1 THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS (A Case Study at B Group Students of TK Negeri Pembina I Kota Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2015/2016) A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education By: Selinda Febriani 1111 014 0000 86 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION THE FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2016





(A Case Study at B Group Students of TK Negeri Pembina I

Kota Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2015/2016)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences

as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education


Selinda Febriani

1111 014 0000 86








Selinda Febriani, 1111014000086. “The Teaching of English Vocabulary to

Young Learners (A Case Study at B Group Students of TK Negeri

Pembina I Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2015/2016”, Skripsi,

Department of English Education, the Faculty of Educational Sciences,

Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta.

Keywords: Techniques, Vocabulary Teaching, and Young Learners.

This study is aimed to describe the techniques used by the teacher in

teaching English vocabulary for young learners in TK Negeri Pembina I

Tangerang Selatan. The method used in this study is case study. This study was

conducted by using three techniques of data collection: observation, interview,

and document study. The source of the data was the English teacher and the

subjects were the B group students of TK Negeri Pembina I Tangerang Selatan.

The findings revealed that the teacher applied various techniques in teaching

vocabulary which divided into three stages. For presenting new words, using

flashcards and miming are preferred by the teacher in this study. In getting

students to practice the words they have learnt, the teacher mostly employed

identifying and matching task. For the final stage in teaching vocabulary,

producing, the teacher familiarized both completion and creation in sentence and




Selinda Febriani, 1111014000086. “The Teaching of English Vocabulary to

Young Learners (A Case Study at B Group Students of TK Negeri

Pembina I Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2015/2016”, Skripsi,

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Kata Kunci: Techniques, Vocabulary Teaching, and Young Learners.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang penggunaan teknik

– teknik dalam pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris di TK Negeri Pembina I

Tangerang Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode

studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga teknik pengumpulan data: observasi

interview, dan dokumen. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu seorang guru bahasa

Inggris TK Negeri Pembina I dan subyek penelitian adalah 16 siswa kelas B TK

Negeri Pembina I Tangerang Selatan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa guru

mengaplikasikan berbagai macam teknik pengajaran kosakata yang dibagi

menjadi tiga tahap. Dalam menyajikan kata-kata baru, penggunaan kartu kata dan

kegiatan menirukan lebih dipilih oleh guru. Untuk melatih siswa menggunakan

kosakata baru yang telah mereka pelajari, guru lebih sering menggunakan tugas

identifikasi dan menjodohkan. Pada tahan akhir, memproduksi, guru

mengaplikasikan teknik melengkapi dan membuat kalimat maupun teks.






In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful,

peace and blessing also upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family

and all of his followers including to all of us. First of all, the writer would like to

express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT the Almighty for His grace and

enormous blessing so that the writer could finish this skripsi. She also would like

to give her gratitude, respect, and appreciation for the following people for their

great contribution in the process of her study and then in writing this skripsi.

This skripsi is presented to the Department of English Education, the

Faculty of Educational Sciences State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to

her beloved parents, Subari and Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd., for their love,

prayers, encouragement, motivations, and support to finish her study. And her

beloved brothers Bimo Aji Wicaksono and Bayu Aji Wibisono thanks for their

spirit and praying.

The writer also would like to express her gratitude to Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

and Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd. as the advisor, for their advice, guidance, motivation,

correction, and suggestion in finishing this skripsi.

Her gratidude and honor also goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A the Dean of Faculty of Educational


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. as the Head of Department of English Education

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.the secretary of Department of English Education

4. All lecturers of Department of English Education for their great help,

valuable support, advices, guidance, smile, and joke to the writer during

her study at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


5. All the teachers and staffs of TK Negeri Pembina I Kota Tangerang

Selatan for the warmth and friendly welcoming, help, the good


6. All of her friends of Englsih Department 2011, especially Nicky

Dwiningrum, Yulianti Sari, Audrey Ningtyas, Putik Delima for their best

help, understanding, smiles, jokes, cheerful, and motivations.

7. Her best friends; Rakhma Permata Setyorini, Sarah Safira, Audri Ferainy

Iswandari, and Dias Ledy Damayanthi who gave their support. Hopefully

their friendship will always be like the sun which lighting the morning and

the moon which lighting the night.

8. And all who have given their help in writing this skripsi that could not

mention one by one.

For people above, May Allah gives His blessing and reward on them. The

writer couldn’t finish this research report without those great people in her life.

The writer realizes that this skripsi is far from being perfect. Therefore, the

writer would highly welcome any suggestion or critiques to make it better.

Tangerang Selatan, June 2016

Selinda Febriani



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................................. iii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

A. Background of Study .............................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Identification ............................................................................................ 5

C. Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................... 5

D. Problem Formulation .............................................................................................. 5

E. Purpose of the Study ............................................................................................... 6

F. Significance of the Study ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.6

CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 7

LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 7

A. Vocabulary ............................................................................................................... 7

1. General Concept of Vocabulary ......................................................................... 7

2. The Importance of Vocabulary .......................................................................... 8

3. Vocabulary Mastery............................................................................................. 9

4. Types of Vocabulary ......................................................................................... 13

5. Teaching Vocabulary ......................................................................................... 15

6. Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary ............................................................... 19

7. Media of Teaching Vocabulary ........................................................................ 29

B. Young Learners ..................................................................................................... 33

1. How do Young Learners Learn? ...................................................................... 33

2. The Characteristic of Young Learner .............................................................. 33


3. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners ....................................................... 35

C. Previous Related Study......................................................................................... 36

CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 39

METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 39

A. Place and Time of Research ................................................................................ 39

B. Data and Data Sources .......................................................................................... 39

C. Research Method ................................................................................................... 39

D. Instrument of the Study ........................................................................................ 40

1. Observations ....................................................................................................... 40

2. Interviews ............................................................................................................ 40

3. Study of Documents .......................................................................................... 41

E. Data Collection Techniques and Procedures ..................................................... 41

1. Observations ....................................................................................................... 41

2. Interviews ............................................................................................................ 41

3. Study of Documents .......................................................................................... 42

F. Data Analysis Techniques and Procedures ........................................................ 42

1. Observations ....................................................................................................... 42

2. Interviews ............................................................................................................ 42

3. Study of Documents .......................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 44

FINDING AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 44

A. Data Description.................................................................................................... 44

B. Data Presentation ................................................................................................... 44

C. Discussion .............................................................................................................. 50

CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 55

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................................................. 55

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 55

B. Suggestion .............................................................................................................. 55

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 56

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 60



Table 2.1 What is Involved in Knowing Word …………………….. 10

Table 4.1 The Result of Observation ……………………………….. 46

Table 4.2 The Result of Student’s Achievement …………………… 49 - 50

Table 4.3 Techniques in Presentation Stage ………………………… 51

Table 4.4 Techniques in Practice Stage …………………………….. 52

Table 4.5 Techniques in Production Stage …………………………. 53



Appendix 1 : Permission Letter for Doing Research ………………………... 59

Appendix 2 : Respondent’s Profile ………………………………………….. 61

Appendix 3 : Classroom Observation ……………………………………….. 62

Appendix 4 : Interview ……………………………………………………… 72

Appendix 5 : Documents …………………………………………………….





This chapter provides the problems and the importance related to the topic

of this study. It presents through the background of this study, research questions,

purpose of the study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of Study

As globalization spreads, mastering English as an international language

seems to be an advantage. This language can be used to break cultural and

language barriers among people from all backgrounds. The popularity of English

study, therefore, is widespread all over the world, including in Indonesia.

Indonesian learners believe that mastering English could raise self-reliance. In

turn, they would be able to compete in global markets. Therefore, it is necessary

to think system of teaching and learning of English to young learners to gain an

optimal result. In the other word, it has been supposed if the government take a

role through their policy.

Due to the fact, in Indonesia English is taught starting from secondary

level. Meanwhile, in primary level, English is only taught as an extra-curricular or

additional subject. There is no policy that regulated English should be taught since

kindergarten or elementary school. However, the teaching and learning of English

in primary school provides the students‟ English language competencies in the

golden age; the age that children can learn anything easily. Based on the study

conducted by a team of scientists from McGill University in Canada, the optimal

age to learn a second language is before the pre-puberty.1

Rendering an English lesson to the students of primary level is an

appropriate decision viewed from the fact that the students of kindergarten and

elementary school have a period called golden age and they have critical period,

the period that children are able to learn anything easily. In this period, their

1 Tatiana Gordon. Teaching Young Children a Second Language. (London: Praeger,

2007) p. 56


brains are still flexible so that they are able to learn anything, including languages.

Besides, children‟s attitudes to other languages and culture are open and these

attitudes help the children learn the languages. In acquiring a language,

vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in language, plays a great role for

young learners. Linse states that young learners‟ vocabulary development is an

important aspect of their language development.2 As we know that young learners

especially students in kindergarten have big memory to memorize everything they

learn. Brown argues that children acquire authentic pronunciation while adults

generally do not, since pronunciation involves the control of so many muscles.3 In

addition, as cited by Lenneberg in Najafi, critical period is a range of time with a

specific onset and offset during which language is easier to be acquired.4

According to the Critical Period Hypothesis by Lenneberg, adults no longer have

the same plasticity as children that would enable them to cope with new mental

activities.5 The difficulty faced by adults to attain a native like fluency could be

due to the fact that the developmental changes in the brain that affect the nature of

language acquisition after the end of the critical period.

Furthermore there is another problem deal with teaching English to young

learners. It has been known that the requirements for the teacher to be able to

teach English well at kindergarten level were seldom discussed. For this reason,

the teaching of English to young learners does not accompanied with special

training of kindergarten teacher and there is no standardization for English teacher

who teach kindergarten in Indonesia. Moreover, there are many English teachers

in kindergarten are coming from various educational background. In the other

2 Caroline Linse and David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching: Young

Learners, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2005), p. 122.

3 H. Douglas Brown. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching: Fifth Edition. (New

York: Longman, 2007), p. 63-65.

4 Saeid Najafi and Hadi Hamidi, Critical Look at the Available Literature on the

Appropriate Time to Start Approaching a Second/ Foreign Language, Advances in English

Linguistics, 1, 2012, p. 76 – 77.

5 Javed Akhter, et. al., Comparison and Contrast between First and Second Language

Learning, Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 7, 2016, p. 132.


hand, department of English education is created only to provide professional

teachers for the secondary level. This might become a challenge for the teachers

in kindergarten.

As kindergarten is the place for students to learn English for the first time,

the students just learn the basic vocabulary. Vocabulary is very important to be

mastered first since it is an essential means in conducting communication. Based

on the reason above, the focus should be on the vocabulary in the kindergarten

level. It can help them understand the basis of studying English and prepare to

study English in higher level.

Vocabulary is major concern in kindergarten materials because vocabulary

is an essential means in conducting communication. Students who want to

improve their English should master the vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the

important aspects in learning English. The mastery of it would be very helpful

when one was learning foreign language having a great mastery on it; it would

also facilitate him to comprehend the subject learnt in which it was in English.

Vocabulary is used in any situation; it is in the form of spoken or written

language. We should have an adequate vocabulary to improve the four language

skills. Without grammar very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary nothing

can be conveyed. As the writer concluded that the quality of one‟s language skill

depends on the quality and the quantity of vocabulary mastered, the more

vocabulary he mastered, the easier to develop four language skills (listening,

speaking, reading and writing) and learn English as second language generally.

Moreover, Cameron stated that vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas

in language, plays a main role for young learners when they acquiring a

language.6 Young learners‟ vocabulary development is an important aspect of

their language development. Children start learning language from their

environments. They listen and try to imitate the adult‟s conversation. Uniquely,

once they listen, children will repeat and find out the meaning of what you say. It

shows how children learn a language naturally through their environment.

6 Lynne Cameron, Teaching Languages to Young Learners, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), p.11.


To teach vocabulary for young children is not an easy way. Teaching for

students of kindergarten is not the same as teaching adult because they have

different characteristics and motivation. They are different from adults, so the way

of teaching must be different too. According to Scoot, there are some general

characteristic of the children in the beginner level (5-10 years old); (a) they will

tell what they heard, (b) they use their fantasy, (c) they love playing and learn best

when they enjoy doing something, (d) they are enthusiastic and positive thinking,

(e) they rely on the spoken as well as the physical words to convey and

understanding meaning, (f) they learn from the direct instruction, (g) their own

understanding comes trough eyes, hands and ears, (h) they have very short

attention and concentration.7

Based on the preliminary observation at TK Negeri Pembina I Tangerang

Selatan, English has been taught in the B group students. For some students,

English is their first foreign language, so they feel difficult in learning the English

lesson. It becomes the teacher‟s job to find out the suitable methods or techniques

in teaching English, especially in English vocabulary, in order the students can

learn the English lesson easily and the teaching learning process will be succeed.

However, they have lack amount and type of exposures to English. Their

experience of the language outside the classroom is very little. They just hear and

speak English in the classroom, and the time is so limited, it is about 90 minutes

per week.

Regarding the issue of English limited exposures, most of young EFL

(English as a Foreign Language) learners will be very depend on explicit or direct

vocabulary instructions. In direct vocabulary instructions, teachers‟ role is very

crucial because they introduce new vocabulary to the learners using some

appropriate techniques. Techniques employed by teachers depend on some

factors, such as the content, time availability, and its value for the learners. This

makes teachers have some certain reasons in employing certain techniques in

presenting vocabulary.

7 Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Yteberg, Teaching English to Children, (London,

Longman, 2000), pp. 1–4.


Departing from the discussion above, it is assumed that techniques in

English teaching at primary school will affect the students‟ understanding to the

lesson, specifically vocabulary. Hence, this study will describe the techniques

used in Teaching English to Young Learners at TKN Pembina I Tangerang

Selatan. The result of this research is expected to show the present condition and

provide useful information which later is expected to be a professional source for

other young learner teachers.

B. Problem Identification

From the description above, there will be several problems that can be


1. There is no policy that regulated English should be taught since primary


2. There is no standardization for English teacher who teach kindergarten in


3. Many English teachers come from various educational backgrounds.

4. The students have lack amount and type of exposures to learn English


C. Limitation of the Study

This study is conducted to portray the English vocabulary teaching for

young learners. Moreover, this study will be focus only on the techniques used by

the teacher in teaching English vocabulary at TK Negeri Pembina I Tangerang


D. Problem Formulation

Based on the limitation of study above, the researcher formulates the

research questions as follow: How does the teacher teach English vocabulary to

young learners at B group of TK Negeri Pembina I?


E. Purpose of the Study

Specifically, this study is purposed to describe the techniques used by the

teacher in teaching English vocabulary for young learners.

F. Significance of the Study

The study is expected to provide both theoretical and practical benefits.

Theoretically, this study can be used to enrich the example of activity in teaching

English vocabulary, especially for young learners. Hopefully this study will be

helpful and have a contribution for further researches in the field of vocabulary

teaching. Practically, this study will give general description about the condition

of English vocabulary teaching at primary level. In addition, it will be useful for

the teacher who interested in teaching English for young learners. The result of

this study can be used as a consideration to improve the teaching language to

young learner, especially for teaching vocabulary.




The aim of this chapter is to describe the related references upon which the

research hypothesis is built. In this chapter, there are some points to be explained

in relation to the English vocabulary and aspects of young learners.

A. Vocabulary

1. General Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all level of

schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to master English well. It

is impossible to be successful in study language without mastering the vocabulary.

Vocabulary cannot be separated from the language. It means that vocabulary is the

important part of language.

Vocabulary is a main of the language.1 Without vocabulary, the language

cannot be used to maintain all information in language. People cannot

communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written form. To

support the speaker‟s interaction in communication, vocabulary becomes

important because it can be used as basic foundation to construct a word into a

good sequence of sentence. Therefore, the students should have to obtain

vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is the easiest aspect at a second language to learn

and it hardly requires formal attention in the classroom.

Vocabulary is defined as sound that expresses a meaning and forms an

independent unit in a language. It can be say that vocabulary is smallest unit of

speech that processes individual meaning to speak and can be used to interact one

another and vocabulary can be say as a group of words on certain language as a

part in teaching-learning in a foreign language.

Lehr, Osborn, and Hiebert define vocabulary as knowledge of words and

words meaning in both oral and print language and in productive and receptive

1 James Coady and Thomas Huckin, Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A

Rationale for Pedagogy, (New York: Cambridge University Press., 2003), p. 5.


forms.2 It shows that vocabulary is the main aspect of a language. Hatch and

Brown state that vocabulary is a set of words for a particular language that people

might use.3 It means that vocabulary as the words of certain language which are

used by language speaker in using language.

From the description above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a word

that can be arranged to be sentences and conversations. Vocabulary is one of the

important parts in a language because it appears on each skill.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary

Wilkins described the importance of vocabulary as quoted by Thornbury:

“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be

conveyed”.4 It means that someone can speak English although less in grammar

during the key words is easy to be understood. In the other side, someone cannot

say something if they never know vocabulary, means that they cannot

communicate well. Other opinion, Rivers, as quoted by Nunan, argued that

vocabulary acquisition is very important to be able to use the structures and

functions the learners may have learned for comprehensible communication.5 It

means that vocabulary should be at the centre of language teaching.

By realizing the importance of vocabulary development or mastery

development in learning a foreign language, students must devote part of their

time to learn vocabulary items. To foreign language students, like Indonesian

students, learning vocabulary needs special efforts because English is very much

different from students‟ native language and their national language. Students‟

knowledge background to a certain language terminology and students‟ schema to

the any terms of science and technology seems to be the main handicaps for

2 Elfireda H. Hiebert and Michael Kamil, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing

Research to Practice, (London: Routledge, 2005), pp. 2-3.

3 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education,

(New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 1.

4 Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Vocabulary 2, (London: Longman, 2002), p.13.

5 David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology: A textbook for teachers, (London:

Prentice Hall International., 1991), p. 117.


Indonesian students in achieving particular level of their English vocabulary.

Beside, since the learning environment does not support the learners to learn

English, the expected result will still be unsatisfactory. From explanation above

can be concluded that vocabulary is primary step in language learning and second

language acquisition. Vocabulary also plays an important role in English Skills

(listening, reading, speaking, and writing) and content (grammar).

3. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery can be defined as a number of vocabulary (words) in

a language which contains information about its meaning, form, and usage in

context of communication. It is the basic knowledge that students should master

first before mastering English. According to Read, the term of vocabulary

knowledge refers to knowing the word meanings then the word should be similar

to synonym, dictionary, or an equivalent word in learners‟ language.6 In learning

vocabulary automatically they have to know the meaning of words themselves and

can use it in sentences.

In brief, vocabulary mastery is not a spontaneous process which is easy to

be done. The process of vocabulary mastery begins when someone is still an

infant. Basically, the baby‟s first language comes from the mother tongue. They

will master the vocabulary through the simple words by listen the words which

are uttered by someone else. It is known that English vocabulary learning cannot

run successfully without English skills because both of them are very important in

English teaching and learning process. The students cannot do well in

comprehension without large vocabulary, for the passages and questions involve a

range of words much wider than that of daily conversation.

In other word, Nation emphasizes that knowing a word should involve in

three aspects, as can be seen in Table 2.1.

6 John Read, Assessing Vocabulary. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.



Table 2.1

What is Involve in Knowing Word?

Aspect Component Receptive Knowledge Productive Knowledge

Form Spoken


Word Parts

What does the word

sound like?

What does the word look


What parts are

recognizable in this


How is the word


How is the word written

and spelled?

What parts are needed to

express the meaning?

Meaning Form and


Concepts and



What meaning does this

word form signal?

What is included in this


What other words does

this make people think


What word form can be

used to express this


What items can the

concept refer to?

What other words could

people use instead of

this one?

Use Grammatical



Constrains on Use

In what patterns does the

word occur?

What words or types of

words occur with this


Where, when, and how

often would people

expect to meet this word?

In what patterns must

people use this word?

What words or types of

words must people use

with this one?

Where, when, and how

often can people use this


Source: Adapted from Nation7

7 I. S. P. Nation, Learning Vocabulary in Another Language, (London: Cambridge

University Press., 2001), p. 40.


To make the discussion clearer, Harmer‟s opinion can be added. In his

book, Harmer says that there are some aspects that have to be discussed in

vocabulary, namely: word meaning (synonym, antonym, connotation, and

denotation), extending word use such as idioms, word combination or collocation,

and the grammar of words which comprises noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.8

a. Meaning

The meaning can be classified according to the form they attach to. It

can be classified into three forms: lexical meaning, morphological

meaning, and syntactic meaning.9 Lexical meaning is the meaning that

attaches to words as word. For example, the meaning of a building for

human habitation that attaches to house is lexical meaning. Morphological

meaning is the meaning that attaches to morpheme. Morpheme is the

smallest unit that carries information about meaning or function. And the

meaning that attaches to the word arrangement in a sentence is the

syntactic meaning.

A word meaning can also be defined by its relationship to other words.

One should also know the denotation and connotation of a word in order to

know the negative or positive meanings that occur in the word.

a) Synonym

The term synonym derives from Greek: syn- + -nymy. The

two parts mean “same and name”. Synonym deals with

sameness of meaning, more than one word having the same

meaning, alternatively the same meaning being expressed by

more than one word. In other words, synonym is words whose

denotation is the same but has different connotation.

b) Antonym

8 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition, (London:

Longman, 2001), p.156 -158.

9 Jong-Bok Kim and Peter Sells, English Syntax: An Introduction. (Stanford: CSLI

Publications, 2007), p. 12.


Antonym is the opposite of meaning. It derives from Greek,

“ant- and -nymy”, the two parts mean “opposite + name”.

Antonym deals with oppositeness of meaning. Antonyms are

not differentiated for formality or dialect or technicality;

antonyms occur within the same style, dialect, or register.

c) Denotation

Denotation is conceptual meaning and dictionary meaning.

Denotative meaning is also called as some terms such as den

notational meaning, cognitive meaning, conceptual meaning,

ideational meaning, referential meaning, or proportional


d) Connotation

Connotation is more complicated than denotation.

Denotation is the meaning of a word which has added the

component of meaning related to emotional overtones.

Connotation is feeling and emotion that occurs within a word.

Thus, it can be said that connotation is denotative meaning

which is stretched. In other words, connotation is the feeling

and emotion associated with a meaning.

b. Use

There are some ways to draw the attentions to the use of words. It

can be showing by the grammatical pattern the word fits into

(countable/uncountable, transitive/intransitive, etc), giving a few

similar collocates, mentioning any restrictions on the use of the word

(formal, informal, impolite, only used with children, etc), and giving a

well known opposite or a well known word describing the group or

lexical set it fits into.


c. Spelling

Spelling is the writing of a word or words with the necessary letters

and diacritics present in an accepted standard order and an

arrangement of letters that form a word or part of a word; the process

of forming words by putting letters together. According to Ur, there

are some important points that should be considered when teaching

vocabulary that is form (pronunciation and spelling).10

The learners

have to know what a word sound is like (its pronunciation) and what it

looks like (its spelling).

d. Pronunciation

According to Hewings, pronunciation of a language is the main

parts of speech which combine together. These components range of

the individual sounds is used to convey meaning.11

Pronunciation is

also related to phonetic transcription. Since the phonetic transcription

represents speech sound consistently, it can be used as a reliable guide

to have a control of the spoken language. The main components of

pronunciation are sounds, syllables, and words.

4. Types of Vocabulary

According to Jackson, there are two types of vocabulary, namely active

vocabulary and passive vocabulary.12

Active vocabulary refers to the words the

student understands, can pronounce correctly and use them constructively in

speaking and writing.13

It means that to use the productive vocabulary, the

students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they must know and be


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press., 2009), p. 60.

11 Martin Hewings, Pronunciation Practice Activities, (Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press., 2004), p.3.

12 Howard Jackson. Grammar and Vocabulary, (London: Routledge, 2002), p.28.

13 David Corson, Using English Words, (New York: Springer, 2013), p. 45.


able to use grammar of the language target, they are also hoped to familiar with

collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is

often used in speaking and writing skill. On the other hand, passive vocabulary

refers to the words in which the students can recognize and understand while they

are reading or listening to someone speaking, but they do not use the words in

speaking or in writing.

Meanwhile Brown stated that there are some types of vocabulary, they are:

a. Reading vocabulary.

A person‟s reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can

recognize when reading.

b. Listening vocabulary

A person listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can

recognize when listening to speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by

context and tone of voice.

c. Writing vocabulary

A person writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ

in writing. Contrary to the previous two vocabulary types, the writing

vocabulary is stimulated by its user.

d. Speaking vocabulary

A person speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in

speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary,

words are often misused -though slight and unintentional- may be

compensated by facial expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures.

In addition to the terms of vocabulary, there are some kinds of vocabulary,

and here they are:

a. Noun

It is one of most important part of speech. It is arrangement with the

verb helps to form the sentences core which is essential to every complete

sentence. It could be the name of person, place, thing or idea.

b. Verb

It is the word which expresses an action or a help to make a statement.


c. Adjective

It is the word used to qualify noun or pronoun.

d. Adverb

It is a word used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective, or

another adverb.

e. Conjunction

It is a word used to relate one word to another one, or one sentence to

another one.

f. Pronoun

It is the word which can take the place of a noun.

g. Interjection

It is a word put into sentence to express a sudden felling of mind or


In relation to kinds of vocabulary, Nation states that there are four kinds of

vocabulary in the text:14

a. High frequency words. These words are almost 80% of the running words

in the text;

b. Academic words. Typically, these words make up about 9% of the running

words in the text;

c. Technical words. These words make up about 5% of the running words in

the text;

d. Low frequency words. These are the words of moderate frequency that did

not manage to get into the high frequency list. They make up over 5% of

the words in an academic text.

5. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching and learning process is divided in three stages; pre-teaching,

while-teaching and post-teaching. Teaching vocabulary is more than just present

new words. Thornbury proposed three major stages in which vocabulary

acquisition of second language was performed. As complimentarily indicated by


I. S. P. Nation, op.cit., p. 15 – 17.


him, a wide range of the first words are absorbed through labeling. This stage is

typically true for young learners, especially young children. The second stage

involves categorizing, in which children learn or are taught how to include other

words belonging to the same kind as the ones they know. Finally is the stage of

network building or constructing a complex web of words. This is considered to

be the ultimate step which lays the profound groundwork for the learning process

that continues for the rest of one‟s life.15

Basically as proposed Thornbury, there are three stages in teaching

vocabulary namely presenting, practicing and production.

a. Presenting Stage

The title of this very first stage has indicated clearly its function in

introducing new lexical items to learners. As suggested by Thornbury, the learners

should learn both the words meaning and the words form.16

It is pointing out that

both these aspects of a word should be presented in close conjunction in order to

ensure a tight meaning and fit to the form. Thornbury specifically emphasized the

importance of cutting down the gap between the presentation of words meaning

and its form so that learners could possibly be at ease to make a mental


There are some major factors, subject to which the number of words

should be presented as follow:

a. The learners‟ level

b. Learners familiar with the words

c. Item‟s difficulty

d. Easily to be taught and explained

e. Whether items are being learned for production skill or for recognition


After raising two most common questions in presenting new words in

teaching vocabulary, Thornbury went further to notify a principle in introducing


Scott Thornburry, op.cit., p. 18

16 Ibid., p.75

17 Ibid.


new vocabulary items, which was learners‟ capacity. When the learners‟ capacity

to remember new words, the number of new words presented should be carefully

considered and should not be overstretched.18

b. Practicing

The students often need a little time for the new words to be understood.

They may recognize new item but often delay putting it into active use. In this

case, the use of planned activities for recycling and reactivate the new vocabulary

is necessity. This kind of practice, as implied by Thornbury underlines the belief

that practice makes perfect.19

Additionally, in practice stage emphasized the action of moving words

from short-term memory into permanent memory. Thornbury indicated the term

of mental lexicon, the new knowledge to be integrated into existing knowledge.20

This means in order to ensure the long-term retention and recall, words or lexical

items need to be put to work, or into practice as it is often understood in many

other contexts. Vocabulary need to be placed in working memory and subjected to

different operations which would be mentioned intricately in the later part of

techniques in practicing vocabulary.

c. Producing

In accordance with presenting and putting words into practice, checking

students‟ comprehension is a final important stage in teaching this specific field.

This stage sound familiar and may be equated to the second one, however; as its

name suggests, in this stage, students are advised to complete high-level tasks

namely production tasks. In last stage, students are expected to use those new

words in their activity even it is speaking or writing. In addition, to teach a word

the teacher not only gives the meaning but also should teach how to use and how

it is formed.


Ibid., p. 76

19 Ibid., p. 93

20 Ibid.


Moreover the teaching vocabulary should consider these following


a. Aims

The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to

formulate the materials, which will be taught to the students.

b. Quantity

The teacher has to decide the number of vocabulary items to be

learned. The learners will get confuse or discouraged if they get many new

words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words, which can easy to

understand by the learners.

c. Need

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really

needed by the students in communication.

d. Frequent exposure and repetition

Frequent exposure and repetition here means that the teacher should

give much practice on repetition so that the students master the target

words well. They also give opportunity to the students to use words in

writing or speaking.

e. Meaningful presentation

In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present target words in such

a way that the meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and


f. Situation and presentation

The teachers tell the students that they have to use the words

appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation in which they are

used and depends on the person to whom they are speaking

There are some aspects that the learner should be mastered and the teacher

should be taught in order to help the learners in mastering vocabulary. They are


Melba Libia, The Challenge of Effective Vocabulary Teaching, 2, 2000, p.52.


namely; 1) Form (pronunciation and spelling), 2) Grammar, 3) Collocation, 4)

Aspect of meaning (denotation, connotation, appropriateness and meaning

relationship), 5) Word formation.22

From all of the aspects, the appropriate aspects

for teaching to young learners in beginner level are form (its spelling and

pronunciation) and the meaning (its denotation meaning). It is because they are

basic aspects in presenting vocabulary.

6. Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary

As mentioned above, there are three main stages in teaching vocabulary. In

other word, there is some common techniques used in each stage as follow:

a. Techniques in Presenting

Yet it is the important stage that the student is introduced with the new

words. As an English teacher, we should know the techniques of teaching

vocabulary which are suitable for the students. The techniques of presenting

vocabulary which can be applied in school class are as follows:

a. Using Realia

Reality means the use of real object that can be seen by the students.

The teacher gives such a real thing the classroom, so the word can be easily

explained. This technique is effective and satisfying. But it is limited to a

certain is found by the students.

b. Picture

Picture is a visual repetition or image painted, drawn, photographed.

Picture can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items. Teacher can

draw things on the board or bring picture in classroom. Picture can be wall

pictures and charts, magazine picture and the other non-technical visual


Pictures can be used in so many ways; the teacher might draw pens,

rulers and balls on the blackboard. Or have magazine pictures of cars,

bicycles, and trains struck onto cardboard. The teacher might bring in a wall


Penny Ur, op.cit., pp. 60 – 62.


picture showing three people a room which could be used for introducing the

meaning of the sentence. A picture can also be used to create a situation or

context. Moreover, the use of pictures as media for vocabulary teaching can be

enhanced if some basic principles of memory are taken into account.23

c. Word Association

In teaching new vocabulary, a teacher mentions the things connected

the words. It is generally accepted that vocabulary is best learned and taught in

group of related words. Such groups are sometimes referred to as word

families. For example the words: table, students, teacher, chalk and

blackboard, for the word “classroom” and the words: seller, buyer, vegetables,

fruits, fish, and meal for the words “market”.

There is one example of word association namely Vocabulary

Networks or also named word map. This technique is used to make the

learners trying to remember some of the many words they know. The

procedures and the activities are as follow:

a. Give out copies of the following diagram or it can be drawn on the

board and get each child to copy it onto paper.

b. Write the topic in the middle circle in English, and ask each child

to put a word in their own language (related to the topic) on the

bottom line of each of the outer circles.

c. Then, either in groups, or letting the children ask freely around the

class, get them to try and fill in the English translations on the top

lines of the outer circles. As they run out of ideas let them turn to

dictionaries, and if all else fails allow them to ask you.

d. Finally, ask them to draw a picture of the word in each circle.

d. Translation

Translation is quick and very easy way to present the meaning words,

but it is not without problems. In the first place it is not always easy to


Scott Thornbury, op.cit., p. 80.


translate words and the second place, even. Where translation is possible, it

may with the words.

There is a translation activity such as Guess the Words. This activity

can be used to introduce some new words. Here, the children should be given

a chance to use them in context. For example they read a text that is mostly in

their first language but share some English words mixed into it. They use the

context to guess the meaning of the English words. For example:

a. Write the title of the text on the board and get the children to look

at the picture. Ask them what they think the text is about and to

suggest some words, both in English and their first language, that

they think will be in the text.

b. Tell them the text is in their own language but that you have

hidden some English words in it. Give out the copies and ask them

if they can tell you the English words.

c. They read the text again, and in pairs try and work out what the

English words mean. You can make this easier by giving them all

the translations in a box and asking them to pick out the most

suitable one.

e. Learners‟ Active Involvement

To employ this technique, the teacher encourages the students to find out

word‟s meaning by elicitation. Elicitation will maximizes learners‟ speaking

opportunities, and acts as a way of checking learners‟ understanding. This

technique also includes personalization, which is using the word by learners in a

context or sentence that is related to their life.

b. Techniques in Practicing

In practicing stage, there are a variety of tasks which can be used in order

to help move words into long-term memory. The techniques are including:


a. Identifying Tasks

It is involving tasks of finding words in texts. Listen then tick the

words you hear can be one obvious example of this type. Identification is

the first step in recognizing words and requires learners do easy task as

counting, ticking or a bit difficult is to find unscramble words in anagram.

b. Selecting Tasks

This task is cognitively more complex than identification tasks. For

selecting tasks, learners will have to do recognizing words and making

choices amongst them at the same time. Finding and odd one out is a

common task that teachers may often use in class for checking


c. Matching Tasks

Apart from recognizing and making choice amongst words, the

learners are also requested to do matching tasks. In this kind of task,

learners may need to pair a set of given words to a visual representation,

for example, to a translation, a synonym/antonym, or a definition.

d. Sorting Tasks

The learners are being asked to do sorting task by grouping words

into different categories. It should be noted that the categories can be given

in advance or learners have o guess what the categories are.

e. Ranking and Sequencing

The most cognitively complex tasks in this stage is ranking and

sequencing activities. Different form sorting when learners merely putting

words into categories, in ranking tasks, they may have to put words into

unfixed order, often created by learners‟ preferences themselves.

c. Techniques in Production

In the final stage highly involves production tasks in which learners, after

having made decisions will actually produce something as a product of their own.

In this way, learners will turn words from receptive to productive and put them

into long-term memory. For production tasks, there are two major types that


teachers may have used them very often namely; completion and creation (both

are of sentence and texts).24

Furthermore there are other activity and techniques of teaching

vocabulary, as follow:

1. Odd Words Out

The children are given sets of words and have to decide which of

the words does not fit in the set. This is a very simple activity, but it

requires the children to use the concepts of categories and criteria. It is

useful to make a series of sets of words and keep them in a folder in

class to give to children who finish another activity early. For example:

a. Write a set of words on the board and ask the children to tell you

which the odd word. Make sure they explain their reasoning to you

either in the first language.

b. When they have understood the concept, give them the rest of the

sets of words.

c. They can work either individually or in pairs working in pairs can

result in a useful exchange of ideas.

d. As they finish, get them to compare their answer with another child

or pair, and then go through the answers with the whole class,

asking the children why they chose particular answers.

2. The Lost Pet

The teacher presents a structure using interactive storytelling. In

this example, the structure is it + preposition, and is suitable for

beginner, but teacher adapt the technique to other structures and levels.

For example:

a. Introduce the situation by drawing or displaying a picture of an

empty cage. Tell them children that they are going to image that


Ibid., p. 100.


their class has a pet. Tell them what kind of animal it is and ask

them to think of a name for it.

b. Tell them that unfortunately, the pet has escaped and that they must

find it-in English.

c. Point to the chair and ask them.

d. Ask the class to suggest more questions, using different preposition

and furniture, for example: Is it in the cupboard? Look in each

place mentioned. Continue until they find the „pet‟.

e. Ask the questions again, this time just pointing to the different

pieces of furniture, and encouraging the children to join in as much

as possible.

3. Keeping the Rules

The children match sentences to places and then focus on the

language. In this activity, the function is that permission and obligation

and is suitable for older children, but you can adapt the technique to

other functions and other levels. For example:

a. Ask the children to think of places that have rules and make a list

on the board of the places they suggest. Add any others that are in

you examples. (The answer to the „rules‟ below are: library,

swimming pool, football match, park.)

b. Give out the copies of the „rules‟ or put up your poster and tell the

children that each set of sentences refers to one of the places on the

board. Tell them to read the sentences and decide which place they

refer to.

c. Let them work in pairs to solve the puzzle and then check the


d. Now ask them to look at the sentences again and find sentences

that express obligation to do something (must), and then go on to

prohibition (mustn‟t or can‟t), permission (can or may), and

impossibility (can‟t).


e. Ask them to write some sentences for another situation for

example, rules for the classroom, in the home, in the kitchen, or

how to keep healthy.

4. Color Parsing

If you are going to use this technique regularly in class, it is worth

devising a more complete color scheme so that you are consistent.

Make a poster of it for the classroom wall.

5. Singing a song

Song is one of the best ways to brighten up the English class by

providing a chance of phase in the classroom routine. It can be used to

reinforce language pattern, which have been already learned and to

introduce the new materials.

6. A Very Long Sentence

Going round the class, the children repeat the base sentence and

add one word to it. For example, if you have a large class and don‟t

want to split it, arrange the children into teams of three or four who

work together to remember the sentence, with a „spokes person‟ who

says it to the rest of the class. For example:

a. Say the base sentence and make sure the children understand it.

Drill it a couple of times to help them continuing and remember it,

for instance by using the „invisible reading‟ technique or doing a

back chain drill like this:

I went to or Bought

Market And bought

With my Market and bought

Mother Went to market and bought

And bought One I went to market and bought


And Two



b. Ask the children to suggest ways of finishing the sentence. For


I went to market and bought one apple.

I went to market and bought one apple and two fishes.

c. When they have got the idea of making a very long sentence, start

the game. Get the children to sit in circles of eight to ten (the game

does not work well if the groups are larger). Each child says the

sentence and adds one more item. You can make the activity co-

operative by asking the other children to help if someone can‟t

remember all the items, or competitive by giving each child three

chances and then eliminating them from the game.

7. Games

Penny argued that the interest of students can be rooted from

giving them an interesting topic, the need to convey meaningful

information, a game-like „fun‟ task, attention-catching materials,

appeal to learners‟ feelings or a challenge to their intellect.25


Petty stated that increasing of interest and motivation will producing

the positive feelings.26

From the explanation above can be stated that games is one of

effective way to warm up students‟ interest and increase their

motivation. They can be used at any stages or a class to provide an

amusing and challenging respired from the other classroom activity.

Games also play a central role in a child-centered lesson and make it

possible for child to fully immerse themselves in learning such as:

singing, clapping hands, chanting rhymes, solving puzzles, drawing,

coloring, model-making etc.

It is evident that young learners learn through play much easier and

they enjoy it more. This is quite a natural way for them to learn. They


Penny Ur, op.cit., p. 23.

26 Geoffrey Petty. A Practical Guide “Teaching Today”, Third Edition. (United

Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd., 2004), p.247.


play and love to play. In playing together we can see elements of

interaction and during interacting the learners develop language skills.

Learning can be absorbed really well. Quite often the learners do not

realize they are learning. Fun games should have an important role in

the children‟s education. The language learnt by heart can often be a

part of the activities. For example, commands for the games can be

remembered quite easily.

Many games can be looked at as drill exercises but they have an

added fun and competition element. For example, a game that works

like this is well-known game “Simon Says”. Here are also the

following six well-known types of games and activity for beginner as

follow: bingo, matching word and picture, find the differences, picture

crossword, acting word, asking the right question, and stepping


Besides, Penny suggested using “Hangman” game. It is used to

exercise their spelling some words, as the following procedure:

a. This game is for two players.

b. First player thinks a word and write dashes as much as the of

letters that make up the word.

c. The second player should guess each the letters. If she/he can

guess the letters right, the first player should fill in the suitable

dash(es). If the second player is wrong, the first player should

draw one component of the hangman drawing.

d. This game will be finish when the word has been guessed or

the drawing of a man hanging on the gallows has been finished.

e. The first player wins if she/he completes the drawing before

the others have guessed the word.28


Peter Watcyn and Jones, Vocabulary Games and Activity 2. (London: Penguin Books,

2001), p. 1-7.

28 Penny Ur, op.cit., p. 31.


In addition, the technique is implementation that which actually takes

place in classroom. It is particular trick, strategy, or contrivance used to

accomplish an immediate objective. Technique close related to the strategy to do

something. Related to teaching vocabulary, an English teacher should find the

appropriate strategies to teach vocabulary for young learners rather than viewing

vocabulary items as a long and boring list of words to be defined and memorized.

Vocabulary items are seen in their central role in contextualized,

meaningful language. Learners are guided in specific ways to internalize these

important components in language. Thus, in teaching vocabulary, a teacher should

consider some techniques as follows:

1. Selection of words should be based on usefulness of the students

2. If there is no special purpose, introduce variety of areas, types and styles

3. The new words should be introduced in contexts

4. The teaching vocabulary can be integrated to the teaching of reading.

In the interactive classrooms, sometimes the teachers get caught up in

lively group work and meaningful communication that they do not pause to

devote some attention to words. After all, words are basic building block of

language. So, if the teachers are interested in being communicative, words are

among the first priorities.

1. Help the students to learn vocabulary in context.

The best internalization of vocabulary comes from encounter

comprehension (receptive) and production with words within the

context of surrounding discourse. Rather than isolating words or

focusing on dictionary definition, attend to vocabulary within a

communicative framework in which items appear. Students will then

associate new words with a meaningful context to which they apply.

2. Play down the role of bilingual dictionaries.

It means that the teacher should help the students to resist the

temptation to use their bilingual dictionaries. It is unfortunate that such

practices of using bilingual dictionaries rarely help the students to

internalize the word for later recall and use.


3. Encourage students to develop strategies for determining meaning of


Included in the discussion of learning strategies are references to

learning words. A number of clues are available to learners to develop

“word attack” strategies.

4. Engage in “unplanned” vocabulary teaching.

In most, the attention that the teachers give to vocabulary learning will

be unplanned. Those moments are when a student asks about a word or

when a word has appeared. These moments are important. The teacher

can give several examples or encourage the students to use the word in

other sentence. However, make sure that such unplanned vocabulary

teaching does not detract from the central focus of activity by going

on. The appropriate techniques in teaching vocabulary will determine

whether the students have rich vocabulary items or not.

7. Media of Teaching Vocabulary

Media is a main instrument in teaching and learning process. It is used to

attract the students‟ attention and deliver the information easily. Teachers of

young learners have to use some visuals in their teaching activities to facilitate

their teaching. According to Wright, there are various kinds of media, but visual is

appropriate media for young learners in learning vocabulary.29

In making a

decision to use the media, teacher needs to ask three out of questions as the


a. Is it easy to prepare?

The aids should be easy for teachers to prepare before using them in

the classroom. It is worth to prepare visual aids that can be used many

times in many activities with different classes.

b. Is it easy to organize in the classroom?


Ismail Cakir, The Use of Video as an Audio-Visual Material in Foreign Language

Teaching Classroom, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5, 2006, p. 67.


Teachers have many important activities to do in the classroom,

supported by the aids that is easy to use maximally.

c. Is it interesting to the students?

The aids should be interesting for both teacher and students. Teachers

should consider well whether the material and its aids will be interesting

or not. Besides, teachers also provide all the things before teaching as

charming as possible since they will greatly get the student‟s attention.

Furthermore, there are many kinds of media which is described as follow:

a. Picture

Picture is photographic representation of people, place, and things.

Picture can translate abstract concepts into realistic or concrete items.

Teachers can get various colorful pictures from used magazine, posters,

brochures, or from newspaper and calendars. Picture is simple to use

because they not require any equipment and they are inexpensive. Beside

they will last long and can be used in beginner level.

The criteria of picture that are used to teach vocabulary are: picture

should be enough to be seen by all students, the picture of individual

object of people should be as simple as possible, and some of picture

should contain colors. The aim of using picture in teaching vocabulary as

the following:

1. To arise the student‟s interest in learning a foreign language

2. We can brighten the classroom and variety

3. Set meaningful practice and gaining new word vocabulary

4. Keeps the student‟s attention

5. Make the subject easier and clearer

6. Encourage the student learning participation.30


Andrew Wright, Pictures of Language Learning, (London: Cambridge University

Press, 2004), p. 136-137.


b. Realia

Realia or real object is the visual instruction media most closely

associated with a direct purposeful learning experience. In education,

realia are objects from real life used in classroom instruction. It consists of

actual object, items, or facsimiles which are used in the classroom to

illustrate and teach vocabulary. The main advantage of using real object in

class is to make the learning experience more memorable for the learners

to give a couple of simple example.31

In education, realia include objects used by educators to improve

students' understanding of other cultures and real life situations. A teacher

of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students'

associations between words for everyday objects and the objects

themselves. The term realia has a broader meaning, which includes photos

of objects from a country where the target language is spoken, as well as

objects from the target culture, which can range from traditional clothes or

musical instruments to newspapers or ticket stubs.

Realia are brought into the English classroom to stimulate young

learners who like to see, to touch and to hold things. For example; if

teachers are going to teach kind of fruits and vegetables. It can be much

more effective for students if they can touch, smell, and see the object by

their selves.

Besides, realia box contains toy cars, plastic fruit, kitchen utensils, will

be useful in an English class in elementary school. By using realia, actual

objects or facsimiles thereof (pieces of clothing, toy animals, and plastic

fruit), teachers can illustrate and teach young learners about vocabulary

for animals, clothing, and kinds of fruit. For young learners, it's a very

useful tool in making the abstract concrete. It is also useful in teaching

prepositions of place (such as on, in, under, next to, in front of, over).

Objects can be placed on a desk, in a desk, under a desk and so on. To


British Council, Realia in English Foreign Language, 2016, p.1,



conclude, using realia in the EFL classroom serves to foster a more

creative and active teaching-learning environment and promotes cultural


c. Flashcards

Flashcard is a card with a word or words or sometimes a picture on it.

Flashcards are held up for pupils as a visual aid to learning. When we use

flashcards, we must consider the following questions:

1. Are they large enough for the whole class to see?

2. Does the picture convey the meaning clearly? For example, for naming

an animal, an object, a size-big or small, for describing action using

the present continuous, and so on. Here are the examples of flashcards.

Flashcard is often made by using picture and individual words. If it is

served as the word, it should be written in clear, large letters. Picture can

also be drawn or copied. Copied picture can be colored by pupils. Picture

can also cut from used magazine. Brochures and catalogues can be a

useful source for finding picture.

d. Puppets

Puppets are very popular among children. They have been popular for

hundreds of years because they are so much fun. Some simple puppets are

very easy to make. We will probably be able to make some using things

around us.

By using suitable vocabulary teaching techniques and supporting with

appropriate teaching media, the students are motivated to learn English

vocabulary effectively. The meaning of the term motivation as Dornyei

stated that the definition of motivation concerns the direction and

magnitude of human behavior, that is: the choice of particular action, the

persistence, and the effort expended on it. In other words, motivation is


responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are

willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it.32

B. Young Learners

1. How do Young Learners Learn?

Young learners will learn best if the people involved in the teaching

learning process facilitate the learning and take into account the way they learn

into the teaching practices. Piaget suggested that children developed through

specific stages, they are33


1. Sensor-Motor Stage (from 0 – 2 years) in which children seemed to learn

through physical interaction with the world around them.

2. Pre-operational stage (from 2 - 7 years) when children need concrete

situations to process ideas.

3. Concrete Operational Stage (from 7 - 11 years) in which children begin to

conceptualize and do some abstract problem solving, though they still learn best

by doing.

4. Formal Operational Stage (from 11-15) in which children are able to use

abstract thinking.

Young learners can be included into those aged 4-11 years or within

concrete operational stage, where they learn best from concrete things around

them. Piaget believed that children went through the stages above and that they

could only move onto the next stage when they had completed the stage before,

and were ready to do so.

2. The Characteristic of Young Learner

Dealing with the development of curriculum in Indonesia, teaching

English to young learners has become important in recent years. However, it is not


Zoltan Dornyei and Ema Ushioda, Teaching and Researching Motivation. (London:

Pearson, 2001), p. 4.

33 Mary Lou McCloske, “Seven Instructional Principles for Teaching Young Learners of

English”, TESOL Symposium, San Diego, 2002, p. 3.


always an easy task to teach young learner. There are many considerations that

should be taken on how to teach and what to teach. It is fact that children are

different from adult physically and mentally.

The age has become a major factor to formulate decisions on teaching

students. The students who are considered as young learners enjoy studying

language through loads of cheerful activities in a bright and colorful room. While

adult are expected to use abstract notions since they can think rationally. As

Harmer affirms that adults often encompass clear understanding of why they are

learning and what they wish to comprehend out of it.34

Teaching kindergarten students is not the same as teaching adult because it

possess different characteristic as maintained by Hellay that children are not self-

motivated and do not have a need to learn English immediately. They are not

worried with job or university degree that need English comprehension.35

In other

words, children and adults have different motivation. Adults may learn a foreign

language to get access to higher education or a better job while children may learn

a foreign language because their parents send them to school. Children‟s world is

their daily games, events of interest to them, new knowledge that may come

across and question that their inquisition minds may ask.

In general, the kindergarten students are the children at the age between

four up to six years old which are enthusiastic to know and learn everything.

Harmer states some general characteristic of children.36

There are (a) they respond

to meaning even if they do not understand the words, (b) they often learn

indirectly than directly, (c) their understanding comes not just from the

explanation, but also from what they see hear and crucially have a chance to touch

and interact with, (d) they generally display an enthusiasm for learning and

curiosity about the world around them, (e) They have a need for individual


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (London: Pearson, 2001), p. 15

35 Ali Akbar and Mehdi Afshar, Role of Game-Oriented Instruction in Learning L2

Vocabulary: A Case of Iranian EFL Young Beginner Learners, English Language Teaching, 2,

2015, p. 22.

36 Jeremy Harmer, op. cit., p. 7


attention and approval from their teacher, (f) they are taken on talking about

themselves and responding well to learning that use themselves and their own

lives as main topic in the classroom, (g) They have limited attention span, unless

activities are extremely engaging can make them easily getting bored, losing

interaction after 10 minutes or so.

Based on the points stated by Harmer above, it can be assumed that

kindergarten students are very enthusiastic in finding out, understanding and

learning everything.

3. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners

In teaching English, as teacher we all know what we should do in our

preparation before teaching in the classroom such as make lesson plan, prepare

some aid for teaching and many else. Every teacher will do their own way to

teaching English but basically they do the same thing like others as their method

in teaching English. Taylor also stated about the method that some activities focus

on spelling or word formation, while others focus on comprehension. Most follow

the format below:

1. Sensitization: a period of talking around the topic, introducing in a

general way what is to be covered. Often, this part involves


2. Task: an individual, pair or group task. Sample teaching materials are

provided for this.

3. Feedback: a coming together to pool ideas and report on what went on

during the task.

4. Analysis and follow up: an answer sheet or native speaker response is

given for discussion. Further activity may be proposed.

5. Reflection: space is given for teachers to note their impressions of how

the activity progressed. Learners might also like to do this

Teaching English to kindergarten students has a goal that they are

expected to have skills of the language in simple English with emphasis on

listening, writing, reading, and speaking skill using selected topics related to their


environmental needs. Related to the objective above, the material for the

kindergarten, have topics about center of interest that they often face in their life.

The topics include things inside a class and things around a school. So, it is easier

for them to perform and absorb the words given which are about things inside the

class and things around the school.

To help the learners in learning foreign language Slaterry and Wilis

suggest some ways to teach them, they are:37

a. Make English learning is enjoyable and fun,

b. Not too worried about mistake and make sure children feel

comfortable and not afraid to take action,

c. Presenting the words with a lot of gestures, action, or pictures,

d. Talk using English,

e. Playing game and singing a song together,

f. Telling short stories using pictures and acting with attractive voices,

g. Not too worried when children use their mother tongue,

h. Consistently recycle new language and add new things or to use words

they won‟t to know,

i. Planning the lesson with varied activities.

In other word, to teach vocabulary for young children is not an easy way.

Teaching for students of kindergarten is not the same as teaching adult because

they have different characteristics and motivation. They are different from adults,

so the way of teaching must be different too.

C. Previous Related Study

There were many researchers who wrote about teaching vocabulary. For

example: Dewi who wrote “A Study on Vocabulary Mastery in Teaching

Learning Process of the Fourth Year Students of SD Min Jetis Sukoharjo in

Academic Year 2005/2006”. She is tried to find out how far is the students

vocabulary mastery in SD Min Jetis Sukoharjo. Are the students have a lot of


Mary Slaterry and Jane Wilis, Teaching for Foreign Language. (New York: Oxford

University Press., 2003), p. 4


vocabulary mastery? Whether their pronunciation is good? From this research she

concludes that the fourth grade students‟ vocabulary mastery is good because the

teaching materials which are taught to them are relevant and familiar to their daily


Another researcher is Noeritta Kuattiningsih who wrote “The Use of

Songs to Teach English Vocabulary to Year 2 Students of SD Negeri Sekip I

Surakarta “. In her research, she found that through songs as a technique to teach

vocabulary can overcome the students‟ problem effectively. They can easily

memorize the new words and their meaning, they can also pronounce the words

correctly, make the students relax, make the class more productive, and help the

teacher to handle the class. So, she concluded that teaching vocabulary through

cartoon films can increase the students‟ vocabulary mastery.39

Those previous study has the similarity with this research which is both of

these researches focused on teaching vocabulary to young learners. Meanwhile,

there are some distinction between this research and those two researches above.

That is most of their research focused on whether a certain methods or techniques

are relevant to implied in teaching vocabulary at elementary level, whether the

method is good to increase the students‟ ability in learning vocabulary. While in

this research, the writer wants to describe the methods or techniques which is

implies in teaching vocabulary at kindergarten level. Another distinction is in the

research design. The first study used descriptive study and the second researcher

used classroom action research. Meanwhile, the writer used case study as her

research design. Last, there is another distinction in the instruments. Both of the

study above did not used interview. On the other hand, in this study, interview is

used as one of the instrument to collect the data.


Dewi, “A Study on Vocabulary Mastery in Teaching Learning Process of the Fourth

Year Students of SD Min Jetis Sukoharjo in Academic Year 2005/2006” , Thesis at UNY: 2006.


39 Noerrita Kuattiningsih, “The Use of Songs to Teach English Vocabulary to Year 2

Students of SD Negeri Sekip I No.161 Surakarta”, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters

and Fine Arts, UNS: 2008


D. Theoretical Framework

Based on the explanation above, the writer then built the theoretical

framework for this study which aimed to investigate how the teacher teach

English vocabulary at B group in TK Negeri Pembina I Tangerang Selatan. The

theoretical framework of this study starts from the idea of the importance of

vocabulary. As has already known that in teaching and learning process,

vocabulary is main part of a language. It means that vocabulary should be at the

centre of language teaching. So as one of the importance part in English language,

the teacher have to know how a good technique in presenting new words. Then

the teacher should consider at some teaching aspect in order to help the learners in

mastering vocabulary. The vocabulary teaching aspect including the learning

objective, the material used in teaching, the media used, and the assessment that

used by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary. In addition, the theoretical is

the young learners itself. To teach vocabulary for young children is not an easy

way. Teaching for students of kindergarten is not the same as teaching adult

because they have different characteristics and motivation. They are different

from adults, so the way of teaching must be different too.




This chapter presents the method of the study, data sources, place and time

of the study, instruments of the study, data collecting technique, and data analysis

technique of this research.

A. Place and Time of Research

This research was held at TK Negeri Pembina I Tangerang Selatan located

in Jl. Bougenville 03/01, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. It was conducted for two

months from February until March, in 2nd

semester academic year 2015/2016.

B. Data and Data Sources

The data that used in this study were the vocabulary teaching techniques

for B group students of TK Negeri Pembina I which were gained through

observations, interviews, and documents. Meanwhile, the data sources used in this

research were an English teacher and the students of B group students in TK

Negeri Pembina I.

C. Research Method

The study was intended to investigate kind of techniques used by the

teachers to teach English vocabulary for young learners in TK Negeri Pembina I

Tangerang Selatan. The writer used a case study method to conduct this study.

Cresswell elaborates case study is an elaboration of a case or multiple cases over

time through detailed, in depth data collection involving multiple sources of

information rich in context.1 In addition, Hancock and Algozzine explain that case

study is used to analyze and describe a single unit or system bounded by space

1 J. W Cresswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (Ohio: Inc. Pearson Education, 2008), p. 61


and time.2 Moreover, Yin elaborated that case study research investigates a

contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context.3

It can be seen that case study research investigates certain phenomenon

happened through detail contextual analysis of a limited number of events,

conditions, and their relationship in a certain place in temporary time. The

phenomenon being investigated was related to the teaching of English vocabulary

for young learners at TK Negeri Pembina I. A case study was the appropriate

method to be used in this study in order to find depth data toward the English

vocabulary techniques held by the teachers for B group students of TK Negeri

Pembina I Tangerang Selatan.

D. Instruments of the Study

To collect the data, the writer used some instruments. They were:

1. Observations

Observations were conducted during the English classroom held by

an English teacher in order to gain data of kinds of vocabulary techniques

in teaching young learners and how the teacher applied the technique. The

observations were conducted by recording the activities visually and also

by conducting field notes to write some important things occurred.

2. Interviews

The writer conducted the interviews with the students and teachers

to gain more depth data of the vocabulary teaching techniques held and

how each technique applied in the class. There was an interview protocols

made for this study, teacher‟s interview protocol. The interview protocols

were semi-structured interview. It was the combination between guided

and in guided interview that the writer already prepared the questions in

2 Dawson Hancock and Bob Algozzine. Doing Case Study Research: A Practical Guide

for Beginning Researchers. (New York: Teachers College Press, 2006), pp. 9-11

3 R. K. Yin, Case Study Research: Design and Methods Third Edition. (Thousand Oaks,

CA: SAGE Publications. 2003), p. 13


general as the guidance, but the writer elaborated the questions in order to

gather clear information.

3. Study of Documents

There were three kinds of documents used in this study. Those

were the syllabus for English lesson of the first semester of B group

students in TK Negeri Pembina I, the students‟ worksheet, and the lists of

students‟ scores. Those documents acted as the justification for the

observations and the interviews in investigating kinds of vocabulary

teaching techniques.

E. Data Collection Techniques and Procedures

In gaining the data on kinds of vocabulary teaching techniques used by the

teachers, the writer used observations, interviews, and documents.

1. Observations

The writer observed a class of B group students taught by an

English teacher. This class consisted of 16 students. There were five times

observations. In every observation, the writer recorded the activities

happened during the classroom teaching processes visually and also did

the field notes to note down some important activities occurred in some

sessions in essential phenomenon.

2. Interviews

In confirming the data gained from observations, interviewing the

teachers and students were also chosen as one of the techniques in

collecting the data. The writer conducted the interviews with the students

and teachers after all classroom teaching held. After finishing interviewed

the students, the writer then interviewed the teacher with some core

questions related to the vocabulary teaching techniques applied in the

classes. The interviews were recorded by using handphone and the data

were used as qualitative description to verify, clarify, and complement the

data obtained through the questionnaires and observations.


3. Study of Documents

Another instrument used in this study was documents. There were

three kinds of documents used in this study. They were the syllabus of the

first semester of B group students in TK Negeri Pembina I, the students‟

worksheet which represent the activities, and also the lists of students‟

scores in this class.

F. Data Analysis Techniques and Procedures

In answering the questions of classroom assessment techniques used by

the teacher, the writer used the data gained from observations, interviews, and

study documents and analyzed the data based on the theory from Brown in the

literature review. The steps in analyzing data were described below:

1. Observations

The field-notes were explained descriptively. The observations‟

result answered kinds of vocabulary teaching techniques in teaching young

learners and how the teachers applied the techniques, and also to see the

whole activities happened in the administration and the processes to know

the effectiveness of the techniques. After explaining the result, it was

compared to the interviews result to empower the observations‟ data.

2. Interviews

The interview‟s result from the five-randomly-selected students

and the English teacher were described. All the interviews were audio-

taped and transcribed for further analysis in empowering the data gained in

investigating kinds of vocabulary teaching techniques used by the teachers

in teaching B group students of TK Negeri Pembina I.

3. Study of Documents

There were three kinds of documents that will be analyzed; the first

semester syllabus of B group students in TK Negeri Pembina I, the

students‟ worksheets, and the lists of students‟ scores. The writer used the

syllabus to see whether the activities held by the teacher already met the


goal or objectives stated in the indicators or not. Then, the writer used the

students‟ worksheets to see kinds vocabulary teaching techniques held by

the teachers. Meanwhile, the lists of students‟ scores were used to see the

effectiveness of the vocabulary teaching techniques from the students‟

results. Those worksheets and the lists of students‟ scores acted as the

justification for the data gathered in observations and interview.




This chapter presents the findings and discussion for the vocabulary

teaching techniques held in B group students of TK Negeri Pembina 1 Tangerang

Selatan. It presents as follows: description of learning objective, description of

vocabulary teaching techniques, description of material used in vocabulary

teaching, description of media used, and description of evaluation used.

A. Data Description

The data of this study were gathered through 3 instruments, they were the

observations, interview with the teacher, and the documents. The observations

were conducted during the English class held by the teacher. The function of the

observation is to give more supporting information to the data obtained from the

respondents in the interview. The writer observed a class of B group taught by an

English teacher and consisted of 16 students. There were five times observations

in the whole.

Meanwhile, the data from interview with the teachers were used to

confirm and to add the information on the vocabulary teaching techniques held in

English lesson for B group students in TKN Pembina 1 Tangerang Selatan. In

addition, the supporting data on the kinds of vocabulary teaching techniques held

was derived from the document of the school syllabus, the lists of students‟

English scores, and the students‟ worksheets.

B. Data Presentation

a. Inappropriateness the Teacher did in pre-teaching, while-teaching,

and post-teaching

The main aspect of vocabulary teaching are teaching techniques, teaching

material, teaching method, teaching media and teaching assessment. If the teacher

does not conduct the components above well, the students will not get anything.

From the observation which is conducted by the writer, she gained some

documents of pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-teaching. As a good teacher,


the teacher should deliver the material appropriate the steps of effective teaching,

in order to the students can get the material clearly and can understand. Some

teachers perhaps have known about the way to teach well. However the teacher

sometimes does no pay attention about it. Besides, the teacher must know about

the objective of teach the materials itself.

Based on the data gathered, there is some inappropriateness between the

theories and teachers‟ did of those steps in pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-

teaching. Inappropriateness should not happen if the teacher implemented and

understood the principles of those steps. First, inappropriateness occurs in pre-

teaching steps. It happened in the first activity, the teacher did not ask the students

explain the learning objective and reviewing passed material. The teacher should

do the activity appropriate the steps that the teacher enter the class ready,

greetings to all students in the class with the spirit, then pray together, checking

the presence of the students, explain the aim of learning the material, and review

passed material to connect to the new material.

Inappropriateness in while-teaching steps happens in first, second, and

fourth observation when the teacher explained the material and she could not

handle the class. Some students make a noisy and others run around the class. As

a good teacher, she/he should make a comfort class so the student can easily

understand the subject.

In post-teaching, inappropriateness happens in first and second

observation where the teacher did not check the students‟ comprehension. When

the time was over, the teacher just closed the lesson without concluded what the

students have learned.

b. Techniques Used by the Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary

In addition, the acquired data from three techniques of data collecting will

be described to show the effectiveness of the techniques used in the teaching

English vocabulary. Based on the instruments used to collect the data, kinds of

techniques used in B class were found. The instruments used to get the data were


from the observation checklist and field notes. The findings on kind of techniques

can be seen in Table 4.2.

Table 4.1

The Result of Observation

No. Vocabulary Teaching



1st 2

nd 3

rd 4

th 5


1 Listen and Do √ √ √ √

2 Listen and Repeat √ √ √

3 Modeling & Demonstration √ √

4 Question and Answer √ √

5 Draw and Color √ √

6 Using Visual Aid √ √ √ √

7 Game √

8 Singing Songs √ √ √ √ √

Listen and Do technique was used by the teacher when she made

introduction to the lesson or asked the students to do something. In this activity

the teacher gave instruction and the students did what the teacher said. The

teacher used this technique many times. This activity was used to know students‟

comprehension of the instruction and the students showed their comprehension by

doing the instruction. During the observation, the use of this technique was not

varied. The teacher always used the same instruction, such as; sit down and listen

to the teacher before she made introduction to the lesson.

Listen and Repeat technique was used by the teacher to introduce new

vocabulary. In this technique the teacher asked the students to repeat after the

words she read. The words were read slowly and repeatedly, so the students could

follow well. It was done continually and it made the students familiar with the

new words. Cameron states that in the development of children‟s vocabulary for

teaching, the students need to meet word again and again in new context that help


increase what they know about words.1 The findings showed that the most

essential part was the teacher and students‟ voice. However the teacher made

some pronunciations problem. As the model, the teacher should be careful in

pronouncing the words. However, based on the observation, the teacher make

some mistakes. For example when she pronounced “pineapple” it sounds

/ˈpɪnæpl/, it should be /ˈpaɪnæpl/. Since the teachers become good model for the

young learners, it means that the teacher should have capability in speaking

English, especially in pronunciation. The children hear and imitate what the

teacher says. In this case, the use of dictionary is recommended to minimize the

risk of pronunciation problem.

Modeling and Demonstration technique was only used by the teacher

when she taught how to say something. For example, the teacher gave example

how to pronounce words and the students followed her. During the observation,

the teacher‟s voice was clear and the students can hear her voice clearly. But some

pronunciation problems were made by the teacher. Children are great imitators.

They don‟t need to be asked to imitate all the time in order to learn. They

naturally catch everything they see and hear including how the teacher speaks the


Question and Answer technique was used by the teacher several times.

Based on the observation, this technique was usually used by the teacher to make

students more active and check their ready before the lesson was started. The

questions that were given by the teacher successfully awakened the students‟

motivation to find the answers of the questions.

In TKN Pembina I the use of visual aids were applied by the teacher in

every meeting to get the students‟ attention. In introducing the theme the teacher

always shows pictures that are related to the theme. Picture or realia were used by

the teacher to show the meaning of the word with the real object. In line with the

teacher interviews transcriptions, “Untuk mengajarkan kosakata baru saya

menggunakan alat peraga seperti kartu kata dan gambar” (See Appendix 4). The

1 Cameron, L. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. (New York: University

Press.), p. 8


teachers used these kinds of techniques because she thought this technique is easy

to be implemented.

The used of games was purposed to make the students easy to keep new

words in their mind. The students looked happy when they played game. They

like to move their bodies, such as playing game “Guess my favorite fruit” that

occurred in meeting five (See Appendix 3).

Singing songs technique was applied by the teacher in every meeting to

make the students enjoy the English learning. The use of songs was good concept

to make them enjoy because children have short attention. As Scott & Ytreberg

stated that there are several characteristics of young learners which affect the

language learning, such as children‟s attention or concentration is considerably

shorter than adult.2 To get children‟s attention, teacher has been provided

enjoyable activities. One of enjoyable activities for young learners is singing

together. Singing song could enrich their vocabulary. As the result of student‟s

interview, most of them are very enthusiastic when they were asked to sing

English songs. According to the data, the teacher had many kinds of songs.

Indirectly, there are some new words have been taught to the students. As stated

in teacher interview transcription in appendix 4, “Saya rasa teknik ini merupakan

teknik yang paling efektif dan mudah untuk diterapkan ke anak seusia mereka.

Teknik ini saya kombinasikan dengan lagu. Ketika mereka diberikan lagu-lagu

bahasa inggris, contohnya lagu I love everybody di lagu itu ada 15 kosakata

bahasa inggris dan secara tidak langsung itu sudah menambah vocabulary

mereka”. Based on the data gathered, it can be analyzed that the use of song

technique seemed dominating the classroom activity.

c. Media and Material Used by the Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary

The material that taught by the teacher is appropriate with the lesson plan.

However, the findings about the media can be seen that different perspective

between the teacher and the lesson plan. In the first lesson plan, the students made

2 Scott and Ytreberg. Teaching Engslih to Children. (London: Longman, 2000), p. 3


fruit using clay. However, in observation there is no activity using clay, the

teacher only used a gesture and mimic to explain the material.

d. Assessment Used by the Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary

While in assessing, based on the answer of the teacher‟s interview, she

conducted sorting test. Actually the teacher did not do it. She only used matching

game to evaluate the students. Another way to check the students‟ comprehension

and to know whether the students had memorized the words given or not, the

teacher gave five words (grape, pineapple, avocado, dragon fruit, and star fruit)

and asked each student to pronounce the words. The result of the students‟

achievement in the third meeting can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.2

The Result of Students‟ Achievement

No Name

Scoring Aspect

Score T / TT Mention the new words Saying the words


☺1 ☺2 ☺3 ☺4 ☺1 ☺2 ☺3 ☺4

1 Student 1 √ √ 8 T

2 Student 2 √ √ 6 T

3 Student 3 √ √ 8 T

4 Student 4 √ √ 6 T

5 Student 5 √ √ 3 TT

6 Student 6 √ √ 5 TT

7 Student 7 √ √ 3 TT

8 Student 8 √ √ 6 T

9 Student 9 √ √ 5 T

10 Student 10 √ √ 6 T

11 Student 11 √ √ 8 T

12 Student 12 √ √ 4 TT


13 Student 13 √ √ 5 TT

14 Student 14 √ √ 7 T

15 Student 15 √ √ 5 TT

16 Student 16 √ √ 3 TT

Total 2 12 15 12 0 8 24 16 88 T: 9

TT: 7

% 64% 52% 68.75%

From the data above, it can be seen there is seven students have not passed

the test. While there is 68.75% students who got scores up to the target score.

C. Discussion

Based on the data description above, the teaching of English vocabulary at

TK Negeri Pembina I was elaborated as follow:

a. The Learning Objectives in Teaching Vocabulary

The learning objective in teaching vocabulary is to make the students

know the English word about the things surrounding their environment. This

objective had been applied and explained by the teacher when he taught English


b. The Teaching Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

From the observation, the teaching procedures are elaborated in three

stages, they are:

1. Presentation Stage

The result of the study showed that the teacher employed some techniques

in presenting new words. The following tables show the result of five

observations on the teacher‟s techniques in presenting the vocabulary. The

findings on kind of techniques in presentation stage can be seen in:


Table 4.3

Techniques in Presentation Stage

In presenting new vocabulary item, the teacher used more than one

technique, instead of employed one single technique. This research confirms

previous finding that teachers are suggested to employ planned vocabulary

presentation as various as possible. The findings showed that the teacher

combined more than one technique to maximize the possibility of the students‟

understanding of the vocabulary item and to help store the vocabulary to their

long term memory retention.

No Vocabulary Teaching



1st 2

nd 3

rd 4

th 5


1 Translation √ √

2 Real Objects

a. Pictures, flashcard,

photo, etc.

b. Gesture, mime, action

c. Realia

3 Definition

a. Full definition

b. Analytical definition

c. Example

d. Synonym, antonym

4 Context

a. Example of situation

b. Example of sentence

5 Active Involvement

a. Elicitation

b. Personalization


The use of real objects seemed dominating in teaching vocabulary to

young learners at TK Negeri Pembina 1. As can be seen from the table, teachers

appeared to use translation the least. The same situation happened to the usage of

synonyms and antonyms. This is due to the fact that young learners did not

acquired large enough amount of vocabulary to use either synonyms or antonyms,

otherwise they can cause reversed effect. On the contrary, using pictures and

flashcards in presenting new vocabulary items to young learners outnumbered all

the other techniques. In addition, this is similar to the result of interview, the

teacher said that she used picture as her technique to present new words.

2. Practice Stage

The findings on kind of techniques in practicing stage can be seen in the

following table.

Table 4.4

Techniques in Practice Stage

It was clearly shown that the most outstanding are using identifying and

matching tasks. The least commonly used is sorting and sequencing task. Such

task as “showing the order of event” turns out to be least preferred by the teacher.

In contrast, based on the interview, the teacher said that she usually used matching

and sequencing task. She said that one of the task is she asked the students to

write the number to sequence the action. It conclude, in practicing vocabulary

No Vocabulary Teaching



1st 2

nd 3

rd 4

th 5


1 Identifying Task √ √ √

2 Selecting Task √

3 Matching √ √

4 Sorting

5 Ranking and Sequencing


items to young learners, matching and sorting tasks are the two most preferable

ways that teacher often use.

3. Production Stage

This stage is noticed with the evaluation given by the teacher. It can be

seen from the following table.

Table 4.5

Techniques in Production Stage

From the observation, it seemed that even there are some recommended

techniques for each stages, teacher often used them in an interactive way. It means

she did not necessarily use each technique for each stage separately; some

techniques were mixed for a certain purpose. It can be seen in first meeting it

analyzed as creation task. The teacher used picture in presenting new words.

However, when it came to the stage of production stage, the teacher simply used

picture for checking student‟s memory in order to make sure they know the word.

In this meeting the teacher asked each student a question “What fruit do you

like?”. It can be defined that every task in production stage came afterwards

which will create an assurance whether the activity was effective or not.

c. Media and Material Used by the Teacher in Vocabulary Teaching

The material that taught by the teacher is appropriate with the lesson plan.

Then media is the important factor in teaching-learning activities; it purposes to

make the students‟ motivation and interest in teaching-learning activities.

However, the findings about the media can be seen that different perspective

between the teacher and the lesson plan. In lesson plan there are media that used

No Techniques Meeting

1st 2

nd 3

rd 4

th 5


1 Completion √ √

2 Creation √ √


including picture, clay, movie, real object and realia. In fact, the teacher only used

some media, like picture and real object.

d. Assessment Used by the Teacher in Vocabulary Teaching

The assessment given by the teacher was a test when the teacher did in

fourth meetings. The test was spoken test, teacher gave five words (grape,

pineapple, avocado, dragon fruit, and star fruit) and asked each student to

pronounce the words. This is the way used by the teacher to check the students‟

comprehension and to know whether the students had memorized the words given

or not. An assessment must be given to the students in order to know about their

ability and understanding of the materials which are given by the teacher as stated

in chapter II. Even the teacher had explained the material the score is under the

teacher expectation. Based on the teacher‟s interview, she said that 75%

comprehend the subject. However, the result of the test showed 68.75%.




A. Conclusion

From the research done, the result of this study shows the current

implementation of techniques used in teaching vocabulary to young learners at

TKN Pembina I. The first major finding that the researcher got is the answer to

the research question. It can be conclude that there is some inappropriateness

between the theory and the teacher did in teaching English vocabulary. Then

common techniques in teaching vocabulary to young learners can be divided into

three groups. For presenting new words, using flashcards and miming are

preferred by the teacher in this study. In getting students to practice the words

they have learnt, the teacher mostly employed identifying and matching task

which applied in B group. For the final stage in teaching vocabulary, producing,

the teacher familiarized both completion and creation in sentence and text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the data found, it can be seen that the field of young learners

teaching techniques needs to be researched further. Firstly, when doing a research

on techniques in teaching vocabulary to young learners, further aspects could be

dug deep into such as how to utilize the most from multi-techniques and how to

adapt that combination into classroom where students‟ levels are different.

Moreover, the teacher, especially who taught the young learners, should

understand some aspects and characteristics of young learners. As the role model

in class, the teacher should know how to design and choosing the appropriate

techniques for the students. In addition, the institutions or school need to help to

facilitate the teacher who taught English for young learners.



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Lembar Observasi Aktivitas Guru

No Aspek Penilaian Hasil Pengamatan

Jumlah 1 2 3 4

1 Awal

- Menyapa dan memberi salam √

- Memberikan apersepsi √

- Memotivasi anak √

2 Inti

- Guru menyampaikan kosakata Bahasa

Inggris yang akan diajarkan √

- Guru meminta anak menirukan kosakata

Bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan √

- Guru mengajak anak menyebutkan

kosakata Bahasa Inggris bersama-sama √

- Guru memberi penjelasan arti kosakata

Bahasa Inggris √

3 Penutup

- Memberikan ulasan materi kembali √

- Memberikan penghargaan atau pujian

kepada anak √

- Memberikan penegasan dan tanya jawab

tentang kegiatan dan materi

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan

Jumlah - 4 15 12 31

Presentase 77.5%


1 = kurang

2 = cukup

3 = baik

4 = sangat baik

Lembar Observasi Aktifitas Anak

Kelompok : …..

No Aspek Penilaian Hasil Pengamatan

Jumlah 1 2 3 4

1 Awal

- Membalas dan menjawab salam √

- Merespon apersepsi dari guru √

- Terdorong belajar dengan lebih

semangat √

2 Inti

- Anak mendengarkan kosakata Bahasa

Inggris yang akan disampaikan guru √

- Anak menirukan kosakata Bahasa

Inggris yang diajarkan guru √

- Anak menyebutkan kosakata Bahasa

Inggris bersama-sama √

- Anak mengetahui arti kosakata Bahasa

Inggris √

3 Penutup

- Konsentrasi anak dalam mendengarkan

penjelasan guru √

- Mengerti arti pemberian penghargaan

atau pujian sehingga dapat memotivasi

anak lebih baik lagi dalam kegiatan


- Merespon dan mencoba menjawab

pertanyaan yang diajukan guru tentang

kegiatan yang telah dilakukan

Jumlah - 4 21 4 29

Presentase 72.5%


1 = kurang

2 = cukup

3 = baik

4 = sangat baik

Lembar Observasi Perbendaharan Kosakata Anak

Kelompok : B

No Nama Anak

Aspek Penilaian

Jml T /


Menyebutkan kata-kata

yang baru didengar

Mengucapkan kata

yang tepat

☺1 ☺2 ☺3 ☺4 ☺1 ☺2 ☺3 ☺4

1 Student 1 √ √ 8 T

2 Student 2 √ √ 6 T

3 Student 3 √ √ 8 T

4 Student 4 √ √ 6 T

5 Student 5 √ √ 3 TT

6 Student 6 √ √ 5 TT

7 Student 7 √ √ 3 TT

8 Student 8 √ √ 6 T

9 Student 9 √ √ 5 T

10 Student 10 √ √ 6 T

11 Student 11 √ √ 8 T

12 Student 12 √ √ 4 TT

13 Student 13 √ √ 5 TT

14 Student 14 √ √ 7 T

15 Student 15 √ √ 5 TT

16 Student 16 √ √ 3 TT


Presentase 64% 52% 68.75



Nilai ☺1 = Anak belum mampu melakukan kegiatan

Nilai ☺2 = Anak mampu melakukan kegiatan dengan bantuan

Nilai ☺3 = Anak mampu melakukan kegiatan tanpa bantuan

Nilai ☺4 = Anak mampu melakukan kegiatan lebih cepat tanpa bantuan

T (Tuntas) = Anak yang mendapat ☺3 atau lebih

TT (Belum Tuntas) = Anak yang mendapat kurang dari ☺3


Kelas/Jumlah siswa : B1 / 16 Siswa

Guru : Ibu Ida Masjidah

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu / 17 Februari 2016

Waktu /Ruang : 8.00 – 10.00 / Ruangan Kelas Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Fruit

Observer : Selinda Febriani

Ketika memasuki kelas, seperti biasa anak-anak duduk di karpet membuat lingkaran.

Guru menyapa murid-murid dikelas dengan,“Good morning Students. How are you? Are you

ready for today? Wow you look so happy this morning.” Lalu guru pun mengecek daftar hadir

kelas dan ternyata semua siswa hadir. Kemudian guru memulai pelajaran dengan bertanya-

tanya mengenai macam-macam buah yang biasa ditemui oleh para murid dalam kehidupan

sehari-hari. Para murid dengan sangat antusias merespon pertanyaan guru, dengan sangat

ramai mereka menjawab pertanyaan guru tersebut. Lalu guru menenangkan kelas dan

menyebutkan satu persatu respon murid yang telah disebutkan dan guru pun memberikan

penjelasan sedikit mengenai materi yang akan mereka pelajari yaitu tentang Fruit.

Penggunaan lagu-lagu bahasa inggris terlihat dari mulai awal kegiatan. Lagu yang

digunakan untuk warming up adalah :

Up and down and clap clap clap

Up and down and shake shake shake

Shake the right shake to the left

Turn around and shake shake shake

Up and down and clap clap clap

Up and down and jump jump jump

Jump the right jump to the left

Turn around and jump jump jump

Selanjutnya anak-anak diminta untuk berdiri, memegang kepala, dll. Untuk

memastikan mereka telah siap untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Guru memeberikan pertanyaan

kepada masing-masing anak.

Bu Ida : What fruits do you like Nisa?

Nisa : mmmm… (Tidak menjawab, masih malu-malu)

Bu Ida : Do you like banana?

Nisa : Yes

Bu Ida : What fruits do you like Raffa?

Raffa : I like apple

Setelah semua murid menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan bu guru, mereka diajarkan

nyanyian :

Watermelon, watermelon

Papaya, papaya

Banana, banana

Tomato, tomato

Ibu guru mengajarkan kata per kata, hanya beberapa anak yang bisa mengikuti.

Kemudian ibu guru menggunakan gerakan.

Watermelon = kedua tangan membetuk lingkaran besar

Papaya = mengayunkan kedua tangan

Banana = satu tangan digoyang dengan jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan jari manis


Tomato = mengepalkan kedua tangan

Lagu ini diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Setelah itu guru memperlihatkan beberapa

gambar buah-buahan.

Bu Ida : Who knows… what picture is this?

Gilang : Banana! Banana!

Murid-murid sangat antusias menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan ibu

Ida. Bebearapa siswa menjawab dengan benar. Sementara itu masih ada yang menjawab

dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Bu Ida : What fruit in this picture?

Dafa : Jeruk

Guru menunjukkan gambar dan mengucapkan nama buah tersebut, murid-murid

mengulangnya berkali-kali. Selanjutnya siswa membuat buah-buahan dari tanah lempung.

Gilang mencoba membuat buah jeruk, sedangkan Fazli membuat strawberry. Di akhir

kegiatan ibu guru memberikan selembar kertas, anak – anak diminta untuk menggambar dan

menuliskan satu buah kesukaannya.


Kelas/Jumlah siswa : B1 / 16 Siswa

Guru : Ibu Ida Masjidah

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu / 24 Februari 2016

Waktu /Ruang : 7.00 – 10.00 / TKN Pembina I & Kelas B1

Topik : Fruit

Observer : Selinda Febriani

Jam menunjukkan pukul 07.00 dan pintu gerbang sudah dibuka. Bu Ida sebagai guru

piket sudah siap menunggu anak – anak di pintu gerbang. Yang pertama datang hari ini

adalah Syashi kelompok A2.

Bu Ida : Good morning Syashi

Syashi : Good morning bu Ida

Bu Ida : Write your name here

Sebelum masuk kelas, anak – anak harus menulis nama mereka dalam buku absen.

Karena Syashi datang paling awal, dia diminta untuk menulis hari dan tanggal. Karena hari

rabu adalah English Day, maka Syashi menuliskannya dalam bahasa inggris.

Sepuluh menit kemudian, anak-anak yang lain mulai datang. Setiap pagi sambil

menunggu teman-teman yang lain datang, anak-anak antre untuk mengikuti Reading Time.

Menunggu bel masuk, murid yang sudah selesai membaca, mereka biasanya main di

halaman. Tetapi setiap hari rabu dan jumat mereka bermain di dalam kelas. Beberapa anak

terlihat mengambil buku cerita bahasa inggris. Mereka terlihat sangat menikmati gambar –

gambar yang ada di buku tersebut, meskipun mereka tidak bisa membaca ejaan bahasa

inggris dengan lancar. Raffa, Fadil, Bagus, dan Arkan sedang asyik bermain flashcards.

Pukul 08.00 semua anak – anak menuju ke halaman untuk baris. Setelah

mengucapkan ikrar, mereka pun bernyanyi bersama. Beberapa lagu yang dinyanyikan antara

lain : If You Are Happy, Head & Shoulder, dan I Love My Family. Setelah itu mereka masuk

ke dalam kelas untuk Circle Time. Selesai berdoa mereka kembali bernyanyi bersama. Kali

ini kakak-kakak kelompok B diminta untuk menyanyikan lagu Watermelon dengan

menggunakan gerakan. Adik adik kelas A sangat senang ketika diajarkan lagu baru itu.

Selanjutnya, mereka masuk ke kelas masing-masing. B1 langsung membuat barisan

menuju kelas dipimpin oleh bu Ida sambil menyanyikan lagu:

Walking walking

Running running

Jump jump jump 2x

Turning turning turning 2x

Let’s stop here 2x

Pada pertemuan kedua ini, tema kegiatan masih sama yakni Kebutuhanku. Kali ini bu

Ida masih mengajarkan nama-nama buah. Pertemuan sebelumnya bu Ida menggunakan

gambar sebagai medianya, kali ini ibu guru membawa bebearapa macam buah-buahan seperti

papaya, semangka, melon, mangga, dan anggur.

Bu Ida menyebutkan nama masing-masing buah. Selanjutnya bu Ida mengajarkan

bagian – bagian buah dari mulai kulit, biji, dan dagingnya. Lalu ibu guru memotong buah-

buahan tersebut.

Bu Ida : This is one (sambil memegang buah anggur yang masih utuh)

Anak – anak mengikuti… One..

Bu Ida : Half (menunjukkan potongan anggur)

Keannu diminta untuk mengulanginya kembali karena kali itu dia asyik bercanda

dengan Bagus.

Setelah itu anak-anak diminta untuk membuat sate buah. Sebelumnya mereka

mengambil dua gulungan kertas. Nayya membuka kertasnya, isinya: two papaya, thrre

watermelon, one grape. Anak – anak membuat sate buah sesuai dengan isi kertas yang

didapat secara berurutan. Melodi dibantu Ibu guru saat membaca kertasnya.

Setelah mereka selesai, mereka menunjukkan hasilnya ke Bu guru. Sate buah milik

Keannu masih kurang benar. Di kertasnya tertulis: one melon, one watermelon, one mango,

one grape, sedangkan sate buahnya: 2 melon, 1 mangga, 1 semangka, dan 1 anggur. Keannu

diminta untuk membuat lagi sate buahnya dengan benar. Setelah selesai semua mereka

menyanyikan lagu “Shake – shake Banana”.

Jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 10.00, anak – anak bersiap untuk istirahat. Mereka

pun mencuci tangan secara bergantian, dilanjutkan dengan berdoa bersama, dan makan bekal

serta satu tusuk sate buah. Satu tusuk sate buah lainnya akan mereka bawa pulang ke rumah.


Kelas/Jumlah siswa : B1 / 16 Siswa

Guru : Ibu Ida Masjidah

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu / 2 Maret 2016

Waktu /Ruang : 07.00 – 10.00 / TKN Pembina I & Kelas B1

Topik : Fruit

Observer : Selinda Febriani

Seperti pertemuan sebelumnya, kegiatan diawali dengan Circle Time bersama, lalu

masuk ke kelas masing – masing. Lalu kelompok B bernyanyi bersama :

Rolly polly rolly polly up up up

Rolly polly rolly polly down down down

Rolly polly rolly polly out out out

Rolly polly rolly polly in in in

Setelah mengecek keadaan siswa, bu guru mengajak anak – anak ke kebun mini

sekolah. Disana mereka diajak untuk mengamati bagian buah tomat.

Bu Ida : di dalam sini ada akar, nah yang ini batangnya

Gaby : itu flower ya bu (sambil menunjuk bunga melati)

Bu Ida : Good! Pintar. Bunga itu bahasa inggrisnya flower

Lalu bu guru menjelaskan bagian tanaman buah tomat beserta fungsinya. Setelah

selesai mereka kembali ke dalam kelas.

Kali ini dalam mengajarkan kosakata bahasa inggris bu Ida menngunakan teknik

drilling. Ibu guru menyebutkan: grape, pineapple, avocado, dragon fruit, and star fruit.

Masing – masing anak dipanggil satu per satu dan menyebutkan kata – kata yang baru

diberikan dengan benar. Aira dipanggil pertama, dia mampu menyebutkan kelima kata

tersebut dengan cepat dan tanpa dibantu dengan bu guru. Lalu bu guru memberikan gambar,

dia diminta untuk mengucapkan nama buah tersebut dengan benar. Lagi lagi Aira dapat

melakukannya dengan cepat dan benar. Saatnya giliran Melodi, sayangnya Melodi belum

mampu menyebutkan kata – kata yang diucapkan bu guru.

Bu Ida : Melodi.. what is this?

Melodi : Pisang

Bu Ida : Ba…

Melodi : Banana!

Saat diberikan beberapa gambar buah, dia sudah mampu mengucapkannya akan tetapi

ada beberapa kata yang masih salah pengucapannya. Pada kegiatan ini Melodi juga masih

harus dibantu oleh bu guru.

Setelah semuanya selesai dipanggil oleh ibu guru, ibu guru menunjukkan sebuah

video tentang makanan kesukakaanku. Anak – anak terlihat senang menonton video itu.

Kegiatan hari itu ditutup dengan:

Bu Ida : Are you happy today?

Murid : Yessss! We are happy

Bu ida : Hari ini kita sudah belajar apa?

Nayya : Dragon

Alfi : Dragon fruit

Bu Ida : Good!

Raffa : Star fruit. Bu kok belimbing star. Star kan bintang

Bu Ida : Iya karena buah belimbing itu bentuknya seperti bintang. Jadi belimbing

bahasa inggrisnya star fruit.

Naufal : Ya star fruit

Bu Ida : OK hari ini kita sudah belajar fruits dan anak – anak hari ini sudah pintar

semua yaa..


Kelas/Jumlah siswa : B1 / 16 Siswa

Guru : Ibu Ida Masjidah

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu / 9 Maret 2016

Waktu /Ruang : 08.00 – 10.00 / TKN Pembina I & Kelas B1

Topik : Fruit

Observer : Selinda Febriani

Ketika memasuki kelas, seperti biasa anak-anak duduk di karpet membuat lingkaran.

Guru menyapa murid-murid dikelas dengan,“Good morning Students. How are you? Are you

ready for today? Wow you look so happy this morning.” Lalu guru pun mengecek daftar

hadir. Bu guru menjelaskan hari ini mereka akan bermain “Pemburu Rasa”. Mereka senang

sekali. Bu Ida sudah menyiapkan beberapa buah yang sudah dihancurkan. Kemudian Silla

dan Syifa diminta untuk mencicipinya.

Silla : ih asam

Bu Ida : Bagaimana rasanya Syifa?

Syifa : enak bu manis..

Bu guru menjelaskan tentang macam-macam rasa. Kemudian bu guru juga

menyebutkan rasa dalam bahasa inggris. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah membuat pudding

strawberry. Ketika sedang membuat pudding..

Raffa : bu bu ini susu ya? Bu kalau susu bahasa inggrisnya apa?

Bu Ida : susu itu milk

Raffa : kalau gula apa bu? (sambil menunjuk gula)

Raffa terlihat antusias sekali bertanya tentang semua kata – kata dalam bahasa inggris.

Setelah selesai membuat pudding, ibu guru telah menyiapkan latihan untuk mereka.

Para siswa diberikan kertas yang berisi gambar – gambar buah. Mereka diminta untuk

melengkapi nama-nama buah tersebut.


Kelas/Jumlah siswa : B1 / 16 Siswa

Guru : Ibu Ida Masjidah

Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu / 16 Maret 2016

Waktu /Ruang : 08.00 – 10.00 / TKN Pembina I & Kelas B1

Topik : Fruit

Observer : Selinda Febriani

Seperti biasa sebelum masuk kelas mereka melakukan baris dan Circle Time bersama.

Hari ini merupakan hari terakhir tema kebutuhanku – buah. Pada pertemuan kali ini ibu guru

mengajarkan tentang apa itu tabulampot, tanaman buah dalam pot.

Selanjutnya anak – anak diminta untuk memasangkan gambar dengan nama buah

yang sesuai. Hal ini dimasudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pencapaian mereka dalam

memahami nama-nama buah yang telah diberikan pada pertemuan sebelumnya.

Setelah selesai, mereka diminta untuk berpasangan. Salah satu dari mereka

menyebutkan ciri – ciri buah kesukaannya, dan pasangannya yang mecoba menebak.



Teacher Interview Protocol

Interview ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data tentang bagaimana teknik pengajaran

Vocabulary diterapkan oleh guru TKN Pembina I Kota Tangerang Selatan untuk mata

pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelompok B semester genap. Data tersebut diperlukan untuk

penelitian skripsi dengan judul “Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners (A Case

Study at B Group Students of TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan)

Interviewer :

Interviewee :

Jabatan interviewee :

Tanggal :

Waktu :

Tempat :

A. Pendahuluan

1. Komponen bahasa apa yang Ibu berikan dalam materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apakah

vocabulary, pronunciation, atau mungkin grammar?

2. Bagaimana Ibu memberikan kegiatan pengajaran tersebut?

3. Kapan pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris tersebut dilakukan oleh Ibu? Apakah pada setiap

pertemuan kelas Bahasa Inggris?

B. Kegiatan Pengajaran English Vocabulary

1. Teknik pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris apa yang Ibu terapkan di kelas? Kenapa Ibu

memilih teknik pengajaran tersebut?

2. Aktivitas apa yang dilakukan dalam mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

3. Persiapan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk kegiatan pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

4. Bagaimana dengan hasil pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang diperoleh para siswa?

Apakah nilai yang didapat para siswa sudah mencapai nilai Standar Ketuntasan Minimun

(SKM) yang telah ditetapkan?

5. Apakah nilai yang dicapai para siswa sudah menggambarkan kemampuan nyata mereka

dalam berkosakata?

6. Hambatan atau kesulitan apa saja yang Ibu temui dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan

pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

7. Menurut Ibu, apakah pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang Ibu terapkan sudah efektif?

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Siti Ida Masjidah Munawaroh, S.Pd.

Jabatan interviewee : Guru Bahasa Inggris kelompok B TKN Pembina I

Tanggal : Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Waktu : 12.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Di kelas berapa Ibu mengajar?

R: Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris kelompok A dan B

W: Kira-kira berapa umur anak kelompok A dan B?

R: Kelompok A itu 4 sampai 5 tahun sedangkan kelompok B 5 sampai 6 tahun

W: Komponen bahasa apa yang Ibu berikan dalam materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apakah

vocabulary, pronunciation, atau mungkin grammar?

R: Dalam pembelajaran, saya lebih menekankan vocabulary dan pronunciation. Kalau grammar

saya hanya mengajarkan bentuk kalimat sederhana, contohnya seperti This and That, An or

A, ya hanya itu karena untuk anak – anak yang penting kosakata dan bagaimana mereka

mengucapkan kata tersebut dengan benar.

W: Di antara empat skill berbahasa, speaking, listening, reading, dan writing, skill apakah yang

menurut Ibu layak untuk diterapkan di kelas Ibu mengajar?

R: Semua skill saya terapkan, karena semua skill saling berkesinambungan. Tetapi untuk anak

usia dini, saya lebih menekankan speaking dan listening. Kelompok A hanya dua skill itu

saja, sedangkan kelompok B sudah mulai diajarkan bagaimana menulis kosakata – kosakata


W: Bagaimana Ibu memberikan kegiatan pengajaran tersebut? Khususnya pengajaran kosakata

untuk kelompok B?

R: Untuk mengajarkan kosakata baru saya menggunakan alat peraga seperti kartu kata dan

gambar. Selain itu juga lewat lagu-lagu dan terkadang menggunakan movie.

W: Kapan pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris tersebut dilakukan oleh Ibu? Apakah pada setiap

pertemuan kelas Bahasa Inggris?

R: Saya mengajarkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris tidak hanya di dalam kelas saja, tetapi juga

diselipkan di kegiatan lainnya. Sebagai contoh, setiap hari senin dan rabu diharuskan

menggunakan bahasa inggris. Ketika mereka masuk gerbang dan menulis absen biasanya

guru sudah menyapa dengan mengucapkan Good Morning, How are you?, atau menanyakan

siapa yang mengantar mereka hari ini, dan mereka pun menjawab with my mom, my dad, or

my sister. Dan khusus dua hari itu, pada saat circle time, anak-anak menyanyikan lagu-lagu

berbahasa inggris bukan bahasa Indonesia seperti hari-hari lainnya. Diharapkan dengan

adanya kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut dapat menambah kosakata bahasa inggris mereka.

W: Lalu teknik pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris apa yang Ibu terapkan di kelas?

R: Teknik yang digunakan biasanya drilling. Anak diminta untuk menirukan apa yang guru

ucapkan, berulang kali sampai si anak paham dengan kata yang sedang dipelajari. Misalnya

diberikan kata door, anak mengucapkannya lima kali, kalau bendanya ada di sekitar sekolah

saya minta anak untuk memegang benda yang diucapkan.

W: Kenapa Ibu memilih teknik pengajaran tersebut?

R: Saya rasa teknik ini merupakan teknik yang paling efektif dan mudah untuk diterapkan ke

anak seusia mereka. Teknik ini saya kombinasikan dengan lagu. Ketika mereka diberikan

lagu-lagu bahasa inggris, contohnya lagu I love everybody di lagu itu ada 15 kosakata bahasa

inggris dan secara tidak langsung itu sudah menambah vocabulary mereka.

W: Aktivitas apa saja yang Ibu lakukan dalam mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

R: Selain dengan lagu yang tadi saya sebutkan, ada games seperti guessing atau memasangkan


W: Lalu persiapan apa yang Ibu lakukan sebelum kegiatan pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

R: Sebelum masuk kelas saya menyiapkan lagu-lagu baru dan juga gambar-gambar semacam

kartu kata.

W : Lalu bentuk kegiatan seperti apa yang ibu berikan sebagai worksheet anak? Apakah

menjodohkan atau melengkapi kata?

R : Saya sering memberikan matching games, biasanya sih juga disuruh mengurutkan.

Misalnya ada beberapa gambar, nanti anak diminta untuk mengurutkan gambar menjadi

sebuah cerita yang baik.

W: Bagaimana dengan hasil pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang diperoleh para siswa?

Apakah hasil yang didapat para siswa sudah mencapai criteria yang telah ditetapkan?

R : Hampir 75 % siswa sudah mencapai hasil yang diharapkan. Pada pengajaran anak usia dini

hasil yang dicapai lebih menggambarkan pencapaian kemampuan individu.

W: Apakah hasil yang dicapai para siswa sudah menggambarkan kemampuan nyata mereka

dalam berkosakata?

R: Sudah. Terbukti dengan anak yang penerimaan bahasanya cepat, ditambah dengan

kesenangan saat menerima bahasa akan lebih banyak menemukan kosakata baru. Ditandai

dengan senangnya anak mengucapkan kata – kata tersebut.

W : Hambatan atau kesulitan apa saja yang Ibu temui dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan

pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

R : Hambatan yang saya alami adalah harus sering mengulang atau mengingatkan kembali

kata – kata yang telah dipelajari anak, terutama yang dirumahnya tidak diulang kembali

oleh orang tua. Sementara kesulitan saya adalah mencari kata – kata yang cocok dan pas

dipelajari oleh anak, sebab ada kata yang dekat dengan anak namun dalam penulisan dan

membacanya agak sulit buat anak, seperti : “strawberry” ( sebagian besar anak suka akan

buah ini. Tapi jika dikaitkan dengan tulisan dan cara membacanya agak sulit untuk anak)

W: Menurut Ibu, apakah pengajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang Ibu terapkan sudah


R : Sejauh ini saya rasa sudah efektif.

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Gabriella (Gaby)

Jabatan interviewee : Siswa Kelas B

Tanggal : Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Waktu : 11.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Kamu senang belajar bahasa inggris?

R : Senang

W: Ngerti ngga diajar sama Bu Ida?

R : Ngerti..

W: Susah atau gampang belajar bahasa inggris?

R : Gampang

W : Kita coba yaa.. What is your name?

R : Gaby

W : How are you today?

R : I’m OK

W : Coba sekarang sebutkan warna-warna dalam bahasa inggris yang kamu tahu

R : Pink, yellow, mmmm…… Green!

W: Kalau buah-buahan pakai bahasa inggris kamu tahu ngga?

R : Tau…

W : Bahasa inggrisnya pisang apa?

R : Banana

W: Kalau apel?

R : Apple

W: Mmm…. What fruits do you like?

R : Strawberyyyy…

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Muhammad Gilang (Gilang)

Jabatan interviewee : Siswa Kelas B

Tanggal : Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Waktu : 11.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Gilang kamu senang ngga belajar bahasa inggris?

R : Senang dong

W: Susah ngga sih bahasa inggris?

R : Ngga kok

W: Kamu ngerti ngga belajar bahasa inggris sama Bu Ida?

R : Ngerti

W: Mmmm… how are you Gilang?

R: Fine. You?

W: I’m fine too. Wah pintar yaa.. Coba sekarang Gilang berhitung dari 1 – 10 pakai bahasa


R : One.. Two.. Three.. Five.. ehh Four! Five.. Six.. Seven.. Aight.. Nine.. Ten..

W: Good! Tadi delapan apa Gilang?

R : Aight

W: Eight. Delapan itu Eight. Eight

R : Aight.. Eight..

W: Good! Sekarang coba sebutkan benda-benda yang Gilang tahu yang ada di kelas ini. Pakai

bahasa inggris yaa..

R : Door. Itu table. Jendela… apa yaa.. ada Bag nih tas.. Pencil (Sambil mengambil pensil yang

ada di meja ibu guru)

W: OK. Good! Thankyou Gilang…

R : Yes..

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Raffa Maalikal (Raffa)

Jabatan interviewee : Siswa Kelas B

Tanggal : Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Waktu : 11.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Halo Raffa.. How are you today?

R : Fine he he he

W: Raffa.. suka ngga belajar bahasa inggris?

R : Sukaaaa

W: Happy ngga belajar bahasa inggris?

R : Happy!

W: Enak ngga diajarin sama Bu Ida?

R : Enak dong

W: Ibu Ida galak ngga kalau lagi ngajar?

R : Ngga..

W : Hari ini belajar bahasa inggrisnya apa aja sama Bu Ida?

R : Fruit. Tadi buat sate. Tadi aku tulisannya grape, melon, sama mangga. Mangganya ada


W: Wah asyik yaa… Grape, melon, sama mangga ya. Mangga itu bahasa inggrisnya apa sih?

R : Mangga mmmm…. Apa ya..

W: Mang…

R : Mang…. Mango!

W: Good! Hmm.. Raffa inget ngga lagu yang tadi diajarin sama Bu Ida? Coba dong


R: (Lalu Raffa menyanyikan lagu “Shake-skake Banana”)

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Qonita Rachellie Nayyira (Nayya)

Jabatan interviewee : Siswa Kelas B

Tanggal : Rabu, 2 Maret 2016

Waktu : 11.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Hallo Nayya

R : Halo

W: Gimana hari ini enak ngga belajar sama Bu Ida?

R : Enaak

W: Hari ini udah belajar apa aja sama Bu Ida?

R: Tadi Nayya belajarnya di luar, belajar pohon tomat.

W: Asik yaa.. Tomat itu bahasa inggrisnya apa Nayya?

R: Tomat mmmm tomaattt!

W: Tomat itu to-ma-to

R: Tomatooo

W: Nayya suka ngga belajar bahasa inggris?

R: Suka sih sedikit tapii

W: Emang bahasa inggris itu susah ya?

R: Iya susah, soalnya kalau nayya nonton princess, princessnya kan pake bahasa inggris terus

nayya ngga ngerti

W: Berarti nayya cuma lihatin gambarnya aja ya?

R: Iya nayya suka princessnya cantik

W: Nayya suka frozen ya? Coba dong nyanyiin lagunya bisa kan??

R: Let it go.. let it go..

Can’t hold /beg/ anymore (Can’t hold it back anymore)

Let it go.. let it go..

Turn way and /slime/ the door (Turn away and slam the door)

Let it go.. let it go..

W: (Memberi apresiasi dengan tepuk tangan) Wah nayya pinter ya nyanyinya siapa yang


R: Iya nayya suka dengerin diajarin sama kakak nayya

W: Coba ya sekarang nyanyiin satu lagu yang udah diajarin sama Bu Ida

R: Nayya mau nyanyi head shoulder knees and toes ya

W: Iya boleh.. 1.. 2.. 3..

R: (Nayya menyanyikan lagu Head and Shoulder)

W: Good! Mmmm head itu apa sih?

R: Kepala (sambil memegang kepala)

W: Kalau shoulder?

R: Nih pundak

W: Ih pinter yaa.. Kalau ini apa? (menunjuk mata)

R: Eye

W: Yang ini apa? (menunjuk hidung)

R: Hidung ituuu apa ya

W: Nnn….

R: Nnn….

W: Nnooo..

R: Nose!

W: Excellent! Pinter ya nayya.. OK Thankyou nayya..

R: Iya he he he

Interviewer : Selinda Febriani

Interviewee : Khoirunnisa

Jabatan interviewee : Siswa Kelas B

Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Maret 2016

Waktu : 11.00 - selesai

Tempat : TKN Pembina I Tangerang Selatan

W : Writer

R : Respondent

W: Halo Nisa

R : Halo

W: Gimana tadi belajar sama Bu Ida? Enak ngga?

R : Enak

W: Belajar apa aja tadi?

R : Main masak-masakan

W: Buat pudding yaa.. Pudding stroberi

R : Iya

W: Stroberi bahasa inggrisnya apa?

R : Strowberi

W: Mmmm kalau pisang?

R : …….

W: Ba….

R : Ba.. Banana!

W: Good! Nisa senang ngga belajar bahasa inggris?

R: Senang

W: Coba ya sekarang nyanyi lagu watermelon

R: (Nisa menyanyikan lagu watermelon)

W: Ok thankyou Nisa…





Semester/Bulan/Minggu ke : I / Februari - Maret / III – IV dan I - III

Tema : Kebutuhan

Kelompok Usia / Kelas : 4 - 6 Tahun / A / B 1 / B 2

K D : 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7,

3.11, 3.13, 3.15, 4.5, 4.9, 4.15


Sub Tema

Materi Rencana Kegiatan Kel.B

Rencana Kegiatan Kel.A


1. Makanan

Pengenalan makanan

Macam – macam buah yang mengandung Vit. C.

Bercakap-cakap tentang macam – macam makanan sumber Vit. C

Bermain peran menjadi orang yang kekurangan Vit. C.

Bercakap-cakap tentang macam makanan sumber Vit. C

Bermain peran menjadi orang yang kekurangan Vit. C.

Bermain Peran

2. Pengenalan buah

Paham bahasa sederhana

Pengenalan warna

Buah – buahan ciptaan Tuhan

Menarik garis 1 (tegak)

Menarik garis sesuai warna

Mewarnai buah yang disukai

Mengurutkan angka 1-8

Membuat coretan bebas

Menarik garis sesuai dengan posisi

Mengurutkan angka 1-5


3. Buah – buahan ciptaan Tuhan

Menggambar buah yang disukai

Karya seni dari kertas lipat

Cara menjaga kebersihan diri

Karya seni dari lilin

Menyebutkan buah kesukaan dalam bahasa inggris

Menyebutkan nama

Menggambar buah kesukaan

Menggunting dan menempel potongan kertas menjadi bentuk buah


Menyebutkan buah kesukaan

Menyebutkan nama buah

Menggambar buah

Menempel potongan kertas menjadi bentuk buah

Membentuk dengan lilin plastisin




Karya seni dari pelepah pisang

Karya seni gambar kolase

bentuk buah dari plastisin

Mewarnai gambar buah yang disukai anak

Mengecap dengan pelepah pisang

Membuat gambar kolase

dengan pelepah pisang

Membuat gambar kolase

4. Koordinasi gerak tubuh

Drumband Drumband Musik


( RPPH )

Semester/Bulan/Minggu : II / Februari / III

Hari/Tanggal : Senin s/d Kamis (15 Februari s/d 19 Februari 2016)

Kelompok/Usia/Kelas : B.1 / 5 Tahun

Tema/Sub Tema : Kebutuhan / Buah

Materi : 1. Pengenalan Buah - buahan 2. Macam – macam buah 3. Buah – buahan ciptaan Tuhan 4. Paham bahasa sederhana 5. Kosakata sederhana dalam bahasa inggris 6. Paham simbol huruf 7. Paham simbol angka 8. Paham konsep bilangan 1-5 9. Mencipta bentuk geometri 10. Mengenal macam buah 11. Menyelesaikan masalah dengan caranya sendiri 12. Menyajikan dan mempresentasikan karya anak 13. Karya seni menempel bentuk geometri 14. Karya seni kolase 15. Karya seni menggunakan balok

Pijakan Lingkungan


15 Februari 2016


16 Februari 2016


17 Februari 2016


18 Februari 2016


19 Februari 2016

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam / bahasa


Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua Sentra

Mencontoh huruf b,

mencontoh angka 1-5.

Mengenal konsep bilangan 1-5

Bermain bentuk geometri


Tanya jawab tentang macam macam buah

Mencipta suatu bentuk buah dengan teknik kolase bangun geometri

Tanya jawab tentang macam – macam buah dalam bahasa inggris

Membentuk buah dari tanah lempung

Menyanyi “ Watermelon”

Menyusun geometri bentuk buah

Membuat bentuk buah dengan cara mengisi pola

Menyanyi “ banana”


Mewarnai gambar buah

Mencipta bentuk buah dari bentuk-bentuk geometri

Alat dan Bahan

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Bahan Alam

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Sentra Bahan Alam

Buku tulis, buku no 1,3 pensil dan penghapus Pensil, plastic pattern bloks

Kertas origami, lem, kepingan geometri.

Gambar buah - buahan, tanah lempung, nampan plastik, alas meja, celemek.

Potongan kertas geometri, lem kertas, buku, lap, kertas karton, kertas lipat, stik es krim, lem fox.


Lembar kegiatan, mainan edukatif

A. KEGIATAN PEMBUKAAN 1. Penyambutan anak sesuai SOP 2. Kegiatan jurnal pagi sesuai SOP 3. Ikrar, berdoa, bernyanyi sesuai SOP 4. Bermain motorik kasar di luar kelas 5. Bermain bebas


Antri ke toilet, cuci tangan, makan bekal, berbagi Menuju Sentra dengan tertib

B. KEGIATAN INTI 1. Pijakan sebelum bermain

a. Pelaksanaan pijakan sebelum bermain sesuai SOP b. Membahas bersama anak tema dan kegiatan main sbb:

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam/ Bahasa Inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Sentra Bahan Alam

Mencontoh huruf b,

mencontoh angka 1-5.

Mengenal konsep bilangan 1-5

Bermain bentuk geometri

Menyusun dan menempel bentuk geometri menjadi bentuk buah

Membentuk buah dari kepingan geometri

Tanya jawab tentang macam – macam buah

Mencipta suatu bentuk dari tanah lempung

Menyanyi “ Watermelon”

Menyusun geometri bentuk buah

Membuat bentuk buah – buahan

Menyanyi banana


Mewarnai gambar buah

Mencipta bentuk dari bentuk-bentuk geometri

2.Pijakan selama bermain - Memberikan kesempatan bermain kepada anak untuk menemukan pengalaman belajarnya. - Guru hanya sebagai fasilitator sambil mencatat perkembangan belajar anak sesuai SOP)

3. Pijakan setelah bermain a. Guru menanyakan kembali pengalaman belajar anak ( recalling ) sesuai SOP b. Guru menegaskan perilaku yang telah dimunculkan anak c. Guru menyampaikankegiatan belajar yang akan datang d. Keluar sentra, persiapan makan siang. C. KEGIATAN PENUTUP 1. Recalling kegiatan harian 2. Pesan kegiatan yang akan datang 3. Bercerita inspiratif 4. Berdoa dan pulang D. EVALUASI

Lembar Evaluasi












Ciputat, 15 Februari 2016

Mengetahui Guru Sentra Bahan Alam Kepala TK Negeri Pembina 1 Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd Siti Ida Masjidah, S.Pd NIP: 196710031991012008 NIP: 19750806 200801 2 004


( RPPH )

Semester/Bulan/Minggu : II / Februari / IV

Hari/Tanggal : Senin s/d Kamis ( 22 Februari s/d 25 Februari 2016)

Kelompok/Usia/Kelas : B.1 / 5 Tahun

Tema/Sub Tema : Kebutuhan / Bagian – bagian buah

Materi : 1. Pengenalan bagian – bagian buah 2. Kosakata bahasa inggris 3. Karya seni meronce 4. Karya seni dengan pensil warna 5. Mengenal posisi kanan dan kiri 6. Mengenal konsep bilangan 7. Mengenal huruf 8. Menyelesaikan masalah 9. Mengenal benda melalui klasifikasi 10. Menyelesaikan masalah dengan puzzle 11. Mengenal bentuk geometri

Pijakan Lingkungan


22 Februari 2016


22 Februari 2016


23 Februari 2016


24 Februari 2016


25 Februari 2016

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / Bermain Peran

Sentra Bahan Alam / Bahasa


Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Tanyajawab tentang bagian – bagian buah

Mengenal konsep bilangan 1-10

Memasangkan kata “banana” = “ pisang”

Menghubungkan garis kata dan gambar

Tanya jawab bagian – bagian buah

Bermain logic

Bermain kepingan alageometri membentuk buah.

Bermain puzzle

Tanya jawab bagian – bagian buah

Memilih buah yang disukai

Membuat sate buah

Menyanyi “ Banana”

Tanyajawab bagian – bagian buah

Melipat bentuk buah


Membentuk dengan block

Menyanyi “ Watermelon”


Mengklasifikasi gambar –gambar buah.

Alat dan Bahan

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Balok / Bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam / Bahasa Inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Buku paket no 4, buku tulis, buku paket no 1, linkable abacus

Gambar-gambar buah, alat-alat yang digunakan di kelas, lem, gunting, krayon,dll

Aneka puzzle

Gambar – gambar buah

Tusuk sate, nampan, aneka buah, pisau buah, garpu, lap

Kertas lipat, buku menempel, lem, lap, gambar sekolah, pensil warna, permainan block.


Gambar-gambar alat-alat yang digunakan di kelas, lem, gunting, krayon,dll


1. Penyambutan anak sesuai SOP 2. Kegiatan jurnal pagi sesuai SOP 3. Ikrar, berdoa, bernyanyi sesuai SOP 4. Bermain motorik kasar di luar kelas 5. Bermain bebas

Transisi Antri ke toilet, cuci tangan, makan bekal, berbagi Menuju Sentra dengan tertib


1. Pijakan sebelum bermain a. Pelaksanaan pijakan sebelum bermain sesuai SOP b. Membahas bersama anak tema dan kegiatan main sbb:

Sentra Persiapan Sentra balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam/ Bahasa Inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Tanya jawab

bagian –

bagian buah



bilangan 1-10


huruf b

Mencari jejak

Tanyajawab bagian – bagian buah

Mengklasifikasi gambar –gambar yang digunakan di kelas.

Bermain puzzle

Bermain logic

Tanya jawab bagian buah

Memilih buah yang disukai

Membuat sate buah

Menyanyi “ Banana”

Tanyajawab bagian – bagian buah

Melipat bentuk sekolah

Mewarnai gambar sekolah

Membentuk dengan block


Mengklasifikasi gambar –gambar buah

2.Pijakan selama bermain - Memberikan kesempatan bermain kepada anak untuk menemukan pengalaman belajarnya. - Guru hanya sebagai fasilitator sambil mencatat perkembangan belajar anak sesuai SOP

3. Pijakan setelah bermain a. Guru menanyakan kembali pengalaman belajar anak ( recalling ) sesuai SOP b. Guru menegaskan perilaku yang telah dimunculkan anak c. Guru menyampaikankegiatan belajar yang akan datang d. Keluar sentra, persiapan makan siang. C. KEGIATAN PENUTUP 1. Recalling kegiatan harian 2. Pesan kegiatan yang akan datang 3. Bercerita inspiratif 4. Berdoa dan pulang D. EVALUASI Lembar Evaluasi












Ciputat, 22 Februari 2016

Mengetahui Guru Sentra Bahan Alam Kepala TK Negeri Pembina 1 Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd Siti Ida Masjidah, S.Pd NIP: 196710031991012008 NIP: 19750806 200801 2 004


( RPPH )

Semester/Bulan/Minggu : II / Februari – Maret / I

Hari/Tanggal : Senin s/d Kamis (29 Februari s/d 3 Maret 2016)

Kelompok/Usia/Kelas : B.1 / 5 Tahun

Tema/Sub Tema : Kebutuhan / Fungsi Buah

Materi : 1. Pengenalan fungsi buah bagi tubuh 2. Kosakata bahasa inggris 3. Karya seni dengan plastisin 4. Kreatifitas dengan menggunting 5. Mengenal posisi kanan dan kiri 6. Mengenal konsep bilangan 7. Mengenal huruf 8. Mengenal bentuk bentuk geometri 9. Mengenal fungsi buah bagi tubuh 10. Bermain peran 11. Menyelesaikan masalah dengan caranya sendiri 12. Menyajikan karyanya dalam bentuk gambar

Pijakan Lingkungan


29 Februari 2016


1 Maret 2016


2 Maret 2016


3 Maret 2016


4 Maret 2016

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok/

Bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam/ Bahasa


Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua Sentra

Tanyajawab fungsi buah bagi tubuh

Menulis kata

Konsep bilangan 1-10

Bermain dengan linkable Abacus

Mencontoh angka 1-5


Mendengarkan cerita “ Saya berani ke dokter “

Memainkan peran dalam cerita “ Dokter, Anak, Ibu, dan Si kumi “

Tanya jawab fungsi buah

Permainan edukatif

Menyebutkan kosakata secara benar dengan teknik “Kuda bisik “

Tanyajawab tentang fungsi buah

Meneliti buah tomat

Menggunting gambar dan menempel

Mencipta dari plastisin


Permainan warna mencoba mencampur warna pokok menjadi warna sekunder

Alat dan Bahan

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam / Bahasa inggris

Sentra Seni dan kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Buku paket no 4 hal 6, buku tulis, buku paket no 1 hal 5, buku paket 3 hal; 9-10, linkable abacus

Buku cerita Alat dan perlengkapan dokter dan buah - buahan

Alat-alat permainan edukatif

Gambar macam – macam buah

Stik es krim, gunting, lembar kegiatan, plastisin

Alat –alat drumband

Bak air, pewarna merah, biru , kuning, gelas


1. Penyambutan anak sesuai SOP 2. Kegiatan jurnal pagi sesuai SOP 3. Ikrar, berdoa, bernyanyi sesuai SOP 4. Bermain motorik kasar di luar kelas 5. Bermain bebas

Transisi Antri ke toilet, cuci tangan, makan bekal, berbagi Menuju Sentra dengan tertib

B. KEGIATAN INTI 1. Pijakan sebelum bermain

c. Pelaksanaan pijakan sebelum bermain sesuai SOP d. Membahas bersama anak tema dan kegiatan main sbb:

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan Alam / Bahasa Inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Mencontoh bentuk bintang

Konsep bilangan 1-12

Menulis huruf e

Bermain dengan linkable Abacus

Mencontoh angka 1-5


Mendengarkan cerita “ Saya berani ke dokter “

Memainkan peran dalam cerita “ Dokter, Anak, Ibu, dan Si kumi “

Tanya jawab fungsi buah

Permainan edukatif

Menyebutkan kosakata secara benar dengan teknik “Kuda bisik

Membuat buah

Menggunting gambar dan menempel

Mencipta dari plastisin


Permainan edukatif ,

Permainan warna mencoba mencampur warna pokok menjadi

warna sekunder

2.Pijakan selama bermain - Memberikan kesempatan bermain kepada anak untuk menemukan pengalaman belajarnya. - Guru hanya sebagai fasilitator sambil mencatat perkembangan belajar anak sesuai SOP

3. Pijakan setelah bermain a. Guru menanyakan kembali pengalaman belajar anak ( recalling ) sesuai SOP b. Guru menegaskan perilaku yang telah dimunculkan anak c. Guru menyampaikankegiatan belajar yang akan datang d. Keluar sentra, persiapan makan siang. C. KEGIATAN PENUTUP 1. Recalling kegiatan harian 2. Pesan kegiatan yang akan datang 3. Bercerita inspiratif 4. Berdoa dan pulang


Lembar Evaluasi












Ciputat, 29 Februari 2016

Mengetahui Guru Sentra Bahan Alam Kepala TK Negeri Pembina 1 Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd Siti Ida Masjidah, S.Pd NIP: 196710031991012008 NIP: 19750806 200801 2 004


( RPPH )

Semester/Bulan/Minggu : II / Maret / II

Hari/Tanggal : Senin s/d Kamis (7 Maret s/d 10 Maret 2016)

Kelompok/Usia/Kelas : B1/ 5 Tahun

Tema/Sub Tema : Kebutuhan / Rasa – rasa buah

Materi : 1. Rasa – rasa buah 2. Kosakata dalam bahasa inggris 3. Karya lukis dengan lilin 4. Kreatifitas dengan menggunting 5. Seni menggambar 6. Mengenal macam – macam rasa 7. Melengkapi kata 8. Mengenalkan bentuk 9. Hasil karya mewarnai 10. Melatih motorik halus dengan menempel

Pijakan Lingkungan


7 Maret 2016


8 Maret 2016


9 Maret 2016


10 Maret 2016


11 Maret 2016

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa


Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Mencontoh bentuk buah

Mencontoh huruf

Mencontoh angka

Memberi tanda =, >, <

Membaca buku cerita


Menempel bentuk buah dengan daun kering

Bermain pemburu “ rasa “

Membuat pudding rasa strawberry

Melengkapi kata “ straw _ _ rry”

Melukis buah strobery dengan tetesan lilin.

Menggunting gambar gelas.

Mewarnai gambar 4 sehat 5 sempurna.


Membentuk dengan plastisin bentuk makanan

Mewarnai gambar makanan

Alat dan Bahan

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa


Sentra Seni dan kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Buku kerja no 4 hal.5, buku kerja no 4 hal 7, buku kerja n0 3 hal 11, buku tulis, pensil, buku cerita

Buku gambar, krayon

Lem fox, lembar kegiatan gambar buah, daun daun kering

Bermacam buah dengan rasa yang berbeda Agar – agar, strawberry, gula , panci, cetakan Krayon, lembar kegiatan gambar

Gambar strobery, pensil warna, lilin, korek api.

Gambar gelas, gunting, lem, lap, buku menempel.

Gambar 4 sehat 5 sempurna, pensil warna.

Alat – alat drumband,

Plastisin warna warni, lembar kegiatan


1. Penyambutan anak sesuai SOP 2. Kegiatan jurnal pagi sesuai SOP 3. Ikrar, berdoa, bernyanyi sesuai SOP 4. Bermain motorik kasar di luar kelas 5. Bermain bebas

Transisi Antri ke toilet, cuci tangan, makan bekal, berbagi Menuju Sentra dengan tertib


1. Pijakan sebelum bermain a. Pelaksanaan pijakan sebelum bermain sesuai SOP b. Membahas bersama anak tema dan kegiatan main sbb:

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa


Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Mencontoh bentuk buah

Mencontoh huruf

Mencontoh angka

Memberi tanda =, >, <


Menempel bentuk buah dengan daun kering

Bermain pemburu “ rasa “

Membuat pudding rasa strawberry

Melengkapi kata “ straw _ _ rry”

Melukis buah strobery dengan tetesan lilin.

Menggunting gambar gelas.

Mewarnai gambar 4 sehat 5 sempurna.


Membentuk dengan plastisin bentuk makanan

Mewarnai gambar makanan

2.Pijakan selama bermain

- Memberikan kesempatan bermain kepada anak untuk menemukan pengalaman belajarnya. - Guru hanya sebagai fasilitator sambil mencatat perkembangan belajar anak sesuai SOP

3. Pijakan setelah bermain a. Guru menanyakan kembali pengalaman belajar anak ( recalling ) sesuai SOP b. Guru menegaskan perilaku yang telah dimunculkan anak c. Guru menyampaikankegiatan belajar yang akan datang d. Keluar sentra, persiapan makan siang. C. KEGIATAN PENUTUP 1. Recalling kegiatan harian 2. Pesan kegiatan yang akan datang 3. Bercerita inspiratif 4. Berdoa dan pulang

D. EVALUASI Lembar Evaluasi












Ciputat, 7 Maret 2016

Mengetahui Guru Sentra Bahan Alam Kepala TK Negeri Pembina 1 Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd Siti Ida Masjidah, S.Pd NIP: 196710031991012008 NIP: 19750806 200801 2 004


( RPPH )

Semester/Bulan/Minggu : II / Maret / III

Hari/Tanggal : Senin s/d Kamis (14 Maret s/d 17 Maret 2016)

Kelompok/Usia/Kelas : B.1 / 5 Tahun

Tema/Sub Tema : Kebutuhan / Tabulampot

Materi : 1. Mengenal tabulampot 2. Membuat tabulampot 3. Kosakata dalam bahasa inggris 4. Kreatifitas 3M 5. Kreatifitas finger painting 6. Melengkapi kata 7. Sandiwara boneka 8. “Games mencari kelompok buah” 9. Menceritakan kebutuhan tubuh akan buah 10. Menunjukkan rasa bangga terhadap hasil karya

Pijakan Lingkungan


14 Maret 2016


15 Maret 2016


16 Maret 2016


17 Maret 2016


18 Maret 2016

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Tanya jawab tambulampot

Mencontoh huruf

Mencontoh angka

Membaca buku cerita


Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Mencipta bentuk tambulampot

Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Games “ pasangan buah dengan kata”

Tebak kata tambulampot

Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Mencocok dan menempel tambulampot

Membuat tambulampot dengan teknik fingerpainting


Sandiwara boneka “ Raja buah “

Alat dan Bahan

Sentra Persiapan Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa


Sentra Seni dan kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Buku kerja no 4 hal.7, buku kerja no 4 hal 8, buku kerja n0 3 hal 12, buku tulis, pensil, buku cerita

Buku gambar, krayon

Pot, tanaman buah, tanah hara, sekop

Bermacam buah , kartu kata lembar kegiatan, krayon Gambar tambulampot

Macam – macam gambar tambulampot

Sketsa, alat cocok, kertas gambar, lem

Kertas, super tempra, lap basah

Alat – alat drumband,

Panggung boneka, aneka boneka buah


1. Penyambutan anak sesuai SOP 2. Kegiatan jurnal pagi sesuai SOP 3. Ikrar, berdoa, bernyanyi sesuai SOP 4. Bermain motorik kasar di luar kelas 5. Bermain bebas

Transisi Antri ke toilet, cuci tangan, makan bekal, berbagi Menuju Sentra dengan tertib

B. KEGIATAN INTI 1. Pijakan sebelum bermain

c. Pelaksanaan pijakan sebelum bermain sesuai SOP d. Membahas bersama anak tema dan kegiatan main sbb:

Sentra Persiapan

Sentra Balok / bermain peran

Sentra Bahan alam/ bahasa inggris

Sentra Seni dan Kreatifitas

Semua sentra

Mencontoh bentuk buah

Mencontoh huruf

Mencontoh angka

Memberi tanda =, >, <


Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Mencipta bentuk tambulampot

Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Games “ pasangan buah dengan kata”

Tebak kata tambulampot

Tanyajawab tentang tambulampot

Mencocok dan menempel tambulampot

Membuat tambulamp


Sandiwara boneka “ Raja buah “

ot dengan teknik fingerpainting

2.Pijakan selama bermain

- Memberikan kesempatan bermain kepada anak untuk menemukan pengalaman belajarnya. - Guru hanya sebagai fasilitator sambil mencatat perkembangan belajar anak sesuai SOP

3. Pijakan setelah bermain a. Guru menanyakan kembali pengalaman belajar anak ( recalling ) sesuai SOP b. Guru menegaskan perilaku yang telah dimunculkan anak c. Guru menyampaikankegiatan belajar yang akan datang d. Keluar sentra, persiapan makan siang. C. KEGIATAN PENUTUP 1. Recalling kegiatan harian 2. Pesan kegiatan yang akan datang 3. Bercerita inspiratif 4. Berdoa dan pulang

D. EVALUASI Lembar Evaluasi












Ciputat, 14 Maret 2016

Mengetahui Guru Sentra Bahan Alam Kepala TK Negeri Pembina 1 Katriatun Sariwening, M.Pd Siti Ida Masjidah, S.Pd NIP: 196710031991012008 NIP: 19750806 200801 2 004


Picture 1. Teacher is using real object as media

Picture 2. Making “Sate Buah”

Picture 3. Doing an exercise

Picture 4. Teacher used pictures in presenting new words

Picture 5. Write and Color Activity

Picture 6. Matching Task