The EMU Messages Display Utility - CERN Document Server

@, DELPHI Collaboration So DELPHI 93-30 DAS 142 24 March, 1993 The EMU Messages Display Utility T. Rovelli* Abstract The DELPHI Data Acquisition and Control System uses the Error and Message handling Utility (EMU) as a standard distributed system which deals with messages generated by the controlling and monitoring processes. This note describes a tool which allows one to look at EMU messages as they are produced and to retrieve pas messages. This utility, being based ona configuration file, can be used both by the central and individual detector operators. Version exist with both MOTIF (X-windows) and MHI ("VT100") user interfaces. “Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Bologna and INEN, Via Irnerio 46, I-40126 Bologna, Italy.

Transcript of The EMU Messages Display Utility - CERN Document Server

@, DELPHI Collaboration So DELPHI 93-30 DAS 142

24 March, 1993

The EMU Messages Display Utility

T. Rovelli*


The DELPHI Data Acquisition and Control System uses the Error and Message handling Utility (EMU) as a standard distributed system which deals with messages generated by the controlling and monitoring processes. This note describes a tool which allows one to look at EMU messages as they are produced and to retrieve pas messages. This utility, being based ona configuration file, can be used both by the central and individual detector operators. Version exist with both MOTIF (X-windows) and MHI ("VT100") user interfaces.

“Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Bologna and INEN, Via Irnerio 46, I-40126 Bologna, Italy.


The Error and Message handling Utility (EMU) deals with messages generated by controlling and monitoring processes in the DELPHI Online environment. The EMU Messages Dis- play Utility (EMDU), described in this note, is the DELPHI user interface to EMU and is running, at present:

centrally on the Slow Control (SC) VAXStation;

centrally on the Central Partition (CP) VAXStation;

locally on the individual detectors VAXStations.

In the first case every detector has its own window where safety or diagnostic messages of general interest concerning the detector appear.

In the second case messages relating to the data acquisition and to the Trigger Partition (TP) are displayed. A separate window has been created for communication with LEP.

Locally displays include messages that are useful for the detector operator, selected and sent in appropriate windows (data. acquisition, gas, high voltage, etc.).

In each configuration alarm conditions appear in dedicated windows.

This section summarizes EMU and the controlling and monitoring processes, showing how they interact with the EMU.

1.1 EMU

EMU is a run-time messages reporting system. A full description on how to use the EMU in a generic environment can be found in Ref. [1] and a general exposition of the principles and conventions adopted to use the EMU in the DELPHI Online Equipment Computer (EC) can be found in Ref. [2]. In this document the Inessage pipeline implemented in EMU will be emphasized, which, for the DELPHI Online users, can be summarized in the following steps:

e Injection: As a general rule all injected monitoring and controlling programs call EMU message Injection routines to send EMU messages. Only the name of the message and, if necessary, Some parameters values are required in these calls. These injection routines call the Decoding. The only exception is represented by the messages coming from Fastbus Interseginent Processors (FIPs), which are directly sent into the EMU Router (Section 1.3).

e Decoding: The EMU Decoder process looks into an existing local database (message file), and retrieves the message text. which correspond to the injected message name. The Decoder builds the final message adding the appropriate parameters and properties (strings that characterize the messages [1]), and then sends it to the Router.

e Routing: The EMU Router process, following previously built database (route map file) instructions, transfers the message to the proper destination, anywhere in the DELPHI Online Cluster.

e Destinations: Possible EMU message destinations are physical devices or other pro- grams. The message can be sent either in formatted or unformatted mode. Actually, in the Online Cluster, the destinations are:

Log-files All messages are routed into log-files without any formatting. These log- files are mainly:

Local log-files where the messages useful for detector purposes are routed (such as detector hardware and software debugging);

Central operator log-files where general utility messages are routed (like alarms, general safety, detector voltages, and gas messages).

Terminals Logged-on terminals are alerted whenever an alarm message is injected. Programs EMU messages can be sent to other programs. In the Online environment

this facility is used to forward alarm EMU messages to other processes which communicate with GSS (see below), beep selected detector experts, or broadcast to selected logged-on users.


The DELPHI SC system [4] is designed to monitor the apparatus, to allow an operator to control the experiment, to take automatic action if required in the event of an alarm, and to record, onto the Delphi database slowly varying values of parameters required for data analysis.

At the lowest level the system consists of C64 [5] crates which act as the interface between the hardware and the VAX-hased Elementary Processes (EPs).

An EP, running as a batch job in an EC, controls and monitors one subsystem of the apparatus (high voltage, temperature, etc.).

Communication between G64 and VAX is based on Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) [6], which uses CATS and OSI standards [7] for communication over Ethernet.

Being easily configurable, all software, in spite of the wide hardware variety, is highly stan- dardized in the majority of subsystems. Interaction with the EPs is possible via SMI [8] and HIPE [9]. One of the tasks of the EP is to inform detector and central operators about changes in the monitored hardware. This is implemented by sending messages to EMU.

The general safety of all the LEP point 8 apparatus is monitored by an independent system provided by the GSS (General Surveillance and Security system) group of CERN ECP. Com- munication between DELPHI and the GSS system is implemented via two programs that send and receive EMU inessages, informing GSS of detected alarms, and perhaps forcing a GSS action (such as beeping the SLIMOS).

The Delphi Gas System [10] is independent of the Delphi SC. All subsystems within the gas system are autonomous in order to guarantee safe operation in case of network problems. The gas system is linked with the SC: system via SMI and an alarm server in the VAX-based Gas Interface. This server relies on EMU Inessages to inform both the operator and the GSS system (which will perform hardware action for certain alarms). In this area, the EMU system Is an essential part of the safety structure.


Error messages can be generated by all processes running in the fastbus (FB) processors (FIPs). Each time a process detects an error it calls a library [11] which sends the error to a local error server (‘error_server’),

On each FIP a single error server runs collecting the errors detected by all the processes running on the same FIP. Whenever receives an error, it stores it in a log file local to the FIP, and sends a message over Ethernet. to a special server (Emu_FbServer) on the SC VAXStation.

A Single EMU FB receives errors from all the DELPHI FIPs’ error servers. On receipt of an error message the EMU FB server will append all the necessary EMU properties to the error, and inject it directly in the EMU router mailbox.

The data. flow deals with the data. collection of each partition from Fastbus and controls the data until its final destination (Inass storage and on-line monitoring). The data flow has been built using Model Buffer Manager (MBM) [12], that is a part of the MODEL package having as main purpose the control of data acqusition data flow. Actually the central data logger records the data on disk, and an asynchronous copy procedure running as a permanent task copies the data from disk to tape. Both the data flow processes and the asynchronous tape copy procedure send EMU Inessages concerning their status.

2 EMU Messages Display Utility (EMDU)

EMDU has been developed in the DELPHI Online environment to provide a tool that has, as its main task, the capability to get, select, and show the incoming EMU messages. EMDU reads new messages from a selected log-file (EMU write messages in a number of log-files) waiting, at the end-of-file, for a log-file update [13]. This solution solves limitations of the previous programs allowing different EMDU programs to run in every DELPHI Online Cluster node, and different EMDU programs to receive the same EMU message (pointing on the same log-file). The user interface was built with MOTIF [14], and with the Xt Intrinsic - a set of routines that provide access to lower levels of the X Window System [15]. Furthermore a version of the EMDU program using MHI [16] as the user interface exists, which makes the use of EMDU possible via alphanumeric terminals. To run EMDU a configuration file is reqtured. It contains commands! that, among other

‘Fully described in next. section.

things, allow one to set:

e the window names and number;

e the message selection criteria. to put the messages in the right windows;

e the parts of the messages to be shown;

e the log-file from which EMU inessages will be read.

This allows EMDU to run in Inany different situations, either centrally or locally. Moreover, a log-file browse option was been added to the EMDU?. This option gives the opportunity to search for alarms, fastbus problems, detectors problems, and so on, which happened in the past, and have already disappeared.

3 The EMDU configuration file

When the EMDU program is starting up, it will search for the configuration file in the following places:

a) Logical name EMU_DISPLAY_CONF_FILE;

b) Current directory:




respectively for the MOTIF and the MHI version.

In b),c) and d), the default file name EMU_DISPLAY .DED is used.

The configuration file is composed of a commands set, with its parameters and qualifiers, created according to the Command Definition Utility (CDU)[17] rules. EMDU parses these commands using the Command Language (CLI){17] routines.

Up to now, the existing commands are:




“Only on the MOTIF version.



The complete description of these commands and their default [d] values follow. I



‘display name’?

is the window name. No default.



To select the messages with a specified detector property. GEN means all detectors.

syntax: /DETECTORS=(det1,det2, .. .); NO selection if /DETECTORS=(GEN) [d] is specified.


To select the messages with a specified endcap property. GEN means all endcaps.

Syntax: /ENDCAPS=(endc1, .. .); NO selection if /ENDCAPS=(GEN) [d] is specified.


To select the messages with a specified subsystem property. GEN means all subsystems. Syntax: /SUBSYSTEM=(subs1, .. 3 NO selection if /SUBSYSTEM=(GEN) [d] is specified.

The standard DELPHI EMU names [2] are used ag detectors, endcaps, subsystems names.


This qualifier makes the window active or not. Syutax: /ACTIVE [d], /NOACTIVE: If /NOACTIVE is specified the window will not get any message.


To pick out the messages injected without severity property as well. Syntax: /WITHOUT_SEVERITY [d], /NOWITHOUT_SEVERITY: NO selection if /WITHOUT_SEVERITY is specified.

® Actually working only in the MHI version of EMDU



To pick out the messages injected without the property MISC_RAISE as well. If /NOWITHOUT_RAISE is specified only the messages with this property (i.e. messages that can later be explicitly cancelled) will be shown.

Syntax: /WITHOUT_RAISE [d], /NOWITHOUT_RAISE; NO selection if /WITHOUT_RAISE is specified.


To pick out the messages injected with the property MISC_OPER as well. If /NOOPER is specified the messages with this property (useful for the on-shift operator) will not be shown. Syntax: /OPER [d], /NOOPER: NO selection if /OPER is specified.


To pick out the messages injected with the property MISC_EXPERT as well. If /NOEXPERT is specified the inessages with this property (useful for an expert to solve a hardware or software bug) will not be shown. Syntax: /EXPERT [d], /NOEXPERT: NO selection if /EXPERT is specified.


To pick out the messages injected from a specified program as well. This qualifier is important when EMDU is used locally to differentiate in the same detector, messages arriving, for example, from high voltage, low voltage, gas, etc.

Syntax: /PROGRAM_NAME=name (not case sensitive) ; NO selection if /PROGRAM_NAME=GEN [d] is specified.


To pick out only the messages injected with a specified message name. Syntax: /MESSAGE_NAME=name (not case sensitive); NO selection if /MESSAGE_NAME=GEN [d] is specified.


To pick out only the messages injected with a specified package name. Syntax: /PACKAGE_NAME=name (not case sensitive); NO selection if /PACKAGE_NAME=GEN [d] is specified.


To pick out only the messages injected with a specified machine name.

Syntax: /MACHINE_NAME=name (not case sensitive); NO selection if /MACHINE_NAME=GEN [d] is specified.



To pick out only the messages injected with a specified instance name.

Syntax: /INSTANCE_NAME=name (not case sensitive); NO selection if /INSTANCE_NAME=GEN [d] is specified.


To pick out only the messages which contain the specified string in the message text. Syntax: / TEXT=string (no case sensitive); NO selection if /TEXT=GEN [d] is specified.


To pick out only the Inessages injected with a severity equal to or higher than the specified one. Syntax: /MIN_SEVERITY=severity; NO selection if /MIN_SEVERITY=NONE [d] is specified.


To pick out only the iInessages injected with a severity equal to or lower than the specified one. Syntax: /MAX_SEVERITY=severity; NO selection if /MAX_SEVERITY=ALARM_3 [d] is specified.


EMDU will start to beep and will require an acknowledgment when a message arrives with a severity higher than the specified one. syntax: /ACKNOW_START=severity; The default is: /ACKNOW_START=ALARM_3.


Syntax: /SHOW= (parti,part2, .. 3 To select. how the messages will be built. Every message is formed by these parts [1, 2]: DETECTORS, ENDCAP, SUBSYSTEM, SEVERITY ,LOCATION, INSTANCE_NAME, MESSAGE_NAME, PROGRAM_NAME, PACKAGE_NAME, MACHINE_NAME, TIME, DATE, TEXT. The default is:





*The complete list of the severity names can be found in appendix A

is the name of the log-file from which you wish to extract the messages. The default is EMU_DISPLAY .DED.




The selected messages can be arranged, in every window, in two different ways: e by TIME: Messages will be ordered by time, with most recent messages


e by SEVERITY [d] : Messages will be ordered by severity with highest severity (often the most unportant) first. Messages with the same severity will be ordered by TIME.


At present the timeouts are only iinplemented in the MHI version of EMDU. Messages that were injected more than the specified timeout previously are not displayed.



To enable a timeout on Inessages not injected with the property MISC_RAISE. This timeout can be different for messages having differ- ent priorities.

Syntax: /NOTRAISED=(severity1=relative_time, severity2= relative_time,severity3=relative_time, ted. The default is:

/NOTRAISED=(NONE=0-00:05:00.00, SUCCESS=0-00:00:10.00, - INFORMATION=0-00:00:20.00, WARNING=0-00:05:00.00, - ERROR=0-00:10:00.00, FATAL=0-00:20:00.00, - ALARM_1=1-00:00:00.00, ALARM_2=1-00:00:00.00, - ALARM_3=1-00:00:00.00)


To enable a timeout on messages injected with the property MISC- -RAISE.

Syntax: /RAISED=(sevi=relative_time, sev2=relative_time, Sev3=relative_time, ...).

The default is:

/RAISED=(NONE=0-00:30:00.00, SUCCESS=0-00:10:00.00, - INFORMATION=0-00:20:00.00, WARNING=0-00:30:00.00, - ERROR=0-01:00:00.00, FATAL=0-02:00:00.00, ~ ALARM_1=1-00:00:00.00, ALARM_2=1-00:00:00.00, - ALARM_3=1-00:00:00.00)


To enable a timeout on Inessages injected with the property MISC- -REMIND, used with Inessages that refer to previous events. Syntax: /REMINDER=(sevi=relative_time, sev2=relative_time, Sev3=relative_time, ...). The default is the same as for RAISED.


To make ineffective the timeout over the messages. This means that the nessages reiain in a window until the window buffer is full. Then the oldest window’s inessage will be lost. This qualifier is incompatible with the previous ones.



Only one of the qualifiers listed below is allowed.


EMDU will show a Selection Box where it can be chosen if the pro- gram:

has to wait for new incoming EMU inessages; has to retrieve past EMU messages: has to deal with a file browse utility.

Depending on this choice, different boxes will appear to select, if neces- sary, the log-file to scan and the time period to be searched for the past messages.


EMDU will search for the EMU messages (in the log-file specified, in the configuration file with the LOG_NAME command), and will select all the ones that have been injected between the ‘initial_search_time’, aud the time considered present. time by the running EMDU (reaching the log-file EOF). Syntax: /HISTORY=(INITIAL_TIME=<< initial_search_time’’)


EMDU will reach the EOF of the log-file specified in the configura- tion file with the LOG_NAME command, and it will wait for incoming messages.



EMDU will start the browse utility® in ‘offline’ mode (not looking for incoming EMU messages). EMDU will search for the messages in the log-file specified with the LOG_NAME command injected between the ‘initial_search_time’ and the ‘final_search_time’. Syntax:


INITIAL_TIME=‘ ‘initial_search_time’’,

FINAL_TIME=‘ ‘final_search_time’’)

3.6 An example

The example below shows how to built the file (usually called EMU -DISPLAY.DED) read when EMDU starts. There are no restrictions about the order in which the commands are given. The only command used more than once is the DISPLAY command, which has to be used as many times as the number of windows needed. When using this command it is necessary to take into account that the first and second time that this command is used, it will set the two alarm windows.












/HISTORY_BROWSE=(INITIAL_TIME=‘‘0-10:00:00.00°°, -

FINAL_TIME=‘ ‘27-JUL-1992 17:59:00.00’?)

rm . . .

’ Described in detail later.


4 Starting EMDU

To make all the necessary symbols available put in your file or type:

onlsetup Lerror_handling]

To start the program (only from X terminals) type:

Cdelphi$online: [error_handling.m_display] display

To start the MHI program version just type:


While EMDU is starting up, it will send some informative Inessages to the operator. Then the STARTUP_MODE command in the configuration file will give rise to the following pos- sibilities:

e The STARTUP_MODE command has NOHISTORY or HISTORY as the qualifier.

i this case, after the log-file reading, if HISTORY is the qualifier EMDU will be ready to get the EMU inessages sent to the selected log-file;

e The STARTUP_MODE command has HISTORY_BROW SE as the qualifier. In this case, EMDU will search for the past messages in the selected log-file without being worried about the Incoming messages.

The first case is described in the next section, and the second in section 6.


EMDU 3.3







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isplay 9 EMU Messages D

ontro] environment, can be summa- 1e DELPHI Slow C | EMDU, customized in Fi rized in the following general poin

g. | for t


e ‘window’ buttons:

e ‘alarm’ buttons;

e ‘one message’ window;

e ‘text’ window button;

e Commands menu;

e Help menu.


5.1 Window and Alarm Buttons

When a new message has arrived, EMDU looks at the selection criteria of every active window. If the window selection criteria are satisfied, the message is put into the window buffer. To notify the user that new messages have arrived in a window, the corresponding button on the display will change colour. If the left mouse button is clicked on the display button, a window will appear with all the messages inside. Moreover, two clocks will appear on the left- and right-hand side of the ‘Text Window’ button to indicate the injection time of the oldest, and of the latest message in the buffer. The display button will then return to its normal colour.

When the left button of the mouse is clicked for the second time on the same display button, the ‘messages’ window and the clocks will disappear. The border of the display button will change colour to remind the operator that there are some messages in the window.

The colours that the buttons or their borders assume will be different according to the severity of the message aud they will refer to the message(s) with the highest severity.

5.2 One Message Window and Text Window Button

Over the ‘alarms’ buttons there is a ‘text’ window, that may be always seen. In this window the messages that have to be visible to the operator such as EMDU status, results of operator actions, etc., will appear.

Many of these messages and others will be recorded on a special window, the ‘text’ window. This window will appear on the screen by clicking on the ‘text’ window button, the upper button in the EMDU. The ‘text’ window can be considered as a kind of EMDU run history.

9-6 Commands menu

Clicking the left mouse button over the word ‘Command’ gives the possibility to choose between the following items:

Action on Display Window;

e Action on Log Files;

Action on Timeouts;

Program Exit.

9.3.1 Action on Display Window

If this item is selected, a submenu will appear offering three possibilities:


e Activate a Display Window;

e Deactivate a Display Window:

e Edit a Display Window.

After any choice a ‘selection’ menu will appear to select the window that is to be activated, deactivated or edited. If window ‘activation’? or ‘deactivation’ was selected, only windows not active or active, respectively, can be selected. After the window selection, the corresponding action will be carried out. If the last item was selected the ‘Edit Menu’ will pop up, offering these possibilities:

No More Changes;

Change Selection Criteria;

Change Display Options;

e Change Title;

Change ‘Beep’ Severity.

In this menu a choice can be made by clicking with the left mouse button on the item, and then on the confirmation button.

No More Changes This option has to be selected to end window editing.

Change Selection Criteria When this option is confirmed, a ‘selection criteria menu? will pop up, with these items:

e Cancel Any Change;

e Detectors;

e End Caps/Barrel;

e Subsystems;

e Severities:

e Program Name;

e Package Name;

e Message Name;

e Machine Name;

e Instance Name;


e Text String;

e Use New Selection Criteria;

e Use Default Selection Criteria.

Furthermore these items need a. confirmation, which can be carried out by clicking on the menu button at the bottom.

Cancel Any Change This option will cancel all selection criterion changes. The ‘selec- tion criteria ienw’ will disappear and the ‘Edit Menu’ will pop up.

Detectors, End Caps/Barrel, Subsystems A menu will appear that allows one to change the detector, location, subsystem properties which determine the messages selection. Multiple selections are possible. When the confirmation button (‘End Of Changes’) is clicked, the ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ will reappear.

Severities A menu will appear that allows the severity properties (minimum and max- imum severity) to be changed. Only the Inessages having a severity between the lowest and the highest one will be selected. When the ditto (‘End Of Changes’) is clicked, the ‘Selection - Criteria Menu’ will reappear.

Program, Package, Message, Machine, Instance Name A ‘Text Entry Box’ will appear that allows one to specify the program, package, message, machine, or instance name, which determine the messages selection. When the confirmation button (‘End Of Changes’) is clicked, the ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ will reappear. Typing the full program name is mandatory, but is not. case sensitive.

Text String A ‘Text Entry Box’ will appear that allow one to specify the string, which determines the messages selection. When the confirmation button (‘End Of Changes’) is clicked the ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ will reappear. Typing all or part of the text string is not case sensitive.

Use New Selection Criteria This option will save every change in the selection criteria. The new selection criteria will become active. The ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ will disappear and the ‘Edit Menu’ will pop up.

Use Default Selection Criteria This option will recall the default selection criteria which will become active. The ‘Selection Criteria Menw’ will disappear and the ‘Edit Menw’ will pop up.

Change Display Options When this option is confirmed, a ‘Display Option Menu’ will pop up. This menu allows the way in which the message is seen to be changed. Multiple selections are possible. When confirmation button (‘End Of Changes’) is clicked, the ‘Edit Menw’ will reappear.

Change Title When this option is confirmed, a ‘Title Dialog Box’ will pop up. This dialog box allows the window title to be changed. This option can be confirmed (and the window title updated) or cancelled, using the buttons at the bottom of the box.

Change ‘Beep’ Severity When this option is confirmed, a ‘beep level’ box will pop up. This box consists of an ‘option’ menu to change the EMDU acknowledge request severity level, and a confirmation button to regain the ‘edit menu’. At present this option is only implemented in the MHI version.

9.3.2 Action on Log-Files

If this item is selected a submenu will appear offering these possibilities:

e Change Log File;

e Update Log File Version;

e Change Log File Update Timeout.

Change Log File This option can be used either to tune in to another log-file or to switch to the browse utility while the EMDU is running. After a confirmation request (on the loss of all EMDU buffered messages), a ‘History Selection Box’ will appear. The same selection box will pop up when the EMDU is starting up if the configuration file has the command STARTUP_MODE/INTERACTIVE.

It will be possible to select. one of these options:

e No History;

e History file(s) reading;

e History browse utility.

No History This option will pop up a ‘File Selection Box’ where a new log-file can be selected. Then EMDU will reach the selected log-file EOF and will start to show new incoming messages.


History file(s) reading This option will pop up a ‘File Selection Box’ to type or select the name of the log-file that you wish to investigate. Then a ‘Time Selection Box’ will pop up where the time (in the past) can be selected, from which the messages will be searched®, read, and selected from the display. The time can be either absolute or relative. The time will be considered absolute if the month is not 0 (the year cannot be selected, the current one is considered). At the end of history reading the EMDU will start showing the incoming messages, and will appear as if it had been running since the selected date.

History browse utility This option will start the log-file browse utility. A description of this utility can be found in Section 6.

Update Log File Version This option will start an EMDU search for a new version of the log-file to which the EMDU is pointing. A message, in the ‘one message’ window will inform the operator on this search result. The choice of this option is advisable when no messages have arrived at the EMDU for a ‘reasonable’ anount of time. To inform the operator of this possibility a permanent timeout (see next paragraph) is set.

Change Log File Update Timeout This option allows the time value that is used for the ‘no-message timeout’ to be changed. If this time has passed without any messages arriving from EMU, a warning message will appear in the ‘one message’ window. This timeout has a range between one minute and one day.

9.3.3 Action on Timeouts

This item can be selected if the TIMEOUTS command in the configuration file appears without the /DISABLED qualifier.

If this item is selected a submenu will appear offering the following possibilities:

e Messages not raised explicitly;

e RAISE messages;

REMINDER. messages;

No More Changes.

Messages not raised explicitly, RAISE messages, REMINDER messages By click- ing over one of the first three items, a submenu will appear where you can type the timeout to be given to the messages into the EMDU buffer. These timeouts have to be given in VMS delta time format, and can be different for different message severities. All the current timeout values are shown and you can select to exit from this menu, validating, or not, the changes.

“Up to nine file version, behind the current one.


No More Changes This option will quit the ‘Action on Timeouts’ menu.

5.3.4 Program Exit

If this item is selected a ‘question box’ will appear requesting confirmation to leave the EMDU prograin. Then, if the ‘No’ button is clicked, the EMDU will continue its work. Otherwise, after a positive answer, the EMDU will stop itself.

9.4 Help menu

Clicking with the left button of the mouse on the word ‘Help’ it is possible to choose between these items:

e On Colours;

e On Version.

9.4.1 On Colours

The buttons (and their border) will assume different colours when messages with different severities arrive (lave been seen). If this item hag been selected, a ‘Dialog Box’ will appear, showing on the left-hand side the severity, and on the right-hand side the corresponding colour.

Clicking on the ‘OK’ button causes the ‘dialog box’ to disappear.

9.4.2 On Version

Selecting this item the standard DECwindow help widget will appear, showing the main improvements and differences between the different EMDU versions.

br_parent_popup SSCS ES

YVSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:07:30 EP_VSAT_BIAS DET VSAT Error OF 048668 VSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:07:30 EP_VSAT_BIAS DET VSAT Error OFO4866E VSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:07:30 EP_VSAT_BIAS DET VSAT Error OF 04866 VSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:09:36 EP_VSAT_BIAS DET VSAT Error O8438C8:

| YSAT FATAL 8-FEB-1993 12:09:44 EP_VSAT_BIAS DET VSAT Elementary prox VSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:09:48 EP_VSAT_SWST DET _VSAT Etror 08438C: VSAT ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:09:58 EP_VSAT_SWST DET VSAT Error 0000204 HPC BERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:17:38 EP_HPC_TEMP DET_HPC Error 084389: HPC B ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:17:40 EP_HPC_TEMP DET HPC Error 0000209¢ EMF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:43 SC_DB_UPDATE DET EMF Process EMF RIF FATAL 8-FEB-1993 12:26:45 EP_RIF1_LV_A DET _RIF1 Elementary process RIF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:46 EP_RIF1_TV_A DET RIF] Error O803B8C2 in RIF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:46 EP_RIF1_UV_A DET_RIF1 Error 0803B8C2? ir RIF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:46 EP_RIF1_UV_A DET RIF1 Error 0803B8C2 ir RIF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:46 EP_RIF1_UV_ADET_ RIF1 Error 0803B8C? it RIF ERROR 8-FEB-1993 12:26:46 EP_RIF1_UV_A DET RIF1 Error 0803B8C2? ir


_ Continue © Edit... | Browse End

Figure 2: Browse utility.

6 Browse Utility

This utility retrieves past EMU messages in any log-file. It will search for them in a given time interval, and according to given selection criteria. Selected messages will be shown according to given display options. While this utility is active all incoming EMU messages will be ignored.

The history browse utility can be invoked either at the EMDU startup with the right STARTUP_MODE comand qualifier in the configuration file (see section 4), or by selecting the appropriate item in the ‘Actions on Log Files’ Commands menu (see Section 5.3.2),

In the latter case, a file selection menu will appear and then, when the file has been selected, a widget with two adjustable times will pop up. These times represent the temporal interval between which the messages will be searched for. Any valid combination of absolute and relative’ times are allowed. The widget will reappear if an invalid time is typed.

After the selection of the time in this case (or directly in the first one), the ‘browse widget’ (Fig. 2) will pop up. This widget contains a window where the messages appear, and three

7A time will be considered relative if the Month is set to 0.


buttons which offer the following possibilities:

Go/Continue button: This choice starts the Inessages’ search when it is clicked for the first time. It continues the messages’ search when the searching is paused®:

Edit... button: This choice starts a menu which has the following options (see section 5.3.1):

e No More Changes

© Change Selection Criteria

By default there are no selections at all.

e Change Display Options

By default the following parts? of an EMU messages will be shown: the detector abbreviation, the location, the severity, the injection date, the injection time, the program name, the instance name, the text.

If ‘No More Changes’ has been selected (and validated by clicking on the ‘Confirm Choice’ button), the changes became active.

Browse End button: This choice stops the browse utility.

If all messages within the given time interval have been scanned, the search terminates, and only the ‘Browse End’ button will be active.

If ‘Browse End’ was selected a selection box will pop up*® where one can choose whether to remain in browse utility or to (re)start looking for the incoming EMU messages,


I would like to thank the central DAS people who have been helpful with their advices in the realization of this tool. Special thanks to T. Adye for his active collaboration in the initial phase of this project and acknowledgement to M. Jonker for specific discussions in its development phase.

The author is grateful to R. Jones of the ECP group and A. Aimar of the SL group for their high quality support. The author would also like to acknowledge the original design work of K. Spang done a long while ago and the work of P. Burkimsher, author of EMU.

Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to F.L. N avarria for his support in this work.

“The message search is paused after every hundred messages selected. ” See the Subsection ‘Change Selection Criteria’ in the Section 5.3.1. The same selection box that appears when the ‘Change Log File’ option in ‘Action on Log-File’ Command menu item has been selected (Section 5.3.2).


A Severity Properties

In the table below the common

DELPHI environment.

set of severity properties is shown, as actually defined in

Property Description SEV_NONE










Appears in a message injected without severity. A success message indicates that something was done successfully. An information message tells that operator have done something unusual, may be not intentional. A warning message tells that there is something wrong and mat be an indicator that an expert should look at the problem. An error message tells that there is a condition of which the operator must be notified. This condition does not prevent the run from continuing. A fatal message tells that there is an serious error that prevent the run from continuing. An alarm is an indication of possible hazard to per- sonnel or apparatus. Besides being displayed on the central and EC console, the alarm message will be sent to GSS. An action to handle an alarm must to be taken in a short time (e.g. 30 minutes). An alarin of level 2 indicates a definite hazard to per- sonnel or apparatus, and consequently the time scale for corrective action is shorter. An alarm of level 3 indicates a severe hazard to per- sonnel, like fire or flood. Normally cause the power to the online computers to be cut off. Messages with this property are used together with the alarm properties to debug a program without alert the GSS.

Table 1: Severity properties








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