1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Vocabulary is the solid foundation to learn English for children. It is a primary skill which should be mastered by the children before they acquire another language skill, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It means that vocabulary plays an important role in communication both in spoken and written. Richards and Renandya 1 say, “Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.” So, vocabulary is a main skill which should be mastered by the students to get and understand whole English skill; receptive skill (listening and reading) and productive skill (speaking and writing). 1 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridege University Press), 2002, p.255





A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is the solid foundation to learn

English for children. It is a primary skill which

should be mastered by the children before they

acquire another language skill, such as listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. It means that

vocabulary plays an important role in communication

both in spoken and written. Richards and Renandya

1say, “Vocabulary is a core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how

well learners speak, listen, read, and write.” So,

vocabulary is a main skill which should be mastered

by the students to get and understand whole English

skill; receptive skill (listening and reading) and

productive skill (speaking and writing).

1 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology LanguageTeaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: CambridegeUniversity Press), 2002, p.255


The problems may occur when the students do

not master the vocabulary well. They will not be

able to comprehend the content of the text if they

have less vocabulary. They also cannot speak

fluently if their vocabulary is low. Moreover, they

cannot write when they want to convey their opinion

or ideas. Schmitt and Mc Carthy 2 in their book

“Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy”

stated that the learners clearly needed to know

the 3,000 or so high frequency words of the

language. Related to their opinion, the learners are

obviously expected to get 3, 000 or more new words,

so they will be able to use and practice English.

Thus, it is important to apply some vocabulary

learning strategies to build students’ vocabulary in

order that their vocabularies are increased and


2 Schmitt, Norbert and McCarthy, Michael, Vocabulary: Description,Acquisition and Pedagogy. Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 11


Schmit and McCarthy cited Nation3 said that

teaching students strategies is especially important

when it comes to dealing with low frequency words.

Dealing with this opinion, the vocabulary learning

strategies are needed to encourage the students

whose lack of vocabularies. It also can help the

students in developing the students’ vocabularies.

However, the effectiveness of using vocabulary

learning strategies depend on some variables, like

proficiency level, task, text, language modality,

background knowledge, context of learning, target

language, learner characteristic, and so on.

There are some vocabulary learning strategies

which can be used to improve the students’

vocabulary, like using authentic language, making

creative activities, encouraging self motivation,

creating mental linkages, doing memory strategies,

visual/ auditory strategies, and physical action,

applying strategies which is used to overcome

3 Schmit and McCarthy op cit., p. 199


anxiety, strategies which is used to organize words

like using flash card, etc. (Schmit and McCarthy,

1997). These vocabulary learning strategies helps

learner to be ‘good learner’ in mastering

vocabularies. It is happened because it is believed

that if the learners use more various vocabulary

learning strategies is the better achievement in

learning vocabularies. Thus, the writer intends to

know whether the effectiveness of using one strategy

to the other strategy. In this case, he tries to

know the effect of using vocabulary learning

strategies by using the flash card and using the

pictures or imagery.

Flash card is convinced as a better

vocabulary learning strategies than pictures. It is

a handy resource, simple, and versatile, but it is

yet often underexploited resource. It is occurred

when the flash card is usually used for young

learners and it is abandoned while they become adult

learners. Schmit and McCarthy quoted Gairns and


Redman4 that one main advantage of flash card is

that they can be taken almost anywhere and studied

when one has free moment. Based on this opinion,

using flash card is better than picture since it is

simple and easy to be used to advance student’s


Since the using of flash card and picture are

beneficial in raising student’s vocabulary, the

writer is also curios to find out its effectiveness

to the student’s learning styles, in this case

extrovert and introvert. Lawrence and Oliver stated

that it was believed that introverts do better in

school than extroverts, particularly in more

advanced subjects5. Dealing with their opinion about

learning style, it can be concluded that the student

whose learning styles are introverts are better than

student whose learning styles are extroverts in

learning the subject at school related to the

4 Schmit and McCarthy op cit., p. 2155Pervin, A. Lawrence and John P. Oliver, Personality: Theory and

Research. John Wiley and Sons, Inc: Canada, 1997, p.237


comprehension. It is happening because the student

whose learning styles are introvert are tend to

think or reflect first when they want to learn and

know something. This is also happening to the

students of fifth grade SDN Pondok Ranji 2. When the

researcher will take the students as a research

sample, it can be known that the introvert students

have a better score in testing than the introverts

one. Then, the writer also found that the fifth

grade students of SDN Pondok Ranji prefer to use

flash card than picture before the writer doing the

research. It can be seen by their big encouragement

and participation while they use flash card. And it

is contradictory situation if the students use

picture in learning English. They seem to be more

likely to use flash card than picture in learning


Based on the background above, the writer

intends to investigate whether there is an effect of


flash card and picture to student’s learning style

(extrovert-introvert) toward to vocabulary mastery.

B. Identification of the Problem

The study deals with the effect of

flash card and picture to the students’ learning

style (introvert and extrovert) toward to vocabulary

mastery. It focuses on investigating the effect of

using flash card and picture to student’s learning

styles (introvert-extrovert) toward to vocabulary

mastery. To get more detailed about it, the problem

is identified as follows:

1.There are a lot of students who still have

difficulties memorizing vocabulary.

2.The teachers have not found the right strategy to

teach vocabulary.

3.The low of vocabulary mastery in fifth grade is

the real problem.

4.The students’ learning style effects the

vocabulary learning.


5.In leaning the vocabulary, the teachers need the

exposures to make the students active and


6.The extrovert student is harder to learn

vocabulary than the introvert student.

C. Limitation of the Study

The researcher limits the study into three

following problems:

1.How big is the effect of students’ vocabulary

mastery that is given flashcard and pictures in

the fifth grade at SDN Pondok Ranji II, Tangerang

Selatan in the year of 2011/2012 based on their

learning style in the English teaching and

learning process.

2.Effect means that the power which is appeared from

something, even from the real thing or the dead

thing. For example, from the dead thing is ”book”,

for the life thing is ”parents” towards to the


students, teachers toward the students, students

towards the other students.

3.Learning strategies is some efforts to do

something to reach the goals. In this research,

the research is focused on vocabulary learning

strategy (Flashcard and Picture).

4.Learning Style is various approaches or ways of

learning. In this research, the research is

focused on vocabulary learning style (Introvert

and Extrovert).

5.The result of vocabulary that is based on this

research is the result of vocabulary test at grade

5th in SDN Pondok Ranji II, Tangerang Selatan in

the year of 2011/2012.

D.Research Questions

The research focuses on the

investigation of the effect of flash card and

picture to student’s learning style (Introvert and


Extrovert) toward to vocabulary mastery. So, the

questions of the research are:

1) Is there any difference of students’ vocabulary

mastery between students who are taught vocabulary

by using flashcards and students who are taught

vocabulary by using pictures?

2) Is there any interaction between vocabulary

learning strategy and learning style toward to the

vocabulary mastery?

3) Is there any difference of students’ vocabulary

mastery between introvert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and introvert

students who are taught vocabulary by using


4) Is there any difference of students’ vocabulary

mastery between extrovert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and extrovert

students who are taught vocabulary by using



E.Objectives of the Study

This study has an objective to investigate

the problems above by investigating the research

questions, such as;

1. The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between students who are taught vocabulary by

using flashcards and students who are taught

vocabulary by using pictures.

2. The interaction between vocabulary learning

strategy and learning style toward to the

vocabulary mastery.

3. The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between introvert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and introvert

students who are taught vocabulary by using


4. The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between extrovert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and extrovert


students who are taught vocabulary by using


F.Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to

provide a number of theoretical and practical

benefits. Theoretically, the results of the study

are expected to be the sources of the empirical

evidence for the English teachers in using flash

card and picture based on the students’ learning

style (extrovert and introvert) in order that the

students are able to master the vocabulary.

Practically, the study can be using for the English

teachers in developing the students’ vocabulary by

using flash card and picture.




A.Review of Related Literature

This thesis related on some researches which

are applied by the experts and linguists; Scott

Thornbury (2002) who did the research about the

importance of vocabulary mastery in learning

language. The result of his research was found that

vocabulary was a central language which should be

mastered by the students in learning language since

it was a language skill which reflected other

language skills, like speaking, writing, listening,

and structure.

Wilson (1978) who investigated the study

habits between introverts and extroverts. His result

of investigation was found that introverts do better

in school than extroverts. It was meant that the

introverts more focused than extroverts in learning

the subject. Dealing with this, the introvert would


get better achievement in mastering vocabulary than


The poll in 2011 on Voxy English Language

Teaching site showed that 93 % of teachers said that

flash cards help students learn the languages.

Dealing with this, it is no doubt that the using of

flash card takes an important part in developing

students’ vocabulary mastery.

B.Theoretical Framework

1. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary takes an important part in the

language use. It has a great impact to the students

when they want to convey and share their opinion by

oral and written. The students can speak fluently

and have a good writing if they have some

vocabularies. It is also one of the factors to

master English as a foreign language. Joseph P.


O’rourke 6 says, “Vocabulary mastery is one of the

factors to master English as a Foreign Language.”

Dealing with O’rourke’s opinion, vocabulary mastery

is one skill that should be owned by the students

who intend to understand and comprehend English. In

other words, the vocabulary mastery is one factor

which leads the students in mastering English

succesfully besides the other factors like English

skills; reading, writing, speaking, listening, age,

motivation, etc.

While Norbert Schmit and Michael Mc. Chartey7say:

“Mastering vocabulary isn’t easy, yet otheraspects of the language should be consideredsuch as sound, and structure. Vocabulary isone of the most important elements in alanguage. To speak the language well needs tomaster it. No matter how well you learngrammar, how successfully the sound of aforeign language just cannot happen in anymeaningful way.”

6 O’rourke, P. Joseph, Toward a Science of Vocabulary Development.Netherlands: Mouton, 1974, p. 26

7 Schmit, Norbert and Chartey Mc. Michael, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy. London: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 140


Based on the Schmit’s opinion about

vocabulary mastery above, it can be said that it is

quite complicated to master vocabulary since it is

the main elements of language skill. If the students

want to speak English, they have to know some

vocabularies first. If they require to be able to

write, they also have to learn some vocabularies.

And if they want to comprehend what people speak

through listening, they have to study some

vocabularies too. Thus, vocabulary is really

important in mastering English. However, to make it

improved is quite hard to be done. Ronald Carter

quoted Eve Clark8:

“Building up a vocabulary is a complicatedprocess, and one that takes a long time. By1, 5 years or so, children may have aroundfifty words, and a couple of years later,many have several hundred. But the processdoes not stop there, at the age of 4 or 5.Children as old as 8 or 9 are still workingout complicated word meanings, e.g. themeanings of terms like cousin and although. Andadults go on acquiring vocabulary over many

8 Carter, Ronald, Vocabulary Applied Linguistic Perspectives. New York:Routledge, 1987, p. 184


years. Words like inconcinnous or widdershinssend many of us to the dictionary.”

Based on Ronald’s opinion above, it can be

said that increasing vocabulary needs a long process

specifically for the students who learn English as

their target language. The students take many years

only for learning vocabulary. Dealing with this, it

is an incredible thing if the students are able to

master the vocabulary just like the native speaker.

At least as a good foreign language learners, they

have to master the 2, 000 vocabularies in the

beginning level.

By knowing vocabulary mastery, the question

may arise: “What is vocabulary?” Grambs 9 in his

book “Words about Words” stated that vocabulary is a

list of words usually defined and alphabetized as in

a dictionary or specialized glossary; complete word

stock of a language; sum corpus of words used in a

sub language or by a group, class or individual,9 Grambs, David, Words about Words. US: Mc Graw Hill Book

Company, 1984, p. 733


scope of diction, command of words or range of


From the Grambs’s opinion about vocabulary

above, it can be said that vocabulary is all the

language and words either used or understood by a

person or group of people. It can be a list of words,

phrases, abbreviations, inflectional form, etc, usually

arranged in alphabetical order and defined or otherwise

identified, as in a dictionary or glossary. Besides, it

is used for language expression.

Cook 10says, “Vocabulary is as words which

are related one to another so the meaning depends on

the context.” Dealing with this point of view about

vocabulary, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

meaningful words within the context. Even it has a

similar word, it must have different usage depend on

the context. For example, the word ‘thing’ and

‘stuff’. Although they have the same meaning, but

10 Cook, Vivian, Second Language Learning and Language Teaching.London: Chapman and Hall, 1991, p.37


the context is different. The word ‘thing’ is

appropriate to be used in the formal situation, and

the word ‘stuff’ is adjustable to be applied in an

informal situation.

While Penny Ur11 stated that vocabulary is the

words that teach in the foreign language. Based on

this opinion, when the students learn English, they

must be taught vocabulary for strengthen their

language acquisition from the early beginning step.

By learning vocabulary, the students will not only

learn single words of foreign language, but also set

phrases, variable phrases, phrasal verbs, and idioms

of foreign language


2. Kinds of Vocabulary

John Read stated that there are two kinds of

vocabulary; the function words and the content

11 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (NewYork : Cambridge University ), 1996, p.60


words.12 Function word is a word that is uninflected

and serves a grammatical function but has little

identifiable meaning. The function words include:

(a) Articles- it is one of a limited class of noun

modifiers that determine the referents of noun

phrases. For example: an extremely fast runner, this

bouquet of roses, the substance of this bottle, etc;

(b) Preposition – it is a function word that

combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to

form a prepositional phrase that can have an

adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word.

For example: under the car, to him, with them, etc;

(c) Pronoun – it is a function word that is used in

place of a noun or noun phrase. For example: I like

him, I know her, She is never late, etc;

(d) Conjunction – it is an uninflected function word

that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses

or sentences. For example: Rita and Rina, tea or

coffee, beautiful but lazy, etc; 12 Read, John, Assessing Vocabulary. (New York: Cambridge

University Press), 2000, p. 18


(e) Auxiliaries – it is a forming part of the

conjugation (pattern of the tenses of main verbs)

which is always inflected. For example: I will come,

he does not come, I am hungry, etc.

Meanwhile, Content Words is a word to which

an independent meaning can be given by reference to

a world outside any sentence in which the word may

occur Compare. The content words include: (a) Noun -

is a member of a large, open lexical category whose

members can occur as the main word in the subject of

a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of

a preposition (or put more simply, a noun is a word

used to name a person, animal, place, thing or

abstract idea). Noun can be classified into Proper

nouns and common nouns, Collective nouns, Concrete

nouns and abstract nouns, etc. For example: London,

Jupiter, school, etc; (b) Full Verbs- it is

a verb with its own meaning: a verb that is not

an auxiliary verb. For example: She lives in

Jakarta; some people are there; Do you feel happy?;


(c) Adjectives – modifies a noun or a pronoun by

describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An

adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun

which it modifies. For example: The truck-

shaped balloon floated over the treetops; Mrs.

Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall

paper; The small boat foundered on the wine

dark sea; (d) Adverbs - An adverb can modify a verb,

an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause.

An adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or

degree and answers questions such as "how," "when,"

"where," "how much". For example: The

seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes; the

midwives waited patiently through a long labor;

the boldly spoken words would return to haunt the


Based on Read’s view about kinds of

vocabulary above, it can be said that vocabulary is

kind of words which include part of speech such as

noun, verbs, adjective, adverb, article,


preposition, pronoun, conjunction, and auxiliaries.

This part of speech has a significance influence in

giving a meaning to the word. For example, the using

of article ‘the’ in ‘student’ makes the word

‘student’ become indefinite subject. And the using

of article ‘a’ in ‘student’ makes the word ‘student’

become definite subject, and so on.

According to Pamela J. Farris in her book

“Teaching Reading: A Balance Approach for Today’s

Classroom” stated that there are four types of

vocabulary; listening vocabulary, speaking

vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and writing

vocabulary13. Listening Vocabulary is the first type

of vocabulary a young child acquires. It will become

the largest of his vocabularies; made up words he

hears and understands but might not actually use in

his every day speech or his writing; Speaking

Vocabulary is the words learned initially by

imitating the modeling done by family members and13 Farris, J. Pamela, Teaching Reading: A Balance Approach for Today’s

Classroom. New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2004, p. 381


other adult in the child’s life; Reading Vocabulary

is the words which need to be known and understand

by the people who read the text; While Writing

Vocabulary is the words learned primarily in school

where the children are exposed to an increasing

variety of words.

Dealing with Pamela’s opinion about the type

or kind of vocabulary, it is known that the

vocabulary includes of words which must be exposured

by the students and teacher particularly in

listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills so

that the students can be successful learner in

learning English.

3. Aspect of Vocabulary

Acoording to James D. Brown, there are nine

aspects of vocabulary knowledge14. These aspects of

vocabulary includes spoken form, written form, word

parts, form or meaning link, concepts and14 Brown, D. James, Language Teaching Research. 2011, p. 83-87


referents, associations and synonyms, and

grammatical functions. Dealing with this opinion, it

can be said that aspect of vocabulary includes

recognizing the form of the word and attaching a

meaning to it. It is also recognizing and knowing

its word class, knowing how it is pronounced and

how it is spelled, knowing its different senses,

knowing the forms and meanings of its derivatives,

knowing the synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms of its

senses and derivatives, knowing the grammatical

properties of the word, knowing how

it collocates with other words in multi-word

items and lexical patterns, and

knowing constraints on the use of the word.

4. The Role of Vocabulary in the Language Learning

Vocabulary seemed not touched in the teaching

and learning English as a Second Language (ESL) and

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) during the


period 1940 until 1970 since it had been emphasized

too much in language classrooms during the years

that time. It was believed that vocabulary was less

important than the other language skill because it

did not have ‘content’ or ‘expression’. Carter

quoted Gleason15 said that in learning a second

language, you will find that vocabulary is

comparatively easy, in spite of the fact that

students fear most. Based on this opinion, mastering

vocabulary is obviously not quite difficult. The

harder part is mastering new structures in both

content and expression. Thus, some students are

facing some problems mastering new words. And in the

late 1970s, finally vocabulary has been convinced

that it is important skill which should be learnt in

learning English as a Second Langauge and English as

a Foreign Language.

Vocabulary has an important role in

developing the students’ competence in speaking,

15 Carter, Ronald, op cit., p. 184


listening, reading and writing skills. It also can

be said that that vocabulary is a basic main skill

which encourages the students to learn English by

integrated skill. In other words, if the student’s

vocabulary is good, they can be good in practice

English too.

Joseph P. O’rourke 16 says, “Vocabulary is

central to language and importance to language

learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express his ideas in both

oral and written forms.”

According to O’rourke’s opinion above, vocabulary is

a vehicle to communicate orally and writtenly. It

means that the learner who intends to have a good

speaking and writing, he must master vocabulary

first in order that they can convey the meaning and

message of the expression.

16 O’rourke, P. Joseph,op cit., p. 26


Jack C. Richard17 says, “Without an extensivevocabulary and strategies for acquiring newvocabulary, learners often achieve less thantheir potential and may be discourage formaking use of language learning opportunitiesaround them such as listening to the radio,listening to native speakers, using thelanguage in different contexts, reading, orwatching television.”

Dealing with Richard’s opinion above,

vocabulary has an impact to the English students’

competence particularly in facing their real life

experience. They can be able to read English text

books, magazines, newspaper, and listening to the

English song or the English news. However, it is not

easy to master vocabulary. Learning vocabulary needs

other aspect of language. Schmitt18 says, “Vocabulary

is one of the most important elements in a language.

No matter how well you learn grammar, how

successfully the sound of a foreign language just

cannot happen in any meaningful.” Dealing with this

opinion, it can not be doubt anymore that learning

17 Jack C. Richard op cit., p. 255.18 Norbert Schmit and Michael Mc Charley. Op cit., p.


English without vocabulary is nothing since it gives

meaning to the English language using.

5. Learning Style

Learning style is various approaches or ways

of learning. It involves educating methods,

particular to an individual that are presumed to

allow that individual to learn better. It is

commonly believed that most people favor some

particular method of interacting with, taking in,

and processing stimuli or information. Based on this

concept, the idea of individualized "learning style"

originated in the 1970s, and has gained popularity

in recent years. It has been proposed that teachers

should assess the learning style of their students

and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each

student's learning style. And also it has a

significant role to develop students’ competencies

and skills. However, the using of learning style to


the teaching and learning method is looked like


Brown19 said that learning style is when

cognitive styles particularly connected with the

education context in which is each the affective and

physiology factor related.

Dealing with Brown’s opinion about learning

style, it can be said that learning style is the

orientation to get some learning experiences which

is affected to the personality or attitudes. In line

with this, learning style of each student must be

different. It depends on his/her attitudes whether

introvert or extrovert in perceiving information.

Theo cited Ausubel 20 stated that learning

style or known as ‘cognitive style’ is as self-

consistent and enduring individual differences in L2

learning success.

19 Brown op cit., p. 12820 Theo, et al op cit., p. 112


From Theo’s opinion about learning styles, it

can be concluded that learning styles is as a

characteristics of an individual in processing

information. It identifies students’ preferred

styles of learning across different educational

contexts. By knowing the students’ preferred

styles, the students will be able to determine the

learning strategies of second or foreign language

learning too.

Tenner and Allen 21also stated on their

article “Learning: Learning Styles and the Problem

of Instructional Selection Engaging All Student in

Science Courses” that learning styles are the

preference or predisposition of an individual to

perceive and process information in a particular way

or combination of ways.

Based on Tenner and Allen’s opinion above, it

can be seen that learning style is a term which21 Tanner, Kimberly and Allen, Deborah, Learning: Learning Styles

and the Problem of Instructional Selection Engaging All Student in Science Courses,Cell Biology Education Vol 3, 2004, p. 197


reflected to the preference of people in the way of

learning according to their social and physiology

background. Learning styles also help the students

to process information from the teacher. In other

words, the style and the way they learn make

students understand the materials.

6. Types of Learning Style

There are some learning styles which are

identified by the researchers. Eyesenk (1970) stated

that there are three types of learning styles;

Introvert and Extrovert, Field Dependent and Field

Independent, Neuroticsm and Psychotism.

a. Introvert

Introvert is one of dimension of personality

trait. It is a stereotype which indicates people who

tend to be solitary than sociality. It is also known

with the people whose character is quiet and calm.


The introverted people are reflected to the

inventors and philosophers because they react to the

external individually. So, they tend to reflect

their subjective perceptions than objective facts.

Jess and Gregory quoted Jung22:

“Introversion is the turning inward of psychic

energy with an orientation toward the subjective.

Introverts are tuned in to their inner world with

all its biases, fantasies, dreams and individualized

perceptions. These people perceive the external

world, but they do so selectively and with their own

subjective view.”

Based on the opinion about the introversion,

it can be said that introvert people is oriented to

subjective experience. He/ she tends to spend more

time to the inner and private life. Besides, he/ she

is introspective with his/her internal life. Dealing

22 Feist Jess and J. Feist Gregory, Theories of Personality, NewYork: McGraw Hill Companies, 2006, p. 116


with this, introvert people often appears aloof and


Hans J. Eysenck 23 defined that introvert

students tends to be quite, introspective, reserved,

reflective, distrustful of impulsive decision, and

prefers a well-ordered life to one filled with

chance and risk.

Dealing with this, it can be said that

introvert student is a kind of the student who tends

to think or reflect first when he wants to learn and

know something, so he is assumed as a ‘slow person’

because of his slow respond from something including

learning. He also acts regularly require an amount

of “private time” to get focused. Thus, when he

wants to learn something, he needs some time for

solitary since he feels it will make him more focus.

Moreover, he prefers one – to – one communication

23 Pervin, Lawrence A and John Oliver. P, Personality (Theory andResearch), Canada, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,1996, p. 234


and relationship. Therefore, he is quite hard to

socialize in the community.

Jung cited by Hall24 stated that both

introversion and extroversion can combine with

forming eight possible orientations; introversion-

thinking, introversion-feeling, introversion-

sensation, introversion-intuition extroversion-

thinking, extroversion-feeling, extroversion-

sensation, extroversion-intuition.

1. Introversion-Thinking

Thinking is logical intellectual activity

that produces a chain of ideas. Peole who habitually

use this function in their adaptation to the world

are known as thinking types. Thinking involves a

subject (the thinker) and object (the ideas thought

about). When the subjective is dominant, it is

called introverted thinking. Inventors and

philosophers are often introverted thinking types

24 Hall, S. Calvin, et all, Introductionto Theories of Personality. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1985, p. 122


because they react to the objective world in a

highly subjevtive and creative manner, interpreting

old dta in new ways.

2. Introversion-Feeling

Feeling is the process of valuing an idea or

event. Introverted feeling is found in the people

who base their value judgements primarily on

subjective perceptions rather than objective facts.

Writers and artists are often have introversion

feeling because express their intensity only in art.

They may give the impression of inner harmony and

self-sufficiency, but their feelings may erupt in

sudden emotional storms.

3. Introversion-Sensation

Sensation is the physic function that

receives physical stimuli and transmits them to

perceptual consciousness. Introversion-sensation is

found in the people who has geratly sensing in their


interpretations, like portrait artists. These people

may often appear calm and self controlled, but they

may also rather boring because of their relative

deemphasis on thoughts and feelings.

4. Introversion-Intuition

Intuition is the most difficult function to

understand or describe since it involves perception

beyond the workings of conciousness. Introversion-

intuition is unconcious perception of facts that are

basically subjective. Introversion-intuition is

found in the people whose dreamers and visionaries.

They tend to be impractical, but they may have

brillian intuitions that others can adopt and


5. Extroversion-Thinking

Extraverted thinking flows primarily from

objective phenomena and is essentially a concious

process. It is found on the scientists and


researchers. They tend to appear impersonal, even

cold or haughty. They like introverted people who

represses the feeling function.

6. Extraversion-Feeling

Extraversion-feeling is changed as

frequently as the situation changed. It is found on

the actors, businessmen, and politicians. They tend

to be emotional and moody but also sociable and

sometimes showy. They are not guided so much by

their subjective opinion, but by external values and

widely accepted standards of judgement.

7. Extraversion-Sensation

Extraversion-sensation is found on the

people whose occupation as a proofreader, house

painter, wine taster, or any other job demanding

sensory discriminations congruent with those of most

people. Their sensation are not greatly influenced


by their subjective attitude. They are often

realistic, practical, and hardheaded.

8. Extraversion-Intuition

Extraversion-Intuition is found on inventors

and entrepreneurs. Such people seem always to be

looking for new worlds to conquer. They can be very

good at promoting new enterprises, but their

interest is not sustained.

According to the eight possible orientations

between introvert and extrovert above, it can be

concluded that both learning styles have differences

in their thinking, feeling, sensation, and

intuition. Introvert students reflects to the

subjective thinking and feeling. They tend to be

cautios in doing the thing including learning.

Dealing with this, the introvert students must be

take slowly doing some learning. However, it does

not mean they are not good learners. In fact, they

can have great preparation of learning. Therefore,


they can be good learners in mastering vocabulary

since they are focused to the material.

b. Extrovert Students

Jess and Gregory quoted Jung say25 :

“Extroversion is the attitude distinguished by the

turning outward of the psychic energy so that a

person oriented toward the objective and away from

the subjective.”

Meanwhile, Hans J. Eysenck26 stated that the

typical extravert is sociable, likes parties, has

many friends, craves excitement, acts on the spur of

the moment, and is impulsive.

Based on the opinion about extroverts above,

it can be said that extroversion is kind of learners

who tends to focus the objective attitude while

suppressing the subjective. It means that they are

not reflected on their subjective opinion but they

25 Feist Jess and J. Feist Gregory. Op. cit., p.11626 Pervin, Lawrence A and John Oliver. P. Op. cit., p. 234


make value judgments based on the objective data or


Meanwhile, Hans J. Eysenck27 stated that the

typical extravert is sociable, likes parties, has

many friends, craves excitement, acts on the spur of

the moment, and is impulsive.

Based on Hans’s opinion about extraverts

above, it can be said that extraverts are more

influenced by their surroundings than by their inner

world. They are active and flexible. Thus, they have

no problem with the new situation since they are

open minded. Dealing with this, the extravert

learners are easier to join learning communities.

So, if they have some obstacles in learning, they

can solve it out . However, it does not mean they

are really good learners. Their impulsive character

makes them be inconsistent with the situation. So,

27 Pervin, Lawrence A and John Oliver. P. Op. cit., p. 234


they will focus to learning if there are some

learning stimulation.

c. Field Dependent

Theo, at al, states28, “Field Dependent

persons tend to show a strong social orientation;

they are usually more emphatic and more perceptive

of feelings of others.” Dealing with this opinion,

field dependent learners are kind of learners who

prefer studying to the social orientation. They

learn the material with social content best. As a

result, they learn material with holistic.

d. Field Independent

Theo, at al, states29, Field independent is

persons tend to show an impersonal orientation; they

are generally individualistic and less aware of the

things by which other are moved. Based on this view,

field independent learners are kind of learners who

28 Theo, et al, op.cit., p.29 Theo, et al, op.cit., p.


study to impersonal orientation. They learn the

material analytically. So, the will be interested in

learning new concepts.

7. Vocabulary Learning Strategy

In learning vocabulary, the learners are

expected to explore some vocabulary strategies. It

is needed to support the students in learning

English as a Foreign Language. Visnja Pavicic Takac30

stated that in the certain periods in the research

on learning strategies were marked by the

preferences for a certain research method. In terms

of methods, research on vocabulary learning

strategies has, naturally, followed the same course

of development, either as part of general learning

strategies or as their specialized subgroup. Dealing

with this opinion, vocabulary learning strategies

are various and it can be refer to the students’

30 Pavicic Takac, Visnja 2008, Vocabulary Learning Strategies andForeign Language Acquisition, Canada, The MPG Books Group. p. 83.


preference which is better for improving their


Schmitt and MC Carthy31 stated that vocabulary

learning strategies could be any which affect this

rather broadly defined process. Related to their

opinion, the vocabulary learning strategies can be

said as specific method to approach the assignment

or task to achieve some goals. In other words, it is

as general pattern of the teacher and student’s

activity in the teaching and learning to get the

specific goal which is to master vocabulary.

8. Kinds of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

There are some kinds of vocabulary learning

strategies which can be used for improving students

in learning English as a Foreign Language. Oxford

R.L (1990) classified vocabulary strategies into

five strategies32; (a) Determination is one of

taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies which31 Ibid

32 Norbert Schmit and Michael Mc Charley. Op cit., p. 206


includes analyzing part of speech, analyzing affixes

and roots, checking for L1 cognate, analyzing any

available pictures or gestures, guessing from

textual context, using bilingual dictionary, using

monolingual dictionary, using word lists, and using

flash card; (b) Social Strategies is one of

taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies which

includes asking teacher for L1 translation, asking

teacher for paraphrase or synonym of new word,

asking teacher for a sentence including the new

word, asking classmates for meaning, discovering new

meaning through group work activity; (c) Cognitive

Strategies is one of taxonomy of vocabulary learning

strategies which includes verbal repetition, written

repetition, word lists, flash cards, take notes in

class, using vocabulary section in text book, listen

to tape word lists, put English labels on physical

objects, and keeping a vocabulary notebook; (d)

Metacognitive Strategies is one of taxonomy of

vocabulary learning strategies which includes using


English-language media (song, movies, newscasts,

etc), testing oneself with word tests, using spaced

word practice, skipping or passing new word, and

continuing to study word over time; and (e) Memory

Strategies is one of taxonomy of vocabulary learning

strategies which includes studying word with a

pictorial representation of its meaning, imaging

word’s meaning, connecting word to a personal

experience, associating the word with its

coordinates, connecting the word to its synonyms and

antonyms, sing semantic maps, using scales for

gradable adjectives, studying the sound of a word,

saying new word aloud when studying, imaging word

form, underlining initial letter of the word,

configuration, using keyword method, remembering

affixes and roots, remembering part of speech,

paraphrasing the word’s meaning, using cognates

studying, learning the words of an idiom together,

using physical action when learning a word, and

using semantic feature grids.


Based on the opinion about vocabulary

learning strategies above, it can be known that

vocabulary learning strategies involves the method

to use and practice vocabulay in various ways, like

analyzing, repeating, discovering new words, etc.

These strategies put the cognitive side of the

students in learning vocabulary so the students are

expected to know more and deeply some vocabularies.

Besides that, the students are encouraged to learn

by making them keep in touch with the teacher or

another students as peer tutor about some unknown

words. The students are also taught how to find an

interesting way to memorize vocabularyby using

physical activities, imaginery, and so on.

While Stoffer (1995) divided vocabulary

learning strategies into nine: (a) Strategies

involving authentic language use; (b) Strategies

involving creative activities; (c) Strategies used

for self-motivation; (d) Strategies used to create


mental linkages; (e) Memory strategies; (f) Visual/

Auditory strategies; (g) Strategies involving

physical action; (h)Strategies used to overcome

anxiety; and (i) Strategies used to organize.

Dealing with Stoffer’s opinion, the vocabulary

learning strategies are some approaches to

understand and use the words with fun and creative

so the students are motivated to learn it. This

vocabulary strategies includes the visual or audio

material. In addition, he added the physical

activities too to make the students be more

confidence to practice vocabulary.

Based on some vocabulary learning strategies

above, the the writer believed that the using of

flash card and picture are two main essentials which

can be effective in mastering vocabulary. Obviously,

what is flash card and picture?


a. Flash Card

Lado 33says: “Flash card is a set of cards

with a word or phrase on one side and its meaning

usually in translation-on the other.”Dealing with

Lado’s view about flash card, it can be said that

flash card is one vocabulary learning strategy which

is formed from a paper and it is contained words and

meaning, so the students can use it to improve their

vocabulary skill.

Wijayanti34 says: “Flash cards are a really

handy resource to have and can be useful at every

stage of the class and they are a simple, versatile,

yet often underexploited resource.” Based on this

opinion, the writer may conclude that flashcard is a

tool for teaching the students’ vocabulary. It is

33 Lado, Robert, Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach. New York: Mc Graw Hills, Inc, 1964, p. 147

34 Wijayanti, Eri (2008) The Implementation of Teaching English UsingFlashcard at The Fourth Year Students of SDN 1 Sentono, Klaten in 2007/2008Academic Year. Thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2007


printed paper which can be formed as a picture,

number, and vocabulary. It is really easy and simple

to bring. Besides, it can make the students get

excited to memorize the vocabulary with quick and


Mariana Karim35 said that there are two kinds

of flash; word flash card and picture flash card.

Word flash cards can be used for structural drills

and vocabulary review. Picture flash card can also

be used to introduce or vocabulary review.

b. Picture

Vernon S. Gerlach36 says:

“Pictures are a two dimensional visualrepresentation of a person, places or things,photograph which are most common, butsketches, cartoon, murals, cottons, charts,graphs, and maps are widely used. Picture maynot only be worth a thousand years or athousand miles. Through pictures, learner can

35 Karim, Mariana, et all, Pengelolaan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris 1.Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka, 1999, p. 31

36 Gerlach, S, Vernon, Teaching and Media: A Systematic Approach. NewYork: Prentice Hall, 1980, p. 273


see people, places, and things from areas foroutside, their own experiences.”

Based on Vernon’s view, picture is something

that encourages students to achieve some learning

experiences, like people, culture, and many things.

Even it is formed as a paper or photograph, it

really helps the learners to understand and use

vocabulary. The students also feel excited to apply

it since it is eyes catching vocabulary learning


Andrew Wright 37says:

“Picture is the non-verbal sources ofinformation. The non-verbal helps us topredict what the next might be about, andthis ability to predict help us to recognizemeaning more quickly that if we had to sortit out solely from what we hear and read.Picture can represent these non-verbalsources of information. Indeed, they and whatthey represent are centrally bound up withthe nature of communication itself. What wesee affects how we interpret what we hear andvice versa.”

Based on Andrew’s opinion about the picture

above, it can be concluded that picture can help the37 Wright, Andrew, Pictures for Language Learning, New York: CVP,

1994, p. 137


learners find out the new words in interesting way.

Indeed, the picture is one vocabulary learning

strategy which takes visualization and information.

Thus, it it will make students get easy to master


There are some types of vocabulary which

should be mastered by the students in learning

English. Mary Finnocharion in her article “Visual

Aids in Language Teaching as a Second Language”

stated that there are three kinds of pictures:

pictures of person and single object, pictures of

people engaged in activities presenting the

relationship between individual’s objects, and a

series of six to ten pictures mounted on one charts

of count noun (as piece of furniture) or mass nouns

(as food) or support of work activities38. Dealing

with this opinion, picture involves people and

thing (object) as the information.

38 Finnocharion, Mary, Visual Aids in Language Teaching as a SecondLanguage. English Teaching Forum, XIII, Londond: HunterCollege, 1982, p. 265


John Read stated on his book “Assessing

Vocabulary” stated that there are six types of

picture which include: wall charts; wall pictures,

sequence pictures, flash card, and work card. (a)

Wall Charts; (b)Wall Pictures is simply a large

illustration of scenes or event. It is usually used

for the whole class; (c) Sequence Pictures is a

series of pictures on a single subject. Its function

is to tell a story, a sequence of event; (d) Flash

Card which consists of word flash card and picture

flash card. The word flash card is printed word.

This card can be used to demonstrate exactly what

the teacher wishes. And the picture flash card is

really useful for the representation of single

concept or an action; and (e) Work Card which

includes of visual as well as text, magazine,

picture, drawing, map and diagram. It can be an

important part at all levels and it is used for

variety purpose.


Based on Read’s view about kinds of

vocabulary above, it can be seen that picture is so

widely to be interpreted as one vocabulary learning

strategy. It could be the picture on the wall or

cartoon and the picture on the magazine. So, it

gives students preferences to learn

There are some advantages of using picture

particularly for teaching and learning tools.

However, it has also some disadvantages in using it.

According to Edmundo J. Mora, there are five

advantages of using picture39: First, they cost

little or nothing. Second, they are available even

in places where no other pictures can be found.

Third, they do not require space storing and filling

as pictures from other source do. Fourth, sometimes

students who are poor language-learners can draw

well. Exercises which require drawing will give such

students a chance to win praise, and the praise may

help those students learn. And the last, when39 Mora, J. Edmundo, Using Pictures Creatively. Teaching

English Forum (USA: number 4, volume XXVI, 1987, p.28


someone has drawn a picture of a scene, he knows the

meanings of the English words that the teacher will

use while talking about parts of his scene.

While Vernon stated that there are seven

advantages of using pictures40: First, pictures are

inexpensive and widely available. Second, they

provide common exercises for an entire group. Third,

the visual detail makes it possible to study

subjects which would otherwise be impossible.

Fourth, pictures can help to prevent and correct

misconceptions. Fifth, pictures offer a stimulus to

further study, reading and research. Sixth, they

help to focus attention and to develop critical

judgment. And the seventh, they are easily


Dealing with the opinion about the advantage

of picture, it can be concluded that picture is

really helpful for helping students in learning. It

is cheap, attracted, easy, and it also makes

40 Vernon, op cit., p. 277


students more focused. Therefore, picture is also

useful for supporting students in mastering

vocabulary since it is easy, simple, and


Although the using of picture is beneficial

for teaching and learning tool, it also has some

disadvantages. Nic Underhil in his book “Testing

Spoken Language: A Handbook of Oral Testing

Technique” said that there are three disadvantages

of using pictures41: First, with a visual stimulus

there is a danger that the learner will miss the

point of pictures or story, for personal or cultural

reason. Second, unless vocabulary items in the

pictures are supplied, the learner who knows the

names of only two or three crucial item will be at

strong. Advantage over those who do not. Even if the

items are supplied on request and mark not deducted,

it is physiological demodulating, to have to ask for

41 Underhil, Nic, Testing Spoken Language: A Handbook ofOral Testing Technique. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1987, p. 67


vocabulary before you begin. Third, suitable cartoon

stories are hard to find and difficult for an

amateur to draw. Even deciding on a good storyline

can be difficult task particularly in situation

where learner can and find several alternatives.

Based on the opinion about the disadvantage

of using picture above, it is known that using

picture might be attracted for students, but they

will miss the point of the picture. It means that

the students can have mistaken in comprehending the

picture if its drawing or material is not good.

Thus, the picture should be printed well or else the

students will have misconceptions of it.

C. Conceptual Framework

1)The Difference of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

between Students who Use Flashcards and Students

who Use Pictures.


Vocabulary skill is a skill which is built

based on good willingness and effort. It also has

big numbers and level based on the students’

ability. Related to this, it must be not an easy

thing to assess students’ vocabulary mastery because

every students must have different level and

knowledge of vocabulary. Besides, inappropriate

learning strategies also can be the obstacle for the

students in mastering vocabulary. Therefore, the

researcher takes two kinds of students’ vocabulary

learning strategies which is using flashcard and

picture on the research. This vocabulary learning

strategies are convinced as some good strategies to

motivate students’ development in vocabulary skill.

However, based on the theory above, it is

found that the students’ vocabulary achievement is

better if the students are exposed to use flash card

since the students are lead to think creative, fun,

and simple by applying this strategy. Furthermore,

the students are more courage to express their


opinion, do argument well and proper. So, by using

flash card, the weak students are more helped to

solved their problem.

2. The Interaction of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

and Learning Styles to the Students’ Vocabulary


Vocabulary is a main skill which develops the

other language skills, like reading, listening,

speaking, and writing. It is also one foundation

that makes students succed in learning English.

However, vocabulary skill seem not exposed to be

learnt by the students in the English learning and

teaching activity. The human factor like laziness

and boredom lead the students not to focus on

vocabulary. How to solve this problem is actually

reflected to collaborate the vocabulary strategy and

the learning style.

Learning style is way of doing something. It

is someone’s preferences in choosing his/ her


choices. Dealing with this, students must be have

some learning styles in choosing their likeness to

learn something. Based on the relationship between

learning style and vocabulary mastery, it is

believed that there is an interaction between

students’ learning style and students’ vocabulary


3. The Difference of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery who Use Flash Card and Picture

The vocabulary achievement is the

ending of learning process. A good result will be

perceived if there is a learning process

improvement. One way to improve students’ vocabulary

skill is certainly by knowing their preferences or

learning styles. Through learning styles, the

students can put themselves as great students who

never say die and as a students who focus and

discover new things. Dealing with this, it is


convinced that learning style has an effect to the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

Besides the the students’ learning

styles, the students’ vocabulary strategy has also

an effect to the students’ vocabulary mastery. In

other words, if the students have introvert learning

styles, it will impact to their vocabulary mastery

too. So, if both vocabulary strategy and learning

style is appropriated, the students’ vocabulary

achievement will be reached.

Based on the theory above, it is

believed that the introvert students who are

learning vocabulary by using flashcard have better

result than using picture.

4. The Difference of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery who Use Flash Card and Picture

The extrovert students is kind of students

who are not quite focused on the lesson. They are

good learner. However, they are good in doing


socialization. They tend to get easily bored if the

teacher use the classic and same teaching method.

Therefore, the teacher should be more encouraged to

do the teaching and learning process.

To increase the students’ vocabulary mastery,

the flash card is better way to get better result.

Because of its simplicity, creativity, and fun

activity, the students are more feel joyful. Based

on this factor, the students who have extrovert

learning styles will have good achievements if they

use flash card and picture. However, flash card is

better one than picture.

D. Hypothesis

1.The result for all students’ vocabulary mastery

that is using flashcard is higher than using


2.There is an interaction between learning

strategies and learning style toward to vocabulary



3.The result of introvert students’ vocabulary

mastery that is using flashcard is higher than

introvert students’ vocabulary mastery that is

using picture.

4. The result of extrovert students’ vocabulary

mastery that is using flashcard is higher than

extrovert students’ vocabulary mastery that is

using picture.




A.The Research Objectives

Based on the identification of problems, the

research was aimed to investigate the effect of

student learning strategies and learning styles

toward to their vocabulary mastery. Specifically

this research was aimed to express:

1) The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between students that are using flashcards and

students that are using pictures.

2) There is an interaction between learning strategy

and learning style toward to the vocabulary


3) The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between introvert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and extrovert

students who are taught vocabulary by using



4) The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between introvert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and extrovert

students who are taught vocabulary by using


B. Setting

The research was conducted in one of the

primary school in South Tangerang i.e. SDN 02 Pondok

Ranji. It is located in East-Ciputat. The school is

taken as a research site since it is a school where

the writer teaches English so it will be easier for

the writer to get the data and source. The research

site chosen is based on the compatibility between

the research objectives and ease of the research in

reaching the place of the research.

C.Population and Sample

The population of the research is in Pondok

Ranji 2 elementary school which is about two classes


(class A and B). For this purpose, the writer takes

60 students in the same level i.e. fifth grade of

SDN 02 and Pondok Ranji as the sample of the study.

The writer uses those samples to make the valid data

and to simplify the research.

The research process is expected to take

approximately six months from January to June 2012,

ranging from the determination of the issue,

proposal preparation, and completing a research


Time of the study were divided into two

phases: First is the initial survey, aimed at

collecting secondary data and conducted from March

2012. Second is the collection of primary data or

field observations derived from the target

respondent which was held in April 2012.

The sample technique is taken by Cluster

Random Sampling. This Cluster Sampling is applied

in two stages:


a. The First Stage

In this stage, the control class and the

experiment class are taken by using random sampling.

The sample class is done by drawing the name of the

class; VA, VB, and VC. The first drawing becomes the

experiment and the second drawing becomes control

class. After random sampling, it is found that VB is

the experiment class, V A becomes the control class,

and VC is as validity instrument of the research


b. Second Stage

In this stage, the sample of the subject is

taken by systematic sampling technique. The sample

of the subject is determined on its learning style.

The result is found there are 12 introvert students

and 12 extrovert students. This is derived from

taking some questionnaires of learning styles to all

students. Then, there are 4 groups of sample in

this research: 12 introvert students whose using

flashcard, 12 introvert students whose using


picture, 12 extrovert students whose using

flashcard, and 12 extrovert students whose using


The sample is taken from population by using

questionnaires includes and test as means of data


Tabel 1. Total of Research Subject based onLearning Style toward to Vocabulary Mastery


Strategy (A)

LearningStyle (B)




Introvert (B1)

12 12 24

Extrovert (B2)

12 12 24

A∑ 24 24 48

D.Research Method

The research method is an experiment method.

The research is called experiment method because the

research has three parts: First, there is a


manipulation of independent variable to know the

effect that is going to be investigated. Second,

there is scientific observation which is applied in

dependent variable so it is known what the effect

is. And the third is control, is an activity which

is applied to make the same situation, so the

variable effect can be investigated clearly. In this

case, the experiment group is a group that uses

flash card and the control group is a group that

uses pictures in learning activity.

E.Research Design

This research is Experiment Randomized

Control Group Design with formula 2 x 2 factor. It

is selected and adapted to study hypothesis. One of

the hypotheses to be tested is the presence or

absence of interactions between the application of

learning approaches to student learning outcomes.


This study is begun with a causal hypothesis

which consists of the independent variables

(independent) and dependent variable (bound). Based

on the number of variables and sub variables

studied, the design used for this study tretment by

level. These variables are as follows:

1. Bound Variable (Y) is the result of students’

vocabulary mastery of SD Negeri Pondok Ranji 02,

Tangerang Selatan.

2.Independent Variable, includes:

a)Vocabulary Learning Strategy (A)

The Vocabulary Learning Strategy is divided

into two strategies; the flashcard learning strategy

using flashcard (A1) and the picture learning

strategy (A2).

b) Learning Style ( B )

The students’ learning styles are divided

into two categories: introverted learning style (B1)


extroverted learning style (B2). The 2x2 design

scheme is described as follows:

Table 2. Research Design Table


Learning Styles(B)

Using FlashCard(A1)




Introvert (B1) X11 X12 X10

Extrovert (B2) X21 X22 X20

A∑ X01 X02 X00


A : Learning Strategies A1 : flashcard learning strategies A2 : pictures learning strategies B : Learning styles B1 : Introvert learning Style B2 : Extrovert Learning Style X11 : The result of introvert students who

are taught vocabulary by using flashcard. X12 : The result of introvert students who

are taught vocabulary by using pictures X21 : The result of extrovert students who

are taught vocabulary by using flashcard X22 : The result of extrovert students who

are taught vocabulary by using pictures.


The steps of doing this experiment is:

1. Determine the proposal of the research which is

5th grade SDN Pondok Ranji 2, Tangerang Selatan.

2. Determine sample by doing systematic random


3.Make vocabulary test.

4.Do test evaluation.

5.Determine corelational analysis between two

variables; independent and dependent variables.

6.Collect data.

7.Analyze data.

8.Accomplish data.

9.Conclude hypotheses data.

This study investigated the effect of the

vocabulary learning strategy and students’ types of

personality for Introvert Students (B 1) and

Extrovert Students (B2) and their effects of

vocabulary learning strategies by using flash card


and picture on their vocabulary achievement.

Therefore, there are two variables: variable 1 (X1)

as the first independent variables (IS and ES

students) and variable 2 (X2) as the second

independent variables (vocabulary strategy; flash

card and picture) which have interconnected and

influence the variable Y as the dependent variable

(vocabulary mastery). So, the research focused on a

quantitative approach to discover the effect among

variables which may affect the vocabulary mastery.

F. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the writer used a

questionnaire and vocabulary test. First, the writer

got the result of the students’ learning style

whether Extrovert or Introvert from the

questionnaire. The writer has made the answer key to

differentiate the Introvert students or the

Extrovert students. And the second, the writer

achieved the score or the level of the vocabulary


from vocabulary test which was given by the


G. Technique of Data Analysis

The data analysis is divided into descriptive

and inferential analysis. The descriptive analysis

is presentation data with the frequency distribution

list and histogram, mean, median, modus, standard

deviation and theoretic range. The inferential

analysis is ANAVA two ways to testify hypothesis

which is followed by Tukey test or Scheffe. Before

doing hypotheses, it needs to do Requirement test

analysis data like normality test and homogeneity

test from the groups which are compared.

(i). Normality Test

Normality test is done to know whether

the data from each group has normal distribution or

not. The test of normality will be tested by


liliefors test. It begins with determining

significance rate 5 % (0, 05) and the hypotheses

which is proposed as follows:

Ho : normal distribution sample

Hi : abnormal distribution sample

With Testing Criteria:

If Lcalculation> Llabel accepted Ho, and

If Lcalculation< Llabel rejected Ho

(ii). Homogenity Test

The Homogenity test is using Bartlet Test,

and the hypothesis which is proposed as follows:

Ho: σ12 = σ2

2 = … = σn2 (all population has homogen


Hi : σ12≠ σ2

2 ≠ …≠ σn2 (there is population which

has homogen varian or no homogen)

H. Technique of Analysis Hypothesis Research

The research is done to testify the

difference of score average from two independent


variables, therefore the hypotheses testing is using

Analysis of Varians (ANOVA) two ways. The steps of

using ANOVA can be seen as follows:

a.Grouping vocabulary score based on the categories:

- A Factor is Vocabulary Learning Strategies; A1 is

using flash card, and A

2 is using pictures in mastering vocabulary.

- B Factor is Learning Style; B-1 is introvert, and

B-2 is extrovert.

Table 3. ANOVA Two Ways/Factors Design


Learning Strategies

Learning Styles

A1 A2 B∑

B1 Y11 Y12 Y 10

B2 Y21 Y22 Y20

A∑ Y01 Y02 Y00


b.Make descriptive statistic table for each group


This descriptive statistic table contains the cost

things which are needed in ANOVA as follows:

Table 4.

Descriptive Statistic of ANOVA Two Ways

A-1 A-2 B∑

B-1 N11

Y∑ 11

Y ∑ 112



Y∑ 12

Y ∑ 122



Y∑ 10

Y ∑ 102


B-2 N21 N22 N20


Y∑ 21

Y∑ 212


Y∑ 22

Y∑ 222


Y∑ 20

Y∑ 202


A∑ NA01

Y∑ A01

Y∑ A012



Y∑ A02

Y∑ A022



Y∑ A00

Y∑ A002



N = Total of the Group Subject

Y = the Average Score of Each Group Y∑ = Total Score of Each GroupY∑ 2 = Total of Square of Each Group

c. Make summarizing table ANOVA two ways

Based on descriptive statistic table, the

data is processed to get summarizing table ANOVA for

testing hypothesis as follows:

Table 5. Summarizing Anova for Testing Hypothesis

Source ofVarians Db JK RJK Fh


0,05 0,01

Factor B (AK) Db (Ak)

Jk (Ak)

Rjk (Ak)

Fh (Ak)

Ft (Ak)

Ft (Ak)


Factor A (Ab) Db (Ab)

Jk (Ab)

Rjk (Ab)

Fh (Ab)

Ft (Ab)

Ft (Ab)

Interaction Db (I)

Jk (I)

Rjk (I)

Fh (I)

Ft (I)

Ft (I)

Between Group(A)

Db (A)

Jk (A)

Rjk (A)

- - -

Within Group (D)

Db (D)

Jk (D)

Rjk (D)

- - -

Total being Reducted (TR)

The Average/Corelation (R)

Db (TR)

Db (R)

Jk (TR)

Jk ( R )

Rjk (TR)

Rjk ( R )

- - -

Total (T) Jk (t)

- - - -

I. Hypothesis Statistics

The hypothesis statistics is formulated as


1. a. Ho : µ Y01 = µ Y02

b. H1 : µY01 > µ Y02

2. a. Ho : Int A x B = 0

b. H1 : Int A x B ≠ 0


3. a. Ho : µY11 = µY21

b. H1 : µY11 >µY21

4. a. Ho : µY12 = µY22

b. H1 : µY12 < µY22


1. Int = interaction2. µ Y01 = The average students’vocabulary

score by using flashcard3. µ Y02 = The average students’vocabulary

score by using picture4. µY10 = The average of introvert

students’ vocabulary score5. µY20 = The average of extrovert

students’ vocabulary score6. µY11 = The introvert students’ vocabulary

score that are using flashcard

7. µY21 = The introvert students’ vocabularyscore that are using flashcard

8. µY12 = The extrovert students’ vocabularyscore that are using flashcard

9. µY22 = The extrovert students’ vocabularyscore that are using picture

In analyzing the data, the writer used some

formula. ANOVA two ways was used to analyze the


effect within all variables and also to predict the

dependent variable on the basis of the independent.

In two ways ANOVA, there are two components of

variance. The ANOVA talks about the following

different effects:

1. The effect of learning strategies factor (Factor

A): Flash Card vs. Picture

2. The effect of learning styles (Factor B):

Introvert vs. Extrovert

3. The effect of interaction of learning strategies

and learning styles (Factor A x B)

Total Variance

Variance VarianceWithin groups between groups

Variance Variance VarianceDue to Factor A due to Factor B

due to interaction A x B


From the formula, there will be six steps or

computations that the researcher must do:

1. Compute sum of squares total (SST)

2. Compute sum of squares between (SSB)

3. Compute sum of squares within (SSW)

4. Compute sum of squares for Factor A (SSa)

5. Compute sum of squares for Factor B (SSb)

6. Compute sum of squares for interaction (SSab)

Finally, the formula of ANOVA two ways was

used for computing the effect of multiple levels of

two factors. Then, the last step in analyzing data

was drawing a conclusion that there is a positive or

negative effect of all variables.





In this research, the writer collected three

kinds of data. The first is the scores of students’

vocabulary mastery that is using flashcard. The

second is the scores of students’ vocabulary mastery

that is using pictures. The third is the scores of

introvert students’ vocabulary mastery. The fourth

is the scores of extrovert students’ vocabulary

mastery. The fifth is the scores of introvert

students’ vocabulary mastery who are using

flashcard. The sixth is the scores of introvert

students’ vocabulary mastery that is using pictures.

The seventh is the scores of extrovert students’

vocabulary mastery that is using flashcard. The

eight is the scores of extrovert students’

vocabulary mastery that is using pictures.

Generally the score of student has been shown as the

table below:


Table 6.The Result of Descriptive Data Research

LearningStrategies Flash Card

Strategy (A1)Picture

sStrategy (A2)


Learning Styles



N 12 12 24

ΣX 314 249 563

ΣX2 8244 5199 13443

X 26.17 20.75 23.46

S 1.59 1.71 3.20



N 12 12 24

ΣX 241 212 453

ΣX2 4885 3784 8669


X 20.08 17.67 18.88

S 2.02 1.87 2.27


N 24 24 48

ΣX 555 461 1016

ΣX2 13129 8983 22112

X 23.13 19.21 21.17

S 3.58 2.36 2.97

Based on the result of descriptive data research, the result of the research is shown as follows:

1.The Scores of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is

Using Flashcard

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

24 students that is using flashcards, it is found

that the highest empiric score is 29 and the lowest

empiric score is 16, so the distance is 13. The

score average (mean) is 23.13 with the score of

standard deviation is 3.58, modus 26, and median


23.5. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen

on the table7, the histogram and polygon can be seen

on picture 1.

Table 7. The List of Distribution Frequency of

Students’ Vocabulary Score that is Using Flashcard





CumulativeFrequency (%)

16 -17 2 8.33 8.33

18 -19 1 4.17 12.50

20 -21 6 25.00 37.50

22 -23 3 12.50 50.00

24 -25 4 16.67 66.67

26 -27 5 20.83 87.50

28 -29 3 12.50 100.00

Total 24 100.00  


The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:

Picture 1: Histogram from the Result of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is Using Flashcard

2.The Scores of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that isUsing Pictures

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

24 students that is using picture, it was achieved

that the highest empiric score is 24 and the lowest

empiric score is 15, so the distance is 9. The score

average (mean) is 19.21 with the score of Standard


Deviation is 2.36, modus 20, and median 19.5. The

whole calculation data can be seen on the appendix

IV. The distribution frequency can be seen on the

table 8, the histogram and polygon can be seen on

picture 2.

Table 8. The List of Distribution Frequency of the

Students’ Vocabulary Score that is Using


Interval AbsoluteFrequency





15 - 16 3 12.50 12.50

17 - 18 8 33.33 33.33

19 - 20 7 29.17 29.17

21 - 22 4 16.67 45.83

23 - 24 2 8.33 54.17

Total 24 100.00  


The spreads of the table above can be seen in thehistogram below:

Picture 2: Histogram from the Result of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is Using Picture

3. The Scores of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Based on the result of vocabulary test from 24

students who has introvert learning style, it is

achieved that the highest empiric score is 29 and the

lowest empiric score is 18, so the distance is 11.

The score average (mean) is 23.46 with the score of


standard deviation is 3.20, modus 20, and median 24.

The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen

on the table 9, the histogram and polygon can be seen

on picture 3.

Table 9.The List of Distribution Frequency of

Introvert Student’ Vocabulary Score

The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:

Interval AbsoluteFrequency





18 - 19 2 8.33 8.33

20 - 21 6 25.00 33.33

22 - 23 3 12.50 45.83

24 - 25 5 20.83 66.67

26 - 27 5 20.83 87.50

28 - 29 3 12.50 100.00

Total 24 100  


Picture 3: Histogram from the Result of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

4.The Scores of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

24 students who are extrovert learning style, it was

achieved that the highest empiric score is 23 and

the lowest empiric score is 15 so the distance is 8.

The score average (mean) is 18.88 with the score of

standard deviation is 2.27, modus 20 and median

18.5. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. the distribution frequency can be seen


on the table10, the histogram and polygon can be

seen on picture 4.

Table 10.The List of Distribution Frequency of the

Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary Score

Interval AbsoluteFrequency



CumulativeFrequency (%)

15 - 16 4 16.67 16.67

17 - 18 8 33.33 50.00

19 - 20 6 25.00 75.00

21 - 22 5 20.83 95.83

23 - 24 1 4.17 100.00

Total 24 100  

The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:


Picture 4: Histogram from the Result of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

5.The Scores of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery that is Using Flashcard.

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

12 introvert students who are using flashcard, it is

achieved that the highest empiric score is 29 and

the lowest empiric score is 24, so the distance is

5. The score average (mean) is 26.17 with the score

of standard deviation is 1.59, modus 26, and median

26. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen

on the table 11, the histogram and polygon can be

seen on picture 5.


Table 11.The List of Distribution Frequency of the

Introvert Students’ Vocabulary Score that is Using


Interval AbsoluteFrequency



CumulativeFrequency (%)

24 - 25 4 33.33 33.33

26 - 27 5 41.67 75.00

28 - 29 3 25.00 100.00

Total 12 100  

The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:


Picture 5: Histogram of the Result of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is Using Flashcard.

6.The Scores of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery that is Using Flashcard.

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

12 extrovert students who are using flashcard, it is

achieved that the highest empiric score is 23 and

the lowest empiric score is 16, so the distance is

7. The score average (mean) is 20.08 with the score

of standard deviation is 2.02, modus 20, and median

20. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen


on the table12, the histogram and polygon can be

seen on picture 6.

Table 12.

The List of Distribution Frequency of the Extrovert

Students’ Vocabulary Score that is Using Flashcard

The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:

Interval AbsoluteFrequency





16 – 17 2 16.67 16.67

18 – 19 1 8.33 25.00

20 – 21 6 50.00 75.00

22 – 23 3 25.00 100.00

Total 12 100.00  


Picture 6: Histogram from the Result of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is Using Flashcard

7. The Scores of Introvert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery that is Using Picture

Based on the result of vocabulary test from

12 introvert students who are using picture, it is

achieved that the highest empiric score is 24 and

the lowest empiric score is 18, so the distance is

6. The score average (mean) is 20.75 with the score

of standard deviation is 1.71, modus 20, and median


20. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen

on the table13, the histogram and polygon can be

seen on picture 7.

Table 13.The List of Distribution Frequency of the

Introvert Students’ Vocabulary Score that is UsingPicture

Interval AbsoluteFrequency



CumulativeFrequency (%)

18 - 19 2 16.67 16.67

20 - 21 6 50.00 66.67

22 - 23 3 25.00 91.67

24 - 25 1 8.33 100.00

Total 12 100  

The spreads of the table above can be seen in the histogram below:


Picture 7: Histogram from the Result of

Introvert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery that is Using Picture

8.The Scores of Extrovert Vocabulary Mastery that is

Using Picture

Based on the result of vocabulary test from 12

extrovert students whose using picture, it was

achieved that the highest empiric score is 22 and

the lowest empiric score is 15, so the distance is

7. The score average (mean) is 17.67 with the score

of standard deviation is 1.87, modus 18, and median


17.5. The whole calculation data can be seen on the

appendix IV. The distribution frequency can be seen

on the table 14, the histogram and polygon can be

seen on picture 8.

Table 14.

The List of Distribution Frequency of the Extrovert

Students’ Vocabulary Score that is using Picture

Interval AbsoluteFrequency





15 - 16 3 25.00 25.00

17 - 18 7 58.33 83.33

19 - 20 1 8.33 91.67

21 - 22 1 8.33 100.00

Total 12 100.00  


The spreads of the table above can be seen in the

histogram below:

Picture 8: Histogram from the Result of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary Mastery that is Using Pictures

Tabel 15. The Recapitulation of Descriptive Statistics

Group N


Max Min

LSF 24 29 16 1323.13 3.66 20 23.5


LSP 24 24 15 919.04 2.29 20 18.5

IS 24 29 18 1123.29 3.38 26 24

ES 24 23 15 818.75 2.15 20 19

LSFIS 12 29 24 5

26.17 1.59 26 26

LSPIS 12 24 18 6

20.42 1.83 20 20

LSFES 12 23 16 7

19.83 1.90 20 20

LSPES 12 22 15 7

17.67 1.87 18 17.5


LSF = Student whose using flashcardLSP = Student whose using pictureIS = Introvert StudentES = Extrovert StudentLSFIS = Introvert Student using flashcard. LSPIS = Introvert Student whose using picture.LSFES = Extrovert Student whose using flashcardLSPES = Extrovert Student whose using picture

Based on table 15, the result of introvert

students’ scores that is using flashcards as

follows: They have mean 26.17 with the deviation

standard is 1.59. Meanwhile, the result of

introvert students’ scores that is using picture as


follows: They have mean 20.75 with the deviation

standard is 1.71. This data has shown that the

introvert students’ score that is using flashcards

is higher than the introvert students’ score that

is using picture. The score of the introvert

students has mean 23.46 with the deviation standard

3.20. Meanwhile, the score of the extrovert

students has mean 18.88 with the deviation standard

2.27. This data has shown that score of introvert

style is higher than the score of extrovert style.

The result of vocabulary students’ scores that

is using flashcard as follows: They have mean 23.13

with the deviation standard 3.58. Meanwhile, the

result of vocabulary students’ score that is using

picture as follows: They have mean 19.21 with the

deviation standard 2.36. This data has shown that

the vocabulary students’ score that is using

flashcard is higher than the vocabulary students’

score that is using picture.


The result of extrovert students’ score that

is using flashcards: They have mean 20.08 with the

deviation standard 2.02. Meanwhile, the result of

extrovert students’ score that is using picture:

They have mean 17.67 with the deviation standard

1.87. This data has shown that the extrovert

students’ score that is using flashcards is higher

than extrovert students’ score that is using


B. Test of Analiysis Varians

The hypothesis test on this research is

applied by using analysis varians (ANAVA) in two

ways. Thus, before doing further analysis, the

requirement test of ANAVA is done which includes

normality test and homogeneity test.

1. Normality Test


To find out whether the sample is from

distributed normal population, the normality test

is done by using Lillifors test. Based on the

result of normality test, it is known that Lo

counting is smaller than Lo table. Dealing with

this, the sample of the research is come from

distributed normal population. For further

information, it can be seen from table 16 as


Tabel 16. The Result of Normality Test Calculation


Group N Locounting

Lo table Note

1 A1 24 0.154 0.187 Normal2 A2 24 0.109 0.187 Normal3 B1 24 0.162 0.187 Normal4 B2 24 0.184 0.187 Normal5 A1B1 12 0.135 0.242 Normal6 A1B2 12 0.222 0.242 Normal7 A2B1 12 0.131 0.242 Normal8 A2B2 12 0.115 0.242 Normal


A = Learning strategiesA1= Students whose using flashcards vocabulary

learning strategies


A2= Students whose using pictures vocabularylearning strategiesB = Learning Styles B1= Introvert Students B2= Extrovert Students A1B1=Introvert students whose using flashcard

vocabulary learning strategyA1B2= Extrovert students whose using flashcard

vocabulary learning strategyA2B1= Introvert students whose using picture

vocabulary learning strategyA2B2= Extrovert students whose using picture

vocabulary learning strategy

2.Homogenity Test

Besides normality test, there is one

requirement that should be applied in analyzing data

by using analysis variants (ANAVA) which is

homogeneity test. This homogeneity test uses

Bartlett test, a testing for finding out whether the

variant population is homogeny. The homogeneity

testing of students’ vocabulary mastery data from

each groups is done by using Bartlett test on

significance rate α = 0, 05. The result is showed


that X 2 counting is smaller from X 2 table on

significance rate α = 0, 05.

The summary of homogeneity test from each

sample group can be shown from the following table


Table 17.The Result of Homogeneity Test by Using

Bartlett Test at Significance Rate α = 0, 05

Group Varians

All Varian



X2 Counting

X2 table


A1B1 2.52

3.26 26,884 5.474 7,81 HomogenA1B2 4.08A2B1 2.93A2B2 3.52


A1B1=A group of introvert student whose usingflashcard

A1B2= A group of extrovert student whose usingflashcard A2B1=A group of introvert student whose using

picture A2B2= A group of extrovert student whose usingpictureB Score= score unit BX 2 hit= score of chi calculation square X 2 tab= chi square table score


C. Hypothesis Test

Before doing normality test and homogeneity

test, it is found that the research data has

distribute normal and homogenity Varian, so the

hypothesis research test can be applied. The

calculation data of students’ vocabulary mastery by

using analysis varians (ANAVA) in two ways is

followed with Tukey test to know the differences

both groups significantly.

In other words, Tukey test is aimed to see

which sample groups are better or higher than the

group which is compared. The summary of analysis

variants research result can be showed from the

following table 1.

Table 18.The Result of Analysis Variants toward Students’

Vocabulary Mastery



F table

0.05 0.01

Squares for 1 252.0 252.0 77.29** 4.06 7.24


Factor (A) 8 8

Squares forFactor (B) 1 184.0


8 56.44** 4.06 7.24

Squares forInteraction

(AxB)1 27.00 27.00 8.28** 4.06 7.24

WithinGroup 44 143.5

0 3.26

SquaresTotal 47 606.6


Note:A = Learning StrategyB = Learning Styledf = Degree of FreedomJK = Quadrate NumberRJK = Mean of Quadrate Number F counting= F counting costF table= F table cost at alpha 0, 05** = Very significant

Thus, the average difference between A

(Vocabulary Learning Strategy) and B (Learning

Style) are significant. In other words, the

Vocabulary Learning Strategy which is given to the


student or the learning style effects to the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

1.The difference between column F counting cost is

56.44, which is bigger than F table which is 4, 06.

It means the null hypotheses (Ho) which states there

is no difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery

through flash card and the students which are given

the vocabulary learning strategy by using picture is

rejected. So, it can be said that there are

differences between the students’ vocabulary mastery

that is using flash card and the students’

vocabulary mastery that is using picture.

2.The interactions between Vocabulary Learning

Strategy and Learning Style showed that the F

counting cost is 8.28 is bigger than F table is 4,

06. It means the null hypotheses (Ho) that states

there is no effect of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

and the effect of Learning Style toward the

students’ vocabulary mastery are rejected. On the

other hand, the hypotheses research is accepted.


Dealing with this, the students’ vocabulary mastery

is influenced by effect between Vocabulary Learning

Strategy and Learning Style. From the hypotheses

research, it can be proved there is an effect

between Vocabulary Learning Strategy and Learning

Style toward the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, the analysis data needs to be continued

by Tukey Test. The result of Tukey Test is

summarized at the following table 19:

Table 19. Summary of Tukey Test


Group that iscompared






A1B1 dan A1B2A2B1 dan A2B2A1B1 dan A2B1A1B2 dan A2B2







3.The group of introvert student that is given the

flashcard learning strategy is higher than the


introvert student that is given picture learning

strategy (Q count value is bigger than Q table);

(10.42 > 3, 77), therefore null hypothesis is

rejected or research hypothesis is accepted, It

means that the group of introvert student that is

using flashcard learning strategy has differences

with the introvert student that is using picture

learning strategy. Dealing with this, The group of

introvert student that is using flashcard learning

strategy is higher in value than the introvert

student that is using the picture learning strategy.

4.The extrovert student that is using flashcard

learning strategy is higher than extrovert that is

using picture learning strategy (Q count value is

bigger than Q table/ 4. 63 > 3, 77). Therefore, null

hypothesis is rejected or research hypothesis is

accepted. It means that the group of extrovert that

is using flashcard learning strategy has differences

with the extrovert student that is using picture

learning strategy Dealing with this, The group of


extrovert student that is using flashcard learning

strategy is higher in value than the the extrovert

student that is using picture learning strategy.

D.The Discussion of the Research

The result of hypotheses above can be

implemented as follows:

1.The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between students who are taught vocabulary by

using flashcards and students who are taught

vocabulary by using pictures.

2.The interaction between learning strategy and

learning style toward to the vocabulary mastery.

3.The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between introvert students who are taught

vocabulary by using flashcards and introvert

students who are taught vocabulary by using


4.The difference of students’ vocabulary mastery

between extrovert students who are taught


vocabulary by using flashcards and extrovert

students who are taught vocabulary by using


E. The Limitation of the Research

The realization of the research has been

seeking and controlling, so the result can be

accepted as scientific. Thus, the process has done

by determining the population, taking some sample,

arranging the instrument, testing instrument, and

doing experiment to each sample. However, the

process may reflect to the weakness because the

research is limited. And the limitation of the

research cannot be controlled particularly at the

moment time. These are some limitations of the


1.The sample is too small, so it effects the

decision to make conclusion. Besides, the research

only involves the students of SDN Pondok Ranji 02,

Tangerang Selatan. Therefore, the generalization


of this research is only focused on fifth grade of

SDN Pondok Ranji 02 Tangerang Selatan, so the same

result could be achieved if it is applied in

another place.

2.The research only controls vocabulary learning

strategy variable, so it is possible there is

another variable.

3.The experiment group is on different class and the

experiment schedule is adjusted to the other

schedule at school. As a result, both groups could

interact out of hour’s lesson, so it will impact

to the vocabulary mastery.





This research is experimental research which

is held in SDN Pondok Ranji II, Tangerang Selatan.

The purpose for this research is to know the effect

of vocabulary learning strategy by using flashcard

and by using picture toward to the vocabulary

mastery. The result of leaning can be seen through

the comparison of the result of introvert students’

vocabulary score and the result of extrovert

students’ vocabulary score.

After the research data had achieved, the

data analysis is done by quantitative. The

quantitative research is done to testify the


research hypothesis. From the result of hypothesis

test, it can be conclude:

1. The Differences of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

between Students that are Using Flashcards and

Students that are Using Pictures

From testing the first hypothesis showed that

the students’ vocabulary mean score that is using

flashcard (X) is 26.17 with a standard deviation (S)

is 1.59 higher than the average scores calculated of

students’ vocabulary mean score that is using

picture (X) is 20.75 with a standard deviation (S)

is 1.71.

The results of analysis of variance

calculations for both vocabulary learning strategies

showed that the calculated F is 56.44. While the F

table at α = 0.05 significance level is 4.06. This

means that F calculated = 56.44> F table = 4.02. The

test results proved that there are significant

differences between students’ vocabulary mastery


that is using flashcard strategy and students’

vocabulary mastery that is using picture.

2. The Interaction between Vocabulary Learning

Strategy and Learning Style toward to Vocabulary


The research showed that F calculated effects

the students’ vocabulary mastery to students’

learning style (8.28 score) which is higher than the

F table (= 4.06) at significance level α = 0.05.

These results indicate that there is an effect

between vocabulary learning strategies and learning

style toward to students' vocabulary mastery. The

effects proved that the application of different

approaches of vocabulary learning strategies based

on students' learning style apparently produces in

different vocabulary mastery. It can be considered

for teachers who will implement a variety of

vocabulary learning strategies should also pay

attention to the students' learning styles so that


it is likely for the students to be able to produce

good learning results in vocabulary.

3. The Difference of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

between Introvert Students that is Using

Flashcards and Introvert students that is Using


Hypothesis testing showed that the average

score calculated results the introvert students’

vocabulary score that is using flashcard (X) is

26.17 with a standard deviation (S) is 1.59 higher

than the average score calculated which results

introvert students’ vocabulary score that is using

picture (X) is 20.75 with a standard deviation (S)

is 1.71. The results of analysis of variance

calculations for both learning styles shows that the

calculated F of 77.29. While the F table at α = 0.05

significance level of 4.06. This means that F

calculated> F table. The test results proved that


there are significant differences between the

vocabulary of students who have learning styles of

students introvert with extrovert who has a learning


Based on the results of the Tukey test, it is

seen that the Q count of introvert students that is

using flashcard is larger than introvert students

that is using picture (QH = 10.42>Q table = 3.77).

This proves that there is a difference between them

very significantly.

4.The Differences of Extrovert Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery that are Using flashcards and Extrovert

Students that are Using Pictures

The hypothesis testing showed that the

average score calculated results the extrovert

students’ vocabulary that is using flashcards (Х)

is 20.08 with a standard deviation (S) is 2.02)

higher than the average score calculated results


extrovert students’ vocabulary that is using picture

(Х) is 17.67 with a standard deviation (S) is 1.87.

The Tukey test results of the calculation of

Q calculated is 4.63. While the Q table at α = 0.05

significance level is 3.77. This means that there

are significant differences between the extrovert

students’ vocabulary that are using flashcard and

the extrovert students that are using picture.

Prior to determining the vocabulary learning

strategy that will be used, it helps teachers really

pay attention to the characteristics of students, so

there will be a good learning outcome.


Generally, the result of this research can be

given as the inspiration for elementary teacher who

teaches English as a consideration in selecting and

using appropriate vocabulary learning strategy to

the characteristics of students, especially those


related to the students’ learning style in teaching

and learning activities.

The application of the vocabulary learning

strategy should be linked to the subject matter

because learning vocabulary has a dimension of

creativity and innovative in their nature and

purpose. The vocabulary learning startegies which is

well designed can produce students who are

interested to know and understand the English

language in scientific advancement. To achieve this

goal, it should be able to activate students'

learning, because the students as subjects in

understanding and knowing, as well as analyzes based

on the concept that applies.

In applying learning in class, the teachers

should use a variety of vocabulary learning

strategies so that students do not feel tired, and

teachers also need to prepare the learning equipment

carefully in accordance with the materials to be

delivered. Thus, it can be pursued by teachers in


choosing appropriate vocabulary learning strategies

to the students so it can improve students’ learning


The results of this study also had shown that

there is an effect of the students’ learning styles

to master vocabulary. This shows that if students

have learning styles in learning, the results of

their study will increase, and vice versa. Student's

learning style is an individual thing, which is

influenced by some factors, both in and outside the

individual's own. In addition, learning styles can

be developed; therefore the school as an educational

environment plays an important role in enhancing

students’ learning style. The more excellent the

teacher as the spearhead must be able to choose

appropriate vocabulary learning strategies as well

as providing psychological creativity in learning so

the students can be improved.



This research is intended to know more detail

about the effect of vocabulary mastery toward to the

learning strategy and learning style. Based on the

research found, it can be arranged some suggestion

that is considered to support the increase of

vocabulary mastery, such as:

1. The headmaster as the leader of education

organization unit needs to have awareness for the

development of the students, and also try to

develop the comfortable education environment.

Besides, The headmaster as the leader needs has

to develop the professionalism of the teacher’s


2. Teachers as managers of learning should be borne

in developing competence as a reliable education,

use a variety of learning approaches that are

considered, and be able to establish the

potential and talent of students. Teachers in

implementing the learning activities are

necessary to establish communication with the


students. The teachers have to be able to give

input and guidance for students in developing the

potential of learners. They should also support

the students to increase their learning styles so

that learners can solve theire own problems and

improve skill in understanding any problems in

learning vocabulary.

3. Students in learning activities need to be open

on the ability and inability, it is necessary

that teachers can give the best step in providing

assistance to learn. In each learning activity,

students should leave negative learning

activities such as cheating other improper

activities. Students need to familiarize

themselves to have personal skills and enhance

creative learning, so that any problems can be
