New Y, r1; nli nit lie free t" adopt ipcipercltio)i1 as the method

'If (II)()i1i1 of mill waste material. after the expiration of two years, and on the same (ta', called NIlein till' said bidders for additional bills which Nv iuIl enable the City to (l );t stiCii cntlrsr :Inmt1 it s) elect: and

\\ herea, ['j) this r;Ill, the j' jut 1)iil of \lartin J. and i ltIonlas P. White and tlgyt- 1c1'r ( 11111,111v fit- !i t%vII-\e'ar t•iltr~c.t, 1ciili an I-iit1ull to the City for an ;!'-Illlt1i)1i:,1 _year. wer(' ilt ell( schtIC l arcs lll(1 t riii as preV']oil•]`." st11,l1lltt(•ll in response H the aIl(linlci1t (If tl,i l) partncnt :,11t

11 hereas, The \ an 1(1t rstine Conlpanw ,Igaill snbIiiittc1 il; 1 ,i,l ; l : , accept a lIlc-bear giuntiact it the original Ii tnc .,f ;; 2i1iNa1, ao l further lii d ti: the City uulROit tcrIll1liatC such contract for aii Iiiir ii Ii, at au' eiIllC, ;1tI''I- 11 ,tai">, prOvi(iiiIg the (ltl- lla crcctt'(1 under dtle 111ir!1 , iticilic!at?1;-I III:Ii!l 1 cap~tcit\ to iucincr,tte the Citt waste in 'etch 1r al.

1~esi ll•ctl, '1 hat till,, IUuartl hereby a1Can l,: t' , till' 1 all Ill- lit' t !lll~;tl`. ;l , tract for furnishin:; lallur if11(1 niaterials iic' u', i'r rNtill- 1 i. r ti ;il t i night stvil, offal awl lcall allinlals from ThelI-, ,,f \cu' \ rk, in ;`,1l Or , 'nclls, c(irding to the pr11Icsa1s for bids or cstirviatcs. is'ne(l Iit- tills lkll;lrtlnt lit r :I lit ri1 of live years Ir_lil July 1, 1911), at the foll~ilriolo ili~l Iris:

\Iaiillatta,l, 1' o• c ;ch if >: id live years 'II(lil I'

The Bronx, for each if .<ai(l live re,u•, !n,l no it

Ilrt)IIklV'Ii, i,,r c:tch (if s;i!1 nve t-car y UIIINI ly ,

Queens, fir c:tcll of said Live years

Iichmond. f„r each of ::tid live ear i tII1 1 1 -the said contract, I1V11e1C'C, tf) contain a IlrVI~lua that tl1C C1;1' Il;, l-I!I'.!C.'~' dente for all lii)rutl-'ll Hr all linroughs at aw, hill,' alter ill 1(':!r>, tl1'IH•1 rt;, ilutice, pro17(1lnti tile t It1' hi;1s erected, under diit' ll:tl!llciO;ti alll 'l!rilt", plants of sulIident calacity to incinerate the ('itY v.Aal ,te in >ucil ru it I:l l• provide f r a blind of 111OII)N); provide I , ,r ill, `.A'~rk t, i lie 1i'lt' III ac 1Alt:'. provlsiuns sIll ,stalitlally siiiit]ar to those c '1taL'lt"t1 111 tilt' rlcl';;!i ;1•: advertised and nil \file h bl(I ere recell'C11 ' . ('tillr 11,

Resolved, fnrtiur, 'l'liat the Corporati n l -till lie nur•ttl1 t 1- of contracts for execllti( , il to carry into ('ttiCt tilt' t(1:11 it ti ' l' , rii: 1`'>

l:esolv-c(l, That the contract for fttrni'Mini ;ill tbt '.;Il r :nil ll:lt'. cell: 1. or rcOtiirc l for till' r('i11U1a1 pif night x''11, nil;tl alid rill ;l!!':Il;ll fr -i''I 'I ' oI New York, all l;nrtrllbs, lt ,r- a perl,,(1 „1 II1k' '.- (':Ir: Ir)iIi _I1',II" 1 • I'll,), I 1

st1n1 of $25(),INH), lie II (I is ti r1 atvarde~l t'i t'.1,' \ a1 lilt r<ti!li ( ,ml):l' ',. the 11>>,t- cst l)i(1(1cr ttl,jcct t , ) tile apprtltal ni ,iirrtie< I,., the I 'joi I , :, ;i•'1 Pre,1l(lelit b(' andis liliel)v a11th(rized to) cAe'CIre it t 1'I t : .'

by the C(lr!)urttit)ii C_un-1. Which «er-, ad l)tc(1 by the followin tc Conmlissioner Ledcrlc-_love. Commissioner Laker-:Av r. Commissioner lluty-\a\.

JO1111 J. Adai11 , Of Nos, 5 to 33 1lr,C((1 street, llil'll~il 'l I;ili!I:It, ,,.. •::

for \\ illiaut L. A\ oudill, served upon the 1're iticrit (1) Stlinmoi, complaint, affi(Ia\ii, 11~0 rl,'r

\rith t(nlpvrary in)tnlctiun; (2) Undertaking of injunction 13) Affidavit of John J.:ldanl

-in an actin cntiticd "Supreme Court, Atca 'i rl, t lu'tv , A\ :1'i;iol L. 1'v I)lallltllt, agal;lst the 1)cpartlllclit Of Health IIf 1 Ile' (It% yt",1" 1, o. "H

(lcluantliri jtl(lgmerit aicainst the Board ri I t:llth, ih:it it III• r r:.i'1 acid permauciItiv front t1csiiiatiiig the plant l:n \\ it ;I; tllt• 1 r:ll Iilt c :i' :uul operated l,_; the 1-an Illerstine Coluli:uly. 'it'.l;al ii N'. a' I ' Dart of (tins l:notln :is Lnl`g Island lit., •'r i , h r i'l:?I t t. Js1,ut(1 Cite, as rl lllacc •, r reception and (!rl, t III i;tal place ill Biel,- Flail( City. The Secretary %%a, ']irt,tt l t' i 'r,r the Corporation C''tinscl for such action a; lie miollt 1I ,,'n

The bil15 or c,tiluatc f„r furnishing anll Ilt:liveri:lt, aI> ruirt'il, ',r Jill 1 tllc i iversl(le 11 s ntal, Klllg toll Avenue l) 'shlta!, Illi'l il!C Ilt~.!11I! f r t' :I< t.

tliscascs, and is ( , illy to the•erside ILiit.11 ,uoi t tll,: I!.li:,r •o :, Staplet')n, Il!trliu•tIl of 1 ic1iiii ,lid, City of \tN- i.'l'i:, in I lr 11- t'.:'.' ,. to the 10(15 of Charles I. 1':o,1ei and Ottu tits c:Ii ll! I- .r 11rca(1 to the 11.,>llit:tl fc,r rnt:utions eye tiil (. "! t r rll',rt-t 1]nn(lrc( a1(1 i:i '.ltcentlt street and Ple,l tn: ,t t' `:;lc. l r t, I brcaJ to the Ii\Ci5i(Ie hospital on \ ortll I ~r' )tllrr •I .:Li:iiI, C~ n n~11 I i f also fcr ice to the Ri~crsi(le Ihospital, North leniti ve Ci:i:i-!, I eI'i;h i '1 1 c-- v_ were taken fro:ll the ';1111c, :uol, ,in motion, i; ~•;ls

l'e~clvcll, That the cnritract for fur:li~lliilc aloe] t]tli`•.,ri,:c. ;H t,) the 1~11'('rsll1k' IIna,1taI, lvlHifston :1v<'Illc 11 trt]. ;1'1'1 11 !r t11iwhI ('l'C (hsl':IsCs, an(1 ice O1111• to the I~ltt'ril'l(' IIna~ita1 ;I':i t l!'"•

liui1c1itigr, at StI1'1(ttt!l, I1nr1u Ii of Richinll'l. tit(' Ili \c'S rii (I[••~ .

1)c ,!ild is herd , \ ;I'.,Ir(lc'1 to (:harles J. 1'l lt•r j''r t'.1, ,11, 11 „i Io1ic`t bi(1(ler, tlhl'.Ct to the approval of stlrctics 1)'.' t''C l iti 7::, l!el1 be anll i rt'I ,', 1ntLnt'iZl to cxecotc ell C.'1111;i. t i.l t'll: I c

Corporation l Res(ilVed. Flint t!ie oodtraCt for fors i lllll 111(1 i1 i\ 11!1" ri'

•to the 1VIVersidc Ill)ltal, l\iiigstnn Avenue IIIi,Cll, ;1!1, 1 tlic , -; t.t]; I 1.

eye (11seaSes, "dill lac Ot_Iv tl tile Rlversl(lc 1lua ,,?"I!. ;tii , l t. , t'l" 11,

at Si tplctnli, lir' ilh of ]'iclll11n1ld, City f \c A Erik 1 (l;i- 1.I. 1~~' , 1

,toierub1 t" (ltt t( 10 Inn, fill. the stem 'Ii 2 1Ni I~~ 1Iri•!. t! I

to tliC :I)l)ra ) l , ] il:itll's l'l' ell: C')11111!l llt';', :'ii Ill, I'I-,Milt

attltrCi t. l'V cllt'.' the C, hlti:Ict 117 the 11111 'llljr~'.tin li'. 11.,' ( r

I~c-ultetl, l~!1;!1 lilt' bill; ur t'a't111atcs ni l~ll;lrk, .1. I'_t]cr :i..'1 I Itt ti', ittrlusllilii tuul (lcliv :o rc(iuired, 1)ri1 t" tl I,iic'rlc 11 .h I. hi•_ ,•:1v('llll I1t1?lt-:a, ;tllil t11C 1isill tals for eUt;l 115 il ,l'I . ;I'l ltt'

l~itcrsulc II sllit:ll, an(l to 110 I)epartinclit I;tiii]i!i•, :It 't:I1!'l 'ii i I.~~r'1_u 1111)10 1, Cite ••i Vv 'f -1 rl;, ic ,,n(1 are hcr.'l~y i r,'.;tr(1(;l t t (".'nl~tr

1!riltal of tilt' ll.reties tlirc ii. Ill(' !illL r ti1i1:[Its I ,,1• furlllsliIii,, :ll 11,!'',tll;l ;t, ctiiiii,I . I.

• lcgtai)ics, (riots, oMtr, chl'ce, eggs, cc rt o pli-, II ;1111 i f (

Fllhercti1oi S;11'.atI , rltllll 2t (.)tis1111e, (_.))mile (iiiitv, N. V.. 11 i:"!:!~ ,C,' ` ,c 'l

Illso , tai- a> tI1' x:!,11(' relate' to the 1)ids nl trans5 IiIr~ltllt'r' I-Ir t'l' :,1-1:: I

ill Classes I nil 3, I1ti11C 'I j. Sllllth, forlilt' ;1rtic1C Ih1mi c, l 1'i I la>- 2, t

ltruillers G,iiiI):ii11 1l'r the articles eil1Iracci iii (1t 4, -Arlllii , i.-r ell.

articles elnbra'.'t(1 in ('Ia.< ; I. I. 11all:tcc fir tllr articly:. i 1 r..~~.~i i'I l''.. , . Charles S Iia('fer, Jr.. till- the article. CVIl , c;ic l in 1 1; '. host' , ; i' !',l ;'I

table, and, on nlntion, it as BCSOIhcd. That the c~-ntract forfurni<hiii an! (!clityrin„ ;l< rt-;ll!irl. ,:o ,It.

1e-cta1)1C5 fro?, butter, cll('ese, eggs, 'I,r' cry prvppili, , I, (;i tlHi i l- !' t it1 eroIl is S111'ati 1'111111 at ( tivi1le, l)rallo(' t ,lli:tI, ~ . \ ., durn::i tat' `", ;Ir 1'11 1 '

IC1cnss I it'l ,l .3 1).' aitd C hereby aVwarlc1 ti Sir:Iu s 1!r'ItIlt'i>. ;•.r tilt' >!I;

S29.i63.S(l, tlic hciii!, the 1„trcst bidder >n1, i ct t , ' tllr' al'Io• 't1 (.i rf ;t (tlnll)lrlltr, :ind the 1're;itleut he and is bt'rkIv- antl'rirt1 r or iIi c.I!r:l,'f 111 till' 1' cml ;~!!Ilr, 'l ell b1 till- d.,,rporatli'1l ( ilil1.

RRxmleIl, That th:, contract for furnishiiitt. aiid (I(nileriii , aI; rlttirLil, no lif 1'eietable~- fruits, llnRtt'r, chteese, eggs, VrtICrc ail)1i11('I, tIi:(I kIIIl 1..1-; ', In

1'ti1)erci1lfiyls Soiiattiritini at ( )t1svillc, l)r;111!?(' C u ot1- , X. V., (!Ill"I:i!, '!l , ' ., ;o I'll 1

(Class 2), lie crud is il:rCl1t- awarded to tonics T. ttiii th, fr the <iiin ri 1!l4. IL' beil,t the R)vTest Bolder, mili1(ct to the ai)pi-'ct•al nf sli tiegi I ti; ('n tr'atr, ;u l the 11 rtsl1lC1t; -Ili(1 is herein' authorized t, .' l'\t'ctltC the con'r ,,t in the i , -r?11 ;ll~llr ~.tI

tothe (' rp' ,r:ltinn co tinc1. liesu1ccl1. That the co11tract for furnisllint tml ticliieriil„ as rc.luirr~l, Ipci1t

Vegetables, 1rnit`. 1)1ittcr, cht'ese, eggs, "Iruc r1- ai',1,1)iit, l'b(II :1101 tI ,

Tnllerculo,is lnatnriunl at Otisville, Ortin',c (,t mv. A. 't ., IInrin,- tilt , c,ir 1')10 (Cla`s 41, bC and is hereby ;l~varded to Cliirwi }lriztlrs (.'l',li)ilill', f -ill

Ci.916, tilev- 1)cinv the l\\et bidder, subject t., tl,r allllt''nal of <nrctics l y t` , luli troller, and the Pr_Tident he an,l is hereby :1piI 'rf,&l ti (N ( it the c, te;.c l th.` frvriul appri'1ki'l li,,' the CA'erpt ration Cotiii 1.

h;e(,lveeI• TIi:lt the cintrilct for furnishing aril lcliri+i.t. n rr~lilir,(l. !let:it. ': di, Ccl(`tta11leN, frtllls i butter, Cheese, eggs. grccrc 5llppIlv~, i al ao l fur;i e t„

Tnbcrcul~isis Sarrtt'krinin at Otisville, Oraii c (nwetI, A. A., Iluriiie do ' Isar 1')l't I Class 5), be ;'n'l is hereby awarded to _ArIrvbmur & l n•, fur the sum i t

thev l erotic tllr 1, west bidder, subject to the approval of sttretie ln- the (' iii llcc, and the Presiflcnt he and is hereby aettvcricell to execute tie c, mte,ct in tilt f' Brno d))pr)rcl1 by the Cirpiration Counsel,

Resolved, That the contract for furnishing and delivering, as required, pleat, fish, vegetables. fruits, hotter, cheese, eggs, grocery supplies. cal and fL)race to the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Otisville, Orange County. Y. Y., during the year 19111 (Class \o. 7), he and is hereby awarded to L. R. Wallace, for the sum of $4,480,


THE CITY RECORD. t- 'II •i.,, ) .'\I 1i .. 1'111.

II, RI 11 ltl.Itr, sli'Irl('t to the approval ut illretiCS by the Corplroller, 11'11 ;llt' I'rt':- ! i't ilt• ;lll(l iS i1 r(' :1 allthilrizcd to t`\CCtltc the contract in the fnrin

1l- tv1 1,1 tli: l 'IINr;Itlnll (Il111II.

(l i h;lt the r,Iiimict i,lr Itirnishiii and dull%crin~, as required, ]neat, fish, , lrtlli>, I,fitur, ch,:c.l', t' gs, grocer)- sllpp?iC.s, coltl and fur.tge to the l lit, lriuln at Uti~ril!e, Orange County, A. Y., during the year 191 )

FL-'' A•I, 8), R. a1(1 is here!)v awarded to Charles Sch;!ciet-, Jr., for the sum of he i,cin th,: ll,vrest 11iIl1lcr, subject to the a;)l;rov'al of sureties by the

( nll,tr'lllur, marl thr President lie aiol is hcrcily authorize(1 to execute the contract 1:1 Iltc i ,rin ,Ipprllv•r(l 1-~• the (rration Counsel.

kcd, Ih,tt tllt 1'i(1S or estimates of Strauss Bruthcrs, James T. Smith, Conr :l I;rutht'r; ( nh1;iIi,', -lrluuur & Co., 1.. R. Wallace and Charles Schaefer, Jr., for fur Ilhlll`; !tlltl Illll'rii rcquircd, ]ileac, fish, vegetabit's, fruits, butter, cheese, e~gS,

r ,crl ,tlpllliS, c .II ;t:l(1 luraic to l ;he 'I'uhcrculosis Satlat)riunl at Otisville, Urai . e ~•untt, A. 1., (hi-111 t!!c }car 1910, he and are furlrar(le(l to the Comptr,lller f• r

;Ij;lr )val ,Ii th(' rurt'rlcs thureo:i. 1 rtp rt if tI I:cncral `,le(]ical ()Dicer concerning, the rletc'ntion at 1~iversi(1.,

tin,l'ltal of ii-1 A!allot!, a tV ihil l(l carrier, as reec1l"C(1, gill!, on motion of Coill- 1111'liltr I)'t1, It 11'a~

] c 11;lcu, I hat the I'r(l;nt ni this I;oar(1 be and is lrjmln' authorized to rcicas_' O1•c 1I;try .\1,d1.!t, a tyi,lli , Id carrier, v',hu has been detained at the Riverside hospital, I(Icat('1 ;it AI,rtll Ilrl,tlle, 1<I;tn(I, in the Borough of "Illc I;rui x. for the past several

;lr,, 1r 1, i(Ih (1 iii: ,till 11;Ir\ 11;!ll(in is prepared to chance her occupation (that ('I c r:~i vVill tivc :t7 ota':ce hy affidavit that she vvill upon her release takt' "hill hIv 1cl!ic Ilrci:'tltl1llls as 11'111 protect thsc 1'Itll hn111 she Clones in contact frill l:1('11;I ,lil! Ili,"l'Ir tll; t she o 111 observe such other reft111rtlllcnts as lie may pre-

ri I c. 1 r( rt r :ii !iii 1)rcc:inti is to he taken against ;ire at the various hospitals

i tll, I)l:rtnlcl!t vv ;o receive(], anti. the Secretary was directed to re(;ucst the lire ( 1111111;1'r I e; tt c ;fll 1111e tiitatiUii of the nnieali t~lr protection against lire

•xitin tll ltlinS lijiiti; ut file Department of I lealth and a report of such 1l11 t,_Oti n vlull rccmlmcn(lati ms of the 1r cautions to be taken by the Department

t Ile„Itll, H sui,nlitle(d I the l;o:irl for their guidance. l ilt 1rl'<i(1tL!lt, t vvhl,m was rricrred the matter relating to the arrest of 1l iiliam

I.. !\ult C, 11. I)., tli An, 3t8r, 1':ast One Hundred and I rt}-third street, Borou Ii i Ill( Vrilll\, lur suIhit. C! calhe \Vitllllt a phVsICial1 S prescription, in violation of

0l11 0 l~? III the .sa:lllarf L dc, 1clul'I',e(1 the sonic, and, on his recommendation, the Itltr a;t: I,rOrtf! ••I1 tile,

r) ct Iii t`:!r 1'rc~i(1tnt in the matter of violation of section 159 of the Sani-;u(l do I :'v. S. 1 it'n('1!st dc, r,f No. 1542 \ladison avcnuc, Borough of Manhattan. \1a, rtCC:\c(I :illt) r(1crch ntl lilt.

(srt,'!III ;Ij1I)llc;ltl''ii tl , r c('rililc;(tes cf emplOV"111ellt were received and the \•1, l(:nc(: 'nl ,lfl11t1 (I ;:> ti I the age of the ;illpilcallts being in accordance with the require-

rntnn- 1 t?;t' l:r,', ri:Linc n the cnlploVnlent of vv-oinc;l and children in merc.u1tilc :111,1 I ,;!or (iailli~llillitlt\ :i :1111C! led, it was

1., (1, -I.1!:!t fi ,tnIt,trr Sulleriulctt(lent be ao(l is hereby directed to cause l'Lnt - ut ca.Ipl 1Imu: t 1w ieltc'l to the followiiig caned applicants, the appll-

eatca f v1!Ttln .!r r e rich as hull:, in compliance with the requirements of the ct\\ I't';L` 1 ill, t!11jd , am. it ''i \Vltleit and chililruii 1i1 mercantile arlli other

Bu)ROOc;;I OF ]I:A\II.1T'r.A\.

11 illi;ll l•e e llllin, T_ ,iL is rkiii, Nhalnin! Say, Th, nlas I larris, Samuel .Abbe, ',,llv; )~~t~il, :!Iitl h!t'Ir,!1;, i;u'1 \!II(lin, I)cl,ura IlocLm;ul, Louis Lnunlau, Harr}' ilII !i , II :- c I.n~tiL-. Dirt!!! Sclio:irtzler, Isidore LoViarlsky, Morris IVorutlol', 1.,'lla JLckt'1'!1C(I:, l~c!'1;1111111 1.1t'lltntti , `Actor Shapiro, (iac,dman Steinmetz.


lltni:uili'.i lltr sa'iii. Julius Katz, George I-I. Bradshan'.


.Artiltir I':, ralianr I cviii, Otto TavInt-, 11- il?iarl Bestlnan, Gertrude (,rc.v vv DII, l )ayld \l:lr(1cr.


1?I crt `I \ art

()l icy mini .', I;Iti. , il (,1 the Ctsn)i,ratioii Counsel, it was !c 'I\ 1, [llit the Ii(~is:rar tgf Records be and is hereby directed to record the

lirtll 'f tilt Ii\\ jig ii:nnc(l l;rr ns in a special book kept for such purpose in the !it1l att i kc ,i< I'i the I)rl:aut!uent of lVua!tl, pursuant to the provisions of ~I cti,.n 111. el1a;,;t r 11(i of the Laws of 1(01:

(,r,li'r 1.LJ111 (;I`~ 1) 11"Il J1111 3I, . 1. nis ?'I:II'i f-::, 1 r galnaIl 2. 19 1 1.

1 ';!ahne (;t!1, I)orii January 4,

( lare1ice I\.I!!'!i.A Ic. l ,nrtl Jaiin;trY I. IIl;II

)nlii; i 1 rnmaii, I rn Jantlar}- •13, 19(!4. -it' 11 it ll•i;., 1 i- iiMarch 9, 1933.

`,!ul lem,la ii. I. rll ltiimary 7, 1904.

I •-. 1Ilinr \';I,,r, rn December

i inin•: I tIn ' '-,r!1 Ic!sica1\ - i. 11 41-l.

.i ,H, 0 ;rtiH ;II tnr I\inC'tl ,n .1v'Lnttc lIospit,ll, l , ~rt~ugh of Brooklyn, uuht r ittrtlltr n, \.H rci11lL gull, nil motion, it vv-aS

L. < l l .1. Ii:.: ii! I I ital I)lll1('1;!11 of 1' iitg t I:; .\ veil le Hospital, Borougl'.

lie '.loll. t ;i nI 1r 11t'I1 Illr~.~tcd to cause the old aid worn-out articles at said

Ji. -is:il. Ilntff; i~ r iturtlll e Ilse, eii!ionrr,ltclll in lists stlhlllitIc(l iv said hospital Physician I:tnnJr1 't, _I;niur;r. 2,t-, I ('l , io;tdy I a nd I ebruary' 2, 11)10, to be condemned and : ti oul lair t1ic (lIrritI I) 1t!!(! in the presence of Halll IIOSpltal Physician, and a

I . tiler: t 1' la r IIrcitri!l anti sobnh1ttud to this Board.

.A ]i<t of ariiel, s at the Rice ILnildiiig in the Bort~ug,h of The Bronx, unfit for ir,rt?tcr n,c, \\ :is r ctiV(t(l, a11(1, '~fl ml)tion, it was

'I hat iilc _Assistailt ( !lief Clerk in this Department, Borough of The

Hr Aliv, ' c ;Eu3 iH lit'rcllv llirecti3 t ,, cause the old and worn-ut articles at the office ui'llir in the Ir ii hi I,f "CII,, Bronx, located at \o. 3131 Third avenue, Borough

fhv 11r 1.a, ellunlcr;lt(11 in ;! list submitted by said -1ssistant Chief Clerk February 1)111 y owitit11111c(I ;loll Ilt' lr tetl under the (llrt'ctln!1 titid in the presence of

-;!ill -A ,>i,i L:n ( , lia'i ( lurk, vrit1i the exception of 7 1arte card cabinets, 2 sets of IIIQt it lifts. I CIS the Ci sut. :1 (IT'llt!tC (If Iron graln!_, ;!iid a report thereof to be

• llicl,n''.'I oil t lnl!itted to ti,lls 11

I r'ilyd.

I )u ill t: n I'

l~r> 11c(1. Ihat the ll!hieil)gl Civil Service Coirimi<sioii be and is hereby respect-fully rcgpc<tc(I t,, :11)rve. 1rimrumt In lily yrovteisinns of paragraph 4 of Civil Service Rule All.. llf we apenintelcnt of the following nan1ed persons to the position of OBrifect"r in titi< I )cl),t1tnitii, with sal;: IV at the rate of S7;0 per annum, for a period „i hf,cm (l;t1< fi-it the (hates spgicff lcl:

Illil)) I-(i<cniluirner, No. (3 I':;i~t i)nc 1lnndred and Thirty-fifth street, The Itn,n\. Irlu;try 7, 1910.

I lln I. G ,Il in-. No. tSf)33 be Fiit',enth c!rect, 11rn, )ldin, February 7, 1910. •I: 'I -. hail , An. 411 \West Ft'rt.,-cicglit!h street, Aianhattan. February 8, 1910. (1 i trl t talil, Ao. 4,i) l:1utlaI1(1 road. Iti o:Llv-n, Ik1)rn iry 9, 1910. (;itir'.cs tcullv. No. ;1i I::NNt 1_igiitv--sixth street, Manhattan, February 9, 1910.

I hi in 't a, it v.;1-.

k<~ 1 c1, - I hat tl'c Aluniciptl Civil Sr v ice ConlnusHion be and is hereby respect-, llt:ll" rrlll(t'.I. ll' ;t()111'1C, pill">1111ii 1~1 !ill' pl"i~1'1i11'~Ils of parlgrap] 4 of Civil Service

Mulct \I I-, f the ,1!I;Il,i;ltntent of ( rite F. Duller, of \n. _19 \Pest One Hundred and fllirtt-11I1111' tnct. Borough of )lanliatt:ui, to the position of Disinfector in this Dc-ptr,nieilt. vy tit ttl:n1 at the rate, ref S7~0 tier ,lnnnnl, for a period of fifteen days from I'el)rn,u y 1.1, 1910

R sr .ctl. 'i llat the Alt-mici;lal Civil Service Conlinission he and is hereby respect-folly re(It1e~tecl t' .-pprmc, pursuant tr) the provisions of paragraph 4 of Civil Service Rti!c A 11., c f the ;Iljrinuilet-it of J( ,hn J. Mc_luliffe, of Ni. 22S West One Hundred and 1'llrt ist1 =trOct, Ilorough of Manhattan, to the position of Disinfector in this De- partnlriv, vrith ,;Ilan' at the rate of $9(X) per annual, for a period of fifteen days from February 4, 1910.

Reports if the fllcvvin; det i '- ;Ili i I -il r, ur(lCrt'cl on tlle:

l'.icIiar(1 l'he1;1u. scc( ,iid gra(le t I. rl:. I r III t'::~ l )n i,i~ !I , i l ~ ln r I li- a -. lwl'Il11 ;I oI 1:in11atI:III, to the Di'. -1 •e ' I L"'.111111'.11le,l I I)L-C H,-• 1 , •I .,,1'. 1 1IIC

I;runx; t take effect l~cbruary 7, 11)111. Ilei-11Crt \ Ont second grade CI:'!, trot t:te I i1\i i ;t Iii Cu;l;ali,,,,ea

lbrUhgit if the Brtlilx, to the 1);,. nit .11L'IIIC'.'11C ii!s„mcr I, lt' I : c, ~11:J1 h, tan; to take cifect l ebrnary 7, 19111.

The approval of the Municipal :tII S rVI:. C, t1 tl,ls t t,!: ;L1'~Ili:1t;litilt 01 Jatncs 1). Burt, of I)tisville, (Jr;!n,-,' l at.-, A. Y., :I - .,'1 .lrL!;',;:ur,!; in ill 1)t ;lar tlll(ut of 1 health, tva, r., , i1 c,i.:I.1'1. :1 !ii ti :1, ;; vv •1<

1yC_v'1, !!lilt James 1). Ptl. •t I)'.i1i!' , t llct' (I~a!'' N. Y., ,e ,,:1 II rl'hhy (l1l1l~'illtL(1 all .Arehiltectur;iI I)!t ill:i;l 1.. tee 1Jtj' :en I11I 111',I:1, :Illl a- I. ~1g1 X11 1(, rlutv~ ;It the ~1- ubcrculn,+.. I ~ li'I! ~ 1 ,l. ! l t 1. (~ .un te, N. V . 111.11 ;tlar1 at the rate of ~l I I it : ;:l., •.l"1. j'. -u ; 1 :,1;_ 'lei •I I~ILI' \II...f ill' huiiicip:ii Civil Service ( - nc i- , , t:. (Let I ... I. ]'

•1 in. ;f!)111'Ul-.fl Vt the \hinlici!:LI, ( ;1 .1 ,'\,-. t i .`il',, ail '.?lt' ,.. ,-, (I. ,1:~1. E1. Stark iron tilt pooiti~m of L;tv S.. _1 . L I I '.i -~ nlCllt to -1 ll:lI'lr !:1"11 ill III( 1),' tiii .lt c ,I •:. 0.1, ,;t I;l;t' tit ti 1,?l) 1)ct ;tlinuln, tIl anie to t::'a' ! t t I', , u u 1 T. 1)111, „.. -i, c I ....1 I,n 11101;1.11, it was

l,te> •Hull. 'I1,at (igYe R. St;:ik. 3 .: 3,,: is .. I!:~. . "i l it tN. Lr itn(? •, ;lcrclo ;!lc' .. ! ,I L.I tier. I ; :' ,:1 ,e of Ilc:c1Ih. ;u:(1 i- i;;!ltl1 to dut\ iii '?1, I; l „ :,. 11, with a1!11" at ll'.e rate lit 1,2l)0 per aililil~lt, ,'n 1l:lit 1" 1 I :,'tI a!Ir ;l

M1111:Clll;!1 (1'1 SeI'1IL' C(1111111>Saa. u I:i:c lIlI F' H"Ill!'V' 1 , 1''i'~.

( )11 in: ate ;l, it

Kc"1l%c(I, '111:1t ,'Ic following ittnctI: I )Hi ,c; ;n 111 iI01' 'If 11115 1 )el)arl!ll,11t, assigned to liilv in t.'. I )111-' :. I al](1 are ]lt'1'i'1,V- prtJnt tc(1 within sail It ;t', A't:1, I.;;"1 .• ,.. llld aLlleil

to (Intl :11 the Divi i ail II[ (('ll;l''lli'."I 1 11;,>t~,

the rttlr, ;ul(l rlaitirriinn of the Alntliti:l:;l Cl1'I St1; (;! formav- 11 i-lt the ibi L t for 1910, tr ;,li 1! ti:(' 11

John I.. Cole, Jianil;lttan, I cl,riml." 9. 1')1u. \Viiliam (i('ragiity, 'i'hc Bronx, l tl,rtta:v 4, 1'!111. Gorge I). IVelikrlitall, the fir- 111>:, Rli'," , ” I. 1'111 (1lar;c; I`. lccnrn'1, Brooklyn, lion 7. 101;1. JoScph 1'. fat-, lirlavn, l curt';Ir'. 1. 1ll~ \)all;u 1). nice. Brki -n, l ell•.11 7. 1:111_

The rec l!liucn(l;ltil~n of the I)i:ct_~r nlcnt u1 (ll,Lr':r: hrum, Cede, M. 1)., I; .c t'. of tite lac ( !1 L:uOrall r', with )rnv:< of ;).lr,!,ral;it 3 of Civ j l . ;1 tva, (1:rcr_c(I t_I rc Itl t the ,\l.uniC:;l:lt appf'nnHcicnf,

1 11 11 rcn Ill li l:lton of Ii!t rrl , ai~lilS ll Ill Ii tit' !'slice (ii rat 1:11 (;1:11nr \c\l r!: Cll:!rlltI , 1 ~:

i_i't;(I t., the :lnitCl' Police rll:l, illn !Ih ~:) (lctaile(l:


P. n;ln. 1 , 2561 t ;: 1 .1 ;:•u.

ltititck (IIH n, No. 314 1V-. I l

j .;ll 1:. Ire-La. 1(188 I;t-t 'ira 1 a,,

('1 rl rt c 'r1!llul1T ttiou of tLc i .. -;II 11. lit (It'(I;'.ltliit'I! II ;!( l ie iicd Iv 1. 't 1. A\tl;,1

~l licit!' 111 flit' 11~r1111L'll of he h)1::, .•.- -:

T it ;ptlr_;l:in of \1-illinnn II. IL. i. H. 11 il)r n'gVe ICI :iloinll Iro111 Fclirtl:r' 7 11. 1~+1I, I .1 :ii r 1,x lcC!ill"C', at Queens T I'i\t:t-1tf', k;flu-' Il.

.'Irh l.- l!Inrat, rc, iI11 Tnhercul :1 11:1'-:. Re bel, 'I hat i,!\ . of ah,

11. 1)., 1)ircC:I I i'f t!lly Re'earr'1 :i' !: 7 'u 11, 1`1!11, ill'lu- y e, iii order t'1 .'

fir. ()tit., "1t the vrrl: an( lili..

Il 1111' I )j\ 'i _n iii (i'll'.!11',lllll'al',(' i ) i a('ce;Il, 1 l•. . he cilcit Iatltl(tl'1' 1, 1'iI.

•I ail i - il_Itat 'n Ili J. (1I;,'•i'i

l lllh l'Clll'i~ k (lime. ! )v i sion iIf ( :'1 ccv.iycI ,,Ill :ICItI,',t . ';flue cll'•'. 1:•

1 Il' IL-'.C1li', it 1, illia111 (


[.:1' , ., ie. ,.,, t e ivi l 1.1

\. S j ' i'rll(1 l,l la/ ,

:,t',- , ill,, l'I!,'I'l'll .V:; Act ', h' I i..ti ? ).1 .. '1!, n. I'cnion I t'.

• j 'ii 1011 .1 lily:: Ili wIlly !):i`•

1,; i!' l' •n'.':r,'1(r .,1 'i L~ Cit1 I ~

1 ,11 -i/sin ::tl f Il'. I ttt'r; I r,l:irt 1, 19111:

/ I'till Iii it'r, I ':1,' I. 11,11 1) c

()t ltl , t'.. !Ir(1

I.i - I Si. \I. tl . N


For the Week Ending % arch i, 1910.

I -I.. 1. 1 '11 . i1 i 'lrsdf it_.

iii (;1i1 '\clV l CIS. UItarlur. 'li, 1' 1, r(•Ia rll,lt? ' :litllrir.r '.l;t I

1 ;n!,•llr, Iii .: II ' , I'l'-. nil (lnlia,~ I'rt'<ill ,!t tt ill it ~r '.I h it 11a~ . rfpa 1iil Sir,n 1~111Il,lt11is where •.... (i, ,- i

a:l: ~l)ct'(i l,v Ill I'.::!rll of Aid, r:1i.1: 01 Ii .1r•~t((I ltt ;hr 1l:trnr 1 ::1lrH.

1\l'"llll, I ll/. 111 pllrllalll' t i ';' li`:•11~'.~

nt alit (;r.:,:t'1' YcA,. i erk Charts':. tilt' !l t;irti • 1t.Fll!t.'

it i- llil'11 rood ~:t'(! ;0 authorlc.' t3 (••111il'• ,l:1r •.i

fill 1111 10/ 1.1 1 ;11' HfoISa1n Ili']-' I'll/Fl :11111 ., II't

:slit 4.9i,.i31, lil; hlrocccc, tenter . I I I!,

'.lt' .l' ills' . :1 (!elirlI in t 1 c I i ") C:. Ylit.

1r!I X11 lrt 'ht' 1; tu-ll of .11(I~r:,,.• I 6i•t:,nv 111I

I;. u:1t11 fr :!1 .I ; Ihonor flit' 1:i\,/ :,i:u_li 1. 11'. \'H' ilpi,:- ,Oil IllerL , il!tr'f .re• as pr~ -~1Irl 11 •i1] I1 -!I) , 'l I,;-

:?it• Still C tc ( k effect as if he had litoii'i'1 3 I'.


V, t)Rl)1\.A\L!': providing fu:- r:l:

Yorke ill the -unl of nine lil n Irl lsl :1 rut' i/ 11th fcoir;'con cents (5959,021.1 i i. i,, PLC \ ,lit ,I I '

i)i}nl(nt of the awards and ill'! ;. -' hr ,i, iti ,,: 111: ;1 r - i . s'it

the Cit to ce!-mii1 lands an.l !/lilt .. /_ 1' :!i h „i t) I the et ter1C Sjil of Vernon avelll!: i: .t!/ 'eI 1t'I I''r 111'h?',t I it i

llc it Ordained 11 the Board of -11!lur,ncn .,t 'i 1i' Cite of \ .. 1 ':1 ;;, f i Sectlt n 1. The Board of A1dcriittcll C,- r' iiliilCc Iv , > is ,lull i ~ •h ill - ',a t33 ,' i 'i l~ tA -

ing resolution adopted by the Board f I': 'tn;uc ;tied :1p rtionhil-nt lgbM!1- v _i, A'iii,

I ':ni1it t' I'. 1' l'll lllll;trt 'r, 1"1 !4.

L.~•lt' (+i:-11a1. 1-11 I)e,Ilwf 15, ia'.1 1.

l ie- t 1 is . „n .1t' n-t 14, 1):11.

L'Ic. •l I!l1V . i Hi I 'I rtr: t U. l '' 1.•

\';.!Ill I. Hi , I 1 \Iil 17,1)5.


tllilt'r~\". '111 ~t~ll' .'illll,'r ,~ 1.~ )

k; I ,III :a I )C ii1 , t . l. 1 1e )~ .

;t 'I 1!;(1'1, ;a en N, o . nil;l r 13. 1'; • -

( I:!l I llrll. IF 1-1'• Itt'it- l1lJt'r '• 1' Ut.

I i -


and authorizes th; C nipiroller to is;tie corporate stock of The City of New York to the t:rlunt and far tilt pttty~o_es thcre:n specified:

k(=01\'e(l. "I had, I,ur~rl;;nt ;u the provisions of section 47 of the Greater New York l hrtr, K alnfm1c(l, thr 1't)ard of Iiiiiate and Apportionnlciit hereby approves of the lttc lif Cp ,;:t;c •i,ICk of The CltV" (lf \(\1' Yorl(, t0 an ;Ull()ntlt not exceeding

nine 1o1dt1r,l1 "In(l 1ifiI'-nine Cho;aand and t\vei1t\-II\e (jr11Brs and fourteen cents I$`);9.!)25.14t, 1 t1(: 1rtr11l:e of po,1ildiI"r mean; for the paynit it of the awards "Intl t11t' intt.r(-'. tLer',n Ali ill nllttcr ..f aee(lirm, title by The City of Nev York to cc r: ii ];?id :Ia l I)11l1 ll 1110 Iiurnii 1i nt (jt1Ci'lls, be llln1175 on the easterly

11C alt \ CA1id1 ;;A ril;:t'. I'I f~lr bride Dllrposcs accordicl, to law, and that

+hcu I,Itth Sri'.', t1:. rt f lr 'lrtl' h".v r !,cell (btaro1(l from the Board of Aldermen, the Cllllil~tr'il; r I a'.:li1 / (1 t I 14 =tic cf)rp rate slk of The Ci y of Y w York, in the

!r'1'11,'d !)A' 1, ci,,11 1()9 of the tlrcatr New York Charter, to all amount not

(N( C(1ifl; nin e I Il ( lr'~I :I ll; il nor tnvand and tvventy-live dollars and fourteen •:.tG l ~ ': c) l)

_ ..14), lhL pr ; ' 'c(l: \\ I',;1 nt t' , lie applied to the ha1p0sl's aforesaid.

1lua; :(1 1n ill,_ 1;,,;:n1 of .1h!rnien Kt'hrual-v 8, 1910. 1 • i\ ('ll if ei l < I t n' r tl, \I ,)r March 1. 1910, without hip approval or dis-

ttl~r1'1 lllcr(' l; ti eft rl'. It 'Ir~l1i'1('d in ;cciicon 4(t of the Greater \C\V Ynrk Civirter,

th(• - u(• ' •I: ~ ff,cl if Ir '.i;I illlt,rd it.

No. 100.

Iy,'_ \Y!. ' I . L 111 l,lll'-iaiicC , If the 1)rovisi''l'.i i,i llllf1111~fu11 IS of section 188 o f

br (;Ft t I \tr Yrt: e!l;+ril'rI the TInard of 1;sind;ltc rind Apportionment be and Ii i. Ilcrt A' 1'nu tut] in ;tuthlrrize the Comptroller t 1ssiie special revenue bonds

1 , , tilt :en tea f tv',nn '111)11(110 dollar; (?,000), the prne(clis vr1lert'of to be used by ::u' (` nn:t.. C rrcc;inn for the purpn:e of p:l}- ii1g the salaries of two Matrons

1'lil t;i 'll 1):: (It r (iI the C oirt, l lr whom ilrl 1l1-nl']s1011 \Vas made in the Budget.

\(]''Iltl 1,v tl'.c Ilarrl if Aldermen, Feliman• fi, 1910.

ht'<<'ivctl tr, md I;i< 11r the Ai,t}' r. March 1, 1910, without his approval or dis-:lppr- , v;11 ii'erugt : I it r( iOre, ids pmvitderl in ectin 41) of the Great((• New York Charter, tic an rt''•I "!< if lie 11;l(1 iipj1l(\rrl it.

No. 101.

lit l'rll. "I' i i'' fIi llprllo<e of cn:ildisg tile C'mii1i;sfoiicr of the Department (1:r •eH'll i '' the grill IS;Wl of cb:1,1ler 471, Laws (it 189. and section

llt of clr!',~tcr 42'1, l;r,v; of 1~0(. n-1itive to hntlltinns to Disch:trtcd Prisoners, the

•lid ( '' !Ill"'• "t i• 1 ('rctfl 11111, 1)1' 1- t'rN1lsltlo11• 11ra\\ ilPlL the Comptroller for a

-lily it •;l,t• ,1dl1l1 111 - (illl may in like nl:nlncr renew the

lr:lit ; 11 rl. 1!t' 11;V rl(tm 11ecc s:Irl, t.) ±llr extort (if the a:)propriation set apart i,r Ilnn t I)ie!l;lattlPrlmmrr (luriu the year 1910: but nn such renewal shall

1,1 marl Until ' !!hn1v lkdf11 tChnn the prcccllii draft hail have been accounted for !•, 11'' C!r hi 11V ;lit' tlIn~lllll~al It :l V'ii;ll" lei• cerli ed by the said Conlmicsioller

"1 (rIl t' •Iciliiq 'le ('Xpf'11tIItl1re If the U1flnlce (laid thereon.

\I„t l Lt ILt' 1. :~r,l lltltrnlcll. lM'Lrtl . 1010.

l 'v J fo 'In Ili: I! , ' r he 1fi!v „r. Af;trc!, 1. 10111, nitlntit Iii approval or dis-

! A.1 1h,'.'l ill .,l, ll•I't. 1h(1 111 itl X11 4Il i,f t11' G1'iatt('r \C\1- York Charter.

±I1; .;l lit Hl: ctfM' t li' !l ill ;I',)Iln1i

i3O' , I 11 --r ', ' ii hi ltCc, i''r vI!url 1i., pr(~ci-i11 i1)Rde in the l~ttdget.

\11 :)t1 11 lr t'.,t' I , iI (I Lf :11(1(rrnrn, Fel,rtlarv' , J9l0. I,„i', 1 fr'i a ii. I ll t he 11;1 or. \T:icdi 1. 1910, without Ili; approval or dis-

: 'r v:I' tl.ict('ef : tilrrci~~n'. ,r< tlrnvilll'd in citwii 411 •)f the (;reatcr Nt'vv \ork Charter, ti: 1: cf'i, .'! ., 1 lie ,1:111 Thprt~vC(l it.

No. 103.

R-l\ !. Illl Cllr C'''ii tr''llr ind lie i; 1iCn''dv attthorizctl and requested to d:',',' v,;or;! 11> :i 1 1ln1v~:

( )ny 111 ?::1 'r t the Ncw Yin; 1 elt'u)il4ult' , 11111 ,;111V' for the silin of two hundred

' Ill 1 I'l ICI' ll 11 a''~ :Illll the cellt (S?-l_ Iljl, hclll for telephone v(rClcC furnished

)I' , It 't , f +,''t. ('it( C'', 11; for tile tlu'rc dnsnth: cnClill, 1)cccnlhcr 31, 1909, ( )11 t' 111 Ia,' ? t Ni ll' V ,1'k I r'le'1,hv!'C C(,iitptiilv for the A\ic1 of one hundred

.iu1 thfrt.-f or l 11:it :'.n,1 nh1 tv-f(lnr cents (S134.941, h(iuw for telephone service

iurni,l1('~1 !, ie r 1ti H(t';r ll :nil of .1lticrm':n, in the IP,)roii,,h of Brooklyn, for the

ii nir.nth: ulliilIt 1)(cmilcr 31, 1909. ( 111': 111 11V r ,f the Nr11 "t"'lk I t.'1('pll, ll'ni' 1n}h11Ituy for the stun of twenty-six

Il:Lrs :lil] tlint'av' t'c:nt. ( 7(;.011, heirsl.t for tt'Icd,h('itc service furnished to the office ,f the Cif'. C1(ri;• Ili 11ir 1n , n h of 11n)nkiv11• f,,r the two mouths ending December

i 19119

•fll• ;dill .t'Itr:ll il:'.' , Ol 11, p;l\lrlent ill full for all services rendered during the llt'rL'1: >t,lt 11. ;lu(l 1 t,) "Intl paid nt of the appropriation entitled City (lc 1;. C'lntiilCcnL it-. 111( 1() .

1l ~lltttl 1: t!'r 1' lrtl f \l(1('rnleu. Tehruary S', 1910. hrciv l fr 'ii Ili, 11 ,r or ''!r 11'ly r, Al:i'-cll 1. 1910. without hi; approval or dis-

I:r y:ll tL(r i : tl'c - cil'r('.:H llrl~vVidecl in scetinn 40 of the Greater NCI v York Charter,

1l., ('tie( :l if he ll;ttl :lpprovcd it.

No. 104.

1. 1ll;t t11.' l „lnl,trllcr lie and 1i is hcrd~l- ;Ittt1l~lrix~11 and requested ilra\ a 11;1':- r.t'.;; lid 1::A , C If AhllC , l11t1 & IIayes tnr the st1111 ,lt sl'veiitl"-hve (dollars

I`75 , ;ill' sill! lllll 0i '-e l0llll0lt III full for eitrr~lsslllg ri'si 1111I1'iIIS authorized as

tin file (h ith , oi ! '';I. 1!iri_1: krtn;ul.:I~l l)t~tl \l,iv 7, 1011 ; ;ll)llr , Ieed Jl;tt 14. lUlli : t \• ;1 ilr' rl i;.r Q~J 00 4-

I )!i th tltaoil t I 11! P:itrich I L 11' 1lcC:lrrrn, atd4Tpte(1 Octilcr 2ti. l')1N); (l ;,-r ?N. 111111 : - i;r .l'll:lrs 50 00

$75 00

) lie ',+il ='Ilia „i cv(', Itl-!1vr tlLll:lrs 1751 tot lie har cd t, o dill pail out of the r lriati l ('mi:1('11 City i'„nlinetieir , 19119. 1tlteI In' the lO aril poi .11llrrnleil, 1 ehrii:ir.v 8. 1910. I~UCrilttl fr Ill Ills ]f 'r the 1lalt,r, March 1. 191(1, vIith, ,ut his approval or

!'.x;1111' '(al thr( , t llier('!l ,te, :Is 1'rnvlilcd in sccHnll 40 (if the (,rC;I:Cr New York

I hlr:._'r, t!!c l!ii tiet ;!, if he had illl1 r red it.

No. 105.

I:cll l, 'I11;1t 1':. 11:lilvr MMiNliter, of \,l 1240 M:t(lislon street, ill the Bor tlh lof 1r hlv11, iliid h1d;lll ('. G,Ilier, of \t,. 2721 ll;iinl,rirl e arefp1c, ill the Ilor-

fllloh Iii th!' liri'115. !'t' ;dill tlluA arc hereil1 appl~llltt'(1 City Sur1CVilrs.

\1't1 l , ', the I't : rtl c'f -Alticriiicn, l`(hrtlarl i, 191(1. Rc,1I ir''nt hip II~lt r ;lie AlaNIr, larch 1, 1010, vDitl1'nt Ili, approval or

alllnl;ll tllr i : il~crl f rl. is llrlIv-ititell in scctil , n 4n I)f (lie (;rater New York C11 lricr, t11 .1111( t . fir c ;H if he 11;i(1 al)Ilr„ l col it.

No. 1(K.

hours on said date to said employees in order to afford theta ;ul tpll(, rtlliii; e) tIi charge their patriotic duty to their dead comrades.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, February 8, 191(1. Recciv'e(1 frnln his III:lor the 1Iavor, March 1, 19111, %%- lilt tit his ;i~r,t,ll r

disappr,ival tli ree)f ;, as provided in secti,,a 40 ' , f the (Iruatr \t', 1'.•r'; Charter, the same t(, k cl t'ct as if he had al),)n \ell it.

n. 107.

Resulv'ed, That pernli;siun be and the mnc is hcr(h', ,ilrt t tIc"r i-ii:',r to place aini keep a hti itll v,ithlil the stop line :a fiat ut N. 7h Cr i1" ti;rll't, ll'. the ktfndauh f \laM1i:ttt:iii, provided the skill !: 11 Il;tll ! 1"l(I r ;i -

a ll all respects \11,.11 tli r llll;il'ce in such Cast' :l'.:t(! ' aln,l ]II' : l 1. 11''t 1 l f''r a(llerll~lll OtII'(l ; the rrk a) he dull( at hl> lV\1 .A)ell'(, llarlcr the t1:1't'itl„11 ~ t the President 1 the l;ruueh; such permi',-iri t') c lltinuc ' Illy diiriii -,lie p!a<ir. of the l oar(1 (If :11,It rnl('n.

.1t1'IIltcIl ilk the III ,"I(d f .11ydernlcn, I I- i - r i ; tt, 1'II(I. 14ecel%cd fr'Ir h;; IJ~)nr the flart , r. Al"Irci1 1, told, vAild'',it hi lr, o:~1 r

disapproval thcrt: tlll'rL'1II1'l', as proCiIlt1l 11 l't':i i 41, ,gyi ' l ,(• (l1t':Lici' \cw

Charter, the s:init' t i ~' t I1 ct ;LS if he ha l 8111~r.1 t t1 lt.

N0. 1ft'. RCDn \Ctl, I1Git ) rllilul be and th'.' 1111' is !ill .;ffe'.I l; , .11 ;1'.lhl l -i.I . 1 .,

to) erect, place ;ii]tl ktfep a 1t)I'ill door within the t I'1 ]lilt_' in Ir"111 „) hi 1,?"11!'.,~, \os. 2S aii(1 l0 -Ahere A l i:l the Borough of \Fart:ttt:tn, pr hl1 t'.lr <.. rul 11 I~ . shall he crcctrl1 so is to eDtlfornt in all respects with the' z,rlli:iaiit'e i:l >u:,i ',;ii :flack and pruCi(l(G, 11''t he lt.;141 for advertlsiIl ))Vrp~);u>: the V o ,rk t e e it hi iApl'llsl', tlli(l('r till (ltd-C:Ili)ll of the PCCFIf1l~P.t ljt the li'lrUHl, Stl':t Ili."Illi~~; i1 commre o11l\ - durn:g the pleasure of the It and ,1 .1idir eu.

.1dopted I)Vi- the ,brand (,f Aldermen 1"c11rn"IrD t, 1)10. Recciv'ed front his limier the Mayor Marc) 1, 1010, 1v'ith ut 1;'.,

approval thereof: tI1e'rClurc, as provided lit Ctl ❑ -h '_ef t11C (,o'!til'

ter, the s:hnc ti c1+ect a: if lie had apl)rl , tc(1 it.

No. 19).

Re( e,fTe(1. III:it IlCrlIllss'!. i be and the stii 1 , 1'.ti't!). ~ilc;l

llanllt;tctnrliiit (i'l1ll);111A to place and k(•(. ;J a 4), t11 hidii 11; t

\u, 12(1 1r;utlidild trc'et, in the borough t f 11g1z1 .tall, I1 ivil ti be erecd'll SU a. tot ll li trdfi 111 all respeit AAltl1 t!' '(llllli ' '.Il i !

and pr)lill('ll. ne't llc 11=(tl fur ;tclvertisin_r tlrl : iht 11'r1: t '~,' ~1 It 1, t•-\i)c1ise. miller the tlirrcti,llt I , f the Presi'lent (of till, LraiII. '.iii eorti;mc unl durin:~ the plcaslire of the I!rll Ni .11;1(r:n;';1.

1dtcl 1'}' ;hc ll;n•~l If .1lllerincn lhlrllar', t, 1010. l eeeiv'cl frll hi, IItlr the Mayor \iarcl' 1. 1'1 10, ,,1;

;i ipr ral tlic'-c lf: i; provided in <t'.ti 1l; 4i t'.~~ ter, t!:,' smile t"'i: c'llc't't ,, 11 he had ;Ip \', , I ..

No. 111.

Resolve(], .1 lit )I,rwis~iun he and the ailt h. ''.rc •H.. .. t , 1l. with the C011scnt of the occnl)ant of the nrottnll tlr. t It: .1 kttl, ;. v:ithin the st,~l)() Elie ill front of 1o. 79 ('"rtli i h, >'.r,.'tt, in t:l'' 1, n hatan, 1)rovitlr(1 the sail] sl,ovvcase shall be ere:tI .', :IH .' ti i t „' r,

with the or(litl:t:icc lit such case made and llrr~V lRd. I1 't he 11- ) I i',~

poses; the v rk to) he llnue at his own ev!u'11>r, ii:i'l. I- 11u ir~. t: 1 f li 1 1 , .I'•

Of the l,l)ro1111, Such P('rl?ll-sin to C011tallls IV 1 ill 'L

of Aldermen. _Adopted liv the 11t',Ir11 of Aldermen lh!,rtl;nry . 1011. Received troth lli Yhii1'Jr the lavor lal1 1, 1I111, 1l t

approval thereof ; therefore, is T1ruvlded ill SC ;ti 1 -FI "' :1C I, 't' ilI'

ter, t1it' sti(uc to ,-lk cff1t :is i f he had cppr, -I ed it.

N. 1l'.

I\,-~''I\c(I , 111:,, lit Illhi 1 iii allll lilC H erect, pl;iC'.' ;[till kct!) al! ;'llnill , , I, In;trgtli i il'ill :. 1 "II 1:1 i'

Nis. 321 iu;ll 323 in the l;nr.~tl?'I lto .;l I, I. ,_~1

or marquise >1i1:1'1 1i,' ,'ii:I :'f ;l to confetti "1 :1{'!, I't Iv C

such [;l Ill,ltl.' ;tl'l, I)rw. id_ il, '.I ., to he tt 1 f : . I .. l:' l , ll' t "_

d011t' ;tt 111; \Ill t''\i;11. IVI0.'.1 :le (lIreef I Ili ' r I'• I .:,1 '„

pernlslll t.l (,illllt' ullil lllYfulLt the pie: -ili I ''h . ..I , l

-1rlI-ipl:cd ill- the 1;, Dr1 f \hlernlen, I curl. I- i'l e RCCI'l1ll fr111 Ill- ! I , -1l or tl'. Ia1'ttr, I:'.r '. 1. 1I, ,..1 • H

approval thcrctlf : th(', is provided in -, C0 'i; 411 f '. t' +fir.

Charter, the sans. k ctfcct 't< :f lie had :I1"l:' v,':l I'

No. 11;.

11'hcre i . .I iii, l : i l ieN h arnerl with i 1; , ' ;el i,e li Ili:: fallen our c!l,';t°,I. .1ltlrrlrt,ln ti.iiiiulel 11nl\. ill t' ' ,1, ''1 f 1 i- in :htr.

R('lvcl. 'lhr, '.'!rit ,; :vtnathi- ; Hl. .,: ,'' 1't

the bereaved;

Rcso:vcl, That t!lr 1i!y Clerk be anll h' i, :iii' !IJ forward a rrfpv'-If Ilfi; 1.rCam1dt1 and thee rgy' Fln;i l- t' 'ftr, Mllr l authenticated, to the f:inlily of the deceased.

, :'\depted liv the It :lttl ~,f _llllermen, I t',iu:trv- x.:.'1 111_

Received fr''nl Iii; liar the Mayor, ll;ucll 1, 11', vri,i, approval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 , f ilk Charter. the `aliic tMMI-I title: ;I, if he hll(1 al)t)rvill It.

IBC>0I!Illl, II;tt 1ll1-1lUSf1N'l I),'. and tli "rot' l,rt I I Ih. ;, i\','. l. l~_ tC, creel, 1)!;!ct' ai;(1 1(t'lp Z1ff1r111 tl1'S within t l ll t i 'I I'I''~ I . y, \,.

- HA 1. I!H;1:. I11 pw-iii 1C I tll(' 11T Vi:il1 if -ll1)I111111 till section 185 Uf in the riel nf laiihatti11, provided t ;lal :l', l""!: ....1h '"_' t - ''• r!

t ;-,. +,. r ' - 1 l 1 'lt)1)(, rtioiilllellt 1)e and to i„nlU1In 111 all rv,pt_cts VClil t he ordin i, ' t!i •,1: ..'.t , 'P:i~I ,. - 1,~I~. 1p:- Cit' r A.',. 1 rh (h'iiiLl. Ills 1~ Ill ''i 1:ima.c and t

i' 1• !1i•( . 1H11 .;tI l lilt' (11llitt!1Cr col i..ii' A (civil le enhic bo1FdS to use11 for illl1el"tl>lil.', 1,1111 : the work t 1 lI t .' ., ', .I ,-`.'I'

''I. ..iii i'i: 111 .11il~lrtil 11 ~1tS I:`2oM, tilt' ll:-~u;(tl> \1'l1rrd•, 'l it i)l' 1ISCII b the dlredtee)ti I ' , ~'.'. . t 1 t }' i f 111; 1 rt1lll'lll I 1 the lil)C011ll. 111 ! I' '!I' I' '! li

~I'llllht' lllliltrl l :!I(' ji'.l' 'f }al;1L'1 1110 Mine:a LJ starV' nt ; (filly ptO- the 1lut itre f the I~t,:rl t'i _lltlertllen.

.Ad1;ntcd by the lh ar(d of Aldermen It iIntli _v t, lolfi.

1:cccivc(l Irunl his ]loner the Alayor \birch 1, 1I10, ,it' t '.::- allpruv,tl then f ; therefore, as provided in eti n 11 1 ,'; the I i; ' I'

tc;, the ':Idhc' t~I Hh t'hef't as it lie had appr1tll it.


No. 114.

\l llereas, 'j lie I' , rty- ft , iirill ;iiiiivai ellcllll!Illlt'll' I0r '!1• I 0Ii;1r1111:111 ''I \:P,

Grand Army of the fcimiVtc vI'i'.l he held in t!: Ci: of yr:lcll; t It +.',', )1 ,:. ", l '': 23d (lad; of June, 1010; and

\1 hereas, On this occa inn the City of Syracii e i< . l n!lv it It nlnlinl(ul in I. . of the soldiers and sailors of the Civil WVar; and

Whereat, A nUrllar of veler:ills of the AI'ilr '•f 1+1 1tl:5 :rt tln;l Ol

various Departnlcnts if The Cite of New Vtrk I i 1'.:i.t;- ;Ilia 3:CI','

the enca iii p11'enI: and \Fliercas, The scrvices rendered by these '~et.lW(- i.. ''1. L..tlr i ;., n:e .,- I ;

colnnlend thcln to con.,idder"Itmn : therefore lit Resolved, That all empl0vee of The Cit.' ( , f \t'n' l:, rl: ,I,'I- ;t:r vc r;ln; .i

Civil \1~1r and rlrlcQa±r; or ;uternatcs to the S:a;r !:'lctn,l~nkfll ..i thy ( r;l.11~l .'.r!.'.

11 III r 11t'ln I ;li vit'c I Ii ii i of the ill II1'rs vv111, (lied in the destruction of the Republic. to he held in Syracuse, be r;l lit ,l1 1 1v i .Il~~tii ( t,lr 1!;r(,' I',.

t the tinted tots'tar1sli(l ".\fame," in IIavana lIarlior, will he held at Carnegie viz., June 21, 22 and '3, 1910;

I all, iiitd t:, 1 e. ru;',ry 211, 1(;1(1; and Resolved. That 11i< 11b,iir. 11 illiani J. (a% i r. V ita I, r ..t The ( - i, If \t'll' '\ ..

\\here;;<, l:ev if iii uicnl'hers of the l llitCIl SI)anish War Veterans who are to be and he is herelv r('sp(_ctfnldv requested to att;ich Ili: ;icua.tltrr I atl;~r~l;I;

I:Irtiril,atc ir. 5aid s rvi,e arc t'ml~lnvees of The City of New Ynrk; and resolution of the i~nard of Aldermen of The Citl if \(\I. York.

11 hereas. Thl' ilc<trtictil , n tIf thi' lilt llnttleship precipitated the war with Spain Adopted by the Board of Alderluen, FehrlHlrv' * 19111.

;nlrl marked a iii ill il1niis ellHHch in tilt' hi>tory i,f or country: iio therefore be it Received frenl Tits }fond the 1layor, Aian'll 1, 19111, v(i;t,l~nn Ili. ;iptln~lal "r iii.

I:(snlv col,

That the ht'ad; of all I Ict,aruncuts ;uld Ilureaus of The City of Nev approval thereof ; therefore, as provided in seciil,n 4I I ,) IF the I;r(;llci Al 1 ' ~ •: Y e -l'; 1 . ;Iilll thh•1 ht r,'1,v' :Ire r~'(!ncsicil to) grOilt le:lve of absence for twenty-four Charter, the same took effect as if he had apnrnli'd it.

1tlalrtIIlvnt Ali l:vrlv')uk' .tad .Hli]']l Il.11it,!l,

I: l. 'n:!

tita;i' oar 1:11 infer

I) ];Irlllcl!t .•i ( rructill-

.ii_ iolr '4 5)I I ::I:, 111 3 (K) S:'krr 3 (N)

nei 1fl: : 4 5(1 ;lllH ) (KI

$2 (M)

3 IN) 5 IM) 4 50


THE CITY RECORD. 5.171'II).\V 11.1I:II :, l~lil.

No. 115.

l' : c iv( 1, 7 ll;lt )r111IiS given 1'( anri the satoc is hcrC]n gen to the Frederick A. StAL's (UIUj)lIV I,I driv nn adv crti,ing vV t (m through tllc 'rcct and thoroughfare, ut the Bortlugh I,i 1I;1I1hatta1l, tInllcr the sull(rv-iAinn of the Police I)eparttncnt; ;Uch

p]-Illllll -. , i ct'lltillll( Hilly fir till' D]r14(1 of thirty (laA, huh 1i'111': receipt hereof from

Ili; Ilf,rn,tr 111c 11;1vor. lrlolllcll I)y tilt, I;I ,lr(1 I)1 :1ldcrincn, l clhttaiy- "", 1911). lcivctl I1tTrr III, I]IIn(Ir the 11:r. March 1, 191(1, oithlmt hi; approval or di~-

1111)11lC1l 1lGrCrI] ; Illcrcttlre, ;Is 1)C1Il i([t(I 1i1 cf'ct1U11 4(, ;.t ill(' Greater Nev 1 Vrk

(:Iiartr, no tl~t)k efI .i a; if Iii. hall ;tpprov,,•,l it.

Ni,. 116.

In Ivcl. 'fli;i thy 1Iicr (Ilallai; igflcr he ;lull Il ]hcrc1,v authorizer], in accor(1-

aJI' uia]l the 1prloiSitalo of >cktitln 41') ..1 the Greater >(\V 1 , ,rk Charter, to board

lllr J)cuartllll!It I!, •::(';, lshcrt pr(''in t;llll•; ;Ire nt ;iv,oI;tl]!c, without public letting

(hu- ni_ IL vcar 1)111. l(Il:d 1)y th_' lrl I , i .1ldcni, on. I <llrllrlr; 15. 191U.

I\'LcCivcrl irliiI lli I ll r .hc 1I;Ivl)r, Alarch 1, 1)111. og1thF]ttt his approval or cll~-

:I IlliC;1i tlit, rl' It : tllil'Cli•1-C, a pr 11't1 in ectlllll 4li ,1t the Greater New York

(h:lrtcr, tlI( '.:1int t'k effect ;I,, if hr h,!ll iipprl ,vcG it.

No. 11%.

l~c>r ,l\I'll, Ill:Il tlli l'Illl1:' C(,111111111~I1Ci 1)c alid he 1 111'ri'111' authorize(], tit accor(l-

;,lli: 111tH Ill'•' l)r~iV'1`I~I1' art >cctl,n 419 (If the (;renter New York Charter, to have the

;hc I1('llartnlcnt slid l6t hlit 1nlhlic lcttiri , ill the llejghl;orhood of their .i.Ih1t ;ti]fl llrrt('r;!LIt il, thy ivart ci 1I1pet~l1t r~c•Il~cr, i]I1riIg the year 1910.

ih,, t11,. la r1 'Ii 11(Irriiien. I"rhrilark' 1, 10l0. kd , 1. -Li fmin hip IL]I'll- the A1;rr. March 1, 1910. vvitllbnt his aiproval or

j ,1'"\:I lh(iit : 6ll'rl'lrl'. rll`,I11e(1 iii section 41) ,f the (Gr(ater New Vark

!Li ll!' •il!1!.' I''.'!< C11('Ct ;I' 1f he I1;!ll al)1111~v"I'll it.

\I). 118.

II:lt Ip , I, Ills' I)tlrlIn-,' (I1 1efr:iAIfl_ NIIIo1' iilCl(Il'iltill eXpC11,C,, l'4tliLIll!IIl'l1t

tiv tll rrt;try If Ill(. lt1I;l- Il of 1•.I1urlti,,ii, the Said Secretary- of the

11 , ;11-'1 X11 1(111:111 '0 11111. 1)A r('rjnl~ltltl!1, 1Ir11R tll)(11 the C, v111ptroller for a still] liot

vclllin liv(' Ii]miral (lM1Lirs IS;luI) fr In the Special Seh11l,l Fund of the I)eplirt- n1cnt i I:IIn';.'t n f r thr ,c: r 1Ol(I will tram he item coflanieG therein entitled CnIl- irn (Tnric<• 1114°, I,g:(wl „i Ftlu, It?'Ill• ;nl~l M;i% ill like manner renew the draft as niter

I'e ill;11 1 ! 1! F\ 1, 6o cAt'.'I1! the ;ij)lti-u1rOltO l set apart for OIlltlllg('!lilCs

;Ii..r. -:till : l , l!t ie!i I-kIIFAl(lI ll;lll Ire lIIa[]I', until tile tiioney pat(] upon the

I , I tl!Io Il';!11 1;111 1t,' licc ',U1ICI1 t ,,r t,, the (Illllptrullcr 11': the trail>Illlttal of a

' 11 v'll"' 1 Jlrr~, ie1'tlilcll in III. lrCt;l l' t the 1.~o1'll t•t Education, t't lC l'CI11

tilt l'yj {II IT i.i t~!i' Iftllt'1" ll;ll lllrlIil.

1dtell llv tll'' P,,aral l,f 1111t rii1c rn. I t hrii;lre 15, 1`)lll.

l nt'tl tf,''M lil,; Ilo)Fr ih N;Ix ,,r, March 1. 101(;, Ac!thIMit his lipprl)val ('r 11k-

Iral- dal I 'll , rt'•It : tllk'ref , ire, :I, ili-mi(1l1 ill ,cctlo?i 40 the Greater New Y-irk

( ]]:lt;rI', tllk ,.'Ili t ' , ( 1U.t ;I- it I1'.' 11!1(1 :Pprn\Il it

,\ 11r;l-. 1 I I~~;tr~i If Ikiiiitilt\' I'll 1 -\lll,ul- tl ~lllllc''1 a I jIte(l the tllll\\iii i-C

i1JO :I at ;I Illtllll I7 iil lttr , 1111:•

1?I;t I]Il' I1 .111'1 "t tillli' ;!!ICI .AIlrtlIl!iicnt, 111rllant t~) Ill(•

I-.. \1 , .l, rr!1, . i(I ..I 1i1 1';tll- \ll" Vnrl: (Il;II-llI', hereby rrininicn(17

tilt' l I i'I \k1k.1.Ilit'll ohat the iIil~i!l~:Lti I ill ('flll)l(lYc(•J attached tip till•

cv tl ( I'v ;gill ( , llIlt', ,1,1!:II- ill!t'.1Z, lltlrl•;Nl- Gall 'Ttic, as hereinafter pcCl-

•l, \'I u ern-1!li' 1I 1, Ill,,v ill i, n- in t1, r I ~to1ct for the rear 1910 at ;v lill 1-J! I, 11A(' 1i\\ 11 Ill lilt lt'tlllll' ;Ilfllt'Il!1G11 llerl•t(, ti) wit:

Tilt ~.I;uo . \11.i11, ,I1:1 lit (jerk -

l' I., - tr1111 Iii Irilu•

I~I!o'1<>rl!iiil. 11(''.Hlvr 3 (ill ]l'I , lGa' ̀I ., Clll!111 4 i`tl

( ilrpt' lltl'r . 1 (Ill

t l~i:oHiiak, r 4 IN) l.ulv'lll;ul -I ;tl

l i t 4 it l

t ) l'r 3 (I(1 I,liut r 4 (MI I~:Ivk0r 4 8ll

i I(II ..o h r 3 Ill) 11 in is;!1! 4 511

It IkIltnit „t "i I )~ ,I•I;, ,ul~l I t Fri '< ,;Iti'IInu- \ 1. 111'PleeF

1 rll°lltlt t I'i'i' I)('l1artillrllt ---

11 ;Itc haiaa

I ), l,urtlnl•n: i I

_\I;lrinc I:ngi]Iccr :trills I ire IlMll

t!1i Jul i• I•; igincvr ii fl,tr\ I:flLtinunua

I)-pi'l-olo11t III I\ntyr Slu11. I , :11]1 1'a~~tricitv-

.1•,i,l:iii l'apII , .

I lack mith Icrichla:er

(I1ikr I) vki:atlu

l iFcman h:]angl r

I'ainlCr I'av l'r 1'il)clitt~'r I, :mnnrrlIaIi

Stoker Stonecutter

Tapper -1 (NJ Watchman . ;II

llcpartnlcnt (it hil]lIc Chariti] , I :Lcksnlitll . a ; I Stea]]1tlIter ICI

l inmitlt I ;I

Police llcpartnlcnt- Carpenter 55 III! 1)ri\cr `!I Ecc]]er • 'le_ Ill1) (IIII11l1l ItI ti• i;I1

I':IlIJli]uF = (k!

Ir nl;ul 4 II

klier (IlcI;Il! I tl

1)clr,!rtIllelit i Strret Gleam] I;lack :Ilill 4 =11 I1:Ick.nli:h I l 1per . ,t I'll;l l'r . ` r,ll

(':I1 IIctnlaker 4 I11

l :hpclIaU F !r! (';lrri;t l Hi i tercr ......... ...... ...... J I I' I

I I;lrnl'nl:lk 'r 4 I I..

IheilILCnt it,, 11 ircmal 1 :I I

l:!v1II:Ikt . I

I':ii itcI I I

1:illll~.'r :Inl l.IIerC'I- I I ~I

l'l111 :IlIl1 Stri]mr 1 I I

P;ilmL'1, II'. III 1 I.


fillip aatul)Ir . Sulk l : I,..

tIi)„•r 1 I[i

I Ill cllltll 1

rI. I )cl nrOiI Ii

Ih;lclk•IIII111 I I'.lpI- I•'

I Ilil'rlllakI'I'

Brit" I'1lII,l1C1 4 'NI

lil- :Ikk l


:l\i l- .II

(,;Irll,'lllc; . -- S Itil

(.;IrI.1;1Hv' I 1111111aker ....... ... F ~..

I :iii fit 1

t' 1'cIlf;li:1!' .

.AHlllVr .. - -) .

'l- lll;ll I ;:]:•]iNih 1 'I

Isa'Il1:ill I I:I'.'lll',~Illakcr . - - ... -', III

'I111:u1 III u,'; I'n1nlri .( H:

l)ruIlrIll 1;,iult r . 1 , I i I,iYI11 1; ICIIIlaitter - I"

`1 rcnlai! Sa« Filer. 1 II

111111 fl \\ hUI1r1g!it .... . - . =" Ial-11 tnt!kry ; III 1:1,1 Iaill:t'1' .... i H• '

Iii.,. 1ycl!iI-, r II

LaII1hnIllhl r 1 I L

I .c;;. rcr 1 I I lane hi!li , 1lachI11: 1'< Iriper ............

l,!cliiiiert • ' .IpMntice 1 1lcchanic .; 'II

M!,Illller 4 I! I N ickel-plater ; II I

Pilillter . _1 t~ , I';Iiutlr,Intl lrttcrir ) I!'

)'aiiltIr ,1111 Striper - . 1 ` I

.. ! I I

l'illl'Iittcr's I L'lllcr :

1IUn1lIr N „ftr

l ' \ r "I- ire I~cpaircr 4 I II Ship C'atllkcr tiu:IllIJttcr - .... I

eI - .' I'I

triI), r 1

iii:'II1itU .... .. ...... .... 1 11

"(in=mi:11 ;In(I 1 III1er 4 n l T 1:11:11 III 1 1111;IP ' -'I

1-'llh, ll;tt mr 4 1 1

1 :Irlli1IIr 1 I' 1\ ;1` II I ihlItvr I I

11]1Flovri lit .t =i1

The I:r-I ,ns:

11lacksmith •} ;u l lacksnlith'S Helper 3 (p l

l'er I )iein.

$4 tNl

$3 (K) 4 5t) 3 (N1 4 51) 45(1

$3 51 4 511 5 (I) 5 (M) 4 (N) 25() 3 IN) 4 511 4SI) 4 5(I

S (N)

300 4 Ill1 i (K)

5 nn 4 IX) 45(1 300 450

$4 51)

$2 511

? 1K)

Ilcllartnlclrt I f I' :irks -

llanhattall ;I1111 Fichmoiiii

I1lachsnlitll ~4 H:

lhacksmith's llelpI•r .t .II

I :.r)IeIItrr I I.Iec trio ia:i .I :

traiIll'r ( Painter) .l III I I larIIr..!ilaker 1 1 1II.tIndil] . -1 'I Machinist 4 \In:hiflist's Helper :II lI:!s. In ; I I

'aintcr l I)ccorator I I ~rl ':n cr 111 illrtittLi .S l ,li

'1itl111ll'r ; IIII

'1uall1cr', helper • t 'lunlher's Apprentice ' 7: . i-,-cr ; ; t Stan] 1ngincer 4 c! I 'teamlittcr S CI

St, lkcr 3 I u! Tillsnlith 4 II

Foreman Foreman of Laborers Gasmaker Grainer Machinist's Helper Mechanic's Helper Oiler Painter Painter (Striper) Plumber's Helper Stoker Tinsmith

President, Borough of Richmond— Assistant Foreman Stt..m Roller Engineman

Sheriff, Richmond County— Prison Guard c3 (>f)

Resolved. That the Board of Aldermen hereby appr f and c, mcurs in tht above resolution and fixes the compensation of the ;1h vi nalncd 1iositl(ms as art forth therein.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen February- 15, 1910. Received from his Honor the 147avor. Aiarch 1. 1910. wilhout ;ii; alpr ul or

approval thereof : therefore. as provided in section -11) f the (grater Yi 1-nrk Char ter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

No. 120.

Resolved, That, in pursuance of the proviki ii if sub~li\ n i sccti , if the Greater New York Charter, the Board, of Itim;,te ;tntl pporti , ,nnicnt he anal it is hereby requested to authorize the C nrtitroller tf) issrnr special rev cnue nd, to the amount of ten thousand dollars 110,(1111)1, the pr cced: n ]ier - i to he nsc l by the Commissioner of Parks for the Rnr )t1 1i f)t I he llr ix f , ,r the purpi se of cutting down dead trees, leveling the hill ti the cast of l:a~tcllc,ter r l, and 'i1lirn14 in swamp lands in Pelham Bay Park.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Fei ruary 1 5. 1910). Received from his Honor the Mayor, A[ard-h 1, 101)), s itli' iit lhiC :Ii r al .•r (11'

approval thereof: therefore, as provided in section 4(0 f the I;rr:ittr Yiv Y(,rk Char ter, the same took effect as if he had approved it,

\o. 121.

Resolve(l, I hat the Board of Aldermen llt'rcl~' ;1111' if aii 1 k, nCUr< 1I1 tn,, following resolution adopted by the Board of I:-tinl;itc and .Appirtl,,wvrn' I ~hruary 4, 1910:

Resolved, That the resolution adopted b the Card i I iln;it' ;i; l 11~1> rtill ment Ma}• 4, 1906, which reads as follow;

Resolved, T1i tt, pursuant to t11( pr f ;i n 47 cif thy 0; ,Ater \ru York Charter, as ,intended by chapter t29 of the l.a w < of 19(15. t : ft art cif Estimate and Apportionment heretic al)l)rovk.> of the i. iic of c''rpor:ltc ;: cI of The City of New York for the purpose of providing meow 1 the cnn,truc-tion and improvement of parks, parkway-;, lr1a}grmrrk, hnulcv;lyd and drive watts under the iuri~diction of t1h C nlmis>inner (if P;lrk f,jr thy, ltorntl~,li r The Bronx, to the amount of three hundred and sixty-nine th n,:ind dollar, ($369,O00), said amotmt to be expended for the fnllvin. purpn, the ;1nn:lm- to be expended for any one of the pturp, ,v stated in this re;nlutira n.t to ex ceed the amount specified in each cast,:

Construction of lake for the purl,„v if clilninating >\\:I111) ;LFc:l south of Colonial Gardens, Van Cortlan(lt Park :7O,(11) (M)

Construction of new macadam r(lad. fr,im Grand ;uvcnn, 1';tn Cwrt- Jandt Park, about 6,450 feet to Yonkers city line 1g.1iC11 (01

Construction of comfort station and dhclter Ii,)u<c in pin Zrnunl. Van Cortlandt Park 1 2.(") (~t

Construction of ditches and drain:, 1t -i'lin r anal tillin,, to perfcc drainage, vicinity of Rockwool (lrive. Van Cirtlandt Park

Cleaning, deepening and filling the lake in Van C rt'andt Park Construction of plantations, two silc Paths, reccitin2 la in ;lm:

completion of unfinished work on Mai=1in1u parkway Improvement of Clay avenue side of Clare-n: nt Park. sixttlh of

main ci trance Improtement. One Hundred and SLvenl r\ ntil trut' <nle if Cri,

tuna Park, from Third avenue, running :1 it XI) f, et Grading and construction of proper (Ir;linao.t faciliti, n rthrn

tion of Crntona Park Regulating, grading and filling i\Eaconill'~ Dam 1'ark

Construction of drinking fountain, Jer,nie ;rvemic and \ ialuct rival! Macomb's Dam Park 3,10 00

Construction of new iron footbridge over f;i',ls in Bra •nx Park S(XX1 (lfl

Installation of drainage system in Bronx Park, cast of the 1ir nx River

Regulating, grading, terracing and replantin<, )tic ticc~trrl side of Bronx Park, between Pelham parkway and the Bnt; nical G;lr ll n

1V'idening and reconstructing Boston rn,ad, fn ,m the Priebe acro:~ the Bronx River to One Hundred CC II Fight till street, :n

Bronx Park Reconstruction and equipment of comfort lnilding, Franz 5i;el Park Laying asphalt walks on concrete fntmdati , n in place of pre;r!It

walks in St. Mary's Park Reconstructing and reparking northerly end 1 St. Mary Park. Reconstruction with macadam of Old Pa:(age r~arl, nlCrthcrh. side

of St. Mary's Park Furnishing, erecting and connecting drinking fountain on the Bronx

and Pelham parkway Completion of macadam road. extending fr, ,nl City Island road

around Fastchester Bay to the Ci' i~1;and P~n1ge, Pclh;tin Bay Park

Eliminating sKanlp lands and construction of drainage SLcnr ill Pelhani Bar Park, along the line of the \ew York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad

Extending and improving bathing l -acl1e it Orchard Beach atl~l Athletic Ground Beach, Pelham Bay Park

Con.truction of railings and fences around small parks Construction of troughs and drinking f iuntain .small parks

--and that when atrohority therefor shall have been obtained from the Board of Aldermen, the Comptroller is authorized to issue corporate stock of The City of New York. in the manner provided by section 169 of the Greater Yew York Charter, as amended by chapter 639 of the Laws of 1905, to the ;!mount of three hundred and sixty-nine thousand dollars ($369,00O), as prevl, ,wdv specilicil herein, the proceeds whereof to he exciusivel}• applied to the purposes aforesaid.

—he and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following item Construction of lake for the purpose of eliminating swamp area

south of Colonial Gardens, Van Cortlandt Park $70,000 00

—and inserting in place thereof the following item: Construction of a drain to take the overflow water from the lake in

Van Cortlandt Park to the sewer already constructed in Broad- way- $70,000 00

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, February 15, 1910. Received from his Honor the Mayor, :March 1, 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof: therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

4 00 400 300 400 3 50 300 300 400 4 50 300 .3 (X) 4 51)

S2 511 3 50

hIl)(N) 13.(18(1 (1(1

3,1)1(1 1w)

;,(1(1(1 Ill 1

I1(IX) 1w

)11Y1 l t

1eItX) (xl 6.00000

9,0(X) It)

61100 IX)

IIft) (tit

1(1)11X1 (I)

6.000 It) 25,000 (XI 2,00000


Bricklayer 5 60 Carpenter 5 00 Foreman Carpenter S SO Foreman Painter 4 50 Foreman Plumber 5 50 Grainer 4 00 Harnessmaker 4 00 Painter . 4 00 Paver 5 00 Pipefitter 5 00 Plumber 5 00 Ramnier 4 O(1 Sign Painter 4 50 Steam Engineer 4 50 Stoker 3 00 Tinsmith 4 50 Varnisher 4 00 Wheelwright . 350

Brooklyn and Queens: Blacksmith $4 50 Blacksmith's Ilelper 3 50 Bricklayer 5 60 Ilorseshoer 4 00 Letterer 4 00 \lechanical Engineer 4 50 Stationary Engineer 4 50 Stonemason 4 50 Tinsmith and Roofer 4 50 \1 heelw•right . 3 50

1 tepartntent of Education- Carpcnter $5 00 laectrician 4 50 Gasfittcr 5 010 Lineman, Electrician 4 50 Painter 4 00 Plumber 5 00 Roofer 3 75 Steamlitter 5 00 Tinner 4 50 Upholsterer 4 00 \\ ircman 4 50

-fhe College of The C it of New 1-ork-- ( •',al Passer $2 50 tiler 3 00 Static iiar lnt;iiiecr 4 50 Stoker 3 (X)

1'resir[crnt, 11Qrryugh of 1lanhattan- .Assistant 1 reman $3 (1O Assistant I;xrcnlan. 3 50 \ssistant l urenlan 4 00

('arpenter .. 5 IX) ('abinetmaker 4 50 Llev;(tlirlllall 2 75 1'.nginccr 5 00 l:nginecr 4 511 1 irenlan 3 (X) I~ orcman 3 (X1 Foreman 3 50 i~ oreman 4 (N) F rremalr 5 00 Foreman 13rickIa.Cr 6 00 l'oreman Plumber 5 00 Oiler 3 00 Plinnlicr , 5 (X) Plumber's .Appre•nticc 2 5(1 ti;tw Filer 4 50 Ship Caulker 3 50 Steantfitter 5 00 Steamfitter's Ilciper 2 50 "far Roofer 3 75 'fin Roofer 4 50 Tinsmith 4 50 Varnisher 4 00 \Piremnarr • 4 50

President, Borough of The Bronx—

Bath Attendant (male) $2 50 Bath Attendant ( female).. 2 00 Blacksmith 4 50 Blacksmith's 1lclt)1r 3 00 Bricklayer 5 60 Carpenter .. 4 50 Cleaner (female ) 1 50 Engineer 4 50 Firenian .. 3 00 Flagger 4 50 foreman 4 00 Ilousesndtl 4 00 Machinist 4 50 Mechanic's Helper. . 3 50 Painter 4 50 Paver 5 00 Plasterer 5 50 Rammer 4 00 Stationary Engineer 4 50 Stoker 3 00 •tinsmith • 4 50 \\ hcelwright 4 00

President, Borough .,f Brookl~ n—

Fireman $3 00 l'orentan ...... 4 00 Foreman Bricklayer 5 60 Foreman Laborers 4 01) Ifouscsmith 4 50 Oiler 3 00 Plumber 4 50 Stationary Engineer 4 50

President, Borough of Queens---

Assistant Foreman $3 00 Assistant Foreman 3 25 Assistant Foreman .. 3 50 Attendant 3 00 Automobile Engineman .. 4 00 Carpenter 5 00 ('leaner 300 Coal Passer. . 2 50 Dump Boardman 3 00 Engineer ' 4 50


No. 122. AN ORDINANCE providing for an issue of corporate stock of The City of New

York in the sum of fifty thousand do'.lars ($50,000), to provide means for the use of the Topographical Bureau of the Borough of Queens, in preparing and completing ntaps and monumen;ing all terr;tory within said Borough.

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows:

Section 1. The Board of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the fol-lowing resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment February 4, 1910, and authorizes the Comptroller to issue corporate stock of The City of New York to the ;urount a'ld for the purposes therein specified:

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 47 of the Greater New York Charter. as amended, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby• approves of the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York to an amount not exceeding the sure of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to provide means for the use of the Topographical Bureau of the Borough of Queens in preparing and completing neaps and lnonumenting all territory within said Borough.

—and when authority therefor shall have been obtainer) from the Board of Alder-men, the Comptroller is authorized to issue corporate stock of The City of New York, in the manner provided by section 169 of the Greater New York Charter, to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars (550,000), the proceeds whereof to be applied to the purposes aforesaid.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, February 15, 1910. Received front his Honor the Alayer, AIarclt 1, 1910, will out his apprornal or dis-

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 4ll i)f the Greater New York Charter, the same look effect a< if he had approved it.

No. 123.

AN ORDINANCES, providing for all issue of corporate stock of The City of New York in the snnt of eleven thousand dollars ($11,09)) to provide means for the use of the "l'opograpldcal Bureau of the Borough if Richmond in preparing and completing maps and n1nnwnenting all territory within said Borough.

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows:

Section 1. The Buarrl of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the fol-lowing resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment February 4, 1910, and authorizes the Comptroller to issue corporate stock of The City of New York to the anlount and for the purposes therein specified.

Resolved, ')hat, pursuant to the provisions of section 47 of the Greater New York Charter :t amender), the 11oar(1 of 1timate and Apportionment hereby approves of the iue of corn rate stock of The City of New York to an amotlrtt not exceeding the sum of (levcn thousand dollars ($11,000) to provide means for the use of the Topographical B',treau of the Borough of Richmond in preparing ante eniuplut ing maps and n1uputn cut jog all territory within said Borough.

--and when authority therefor shall lh:rve been obtained front the Board of Alder-men, the Comptroller is authorized to I'stte corporate stock of The City of New York, in the manner provided by section 169 of the Greater New York Charter, to an amount not exceeding Oeven than<;uol dollars (811.00O), the proceeds whereof to be applied to the purposes aforesaid.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, l ebraary 15. 191() Receivedfrom his Honor the 1la~-or. March 1, 1910, withnut his approval or dis-

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 41) of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he }kite approved it.

No. 124.

Resolved. That fOr the I urpi,>c it tlefravin, aii hncidelltal expenses of the District Attorney's Office, Counts' of New York, in the conduct of investigations and the prosecution of criminal aetinn> which may erne from said investigations into the conduct of persons engaged in the traffic of oflhllCii for immoral purposes, the District Attorney may, by requisition, draw tlpnu the Comptroller of The City of New York for a stun not exceeding fif`cen hmldred dollars ($1,500).

The District .Attorney may, in like manner, renew the draft as often as may by tin,, be denied nccessar\, to the extent of the revenue bond fund set apart for the investi�ation of the conduct of person; engaged III the traffic of women for immoral purposes, for the District Attorneys Office of the County of New York, but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller by the tr<nlslnis-ion of vopeters, certified to by the District Attorney, covering the expenditure of moneys paid thereon

Provided, 11owevcr, that upon the receipt of vouchers showing the payment of moneys upon said draft, to the extent of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750), the Comptroller may draw his warrant to th,, order of the District Attorney of the County of New York for the s•um of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750), in part dish'Irsement of the '(IV 11111 of fiftc 11 hundred dollars ($1,500).

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Fehruary 15, 1910. Received from his Honor the Mayor, March 1, 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

No. 125.

Resolved, That, in pursuance of the pro' ,lonS (,f 5nd)d1lvldon 8 of section 188 of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of 1:.tiniate and Apportionment be and it is hereby reque.,ted to authorize the Cunlptrollcr to i"ae special revenue bonds to the amount of nine thou,and live hundred dollars ($9,500), the proceeds whereof to be used by the Board of Health for the purpose of putting in operation a new pavilion at the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Otisville.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen February 15, 1910. Received from his honor the )favor March 1. 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater Now York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

No. 126.

Resolved, Thet the President the B ruugl of Riciiiie( ,me be and he is hereby authorized, in accordance with the pr'vi<iou t,f 'cctloil 419 of the Greater New York Charter, to purchase coal in open market uvithout puhlic letting to the extent of three thousand dollars ($3,000).

Adopted by the Board of .Ald(rmen February 15. 1910. Received from his Honor the Nfayor March 1. 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the sane took effect as if lie had approved it.

No. 127. Resolved, That. in pursuance of the pr,-vi-ions Hof subdivision 8 of section 188 of

the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to the amount of thirty-eight thousand live huIldred and fifty dollars ($38,550), the proceeds whereof to be used by the Deparnuent of 1Icalth for the purpose of meeting increased expenses of the Kingston Avenue Hospital. Brooklyn.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen February 15, 1910. Received from his Honor the Mayor :March 1, 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

No. 128.

Resolved, That permission be and the saute is hereby given to 11. Saunders to erect, place and keep a booth within the stoop line in front of the premises at the southwest corner of Forty-seventh street and Third avenue, in the Borough of Man-hattan, provided the said booth shall be erected so as to conform in all respects with

the ordinance in such case made and provided, not be used for advertising purposes; the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the President of the Borough. Such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen February 15, 1910. Received from his Honor the Mayor March 1. 1910, without his approval or dis-

approval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if lie had approved it.

No. 129.

Resolved, Illat it is recommended to the Cuiiiniis<iuner of 11 ater S ippl , ti;l, anal Electricity that a watering trough he located and maintained nn the S iitht:f't cf , rnt of Jay and York streets, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Fchruary 15. 1910. Received from his Honor the Mayor March 1, 1910, without hi., appr.00al r di-.

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Grtntcr New VOtk Charter, the same look effect as if he had anprovedl it.

No. 130.

Resolved, That permission be and the same is herein Linen t S I nl a Lai iuc. with the consent of the occupant of the ground floor, to place aiiii kelp ;t >ii os cast, within the stoop line in front of NCI. i(l Iatst One Hundred and T«rntielll street, in the Borough of Manhattan, provided the said show ;aye shall rrc,•ttetl . t , ) conform ire all respects with the or(lulanec in tuh c;t<c made a,il Iln irltl, ii lit, used for advertising purposes; the work to he done at iii' iiwn t ypeii e under th, direction of the President of the Boroiu h. Stich pernlissi, n to , coliltillnt III rlurini. the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Fcbruary 15, 191(1. Received from his Honor the tIa%or, Alarch 1, 1910, tvithout bi. tl r Al..

approval thereof ; therefore, as prop, ided in section 44) of flit t;i- it( Act~ l rk Charter, the saute took effect as if he hail approved it.

No. 131.

Resolved, That permission be and the same is derele 1i en to Philipp ('rt-'nfclgy) to place and keep three show cases within the stoop line in irollt ',1 the premiseS No. 294 East Houston street, in the Borough of 1lanllattan, proyl(lcil the sail show cases shall he erected so as to conform in all respects with the ordinaiio in set~h ea,t. made and provided, not be used for advcrtisint; purposes, the work to he II i at 11i, own expense, under the direction of the I'resillent of the II r iii.1i. , ii it l, rini,<i , ii to coutimte oilly during the pleasure ref tie ,artl (if .11lcrnlcn.

Adopted be the Board of .1drrnlen, l riruary 15, 191(1. Received front his Ifonor the \lacier \i,ircli 1, 1910. tcf1hpnt Ili, ;I; , ,,;t l r 'lip

approval thereof ; therefore, as provoicrl III section 4(1 of tit. (;r, :lt, r \ ,,, Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

Nr). 132.

Resolved. That permission be :Idol the 'lllle is hcrebl CI\C11 ! I.' 111111 11. I ..• to place and keep two show cases within the >t p line in front thr l,rclni'( : I. 42 Avenue C, in the Borough of 1lanhattaii. provided the said sli w I,.r>cs hall 1), erected so as to conform in all rc~pect' AVitt the ordlranco I I 'hell ;it made ,tli~l provided, not to h° tue(t for adverti'irnir h urp,.scs: the (work t, t it ti iic at his v%Il expense, under the direction of the 1're-lticnt of the liiir~.ueli. S11ll 1e'iin11'.bill t-- continue only during the pleasure of the Itiiar', ~tf .AIIcrmuii.

Adopted by the Board of Aloienucrl, I cbrtrtrt 15. 1911). Received from his Honor the Alavnr. A1atcii 1, fillle, mti,''oi I i- ;qr>>,.I • r

approval thereof; therefore, as provided ill section 411 cif tht , tin.fu, At„ Y-I!. Charter, the same took effect as if lie had approved it.

\to, 133.

Resolved. That permission be and the sail i licr,lv ei~.cll to , I-re l( rick I. i & Co. to erect, place and keep an awnint for niarquise iif iron anti ela.; in fr ii t w their premises, No. 484 Fulton street, in the Borough of Rrnnklvn. I~r i~le~l the said awning cr niarquise shall be erected Sr ;1s to con inn 111 all re>pcct w th the ir, hlI;tlV(1 in such case made and provided, not be tl'ed fi , r advertlsin,ir pit (lit , VV,irk t ,, be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Prtsidem if the llnrnul.;11. Such permission to continue only during the pleastire f the hoard Hof .11~lcrim.n.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, l chrtlary 1 s, 1911). Received from his Honor the llator. March 1, PP1 l0, mil- lit lei; ,Il~lirn;tl i-r iii,

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in ceti~',l Ill if thu (lr;ltsr `~:~~~ 1rl Charter, the same took effect as if he had ap rose~l it.

No. 134.

Resolved, That permission be and the went i< lncr:l ,-. Iitrn ti Il;nisi .aNpli t place and keep a booth within the stoop line iu front if No. 72 \V et firnadpay, i'i the Borough of tlanii.attati, provided the sairl iii f(at shall lie erected s, , as to conform in all respects with the ordinance ii: such case made an(l pr videl, 11--t be u:ed for advertising purposes; the work to he done ,it his Flan (\pcnsc, under the direction o the President of the Borough; such pernli~sin to cdiitmug t~nly Burin,', the Itl(asiii. of the Board of Aldermen.

Adopted by the Board of :\lder,ncn, l el , ruar\\ 1s, ]Tilt.

Received from his Honor the A1av- r. Ai;irch 1. 1910, tsithomt his I1pirov;ll nor

approval thereof thereof; therefore, as prrl iderl :n section -Nt cif the I;r((tcr Ncly fork Charter, the saute took effect as if lie had approved it.

No. 135.

Resolved, That permission be and the saute is hrrrl,\ Iv 'i t the Atvt. 1Iirk Taxicab Con1pacy to place and keep a buuth within the stoop line on the Eleventh street side of the premises on the .lorte1«vcst ci flier of facgciitli strtct and I ria(ltc\, in the Borough of lanhattan, provided the said booth shall lie erected as to cum form in all respects with the ordinance in Duel, case made ,Intl provided, not lie list ' for advertising purposes: the work to be donee at its own expense. under the tlirecti3Ou of the President of the Borough. Such to cwilline onli (trim tllc itlra~ur

of the Board of Aldermen. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Felrru:iry 15• flit(. Received from his Honor the Afavor, Niarch 1, 191(1, with ut us alpr o ii it lis

approval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 441 •,f the Greater New Vork Charter, the same hook effect as if he had approved it.

No. 136. Resolved, That permission be and the sane is hereby given to Edtward \ic\iidrew,

of No. 1300 Broadway, to parade three mein with adveriisinn signs thr ,ugh tlo street- and thoroughfares of the Borough of lfanhatt.ul, under the supervi i t f ilie 1' liu Department. Such permission to cmtinuc mlv for the perintl or tliirtv il;n' fr. , ii ill, receipt hereof from his Honor the .Mayor.

.A(iopted by the Board of Aldernlell, l"cl , rwtr:- Is, beIt).

Received front his Honor the Aiar, .Ierne 1. 191(1, withlut his ipprival i,r approval thereof thereof: therefore, as provided in section 4(. of the Greater New Vi':: Charter, the sane took effect as if lie had approved it.

No. 137. Resolved, That permission be and the :tnlc i, here),y pit en 1 N. Scl1v arL t., ttla e

and keep en ornamental post, surmounted by a check, rnl the r.Idewalk near the curb iii front of his premises, No. 1422 Third avenue, in the 11ymucii of \I:trnhattan, provided the said post and clock shall be erected so as to conform in all respects with the ordinance in such case made and provided, not lie used for advertising purpose <: the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the President of the Bor-


ahugh. Such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of Alder-men.

ldopterl h, the Board of :1ldermen, February 15, 1910.

Riceited from his Ilonor the \Iavor, larch 1, 1910, without his approval or dis-,proval thrcl,f ; therefort, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York

t harter, the same tnk cffert if he h;trl apprnv•erl if.

No. 138.

kcsoIverl, "fhal be an(l the saute is hcreb given to V- lachns & Kontzias Or crc,t, pincc :ind keep a stt~rm door within the stoop litre in front of No. 38 St. 11;,rk tpl;rcc, in tIk llornu h of Nlanfiattan, provided the said storm door shall be ('rt teil 'i i l c iifi , rnt in all respects with the ordinance in such case made and

pr irled ti iscr1 for advertising purposes; the work to 1 (lone at their own t xpi.nst, , undct the direction of the President of the Borough. Such permission to ~ nntinne only during the pleasure of the Board of _1ldermen.

ldnpted h~r tlic Hoard of Aldermen, February 15, 1910.

R('eiVvrd fr„tn his Ilonor the Iavor, Alarch 1, 1910, without his approval or rlisapprrva1 thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the (treater New York t "barter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.

No. 139.

Resolr•cd, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Jacoh Schreier to I,ararle man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of the I )r ugh of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department. Such per-mission t continue only for the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof from lei, l ionnr the Mayor.

.ldol,te~l the l aril of :1ldermen, February 15, 1910.

I~eccivtil fr,ou his I1 nor the Alayor, March 1, 1910, without his approval or lisal,prt al thr re,f ; thorrfore, as provided in section 40 of the (;rcater i etv York l!;trtr, the <::n,e tHok effect as if he had approved it.

No. 140.

1.~•,r,lvv,l, 'Il at l,crmiiun be and the saute is hereby given to J. A. Ciaratuelli I place and kct, p a lruntlt vvithin the stsnp line in front of No. 72 Spring street, in the 1t,nUu,,1) "f ll:lubaltan, t,rnviticrl the said booth sthall be erected so as to conform in all respects tv ith the or]lnamcc in catch case made and provided, not be used for dtertisin purlc<: till, vV rk t , , 1. done at his own expense, under the direction

, if the Pre~i~1ent cif the Borom"h. tiuch pernti>sin to continue only during the pleasure ,,f the I1onnl of :1lriernten.

:Altn\,tal i\ the l ird of .Aidcrmeu, February 15, 1910. lyeeciVol f-wit his floi r the 1fallor, March 1, 1910, wwitlwut his approval or

rli~al,prr,tal tbaetfl; therefrrc, ;is provided itt section 40 of the (treater New York I hart-, r. thr, sa,nr t( (k offer: is if lie had approved it.

No. 141.

kcsolVctl, That the fuli(\ning named persons he and the} hereto are appointed ' mmisinucrs of Deerls:

J. Louis 1.utjco, No. 345 Westminster rad, Bror,klvn. I,eo t'm:tnOtf, Department of Parks, Brooklyn. I'lull IL Simon, No. 1228 Halsey street, Brooklyn. 1Targarct A. Dermrvd , New Dorp, Richmond. Charles Ilart, No. 231 Stanhope street, Brooklyn. \1'nm, A. 1 rrjcl,, N o. 5;6 Evergreen avenue, Brooklyn. (:harle, O'\trim, Jr., No. 880 Second avenue, Manhattan. Joseph (. C nl n, N. 242 East Fiftieth street, Manhattan. Herbert E. ACilliams, No. 818 Manhattan avenue, Brooklyn. Henry (;, Ludder, Ao. 1(1 \leserole avenue, Brooklyn. Jos. W. Phair, No. 170 11 cst Eighty-first street, :Manhattan. Katherine I.atz, No. 113 West One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, Manhattan. Morris Kraus, No. 70 \lanhattan street, \[aobattan. Henry \V. Stowell, Ni. 377 rdgecombe avenue, Manhattan. Jay Francis Dailey, \o. 2204 Amsterdam avenue, Manhattan. Robert A. Rutherford, No. 569 Hest One Hundred and Eighth-fifth street, Man -

h:tttall. lt(1« in Ha} card, No. 2317 Tilden avenue, Brooklyn. Edward ;Alurphv, No. 3O5 Fast Forty-first street, Manhattan. Janet :1. (;lcn)hinnin~„ No. 510 Hest One Hundred and Fifty-third street, 'llan-

hattan. James J. Dono!tuc, No. 302 West Forty-seventh street, Manhattan. hrederick \Wendel, No. 107 Morningside avenue, Manhattan. Lawrence 1.. Brown, No, 420 \Vest One Hundred and Twenty-first street, Man-

liattan. 1Vinifrcd W. 1nn,,, Nu, 511 West One Hundred and Twenty-second street, Alan-

I,a?tan. Day id Rnsuni loo, A ~ 1. 247 \Vest One Hundred and Eleventh street, Manhattan. Samuel S. I einber~, o, 530 \Vest One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Man-

liattan. \loses :1. Stone, No. 235 Test One Ilundred and Eleventh street, Manhattan. James Demarest, No. 599 Sixth street, Brooklyn. William Thomas Thornlev, No. 443 Eleventh street, Brooklyn. hrnest Kraft, No, 515 Fifth street, Brooklyn. Harry C. Josten, No. 612 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Win. J. Hunter, N u. 706 Ocean parkway, Brooklyn. Van Mater Stilwell, No. 2ti Court street, Brooklyn. Francis J. Byrne, No. 278 Vanderbilt avenue, Brooklyn. A. M. Reilly, No. 71 Nassau street, Brooklyn. Charles Metcalfe, No. 4036 Amboy road, Kichniond. George S. Pettit, No. 1151 Dean street, Brooklyn. Joseph C. Franke, No. 22 Spencer place, Brooklyn. John A. Lynch, No. 604 Prospect street, Richmond. Arthur H. Walkley, No. 55 Strong place, Brooklyn. John H. Cusack, No. 275 Union street, Brooklyn, Rebecca Lewis, No. 202 East One Hundred and Third street, Manhattan. Edward H. Erckniann, No. 926 Broadway, Brooklyn. James Ball, No. 10 Gouverneur place, Bronx. Geo. D. Gilmore, No. 203 Hart street, Brooklyn. Edward R. W. Karutz, No. 26 Court street, Brooklyn. Simon C. Weinberg, No. 171 Vernon avenue, Brooklyn. Frank J. Dotzler, No. 244 East Third street, Manhattan. Michael J. Flynn, No. 275 Ninth avenue, Manhattan. Juniata G. Russell, No. 170 Hicks street, Brooklyn. Nellie M. Herzberg, No. 73 Orange street, Brooklyn. James A. Healy, No. 410 Prospect avenue, Brooklyn. Augusta 1. 1Vhite, No. 61 South Elliott place, Brooklyn. Julia Hamburger, No. 44 Court street, Brooklyn. M. A. Jenkins, No. 90 Bond street, Brooklyn. William Klein, No. 620 Tenth street, College Point. Harry V. Fountain, No. 38 Beach street, Queens. William Ed. Sack, No, 82 Belmont avenue, Brooklyn. Mark S. Feiler, No. 44 Court street, Brooklyn. E. B. Hoxie, No. I Liberty street, Manhattan. John R. Woodell, No. 26 Ely avenue, Long Island City. Andrew Franz, No. 593 Hamburg avenue, Brooklyn. John W. Bose, No. 254 Cornelia street, Brooklyn. Thomas F. Haggerty, No. 626 McDonough street, Brooklyn. Fred. Balz, No. 595 Herkimer street, Brooklyn. Abraham Saffir, No. 1829 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

Frederick C. Stopenhagen, No. 366 Bainbridge street, Brooklyn. Leo J. Burgmyer, No. 26 Herkimer street, Brooklyn. Laurence H. Doorly, No. 242 Willoughby avenue, Brooklyn. Henry W. Rianhard, New Brighton, S. I. George Vincent Connell, No. 1011 Castleton avenue, Richmond. A. J. Moore, No. 48 Roe street, West New Brighton. Walter E. Hall, No. 320 Manor road, West New Brighton. Philip Bardes, No. 1245 Webster avenue, Bronx. Charles L. Roeder, No. 4453 Park avenue, Bronx. Joseph L. O'Connell, No. 1059 Carroll place, Bronx. Emanuel Raunheim, No. 140 East Ninety-second street, Manhattan. Forrest C. Hirlentan, No. 182 Alexander avenuc, Bronx. Arthur T. O'Leary, No. 74 East Ninety-third street, Manhattan. Daisie Vose, No. 160 Keap street, Brooklyn. Alfred 11. Peck, No. 190 South Ninth street, Brooklyn. Sigismund J. Trapani, No. 504 Liberty avenue, Brooklyn. J. Henry Browne, No. 3355 Sedgwick avenue, Bronx. James J. Pinto, No. 115 West Tenth street, Manhattan. Jos. H. Leavitt, No. 419 Sixteenth street, Brooklyn. Samuel Phillips, No. 612 Fifth avenue, L'rooklvn. Michael A. Cunneen, No. 196 Warren street, Brooklyn. William E. Thompson, DeKalb and Franklin avenues, Brooklyn. Wm. M. Watson, No. 4032 Third avenue, Manhattan. James Otis Moore, No. 1138 Bryant avenue, Bronx. J. J. O'Flaherty, No. 1074 Brooks avenue, Bronx. Louis E. Bliss, No. 3219 Third avenue, Bronx. Otto Buehler, No. 1051 Union avenue, Bronx. Frederick H. Ernst, No. 1370 Prospect avenue, Bronx. Harold H. O'Connor, No. 19 West Tenth street, Manhattan. Robert A. Huddleston, No. 85 Washington street, Manhattan. August Beck, No. 442 Sixty-second street, Brooklyn. Phillip A. Benson, No. 193 Bay Twenty-eighth street, L'rooki n. R. W. Gunzenhauser, No. 953 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. William Bruorton, No. 394 Degraw street, Brooklyn. Edward A. Fleissner, No, 468 Court street, Brooklyn. Nathan Frank, No. 69 Rivington street, Manhattan. Meyer Kraushaar, No. 1168 Boston road, Bronx. Simeon Goodelman, No. 1310 Union avenue, Bronx. Samuel Zipris, No. 157 East Broadway, Manhattan. Charles Suozzo, No. 202 Montrose avenue, Brooklyn. Alfred G. 1l'armers, No. 312 Broadway, Brooklyn. Katherine McDonald. No. 217 Havemeier street, Brooklyn. R. F. Pratt, Jr., No. 1737 East Forty-eighth street, Brooklyn. George Goldson, No. 28 West One Hundred and Thirteenth street, Manhattan, Isidor Lewis, No. 27 Hest One Hundred and Futtrtecnth street, AItu,h:tttati. Meyer Kraushaar, No. 1168 Boston road, Bronx. J. H. 1lavers, No. 133 Broadway, Alan!mattau. Jacob Weiss, No. 119 West One Hundred and fourteenth qtr, ct, Mauliatt.+,, Joseph P. Reilly, No. E6 Ashland place, ltrooklyn. James R. Gornily, No. 325 Foster avenue, Brooklyn. Pheobe Kennaogb, No. 551 Fifty-fourth street, Brooklyn. Henry J. Beckmann, No. 575 Fifty-ninth street, Brooklyn. Irving S. 1lahnkcn, No. 1397 Sterling place. Fir I klvn. George K. Morin, No. 638 East Twcnty-second street, Br) ,,kloi. a'il'iamn 11. Sncdekcr, No. 1524 Pacific strcrt. Bru klv n. A. J. Br\ers. No. 281) 1lapli street, Brooklyn. Bernard 1. Finkelstein, No. 1453 Bedford Br,',i;lvu. Edward (Iru;c'clnsx. No. 12.37 Pacific street, Br II )J III.

Iienj. R.'c(iuias, Ar,. 1312 Park place, h tin ,l;1 n. l? K,dblint fame, No. 335 Feuimore Irl ]\n. Chat. Schanim . Y. 1804 Amethyst stret, L'rla\,t. Francis J. Kavnanalh, No. 7.1 Manor av immlc. 11'~rlhateii, William J. Ruh cr, N. 11199 Halsey street, llni, , k'en. W. 1V'. Braden, N. 537 11'c~t One IImtcaflhil anal l rtv-ninth ,tri-kt, AIan\iirtn. \Pilliamn A. Mogan, Xi. 51)4 East Fifty-!fifth re-t, 1lanhat;;ui. John P. Boyle, N. ?5,3 East Sixty-eighth >;rec' \I:utha;t:trn. \. Ralph Greene, Ni. 2214 Eighty-fifth ;trout. I r kit,.

lames A. Bir;;, Ni. 61t Sixth street, Br ',k!v-:,. Ilenrti 1l;t1i 1, Surf avenue, West Sixte'(vth mv Ilyu.l. 1-(L) A. CnnVcllthu!. NI-,. 2838 West Se-(ca;e•un'b arei•t, homy l,l,nid. John F. Builwiukol. No. 1066 East Eigrceo:h :rret. Brkl~n_ Owen F. Ilughe,, No. 610 "1 ventietli st:- t', Br i k'yn. Ilyman I. Barnett, No. 1(i65 Forty-third x•raet, Br )k!\ ii. A. 11. Pincus, No. 1585 Second avenue, 1lau\Iattan. Lillian Rosenfelt, No. 133 West Ninety-<ctenth s:rr-rt, 11,iu'.at,:ut. Emil Schneel,tch, Palermo avenue, Hol!i:, Qoedl'. Alexander Eger, Lake street, Jamaica. Philip J. Young, No. 60 Ocean View avenue, AV„uIlhau, ii, t >u t~. James M. Vance, No. 3 Union Hall street, Janiaic:i. W'4 illiam G. Thompson, Hollis, Queens. C. Christian Sofleiss, Richmond Hill, Qnccn . John Silverman, No. 244 Delancey stree'., \lat,hattan. Joseph Side, No. 321 East Twelfth street. Manliattan. Henry A. Jaffin, No. 28 Stanton street. 'Manhattan. Benjamin B. Barnett, N. 266;! William ,treet, Alanhatlan. M. S. Rachmil, No. 81 Rutgers slip, Manhattan. Monroe Goi(;natcr, No. 2671 Third avenue, 1lanh:tttan. Philip \Viola, No. 19 East One Hundred and Twenty-sixth sirect, llashat;n. George J. Benner, No. 167 East One Hundred and Trven`'y-first ,trcrt, Manhattan i \orris Angcrinan, No. 52 East Eighty-ciglitlt street, Manhattan. Herbert \Palle, No. 355 East Eighty-fourth trcet, .\Ianhattan. Andrew J. Maguire, No. 139 West Ninetieth street, Manhattan. i1Ieyer DIoskowitz, No. 32 West One HtmdrLd and Thirteenth trc,i, Wm. F. O'Connor, No. 195 Calyer street. Brooklyn. Thomas '.11. McEntegart. No. 330 West Fifty-first street, 1lanha±an. D. Kern Einfurcr, No. 206 Chauncey street, Brooklyn. Benjamin F. Farrar, No. 517 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Pascal Bresha, No. 180 Mulberry street, Manhattan, Edwin R. Wolff, No. 606 W est One Hundred and Thirty \vycatlt ,tri.~t, David Robbins, No. 22 West One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street,

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, March 1. 1910.

No. 142.

Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the following resolution adopted 1v the Board of Estimate and Apportionment February 11, 1910:

Resolved, That, acting* in pursuance of section 56 of the City Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment recommends to the Board of Aldermen the following changes in salaries in the office of the Mayor, striking from the positions heretofore fixed the following:

Per Annuni.

Executive Secretan•...... "1,000 00 Executive Clerk 1,050 00

:utd fixing the following positions in the office ref the Alav- nr, in place thereof

Per Annum.

Executive Secretary $4,000 00 Assistant Secretary 3,000 00

—this action to take effect as of the Ist of February, 1910.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, March 1, 1910. Approved by the Mayor, March 3, 1910.

P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk.

\Bmhatt cat. Nanh:ntaro.

1910. Feb. 3 By Balance !1I.4ao.;3;


Arrears of Taxes, i8gq, etc.: Borough of Manhattan Collector Assessment Borough of The Bronx " Borough of Brooklyn Borough of Queens.. Borough of Richmond

Interest on Taxes, 1899, etc. : Borough of Manhattan....; Collector Assessments Borough of The Bronx.... Borough of Brooklyn Borough of Queens Borough of Richmond

Street Improvement Fund-January t, t8g8: Borough of Manhattan Collector Assessments Borough of The Bronx Borough of Brooklyn. Borough of Queens Borough of Richmond

Interest on Assessments-Street Improvement Fund:' Borough of Manhattan i Collector Assessments Borough of The Bronx Borough of Brooklyn. Borough of Queens Borough of Richmond

Fund for Street and Park Openings: Borough of Manhattan Collector Asze,sments Borough of The Bronx Borough of Brooklyn Borough of Queens Borough of Richmond

Interest on Assessments-Street and Park Openings: Borough of Manhattan Collector Assessments Borough of The Bronx Borough of Brooklyn Borough of Queens Borough of Richmond

Taxes: Borough of Manhattan....; Austen $392,570 74 Borough of The Bronx.... 35,271 ~4 Borough of Brooklyn 141060 33 Borough of Queens 3o,S4; Sq Borough of Richmond , •' 6,768 98

Interest on Taxes: Borough of Manhattan Austen. $10,026 93 Borough of The Bronx 845 93 Borough of Brooklyn 3,419 31 Borough of Queens 74 35 Borough of Richmond 19 4y

Water Meter Fund, No. 2, Borough of Manhattan 1u~ten.

Water Rents, Borough of Brooklyn ... •

Water Rents, Borough of Queens...... Water Rents, Borough of Richmond..

:21; 01

io i-4 ' 1 4 5'-

I (,( 14 4(K'

i i;.i_':

'-.34; 34 Water Meter Fund No. 2, I&)S and

Subsequently, Borough of Manhat tan Cnllr,tur ,It .As'.essmrnts. t;t -;

Interest on Water Meter Fund, No. 2, i8g8 and Subsequently, Borough of Manhattan. •' .. z

Williamsbridge Sewer Fund, Borough of The Bronx, Cash Account, etc

Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, Borough of Brooklyn 2: 8a

Interest on Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, Borough of Brooklyn 4

Principal and Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, Borough of Brooklyn .. Si ; 42

Interest on Principal1 and Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, Bor- ough of Brooklyn .. u; 52

Sewer Assessments, Twenty - ninth Ward, Installments, Borough of Brooklyn .. 4

Opening and Grading Assessments, Thirty-first Ward, Installments Borough of Brooklyn ' . .. ,'✓

Flatbush Avenue Imy rovement, Twen ty ninth Ward, Borough of Brook lyn..... 30; -,3

Water Meter Fund, No. 2, 1895 and Subsequently.,. •' ..

Interest on Water Meter Fund No. z. 1898 and Subsequently ( 14

Interest on Assessments, Borough of Brooklyn. .' .. i`:

Opening, etc., Bedford Avenue, Bur- ough of Brooklyn '' .. 40 :-'

Interest on Opening, etc., Bedford Avenue, Borough of Brooklyn .. 4;

Arrears of Water Rents, 1898. etc , Borough of Brooklyn . .. 1.112 S

Interest on Water Rents, 1898, etc , Borough of Brooklyn 241 49

Water Rents Long Island City, Bor- ough of Queens . 1 34 0;

Interest on Water Rents, Long Island City, Borough of Queens 12 4;

Water Rents, Village of College Point. Borough of Queens 57 (,o

Interest on Water Rents, Village of College Point, Borongh~of Queens. .. ; 40

Water Rents, Village of Flushing, Bor- ough of Q ueens .

Interest on Water Rents Village of Flushing, Borough of Queens . .

Advertising Charges on Saes, Borough of Richmond

Fees for I-eases, Borough of Rich- mond .. hoc

New York and Brooklyn Bridge Martin S,j io Williamsburg Bridge Maintenance

Fund " 4.744 31 New York and Brooklyn Bridge-

Maintenance and Repairs, 1qlo 200 56 Water Meter Fund, Borough of Brook-

lyn McGuire 115 46

Water Revenue, Borough of Brooklyn. 177 60

Water Rents, Borough of Brooklyn... 21,484 qq Water Rents, Borough of Queens Wissel 2.;;4 5; Water Rents, Borough of Richmond.. Thompson S65 39 Staten Island Water Supply Company,

Borough of Richmond i r6 66


f54,53? 49 6,431 74

539. '3 82 6,28 06 1 ,6 6̀ 79

55,595 52

53,741 59 21,239 91 57.615 45

7,580 6z 1,002 32

S;a 41 io;,i96

795 68 259 5S

Siii 43 1.728 63

3.915 7 6 432,1 57 ~4

$4.477 4i 43.693 4'. 1y,762 24

464 17 2,612 52

4146 66 1.215 98 (41 Si 34 cc 689

2788 THE CITY RECORD. S:\'ru1,.h:\v, a1:lIlClJ 5, 1910.


Abstract of the Transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the Week Ending February 11, 1910.

Office of the City Uianlnr!au,

I Ion. WI`ILLIAM J, GAYNOR, Mayor: New York, February 21, 11110.

Sir-In pursuance of section 196, chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901, 1 have the honor to present herewith a report to February 11, 1910, of all n;nnc s rcc iti cal ! ine.:ill tltr, :tm(,nnt of all warrants pail l)} me since February 5, 1910, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on February 11, 1910.

Very respectfully,

CHARLES If. l IYI)1, (It,itnl, rL iu.

The City of New York iu account with Charles H. Hyde, Chamberlain, during the week ending hebruary 1I, 1910.

1Q10. Fr6. iI' T Additional Water Fund $3,132 61

American Museum of Natural History, etc 00 Armory Fund x,881 00 Bridge across Dutch Kills Creek, Line of Hunters Point Avenue,

Construction of 30 0o Bridge or Viaduct across Spuyten Duyvil Creek, etc., Borough at

Manhattan, etc 4 50 I:ridge over Bronx River at East One Hundred ,rnd Eightieth

Street 36 z9 firidga over Eastchester Bay, Pelham Bay Park, Borough of The

Bronx, Construction of 43 58 Bridge over East River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and

Brooklyn 46,463 61 firid a over East River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and

Queens (,'ridge to Carry Jerome Avenue over the Mosholu Parkway Drive,'

and Approaches, Borough of The Bronx, Construction of 1 54 45 Change of Grade Damage Commission, Twenty-third and Twenty-

fourth Wards, Expenses of 66 36

Construction of Bridge across Harlem River at Madison Avenue.. 402 96 Construction of Comfort Station, Madison Square Park, Borough

of Manhattan . 58 48 Construction and Equipment of Court House, Borough of The

Bronx 6o oc Construction and Establishment of High Pressure Water System,

etc., Borough of Manhattan Construction of Highway Bridge over Bronx River, Connecting

Becker Avenue, The Bronx, with Wakefield Avenue, Yonkers Construction of Sewers, Borough of Brooklyn Construction of Webster Avenue Relief Sewer, Borough of The

Bronx 2,0/ 78 Department of Health-Building Fund 7, 69

Department of Health-Site, etc., for Sanatorium, Orange County. 66 35 )epartment of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond-

Chelsea Park 594 24 I )epartment of Parks, Borough of The Bronx-Construction of

Granite steps, St. Mary's Park 46 37 )epartment of Parks, Borough of The Bronx-(:ramte Steps and

11'alks from Jerome Avenue to Ogden Avenue, Macombs Dam ('ark

!)epartment of Parks, Borough of The Bronx- Providing Steps at Webster Avenue Bridge, Mosholu Parkway

f )epartment of Parks, Borough of The Bronx-Raising and Im- proving Colonial Gardens. Van Cortlandt Park

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Main from Trotting Course Lane to Myrtle and Cypress Avenues, Borough of Queens

Dock Fund h.rection and Completion of New Comfort Station on Riverside

Drive I xpenses of Commission on Improvement and Development of

Jamaica Bay, etc l':xpenses of Commissioners of Estimate and Appraisal for

Clerks etc 1,193 37 I'.xtensiou of High Pressure Water Supply for Fire Service to

(;utisauus and South Brooklyn Districts Fxtension of Riverside Drive to Boulevard Lafayette lire Department-Sites and Buildings Fire Department-Sites and Buildings, Boroughs of Manhattan

and The Bronx Fire Department, Borough of Richmond-New Building, 1i est

New Brighton, for Engine Company 206.

Fire Ilepartment-Boroughs of Richmond and Queens--Sites, etc Paid System

Fund for Street and Park Openings Fund for Topographical Bureau, Borough of The Bronx Fund for Topographical Bureau, Borough of Brooklyn Fund for Topographical Bureau, Borough of Queens Fund for Topographical Bureau, Borough of Richmond. grand Boulevard and Concourse-Constructing Transverse Roads

at East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Street, etc. Improvement and Construction of Parks. Parkways and Play-

grounds, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond improvement and Construction of Parks, Parkways and Play-

grounds, Boroughs of Brooklyn aid Queens Improvement of Sanitary Condition of Gowanus Canal, Borough

of Brooklyn Metropolitan Sewerage Commission of New York Municipal Building - Construction of Manhattan Terminal of.

New fork and Brooklyn Bridge New Water Supply, City of New York New York Public Library Fund New York Zoological Garden Fund Normal College, City of New York-Erection and Equipment of

New Building 775 45 ('arks, Department of, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond-

Broadway Parkways, Fifty-ninth to Manhattan Street, Iron, Fences

('arks, Department of-Construction and Repair of Drives, etc.,1 Under Contract, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond '

Narks, Department of-Construction and Repair of Drives, etc , Under Contract, Borough of The Bronx .... .. .. .. .. i

('arks, Department of, Borough of The Bronx-Zoological Garden,i Planting Concourse, etc

!'arks, Department of, Borough of The Bronx-Erection of Wire! Fence from Bronxdale to West Farms Road

('arks, Department of, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens-Grad- ing Bay Ridge Parkway, Fourth to Fort Hamilton Avenue

E'elham Avenue, Widening over New York and Harlem Railread Police Department Fund-Sites and Buildings, New Headquarters,

Furnishing and Equipping Public Baths Fund, Borough of Manhattan. Public Charities, Department of, Borough of Brooklyn-Kings

County Hospital, Erection of a New 11 ing Rapid Transit Construction Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and

The Bronx Rapid Transit Construction Fund-Brooklyn Loop Lines, Bor-

ough of Manhattan 38,213 91

Rebuilding Sewer in East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, etc., Borough of The Bronx 36 29

Rebuilding Sewer, Hunts Point Road and Whittier Avenue, Bor- ough of The Bronx

Reconstruction of Sewers, Borough of Manhattan 48 00 Refuse Destructors, Borough of Richmond, Plans and Specifica-

tions.. Repaving Streets, Borough of Manhattan. Repaving Streets, Borough of The Bronx Repaving Streets, Borough of Brooklyn Repaving Streets, Borough ofQueens. Repaving Streets, Borough of Richmond Riverside Park-Preparation of Plans for Improvement of Land

West of Railroad Tracks 59 92 School Building Fund School Building Fund-Construction and Improvement, Borough

of Brooklyn School Building Fund - Interior Construction and Equipment,

Borough of Manhattan School Building Fund - Interior Construction and Equipment,

Borough of Brooklyn School Buildings, Providing Fire Protection, Borough of Man-

hattan school Sites. Borough of Manhattan Water Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx ~A78 49 Water Fund, Borough of Brooklyn 31,577 43 Water Fund, Borough of Queens 365 17

21,971 29

10,004 68

49 6,895 19

50 00

146 85

163 72

I,000 00

298,043 25 9,640 76

364 00 1,495 50

I1,692 02

16,004 25

36353 90


2,163 59

67,109 56

127,939 76 105 00 103 63

125 00

51,138 54 7,502 34 1,557 26


I ,323 48

971 25 673,111 76


13 49 27,007 45

7,848 45

425 00 2,19b 04

8,527 20

25 40

4,102 78

225 01

103 63

213 81

602 97

1,595 86

630 40

612 75 24 00

5.975 00

2,832 30

1,312 50

281 46

125 00

24 00 638 15

288 00

137 50



33 5

r,2 :o

13 :1

2 z;

44 3' 3 03

3 21


2.115 o;

r,Jb2 95 2,472 65

227 84 Sao,

7 is

37 15

40 rh I 25

121 Sr

141 I'

i,o16 ;4

207 1;

79 51

4 2;-

140 53

419 70

4..9 72 4Q 52

,'I 36

2 '0

543 07

6 63 ,

345 8;-

22 64

31 07

36 34

SATURDAY, 11.AI' ('II 5, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2789

11,410 6o

167 74

387 50

872 82

127 02

250 00

843 23

4,292 45

1 ,444 05

241 13

400 00

1,312 11

45 r6

262 50

3, 00

S27 50

7.120 00

1,374 83

8 lc

1,020 50

8 35

760 216 81

1,912 33

2,376 51

3.303 85

6 97


315 00

24 20 2,34567

9S3 33


3,000 00

2,996 39

1.129 85

142 23

321 99

104 20

50 00

1,570 04 1,000 00

493 34 423 01

58i r9

3,59Z 25 390 75 633 75

3,078 90

2,109 20 3,236 96 2,500 00

13 5r 272 50 700 2 17

1,621 33

9,798 69

28 00 223 09

i,oO 36 I w 36 2o

207 19

135 33 6

117 78 113 31

2,335 42 267 33

3,394 i6

147 41 4,86290

199,483 66 41566 5000

640 00 24988 164 6S


.40 87

42668 521 32

38 42 92 50 3 75 Ii 40

45 85

55 70 216 85 10000

305 90 5

569 So

3602 217 13


941 40


5,694 90


9,S03 33

85o 00

18 So

30 53


01,833,184 18

To Water Fund, Borough of Richmond Water Fund, Borough of Brook!~ }•n - Driven Well Stations at

Parkville and flatlands, with Equipment Water Fund, Borough of Brooklyn-Fencing, etc., City Lands Oc-

cupied by Reservoirs etc 1W'ater Fund, Borough oit Brooklyn-New Mains, Evergreen and

Lee Avenues and Forest and Roebling Streets, etc

Water Fund, Borough of Brooklyn-Yew Mains, Bushwick, etc , Avenues and Eastern Parkway

Water Supply, Borough of Brooklyn-high Pressure Service, Coney Island Section

Water Supply System, Borough of Brooklyn-Expenses of Deter-, mining Sites for Wells and Stations

Water Supply System, Borough of Brooklyn-Extension of Dis- tribution for Small Mains

Water Supply System, Borough of Brooklyn - Infiltration Gal- leries from Spring Creek to Bellmore

Water Supply ti yystem, Borough of Brooklyn-Installation of I' ive Additional Water Meters at Pumping Stations.

Water Supply System, Borough of Brooklyn-Land for Addition- al Pipe Conduits, etc., Underground System

Water Supply System, Borough of Brooklyn-New high Pressure Pumping Station, Massapequa Gallery

Water Supply System, Borough of Brook!yn-:dew Trunk Mains for Seventh, 'I'went}-third, Twenty-fifth and 'Twenty-sixth Wards

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity Department of-Erection of Sewage Drsposar Plant, Mount kisco

Redemption of Revenue Bonds and Interest Thereon

Revenue Bond Fund-Board of City Record-Blank Books, etc I Deficiency in Appropriation, Igoq

Revenue Bond Fund-Board of City Record-Printing, Litho- graphing, etc.. Deficiency in Appropriation, rgoq

Revenue Bond Fund - Board of City Record-Stationery, Let- ter Paper, etc., Deficiency in Appropriation, igoq

Revenue Bond Fund-Board of health-Destruction of Mosquito Breeding Areas, igoS and rgog

Revenue Bond Fund - Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, Borough of Brooklyn-Salaries of Additional Help, Fourth Avenue Public Bath, 1909

Revenue Bond Fund-Claims-Damages Revenue Bond Fuud-Claims-Interest on Taxes and Assessments

('aid in Error Revenue Bond Fund-Claims-Miscellaneous Revenue Bond Fund-Claims-Prevailing Rate of Wages. Revenue Bond Fund-Compilation of Arrears of Taxes and As-

sessments Revenue Bond Fund-Department of Finance, Bureau of Assess-

mentsand Arrears-Employment of Additional help on Tax Arrearages

Revenue Bond Fund-,1 )epartment of Public Charities--Deficiency in Appropriation, rgo5

Revenue Bond Fund-Department of Street Cleaning-Removal of Snow and Ice, Borough of Manhattan, 1909 and igio

Revenue Bond Fund-Department of Street Cleaning-Removal of Snow and Ice, Borough of The Bronx, 19og and igio

Revenue Bond Fund-Erection of Suitable Signs Designating the .Names of Streets and Avenues, Borough of Richmond

Revenue Bond Fund-Judgments

Revenue Bond Fund-Payment of County Charges and Expenses Revenue Bond Fund-Public Service Commission, First District,

New York, Expenses of Revenue Bond l und-Purchase of Snow Plows Revenue Bond Fund-Rents, Deficiency in Appropriation, rgoq Revenue Bond Fund-Sewers, Bureau of, Borough of Manhattan

-Cleaning, Equipment, etc Revenue Bond Fund - Unsafe Buildings, Borough of Manhattan,

Sectien 157 of the Building Code Revenue Bond Fund-Water Meter Inspection and Protection, All

Boroughs Revenue Bond Fund-Water Supply, Borough of Richmond-Dis-

tribution and Maintenance, Contingencies, Fines Antitoxin Fund Borough of Brooklyn Croton Water Rents-Refunding Account [)epartment of Education-Maintenance of Training Schools Department of Education-Special High School Fund Excise Taxes, New York County Excise Taxes, Kings County Excise Taxes, Queens County Exempt or Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association, Borough of

Queens .,. Exempt or Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association, Borough of

Richmond Firemen's Association, State of New York Forfeited Recognizances, New York County Fund for Restoring Pavements Fund for Gratuitous Vaccination. General Fund Intestate Estates, New York County Maintenance and Distribution of Water Supply, Borough of

Brooklyn, t9og Maintenance and Distribution of Water Supply, Borough of

Brooklyn, 1910 Maintenance and lmprovementof Public Parks, Brooklyn Heights,

Borough of Brooklyn \ew York and Brooklyn Bridge New York and Brooklyn Bride-Maintenance and Repairs, igio Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of Manhattan Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Manhattan Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of The Bronx Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn, Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Queens Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Richmond Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund, Borough of Manhattan., Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund, Borough of The Bronx Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund, Borough of Brooklyn Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund, Borough of Queens Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund, Borough of Richmond Sheriff's Fees, New York County Street Improvement Fund Unclaimed Salaries and Wages Unsafe Building Fund, Borough of Manhattan \\'allabout Market, Borough of Brooklyn-Expenses for Designs

and Superintending Construction of Buildings Water Meter Fund, Borough of Brooklyn Water Rents, Borough of Brooklyn-Refunding Account Williamsburg Bridge Maintenance Fund

Mayoralty I )epartment of Finance Department of Finance-The Chamberlain Law Department Department of Bridges, General Administration Department of Bridges, Borough of Manhattan Department of Bridges-Maintenance of and Repairs to Bridges

over Newtown Creek .... Department of Bridges, Borough of The Bronx Department of Bridges, Borough of Queens Department of Bridges-Queensboro Bridge. Tenement House Department Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-General Ad-

ministration Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup"

ply, Boronghsof Manhattan and The Bronx Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Borough of Queens )epartment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Borough of Richmond Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Bureau of

Electrical Inspection Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Department of Water upply, Gas and Electricity-Bureau of

Electrical Inspection, Borough of Brooklyn Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Bureau of

Electrical Inspection, Borough of Queens

~I Feb~orr I By Sundry Licenses, Boroughs of Manhat- tan and The Bronx I Oliver

Sundry Licenses, Borough of Brooklyn! Bracken Sundry Licenses, Borough of Queens.. Corbett Sundry Licenses, Borough of Rich-

mond Woelfle Sheriff's Fees. New York County Shea Excise Taxes, Richmond County Nichol Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

Manhattan Frothingham. Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

The Bronx Miller Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

Brooklyn Pounds Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

Queens Todd Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

Richmond Cromwell

Tapping, Borough of Man-, hattan Foster $86 00

Tapping, Borough of The Bronx Lentz

Water Meter Fund, No. 2, Borough of Manhattan Foter. .

Rater Meter Fund No 2, Borough of The Bronx Lentz

Street Incumbrance Fund, Borough of Manhattan Edwards

Forfeited Recognizances, New York County. Whitman

Unclaimed Salaries and Wages Timmerman Sewer Inspection and Repairs, Bor!

ough of Richmond Cromwell Electric Meter Test Deposits Comptroller *'urplus on Sales, Street Incumbrances. Edwards New Water Supply, The City of New

York Buncke Department of Education-Mainte- J New York State Educa-

uance of Trainiio Schools tiuna1 Department ....

Comptroller $2,So7 62 Robinson 75 00 Aitken . 264 00 Foster 391 44 Martin ,.6;7 67 Chamberlain 839 ii Austen Miller Frothingham Gass .... 3.195 27 Cook 2; 00 Timmerman 20 41 Shea Pounds 11 79 Thatcher 16 32 Hobley 275 72 Ehlers go rS Taylor 544 i 2



Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx-

Arrears of Taxes, o898, etc Collector of Assessments. Interest on Taxes, i898, etc Street Improvement Fund-June 15,

18116 Interest on Assessments-Street Im-,

provement Fund

Fund for Street and Park Openings ' Interest on Assessments-Street and

Park Openings Advertising Charges on Sales Charges on Arrears of Taxes Towns of Westchester - Taxes and

Assessments Towns of Westchester-Interest on

Taxes and Assessments Towns of Westchester-Fees, etc

Borough of Brooklyn- Arrears of Taxes, 1897, etc Interest on Taxes, 1897, etc Eighth Ward Improvement Fund,,

Installments Twenty-sixth Ward Main Sewer, In-

stallments Local Improvements, Late Town of

New Utrecht Assessments for Local Improve-

ments, New Lots, Installments....

Sales for Unpaid Assessments, etc ,' Town of Gravesend

Interest on Assessments Redemption Fund, Laws of x885 Arrears of Water Rents, r etc Interest on Water Rents, ~7, etc '

Borough of Queens-Long Island City:

Sales for Arrears of Taxes Interest on Sales for Arrears of Taxes

General Improvement Commis- sion, Installments

Interest on General Improvement Commission, Installments.

General Improvement Commis- sion, Full Payments

Town of Newtown : Arrears of Taxes, 1897, etc Interest on Taxes, 18q7, etc Sales for Arrears of Taxes Interest on Sales for Arrears of Taxes

Charges for Expenses of Sales

1910. Fah. , r

1907. Department of Education - Special School Fund - Borough of


1908. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals Department of Education-General School Fund Department of Education - Special School Fund - Borough of

Brooklyn Department of health-Division of Communicable Diseases Department of Health-Hospitals Department of Health-I.aboratorfes President of the Borough of Brooklyn-Bureau of Public Build-

ings and offices


75 00

Department of Education -General School Fund, 1908

Department of Education - General School Fund, 190-93O

lireFire Department, Borough of Man- hattan-Contingencies, igoq^62I

Bellevue and Allied Ifospitals-Gen- era] Admini,tration, 19io-189

Brooklyn Disciplinary Training School for Boys, 1909-94S

Department of Finance-The Comp- troller, Auditing Bureau, rgo9-28

Department of Finance -'the Comp- troller, Main Division, Igog-2t

Department of Health -- Administra-tion, Borough of Manhattan-Sal- aries and \\ ages, 1909--378

Fire Department - Administration Borough of The Bronx - Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies, 1909-623

Tenement House Department-Divi- sion of New Buiidin:;s, 1909-129

Supreme Court, First Department, 1909-04S

President of the Borough of Manhat-tan-General Administration,Con- tiugencies, 1909-1294 Frothing ham

f )epartment of Education - Special School Fund - Maintenance, Re-pairs and Replacements, Borough of Manhattan, 1909 C ook

Dock Fund Tomkim Proceeds of 3 per cent. Corporate

Stock to Provide Supply of Water. Revenue Bond Fund-Public Service

Conmiission, First District. New, York, Expenses of i

Revenue Bond Fund-llellevue and Allied Hospitals. etc.. R. B. H., 6 B

General Fund, Borough of Queens... Gresser ISo co

General Fund, Borough of Richmond Cromwell r 2c

Fines and Penalties Held ( Conerty ¢r2 coo in 'trust for V'ariou, So- cieties McCabe r co

General Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx

General Fund, Borough of Brooklyn ...,

300 7S8 94

73' 39

47 67

11,020 50

341 50 122 00


7.675 33 20 00

1,52; 2;

433 co

1.000 38

22 co

y;8 ni

161 00

77 20

4 1 >S

197 90

1.148 6;

1.219 73

46 o z cc 55 00

2.130 st

8.-o6 x

Comm'rs sinking; 1- und 2:0

Timiuern an Sc 45


By Borough of Queens-Town of Flushing:

Sales for Arrears of Taxes Interest on Sales for Arrears of

Taxes Notices of Sales for Arrears of

Taxes Town of Jamaica:

Sales for Arrears of Taxes Interest on Sales for Arrears of

Taxes. Village of Jamaica:

Arrears of Taxes, 1897, etc Interest on Taxes, I87, etc Charges for Expenses of Sales

Village of Far Rockaway: Sales for Arrears of Taxes Interest on Sales for Arrears of


Borough of Richmond- State, Town and County Taxes:

Castleton Interest on Taxes


12 i6

21 ;'4

a ; 6 2 :n

4 So' 25

$88 oo

18,x26 5o

7,745 of 1

5,433 81 1,751 70 30959

549 35 34 00

37116 87 78 139 10

rgro. Feb. it


730 73

5,361 40

3,036 86 7300

165 Iq 75,3.0 ro 1,9 433 66

10,215 32

3,58 g5

9.8ioo 2,003 92 2,164 of

11 25

42,510 03

13,748 72 642 21

6~~q3 06 486

Collector of Assessments.

35 797 05 3 33

123 75 16939

1.049 25 7,549 90 474 bS 125 00

4,925 78 47 00 22 6S 4 50

1,447 09 10 50 7 19

3,200 14 14 S

78 98

34 50

472 29 584 65

1 ,947 6o 45 00 r 1 29

286 45 41 24 S to

10 00 901 14 3800

324 00 244 31 176 49

4' 8 158 12 00


4 22 9090 3 15

327 45

6 rr

118 75 2,374 1

I,97b 5~ 22,000 00 2,26848

35 5

2,664 63

576 34 uo 40 249 45 962 47 4

1,877 o4 5,479 73

2,941 S 8,350 84

6 45 5,0

877 70 S 19 35

22,373 20 11,049 35

103 , 88 10,471 or 9,oI 86 9,576 27

2,276 66

43,447 31

2,770 82

8qo 6r

8,561 77

491 66

2,186 89

63 75


4,043 12

6,219 17

6o,o65 44 3024




Fh, rr To Department of Water Sup v, Gas and Electricity-Heat, Light and Power, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Heat, Light and Power Borough of Brooklyn

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Heat, Light and Power, Borough of Queens

Department of Public Charities Department of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals Department of Correction Department of Health-General Administration Department of Health, Borough of Manhattan Department of Health, Borough of The Bronx.... Department of Health, Borough of Brooklyn Department of Health, Borough of Queens Department of Health, Borough of Richmond Department of Health-Division of Milk Inspection, City and

Country Department of Health-Laboratories. Department of Health-Hospitals Department of Health-Special Contract Obligations Police Department Board of Elections. Board of City Record Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Manhattan Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Brooklyn Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of The Bronx Fire Department, Borough of Manhattan Fire Department, Borough of The Bronx Fire Department, Borough of Richmond Fire D?partment, Borough of Brooklyn Fire Department, Borough of Queens Department of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx Department of Parks, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens Department of Education-Special School Fund.. Department of Education-General School Fund College of The City of New York Normal College of The City of New York Brooklyn Disciplinary Training School Commissioners of Accounts Commissioner of Licenses Municipal Civil Service Commission German Hospital, Borough of Brooklyn. Armory Board, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx Five Points House of Industry German Odd Fellows' Home and Orphan Asylum.. Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital St. Joseph's Hospital, New York City Sheltering Arms Nursery. Borough of Brookly- .Ambulances, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens Rents Expenses of the Art Commission School Census Board Municipal Courts, City of New York, Borough of Manhattan

President of the Borough of Manhattan- Bureau of Highways Bureau of Incumbrances Bureau of Sewers Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices Bureau of Buildings

President of the Borough of The Bronx- Bureau of Highways Bureau of Sewers Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices

President of the Borough of Brooklyn- Bureau of Highways. Bureau of Sewers Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices Bureau of Buildings Topographical Bureau

President of the Borough of Queens- Bureau of Highways Bureau of Sewers Bureau of Street Cleaning

President of the Borough of Richmond- General Administration Bureau of Highways Bureau of Sewers Bureau of Street Cleaning Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices Bureau of Buildings

New York County. Board of City Record Sheriff District Attorney Commissioner of Jurors

Kings County. Board of City Record Sheriff Surrogate's Court Commissioner of Records,

Surrogate's Court


Queens County.

Richmond County.

53 50

163 85

1910. Mayoralty-Bureau of Licenses Department of Finance Interest on the City Debt Redemption of the City Debt. Law Department Department of Bridges, General Administration Department of Bridges-Bridges over the Harlem River and in the

Borough of Manhattan f )epartme❑t of Bridges-Bridges over Newtown Creek and in the

Borough of Queens Department of Bridges, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Richmond Department of Bridges, Borough of The Bronx Department of Bridges-Queensboro Bridge. Department of Bridges-Manhattan Bridge Department of Docks and Ferries-Bureau of Engineering Department of Docks and Ferries-Bureau of Superintendence Department of Docks and Ferries-Bureau of Ferries .l, enement House Department Department of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. Department of Correction Department of Health-General Administration Department of Health-Bureau of Records Department of Health-Division of Chief Clerk Department of Health-Division of Child Hygiene Department of Health-Division of Communicable Diseases Department of Health-Division of General Sanitary Inspection Department of Health-Division of Milk Inspection, City and

Country.. Department of Health-Laboratories-Chemical Department of Health-Hospitals-Willard Parker and Recep-

tion Department of health-Hospitals-Riverside Department of Health-Hospitals-Kingston Avenue Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-General Ad-

ministration Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Borough of Brooklyn Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Borough of Queens Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply, Borough of Richmond Department of Water Supply, (;as and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply-High Pressure Fire Service Stations, Administration Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup-

ply-high Pressure Fire Service Stations, Borough of Man- hattan

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Water Sup ply-High Pressure Fire Service Stations, Borough of Brook- ln

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity-Heat, Light and Power, Bureau of Electrical Inspection, Boroughs of Man- hattan and The Bronx

Department of Public Charities-General Administratior Department of Public Charities - Administration, Boroughs of

Manhattan and The Bronx,

1 1910. Feb. ii

$15,304 39

1,257 66

15,132 53


':7,760 o6 027 r1

23,023 30

10,625 37 6,528 02 1,256 71

1,049 98

3.704 67 1,610 46

23,518 67 6,111 97

23,727 51 4,159 34

400 00

40,928 44 74,33' 1 2,93 04 2,487 50

1,292 75 2000

125 00

3,691 74

80 169

00 35

2,500 00 20 00


612 40

$2,438 5o 203 50

4,529 44 1,751 37

Sinking Fund, Brooklyn.

Sinkine Fund. City of New 1'mk.

Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.

5o'04 M, s,..(:5,0;

Sinking Fund for the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Payment of Interest on

Debt. the City Debt.

Sinking Fund, Redemption No. 2.

Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr.

1931,643 40 ' 11,76, X1;3 69


$127.588 98



To Department of Public Charities-Institutions, Boroughs of Man•, hattan and The Bronx

Department of Public Charities-Administration, Boroughs of; Brooklyn and Queens

Department of Public Charities-Institutions, Boroughs of Brook- lyn and Queens

Board of City Record Department of Street Cleaning-General Administration Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Manhattan.. Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Brooklyn Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of The Bronx. Fire Department-General Administration, Boroughs of Manhat-

tan, The Bronx and Richmond Fire Department, Borough of Manhattan Fire Department, Borough of The Bronx Fire Department, Borough of Richmond Fire Department-General Administration, Boroughs of Brooklyn

and Queens. Department of Parks-Park Board, General Administration Department of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx Department of Parks. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens Department of Education-Special School Fund-Maintenance Department of Education-Special School Fund-General Sup-

plies Department of Education-Special School Fund-Fuel Department of Education-General School Fund College of The City of New York. Board of Coroners, Borough of Brooklyn Municipal Civil Service Commission.. Board of Estimate and Apportionment Armory Board, General Administratior Rents Advertising Salaries of General Interpreters, Borough of Brooklyn Expenses of the Art Commission Widows' and Orphans Fund, Volunteer Fire Department, Bor-

ough of Brooklyn Municipal Courts, City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn

1 Igto.

Feb. rr

President of The Borough of Manhattan- General Administration 6,276 65 i Bureau of Engineer of Street Openings 2,173 6t Bureau of Highways 12.315 64 Bureau of Incumbrances .. 1,356 00 Bureau of Sewers 10,351 46 Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices 8.613 76

President of the Borough of The Bronx- Bureau of Highways 6,308 02 Bureau of Sewers 6.440 31 Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices 1,131 00

President of the Borough of Brooklyn-- Bureau of highways. 3,040 6q Division of Incumbrances.. i8r 50 Bureau of Sewers 547 75 Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices 23,747 66 Bureau of Buildings 7 36

}'resident of the Borough of Queens- Bureau of Highways 1,571 33 Bureau of Sewers 3,756 58 Bureau of Street Cleaning 6,841 32 Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices 487 5o Bureau of Buildings 3,516 66

President of the Borough of Richmond- Bureau of Engineering 3,512 33 Bureau of Highways 2,264 So Bureau of Sewers 755 25 Bureau of Street Cleaning 2,928 77 Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices 438 81

New York County. l'ayn~eot „f Rent of Property leased for Public Offices, etc ... 191 67 District Attorney.. 31 6o

Kings County. County Court 2, 10

Queens County. Sheriff Public Administrator

Richmond County. County Cott and Surrogate's Court 212 18

$1,136,386 85

$2,969,571 03 Balance 10,432,532 07

1,274 96 100 00

$13i402,103 to II Q, 4.'1,. ,.

1f111i1JS 11. 111'I IF, (hanil~rr'aii~.

Feb. ii, 1910. By Balance

_1. I. (; v.Li,,vy, Cikkcuj er.

The C,.tnniissioners of the Sinking 1~und of The City of New York in account with Charles H. Hyde, Cliamberlaiii, for and During the \1 cek Fndiiiu l clru; r 11,

1010. lib. 5 By Balances, as per last ac-

count current

Sundry Licenses, Bor-oughs of Manhattan' and The Bronx Oliver $1,678 5o

Sundry Licenses, Bor- ough of Brooklyn Bracken ... 745 50

Sundry Licenses, Bor- ough of Queens Corbett ... 12 00

Sundry Licenses, Bor- ough of Richmond Woelfle.... 2 50


Privileges Aitken Rent " Franchises Street Vaults, Borough

of Manhattan..... Frothingham r,S3S 29 Permits, Borough of The

Bronx Miller $279 44 Permits, Borough of

Brooklyn. Pounds....,. : 00

Rents . Tomkins Interest on City Treasury

Balances. Interest on Deposits

Arrears of Croton Water Rents, City of New York Austen $5,228 48

Arrears of Croton Water' Rents, City of New York Collector Assessments : 2,021 40

Interest on Croton Water Rents, City of New York 260 85

Croton Rents and Penal• ties, Borough of Man- h:}ttan Foster.... 882,732 58

Croton Rents and Penal-ties, Borough of The Bronx Lentz 6,247 32

284 44 85.249 32

13,375 II 740 42

110,410 39

Rents Aitken Tolls Tomkins Privileges , Franchises Ferry Rents, Borough of Manhattan. "

Interest on Deposits

88,979 90 2,116 00

12,066 29 1,28933

379 00

4,813 10

I,965 78

1910. Feb. 5 By Balance, ury Fees, New York County 526.1 r oo

Balance, ury Fees, Kings County. 2;.3; 6 o1 Balance, ury Fees, Queens County +o (,5a z; Balance, ury Fees, Richmond County n.; n +r

$12,178 to

2166 $451 62

$473 28

$4,339 58 90 26 822 26

6,070 to

To Interest Registered



Feb. ii $1,163 8r

16,378 Sc

$17,542 70

BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Receipts for water rents Receipts for penalties on water rents Receipts for permit: to tip mains

$7,225 08 147 65

37 OO - $7,41) 73

2792 THE CITY RECORD. S.1TURf)_AY", AIARCI1 5, 1910.

Sinking Fund for the Redemption the City

Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest on

the City Debt.

Sinking Fund, Redempt on No, 2.

Sinking Fund, Brooklyn.

Sinking Fund. City of New York.

1910. Feb. rr By Court Fees and Fines,

Boroughs of Manhat-tan and The Bronx....

Court Fees and Fines, Boron h of Brooklyn..

Court Fees and Fines, Borough of Queens....

Interest on Deposits..... Prospect Park Improve

meat, Instafinepts.... Prosp€ct Park Improve

ment, Full Payments.. Interest on Prospect Park

Improvement, Install- ments.,

Interest on Deposits

Interest on Deposits....

To Sinking Fund, Redemp tion

Sinking Fund, Interest Sinking Fund, City of

New fork


Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr.

$120,721 II

$i70 00

1,885,904 82

$127,805 38

81,042,053 79 $1,042,053 79 11,886,674 82 $1,886,674 82 $127,805 38 $127,805 3S

[Jr. Cr.

2,4411 7:

,a.00n 0c

c61+,291 42 1,210.25 30

$611,291 42 $6I;,291 42 $L.460,25 ;o (!.4'0,52; ;c


McCabe p568 oo

Kerrigan 92 00

Conerty 4100 yt,6ot oo

Collector Assessn+ents

$489 40


,4 28 977 92

$120 00

1,041,933 79

Cr. Dr. Cr.

$1+6 40

+.4s) 46

Feb. II, 1910. By Balances

$1,041,933 79

11 985,904 82 $127.80i 3S

$611,291 42 ft.2I0,52: ;o

A. J. GALLIGAN, Bookkeeper. CTI.ARLES If. IIYDE, CChamhcrl;+irn.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York in account with Charles H. Hyde, Chamberlain, for and During the \Vicek Ending Fel+ruary 11, 1')li!.

Water Sinking Fund, The City of New York.

Sinking Fund, Sinking Fund, Long Island Sinking Fund, Long Island Sinking Fund, L-ng Islan,I

Water City Si Brook!

City-Redemption of City-Redemption of Cit y'-Redemption of Brooklyn. Revenue Bonds. Fire Bonds. Cater Bonds.

19 10. Feb. By Balances as per last account current

Interest on Deposits Interest on Deposits Interest on Deposits Interest on Deposits Interest on Deposits

Dr. Cr. $37,103 07

62 90

Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. ! Dr

Cr. Dr. Cr. $59,247 6o

$22,786 94

$2.31+ :, $2.~r)5 1;

468 66 3S 5S

3 9


To Balances

$37,165 97 ' f59,7i6 6 $22,825 52

$2 .355 4C


$37,t65 97 $37,i65 97 $59,716 26 $59,716 26

$22,825 52

f22,825 52

52._55 4C,

$2,35; 40 3,:. c. 0 31

Feb. it, 191o. By Balances....

$37,165 97

159,716 26

$22,825 52

$2.35; 40 13o0

A. J. GALLIGAN, Bookkeeper. CII.ARLE's II. IIVI)1:, Ch11111wCain.

DR. The City of New York in account with Charles H. Hyde, Chamberlain, during the week endiuL; Fel,rnar 11, 1911).

To ury Fees, New York County $8,960 00 ury Fees, Kings County 2,062 00 ury Fees, Queens County 141 6o ury Fees, Richmond County I,014 50

Balance, ury Fees, New York County EI7,157 00 Balance, ury Fees, Kings County. 23,314 00 Balance, ury Fees, Queens County 10,820 73 Balance, ury Fees, Richmond County 5,695 60

1910. Feb. +I

56,987 33

569, X65 43

Feb. u, 19ro, By Balance s, ,e,

A. J. G.V.t.IG. 5 Bookkeeper. ('11API .l-S H. Ill I)I, 11+;i~ul~~rl;tin.

The City of New York in account with Charles H. Hyde, Chamberlain, during the week ending 1 ruar% I1, 1')1n,

FebjoI I ' To Witness Fees, New York County Witness Fees, Queens County

Balance, Witness Fees, New York County Balance, Witness Fees, Queens County Balance, Witness Fees, Richmond County

1010. Feb. 5 By Balance, Witness Fees, New York County

Balance, Witness Fees, Queens County Balance, Witness Fees, Richmond County

.4„1,, 2'

,2 ' S22 25

$6,543 38

!'.ii3 3'

Feb. it, 191o. By Balance

}f,.c;o +

A. J. Bookkeeper. 1II:1p,1.5 11. 11V, 1)1?, l ltan+l~cri;+iu.

I)R, The City of New York in account with Charles H. Hyde, Chamberlain, during the week ending Felruary 11, 1910. lr;

A. J. GALI.IG.\N, Bookkeeper.

1910. Feb. 5 By Balance 4n .s~; h a

" II Interest Registered

Feb. n, 1910. By Balance... 1+6.378 ~u

- 11. li !)I~:, t'l+runi,crlain,



Report of Transactions for the Week Ending January 8, 1910.

III compliance with s:cti,m 154$1 of the Grv:ttcr \cn Vork Charter, the Departmrut f Water Supply, Gas and Electricity makes the following report of its transactions

for the week ending January- 8, 191(1:

Public Afoney> Received and 1)cpuoitcd. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN.

Receipts for w,urr rents $60,944 19 Receipts for penalties on water rents 626 73 Receipts for permits to tap mains • . • 100 50 Receipts for repairs, Bureau of Chief I.:ngineer 38 75

Lo)ROl l;Il +il

Rcceit,t for eater r;nt~ Receipts for pettaltir; on water r.n!- Receipts for perruits to tap 111a1l, Receipts for meter setting Receipts for miscell;+neous work

l l(ol+;ll t>1' ++[ 1•.l.\,, Rect:ipts f mater rents Receipts for peualtie< on eater r.nt- Receipts for perrnitS to tap mai+~~

BORu . ;lI OF HICII\ll)NI). Receipts for water rents Receipts fur permits to tap main, Deposited to credit of City to S+tu,-;+ 1-ian l

\Paler tiupply Company $61,710 17

~l.-145 14 43 11 14 5i)

*11,44! 1~ 1') 5(1

34 Y) 4')5 h7

\\'urk I)n n Ptihli.. I.,nnD...

Gay Limps (11 c1>hach Street Lightitte C~mt!r,uiv i--- \ctt' mantle lmp; lighted, 11anh,+tt,+n Mantle lamps relighted, l'Iuiihattan

Report of Transactions for the Week Ending January 15, 1910.

In cI-nll,li:tnr %%111 1 rtiint lial, of t1 , (irca?cr \cw Vurk Charter, !hc Department

, If \lazier Strl)ply, (ia, and I.1Vctririttv mak the f , d1m - ing report of its transactions r Ills trek cndin,v January 15 19111;

l't11,1i \I„ttr\ : Deceived anal D'positcd.

BOROUGH oI M NHL1l''TAN. Icceipt, f, )r niftier rcnl, $71,397 21 Rcce1yl, f r 11rne]l1z oil 'v;1111- r~ilt; 31)6 57 I\cccil ;t' for pirunit, t„ t:tp ntai11' 154 (X) l(.Ccittt, for rcl,uir,, I1urc,tn ,f Chief 1?ngiuccr 235 99

$71,993 77

ItOROrG[I OF TILE BRONX. l(•tIj,i; fi r eta;cr rri,t- $4,564 55

Re elpl; f„r cn:l'Iir. I,rt tv ttcr rent< 145 45

It!•rcil~ , I' perntii> it tap lnaint 87 (X1 $4,797 00

Kl)R0l"I;I[ OF BROOKt.Y\. Rt•ecijt -. Ittt tt:tt, r runt, $21,8664 07

1"ccil,:• f''r pc11a1Iicf "n tit ttcr rcnt< 5

{„t• t,:rmt: t., tap nt; itt< 161 00

crci, . ft >i• nu•tt r cttin 130 90

1 ct•cim filr mi<r.Il:tnc,u 71 17 $22906 (N

l't ecil,t• I tl• t 11(1 rrnt~

Itctilr, fr ct;altiu-•. nn tatter rents

Bl v 11it,

It permit, II I la!) ttnai'1

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND, k,;•ripl f..1 t err rrrn1 hc:Ipi, ftlr l) Tllit, It •:tli 1)I:rm

!)~1,),i:tl t crolit ( , f (Ii '.v Cll:inth,'rlaiii for S!aten bland 1\ -atd' BhpplV C ,lnpal,y

$6.036 72 40 39 7 5(1 — $6,(J8461

$1,113 71) 13 5(1

6 43 $1,133 63


I Mantle lamps relighted, The Bronx Mantle lamps discontinued, :Manhattan Mantle lamps discontinued. The Bronx

tias Lamp-posts (Consolidated Gas Company)- Lamp-posts reset, Manhattan Service pipes retitled. Manhattan Stand pipes refitted, Manhattan

Contracts Entered Into. For furnishing all labor and materials required and constructing and installing two

I~untpiug units, etc., in the pumping station to be erected at Mount Kisco, dated January ti. Contractor, Lortl Construction Connpany. Surety, Massachusetts Bonding and In,rtrance Cnmpanv. Fcli iii ated cost, $3,188,

(•hangvs in the 11',rking I' Jrt'. BOROUGH[ OF M \NHATTAN.

11r1j~li1teri– 1•:rltt:Ir, i W. l{enti>. Depttly Commissioner, at $6,199) per annum, in I~lac,• of M. l'. L.ughntart, reigned; Inhlt L. Pultz, Secretary to Commissioner, at w3,>(X) per annttnt, ion place .,f 1Villiam A. Hawley, resigned; William 1,. Lcnilran, In-,I,ectIur „f Electric Lighting and C, ,n+inctnr>, at $1,200 per annum.

kcsigncd—Michael J. Donnelly, Secretary to Deputy Commissioner. R moved—Gilts Fetes, :Atlt•-intnhile F.ngincntan ; George W. Stead, Marine Engine-

man ; Theodore J. Rcliaknfl'• Telephone Operatfir: Francis P. Leonard, Pilot; 1 Deck -

ll;tntl ; I Stoker. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN.

Kcignncl—Ilcz:tmlcr S. Dennehy Clerk. lhnmv9d-1t illianl Discli. 'I• cicphuoc Operat ,,r: Robert l-. I'crkiii,o n, Stationary

:ny in,, r; Ji,hn S. Howard. In<pec+,'r of S v&r Constrnctimn: Patrick J. Slattery, Ira,Ixr; ,r Uf Pip lf;uin). I'ii„•.:,rtil I Iv lr:tnis; Charles Il. Kelly, Inspector of Pipe I.a viluz. Pipe, aml. Il}\rlrai l : In t%cph It. O iuIir1, Inspector of Pipe Laying, Pipes .11(1 1) Irtnt ,: 11'illi:fnl 1. 5ebrm1acber. lml, if Pipe Laying, Pipes and Hydrants;

1 , "1,n Jltirpltc Ilt<nt•ct , lr cif ]'i1)& I,atirt„ 1'ipt', and hydrants : Bernard C. Tiernan, Inspector of Pipe La)'ing, Pipes and Ilvdrants: 1dward F. Costello, Inspector of Pipe Laying, Pipes and Hydrants: 2 Rricklavers. 3 1lasrnt's helpers, I Cement Worker, 3 ('arpentcrs. 3 Painter<, 1 Well Oriver-, 1 ('anik••r, 1 Oilc;-, I Paver, I Driver, I Cleaner I f(nlolet. 12 Stoker:. 13 L:tlmrcrs.

I )~•cca~cd—1 Catilhcr. 1~ . W. 111'.\11S, I )rI)tl!.V C, mnmissioI1cr.

Books, maps and drawings 128 50 Field instruments and implements 53 92 Heating headquarters 181 75 Hire of horses and wagons 656 0 Rent 1,875 00

\lonthly estimate of amounts (Inc contract~,r< filr work dome under contract borings for Patterson reservoir, fencing at Jerome Park and telephone service

Total expenditures

Liabilitic.. Rent ̀;n25 tit Salaries, Commissioners and employees 11,696 59 Traveling and incidental expenses ?911 97 Extra work, Jerome Park reservoir I 29 25 Iron bridges for New Croton reservoir 80 411 Engraving and printing 73 In Stationery h2 49 Books, maps and drawings 65 4)' Heating headquarters 66 71I Hire of horses and wagons 651I ) ( Drawing materials, etc ; 411

>1,i,7 51 3,~ lollt1ile allioulits of estimates flue cotttracti , r f,,r 1v trk 11, ,11;' imilt'r

(''ii It ract, Croton I al s resertvltir

93,855 53

•1'l tal Ic:IIoliti,s IO7/ 6 ~tl

I hereby certify that the f 4 rt'J.uit7g i ;t li~i"r"rl anil trot • ;il ,.trat nl ;o' ihot of the cXpen(litures and liahilitics of the .lque,luct ( lnntis i ,nt r: IIllrin!, the to tith Ili January, 1911) The said account Icing on tilt in thr (,ffit( if tltc ('l , lnI,trnllrr f 'I'll' City of New York.

I.A1' l V 11'. 11.1LIyl'I', -;ecr t,r,.



6 35 12

1 1 2

$21,527 97

3,)qb3 39

$25,391) 9;

Stated Meeting, Wednesday, January 26, 1910.

\fork Done on Public Lants.

t 'ta, [chips (\V'Ahac1i Strctt Lighting Conlpany)- 1l::ntic lamn< rrl ,itt~tl. 1I:m!i;ttaun 11:1fli1e atit(,' rrlgh:ctl • "I l hc Bronx .11;inllc lamp; t!i>ctm:inued. The Bronx 11,tntk' lamp' tli'cnnlinncd, 11an1iattan

1 i;I, I ('nn,,nlitlatcd (;:1, Cotnpany)- I.a nl, rn ;l reset. \I;1iiIauoi ci.IIlnii: rrlitIe(1, 1[:uthtttan tiI•rricc pipes rclittcd, '.1lanhat1an St;tn(l 1)j))1 t 1. 11:tnhattan

1-_1nti- i&- l,:tntir I \rn V~,rk I'ali'nn ('rmtpamv)- l:n~>Ieu lantn In tt.t :e 1. Ilaihattc'1

A stated ricetillz o! the lrmarh1 of Edncati II `fUt, held g , It \\ wiiic>I;t,,, I;tTt!ItrV 19i0, at 4 o'clock p. rat., at the hall of the Bar). 1':trk as dine ;ln) hifiy-nintli Borough of Manhattan.

Present—Egerton I.. 1V'inthrnp, Jr., I'rc<idcttt, aul till, fAI1mmng, ntcntb r-: Mr. Aldcroftt, Mr. Barrett, I)r. Bruce, Alr. ('ncgrovc. 1[r. C oudert, Mr. (•cntiiv.

Air. DeLanev, Mr. Dresser, \l r. Gillespie, llr. Greene, Mr. IlaIrrnn, Dr. Il:whf. 11r. Holland, 1Ir. Rollick, Mr. Kanzler, Jr.?1 Katzettbcr<t., Miss I.ev-cntritt, Mr. \f: u, 'lr- McCafferty, Dr. McDonald, Mr. McGowan, Mr. McKee, Mr. Mctz, Mr. Meyer, 1)r. Pisani, Mr. Polk, 'Mrs. Int. Airs. Robbins. Mr. Siterm<ut. Mr. :\. Stern, Mr. M. S. Stern, \Ir. C. J. Sullivan, 'l r. J. F. Sullivan, [r. M. T. Sullivan, \Ir. Suydam, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Towns, 111r. 11'lialcn, Mr. \Vibe\•, Mr. 1l"11iEaM•--42.

Also City Superintendent Maxwell. Absent—Mr. Ferris, ;11r. Shiners-2. (Two vacancies.)

Retiring the folimvin- nnmer,l persons >iibmittcl bt- the Cttaml of Rcliretnrnt under date of January 20. 1910, pursuant 9t the provi iins of Sec'tio t 1092 o: viii Revised Charter, as amended su ch retirement to talc effect February 1, 191st, tlhc annuity in each case to he one-half of the salary at date of retirement, mile" th'rt~i provided for by law: and directing the .auditor ,i the Board of hrIoictinn Ill •.tn;tt! , the a'nnunt of ahntut.v to which each of such persns is cntiticll


11ary E. A`w"alsh, Public School 79: appointed Oct, Mt1r 11, 157S: t xpericnrr in \, York City public schools, 31 years, 3Y months.

Jennic Barrington, Public School 40: al>pointel De;cmber 1~, 1,881): cxperRfCc in New York City public schools, 29 years, 1? mnntlhgy.

11lary Byron, Public Schnnl 17; appoijotetl `;cptcnthc•r 28, 18(>`l; es[tritut New York City public schools. 41 Years, 4 ntnntli .

111argaret M. Coakley, Public School 59: api 1111 (1 ianu:uy , 1877; x;tcrit 11 New York City pnhiic schools, 33 years 1 nnohith.

Carrie S. 1lonfort (Princip:tll, Public Sch,t,l 159: :hpp„irrtul ;cltirr1tln•r. l,r experience in New York City public schools, 34 years 5 months; ontsitlr cyperiunc('. I, years 3 months.


Virginia F. Alidtlleton, Public School 12; :tpl,nintel \'trclnlu•r. 1SS5); ~ y;,crit1l, in New York City public Fchools. 25 vears 3 ntnnths.

Mrs. Annie E. Bigelnnv Public Si'hool 25; appointe, l October 1. 1879; cxp,,riu•n~r in New York City public school, 30 years 4 mnnth~.

Walter D. 1\1ieat, Public School 29: appointer) T:ino:try 23, 1895: rs hericm'c ill New York City public scho l~, 15 years: outside cxpericncc, 12 years 5 mwitll,.


Mrs, Annic M. W. McGuire. Public School 103: appointed February 1. 1~711 : t ~ perience in New York City public schools, 4l) vcars.

Abraham H. Fleisher (Special Teacher of Gernt:ut)• Public Schools 4111 ,att,1 27

pointed December 4, 1894: experience in New )', irk City public schonls, 15 ar< I mouth; outside experience. 8 tear: 10 months.

Imogene Marshall, Public School 24: appointed Scpir•mbcr 4. 1876; etittcru, n, i!t New York City public school;. 33 years 5 months.

Retiring the following natnctl person. Solmitled II' the Board of Itinuntent under (late of January 20, 1910, pursuant to section 1092 of the Revised Charter• :t~

I amended, such retircnici t t,, take effect Fehruary 1, 191O, the annuity to Ile aN 1)1 vided by la: andlircctim the Auditor to compltc the amount of the :tllthuity I' which said person is entitled:


Georgia Gatc., Girls' lliuh School; appointed Selrtcnthcr 1. 1336; rxl>rricnck, ill New York City public schools, 23 years 5 morlis; outside ceperience, 7 year, months.

Apportioning the (icnrr:ll School Fttnrl or the vc•;u- 1910, for use a~ 1)a)• elementary xchm„1x, including Model Teachers, substitutes and

other per diem Teachers $17,974,674 113 I)av ]sigh schools• incltiding siil tltutes 2.535,036 22 Training schools for Teachers, including Model Teachers 200,0(1 0l

Vocational schools 57.4)11) llr)

Parental and truant schonls 2)1,164 88

Evening high schools 279.953 06

Evening trade schools 54,467 00

Evening elementary schools 411,786 01) Vacation schtools, plavgronnds, recreation centres and baths 275,0(10 OD General supervision 294,741 63

Special brauclits in ,lay cicIoewary schools 591,376 64

Attendance officers 125,400 0(1

Corporate schools 279,015 00

Lecturers' fees 81,(100 00

$23,130,014 40

24 8


1 1)

4 6

$16,002 62 240 17

2.187 59 149 12 53 (X)

Expenditures. Salaries, Conintissi„ncr and employees [raveling and nc1lenlal expco , faxas nn land

Iran bridges for \cw Cr,t in rrscrviirs Stationery

Recoursing, in the event of the necessity arising of augmenting or supplementing the General School Fund for the year 1910, to such trust funds within the possession of the Board as the Committee on Finance may deem available for the purpose.

Amending subdivision 5 of section 54 of the By-Laws of the Board of Education so as to read as follows:

i1iaiigcs in the 1\'orking Farce. III tROI7t;[I OF MANHATTAN.

.11int,tl---C1; it 1"g1(1. \bauo RxglSto. ;tt $41NNJ per aurmhi. In place of Michael C. I'a1Ohn. oemt'wl,

t'nm„tcIl .IR•I]:tt:l I. .1xcman to Rodman, incrca<c,l t'r„rat $9O0 to $96)) I~rr corm 1.

R,'lLnctl-.!(I\'and I. ut'r\. St - ttit,nary T;tnginvct•.


Ii1cractI-1 l'i1)c!1tt, r. frGnl 13.5(1 to $5 per clay.

l:. W. B1"'Nil1, lgmmy Cmmomissioner.


Amount of Expenditures and liabilities, Month of January, 1910.

Aqueduct ( nntn1ISSIoncris' Office, 1 No. 28(1 1R r~ gad w a r,

\cw 'I tirk, I`chruar_ 2(,, 191O. j

:11,stract of :Imuunt „f cslnditures :III I liabilities of tile Aqueduct Commissioners during the !numb of January, ]910, as required by section 39, chapter 490, Laws of


2794 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, M.\RCll 5, 191+1.

"5. The principal of every school shall transmit to the District Superintendent, at the close of each week, a list of the names of children, if any, between fourteen and sixteen years of age, who, such Principal shall have reason to believe, have left school for the purpose of engaging in any employment. The Principal shall state the name, age, address, and parent's name of each of such children, and note the names of those to whom employment certificates have been issued. If any of such children are legally required to attend evening school, it shall he the duty of the District Superintendent to forward their names and addresses to the appropriate evening school Principals."

Amending subdivision 20 of section 55 of the By-Laws of the Board of Education by inserting, after the second sentence of said subdivision, before the sentence be-ginning "At the end," etc., the following:

"The Principal shall also report to such District Superintendent the names of those children directed to attend evening school who have not been registered or admitted."

Amending Schedule XXIL, appearing in subdit isiuu 21 of section 65, of the of the Board of Education by adding thereto a line reading "Substitutes (recre-ation centres), $1.50 per session," this amendment to be considered as in effect from and after December 1, 1909.

Amending subdivision 38 of ecti,n 116 of the By-Lases of the Board of Educa-tion so as to read as follows:

"38. He shall remove all iuow from sidewalks and gutters adjacent to the school building before 8 o'clock in the morning of every school day on which snow falls; and in all cases within four hours after snow ceases to fall, as provided by the Code of Ordinances of The City of New York, the time hetwcen 9 p. in. and 7 a. m., not being included in said period of four hours: and lie shall remove all snow from all yards, pavements and passages within twenty-four hours after the cessation of any snowstorm. He shall keep fire escapes clear and clean at all tintes."

Atncnrlmn subdivision 35 of section 116 of the By-Laws of the Board if Education, relative to the dirties of a school Janitor, so as to read as follows

"35. He shall have the temperature of all rooms occupied for school purposes at not less than 58 degrees Fahrenheit, at S a, iii, on each school day, and shall main-tain the temperature between 65 and ft<S degrees Fahrenheit throughout such rooms ( with the exception of the gymnasium, in which the temperature shall be maintained between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit) from 9 a. m. until school is dismissed."

Transferring the following named Teachers, at their own request, from the rank ;1n(1 pay of Schedule IV. to the rank and pay of Schedule III., from February 1, 1910:

Approving the action of the Board of Superintendents in transferring the follow-ing named Ter,ciicrs as indicated below, to take effect February 1, 1910:


Front, To. Nance.

District. School. District. School.

Schedule IL(a)- Martha M. Wilson

38 80 4 12

Catherine 1I. Secor

33 36 11 51 Mary K. Murtha

22 5P 21 89

Helen Buzzelle

37 94 22 132 Schedule VI.-

Max \Veizenhoffer

2 211 19 1111' Edward S. Costigan

15 77B 3 34

John F. Hahn

9 38 13 74 L; Ignatz Saymon

6 25 15 7711

Samuel 0. Beskind

19 43Gr 17 83 Joseph D. Kiernan

29 54 16 11$)

John 11. A. Burkhardt

25 4 22 132 \il liam S. Williams

23 9 18 166

Schedule IV.- Theresa Joseph

11 28 7 1,

Schedule III.- Elsie Erdwurm

1 21 1 1

Marion Schlang

3 62G 19 1011, Katherine V. Sheridan

23 37 4 12

M. Edith Richards

17 83 4 12 Marguerite W. Sheldon

19 10 B S 19

\nnie 1I. Walton

8 104 12 27 f Telen D. Lynch

23 1 11 32

Lillian \V. Hillabrand

20 78 21 391' Margaret E. McCullunt

10 26 10 45 P

Celia Ranch

13 74 B 22 40i Julia M. West

2 2B 22 46

Anna 0, Thellusson

1 106 22 4o Jessie De Lamater

9 8 10 48

Martha Schreier

12 135 20 57 Mary C. Whalen

4 147 20 57

Gertrude L. Shannon

11 32R 2(1 57 Etta Wilchinsky

3 75 3 (2Gr

Teresa S. O'Farrell

20 85 7 (4 Margaret M. Patterson

22 46 17 72G

Florentine M. Fuld

15 96G 13 74P Pauline Aaronson

4 12 20 7,8

\ramie Tisch

4 147 20 78 Marie F. Meagher

10 56 14 84

1'Iav P. Manheinier

20 85 21 89 Lena Oppenheimer

20 103 21 (Ail

Clara F. AV'ood

20 103 6 91 Nellie McGovern

16 86 15 96(1

Mary G. Fitzgerald

40 159 2(1 103 Elizabeth \V. Roberts

21 89 22 132

Ellen R. Roche

19 54 22 132 M. Elizabeth Hutchinson

13 183 16 151

L. May McCulloch

15 96G 19 157G Catharine A. Ryan

1 23 15 158

Emily 'Morrison

13 76 ?t) 150 Olivia S. Walters

6 21) 22 169

Helen E. Zoller

2 7 22 1(,9 Etta Mendelson

2 65 G 17 171

Cora F. McIntosh

7 105 15 190 Kindergartners, Schedule IIT.--

Margaret A. Young ..

42 5 11 17 3 34 fi 2(1 Madeline F. Riley 4 147 22 4ri Patrice Casey 3 137 8 ;(I Edith Milne 12 135 18 54 Margaret M. Kidd 23 11 14 84 Emily E. Underwood

3 34 13 117 Isabel G. Donnelly


Name. Cora McIntosh Mildred L. Johnston

District. School. 7 105 38 139

Name, From.

District. School.


District. Se ho nI

Felix hreun(l 9 125 20 Hugo J. Schultz 15 2 2(i Joseph J. Dillon 4 3; 123 25 Henry W. Fox 9 L; John Benedict 20 8

Schedule IV.- Mart C. Quinn 2.1 3') 24 !;

Schedule Ill.- Tcan Metzger 2t 12 Florence E. Neu 2(i 3r) .Antnic 11. Simpson ? ) 7'1 ?t ) Mary I?. Oliver 2(; lit 26 :Anna Scully 23 37 26 Rosamond Edgerton 4h r, 26 Katharine R. Oates ? 177 25 \nn;t F. Alalthv 0 3S 23 NI

(;race A. Swallow 37 '14 '; 33 l~ ranee E. Moulton 2(, 1 , 2o ), France, (;. Conlon k, 13 23 Frtnc< Linkc 2. 3.1 -1 I:ditb M. llaninlond 1' l,urctta H. f3vrnc I ti 25 Rcrtlt;t 11. I.epere ,; ('21; 2;


3') u,


13 32 .;.3 36 42

8 8



Name. Fri iii 1 ,.

I)irict. ti, It l I )i t. Sc h~,

Schedule 1I.(a- I:)bcl 1f. \lcE1bmney '$ Many N. Hawxhttrst 21 1':(lith A. Cooke .3t1 Zillah A. Powers .15

S&Iudulc 11 F.(lward L. Alo)rc 42 1[n>(5 Lewis 0 William 1. Friedman l4 Patrick R. Kinney 25 Frne5t M. Birdsall 28

Sclie(Jule \,- Roc \. t)alt(in 37 Rosemary Rigcrs .15

Schedule TV.- Cora It. Heauno nt )0 Fannie E. 1ln,crip -1~1

('I eacher of the blind t.

Schedule 11 I - T.aur:t F. 1'crinc ,311 C. 1lau(1 Thorne .3 ICI Josephine 11. Powers ,3') Emil • A. Crandall .l( 87 \Vilhclmina Bensen .33 21 l,.lizahcth E. Callahan .33 21 Bertha AI. Tlintermann . 4 22 1' faith Garland .1'( n; Fl,,rcttce F. I)iffcnderfer .35 123 .\nn,i l)unrnc .30 ltr( IP Charlotte F. Mann .32 12° Ida \l. de I:iebre ?,3 21 Elsie M. Peck 0 )(1 Margaret 1L Gargan 3'( lIK) P Vera M. (;r); 4i( 72 I;rac' S. M. Fahlberg 4(I 140 .A(lclaide B. Weeks ,i(i 155 Anna Osman 37 04 Ida Schcuer 12 13 Rosclla Grossman 3') (x. Nina 1. Conradson .33 S,8 Eniily R. Hnlman 28 78 _Agnes 11. Smith -11 7n May B. Brown .10 110 Mary E. AlcCnrmack 32 20 Olga \Veikcrt 0 211 1'.11;t A. 28 1.1 \Tart S. Ilankins I1 .12 Mary (graham 41) 158 Sadie L. Blood .35 145 Clara I1. Stontenburgh 23 43 Marx- A. Cattersnn .34 Clara 1, Kelly .37 1;8 llelcnh '1'. De \Vitt 27 8 Margaret Rehman .11 85 \nn;t F. 1Ic\eely 10 11'

Nettie A1. Tl:,llc 16 Mary I'. Cassidy 3 lane I". Slum, .35 s4 Mice 13. Flinn 40 15') .\nna J. Bri- •ii 35 V( i

Kindergartners. Schedule 1II.- A1icc P. Riley •Pt 84 ) Emma I.. Fischer 44 81 Jessie Southertnn 35 123 Chrv~tie AT. Bryan 34 122


150 (4


't4 71

,- 7 1 ,

58 ;~' 2r

33 ,; t .; l ,- 11 -

a! 8')

7 80


'_7 ,7


.14 11 .18 11i 3o

3') ;

.18 i\ .3, 35




All 4t t III

.38 ,l8 .3' 1 .3' I

.15 3(






15 ;15 1o2


11 c,,


I O 11 23 2r

54 (4

,t ~' -, Si I

8411 84 ( ; So


It '.3 )(~

,I 1 1'

37 3' I

;r .P I 1 r; rI?


It)Rt11 t;1I (,F Ott h:I:NS.

Name. From.

District. Sell 111

I .~.

District. 'III„l II

Name. From.

District. School.


District. School.

Schedule II.(a)- F7orence Bermingham 20

Schedule VI.- William Peyser 9 Herman Kramer 2

57 23 30

125 24 10 213 24 10

Schedule IL(a)- Helen T. Dailey 44 81

Schedule 111.- Catharine E. McKeown 43 27 Mildred L. Johnston 38 139 Annie Welch 43 27 Marian Plish 9 38

43 34

4.3 43 43 43

,33 .31 31 45

SATURI):AV., M.AR(•1I 5, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2795

From. To. Name.


District. School. District. School.

Julia \I. Swaney 42 87 43 49 I'nuna J'. hielle_y 6 79 44 56 Minnie\Vav 44 67 44 68

\nna M. Kane 41 71 41 74

\largarrt J. 3Icf.aren .34 31 44 81


From. To. (_

District. School. District. School.

. c1 -rllt III-

46 3

Iu1i,r Ilnrd 15 96 G

f'rImIin 11( tg1lortfng n:anal ]' aclier> a ndicated helow, to take effect

I,r,iar 1, From Schedule V'I. ter Solle~lule V1 f.

\anrc. I )istric t. `;chrnrl- \amc.

I);itiil I. I.an_• 15 6 B. WilburS. Boyer 2 13'

\la\\\cl I,, 1felli:i- 3 62 (r.

l •t - ph R(mcy 6 21)

1 lberl I .orVmt1b;(lL 3 34

Juhii T. Thorne 24 23 Isi(lore Springer. 39 84B.

John F. Harper 23 1

1.e'm A. Caswell 42 89 •l iii: a \vriri 10 86

1~ r''tn Scheiln)te I \'. to Schedule \. •

District. Scli iol. i Name. District. School.

Name. District. School. Georgia A. De Witt 6 20 Henrietta C. Hobein 1


Anna F. Brady 1

21 Elizabeth H. Murphy. 1


Althea E. Koeller 4

22 B. Ethelyn A. Reed 4

22 P.

Florence R. Lytle 6

25 Minna Ruschin 6


Isabelle E. McDonald 16

30 Harriet Spear 4


Emily Topp. 11

32 Alice L. Hoolan 11


Fedora Zeppler 11

32 Eva L. Atkinson... 3


Frances E. Stockhoff, 9

38 Elsie Kohut. 9


Florence R. Beck 9

38 Anna L. Doherty 9 38 Dorothea I. Jentes.. 21 Clelia Bandini 21 Ethel V. Alfke 8 Margaret M. E. Doherty 3 Anna Richardson 19 Clara L. Stevenson 11 Fanny S. Jacobs 11 Gertrude Stern 11 Mabel F. Stearn 18 Elizabeth E. Thompson 10 May G. Bennett 20 Bertha Beyer 3 Mona Sheridan. 6 Adeliva P. Graupfier 7 Abigail J. Gilmore 7 Diana Abele, 2 65 G. Florence G. Oppenheim 2 65 G. Sylvia 11. Willielni 13 74 B. Katharine ITardiman 13 74 P.

Name. District. School. Dora Furman. 7 105 Cecilia G. Van Schaick 1 106 Malvina Karp. 1 108 Alice C. Davis 4 110 Irene Bloomfield 1 114 Ray Borowsky. 12 116 Edith Hertle 12 116 Gertrude A. Knapp 21 119 Frances Reid 17 121 Mary Chambers. 9 125 Alice M. Roche 9 125 Sibyl H. Manro 9 125 Katharine A. Young 9 125 Caroline Rozsa 12 135 Theresa Brower 12 135 Many E. Coleman 12 135 Gertrude C. Smith 12 135 Imogene B. Bradford 14 141 Jeannette Shimberg. 4 147 Daisy Freudenheim 20 159 Minnie F. Rasch 20 159 Rose Ostroff. 5 160 Rema Binkotsky 5 161 \L Gertrude Rand 20 163 Catharine Al. Collins 20 163 \ones C. Allan 20 163

Helen 1. Veith 29 163 France; C. Fallon. 22 169 Isabel Beck 22 169 Mari e I.. Furbcr 19 170 P. lint 1. Flanagan 17 172 E. Grace McMahon 13 183 Mac F. Lynch 19 184 'lay L. Iiardenbergh 19 184 Margaret G..Kramer 22 186 Eli c F. Adler 7 18811.

I)i~trict. School.

39 B. 39 P. 40 42 43 Gr. 51 51 51 54 56 57 62 G. 63 64 64

Nina G. Goldhacher 23 37

Clara Peck. 40 64 Matilda J. Karnes 36 73 Margaret A. Quill 30 77 1lanri Iliggins 28 142 C alhcrine F. Cas,i~ly- 31) 146 Sara Iltt .;gin~. 44 44

1\in(lergartners, Schedule I11. lnni 1. \Valli; 9 3 1. (_•curie Adams... 3 62 (;r.

flare I.. .Al lt. 16 1(>9 Nat r \V'al;h 4 110 \rllic :1. Dcl.ngr. 19 170G.

I. Ia it f\ttrhlhy 24 II)

I.~,a 11..1n. 26 13

\lry 1. (ltnnin,> brim 24 25

\atnt. I )it rict. School.

16I)a 1, I)t lc 5 4 lnna \. Coors;ry. 22 5

.1' )sephine Plunkett 2 7 \I iriam (;erf 5 13 G. 11a \1. Sill 7 15

l'rno\imc Sh;rnnou 7 15 lnna I.. Gill 4 31

1:tt;t \Vilchin•ky 3 62 Gr. I.i'licr;t L'. \'ieht 17 83 I)clliliin( 11;rnn< 21 91)

It nni l rr 1. 4 110 ~1ai- F. Nishnlson. 22 132 f hUre..a Kator 21) 159

\linnie k. Murphy 19 170 G.

\\Flit I.. Richard;nn 20 5 (l tit k Ch;ivcnl 23 9 \I,tr I. B.hrot1 26 13 \!vy I-. Lhcl 24 20 thmkliuc ( ;riffith 24 23 Hill: 1. Scx,rrmith 24 23

Natur. District. School.

:1ugu•ta Gilmour 24 25 Elizabeth C. Drury 23 30 I•:Ila F. McGlone 26 34 .\da I.. Dellegar 23 37 Esther Lion. 25 42 Orilla :II. Tuthill 25 42 Lilly H. Mead 31 19 :Ailccn Carroll. 30 39 Lucy \I. Brett 32 55 Sadie A. Webber 39 66

flan- Von Brock 28 78 Anna T. Kelly 39 135 hmcline 111. Morand. 38 139 Anna E. Higgins 28 142 Elizabeth Polglase 30 146 Frances I. 1Vhit- 39 150 .` dele Manning 42 17 Mary M. Smith 43 79 .\lava E. F(rssell 45 18

District. School.

Name. District. School.

Vera 1). beating 5 4 Elizabeth :1. 1[cl:r y 3 34 Svl via I I. Goodman 3 34 Matlelaine C. Brady 7 36 \Vilhclmina Boyer 4 88 Beulah I.. Frank 6 91 Clara Sanger. 1 106 Sarli( F. I~. 'l':A niai• 1 130

Namc. District ticlt, I

Frances W. Eilenber:; 24 29 Sara ( )•Connell 24 1 Can,line S. Rapt, 24 2+t 1.-mrt l. Rein 24 20 Edith Searle; 24 23 .Anna Meyer 24 '•t Ethel C. Garrtuer 24 23 Julia F. Duffy. 24 Elizabeth 1. Tolle; 5 Maud :1. Rnstetter 23 9 Elsie Knierim. 23 x)

Irene F. McKeever 23 37

Grace B. 1TcA~rar l . . . 23 .li

\latilda Goldberg 25 4t,t . Joanna McSorley. 25 49 Elizabeth Kuteluii;s 25 - ) Marie A. Foghill 2i 40 Lilian Mansfield 25 42

,Teresa I. Masterson 23 43 1lav Gibson 23 43

Blanche Goldstein 23 43 May A. Sheeran 23 4,1

Genevieve Frost 23 •1.3

1 aric \V. llenc~lirl.. 1 ranee; K. \'ngrl i

I;crrtricc f-Till rii I Hannah Baer I

nc. A. T?iiiii 1 \Iargherita I•:. von Doen-

hoff . I 1 Iathcr Schackno~v itz 2 lnna V. Peyton. 2 ('nra .\. Benton 2 hc•n;i l enthal. 2 Fahrl H. 1.iew_v 9

. \ ma r Nalharr 5 i.(liTC I'. Kramer 15 1nabel I)avo1ow 2 i~lorence Michael, 2 i'1ay E. \lathe vc 2 \l tiic F. Pcrl)eTlte. 2 1l a lI. \\right. 0

1f,ir rrcf .1. l?at•lc•y \la (. \\'al,h I~ ac h~•l .1lbcna \\ .rllinger. (irac( 1. Crystal.. 5 l :>ther I: . 11 alnrne. 11 ( .(lia G, ilanpt 6 Janet C Aronson 6 flvelvrr C. Schneider 6 Harriet A. Pintler 6 leannette F. Ahrens 6 May Johnson (~ ?O Itelle G. Bluestone..... (r 20

1)gTnes F. Willing 6 20 I )w r; \biahaniT. 6 20


4 4

12 12 131' 17 20 20 20

?0 20

2B. 2 B. 2B. 2P. 3 4 6 B. 7 7 7 7 S 8

1 1 1 1 1

l rOnt Schedule III. to schedule IV.

:lppomtiff the iollonin; iiinred pers:)i)s Teachers in the districts designated, sub-wct to subdiV•i~itt 12 of oe(tioi 67 of the 1y-Law in all cases where said subdivision

lirablr, ;~il t)erans to be gned to the schools indicated oppnsite their names, ;tl , iulni nl> t tak( ff(-vt Fehriiary 1, 191O:

BoRr)t'(,rr OF MANT!.ATT.AN.

Schedule VI.

Name. I)istrict. School.I \'ante.

\l:x I.i15ebiti 3 2 B. David Harr. 11'illi;inn 13reckt nr 22 5 Joseph \Viseltier IIarry Cohen 9 8 Charles Kothe 1lnrri< 1,. Bergman 12 18 Nathan E. Buskin. Ilarry Campbell. 19 Israel Nlirskv (;corgcc \V. Pattern. 8 19 1•:dwin F. \\'ilson Joltn C. 0'Brieii 4 22 B. Irving Ravett Ic b Cohen 6 25 David Segal Ir;t (;r-iibir 1(i 30 Doimiuic P. Hunt

Schedule III•

ante. Disiriot. School. Nance.

District. School.

11 32

3 34

21 39 B. 19 43 Gr.

15 77 B.

17 83

21 89 9 125

19 184

.\nrna Lamport 13 74 P. Rose F. Carroll 3 75 Il. Janet Scott 3 75 Sarah Glaseroff 3 75 Rachel Hirschcofl. 3 75 Rose Frank. 15 77 B. Minnie Flaum. 6 79 Eleanor Sandison 17 83

Edith Lowe 17 83 .Anna Newnan. 17 83 Edna Q. Simon 20 85 Margaret B. McCreary 20 85 Eisa M. Chafee 16 86 Amelia T. Fitzgerald 4 88 Marie C. Keith 21 89 Gertrude C. Bradley 21 89 Edna E. Hirschbach. 21 89 flan- A. Murphy 21 89

lnlia Shankland 21 90 Caroline Fischer 21 90 Tennis L. Holahan. 21 90 Margaret Al. Shields 6 91 Mind D. Kivlen 3 92 Julia V. Buggy 18 93 R. Miriam Wolff 14 94 \lice M. Hunt 15 96G.

Theresa :Metier. 15 96 G. Blanche V. F. Tyler 15 96G. Inlianrra B. Cluin 4 98 Ruth B. Hawes 4 98 Ray I-ecy. 4 98

Mollie Brody 20 103 Margaret A. Lawler 7 105

Name. T)istrict. School.

Elsie A. Griess, 23 Alta )l. Lowrie 24 .\gmcs C. Murray 24 Amelia Epstein. 25 Sarah 1.. 1.vttle 25 Hilda v- un 1-iartmautn 25 Elizabeth J. Shie1; 26 Pauline Weber 23 Madeline M. Inder;t. 23 Minnie L. Davis 26 Anna Burnett 26 Evelyn M. Henry. 26 Abaga'l Flaherty.. 23 Elizabeth S. Botty 23 Katherine I. MacDonald 23 Rub' • Crohn 23 Anna Mahnken 26 Nellie L. Davis 26 Helena M. McGovern 26 Cora 11. Brown 26 Mabel Hughes 226 Bella Greenbaum. 23 Rose Branca 26

30 31 31 32 34 34 34 34

15 30

37 18

2 3 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 4 6 8 9 9

15 15

Lawrence \Veisman 31 17

G. Alvin Grover 29 44 Harry Kornfelil.. 28 58 Morris Weissman 36 73 Kelly, Jr 28 78

Name. District.

Hilda H. AVeil 27 Mary Redmayne '-9 Laura De Martitil 28 Mildred B. Rvall 27 Adeline Trapp 31 Susan McQuade 31 Eleanor M. Moorhead 34 Elsie M. Perry 35 Mary B. McElearney. 34 Madeline \V. Smith 28 Josephine G. O'Brien 31 Winifred J. Palmer. 33 Edna G. Reilly 33 Theodora L. Titus 30 Marion I. Weeks 28 May H. Schweikart 31

Name. I)i,lricl. Scbl_

Mac C. Breen. 12 13 Kathnvn M. \\'illiam;. 3 137 Glad s Ware 4 147 'hhckla Birnhaunt 20 163 :\. Hope Robertson 20 163 F.ilt•en Dw3 Cr. 17 1681'. lntnn I:. Tale r ; 1~8 (

I'nI.-ailed Cl:t;: (With I nn)• 5htluie 111.

\amc. I1i[nia '1i. .l

I:dilh K. \Irt.\rthnr 7 1~

R()ROUGII OF THI: Riln' \.

Schedule CI.

Name. I )i;trict. School. Manic.

1lestuuler I ullaclt l: 23 1 Ch;rrics (ila.scr Joseph H- l;kowit? 24 3 G. \Million( 1. Il(llc•r 11'illiam lan,en. 23 9

I)iktric . tiCli I. 24 25

Schedule III,


kindergartners, Sclic ulr ! II.

Name. District. School. Nance. District. Sch I.

Viola M. lIaff 25 11 .Adelaide :1. Seaman 24 3Q

Isabel F. Curry 23 27


Schedule VI.

Name. District. School. Namc. District. Sclt il.

Charles Michel 39 84 B. Eiigciie A. Colligan 39 84 B.

Raphael C. Dooley 29 93 \VMl1:tiit W. Davi<< i. 41) 1.19

Schedule Ill.

School. Nance. District. Scheel.

1 Jennie D. Wrigley 37 94

3 Rose \lcEnta,gart 37 104

13 France; F. W. Bishop 36 106

15 1 sabella Graham.. 39 109 B.

19 Adele R. Markey 39 114

19 Tcnnir R. Bradley 39 115

22 Bernice M. Bradley 39 115

24 Anita L. Camps 36 116

31 Mare J. Ziadi 37 118

32 E, Maude Thoubboron 30 124

33 Emma P. McClellan 39 125

36 Anna M. Rodgers 34 126

36 Sophie Pina 37 131

39 Bessie Schuman 37 131

46 Rose F. Clark 39 135

50 i Ftha T. Anderson 37 136


Julia F. Baker 31 Florence M. Kerrigan 34 1,fary A. Walsh 35 Mary J. Cusack 35 Mary E. \Varner 35 Jennie Weinberg 29 (;race S. Putnam 40 .Alice Hartich 40 Marjorie 0. Pierce 40 .\[argaret E. Cameron 40 M. Genevieve Magee 39 Florence M. Cook 40 Louise Townsend 40 Mary B. Farquhar. 36 Anna R. Ulzheimer. 40 Miriam H. Greenebaum 38 11. Louise Kavanaugh 39 II enrietta Graeser 39 Ina M. Vosburgh 39 1?dythe Illake-Lobo 39 Anna F. Al. Darmstadt 39 I) cilia J. Pecht 39 :\guile A. Davison 39 1•ather R. Goldberg 39 Alice E. Skinner 39 l{elen J. Shaw 39 Cecilia A. Bailey :\rnv T. Frieman. 35 .Adelaidc B. Conley 35 Adele G. McLaughlin 35 Madeline McNcvin • 35

Ilea R, Streetnn 3(, \[attic R. ]?bncr 33 .\laud F. Conner 33 Charlotte M. Campbell 33 \larie (.. Nettle 38 Leila E. Blair 37 'Marie Young 37 ('lelia Balacs1 37

Iilda 11. l)urnb;tr 37 ('Ltrin(l t Stan. 37

Nance. District. School.

86 Kti 87

88 `{

89 94 94 94 9.4


83 84 B. 84 B. 44 B. 84 B. 84 B. 8413. 84 B. 84 G. 8I G.

86 80

64 64 65 66 72 72 73 76 KU

50 51 53 53 53 54 64

Name. Mabel M. Nieman May L. Connard Lillian V. Moore Margie R. Shuman Florence W. Peers Ellen L. Flynn. Alice M. Wagner Bessie R. Guion Claudia A. Wilson Florence P. Thompson.... Olive G. Johnson Sarah E. Campbell Veronica M. McCarthy... Jean V. McNeal Marjorie Roberts. Alma \V. Campbell Anna L. Foote. \Vilhelotina Kaoieekn Mary V. Northrop A. Pearl McClellan Ella G. Stewart Salome M. Easton Sarah B. McGlone \Vinnie 1). Bowles .\goes Cnnaty Bertha Feldman. I lenrietta E. Hammack.. Bertha Ilenkel Mary C, Bradder Louie }f. Ford Susan E. Stevens ',. fennette Lehman Lillian Grant Rose Murphey Ilelen E. Nelkc ;Myrtle F. Lonny Mabel 11. Stu vesant Leila Sisty. Josephine T. Tobin Flora F. Schmitt

District. School. 39 144 39 144 39 144

35 145

30 l4 146

32 148 32 148 40 149 40 149 40 149

36 151

36 151

36 151 38 152 38 153

36 155

36 155

39 156 B.

39 156B.

39 156 B.

39 156 B.

39 156 B.

39 156 B. 29 157 40 158 40 158

40 158 40 159 40 159 40 159

37 16(1 37 160

35 1012

35 162

35 162 35 162 35 162

35 162 37 163

1\iIuk rgartners, Sehiedlule 11 I.

Drawing—Lottie B. Turner. Physical Training—M. Lucile Adams, Anna M. Higbee, Edith H. Fariiho ii Shopwork—Joseph A. Ryan, Frederick E. Dixc,n. Assigning William Jansen to as;i t the Shoptvxrk Teacher in the ct t Hint; ' si m

of Public School 12O, Borough of Manhattan, in accordance with acti, tn t;tkrl by the lloaard of Education on October 27, 191)9 (sec Journal, page 1847), with c +np.•n,ali_(m ;Il the rate of $1.75 pr session.

Approving the action of the Local School Br,ard of District No 25 in e~t+ueruiu_ Louis :AJargon, a Teacher in Public Sclto,l 41), The Cronx, in the matter of ch,lrtge: ' hating the by-laws of the Board of Education in prollibiting corporal pnni'iinttnt.

.Appointing the following named person: to the positions for which tht•N Ii;l c l't•tn respectively nominated in the Brn,,klvn 'raining; School for Teacher, to ta,kt ,•tft•,•t February 1, 1910:

Chester A. \lathewson, Assistant Teacher: subject, nature stu,lp. Frances F. Clarke, Assistant Teacher; subject, English. l.rphe N. Kingsley, Assistant Teacher: subject, freehand drawing. Rose A. Taaffe, .Assistant Teacher; sul,ject, history of education. Emilie I.. Platt (subject to her ohtatnfrg the necessary license), \I hl T'l;,ch,•r. ('harlotte E. Barnum, Critic Teacher. Promoting the following named persons from the rank of Junior To;iLIyr t I that

of .Sts,ist,,ut Teacher in the High Schools de;lg11atCd. to lake effect 1elhrn ti 1, 1''lu. Jo<eplt J. (;nllouil,: subject, I:rtg'islt: l) \Stitt Clintrnt high Schol. 11artha Thompson: snhject, liir ,!ng} : 1.rastnu; Ila!l 11i h Soh t+1. \line \I Rae: subject, ]liology: (;Irl.' high Scll,,wl.

Harold A. Iloilt ; suhj''ct, Chtnj>tr, ; maimal Training high Slid. \I';Iran L. flu<~c•ll; subject, LatilI: \L,nu:tI ('raining I6gb Seh t 1.

.Ap1~loting tbl' ftdllf)µ'ing nalitc,l as fir,t I ti t •JA , 'lic!- [l+l! ill the hill ;Cllnfls ,lesignated, 1, ) take effect J'e1,oil;ir% 1. 1t)1,, :

BOR(Stt'EI I OF 1t .\N I I.ITT - \N. Coleman 1). l'nlnk ; subject, iu 4lcrn 1.ing1l.J•gr I V rcnrli l : I )r\1 iit l limo I li;;li

School. Chart; 1':. l'inioierinan; subject, phic;il ,rinr

Ili 11 School. \;ionic G. JPJnek«vcdl; subject, 111' It rn ',;Ingnage ; \1'.J ,llingt''ii lrt ink I i ll St ll• 1


Benjamin (,rnenbrrg: subject, binl~tg gal >ci:•nc+•: t ommIt ref:il I li b ti t h I. Fhi nias (. I r'L k; su)ject, 1i,tary Mllll cl\"ll,; (..'otllnlcrci:ll I Ii ll St'lll.


Vbcrt (i. Beldin : subject, conlntercial 1Iru1cllc•; F,tr l I h tiI.,....1.

l)llv'i;, ) ; I)A\ itt t lin n

\alit. District. School. Name. Winifred L. Grcclk11 28 6

:lice J. Tlnhhcll

Ethel J. Warner. .. 27 7

l,a a A. Fowkes I{clen L. Quinlan... 35 52

Alice A. 1IcGivncy

Sarah Al. Alorrjs .. 33 49

Mildred H. Ross ()ra M. Nutt 3(1 (><1

Margaret Connor

Fntily W. I..'nkles 39 8-1 G. (;race R. Pneuntan

L')Rnl'(;lI OII fl('fh.NS.

Schedule VI.

District. School. I Name. District. School.

41 83 ( Charles 7'. Trace

44 88

Schedule III.

Name. District. School, Nance. District. School

Florence I.. AWeeks. 42 11 .Adelaide Eisele 43

49 Josephine L. Fay 43 23 Henrietta Bischoff. 41


,\Stan• Reilly. 43 26 Christina A. Hefner. 41

83 Grace A. Hulse 43 27 Hannorali L. Smith 42


Mabel :\. Sandaver 43 27 Mildred Furman 41


M. Jane Corney 43 32 Augusta V. Slnitltwick.... 42

87 lichen C. Kcatiug... 43 37 Helen L. Tice 44


May C. McAdam 44 39 Augusta 1.. Jeiikins 42

89 1':dna F. Davis 44 44 Lucetta J. :Allen 42


Beatrice Christadoro. 44 46

Kindergartners, Schedule III.

Name. District. School, Name. District. School.

Katharine M. Sing 42 7 Dorothv R. Gilroy 44 8!


Schedule III.

Name. District. School. Name. District. School.

Louise Green 46 1 Emilie A. Mayer 46

15 Helen L. Scharf 46 4 Clarice A. Kuenemund.... 45

16 17 Alice L. Wood 46 4 Katharine Fetherston. 45 21 Minnie M. Milem 46 6 Elizabeth O'Sullivan 45 24 Ftta G. Connolly 46 13 Ella B. Turner 45

Kindergartners, Schedule 111.

I\ ante. District. School. Name. District. School.

l rances I.. Ilake 46 1 S. I{ihlegarde '['a3lur. 46 4

schools indicated opposite their names, the appointments to take effect February tricts designated, said persons to be assigned by the Board of Superintendents to the

Appointing the following named persons as assistants to Principals in the dis•

1, 1910: Schedule II. (a),

Name. District. School. Name. District. School.

Margaret P. Rae 4 12 Sylvia Irving 6 20 Rose M. Bohan 14 69

Selena Hudson 37 94

Gertrude E. Tracy 39 84 B. Lucille Nicoll 39 84 G.

Mary F. \ and 6 91

Amy L. Hobbs. 36 106 Mary F. Boner 2O 163

Maria \IcC. Morrow 34 126 Annie E. Tracey 39 156 B. Mary G. Hickey 31 19 Florence L. Hughes r 29 157 Irene M. Cullen 33 43

Lily C. Y. Lever 38 80

:Appointing the tollm%lng named perot s as .A'listants to Principals in the districts ,lesignated, said persul,s to be assigned by the hoard of Superintendents to the schools i'ulicatcd ,}pposlte their motes, the appointments to takr ('tTect l"ebruary 1, 1910:

Schedule I1.(b).

Name. District. School. Name. District. School.

Frederick F. Crooker 23 9 John Lieberman 24 10

:\k)pointing ,\nna Hynson Morris and Sophie A Moeller as Teachers of Cooking for the E1enLcHtary Schools of The City of New York, their appointments to be consid-(,red as in effect from January 17, 1910.

Appointing th, following named persons as Teachers of the special branches indi-cated for the elmentary schools of The City of New York, their appointments to take February I, 1910:

Cooking—\ ellie M. Sargent, Helen Harrison, Mary N. Wood, Carrie B. Runyon, 1'i la I I. Campbell, Ethel L. Annis, Eleanor L. Banaher, Winona M. Eilbeck.


l'lorcc( 1). ShtfJhCT(I; subject, nf1.drni ;; Cm- ?i< high S,h 1.

.Appruving the action of the I{oard if Snp~rintrn,lent; in Ir,,li~ftrri+l,, :1.1, i~~!Ittt ink named I'cacbhw; as indicated, to take• eft t Kdirn;, ry 1, )Allis

Fannie A. )dorrissey, Assistant I'eacl r; ttljc;t r nlnttnial l rinb, tnml Curtis High School to Jamaica 11igh School.

Judith Bernays, Jr., Teacher; .ullject, German, from lr:t ,iiio, all I li~Ii Scli,I- ! 1 \\'ashington Irving High School.

Ni. lloritz Greditz('r, Assistant Tc.icM•r; ;nLjeet, (;,rn:t I' fn in l v Iliil SII,~I to A1nrrls High School.

Clyde R. Jeffords, Assistant Teacher; ubjcct, L, tin, loan ):;i tern I )itrl, i I li, School to Boy' high School.

appointing the following named per:nn; t'+ ill(' pusi;iI.ns f r wUlc11 t!lcv Iola been respectivelynominated in the bight 'hools ,lc;ign;tl, t'' t;lk, t tt,-rt I l ru;tr 1, 1910:

Iliglt Scho 1 ttf Commerce.

Sicl,c 1. Kool)tttall, Assistant ll':I~•ht'r: suhii ct, c~inllllcrcl;ll olilti . (,c l' !I \'an I utl, .\ssistant Teacher; subject, cnntnitrcial il,ject;. .\lfrtd 1 I. \'. Jtrvim; w Assts( ant 'Feaclier; subject. cconomic . .Alfred (;. Vi,niamJ, A,sl,,ant "1u:chlcr: subject. French, Herbert C. Skinner, Juni, +r "Dc;lehtcg: nl)jed. llcngh. IIlrl I lanch. .\ssistant 'leacher; subject, (crntan.

DeWitt Clint , )n Ilit;h Sch I.

John 1). McCarthy. Junior Teacher: subject, hi logy. (;uau\ I.. 1li•l. n r, Junior 'Itac}ter; subject, chemistry. Alfred llcn:hintl, :\o istant 'leacher; subject, French. Ilerniann A. Huschek, Assistant Teacher; ulocct, German. \lie]Ji,el 11. I.ucev, .\ssist ant Teacher; subject, history. Jlichacl Solomon, Junior Tc;ichcr; <nhjcct, Latin. Frank PickeIsky, Assistant Teacher: suhj1cl, mathematics. Ramon (1hanl!~crlaill, Assistant Teacher; subject, physics. Philip H. Bro;tdhnr<t, Jnni,,r 'I eacher: <vbiec~, chemist re.

Stuyvesant 11 i;}t School.

\Vi1liain C. Stadie, Junior Teacher; subject, cltemistrt•. I.e i; 11 Jaiic_t, \„i.t ant 'l eacher; subject, mechanical clrawinut. Chrititopher R. St,ll+lrIn, Teacher: subject, English. George I. Baker, Assistant 'Teacher: .object, (;erul,lu. Clarence L. Staples, Assistant Teacher; nhject, Latin. I{enry F. Nlchrtem, .A~sist;ul; Teacher; subject, joinery. Richard \1.:Andretvs, .Assistant 'leacher; ;nhject, mathht• matics. 'l hontas C. Cheney, Assistant Teacher: subject, mathcntatics. 1t arren ('. Hubert, Junior Teacher; subject, mathentatics. George E, Cole}, Junior Teacher: subject, physical training.

Wadleigh high School.

Tics<ic K. \Iarsli, Assistant 'Teacher: nhject, physical training.

Washington Irving {Iigh Scho d.

Nina (;. (Idb;icher, Assistant 'teacher; subject, elocutitm. D.+Jyth 11. 1 n:A1, Junior Teacher: subject, English. Alice C. 11'hite, .Ac istattt l'cacht•r; >nlc, •;ng raph and t)petvritin.. \1. Alice . 1ecttm, Assistant 'l•caclirr: ;nlficrt, c nllrn rt i:,l branchc;. .Aon;l I. Strickland, :As.istant Teacher; soyjeci. pllt ,i~;al (raining.

Morris Ili;h School.

lichen \I. Story, Assistant Teacher: subject, cooking. Jenfo 1•..\mts, .\s itan Teacher; subject, freehand drawing. Clayton C. Kohl, :\ssistant 'leacher; subject. historv. Richard \Webster, Assistant Teacher; subject, Latin. John 11. Schrntmine•ffel. Laboratory Assistant.

Boys' I1jgh School.

Tallies G. (filler, Junior Teacher: subject, frethand draa-ing. .A}c, x:oI(1yr Roucker,

German. Harold G. Campbell, Assistant Teacher:~,uhiect, history. .AIfrcd N. Tansk, .\s;istant Teacher: subject, English. Lewis G. Reynolds, .\ssist,int Teacher; subject,

Junior Teacher: subject, German.

Eastern District I high School.

Mare C. Manahan. Assistant Teacher: subject. freehand drawing. Emilia A. Balbin, junior 'Teacher; subject, French. Claude W. Klock, Assistant Teacher; sub-ject. Latin. Elizabeth E. Pike, Library Assistant. Michael Rosmarin, Assistant Teacher: subject, stenography and tvpetcriting. Ilcicn M. \IcKin;tn, Aq;i~tant Teacher ; subject, physical training.

Girls' High School.

Beatrice A. 1iri!ry, J:•,ni, .r Eva A. Acker, Assistant Teacher; subject, elocution. Teacher; subject, physics.

Manual Training high School.

Oscar R. Foster, Junior Teacher; subject, chemistry. Gunhild E. Tiberg, Cleri- cal Assistant. Joseph A. Keenan, Assistant Teacher; subject, mechanical drawing. Frederick \V. Oswald, Jr., Assistant Teacher: subject, German. John J. 51cDonald, Junior ' reacher; subject, Latin. Charles F. Phipps, Assistant Teacher; subject, physics. Florence Green, Assistant Teacher; subject, sewing and dressmaking. Agog: \I'. \Nilson Assistant 'Teacher; subject, phyical training.

District. Sch ii ii.

37 111 37 112 34 122 35 123 32 1.8 35 162

Name. I.ene l ct FoX.


Lccning School 2-Foreign, llerulan 1Vulf (vice Lester 1. ]trietlnlan, transferred t T:vciiiug High School) ; Albert V. Blunt (transferred frrnn I'.vcning School 83, Man-

r,lllan, %ice C. 1I. Rattier, resigned). Evening School 13--1"oreign, Lilian Ilellin (vice Anna B. Schulman, resigned). i,vcning School 21-Foreign, Bennett M. Blumenthal. 1':vening School 65-hnreign, Charles Model (vice Felix Freund, resigned). Eve11i11g Schuul 72-Stenography, Katherine Colter (vice Caroline A. Johnston, re-

,i. ned). Evening School 79-l:nglish, 1Villiaul E. ,Breuer (vice T. J. Charles, who did not

rrport). Rvening School 89-Fngli,h, Clarice J. Smith. Evening School 93-1)rrsnaking, Caroline M. •lrbus (vice Lili:ul M. Fay, re-

.igned), Evening School 109-1oreign, Isidore Koplowitz (transferred from Evening School

hl Manhattan, rice II. S. Locwther, resigned),


Evening School 13-1t,reign, Jacob Pilfer. Evening School 34-English, Joseph E. Eberley (transferred from Evening School

1(t, Manhattan). BOROUGhI OF BROOKLYN.

Evening School 2-Embroidery, Edith L. Bang. Evening School 5-Embroidery, Clara Ehel. l:vening School U3-Mechanical drawing, Charles Teluperley.

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Evening School 59-Bookkeeping, Abraham Jablow. Evening School 79-Stenography, Edith U. Ellis. Evening School 67-1lillincny, .1nna II. Wallace; mechanical drawing, Edward A.

Osse. Evening School 88--English, Mary C. McDonough (transferred from Evening

School 18, Brooklyn). Appoipting the following nailed persons for service in the evening schools indi-

cated below, for the season of 1909-1910, or for such part thereof as may be deemed necessary, subject to the By-Laws of the Board of Education, to take effect upon as- -ignment to duty: .

Long Island City Evening High and Trade School Architectural drawing, John

(J. Greene, Jr. Eastern EveningHigh School-Bookkeeping, William Meehan. Giving, in accordance with a recommendation submitted by the Supervisor of Lee-

111res, public lectures in Public School 12, Borough of Richmond, and in the lecture r,lonl of the M ,ravian Church, Great Kills, Borough of Richmond, provided the Com-inissi)ners of the Sinking Fund authorize the rental of said lecture room for the pur-pose, and provided the building is reported by the hire Department to be suitably equipped.

Requesting the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize the hiring of the lecture room in the Moravian Church, located on Hillside avenue, Great Kills, Bor-(:ugh of Richmond, for lecture purposes during the current season, at a rental of $5 rer night, to include light, heat and janitor service, and to authorize the Comptroller to pay the rental of the same without the necessity of entering into a lease therefor.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Care of Buildings in fining "fhonlas Lenahau, Janitor of Public School 52, Borough of Brooklyn, thirty days' pay, ,aid thirty days to include the period of his suspension, and in restoring him to duty on January 24, 1910.

Requesting the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to transfer the sum of t veiity tllnttsand dollars ($?O,1)(1(1) froln the General School Fund for the year 1909, No. 930, which fund is ill excess of its requirements, to the item contained within the Special School Fund for the year 1909 entitled Maintenance (No. 865), Compensation of allitors, which item is insufficient for its purposes.

Approving and ratifying the action of the President on January 22, 1910, in re-questing the l~t,artl of Estimate and Apportionment to approve the transfer of the tinnl of $120 within the Special School Fund for the year 1910 from Item 991, New York Parental School, to Item 989, Manhattan Truant School.

Appropriating the suns of sixty-three dollars ($63) from bond issue authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment March 19 and 26, 1909, School Building I'und, Interior Construction and Equipment, C-DE-71A, Subtitle No. 7, Borough of (2uee11s ; said suns to be applied. ill payment of a bill incurred with the Superintendent (If State Prisons by the Committee on Buildings for grates for Public School 87. liorottgh of Queens, as follo s: '1•o Sets old Pattern Stationary Grates, 3 -inch air space, 48 inches by 42 inches, 14

square feet each- I set installed, at $2.50 per square foot $35 00 I set stored, at $2 per square foot 28 00

$6300 -requisition for said stlnl being hereby made upon the Comptroller.


Erasmus Hall Ifigll School.

Franklin C. McGill, Assistant Teacher. subject, Latin MIaudk M. Cunningham, Assistant Teacher; subject, history. 1lelen Gavin, Junior Teacher; suhiect, biology. 1\'inifred S. Allen, :1s~istant Teacher; subject, Latin.

Commercial Iligh School.

Samuel \t'eiser, Cltrical Assistant. \Villiarn I]. Duncan, Jr., Library Assistant. Emil I rostler, Junior Teacher; subject, freehand drawing. Ellery C. Polk, Assist-ant Teacher; subject, history. R. Archibald Jelliffe, Assistant Teacher; subject, I:nglisll. John K. Lynch, Assistant Teacher; subject, German.

Bryant high School.

Mary Van Lecuwen, Clerical Assistant. Elisha M. Friedman, Lalloratory Assist-ant. Anita Lopez, ,Assistant Teacher; subject, Spanish.

Far Rockaway High School.

Jane F. Hcrenden, Assistant Teacher; subject, English.

Flushing High School.

Margaret A. Klein, Assistant Teacher; subject, elocution. Annie Ross, Assistant Teacher; subject, French. May T. Palmer, Assistant Teacher; subject, mathematics.

Jamaica Iligh School.

Alfred H. «Vc(Ige, Assistant Teacher; subject, Latin.

Newtown High School.

;Arthur F. Bonk, Assistant Teacher; subject, commercial branches. Jennie D. Jamieson, Assistant T eacher; subject, cooking. Frank F. Woodruff, ;Assistant Teacher;

subject, mathematics. Appointing the fo m llowing named persons to the positions for which they have

been respectively lnonlillated in the evening recreation centres for the setrson of 1909-191(1, or for such portion thereof as may be deemed necessary, their appointments taking effect upon assignment to duty by the City Superintendent of Schools, and their services to continue for such time as the Same may he regtttircd:

Teachers of Physical Training.

tianntel (;rHhc1d, Lawrence «Vcissmaii, 1 l~vard .' Keyes, ltazn'cll F. Litttvin,

I. ui 1'. S. Seiia:, Theodore E. Larson.

I eachers for Study Ronnls.

john L. Ile itt, Carroll P. Miner, Ephraim 11~einstcin, Frederick M. Johnston,

faints 1':. O'1 )on nell, Abrahian 1Morris, Samuel Katz.


Catherine C. Lawler. Appointing the following named persons to the positions for which they have been

rc>pectiveiy iur1ii;ited in the evening elementary schools for the season of 1909-1910,

sIL- for such part thereof as may be deemed necessary, subject to the By-Laws of the

igbord of 1?(lneali011, to take effect upon assignment to duty:

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Buildings in dispensing with the services of the following named employees at the close of business on Januar\ 22, 1910, for the reason that funds are inadequate for the payment of their s.ilaries:

Alton A. Cnstunla, \n. 24f East Seventy-eighth street, New 1' rk t'itl, \fireman; appointed July 27, 19Ot .

11'illiam 11. Il'alsh, No. 291 First avenue, New Y urk City, A\ ircmaa , appointed March 12, 1907.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Cuildings in grantii the loan of old, unused furniture, as hereinafter stated:

School of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nlatijer street, near (;rah,lnl avenue. Brooklyn ; 50 single or 25 double desks and seats.

Young Alen's Hebrew Association School, Xinety-second street and Lcxitigt' ,,l avenue, Manhattan ; desks and seats for three classrounts.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee oil Supplies in tlispcnsill with the services of the following named Clerks in the Bureau of Supplies, who Were serving under provisional appointments, at 12 o'clock noun, on Saturday, January 22, 1910:

Joseph A. Murray, Frank Cosgrove, Edward J. Noonan, Albert I). Smith, Chris-topher Dempsey, John J. Curren, Bernard CosgrnN e.

Requesting the Board of Aldermen to authorize the Comptroller to arivance from time to time to the Secretary of the Board of Education, from the Special School Fund of the I)epartmcnt of Education for the year 1910, and from the item containrl therein entitled "Contingencies, 1049, Board of l:ducatiun," a stun n t to t- ycrc,l $1,000, said sum to he used for petty cash expenses nt the Board of I'.tduucation, :111] to be accounted f r b vouchers to he subsequently su1,mittct1 for appvolgll.

Printing 1,1100 copies of the pamphlet relative to action l v the hoard if llu;iti l oil the question of "I':qual Pay" (see Journal, 1910, pages (ii-137), with t acr, t.ihlr io contents, etc., and including the action of the hoard of 1-. illC: ti,ln in the matter i,lkcii this day in said pamphlet.

Approving alid ratifying the reeommellllatli111 of the liliarl of Stlln- rllltt'I1(1elltN, submitted under date of January 21, 1910, that the \c« tuO ii High Soli] l tcparun, n: be constituted a high school of regular grade from l-chruary 1, It)ltl,

Approving and ratifying the action of the ('t>nlllllttce 'II high Stil ulS :1111 Training Schools in granting permission to the ('urtis Ili;,h Scho, I, 1;)rrn1gh , ii Ricltlnond, to give an entertainment in the t iirtis l._occnm, li„n,u~h of kichnhnrl, ''n the evening (if January 28, 1910, an a(lnllissiu1l !ct' to le ch;tr~t- d x111 tile pl'ucee L to be used for the hruullt Of the various msuciati„ns if the srli i.

Amending the resolution adopted by the Loam of 1 lucativi in S&1lumIoer 22, 1909 (see Journal, page 1(178), relative to additional omit t'115atIt'll I''r ho-his 'il1tlt1,

Caretaker in the New York Parental School, Bornt1l h f Ouccns, Ir :t,hlin og tht'nct-I th,' words "the said additional compensation to he c'un.iltrcl is in yttcct irolii 1lgle 1'1, 1909."

Approving and ratifying the action of the Crnnnlittcc nn Carr if Itu l,lfiiz in transferring the fn1ln1viiig ng1lned persons a irhiicated brlfv :

John S1tlliron, Janitor, from Public School 34, Ricbmond, t„ Pu!,lI tirll 1 2i' Richmond ; Annual CI mpcluaaf iotl, $2,856, taking effect January lit, I 91.

Bcruard Lane. Janitor, from Public Schol 12, IlichnlunOl, It 1'ulilic Scll' ' l .ia. Richmond; annual conip•tisation. $1,428, taking etft-cl January 1(i. 1')1U.

Charles '1'. Afells. Janitor ( steatn hcatinq 1, fry iii 1'uhlic Sril i lyl), Ai:tIl1Iat1,ln, Public School 163, broakI4ii: with tempnror\ ('iillluc,lotlnll at flit' tall' , I S24. I ii

month, taking effect January 16, 1910. 1b'illiam I)unt'n, J.ulitor (steam hei,tm 1, fin Puldir Sohg'ol 4(;, Itr,kkil,

Public School 190, Mmil attaii; annual ;hni)Lll-:ltiu111, $2.424. !,thin;t ctlrel J:inl„tr lo, 1910.

T1:oinas F. Reilly, Janitor, from Public Scho -1 43. 13nluklyn. Et 1'ul,li t ti,ll 4i,, Brooklyn ; annual conlpcn atinn, $1,764, taking ('ot•t-1 January 1(i, 191 (1.

James Kelly, Janitor, fnnil Public Scho l 4, Crki ii, to I'ul,lic Leh 'I '+n. lyn; annual contpeusation, S1,.148, taking eff~'ct J;tnuary 25, 11)11).

John \'V'hitcsirle, Janitor, from Public S'_- ii l 9t\, llanlcfttan, t , illI)Il ''11 1 4, Brooklyn; annual coilipensatill, $1,74(1, taking, azect laiiiary 25, 1OIn.

Stephen I[. tliddleton, Janitor, from Public School 77, A1:Illbatl;IiI, t I'n!~;, , School 80, 11an1hattan : auiuMl compensation, $1.156, na1ang ('ffr(-r janlu;iry 22, l 9 )11l.

Francis J. Healy, Janitt,r-Engineer, frill ]u'oiic Scull tilt, \1:Inla laII. I'' I'lll~llc School 127, 11lanhattan: annual compensation, $1,632, Lakin, etTuct i:tl tary 22, 10111.

Samuel J. Slain, Janit, , r ( steam heatint ), from Public St-Ill 127. 11;Inb;loan, I ~ Public School 77, Manhattan: annual coulpcns,ltinrl, $3,232, t;tking cif t' January 1910.

Approving and ratifying the action of die Cummittct un Corr 'If I{uil,iin,g: in signing the following named Janitors to the lcniporary care of piihlii 'l '1 !uillin~, as indicated below

John F. Rooke, assigned to Public Scli of 22, Ilnwklvn; c,~nlprnNalin, Still I~, mouth, taking effect January 10, 1910.

Edward P. Mullin, assigned to Public Schot~l 911. Brklt11 cun11pcu,:1iiai o it ptr month, taking effect January 1, 1910.

John Farrell, ass,gned to Public School 211, l\'ichm,oml; C lllp('n~al1, In. Sl l) i,t'r month, taking effect January 8, 1910.

Jaaales Gartland, assigned to Public School 14. llrokl%ii nlpt'n<,tti,n of biliblfr'. less the rent allowance, taking effect January 8, 1')10.

11[ichael T. Kelly assigned to Public School 1(13, Iln,~ikl,'!l: inlpcn>aliu, l-l) month, taking effect January 8, 1910.

Charles J. Stamp, assigned to Public Schn,,l S7, JNkmli;ttah: compel<ailwi. ~I per month, taking effect January 8, 1910.

Henry \Voolfc, assigned to Public School 43, ilm,klvll: cumpensatioll. S25 tt month, taking effect January 16, 1910.

Bernard Lane, assigned to Public School 12, Richmond: compensation. Q9'I per month, taking effect January 16, 1910.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Conuni1tr on Care of Buildings in pointing the the following natnetl persons as indic-atc i hrlou', their mule: Navin!; selected from eligible lists submitted by the Alunicip,ll Civil Service C(,nln1iio11:

Patrick Brady, Licensed fireman. Public Sell 1 1, Ono-m; ,Innual cnl!'natin, $912.50, taking effect January 13, 1910.

Berardino Purchin, Cleaner, Public Sclio„1 1R;R. \[aIliaut9n: ;Intlal c ions !1- tti ii. $480, taking effect January 24, 1910.

Carmine Ianora, Cleaner, Public Schol 188, 1lanll;lttan: ,iiiiu:ti cnlptln,a11)11,

$480, taking effect January 24, 1910. Approving and ratifying the action of the Cnnlnlittt'c nn Care of 11 m)(I llC, iu AIi--

missing the following nailed persons from the scr 'ice of the Deportment 4 ,f I'alncati-11 for insubordination and neglect of duty, taking effect at the cl)>e i of viii inn' < nn

January 22, 1910: Zuccaro Nazzareno, Cleaner, Public School lg, Manhattan. Giovanni Timpone, Cleaner. Public School 1S8, 1lanh,at tan .

Approving the action of the Committee on Care of ilniIiling~ in accepting t"lt' resignations of the following named persons as imlic:tel below•:

Edward E. Dunlap, Licensed Fireman, Public School 1, (lncen~, t:lkiii ff e t January 10. 1910.

James F. }{art. Janitor-Engineer, Pulllie Scho,n1 32 (annex). The Bronx, taking effect January 11, 1910.

Approving and ra tifying the action of the Crnnntittee on Care of L'ni!tlin!,< in allowing Daniel J. Brady, Janitor of Public School 87, 11 irn ugh of Qiicrn . cQ iii iiii sation, temporarily, at the rate of $60 per month, taking effect January 21, 191!1, ill order to enable him to hire a Licensed Fireman for the new additioll, too lid cli i 1.

Giving permission to the Principal of Public School 49, borough of Quct'it . I~ hold the graduating exercises of that school on Friday afternoon. January 28. 101(1. in Archer's Hall, Borough of Queens, the use of which h:ts been offered by thr pry -prietor free of expense.

Grantingermission to Public School 148, Borough of Brooklyn, to hold an athletic meet at the Forty-seventh Regiment Armory on February 22, 1910.

Announcing C. B. J. Snyder duly elected Superintendent t,f School Building f r a term of six years, beginning February 21, 1910.

Announcing Patrick Jones duly elected Superintendent of School Snpplir for a term of six years, beginning March 7, 1910.


Announcing 11'illiam H. Maxwell duly elec(e~l Cit). Superintcndeut of Schnols for a terttt of six year, beginning March 15,• 19111.

.\1111Uuncnl (I;lrt'11tt I`.. ,Ielenev (Ili]\ - ('lt-iIil lati tV Sttperl111t'tlllcllt it

Srhnn) for ;, term if six }ta rs, heginning Febrlrtry 14, 11)10. .lnn„nncing laM1anil L. Stctcns duly elected Associate City Superintendent of

tirh-,ul. fur ;t tirin if six vvar~. h.ginniiig \[r -1i 1, 19111.

.\huuliaelg tilt 1n1I1rn•iHg perm1ls l!;(l hrl n duly- Ai1•tc! District Superintendents f Schenk

J:Inlr< 11. Ld ;111, for ;t terin if six r ar , beginning February 9, 1910. I irary C. Stral•luiu, fur it term of .ix years, beginning l ebruary 10, 1910. I)arltin L. llartlotcll• fr:i terns of -ix years, beginning February 14, 1910. jlIIll S. 1'a !i r, j a term (if sex _\tars, beginning February 14, 1910. J 1)11 J;lIn(:.l fl C1ikriiig, for a tern[ of six years, hegiiiniug \larch 1, 1910. Cl rrlelius E. ]'ri!nk1lii, fir a term of six \car, beginning 11arch 9, 1910.

The following preambles and resolutions were adopted:

1Vhcrcas, The Committee on Buildings is in receipt of estimates from contractors Jr additional work lulder their contracts, as follows (said additional work involving Flu (stcusim1 of time)

Itinl;ltt_ of 1•:. J. Duggan, contractor for electric work at Public School 4, Bor-I'tt;;h of The Bronx (for installing cnndnits to six classroom: from panel boards to -blithe., in rectal moul(lings), $268;

I•`mniruc t,f f ohil Kcnnc(l & Co., cii lit ractors for the work of general construction, 11 I'nl,lic 126, Borough of Brooklyn ( fur reducing the limestone course

1111 Ilat(1\' 1l) , \r the hlu(_stone base cnur,c), $107; l.ti1]l(tti If Peter (hire, contractor for the work of general construction, etc., at

!'nl,lic Sr1111(d 157, l;nrotigh of L'ronklln ( for rclnnvi11g from the site a quantity of ,:tril tlt•p(,sitccl thercun pril,r tit the turning ucrr of the game to the contractor; the

tim,ttc t\a> rp!rlll a. rcasotlahlc by the I.ngincer of thr [)epartntent of Finance), Si,2t) ; ;loll

\V•hertv,I,. 'I be Superinte?olrnt of School I,oildmg,e r(porls that these estimates are l n;lhlr anal That the work is necessary: therefore he it

RcSf6- c(I. That the sure of ttnc thousand six hundred and t v ntv-live dollars ($1,1,251 I,c ;tall tla • saint, i, hereby appr~lpri:ttcll from the f',llnw•ing named funds, said Hull Ill hi wppIuej in full p;tymcnt fir extra cot to the contractors hereinafter men- ili ,lll'll fir adllitl,,ll;ll o'uurk ill Cnrmec1ln11 \Pith their contracts:

Sprci;ll Scl1r Iil 1:011(1, 191k), \lainten:lnce, Repairs anti Replacements by Contract Ilr ( lien ( )rilt r, (;writ r; l Rip;lir> :

Ni. 81, ltnriugh of The Bronx.

!. I. I)uggan $268 (111

I wid I, nc :IUtiIu l i/ctl li.v I;nard of E;tintatc and .lppurtiunmrnt .April 24, 1l)II,S, Sih " 1 IFilil'1in" Penile. Cimstruction and Inlpru\enlent:

I i rough of Urnlklyri,

(Stlddc Ni. 6, C--1)E---?t. I ,,11;i Kroi11•,1 (n 107 (X1

'-; II , it I;nh1tling I`nrb1: Borttll!gh nt f,runklv11, 1(19.

11•11 I• ("lt•:I1 v 1,250 00

I. tae $1,625 00

-r°initicifl tilr the •Inn of one tiluiisan1l three Hmnti--d and fifty-sevetl dollars ($1,357) icing ltrrll 1I t(lc 111)1)0 the ('omptroller.

11•ht rc:l,, t to ( )cti 'Iiir 27, 191$) ( see Journal, page 1846), a leave of absence without 1';i)., iill :ticliun1 of i rnal illnc~s. tt:l; gteitcd to 11. B. Coffman, Inspector of Iron

iii ,tt•u', fair a pi ri ,il of two, and (mc-half nit,rr;hs from November 15, 1909, and was :t Pr\ele l,t tell Mimicitid (_i II Service (_ununis,ii)rl; ;nlcl

1'hcrr,l , 11 r. ( •1,tI'iilar has transmitted a physician"; certilieatc to the effect that he 101:11)11 ti morel t anrk :Intl 11;1; rt(1ne'Sto;1 that his lea\e of absence without pay be

vtepiell fir :t tieril~tl lfl thirlv tla_•, frtnn J;ulttary 31, 1910: therefore be it

11t> ltltf,

That the actit i of the Committer tin 11ui1(ling; in extending the leave

•Ii aDshrCi• wilbrIH lov heretofore granted to II. B. cnffnum, Inspector of Iron and

-1te(•l, fiil- a uerioIn ,f thirty 11,tUs from January 31, 1910, subject to the approval of the 11l1nit•il,:tl Civil 1r\ ice Cimllllis;inll. he allot the ;:one is 1iti-iiiyy approved and ratified.

\1 ht re:l:• ( to (!ctt iI,cr 13, 1909 ( see Journal. page 1743 ), a heave of absence without ':I l', I'll kiulillt lit I,t'rllal Illness, wai tiralni(e to Walter R. Barhng, Assistant Rat-r\ln;ul, fur a pt'rill of three Months frtml Sritetnl,cr 8, 19119, and was approved by

1Ii.municipal Ci\il - r\•ice Commission: au!

1\ I i- t i~, AIr. l;;t r?mg h:ts trau'initted a physician's certificate to the effect that he i- nnahlc tii return ill \liii-k: atilt has rcgtieted that leis leave of absence without pay be ,•~tt1Illc•11 i r -. lurid of four munth< fronn Decciinher 8, 19(19; therefore be it

k(.Olml, fll;lt tile action of the Committee on Buildings in extending the leave of :thh,l'llcl• Without i1aVy ht retofore ral1tc(d to 11 alter R. ktrliitg, Assistant Batteryman,

r a ptriod (of four months from I)lcen1hir 8, 1909, subject to the approval of the •'.hnhicila] Ci\i1 Sii iic (Imlll .i„n. be all(] ill(' same it }IlrtMv approved and ratified.

\fhtgea<, On I )ecenll r ti, 19119 i sc•r JnoAl;II, pages 2O78-79), resolutions were ;lliiptt ll dccl:lna t oillell and forfeited the c.Intract of John Fury for new fireproof i'-:iii Zt;lir, at Pnblic Schnnl 46, l r ugh of .1fanliattara : and

\here:t'. Stll,0111 nt Ilcvcl,tpnlrrlt, rliilltr ali\i,a1J1( Pe,os-irn of said resolutions: lil'rt•thre l it

I'iSuilvill, l'hat the said al,c incialiiee resolutions be and they are hereby re--Cmllrrl: anll l,c it fnrthrr

Rl>~,Ivc11, That the tm1trwct for rcvw fireproof' main stairs at Public School 46, Bor-11i h of \f:inbnttan. Ile restored to the said John I"ury.

11 berth<, ']Tile ,heath of Frank A. Regan, :1s,istant to the Superintendent of School e;nilllings, t,ccurrtp nn January » 191t(: and

11'hrrea~, 11r. Reg:ln ha, been in the dupery if the [)epartntent of Education since 13 and rivee1i(e s;ttisf:tc1Or} ;en•icr III the Bureau of Schnul Iluildings, Borough of ~lUUkly'll, tip \Ielleel he ;I1gt1C(l; therefore 11 t' it

kcsolvol, That :ho Board of lweocaiIen hit-do places on record an expression of it, :Il,prt(i:tiim if llr. Regan'; lug and valnable services and of its regret at his de

lc:t~l•. 11'here:i , 1)r. 1. Ogtlrn Woo,lruff, of No. 152 West Seventy-eighth street, New

l ,rk, l; •.rleirtl Iris \\ - illingiiuss to act, w'ithmnt compensation, as Examiner for the llilllrca tl, l~l ton'iletl in the open-air classes contemplated h the Department of I:do-

,:Itiiin t-.t( 1iiurii'le, tla~.;ts 144-145), as stated in a letter addressed to the City Superin-ttil{liIit ,i ti;ll1. uu Janu:try 11, 1910, liv I)r. Jnhu \V. Braniian, who commends T)r. W,,i~driitt :I< mlIrcrilV fitted for such service;

Kiv t ll,

That the :ery icec of 1)r. 1. Ogden Woodruff in connection with open-air rl;l,a::I; ;tl'\c nuntiurir,l he accepted with the heart v• thanks of the Board of I!duca-Ii ill.

11 ht rta>, l.irzic I lcn'chel, a Teacher in Public School 37, Borough of ?1lanhattan, :It the little (if her 1huatb, tin December a, 1909, was absent from October 6 to Decent-lllr 5, l)(19; and

11 hrrl'a~, Li nler :cairn 44 of the 11v-T.atvs of the Board of y.~lucation, only a por-tinnn III ill( , ;II„rnr,• crm be iXcllsC(I: therefore he it

ii. Th;it sn lnuclt of tilt- absence of the late l.izzie I}t•nschel, formerly a Tc:n-io r in Public School 37, Borough of Manhattan. front October 6 to December 5, 1'N I0, ;I; i. non cxcusilble ertler section 44 of the B)'-Latvs be and it hereby is excused \'lth pal, anll that ;m\ pr vizigrls Of tier 11\' La\vs Inc nziacn; herewith be and thteV L, rt ley ;it-(, sHsilnt1c1e for the purpose ..f this 'e oltttkkm.

11• hcrea,, Tltc L'u;trd of 1?hucatiiii on Drdmhcr 8, 19,)9 ( see Journal, page 2081), ;:Iipr( \l'tl a rue )Ills t1b1atlHlt of thy Board of SuperiIltetldeuts that the everting recrea-i n rt•nsrt• ci-inthi1ctrte in Public School 179. Pmmiigh of \lanhattaii, he closed oil Satur-

1:t) HItgbh, beginning \nt rmbcr 18, 1109; and \lVl1eri i<, .\ cr,ltnnnication has been received from the Board of Superintendents

r r,minlnrlins that tin evening rccre:iti„n centre in Public School 179, Borough of \l:Irliatt;oe, 1,c rellpe1 h on Saturday rvellings nn and after January 14, 1910; there-

I n•C l it Rl t vii, 'I•h:lt the recontlll(n.lation of the Boar(l of Superintendents that the

\cuing rrerralinn trout (l)1ldl1cti•t1 ill Public School 179, fiiiriiiigli of Manhattan, be

reopened t)n Saturday evenings on and after J;+nl,ary I4, 191O, Ile anil it iS llcreb} Ill, urr'ved.

1111trta1. Ili ptirlsllanit, of sectlll 1((0l f tl!t' rl'1I~t'il (barter :1111 if ctioll 2 I the L'~ Lalr~, a stated niceting of the I;lrll if IIlncatin 1vill ht bo ld ''n l(nml.av,

thrnars 7, 1910, for organization; and 11'herea~, Section 2 of the B --Li pn,t itk f , lr it tate,l nutting if the L oaril In

1\'ediles(lay, February 9, 1910, which ntuetmn \till lie i1nHecc,siir\ in \ie\c of till- met-tug to be held ( ill February 7 ; and

IVhereas, Section 12 of the By-La\c; pr, ' \ide fur :I fleeting „i :ear I.xecutive CIll-mittee on February 9, 1910; be it

Resolved, That the stated meeting of the [;t,ard „f Ialuc:tti~m and the lntrting the Executive Committee required b the iii 1.:1v,. to lie Ile!d I'll l rliruaiv t), 1910, Ise omitted; that a tweeting of the Exectttitit• Ct,mnlittec be heel II 1 cl,rn:try• 23, 1910, :ul,l that an_y provisions of the By-Laws inctmsi~tent hcrco ith l,c awl tht % are ?lt rebv .n,- ended for the purpo<e of this resolution.

On ulotioli, all absent members N'l'I't' excii it for Il(il-;lttlletlallic it thli alceinl.,.

On nwtinn, the Board adjourned at (1.15 ,'cluck p. Ili.

:1. P;1l1RSU N PAL11lit, Secrutart.


l llirnal\ 24, 101 (1

]'lc fi,llllvving proceedings were this tea+ lirectril hr I',llice l ilnlni..Iiiut r ll illi;lnl I`. Baker :

Ordered, T hat in the contract \+il1I (iheiuIc, 11 al.'h & (;hllcslIir t r fln'nillill~ :t'I the labor all[ furnishing and erecting .II 1 the 1iu:ttcrial. nt,'r< ;try to , iinilil anal i n1p1(t, the alteratin; to the interior arran,Lclu~•nt 1l~rrl,tin ;ts t hlatiut4 ;till vrntilatill, ststent, l iilers ainl ste:un piping) of the ncvt l,uilllinu. in the l,l:k I,,nrnllll hi (;rand. Centre and l ru onle streets and Centre Market blare, I'wriputth (,f 11;lnh;l:t:w, fir I lc,lll (quarters for the 1'ulice 1)epartment of I lie (it \ .,f \e,\ l irk, t \cclllol ILc,viulki n 12, 19O7, the time for completion of such vt Irk :is inn itlrtl in ;l:tr:lr:ll,ll " I ',1 i,l r n tract, be anal is bathv extended to jalee,n 14, 1')1O.

Ordcrol, That the proceedings if l ertiart 5, 11110, ;in:urlliui: 'ntait ti Al:trunI 11. liruvui (Hmian for blank hooks, MIItim„ lit1 ,.arwl,let ;Intl rn.i1 u HILt , I), :1n1Iuullu1 by making liar item hci' tO, $144) instead it ?1411.15, ;Intl tilt t , ,t;il •_'-',r,35(4 iI:time

$ 2O35.79. On reading.; and tiling eligible list for Iint (lilt I \ etrr!iim- _~ Siii u Iii till t'a

Veterinary Stn-amns, dated February 9, 1O1(), Ordered, That Harry I). Gill, of No. 337 ll,t 1 iitt-~clrntll .tree-!, 1l:ui 1i,ltt:ul, !:

and is hereby appi ,inted Chief Veterin:try Surge, iii in this 1)ul,:tutuint at :I ll:try .•f $2,(II)0 per aiulttinl, and that James J. •1lIMiineA', nl \. h3t lt'tierll a\cllllt', P1' k111,

l~ranlis J. A1cCaflret, of No. 139 1:a~t l~iftirtll strcct.:Intl I r:Ink I 11 rui.lil, 1 \,. 52(1 Bergen street, Broo klvn, be and are hcrcl,t ,llllint1l Vttrrin;tn lnt,r~lI In l)epartnlent at a salary of $1,500 per annual tai- iu.

Ordered, That George W. Price be au~l i< litre l ,ll,l, ~intl l ;I1, 1) rnl;ln ''f I lic in the Police Department of The City- of New 1 irk, lilS odufloit :lit , ] ,' h,;lcl: vilbilt , probation Naming been satisfactory tit tin' I'~Illit' (iIllllIO-I Illt'1', 1 1<<' t11t 1,

February 14, 191+1. Ordered, That requi.. iti,>n be and is lit-rel Inane ulP,1n tilt 1ltnli: ill:ll t'it it

Commission for all eligible list front which ill eutl,il' till' I'nllct' I uiluii: i,;lr Iii ;ll

point fnrty (441) Patrolltllen, and that the 1„lln1Cii. uimpgi It I11liiilt it ill l I'll

list 1:dward Cramer, John 'llttivihill, Thin l. (1'I 111)1 r, 1,1111 I ).

Referred t,, tier Gvlito- I1 r.

Schedules of vouchers as foliovv;: General Supplies, 11X)9 . SI1 411

Furnishing and 1?ttuipping New llealllluarttr,, 1'l~t 7 „1 General Supplies, 19(19 1.')45 Repairs, etc., b)• Contract or Open Order, 19( )4) 47 .1' Repairs, etc., hl• Contract or Open ( )rdl'r, i I'1 7117 I'_' Apparatus-1lachiiiert, Vehicles, etc., 1)IK) I..t.11 ;+I Fuel, 1909 -k S (general Supplies, 1910 21~ Repairs, etc., ht' Departmental Labor, 1C)1(I 1 2 (1" Repairs, etc., be Contract or Open Order, 19111 .7 Apparatus-\1aebii:crv, Vehicles, etc., 1911 75 ill Purchase of Furniture, etc., 1910 42 ''; Maintenance of Automobiles, 1910 of 4 Police Department Fund (Sites and ]luiltlirtgs I : ` .223 Furnishing and Equipping New headquarters, 11 1 1 ) 't ;"

General Supplies, 1909 .1 l'i I Material for Repairs, etc., by Departmental LaL„r, 1'111') rill

Repairs, etc., by Contract or Open Order, 1900 .t'4 4 Apparatus-Jlachinery, Vehicles, etc., 1909 .. 1.t134 .;I'

Fuel, 19(9 ̀14 ''I General Supplies, 1910 . . 311 ti1 Material for Repairs, etc., by Departmental Labor, lt)1(I lti )

]Repairs, etc., by Contract or Open Order, 1910 _'(I II

Apparatus-Machinery, Vehicles, 1910 3 ( M ) Purchase of Furniture, etc., 1910 . • 1(1 It''

Maintenance of Automobiles, 1910 2 1111

Fuel, 1910 .. 367 2. Forage, Shoeing and Boarding of Horses. 1911) 10,54[ 4

Ordered to he Paid,

From Pension Fund, sick time of Joseph 1R, Ilartrri ;ui l 'iyl 't!icr~, 147.ol Charles J. 11cCart1ur, difference in grades, $75.82; (.li;urlu•< I. 11,C,lrillt. !lilt , ftlri1t , 1,

$72.49. (:ontingencies, 1910, $2,188.20.

Special Order NI,. 4t.

The following' ntlirbers of the force are hercl alIevt,1l :Intl lislnictl fr',ln t!I,• Police Force and Service and placed oil the roll of tile ['hit- ['u iii V11111l :1111 :u,- awarded the following pensions, to take effect 12 midnight, I'(l,ru;lrt 23, 101(1;

On Police Surgeons' Certificate.

Sergeants Timothy If, O'Leary, Seventeenth Precinct, at $75t) Ihr :uuuinInI: :Ill pnlnlcd lebruary 27, 1889. \Vi1IIanl I', Sheehan, Tv' Hundretl :ulll "evrntt-iu.11t'I

Precinct, at $647. per annum: appointed November 16, l92. Patrolmen }lcnnv C. Roltrs, Fifth Precinct, at S74Nt per arum n: at,piintc,l luny 3.

1885. Stephen Sullivan, Two Hundred and Scveilt)-fifth Precinct. at $7(>I) t,cr annual

appointed June 25, 1885. Frederick W. 11'inthrl,p, •I •w IInillrl'd ;nil

Precinct, at $567 per annum; appointed Dcee1lle,er 1, 1S)3. I horata; l itillatrick, I1e;1ltlI Squad, at $700 per annum: appointed April Q, 1385. .lndrew (;reign. lle;0u S iuiwld, :I!

$350 per annual ; appointed April 4, 1902. The following transfers and assignments are herein Ilrll('re(1, to mike :'tit i t ,`(p a

February 25, 110: Patrolmen 1Villiatu J. Doyle, Twenty-sixth Precinct, traiisierrcd t., Fortieth }'re-

cinct and assigned as Driver of automobile patrol vag„n: (eur1:e W. Jiminez, "Iraf!1c Precinct A, transferred to Fortieth Precinct and assigned as 1)rivl'r of anteroi'hdr patrol wagon : Albert W. Schmidt, front Fit;hteenth Precinct t, l nrtieth Precinct Jolla A. Nelson. from Fifteenth Precinct tot Eighth Precinct : 11 alitr F. ll, Biiu p.

front l.'itf tr'enth Precinct to Sixteenth Precinct : Edgar 1'. 1T o, irliecs, fr m Fortietll P

cinct too First District Court Squad, Manhattan.


Permission to Henry N. Toole, 1atr~linai. Onr 1ra1uIll ;Intl flit', m, ct ),td I'rt•-cinct, to receive reward of $12.50 from Periodical Publisher; -As citti i f' ,r arrest of person fraudulently acting as magazine agent. \\ Ith usual etlucti. , H.

Permission to \ 'illiam J. Hennessev, Patrolman, Tvv'elfth I )i<trlrt, t , l rcc1A, t' reward of fifty dollars from U. S..1rnt\ fir arrest 'Ii ;I tlest•rtl•v. 11'it11 (usual tl,

diction. Special Order No. 48, issued this dal. i; here!, never p:urt 'Ii thr pr cerllnies ''f ti.

Police Commissioner.

Third Class. )attics F. Dickson, No. 525 West One Hundred and Twentieth tree! : 1, , '.71,

\Whiteside, No. 43 Berkeley place, Brooklyn: Peter Shand, Seventy-n::ith trec: all'! Broadway; James Keating, No. 141 North Seventh street, l,ruula_vli: John (Talc, N'. 240 Java street, Brookly'l: William Ackley, No. 620 \\e t "Cvc11,Nv-fifth .trctt: 11i;11,1 J. Fagan, No. 311 East Eighty-second s!reet: William J. Oliver, % h llt ll;lrk\\,I and Bainbridge avenue: Richard Groves, No. 41 Murray street: Thrn:l; OC un„r. No. 620 West Twenty-fifth street; Frank P„!'ter, No. 832 Marcy avrnne, I hlvr,: Francis R. Lore, N+1. 414 Fist Oae 1aiflred :Inri Sixteenth ;trcet: R.Ill,h \V'at:, Clinton street, Far Rockaway: William \lekille, X. 2;(-1 Nnr!n:tn ;oenue. Or k!vII; t1'illiani H. W1'()Od, No. 244 Meserole street, Rrr, klyll: Cll:u'lr< .AI. .\l L. A. ,.';II Broadway; Lnlil Lagcrstronl, No. 612 Rt)•nue, Ilr, + , tkl\0: \\ illi.iin I1. k. ti. One Htindred and iiiirty-forth street 'ul,l :Ivtn;lc: 1Iv1.:r,l l l\ .N Cliff ;treat: Ctrl G. -1. Osborne, No. 1 \\t.l "t•v•fti:lcl)l Strcrt.

lice” lectfully,

IL1\I\ IIRI';l'.\, I.irlin,lni ill t u all I.

1,u1.10E -I)EKool",I'~1LN ,1'.

To the Police 'oll1nhs;firmer:

Sir—In colovpliallcc with Hullers rt'tbv1• t„ ninev, ctltitit under sectlelit 312 (If chapter 41() of the Law, ,t; l2. rl::unrlll I, the Hi' IvH~ Port teill show the naiiis of the persons t„ vrhln hctnt' vvrr~ i~~nt~l r„~-...f II,, I -~ a!lrl location fr!r Ihl' >altle, during the tt ell I.%-i6 'llr )bill(, l'll~lll ] IIIIli,', I , 1 1 ' : 1. 1910'

First ('la.

l'rcticrick Iocr, No, 224 West Ioiwi(cllTh -!I(c:: (r:;, II. \I;I\n;l I. V. N~lmnan at•erluc. lif(,(1klI'n; J:l' l Hetikcl, \,,. 31't \\-t )-arty .'lrl .t,

Second Clas;.

\licliaci (;atfney, Ni'. 95 )Merlin) strcM, Ilr'hlv n: (lti” 1 11 Ir, I. 1,., tine and boulevard, I.un Island City: Clar'.e< P. (;iltltrsictv,. A~~ ~' 0'•i: l <' Brooklyn: Ch:tile I(. Se ear, tiff,. 376 Lafayette >,re: Ja1I1 - 11:11-I'.. A . 11 V', I "~ Fifty cigltth street: Engine I'. Mill, "o. 651 llalvv;t.

Third CI;Ks.

H'illiam Iall,lrnl:mn. N. 25 William Qtrrt't: Jl:ii liv;:n, V, wet I ,. icenth street; Ileiiry J. fleaiv. No. 3 Becklm;ln .trclt: 'hhi,ni.i .1 !'H ny. A,, l.l.' \I ..: One Hundred and Tw'tntu-fourth street AJlcimri i':i Il, N. ;; Ih; itI . r, Brooklyn: Frank \larkle, No. 16 Dorrance <tl'cct. I; tn. \I:I.: I 'In (itI: c. \ 111 West Seventeenth street : John .A. Bell, A,'. 22s 1 „rl ,'rr, t, n : I r:r l; I Itrun•l]Ol. Fifty-fflurth street :ii(] Twelfth :tvt'nttc: "hh~ln,l. 1. 1\;tilt. A . ? HL-: Hundred and Thirty-fifth street: Thomas C:I>cv,„y :It t nut' :ull t lur I l i:nilr, Eleventh street: Ott' 7.crn11.Nu. 4 Fulton rctt: i da:ard \Ic e Vo,.11\\,, I fourth street: Patrick J. Duffy, One Hundrei1:lnd Thirty ~c:~ ,nll'titc• ,,nil \:i'I- I<< title; George J. Rallrs, ft of 'l.'veeuty-sixth ,tre~•t, Rro,~kltll: 11'il!i;ur, J. I A\ stone avenue and St,lte -trcct, Flushing, 1.. 1.: I„hn "i'lti<. A(,. 411, 11,_t I I:•• III'I dred and Tlrernty-sixt'il strcyl: Joseph rick ver, f...,t .,t I'v llty- :1I:: t~ Brooklyn: Thonla: 1'. 1lnrpliv, No. 167 Rvcr,en <tre t. Ilri ,kl.n: I!I„1 \\ •_ \o. 29 Broa(loay: S:Itnttcl 11arddock, No. 57(1 11rri: Pll::o I1:!: I;t i t II vl No. 143 Liberty' street.


Jolln J. lel ) rnlott, N. 1192 Fulton :tv_•:llui, the (157 Liberty avenue, illrouklvn.

Itc-l)CCttuliV. IIENRI' hl;l':f•a \. Iit tit; Ii,i:'l Ir, 11 I, ,I 1• .1

;uliary C"mir;lnt F l,ruarl ';. 1'llU.


Matrons Agnes Fitzsinlulons, from Sixty-tifth Precinct to Sixty-eighth Precinct; \lary E. Hammen, from Sixty-fifth Precinct to Sixty-eighth Precinct.

The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Inalectrtr John Daly, Second inspection District, assigned to command Thirteenth

Inspection District in addition to his own district during absence of Inspector John D. IIcrlihv, for IS boars, from 8 a. nl., \l arch 1, I910.

Lieutenants Thomas Lancer, Seventh Precinct, assigned to command precinct dur-lug absence of Captain Herman \1, Schlottrnan on sick leave, from 8.10 p. in., Feb-ruary 20, 1910; )'rank J. Rohrig, Seventeenth Precinct, assigned to command precinct (luring :llncc o,f Captain Donald Grant for two days. from 12 noon. February

? 1910.

1'atrr~lnll'll \Inrris (;rssman, 'fhirtvv-ser, mtl Precinct, :ttld Idtcard Smith, Fifth Precinct, assigne(i to Central Office Squad, (lnt n Bureau of Information, for tell rl:n';, irum 8 p. m., I`ehruary 23, 1910; :Anthom C. (;flew, I';iglitecntli Precinct, assigned Lr i bird 1nspc,t! ii1 District, duty in plain clothes, (hiring ihscncc of Patrolman An-(Irt\\ On,\\n r,n sick leave, from 8 p. nl., l~cl,ruar) 25, 1910: Gcr,rge Willett, Sixth 1'rccitict, a~si ncd as .Acting Doorman in lirecinct during absence of Doorman l,rctl-

crick Schilling m sick leave, from 6.30 a. m., February 21, 1910.

The fulltru ink (Xtcnslons of temporary assin,nntents are hercll)• ordered: I.ientenants (.Orge B. l~auff, Traffic Precinct C. to Central Office Srinad. duty in

( llicf lnspectr's , lfhcc, for tell days, frunl ti 11. Ill., February 24, 1910: Janus Murray. tint llnnrlrcd ;In(l 1 rtv-fottrih Precim:t, too ltr„)klrn Rorrntgll 11ea(lyuarters Squad, duty in plAin r1~,thc in Ilrlru h Ittspcctor's office, for tell dais, from 8 p. In., Fcb- n:lrl ?3, 1)1(1.

I':Itr'llntcn kith:lnl Al, A\ halcn, 'I hirt}->rc~mll Prccbml, t Central Oflice Sg1tall, dim ill Chief lnslll•etior', Calla, for tliirtc fin's, from 1( a. m., February 24, 1910: \lJlllo n (;i i i i, I vc(Ilty-!ittll Precinct, :Ind )aria), I-alninsks, 'Fnentv-lirst Precinct, to

IH,fl1tli In>ticcli n I)itric!, Itut \ in plain 'l t, for tell (lays. friml S I,. nt., February

_;, 1')ii : 11i:harl 1. N n aild .Albcrt 1. 11r1), mnal,l, I'(,rtr ibif(l Precinct, to Sixth

!n 1, rti, n 1)tri t, (1111 in lain c]„the<, fr tell i1a , from 8 11. 11., February 26, 1910:

ITii 1. Ilttrn,, 'I hilt\ sixth I'rrcinrt, tot First Insl,l'rti~,ll Iliktrict, duty in plain

cl„thcs, fr,r tell d;Ivs, from S :t. Ill., l"ehrnar) 27, 191(): Ocar Ifarttcig, Fifteenth Pre t'Inct, to frt!, Illsllect!i)u 1)ktr!ct, 111t\ 111 111;11!1 cliithcs, for tell (1a?:S, from 8 p. nl., I~chrnary '5, 1'110; I':(Iar 1, Ancccs, I`(,rticth Precinct, to First District Court

1ii; 1, f tvc :Irrl Inc-L:Ilf days, from 8 a. ell., Fepruary 23, 191(): Otto 11nhnike, One Dun(1ucd ;1:u1 Sixth-mirth Precinct, and Richard Sevv'ard. One hundred and Fifty-third I'rt cinit, ti' Ilr,kh n ))(hough I-Icadquarter Srluad, (lilt}- in plain clilthcs in Borough

llectr: (f6ce, for ten Ilav's, from S 11. iii., I:chrtlatrV' 24, 1910: Peter J. lfasterson, Our Ilnrirlrc~l :Inrl Sistv-cith Precinct, tot llnit,klvn I)i,r)ugh HeadquartersSquad, (leltv in )NallO l'i„nl, fr,r tell rlav'~, fr,,m ,'t a. nl., )a(.ihraary 23, 1910: Charles M. Fast, I )llr I lrm(lrcll and liftv-nillHh 1'recir1ct, and (ncr rg \1. 1ii1nifer, I-~vr Hundred and

fiadrt.\-t)lir1) Precinct, to Tenth l liisilceti"n DiN(dct. ditty in pl!tin clr,thes, for ten days, frInn 8 11. Ill., Puhruary 25, 19111: Peter L. Trtunt,feller, One Flimrlred and Fifty-fourth 'r(:iIo t, ,In(l \\ illi:tin S. Donnelly, ()Ile l llm(1red and Sixty-fr ,urth Precinct, to Tenth

lul,ccti , ll District, duty in plain clothes, for ten (l:tcs, from 8 a. m., February 26, 1910

•I•ht. flll,lcin member; ref the F~lrct, arc excuse)) fur eighteen hours as indi-

t t l : Illsjw,t ,,r I 'lln 1). Nern1h1, i1- hirtrcntli inspecti, m District. from 8 a. in., Mardi

1, 1 )1(l. ('a1,!,tinl; A\ ifi:rni 11 igan, l'ir~t I'rccinct. iron) 5 :I. nl., Ftllruary 26, 1910, with

l,trInSin to, lime city : A1illianl 1 . 1)av, Ninth Precinct, from 12 nnun, February 24, Phil: ui'11rvy \\. Ilt1rft'in(1, T'ceiity-t!rst Precinct, frr)il 12 II)„n, February 25, 1910: 11 illff;un I bllrullel)v, • l vvcutV-sixth Precinct, frrin 3 p. nl., 1ehnrnry- 24, 1910: Fred

rick W. 11;u tens, 'Mlirty-lifth Precinct, fri,nl 8 a. Ili, hcbruary 27, 1910: Frederick 1;. [ ;tr ln, Thirtv-sivtit Precinct, from 4 p. nt., February 25, 1910; Thomas Murphy. t'entral Ofrier Squad, from 411. In., )February? , 1910: John J. Murtha, Bridge Precinct \, from :t. iii., February 25, 1910: John 1lc('atlle\, Sixty-ninth Precinct. from 8 a. iii..

II,rn:lry 25, 1)10. v ith Imrmli stun to lcaVe sity : (harlrs C. A1 en(lell, Two Hundred and ;cv cutv ri hth Precinct, from 10 a. iii., February 28, 191(1: .-\lhert ltttthenberg, 'I wo Iyndrrt1 :uol l':igy,hty-sectmd Precinct, from 12 tr)J11, February 26, 1910.

The f , )Il ving )calve, if a1iaetrce are hcrelo ;granted yvitlt Out pay: 11)talu Dnllal(1 (;rant, eccnteer,tl: Precinct, fi'r tvV) days, from 12 noon, Feb-

rl,u J2, 1910. Ser alnt \\i1Iiani (;:inner, Sevcntv-~cv'cnlli 1'recillct. fir three da}s, from 13 noon.

I t hitiary 2.?,191(1, n ith perini,sion to leave cit.\. Iatr lmrn lames E. Slicvlin, Forty-third Per inct, fir three (lays, from 12.01 a. Ill..

Ni1orllary 20, 1O1U: Inhn l.. I.a<garenne, Detective I1urcau, Alarnhattan, for three days. it in 12 01 ;t iii., I cllrn try 22, 191(1: 111itn J. 11 bite, I \ccntlu-ciglith Precinct, for three Ian>, trio 1' nn, I'chruaary 23, 19111: T1inIn o,, F. Dugan, 'I \\ent\-tiftlt Precinct, for

three l,, s, from 1201. a. m.. I cl,rn:lry 21, 1)10, 11vrtin S. Ovvens. Ninth Precinct, for three Ila\ S. from 1_'.111 :1. Hi., IeIn 1:tr\ 23, ]o1(1.

Tll;, fll,rning leave „f al,stnce is lherebv r;toted vsith half l)av (';Iptain 1'::irirk \lurllhy, Ainch' ninth Irrcinct, fur )ne-h;Iif day. from 12 noon.

l c,ruar\ ?;, 1910. 'l ii fri1liil11rl”, leave , if :Ili<c11Ct' I1 befell 1'aldttiO VY1t11ullt pal:

gitLt:)in A1 illiam F, l'nne11y, jw- (Ity-.,:yth Treclnct, four tInc-lialf day, from 6

I,. In., I'c•hruar\ 22, 1910.

I~ylicvc,l from sli pe la, , ll aril) rest rch t„ fluty

1-ienten:lnt f:(lvtarO -Armstr„n , Detcticc Ilurcatl, ylnii1lattaiI, t„ take effect 10.55

t. nl.. Fcbruarr 24, 1910. I'atr , lnlan Oc'nlli U' ttllivaii. Onr IItndfer1 :i!:1 Frrtv-srvrntlt Precinct, to take

It..ct ;.ill I,. Ill., 1ehniary L. 1010.

l he fI,1l,,Nk irl,l; t1r,1ll1 is rcpI(tc(l : 1':;tr,,lvl:lrn \Vily;ill O,cllcl), Saol1(l r)i.,tr:ct (inn t S~;tl:ul, AI:1rl1l:mttan, at 5 a. nt.,

I k-I,rnar 23, 191(1. I hr tillvv in;; Special 1':Itri 1n'::n is )burr),)' alrl)rlinterl, t: , take effect February

?.;, 1')Itl:

II,II AV:Itn, fi , r \\ al , lt,rf- Asrrvria l lntcl t „nll,anY. l iith avenue and Thirty-

i. nrtll l,tnhalt:ur. T11e' ic•I,oati, ms „f the fwl1nvving Special I'atml1ileii are fienehv accepted: ehrtln ('. 1yt)ntt, cmpI0.v0I bk- the Int,•r),,i„uk'i Rapiml 1ran~it Company, No.

In; IIrr,arlv"•Iv- \ tnhatta:i. Ilt:lr1c,lI-t'c I. A111rplrv. fll1pM),Ict 111 \\:shin t„n Dtli1(1 Cum):uly. \ot. 1 Broad-

\\;n, Maii attar. 1:1111 1.MCl'1', tllll ,IH (l 111 C llllitl'Iler, (lt., pit yew irk, A,,. k) Broadway,

\Ia Il;itram.

S:u!iiar; Co,npary C1 ilcr S(Illa(l), Fsbruary 21, 1910.

'I'o , il,, , Pi(: Cuntmissionsr:

tiii—In cllltllianrc With rrler rcl;ltivt t.. 1 iiginccrs' cet'titicatts issued by me

under ceetiun 311 „I chapter 410 ul the 1.;iy of li;.'(?, as amended, the following re-poll \%ill "h 1' t111' )):hues of the ]lcrts tit 11'h„Il1 lie riices were issued, Class of license

:tn~l lt~c:trioO f,lr the same, tltu'inu; the t'enty-four hours ending 12 midnight, February i(1, 1910:

First Class.

Lntli. Ruvvl:uttl, S:lrkmaII street :Inrl 1,ivnr1ia avenue. I,ru„klyn: William Flvnn. \tI. 228 \V'cat (lne Illlll1(rd :n1f1 Dt,rtV•-cff,lhth street: )tichaet J. A1cGr'ath. One Hun-(Ircrl and Forty-fifiliArco and \Milli- ;ivei le: Tames Robertson, Elu euth avenue and Windsor mace, Brooklv-n.

Second Class.

Taco!) Stauderman. A,l 5” Fast 1?ig1itieth trc(-t: Ilarr} Meisel, X. 252 Greene street, Brooklyn: Patrick Fvers, Cabinet street and Shore marl, Lone I laird City:

Charles Ilarri,, No. 1(N1 \o';! sheet. Ilrllokl~tt: Ed~r'n Bush, N. 497 Union street,

BBrr,oklvn; Il (II ry Sc1lrn1tr, Ar,. 91 C ver trect, Rrlr,khvn: Jnlln :1Ic.Asey, Lenox a\entle and One Hundred and "Thirty-sixth street: William Dunttlu, No, 371 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn: Walter I1. Pitt, Bergen street and Raibjen avenue, Evergreen;

Patrick Mescall, No. 231 East Houston street.

\\ 11. F. l \K1l:, l'i,licr Cntmissioner.


101I.1g1: I)Il'.A1:1'\LENT.

ili.i II

I rill;nl 1Hlaai l ( )brit . • ( Hil1111:1I:1' 4. I1 1.0 0 p, I- ;i::::itll

tiit)•cl 11:Irc11 1, 1t1II,

, ,I11;lv l`Ilrl k t lf, 'l1'I. I ; ipIo lr 7 If, ,ii S1.I) t r :l nnenn. 111.1 1, 1'llli.

1 ll1 . n1:t:f 11:11111 I. iii I'. Ill. 1 Ii.•'

tract Mauch 1, felt).

l , rcmtn IHlxar l I. I\In. harry J:tiub;tlil. 1'.luclri('tat!. hr~t Clay, 1.a l ter (.'iutr:i:,i ,7. ill I.II,Vt - il l- ,.~ lr l

st'rl ice: m,t m(tuircH. • f t-, t;lks utit'ct \I;i -Ch 1. 1'0lll. Mlle fo1ICoom; (Veil Mk1,eil in the Nc\1'

Fork Nautical Sclio,tl, rm \tarclt 1. 19111: Il,~r,,o i ~t ,• l,i:i:alt

C. Gcrdiitg. Ayiater Tcoder, $50 per F''rrllr;in fh:,nla< Mu'liv:In. la. nit,nth. ,\ ,t.8, „r, Sl (tXI) l,t r :uIII::ii. '

I.crmar(I Dryer, A\ atcr Ten(Ier, $50 per ` ctucct 1i,ich 1. 1(1111. illuiltJl.

tlichacl .Ander,,rn, Fircnl:ln, $45 per I)inli- ttl.

ilinith. I im,n:m fir; ra~lr I1111 \\. I) I , Ilaro111 Ilamer), Fireman), $4~ per 1n ins l' mll:mr 33. .\lankal„111.

)hull')). 111111 Mfmi)1 "11111\ Hof hit Gllal t• t,: ' Prank S. Tan:lka. AV'ardr, uonl Boy, $311 : ,;[:li t him 'i rli: l,ctl. I,ci . rl r-

t,cr month. h-r lie n:t''l.,nt It X11 e I :rit.,l I ,',,+ I; p : 1. \Vnt. S. Meagher, l.lectrician. first class. 1911h, h;t been ,linti- c 1 Hen '.Ile I1

X511 per month. 1,:lrtnlent, hi take t'Itt'et it t :I- 11i , I

FIRE Dl \RT\fr:\T. nl;tt 2i. 1Oltl.

l~ircnl:ln tu~.; ~,r:t,lr ii ii I -A I March 3- 1n;zinc PHuiliaiiv 33. Nlaiili.ii:~11. 1iI ,.in;;

1pppuintcd. 1,trn mluIIrl QIriltv ''1 the 'll:lr rr ,l

1tir-Iunht to lht' pro o1,))im of stin)))t- . e;i ii him(11,. lnylh't' t o1 It f ,I

sion 4 ref Civil Service Drill' \ I I., Peter al,., net• vv itlltgnt le:tv t• t ~ 11(~l I t hill:u v ' l J. Collins ha; been appointed an enter- !O]U!, hat , bull Ali>1111'~rrl frnl ”:I, 0) gency Clerk, office of the Deputy Conn- ]rlrtnlellt, tot tall;e cunt at 8 :I. lu.. Fell missioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and (liar}' 25, 1910.


11:1 rctl 3--

The following cn11,l,tyrc, ill the \etti

York Nautical Sehiiol were diticlhargc(l on l,chru:u•t 28, 191t):

('. gcrrlin,, , l irellliall, rlvvn rc,luest. I.c, mard Dryer. Firenl:tn. coin request. George I lavashi, Cabin Stelrard, own re-


1i. Ni:i, \\:ll'rlI'i ,nlll It v, ii ric(h)est.


\larch 1- Rcsigncll. AliI< \linim, Cramer, No. 0

tt'cst (Inc Hundred and Fi'tll ttrcct, City, Inspector of Tenements. .alary $1,350 per attnttm. Thi; rc~ignatit:n tr, take effect it the cle of husint<s \l arch 1, 1910.

Resigned, t1iss Nellie Z. l'itzgcrald. \t'. 2(111 \Vest Ninety-fifth >trcct, City. Sten-

ogra)her and Typew'ritcr, salary $750 per a(illlib. T1ii resignatiiin to take effect at the close if business Nlarch 1, 1910.


I)F.P.ART\I1'\T OF FIN.AYCE. \larch 3—Sidiiev H. (; dacre, No, 11~

111•st Tac'nty-~cci,ntl trcet. Aanbattitll. ha < hall aoeflilltcy to the position of 1)cpaty Superintcnditnt r,f Markets, with salary at `n3,(X10 l,cr annuli, taking effect \larch 3, 1910.

Quail. I!•In '1 :I. nl . _P;e :I.i~ , _2) n ll1 c.rlll , tlI';lti~':: ;1 ' r,l ..j *'i:o ,. rI):niiii.

I„.intll. l im n:;n, ,n t! r:i It t H I • ii .

.Al, llat::n! t :1l.t t Itt t .I 111. AI.r" 'I

(t11 ( Ivvn \l ,lic;l:iu. Ai t r 1i.....

11- ,,11 11

I)I lllir ('hie I )e; ;lr:ln~ nt I),Itt). f;liltttnli Il, -:..... „., 1:i.I

: irinnl.' I;lkt ttit,; !,I;ueT: I. I',lII :n irrt r ,: *t Ilut : l .t ,H r H I

ilgim (0111:0l1 ll, ..,I : t i • ,

to 1IkT "!fet !,I:Irt ll 1, 1010

I1 uic( ..1 ,,ult:• lil 1. l: lH l.ii, 'i ,, r ~. to' take slit C' \i:lre 1. 1010


Fireman first grade Andrew P. Mc-\lanus, of Hook and Ladder Company 20, Manhattan, having been found guilty of the charges preferred against him of con-duct prejudicial to good order and disci-pline (tried February 24, 1910), has been tiisgli'scd from the Department, to take cffctt :tt 8 a. m., February 24, 1910.

l' ireman first grade Joseph M. Fogarty, I•:nkinc Company 204, Richmond, having been found guilty of the charges preferred against hint of being under the influence of li0nI, drug or compound, and absence ttith ut leave, has been dismissed from the I)Cpartnicnt, to take effect 8 a. fit.. I (I'rtiary 27, 1910.

"IcIt i rabh Operator John J. Naury, Fire \larm Telegraph Bureau, Borough of The Ir ii N, having been found guilty of the cicu-,r; prefcrrc(l against him, being under tin, influence of liquor, drug or compound, h;i; been digmissed the service of the De-p:irtnlent, to take effect at 8 a. in., Feb-riiary 20, 1910.

Dropped Fr 'iii rho' Ruhl.

1•:111 rg<•ncv Clerk Peter J. Collins, office I)Cpul}v (' umtui~sumcr, Boroughs of

Itrklta :iii l Queens, hay been dropped fr-onl the r~lll of this Department, from 5 I •(1 'lc 1). iii., Fcbruary 11, 1910.

Rrtircd ou 1Iall Pay.

Fr al and permanent physical dis- ;iIiility causal after the expiration of 1wClit) years' contiiiuous service, to take •.Ifect .\l arch 1, 1910:

I' rcin:ul Charles D. Ruddy Engine ( iipany 142, Brooklyn, on $1,080 per au

Fortnum Ia111c; 1 alerts. Engine Coni-I,;tnv Iil7, l;n,oklvn. (m $1,(X80 per annum.

1stant Pnrel11og Julio Friel, 1?ngine (' tnpati 11), L'rooklyn, on $91)0 per ;nnunl.

Fnrem,m llward Meehan, Engmc Coni-;on} 2f14, J'iCT1fl1O11d, on $1,080 per annum.

Designation of Compensation.

'I'lir cOmpcn~ati()fl oaf Telegraph Opera-1"r J lm J. \V el hi. Fire Alarm Telegraph l;l1rtHtl, Borough of \tanliattan, has been ~lcsignated at the rate of $1,500 per annum, to take effect \larch 1, 1910, an l trans-ft rree( to ~aicl Bureau iii the Borough of The 11roonx.


l cln uar) 28--- ( )n the 2311 inst.. the Cnnitilis. iumer teln-

pt~rarily- .11)p()inted Neil Dougherty to the ; .iii tt (.f 1Boiler \lakcr, with Pay it the rat, 4)f 43i celik per lour, while cm-l~lure 1, for a period not to exceed five days.

On the 24th inHt., the Coiiinlissioner

,iniilarly appointed Alfred Fance, 1Villiatn H. Stuart. (ev,rl,a Smith and Nicholas lurld , ?(nll)~)rar"IN to the position of

g,ilrr \l,il(r, e:i h it11 pay at the rate

) 13 cents hour, while employed, for

it pen 1 not to exceed five days. ( )n the 'nth inst., the Commissioner re-

;~plwttl'c l ] llnnl is 1. Connelly, for an aol'liti''nal peril not t+ exceed five years.

'[he Connmiiisioner hay reappointed) Jess I)ai'\. )anlr 1"(1ev, \Fihiaiii Horseniever, l; air: I clir, Arthur Taylor and Neil

I) nt,hcriv- for :1n a(lditional period of five

l,iy. ; R ller \lakers. with pay at the

ratc f a3 4 cents per hour, while emit-


flu rent of lbnfitiiggs.

\l arch _2- 1 tprlt .Tl_\ 28, Louise Thomas, Telephone

I );~crat. dr, rrnl''v Cl, to take effect at the of h~.i5itncss on February 28, 1910

1I arch ]. •l liii .\. ` cKenii:, No. 449 \\ ii "fllirty-Third irect, appointed Watch-mvt, at a s:tl;ir - of $(iO4) per annual.

MM;anl1 1. (;corge 11. 1lurphy, Inspector ,of I'Iumbiffg, deceased.


\l arch 1-Thy 1ma; J. Lanahiau. of \Idrigcr+ Hvirbor, Staten Island, was on ill. 24'h Ala) of February, 1910, appoint-,,(l .\-•T,lant Clerk of the \tmiCil)al Court (of i'he City of New York, Borough , i Ric}intf)n1l, First District, to take effect )n tilt 1-t play of \larch, 1910, for the terns

t ; viz tears


Marcht -I- I.t rhan W. RrtltligtSn, all .Assistaut at

ui :lnnit] x:t1; -v if *3.(_)X), has vciancc

take beret at the close of business on I ,':brtlar1 2t. 1910.

(Tharp; ciaptviek, an Assistant in the l,r(~i~klVu (ffice, at an annual salary of $3.()(X1, Ila; resigned, to take effect at the rose of business oii March 8, 1910.

Pile salary of Patrick E. Callahan, an 1istant ill the Brooklyn office, has been tiy(il :n 7,5l K) per annmn, to take effect

]Larch 1, I91tI. 'I'hr alary of 1 iihartl B. 0-ccii1vood,

•J r., :iii ,Aist;nit in the Brooklyn otfice, leas been tiXC(l at $6,5(X) per annum, to take effect March 1, 1910. '


STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open

for business and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held, together with the heads of Departments and Courts.



No. S City Hall, g a, m. to 5 P. m.; Saturday, g a m. to ram.

Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. WILLIAM J. GAYNOR, Mayor. Robert Adamson, Secretary. William B. Moloney, Executive Secretary. James A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and, Bond and

Warrant Clerk.


Room 7, City Hall, g a. m. to p. m.; Saturdays, 9a.m.toitm.

Telephone, Soso Cortlandt. Patrick Derry, Chief of Bureau.


g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, p a. m. to r2 m. Telephone, 8030 Cortlandt. Francis V. S. Oliver, Jr., Chief of Bureau. Principal Office. Room r, City Hall. Branch Office, Room I2A, Borough Hall, Brook-

lyn. Branch Office, Richmond Borough Hall, Room a3,

New Brighton, S. I. Branch Office, Hackett Building, Long Island

City, Borough of Queens.


Room 207, No. a8o Broadway, Sth floor, p a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to Ia m.

Telephone, 1942 Worth. The Mayor, the Comptroller, ex-officio; Commis-

s'oners J. Noble Hayes, Michael Furst, Jeremiah T, Mahoney, Ernest Harvier.

ARMORY BOARD. Mayor William J. Gaynor, the Comptroller.

William A. Prendergast; the President of the Board of Aldermen, John Purroy Mitchel: Brigadier-Gen-eral George Moore Smith, Brigadier-General John G. Eddy, Captain J. W. Miller, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments. Lawson Purdy.

Harrie Davis, Secretary, Room 6, Basement, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets.

Office hours, p a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to Ia in.

Telephone, 3900 Worth.


City Hall, Room as. Telephone call, 1197 Cortlandt. Robert W. de Forest, Trustee Metropolitan

Museum of Art, President; Arnold W. Brunner, Architect Vice-President; Charles Howland Russell, Secretary; A. Augustus Healy. President of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences: William J, 3aynor, Mayor of The City of New York; John Bigelow, President of New York Public Library; Frederic B. Pratt, Herbert Adams, Sculptor; Francis C. Jones, Painter; R. T. H. Halsey.

John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary,


Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and First avenue.

Telephone, 4400 Madison Square, Board of Trustees-Dr. John W. Brannan, Presi-

dent; James K. Paulding, Secretary; Arden M. Robbins, James A. Parley, Samuel Sachs, Leopold Stern, John G. O'Keeffe, Michael J, Drummond, ex-officio.

General Medical Superintendent, Dr. W. H. Smith,


No. ii City Hall, so a. in. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, so a. m. to 13 in.

Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. John Purroy Mitchel, President, P. J. Scully, City Clerk.


Office, No. 32o Broadway, p a. in. to 5 p. m.' Saturdays, I p. m.

Joseph P. Hennessy, President. William C. Ormond. Antonio C. Astarita. Thomas J. Drennan, Secretary. Telephone, 2g, 30 and 3' Worth,


Headquarters, General Office, No. 1o7 West Forty- first Street.

Commissioners-John T. DoolinQ (Presidentj, Charles B. Page (Secretary), James Kane, John E. Smith.

Michael T. Daly, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2046 Bryant.


Manhattan. No. r ra WestForty-second street, William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2946 Bryant.

The Bronx. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Mott

avenue (Solingen Building). Cornelius A. Bunn t r. Chief Clerk. Telephone, 336 Melrose.

Brooklyn, No. 42 Court street (Temple Bar Building). George Russell, Chief Clerk, Telephone, 693 Alain.

Queens, No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. Carl Voegel Chief Clerk. Telephone, 663 Greenpoint.

Richmond. Borough Hall, New Brighton S. I. Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief Clerk. Telephone, i 000 Tompkinsville. All othces open from p a. in. to S p. m.; Saturdays. A. in. tolsin,


The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, President of the Borough of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Brook-lyn, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens. President of the Borough of Richmond.


No. 277 Broadway, Room r4o6, Telephone, »80 Worth.

Joseph Haag; Secretary; William M. Lawrence, Assistant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to Board.


Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer, No. 277 Broad-way, Room 5408. Telephone, sa8r Worth.

Arthur S. Tuttle, Engineer in charge Division of Public Improvements, No. 277 Broadway, Room i4o8. Telephone, aa81 Worth.

Harry P. Nichols, Engineer in enarge Division of Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room 8or. Tele-phone, aa8a Worth.

Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, p a. in. toIain.


Rooms 6027 and 6o2S Metropolitan Building, No. I Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, g a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to is in.

Telephone, 5840 Gramercy. George A. Just, Chairman. Members: William

Crawford, Charles Buck, Lewis Harding, Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, William A. Boring, and George A. Just.

Edward V. Barton, Clerk. Board meeting every Tuesday at s p. m,


Office, No. 148 East Twentieth street. Patrick A. Whitney, Commissioner of Correction,

President. Win. E. Wyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First

Division. Robert J. Wilkin, Judge. Special Sessions, Second

Division. Frederick B. House, City Magistrate, First

Division. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second

Division. Samuel B. Hamburger, John C. Heintz, Dominick

Di Dario, James F. Boyle. Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary. Telephone, 1047 Gramercy.


William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. Archibald R. Watson, Conrporation Counsel. Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of

Taxes and Assessments. Henry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart-

meat, No. a8o Broadway. Telephone, I2oo Worth.

BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. Office, No. 299 Broadway. John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A.

Shaw, Commissioners. Thomas H. Keogh, Secretary. Office hours, 9 a. M. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, g a. W.

to ref M. Telephone, 544o Worth.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Raymond B. Fosdick, - , Commission-

ers of Accounts. Rooms r14 and rr5 Stewart Building, No. 28o

Broadway, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, p a. m. to 52 M.

Telephone, 43 15 Worth.


Office of the Commission, Room 219, No. zSo Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of Man. hattan. New York City.

Commissioners-William E. Stillings, George C. Norton, Lewis A. Abrams.

Lamont McLoughlin, Clerk. Regular advertised meetings on Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday of each week at a o'clock p. m. Office hours, g a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, g a. m.

to 12 m. Telephone, 3254 Worth.


City Hall, Rooms it, r2; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, to a. m, to r9 M.

Telephone, 7S6° Cortlandt. P. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board

Aldermen. Joseph F. Prendergast, First Deputy. John F. Oakley, Chief Clerk of the Board of

Aldermen. Joseph V. Sculley, Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. Matthew McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough of

The Bronx. George D. Frenz, Deputy City Clerk, Borough of

Queens. Joseph F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

of Richmond.


BLANK BOOKS. Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, No.

Park Row. Entrance, Room 8o7, p a. M. to 5 p M. Saturd

ays. 9 a, M. to za M.

Telephone, rsos and Iso6 Cortlandt.

Distributing Division, Nos. 96 and p8 Reade treet, near West Broadway.

Patrick J. 'Tracy, Supervisor; Henry McMillen, Deputy Supervisor; C. McKemie, Secretary,

COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Office, No. 277 Broadway. Herman Robinson, Commissioner. Samuel Prince, Deputy Commissioner. John J Caldwell, Secretary. Office hours, p a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to Ia in. Telephone, 2828 Worth.

COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND. William J. Gaynor, Mayor, Chairman; William A.

Prendergast, Comptroller; Charles H. Hyde, Cham-berlain; John Purroy Mitchel, President of the Board of Aldermen, and Frank L. Dowling Chair-man Finance Committee Board of Aldermen, Members; Henry J, Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain Secretary.

Office of Secretary, Room 69, Stewart Building No. a8o Broadway, Borough of Manhattan.

Telephone, 427o Worth,

DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Nos. r3-21 Park Row. Kingsley L. Martin, Commissioner. John H. Little, Deputy Commis+ioner. Edgar E. Schiff, Secretary. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Saturdays, g a. m. to t2 m. Telephone, 6o8o Cortlandt.


No. 148 East Twentieth Street. Office houju from g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, p a. m. to 1 3 m.

Telephone, 1047 Gramercy. Patrick A. Whitney, Commissioner. George W. Meyer, Deputy Commissioner. John B. Fitzgerald, Secretary.


Pier "A," N. R., Battery place. Telephone,oo Rector. Calvin Tomkins, Commissioner. B. F. Cresson, Jr., Deputy Commissioner, William J. Barney, Secretary. Office hours, g a. in. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, q a. w.

to r2 m. Telephone, 300 Rector.



Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (in the month of August, g a. m. to 4 p. m.); Saturdays, g a. m. to 12 M.

Telephone, 558o Plaza. Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4 p. M.

on the first Monday in February, the second Wed-nesday in July, and the second and fourth Wednes-days in every month. except July and August.

Richard B. Aldcroftt, Jr.; Nicholas J Barrett, Charles E. Bruce, Al. D,: Joseph E. Cosgtovr, Frederic R. Coudert, Francis P. Cunnion, Thomas M. De Laney, Horace E. Dresser, Alexander Ferris, George J. Gillespie, Tohn Greene, Robert L. Harrison, Louis Haupt, M. D.; James P Holland, Hugo Kanzler, Max Katzenberg, Miss Olivia Lev-entritt, Africk H. Man, Robert E. McCafferty, Dennis J. McDonald, M.D.; Patrick F. McGowan, Herman A. Metz, Ralph McKee, Frank W. Meyer, Louis Newman, Antonio Pisani, M. D.: Frank L. Polk, Mis. Alice Lee Post, Mrs. Helen C. Robbins, Arthur S. Somers, Abraham Stern, M. Samuel Stem, Cornelius J. Sullivan, James E. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan, Bernard Suydam, Rupert B. Thomas, John R. Thompson, Mrs. Christine Towns, Alphonse Weiner, John Whalen, Frank D. Wilsey, George W. Wingate, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., members of the Board. (Tr: o vacancies. i

Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., President. John Greene, Vice-President. A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. Fred H. Johnson, Assistant Secretary. C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School build.

ines. Patrick Jones, Superintendent of School Supplies. Henry R. M. Cook, Auditor. Thomas A. Dillon, Chief Clerk. Henry M. Leipziger, Supervisor of Lectures. Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries. A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors.

BOARD OP SUPERINTENDENTS. William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of

Schools, and Andrew W. Edson, John Ii. Haaren, Clarence E. Meleney, Thomas S. O'Brien, Edward B. Shallow, Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Strauben-muller, John H. Walsh, Associate City Superin. tendents.


Darwin L. Bardwell, William A. Campbell, John J. Chickering, John W. Davis, John Dwyer, James M. Edsall, Matthew.J. Elgas, William L. Ettinger, Cornelius D. Franklin, John Griffin, Al. D.; Ruth E. Granger, John L. N. Hunt, Henry W, Jameson, James Lee, Charles W. Lyon, James J. McCabe, William J. O'Shea, Julia Richman, Alfred T. Schaufffer, Alfred Shiels, Edgar Dubs Shinier, Seth T. Stewart. Edward W. Stitt, Grace C. Strachan, Joseph S. Taylor.Josepb H. Wade.


William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Ilervey, Jerome A. O'Connell, George J. Smith, Examiners.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway,

9 a. in. to 5 P. m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to r a in. Telephone, 1200 Worth. William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. Douglas Mathewson and Edmund D. Fisher,

Deputy Comptrollers. Hubert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. George L. Tirrell, Secretary to Comptroller. Joseph H. Eustace, Confidential ('lerk,


Henderson M. Wolfe, Chief Auditor ofAccouttts, Room 27,

LAW AND ADJUSTMENT DIVISION. Albert E. Hadlock, Auditor of Accounts, Room



Charles S. Hervey, Supervising Statistician and Examiner. Room i80.


James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, Room S.



BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. President's Office, Nos. r.5 and r6 Borough Hall,

9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to is m, Alfred E. Steers, President. Reuben L. Haskell, Borough Secretary. John B. Creighton, Secretary to the President. Telephone, 3960 Main. Lewis H. Pounds, Commissioner of Public Works John Thatcher, Superintendent of Buildings. William J. Taylor, Superintendent of the Bureau

of Sewers. Howard L. Woody, Superintendent of the

Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices. Frederick Linde, Superintendent of Highways.


Office of the President, corner Third avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street; 9 a. m- to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to II m.

Cyrus C. Miller, President, GeorgeDonnelly, Secretary. Thomas W. Whittle, Commissioner of Public

Works, J. Harris Jones, Superintendent of Buildings. Arthur J Largy, Superintendent of Highways Roger W. Bligh, Superintendent of Public Build-

ings and Offices. Telephone, 2680 Tremont.

TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT. Manhattan Office, No. 44 East Twenty-third

street. Telephone, 5331 Gramercy. John J. Murphy, Commissioner. Wm. H. Abbott, Jr., First Deputy Commissioner. Brooklyn Office (Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens

and Richmond), Temple Bar Building, No. 44 Court street.

Telephone, 3825 Main. Frank Mann, Second Deputy Commissioner. Bronx Office. Nos. 2804, zSo6 and z8o8 Third ave-

nue. Telephone, 967 Melrose, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays 9 a. m.

to 12 m,


The Public Service Commission for the First Dis-trict, Tribune Building, No. 154 Nassau street, Manhattan.

Office hours, 8 a, m. to r I p- m.. every day in the year. including holidays and Sundays,

Stated public meetings of the Commission, Tues-days and Fridays at I i.3o a. m. in the Public Hear-ing Room of the Commission, third floor of the Tribune Building, unless otherwise ordered.

Commissioners—William R. Willcox, Chairman; William McCarroll, Edward II. Bassett, Milo R. Maltbie, John E. Eustis. Counsel, George S. Cole-man. Secretary, Travis H. Whitney.

Telephone, 4150 Beckman,


No. 240 Centre street, g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a. m, to I2 m.

Telephone, 3100 Spring. William F. Baker, Commissioner. Frederick H. Busher, First Deputy Commissioner. Charles W. Kirby, Second Deputy Commissioner. John J. Walsh, Third Deputy Commissioner. Louis H, Reynolds, Fourth Deputy Commis-

sioner. William H. Kipp, Chief Clerk.


Nos. 165 and 167 East Sixty-seventh street, Head-quarters Fire Department.

Joseph Johnson, Jr., Deputy Fire Commissioner and Chairman; William Montgomery, John Sherry, C. Andrade. fr.. Abram A. Breneman.

Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, Nos. 365-367 Jay street Brooklyn

Meeting at call of Fire Commissioner,




No. a8o Broadway, 5th floor, Office borers for public, g a. m, to 5 P. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 M.

Telephone, 4585 Worth. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge.


Office, No. 17 Battery place. George A. Soper, Ph. D., President; James H. Fuertes, Secretary; H. de B. Parsons, Charles Sooysmith, Linsly R. Wil-liams, M. D.

Office hours, g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, g a.m. to ra m.

Telephone, 1694 Rector,


No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9a.In.to12m,

John C. McGuire, President; Richard Welling, Alexander Keogh,

Frank A. Spencer, Secretary,

Labor Bureau. Nos. S4-6o Lafayette street. Telephone, 2140 Worth.


No. 44 East Twenty-third street, g a. m. to 5 p. m.: Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 52 M.

Telephone, 1961 Gramercy. John P. O'Brien, Assistant in charge.


Office of the President, Nos, r4, r5 and r6 City Hall, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.: Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

George McAneny, President. Robert Buckell Insley, Secretary. Edgar Victor Frothingham, Commissioner of

Public Works. Rudolph P. Miller, Superintendent of Buildings. John R. Voorhis, Superintendent of Public Build•

ings and Offices. Telephone, 6725 Cortlandt.


President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City; 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to r3 m.

Lawrence Dresser, President, John N. Booth, Secretary. Joseph Sullivan, Commissioner of Public Works, Patrick E. Leahy, Superintendent of Highways. Carl Berger, Superintendent of Buildings. Cornelius Burke, Superintendent of Sewers.


Daniel C. Potter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of Institutions, Room 38.


No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street. John H. Timmerman, City Paymaster,


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway. Chandler Withington, Chief Engineer, Room 55•


Charles Hibson an.? Charles A. O'Malley, Aoorais-ers of Real Estate, Rooms icl, 1o3 and io,, No. ,So Br~adn,Iv.


Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room 0.

David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes. John J. McDonough and Sylvester L. Malone,

Deputy Receivers of'I axes. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building,

Third and Tremont avenues. lohn B. Underhill, Urputy Receiver or Taxes. Borough of LLrooklyn—Municipal Building,

Rooms 2-8. David E Kemlo and Alfred J. Boulton, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson

avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. William A. Bed e an3 'I'i~omas 11. Green, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes. Borough o` Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George,

New Brighton, John De Morgan and Edward J, Lovett, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes.


Borough of Manhattan, Stewart Building, Room I. Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and

Arrears. William H. Morgan, Deputy Collector of Assess-

ments and Arrears. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building,

Rooms I-3. James J. Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As-

se~sments and Arrears. Borough of Brooklyn—Mechanics' Bank Building,

corner Court and Montague streets. William C. W. Child, Deputy Collector of Assess-

ments an I Arrears. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson

avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. John Holmes, Deputy Collector of Assessments

an I Arrears. Borough of Richmond--St. George,New Brighton. Edward W. Berry, Deputy Collector of Assess-

rnents and Arrears.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, Room 141.

Peter Aitken, Collector of City Revenue and Sunerintender.* of Markets.

l71e; II. I, .' : , D n'; "uenr;lcnicnt of 1l.

Fred Goetz, Deputy Collectorof City Revenue.


Stewart Building, Chambers stret and Broadway Rooms 6,3 to (17.

Charles II. Hyde, City Chamberlain. Henry 1. Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain. i )tIice hours, g a rn. to 5 p. m. Telephone, 4270 \\ orth.


Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth 'tvenue, Borough of Manhattan, g a. m, to 4 P. m.; Sa-, urllays. q a. m. to 12 m.

Burial Permit and Contagious Disease offices always open.

Telephone. 4900 Columbus. Ernst 1, Lederle, Commissioner of Health and

frd,feriI. Alvah 11, Doty, M. D.; William F. Baker, Com-

mi-sioners. Eugene \V. Scheffer. Secretary. Herman M. Biggs, M. D., General Medical Officer. Walter Bensel, M. D., Sanitary Superintendent. William H. Guilfoy, M. D.. Registrar of Records. James McC. Miller. Chief Clerk.

Borough of Manhattan.

Traverse R. Maxtiell, M. D„ Assistant Sanitary Superintendent; George A. Roberts, Assistant Chief Clerk.

Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue.

Marion B. \eibl]an, M. D., Assistant Sanitary o1;lerintendent: Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant Chief Irrk; Arthur J. O'Leary, M. D., Assistant Registrar

of Records.

Borough of Brooklyn, Flatbush avenue, Willoughby and Fleet streets.

Alon'.o Blauvelt, M. D., Assistant Sanitary superintendent; Alfred T. Metcalfe, Assistant Chief Clerk; S. J. Byrne, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street, Jamaica.

John H. Barry, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent; George R. Crowly, Assistant Chief

Jerk; Robert Campbell, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Richmond, No. 5 14 Bay street, Staple-ton, Staten Island.

John T. Sprague, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super-ntendent; Charles F. Royer, Assistant Chief Clerk; I Walter Wood, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.


Charles B. Stover, Commissioner of Parks for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond, and Presi- dent Park Board

Clinton 1I. Smith, Secretary. 1)dices, Arsenal, Central Park. Telephone, sod Plaza Michael 1. Kennedy, Commissioner of Parks for

the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park,

Brooklyn. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, Telephone, 2300 South. Thomas J. Higgins, Commissioner of Parks for the

Borough of The Bronx. Office, Zorowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Office hours, 9 a. u.. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to I z m. Telephone, 2640 Tremont.


llall of Board of Education, No. Soo Park avenue, third floor. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p m.

'l'he Mayor, City Superintendent of Schools and Police Commissioner. George H. Chatfield, Secre-tary

Telephone, 5752 I'157a,



Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a. m, to 5 p,m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone, 7400 Madison Square. Michael J. Drummond, Commissioner. Frank J. Goodwin, First Deputy Commissioner. Thomas L. Fogarty, Second Deputy Commissioner

for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 327 to 331 Scher- merhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 Main.

J. McKee Boren, Secretary. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Repairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 a. m. to 5 P. m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to Is m.

Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East Twenty sixth street. Office hours, 8.30 a. m. to s p. m.

The Children's Bureau, No. 66 Third avenue. Office hours, 8.30 a. m. to S p. m.

Jeremiah Connelly, Superintendent for Richmond Borough, Borough Hall, St. George, Staten Island.

Telephone, boo Tompkinsville,


Nos. 13 to at Park row, g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur- days, 9 a. m. to is m.

Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt. William H. Edwards, Commissioner. James F. Lynch, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Manhattan. Julian Scott, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of

Brooklyn. James F. O'Brien, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of The Bronx. John 1. O'Brien, Chief Clerk,


Hall of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, Q a. M. toram.

Commissioners—Lawson Purdy, President• C. T. White, E. Kaufmann, J. G. Wall, D. F. McElroy, John J. Halleran, Charles J. McCormack.

Telephone, 3coo Worth.


Nos. 13 to 2i Park Row, 9 a. m. to 5 n. m.; Satur-days, g a. m. to 12 m.

Telephones, Manhattan, 852o Cortlandt; Brook-lyn,398oMain;Queens, rggoGreenpoint; Richmond, 840 Tompkinsville: Bronx, 'goy Tremont.

Henry S. Thompson, Commissioner. Edward W. Bemis, Deputy Commissioner, William C. Cozier, Deputy Commissioner, Bor•

ough of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. John L. Jordan, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of .The Bronx, Municipal Building, The Bronx. John E. Bowe, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of -Richmond, Municipal Building, St. George.


Edwin Haynard, President. Tames J. Donahue, Secretary. Edward Murphy, Treasurer. Ex-of'icio—Horace Loomis and Matthew E.

Healy. Rooms Nos. r4, 15 and r6 Aldrich Building, Nos.

140 and rsr Church street. Office open during business hours every day in

the year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after I O. m.


Officehours for all, except where otherwise noted from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m,


Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-hattan.

Telephone, 640 Plaza, Manhattan. 2653 Main, Brooklyn.

Rhinelander Waldo, Commissioner. Joseph Johnson, 1r., Deputy Commissioner.

Arthur J. O'Keeffe, Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

William A. Larney, Secretary. Winfield R. Sheehan, Secretary to Fire Commis-

sioner. Walter J. Nolan, Secretary to Deputy Commis-

sioner. Boroughqof Brooklyn and Queens. Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department and in

charge of Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau, and of Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appli-ances; offices of said bureaus, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan, and No. 365 Jay street, Brooklyn.

Thomas Lally, Deputy Chief of Department in charge, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

James J. McCartney, Deputy Chief of Depart-ment in charge of Bureau of Repairs and Supplies.

Joseph L. Burke, Inspector of Combustibles, Nos, 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. Tclenhone, 64q Plaza.

David J. Kelly, Assistant Fire Marshal in charge, Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond.

William L. Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Central office open at all hours.



Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets, 6th, 7th and 8th floors, g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to rz m.

Telephone, 3goo Worth. Archibald R. Watson, Corporation Counsel, Assistants—Theodore Connoly, George L. Ster-

ling, Charles D. Olendorf, William P. Burr, R. Percy Chittenden, William Beers Crowell, John L. O'Brien, Terence Farley, Edward J. McGoldrick. Cornelius F. Collins, John F. O'Brien. Edward S. Malone, Edwin J. Freedman, Curtis A. Peters, Louis H. Hahlo, Stephen O'Brien. Frank B. Pierce, Charles A. O'Neil, Richard H. Mitchell. John Widdecombe, Joel J. Squier, Arthur Sweeny, William H. King, George P. Nicholson. George Harold Folwel, Harford P. Walker, J. Gabriel Britt, Francis J. Byrne, Francis Martin, Charles McIntyre, Clarence L. Barber, Solon Berrick, James P. O'Connor, William H. Jackson, Edward Maxson, Elliott S. Benedict, Isaac Phillips, Edward A. McShane, Eugene Fay, Ricardo M. DeAcosta, Francis X. McQuade, John M. Barrett, I. Townsend Burden, Jr.

Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund Kirby.

Chief Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell.


Borough Hall, ad floor, 9 a. M. to 5 p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a. M. to 12 m.

Telephone, 2948 Main. James D. Bell, Assistant in charge.


No. go West Broadway, g a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a, m. to is m.

Telephone, 4981 Cortlandt. John P. Dunn, Assistant in charge.


No, r rg Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a, m. to sa m.

Telephone, 4526 Cortlandt. Herman Stiefel, Assistant in charge.

Arrow C. Hankins, Superintendent of Street Cleaning.

Emanuel Brandon, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Offices.

Telephone, 1900 Greenpoint.


President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. George Cromwell, President. Maybury Fleming, Secretary. Louis Lincoln Tribus, Consulting Engineer anal

Acting Commissioner of Public Works. John Seaton, Superintendent of Buildings. H. E. Duel, Superintendent of Highways. John T. Fetherston, Assistant Engineer and

Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Ernest Il. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Buill-

ings and Offices, Offices—Borough Hall, New Brighton, N. Y., 9

a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to ra M. Telephone, i000Tompkinsville.


Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Third avenue and Tremont avenue. Telephone, 1250 Tremont and 1402 Tremont.

A. F. Schwannecke, Jacob Shongut. Borough of Brooklyn—Office, Rooms r and 3,

Municipal Building, Telephone, 4004 Main and 4005 Main.

Alexander J. Rooney, Edward Glinnen, Coroners. Open all hours of the day and night. Borough of Manhattan—Office, Criminal Courts

Building, Centre and White streets. Open at all times of the day and night.

Coroners: Israel L. Feinberg, rierman Hellen-stein, James E. Winterbottom, Herman W, lloltz-bauser.

Telephones, 1094, 5057, 5058 Franklin. Borough of Queens—Office, Borough Hall, Fulton

street, Jamaica, L. I. Samuel D. Nutt, Alfred S. Ambler, G. F. Schaefer. Office hours from 9 a. m, to to p. m. Borough of Richmond—No. 44 Second street,

New Brighton. Open for the transaction cf busi• ness all hours of the day and night.

William H. Jackson, Coroner. Telephone, 7 Tompkinsville.




Room I s7 Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. :r Is m.

Thomas Allison, Commissioner. Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. Telephone, 24 r Worth.

COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Office, Hall of Records. William S. A,Idrews, Commissioner. James 0. Farrell, Den+tty ('ommissioner. Telephone, -,9:) Worth. 011ice hours, q a. m. to 4 n. m.; Siaturlav-2, q a. is

to ra m. During July ao l August fro::; 9 a. c:. to ap.m.


Nos. 5, 8, q, to and i r New County Court house, Office hours, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to T2 m. William F. Schneider, County Clerk. Charles E. Gehring, Deputy. Herman W, Beyer, Secretary. Telephone, 5388 Cortlandt.


Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin anal Centre streets.

Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur.lay 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Charles S. Whitman, District Attorney. Telephone, 2,304 Franklin.


No. r Ig Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday 9 a. m. to r2 M.

William M. Hoes, Public Administrator, Telephone, 6316 Cortlandt.


Hall of Records. Office hours, from g a, m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. M. to ra so. During the months of July and August the hours are from 9a. in. toap.m.

Max S. Grifenhagen, Register. William Halpin, Deputy Register. Telephone, 3900 R'orth.


No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to ri m. Except during July and August, 9 a. m. to a p. m.; Saturday's, 9 a. m. to Ia m.

John S. Shea, Sheriff. John R. Cartwright, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 4984 Worth.


Hall of Records. Court open from 9 a, m. to 4 P. m., except Saturday when it closes at 12 m. During the months of July and August the hours are from

Abner C. Thomas and John P. Cohalan, Surro-gates: William V. Leary, hief Clerk.

Telephone, 3900 Worth.



JCounty Court-house.

acob Brenner, Commissioner. Jacob A. Livingston, Deputy Commissioner. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

from g a. M. to 12 M. Office hours during July and August, g a. m. to

3 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to I2 m. Telephone, 1454 Main.


Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., excepting months

of July and August, then 9 a. M. to 2 p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a. m. to I a m.

Lewis M. Swasey, Commissioner. D. H. Ralston, Deputy Commissioner.

'Telephone, r r 14 Main. Telephone, lose Main.


COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, 9 a. m.

to 4 p. m.; during months of July and August, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to r2 m.

Henry P. Molloy, County Clerk. Thomas F. Wogan, Deputy County Clerk. Telephone call, 4930 Main.


County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms, ro, 17, 1S, sz and 23. Court opens at ro a, m. daily and sits until business is completed. Part L, Room No. 23; Part II., Room No. so, Court-house. Clerk's office, Rooms r7, t8 and as, open daily from 9 a. m. to 4 P m.: Saturdays. to m

Norman S. Dike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County Judges.

Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main,


IOffice, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn.

Hours. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. ohn F. Clarke, District Attorney. elephone number, 2955-6-7-Main.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, p

a. m.to5p.m. Charles E. Teale, Public Administrator. Telephone, 2840 Main.

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.,

excepting months of July and August; then from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., provided for by statute. Satur-days, 9 a. m. to is m.

Frederick Lundy, Register. Tames S. Reagan, Deputy Register. Telephone, 2830 Main.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Room 14, Brooklyn, N.Y, 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m. Patrick H. Quinn, Sheriff. John Morrissey Gray, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 6845, 6846, 6847, Main.


Hail of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate. Edward J. Bergen, Chief Clerk and Clerk of the

Surrogate's Court Court opens at to a. m. Office hours, 9 a. m. to

4 p. m„ Saturdays, 9 a. m. to I2 m. Telephone, 3954 Main.



Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and August, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to rs m. Queens County Court-house, Long Island City.

George 1I. Creed, Commissioner of Jurors. Telephone, 455 Greenpoint.


\o. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Fourth Ward Borough of Queens, City of New York.

Office open, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 M.

Martin Mager, County Clerk. Telephone, 155 Jamaica.

COUNTY COURT. Temporary County Court-house, Long Island

City. County Court opens at ro a. m. Trial Terms

begin first Monday of each month except July. August and September. Special Terms each Satur-day, except during August and first Saturday of September.

County Judge's office always open at No. 336 Fulton street, Jamaica, N. Y.

Burt J. Humphrey, County judge. Telephone, 286 Jamaica.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island

City, 9 a. m to S P. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M. Frederick G. De Witt, District Attorney, Telephone, 39 Greenpoint.


No. 17 Cook avenue, Elmhurst. John T. Robinson, Public Administrator, County

of Queens. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 5 p. in. Telephone, 335 Newtown.


County Court-house, Long Island City, 9 a. m. to 4 P. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to ra m.

Thomas M. Quinn, Sheriff. Telephone, 43 Greenpoint (office.) Telephone, 372 Greenpoint.


Daniel Noble, Surrogate. Office, No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica. Except on Sundays, holidays and half-holidays,

the office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 n• m.; Saturdays, from 9 a. m. to Is m. July and August 9 a. m, to 2 p. M.

The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at ro a. in., except during the month of August.

Telephone, 397 Jamaica.


COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Village Hall, Stapleton. Charles J. Kuilman, Commissioner. Office open from o a. m, until 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

from 9 a. m. to t4 m. Telephone, 8r Tompkinsville.

COUNTY CLERK. County Office Building, Richmond, S. I., 9 a, m.

to 4 P. M. C. L. Bostwick, County Clerk. County Court-house, Richmond, S. I., 9 a. m. to

4 p. in.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to Is m. Telephone, 28 New Dorp.


Terms of Court, Richmond County, 19og. County Courts—Stephen D. Stephens, County

J t~dge. t, First Monday of June, Grand and Trial Jury.

Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial


Fourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of ebruary, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury, Fourth Wednesday of April, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of July, without a Jury, Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of December, without a Jury. Surrogate's Court—Stephen D. Stephens, Surro-

gate. Mondays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at

to.30 o'clock a. m. Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at

1o,30 o'clock a. m. Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond,

at 10,30 o'clock a. in. Telephones, 25 L NewDorp,and 12 Tompkinsville.


Borough Hall, St. George, S. I. Samuel H. Evins, District Attorney. Telephone, 5o Tompkinsville. Office hours, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to r7 in.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Richmond, S. L John J. Collins, Sheriff. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to 52 m.

Telephone, r 20 New Dorp,




Court-house, Madison avenue, comer Twenty-fifth street. Court open from z p. m. until 6 p. m. (Friday. Motion day, Court opens at at 10.30 a. m. Motions called at to a. m.)

George L. Ingraham, Presiding Justice; Chester B. McLaughlin, Frank C. Laughlin, John Proctor Clarke, Francis M. Scott, Nathan L. Miller, Victor J. Dowling, Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk; William Lamb, Deputy Clerk,

Clerk's Office opens at 9 a. m. Telephone, 3840 Madison Square.


MENT. County Court-house, Chambers street. Court

open from ro.r5 a. m. to 4 P.M. Special Term, Part I. (motions), Room No, r6, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte business), Room

No. r.;. Special Term, Part IIL, Room No. t9, Special Term, Part IV., Room No. so. Special Term, Part V., Room No. 6. Special Term, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad cases),

Room No. 31. Tria Term, Part II., Room No. 34. Tria Term, Part III., Room No. s2, Tria Term, Part IV., Room No. sr. Tria Term, Part V., Room No. 24. Tria Term, Part VI., Room No. r8, Tria Term, Part VII., Room No. — Tria Term, Part VIII., Room No. a;. Tria Term, Part IX.. Room No. 35. Tria Term, Part X., Room No. 26, Tria Term, Part XI„ Room No. 27. Tria Term, Part XII., Room No. —. Tria Term, Part XIIL, and Special Term, Part

VII., Room No. 36, Trial Term, Part XIV., Room No. a8. Trial Term, Part XV., Room No. 37, Trial Term, Part XVI., Room No. —. Trial Term, Part XVII., Room No. ao. Trial Term, Part XVIII, Room No. 29, Appellate Term, Room No. 29. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 38, third floor. Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor,

northeast. Clerks in attendance from ro a. m. to 4 p. M. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions),

Room No. 55. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte

business), ground floor, southeast corner. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar, ground

floor, south. Clerk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room north•

east corner, second floor, east. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest

corner, third floor. Trial Term, Part I. (criminal business). Criminal Court-house, Centre street. Justices—Henry Bischoff, Leonard A. Giegerich,

P. Henry Dugro, James Fitzgerald, Tames A. O'Gorman, James A. Blanchard, Samuel Green-baum, Edward E. McCall, Edward B. Amend, Vernon M. Davis, Victor J. Dowling, Joseph E. Newburger, John W. Goff, Samuel Seabury, M. Warley Platzek, Peter A. Hendrick, John Ford, Charles W. Dayton, John J. Brady, Mitchell L. Erlanger, Charles L. Guy, James W. Gerard, Irving Lehman, Edward B. Whitney, Alfred R. Page, Edward J. Gavegan, Nathan Bijur.

William F. Schneider, Clerk, Supreme Court. Telephone, 4580 Cortlandt.


Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Clerk's office hours, g o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. in. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term for Trials. Special Term for Motions.

James F. McGee, General Clerk. Telephone, 5460 Main.


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White and Franklin streets.

Court opens at 10.30 a. m. William P. Schneider, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll,

Special Deputy to the Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Satin'.

days, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 6064 Franklin.

COURT OF GENERAL SESSION1. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre,

Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at ro.,;o a. in. Warren W. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan, Otto

A. Rosalsky, Thomas C. T. Crain, Edward Swann, Joseph F. Mulqueen, James T. Malone. Judges of the Court of General Sessions; Edward R. Carroll, Clerk. Telephone. rsor Franklin.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. During July and August Clerk's Office will close

at s p. in., and on Saturdays at r2 M.


No, 3a Chambers street, Brownstone Building City Hall Park, from to a. m. to 4 p. m.

Part I. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V.

Part VI. Part VII. Part VIII, Special Term Chambers wi be held from so a. m.

to4P.iii. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Francis B.

Delehanty, Joseph I. Green, Alexander Finelite, Thomas F. Donnelly, John V. McAvoy, Peter Schmuck, Richard T. Lynch, Edward B. La Fetra, Richard H. Smith, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk.

Telephone, 12 2 Cortlandt.


Building for Criminal Counts, Centre street, be' tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of Man-hattan.

Court opens at TO a. M. justices—First Division—William E. Wyatt, Wil-

lard H. Olmsted, Joseph M. Deuel, Lorenz Zeller,

John B. Mayo, Franklin Chase Hoyt. William Al. uller. Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 2092 Franklin, Clerk's office. Telephone, 6or Franklin, Justices' chambers. Second Division—Trial Days—No. r7r Atlantic

avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays at ro o'clock; Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of Queens, Tuesdays at to o'clock; Borough Hall, St. George, Borough of Richmond, Wednesdays at so o'clock.

Justices—Howard J. Forker, John Fleming, Mor-gan Al. L. Ryan, Robert J. Wilkin, George J. O'Keefe, James J. McInerney. Joseph L. Kerrigan, Clerk.

Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Telephone, 4 280 Main.


First Division—No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan. Ernest K. Coulter, Clerk.

Office hours o a. m. to 4 ). m, Telephone t,5;2 Stuyvesant. Second Division—No. roaCourtstreet, Brooklyn.

William F. Delaney, Clerk. Telephone. 627 Main. Clerk's office hours, 9 a. M. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays,

9 a. m. to 12 in.


First Division.

Court open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. City Magistrates—Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B.

Crane, Peter T. Barlow, Matthew P. Breen, .Tosaph F. Moss, Henry Steinert, Daniel E Finn, Frederick B. House, Charles N. Harris, Frederic Kernochan, Arthur C. Butts, Joseph E. Corrigan, Moses Herr-man, Paul Krotel, Keyran J. O'Connor, Henry W. Herbert.

Philip Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and Twenty-first street and Sylvan place.

Telephone, 225 Harlem. First District—Criminal Courts Building. Second District—Jefferson Market. Third District—No. 6g Essex street. Fourth District—No. is East Fifty-seventh

street. Fifth District—One Hundred and Twenty first

street. southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth District—One Hundred and Sixty-first

street and Brook avenue. Seventh District—No. 314 West Fifty-fourth

street. Finhth District—Main street, Westchester Ninth Di,trict C in (Night Cotu'tt- , *-.' -

-1•: c:n,c.

Second Diwisioi.

Borough of Brooklyn. City Magistrates—Edward J. Dooley, James G.

Tighe, John Naumer, E. G. Hi nbotham, Frank E. O'Reilly, A. V. B. Voorhees, Alexander H, Geismar. John F. Hylan, Howard P. Nash,

President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No 232 Clermont avenue.

Secretary to the Board, John E. Dowdell. Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, and No. 648 Halsey street.

Courts. First District—No. 3 r 8 Adams street. Second District—Court and Butler streets. Third District—Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Fourth District—No. 186 Bedford avenue. Fifth District—No. 249 Manhattan avenue. Sixth District—No. 495 Gates avenue Seventh District—No. 35 Snider avenue (Flat-

bush). Eighth District—West Eighth street (Coney

Island). Ninth District—Fifth avenue and Twenty third

street. Tenth District—Nc, '33 New Jersey avenue.

Borough of Queens. City Magistrates—Matthew J. Smith, Joseph

Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy.

Courts. First District—St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island

City. Second District—Town Hall, Flushing, L. I. Third District—Central avenue, Far Rockaway,

L. I.

Borough of Richmond. City Magistrates—Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel

Marsh. Courts.

First District—Lafayette place, New Brighton, Staten Island.

Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten Island.


Borough of Manhattan. First District—The First District embraces the

territory bounded on the south and west by the southerly and westerly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of Four-teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street, Second avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and Catharine street.

Wauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John floyer, Justices.

Thomas O'Connell, Clerk Location of Court—Merc-,ants' Association Build-

ing, Nos. 54-6o Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from g a. m to d P. m ; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m

Additional Parts are held at southwest corner of Sixth avenue and Tenth street and at No. 528 Prince street.

Telephone, 6030 Franklin.

Second District—The Second District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue and on the south and east by the southerly and easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue

from Fourteenth street to Fifth street, Se:on1 avenue, Chrystie street, Division street aril Catharine street.

Benjamin Hoffman, Leon Sanders, Thomas P. Dinnean, Leonard A. Snitkin, Justi„es.

Tames J. Devlin, Clerk. Location of Court--Nos. 264 and 266 \Ia lisnri

street. Clerk's Office o,.en daily (Sunlav s and legal holidays excepted) from o. a. m. to 4 p. m,

Telephone, 4300 Orchard.

Third District—The Third Iti~trict embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street, on the cast by the cer.tre Hut' of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fitt ninth street and by the centre line of Central Park West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-titth stret•t. on the north by the centre lice of Sixty- fifth street and the centre line of Fifty-ninth street (mm Seventh to Eighth avenue, on the nest by the 'a st-erly boundary of the said burongh

Thomas E. Murray, '1homas F. Noonan. Tu:tices. Michael Skelly, Clerk. Location of Court—No. ,;r.y \(u-.t F"tv-fourth

street. Clerk's Ut"ce ot , cn ,i;y Scn Lrys aril legal holidays excepted , (run. 9 a. m. to 4 p, in Saturdays, 9 a. nt. to t s M.

Telephone number, 5410 Coh:n:br:r,

Fourth District—T'he I 'urth Di tri,t ru,lraces the territory hounde l un the s 'ttt`t l,y the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the we by the centre line of Lexington a',cr.ue and by the centre line of Irving place, inc!udink its pre ection through Gramercy Park, on the north by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street, on the east i.' the e,t - 'ar!y lin' of said borough; excluding, hocce -cr, any portion of Blackwell's Island.

Michael F. Blake, A'illiam J. Ilo}han, Justices. Abram Bernardi, Cleve. Location of Court—\'art 1. ar'l Part II., A ,. i c r

East Fifty-seventh street. Clerks (t'';ren; (Sundays and legal holula'; s esc, ; te,i fruit 9 a. ci. to 4 Q. m.

Telephone,3S6o Plaza.

Fifth District—The Fifth Uitrict cr..',racc, the territory houn,le~t on the , Uth I,% the ecru- Gre of Sixty-fifth street, on tier-a t by tier cr-r,t:e line of Central Park Weet, on tLr ; it by ti,e ce^,tie ljne of One Hundred an,l Temh sir, , t, '~•: the We t by the westerly boun,la-y of sail h,,ro':('I

Alfred P. W. Seaman, At'rlliam i tut:k, Fre:lcrick Spiegelherg. Justices.

John H. Servis, Clerk. Location of Court :r- .'li ve-t c-irein of llr~.i !-

nay and Ninety-sixth stre't. C!frk's i,'i.ce daily (Sundays art! kgal r , -1, is}s exce;-trl from a. m.

Telephone, 4006 Riversi.le.

Sixth District---'fhe Siyt!, i1,-trirt en nt rthe territory houn~le, l on tae , :td i.e .hr :r. ,. Filth-ni; th ctreet tin- l i'. ,.. , „ , t, sixth streetfrm Lexic r't. -t F.`t'_ac,: ., on the rvet !'cth” ce,,trti : ,f L• s 'u'',' from Fiftv-ninth , rt t H. t}:, . the centre' line t.: P t!, ;,. .0 \eru'.

O street t0 rte I Ian,! rr t .c . i~I .t re, .• ,-, northbvtherr-ntre!ir,. II. , 1 Ic:.ti, street, on the e,tst t.•_: ti;....., .'-r, ......... ,re' borough, in.r:.:ii , It ,-,• It Island an ; ' .<c'.r.•i,,.~; :t ':r . , ,. l;" " L.-,r,

Tacob filar S It,; .rt. ir. : ~l : .tt E,Iwar, i ~l. McQt'.t : ~'' )-k Location ..f Court..:: a, . , r , "i i r

avenue an-I iiiphty-t.,ir ' _rr , t t "irks , r ~ daily (Sandti,s :tr:l r s.,' ` :, ,,< s-xt:'te r.

Telephone, 4343 Lei ,5.

Set'enth I)ts riot 1 Lu , ,, t.t;! I the territ. , r% him,::-! line of One I II;n!.ro,! . 1 , : . • , t , by the Centre line of i~,i! h : t: terminus thereof, an d r:1 -t:. "i' t.-,' m -ti.,-r',. to minus of Fifth avenue, t"

.~'r ,r, a crt hrr;.

direction the coarse r•f ti.- H:r-1, •:. ri'., r, r,n it conterminous with tl.e r :.. borough, on tire north a-. ,• n „ r ti-y ,ry westerly b ,_tn.Iaries of -i !

Philip J. Sinnott, L'avi. L. t1 , .. I i:r: i,-: Justices.

lien. W an If. ;1,on, (. :, rs. Location of Court- ' .l.t tl,tr' :r, -t-, t.

Clerk's Oflice ol,er. , r -, ,.H... t.t.-- rr:, i :r days excepted) f ro m 9 a. r.~ ti y ; ru,.

Eighth District—Tt I.,, lit,. brxtruI t r:: - -tit'e0 the territory b„unrierl ',n t .?h 1 e tee ,-t.trr line of One ll Ircl ar Truth ;ter,' us by the centrL line ul I'ift 1. .:,u:, , . C - r r.0 .., east by the rorthcrlv art ! e;t, r,v_ ::,:,I - said borough, inrlur rug Kai>!a:l`:, 1_'~,r.: a., : t}.e whole of Ward's la!an, !.

Leopold Prince, 1.,hn I. I, -.'. y rr, 3-!,,!ires. William I. KE•nr.' ic, (' It Location of Court - Se'' ,. r:, ; '.:n e ! r 1,-c II:

Bred and 'lucent}'-ter<* .. r,-,. .:,s, : u. „n r: Clerk's Office ot ,en r:x:', . , ...,u - ;i', ., ti,,: I. . days excepte i, frorc o a ru t,, y , _...

Telephone. 3)50 hurler:,

Ninth f)istrirt—The Ni;tt`i l etrtut 0r,.h1:o1r- :Lr territory b, trine i oil ti, , y t`.t t r! u e of Fourteenth street ar , H; tl centre'.. , rt l fit•: ninth street from the crn?r, 1 rd S, v, r.tF: a•r"I Le to the centre Gne of Cerar:u 1';.rI \\ t, n tr., (.,,t by the centre line of Leydtgtut aucn :r tut'I IV t'us centre line of Irving p:acc, uH:: I,rp :ts t r it-, *ern, through Gramercy ['ark, an -I he ti.,- t,-litre hn.• ' Fifth avenue from the cectre :it:e tut Ntr,tc-ixtl, street to the centre line cf ore,':re' 1 ,.:u.i It ctl, street, on the north by C's comic jr ii : Nir,,, sixth street frumtherectre H':,' i j,-xir.trc;....... to the centre line of Fifth a:, r.ue .,nil I,', c,r:e H::n-dred and Tenth street trim hitth accru:c t ,; 1.-;art: ParkWCest.onthenestIn cHecentre line o; c rath avenue and Central Park 1',

Edgar J. Lauer, Frederick lie A\ itt 11"0!5, Fri,:k D. Sturges, AVilliam C. 11 i1 cm, Ju>tices.

William J. Chamber,:,;n, C;r, rk. Location of Court—.0-rthncst corner of 11 t.II-..r,

avenue and Fifth-ninth -treet. C!erk ui;re open daily (Sundays and leg.; holil.:e excetc-1, 9 a. m. to 4 P. m.; Satur ia; :, x a. m. to it

Telephone, 3S73 l'laza.

Borough of The Bronx.

First District—All th:,t p%rt of the 'I rren.s fr-u:th Ward which was late :y anr:exel to ti,- City "nil County of New 1-ork ht chatter o;y r f tI.e Los of 1895, comprising all of the late Town rf 11 r-•r hester and part r,f the Towns of 1:rstchr-t,r ao,! I including the Villa¢es of 1Vak,t 1 t,r'i It"l:fr,a - bridge. Courtroom, Turin II tl'., No. rauo 11'rl;ans-bridge raod, WVestc;:ester 1'i;!^oe. Court open rlai;} (Sundays and legal hell?:; 's excel tc- i:, fur n q a. m, to 4 P. m. Trial of causes. Tuesday an 1 hr lay ref each week.

Peter A. Stteil, Justice. Stephen Collins. Clerk. Office hours from 9 a. m to t ;' ., at ,il2;n

closing at r2 m. Telephone. 457 Westchester

Second District—Tv-c::ty-thin'! and 'fu-erty fourth \V'aids, except the territory ,',c-cri!,ed i:, chapter 934 of the Laws e,t' rfn5. Court -room, southeast corner of Washington av,rue aril (hie Hundred and Sixtv-seco•t,i street. Office hours. from a. in. to 4 p- in. Court ooertsatya,n:.,Sun days and legal ho'idays cxcet'te. I.

John M. Tierney, Justice, Thomas A. Maher, Clerk.

Telephone, 3043 Mlelro~e,


p \(OTI('E IS IHEREBY GIVEN that the t'i.e Int rlred "u)l sixteenth public

anc! +n sti . c'n•itine

of UNCLAIMED AND (O\])I:1N1•:I) l'(ILIC1: DEI'AR1'2dENT I'R01'1 R"[\ , o ill he held at the foot of East One IIondred in ii Twentieth street on

WEI)\F:SDAY, MARCIH 16, 1910,

at 10 a. m.: Lnt N. 1, one metal lifzhoat, Lot N. 2, one 12-foot skiff. 3, one lfl-f :ot skit. Lot A'r,. 4, one 1P-fo„t skitf. L,tt N. ;, nnc 8-foot skirt. L t No. 6, one 10-foot 5kit7. L.K No, 7, nne 13-f) it skiff. I.:tt N. s, one skiff. L„t NO. rl, t ,ne ( 2-f ow ski C. Lot Nn, l0. rine 15-{. , ,t scow. A, I (, ('nC I'-f''''t skiff. Lot No. 12, one I4-fo.'t skill, I.t,t .No. 13• one 12-foot skiff. 1.: t N , 14. n~le 1 5-f,i'tt mrta'lic boat. Lt t N. lf, one l5-jot skiff. Lot Nn. Ih, one 21)-fnnt skiff. Lot N". 17, one tt-fi,ot skiff. L): No. 1, o'lc ll•fo't skiff. Litt \..t. 19. ()Ile IC-1 rlt Scow. Lot N. 30, one I-'-foot skiff.

N . 21. on-- l,u-ft b,at. Lnt Nu '?, j'ic 1I-ir,nt launch, wi'.h Palmer

engine. Lot No. '? on' l t P. l:cc rowboat, Lrt N. '1, iiftl,-riei;t em;.ty nil hnrls. .Al) or,; erty ea'I he at t1, f., a of Fast

One TiuE•e1 :,n-1 T,v~ntictll sct. Tcrms siric•ir ca-!t, No checks accept. I. No I. rvnrrant:e:l. ti I it ti rcmuvr l n` ouce,

WM. 1'. B.AKER, Commissioner. m3,16


OWNERS \\':1NTH1) BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Pt.'ice Department of The

City of New York. No. 300 Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the ftllo'.ving property, now in his cuetodv, without claimants: Boats, rope. iron, lead, male and female clotbinc, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamon, k, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also stall amount li monty taken from prisoners and found he Patrolmen of this De-partment.

WILLIAM F. BAKER, ['slice Cornn)issioner.

:I,'.'., III.

1%lI)\I'U11, ►11fi( II 9, I'. lo,

a: 1 1'. A. i-l'l.\ 111.

DI CLli \t17It I I-' Ili: i2: ; I1 t:A

: IC t .l INi; 1;NI;INEER, TIll: ICI' I~


\I . i t

l .•I: I'.

The time f: r tic rilii)ci f the to anti the perf„rmancc t i the i ar,tct lur::,c the year I. 1

flit: ..f .tcll: '.'it) ..,luir~ ;:

cnt 1. . t i tilc i'n, ut r ., Li.. 111'l- v.ili h,• c.el1;:nc l al1l to r ., a:'

el, il111t••• .. hds 'c It ' .I, t'. C . I "tit ~. ui i lcr I5I l ac is c n.

Iitlic r, t l to u,!l f r either l t t tl all r ;:, r 1

.A.tar:l, u:il l”,• 10:11: I.e eir .r i o.,. .., tir. ii, i

n „ f •'u• P: rtl .1 li, a't;. .' lIt~k fri. ;:-,ll film!;,: lilt . lY 1,

Ohtri;lc:l at the :f:irc of t :e I it [ it ,. iP .i Ill artnl' nt l lra ;l „ut...:r>t r.-r•' i l:[ t lt'n . an'l . ,.,.., a\, 111 it ., t 11a:. h:1• ten.

1:T:\S C 1. LEDEItf.P., 1:_11.,

II .A \II 1T. iltt'I'1. Ti. I)., • \1 11.1.1.\1 I. It \It:IC

1;.,... f Its .'t: . hat. l \InrCll -, 191

Sc,' General Instructions to Bid-d►'rs on the last pane, lust t'olunut, of lb.- -• ('its• Record."


1), P.sRTvt! Ni nr l'l- el.l Cttae'Ttrs. E.tsr "fit; ,r.<l:;tu Sisr;r, Neal \.•R .

Tt) CuN 11, ACTl)RS.

I'R')I'il .V 1'+.)l: lI1l' i)IZ 1l1~1.AIl.Z.

Sl..1L1 11 lllil= Ili C])f 11'I'1-1 ACILI. Ili.; cc•. icl l,r•' c 11i,Illl l,t 1' l". a:l-

tics litthe al, ,e 0...c tr... .1 ,l! k :u. oil

310\D.1Y' MARC[1 1 1, 1910,

F()R ll'R\ICH1\I; .AAil llI•I N . 1. llttl:~i:~. N '-'i .l - t t I',Ill.l/.!:1:-' \\ II ,Ah11.

1\t; is i' .I.,%l i A I

ill f1.1lw '1 \ I E1fI\I., II\kl\C\I:!:, 11It;t III :A;A `,I"i:.1V!I t I II.:S Alist I)) " S[ Pill"li:s.

(,Ol)1s, li..1ll_lt \\ \R;;, l'1lhh.l i.., ii AitII- 11".11Ci:. ( l KII 1 t I ' ""11.AICi. 11 1'.\\C.1RE AND 1,.Al:i IN,

I i!c ti:uc i r ti: is tlurii..g t:,t c,a 1'',

T;I:; an; :nit i .. cc;l:. ( ll ) i .. rl matt.

lice 1 ll i, ; roc, ~! .•.

f.. .1 ,, :H

total ❑ ,I (iii it c; -s, „o :r itc.n. .. I tinc •

lilank for,,: •t: l r nlotrnef of ['-t "l'. ci, l.e eIi . - hat'rin.

.IT( 1I.AF.l.I. I)Rf - \I',r~ V'I Tl:c l'v „i N,:c V rli )ia !I I.

*lee f.'em,rul 1nstrnetiuu' to lHid-de•rs nit (h,' lint Pau,, lavt c'(Planln, of flu' "('iiv Hecord,"

N.,., V. l 1 i'v. ,.

%I l)\I'I)►1, l.tit(ll 1), 1'.l(),

lit \h A. :' I N'. - tn5,.


Board of Aldermen.

'l' i., C, a: 1 of .Al.lerr.en n;ceI in the Alder- ul;ini_ I. I anti, r, City hall, cte:'y Tuesday, at 1.30 c,k p.n.

I'. T. SCULLY, (,,v (:elk and Clerk to the L'oaid of Aldermen.

Board of Eytimnte and Apportionment.

The P.tard ''f Estiinate and Apportionment 01, it; is the 1)]tl C':uecil Ciiamber (Room 16), pity- Ilal1, every Friday, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

JOSEPh HAAG, Secretary.

('outrui.reioner% of Sinking Fund.

'Flee (mmtiiionrr; of the Sinking Fund meet in he Oi i C-ntncil Chamber l Room 16), City 1h li• at cal .f the Mayor.

II]:\RY J. 1CALSI1, I)eputy Chamberlain, Secretary.

Board of Revision of Asiesltmente,

The I,, and of Revision of Assessments meets n the (Jul Ccttncil CIamhwr (Room 16), City

Ilail• c ere 't'Imrsday at 11 a• m., upon notice of the Chief Clerk.

HENRY J. STORRS, Chief Clerk.



""Che Bronx Star," "North Side News," "Bronx Independent."


"Staten Island World," "The Staten Islander."


"Long Island Star" (First and Second Wards), 'llushi:ig Evening journal'' (']bird Ward), "Lone Island Fainter" (Fourth Ward), "Rocka• tray Ncw," (Fifth Ward).

BOROUGII OF BROOKLYN, u Lrnuklyn 1•:agle,„ "Brooklyn Times,” "Brook-

vu Ci'icen," "Brooklyn Standard-Union, "Brook-It Free Presse."


"Real Estate Record and Guide" (Harlem Dis-trict). "Manhattan and Bronx Advocate" (Wash- hid' '11 Ilcigl:ts. Morningside Heights and Harlem IYi-tricts).

I re..i3rnatod by Bard of City Record June 19, 1Os. .\mcnded June 20, 1906; September 30, 1`'117: February 24, 1908; March 5 and 16. 1908, and March 16. 1909.


OA'NF.RS \V'_A1i"llI•rI) PY TIIE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Deitarttncnt of The

City of N,w York—Office, N.). 2(19 State street, Borough of Brooklyn—for the following property, now in his cu,ttdv, ii C ent claimants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, maic ant) fcnta!' cLnhInc. boots, shoes. wine, blanket. Niaml'f C, c;tl l I liquors, etc.; also small, amount of money taken from prisoners and ioanrl by I'atro.'tnrt of this I)epartment.

\VILLT \\T F, BAKER, Police Commissioner.



SE:1LI:I) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Register, Kings County, at

the abjce office until 12 o'clock nt. on

«'ha\ESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910,


'l he time a!Intcc,i f,"r the c°:nliletion of the rtTrk and full prif :roance cf the contract is on )r bcf ile 1)eC illier I, 19111.

The an:.n)nt of scctnity required will be Three Thuusat.l 11„liars I $3,GliO I.

The Illlder trill 'tare the price of each item or artic'e containttl in tl!e sprci:ieations or schedules hctein c'nta:rued cr hereto arinescd, per map, or etirur Twit of n rasa;'', by which the bids will be te~tetl. The bill: vdl be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Delicet_v will be required t.) be made at the time and in the planner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Blank forms and ftn'thcr information may be obtained a'.d tile flans and drawing- may be seen at the office of the Register, fling_ County, Hall of Records, Ilroukivn,

J.\MES S. REG.\\, Deploy Register.

Dated February 23, 1910, f24,m9

g%” See General Instruction% to Bid derx on the last page, last column, of flue °' ('ity Record."


I)ei'APiMj..NT or Ili.ILlit, ('l~R\LR OF FIFTY-~IrT11 51R ii I A"1) S1Vill .AV- I N CC, BOROUGH OF ".f.tN1IAII IN, (I IS ('C N v 1vRK.

S l•:. I.l:l) ltllIS ill: IS"fIM\11; \11I.L BE reccne-1 he the C tuff ',I Ilc:ll) tf the Do-

rtrnelt Of Il ;Ilth nit l C' of he T'ccretary, l,,nuL ab, until In c1 ' ck t )u. ult

i-1•:1)NhaI).U. )Ltl('1t 1, 1910,

No. 1. Ft 1N Pl"h\ISlllN(, SI:i fl.A(; -1\D s11.11t]'I:A'IX; ll)i:l. ll)I, .1\f) 1, \I'-III\t; -A\I) '..f.lfl\t. I 1 l1:, l:iO Ils1-I) I11' TII)•: 11t1RSES Ill' THII: i1r:P',hT~)EN1' Ol" ill •:.\l. [ii , t.'li\•I'.11\i:B IN 11s SE\ I:It.\1, tiT-1111.}:t" l\ "I III: 1".\I:Ii FS BOR- IU(;IlS (IP TIIi•: (I1"\ O, NI•.11 YORK,

DURING T111: v1:.\k 1'l,ll. 1"hc units for c'LIlutCi arc '' er slioc" and

"],er pail." The thtlC for the d,lice'r of the o' tics and

the ltcrtrm:tncr ''I th. ..,:trait ,. during the e,ar Pit.

The atu„nut of , iniu iryttiml i; fifty per cat_ I, It 1 ,f tin ❑n) ,e' t of the bill.

Bill. will hc, com;'ar• , l : ~. I th eu w' on::tet aard-cd, unlc-s all bills be r,.rl, , l, t'' the lowest huller fur cacti clan=.

\o. 2. FOR 1 ['1:\I-,IIR\V. "I:1 I'l\G AND SIL\Rl'ENING il(116l•SH(lI':S AND FUR-\I>III\(; AND 'f?'I"I- I\t; 1'.AU", 1';-',)CIRED B1' THE IIORS1.S (llr .1. IH-: l)PI'.AR -F\IENT OF TlE.AI,TII, ('ttNl"-AiV"I-:I) IN Ills SEA'-F.R.U. S'I.ABLFs IN 'I'll i'; V.ARTO['S BOR-OUGIIS OF TIlE PITY OF NEW YORK, DURING TILE 1'1:.AR I Ill It.

The :fiat for r'Bm:l,s i= ';.er llrOrse per ttturl t Ii.'

\l ., ;iii. (:t. .., I

Peon tt, \; , : e. l cli 4, !' ;

P iILI Il 1.1 I Ill 111 l 1 l .

t.,:: r _


. t . r. , ,',I 'i : ...

l IiIU 11, 11 %I{ 11 4. 1 \'III .r I'. 11. fltIUtI• 11Ut1']t Iii, I:Ilr.

11':.\CIII;R. I N ;i';. rr; ., c• (' .

until . . i:,i ,i ic, ..i'tr i'. I:L ,a ~i ll ,l 1` v:l ~i

ll accrt~'l.l I':c cn100 .Ii: iit,:a I.c 1:,1 I t o

.Apill 1;, I'..:'i. .,t 1I) a. 1'I I'n r, ..,.,I tti •I1t. , , Ileex:: r.::atir ❑

arcas f , tl_.


11. ,•n

l'aa,;rlr,tc; F .. hr tnt 1.1 ,lCl ti e el,nc1 111 ti > ,.,c, a . ! .oi l i; arc ',Ill I espy - r,c:: c ill tl; '.1: } I I;:-, `!..:g ! I lit

age and ulnj,r. 1i;cry is „ r,' r;icmtcv in !h.• It .:t Ili'-

cipIinary l'-1ini . Sell.', . fr 1; .. "iia'c, .`7- 1 t e 1 ,Tn1l.lilt. 11 jilllnhi'I 50, _'t years. 1 ,fiica n I'agk , can 'LC, it Cu.1 ,II

[ii 'a ltcac. P. ;a 111'1 . \. Sl'1:\iFR. Sctarv.



I a i l - ,,.li ;'.~

S:ATl-PI)_AV, AL\RCII i, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2803

Third District—Embraces the territory bounde ji by and within Maspeth avenue, Maurice avenue, Ca - amus road, Long Island Railroad, Trotting Course lane, Metropolitan avenue, boundary line between the second and fourth wards, Vandeveer avenue, Jamaica avenue. Shaw avenue, Atlantic avenue, Morris avenue, Rockaway road, boundary line between Queens and Nassau counties, Atlantic Ocean, Rockaway Inlet, boundary line between Queens and Kings counties and Newtown creek.

Alfred Denton, Justice. John H. Nuhn,Clerk. 19o8 and t9ro Myrtle avenue, Glendale. Telephone, 2352 Bushwick. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. M. to 4 p. M. Trial days, Tuesdays and Thursdays (Fridays for

Jury trials only), at 9 a. m.

Fourth District—Embraces the territory bounded by and within the boundary line between the sec-ond and fourth wards, the boundary line between the second and third wards, Flushing creek, Ireland Mill road, Lawrence avenue, Bradford avenue Main street, Lincoln street, Union street, Broad-way, Parsons avenue, Lincoln street, Percy street, Sanford avenue, Murray lane, Bayside avenue, Little Ilayside road, Little Neck bay, boundary line between Queens and Nassau counties, Rocka-way road, Morris avenue, Atlantic avenue, Shaw avenue, Jamaica avenue and Vandeveer avenue.

Court-house, Town Hall, northeast corner of Ful-ton street and Flushing avenue, Jamaica.

James F. McLaughlin, Justice, George W. Damon, Clerk.

Clerk's office open daily (Sundays and legal holi. days excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,

Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a. m,

Telephone, 183 Jamaica.

Borough of Richmond.

First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil-lage Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Brighton.

Thomas C. Brown, Justice. '1•]tomas E, Cremins, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville.

Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield)). Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Sta-pleton.

Arnold J. B. Wederneyer, Justice, William Wede- meyer, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Court opens at 9 a. m. Calendar called at r o a. m.

Court continued until close of business. Trial days Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Telephone, 313 Tompkinsville.

Borough of Brooklyn.

First District—Comprising First, Second, Third Fourt h, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards and that portion of the Eleventh Ward beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of Hudson and Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence along the centre line of North Portland avenue to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of Hushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the centre line of Navy street to Johnson street, thence along the centre line of Johnson street to Hudson avenue, and thence along the centre line of Hudsoe avenue to the point of beginning, of the Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and Court streets. Parts 1. and I1.

Eugene Conran, Justice. Edward Moran, Clerk. Clerk's Office often from 9 a. nt. to 4 P. m., Sun-

.)ays and legal holidays excepted. Secot:d District—Seventh Ward and that portion

of the'1'werty-first ar:tl Twenty-third Wards west of the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and the centre line of Schenectady avenue, also that portion of the Twentieth Ward beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of North Portland and Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of Waverly avenue to Park avenue, thence along the centre line of Park avenue to Washington avenue, thence along the centre line of Washington avenue to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of Flushing avenue to North Portland avenue, and thence along the centre line of North Portland avenue to the point of beginning.

Court-room, No. 405 Gates avenue. John R. Farrar, George Friefeld, Justices. Frank-

lin B. Van Wart, Clerk. Clerk's Office open from8.45 a. 4 p. m.,Sun-

days and legal holidays excepted, Telephonc,504 Bedford.

Third District—Embraces the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- teenth and Nineteenth Wards, and that portion of the Twenty-seventh 1 Vard lying northwest of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens County an,i the Centre line of Central avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lures of Central and Bush-wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of Bush-wick avenue and Broadway. Courthouse, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue. Brcoilyn.

Philip D. Meagher and William J. Bogenshutz, Justices. John W. Carpenter, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. nl. to 4 P. m., Sun-d,tys and legal holidays excepted.

Court opens at 9 a. m. Telephone, 995 Willian:sburg.

Fourth District—Frnbraces the Twenty-fourth and'fwenty-hfth Wards, that portionof theTwen-ty-first and Twenty-third War is lying eastof the centre line of Stuy-vesant avenue and east of the centre line of Schenectady avenue, and that portion ut the '1. xonty-t•TCnth Ward lying southeast of the I, ntre line of St.:rr street between the boundary line of Queens and the centre line of Central avenue, au<1 southeast of the centre line of Suydam street u, 'en the cerrtre lines of Central and Bushwick avenues, and scut ca,t of the centre line of Wil-loughby avenue l)etSreCfl the centre lines ot hush-wick avenue and IIro:ulw•ay.

Court-room. No. 14 [ln;vard avenue. Jacob S. Strahl, Justice. Edward H. Taylor,

C!erk. Clerk's Otlice ot,rn frc:n y a. m, to 4 P. m., Sun-

jays an:i legal boli~lays exceted.

Board of City Record,

TI,' It Lard of City Rec.rr-.1 meets in the Old Ceineil Chamber (Roni to), City Hall, at call L the Mayor.

PATRICK T. TRACY, u;'ervisor, Secretary.



P URSU_1NT TO TIIE PRO1'ISIONS OF chapter 537 of the Laws of 1893 and the

acts am.ndatory thereof and supplemental there-to, notice is hereby given that meetings of the Commissioners appointed under said acts will be held at the office of the Commission, Room 219, No. 280 Broadway (Stewart ltuilding). Borough of Manhattan. New fork City, on Mondays, \Velnesoays and Fridays of each week, at 2 o'clock p. m., until further notice.


Commissioners. LASMONT AreLOucnl-IN, Clerk.

Full. Di,tnrt—Contains the Eighth, Thirtieth an i i'hirty-i: t Wails, and so much of the Twenty-s(cond Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court -in 'r:se, nt:nhwest corner of Fifty-third street ark l "i i'. rd a•:cnue (\o. >220 Tliird avenue).

C, )rnehus Fureueon, Justice. Jeremiah J• O'Leary, Cerk.

Clerk's t )t ice open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Sun-divs and legal htli:iays exi-opted.

7"cle;)hone, 4 07 13a' Ridge,

Sixth District 'l lie Sisth District embraces the Ninth aril •Cwenty-ninth \V ar,ls and that portion of the'1'wcnty-secul,tl \Ward i,, rth of the centre line of 1'rucet avenue; also tlt portion of the Eleventh r i the Twentieth \t'ar, ls beginning at the intersec- t , )n of the centre lines of 13n'i e antl Fulton streets; them e along the o.-Itm line ci Fulton street to Flat- b-un avenue; thence ,: 'np the centre line of Flat- b-t.h avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the , , ntre iuteof ABantle avenue to }t'ashington avenue; thence along the centre line of \Yashington avenue to [larkavt•nu' them, Ulor,, t lie centre line Of Park «:.enue to \l'acerly avenue; thence along the centre line of l;avcric a tiwc to My rile avenue; thence along the centre line f .\lvrtle avenue to Hudson a , rune; thence along the crctre lire of Hudson ave-r e to John on strc t tl erce along the centre line of Johl:sun street to . street, and thence along the centre line of B:hIge street to the point of begin- fling.

Lucien S. B ','liss and George Fielder, Justices. \Cillian) R. l anon, Clerk.

Court-house. No. r, i i Fulton street. Telephone, 6335 Main.

Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eigltth and Thirty-sec-o t l \Vsrls.

Ale-,ander S. R,,scnthal ar..l Ec',ward A. Richards Jo,tices. Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk.

t.Court hou•,e, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Fulton stn:et {?,o. 31 Pennsylvania avenue.)

Clerk's O lc e open t-n. 8.45 a. in to 4 n. in S1tou:ws, 9 a. m. to 12 ill. I nal Clays, Tuesdays, 11'etne lap, Churn:e s and Fridays. During July ad Augu t, 8.45 a. m. to 2 p. in.

Jury :lays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Clerk's Tc!r!'horrre, 904 East New York. Court Telephone, 90,5 East New Cork.

Borough of Queeno.

First Di;tnct—Enbran., the territory bounded by and within the canal, Rapelye avenue, Jackson avenue, Old Mower' Bay road, Bowery Bay, East river an i Newtown creek. Court-room. St. Mary's Lyceum, N.>s. 115 and t t 7 Filth street,Long Island City.

Clerk's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. each Clay, excepting Saturdays, closing at i 2 m. Trial lays, .lontlays, ACe.lnes'fays and Fridays. All

u'her business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs-days.

Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. John F. Cassidy, Clerk.

Telephone, 2376 Greenpoirit.

Second District — Fmbraces the territory hounded be an:i within Maspeth avenue, Maurice avenue, Caiamus road, Long Island Railroad, I'rurff1g Course lane, Metropolitan avenue,bound-t..'v line between the secon:l antl fourth wards, bo n lary line betwera the second and third wards, 1 :::.:'' ing creek, lrelan:l Mill roan, Lawrence ave-rue, Ilra fiord avenue. Alain street, Lincoln street, Union street, aroa,lwav, Parsons avenue, Lincoln street, Percy street, Lanford avenue, Murray lane, Iiaycide avenue, Little Bayside road, Little Neck bay, East river, flowery bay, Old Bowery Bay rn,td, Jackson aver. re, Rapelyeavenue, the canal and Newtown creek. Court-roots in Court-house of the late Town of Newtown, corner of Broadway an.i Court street, Elmhurst, New York. P.O. A.ldress. Elmhurst, Queens County. New York.

John M Cragen, Justice. J. Frank Ryan, Clerk. 'Fria! days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Clerk's Office Open from q a. m. to 4 P. M., 87 Newtown.

Pa tr' c, a'l , a:ill f, bees when exi=!ice a' C:l a l :,ern: rr :c 1,5 -Id, shall rt ,: Si , A I t : riI-i. later, chimnev~, !,r _•h.,. 1-:. IC . II t!i -, of such party u.ii ,C " : to

I e t I ,.:1 , •,~:t a l

,I\ ' i. The u:l; ! ;,

VIII n::ln,,.,II I <uPnortine a:It I I-

15 I

it in I :,, hall 1)0111'S 1 a 1 ', \t n:

to i I l :.:I 1 i; n and pre , c, 1 i I ~:1 r I I t o !:,t ,

\t. r I hr f 5 111ec11t 6511: 1 l_ h,. ,, I , , t ..,

.,c I' 1 an,l ttiu d and male ur. 'I I I it t t

h,n 'J ,lc been li-t Irked by t!Ie l):eel ~a, it r l

I tit.'' .TIt raet I Ii .,. ,I Ii t .,. 1 ... , t ..1 t`•;.

1 ( ••Il;,t! :: r ,f •f , .. (Its • of Sea. 1 _.: I c- A ,lc ̀.c 'C: tc

Sircc; ' _ t , n the day of sale to t. i•_ t lr: , I',:. f 'l ,, tt 'l iii tIC !IC Ii '-Ci , l It Cc'

I. im •d_ C V of the h, lildines. harts ,, t lent-I' II tic ter,:,l .. e:<rc t l III -r:ar ur

in2 :lull m:l rC "110cl therein, or to voice. ,;cr (::c, tr'•ie!, may 1. i,It. L:it ti .t

ad t',' iii I,; I, : a•1l it Ic further all ,. t tail i., t I ,:,I I',1, ct)l'-

1,, >, ' 1 1!s. r. h;4• the said sal,, is it ?1 j it'' i at I ,' 1'I r t, I ,, ,. 1 t; e- r 0110 , •,crri-;, ;I I the Comntissian,, if u,Nt~i"ru 511011 he t,,.;: 1 ,! n:n loll y t 1 a ;isle

file iIIkIiI.r F i i I, tl:e t'.uIIptroller is a thrizel I• iI0C clevad,u 51:111 ii. the: level of tic cIrb

fir I::ti , ' ' I . , i ,

Ce. ,1v ,. ,c- l „',t.

V'l.l t',


THE CITY RECORD. .\TL l I).AV-, 1I_AIZCII , 1911).

frnaiai(, in anc bi:l shnuld it be dc'I:.: , I i:l 11: h. ra,,, lilt ri--:. , f 'l lii (itc of New York to d,, a;r !,, r: I

\Ii hi 1, mI,t state clearly (1) the nuut'„•r „r 1\'}1_ \ 1'I:l.\1)1 1111 \' 1 •-erit ii ill .,f the htiI ling or buildia- bi,l f-, r. I i:v of \.-,t• ' it,. }t : =1 the amoolit (If th,: hit, (3) the fall nar,:c an I t nl ,ts„", .' tl~?i

1; •, 1

:vl trees it tile biller. Al; Mils Irust be inclosed in properly ccalr , l

a:re' „ marked "Proposals to be oaenr l March I, i! 1)," area nlu~t he delivered. or nlai1,(1 in time fi,r th,,;r ,1:uer)', prior to 11 a Iii. ,, f that dn;c to the "("-llit c:or f City Revenue, Roam 141, No. 2.0 lir; :uta;:v. \etc York City." fr, r.t v:i llS and felrtlu r t ar:ie afar., regariing the ho;.;'i.:a to ti !i-psi 1 of may be btained.

'lie h' toilt he sold for in: ai II 'c rc nt Ica: .tile, scl,jrcl 1) the following

MUNtcm.\L Civil. SERVICE CoatMISSION, No. 299 I uIMAI u'ny, NEw YORK, March 3, 1910.

P L'CLIC NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that applications will be received from

THURSDAY, 31ARCII 3, UNTIL 5 P. 11. '1'HURSD-1Y, 31ARCII 17, 1910,

for the position of MATE.

(No application received by the Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 5 p. m. on March 17 will tic ac;.cptcd.)

The examination will be held on Tuesday, April 1?, 1910, at 10 a. in.

T _subjects ubjects and weights of the examination are as follows: ),tics 2 I'xpericnce (including the production of a

United States license) S

[lie percentage required is 70 on duties and 7(1 oil all.

•l here is one vacancy in the Department of Cor- rcction.

Sala)', $300 per annum. Minimum age, 21 years. tNI ,piivatiou blanks can be obtained at \o. 299

fir„adtcay, Room 1119. F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.



PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications will be received from

3l0NU,1Y, FEBRUARY 21, UNTIL 4 P. 11. 'PI'GSll:Y, 31ARCII S, 1910,

f, r the position of


(No application received by the Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. m. on March 8 will tic accepted.)

The examination will be held on Thursday, ilarch 31, 1910, at 10 a. tn.

The subjects and weights of the examination are a, follows: Special 8 Arith:iiv is 2

the tcrcentage required is 70 on the special paper and 70 on all.

Candidates slo uld have some acquaintance with the routine to-.irk of laboratories and knowledge of the pre~crvation and care of slides, etc.

A nu•nber of questions will be put which must be an>wcre,l by all candidates. Iu addition, can-didate; will he required to answer questions re-lrriiol, to one of the following:

I. ('hcmical Laboratory. Vaccine Laboratory.

3. lt„s; ital Laboratory. 4. i)IuQuo,iie i.aboratory. Vacancies, seven. Salary, $t 0(1 to $900 per annum. 9liuinlum age, IS years. Apolica!i ,n blank; can be obtained at No. 299

Itrna la-av, Roam ] 119.

F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.



PCL'LIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applicati, ins will be received from


for the position of


The subjects and weights are as follows: Physical development and strength 50 .dental test 50

The subjects and weights of the mental tests as follows: Memory test 2 Government 5 I.calitles 1 Arithmetic 2

Seventy per cent. will be required on the men-to! exanunation.

Set'cutv per cent, will be required on strength. Seventy per cent, will be required on physical

detclopmerit. .\pt iicatiuns will not be received from persons

wbn are less than tweuty-three (23) years of age m the day of filing, or who are more than thirty (30) years of ave.

.\p;illcants will be required to submit with their applications a transcript of the records of the Cureaa of Vital Statistics, showing the date of ,irth, or in lieu thereof, an authenticated tran->cript from the records of the church in which tlL.y were baptized.

All foreign-born applicants will be required to ub nit evidence of citizenship; naturalization a,crs sl old be attached to application,

\t1lkkalus will be duly notified of the dates I the physical and mental examinations.

lSIC r fir. cnl that every application shall or tl e n t' cater of four reputable citizens,

t l c re•i ten e< , r 1 l:,ccs of bu-iness are within I I e ('itc ..f New Volk, is waived for applicants it Ill., cxa ninati n vlie previous occupation r ( r;' flea:t has heels while or in part out=fide I the (',tp of N' v% 1• +rk, and the said certificates v III h, a, , to I f: r •u per,ons resident or en- ac, ' ii ! ; (I-en here.

\n licati n hlack, can be obtained at No. 299 P! Ia l vav, Room 1119.

F. A. SPENCER, Secretary, f7


o Interest on City Bonds and Stork.

\1'l ille*I n\ ('iTV- BONDS \N I) 5'I'OCh

r~ III: loll flSl IIIt!` ON APRIL: 1, 1910. n tl: R •.I-!crc,l lhr:l3 and St .ck, of

The (it, , f : \.0k trill h pail on tll'it ,lay I,A 1', t.. ,t t, t !fir r, at hl, ofi;.cc in the `!wart !ll.tiz. v r r of Ili alcac aid Chambers

t Pa).

th, 'I•t,,n•f, t Ilk , thereof sell be closed f: m \I LrCIi 13 t AIntl 1, 1910.

Ii , Etteri-t lot nil _April 1, 191'1, on the (up,' 1. ,,t 1, au ,l Ot ck of tbl• formerr C:ty of \crc 1' it- still be 1,0~d o-t Boat ,lay by the narnrltc 'hruSt C-,ntpa,n-, Ns. 29 and 30 Naaa

street. ,c llt, rc t (lir, oil .A;nil 1, 1910, on Coupon


tot. f tIo r cor!- ,ration; now incbl,led in Flit (1 of New York will be paid on that day . t tl t „Tice ni the Cuml,tv,ller,

\V.1L A. 1'R1.ADERG-1ST, Comptr.11er.

( t,r r, f \nr Y,nk. 1)et artment of finance, l• ,n,! n J, r', l itli e, Alaic.[ 1, 1 110,


Notice of Sale.




TILE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID taxc~, a scnsmcnts and water rents for the

ll r•;ugh of Nlanitattan, as to liens remaining 00-uld at the termination of sales of June 7. 10, 17, July 1, 15, August 19, September 20, ()cts,ber 11, \ui•eWlbcr 11, December 2, 9, 23, 27 act 3'1, 1"ii, Lutuary 6, 27, hebruary 3, 10, 17, .14, an l .Alarch '1, 1910, has been c,ntinued to

'1'IILRSD.tY, MAIICH 17, 1910,

at 10 a. m., t urst:ant to section 1028 of the I;rcatcr Actv 1-: , rk Charter, and will be continued at that time at the Aldermanic Chamber, in the City hall, as heretofore.

D"\NIEL MOYNAIL\N, Cjllcct)r of Assessments and Arrears.

11 [l;c.l ll arr'.t ,, 1910, iii I,17

Sureties on Contracts.

U NT11, FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM- p;mivs \eta be accepted as sufficient upon

the full otcing cun:racts to the amounts named:

.`implies Of .1 a L'rccriptiort, Including Gas and Lizctncity.

("nc eOlI11Ouny n a bold up to $)0,000. \\ hin such crmpany is authorizc, l to write that

amount as per lcucr of Comptroller to the surety companies, da:o,l September 16, 1907,

Construction. One ct n'any oil a bond up to $25,000. lucln, lln rrgu;ating, grading, paving, severs,

maintcttauce, dredging, construction of parks, parkw•ns, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aisle. Is repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc., etc.

When such company is authorized to write that amount a per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated September 16, 1907.

.4spJ1lit, ,wltolt Block and Wood Block Pave- tttents.

Two COmpumies will be required on any and every bond up to amount authorized by 'letter of Coniptrollcr to the surety companies, dated r'cptcmber Iti, 1907.

Dated June 19, 1909.

If. A. METZ, Comptroller.

Corporation Sales.

COhl'UR.A1It1\ S.ALE OF Wt;iLUINtN 1`.0 Al'P( l:rl:. vNCE' 'VERi~'I'O ON CITY RI•: I. I:~'C.\1lI I'1• Sfifi:l_F,il L'll)S,

A 1' THE RI'(WES[ OF THE I'l LSl1EN1' of the 1i uttt of 1)uecns, public cuuee i>

licrcbe'bvut that titc Commissioners of the Siltli- lug hued, h} virtue of the powers vested in 'bent ',c la t will ocr for sale by scaled bibs all tile uilrl t,•, t at!s of buildings, etc, now star ling

lit))) 1tolnttl oI1111 by The City of Not l~lrk, acquire l by it fr ,:rest opening I urpoeeo in tilt

thhroug9i of Queens.

lb IIg all t'IC lwil luigs, parts of buildings, etc ,itii1itc.l on the lied ivui„ within the line, of Ill,rcker ir1t, between the northerly line of (;ran.l V•ic 1V accrue and the southerly line of huger sire, I, in the Second Ward of the C,n -urth of Oiie t. all of which are more 11:uhc.t-tarly dl erii,,. 1 (II a certain man oft ft:e in the ottice of Ilie ( I.i ; t r of City Revenue, ]), tiart-mcnt If I I.,a lcl , N. 280 Eroadway, Rou:n ti t, hill,,:! hi If 11 n' t t.

1':ii,.iiotit to arc fimoi)n of the Comiin oian,r; i the Sint n 1_ u n 1, ti lol,te l at a mee't.t>z It !d

Fehr to v 1)1'. t'll sale by r,l%(1 hid, of t ,r al>'ve ,h ci ' I b.a:ding; and apu'Irtctl.mcee thereto t, Iii ~, i,, I'l by dimcti.'II of the C'nip- trol'cr on

'l'Itt1tSD.Y. MARCH 17, 1910,

at Ii a, m., in Its ant parcels and in manner and form a fuliutt~:

P ii,•, I \n. 1. Two too-story frame hous, 5, No.. ?'I

and _di 1 (;rand View avenue,

l'a7c,l N'i. 1. Part of one and one-half =_t rc frame ba:- n ca-t , of and in the rear of Y•,rec1 \. 1. (',it . I. tC fe, t on the west side be .1(1.1.1 fret en the nIith CI) l by 16.44 feet oft the ealzt side.

Peirce 1 N I, 3, 1' in (if two-story frame sI r d at Itsuthr al.: , t .,ill .\n)ory avenue. ('lit 28._a fce' on tile sou:li ,i l.• ht' 18.30 feet on the cast eel l,c .0 f,et kill 'lie nittit Side.

l'a ccl N,,. a. Part of two and one-half store £:;late ,,,:lac ' at '0 feet soutllea>t of l' rcei \0 3. Cat 311.7) foot on the west side by 20.0$ f: ct in the n-,r:a end by 17.51 feet on the eat Si I III.

farce: N ,. .. Part of one and one-half >tllr•r bane shell all ,ut 1; feet northea,t of Parcel \o. 4. (lit t3 04 fact on the south Bide by 20.22 Ii ct on tit' t;c-t eel by 34.41 feet on the north >'(1,• he '(.42 f ct ii: the cast en].

'eal(,l h,rl, (Munk forms of which m'tv be nbtai ,tcd 11:1) a• •,l;cation) will he recen'e l h'•

C 'n fir!!: r at th,• office of the CutKeh`e if (it'.' R rcrt,r, I:a, m 141, No. 2810 llroa isav, INneuf,,h of 11aWhattanl entil 11 a. m. on the 17th day , if 'siurca, and then publicly nuen, l f'r 'bc sale flr rcmo~al of the shove rlescrihed httill-1:1_s an,l at:l:lt narcrs thereto, and till• asll .01'1 h nolii, to tl o I ie'Ie~t bid,ler within tc.nty'

h t -. IV as soon as uosihi thereafter. Lace afrcll mint he bid for separately and \'.;!I

he skirl in it, cn:ir~a', as descrihrd in al,oVe crl i•c n•ent. Each and C: err bid must he accompaci-' l by is

Ict , n,it of ca'!I ..r certified cheek in a sum e, ;ual to 25 t er c n'. of the amount of the hid. exectt hat a n1'IIim.ln ile'Mlt of $50 still be rowiir , l 1!'I all l ill-. tell that is denoeit of X909 W ill 6,• "'ric•1t to ( •rifle hill icrs to bid on any or all

tic b'il li _ . 1)i , if •t „1 !cc, ;sf,1i bid-iers w i'l he Te-

!'irnel VIIII°.,1 t':;rnh-fn•-tr hours after sacc,: ful i 1?ee lane •rtul tiurelasc price in fit!! an,1 c;c•n

ri1 , al. l Ii''lc of successful I i,liher, r , e be eloril f„ri it 1 to The City of Neu' York t

(..n to-" - r )n;t the failure of the S i Ce,iOIl ti lde . to f t'1 I r cuntnlv with the re(illirc m lit I h 'Crn'- c'11 e • tditiotrs of the sale a5 set f Iall

;,i - Ceinafter.

Sncceful t i.l lees will be eeOtffired to tiai' tl+e id,etrie mncv and deposit the required wciiritv ,i OOhin h cut f ;t h . r of the receipt of n,tin:a- :i'n ef ill(, r.ce'"l: n. of their bids.

T'R' Comet tier rc-ores the right to rL I'Tt ant• isntl all hill; arl l ti seats,• .nv defects or in.


COKt'(tl:1UIUY S.Al.h: III El ll.IlIN;; AND \1'1,1'kfl:.\:\\l 1. .1'lilI0i'."ft1 (I..\ CIT\' hl:. \I. lr l'.\TI•: 111- Si-1\1.l Ii L'11r,

A '' 'I'lli; Rr)CI:°C (I I' IIII' ("I AlAIIZ Cl i,airr ,,t l'ari;: hr t2e I1 :r -f 1f;c

n n:;, I Wfi,lie n ti.e ! cic l :::It the C : .n i; . :rr,, , , th r': , , F , ', virtue

t!. p .,.., v - . l . t -,e t ~I i e. ,(:i1 otter I r ~,d. L•r .- I:cal :., a'. bai 1 ;., . ,

t I ni . acs. et.. I ,.t u; I r;}'

it t ; I: is t ur .r,. in the

Boruugla of 'I'h~• Bronx.

Ii ' ;i: ) it t t•'.~., 1 , n t a 1'.::. the

I a l l 1: c, Ne,:k,

n. a: 1 I t,:, a

.l i,t tic t , C? 'f ti I. :, Itl;:a f L :i: h :a 141,

1' ,: ,; a , n l ... t: ,i ter; t!. 'i:tl lug hu ,;l a. ti' ' -] , a ntcc :tg held

Ill:,_whL r I t:, Ili:ill of he a: -:: ail 1 .~ t ; t'tc~rr-


'1'111ItSU ►1', V.\It('ll 1t, 1910.

at ii a. III., in 1 a :-1 .:C,1 a' I i:, u:a:;uer ,I- f' :n f. l; '.e- .

. t':r.lN II ,•, 11 . , t r~

!t , = III' 1 I - t . _ •. il• of

I1 ,. 0,1 f.t .. : . l, .i


Th- I, lint e• .Ind appurtenances lil, Oct.' a 1 b, ~' i r, tnr htithcrt bidder, why, 11111-t pay :a,h ..r a ic;!i:,c,i cheek drawn to th,. •., -plc_ ..f the C n'.,,:n,'ic, r,f The City of New 1~u;k, ant lilt :.I- ~i•,c •I certified check or calls in Kali II. ;;rl,,,. t at the I,~.trchase price a, ~cct•ritS f,,r

ti., i:.itiillfi tlrrfrm:n- ce of the term , and c,on. l,, a, -I the sal. i\ here the and t:n: elf till. 1 eJ C. ,Cc ii c n S equal or exile 1 the :emu Tit I Ii ii. +he =u•tt (it ;:0 shall be the ;tin Sit of

, - c-a,itv t„ be 1_t i,fiIu.1. This :cc t l', 0100 at ( c t :,tI.e aft;. tie expiration of th_ e.f•.itra,;t t„ri-1,l hr :ifet Ci -,I by the City to the c -- ;t .:f cotu~ l,'it:' t„1_c „i t:lc' t+"rk required ii:ler ti,e , m-

1111t I:ntini,l:e,l at the expirati„li f ti, c c., n- t:;rt tcri1 li

7h,- pl,;clm : r shah n', t lease, occu;~y. ca:i r ,r ti rrn;i' file Inh•lfiii; r buildings, etc., 1)11~1l:r, 1 be hi•u , IC tt e,i or occupied for a::v i tit : thee •i:ao that .-i thci: speedy rem:,c:a r.:

h,• c Cllr-c; ar.y rental ur other revenue f ,r the ns I• either file laud or the buildings, etc.,

there n the bi,ac'i of either or ally ut c, milli , I, isail f r:fiuitfi1 void the sale ail cats,' iiiialC ll:,t, tot I t_t'c f the purcha-sin ,nre 01 01 the swnwiv d:i ,o+it, I f- r the faithful ti,rtiiera- ar« „i tie C.iebtCll, If the sale 1i,. to n' It I I, r .,III in t I occupancy of a t' ~h 1 11 1 t::.•-1 h" 1 ,c•I,,lit free, for re tt a ,,:a, - :I! t: c c ,]t lac .. ' c li. Cr I IC :n tile

(5.1 III ,Li IC llI_i..iSsary Ni I:;, a ,, Ill u. file nt L • l•':n I a 1 ,i!,:;,r.t 9.'i feet

l It: ti .Ice tr nl. l uli n c ,e l ii t le actual dens _wri el. ;~ "I. tit::.l .t it eli 11;: a breach of the .b -'c c., li- i - t::.;na it sa;c. I _. - ii. .1. l ,

'I ,ii tic hill l I of the coral:; :I t t:c I i,

;' re t, rl dal f d:inlrr there[ ;- IIi ,r. I I ( its , i Acw York ti ill not b, r,- l I" rI , .i •'. or tiny clt In.~e or loss wh.,l n.a; ,o- Clii - 'f Al :t• III the r• l , I t. , : ,, t the buildings, cc then :l;> •u i I . tenC•lvu>, !,-;ttrpn the time of the jale flier , f l aoil t oi m osse~s :o iin f 1IeiivOg p c i n l_ r, tit, ; l:- -, « I I :: :,........... I1 cli;i,c. ater lie -. puperly vacate -I of all ',, n- : +. ::r a ., I ,. - :t a; ; ti,c~ alit-. 7 i,c CS: a:n,l tieIi;eeY to purr!:;[- <r trill be' later. n:a-i. :t; Ill ac [ ticthcC as the l'I:c;i:,:•;:C!CU ,I ;•,'

SOc:,au,,; the ±tiihtiics of their t i.a:us will I It rent. ..I.r ' t-, :. ,

_\!I !;lc coati vial of the buildings, sliI, 'l_; l

Ott re li c, :l•l cC ut whatsoever na '.0 ,: 1119 [ ' , I - c L,:

t hieji r t t r :I:; 1 I ,, I: r fixtures, at,; ,trt : I. , III I I i II I u I „t „l1 kinds, except the c\ l i .r i' tit : , t Ii c ii ii ; n,; a I their fot i la i i, a I L,. ,I ii ,i i ,I!: I curb iu front of s,ii 1 hl;i ~, ~t:. t,-'; I .. ",! „ t •,r a

\.,u it tit ::t is (tc>rribed area I 1. i t lit .01'-! t ,, I u to the preml \' c of

,F d l t ,, t, ut tc.l,tC resulting t. , t ,l m Ii- I it .h .l I ai' ,sr l t ~ remain on tle• t :c t c>. ~ ,•

I ';,1 , I m ti tar qlr ; lamer only is it ii t t i 't I. •: t Ii I a: auy point to ;.:: :,t , f, _t 11„1 f'

1,cl a t!: ei t', „ nI 1 its that point. 1 lie i. :, .. I t I- . .

n:i, ar.,l lliei; t ,i, , t.iliOtu shall be tale 'i ' , . nit 01 a I'l:air o h,_c ,lcvation shall !,- t 1 i' I-i.', t t _ ell ii. f f tl, building. \\ re t

i, 1 (i Chi the ci, A ,:i . , n (lithe Sun) u., , ,1. ill I _. I ' gill bo c~ ,tti:l,rcll curb level. All tt c.', _.

I,, 'in?.-. e:., on the t CRC' :,t ,. n ,.

Lc fill I to tilt is 1 ut the surrout .a_,. %bill cl iiu cart![.

7 !tu t t c ,a-' r at t:: =1lc shall a vi :: r ,: ' i ' : '. ant 10111 cc all :11 :fed water tr or r ,r;ticer ,;,i'1-, an 1 i;t ; lace thereof ut., nc :e i a Irio t la.; in the main tt

liic ,ti, t, i'1 c iii ICU with the r. L 1 I ., - It.ti n; ..f tl , Iii ir,m, „t of \1•at,r ".:, , 1

al I I. ":r eitv-, t I t u ttistl the t i , i f . i - t f +r,n, V,iIlI o C.C.ltiCCte from tit, U f 1S ,1 -. `u;, lv, Gas atld Electicit iS t!. i- . , "I '

1 I ill p.rt•-C lie 1. Ii1c !luch.l>,r at the -ale shall als,, I,-1

li , .•c air e,.ln.ctin; to the manI , a, r in R "tit. idOl is :iii, of the [Wain r i.I i t l l S l L' -1. .A \ 1 , .. f•n strut ,, t 1„ tr.0re

;used in cone ,;r, 1

:its t.r(c,t ^ I of ,:e Ilur.:tu of 'CO'iIS. I. . . i t lu, n-. 01:1 flit ni<lt the Put:: : t .,

I i,, :a cl'n a r!Iti. IC from the II r, :-I I ! II ~c ^, ti _ t' tll:lt the lois been ti ... i 1 1, :t I t. _ . , I: 4

i , t l n , I. I I l l .. , i

'Ih • I cr t~ it hr all of , niWr in the :it 1 I , '

t Iill Lc an,l a: tiie expense or the ... ., e -ii t , t tile built: 'i c' 1 I ,, '., le li .t e swirl h_tildings, ap, :n' :, ., T: hrt till ri of. niu:in thirty d:n• n :'..t'-.•. .

t:tr of n tci'I ',l- rk furfeitur -f .- t ,, :. ~ , •' f

.!yip It >ucil h.lil!in_. ayrnrrenancce. ..r ac sh:lit tli, n be 1, it st:in ling, togs , r '', ill 1" ail the >r,:, l fi.ureha,er on ac I • . OS the tosie f •I ,'c, lIll'l the birld, r , ,i--. . i : tf,, alt - C C c e1,1't i o:t Vrinz tjelfih r: I ', ._ I. i ,i• _lit :I be Ill' lIlt of hid ling, arid 'Ii - l' Ne'. A' 11: I! • tcr1flint nat:ce to 1'I,• 'n. r. cn i' the e 'o !,,• r m ,ved. and '' Si .

I , I n : ella rl against t!. h.ncilcni.,, I.

'I''.:e v•rv:i: , i rc•:1_tal must be earn Il e i:l :• ec•clv r.r;eCt lit a t,.,,ruu,gli and Mlrktnu, ., IlWeber. a' ! 11111St be complete] within ill.: . :t, Lc i.I I-' In m tie day oftr• •Sims, and the ,I -r,,

Iii !, ter ,ii I nn, IC au! 1 lrsish all n: l' ri ; :,, r at l in:lc e t c u ee- ary thereto. an , n':.r,• ; r ,,r :011 u;lr •t: Guards and feces Aaritin i 04115 by Ott al night for tilC ties 'II't..o i _1 .., ut 0tc1liut, ..:,,1 a I i,lennify and is n c ... I s 1 ill.: ( i,,y of Nov Y ek, its offic. ; 1,:-1 silt:•,:>, -1 1 i.i::I „f them, agai,,-t ;;I t a'i.I .,lit, all'I at. , n:, l•!1',I I and deceit i I e an I iii ri i :I 1kotiglit agalIl t '- I a:.c , u 1 .l S of 111 .11 I aL'.liIi t and from' t•, ~, _. - _ .. ..,.

an 1 c ,: ,'cc t lt. til_v or any of t l t,n Ii r r.

S 6t' I'-:I: I ,t i u:llr\ t i the person or ._ri ' - :•~ , att., t9Cr, r 'u I L,l1ecuce or C.Ir,!t 1: -• ,.'

In ti:,: ;i,•iiormit'i'c of I work, or t ❑ l:.• 1 ' ̀

nr. ur i, o-II a ,y 1 i over of 1,' i.. i. l t;.

' Ia. ;.tic I r .P. acllTtl, rA-. 1101 lements Cr a`.

I in t';, r.iiiISO „i ai,l baildines. ̀ t

\'I etc t,:uty na'i, art. fotini to c\i,t P 1 : r buiII r'l 1 I It rent hid ,Ii t_,. I,., II , h r

r;:..'; „t I, l 4arh• teaks shall be ua:l,r. I t I

ile c,; ❑ dit:•1.,1 bi II) ccll the se Ii I t: r

char. l s.

: i ' Not r( III £C jli, fl' J l , U fl't be fr separately, and 1!I, t i IPHI f •H lflh1 l'lhl 'X' I s ulU in 1t I1tci L dcribcd in above

be e it J , I 1 ! 1 \I ! \CI], CC aU\Lii'efliCIt.

1;o, y i - t Each all! v€ry Li nii1-t 1) accompanied by I LII (I t t• h ' rlr"I ling giuiid a Ipit of cash or crtllv check in a sum

v. •j clean var.. Uqual to 25 per cent, of the amount of the

•1•i v pill r c la ,l- withdraw , vct lat a nuiiiii:;iii deposit f $50 will . 'I i :i \ C • :L'! t in1 v I qv d w lh i1 I'd-, aJ that a depositI I

:v:I ! t1v:i t Fe I viii Lv iIjccvt to entitle bidders to aH- i in th \atr ii-c- LH ay or iii of the blli1{1flgS.

itv1v , t! O li al l :0 v,jlIt 11 e Till, 31l1 1-i- of un,ucc(- -fid bidders will be re-

f I:iv f \':r so -'pl y, \VItL! It& ,ty-1.i hours after successful c l ic, :if fti ft ) - t tj:lr lit ls v 1aid purclav price in full and " I :ii • a itI!cTtC I I , tv lkt ':V i uri1\, and thsc 'f successful bidders

ht L'l \\ :i•I- Hv : s i:: yC Lly iiit nay IL Icri f,rkitcd to The City of New

I, : i N it 1e ' (Ik 1 ti. ( •oiul'r()1i( rupon the failure of the

{b cd r .d • fl•I'i('V C( .iu1 biddCt tO further co mply with the :: L' r , t' Lv nin Scor rcqUIrcLCntS of the krms ani conditions of the

' t:e :i• 1 tl :j f he iv sewcr alv a se forth hicreiiitftcr. v( :ii e - r :loo ci f i:l c . all'.... ̀1u fu1 [):der will be required to pay the

lJ ied TIS If the Iv I, Ili I4 CWLl, i,tti cl.Lm I1V and d(1olt the required sec- a-

. ;, llF v' , al fuvih the I)elart- t) • \tin o- tiy-fuur l.irs vi the receipt of

, Lt l • FI' , L \ I :5 t F Li: ! 0 In the i1 van of the acvcI'ItIce of their bids.

JtF• u f - '.' , tJC ork beci Pr) l]e C o,ujtrler rcir'.es the right to reject V I .'ry . afl a;! all bids and to waiv e any defects or

I v o L 1, ' ,I!! ;ire ti th e street to 'fllr1fl3itCS in any hidshould it be deemed 2ti',lLI cy it tie 1\1C1 of the ir- in thit_ rntcrct of The City of New York to "' {f C e liIhg. do so.

i'L t r \ z;1 i , lviii irgc, apnite - All bids roust state clearly (1) the number

'ai i yr ii hr 1 :,ii1 ilir ty Jiy rde SC!1)11(JI) of the Ii i' Tiling or buildings bi

to IL tiIC Iii i - iri i I• j rk f ,tfeiurc for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full i H IidH. ij :rtvial1Ce or iiame and addrt -s of the bidder. :ii :I it,: 1s d t i ILou t:rdii, tgcihr \ll bil must hinclosed in properly scaled

, lll 1l I: lit hpy :idl ;acr no ac- vnv 1 s, marked 'l'rtsal to he opened March

il t : t tiv o f I. tI , and ti 8, 1910,'' and must be delivered, or mailed in id! i tc ; c cilds being imx f,,r heir thhivry, piii,r to I I a. m. of that

' Ili I t d; ci by tc at of bidhing, i. t ti v (:lletr I( ity Revenue, Room

ii1 •I ii_ ( i. ui v v. ill , \]!iiIt itiCv : :iio eo \c,t•k City,'' Ill

I d mu- m, i-u it v mFry m-, 'u rcvmovcl •m pI:i i mottler 1amiictmmtr- regarding the

hiLl iLe C iIl I \ ' I.'C 1lLry t lmzim&i agailir lvi]mmm- t be of way be obtained.

I ii y i: v 1. i 'lmm will be i for immediate re- •1 ;. - f P iv m:il mit ! ca:iivd on ill

II d mi i:!jct to t v tllim lug '': i ii Lrj i1 I m;

I-. ' 1 -i 1 c C li' i\mid' ii

TCONIS AND CONDITIONS. d1• 1 '•i ii'!,v -i Ii, .ml t i 1 e li,i;llnm,'s and appurtenances hereto will be

Ii H T i iv ' :1• o :mml iimm dl mimial- .


y i Lie 1mm.' jest bidder. who must pay cash t 1,1 I I r ai:I im ••• tiltr. I 3, aml a curiticd check drawn to the order of the

Y 7 ii 1 -1 i ; fl t2" di m w il l

I m;iriler of The City of New York, and must I iii i : 'v 3l iImmmt a.ii mi C a certitied check or cash in half the '•v ;' I u \ it f iv' , ' h •'l

a ll 1 i the turehase price as security for the

: 11-1 1!1 ' ] e :y .

i ill crLrmimammCe of the terms and conditions li.im_i . ; ,'mr. ar 1 I :!i, h oftmIII, IIR: sa l e. Where the amount of the purchase

; mm', mmd al •T ;'I 1 1 OL tI Ii clnrus :,rice d not equal or exceed the sum of $50, .,i I d- f (". , Iv 1 v tml c iptEn iT

the smiom of $30 shall be the amount of the

,.i: i i' di i: ;IL' tI immv I aammt aol

._ciii 1 V to lie jCiOsiiei]. This security may at i : I i •Iil I t \mI tilvy ilmy iimie alter the exi ,iration of the contract i_ ". y J tt(I 't lo., mmmi of i:limiry ti

iFi"i li a;phid by the City to the cost of

i. :ml mmi amy if the w:rk retuired under the H 'i - .. my ( mum r, rdtii cI: iC 1 ct, !ji t U II ti ii kim ed at the expiration of the TI i -: i. tit ;i ii( tiv ;:m C ,ii: mvt t nod. • 1 m : ii :1 1 flL. ii tie I'O, or

I y0 n cimaer shall not lease, occupy, cause I:n: II. ctv 'm Ill 1 is or or iimim the iiuiiJmiig or buildings. etc., purchased Hii. , [it I 0 O[liS ii il in tliC

i'V mm ti be imscl or occupied for any purpose I 1i l i . l i : , than t hat of th, ir speedy removal, nor \\ : v f 'ml ti ,.N ,- t lo rivecim

i : ' lC ' : i ill : it ll , tI

'ii I ;ic co lloc t any rental or other revenue for I amd or the buildings, etc., i l 1 m m ' -a J • i l: • h) ii rlcmt I ,I - ii:aiU I then In. The bleach of either or any

, i , lm::y ,ii.ILi t . i rt 111,1 7- uI iHu- cooiimins shall f,rtiiwith void the sale

l'.i - '.m 1'ev. lo i:immig avaint all I Ciii-C ilmimmmcdiate forfeiture of the purchase

vi ' V "!ul t ile security deposited for the faith. •:l .i

. i irf r iii a ice (i f tile condi tions of the sale. _\ t• I. :i•]_i . t:.:i-t r, c1mi'mmimcm, rjvct- .i y0 lacing therein or perruitting the occupancy

! it . •: . , f I m :ty mall , i ,-I -;v mcim huhihirig by any tenant free, for rent

• ' :im I m : , m l. 'I'l l' :. e \':alls or thcrvi-v. exvc;'ting the necessary watchmen or

iad Lv no c I ur:miammeiltiv seif- ~ Lpijorting, beam , 0 iVol kiici eimgagvii in the actual demolition

. H . 0: l ; d -' .il iiil aol iy , 1mai1 if itself he a breach of the above 11 . , I • ::i d i- Hn ii1 i it a emmm;!foim f sac.

:.i ;i1I Ni 1:I I, iLe rods of ailjacmIt loihdingc • t iIlv 'I ill be as of the condition of the

I II I i i I i 1 date of delivery thereof to the pur

l I ii H. ii 1 i . ii 1o i:-mmi,u by !mNmr. I'll City of New York will not be re- o_m-i,le fr any change or lics which may occur

I m ii I I 'I' thY of Nov York . ' oiiiicn of the huilliiis or their appur-

. -oi I I i Iiy -: II I iictivccn the time Cf the sale thereof

,y fr mm : r' 'i mo I Iii of -, I tic timmie of delivering possession to the pur- : I- .r 'I 'm fl 1 - :m 1 I' I I I Ili. or to cimmmcv, after being proier1v vacated of all tenants.

. : 'y • L - • mv I mi fill or sal, will delivery to niichaser will be made it y • I 1 .iiH I l:O N 1mmII i maTv toctiiCr as the circumstance of vacating

-- I' - \- • f il i i p,i- y 01 (0 !miiCtUrOs of their tcma1mt will permit. i - - I ii im r N , It nOd! ti -!ma ;vl of the immildingo, sheds, walks.

I i ,:­I •. - 0 ii I I 1 t ilr•ct ivm it' i a I ll cellars of whatsoever nature, with yI I I - I I .o , I i.c iq Lic ( itO vote! m r aiii interio r fit'mes, appurtenances

\\ 'i L;:l \ I 'Hid V- I IV onTfomi ilatiimi of al kinds, except the exterior -, - \ , t --- --: m\ l- f iimidiings and their foundations and i I 1 1 iCi

and curb n front of said build ( Ill tmOr - 1);t.ii, mlaV S. 1)10

rxt - iuii - g within the described area shall be f_fl ,iii I 1) Hi ii I li m:n amid removedrom the premises. None

--- --- if m l:rt, debris or svate reii1ting from dc - 11 dmall he allom cml to remain on the prem-

iltil ii,t I 1;1,1, \! I. hI II l\(,i' ".')_ .c , cxccm t 1)1(1 r1mirtar or r)1ater only, which may .\ttt•tt \ \\ , ltlLlll1(t () CITY lif, but not higher at anv point than two i_il F_mi i.i 'f!) JtIt).

£\.i_IitIii I i' !i! h_mlfl1 oh

-Fti.,'I). %, ) .t Ii S fl 's. 1910,

t.O lou., ill N ml d t.o- ci I ---A in mmmanocr

lam.ci_ I I. N. 2f0 \\t Houston street,

mo tiOi Oh half -t ri tmid Ies:ncmit brick and f - i - I t:ttlii

i'tim! No . \ o

_ -

\\(o't hl)mmtimn StieCt,

I L'( --tr V lit t i. I ml

Ctoi No t ' - 'I \-t llimston street. tlo I i'd Oi I - .- cmi l,m: lrmiIiiiig.

i__i Y. .- - i SOrmet, . mmm :i -'-ilimmil :_ ttl_ y mod t it himick amA

i• mo Ill i I 11 1: ot f N, ammd 2 four-

ti V ho uP 1mmmtii i It ni ;i I f

arml \r. f N i I-I amid lo iarmiii1 stieet,

2 m em H h I ---1 Y. i- .: t mark -, ,nstre et, three-

t V t I ICli

]mC : lo, 7. i . .111 ( I :lm .m street, three

- 1 I IIC 1.;.!i my to: I iiiiitClt c k ail ironic 'Ilt, I i j f il mt I1 I t anI fim-timt y brick

Ii Ii 1 1 t t Of lot.

- :. ii 1 , ­ 1, m I m 1-: 1 1tiim f uldeli elan' he It , A 10 Oil' li mmmlii ) o ml he rceivmd by

II I , I ''m t ttm yy- f I ( ml:, Ifoomi, R m 146 Ni 2t t) Itrimmiway.

Iftr it]i of il;mm' tOt I II, immttih Ii a, in. oil the

!li itmmty of i ill Cl , a nd tI - mn mihillcly mliiflC(1 or ml i- o- f C r i - mm ml ,,f till ahivc-lcmihl l:dt 1 i :1 i: m mm - il -is 0 1 C iC- ti-. and tIme

o%% ;,1.1 mull I c n it , .- to the hImyo ii hillier witlmimi

t , -.m-1 ty icr it.miN, III. as S mi] as possible there

a fter.

Ii,,rssi,i,il. of )Iminlintfan.

': _ i !,-! m. _ m

- - l . I : m •:.. v I - i .miLmimf to i l ;, i m \\ - I I - mm smi, m

mo-I mm d m C - ol-m- ;. I. 'situ ii i -::e m y fi i . u - -mmiii. l-aimt 15 H I .- ii • : t 1 1L mi - . • 0 A :- . i :n \\'i It :o 1 - m:- i-I

0 '- - . - --- -- - - - - --- - : o I O C ri e

i_l 0' 0. d I : I o ::d im;mLo 'I till'

,iI__oi.c - i:Lo( IIOLOI:oi.i I :0 i ill 101, No. (I


Pill 1 ii-'- 0 - . O I I

I - mm mm I -mm myy ;-o m it mmtii I I uI.! my 1. 1. tIt-tdc ! A ll huh5 if

i o::-\e 1 -I l ,o, - l :m:yitotmaics i - i ,,o \ d t - I I J l'. -I -tm ' ' I i I . ( I II I • m- r

f.t 1i-1 os' the curb (iT)tiCiitO that point. The --. .1y r ii 1k and tilvir foundations shall be

o i_i ii ,. ii ,-,lily to a lame whose elevation shall

.,- o t(' lvvl of the curb in front of the building

. -.-, I _ I toot tmvre is no curb the elevation of the sur

ii I I groundI ;hall be i i lereci curb level. ( I ) \11 li cc i i Is ii l etc., existing on the

i i_ : •• irtv mmNt be filled to Cie level of the sur-

I ( I I I i i m11 simm ii with cl ean earth.

\ I 01 ii I t ti ' shall also withdraw . I I - • Ill 1

ammi remim\o alt abaimijuimed water taps and old - m v:v 11005, and in placetmmrcf cause to be :i - i m I a Iraa phimg mm tIme vain water pipe in

tlm oivet, III cmimli c ii mti the rules and mm1mIioH of the l)cmarimmiemit of Water Supply,

I OH all I Eloctricm tv . and the Department I I : n :m ft 0 with a c crtm i cat e from the Depart- ­ as and Electricity that Ills h a s h--en mmerformed.

tier" mHmmi-cr ,-' the 5;y, .1iaI! also remove ail I L 1-C \ ire'i i iO) t 11am sewer in , lie m m . ,.r. '.a- A tliv thou of the inioll ,ewer in street - - yl i ' F 0- orhi- cisri i ll cmujhiance with the ft m- '-. f llimr:imm f Semvvr, Borough of

mi:omlmma:m. :i'hi furimii thr l)cpartnmcnt of !mm immdi a ccrtiIeate jmmmm the Bureau if

-. i.- tINt tIme 'sork has b a properly per

Flu A. i 0 iormmt mm all l' miO in the street to he

I it i;;ui b ii ,md - at time c;im-e of time purchaser I ml -

1 ail ,: to remove said bmmillinmt, appurtenances, i. Oi it tlmorcf ihtiiimi thirty days from the Liv of 1 o0. ,mim vm1l work forfeiture of owner-

;ii of sc'. mm:; ' llimy, allirtcimaimces, or portion :1-i - mid t. ii lie left 5tammjmmg, togLtiicr with all C 0 5-. i : 1 by avid imi :clia(i 1)11 account thereof __t il__i ti: Of the ?alc. ani time bidder's assent H t iI CO!iJtiiTi5 bimm miiimicrstood to he

- l:l Lv tIm- Oil of imoihimime, and The City of : - - v ':IC I61 1 . I iv mm ii citm t not ice to the purchaser,

v ,,.,i, t mcai mc to he r ' iiO\&(i, and the costs and i V i i 0 ttmercJf eli:m: god a - mimmt [lie security above

t - ie me d< of remimoval imi:t be carried on in ii­T "o I'(2 ,; , , .:t in S timoromighi and , workmanlike ii muliiml__ mo]l lT1.Ht lie ciiitiltii] with in thirty days I ro . tl- h. v Of 0i--ieoimfl, and the successlil .•d :. . I . 'roile aol : !r:imSll all materials ef :m I mmml mm ,!I : : ::1 i:mC-iiV iINilO, and will

--- m- L it I smimliciemir gim ;r-is and fences and a :iIil;msc i IN 1i day and n:ghmt for the prevti. t ; , it 0 and v,ili iiimlcmnnifv and sase

a .- i - ml - .s 'I lie City of ' iv \'erlc, its Officers, mm am I s vmmiit, mmml each if them, against 00II I, ] it!! amil acm imim, claims and demands

ii •\ ! liii iii Oil 1 (1,l5t,:iption brommyhit against it,

t I or sims 0f timemim. and agaimit and from all ,i : : miay- a n d rots t 0 which it, they or any of them

F u by rchii of iii mmcc to the person or prop- , rim I ammotimer, resulting iron negligence or care• li•- ION 1i the timrforiimmmice of the work, or in Jiimriimmg time Caine, or frau any improper or de-Ictive materials or niacIiimmcry, implements or a;ipiiamicc 5 u sed in the removal of said buildings.

\ ..... .. . i_ timid .f \'..i - . -- It - -.

:..0 f - u;.il iltt•V I , f :•- .

, : I f - .

.\I' UR I)\ v, MARC H 'I, 191). THE CITY RECORD. 2805

I \\ mm.- 1omtm mi,ih;s ,Ili' fiimliiil to ixist between hiimiiIiris lmircma_eih bly ilttIcrcmit folders, the ma. tetimiI of ;iiliiriy ii till simmihi be understood to be itimilly dimmimI Umtwmmmi time separate pur-ehiai r-.

Pat my ii ails and fences, is mcii existing against adacciit properly it SlIml, eiiall nit be taken down. , A ll fimrriiigs, ilamler, chmi:imimvs, projecting inch. etc., (, it time fa :s or such laity walls are to

he taken (lo om ii motif it moved. The is aIls shall be mntiihi_ l i t Ciliti' il_ililO Sd 1-sipJriiiig, beam-holes, etc., ,iicicmi up, ,i ' il the


he malt iimmmd and made to cxciii fm mvmnih and vamo ammd p ry ( o t a clean cx-

t(- riiir. T iIc iuf, of ail iicimt mimmihirigs shall be :Fti r iltimed Will ieimmmtei and vale watertight ll lit mc i!m v imam L t- cl ihitmimUd by the operations it tilt v-miiractir. Itc (::u;tr'Ii. r of Vie City of N1 'v York re-

Sri S i 5 tO ri ght on itmi iLiv if smde to withdraw

trot stIr anv of tlmi imiiiiimmzs, torts of buildings and iil4CLi:iL-- -y imclmdi thiorm in, or to reject any all" -11 ] im1 ; ill) I i mo further

Rslv ii, -1 hitit, mm IthiC the said sale is held miter the Siuhervi_irmn f tIme i.uuussioners cf

time mmmk:ug humud, time (uumiu;mtett r is authorized to cane the Salt to he ai\-irti-1 and to direct the <Ihc thuirCif as liv .imucimi oum Ic yr if time City.

W.M . A. i'll C N I ) if ki 1 \ -. 1', Co lit lit roller. t:(v if New \:h-m, l)Cjmi mmmm of Finance,

(ulmuhitrisi-- -- 'a Cttticc, l m elirmam- 17, 1910- fl8,m8

No ICeS to Propert yy Owners.

NmIIC[ 1. 1) III ti'IIki'i \VNERS.

'51 ii it I-: Ti I PR( tt'i-IEi\ tu\VN1fRS

I N l'[Ri-( \\m I-; ,[: [.1st OF THE 1 (meotLe Ni -s V,uk ( i,iltLi, thm (iiim1strollcr

1 I IL Utv t No 'i S qim lmi. ;u livtVCS publiclm,:lu .tii [iii. tt-, .-\ o J, f im ,,i:tv, affected by tI t I lli,iILi it .Oi-it' i,:r hi {.\[ isi -

h'lit\ ,\th-.\ [m hum mIme nt)btf(;iu ui- 1.5 N:

i_\\ I' .l' \-\I\1[i \\.\hht SECT h)N l(.

[It . [i.IIE I - --- ----- [Nc, GRAD- [\u t (EtIiNG \\[) i.\YING ifSII- NF yhlii\ \h.En f: ,t I lutom-;I X,1! !It' to Nostraitmi 1= . .\t ..i t .,,.,,II I, :: : hI -lisides of

I ,1 1 I. i t =:t I l-eiit-,m t1 t1t Nostrand ;; 0' -- . . u . I yi :.= block at

ii1 , ,... t ct t mum mt - S ,i•=i Oi it 0 - imicimiding

h_, .i_. \..-. H. :° m [i 5109, ammihlit

I.,,- I- i-u il..I .l III.

i-\[ih-' \ d[ Rui.\[ j;-(;(l.\[ lNG, GRAD. l\i;. l[ii[tiitl. i'.\\iNi; .\Nhl IYIN(; I l-.iIi\[ rhluI.\\ \1 [ ltim, -mi 1----,lih aye- ilit_ .=i I it I u:tt-\- Im -tit .\r -a if assess- mI-, =_t'= t ill -h-1 ii:lr:itmmt rd from Flat-

lit miCON I .u.m I -i,i:t'- --u'mu[u -ltcf, and to till o f Imm(t lv [k at :i,. , - immlersectimmg


h-I \[' m)lltitl yrlIt- Il-Il R[m;VJATING. \I'h t I I [ it \\b) LA) l\( CEMENT 5i\i

_ m [ 'A \ b.Ri;, item's cems Avenue C and Cimrtclvimu :1 .1 1 \j —' m .1 ti. -..- T i l t: [[iii [I em of }at 1 "'.1 t illtt•J. fl it .\u ...... C t- tmtclvou road,

00.1 i I it.- tOt m - t .t hi - m t1 1 12 I l l .iIm lit the inter- 5, ,.-= lily .11 -c Is

il \rI u-hh;ii u SfR[h- IT RitIP'[ ..\ FING. ti lt \ i\( ( II I I ( \\ I) I \\ i\ ( F \lF\ I -, I I I h-l\ .\l .K, btis cOmm Church avenue and Mont

me ti N mi itt .\:":I 1 a-cs imlemut: iluth sides 1 [1:- iigilm s!0' t fuol (!tmmuiii avenue to

l , tltLttiLt'. S tt• i(t. t=li.h t o tilt' S \ tm it of halt ttt- III ck at t us mitt -citing te'_ts, including

lit N.. (III, ::I !I: ,,k

hbhlhlFl1Ili! \\.\lAl). ECflIiY is, ANI) i•hiGthihI WARD,Sii ih)Y 3

Sl-\\lfRmA i=i Ii I 1K I) \\ENUI- .,.-is follows: ItuilitlO 'tiilhi rum 1 rdm-.'v-:ur4 omrcvts, between S\tv - i \Nltl mtfclt ttuuil hl:is Emige avenue, be- t iuio.l Sihhiui:im tile ommi m-mc\m_--mi --thiirl street. liti,.i - .1 i i li t v-t.•'mm:Ii mit-i ttum t-mttv-Seveiltht __ilse.___ litcul lhitltt I!, aimi 1-;:gIiu- -tlii-d streets. l , .t_,,Uiti EmaIty.f.tmvtl' t'. I l-d[tmv-tifilm mtreetS, he- tiC-il l - hmimms.hxt[i aol )-:heimiiiolmmIm streets, be- tilti- tu ld'[utv - miimtit miii Ni:ictistli s mr LetS (north- ( t I\ im:mt lsLil'ii t Iii i 11lt\Itll Siaruime avenue mmiii \tu- t -mummithi oi,.t: v,m0i tuh' [l_l'f SEWER hI ,;I-,\i-NFV- l\lhI SritiF1. heat-en Second i uuuiii hmi tliLti_5 .\mt- a if mis-cs-tient: Both

tJL- ---- -- iil OVClli fir nm Nimmemv-dghth street

t \la a ill vt-mmma-1 to Ninetv-n:tmmhi street; north 'life f NlnLtv-mlilmtlm street, exteimlimig about 312 ft-ct t tut of Th ird avenue; built sihi-s of Ninety-imiumh 1rctt, trout Narrows avenue (Shore road) t i 'hitch tiv&titm : iitht ChIC of Ninety-seventh -tied, trio islam- lie as-comic to Narrows avenue; mem.-St 'iulc of Slarimme avenue, from Ninety-seventh

: Ni o m.tit'i mct; 1. I:, - 1-- -.

ilmme. l mum flmalt-mmmeI m N:m ' - i : ii-t u'l,- u 1 H imi mete, ml mm o . : .\lmLtl mm-: -t. t ; i, .m i - m.I I Nv - • ; - 1: . - u I- o t i 1 'It :i; i ti:tI ,t , s ;:t - t - t -t

, m !.maii-i.,llm otmeut, l\iull.t4 tit tt:t ,.tl.l i• i•.iuil ,i,iiili( iiim -i-h s I I : i u o o mr-tim [mliii m'ml im.l-Iteimt.- - ,.hi. 1 . :1

[:uIO-t mr!: i- 1-. _, 1 1 . 0 t •o - S ttl, ,.. t Lme[t:imhi 1. tthuus-ttu;.i -t:utt . - I - . ihai.u-mdst tmi.u,xm io,,tm- u .tm: .°., ft y. _,f_i_ ti ti\. mmmiv; it thi -m 1 t i • I _u_i

m -, uu I-mmtii . t,,mti-. - It -- u . mm hi..uii Olhi- u Ciitm:ti -- \ It !tit tm - - u 0 'h[,Imltl'LlmtmL;u -lmIll,,f hi: . ,i_\

ivitttu -:dm -[ i.I Sim;mm.tti - •. .- ,t I hit- I mu . t mm m fr im m- ml : .

third street; both silt S....... • .-. i --

i_i .it it it-.i:i- ti• i ,..ii_ - t - -- - - t -- I

I . ui , i -tosi I t Ii .ml mmi-.f I u... t - I t.ti itt lmi t i.. .1 iC I °

'- t ... . . : I : l[i- ..f nm\ h l im _t m mm -mi i I

ttittllt 1.0.1 -ti , ..t * it -' .i I

_tti_ t..Ili lhuImI_t ,:,_.. ........... _ _

f I- ,!i :'i :I i - ti•. I ! l . 0. i .t I :' - t t ' . y N , - Si. i I u I i o m i 11 * 11 I . . f n I - u . _ ' t' . -•.

S \to it Ii itihi .t t -m I I ,:i - tt ........ hi mb • I r- m mit. r tt ' _ '_' it C . t -t -

f, , i ,i c. t...,uim-,i 1. : it - I- . I - . t met u - . fu ,ill ni'v- mm m ' . . - -: -

ic f t'v- v 1' -t . . m - u . - I. Hi-- i a- -i- _l I lu - l t -, ., - . m_ - - - - -,m fl-. I .-------. - .. lit -: wi c.t uo: .1 u ,,

P ti - i f \- ----- i - - ' - -

imtt! SI - -- i - Ii . I,,:,'. ,.I -j. . !, ---

.1 \---- mm - t.'-_ t i - u t I. --• ri

- .f - -

I l u ,.- -

-I ll........[e - ' - --

I.,.. - • : I

: -. I - I - -- ........ : u,

i- ----- - --, m 0 1 1 ......... ,, ,,t't'L. , ' I t ' m I t. . I

I- . t - I A—( ­ muumm' im - I .\m-- . -

-! ' \i : m I;,. it ! '.- m - - -tv _ [I . tL' II-

\ -,lIt .... Uiit t ...... . •, ti I : t . t - I hu - tt Itt . ..... . I ' - =

f m ' - ti ---- -- ----- -- o

. .

\\ \1 A. !llt- \ it \

( . i:i. . f . : .ml . I -• = N '

( - mitt ill- , t III e. , \ =-:, t

Nti[i(i. ii) lltiiih.IIIV i). -d

I i lki.\Nu i_ iii :1 t h.

(molr 5 i

\iI ti i I i__ti mj - .o - . I. m =

I I II [ C \ I

I ..\i Ii \ ii i l- t - \ s

ii I ..\i I .tt.. [mt. . t = =

1 1. ..t: ii t to . I -I I :. .. -

\,, I it I 1. t- i - S . .\ t I l . j I i .

- ........ m .1 =i - I [ . --

I ..i \...: - . - ........ t

1_hith) .1 I l -\ I it.

_ i = .t . -

H. i N: I \\ '-it,i.

Ihui,mt\ ot!t[-.t-.I ilt.i,tJ .\ I J\. k.!1

IN (,. ( I [[;i\­, [[.lif . \ .\.0 i [ ( [u ),'S\ .\l.k' it "I I - . . -- -

1 tismiii \il\hi —I t I

GR\IiNm;, ( i. Ililiol , -\, I i l. I., \t.\t.!-h.. ' HI: --=. . I..- . - t t :

L. i 01.:. 0, t,---- - l.tiI _, t. :

me -': -- - ---- t t m L t i

it', Clitmi

lh1iEi) \\.\l<!).

it ill li\i)\\.\Y ANit N()iill lR1i\i I. :, I ii-.l. I tI '.r- iN mm :. c t mt... .: - .. :. .\:

. m_ -

--- mm -.:t \\- -t ---= ..f.s ,............. -

"' u - u it. to = .... 0' O'. .........

htiiEtiL!- ,N Ill Hot.:-:i .slil 1 - itItmit

\\ t. [ i-. iI.\ol.\ it I e m it -t -. .

.\-- i .i ';t-- .......lit: \V-m =i ......; - . t iii C., iii -: .0-- thi ::m.i I ifhm .. -.m:: -.

iOhRiii \V\hD.

o- ltl1 IiC fr,.tum hi,imeum tl:ie to

h i;umut .o.1 Ii--

liO......i 1 .I-- i • - . 1. . :11:0 . ttm- . .: 1 J m ,

:i- E lio'. cv, ft - 1 I i•1- ti o ..m . c . \\ ,oI-.' . ,,. l:t,i. :,..! ir.;t h1 t o ii a,uiL t .'..


hIF ill \V.\lfim

\\.\lllt \VlNV .. \\t t II' )h!h-\.\itl lm,\shN =ii i[ iiethi..ii avi .i.: -i e- -

l.LN ,\, - :u I tmet umut: it Ii - - m 1f mI - c I; mh' - tt. f mum \\: iml,ii . !iitC i i I - ......-I am L,'

mmli,.,. mt.cimuulmtm4 h,t - N . 1 S mm . i:, , jut 1tl-h= --tj.,t I c s;mmmtmm ovum III , jt.mtt I III- t-' Il:ui

\ss 1-- - Sh=i-cii I, 111111, tm.h i iitI ni SIar-_u I, ill, [ml tic RIL-mi 01 li:I.-. -f \mi -mmm

hyjit in itc Ili"an for t Clheci.iti --1 .\ --- ----

miltiltS and \rrc:il5 it ! 00mm, imt'l .\ So--ni(ttN mlii of Witter Ec-mu'.s, mimm'.l littiuSm tile imtmmO:mmlt tlmS ---m 1 f-u* 1,um:itt ti titi icr__mi -rur- Ii rh

stall be rid wltmimm 5[y Lys mut Cr CI­ h:itc of

mtlli s-mmml- y t tie a-L- -s:ml - lmt , itulemu-t iiil he C it ct ii the e,it , Li s p ir . , v idol in si cm:lm tim) of

':0 .'.I ri-muter N,%% Yi, T k Charter. ['all suctitim iri\-tlL, ii part, that ''if anv

siicti :u5cm5immemit hall remain mmlitiiiiil for the

period of sixty days aftcr the date of rummy

I I'( knl\\ E ( )l rhdihmtN 11 , 18 OF 11,11E

t ,ii- :iii C \,v "i (. tm-mi i r, the ( niptroil i f [lie I iiyI 0 N .i it , m - t imi - lie

,l\ !S ])iih)hiC ii ice i : 'if I - ''lior. of -r[ mtY, aftectel

h i , ill, fII,.muue t- --mum it fr i(R\i 151- iulfm\ l\ii- I r itt mllit tEimb ,hi OF 1L1\-

-I WEN lY-si-It I i\[) \V\k'it, si-:ClION 4.

Sl\iih .\\ t-lNIl--- •RI-ho1uEiNm AS.i'II.\i.T l'\i5ll-N1 mm f:uut 1 .'m'. [14') antI 1051. Aria If a--io-mmmuum: Smmltimm-t irmier of Fifty- mmutithm ii:1 alitt'i\ii: ti\i!iiiit, kumiumi as Lot No. tm, c lull 1.

I_i_v tulie ;i - is,-uimcmmt Sti cc: itmici to the Cul - [cii- 't \- -----mum ON tiJ! \lti -, it imlCr tile

Il_s i-Ill-, I f mmum -i i um_ (:,miter Ness V i - h-i I. ii i I tt I.

__ti; it tl .lI1e ul- tumi m ii OSIt ,rch 4, 1910,

in td Esciri t itlo f.A-.-eum imuit, kept ill

time t ii:m f it- im [i i ll 't\i 'tieI1t aide l

FN f ftmxu tutj \----- mm!tt 1iif Water llm III -, titit ill]- - i•y tilitCitli m-- --- - A f i ll. beiic!it Oil liC ui --It i- oim;lV himhi liv pmid witilims i\iVlii :mmuur I,[, I ii:c I tmml - imm of the as- _c,_muivum., uit:rs-t miii lie cllit 1 timerimin, as 1ir,siIil mm IOL) ­I l i tlCtL:cr New S 'i t

Soil ctl"il -r it- i , i;i ::m, t) :;!l "If ally tmem] toistull lit iuhi ii :ml,Lmil witt ml for the i ci,, i of ol\t) uIi. fmr I miil,:e of entry

Im -

f mm tile -t 1 l em 1 1 1ttic of Assess- 1fltjN, ml il:i i -mlotmu' s f .. dicer author-

hid 1 Cisiit iii lC:l LJio tumitimit of such tl'i -uIti mit ii LI .tll L. C tO' mi re- eive interest

t,mc:oi, mEt timi: rEL f -:i 1 p, I entum per ;uu!nivii, to I et t;t,lt. I t I t u , i.i m of payment fl-III time ditic its .m - e .1 tu -----Il-0 it became a iCti, ill 111116111 )_V -,CII -I lt I - I ii t,:u act."

lt-:I [mi o t:i met ;:uuis '"it

tt-s 'ti mm sic ylui mm Iii mm ul[ml the real itml tmttiCt I itmi - till!. , muitir its entry ill tut tmthiL : 1'

I lie tile ;i­. --i;iI lit N ti ii1L to the Col- ict m f s--- iiiliN Iii \; : , s mc. time Bureau fr mime (ouch ° I \--------iii; cmii Arrears

1 1 ax ili A ­ ­[!! into A f \\a:vr Reins, E- iii 11, N0. _­l I I I m mimi. llmmim of Sian- imam mull, hmctii i ii I il ti li Of l it, ii. iii 2 p. in., ill, ii I-I a mmmI:o u. Ili mm. mm. t I-) mm., and au m m liti:lN mum lv mu .1 mm r ' iL .\tuv 3, tOut. -.11 i LOiluli to ti jiii m i. tl L' ot provided. _u: i' rthe .1 -i.- I !i uit c- 1- a charge lit

II I. . '. . u. m '- utmt .-°: - -. - i- irmtmmmli liLt

tL:littmmu tmitl 110 u , mim e it tim ,tt'11mLiit hit-

__tuuuu_ .1 Ott m. l - -i i

\\ Si. A. 1'iF\! i-:[i , (mmmhitrhlcr.

CIt y f No-',, \1k. ii1.utmm - mm i idmiamics, ( ":eit- r ()omm ,ltm elm 4, tIm



III — 1 in the Faid Rc'rd of Title of As--, iIcit', It hall be the ditty lot the officer I t i r I Li I 10 collect and receive t ii C anioui of - L Ii i &lCII t to) Cl) t lU, collect and receive i'Ecrt thereon at te rate of seen per ccntun

yr itlilnhlil, t0 be cacu1itcd to the date of pay-wen t f ront the date vlien such assesnient be-eairc d hi-11, a iriiIcd by sctiun 159 of this a( I.

'Ct Uii 1,31) o f t his act prov ides •

;i-_•--flRflt sLI b(C Ole a lien rII)uIs the real ilc lilitcicd tliihv tell day S alter itzi entry

ill tug tnl rt corl' • '

.1' -: .,- ii are paval) C to the Cul- it r of \--t--.liiitt and Arrears at the iiItran 1r ti ( - ctin;L of .incnt, and Arrears Lot I xc _\-&--ints and of \\nttr 1ent, at

r( Il It, tt IP1liliIln, 5] lack--i avittte, ),I) ll.ti ( ily, !ti- lli1 (if t)iiteii, bitwnen H it I - ; t i. i1} I . p. in ., a nl I-11 t: - iI ) n. vi. iilItl l? iii., and all Iant

n1;ulc litre ii on or before \pril 30, 1910, will he r& t Io'Ii i'&-t, as Il)Ve lruolul, and __i• t n late ill Ic ut t a charee 1n-•t :t 'll: Fa ct -Vcn l r CLuhlini per an-

nn i•:n I , . (.d. !c W1U die above a d [ii-, j r tit dinlatc

\\.\i A. 1'l<l \ I )Ll<G.\S•l-, leni l ot roller. (i ! '• l)p;itinuiit of Ii1a1c,

t'!n tF:II( I )!tiue, Match 1, 1911.

. rn3,16


I N I 1 1'1\~i(',\M*V OF SECTION 1018 OF Till: (li,itl,r -\ •\V \flk Charter. the Cu!nptr Uer

1 1 he ( t ilt f i it iik hereby IZOCS public nli•c I. :i Ilk ;-)IO-, o,,%liers of property, allcctcd Pv Ilic t llning a--i-iiieiis for IA)C\L II- II \I\!i-\ IS its tbe 11oROGII OF THE lil N\:


- FEIlI - -'I\\LR, \cCn Inivoud a colic and 11-cl,. i' niy ._\i:e a ul ascncnt kith -ides

d the lintl1R la• 1 'uviitictli street, Iro:n :(.I i 1111c to 1110 nj avenue, including I iq N. 43 uf 111ck .(4, and Lot .No. 94 ei 111 dc

l6V1 \I') .I )1J III W.\Rl), SECTION 12.

\\ 1(1111. \\vNRu\l)—SLVER. from \Vehter a\cllnn 1 t9: \w i uik aiid Ilarlent Ra1ruaI IOU \r :1 i i- - nicilt: Both sides of \\uua i_ii\ ii rl tiril \ b-tcr avenue to the New 1 k-,Til I I arkni R_IraJ line, and southeast

n1e Il i \\ v1ter avc iiiic. dint \\'judlawii road to a c d 41J rilicriv. _tiLt t eL',ia- cie cndrircd by the Board of \'- ,_i1-. I


2In1i 1, 1910. and i:cid March 1, plj,, i n I iO Eec rd ti t Title, o f A scsnien t s,

1( t In i:c I11::oi jr tb. Cullciiii of ;\seo- nn.1l- anJ _'screir f Taxes and 'ssesninti15

nl '•t \\ O•: It , it_ ilill iiiil the anioiuit

--- - l t 1

I"'11( at oi !ny 1)vi:1. or 1rulrty

1 1: L •1•iL d ni1ii ix ty ili\O alter the da le

•1 -oil ( - nl;y o l the a-e-l1enl, interest \V dl I,. :1 ct I iIclI, a ou\idcii by ctL'ii 1019 I II 1io 1rir 'tV 'Suck (iiarter.

rtil ' ' "i' .n'i- vjlt that ' If any Such aseSs II 10 -li:t I i iitoiii i l;IIO 1 ir the per iod of sixty

l:i\ S W Cie da i C 01 Oil V thereof in the said Ii '•1 t •liiiu- 1 \-,u-i1ilitS, it 'I.ail be the hnv f - c dU4i- al i t r hind to c - lkct and re

1 . 0 he ,. Ill tut i uhi ascs11iCit to charge,

1. •t r I de j:: i( thi:icm at the rate ot

UI;, i- c ::n I l k i ain:ini, to lie calculated ti

t:•c d !1oviI - lii ti•iil the date isilen such

d:--i -

I i lii:iie a bun, as pri dcd by scctin

I - t tiN itt. ii, .j n h: t lli1 iL 1 rvilcs


I-iii!ciit shall I i a lcn upon the ril ,111 , c i. I 1i.,;,bv tcu days after its entry

Iii he A I - cl' 'I ie :0 c a -n .i - .110 are payable to the Cul

1 r d \-st-:iIIlt on I \rrrars at the Bureau

el- I . i( dii,' f \eincuts and Arrears I 'I :• ad lil!L5 lUll of \Vatcr Rents,

1 ii: \1 -nH il 11i'liric, erlier of One lion-

hJ 'n II.V -c;' di :ruct a it, 1 Third aYe-

'n: 11 : ::phi ti li; I;ix, botn ccc, tic hour

-i 1 a. i ll. ;tnd 2 ti iii., aid on Saturdays trout

1 It . Ill . I, 12 Ill., a:l.t al l avnle:its ma ile thereon

'i r 1 l:e \;iii 3i, 1,1(1, will be exunipt

I: till ii t, a alive ri Icl, and after that

i:il' \ii he i 1 it lo a chiaree of interest at the

i 1 -:( Ti ;ii- cuiltillil ;tr annum fruit thic

Lou ii Jo :- ii -lImnit5 beenine lins to the

t: f \\i. \, iRl1N l)ERG \ST, Cinptrnfler.

(ii- I Ncr \ik It pnnt of Fii'ance

C ni. i ' (i;fi :e. 9lareii 1, 191U. m3,lG

N Jj h 1 1 it l'i liI I •s t1\\NI:l.

I N 'tROt \Ni E iF sI:sl](:)N 1019 UI r1I1

ii c Xiv Yrk t1oirti, tile (nptrod.r d lIe (d: -- ti Nu \rk hereipv gis

1ei I hi 0:1 I S (f r 10,

l. 1i f !i ii a- - -leil' f" : I- IU(\l. 191- lNftl1\Il: \l ; Ill" b)il(tC(;il OF RICh

1 I C 'NIl;

R- IT \V.\RIl.

(; IN, 1 BI T II\t; \ li\i I l l 1R.\RV Ct)9[

1I\Ill SL\\tR IN FII,i,T \\l\li, iitivut I,' • ;ii;;: Oil _Ji itrl._ire;1 itI

i-- ii : ; 1-h hi- 1 li-; I,%iii;;e, mn'ni I i -- ; o t \\-t i- i i It av

}:; AND sh:e()Nl) \V\RI)S.

Th'."i Ii iii \iei s.\ ,.\" 1'l\RV sE\\ER IN i[!I1it\t 1 tRNt'Il\i, (rolO the little Clove I 1 t ;i;.I ;ic: tz ;i 0 ic1i outer it a

\i ;i I ; . rel

ih a--,l; : ltt1; ,ift5 Of Richmond turnpike, 11,;1, ( o rat to 9I:;r rad.

SE(_'()N I) WARD.

( t\ ii1lhtiF1' lI\IiI )It .\RY SANITARY -hA\ i 1 I\ 1 IAN N\lI slRl:l;h. from \alt

line; !net ti a 19illt abut 275 feet svcstcrlv 1 ;1 ri; il .\;lt; ii 11t Ihod oils of IlillIlili : it i, hr toe ii St. Ititls aclilie and

\ ill I ) i t/( I ,tl

T1IIE1) \\\RI).

I. .\H I I \ 9 II\hl—ll\I i'()I.\h('5' CO2I- i11\ihbl -l\\Ih'. fi;il a lilt ;ibiiit 10 lee,

i;i:hl of tie t'II 11 I.tiid Rapid Transit Riji

r ';i 1 (i;aii a-id connecting with the sneer

ii I lir,1 a , . t t

i__li__i; li ; t.h ;los if Ifiatiiia place. he 1•l Ii l,;:ia1 ivct;;ic ad the Staten island R;; lire , -It RaiO.i. .;ll.

dii iii - -aol i's_ru ciitriiicJ by the Board of \s.--l_, Marc) 1, 1', 10, 1011 entered on March I 1)10. i'i Plo Ri I ot lilies of \ssetnunts.

hjt in In IiIiii11i fr ill,! Collection of Assess-inlilic and \rr( ar , I f I ixis and \Sstssifltnts and I \Vat;r I .. and on h.55 the amount ascssrd

fr bnfit on at;c 1'1l Cr property diahl be

1ajl \itoi!i ict d;is after the date of said entry I.f t ho a S(5li1liit -, interest shall be collected hlertlil a Oil ill in section 1019 of said

l,r, atur Nrw York Chartcr. Sail section rovide°, in part, that "If any

l,11ch assc-locitt shall remain unpaid for the trill ofsixty days after the date of entry thereof

in the said Record )f Titles of Assessments, it


I N l'[RSU\NCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE Greater New 9 irk Charter, the Comptroller

(of Tile City of Niow Virk hereby givespublic Ii tee of tiue cirfrniathut by the Supreme Court an-i the f uuleuiuue in the Bureau for the C-jhlec- Ii jilt c-f smeuls anih Arrears of the a-sesc- liii Itt for ItPE N I NG AND ACQUIRING TITLE 1-' tlii- filluuvi,u-naiuu-ul road in the BOROUGH OF Till: BRONX:


\\OOI)T,\\\N ROAD — OPENING, frurn Teniiuule ;tV 5 tlliC to Bronx Park. Confirmed Dc-ceiuiher fl. 191h): i-uitered February 28, 1910. \rc;u of a5505°nt

!I t includes all those lands, tene-

nuclits a n d h:r-hutautieuit and premises situate, ]vin- art-I h nit in the Ti rough of The Bronx, jut The City of New York. which, taken together, ale biuiileil and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a pint formed by the interec-ti Ii of a line drawn parallel to the northerly site of Mosilolu avenue and distant 100 feet north-erIc therefrom uviuh a line drawn parallel to the westerly side of fer rne avenue and distant 100 feet westerly therefrom ; thence southerly and soutliivestcrlv al--lug said line drawn parallel to



o f

S nIilur Ni iv \'nk I hiutetir, the Coiu;tr-h 0 e cit The C i ty of Ncw Yo lk hereby gives u uhii;u tu-tiec -Iold 1c Ni, O,Ctters of property, ati - u S ii -- the fihiluilue a5i5-ttt(tt5 for LOC \l. i1i uRI)\E9i h-bNlS in the BOROUGH (IF THE I; RI INN

T\\'l-INl\-'ihl IRI) ANI) T\VEN'rV.l:OI RTlh \`I, \RiIS, SECTIONS 9 AND 11.

)(()1,l.iOGi-- -- .Ni - i: - R0(UL.TlNC. (;R\I- l\l\s SETTINGL1_RIHI)\ES FLAG", l

iI1E SII)E\V.-\l.I-i, LAYING CROSSWAlKS. ItillitING \1l'RiS.'tCilES AND 1'1_,hlN1; FE\ti-hS, froiti l-bn-t Olie lhitndred and oi';ty-sevetuth street to One Hundred and Seventy-(ici`1d s iren.Area of asesstnent: Biubi of College avenue. from One Hundred and Sixty-

- seveltlhu street to One Hundred and Sevent'-

scc-itud street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.


NER1OII) AVENUE (Iwo Hundred and Thirty. eighth siueel)-.--RIrGULATING, G R A D I N Id, '-I ill"th PCi 1l1O\f FLAGGING SIDE .

\V\LKS. LAYING CROSSWALKS, Bt'ILI)-IMd APPROACHES AND PLACING FENCES, fr)rn First street (Bullard avenue) to White Plains road, Area of assessment: Both sides of .Nereid avenue, from First street to White Plains rca-i. aud to ifte exleut of half the block at the hlltclSi c; iug ..-- -I u - rn:i'allllC streets. - -du;tt the same t',ere ceinlirnue-d by the Bar-i of Rc'id- fl if .\s,-esitcuits on February 24. 1910. and entered Fubrtuary 24, 19 10, in the Rcerd

if Titles cit \StCSn ti' COts, kept in the [iUrea;l fr tie Cii-eti -iu of 5e9ii;elliS and Arrears if Taxes and .\sscssrnellts and of Water Ren', and

unless the aiuijunt aiessed for benefit on any iv rscul cr t 'u- i- en l S shall he raid within sixt y day -after the (late of sail entry of. the asscssmon". iu:terest will be collected thereon, as provided by s(c'i- -n 1019 of tiue Greater New York Charter

Said section provides that "If any such asses nt-flt shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments. it shall be the

liii, -( iii - - -- --her ;itti; -- - -- -n -I ; 5 ,ua- i ic -

u-i I' u:!-. Jilt it ;uh a--- ---- --1 t- eili:g -. c- -u it aui-t ree-:ae iIitCic,t tide ---1 at t:.0 rate of

i_ ii 1- r ei - ;t;uui -i r oui u;;. :-- l ii (,I: ---- t -I liii - 0- itI_ili; -: .:. I --c -i: - _iiil -_l-_ I ,-,-ll;illt h;:i-o a :1. -s ;: ;ii :-\ 1 uk it tllI-, aci5

S--eli-il lOP if this ;ct t-; - - hl '

aie,lllCtit si;ahl be-ee:tie- a lll li- - lI t it real c-il e IiCt- I u Cisi ii'i - --- : u: in u i ,uii re •


-I i_i ttot_' ; -, e-iillt a:-r till-: u- uI. I -I- heel r - \C'lulill ittl \u -- - ------ it b-u lint In lb ('-h :i -ut ---1.\­ -- ;;,:;; u; -j \-------- --1 lot oIl -I \---"iu-u; - ; -u \;- r ii lii I Al, ; i ; -tl ht;ulb-hi'__i--- - - u - -t ti ii i -

h - I -1 au.l 5- v -u -u 9eVelitii s;tut and lion1 ace- teu -. il-s -ui o, --t I h;, Ill--I;,. I .s-:i;i--;

i 5__ ii. i,l_ ii;; l 2 p_ to.. ; 1:-- ' _ i-. u;; _' ii;;, 1 u ti 1_ III_ ;-;-i al , u--- -;- l - 0 . : ; u -

I- I h-i f­1 u \- - -- - I ' - ', - - n -;- -:1- ui

i_ _u_ H 1, .- lilac I i I -i. u. -I u - - ---- t -lu- -li P h:t t b.: ---- I --- - :o I -

01: i i; i-i - it'' ; -u ;- ii

\\ \i A. i t\t \l' I -'

( u t N 't- 'h . IC ,I u - .0 : I I . u i_ ;u- -- - -u' I I -. l- 'u - : --

2-ui. 11

Nt ilICE U 1'R('ib- RlV (YiVNLRS.

I N 1'hRiuh\NCE 1l- SLu 11)1'. hI ° ii- - - -- Ill-h ;;- eater N,v A-ik t,_• ltIic n h;e [u;;-tuhhin

-1 'id C:;u i-I Nw \-uk hi:1v gilt It

u;;_ -- ui a l l icu - u. ,jiliiOC 0 ';-(: l',. luiciel

lii the f:h- -i:g : -re-lu; -n f. r litl\l. 191 l'LiSI111Ni.n ill t,ielt)EihI'll iii- IRl(ll\ IAN;

hlllRFlfl- N1'hi ,\Nlt SIN - ---t -hihNfhi \\.\khlS, SECT ION BIN

GBtNl) i i lllhnf — Sl- \ Iii ., is cot; hi,

f-__i_ i.,_utuht l-;;rub e;;ec: ; li -i : t;. -..\nc

I it--L-ii- liii. i;,-!h[ h -: 1,.; -I e:r t

u_s----- - -- ti;i n;u.l I -- il ii;:

-:e1Vc't - i -he- tll-;':u.i;lin I I - (;uuu; liil u ;; - ----- -- I 0- u 1 - Il i ( I. lCil I\i -::-1 u- I --ui-u; 5 -_ si C ut,-t :u- -uu- ;, il ii I -. - -- -- u-i

It - --- -u- su ccl; iiu i;o -u l'. ;-;,

0 01 li-ut u;;; to : -0-.n - -;u I

in;;, le li-:;u1-- -v k.: - - - - :. n - .i e u u. i

-i - i; nul l - ;-1 ;:e -: ,\u --. h ;i ci

liii. v:e;. I,, ::I id- , -

- et-- hihi-i,ur:;ui -- .:i-- i 0-u - i 00 S i f n :11 I I - - ;; - c I - ; I -- : ' \ h ; ,. i - I -'

___ii i_s 1 ,'4 ' . I ;te.t e' --- - ; I - - - - h P u;;. 1

ii S_ Ili i I;h tO-ct. ii ----- :- ;:et 501

-Ii I I I , hi ll! S-iht 1 ii:-! t - S l i;:; u u - C.

- thu_i - - i- \I .% \ oh I __-u

,ii - - -- --i; - ; -r ' 1 ---;---

I --C--0- -1 i ' I - - I : : ;. - ---- - S - ;- i: - -- S ii '- l u l - - - -- 0 ui - ill -i -_i - -fit h---0' - -- - ----

Ii - --I il e euler ; -: ;- - tiO- 1

__ - Cl ilil I u- -- --

- -CV- --------- - - - -- ----- ,;_ _ i-i

'-;-' _ C: is : i- ----- - - --- .h -u

'i_s t.'O_t;_- ----

i :- - ;- -- -- - -- - - t :_ - ,

: I -

i_ Oi_ -- i .

N ) I Ic I- It) I' Rt Iih i i I j\Nt

I N Ii ilni\NIih I it Ste. i hi 'N : - - I II Ill

I - :cr N-. - \ - ; ii I ; ; ; , t I I. - t

_i_ II t Ciy c -i N-- 'i -S il

I i Ihil l\l- 9iio I e u 1, i -lii i ii I Ii ii INS: -

I I bOo h ,\ \i-.l

I-' \1l;hii11d I1---It:lij\1.ikil N- , I IttiliN, \Ntl I. -'l:o, l - --;,

i n_colic 10 A- u; \- -- ; \;

. -'i- !It: 1 : - _1-', ---- t .\- -- - --_ c - - i . i- li

i__ u i --i 1 ii! i. to \a-h:u; - ; -' ; _ I i_c IC - ;u -u oil - . .- I ----- t Ot ,

-'-_ c-1 i::-!.;':- ,, I - --.u

ih;; --- -- - ii- ---- --- ui - u -ii 1--;

__iI_____i [ ' I 1 , , -, I - - -- - l e h-- 1 S ;. - - 0 .\ --- - u-- - Ii -- i tic fl ; : i __i__ci-i \c ,iii5 -- \:i ;:_ 1 ---1 ;i lit \\;i.; Iii;;- oe h in;-

i-s the tl!tI, ' - I i-1 f u - ' - ;v I , ,

c 1 i ni CliC -o:hl he ­1 l; -- ;;i 'l\ l iii_ c:hi I-it -0 ;i;I (iii --1 it c- --:--;I;i u-

iit- ic_i l' ;hh ii- C hi ti the- -. ; - h - I n ;-ut-l1 I ! 1 '.1 of i-I :;•r ;

I 1 :11- ti n. Sail -ci;uu!u. jut -c'. that "If au,v

- ui a - c -•i - t -i;l; r;I! ;;1 Ii- tOe iri--- - - 0 s ,; - lu cu --

- - - f -ulucy h---f hi: uhi s;iI Itec-:-! -f 1 lC -s i-f

-Ii iii., I -. sill i0 the- S-or -i 11 e -;;C - r i _iuil_- ---- U. C i beet :;i r u- cc' t;e - : nut it

- -

u u - chat--, , C , -- i - t i- I n - - Cl-C_uh_ h-

uu_i -t'i_-i-u--; ;t:_

u;t_ I

-en .tlllc. l i-- ":I L h--h :.. ':u 1. -- 0 PiI - cut fr-ui t.e uhte --- ------ - ii,l ii ---u -- u I C-

. a lion, s 1l-ni-hc1 ly -- - ti--i i h} -0 ui

ict. ' Si-ti- - -lh - i __f ui!h- oct ----- hl

iiiuictIttluit -- elval -- ;-u: ., ii rel la- r oiled -I tO- ni' to,!, lu- ail;te etc

n Ii -t' -chl ;-i--- • •

Pie :iuevc a -- -'r. r, i- lat ;llhi- to tii C--h- - cu--v -f 9 .nU-lIi :n­-h \rrc;i­ it t - liur- i n

r t!- e C-A eti 'I Of \-- - --Iuu- ' - t nil 'I I it I 0 a;i.l \-c --ni,eti n-il ---1 \Cltr k-,;t, at _o thuil e ui ii,ihiIt. N. I . - 1 Jack­-,uav unule,

hi't Itatt! Cite, ltcro-t'it I-f ()iCetii, It we'll _ I ' b-i;Ii; of 9 a. m. ar il 2 i , Ill ., a'iil ,,it Satur-lat_q frii 9 a tit. until 12 t, ., and all , .ovtiient ,; -iinhe Iliereit on Or bef,)re .Aprit 25. l9ltt, will

shall be the duty of the officer authorized to cul-lict aid rcceive the amount of such acsnie!It to Cillirge, cohiret and receive interest thereon at the rate of setupt Icr centuin per aniiitrn, to be cacuiacd to the (late of payment from the date ivl;iii „ -tell assesslilent became a lien, as provided by setiuu I 5P of tlii. act''

Sictiuti 159 of this act provides "An aesSnicnt shall become a lien upon the real stale atlected tlici cbs' ten days after its entry in

the S31 I record.” • •

Col- 'I above a-esitieiits are payable to the hic:ur u \scule;its and Arrears at the Bureau tr ti l e Cuh1ctiii of As-essments and .\rrcars f Taxis and \i;l1ieuts and of Water Rcnts,

ut Briid ll.tih, S:. George, Borough of Rich- iliii. btc I the 101il of 9 a. in. and 2 p. itt., ill;! (ill Saturiays f:tii 9 a. m. to 12 itt.. and ad ayiceii1 s cliii ihiercuit on or before April 311, I P I I I m i ll be i vein t t from interest, as ahote ro i ii ' I -an(! after that date will be subect to a C iia t lri9c (If I ;ti i- i-t at the rate o I seven per ecututu er titiiiiii front the (la te when above asesnients

l CCitt; Ii n, t the d;i: of payment. W.M. A. 1'REN I tI: RGAST. Comptroller.

City of Nc i 9ik. lJepartmerit of Finance, ( ;lihtr(ihvrs t)lIje, March 1, 1910.

nt3, 16


I N ]'['It

.\Nh I: OF SECTION 1005 OF I'll]-" N i v York Charter, the Corn It nh her

of 1 lie City ot ',civ York hereby gives pitid c i'tici tall I 115, oIlers of property, If the Cilt:Ilii101tili iv the -uprcnie Court and the CO-tritig in ill(. liiiF;lti to r the Collection of _\s-

ilOilti and \rr i;ir ., if assessments for ()l'EN. INt, .:\l \(iltJhflNl TITLE to the following :;nitrl ctr titlIl d at cone lit the BOROUGH OF 1RU(iKLYN:


I I' 1 1 . ]Z( Ii AVENUE---u1'ENINti, from Flat-- aicituc to la-t i - ie venth street. Confirmed

i I cefliij r .19, 1 li; entered February 29, 19th. Area of assessment includes all those lands, ti:l;eIilt•l;i 1 all ' i ioroiit;iIilclitS and premises situ-ill.. l liii still hiiii..t in tile Borough of 1_tick- 1, ii, in I ic ( iii; f New York, uCich, tailen n Ceti,cr, are 1 , ,:."I'd and described as Ioliutv-,

,̀ I/,: I itt th;e eilt by tl;c westerly line of Flatbusht

ii lit ; on tilt iOlihi be a line drawn parallel i_lull thijiehi ;luell;;e and distant 530 feet iijrtii-

thy y of the nirtlier l i ne of Church avetlue, said lNt;iiice lo jug nn;iiii ed at right angles to the

!!lie of Church itinte: On the suet by the ci lv lnc of l;i-t ideveuttit street fStratfird 1 0,1 1 1 ), I, auth ii ti;e siutli by a lute drawn ; ar- ;iiiei tr011 I ilorehi acuitle and distant 500 feet .iitii(_l:h) it thu siithtcrlv line of Church avenue, -iii ihkt;iiic: I no ituca-iired at right anglcs to l it,: tue i f (;: tieli a. lute.

1 ihlRilhhII \\\Eit ,SlCl IONS 17 AND 18.

-IN1\-1:111'1\111 i• hRliET—OPExIN;, fruii i;;til senile iL Nciv avenue. Continued

I lC i2l utiiicr I i , 19 ; Liocicd February .18, 1910, \ri a Of ;iiSeniieut includes all those- lard,

icilouiul'i_t-, au - i l ;_h situ iur and prem ises situate, I , lug Sill iciuc in Ike Borough of Bnoollvut in i'L1 I ;Iv if Ni'; 'i nh, which, taken togutlier, ;lr•b ,l od,ll .;ii ih-e-r!iell as follows, v:z.:

11 iu;iiie at a 1 , oult on the westerly side of New locu ]:t iluilIc \uhlcre the saute i- uliten- - Cull iv the Cl re l i ne of the block between i-'i\I -ii - 1 ;ii;i i..\i\ -tountit streets; running thu nuc i'i-l;lv or;hiI 'vitO Sixty-fourth street u tile -'iid ;ti ii ile of Sixth au-eeoc: r;iio ii lire liulee jlit'l I- -ti cm' along tlte SiJUiliCilOt

I.••__v side of Sixth SvlllJe to the centre line of t;; hIck between Sxtu-fuurtli and Sixty-huh -1 u•it : running tiucile suttiieastenly, and altig lhuC centre line of the b.ick between Sixty-fourth -treit SC'i Siucty -hhitit stiet to the we trrlv sole

.i 91 IV itFiulit lii 101111; routning thencenorth-C hi al-pt silo ui-tniv sole of Nus' Utrecht ace- ii; - t I!;' t1-

f 1 tCi;liillg.

I It tile liii - - litltii 1 aseSSiuicflts were en- ii ii - ti iii,, ,i -lu- ii,-reiuuiiefore given in the Ei-.-;l - fliuhu ul \sessmeut, kept in th;e ituu;iiu fr thu Clbe'iuu of Assessment wi l l \niu;LrS c f Taxi - uiu' h Asnleiit5 and of Water

1_i r:_ and ii;' the auuiuiiut assessed fr be,-­ tit oilan- 1 - i I , l;-rprp dlv shall be ;aid uult 1 uin ivl; ioi ai- 11; bale of said entry of tuic

is --- -- itti- tit, ilift rt will he collected th;rei,u, ii ii lu-I by Ccli- it 1019 of the Greater N--c i•

'•;- k ( h;auui r. Nil ttl 511111 in part, "If any s uc P

ui--i - To lit 5u;lhi - uu;:oi 1 till -Paid for the period f - I ;p aPr tie lL( (f entry thereof ti the

;,l It -n 'I of 'I iu' if .-sessments, it shall 1u this lots of thlu' itficcr authorized to collect and u5i i\ lit- at' iii u tit I 'uc ii assessment, to c harge,

c-11 i-et nu;l reel - il;- Ounest thereon at the rate of It i - i -ut ¶ur c - r tul'i u-cr nuniu,n, to he calculated l the hti. Of li -lyuulilt f-in the date when such ui._(_ou,el,t became al ien, as provided by section

I f this nit'' Seeli - tu I 9 of thisact provides '

li,(iit lin1! lu-cite a lien upon the real o,nt uitI--rteI tti-u- hiv !('It days after its entry

in tl;e sail re;-rl Tilt, uit ii- as 'u-ut are payable to the Cd-

P tit r If \'-i--u;ui- nis ;illj Arrears at the Ibut ru;i1 f ., r the (S hiuciluli if Asce°srnerts and Ar- r- -:;; if Ta%e, i ii I Asesn,cnts and of 'A aten I, t ,i in the Miciatuir' Bank Building. Court

""'I 9 r , , rough of ltnooloivi—i be- 1-it- -il IC tucillr --f (t nu. and 2 P. Ill . , ,I' l l cu S;it;irlav fr.iui ) it it!. h-' 12 rn., and all nay- i', i-ll I illarli, they, -nn ('u or before April 2, 1 01 0, will be excutuit from ; t -rtut as above provideil. a ,luifte that da l e u611 be subject to a ciaree of i'iteri4 at the rat- if seven per ce,utuum per u,lit , luu1 frc,ii the lit- o-lun such asessrncnts I. c;ulue hi -ii ti lii- ti' if riayrncnt.

\\• 1. A. PBENl)ERC-\ST, Couiu'itroller. C: V of New 9 rk. Department of Finance. -- - -i --- ;i, r' ()fj ' s , 1ilirulary 28, 1910.


die \l(_ ,,( I!%, aed tu--riiiueteily sides of J-!". Ile ii- I hut - II I , 1 dI_-5tuluit Ill f,: ,t westerly and it lVCsleil, ul - r - tr-ulu t , its ililersection with a live iit-a-uui Sill I t lie- i--ili:ilerly side of lion Hill ral and ili-;ai;u NO feet southerly tticncfn-cuuu; thielteiu eate;!y ahilliZ s-ui parallel line to its Ill-te e cli i n tii;ii a i i nc drawn parallel to the \s't-ti- hr s i , l.e- I tcUli Ii St ethic and distant 100 test letilV tll:lii ioill; thence sautherly alon g saul iiai;iti I lit:e t-- its ililurseetiin with the it-intl: ea-t:5- s i, !e f 3Ioiliilu Parkway North; thlinci -tlth d-tci :u- an-i s Sill-il 5 along said iirttleast

eu-iv III e.1.te:iy oh,, of sIosholu irkooc- _\irlht ti il l;ti- l5i- e1i,ui with the middle iii; -f the i l l i-k li:w cut Ii:iilnidge avenue ari-1 Petr y aVCtili . - uhil - Cc It -rtttuacnk- along said nub-I 1-i l i ne f hi0 hi --ck- t it, Intersection with t:e toil-1l1- ii- ,f t1w III between s(oslioiu l'a-k- seas- N -:1t:aut I \\ -ha- rut road; thence s-null- e;ii-rlv

''Z zili

h tu:iiill line of the hi cos u its into •--- - - ul ill with ulte nrthwesterly silo of \\ cillcr a ellue; tititice southeasterly along a line d';;- no0 niCilt ulilglrs to the nortiiiee-ci- 1-side if \\liste;- itllttC to its intersection uvtts is ltllL llraleul uarill - i 5-i the- i --uirthwesterly sid, of itrix lank ll;;l ih;sta;:t lull feet souitl; --atnh- tl ritu--lut; thn-uiue I iuthieatly along sau I taral - he_i 1 lute t -ii il -;,,- cut il uvith the plijiculgoulon s-uittieast-rlv of t Ill i;l;hhe line of the C cks lOtOi -eut \\ i)ll:i-, :1 rush an-1 East Two llundv- i otI Fifth slr t : il l ( nce northwesterly al iuug said jr-1i;iullj 0 lt!iO sail n:uiihle line of the iiicks t_; its lll'er- Chit Viull the middle line of tit' lii ek lit wet \\ I) -L;tie:i road and l'unry ace- thy; thcl:ce 0 nlhienly along said middle line ii tile 1 - - c I; hi et - ccc n \\- I ) -i I awn road an ii Pu r n v act- nile an I ;iut till h(Pu- l i ne produced n nt hi rhO t i It-, 1 tlneCt1 u1 with: the southerly ,i 1, i Rcserv.-ir I ) - ;il iat thi-iicc northerly on a suraiglu lute ti ii-, jli;i suction with the In-n-

i_- IlL-ito_il s uithirhs- if the middle line Of uhi_- iil--ek IMveut Tr-- Ti Itente and Kings (_— lace; lliu l , ckl it inthdi al ),I ,, said proluulo;ttt-;:

a'i s hi un-h-he lineif the ht lick between lIt- ill- ellis- an I liu;gs I 1:- place to itt hut--- ----- Foii uithi ti,( it ClIclu si-ic of East Tic li:;- -Ire-il a;il i.hcii-:;i 0t:et I North Ridge slrc-. ui tiicuii r,irllluuIv a -1 a a link, drawn ta aihel t tlu- I ;;ul ulu -f \\----llavti road au-i _)_itit (del ff : CCStCl tIler-from to its jl;- - -- ti-ui wi t h Il lisle (ha-ili at nielit angles to a !o .ii: --ii ill, c_il-ui iv ilu \V'-iiawiu road an 1 ii_ alt all - i - 1.40 f ( ,t :I , ,lilenly from tI-- - ut

cr1 -u It I ,if i-ha- -. 8-' tl:tuuired and i-hiv-1 uL .'ntct ( A . -- lu <lie: -let); thence - v-teije ill -1 -h° l 1,n-luaiv-e at right anghs t n - ntcrcul 11 -i;hi ut lut0 iawiu parall e l u

""I' !( r , ul -u l --;- c ltVeiiiie and di-C I- --

f l it i - -t-h I , 'hence fljithi- tv i Iil- I - i i;:uusecttoa wit -III I ui;abhl ; ii

huh cut;lin L I i I C iett l;vesterly side if ti \ unIt- - i a - ill ullul hi-titIt 100 feet tiuhi

1_u - ic tiicu.-i: ui : tb;c;;ee uiilu'.vesterlv al -; n I i,, --I nu:tduh ] i ll,- it iuitrCcuiOn uvitli ;t iu- lu__vu u -;l;bl- l u ti - ni-- hunt' side of 9i -9 lii - I u--i l;;;, -;h - - ------ -- - -- u;: -;c-,

Ii- itI;i - ui I;: ih1 1) ,11,11, l - -i li:le to tii u - i - - I"_J 'L - I i:;;. lee 'I'll(' Ill) vu cu;titi--i 05i- uu'nt was euu.l i-u;

tii la ,- l ni luils-f ri gh eei in the R-- u-1 _l_ule i

-: kept in the Ilitrean i u thou

( "liii- ut -i \se--uuu;u aol .-\rrears t 110- auil \ese-ii,u:t ,','III it t\ -ttun Rents, [Ii -s tOe null-_u lutI--- -I f r heii iht on any 11cr-il I, n tire it- - 4:1 h he 1-ill-I iiu;l;iuu sixty days nut Ite f -ni I i uutnu- -f hue - s bent, itlt- it ii

be i: hl ------h tie: - -us- tied in SCCOIl 1- 'i -'I Iv,, I n Ic Nt- v 'tnk Charter.

Siii I Su ; ' i , -Ti tr-vi-hes that "If any site:, r- ut;lltt ;;hl -- ----uai uOiO;il f-in the period - f hil :IPi; thedate Cl C - one thereof in : -ui-i

hO-u- n I -f ltes -f \e-;tteutts, it shinil ii-- u - c hut -,- 0 Ii., iihlice-r aiithj -rice-i to collect il'I 1 ci --

C ---- I -' thli e-------o f illI assessment I) - i10 CC--' C flu -ta- il ueiuii- lute------i Iluercon at thie - oi- 0 - lii ii i r C- ;itti;lu per itlitnt;it, to he caiei;iau--1 t due ih;e of titit Iuitut t n" u the date whit a-c 'Ill(!­, hiettuuue it lie, as provided hli --

ti-Il ' ----- 0 thu act" Sic ti- u 1 Cl f 'i't ur-uiles ' • • "

it •'0i' it ;1h ilk , i a lien upon - u il c_ic_ i _ S a- itch ti ------h !,.,I lays after i;

in tli; ;lit ci ri." •

Tb i:th-v ' a (C-utii5 is pavabbe to t - 1 i - -- - - -- ---- -- tot-n if \----

- --- ituu :iii \rrcars at the ii - - 1 ; ; - h - -h

f__i ti l e C lb-ed- n -i \u ;un'tus and ,\ui- i; - s _i_ii ,u_ -1 - u I \- - - uu;,it a - I ,If Water B-ct-. - -. 9 :

ti1' 9111 _ ]:C;: Ill It-ill-lOg. c hr of Otue li-i--i l t- - -. .- -. ut_i I Si--l;i - - iut - tb ue - t a'uih Third eii eu--. . bu - -- t : :1: - - li-c -i-ehu - t - I - I - - ilr. hi--t.s-e&n the It-u u' ----------. . ; - u-

;1_ it, ___li_ I 0 P. in oun I - - ii Sirtiurilaysfr-i,uu it o, u. -- __

I- lil.uil i'iO\ Iil1t IiIahethere-1i ; tuout i - ---- - :

her -ne. \li :1 . uri, u-°hl bir exempt I . uu u i - 'I'l -u -u - h - !ell_ IsOh tr-'uIhi--i- - ---I aft-rthat-!o'-' i--I

-, -- ' ;.-.- t_ -_ - -_

ii' ';iiii -h t i a edanui- -f interest at the rats -f -- u - 0 - it. 0 - lt

I C ii I coI I I 0 ii fro nt the di i a l ,̀ -X- ,, _ _ 1 i i hi it to the I i \\ \t 9 I i I \ ii P I 9

Clii l_ ' 9 i it t \\ \I \ 1- Rt \itFft \'-l' ContIt ( ,: Ii . I Ii

City --F Ne-c Vuk, l)e--artment of Fi;i; -- u- - t.An I- lutlI -- il n' l)ffiui- Ft irna -V 29, 1910.

ni? 15

iIUliil. Ci I li-ut - hit feut tltercf-uiu; t - - u i g e ulol i- It:-,-; - ; 0-

- - l:;i ;ie-.:;e,l-Cu------ _ _-ii ;

h - :i -i \ --- - ----- -- l - - I - - - - U i i I

:1 - ;:iu - - 2, I - -. u- - li -- .- it

I i; - l .\-- ---;:i- 1_u ; ; - I i;I:i--1 i -C

I ;:Ii-) _1 - - - - - -;; --- ---- .h \::i t I_C

_l , I - I \\;': I -u-. - I --- --

---- --- -- _ilui - --u l 'r l-.uiu - - u - ui -n

rt tihi h;' i I -v ; - '; - I,. - - u; u ti-- -

h - •-;-; - hiuuii -- : .0 - -- -- - - -',t



S I•;.1L1;1) l;illi \1I1.1, l.l; Rl- f:ry I:U I.1" t!le I;, art] of \Va;er SIl li ly, in R •.r1

N, r. ")9 Itr~ arltvay, Yew 1 otk, uatii 11 a, m, ~,n

Tt'E5DAl-. M%lt('lf ei, into. F,, r ('u,mract N. 43—FOR F1'R\l ~I[I.A-l;

\\U 1)1?LI\ I'.RIN(; I:l(;Il'f 3-I:io t U}' o.

Ft)t)"f Tlt f\ SLt'I(E t;.1TI:S, Lli;ll f 21. I\(11 11.\ND OI'I,R.\fl:I) t;.\"f l; \"11.1'I.---, Ti\ r0-I\('11 rt1'I; t':1LV'I•:S, \\ TI r)I'IiR- 1I'INt; )lE('Il.\x 1S\lS: I- O1'il (oil-IN(-II

1T1-: V.1L1'F:B, AVIT11 IYDIV'llll'.11, l-Ll{C- fRIt'.AT. l klVIC: I01'I: r.p-1\CII ;.ii-: \'. I.\"I; . \VlTII (; \\(; ItRI\"I.: T11-u 6n- 1\CIT 111ItR.1i;1.ICl1.l.1 O1'ER \"I- I.i) 1;.11'1: V.\1,\'ES .-\Ni) AIll'LRTI::N.\N("I':;. ANT) TIIRI:F: i_ xi-:s OF FL(I(1R Iltl\I: ill \I'f-INC. FOR STR("CTL RFS AT 1SII , )1( \.\ Rti-i-R\ - i)lR. NF::\R ttROI\V\S OT.1TlON, 1'T.- --- ER C(1I'NTY. .\N0 AT CltIYfO\ f..ARE

1n a llrusint lte sea:, Itt, n' if I : t „ f the vari ": ciao-.,s Cf tr irk and ftr;i,r-r itrnra-tion are I s- -rI in the Itlfnrn1t:--n f.,r PUo1oii-rs, f,,rmino rt of the C.attr.ct. At the ti ice glace and time bi,l- uill be ,:hlicly o;.cxe, l a:t-1 read, The an'arll of the contract. if a'.ranie,l, 11i'1 he made by the Board a; sinn tilercafrer a prac-

SATURDAY, M \RCII 5, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2807 I e rs,n:ld frrnl interest, a above provided, and :iflI r t!at date will be srhjtct to a charge of :Irrc~t at the rate of seven per cent,un per an-um fr"nt the elate tchen the above assessment

bcca;n; a lion to the (late of pavmcut. 11'11.:A. I'RI:A111:RST, Comptroller.

('t)• rt New A'ii-i, Del:artntent of Finance, nl~lr~,l:cr', U:licc, yrhr!lary 24, 1910.

f26,m1 I

hattan, hetw•een the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all

ruts made ti ercun on or before April 25, 1910, will be exempt from interest, as above pro-toted, and after that date will be subject to a c!aryre of interest at the rate of seven per centum

Icr annum from the date when above assessment became a lien to the date of payment.

\'\l. -\. I'Ri., N I )ERt ;.\ ST, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

G0ii;tro1ler's Office, February 23, 1910, f!'S,m10

side of Dorchester road, from East Seventeenth to East Eighteenth street; both sides of East Nineteenth street, from Foster to Newkirk ave-nue; west side of East Nineteenth street, from Newkirk avenue to a point about 318 feet north of Ditmas avenue; both sides of East Seventeenth street and East Eighteenth street, from Foster avenue to Dorchester road; both sides of Buck-ingham road, from Foster avenue to Cortelyou read, and both sties of Marlborough road, Rugby road, Argyle road and Westminster road, from Foster to Ditmas avenue.


Eighth and Fort Hamilton avenues. with OUT-in FIFTIETH STREET, between Fort

Uarznttx avenue and a point about 165 feet

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE I;rcater New York Charter, the Comptroller

if 1'he City of Xc v York hereby gives public


„r ', (.1' ::i n If \--,-- Ill it and Arrears of f r. i ' 1 1- :i'i i of \\ater Rent=. in ti . \L, , .,r i- I I !:-;ll. Curt and \Inn- ' ,ICU ; . 1 _!h f Ln ,r,kl.71, bettvren ttte 1,,91'- < , • :1. I I. . I _ Ill.. 'I t., ni oil aatr,lacs

q a rt r 1 2 n].. r I l all nacmer,ls nta'te Its , ,In nil •r L ,- :1^ - i! 2, 19111. will he ex-

tt f iii 0 r, - i1 n!, •t-e i,c iviol !. an:1 after

:li:r ~lr, ., , I I,, "III; , r. '., a c! arCe of intcrc.t at r, C,WlIm Per annum from the

i ; It l:, n •:I.I . „ sin, tit, },ecante liens to the

\1\l it I'(I'\1)1 Rt;.\ST, Cmrrrtr,llcr. I i:y f \roc 1',"'<. I) partml•nt of Finance,

[)i-i, Fchruary 23, 1919. f 25, in 10

Ni II 'fO 1'ROI'F:R'fY o\VNERS.

I NI'l"RRC-ANCE III- SLCTlON 1018 OF4fIIE crater y"ta 1- .r- k (hart - c. the Comptroller

f I ile C •tt- of Nc' 1 "rk hereby gives public n„t:rr to : 11, I I;,. vetoer, of property, affected h, tic f ' ,c c a--cs.m,vt for LOCAL I3i1- I'Rt)1"I \I':Al:- fit the lt()ROU611 OF 11_A1-ILVIT.\N:

\I\I:Il:l:\"II[ It", SECTION 4.

RIlSl B1N(; ,ASfl1.1ft 1'aV'EVENT at I .1- i -I c,illi r ut SIXTV-l-OURTli STREET' 1\I) I U1.I'\II:CS A\'I NUl-, Area of assess- :: N rl.'.tc-t e•:ner of Sixty-fourth street

:Irt.l l Iui t., :, a, cn!tr, kno,cn as Lot No, 32 in Li.., ; I I3.

he ti i .- as e==ment etas certified to the Col-ii ''.0. I I .1<,e -o',r:Its and Arrears, under the rn : -s of sccti,,n 37l of the Greater New

1",.,k t i,:lnrr. t lilt: >arr', t, is c tcre,l on February 23,

I in t;ic Re ...I if 'titles ,,f .Asscssinent=, k, I t in t'lc C Ire a ❑ ' the C n n llcctio of :Assess-

,:'. Noll .At errs ~ IIlx-s a:,,l :Assessments and i \\ alt- Rent. a,: I t:nl~ s: the amuuut assessed

(.-r l!c'? u :'u}' L-rs.lo or property shall be :•i , l ui:!iin hate ills attic ti.e date of said

,~I:try cf tlit a--c--rrc::t, inIaer--it trill lie eoliected u, a, I r r ill in section 11119 of said

t;r :-- \c '.c 1, tk ("hartcr.

Bawl >t•cti n i roc;~l:,<, in Part, that If any • tcF a= c-- iiicr t cl all rc•tr:air unpaid for the Ile il cif si.tty rl;,rs ,:Rer tic date of entry till .1 is tie sail Recrd IIf Titles of Assess-oil -'I-. it -hail he the lute of the officer a:tthor-,;._iI ti c ~llr-t rnl'l receive the ametlllt of Such - •'-st:!cot tot ciiat n, c''tt: - t and receive interest

t'.ICruin at rrlt f lien ;.er cerium per nt,uum. to ' , c c.t ,:'aterl to the date of payment tr''tn the !atc idler -:uh a"essnlcnt became a 'to. n - re.'-'ir_c~1 iv lmrlieu 1S9 of this act."

-s• cti '-i l:) .f t!ii, a, t pn ,%ides ":1n n, . ,, t Ii,t:l Ii i-.-„ a lie -n ttnun the_ real it: Ite, Iii r v ten d i}'- after its entry

in the sni-I rcn-Ertl." I he rah %e a-ce- ':ICrt is racahle to the Col- t r Ii 1 r• non's artll Arrears at the Burcan

fr the G.l!cet`no if :1<sescntents and Arrears it Tax" al :\csescment; and of Water Rent;. R, „nl II, N.i. :'_fit Rroad,var-, Borough of 11tan•



I N l'URSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of "lice City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the f plowing assessments for LOCAL I\I-1'l:1)1'E\lENiS in the BOROUGH OF BROOK-LYN:


NEW YORK .H'ENC'E—REGULATING .\N I) (TRADING, from President street to Mal-bone street. and CURBING. between President and 1lorrtgomery streets. Area of assessment: 11th sides of New York avenue, from President to 11alb,me street, and to the extent of half the hluck at the intersecting streets.

"1'lVl:N'I1' NINTH 1VARD, SECTION 16, SEWER in NEWKIRK A1'ENUE, from Coney

Island avenue easterly to East Eighteenth street, and UCTLET SEWERS in EAST SIXTEENTH S1'1 1-:Ef, between Newkirk and Foster avenues; EAST' SEVENTEENTH STREET, between Newkirk and Foster avenues, and in EAST FIi;1I1'EEN-1TH STREET, between Newkirk and Footer avenues; and SEINER in EAST NINE-TFENT11 TREE1', between Newkirk and Foster avlvues; aad SEWER BASINS in NEWKIRK .\VENUE, at the northeast and southeast cor-ners of EAST EIGHITEENTH STREET, at the northwest and southeast corners of EAST N1xI•:TF1';NTH STREET. at the northeast cor• ner of EAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET and at the nortllw'est corner of EAST TWENTY. TIIIRI) STREET; and SEWER BASINS on EAST EIGII'I'EENTH STREET, at the south-we;t corner of DORCHESTER ROAD, and at tile northeast and northwest corners of DITIIAS 1Vi.NUF. Area of assessment: South side of Newkirk avenue, from Coney Island avenue to Ocean avenue; north side of Foster avenue, from Coney Island avenue to East Nineteenth street; south side of Ditmas avenue, from Coney Island avenue to East Nineteenth street, also north side, between East Sixteenth street and East Nine-teenth street; north side of Newkirk avenue, from Fast Nineteenth street to Coney Island avenue; north side of Newkirk avenue. from Fn•t iiventy-first to East Twenty-third street; cast sirle of Twenty-first street, from Ditmas to Ne'.tkirk avenue: west side of East Twenty-third street, extending 220 feet north of New. kirk averse; both sides of East Twenty-second street. extending abort 229 feet north of New-kirk avenue: south side of Dorchester road, ex-tending 83 feet west of Buckingham road; south



IN PCRSU.\NCI•: OF SECTION 1018 OF THE I reater New V ik Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of Ne'.v York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the follnting as-esslneuts for LOCAL I1I-I'ROV'E\TEN I'S in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


1Nl)',L7 1 lNo Cl- R11, from Stebbins avenue to Freeman street. Area i f a-sessntent: Both sides of Leman place, from 1tr iii ,ii, S a eel tie to Freeman treet, and to the exte:,t of half the block at the

intersecting streets.

TlYl':N'tY-TI II RI) AN 1) 'T1vl•aN Tl--FOURTH 1\".\I:DS, SI':CTIUN II.

F- 1ST ONE HCNl)RED AND SEV'ENTIETH1 S I Rl- E f—Sl-.\\i- R, bctwren Morris and Findlay avenues. Area of ar>sment: Both sides of One llmnlrcd and SCi-Crlticch strict, from Morris to Findlay avenue.


CROTON.\ .\VENUE-1':\\"ING THE ROAD. 1V\\' AND SI:'fTIN(; CCRin, front East One llut[dred and P-igl.iw-wt,otii street to the South-ern boulevard. Area of asst tIleot: Both sides of Crptoria avei:ne, front Fast One Hundred and Iag!ity-seeenth street to the Southern boulevard, and to the extent of half the block at the inter-ecting streets.

1'01'[1:1\l .11 F:SCE REG['L:11'I\G, GRAD-1\l;, Sl1`hING CLRil, hL:AGGING THE

1 It F: 11' -1 L h .S, I..\VlNG CROSSWALKS, 11t"l1.1lIM' :1PPRr.\CUES AND PLACING FENCES, from \1e=r One hundred and Seventy- ixth street to M ontgotncry avenue. Area of

asoesgt,ullt: It.ito1 si is s ,if PnP1tam avenue, from \\ gist Orte ilundred art , l Seventy-sixth street to )li'ntgotnery avenue, and to the extent of half the bock at the intersecting streets.

T~VEXY\'-FOUP.'1"11 \\.Mall, ANNEXED TER- R1Tl)RY.

R.\ILRO.\D AVENUE (STARLING AVE. .VlI':)—RI;t;CL_11ING, (;R.ADING, SETTING Cl- RRSTON:S, 1,L.1GGINt; TILE SIDE-lt'.ALKS. L.A1'INr; CROSSW.LF:S, BUILD-ING .AI'LRi).1C[ll:S AND 1'L.ACI\G FENCES, from Lnilnpirt road) to Glebe avenue. Area of a-ses'ment: Both shies of Railroad avenue, from L-nionport rr,ad t , tilehe avenue, and to the ex-tent of half tic blJck at the intersecting and terminating street=, —that the ante acre confirmed by the Board of Reviinii of :1<ce55nlerlts on February 17, 1910, and entere, l February 17, 1910, in the Record if Title= of Assc;sntents, kept in the Bureau for the Coll;•ction of As essntents and Arrears of Tares and :\;gessTrlentc and of Water Rents. and unless the antunnt as,esscd for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days

after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will he coliected thereon, as provided

by section 1019 of the Greater New 1'srk Char• tor.

Said secti 'n tried- = that "If anv such assess- ❑,nt shall remain un!palll for the peri-,d of sixty Tars after the date of entry tilcre,if in tie sail Recunl of Titles of .A.'cs-melts_ it shall be tare duty of the n:t:ecr authorized to collect a::d re-zcire the arm, unt of .uch as<essmret to charge. ', iilect and receive interest tliere,in at the rate of :even per ccutuzn i,er anunnr, to br eaion'.utcti t.i the date of payment from the date Ii 11101 Stich a,-c s.mellt be cainc a lien, as prnv i ied by section 159 If this act.'

to Chill 17 If this act t r~ el li s ' ' .1n as~e~stncrt -u;lll leer—me a iirn ul,~,❑ tite_re-al -state all -ete•il I!,,•rehe ten Mats alter its erect II ti-c -al roc-old." • •

TLe ,, : ; . hull: ale tic:~l~le to t!te Cl- Irct -r rf; ,\; -t treed: alai .Anear; at the Duna I for the Colk-etion It \SsesnrCnts and Arrears -f -I ao ar,~l .1~sl'-:t!rnt, a :d i \\ ,r r Rent-, n th e 111n:ri:-al I1.lil-lime, c,, rnrr if t)::e llun- lred a-t,l elite ccntll ;trr,'t ani1 'f!:inl ace- n~-ic, Ii ,nit:g!t .f 'Cllr CT''t:x, in t,t cn the if 9 a. lit. ;iiolr:l.. a:J i It Sa:r.:"a)';

a a. nl. t - 1 2 u,.` a,.l a'J t r; l.t ill I c n or hcf-Ire .11,rii 1S, i'lii', a-i I h, ezeaalt rlm rti t a a!,,tc til;,; 1 1 ., . :r t. it late it: I;r anh: - r'I to :! c.:;t:-c ..t I::;..r'I at t .r• gate f >,, n per colona r „llr :n t: of t

Ite ltl, n a!r.,tr a- - -,ul:, l'lc., .. ;I, , t. c late it .ltllli t:I.

1111. 1IIl;l:.\i 1 l:RI;.\p1G c tr 11v'e. ( itr f \"c',r l ; k. I). Ilar;:r, : , i•i

ii .tlI5

NI)TICE TU 1'121)PER"I It t)\\.\I,I

TCRSL.\NCE ill- SECiION Lil +)I IIIF, (;rcater N IS 1,i:k (barer, :Lc t in r,,.r

if lh," 1.i; f Nroc 1•lec ilea ------ IWi ,c iii al. :tlr,i.. ._ ci .1: : .. • 1 iy tilr f, . , .r irlg a--... .:.ter, f r 1.1 it l i, l~U- 'R( 11 1 111,.N I S in t: e Ul)RULI;II ail Iii II ll ).\ Ii:

THIRD \C .1R11, l-.P I.i li Rh"I1hlleNIt I I:I!t 1t ;.. t

ill--- - ----,- r..,,l t. a p ;li, u \ructn .l.cTtlt; In Ali.l.ICI'AI' ,A, Ai ir,i n Ii n ,t . t t- Ricll:; n.l te;:. :: ; LI ~, ~, li.\N .1\ t:NI I:, fr':l i i,:,::1.,;:i t,;

i ,:IItiiia Ill Icci. , Ill tn

xIr,. .1.'`, Ill, r~ \\ I\l l':, le, lit C, r t k ,' 511 t 11.1l:i1uP I i).11), ctTl a,

;:i l d n ig:riot n,. .t N1 ..\r a of ,t --, -

ai II"'..I ,r".. ,I,; .~ - I , 1 • :I Ill i, - I:Ir I li.l. I .,, .- -i 1 1 I, .I I.

t 1 a 'I ,•It t

\:.i. at~nt c' eS;, i •!i -, icrt t I , :.,r ,lr rt. f - ..:t ,I-• I ...

h , tit Si ! ; ..t 1! i., ,:. a.1 tc 1Ct' , I • l.t'

I: o n: I;Iii

ai i lle t.i its:. irfl:'

:tic to r ti-if .:r. rt .i I' - f I;ran.l,i a 100:1,. t, f ! j : .,

ii. rl. :,.1 nice: 1. s , u I i•t a 1, i, I \rir, tl ll,.: I. ti: i s .f-

art tee s:•l. of Jr; - ; ,r ,int ab~ ,ut , e 3 f, , r f hi,': ,rr•,t =i le r.f I'rao-!e'in ,,,cl; r. ;;i sn:lair ••f Ric.:. ,,,i t, r.

-that t!IC -a t.e etas c , ai r -•1 I c !I

-n:: rc~l Ill I'.

r'lart• i. I I i• "1' 'c.trf.1. I .;n I •ll' et ..a Of .A: , :all: , a:'ol \--

the amiill.0_ ;,c.:.d i• L. ,.eft n n l err' l:l 1 ;:ail -ri n -;~

late of ail e t'ry shall he collected C., crc n, as rir .' i.i. -I in sec•

r N, ,c 1 Sail secti ln , i :, • , it

.,rch s ,s•t- lit I

' ti' -:I '-1 R. c,•;, i 1 1.., _- , 'lt.'I I, ti!r rl:rtv -f ti,, s;'!I ri .I vet rt-1 Tel rlt r t'~r a 1

I-I e i It r , -, t to,.l I "• i , - - he rt, -f s .1 ;,:r , ';I

cal ,.. l :I ;I :r I , ,

he •~r .n l ~ t' . cli.-.l ! 5'1 of tl U t i,l o

as,c<cln, lit I • ::r ~a ; •

r;tore a: ; ct rl t'tt t -1 .t i1'I' ;i{. ut t'.e sail r , : : 1. ' •

"I hi r alloys 't.<, ._ ro;e I -........I \;recots and ;zn

.-\rr,ffars ;, it..,.. f r fhc C'!'SCtlll of -1-,._•I n! -.- ! 1- If Taxi. '1111 lit al ! •t t1' I -It 1. tc'1 flail. 5c 1 o-:e. I !1 t C-- '~ tannd, h_t~rr: t' the i,l.trs r f 'I a. .i a 7 I'i ,1 .••t `;a,:trlorc fr•:n 9 a. m.

911 "'~ mt lit: ❑tn is thy el an „It " 1 f ! i,,. ~ 91f. ':ill n , . csc:r•t fr: .,

' nrilvted le. and after Mat elate trill he s, lhiect to a charge of interest at tie rat,- of raven err centum

,,,,,t fr -Ill Ihr c' :n .' . ;r_-, -.:t .. Ii c;.tcc a Ii' It to t'te I!.. of rat

Ci!v of Nrot- 1-ork. l),-tar! to I Cum 'r 1 er's 0flice, Fe enarr I7, 1`i~).

ft O il

I \ 11 Rtii'.AV'CE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE l;rcatrr yct+ 1"ork Charter, the Comptroller

i-f Ti:r ('i:v -If Nrn' fork hcrehy give, public naic' to ill I,rt ll r; of pr eriv, affected b, :h• f " tcino rr c<trnt; fr LO(,AI, I\I- I'Ru\ I \I IN l' in the IIC)RU1'GII (i1 BR00K- I.YN:

1:f(;l III [ \\.ARI), SECTION 3.

I IiR"I'1--~I\ I'II s'1- R1:1?C — CR 11 ,11(; ( IiI:IN(; :\NI) 1 \VINE CE II:NT s11)F.11"\1.hti h,''.,,r 1 S.nt'I al l:igleh are- :1; a .,f a-<, «torn:: P th sirs of Forte- ,ie'h ...•~ t, fr::n S,-v'.•n;it t t I:i;l'it avenue, and ~~ he

Forte- : -

iii hn'f ti.ti buck at the irtcrsectinQ

I. I V <1:\l-:NI Ii ."I"RI:F:T—RI:(.CL \TTN(. CU \!)I\(i. CVUU[\+; .\Nl) I,:\YIN(; CENIEN'f sIltl.11"U.I S.')r:,corn S-tor::ii and E'ieh:h ave- I 1 a of 0-- -sou-lit: l th sides of I-orty- -,-t c cell =tract, f • -'I Scvcnt.l to Ilightli accrue, :nil :II \t It , f I 11 the bck at the inter- - - :Iy :Iv lii-.

T\\'ElFTIF \W. \R1), SECTION 2.

t 1-'NTltl: 1If-l-I'—RFGIL1T[\G, (;R.1D INI;, ('I"RI:1\(i AND I'.1VING. between Henry nna Ili . Area cf ameat: It ti - -I f (",-I,' fr..nt Il;rks In here

:nl : ~ ILc r~t i : of half the block at the In"r"c' ,err:

i\1"[N 11"-SIX 1"I1 \1' \R1), SECTION 12.

'I1]':I:FII":l.B \V"I•:N('i? -- R1•:GCL\TIN(;. t \1)I\t; ('l hI l\+; -t\I) f,\1'f,\(; CI;UIs\'I

)111' 11,1 , h,:,r c:I I'i;kin and Itl eke armors. \n : f :, _.c:,. l;ll ;i,! :.,f S!or if icl,l .3cc-

b t:l I'irt gild "rt:cr <iccnn( , an l to he r or !it of h:l!f tie irk at the iu,rr cling


T\\h-N [ • SI\TII \YI) TIIIR I"V-SECOND \1,AR1);, -l( III).A 12.

t ITfR 111:\1I: 1'11"1S1;, bitt'lcen Rck- :I.,,1~ :u I :air ea :Ir,iI:e s. .AI a of a -•_ „tent: C .,I,c i rr.,r, fr:111 R:cr,a,•,ac to Sa•a:,ca

:I. aIi t ti , , sec ;t if half t!:e b!- ,cL at the of I ciaar -lent - and at(:rt


FUt1RTII STREET—I'\\ING THE RO.1D-11'.1Y AND SEP17NG CURB, from Morris ave-ttue to Park Avenue Ea-t. Area of assessment: Both sides of One Hundred and Fifty-fourth street, from Morris avenue to Park Avenue East, and to the extent of half the block at the inter- se-cling avenues.


RECEIVING BASINS at the northwest and witicast corners of MINFORD PLACE AND E. ONE 1-IUN1)REU AND SEVENTY- SECUN I) S t REF:1', northwest corner of CHAR C,tYf1P; .\N1) EAST ONE HUNDRED AND :1:VI:NTI'lT1 STREETS and northeast and .uutl,ca-r corners of CHARLOTTE STREET •\NU E:\UCRV PLACE. Area of assessment: R„t!t sides of \Iinford place, from One Hundred al ietenty-second to One Hundred and r-eccn:y-third street; north side of One Hundred oil Stvcnty-Ucoocl str,et, from Seabury place I o \linf,)rd place; both sides of Charlotte street, fr in Unc hundred and Seventieth street to 1ton road; both sides of Seabury place, from Bear,tte street to Une hundred and Seventy-

~m.t street, and northwest corner of Boston road ; and (inc hundred anti Seventy-second street.


ti e L'roux Rtter. Area of assessment: Both i

-. l- of Une llundred and Seventy-fourth street, fr :ii the southern buu!.cvard to Bronx River, and

111'1:A 11' Nil ll 1tARI), SLt "I lt)\ 1.;. the cxtLnt of half the block at the intersecting 'accts.

11- I I 11 G O I' H 111, i- L I Rl-(;1 1. \l l\;. the same trere cuiGrnied by the Board of

k t ,:Ir tn' r-ciug ail Real of "ti;'e, of Ac essment , it shall be .\ -- > nlcnts aid of \I"atcr Rents, and unless the :t unt as•cs.el for bell, it on any person or

;el:y aall be ;tarn tciaun sixty days after the •lat_ r i said entry ., f the assessments, interest I' ii lie c opeeted thereon, a5 provided by section IoI2 of the Greater New York Charter.

-al ec:ion provides that " if any such assess-melt sha;l remain unpaid for the period of sixty clay' atrer the date of entry thereof in the said Ruc rd of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the ltlt it the otticer auth.irized to collect and re-

in the said record.” * * *

'fie above assesmtents are payable to the Col-leet,r of :Assessmcnts and Arrears at the Bureau

r th,! Collection of As essments and Arrears ,l Taxes and As •essments and of Water Rents, In the Municipal Building, corner of One Hun-!:cd and Seventy-seventh street and Third aye-!'it,, Itoroaghi (if The Bronx, between the hours '. 9 a, lit. and 2 p. in., and on Saturdays from 9 a. lit. to 12 in., and all payments made thereon on o. before April 25, 1910, will be exempt tt ;n interest, as above provided. and, after that 1:110 rrill be subject to a ci,arge of interest at the me of seven per centum per annum from the date when above assessments became liens to the date of payment.

W.M. A. PRENDERG.1ST, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

('"nnptruller's Office, February 23, 1910, f25,ml0


t;l.11)1\t., l"l'RIIING AND LAYING CEMENT SIDE'\1".\L1<5, between 1W 11th and New I Ire-it av• rues. :\rea of assessment: Both sides of Fiity-seventh street, from Twelfth to New I'level: acenuc. anal to the I xtent of half the block at the inter-rrting avcnues, —tbut the same twee confirmed on February 17, 1 1llt, by the L yard of Revision of Assessments. and tint re~l February 17, 191(1, in the Record of 1- itic, of AsM.srrtrrt.,, kcnt in the hnreau for the (r,'iccti n of As. se-secnt- and Arrears of Taxes lid :Is•c smear an l of \Pater Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or prJ;eri • shall be l aid within sixty days after Il hat. of said entry of the a,scs'mcnts, interest will be collected thereto, as provided by section

iR \i)I\"I . ( I"RCINt; \NI) L.\ IN; C1:\TEN 1' \ February 23, 1910, and entered I'-It") if the greater New York Charter. -1111,11'\I- I\* 1,t.t 'l U0: .;l l N :rand ace- l- iroujy .;3, 1910, in tie Record of Titles of S:ti,l scrtio ,n proiincs, III part, "If any such

\ a II' . It. •'I si lc; of \\ in- \s:,-s,nl~l,t=, kept in the Bureau for the Collec- as e rtlr lit dI all rem in un;rli i for the period of n:: _: nl ii . r- : ;aa I a'."lue, al :i nl :)f :As,cssntcnts and Arrears of Taxes and ,iNty iay-a at: i the d:,tr c f entry thereof in the

n n t :•. .. c' ̀;:I , 1'.; - r U II', ii !,P t:i c 1lard - f

\------- Ij,' , i . n '; 1'+1). a , , I clivreol Feb. ; -i; HI. 17. ....H I: n' n, II-1•-~a 'r life l of e i~ ;t iii 1 I, r -n.t .'-----ii-. .f TI,x, all .\s,e -

f \\.i: r I: I,' ,tl 1 ., ;s Ii uc aluount

- I i :~'is- , -. r.n or pr corny

I i.! ,.'i: i -;s'v (juts altrr ti lr rlate it ';til ! , ti- rl-ter; , it-. i I r- l rciil he ii C: , I - .. I l iv 4,ctinn 11119 of the ccicc the amount of such assessment to charge,

1 V. in rat. 'If any such I,: -h:'. r , t:::, i.i r,r ,:i,l for the tleriod of

_1tc •i lt, ai(I•' iii. I late cone Cicrcof in the R. r- e I If "I l'!. ; if .\,•r---m~ rits, it shall Ile

_ _ I•II , :,i :'i,• ~ i r no .L . it:d to co!lert and it, :i; :r,l.: f s::el :t,:<<:ntcnt, to dares.

i. , , :u:.: i- r ice is t. rest t!u rr on at the rate of t,•l tl,r c,:I, 'rn ^,,r ant:nn, to be calrn1atvd

r. l:l: I rio l:. frn•n the date when a- - :rr-! t !nice a lien. is provided by n 1 ) f ,Ili. •tit •,

r <..

~ n ='I If r ,~., act t,ncle; • ..An .. :'-II:' - it t ! r n:!tr a II'. It 11t, 111 the real

.:r.. t , i, :cal ;i '!v 0--I 'a0s aft ,:r its entry i:l 'hr it ,c'Irl." '

It II ::'--e , lit- a•e ac ll~lc to the Cnl- 1•,, ~ n, !'_ :m,l :A`I I .t; at t1, e Iiurcac

tile Il:itt' of [lie Iticer aath,iizell ell collect attd recur tl:o am, .ul,t of •u.h a->e,sment to charge.

I1,c; and r cc:vr iutcrest thereon at the rate of -,tin ; cr eentum Ioer antem. to be calculated to the (late of p-tynteill front the date when such -.-e -tr lit h;carne a 11511, as provided by section

I5!' 1 this act." tin 17a e f thi; act I rvi3es •' r "An

as>vssutent shall become a lien upon the real e•-t:)tc aIIected then be tell Ga ya after its entry u tile said record."

c i it ail rrccice interest thereon at the rate of The above a,sessmcnt, are payable to the Cc]- ccrlt i,er centum per annum, to be calculated to lector of Asscssme;tts and Arrears at the Bureau

tlic rate of payment front the date when such I'r the Ct1lertinn of :\>-e, silents and Arrears a-se intent became a lien, as provided by section of "faxes awl As s-:rents atil of Water Rents in 19 of this act." the Mechanics' Bank Building. Court and Mohta-

'rction 159 of this act provides ' ' ' " An -tie streets, homus;h of Brooklyn, between the a-- s'ntent shall become a lien upon the real hour. of 9 a. m. and 2 p. in., and on Saturdays date atiected thereby ten days after its entry frm 9 a. lit. to 12 lit., and all payments made

her ,on on or before April if, 1910, will be ex- eut,-t front Interest, as above provided, and after

that date will be subject al a charge of interest at tile rate of seven per cerium per annum from ti0 date when such riessrveents became liens to ;hc date of payment.

tv\t. .1. fits-:N BERG.\ST, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Oilier, February 17, 1910.

notice to all persons, owners of property, afectrd we t of Eleventh avenue; in NINTH AVENUE by the following a„essments for LOCAL I11- and TENTH A\ - ENLE, between Fiftieth and f'RtlV1'.ATENTS in the BOROUGH OF TILE Fift',•secmd streets; in FIFTY-FIRST STREET, BRONX: he•ttyern l- igh:h and Fort Ilamilton avenues, with

an OC"fLET in FIFTY-FIRST STREET. be-ttveen Frt Hami:t)n and Eleventh avenues; and FORTY-NINTH STREET—SEWER, be-tween Tenth and Fort Hamilton avenues. Area of a,sessntent: 11th sides of Tenth avenue, from Forty-seventh to Fifty-second street; both sides of Ninth avenue, from Forty-fourth to Fifty-second street: both sides of Fort Hamilton ave• tttte, from Fiftieth to Fifty-second street, and west side, from Forty-ninth to Fiftieth street; north side of Fifty-second street, commencing at a point 280 feet east of Eighth avenue and ex-tending to Fort Hamilton avenue: both sides of Fifty-first street, front Eighth to Eleventh avenue; both sides of Fiftieth street, from Eighth ave-

nue to a point about 200 feet east of Fort Hamilton avenue; both sides of Forty-ninth street, from Eighth to Fort Hamilton avenue; both sides of Forty-eighth and Forty-seventh streets, from Eighth to Tenth avenue, and both si'les of Forty-sixth. Forts--fifth and Forty-fourth streets, from "Eighth to Ninth avenue.


I I E \ '5 ' . 'I I 0 ' - - ' \ , I ' .-' ' ' • -


0 I \}: Ml Io' I \RkS \i•o

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it I L u \ \O N\I5 11111

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11 lillcil 17. 191111.

I;oi-ouitIi Of 11.i iiIil Ii.

i:i• titu \IIu fl l.\\ lll\l

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!st t itI 1.

IL 'S 5•uiu••st l lit t ). t t C • t : IL C

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u k t Er It H u l\ll. lu u :1 I Iul\' I !1ll\lL 1.

.. uu1n10 01-ti In,, 17

; ,.•.- l-fll.I-i I I list rII(•tiOhIM to Bid- det's I!I fill. I8'I IIg•(, Inlet ChIllIllIt. of If I. •- ( 1 y

(N I oF 1 1fF 1)11 IC I MFNT IF TASKS, ARsetO.\L 1 1 ill \\[ue AND SEXTV.1,lKTII

P: 1. ltICS( . it CF \l\'cIt\Trax. THE CITY OF \ I ue V u I,

r)1ttJur (I S rJ\L\rF: \VllL itt; I- L' uI ilk to Pi -k Ftarl at th aI)°vc

tOO If tic 1)CLrtuI1ut 1 larks until 3 uctock

TI1 I'll SDY. MAR(Ii 17, 1910.

Borough of Brooklyn.


-I ti timv:1! luCi fir the completion of this SO ' s VI s Ii 131 is-s.

-I IsIlF'Ir, I 1)( CC11 ,-ity required o Due '-

tL o I it , ni S 1 a I the ClitliCt 1W1tdl ji .1 In I:I COtO t11111.

lttlS k 'uu Os 1' 1t1iI(! at the office of ) if lh, lturrugli of Itroklyui

-:III - tl ul;iuui 1. it :I-i I hi III t 1S•1. I t : ,ert Pprk, itroklvn.

( - Il \RIA"i, Ii. TO\ER. Preoiduuit; I!{lt\l \S T. T1l((lNt-. I11( II \!J. I KENNEI)V.

nuu (lnissioners of Parks. 12 6. in I?

; (;.inrnI t,is*rnetiojlM to Biil- ll(-I4 tell the Ifl!4t piie, lust column, of Ihi- - (iy l{ceord.


ru 1 I. 1:­T­1-1,11 jMANHATTAN, '['HE ('tTY OF

SF 1, F 1 hllur ()R I-r1lM.1S WILT. BE s. flit- Pak lli ,aril at the ahvc

r • • u 11, .rIICIt ,f Palk, until 3 00)0k

Till I4I) t V. MARCH 17. 1910,

Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queenu.


2808 THE CITY RECORD. S;\F[IJ)\V. \RCII 5. 191i.

tkalile. The B ard reserves the right to reject a\ ai1 all bills.

111,! in the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ( )(I(1Q he required for the faithful per- frn:Loct of tile ct:traCt.

No I,1 will be received and deposited unless a c in a,) I 1 by a certified check upon a National

r Sta!e l (1rnk avt'. t the order of the Comp- t:olk,r Of 1 lie 0i y (if New York, to the amount f four i1iiinl five iruinlred dollars ($4,500).

. lime I'OVC1 for the c inplction of the work Is twctv•tur (24) tint h from the service of n otice he the Carl to begin work.

'nih tt c iitaninO information for bidlers. I riji , 01 pr 1 aol contract, specifications.

t tc., fl' I ao1!1lUt f contract drawings, can be iinrl it l no at the above aldrcs, ii

a iCa'iI1 in PI-1- '1 cr be mail. by deposing Till j ti I 1or (S0) ill cilrreoc\', or cock lo o to the ,r,lcr 'f the Board of \Vater :.,!lI,•y_ for I Iic t uih1ct, or twenty dolIirs

?I' f r ('.1 •tt. 'fliis (C7OSIt will he refunded

till •fl tnt rtorn of the parnlllctS in acceptable condition within thirty days from the date on Mi:ch hidi are to he o:tned

JOhN A. Bi:NEf, President; (l!\ll.ES N Cllr\l)\V1CK, CHARLES A. SIIA\V,

Co1nriri-incrs Of the Board of Water

9utlly. f17,mS

N'te— ' ee'uri i-rutitH to billers on Tt '' 1a-t c1inni, of rile CITY Hrcoko, so

heri at) not o tlir . ic 1) ro-

1 1


The time all 'west for the completion of this con t ract will he sixty (oO) working days.

The amount of the security required is Two hun-ant I)sltars (S2.000)-

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a tom; or aur utc sum.

Plank tu)rnK may he Obtained at the office of - Ii I)u-trtuiient of Park;. Boroughs of Brooklyn and ()tIu1fl. LitctfictI Mansion. Prospect Park \\'u. t and 111th -li-oCt. Prospect Palk, Brooklyn.

('II \Rl.1-t H. STO\'ER, President; 'Iilfl.\l \r T. hIGGINS. llc1l.\l;I. J. KENNEDY,

Cottuniissioners of Parks.


t , See General 1n*ruet1oiss to 11141-ders on the- last linge, lnit column, of is " City Record."


S FA lF') I;lI)S ()R ETJM.\'rES \vILr. pt;

r.e iou 1 lv III,, l'ark Board at the ail .e )tl Icc I the lh-;attnuent of Parks until 3 octik • flu. 111

'1IIFflDiY. MARCH 10, 1910.

Borough of Manhattan.


It. '1 Ili- ltl((;1I Of- tf.•\NIT.TT.\N. 'lii- ii- lit' a1i\vci for the delivery will be as

re5uuir SI during 19M. 'Iii amount of uCIIC itv required is Eighteen

lh, iillred I 0'lIui ($ 1.800). lulls \s i1 he compared and the contract

10011 II ut a iniu , r au-19reilaTe sum. Itloik form .i my he obtained at the office of

I'll, I )-t artnlunt of 1uvks, Arsenal, Central lark, \ I an Ii a: tsr.

( .11 .\Rt.LS Tt. STOVER.I'icsident; \l \S J II IG(;INS,

:'l RI I .\ I- i. I KENNEDY, Commissioners if Park- s.



See ((n(rIIJ lntrue*lon to Bid- ders on Use lust linge, last column, of fill- • City Hecord."

(1F, E ui [II 5 l)r ISIuSOIENT (IF Psoics,.•5Sl•N.I ItrIl.Ilsc;. Fri i it \vIsNLE AND Si XTV-FOL'llTII ''lesT. Bsr'


sew YoRK.

S E.\l.El) ltl[IS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the above

I; :.. of the I)eivartneiut of Parks until 3 o'clock 1. III. on

'I'll L II Iit V. MARCH 10, 1910, lb ro II 15 Ii of The llron x.

F( I FURN 1511 INC, AND DELIVERING li.L\l Rl-;i-ts- S1'l'l'Ll i-;s (1910) FOR PARKS, 1:1 ti( )rGll 01 Till" BRONX.

-I Ii Gm_- all rut fir the delivery ,% ill be sixty S (! 1 day-,

'I lit, airi.rirt f C'Iirity required is Three lion- 1 I ])tars $3(10).

'I'll(, hiul ttl he conivared and the contract 1.101 21 1 at a 511511 C aggregate sum.

Glsirk forms may be obtained at the office of ti &' l)uspar'tuiiu tit S- f Parks, Zbrowski Mansion, (• ;hI - 5 It! Park. The Bronx.

S I I \ II I. -;s P. STOVER, President; -Ft I ()M \S .1. IlIGGINS, Ml(ll.\EL I. KENNEDY.

Commissioners of Parks. f26,inI0

S44 General I iistruetions to lliiI-ders on lli* last litaxe, Just column, of tile " ('ii y Record."

(tu is u 111''11i us l>:1aSTMENT OF PARKS. .-\RsIiuL ituui Ira,. 1:11 ill ,\voruc AND SIXTY-roreiu s-srI.' : r. lturs.,u of 'II.\NIIATTAN, THE Cue IF \ , uc 'Ilk K.

SEALED BIDS OR STIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the above

off: off:cc of the e 1 )cpa r trielit of Parks until 3 o'ct ok p. in. on

'1'1I1HSI).V. 31ARCII 10, 1910,

IlI)r(,IIi.t Ii of The Bronx.


The time allowed for the delivery will be sixty (611) days.

The amount of security required is Seven 1-lun-drel Dollars ($700).

The hid, will lie compared and the contract ars 11(10(1 at a lunij, or aggregate sum.

I tt aIi1< IS I I'll -, may be obtained ained at the office of t is e I )upa rt ii u 1 t of Parks, Zbrusyskj Man i0n,

I a rulur 11 1 lark. The Bronx. CHARLES B. STOVER, President; THOMAS J. HIGGINS. MR]l.EI, J. KENNEDY.

Commissioners of Parks. f26,m I 0

It " ec General 1nMtructIoni to Ilisi-ders on the Inset page, Insist column, of the ' City Record."

Or I- (IS OF TILE l)lFARTMCNT OF PARKS, ARSENAL his 11 luau;. 1:11 -sit AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOI'RTII -'JII:l T. lti'uil OF' MANHATTAN, ]'HE CITY OF Ne\' Vs 's.


received by the Park Board at the above ItTice of the I)cpsurtmcnt of Parks until 3 o'clock

5). Ill. 00

'I'II I'll SIJiY. 31ARCII 10. 1910,

Hoi'oug'Is of The Bronx.


The time allowed for the completion of the contract will he on or before the 15th day of Jiuuc. 1910.

The amirit If security required will be Two TIuiauil 1iue hundred Dollars ($2,500).

The but- will he compared and the contract arsar(lcd at a loom or aggregate sum.

Malik forms may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, Zbrowski Mansion, ktarrinont lark, Porough of The Pronx.

C!I.\R1.ES It. SrOVER, President; TlIO\1.\S J. HIGGINS, iicii.ti:r. J. KENNEDY.

Commissioners of Parks. f36.mlO

;f - - See General 1IiMtruction to Bid-151,44 on the milt jiage, Infest colunisi, of filie Record."


S EALED ltTlS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rucuivud by the lark Board at ste

01100 of the 1)" trnciit if I'arks until 3 Ci Ok 1'. Ill. Iii


Borough of The Bronx. l'(tR i"liNl6tlING ALL THE I..\;tc)B

AND M.\'Fill<l.\l,S FOR THE Eh'L'iiu -\Nl) ('()il'l,l'i i(N OF A SHELLER IN

'titi; lt{)'l',\,\IC.\l. G \KDEN IN i: R():..-' i'.\iIK, IN -1- iii-: CITY OF NEW YORK.

-I l i' tstu- a vol fr doing and CSntiCt5' thu ii -rh iutt ixtv (6)) days.

'I iS S":11,,y Tu(1i nil will be Fifteen lisIntrus

i' c.sriureiI and the c-itrn,'1 i a sirs; i-C suosi'cgate Shill.

Iiarj 'Ii' Sly he .eCri and blank forms nov 1 11IslIICI

al tti t;cu of tie Department if

t,iai'crsunt Park, Bolo-1,43 o lI:e Itutia.

CII \S. C. STO\F.R, Preilot; '111(15. 1. HIGGINS. i1('lI\il. J. KENNEDY.

C Iiisslissioner of lot l

'se General hiistructlons to lIjil-i1ers on the- IUMI pflge, IaMt C4)tflIflhl, of the " City Record."


SE 1.i'i) TAUS OR ESTIMATES \\' I LL BE rucuivel I the r'sirk Board at Ce at vu

)kiCC of tOo I utaitisIrsIt of Parks until 3 o1(1. (1. iii . I II

TII('RSD.tY. MARCH 10, 1910, Borough of The Bronx.

I-_u_tn B F IIUI LI ) ING CRIBVORlc A NIl -11.1 ING IN II \N K fl" THE F.\ cri.;n! v Iii - ; 0 - tilt - ; Rikl-11. IN

\l \(( DI RS T),\ tO l.\ RE, IN THE 10 'II' ii - 11 (hi' 'I iii-; 1ti(()N\, INTHE. CITY iil \'h 1flK.

-I ills 15510 at011 I fr the complet-un of tI, .1110 si-rh - v hi he one hundred (100 Cdi. :1.i IC

'Iii' or 'It (If il-a octirity requirel i s-.

'I tie lot'. (I ii tL' cliStAred and ti AOl liLt at a 1111m, cr ;ucsr('500te 55110.

1_s ,si.u , Ii SI(l blank forma 1511' 1-' )ltaiIi( Ii 5 the l , ltio, 5 Co- l)epartme't 4 /hr"', -1 i iulas-su,t1, I iaru:rtlt I'ark, l_ ' I 'tile 15555 '1.

CII \S. 11. STOVER, Pr' 0 srt TI F . T. it II ;GINS,

(_ uiu!usissioner, -i I t

it i'l' (;- i'rnl lust rnet1ovi to Mil- lers oii the l8t imme, last (41II 4444) . of I lie " City B .'eord."

O. CS F. SF TrIO lbui'uiru:-sai OF PARKS \o iOsii Cu, l V ii (11 ,\\rrit - E AND SlAV ',II 6isi s, 51,0 it II' )i\NIIST1_'N, Tii -; (si us Ns .i

S CIt'd I '-ti' 0 Plik Board at hi-u , Ito ii. ;'assss' t if Parks iir,lh .5 ' t


.. ....

'IIII'tti'hI).% V. 1tH(h1 10, 1flI4.

Borough of Maiiliatian,

i_hun i'i'I<iIiIN; IND l)I'!.i\ I - I'; luit,i5iN,lu jJ\[ I-, !\Ci FOR Ills. ii'\N \li'Slt'M IV N\i'lR.•\L Ill-'I(ui<,

\\il i'T.\N. 'l'iS(' I "I - ,:,')( I - - I. the dclivcry bitt l's

(IS ill

'a" (5 f ' I rtv rcniirc'l 1 , r ,s 11IIt ,Si1'eiI ,':' lv Jt,tl,'r

'I ill' IA, (.0: ly L -:::sirud and tit s SI ('-5' t 55 [I htI1 1 S.'5' (''sate Still!.

151,5k rs- soy I c toined at l':,'

IC lu' - Li . - .i'I' '--- ,.\r scusai. CL:sIs,

ll.\t(i.i- .° S. '- I ( \ER, P'­;to:,' liill".I\S I lllu)1\'S,

till II Ili. I. 1. i-;i -.N NEI\', ( S "II5i5)}OlI(F) , ,• I . s t-

if See 4(44(• rlil Instructions to Iii 1- IlerM on lIit I:i,,l lnu.e, lust e4)IIInhII. of

I lie " Cit y IleeOrIl."

R. ,\\ll i'ii(NlSll!NG \Nl lFl,i\'i-'iI

NO liIis I R. INI- :k 11th 11- k Go 1

_riii i(Nkk\i'l. 11(01 \l\kii 5",


\L !I 1 , I II , lkl,---t'l5S, likS Is 1-

I N I I I il I (j(I 0 i i I 5 'i I,',I I \ I I \ \ - \ I

uuH 1,t:I( \\u liIt{ rIttIt 1 \\lI \I

I - I lull 'Ii! I-


: :: .5 ,,-.,: - '--.-. : 5, :'-:, I .,:. '•s- 55)

4-4. (.,.It,.I.:II lii'd rIl,I 11411w to lliil- ili- u'' fill file- )lt..I II:Iic.', 1:1t ,-oliiiiiii, 411 f ile- '- City I{s't4lrd.

i1,'F\V,- sr ss'


0' -. I ,. S • ''' -I 55- 5 -'', •." I (5 -.(

'5 5 . - 'I • I

' (S 5 , : 5 , F-. , ,5 ,, •' , :

•• -- - : • -

Ssni.v, (t,i -,'' I Ii 151. k''\I 5'''N , i.i TO 21 ii-', IS

Itu, v , , \l\\U('i',\. (iTs' OF N'

S I'.,'.l,IP iSill, i)l( :s5l Il.1ES \'-'li,l, Of \V - "

trius ai)lvv '' SU

% I!)\l.iI),'. %ItRC'II 10, 1914),

IllS 1 r-iii\'u INSI,T,T.lN. (,j

\N 1 ) Si'.r-J'liS\ IN(; Fill, 'Jill, 1''- Ii1' 'I' ill. iItIii I'isi'ss,li-; FIRE, s's' It I.

is°'.\'. tu i'O)l'll',\li'\ I NI'''

i-IS'- 'l<'i' I 'tt 1 \.l,k,\'! I NG AN 1) '1 IS I t

Ml I I INu 3 uu 1, 1 I u l'du'\]'fSI II: ' I I I kilt

)U)%I)tV, M.tIl(IL 7, 1910.

l'Ik\l) I NO il(i\'iLE('ES IN '151

(1-1(1 i\isl .\N'l) i - i - iii-:R P;\i(iS IN 'lilt' lI()ii(I'll III Ithi ((f.l,\N_

NO 1(50 (VOl i'.' ei.'crel unless ac SU 5151, 1 !y a CCI tt5t' I'},' ( 5, III- nancy to the Sir' is

' I I I' ((sIlst(i If 1!) 1 Oil for the.'-.1''

CI (lam,

iit,I i - r --situ !(( russ 'CC 2 to f,rr05 a 1

Sr - iroty u 55li IS 'lit year's rental I I

bull I f !Ile contract.

ilL' 15115 ((II '0 0' SISji ui-ui and the 'r 'iiI_-s (III 1' aa'sIs'!r'l i. I,1r lighet 1)1,1 .

T ile I 'TSiSSIi -''ssI'r i'u ,er','u's the right r :i

°s-' rust .-i:1 , liii .t I ''I''- 01 a! frill infornm-i , It ,o

i_i IlSiIC ('5155 5 Ii 5)051' .1 at the otISO( I 'su'ui'iust 'f I_irks, ,i'cl,Iield ulair-r us, I''

I'si So, hi'' his . N. Y.

i, J. Ki';NNI'zii\', -lriu:5--'.'r'. I' I Parks. hr-h- 0

it ,' LI s iind Queer,-. vtIiSrarV 1 9, 19 Id.

9 ' ' 't'4• General Intert ruetionlie t o Iii (I - ii ES 0 ft t il l. lit Mt jHJ4'( laNt ss,l ii in ii • of l ist- •. lit - Record,"


15 1- 1,0 515 lli-'r'.IRIoSNT OF PA R 1, l,ri II FILl I %I% N>: I N, I' SI'S PA R K, I'

SL\l,,I) Ill- \\Il,l, IO 1ECl'i\ lu

_ I , o I . rissis-' br at the . Ii',.''''(

I f ttro 1)et su 1- 555 lIt If 1,,sk'5 until _' s' 51.

St %('( 1-IlI'rlIl 11I-1lIuli.II1u to lijil-,I.-i''i 401 Ilie lzi.t IHII.hI', Iti.l (lI1lIIliII, of

i,,t.t'' liii'- 'IS i,-5sl\tl. \\l1 S

" I:l)\;I) Y. 111 %It('Il 14, 114444,

iS"H''i\I \'-I\l;, (S \'lIF 5J\i I IT Ii

I l I I 5 I A II

ii S S "

I0'- 5 (s \ '['5(:5 \"i \F \V!5 5.,, 51,_I I I A , 5 5 5


stations, located as above, is one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days.

The amount (If security required for furnish-log the above is Thirty Thousand Dollars ($31,1)1)11),

The bidder will state the price of each item or ,nticle contained in the specifications or sched-ule,, all1 in the contract for the furnishing, and ,-, on, ;,f the apparatus, equipment and power regmn d, as uteasured by meter or other unit f measure, by which the bids will he tested. Malik forms may he obtained at the office

o f the Department, Room 1319, I'ark Row Build-11)1).

1I.NR\' S. IIOMPSON, Conmti I T ssioner. \c\' '1-„rk, March 2, 1910.


iv.. See General 1nMtrIietIonx to Bid-ders on the ]net page, laNt column, of 1he 1- City Record."

I), F'. \R I SI IiNT or \\:1 I SR S1'PPLY, (;VS AND ELEC--1RI.In. Rpsl 153,., Nos. 13 in 21 1':1RK Row-, i; eiC•II 1)F \lM1.\1lATTA,N, ('IIY OF NEW YORK.

S li-\1,1•:11 LIDS OR 1•:SlI1i:\TES WILL BE received by the ('nmmis iollcr of Water Sup-

1 , 1, (iu; ;utd I'.lcctriritc at the abuvc office until ' l,. iil c,o

WEDNES11.\Y, \L1KCN 16, 1910,

Fl)R 1I - RNISIIIE(; C.A5 F()K AND TO 'I- II F: l'UL'Lll' L.\1t1'S ON 'l'llf: STREETS, til i'I'L'5 iXt; (;.\S, In'1z',, FOR NEW I.A\1P5 \I'IIF?Y RE(11IIN.I). FUR NIAKING CERTAIN Rl-1'\[R'S TO l.\\II'-EOS1.S, AND FOR FUR-\I'III\I; (;.A' To I'('BLIC BUl1.I)INIGS, I-R( ► \f \l.\R('Il 1 'it) UECGIIBER 31, 'III. 11)T11 IN( I,l'SI\'E.

F~ r lighting It'cct ,, ucciiuc , public building-, bark,, and public in the I1 l 1Igh of Bruok- I_cn. The (itv of New \ ork.

PI R FF\lNIShIN(; (;:\ti L.\MA'S, ETC., ON "till: STREI-AS .\\U S(t ll\, .\\U hl)'R ('O\-NI•;l°I'IN(,, LI(;IIT(N(;, l-XlINt;UIS1IIN1;, t I.E.\\I\(i, Ill' i .\IKI\(; .\NI) \l \1N I \I\ IN( 'Fill. S.\.\ll•:, .\NI) .\I.S) L.\\l PS BE- i3ON(;IN1; TO '1'111 CI'T'Y, SUI'PI.YIN(; NEW L\)11'8 \\TlEN kl•:O1'1RED, ,ANl) FOR FUR-NISIII\t; BURNERS :1N1) -\\'I'LL\NCES FIIR I.VI'R()V'I;ll SViKsl OF' Ll(;INTI\'(; )\ 'I'ill: "I'It}a;'H..1\\l'P.S. I'.\RF-1 AND

I'l'CI,I(' I'I..\( I'.S. I kll\l \I.\R('lt Ii, 1910. l.IF f)I-( - l-:111Ih:R 31, 1')11, BO'1'i[ INCLUSIVE,

1—r frvnilitlg gas ]ioIj , etc.. on the streets, al I oii, in the B)i'l11;h of Brooklyn, Tltc City. f \ru \nrk. 1'ill-I I1'R:AIsIII\l; N.AI'II'f'IL\ OR SI]l1-

IAI( ll,Ll'1I1\.A'1!\I; 1L\TERL\L F(IR TIlE I'I'I;f.1(' I,.\\ll'S VSIN(; S\\II•:. .1ND FOR I I'k\IKIII\;, 1,KI1YlX(;. I•:XTINGUISIf- I\t;. ('I.I•:.\NI\I;. REPAIRING .\NII \L\IN- TAl\1V'(; Sl - ('11 I..A\l['S,

\111Illl, ffl., FUR NEW L:\\l1'S, FOR II, RN I'll[\(; NI i,\ IL.\M1S AS RE0UIKEl). I•itR H'RNISHI,' ; OR M.KlNG CERTAIN It111'\let TO I..\\MI'-l'GtS'1'S, :\Nll FOR FUR-\I'I11\I; It1l\1:R'- .\Yl) .\1'1'1.I:\\(ES OF I\11R( \'El) SYS'Il \l IIF LIGHTING; "I Id I \\ 1{\1'E". i'.\RKS AND PUBLIC

IL 1( I•a. PRA)>i Ni \RCN to, 11111, TO DE-I1-:,A1111•:11 31, 1III), lt]Plfl IN( 1US1\- E.

r furni'lliug 1)ap1h}]:l, etc., and lighting U t,. 1\enut:s. Iclrk, :ut,l I'uhlir places in the Cn i it f Cro„klcu. "I'l c (its gy.f New Y(Irk.

I'i)R l•1RAISIIl\(; -\\I) \L\IN'l",AINING I•:I,I•:("I kf(' 1,-A\Il'ti Pt 1R 1.1(:HT1N( "fltl:I:I \\'I':\1'I•:•. I'l'I!I"it 1 UILI)1\(;ti, I'\IKS \Nl) 11ltl.I(' l'1.\CIa, FROIi \I \Rllf 1n. Ullfl_ 'fl) Iifu l;AlBFR 31, 1910, Iii Ill I\I Lts!\ I:.

I- i- lichtine . actnue~, teihlic buildings. Pill I. :,nil 1 , nhliC place:_ in the H„t1ogli of Il, l l n, The ('its if Nca• 1'urk,

I'hc :nnomnt -if th iv rcquirc-,l is toenty- lit,' Der rent. 1_'?', 1 If Ihr antn"lnt of the hici or

'imat,. (cc( t "f„r furnishing ,gas lamps,” a ho r, ll,^ gYuriu- xe,1)[n-c1 i tIft - per c'.'tit.

'', 1 ~ ,f thr amwillt ~,f tI - hid] ~n" (,tinlatc_ I h, lsfd , lc I will -Uctc tit(, price cif each itool or

Ii irlc -,m.t1),'1 ill N'IC sucriticatinn, or schrrl-t' r lam. l;i ii l-.l. -„Damn. -crvice pil,c.

-', nol ni;lr ~'r „hot 1110 of m, a,urc. I0 which tn- 6i'1- kill 0 ic•!cl.

\Haul, f~rni< m:1) be „stain, l a! the OTice of '. It.-o;i- h1)m(_ Rm ,m

Ifs,NKl" S "I III Lit I'SOS, C,,niniis~inncr, \, 11 l larch 2, 1,10.

m,;16 a ,' *ee General litsiruci1our to Bid-

►1►'rs on the last pate, last eolunin, of the " City Reeord."

n1)9kISINr or \\-.sir SUPPLY. I;:ls 1?LEr- ,R,i IIV, Rnn51 1~0r, Nnc. 13 TO 21 P:1RK Ron', C1,eoi nn c \Ie\Ir1TTSN. CITY or• NEW YORK,

SEALED PINS OR ESTIML\1'ES \\'ILL BE rcre,lel by the Commissioner of Water Sup-

t,?c, (.; s and I.lectrici!y at the above office until _' p. In, on

A'hDNE,SD.\1•, MARCH 16, 1910,


"I IIIR'I'1--T11W0 I;:15 REGULATORS, FROM ~l \RCII 16. 1910, TO DECEMBER 31, 1910, C(,! I\CLtrSI\'E,

I'I-r furnishing ga: regulators in public build-i•ItS in 'flee City of New York, in 'tile Boroughs of \larlh'Ittan ;nnl 'rho Bronx.


II' BI'II.DINGS. FOM M:\RCII 16. 1910, TO IIF( E11L'I•:R 31, 1910, T10TH INCLUSIVE.

I'or furnIslriiig steaul to public buildings in The ( iv f Yow York, in the Boroughs of Manhattan ;ul l 1Iffe Bronx.

'the ; mo'tnt of security required for furnishing ga- regulators i. fifty per cent. (50`,0) of the :Inl~mnt of the hid or estimate,

I ur furnishing steam the amount of security re-' iirc,l is twe]ity-five per cent. (5`c) of the amount of the bid or estimate,

'I Ile bidder will state the price of each item or arnc'.c c,lntaiucd in the specifications or schedules, t o regulator, in the contract for gas regulators. and per thousand, I„m ids of steam, as measured ,'u a nutter, or per huildint per month, or other nn -t of mewfl C, by lehich the bids will be tested.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of It,, Department, Rom 1319. Park Row Building.

HENRY S. TIIOUPSON, Commissioner. New York, March 2, 1910.


;( - See CenernI InstructioIIF to Bid-ders un the latat page, Inxt column, of the ” City Record."

Ili. rscrsrr' T 01 \\'ATsR Si•Prr.Y, (:As AND Et.EC

- ICI rlr, kc,,,sl 1 3(., N„s. 13 To 21 PARK Row, I';, urlr OF 11a\Ii\1T-\', (,r - 1)F New YORK.

S E.\LE1) BIAS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE recene, l by the Commissioner of Water Sup-

plr, (;as and Electrici y at the above office until ' I', at. Oil

W FAIN i;S\)al”, u1 .t HC1i 16. 1910,

I'4IR 1'I'k\I HI1(; PUTTING IN PLACE 1N'll \l \INN'.\ININ(; ONE IIUNIRED AND CIS r\' 11th l' (;:\S RI•:GULAT(IKS, FROM tl \k('II l(, Ito, TO I)I(K)IRli\R 31, 1910, BOTH INCLUSIVE.

For furnishing gas regulators in public build-jugs in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

The amount of security required for furnishing gas regulators is fifty per cent. (50%) of the a.noitnt of the bid or estimate.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or schedules, per regu:ator, or other unit of measure, by which the bid will he tested.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Department, Room 1319, Park Row Building,

HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. New York, March 2, 1910.


Ih7_ See General Inwtructions to Bid- der on the last page, last column, of the I City Record."


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Water Sup-

ply. (;as and Electricity at the above office until 2 o'clock p. m. on


Borough of Brooklyn.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and the performance of the contract is ninety (90)calendar days.

The amount of security will be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).

The bidder will state the price, Per unit, of each item of work or supplies contained in the specifications or schedule, by which the bids will he tested.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded for all the work, articles, materials and supplies contained in the specifications or sched- ule attached thereto.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Elec-tricity, the Borough of Manhattan,Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, and at Room 28, Municipal Build-ing, Borough of Brooklyn.

HENRY S. TIIOME'SON, Commissioner.

The City of New York, February 23, 1910.


10' See General Instructions to Bl►1-derrs on the last page, last column, of the " Citr Record."



S E.vL]•1) Bills OR 1:S"1IM.v'1'I:S WILL BE received be the I're-ir!ent of the Borough of

\]anliattaii, at the City hall, Room 16, until 1I o'clock a, iii. on

M01DAY, MARCII 1.1, 1910►

l (ti RI:I'AIRIN(; .AS1'Il.AL'l' BLOCK 1':\\ I•:M1-:\T IN TILE BOROUGH OF \[.\\I I:\ •I'I'.\\. 'l'OGI•;YllElt 1\'1TIF THE \v(tRK IN(Il)f:\'I'.\I. 't-I[EHETo.

I•:11giueer's cttllnatC of am,uut of work to be d Oc:

99,10 cubic Yards of I', rtland cement con-eRiC, mnxcO and laid.

20,titil square }'arils of new asphalt block 1,:veHlcNt.

I.t) 0 square yards of old asphalt block pave-Ineiit rclaicl.

The period during which the repairs are to be made and the termination of this contract shall be front the date of contract until December ;I. 1911).

TlIc tlrnnlnt of security rcgnire,l will be Ten 'fhntnaud Dollars.

The hl „1 t t sill state thc price of each item or :nrticlr cmitlincd in the specificatiotls or sehed-ules herciu contained or hereto annexed, per fb - t. ;tr-1 or other tlnit of mca tire, or article, In which the bi,l- will be tested. The exten-sr ,ns must he made and footed ull, as the bids 'I ill be real frc,nt the total.

plank forms and ,pecificali lis may he had at the c,tTice of the ('nmmisioner of Public AWorks, Nos. I.1 to ?I Park role, Bureau of IIigltuays, Room l(n7. Bornngh of l'tanhattan.

f:. V. PRt ITIIINt;l IA T..\cImp President, 'I'lle ( ily of New York, \l arch 3, 1910,


f•<;' See General InNtructionR to Bid-dens on the last page. llaMt column, of the 'c City Record."


S E.\LED BIDS OR E5l'l\L\TES WILL BE reccivcd by the President if the Borough of

Manhattan, at the City hall, Room 16, until 11 O'clock a. 115. on

MOND:11', MARCH 14, 1910,


Engiucer's csti.uatc of amount of work to be done:

2,01)0 square yards asphalt pavement. :+(1 square yards old stone Iiavement. 25 cubic yard; concrete.

The time allowed for doing the work is until 1lecembcr 31, 1910, or until the work provided for in the contract shall have been completed.

The amount of security required is Five IIun-dred Itollars ($500).


Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be done:

?,1u0 square yams asphalt pavement. 50 square cards oil stnnc pavement. 25 cubic varil' concrete.

The time allowed for doing the work is until December 31, 1910, or until the work provided for in the contract shall have been completed.

The amount of security required is Five Hun-drerl Dollars ($50).


lhitc Ii street, from John to Fulton street. Pearl street, front Broad to Whitehall street.

Forty-fifth street, from Sixth to Eighth avenue. Fourth street, from Lewis street to Second aye-

flue- Third street, from Lewis street to Second ave-

nue. Lawrence street, from One hundred and Twep-

ty-sixth street to Broadway. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street, from

Lawrence street to St. Nicholas avenue. One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, from

Broadway to Manhattan street. Sixth street, from Avenue I) to Lewis street, Seventh street, from Avenue C to Lewis street, Sixtieth street, from First to Third avenue. Lewis street, front. Houston street to south side

of Third street. Lewis street, from 75 feet north of Fourth

street to south side of Fifth street. Lewis street, from 30 feet north of Fifth street

to Eighth street.

Astor place, from Broadway to Fourth avenue. Eighth street, from Broadway to Fourth. avenue. First avenue, from Fifty-ninth to Sixtieth

street, from Sixty-first to Seventy-second street. First avenue, front Seventy--fourth to Eighty-

third street, from Eighty-fourth to Eighty-fifth street.

First avcnlu, from Eighty-sixth to Ninety-first street, from Ninety-srcnud to One Hundred and Ninth street.

One Hundred and Twentieth street, from Fifth avenue to East River.

Stuyvesaut street, from Second to Third aye-lithe.

Ninth street, fr, 1)t Stuyvesant street to Uni-Vrrsity place.

University place. firm south side of Waverly place to north sidr of Fourth street.

Fourth strcct, from hroadway to Macdougal street.

\Vas oily place, from Broadway to Fifth aye-nn('.

Mercer sheet, from Fourth to Eighth ghth street. \\"ashin.q1on place, from Broadway to Uni-

versity place. Engineer's estimate of auloltrtt of work to be

done: 29,7(10 square yards a.plialt pavement.

1D0 square cards oil stone pavenleut, 5(1 cubic yards concrete.

The tittle allowed for doing the work is until 1)eccnlbcr 31, 1'11(1, I r until the work provided f• , r in the contract shall have been e-intpleted.

The atiliunt of security rc'Inircd i; Seven 'Fit tisat5l 1):,llars ($7,000).


Twcntt-seventh street, front Ifallisoll to Fifth atenttc.

Twenty-eig11t11 St reel, frunl Eighth to Ninth avenue.

First a',enuc, front Sixtieth to Sixty-first street; Seventy-sccoud to Seventy-fourth street; Eighty-third t„ 1:ighty-fuitrth street; Eiglity-fifth to Eights•-sixth street; Ninety-first to Ninety-second Street.

Avenue D, from Rolston to Eleventh street. Nineteenth street, from Sixth to Seventh ave-


'twentieth street, from Fourth avenue to Broadway.

Tw-euty-ninth street. from Lexington to Fifth avenue.

Clarke street, front Bro)nte t 1 Spring street. Spring street, from Sullivan to Clarke street. Spring street, front Hudson to Greenwich

street. Twenty-first street, from Fourth to Fifth aye-


Twenty-first street, front Sixth to Eighth ave-titte.

Twenty-second street, front First to Second avenue.

Twenty-second street, from Eighth t,) Eleventh avenue,

Park street, fr., n \hit to ('eitrc =trect. Ifaxter street, from Park role to Grancl street. Ravarcl street, from Baxter to l)ivi:ir~n street. Franklin street, fro ii Baxter to Centre street. Iie,tcr st rev t from fl n-cry to Centre street. Mott ,tr(-,t, fr'ni Park row to Broome street. tlitlhcrry street, from Park rnly to Broome

street. Engineer'; vstiluato of amnuut of work to be

done: ]7,4(I0 stltctrc var,l. a,phalt avcnle it.

I 0 square v:lyd, 011 -tune pavement, $(1 cubic s-arrl, concrete.

The little ails , d for dninL' the work is until December ; I, lots), n,- until the work provided for in the c,ntiact .hall have been c ,mnleted.

The amount of security required is I-our Thou- land I)nllars ($4,000).


Eightieth street, from Avenue A to first ave-nue.

Fifth avenue. from Sixtieth to Eightieth street, Fifteenth street, from Second avenue to Irving

(place. Fifteenth Street, front Sixth to Tenth avenue. h,rtieth street, front I- ighth avenue to Eleventh

avenue. Forty-eighth street, from First avenue to Lex-

ii'gton avenue. fifty-tire street, from I'irst avenue to 88 feet

I inch east of Park avenue. Fifty-fourth street, from Lexington to Madison

at enue, Nifty-eighth street, front Third to Lexington

avenue. Fifty-eighth street, from Seventh to Tenth aye-

lute, Macdougal street, from Spring street to \ aver-

Iv place. Waverly place, from Fifth avenue to Macdougal

street. Pell street, from Bowery to Mott street. Pitt s'reet, from Broome to Houston street, `ixly-first street, from First to Madison avenue. Sixty--eighth street, from First to Third avenue. Tentlt street, from Stnyvesant street to Fifth


Twelfth street, from Fifth avenue to Sixth ave-nne,

SutTo!k street, from Division to Houston street. Forty-fourth street, from Fifth avenue to Sixth

avenue. Forty-sixth street, from First to Fourth avenue. Thirty-first street, from Iourth to Fifth avenue, Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be

done: 23,21)0 square yards asphalt pavement.

100 square yards old stone pavement. 50 cubic yards concrete.

The time allowed for doing the work is until December 31, 191(1, or until the work provided for in the contract shall have been completed.

The amount of security required is Six Thou- sand Dollars ($6,000).

The bidder will state the price of each item Or article contained in the specifications or schedules I•crein contained or hereto annexed, per foot, yard or other unit of measure, or article, by which the lids will he tested, 'Ihe extensions must be made and footed tip, as the bids will be read from the total,

Blank forms and specifications may be had at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, Bureau of Itighway~, Room, 1607,, Borough of Manhattan.

F. 1'. FROTHINGJIAM, Acting President. 1110 City of New York, March 3, 1910.

nt3,14 9, ' See General luxtrnetions to Bid-

ders ore the lakt page, lasit column, of the " City Record."


SE.\LI:I) l.fli' OR l51I1I.111:5 \\'Il,l. Cl-: rrc• nrxl lac tl.e I'res:ihi-1)t if tl:c 1SorOt]5h

of \lanhatian at the off,cc, Room 15, City Hall, until 11 o'clock a, n1, on

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1910,

1:(IR Rl:l'.AIItS .\\D AJ FER.AlIONS- RES't R \TII IN AND RED1iGuR,vT1nN II. '1'HF. t ]'Flt l-S OP 'I'Ill-: PRESIDI-NT U1 THE BGlRG)UGN OF \I:ANit.AT'1':A\ IN T111: NI.AV YORK ('CfV 11.AL1,.

The time alloluc,l for the cnni leti -n of the work--,v ill be forty (411) se rrking days.

The security required will be 'I'wciity- f i-c I Ion' dud \ur,1lars (Q_.500).

The bidder will state cnc a gregatr mice f .r the is hirl vnrk n1cseribe 1 and spccneic 1, a; the contract is entire frr a cimiplete j„h•

Itlank forms of hid anal en1tr;ice an-1 unv further iiifoiriatirn ric<irc,l near Ile hli lcl :r the ,,tticc cif the architect, AV' A. fiHiie.

,. , ' Ilr I Isar, NCI \' the ('it}', C, n ,,1, f Manhattan,

1•:. V. FROM 11lN1;1f \\1, Acting 1 r, " 1- n'.

II, l ilr ..I \lr 1.rh, \farilI _', 1''Iii.


;(- ' :ee General Innslrnetion" to liid-dery on the Iawt \ ►age, last cnlamn, of (Ii, " City Record."



HERE]V- GI\ 1: .Atit l :E 'I 11.A I" .A II.! non ha; !,,III I~rc-, ntc-t t., the I': ..!I, 1)l

the L', n"tlglt 1 Thc• llru:lx. ;n, t I, --c talc u1 lilt- Mince Ii-r inlOetion, f. , r

Nn 3'l. l.av irg ont ,Fi thr elan .,i I i, l t" of Nc', ) Irk 1 ]ire U:m'lfci :,n l ':vrl . ~t'ect, ( l;,v alril'l-,c ll c~l ll,u , l t" a%cn, , at a itt'.:f , i• iii lI]deli i 1' I01 i, currcctc,l in I'ct'ti- ii t- ciyhtc 1,^ICI ii-, I. ;11; at a grade ii chi shad] it he I-1)..::L:r,•.c , the a-c of "ai,l strrctIw %C11; ,,

No. a°. .l iiIill. tilc to the lay!. II„ -;, to tltr cstcn'i ,n of 1•:a,t O1)e II•-~ Io i .io SixI"v eighth >lrc'ct, fn'nl (hay ac, 1O'iL .,c: 1), 10 as to iIiiI0 it a thr:i ]i h , nnt tl,e .:t't to the ]lest -lIlc .1) I. - Lill0'il,hi.

'Ills loctitioll f ,r hit- ah,nc hill be - ,! n:'! Iii the L,cal 1; tr , l ioiling uii-ihri: t' t nn \l r, h ~1 , "I '. at S „'. 1)l., ;it I hl

:~ , of tl le 1'rridc iit f the l;r clt If I I;.,., ~.

\Ln,i, lI [Ii Cui!dim. I. i t•Fia Park. Uor 11 rl-H I an, l Sevcntl--- i iith sir - t ill- l "f ilir I tc, .I r.



I I11•:REBY GIVE NOTICE TI1.\T \ P1:11 lion has bcen presented to roe, and kon tl,e

in my office for inspection, fur No. 21. Paving with sb(ct a~t ,ha!t l's' tc'.

from Prospect avenue to East O:le II'In in ,I a;'I Fifty-sixth street, on a c-1ncrctc f.iui:i;ri-.ii, anI setting curb where neccs5ary, with all irk inri- dental thereto.

'I"he petition for the above will be subn;iitell byme to the Local Board having jurisdiction tl:erect, on March 8, 1910, at 8 p. iii, at the n17ice of ell.• President of the Borough of The Crnnx, )fanici pal Bniiding, Crotona I'ark, One 1[un-l: l nil Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue.

Dated February 2I. 1910.

CYRUS C. MILLER, l'rc Olen;.

GEE;E I.l„NNEI-LY, SCCrctary.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE Tll.\'f I'I:TI-tiotu have been prc,ented ti the President

of the If-rough of The Bronx, and arc on file ill this office for inspection, for:

No. IS. Regulating anal grading ]leach are' sloe, from Bronx Ricer avenue t.) \\'estchester avenue, anal all work incidental thercl1; and setting curhstnnts, flagging sidewalk, a space 4 feet wide, lavin>; crosswalks, btti!ding ap;, r)aches and erecting fences where necessary, from Bronx River avenue to Clasons Print read nl'.

No. 20. Regulating and grading, sc"`•tii curh-Stoncs and flagging sidewalks a st,ace 4 feet wide, laying crosswalks, btulding aplpmaehcs and erecting fences where necessary in Beach avenue, from Bronx River avenue to Clasons I'-lint road, and all work incidental thereto.

No. 23. Regulating and grading, building drains, w•a'ls, etc., approaches and erectrllg fences where necessary in Throggs Neck boulevard, be-tween the Eastern boulevard and Evans avenue, and all work incidental thereto.

No. 2.4. Regulating and grading, buil, ling a;p-Droaches, drains, walls, etc., and erecting fences where necessary in Throggs Neck boulevard, from Evans avenue t) Dewey avenue, and all work incidental thereto.

No. 25, Regulating and grading, building ap-proaches. building drains, walls, etc., and erecting fences where necessary in Thrng¢s Neck bau'e-vard, from Dewey avenue to Shore drive, and all work incidental thereto.

No, 26. For laying out on the map of The City of New \'-ark a change of grade of the streets hounded by Bronx River road. \\'estches-ter avenue, Morrison avenue and Astor estate property, as particularly shown on map accom-panying the petition.

No. 27. For laying out on the map of The City of New York a public place bo,t1),led by Van Nest avenue, Unionport road and White Plains avenue.

No. 28. Acquiring title to the lands necessary for Leland avenue, from West Farms road to Westchester avenue.

No. 29. Acquiring title to the lands necessary for Taylor avenue, from West Farms road to Westchester avenue.

No. 30. Acquiring title to the lands necessary for Theriot avenue, from West Farms road to Gleason avenue.



THE COMMISSIONER OF BRIDGES WILL sell at public auction to the highest bidder


MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1910,

at 11 a. m., at Fiss, Doerr & Carroll Horse Cont-pany, No. 153 East Twenty-fourth street. Bor-ough of Manhattan, The City of New York, one (1) bay gelding, known as " Jim," without guarantee.


The whole of the purchase price and the auctioneer's fees shall be paid by the successful bidder, in cash or bankable funds, at the time of the sale.

KINGSLEY L.. 11:\RTIN, Contntissioner,




SAMUEL M.ARX, :IL;CllUNEER, (IN I;L-half of the Firc Department, City of New

York, will otter for sale at public auction, t++ the highest bidder, on

2810 THE CITY RECORD. s.vTU1!n vv, MM.>RCJI 5, 1910.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at the

above office until 10.30 o'clock a, m. on


Borough or Manhattan.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and the performance of the contract is by or before fifty (50) days.

The amount of security required shall be fifty per cent. (50'; ) f the amount of the bid or estimate.


The time for the delivery of the horse, and (;n'; } , f the anlouat of the hi l nrUw performance of the contract is by or before

t 'eh-nary I. 1911.

Borough of Qnecnx. The amount of the security required i. fifty per cent. (5ti) of the amount of time bil or


at the repair shops, northeast corner of 'Twelfth avenue and t- itty-sirtn street, Hurwugir of Jlan- Itattan, at 10 a. m. oft said date, the folluwiug condemned property of the Department:

Lot 1, one old fuel wagon, register No. S. Lot ., one old fuel wagon, register No, 31, Lot 3, one old chemical hose wagon, register

:50. 7. Lot 4, one old sleigh. Lot 5, one old upright Grecnheli steam ut-

gine, Lot 6, 25 lengths 3-inch canvas hose. Lot 7, 25 lengths 3-inch camas hose. Lot 8, 25 lengthi 3-inch canvas hose. Lot 9, 25 lengths 3-inch canvas hose. Lot 10, 25 lengths 3-inch canvas hose. Lot 11, 25 lengths 3-inch canvas hose. Lot 12, 25 lengths 3-inch canvas hose. L"t 13, 16 lengths 3-inch and 4-inch canvas

hose. Lot 14, 26 lengths 1! -inch and I i;-inch ca!t-

vas hose. Lot 15, 35 lengths 2;;-inch rubber hose. Lot 16, 25 lengths 3% -inch rubber hose. Lot 17, 28 lengths 1%-inch rubber hoc, Lot I8, 17 rubber hydrant connections. Lot 19, 6 rubber suctions. Lot 20, 1 lot old steam hose. Lot 21, 1 lot old scrap rubber. Lot 22, 1 lot old rubber valves, Lot 23, 1 lot old lead cable, ft,000 pounds,

more or less. Lot 24, lot old scrap iron, 30 tun,, [note or

less. Lot 25, lot iron tires. Lot 26, lot old oil barrels. Lot 27, lot old heavy wheels. Lot 28, lot old light wheeels. Lot 29, lot old wire wheels. Lot 30, lot old carriage shafts. Lot 31, lot old carriage poles. Lot 32, lot old whiffletrees. Lot 33, lot old rope. Lot 34, lot old iron bedsteads. Lot 35, lot old bed springs. Lot 36, lot old hose washers, Lot 37, lot old ladders. Lot 38, lot old picks. lot 39, lot old harness. Lot 4r1, one photo cabinet. Lot 41, one cabinet. Lot 42, two closets. Lot 43, three flat top desks. Lot 44, one roll top desk. Lot 45, one leather sofa. Lot 46, lot old carpet. Lot 47, lot old linoleum, Lot 48, lot solid rubber tires (automobile shoes

and pneumatic tires). Lot 49, one Baker electric automobile, register

No. 842. Tot 50, lot office furniture. Lot 51, lot old snaps and bolts. Each lot to he sold separately. The right to reject all bids is reserved. The highest bidder for each lot, in case the

hid is accepted, will be required to pay for the same in cash at the time of sale (except Lots Nos, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33 and 48, which must 'Sc paid for at the time of weighing and delivery), and must remove the same within twenty-four (24) hours after the sale.

The articles may be seen at any time before the day of sale at the place above specified.


Dated February 28, 1910. mI,10

Itrtirmr irirr.s nr Ttre Fire T1rr,tRTMMFVT nP THE CITY nr Xnv YoRK, Nos. 157 AND 15' F.ssr C'\TP-cF1 r \'TI1 Steen. TimRdt'c1V OF 1f iNTTiTTtN, 'file CCTV nP Nrly YORK.

above office until 1230 o'clock a. in ..,n

SATI RDAY. MARCH 12, 1910.

Borough of Richmond.


The time for the delivery of the articles. Ina-terials and sunplie,s and the performance of the contract is by or before July 31, 1910.

The amount of security required =hall hr Lift per ecnt. (50'%) of the amount Of the hill or estimate.

'11e hi Lh r will state the rriee of each item or -,rticle c'ntairei in the specifications or schednlec herein covtaineri or hereto annexed, per ground. tm , d'eemm, gallon, earl or other unit of measure. 1,5. Ichich the hurls will be tested. The extensions rmst hr inade and footed tip. as the bids will hr rear from the total for each item and atiard maple t, the invest bidder.

1)cliccry hill he required to be made at the time anti in the manner and in such quantities as may he directed.

Rank formc andfurther information mac he obtained at time office of the Firm' Department, Xis. 157 awl 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-llatta!T,

R. WALDO, Cimmisciner. hated lrl:ruary 26, 1910.

f 25,nt 12

%t' See General Instructions to Bid-derts on the last page, last column, of the 1e City Record."


SD BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at the

above office until 10.30 o'clock a. nt. on


Borough of Manhattan.


The time for the delivery of the horses and the performance of the contract is by or before Fehruary I. 1911.

The amount of the security required is fifty per cent, (50~) of the amount of the bid or estimate.

Borough of The Bronx.


The time for the delivery of the horses amid the performance of Cite contract is by or before February 1, 1911,

The amount of the security required is fifty per cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or estimate.


Public Notice,

I oc ,1:ir, Alarch S. !'1111, at 4 p. m., in time oil ! un!ril I m,mmmber, IZ'i,int 16, City flail, L'oroogIm

i 11:tnh.,'I;,+,, at rtliich line and place citizcu5 U,tm h,' ,;i;::;Cd to appear and he 11e;Ir+l.

hitt,EPI[ II.\.1t;, Secretary. I!;,t: ,l \l;,rh 1, 1°10.


Public Improvement flatters.

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to restore the portion of Concord street, Borough of Brook- l~n, located below the Bridge Storage Yard, which was closed by resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on July 8, 1907, and approved by the Mayor on July 17, 1907, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Ord Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on March 11, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such pro-posed change will be considered by said Board, all of which is more particularly set forth and de• scribed in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on February 11, 1910, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionnient of The City of New York, in pur• seance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amended, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by restoring the portion of Concord street, Borough of Brooklyn, located below the Bridge Storage Yard, which was closed by resolution adopted by time Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment on July 8. 1907, and approved by the Mayor on July 17, 1907, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the northerly side of Concord street with the westerly side of Washington street and running thence southerly along the westerly side of Washington street 60 feet to the southerly side of Concord street; thence westerly along the southerly side of Con- cord street 105 feet; thence northerly across Con- cord street parallel to Washington street 60 feet to the northerly side of Concord street; thence easterly along the northerly side of Concord street 105 feet to the point of beginning,

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 11th day of March, 1910, at 10.0 o'clock a. m.

Res ,lved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a dotice to all persons affected thereby that the proposed change will he considered at a meeting of the Board,' to he held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 11th da" of March, 1910.

DatedFehruary 26, 1910.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

Telephone, 2280 Worth. _ f26,m9

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the street grade at the intersection of Flatbush avenue and DeKalb avenue, Borough of Brook-lyn, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on March 11, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. nt„ at which such liropo ed change will be considered by said Board, all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the folly meing resolutions ad,,pted by the Board nn February 11, 1910, notice of [lie adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap portionment of The City of New York, nt Dur-suance of the Dr,,sii'ns of section 442 of time Greater New fork Charter as amended, deeming it for time public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of 'i'he City of New York by changing the grade of Flathush avenue, between Fleet street and Fulton street; of Pe-Kalb avenue, between Fleet street and Iludso}t avenue, and of Dchevoise place, between La-(arettc street and Flathush avenue, in the Brir-nuRh of Rrooklyn, City of New Ynik, more par-ticulariv described as follows:

The grades of Flatbush avenue, between Ful tom street and a point nn the westerly building line I04 feet north of the northerly building line of DeKaib avenue: of DeKalb avenue, between Tludson avenue and a point on the northerl•, building line 162 feet west of the westerly huill-ing line of Fiathuslm avenue, and of Debevoisr trace, between Fla:bush avenue and a Point nn the ea=terly building line 2S0 feet north of th- nvtherly huiidine line of DeKalh avenue, air to be as shown tenon a utap or plan hearing the iguature of the Secretary of the Board of Ecti

mate and .Apportioument, and dated January l-. 1910.

Rrsohr,l, That ttmk B-+aryl ennsiler the pr posed change at a meetinc of the B,'ard, to hr held in time City Hall, Borough of .lanhattan. City of New York, on the Iith day of Marclm. 191n, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Boar!: cause these resolutions and a notice to all person,

affected thereby that the nrnnnsel change will ho ronsi!lererl at a meeting of the Board, to he hiI-I at The aforesaid time and place, to he p!ibli,hr in time CITY RECoRn and the corporation ne'.+ , papers four ten dawn emitinim'tsly. S,rnrlav, an \'•gal holidays exce;+tcl, pri , r to the I1th clay \larch, 1010.

Paull Fehruary 2. I9 i n, JOcTpiI II \.\r;, S"riclare.

Nn. 277 Br-,vks,ac, ltnrmt Inrfi.

TrIem l,,,+.te, 2250 \Yrurth. f2t,tn9

tir~t street, an,! if I ';tf'ai. is lice u! , 1„•I m-r, \v, rite t-Z and 1';t-i I if!v t;i -t it, , I, it-rt!c

„f U , 11,11 i- at'+l 11'.at n yo r'i+'c Mf ,;iirl I;,,;+- kill he hr!,! ill m!-r' (o i (-„rtnril l }, ;!nth. r, ('i' hail, II„r+t+e?i ,f \1:hattar., Co of N \,'m- l-_ on March II. 1Ir'. ar 1i.?,1a. it at tt };ich such isoss , _, I ; ! ii-cc ,,il I,r c•,,- ,i.lcrcrl by sail 1t :iii: a'I ~•f ru''i h i. toss, particularly pet f+rtL :u,'1 riri•'ril., -I in ti fn' insnm rc.rLhttin+, r ;PI'I•tc-i by t',r fl'arIl n'


No. 31, Laying out on the map of The City of New York a change of line of Shore drive, from Town Dock road to the southerly line of the Turnbull property, so as to make the easterly line thereof come generally below high-water line.

The petitions for the above will be submitted to the Local Board having jurisdiction thereof on March 8, 1910, at 8.30 p, m,, at the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, Municipal Building, Crotona Park, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue. Dated February 24, 1910,

CYRUS C. MILLER, President.

t;ERE DONNELLY, Secretary. f25,m8


HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT A PETI• tion has been presented to me and is on

file in my office for inspection, for- No. 22. For paving with asphalt on a concrete

foundation East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street, from Union avenue to Prospect avenue, and all work incidental thereto.

The petition for the above will be submitted by me to the Local Board having jurisdiction thereof on March 8, 1910, at 9 p. m., at the „ffice of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, Municipal Building. Crotona Park, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue,

Dated February 24, 1910. CYRUS C. MILLER, President.

(;EORGE DONNELLY, Secretary. f25,m8

Borough of Brooklyn.


'1-he time for the delivery of the articles, ma-,crials an,] cut'tlic; and the performance of the contract is hv or hcfore fifty ($0) days.

The and unt of security required shall he fifty er e Ut, (50 ) of the amount of the bid or

eetiinate. Borough of The Bronx.


I. ES. The time f„r the delivery of the articles, ma-

'eriai: ao,l o ioi'los and the performance of the c-+ntrart i< l,v or before fifty 10( dace.

The am,mnt .f security required drill ho fifty •er riOt.

S timate.


The ti!mte f, , r the delivery of the articles, ma-terials ai,d snpplirs and the perf +rntance c,f the c ntract i< by or before fifty (;0) days.

The ammo lilt -,f security required shall hr fifty nor cent. (f O';) of the amount of the hid or


Borough of Richmond.


The tints for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and "unite: and the performance of the cnutract i. by or !,;fore fifty (;0) plats.

The amnm,r of security rcgnired 1till hr fifty or rent. (;Q':) , f the amount c of the bi'l nr

c ~tirla!e- Thte biller a ill state the trice if each item or

article c-+ i!:sine-f in the specification or -cheduiec beri in cmttainr d or hereto annexed, per pommel, toll. d ,zen. Callon, yard or other unit of meac,!rv. I which the hills mill he tested, The extensions must he mail' and footed up, as the bids will he rear? from total.

The bids will hr comoarol and the c ntract awarded to the Incest bidder.

Delivery w-Cl he required to he marls at the time and ie the manner and in such gimntities as may he directed.

rank f+rn,s aml further information may he htainvl at the nf(ice of the Fire Ttopart!nent,

\n=. 1e ::n 1 East Smstc-scvc t:h ctre t, \Tan- h,ntt {'t,

R. 1V:\LDn, ri'tnimij-;inner.

hate l I , hru,in- t(, 1910.

,t.-. See general Inxlroetion►r to Tiid-elora on the• ]Hatt page, last colnnin. of they " ('ity Record."

Borough of Richmond.


The time for the delivery of the horses and the performance of the contract is by or before February 1, 1911.

The anoint of the security required is fifty 1+er cent, (30':) of the amount of the bid or estimate.

Borough of Brooklyn.


The bore fur the delivery of the horses and the performance of the contract is by or before February 1, 1911.

The am,iunt of the security required is fifty per cent. (5(1^,) of the amount of the hid or estimate.

Borough of Queens.

\,. c. Pnit F('RNISIIING AN'D DE1.1V'ER ING 'I\\'1`NT1--FIVE (25) HORSES FOR Al' l'.\ R. \ T U,.

The time for the delivery of the horse, and the performance of the contract is by or before Fehruary 1, 1911,

The amnnnt of the security required is fifty per cent. (;(m';) of the amount of the hill r r estimate.



,1- he bi±l,!yr isill state the price If each horse container) in the specifications or schedules herein cdutaincg or hereto annexed. The extensions must he mane and footed up. as the bids will be read from the total for each class and antards marls to the lowest hinder on each cla<s,

Deliccry is 11 he required to be made at the tint,' arr,i in tl, e manner and in such quantities as mar lie directed.

Plank 1- rams and further information may hr nbt.imime,I at Ihr otlice of the Fire 1)cmartment, \',s, 11-7 and 15q lust Sixty-seventh street, Maim - h all amm.

R. t\'i1LDO, Fire Cmtmi-sioncr. Irate,! FrIrnnrY 1s, 1910.


S ' Si General Inistruetion. to derr on tite lust page, mat colun► n, of the "('ity Record."

Pl Cl.l. \MIl'Iv'I•: IS I[ERLI't' l;I\'1N i,I .;'r t „tnnnttcc, consisting nt th+e l'rc~i-

Icu;. f mL, It"r u,gis nt Manhattan aml (+uccn;, t" which era= rcfcrre.l, at the nietting if the Ix I of I:~linrcic and :Appoi'ti'+nmcst of

d. l''!. CR' l+ctili„tr of the (tuccn, Lighting I ma.- f.'r ,c tlanr!miSe to lay m,,itts au,1 'upid,v gel , in tl:,- ia-lrcly portion ,it the Ps)rsw,lh if

u,rim•. rmi+r;,iny iiithin its limits the following -rr;i.n. r r ,ii!:,,c~ ts) called): l.itt!c Neck, I r, r lru„ r, I I „lli.,cuod, (luecn>, S1. Albans, a.; ingticl, l. I.:t 'mm elt'.1, Rosedale, (awtakt Gal , lr::> ;tn:! I !Icnii i Park, and which C;mmittee li\c l \!helm I, 1?11, at 4 p. m., and the ill

,u!s it t I;;un,, r, lioi-nt 16, City Ilall. li_lrough i .AInlr,mtt:m,i, a, the time and place I m a public

S E.\T.ED riPS OR EST71T:1TES KILT. P.E I' tm ILL the me +n, )ma; cnutinucd .ai I It, aring to

received by the Fire cnniminsiongr at the

N 1S 111:RI:CY t;i\i-\ III\T '1111 T;nar+l r,f f:<tia!:tic ni;+1 -'l1''iir+;nncnt ,

The C,tv of Ncw 'irk, +lecnii„g it f. , r the Lie irq,-rr,t ro to 'I... [+cell , ,sr•c t change t! trap or Man of 'II r f itv of New 1- rurk so a= t cbanec the grade of t'uca avcn,tc between :1r,

!:nc G and Idathu~h rigour: of .lccnne 1L h, Iticcit F-at l nrtt-meth sIn -rt mnt ,l f -:a-r Litt ,

pehewan l1. 191. r, ti , , f t'.e :J I ; Ii - , rsherh is hereby c ,,+rr, ri•~:

Rc-sr-hurl, 1h;r: !hr l:..a.1 if F-t':,air a+ ,1 I'imI 'nnmcrt of 'I Lc (it -f \- r c, 1,,:h mum 1 s+iance if the p!, i r• , f srrli n -lid rf tl. Great ,r New 'iruk lkacvir, ., rm,x•r , l. , l. log it f ,.r the ilium i+urrrt , t + ,I ', in i La,'ge the mall , n .r 1~'a -If 1- hr (!!a if N' fork hr clan lg;rg the era•}c: ,-f I -!era i:ems , fr,'m a':rn!!c t; to I' mm' acrnm; :, f .A,r,,-r II, front Fast '.!stet to i-s t F10% fir-t sticct. and of Flatlar,,i: air" me, fr-m .1v , tine h, t++ I'.ast Fifty-firstst stir-rt, in 11!c l;n•+!c' If Rr„•klin, Ci;r ~, f New A'irk, 'ireI;irte, lane shotttt upon a rime or t'lan hraratq tlt, s- c nature of time Se-rc!:nY of tiie hoard of Fkiim,it-and Appoitinnment. rnil dated Dcce mum her S, 1411',

Revolved, That this P+,ard cl'n=idcr (l ii- ht , posed change at a meeting if the Rrard, ti h, held in the City lLd!. B,+r+'ugh of Kau!ixttan_ City of New York. in the 11111 flat, of Ilarcli. 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. m,

Resolved, That the Secretary of tlrie Bnar,' cause these rccolwviomin and a m+tice to all her son' affected therel,v that the prs;r rd chance will lie considered at a meeting of the C +ar'l. to be held at the aforecai, l time nn,! place, 1, he pnblishei in the City Rev+•Rn an'! the corpora tion mica9yaperr for ten ih;trs Cilofiznuy+.valt, S,rr, days and legal h+-lidays eNcclicd, I'ti-r In the 11th day of March, 1910. Dated February 2m, 1910.

JOSEPH Ir:1:1G, Beer-trite, No. 277 Brad:',ac, R tn I1u~,,

Telephone, 22y0 11'orth.

N0110E IS 111-Rl-;I.,' (ilfN 711 vf 'iii L1drir,1 if !tr,n:rte :u:,l .\p'!tinmcnt <, i

7•i.i' (itv of New 'i mks deeming it for the l++ib Tic iutirt"t s,+ to iii. I+rlhr'~es to chance the map or plan of The City of New York to as the change the grade of :\',none C, between (;rase' end avenue and I'-a't Second street, h'orough r~ Brookicn, and that a meeting of 'aid Doan It ill he held in the Old Council Chamber, City I all, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Oh March II, 1910, at 1J.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proinmcb change will be cunsidererl by said Board; all of tvhich is more particularly set forth and described in the foll,ming resoht tions adopted by the Board nit Febnmry 11. 1910, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimat,, and Ap. l+rhiommcnt of The City of New York. in pup sr!anee of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deemn- ing it for the public interest so to do, propel es to charge the map or plan of The City of Ncsv York by changing the grade of Avenue C, from Gravesend avenue to East Second street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, more particularly shown ttp+'n a neap or plan hearii -_ the signature of the Secretary of the Ward of Estimate and Apportionment and dz:cd Decem- ber 8, 1909.

Resolved, That this Board consider the prn-posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, Oil the I11I, day of March, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. nt.

Reso1crii, That the Sei m, tart' of this Boani cause these resolutions and a notice to all per "mc atTected therrhy that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board. t++ be held at the aforesaid time and place, to b,• published in the CITY RECORD and the corpora-tion newspapers for ten days continuously, Sun-

SATU1:1.)AY, MARC'll 5, 1910. THE CITY RECORD. 2811

days and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 1 1th day of March, 1910.

hated February 26, 1910. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 \North.


N O1 E. 'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L'oaid of Estimate and Apportionment of

•1 he (ity of New York, deeming it for the pub-lic interest so to do, proposes to change the nlap or plan of The City of New York so as to cl:auge the grade of East One Hundred and Six• ty-seventh street, between Webster avenue and Washington avenue; of Brook avenue, between \Webster avenue and East One Hundred and sixty-eighth street, and of Park avenue, between East One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street and East One Hundrednd Sixty-eighth street, Bor-ough of The Bronx, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on March 11, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will be consid-cred by said Board; all of which is more par- ticularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on February I1, 1910, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap• lortionntent of The City of New York, in pur• nuance of the provisions of section 442 of the treater New fork Charter, as amended, deem• ilEg it for the public interest so to do, proposes t„ change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grades of East One Hun- dred and Sixty-seventh street, between Webster atrnue and Washington avenue; of Brook aye-fill,,, between East One hundred and Sixty-sixth .treet and East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth ~trect, and of Park avenue, between East One Hundrednd Sixty-sixth street and East One I undred and Sixty-eighth street, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, more particu-Iarly shown upon a map or plan bearing the sig- nature of the Secretary of the Board of Esti• mate and Apportionment and dated May 4, 1909.

Res, lvcd, That this Board consider the pro- posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhat• tau, City of New York, on the 1Ith day of \larch, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- ,uns ati(cted thereby that the proposed change till lie con-idered at a meeting of the Board, to •be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days I i'ntinuousiv, Sundays and legal holidays ex- 'epted. prior to the 11th day of March, 1910.

I fated February 26, 1910. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telrphnne, 2250 Worth.


1-(TICI•: IS IIERI:BY GIVEN THAT TIIE ]ward of Fatimate and Apportionment of

'I lie City of New York, deeming it for the pub- lc interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the lines of Castleton avenue, between t ulumbia street and Jewett avenue, Borough of Richmond, and that a meeting of said Board 0 ill he held in the Old Council Chamber, City Flail, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, in March II, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a, m., at nhich such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly ,et forth and described in the following resolu• buns adopted by the Board on February 11, 1910, notice of the adoption of which is hereby alien, viz.:

Resolved, That the P,oard of Estimate and Ap-I uctionQieQt of The City of New York, in pur• ,aance of the provisions of section 442 of the I acater New York Charter, as amended, deem• ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes Iii change the map or plan of The City of New 1 ork by changing the lines of Castleton avenue, hetwcen Jewett avenue and Columbia street, in tI e Borough of Richmond, City of New York, more 1~articulaily shown upon a map or plan braring the signature of the President of the Borough and dated November 12, 1909.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro• lo~ed change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall, Borough f Manhattan, ( ily of New York, on the 11th day of March, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- 4o11s affected thereby that the proposed change till be considered at a meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to he published in the CITY RECORD for ten days „int:ntmusly, Sundays and legal holidays ex• crpted, prior to the 11th day of March, 1910,

II:leh 1•ebruary 26, 1910. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Brua,laay, Ronm 1406. Trirpbmlle, "So 1\'. rlh.


N 0T1( 'E IS Ilf:RECY GIV'I'.N TII.AT AT the meeting if Itie Board of Etintate and

Apportionment lilt oil February 11, 1910, the f,ilueing resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, 7- he lioaid of Estimate and Appor-ti lament of The City of New York is considering the alh•isabiliiv of instituting proceedings to ;Icquire title to the lands and premises required f.,r the widening of West Two Hundred and Seventh street, between Tenth avenue and Emer-"m stre,t, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York; and

)Whereas, Tl,e Board of Estimate and Appor -

til'umcnt is authorized and required at the time of ;Ile a,1nQbon of the resolution directing the insti-Inliun of proceedings to acquire title to the lands n quired for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess-ment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, lIiat the [bard of Estimate and Ap-purtionment, in pursuance of the provisions of 'rction 980 of the (ireater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro. posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-(idling

Beginning at a point on a line midway between \\ est Two hundred and Seventh street and )Vest "fwo hundred and Eighth street where it :s inter-'erted by a line midway between Ninth avenue and Tenth acenuc, and running thence south-aardly along the said line midway between Ninth avenue and Tenth avenue to the intersection with a line midway between West Two Hundred and Sixth street and West Two Hundred and Sev-enth street; thence westwardly along the said line millwav hetwce!t West Two Hundred and Sixth ,ueet and West Two Hundred and Seventh street, and along the prolongation of the said line to a f'uint distant 100 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Emerson street. the said distance being measured at right angles to Emer-,,.n street; thence northwestwardIv and parallel I, ith Emerson street to the intersection with a line midway between Sherman avenue and Vermilyea avenue: thence northeastwardly along the said line midway between Sherman avenue and Ver-

milyea avenue to a point distant 100 feet north-easterly from the northeasterly line of Emerson street, the said distance being measured at right angles to Emerson street; thence southeastwardly and parallel with Emerson street to the intersec-tion with a line parallel with West Two Hundred and Seventh street and passing through the point of beginning; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with West Two Hundred and Sev-enth street to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Bor-ough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 11th day of March, 1910, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon 'I iii then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby to be published in the CGri RECORD for ten days prior to the 11th day of :\larch, 1910.

Dated February 26, 1910. JOSEPH 1l.AAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 \North.


OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estig[ate and Appor-

tionment held on February 11, 1910, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Eighty-third street, from Eighteenth avenue to Nineteenth avenue; from Twentieth avenue to Twenty-first avenue, and from Twenty-second avenue to Still-well avenue. in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment is authorized and required, at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the Lnds required for the foregoing improvement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess• nient for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro-posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between Eighty-second street and Eighty-third street, as these streets are laid out easterly from Eighteenth avenue, distant 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of Eighteenth aye-tine, the said distance being treasured at right angles to Eighteenth avenue, and running thence southeastwardly along the said line midway be-twecn Eighty-second street and Eighty-third street, and along the prolongations of the said line, to the intersection with the easterly line of Stillwell avenue; thence eastwardly at right angles to Still- well avenue a distance of 100 feet; thence south- wardly and parallel with Stillwell avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to Still- well avenue, and passing through a point on its westerly side midway between Eighty-third street and Eighty-fourth street; thence westwardly along the said line at right angles to Stillwell avenue to its westerly side; thence northwestwardly along a line midway between Eighty-third street and Eighty-fourth street as these streets are laid out easterly from Eighteenth avenue, and along the prolongation of the said line, to the intersection with a line parallel with Eighteenth avenue and passing through the point of beginning; thence northeastwardly along the said line parallel with Eighteenth avenue to the point or place of be-ginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall. on the Ilth day of March, 1910, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the 11th day of March, 1910.

Paled February 26. 1910. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary.

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

Telephone, 2280 Worth.

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE. meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor•

tionment held on February 11, 1910, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac• quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Patterson avenue, from the bulkhead line of the Bronx River to the proposed bulkhead line of Pugsleys Creek, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionnient is authorized and required, at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess-ment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on the proposed westerly bulkhead line of Pugsleys Creek where it is inter-sected by the prolongation of a line midway be-tween Lacombe avenue and Patterson avenue, as these streets are laid out west of White Plains road, and running thence southeastwardly along the said proposed bulkhead line to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Stephens avenue and Pugsley avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Stephens avenue and Pugslev avenue, and along the prolongation of the said line, to the inter-section with the prolongation of a line midway between Patterson avenue and O'Brien avenue as thee streets are laid out between Newman avenue and Taylor avenue; thence westwardly along the said line midway between Patterson avenue and O'Brien avenue, and along the prolongations of the said line, to the intersection with the easterly bulkhead line of the Bronx River; thence north. wardly along the said bulkhead line to the inter-section with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the prolongations of the centre line, of Lacombe avenue and Patterson avenuue. as these streets are laid out between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line of the Bronx River: thence eastwardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line parallel with Pat-terson avenue, as laid out west of White Plains road. and Passing through the point of beginning; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with Patterson avenue to the point or place of be-ginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-nosed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York. Worotrsli of Manhattan. in the City Hall. on the 11th day of March, 1910. at 10.30 a. m., and

that at the same time and place a public hear-ing thereon will then and there be had. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board

cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons attected thereby to be published in the Crrs RECORD for ten days prior to the 11th day or ,March, 1910.

Dated February 26, 1910. JOSEPH HAAG. Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406, Telephone, 2280 \North.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on February 11, 1910, the follow ing resolutions were adopted:

`Vhereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor• tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Lincoln avenue, from Queens boulevard to Skillman avenue, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment is authorized and required, at the time or the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement, to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assess• rnent for benefit for said proceeding.

Re-olved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- posed area of asssessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding:

Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Skillman avenue midway between Lincoln avenue and Dickson street. and running thence north• wardlc at right angles to Skillman avenue a distance of 160 feet; thence eastwardly ane parallel with Skillman avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Lincoln avenue and First street, as these •streets are laid out between Grout avenue and the Queens boulevard; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Lincoln avenue and First street, and along the prolongations of the said line, to a point distant 100 feet southerly from the southerly line of the Queens boulevard; thence westwardly and parallel with the Queens boulevard to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Lincoln avenue and aneock place, as these streets are laid out adjoining Queens boulevard; thence northwardly along the said line midway between Lincoln avenue and Hancock place, and along the prolongations of the said line, to the intersection with the southerly line of Greenpoint avenue; thence northwardly in a straight line to a point on the northerly side of Greenpnint avenue where it is intersected by a line parallel with Lincoln avenue, and passing through the point of hegi,.nine: thence north-wardly along the said line parallel with Lincoln avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Re,olved, That this Board consider the pro-Dosed area of assessment ata meeting of the Board to he held in The City of New York. Borough of Manhattan. in the City Hall, on the 11th day of March, 1910, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hear-ing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the I Ith day of March, 1910.

Dated February 26. 1910. JOSEPH HAAG. Secretary,

No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. f26,m9

Telephone, 2280 Worth.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\'EN TILT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on February 11, 1910, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas. The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the ativisability of reducing the width of Rose-oa!e avenue, between East One Hundred and Seventv-seventh street and Walker avenue, Bor-ounh of The Bronx, to either 60 feet or 70 feet, and also of changing the grades of Rosedale ave-nue between the same limits, as shown upon ten-tative maps bearing the sienature of the Secre-tary of the Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment, and dated December 16, 1909, be it

Resolved, That this Board will give an in-formal hearing in the matter at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 11th day of March, 1910, at 10. 30 o'clock in the fore-noon:

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolution; and a notice to aller-sons affected thereby to be published in the CptAY RECORD prior to the 1lth day of March, 1910.

Dated Frbruary 26. 1910. TOSEPH II:\AC,, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.




S E.AI.ED Ill l)- OR ES'l lM \TES WILL BE received by the Cwumtssionrr of Docks at the

above office until 12 o'clock nt. on MONDAY, 31ARCII 7. 1910,



The time for the completion of the work and the full perf'r iii ance of t'ce Contract is on or before the expiration of sixty (60) calendar days.

The amount of sr'curity required is as follows: Class l—Secretary's oltice, supplies and

stationery, the sum of $400 00 Cla-s 4—Auditor's office, supplies and

stationery, the cunt of 300 00 Class 5—Superintendent of Docks' of-

fice, supplies and stationery, the sum of 300 00

Class 6—Superintendent of Ferries' of-fice, supplies and stationery, the sum of 1,000 00

any class on which a hid is submitted, by which price the bills will be tested, and awards, if made. will be made to the bidder whose price is the

regular in all respects. Each class of the contract

and delivering all of the material called for in

lowest in that particular class and whose bid is

The bidder will state a price for furnishing

will he award, d as a separate contract. Itelivery will be required to be made at the time

and in the manner and in such quantities as ntay be directed.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the said Department.

CALVIN TOMIKINS, Commissioner of Docks. Elated February 21, 1910.


g: See General Instrneliona to Bis1-derA on the In.t Page, In t column, of the " City Record."




S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Docks, at

Pier "A," foot of Battery place, in The City of New York, until 12 o'clock noon on




The work to be done is to fill in with suitable material, as hereinafter described, the area be-hind the bulkhead wall now built, or to be built, Oil the Gowanus section, between the retaining structure built on about the south line of Thirty-sixth street and the fill now in place near the foot of Thirty-second street, from the face of the crib bulkhead now existing along the west side of Second avenue to the rip-rap proposed to be placed in the rear of the bulkhead wall; the exact limits being shown on a map at Pier "A," entitled "Filling Privilege, Twenty-eighth to flirty-sixth Street, South Brooklyn," together with soundings and other data used in making the estimate, said map being pare of this agree-mcnt. It is estimated that within the above described limits there exists a net void space to be tilled in of about 165,000 cubic yards.

This estimate is arrived at by computing the void space within the boundary of the above Bescri1,ed to a uniform grade from the top of the crib bulkhead along Second avenue to the top of the coping of the proposed bulkhead %call, no allowance being made for shrinkage, settlement, expansion or compression of the material or its penetration into the mud.

Bidders are warned that the Department is not bound in any way by the above estimate and must satisfy themselves of the actual quan-tity required to fill in the above described area by examination of the premises, or such other means as they may prefer, as all of the above work is to be done at the lump sum bid. Ill!lyrs will state in writing a lump stun price, which they agree to fay for the privilege of filling, as described above. The purchaser will he required to place the filling in accordance with the following specifications:

All material must he dumped and filled in oulc in such manner, at such points and in such order of procedure, and at such times and seasons as may, from time to time, be directed, and the work of tilling in may be entirely sus• pended for such periods of time as may be directed by the Engineer. Tite purchaser shall have no claim for damage or for any allow-ance from the purchase money on account of such nspension of the work.

All directions shall be given by the Engineer, and wherever the word 'Engineer" is used in these specifications it refers to and designates the Chief Engineer of the Department of Docks and Ferries, or such officer or employee as may be designated by him.

Rip-rap stone coming directly on or against the bulkhead wall nnist be deposited carefully in such manner as will not injure the same.

The fi11in, sii:iii c, ,ns_i,t of any material sari. fact„ry to the Engineer, and may incl.tdr a;lu:~. earth, s!n et -l( ce, t ttgc or elran rubhi,h, and no,t cou-illrre,l ohicetionable by the Ituarl of Ii,alt'i. Garbage, or other perishable material, till ii t h,-tur,iducd 5a:lsfactorv.

The filling shall be enQiienneB in t':e rear of one (it the prcnoserl piers. as directed by the En ciQeer, a:l cacriMI dirceay out<horc t, the r,a: of t!,c kiidkhcad wall. care being taken in caching the •.0-all to keep thr c, iitre of the till

(sell in advance of i!.e sides: after the nil i< maened the filling shall be carrie,l nor:h and south al'ng the •,%all anal Ihcnce in~hiirr.

The filling ~llall he ci , ntmcnc,d witii n five lav after the date of the reccilrt of a n ,it iti cat ion frr,m tfte E:iinecr that the pork, or anv n:vt if it. it iealr to be hcg•:n, and thy work shall it ctvd i em9l)1b•ti.rn at a rate -a,.isllctVrl" i , til, L!Ieimi, Y. but aftrr .\{)ril 1, 1910, the purcha'~r ;:all it hurl[ not lc-s than ten tlij:i.aiil (1U.innit cnloir yards in anc one caicnilsr month, an,l the %%ho! amount of the tilling called for to bring tlic above described basin up to grade shall br complct,il tciti;in one vL:,r from tlr_ Ltte if tier rzcetpt of ,ail untitication. At the exi,iratiin f this tins: this agree[uent shall be con;id,-rid it, ii, un;,., a further exten-iqn of torte shall he cicrn by the Commissioner of Docks. If at any time during the progress of the (cork it shall 11e Ihrr:n~l ue,e:sari to or Ier the suSpen<iuu of the whole or any ''art if the filling, the time f,,r completi:lg said filling s hall he extenlcd as notch as it may have hem iiclared in such sysnen~ina

In case tit' t~urcha'cr at any time lie; not I1rocrcd with the work of filling in to the sati,-factiun of the t'ocnnislionrr of 1cks• the Cunl mis•i,ner mar at once terminate the privilure ut tiling anal Pr„r , d t,, have tier t<-mai:ol, r of th,• Isu,k done he cther parti,:, in su.h way- and 11aumcc as hr d, cros proper, anal arts L. -s •.chip l may result therefrom shall be charged against the principal and lhi; sttrcty aml the tight i; al'o to ,i rvi l he til:• t on:nli=,inner of Dock, to tcrmina the t;llir o in ti icil!ree aft, r the heninaftrr '.«ec tiel 'rinds, to wit: after 25 per cent. of t',r %oil mace is lull in. or after i1) hir cent. i, fill(1l in, or after 75 p,r cent. of the void sDIc' i s tillyd in. rind the amount of void ac- so fillc-! i n at the lime of the terminati,,n of this nriti- Iree dhall be atlmom.11 by the Enginen_r, and the purchaser herein agnes to aced it the -tat, mint ' I the F rigineer as to the amount of void space fill, .I in nn to be time of the termination of thi, I ricileee.

The p:trcl,aier shall provide all the labor. Flank, tools an-1 ap;lliances necessary fur the purpoar, and shall keen the Ibtmp at all times at an et-on grade to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The pttrchcser shall during the work of fillina-in. and at all times nn:il the co:nple;inn thereof, take all necessary precautions and place proper guards for the prevention of accidents, and put up and maintain at night sufficient lights, and he shall indemnify and save harmless The City of New York from all damages and costs to which it nlay be put by reason of iniury to the person or tlruferty if another, resulting from negligence or earrinssnsss in the Performance of the work of guarding the same, to which the surety is also bot nd.

No hid or estimate will be considered unle;: accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of the Commissioner of Docks, or money to the antomtt of 2i per centum of the amount of the hid, which amount shall be applied in the case of the successful bidder to the first one-quarter of the amount of the filling to be deposited: 25 per centum to be paid when the first one-quarter of the filling has been completed; 25 per centum additional when one-half the filling has been completed; and the balance, 25 per centum, when three-quarters of said filling has been completed.

A surety or guarantee company, duly authorized by law to act as surety, to be approved by the Commissioner of Docks, will be required to enter

into a bond or obligation jointly and severally with the purchaser, in the sum of double the amount of the purchase price, as security for the satisfactory performance of said work, in accord-ance with the terms and conditions hereof.

CALVIN TOMKINS, Commissioner of Docks. Dated The City of New York, February 19,

1910, f23,m7

Q- See General Instructions to Bid-ders on the last page, last column, of the 61 City Record."


TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1910, Borough of Richmond.



The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is before December 15, 1910.

The amount of security required is Two Thou-sand Dollars ($2,000).

The contracts must be bid for separately, and the bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the President, a copy of which, with the proper en-velope in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the said President. The plans and draw-ings may be seen and other information obtained at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of the Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond.

GEORGE CROMWELL, President, The City of New York, February 16, 1910.

f 18,m8

t0 See General Instrnetions to Bid-ders on the last page, last column, of the 1 City Record."





SEATED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Docks at

Pier "A," foot of Battery place, in The City of New York, until 12 o'clock noon on

MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1910,



The work to be-done is to fill in with suitable material, as hereinafter described, the area behind the bulkhead wall now built, or to be built, on the Gowanus Section, between the retaining structure t,; be built on about the centre line of Twenty-eighth street and the fill now in place near the foot of Thirty-first street, from the face of the crib bulkhead now existing along the west side of Second avenue to the rip-rap proposed to

he placed in the rear of the bu'khead wall; the exact limits being shown on a map at Pier `A" entitled "Filling Privilege, Twenty-eighth to Thirty-sixth street, South Brooklyn," together with soundings and other data used in making the estimate, said map being part of this agree- nlent. It is estintaterl that within the above-de- scribed limits there exists a net void space to be filled in of about 218,000 cubic yards.

This estimate is arrived at by computing the v,i(l space within the boundary of the above described to a uniform grade from the tap of the crib bulkhead al.tng Second avenue to the top of the coping of the proposed bulkhead wall, no allowance being made for shrinkage, settlement, expansion or compression of the material or its penetration into the mud.

Bidders are warned that the Department is not b,ntnd in any way by the above estimate, and arms, satiafv th.,msc'.ves of the actual quantity i'uuisl to fill in the. • ahnve-described area by 'xamination of the prrmiscs, or such other means as thc•v may prefer, as all of the above work is to he dire at the lamp sum bid. Bidders will state in writing a 1111111) Sum price which they a''ree to I ay for the prici:eee of filling. as described above. The iii rcltacrr trill he required to place the filling in accordance with the fallowing specifications:

.All material ntu>t be dumped and filled in only in such manner. at such points and in such order of procodurc, and at such times arid seasons as mav, fr In time to time, be directed, and the work of filling or may be entirely suspended for such perils of time a; ntav he directed by the En-stineer. The p0rdroa-r shall have no claim for damage ur for any all 'ance from the purchase money un acc, wlt of such suspension of the work.

All Ilirc ,i us shall be given by the Engineer, and wherever the word "Engineer" is used in these snecifieations it refers to and desivnates the Chief Engineer of the Department of Docks and Ferries, or such officer or employee as may be designated by Itiin.

Rip-rap stJne corning directly on or against the bulkhead wall must he deposited carefully in such moaner as will u•t injure the same.

The tilline shall consist of any material satis-factory to the LnGincer, and may include ashes, earth, strict sweelonfis or clean rubbish. and not cursidereci objectionable by the Board of Health. Garbage or other perishable material will not be considered satisfactory.

The filling shall lie commenced in the rear of one of the proposed piers, as directed by the En- gineer, and carried directly outshore to the rear of the bulkhead wall, care being taken in ap-lroachirtg the wall to keep the centre of the fill well in advance of the sides; after the wall is reached the tilling shall be carried north and south along the wall and thence inshore.

The filling shall be commenced within five days after the date of the receipt of a notification from the Engineer that the work, or any part of it, is ready to be begun and the work shall proceed II) completion at a rate satisfactory to the En. gineer; but after April 1, 1910, the purchaser shall deposit not less than ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards in aiw one calendar month, and the whole am.,nnt of the filling called for to bring the above-described basin tip to grade shall be contlleted within one year from the date of the receipt of said notification. At the expiration If this 'time this agreement shall be considered

closed, unless a further extension of time shall be given by the Commissioner of Docks. If at any time during the progress of the work it shall be deemed necessary to order the suspension of the whole or any part of the filling, the time for completing said filling shall be extended as much as it may have been delayed by such suspen- sion,

In case the purchaser at any time does not proceed with the work of filling in to the satis-faction of the Commissioner of Docks, the Com-missioner may at once terminate the privilege of filling an! proceed to have the remainder of the work done by other parties, in such way and manner as lie deems proper; and any loss which may result therefrom shall be charged against the principal and his surety, and the right is also reserved by the Commissioner of Docks to ter-minate the filling-in privilege after the hereinafter specified periods, to wit: After 25 per cent. of the void space is filled in, or after 50 per cent. is filled in, or after 75 per cent, of the void space is filled in, and the amount of void space so filled in at the time of the termination of this privilege shall be estimated by the Engineer, and the pur-chaser herein agrees to accept the statement of thl• Engineer as to the amount of void space filled in up to the time of the termination of this privi-lege.

The purcha-er shall provide all the labor, plank, to Is and appliances necessary for the pur-pclse, and shall keep the dump at all times at an even grade to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The purchaser shall, during the work of filling in and at all tunes until the completion thereof. take all nccessary precautions and place proper guards for the prevention of accidents, and put till and maintain at night sufficient lights, and he shall indemnify and save harmless The City of New York from all damages and costs to which it may be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work or guarding the same, to which the surety is also bound.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of the Commissioner of Docks, or money to

the amount of twenty-five per centum of the amount of the bid, which amount shall be applied in the case of the successful bidder to the first one-quarter of the amount of the filling to be deposited; twenty-five per centum to be paid when the first one-quarter of the filling has been com-pleted, twenty-five percentum additional when one-half the filling has been completed and the balance, twenty-five percentum, when three-quarters of said filling has been completed.

A surety or guarantee company, duly author-ized by law to act as surety, to be approved by the Commissioner of Docks, will be required to enter into a bond or obligation jointly and sev-erally with the purchaser in the sum of double the amount of the purchase price as security for the satisfactory performance of said work, in ac-cordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

CALVIN TOMKINS, Commissioner. Dated The City of New York, February 19,

1910. f23,m7

ItT See General Instructions to Did-der s on the last page, last column, of the 11 City Record."



S E.Al.1•:D Itll It OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Street

('leaning at the above office until 12 o'clock m. on 0

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910,

Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

CO~TR.AC"l Ft)R FURNISHING AND DE. l.IV"ERINli 5,lln!I FEET OF 2l -INCH RUB-DER HOSE: 4,000 FEET FOR THE BOR-()'(;It (11 ll.1Nfl1TT'.1N, 1,000 FEET FOR '1.Iil,; it0Ri)U11l OF BROOKLYN.

'f lie tittle for the delivery of the articles, mate-rials and supplies and the performance of the contract is thirty 13o) working days.

The antuunt of 'ccurity required is fifty per cent. (5II C) of the amount of the bid or esti- utate.

The hiddcr trill state the price per foot by 'I Ii ch the hi Is tr ill he tested. The bids will be read front the total and the award made to the In'sest bidder.

lklivrry will be required to be made at the little and in the rrtatriter and in arch quantities as mac be directed.

Blank [ nil5 and further infornration may be , 'htaineri at the office of the Department (if 'tt'crt ( lcanirig, the Borough of Manhattan,

13 to 21 Park r,, w. \1- \l. II. E I )\V.\RDS, Commissioner.

I)alrii Match 2, 1710. m4,15

gt' See General Instructions to Bid-ders au the last page, last column, of the " City Record,"



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rtcetvcct by th Commissioner of Street

(''earring at the above office until 12 O'clock m. un

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910,

Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Brooklyn.


SE"-BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

Richmond at the above office until 12 o'clock m. on

The amount of security required is Nine Thou-l.r-t x;;, V., 3. faking tulh :(, , utbtnc sand Six Hundred Dollars ($9,600). l'enth orenne, from .\rademv 'ur e•t I , tilt

The contracts must be bid for separately. and t'• at • the bids will be compared and the contract I.i,t Inlrl. \~r. 4. I's %irr %k:ili . I i.tlt, , I;btn; awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each \\c,t (lne hundred ail Liehr.t'.1 ,11 .t, Il m contract. Broadway t„ Bitola \ i-la ;,i c nrr.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or I.i.t Int;5, N,,. . Pacing, II aa'h:tlt :u ,! estimates upon the blank form prepared by the curbing.lumel place, Ii sri l)nc Ilr,11,11( l :,1;,! President, a copy of which, with the proper en- "ixt)-seti•nth strict Oi 1:'dg,cmbc r al. velope in which to inclose the bid, together with a l.i,t Pt7. N. r,. Sider in \1r t I )nc IIt;nire t copy of the contract, including the specifications, and I-ift -.i\th .tIt(t, I,tc,ccn I iii ltIII Baer in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, 1-a.gbtl alntuc. can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the said President. The plans and draw- Borough of 'I9►e Bronx, ings may be seen and other information obtained at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of the Borough of Richmond, Borough hall, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond.

GEORGE CROMWELL, President. The City of New York, February 21, 1910.

f23,m8 d- See General Instructions to Bld-

ders on the last page, last column, of the 'I City Record.'

Borough of gne..n%.

l.i,t 'I i, N. I,5. l',Itinc runt: l ;ri;loll f.ttc- n, nt Se. md ;Irrnuc, lien I I 1-1170, ;nrnur I'ut;er avenue. Firt \\,Inl.

I.'-t lun, U. Buckle h:tn- nil Lie (a',,cly r , gtr r id the int I ,in''., „t "c'r 1n l :rue Irnr and \S ,..:,;' ;ncnruc. I i• -t 1i;lr 1.

7'h, unlit, scithiit \c hub i. i 1.r,'l', -i .1 1 the -aifl a- t'•inl;lt, uneir- b :111 1i1r .ii i.~ h ru"ru nil 6,t, i,f grr 111H, tit. it - n,l I':n', rl, If lau,l Itn:tt, , l i,-

N,, I. It rt'n ,, ni lllr liMrl: l :nil ~ntc -ise ntil .urn', : Irrm .A'.I , Inh 't ,ii-ILn,t•, 1; '.1'I teat'. ant! tn, 1lie cxtcUt ''t li:l'i I'i. hr , ,, r .1 I:1v interertillq ,t r, rt-,

N J. It th ,i.l, .f I): Ilc:,ti,,i :u:'! cihth -lien,, trn I~l , It A\ i:iuit ,, Ii n,irt L'r , ;t , lct,tc.

Ni . .t. It„ t!I '.ei ,f f,i;Ih :I,,II'i,. .\r.rdem\ ,tree, t~ llr a urn t. .I,i l t t halt the lick at the int: r, r is ,t c

N r . 4. 11, IIt .idt , 0f 1 )lit I I''In lrnl an.1 icth -Ire, t fr-nn Crr~;l ltc;l. tI:r, n l 1 1-la :1%, our, anal to tine cVt•tit ..t i; l!i :h, Ti,.. .It ii in!, t• i-rbn,q <ileel-..

V' I. :h r 0 IliIn.l f .' rl Iln n 0111nll a,l i" i~


n till. :n '„I t. , like (Si, lit , I !i. I I Iii.. .t iulir- e.u,14 ,trt-c•t,

N. 1.. I. ,tll ..t l,.r i,I I Ililt 1x u

,1 r, l I ,r x+h ~ tr,ci, 11.111 ll„ IIIrl , rtl If:, II ii'

a v. e r I II c. Sr. 7. ll „t ,i.!, ;I,i. l I! iii i,ir.1

lirn..117'. i' I,,'.11 1f ltnt II ;,i ' Ill., Ii In,! an.l ia"hn ri t! I, C.1 ,i , lc.;nrnnr, fn,m l r~r,.,,ll :n.,:rn' I I,nit,.l !I„:~1~~ t;u',I an l l'

N. S II .ill -in lc• , i I ,,r I;'

, l .. it 11;11 t lit ill 1 .11: l 1t -r

Itc-rr.,,r, ll,a. heatei:r II , 'It I,-„ .ill C1._i lair.

( Ii,' lluurltr,l 1111 Sint t 101''! -:,, .I11,

carc ,,tiu urn ttct -ill ,i Ii 1 , -Rct•r :n1:rI' firm \n,lrr,~ln ;It,t:uc t r I I'i II.r l: I ;Ili l t\-riebtb ,Ircct: I;rllirr-' , i,•' i 11' ,It, ,. ,cnur x110! I)uc- Ilo1DDB , 1 :11,,1 \tc--I':II ,tr ,.

).t N. 1_ of ll!'u'k _ ' 1~ -:h..;,-I i, ur , , so:1Ile litirt Ili, IillIi,lfi:l ;(iii Giy:c

!fill ;lice,; , 7mtieot t„ li. r \\ 'YIi. tr-I .gy,r title and Om• Ilunrlri,l ., 'I ' ;~IC-!itt!i - , ri,il'diwe..t c rn, r 1.i \1'., Irr,. :1„nit. :u..l Iii' Ilun,lre~l . ill nl Si\,t-f ,urrn -nil .1 i I I r., \.- 4-4 and 4I'_ if 116„k ';o..

.\r,. l0. 11 nth i , lc, I \\ lip ., I'l:u r,',eI, I.. crcn ld,oti, Park a., r .l' ;nil \irl .1v 'r''I .

b~i:h ,idc, If 1iisnna iNti. 11,111 1;IWIydr', :11.' 1't:i''npnrt r--ail t , A\ knit, l'I:li:i, I .:trl, and I.' ,;r, 1u;1 ; of I'l..t 2-1.

N. I I. Ea-t ~r i,' ~'i li and Gru!,',:Inl ( rnc„tn-,, IF :n I line III , I , LI'dl 11101 y', -I , '':. to t ln,' I, I sold I\\vir n'it -' I, c l. Iltc. tit,: .ii,, fr„m 1l&'( Ic'.1, li _'Ir, . t t (Ii , II drrl and Sixty-atcnth -ti. ,I.

N.. I_'. 1•ast -I,lc- i r it, , l I;• .c ('„nr_u rv, frn Itav1 u:: ~I.i I1,

t, In, Mini lr l ,iit l l'.lEtiB lh l. , I'' I (u Iiu

,I:, iI Irnl I•.ieht r-tirut 'I r. . I.

' ,. 13. B.,th ,i it; 'i i.... Ilinr ll, TIirty tifrh -tree•,. It m 1y .I.' .,„iii, t.. Ii n~ ' \'ern' n sane, ; s.irrli -i l i Fir,. . Ilur, li, 2 . I '1•1iit'ty. ixtll .ur,t, fr, nl I In i Lt :n, ion t.. .A.I,i av'en0e. Lut> N-. ) ;rind 1.1 , t Ill.'rk ?.; ,t, -• side if Napier atcunr, fl,-•n I f7ltywI :ui'l Thirty'-liflll trct•t lu 'ftin il1tr It -i anal sixth strict; eat sirlr .,f 11rran; 1 c•rn.,n ;r,I.1 11' from Tic,, Hmnirki aiiil i J r:c flt:li I., l ti., I l rr lit- ell and Thirtc-,ixlh -n,t.

\,I. I4. L.,ts N . ,i 71. _, ;.t, ,74, I - ;,. awl -- of lurk 227I I.'c:,tr, l ."n lie ti..r'h ri l „f ti inthcrn bout, cant. lni';fui;7,; it a 1"'il't .1 r ?.(1 frc-t ca-t of \V-illi, :n' nn.

Ni). 15. Putlt i lr; ..j Sc nil ;n, 1111:, it stn blushing avt nun' too l'. ,r'' r ,tt, 1 1 , :u'rl I., till ,.etrrtt of half the bbick :It the in c r,cc ink -tr, , inclunine l_ t: N, ?'o "t ',n 'iI, 'I. . 'a, '5 26. 2(n1 27, . S "; $n ;I. 32. . .-. 3a, 3; 3r, .37, ̀4. 4') . v1 ail no, , I iill ,ck oil . Lots \o. 41. 3n ,14 4!11 `n Il!„ck 41; huts Ni . 7. r. ! , J C. -7, ,2'J,,i.

, . 3' •Intl .;4, of B! ,rk tt7.

\,t. In,. Mock b„oohed by 1':Irk avenue, IL 1 , rid.-1' arenr.r, flea-lire atcuut and V' ' i-ct in our•.

All per5on~ whos,• interest, are rifirctht l v IL, abus e uamecl prnpe~i a,•es,mi nt,, and tai,;,;,' r'pt ,ouc,l to the .ant,, c , , ci'itrr of them, :Ire. 1 gtre=tcrl to r,roenl their i Liccti ms, in nritinc, the Sccrctary of the Cuarii of .\c<nr, , ltroadwav, New fork, irit nr Is firm .A;,rip =. 1910, at I1 a, m.. Zr] uhirh tins, tunl i1:n„• Ih- sai~l obiections will be heard ;,:ill testirri ni, n rcived in reference thereto.

TOS. 1'. 1 [ E\ SE SSV, \1'\I. C. ORMOND, ANTONIO C. _\*'I'.\RIT \,

Boarl of .\-n TH„atas T. 1 )RENN:AN, Srcrctarv.

No. 3'0 Itroadwav, (it ' if Nc tc V ..r k, Cr ouglt of \Ianhatlan, 1Tarch 5, 1 , 111.


list 3,I!. Ni,. i. Sitter in ctn1si, ic aNcntn. s:mth side, htdaeen (rc<t"Il :rims& :ul't bran.] Ituuievard and (uncour'e, :roil in Bran l Ii,ittic-tard and Cunroursc, wc,t ,i,f., front .l'iuut Iii , lk place to East One Hundicil and f•:iihtieth strcvi.

List 3i, No. i, Scucr in Re',, rt~iir lac,. from Gun Hill road ti Rcscrr~'ir ttsal, and ill Rc er'uir (h'al, from Rc,crcir lire ti lit, summit southof ll~~lt tilaec.

I,ist 40; Nc, it Semi in .Au,ic•r-~m rvirni', hc•turcn One Hundred an'l 'i:ytc-tc,utth all ,l Shakespeare arcnut'.

l.irt 4117, N. i11. him tl'''r air ra.rl in \\hit ,- I'laitl road, ht tucen AI , ~rri, I';uI. :n, iii or an, l Neil avenue.

List a't;, .A.,i. I I .Se tter in Ilic I ran,l coil auil Umc„tine. ,,ot -i-i,, hrt.t„ n I ln, fuiiili7•if and 8rxt5 i\th 'tit.I I'ol Iter liwnir'l and "ixtt--,'ccitlll shirt, ,nil in Iitanpl lard aril (',inc„nr:r, ttr-t idt. tr-~nl ;i in about 'Sit felt ',nttb of Alrl lt'llan 'trot t,~ ~1•:a-t ()ut, lfurdrcll oral Rixtt --' ,,'11111

Li't :')II. No. I_'. t"ctccr in l;ii ilillcarl and Conc„nr~c, Ia,t si,i,, bc;ccr,n Cull ,Ir,c , and Ea,t Unc 1[unTee l :ui,l I: ,litc-fir., -iii'. and in !;rand Bouiev:w1 an, (,one„ur-r, ii'-' ride, iirhsmn 1.a,t Ili,- 11o0 , ird at!~l I'.iLatir;ll beet Anil f:a,t Onc Munich ,:no I:i tilt tie-''

-trot. l.irt ',a'). N. 13. 5, urr in Fa-I 1'.t

drop and iii rte 1iitn ,tact, bcctnn hrcr all our an,i \hoot \'erv'm :I .nn'.

I.i.t 'is;. V.. 14. fnr,lirb,ir, ...I,.., ....I licrtr-rial f-xr enC,7ig a rich] l,,':rr,l i, n,,. '.n tl,,• 1,,1111 rile ,,f t!Ir t'uniti,rh h'.nl,val.l ierCiniirC. :IL.,,it

s'i f,, l cat of \V'i11i- n'. c nT o :II , c v, a.III iii, lit 14x1 feet caslcrl',.


The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- that the books called "The Annual Record of the terial., and sttpplic•s and the performance of the Assessed Valuation of Real and Personal Estate contract i5 by or before July 1. 1910, of the Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx,

'l'ire amount if security require] is fifty per Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond," comprising cent. (50';,) of the amount of the bid or esti- The City of New York, will be open for public mate. inspection, examination and correction on the

The bidder will state the price of each item or second Monday of January, and will remain open article contained in the specifications or schedules to and including herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, by THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1910, schich the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made anal footed up, as the bids will be During the time that the books are open for read from the total and awards made to the public inspection, application may be made by lowest biider. any person or corporation claiming to be ag-

Deliv'ery will be required to be made at the grieved by the assessed valuation of real or per-time and in the manner and in such quantities sonal estate to have the same corrected. as may be directed. In the Borough of Manhattan, at the main

Plank forms and further information may be office of the Department of Taxes and Assess-olriaint 7I at the otTice of the Department of Street ments, No, 31 Chambers street, Hall of Records. Cleaning, the Buruugh of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to In the Borough of The Bronx, at the office of 21 Park row. the Department, Municipal Building, One Hun-

\\M. II. EDWARDS, Commissioner. dred and Seventy-seventh street and Third ave- Dated February 28, 1910. title.

m1,1S In fire Borough of Brooklyn, at the office of

;f - See General Instructions to Bid- the Department, Municipal Building.

Mere on the last page, last column, of In the Borough of Queens, at the office of the

the " City Record." Department, Hackett Building, Jackson avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City,

In the Borough of Richmond, at the office of

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. the Department, Borough Hall, St. George, Staten Island.

Applications for the reduction of real estate OFFICE OF TILE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF assessments must be in writing and should be

RICHMOND, BOROUGH HALL, ST. GEORGE, NEW upon blanks furnished by the Department. BRIGHTON, NEW YORK CITY. Applications for the correction of the personal S EALEI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE as-essmeitt of corporations must be filed at the

received by the President of the Borough of main office in the Borough of Manhattan. Richmond at the above office until 12 o'clock noon Applications in relation to the assessed valua• un tion of personal estate must be made by the per-

TCESDAY. MARCH 8, 1910, son assessed at the office of the Department in

Borough of Richmond. the Borough where such person resides, and in case of a non-resident carrying on business in

No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR The City of New York at the office of the De-1N1) MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FUR- partment in the Borough where such place of NISHING AND DELIVERING TWELVE business is located, between the hours of 10 a. m, TIIOUS.\ND (12.000) TONS OF BROKEN and 2 p. m., except on Saturday, when all appli- STONE AND SCREENINGS OF TRAP ROCK cations must be made between 10 a. m. and OR STATEN ISLAND SYENITE IN STONE 12 noon. DISTRICT NO. I. I.AWSON PURDY, President:

The time for the completion of the work and TAMES H. TULLY, the full performance of the contract is July 30, CHARLES PUTZEL, 1910. HUGH HASTINGS,

The amount of security required is Eight Thou- CHARLES J. McCORMACK, and Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500). JOHN J. HALLERAN,


The time for the completion of the work and p I- BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the full performance of the contract is July 30, the owner or owners of all houses and lots, 1910. improved or unimproved lands affected thereby,

The amount of security required is Eight Thou- that the follorsing proposed assessments have sand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500). been completed and are lodged in the office of

No. 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR the Board of Assessors for examination by all AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FUR- persons interested, viz.: NISHING AND DELIVERING TWELVE

Borough of Manhattan. THOUSAND (12.000) TONS OF BROKEN STONE AND SCREENINGS OF TRAP ROCK Lit 783, No. 1. Regulating, grading, curbing OR STATEN ISLAND SYENITE IN STONE and flagging \Vest One Hundred and Sixty-see- DISTRICT NO. 3. entp street, from Audubon avenue to Broadway.

The time for the completion of the work and List 1089, No. 2. Sewer in West One Hutt- the full performance of the contract is July 30, dred and Sixty-eighth, street, between Fort Wash- 1910. ! ington avenue and Broadway,

The x.trk of construction shall begin at tie factory on the day the contract i; appr.,ved hr the C'mptruller of The City of Ni iv York anJ shall he etttirclr cctnepheteu in une hetm!te'1 fifty ll?U) wrkin di}, a= utvifel iu contract.

The amount of scetnity required is 'Ihrcc Thousand Dollar, ($3,000.

The bids will he compared and the contract will be awarded in a hump sum to the lowest bidder,

Blank forms, plans and specificati ins may lie obtained or seen at the office of the Superintend-ent, at Estimating Room, ninth 11or, hall of the Board of Education, Park avenue 3111 I ifty-nint!t street, Borough of Manhattan, anal also at Branch office. No. 131 Livingston beet, Borough of Brooklyn.

C. B. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of Schnul Buildings.

Dated March 2, 1910. m2.14

g<' See General Imrtrnetion, to Ilid-derx on tale last page, last column, of the ” ('it - Record,"



F.IL1:]) flits OR FSTI MATES 11'I1.!- Rh-; received by the 1'rcsiding Justice of the

1ppellate Dici=t,nt of the Supreme Gina t in t!Ie hir:t Department, at tile Court llnoSc. l. a S. I square, on

No. 1060. East Eighteenth street, from New-kirk to Foster avenue.

No. 1063. Eightieth street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues.

No. 1106. Alabama avenue, from Pitkin to Belmont avenue, and from Sutter to Riverdale avenue.

No. 1109. Avenue S, between street and Ocean avenue.

No. 1114. East Nineteenth Voorhies and Emmons avenues.

No. 1115. East Twenty-first Church and Caton avenues.

No. 1118. East Thirty-fourth Glenwood road and Avenue H.

No. 1120. Fennimore street, and Nostrand avenues.

No. 1121. Fourteenth avenue, from a point 170 feet north of Bath avenue to Eighty-sixth street.

No, 1123. Henry street, from Ocean parkway to East Eighth street.

No. 1124. Forty-second street, between Seventh and New Utrecht avenues.

No. 1126. Forty-fifth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues.

No. 1128. Fifty-first street, from Second ave-ttue to a point 425 feet west of First avenue.

No. 1130, Hopkinson avenue, from end of the present improvement to Atlantic avenue.

No. 1132. Martense street, between Bedford and Rogers avenues.

No, 1134. President street, between Utica and Buffalo avenues.

No. 1135. Park place, between Buffalo and Ralph avenues.

No. 1136. Park place, between Eastern park-way extension and Ralph avenue.

So. 1137, Seventy-second street, between Four-teenth and Sixteenth avenues.

No. 1144. Farragut road, between Flatbush avenue and East Twenty-second street.

No. 1145. Fifty-second street, from Second avenue to a point 420 feet west of First avenue.

No. I150. Hart street, between Irving and Wyckoff avenues and St. Nicholas avenue, thence to the Borough line.

No. II52. Prospect street, between Church and Tilden avenues.

No. 1154. Belmont avenue, from Van Sicklen avenue to Warwick street.

No. 1156. Forrest street, between Central and Flushing avenues.

No. 1157. Mermaid avenue, trom West Nine-teenth street to West Thirty-seventh street.

No. 1164. East Eleventh street (Stratford road), between Cortelyou and Dorchester roads.

No. 1166. Flatbush avenue as extended, from Nassau avenue to Fulton street.

No. 1168. Fifty-fifth street, between Seventh and Eleventh avenues.

No. 1232. East Seventh street, between Ave-nues C and E.

East Eighteenth

street, between

street, between

street, between

between Rogers

PUBLIC NOIlCE Iti HEREBY GIVEN TO alt persons claiming to have been injured by

a change of grade in the regulating and grading Af the Eo1Iuwmg-sauicd streets to present their

` laims, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board o f Assessors, Nu. 320 Broadway, Oil or before March 9, 1910, at 11 o'clock a. m., at which place and time the said Board of Assessors will re• ceive evidence and testimony of the nature and extent of such injury. Claimants are requested to maka their claims for damages upon the blank form prepared by the Board of Assessors, copies of which may be obtained upon application at the above office:

Borough of Manhattan.

No. 1008. One hundred and Sixtieth street, from Proadwav ti Riverside drive.

No. 1056. Sherman avenue, from Broadway to Tenth avenue.

Borough of The Bronx.

Nu. 1177. Broadway, from Spuyten Duyvil Creek at 4Vest Two Hundred and Thirtieth street to the northerly line of The City of New York.

No. 1176. Barry street, from Longwood ave-nue to Tiffany street.

No. 1178. Kossuth place. from Mosholu park-way to DeKalb avenue.

No. 1179. Morris avenue, from Field place to Fordham road,

No. 1181. One hundred and Sixty-eighth ,treet, between Shakespeare and Boscobel ave-nues,

No. 1182, One Hundred and Seventieth street, East, between Aqueduct avenue and Wythe avenue, except that section between Jerome and Cromwell avenues.

No, 1183. One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. between Sedgwick and Aqueduct avenues.

No. 1185. St. Marys street, from Robbins avenue to the Southern boulevard.

No. 1199. Mohegan avenue, from East One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street to East One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street.

No. 1202, One Hundred and Seventy-fifth greet, from Grand Boulevard and Concourse to -., thony avenue.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners of all houses and lots,

improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following proposed assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.:

Borough of Manhattan.

List 9788, No. 1. Reregulating, regrading, curbing, flagging and building retaining wall on West One Hundred and Fifty-second street, be-tween Broadway and Riverside drive, together with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade.

List 863. No. 2.Reregulating, regrading, re• curbing and reflagging West One Hundred and Forty-sixth street, from a point 234.08 feet west of Broadway to the easterly side of Riverside drive, together with a list of awards for dam-ages caused by a change of grade.

List 1086, No. 3. Paving with asphalt blocks and curbing West One Hundred and Nineteenth street from Amsterdam avenue to Morningside avenue.

List 1088, No. 4. Paving with asphalt blocks and curbing West One Hundred and Sixty-sev-enth street, from Broadway to Amsterdam ave-nue.

List 1090, No. 5. Paving with asphalt blocks and curbing the new avenue west of Fort Wash-ington avenue (Pinehurst avenue), from One Hundred and Severity-seventh street to One Hun-dred and Eighty-first street.

List 1091, No, 6. Sewer in Third avenue, west side, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets,

List 1104, No. 7. Paving with asphalt blocks and curbing One Hundred and Seventieth street, from Broadway to Fort Washington ave-nue.

Borough of The Bronx.

Lift 355, No. S. Sewer in Westchester ave-nue, between Whitlock avenue and West Farms road,

List 594, No. 9. Sewer and appurtenances in Mosholu Parkway North, between Perry avenue and Jerome avenue.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners of all houses and lots,

improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the follow rig proposed assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all ptr-s,ns interested, it :

No. 1203. 1'alentine avenue, from East One Hundred and Ninety-fourth street to East Two Hundred and Fourth street.

N,l. 1204. \Vest street, from Honeywell aye- tulle to Crotona parkway.

No. 1213. Faile street, from Aldus avenue (street) to Garrison avenue.

No. 1216, Whittier street, from Seneca ave• nue to Ludlow avenue. .No. 1222. Macombs road, from Featherbed

lane to Aqueduct avenue. Ni. 1224. Perry avenue, between Mosholu

Parkway North and Woodlawn road. No, 1225. Public place at the intersection of

Westchester and Tremont avenues.

Borough of Brooklyn.

Borough of Queens.

List 901, No- 10. Regulating, grading, curb-ing, flagging and laying bridge5tones on Eleventh avenue, front Flushing avenue to Potter avenue, First Ward.

List 1082, No, Il. Temporary receiving basin on the westerly side of Wilson avenue, about 15 feet north of the Long Island Railroad tracks, FFlushing, Third Ward.

List 1077, No. 12. Sewer in Emma street, from William street to Nurge street, and a tem-porary sewer from Nurge street to Flushing ave-nue, Second Ward.

List 1096, No. 13. Basin at the southeast cor-ner of Sanford and Hamilton streets, First Ward.

Borough of Brooklyn.

Li,t 9934, No. 1. Regulating, grading, curbing and flagging Park place, between Rochester ant L'ntfalo avenues, together with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade.

List 342, No. 2. Regulating, grading, paving, curbing and flagging Ninety-third street, between •third arid Fourth avenues.

List 417, No. 3. Regulating, grading, curbing and flagging Beverley road, between Bedford and

Rogers avenues. lit 939, No. 4. Paving with asphalt Foster

avenue, between East Fourteenth aid East Seven-tecrnh streets, excepting that portion occupied by the bridge over the Brighton Beach Railroad.

List 969, No. 5. Paving wuh asphalt Avenue I), between East 'Twenty eigluh and East Twenty- ninth streets.

List 972, No. 6. Paving with asphalt East 'twenty-eighth street, betweut Clarendon road and Newkirk avenue.

List 979, No. 7. Paving with asphalt Sixty-fir,t street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues.

List 1039; No. 8. Basins at the northwest and southwest corners of Nostrand and Church aye- lilies.

)ter L i st 1040,

Nostrand nd avenue at the southwest

street. eor•

List 1061, No. 10. Paving with asphalt East Thirty first street, between Newkirk avenue and Clarendon road.

List 1062, No. 11. Paving with asphalt East Thirty-second street, between Canarsie lane and (larendon road,

List 1067, No. 1°. Paving with asphalt Ilinck-ley place, between Gilley Island avenue and East Eleventh street.

'The e liutits within wich it is proposed to lay the ',aid assessments include all the several houses and Its of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of

Lind situated on-- N . 1. Both 41 t. of Park plac', from Roches-

tcr avenue to I1ufoltl avenue, and to the extent t,f half the block at the intersecting streets.

Nu. 2. Both silks of Ninety-third street, from "third avenue to Fourth atnue, and to the extent ttf half the block at the intersecting streets.

No, 3. Both sides of Beverley road, from Bed-f , rd avenue to Rogers avenue, and to the extent ,,f half the block at the intersecting street<, iu-clttding Lot No. r,4 of Block 5169.

No. 4. Both si,les of Foster art line, from East I urtceuth street to East SecentecntIi street, and I„ the extant of half the block at the intersecting tnrl5, including l.'ds \C,,. Il. and 1IS of Iauck

S_'..7. N. 5. Iloth sides of :Avenue I), from East

'1tI1lRcveighth sir ,;t, to East'Iwcnly-ninth street, _Intl to the ext,rut of half Ilse lil,ick at the inter--, cling streets.

N,,. t.. lt, th the If East '1'wcntr-eighth street, (rnt ( larch l u toad Itt .\rtrkirk :moue, an,l to the evtent , , I half the blwk at the intl-r,ccting acts. Nt', 7. llth tiilcs of Sixty-fr<t steed, from

if!lI acrnue to Sixth avenue, an l to the extent ,,f half ;he black at the intersecting s,rect>.

V- ,. i. Weill sidt-s of ('hutch accrue, between \,,,Irantl :tnd Rogers acenucs; north side of I(rasmu5 stre,I, bet txtell Rog,rs and Nostrand :n'ett.les; Lot N. 43 of Block 5Uyt, and lots (rontiuf; nn strip of land known as lot No. 28, Block 5IUS, wt' t <i de of Nostran I avenue, be-Itceeu llarteuse 'beet and F'rasinuus street.

N. (t. \Vr.t side of Nostrand arcrmc, between I ark, ii avenue anti Rubinson street. anti south ,:.IV of R„bit'son steed, bettvecn R,tgers and .V"-tr:1ut! ac nuts.

\,. lo. 1',•th ,i.l<; of b::lst Thirty-first sor'et, fr,tn ('Iarrutl„n mail to Neikirk aithue, uud to till, xt- tit t h:t!i thi- b;iwk at the iutersccting

reefs. No, 11. flu(h i, !,s of Fast Tbirty-second

,IIvc% luau t'omti't,• lane to ('larcndon r oa,l, and ,, IIi cxlrut if half the block at the inter~crting

sleet\. N. I-'. Ruth sides of hiticktey place, from

1 mly Idanr! airline to Fast Eleventh street, and t,o the cxtcnt of half the block at the iuterseeting .tr, ct:.

\II per,,,us olit e inlemsts are affected by the ahnve• n:unel proposed as,rssments, and who are .-1p.1scl to ti-e saner, or either of them, are re-lur~te'l to t'rc~euI their obccliun, ill writing, to the S(crttary of the Board of .A,ses,urs, No. 320 cr6mtesnv. New York, nn or before April 5, I'110, at 11 a. m., at which time and place the -ai,l oliiection; will he heard and testimony re-ct-ict,l in rl ft-n ttce thereto.


Board of Assessors, 'I tt,,+(ns J. I )RrN N w, Secretary.

Nu, 320 ltr,a,ka_v, ('ity of New York, Boe-.,iglt ,If \Ianllattall, 1L-trch 3, 1)1(1.

m3, l4

Borough of Richmond.

List 678, No. 14. Regulating, macadamizing, curbing, laying cement sidewalks and brick gutters in Wooley avenue, from Indiana avenue to Watchogue road; New York avenue, from Manor road to a point about 816 feet westerly; Dickie avenue, from Waters avenue to Columbus place; in Livermore avenue, from Indiana avenue to Lathrop avenue; Maine avenue, from Willard avenue to Wooley avenue; Springfield avenue, from Willard avenue to Bidwell avenue; Garrison avenue, from Neal Dow avenue to Wooley ave-nue; Dickie avenue, from Indiana avenue to Lathrop avenue; Bidwell avenue, from Indiana avenue to Watchogue road; Demorest avenue, from Lathrop avenue to Watchogue road; New York place, from Maine avenue to New York avenue; Leonard avenue, from Bidwell avenue to Livermore avenue; Lathrop avenue, from Bid-well avenue to Livermore avenue; Livermore ave-nue, from Lathrop avenue to Watchogue road; Dickie avenue, from Lathrop avenue to Waters avenue; College avenue, from Manor road to second proposed street.

The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and par-eels of land situated on—

No. 1. Both sides of One Hundred and Fifty-second street, from Broadway to Riverside drive, and to the extent of half the block at the inter-secting streets.

No. 2. Both sides of One Hundred and Forty-sixth street, from Broadway to Riverside drive, and to the extent of half the block at the inter-secting streets.

No. 3. Both sides of One Hundred and Nine-teenth street, from Amsterdam avenue to Morn-ingside avenue tvest, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 4. Both sides of One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street, from Broadway to Amsterdam avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 5. Both sides of the new avenue west of Fort Washington avenue (Ilineliurst avenue), from One hundred and Seventy-seventh street to One Hundred and Eighty-first street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

Nu. 6. (Vest side of Third avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.

No. 7, Both sides of One Hundred and Sev-entieth street, from Broadway to Fort Washington avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets, including Lot No. 168 of Block 2138.

No. 8, Both sides of Westchester avenue, from Bryant avenue to home trcet; both sides of Longfellow avenue, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road; both sides of Westchester ave-nue, front Hoe avenue to Bryant avenue, and both sides of One Ilundred and Sixty-seventh street, from West Farms road to Longfellow avenue.

Rio. 9. Both sides of Mosholu parkway, from Perry avenue to Jerome avenue: both sides of Bainbridge avenue, Two Hundred and Sixth street and Van Cortlandt avenue, from Mosholu parkway north to W„odlawn road; both sides of Steuben avenue, from Mosholn parkway north to Gunhill road: both sides of Rochambeau avenue, from Bainbridge avenue to Gurnbill road; both sides of Two IIunilred and Eighth street, from Woodlawn road to DeKalb avenue; both sides of Kossuth place, from East Two Hundred and Eighth street to DeKalb avenue; both sides of DeKalb ave• flue, from Kossuth place to Gunhill road; both sides of Two Hundred and Tenth street, from Woodlawn road to Kossuth place; both sides of Gunhill road, from Woodlawn road to DeKalb avenue.

No. 10. Both sides of Eleventh avenue, from Flushing avenue to Potter avenue, and to the extent of one-half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 11. West side of Wilson avenue, between Amity street and Long Island Railroad tracks.

No. 12. Both sides of Emma street, from Flushing avenue to William street, including Lots Nos. 54, 27/ and 121 of Block 20; also Lots Nos. 40 and 41 of Block 20.

No. 13. South side of Hamilton street, from Graham avenue to Sanford street.

No. 14, Both sides of Demarest avenue, from Watchogue road to Lathrop avenue; both sides of Bidwell avenue and Wooley avenue, from Watchogue road to Indiana avenue; both sides of Livermore avenue and Dickie avenue, from Lathrop avenue to Indiana avenue; both sides of Maine avenue, from Wooley avenue to Willard avenue; both sides of Garrison avenue, from Wooley avenue to Neal Dow avenue; both sides of Springfield avenue, from Bidwell avenue to Willard avenue; both sides of New York place, from Maine avenue to New York avenue, and both sides of New York avenue, from Manor road to a point about 360 feet west of Colorado street; both sides of Dickie avenue, from Waters avenue to Columbus place, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are re-quested to present their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, No. 320 Broadway, New York, on or before March 29, 1910, at 11 a. m., at which time and place the said objections will be heard and testimony received in reference thereto.


Board of Assessors. THOMAS J. DRENNAN, Secretary.

No. 320 Broadway, City of New Work, Bor-ough of Manhattan, February 24, 1910.




SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School

Buildings at the above office of the Department of Education until 4 o'clock p. m, on

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1910. Borough of Brooklyn.


WEDNESDAY, MARC11 1(i, 19111,

until 12 o'clock at noon I'C)R FLRNISIIIN(i AND DE[-]1I:RI\G 7'tl

T)IE -\1'\'FLL.\'l'E 1)111SIO\ UP '1'lIE Sl-l'RE\l 1, ((JVRT, IN "1 III, FIRS t' Il1iP.K f- -1IENT, \.I) IlIE il'!'RE11l: fOLki IN 7'JIE FIRST Ji'DI(I:11, 1)ISTRICI', L'UOKS, tt]':1hlOM?RV :1\D t)I'IIER :1R"11CL1:e 1<i-:. (WIRED FoR '1111: 5.111) AI'1'l;L1-:1TE 1)111S1t)N OF '1'!IE SL'1'Rl:ME CvhRI' IN Thi,, FIRST Dh:PNlzT.\Ir.`T AND TILE SF- I'kE11E CUCR1' IN THIE FIRS"I' JUllICi.AE DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 1910.

The tittle for the delivery of the b,)nks, s:a- tiuncry and other articles, as ordered by the I'rc)iding Justice of the appellate Diyishin, I, till or before December 31, 1910.

The amutn:t of security required is fifty per cent. (50',c) of the amount of the bid or c-ti mate.

The bidder will state the price of each article specified in the Slice heat ion or schedule con- tained in the contract, the total stint to be pail for each separate class to be extended, so that

the total amount paid under the cuniraet can ascertained, upon which total amount the a -va.,I ut the contract will be made.

The right is reserved to reject any ai,l ad bids if, in the opinion of the lre-iltieg Ju,ti' of the :Appellatc 1)itisi,at i,f the Supreme Moore in the First lh•partment, tlie saint- shall be f ,r the henetit of the City.

The delivery of the bo„ks, statii , nlry an i other articles will he required to be made at ttinte and in the manner and in such Viloneirir. as utay be directed by the I•mliiIins luiSice (-I tic :Aptse;late Division of the Suprclne ('curt is the l ir,t 1)cpartment.

Blank forms of the contract and speciticat: it, therein contained may lie ubtaine,l at the Ilii, of the librarian of the appellate Itn- i;t •, I the Supreme Court in the l irst 1)cpartmcnt, at the Court house, hladi,ua square, City and County of New York.

The person or persuns making an e-lintatr shall furnish the sauire in a s-alt-ti enrr;,e in l, t-.,e~l tsith the title given above, ,f the suplL,', f,,r uhi~'lt the estimate is made, \%it!, hi; o; their name or names, and the date It pre,enta-li' ,n, tI, the l're'iding Ju-tice of the .Aptellate h;Xu;ioui ,-f the Supreme I curt in Ilse Fir-t llc partnteut, at the Court Il,,usr, AIali, n ,year,-, on or before the date ant-! hour :h,,ye 1011115 I, which time and place the estimates rcceitcii wi!i be publicly upcucll by the said Presiding fu-. tike ant[ read, and the award IIf the e n!ra made according to law as suou thcre ill tl: a, practicable.

Samples will be on exhihition at the (,(lice the Librarian of the .;,r-late Ilit:vein ,1 th,, Supreme Court, at the Court IL tr-r. 114 li' li gtta,. City and County of Very 1'.nk_ the bids are opened.

GEO. L. I N (;R:1II:1 \I, Presiding Justice of the Supreme ("'.t,',

First Department. toI,l6

g', See General Instructlnn.r to 11id-derA on the last isa e, last c•olumo, of the " City Record.”


I Br' 1 11•: l'.l R 1 \I L N I.

Borough of Queens. No. 1048. Eighteenth avenue, from Flushing

avenue to Wilson avenue, First Ward. No. 1050. Seventeenth avenue, from Jackson

avenue to blushing avenue, First Ward. No. 105). 'Tenth avenue (Steinway avenue),

from Winthrop avenue to Riker avenue, Firs, 1Vard.

No. 105.2. Truth street, front Jackson avenue to Van Alst avenue.

N. 1053. Vandeventer avenue, from Stein-5505' avenue to Old Bowery Bay road.

No. 1054. Fleet street, from Washington aye-tulle, to '1'wombly place, Fourth Ward.

No. 1072. New York avenue, from South street to village line, Jamaica, Fourth Ward.

No. 1073. Twelfth avenue, front Broadway to Newtown avenue, First Ward.

No. 1211. Harris avenue, from Jackson to flouter avenue, and from the Crescent to Vernon avenue, First Ward.

Borough of Richmond.

No. 1189. Hatfield place, from Richmond ave-nue to Nicholas avenue.


Board of Assessors. THOMAS J. DRENNAN, Secretary. No. 320 Broadway, City of New York, Bor-

ough of Manhattan, February 24, 1910. f24,m7

I ❑ the, ill:Rltl r If the al IlLti Iu III Iii; ft. i New l,irk, It-i,iticc t aeyuil-inu tille, uh,:rtrr tit;; ,amc La; not bleu tie altnr, I f , l-the ,amp t ,url ,,~•e ill fcc, to Ihr haul-, tcur luc•rt!S and hereditament, ree1utn1 f ,, r the i,pen- lint cad extending it the t'3.A.1\l1•'1) _t I l h.:l' exten~!iug f."nt .Atnstcr,:un avcuur. at \\S-t On„ llunlrcd: and Sixty-fifth street. I) _Autolntii acnue, and ak,, of the 11 itt.11 -1':1R1 b„ttude'l hi- the said lliiii,illttI '.11 t . West I)nc Iltntdred awl Sixty-tifthi ,iri,t :n:~! :1tt~lubn ac-nuc, in the 'l ttrlfth 11:u,!, IS' r uu-•h „f )thnhattall, liiv 1'f Ntw A'--rk.

N ()F1( h-', IS 111.41111- (;11'11\ 1- IL\T l:l .\\ Miler it the Sul,rcnte (rurt of :h,- ,4lat,-

f New Lurk, bearing ,late the 2;tth dot f hrh- ruart•, 19111, and thus cllteled and filch in the ,iIlicc of the Clerk of the County of New V11rk it the 15t dav of March, 1910, Jame, W. Ilyde.

Donald 11cLean and George W. Sonp'on, 1:, 1 ., were ap;touted Commissioners of 1stimat e is Itie ab.,ve-entitled proceeding, arid that in and he th--said order .lames VS. llyde, F;-q., was alip ,int.:I the Commissioner of :\=,csament.

Notice is further given that, porsnant t I tilc statute in such case made and prori l -n, ell -s•tid tames W. Ilyde, Donald \lcLean an-1 George W. Simpc n, E,qs., Will atteu,l to a Special Tenn of said Court, ti be hell at Part II. thereof, at the County Court Hous 1:1 the Bor', ugh of Manhattan, C itv of 3', etc 1 ,rk. i,n the 14th day of Jharch, 1110, at the oli-rnine if the Court on that day, for the purpose of beI;iC examined tinder oath by the Corporation C,~unscl. or any person having any interest in said I'rn-ceeding, as to tlicir qualifications t) act as so h Commissioners in the said proceeding,

Dated New Pork, March 3, 1910. ARCIIIBALD R, WATSON.

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, Borough ,,f ILanlua[tail, (ilt'

of New York. m4,14

(n 'l i mailer if the application if The City of \r n- 't ik rclati%e I acyniriug title, tchc•rrccr 11„ -:one ha, ncrt 11(1-u herelof rr aequired for Ili(, game purtt in fee, t,> the Ituld-, tene- mrllt, :old hcredilament, required for lht' erg Out and extending of 10EI' ONE hlUNI)REl) .\NI) SG\'I{N -I'1"-FOl•RTII -TRF.FT. from :11tueJttct arenne I l"uderclif avenue; WEST 11\F; 111'NIIRI-1) :\\1) SL\•ENTV-FIF"!'tf t'hkFF:'I'. from :\Itueduct avenue to I"urlerclitT a+c'nur; 11'I'.S"f (INh: IfUNT)RF:I) .\N1) :;I':\"E\T\'-SlXTff STREE"I', 'from .\queduct .lemur t„ Se l>;tcick avenue; AfONvi(t)1F.R1

\V - I•:.AI'1?, floolit \\t1t One hundred and

W l. f iii; I"Nill•:l'I1I\I:I) l'll\I\III.SIO\- f I. t ui i ;tn,l .\~-c„mrnt in the

Wc, , still, h :Palle. ht relic ttic, n(,ticc• to all Il l., n, Intel t -led In lrnv iu'occedi g, and to the unnrr Ii , +ncr", aecillaitt or ueciipafMs of

ll l,c, ;u , l I,, I ;,u l iiii ]11,lvii nu,l nitint-

1,n tr-1 late-1, ;-ilea] thcrchr, aml to all u li lil it m;tc c :Icon, to wit:

I or--t - I h;,t a r Ic,cc cilmlik'lcil our snllt , le- Iv,-nl:,l :,ml awefie]'o] "Bloats if flit, itaflc]il :hill Ih:u All pr I>nll , interested it this l'r „rcr ln;L „I- :II ;tilt , If llle l;uld . tc•flrntciil,

l I.rli licnurl,I - :rill 111III se, alfrctr, l there]) u! Il:nlu ,b;ccln ilinclii, Ilu present their

-ul lee iii-, iii 1. Itinp, ,holy vcriliell, to u, ,n• „ Ifice_ A . "I' and e_ A1r;t Inc , loar

n tic tii. ••f Iluufc,tlau. in Ihr (itc of

V'rte 1 , irk. 11iy I, 1Irc lilt ";ih Ilac if ,l larch. III • :luil that +tc. Ih, .:ti~l l lmtilI l Pees, +\ill hoar L:olic', ., 1 I ii-I, nn , l fir Illat 1,1111 s' I' ill b, in :In, n , l:loI i,nr ,:I CI Ifir iii u the

nth .1.0 ..f Alalrll- I'Ilil, ;tt 4 luck . M. -,. Id -That for ;1Ircbit:[ it niir ti,l r,ll -

nlar ..I :r-.r-. mclll, tOi;ctitcr uith out- Ill; iI-.:lio I :Il.v all ill, a[IiIl:oil c-tim:]r;, 1s000 , f-i

.in , l I,tl cr olotnulint- IT,( Lc u, ill mal,in,t the ,,nn, , r,1 Ili flit- Der, au it

~!rrrt ill,-nine- in Ill Late I)rieatintcnt of 'I -he•1 II \r+: 1 nt' k. A,,; 'III ;lllil 'I 1\ r.t Ilr„all- ,t:,,. nJ IIll- Ili II II -t Ahill]:ilgtn, in rail] ('itV.

here I Irntain until rll(- 4th Ira)' of .lI~ril, 1')1o_ hit t IIrtt ;lie ilnlils of our a:,, s mint I'lr

lot l t l f ;uriu, lr ail Ii:r Lnnl., kelcnlen] and I:, rrllitn lie, :Irnl I n nits; situate, lying anll I, iuc ; , flit- l: n n it of h;Iilha]tan, ill The I !I', 1 \r. \"url ,'.Biel], t;kill t ig ill, r, are

lrin~lr'i :niol etc,oiir,l :I: full-ms, viz.: lip alnun at lhr 1, -pint 01 intrr~crtlOil of ill,,

llPlIhI)i l, l lilt. if tilt Il:lrlrnt Itivc•r +sitlt a jilt• baui lrar;rll<I t l] Ili,tant

NO tc,: 11,rlhr:r0-

u Ih. n 'I 1k lint- of 1\e,t 71c,1

llolII, II(,l ;wcl S1ytuIllit strr,t, rilulling tin•occ uo,rlil,t,.tetly alrIi -nil palal]'t Bile anal ih n r th,+c -0 rlc t ,r 1, ll al il to it: iuter.. tiu +cilh :I III,, 11011 II Jill;]] l t„ au'i cliiant run ti - it

ccIIt 11„I11 Cllr n„rlh>tc,lu'lc line of I:r er Ic+at: turn c •, ulllur terry along sold p:ual-h l ;r>ic I.. it. tilt, r>cr;i. n tutu :t hoe draft- i Iual- I, uil litul: lull fret ,,,uthtcc reel}' tram

ii utiler•t, rl) line If 1\t ,t 'ftc,l 11unlrrt'r anll

I Ill,' n'it surer: thcnic uurthnc Teel] along ,cu all, I line awl I:, nrthtt cstrrlc prulongaliun 1 i

• ull, I i ll-Oi a iril the iiti LIiusl line of the f lar- i,nl Kltrr; th.1021- n•~rtiieastcrly along still hulk-Li iiili ,r to it- intrrtcli nl ++ alt the n~n't'tts,,trrl}

r 4l lie It n if the uirIhie' ]lilt of the ,hicks he- t,ti II A\ ,-I I•t Iluu~lirll and \iucternth Streit lid \\' "t I t' i fLoidl,-~l an,l ft+n;icth >trrrt;

ill urn _ )III). a-Ic rl+ LI II s;li,l I'rul„n"atiuu arc!

rIrn.s-LI lure' ;ifl,I i!: I!I:,;,-1, 11.% Iuel"n~atr~n t„

nt i, ll a ith the Lttlkhr:n1 ling of Ihr

u h n; I(it, i; time, n;hc111 al,lnt; ,ail] bu:k

nl I;n, l tic' !",i:;l I : I,lair ,It ht :;inning litii ~Ilnt. I1n-+iletI tilrl lie ❑n ,hjrclitIll•

.:rIl :t6.tra1- l. or 111101 rt-hurl ]recut null II Ill l 1111 L-i- r iltirmation Ill Illy Supreme

Int If the t-'tatr , f Nett AInk, l-irst I)rtlart nll lie. ;II it 'IOl'ial I c rte ]hewn(, 11;u-t Ill., Ill be h, l I In the 4 .:unl_+ I mil Muir-r, in tlIe 1lvrutt:gi1 It Ilaull:Itl:ul. in I'li I it% of \r++ \ Irk, uu the

11th II f 11_r, i"Ill, at !llc ut,rning of the t „art it Ilia! stay.

it;l In &.i 1e. Ili tt,ccr ollicctinns are tiled lu ,Ru,l :,!,•tia'I It d---- •-n1, ill Ills notice If Illitl,nl r . ~.IIiLn „u I r Illia r I ---lit herein ail] >tnn a ,i l- „ ,

.111 Li i I., ili. ,la:I t Ire henlift - r , I,cihcl!, l ..f ttilirh lilt- trill be giccn to :III tL•„lr trhu

I,I -1, n,- .11, :" lit 1 ill this llr„c:cliim„ as urll :- In itii_lui in iii- try I:r.r, reu, Ilur- -n:lnl I „ settn, >l lull 104 f the lircatrr \ct+ 1 rk ( lr;utrr, a> alm'n , l l i c (learner I•;y of Ilie

]rats I Il r"null „i 1Lulh;ut;nl, \rts Pirko 11:nrh _, I ill.

Ii -I-_Ill I;I)Ilt), (]airman:


Seventy•ft,tuth street to Nest One Hundred and 'evenly-sixth atrcet, and POPHAM AVFNUP:,

In '!Ile In.ift, I • 1 the applicnti, ~n „f 'I'hl ('itl cif floor West One Hundred and Seventy-fourth \, x 1 „I I:- r, I;tti•, r I„ ar,1niriI1g titir, +chrn ter i.trcet to N'ct I )ur Hundred and Seventy-sixth the ,aint. Ira, n't l, ii hcrctnfi ,rc acquired fill trcci, in the I'acutv-tvurtlr Ward, 1 oruugh of the ,:un, plop",,• In Ire, to till lands, true- 'IIit 1 r„ux, (itv vt \etv York. no-lit-, au, I he iohtamcnts required furthe op'pnng and extcn,iin~ ..t l'.l.11'O T o]) SREET, ~t)"fICE IS III{RE1:1' 6IVFN TO ALL PER-it-1tn 15rg:dtcte to I Ihsd- avenue. in the f+,rlith 11an1, l run,gh it Alanhattan, (itv

sons interested In the above entitled proceea tog, and 14) the owner or owners, occupant or

.if .\ co \ „I k. _ occur ant, of all house•; and lots and improved

N IITICE l; 1]b;l,E]tl C;IVEN 'THAT Ill' AN ain! unimproved lands affected thereby, and to

r~lcr of the RilMrvnre (mirl of the State of all others whom it may concern, to wit: \rte 1,rk, b a:in dalr Cllr 1•l lay of March.Pir.t-That the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estimate of damage, Ivlo, :nl,! ,lilt ruler I anal ti!cd in the olficc of Itic I i, Ik of tile• (*,iii,t+ of Ne Pork ,.n the 'd

a"`I that all prrsuus interested in this proceeding,

-f Nialcl~, 1'nn, l:.hear,] Il. Nic.11, Warren ur ut any of the lands, tenements and heredita-1-11, ;Ind (harlc< 1) 0onallut•, I':~II~.1 Terre ;tp- mews arid premise; affected thereby, having any

nlntr l l „wutis i once• of 1'.stituate in the abucc- objection thereto, do tile their said objections in

ruts cd Coltl icili ,i,l anal di to and by said or Ii: writing, duly veriticd, with them at their office,

I l I++oleo] ll. \i,• t _ t:., wa; 111(1 Icd the Cut- N'>'• 90 and 9? \1'e <t 1 roadway, in the Borough of \lanhattan, in The City of New York, on or

1lII•' I1• of -A--e -nI tit. before the 26th Clay of March, 1910, and that the

ter i, farther .irn that, pursuant lu th said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, alnlr in -1k Ii ca-r made awl prot'i,lyd, tit' and for that purpose will be in attendance at their II I:ltt aril hi \ ie II, 11 arren Lurk anti said office oil the '1ith day of March, 1910, at

I h:c11' II. 1)oTIlhnr, I{ I ., Pill attend at a 1,311 o'clock . tit.

! , rin .,f -:11 i ( ,'art, I., I>; hell at l':Irt Sec,md-That the tnnler~igned Commissioner of II Ih try i. it the t,.unt+ ( iii t Ilmi e in ill, -ls a ;stmt ba- ePrmhetcd his estimate of benefit Go;''fle]i ..t 1lanhatt:ul, t itv of \ea '1 rk, l ;tml that all Ix•r,ous interested in this proceeding, h lafh hi, ll:lull. I'+II), at the opening ill ur in ,ntv of the lands, tenements and heredita- IL art ,1It ili;t ,In. I.- 11W I)ur]lll"s of icing nicut, and prcfliisus affected thereby, having any v;mii'u d nil 1 Ilu be the (>rl„rati I n ( ou11<r1. uI Jectiun theret,t, cdo file their said objections in

n+ \ ,.:Ii- H I i l at iut; ;Inc intrrc,t in writing, duly ceritied, Pith him at his office, No - lnl, :1 I ill, it qualifications to act 91t aid 93 \lest hrnao]t.lvo in the Borough of Mau-

n , 1, I „mmi;.i, flee. in the ~,licl I re,ehg. hatlan. in The ('it} of New York, on or before \c++ \ Ik. \l:l cll i. 1'1111. the J6th day of ]larch, 1910, and that the said

\kt'll I It \1.1) R. \\'.\'I'-O\, (crIuntIssioner will hear parties so objecting, and ('url,•lr:rtinn (' tin-el. for that Purl',.e will he in attendance at his said

\:i i e f 'I it 1 tic of \e t 1 rk, ilai1 of fice nn the '!Itlt rlay of March, 1910, at 3 o'clock IG, nl-. lt H. _lI ., f 1lanila'tnn. (itv of \etr It.Ib:.

Iii III mjlrtrr •t ILr ;tt'licati~un ,'f The ('ill- of \,,+ \i- k,it alit to acyuirim, title, trher-

I Ii !lit h:[, tot It hct- qufilre ac- yuirrl, I„ A\ l -'I' I \\'U fl('\l)RE1) AND F.I(ilh h I: \ I II SfRl:l?'I' 'a]ihdugti tot vet

nailed anih,iilrl, frunf Scanlan Iiur 10 \,nt I :n, tin , iu the '1ic-1fll: \1 all,

I;tnlell I A(;Inh:ltl;ui, in (he City of \e i 1 „ rh.

II \ I. I I; '. r, fir tk.

I' 1 11 ' I 10.11, \ I\ I 1 ► I .

1,1R1• UFI'ART\IEN1'.

tn4 °2


Ii. iii. "I-hi rd-T!tat the Commissioner of As -cssment

i•.as assessed -any or all such lands, tenement, ;III hitrr-iitacoeflts and premises a.; are within the area of ase..,mrnt fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Itrarrf of ?stiu-ate and .Apliortionruent on the 20th day of I)ccr,nher, 191)7, and that the raid area of assess- mcut includes all those lands, tenements and Il err , litaments and t'rernises situate and being in the hi rough of The Bronx, in The City of New fork, which, taken together, are bounded and de-scribed as finllms, ,'iz.:

Beginning at a looint on the easterly line of Yiudsre1iTT avenue Instant 490 feet southerly frost, its intersection with the southerly line of %Vest I hue Nuit Ired mill Seventy-fourth street, and running thrice tvetcrly at right angles to l. nder-cliff avenue a distance of 160 feet; thence north-ttarcllt' and always parallel with and 100 feet distant from the westerly line of I?ixiereliff are flue to n point li,tant 4011 feet southerly front the i 11111 elv line +,f 1\"c ,t I)ne IIundred and Seventy-

sixth .street a- 11-c,t One hundred and Seventy--ixth street i hail nut between Sedgwick avenue and ltltfham avenue, the said distance being meas-ured at right angles to the line of \Vest One IIundred and Seventy --ixtlt street; thence west-++;urtIIv and parallel u'itli %Vest One Hundred and Sec -ii ty-ixtlt street to a point distant 100 feet wt,teily from the tvesterly line of Sedgwick ave- nue, the said IIistanre being Pleasured at right angles to the tine of Sedgwick ave:nte; thence n.,Flmaidl\• and al++ass parallel with and 100 feet distant from Ihr ++c terly lice of Sedgwick avenue t„ the intersrcliPn 0tilt the prulnngation of a line ~ii-tnut 400 feet mIrtitily from the northerly line if \\'e-t Onr IItuuMreti and Sevepty-sixth street as laid out ra;; it Serlgwick avenue, the said e]dance hying measured at right angles to the line of \Irst ()ie 1landred and Seventy-sixth otiist: thence ct,twarlly and parallel eith West Out- IIutiidre]l anal Seventy-sixth street as laid olit snit of Sedgwick avenue' to the westerly line ,1( .\I'I1-c•Irs TrVT•nnr; thence southeastwardly at right auelrs hi .\nuirctj: arcntte to its intersection with the t,rilmlgati„n of a line distant 1(It) feet south-ca leek from the southeasterly line of Aqueduct rlernur a, lair ,>ut ill the tangent =o uthwest of 11ac,omb, road, the ,aid distance bring measti re! at right anglt- to the said southeaster)+' line of \yuelluct accn tie ; thence southwestward]y 1,ara1-

II-I ++ilh anal ii oars Il!U feet distant ,uuthcasterly lrnm the southeasterly line of Aqueduct avenue to the nrortherly line of Featherbed lane; thence ,.Inihtsestmardly to a 'cOut on the southerly line II Featherbed lane, where it is iutersceted by the l,r III ngatilit of a line distant 100 feet easterly

fimn and parallel uith the ea terry line of .\que-,iuet arcnttt' 05 laid (lilt in the tangent between li,,sr,,brl a%rnue and Featherbed ]arc, the sail Ih,taflcc heat, ml'aatecd at right angles to the said line of Aqueduct avenue; thence south est-Iiu r hIc aL,ng the said line easterly front ano I lit rdlrl tcilh .\queduct avenue to its intersection with a line at right angles to the westerly line of '1hur(httct alt-title, and passing through a point nn flit- said wr,terly line of Aqueduct avenue iii - taint i0U feet Southerly front its intersection pith the Suit b<-rly line of West Uric Il.unirrd anll Scvclit_v-fourth street, the said distance being mca tired along the line of Aqueduct avenue: thtnt, we,tnar ilv along the said line at right u:nglc•s t,> .Aqucrluct avenue to the westerly title of .\ytred I tic arc•nuc; thence westwardly in a stlaiglll lino• to till- p,liut or place of beginning.

( nn th--I haI the abstracts of said estimate of 'larnta,gr anti IIt said assessment for benefit, to- gcthc•r II lilt tilt, damage and benefit maps, and also all llie atfiuLnit., r,Iimales, proofs and other docu-mcnli u~rd he the Commissioners of Estimate and Iv tire ('irntniisxiome•r of :lssessntent in making the ,amc, hake been del,u,ited in the Bureau of Street Ililruing; in the Jaw Department of The City it New A'irk, Ni,. cis and 92 \Vest Broadway, in the P„r,ngh of .lfanhattan, in said City, there It I remain until the 25th day of March, 1910.

I-ifth-That, provided there be no objections tiled t,, either of said abstracts, the reports as to altanls and as to as,es:ments for benefit herein will lie presented for confirmation to the Supreme (',, urt If the -,late of New York. First Depart- mcnt, at a Special Terns thereof, fart III., to he held in lilt• (unity Court House, in the Borough If .1laubuftalt, in 'hit- City of New York, on the 4th lay of Mav, 1'110, at the opening of the

(' 'lul ,m that day. Sixth--ern cast. however. objections are filed

t., the furrg„ing abstracts of estimate and as:ess-n;rnl. or to either of them, the motion to confirm the reports its to aaartls and as to as_essmeuto ,hall land adjourned to the (late to he hereafter

I,ecilied ill the notice provided in such cases to lie ,gi%en ill rrlatiun to filing the final reports. Ilur,naut t., >crtions hit and 984 of the Greater \-etc Vurk ('harter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 190(.

I);Ited it,, ruugh of \[anhattan, New 1 ork, \Yuri 1, 19111,

\II (ii ,\El. T. EGAN. Chairntatt; SII)\1'ELL S. RANDALL.

Commissioners of Estimate. SII)vVEI.l. S. RNi). .l.,

('ommissioner of Assessment.

JOHN I'. Itcxs, Clerk.

In the trattcr of the application of The City of Ncn Yorlc, Fl lain to acquiring title (u cer- tain real c,iat1. tenements, hereclitantents, cor-I,oreal ur incorporeal rights in the same, and any and all rights and interests therein not



ceeding. and to the unIncr to owners, occupant

Pir-t -I'hat we have completed our supple- ur occltpants of all houses and lots and improve,] mental and amcvdcll c'timate and asses-meat, and and unimpruted laud, atlectr,l thereby, and to that all pc ;suns interested in this pr~iceeding, all other; it lion it may eilllceruo to w'it: u. iil any if the lancl,, tenements and heredltg- hir-t-That the urdrrs1Kuteil Liutuiiiui5i0flCrS of meats anal prenuses affected thereby, and having f?siimute hate completrrl their e~[tmate of dam• obit-Ol ,nls tlit-Fl-I,, du 1-te,ent their said blection, age, alttI tilat all persons interested in this pr,>- in %%riling, doh, verified, to its at our office, N. ceeding, or Ili any of the lands, tenements and 9tl and ' ' Il ti Lcuac]lraY, in the Borough of Itereditatucnts and premises attected thereby, hac-1lanhattan. in 1 he City of New Yurk, tit or in,g any objection thereto, do the their said ob- llcf„rc• Ibe !.ill day of \larch, 1910, anll that we, j,.cti,lu., in IIriting. duly vcrihed, with them at the sail Commissioners, will hear parties "' tllcir udicr, Nos. 90 and 92 Nest Broadway, in uhjectlug, anll f,~r that tlurpose will be in tttrnl- the Borough of !1anhattaut, in The City of New ance at or -aidf office Iii the 29th day Iif March, Yolk, out IF before the list day of March. 191u, al ' o'clock p. iii. 1910, and Ihat the said Commissioners will hear

5I-cull -That the abstracts of our said sutl- parties ,I objecting, and for that purpu;e will be picmental and amended estimate and as,es,nn•nt. In artrndance at their said office on the 22d day togrthrr +kith our damage and benefit maps, a°d of \larch 1'JI0, at .i o'clock p. titn also all the affidavits, estimate;, proofs anti tither Second--•l hat the undersigned Commissioner of documents used by its in staking the same, hate .A, e~sntent has completed his estimate of benefit bceu dcjIu,ilr(h in the Bureau of Street t)pc-niigs and that all persons interested in this proceeding, in the I)eliartment of The City of New or in alt+• ut the lands, tenements and hcredita-Vo -k. Nils. 9u ant] 9.: AVest Broadway, in the n,ents anti Promises affected thereby, having any 11un,ngh „f \lanhattan, it, said City, there to „bjectiun thereto, do file their said objections remain nn:il the 291h day of March. 1)10. iu uritiug, duly veriiie,l• tvitlt him at his office,

T56,1--That tltr limits of our asses.utent for Nos. Sit an,l 9_' \Vr,t I;r~>arla'av, in the liorouglt bem;t-tit inclule all those lands, teuenTctt.; and of NlanhaMin, in The t iti if New fork. on or hrre~tilamrnt, and premises situate, l+iug titl bcfua the .'I ,t day (If 1lateh, 1910, and that

being in tlte• 11„ruugh of slanitattan, in The (its the -aicl l:c~nttniai,>ner \+ill parties s,, obje+t-

ut Ne-tt \'„rk. tthicll. taken together, are li utt i-Il ing, and f„r that pllru"se will be in atter,,:ance till he-crihcd ;ti_ fltl-I+rs, viz.: at Iris aid lusts uu the _'d day of \larch, 1910,

l:cgiluriug at the punt of intersection If a line at 4 o'clock p, in.

t,arallrl I I and Ilistant lO feet eaaer!t' fn~nt the •fhirrl-1 hat the Commissioner of Assessment cash-rIr line ,If :lnistrrdant averinc uitll tits has a.,srssed any or all such lands, tenement,

e;t5telly' Iirl l , nl,gali~ln if it line parallel to and Its- anal hrreditaments and premises as are within taut Inn fret southerly from the suutherly liue the area of assessutent fixed aril] prescribed as of hVc0 I)ne Hundred and Seventy-sixth strict; the area of assessment for benefit by the Board running thence westerly along said prolongation of Estimate and Apportionment on the 29th day and hue parallel tI \\est One hundred and of January, 1909, and that the said area of

event',' sixth street to it: intersection with a assessment includes all those lands, tenements and line tla;allel to and distant 100 feet ea,terly hereditamcnts and premises situate and being in from the cater]+- line of Buena Vista avenue; the Borough of 'slanhattan, in The City of New time,• S',ntbtile along .aid line parallel to Buena Turk, +which, taken together, are bounded and Vista avenue to its intersection with a line de:crihed as follows, viz.:

parallel to and distant 100 feet southerly from Cuunded till the worth by a line midway be-

the southerly line of %Vest One Ilnndrecl and ttseen \\ et I)ne hundred arid Fifty- seventh Scvcnh' fftb It - cut: thence westerly almtg said street arid West One Hundred and Fifty-eighth

line !larallel to ]test (time hundred and Seventy- (rect. in the cast by a lice distant 100 feet tiftlt Street 0111 its the,t,•rly prolongation to its easterly trout and parallel with the easterly line

irtt•rsrction Leith a line Parallel to and distant of b'rualluav, the said distance being measured at loll feet wc,tvri,v front the westerly title of River- right angles to Broadway; on the south by a side ,iri+e: thence tl~,rtherly along said line line midway between West One Hundred and

Parallel to River.ille Itrite to its intersection with Fifty-sixth street and \Vest One Hundred and

the we,teriv t,n,loneatinrt of a line parallel to and Piftc-sr'vc•nth street, and on tire west by a line di taut 100 feet northerly from the northerly line at right angles to \Vest One Hundred and Fifty-of \Vest Ilnc Ifundred and Seventy-eighth street; seventh street, and passing through a point on

thence• ea,terly along said westerly prolongation its southerly side midway between its intersection and line parallel I,, \Vest One Hundred and with Riverside drive and Audubon place.

Seventy-eighth street arid its easterly prolongation P,~urth--That the abstracts of said estimate ter its intrnectii,n with a line parallel to and ;f damage and of said assessment for benefit, distant lilt) feet easterly from the ca;terIv line tl,gether with the damage and benefit maps, and

If .\ntsterlam avenue; thence southerly along said also all the affidavits. estimates. proofs and nth.r line Parallel to Amsterdam avenue to the point ,locurnents u,ed by the Commissioners of Estimatt or tllace o f beginning, as such area is shown and by the Commissioner of Assessment in mak- utl.,n nor benefit mans. deposited as aforesaid. ing the same, have been deposited in the Bureau

F nrth-!hat, provided there be no objections tf Street Openings in the Law Department of filed to either of said ahstracts, our final supple- The City of New York. Nos, 90 and 92 West mental and amended report herein will be presented Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, In said for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State Cit t•, there to remain until the 22d day of March, of New Pork. First Department, at a Special 1910. Terns thereof, Part TI!.. to be held in the County Fifth-That, provided there be no objections Court House. in the Borough of Manhattan, in filed to either of said abstracts. the reports as The City of New York, on the 28th day of April, to awards and as to assessments for benefit 1910, at tllr opening of the Court on that (lay. herein will be presented for confirmation to the

Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed to Supreme Court of the State of New York, First either of said abstracts of estimate and assess- , Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part '"

In the Platter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been her, t,If ire acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene-ments and hereditaments required for the

Wei, '1'IIF. I'til)F;IISIC?TED COMhIISSJON I UREU AND FIFTV•SEV'F.NTII ,,,'citing and extending of \VES"1' ONE IIUN-


ers of Estimate and Assessment in the I betneen Broadway arid Audubon place, in the above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all I Twelfth ]Ward, Borough of 1lanhattan, City of persons iniece trd in this proceeding, and to the New York. on Per or on ners, occupant or occupants. of all ]wu,t'> and l ,t, and improved and tmin]P',y'I lards atttctrrl thereby, and to all others wh m it NOTILI•: IS l{Iir:{:13l' Gf\'1:N TO ALI.

mat concern to wit' I persons interested Ili the above entitled pro-

In the Mauer of the application of The Cits' of New Pork relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments re-quired file the opening and extending of \\- EST ONE 111 N1)RED AND SE\'EN SEVEN '1.11 STREET (although not yet named by propur authority), from Amsterdam avenue to St. -iclhlas avrnuc (as laid out net the n>ap by resolution adopted _\larch 31, 19(15), and from Bruallwa.v to Riverside drive, in the 'llcclfth 11'ard, h rml.4h of lfanhattan, Cily of Nett' York.

1•:, 'I'll]: UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION-crs of Estimate and Appraisal in the

above entitled proceeding, do hereby give notice I) tic u++tier or owners, lessee or lessee-, par-ties or l.rr>uns rvspectivety entitled to or in-tcre tell in the laud>, tenements, bereditaments allrl Premises, title to which is sought to be ac -(ouch in ttiis proceeding, and to all other, 5 011t it Play c„ncrru, to ait:

first-'l hat ++r have completed our reci eel attd corrected estimate of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties or per-

n> respectitcly emitted to or interested iu the lain], and prvmtscs affected by this prucccd-tnp, known a, Parcel I)amage No. 3, ,or hav- nt,L' any iiia'cest therein, a; directed by file order of the Special 'Perri of the Supreme (- ,curt granted herein and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of New Fuck on tire 1311t day of January, 1910, and have tiled a true report or transcript of such revised arid cile rev el Ii .timate In the office of the Board of E mate and Apportionment of The City of New V,irk, situatc,l at Room 1406, A,,. .377 Broadway, in the ltnrougtl of Manhattan, iu The ( itc of New York, fur the insspectiun of whomsoever it may concern.

't'Ci iii That all parties or persons whose rights mac be affected by the said revised and currectr,l rstimatr, or Still) may object to the .same, or any part thereof, may, within ten days after the tint publication of this notice, '1-hurs-day. March 3, 191(1, file their objections, in n•ritiug, +tit] us, at our office, Room 4111, Xu. 358 tuilalhca}, in the Borough of Manhattarn, in The City of 'etc fork, and we, the sa d Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting at our said nlfice on the I5th day of


I91It. at ]11..10 o'clock- in the forenoon of that day. and upon such subsequent days a, m:ly be found necessary.

Dated N, u' York. ]tarot 2, 1910. b-l)\ , R11 G. WHIT-ANl':R, ~II('H:\ET, COLEMAN, S.11► UEI. KAHN,

Comntis,iomw:. Tnsrrn 1L iirsnc, Clerk,


flute onnc~l by The City of New York, situ• l •lI in the SIXTH \ Ai-tD of the Borough r Of

antialati, lit the ( illy of New York, Jiml rlrrit- I ;url -it-t-ifi 1 by the Conlmi.>i~mcr

uI i,ririgc. of ! lie lit+' of New York, +cillt the apinutal of Tile iarri of Estimate all,l .\I,purtrutuncnt of said (ity, pursuant to the provision, of chapter i I2 it the Laws of 191)1, for the construction of an extension of the westerly or 'tlanhattan terminal of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, for the better ac• cutnmudatiun of pedestrians, vehicles and rail-roll pas,eugcrs using said bridge ur ter-ntinal.


w, Till: l'Nl)1:RsIt;.AI-:I1 ('u11111SSIO\ - crs of E,tiutate and :\pinaisal in the ab,>te•-

entitl, II pr,~ceeding. Il,l hereby gigs u, ltice to tilt. utViirr Ii u+sucra, lc''.,c•-ii lr > t- ]attic: nr prrson rt.,IK'ctirely entitled Ill or iwsTuu tuT to the lands, ttmPc]ts. Li'reiiitamcn:; and pemil,r•, title t., which is sutt);I,t t , lv utzgttiu,I in till, prurcediu.i;_ Still to all ,)tit, r, ++bocni it lnoy I rrr11, L> stir:

Firer--'That we ]are c it retell ntn' e'tima!r of the 1,,5s and damagt• hi the rc•prctite ulrncr,, les,et' , parties or ier,, ic'jcctiVeIr entitled Ill iii- tutu-re-tell in the lams; ant prrloisr, abrctr , l l,y its pr.Icrci lill.K, ur ila+ in,S ell)' unite-I tllcrr- in, and have tiled a true rcli.,rt it lr.P,erd,t It ,uc'I e,tietat" in the office If !hi l I11ce l'„m- mi,sioner of '1'hc (-itv if \c>c 1'rl:, SiTtt.ltr,i at Ni. 'al) Centre s11th, in Ill iii >n h If \lashrt- tan, ( it)- of New l t,rlc, f•, r the in;prcti-nt i tchcnnsueccr it may cunccro.

ticcr>nd-That all parti„ , r ;, Isolls lsh, ,r rights may be affected by the stir e,timate, col wit may object to the -ante, 'r an+' part tilucu(_ tray, tsitbin tutu dar. after tit+ Ilrst idblii-atioul of tills notice, Tur"lay, Aknell 1, 19111, lily their nbiections. iu writing, unth n,, at 'er utfice, k.,onl 401, N. 25th Ilrc'rnlc+at, In iltr 11Ir'oetg] of \lanhattan. in The Citv It \, ,c \Irk: and +t , the said t- >mntis,iuner,, t+ ill hear part , s b- iccting, at our sail office, ill the 14th duv It 1larch, Pilo, at In30 ,'l ,:k in t!Ir (tni'o,In ~t That day. an,l up''rn n~h .ru6•1ll'l, of Il;tt- , a, lie fl~tm~l fleet'-'an.

I).ilr l N- c 1- ,irk. Fcbrna t 'J. I'l IU I'.11'I, I.. KIEIT\'.l\, I:. .\Vll:\R S.\N1)S, 1Trs]:f]] Rt1\\.\X,

('.-nilfln--i gner,.

utcut, the entire of muti ,n) to conhrm our final ,upptentcntal and antended report herein twill >tan l arlinttrtle l t the date to he hereafter ;l-cried, and ..f urhich notice will be given to all

those It hilt ha +c theretofirc appeared in this pro-rcediug, a, lull as by publicaluIu ill the Crry Rlcldtn, pursuant t.) section>')fl and 994 of the I;seater New fork ('harter, as arnendc•d by chap-let 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New A'ork, 1'rh-rears ',t, 1910.

I(l1,l:l'1[ [([MAN, (hairman; JI)IIN I. 'INb.,\N.

C,iiruii'sioiteCS, oll.N. P. 1)t a v, (lerk.

ill 3,21

Iii the matter of acquiring title by The City of Nrw 'tot k t o certain premise; and prol>-erty situated on EAST ONE IIL- NI RED \N I) Tll'h:\TIETII -'11:h-.'t .\\1) "t'Il!{ It.11: l.E1l RIV'F.R, in the K,Inn1,Kh of lfanh,dtan, iu The City of New \'-,irk, duly >rlettrd a, it ilr Ill- a '.Ihitation f,,r the Ilatihur I' -lice of The ( i:% of New l'ork.

I;Ierr M. Srnrxi s. t 1,:6.







Commissioners of Estimate. CHAS. P. DILLON,

Commissioner of Assessment.

JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.





In the matter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene-ments and hereditaments required for the open-ing and extending of TELLER AVENUE (although not yet named by proper authority), at a width of 60 feet, from East One Hundred and Seventieth street to Morris avenue, in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards. Bor-ough of The Bronx. City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons interested in the above entitled pro-

cecding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

l"irst—That the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estimate of damage, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita-nients and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto,do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, Nos, 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 14th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at their said office on the 15th day of March, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m.

Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of bene-fit and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hcreditamcuts and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 14th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at his said office on the 15th day of March, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m.

Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 25th day of September, 1908, and that the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Morris avenue distant 100 feet northerly from the angle point at Teller avenue and running thence eastwardly at right angles to the line of Morris avenue a distance of 180 feet; thence southwardly and always distant 100 feet easterly froni and parallel with the easterly line of Teller avenue to the intersection with the northerly line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street; thence southwardly at right angles to the line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street a dis-tanee of 180 feet; thence westwardly and always distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street to the intersection with a line distant 125 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of College avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of College avenue; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with College avenue to the intersection with a line always distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Teller avenue, the said distance being meas-ured at right angles to the line of Teller avenue; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with Teller avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to the line of Morris avenue, and passing through the point of beginning; thence eastwardly along the said line at right angles to Morris avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Fourth—That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, together with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Estimate and by the Commissioner of Assess-inent in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law De-parttnent of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Man-hattan, in said City, there to remain until the 14th day of March, 1910. Fifth—That, provided there be no objections

filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III.. to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 26th day of Anril, 1910, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-ment, or to either of them. the motion to con-firm the reports as to awards and as to assess-ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter. as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Feb-ruary 17, 1910.



Commissioners of Estimate. TIMOTHY E. COHALAN,

Commissioner of Assessment. JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.


N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE hill of costs, charges and expenses incurred

by reaoon of the proceedings in the above-en-titled natter will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the Stat.: of \ew York, at a Special Term thereof t, he held for the hearing of motintts, at the Kings l'ouuty ('ourt ]mine in tIi, • Ceruigli•of Brooklyn, in The l ilv of New.• York. „n the 16t11 day (If \I:ur!i. 111111. at 10.,10 o'clock in the forenoon of that Ilay. or as soon ther,atter as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there

to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of April, 1910, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-ment, or to either of them, the motion to con-firm the reports as to awards and as to assess - n:ents shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap-ter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Feb- ruary 25, 1910.

In the nmttcr of the application of the Cotn-missioncr of Public \1 orks of The City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, to certain pieces or parcels of land between h:at One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and First avenue and the Harbor Commis-sioners' line of the Harlem River, and between the southerly line of One Hundred and Thir-It second street and Willis avenue andthe

utherly line of One Hundred and Thirty-f ourth street and Willis avenue, and to a I fight ofway ror casement between the United States pienccad line of the Harlem River and ( )ne hundred and Thirty-second street at \\illis avenue, for the construction of a bridge over the har1cOt River and approaches Ihereto between One Hundred and Twenty-lifth street and First avenue and One Ilun-dred and Thirty-fourth street and Willis ave- nne, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 117 of the Laws of 1894.

N UTICI•; IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY an order of the Appellate Division of the

Snpremc court, First Department, dated De-crntbcr 31, 1909, and entered in the Clerk's II ice thereof on the 4th day of February, 1910,

;t artilicd copy of which was filed in the office o , f the ( leek of the County of New York on the 19th day of February, 1910, William L, '1 arncr, ]art., was appcirated a Commissioner of 1:=liutatc in the above entitled proceeding, in the place and s'ead of Edward B. Whitney.

Notice is hereby further given that the said \1 illiant L. Turner, 1?sq., will attend at a 'pecial 'Perm, Part I1., of the New York Su-preme Court, to be held in the County Court Mutts,'. in the Borough of hlanhattan, City of New York, on the Iltlt -lay of March, 1910, at the locmfl .,f the (''curt on that day, or as 'o)il thereafter as counsel can be heard, for the purpose of being examined tinder oath by Tile Corporation ('ounsel of The City of New York, or by any person having any interest n ai,l tiiIiOCIhiiig. ;Is t , lii- yuali6catiuns To t a• a ( unmfi,.i'uer „f I stimate in the ahocc

cutilled prr,ceeding. I)alc,I "i II 1-,1k, hrhruziry 2'. ]ales,

ARCHIlt\LD R. WATSON, Corporation Counsel.

II,ill I.f Rrc~~r~l-. lngh of Manhattan, (-itv i New York.

f 28,ml I


I the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher- ever the saute has not been heretofore ac- ~Inired for the saute purpose, in fee, to the lands, tenements and hercditaments required for the opening and extending of l• ;AST 'r4V0 Ii1 NI)REI) AND lUURTh:ENTu STREET Itlt AVENUE A, from White Plains road to Fourth avenue (stow• Barnes avenue), in the

icmc fourth \Ward, Borough of 'llle Bronx, City of New York.

N u'I'10' IS HEREBY \GIVEN 'l- II:1T THE final reports of the Contnlissiouers of E~ti-

mate and of the Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled matter will be Iresented for continuation to the Supreme Court of the State f New York, First Department, at a Special

Term thereof, Part 111., to be held in the County Covet Mouse its the Borough of Manhattan in The City of New York, oil the 8th day of March, 1910, at 11.30 o'clock in forenoon of that day; and that the said final reports have been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to rema'n for and during the space of lice days, as required by law.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Feb-tuary 21, 1910.


Conunissioncrs of Estimate. DENNIS BURNS,

Commissioner of Assessment. Jun 1'. DUNN, Clerk.



In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purposes in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditainents required for the 01 citing and exrending of EAST ONE HUiN-1)RED AND EIGHTIETH STREET, from Rrottx River to West Farms road, in the T venty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

N UTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE supplemental and additional bill of costs,

charges and expenses incurred by reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter will be IIresented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof. Part I., to be held at the County Court House in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 9th day of March, 1910, at 10..10 o'clock in forenoon of that day. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses ha, been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York. there to remain for and during the space of ten days as required by law.

Dater] Borough of Manhattan, New York. Feb-ruary 24, 1910.


Commissioners of Estimate. FRANK A. SPENCER, JR.,

Commissioner of Assessment. f24,m7

to remain for and during the space of ten days, as required by law.

Dated Iforough of Bro.klyn, New York, March 3, 1910.


Commissioners. JAMMEs F. OUIULLY, Clerk.



Iii the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the lauds, tenement', and hereditantcuts required for the purpose of opening and extending NINETY-51ST11 STREET, front 'third ave-nue to Fourth avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward in the Borough of Ilruoklyn in The City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out.

N O'fICII IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred

by reason of the proceedings in the above en-titled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Terns thereof to be held for the hearing of motions, at the Kings County Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn in The City of New York, on the lith day of March, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, ur as uun thereafter as cuunscl can be beard therein; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of l' ings, there to remain for and ,luring the space of ten days, as required by law.

Data] Borough of BruokIyu, Ncw York, March ', 1910.

Af,MEl' Il:l•A) I..\'l'S1)N, l'II\RL1a 11. rul.1.ER, J:AS. It. 511l•;I.11UN,

Cmm iii issinacr'ref Estimate. :\L\Il?1' REI•;I) 1..\'I'tiltN,

Commissioner of Asses ment.

JAMES P. QUiuLEY, Clerk. m2,12


In the matter of the atiplicatiw of The City of New Perk, relative to acquiring title to the I,mds, tenements anl herc,litanxnts required for the hill p Esc of operning and extending .AVENUE K, from (loeain parkway to East Six-tccnth street, exe1udinu Ilic Lands occupied by the tracks of the Crooklru and Criehtnn Beach Ruilenwl and of the 1:.11e lslanl Railroad, in the Thirty-first \\'aid, in ihc• Raneugh of Brook-Ivn, in The City of Ncw York, as the same has been Ii&'rcttIfore laid out.

N 0'1'1('1? IS IlEB1f1rI' 1;IVEN 'ffIAT TILE bill of costs. charges and expenses incurred

by rea>un If the Proceedings in the above-entitled matter will be presented for taxation to one of the lnstice: of the Suprcnic Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof to be field for the paring of m~'tinn<, at the Kings County Court 16.ntse in thy• It r'ueh of Brooklyn, in The City of New Ark, nu the 15th r day of .]larch, 1910, at 10.30 o'cl ek in the forenoon of that Ila%, or as soon thcreaftcr as c'nnscl can he heard thereon: anal that the said bill of costs, charges anol exnco,es has been deposited in the office of the Clerk If the C uuty of Kings, there to rcmaiu for an l during the space of ten days, as rr iii r'd by la-v.

half- l Ck ,r ugh „f lln , - ,klrii, Nctc \'„:k, March ', 1910.

TUIIN It. 1.t)l,ilt, 11.\R( l'S 11. (.\\ll'CIa.L, 1S.\.\(' W. I.\t t )CSI ).N,

(, mmi=.i ncrs IIf I;. timatc. 1GII\ It LuRlt.

('mmissi•mcr .A-resstttctu. 1.1niis I. ()rtct.Fa, C'crk.


SECON 1) lll'.AI:l ill:A'f.

In the matter of tiic applicatilcn of The City of New 1, rk r lative to ac luiring title to the lands, tclicInciits anal hcreditameuts required for the purpose It opening and extending 11E\l'F, J, from Ocean parkway to East Sixteenth street, excepting the property occu-pied by the tracks of the Long Island Rail-read and of the L'rooklyn and 1 righton Beach Railroad, in the Thirtc -tirst Ward, in the Borough of Brooklyn, iii The City of New York, a; the same has been heretofore laid out.

NOTICE IS III;REI;T GIVEN THAT TIHE bill of cost,, charges and exI incurred

by reason ,f the proceedings in the above entitled matter will be presented for taxation to one of the J it tiees of the Supreme Court o f the State of New York, at a Special Terns thereof, to be held for the hearing of motions, at the Kings ('•,uuty Court house, in the Borough of Brook-lyn, in The City of New York. on the I5tlt day of March, 1910, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as su,(u thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, and that the said hill of costs, charges and expenses has been devosiled in the office of the Clerk of the l'uunty of Kings, there to remain for and during the space if ten days, as required by laww'.

Dated I;.rrough of Brookitii, New York, March ', 1910.


Commissioner; of Estimate. MOSES J. H.\RRIS,

Commissioner of :lsestment. l:v:Hrs P. O_ctctr.v, Clerk.



ITT the matter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated on the northerly side of SECOND STREET, adjoining Public School 77, and 259 feet 9 inches westerly from Seventh avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes, according to law.

r E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION-erg of Estimate in the above entitled matter,

appointed pursuant to the provisions of the statute relating thereto, hereby give notice to the owner or owners. lessee or lessees, parties or person:, respectively entitled to or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises, title to which is sought to be acquired i I this proceeding. anal t.) all others whom it tuav concern, to wit:

I' irst--That we have completed our estimate ,If the loss and daulage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons interested in the lands and premises affected by this proceeding or having any interest therein, and have filed a

true report or transcript of such estimate in the office of the Board of Education of The City of New York, at Fifty-ninth street and Park avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, fur the inspection of whomsoever it nmv concern.

Second—That all parties or persons wh,o~c rights may be affected by the said estimate and a h-o may object to the same or any part thereof, tray, within ten days after the first publication of tl,i> notice, February 28, 1911), file their objection: to such estimate, in writing, with u,, at our Office. Room 71, Franklin Trust Company Bnild-ing, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said Cut-, as provided by statute, and that we, the said Commissioners, oill hear parties so objecting at our office on the 14tht day of March, 1910, at 2 o'clock in the after- coun, and upon such subsequent days as may be found necessary.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New \'i k. February 28, 1910.


Couisnisi ncr;. (irI'lien T. Rrces, Clerk.



Iu the matter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises sittt-ated on the southwesterly corner of FIFTV-EIGffTfl STREET AND L0U1\'I•:NIIU\'E` IAN l-, in the Borough of Bro,,klyu, in 'fhc City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purl scs, according to law.

WE, TILE UNI)I•:R5II;NEI) Ct \1\llSP)N cis of Intimate in the ab ,ve entitled

halter, appointed pursuant to the provision; of the statute relating thereto, hereby give notice II) the owner or Owners, lessee or lessees, par-tics or perseOs respectively entitled to or in-terested in the Ian ifs, tenements, hereditament, and preulises, title to which is sought to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all others whom it may concern. to wit:

First—That we have completed our e'tima".e of the lu,s and damage to the respective oleo,:, lessees, parties and per~ons iutereste,l in the

lands and prcnti'cs altccted by this lug or luring any interest tliercin, aa,l bace lie) a tine iep•Irt or transcript of Ouch estimate in iii, office of the Ii,ard of Education of 'the City of New York at Fifty-niiuiht street ano1 Valk acenn•, h rough of \lanhattan, City of Nets- York, f r the inspection of whomsoever it tnav cnneern.

Sccoud--'that all partic= or I'cr ins uvh -c rights mat• l,e a!(re!al by the said estimate anal tcho mar object to the same or atiy Part lucre.-f, tuay, within tell days after the first pub:icati,ou of this notice, February 25, 1910, ti .̀e their nb-iections it such estimate, in writing, nit!t us. at our office, Rn ,m 71, Franklin Trim (um!an1v Building, No. 166 Montague street, in t!i ,• 11' • nigh of Iirooklvn, in said city, as ;Irv' led bv statute, and that w'e, the said C, ommik-i r-, ,rill hear parties so objectii:g at our Office (ii the I lilt rlav of \larc!I, 1910, at t'xo n'c: ~ck iii the afternoon, anal u;ntt s'tuIt sl-, tucet pia;, as may III f lunl mr'uoarc.

1l:ls1 h,,,- o , il f Dn , kl} n, ('itv if

u \o 'v York, hehrn,vy 2, 1915,

T(1IIN T. II \C(;F.B'I'I'.•1\'91. II. S\'.AR l'tV'()1' f• CIT.AS. :A. CONR.A1OV,

Coiorui=si 'or.,



In thi' matter If tlic ;i,I;~lic:uti~n t l , ~•i Ncry Y-ok, rclati r I ar, lniriii ti' it::.I' .' I the same has not I, •1!u In I t 'fr ;,i .l the same pinhc in fcc, to th,o Lt:rl , tr;,, au,1 hcrcilitant, n', iviii,, 1 fr t'r." ruin: 0 fxliuoiuog nl' slNI'1' 111 SI' :'l Rla•f• fi r i 1`,,-t t]anii1tOO art n tr ;, I:i.:i',:r I'li ,. 1 , . c\ehnI:iig tile Lm,l lui:ig ai;hin i'ie ' o'i sail street ccupicl lIt tic ill- ,=.rn. I:.ili .r l \Vc-t End Railroad to il the I.~ n:; I-li I R,ul real, in the'fhirti~th \V-ail, Pt it!t It C; , k-lyn, City of New York.



Iu the matter of the applicationof The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required Lo the purpose of openinz and extending BEAI)EL STREET, from Kinesland avenue to Gardner avenue. in the Eighteenth Ward. in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, as the samo has been heretofore laid out.

lv UTICE IS IIERECY Gl\ i:ti It) .\I.1, 1•11k sons iui:crvstcd in the ahove enli i 1 Ii cci i

ing, and to the owner or ,Suers o;cnl,o, ; occupants of all h,nt=_cs au'l Its 40,1 llr;c cc,l and unimproved lauds aticcted lii,r,l_:, Sill :,, others whom it may c'lucrrn, to w- it:

first—'that the uudcr-igue n d (.I'~'I I'.l'niI r- If Estimate have rinIpbccd tilt It' estififl:.'c Ii age, and that all turslllis filute F, ,Iii in Ihi.-cccding, or in ally of the Iarvls, t nc livht- :u: liercditantcnts and premises aitcctrh tio-r , hc. ing any objeetiiu thereto, In tile th, it solid , Ii,c buns, in i+'ritiug, duly vcriii,~l, iVitB t:1 ,u it '1I ,. office, No. 1(, t , Mulita gie street, in th,• I; l of L'rooklyn• in The City of New 'Irk, n ., r before the lath day of March, 1910, out that said Cmnmis,ioncrs will h,ar parti~-, -., „bi,i'in_,, and for that purpose will be ill ahienluufic at said office on the loth day of 1larcii, 1')U, ut 3.30 o'clock I,. in.

Second—That the ttnolcrsi~tied Cont•ni.-i ncr Iof Assessment has e011ple,eJ his esti,nate v 1 hk.ncl,: and that all tucrsons intcrvv<:cl in this ti,,,ccc111ng, or in any It the lands, tenements and hrn,lita meats and premises a!Tected thcrehv, bai iiig anti objection Ihrreto, do file their said ob)'cti,ns in writing, duly verified, with hittt at hi- tiicI , N. 166 \ton,ague street, ill the Ikllough of Iiru , l l u, in The City of New York. nn or before thv I.'tlt day of 1Tarch, 1910, and that the aid C ninii,-sioecr will hear parties so objecting, and t r that purpose will be in attendance at Li, -ill office on the 15th day of March, 1910, at o'clock p. nt.

Third—That the Commissioner of .A,,r'..inI ut has assessed any or all such lands, t, uentcrnt, an! hereditaments and premises as are witi;in tl;e arc,, of assessment fixed and prescribed as the ar,a II assessment for benefit by the Board of F.,;in;ate and .\pportionment on the I9th day of -lpril, 1907. and that the said area o as<r-smrnt in-clurles all those lands, tencmcnts an l her li!a- ments and premises situate au,l hriii in the It-Ir- ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New A rk. which. taken together, are bounded all] dc,crfil,.,1 as follows, viz.:

Bounded on the northeast by a line n i loav between Sixty-first and Sixtic th street,; I'll the southeast by a line 100 feet distant s nti c,, serf front and parallel with the soulheasterly still, ( Eighteenth ascnue; on the soutlt,cest by a III,' midway between Sixty-first an,] Sixty-c i l streets, and on the northwest by a line li.lant I00 feet nortliwesterly from and parallel with the northwesterIv side of Fort Hamilton arciiii

Fourth—That the alrtracts of said rstima'.e of damage and of said asscsoileut for Lrnetit, t ,-gcthrr with the rl,unaue and benctit m:+l ,, and also all The atdelavits, a timatr's, pr, o•t; 511,1 oali, r d„rumcnt: ttvr,l by the l' Immi>sioncr; „i l_1 1111:111 an,l be the (bmmisii,m, r of :\„nuut in url. ing the same, have been deposited in tic Cnrcau of Street Openings in the Law IPn04on',,t If The City of New York, No. 166 Montague ,trLct,


in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until the 22d day of March, 1910.

Fifth-That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will he presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Depart• rrtent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the County Court House. in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of April, 1910, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-ment. or to either of them, the motion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to assessments shall stand adjonrnrd to the dat, to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to he given in relation to filing the final reports, pur- suant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb- ruary 21, 1910.


Commissioners of Estimate; M. F. McGOLDRICK,

Commissioner of Assessment.

IAs. F. QUICLEY, Clerk. f21,ml0


In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene-ments and hereditaments required for the open-ing and extending of EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET, between Church avenue and Caton avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

N 7 U•ICI? IS HEREBY GIVEN TO AL!. persons interested in the above-entitled pro-

ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and t. all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First-That the undersigned Commissioners of J;stimate have completed their estimate of dam-age, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, hav-ing any abjection thereto, do file their said objec- tions, in writing, duly verified, with them a their office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Bor-o ugh of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 12th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so ob-jecting, and for That purpose will be in attendance at their said office on the 14th day of March, 1910, at 11 o'clock a. m

Second-That the undersigned Commissioner of :assessment has completed his estimate of benefit, and that all persons interested in this proceeding• or in any of the lands, tenements and herediia rnents and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections, in writing, duly verified. with him at his office, No. lt6 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 12th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that pur-Iose will be in attendance at his said office on the 15th day of March. 1910, at ll o'clock a. m.

Third-That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessntent fixed and prescribed as the area of ,assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 22d day of November. 1907, and that the said area of assessment in- chtJes all these lands, tenements and heredita-nicnts and premises situate and being in the Rar-ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, x hick. taken together, are bounded and described as follows. viz.:

ILundcd on the cast by a line midway between Fast Seventeenth street and East Eighteenth street, and by the prolongation of the said line. ,n the south by a line distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Church avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Church avenue: o the west by a line midway between East Seven-teenth street and East Sixteenth street. and by time prolongation of the said line, and on the north by a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Caton avenue the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Caton avenue.

Fourth-That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to nether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Esti-mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart-mcnt of The City of New York. No. 166 Monta Rue street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. in said City, there to remain until the 22d day of March. 1910.

hifth-That. provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Depart-ment. at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the County Court House in the Borough of Brook. lcn, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of April, 1910, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-tnent, or to either of them, the motion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to assessments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports. pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter. as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated B'nrough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb-ruary 21, 1910.


Commissioners of Estimate. CHARLES F. MURPHY,

Commissioner of Assessment.

Jas. I', QUICLEY, Clerk.


In the matter of the application of The City of New Yurk, relative to acquiring title. wher-ever the same has not been heretofore ac-yuired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required f , r the opening and extending of SIGOUR-NEY STREET, between Otsego street and Hicks street, in the Twelfth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- sons interested in the above entitled pro-

ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu-pant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

1:irst-That the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estimate of dam-age, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said ohjections, in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, No. 166 Montague street, in the (Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 8th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in at-tendance at their said office on the 10th day of March, 1910, at 11 o'clock a. m.

Second-That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit, and that all persons interested in this proceeding or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby having any objection thereto, do file their said objections, in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. on or before the 8th day of March, 1910, and that the said Commission will bear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in at-tendance at his said office on the 11th day of \larch, 1910, at 11 o'clock a. m.

'\'bird-That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of asses- ment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 17th day of January, 1908, and that the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows. viz.,

Bounded on the northeast by a line always midway between Sigourney street and Bay street and the prolongations of the said line; on the southeast by a line distant 100 feet south- easterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of (licks street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Hicks Greet; no the southwest by a line always midway between Sigourney street and Halleck street and the prolongations of the said line, and on the northwest by a line distant 100 feet northwest-erly from and parallel with the northwesterly line of Otsego street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Otsego street.

Fourth-That the abstracts of said estimate if damage and of said assessment for benefit, ogethcr with the damage and benefit maps and

also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used brr the Commissioners of Estimate arid by the Commissioner of Assess-ment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until the 18th day of March, 1910.

Fifth-That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be pre-ented for confirmation to the Su-reme Court of the State of New York, Second

Department, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the County Court House, in the Bor. ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of April, 1910, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-rnent, or to either of them, the motion to con-Grm the reports as to awards and as to assess-ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap-ter 6S8 of the Laws of 1926.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb-ruary 17, 1910.


Commissioners of Estimate, JAMES V. SHORT, Jr.,

Commissioner of Assessment. JnriLs F. QutnLEY, Clerk.

f 17,m7




:\orlhern Aqueduct Department, Section No. 3.

Towns of Olive and Marbletown.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. Eduard Simmons,n Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory there-of, in the Towns of Olive and Marbletown, Ulster County, N. Y., for the purpose of pro- viding an additional supply of pure and whole. sonic water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the third separate report of Amos Van

Etten, Lawrence F. Abbott and Arthur V. Iloontbeck, who were appointed Commissioners ill the above entitled matter by an order of this Court made at a Special Term thereof, held at the City (fall, in the City of Albany, Albany County, N. Y., November 30, 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 14th day of February, 1910, and affects parcels numbers ninety-nine (99), one hundred (100) and one hundred and three (103), shown oil the map in this proceeding.

Notice is further given that an application will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Third Judicial District, at the Court house in the City of Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., on the 19th day of March, 19I0, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as couovei can be heard, for an order confirming said report and for such other and further relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose tire cuufirmation of any or all parcels rontarned in said report.

Ilatem. February 16, 1910. ARCIII11ALD R. WATSON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, New York City.




Aslrokan Reservoir, Seetio* No. 16.

Towns of Hurley, Woodstock and Kingston.

In the matter of the application and petition of John A. Bensel, Charles N, Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Towns of Hurley, Woodstock and Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., for the pur- pose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the second separate report of David C.

Robinson, Severyn B. Sharpe and James J. Fraw-ley, who were appointed Commissioners of Ap-praisal in the above entitled matter by an order of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, held at the City Hall, in the City of Albany, upon the 22d day of May, 1909, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 17th day of February, 1910, and affects parcel:, numbers seven hundred and seventy-one (771), seven hundred and seventy-six (776), seven hundred and eighty-four (784), seven hun-dred and eighty-nine (789), seven hundred and ninety-three (793), seven hundred and ninety. six A (756-A), eight hundred and two (802), eight hucdred and five (805), eight hundred and seven (7) and eight hundred and ten (810), shown on the map and the supplemental map filed in this proceeding.

Notice is fttrther given that an application will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Third Judicial District, at the City Hall. in the City of Albany, N. Y., on the 12th day of March. 1910, at 10 o'clock in the fore-noon of that day, or as soon thereafter as coon- sel can be heard, for an order confirming said report and for such other and further relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated February 17, 1910. ARCVIBALD R. WATSON,

Corporation Counsel, Office and Post Office Address, Hall of Rec-

ords, Borough of :Manhattan, New York City. fl9,ml2



Ashokan Reservoir. Sectiox No. 18.

Ulster County, Town of Hurley.

In the matter of the application and petition of John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shame, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Town of Hurley, Ulster County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

P UB1.IC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the second separate report of J. Rider

Cady, Edmund M. Wilbur and Thomas J. Colton, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above entitled matter by an order of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, held at the City Hall, in the City of Albany, upon the I3d day of May, 1909, was filed in the office if the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 2d day of February, 1910. and affects parcels num-hers eight hundred and seventy (870), eight hun• Bred and seventy-two (872), eight hundred and ;eventy-five (875), eight hundred and seventy seven (877), eight hundred and eighty-seven (887), eight hundred and ninety (890). eight hundred and ninety-one (891), eight hundred and ninety-seven (897), nine hundred and one (9011, ,rive hundred and five (905). nine hundred and twelve (912). nine hundred and seventeen (917), nine hundred and twenty-three (923), nine hun-dred and twenty-six (926), nine hundred and thirty (930), nine hundred and thirty-one (931). nine hundred and thirty-four (934) and nine hun-dred and thirty-five (935), shown on the map of this proceeding.

Notice is further given that an application will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Third Judicial District, at the City Hall, in the City of Albany, N. Y., on the 12th day of \larch, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for an order confirming said report and for such other and further relief as may be just; re-erving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated February 11. 1910. ARCHIBALD R. WATSON,

Corporation Counsel. Office and Post OtTice Address, Hall of Records.

Borough of Manhattan, New York City. f19.m12




Kcnsico Reservoir, Section No. 12.

In the matter of the application and petition of John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatoty thereof, in the Towns of Harrison and North Castle, Westchester County. N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the second separate report of the Com-

missioners of Appraisal in the above entitled matter, including Parcels Nos. 863, 867, 872, 873, 876, 883, 901 and 902, was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Westchester mm the 15th day of February, 1910.

Fruther notice is hereby given that an applica-tion to confirm the said report will be made before his Honor, Mr. Justice Arthur S. Tomp' kins, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court Ninth Judicial District, at Pan II.. at a Special

and Trial Term of the Supreme Court, to be held in and for the County of Westchester, at the Court House, in White Plains, N. Y., on the 21st day of March, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report and for such other and further relief a , may be just.

Dated New York City. February 21, 1910. ARCIIIBALD R. WATSON,

Corporation Counsel. Office and Post Office Address, Hall of Rec-

utds, New York City. f28,m21


Itiensico Reservoir, Section No. 9.


In the matter of the application and petition of John A. L'ensel. Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Bard -o,f Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in the Town of Mount Pleasant, Westchester County' N, Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first separate report of John M.

Digney, Stephen Van Ta seland Samuel T. Foley, Commissioners of Appraisal in the above entitled matter, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester, at White Plains, in said County, on December 27, 1909.

Notice is further given that the first seoaraM report includes and affects the parcels of land designated as Parcels Nos. 599, 599, 600, 601, 603, 104, 606, 607. 608, 609, 611, 612, 614, 615, (16, 617, 619, 620, 621, 6J2, 629, 626, 627, 62R. 631, 633, 636, 646, 649, 650, 651, 656, 657, 660. hell 662, 665, 666, 672, 674, 675. 681, 683, 685, 686. 687, 698, 689, 690, 691, 693, 69.4 and 695 in said proceeding.

Notice is further given that an application mvill he made at a Special Tern of the Supreme Curt of the State of New York, to he held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at the Cham-hers of Mr. Justice Isaac N. Mills, in the City of Mount 1'crnnn, N. Y. on the 12th day of Varch, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he beard, for an order confirnung said report and for such other and further relief as may he just.

Ilatcl New York. February It 1010, ARC1IIP.\lD R. WATSON,

Corporation Coun.el. Nall of Recnr+ls, Corner of Centre and Cham-

hers Streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.





The per„~n r per>ons makim; a bid ur estiurat. for any scntcc,, svurk, inalcna!s or supplies for I lie City of Ncty lurk, or for any of its depart-nrcuts, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same iu a scaled errcclope, iud.nsed with the title o1 IhC 'ut'plrc-, w:ucna:;, ,m urk , •r -cnrrc, Lo «Iii the bid ur e timatc is w.ih, %kitli lit, ,'r t:i,![ name or names and tie date of prescutati''n to time A'resident or Board or to the headof (lie Department at his ur its otlice, on or beture the late and hour named in the advertisement for the same, at which time and place the estimates recc:vrd will be publicly opened by the V'resident ur Bard or head ut sail 1)cvactmcut and read, and the award of the contract male accurding to law as 000o thereafter as practicable.

Lacit bid or estimate siiall contain the name and place of residence of the nelson niakin9 the same, and name; of all pers~'ns interested with him therein, and if no other persun be so lute i- estcJ, it shah distinctly state that fact; also. that it i+ made w- itltout ally connection with ant other I'e ISO u making hn estimate for file sane purpose, and is in all respects fair and without cpI\oSiprm o: fraud, arid that rto member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a hnnao, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or otter ofliccr of The City of New York is, shall be or bccomc interested, directly or indirectly, as comm• tracting party, partner, stockhu!der, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the con-tract, or in the supplies, work or business to 'shish it rclatct or in ally portion of the motits thereof. The bid or estimate mu.t be vcritied by the oath, in mm riling. of the tarty or parties mak-iug the estimate that the several matters stated herein are in all respects true.

Each bid or e<timate shall be acc~omparnied by the consent, in writing, of two h usehuhler- or frceh~ , l~lers in The City of New York, or :' a guaranty or surety company Multi• autlrorized by lair to act as surety, and shall c, mtain the mat-ters set forth in the blank forms mertium-! below.

No bid or e,timate will be con idereml uule, as a condition precedent to the reception or s- ri- si,leration of any proposal, it be accon;panied by a certified check upon one of the State or Na-tional hank; of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the bond required, as provided in section 420 of the Greater New York Charter.

The certified check or money should not be in-closed in the envelope containing the hid or e,li-mate, but should be either inclosed in a separate envelope addressed to the head of the Depart-ment. President or Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation of the bid or estimate.

For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifica-tions, schedules, plans. etc.. on file in the said office of the President, Board or Department.

Ni hid shall be accented from or contract awarded to any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract. or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, uport any obligation to the City.

The contract must be bid for separately. The right is reserved in each case to reject

all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the interest of the City so to do.

Bidders will write out the amount of their bids or estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Bidder; are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank forms prepared and furnished lbv the City. a cony of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose the hid, to-gether ivith a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form anproved by tire Cor-rnorati~ ,n Counsel. can be obtained upon appliea-tion therefor at the office of the Department f'-which the work is to be done. Plans and d ings of construction work may also be seen flit
