THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING VOCABULARY BY USING INFOGRAPHIC (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eight Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang in the Academic Year 2019/2020) A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Educational in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) Andika Afrian 1113014000055 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA 2019




(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eight Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 11

Kota Tangerang in the Academic Year 2019/2020)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

Andika Afrian









Andika Afrian (NIM: 1113014000055). The Effectiveness of Teaching

Vocabulary by Using Infographic (A Quasi-experimental Research at the

Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang in the Academic

Year 2019/2020). Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences

of State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

The aim of this research was to obtain the empirical evidence about the

effectiveness of teaching vocabulary using infographic. The method used in this

research was a quantitative method and the research design was a quasi-

experimental. The sample of this research was at eight grade students of SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang academic year 2019/2020. They were 8.2 class as the

experimental class, whereas 8.4 class as the control one. Each class consisted of 35

students. The researcher used purposive sampling. The instrument used in this

research was multiple choice test which consisted of 35 question for pre-test and 35

question for the post-test. Based on the calculation, the post-test mean scores of the

experimental class was 76.4 while that of the control class was 70.7. then the result

of statistical hypothesis testing by using independent sample t-test found that on

degree of significant 5% (α = 0.05), tobserve was 2.968 while ttable was 1.995 or tobserve >

ttable. Therefore, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Furthermore, the Cohen’s formula

was used in order to know the effect size of infographic and the result was 0.70. it

proved that infographic gave moderate effect. So, we can concluded that there was a

moderate effect of infographic on students vocabulary learning at eight grade of

students SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang in the academic year of 2019/2020.

Keywords: Infographic, Vocabulary.



Andika Afrian (NIM: 1113014000055). Pengaruh Infographic Terhadap

Pembelajaran Kosa Kata Siswa (Penelitian kuasi-eksperimental pada kelas

delapan SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020). Skripsi

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun 2018.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efek dari infographic terhadap pembelajaran

kosa kata siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan

desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi-eksperimen. Sampel pada penelitian

ini adalah siswa/siswi kelas delapan SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang tahun ajaran

2019/2020. Mereka dari kelas 8.2 sebagai kelas eksperimen sedangkan dari kelas

8.4 adalah sebagai kelas kontrol. Masing – masing kelas terdiri dari 35 siswa.

Peneliti menggunakan Purposive sampling. Instrument yang digunakan adalah

bentuk tes pilihan ganda yang terdiri dari 35 soal untuk pra-tes dan 35 soal untuk

pos-tes. Derdasarkan perhitungan, rata – rata nilai pos-tes dari kelas eksperimen

adalah 76,4 sedangkan rata – rata nilai pos-tes kelas control adalah 70,7.

Selanjutnya, hasil hipotesis statistic tes dengan menggunakan independent sample

t-test menunjukan bahwa pada tingkat taraf 5% (α = 0.05), nilai untuk t count adalah

2,968 sedangkan nilai untuk t table adalah 1,995 atau t count > t table. Maka dari itu,

Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Lebih lagi, rumos Cohen’d digunakan untuk mengetahui

kisaran efek dari video tutorial dan hasilnya adalah 0.70. hal ini membuktikan bahwa

adanya efek yang moderate dari infographic. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan adanya dampak

yang moderate dari penggunaan infographic terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata siswa

pada kelas delapan SMP Negeri 11 kota Tangerang tahun ajaran 2019/2020.

Kata Kunci: Infographic, Kosa Kata.



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe and the best Creator, who

has given the writer His blessing and mercy to finish the last assignment in his

bachelor study. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family,

his companions, and his followers.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express his profound gratitude

to his parents Mr. Muchtar and Mrs. Juju Juriyati for unconditional love, support,

patience and continuous encouragement throughout his years of study. This

accomplishment would not have been possible without them.

Next, the writer would like to express his gratitude to the special and

honorable advisors, Mrs. Dr. Nida Husna, MA. TESOL. and Mr. Dadan Nugraha,

M.Pd for all the support, uncountable time, constructive advice, and warm

encouragement during the process of doing the assignment. Without their guidance

and persistent help this assignment would not have been possible.

The writer would also like to express his gratitude and greatest appreciation

to the people who helped this assignment and his appreciation goes to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin N. Hidayat, MA. TESOL., Ph.D. as the Head of Department of English


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of Department of English Education.

4. All of the lectures especially those of Department of English Education who

have taught the writer precious knowledge and experience.

5. H. Marwan, S.Pd., MM. as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang

who has given the chance and permission to conduct the research.


6. Sri Ekawati Puspa, S.Pd. as the English teachers of eighth grade of SMP Negeri

11 Kota Tangerang for their guidance and motivation during the research.

7. The students of 8.2 and 8.4 for their contribution and participation in this


8. All of friends in Department of English Education 2013 especially C class for

the generous support and all great moments.

9. All Seniors and junior in Students’ Association of Department of English

Education especially my BPH; Ridho Fourty, Zahra Siti Muslimah, Mentari,

Rofika Tiara Avisteva and Ismah Nurbaeti Al’ munawaroh who processing

together with me during my best or worst time there. You are the best.

10. All the members of Sukuners, especially Faiq Zamzami, Didit Radinal, Fanji

Muharam, Zezens Pratama, Rivki Surya Maulana, Putra Sudharma, Randy

Ragistha, Reza Naufal, Meylia Azurah, Novita Resti Utami, Mella Sarasyifa,

Mulhimah Riyadoh, and Yuni Triandini, for all the crazy moments.

11. All people who the names cannot be mentioned one by one for all their help

and kindness in finishing this ‘skripsi’.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect; therefore

the writer would like to welcome and accept constructive comment and suggestion

from the reader in order to create a better research paper in the future. Hopefully

this thesis will have some values for his and the reader.

Tangerang, December 6th, 2019

The Writer

Andika Afrian




APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………… i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET……………………………………………….. ii


ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………… iv

ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………….. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………….. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………… viii

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………. x

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………… xi

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………… xii

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………… 1

A. Background of the Study………………………………………… 1

B. Identification of the problem…………………………………….. 5

C. Limitation of the Study………………………………………….. 6

D. Formulation of the Study………………………………………... 6

E. Objectives of the Study…………………………………………. 6

F. Significant of the Study…………………………………………. 6

Chapter II: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK…………………………... 8

A. Vocabulary……………………………………………………… 8

1. General Concept of Vocabulary……………………………. 8

2. Kinds of Vocabulary……………………………………….. 11

3. Problem in teaching Vocabulary…………………………… 12

B. Infographic……………………………………………………… 14

1. Definition…………………………………………………… 14

2. Kinds of Infographic………………………………………... 15

3. Advantages of Using Infographic…………………………… 17

C. Teaching Vocabulary Using Infographic……………………….. 18

D. Previous Related Study…………………………………………. 19

E. Thinking Framework…………………………………………… 21

Chapter III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………. 22

A. Place and Time of The Research……………………………….. 22

B. Method and Research Design…………………………………... 22

C. Population and Sample…………………………………………. 23


D. Research Instrument……………………………………………... 23

1. Validity……………………………………………………… 25

2. Reliability…………………………………………………… 25

E. Technique of Data Collection…………………………………… 27

F. Data Analysis Procedure………………………………………… 27

1. Normality Test……………………………………………… 27

2. Homogeneity Test…………………………………………... 28

3. Test of Hypothesis………………………………………….. 28

4. Effect Size Formulation…………………………………….. 28

G. Statistical Hypothesis……………………………………………. 29


A. Research Findings……………………………………………….. 31

1. Description of The Data…………………………………….. 31

a) The Data of Experiment Class…………………………. 31

b) The Data of Control Class…………………………….. 32

2. Analysis Data……………………………………………….. 37

a) The Normality Test…………………………………….. 37

1) Pre-Test……………………………………………. 37

2) Post-Test…………………………………………… 38

b) The Homogeneity Test………………………………… 39

c) The Hypothesis Test…………………………………… 40

d) The Effect Size Test…………………………………… 44

B. Interpretation…………………………………………………….. 43


A. Conclusion……………………………………………………….. 46

B. Suggestion………………………………………………………... 47

REFERENCES…………………………………………………………… 48

APPEDICES……………………………………………………………… 51



Table 3.1 Design of The Study……………………………………… 23

Table 3.2 Specification of Tests…………………………………….. 24

Table 3.3 The Result of Validity and Reliability of The Tests……… 26

Table 3.4 The Criteria of Size Effect………………………………... 29

Table 4.1 Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Experimental Class

………………………………………………………………………. 31

Table 4.2 Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Control Class

………………………………………………………………………. 33

Table 4.3 The Gained Score of Experimental Class………………… 34

Table 4.4 The Gained Score of Control Class………………………. 35

Table 4.5 Tests of Normality of Pre-Test…………………………… 38

Table 4.6 Tests of Normality of Post-Test…………………………... 38

Table 4.7 Homogeneity of Variances Test of Pre-test………………. 39

Table 4.8 Homogeneity of Variances Test of Post-test……………… 40

Table 4.9 The T-test Result of Post-test Scores……………………… 40

Table 4.10 The T-test Result of Gained Scores……………………… 42



Figure 2.1 Example of static infographic………………………………… 16

Figure 2.2 Example of animation infographic…………………………… 16

Figure 2.3 Example of interactive infographic…………………………… 17

Figure 4.1 The Difference between Students’ Score in Experimental and

Control Class……………………………………………………………… 37



Appendix 1. Lesson Plan Experiment Class. …………………………….. 51

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan Control Class. ………………………………… 57

Appendix 3. Pre-Test Instrument. ……………………………………….. 62

Appendix 4. Post-Test Instrument. ……………………………………… 65

Appendix 5. The Gained Score of Experimental Class. ………………… 68

Appendix 6. The Gained Score of Control Class. ………………………. 69

Appendix 7. Secondary Data. …………………………………………… 70

Appendix 8. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi. ……………………………………… 73

Appendix 9. Surat Keterangan Melakukan Penelitian. …………………… 74

Appendix 10. Pictures of The Class Activities. ………………………… 75

Appendix 11. Teachers’ Made Infographic. …………………………… 76

Appendix 12. Students’ Made Infographic. …………………………… 77




This chapter consists of the background of the study, identification of the

problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of

the study and significance of the study

A. Background of the study

Language is a mean of communication, that is why language is very

important for human being in the world because it is a means of

communication. Dealing with definition of language, an American

anthropological linguist E. Sapir, he said that language is a human purely

method to communicate by means of system voluntarily produce symbol.1

Meanwhile, language by Hamied as cited by Ersan in his journal said that the

structure of the language is as the instrument to express a meaning.2

Based on the definition above, language will be very useful if we

communicate with others to get the meaning of the words in sentences itself;

on the contrary, it can be useless if we do not use it. To understand the language,

we have to understand the meaning of words as many as possible either in a

sentence or in whole texts. Language is a systematic communication tool that

may transfer ones' ideas or feeling through body language, signs, sounds and

gesture having understood meanings. On the other hands, by using language,

people can express his ideas, feeling or information either orally or written.

Because the definition of language refers to the expression of certain

meanings, of course, we could not separate it with the four language skills that

that have to be mastered by the students. The four language skills are listening,

speaking, reading and writing which prominent in teaching and learning

English. Besides the four language skills, there are also language components

1 E. Sapir, Language - An Introduction to The Study of Speech, (Harcourt: Brace. New York;

1921). P. 7.

2 Ersan Sanusi, The Techniques in Teaching Vocabularies, (Ittihad Jurnal Kopertis Wilayah

XI Kalimantan, Volume 7 No.11 Kalimantan; 2009). P.2.


that also need to be thought to and to be recognized by the students. One of

them is vocabulary. Both aspects are very important that need to be mastered

by the students to accomplish the basic language communication and the

students have to practice all those skills which cannot be separated from each

other. In expressing language, we may not forget the role of vocabulary chosen.

It plays an important role as means of understanding the meaning of words

correctly. Moreover, as cited by ersan journal, Wallace argues that "there is a

sense in which learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning

vocabulary in target language." Hence, vocabulary is the basic aspect of

language in teaching learning process. It means that it is an important part of

the language components like grammar, pronunciation, spelling, etc.3

As quoted by Thornbury, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”4 It tells us that if we want to

convey meaning they need vocabulary. It also supported by Nation in his

research, Nation and Hwang present evidence that students who want to learnt

English needed 2,000 most frequent words of English as the high frequency

words.5 Although someone has known sentence structure but if he/she does not

mastery vocabulary, he/she will remain unable to say or write anything and the

grammar knowledge will be useless. Thus, by improving the vocabulary,

someone has a better chance to be able to communicate what is in their mind

using the targeted language because they have more modality than the others

even though it is not perfect because they still need grammars.

Based on the situation above, Vocabulary learns an important and

indispensable part of any language learning process.6 It is already known that

to use a language, the important aspect that we have to know first is the

appropriate numbers vocabulary of the target languages. Vocabulary is used

3 Ibid., P. 2.

4 Thornbury, Scott. How to Teach Vocabulary. (Pearson Education Limited, London. 2002), p.

13. 5 Nation. Learning Vocabulary in Another Lamguage, (Cambridge University Press. 2001), p.


6 Joseph Mukoroli, Effective Vocabulary Teaching Strategies for the English for Academic

Puposes ESL Classroom. (SIT Graduate Institute, Vermont. 2011), p. 3.


when the learners want to listen, speak, read and also to write. Therefore it is

important for the students to have enough numbers of vocabularies so they can

understand and used the language to communicate well, However teaching and

learning vocabulary is a constant challenge for teachers as well as students

because based on the experiences when writer attended schools there is no

specific attention in learning vocabularies. It is supported by Ersan Sanusi in

his journal entitled The Techniques in Teaching Vocabularies he said many

teachers tend to stress teaching mostly on grammatical rules. In other sides,

they merely teach reading comprehension without giving clear explanation

about the techniques or methods on how to recognize the meaning of words

rather than on vocabulary in detail.7

The writer also found this case at SMP PGRI 01 Ciputat when the writer

did an observation at that school. The writer did teaching practices there last

year and most of the student have some difficultis that make their lack of

vocabulary and make the process of teaching and learning not going smoothly

because the teachers have to translate the words one by one. They said that there

do not know most of the words in the text because they do not have a subject

in class that tough them about vocabulary proficiencies. It seems these ideas,

the teaching of English vocabulary considered as a less important aspect in the

teaching-learning process. For this reason, Meara comment that if nowadays,

vocabulary is considered as a neglected aspect of language learning that has not

much change.8 In addition, it was revealed that many teachers assume that

vocabulary can be developed in teaching learning process.9 Due to this, an

increased emphasis on vocabulary development is crucial for the English

language learner in the process of language learning.10

7 Ersan Sanusi, The Techniques in Teaching Vocabularies, (Ittihad Jurnal Kopertis Wilayah

XI Kalimantan, Volume 7 No.11 Kalimantan; 2009). P.3.

8 Meara, Vocabulary acquisition: A neglected aspect of language learning. In V. Kinsella

(Ed.), Surveys I: Eight state-of-the-art articles on key areas in language teaching. (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press: 1982). P.1.

9 Ersan Sanusi, loc. cit 10 Ibid., p. 3.


A lot of methods have been used to increased students proficiencies towards

vocabulary, such as crossword puzzles that been used by Yheni Silwi Utami in

her thesis.11 She said there were improvement in students vocabulary mastery.

Another method is using communicative language teaching by Erwan in his

thesis.12 He said there were slightly improvement in students’ vocabulary

mastery because there are some student that still can not respond to the

instruction that the teacher said. And the last is using Realia by Sulvi Maulidha

Fadillah.13 She said by using these techniques, students vocabulary mastery of

the experimental class was increased.

It can be stated that it is quite sensible to provide the students with teaching

of vocabulary as much attention as other aspects of language presented, such

grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. To solve these problems, English

teachers, of course, have to provide practical techniques on teaching vocabulary

that the students are able to develop their learning of new words independently.

The researcher has done literature review about the way to overcome the

problems. There are some ways that can be used to solve vocabulary problems.

So, the writer recommend this Visual material because this approach will be

implied in a fun ways and make the students enjoy their study. On a study that

was conducted by Dorela Kaçauni Konomi, “For each visual aid, Young

learners have different responses and expressions even because of their

different educational and cultural background. Using visual aids can help

learners understand the deep meaning of a topic and realize similarities and

differences between each topic.”14 Visual material itself means giving a visual

example to a word that will increase the understanding of the words. In a study

by Carpenter and Olson that was cited by Elisabeth in her article, “use of visuals

11 Yheni, Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Crossword Puzzles for Grade VII

of SMP N 2 Srandakan in The Academic Year of 2013/2014 (Yogyakarta, UNY; 2014) 12 Erwan, The Teaching of Vocabulary Through Communicative Language Teaching

(Jakarta, UIN Jakarta; 2008) 13 Sulvi, The Influence of Using Realia on The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Junior High

School (Jakarta, UIN Jakarta; 2015)

14 Dorela, Using Visual Materials in Teaching Vocabulary in English as a Foreign Language

Classrooms with Young Learners (International Conference, New Perspective in Science

Educational) P.1.


such as pictures when teaching vocabulary in a foreign language was found to

be both effective and more easily remembered than independent use of

words”.15 While this particular study was used with adults, the strategy has been

applied to a wider population of learners, and has often been successful.

One of the media in visual materials to deliver the materials, teachers

can develop strategies and develop the use of media to teach vocabulary in the

classroom. With the development of technology, media that can be used by the

teacher as a teaching tool is also increasingly varied. One of those developed

materials is Infographic and it can be a new option for teachers to teach

vocabulary to students.

Infographic is an abbreviation of information and graphics. This media

present information in the image or graphic form. Infographic is the form of

data visualization that conveys complex information to the reader that can be

understood more easily and faster. An infographic is the visual display of any

data or information with the aim of presenting the information in a quick and

clear way. It may be named as data visualization, information design or

architecture of information depending on its aim.16 To make concise and clear

information in an infographic, an infographic maker should make the

information shorter and only choose a key point of information Considering

the importance of the words chosen and the problems that faced by students in

vocabulary learning, the researcher believes that the teacher can use a medium

to help them in teaching vocabulary and therefore students can practice using

the correct words. Due to this fact, the researcher wants to find the effect of

infographic on students vocabulary learning. In additional for the

implementation of infographic, the researcher will be using group discussion

15 Elisabet Pladevall Ballester, The Effects Of Using L1 Translation On Young Learners’

Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning. (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain:2016) P.

114. 16 Pınar Nuhoğlu Kibar and Buket Akkoyunlu, A New Approach to Equip Students with

Visual Literacy Skills: Use of Infographics in Education (Hacettepe University, Turkey: 2014) P. 2.


to deliver the material. Group discussion is a flexible, peer-mediated strategy

that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees.

B. The identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are some problem that

can be identified in this research such as;

1) Students were lack of vocabularies.

2) Students got difficulties in learning new vocabulary.

3) Teaching media for students in the classroom was insufficient.

C. Limitation of the problem

This study address to measure the effectiveness of using infographic to learn

vocabulary in 8th grade of SMP N 11 Tangerang year of 2019/2020.

D. Formulation of the study

The formulation of the study is in these following questions: First. Is it

effective to learn vocabulary using infographic? Second. to what extend

infographic effective for teaching vocabulary? At eight grade of SMP N 11

Tangerang year of 2019/2020.

E. Objectives of the study

The objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary

by using Infographic At eight grade of SMP N 11 Tangerang year of 2019/2020.

F. Significant of the study

This study may help the student to learn about vocabulary even though

there are no specific material for learning vocabulary

For teachers will be able to choose the alternatives way to teaching

vocabulary using visual material and give the information for English teacher

about the effectiveness of infographic in English teaching and learning process.

Because using infographic is expected to support and atract the students’


interest in learning English and make them easier to memorize English

vocabulary. Furthermore, this study is expected to be useful to support the

previous research and preferences for other researcher who are interested in

conducting the same research.




This chapter of theoretical framework reviews the theories about the

research. Then, it presents some previous studies related to the research,

thinking framework of the research and hypothesis of the research.

A. Vocabulary

1. General Concept of Vocabulary

To speak in English the students might not only master the structure

but also master the vocabulary. Vocabulary can not be conveyed correctly

without grammar in communication. To make a comprehensible

communication the students have to master both of them, vocabulary and


Mastering vocabulary helps the students to express their ideas

clearly, obviously, and without repeating their ideas in conversation. When

the students learn about vocabulary, the first thing that they remember is a

word. But, everybody has different view of vocabulary; to have the same

view the writer tries to convey some definitions of vocabulary from some


According to Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, “Vocabulary is one

of language elements is considered as a list or set of words for a particular

language or a list or set words that individual speakers of language might

use”. 1 It means that vocabulary is a group of words that the speakers used

in their daily conversation. In the other word, vocabulary is the word that

is learned by the students in second language learning. Those words can be

a single word or more than single word. Words can be divided into four

types, they are: High frequency word, Academic word, Technical word and

Low frequency word.2 The further explanation as follows:

1 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic, And

Language Education,(Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1995), p.1. 2 Nation. Learning Vocabulary in Another Lamguage, (Cambridge University

Press. 2001), P. 15-17.


a. High frequency word

These words are needed frequent words for formal and

informal uses. Basically, these words consist of function words

(a, at, four, etc) and content words (noun, verb, adjective etc).

b. Academic word

Academic words are the list of words that important for

learners who want use English in higher education.. The example

of academic word is word in academic writing such as in

geography text, laboratory manuals, academic article, etc.

c. Technical word

The text contains some words that are very closely related to

the topic and the subject area of the text. Some words with the

same meaning and some with different meaning. For example

by-pass and neck occur very frequently in medicine and are

technical words in that area. They also occur outside that area.

d. Low frequency word

Low frequency words are diverse group. They include (1)

words that are not quite frequent or wide range enough to be high

frequency word (abort, absorb, accelerate, acid, etc), (2)

technical word from other area (one person’s technical

vocabulary is another person’s low frequency vocabulary), (3)

word that just occur rarely

Usually, the students find those kinds of words in written or

spoken form depending on the topic that the students talk about. From all

those kind of words, the students have to know the usage of them in order

to create a comprehensible conversation among speakers. Good

understanding in vocabulary usage helps the learners to use the words in

speaking and writing correctly

Furthermore, as cited by Yulia in her research, Harmer said


“Vocabulary is more than merely a list of words. It is word, which

expresses meaning, but meaning is a slippery concept. Some words may

appear to be simple to refer to one thing and therefore, easy to teach, but

some words may also be difficult to teach because their meaning may

change depend on the words they are attached with”.3

Based on the definition above, it can be said that in English

each word has more than one meaning, it depends on the words which are

combined with. That’s why the students have to use the dictionary at first

to know the function of the words, such as whether it is functioned as noun,

verb, adverb etc.

Meanwhile, Huebener stated that “The subject matter of

language consists essentially of a stock of words and expressions and of

the rules that govern the syntax of its speech pattern that is vocabulary and

grammar”.4 Language is used to communicate among speaker, when the

communication is begun the speakers use the words in delivering their

ideas. Surely, it can be understood by the listener if the speakers use the

correct grammatical structure.

In conclusion, vocabulary is an important element of

language that consists of the information about meaning and the usage of

words in language. Those words are taught to create a comprehensible

communication among the speakers. Communication in foreign language

especially English the students not only have to master the grammatical

structure but also the vocabulary. Good vocabulary comes with learner’s

ability in thinking logically and in learning easily and quickly.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Here are the types of vocabulary in teaching English as a foreign

language in specific references in nation vocabulary divided such a word

3 Yulia Mawaddah, Using Games in Teaching Vocabulary, (State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. 2010) P.19.

4 Ibid, P.19.


as cited by Fauzan Azima in his journal.

a. Receptive Vocabulary: Knowing a word involves being able to

recognize it when it is heard (What is the sound like?) or when it seen

(What does it look like?) and having an expectation of what

grammatical pattern the word will occurrence. This includes being

able to distinguish it from word with a similar form and being able to

judge if the word form sounds right or look right.

b. Productive Vocabulary: Knowing a word involves being able to

pronounce the word, how to write and to spell it, how to use it in

grammatical pattern along with the word in usually collocates with it,

it also involves not using the word too often if it is typically a low

frequency word and using it in a suitable situation using the word to

stand for the meaning it represents and being able to think of suitable

substitutes for the word if there any.5 Aeborsold and Field Classified

vocabulary into two terms, there are:

a) Active Vocabulary refers to items the learner can use

appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also called as

productive vocabulary, although, in fact, it is more difficult to put

into practice. It means that to use the productive vocabulary, the

students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they

must know and be able to use grammar of the language target,

they are also hoped to familiar with collocation and understand

the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in

speaking and writing skill.

b) Passive Vocabulary refers to a language items that can be

recognizes and understood in the context of reading or listening

and also called asreceptive Vocabulary. Passive Vocabulary or

comprehension consists of the words comprehended by the

5 Fauzan Azima, Teaching Vocabulary Through Verbal Techniques,

(Sumatera, Bung Hatta University). P.3.


people, when they read and listen.

From the explanation above, we know that every expert in every

book is different in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every

person has their own different ways in showing and telling their opinions

and ideas. It means that vocabulary has two kinds of function and content


Vocabulary is important in case it could help the students to enjoy

their classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer

difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a

certain text, they will easily get the information from it since they can

understand every word in the text. On the others hand, those who lack of

vocabulary will face a lot of problems. Mastering vocabulary will be useful

for the process of achieving language- teaching objectives. That is the

mastery of language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing). If

we want to communicate with others in certain language, we must master

the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those

languages. Without vocabulary, someone cannot communicate effectively

or express idea and having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier.

3. Problem in Teaching Vocabulary

When the teacher teaches vocabulary in the classroom, it is not easy

as somebody thinks; there are many problems occurred. According to

Penny Ur said as cited by Rahayu in her research, there are some problems

in teaching vocabulary namely, discipline, correcting written assignment,

interest, effective learning for all, material, individual awareness, and

participation. For further explanation as follows:6

“[a] Discipline: to control discipline problem in the class is very

6 Anggi Juwita, Problem in teaching vocabulary, retrieved on June 25th, 2019



difficult. When vocabulary teaching learning activity begun many

students didn‟t care about the material. The teachers have to control this

condition in order to create effective teaching learning process. [b]

Correcting written assignment. The students should know the written

form of the word, in English a word with different written is different

meaning. When they do this mistake; it is a fatal mistake.That problem

should be solved by the teacher by providing the written form of the

words. [c] Interest. Some students sometime get bored in learning

vocabulary; it should be solved by delivering various methods in it. The

teacher should be creative in teaching vocabulary. [d] Material.

Sometime the teacher can not find a suitable material according to the

student‟s need. It is important to find suitable material in order to use

the time effectively by teaching the appropriate vocabulary. [e]

Individual awareness. There are many students in the classroom and

they are different each other. The teacher should know each

characteristic, as much as most of the students don‟t aware about the

material that should be learned by them. They don‟t care about it. It is

teacher‟s obligation to guide the learners to keep attentionin

learning vocabulary. [f]. Participation. In teaching learning process the

students are expected to be active in every single act. But in the fact

only some of them active in the classroom, most of them are shy, lazy,

bored, etc. it should be solve by using interesting method that increase

student‟s interest in learning vocabulary.”

Those problems usually occurred in teaching learning process, it must be

solved in order to create effective result of teaching learning activity. To solve

the problems the teacher should use the principle of vocabulary that mentioned

above. When the principle of vocabulary can be conducted well in the classroom,

teaching learning vocabulary can be more effective and fun for the students.


B. Infographic

1. Definition

The definition of pictures based on Wikipedia is a group of

coloured points on a flat surface that looks the same as something


While pictures according to Mariana Karim and Fatmi

Ahmad “are the visual aids, which can give information more clearly

than thing which are expressed by words.8 Moreover, pictures

according to Arief that was cited by Kharidi are the simplification

or imitation from the real things.”9

So, from the definitions above, it show that pictures are

imitation from the real things which can give a clear description

about the problem described. Visual media from its inception has

been frequently used by many people because the preparation is

usually easier than other media. Along with the development of

technology, visual media has been a significant progress. One of the

newest visual media is infographic.

Infographic is abbreviation form of information and graphic.

It means that the information has been presented in graphs form. The

infographic or information graphic is a visual representation of

information, data or knowledge. In infographic, a mark, a symbol or

visual element typically stand for quantitative information, data or

knowledge. Color, size, and shape usually provide the qualitative

aspect. Infographic uses text as labels and for short explanations to

make the data useful. Think of charts, diagrams, graphs, maps,

timelines and modern visualizations that are not yet named.10

7 Wikipedia, What is Picture, retrieved on June 25th, 2019 from:

8 Khoridi, Learning Vocabulary Through Pictures Dictionary, (State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. 2009). P.14.

9 Ibid. P.14.

10 Connie, Infoposters are not infographics, (n.d.) Retrieved February 10th, 2019 from:


Another definition of the infographic is a picture in blend

form of data with a design that help individuals and organizations

concisely communicate the messages to their audience. More

formally, infographic is defined as a data or ideas visualization that

tries to convey complex information to the audience that can be

quickly consumed and easily understood.11

Based on several definitions about infographic above, it can

be concluded that infographic is information or data representation

in a visual graphic form that is used to make complex data or

information easy to understand quickly and clearly by the audience.

2. Kind of Infographic

There are some kinds of infographics that can be used depending

on the purpose of the infographic. The types are12

a. Static Infographic

The static infographic is infographic which presents in static

visual without any audio or animated concepts that can move.

This kind of infographic is arguably simplest than other kinds

of the infographic and mostly used by people in every need.

This is an example of static infographic13

11 Mark Smiciklas, The Power of Infographic, (Indiana Polis: Que Publishing, 2012), p. 3

12 Maxmanroe, What is Infografik, Retrieved on February 10th, 2019 from:

13 Praactical AAC, Example of static infographic, retrieved on February 10th, 2019 from:


Figure 2.1. Example of static infographic

b. Animation Infographic

Animation infographic is infographic in animation video

form, either 2D or 3D form. This kind of infographic can be

used on television or online media like YouTube.

This is an example of animation infographic14

Figure 2.2. Example of animation infographic

14 DigitalE, Example of animation infographic, retrieved on February 10th, 2019 from:


c. Interactive Infographic

The interactive infographic is the most complex kind of

infographic. This kind infographic usually uses on a website.

The user can have interactions with the information which

shown through the user interface. With an interactive

infographic, the user explores the information according to

their purpose.

This is an example of interactive infographic15

Figure 2.3. Example of interactive infographic

3. Advantages of Using Infographic

Nowadays, people used infographic in many purposes such as

mass media, business, education, etc. In advertising, for example,

infographic usually used to made a poster that have a lot of information

in a peace of paper. Another example of the use of infographic is in

education interests. In education, infographic used to help the teacher

in delivering the subject matter to students. Some teachers see the

15 Animalz, Example of Interactive Infographic, retrieved on February 10th, 2019 from:


infographic as a potential visual medium that can be used in the

teaching process.

There are many infographics for education purpose especially for

learning English that can be found easily on the internet. English

teacher can use the infographic for teaching such as grammar, writing,

vocabulary and other English skills.

C. Teaching Vocabulary Using Infographic

In teaching and learning process, a teacher needed a method to

be used in the teaching process. As we know, Infographic is a media

in teaching and learning process, it still needed a method to be applied

in the classroom. In this research, the writer will be using peer tutoring

method in teaching vocabulary using infographic media. Group

discussion is a teaching process that involves other students as the

tutor that helps the students to understand more about the topics that

are being tough.

These are the steps in applying the infographic in teaching process

by using group discussion method:

1) Divide the students in to a group consist of four people.

2) Choose a topic to be used in each group.

3) Ask the students to make infographic about a topic of their group

in their own version

4) Make sure the students choose the word that they already learn in

class to make it easier for their friends to understand.

5) In the next meeting, ask the students to present their infographic

to other group and ask the other to listen the other presentation

and write some information that they can get from their friends

in the group.

6) When all students finish their presentation, the teacher make a

little quiz to know their understanding about what their friends



D. Previous Related Study

The first study came from Zeni Syafirah entitled improving

vocabulary mastery through vocabulary cards of grade vii students at

SMP Institut Indonesia yogyakarta in the 2015/ 2016 academic year.

The finding of this study is that the use of vocabulary cards to teach

vocabulary could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMP

Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta. The results of the research show that

there is improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery through the

use of vocabulary cards. By implementing vocabulary cards game the

students became more confident to speak up and easier to memorize

new words. It also made the students participate more in the learning

activities and get more chance to communicate. The improvement was

also supported by the students’ average score which increased to 68.8

from the average score of pre-test which was 49.3.16

The second came from Ahmad Fadhil entitled An Analysis of

Students’ Perception in Learning English Grammar through

Infographics. in this research, the researcher wants to know students

perception in learning grammar through this media. A quantitative

descriptive design was used in this study. In addition, purposive

sampling was used in this reseacher. Then, the data was collected

through questionnaire spreading to 32 English Department Students

who had taken Instructional Media class. After that, the data obtained

were analyzed by SPSS 25 Software. The result showed that the

infographics were very understandable in learning grammar answered

by high percentages of the respondent. In addition, the majority of the

respondent believed that the infographics helped them to remember

material easily. Moreover, it gave many advantages in the learning

16 Zeni Syafirah, improving vocabulary mastery through vocabulary cards of grade vii

students at SMP Institut Indonesia yogyakarta in the 2015/ 2016, (Yogyakarta State University,

Yogyakarya. 2016).


process and it was also more shareable than regular grammar textbook

based on the result of students’ perception. Therefore, it can be

concluded that Infographics is effective in learning English


And the last study come from Mahdah Ridaillah entitled The

Effect of Infographic on Students’ Writing Summary Skill: (A Quasi-

Experimental Study at Elevent Grade Students of MAN 2 Bogor

Academic Year 2017/2018). The aim of this research is to obtain the

empirical data about the effect of infographic on students’ writing

summary skill. The writer used Quasi-experimental research design

which classified as quantitative data method. The result of this

research analyzed using SPSS 20 program and the result shown that

infographic have positive effect on students’ writing skill. The

calculation of the effect size of this research was 0.27, which indicated

that this research has modest effect size. So, it can be concluded that

infographic shows the significant effect on students’ writing summary

skill at the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Bogor.18

There are similarities and differences that can be found based

on the previous studies above. The similarities are the purpose of the

studies are to find out whether there is an effect of the use of

infographic on some aspects.

The differences of Zeni Syafirah than Mahdah and Ahmah

Fadhil was in the method. Zeni used Class Action Research in other

hand Mahdah and Fadhil was using quantitative method. Eventhough

its different, they still have the same improvement on hteir reserch.

17 Ahmad Fadhil, An Analysis of Students’ Perception in Learning English Grammar

through Infographics. (Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 2018).

18 Mahdah Ridailah, The Effect of Infographic on Students’ Writing Summary Skill. (State

Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. 2018)


E. Thinking Framework

Vocabulary is part of language that support all language skill

such as speaking, writing, listening and also reading. even vocabulary

support grammatical capabilities. Students find it hard to study

English because they lack of vocabulary that they have to use in

English. Because of that, students always think English is difficult and

at the end they will lack interest in the English language itself.

Whereas, English subject is an important matter at school. Even

there is English test in national exam which mean if they are not study

it well, they will be difficult to achieve the good score. Furthermore,

English is a subject that need exposure which mean they have to repeat

it again and again in order to master it.

What make it worse was, at school there are no specific subject

or activity for the student to learn vocabulary. All they can do is self

learnt with some media. The teacher has to find a way to overcome

the problem. That why to support the media for students, the

researcher used this infographic as the media for students to learnt

vocabulary by themselves.

By using infographic as teaching media, students will

understand more vocabulary, and the learning material. In addition,

students also will understand more how to use vocabulary.

Infographic can attract students’ attention and help students with

visual learning style in teaching-learning process. Students can easily

understand the information and main idea on the infographic.

Therefore, infographic can give significant effect on students‟

learning vocabulary rather than students who do not use infograpic.

B. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theories, explanations, and thoughts above, therefore,

the writer assumes that infographic can give significant effect on

students‟ vocabulary learning.




This chapter explains the method and research design, the place and time of

the research, the population and sample, the technique of data collection, also the

technique of data analysis.

A. Place and time of the research

The writer conducted the research at SMP Negeri 11 Tangerang, which is

located at Jl. Inpres 18 No.26, RT.002/RW.8, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15154.

The writer will do the study and take the data in the first semester of eighth

grade students. This study will start on August – September 2019

B. Method and research design

In this research, the researcher used a quantitative method. Why researcher

used this method because researcher need the statistical data to know the effect

of this research. In addition, the research design used in this research is a quasi-

experimental study. As Goddard and Melville’s view, experimental research is

primarily concerned with cause and effect that was did by Researchers to

identify the variables of interest and try to determine if changes in one variable

(called the independent variable, or cause) result changes in another (called the

dependent variable, or effect).1 The writer applied an experimental study which

used two groups of sample; control and experimental group to investigate the

effect of infographic on students’ writing of vocabulary learning. The

experimental group is the group that received the treatment using media tutorial

video, meanwhile the control group is the group that received the treatment

using teacher’s presentation. The writer also used pre-test before the treatment

and post-test after the treatment for two groups of sample.

1 Wayne Goddard & Stuart Melville, Research Methodology: An Introduction, (Lansdowne:

Juta, 2001), p.8.


Table 3.1

Design of the Study

Control Group P1 Y P2

Experimental Group P1 X P2


P1 : Pre-Test

P2 : Post-Test

X : Treatment with Infographic game

Y : Treatment with non-Infographic game

C. Population and sample

The population of this research was students at the eighth grade of SMPN

11 Kota Tangerang in the academic year of 2019/2020. There were 355

eighth grade in this school. The eighth grade was divided into ten classes

from 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10.

The sampling technique which was used in this research was purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling was selected because there was a specific

purpose.2 The English teacher in SMPN 11 Kota Tangerang suggested

conducting the research in class 8.4 because in the previous test this class

got lower scores than class 8.2. Therefore, the experimental class was 8.4

and the controlled class was 8.2. Each class consisted of 35 students and the

total of the sample was 70 students.

D. Research instrument

In this research, researcher will be using an instrument that have been

used by another researcher in their research.3 Researcher choose this

2 Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,

sixth edition, (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 114 – 115. 3 Yuni Triandini, The Effect of Pictionary Game on Students’ Vocabulary Retention. (Jakarta,

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2017).


instrument because it had the same grade with the population that researcher

want to test, and it also had the same topic and purpose.

The research instrument in this research was test. The test consisted of

30 multiple choices questions, with a, b, c, and d as choices. The chosen

vocabularies were adjusted to the students’ level. The score for the right

answer was 1, while the score for the wrong answer was 0.

Table 3.2

Specification of Tests

Variable Aspects Indicators Item Numbers Total

Vocabulary Noun Students are able to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10

Retention identify and choose the 11, 13, 14, 15,

right concrete noun in the 30

right context

Verb Students are able to 2, 4, 17, 19, 8

identify and choose the 20, 22, 27, 28,

right verbs in the right


Adjective Students are able to 6, 8, 10, 16, 11

identify and choose the 18, 23, 24, 25,

right adjective in the right 26, 29


Adverb Students are able to 12, 21 2

identify and choose adverb

in the right context

Total 30


The criteria of a good test are valid and reliable. In order to find out

the tests that were used for the pre-test and post-test were valid and

reliable or not, piloting study was conducted in different class, not in the

controlled class or in the experimental class. After doing piloting study,

the test was analyzed its validity and reliability.

1. Validity

One of the criteria of a good test is validity. The validity of the

test means that it really measures what is intended to be measured.4

In this research, the test could be claimed that it was valid if it really

measured the students’ vocabulary retention. There was nothing else

that was measured in this test except vocabulary retention. In order to

see the validity ANATES program was used to know the validity of

the test. For the construct validity, it could be seen in Table 3.2, that

each number really measured certain kind of vocabularies, such as

the verb, adjective, noun, and adverb.

2. Reliability

Another criterion of an ideal test is reliability. Reliability of the

test means that the result of the test is consistent in different

occasion.5 Before administering the test in controlled and

experimental class, the test was done in another class to measure its

reliability. To know whether the test was reliable or not, ANATES

program was used in this research. According to Cohen, here is the

reliability coefficient:6

>0.90 very highly reliable

0.80–0.90 highly reliable

0.70–0.79 reliable

4 J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (New York: Longman Inc., 1990), p. 159. 5 Ibid., p. 162. 6 Cohen., Op. Cit., p. 506.


0.60–0.69 marginally/minimally reliable

<0.60 unacceptably low reliability

Based on the piloting study that was done in the other class, the

result from piloting study was analyzed by using ANATES program.

The result from ANATES program of the validity and reliability of

the test could be seen as follows:

Table 3.3

The Result of Validity and Reliability of the Tests

Total Tested Items 70

Total Subject 20

Total Significance of the Items 60

Correlation XY 0.80

Reliability of the Test 0.89

Based on the description on Table 3.3, the total of tested items

for pre-test and post-test were 70, 35 items would be used for pre-test

and 35 others would be for post-test. However, the result showed that

there were only 60 items that were valid and reliable. The value of

validity of the test was 0.80, while the value of reliability of the test

was 0.89. Therefore, the items that were used for pre-test and post-test

were 30 items for pre-test and 30 items for post-test. The result of

ANATES program to see the validity and reliability could be seen in

Appendix 2.

As the secondary data to support the statistical data, researcher

would be using an interview. The researcher would randomly choose

two persons from experimental class to be interviewed with the

following question:


E. Technique of data collection

In this research, tests were conducted to measure the students’

vocabulary retention. The tests were done two times before the research

was conducted and after the research was conducted. Before conducting

the research, the pre-test was administered in order to find out the

students’ vocabulary achievement in both controlled class and

experimental class. The test consisted of 30 multiple choices questions,

with a, b, c, and d as choices. The chosen vocabularies were adjusted to

the students’ level. The score for the right answer was 1, meanwhile, the

score for the wrong answer was 0.

After conducting the research, the post-test was done in order to

know the students’ achievement in both controlled class and

experimental class. The test consisted of 30 multiple choices questions,

with a, b, c, and d as choices. The chosen vocabularies were different

from pre-test, but it had a similar level of difficulty.

F. Data analysis procedure

After obtaining the score of pre-test and post-test, the following

step that was done was analyzing the result of the test. Analyzing the data

was done by doing the normality test and homogeneity test by using

SPSS 20 program.

1. Normality test

In this research, the writer conducted the test of normality through

SPSS (Special Package for the Social Sciences) version 20. The test

of normality is need to be done in order to know whether the

distribution of data were normal or not. Kolmogorov Swirnnov and

Shapiro Wilk table was used in this test of normality. If the result of

normality test was above 0.05, then it could be said that the

distribution of data was normal. On the other hand, if the result

showed less than 0.05, then it could be said the distribution of data

were not normal.


2. Homogeneity test

After knowing the result of the normality test, the next step is to

be done is homogeneity test. Test of homogeneity is to be done in

order to know the similarity between two groups or classes. Levene’s

table was used in this test of homogeneity by using SPSS version 20


3. Test of hypothesis

After the writer conducted the test of normality and homogeneity,

the writer needed to analyze the result of pre-test and post-test from

the experimental and control class by using SPSS version 20

software. In order to find out the difference between the experimental

class which taught by using tutorial video and the control class which

taught with teacher’s presentation or without tutorial video, the writer

used T-test to compare them.

4. Effect size formulation

Knowing the effect size formulation is needed and to know the effect

size, the writer used the theory of Cohen’s d. As stated by Muijs to

know whether the effect size is weak or strong the theory of Cohen’s

d can be used. The formula as follows:7

d = (Mean for group A—Mean for group B)

Pooled standard deviation


d : effect size

Mean for group A : Mean for experimental class

Mean for group B : Mean for controlled class

Pooled standard deviation : (Standard deviation of group 1 +

standard deviation of group 2) / 2

7 Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education With SPSS, (London: Sage

Publications Ltd, 2004), p. 136.


After knowing the result, the data can be interpreted based on

some guidelines by Cohen.8 The guidelines showed in the table 3.4.

Table 3.4

The Criteria of Size Effect

The Criteria

0 – 0.20 Weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 Modest effect

0.51– 1.00 Moderate effect

> 1.00 Strong effect

G. Statistical hypothesis

Statistical analysis used as follows:

Ho = Null Hypothesis

Ha = Alternative Hypothesis

(H0): There is no significant effect of using infographic on students’

learning vocabularies at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 11

Kota Tangerang.

(Ha): There is significant effect of using infographic on students’

learning vocabularies at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 11

Kota Tangerang.

Then, the criteria of the hypothesis used as follows:

a. If t-test (t0) > t-table (tt) in the significant degree of 0.05, H0

(null hypothesis) was rejected. It meant the means score of

the experimental class are higher than the control class. The

infographic gave the effect on students’ vocabulary learning.

8 Ibid., p. 139


b. If t-test (t0) < t-table (tt) in the significant degree of 0.05, H0

(null hypothesis) was accepted. It meant the rates of the

means score of the experimental class are same as or lower

than control class. The infographic did not give the effect on

the students’ learning vocabulary.




This chapter presents the data description consisting of the score of pre-test,

post-test of the experimental class and the control class. Also, the discussion of the

research finding is explained in this chapter.

A. Research Findings

This part shows the result of the test given to the sample, the students of SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang. The result was used to get empirical evidence about the

effect of Infographic on students’ vocabulary learning at the eighth grade of SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020

1. Description of the data

a. The data of experiment class

The experimental class in this research was VIII-2 students of SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang which consisted of 35 students taught by

Infographic. The writer conducted the pre-test before the students got the

treatment using Infographic. The pre-test is used to measure students’

vocabulary learning before the treatment given. While post-test was

conducted after the students got the treatment. The data showed as follows:

Table 4.1

Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Experimental Class

Name Pre post

Student 1 53 83

Student 2 50 87

Student 3 60 77

Student 4 67 83

Student 5 53 87

Student 6 60 73

Student 7 50 73

Student 8 47 70

Student 9 50 70


Student 10 50 83

Student 11 53 73

Student 12 57 73

Student 13 70 93

Student 14 73 87

Student 15 63 70

Student 16 53 77

Student 17 57 77

Student 18 70 67

Student 19 67 70

Student 20 63 97

Student 21 63 77

Student 22 53 77

Student 23 47 83

Student 24 70 83

Student 25 70 85

Student 26 57 73

Student 27 57 67

Student 28 60 63

Student 29 47 67

Student 30 40 70

Student 31 63 67

Student 32 67 80

Student 33 60 70

Student 34 60 63

Student 35 73 80

Total 2053 2675

Mean 58,7 76,4

Based on the data above, the sum score of pre-test that achieved by

VIII-2 or experimental students is 2053 and the mean score of pre-test is

58.7. The lowest score of pre-test is 40 and the highest is 73. It means that

there are still many students who have a low understanding on the

vocabulary. Meanwhile, the sum score of post-test is 2675 and the mean

score is 76.4. The lowest score of post-test is 63 and the highest is 97. It can

be concluded that there is a difference in the pre-test and post-test score of

experimental class.


b. The data of control class

The control class was VIII-4 students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota

Tangerang which consisted of 35 students who did not get the treatment by

using Infographic or using teacher’s presentation. The data were collected

from student’s pre-test score and post-test score. The data is presented in

Table 4.2.

Table 4.2

Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Control Class

Name Pre Post

Student 1 57 63

Student 2 50 63

Student 3 60 67

Student 4 53 57

Student 5 53 63

Student 6 57 77

Student 7 60 77

Student 8 60 63

Student 9 60 73

Student 10 47 73

Student 11 50 70

Student 12 50 70

Student 13 60 73

Student 14 73 83

Student 15 70 80

Student 16 70 83

Student 17 63 67

Student 18 57 53

Student 19 50 53

Student 20 60 73

Student 21 60 77

Student 22 63 70

Student 23 67 67

Student 24 63 77

Student 25 70 77

Student 26 53 73

Student 27 53 70

Student 28 57 77


Student 29 47 67

Student 30 60 67

Student 31 73 83

Student 32 70 77

Student 33 70 80

Student 34 67 67

Student 35 53 63

Total 2086 2473

Mean 59.6 70.7

The data shows the score of 30 students in VIII-4, the sum score of

pre-test is 2086 and the mean score of pre-test is 59,6. The lowest score of

pre-test is 47 and the highest is 70. Meanwhile, the sum score of post-test is

2473 and the the mean score of post-test is 70.65714, the lowest score of

post-test is 53 and the highest score is 80.

Based on table 4.1 and 4.2, it can be seen that the post-test score of

the experimental class is higher than the control class. As mention before,

in analyzing the data from the result of pre-test and post-test, the writer

calculated the gained score to decide significance difference of students’

writing score before and after using Infographic. The gained score of

experimental and control class can be seen in Table 4.3 and 4.4.

Table 4.3

The Gained Score of Experimental Class

Name Pre Post Gained Score

Student 1 53 83 30

Student 2 50 87 37

Student 3 60 77 17

Student 4 67 83 16

Student 5 53 87 34

Student 6 60 73 13

Student 7 50 73 23

Student 8 47 70 23

Student 9 50 70 20

Student 10 50 83 33


Student 11 53 73 20

Student 12 57 73 16

Student 13 70 93 23

Student 14 73 87 14

Student 15 63 70 7

Student 16 53 77 24

Student 17 57 77 20

Student 18 70 67 -3

Student 19 67 70 3

Student 20 63 97 34

Student 21 63 77 14

Student 22 53 77 24

Student 23 47 83 36

Student 24 70 83 13

Student 25 70 85 15

Student 26 57 73 16

Student 27 57 67 10

Student 28 60 63 3

Student 29 47 67 20

Student 30 40 70 30

Student 31 63 67 4

Student 32 67 80 13

Student 33 60 70 10

Student 34 60 63 3

Student 35 73 80 7

Total 2053 2675 622

Mean 58,7 76,4 17,8

The table 4.3 shows the minimum gained score is -3 and the

maximum gained score is 37. The sum of gained score is 622 and the mean

of the gained score is 17,8

Table 4.4

The Gained Score of Control Class

Name Pre Post Gained Score

Student 1 57 63 6

Student 2 50 63 13

Student 3 60 67 7


Student 4 53 57 4

Student 5 53 63 10

Student 6 57 77 20

Student 7 60 77 17

Student 8 60 63 3

Student 9 60 73 13

Student 10 47 73 26

Student 11 50 70 20

Student 12 50 70 20

Student 13 60 73 13

Student 14 73 83 10

Student 15 70 80 10

Student 16 70 83 13

Student 17 63 67 4

Student 18 57 53 -4

Student 19 50 53 3

Student 20 60 73 13

Student 21 60 77 17

Student 22 63 70 7

Student 23 67 67 0

Student 24 63 77 14

Student 25 70 77 7

Student 26 53 73 20

Student 27 53 70 17

Student 28 57 77 20

Student 29 47 67 20

Student 30 60 67 7

Student 31 73 83 10

Student 32 70 77 7

Student 33 70 80 10

Student 34 67 67 0

Student 35 53 63 10

Total 2086 2473 387

Mean 59,6 70,7 11,1

Based on the data in table 4.4, it can be seen that the minimum

gained score is -4 and the maximum gained score is 20. Otherwise, the sum

of the gained score is 387 and the mean score of gained score is 11,1.


Based on the data, it shows the difference between students’ score

in experimental and control class. The score of the experimental class which

taught by infographic in their vocabulary learning was higher than the score

of control class which learned vocabulary with teacher presentation. The

progress of the experimental and the control class can be seen in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1

The Difference between Students’ Score in Experimental and Control Class

2. Analysis Data

a. The Normality test

The writer conducted the normality test before calculating the t-test.

It purposed to know whether the data from the two classes have been

normally distributed or not. The result of normality test on both the

experimental and control class either pre or post-test score were gained

from Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk table using IBM

Statistics SPSS version 20. The result can be seen as follows:

1) Pre – Test

2053 2086









Experimental Control

Pre-test Post test


Table 4.5

Tests of Normality

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Score Experimental .119 35 .200* .964 35 .309

Control .136 35 .099 .943 35 .069

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The result of the normality test showed that the

significance level of the experimental class was 0.200 and

0.309 and the control one was 0.099 and 0.069. It means that

the probability value (p) of both experimental and control

class was higher than (>) the degree of significance 5% (α =

0.05). Therefore, it is concluded that the data of both the

experimental and the control class’ pre-test was normally


2) Post - Test

Table 4.6

Tests of Normality

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Score Experimental .145 35 .060 .957 35 .190

Control .132 35 .131 .951 35 .125


a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The result of the normality test for the post-test

showed that the significance level of the experimental class

was 0.060 and 0.190 and the control one was 0.131 and

0.125. It means that the probability value (p) of both

experimental and control class was higher than (>) the

degree of significance 5% (α = 0.05). Therefore, it is

concluded that the data of both the experimental and the

control class was normally distributed.

b. The Homogeneity Test

After doing the normality test, the homogeneity test was also

required in order to test the similarity of the sample in the experimental

class and control class. To calculate homogeneity test, the researcher

used Levene Statistic Test from IBM Statistics SPSS version 20. The

following is the result which was obtained from the test:

Table 4.7

Homogeneity of Variances Test of Pre-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances




df1 df2 Sig.

.736 1 68 .394

Based on table 4.7, the result of Levene Statistic Test showed that

the significance of pre-test between experimental class and control class

was 0.394. Therefore, the data of pre-test was homogenous because it

was higher than 0.05.


Table 4.8

Homogeneity of Variances Test of Post-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances




df1 df2 Sig.

.196 1 68 .659

From the result of the Levene Statistic Test, it has seen that the

significance level or probability value (p) of the data from the

experimental and control’s post-test score was 0.659. It means that the

significance level or probability value (p) of the data was higher than

the significance degree (α = 0.05). The result of homogeneity test

showed that the sample data from the population has homogenous


c. The Hypothesis Test

After doing the normality and homogeneity test, the writer

conducted the hypothesis test. The writer used the independent t-test

from IBM Statistics SPSS version 20 to compare the means or averages

of the experimental and the control class in order to check whether there

was a significant difference in the result of the experimental and control

class after treatments were given.

Table 4.9

The T-test Result of Post-test Scores

Group Statistics

Name N Mean Std.


Std. Error


Experimental 35 76.43 8.354 1.412

Control 35 70.66 7.907 1.337


Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of


t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-




Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper




.196 .659 2.968 68 .004 5.771 1.944 1.892 9.651





2.968 67.796 .004 5.771 1.944 1.891 9.651

The post-test mean score of the experimental class was 76.4 while

the control class was 70.7. The result of T-test in table 4.9 shows that

tvalue which is 2.968 with the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.004. Then tvalue is

compared to the ttable to know whether the infographic give significant

effect toward students’ vocabulary learning. The ttable is taken from the

requirement which has been standard in analyzing the data. The ttable

shows 1,995 with 68 as the degree of freedom (df) in the significance

level 0.05. The comparison shows that tvalue (2.968) > ttable (1.995) and

the Sig. (2-tailed) value of the post-test score was lower than α, 0.004

< 0.05. It means there was a significant effect of infographic give

significant effect toward students’ vocabulary learning. To add the data

of post-test, the t-test also was done to the gained scores in the two

classes which are experimental class and the control class. The result is

referred to the Table 4.10.


Table 4.10

The T-test Result of Gained Scores

Group Statistics

Name N Mean Std.


Std. Error Mean

Experimental 35 17.77 10.407 1.759

Control 35 11.06 6.970 1.178

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test

for Equality

of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-




Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper




5.014 .028 3.171 68 .002 6.714 2.117 2.490 10.939



not assumed

3.171 59.395 .002 6.714 2.117 2.478 10.950

Based on the data t-test above, the result is t (68) = 2.968, ρ= 0.02.

It means that there was a significant difference between the

experimental class (M= 17.77, SD= 10.407) and the control class (M=

11.06, SD= 6.970). The result also shows that tvalue (2.968) > ttable

(1.995) and the Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.02 <0.05. Then, it can be concluded

that the infographic give significant effect toward students’ vocabulary



Therefore, it can be seen that ρ < α, which means that H0 was

rejected and Ha was accepted. It proves that the mean score of the

experimental class is higher than the control class. In other words, there

was a signifficant effect of infographic toward students’ vocabulary


d. The Effect Size Test

This formulation was adopted in order to see the effect size level of

this research.

d = Mean for group A – mean for group B

Pooled standard deviation

Pooled standard deviation = 8.354 + 7.907

= 8.13 2

d = 76.42 – 70.65

= 0.70


The Criteria

0 – 0.20 Weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 Modest effect

0.51– 1.00 Moderate effect

> 1.00 Strong effect

After knowing the result that showed, it can be seen that from

the calculation the effect size level of this study is moderate because

it shows that the result is 0.70 and therefore, there is a significant

effect of using infographic on students’ vocabulary learning.

B. Interpretation

In this description of the data which was taken from 35 students of

the experimental class, Table 4.1 showed the description of the experimental


class, the pre-test mean score which is 58,7 before the implementation of

infographic. Moreover, after the students were given the implementation of

infographic, the mean score of post-test is 76,4. Meanwhile, Table 4.2

showed the description of the control class, the pre-test mean score which is 59,6

and the post-test is 70,7. It can be seen from the mean score of pre-test in

experimental and control class, that students got very minimum scores for their

vocabulary test and the experimental got the lower scores than the control class. In

summary, in the pre-test the students in the experimental class got the lower scores

than the students in the control class. Whereas, in the post-test the students in the

experimental class got higher scores than the students in the control class.

During the treatments, Infographic as media were implemented in a

group discussion of the experimental class to improve their vocabulary

learning. On the other hand, the students in the control class were taught

with teacher’s power point’s slides as the media in a group discussion.

Based on the statistical analysis, the increasing point of the experimental

class was 17,8; from 58,7 to 76,4. As for the control class, it increased 11.1

points; from 59,6 to 70,7. It means that the experimental class had more

significantly increasing points rather than the control class.

Based on the t-test from the SPSS calculation, it can be proved that

p (sig. (2-tailed)) < α: 0.004 <0.05. it means that H0 – which is null

hypothesis that infographic did not give significant effect on students’

vocabulary learning at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota

Tangerang was rejected and Ha – which is alternative hypothesis that

infographic gave significant effect on Students vocabularies at the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang was accepted. The effect

size of the tutorial video was 0.70. Therefore, the effect size level of this

research was effectively moderate.

The result of the interview as the secondary data was supporting the

statistical data. In the result we can find that the students said that

infographic help them in learning vocabulary, the illustration of the

vocabulary was helping them to get more understanding towards the


meaning of the words, even though students found it difficult to create the

infographic by themselves because of their lack of practiced to use the tolls.

From the data analysis of the research; it can be assumed that

Infographic can give moderate effect on students’ Vocabularies because the

score of students’ writing after being taught by using infographic is higher

than before the writer gave the treatment.

It can be summed up that using infographic gives moderate effect on

students’ vocabularies especially for the eighth-grade students at SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang academic year 2019/2020..




A. Conclusion

According to the findings in the previous chapter, it is concluded

that infographic has a significant effect on students’ vocabulary learning at

the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang academic year

2019/2020. It can be seen from the data with the statistical hypothesis of

significance level 5% showed that the mean score of post-test in the

experimental class after implementing the treatment by using infographic

was 76,4. It was higher than the mean score of pre-test before the treatment,

which was 58.7. The data analysis, moreover, showed that in sig. 2-tailed

(ρ) < a, or 0.004 < 0.05. It means that null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Then, the result of statistical

hypothesis testing by using independent sample ttest found that on degree of

significance 5% (α = 0.05), tobserve was 2.968 while ttable was 1.995 or

tobserve > ttable. Therefore, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It showed

that infographic gave moderate effect on students’ vocabulary learning and

it also shown that my hypothesis in chapter II was proved. Moreover, the

result of the effect size test which was calculated by using Cohen’d formula

gave the moderate effect with the result 0.70. It shown that, infographic gave

moderate effect on students’ vocabulary learning.

In conclusion, it is clear that the media – infographic can moderately

effect students’ vocabulary learning at the eighth grade students of SMP

Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang academic year 2019/2020 based on the statistical

data above where the hypothesis was proved and if we formulize it in to

Cohen theory, it shown that infographic shown moderate effect to students

vocabulary learning.


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion stated above, some suggestions can be

made for the teachers, the students, and future research. The suggestions as


1. For English teachers

The English teachers can use infographic to support

students’ vocabulary learning. Since infographic has many

advantages to grab students’ attention, it is surely recommended

to use that media in teaching and learning vocabulary.

2. For Students

a. The students are expected to learning vocabulary actively

by finding the infographic by themselves since in this era of

technology where infographic can easily found on many

platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram.

b. The students are expected to engage in all of the activities

offered, hence they can understand and learn the materials

from media and take part in the group to develop their ideas

and vocabularies.

c. The students are expected to be more confident in the

learning process and do not hesitate to ask the teacher if

they have difficulties with the materials.

3. For Further researchers

The result of this study can be used as basic information or

reference about implementing other media in teaching

vocabulary or implementing infographic for other skills.



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School : SMP N 11 Kota Tangerang

Curriculum : 2013 (K13)

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade/Semester : VIII/I

Core Material : Recount Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 Menit (3 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif

dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, terkait fenomena

dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai,

memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber

lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar


• 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

• 2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

• 3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


C. Indikator

1. Spiritual:

1.1.1 Di akhir pelajaran, siswa dapat bersyukur telah mempunyai kesempatan

belajar bahasa Inggris dengan membuat refleksi diri (manfaat dari belajar teks

recount dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar).

2. Social:

2.3.1 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat bertanggung jawab terhadap

pekerjaan yang diberikan secara bertahap.

2.3.2 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat menunjukkan kepedulian

lingkungan mereka selama proses belajar secara aktif.

2.3.3 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat bekerja bersama dengan yang

lain selama proses belajar secara gotong royong.

2.3.4 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat menunjukan rasa damai

secara konsisten

3. Knowledge:

3.3.1 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungi

sosial dari teks recount dalam bentuk orentation, event, dan reorientation.

3.3.2 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat After learning material on

asking and giving the name of times, days, and months in the form of numeric, date,

and year, students are able to identify language features of asking and giving the

name of times, days, and months in the form of numeric, date, and year in English



3.3.3 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur

umum dari teks recount dari contoh yang diberikan dalam bentuk teks tertulis

dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar.

4. Skills:

4.4.1 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat membaca teks tertulis

(reading) teks recount secara tepat.

4.4.2 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat membuat reks recount

(writing) dalam bentuk orientation, event dan reorientation secara teapat.

D. Material


Recount adalah sebuah tulisan yang menceritakan peristiwa secara kronologis

yang urut. Teks recount sama seperti teks naratif. Ceritanya mungkin sebuah peristiwa

dalam satu tempat dan hari tertentu. Susunan peristiwanya sangat penting. Recount

dapat menghibur dan/atau menginformasi urutan kejadian yang terjadi.

Text Organization:

• Recounts Pribadi

• Orientation yaitu memperkenalkan siapa yang terlibat di dalam cerita, kapan,

dan di mana cerita ini terjadi.

• Events yaitu menceritakan peristiwa secara urut.

• Re-orientation (optional) yaitu menampilkan kesimpulan dari pengalaman;

komentar penulis tentang pengalamnnya.

• Recount Fakta

o Orientation memperkenalkan siapa yang terlibat di dalam cerita, kapan,

dan di mana cerita ini terjadi.

o Events menceritakan kejadian secara urut.

Contoh teks recount: laporan kecelakaan, laporan surat kabar, laporan polisi, artikel,

surat, jurnal, sejarah, buku harian.

1. Fungsi Sosial : Menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu.

2. Language Element :


• Nouns, e.g. man, journey, town, etc.

• Pronouns, e.g. it, he, him, his, etc

• Action verbs, e.g. wanted, decided, ate, etc.

• Past tenses, e.g. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town.

• Time conjunction, e.g. before, finally, etc.

• Adverbs, e.g. cheerfully, quickly, etc.

• Adverbs of phrases, e.g. a few days ago, at the end of the journey, etc.

• Adjectives, e.g. old, clever, light, heavy, etc

E. Sources / Learning Media

1 Source:

2 Learning Media : INFOGRAPHIC, slide, whiteboard, marker

F. Learning Method

1. Pendekatan : Alamiah (Scientific)

2. Metode : Communicative Language Teaching

3. Technique : Lecturing, Grouping, Individual Working

G. Learning Activity

Activity Description Teachers Activity Time Allocation

Learning Source

Opening • Start the lesson with praying

• Greeting the students

• Introduction

• Give some question: - Have you ever go

to the tourist object?

- What are you doing when holidays come?

- Dit you have experience related related to the event or certain place?

10 Menit

Main Activity

Observation/mengamati: a. Siswa Bersama –

sama menari mengikuti gerakan yang ditayangkan dalam video.

b. Siswa memperhatikan tayangan tantang tempat – tempat wisata dan contoh artikel teks recount

• Guru memutakan video “Tarian daerah”

• Guru membagikan lembar pengamatan dan menayangkan video tentang waktu dan kegiatan sehari - hari

10 menit Video Infographic


c. Siswa Bersama – sama membaca contoh teks recount dalam bentuk infographic.

Questioning/ mempertanakan

a. Siswa digiring umtuk bertanya jawab tentang Infographic yang diperlihatkan guru tentang tempat2 wisata dan contoh artikel teks recount dan cara membaca dalam Bahasa inggris

b. Siswa digiring untuk bertanya mengenai waktu dan nama kegiatannya sehari hari

• Guru membimbing siswa brtanya jawab tentang infographic yang telah diamati

• Guru membimbing siswa untuk bertanya jawab tentang waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari

5 menit

Associating/ menalar a. Siswa mengamati

tentang apa, kapan, mengapa dan bagaimana recount text digunakan.

b. Siswa mengaati contoh format membuat teks recount.

Guru menjelaskan maateri inti dari teks recount

15 menit

Eksperimen/ eksplorasi

a. Siswa membuat cerita tentang teks recount yang berkaitan dengan tempat tempat wisata kedalam infographic

Guru membagikan tempat tempat tujuan wisata. Guru memberikan contoh cara membuat infographic dengan menggunakan paint.

25 menit

Networking mengkomunikasikan

a. siswa menampilkan hasil kerjanya didepan kelas

• Guru meminta siswa untuk menampilkan tugas kerjanya didepan kelas

• Guru memotivasi siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan

10 menit


b. siswa mengungkapkan waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari kepada siapapun yang ditemuinya, seperti keluarga, teman, guru, dan lain lain.

waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari didalam dan diluar kelas

Closing • Guiding te students to make conclusion on what they have done

5 menit





School : SMP N 11 Kota Tangerang

Curriculum : 2013 (K13)

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade/Semester : VIII/I

Core Material : Recount Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 Menit (3 Pertemuan)

D. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif

dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, terkait fenomena

dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai,

memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber

lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

E. Kompetensi Dasar

• 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.


• 2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

• 3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


F. Indikator

1. Spiritual:

1.1.1 Di akhir pelajaran, siswa dapat bersyukur telah mempunyai kesempatan

belajar bahasa Inggris dengan membuat refleksi diri (manfaat dari belajar teks

recount dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar).

2. Social:

2.3.1 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat bertanggung jawab terhadap

pekerjaan yang diberikan secara bertahap.

2.3.2 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat menunjukkan kepedulian

lingkungan mereka selama proses belajar secara aktif.

2.3.3 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat bekerja bersama dengan yang

lain selama proses belajar secara gotong royong.

2.3.4 Melalui belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat menunjukan rasa damai

secara konsisten

3. Knowledge:

3.3.1 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungi

sosial dari teks recount dalam bentuk orentation, event, dan reorientation.

3.3.2 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat After learning material on

asking and giving the name of times, days, and months in the form of numeric, date,

and year, students are able to identify language features of asking and giving the

name of times, days, and months in the form of numeric, date, and year in English


3.3.3 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur

umum dari teks recount dari contoh yang diberikan dalam bentuk teks tertulis

dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar.

4. Skills:


4.4.1 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat membaca teks tertulis

(reading) teks recount secara tepat.

4.4.2 Setelah belajar materi teks recount, siswa dapat membuat reks recount

(writing) dalam bentuk orientation, event dan reorientation secara teapat.

D. Material


Recount adalah sebuah tulisan yang menceritakan peristiwa secara kronologis

yang urut. Teks recount sama seperti teks naratif. Ceritanya mungkin sebuah peristiwa

dalam satu tempat dan hari tertentu. Susunan peristiwanya sangat penting. Recount

dapat menghibur dan/atau menginformasi urutan kejadian yang terjadi.

Text Organization:

• Recounts Pribadi

• Orientation yaitu memperkenalkan siapa yang terlibat di dalam cerita, kapan,

dan di mana cerita ini terjadi.

• Events yaitu menceritakan peristiwa secara urut.

• Re-orientation (optional) yaitu menampilkan kesimpulan dari pengalaman;

komentar penulis tentang pengalamnnya.

• Recount Fakta

o Orientation memperkenalkan siapa yang terlibat di dalam cerita, kapan,

dan di mana cerita ini terjadi.

o Events menceritakan kejadian secara urut.

Contoh teks recount: laporan kecelakaan, laporan surat kabar, laporan polisi, artikel,

surat, jurnal, sejarah, buku harian.

3. Fungsi Sosial : Menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu.

4. Language Element :

• Nouns, e.g. man, journey, town, etc.

• Pronouns, e.g. it, he, him, his, etc

• Action verbs, e.g. wanted, decided, ate, etc.

• Past tenses, e.g. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town.

• Time conjunction, e.g. before, finally, etc.


• Adverbs, e.g. cheerfully, quickly, etc.

• Adverbs of phrases, e.g. a few days ago, at the end of the journey, etc.

• Adjectives, e.g. old, clever, light, heavy, etc

E. Sources / Learning Media

3 Source:

4 Learning Media : picture, slide, whiteboard, marker

G. Learning Method

1. Pendekatan : Alamiah (Scientific)

2. Metode : Communicative Language Teaching

3. Technique : Lecturing, Grouping, Individual Working

G. Learning Activity

Activity Description Teachers Activity Time Allocation

Learning Source

Opening • Start the lesson with praying

• Greeting the students

• Introduction

• Give some question: - Have you ever

go to the tourist object?

- What are you doing when holidays come?

- Dit you have experience related related to the event or certain place?

10 Menit

Main Activity

Observation/mengamati: d. Siswa Bersama –

sama menari mengikuti gerakan yang ditayangkan dalam video.

e. Siswa memperhatikan tayangan tantang tempat – tempat wisata dan contoh artikel teks recount

f. Siswa Bersama – sama membaca contoh teks recount.

• Guru memutakan video “Tarian daerah”

• Guru membagikan lembar pengamatan dan menayangkan video tentang waktu dan kegiatan sehari - hari

10 menit Video

Questioning/ mempertanakan

• Guru membimbing siswa brtanya jawab

5 menit


c. Siswa digiring umtuk bertanya jawab tentang slide yang diperlihatkan guru tentang tempat2 wisata dan contoh artikel teks recount dan cara membaca dalam Bahasa inggris

d. Siswa digiring untuk bertanya mengenai waktu dan nama kegiatannya sehari hari

tentang slide yang telah diamati

• Guru membimbing siswa untuk bertanya jawab tentang waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari

Associating/ menalar c. Siswa mengamati

tentang apa, kapan, mengapa dan bagaimana recount text digunakan.

d. Siswa mengaati contoh format membuat teks recount.

Guru menjelaskan maateri inti dari teks recount

15 menit

Eksperimen/ eksplorasi c. Siswa membuat

cerita tentang teks recount yang berkaitan dengan tempat tempat wisata

Guru membagikan tempat tempat tujuan wisata.

20 menit

Networking mengkomunikasikan

b. siswa menampilkan hasil kerjanya didepan kelas

d. siswa mengungkapkan waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari kepada siapapun yang ditemuinya, seperti keluarga, teman, guru, dan lain lain.

• Guru meminta siswa untuk menampilkan tugas kerjanya didepan kelas

• Guru memotivasi siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan waktu dan kegiatan sehari hari didalam dan diluar kelas

10 menit

Closing • Guiding te students to make conclusion on what they have done

10 menit



Pre-Test Instrument


1. A place where the criminals are put is…

a. Dispensary b. Prison c. Courthouse d. Stationery

2. Yesterday Anida …. to her friend’s house, because she wanted to borrow English book.

a. Went b. Came c. Visited d. Travelled

3. This place is a place where a defendant is trialed. This place is called as…

a. Courthouse b. Stationary c. Dispensary d. Prison

4. Nina wants to buy some breads in the bakery. The word in italic has similar meaning to…

a. Sell b. Pay c. Purchase d. Have

5. This is a place where you can see so many horses. This building is used to keep horses. This place is called as…

a. Warehouse b. Casino c. Stable d. Stadium

6. Riri looked so … when she finally found the book that she wanted to borrow in the

library yesterday.

a. Sad b. Curious c. Sleepy d. Happy

7. A structure that is built to make people remember an event in history or a famous person is called as…

a. Museum b. Tower c. Factory d. Monument

8. Last week Lisa and her family decided to go to the zoo, and Lisa was so happy. The

word in italic has similar meaning to…

a. Terrified b. Bored c. Sleepy d. Excited

9. A large, open area with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports is called


a. Tower b. Field c. Factory d. Stadium

10. Two days ago Liza took her cousin to the airport and she feels sad because she could not meet her cousin again. The word in italic has similar meaning to…

a. Terrified b. Glad c. Joyful d. Miserable

11. Dina went to the ………. to change her money from Rupiah to Dollar yesterday.


a. Value b. Airport c. Monastery d. Currency Exchange

12. He is trying to find the book …. in the bookshelves, in order to get the book he wants

to buy in the bookstore.

a. Happily b. Sadly c. Eagerly d. Carefully

13. During the holiday, I spent my day in the …. since I didn’t like staying in the high building.

a. Cottage b. Hotel c. Dormitory d. Tunnel

14. Last night Uncle Jack wanted to borrow some money, so he went to … and gave his gold to the cashier. This month he will come back to that place to pay his debt and get his gold back.

a. Thrift shop b. Pawn Shop c. Haberdashery d. Courthouse

15. Last month Jim went to…. to sell second-handed clothes for charity.

a. Thrift shop b. Pawn Shop c. Haberdashery d. Courthouse

16. Warehouse is a … building for goods that are going to be sold.

a. Small b. tiny c. little d. large

17. All the daily needs can be … in the market.

a. Borrowed b. bought c. paid d. changed

18. Hospital is a building that provides medical and surgical treatment for ….. people.

a. Health b. Hopeless c. Helpless d. sick

19. Last holiday we went up stairs to the top of twin towers and … beautiful view there.

a. Visited b. realized c. took d. saw

20. Last week all moslems …. Eidl Fitr in the mosque.

a. Begged b. celebrated c. prayed d. visited

21. All the Christians celebrated Christmas …. in the church.

a. Happily b. sadly c. sincerely d. playfully

22. Shinta will go to the boutique to change the dress that she bought because it doesn’t fit in her. The word in italic has similar meaning to…

a. Move b. switch c. sell d. borrow

23. Adinda got … when she knew that she couldn’t go anywhere in her holiday.

a. Sad b. terrified c. enthusiast d. excited

24. The clown that she saw near the park looked so …

a. Sad b. cute c. nice d. funny

25. One of the most …. monuments in Indonesia is Monas, and it is located in Jakarta.


a. Short b. large c. big d. famous

26. She looked so …. spending her holiday in the hotel near the beach.

a. Bored b. incredible c. exhausted d. excited

27. Nia wanted to …. her aunt who lived in different country.

a. Come b. go c. visit d. stay

28. Nia’s house is far from the mosque. So, she … to walk for several kilometers.

a. wants b. needs c. likes d. enjoys

29. Bila enjoyed the … scenery from the top of the hot

a. Bad b. beautiful c. terrified d. glamorous

30. Lia preferred to buy vegetables in the … because it looks more fresh.

a. grocery b. market c. hospital d. court house



Post-Test Instrument


1. Anna wants to buy books, pencils, and eraser. So, she decides to go to


a. Courthouse b. Prison c. Monastery d. Stationery

2. Bob went to the library to … biology book yesterday.

a. Lend b. buy c. sell d. borrow

3. All the Hindis go to the … to pray.

a. Cathedral b. mosque c. monastery d. temple

4. Dian wants to buy a kilogram of meat in the butcher. The antonym of the word in italic is…

a. Bring b. break c. sell d. borrow

5. Today was Vaisakha day, so all the Buddhists went to the …….. to pray.

a. Church b. Mosque c. Chapel d. Vihara

6. During the holiday, I and my family spent it by staying in the … near the


a. Dormitory b. Hotel c. Port d. Thrift Shop

7. Last night Andy got sick, he needed some medicines, so he asked her brother to go to the...

a. Dispensary b. Stationary c. Library d. Grocery

8. Tomorrow Indah wants to go picnic to the zoo. On the next day, it is raining, so she can’t go anywhere and she feels so sad. The antonym of the

word in the italic is…

a. Glad b. Hesitated c. Excited d.


9. Last year Lorry often went to the …. to do exercises in order to have a

good body, but now he is lazy to do it.

a. Haberdashery b. Monastery c. Library d. Gymnasium

10. It was the first time Ann saw Monumen Nasional (Monas), for her it was a

… building.

a. Short b. Large c. Average d. Tall

11. Every Friday, Ali goes to the … to pray since he is a moslem.


a. Church b. Cathedral c. Temple d. Mosque

12. He walks into the lobby of the dormitory … since he really wants to meet his family.

a. Sadly b. helplessly c. carelessly d. eagerly

13. Bob wants to buy a bunch of flowers for his mother, so he goes to the…

a. Stationery b. dispensary c. butcher d. florist

14. Mia is on her way to the police station, but her car is out of gasoline, so she goes to the …

a. Airport b. market c. petrol station d. pawn shop

15. A building where things are made is called as…

a. Monastery b. market c. factory d. Harbor

16. One of the most popular places in Malang is musem angkut. The word in italic has the closest meaning to…

a. Large b. huge c. tiny d. well-known

17. Nada gets sick and she wants to go to the….

a. Pawn shop b. dormitory c. hospital d. port

18. All the fruits which is sold in the market looks so …

a. Pale b. dark c. rotten d. fresh

19. Hilda is a lecturer, so every day she … the students in University.

a. Claims b. teaches c. visits d. comes

20. I wish someday I could … to Paris to see Eiffel tower.

a. Visit b. live c. feel d. go

21. Liza goes to school … every day because she loves all her teachers and friends.

a. Peacefully b. extremely c. enthusiastically d. scornfully

22. Shinta is in the airport, the plane that she waits will take off at 6 p.m. The

word in italic has similar meaning to…

a. Come b. stay c. depart d. fly

23. Bill was …. when he knew that the missed the train last night.

a. Interested b. exhausted c. anxious d. annoyed

24. My campus has several … buildings and it has 2 hectares.

a. Small b. tiny c. medium d. large

25. I prefer go to the café than to the library because it is a comfortable place for me. the word in italic has the closest meaning to…


a. Dangerous b. safe c. peace d. cozy

26. She looks so … watching Harry Potter in the cinema that she does not even understand the plot.

a. Happy b. enthusiast c. hilarious d. bored

27. He likes to …. his weekend by doing all his homework.

a. Waste b. keep c. make d. spend

28. Henny’s office is near with restaurant that she can … her lunch there.

a. Pay b. achieve c. earn d. buy

29. The view in the top of National Monument is …, no wonder many people want to go to the top of it.

a. Terrible b. awful c. wonderful d. terrified

30. Mia wants to have a tame rabbit so she decides to go to the…

a. Market b. pet shop c. green grocery d. grocer





The Gained Score of Experimental Class

Name Pre Post Gained Score

Student 1 53 83 30

Student 2 50 87 37

Student 3 60 77 17

Student 4 67 83 16

Student 5 53 87 34

Student 6 60 73 13

Student 7 50 73 23

Student 8 47 70 23

Student 9 50 70 20

Student 10 50 83 33

Student 11 53 73 20

Student 12 57 73 16

Student 13 70 93 23

Student 14 73 87 14

Student 15 63 70 7

Student 16 53 77 24

Student 17 57 77 20

Student 18 70 67 -3

Student 19 67 70 3

Student 20 63 97 34

Student 21 63 77 14

Student 22 53 77 24

Student 23 47 83 36

Student 24 70 83 13

Student 25 70 85 15

Student 26 57 73 16

Student 27 57 67 10

Student 28 60 63 3

Student 29 47 67 20

Student 30 40 70 30

Student 31 63 67 4

Student 32 67 80 13

Student 33 60 70 10

Student 34 60 63 3

Student 35 73 80 7

Total 2053 2675 622

Mean 58,7 76,4 17,8



The Gained Score of Control Class

Name Pre Post Gained Score

Student 1 57 63 6

Student 2 50 63 13

Student 3 60 67 7

Student 4 53 57 4

Student 5 53 63 10

Student 6 57 77 20

Student 7 60 77 17

Student 8 60 63 3

Student 9 60 73 13

Student 10 47 73 26

Student 11 50 70 20

Student 12 50 70 20

Student 13 60 73 13

Student 14 73 83 10

Student 15 70 80 10

Student 16 70 83 13

Student 17 63 67 4

Student 18 57 53 -4

Student 19 50 53 3

Student 20 60 73 13

Student 21 60 77 17

Student 22 63 70 7

Student 23 67 67 0

Student 24 63 77 14

Student 25 70 77 7

Student 26 53 73 20

Student 27 53 70 17

Student 28 57 77 20

Student 29 47 67 20

Student 30 60 67 7

Student 31 73 83 10

Student 32 70 77 7

Student 33 70 80 10

Student 34 67 67 0

Student 35 53 63 10

Total 2086 2473 387

Mean 59,6 70,7 11,1



Secondary Data

Interview Question

No Questions

1 What do you feel about using infographic for the first-time?

2 Is it fun to use it in the classroom?

3 What is the plus and minus in using infographic?

4 Do you think infographic help you in learning vocabulary?

Interview Interpretation

A: Researcher

B: Students

Interview I

A: Siang

B: Siang mister

A: Jadi begini, mister mau minta bantuan kamu, kamu bersedia kan?

B: Siap mister

A: Jadi mister akan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan terkait penelitian mister yang

kemarin. Kamu masih inget apa penelitian mister kemarin?

B: Itu mister. infographic kan?

A: Yap betul, infographic. Nah mister mau tanya, gimana perasaan kamu waktu

kemarin menggunakan infographic untuk pertama kalinya?

B: Seru mister.

A: Serunya kenapa?

B: Seru karena kita belajarnya pake gambar gitu, jadi gampang ngertinya


A: Oh gitu, terus seneng gak pake infographic buat belajar gitu?

B: Seneng mister.

A: Menurut kamu, kelebihan sama kekurangan infographic dalam pengajaran apa


B: Kelebihannya itu gampang dimengerti, kekurangannya itu bikinnya susah mister

harus pake computer.

A: Oh gampang mengertinya, tapi susah buat bikinnya yak. Gimana kalo kamu

belajarnya pake infographic aja tanpa harus buat, mau gak?

B: Mau mister, lebih seru

A: Nah pertanyaan terakhir, menurut kamu infographic membantu kamu dalam

belajar vocabulary gak sih?

B: Membantu mister, apalagi gambarnya bias diliat di hanphone. Jadi bias belajar

dimana mana mister. Terus mudah dimengerti karena ada gambarnya mister.

A: Itu Namanya ilustrasi dari vocabularynya. Nah segitu aja, terima kasih udah mau

bantu mister.

B: Sama sama mister.

Interview II

A: Siang

B: Siang mister

A: Mister mau minta tolong boleh yah?

B: Boleh mister

A: Mister mau ngajuin beberapa pertanyaan tentang penelitian mister yang kemarin.

Masih inget gak kamu?


B: Inget mister, kemarin itu tentang infographic

A: Iya betul. Nah begini pertanyaannya, gimana perasaan kamu waktu kemarin

pertama kalinya menggunakan infographic? Coba cerita ke mister

B: Awalnya mah bingung mister, karena baru pertama kali denger yang Namanya

infographic. Tapi pas udah dijelasin mister saya tau sedikit sedikit karena mirip


A: Memang, memang mirip poster. Terus terus

B: Waktu belajarnya si seru mister, karena pakai gambar gitu.

A: Berarti menyenangkan lah yak cara beajarnya?

B Iya mister.

A: Terus menurut kamu kelebihan dan kekurangan dari infographic dalam

pembelajaran apa?

B: Susah mister bikinnya, tapi gampang dimengerti si kalo buat belajar materinya.

Karena ada gambarnya.

A: Pertanyaan terakhir nih, apakah infographic membantu kamu dalam belajar


B: Membantu mister, karena kan disetiap vocab yang kita pelajarin ada gambarnya,

jadinya mudah ingetnya,

A: Nah gambar yang ada di vocabularynya itu Namanya ilustrasi. Ok begitu aja,

terima kasih udah mau bantu mister.

B: Sama sama mister.










UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 1 Maret 2010

FITK No. Revisi: : 01

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412

Indonesia Hal : 1/1


Nomor : Un.01/F.1/KM.01.3/0333/2018 Jakarta, 10 Juli 2018

Lamp. : -

Hal : Bimbingan Skripsi

Kepada Yth.

Dr. Nida Husna, M.Pd. MA. Tesol.

Pembimbing Skripsi

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Dengan ini diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbing I

(materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa:

Nama : Andika Afrian

NIM : 1113014000055

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Semester : Sepuluh (10)

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Visual

Material (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of

SMAN 12 Kota Tangerang)

Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 20 Januari

2017, abstraksi/outline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada

judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing

menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan, dan dapat

diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

a.n. Dekan

Kajur Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dr. Alek, M.Pd

NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008 Tembusan:

1. Dekan FITK

2. Mahasiswa ybs.





Pictures of The Class Activities



Teachers’ Made Infographic



Students’ Made Infographic