The development of robotic system for the nuclear power plants

KAER I/CM-018/95 sMi A|^a 7im The Development of Robotic System for the Nuclear Power Plants ol#xHR^ SfiMS o|S$l oj^Al^aj 551011 ^Ifl 04^1 A Study on the Manipulation of Teleoperation System Using Redundant Robot ■ay-71* # ^ 4 ^

Transcript of The development of robotic system for the nuclear power plants

KAER I/CM-018/95

sMi A|^a 7imThe Development of Robotic System for the Nuclear Power Plants

ol#xHR^ SfiMS o|S$loj^Al^aj 551011 ^Ifl 04^1

A Study on the Manipulation of Teleoperation System Using Redundant Robot


# ^ € 4 ^


Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.


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4 #*4 3#S#.



I . Project Title

A Study on the Manipulation of Remote System Using Redundant Robot

In this project the following 4 sub-projects are studied.

1) Development of Precision Control Method for the Hydraulic

and Pneumatic- Actuators

: Design of the fuzzy gain tuner for the pneumatic servo position

control system with the state feedback controller

2) Development of an Universal Master Arm and Force Reflecting

Teleoperation System

: A Study on the Autonomous Teleoperation System

using a Universal Master Arm

3) A Study on the Analysis and Control of the Redundant Robot

: Path Planning of 8-DOF Redundant KAEROT for the Nozzle Dam

Task and Experimental Study of Dynamic Control Algorithm for the

Redundant Robot

4) A Study on the Robot/User Interface Design

: Emphasis on the Development the final design solution for the

Robot and the Console Design


II. Objectives and Importance of the Project

For all sorts of tasks under extreme situation such as high

radioactivity territory, the manipulation using remote system is inevitable

because of radioactive contamination. In particular, nozzle dam task of

steam generator urgently requires the application of remote robot system.

In order to design, construct, and practically use the remote system,

technology development in the broad fields is required. Among these,

the following fields are of great importance.

- development of manipulator performing task

- precise robot control technology

- effective communication technology of task environment

information to operator far apart

This study is devided into 4 sub-projects : The purpose and

importance of each sub-project are as follows.

1) In recent years, pneumatic actuators have been regarded as valuable

and economic systems for driving low power robot manipulators or

remote operating systems. However because of the frictional effects

of pneumatic actuators and compressibility of air, precise controlled

actuator velocities or precise positioning control with pneumatic

systems are not easily obtainable. In order to improve control

performance, it is needed to investigate frictional characteristics of

pneumatic actuators and to develop appropriate controllers which


compensate the nonlinearity due to actuator friction effects and

compressibility of air. In this study a three state feedback controller

with position, velocity and acceleration feedback which is especially

feasible for linear motion pneumatic position control systems is

used. Because high nonlinearties of pneumatic systems make manual

gain tuning of the controllers fairly difficult. It is necessary to

develope automatic gain tuner. Objectives of this project are to

understand the basic characteristics of pneumatic actuator and to

develop pneumatic position control system using a control scheme

^ which improves control performance and repeatability.

2) The objective of this study is to enhance the teleoperation

performance using visual force feedback. The implementation of

visual information feedback may effectively accomplish precise

telemanipulation. In this regard, three control methods are

presenteed, namely traded control, hybrid control and shared control.

These control methods are implemented as a human command

controller and a visual force controller.

3) For the various tasks such as radiation decontamination, failure

overcome, and nozzle dam task in the nuclear power plant, accurate

control of robot is needed without damage to other equipments. For

these high dexterous manipulation the use of redundant robot is

required. In order to use the redundant robot effectively, optimal use

of redundancy and efficient path-planning and control algorithm

have to be developed. The purpose of the 3rd-year study is to


improve the algorithm proposed in the 2nd-year study and to find

the optimal joint path for 8-DOF KAEROT(Korea Atomic Energy

Research Institute Robot) whcih had 7-DOF in the 2nd-year study.

It is also another purpose to verify the effectiveness of the propsed

dynamic control algorithm by using experimental study applied to

planar 3-DOF redundant robot.

4) It is important to consider deliberately the harmony of the Robot and

its Console table in order to enhance the usability of the system.

The design of equipments which harmonize form with function can

be created by considering the hardware attributes (performance,

function and others) as well as the software attributes (interface,

usability, and others). This study aims to design a multipurpose

Robot and its Console table which can be used at a nuclear power


III. Scope and Contents of the Projects

1) For the learning stage of expert knowledge, in the pneumatic servo

position control system with a state feedback controller, the change

of response characteristics of the system was investigated as

gains(Kp, Kv, Ka) and operating positions are varied and

experimental method of gain tuning was found. The Knowledge

base which is based on the learned knowledge was established by


means of the fuzzy theory, and a fuzzy gain tuner was designed for

gain tuning. Experiments were made to verify the performance of

the designed fuzzy gain tuner. The fuzzy gain tuner was designed

for 2 functions. The first function is to maintain the optimal

gain-set which obtains satisfactory response for slow changes of

system parameters. The second function is to find the optimal

games by inference from learned results when the position control is

executed at an unlearned position. In order to confirm the first

function of the proposed Fuzzy-gain tuner, experimental trajectories

of the gains starting from arbitrary points in the Kv, Ka plane are

shown, which converge to optimal gains. It was also shown for the

second function that the Fuzzy-gain tuner finds the optimal gains

when the positioning of the system is controlled at arbitrary

unlearned positions.

2) In this study, a telerobotic system is configured as a 3 DOF

articulated type force reflective master arm and a 6 DOF vertical

articulated type slave arm. For the force reflective control of the

telerobotic system working under the uncertain environments, a

shared control algorithm is implemented. To optimize the force

reflection characteristics, the compliance gain and the force reflective

gain are autoselected using neural networks and fuzzy logic. Also,

to accomplish added autonomy and precise manipulation, three

different control algorithms are developed for visual information

feedback into the force control loop. The performance of the


developed system is verified through a series of experiments.

3) 8-DOF KAEROT is analyzed kinematically. The algorithm proposed

in the 2nd-yaer study is improved in the following 2 ways'- how to

find working set exactly and how to consider weight-value of

joints. When carrying the nozzle dam, an optimal joint path is found

to avoid obstacles and joint limits and to optimize the given

performance measure while performing the main task by using 2

degrees of redundancy. In addition, dynamic control algorithm is

applied to experiment of planar 3-DOF redundant robot and thus its

effectiveness is verified.

4) The scope of this study is developing a set of final design of the

Robot and its Console table. All design activities have to be based

on maximizing the instrumental view such as stability, maintenance,

usability, and etc. It also has to be considered the cognizant value

i.e. as aesthetics , symbolization, and etc. A Robot design has been

developed through following processes. ; Analyzing design criteria,

Generating design ideas, Developing design alternatives, Selecting

final design solution and detail design, and Developing graphic

elements and color scheme. Processes for Designing Console table

comprise Conceptual approaches, Idea generations, Development of

design alternatives, Detail designs., and others. Two different design

concepts, i.e. aerodynamic concept (alternative 'A'), geometric

concept (alternative 'B'), have been developed. After careful

evaluation, alternative 'A' has been selected and finalized.


IV. Results

1) A pneumatic servo linear position control system with 3-state

feedback controller is constructed, and the servo valve

characteristics regarding the repeatability in time domain and the

hyteresis are measured. The effects of variation of each system

gain on the system response are studied thorough extensive

experiments, from which professional knowledge tuning for 3 gains

are obtained. It is found in the experiment that optimal gains are

changed as operating positions are varied, so that the Fuzzy-gain

tuner should have a function to compensate the variation of

operating positions. In this study a Fuzzy-gain tuner which tunes

velocity gains and acceleration gains for pneumatic position control

system is designed applying the professional knowledge tuning . It

is shown that the proposed Fuzzy-gain tuner works satisfactorily in

finding optimal gains.

2) Due to the low visibility, precise telemanipulation in unstructured

environment is difficult. To complement on such difficulty, we have

developed an autonomous telerobot system with a vision based force

reflection capability. To effectively implement visual force feedback,

three different control methods are developed.

3) By using 2 degrees of redundancy of 8-DOF KAEROT, an optimal

joint path has been obtained, which can avoid obstacles and joint

limits while carrying nozzle dam in the steam generator. The task


environments including KAEROT, nozzle dam, and steam generator

have been constructed graphically in the workstation computer by

using ADAMS modelling/animation Software tool. The animation

results using this tool have verified the safety of the joint path.

The path-planning algorithm proposed in the 2nd-year study has

been improved in the following 2 ways: firstly, the method to find

working set is improved so that the stability of the whole algorithm

increases; secondly, through considering weight-values of joints, the

metric unit problem is remedied and it becomes possible to move

specific joint more efficiently. In addition, dynamic control algorithm

for redundant robot has been applied to the experiment of planar

3-DOF redundant robot and has been verified to be effective.

4) As a result of such efforts, a set of Robot and its Console table

design which has a distinctive corporate product identity has been

accomplished. The Robot is designed to be emphasized the

aerodynamic shape and clean color combination of silver grey and

some accent colors including bright blue. Similar considerations and

color combination have been applied to the designing of console

table so that a metaphorical identity of the system can be achieved.


V . Proposal for Applications

1) In the application of pneumatic position control systems to a remote

operating system in an atomic reactor, we may obtain good control

performance. Because optimal gains may be obtained applying the

fuzzy gain tuner proposed in this study to pneumatic servo

positioning systems. The results of this study on friction

characteristics of pneumatic actuators, parameter sensitivity, and the

proposed fuzzy-gain-tuner compensating nonlinearties of the

pneumatic systems could be applied to the design of remote

operating systems in atomic reactors.

2) These proposed algorithms may proven to be an effective operator aid

in enhancing teleoperation performance under uncertain environment.

3) The proposed path-planning algorithm can generate optimal joint path

with less time than human operator using graphic tool. In addition,

the graphic/animation tool constructed in the 3rd year-study can be

a good tool to confirm the safety of joint path before applying to

the real task for nozzle dam installation/detachment. It is also

possible to use the proposed control algorithm as a real-time control


4) For the next research, a geometrical form, which has been classified

as 'B' concept, can be apply to the Robot system which will be

developed in the future. A study mock-up has been developed to

identify the possibility in a clear form.






[4 1 4^4-4] 25

-a-^4- f^44 ?m: ^-444-447]* ^ *\£. 4444 A]^o)]^

44 44^444 *4

[4 2 4^-4-4] 85

g-& 4^4 4 44-4 €4 2^ 4^4: 44- 4-^4 4# 4-#-^ 4-i- 4444 4^4 4#

[4 3 4^44] 133

4-n-7HKE 5.S.E. S444 44 93 444

: 8-4432* 44 KAER0T4 ^#4 4#444 4#

4^444- 4-B-4~n-£ &&m4 4444 4M

[4 4 4444] 177

5.s.e/a>4x> oiE]4o]^* 4^ a.44 *4

: S.S.S- 44714 4# 471-44:4 7H#



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4 *1-

1 4 #.................................................................................................... .....29

1.1 .29

1.2 ##.............................................................................................31

1.3 y^VH-g-............................................. ................................................33

2 .34

2.1 34

2.1.1 . 36

2.7.2 ## f ^..................................................................................... 40

2.1.3 -^rrr............................................................................ 40

2.2 7]^^................................................... ....................... 43

3 ##1 53

3.1 4^7)M4 7HrS7lM ^#44#-0-^-4^^ 58

3.2 ^#44#f31#................................ 63

3.3 4&4M1 ^if........................................ 67

4 S)Xj Tfly 2:^711- A]S. A]>:^o) ^ 5i|^H......... 70


5 81

5.1 ........................................................................................................................ 81

5.2 ............................................ .................................................................. 82

% 3L^ 83


1 *1 #

1.1 -§91 £ 4^

#744 #7#7 774(actuator )7 #7#4 ##4 44#, 74#,

7## 7@-#4.

#7# 7]#o] #444 444 4s. 4^7 444 #444(Position Control)# 4444(Tracking control)4 ### 477 5L##.

4-44 4-S- #7#(Large Power)# 44 4 ^^4 ###51 ##

7 #4 4# 7## 44# -8-4444 4-444.#-#4 #444 4^7 ?^Ai# 7}## 4-44^5. #4-4 4 4^EJ

4 44 #44-8-4 4-# 4#44 4? 4 4-8-# #7} 751 #7# 4^#4 #4 -2-7 4 7 #4 777 #4 74# 7 SI^le-S ##714#- =4^44 #

7## Loading, Clamping, Unloading#- #7 #4# 7}##4 ^4 4-8-##.

#7i# 7#7] 4 #4 ##-# 7747 ## 74# #44 ait 7}## # 7 744 #4#J% 47 #5i(i m/s44)# ^ 7# $£#. 4#4 74# 7

747 #7 #47717} A7#7 #74 #4##. m# #4 777 74#

#74 #####* A}7#^&# 44JL## #4777 #4 7773, #7

7 #4# ##4 7}7#4 #h# 444 72=# #4 7747* 44# 7

7} #7# 7}## oi# 74-4 747 #77 ##447 77 #447 7#


7## 7744 #4 7## 7747 74 # 12.77} 444-51 ^774 # 474-5.S. #4# ##### -2.747 74 #### 7## 7##7 # 4 #7# 15E5. 47# 777 #4 7 7}##.

51## 7# 4^#7 4# 4#44 7s, 2 #444# 74444 #7


44 4^# 4s4 **45. 4# 44 44444. 44* 44 4* *4 4^34 444 4*45 ##45 444 *\il 4^44. 4-4-4 a-)j£_ A]^ 34 444 444 #s 545 3** 444471- *4455. 444 4144

4.44441s. ^4# a>^-4-uS ^-7)4 4445.5. 444 M444 44

44 55}5 4^.444 4-bH ^44 44#3 444 4444 4444 4 ^445.5. 444 4444# 444 # 4#4 #7>4 ##4 44^(gain set>5-5.# 444 4444# #3447} 4#4. 5E4 *3**44*44 44 4#4 # #44 4#### #4 #44# ^4-*3(stick - si ip)444 4# 4434s 44# 434 4# *4*4 4444.

# 44# 3 44 44 4471(3 state feedback controller)# 4*4#

#34 #5. 4444 4#34 44^44 4*7} 44# 4#44 A4 4454* 4-*445 #44 ## 444 #5. 444 #44 44

4*4 4= 4# Til4^1# 4## t 4s# 455.4 f 3 a15. 4^4 4444 4444* #3# * 3s# 4^4 44.

— 30—


#1 4^1# 4## 4444# 1959k! Shearer4 444 4 =

445-4 n# #4-4 ^4 «@^4 #g#g

#44 S-f^# #£#4 44# #££4 ^4 4 #14 *V#

4 ?445&4-.^^ 4# Burrows^]- Shearer4 2_^& 444 2:7] <$-*]

*\7\ &4# 7H4J1 43 4 444 4 #4 # 4£# 4444

4.[9] 4 # 1# #44 5.1# 44 #^0.4 4# #14 cfl^

4## a#4.80444 454 1#4# 444 4#44 444 #4 #4-4 a-]^. x\ +

44 444 44-4 4 #7} 44471 44444.

Mannetje# H4 44 4 (Pressure Feedback Control )5L Aj ^3)-^

4 4 (Bandwidth)# 4441 2 4## 144 44# #44 5.514.™

Moore4 Weston# #4 4-5 4^14 444 Stir 4-§-44 !4,#£,

7V#£4 3 44# 4#44 4444# 4^54 4^1# 44445 144

4#44# 4-§-4-5171 n^o\] 4#44 444 447V 1444.[n,[12]

H.S.Cho, C.W.Lee# PM147!# 4-§-45 dead band, pulse band# 5-14

4 modified on-off controller# 4#44 44^(14# #44515. pulse

modulated valve ^ pulse band ratio7} stability^" rising time°ll 44# 4

4# 5#45l5Cl3] S.G Lee# PI 4444 #44 PWM# 4-§-4-4 on-off 1

ti# #4445-5.4 4444 ^ 44444 4# 4?# 4554.[14]

T.N.Huu# 45-15# 4#4# #4- 4^1# #444 4444# #4

4535[1S] Virvaio# 444 5.15. #4 444 4-4 444 4#4## 4

444 444# 44# £7}) 455 #4 44# #44 £14 ^ 4^1 444

47V 5-#44.[16]


Pu# Wes tone #*9M* 4444 l#* 44495[171 Manabe

4 Miyazaki* *955.5* # 414 #(quasi linearization)# 514 4#9|

4* 4-8-494.^

0. Ohligschlaeger* 14.9* 5## *9 4—14 4## 44495

partially polytropic mode Hr 919494.[191

M.J.Karie y#)# 15* 4*# *9##4# #4444 3 #9) 91# 4

44* 4*45 ** 91# 4*#* ##44* *44 544* m#**

Til##& *44 #4-2.4 1# ±0.lmm#°fl #44^4 45 447-14

400mm4 44 9*49: o.45a 44444 l.Oa 444 44* 99#.[1]

J.J.Hong* M.j.Kari4 44# 4^4## 43:4444 4* *7114 on-

off^* 4-8-4# 4^4 9*45 15* 711914# #155 VCBCValve

Changing Band)* 4444 449)4# *1495# 44 45:9)# 444#


Y.w.Jeon# 3* #44 4*4# *9#n 71)914 *4-15* 4-8-44 24

# #44444 449)4* *#494.[3] S.H.Choi* 7)19)4 *915*

4-8-4* *9 #4414 4^g# *4#^ 3 491 ^|# 9)444 *541##

7>*5 7)144 4# 44 7)1# 544# 9-8-494.f4]

Yuan.Lu[20]e *9 on-off 15* 4*44 *94^14 949)9* 49

5 A.Klein* 3 #9) 91# 9)44* 4*4 9*9 4^14 #49)44 44

41# 544* 4-8-44 37M 919# 4*544 ## 94* 495# #4 #44 4# jl#* 44 9r94.[211


1.3 #9- ^-8-

44 4*7> 4#4 ** 4412, 3 #31 31# 3144(3 state feedback controller)* #*# *# 4^- 44314 42444 4424- 3l3l,*£ 31 y,7>^£ 3131 #4 4§H 444 44444 4^31 44* 7>* 4-4-42 4*44 (##44- *£4)44-4 4# -§-4444 #4£ ##4^a 442 2 44 37>4 t1]44 244* 444 4442i2 4#4 444.

**# 444 44—S. 44 4#4 £444 7]4 3) <3 >i(knowledge base)* 444:2. 711444(gain tuning)4 44 44 7114 547l( fuzzy gain tuner)* 44143*4.

4414 44 7114 £444 444 4444 44 444 t4444.44 7114 244# a7i] *71-4 44-* ^44£4 44444. 4*1 4

44 #444 £444 44 44#4 2442 *4 44 £4 244 44

44 3 44 44 4444 3l3l#(gain set)* 44 31313122 tlAl?J 4 £4 ^4 444 444 4*44 4-4 #3:# *## 4# * 4* 4444# #44-* 444 *44 4** 4*44 &* 44444 44* # 4* 4 4**4 **# 44 #2 4# 4444 44 4*4 44-2 *4 ### *4-4 2 *#4 #* 444131# #44* 444.

44 4131 2444 444 4*4 4*# 4444 444 4471144 44 444 71144!# *2 44 31314122 *44) 7>* 44# 44422 £44.

*44 4*4 4*# £4 444 44 4*4 444* 4# 44* 42 ^o)l 4422 *2 a 44444 447)131# #4-4-* 44# #314-534-.


2 -MW*1 716- -MS

2.1 -MSS-j#

Pressure DirectionalServo ServoValve Valve

GAS LA85Pneumatic cylinder

iimiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiSensor 2 Linear scale Sensor 1

Voltage to Current

Converter Fluid Power j _ = |KAIST I *.......-I




=1%2.1 94 4^- 49944 94s

^92.19 9 99# 4)44 944 94 4a. 4^94 7l)4£44 aXI

94 9M #4 99, as)a 42:44 99as. 9444 44.

3 way/2 position 494 94 4^ 4)4 4—Ea4 9444 494"

49 37|-44 is. 3:44 7>^44.[5]

(1) 4944 4^-4^ + 9444 4^4a

(2) 4444 4^.#& + 4444 4J14^-

(3) 4444 4&#^- + 9944 49.#^.


44 ** S33433 -0^44—Eas: *444 ^14# 4 444 4*4

S144 *4* 4-B-4 44.

(1) 4444 *1313 + 4444 4313

14433 44 44 4-8-*# 134 3444. 4 4^14 *4* 4

4^34 <g-^oil 44 4# 43.7]- &7] 1*4 *44*4 44 ^44

44 44 *314 44 44 447} 44# 444. * 4-44^4^ €■ *

444 44:44 444 14444 ^#7] 4 4= n 144 **44 14

444 434 #44 444 444-3 4# 4^14 44444 4444

44=* #4. 44 4-4 4t4 44 *# #3 3444# state Feedback

Controller4 44-4 It#0]* Robust Controller4 44-4 4-4 444.

(2) 4444 A] 313 + 4444 A] 313

4 S34 34ir 4-8-44 *** 443 4s4 4# 44 Si4. 4^1

4 *4* 13 4-1°)] 44334 444 44 44 #37]- 44 4-4 4#4

44J-S t 44# 44 4^14 4**1 447} 4It 44# 444. 4

?44^S44 44 444 4*714 <# 33 44 4 44 444 4^4 #

7]4 *433 44 444# 44& 1344 44# 314 44334 34-I

# t7]- 44. 44 *4 4]#4 4 13 3444 State Feedback Controller

4 4-8-# # 4444 * 4*41 44* °)7] 444. 344 44 1# a]

314 TDC4 4* Robust Controller* A}*41 4444 44# #4 t 4

3 3* 13 344 44 44 # 44 *44 Robust Control ler4 4*4

44 44 T a# a]314 *444* 43 44*4.(3) 4-444 4 313 + *414 A} 313

4 1334-4 *4* (1).(2)13 344 *4:44 *4* 7]43 443

*1 t Si*. * State Feedback Controller0)] 4 S3 34"* A]~g-4: a] 3

1* 44- #1 444 4314 *44 #<*]*] *44* *4* ** f *


#. 434 5314 ##4- ## 3## 3# T 3#. * TDC4 3* Robust

Controller# 4*3 4314* *3#*7l4 4 55! #34 3414 4

515# 4444 4^14 4444 *7> 442. 4^ 44 4=71 ## 444

1 0)144 444 4444 444 4#444 4# 54#:#.

5.4 State Feedback Controller # 4444 #5H# 44^14 4515

4 44*114 4545# 4444 4344 4^14 4444 4444 44#4# 45# # # 44. 4 3*14* 3 State Feedback Controller#

4444555 154 545 53 2.1144 44 (3) 4414 4515 +

44144515# 4#454.

2.1.1 ^ ^

444 44444# GAS LA85 44 4 444# 444 544(linear scale)# 4414 4515(532.3), 4414 4515(532.4) 54 5 5 14a# 514a# on-off!5# 43-45 4# 4344. # 3*14* 514 a# 4##4 33#.

*3**45 4444 7>3 §4 4-##* 455 434# 44# #44 1 45#4 #5444 45# 554 444# #4# 44 !#! 4344 **44 434 *4* 4#55 4144# 4-44. 444 14* #1# 15 444 #444 *44 #al 4444 *44 515 4,#44 4* » #5 144 34.

4# 4544 GAS LA85 134# 55l*i(rodless) 134455 134 ^555 (cylinder stroke)! 144# 443# 44#3# #1 *7} $%545##44 444 444 4344 #*44 434 *4* 4#55 14 4# 7>#55 4444 514 3344 334- #34 *33 *4* 53#

— 36—

^ 7>x]3L o^4.

4 1444 7^# 444AL $14. 4^#444 Steel belt?} 4144 %U 144 444 4fe £S?l|t #44 Carriage^ 4144 %1

4. 1444 444 #444 44^4 4#& 4^ ^ 4* Carriage?} 4 n4 ir#i: 4# ^21 44 44. 4&^l?i4?} 600mm, 4^5-111: 21.6 mm44 ##44 6bar44 4^r 220N44.

Carriage RollerRoller Steel belt

Piston Slide bearing

:%42.2 GAS LA85 Rod less cylinder


n^2.34 ^€2.4# 44 #.£#.9. (Pressure Servo Valve : PSV)4 #4=4] 4 ^"j-S-’S^-CDirectional Servo Valve : DSV)4 -p-SIr 4-4# #44.

# ##4 #5.# nozzle-flapper# First staged Valve housing,spool4

Second staged #444 $1# 2 stage type<44.

n€2.3# y-ej^M #4^47>4# ### #4^5. 4#

44 ^#4 4-##4(i# #4)# #444 44

(24 44)4 #44 4h#44 ^#4 #^M1 ^#4^ 14 44

4 h]h444 €4# 444 ^#€ 444 ^=#4 ?M* 4444 #444

€444.rz42.4€ 4*9=414 45.10.# 3 way/2 position H444 ##4(44

1.5W)# #7144 0>4s.n 4445:4 4^144 7B4I44 nominal

power7} 4= 1 KW444 #4-4^4# 44 ### 4= 44. #444 44#

nozzle-flapper4| 444 1# €4-5-3. 441# 444 44 44- ^

# #44 ^244# 4#44 ^#4 €4# €4# 44& 444# €44

4.4 f ##4 Waa# #7]# #€444 44 ###€# 4 #4- 44

444 444 4#4 #444 4^4 44 ### 0 mA 4# 44 100 mA## 4## 44 4#)### 500 l/min44.



T-& iklh to(ASa)-nB"Sk tolkMn vz^n

H V d

-kth k(ASd)w#wk Mkh-R> s'Z&tz

d V d

2.1.2 4^ ti U

#4-8-i4 #4444 444 ^1-9(linear scale)44. 444

4 #4## 0.005mm»]JL GAS LA85 41444 4444 214". 4"4#4^

FESTO 4 SDE-10-5V/20mA ( Piezo-resistive element as relative pressure

sensor)44 0-lObar42 #4444- Obar 44 IV, lObar44 5V

431 4##^# 100Hz, #444£(Accuracy)# +0.5 % Full scale44.


4 5144 ##-4 ‘til 2.4 #7]5)51, Voltage to Current Converter(V/I

Converter), Data aqusition card, Controller44.

v/i Converter# 44(o-5V)As. 4444 em#44 4444# 23MI

444-4 4#5. 4%#4 ## 4^1^-4 44^5. #4 300Hz + 1.25V4

Dither #51# #^444 444^4 #4 #44. v/l Converter4 44 4

4# 444 3144 4&S4 3.42.54 #4.

Data aqusition card4 PCL-814# 4#4%—4 A/D Converter# 44431

2131 Timer /Count er 4 H (PCL-814-TC-1)4 D/A Convet er(PCL-814-DA-1)#

option-2.3. 444214.



-15V+ 15V

OffsetValvelOkA 10kA


Dither LM741 2N5320

o + 5V20kA



3^2.5 V/I Dither $.$. ^^7]

• A/D Converter^] 7.}^

- Channels

- Resolution

- Sampling rate

- Accuracy

- Input impedance

- Input range

16 differential analog input channels

14 bits

100 kHz maximum

0.003% full scale range ± 1 LSB

10 MO °ltf

0 — 5V (setting)


• D/A Conveter(PCL-814-DA-1)4 Aj-<$

- channels 2

- Resolution 12 bits

- Voltage output range 0 - SV(setting)

- Settling time 0.005 sec

- Accuracy ± 0.012% full range

- Linearity ± 1/2 LSB

• Timer/Counter?} = (PCL-814-TC-1)4 a}<£

- Channels Five 16 bit up/down counters

- Device Am9513A

- Input frequency 6.8Mhz (max)

- I/O level TTL compatible

- Time base On-board 1 Mhz crystal

-g-<a-4ji 44 §Efe^ 486PC(i486DX2-66)t- 444

4 444*5—4 Sampling frequency4 200Hz3. 4^45514.

— 42 -

2.2 7]^^

zi#2.64 ^2.7# 44# #44 #444 45154 4^444^ #

4# 74 444. ^#2.6# 444 44# #44 4# #4^44 4

±0.5 %454 4^444^# 544 n#2.7# #44 44# 54 4444

4# 44# zi4 444 4^4 4=^4 444 44 ht-s, saja 5.4-1- 4

4 44. 300Hz +1.25V4 Dither signal# 4444^ 0V44 5V44 #44

4# 4 30021, 4^44# 4 300a# 4#44 444S4. 44 444

2.0 V 4 4 4 2.8bar4 444 #442-5. 44# 4444 45.*4-54 #4

42.5. 4-5 ### 444.

The hysteresis curve of PSV ( 1 time )


Down : 5V —> 0V

2 3Voltage ( V )

n#2.6 4444 45-154 4^444^= #45

(Dither Signal:300Hz±1.25V)

— 43-

The hysteresis curve of PSV ( 5 times )

0 ...........................1-------1-------1-------1------- 1-------1-------0 1 2 3 4 5

Voltage ( V )

382.7 8-8314 822.S.04 siatfleHa s.a^(55| 8:4^8)

88314 832.134 48 48 848# ^8 844 8844

48484 ##484 48 31888# 44 443 #88 44

444 44 88# 54 848 444 382.84 382.1044. 382.84

8-8314 432-434 314834 84 884448 318# 843 8#4 ¥

3 888 444 382.104 4331848 888 844.

8-8314 412310-31 48 88# #848(Charging)844 1.8V 48

2.5V5. 8885(3 ##48 (Discharging)8314 2.5V3I8 1.8V3 848^4.

382.84 382.1044 22-4 Oa 44 o.5a 484 8848484 54 84 #84 44* 88844 484.


PSV : Maximum volume: 5 times

1.8 V -—> 2.5 V



2.5 V ■> 1.8 V^ 2.0

( Discharging )

) I I I I I------1— J------1------1------» ---10.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Time ( sec )

n^2.8 5s) )

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5Time ( sec )

2.0Time ( sec )

^4 zz.^2.94 =l%2.lHc}-.


PSV : Minimum volume : 5 times

>-2.5 V(Charging)

a 2.5 2.5 V •> 1.8 V

Bh charging )

Time ( sec)

=L%2.10 5^ ) -R-^.

^^^^£(Accuracy)7> 0—10 bar^^ +0.5%(±0.05 bar)<8&

<&%<>] <(H€ 1& 4 O.Olbar0!jl 3L7] <g-^4g*>7>

— 46—

4 0.02—O.OSbar^Ma 4^5.5. 4^44 4MM 444# 44

4 ###4a 44#4.

4444 4MM ^ 4444- M 43)4# ^14 4444 4#4

^#4 #4# 444as #4 IM #44°fl 44# 44444 ^#4 #44# 4### 4444 4444 M# #4## #444 # 4# 4##S#.

4-Ml 4 ysisyy^ #4 #M14 ysisy ^i#444 4# ¥4

444# M 444 CM 44444 ##444 44 4444# 44 4

#a #44 43M144 4# 44# 54 444 444 M2.124- M2.14

44. M2.12# 4444 4MM- 444-a# 4# 444 444 44

# 44s. 4#4 #a 444 444 M2.14# 4# 4444 444 44


44MI4 4MM 44 44# #44^4 (Charging) #41# 1.5V 44 3.5VS 44-4^a ##44(Discharging)#^# 3.5V44 1.5VS 444^4.

M2.124 ^42.1444 o# #4 0.5& 4-44 444444# 54 #4

4 #4# ###44- 444. 444# 444 4444 444 104 44#

44 4# 4 44444 M14-S- #4 44 M2.134 M2.1544.

zi^2.i544 MM14-4 0.05bar4as 4# 444 4M4 s# a

4 4444. 4# 44# #4 4444 #4 Mas. 4444 4MM

#44# 4#3M 4M 4M444 44# 41 a #44 44 4 444

444 4M 44# 444a 4444 4444 4 a is 4 #44 a 4 a

4 44# 4# ##4 4a 44#4.




DSV : Maximum volume : 5 times

1.5V -■-> 3.5V( Charging )

3.5 V —> 1.5V ( Discharging )

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Time (sec)

zz.^2.12 1MMIM 3]#-§-#( 3M3M4H 5^ )

Time ( sec ) Time ( sec )

^.^2.13 ti<WM


DSV : Minimum volume : 5 times

ply pressure

1.5 V--> 3.5 VCharging)

5V - > 1.5VDischarging.

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Time (sec)

zz*g2.14 4-£-€-9-4 ?l)4-g-4( ^iAflaZoflA) 55) 4444 )

o.o . 0.5 1.0Time ( see)

1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0Time ( sec )

1.5 2.0

Ziig2.i5 44,#44444 451-1-9-4

zz.^2.164 h^2. 17-8- 4-444 4-£-1-9-4 41-4 4 4 4# #144#

s.7] 41 ^4 44-44 H42.184 zl42.19# 1144 4 ^-1^-4 44 444 44 -3-444& ti-7] 4^ ^4 4444. a) ^4:04- «0v

— 49-

'kkkkkk lbkk#k tQfli* "Sk MkMt kkkkkk k?Bwk kk#k #k tbkkkk^8i z^c Trkkkkk #lh IbkkSk ka&wk ktkk-Fo ^lvz&t:


kkk ir-tak-^lb kkkk ^?k #k lb jo kk^k-k kk# kkk# k k-S- -khio kk k4rk klkk-k kaF^k klkk-k ^kk tb^K •k^k # lok -#-kk%o kkk kta-k ^rklb-kk kirk^S k klbfb-ik

kkkk 3-kMrz^TT k

"nB"S"k klk#& #kB. kkk "kkkk kk-k kkk klb#& kklbk k?k kkkkk #&# kkkir kk# ^-h-k-h kkk kkkfkk k n'li'S'k kkk-k #k Ibkkkk #9i‘z^ir kk^k^io o k ^kk kk kkk kkkk k^#k-k #kkk klbk's "sBi^k klk#




) Pr


re (b


6PSV : Step response : Charging

yC, yOV —5.0 V

upply pressure-----------------

i // / t /

0 V — 2.5 V■

t /i t > >

/ / i t f i

OV — 1.8 V•

/ i.

Dashed : Max Solid : Min

mum volume . imum volume

Time ( sec )

n^2.16 44-§-4( -if “94^ )







00.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Time (sec)

H^2.17 4#4^ )


PSV : Step response : Discharging

iV~—*-5.0 V —— " "T—— |*0 V Dashed : Max

Solid : Minmum volume mum volume

; 1 \\4—-V-^2.5 V -----►O V■

TT T---------

■\K\ ■

■\\ V''^I.8V- — OV





) Pr


re (b


DSV : Step responses : Charging

Dai hed : Maxin ium volume

4.5 V0.5 V-1.3 V -3.7 V2.0 V -3.0 V

Sc lid : Minimum volume

Time ( sec)

n^2.i8 )

DSV : Step responses : Discharging

Solid : M inimum volume v 4.5 V —0.5 V

3.0 V

Dashed : Maximum volume

0.5 V

3.0 V 2.0 V

J .. -■ li J. - - .1 — ■ - ,-L. — i , k,„, .....0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Time ( sec)

^ 2.19 )


Time ( see)

Time ( sec)

Velocity (m/s)ov> O in o

Velocity (m/s )

Position (m)

Position (m)

X> 4*- Li_S, JD- Ml§ M -S,' °\° dmoM tip.J2, fk 44

41 CL 4^ rir414> r£ Hi A

A ^H- &Li J2,

n|o-H -|>









4> -L, Hi l> (o aS i -S'x>


4> &


X> m|»

<LL J2








m H>a js.
































rir JL Bft (iU aSt o|oa. iu|o nth A A A

a|U|o A (51 A a

A A 4)1 A ulU|U«4>St. r£ A



oBCOh-*-M s Ja fftt puS-A r>»'

V 4HnrAo
















4>A 4>


AJlH|U$iHi A 41 A

A 41 JE rir A|0Hu oft

4>AA Hfl



A A A A Al> oft HI U

aB (* iu|o□sA JS


cooo A


nfi A § nT aS Ido& c rir Ja HuIs Bft

JflL JEA Ja 4H

A A Ja A-V 4j 4)i Xj A

0|D_ov °1> J|H' Ja A A

id. A °H oE


^944 ®

l*l 5:^71* A

>-g-^H 943A4 ^

7l]»ll:^ K

p :


1, K

v :


/s), K

a :

1.806 V/(m

/s2) 4^3. 0 m

, 0.3m

^^3.2(a) (c) (d)#

41^1 ^A



B|oS U


|u i>oA nroftM-


r$i Ao|o Atip,iu|o41 A41 A& infraiu|o AA <*>A oatuboSt


mU B?41 AA Hi41 j*

o. l>aS

CtbL iu|o4^ Ajgj AA A> A-P

<*> #





i%A Ada AA cfltH> j£A 4d4> A4> AHi A)° AAX> A

A41 A4> AHi i*i

K> 4>A a>1> 4tA AN iU|o4n AoA Mo|o dEcoup. h-4m|o J2<(n sAA (DA»4 i—sA


o|o#A /- Hi o A ^



Acceleration ( mW )

Acceleration (m/s2 )





) Po


n (m


( V/m ) (V/(m/s))

Ka= 1.806 (V/(m/s2) Xs = 0.0 m:, Xe = 0.3 i

Kv = 76.3

Time (sec)

( a )

Time (sec)

( b )


Time ( sec )

Acceleration (m / s2)i— i—* i h—Vi O Vi O Vi O

Velocity (m/s)O O O O OO ^ On bo O


controli: 44 ^4 444


4 4 & IdJL ±, 41 (flj





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4 JE6 o&






Pressure (bar )

Command Signal (V)

4## zz.^3.3,zt^3.4,zz.^3.5# state feedback controller# 4## #

44## "S'##—*9 4 4 state feedback gain## 4 4 #£.7ll?](Kv)# 7}-#;E7)l

tiCKa)# ^#7} ## 3# ^,#3 £M\£,=L2\5L 7>#.E 3# ^4 4^# ^

## 44# 7}# <£°}1L7} 4# ^## 4444.O] *3^# 4444-4 44 4444 Kp# 1500V/m(1.5V/mm)3. 3.44 4-41

44 ##^.5. Kv 4 Ka# #44 44 Kv = 74 V/(m/s),Ka = 1.74 V/(m/s2)4

4 4^4 4±4 #4# 4# #7> ^44 4 443!# 44 34443!^

7>443 44# 7l#33 1 3.14 #4 Kv# Ka# 40% ## 160% 44 15%

4 44- 944& #t44 # 817>4 344 444# 4#4-4 4M4#3 #

7>4 414314 44-4 104 4# ####*§## #444.

3.1 7>^5.7liy ^#414* ■*-’3-^4

MW AhI/aA; Aja'tUB'c'V ratt.i t $ )

1 29.6 0.696 40

2 40.7 0.957 55

3 51.8 1.218 70

4 62.9 1.479 85

^0# 1500 7-1.0 1.710 100

6 85.1 2.001 t—A

7 96.2 2.262 130

8 107.3 2,523 145

9 118.4 2.784 160

# 3.1 Kv,Ka4 44-4^4 4-## 5t

3^3.3# Kv# Ka4#4 #€- ## #4#4 4## #44 44#. ZL^


3.3# 32.4 44 34*# Kv4 44433 44# 43 44# 4# # *7} 44. Kv4 #44 5E.4 <ti (40%-i60% )oj] 7444 44 34*# 7] 4 44

*M# # *7} 43 Ka4 44=# 4* 435.3. 44 #47} 7}#44

4 4^1 Tliy &^7l #7)14^ Ka4 <g<8=& 34444. 4433. #4 Kv4

#y# 44 34*# 4 #44 4* #tii #44 7>^44s ^#4# *7}

44. 343.4* 32.4 #3 34## 44 34*4# #4 Kv4 Ka 3*4 Til

#444# # *7} 44. Kv7> 444 444 *3 i.4x£ 4*11433 4

34# 44# 32-44 Ka7> 444 44^13 44 #3 34*4 434# 4

4# 32.44.

n44 £4 n^s.344 # #7} &4*4 Kv# 44 34*33. 4# 4

44 #44 7}*45.3 #3 34*4 4^-* Ka4 #44 4## * 7> &4

# 4# # *7} 44.

3.43.5# 4444-7} 7}#3 34*4 44# 44# 33-4#4. 4714#

44 # 344# 44 71144 444 444 7} #3 #4$# 411433 4

444 43 4## # 4=7} ^4. 344 #371)44 4^4 4=^441 #44

44S}# **(Kv=ioo%)# 32,4 7}#3 4144 444 444 7}#3 344#

4#4# #4* 344 444 #37)144447}# #334#4 4^1 7}#3

34#4 43* 7}#3 Til4#44 4#4 # 443 4444.



) 160

40 K


® 8

^ Position overshoot (m)Ois 1 I

is In


" "b

in Ito



f C


6 Velocity overshoot (m/s)

##11# 4|#(Kp)4 #$-7} 0.^-6,! 44 44fe 7>lr #7)4

#4 4&##& ####4. o mm^l# ###4 4444# 300 mmS #22. # 77H# #4^-4 4) 4 4 444 444)4* #a]# 4# 5. 3.24 #4 44 44 4 4 4* 4444. 5.3.2*1]4 # f 4te #7>4 4444 A>ej-o. 4*]-£4 #4(Kp)4 4^4 44# 44^.4 4)4(Kp), ^5 4)4(Kv), 7>45 41

4(Ka)4 471- 4^ #4# 4444 4^4 #444* 444. 44# 4#

* 44 4)4 &444 44^4 #4& *4#* 4## 44)# 4 4f *-§-

# 44 #444.








1 100 0.0 0.17 100 : 6.000 : 0.170

2 250 13.9 0.37 100 : 5.560 : 0.148

3 500 26.5 0.68 100 : 5.300 : 0.136

4 1000 52.4 1.30 100 : 5.240 : 0.130

5 1500 77.8 1.85 100 : 5.190 : 0.123

6 2000 103.2 2.34 100 : 5.160 : 0.117

7 3000 153.8 3.80 100 : 5.127 : 0.127

5 3.2 77>#4 44.S.4- 4144 4# 4# 44 4144




( m





Kp = 100 V/m

Kp = lOOOV/m

Kp = 3000 V/m

Time ( sec)

Kp = 100 V/m :

Kp = 3000 V/m :

Time (sec)

— 64-



' Sa-iT

lv ■s'

-(n [to


IMk {Y



9 S^

CControl Input (V) Acceleration (m/S2)

*0*0 13

o o oO • O • -O'o..



## lb-

tea b

ds IM

k -fe


r L’z

Steady state error (mm) o o o o o o _o o o b b 1>.PPo k) *. o) oo o *. cn








iu|o (ft(ft Hv


41 UaBCO

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Hi H> 41 JS,

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S£o.41 41

41 -f (d (ft

_2 nS Jffl






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da4aH>A>4o($. :

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3.3 JL&fM ^#44# -§-iM JLg

3#3.8, 3#3.9, 343.10# 45447} 44## 4 #44 ##* ti.7]

4# ## #444. ##4 4-0-# 7)1 #31# Kp = 1500(V/m), Kv =

78(V/(m/s)),Ka = 1.8( V/(m/s2))?!fll 4## Omm4|# ##44 300mm4 5#

# 414 ##44 44€ 7)14444. 4544# 100mm44 500mm44 100mm

^ #71-4444 5445. 4444 44445.4 100mm, 300mm, 500mm4 44

44 44444.3#3.8# 4444 #5# 4 settling## 444 44# 44 (a), (b),

(c)44. rL^3.8(a),(b),(c)o)14 45447} W44 #5445-4 444 4

44 44 5.4#4 #7}#3. 44-4# 44#4 4## 4 #7} #4. 3.1#

444 #4* 445.5 4##4# #5444 444 445-4 44t11 44

Kv# #4 #?!-# 444.

#143.9# #5#4 #544 #5 #Jl444 #44 #4 1 4 44#

#4-71- ^#45.5 #444.343.10# 7##e #4- #544 #5447} #44 45445.4 4# 4

#4 7>#5 #4#4 5.45 5# 7>45 #3:o)l 4# 44# # #7} 44.

#54471- 4# 4#4# 444# 444# #4# 7}#5 5.4x4 4#=# 543 44 7}#5 #3.011 144 4of#4. 7>#5 #3.4 #45 # XI## 4 # #4 4#4 4##ir #44# #3# #4-7} 44. 44# 3.1#444 #4# 4435 #4#44 454#7f 444 445.4 444 444 Ka# S-4 #7}# 444.

— 67—

Time ( sec )

0.104 0.304

0.100 •

0.096 0.296

Time (sec)Time (sec )

( a ) ( b )


Time (sec)

( c ) 3.8 Ssh 41*1 M

— 68—

0 mm » 100mm

0 mm >> 300mm0 mm » 500mm

Time (sec)

^#4 4

0 mm » 100mm

0 mm » 300mm

0 mm » 500mm

Time ( sec)

3.10 ^44 4# -§-#


4 bM Tflti 2^7]* ^-g-% 5-9- -Ma 9


244.1# 44 Tliy 2^7)f 4## #1 x]iL 4444 Aj^Efloj 7])^= =

44. 3 #41 ?n^ 4444 feed back gain##- ^^44 4# 44 7)14 2

44# 2Til t7>x] 7]## 7>X]3I ojcj-.

4*fl# ##444 24447} .2.4 4 #-%°)]4 feedback gain#4 444

# #2 ^4 #44 2# 4#<A]2 4## # Si2# 447)14# #44-^ 7l


#4# ##44 Six] &# ##444. 2444444 7)] 47} ^2# nfl

44 ### 44# 4#2S. feedback gain## ###4 zl ^9-444 44tIIsM] e4# 27] 7)144!# f 4#23.4 4#7)1 #e# ## 441 ti]#4

24 #3.7)1 ##7)1441 #e# # 42# 4#4 44.

2^4.14]xj -g-443. 5fl47](Signal Analyzer)# 42^4 a]4 #4# =11

444 #4 24 #4 #2 24£, 7}#2 24x, 7}#2 4##, 4424

#4 ## 44## ?42 ##44, 24444 #41 44 7)14 2444] 4

4St23. #4. 44 7)14 247]# 44# Hilt# 4 4 4(Fuzz i f i cat ion)

442 444]42(Knowledge base)4] 4444 Si# 4#7> 44# 4#44

44 ##(Fuzzy inference)# 44 37>x] feedback gain# 144# 444#

4 Si 7}# 44 4#(Linguistic variable)^ 4444. 44# 44 4444

(Defuzzification)a]44 4#423. Kp, Kv, Ka4 4#4# Crisp valued 4

4% f 3 #4 4% 4444 feedback gain## 4#4 #4.



Signal Analyzer


Decision­making logic

State feedback controller



Fuzzy gain tuner

Pneumatic Servo System

4.1 2M

rfl^ 3M##(Puzzy partition)^ 57])5. #^31 #4

57fl^ 5t]7] y<>lt£m(Fuzzy linguistic variable)#

#4 ^44534.NB Negative Big

NS Negative Smal 1

ZR Zero

PS Positive Smal 1

PB Positive Big

Tllti KvSj- 7^S Tflti Ka^ W 5)^1 °J3n^4.2^

go] #4458^2. #4 S] 4 triangular fuzzy number)# 3444 m44^4 H]-§-!#- 4^-o.s 44 44 # 44## H44.34- #4 4 44584.


-17.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 17.0 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.03 0.2 -4.6-1.6 0.0 1.6 3.2

PositionOvershoot (mm) Velocity

Overshoot (m/s) AccelerationOvershoot (m/s2)

H44.2 Kv4 Ka#4# 44 4444

Velocity overshoot Acceleration Overshoot













H44.3 Kv4 Ka#4# 4# 44 # 414#


7)1# &## 41# 3x3 , 5x5 , 7x7 4# #4#(Fuzzy rule table)#

44 4444 444 4 44 s# s# 41^1<^1 4 4 Til# As #44# #4

# ##4#A4 3x3# 4## 7i|## ^4 tfl# #444 3i##4#

#4#S# «>5.4 ### ###51 7x7# 44# 49711# ##(Tuning

rule)# 444# s## 444 447V #1# 444# ##4. 444 4

##44# 5x54# 4#4# ##4#a #4# #4 ## ###£# #

#S4 4##4£ 4a# #5:4#4.

n#4.44# rz#4.9#-## n#4.34 44 4#444# 4#44 444

4# 4# s##4 kv4 Ka# 4##4# #44 44# 444 444. #

4444 #44 A#### S4.14 4# 4# 4#4#4.

( % : gain/optimal gain)

A>r %&; Kv( V/(m/s) ) Ks< VAm/s3) )

1 1500 10 (12 %) 0.2 (11 %)

2 1500 210 (300 %) 0.2 (11 %)

3 1500 10 (12 <k) 0.9 (500 <i)

4 1500 210 (300 '*) 0.9 (500 1)

£4.1 4# ## S### Kv.Ka 4##4 44#4 4#4 a###^

zz.44.4## zz.44.744^ 4#4444 4^44 44#44 44# 4a

4 4#4. &71447V 4# 4## 4 1044s 4## 47114# 44###

#4 #44 4317} 4# # # ##4. 154 4#414 #44- 204 4#44

#4# #4 4#7} ### 4## 154 4#44 ### 4###ss o

44-# #4444.








Velocity ( m/s )O O O —V) O Vi O

Acceleration (m/#)

.5 1.0

1.5 0.40

0.44 0.48


e (sec) Tim

e ( sec )

Position (m)O O O O0© k> W

p p Position (m )o 0.34








Velocity ( m/s )

, Acceleration (m/s2)

Vi C> vt o v>

.5 1.0

1.5 0.40

0.45 0.50


e ( sec ) Tim

e ( sec )

Position (m)

Position(m)O © © O OtO tO tO tO U»to ON 00 O



0.0 0.5

1.0 1.5

0.40 0.44

0.48 0.52

Time (sec)


Position (m)p P P p P© *» Is) U>

Position (m)poop

9- \








Velocity (m/s)p P p P p r© *•» -fr. ON 00 ©

Acceleration (m/s 2)0 UN O Vl O Vi o

1.0 1.5

0.40 0.45

0.50 0.55

Time (sec)

Time (sec)

Position (m)

2 -

Position (m)p p p p

344.4* 2:7] 7)1 <?!-§- Al^Eflo) Xj£o) ** 31-0.3 *3 4*X)^* 4*4 xl^c§«6|lAl 4*4.4* 34*3 $14. 4w ^(Iteration 0)4

-5-441x1 o}* * 0)434*0! 30)3 *3 34x4 7>*3 5.4x4 ^T 37)1 444-3 $14.

344.5,344.6,344.74 7l*3 -§-4^341x1 Kv7> 4347)1 444 7>*371 <g* x)4* ttc #7143 Ka7> 4347)1 444 71*34 xl**7l #7>4ir # * $14. #7)144 3# 7)47)1 44 7)434 4**4 44* 44# %* 3#7> #7144. 444 X144 5)4 t)14 344* #4# 4 °1* #44 430)4 S°))7l #44 44 4-°) 4434x4 43 34* 3

43 7143 344433 T))$)#& 441 34# * $l%7l 41#o)l * 4*471 xMlfl 47I 7)14 347)0)1* xi-g-4^1 ^4:4.

344.8* 444 34Tlloiol 447)1433 *44)71* 44& 4 4w S*0)1 444 44# 40)3 344.9* 2x14 7)1 o) 5§4(x# : Kv , y* : Ka)

4-°flx14 4w44& 44^ 4°14. 344,94 4434ix) 34 4 4)4# ol 4433 *444 %3 44 4433 *44* * *7l $14. °)*. *$1# Til01* *3 44^ #^55* 4)0)13 4)44 *4o)l 3*4 40)7l $14* 4* 34434 34 *4* 71*3 3 0144.

— 78—

Kv: Small Ka: Small


■3 150 Kv: LargeKa: Small



0.5 ..... Kv: Small Ka: Small


iv: LargeKa: Small

0 5 10 15 20Iteration

Kv: Small


Kv: Large

Ka : Lar8e


Kv: Small


. \ .........■ \ : . Kv: Large

ka :Lal*e.. \i................

: : :____ ____ i____ _____ i____ _____ i___ i____

0 5 10 15 20Iteration

n^4.8 f ^4^1


</3 6-


Kv (V/(m/s))

— 80—

5 ## ^ ^ 4^1


• 3 3l%aM7]# 41# ** 42 4444 42#1 9444 42#

944 92 *1# 1* 42124 4# 4244424 4##4444

#441* ##4#2 #2*4 *4* 4 49* 94#4 #44 44#

4# 9*4* 44# 9 444.

• 444 ##4-4°ll4 4 4# *4 ##7} a]a0j 14-011 94^ 9^1 4

#7}4 #** *44 4*442. 41 144 42#l4_l 22 37}4 ?\]

#** *44* 4*7} 44* 4* 9 444.

• 4144(#44,244)1 4444 4444 *#44 41444 444

44444 44* # 9 ##2 44 44 244°)1 444 41444 4

41 2## 9 4* 4ii 1?}# #2*1 44444.

• 44# 4*7} 441 i#4^#4 4444 #44 92444 7}9^4

4* *44* 44 414 2441 #4444.

• #4# 44 44 2444 #*4141 4# #** *44 2 411 ## # #4 #9# ## 4444224 94*4* 4* 97} ##4.

— 81—


• #4 €4 444^94 4444# 4-8-44 4447}4# 4444# 4#4^3. €444 €4444 i ^0.3.4 ^<£4^# 4-8-44 €444 ##4 #4 $144 €## €# 444## €4 #€# 4" $14.

• xl^-4x| <9^€ ####4€ 71^-^j o] n}#m^ ^ 5|-5}-

44 sensitivity^ 44 44^=14# 7}€ ##4—€# 4# 44 #4 444## 44# 4 $1^4 4# 4#€ 4471 4# 4-8-44 €444 44 7>4 4-8-44# #44 4 $1 4 #44^€# 444 # $14.


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: .^-g- v}^b\ <£& <>]-§-1!: x>i- 4^4 W

1. -4# 891.1 99-*% 3 ^ #4..........................................................................891.2 €9##............................................................................... 901.3 €94#............................................................................... 91

2. 44€4 4^4 719# 49 €45.512= 4^€# 94 943. 4-954 314## °1## 444114 4H9fl 5.1 97

3.1 7fi..........................................................................................973.2 44444 444 #4.................................................... 973.3 44#.................................................................................. 983.4 44 # till4^............................................................... 983.5 449# ^ 444#.............................................................983.6 44# 4-954 #2.4#................................................. 99

4. 44 # 4^-4# 4## €444 1044-1 4-S..................................................................................... 1044.2 1044.3 S#44.................................................................................1064.4 ##44.................................................................................107

5. ## 1145.1 ##5# # #4............................................................... 1145.2 4-34-4 €45#........................................................ 1155.3 44 € 4h«J! 44€# 4## #44## 414 ... . 1155.4 h#4I4............................................................................ 1155.5 ##44............................................................................ 1165.6 ##44............................................................................ 1165.7 4 #4 #€44 4 m................................................... m

6. 1# # 9944 130#3.## 131


1.1 ## i #4

7}41#3l4 ^#3# 444 #144 7>^o]#444. 4 44 #4 11 if4 1 344 44 4# ^4 4 3# 41# #1344) 5)^1), 1437)- ^§HM1 44 #1 44## 444 137} 4147)) 44 44& #^4# 4444 4 3441 4## &444 44. 44

#xfll# 61)147) ^14 4-133 3.444 4## 35)144 4# 444 #^# 4#4 4-#4 44 4 3333 4443 44. 344 44 44 #4 #4tl4 44444 3#^ 44 4 44444 4 44 4444 4^1) 44443 44(34 i). 444 44 44444 444 44444 444 #43 4)2) 4# 41# # 4)34 ## 44# 4444.

4#°))# #4 #44 34 4 #4 44 #44 4 #35.44 44 4# 33.44 44# 4#4 #3, #4 4#4# 4444 4# 34 4%& #4 444, 3441 4#4 44 4144 443 4444. 444 443 444#4444 #liD4°)M4 444# 3441 4444 ^4)43 4# 4#

444 4#4-7f 144 345)3 44. 444 14# 444 44 333 4^^irA>^.5>7) 41)4 4# 447)- 4D 5]ji 44[i].

#4 44443 14-4 1432] 44, 3# 4 4All 444 Aj-481-7] 444 44 333 4344 41 447)- l%i #44. 444 44 333 431# 4447)- 44 43 444# 4)3444 4 4)3442) 4444 44 11]

44# #«# #5)143433 #15)14, 4# 444# 44# 4#4 44

341 4 44)3 4# # 44.14# 44 47} 4)35) 4# 3444 #443 4# 444 37) 4444 #4 44 444) 44# 4444 4441 143, #4#

44 #414-1444 #4) 44# #14# 4444. 14 44)414# 444-4 144 §1333 1444 #144 &4, 34 44 134)4 4#44 41#


sM-. zlbH, #4 4tiM4# !#44 #144 41# 4 44 12 #4 444 4 425 ##4til Af-g-f- ^ 44. 44 44 M44 #4 44

#44 414 # 4#444 #4 41# #4444 #444. 44 41 #444 44 4# 44 4a## 2a til 2! 4# 2144 #442 4#

#444 44 #4##444 4#4, 4 4#ti]#til4 #4# 44 24 ^zl, 44# #44 27] nfl^-ofl Tie]011 4# 444 ### ^-4 444 44# 44444 444 44# 444 44# #144 44# 4#4 #44 4444 #444.

4#4# 41 44## 2.444 44 444# #4 4# # 4# 144 #4 414# 41## 4# 44 ## 14 144 2.4 # # 4# 414 1#7]-

444l3i[2], be I! 4^1oj] o)51) ^at- 4441 #442. 44 #^oj]

l-d-4 42.# ##4# 4#4 !f 1!4[3],## #444 444 t!2 #4A] 44# ### 44 #14 14#

2.5L 4144 41# 44 44 41 #4 4^4 44 2422 #442. 4# 444 14# 14^ #444# 414. ###44# 44 #4M 14| 14# 14# 144 144 4##til 44 44 14# 5144 44 1 4^4 44# #44 11 241 4144 444# #43i44.

1.2 4# 14

44 #4# 4#4 3-#! ## 11# a4 4#4 44 # 7>42 4#4 44. 2 # #7M1# al i-2(a)4 44 #111 44# 444-711 #444 a144 #4 45-# 4 #44 2## ## A] 7] # 4 (position-based visualservoing)4a, 4# 44# a4 i-2(b)4 44 14 1## 14^ 144 til#44 a 4 A] 7] e] # #4=22 24# ## A] 7] 4 4(feature-base visual servoing)4 4.

44 141- 4#4 454! !# a>s)1^ Sanderson #4 #2 5# 4# till 4 (model reference adaptive control) 14# 41144 A14 z] 50]) 4 #! !#[4],


49 #4IS) 94# CAD s.l5.jfE-i 94 b 9b 45# 49 #455 #4 44

45 4 — 9& b## bb[5][6], #7}# 44" b9( Augmented Image Space)#

b##b 94"[7], 2444 44 49 9(uncalibrated camera)# 44# 44" 459

-4# 9 4[8], 44# #4 4 9(normalized feature matrix)# 44b 9 4[9], 4 4"

445.2:7) #49# #4b9 4-4# 94[10] 44 94.

1.3 9441#

# 94b 44" 9 4^4 4b# A9 94 555 4^44. 0} 4^99 44 92.4## 49#94. 944 44" 9 4244# 4947}- 424 94 9# 9944 4^4 9# #449 #44^ 44 4# 44 #44#4 #31145. 94 #9# 44" #444 9# 95.# 4#44 44 44471- 9# 44 #445. ## S9##4 #445. 9# #44b 9# 9#4. 44 9 #24# 4## 44 92.4b# 2.9 44. ## 44, #9 445 4b4 94. 4 44 99## 49 #94 9444 9b 4445#4 9# 49# 52 494-7} 454 9# 54#4 #31145 99 99# bb #4 5# #94 44 9 42455 #445 9# 555 4#44b #955 #9#4. 49# 414 99# 44 944 #4#4, 44 94 #9 444 4# 49 44# #4# #4 45995 #41 4##4 444# 94 b## 994# b 94. 419# 414 994 #9# 99571 #94 94994 414# 44 555 429# ### 994 99# 9#94. 4# 449 4# 4# #5, 99 #4 544 #5, 2#2 #9 49# 42955# 5 ^g-44 419# 414 994 #9# 94 59#.


steam generate

tubesheettop level of refueling pool .. 3 manway

U (D

closure head removed \instal1


;7-...nozzle dam

reactor-vessel core support barre

Fig. 1 -(a) Diagram of a steam generator nozzle dam

nozzle dam ,

hold down bolts '



lowersectiono o o

Fig. 1 -(b) Manipulator in steam generator

— 92—



Controller RobotManipulator

(a) The position-based visual servo system


(b) The feature-based visual servo system

Fig. 1-2 Two types of visual servo system


2 44 44 4^44 441 41 44 5.45 4^44 T4

2^2-11 1 SH(LCA in KAIST)°HS 4t^: 44 44 #5# 4H 71-4

44 5.55 42^1 54 #2, 2S 2-24 42«i# #244# 44444. °1

4^S1 24 42# #-, #5i]oiti ccd 4444 44 #2^, 2#2 44 4

2^ 444& 14S%4. 4^4 41 3415# IS 441 fit 7}## 4

444 44 4a. 5.44 4444 444 447} 7}i#s] 41-44. 4#S! #

44 44 4 5.44 41 4^4 44 4 14 #^#42# ##-41 ^ ^7] ^

44 144 4141 2,3141 IS 14114444.144a. 416l 14

441 #5# 7]-4 #4# 555(4# 14, FARAA1-U)# 4^44 114%2,

#442 4 4445 JPC(Joint Position Control) 5.2# 4144 4 11 16msec4

111 4125- 4445# 444[ii]. 1445 14 1#4 CCD444# 14

44 44 444 4#144 45324, til 1 52(44 14, mvb-02)1 DSP# 5

442 41 414144 #4-44441155 44 44 #4114945#


Ill 3.7]} # 47(]5 414 14.114 441 4447} 425-] <4# 544

4 44 54 44 441 414. 1445 4# 2 #<y 414 444 1444

441 IS44.1445 14 144 CCD -7}4#44 44 44 147} 544

2, 5 2 <8444 44 1441 #1# 1 $11 4141144 444 114 4444. #, #444444 255 ?M 4-<8444 44 #S 131444. 44 1 ^41 44 #S4 4^44 44 #4 24# 142,. 2 <84 #4 245#4 4# 444 5557} 1444 41 4el# #44.1445 41 4447} 4

24 41 #44 SSI #4 #2, 44 S 424 444 #si# #4 #s 24

7} 454 7) # 4425 Tills 251# # 7]] #4 441 # 44 14 4 44.

2 44 44 555# 44 44 441 54444-71 #4 14# CCTV7}4e}

7} 4*94 44 IS ##24 SSI 41 441 tv Monitor# #44 4444SI






2 CCD : CameraHuman



Slave Arm Controller


Telerobot System Controller

Fig. 2-1 The structure of the LCA telerobot system (LCA:Laboratory for Control systems and Automation)

Fig. 2-2 The hardware of the LCA telerobot system (LCA:Laboratory for Control systems and Automation)


3.4# &4 44 #* 4-8-# 44 44 *3^ 2-1


34 3-12) (a)4 HA]n)j<2] 44# 44# 444^3, (b)4 44 4444 #41

444 #4# 44-t- 444 & 4. 44 4:4 43^4 #4* 3.4 3-i4 (b)44 444 4# * 44- #41# #444# 444. 4# 4414 ^#4 *34 *4 # ^ 43# n# 3-24 #4. 444 4# 4423 44# 44 #4 44(cre/)# #

31, 47)14 4444 CCD 444# INI 4# 4*23*4 #4 #4 #4 #4(coc,)4 43.44 3 #4#4 44# *44 44. 44 44 #4# 444 #3)143 4# 4444 4a: A)*# 44 44# 444 #4 44 44.


44 44 #41-4 44344 43 4#t)H144 #443 44 44 444 (aa»4- 444 4a))a) 45. ^44# 4 4 ## 44444.

3.2 44 4144 444-#4

# #44 4# 34 44 444# 4444 444 44 4 4444 4*4##4414#4. 44* #4# **#3 4443M4 44#4 444 4434


33 44 #*44.

44 41444 *4* *44 4*4 **371- m4 #51143 4-4 47)1 444

4 4*443*444*4444 4*4 #4 44 44.AXv - [ Axjj/ , Ar2y . • • •. Axwjr )r (3-3)


nel jl, 44# rflsM 44 #55 3J? 44 #55 #jl, 444 44#4# #54 444 77H5.4^3#, 224 3-24 44# OT.

3.3 4 x] ^-(fuzzification)

44#4 4# 44## 4443 4444 44 4444 #4 #44 444 #, 4 4£ 4 4 # 44 # ## 4 54 #4. 4 4 #5 ^4 3=#(crisp)# 444-4 44 44 #45. 444 44 444 #44. 44 44 #5#5 44# a# 3 =4 #4 — 4]4#(scaling)44 44 44,4 44 444 44 &4#4.

W -G xVerr (3^)= (ft X v\,err, ft x v2,err 5 ,ft x \'„,err )

fF =(Wj, W2,A ,W„) (3-5)

444 g 5 44 44 44 444 44 444 41# 44 2i, >f5 44

4# #444.

3.4 44 #414^

# #4^5 4# 44 54 44 #45 3337} #444 4# 44 #44 444 #4# 44# 55 453.4 4#5 4-B-4 #4 54#4.

ALA£ A': 7/7 w, toWf, w2 «• W2A',--,wn is W*r/ZATV At/, /s U^,Am2 /> U^v,A«m « U* (3-6)

(K = 1,2,"-,/)

444 w„4- r-5 4# 44^ #54 3# #44# 44 443, a«w4 u*

5 44 #4 #54- 21# #44# 44 444. 22.43. 4 #4 44 4# 44 4##( fuzzy singleton )53 44 444-

3.5 44 5# ^ 444#


41 44# product SUIT! 44# 4441 -a 1 1 44 A] 2\ *|£L7}- 7|-#44 414[12][13], Ill: 6] uoVtf 4- 1411 #n :f#4# #4 4#111411 4#14. H] 4 x| 5}-^ #^4# 444% #1, e>] 1-f 41 ##4" 1

4444 14 Ax# 4-8-4 1°) 4^14.

z(^V2........^)Av - Asi_______________ ri_7\

4 11 f* 4 41 ta 1 °1 tt’„ a tifl 1 43-(the degree of fitness)# 441 112.

(Zt^3-4#^X 4-8-4 11 &414.


1 l#s# ## #44 144# ##44 ol Ivi 1# 7^)7)) 44, 2 ##4o_a^44.#44#4 4-8-44.

3.6 41 # 4# 3:1 12.4#

# 4#4 44 4(3.6)41 4114^ #44 #41# 3:14# 11

4. #4 3:14# 4# 44 4 (steepest gradient)# °l4444. °1# a 14714 4 1 14 #14 3-4# 1-8-41 4-0-4-11 7| 4 44(cost function) J# 14 44.

"A 2 (®I' ''l.err "^"®2 '^2,err " *n,err ) (3-9)


444 «n-b 4 49 44 -2-4(vM,errH 41 9 7I-9494. ae]i, #2] #4 4

4 44 444 44 44 44.


4^(0 _ #(0 ^i(0 | #(0 ^2(0 ,<5£/*(0 A (4 ^/*(0 *2(0 <*/*(/)

(3, #(') ^;(0 , , #(0 c\(t)

^(0 ^//(f)

(bjit) _ (\’j(t) ab-;(o a>j(t) (?ax2(t)<£/*(0 dbxi(t) <£/*(/) Ar2(0 cU*(t)+

| <9(0 clbxp(t) | ^ 9(0 Ax,„(Q ^ 12^

ftopiO dUf{t) + Ax„,(0

444 7/xr 44 44 4443L,t4 494 4444.

9^, 4 (3-7)3.94 4 ^(0




Fig. 3-1 (a) Image to be acquired at the teach mode

01Visual Servoing



Fig. 3-1 (b) Desired Image to be acquired in actual mode

Human operator command (Fh)

Active slave

, Visual force i feedback 1


Slave Arm Manipulator


Master Arm (PID)

Human hand

Auto-tunning Fuzzy Inverse Kinematice

Fig. 3-2 The block diogram of the telerobot system with the visual force feedback

Fig. 3-3 The membership function of input and output value


Uk1-1 Uk1z— Mtfa i)

V Mk~/wi)w,

U,1 u,



hki= M/w,) "AW

h<k-nr MkJ™,) "AW

V/)= A/w'J • A-/W

\(k-l)(l-l) = Mk~i(Wl) • Ml-l(w2)









I'(k-l)I flk(l-l)h(k-i)fl-i)

JUklU(k-im/k(l-l) U(k-l)(l-l)f


Fig. 3-4 Simplified fuzzy reasoning method

—103 —

4. 4 Z) # 4*-^* 4-g-s) 4)4

4.1 7))*

A14 % 4*4* 7|^ir 7)4 3)4 25 4^44 4)34 *2) 31^e4 4-44, a]4 4 4*4* #4442 *3145. 4* 24# ** Si* 4*^* W4. 4 42^)2) 44 4^* 2# 3)4,54 44, *t 445.44 4 44.

444 4^4 444 4444 44 a?} 444 5# 444 #*# 44# 44* 44 44 44 44* 4*4 *4 4 4 €4.

VTE ~ }j(vl,err2 +V2,err2+A +vn,err2) (4*1)

4 4* 444 44 *^#4 4*4 44 4**4 4444, 44 *3 -2.4 *444 €4(%4* ^4 5L4)4 44 44(^^2) 44 4.4)4444* 4444. * 4 44 3.7}?} 34 44* 4 44 7)5)7) 43, 43.4

4*5* 44* 4444 447) 7)44 44* 444. * 4 44 0* 44 447) 44* 44 *4* 4Til 43 n 447) 44* 4 44.

44) 44 *4 4.4* 2# 41444 444 44 4444 44 44344 44 445. 447)) 4* 4*4 43, 5# 4444* 4# *7)4 71)47) *51)45- 44 444 44* 44* 444* 44 3)* 244* 7)*4 44.

4.2 2-5) 4] 4 (traded control)

2# »14 444 4 444 44# 44] 44 *4 *7)7) 44 44# 47})4(threshold value)* 4 3# 4^=4 * 244 4*1)4 *445- *4 44 44* *t)1 5)3, 4414M 47)4- 4*4 44 4 4*4 444 4414 #5))43 *4) 44 44***44 4444.


a# 4-Ml a# 44 #14 #4 la# 444 #4. 4 44 444 4* 4#4 #4.

if Vje >Cjy then AXr = &XM else if^YE — ^-tv AA % — AA y

444, vTE±t #44 4444 3# 44 44" #4 -2.44 a44 37, Qy #

4^4 4-4 3144, 44 4 4^4# 4-8-# #44a #4 41-2.3 444 4# 4 44(threshold value)4 a, AXR, &XM, M>xr 44 -&## #443 444# 44, 4 as) ## #4 4# 444 11, as) 2. 44 # 4a4 11# 4414.

4 444 4444 4444 44 334! 144 4*144 444# a4

44 -2-4-4 la# e #44-5) 44 # 44# 44 #33# 44 44# 44 #44 444, 4444 4444 4s)44 # 4 4a, 3 4444 444 4#44 4#4# 444# 44 44 44# 44 4 44 44# 44# 4444 4as) ## ## 44# 4M # #4 44 44 a 4 a# #444 # ##2,41413 #####44 4144.

444 #44 4# 4# (444)# 4#4 444#4 #4, #

#444# 4#4(414-> 444# 4^4 4# 5:444 50# 44 1## 4 # 44)7)- 4^4 #4 3l#4 4## 20# # 4-4 #14 14 1# 7}## 4444 44 !##?) 4# 44# ##44 4 14144 4# #4 44 44 .2.4# cw 3 44444. a# 4-24 20# #4 14# 444#4. 4 1# 1444 14) 44 #1 .2.44 441# 22.11414a, 4±^# 5.38414a, 4## 16.67544. a 143.44 3# 1# 3## Cjy #23413 1444.

444 44# 4144 a#4 ## A344# 4a# 444 444# 33l(-> 444# 45:# ## 3144 5#44 1#4 34 44)7)- 44 1# 3144 20#4 1#& # 14 44 1# 24. 20414a, 43 1:# 16.21414a, 1## 18.764#4. 444 ## 144 4a# 44

244151 44# 514. 41 1t4c Cjy c S-E 4# S#1 254 #5

14c 14 #4.4 f7^]S] 14541 4444 #!!! 4## Qy c 4# 4# #4

4"^# ## $14.

4.3 ^Erl 4 4 (hybrid control)

nl 4-34 ril 4-4rr 11 44 44 4 1-4 #s# 444 145., 4444

44 114 44 4 4^4 44 114 45 144. 4455444 444 4s. 1^455 4144# ^^44. % 444^ % W Sc 44 4#4 4^44 54 5.4 lll#3i, 44 4 444 54 511 44 4 4^44 1&H4 4#4 4c 44 4444.

a! 4-34 1-44Sc 4444 44 114 z444 41 44-8: #a, x, y

41c 441 is! 444 44 ll##ci#44 1444. #445. 44

141c 4 4#4 44.XR ~ XV

yR ~ yv (4-3)ZR - ZM

4 14c 44 1 is 155 445 444 c 41 #414 14(Sc 1 #)# lia., 4444 44 114 41 #145 1& 4 4-15 14414 44# 4c 444. 14 4444 4#5 114c 41 #41 11 si 1141 144 14, 44 44 44 11# #4 #445 11 1444 41 #44 14444c 114 414. 4 414 41 4444 44 1 4s«g 444 1@M #3)45 14 44 4544 4444 14 514414 41455 41 #411 144 1441 1 ll 444. all 444# 4 1414 #41# 3.444 44# 1114c 144 14.


5 4 4-42] -g-^45# 44 x, y44 4% 44

4=?!# 44 4 45.44 444 44# ## #4 44 4444. 4 44 444 4##445 42] 4^44# 444 44.


yR = y\i (4-4)Zr = Zy

4 44# 44 4 45455. #4# #^44 #4 4 -7] jl, 4#4#2] #44# 444 44 444 2]44 44444# 4444.

4.4 ## 44 (shared control)

5.4 4-54 4# 442] #4 45# 444%4. 4 #544# h4 # 7>4 #455 4# # %4. 44# 4#34 44 4 45.4 44 4444. 4?J# 4442] 44 54 444 %45 #445 44 444 44 4444 4# 4453. 44# 4 444 44 4 45«fi /]-## 4%44. 25]z 44 44# 4444 454 4# #44 44 544# 44 #444.

## 442] 44 44# 4442] 44 44 444 44 4 454 444 #444 41:444,4#4 44 44.

AX % = cc • AXm + /?• AAV

444 a4 pb 44 €4 54 444 44 4 454 444 44# 4454 4# 44 444 # 44 44 444 #M4.

4 ## 44 44# 444 #4# 5# 444 #4 444-# #4 4444 444# #44 444 44 54 444 44 4 45«fl 444 5# 44# #%7] 4#4 44 444 444 4 # 7M ^]o] 4^4# ^ ga] ### # %4.

44# # 414 44 44 #44 #3145 44 447f 4 4#4# 444 44 #44 4# #47]- %4 %# 4# 44 #4# #7] 44#^4 444 44 445 #4 #44. 44 4# 44 4 454 447]- 4 £#4 4 4. 5, 44 44 #44 444-7]- 44# 4#4- 44 4442] ^o]# 44 5## %4 4%44


#4 a44 -§-444. 44 ##4# 44 # 42«» 444 7}#4 4# #42.,

#4 #4 444 4^4# 44 t4 44# 44 tt^iii 44# # 4 44.24 ji, rfl# #44 444 44444 #4# 4 44 #442 44 #4

44# 444 44 44# 444 44 444 44 4444. 44 44 4444# 2-444 44 444 4444 2.4-4 #444 #14 # §144 2 4444 44 #44 #1# #2 44 44 4 4-2 44 444 44 4 424

44# 4442. 44 54 44# #444. 44 4444# 4444 44 3=4 444 7}#4# #42., 44 4 423M 7}# 4* ^4 f ^ &#42& 44#

##44.244 444 #4# #71-44 #4 4 444# 444 44 a4 #44 44

4 42«fl 4#4 4## 7}#4# #4 4444 44 #4 444 44 4 42^ 447} 4a. 22# ##4 44# #4 &#4#a # # 44.

4444 #44 4442 7}# 4# 424 #44 #4. 4447}- 44444 #4 3=4 444 7}#4# #44 42, sti_44 a]z\ -y 424 7]-#x)^- #4

444# 44 #4.

2 44 44 444 2 44 #4# 2# 424 444 44 444 4427} 447} 4# #4 444 444 a4 #42 #444 4#4 44 444 444#9-4 ##7}#4(a,p) 4# 4 444 #444444 44.

— 108-

Human operator command (Fh) Active slave

Visual force feedback 1

Actural image :i features(Vacl) s

Image features error(Ve|T)


Slave Ann Manipulator


Master Ann (PID)

Human hand

Auto-tunning Fuzzy Inverse Kinematice


them AX„ =AX,

then AXR = AX

Fig. 4-1 The block diagram of traded control with the visual force feedbackin teleoperation









5 -



_L _L0 5 10 15 20 25

The number of experiment (number)

Fig. 4-2 The total feature error values in using the master arm without visual force feedback


Visual force ___feedback ]

Actural image features(Vact)

Image features error(Verr)


Slave Arm Manipulator


Human operator command (Fh)

Human hand

Master Arm (PID)

Auto-tunning Fuzzy Inverse Kinematice

Fig. 4-3 The block diagram of hybrid control with the visual force feedbackin teleoperation

(aX,aY : visual force command, AZ:human command)


Human operator command (Fj,) Slave Arm

Manipulator (PID)

Master Arm (PID)

Human handVisual froce ___

feedback 1

Auto-tuiming Fuzzy Inverse Kmematice


Actural image features(Vacl)

Image features errorCVgrr)

Desired image features(Vac()

Fig. 4-4 The block diagram of hybrid control with the visual force feedbackin teleoperation

(aX, aY: human command, aZ: visual force command)

Human operator command (Fh) Active slave

Visual force feedback

Image features error(verr)

Desired image features(Vact)


Slave Arm Manipulator

(PID)Human hand

Auto-tunning Fuzzy Inverse Kinematice

Fig. 4-5 The block diagram of shared control with the visual force feedbackin teleoperation



s.i #3 £4 ^ €3

4M44 7)^0] 44 3&4], 2:7] €33 534 3# €44 534 2%i5-

14 33433. 4 £4 44 4445- 42] £34 44 44 444 4 334

5344(x, y, z)€4 #4. 232 44 1-42] €34 44 444 444^

334 43 €344 33.43 4 #3# 444*- 43 3&4 444s. 43 34 5.44 433

€23 44 £45. 4# 342, 4# 443 434 4344 43-4 43 443 34 433 434 4342, 43 443 34 434 3334 33 4335-34353.2 33 33 £44 ill 33453.

433,334 43 3443 43 3432, 433 34£ 443 34 3 3# 343 434 t£4 3443 £4 37} 43 433 44 43 434 344

354 4&#4 54 33# 433 43 443 #34 334 344 43 ££

333.232,43 334 343 33 -8-34 4 33.

- €34 334 444 34 3 34 43 44# #2 €34 334 443.- €34 534 34%4 34 £# 37]] 533 4534 4 4 34 5.444

43 44 (Overlay) 3 7J 3.

- 5.34 334 5.33 4£4 34 £434 €42] 533 €34 534


- #7]]2] 534 €34 53(desired feature)3 334332 3343 334


344 33 44 33 34£5 3434 €3 £3 443, 43 € 4£4 7)143, £3 44, 43 34, 4 43 344 347] 33 334 353. 252, 4444 71 £ h]h333.


5.2 7377 47 27

=L% 5-2-8: 717^} 427 <9-8: 2774 4744 7# #442 74 4

71# 117# 477 47 »)44 72-B 474 144. 4 #4 127 441 7)14 44 S3. 44 1 4 ## 17 # 4 714.

2# 5-3# 44 3444 7)144 47 74444 3334 #44 744

43# 44-4 44s, 2^ 5-44 47 741:4 47# 4773 44444. 4 f 2144 744 4774 470] 2^7} 44# 4144 277 #4441

#44# 2 4747 3771- #4 #4 #2 #4423 271-4:4 #74

474 44. #, 434 #444 4#4# 1# # # #44 4# 27# #44 444 #74 77 #44 #7%, 7# 27# 243 74## # 7 44.

447 474 #23 7444 444 27# 71# 7 §14 44447 7474 41744. 744 747# #4 7# 2774 #1 77 4# 444.

5.3 47 4 42«n 44 4# 477 #01142 #44

24 5-5# 47 4 427# 477 #742 7 444 47 #4 7342, 4

144# 4 #7 124 44 17# 4714.27 5-6# #442 74 #74 72# 4742,2! 5-74 47 #4 274

4### 44414. 4 # 2144 #44 42# 714 7747 77 47 #27 4# 274 t7 #744 #72, 4# 447 #71# # # 74. 7#

27# 474 474 474 11 7 7742, 7177 47 2774 #7s

4# 714 7# 44 71 #4 44# #4 144# 414 74.

5.4 24 44


=l% 5-84 ## #44 44 47}- #14 15# 44444. 3:7)4^ 3]-yx)-7>#1 #455 #445 ## 4447] 4^4 444 155 7j-x] e^Ji 4447}

## 4 44 444 -5-444. ^-444 4# 544 45# # 4 44.

44 44 #14 17444 4444 x}^## 44 4 454 444 444

#445 44 4444. 4, 4444 44 n# 44 4# 44# 444, 14

44 45^4 44 145 #444 4#4 #14# #57} 2^1#-g-# 44.

54 5-94 44 444 4s'Hl 4# 4# #4 54-1:4 4## 4##5 44-4%4. 4 ^^44 1.4 544# 4f #4441 4# #4 541:4 45# 44-. 44# 4-44-4 44 544 #444-. ^45 i,45 4#4# 4# 444 #44# 4# # # 4#4, 4 4# 44 4 454 444 #444-. 5 44 44 #4 34 547}- 44455 #44# #4# 54# 4## 4# #4 #4# #44# 44 44 #4 547} 4-7] 41444-.

5.5 #4 114

X, y# 444 7)144# 44x1-4 44 1155, z# 44=4 44# 44 ^

45# 4155 #4°]5 ## ## 44# 4) #14 15# ay 5-104]

4-4-4145, ny 5-1141# 4441 Ell# 44 #1 54#4 44# 4##5

444^4. 4# ^141 44 1#4# #4155 x, y# 444 #11#

4144] 4# 11 144 ###. z# 444 #11# 14 1 45^4 #1#


5.6 ##44

4 4444# ## 444 7}#4# 5f a=i, p=i5 #44 4. 4#

1#4# #1 51444 #14 141 454 444 #1# 5# 4#4 44.


2l 5-124 #445 ## b4# 45# 444 $14. °1 2444 44 444 5# 4 4444 #444 44b 444 44 444 44# -9 4 41# b 44 44 54 444 444 #445 4# 54# #4 444 #4 a# 4444b &b 44 1 4 = 4 44 #^4 #4 444 44b 4 444 44 4# bb# ## # t 44. ## 44b 444 444444 444b b55#444 444 .2-4# 41# 4 Si# 4b4 #4 54 41# 44 ##% 2

4444b 44 1 #5# 414 444 414 54# 5444 #4. #4 a# 44b 44444# 4444 44 44# 4-2 2 4444b 44 # #54 444 444# 44# #4. 4, 4444 444# lb4b 4142 4# #4

2:44 7>b#°n£ #b42 44 1 4 = 44 #44# 44# 44 #4. 2&14

b# 44b 447>7j- 5544## 444444 #444 #1 t Sib -2.444# #4 44-2.5. #5 44# 44 #2, n 4b4b 44 # #5«« 444 #44 #5 44# #4 44. 2^4 444# bib bb4 #?]# 5

#4. b# 444 #4 44 1 #-=-44 ### 4444 #44 4447} #4

5444 4b #444.2! 5-134 4 44 4# #4 #1 44## ### 4b#5 44444. 4

2144 -2.4# 454b #22 452 #44 7}## 414 #4 444#44 #1 b Sib -2.4# 44 1 #514 #4 4# 02.5 ### b b #4. 4 5144b 254 4# 547fbl#55#b#4. 4 4ba=i,p=i5b44 4447} ##44 54# 52 #4 54 445 #2 44 1 # = !# 445 #4 4b4 ## m# 444 b# 444 #44 45# 547} 45#2 ## 545 4b 4# 7j-# 4 #4.

5.77]^# #14 #2.


#44 57M 44 #1, # 44 # #34#& 4-8-# 44, #4 54#33#

44, a# 44, ## 44, ## 444 444 444 144 444 #44 #####4. z%43i, 444 4#44#4#&24 44 1144 444#4.

4 3.44 44 44# ## 444 4^4 ##5.5.4 344 44, 4.673,3.4935.44 4## ###3, 44# #34#33# #445. #444 31# 4471- 44 13.213,7.25435. 44 4 44 #4 444. 4 4 145.44 4^4 ## 344## #!4 #sll45. ## 444# 45# 7}# 454# 14 # 4 #4. ZL#2., 4# 34# h# 44, ## 44, 44 4 434#35.44471- 44 1.41(41), 2.00(41). 2.83(41)3 4# j$.4# 71-44, 434

##334 444 13.74413 434 e 34# 3## # 4 #4.43# ##& 4-8-# 44 ### 4447} 44 4444 43 441 4#

44 4# 14# 1 4 #14# 4414 444 444 4441 44# 414 4144# 414 ##%, 5 33471- 41# 4# 144 4# 34# a4 #1

4 ## #14 #4. 44 # 4^4 44# 41471- #4 444 44# #4 44 34# 4# 433 ## 4# #4#, 14 44 414 44 14 41 444 #4 14# #14 ##. #1 3# 7)]#, 5# 414 # ## 414 #1# 4144 411# 34 414##1 #44 13 4144 #45 #4 41471 -8-443,5 41 44 4#5 431 441 14# 434 #4.

5. 34 14 444 4# 347) 13# 43471 #114 3# 41# 4444 3.00637} 1 44 44# 9-4#4. #4# #44 3.0063 44 4444 44# 44 a# 44, 4# 414, ## 444 (-1.39,1.39, -0.12), (-2.68,2.08, -0.10), (0.42, -0.23, -o.ii)44. zi%4#, 14 # #34#4 7)11# 414# #1t)H^ 44

(6.36, -24.78, 0.13), (2.22, 2.08, -0.48)4 34# 7}# 41 #4. 4 14-344 3 #344 41## 11 7fl t)H #1# #1 54 11434 4147} 41443 -8-44-3, S 14# 4 = 4 #4 4434# 344 43 #5# 4511 #41#414 ####414.


.Initial image

Fig. 5-1 The initial point and final point of the slave arm

Fig. 5-2 The teleoperation system using the master arm





1 -0.010-Bf

N -0.015



0.39 -0.08

Fig. 5-3 The change of x, y, z path in using the master arm without visual force feedback


Fig. 5-4 The percent change of image feature errors(PCIFE)in using the master arm without visual force feedback


Visual force J. feedback t

Actural image features(Vact)

linage features error(Verr)

Desired image features(Vact)

Feature Extractor G)

Slave Arm Manipulator


Auto-tunning Fuzzy Inverse Kinematice


Fig. 5-5 The teleoperation system using the master arm



'E -0.010

n -0.015



0.380.39 -0.08

Fig.5-6 The change of x, y, z path in using visual force feedback

-50 -


- - V;-200 —

-2 0 8 10 12 14


Fig. 5-7 The percent change of image feature errors(PCIFE) in using visual force feedback





S' -0.010

N -0.015



0.380.39 -0.08

Fig. 5-8 The change of x, y, z path in using the traded control method

— V--250 -


Fig. 5-9 The percent change of image feature errors(PCIFE)in using the traded control method



' -0.02 ‘ "0 04

*s(rn) -0.06 h ^0.39-0.08

Fig. 5-10 The change of x, y, z path in using the hybrid cotrol method (x,y: humand command, z: visual force command)

Fig. 5-11 The percent change of image feature errors(PCIFE) in using the hybrid cotrol method

(x,y: humand command, z: visual force command)




N -0.015



W37 -0.06 40.380.39 -0.08

Fig. 5-12 The change of x, y, z path in using the share control method

— — V


Fig. 5-13 The percent change of image feature errors(PCIFE)in using the share control method

Visual feedback command only

Human command only

Shared control

Hybrid control

Traded control

I I" I l""| I "ITotal featnire errors (pixel)

Fig. 5-14 Total feature errors of serveral control methods (t = 3.006 second)

Visual feedback command only

Human command only

Shared control

Hybrid control

Traded control

2.83 (t= 13.21)

13.74 (t=3.49)

2.00 (t=4.67)

4.79 (t=5.05)

1.41 (t=7.25)

Total featrure errors (pixel)

Fig. 5-15 Total feature errors of serveral control methods (t = final time(second) )


Table 1. The conditions of experiments

items ValueArea of target object

(unit: mm2)640

Focal length (unit: mm)



Table 2. The results of experiments1 items Visual






Initial point (unit: mm)

(350. 0. 0)

Desired points (unit: mm)

(377.33, -73.43. -2.45)

Desired feature (unit: pixel)

(0. 0, 80)

Final time (unit: second)

13.21 3.49 7.254 5.05 4.67

Final points (unit: :mm)







Initial featureerrors

(unit: pixel)







Initialpercentage error

(unit: %)



(-237.50,90.00.39 33)



Initial total feature errors (unit: pixel)

205.75 205.78 205.63 205 65 205.75

Initial toatl percentage

errors (unit: %)

257.23 257.23 257.01 257.07 257.18

Final featureerrors

(unit: pixel)




(0.00 - 1.00 1.00)



Final percentage errors

(unit: %)







Fianl total feature errors (unit: pixel)

2.83 13.74 1.41 4.79 2.00

Fianl toatl percentage

errors (unit: %)

5.73 16.91 2.34 5.99 2.50


Table 3. 4444 3.006&44 4 4] 4 4 5.4 ti] iitems Visual






Initial point (unit: mm)

(350. 0. 0)

Desired points (unit: mm)

(377.33. -73.43. -2.45)

Desired feature (unit: pixel)

(0. 0, 80)

Final time (unit: second)


Final points (unit: :mm)






Distance between initial and final points

(unit: mm)








6. 44

11 11# 4344 11# 5.14 4^1 1# 11 si#4 #4 4 s 1#

44## 444. €4 1144 1144 s#ll 4444 444 44 S4#

4 #11:4 #4 4 #4 #4 4 s 44 ## 44 #44 #434 141#, #1

4444 4-4 44 #44#4 #4 #4# 4444-,s# 444 #4444#

44444# 4-4 444. # 4444# 44 44## 4144 444 44 1

4h4 4## 1# 11 4^1# 444#3., n 4^34 44 11S5. s#

44, ## 44 3l;n. ## 44# 44##4. #4 ## 44 #1# 4^4

1# #111 si- 44441 4 4 = 4 44# #4#4 11 14# #4##

44 11S5. 1# #44 1144 114 4#1# 1 4111 411 ###

#4 #111441 44 1444.1^11441:

5.31444 441 144 4#4 #1# 14###4, 4 #4 14# 45.

#jz#4 4# 141 44 #4# #4 si#. 4# #44 #144 14# 11

51^55 #41 41# 11# #1# #1 4 ## #1 411111# #7)-

14# 44 ## 11^ 15.1 #7i 4#4 14#44£. 1# 44 145-1

#4#1# 114 11#. # !#44 5.1 ## 11# 14 144# 4^=1

11 11 si 441 41 4 1^1 44# 14 s#4 144 1 #1444

#3, #1 41 414 1# 4# #s 441 4is IS##. 1# 411

44# 144# 1# 41 44 14# #1## 114 41 l#s is##.

mi 114# #4 #3. 11# 11 #4 #4 144 4# 44#44 1# 45.# 11444 114 ## l#s is##. 41 11# 141 111# #44s ### 1 ##.


#3 M

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[13] ^ t-S, "*Hf 3^ oj-o] a]4 7]*] ",


<*|-fj-*KKE 2:^7}2) eM ^ 444

: 8-4^# KAER0T4 ^1L>

3341^4 4-n-^te sai5] ^444


1 4# 137

1.1 39-3-71 ^43........................................................................................... 137

1.2 393# .................................................................................................... 141

1.3 3993 ^ 49................................... 143

2 #39 8# 35.3-9 7)9993 319 144

2.1 97)999 ....................................................................... 144

2.2 X>s9 3^3 .............................................................................................. 146

2.3 97)994 ..................................................................................................... 148

2.4 39 9-7)1 150

3 8-x}#3 KAEROT# 999 3#9 999 *9 152

3.1 2x>3E°ll 7)133 934 #9 d:7H................................................... 152

3.2 7}#xl #3149 934 #4 7)19..................... 153

3.3 99 4 9* 499 924 94 9 4#.................................................... 154

3.4 Working Set# 999 S4-4 9 994#............................. 156

3.5 41:449..................................................................................................... 158

4 49995. 3.5.5.# 999 419 419 99 168

4.1 49395 5.33# 49 9394 7|]4 934# ............................ 168

4.2 169

5 3# 9 999-7)1 174

#5 #9 175



1.1 3^4 ^

343 34&4 #444 #7]#4!7] 7DM sq5.# 344 3-9-3.4, 3^3 34-3.44 4443 33s. 433 4 4# 34

434 33!44 ^4 3-^4 43 33/3.3444 4=<@& 7}^4442 3^M

#3&4 -443.343# 4444 #344 7}=-&& &o]^ 4345. 4

4- Figure 14 44 433.4 33# 444 343 3-4-8-4 444 ## 443

^4#344 4444-7} 3444 ^4#34 333 33434 343 3 3

7i] 34- 3:34 3-3-8-444 ##434 34 ^#3# #443 #4 #^44

33# #4 # 3 3434-










Figure 1: 344 #334 #434


felo-k fe-te-tu kaW^# •

1 IkiB BB to a"S^4 •

1 BBB #B is- jo BcT B B"o~ I? ifc-B •

'&& ktkB/BthBB BBIkn# •

to ifo lb Bis to-k B4&-3hB- '#totk9 BlHBk isV# Ho ‘IbBB B BBB "Soil: # Bk^r tkktbaW^B kkkB (q BS ‘£ Bktk tak (^6 43 kk k? aws

'ia B tkis ### Bis a Ik #rn# tv Bis kk #& BBk kWk ‘fia Bkkk ts-tek lb&#^ -kin BktfeBk4r ‘kBo"#kis## -kk# B4r ‘irk ###^ Bs'-ir -E-klkB 4135

'iak nkB -Elolkia isk-o kk-kk nkB# BBk#k# ^crk k &BB Bkk 4i klbs 9-mSM B-kth B4^ k##k^ QkkB km

"ia [ok BBBB# klbiais B^BB k & "## i/151 ^BBB k B# #3BB8 # Biskn kB-BB^klk‘kkB4? k -his kBB IbS ka WB B# k ktb3 BBs^klbBB ?BBe B "BBB 4^ #^B nil Hki Bis tan f IB#BB k is B #BS ^k tk Ibkk ‘IbBB kkBB 3135 Biz ##Bk to k9 5ok4k Bill Bkir kKsBizz tkk -tkk -k#/# B#B

iaR zrkfeB kB BBB Bis# to tillH'o'kBEs B tfc lbk "ia-Bia k'o'kk BB =Ilb"S-te kkk-k -k#/#^ kisTo "g-oBtk kBBBk kB B T?f kBk-k kkk^o"BisBir il3'iaisBB Bib Bis-a- kk^B k-BB to B-k "5H"o" to tbk-B BBB "53B BBBB kk lhB4r B s ia to kB B"=? BB BH to-k BB k lb## Bis ## BB BBB k kBBB BB# BBBBk B# kk 'BBtkisB #&k BB# kB BBB BBk-k k lb BB k B k h h" k k k BB#n BB Ih BB 'ia# BBB k# "S-r IhB^ kisjr #ktkB BBBB -B k Es to kiskB ^kefB nkks'k tkk tbkBB Bn kB BkB kEz#













|J 4iN



















Hi A M 41 A

* i

<& Hu ®|r -|X'

A r|® HnAAA[it |c Ag s rlnJ 41 m|®4LniXr|®S







jh a r-2 ASS

ml® 4° HnHu He |m .2


A Ax on









4> ®£ Hn A^2 A 41 r?t• i2



A °|n A A

r-jdis A A A A -2A %2rh A■st «A AA 4® A nn rir a^ Hu M°; Hi A im A A r.2 "1° dp H-i



A -2 4® nil Hu rl>A A e2 A®W A A A -2 A<A ^

Figure 2: #7] #^7] ^


1.2 3 9-%#

44224* *#9 4*4*3 2234 4 % 9*5 44445 *#44 #4. 494 *444 H7>4 #47} 44*4-

Seraji[l]* 4#7}#9 1 44^4 holonomic #4# 444 4949 744-9 3224 4 S)) Configuration Control* 4*9 4 9 4- 4 A]2.tgS] 4 44499 24 7} 4El 9414 944 9 49* *#* * #4. 9#4 944993. *4 49414 99 ##44 99*, *94 944993.9 #!%#4 4444 99 #^•494 4 # 4 #S8 4- 9# Seraji[2]5 non-holonomic A] 29 93.4a] 444 A], 94 (rover) 4 2 4] 4 949 5.3.3. A] 29 & 4 4449 A] 29 33 49494.

Yamamoto4 Yun[3]3 34-4 4 #4 4 4 A] 29 & 499 44 #4 4 # 4 4 3# 4 (potential) #4# 49^4-

44 9[4]9 *44 4439 2#9 494 6*4 39494 44 443 2. 9* 4*9*3 **44 74 KAEROT*49 444 9493# #449 4 1-5]] 44# #61] 4]43344 24~& 499 4 94.

4444-3 3337} #49 44 #43 9 4 99 #4933 #4 9 44, 944 99, 9432 444, 242 94# 9 9994 44 94- # 4 94- 94 991-4 4 49 #4-4 499 444 o]## 9#4#3 399 44 4 94 ##244 445 9-34 #5 4] 94 94- 24 4 4 #4 a] 94 #4 4 9994 #4 44# 4445 2 #99 4494 #599434# 4#45 44 34 3*444-

Seraji 4 [5, 6, 7, 8]5 4 *4*2 323* 4 9 #94 9 44 99 23 Config­uration Control* 4 442 ##4 9*24# 4*94- ##4**344 4*9 449* 45 4# *4447}, *9449*415 #9#*342324944 *4949 4*5 9444- #4 2* 449 2444 *#* * 95 44 3(chattering)*94444,24 9444 44 9 4*4444 #24* 34944*443# #4. 244 Sung[9]4 449 4 99* *9 49 *#4***4 4 #4#*2923 499 #45 41* #4**2423 9494 42344

54 9 4*4945 *444 94-

—141 —

Sung[9]5- 4 *4*2 222# #7]*#*4j# *4/4*44 4*44= 444 *4]2 #442, 4 #4|4| 4% ^4# #224# Kuhn- Tucker 2#[io]# #*@H4 4 44 #44* #434. ^2 4144 &*# 44 ##7l*#& 4-§-44 *4*2**444 4# #34- 4 #3* 4# 444244 1A244 44 #4/4 #4 #4 4" 344*41, SMI4 **#Configuration Control4 #4] 4*44 44 #34-

-L44Sung4 #3 [9]* 447114 **4**271*4# 24 4-4-44 #4 44* 4-44# 4*22, 2711 44-4 4 #4#2# 44 22241 4# «H 4 #44 441 * 4|## #41 #4. 2sl2 4 #3# (n + i) x (n + i)4 #4# 4 s4t> 4 441 4# 444# #4*4*41, 4#441 4# 41444 (n + i)34 4*2 f7|slE£ zl44 2#4 4 4 44* #4- 2# 4 #3* #22*## 4# 4422 #24 #4 #43 44- 71-443 ##4 41# #4 ##444 # # 44-# 241# # 34. #4# **2## 2*4* 412, **42*2*1:5 #44 ## 4 44-41 4# ### #42#, Chang[n]4 44# #22444] 4M Cho[i2]7l- ##24# 414# 4### 34.

4# #4 4[4]# #414 #4# #414###44# #3# 41 #434. * *4/4*4 #42444 444 #4)# 4# #2/^424#41442,2711 *}

#4 #*4*2# 7># 2## #44 #*4*231 4 #4# *#4 2*42#24# *43) #1## 2 3# #2### 7% #4#4. 343. 41### 244 2*4# 41# #24**41###4 24# 42### nxn 4#2 #3# 41 #4 2## 4* 44# 34.

#44 Cheng#[14]# #4#4]^-# #44 #4*2#414 ##2H#4l * 4 424# 4# #417} 3* 4* # #4*2 2## 444*411- Compact Quadratic Programming(QP) ##44 4## 4 34- Pin[15]* Full Space Pa­rameterization (ESP) #3 * # *44 nr*4 4*24# 4S4-

##4*2 2** *4 4422 4)#4* #2 * *41 ## ##3| 4*# 4* #4 ##. # *414 Seraji[5]# #*# # 2 3*4, PUMA 560 2*#

7ll244 4=4 4# 34*231 4# *4# 434. #*4*2 41 # #4=2* * *44=7} ** 2*4 #-*4 (4+62+63)#441 #4 #44 Y* 44 (/1sin(01)+








































A 4-1 rh ©k rh r)r[tl°t 0®,Hi mi 44 44










d© xn Hi aHu f



ojmA Hi_m tia rti ^ °k ^ Hr rh A rh*2 ©H A J&







on HuohtiiAAAAHJAd|Hmj©Atiirhd°t














- fe-E

ln {z


olk B








i «i-i Ctj l di Si1 0° 0.0 mm 0.0 mm 0i2 90° 279.5 mm 0.0 mm 023 0° 689.3 mm 0.0 mm 034 0° 482.6 mm 0.0 mm 045

Ooot1 133.6 mm 0.0 mm 056 -90° 0.0 mm 375.0 mm 067 90° 0.0 mm 0.0 mm 07

Table 1: tffl 4 Zz# 7)) 6] t> 7# KAEROTS) D/H notation

2 4^^ 8#

KAEROT# 7l^AS 6 5455 4144 &)#cl), 4)4^# 445455 5 541 7 545# 5-71) 14. 25154)1# 41 7545# 44 4 4545

5## 4-8-% 14# 5D# 4 14- 4% 351541# KAEROT4 44^ 545# 14455 74# 45.4 11414. 4 444 444 5^5 44 #441 55# 4444 5)4414 57)-4 444. 441^.5 KAEROT# 5 4°1) 7}f-71-^4 414 # 8711 s, 441 244-444455. 4# 554 114- Figure 344# 444 KAEROTS) 7)) 4e4 111 4&1# 5454- 51 4 4 5 4451- 444 7154 4 7 445 5554) 4 4 D-H (Denavit-Hatenberg) 4544 # 541 5.14 44-

24554144 447>x)s. 4]4^4 1155415 144 81# 41 N&

455, 45544 7]55&4I4 y-4^5 11%4- 4554 17)4414 4 241^1 242 44445 5554 454 mi- 5# 5 14. 455. 4

14# 151 (symbolic) 414 7>51 MACSYMA[16]4# 15544# 45

41 1414.

2.1 14441

• 5.M 54 4444P=[Px P, P,]T (1)

Base Motion

Figure 3: M-R-S KAEROT-2] 7fl 6*= <4 DH

Px — —-E's(c1c234s5 + S1C5) + (L4C234 + Z/3c23 + -t-2c2 + ^l)cl

Py = -^5 (clc5 — S1C234S5) + (L4C234 + L3C23 + L2C2 + Li)si + #8

P? = —jt'5s234s5 + 2/43234 + LZS23 + 2/232

rn ri2 ri3

r2i 022 7*23

rsi *"32 033


rll = (C1S234S6 — SXS5C6 + Ci C234C5C6) C7 — (C1C234S5 + SiCs)s7

f*12 = —(Cl3234«6 — S1S5C6 + 0402340503)37 — (C1C234S5 + 8105)07

f 13 = — (sl35 — ClC234c5)s6 — cls234c6

r21 = (S1S234S6 + C1S5C6 + SiC234C5Ce)c7 + (C1C5 — 31023485)37

r22 — — (sls234s6 + C1S5C6 + ^1^234^5^3)37 + (O1C5 — 81023485)07


7*23 = (ciSs + SiC234Cs)S6 ~ SiCqS234

^31 = (C5C6S234 ~ C234«6)c7 — S234S5S?

^32 = ~ (C5C6S234 — C234Sg)s7 — S234S5C7

r33 = S234C5S6 + C234C6

2.2 ^>SHl% fg#

Ju Jl2 J13 J\4 J\Q J\7 JisJ21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J28

J31 J32 J33 J34 J35 J36 J37 J38

J41 J42 J43 J44 J45 J46 J47 J48

J'ol ■J52 J53 J54 J$6 J57 £58

J§\ J&2 J&3 J&4 J&3 J&& J&7 J&8

J\l = I'5(sl<:234s5 ~ clcs) — sl(^4C234 + 1>3C23 + -^2C2 + L\)

J\2 — j&5clS234s5 — L4C1S234 ~ L3C1S23 ~ £>2C\S2

J13 = ^5C1 s234s5 — £>4048234 ~ £>3cls23

Jl4 — ^5^1^23455 ~ -&4C1S234

J\3 — £58485 — £5c1c234c5

Ji6 - 0

Jl7 = 0

J18 = 0

J2I — ~"-^,5(clc234s5 + S1C5) + L4C4C234 + L3C1C23 + L2C1C2 + L4C4

J22 = -£’5s1s234s5 — ■^’4S1S234 — LZS4S23 — L2S4S2

J23 = ^5^1^234^5 — -^4^1*234 ~ L3SiS23

J24 = L5S1S234S5 ~ L4S1S234

J25 = —-C'5((?ls5 + S1C234C5)


he =

hr =

J2 8 =

hi =

J32 =

J33 =

J34 =

^35 =

^36 =

J37 =

•J38 =

J4l =

J42 -

J43 =

«^44 —

«^45 —

J46 =

J47 =

■ha = •/51 =J32 —

J53 =

J54 —

he =

^56 =




— £sc234s5 + L4C234 + L3C‘23 + Z/2C2

~-£'5c234s5 + L4C234 + L3C23

— 5c234s5 + L4C234










— C1C234S5 — S1C5

— S1S5S6 + Cl (C234C5S6 — S234C6)







C1C5 — S1C234S5



J$7 = CiS5S6 + Si (C234C5S6 - S234Ce)

J58 = 0

J&l = 1

2 = 0

■hz = 0

J&4 = 0

«7g5 = C234

«^66 = S234S5

«/67 = S234C5S6 + C234C6

-768 = 0


s*e4 444 4## 4#4 44 ^444-

p* Pyftf


rn ri2 ris

r2i T22 7*23 (5)

^31 r32 r33

4444s# %44 4 444,414^4 44 M f?}4 4444 4 07# 444 4^5. 7>444. 441 444 644 4 4 #4# #444.

6P = 8P (6)

gP = Xfi = ^P to™1 (7)



tR =

aR =

C7 —s? 0

0 0 -1

S7 c7 0

rtii ”12 ”13

”21 ”22 ”23

”31 ”32 ”33

O] 5} 44-.

l. C5* -i 4 +i #41 445 4444-

Cl =C5(-Pg — L^riis)”23-Px ~ n\zPy

Si = c5(Py - L5n23)n23Px ~ n13Py

6\ = otan2(si, ci)

2. ss# -1 4 +1 #41 445. 44 44.






C6 =Cl ”21 — Sinn


S6 = sl”l2 — Cl7l22S5 (14)

II atan2(se, c@) (15)

C.5 = Cl ”23 — Si 7713 (16)sl”l2 — Cl 7722 (17)S5 =


3. cs4 s54 #571- SMI 4 44 44#53 44 (l) £4 (2)5 44-4571- 45^ 45. 44.

4. 4## 4 444 5.# 4 7l #44 # #44 44-

cl”l3 + Si 7123(18)C234 —












o£cm2(s234, C234)

clc234^a; + $lc234p/ + $234-9 ~ 9C234 + Z/5S5 — Z4

Cl $234-Pa; + $l$234p/ ~ c234p; — 9 $234

(A2 + f?2-T|-X2)2L2L3

atan2(±\/1 - u2, u)

atan2(B, A) — atan2^L2s3, L3 + L2cz)

0234 — 03 — 04









2.4 91 %4|

944 49^5-4 4 #44.5: 55-9 5994 sll 99444s 44# l 441 9 &# #95.14 7>^S>4. o) e] 4 !-2l4# 9%9 44#944 4 4 #s# 949#4, 4# #95l44#^4s 44. S#S4 3) <y #444 #4, 44% #951444#x}#c 5.5-4 44## 4# 4

4#4 4s4 4# 4#5. 4-S-7>#44- n#4 41 %47} 41 19, 4 4 % # 95.1 4 4 #jel# £#5.4 44o)| a] 444 44# 1-55-14. %1%449# #4S&%4 %%1# 44 4 #4 4- S% 4 #4 94 #s 4## 9s $)4. 9 4444 4-9# 8-44S KAER0T4 %1%4% Table 24 #4-

444 9 7f|4 notation# 49# 4tt# 494 #4- 49444 #4# 4#4 9 49414 19% 41# s 5-94944 4 111 S3. 499# DHnotation #4# 499##, KAEROT# #xM# 49.447} 44 4=44#

44. 9 5.S444# 1499, 4494, 4a#4<@4 #9 DH 4±44# 4=9, 41194 #% 14# KAER0T9 44# 4sl:4.


KAEROT Notation DH Notationmin. max. min. max.

1 -135.00 ° 135.00 0 -135.00° 135.00 02 -147.180 122.82 0 -156.68 ° 113.32 °3 -167.82 0 102.18 0 -158.32 0 111.68°4 -90.00 ° 90.00 0 -90.00 ° 90.00 °5 -90.00 ° 90.00 0 -180.00 0 0.00 °6 -90.00 ° 90.00 ° -180.00 0 0.00 °7 -90.00 0 90.00 0 0.00" 180.00 08 0 mm 500 mm 0 mm 500 mm

Table 2: W-R-S KAEROT^ ^ tMl



A A r|r a4L*2 6** H r|r ft <JO oo£ F


A H4 r°k n°fcB rMg H: ^

o& H t& 4> A [)iA rh

* _o,w;*


U aW1#

61A H 1°o|n HuA AH Ha 4> A













u A#Hi



A A 4> A tilow A W J?t 4tjas % rh ot &

m o|r rl°1 "-s A wam £q 3 H> &

m II A%

H 5 r£3 H

^ % m 3^ IA ~ o<Ti




xa ft

IsA H A 4>jo ftit -S- Jh 4° jot ftit





AAJEJajaa_i 1




H> ftH

f ft ftAmlmdaAAAJimo







da %


ft ft 41 A• ft




A Ja1 t w i% j[>m ^^ rh


3rirft ^ ft ft ft rAH> ft




M r(rAAmittAAA


ft UAft

4>r|r a1> 3 ft A A mlmflOji H

t f* S














23°11 43 42.34696

liw = -S(JewJeW) 1Jewh < 0, (30)

44. 444 S = [0u;Xm:/tuXlu] 7} 5]51, *1 #4#3 96496234 4294

(31)Hi = 0 /or * ^ W

44- 444 #3-236 2rto(V2L)Z£>l negative definiteo] 43 34 4.

4 #2.1 44# 32/6623* 4644 449# 9246* 3# 6 $14. 43 #3 6, 4699#4 44-9^9* 4646 936 464 34-


4 44 j+w = jL(^JL)_144. 235 964 96234 4% 4294 6

6# 946 336 3444 34-

3.2 7>#41- 3.4% 39-464 43

4 944 9-43 394 #6 4946 394 dimension (metric unit) 4 -g-9446 9436 39- 34. 46 64, Pseudo-Inverse 336 93 33694 6 (norm) 4 2446 33 4 4 4 64 34- 934 KAEROT4 39,3 33 4 prismatic joint 4 25 [mm/s]4 34 # 7V4 9L, 444 6 S-9 [rad/s]4 34 * 7}34- 34 norm6 944 4 3, [rad2/s2 + mm2/s2]4 ^4 7} 4 4 93325. 363 34-7} 464-

4*4344 44 7>94 *8 9* 4634- 6 fww]4 W* 46314 9 49 6(dimensionless norm)6 3# 9 34- 29 4 7)°)) 94) 7]-#4* # 9294. 46444 *24*6 W* 39*893. 46349: #9 94- 6 949 6* 43 7>#x]4 33) 444 7>#4 ^9* 63) 3449* 36 44 34-

w = ttw2 = i (33)


444 # 4 #44 4#4 40] ^-4144.

)* 4 ^twW^ewW)h (34)

0)714JLw = w-1 /T** ew (j«uTy-VL)-' (35)

0)4. 4^7)x|s. 4#9 44244 4% 4ZZ-44 44# 44# 4D# 4#444.

t*w = -S(JewW_1JLr'JevW-'h < 0 (36)

0)714 7}#4* .ZB) % 444 4Z1 44 #4# 4#4 #4 425)94.

k + J etyAy, = 0 (37)

j=«,^(A + JL^) = 0 (38)

JevjW~x h + JewW xjJw Ay - 0 (39)

(tlgy 1«^etu)Atu - —JewW 1 h (40)

= -{JewW-XJTew)-XJeWW-Xh (41)

Pw = -S(JewW-xjJw)-xJewW~xh (42)

244 #4 ^(manipulability measure) £. 9 A) metric units)- 7)-^x] # EB) # ^

514- 9# #4 ^ES)#44 (Je^-VD^la) 4^##4#47) 4 #4 4-

3.3 JS.^44# 6l^-^r 4SH]y:44 6]#-

4^(orientation)-§- EB) % -f x>su] o}a}s}- 0)7] f 446 9442 E 4#4#9 9.44.

v = Jv0 (43)





44, Jv^ symbolic formas. f 4 9"444- 2®t41 w# H 4 #44 o}^% # 44 4 44# 44 #44 444 $14 4-§-S}7M1 #^44- <yo>3]55. 5.#44%=# 5 <8 44(euler angle) 0.5. 44-4 4^4 <?>i- °] -§*4# 4 #7]9-45 5H444 4 #4# 4 #4# 44 44^4- 4^4 5##4 444 44°1 iM44 #4441 4# 9^44 4, -£.11444 2 4#4# 44

V =

9 = J+v+(J-J+Jy)VH

r — N, r=r<f> w


4 44- 4 54444- 4 #44 424 444 4 4 9-44 -t 4&4 44-

r = Jr9

9 = J+r + (I-J+Jr)VH (47)

4 44 Jr — T~lJvo\ 4-. 5.4 4 4€- 4 4 7>4 ig-ig 0.5. XS7prt!41, 4 7l 4 # z-Y-x 54444# 41-4- 4## z-Y-x 5-84441 4% 4#^ #4 4-

1 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 — sin (a) cos (a) cos(/3)0 0 0 0 cos(a) sin (a) cos(/3)0 0 0 1 0 - sin(/3)


4, 44 #4# 44 4 44 544444 ^s(rank)7l- #


4 #4# 44 4- 4# #4, z-Y-x 2644# 4#16 41#sin(/3) = (HlAl o]y 164 4614- #21 3 £ 42# ^>S0] 6H 6 4 43. 4 61^ 64 4# 6414# 4 °1 4- 4 6 # singularity?} 44 4#3), 4 # kinematic singularity4 4^44 representational singularity5}3. 14-

3.4 Working Set4 #4# 5l#4 4 424 #

2412414 41 44 446 44# 4424# 42^2 643.2(Safetyfactor)#7>4 423. 314431 44 4&4 44 #4444# 441 444# #^162

3 42# 444# #3151#o'!44- 4 4# 44# 4#24 # 4 # 4###4314 4# #24## 4#5S1 444-

• #41 441# 4#24 : Ri < 30

• #315] #414 3144 4°H #4#24 : Ri < 25

4 4#, 4-# #44, 4# #2, 37431 sampling rate #4 4## 44 #24# #*§### 44 ##24# 44444 #4# 4 #7} 444 # 44- #, Ai = 264 #7fl4 42 441 4# 444. 3144- 44 444 442241 44

#711 44 #4# ##44 471144- 242 Working Set4 44# Active Set41 244 44#24 #414 #24#41 °1#4#244 44244-442^44.

Active set4 44 : A — > 0}

244 6422# 24 44 &#41, Active set4| ill 44#24# 4 4 44# 444 4## 44422 # f 6225., A}## Active set41 5#4#44#24# 644 64-

• 3462 64414# 4°H#44 #4# A = {}22 4464- 44# 2# 42414 active47114# ##4##24»1 64, 4 44###24# 444 6

#464# 4# 44#4- 4# 6 24# 44144 44 44 #6 4-%# ##4

4 442 active4Til 1 24# 4 4 working seto)l 2644224 7}#S}t11 44. 44 Working set# “#24 #414 24 44 624 Active47fl 4 # 4o|j ^-214144 642 46”22 7112 4444-


4*4 4# 44 S^e]#* 4 7]-4 ^4 7j-4* 44#24*% 44 44*1 f 7}s| 414. #4444 444. 44 44 44*4 ^f7} 44 4# 4" 44- W(t)* ^44 0(044 0(& +1)* 9-% 4 #j8L% Working Set4 4. W4 0^ 44 W(fc)4 e(& + l)<4| 4% ^4 &o] 4.START :

1. k = 0, 57)44 5(0) 9! 27l Working Set 1^(0)* *44.

2. W — W(0)


1. i(fc), 5(4, w&*4 4*441 0# *44.

2. 041^2*4 m4 A# *%4.

• W = {}°J 44 :

(a) A = {}4 44:- 0(k + 1) = 0, 1^(0 = TF, {i(k+l)={i, A(k + 1) = A

- k = k + 1

- goto BASIC(b) A 9 04 44:

- W = A- goto BASIC


(a) A = 04 44:i. fij < 0 (for all j G W )4 4 4 :

- 0(k + 1) = 0, W(k) = W, fi(k + 1) = /x, A(k + 1) = A

- k = k + 1

- goto BASIC

ii. Mi = 0(j'€W)4 44:


A. j£W(fc-l)4 34:(23 j7j- Working Setofl 4334 34)

— #(& + 1) = 9, W(k) = W, fi(k + 1) - fi, A(k + 1) = A

— k = k + 1

— goto BASICB. jeW(&-l)4 34:

(23. j7|- Working Set'll] A) #344 3 4)— 8(k + 1) = 0, W(k) = W, fi(k + 1) = fi, A(k + 1) = A

— E = {j\nj = 0}, W = W(fc -1)-E

— fc = A; + 1

— goto BASICC. r, >o(je w(&))% 34 =

(23 j 7> Working Set'll 3 #344 3 4")— E = > 0}, W = W(A: — 1) — S

— goto BASIC iii. A3{}3 34:

A. ffii<»-mo|^(^ 44427} #0} 5^4 34)— W = W(k- 1) + A

— goto BASICB. wk = n - m *] 3, (#4%^. 4 43427}

— E — {j\Rj C Ri, j 6 W(Ar), i € A}

— W = W(k-l)-E+A

— goto BASIC


433 # ail 43 2#^# 3313243 2#^ 33 44 44 4-2.3. 34323. 334 3433.# 43M4- 4333 444 #3433 3)4


#3414 #3% 4-#### 24# 3.A 4#4 ## 5 7>4s ##4 4=$A4.

1. 2#^4#7l ##7l 4=# 4f# ##

2. 21^4 5.S.H #1/## *s.

3. Sil #/4#4#4##7l 4=#4## >#

4. SiS5] ##44 #-# ##

5. 49-44 ##44# ##

#44 4 #4 ##6 2#^# 44 % 222 e#.#2# 4#4 9# 4425.

# 7)1 #1# #&4- aii-eiioiTl # 444### ## #=## ##4# ^2#-## 2, 3, 4 ^# 9|7M #%-## # 4" &(%4.

4## 4 #5)1 # #41 4 Jiel % 41 ##] 4 41- 4 4 f## #42### 4-

i?2i_l = @i,min ~ &i < 0(i = 1, 2, • • •, 8)

#2i = 9i - ^',mar < 0(i = 1,2, • ■ •, 8) (49)

2# 2 # 4 4# ##4#2# 4# 4 #4 2# 24##4## 4# #4 ##4 4^(manipulability measure)# #4# 4°1] #4# #"## 4 # # # 7) # #-#=#4 SX 4. 4## 4 #511 # #414 24 4# 4 24# 4 4 # #4 4=# 4-

H1.0 M

+ £l.Oe—6

y/det(JJT) j=0 (4 Pnozzle dam)2(50)

#714 2## 4 #4 4# 24# #4 4=4 #4# ##42, 4 #4 4# 2# #4 2##a 4## ### ##471## 4#4- Pi(* = i,---,M)# 2## a# e#7}#4 9191 #4# 44#4- 2#2 ##44= #44# #4 ###Kh = -1.0e822 ##422 ##$14.

24A}#1 # 4## ### 2S# ##2 ##%##!, 44#& #4 ##44= #44 #22## #44# 4= ##4#l7l-§)#7l 4##4- #4 ##4#27l-


24#£l-E.S ##!##23#2l# #A)ol] 711 Oil- # 3134- JZB]S 43 1 4384# #3! ## 4!#£ 141 ##41 33.SS 44! $7)1 21 & #14# 4oi #344.

3.H ii-io]ioni 311 14# mu i #411! 31##4 3 44# 431 41# #47} 14. # 1411# 1 #41 ADAMS[20]4# 7144 4 #44-31# l#sl] oil (software)#! 411 £#3 41 44#4414- 44117l 1 # ZL1 # 14111# 444# 411 111# 14 44- # 1411# 3 #4 14111 £45.4 1#5813, 44 #4441 111 1334, &4135. 1#1 4 1# 411 14-

Figures 4, 5, 6# 11 #4 4#41 #4444 4111 #14# 4144# KAEROT4 si# g@14 14 4314, 133 314/14111 £4# 1 #41, 5-1 #4- 11 #14 11411 ##44 #3 £#!# #143 4 44# £## # 4 14- Figure 71 # 1 43 #11 411 £££ #4 4 4 4 341 nil 1 44434- 1 11 # 314 £4# #1 41 411114-

431 #14# #14 1111# Figure 81 4414- 434114 411 111 m 3131#l£ #114 1# 14# 1# # 4 34. 1# Figure 9(a),(c)l 4 £ 3" 4 3#1 working set£S 444 3#(wi = 8)# 441# 4 14- #, 2114 a}a)]5. #114 431 44 11 #13:14 ##41 4#1

, 335]#141 41314 444 t]b]# #3 3 114# 447}# #14- Figure 8(h)# 1 o] #3)3# Si ^# 1,4 4 500mm #4141 #7] 1 #1 Figure! # 4 4441 3#4- —1 4 Figure 9(b),(d)# S3, 3sl A] 4S.A}o] 1] 1 working set! 444347}6A#H1 444# 1# 3 # 34- 344# 1 ## 414 414 41 £ 7}# 441 ## 41 a} ##413# 343 # 4 341 #4# #1 34587M#14. working set! 4143 334# 4-1# (0,0) =» (8, 0) =7 (8,16) =7 (8,o)£s #14 1 #4#£# 111 ##43 3##

5-1 #4-344 44 11££41 43 #11 #43# 41 #3# 3 # 34- #,

500mm 4 41 Si A] 1 #o}c #4 #4 7} 3 34- 7# KAEROT1 H #13 243£ 3411 # 113£4# #143 31 #4 47} 7}#331 3,343£



is t2o"to #-&# # "EH"iy cfv lo||fl ‘£tl]xk>-^ i<? Ri-N: ^"S"Hy t1 Isir 'in [p-attnkB"S-k tefci Ito^-t* log:££ £ i?liy

Figure 4: a]^>o)] KAEROTS} %M|-1


Figure 5: M KAER0T4 *Ml-2


Figure 6: A] 7}o\} rcj-g. KAEROTS] x>a)]-3


Z [m


Y [m


X [m



Time [sec]


Time [sec](c)

Time [sec]


Time [sec]


Time [sec](f)

Time [sec]

Figure 7: T# 5.


Figure 8:—


Theta-7 [deg] Theta-5 [deg]

Theta-8 [deg]O 8 § 8 I 8

3<D 4k


Theta-6 [deg]

(e) (-90:90) (f) (-90:90)

Theta-3 [deg]

CD ^

Theta-4 [deg]


Theta-1 [deg]

Theta-2 [deg]

(a) (-135:135) (b) (-147:122)


1 vV


(a) Working Set

Time [sec]x 1 Q-fc) Lagrange multiplier-1

Time [sec]

(b) Working Set

Time [sec]x 1 q-(8) Lagrange multiplier-2

Time [sec]

Figure 9: Working set, Lagrange multipliers


4 6]^ 41^1 414

4.1 44943 Silt 49 ^444 44 ^4#

<^93 3-5 5^9 94449

T = M<?(5)fl + iV5(e, 0)+rdist (51)

35 ^Ma-g-tt44 5994- 4 7] A] M0€RnXn9 99D943., iVg E r*9994, 94, 3-43. 494 94 49 o) 3L, Tdist^ 4 9^ 9 Pl 94-

1495 534M44 991894 4444 9 4496 494994)4 5. 94 4 994, 4 4 49#4 M# #4, 9444 49)41 4993# 44 4443. 59 4 9 44#& 3:443.5 4)444 4449 99 99944 94 49 S9449 937} %4- 2944 4999# 44 949 499 99 42.4 9& 4 949

•F e = MXexe + NXe + Fdist (52)

3,5 5949 49999 94449 9# 4 94- 4 94 MXE = J^MgJ-^e

®nxn)4 51, jV*B = J~T(Ne - MeJ-'jJ)(€ »")4 4-94 Computed Torque Control(CTC)9 9944 44 93.5) ## 9 4 49

49-4 94-

T = JteTe

Te = MXexe + NXe. (53)

44 949 49 499 7}4s9

Xd + Kve + Kpe *n d + K^e^s


444 e = xd - X e 3?TO 9 499 44 34 4 4 4 2, eN ee iNd - iN E 3?r 9


33 5 3a 3a #3 4s.4s.44 a Resolution32»!I 34 33= #41 444 [pulses/rev]

l 0.35 m 11.17 Kg 100° 100:1 40962 0.20 m 6.82 Kg 130° 80:1 40963 0.15 m 2.00 Kg 140° 100:1 4096

Table 3: 33 3# 4 #4#S a#S5. 4 #3 3 3 32] a/g

3 #3 #s #4S4 444 4- Kv e ftmxm, Kp e Emxm, ae] a kn e 3?rxr

# #4= 4^4 4 # 3 3 4 4- 44 SiLS7} 44 ^ 4- 4444 4^44, 4 2)4 4 3 4 # #3 -5-47} 4 ###3 aa #4 ## a3#4.

34^1 4 444- 4-1-4714*1144 1IS2) 4^4 44444 4*fl 444

34444# 41444 44- 35)4 #4 a# #44 444441 44 3a#3 44 44 4 4 ##4 3, 4 44 4s 4# 4 #4434 4143=41 e 44# ^7)144. 4 #41# 434444 # 4444# 43434 44 4## 3a## 4#43, 4444 444 4 44 444# 444 TDC[13] 43# 4#44 a44ax}%4. 43-##44 4 TDC# 4 #4 4 4 #as]## 4#4 34-

T =

3~b — MXe + J- s(t — L) — MXe (t — L)xb (t — L) (55)

444 T# 343as 4 41-3 4335. 344.

4.2 34

34 43# 33 34 4#4#s a#aa. 4 33 91 332) 43# Table 34

34-4 a4 a# BLDC S4a#4 45.4 340] ti_ (harmonic drive) 1- #4 44

(power)7} 3#34- 444 4=44#, CONDOR41 4 3# #, 3 #4 4#44 A] (multi-processing system)2£ 4 444 4)4 4 250Hz2] sampling rate#

3#4. #443# ^ 434143## 44 4#4#TDC4|4 4#44 #&4


#4=3. M<t\ ### # 4= $14- 6 #1446 # #-54# 7]64#°J 46# (coupling)#### 4##-3 4446 ##0.5. TDC4 # 64 4 ##6 616 3#$4. 4664##44-

MXe = JZTM(0)J~l (56)

44# M(0)6 44### $16 #-65! 6 4 4. 34344 4 4# 464 44-

" 40 0 ' " 400 0Kv =

0 40


0 400(57)

#16 6 #4# #4 4#4 #3### ## 3443 35-4 #-§-#44 € 33# ##4 4#44 #66 #1334-714!: 444- 44 444436## #4 # #4# 7]-## -6- 4 i3s}£4 JRA(Joint Range Availibility) measure#

4 4$S 4- 4 4443 35-4 444 4 ! 46 4 7} manipulability measure#- #

4 #4# 44 #6#6# 44464,4 35-4 #66 #4#4 3#44#4

44 ###4# #44 433, 34 46 3##66 4446 JRA #6467}

##44% #!4$14. JRA #644=6 464 #4 44# 4= #4-

20j (@i,max "H Qi,min)

Qi.max ~ @i,min(58)

Figure 106 4 64 EXOS 6#4 4 #3# #[17]# self-motion^ #4^6 44 #1## 44# 3464. 44 #646 464# 44 Kh = -53 ##514. 35-64 4#6 2=444# 343 4446 6# 444#4 4# ## 441 (64# #646# ##46 4-41)3 4646 46 # 6 $14. ##441 4% #66 (d)# ###-467}033 6#46 46 64 6 6 $14. 46 (c)4 #6 #63347}44414# 033 6146#)4 45-# 444- 444 #16 44 ##4 64# 444 ### #33#4 ##6 44443 354143 4## 6 $1$14.


_>wifl 0A TonkFjg [AA A_o ni[ji -4l o|(i!

tub j- □4 K5A A A rHKi Ki$5

JbL A |o A Hu A _o h

(+) om& ™







ti[il JMA J°0 ft1 i44 r$i A 41 A r|rMr ^rif ia|o^ HrA _&^ -tx 4k r|rXJ

41 A 41


A >!rtr j.


A nilml»

4HN -H 0.A mlm Fa# H£ alH rinl—iJN r.4 A Ah-t00 41 14 A

A rJ£s A n>0-^ A mlm


A A1 ** ttS ojdt4l #A j|>-\> Fd ^ rjf [o >1* O A Meru 4fA A A AA & min A%% Af 44

A0- o

FR A r$ J4r3 ^jja; H% JM -tt


A riroj)lft #Jimoi, o

* £ ^


m£ 41 Fj N 44 A





>4 A Jo AHu rT44- 4% n2 j^j,

A U °fc 44a NHU A >K ojrrF> A 14 4> A m^ F>A Jojl

A mlmofc 40nrri2




^ fO,JM

<>$ jk mlo r_o^ j^l A a2 m$i ml»4> 11$:

41 4»r|r *A lA A A A Jhl



£ *"Aohl&41



aA*W4 A JE Srl» £ r-5. 14

A d2k

-4 [i^j, <$ Jji rjo A








(a) End-Effector Trajectory [m]

0.1 —

Time [sec](c) Null Space Velocity Error

Time [sec]

(b) Joint Trajectory [deg]

Time [sec](d) Optimization Criteria





Time [sec]

Figure 10: EXOS ^^3} 3] 4 <>]-§-H: (a)x(solid), y(dashed), (b) &i(solid), 02(dashed), ^(dotted), (c) eN, (d) ZVH

Y [m


(a) End-Effector Trajectory [m]


(c) Null Space Velocity Error

Time [sec]

(b) Joint Trajectory [deg]


Time [sec](d) Optimization Criteria



Time [sec]

Figure 11: %&4,EXOS ^3.2]o]-§-^ ^^(b) 6i(solid), 02(dashed), ^(dotted), (c) eN, (d) ZVH


5 ^

# 1444# #1& #1 KAEROT# ###14 ###5.#11 #31, lx>v4£o)] *])## ###1 Tflo] #3L5]#S] 1^# 11155 ##%

4.#1 2#!H4 7]]## #!/##! ##5##444 #1# #5 11 1

4 4 #55]## #?M #144 41SK4- 94, working set# ## 94% 1

1# 4 #514. #4, 4 #14-44 7}f7lf JLS1 #0.3.4 44#14 #7)]#

41## #44 #1 #14 #11# 54 ##44 * # #4- 41# #315]

#1 8-##5 KAER0T4 1#44 #1444 #4## 14431 51-1##

111-4# #1157} #414.

35]3i #4# ###5.4 1## #-#47] #44 14 #4#14 1# 1## 3141 0.5 4443141441# #4= #1 £## 7fl #4#4. 444 4#

4#41, 14 1 #47] #4, ls.1 #-#1# #4 ### # #4. 4 ^41

£4# 4 #4# 4541 #141# t] #ie #4 44# #44-

4-x]#0.5.14#54 7fl## EXOS #5### 1444 341-5# 14 4

#4#5 5.44 1#4# 14444 11# 4=!#4. 114 #5 JRA41#

4#44 155144414444 5^ 11## 4-41# 54 # 4# ### 4-

414 ### ## 4## ### 1 #15514 44 4 #4-155 4 4#

44 55 4-## 11 $M 14 ##! (local)4 4-14444# #155 44 #

444, #41 (global)# 11# 1^# 4#44 5# 4444 11# #115# 11 # # #4- 14 global stochastic search algorithm 55 ##4-#-55] ##

44114 4 4 11# #44 #11 4#s]5 #4- 44 4# 4## #41 511 #4 4 4 # 1#7> el #4 4.



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[10] D.G. Luenberger, 1984, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2nd ed. Addison- Wesley Publishing Company.


[11] P.H. Chang, 1987, “A Closed-Form Solution for Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulators with Redundancy,” IEEE J. Robotics and Automation, Vol.RA-3, No. 5, pp. 393-403.

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[20] ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems), USER’S Refer­ence Manual, Mechanical Dynamics, Inc., U.S.A.


#(k loiotokb #tr to kb Ik -aw? :

tk& toRi# R>-kbbiv *?btkkb k-0-ty/aW^

4 #

l. 49 181

1. 9949 ^ 9*9 ............................................................................................. 181

2. 4949.................................. 182

n. 5.S.JE tqx>y ?H9 49 1821. 444 a4 99 441.................................. ....................,..................................183

2. an 4444 9# 941...........................................................................................183

3. 44444 #4 441.................................................................................................187

3.1 A 4 : 4444 an 4......................................................................... 1873.2 B 4 : 44444 9a4...............................................................................190

4. 4944 44 ^ 49 44-4 44..............................................................1925. 3.44 aa 9 44 44 44........... 193

5.1 3.1±E t^lS} 3.JL 7flf......................................................... 193

5.2 444 49a 43 ^ aas) 4-g-..................................................................193

5.3 4^ 4144 443 44 49............................................................................194

m. 444(Console Table) 444 44 195

1. 494 4444a# 44 4N4 99 ........................................................... 195

1.1 94 a*|44 49 49 44..................................................................... 197

1.2 # a^4 44* #4 49 an...................................................................198

2. 4444 #4................................................................................................................200

2.1 7]a 444 94............................................................ .. ............................ 200

2.2 4414 a4191- 99 4444 4 49.......................................................................... 201

2.3 14 444 9# 49........................................................... 202

3. 14 4444 44!......................................................................................................202

3.1 A 99 4444 94................................................................................... 203


3.2 B ## 4444 ^....................................................................... 205

3.3 24 444 4# 4=M.............................................................................207

4. 24 4444 207

4.1 A-a 4 . . . .............................................................. 207

4.2 B4 4................................................................................................... 209

IV. 211

1 4444 211

1.1 71^4 3H9..............................................................................................2111.2 ................................................................................................. ... 211

2 4444 2162.1 7] s.Aj........................................................................................ 216

22 2^4 ^..........:........................................................................... 216

3 44 44.......................................................................................... 219

#Ji 5-^ 220



433as. 4 *-337, 7>337 73 #7 743 77447 744444 7 74 3447 aXI 4774-7 774 74 74447. a37 7747 aaa # 7 77 747 4X1 744 444 744444 474 3a3a 47 47 74 474 447. #, 44747 734S77 744 47347 773 74 443 7374 773-5-3. a.43 47 7M334 4744 47a # * 47. a33 4747 744 474 47 73747 474 4X174* &777 7774 77 43 7447434 374 3 #377 434 474a 47. 4X134 77433 3434 34, XI4334 743, 433 3433, 3334 73a* 74 7443 744744 #74 333-5-3. 4*43a 4* *347.

33 3.3.m7 37 747 4X1344 7113334 747744 343as.3 7 373as. 443 34* 3*a, 3734 443a 43 443 34* XliBl-74 7434 S3* * 3 47. aa3 343, 3334 a*33 743*4 7M# 43 347743 3434a 4X134 *eas., 3474 *43-343 a*# 7 *3 3434 3734 347a, 433 33* a* 41 73 4* 7 43 a37 4 a*4 43 7a# 34# * 47.

347 aaa 71)34 4433 aaa7 4474 3434 a#X) 43 3 44* 4437. 473as.7 *3 a*3as.a 3 4*43 344 7743 3734 3437 37 a=J=4M3 #43 *3, 333 37 3a#43 *44 *s 3434 a## 4*as_3 *@3 7 47. 4 4*433 473 33*43 743 34* *33 773 aaa3 31447 3a 7434 a#* 4*4 a4 4a 444(Corporate Image)* 333 * 4a# 774 33 3* 33 aa 37. 4* 343 3347X13 4*444 4*7 33a *33 333 33(guidelines) * 33aa 333 *3** 71)43 * 4a# 37.

1. ^



1 1## 3.7\) SiES] 47>1 733 14 7flo]7l E)x}<y 733 14 #7)-x3 ifl-g-

#1414. S# 47>1 #1# HI, -B-Xl 1 S#, Aj.^4- ^-O. 7}^l^ #14 141, 111 #4 03423 m 134% a# s444 1#13&S1, #4 sss.4. 411734 #11 ^111 41# ##4.

14s sm 4x3-1 7)3141# 47}! al#l 141,. a! 41403 1#

ni,. 473-114 1114], 4#4 11 1 11 #473-1 141,. sill 44 7331 1

4^33414 4:41# 444 i#!#!. i*i|s 414 47}!# 73344 n„ 4141 4 #4,. 473-144 4733,. 11 #4 71-4 4 411s 1#114.

n. -AiL£ qx>y 4R# 3M

sss4 441 733 4# 141, 144, 44114 37>4 1# #$s 143 4-11 lf-114-. 14, 141# ss4 H14- 41# 1#4SS4

114# iss, sis?!- HI 1441 444s 11:4733 41# #14# 1 # 4444-. 141 114]A3 4x3-1# a3-#x^4- 37^*b 14411## #14-#, s £S 111 71114 ##173- ssf-# 1# 1111 144# ##4SS4 73473 #1 4# 141# #1# 1# 1SS 4444. 1-4), m# #4 n-g- 443

114 1144 1# #114. €4 4:1# 14# 7373m 14# #733 4# 1 #7> @-4 43#14. 4m ie44 11# 1-1 AM4 1111 #4# 1411 1# a3-#4 111 1 # 1# 414-. 471-1-& #4-1 4114s ##4 144# Is l#lAi 4#4-733 #41# 1## 4SS4 lei# II-A34 4: ^4-. 4341,

141# #411 4#ss im # is# 47}1 #1434 S4411# 441 4. 1# 4-S43111 #14- SHsillll #1# 114 s#Ai^4, #1S4

14i#s %l# 1111 7131 4#4 1## 4-8-SS4 111 # 14.4# 47>1 41# 141 #5## ##4 #44s s41 7)-#4 1#114.


1. *4 44

o] 94* 941 94*44 4*9 294 49 *4* £tfls *9994. =l

29# 919 9444 9449 924 42# 944 4449 444 49444 2^(Full Scale Mock-up)# 44994. (492-1) 4 e4& 44 2349 44# 4#44 44 449 494 9;lj494.

44 n-l : 4444 23

2. ^ »>°14°1 9#9r4l

94 949 42-4 #24 94494 949 234 44# 9a. 99 Mssj

449 9# 9#44 49 4444 *44 444 49444. 4 94449 44

4949 494 4# 44* 4922 24 4 ;H99* 944 9*4 4444 9

a4# 994. a 4944 949 *44* 4*4 94. (a^n-2) 444 4*9

4 €- 4444# 4194 1444 4499 9*5. 19444 99 4494 2

344 494 4*494.


- - £

n-4 a|S 4^ 2

3. ^

5^ 4444 *# 44* #4 444 4-* 4 444 4* ##4) 4- 14, 4-*4 4#4& s-m^. m^-g. 44^ *?M4 4^& ^4444-.

3.1 A4 : *444

A4* *4444 *7]44(Organic) 444* *4 **5.5 431 44-. 4 4* ^4) 4^43. 44 ***#(4*41, d:4-4m *)4 424 $1 ^44-Ji # 4" 44 44& 444-4 44-4-6- 7)4-5.5 4-ji 44-. 4*4 **5* £iiir 4*55 44*5-5. 44 4**4- *4 5.* *s34 *444 *7)4-4 4#4 4 *4** 5. **44 4* 4444, *44 4 4-4* 4)-g-*5.54 5554 ^#*44 *- ^4*4- #4) 4*^ 444* 4)*# * $14-. S4 5554 *^*4. 4

a# 4 ^4 §jl *47)- *4"4 *46- 445 $15.5.5. 445. 4-44-4 ^4-46-



V iob : 9-n 15: {y

(S-E kk ) hk irhk #k& kk kh

kir "Skhh to "his kkk H""5"kto-a h "gr-his lok kir k# -kkk~h-ta [o

-§- -kk"ff ‘Ix-q- to & ki?"o ts-k 5 -ho" lo irh k #kh k-hT» k kwth-k'k "S

o kkk tlo-irk kk-B^ "S"o-s-^o k-§r k"nk & kkZT -& ^"5"olo irkk #&

kkS ■& ah-y- Sr h-h-k ‘hkPS %rhk Bk& ^-h!$ k #&-& kkkfe %s

k tok^rk kkk ksTWg kk#^T tto-R h S^tbir #a hk & to k#' kk to

'-hlo k 3-k## k# k-ks"? B^-k -kk jMskB

3.2 B4 : 7} 443 4 1&4

B44 431 71443 4 (Geometric) 1&44 S4# 1 44 444 4 44 IN 1 444 441-4 444 4# 41s 414 414 414-44 Ills 444, 3 14 s4# #4. o] 7>1 ^1# 4444 Ji4-!(Braun)4-4 4114 441 144 44#4 s 44 444 ss4 414# 143 1N4s # 1 414, 3^41^1 4 4 s# 71-4-4 #4 4144 #44 4414 4 414 #4 4 S3 4 ^442 44.

4 3411 41& i#4 47H4 1 Ns 144 4114 2;H #4^4 S/H#17}4ss4 1444 1441 4444 3.4 444 141 is 44. selJi 441 5.3LS 144 11 44444 1471- 444 44441 s34 IN 4441 1 4s 44. s44 44# 4141 414 44ssi 44 414 4& 144 14444 1&# 1 4 3N# 41 1 441 34 #41 34 444 33%1 31 3. 17} 44341 31 11 1 44. S3 3^34 347} #414 3 47H#& 4444 344 114 144 347} 44 343 s31 41 1 441 43s 4444. (s3 n-7)

s3 n-7 44 B


^ H-8 cfloj Ba] 'SS


'A'4:4 "B'4:4 7]4 4#4^}4 o]-o_g_ 'A' 4:4 4444^4.’A'4:4 44444 4^-f#4 444-44- ^J:#^4 444-4 *S.% 4#^-44- 4=444 ^4# 4^4-. ^4: 44-444 ^44 #4 ^414 2.4& 444 4, 444 44444 4 44^.4## &444 ^4#4 4?-4^4. (3^ n-9)

4. ^ ^

3.4 n-9 &4^4 444 2.4

5. ncflyi 7H# ^

/M 9449 949 ¥94 9 ¥ 994 9¥944 9494 944 4 (A 9)# 9994 4l¥ 499# 49 ¥ sies] 99(KAER0T)4 5.3.4 9 4

4 44# 9*3994-.

5.1 S5.S Aj^ei 4^14 Logo Type 7fl9

5.5.E A]>:tii ig^o] (gg s.3 49# 4^4 4999 999, 4494 3.

94 99# ¥9 7119499. ¥9 W# 99# 4#94 949 #44 94 9# 44 444# H499A4, 99441- 4-B-94 994 9944 99# ¥ 9¥ 4 44949 4¥9# 4449-9-4, ## 44 449#5. 9994 49 99# 994as 994-494. (34 n-l)

KAEROT392-1. 4¥ 999 Logo Type

5.2 994 4¥9 4a ^ s.34 4-B-

999 4a¥ 99 4¥4t11 992.7} #ahs 949 99# 444 9494


4* #^4a 4444 44S £414 ^ 44| 7)14 31 £44£ 4#

4*4* *#as ^e)414. 4a* 4^41 a 314 4e]4 #££45.s

44 #14* #447] 44 sa4!4 1* 4#1 Black# 4*414.

5.3 444144 7>o]h 4-1 #4

4#4 SIS 4*^4 7>4* 444431 4# 444* 444* 4*451 # as)* 444* #447] 4# #4S7> #* 4 4* #4, 4a asiM, 44s zl

51144 *44 ## « **31 4*414. 4* *4 444 as 444 s4* %

# 4*44 *431 44 3:4* #*414.*24* s**4 #4* 444 4*4* *4as4, 7)44431 7]#444^

*44 #4 ^44 444 4*44 *-§-44 4*4 *4# 4* * 44.

f#4as 4*4 42:4(4444 #*=DIC 184, #e) rz4:DIC 174)4 4444 3:44 7)444 s*s3) 44 *44# #44. #4 314* 44*5)1444 44 ##4s 4*4443], 3x4 3114 4* 44# 144* 4as 4*4a las s 4 4*31* sss4 444# 444414* 44* 4*4* 44.


HI. °17] (Console Table)

4~§-4- yysM# 44-yy #^4)4 39-4# y4-#44 4-si-i- 3##33

4 44^1 4444 7|it 4^4-7] 4# 4447]- 44444.

44 44444 444 4^4 441 4^44 4 4441# 4^4 a# "9444

44 444 #44 ^4fe4, 444 44 4444. 4444 3.44 444 ^44

44 44# ^44 4# 4 44 44# 444 #3 4444 &54 4-ji . 44## 44-4^44 4& ## #444. a 444 %# #444' 44# #44 4# 447f 444# #4# 44# 437} 44.

(1) 444 44 44444 44 44# 44 #44444 44 44 #433 444. 44# 4##

7>44 4444 #43 444# 444 4444 #4 44f41 4# 44# 444,44# 44# g# 4^44 #4 7}*#4 ## igf]* #44.(2) 444 44 <94

## 44 4445. 444# 44 344# 44# #44, 44# 4# #44 44 444 #4f4# #4# 44 #344.(3) #4 4# <94

94 4<g ^^4 3 444 $1444 9^ 4# <94# 44^ 44 4-4 "94444. #4 44 444 4«fl#£ #4 °J4 44 444 44 44 44 4433 4#3 44. a 444 ##433 43, 43* 17] 4414# 4444 447} 4444

#3# 444.

(4) €3 #4

44 44# t 4 #44 41444 44# t 9 &# 4# 4444, 4-47} #4 44 41 #4 4y°l 4444 #444 #3 444 34# 344. 3B]4 o]^&4 44 4*5(1# #4# 4^### 44444 43* ^494. 44 ^4 4&#33 #


#4 49 #9# 4# #944a 44.

49^4 94 €4

4^44 *MM1 49|7l# 444is 444 44 44#4 a444 44.

1. 4#=M4 44# #144.

2. 9499 ##4 44444 4444 a#€ 4 Sla# #4# 44.3. 44 4-8-

4444 444 444 4€- 444 444 44.

1. 471 : 97}4# ^tflzi- 5" ;§e, 444 929 #114 4444.

2. 449 : 71-44 #94 4444 224 44.

3. 444 444 : 44 #94 ##44 2a, 44 444 &44#-&

4^44 a]4o] 4-y 544 44# 0^4 444 4444.

4. 47>y : 444 471-4# 44414 3-4° 924 #27} 4444.

5. 4 2* 4^444 4 921 *11944.6. 4471-a# 9244 4 9.21 471-444.

4944 44414 a49!4 # it!

(1) 44 -94# 9#1. #292 fas 4 44414 ‘944 44.

2. 444 44®s 9# #444 92# 444 #49 4 9# #94 4444 44.

3. 44 #4 4443 #44# 9## 42.444 ^9 $4444 44.

4. 499 44 22## 4444 #444 &a2 4#4 # # 941 *11944.

5. $94014 4 4 a} 9 i-E 4499 7>4 944011 44444 44.

(2) %a, 44 94# 4#

1. 4471-1- 44 444 947} 44 4#414 44.

2. 2.4444 4# 44 $4### 91 2-47} 999 ## 94s. 49414 44.

3. 4# &9 2## 4-8-414 4# 9#4# 4=117} 44 9# 444 *11992#


(3) gK4 94# 9#l. 9-47H4 #49 9# 4#4#4 494 9944# 41#^ 4 44.


ra-i ^4=

68-6 min, space lQ« arm movement

locus age 40

Hu A & & ± I | s

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m-2* 44- 7H^6|1 31^ m-14 44=446- 44 4^ 4144 *X4 *44 4*1- a| 4 ^o]4.

zz.4 m-2 447)4 7)* 4o]e) 4*

1.2 # ^44 *4* #4 44= H4

ffl.1.1 44 714-49 tl4 #4 4444 44 4444 44=44 44=* 4## 44, n 4 444 44-4-6- 44^-S. 4 44 44hs., 4-44 44 44"* *4/] 44 44-44 m 4444- #4 # 7-Ml 9 #4* 4*44 44= 444-.

X m-l 444 44 ^ 71-4 *24 44 44=A%u Stl! Aw

441*4 4 4 4 45% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95%

(a) 44 inch, 4^ 18-794 6,6724(USPHS) (b) 44 cm, 4*4 20-504(^99*4)



1. 44 44 44 76.8 88.5 72.9 84.0 - - - -2. 44 63.6 72.8 59.0 67.1 158.4 175.9 147.2 163.03. 4 ##4 60.8 68.6 56,3 64.1 147.4 164.8 136.8 15194. #4 44 44 29.0 39.0 27.0 38.0 - - - -5. 441 #34 10.1 13.0 - _ 18.3 23.4 17.6 24.16. 4 #^4 #4 41.3 47.3 38.6 43.6 97.5 111.6 91.4 103.87. 44 44 44 29.7 35.0 26.6 31.7 70.6 80.5 65.1 74.38. 4# 44 44 #4 51.6 59.0 49.1 55.2 124.9 139.8 114.7 12919. 4#4 31.6 36.6 29.6 34.7 85.7 94.6 78.5 88.010. 44 4#4 30.0 33.9 28.1 31.7 75.0 84.2 68.7 78.2ii. ## e#4 i%4 7.4 11.6 7.1 11.0 23.1 30.9 21.3 29112. 44 44 4.3 6.9 4.1 6.9 35.2 40.9 30.2 36.013. 4# #4 19.3 23.4 17.9 21.5 - - - -14. 54 #4 15.5 19.3 14.0 17.5 47.9 53.9 44.9 50.715. #4-## 44 32.0 37.0 27.0 37.0 - - - -16. 4## # 12.2 15.9 12.3 17.1 29.6 34.7 30.0 35.717. 444 4 18.8 22.8 - - 40.8 49.2 37.1 44.7

4 44 544 445. 544 4°- 44 4# 4*r# ^4 □1-34 44.

m-3 544 4444 4# 44"


2 <>McM

2.1 713:

444# 44-4 4# 4 444 7\% 7]37]- 4# 4##€- 4w4 44.1. 47}#4-4 4°M%M(identity)* ^444 7H-4#47l| A^g.^-4 4^4^444, 7]-§-44 A}4 . ojn|^ #44 a.4 #44 #4 # ^&E# 444 #4.

2. 344 144 #44 44# 44# a444 4a}-##4.3. A}# #d=* 2444 #379, 4f4, #^#4 #oj ^

°M 7}^)#2. ^}o] 7] 440)4- 4# 7)37>S A)-4#Ol 4

4-4 ffl-1 4-5 a>44


2.2 4M4 2= MM* #4 4444 *8 44

444 44 e/M44 a?) 4 4£ a^, 4* #41 4# 7H% ^4, 44 44 441 #4 42}€4. 444 4 444# 4 4414 #414*#44 42; 444 444 44 44 44# 44444. a4 m-4# 4& 444 7114# 44^-S 4 4414 #44#& 444 ^44.

214 ffl-4 4414 #MM Dl


2.3 14 44# #4 14

m.2.2 44 4 Ml# 341*1 *3 4"# 14, 444- 44 2?M ##4 44444


5 ffl-2 14 44# 4#

444 554

A 44- 44 55M14 43*5114

4*4 gos 4*4.- 3455 3Ml 4**55. 4 44, &45 MH45 444 55 * 445 #4.- 345 444 444 44 (l-2mm)5 #54! 44.- #444 54 4 7B4 5 4 445 #5444.

-414 4511 354 #44 144 144Ml Ml4 4514 444 4#! 44 344141 Ml 444 44# 53# 44.- 5 34 34 (main joystick)!5*1 #554 44444.- Ml4 451! 414 4, 4 ! 45! 45 4! 4 155 144 34414 551 45 4.- 4# Ml 5 354 44 #44# #444 44 3444 5 3# 5444.- 5*4 #44# 44444# #444 43) #14 #44# 44.

B 44- 5 34344 1-445 55 Ml 45 44# 3Ml 544, 3454 3Ml 415555 444 4 Ml 44.- 41 44 54(Foot room) 1 34414 4^554 45# 44 444 4^551 ##53 ^4.- 54M14 54 445 4445 4M1 444 #55 454 #4.

44 54 1# 341 5 4455 14 44# 44! 4143, 4 * yj-x] 4#: ! A 44/B 4453 414451 44.

3. 14- 44^##: ^41

ffl.2 144 4*114 14 44# 4# 444 4*0 44##! 4444 54& 4


4. (4, 44 1 444 ^444& 44.)4444a) 471)4 44 &4^44 #44^ 444# 7)4^5. 44.

3.1 A 4# 4444 47))

A 444 444444 41- 44^ 4-#-4 44.

1. 4444 4^4 S4°l 444 7)&4* 4^4.2. o)b) 7is) 4447)- 445)4 4t44 514.

3. #447) £SE2) 444 4*4 H44 4444.

4. 4 ^#4* 41 AS 44.

zz.h)4 4 a) 4 4 ^4 A}^-4i-o) 1-444 S44-2) 11--& -a-444 *5# 4)4

44. m-54 m-64 A 4# 44-444 47)11- 44 4-444 ^44#44.

=l^ m-5 A 44-8: 44 <>M44 471 i


m-7 A 1}%=


3.2 B ## 4444

B 4*4 444 7}S- **4 #c}.1. 5*** 4^* 45.* 45* #5 44 545* *** 544 444* 4#

4444 *4.2. *4455 * 4444 54* *5* *4.3. 4%* 44-4^44 ##* 54* 4*55 *4.

44 4*4] #5* b *** A *** 441 54*4 *4 4 4-4*4 #44-55, 54*4 *4* 4414 43. 44# 4## %I54 &4. 5* 441453. f4-*4* 4*55 *7] 41*41 ## 44 *45 44455 #4 45*4] 4*. 5

4 ffl-84 54 m-9* B 4*4 4444 4;H# 4* 4444 54**44.

54 ra-8 B **# 4* 4444 44 i



b-fk 9 OT-m fell

H kk k b kb is. to

'-b^ kkbb k H k kb b-kk& WT kk-k kb kbV >b is 'bibb kbb "g"o# bib Ikn bb-k^ kb

kb? k^ kk '%rk is ^-k kk# b&r

b-kb ^vkkk kb kkkkb b&b v 'b bb kbbt? bb bOT- ffl b%r 'b# bk# * kb iokbb b&b 9

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#- 41441 i#i4 m 4444 -2.^1- 144 &#i4 asi 42s.

sail 4 44442, 1224 4414 sill 4444 444411 114

4 1141 44444# 44444.

324 4, 714144 1141 54H 41 B44 iaia 44444 4a#

7j-l4 #4 4144 4-4-4 44#4 44 444#44 241 14. 24 IV-41 44# 444-4 12:41- lUl 44441 nm4 444 14 44.

714 IV-4 444-44 114 7f 4i4 sas 4 44 s-4

414 71144 iist 444 # 41, 44 14 444444 24! 11 4

444 ##4 444! 1141 42 4#41 m 144. 44# 4 #22 &

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## 1 41 415. 4444.


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4 SS 7] 44 4«|7l4 4447}# 442 4^4 1996. 7. 20.

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Performing Org. Report No.

Sponsoring Org. Report No.

Standard Report No.

INIS Subject Code

KAERI/CM -018/95

Title/ Subtitle

A Study on the Manipulation of Teleoperation System Using Redundant Robot

Project Manager and Dept. Chung-Oh Lee (Mechanical Engineering)

Researcher and Dept.

H.S. Cho (Mechanical Engineering), P.H. Chang ("), K.C. Park("), J.H. Hyeon("), J.G. Kim("), Y.J. Park("), W.T. Hwang("), Y.S. Chun("), K.W. Chung (Industrial Design), J.Y. Lee("), K.M. An(")

Pub. Place Taejon Pub. Org. KAERI Pub. Date 1996. 7. 20

Page 220P Fig. and Tab YesO, No( ) Size cm


Classified Open( ),0utside(0). Class Report Type Yearly

Sponsoring Org. KAIST Contact No. 95C-077

In this project the following 4 sub-projects have been studied for use in nuclear power plants. 1) Development of precision control method for the hydraulic and pneumatic actuators: The fuzzy gain tuner for the pneumatic servo position control system with the state feedback controller was designed by using the professional knowledge. Through the experimental study, this control method was verified to obtain the optimal gain automatically. 2) Development of an universal master arm and force reflecting teleoperation system: An autonomous telerobot system with a vision based force reflection capability was developed. To effectly implement visual force feedback, 3 different control methods were also developed. 3) A study on the analysis and control of the redundant robot manipulator: An optimal joint-path of 8-DOF redundant KAEROT for the nozzle dam task was generated and its effectiveness and safety was verified by using graphic/animation tool. The proposed dynamic control algorithm for the redundant robot was applied to the experiment of planar 3-DOF redundant robot, showing good performance. 4) A study on the robot/user interface design: A set of final design and its console table was developed, which has metaphorical identity and user-friendly interface and a study mock-up was also developed to identify the possibility in a clear form.


Pneumatic actuator, Fuzzy gain tunning system, force-reflecting teleoperation system, autonomous control of master-slave manipulators, Redundant robot, Nozzle dam task, Robot-controller design. Robot-user interface.