TABLE OF CONTENTS l'r~ ~, ~•a s 5319 )clr:rt ,urnt of- Frnp,a , 5320 r.lucatow lle;artmcnt of- lu tiutr talc 5323 Ir-air 5323 atimxt an I .Al rtv nmeut, 1r l a',; 5320 111al'c 1)elrtrlmcnt of-- (ohrmiti n f :lssesstrnents—Notices t IrE y Owners 5320 t r; ration Salc• of Buildings and \11urtcnxnces Thereto on City Rca, l.statc Sc Sr aled Bids 5320 Intcre't in City It ools and Stock 5320 Surrtic s r n I utracts 5330 \ uch -r: Rerr nc.l July 16, 1'124 5316 1\;errant, Mole Ready for Payment July 1(i, 1924 5313 I •ire I)epart till nt -- .Ab ,tr,ic 1 Tnn.actions for Week L:niicd 11av 31, 1924 IIui ter l ,,lkyc - l'rulros.rl; li..trucun; ti kti , ldcrs on Work to Be l),,nr an,l up!dirs to Be Furnished 51anl:att.rn, Itw ugh uf- I yu'al• \l;rv„r, t)dice f - - Ilr,rring (u Local Law 5326 5328 5328 5319 5321 5323 Vehicular Street Cleaning, Department of— Proposals Supreme Court, First Department— Application to Court to Condemn Prop- erty 5326 Filing Bills of Costs 5326 Notice to File Claims 5326 Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Court to Condemn Prop- erty 5327 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections 5328 Notice to File Claims 5327 Transportation, Board of— I nvitation to Contractors 5323 Proposals 5323 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- partment of— Proposals 5323 UJcrr. n, Hr rrl -- Municipal Civil Service Commission- 1linutT f "atrd Meeting Held July Notices to Appear for Examinations. I;, 'v?) 5293 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build• lien ry It aril ings, Etc. I'r 5321 Notice to Contractors It ar 1 sIrrt n 5319 Official Directory Brun v. It uch 1 The-- Parks, Department of- i'n l >al± 5372 Proposals Hr), klyn. l r ut;h of-- Plant and Structures, Department of- 1'r I. , :; is ... 532 2 4 Proposals hangs ., in t n.) Departmt nts, Etc 5318 Police Department- Ity Rccord, Board ,f— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- erty Special Regulations for Traffic Purchase, Department of— Proposals Queens. Borough of— Board of— Proposals Richmond, Borough of— Proposals 5318 5333 5328 5322 5193 5319 5319 5326 5321 5325 5320 Art Commission. Board of Assessors. Department of Parks, Brooklyn, Department of Parks, Bronx. Department of Licenses. Department of Plant and Structures. Examining Board of Plumbers. Mayor's Bureau of 11 eights and Measures. Parole Commission. Department of Public Markets. Department of Taxes and Assessments. Chief Medical Examiner, Board of City Record. City Chamberlain. Armory Board. l-aw Department. Tenement House Department. Department of Street Cleaning. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. Fire Department, Department of Health, Department of Parks, Manhattan. Department of Parks, Queens. Department of Parks, Richmond. Department of Public 1W elfare. Board of Standards and Appeals. Board of Purchase. Board of Ambulance Service. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Department of Correction. Department of Water Supply, Gas ind Electricity. Board of Water Supply. Board of Child Welfare. Mayor's Rent and Taxation Committee. Police Department, Dock Department. Borough President, Manhattan. Borough President, Bronx. Borough President, Richmond. THE CITY RECORD. V•ot.. 1.11. A u MHER 15552. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924. Palcs 10 CENT& THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. JOHN F. h'YLAN, MAYOR. GEORGE; 1'. NICIIOLSON, CORPORATION COUNSCL. CHARLES L. CRAIG, Corrreorue. PETER J. BRADY, Surttavtsou. Fuper%lsor'e Office, Municipal Building, Sib floor. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Distributing Division, 125 and 127 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City. Subscnptiun, $20 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. S1'1'I'LF:11F:xTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), $5; ()fici:,1 Canvass of Votes, $I ; Registry Lists, 20 cents each assembly district; Law Department Sup- plemrnt, $ I ; A+scssrd I aluation of Real Estate, $2 each section; postage extra. AI)vERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECOaD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publ]catiun, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. COPY fur publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least TIIRhE ( r days before date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as becond•class Matter, Post Office at New York City. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. 0 Hearing on Local Law. C IZSI'AV"1 TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a lrrral law, Pr. Ni1. 2, E. & A. 2, has been passed by both branches of the Vunicipal As>emhlv,.entitled: - "A Iiic:tl law prc~crng notice of public hearing on local laws before approval ii rc f hti the \lavr." l-urther to tics i• hereby given that a public hearing upon such bill will be held at tl \1 AY( 111 l ICE. in the CITY HALL in the City of New York on FRIDAY, I.V 15, l04, at 10 O•CLOCK A. M. Dieted, t_ity hall, New York, July 11, 1924. j12,17 JOHN F. HYLAN, Mayor. TI'IIE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. STATEDb STING. Tuesday, July 15, 1924, at 1.30 o'Clock P. M. The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. In the ;,b.tncc of the President and the Vice-Chairman, the Clerk called the Board t rdur. ()n m,,tiu11 of Alderman Cunningham, Alderman Kiernan was called to the ch iir. James B. Allen Edward J. Atwell Samuel J. Burden John J. Campbell E lward Cassidy Joltn J. Corcoran Thomas J. Cox Frank A. Cunningham Edward W. Curley Peter Donovan Frank J. Dotzler Parrick S. Dowd Charles W. Dunn Bruce M. Falconer Howard Fenn James M. Fitzpatrick Isa,oc Frank George W. Friel Moritz Graubard Albert G. Halberstadt Rudolph Hannoch Julius Miller, President, Borough of Manhattan, by James J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works. Edward Rirugelmann, President, Borough of Brooklyn, by Joseph A. Guider, Com- mi>,inner of Public Works. Henry Bruckner, President, Borough of The Bronx, by William J. Flynn, Com- missioner of Public Works. Maurice E. Connolly, President, Borough of Queens, by W. Augustus Shipley, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works. John A. Lynch, President, Borough of Richmond, by David S. Rendt, Commissioner of Public Works, On motion of Alderman McManus, reading of the minutes of the Stated Meeting of July 8. 1924, was dispensed with and the same were approved as printed. MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR. No. 691. General Statement of the Finances, Government and Improvements of the City for the Year 1923. City of New York, Office of the Mayor, July 11, 1924. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen—In compliance with the requirements of the Charter, I have the honor to transmit to your honorable Board a general statement of the finances, government and improvements of the City for the year 1923, as submitted by the several department heads under my jurisdiction, Respectfully, JOHN F. HYLAN, Mayor. DEPARTMENTS. ART COMMISSION. The membership of the Commission consisted throughout 1923 of John F. Hylan (Mayor), Robert W. de Forest (President of Metropolitan Museum of Art), Frank L. Babbott (President of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences), I. N. Phelps Stokes (Trustee of New York Public Library), Charles C. Curran (painter), Charles Keck (sculptor), Benjamin W. Morris (architect), Edward C. Blum (layman), William J. 1t? ilgus (layman) and Lucien Oudin (layman). At the first meeting, held January 8, 1923, the Commission organized by electing Robert Vs. de Forest President, Frank L. Babbott Vice-President and I. N. Phelps Stokes Secretary. In compliance with the provisions of sections 636 to 640 of the Charter, 172 matters were submitted to the Commission during the year. The approximate amount of money involved was $72,000,000. For each one of these 172 submissions from one to twleve plans were examined and passed upon. The designs presented with 159 submissions were approved as sub- mitted. In fourteen cases the Commission disapproved designs in whole or in part. Four submissions were withdrawn. Each submission received is referred immediately to a special committc , which makes its report before the subject is considered by the full Cotnmissiot.. The Committees visit locations for monuments and other structures. In addition to their meetings for examination of designs submitted, the committees frequently meet in conference with heads of departments, designers and other persons interested in matters before the Commission. During 1923, 75 committee meetings were h,ld. It is in committee work, therefore, that the most engrossing duties of the Com- wIssioners are to be found. The Commission held 13 meetings in 1923. Ill the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Greater New York, known as the "Silver Jubilee," the Commission made an exhibition showing the artistic acquisitions of the City during twenty-five years. Inadequate space and inability to obtain copies of photographs of many important designs compelled the omission of a few illustrations of works of the first order of merit which the City has acquired within the period mentioned, yet the Commission was able to show how large a number of works of art of excellence have been acquired by the City since consolidat'oll, a fact which is likely to he overlooked because the individual objects are so widely scattered. .At the same time the Commission was able to give a number of illustrations indi- eating the benefit the City gains through its activities by showing certain inferior design, that would have been executed if there had been no Art Commission, but which were prevented from execution by its disapproval ; and in conjunction therewith the greatly superior designs which were substituted tinder its advice for those disapproved. It was also able to exhibit certain designs of departmental buildings constructed before and (hiring the course of the twenty-five years of the Art Commission's existence, which Showed clearly the growth t~f grind taste during that time. In fact, one of the most gratifying results of the work of the Art Commission is found in this improvement of the designs presented by the various City departments for its consideration. Towards the close of 1923 designs for the erection in Central Park of a War Memorial to those vho had sacrificed their lives in the World War were submitted by Hon. Grover A. Whalen, Commissioner of Plant and Structures. With this submission, which is of especial importance and public interest, was presented the architects' descrip- tion of the setting and design, from Carrere & Hastings, %vith Shreve, Lamb & Blake, architects. Upon favorable report by its committee the Commission gave its preliminary approval to the designs and general scheme of the memorial, conditioned upon the future submission for final approval of more complete designs of the parts which it is proposed to build at present. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. During 1923, the Board of Assessors apportioned, advertised and confirmed 265 assessment lists, aggregating $5,709,655.15. It also apportioned, advertised and confirmed three (3) installment assessments, aggregating $49,303.89. It also apportioned 6 seller assessments under section 395 of the Charter, aggregating $36,691.59. Under section 951 of the Charter, 568 claims for damages were filed in assessment proceedings. The Board made awards in 119 cases, aggregating $144,773.80. These awards were added to and made a part of the cost of the various proceedings. Seventy-four claims were disal- lowed. Also under section 951 the Board made 63 awards, aggregating $15,425 ; for damages caused by changing grades of streets in repaving proceedings: 62 awards, aggregating $12,925; in Borough of Manhattan and one award amounting to $2,500 in Richmond. The Board's appropriation for personal services is now $43,834, and for other than personal service $720, and it is unable to effect further economies and properly perform the work of the office. Duties are prescribed by Charter, section 942 to 955, inclusive, but it also prepares reports for the Committee on Assessments and for the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment on matters of local improvements to be paid for by assessment. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, BROOKLYN. Outstanding Accomplishments of the Year. Funds were appropriated by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the improvement of Fort Hamilton parkway between 62d street and the Shore road, but it is impossible to carry this work to completion during 1923, because the Board of Estimate later decided to permit the Catskill Siphon to be installed in the center of the roadway between 62d and 86th streets. The section between 86th street and the Shore road was completed, however, at a cost of $106,089.31. The completion of the Boardwalk at Coney Island, providing Dreamland Park with a new beach frontage approximately 300 feet in width, left an upland area upon which it was decided to construct a permanent parking space to accomodate about 2,500 automo- biles. This urgent improvement was ready for public use in July, and during its three months' operation it accomodated on the day of greatest attendance 1,600 cars. In 1924 the entire parking space will be fully occupied. A fee of twenty-five cents per car is charged, for which the car owner has the privilege of parking space from eight o'clock Present: Aldermen Martin J. Healy John B. Penrich George Hilkemeier George J. Joyce Reinhard E. Kaltenmeier John J. Keller Edward T. Kelly James F. Kiernan John J. Lenihan Patrick J, McCann John James McCusker Francis D. McGarey Charles J. McGillick Peter J. McGuinness Charles A. McManus Dennis J. Mahon James J. Molen James J. Morris James M. Murtha Jeremiah R. O'Leary Thomas O'Reilly William F. Quinn Stephen A. Rudd Frank J. Schmitz Bernhard Schwab Joseph R. Smith John William Smith William Solomon Murray W. Stand Edward J. Sullivan Joseph W. Sullivan Timothy J. Sullivan William P. Sullivan Martin F, Tanahey Edward J. Walsh William L. Weber Alford J. Williams John Wirth Louis J. Wronker Louis J. Zettler



l'r~ ~, ~•a s 5319 )clr:rt ,urnt of-

Frnp,a , 5320 r.lucatow lle;artmcnt of-

lu tiutr talc 5323 Ir-air 5323

atimxt an I .Al rtv nmeut, 1r l a',; 5320

111al'c 1)elrtrlmcnt of--

(ohrmiti n f :lssesstrnents—Notices t IrE y Owners 5320

t r; ration Salc• of Buildings and \11urtcnxnces Thereto on City

Rca, l.statc Sc Sr aled Bids 5320 Intcre't in City It ools and Stock 5320 Surrtic s r n I utracts 5330 \ uch -r: Rerr nc.l July 16, 1'124 5316 1\;errant, Mole Ready for Payment

July 1(i, 1924 5313 I •ire I)epart till nt --

.Ab,tr,ic 1 Tnn.actions for Week L:niicd 11av 31, 1924

IIui ter l ,,lkyc - l'rulros.rl;

li..trucun; ti kti, ldcrs on Work to Be l),,nr an,l up!dirs to Be Furnished

51anl:att.rn, Itw ugh uf- I yu'al•

\l;rv„r, t)dice f -

- Ilr,rring (u Local Law


5328 5328 5319




Street Cleaning, Department of— Proposals

Supreme Court, First Department—Application to Court to Condemn Prop-

erty 5326 Filing Bills of Costs 5326 Notice to File Claims 5326

Supreme Court, Second Department—Application to Court to Condemn Prop-

erty 5327 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to

File Objections 5328 Notice to File Claims 5327

Transportation, Board of— I nvitation to Contractors 5323 Proposals 5323

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De-partment of—

Proposals 5323

UJcrr. n, Hr rrl -- Municipal Civil Service Commission- 1linutT f "atrd Meeting Held July Notices to Appear for Examinations.

I;, 'v?) 5293 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build• lien ry It aril ings, Etc.

I'r 5321 Notice to Contractors It ar 1 sIrrt n 5319 Official Directory Brun v. It uch 1 The-- Parks, Department of-

i'n l >al± 5372 Proposals Hr), klyn. l r ut;h of-- Plant and Structures, Department of-

1'r I.,:; is ... 5322 4 Proposals hangs ., in t n.) Departmt nts, Etc 5318 Police Department- Ity Rccord, Board ,f— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop-

erty Special Regulations for

Traffic Purchase, Department of—

Proposals Queens. Borough of—

Board of— Proposals Richmond, Borough of—













Art Commission. Board of Assessors. Department of Parks, Brooklyn, Department of Parks, Bronx. Department of Licenses. Department of Plant and Structures. Examining Board of Plumbers. Mayor's Bureau of 11 eights and Measures. Parole Commission. Department of Public Markets. Department of Taxes and Assessments. Chief Medical Examiner, Board of City Record. City Chamberlain. Armory Board. l-aw Department. Tenement House Department. Department of Street Cleaning. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. Fire Department,

Department of Health, Department of Parks, Manhattan. Department of Parks, Queens. Department of Parks, Richmond. Department of Public 1W elfare. Board of Standards and Appeals. Board of Purchase. Board of Ambulance Service. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Department of Correction. Department of Water Supply, Gas ind

Electricity. Board of Water Supply. Board of Child Welfare. Mayor's Rent and Taxation Committee. Police Department, Dock Department. Borough President, Manhattan. Borough President, Bronx. Borough President, Richmond.

THE CITY RECORD. V•ot.. 1.11. A u MHER 15552. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924. Palcs 10 CENT&


OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the



PETER J. BRADY, Surttavtsou.

Fuper%lsor'e Office, Municipal Building, Sib floor. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Distributing Division, 125 and 127 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City. Subscnptiun, $20 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. S1'1'I'LF:11F:xTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), $5;

()fici:,1 Canvass of Votes, $I ; Registry Lists, 20 cents each assembly district; Law Department Sup-plemrnt, $ I ; A+scssrd I aluation of Real Estate, $2 each section; postage extra.

AI)vERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECOaD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publ]catiun, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion.

COPY fur publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least TIIRhE ( r days before date fixed for the first insertion.

Entered as becond•class Matter, Post Office at New York City.


Hearing on Local Law.

C IZSI'AV"1 TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a lrrral law, Pr. Ni1. 2, E. & A. 2, has been passed by both branches of the

Vunicipal As>emhlv,.entitled: - "A Iiic:tl law prc~crng notice of public hearing on local laws before approval

ii rc f hti the \lavr." l-urther to tics i• hereby given that a public hearing upon such bill will be held at

tl \1 AY( 111 l ICE. in the CITY HALL in the City of New York on FRIDAY, I.V 15, l04, at 10 O•CLOCK A. M.

Dieted, t_ity hall, New York, July 11, 1924. j12,17 JOHN F. HYLAN, Mayor.



Tuesday, July 15, 1924, at 1.30 o'Clock P. M.

The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. In the ;,b.tncc of the President and the Vice-Chairman, the Clerk called the Board

t rdur. ()n m,,tiu11 of Alderman Cunningham, Alderman Kiernan was called to the ch iir.

James B. Allen Edward J. Atwell Samuel J. Burden John J. Campbell E lward Cassidy Joltn J. Corcoran Thomas J. Cox Frank A. Cunningham Edward W. Curley Peter Donovan Frank J. Dotzler Parrick S. Dowd Charles W. Dunn Bruce M. Falconer Howard Fenn James M. Fitzpatrick Isa,oc Frank George W. Friel Moritz Graubard Albert G. Halberstadt Rudolph Hannoch

Julius Miller, President, Borough of Manhattan, by James J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works.

Edward Rirugelmann, President, Borough of Brooklyn, by Joseph A. Guider, Com-mi>,inner of Public Works.

Henry Bruckner, President, Borough of The Bronx, by William J. Flynn, Com-missioner of Public Works.

Maurice E. Connolly, President, Borough of Queens, by W. Augustus Shipley, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works.

John A. Lynch, President, Borough of Richmond, by David S. Rendt, Commissioner of Public Works,

On motion of Alderman McManus, reading of the minutes of the Stated Meeting of July 8. 1924, was dispensed with and the same were approved as printed.


No. 691.

General Statement of the Finances, Government and Improvements of the City for the Year 1923.

City of New York, Office of the Mayor, July 11, 1924. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen:

Gentlemen—In compliance with the requirements of the Charter, I have the honor to transmit to your honorable Board a general statement of the finances, government and improvements of the City for the year 1923, as submitted by the several department heads under my jurisdiction, Respectfully, JOHN F. HYLAN, Mayor.



The membership of the Commission consisted throughout 1923 of John F. Hylan (Mayor), Robert W. de Forest (President of Metropolitan Museum of Art), Frank L. Babbott (President of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences), I. N. Phelps Stokes (Trustee of New York Public Library), Charles C. Curran (painter), Charles Keck (sculptor), Benjamin W. Morris (architect), Edward C. Blum (layman), William J. 1t? ilgus (layman) and Lucien Oudin (layman). At the first meeting, held January 8, 1923, the Commission organized by electing Robert Vs. de Forest President, Frank L. Babbott Vice-President and I. N. Phelps Stokes Secretary.

In compliance with the provisions of sections 636 to 640 of the Charter, 172 matters were submitted to the Commission during the year.

The approximate amount of money involved was $72,000,000. For each one of these 172 submissions from one to twleve plans were examined

and passed upon. The designs presented with 159 submissions were approved as sub-mitted. In fourteen cases the Commission disapproved designs in whole or in part. Four submissions were withdrawn.

Each submission received is referred immediately to a special committc , which makes its report before the subject is considered by the full Cotnmissiot.. The Committees visit locations for monuments and other structures.

In addition to their meetings for examination of designs submitted, the committees frequently meet in conference with heads of departments, designers and other persons interested in matters before the Commission. During 1923, 75 committee meetings were h,ld. It is in committee work, therefore, that the most engrossing duties of the Com-wIssioners are to be found. The Commission held 13 meetings in 1923.

Ill the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Greater New York, known as the "Silver Jubilee," the Commission made an exhibition showing the artistic acquisitions of the City during twenty-five years. Inadequate space and inability to obtain copies of photographs of many important designs compelled the omission of a few illustrations of works of the first order of merit which the City has acquired within the period mentioned, yet the Commission was able to show how large a number of works of art of excellence have been acquired by the City since consolidat'oll, a fact which is likely to he overlooked because the individual objects are so widely scattered.

.At the same time the Commission was able to give a number of illustrations indi-eating the benefit the City gains through its activities by showing certain inferior design, that would have been executed if there had been no Art Commission, but which were prevented from execution by its disapproval ; and in conjunction therewith the greatly superior designs which were substituted tinder its advice for those disapproved.

It was also able to exhibit certain designs of departmental buildings constructed before and (hiring the course of the twenty-five years of the Art Commission's existence, which Showed clearly the growth t~f grind taste during that time.

In fact, one of the most gratifying results of the work of the Art Commission is found in this improvement of the designs presented by the various City departments for its consideration.

Towards the close of 1923 designs for the erection in Central Park of a War Memorial to those vho had sacrificed their lives in the World War were submitted by Hon. Grover A. Whalen, Commissioner of Plant and Structures. With this submission, which is of especial importance and public interest, was presented the architects' descrip-tion of the setting and design, from Carrere & Hastings, %vith Shreve, Lamb & Blake, architects. Upon favorable report by its committee the Commission gave its preliminary approval to the designs and general scheme of the memorial, conditioned upon the future submission for final approval of more complete designs of the parts which it is proposed to build at present.

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. During 1923, the Board of Assessors apportioned, advertised and confirmed 265

assessment lists, aggregating $5,709,655.15. It also apportioned, advertised and confirmed three (3) installment assessments, aggregating $49,303.89. It also apportioned 6 seller assessments under section 395 of the Charter, aggregating $36,691.59. Under section 951 of the Charter, 568 claims for damages were filed in assessment proceedings. The Board made awards in 119 cases, aggregating $144,773.80. These awards were added to and made a part of the cost of the various proceedings. Seventy-four claims were disal-lowed. Also under section 951 the Board made 63 awards, aggregating $15,425 ; for damages caused by changing grades of streets in repaving proceedings: 62 awards, aggregating $12,925; in Borough of Manhattan and one award amounting to $2,500 in Richmond.

The Board's appropriation for personal services is now $43,834, and for other than personal service $720, and it is unable to effect further economies and properly perform the work of the office.

Duties are prescribed by Charter, section 942 to 955, inclusive, but it also prepares reports for the Committee on Assessments and for the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment on matters of local improvements to be paid for by assessment.


Outstanding Accomplishments of the Year.

Funds were appropriated by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the improvement of Fort Hamilton parkway between 62d street and the Shore road, but it is impossible to carry this work to completion during 1923, because the Board of Estimate later decided to permit the Catskill Siphon to be installed in the center of the roadway between 62d and 86th streets. The section between 86th street and the Shore road was completed, however, at a cost of $106,089.31.

The completion of the Boardwalk at Coney Island, providing Dreamland Park with a new beach frontage approximately 300 feet in width, left an upland area upon which it was decided to construct a permanent parking space to accomodate about 2,500 automo-biles. This urgent improvement was ready for public use in July, and during its three months' operation it accomodated on the day of greatest attendance 1,600 cars. In 1924 the entire parking space will be fully occupied. A fee of twenty-five cents per car is charged, for which the car owner has the privilege of parking space from eight o'clock

Present: Aldermen

Martin J. Healy John B. Penrich George Hilkemeier George J. Joyce Reinhard E. Kaltenmeier John J. Keller Edward T. Kelly James F. Kiernan John J. Lenihan Patrick J, McCann John James McCusker Francis D. McGarey Charles J. McGillick Peter J. McGuinness Charles A. McManus Dennis J. Mahon James J. Molen James J. Morris James M. Murtha Jeremiah R. O'Leary

Thomas O'Reilly William F. Quinn Stephen A. Rudd Frank J. Schmitz Bernhard Schwab Joseph R. Smith John William Smith William Solomon Murray W. Stand Edward J. Sullivan Joseph W. Sullivan Timothy J. Sullivan William P. Sullivan Martin F, Tanahey Edward J. Walsh William L. Weber Alford J. Williams John Wirth Louis J. Wronker Louis J. Zettler




,1 the morn,nt until twelve at night, with safety for his vehicle under proper regulations. 'l Ilia parkin; <pace 1, to he made easily accessible from the Boardwalk by the construc-

i nl ..t tv' flight" if stepts, amvenicntk located, to be completed early in 1924. lanart P,trk, yin Jamaica Bad, has been under consideratitin for improvement for

II iI9 ,car > 'fhe greater pi)rtitm ~~t' the park land being under water at high tide, ;I rangenlenl cre made in 1923 ,pith the Dock Department so that the excavated it ateriatl ir'.rn j;unaica Bay dredging will he deposited within the park area, pertnittin~ tl ,, itill (lev(I pment and use t,f (-'anarSie Park.

liar tuktv;n. vvhich i, fifth feet in width, t' and one-half miles long and connects Oc'il r the north It11 lit'i1ilhrlr't Park on the i()tltll, at (iravcs(n(1 13ay, ACas

u TflpI(~tctl. '1 he vv,)rk inv•HIVetl the removal of the old roadway, the regulating and ra(li11c ,I the r,;ulwav area, construction Of curbs, installation Of drainage systems nfl ';itch lain", the oin,tructit1n of a standard sheet asphalt pavement on concrete

It Ilntlati„n ;uld the rcmval lit ;d) tot tvventy-five trees within the roadway lines. The U rt"trttct n t i ;t omcretc hri(igc over the Coney Island Creek at the end of ()cean prkyav, r(pl;tcingg the ON vvO(}(Je11 bridge, was accomplished without expense beyond the I )rpartmcnt', revular appropriation.

'I'lle 1 lr,i i , t I':,timate and Apportiunrnent appropriated '$1,018,5(10 for the comple- tti n (it the irvbriir tiri,h cif Sectiii,, F and G of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and

t I('nrt'I 'I h:' vv , )rk c(impri,c, three ctmtracts, which w511 start tie early part of 1924,

'1 it impr mrnt kill permit the Institute to put upon exhibition material, unique in cl ;lr;lctl-r ;tll~l valllcd at S1,0I)O,(I(tI,, no v%, stored Ill the hascnlent cif the present building.

'1ht l ovver kvUI Vt the ~here road adjoining the bulkhead on the Narrovv; of Nev 1i ' r1 It;tv. rrnlnine from Bay Ridge parkwa)v toy Fort Hamilton, which vvas occupied hv tilt t'n'tctl 't;ltc, \rlvv I)rpartrnent during the wear, was this year final]v- cleared

ill the c<t~lt nmcnt huillliI1 that had e!IculnherC(1 the site and had become an eyesore t rt o(hu1t, nl the vicinity.

I tnlf• hake Derr re(Iucstrd for a mtlst urgent imp'ovement in the tipper roadway tlu "hr ~.rv(, which contnects Iia}v Ridge parkway with the southerly terminus of

b I t I 1tmil n p;trkwa n(l I'oort I Iarnilti, )n. This rua(Iway is greatly in demand oil nu• i , nnt HI tilt vicvv it atrd cif \cvv• York Harbtlr. At different points its width varies f

In 2tt to 1i9 feet and it 1, necesarv' that it he wid°nerl at its narrowest parts to at

It; "t 41 I(•et H' tht, ;ice nlinoi(Iatlil cif the traffic. In anticipation of this improvement the

I Itl'artrnent '.v ahlc to ccttrc, I'vving to building operations, apprl~ximately 70,O00 cubic flf fillint• material, r.,110)lV . ratic(1, witliout cost to the t_ity, which will greatl}

t ilitatc the c,,n>tructi(in of the roadwa\. Tit c'ntpltte In entire "hr( road to the Landscape Architect's design, now to

h Ort urulcr ;t Ic,6,l;ltive act, will ri luire appr~lximately $5,000,(1(1O. To (late die seawall „t l it c('11,1ructctl thrl~ngh a perlml of years, and an area varying from 311(1 to litho f 1t ill IIitlth hctvttcr1 the all and the foot of the bluff has been reclaimed and filled in. In l')24 thr I tellartmrnt vv ill start the c~ nstruction of tennis courts, hockey fiel(ls, baseball ~li;~mnrl" all,lI h;I"kvt ball curt, that the area might be utilized by the general public 1 rrcrt,lti~n l)rn(lInl, it impr, nvcmtnt. Atemporary bridle road was also constructed,

vki l it <iit al ;i)1m ,priatirl, ir~m) l l~rt Iiamilton to the Crescent Athletic (luh at 8.oI trttt.

I:illi in )per;tti1,ns at 1)vker Beach Park were again continued, approxilnatelv _ZI ~i(j 9 cubic \ tr~l, I)cint; put in place during 1923. It is believed that in 1924, the entire mcill I\5 1all1 vvill 1( filler] in too the pro per rough grade for devvelopntent. The work of ti11 n,>~ it tilt, mead,,vv lair I, vt hell first prnpwserl, was estimated to cost at least $256,(($), ,v title, vv ;t' file l,nvr"t hill receivc'l lilt the ork. The Department has accomplished the

'k. 111r11 :1 '.ilr lltlllzatiff11 Of Its own rC`v(I11rcfs Ili men and rlaterlal, 111 cti-o peratiol

a t!t l II 1(., l "t ltc" ''Ificial,, till], sav'inr; at least a (quarter of a million d liars all t~ll(I. It ` prl)n,('i., .oil tll(' (nl1)lttii1 01 this work, to embellish the entire park of 140 acres

lt tlt<. c .n,trutti~'n of a suitable golf course, walks, driveways and to eighteen-hole rtntl eeOli

11irk vc ., rtc;tin reumerl on the cn,truction of a small retaining wall along the 1 rolrr i tllc Ial o in 1'roipect Park, o~nlc Department labor not etriplo}ed in (other utr,"';Ir, rtp:tir loein,Lt well. lhi. inlpruvement will prevent erosion of the hanks ;,nl vkill "ecllrc hotter ;ulit;iti~on in the lake waters. The ol(I timber structure knowvn

- , lot. rd Ili- di,c, near the ( )cool avenue entrance to the park was removed, also hvv ) o;I':tnlrott it Il r 'file Crrne-al appearance of Prospect Park and the ,tttiv ing parks

~ 11 H pl,lo or Ill d1-. rt tlrct , the impr,,veulent in the general maintenance of the Department. ]n I! 1 lo tv of;tr, practic;lllv cvcry building has either been remodelled or repaired.

'I lu , 1:1,l1vru p;lrkvva9. (II icet in vvidlil anti extending from the Prospect Park Plaza to 11tart.I horrvwr;y l':xicrn,io~n at Ralph avenue, two and nc-half miles ill length, II,t , ' nt'vtr btcl: permanenilv irnpi ved. An appropriation was secured in 1923. for !1111 rviu~ tin. ;trl vo; or it" lull vtitlfh vviol) an up-tu-(late pavctnelit. The total a:st i , , 21 '')T.li4 \\ itlt the co:ntpi(tl oil of this ro~allvvav a stanllartl type pavement from ( .~,Ia, t L1;ulo'.. lJlmr1Jl Pr, ,,pcit Park, Fast drive, along ]:astern parkway to Eastern l, 11,vt,tv I yt(l '1'.11 ;Intl thr , unll l;e0fo,rol aV:ilue to Jamaica avenue, will have been

I; Lilttil, ;I oN,t;1ooc i , f apprtximately 14 miles, \\11111n ;o I ;tpltnHpriati, .rn (ii S;,II(NI the recoonstrtuti~on ref V aniherveer Park at the

ntttr'octi,l , 4i F.;t ,t \evv irk cvervttc and Pitkill avenue. the name of which was r0 ~ nrly rh<tnCo l t' /i, 000 Park. aa< accommpli lted in the late fall.

1rvtnut 11, fill" in tliu, anbolint if $33,(11) were appropriated for the purchase of -1111 Idle vu C'I;io I ", Itoo ' L'r;lililg' and lirnilze 11arlteplate5 for the Belford avenue memorial

trot 11:1, ark '.v ill he c''mpleteol in the spring of 1924, at a total cost of $3(,192. t , I I;II mrm, n. l trrc" (-II 5111" ntV&rirve. letnocm I)ivISI,,n avenue and Avenue I), are to he ,t'II.n"Ik intcrironl vv ill] I'v tllt (xtcni101 of the Bebford avenue subway link, anti (t, t , ,t+.i,t, <trr r.Hn tin vkith the Transit l'tornnlissiun for fluids to replant these trees

rt 'not:,Jolt 1 ot 10. 'l II( , hr o~ rt Park \ ur<ervv, at the Lincoln road entrance, was ctlnsitlerahly

I V( 1 lyd o!tlr tlt(, .ear; nil] the refl,restation of Prospect Park progressed with 'n t-ual ht,U''r ;Inrl "ufcc•'. The number of recreation centres was again increased in


l ht oimih,M- i trot o perati Ti v as as fo'll(m-s:

Parks, Parkways and Playgrounds. Street Trees.

I r.u1°l



r rein Ov oh


1.425 hr o .. 17,200


I re . trr,"l,l;,ntc l 32

8 I cllltivatcol 24,73O


l nuarrl, rtl;tir(Il 130


The roe ii] or Lots p,11ce repwrt for the year shows that, while the number of arrests our A I,,I;Ilio ll n! park oor(hi11al1ce,, traffic regulations, etc., Is still considerable, the

orrc~t" 6 r >eri ''N cau,c have decreased s) far as to be practically negligible.

T.rtortnniit's or Saz ,ings.

',,IH,I(Ier,tl lo ;Ivings yvere made during the year in the filling operations, without ( ,,,t I tltr ( it:., \\bolihi mere previtusly outlined in detail under ..outstanding accotnplish- nlcn '." >>ICh ' the partial filliltg in of the Dvker Meadows (30,000 yards, estimated

t ) ,(Iltt' 1 : the securing anti placing of material for the widening of the Shore road, 'a boo h1 ;Iroi''tmt, to opproxjmatl'l\ a 575,000 saving: the saving of a new bridge to replace tIc I' r1 Itrit',e in Pro,pect Park, estimated at $5.000, and filling at $1,000; the con-'troi 11,111 (,i 2tulo feet of lake mall at a saying of approximately $10,000; proposed

nt tlell1I if we)Ihpon,c building foor a comfort station, which should result in a saving 'l ,clpr , xlntaulv fl2,Ufmtl; the e00nlitrnetioli of the'.1lcKinley Park playground by depart-

nten , ;il t orc(' at nn estimated saving over contract work of $5,000; the construction of ,ern , co , urt< and hritlle road n the Shore road, at an estimated saving of $5,000,

The rrvcn.u; received in 1923, amounted to $127,427.50, and the total expenditures ,,kcr( '11,183.875.44.


(1 otsta)rdinri :1 cnonflishments of the Year.

(kepaving with permanent pavement the roadway of Mosholu avenue, from Broadway to Golf Link; road, in Van Cortlandt Park, a distance of approximately 5,000 feet; 14,,112)) slluare cards of pavement laid, at a total cost of $69,396.83, which include cost f al incidental work.

I'hc ccir truction of roads, paths, etc., in Pelham Bay Park from Eastern boulevard , I t ity Island road, near City Island Bridge: roadway distance, approximately 7,000 feet ; paths, approximately- 6,500 feet. Cost, including all incidental work, $83,870.26.

0 'omlstFlICIP.n of drainage and water-supply systems and the erection of pump

house, with the installation of pumping machinery, motors, etc., in the lice 11eiii rid Reservation in Pelham Bay Park.

'The construction of drainage and water-supply systems has reclaimed the reserva-titir tram sv► ampy conditions and introduced fresh and salt water supply. The building of pump house and installation of pumps, etc., provides for the disposal If sewage from the stadium and 'ariou, houses in the reservation, amid for the pumping if salt vhater into ;he swimming pool.

1'te w,rk mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs cost the stun of $108AI)8.3(l, which was paid out of an appropriation of $208,530 made hv the (itv for work in ctmnectiun with the constructitoll t)f the Rice :1lenuorial. 'hhe roads anti path: in c(m-nectiun with the Rice Stadium and its appurtenance, are now under ctmstrueti on tinker the Same appropriation.

Itnpruvement of 11holtt links, which included removal of rock, installatioln of an irrigating system, rebuilding of greens anll tees, grading, seeding and si d ling of fair- V•d)S ail(1 approaches. This repreietlts the first real Improvement tof till, p , lf ('i~ttrtie. The (it v appropriated $28,(X)0 for the work.

Nev greenhouse and workil 11 c in Viii Cortlandt Park in course of erectin. This greenhouse and w%orkllotlse will form a nucleus for a group of grt'ellholr~e 11111ts at the

V'an (oIrtlandt Park Nurseries, to be built as soon as funds shall he alloy owed. It •is the first greenh(~use to be erected in V'an Cortlandt Park and is the first to be erected in the Bronx system in 13 years.

The maintenance forces accomplished excellent work in the embellishment of parks and parkways by rneans of floral displays, notably at the Victory (;arden in l rntnna Dark, Colonial Garden in V'an Cortlan(It, Bronx and Pelham parkway', I':chu Park, Bronx Park and various small parks. The plants used in these display, were all raised in our U1Vil greenhouses arl(1 Ill portions of greenhouses loaded fo r the pllrpuse by the Botanical Garden.

Iltrf~rols'('urt'nts in I'/r1'Sia1 Foll1i/'rut'nt Or .ldulillI'Aruti,',' .11,•thod. The physical equipment was Improved bv the acquisition of three walk-tt- pe ni otor

cowers, two gang motor mowers, Idle gang horse tno\1er, one tractor, lode tllutitrc\cle with sidecar, une pulntiotor for use at the bathing beaches.

There area iew opportunities for economics that can he sllowln as Such, althlnlgll Cflicienc\ of persontlel naturally effects ectonlllilies in a(Iminist rat ion, 'I' he reel rded savings are Shown he an amount of $11, 2t)U.38 returned in accruals.

The income from permits, privileges, rents, etc., fur 11)23 was k200,050.o5, against $188,1)211.45 in 1922, an increase of $11,430.20.

.A','it' IW'ork Planned or C'nn tent /lattd.

Amtmg such projects are the construction of reads and paths in the Rice \iem,,rial Reservation.

The repavement of Spuyten Duyvil parkway frtni Broadway to SptlYtcn 1)tnvvil Station of the New York Central and Ilu(lson River Railroad,

The Improvement of small park at Southern boulevard and the approach to Willis Avenue Bridge.

Drainage at Crotona Park near Fulton Drainage of Pelham Bay golf links. Repaving walks at Melrose Park. Construction tof bandstand at Poe Park. [o nstrlictit)n of cl)nliort stations at Poe Park and \1'adkington Bridge Parks. Repairing athletes' Itld,ge in Pclhanl Btnv Park. Erection of fence along easterly boundary of Botanical (;arden in Bronx Park. Erection of new bridge Over Bronx River at Bostoon road, in the New York LoIgi

cal Park, to replace an Obsolete bridge rill\\ - ill list'. Rc-, yoon.y anti Exprnditr(r,'s.

Total revenues from all sources, $201),()30.63, which is approximately 27 per cent. of Budget alhikrarvec of $745,234.50. Total expenditures, $I.(192,3V3.35.


This department licenses and, ill col-operation vtith other departments, regulates about 40 different kinds of husilress. It issues more than 101,00)) licenses vearlv.

The purpose of the department is regulative, tile cooilectiwi ut revenue being a secondary aim. There is uo reason, ht)vicever, why there should not be an increase in several classes of license fees-public (lance permits, for example, cost tit each and entail considerable wOrk-in which event the revenues of the Drpartrnelit coouitl he I,ruugilt 1otq1md a million dollars a year. During 1923 a few increases lit becm:e ir;es were pr Vi(Icd for, and \\hilt' these resulted Ill a trilling increase itt revenuc the object ainlc(l at was not profit for the City but the equalizing of charges.

I`apen;rs cif conducting the I)cpartmcnt In 1923 were $212,9U().OI, while the rcvvcnues amounted to) ;ls'0 ,,(J66.b8 leaving it balance ill favor of the lit)- , at an excess of revenue over exloenditure, Of $595,1(~b.o4. The revenues of the Department have shown a general increase for the last four years, The number of employees remailis Ilracticaily the Sallie: since 1918 it was not in excess of 100. In 1923 the number was 99.

In 1923 an ordinance was enacted providing for the licensing of express, agents or carnasset,s wh,o heret„i,ore had not I,trn licensed, anti this put 10100011 tltr Department

the duty of Inak:ng a censrls of the express canvassers of the l itti' and bringing them within the licensing provisions. Licensing of junk boats, tthich had Neer suspendc'l (luring and fo11mving the war, was resented in 1923. Investigatio n of applications for public dance permits <uul the issuance of such permits was prescribed by a recent amenll-mcnt to the Dance Hall Law.

On the other hand legislative amendments relieved the I)epartment of sonic resport-sihilities. Creation of the State :Motion Picture Commission-commonly called the State ( crnsorship-took away whatever authority the Department CxtTcised over m(ttion-picturt' hints. It still issues licenses to motion-picture theatres, hl]vvever, and exercises re,grula- tion over their operation, such as supervising provision., for safety of the audiences, sanitatirnt, ventilation, etc. The ordinance licensing theatre ticket st)eculatur,s formerly lodged in the Dcpartl11 lot was declared invalid and is superseded Is it State lavv' placing the licensing in a State department. The authority of the Commissioner of Licenses over plays of the static had practically, although not dciinitelt', I)ten set aside by the Court of .Appeals, and while the wholr ))road question of stage regulation is still being publicly deloatetl and, for the time being, regulation seems to rest with those charnel with the enforcement of the criminal law the responsihili',y of the Department of Licenses (Does not appear to 6c clearly established.

In arl~usirlt; interest in the character of the current drama in 'cw 1 ork a I co(~d deal w'as acc molished be the public discussion, but little progress was made in the direction (If establishing a constructive Ilan for successfully dealing with objectionable plays in tilt' inture. The last step decided upon was that of sending a number of complaints against plays to the December grand jury.

Records of the Department show that New York City' had 192 licensed theatres in 1O2,3 and 555 licensed motion-picture places, with a combined seating capacity of 727,142. In 1922 there were 184 licensed theatres and 578 houses (ie(if1set1 for the display of motion l ictures. Theatres pav $500 license fee, while the license fee for motion-picture places aries. .A ]house with a seating capacity of Oi00 or less is licensed as a motion-picture

theatre and pays a fee of 5100: a house seating between 600 and 1,000 pays a fee of 51 30 and is licensed as a common show, while' a house seating 1,000 and upwards (also Iicenseoh as a common show) pays a fee of $200.

Several of the larger motion-picture houses, especially ilt Manhattan, are licensed as theatres because they have performances on the stage as well as the motion-picture

screen. Licenser] dance halls increased in 1923 from 653 to 705, but the number of permits

issued for 0111)Hc dances fell from 11,991 to 10,573. The revenue from licensed dancing was increased, however, hv° $5,764, for the reason that permits cost only $2 each while

dance hall licenses are $50 each. Carnivals or outdoor shows, against the conduct of which numerous complaints

were heard during the past few years and which had become more or lessa public nuisances have practically been put out of business by a very simple policy. The ordinance governing common show licenses was amended during the year by increasing the fees and making the linrenses nontransferable as to location.

No legislation was enacted in 1923 to aid in solving the increasing difficulties of taxicab traffic and regulation. The number of vehicles (and drivers) keeps increasing and there appears no limit to the growth. The increase in calls this year was 3,500 and in drivers 7,000. There are now 16,948 licensed taxicabs and 23,472 licensed drivers in the City of New York. These figures compare with 9,069 cabs and 14,068 drivers five

years ago. Towards the end of the year the Department undertook to compel the large auto-

mobile dealers of the city to take out licenses as dealers in second-hand articles, Several objected, not because of the nominal fee of $25, nor because of the bond $100, but through a desire to escape the trouble of being supervised. Under the provisions of

avenue and Claremont parkwav,

I'IICktiI):11, 11, LV 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 595

tll ccMTid hand t(ralrr,' t,r(linance, lien's(• are required to keep record of purchases aI, aIt-, th(' ( T H1(I, ti lac open to inspection by the ItoIice and License Inspectors

,It 111 tIIr :i;,I rel,urt, a1so nla he called for ht the police un specie trank-

It•l;• 11..

I:Inl,l \11t 1 I ni( continue IO grttt In ntnnber, There are now 1,013 licensed in

tll~' I it.. lift ' i• r;tl't it, 1O23 1,(,11 g 117. They are known as private emplogmsiit agencies t-, t i-tln~ui'll them fri ln the agoncic, mairvtaaincd by the State and Federal guverunlcuts, ill HI (1 n,,t charge fits ii,r their scrlices.

\,, 1I- int'•d r(lrt ctlultl dcnll~nstrate the ttiork of a City department in the

I1 v,vitl aid la,ting Manners its (lilt the exhibits at the (itv. Silver Jubilee, and in

ili , I et I!IC Ih'I,lrtmt'llt of i.lettl , was no exception. It had the pm iege nt•

l'a - i ;l!ill ill the groat ezhil,iti( , n hell in the (irand Central Palace at the IK'gittning ul ';l.I 'tillmrr ;lid hundreds ui thtntsan(I (Il 1)er:ons tVhu had heretofore known little Ior 11 'thi11: l tifC Ilt't'il'lllg 111r1Ctli ,1h of Ilk (It\ were erlahle(I to oal1iiharlZt' themselves

I , % •nt- rrit, lllu,tr;tlll %Niel, th' tturk if the Ucpartnunt, the manner of Its regulation dill 'IllltrlNl, '1, 111 for 11i11Cll It silent it apprl ,priatief1l, the Bodices it rendered

anal 't l!I ilt it çulhctetl for the ( its treasnrv.

ffA1:1 1(1:A 1 HI: 1'I, \N'I' :1N1) STR CT1 Rh:S.

O10staH(iUO(I .III ( 1 111p1I~/l)N,'N(s , of IIli' ) cur.

\, 0 ;I!V1.11 0iII-triietI'd ill 1irnuklV11 plaza, Nlanhaltar lirlllge, affording better

tii olio' 1111I pie k r[ra(IKaA )t- 11((i .AugRlst 1;th.

I he L Tr ll •t I lilt t,n I~ alt (r deck roadway, I)ruokl. n Approach. Manhattan : i' vt', r( ,n irur!t(I_

"IHruf: I' nt muIu ipal tr'lley-car line in \\ i1liant1llurg liri(Ige completed.

c 1It'.I II , I l, "uu(\att Ian m;(irn arl(I end an it the A\illianlshttrg Ihf(1gc removed, I( sl•:;iiiicl lTill tr taken till. a neck au(I heavier Steel channel under flour put

II lC". ;ill, ) HL' l li k Ii;tA ('ll)t'nt laid. koad1Ya1 s nu v Ill a cf ,n(IlbuM to stand

:c \i IT Ilar trllic. tvA u nlllt le~l IIV (Inllartrll(11tal lair UIl i"t' rllltitl"l1Ctioii of roadltav floor and

IC(nitn' • ,nvin I,;tn t,i \\ilI: :11cmlc iiri(I c and (~n ea~tcrlt half of Ilroux Steel •\ t ~ ',~a.!l.

Xt,t ~r,ll'it~ Ilk L;i\edit laid tin roadway .,f Manhattan Approach of 145th 'r. t

In I'I,t'rut?t I)rive A i;tllurt asphalt pavement rant)ve(I, buckle plates inverted vtl'I 1('irtogirr(I' ;I:lJ III lIck paverneit laid by I)epartment labor.

hlli':L, 'tcnl(n', anti track girder, under south leaf of lift span .,f \ernnn 1 'unc ' ritict r.nrortl a iii heavier steel section to insure longer wear. New rolling

•l1Tit , •Intl tr;+ ,_k cirtLrs ready fir in,tallation tinder north leaf. irtlitI n Ali a nrtv I,r1(I> t' at li ok (reek Canal, on line of Rockaivay houle

nl c nll('tt'I. Dupes>tructury erected hV departmental labor, bridge opene(l for traffic y{0( nyr !11.

• lrl;t rte,.trnclion t~i picr> for a bridge over Reach Channel, Iln line n,., I I , t:lr\;lr(l. c(111l4)Ict((l ,'\tjvcliuIcr 2d, steel for superstructure delis crud all(I

el(ttIul I~' (ItpaItnl(nt;tl tali r. A1t, ,Irk started un installation of machinery and clec- rlca (Mill Ill(nt.

I ~.rtr,wt Pt it Septctip,er 12th t,)r construction of piers, for bridge over North I P u it,I , 1I' hnt' ~rl Ia(tM;uioi fiat' bolticAard work Ill progress.

I lHlnh ta' u- olutructe(I for I)el)artnleat of Street Cleaning were completed I, I, it ,.

1t l li al rrin(. hctooceol 55th and ;8th streets, Brooklyn, h1 \t \t';I Iii" ;ivunue, heli,kC°n Utica anti Schcnecta+ly avenues, l;rooklrn. 1 \1 :r,th trrt'I, ea.t 'If 12th a\Tmc, \lanhattan, ll A' 13I -ti( t vvc<t Lf \ illotw avt•uue, Bronx.

I \t [:;I t ,y'(HIi ,tr(c't and Ia;t I':ud averanc, Manhattan. i I \t ll, rlti urea 1icte\cun Ilu(l,on and \\cat 4th streets, Nlanhattail.

( rncii , n H a (lultrudor tinder uvay or Department of Street Cleaning at =11111 -I,ret ;Intl 1.11, av(, til( NJanhattall.

( Nilt1ait It till ill'talla1inll 1 hrliaues. flll(•B, C1f1utlllel'i and apllllrtenall('es for it

le truttu ;ial' ,l; l,htiitact and Harlem kiver, Alanhtittan. \A to till i'll (!:h ,lrticti n if :I hall>II1 tallll for 1)l•(lartnl('lat of Street icait -


II l r l l t 1 ;Irvor. <t uth .•I 11ct 1711e11 'trot. \\ nrl L vurl i n :''ntr;ICt It)r einllrlli tluIl of toutltlatlullti for central motor repair

lh I I I \nine ( , \1;ulhattan. \\ i rk :I'~'.It yII lit'1- cc'ut. iul11Ill['tl'(] it ctdltract for the c, listrtictlorl of fOltn(la -

ill • 1- lily I Itretinal \l(trkrt at Fast hlst street and Harlem River. Illy rival t( n:plinllt in tall('tl under dirvychlll of this Department in traffic towers

a,rnlr. 11•Ir}l;itt,ln, Ill( clitl11 to the (it', 1)v the fifth .Avenue .Association. 1l,dir IMO (r, lr(t,ctNI hv this I)cJ+artnnclt at 34th street and 4th avenue. flan

htt;1, : Pr ilk,. a t'lt (-(11 44th and 45th <1r('rt;. Manhattan ; I)roa(Iwav and 72d street, ),Ili .Ilt~lll; lhl i, ll.•nuy Sind 4I_ih street, Jlanhattarn; Park avenue and 57th street, \l;ill' l~lll. ~lV 1'•u (O 11111 Ii~itilt,\art] 11111 ((lncollrsc. Bronx.

\rte- LItlil l v lFI fahricatcd in the Brooklyn Bridge shops for erection oil Bell-h i-(l l\t 1 1. 1 .

I tliritlit II it It ui nilit municip;tl ferhtos, calming 33,138,874 passcn,Lcrs and

IllI,lllilll , t ;:lIt'nllttli' tllrll-lilt's ,lit t:Itull 1slaeloi \llllllc141al Ferry.

11!~I11 11 :III I (r;Il1i.11 ill tWtl ttirl )-electric ferry11oat~, the third Ile;trlt'

l+lt 'I;ell, ti 111 I t lI t', terry lri(lgc ;lt (;rand Trost.

• lIl1titll , ll it', I I,'li;irt111t'llt lal „r nl 1l(1' 11~1'Kl 1C(trklllg shop at St. (;erg.

I 1111 ll'l II t , i 'li't N,~. 4, (\o•l'no ill>t;tllati''l1 gy , f I,ri~l, a! fit. (;sire(.

111 'i I),,I:Iu;ln t ,,(t lerry Terminal ativall ed sn as to, permit opera- i11; llt•II it,, l'l ill 11111.

t11. Jill I(':t:(;lil~ill hr('ilrt'(1 ittr t(2111 terrvl)O;tts for Fast River lilies.

It,-lIlIti ,1' tt >cr\iic ((trrcct1, m, I'o'nic Welfare and Health Dl,l)artnients) " I ''I t I,V thi , I lt'ortmciit.

It , ('rtti n .,t iN lunnicill,ll trltll(Y lints arid three trackless trolley lines In Staten r;Ii IITcr lU,(),t4.3t)2 pas ('11gcrs.

111,Il ll ;It1n ''1 IIIIIH('Ipal Irllt'i, Iop('ratit,n ;tcr( \ 111iantshttr111 Bridge, December 1(I I Irrvirl_ fi'l.4I)t) II;+~<rrlers a

l ytrr1,l in I t I,M, .lennly illt, trackless trolley to Carteret Ferry, 1Xtl11':t n yf 'silver Lake and Cnncord trolleys to Port Richmond square. h ar '.n, ltlti(-ll slIj rvi,(-tl II,, the Department on 26 routes, 80,000,000

n Illlit I';Il (,;1" t' , tl:rater) 87 ha~scllger atlt[ , IlIlI1lc~ and 32 trucks : passenger cars III It ;(Il),~-44 milt. ;,n(1 vter(' in '('*vice 107,464 hmirs

I 1 t -I ,I ant truck. cttm1llctely (llSf)p)ed for handling wrecked or disabled autos, I'1It I ,(r rt' it , r Ike(°1in<g the Rapt River Bridges clear for traffic.

Ik:toii-' I,rl (Iy;Mine bureau Itrianized, n1(ticpoly of equipment. manufacturers ( l, pllrch;l-t' if 1,(N)0-\(att r,uttit negotiated. plans completed for its installation ill

Fill! 11111 Ruildin'z ;(1)(l Ps remrxlcllilig to secure 4.000-svatt power I Ic-tt r,lpll T',u~t•au org;ulire(i to make record of activities of City departments,

lath l l,,tl tIl 1) come: and gyti1l hh(tttt,raphs; 43?1k) feet of film used. Motion pictures tn,lllt ' i "1ltcr It(e E\pr,~Itinn anti Parades incident thereto, showing progress of t t, tII't lf'.Iartrr cCIltilrV.

( mllltrr r(' rani/atinn (,f the work of the main office was effected by the creation Il \l arch 2211 of 1hireau of General :Administration under the direction of the Assistant (tnt lrt I the I)ellartment. Partitions ere removed and separating rails substituted,

1 rig;l t It ti tieing clImillat(-d, and in one of these large offices were installed the I.v(( )rite t Jerk. (liiet Clerk, :attendance Clerk, Division of Insurance, Accidents and (1,11nl . the clerical tatfs of ferries. transportation. Similar rearrangement provided 1111 thcr lard rm in which were installed the several divisions of audits and accounts, 1 ;ti'. r ,11,, purchas(;, l ukkeeping and revenues, with separate enclosures for the Cashier atitl t to 1)111;itm of Files and Office Supplies.

I'reparati(ms vere made for the installation on January 1, 1924, of a Bureau of ( I't ",cc,luntiliv and I udget, appropriation for this purpose having been secured in the I,ud get for 1924.

IulfrtO',nrrut; in Physical Equi/'mcnf or Adminusfrntie'e Vethod.

lrl,ta1(atilIn of air compressor and air lines at Queenshoro Bridge to furnish power for oolratin•g tot~l5 fir making repairs and replacements on the structure.

'1 tilt driven ?ly electric power or compressed air sul-stituted where possible for ii and - )perated tools.

I~err>o ho;tts "\\ hitehall " ` V4ineola," "Columbia," Brooklyn No. ?" "Atlantic" an(1 "\Vvoming" and steamers "Service No, 1," "Service No, 2" and "Franklin Edson,"

thoroughly overhauled and the hulls of all except the "\\ hitehall" and "Service No, 1" princcaliv res1l list rocted. Ocean parkway on the north with Bensonhurst Park on the south. at Gravesend Bay, >,vat Ridge." Reconstruction of sides of ferryboats "Bowery Ita}" and "Mayor Gaynor" damaged in collision.

Terminal at St. George redecked. Suulh street and 39th street Terminals repainted. Partial reconstruction (it ferry racks at Grand street. B.•oadway, Greenpoint,

.\~toria and Hantilt'm a',,cnue. Old South Street Terminal at foot of Whitehall street removed and work begun

1'n foundations for lieu. terminal building and slip. Municipal shipyard equiuped lv ith punch and shears, hand sawand steam hammer. garage equipped with 25 new cars. Five miles of overhead trolley and span wires strung on Staten Island trolley lines. Flectrically operated mi jut' opraph and ru rite lope, an a(I(Ircss(tgraplI Illachi II' , two

micro-tl pe machines and a mail-t,-meter installed in the main office. All stenographic work in the plain office was tramicrred to tilt' Stenographic

l) v- ion, instead Of having stenographers scattered through the (offices (i1 assignment to li(liu(Iual officials; 32,082 ctlrnmtlnicati(ll> vgore reccitc(I, nunlhere(1, scheduled and referred to tllt' proper Of(tCtiis approxtmat('ly 32,8Ot) letters, (Irders and contracts vere

tcped. 28.28; copies Of letters or forms n-ere mimeographed and approximately 11,(X)0 trthcr pica' of work were executed in the Stenographic Division.

In tilt, Division of Purchase 194 contracts were executed, involving the cxpcndittire of S3,oti;.457.14. and (x,7(78 open market trrders -ere issue(l, amt,unting to $707,11 I.84.

-I ii I)tvisinn of hvenues as cornplrtelv reorganized in October and checks were (icvi>c(1 to safeguard ev-:ry nickel from the coon receptacle .,r vehicle-ticket h(x)th to the hank. llclirvaiicrvt prlvIlr,'t' holders were taken in hand, Stith the result that $80.000 teas i''lectcd ntlt t,f $')4,000 Overdue tt, the ('ity'.

"I-hr l)iti;mi of kuokkeeping `V05 reorgalliiee su as to secure entry of every charge ~

or credit is ithin 24 hours and to expedite vouchers so as to secure to the (it' the two p(r cel'tum discount for payment within 3(I day; after dellvery of goods. The invoices rcei.tered ntimheri'(1 10,237 and the amugnit involved tea; $5,1(19,747.88.

lle(luctitlrt of hours Or opening hri(igls nvhcre navigation dole's not require manning ut draw for 24 hours.

ke(Mcti,lot of mlmhc'r Of boat or car trips where traffic d(K's not warrant operation). Sun(iay ,crvice discontinued on 30th Street and Grand Street municipal ferry lines; service (Ill former line ended at 7.30 p. m., instead (It 9.30 p. ill. ( One car taken off each t,t th° trackless trolley 11ties.

Iwo p,r cent. discount secured as soften as possible t n purchases by speeding prepara- tlorl of voucher,, sip as to effect payment Nvithnl 30 chi's.

Cost (It prtifueing (notion picture film per foot 22 cents, as compared with ((0 cents charged by private concern-, saving 38 cents a foot.

:1tt A 11' ,Sour(('s If or Incr ascs in Re,'~ dots. Increase of

Total receipts

*4,I),i 1,383 58 $o()5( (Il lorry revenues 2,807,597 (d 53'),413 8) Bridge revenues 4(14,1'11 (r) 20,9(17 (I5

Staten Island trolls} rev(nurs 139,427 11 40,727 90 "Trackless trtillcv 61,413 21 26,501 71 \V'illiamshurg Bridge trolley ( new source of revenue) 45,(113 (19 Ferry rents 213,139 97 72,784 23

IIuch attention has been paid to increasing revenues from privileges and leases. The Si. George Fern' Terminal priyiit'ges \\err let at public auction for a terra of five years at 571,000 per anion, as co mpare(I with $18,950 a year under the old least,.

'1`hc in,t.(llatit,n of auttrolatir turnstiles for a,bccting passenger fares (,n the Staten Island municipal ferry resuhc(1 in an immediate increase In rt'venue5. Anavlsis of the figures shtn~s that while the increase in fares \' as 1,151,355 in the scar, 74 per cent, of the incrca,e was in the last Live 111t)nth5 of the ~gear, after the installation of automatic tnrn,tile>, in(licating that this method of receiving fares assured to the City 128,041 fares per month tohick had hlbcrm 1(1111 lost, thus increasing the ('1tu's revenues at the rat(' ,f 57(,824 per annum.

C(tn I1"ork Tf(mied or C(nllt•nr/ylat, rl. Cnn~tructinn of note bridge at Greenpoint avenue over Ncv town Creek. Cunstructitln of additional road sav, A\ iiliam<hur l)ri(lg('. R;'cOrltnletuin u( floor system and pavement, 155th Street Viaduct, 14Tanhattaul, I~(huf1(lilug of lu ttv alk nccr New Yurk Central railroad nn the Bronx Approach to

New fork and Putnam Bridge. ('onstrnction of it ltCWW bridge over the Harlem River hetvvren 1)yckman street, Mail-

hItttIlll, and I 7711 street, I)rtnx. ( listructitln of a bridge over Bronx River at 174th street, B- uix. Cltnstrttcli(,n Of rt bridge over 13nmx liver at Bolton road, I,ronx.

I~Ilitrnch(t11 Of a hrl(ige over Harlem River on pile 111 propOtie(1 extcekio1l of R1V'er-

,i(le (lrit c. ('(,nstructin Of Roosevelt Avt'ntle Bridge over Flushing River. Ctmstructi(m of a net' bridge (Olt the Fast River front 1st avenue, between 8th and ( tlstruction of Tri-Bnrotlgh Bri(ige connecting Boroughs Of Manhattan, Bronx

and (Jtlee'ls,

Construction of a ncvt bridge over the Fast River from 1st avetloc, hct~veen 8th and 9th streets, 1latIllIlttal1, to intersection of 1letropolitan and Cnion avenues, 1)ro klvi .

Reconstruction of Iligh Bridge over Harlem River. ((nstructloil of \I'allaltut ,Alarket, Br(x)klyn, for Department of Public Markets. Ct,nseruction of h(uusing itatiun for Department of Strect (leaning at 2d avenue

;ltd 11th street, Brooklyn, ('llnstruction of bowing station for the Department of Street Cleaning un ihth

street, east of 12th avenue, AIallhattall, adjacent to }hnusing Station nnw (Ill this street. ('nnstructi(ln of it destructor plant at Tiffany' street 011(1 Iast River, F rtmx. Cun,,tructioil of a n' Nurse,' Home at Hospital at Jamaica for Roard of Health. ('on~trttctiun elf Ilutts(. of Detention for Iepartmcut of Correction, north side of

30th street 11(1 \(1l1 (Ith and 7th avenuc,, ofanhattan. Iiistallation of automatic turnstiles for the collection of passenger fares at all munic-

p;a fern• teriillal5. Installation of elrctrically operatc(I bridges at all municipal ferry terminals, to en(1

aecid I'll ts caused by use of brow planks. Cunstructi(m of eight new fcrryhllats. Construction of a(1(litlonal ferry slip at St. (;t ol-ge. Completion of \\ hitehall Termirnal by erection of middle section, joining A1 hitehall

011(1 South Street I ermlllals, and ctlllstructioll of new operating slip at this point for

Staten I.slan(1 Service.

Operation of vehicle ferry between Staten Island ;Ind a iIe\v terminal oil the Ifudson River ahme F'ier No. 1, at Battery place.

Operation If two ferry- lines between Staten Island and Brooklyn, one landing at 39th street and the other at 69th street (Bay Ridge avenue).

Extension of Richmond-Tottenville trackless trolley line to new South Amboy Ferry. Ill tallation and operation of municipal broadcasting station. Establishment of a library of municipal photographs, both still pictures and motion

pictures, to record the history of municipal administration and development.

Ercenditures. Out of Budget accounts-

Bridges and Ferries $6,024,768 09 Municipal garage 244,(0 27

Out of special revenue bonds 73,818 40

Out of bridge revenues 290,106 20 Out of Staten Island Midland funds 500,189 11 Out of trackless funds 79,162 79 Out of Williamsburg Bridge trolley funds 25,249 42

Total from current funds $7,237,954 28 Out of corporate stock 3,108,000 08 Out of tax note funds 774,026 72

Total $11,119,981 08

Exnm.iniuq Board of Plumbers. After three attempts the Board was finally successful in 1923 in having passed an

enactment to amend the General City Law in relation to fees to be charged in the City of New York for plates or signs for licensed plumbers. This bill provides that in the City of New York a renewal fee of two dollars per annum shall he paid in the month of January by the plumbers throughout the city for metal plates or signs which they hold.

sion in Brooklyn, providing for many additional pushcarts and giving better service to the public with more revenue to the City.

During the summer of 1923 the supervising force of the open air market was put in the civil service class and the methods of handling the markets were reorganized. The training and instruction of 125 new Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors was ,successfully accomplished, resulting in increased efficiency.

The regulation of the pushcarts heretofore rested to a great extent with the ,)lice, but tinder the reorganization plans this Department now relieves the police of much of this work. In the management and control of the open air markets the 1)etpartrnent's Bureau of Information and Conservation is working in harmony with the Police, Health and Street Cleaning Departments, as well as the representatives of the several Boroull Presidents and the Mayor's Bureau of Weights and Measures. This policy of construc-tive co-operation has resulted in improvements beneficial to all concerned.

Due to efficient supervision carried on under the reorganization methods violations of public health, weights and measures and other regulations and laws by the peddlers cause them to be summoned to this office, thereby saving other City departments and the courts time and expense. The standardization of the length of pushcarts redu':ed the length of many carts and made room for more peddlers. The elimination from the markets of carts not duly authorized to occupy space and the high standard of efficiency maintained by the supervisory force has resulted in considerable increase in revenue.

Conferences have been had with the several departments affected and the matter of transferring jurisdiction over the "Stoop Line Markets” and the so-called "floating" peddlers to this Department is now tinder consideration by the Board of Aldermen. These transfers, if allowed, will eliminate duplication of effort and will further promote efficiency.

The system of handling pushcart applications and permits was completely reorganized in anticipation of the issuance of permit plates by this Department, which went into effect on January 1, 1924. This system gives the Department more complete control over its pushcart permits, permittees and plates, and information pertaining to these markets is now obtainable quickly. The charge of one dollar is made for the official permit plate, which is attached in a prominent place on all pushcarts, thereby affording unmistakable means of identification.

A register control for the Department's numerous financial stationery has been installed and further improvements facilitating order and ready reference are t Oder way.

The total amount of revenue receised by this Department for 1923 was $871,491.38, and the total amount of Budget appropriation was $336,188.63, together witiN Revenue florid Fund appropriation of $53,76(), making a total for the year of $389,948.63. :Against this Budget appropriation there was expended $,325,741.11 and against the Revenue Bond Fund appropriation there was expended $43,916.54, making a total expend-ture of $369,657.65, leaving an excess of revenue received over expenditures of $501,833.73 returned to the City treasury by this Department.

The Rureau of Statistics of this Department during the year collected much valuable information covering all phases of the food supply and distribution.

In the spring of 1923, when the price of sugar went "skyrocketing," the Depart-ment, in co-operation with the eight hundred women's organizations of the city, carried ran a campaign that resulted in the price of sugar to the consumer being considerably reduced,

Last fall, by the direction of the Mayor, this Department undertook an investigation of the prevailing high prices of fuel and the threatened increase to even higher costs. The intervention of the Department between the manipulators of prices and the consurn, in; public had direct and material influence in keeping the prices within reasonable limits

The financial statement of the Department of Public Markets covering a period of six years from 1918 to 1923, inclusive, is as follows


918 919 920 921 922


Revenue. Expenditures. Net Revenue.

$315,655 80 $125,716 15 $189,939 65

387,472 86 131,408 98 256,063 88

481,062 04 186,687 23 294,374 81

529,447 58 186,255 80 343,191 78

646,046 14 250,879 34 395,166 80

871,491 38 369,657 65 501,883 73

Totals $3,231,175 80 $1,250,011 83 $1,980,570 65


V'When this hill hxcomes operative it will accomplish two things (1) make the Board ,cli-sustaining; (2) enable the Board to keep a closer surveillance over the signs.

In conducting the practical tests given to plumbers, the Board has been able to cancer a saving of from 60 per cent. to 70 per cent. by reason of having the old metal rained and replaced Ily new-. 'I he revenues were $3,848, and the expenditures $8,659.29.

TILE MAYOR'S BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The nwst notable achievement during the year was the amendment of the City's

coal l,rdinance cym1clling the 4,000 coal cellarmen to mark their bags, and making dis~,hedience a violation of the corporation ordinances and punishable by tine. Surveys he the inspectional division have shown that the ordinance on the whole is being corn-}lied with.

Marking of coal bags with their net contents is of vital importance to the half-million families of the City who depend upon the coal cellarmen for their daily coal supply. Failure to mark coal bags in the past has enabled unscrupulous cellarmen to deliver 8() p„undti (of c al and represent it as 100 pounds. With coal at its present high rates, this means that the housewife who purchases her coal in small lots has had to pay as high as $25 per ton when she was defrauded of 20 per cent. of its weight.

In its purchase of a one-and-a-half-ton motor truck and a Ford sedan car this year, the Bureau has been enabled to give frequent tests to the scales in use in the 250 c ral yards (operating in this City and to watch the operations of coal merchants in their handling of coal in transit.

Coal is one of the cleanest commodities handled in this City. The great majority Hf the tirins engaged in its sale are men of character and good reputation. But the Bureau h:ls constautly to be on the alert for the individual who enters the coal trade f or the delil>trate purpl~se of defrauding his customers. These unscrupulous men furtunatclv lannot continue to practice for any length of time their methods, for to do u the} rnusl corrupt their own employees.

Disreputable anal merchants pursue a common method of swindling, and that is ;he use of a duplicate set of delivery tickets. If an inspector stops one of their loads and orders its weight un the nearest official scales, the driver presents a set of tickets :hriwing the 0 rrect net weight, but if an inspector fails to stop him lie presents a setIf tickets ~ivin a false excess weight to the consumer. Instead of stopping such sos-tociOfl I ld,, while in transit, two expert Coal Inspectors follow such loads in the Iturcau lord sedan and when the load arrives at its destination, one of them presents linlself tO the driver as the person to whom the anal is to he delivered and thus obtains )5't t1 )f the false delivervv tickets.

Sevcr~ll (if the>c cOal merchants operating have been indicted, convicted and sen-'enced to) a prision terra

The extl, n"iC)l1 (if the chain food stores system in this City has called for greater r~,-nperati in 111)1 !l the part (if their owners with the Bureau. Ahost of the companies nperattng 'null t{)re 11(0 !)1V maintain an inspectional force for the frequent examination(

( , f their se l' but a service to watch the methods of their einployees in their giving .Iecitrat( \eight :rod measure. \\ litre the Bureau c implains that a particlar employee is L l(elinncratr cheat, and a continuance in employment means a further mulcting of the

purcha<ing pi II) the chain sti)re owners have nn hesitancy in discharging the offender. On the \\ hie, the merchants operating the 50,0()!) food stores in this City are honest

;Lnrl want ihr it customers to receive honest weight. But there is a class of employees 'crying in a number of these sto ores who are not satisfied with their weekly wages and the cmnli n paid to, them (m ;cuss sales. Honest weight and measure is invariably i. ivvell h, thee men because they fear detection, hut they deliberately place a ten-cent

verchart;c (, it each sale made. i f their attention is called to it by the customer, they rrplv, ,, brig or pardlm: I made a rni;take." When one considers that 400 sales on a W;iturdav are male in the average io wl store, this practice if permitted to increase will mean a c ii idcrahle lush t, , the fool consumers of this City.


The ut"tanding accmplishnlents (of the Parole Commission must be of necessity I aced upon it; succ v ith those entrusted to its jurisdiction. The Commission receives 0mnnitmcn-> urvier the Inllcterminate `sentence Law from every court of criminal juris- l'icti~m ithin the (greater ('itv. During 1923 71.73 per cent. of those placed under its juridictioon maolc gooud. 1W When it is realized that a large number of these are drug ,llldict, iii 't, , riolu~lc (lard pr~)p,0sitiuns to handle, and that the Commission receives c(onl-mitments ne1unly$ every yariete 01 criminal, some with many previous convictions, it c;ln rc,Mik he seen that this pr(~ccss of rehabilitation is only obtained by the most pain-

aking care and vigoruti nonneiw' up methods. The C minlssion receives a very large

I r 1)1111 U th probation has been revl~ked after receiving a suspended ~:Iltcncc in the varl(,us criminal curls. In other words, it is the G,mmission's task with h,tndc to he socCwyul where probation has failed. This percentage of almost 72 per cent. c_ul therefore he c,)n~iderell an (outhtanding achievement in every sense of the word.

The (~ rnnli,>i~m's Relief Fund gave assistance to 43 families during the year. There i, iio pr vi,in hr this fund iu the State Law, and it is subscribed to solely by friends +I the ( tu tni54 ,ller. 1 here 1, no inure direct form of charity, as the money goes

lirectl; too the Ierso 1) necdinp it, there being no overhead expenses of any sort. Parnte Offlcer act as investigat r~, and the Relief Officer distributes the money as it is needed.

The l;mnlo ment horc;lo, presided over by the same officer, obtained 235 position,, f or irsm;tfc', rckao(d ffnim the various penal institutions. This branch of work is also

ll impl sell, there being nII prwisiiin for it by la'v. It is obvious that this number of ,1r511l en aehd in gailiful empinvmellt, procured by the Commission, is of economic I lvantage t , 0 the (itv. t )ne 1 the Department of Finance Investigators has estimated th;lt the cc .t tip the (it). of maintaining a prisoner averages approximately 4600. It 0,lnd< t,i re 1I that a )nail who is worth a chance, and who is carefully supervised while ,iVln this I pli rttnlit~, is of far more value to himself, his f„mily and anybody else, while

)gage(l in work than he is while comparatively idle and supported by the City.

0 immitment f; ,r 1923-

RcfI , nnat irs 273 Peilitentir' (male) 1,186

1'erliteilti;ir} Ilrttlale) 47 11i rkh 01 e (male) 57 \V rnho oue ( female) 07

1,630 A decroa ,e (if 206 front 1922.

munitnlents for 1022 1,896

0 mmitm(i is Ii r 1)21 1,998

nmmitm(ntS f+)r 1')2O 1,765

~. mmitment5 f(ir 1919 2,214

ll ~.~rkh' ,u;e c, omoittosnts increased front 74 in 1922 to 124 in 1923. The ('„nlmiio n reduced its force by one Parole Officer, thus saving $1,560. In

a'.11iti ill, 51 ,7'l.25 was saved in oilier salaries and accruals; total, $3,351.25.


1)n' of the outstanding accomplishments of 1923 was the reserving by the Board of I Mtimate and A!)portionoents through the efforts of this Department, of fifteen million 1,,llar; against the margin of the constitutional debt limit of the City for the construc-r ion if wholesale terminal markets on the present site of West Washington Market in Manhattan (estimated cost, $10,000,000) and one in Brooklyn (estimated cost, }, .,moo t )6) _ The Board also appointed Committees on Terminal Markets, consisting 11 the President of the Borough in which the market is to be constructed, as Chairman, undi the Gnnmissinners of Public Markets, Docks and Plant and Structures, to devise ways and )leans of acquiring the necessary property and to submit plans and specifica-t oils for their construction.

1 contract for the construction of the foundations of The Bronx Terminal Market, tlw first of these municipally-owned wholesale markets, was awarded and construction 00ork is nearly completed. Contracts and plans for the superstructure were, completed 'Old will he advertised immediately. The subauthorization of two and one-half million dollars from the original authorization of seven and one-half million dollars of corporate stock to cover this cost, together with the approval of forms of contract, plans and speci-fi-atinns for this market, have been approved by the Board of Estimate and Appor-Iinnment.

These terminal markets when completed, in addition to being a source of consider-,d)le revenue to the City, will serve as terminals for receiving the great quantities of foodstuffs that come into the city and also for storing large reserves of perishable fonds, thereby reducing waste as well as reducing the cost of foodstuffs to the consumers

Through the efforts of the Department the Board of Aldermen authorized two tier open air markets and five extensions to existing markets in Manhattan and one exten-

The successive yearly increases in the departmental net revenue from 1918 to date are in contrast to the substantial deficit in 1917, the last year of the Mitchel adminis.1 traton.


With reference to the accomplishments of the Department of Taxes and Assess-ments in 1923:

The number of parcels of real estate assessed was 629,4`!3£. In addition to the other existing structures there were 32,'A3 new buildings inspected.

.lorong these were buildings coming, tinder the law exempting new dwelling houses from taxation. The total amnunt of the allowances for such statutory exemptions for new dwellings have reached the figure of $482,066,870 for the taxable year of 1924.

There were 26,009 applications made for reductions and corrections of real estate assessnlernts, most of which were the subject of hearings before the Commissioners.

The final assessments on real estate, real estate of corporations and special franchises fixed after such hearings for the taxable year of 1924 were $11,379,985,643, being an increase of $567,333,945 over that for the taxable year of 1923. These figures which, con-sidered as a whole, are regarded as conservatively made, give an indication of the niarvelous and ever-increasing growth and financial importance of our metropolis.

The final assessment of personal property was $231,174,154, an increase over the preceding year of $14,588.800. This involved making tip a roll of 7,1,770 persons and examining and hearing of thousands of applications for reductions and cancellations. The money capital tax, a new taxation feature created by chapter 897 of the Laws of 1923, imposed exceedingly difficult and complex ditties on this Department. Inasmuch as the law took effect on June 1st, and provided that on or before stch date in each year those subject to such money capital tax should make return, there were hardly any returns made in 1923. AS a restilt of this, it was a difficult task to make up the roll .of those assessable under this law for the coming year. The total number of individuals and associations tentatively placed on the assessment roll for such money capital tax was 5,369, which on the final roll, after numerous hearings, was reduced to 3,081 names assessed in the aggregate sum of $522,401,769.

The assessments imposed on shares of national and st t.te banks were $5,910,767.05. Under the law relating to partial exemptions of new buildings planned for dwelling

purposes inspections of buildings were made to determine whether their uses were such as to entitle them to exemption. The total amount of these statutory exemptions for the taxable year of 1924 was $482,066,870. This does not include statutory exemptions of churches, parsonages, libraries, schools, charitable and philanthropic institutions, hospitals, governmental and other property specially exemptible under legislative acts.

Throughout the year the Board considered a number of applications for remissions and settlements and adjustment in certiorari proceedings, many of these applications evolving questions of fact and law.

The Surveyor's Bureau made lot alterations involving 52,854 lots in tht 978 volumes of tax maps in use in ]eying taxes, assessments, water rents and arrears not only in the Department of Taxes and Assessments, but for the office of assessments and arrears in the Finance Department, and in the office of water register in the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Twelve volumes in duplicate for the Thirteenth Ward of Richmond Borough were completed and seventeen volumes of maps in duplicate for the Fourth Ward of Richmond Borough were in progress : 115 maps showing divisions or subdivisions of private properties were prepared in compliance with the Charter provisions. Building zone maps were amended in accordance with corrections furnished by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment from time to time. The land maps of New York and Bronx Counties were revised in compliance with Charter provisions for the offices of County Clerk and Register in these two counties. Tentative land value maps were prepared for the taxable year of 1924. Sixty-three maps to accompany the copy of Annual Record of Assessed Valuation were revised.


The routine work for 1923 was very heavy, there being an increase of 833 in the total number of cases handled by this office. There was, however, a decrease in the number of homicides, 303 in 1923 as compared with 351 in 1922. There was an increase in the number of suicides, 879 in 1923 as compared with 839 in 1922. There was an increase in the number of highway accidents; in 1923 there were 1,234, of which 497 were due to pleasure automobiles and 355 to commercial automobiles; in 1922 there

TiICRSI)AV', JLLY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5 297

„tre a(23 ia;htt,t} aeCIf1rnt,, vii rvhich 444 were due to pleasure automobiles and 321 t mnttr:tu mu)iles.

I Jtr lluihr1dc (_curt, which was cstal,li.hed two years ago, has been of great J'' I1 ttncc I., tln lhlel Nle(hcal t•xanuners office and the public. in disposing of

:(I . I Iuid h('1111CI(lc caac). In 1')L1 ;/0 ith, tvc-c attrtl,utcd to alcoholism as compared with J23 cases in 1922

nil tl~c siun lnlncnt> Inav he made a.) to the character of the whiskey sold at III Ilt :n is ;i> acre nta(lc In nth last rc'{,urt—that it is highly injurious and poisonous.

ul,lIrt r Iii (1 the (leanly bolo w(.Jud alcuhul, so that they are nu w only rare urrn;c>.

In 1'i_, '.4s ;,it ;»ic> t%t rc perI irnicd in the Greater City, under the auspices ~I tllc (hill .\h i;I 1.Xalulncr, uttice, 'this is au increase of )3U over the previous <tr I _!, I iltrt !ii, al,(, been all m,n'ase in the nutnlrer of chemical analyses tttade; r i~_'.i I1 ~~1 all Incrc;uc ~~t 3,x)2 over the previous ytai, 1922. Regarding the per- : tll;lnoe tit ;W It I, a I,lt'a>urc to record that ub)ectffuns to autopsies are diminish-

I i v 1, art t' rcahzc that their interest, are many tulles best conserved Mluuu ,gut e t,turl('rmc(I ,u that an accurate cause of death may be prescnteft t, the In(Irl,tl t. t1ntuI„IUn ill uptaining legitimate compensation, and also in the

n t , (;n r,IC III cn I I ,tnt, itniowmg fatal accident>. 7 i,I (I , ,I the Htiict are avauable to all parties who have an interest in them

,it v;t,„t ''I tl]c,t, rtl , i , rt, I, ,h,,vtn tlall by the desire of various hospitals and ~I L1~L11~11> i:H l)Ialll epic, nut tur their claltications, but as well for other

ItntOft hurl; ;t . :1 >tu(I r nllntnrt(I la,t vcar 1 the accidental deaths following minor operations

Ill 'Ii r Ideal arid; go ncr,tl an.(r~tlle~ia has keen conmpleted and has been printed in the •111111,11 ' , 1 Cl( 1,nt tic;ul N1(dit;tl .Ai~ci;ttion tutder (late of :1 larch 15, 1924.

h; \j1) OF CITY RECORI).

.11nlIl II ll i le c ''iii1iIUhnutlt, 111 thi) 1)eparuncttt for 1923 were the following: Vt ;t (I-:Iih k1t tt- III lit liutt , 11 pet- ICCtl'd during 1923 a record of every piece ut

null In~tttr ;tl. 1 :\ em) Flank i,u' , h (and there are more than 10,000 different printed ill' and I ;,:IN ~~,h, u~t•'i h, ,Icl~artineut, thruo9hout the Lily), together with a copy

unt, tit• aui unt rcque~tctt, the (;uautltv auuwed, the cost, name of contractor, u.' It i.n ur, lrrr(1 aim! the (late u1 delivery can be produced by tli,s office with,n It III Fl) tn • t nlc.

I ttcn Plc(;, '), printing, >tatil,ncry and blank book supplies in every one of the (Ilttt10 (III)Lttnttnu, cuurN, hureau~, etc., of the City alto Counties were destroyed

I,rc I , r In all, „Itr ntatnner the City Kecurd ultice could within a few days rcpiacc :nt ,u;'; lit t'II ((I an(1 enal,le the departmcl1t to resume business.

I t ctien the t the 221 stuck LIcr. in the various (ity, County and Borough Ott' 1, v(. 1c 1, lc, NC the (It) ,mice fur any reasum whatever this office could tell the I t 0 t I( rk, III'' \\ 1,..t prillt((I blanks, ,tatloiicr\ and blank book su)plies would be needed Ht ;belt (ft,',(rilntr, it, tuucti n throughout the year.

I)Li I1 1 'L i t,tal of 4 c mtractors were 6ucecssfttl in bidding on supplies pur-

I ctl tlti, ultICo.. I III' btu it e ii petttl')II 11a the result of the policy of extending every po~slble

.01(1 r~'-~~,it ,l I i1 to tlht' Int~incss concerns who handle such supplies as are pur-cll Nc(l Ili tb- 1).l ;iriur11t.

I he Ill"sl tl dike \%i\ III ,(cure vvitle competition among business men is by the r'ntl t ;,;I nl ~Iit ut hills. Im , ,1ce; for supplies purchased by the City Record offices

II \\ 1MMroa'IIL(l tai the (.UI1t1,trullt'r within live to Ilttet17 days after their receipt in

til 1)rllrtmtnt, fhc ( it II' and uppicnicnts clst 8256_'32.08 in 1923. To keep the cost down

H tHi, ti it II:, '~tti e has quoin>eled brevity to the nth degree and has practiced it en .ill .~~I~1 1"t'C V(fl C r ptlhICatl Ii.

.A, thi. ,I<t:, Ilit-, lei dc;Iartinerlts increase, so of necessity must the volumes of Tl , t ii+r ; , '.Il , lic;ttilill mere;;tie.

N i• n l.inCer a Iluc'flan of hw many 6illars and cents can be saved compared ' IP I,r<ct Alin eai ., hut r,ttht r hOiw to keep the costs from increasing in proportion I'' tIte !w%% (IyiT i1I . awl (,n;tartlti muuntini prices of labor and material.

I h ll{O TIC trnl;),lrl,iti t t the 11)23 figures with those of the two previous ~Ini~trati,i1 II ,. all actual rlCrrC~l;t ill ruyt.c, of which this office has some control, a c der; l le au\ alice in C , t, which i; wholly the result of conditions in the

iHI IIW in(luor

l r, ,r. Pages. Total Cost

1 , 1 20,662 $149,504 33 1l; .... 13,972 155,56 4t~

13,910 256,232 0~

I i Cl lung C prmrk(l matter in the (ii ti- Runkn remained the same in 1923 as n 1',I,; flit c ,t 1, r 123 \c, ulil h,t\t I~ecrt appr~tximatel4 $380,000.

I', 1o.'.. or li,triLntiltg (li%I,iHl1 Mellyerect 07,72) packages of supplies totaling 1,499 H III ..t >Ilppli \~tre (Iclitered by two autumohile trucks operated by this

1-• . rinnt. 11 ,0 rlt 0 t I,cr packatre ryas 8;; cents. The territory covered in (111.1111 ul1HI, '1 Ill; >t- '.nl~l)lw, t,stendrd front Can Cortlandt Park in The Bronx 'o

;r ht11t11 Ill tilt' l:(IT-I llL;h Of 011eelti.

111; t't ' i n(!nrtine thi, lleparlment during 1923 amounted to $1,830.501.89. \t+r . III :', it rcvtntu vrre effected by the printing, of the Building and Electrical

~'(l( ;end ;II 'I rnttn(nt fh ju e I-a'v under separate covers instead of compelling 11 ,t i'Itt. I lt'H i 1)11\ 1h( - 1th, dr (oh alt Or(llrlarlces.

kv\ nrnt ire:m ul>cl-II)Ii(n, to tltc CITY RItukn and sales from various puhlicationf, l _ 1'+_: ,Im~~;trtt~l t•, 8,i1,41,`t l-l.

1;1111 iIi t'lt' l;:re t prlCat(' c~ ,rpnratillni and business institutions throughout die

II 1 II ;I' .r :t_tl ''fir ttum ('f purchasinoo printing, stationery and blank hook I~l .'. I .t'It (•n il in iharg( the different printing divisions in our office

i, a -CI)t I ; v,(rt V,1111 tnsire than tivcntv years of practical experience.


I Ill t Ir,mlerl;lin ;I, Treasurer, hold, the funds of the City and the various Counties; ; t l- ,< Cli i (11111 a ill af1111111istrat, it of court and trust funds is fiscal agent for the

1H .Int titnt.-,i'' !i tie State in the (listrihtttion of military funds; also handles civil n[l nl~r.,l I Ji ;rn , l mtclmr1c,' litns paid into court; is a member of the Sinking

l`ar(I t rnlnii e an(': Rankirnt; Cmrnission. `110 1 it°e .1(11 hit' f the City treasury branch may he summarized as fo1!ow's:

Cash I c tion for 1923. ), ; t*t r ;1, 1)2--

I;,11 Ii CC

$26,016,417 19

hri~,;l,t> 1,466,332,304 82

$1,492,348,722 01 1Iimcnt 1.473,953,802 98

Ilorr l I\ ( 171(1 1'; the (itV Chamberlain for Year Itc('nlrr ,~1. l)2, .1 ;Ilancc $18,394,919 03

r , 1tt l later, h - T,:11\ ( '(ounhy n IT kte'i"cr. V.w )''rk Coutttv

Eudirrg Deccrrlher 31, 1923.

$2,215,865 16 776,701 57

"r , it Reooi,,ter. bin;' County

2,494,787 24 Fr mm t , lunt\ Clerk. Oucens County

832,464 15

1'rm. '~ i • Illntv t lc-k. Richmond Count'

100.989 61

T T" t ~I L $6,420,807 73 -I lt' i )lI,nting' shows the operation of City treasury deposits for 1923

Interest Rate Received.

\tr;i;t' Int're~t hLaring balance $25,271,000 00 .02666 $682,239 81

'I },t' <<,lume iif 1,ti,iness handled by the Chamberlain's office greatly increases each : tr ;I I,I an repro ] is shown by the fact that there is no corresponding increase in

tll ,t t s, lImit

k(temlcS of the Chamberlain's office are fixed by statute and cannot be increased ( pr through legislation. These revenues consist chiefly of fees earned by the Cham-

1,,rlain in the handling cf courst and trust funds and interest earned on bail funds.

The expenses of the Chamberlain's office were slightly in excess of the year 1922, but when the vast increase of business is considered it CC; evident that the office opnratIoms were handled most efficiently.

THE AR110RV BO-ARD. Outstanding :Ic('n)urlishntc;, l c :'f '1te I'i'ar.

The practical completion of the drill shed of the new 13th (.3 9th) Regiment, In-fantry Armory, 142d street, near Lenox avenue, Alanhattan, at a cost, including the site, of $123,0110. The drill shed in a short time will he read' for use of the regiment for drill purposes and as a civic centre for the residents of that part of the City in which the armory is located.

Tile reconstruction of the rooting of the armory- of the 8th ' ayt Defense Com-mand (258th Field -Artillery) at x) West ping: bridge road, The Bronx, with a terl-year maintenance bond, at a cost of $22,392.

The maintenance of thirty-seven (37) organizatins of the National Guard and Naval \Iilitia.

Irr;trtri',•rn('nts in I'h}'siclrl I:ttuirnlcnt or .lrlrrtinistr,rti,'c .11cillod.s. The physical equipment used in armories at the I,rcselit time is the standard type

which has been found most efficient for buildings of this character.

h nnH~tuio's or Savings. The appointment as armory ernplo)ees of nten with technical training or experience

for repairs a;td replacements throughout the bulldhnrs with materials furnished I,v-the :Armory B„ar(I effects a great saving in labor costs.

iii' .~ O1fY(t ,C of or IIli I't'i1S(' s NI

The increase of $11,8_2_2.08 received daring 1923 over t}tc receipts of 11)22, repre-senting 25 per cent. of the rental of armories in accordance with ,wction 191 Of the \1ilitary I,aw.

-1't'zo 11 ork 1'IUrur,•d or Cowl rnhlal, d. 1';r('cti,m o f a new arm)nv fir Troop 1, 1st Cavalry ( Ilea(Iquartcrs Troop, 51st

Cavalry Brigade), to be located at'.1lanor Farnt, A\ ' t New llrighturn, Staten Island, with an estimated cost (if x325,000.

The reconstruction of Squadron ".A” (31st Machine (Inn Squa(Ir~ ,n) Armory at 11adison avenue and 94th street, :Ifanhattan, with an estimated cost of $2(A),(0I0).

The installation of a machine shop for technical training on the north balcony of the armory of the 9th Coast Defense Command (244th Field Artillery), 125 West l41It street, Manhattan, with an estimated cost of $40,000.

( ('Il~trlictlllg a(1(hti(mll locker coons oAer the stable s(, ctlutls of the arnlor_y of the 101st Cavalry Regiment, 1579 Bedford avenue, Iirooklvn, with an estimated ern ,. of $50,000.

Acquisition of site an(I erection of an adniinistrative l,uil(ling, adjoining the (hill shed of the new I3th (369th) Regiment infantry at 142d street, near Lenox atentic, :Ifanhattan, with an estimated cost of $-100,0(0.

R 'z' - mtcs. During 1923 an amotnt of V2,10.(i4 was deposited with the Cliamhcrlain hv' an-

((us commanding officers of the National Guard armories. 7his aniotmt represents 3 per cent. of moneys received for rental of armories. "I he individual amounts are placed in special fund accounts and used for maintenance of the armory in which the rental was earned,

I:xpandilurc•s. Itudget, maintenance of armories and administration $342,403 82 Salaries armory employees (i47,3Ot, 00 Corporate stock 483,088 81 Special rC\cmlliC bonds 10.~hi 00) Special funds 24,031 58

Total $1,3(17,$8ti 21

J.\\1 I)E1'.\RT11 E\ T.

Ol'TST.Axlllxc A0 OM ITT Slf N1 FNTS of T11 F. IE.AR.

Litirlatioll. .Actions and proceedings pen(ling at the beginning of the year C(( Ill menc('d daring the year 37,41)4)

Terminated during the year Tending at the close of the year 39,925

Colo't 11 'or/,'.

Appeals arued (all courts) 2o7 Trials in Supreme Court 577 Trials in :lltnnicipal and other lower courts Trials in criminal courts 13,124 Trials in family courts 1.515 :)essicros in trials before Referees 208 Hearings before Commissioners Ill condemnation proceedings (lit) 8eSslon5 in hearings before boards and commissions 2,3611 11),tious argued (all courts) 2,481)


Number of judgments in favor of City 5,027 ,Amulmnt of 'ame $717,144.52 Number of judgments against the City 175 :lrnotint of same $1,011,778.49 Contracts, leases, binds and other in~trtrmcnts examined, revise(I and

approved as to form 4,196 Written opinions rendered to Various officers and departments 2,111

I:;tml(1)) is pr SaT'ings. During 192$ the Department kept well within its appropriations, and in come

matters was able to make substantial savings. In ''Contingent Counsel I"ccs" $63,617.88 of the appropriation of $100.000 was saved ; in "Experts' Fees" the sat ing was $17,-390.40, and in "Expenses in Transit Matters" $19,978.49.

.1-ctl' Sources of or Incrrascs o: Rt'z'cnur. There were no new sources of revenue added, but the Department was energetic

in prosecuting actions against street railway companies or their receivers to collect for paving within the railroad area, for use of terminals, etc., collecting from the com-panies upon such claims during 1923 the sum of $482,182.79.

Neu, 11'or1' Plauucd or Contcn.~/'lali'd. Most of the work of the Law Department does not originate there, but arises out

of the transactions of other departments. One important addition to the office work resulted from the law requiring the assessment for purpo,es of taxation of money capital. Because cf that enactment, 1,369 certiorari proceedings were brought in the Supreme Court to review assessments, and defending of these proceedings will add greatly to the work of the Tax Division of the Department.

Because the work of some of the divisions of the office has Increased, a studs' and survey of the pers)nnel of the entire Department is now being made. When com-pleted, it may be necessary to reorganize the office force and assign additional help

to some of the divisions. R,'z'cnues.

fines collected through the carious courts in proceedings prosecuted by this Depart-ment was $131,735, making a total revenue of $850,711.36.

There was collected during the year the stun of $7i8,976.36, and the amount of

Expenditures. The amount of the budgetary appropriations for 1923 was $1,548,791, and the

amount actually expended was $1,383,210.08, leaving an unexpended balance of $165,-580.92, of which $45,754 has been transferred to "Salary Accruals."

Office Force. The office force has decreased, notwithstanding the steady increase in the volume

of work to be done. The number of salaried employees allowed in the Budget for the past ten years has been as follows:

400 1915 438 1920 401 1916 439 1921

394 1917 411 1922 394 1918 414 1923 394 1919 397 1924


TI11'; '11':xi iiiA"I' 11OUSE I)EP.1NT?~1E\T, the Street (leaning Department is fines imp'lsed in thf v1aghtrates' courts 1 r v'inlatiriii

(r 13 HS of t acanc ics an,! Rr'n/Ils iiL Tc1j4'l1,I'l1t II ouses. nt the Sallitary ( ' dc alld other t ity ordinances. Ali iteliilc drive %%'as mark by fli

lIccnl-c of the ncccitv f,,r detailc(1 and accurate statistical infnrmatirm rclativc Officers of the Street lleanitig I)cpartmcnt At 1923, which resulted in fines hero impoarl

IIi ( c\trnl ref tiv I1(~11 in,L shortage in this City, so that the Lcgilattirc might be in 1 Y the lily 'Magistrates amounting to 794, which l is an increa>c of ti 2,1n') nr 37 i r

L ill pr "l~t'rll to (' n id(t p(I1(l111!; tax and runt legislation, the I 'nemelt III~1t,C Cciit. over 11 )22.

1)clirtmtI't vy ~Illi1 to undtrt,il<c early in 1923 a thorough cen,ns of the vacancics : .1't<t' Work Planned or Contemplated. m(1 r'u.t.11~, in t cn1cnt 11' tl~t ~. phis cen:u;, vvhich w'a; hegun early' in l efruary an(1 (a) Di;peising with the Iiaulin; Of rubbish rnt the west side of (Manhattan. ']'hi

• l;,lctcil nl '11,Irdh, ;:rd the rcpl,rt of which Droved so valuable to the State Cum- material Will he taken rare "f at the ncvv' 3(H) ton incineratr'r at 1Vc;t ;(rth street. '1'hr

Im i1l11 illy and N LLinnal Planning, in its lnvc tigati(rns, c" mlrnrd a1nlo;t th(1 (lumping hr'ard at 11e't 7')th street Will he eliminatc(I.

ntir( timer ; ;l 1,1r e part Hi the I)cll,lrtment's force for al)prnximatcly six vv-c(ks. There (h) It iti al;n planned t" have plants jr the li.I) l of tvas1t ill~t;lllcrl at 1.i')th

c(re ;it 11Lt lint 1a;3s,,d tIccnleni h(rrves in the City, all of which had ti be visited street and Harlem leiver, with cnmnlhin,ttian roraee f r two (lisriit'. Plans old sllecitic,t-

ni r11i"rtl1 up II I~r the I)clrirncnt s inslrcctnrs, and the<e repl'rts carefullv vlalvzed lio.; are nnvr hcing prepared fr'r the hui1di!1 t. and tl•c contracts Bove licell let for Ihr

( il;il(r' 1i.; the c1(I. ic,ll rce; vt- t all this was accomplished vvith(lttt (letriment to luiprnent. It is expected that this plant twill he Al (operation the hatter hart of lln,

1111 (tiitl('l t 11.11l111i'R 1t ilf nrrilnary mink and the many additional duties re,ttltin,t )Mr. .A, a result the )tIi strict dump, N rth River, vyill he elimin;lttd.

rrum tilt' I'{' 1~I1i 'hurt~icc.

7h-• I)r'/arf 1! )lt and the T.rhi(alga(.

'I he 'I r: ii' lit H,'u~r 1)cparinlent co-(,llcrate(1 with the Mayor's ConiniitlTe on

Ht ii IH 'I vvcntv ;.fth :A11nivcr~ary ut the (,realer City of Net- York liv having

nfIiC(1 ,II 1 crnl~~vcc~ (Itvtc a portion of their own time to the preparation nt an

eNl1it,it in kt-; o7th the lna~nitude of the occasion. The qualify of the Depart-

mclit', (.vtill it ,in, _t(11 the earn(st1I1 with which the personnel of the I)cp,!rtntcnt

t'ntcrcl into ill( y,irit f the cciclhra'ium, attording, to the public a (kal nl<tration of

htv moon 11,111 f'Ilu- nlillirn it the pope of New York lice.

I 1xc,00w',l by I.t'(li.;lalion.

I)nrn ! 111(' lI~latlil i'ii ref 1')23 two very important allieTNlnlfilt to the

('llt - ii--it 1L u't' 11\\ llt'rt' paw cd \V]11('1I .1(1dt'11 (11!)rlllnusll' tr) the 1Ctlrk nt the Depart -

r it 1 1 1 ) t!1(~c alm(nrlllu'nt , rt'iuircll all liar-c~caj)c (1rrr) ladders t') be pIaccd in

illy rI: tbC7t In ttirll \\'fal(I he al1\a1ti in their p roper location to he

rr,lrhlv 11vrr I in cii ,c r'i tire. It was a ch, 1 C nrz'cntiv needed, as the Old type of Ilrr'll

I [(!,I (!r VNa, so hh1'old ill pl:ie . lllrl 111,,re~rV'er so lie ivy as to re(Inire two or three meal

t hit It 11 tip p' itiHi1 1, ) le I'VC l. I he law hecatllf effective i111111Cdlately upIl its

1 inrl ,1111 1 i1c,h it doll, vwith a leader where the lives of the occupants of the

I I1e1ntlit I I'-(- arc fit( 111(flt1V it takc, it 11N been itttpnssihlc for the department

v.ilk 1 • llrr ,r'nt lasee t dot ill F ihJin make ,l fair hcelnning toward its eitforccrnctlt

•',Ill's' It 111A I'' iii - ti Of Illlllllre(1 if th,,ll,allllti of lire-escapes.

1 imlc 'ita:tlir , ll vv,N crt,ltrrl by the 1 a~gc of an aiilliti(~nal anlcn(lnlcnt requiring

I k' <t~iirll;l' ant pnlrlic h;lll , in tyiidncot lie>e t') he kept lighted all night. Fettled),

IIIr rcHi Fl l nlc ;1 li_'llt in tl'.c emr: l (e hall and nn the second fluor ahuvc the

n(ran r' >t ,t; I, err I-apt hiirniiu all ri ht. 'I'n carry at the requirements of this

Illlr'IHIllilt'±it ii -('C I(It( 111'11it 111o11ectll1s, all(1 the b1l1ige ta'h rrf making night in,spectir~ll,

101 110 I all , ( i ni th.,n h1l1.l)0l tcncn1CIlt hies is silt-evident. here a,,, ain the work

ore lit ,111 1•,111 t he bc_un At nce reardless of the size of the Department's three

I J tlrr hr(-oIlg h blems.

Illr'Yr'rl'' ill I/a' I r)lillllr' t'1 :V i'7 - ' I?It!11]lllt] 11 r~r1'.

\[ :e llns vy(-re fihrl aril nit re tern(-malt; completed in 1)23, than in the period

i t'lrr (' v,Ire I t i'rc. In 1'1 20, 1( !21 And 1( >22, there were plans filed for 3,(7)4 new

n('nurt 'vl IlL ill 11 )2. lll,rn, vytore filed lair 3,O27. Similarly in 19211, 1921 and

1crc vctrr 151'1 tcn('1i1ii1t• cr , nlpletc'i, vv tile in 1923 thrrc vwere 1,794 compacted. The

l,aiha - 1111'r'.lu in I-;tih Dr ugh l , fficc of the l)rpartmcnt managed to keep pace

1h II 1, ri;rt Hnl 1111t r , l \i rl< I1''tVV1tlhtan(lnlg an increase also in the alteration work

hr the Ipi rci-i, n 1of the 'amt' laer(All"

( (onJ'Ittlllis.

I)l:rin * 1)23, the I)cll,lr(nitnt received and icv-e~tjgatcd IOtl229 citizens' colul)Iaint< Dlc(tll,,, lgn(mylII houses. 'l hi< number vvas holy di.ihtly less than that of Pi??, in Ii(11 yr,lr Ilse I)cpartmrnt recciec11 1O2,915. Of the 1(10,229 climplaints received.

•I.',1~ 2 rugoill(I lit iooi, dlltinllc \V1lich ill turn Ilece'sitated many thr'lltali(1 riiii pecHo111

a vv r II ;H pr' ~I rill ir,n; in c nrt in !millv instances.

I'ir'!trinnr I ilr'd, I Pc,i!i.rscd ao / C(inc,'!ki•tl. 'l Ill '1 q( 01(1.1 I lnitc 1)t'tlartmcrlt files (}ally one vilaulii nr case against a telethon(

1., ii-t-, fret t( \ i, l,tir~n hOly and ,ticrullvo (1lee, include a number of items. I)uring 1923, ii r 14,l1turtInc'lt fil(rl v i, dati n: aiuiost 2<$,838 tenrtncnt houses. This was 7172 mire 11 .tit vvr rr P'l1t ill 1)22. 'lilt nniuhcr rrf item, inc(tl(le(1 in the violations filed in 1923 vvac ll4.7i and 1i 11; (tunic vvcrc renl((hic~l. 'l iii v ~rrk accomplishc(i ltiv'Oav•cd 2i0,ta21 11('tn,. t if 11li. ul1lfer, 3i.151 item, rcicrr -d to the cleaning, vvilitewashing r'r pinky

lino,'-. 31,( '21 ) rt ilin', \\-re rcpHlirci nr rcl1lasterc11; 3O,281 walls were cleaned an(1 lrvcHltL r ti'!illoI: 21.41 wails vvcrc rgi,aircd or repla,tered; 18.437 yvatercln:etc

v I.r(' Ti b).1irf d ,nnl taut in pr o r ('nri~litilns ; 25.91() fire-escape cmiti9ns vwere remedied ' n') (.l-(- if 1;1r - k of vv,It('r ripa)lv were relcihioh: 1S.t4t phnobing fixtt1rcs anal piT \,,re prI \ire'rl etc.. etc. 'I'h(' itill. here (nuincratel indicate the public servi'e that the , 511511111t I I I )apartment rtnit - r t the pr'pc year after vcar in its fi ht to maintain I evnt, :it l,l" v litv ioLL'' cUuelitir n in the tenements, thus co-operating, vVital the Health II t;i71nt'm in litcriin! the (loath and disc,(<c rate in the City.

I )11 I i , r 1111 IIIS in 1 11 , SIi 111 /: ,l,(!I Il!r 11i P/ . 11111111115t1'(1ff, (' ]flCth1 11.

Thy' 1ltll,iflnll'1lt Las hreii ,'ratav loncfited hy the installation (If it crmiplete fire-ti (r~llitmllnt fart the GlillL If (1h!lc in its Brulk1vn nffice. A sllhMtantial ni11iil)cr

>ti-i l (7179'0 cal'ir,ct fr ,r lrl,ln: v'l a1:,, a~11Icd to the Manhattan anal Bronx Offices.

.r11'lllgic 1711!1 Ill(!'r'17,Sr'(1 Re: 'nu'.c.

.A cal Iyy of O (12~ in f rnni accrna c as effected in 1923, Revenues ani untin'i' t i ^'am I ) , i. 1)tainuth of this a1ii 11ut 37,91 WAS ohtaied fma fees f r sciarchiC,. "

)(1,.1rllnr'1t i'Icre;l;((1 the ail unt if AT fr nit (Pl cents to one r1u]far. Through this

I r. rt;lcc ;ln'1 ;rn i ere:l~c in the riumher of searches, toncther with an increase in the I:mlrrr -u1-1) inn fr(s (toll the sale of nl(l paper stick, 1$19,551.O; more was obtained

i I 1'I2,t tll:t, 111


!1 !i 11(1(1 .1rnlrlishnicrlts of the 1'('ar. (111 I11~' ii1trtltli ,,ii ii i?:Iran'es (Iloratl'r street, East 80th street, West 76th street,

(anll.ltl:n : :hl avo'niie. Bronx: 56th street and 19th avenue, flrhklvnl. (h - ( Itll lttl n ul 12 111C dumphtig s('ms fur (lispositicn of refuse.

of drnillliD hoards, I at 35th street aril Last River, :Manhattan; I at 52l slrett and New 1'irk I?av•, Prih1vo; and the third at the foot of Tiffany "I' ( tot. I lic Linux.

(r1 Ar'ini<;.ti n of 3.~n pit'ccs

('b-;llliiii if I)rirl<ac<, and 20 trailers f~r the c~Nectim of material in onlying sections it It . l;lvn aril '11:1' Itrnx.

(I) Porch a,to r.f Z27,f1(}G north of machinery for repair shop f r repairing m ti ii t"ICk-

(f) Pcnlrlilir-ti of (old st,!hle .A, 17th street and \vcode C, and discontinuance of ''tat)le I', h,Ict 80th street and Stable S, 1R4th street and Amsterdam avenue.

TrlJrn;',llrus in PIiy'- ial Fq!iihrrcl'nt or .111u!iliistrati;'r ;HeIl12d. (<11 ~uPsttllt ii of m' , t)rr c Illinment for horse-draa-n equipment. which permits

ill_' sl l !v i•iniioval snot frrnl 1,f)O0 miles of streets scheduled for sonvv- clearing. (p1 M -e eucieot n7ct7(d of ti:lrcIlini routine mirk of collection of refuse, such

a< ,l,h('~. ct'C(t vvepin, and earhage, with improved service, from hi-vreekhv or tn- \Vlrk(\ scr-vi e in oloty, iii tlistriets, to daily or tri-vveeklv service in these sections.

(c) st' '-c , HI Noting, niikiii.,; it pnssihle to prepare a more intelligent hurlgrt ill ieb havilltt rcil(b% inftlrmatinn for the compiling of the various items necessary.

F?(rnloriic.r or Sn inrl.r, \f o lill a fl ill~l of 21 Ica dumping scows it was possible to have a mire perfect

s''aarati ii ('f the Iio , uschnld nva,tes, such as. separating the garbage from the ashes, and ill tlli vvav (1 r= (lee to mixtures in the same receptacle, menacing health, vv-ere pre- v,'1tiii Inci(Irilt,lllv', there w : an increase in garhage from 95(),O00 to I,400,00(1 cubic v - attic, an increase of alm(~st 5(1 per cent. The sea dumping scows having a capacity of 2f~(1O comae each, it vvac pnssihle to give a daily service in handling this quantity of Ti , aterial. This al ne (fret the increase in price due to the larger quantities, thrnn,h tiii efficient tioil(1ling of the material by the dumpers, cutting off something like 25(l,(M ft- im the Budget.

Nczt' Snurres of nr Incrrase,( in Revenue. A new contract was let for the Picking privilege at the ]and dumps at an increased

ran of '.4 1) prr week. as against $226 per n'ech under the expiring contract. .Annther source of revenue to the City Which may be charged to the activities of

(c) Sites have been acquired fur li ii itig stati ns, at 2(17ili street, AIailinitlaii, Awl

rt'gilc,ti have beat made for sites at the (trot Ut •I Ittanl iti-cct, 1111 ltr~rlix, 11141 Hit t ki th strt'et. 13rnlihlV'll. It is also proposill to erect ail thfr liolcilig >tati~rn at \\ et 1lrtll

street. 1larlhattan, near 12th atenuit. adjacent 1') the prest it garage awl incinerat r anti Also all a1lditlnll to the present h, itl'lllg clatl"Il at (anal >trct't on that llnt ll rr1 ally

plot (tiled is not- U1111er the temporary Jllrlslbctl'ril r'1 the IIn11>Il I~iver 'luuiiuul t lll-

inis i iii.

(dl In the contract vwith the ]lrnhlyii :1<h Rem''val (r'nlpanY, pruvisi, vl vra> nu;i ie An 2 incinerators, I ut thick, li'eat('il ill title Iirnou1,ville st'ctii ll, A\;i> C'rlllpl('t('rl at th(' end of the year 1O23. l'he call tructinn if hit tither uas Belayed due t„ the fact lit it there nac a rc,,triction placed ran the pit. 'F hf rc,trictiim has been renulvc11, And tON Will he started within a fcvc vvr(k5.

\r , H!f,i.

The natal revenues c'illt'('tt'(1 hY tall' I)t']l:lrtnlcurt 'l tl((t (hilllill ir 12.i, linlr'llllte~I t,, 4124,$31.~1,

Tax hi i` (Blidgit, 1')? 3) =013 54 (- rporate St (k I,}28,25n (14 Tax Y 111 18,451) 37 special Revenue B ntic 5,1131,313 I))

2$,272)23 t7

PIt.I.1:v l I'::1\1) ;Al l.lI:la llHHHI'ITA1,S.

(lcll;l'! 1 .1 JJ'ttI.c1T1u,.'te rat !1 1 tot,. The 1lit- h \\a , rt'n'!H1f1/t'tl Ii lilt' ltalrlldhilll'llt ul a tuiiliii" s(Mtl'I f t111!e \1'rrlilt'll

at Ilarlein Ilpah(f, s'1 that Illiihitnii lr'llllg cinch VV(Initial (" 1 111d ('later for tr;llllill!'.

.Accilr(IillnT\, a Ilailnl1!g schl 1111( 1u - 1 ill aahnary 1, 1°24. I h( cho, d is 1t111Ch,'llil'.;

Vert sat i>fact rily,

Tile Hills scaul fir nrtlr our<r' fcypy1eb (luii'l<, the vr,lr. thc training 1~f nla!C Verse: having hct'n (li,crltirincll 'ince the vtar.

(1cctlpatinal Ihcra a h,lriny lro llMCC(' tollv tlt'r;lt(''l al ltyl1cvlc, it vray (lccillr'1 t'1 introduce it at Irllhanl II spital, vvLire a teacher %,I prnvi(lc(l, through the hearty c)-operation if ;cncr tic fricu(Is.

11 pile no lititer nrvv tCtiVitic" vycrc 1111 11Itaken lilt n,l, :i ccncral azt(puai of the Work of all <fnic(;, p;u- ticlll<irlv in the llln Ih('r~lp~ (Il'p;utuilllit and the v,!rir~uc clinics.

Iii'JOO'lil'1!.c 111 I I11.(!r -(!I l:/llll'lili lie !' . 1111'll;l)Iilllll' 11 - fin d.

Much rl('\\ (ifuipnlent ha hccn walled to c\rry 11llr,lrinlent thile,1M , iit th(, 1'"pit;!l- stinle replacing A\ nil-unt all(1 r-II lule Ill('ct. A\1111(' 9111(".' \Vll I1('VI' and 1it11htlrr11111,

lllcreaslll", tilt general e(flcitilcv x17(1 1<iclilt;ltln'-t' 1111111' l''rlil> it tre.ttlll('llt holl('tiClal 1')

patients. Ali autr,matic str'k(ou trnl hl;lc(1a at J1chlcvue pernlitt(''1 the tl<c of a lunch chetlllcr

Trade of coal, talus (lt('ltlll'g' It llllltt'rlal saving. :\ 1lt'\\ all'(' tlilll: \\ ;i puttied in (,tll'er-

netlr I11pital. "I he in<tallatirr,l it llcvt' hailers at I'r(Ii;ini in<nrrc >tllricit'nt Lrat anal power for the nhole plant. AntvV fire-alarm sv.tcnl It l T1ltiall p!-''vines ailclluatr prmectbril fir the j)atiekt7. A I=clV' cdienutC driV('V\;!1' VC(I, C"I1,,ttbctt'(l it the \elalklt

Brach ITuspital, niPiab cafe the apliriteh to the hn')lit;ll. 1'oi11tilo. vvas d''ne h''1ll insitl,,

and ut at all the amlpit it , while rehair.5 vwere marl(' ti1 all (qnipmcnt as uel Ii rcdireii.

7r1lr1l)li:i (Ill II';!IIS' i!1

Pigid ect , llunlit" in the li'C nl all supplies hn iuL dlt alint it Il ilcrlal ;ilill! . 1111'

stokers previrm,lv referred t" c6ee(cd i t tVin,g in coal i , i $;U)I)il. 'I,llc tl,c of rclavttcd gauze vv as rolcnle(.

I3('caii e uI the lncr(':i't'tl uiuufiher rat c iiillfll~;iii ll c~l'(o C 1111112 Ira Iht' hpital, All

additional revenue rrf apprI,ximatelv' $6,0t)O vas receive((.

.\'a' 11 iC' J!0H1u'd or tall( '!Pfeil it.

C nntract, hint' peen twarcic(1 f r the naur(rul- lin ' f Y.1\- 7ii 'l; F u11 ( f ROWcvtac I111~pital, \alien \\ill prlaville appr ximately AIHI athiitirrnal half. 'fhc e nc\c pa\ilirms rill xolli('ct With tilt' prc>cnt oldlcll and Turcico1 huiltlirg- and Will fZA,M\ aid in lht° adi1l11llstritinn if the it natal. 'File 1)rupl»i(1 extol(half~ to th(, \Uu'tiei,' r('siticuc(' it

Bellevue, appnlpriatinn 1 r Which vvas ;;ranted during the vear, will K~sile Iwo tidditirmti \yUf1,oe tip the \nr>('i' r('1i(ll'll(e, all(1 Will 1CC1ilnlltrrlllite th(' 1lr lilt tl!tt it Nines 'I'rt

('r'mply with the (luauiok TIf the lire 1revcrltil,u Eereo(l ,3II(),aupa has heal appn,priatcel and is ahrrut to be c:x it'il(cd in firrprnrrfin the v';irir ,us htliltlin it the Ilt'llartnlcllt thus saft'gllar(llllg till' lilt' rrf pahi'iit, anal e111piuyi.s. A p,lehnp;ithlc Uavllirl, (,lit-

pati('llt (lepartnul- llt \Vith quarters tin \A , rlllell Cllll?]r~V"('l'ti at 11('il('1ne, VIII r'ttt - pat1l'Ilt

drpartmcrlt llililiaar c:t Mar1em, ;! \ur cc residence at ( u\crllctlr, an cx1rninirl to tilt hacpittl and .Alanais' 11111' alld e111plrrV'ces' glitnteu at 1uilitt111 are on ilamcttiotc 11et'dk,

for vvhicll pl;tns arc tinder O 1 .

I- , -,ii llt'.e told l:.l / rudil It's,

ATtIC lt7Nll inn regular apl)rr'pri~iti n 1 Ir maintenance And 1perati ii, the artily reveille

is front the board ail patients. AA1u1('h Amounted ti S57,3.75, and >(Ilt's atll~tt111t111g t!)

(1,'44 7 .

'hue esp('nditurc< IL for the )Tar 1923 vwere S2,)O7,11O.3)i, as (- tmi.ired vVilla

an increase I , f

1'! ii: I)IP.- RTMI1?\T.

The hest (ql1ila1)ed Anil n1''ct modernly ctm,truc(c(l fire-alarm central station «as

placed in cry ice in lInAlv In in 1)23, tlhus giving to) that Borough it fire-al;trm telcgnaph

service einilrl to 11 - -l(' ail be \V rld. . a re cult, the property owners in the area

affected by this s\ stcm have receiv-edi a al'ductin Ili nnc per cent. in their fire-insurance premitm ,.

Crmtract< \\l-re aoarllcd i r the c nlpletinn if the un(lergrntlnd plant of the fire- alarm service 111 .11tlllll(ttfl(l, xilf-1aat1ll:,' to t,l4,42 : alit the extcul i it of the tlll(1Crgrou11(1

cables lit Coney- hoed, Borough of Bu~roklvl, S43.2!il.20: for the general extensi(i of underground cables in the 11n 'ugh of The Bniux, S] l0,54R.l19: fir the central station etaapm('ilt Al 1)cka1V'ay, Bi ruligh nt l)utociic, $9),531), 111(1 fit' the geiteral (Sl('1~Ulll u1

cable plant in the mime Bxarnglt, 4l,(t22, and At the cxtcnsirru of un(ler,grntm(l cables nn S1111th Shore, IIiirilluh if Richnlrlll(1, S13,375, matiuig at total if $243,762.29.

The nl(1 tire-alarm ccntnal aot7a,l in Brnnklvn vvas aban(lrmed and the new one placed in service. The un(lergrntin(i cattle rxaels7rinc etrmpletwi in the Inw'nnd section if Manhattan and the 1':a,t Xi.-'ii- V'irk, C)pre(s Hills, Park Slope and Bay Ridge secti(Ins of Er tkivn resulted in the J)andrnlment of apprnxiniately 1,51111 mmdcn pules and 4(lll,tlU feet Of aerial n'irc. phis eliminates in this section the difficulties frequently experienced I iii rm,g viiiIcrt stt,rms.

9,937 feet nt underground conduit and 404,424 feet of un(lergnlun(l cable were installed, and 342 fire-alarm boxes Were added to this system.

Due to the activities of this Department, the sttm if $12,831.13 Was paid t') the City by private fire-alarm c nipanie.c ii r services rendered by the ('it v in connection with the tran~missiiil of alarms. '('his i an entirely new source of revenue.

As the result of exhaustive stutiv• and vcork, plans Were prepare(( covering the nevv' central station of Queens, at all estimated cot of 050,00: underground cable extellclnlls

in Bronkly H, at an estimated cast of S2001dO(1; underground callle extension; in The Bronx, at t n e,timatell cost of 575,(1O0 ; undergo rood We extensions in Queens, at an estimated cost of $30,000); tul(Ierground cable extensions in Rick-away, at an estimated cost of S12,(}Ot), and undergrnnnd cahle extensions in Richnt(rnd, at an estimated cost of $8,000, or a total estimated cost of $600,000,

']'here is found to he great need for new fire houses at Fittest Hills, Wayside and the neighborhood of Avenue U and East 9th street, Bronkhvn, and contracts were awarded for the erection and cimpletinn of nevt fire houses at these places at a cost of $206,068.

The Department has received the approval of the Board of Estimate and Appo--

if m In eOuipiiieitt and 10 sonvvv hrnnins for the

'Ii1LR~IJAY, JULY 17, 1'924. THE CITY RECORD. 5299

lltll: ill I illtl' '1- lH• a IIt'11 Are hnrl>C tll be l'r('ctcd at Jackson 1I igllt~,

( litIH, tt .1

1 I t' 1', ( C t I. ;u [tt liltl ltrl~lc'll t the c~lllilllnt'nt (tt this Department 4l pieces

tier <I,lr.tll. i'llliiIill Iiii I,r,lllelI((I and punlpinrg cngaines, 11,to)k an(1 lart(}rr

!!l , F T 1V1l'r ;I!I(I tan Ilni 1\:w-1H. the tank itiol 1agulls are the

II`-1 I t!lt'!, !liil in till, llt'li;tli1111'llt. Inert lurni'll 111nC and (oil to apparatus 111111e

, J(1 li, a' IuIt I 1 nl;li , 'I toIti ll tlli , atllr,lr,rtu, rnhhicc~f Id anal „l) hte tt)r.

.\ iv r. X111 llll 'Itl fl I111It t . 111 ctillncll111 1lllll rtl! ii itlls Inr iurnitii ,

I 1,H.. ri,.,., v , liu lt,;lrtnlelt ttrtl file the (itl S24,23,`(.44.

1't1' ;'Ii, llilil ail, Ii;l',t' lu'C11 pr('pitr((I r it Ile1t' tire htai,c at IalllItica, 011l'('ll~,•

I in , ll t t!Ivt'. r' Int;H rll ,1 l hict tai Iiattalilm. It is 1 timatc(I that this btnkhng

1111 1h ii n,l ll I

\11 tIL rt H Illtlt' l IlliA'l' till' ( 11l111! iHII('r> III the Sulking Fund enter lilt)

l !IIItlIIl I11 lnlli(tl II1 the (neat hill; Ili , t , k an(1 Latl(ler l'••.:A. 1,

! .tI'lIt lt!liti', l,'t;il i%ill, I~lil11l1'41I1. :A II1 a, tllk blllltllllg (IF illC tither Ili the

trtll I l. II v~ IlintLtr (illJIIlnit , will he llihhan)lt'(1 and it htelk and ladder

ll,'! Ill ..1I II ')' l 111 l f illy II tHl I e1 utIlltHit 11111 1)l' Jrt gyllliT.i'(1 there.

I II I>' 1 IIt'Il':1 1111( d 2II,II13 tllc", and in a1 rllllt (II thee 1111Ctj ItiIilti

it a["It_H P, t'. t' I I' till lllll ll11, I)1'llllll 4 C~PI1VIl'tlHll~. 1l1e t,tlltf cases

it' •tl~ l j( • ; hi' !;I' I Iu;d,t' 111 r( ('tlli'll'llt Ill)' Vleek If tilti'C llll'('rtl;ltlullti, flinr

H Ilti l I l pr-I I• Iii' 1II ru ;Illll~,il',fr~l.

„i 1 I L'! t t( tH 1;l1.t 11 h. tilt, I )cll,lrtnunt Iltlri lC 1'123 v1 a~

.III IIit' tll !III II' J rift' I 11111111it' ale lllirrllll!; 111111 Ilrlltt'etiii fact 'r iu and ether

}.I lidlll' .,,I'itI t A1,1 , -i11 11111 t'(1hill'1t' l)rIltlllit I1(' 111~II1llt letllrt'!I, t1>ell, kept for >t(lred.

N III ill) e...I I 't (UlHu; Ills' 1';I't \ ar trill Iliriiili}', itr ('\pintbj!lC Ct'llnl''lti, p1'ml1i1,

I I. H V1 ; ii C'.'I "Il?lh)r illli uii, Iltllltll,ti111(llll'., th(' 1!ilt that t\1iI t , lll l tlii

ill ltt'I,i. 11." 11)I t'lt'1'. 1I:', I11 ally lt'Itr. .IS (I('Itlllr trlll fit ' 1!1 IIitr-e('IIu111 >e iICCll-

II tIlt .I Ill I ,I 11,1! 11 !22• IeI I tl`tl(' VAt'I'C >bl'},I11 ca~ilaltl('w 111 _yC(Ir, Lamle by 1r(,111

ltl n11 Illi Int Il'r i Iitr c(iVti,,-c ina1eiial'.

11u1?', l•1I r dl ll x,111, fact aril'', With) vcr Stl1I()tI eiii1)1\ec, were ti,I effectively

Ilwr11')II 11':,' II't" : lilt' ill 11C~t' lllllh(lill tr'bii Are nay ii tliI)l\ sf 1;b1.

IIltr Ii 771 11)1 ]~I tl'lll'lli('llt ill thli (Ity 111(1 the 1 If 11C bw fire Ill

f. IhIlir'l-I tlIi tllrt' Ili, Ill II l,lmt'ntahlv great ht cheek that yearly recurring

tyLhI1, I I,t Hill i I1 ;1 hut-(I/ell t\ j)ie1l h!Itl~e rejiMrnig fire prollceti011 to

nrtht ti tin t i L r '.'It (I1 t Ih tllrrein. local ("trite intcre,ts have .•pp••>cr1 the validity

I tilt -( ~~lr'~ :" ,i i t .I lY i 1 lI 11 , 111 liHt11t(tl until the uprCIne ('~llrt an toi the validity

L1 til c ~ r,l,1

1 111 it, I I i' 11 H t I'! I llll , llll (' ill trtlititIll (!TblIlw, 1 l e3 al)I1riXltlfitlll line tiItl

l,ll;t I IIt' 1t Il I d{;\ 1hut }Illlllll(i ,ill I1 et g'a51)Ulle ail(! Illl,(lltt) gallo!'l

1!I't , ,AI : I1ihV !illllli IllI llA('r the s'ue't-, ferries and hrid.,e~ anti oiii iiiilell

L't'I I'I 111 ti'• \r1Il II tLl III Ills iMlIerattlHHll iii tilt' variulI Crain and girt<, the

ldlinl- ''t 11, o -t U filnllilit-. I , the r to,lilt tue ihu1icil<, llru alld c~gmbu~tihle Eibrc,

l IIIIJIJI!l , 'I \tLt1, 11 ;,rt' t'~~II~LIIII,Il fillip, e ll>tltilte riff fir \l1VCl1 IIII)e'r\i )rY prol-

I' at!l 1' ul II11 III dc I_I ( 1 rIlilI ,IICI'ti 'lll(I the bill II1 elll , trcelneilt placed lll)e it

1 I , f )t l ;t'l r'. I t ItIl'..,II'll ,,!( , (IHldt'illl_, lilt T;i~t Ii 1111111 of (IAll)ll' tibIC lii) tallCe I1<C(1 ill the

I'It I;I11 H' 'lit' iI,Jell' t the ( ite, tll,i1 I, Title (;image was (1, lrle in it trallspt)rta-

~ l • ,1 lrl'i 1. 1 lht r lire Hi it, Citi/.ell .

\tut, dl II jr )ll~u,tl11( hermit; \(r( i1creIHel lltlrill 1 (i23 thrl~ii ii rirdi-

(e l .:t !Ili' 1(' II, el l Illi 1)ll~llrtll1t.11t. Ity ltiire°nu of Fire Prcveiiti , li is 11W

(I -II,t III I! III n''.I,!I H the IO , 1',hicll uh, t1I(' inaintcnancc of the Relief 11111)!, are

1,11 t lue I~u~l,ttln ,Il,l,r~lJr,,ti~u hr the httrc;ot.

III '!It' I~ii L'ct II I 1 )'.i, 41 1~IC1111 1), ~-itil i \1(r(' tlrul)Ile(1, r(llltlllp in a ,c1l11, of

i l( 2,I~4, • t ) 1111•- I!Iliulwr ,;l Here I'.Il_!llit'('r< , it titl'lill1lr Iii 1 Ilger re, lulre~l, II ti lireiieil

I1, 11 lit I Fill tl ( A1 1h tt 1l1l) l , 'rllici'11 ee'Imet'(f the erviice if all 1'.iigiileer thru ul1 the

n .Ili.,tl II i Ill c,Ilinc 1)'.lnlpiug ei nil (- .

Illy 1"~ , I IlI'.i11, ills' ClITIIl'llll',, I)l.'1C',1t1Cr Ili he (,,_ k ,c1te( at ('astletl)Il CUrners,

~t II 1 JIl —n Ji'',,IFi,l a, iNemile it gatint,, of

1')lII t I lit 111111) I1111, rbl.11il) in the llernncl resulting frill retirements, etc.,

l It'It Ii IL I r;I ,I1 .I"t lithe ! iIY tHhIIlit I f 1a1c,l11C1l's, the urn saved as accruals ililluullte(l

1.:~II l lit ihlIiCet ;l11v 111cc i,lr 1i)23 teas A7,703,'1~ 13.

1)1:1:AI1111.A!' Oi2 111.ALI'II. (IUId 11 ,,•.

Ill' lit lilt r;llfV 1V t".111t't'(l I ,, II r~itt' of (i(r. per thol1~IIil(1 rtc)rde(i births ill

l l l,~l I I• 1I:111. \,',t \ rkk 1Ii }1l' the illt IlIiIlth re rt fir balm's anUlIlg, CItic

'1 Illy H'.'e Ill 'ht \r1(1. (i~IlllIll"ill 111th tIle rate ic the year before, blis tltai15 a

fiW, .1 111111111 lill 111" ill the Ae,tl ,it Ill e( ,Il)11n1C Value (tf over o11C halt

nli: 1 'l II llli -.

Ili tilt III Irll)1 ht',Iltll 1;l1ittnH m;linlain;'(1 IV tit(' ]3n tea u, 67,000 infants Ni re treated

in I tIn , ilia Ill Ill Wirt nly 14t1 (I;i1it:, a rate of 2.1 per tli)1laiI(i, as conlparc(i with (.34

ICI 1II ( Ite in ~t'nt rill. Atli tl t'I~ l I! Ii Ill (-aeil, tgl-ag(' Chihlhrell vl a rc cx,lnline(i and their parent' ads'i:ed of

1 "rCli I !1111(1 11 'ticr that tflt'1' 1ediidlt llllHelllle11tly he a(1UMtie(I tel School ill first class

1 it ill i Onliti ,I.

sell ,P' AIi'(lrenFeeci~cli their 1)eriot is liie extt,1sam health cXnmillalions and I'li' lit` I" , l - e . l\ 'CI IIf (1i'ii'lg i, t11n(1.

"o,_>I' YX.lnlin;lil' ll II ell, 'I eMbqrt,1 \verC mule at tile tell eye clinics, with the . _ill I 1ll1't I '.t-Ill 1 'l11'iif1'; tilt tAt'HI2ht ,~i Ihi)tl'11i11(li.

In ill 21' Il !a%tl eliu( -4,i4 ,l ) vi,itp \\e re made and the teeth of these children put Ill CI l fll!itI II,

(4.21_' Yy;ln 111,1 1 li, 1)yre 110)11 „i cilii(ir('ll iowi 1 drurteen ;old sixteen _',cars of Tile iii t''It";lilti' lit II tilt' I!I'll!'tiiil Ve elll

1)ur i , l~ ,, 1'12x. it :, 11 )ant it f newt( r I' incre l e the activities of the (rental an(1 eye 01 n Ihi 'I!CiI I I' iij)(1'1i-i , 1 tlill Citlil('lltr<Illt~ll 1 the 1tork , ,rt the f(1reci engaged

h:lIr'1l1- 111111 It .11e' lilt' lily hi)iiiUl illl!t~iH 1wV' at i('abt twelve prenatal dillies functioning

NevV e(fuiprnent eta, ad(Icd t the milk hacterioligical laboratory at the hea<lgiiarters I!lllidlll,'.

"l lle d(crease in the number if ci e tlf (liphtheria In' evcrai thousands has lessened the demand for diphtheria anti-toxin in this (itv, but the increased Tale; in t0Xin-anti- toxin co lllp('ll~ated for the (1ecrea?e(1 gales, of anti -tuA11l.

I'~od till f Ilril ly.

One lltln(Irt i and rive crcanlcrir: anal dhitltlii e 'tati, )n: were excluded because Of

IllNallilary Ct~n(11t1, Hls and cxee H1R' i teteria COIIlt(1111. lilt' I111t ,talldill", ftlitInc was the

re(luirillg if milk ht~usl' it all d,liries pi'HiUeltlC glahe I; mill k. artith r itnptirtitnt i-tt•p ill 11i'-tiring It better Cl'e Inl 'upplV' ii~r the t)u'llie 1\,1: token in the a(I''ption Of 11\V

<t.m(lar(1, g veining cream. Ilerrtofore, the State t;ivtiur(i retluiied 11 per cent, of butter hat fir Cet'iIul. M1lieu nI tin Cr111111, htltl'C1't'r, Iv o ](1 1111tler Special (l igllatioll~

Brit ilt) t:lli(tar(Is for these (ieHClliiti ilh 1)1'1t' ile viIle 1, all(} (il'alers COUl l sell as heavy

cream a crrilm ttitll htitter fat sllglitlC in escc,, t,1 18 hr cent. Nen, regulatit)ns Were ,

enacted prol'ltlltlg tll<'it l'realll (' lll(1 Dilly he `oll(1 in light ('le;llll ct)Iltalllillg 18 per cent.:

n)C(lilnl Cream, 23 ller cent.; extra hl.a.V ert,Illl, ,;h per Cl!lt., iii1 1pCCial extra heave'

cream. 4l pl r Cl'llt. of hllttl'r t,lt, rt ~tll'c di'l'ly. 1t:111(illrll r wrin,ges, pr,llllllltllln the

Itr(' t , ! cereal and artiliciai c,,I ,,r In iiiie were arl~lptt'li.

Sl~ill(I;lr(l, for 11o~11-ale,,h , tllc llt'1't'rat'> VA''rl IIl1Optt'lh )1 lllhitlll,( the il'l' Of 111 g1'l(Ilt!11>

ill eVcrage which have lit) food value, to ',vit, saccharin. Fruit jnicr-, vrhrn sill as inch. must n„t cliltaln alit a(1(1 d inurcllicnt; tail e than Swill'.

\t15' rt'!L111ati ils require all l)t'r>~t11> engage h in the hlill(hiiilg of ttt, sl itl SUhllllt to'

a phcsiell (xauhillati on at leant biter allIlT llv. .1 f~ od tlr,ll(r eiilii t nlo' citiV1 )v it ftxxl han(I'ltr 111"It lie is in 1)~)5ion of a health ccititicate ccrtiiving to the fact that lie is fret' trill communicable (hsCa~e.

ilrpcclil)ns veere made, rlsalting in l' !illenlnatit ,n Of 11,_'I4,S34 puinMfs of 11111Vhi~le- , ~ill( fools alil 14,3i`t prtoot'Ctut11~i11, 1i 11t5 ag I'C atiilg $11O,11O} 11'Cr(' Cttlleclt'(I

as a re lilt of these prvsectltion~ Graphic charts for use in the illn-(au and (lifferl'llt (lip i~ii1 t)f the Bureau have been

(It'\ ItiCd and Itre ill [IBC for nil istlrlllg the etficit, ncy t , t folid work.

Public Health L(icatiou.

An intm,ive survey of 315 paptr box factories which coniplise the entire industry in Greater New York was made.

Sped survey vvas male Of certain section; of the Ilortlugh of Richmond, to ascer- fain the ('OliC Of a wide Variatill 1 the Vit,ll '-tatiOie tiL'ur( of !learn; from ain(or ;ill its r(1lt! rl to the pol1titin of the atnit~sphcry by elnan,iti(~ns front certain iullu~irial estahlishnlcnts.

investigation \V'Its had of lighting, in factories and printing shops With special h('arlilll

(11 the in rcury vapor lamp.

I,cctln c staff gave 3.7t lectures (,'1 '1(ealth ill! Sanitatit~li to 1(14,341 Ile li le. Sill' Ii these iretures were giyen to t'oreign groups ill I ll . iaii, Ilish, Y'id(1ish, Italian, Syrian and Spanish.

.lflolicir,ll Salliloiilon, Oli.;C'illt', V. }'.

At this Illi'tltlltinll a thorough scientilie eSa1li1atie11, with rl'cnnlnlell(Iati)us, was bic(We

Icy the Chief (_-henlist of the I)epartnitnt of \Pater Supply, (i;t.s till I'Clcctricite'. 'lhere was also a complete 1"l'I?i"gaI1lZatlr)11 UI the poultry plant. Ill conditions were inlprol'('ll thr ugh the constructloll of Culverts, WI1111 concrete teph 'lil(1 walks rcpfiel'(f dalll;erltlls

11i rkteil trl1Ctliel's.

h liitllrnlity Of prgt,e(iure a i r'tlthii~ile i as to the rtccption, care and trcatmcllt of ilatn'ilts in hotel units (male and female), and also in the nicthod of reenrd keeling as to Patil'ut in the institution.

Le lltlmies and `;wings at this lllLhtlitioll were efft'eled as fnhv's:

(a) IIonic-nrovvn prorlllcts, ),000 in cxce s of 1V22. (hl ;aging of coal, $14,(KN).

(c) Non. lce(hillg cotta ntithi patent fo I(id~.

'ototrizatioii of the transportation service at the sanatarilini is planned ; also the cl)nstructir,n of a new infirmary building, 100-10d capacity.

I(' s'bch rt,(IIltpV,

Plalls and specifications have 1)1(11 prepared 111(1 a c(llllra(t has been awarded for In(I(fi.'rli refeigeratilig plain for till:s laboratory at it Ct approximating $1().(i. 1 ills

I plant, in adlliti(tn to fnrni;hing a nlucll butter reirisgeratillg service, 'ill eliminate the use of ice.

C" ll 'ral . ]dmill isUvlinn.

t he Department lecuelli the tipper (icck of the recreation \_ier at the foot of Fast 112th street A1111 trE1Ilstnilnt'f1 it into ;1 large sulat illfll, lt'Ith schnu ei)iifili, k11l'hl'il, ;i(Illlll(is- trati(lu ofiic(•;, ex•lniiitatill rtoo Ili and quarters for ('arItllker. 'phis pit r vwill accollullil- (late apprt,ximlltely 200 children, penvfddl; t!lcm with open-air clas,rwlns and recreation SpitCL'

In the l)ivisi(oii of Thcrmn;netl'N, marked inlllrlvement ill quality of mantifaeiuri' Il_as sh)vin hy plant illspecti~,lls and there was a h Over percentage of re(hnciio)his for inaccuracy ill the open niap.t,t,

The dotal receipts from transcripts, permits and laboratory i)i' hitcts amounted to 5151.42(, (f1. The total expeitditrlels for salaries, supplies, materials, equipment and repairs fir the year was 4 5,417.018.96.


The activities of the I)ct)artmsnt of Parks, liorough of :Manhattn, are summarized ill the t(il(\v iue report

IurhroV~'nl 'rrts in Physical F.Cui~l l,'nt,

New ban(1 stand oil Mall Central Park. Rcl~avill 1te'Millv Plaza, entrance to Ilrashingt(in Bridge. l/.iversillc (Irilc strike road front 141)th :,treet to) 133(' strcct, 1W'est drive of Central

Park n firth f 102d street. Rmwvc1 if iloerla from Hmkoli Park to l iv(rsi(le waterfront Opposite l ,id street. ( ilctrncti~ l of the nev'<' plaYt.rr(lun(ls in Hi,g}lhridge Park and Annunciation Park. I'l.IlItillie of trees and ohrnhs in Colonial. 1lorniugside, i1otlnt \forrfis and St.

hliulas Parks. Rcc narncti)n of the terraces in Jasper Oval Playground. Paving of cement walks in the small playgrounds. The eslalllihnlent of the \cw Pork 11i,torical \luseum in the Gracie lfansion,

Cu'1 Schnrz Park, American lt1uwufl of Natural History-, repairs and addition to c(Ittittnlcnt.

'lictrep,olitan \1io•rni of :1rt, installation of electric generating plant, heating, Iltllnlhilq an(l interior finish in new addition.

onn formula, saying $ O a vv(ek by dispensing with

I 'r ' 'I, (ii' I ) i.i !,c"s.

ii I'• 1t,;1 i'I Ili'e;lit' ail hilly 1lHk by llr'i tl) ni r.' than 20,00t) cans of pul -

111i ,1 art• l'iIIl'l 'll. _1. ;,< e iiiII"tI 111th 111'.' 111cC(iIIl!; ee1lr.

I`;Illltl \Ctlt ,1(l~ 1 l ) tell 1)lil! leteltllc( to ilic e lltrlii ut t1pllolll carriers. Thl~

• t'')I'1':11v.t', it riclif;ll (1c1v1i't11Ct' in tilt' 1111ai , Dn tit Ointrt.l,hil!g, Vlore than 111) pr'rS(itln who

1111 , 1w,11 ilit Vi!Urd l illrn111C I l llIil i(l coin t r each of III, !in iiiighlt be the source Ut .11 ( ;~i'l lIl ' III It , Ile lcr e llll l,l i.

'1 l('atll LI,' 11 111 1)lllnl(', rlr~ Iul1trct11lt;is vas ,53 per 100,000 l)f p(.~ulation, as t'F1 h Diehl 'V,%idl i!i 1 r l(o,Illiti (if II„I)Ulatli it ill tilt' preceding 1Y'ar,

1 ht tII iii 1 Ile II, ill (Ill l'itilt? I l, si,lrl(t f(i(r, Inc Isle:, nihppfr cough, tgpbi)ili x,,11- chain link fences erected in the follov~•inn p lrL 1hin~dol square Ratter y', 1 II lti; ;,III mlcnific 11 11 I ,mbined vtit:; 24 per 100,000 of (',lrl Schttrz, Wouidi, ( ri) ars Htltlk, Jt ,hn J. 'lftlrphy. it,hr. lay, Alontcfiore, horning. hi 1I'•iI l il, It l'. i l< I,,,t VI IF it 110 4 -

pe 1(1)1)O0 Of p npitIatiun. si(le, StuYve~ant, St. '\icholas, Thomas Jefferson and Tompkins.

Ctlnstrllction of vVO(lini,r pool in Y(muki11; S(luare Park. Completit)n of bulkhead construction and paving of walks on H(irlenl River

(lritvclvav, C(nlstruction of eencort ground on the Mall in Central Park. Alteration of arsenal building in Central Park for use as administrative offices for

the 1)epartment.

Dliil( ill" ri. ;u1 M,110 toy (I~ltl rllnze ills )lilac l(OaIilaI was let in the'bnsilig days of l02i. Alterations to the Aquarium, Battery Park.

I }it' I)t 1),lrtrll'nt is cIiIl iderilig the anti>ahi!Ill it charging the pati('llts in our wards Reconstruction of the play,r(tund in De1Vitt Clinton Park, Schiff parkway imprm'e- "lu or ltl)!c 't pal'. it it lilt'llt11' 11I111)'ils that p(' 50hl' 111 very Orr KI circumstances t1Clit, Illcitldllln fences and asphalt walks.

lr11 arc ?~rr,uiillr t llr litt't)i1loi' ;l,k that thcr be allowed to pay Inasmuch as the lll tak t,re IF cltlltagit~ll; (ill,('<l~c, (nly. the I)lpartment has felt that patients were ~rll Lllt h, '1 ill ill r to •~aft'Cullr~l the other re,i(1cnts of the Cite' and therefore should

I - ' 't Is ('h,;rCeil f,r their car(- c temtlnent vvhilt, ill the hospital. In the earlier days of iii I)epartnlent ul(),t iii flit' cans wrie forced in; but at the prest'rlt time the majority

p ll( lit , 1111' in v,~itlutarill and if they are al,le to pay should he permitted, in fact 'Ii ii (I he rl'llI.lire l to , (k) sit. ~orat or i's,

II ly/ i!o1G. r to l 1 1 II 1 R 1 ,ht, t cneral

~'~'czu Work T'lanned or Contciglutcd, ht t,i ;1('t 111111 1iivpt 'l lt' iInIliflt"l 1111 (It adl')tIC Illlri111,~ all(

llili 1 l tn,nt in Ihr hll Iielil ;lull lI1lllLt care ttf illy patil at the Willard Parker his- Jill irl,llli-ItMItr~l 1» till nclt 11trlical F,tarrl. The logali of the hospitals has heen 111111' • 'I l'\ 1 r 1 the Pall('llt i'1'l'r\t}lillg is (}olle and judge(' trollI this I'lc\l'n(l1llt. I III 'Illn(I a, t'' t Millen!; ill tour li j)ilal: have no ch,)ice as to the hospital that they will l tt"-, Ills (_'its ilia, ,lit lO(htft,(1 rc-lI,,ln'1,iiity tt , Illird them.

Illr IIiynOK (~f rile pilit n it ctaalrn i< phnle(i, and the contract to refit this

hill' t tint Ii immunity itill immunization ai;ain~t diphtheria of 130,000 children 11 1 I pricer fcl tr ill rcdllcinl; the (]oath rate from diphtheria 33 per cent. less than last

III'. Tilt• s1111ot'ttltiroil if the nhCnlail(' liS Injection of toxlll-antltoxin for the Schick tt",t it 'ch 'tl '11111' ll savl(1 unit, ;ln(1 trouble.

'I 'he ii ;l's pri v fln11 scram was made available for all children in institutions bid i~tr all (Xi O'iii children living, in this City. New York is the first city to do this.

The _is' of thi, srunl has Prevented any outbreak in institutions.

Tli(itnas F. Smith Park, reconstruction, fencing, walks and permanent concrete park benches.

Hu(Isnn Park, reconstruction of )layground. Construction of new playground on Hamilton place from 140th to 141st streets. Nivcrside Park, reconstruction and dev'eloilnlent of water front recreation facilities

from 7 (1 street to 120th street and extension of construction of park from 135th street north.

Rcconstructitm of plot, Broadway from 138th to 139th streets. I'vCvV drainage lines at upper end of Mall, Central Park. New entrance to Central Park at 6th avenue, including roadway and walks. Removal of dead trees from Fort Washington and Inwood Hill Parks.

Rez'enues. Privileges—

Restaurants, boating; and skating on lakes, etc. $119,964 35 Lawn tennis permits 4,099 00



]n n rr'Irim and rHpayin, permits 31 00 I),tnn; t l~irfmcnt~rl p l,crl) 1,043 05

\Il)H , I1i ::'turc ;~rrmit; 228 (0

Irtrt it 1il: wit 174 90

-';t]y i r,', mt~ ril 980 00

l icoit IY it 60 (X4

)y cr}I Jrl Berl 16 00

• plc , i ;tfliH;~k 2,075 20

'I I;il rrtennc

1 d itUrCS.

.~tllc I lilt ij' it r ,,y

N kcv ni,c k''Ilil I nn(I ,rci ttnts ri~ r,ttc Sto,o l; land acco lint,

'l A t I•uiid ,irut~ ll'~'I~II ;iCi~'Jrt,

In the New York City Children's Hospital, Ranl1lls Island, 1,623 fcchlk rr,indcd and otherwise defective children were provided for.

The 1lt1nicipal Lodging House gavc shelter to 74,239 tentporarilv huinelds f:nnitic'. The Department proviiicd for 14,287 chil(lren in non-„Iticial orphana c• anti 1,4)l

in hunks supervised lry its Bureau of Investigatloll. The Department (lispensed the annual allowance to the blind to approximatcly

9011 heneliciarics.

The Department al,o dispensed the animal all,mance to dtj)Cll(mt vrter1n, to) .tppruxiniatel) 966(1 hen(tii iaric;.

Thus, through the I)epartment, either temporarily or pernlancntly, shelter, medikal treatment or other relief was afforded to 252,0,13.

The physical e(Itlipment of the I)cparlment wa; int{,r \'d b. repair: to all it iio titutions, the aggregate c'st of vv hich was $351,542.

By a careful supervisi(,n ut the cost rat Iutrpllcs. s.:rvin,gs vvere ctfected in will costs. No new source of rev•ernue was dejcluped during the year.

T lie rcccipt and sources of reve1ltk' of the Department an siy)\wll in the io llo\V In,g table:


2,213,298 51 69,091 18

1147,435 05 352,688 94

2,440 76

Cash Ke•(,ip1J, 1923.

Sale of ref use ',t);l 1~I1 1>I:l'.1.1111:A1 U1 PARKS, Ql'h:h;AS. Children's acci,unt 192,5(rtl li

1l litals and Hunles 148,4O8 10 (IIf tJI1~;iI -J il~ -. ~~Uli/'il.iJlll;, /OS

oil i/o' 1'x'111' llla)~ be briefly fnUmerate(1 a~ follow"S: 1

rn~t r t t1,R vvrl: fit unl,r(\in -scstcrly half of Astoria Park, thus Interest 718 34

tl OvUnC 'l ,Ii the plihIir tl;,i, hithcrt tntrlcvel ,ped land as it completed park, with are utf Government patients 11 914 (M) II u 1 y~,~lk~, 1;1m) , an athletic ticld, ha;ehal1 dianlo;ds and a children's playground. l"eitmd 953 39

1'nc rnttrl ubcnhii i tht, h;~rtl alk along the ikaeh at Rockaway Park. 1(iscellane us 11Ir vvitnin, :rntl rccnNructiuu tot till, main drive through Forest Park, cunstruc-

ti Ht ;1 vvil ;rl''r,.: t10 1therly side of the road and the replacement of the old Total ~,3i7,;b' r9 ~~t~in t~ liJiHi' vi,1th ;r ptedtFf and more (ornamental one.

l lip U ri r,:"r~ . i uttit~ and huikhacls at Jacob Iii, Park, which will reclaim much l:-rrcndI ores, 1923 , Ippeoprru7inns.

Personal ~cry tee 3 911,7 )9 55 r , l tii~~ I,oarli i : ft. ~`'

I lac t rr I_'.1, 1 H to ) Magri stand;, ()ne in I orc,t Park and the other in :Astoria Park, Supplies 2,375.034 88

t t tutdl 0 i 5~' ,!H). Ly11IpmCflt ;14,(N)3 7o

1h( {ItnL'ltHn ..f .rn ant illIlatcd w((,oden comfort X,tatiott in Highland Park and Materials 172,124 01 :1i r(cri a :n it , pi;io,c .if a 1)t 1B1ft`u1 brick and stone s.ructure. Repairs 309,887 75

•l ht Iur Ii' ,il,l:trat t utlit pis plrrygratutds. '.1lisceIl,tneotts 541574 44 I H'/ ti/ Ph-,"siñil 1:quKi/rCgl o- .ldntinistratir'c shl,fltod. Donations. etc. 302,33855

.1 nUW I;rrii l ,W' >pr,r n machine capable (if throwing a solid stream over 100 - ;t vv ur hiI, rnothlmL flit: 1)rpartntent to care for the tallest trees in the Borough Total expenditures $7,r7O 18 94

urrra,ie.; file nprrnikr :Draycd. E.t-/~wrdittn- °.c, 1923, /f,'tan, Rinds. t)tti~, p1 errrkir aa; im;~r~,ved ti , afl rd immediate information for the compilation Personal service

$18,98,'; 47 (.i r(l',)rt<, etc. Supplies (fuel) 110,003 44 •u.inrIs ttriit .'~'<<' R'rutr's. J1iscellaneous 5,375 00

I lirml,lr tiic ~trictc•t cr~~n~mn it vvas lwasl c to save $17,715.35. •„rn ;r ii , r sclluiL C;rnrlv, etc at 111~hland Park, which formerly- brought $300 Total $1343(,6 91

1~~. r aunt in, v a Ii ;rt ]whirr auctr)n at S2 U5(} per annum. t r ,~<< ,.,I n ,ti 1,i~~ri,t I';urk fr sclhm); candy, etc., which formerly brought $2i?h, Plans were dkvl,i'-Pe1t d'lring the year for addlti fl to the IyiIL, ('unntv 1wintal,

V. lit ;it pt: I c :ructin hr $435 her annum. the City Home, Sea View Hospital, Cumberland Hospital, 1lrtro))ulllan llo;pital, Cit -v ('Ire r n in rccri1ut< Ovcr the previous year of $17,339.51. 1lospital, Greenpoint Hospital and Coney Island Hospital, I,or a central i wer plant at

elfare Island and for safeguarding pnfvfsions against lire in the v~ari~us institutions, 1 r.,' II -~n 1, I'lawl"d or Coutcnrplalyd, the total cost of which would be in the neighborhood of $14,(XN),t)O(l.

It t ) 1;l ~nl ~l t ,, c mtruct tluriIL 1!)24 wvalks leading from WW'oodhaven to the new ! ,r r ~'l in I l ,i t 1',rrk; t .)r,tdc ii ()U!1(1 the band stand so as to give accommodation BOARD OF STAID.AIl) A\D AI'PI I,S,

t ),uiin to 41!o l,le. 'I and shrlbs are to be planted in Astoria Park at a cost Con's Filed alid Pcndinq, 19?3. t 140A). A I irt~ , Jl~,l plavL'ruund e(Jui,ilunt has heen purchased. Tax notes have

Ir r111)nc>t~11 1( r tlt( r. ii ti of adrlitiuual baseball diamonds and tennis courts in p"al` fr~,tn adrninistratrvc o:t!crs 0lli

I I .0 k. I t i, pl,oil 0 to cnmstruct t mfort station beneath the boardwalk at Allhl1cattuns under 1 uildfng Zone k oluti()u •9))

I( h;Or;u I';rk ,uo impr vc the Lull links in Forest Park by changing the length 1 etitions for v-aration of 1 :bor Law 37

.a n I thr~C hi >. 1 ncvv hcrl is to be provided for the rolling stock of the P~tttions f~r approval of appliances and material; (,a

I) lrrttue lt. Petitions for adoption of rules 4 Rc pened and rest''rcd to calendar R5


'~'crrticS. Miscellaneous applications 223 I(rt',. ,rn~l Ilr v Ice(, ?1,027 84 __.

t;. li 11Wli l 5,145 00 1,S70 l'crmit~ t ~~ :r> .r. l 20,331) 00 Cases pending 1) cember 31, 1922 {,3; l'(I Iml, I .Jail",) 11,141 00

t nil} rflrit

829 (fl) 2,30', 1 >c~l!;ii:c u> 40 20 The above table speaks for itself as to the volume of cases heard in detail and

(1coral I and $58,413 04 tlecided hv' the Board of Appeals and the Board of Standards and Appeals.

The decistuus of the • Poard, in appeals from rigid administrative reytnrcmcnt~, have givrn reasonable relief to property owners, by pernlittiug alternative and less

1 Li ~tiil, trcr, $9,980 00 onl,rous rnc!1iod~, material, location or equipment than ~pL'r.rtTd in the strict letter of the

D,rn,r;:r t.. lt}~ l~n ,lrtv 10 00 , , 1 Buil hug ( , )le or other laws governing the constructtrn of b(otidhngs.

cu I mod ; $9,996 50 Rea"'nalv1l, variation of the Labor Law, through pctitio: s de',ided bN the 1Zuard of Standards andAppeals, has insured the highest protection of vested inters is acd

1 ', al $68,409 04 established businesses consistent with proper safeguards against tire and sufficiency of exit from factory buildings and buildings converted to factory use,

I)l 1'A}TNlF'N"I OF PARK~, 1\IC11\iO\D. During the year copies of our weekly calendar have been sent to file nevv;papery,

Ih ( 'rte of th I_) trtment f(ir 1923 i; marked k accomplishments as follows: and much publicity has thus been given to z'ning matters. By this means prurperty

1cqu it !1 ui ('loo L,rkc> Park, 191 acres with its beautiful stretch of lakes ovvners affected by requested variation of the zoning restriction are in id cognizant

ru:flnin II n; !-,i rnr''nd terrace tll Fo rest avenue a distance of one and a half miles of applications pending and the dates of hearings, the neighlx~rhi-rods tnvolv- ed arc

'I') i i bit i(nA ii tlri' l;rm1 and the );rcobOpse built In Silver Lake Park, are the fully represented at hearings, and all phases of each situation are presented to the

Ut i <<~ur ork acc,mplishcd during 1923. Others are: Board for its information.

\ ( i rt.~~n, ( l ~.~~nrrrt~ k (ity contl, the Dire Department Band, Street Cleaning Band, Beyond doubt the equitable handling of zoning arnahims hy this Board has

1'Lr~ I!t;t~rtn,c'nt I~,out an~i t li \a1m,nF biscuit nient a Band. re<ulted in adding many millions of dollars to the •tssesstd valuation of real estate;

I'r~~l~:l), itiuv rtI tree and hi oh in ' ilvcr Lake Nursery, the grovsing of plants in has stinitllated the purchase and dcvelopment of real c ta`e hecause of the conbrleiice

n}l~~ure it r tttr v;rri ~tt~ +rl;; and rarktsa}s in the I;orouYh, and for ublic grounds c'f the community in the consequent stabilization of values and the practical guarantee

( 1 ' I g p g of freedom from nun conforuitng invasirm into httsines; and residence (listrict, inhere

$3,784,955 04

Ott Irl~rari.., Irli~e s1,iu(oi; and s}tpx,ls. I)~yt1 ~',lw pit ~~f SI1vrr Lake Pails, Including roadway leading to gtel,lipf1ce from only negligible invastun exists; in short, the preservation of the mtc rrty, spirit and

L" d ... I , t intent of the Building Zone Resolution. I ( rest is 7' he building of a garage, a storehouse, carpenter The following rules were adopted by the Board of Standards and Appeals durum

1, ;riot ro'oru ti: ! vvcr plant for the general use of this Department. The acquisi- 1923: ti , I of t r r I;oH i~r piaver,,nn(l and park purposes, also a large parcel of land for a Fuel toil rules, making possible the use of proper grades of fuel oil fir domestic ):i'l cunt o, ''rl r!cvclpment anal irnlrr)venlcnt of 1V'l, ter lctgh Park, including comfort

possible p p '

t;i ,n. >t'rc~~~' in. >lult~r anti h;wd,tard combincd. A bandstand and shelter house and other use tinder adequate safeguards. .~l ~, (Sr rrc~t~d in }'~rt l ap l I;nd Park,

PhnPthinsg rules amended to permit use of smaller size pij) for certain n>es, therel,v- lessening the cost, with due regard for necessary requirements.

ll1:1':11 V '111' • ' Ul~ 1'~'13LIC WELFARE, Fire drill rules and revolving door rules, looking t,) further protection of life and

prevention of panic in lire emergencies. "I'he i )t iLtr1megt (if Public 11 el fare in 1923 added to the facilities for treating In order to lessen written correspondence between this B')ard and the various

i'n icl t \e,v l ' rk, the \cvc 1 rk pity lancer Institute fully equipped with all delpartments seeking information in regard to the pendcnc of appeals relating to various i;l~~~:rn rlid ,ltinUr\, I,ili;utccs ;mrl per,angel for complete diagnosis, surgical treatment, locations, a docket of all cases filed with the Board is published in the weeklv bulletin, I rnn ;,rr1 I 1-v I t -riv tbtral 5 of cancer. The clinic Division of the Institute stating the location of premises under appeal and the order (.r decisi 11 appealed from. I < I esttcd it N 1 24 1:;t 5'ltI trect, anti the Hospital Division at Welfare Island. The departments involved, as well as the subscribers to the bulletin, are in this way TI lull tot 1 ;he I)t, ,,,irtlint of Nl,ahII')f September 72, 1923, reporting the organiza- enabled to keep their own records of premises and matters awaiting decision, and time ti I f tire., \,, 00 1 ( its (-,tnc.'r In'tit:tte, paid : and labor are saved for all concerned.

r. I ::au I.c0in i, vcry ablo and vyh v ole heartedl assisted in his work by A complete follow-up system has been inaugurated, whereby appeals and applications 1 rr 1 ltn ). l itserald (leneral Medical Superintendent of the Department of filed with the Board and which are not prosecuted with (Inc diligence are dismissed I oldie \\ clt,rr( ; I )r. Vi tiler I1. Conley, Medical Superintendent, the Metropolitan from the calendar, after due notice to the interested persons to complete their cases H Ittl, and ()r, ()1arle< B. J;ae,n, Medical Superintendent of the City Hospital. for hearing and decision or accept the alternative of dismissal. In this way anv appeals Tllc vvho)k ,, ,rlc i, under tih direct ;upervision of Commissioner Bird S. Coler, the made for purposes of delay are checked and subterfuge to evade or delay compliance ('rr , at r ,:: rl untiring hacker (of the project. Ever since the Commissioner began his with legal requirements overcome. r rl: in t'u Ilry)artrtliunt ' I nl lic \Vclfare he was occupied with the problem how Several improvements have been planned in the filing and keeping of records and in

Ift t tt) <<it 6 the trait p1iml)er of poor of the City suffering from cancer who the manner of permitting access by the public to those records; and also hotter placing vv t,rc ,cattf reel 1lr„utshout the nunterons municipal and private h lspitals of our and greater Hexihility of the office staff (some of who ii have no desk rmI. hut great nxtr~.l~oli>, frequently n t ertuippgi(l for the work." these projects await the action of th Sulking Fund Commission in ()ranting the Board's In Brooklyn, in co-c)eratimn with the Long Island Medical College the course of repeated request for additional and adequate office space and equipment.

1 rarluate a l l nrIdcr t rnduate education was aided by the Department of Public The revenues of this office consist of moneys derived from sale of the bulletin of t1" If<<re eiillHliin(.r cour~es at the Kings County Hospital and placing at the service the Board, published every Tuesday, and from st'bscriptions thereto, which have f limier-cmaln,fte and physician students the clinical material of that institution. greatly increased in number this year. As above indicated, the functioning of this Board

I)uring the )'ear the hospitals of the Department received and treated 47,333 patients. adds many millions of dollars to the tax rolls in the five boroughs of the City, and Iii the di<pcnsaries of the I)epartment's hospitals 93,880 treatments were given. In insures the greatest possible protection to vested interests. the w)ii-r,ffici,rl ho lritals of the City, 15,853 patients were accommodated and treated at the (it)'r, ex; DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE,

In the 'ycw York City Home for the Aged and Infirm and the Farm Colony Chapter 890 of the Laws of 1923, which became effective on June 1, 1923, provided attached to Sea 1 ievv Hospital, 2,363 persons were sheltered and fed. for the establishment of the Department of Purchase, and the organization began to

[ IIL I'l):1V, JLIX 17, 11)24.


IIIIIC11nI1 ; ticII 'I1 J1111 1, 1'2. 1%Iii the 1r(rit t 1171lill1r II1 Ptlrcha>t I%;1,

,il~i, il1t((! j\ tit(' 11;Ilur

.It rlI11l II1Al\r(I II?t'lli(ltll lllc• li'it' nt 1}lt' turllll'r Iartl nl l t llrlha'c. A\1111

i,tf in th( .\lanI,III;11 1~TIT hn . ar.ol the central 'I-c>titi>;' I.allt~ralIorl at 12 \\rt11

trt(t II. th' 1T1]u1Iry ti tIll' ,Irtili:it illy the vcar 111'., it i< 11Ce>.arl tti iniill~lc

lll' ItCa'Inll, I l ll 11(I I f(j t I llikI11 to Mille 31 1111, 1t.'tl1l'r it11 th(I't I 1

l}) I(;~;utlilttit Ii I'IIuh,-t ;1• illa IIo1l/1(1 H- iu 1tuI lit to I)cctnlhrr 311t.

III lilt ;;Ittl'r lilri i , l t t(ll 1 'l'r II',t' I i , llillll~,i , oi 'r u1 \cLlllt , Vl;ii, fitVIttl toI 11;)Y

i 'I'l('1 nI lt'I':irt1llt'11I IA'.II: d 1_cVI' tai 1l'lII111L' ;A~tt'lll {11(1 I11ylhuI,. 1IlC

tli.1I 111,1 I11 III(11 1\t rt' l'lltt'll- ;illtl thl Iii t1i l)('l~;lrtillt"II

c lllt!',r III {11 .•j

\ii ll;ilIllt, II111II IIf'(lit I the 1'r;ir \a tilt' \V'nrL lll'rt1"1n (I 1, 1 till' 111>lkt'-

lflll )1A1ll I'I ll(,[yII it [1N;tIII% i , I fuiu1 I)rll(Illlt> >Illllllll'(1 t till' Illll)ilt' thal'~C~ 111

tilt' I IC'. lil~tlilllll 1 1~1i 'i n~llllll If illl'at, II>h alil Illlll"t' 1Cl'rt' I(ej('qed

111111 Iltlll'i ti~li.

i , tilt' ul n t IItIII ir(liit' tilt' IIu;tIIIy ut the mallv article, ll:lrt'h<I~c11. A\ itII

111', l'llll in A k\. ;tllry!;lf-:l I't'l1i ;ill 1111 an IItII1 dlllzl;lIIt ii tic 1, 1"t'\ Il ;11111

r1l1t nit rlHllilltc 1A:111 C(lIlII11; 1lI2I;}:f;1 lllll(Illliill ,. l t arllitll;lr AC;is L;titl

II it Il;lr W 11 tvv ('1 It1II'lli(111, ;t, Ill the Ill'Ir1n11'ntN iiifd1cr Ill(' Illrl~ -

'H Il ;i!I: t flli'l't' tll Illlli Iltr 1"t'llilll'' ;ill' Ill III('. 1litI(, rt"Ili1' (111 all 1hfI'll

\Ii IIIIIi 'l III,L(III, ,1l1cI ;111 a1ll1[l;ll Iintl;lV I'f IIIItU.v 1111tI1, ut Il1111;tI- )ail

~_iiIt l;.'i~ll ,Irl(l !ll;lintcn,ullt'. - -

\ ,'rt.11 ;.li ,'; Li, Ii t'ilrltttl a, ;t rt,tlh 1 cxrrci,in the rt;Itul i"v J1vcr; ill

L ;I Ih<A rlit' tai lilt' 1lIll( II(I;Itl1~l1 111 IlllalltItIl's 1 ;iinni1ar n1;itYrI;ll, I- (I 1hvf'rl IBC

ili ri ii Ill l ;ltlint IiN. l Ili, I1;1> lna(I(' it l.oI;irrle t Ilurcha<e in siren c[nalr1int I tll;lt

ii vi 1:113 i li l~t'I1cll IIlrl'ct trill tlli l3r-Lu'y I%rr ,(Iucermi, tli rt'I 1 1 t'll11llll;ltI11 tilt' lllllllllt'

Inv ttnlccl lr,t• Mien Ufln;re( inl , I with the U,lulItrllcr ii The ;t it) I , i Arvv'

) . llllt'rlil' a Ill illit III IV CU lll'r cl'llt. 1s (ledllltt'(I trulll all I11'IIIICe> Illi Khlch ;i -

iv 'v i hilly vlir1!iH lhirly (I;t aitt'r the IIafr[;r dclIVcry nt thr material:. "fh.c

; I'l I it tiii I , tfntflt'iv li11iU11a1 with the [finit;r", hurt thy 111111 Ila , etvlJ

rlllV rt'CrlA((: h\ thl'In ,I, it Ufl1)Af1S to }'tilcra1 I)tl,lilt';, 1)ractict' 111 till' l'111111(1'C131

Hltl. It 1 t1if ttcll !ll;It 11iI , IliIIlc~Itlry AVIII result Ill a saving t 2(III,OO11 annually,

l It l! c"L'>'i'lV 110 Ilel';Iti , III ( fr l III the 1 )l'IlarIl11t'Ilt (,f I ,tlrch;tml.

1 1I'lltIitl t'lthlollIc I ' (lI"W(Irt'icI t'r, aiid iii 1, alllnil tin Ct11tefl;Ul;I,cIl

'.I11'iy 1 ('111t 111,, I l~l- t 111111Ilir IIT , l . ' lit iiiu itnkr nay It II Ililt Ilr1(1 In beet it

I ;II111ThII~. tilt' lIIIII(Ill hi'nYl' tint till f1ro;s('1lt <turchllll,c' ut the Itc1fal'tIll11lt U1

I'nlli, \\ Italy, !(,;hell ;It \\cliarc Ll;tnll, wlicli is naachcdd via the OIced lllIr,)

11 i l. i• ,tlitri'1 1 , i ;it l ;i d tIllrui,(, III it ill~l~.

~(nrlv Il;l. Ilcr, illa(it' ;t; t• , tilt' 'Ill';i>a 'llility .,I ntinnin the rcacrt Illrttlnrl t

;1l 1 ft [Ill_ ItII'1lL'aItlnll 11;1, Ih , V1'11 that 11 tlil' (ItV' \1't'le t crt(t IIlirit'

Ill, Ha 1 1111 1)l' IIIIr(11;l>l'll 1Ii lulk at Iwr1 1116 (IifrIII-, Inn lc;tr AVllvn ad1alitil"'o 11~

ll1 vail. l i i, 11'ul(I rl'uIt in II illtii1 cllnlllc11titm an(I v[Gill(] et t'it cl,n;i(lesal)Itt

r. 'Iliv it) the Hr.rcha'c of this nI'll(-rill.

Illy n';tttr! I tilt IIllrclla,(i ;ln(I tl<t' of

v lire d t'1itt a 'Irc;ll I;{v ill c;ln I l' ilu,-IliIlli>he(I,

l;r }1 iIllIIII IIlcIIt HI the !1t 1)r;fetid I ,It the

1Iv lire lil'r •"7HfCull. IIf(11c ill all

luv1l,, the rnrr' 1v v'rar, vI ith tili. iii l in \ XI;illItIcal l+lfr(''ill \\i11 1tt' f:rua1117t'(I iItIIiII it ;hurt tInit', wIItoiC ?11l1C[1l11i it `\Ill Ile

Ilt'1 (I;rf;r IA' 1IhH'll ti lit' I(riil1Ut' tIn' roll aI1CalltautitItJI 111111' [.t 1l'ar 1 t'ni1"r the

r1U'' lnr iarlllll> itFIIClt'A. Many vt till l'Illlli11ll(lltic', jurc1ial 111' tii I)l'rliIrll1lt -1lt

Il' t;l,llll;l. II 1iIIi1I(I he llrii alle iol(1 rc('II, )1111ial lv I)lact ml(;r; fur 11C11 11'111'

: r cI '.It'rl nAt I' '\it'fillI'(l jlt'ri, l(l,. 'iii\ tII do tllIs at the time when laic 1 )It'IIll"» c ill -

rll lgyt ill l iium. In 1hi' vval", .lrll";lot:mc

all 11(' taken (If a lII,.i m'u-ket ;Intl thT.

IiIlitI!dI1vm: in I(~- it c allclidant nn the i)ir;eWt thr1C-n1Mnth e1)litril(t 1lilrdh;i;c" )v'Jlj(lr(I"

Vanr lIu t N1anl ;l'" bt'in cenilnct((1 Il,w'ir(1 file (ht11 that 1III, III !iHnee iii till;

)l1nit111 nlay v t'ytc11(lt'(1 rhlrinu tln vr,Ir 1)24.

at •it CI~II III llt'(l, Ulu (Ilrt'kt rc'It'Illlt', :ir(' 111'li(liIccI, Tin ' I)1);Irtlileilt 1 a

irirc trttiIm SIT III[ ;i I11n vv flail ft~i- ai- ll; it Iii[ aiilui to the v'aritl< (lt'ltilltnlc Its,

.Ii('" ill till' 1'"171 ail CnillI ftti nr ill,Cll Ival'}a't Ir(lerI, t}l(' said (IC'l)arllll,IIts, ill tI1ri1,

ill t' ;t,', tIt1IIu ni rll'CtlIiu tilt' I Ilt iltalllell.

t l;{1 l\l~ 11I11L'rt [III" till A ear allt'liiiit to X211 / (2 .~?.

• ii • Ir 1;Il ;t'll lira lit Illo.11('I, 1tl\Ill1t'll lit Itlrlhllltu tl', 1t(Illlrll1(l1ts ui the Ill li;il'1

IlliL, rI1111n11 r('lt'll(II fir HLll)!, Il,H, Itl;ltcrl;lb Ill t'(fll:1I1Xiit VA'a l4212 1.

lit).ARl) OI, :A lliLI-:1\(E SIl \ Il l'l.

n 1)2,i 1lrcru vr err ;i1(IT ll III Illy >t r ice three fit Ilistrict; which art' clU vrt'(l by

t"t' allllll;il,i f 1111' told,)vvin., Ill)lIal : I;rut)ICISIthe and Fast \cvc V(,rk Ilusl~ital

t h l;avl;l} l)Ilik.I,:I) ;Ind Flil,t ')11th 'gyct. Ilrklyn; tilt, LHitc(1 1a,cl /i, n li gild;ll

t a4'''1 ,tntt ;In(I IIitll itv•rnut', IlIl lt'n, anti Illy levvi ll NIcnlnriItl HIS ,Vital at I)vci:-

I tr, t-(t ;lilt) kit rt~;ill, Man}iattan. ICl' 1r1is'.1l1;i1, Cl', l'rlll ;'t rllrr;l' and 1jt1,C c;ctic.t1, r1'hil(1n1ti11C1l it, service t'arlt

I1 till' It':r. ILK tvtitt- V' VAati ,I IU;Rf'(1 unit f 42d trl't't lll't15"Cl'll the Ntrrlll 1 111'r

Intl .i i altllac ;II it 1,'11t11('rll tvtrt'mity, all Ilctvvell tll and 3(I avcnucs at the

rtll(rll 1,;lr1, It:HIfl1[[ Mrtitral I iT'k ll111 II h6tif street.

1 II izt'. Iha}':' atiil Iill',bf1 I,f this tB,1rl(t Wrac[f, it IkffIcIft tll rcallllurti(,II, fur all

I i Ill nt'iullri'l_ ii i it;l1, a!I-, i tiv hail I;iruc di,trictI ti clIvcr. .A trntatile (fivI'IVII

;1; r1llIrlC Iwh\l'o'll lil'llt'1'lll' .111(1 IVl't'l'1)(Ilill Ill)ltal;, \Vltic}l, 11'I1ell 1(11111(1 atl~tal'tl~rt', 1C;1~

l:li;t' I('tl)l;itt( lit al tar ;l Ivy Till t'll;lllC', l~u p)tll'If l lu~llltlil aciclht tVCn ;Iil1l)tllaill't ti

I it , 1Itti;Itllt'nl ill[I m;tk i lI l)l;ill, lnr All a1111uilaIlcc 'tall( it at tll trtt.

1 I Itiat irll1 I - t ill( , litIII'lilt!I 11t111 11R' direct tt'll'llhlillt- cllllllectl(,11 with (inhcc

Ill utiter, .,r it II 11c;t 'hich l'linlinate, the (Islav;; that III I1Y(R1Y

H tit 111 lilt I,111 ~I'C [rlllll'lit' IT'I Alit', Altb 'imh ill 'i AI IrCI art' 12X1u"lH11C tr tlll'; I• t it i Ill <inl lu;iiiiIid11. tu) .L(rlritiImill ltusi itals were I IIf11 ll tl, 111ItaI tli in

11 1'. 111;!11', (1 1 lil!111;Ut., VlioI"t' l(~'I'tll 1 rvat, At'lllc111ar trallL (1111 It F;l1l'

I ].lit t K.,C t ;tllllti;liI I ..' il11111 Ill till' (ti ' Ill li!IaIl. 1111



C11~~~IrI ?rllt' i , l OIll't'tl'lnlrli ll1'I(l',t' lIllIrl' the I\t'ctlltl(.11 1lllllal ;tilllltil;lllcc's itrl'

;tti' n Ii \t tilt' ITtItcc,t 1.1 till i,arrl the Illblrtnnttt of Plant and trnctttre; ]Na('(11

1y1 ;i t;rill ttl~l 1 1 thi. ritl (' r(';ulil',g, ".Anlhttlaiicc, 11tist I,t' l;ilen Riailt Ilt \\ilv...

1.1~ I iii lll - (t ;ltI tI . f tLc }lict I )vllartnlcut, h;is i, rratly' exllr(litrll the ;er-

1 Ht' t, ati l ir'l 1 tilt ht „llit;ll , Itic;ltt'll tl \dfairc Iland. tiimilar a hit i1I ltccil

1 k ii ;It .till i1y( t~Il lv„ini ,.

I l l' i• ,111 1, ;ir'liii t„ the viitr;IIIc Ali 1lie Jrlv'isll AIinlIrial II "ITifill at I)Ickit,n

' r'' Ind iivt'r r,lici \[;Inliilt1Im, anti Illy I~r(,vIii,Ville and last \ell' 1(.rk IIIIppitaI at

I ; 1v;iv 1:1rlku;ly lulu I'_;i.t cluII trret, llr'kl\lt, vMere Ilally in n('('(1 Iii rrl)air. Our

~' l,It' tip Ili[ I~'I' - I(lllit 1 viii 1 ili('V' IIDrl1I1 ii tllr fillllrt~At'tIICilt Met \V'[tll I)rhlllll

1r, ITi 1, 1Y till111 Ill l:i~lt'1' lr;lA- l'l111t; fir the IIIII)itI;NICl'; atirl 4.(riila'r cl)I Ifi~rt ;lil(1

.ttc'\ .'. r t'Il' I).tint ,.

II t' 1lit 1 ;1 lall][ 1.i1;11i i • lttll)Ill('llt (II It \Vi1, Kilt c Hlltilillts \Vatvh is }Cent

. I. ti it yt „iii li ;itAl,, the anNJulIil1(t•, garal;e;. et.. Aml,tllaitce hav(' well kept in

sl ' Ir ,In(I n(,1 ;InlhtIIifI t'; vIcrr 1lrnrcllaiI I)y <cvt'ral of the hl)a)itals to vcl)hct

ti., , 1 n I II Ict 'It III <CI- \ I1 (',

I IIII11 Yell( in1;f1 ;(IIl1'[lnvill ui tilt' varibif, Chati u' 111 the rl Ill' ill(' ltii iii

I'll Iitr(1 tr tllc vt'ar vI'a: Ir;triIaltrtl at a total cxl~en(liture Ill _1lt),ilO(1, thin

r'it itil tilt Iv in,, I t :iii ll1 tlll;(H} in the lbi 1t illlo) wancv (lI l) (I}.

ll ;111 Ills; t"\l1tl1ll1tllrc; ill , l I'll lit its \1(Irk nt A1lrer\1?111,[ and Illrt'ctillt, the 111)

;II11'.-.Il;l11t't'' 'ti;tulta1Iu(I liv the 41 vitll'rgy(ellcA ile,frhls (if tits ( 111', till' b. ,;rr(i lAa, Ill—t

l' vii it'll ;In(I vIIsai it )tiiilcit(1 drat tllr;e hllsTit;il; re;ll'fmlYIl to c;IlI; in

1"'t I 1 lo- cril'r III 3i i t Ilav' TIr l; ;In huttr, it will be s('cn that tllc al:t is actually 1 1111.

Ill' :1rm unilnr viiidi phi: uti'at d;vf1e

iI rr: ( t ni/I'd as the l)c>t in tll1, v ( rid.

111'\1( - 11.11, ('IV11. l.l~A- It'I CO\1JIISSION.

Fl it1 iii!' 1'1t'\CI dlit IIf IcttrIlr vi;f8tI till' \1tl111C11'al t 11'11 Service Conlniissi(Ili s mn't

rin°( a(lvani.' in 11)23 vI,a: the charlt,e in Illethcd if iiivcstigatitig cannlicfatc; fl,r ;II ll, , ltlicilt. 1l' ki'l'n ;furl',>t (~1 the cV"er-111cru,til11g denlall(s of this ifatllrf;,

It can ,c l'1 i1; ina(1 Iuate ilrr(-(, (11 ITive,tigatllr the ce1111lii5,iY1l devised a special f,)rm,

kl Irevn as ":lllllliral1,IT flor :Aplltliutml'nt „ to Ile sent to a candidate, after he shall havr

115<('d -.hc r>;amina!loll, (firevt frl~tit the office Of the Secretarv. This fl1rm, in additinu

tot all tit (luestiun; c(mtained in the nrigiiiai application and to Ile passed ullori h,; tit('

hrfrcilH of lnvc;li}~;itilm, requires the tlersui to reaffirm, tinder oath, the truth of

lr.IrlltI sta(l'rnlernt;. ttc'her vKith canfli(late's index etunher, percentage on the e1iil)le

li>t anti the Hanl( ; IIf four rel)Itill)1e citizens of his neiglborhood, other than relatives,

1 IIEI I'i;11 ll' Tl11Ill1l( Ill 11clill-(. the C n1t11ll1"hWt1 tit ttstdl 11,, the character it aI ) l1h('aIit

\\ her', I(tillIlt(I II Ihy l'\('dillAc Vftll- c Ilk ' \Irllllc;itlllll jr .AI)})nl11tillt1tl is ('nllsidi, rl'~l

I'.~I ' ii>t'll iii ii liC ;}It' (IoffIIllI~'l ill ItI('11, thy 1(itc It tin ultlllIwrs tll iivalIty llr

IIIII alI I V II, 111" IT(li, 11 uIi tilt ' ;I111)1li,tll tl. It I, tht'tl l(;UY (I ufl Ili the (l'r1I1[cltitJII

Har: I tv1t1l3lit Iif'Lis ;nlnl. it actitn u;II f;lv,Iral,le, artil1cd illr allJluintnlrrit vIhcu Ctll'I'llll 1, 111;1(11. kt'1('ctl'll i;ll1Jll;ltt'; ;Ire Ilt ,tlll'd tit lilsls itlt,tl taken aIi'I the

rCaI, !I Ill('relr, (ilk iIiii ct,fo 51cc lllll, ltlr rat111111 l)rn>I)l'llll't't'all(lldatt," Illicit

ell!( t' Iv'at iriu 1c ills' l'',llict', i tht. l'illlr"ltl. 1llI , IiiPtbfId iii (Ilrect,churl, r('(llllltl

I it iIial11111lln ill( '-ilrir, liki illll t'\Icr,Ir 111\Ii\I(1, h;t: fulfilled ii plIrI sr tar hc\tllid

It 1 ci il11\1I1: 1~. lH1ll', 111 I'l;I„illr that ;11 tii( 1't'llllt'>t ut I~ullil' L~I11111U>1QIlt'r

1'!1'llt ill l IIInl'~ ;ll (Iill11111It it If,, t111 1,11\ Ill'Ll'II to cii-41lv1';t(I ill IIas111L 1111011

;llt t'\;rtiilti;illsiii v'l- f tl, IHi iii! ;tr, ut tilt' t11llIuuilllt'(1 it'rvc V111 attend till' D1'tcctj\e (li(c . l)c''ctich 1,, jncil;l'v fill. IoI1ieHcv (it this v]till ;irnl It till vwi-1te the c~)iirse,

t"IIIv ;I I rI- :'l III "\t1 [I;i1> 111lI1If1l', (VIII\ Ill'trltltt , it, IYIifr('I, l'Ic., > I\Y'll ll\' lalikII, 11I'lI cI, (I till ' I11 I rtIII 'II1 P111;I1 oIillen t'xallunatlulls arc 0IIllucit'II at f. 11u Illall , lit;irtYi till thy lill,VA('I'I Lill II arc ratlil I11' I'-Aallllticr> (It till llllllllll.

Ili rtlrtl nl tAiti1111;itl((il; 111r 11)23 tlrpassys that If the 11rTvilus )'ear. there 111'1". II' li 'itl~t' I '.itII iHlli(IIt1V-c t'Xalllltlttlnll> -1, ;1!~alll~t III( 111 11)22. h's1I I I I `, ill , iti, II IlllllllI(IIII 1,14, -I Ili(' III hic11 AI't'ry ui ltilil'lljl lIIjtrtallsl, A1llll11.t liv't' lull t' (;tild. I liv 1r, Pwraalt Of Child IlIhHv; Police cV)rain; Medical

ttlln rIltcIllvlIl : (lit1111,t I pl'rintcluivlit 111 lnfunlllrSUli( rt;]iii, Flit' 1)lI artnlent i111it , r .A' I! iit t I111ifl;I'.Iotl tt1l]iI'('1; :Aelst;lilt stti ( l. l1l1tl'llllt'llt If sit'cet 1Calllltg'; hill Illlt:t~.r i f.i 111 anll (11('r; i)ululv ('lii(I I'rl~ll,allfI tlfMcI[r,

iii [(;Trill'" i.1Ill11 If;iu1 ;lull (., IIIIl'rtlll dark alld ll>cll'» st ra ( [[Ills lilt , I uIll' ,I'c I._ht, Itir1 rt (gill 111;" (\11111 fillII1 it 11111'l)II (S IIf(- (1'1111111»1,111 Iitadi' it IIO illll' lu Shl]Hu' ill 111A 111 , 1( vallll:d lti, ;it , lilt' time \V"ithiti its [(Oil (illartcr. ;roll thus :a[

ilili ll Iii ilic ',IHdc Itil lI liltllert~I i],('"; - v. 1111 lcvt ,lI! ;II't' an(1 il(Illitv'n;il tiliil, (,(luilnlent al l;ll"c f(lilt a(I(Ietl tl. the llureatt l ti jrk, \\'II,!'r ti l' ;il \Ill;lit fl, ;Intl (Sallllllatlllll h;ijc'r. it Carltlldat('s are kdit (,II

iv ;ultl m;l(It 1 1111 I(ll,.illl(,

t IIli-I lcr,l ,Ir ,lI111I, ill III ill 1 Only lull lal , or \has rcstlltell frill it yiiivrilf uvr- llltlll' ,f IIx, llliltllliclIllil(' rifr]tcfl vinItx iii luc liV' the U Illillls~ll)il. in lilcIt all\idle( h1'1II III ~tIhtfgc iiv.tlnsl, It I Inll1, 1liltlit the gI\1'lil ituals III the scr\lIe ilii Illy l'lcl'- 11(lltllll Ill 'llll 1 r IIrihItl iIUl1 It 11ati luJlllil 11CCtr_A" tl) rt'V'Ine Ilr;ictic;iIly ;ill the mate vial cnlin till(ll r tilt' ucil ral ilhIll Ili Itati, lncry >ulll,lics, -['hr luh ;t ,llL id CI ,litillllttl' i" 1111.( syll I.1 II1e l'crt'tllrl' ;Intl the chit'[; IIf Iiureau , Ihli was (IIIC Ill ;I IlrliCt'S r'i1Illill;tt!ull >lilllllllic;Itlntl and st;lll(larlii2atloll.

the I.nnlI,I II Iris 11:111 ilIllct lun,i(lcrifti(in It)r ;pnlr time till ' fcasibililt of I llll+rllla IIl llill Cl 11 sl'I11(t' l(n'itlllll; to liar' a 1111111111,1 >u111 when tal~lll~`

lit It it1 l)Nc'ltif II ;uff1 [}hiU. (lr'll) It) (refsv the act ual (Xlll1ll of enil(Iuoing exatliill;l- tiln. lh1i lull, ui ltl)llit'atv us ;1(1 l ill i cavil vcar that are not hied and it l;1iMv 1111ti1i l'r 1 a1)i1lc;tllij ;I11 to ;ill1slIr tItr lXitli1I11at1vits II hell IIuI1t1l'(1. I111s ltI1(11'l'~ au (n, Irmo~iis vIiistc it iiiv nil, lair atnd tinlr. It is DdicvTcl that a small Ill', ~a1 2i l'ilt'. 111r an ;Illlll1C;IIII II I11;111k ;roll It tl;it fcc It l fir ca1Uli(IliIcs ill ('I)rn cI illllctIti\c

\\rItI (Il l'Va1IIIllatII'11>, :ill([ Ii ' 1lrilclitill tl''t, caiiiii l Ir It'l'litikal 'kill, Nilhtl[i tend III

li:iarac (IH1II~tfill ;Itlll Iink c;trnIIi(i;lte, it t takii an airfIl1 "chance." It i~ I)clIyyrd tllat ,11'.11 ;t [)Item IN,l'1(1 tl'nll to create at lilt. tNvv,hl,l( a higl(r rr1pcct fur 11111 sl'r1I:C Ill;lli it it , Ill lit)I0>, alI;ir('lltl\, alit ll thu;l' 11'llllllt, to : trifle 1\It}l iliVf liglittle tilt nit;Li'. I~rvillc(I Till 1b,lrthy a11I)1icallt:.

.Al 11'I'dltincllt liI thy I(1"V1Cl' It I he t ItV III Nc 'Irk I], IH' e;fir1l'1 1bitlf It Iii'tlral?l' ,IIIII yl'I1II I11 1_('livIlt,, 'ill Ivy Ili ;illV' utliyr kilo\V11 '\ ,trill ill either uli 11C or llrl\atl' vlllil). I }llK Irt,ti;ctiAe fultlire 1, Il,lt Mill kill II Illlr ;I1111mCCI;1t('l1 115 1111"(' \fill slVlI

•ti Ititt'r thy >l'I'1"It'l. Ill fl';I~ntl lot tlllti I'l'~11111ar1' nilliatlIl asillllll'd by the (ItS' tl)\Iarll

it (ill'yluAlls till \1t1111C111;11 l 1111111Il1 I, liiarlI 1V'1111 1d'1Y ;111(1 a(ldltlullal rl'slulll-

>I 11nct1;; lit Hl t' It tall Cyrlll\ too 'tit alIltiiatIts [ply's and yll!ljljll hr ll l;11'l'Il I)UIti lt,

I)I':I':AI i \Il':A7 OI (()Iy1y1':(l

•( I;f/.(iil ' 1t( ~1 I(C11't`((1lllllI.i oJ fill' 1i -. 1 I'\\ ,c,ttU] i cl„t arct , ulltiiIu ;Intl 'tore c''iltrut vv;t iii taliul at the Alanni,lct1l inu

llidii,irv, I last, Wand. 'I lirt umll ill's s tem the 1)vllarUnent trill he enai)1c(1 to increase

till' llri!(lllctll'I) It lirtIcil.'i 11Ct'(lell 111 the varlutls L.ltl (lepllrttnt'llts.

It alit (llvrtllv lvl1 u it that ill', I )clarhntvilt tnauntains tllc large,t (lrtt atlllic till hl)ital in the vtitlrlH at kil:('rs IIlantl. Une tit(lu>alld fiv'v hIInnrttl and tIlirl1. t)rcr. vIt'rc trIliIt I tluiliIt,, 1'I2i, iln(1 nuut a sini;Iv dearth has (Icciirrcrl I lit ii the inmate 1)atiluti (lti 1 their havill,g heen taken ft the cure.

\lHre IIItiI- III} I >(rl'Itu.II ;Ill(! Irciitlll(,IIt tit the ft'fll;lle 1)I"lsulll'r I1(tl'rlll trill l;ll'lil; I;I'Ll' 111> un til it I, urrvdtl(Ill Iiusl)ltal; alSI tit' rl' ahuil as 1I1 dir. \ ;i r(tllt Ill sCllltltil dI;lttic;lfjll, if Ui till'iI s st'utl(Nl lit the (lt1' I) rltinrl, c)Ll('('lli, has DtIl v tai)il'1,lc(I to 0111(11 ivy ha11 traIl,1rrretl the I'(,fitl]ftll avid lcs h,r01fled gtf('u(lers, ;Intl eIil1fp l\ nlcilt i\ ('11 to them.

t he .Avt ii; Medical I )ircctt , r rellt,rts th,it the Ili rtaitlV ant((:tg tilt' aI)nlen inmates lli 1('tlI it t;llllV r((1licdil. The (lcatllc 'lttrrIll the \\Olilell Itilll;ltt's If uttr lll'tltlltlnlli 111 1)14 vICrr 17. '1 "lit' tlr;lths t,,r 11 )2,i vvere .3 nutsvith>tan(ling the class (If patient;, stied a< tlru", a(lllict<, tuhercul;lr, ieniic, tll 1st with fill and cllmnlutlicaiile diseases, and the

t;ict tl',;II nl;ull (1 lhctii vrune IIver 'Ixtl”-hv'e years ut age. [n 11)2,i their \l Ire received 1,11 v1IInitll \\I ,rkhutlse pri,1tu;rs, Oi vv'ImetI h-Ili-

ttnti,(ry tlriii. making ;t I till if 1,5O1),

I hit If ;t i'rtad 1yiiu ly t;rri,u, (It '),715 for P23 thr(nit;h(nrt the entire ieiiartnuitt, llll'1-l' o rI' [mill fur IU;aths. 111 ;111(lltllill, tlllrtl'-s(V'ell 1IIajIr ul)eratlllils \\l'rc per-

irnlcl \lltivill It ,Ingle UitilIitv. all patient; leaving the Ill~spital in Netter phvsi'-al I. Il Iiti it.

Ii, I )1'lktrtiiil'nt 1iUlilltliill, till' ]rngc't Clinic for vets rual (list:i s in the (iti

111 1l2,, eight lltni(irvl ailll huh r tvII vvIlmcll were >uccc;>iully heated I~(r such illea'i , lit lIullIlrell ;i1i I fith ('iht Paid", IvI)hiIitic.

Er;ill/. lid thr Iilly"itv it ;i I)sy~illi;ltric clinic, till tatc Iil~ar(I if yil;ivIri1 ril;l(le, at all. I cl1if(-,t, ; ttry iv (if the ltivital ,t;titi f it hiv'cn ct iI,(dlltirc ti unml it of the jvIniati<,

;ulll Ill',rc vv;1; l'zt;11)1i'11c(I in tilt I)l'1t;Irtnicnt [Miring 1')2i it ICr 111 if Isvgchiatri;l, ;ulll 1 ) i II~II~lIlIIt, ;tub very valit;ll)it' (lata vvas secured.

I llt' lr;Ill>It'1 ill all \V lill'll llllII llClI truth (It1' Prl~lotl, Alallllattall Itht' lotllhi), I , I

l'(i~llll I)1 t1"Pit }rl'll I fyrr1'ieill Al;lrl<('t), Ills; [lilp -1I\l'(i tilt' CIIII(11ti, iils I11rrn11i1t1Ii18

till, (I(tcntiert ;Intl 1 rc'Lg.tipu it all vvI mcji dyt;iIiieR avI"aitin, trial. \tvvitii t;in(1iiiu tilt, ul',l)rcic(Icrlttil dnnl, ht, 111(. (Iuantit) an(I Ifualitr Ilf pro,lucc

I ti<rll Ian tic filartIllctlt;ll lanith i;lr 1xadr11 any fmiiicr rev nil. The Silvet .Inhil(c vzf1trlit it the laanIest I' vrecb.onaI (i-Iiartnnt'nt in the IvM)rill

11\\ ( (l the lir'hlv pf1n,1'' I i InhlintyI(I 11vis1rn life. In gral)lilc Pl,hit i anti hi 'Ilu,lr;ltivr C'illlIx1ni cIII, thy l'\Iln,lti , ill rt'e,u;iI tin ';i tl~iii,hiIig fpnlfgress that uas ni;ide 111 tit' pt'llal

III'oltiill(IiI 0 (mrt';ltl'1, ~t'\V \ rl(, l'11)t - CI;U1I (ItIvpII, the I)ricIeNt a Ilillllll,trati ll. ilk

lititi' t.'VIllhlt V111 tilt' tiro (ltict IIf Iilitittc l;ihi)I-, miller cirtlltll'tliit litItrltctIlrs, at ;I Iilffpri

1 U5(lh1llii' it (biiar.

Tllc l4ti1 :Annu;tl l' ttll'rt'nit' it ('ll;lritic; tm(1 Ltlrrectilcn vI;i [veld at (rrl'ctl (ii I1 1iitil, A\elfIIrt, I>l;nitl, I)ct ,,h(r 4, 1)23. .AUcmhiud Mere (IVir ;r\ell hundred leading rellre tIitltiv'c, ill the st(l1;tr ;Intl })en;ll itctiv'itic; 1111"mf1 Iii lit the Y, iuritrv. ;1 nevI' I1ih)eltlN 1\~t , Li11'Cll 111111Ill 011t;Ire 11111"l:, allll the Ilr('It1 (it the I}('[Jartliil1it was greatly

/l)li'1tllft1It.i 1N J~/l1'(lt'11i tl:tJltt itlI'N} (Ul(1 .1(/111?111' tTlt/l' ,lli'tjtr111.

:\ c ilo1;t1; 1C1' 11 tl,(,. c;tlad!tY iIt( tilll11,;ill(1 Ills, was ('l)iltrtlete(I at the \e14 lurk

Lit v Ncfl'rtnato~rv, Aill IlamrrtlIn, ln' inmate lainr, replacing ;in (old .11I dea pain.

lily entire entire electrical tltict >I'trrn 1' I11iyet11 g Ilk 1lirni,ncn1 institutil ial M1ilIr1t g; at \cvI" I1anl1ltgll F;Irni vv;u cytnt)lctt'il. "Ili' vVa; (Ilk hY Inmate I;Iht,r, saving till ~'it% a C lIjllrrahle ,Ills I 1 nntlncl".

l':i , nlllllit',c or , fu:'irHr,c.

I tI 11 IIu;iI11itic' (II lilt-ill pro V\ere Ilietrih ite(1 gratis ti l the l)eparfnlents It

Health, !iii>iic A\elute ;111(1 Flellev'uc and \llied 11wpital,.

11111titC lahiir, tl11t1t'r C 11111t.'tetlt 'ltllcr1'I>lilll, flits lieuil utilized in all clllslrltetlt ,rl,

;Ilterati its, inlprllV'enlcllt~, and nlailltt'llance murk at the intitittltinits, restilting in large


to the c ity. :'\; ;l'1 iflistratiliii. the I)'llartrnlent of I'uhlic Welfare Ila, c''nceticll

that tie 1rk llrri rmltl I))" inns;rte lair ill 1) 23 has B;fvt 1 the t;fxpa}er; $13cI,(N)11.

.Yi)tll"ct',' if or JltIi'(ISt' ill J1t`p't'JIl11'.

Since the ri'tilhli'htncrit t,f the Special Fund of the 1lantlfacttlring Iidustiv in 1)14 there hits been hilt ( ,lie return made by the 1lantifacturing Industry' to the General Ftit it Iif the ('it). The sale, if the Manufacturing Industry for the year 1)23 vere. fl43,O52.(I8, The profits accruing from the sales amounted to $34287.09.

C al i; al<(, untlrr c, )iI i(lcrati , lIi. It is brit bill\ in the I'iiyY; Raiff, k11

\;iritnl< r)MIrt;r I)lallt~, mu 1 the Tile

Old III[vVvr 1)lart ll(Itild lie (tunic

iI cun(lnctc(l, inau uratcd Ilv this hI:artI



the inii1din ,1 hi> h prrurr .tatit~ll vthick it nt apprxinl,Uclt' t ).O(H). III a(llitinn to the high prr»ure main: an in(l,pcin1unl tt'm i to hr in t,illetI tit attt~rl vvattr Illr (1,m(sIIC aril husincr; nu, in;nlvil. an cxphIl litnre of tiIW,110tl. 'I Ile I)upttrt- tuait c'tlnl,ttt< that the cxtL'n>itn Ilt the tlistrlhutItIl main, in >ttect; under dt,vel(Ppmunt h ill Crr,ltc the neicty tur ezpl'n(lin ti.i,l)litl,()(ll) Burin 1(t24, to perinit ui the Ili:trlhu- tiun (Ii tltlt('r nl,linlr t~r lit Llurllin :1n r(lu,tl nnt Kill he czpcn(lc(1 hi l." u trunk ttt,tinN ninny uI winch are I1 \V tm(Icr cull,tructiull, ,t) that the total aulount itW vtatlr 1ai111 11 trnl'llull 1Cnrk an(I 111111r(PCl'111CI11i 111 lhC :Lit I)llti(l1 \ telll 10111 hu .(itNtlklt). I h1, ttlll ctju;ll tttu un(I (lilt'-II;IIL tins,s tll° ;Im()unt ut nitonev cxpelldc(I fI-r 'huilar t(~trl,

(luring i)2, Actt punlpi clluipmull is al", to he 111,1 lllr(l ill several of Ihr ,t;tlhll; in lirin kh111, 1Viiuit, 1"CaIl (t liTI, I 1'(';Iri ill scr';Ict' ill(! CI Ii>tallt l rIllll, Illy t'Illll TiltTit 1, nt,tt ill ncc(I of rrpiact'mrnt. the c"tinlatl(I csprn;c till Ile ,dint ti;lll101)O

It I 1)],I11tn (I to pm1I"i(IO a Illltlllu..'r t!I ,I)u('1al 'I"li;11 1~11111)> at point, \Vla rl' ti tttic (ht1HHls rl'Ija irC 111nrt' Illlt'llvt' 1i ht i . It 1s ill>tt pl;lI1lll'11 ttl 1instahiM,lv iI hlillp~ tllrtll~'lli~lll the cntirc L itt tthere thcrr are ahrupt ('nillIll, tt( nlany '1Trc1; ;Intl ;tunic;. I i,l,hli ht aad ('tinr ,inal (lcviccs are In h(' pr vidrd ;ti they (l;n r paint. "Ilk' I)ui ltrild'ilt t( ill Ile readv TO proi ttith the li'htin Of lilt ( 'r f;,n l) 4ilt'vaid. i tiii ic;t flay, cn•IIettlil \\ lM iili \('11, ( n('('ll, \\ iii till' RitCkn a1' 1( litl]11Il;l, ,1 il ;i 11 k Flplll liar traltic.

Ihr 'r r rl rl tn•,".c.

'l'hr uXpcu(hitures (lf 102, uruc(Ial 1ha'L' lit th( prr\i,'tl; vt~;ir iv 1.1;.2I,2.02. Ill ruIatl'' (11111" to liud t 111n1k ;lull (I it CItI (111 t'Sl)l'lltllttlre', i n 1;111' ptlhhlC

111prV'l'IU flt. Thu lllcrl'aI,('(I Ptid"' l t'Sp1lIl1tllrt'i 11('rc (lilt' 1h;l1li1v ttf lilt' 1lI'ct'It1 hr 111trrC Cul?al;illt upt'r;ltlull O1 [tllr Iltlllllllll 11111(11 1111()11i'(I a 1111'~t' C )lNlllllptlll l c(r,ll, ii and tither lul,rica.nt; rin(1 ;1 il~rrc,ll~n(lin iucrea~(' in OIlr lVi ('ltr(hlle. "1'Ile Department had al' 'um(ll tin lr,ltir :tTnI mLIlIlIu l,tncr pit Ih(' tv,tt(r tun irntcrlt

l\ll'll 111' tli (i1iuTl1 \\;ltt'f WlllllilV (u!P1111 . 111 ;Illillhll, ;i 1rlil'C llll>tl' Cl1llp;lli1 tl':K llllllllr;itl'd 111 lirtritl:llil, Ilcl llllWO Ills' uh1I)I( Iiiurit tit ;I gar! l' 111~p1'ihi~ilal grt'C an(1 cicric_il staff. l~ ttrthcr, tit( rr tti;l: tt !,t 11('r;tl t'i'c in Illy cna upplic; ilta1ut' 1l; and c~~mnuitlitil< tISC(I in the maintenance H•i ti ,' I)up.arnnuill.

Ili Ilr,t >tae of this Ktlrk, tilt' (ll'\('luupllk'lit ut the luptlti 1t'atl'1",hl(I, \5'K Cnill lllctc(1 in 1011, till; re>tlltin!, in the deliver) tlf Cat hill tc;ltcr to the Citt at the talc

l dint t$) illllhnll llllnll (l;t11C Cumn1tinll1ntlsly from that tulle.

Orrts(andrnm,r .!c r(irrlplisJlinu.n1s o tilt'

I l~ It'(rr.

~l he Il,Ir(1'; Ctiti+itie; Iluriii 1't23 totrc (bktuLl 111tliII1t• Ii) tut' c~1ntinuatitln of \\irk 1lIlf1CI" 1Ca1 to Ill(' t'll(1 Of 1 1)22, CUl11prl>111;, the (lc ,,eluptllellt lit the l'h(harll' watcrshe(1, the securi(l stage it the Cat,kill system ; by the cnn:tructinn of the Ghhua (lam ,lcro;s the SchnharIe Creek at a paint allntlt 120 mile; fr~lnl the New York (itt' Flail, tog turn) the Scllu,hau"ie rlcrvgir of 21) hi11irn1 gailnuils Caliaqu; also the 18.l-mills Shandakcii tunnel--the lrnl e:t tunnel in the u(~rld thrnuh which water front the gicknharIC n(,Ivuir v%ill llc C,'I C(I to the I'anpus (reek ft ,tTirac in the :kilnkai 1'l'tl"1ilir. tlrk was al"n cu111t111111'll ill the Iilstallatlt~il ill tin llvil llll(hitt)IG11 mupe~ at each ul the fnllrtern >tCul imUIu sII)i ll t)i tilt' (atIk111 at liltillict III nr(ICr !ul pruCi(k the frill ialiaclt got upttar(k Ali :OO il111uln #;allll, daily ft,r winch the ;a inuuiluct Ni

letleil, and I)I1 ~111(he~ <til(1 lllVltl litlu)I fur It1'1t' >unrlt's (if ~tlllply 111111 if I11CIho(li

l,ill3,bl.i (111 fur iicrca~ii and imllruvinI, the (1rUt0tt• Ststem in the Cit'. Work was started Ourlm 1')23 on the ermstt'uuti )II Iif Ili milts ni nzt' I,il,r clan

I't r, ~l ;ll >ury u t ~ l??7,~13 (l,i dolts ill I>ruuklvlt and ill piuiillolld, and oil ;lirt cy; and Studies iciatin(' to cumtruct ( )t?lcr t!I;m 1)rr,vuni strvlct 874232 ,3 '~~ n filld changing sulora`e sl;tcnls in the Catskill ntllttntain l atcr;he(ln I~ur~uant to I rlu rum ' ,tcl: iuntl> 11.'1(,1 7i the Vr)vl:l 11 ni chanter (13O of the Laths of 1923.

1..'t' tII(J 2,72' of 111 d.unl.s [k(1 f( ,r (1igll (> lilt ((1 to he (Inc to the I>nar(1', acti(itles tP, e iii 1

mu m, ml alit tru ,t fund; 122,il•)ti 24 tieatcd in ft,rmcr Fears, null Iiifurngatuun was furnished for use at trial before the appraisal culmminsions. There were tried 78 claims, tutalin $580,350, upon 4G of which awards aggregating 23,323 Were made, the rcil1amiilg; 32 claims in the anbuilt ~If l ".3:to heing, dismissed.

't he Cu lttract ,v (irk of the year may he briefly summarized as follows Cwl,tyucttnn of the Guinla dam and appllrteuignt structure continticd throu;;hotlt

the near, the contractor's actititie ein g c(gll1inC(l priltcui),llls to advalIcing the tt•Drk on the ma~tmry (lane, the earth dike and the spillway channel. The (t'arhnuc on the cuinlract vMre 1,45.4$7.78, making a total to i)ecenlber 31, 1923, of S4,5(IO,174.58 of the cstigairn1 cast of $n,),sl9,01(l,

Tilt, 'i[lildakCll MilnCi «'as compietcd for its entire legN of 95,741) feet, tt'itil the excinliill (if a few olinur details, and preparations acre made for tivlrtim, ;chnharie water thruliC0il it early in 1024. During 1023 $'4 8,3(u6 was earned by the contractor, making a total to the enll of the year of $12,076,786.49, as eDilgpated with lilt, estimated cost o1 i213.738.

C, )1fraCt vas c11'ardl'(1 tit till l'tittil1ate(1 a111iltlilt of $_l)O,;(N) for cit:lrII1g 1111(1

grubbing the Schollarie re>crvuir an(1 constructing a tri11x1rarr' (11%eltill", Bain acrd's the 'Cl, harit' Crerk (!null tread ft'nnl th(, intake of the Shandaken ttmnel in urdcr that it pl ,rtion h~f the natural floe' of the Sehnlilarie ('reek nlav he e()uV0he(1 thmli:1h the tunnel hefure the cumlllctinn of the Gillloa (1:im. The gross e>timatcs for~varded tog the cIl(1 t,f the tear totaled $105,794.

\Vurk ;ur(l gyres erg nn the three C lltract; for 60,0-37 linear feet of concrete-ellt'elope(I, nlortar-lined steel 1!ipes. varying irnnl /" feet 4 inches to 11 feet 3 inches in (1iagctct iII the l\\ II a(Illitiotal siphon pipes necessary to complete the in,tallations at the fnttr-teen lt)c,ttioris aiming the Catskill a(Iucduct, nvhere the, construction is in the form of three line; of steel pipe, nine of which lines at cac}1 1nt'1tiMil w'a completed in former

i tru'llv Il rt 0 ml Alin ill , ,nllrr;hium Vii the kind mgr size if electrical cuult(Itictu'rs nears atoll nlace(1 in semvice in 1O17. 1t thr cild of 1923 59,636 linear feet had beers

I u 1ihlf1 ;)I'lt l+h D-III i it!iI It(t,. (erg ri:;i(1 specitic;ttitms were I t(1)11 }lcrl as ti ill(, !;till, I bin I I M1200 iiin it fret had lhecn cuuvtrek frith concrete and 42796 linear

I'II±h~l l ~i i'l, guiN,,n ailLi utth(r x (mil tcalln-u, vvAuld vvgild Ciee pTcatmr ,I urancc a;;ain;t feet gtTi1h illlg gluut'taT. 1ilu I( illn u)It the t1-tr umhacs, for the vt '41 1N

11Vf, I;',-nIt'il! in I'hl',;it u 1:t'1(11(1 (It i r . t()( )o,i.;trrltit'l' .lit 91 I(1 '?, 7 t'1, making a tut Ii of $4,e(}`t,O94.i1 to Decengg ,rr 31, of an estimated cost

7 of ~(,?5?,it~t~. I (ll!1 Ill ,iit'l'1iilM Vltrt' Ill (he it n111 ll'ltuulllitlillt'~, of \l'11Ic1l there are (0 Ill till'

llrl~;ii'1tlt'il' 11l11t11 111 Ilrlil 'ill( (Ii n~~?(l't'lh t 111111ru'\'('Incllt Ill i1P:']r glptig'g'p. Wolk 1l1v u( 1111 ;1~(1 Carl"I('(1 a1t'1\ar(1 ill I1 H1 colitlayts, 111 Ii'illch are ctllllprl5e(I

In flty Iyr 1l lt1 i Data p(li,lrr i iliil1g ,rr ftt hdgiiltI machines ,inn1 other int'uilarkaI o ),R2I) IlIAar feet of i_ lick ailLl k 1(1 linear feet ni nil filch steel pile ut,iltuits in

i 11?;i'.'.I' Acu a I'i viii'(. ii~r thy.' litre , ).'1'111' ;(CCuiill )jl~lllnt'llt ut till' \1'tlrk'111(1 the nluurl' 11ruikllIL will mull till' gtli lt raLt hum .~alrnw jlphUn A(1. _, wM1il pt1g_•Its (11

Ittur,lt~' pr~~t_11~, ~~t rh,lrt;t~, c~t,t111i~h('rl (~u ,lilt rlc(lr(I;. t'1 nigher ((i ntw' hnukkecpin,~ ' 4) -inch an(l -I~-inch c<l;t -iron i'c to he lai(l nn land. ;1t the end of the 'car 3(1,1;911

an(1 r 1

. linear feet of /--inch ;te(l 1)ipe, 7,cl)d linear feet of S6-inch ;tecl llipe tint 5,342 linear feet of 4?-inch suNgat'Il1e pipe hall bean completed, and $3,731,0 4.96 hall been esti - nlatetl fur payment on the tllrer contracts out If the total estinlate(I cost of $4,857,246.40.

The ctlntract for pate valve'; anll apptn"tcnanccs fir the new 01(111 111 pipes of the (. it'kill a(IeLli(t vV( completcil .ill May 1, 1023; that for the sluice gates and other

ahtlarattl; fu um the intake Imft of the Shandaken tunnel w'a tieamiv finished at tilt' end Of the vcar, lull a c(,nts(t vVas aw,lydetl earls' in 192 fur the gate valve, and hv(Irants for the new crntdnit in the City. The esitmates fir the \car oil these three C(Intract; 'tml1untc(1 to, ti it.0t,i 4.RO. making; 'a total of $203,551.59, as compared yvith

n a; rc ate c~tinl,ltc(t c,, ,t of $339,772.94, In conrlectiulll nvlth :he studie< for it second deli~ery tunnel ill the City, a con-

tract w'as awarded for appr,xinlateiy 14,O00 linear feet of test h(rines in The Bronx.

QuCItk ;li(1 ihonktyi, and in Yorkers, Iii the estimated amount of (5, ('Y!, of evhich

$3(u,013.77() hall hee11 earned by the contractor at the end of the year, at twuiuil time

5,622 linear feet Of b(IrillL hall been completed.

Ni Work Pia icd or Cnrlttnlhlnit'rl,

1 1 1 linear feet Tit 42 incll 0 yihlr J()lme(1 cast Trull ~ulm)arinc ill 111(1 5(IO (lilt l feet of

th~J its r~ (I (kill tll, \(i( Iii ct,n~idcrahl~ a(lv tll ((l the 1)cpartntrnt'; work

Pursuant to the tcuBlIduiil of the Board of Estimate and .lpportionnlent adopted

In .1 c lllnlunirjtlmun (l,rtcIl Lltrinh(r 7, 1023, to a ~lt'cial cttlnntittee, of \thlch Iluull June 17, 1921, studies an(1 lllvv;tigation; were carried on and were in progress at the

Y(nrr,n 1 till II 1\ 1~ Chairnl,ill lilt llt'gartmclit tiled a recntttmendati(ln iudicating man)' ell(` of the year for the iurpose of ascertaining the most (clroille and hest sources fur an a(lditiunal >ullply• of vletter fur the City and the planner in which the supply Itl(litit~n,il ~Inl"c, tai nt'tr r) e fftc . Ilrn~ctlr, nu authi)rit}~ ha., as Net keen liven to

(,I ll best i1e (lelitere(l tO the ~e~~cral boroughs, in accordance tvit}t chapter 12 of the I,ut th., trr(tnlm:nllati~11 irtn effrct.

The rI'venurs ( f 1923 (xCCC(R'tl 1022 I1v $1,5-16,310.18. This is the greatest increase in of 1905, as amended. r.'V('nnt t rr ult III gall' if natcr that h;i> ct'cr (cctlrred in the history" of this Cit}'. The

contract ~ 'as prepared and at the crud of the year was ready for advertisement

t 'tai r~.~cmlc for 1')?3 way 1 itc r lI139.17. t"I)r bid; for the portlun of tike nun' ( its ctmdults In Richmond, w"hicit will consist of

about 16,01(10 linear feet of 66-inch steel pipe. .l-1 , zl, Work i'I(inlu(1 ol• Cilot'nlplatl•ri. I❑ order to imprm"e the (kigucry sy-strin ill Queens and the \\tliianlshtir,t; Will

Thr co Ill ,triltlIin (it thr Rrlar(lvv iii : at Chiles I51 ;Ind and the development of new Greenpnint sections of BrO(lkl~n a sttldy \\ as made for a steel pipe line to extend from

ml l t Ill I ml tO rcurc full (i\ iii! (( ill the use of the H dl (i\ alk have created a the terminal of the present City tunnel in Dort Greene Park to Lone; I~lan(1 City, uiltllll acti ty in ( OIICV Itilanrl which, a; a matter of public necessity, requires fire and on December 113, 1923, a report and plan were snhmitted to the Board of Estimate

pmite(tn1n vv•hick could III it be afftorded from the existing system. The Department Con- and Apportionment for approt'al, together with a request for the necessary funds to

t, gillaies the exteTi,ion of the high pressure service in these newly-created streets and construct this conduit.

I;UIIll OF \\-1'I'1 tit l'1L1". ( .,i-trrn(tinc it \Yar ick if iullt• equipped hispital for 500 drug a(ltiict, for car(,, I he lh ar(I if \kater Supply fta; (lrg:iiliiCt1 in .ccbr(lailcc with the hKt,isl'hi; it

,~ 1 1 I 1i , p •c. uila11ttr ~_4, (.atr, of 1tH)E, lilt 1 1 ( f It' oiling a t lllllt'L1 .111'1 ]t"l;lhlht;ill I1, t~~ )r~~V1(ll' hr lrn)l'I' Cla»IhCah~I,, al~(1 tl) rnx'I(le ~1..:elllhl~ ~ the )llr (n;' n I

•laii , nut rl 1Valts 1111(1 'l'1V'elttrt' sAIIt'tll, a11(1 light, hint, p1111cr ;mitt rcirlgl'ratnig plant. ~'~ ~( ~Illl' wat('r tar New Y irk (It1", and st;IrtL'(I 11iurk in that 11111'ar oil ttllle l ll(~l'eIUj)!1( It oI sources In the Cat>kill lflluutain~ I Hurt it prl'>cllt Atli il11l'Xp('11t1etl Ctirpi~rate stuck and tax ]lute authl(rlldti(ull (~1

l3? .. t ntruu

IT 'n aultliti~ , ll,ll hntidng huHi(iilg at Tunibs Prison of Grcprl , ui c~,tl- tr 1u t' il, I11 I;mt i\till' xrCCt IAlu' (Il i ruu1I, thtp ru'ilcvbiI prl'uellt CuI1gge?tL'nl Cl1ll(illurgys.

( li,trnrtii IN Ili kitchen, nn r>r hall, iaundry and ,,titre rim at Citv I'ri;u~n, (luecn;, '1 vv!bull hurt ' i, rirs;t' it iced.

r.1111(thIll III fir(i)r(I rc,luhtmcu fur the ll'arugr'1g Ir1 City Frgii)ll, Ilrlu, mkiv11.

l ii11,irnrtr'n Ili htllit;ll it I1art, Islan(I and the tItilizatium (it ptUknt Mtiidim„<. that tilt''. m,l\ he matlr ,IVIiil;thlc hr 'I uhercttlOsi; Ilu;pital and Old Hell'; lline.

lly; uilltre.

A", Zc II "ork I'ltturlt'(! nr C (ontcrllrllllt'tl.

l nor ' i:i.• tinge the 1)rpar1in'nt ha; 't ught t ritituue an eight-hour slay chedtuu \1 -irk :sir 1Vpt'r> and \Ilitr(Ills. It 1, gratifying 1(I il(Ite that 1V epers ati(I Iatrt~Ii~

11 111 i}1(• IT Itrttlre rnj~)v the a(ltantac; attendant up(n an eight-Ih ur 11,1v, anal tllc illrrt.t ,(, i t'ftit il'n(\ and in , rale re,ultiii theretrnm.

)(p : tlll('llt prl gyp to upell ( irt'1 c( urt, ;i hrailch uI the L rrcetli it I I( ,pltal,

\ Itllll'. tilt I rVt 1('11 1n till . 1'ur ;1 1iiq time the l)epartlltellt Is 1nukf(l lor11urI1 toI

tl ;1(i11t10 i~or cl;i,,iiNlug Ieimilc prmcr; that wtuuld attend uptul thr pt•l111i' i 1i - y tPilt.

1 IIt' ii'tIIT(t11Ill ill 1ill alldliI(~llal rc,cr1(~ir ;It N('\1 IIamptull 1'ar111ti lr the st((r,I ('

I I \1(r ti r' rr ,,c Iilltl r Ilr(' I1i;htlil,! purp(st's lia Iteeil lliukr cull>IIleratl(Ill I~I"

~(,It., :1 rtiIli(t lTi, I)Ccn it~ruardt-(I to the 1)eparti1rit Water upph, (i;l ~Ilirl I'-ltctrl('l1i 1,1 prIPCI'('(I 1NItII the prthdratlull Tit (Irav,III s alI(I petIlcatI(-11 hr to

r t .itti n t stn ad(liti~ nag rc>crwir, 11 hen thc,e plaii are rcadv thlti %%i)rk will prHrt,II ;1, IPIllitll .% a vcrlthcr ehl]f1ltl uI1 vgill permit.

A , , I1 a , the cMrplltalr stock rdI1lit of the llcpartntcnt is authunzcfI the itll~~t~in Wit lr,llIII .X(l Inlpri~vcnlcnt> ~,till he mange :

,A puIll1c'11tlllr_A lur imiIt, t (,Im~lst III MItj11lg building tt)r 11 celigl., Of 2,(11111

illnl;ltt,, ,luxiliar hlliltliogs, lntiri1anY, mess hall, kitchen, bakeshop, laullllr}, I \\l rutrit;cratit1 plant, atlnlini-tr;itII~tI hiblhliIIg. C1a1)cl an(1 arnll)lV hail>.

ht' IiI FitIIL'.'(I It, clan rrnPilti, 11uartcri ITir wardcii and staff.

lwltl,trl;il Mill m; ,Intl the Arce,,ary repair ship fir the lfanufacturin ln(lu>tro, hi ttllilt 'nntat( , 1111(' he tall,ght vari, ,ii, tra(les, turni<hing the City with all article

At 1IM11111:,(1illcd )V i1gli;itl', of state p1'11al Illstltiltlils, thugs Cut UIIIV Inakillg th('

It1i;b'mtu1 I'cli lita1T1iflL hut returning th(, priLnncr to society with a trainh that, it ;iadu Ill(' If, g1Mupi inaku 111n1 l'11-sllhliOrtlll~.

hru( tiOu at \ctt I l;nnpten f kitchen, 11105 hall, hakcr an(t a„cnlhly hall I it r ntl II : ;(1,fl 'uli,id kuht1il,, an(i chal)el, al.") garage ,In(1 al1(1itii~na1 hnps atn(l

bl',il~litl, ,111 IIf fircprr crmstrtuti( 1. Plant to utilize Walkill River vii » liltr,iti, n in~r h;tthinti ;Intl tl~ilet purl) 1s,

l IINt1litti, iI1 LLl ;Ill~lltl llal lllltils at (trt'vc(~urt for lU1ltiiM, 15O m)re v"i)NlCIt lillinllcs,

1iL' Ii) llrt'prutIf C, dl,Irilctinll" ai fi1i1tsure it recreation and CXt'rclse pglrp•

,,rul :Intl lt~,tintcn,lnre

I 11 Iwlih li h,(l (III

lIhtrt, hiiIlm ?38,85(1(t1)

I. ml I ')() ()O4 51)


if vIil mPtur1;ii 1,440 -U)

1)I I:11~ 1'111':A l' (11 \l';1 f1';il ~[iu1lLY, (.AS ANL) i:i.i;ch RICITY.

OIr1;ltll;ufh 1/ . I u rt>nlhlishnli'nL; (u lilt' } t'IIr.

111 Nn1u1tru ll ti the furuilhIunti I,i w.l1ur ill ailple (guamltl ter all districts I~1 the (beater ('I y 10 vVhRI' the nttulicdual ~nlllllY i di~trilnrtcd an(1 ~vhich cnnstittlte<_ 95 per cent, of

iY ('tlt~rt ,nllll~ tit r(',i(Iu'nt: ~0 the ( flu, tilt' 1)ep;lrtnlrut ~crtcd <t'Vcntccn municipalitit'; I I \\ u,1u'io t~'r (lIllt~ ivr a nwmluur ill vtu'cl:, is t >ulmnrr, whull their 1(a1 supply

r,tn(t (\iuI tun, mint' to u\lt't'u1t' 0t'uutCilt. lhrtunghuunt tile }car the Itnllhinrll (leh eru I t(•1Mt' ;nlr,lt;etl i ll mi'hu , u ~~.Illtm; (lady

Ii un> I rill uNlu(Il ml 11.3 milt were I,tiIi, il1U tic in ~trtct; wVhcrc theft ha(I hi t'tl Stu ll.iyc tuih lien IuperltiuIH. "Chi; pipe ~~(irk v a~ the ~ruatc;t that hind hccn lnsta1lcd ill

1 ~v ~,~~_C )i, r it~r .~~nlr limn i(1 t. "I ht're vVutC phi>icaliY ctmuccted i( piping yVith tilt'

( It~' (li~tl:hltl nliin, '3,r~o h(iil(lim, l , rincip~alV (lv'cling. lit' iui!i,11 trunk (li;triluutiuun main flit the delivery of hater to the Rockawvays ttas I,

~'lii;lilt(I Iii" at a C~>t lit S5(IO(t()II. ((thlr tXt(Huh ti this ivaiil A1'111 Ile pr)V'1(le(1

It DIn rv,,ln(il ire uut i(It)ii, V1l Ch ailM,llltt has icto apt tiptiatcd. 'Iht !iCi(till u~i the Cmt~ iiatili lln,lr(I~taik ~t,ln(1~5 uit cum<picn((lhiY a~ the larscst :t I I~n111111!, ,1('111uVulIluilt_ 1)11(1111 tiff CitnI111S ~111111ltr it H tug hl' ~um1nb>C(1 lamp; Of

.ICt' 'h,' 1i~ 14't'I u~i the tAkIlllC mgt's ht'1111L prul'1(l~(1, Ihume NT11 h no thtlmuul Maim

r hu rt thr !i~htj(( vgill b(' ,uu intcn:( . •I h,' il'1Ilnli'~l;mhu , ll uu; the l,riucip~tl rua(Iv`,"ays ill 1 an Cttrtlan(1t, Uvkl'r Beach an(I

l ,r.•t I ;trl., (':;I , Ciurl ,i(lcr~llllV IilpriuCCul.

utl flu c t(Iulihlncnt H, f tll(' Etint,nl Ili `ill ;Ii. (tu)uiiit (' ll tnictiu(ll in 1020,

il] lH II erc tl. r ar(irT(L".

1 32 lr,(zt' i 111i1llII I uruit1(B 'Tact; an(1 Rc ulatitins for Consumers of 1Cater' was

i ,uc1l. It rt ('lull, all til(, prt'(nt-nuts rlgul;itloll and pract'cc, ill respect to the pr(llre

Ili It. liiktril , tltiu ,r ,I11(1 n,t u0i vcllt"r, ;Ill rule, iu;r (Irtcrimilill; tike kind anll size pill's, 11111 ;1h i~Ij u II dull' tkit;t It'(ItIl t'(I 111 1111'.ltlt'I- >, rtrchlil'C1~, p llHlghrt'h and ntlwri ill deterillill -

\(utt'r ' (l1 1u1 \ u. llIhititn , iuur luuil(linu,.

Ii, nn01(1 u's I'1 . li'ru(t'S,

ill ' Iii ll('r Lll tatti(ilH in V;lilkatt.n an(i •fh; Ihmu nx are ,curved through pumping.

<cr;ll . t;.'iu II, ;(rt' kepi in dp(t'(tuull fur this pirp1e. The greater the tinullt Ii

Cat ,lki h watt" dr,ntn, ithich 1,y rla>um Tit its extreme prt' ire un(Icr gravity reaches

nlany hiah Pu l 1, Britt ((1-.11(1 u~r(hill:(11 y he 'urVc(l with p1ttnp water, the it' is till' cost

l 111111111'. 1 ,, kl'Cp tilt, Cu',! l~)w, tilt' ttlre(1 \Catt'r 111 :A,IUkall f (at>klll ) reservoir

ntrcl Ii such an u'1lcm th;tt in Octp1her, 1023, the contents were reduced to 15,Op0 lluull E iii ilH, ri(ru'ulmtIlig lll' t( 11th if the Cnntellts Of the rt'serv((ir VC1leli full. 1'.ach

1n,IMH) 111IT(mI 1111, in; Braun from the reservoir represented a Saving ill cost of pumping (Ihrtlt M . (I,tn!!).

\ ~'ti' .SII("Ct'.P rrf (rl• Illillll~i,' 1I1 lt111.

.1 ii u/vs c of ( -) cç I

did I $934,5 31 58 t Itri

363Ok() 1)1) h 1nin 1 . 'O7,;,31 ;8

;l I I

; 'uII 11U

( I yuj )11I( lit

{ c \1aturi1 .

Ma te rial,

$17.034 08

88,014) 2(1 (),848 4.

II ) 4Q -, i'J

\I . t \ll llllt( tl

a I I1Iair (11(1 r(T((l(u(l(t $1()1627 51 ( 1 I trvl 2S7 18

10445 2)

$1,I4511 27 I(tl1ll1!]lllUl1t i:i thy t41iL\\ill it'iiicli Of the Police Department 11(ldC iiIc

tiit i(lllfll 1 tin city \cu- aI .\cili1t a 'a JS tII\v; 'I( (10 H1ln( c tlhki $442

I 4 HtI S;iai.i, ilIniiiiktr;ititi 1, ;77 29 (ILUO 1 ,f 1llliIll, lHlll1(I, (C 47 52 I k (l4 '(I;lrirscalper 21 S5

((h \\', rilitiliL 2,45 7

oft) \\ ;i. I. Irc If hlliI(IlIk run(], etc lt SIt

$23,40o 56

Ville H tlii (11(1 it( lll illIII(, llt(t}lt1t IiIlLlliial S tatement and Mille tIl(v t ' y1, 1 o f Lr(dt 11111 ( T­~; Illcc tilt ill I llU l tratC the 1C(l1()I(1iCaL (liIitin 1 ( lI t Ull(I.

:\1141 iIii illlll( eItiti 1 \\(rt tIlC tIII!()\\ iI1

1,tl(!lS / / 1ihd.

54t1 Ircillct, 2'1 (it 1I:l11d ;l\nll. ( Iv II;tiid i5tIf 1rciiit iIUII kU(ll(I, alltlll;t riital lV(I

$25,(Xs) (II ) 1,2(,A ) oil

Thr akilld' )III11"llt

0' r, artillI;lrI\ III

tylr ed to (tIlr iltilv.

$26.200 0 1

( I f tlit" )fl('illCti ritiItI in a clhi(I(ralk ;1\ilur o f cullllltild.l(i t1icir 1 liii ullkr111d I(l (VIlU \vt tr;(ll


7MOO,( II) 12585 Ni I1IC

75ti,(I() 5,,)(t 12) I iii Cl

2 I ,10011 I ,(S,I 2t I3 i kr] in

2,W0,000 J,(lxo 225

1,41,325 0,700 275

2,)7,472 1(I,5I} I . Ill I I II

7,5oIo,lo 210487 3(3

iflCIU(I l,tJC1t),II() trnl(Tlt (culnhlltlttrs ((Ii itors). Ili all o f these lUrlUll Citis tit policc are dealing ((1111 t il(I!1llClllll Iltila-

till If (vhudl 1us t hit ii s I lc r cut it rc !)rCiiTl(!r, \llereas 31) pr cut. ut tic poptilatiol (If the City Of New )',,FL art i'ripl rI], many of wioni are lillak to iCak our II(li flit i.l. \\ hell it Is clliklad that t here arc a lit more than 1,7(00) flRll of the lolice Irca c tually avilullu tr Pa tro l dilly in this (it ,, at aiiv ()!1(' tillie it ililist he lvi(u t hat our lilic I )cIartTlltlt is llltfcicllt in t h e iuiiihcr of tutu avait;ihIt aii , l hit' 'tICIY 1ll(l I,oelfarc (o f hr citytii ru(illirc an a(I(iitiutl to the force cnlnitiiuratt with the Iurlen i,rd rcSj),lt,ihihtics ill tiii. 1)iartincnt.

'UI I Lk1)AV, PTY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5303

I\'(T''fli('S (flU!'(Ii!HS.

I itr 1 (hIi\1(I irm the saic of cirpraic in tit

l r • I \ir nL. •i Ik ;il1l1flt I) crrte stl , ck i't1Cd for 1 titk

l d t' I )ti nL 1'2. t o 11SUO) and the runiiiini I it the k f this

' ftit lIltil n in h c]ctd ii a crNl the 1iI(L ;i t o r1rct ti


! \j iiii f h ;ird i \\i1r Supply I ir all I11tl( di ti 12

;d Ific tta! (Ii1r1i1Rflls (j il 1 i;u•il Urn i1C (Iat t i

t1Il/lI 11 lilt Dutnli 31 1923, vc 171,324.32.9.

tti 1L }rr\ 1}1H1ifllt \ it I1Ill1lru(l JLIir(n ill tJl t11Ui!1d two I1nh1(rtd

L • tV H\ iHL I]i \\ I 111, nd Ir\i (1 ii lilt iniiit. 1•l fltrl

ftpiiilility 1\vrd Ilk' la\l\US Ili tii

. tlI\II H i1 iL flHfIt\ I II I'll I t'll t' thin ilicr1n .tid \VI'lT11

it iH :r i:n t t1t H f:iuiI uIr(1 Iarr ;jlH\Va11C( than itClfl

ft\I I c th& I i ;I rt I lc'itR f I I if. aiid t i r d


'L (I II 'ly \\i}1 the tnanci:t1 silkof th lilt VIt1I

LI i • \\H. 1}i\ \\tFU L1i\(l\ lilt( ru1td I n all '11 (116 i ts ill the Iini

hid i ! 1L L L2 tilt (l1!1(lti1 ii!iir thir ;in t1lc'1r to, IL

II 1 H 1 i \\'Fk L11(I T tL iiiI!ir in \r\ \va\ 1ti1 t

- . •i1 rL Ii

Iti[l1!T]' I lRC f o, 'I ( Illi L :r1 iii rcari I ;jj\\;l1Ct ifltt!

11 flf ]'TI

III ni a iiiI I l In th ir11 l)vlid a (pleslif it 01

I j ( H'!c'm :I;1L1n1 il \'. (fl in 123 for the j)vjrttiiit f Pu'1ic

IU\ a1I1iaI I1 \\ HLL I iti

) lit (1( ; ill('c

fl , L i y iu (I .lilt]( I 11\ flijITIY jiiridictin \yr t1w :1]1\\ U1CI

HH:h it it, t1I , n M I ili )1;irI fill lit Hf vI fare I n rach ('I \Va

1H1llL r' U 1T1flt• i11 ftit I ill(, Il1\I,tr ( the 1'It(l l)CIHN 1

: Hi d. 1 h I' .\tl1tlVY r&t;v lT1ak it a 1ratic t ha\ a

I! H in Ii iti \\i1l i\

It( I\ appl Ctflt \\IIYFC ;iii (Ii1tl \vI rtij its it

i1t J tiiI r • \L IiII 111 r1 tit Ii(T iol allI\VtflC&.

j i:I I\ hiT1 'i tiit tfi f H1t-tiht 11\1tt"rS wt I iiad 1, 1)ih1c hv

'H( ;'i111 t f t thijil I)iitr i ']'he \flhll11C (1 the \vIrk mak

Hi :Li IIit. \irxiT1I:tiv thirt\-h\ 1Inn(lrc(1 (pm rtrIv rciiivti-

H 1A 1 C III I - ]1 iiint1i hv tln titI n i;ii11ilc rucivin all all, anc. Ilik

H d i' iid ih vn]r iiii r tL pci:d visit in c(wn(ct:oI1 ivth

i IH- lhlIH lit I Ill ;tllH\\ :nct (lilt' I IianI c n(litns. In 2(1(1111 ( I li to

1 Y l

iJ I n hf ull IIt 1I( \\ 1 Ml] all W( re 1!1\ ti t(d ( 1L 1 1 //? ))? f I V, I{/ 1 U/)' I I / dill l'it /)7/ it 11, ,, hods, '

IN L2. • 1 i HI ! 11th 1)nt;t1 Clinic that k located n tlic same J)ili1(IIl l)iriii the v;r a It( ilicu ;ttin br thu (tji Prucint ;l(l I[(I(1Ij

I I wilt In ni!d I MlII h hit T4 rd Child Wel fare ire enlarged u1tt and ft r Jul hit it U1)r( Borough of Richmond.

k i ft ii tilitin I h LIfl t I\( 1)iiti t did r tim( \()1l1t1t r rk ' ttl( II Ii iit i Ufl t1tlt(d iiid jiid for Iiiiii at I ottu i!1 Lli)\\n

ils . . . '

1 hospitals.

jI I ftcliwt ttiii

I I 1 I1I d tt TIT n 10 \ h (I i Ii& ri( 11 in tlit n I jihor j

F1 L 11(

I I \\ 11r1 h(( tlkr)\ nh)r)\ i eufKRh t hit 1uilLii tIi Iiut!( ut Ihilili \((L1I 0 i ii ti ( liii I j Ill i! r l ali( ((t(Ctl\( foIl Y?

J i I it 1II 1h r\lcec Ili health

fl/fl I1 ' i tl{11 Ill Ih( )I I IIHIC of Ilk and thO \T\ lUhlTtl(! t IdIltv 192 0.

1 ( I 1 L wilt r l ilt H- f alt t II ll\ I i iii Il i IItI I I i lll1l( it for \\ Ii' h it Is \lltll1 I iI 1 ) 39

, l ill( ItitI in a sillall \V(\ at !Cat t o 111(t this lit((I. \TtrcvcI ks 3'4

\ 1 1 \t 1 III iiinnt iit 1111k in 192 tIlrnhlLh t111 Co-(Jnl [tIMIl (I - - - - - - - -

I \I I t II I tI l \\ (ti (L( lilt(' ] il1t lit I tit cope iti tile 1110(1121-11fllltlli)(k of ( II rtKI t Ii tli I)j IlIulilt it ] )];lil t (IBI trutiin fo r

I I I ii t \ I it I'licI , i (1111 to I 1 Ac the ii It llf , rs and ( 111(11 (l1 li t \\ ( k!v I 1111111 (I I it iii t i iii (I ll( (I 1\ I iR ll1( II ilild I cl \ the ( (Ill

lhi i I l i Hl li Ii lilllll) 1 ill, ,It il. lry jtnhiIy (l1 t he jiavill TtjV(I at Ira t oic lt\ at all huts o f ilic (It\ and 11lIlt, are iiiiir;ttivcIy Illcuiry as a crime IItU\Ultil1

l\ Ltt')ll 1- I1I lII-(IJV I1 the I 1ll(k4 fl r ;i i tli '(1UI((I ((Ii a day wL'n tile n1taur.

it It a IllI it 1 t TlV iiurt It;iiie from their 11flfl1(S. SCv((teCfl trips were

il1(i (Illrill h il

l, ;111{l \iiit \\ III lI)t)rIXll1l(IlY six hullIr(I and liftv, oil li ard acli

ti IIH t IIill it (1 I }Ilt L Iiinint vur trvt{l Ili the firm f ice cream cones

110 M il k. ;ill, ] lell:ic \\l I)lL\ Tj l)\ varins liall(l and rch('tra er each trip.

I'\c I - 'l1iI l';rlrr \\TrL hUrl in ill(, (1111(1 \\lIin jit(!J(Iili which tl14o1calnl

i( I l• i( 1011(1 \ (Ut' 11\it(d ;(1t1nil, The luildill va al pr(priatcIv (lucrr-

ttvd col tlii \\ t 11i(, ( h e1rlcillv lillt((l L}irktniac tre. Ihruiigli the Cll(rflSitV

f fH d Lf t! lird et i 01(1 r(ccI\(l a large I)i i , tUled with candy, fruit, tnv IT ,,

If It U(I[ It Ct1t and call, (((Il loxe of 1ltll(lkerc!licf.

it r1'l Ililill It \\ I T: \ idrJ I tb lildrui (1 tin "Kiddie (luL and 111aiCIl1

HUFf il1( icIi I f 1ili( t- iL :oiil a llliiCll 111(l Ill(ly llO\V that reltly dL1il1rI

]y hi hi yll

He IllI 11l iI I )irer and Lr (O'it(llt, hIi (t n1cnhlcrs of the (if the

], ])1 llIlIIO 1 iii ''T Tillit \\lk 111 gi II \((ti)11aI lZUi(li(llct t(lVicl t( tIi

it li\illC cli I, aiiI iii ciirn pnitiiiis f or tllYfll

:li tIo lllI(kr (CI1t(l \ll t (CL LLl1 tIli llll( 0 their aliilitv ilfl(I inclillat I ll .

o)i ti til lHt'I !'ll •e H \\ ' - ci(rrli To l(1tlll IIIII lXItifl 11llll(!rd tIurtv- ive

i }i• lilllui r'i(: [lit- c \\r( thirty-ne Illli(lrc(l 5ixt\-(il(t intervitw 1r

e lItt1i1 ulH\ Siio tic( ''lllt k takiti f 110 illCilllc from the \Lgc(artlill tIiilcIrn

il I1l l( (]I\jl(i \vl( t ( tl1(lIy t1i1 1)ctartlnnt h;,s l)C(!1 tile ffllh

I r\ ii iil' Hd1 i:iI1

; lilt( Ill (\tIyli(lit(lr1. The I:l1ll\(1I1t I )irYCt rs

L1 II Ill (lt 111( iitlI' 1ll1ll1I(r 1 \\i(lH\V ukiii (l1lIiI()ylllullt


)ill iii yl t'flt' 1 llll1IIl'U(I fill t\lltV-1lll11 tll(I\(111C( vr (liCIl1ti!lfll

r 1, 11 , r: . ' 11t h (ll lCF('! ill tit(, iinm i the lanìilv, tin i\Ul1tll

tirt 1 I11\ n :IllIii \\ Il ( j!I\\j1IC ll1ll CcdS( (t that 1(t(, tit,: r(n1rrrl r dntIi

f I (VIII' c.

I 11.i ii I \ tit tli jlIl(l ' ill llllll(lrC(l (ifliliftil \vr llIrt((l in tliir 11)l11(

III tillI II 4.5l7l2. Il a(!l1llllltrati\e cliare, iflill((!ill salaries of 'l t ll1. IiI[ L(, Iuile 111 1 1 ' lit 1l1l lijlli1ll1(l1t ttIlI)}lIll( r\lcc, (IC., ll11ullll1Cll t

i t iIl.LlI , ti c(It. t1w LN9Y1((11111tt mr al(:Wal1C(S,

Iii d o. t kteJ) the iiiaiitiiiaiic( ii antlll()1)i It: S alld motorcycles to a Ili lit ilnHill cu.t it £l1FiI1 r1pair Sil o p. c)llv(llftlltl\ lc;tt((I Is ()l)ratd ty the 1)cpart men t.

Front ti1r(lratl) ((lade in tile flu(I(t for l93 ((Ill 5I)-fliut dull live $SJt 11iftrn 1li}1-jJ(overu(I Iaiiiiclit, !llcu;lry f o r the Hicient ittlIJi ((1 the liarinr a(ll vatir in and around the t1w CIII. , MereIlr(lae(l and inlnit(Ilattiv IlIac&(I in rvice to

replace (11(1 llld imsrrl, lccal , lc ((Uipl1lctlt.

( On Jiiiuiry 1, 192, ill(- forcc I If I 1940 nil. Ditring the vtnr the 1rcc its llcr(;(r(l In 780 (I1CI. iiiahiii it total of 12720 men on I)cctinlir ,il. 192. \l!lV

111l t(ld It iulltI I1)(11 it rt. lJIlil 1 in (r(l1r to hring the nunicrical stircrigth of lie

t ) rcc tip t I I itll ;lllc(Jllat( ttiidird. h;1 (Iii 1 ITr resiit III I Ii I Ille fuIilollli tit] 11 'I1I\V5 ill striking cl1trat lit numericalIT it Illcr Ica strcllti 0 tIlt IC

rc i IllIllItIll Citl ;O ('Il11plrU(l with the 0tv, of N(,\v YoTk

Pop tl lilt i Ill. F r e. PrO Rata. t III

Jo )lTCE I)EP.\ RT M EX T.

Ito ]rn Ii neil teeny Oh,crtd I luring the IrlI1t adininistration was

lit I III l}nlillt l2,. \\ iil there \iill] ncrctSc in in 1923 O,, er 1)22

lil tI1I L S .71 l2 t pr o Ir ak is Will shMV that tic items cotnJ)risinç Suet

(I I l:trps

for ii illlta( III niettihers of the uniformed force 66 per ccitt.

Nver rclair and FttiaCClll('lItS 7 pet. cent

: 1 1 11'iliS 2() cc

\Icill 111i1ies c!uiillint, materials, etc 7 per tent.

100 icr cent.

Iii I. ortk lie lift t iHt \\l llllt\)idai)iC, the t1lOhlt'S Leitig expended - n il.rcs

If r :11 t(] il l , IlI! 'ler ol I .rIiiwn and the purchase of aLointily essential equip- ii it il J' l , •l

SI( ;,, w, Ill if Inri.c' I'll

'iF iiree I \ er 1022 $1,514,516 27 )I'r lv(l I Xp itlitiircs, 1 1 23 vr 1922, through careful llafl(llillg of

lUll lilT] ti r'l t, .iI\ie :111(1 the utilization of. material lernierly

rLrdl h nIl I lccable 138,323 29

$1,376,192 8

( iii' ( (1111th (IS.

(;tIll tlL iCikiIl Clinic C)ll(iitiIll are ftflCCtt(I Lv tile four major Offenses ii , IalllS t 1 riis ant i pirnerty : Murder, f( l Onlous assault, assault and r( 11) and 1nrglarv.

IlIF' \\t a illaIuriil dCcre:c in tlice crilns in 1923 a colllpare(i with 1922, hit'.: rll1 crinles have I)ccii gradtia l li, decreased during the 1)at six years.

The (i(crcae ill 123 o\tr 1916, the last Near pi-cceding our entrance in to the World \\ir , wits ajprox iill;itely 40 per cent.

illire \\ IS an I f f 401 arrts f or IclIli (luring 1q23 as coll1I)itrtd with 22, or more than 2 per cent. he f o llowing are ciIllttarative statistics Of tilt( niajor

cr I TIII br the last ci(iit sears, s li t vin prtrtSsivc €uicicticy

1)23. 1922. 1921, 1920. 1919. 191. 1917. 1916.

Total 8 78 9,147 10,436 1 1,597 11,292 10 838 13,141 14,431

*Do's nt include the 3) perflls killud ill Willi stroet explosin.

Darin 192,1 3011,2119 iiflhitI llcs WI re served or arrests made for all offenses by

members of this Department as coiiiotrd w ith 303,431 f o r the previous year and 187,q13 f r the car 191 7. The tittircs slio' citcluivelv that with a slight numerical increase

I ll fo rce the Police i)epartiiieilt croditallv handled a situation requiring extraordinary \'igil;lllCe ali(i aCti\itv during six

This is the best respoitc to the professional critics who are constantly endeavoring

to tln(icrnline the high Morale of the members of the force by unwarranted criticism tl1(l malicious aitse.

I ic ' an d (i Itt 111ill(J.

The P lice Department continued its unceasing vigilance and activity against the

promoters of all forms of vice and gambling. From the gentry interested ill the

resumption o gaiiiltiing forIl i stakes in paatalIy equipped establishments to the

slit lung llall(il)o(k dodger or the petty thief operating in the poorer sections of the City, selling, alleged policy chances for the pennies of the poor, the smug proprietors Of assignation hotels and Iisor(Ierlv licuses, the bawdy house keeper, the pimp and

lrstitute alike are all finalk, convinced that vice and gambling have been completely

In n out of this city and that they may, not operate here during this administratin.

Commercialized vice and gamhling have long since ceased to exist in this city.

Whatever explanation may he forthcoming from those under whose regime such vice and crime flourished and prospered their suppression by this administration was due to the proper enforcement of existing laws and without any outside assistance.

%I \'( )iS t'\IM III ii: \ kI:\'l' J)R()I:lI'FEIIy(;.

0 r ]' 1 2i Il]( L\ I IllllllitlCC ()ll bent Pr titcring records the flhovin

Iii 1 i i Ill II

If - Li (I 1111 it 1('d (lcl1nl1t, il1C1llIliTl ;inswer. (ll1(i1t1)Il to il1s of

Iii : 1lItl ll1 11 or (\ttlhi{i1 (II tilm: Ic \Vllicll 1li;ltcrially aisted tenants NN Il l

: IJI (lIT LI L\ k'e t o Ill' II) re1r'llt iheni in court in act i ons rtniht

t III v iIiYFill anlilirlk.

UI tit lILill ltfl(lIUldS and t(11111t5 daily lv C\I)Cricflce(1 I I t : ;iCII It it , LLll:llitUy iv Ill(' I)FIIliltlI)IT ( '1 )1111,( I)f the city.

ii l(rill \\rl 100(1 dii1' lct\VU('l1 l;tndlrds and tenants in or(hr

1 I , v Cl1tIii ill lilt \lnlic1p:il 0 irt, all(I to Cl)lu1I)t (litterences and j}nlnutc


III \l o I ( Il11I1 (I t( I t}1r ((Lii It tnnon\ lJ\ it \ctiTi Cha i rman , \1 i I IOn Murder r 22 291j 2 7 * 2 1 . 224 223 236 18 I I I H

' h'' < I A(. IL ii ii ( 1111 1 111 1'll In I )1tl ir, 192 was llhtrIlln1l1tl 11 I tl((ll1(Ilh lan1t 4k 2, 405 2,444 2.796 -2, 5 37 2,354 2.59 1 3,466

lilt , I(i tuft llll1lr re11(Ct the Lmcrgcncv L:it Laws for a period of t\V() \anIt and rihLry I 0)77 l,(Oo 1 , 197 1145 1,133 49 O(4 ( \ t r l I I I ii \ I I tIlu pi t tilL, t I lit I I 1)1 I L ii. evicted l)\ fl1011\ 1( r\ 4 933 390 U 9 7,41 7 98 7 412 9 4O 9 89

Iti1r1ii - Ial(IIrk.

•]li: vl1\ (\t(nitlrc \ N the P nil of 7,?2 and miscellaneous expenses of

'T 'li, L 'LLlll1 5o.5)




('' l,;;'i'l,:;, I l: I ltll,li,•Ill,

•I II 1!I~ }A, l.l~ ll. l t i lt- l;, l~ l l!,, I I; -;:u;llll'" the 111111- lllI:' It'(I ;'I1 tltt' ~t

c i !r 'I c `[;Itr ! !Ili I r It ,il I'I In' it' n it tl'c troll

r(1t,l1 hr fit,+t. 1 I!,hI1! 11 I ,111 n 11~r 1. 1'I_',(, nl;l;IY It 1111)(1 1t!,r

H it t•1 tl V I ; lit[ ,I^tl' ~~ Ill- tilt :ll!Mlt tit Ill'. l't'llt'I11

WW Iill. V 1a, !l!t• ~ili'il'.- II ' I til.' I ~~; ~~~ ;.I!I~'ll t ~~111:^t!. mil i, ;l~ ciilll(r('ii(c 1A111'.

l; .t l trtilt , I 1iu 1t:rI i.r t , l t rnl lit ,Ir l 'llr P, , h r I)(u~irt nt It i1! ' , Rite

"1 , li lt, 'Ifl'' tilt' rt' t;il l!, ;Il !;tit' I'r~lll~l , hut tilt' I';~h Ilc' ,,il!ll1t'Ilt ~t

I t iu : 1- i'1/J Ill 11 n~~ I ii rnnIil,llItv ill tilt'

r;; Illil' II'.; ! tilll I i i llllltl ill 1 ;I A. X1111, AAII l~ 'tlllll I llllllrll)

I fl ;fiS;l ll r lll ! llhlill ul 1A111Ch Icolic tilt`

:' ;i'.+; H• I ' lllr t'rillll ;111;1 l'rrlt'I11 (11illtfit, It l('c;!1111' Ill'lr:~ t~

I 1lit - ;ELI 11iI•li;i' 111'. 111~111itIltl 11 ilI!V !i1 Illy t Ill ;sir

h ti I' n I.;M 1 (1Iv rtltI vvtit' I il" l H tilt' IJt}~arUnt`nt vo,itl~

L tll rllv ;roll tllll(n'Iv lanrcI'tI.

II. ft rI• i!;tiltl;ll l .A. 1'! 1"Ct';l IlilV 11, I) I; 11;1 i((1 iillt

•III 'h; t , n ti'I;ti r, .(\v ;II! I III;IIIt ; i Illt 1, nl Iltrr a mach ;t J;art (,f III

I H,I; 1 AII L I;IA). ,))I(I ) IHIIIII11 11, :111(1 ;!);i1 Ih IIli1 flltltItIIC,

utl .I l i !IL t;lit' .11u11;1 !,(I,v l.;lvv vII,i tii:it v Ii l;lti;;I1 1, 1l1 1 ~'1>trall

\ ICS tili ;-;ilt'tl III tic' l ti lai I',rl lit 1 t~11Ct` 1)('j';Irlllltllt X11;! elt'rl

IIL I: cl" 'i (N H '.1,,- ;1'.ft ill; l I;l V1ttrill U) A Itlt'f1 1!V till' L(ty)dI u`

fit; t I iii Ii I I IllI t1(tl ;~I)1 vvcli;[rt i III-' ]ItI,lllr H this Lit, ;itI call

II , I vI;1 I'rlrt , i l Inc' LI) I fall tltuv 11 11 11v ;in(1 ;iiI('ly, v1itiI;IIt it;lr

!1(I l!Lt l til 1{!il l u. , l ilt`'.t 11111 111 ti l'1C1'rt 1111~~ tlLil\l' l~11

II ll''Ilf'~•. ;H lC h tll(: Itl:k ;llll llirl Ill hfll jll;I, Ill;!A- 'il' llrlltll Irltll

L 1 . + ; m,i'l n 't H lit!t 11 i'!I ,I_r~ r;lIII t.• I;IIv.

t R il; 1;1} I Ir \. 4, litl \1 1 2 . irlrtrlt'r t'\j;I;lllllI ;11111 1111;ry>~c

()),j I Iltlt'"^ \ H. I II - ll 11il I111t' 1 ~ II II 11111 111 111t lt'III V1111 \\')(I':

. l )rl 1 .11il I'IrI'l11c1 I :IIIIL'Ht) AIll I Li >1ri tl1' ace, llllt;rrlr' fir tilt'

r~ llll)' ;,!;;' t r1 )u)1 (Ill; r; l'lllillt 1 t j( 11)T";I I ll llt'I Nu, r llt r:llrrl;ll; >l'I"Il', ;illfl

'lit tlI'r(`..1 )i i ,Ill ILt rrittl thrin." II1 -tit tl',; 1 ll Ii rt' 1\(T Ii ' 11'.t' VI l;lunli it tII( - <titl'

t;it rill } !II IEt1 1 IA).

- Ill I ivi,l~n Lt c;llfi'.v ficit'llr\ It~vv~tl hy tilt' I; II . Hlu lit I t ;;rr url th it,l~lv h'crt;lit' in Cllr 1)h11uur i nllll;lillt~ •; 1:~1'~ t'1 ;lit •

1022). 1O22.

Ili tll.,I • ,~~t H 11i 1I

I\t t_.I' il utl..l - -

Ilil .11,1!1 2, 1' I 2~ ;I tI";ll'lll thHl Hr II(tlt11 111^ hrl1Lt11V t'ill'l, tl'l~~ll'~il

ll; !;li~ilili ,1111-11 tIIIIII IuIIIIit'II I till' 11('I(CtIAk I)1+.1'I 11 al(' t;tI III!V'

.;nil t l .I l' )I)u r jtt 1 11 11 Flu .l11tti i , -tJ~rlt' lint ('I)((IIilll II!I t''tctIvt

I hr rt',lll;tr i tilt !)t ltttv( I)ivi~in \viI!, in tltrt ) t)' ), hr re'IllircI) t" ,n.Il It tI;u t)'1l !I( l)eittt1vw Ir;lilliil rllrl, vv)fill .Ll)1hl Itrc;Ill% IIIIIJ1 vc ill,it

1\ , .ul c\t.! 1,rl1I rlilnn;lt( th t \\I1 ;Ire uitrlt'r 111ufticif' It t r n'N)1ig j Hi tl i

1\ Il-1, tilt It vv(lc 111'! lulu JIur-, , u , killed ,ultl ?.7 l; Inre injurt'tl ill vt'Inr'.!I,lr ' u1 III h,(, 11i \t'll Vul"li :MIllIIf, I')2,1 tl),III III P)22, tllt'1-l' N11h1 111A!' !.('lI ;tll;~tll

CIt,)fl ;I ,'l tilt 122 r;lti t.nlilltit`, j,cr Ill,!lllll c;tr dmt1nnl'l. flcaeuil

lt i rclo- ! (rill-u'il 4~.tH ;rid Ill(' t),,1)1ll;)1l o11 ;Illj)rir• 111Iltl'IV ')I ,III II I. IIlt~. CI rl',

Ht H d1 ,Yf!t' ( I!I Ilt'~Itl!~, lllCrl' \\i iI , I tI it ll ;1 Ic(- r(;i~(' 11r l t l 22 rii r;ltgyl l; till'

j c!;I1 11 [wu 1 Will r 1 lit r I 1;1'~' ;l:l III(I t-u ul ;tlu~llt 2tij)H Ill C11I ('llf~11tl1('11; [ I1,llrl; I2i, thu

i'it I! ii I u -4 1 I cllihi1tiIi yvtr(' ,ill 1(.. +.l];ul ;InrilI tin` pet`it vtr. !i )It I' ;:rllirlcnitnt Il; nl.Ht' p..illr t!rull ihc i11tt) ivc t~lli.,I mar

)) j).'1 ti'rl, I;A Ili!' lillrIII 't In1 ihy :)t\ th) tluIut tilt' _.un.

, mll; I I L 'itnl.

I.~HCt I tlt' I rAtlI' IIIVI1, \\1('h II;( u11;trQC ttl 111(' 1111rl;llla 1llltV-

I1 1! ,'_o bill( u,: ))t ))I)1 ir, nl l ;i I I)~IuT11 tr .ti. 1`)22, t 2,11''1 11 1 (tm!;rr H. 1, l l i

l) t)1) M'ttill H itu));itllln tr;ittll 1!A fl;1ali1l'!1N, x ,11 ft11 ;!C('L111t`, 11tgy t'}'.'lll; l rlll'II1'mi

• li 1;',Ir t lilt' (lf1rll{l 1Ilr~l' in Ill(' lir~l).A, , ':Irk ;IA;!hint ll1t'.I1l;itt;li'., :)11I \\~I-k

1 1 1 l'. -1:111="1 1 , !lilt till A~lt'II1 11 ).11TIL 1j('ilto'rll ;ritrlll(', Ttl}llVli.

II. •i'ltIItc ritv]tI'll 11,1, j,Li~tH1 ;1h'nt ,tint ;Kpll1 n,!1 ,Itllclll'il In~1 -nitsv i )Ii I l) j, l t, H u,n- h(1 ;H lt/ n- i IN. Aleer tll,l)) 2V,flt "( t lct)liv

.I) lit(;! Id1 ;It Ci ii. H')''.1 71t' ]};Ill' I;t'tl'. 111IrN(I ti ;It 111 1 I1urC;I^ ~1

t 1tr.''• •I\ ;llh1- tun :f1 }i;tAt;'"lliltl truut^ ;l1Hl /l ;1tl;llll,,ii;11 tr;ktllo lln•t^ A\('rt'

~nHl \ Il t' )I ,y:n irt, vItrt' ll~~i,'n;ltc~l 1,) 1lul1k hnI- htrr tn l v"It;l ~ : l Il r, N ll nitl t;lriLl tvrrI, ln-t;lilt~1 .11 '1 1 cItI I,• X,III

t' ~ , i1,I11.,rt - A1lrl- 11'(1 !lit 111NAtlllt'l1t fll l'it{101' )I C 111'10;let' 1l'I!IClt'>.

~i in 1, v„I _r;l l;;lllj~. t lrrtric;l!Iv Ilitiniin;ltIII Mall ititiiiiiivaflv i~j,cr,ltc~t vvIII, Ii I;I l lc 1. II JrI I~ C,l! '~ L~I :; LI';';? 1)1l\ illt'r lllljIIi~\t'lll(Ilt~, Il(l1 ;1, Atl'Illy'! >tryt

l; '~~;.. .. ; tit t l .

I ltuuu )vlin i Irtituiar1 IviI I vvitll trig I~il,ilitv .•i ~tltt !;~ ;;;jiall.' .II'd I((ICII' )t'r;ll~ I I I11 ~I lI' llIliull 1111, 111[11 !ill- it 1trl ~ill;lll

I ;'r,il' II rl~ il1;t h11",1 tl't' I;1-t (Ct1;I1 V(;il~, 11;1 II((I f`1';I1Il(1 t cw 'II' II.I;'IItl\

'''t I t"It i" !tI)t;n i u Curtt ;un t\ ill tll jprdcahhfr };}lat' H h)

111" ?rhltlll I Ill' t 1! VA1'1 1;Ihll' 'II tilt' a )11IY,Ir;illAt' IIIIIII!;lr\ il'l 1, tllll

, Il n- r l rHn ti r 1'l7, 1_2 ;u;l 1)2,i

I h- T 101tk(I I );tv unlrul,l.I ;uliitrd ltr ('!I. rnt('ncc. l;iiftl. Dirt',

1''l7 1f;.1.~4 j')4 2fl(I 2.,~31 Oif s S ) lt,f~l~l; (Ill

22 ~.~2' ) lh4 17(1 ~~J7 5,ih1 1(12 (III pt t ,i. i` ))It) l71 ;,Ill;i 4,2i)1 !I;.II4', Ili!

I t Llt•- eI):ltI I till 'I"rtlflir I1llfet ;uttl jahlrrN Hi dl) ' luul;lr t;arcu vvert• 1'' ~;' \"\ ; 11Y~' 1'I -,lit' Irl;1ftoT ul tr,llf1( \1,,I,tti~ill~, ;t , X11 ~111I 11\ tilt' lo'llyAIIIlo till)](' ',.). l )~.

\rru t , ;!nil l:l'l lttll zttmnl ,llt - fitly!. t n(I i.. I il.t'

2 ,23') 47(1 ` 12,2 i f it l

17,11')) ?!NNN ll~.-;,~ U;!


1'I;;,; tip I i;i; u.

PIN i 11111 !1 1;- l:ichel,1 ell -1,cc!'-'lill ill lily jlj)rt it thu tiiitTlc lit ii;iroltic

1r'.I_ ;ul tvil \}H;11 i, cl ll rclhi!(l I,' clinic anii till, criminal t1rultnt. 2,4(;,i arre>t"

tI, 111 ulu ;111;1 J (~rl"~~ I l )Iltlllttt;l l;l It, jilt;ll I;l tliu tlll'llillt'r1 of the N:Ircl)ti

1 i , ii ht',furet 2 r;lrc tit ;Irrr.t , vvrr(' uMcted hv thu'r tilt' 1)1 tllc P;ll1ee I)cj)art-

illtlut Ii till'_, ? Iul l ,, 2,1`,; r m;ure tll:Ili %; per cent. haAe crilllin;il ruu, lyd , ` H! ;-1l i tlu } ,rrc''!'tl hl tlI~i; 1 ha;r l'yin jlrcvit,1t lc ;trm,tcdl .tt~tl time:

\;'l'llI u1!]I- - ii ffen -

1 H! l (l(tit'.

11',Irinc I it' I lr (",t'ry mrrnhcr ..f tllc i'rut rectiI.rI ill'trtictil~n, tr;m111n ;ulll }lrilcticc `. tll ` n•t` ..t fi <±m till marl ,m;uhij) at Ills save, ; , f the 14th Regmnrit in \Ian- t. I l ,II ti lr I r('<ccnt :uhl(tic 1«;.citimal in !3rk1tgi1, and in their (:till practice

h ~,v •) Ht inljrvunit`t cnlerlllV.

1'' R;'lit't J: , / 1), ]Ice I i('1tl I);{v I;alnr,. held in the hill t;f each Dear, are the main sUnrcc of

lcv(-rntt' i,, r tile' tn;lintenarice t,f the Police Relief Fund %othich is ttseti t(I affurri relief

t ncctl+ Incnll,cr of tlli~ 1)epartmcnt allll their dejren(Ients nho are in financial IllItri 11)rF))!l lilt l;IIrlt !i1 their \) 1, ;ill(I ti! fillaIIClallV' ;tt the AIl(I(\C and )rrpl;ll)I t;l 1)1ll't-

lueu v iIu havc (lied iu the j)eri,)rinance ;,1 duty. 1 l t t recci})t. t,t the Annual Firpl 1)al- (iame held in 192$. Ivcre 3i I,'I,;tt? 11).

\ect',>,iry cxllm'u, and ;lIIhtlr,cnunt in an(I ;Iht~ut the preparation and ;Iri-Im"c!)tentI r tli(, Clald)Iet t;l thu ,L'nllile> and cxcrilscs, re(Incetl this drill to y 3ft3,92(.V2.

1'rlu,- 1• 1;'i Illio)i (im

'1 hr IIirc hymn;1t ii Cana at Platte ZI;l\c, l )1 1 )ll Mountains, suppl~rtrrl prinri 1vnIlVi I). thu ]'"'tic( leki Lull, 11;1, hues mrther inlpnve(l hl• the cretin tai a(1(liti;mal :'tllltl, tilt' c;ll~tlllltl~ ll nl Ilf11 i(INa_1>, ;111(1 tilt' C111111)Ietioll of tilt jur:nlu ;lull ;1-11 ut(' tlultl.

- I }1t I t Calt;lli;m ;tt Ill(, 1't1licr f rcc held its annual (trill anti exrrii,c, ;It lily 1't.lict' Recreation lamp.

( !- 'l;'i)thIil ;I1 I - r'ij1, P01 CC .11i0Jhods. I llr rr11Mlll; otT ur rile Pule(' force vicrc Aeiit abroad for a 1)l'rl, d ul Ilircc

iy iitll> I1hriagt lily >unlnlrr ;tit(! tall tai 1')23, Ilitht ,ttt cxpcti>e tit the ('itv, for thu j)urjvti>r H lt'1- V"1111; tilt' I tllll ;lull mulrrt;t1 ;it the po , licu f;lrle> Ut the citlec ut Parrs, hrllt',

I(1l1 ), lt',"1111 l.iill111, II"11ek ;111(1 ( 1111('llhalot'll,

1 lie rq rt uI their r('>t';lrllll'l ;ili(l uh~el'Catltlil ht;1V' that the 1)laR's VISItcd havu

I('VA ;'I Ill(' (difficult 1)r;r111C111^ Mlilell curt the 1'td1cc I)cllartmcIll u1 tllls

111 .) f;t'll`rdl ,^LIMt', lllt rl'III ,I:llrC f(t-ce" are 11atit ,1ar Ili Irtij)c, which mntlres Illrl' tar u'-r(htlll l ,llltl a st)l'r:rrinll M'd1el'll 1netr!;1)iIItIL1l cities, Mlofll' ill1 l,u11it

11 , the uI'llce lgryct in the h nit('tl tate~. The gm(lftti 1 here are due tll the strict Ut11; 1)1) tllll omJ1nrate \crcwr,t5 uf uttr at,ttl' l;;1'erlll1l(llt id the rt'stlltant (hvcrt'il(•('

;tfl;l uUll1nt 'Il tilt• }1011;11 l;i\\ ill 1;irlull 1;ItC (tuning with criminal f;tll')ls('s.•1111' i11t'trI)l)nlltall 0111('^ lit 1'.Nlt , 1)C h;)Cu little ul' 'lu turt'1!~n 1lnt1(!lat1u11 Its C)ileltl

\\ II dull Il, ; Irri th i'trt'('t tr;ltt u I)rnl)lt'ill>, A\lilt the 1)t;ti~Ihle exception Ill tilt' cit.\ nl

I 111; 1i-

1'.n17''Ji';Ill fitly; e, f(HlIe t(lici~il('t, Ill el't;lItt'r 1l11h till' Mol , ce 1)l'1)artlilcilt ;11111 tit fhI-III I ;i run rII I;1 tht'Ir Il;itI 11;1hlf, btrIrrlcIi allot wiI,II coll(IItIt;II~ lily 1)l;il('> tot1teMci

tlIt'1 Cu, 111)11' III; II1e1 uxIWCt tII >tal" ;1118 the l)itr1mIt nl their 5tJirl1, 1VIIIIu 111 11111

CditIrtr1, tilt' tt"t'etl+;l1l 1l1tIl 1Vlllcll u1ur1 pe'ror11, Iiitive ter I, reign bl1rIr, ill,)\t ahttilt inn place to! ;)lace it Dill nl;ikr< it difficult f , ,r the pike to) keel) track of the nitllemcnt f I Ilniull>,

I1Jt;'r)Urli; , llaD lurid' (oliJt • )r!!i',', The 1111crllafli'll;11 }'Ill' ( Ilt('rClll'l' c!1(Itlltt';I tunit'r the atlIplct nt the Ih ,ice

)('ll;lrttlllllt III 111 :1j)rll 311 to AInv , I I J13, l;l' Ulle f tic nit 111lllnrt;1ilt t'1(- itII ;111!1, I;t'11I ;;1 \\~orl;l-11111(` iiituru t ;Lull cIIIICerII, tlIIs clV'cIItI II Uis nnc I tic (ItIIIIdII II11,>

ll(111~11ICi1 till'

I IIrrc Mun11ruIl ;ill;! \t\ allmini~tratI%c ;Intl usuc itipr I f(ic ink, rc1r1yl1tii1,,, lilt 11 ti ICf)rinll'lt^ till t ll ll it till' Ulit1:l t;ltc lleru I)rt.'>ellt, ill ampvnlg tile iurcigil I1dt1Ulrs

rc})rt'~cnt(`~1 acre I'.I12lt1t1ll, t tnn;I, I:riicy. Italy, Ir(laiL(I, rI;Lv Spain, lj)aI), tillr(Icn, pt, I)('I,nlirl:, l zcrll;, i ih1it, IIuiary, l!ulgaria, Bt1tinttaia. Brazil, Argcimli•,

t an i l l !tilt'. 1calr, I I(nlltlri~, Ili anla, 1'ara;,'tlaI• and I I(Irtug il. - \itttit tl11. imprt;itit 1)I)ht'c jlr(l)1t'It1 cuililllcrell it tic eulltur('IICu 11eru: 't;ltl'

rt"Iilttllill dill (1ilt1,I)i:(1 CA1r1(11111 uI ru:lnve 1rIII1111;11H; the >tallar(117;I11ni1 IIj j,rTl;r ;lilti \',)l(litI I) !(I\\I; lily IIII:Ii;In ,roll rcyIl1lltiu11 ut the t)anIC in narc;Itiy (Irtli'~; ;lid the

• ljjt'bill ill trt'allIIICI;t i i IlrII d(1111Ct111; the pl,( blhlti i n d rl'! lllatlull 1!1 (hl'

I prt;lt!t~!l, Ill~fllllI'tt'tlry lilld Tail' l htedrm1 and other we!)(;li capable it hu,ilk" C;III- lCrtrf'lr l I1 lily 1)('I1ll; till' ;ill , It l;'il r;l a Iecrl't Cipher Co(le tti trttl>lnit j)ullce lIlttlrInalIt;l) Iiar liltt'rl!lltli ;ill IL)_'; the tilllt'I1t111C;it1;;11 (!t (•t- ,H,,,t;1s h trall>illl»IIIII ut (lc"(rll)tl('tt if fi1irl)rl11l till' ('Ital)ll~lllll('llt ;i1 tmillill" leltuuuu1 fir tll(, iicmicrti nl Iillliorllicd I;)rccN :n;d !lt't('ctll('>: thu flit!' j' illnl ;lCl't;llihll~htlll'llt> of rocl1lcipa1 1t lice it f!!ruigit cities

I ;l, c, alf1;urdl \\ ti the Mirk of tic \ere• 'irk PI ,1fcc Ilepartlaent; the impNrtance of tilt' III -Cl1"~Itl~ll 'f filrhr,1rt inIprt' ;lllti allot like (vlddlce at tie >cclle if a lrlilic

IC ft1f'l!1 tl;'licl' jlractice, aid Il1t'tllin1" to 1)r)tIl tc public ifcty ;111(1 prcvctlt acct 1cilt , ; lt1)1)t , ltt:lt Illl'tlh;ll, ;;1 Ci 1 111111U1li(•litlull, ctirr('>1)nil(letICe Iti Lctcral c -tll)l'ratll hell"l't'll

;ICI JZ;Ih; it 111-' >llj)11!'t' I; II Ill(, trlaliuctit ur J111't'illll' (Il'llilltticlltti; the 111,11til - , 'tu H ;l t it1 :llal jllMCt ha1leau tlur critui l;fl 111(lelltltlC;lti(tl1 under l`e0nrd1 l'IlI11r;ll it

\\;t 1111 ci1!; till' tr;ill~flll>~inll nl hll l'f})rlllt (lt'>lrl})tl(t11S, t)httt;> ral)Il t Cr}Illlll ti1I1 iika mrtlii:;l> ! , t ifleutitirltit;n hi tcic!,r;)jlh ;nil r;lllitI, the 1itIAilydiiatilm (If penal I,Ivr, dill thy runt1l,1tlII; the stillI(litrdizat1, )it !;t traffic tit°11,5 I I IIgiiI,, ;111d, 11t(1f('(1, uAI, r1

in)1u1rt;rllt hcaucit ,;I j); lice \\t~rk,

l)i1l\1;1 \((:A T UF uO( KS. OI(fStP,jlJ .l llr/ls{1)l!(!Il.i I''r 192,).

1111 IuIItnI111L; c taut \\ark \\a, cojiU, ,1I'tcu thlrtI1!g the veal:

}':! u LtLor, LAcrc lli,t;illc(I ( it 1'ier, 12 and 13, SttllIIuttm, iitclnilii'. fnIu- truck yv;ItI With it alliteI.\ ni mu)itu tills each, at a cost of

I lilt t\ -iii Intel esigi, \\erc crrctecl in Fier; 12 an(1 13. Starlletun, at a cut of

TIT a htIticli(m of a reinfnrct'-1 concrete pier allot jllatfornl under the Manhattan t 11 (r ul Il1C jiyu ul 1 \ Il liI"ltl l' lti a> c''nhllytu(i at a cll~t if 311(Ifl.

It, li:Iidree' cluIR'r('t)' I11111lll111g jnatfuur10 for the III(' of the I)c'j)arttrleiit of Street

( ivanitt 11 ;t' c;!nlj;1f'te(1, at the 1ranh;ttarn tuner of the I;1oulkM'n l}ri(lge, at a co,t Hi 11(I0. In this ci1u1Ht', i,1;itilirnl tite l itv ha, a lilohern ilia)u>al plant built entireiv H rc1111urce;! ct!il'cte. tilt' Ilrrt (!f it kind 111 NeV• York harlu r. It j)n1V1Ife5 three iltillllllllt,' I1f;ly(I, AVith ('I~arittt mill , ( for Piitraiicc all(; t`\It; thth liiureti a cul7l1)lf'tC

uninttrrllj)tcli circn1;ttn I;I traffic, vIhlch it is expected Will nlatrrially ruuidce the luu,cr1t l(»t tot 01111;1allg, it r('tl1sy. l liu u Liar( art' >trnilj; c tuiil:h tit auCull1ll;u(l;1tt'

lily I!u;1v ir;t Ill(0 .r velhicic: u,c(I by thy I I(jlartulcnt (It Street Cle;iii , 1 uvv j1l;iL1nr11l 1vIti it iuircrctc cluck 1 , 1- kenural vIharfau.te pitrf);)su; IletVvucti

Stlitltln :i i ! I'.,l<t ,hi ^trcet \11U collllllctc(1 at a co,,t of *Ul,01)().

ltlllitit 11,1! vv ll;lrfalle t,lcilitit's for the tic !;t the Na al \lilitia were cunljllctc(I at \\ c>t ith trctt, North Niver, at it ciIst ZI1 5]-,,_1 l(t.

1I;v(rin It r thu (lua)I) ut the Street (leariiiii Ucpartment at 11'c~t 2,3(1 trect, I,i\ Iii :111)1 (reek, \\;i, cunllplctt`(l, at a cn,t I)f *4,773.

ll!) uunt'r11t'NI.l it IVlj':ili !I' I:tjitip)llilli Or ."Ifr!)lillictrut11't' 1!t'tI)u ) i1

I Ilc Ilhf-t 111111( rtant iuhl rlIAui1nulit ulrYler thl> heading was the adoption of a new

i;gill ut luir u. Ya(}er flu g;sn1S Kurutcfnre tic(] by the I)eparti1unt, it 11agi I)ruyi(lef1 that It yedit uIt Iureacll ;If Colerrant t, the oily' method by which the City could ryLain f the 11rca1l1(I vya' l,y 1)r1;ceedim, with work under the nevr j)lan fur tic 11111In A('illc!11 ut tilt' luartlunlar lt'Ctirrt t)t the waterfront 111 which the Ica, e(1

}Irt'mi r \\ crc Ii ~c;ltcti.

1; a Clii1(ItiCILC (lurin,it times ..f utin al activity in the shipping trade, such as dillIt,,, ;iii irii iit`lliatelo, ahut the (itcat \\ ar t vThen the (Iniaa(1 for bcrthiii "j)ace 2rt'lttiv cycet(It-d the f ctlitie, alailalllt`, >ume of the Department lessees, taking ii1l\anttwr IIf the cl~rlditiuns, tixrl rates that Mcre far in excess of the rate of rental pail t;i th(, itt.

lhr >llijlj)cr< pi,tititne(1 the lleilartmc1t for relict, lint the City was tuorr•trrei,s to Ntllt tm CC 'lit 11t Iliunil , tlI ;If tll(, Federal Gourt to the effect that these ressefs were v1itrI111 their liehI1 tIh1(l(r tltc Icae.

"rill ttu;Ltioil alatre it n•l(lcnt that the I tc ought to adopt some metpolr »hereby it mint >(cure a j1rt1{)Cr cuntrol over its leaped hropertiC, tit the end that shipping and

lnlnerce a;1ard tort hr shlljcctcd t;) uncHnscionahle burdens in Ilk fort of New York. It aa, (lccl iC(I that the list effectivc Ira\ of accomplishing this purpose v'a, to aaltnil Ilur t;irnl of leapt'.

TT'hi, 1v <ts dune llv inscrting a clause }lrov i(linkg that the lease may lie tcrminatt•d by tilt' lit.\ 'lxli (lily after the Il~lar;l of Cotnn1is;iuner5 of the Sinking Fund shall at`j;ruA't' ailll ;ill;J}ti a rucotnniull(latt~ln by the icolnt1ii sioner of ,locks, to terminate the

lease" It is further j)rr,vidc(l that the kncCt shall have the right Co he heard bit` the Board i ( (uniitij ilmcrs Ali the Sinkittit I'und upon the merits of Inch recommcn(laticn by the

nlmiI~i!)uer Ili I)ocks and shall he entitled to notice of the time and place of the taulk metdlfu lit vI hick the recolnmentlation is to be considered. I f the recommenda-tion is a(Iuptt(f and apprul-eil and the lessee shall have erected structures on the j'rurtlsm, it is prtuvitrtti that iI such titrticttrres shall havc been erected under an amnrtira-ilm aerrement with the I)ej)artnlrnt ut Ducks, the lessee hall he compensated for the

tl1111)1 rtivc(I cost of itich structures.

'I hi: clause brill hereafter insure complete control by the City over its waterfront Ica r, an(1 the j)ro iii n for it public hearing iI ill aifor(l a lessee an opportunity fully to rire,Icet his intcre~t> in tilt' l)rqtlisw.

1-u a' .S~ollrr!'-; of (ur ncrPast's in h' 'Pnu'.

This I)el)artment'D revenue for the }ear 1923 shows an increase over that of 1922 ;taunting to 5336993.63.

I!!I(r layn1rn r, ct ............ ...


'I'll['l,;S1):l'r', JULY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5303

fhi in, r;l t i. ,lilt hu tht ap;llicati ,n (,f the ncle' Standard formula for the calcula- I The 477 mile of paved highways in the Borough were maintained by replacing i r nt;il I !li , fl,rmil1a ha. i',r i!N Ilhjett the rising of rental at rates sufficient I3 milts kith new pavements, applying ()2 ($J() yard; of repairs due to wear and

1 („ t tilt wiri i jit pr,lllt'rtit. I.n a :clt->u<taining basis and evcntually permitting tear, reaorinK 14,1)(NI yar(fs of payments over cuts, and resurfacing 173,000 yards by Iht r,vtlrll~ti( )f (I„ck }„lid frtml the ilt•l , t limit so that substantial hinds may he the heater method. This mileage was increased by .81 mile due to the paving of t'it,1 Ii'r , , Iht'r Ilc,'tar1' ( its lill1irn\l'I11CIlt~. hitherto llllpaVed streets.

\,:;t II'„rl, l'Iarl!)r,'d ur Confi: p111Md. The 531 miles of sewers in the lhirough were maintained during 1923 liv rebuilding I'Irr lyl ,,t ) N rt1i I it The ka,e (If I r 4t), North Ri cr, to the Central I,)ail- 1 . 44 uIITe, tit old srt cr, and tilt- 9.502 h ui ere Wi lint aiHe(I by replacing 185 old hfisins,

,.~I .•i \tli I tnll flit Ii Ili I 47, A,,rth kitcr, to the Quebec tcamslllll (Ilk lit turnin,u corners to a tts(ltc-f'iiit ra(lin~. Three an(I IItc-tenths miles of ncty I IK1111 li,,' , A , Irl' ( , it I IC1~~ it I- ) 1O24. I ht( )Ie'r~ rt' 1(1(1(11 to till' sl'11'l'r ~1'>tt'ill and 28t) nt hasills Were installed lYliere no II 1 1 e I are ni an antlquate(1 type. J , lu,l tilt iii 'nl,lnl1 for 11', iii rn hl1IMa,le farilitic<, the exulratirm of these lca,cs basins existed before.

tt i''~I 'I(ru'il lh,- I ), ],u1W1eWt t rt I11iO that „Id piers and build in their stea(1 an nil-t(1- Plans l~erc IIrcl)aree1 for it nelv pul)lic Bath and three n(W comfort stations. The in rurturt ?.;h ft( •t in li11 llI 1,k 1(10 feet in width. The plans for this new l)icr are nec(i for these facilitic; is shown by the records for Iast year. which shore that otcr

:] iu I tit ( 0 l,n;, ai iii, 'Ii ;inll it, (IHR Iructi in Ivill he the (ir,t step in the nlo(lernizinL t'iht and Imo-half million pilule u;c(I the intcriur hatl H id utcr one million 11((1 ,~f Ih, \ rill Jr is;i;(~rir~nt I,tur>uant to the plan adopted 11v the Board of (~llmtttl~- the floating baths.

tilt' tigi'lll,IIQ I ,in,l x ,11 MIT, "), 1,)211. Phis Ilan in its (nhIr(ty (onicnll,Iatr; the e':y"unlfatiol anef 11sj)ectiun were made of plans fear 1,3f19 new buildingsnd 3,104 rl ,,il !, t ._' I ii built under the plan if 1~71, and the e ii1 tructin 1?3 large piers ;tItcratiuns to (IId liuil(ifis, estimated to cost $2O4,(lfh),u(I(I, the largest new structure

l~ "IliI ll,lrc, ttiith (-''u1mQdi,ilk toater slips between. hcili a t)vGrit}- nine t(,r} office hofl(i1li etith a tower al,t,ut 401) fret high, coloring the I'it r , I,ct',, Rii \\ tit 4 th anEl 11't, ~t h <trcct, A(,rth 1iver-l'riiece(1ings are ('11tIre 1 Hek lid UECCI l\ ashington, A esey, A\ est and BarcI;ly streets.

l r H 0 fr tl t a,:ll1h1tiu uf title ti the I)rivatcl)-ilihncll lir,t)crly between Vest 47th It is lilalmed this year to complete the additional <trps itt the Miller traffic I)lul \\(,t ;titIi lr, V NI rth ililr. \\ hen the 11rfpertv has been ac(iuired, the (It ,

11I'I Ix' Il ti , ulllli1 tie 1) ill'V\ pii'rs l;t) 1ce'r \yi(le and 1{)U() feet long, 11'ltll

lV11 - r I- 'Ill,, "r l I(tt 1Alilt' BrilI .I Ilt'i lth „t 11atcr 111 lh(' slips of 44 feet. lIie e tilers

• V1111 It' l'ajI;I 11 d,'~ )IliTi1, I1):ItIII~,r the lar,g('St transatlanticitters afloat and vill coll -

•titt tt n f 1ht !ri'~.t nleiertl '1cai11'1litl terminal.; in the world, hurt 11,IrI,tl--'mike , ;furl I,ians mailu Ilk, the I)el;artn1cnt of I )ticks for the con-

,trl! - tIn i ,( iii 1, ii 'rdie( trr!Winiil (ail the North I ircr vcaterfrtTnt of Man- ti i!. ill 1(, IT -11111nit'('rl t,l the IIIo,n-,I „f I'atimate and :A1)portiolllltent I)ecenlher 31, 1 ( 21 t r its r' n, i(Irrati(m in cnrin(ctit,n with the question of handling fruits and perish-

i !}1' 1 iii i; attt(ttrtr'nt icrmin;tk. The I)epartnlent hclievcs that the adoption i . Cl l;tit, ',cifl foil iiallv r(•tlnwc the e' t if drill ing these products into the island

di l atta,l I;un;lirl I',1~ fhi. I Iellartnlcnl lrrcl,are(I plain, for the construction of the roadway r!, larva, a I ;Iv Ii iilcl,lr, l Iv tIv- l,uildiii„ of an enlliankmciit of sand pumped in ~•

Ir,ll 11'1 1II111C t111Ili1('Ik; t}1io IllIllIS Here all1)rllvc(I by the hoard of (omnlissioneri Uf

I, inl in I lud •,n Iolilt are _'8, 1)23, anal jurisdiction over the ccnstructiun of the nll1.t 1I Ill, nt 1, a, ) t ~t, kl in the III llarimrnt if Docks. 'hhc pttntl)ittg of the sai(1 will

11(t , a rh'(I11' 1 ill tcet (lt,li c,l,t Hf the l.,nl;; flail( Railroad trestle and our plans th, 1 1,Ikin,, „i ',INliI I)uil(lin, lots „n rithcr i(lc of the ii iilcvard, form which

•b its ,till ,Iio 'llL~,;u till rt Vials. \\e believe that rcheu the work of htlildii it iFii !, tIlll•lt'lr(1, Ille fnliilk 1lro1lfIt'(l out of the retnals will he an1p1Y

,!Ii iii? , c urinW, the Il111111 ill ,If Material o a,, t(; complete \Vc,t Island as indicated !I IH 11111 .ill , -1llGi Ity the hird I C,lnlmiioncrs of the Sinking 11111(1.

I'lall ii '; heitiL prepared for the S11hII11SSioll to the Itioard of I'.>tlnlale of the ett'il-

ii„n (It lit and 2d avenue; from Huustnn Street to Exit Broadway and Eldridge street, o,%hich will create a (lirect north and youth thorough route on the cast side (.f 1[an-hattan Island in the llarlrnl Biter; the cxtensioll of IAX111,tom ayetltic from 14th street to a I)laza at 4th atcnur :1i((1 Astor place, tthich, with the It((wert, will give another north and „ruth route to an(I from the three lower bridges, and likewise the extension (if \Ia(iison 1VCl1llc from 23(1 street to 17th street, which, with rmverNity place and the %%idenili of Woo to and (ireene street, will add still another through route to the Cite'i traffic sv,tenl. Plans are also being prepared for connecting 7th alenuc and the Ilarlem l iver sl)cedWay 1w way of Ricer street.

:A great deal of the tratfiic congestion is due to the (Icterioratinn of pavements caused (1 heap} motor trucks tr;lvclir>g at high :peed, and to the interference of 1Oading and lrilltladiii tellicl(. nICS these are brought under control and regulated, the expense of repairing the pavcments will soon become too great for the City to provide the uccessitry funds.

Sewage (Iisli((sal is alsO being given careful thous ht a11(1 stud, as the pollution Of the Iludson, Harlem and 1at livers is hrconling an inerea~c(1 menace to the City and ,Soule means Kill sol)tl hate to he taken t,l abate it.

"there tsai, received $923.UOil front sale;. street privile>;cs, vault fees and sccurity (Icl((i its from pltmlhcrs, c((rpuratinns Sind buil(iings; $452,0Ot) dcposite(1 for security was returned to the depO~it(Irs. The ezllen(littlres of this office were $8,3(M),(>)O for the care (II streets• severs, pnhlic lluilliinQs, public laths, comfort 'tati()i1 grid general a(Intiltistra-

tioii. This money is obtaine(1 frl~nl Itl1(l (t aplrropriati((ns, street imprmrnient fund,•lib II(l ,;tlt"11('111 III.,, rt-iltl(rtt'(1 ttltltl~ lrolll the' Board (lt

• 1:' and :'111H1r- l)t•Ch,ll appro11riati(ii from corl)oratc Stock and tax doles, depos'tti from pltl(llhl'rs,•

1111111 1l flt tI. i,i!lthiltIr tilt' (1rC(I!"111C of tilt' 1R tilii1 Gilap11('1 from Mill Basin to (aflarsee. cuillnratl((11ti and billl(11iig aIl(I s'fmc lllltlCellalll'(111S sources.

H. hi.til, rh;ull , 1 ,hill r,y itic ,1 na~i(ahle waterway serving an area populated}'•,I -t ' , I 0 ?bill NOOI 1 11 , l1'I1 P1 k. .A\t al„1 lilail for ( altar-le the c, 11,tructniil Of a liter

II III v rhlnlrl fhi Will ;ICrmI the i(rinQing in by hater (of ihnilihing materials,

,I t (Llut. ,ul,l I,hVi,ltc chi( hidi trucking c(t> ill I)rescnt overlan(l hauls.

'I Ilk' to t,ll Ie,tnnc IIf this Department fr in all soarer: (luring 1923 ,%as 07,111,)17. \J''!liIin!, rl ;i , Suhluii::

l~I(1 anil rlint; $)803,221 53

\\ h time 779,(184 03

~1;, leantI'll, 79,611 44

I'lESlI)I':A1' 1)1' THE IlOhOC'(NII OV TIIY: itiONX. Plwc i/1 oaf .S'(„'oP's acrd IIi,iIr ' 's,

f 1923 eras as follows : The mileage of public streets under the jurisdiction of this Bureau at the end

]',il'ements of vari(nls tvll('~, milc< 222,198 1lacadam hla1eW1cnt, miles


l'larth surface, rlliles 271.5 2,

Total, miles

611.01X) .Among the mauy and varied acluieverllcnts by the road forces, special menti(m

may be made of the large amount of pav-enient repaired and relaid, including macadam iiivell as other block pavements and sheet asphalt, attributable greatly to increased building and other activities in this borough. General repairs in maintaining pave-ments reached a total of ;41),15t square yards. Pavements restoriol over street 4)pe11-ings made by pltinlhers amounted to $41.1 square bards.

The method of aplllvitlg road oil, in vogue for several ears, was continued with the usual gratifying results, Thlm; treatment of streets devoid Of permanent pavement mitigates the dtt~t nuisance and acts for road preservation. The number of square Bards of earth roads treated with asphalt road oil as 2,307.939, and that treated lv- itlt tar oil was 2, l,035.

The total length of sewers in The Bronx anlotints to 413.956 miles, exclusive of sixty-five miles of drains. There arc 20,388 manholes, 4„97 receiving hasins and 74t1 catch basins or inlets. :A total of 25,213 permits was issued during the year for street (,penin,gs and the construction and repair of servers, gas mains, underground vaults, etc. Ten and three-tenths miles of sewers lt'ere built to the value of $833,502.04, and seven and two-tenths miles of sewers were regulated in(1 graded, and eleven and seven-tenths miles of roadlsa)s of streets were paved or repaved at the value of 83,047,0O3.43. The value of work planned or contemplated in the office of the Chief Eniincer, is as follows:

('Instructing severs, etc., to amount of $5,818,414 00 Regulating and grading of streets 5,423,870 00 Paving and repaving iii the roadway of streets . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,810,00)) (><)

$7,111,917 00

1:.rr,'rt,l i I u rs. The• t Ital I sl,rn,liturrs If the Ilepartment for 1923 were *2,255,849.50. .Apportioned

.I !, i'I t\

I l r(t to , ill , iip'I :hvn ,11, 1 $1,032,773 77

r file •I , Irl; fa,(Imr((l llrl)pBl-1 1 72,3(>rl 22

$1,1(1;,239 91)

L(\ t( , Il,iLI 64,6(1 8;

11~1r '111 i:i!i11n I I II (ill I,a~ r,lk I 1,Oi)7,253 1R

h'(\ IIii ')Iinrl; (I illy :In(l ll,lcrIIIk I 78,674 4S

$2,255,19 50

'I . III I'kl,IHI)1::A! i'ill•: I)O'kOt'(;H OF 11:ANII:AT`l':AN.

lit r,ht'I , I tr,tttic CI111'lCsti011 still cmitinues to lie (ltIC of the most pressing

I.r,ol,l nl., ill till. I~I , ru, h. T'IlC numller of atltoniuhilcs has increased so rapidly that I I l,,lkitc ,,t •:1 .totrt; is I)ceiml1k tntall, inadequate.

I)urin. l ). 2, c,n(liti,ln, vcure I- telly analyzc(I and a comprehensive plan, called Ili if illt r l r,ai is than,' v;i (lc eeh 'lle(1 and a(lopted. phis provides for the logical,

I,11Otili InI~: I11'II'1!cl1C tl,'11'11~11111e!It t all the trects h'; retklviiig with modern pave-

1:1Ir- ;(ill till I Im imllr„y i them ,(I as to aecomodate a large volume of traffic.

I I't' ,, n', i u- 1111;r ,('lilt' lit, C, IIi ,lst {Ii 11'I(Ie11111g ra(lways extending Streets, 111 order to

uildL th(11-1 uihi r( ulte, ; climinatiny; raffle cousin ,; ttaThih1uug plazas and removing car I1;1c1:•, (]'at(ll I;illl'latl in1U11111, and (11hCr L;ll~trnl'UUnti, tin that traffic may use to

.110 "t1 ;ill tilt' 'let't- iU•t(fie1 (It clltltraetulg on a rely (it them ai at pre'se'nt.

', 'nu ,'l tl.i' mI)ir IIIII,,rtaut -tell; in this program, which hate mature(l in the 1,,t-! (',l1. arc .1,

n r:ict v. a'. nt,i,tiatt(1 ttitll the New l(Irk Central Railroad Cfficials for the I i(ti !1 1 11(V1 nab i1 Iii tlll I ,llth and ca>t sii1c (If the (Gratl(1 Cflltral

fl 1al;l ;1111 Ill(' elecal1, il1 It flit hrt , ,cl1t e'1c1ad'el rt,a(lway Ill \ all(k''rilllt avenue, Si(

I:,it tli v,. ill 4iitll str((•t ,111,) t' its present grade and then descend to the present Solid of I':trk ,it , line ;it 40th strict. The contract pruvi(lcs for exchange of casements il''I I tit t},11 tilt bu11ic \( ill Lrtt the use of these new streets and the extension

1 iplrrlliit ;(VI.nuc Trill Oath to 47th street, while the railroad company will get 1. c all of I',ir'• ;Ivt•nue batten 45th and 4t)th streets not needed for the new roa(1-

' all'1 ,irlrttal It i, believed that the contract hill recril'e the approval of the LII(F It I;.tim;llC al(1 that actual ctrnrtructiun will start silOrtly.

Il': lireil;lr,iti,in i aulhther e ,tract was carried along at the same time for the Alt! III II lb 1'au k avinue rpii(1ltats hcilmeli 46th and 57th streets, liv narrowing

I,C 'i l II'k 'I,Lei> llil(I tit rein, \<it nl the trus es hettvt-ell ;t)th and 57th streets. This

it I rt \\ ii 111 I'll'1iiittr(1 f,,r tllc ;1111,-,IIa1 of the board of Estimate. - I Tic r a(l\r~(+ Iii lark avenue from 34th to All streets have been widened by

It cr, ;i utie the ',t i11111 Iii tic 1),(rl< ;!)ccs in the center.

}1i'c thri' inillrIlvenlents eill ;;ready increase the capacity of Park avenue and ll Ir„'\iii , ' ttt F,i,tlltrays ar.un(1 the (ran(1 Central Terminal, with no interruption of

r;l'tO etl+(, n -il)Ih ,trcet and 41(111 streets, in the most congested part of the city'. Ii\ t ri(Ir (irate v ;i' rt l,a) e(I front l5 th to 165th streets. A shorter and more

I:t ,I~nnt'r?i,I!I uiiiieu 155th and lilith streets has been laid out on the city mall and l:r „tl llin,C, art, V1(icr w,aY Il, ai'lluire title to the land. The completion of the drive•

0IIi li,,tli ,tot t t t,, I Ir,la(Iwa) 'Ind Iyckmnaui street, by l idenin the roadway to sixty ( , I ((Ill 1l;!v•lnLi :ia(I rcnav inz It, under cl lntract. When these improvements are coin-

I ll 1tt , l tl:(' I its ',hill }i,ive a Mile and beautiful1 drive from 72d street to Dyckman street ,i Ill Irr th;lri 'h 11101' the present capacity.

II((\tili i Ii Ii i1t) arcnnc at its north end t,) connect with Central Park driveways, li.H I I I'n Ill iced littler contract anti work will start soon. Its extension to Canal street ,. tic' utll c11(1 vii. laid ((lit tcnlativi'iv Ion the City map and submitted to the Board of • iic'a lit' at ii\;llllrtitminent Or its apprceal. This will make another north and south

tr-Jiff (rt(ry ,,t:'. If what is fli)W 1 short, (lead-ende(1 street. '11,' (, I(%att'tl railroad ,pur ur 4? l strcet from 3d avenue to Park avenue, has been

llirctl 1Iv the (itt under tilt' provihiOns of an act passed by the Legislature during the• )i,l- (till tilt; , v, e,re and f,l:,tructicn to traffic will soon he removed.

Other street iml(rovetnents completed during the year were the repaving of West t'((' and mar);iral Quay- from Duane street to Laight street, in the fruit and heavy

1 rnrkill ,-, tb,trlct '. ;ill a ,, ante f r,rn 42d street to 59th street, and South street from 11 }!il , )all 'tact t„ l\)ntQcr, SIll): tilt widening and the repaving of a rcllsi(lerahle I I F'IIIi ,,f 57th >treet. 20th, 24th anti 30th streets from 6th avenue to 7th avenue, and of

thi ?3t Ii and '(th trects from Broadway to 7th avenue. The repaving of both .Amt(rdam avenue from 162d street to the Washington Bridge and the 60th street ;,;)rI;ch ti- the (,2uccnsbnro Bridge is well under way.

Ocer 2;.(>n0 w,)elings in the streets were repaired, which is equivalent to a trench i.ln Rroa(Ilaav, 30 feet wide, extending from Houston street to Dyckman street.

Total $14,052,384 00

Bureau of Public Buildinq)s and Offic,'s. This P,ureatl t(1(lk over in 1923 the care and janitorial service of the Bergen

Building and annex at :Arthur and Tremont av'entles. The entire interior of these Mniiiliiig e-ts reUaired and renovated. This Bureau also took over entire charge of the repair t0'irk and janitorial service of the Eighth District Magistrates' Curt, and during this }car will assume oinlilar responsibility as to the new Jlagistrates' Court, id t street and Brook avenue. The interior of the public bath, 1;6th street and I•at(lu avenue, was painted and marble vcork repaire(i.

Rur,'(n( of .lu(1ils an(! .1cc ants.

Th° total cash revenue during the year was 5278,873.52, subdivided as f1,lli1rvs

Permits $131,783 ; Reimhursements by railroad ct)mpan~' for paving and repaving within

railroad area 94.452 67 Sales, old materials, etc. 4,1(4 t 08 Miscellaneous receipts 215 70 Special security deposits 48 213 :0

The total expenditures amounted to $5,679,269.25.

Bureau of Buildiugs. Nev hiiiid11h 5 and alteration plans tiled ill years 1972 and 1923:

1922. 1923.

\umber of Estimatedtimber If F,stimated

Buildings. Cast. Buildings, Clst.

New buildings 4,748 $107,081,184 00 5,472 $172,731,203 (X)

Alterations 5,1)9; 4,543,884 0O 5,122 5,096,324 00

Totals 9,843 $116,625,(69 (10 10,594 8128,427,577 00

New Buildings. Alteration.

Number Number of Estimated Number Number of Estimated

V'ear. of Plans. Buildings. Cost. of Plans. Building.,. Cost.

1914 580 735 $16,347,382 00

1915 701 962 28,119,100 00

1916 542 630 16,725,582 00 1917 359 640 8,585,475 00 1918 171 206 3,991,900 00

1919 632 1,804 21,006,865 00

1920 834 1,115 18,585,600 00

1921 2,851 3,529 72,150,739 00

1922 .. 3,450 4,748 107,081,184 00 1923 3,007 5,472 122,731,203 00

2,852 2,907 51,328,988 00

2,996 3,026 1,232,026 00

2.985 3,037 1,699,478 00

2,351 2,397 1,580,995 00

1,623 1,641 1.215,420 00

2,781 2,804 2,376.934 00

3,257 3,314 3,739,141 00

4,274 4.308 3,517,157 00

5,041 5,095 4,543,884 01)

5,081 5,122 5.696.374 00


PI 1':<II)FN 1, fl( ROC(l1I OF R'ICH11OND. New York Botanical Garden, for an issue of special rcvenue hon(Is in tilt, suns of 12.; .l;L ,1 \( I! ui I rt',It impt, rtanc( to 'tatcn 1<land. 7asn shafts of the tunnel e4, ) for the purpose n1 }IrolldIllg funds to nit t anticil)atc(1 deficit f(,r the pull

ir,,nl k 'rm(,Il 1)rik,tlt wcrc authorized and the work started and well advanced, of coal, commencing Scptcmhcr 1. 1(124, and ending I)rcrnlher 31, 1O24, I ll l (I 111(l'lIIlL, ;Ire II(lG cri \V(1('1 11'lth prol)crtV U\1'll('r,, eager liar Improve- Dr. Brittl.)il s l'(1nitnu111cat1o11 states the rt'aslin 1 the re(tia t and Ii 'III;ICIll'(1

III(11N. I f1 I.1Ii;11 I)Irk it ,nnl I1>tallc(', (kn I-(- I lctalltIy pctItHills fillItnprovetncnts, hereto and rnadt' a part of thl> c(rnhI1111111catlt n. A t'rV Trull 1ullr.,

i'tl'RRUIt.fl! iii l`yll(tl ,(' !)('IiIs, L ]hall hBit the ;ll l'll V"alllatllql (oi the proixrtV' JOs[--I'H 1'. III '.A\}'•SS\, C(illIllllSs]oll(T i , t !'ark,, lori]t"xh t)l lilt' lwr(tit(tI, Ali cl)n(litIU 1, 11nint t a >'t vIv aii(l ra)i(l locr(a'c in p)ulatio!1, which has Ncll' fork Botanical Bard(n, l)rinx I'ark, Ncll l (irk iv, lmle 23, 1 1 24.

vt tlt~tln l tl'Iv ,(t ill. _ . ;lCtUal hl'~'llllllll;~ Mt VC~ rk tell till' tllllrll'1, lhl' nit Important Itlatter

11llll, ilICPI'I[ P. HN\\h:~ I1- , (t~171)1lIS.Vlnll~'l Of I 'UI"1'j lioll'( 11(f/h (~j 111,' Jirr~711', f:~ruVA~~I

vv ,t- tll ~,In~:IL and il1)1)I 'ling it thr I ll Ian ]wt1le]ard tnm the fa,t nt I e iii y1 ania A1att,lon, Clarem(mt I ark, New fork City

,~rc'lut' ;It 'h I~}It'r lt;lr it , t}lc pir an(I Bulkhead line at Iottenville, a distance Ot about Dear `~~r-applicatit,n i. hereby re;llcctfully male it~r an i~sul' (i ci,ll rev(Ilu( 1 , III- It't tl IIIII' h tl(Al iii lh(' holll('1'lird hetlV'ecii Parkinnson and (u on avenue bonds to tl'e amount lIt $4,4((), for the inn (It I)r )\ l(Ill)l; Illll~k Ill llil't I lhi' h;l , la'ln 11('[1 \\ iii ;1 ruin rcell c,ncrctc IlaV'cnlcnt, thirty fcct wide, at an cxpcnsc of anticllratc(1 (ieficit for the }lurclla~c of coal fur file )Krill( cunll1'ncir1!; `}l,nitr I,

( lv Ii ft r(d t}I II OHl II,)liar Thi., i; a sample of the 1n1provenients c(xltemplatcd 1924, and cii lint; Deccmher 31, 1924, h r file o Iu1y (Il,tancr irm tilt, Lpper Bay to the Kills at Tuttcnville In the dcpartmcntal estimate fir 1924 Inc requested-

:1n h r i!11p rtant r('ft Ivl(enhI, )nx't,eding is shortly to have a hearing before (odt' .1 u. 12(i2, l.irl,• 2, 1:e1 Suppli~.;. lhl fl; i llnl;ltc;lid :Alll,'Irti(Inmcnt. 'hill', II the vvl(knlng of Richmond road from 7,100 tons No. I huckllhcat c(,al at X7.3O s,i;ll uU \m (I,.i1 ;I1 \lvI I)t,rp tI, V',1n11('rhiIt ;Ivenue at Cuncor(I. For most of this distance 800 tons pea coal at $13 111,IINI IIII

lilt' Uli]tI1 tai the rlI i, t(I h( X8(1 test an( from I ngcrhoard road to the north, 70 feet. 250 toll; er g coal at lltnt hrid ( )I n ht in 1)23, hoth oil pile toundadun withsteel girder, 10 toms stole coal at ,"14 ;01(1 rliui(lI (I (flCTIty ircll ;roll c(ncrctc ahutments. Onc is oil B1(()mfiel(1 rr)ad and till. Ihcr ,It \)( ,ecru avenue. flan• arc Ili ll cumpI'i d fur one ni re bridge of this Total w?(r,nh. Utl

rIi I'lrt':r I If I~irli ii I1ll tcrr;o1 I tvyicii J(\'Utt avenue and Crn'c road, ,vhere Bo(line's In the Biidget allowance hr 192.1 Ile Iscrc al]0vle(l )SO O (N)

Ice',mlt- 1111 1Il,cinir i I!l.l;u l uIcvar(i hot summer, tvrO nthcr important arteries (>f r)igt,r('T1cc SI {,t,; IH) trdv,1 h;tr, 1'x, 1) illlpr~n(~I vvIfh r(liRrrce(l concrete pavement. Onc is Richmond turn-

pil,i: ir, fit Dull Ift,I(I too the I, ir1yrel Ferry; this gives a direct and nrll paved thorough- From this Budget alltnpal(e r)f h?5,(ll)O fMl l(' ir I1 fit. ( r,cr tt, (umlillc. 'rile other hig1i ay improved is Craig aVende. Contracts have been (\CUule(I agl;regating y19,5?1 tlk 111 ! ctili..! Awl! .( rl(1 1v 1111 the terminal if the tuv ferry to South Amboy. .And contract llahilid for 4 32 fill

1ci- t' (i 1)(II)ul:pitsn has m;l(lc It,c1 :Lrv' the extension of the Street (leaning Bureau, I,Irticularlv III t;ih cart f file garhag frnm new houses. A site has been selected at Total }4;; O8 tlll vI~~lkI ;1111 1)!,Ir , ,Irl fain, l)rtu- crl iuir the erection of an incinerator at a point oh

thy in t(I,lV, ;It till' clip(' ut the Kiik, l,t)O() icc) uthcasterly from Hylan boulevard. All Balance a,ailahle x;44 u~ Ipr I)1"Glt; 'ii hll , ;]]\mull lwml Ilr( 1t1t(1 Ii lilutt~r tracks and oilier e(jul})I11('11t nee(ed.

I~c});lir- Iqy iht I)urc<t1l (,) Ilii 11lv;{1, .Ir(' n~nl' nlucli in,lrc permanent in character than h'~quir, ndrllls. - I ,I]litrI\, i'lli tiI the 11(1- ((Illlptlicilt ))rtrt'l(k(I and also to more skilful admiiii.tratlnil. 425 toll,, }1('a coal at 4.2))/ I) •I ht' "t'l lilll lll 11 1V hll Ii ]' ri}Il,lhllllV' (tl Inallltalillltl, all(I operating a rl, \w selva e 1t) t - ii eQ ctlal at l32 1}11 }]],tilt it Vouch I)(~lch, in(: the tvI1, ciectrically' ()pt,rato(i pumping sta'inn;, Inc it 1li(I';+11~1 II(:ICh ,nl(l tilt, ~~th,r (Ii Seriillt, hdtIT var(1 near Sand lane. These pkult; Total fi},S7)) (X) lnu,t the Lt ir; (,luratl 1I tvvtnt)-iur hours a (la), 3O; (labs a Ycar. ! Balance available 544 )'

1'(ril;c l lit h;ll': hvoii 1mt;ille~I in and al) lit tile 4ilrnt1D1t Hall an(1 11 1 l]n II p , in }iiy I tll(' hvn]iig1i F rt IfIcut. S1)(('t1 rc,,cntuc 1ni(1 rt'(}nircnlcnt; 4„i2; (),

lhtt' Ii1t i ti hhHl1t 1~11 lla1('I11(Ilti „Ii(1 T'c1l std('tti e(i~cIllil altogether ,954,5;()1 I I11('rCt ,, re xt,(IUCIl Cnllx (';1x11' c(llIl(ICrat1ii11 tin f]1;lt 11'(' 11111 lit' 111 a }Pn11n11

•Intl tilt' I- iull)r;t:l It't ii thl'r I);I11'11ll'lltti all(l 111111ri~1'e1ucntti nt this charactl'r, CrlrI. .

• ~r ( 1111V.~1. ,IlllirHlt'lllt'lll l ,`l,~rll,l). . 1h1'rt' hlil't' Kell l


(c fltractti I(tr tie11'er coin

CIltract tlthtllll })llhllc Il'tttll 111 lll in ut lZI Will or I'_1I lI"1111'. l~':t 1 rill it Ilia v~,tr, till c~,t In 1 t~r(gatc amounting to 8,171,10)), an(I there arr leper N. L. Ilhl~lTON, llirrcl~r in ~hi(f_ 1 ul II(I V, I .% c~•tin~.; ~1 21),11(111, and ~cvv( hair )cen auth~)ruc(I by the Local B(ar(,

1'111 ho!' of h ll I(t'tl llhI(1cr ( itr;lct, aill~ol111tfl)L to 27 lit fllln]lt,r at all t tlmated cost Ii IIIICI'tll)11 11'Ith till' ttiiC, lillll .\1(Il'rtll;lll (111111111,kh1111 ['tft'rl'(1 the II \\111 I" Ill i 222 iI), vtrill", ;I) mills OI tr('ct ti~)n. which 11'a male a ",iwcial Order iilr tlhc (lal

In t,''rn, cti , n Intl] the 11urici}r,ll Asphalt I'lant, eelin(filly is indicated hy' the fact that Resolution to Provide for an Issue of Special Revenue Bonds to the Amount

ht Itilt' 1v~~rk ~~i I(l);lirt pInnII,cr.' rut: in hitumin~nl> roads i; uulti' d(111'n for ail ut 50 of $4,400, for the Purpose of Meeting Anticipated Deficit in Appropriation tI:i r(nt. ~~~ its c~~~t Ili'il"r tilt, i~~rmcr ~I~tcm ni i;suiu open market order; t(1 cOn for Purchase of Coal for the New York Botanical Garden. tr;lt~r< -

In i 1'1'x(1 it 111 tilt' V (rk Irt (it1' SllrV1'llfg resulted in a "a1'illg Ot approx- Resolved, That, in 1)l.1ritial1(e ill the t Ul)(li\l 1Hll t'llI(ill 1~~~ of

nzlltll )IiIQII ;1 -.aI t;lt(if I'aI(1, ifhcaii miles long and seven miles wide, has only the Greatcr New York Charter, thc l;'oaru of Itlnlate anll .1})}I~~r1iIlnlcltt hr ,tn~1 it I 't t11 IIIr(;],I III- it lilnt iu Ienit}t and tr~tllcv cars at It iforthcrly end. Survcvors' hereby re(}uested to authorize the Cllmlitr''llcr to is:uc ;})t'cial I-( cnt It IIII< t., lily ntrunl(n' iry Ii' It ;1B)nlI ••n trlIicy cars. Onc sur]'el'1tig party a motor car can aliumflt Of four thousand four ilnn(1rt,d dollars 44()() I. the Ilr clt'lI,; vvhtrlT1 t, u 1V\U Ill tFlrc, t' 11111;' till' \Curl( turnlCr~1' al'clli1l1111,11c(I, used by the Comn11Ssioner of Parks, Borough Of The I]r liix, cur tilt' Ilir)lu( (it liltt)-

I ir cIllrtc1 i(r hirhmI n(i l)iI' k'In "funnel Shaft at St. George provided for the inn anticipated deficit in the cpprlonriatiIln for the l]urcIac (If cllal 1' i the N( lc Yw ii}I itiIl i (L lilt, a~hc, irm fill' ft'rrlh;tt (.r Unr !'car. This was due tll the taking Botanical Garden for the four nl(mths (n]iini I)(cendxcr ,31, l)24. VII 1 th; .Ift ui the 'halt If the Loll f•,.m:rll a ed al, a dump. An arrangement The President pro tern. put tllc iIii1t 'l] IMhitlier the lllyd vv IiIII ;ILrcc %%lth "ill

1v~1' mall(' 1'' t~ll.r away thr t' ;t'he,, (iircet frill th:' irrl terminal, thcrcflv saving $31,110O res(IlutiOn. nl the nnlllc] a (nlsct. Which was unanlmotlsly (leci(Ic(1 in the affil I)1 till folII vvIIl 1(~tc:

1 th ru ,trtct })tarn ''i ;talc]] l,lan-1 is an m]m((Iiate necessity. Oil tern per I 1ffirnlatile-:110ermen :Illen, A1vvtll, I;li-deli, C;lnll)heIl, Ca~sidl', (urrnran. ('Iln- r~ l t. Ii t!u l rI~ugh i hirhmI~nll h,l: 11(ro filially rrapl)c(l and drainagy plans have nnighatn, (2urley, I)onman, Dvtzlcr. 1)olt(l, Dunn, l alc(mcr. l~cnn, I It/Ilatrick. I r(IIk, L, ('I II ;1; I'.t'II c v(1l1 illy Iltall ,ii i The dv,,II :g of the tltnnel line hettti'een St. Friel, Grauhard, llalberstadt, II nhIlt11 llcal}, Ilenrich, flilkcnlcicr, ,olcl', halted

I,lI~rt~l' ;ual AlI'll t'n ;tnll lilt cxt(rusi]In of this line from a point near Jewett avenue incier, Kelly. Kiernan, I.c'nihaa, Alc('ann, 1lc( ink(x, 'I1cGcru•. N1c(hllick, !1r(;l l ll( ,

I.. f)tl1IIhI i, till! u11 I,1 c1carly II a dralria)e and sheet plan that it cannot he AIcManu;. Iah(,n, 1lorriq, O'Leary. o"Bldlv. RnlII1, Schmitz. Schaah, SIVIth I I. IX'.!,

c AIlill1tlIl clIl1Il Inch plat 11;s"e hecn ]Irlparr(l for the vicinities nlenti(me(l. Smith t J. 11.), S(l1Om(hI, Stan(l, Sul1i1'all ) F.. I.), BmlixalI ( I. 11.), R'.Illilau ( I I I, ( )'II I till' I tILll st llcr 1v,tcm Ihr ];,vGugh has progress(.(] So far that it is ! SuhhiI'cii (11', f'. ), YimcI1t,y, 11 a1~h, 1\ ehcr, AV'illianb, AI'irtil, 7.ritl('r; l'reII(It , nt 1llIItr,

u:tiril)ltc'(I ;; Qlu(el will It I('t oil rill lily cl,ming cinter anri work commenced. This by Jame: 1. Ilagan, :Assistant Commissioner of Public \\ ilrk : l'xi0ent Bruckner, IIV

yallll till' \ttt I)rll Icstrm, but It is In re than that, as it ]rill open up sewer facilities A'nIiaIl J. Flynn, Commi>sioner If Public 11'(Irks: I'ru Idellt (lmlIl1v, ln' W.Ant,1u,111l, t , ir ( 11 (kIl1 (Ill! (treat Ni1l', and all the ;urrnunrling country. Shipley, :AIsiStant (omn1issio11cr of PiIl)IiC \forks; I'resi(Icnt !.Mich, IV l)avill ti. hl'nit,

:A tr(ullcnt llI;Idt i• tll he crcete(I a fcl' hundred feet s(,uth of Ocean avenue ut Commissioner of Public 1V-orks-i9,

r);Ihvc~„-! it'I nr;lr tilt, %wIcr ir('nt. '1hi< Incitnunt plant lill he ill general apt-ara(lce RI:l'OR'r ' OF ST.A\UI\I; (()11111'hII~-5. n(I ch,lra - tI' lilt' lily ~Ine 3tt't iHHmlllete(1 at ~Furth Beach.

A1' 'I'll ul s.

1I1i. 1 1, 2U. 1O21. 1922. 1X123. r ii anll rrl)al inl;.

,lI((.~! lul ll X17,811 (11) l5()) (r8 $O3,3(x2 90 $58,950 47 $52,77ti 12 ,Irvv(r I 'lntctinl- 2.23(1 III) 2,;15 hi) 3)25 00 4,(>f)5 00 5,O75 u) \11,rI ll;ln 1' 1111 O1) 3u) 4) 2t)0 I)7 2t)4 08 1,039 7

2O,132 3O S1h.524 U7 $617.377 97 $03,909 55 S59,790 69

I.. r/'t'u(lifiui'. Pill 1O2?. 1I1(tiLi a) Ill llrl;ltlll ;lCt'i'llllt`, 1'123 (accrual tra1151ers (It $l8(3.(()

nlcIII'lv. ) $1,374,51)2 34 li',ll ct a}l11r III .1tC l n'1, 1')2?, ;old prl~tr years (including $11,102.13

lr;llHHlerrct to ;~c:riak all t;ix al`l)rnpriatlx;1 surplus and dcticleticy

tcc}',Int I 38,118 9) '(tIllli I(%cli I" lid flln~l I iI1'ill(1(; S184,01.(3 tI'atltiferrl'(1, etc., as Oer

rcc Ill li li n \kith ])lartlIIt'lll f Finance. 1 317,763 78 rl;'r,ltc',.;t'k ln11k GneitlI1c, $3tJt.270.)i2lraIlHierrc(l to upetl tax I1otes ('IV Ill) 7n7,715 17 1)1 1 lti' 't 'cS I110k lal'lnlllt I 357.843 75

"IV ('I dl ;III! ru,' fund, ((4,873 76 'Ix -Ai~te' _Atc1 tort, ( iltclnllt' rc,cill(inlcnt ui $2,8)) ) 310,654 07

I rl cXIIt1I liturl, $3,231,5(12 75 I~ ilctl.

t (I \1 \I t ."':1( 11 I1)\ i' kO 1 1. 1 I'1', (()[\'J'\' AND IIORUCGH OFFICERS,

Nn. (02.

Commissioner of Public Markets-Request for Amendment to Section 20 of Article 2 of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances, Relating to Street Markets.

I it

If Nc,c '1l irk . 1)tl,artnlcnt of Public Afarkets, Municipal Building, New 'rk, lull, 'i. 1O24.

1 , ~n AIrMl.l~. II I.lsfazr, 1rsidint. I(oard if .Il(1ilmt'n, City flail, New York City:

[ fir -- 'fill' l)I' ,1rtm(nc 'If Puhlic Markets respectfully requests the following (mcrntlrnent Ili <tctl ill 2)). cruel(' 2, chapter Is of the Code of Ordinances, relating to "tr(ct ,\larl:ct," 111 the l) ron,eh of \Ianliattan:

llctcr 'trcct \I;trk(,t (IxtcIslI, n)-On LullIliv street from Grand street to Canal

r(tt. \'v trulv Blurs, EU\VIN J. O'MALLEV, Commissioner. }(( fermi ill ( (m1I1littCI' I '11 %larkct~.

No, 693

Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx-Request for Special Revenue Bonds, $4,400, to Meet Anticipated Deficit in Appropriation for Coal for the New York Botanical Garden.

(1_\ (If \ell 't irk, I)cpartnlent of Parks, Office of the Commissioner for the r' ii l (If ')Ile Bronx. ZIrow'k1 Mansion, Claremont Park, June 25, 1924.

in A1t'Ri. ,• Ill l.r,>,.Rr, Ihrsidrnt, R(iar•d of 11dcrmcn, City Hall, Borough of 7an- hattatl

I )car Sir - Fncloscd please find request from Dr. N. L. Britton, Director-in-Chief,

j,ilrcha>e the su))}11' ~~i coal IcomI((l tali s('llt(filter 1 t~l I)( vIll ('r ,il, l')_)1. Ii H 0l]1 h 0 H ci~n:nitIlr:' colt ' , In tllr ci~lniia \car, ;allot] ping to $t)1JJ0O, tacking a total 1 1 1 .Aour lm110~r;1 1 e I~nar( G(t'~lII 11 IIt'cl'1~ar1' 1F(' No(Ill ( ;VIII It"GI1l"ti] ft,]]llls',loll 1O ;;Ii

No. 482

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing an Issue of Special Revenue Bonds, $15,000, for Repairs to Department Ambulance-Bellevue and Allied Hospitals.

The (wmmiittte on Finance, to which Iva., reicrrcd (ill 1l;t 13, 1024 ( \lIIut(', 150), the annexe(! request f li-,ar(I cif 'I'ru~t't , IOclIt uc ;111(1 .Allied IIii,1)ital.., i''r

special revenue hulls, $l5,U(I(l, for repair; t( , 1)co,trhnent anlhlll;lnc(s, rc,l)ectftlllc


That tlti request i.' Otte to the fttntl; a1lii-''i in the Dnrl act hcini; in'ufIiri(•nt tit tneet the needs of the Ilei)aruncnc. The ceCllnh i> cyhau~te(I and the anll~llnt retlnr~tl(I will he Iee(]e(1 for the balance of tilt ear.

The acconlpatll'ing resulut1Un is llres('llted for t(In)}hlill. Res11ly 'l. 1 hat, Ill pursuance if Ili( Ill )1l' nt >illi(II1'1~111 8 (if Itle)iMI l)i~ if

the Great( I' New \ `)rk (har!cr, tl'c hoard OI i Yilillatc ;0th! ))lin!'tltrt(lll('lit l (' ;111(1

It Iz hercll' regtit' t(1 a11th''rizc the ((i'u}ltrulLr to , is ?lit' sl!'I"Icl r:l1111' Lil~

amount if fifteen thousand (inllars I$15,(i0()), the proceeds Ivhere~if t.> be a'(1 1~v 'h~ h'Iar(t of Trustec>, I) ile'guc an(I Allied I1'l'spitalI, for the pilr;)Os' if 1- :pair to anl!iti1aict's if the I)eparUnent: ;ill hliLati ill' c(nlirac~c,l fir !urcull:;tl to be incurred on or before I)ecemher 31, 1924.

F. .1. CC\\I\GH:1\i, J()'E111 W. SL- I-LIV":A\, iOHN \\IRIii. R. I:. K.ALTE\MMl:lER, J.1S. J. A10LF\, *a\1Ch:I. I. I,CkI)1:A, JlL'kk:11 \1. ST:A\I), FR A\1- I. S('H'1tl'l'Z, ('HAS. A. 1c\1:ANUS, Ciinlnlittee ton finance.

Made Special Order for the day. The President pro tern. lout the question whether the Board biluill al;ree with rail]

report and adopt such re oltttu Ii. lVhich was deci(Ie,] in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative -.AIdes mrri :111cn, At,vcll. Burden, Camilhell. ('a~<i(I). Corcoran.

Cunningh,im, Curler, Donovan, 1ntzler, Dowd, I)±lnn, Falconer, 111111, Fitzpatrk h, Frank, Friel, Graullard, Halberstadt, Hannoch, Healy, Henrich Hilkemeier, 1(>>'ce, K'ilteiinieier, Kelly, Kiernan, Lenihan, 1lcCann, '11cCusker, McCarty, McGillick, \lc(olinness, 11c\lanus, '.11aliwi, ]Morris, n'Learl O'Reilly. Rudd, Schmitz. Srplcah, Smith (I. R. ). Smith ( i. 1t'. ). SnlOtnon, Stand, Sullivan (F. J. ), Sullivan ( J. AV. ),

tllivan (T. ).), Sullivan (W. P.), Tanahcy, Walsh, AVcher, Williams, Afirth, ZcttIrr: President Miller, hll, James J. Hagan- .Assistant Commissioner of Public 11'(rrks; Prcsi- dent Bruckner, by William J. Flynn, Commissir•ner of Public \forks: Pre,idcnt ('nnnolly, by W. Augustus Shipley, Assistant Commissioner of Ptthlic 1Vorks: Prei(p'n' Lynch. ln- David S. Rendt, Commissioner of Public Works-59,

No. 487

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing an Issue of Special Revenue Bonds, $6,193.11, to Provide Funds for Employ= ment of Additional Force Required at the Women's Farm Colony, Grevcourt, Orange County, N. Y., and for Additional Time Allowance for Licensed Firemen Allowed in Code 2652, 1924-Commissioner of Correction.

The Committee oil Finance, to which was referred in May 13, 1924 (111vHte', Dave 153), the annexed request 'f Connuissioaler of Correction for special rcv fine hiinti,, $(1,193.11, to provide funds for employment of additional force required at the 11 onlen'~ farm Cocory, Greycetlrt, Orange County. N. Y. and for additional time allilW (lcc for Licensed Firemen afl wed in Code 2652, 1924, respectfully

Reports of Committee on Finance-

'I iII•1o', j( IX 17, 124. THE CITY RECORD. .5:307

J.H r.l'u t du t,• till (-t;ll,l;;lltncnt ,of the \Vmcn'; Farm C(iluny ishich II' t tl(I tl',r 1' , ' , rll;lrl IS, 1,24, ;{1111 th(' phicIllg ut all eml)Iovt'es 1)It all 8-hollr

1 1t ".!t Pilo'('-.earl, J , llu 'lti , ,ll1 n(lf. in •.h n(l"et.

l: I1 1'r•~~lll;l t 1- 1rt clitl'.I lur a(Il1l(tl:

I. I h;i I the tlr,,%- ltln (,t >11111IIVHU111 8 cctln 188 Ul tit(,

.\ l Ilrll'r tIIc liu;1ro lol 1'.~11111;III aaild AIIp'III(inln'IIt be and It I~

~I'lt Ii I11111trlil' Ills' ( inililrIt'r ti lt 'pedal r('1't'IItIl' Ink ti tht'

:11 nJ 1. I n11 i1tII'llI dl 11u thrt: (I II;II .nd (•I(vcII crltt; ($({,1'1,;.11 I.

1111 ll• .( 1l 1', , .I I' 1 rI 111 tilt t lIIItII ~lnller SIt (nrI.c tIIII fir the pitrp, .,e ill

ll! ;1ia l Itlllll ;1? lllr 1,A llrll 1';Illn (Il ullV~. (ir(1'l'Itnrt. Orails;''

1'. Ih., ,i , t I"r ;I[ 11H11;u {illy :IIIi~1l;I11C(' 1t11' the 1.Ict'I1(1 l'1rt'mall ;111111'1

„~~ ..~I~_; 1''_'1 11LL1. :lrit It111pnr;tr\ I'.d'p1lr)('(',, (Irt'1Cuurt.

1 I'~;'1\;itI\\1. IA\K 1. R(N\111'/„ k)'F.H 11. SLlA.111N, aiIN 11 1 f; f II i; 1. I: Ai11\y11II.I;, 1\ 1. yl()I-1A, SA1tR1:l 1. 1tI'I:1)IIA,

"f' V' t I \\I) C111

A. AlrAf \\t l llnlnilttr Ill Pin;'1(( 'I, r {lit

Ii ' it in H1( II' i1I1 t1HHll V,ii tht:r tilt' larU \Vbill'' ;grcc with alfl

,~11 rt' 1111:'1 '1.

\L , L II in ill al1ir11ritiv , I~_% the f1IiIottinr; vvutc:

v U 11 :.t \r iii II \1 ii 1t a (Il, HBrdM1, o'a1nIIhcll, (aid',', Corcl1ran,

I' _II II I, ( Ir , I), iiw n, D, ltzlt r, l)r wig. Dluln, Falconer, Fenn, Fitzpatrick. r„II-; 1 I ( :]I';,rrl 11I1ltrtll. 1fdnn,lch, Hcak, Henrich. Ililkemc;rr, J(l~:c.

n , r h l'. 1 IT fl I.I Iii1;tr'. 1lro'ain, \1rC tl,k(r, 11cWaret, \1i(.illic1 \ AI \I;In!.,. 1f;l1n. AI~'rri;, O'I car %. O'Reilly. Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab,

h L h 1. l lh t I \\ I. `,I iiiti. Si;lid, Snnfilanl (1:. J.). Sullivan (J. W1'.), l ,.ln I I iii ;In I\`t I' ,-Tan;th(Y, 11'a1sh, Weher, Williams, \\'irth, Zettler;

{rt -~~ nt y1i1, i i;nt ' T. 1 1 t;tnt Clmnli;sinncr of Puhlic \York:: Prc,i- rt Irnrl:n(I, H, 11 illnl 1 11~nn, Cumnli"inncr of Public \Vnrks; Prcni(1ctlt Cr~n-

n”l ' t \1' 1 1Y 111N .A t taIit Clnlmissinncr of Public Works ; Presiden II I , l It fl(It. C ring nt r (If Public WOlks-59.

\o, jfi5,

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing on Issue of Special Revenue Bonds, $28,484, to Replenish Code No. 2654, Food Supplies, Budget for 1924—Commissioner of Correction.

„,rnr''H I: lint, V,'t1.Ch yv: rcecrrcll on Jtinc 3, llF1 (lEi{iutes, page

ill( Mi',11 A , ' l I111( t ICI (i~111111ft~1~IIler ut drr(CtntlH for special reve{111e hkl'(Iti,

4 ,, o',, l ,~ N 24, 11)1l'I ;. 'iNd1,:vt f,,r 11 )24, r(spccttully'


h.l° ''r- Ir,l 't i- (Inc tnn ;tn inirl'r in the inmate census of the instittttioll ant'{

1vi rI INc• Ih rC I1I;{I IhI' 1'111 Colltlfl1k' for


1' 'll•It lll'I. 11 rU flI tltl ,tCClllllp111')ll CIltlhll'i for adDtifiol1.

•t'd, I ~I:It. 1,1 lwl,11;luc( lit the pr111'I~II111 i (It section 188 (It

, ,tIll r 111 ti :I, ( ll;tItcl-, lilt' l3Har(I ail I'.stimate and Apptlrtlullillcnt be and It is

u;t l lt'lll(tr~. t" -il1t!Il , F /(' tilt' l nlllOtr~llll'r t , l l~stic special revenue hOi1('ti to the

I1 11 'I fttnll, ielit I! I ii ;ln(I nr huntlrud and eighty-fur 0()llar ($28,484), the

I Ill 11(I ht tll(, l ~.mIni:>it ncr tit (rreCtIon for the purpose ut

'rlllt ' I~III ~~ t tit 21,-4. I~il('t f ,,r 1 )24 "I'IUHI ~npnhe~ "

\ t l \\I\(;II \\1. 1;1 1\R I. `;( ifMITI, JOSF'P11 W. SULLIVAN,

It li l 11 I } I ! I I ly:11.l lt.A \l I':11.R. IAS. J. A1OLI1:ti, 5\MI-F-L J. BLRDF\,

111 !;IL.11 \1 \\L), (h AS. A \lc'.IIA'CS. Cllmmitt{'t on I'inattCc.

I !, U11 A(~~, \, rl<. If ;trji f Tatimnt( and Apphrtiunmcnt, Municipal H{ti1dinr,

H• I I Hi tilc tl O Hue I(l, 11 )24.


A. l I';\!VI II.AAI, (lllfll'llhlll, (r)111!1It(1'i U1! f'111(11l('t', fiord of .Ilderinen:

1 1Ill I1tT ni (c~rrCChl~Il— I~t'lllll'~t for special revenue buds,

1. In tl'lll('llftll t Ni. 'llH, 1'lll~II tiuppl1Cs, 11U(IgCt for 1)24.

III. 1 , '4 Ht ll.,rlmtnial t'tilnatr rcllucste(I an appropriation of $37O,641 for feud !Iiit ,. •1n ;.11 ft ]t(: i~~; thi, ltIlrllvrc P\a. made in the 1924 Budget in the amount i S; ),)ill.

(II?I i ,il ;illl IICt I'IIA\ ra'nt'scd IS 1)a~C(11111 tmi factors, that of Increased Census

Li t!It intr(;:~(r' c~~.t i heef.

I )ll , 11 tll, nt(, lit. glut iu,tc;ttl it there being; an average inmate census during 24 i 4Il'1(1, ti 1. C'a'll' 4111rin,-L tLc tint -ix nutnth>'sill approximate nearer to 4,100. and vtill he rr;lttr th;tn t11; e timated in the request. In any event

ilci- ;it ,(!. filf{lrr(U h., It t n I , f ccn>tu and prices will he slightly mol, than 411111 \\ I`t1). 11 (' litlllllt'(1 Hr '.Ile rit,- Im111(Ie1 IIf the year, w uld slake the amount

r ltnit: tilt rcyu( t Inc <orante(L Rcspectitlll", 11 i: 'i;R J. Mc(0\ti A\, Secretary.

i;ll 1)rllt r for the (lay.

11u I' ill rt III l iglu. !lilt the tlur-tignn vihethlct the Poard would agree with said ;tl :111 ' r •I;t•ll r(''c)llltl(Il.

I', }I , 11 c;,> rl lift (I 11) '}ht' attirlllatlti- r 1'y thr following vote: iirnititl 1'~rnlln \ll(n, Atw(11, Bur(Icn, CamplivIl, Cassidy, Corcoran,

I:nll.hl'n. {1111 . l) nl~valI, 1)t~tzltr, Dowd, Dunn, Falconer, Fenn, Fitzpatrick,

1'. it 1 t;l lm :(l. 1 l;tll,. r,llt. I lann(,ch, Healy, }-Ienrich. Hilkenieier, Joyce,

N; iii rnlll(ier. 1\e11 , 4:irnan. I nihan, '.ilcCann, 1:ttcCusker, AI{cGarey, 11fcGillick, \ 1 (t ilul(. A1~ '\1;un1, 11ah n, 11rri, U• l.earv. O'Reilly, R.ud(l, Schmitz, Schwab,

HHl, I I. R. Smith (T. A1-.1. S„l'lin n. Stand, Sullivan (F. J ), Sullivan (j. W.), ~tl'li\;+n 1 I. l Hllil,ul W. F. "1 anah(ti', 11'alsh, Weber, Williams, Wirth, Zettler;

In ilt nt \lidItI l: l;i11 J. Ifag;ul .A>si,tant Commissioner of Public Works; Presi-

i, l't It 1141)t'r, to \V.'i1li:un J. D1u'ltI, C(lmmissicner of Ptt1)lic 1W'orks; President ('on-

i o \C. .\)):o :l 'hillll), ,1<,i<tant C()nmissioner of I'uhlic Works; President l a\ ii * } tntlt, ( 1181: : 11(r of Pul,lic Works-59.

No. 655.

' e1)u)t of (he Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Appropri-ating $942 for Renewal of Lease of Property at 685 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, to lie Credited to Code 936, Rentals—Department of Education.

) ,amnli'l(r. 1.0 i . N;ulc(, tf , lel'icll tt;t; referred t , it July 1, 1924 (Minutes, page.116), •llr ;I If(st I rr I;Iti ) ;1111)1lri;ltine P)42 f , ,r reneisal of leave of property at (185

ILO Mv Jv(I:ac. I): l,l(n, t ( Cr litl'(l it) (dc O3)1, Rentals, Department of F(luca- 1H 1, r(~pttiollt


I lal Ill hii]]t'l 11;1, look art' lll'ie;ll'1' to meet increased rental un renewal of

ry I l'klll( , f 'P''l plldII C.

” Ir ;1~1''lIIII'll If Cllr rclutilln i; recmmen(led. 1 .. Ivr,l, 'Ill~lt tilt, 1' ,Ir~l Ion AI(I('rn1en hereby appru:ICs (If and concurs in the

, jII, in lutil n ;drlilt (I 111( B11ard I if k>timate and Apportionment at a meeting l III Flint 27, 1)24:

1vu1, "I IIa ill(- l ,+ol IIf I':>timate 10(1 Apportionment, pursuant to the provisions

i ~n~I livj : , 'l ) >t ctin X,, Iif the State I-irlticatiun Law, as amended, and in accordance

ll .t 1llt ci ll ( ,)ii:';Ltt' al)tlri eel anll ;Idptr'd by the Board of Education ott Jtnle 11. 1924,

d Ill, r ilk' I ill, - I:ICv that ('x1~t, ti prul:I(le funds to meet the Increase(] rental for

i i Ill Ink 1, P)24 t', 1)t1remlrr 31, 1924, represented in the proposed renewal I Ill' I(`;I,( ,i p:tlni,c< 111rttt(1 at 1,87 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn, as an annex to

I' ;Ili - Sl h ' 1 ,:-, I lr tl1(. I )cpartment I If Education in the year 1924, hereby appropriates, Il~jtl y till (pr vol Ill tllc Bolan' f Aldermen, the sum of time hundred and forty-two

1 11, r I zl)421, if , }II' :r(tlit(~l tog the Budget appropriation made to the Department of local tl. C1,(I. O,in, Rental, f , 0r the year 1924, and when the approval of the

1 ;lrl' , ~t :bl(auon doll Ia~,e heen 1,htaimd therefor the Comptroller be and he is hereby 11!i,l,: (I tn i;,'lc silctl revenue buds in an atnultIt not exceeding nine hundred and ' t t ,l

' 11 ~11ar> ( x()4__) , ~aitl ~tlt vial revenue b(n(Is to be issued in accordance with the

11-,. ~v 1 , l -11, ' 'I ti l'I W K ~ ~ t the ( ;rater New Fork Charter, and said sum of nine hundred ;I I i vi' d ll,is +x')12) ter much thereof as Shall be required to provide for the II Iris ,I ;li~Jr('<;li~l, thin nitthri%ell, shall he included as a separate item in the annual t' (!IIc III ill(' I)I't);Ihllt'I?t III f.tlI:Catlnll fur the ','ear 1925, in accordance with the

n- ii lu(nt f ti 1 sin, 'ull.ertin I, of the State 1?rltu,ltion Jaw, as amended, this ;t III 11 I , i Ili' >'.Ilil,Ct to ill(, appr , val of tit(, reue\vaI Uf said lease by the G(nimis-

i III inl<I) lull. F A. I l \ti(tit;11:111, FRANK J. SCHHMITZ, JOSEPH W. SULLIVAN,

.l( )1 WI IRTH. R. F. KALIF\11FIFR, JAS. 1. 11O[-1_\, sA\lul.:L. J. Itl I:U1:\, \1(_ RRAY \V. S'1-AN1), CHAS. A. ica1AN I- S, (inikttte Iln Finan((.

; ode (ncral Order for the d,iy. the I're'irlcnt pro tern. put the Iluc~titm +hether the livar(I tv,,ultl (rt( «ith will

rcpl rt null all,lpt >uch resolution. \\ Inch rsa decided in the aifirnlative bt the ff)IIIItving vllte: Affirnlati~c—Aldermen Allen, Ativell, Rur(len, Camphell, Ca~sld'v, (rcoran, ('un-

I inl;hanl, t urlev, I)Ilno>,an, I) )tzler. Dowd, Dunn, falconer, hello, Fitzpatrick, Frank, I. nil, Grauhard, }{allxr,tal't, 1lanulxh, llrai , ll ilrich, Ilik(muier, ji cr, kaltcnmcier, E\rlly. ki,.lrnan, Lenihan, 1lcCann, Mc(n,kcr, 11c(;~r( . \lc(iillick, let;uinnl•1,, \1C'{atIlls, \lahl,n, Milli ( )'Leary, ( )'Rcilk, Rudd, Schmitz, Sch\vah, smith (J. l. ), Smith (J. \\. ), 'I I1n1 !I, :stand, Sullivan (1:. J. ), Snlfivan (1. \\. ), Sulli~•an 1 f. J. ), Slillivall I \V. 1'. ), I'analn , 1I*olsh, AVeher, A\ illiarns, Wirth, Zettler : Pre,ulent \hiller, h. hints I. I lagan, :1"b1iont (Jmmi'sil~ncr (If Public \V'tlrk,; Prc<i(Icnt Ilruckller, I,v \\ 111:1111 I. I'Inn,• ( 1111111l '1ll'r of Public \V i'k ; Prcsl11(rlt UIlllln111, IIV' \\ . Aug'1ltt's 5111111 F, Alll~~tallt t 11IIIIi,,,, iirr I Puldic \\ ' i rk : Pre,I(lellt l. 111Th, 11C I)a1'III S. I-i lt, ( I , rllnllN~1u11er I I' old ic \\ ,,rk~—s').

Nrl. (111.

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Appropri-ating $533.33 for Additional Cost of Renewal of Lease of Property at 529 Cortlandt Avenue, The Bron,:, to Be Credited to Code 936, Rentals—Depart= ment of Education.

The t l , tntttittee,m l fid:(uc(, to vvnieh t a, t('to'td1 nn )uL 1, 1024 ( \lltutil, page 37 ), the ;annexed renullltinll aIlll Hr'nt'rli; 5533.33 for a,ldltll~llal Cn~t 111 rcm'\1a1 Ilf leas' it

ptI'purty at 52O ( ,rtlan(lt .tIeiuie. The lntuX, to he credited 111 0utle U3(l, Rentals, I )&Jlar1n11( I l':Ilur;ttinIl, rc per; f'h(

I,I•:Pi)I)"IS :

That the,( a(I(li;iunal iun(k arc ncccasar v to meet ilcreacd rental nn rentv+al tlf lca>e of premises fl,r schoO1 pure cs.

1 Ile a(1'ptloll u1 tii(, rc.MFlh'1l 1 rid 11illlllt'tlil('tl.

R('„Ie(t, '[hat the ';{lard ut khIcrtneiI herehy apprmvc: of anal clmcurs in the fulluoe-iilg r('::ulilt1n11 a(Illptell he the d(lar(l of 1'.,tiinate anti Apportl I nl('Ilt at it ulectilIg hell'

June 27, 1'124: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apporti'nInent, pursuant to the provisions

of suhdijision 8 of section 877 of State Education Law, as ametI(1cd and in accordance with a special estimate approved and adopted by the Board of Education on _April 14, 1924, based upon the emergency that exists to provide funds to defray the increased cost of entering into a renewal of lease for the premises located at 529 ('ourtlatIdt avenue, Borough of The Bronx, for school purposes, by the Department of Ed'acation At the )car 1924 hereby appropriates, subject to the apruval of the Board of Aldermen, the sum of five hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents ($533.33) to be credited to the Budget appropriation made to tll:e I)epart;lient of Edllcati In, ”( ode ¶)3ti, Rentals" for the year 1924 and when the approval of ti ,e hoard of Aldermen shall have been o1 tainc(1 therefor the Comptroller Ile and he herehy' is authorized to issue special revenue honrds in an amount not exceeding Inge hundred and thirty - three: dollars and thirty-three cents ($533.33), said special revenue Kolas to It issued in accordance with the provisions of section 187 of the Greater New York Charter, and sail sum of five hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents ($533.33) or so much thereof as shall he required to provide for the purpose aforesaid thus authorized, shall l'c included as a separate item in the annual estimate of the Department of Education for the year 1925 in accordance with the requirements of section 877, subsection 1, of the State ''d'Catiu;', as ahmended, this appropriation to be subject to the approval of the renewal I , f said lease by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

F. A. CL- \\I\(;HA\1, JOSEPH W. SL- I.I.lV- Ay, J)IIN 11- IRTH, R. 1•:. KALTENyIVlI R, JAS. J. MOIi'N, SAMUEL, 1. BURDEN, MURRAY \1'. STAND, FRANK J. SCHMITZ, CHAS, A.'_I1c11ANUS, Committee un finance.

Male G,•neral Order for the day. The President pro tent put the question whether the Board would aerce vt'ith pail!

report an(I alt pt such resolution. \V'luck ;as (Iecidcd ill the affirmative by the fllll(Iwin); vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Allen, Atwell, l;urden, Campbell, Cas;i(lv, Cllrcllran, Cull-

ninkhanl, Curley, Dunuvan, Dl,tzler, Dowd, Dunn, l~alclner, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, Frank, Friel, Gratlbard. Halher~tad,t, Ilaunlrch, Healy, Henrich. IIiikenlcirr, Joyce, K;Iltcnnu'i,'r, Belly, Kiernan, Lerlihan,'M4c(lann, 1lcl'usker, Mc(arry, 1lcLillick, 11c(;lii11lI' , lc1al:I, Mahon, ;1lorris, O'Leary, O'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J, R. ), Snllth I. AI'. ), sM(1niul, Siam', Sullivan (1',. ). ), Sullivan (J, \V.), Sullivan J. J.), Sullivan 111'. Pi, 'l'anahey, \\ -akh, Heber, AV'illianls, Abirth, Zettler; PresiiIcnt 1liller, he lama J. I1;1 ;In, .A ktant CI•mmksitmer nt Public Works: President Bruckner, Iv \V'idiom I. I'hI U n1n1 <Iuer of Public Works; Prc;ident Connullv, by \\, Augustus Shipley, .`1s;ik,t;lnt Ctmlmi.lncr of Public \V'arks; President Lynch, by Davit' S. Rcndt, Ctlmmkimcr (,f Public \V irks-59.

No. I icy}.

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing an Issue of Special Revenue Bonds, $4,150, for Repairing Portions of Roadway and Walks and Painting Iron Work on Bridge Over N. Y. C. R. R. at Mosholu Parkway—Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx.

The Committee on finance to which as referred nil July 1, 1924 (Jtintrte~, pa!ze 39), the annexed request of Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The llrunx, fur special re~'enue blinds, $4,150, for repairing; portions of roadway and walks and Jointing irurl work 'III hrldgc (1)er N. Y. C. R. R. at :11u>hulu parkway. respectfully

REPORTS: That this rcque~•t is (lue to the Department living advised by the Board of F timate

and Apportionment to ailply to the Iivard of :aldermen for revenue 601015, 'I' he Cunlntittee is ill rrfied that the irn,lro,cnients are necessary. It therefore ]Pre>ents the accumllanyin resolution for adoption. ResulVed, That, in Iuruua11ce of the ;rrolin;ons of subdivision 8 of section 188 of

the Greater New York Charter, the 1t a: d of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue Fonds to the amount of four thuusan(1 one hundred Mild fifty (he liars ($4,150), the procreds whereof to he used h~' the CI,mnlitsitlner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx, for the purpose of repairing portions of the rna(tv(lay a1111 li'n'ks all(] for painting iron work on the bridge over the tracks of the N. Y. C. R. R. at M:,shoht earkway; all oldigations eOntrnCte(l fl)r hereunder It' lie incurred un or l((fill' Decemiler 31, 1924,

1 A. (. VNNIN(.H:111, JOSI:I'll \\. ' I 11 AN, JOHN \\ IR 111, R. I... h:ALTF:y\tI:ll,.h, l:AS. 1. Alt1I.FFA, SAMUEL I. lI['I~I)IN \T['RRAY W. ST:ANI), FRANK 1. SCH_MI'I'Z. CH.AS. A.:\c\I'NUS. CI)nlnlittec on Finance.

Made Special ()rder for the da)'. The President pro tcm. put the question {whether the! Board would agree with said

report and adopt such resolution. \\'hich was dreirled in the affirntative liv the following vote: -Affirmative —Aldermen Allen, Atwell. Burden, Canlphcll, Cassidy, Corcoran,

Ctlnninghanl, Curley, Donovan, Dotzler, Dowd, Dunn, Falconer, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, h:uk Fri(.'l, Grauhard, Halberstadt, Hanioch, Healy, Henrich, Hilkemeicr, Joyce, Ral`enmeier, Kelly, Kiernan, Lenihan, McCann, 111cCu.,ker. '1dcGarev, \IcGfihhjCk, MC[H:1lel , At(hu'n, Milton, Morris, O'Lear;, O'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwan, Snlitll (J. R.), timid' (J. W.). Solomon, Stand, Sullivan (F. J.), Sullivan (J. W.), Sullivan (T. T.), Sullivan (W. P.), Tanahcv, Walsh, AV'chcr,'Williams, Wirth, Zcttier; President Miller, by James J, Hogan :'assistant Commissioner of Pnl,lic Works: PrcSi-;ent Bruckner, by Williams J. l"Iynn, Commissioner of Public Works: President Cm-nolly. liv W. :lupustus Shipley, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works ; Presidrtu Lynch, hr 1)avid S. Rendt, Conlln~ssiouer of Pulllic Works-59,

kellorts of (ommittc( on PoMic Letting


Report of the Committee on Public Letting in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchase to Purchase One Chassis and Two White Ambulances for the Department of Public Welfare, Without Public Letting; Cost, $10,600.

7'he Committee Ion Public Letting, to which was referred on \fay 13, 1024 (sIinut(s, 1);wc 137), the a11I1ex((I r('1111('~t It ( unllillctilsllcr of Purchast' fir MlthnriF to pl1rC1la(

one cl1;Ps ; and two "hite anlbnlances for the I)epartnicnt if Public Wtl'are, without nliblic lcaroO: cost, $111,110O (reported and rectmlmitted, page 413, ANtIiitis Ilf June 24, 1924), repcetfti1ly


1. ZETTLFR, PETER J. lc( ,U INN ES, If)MIS F. CARI)ANI, HouIN \\\I. SMITH, ISAAC FRANK, Committee un Public Thor ughfares.

Made General Order for the (lay. The President pro tens put the question whether the Board would agree tt ith said

report and adopt such ordinance.

I'.( lVt rl, 'yf,it in llur~uance t,f the provisiutls of section 419 of the Greater New A\ hich teas decided III the affirmative h) the fu11uyVlul; vie

1"urk Char'-cr, the ( mnil,slimer of I'uccvasc he and Ile herchy is authorized and 0Atlirnlative--A1dedn1cn :Alien, .Atwell, 1iurd1n, Campbell, Cas>idy, Corcttraii, ('lt-

t 11 " r1 tH piircha nt• (iIt '1, ands ttnu \V'bite amhulauces hr the Department of Itil~r ham, Curlet, Dunevan, I)(rtzler, Dowd, Dunn, Falconer, Fcnii, Fitrpatriik, fran,

Public `vA(o1Ii ', ill the i,l,en market withr'ut public letting, at a cry t nut to exct(d Fr'cl, Grauhard, l-lalhurstailt, llannuch, 1Iealt, llcnrich, Ililkemeier, Ii ,)cc• Kaltrn- ylI t'lit mt cr, Kelly, kicrnan, Lcinhan, Nlc(anii, AIc(uskcr, 11c(,arcv, 1lc(iillick, 11c(niniiu s.

'I 1\l )"i'Ill' f <L I il .A\, I':I)\V \RI) CASS1l)Y, R. F. K TI ♦;♦1 EII':ll, J. A1c,A1anu~, \lahun, Zftnns, O'L(an, O' Rill t, Ru(Id, S(•hnlitz, Schwab. Smith ( I. k ),

1\ 1:I.L'':1 1Of l \ J. C.A\f 1'll'I':I I A. '(;. II:Al1 k' TADT, P. S. 1)( \\ P:A"I Smith (I. 1V". ), Solmon, Stan(], 5ullitian ( E. I. ), Sullir:in (J. A\ . ), Sii Iigall I

RU k I. %1(-I \\ \, Aft RN \\ 1V'. S 1:1\ D, 1 R \\ K 1. DO ] 71.11.R, 1)H\ J. Sullirai (14'. 1'. i, 'hanahe}, 1V'a1sh, AV'cllcr, l\ ilh iiii , Afirth, ZCItler; Pi r' i(hilt \lillcr,

I l:AlII \\ I \0. I. Ali)I.I•;A, JOS1 1)11 11'. SUl.l.lV':1\, Al \l h1\ J. I1E:Al )I', h) Jame, 1. lla> an, :AOIiltlilt (r,mmiai~mcr r)1 I'nhlir \V 'arks; lcIinint Diuckit'i, 1) \t illiam I FI)nn, ( iiuini,siuncr ref Public \\ orks ; President (nui lly, h~ 1\ .:A1ILu,tus ~tnulitt~ r „n 1'uhlic 1-cttint . hiley, :A,0,( taut ( fl)(l i,•it)ncr of Public 1\ r~rk: ; Pre,irlrnt L) nch, ht I )a i. i(I ft ~ il t i~ fled fur the clay. t

•the 1i oi~1,'nt l~r~ , tern. pill the yuc~tin \ hcth(r thr l;trard wI~ulrl it rcc kith ;ai(1 Ilcn(It, lt~mnti~>ium(•r of l.'ul+lii AVurk>-5(Y.

Trpr, 'u ;lily! ;iil t 11C11 r lrinlitill. • I~t'pl~rt, it (I'11111luttt'c (Ill S;ilarlc0 Milli (1'tlic('`- llhich ',~;1~ rhril'.'rl in the atIirm:tIiv, r by the ty1Iowing VI,tc:

1(Yirlll~ltkc ♦ lr1t•rmfu Allen, :Atvv. ell, Burden, Campbell, Cassidy, (rcoran, \(. 5(><),

I'MillIIlt;ti,tn!. ( l rlt\. I) n tan, I) tzlt'r, I)trwrl, I)lnln, Fakkcoli&r, F(tilt, Fitzpatrick, frank, Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution

I lit1, (lr:rl1, la. }I<ilhtr,t,u"t, I{anmK1l, Iir<tly, 1 Enrich, Ililkcincier, Ju)ce, Kaltennitirr• Establishing Grade of Position of Clerk in the Department of Health.

b I (' a:nl, I iidloi• y111( •Inn. 1[c( u•kcr Al (tt }, AfrC;iIlick, 11cf;uiiinc,gy, The cotilm1ttcc un Sii rir ind OtTicrs, to which war referral un June 1, 1')24 1I(11:lull \t iii iii 11rr110, O'I.tarr, f1'1ri1lc, Mudd, Schmitz, Schaah, tirnith IJ. IZ.I, (\limiter• page ,175), the annexe(I resolution II(hilrvmg );ra(I( of il')sititi of Clerk in ,'Inith I I \\.I. 'iInun, St.ulrl, Sllllian II•.. 1.), Sullivan (J. A\.), ullivkin ("I'. J.), the 1)epartnlcnt ref health, respectfully tiullit;rn (1l . 1'. ), ] an,tht y, AV°al;}l, 1\ chrr, 11 illianls, WCirth, Zcttlt'r--15.

No. (4q. REPORTS:

RI.;1 OR'1' .:

•1 }l it lr (iIllllllttic fllleati Iti pr('tiall' ('xprt'ssc(1 co11C1l1slun, that as it is

intt•l:(lorl 'I lmrch:uc ,l apccial make (II machine, no advantage can be had 11) advertising

f r h tlirrcirt' prc,cnt> the acctmmp,lnvint rest~lutit,n fur adptiun.

Report of the Committee on Public Letting in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing the Board of Trustees, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, to Contract for Repairs to Refrigerating Plant at Bellevue Hospital, Without Public Letting; Cost, $3,000.

'flit: ('lmnIMUr nil liiIt1c Latins:, III lnhiCI •\'a5 referred un July' 1, 1924 (Minutes, i r 2_'), tI i aVticyuoc cf,d1tlr't „i llx)ar(l of Trustees, BtNc1tir an(! Allied Hrrspitals,

j. tutu rit, 1,, elntd,1et I rnlcr:;cnt r('pairs to , the refrigerating plant at Bellevue

I , i,.11, v.i it ii l'uhlic lcltirig ; c >t, $3,(il): respectfully

'hue ( mnlittrc Hi I'uhlic Letting, to , %Oilch was referred urn Jul y° 8, 1924 (Minutes, ;.Lc `:I, the amuexerl requc,t of Colnmitisioncr of Licenses for authority to purchase n aut 111 Ill, \sithnut puhli( letting; cost, $2•(11)3.50; respectfully


1'll.1t, 111u1'tihi(h a> it i0 iuutcnclrrl tol purchae a special type of auto mobile, no advan- t t e can he 11&1 I a(IV'crti,ing.

I'h CInmitttr tllerefre ru' lntnen(ls the a(lr~ptl n of the accompanying resolutitln lt}lrliall,[ ht' (")Illtlll0,si 1ler of Pllr('hase, ptirsuatlt to Charter requirements, to make

such lurclia Re~tJtefl, TIn t. in pinti;ul('r of the pr vi.sIons of section 419 of the Greater :velc

l , irk t liartt , r, thr• ( lnn1H 1ner (If Purchase he and he hereby is authorized and (Ills 5lrll 'iu ptirchatie it Hoick se[lall autumuhlle for use of the (,Urnmisstoner of

I i;cn r , ill till upon market, without public letting, at a cost not to exceed $$2,633.5O. 'II lOTIIY' 1. SL'I.I.I1 A\, Ia1V"ARD CASSIDI', v1ARTIy J. HE AT

iH\ I. I.1'1AIRAN, JOII\ J. CA\IPI31:LL, MURRAY W. STAND, FRANK J. I'I )'I ZI.I•:I~, P. I:_ Is, ALTI':A\ll':ib:R, JAS. J. AR)LEy, JOSEPH W. '1 I I I\ \\ 1':1Th1( K 1. 11c(':AN N, (' inmittee urn Public Letting.

\l and Sj•t)licd (ir(ler ft'r the day. 'hht' I'rr<i kilt I1rnr tcm0 yut the (Itiestiun whether the Board would agree with said

r pi r1 ;rnr1 a(l pt >tich resolution, Which uea, dcdllc(l in the atfirmatiye by the following vote: Affirrnati>.r°—:Al(Irrmen Allen, :Atwell, Burden, Campbell. Cassidy, Corcoran, Cun-

nit,gliam, Curley, Dunoran, Dotzler, Dowd, Dunn, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, Frank, Friel, ( r,lulrarrl. Mali er0,ta(It, Hann, ,ch, Healy. Flenrich, Hilkemeier, Joyce, Kaltenmeier, h(Ilt. K ernan, I.('nihan, Nlc Cann, Uc('urker, AfeCarey, '11cGillick, McGuinness, 11r11anu, Alahnn, rrik, O'Leary, ()'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R. ; nith I i. 11.., Slomn, Stanrl, Sullivan (F. J.)• Sullivan (}. AV'.), Sullivan (T. J.),• S Illitall (11 I'.), Tanahc), Walsh, Afeller, AVilliatns, Wirth, Zettler-54.

Nte; tits—Alderman falconer--1,

1 H i- t IIf (ntllr111ttt'e ri1l Plllnco' 1 In roilgh are -

No. 523.

Report of the Committee on Public Thoroughfares in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance to Amend Section 13 of Article 2 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, Relating to "Restricted Streets."

The ( m,mit~.'e (In Puhlic 'I'liriiglufarcs tzl which was referred on '.Ita) 20, 1924 ',1inlltc',, pa:c 2, the annexed r(hnance to amen(! section 13 of article 2 rrf chapter

—4 f III, t "ode tof t)rrlinancev, relating for "ru0,trlete(i 0,trrets," respectfully

REPORTS: "I1 Ir Ih,' Alp'rul,iu r(l)resenting this section advises the Committee that this

rliieliueL 10, pri~pU~t'rl ;lt the rer~tie~t r)f the property owners and residents (If the terrltorv,

;I, there is a g(iieral complaint against invasi ii by peddlers from all sections, and the :ti( , are het filed and littered ho their rufilme.

The restricti(l1 applvs illy to such streets as are not non or may hereafter he set ,to t'(' fur market purl ses

'bile :1(1 ptii ii i, tect~tnmentle(l.

ORDINANCE to amend scrtirrn 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of (Ordinances, relating to "restricted streets."

Be it Orduuncd, /0 the Roard of ~lld'rmen of The (:iii of New York, as follows: Seed ,'n 1. Subdivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of

Ordinances. as Amended, is hereby further amended by the following lines at the end of th(' sllbhca(ling „ Bror~klt'n. oil'

.911 s1r 't.s ll'inr/ zeithirl thy' tr'rritor knotcn as Cone g Island except such as arc or nral' lrr' roil h'r b dcdirrltrd III sfrcet market purposes un(/'r §20 of chapter 15 of ill is ( cl~' -

Sectiun 2 T11 is Ordinance shall take effect immediately.

Ni,te--Yew matter in italics.


That this 1.fsir1lltlrill is tO prtrCi0e for the prolilrrti li tr{ a (_lurk to a grade le0,0, lhall

the minimulu ui the fifth grade pending his quallf\ing 1)y it prrol( tirn exanlin,ttiun. The L(l j tl)1l of the resoltlti(irl is rccrnnmen(led. \hereas, The lard ut 1'.>tin1ate and .App(irtbinn(etlt a(I-)lted the fullo\viitg resrrin-

tn It a staled rnectiiig held June 13, 1O24 Resnlv'ed, That the Board of Itimate and Apportionnlcnt, pursuant to the prn-

tisiolls of section 1) of the (ireater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the ltoar(i of Aldermen the cstahlishmcnt in the Delrartment of Ilcalth of the grade of position, in addition to those heretofore (vtahllshe(l, effective Alay 1, 1)24, as follows:

Rate Number of Title of I1nsn1 in, Per Annum. Incurlhents.

l:ew)lt- e(1. 'heat the fl ard •,f -A1denn(•tn liereky aIrpr vt', aof and ilmeud• in the ah,p'e ct'0ohlitlUll and tie's the calary ut 1,al(1 1!u>ltlt)ll as 51 forth thereinl.

I"I)11'.ARU W. (•(°l~l.1'V'. ;':I)\VARI) C'',SSlll1, A. (1, IIA1,ftl:I:STAI)T. JOIl\ I. ( R('C)R A:A, Ill R\ILkRl) S(lIf1V',111, II I I I. AIc(;l I\\I'aS. JA\11?S \I. A11-'I'ITHA, I.t)L'1S I". (':AIll) \y1, Pt I I 1)( )\()\ "I hiO`;. O'REILLV', CtiurniIter on Salaries and Odices.

Made General Order for the day.

The President pro tens. put the question whether the IIoard would agree with said report and adopt such resolution.

Which was decided in the affirmative by the follim ing vutu Affirnlative—Alderinen Allen, Atwell, Burden, CaniplIclI, t'assidu, ('reran, (`un-

iiingham. Curley, Donovan, Iotzlcr, Dowd, Ihmn, Fenn, 1itipatriek, Prank, l'riel, Gralil)ard. Halberstadt. Ilannr)ch, fleall•, Ilenrich, IIilkenleicr, Joyce, Kaltennieiet' , Kelly, 1 iernan, Lenihon, '1cCann, 1lcCusker, 1lc(;arcVv, A1cGullick, 1[t (;uinne0, , 't.1c1I,.ni . 1trhun, ).'orris, O'Leary, O'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R. Smi-h (J. '\V.), Solomt,n, Stand, Sullivan (E. J.), Sullivan (J. W.), Sullivan J. 1. Sul!ivan (W1. 1'.), Tana}ley, AWalsh, AVeber, Williams, 1W'irth, Zettler; President :hiller, he Jame, ). Hagan, .1s0,ict..nt (',)nirnisrioner of Public Works : President hruckner, h)' Wi lianl J. Flynn, (ommissiunet of Public W'V'orks; President i'cnnQ1v, by `A'. :bg1lrt1lr Shiplc v, Assistant Commissioner of Ptihlic 1V'urk ; President Lynch, by Dahill S. Remit, Cummissiuner of Public \V'orks-58.

1L xcuscd—Aldermen Falconer. No. 602.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing Grade of Position of Foreman in Office of the President of the Borough of Richmond.

The Committee en Salaries an(i Offices, to Thiel vras refcrre(I 'In (lulu 17, 1924 ( :Minutes, page 3781. the am?cxcd resolution establishing grade of position of Foreman In the office Ilf the President (rf the Borough of Richtnun(1, repectfully,


That the purpose of tln0 resolution is to provide f r the filling ut a VaCa11C1 at II tilitiimtun rate.

The adoption is recommended. 11 llereas, The Board I I'stiinate and ,A.ppurt1otimctit adopted the following resi ltt-

ti n at it stated meeting held )tme 13, 1924: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro-

v.i;ion.s of section 56 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the Board of Aldermen the establishment in the Office of the President, Borough of Richmond, of the grade of position, in addition to those heretofore established, effective June 1, 1924, as follows:

Rate N umber of Title of Position. Per Diem. Incumbents.

Foreman $6 00 1

Rc;olv'ed, 'that the Board cif Aldermen haul) appr (US of and c;ncnrs in tin altlf(' restltltlou and hx(',C the compeii itloll It said position a> set forth therein.

EDWARI) W. t 1. RLEI'. IlDWARD CASSIDI', A. G. HALBERSTAT)T, 1OII\ J, CORCORA\, BIRN11ARD SCHWAB, PF.TF.R J. \1( lti \l;;S, JAMES M. vIt,'RTHA, }.()CIS F. ('ARDANI, PETER DONOVAN, TllOS. O'RF:I I t Y Lummittee on Salaries and Offices.

Made General Order for the day, The President pro (ens. pelt the Cluurtiun lv het her the Board mould agree with said

report and adopt Such resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the fr,llowing vile: lffinnative—Aldermen Allen, Atwell. Burden, Campbell. Ca:sill), ('oreuran, ('nn-

ningham, Curley, Donovan, Dotzler, Dowd, Dunn, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, Drank, Fr.:l, Grauhard, Halberstadt. Ilannoch, Healy, Henrich, Hilkenicier, force• Kaltellmeter, Kelly, Kiernan, Lenihcn, McCann, McCusker, McGarev, NIcGillick, 'ticGuinnr'ss, MeMallll:, Nlasm, :i1orris, O'Leary, O'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R.), Smith (J. 1\'.). SIlonlon, Stand. Sllllm\'an (F. I.). Sullivan (J. \'V.), Sullivan (T. I.), Sri1!1eau (1ti'. 1'.), Tanahey, Walsh, AVeber, Williams, Mirth, Zettler: President Miller, b'. Janles J. IIagan, ;Assistant Commissioner of Public \VTorks : President Bruckner, by W'V'illiam J. Flynn, ('omr»isyioiler of Public \Yorks: President Connolly, by W. Atigtrtus Shipley, Assistant Cumntissiriner of E'uhlic \♦'Igks ; President Lynch, }hy David S. Renth,

Commissioner of Public \forks-58. Excused—Aldermen Falconer.

No. 611.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing Grades of Positions of City Magistrates.

The Committee oil Salaries and Offices, to which was referred on June 17, 1924 (Jfintites, page 384), the annexed resolution establishing grades of positions of City Magistrates, respectfully

REPORTS: That this is to increase the nunlher of incumbents in the grade of City JIar;istrate

in accordance with the action of the 1layor pursuant to section (A] of the Inferior Criminal Courts j1ct.

The adoption of the resolution is recommended. \t'hereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment adopted the following resolu-

tion at a stated meeting held June 16, 1924 Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro-


unit t!ii i0, ,In extrcnlc cnucrgenc% ,Intl fraught with serious consequences if not

;ooiurir(I t iunlcrli; lcl l he l (Tmmittct acrt r( tin t ly recommends the retlucst he granted and the accoinpauv-

11_' 1 ol1(1 Hl1 1) ;+(l 11(1. Clerk $2,740 OQ 1

RR_ Do , hc'cl plyit, in pnd,uanCe If the pruvisitms Iif section 41') of the Greater New _

'Irk Ml1lrt(r, the F;eal•di f 1 rtutcc, r,f Bellevue and Allied Hospitals be and it I t rt'hV Ioo :Illfhril"lIt'd and ('1111ru%%('red to er•ntract I(ir emergent repairs to the retriger-

;tin). untit t't l llctut' f Iital, ill tilt' upon ma ket wvitht~ut public letting, at a crest I It ti ez1I-cn k.()(t), chart cahlr to, ('Isle 2O47, Repairs and Replacements, 1924•

"I'f111)TIII' I. St'I'LIVA\, I I)\V'AI:l) CASSIDI', NIARTI\ J. HI AL1', loll\ I. I.I:AIIIA\, (1111\ J. (1A11PRI•:I.L, NiURRA1' W. STAND, FRA\Ii J. 1)( )"I I1 1 lv


I'ATl I ( N J %lo:(AN:c, Cummittee un Public Letting. \Mile 5I~ci;ll Order for the day. 'l'llc Proidcllt pr tuns put the (Iur:tiun whether the Board would agree with said

_ •p„)- t ;Ind a( ,opt ;tich rc'(Ilutii n.

Which t% i < d Ci(l1( ill tilt affirmative by the following vote :At(irnrtice—Aideritl(Ol1 Allen, Atwell, Bur(len, Campbell, Cassidy, Corcoran,

nnnineh<(nl. ( -uric}, l)uiu van, I)otzlcr, D_ vii. Dunn, Falconer, Fenn. Fitzpatrick, Frank, ri1. (ir,lul~artl, ll;ilhrr~tar't, Rannoch, Healy', Henrich, Ililketneier, Joyce, Kaltenmeicr,

lit, Kit ri lrn, 1.cnihan, 1tcClriii, A1cCuslucr, '\1c(;are, 'IcGillick, \Ic(iinncs, \Ir\I;lull, \tthuu, 1l iri, t)l.earr', O'Reilit', Ru(Id, Schmitz, Schwah, Snlith (J. R.

nlith J. 11 i. (rlluln. titan(!, Sullivan (F. J.), Sullivan (J. \V. ), Sullivan (T. J. :Illivn I\1. I' ), "1;1tiave), A1a1sh, Afever, Williams, Wirth. Zctticr--;5•

No. 683.

Report of the Committee on Public Letting in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchase to Purchase an Automobile for Use of the Commissioner of Licenses, Without Public Letting; Cost, $2,663.50.

•1•IIII'l(-11:11, JCIX 17, 124. THE CITY RECORD. 53u9

I' ill >'t'll 1: l i}lt' 11;1trinir (_ r11Il1Il;l1 (t'itrt .1ct, LCrt'hl' rl':.irl11rnr'n(l, to the

I rlrr ni l'. IIt( Vll'i~htncnt ':n the (itv 11,I,,,I,tratc,' C)urt, nt the ra(les 1_rt

'.tli ll, .1':I11.11 iii tl!t lll'rl nl-C cl t~ll~ It'h'' I. a I)IIUVV :

Raft \ui nlrcr of

I -I!t tit 1', -iii ll. I :Annum. Inrnlnllcnl

l;l i (I ttt (tiv(' \L 'L 11141 8,ow 00 1

ICI tl tit Ir:ll' tI\ M.,\ _'4. 1'),}I 1

l~ -~'I I Ili (I ..I V llltll hi t tii l c(liiCtirS in the

`. ll''. 'I ,I \ t t •ALii alll 1 I a' (t t 1- ti t11lTtIll.

1'. )11 vI i A1 (.;ill I':1111.A11.1 \f1) :A. (;. 11 1I.1',I':1y I'.AI)'f.

III : I IM 1 ;( Iy v\ 1,! 1;\1111\1) I\\:AII, })J II I 1. \I( I\\I.>•

1\II '.I \Il l\111 \, I ~ li H I t _11)-1\1. I'I':i~II J) \()l :A\. I II(H.

kl_III.Q. t Imn'ill: it ,, I I llfi~l~.

\I I n ni.• j 'It' Ali r tll~ . aA

l, ti nt'tiu vIllIll(I tilt' Iuli Xl , d1t'l ;R - t

h rl"

I ~•

I : \, K I1. I ni!i . I I ,ii', Mcl, 11-IaI, 111 aI,\, !c(iHIftk, 11l(it111111t•?,

\I .\I 'I: ~ t I t; rl, t t I ('111X, l lltlrl, cI1l1it7, HwaIL X1111111 1 J.

, ;I] ', I ',\ : 1i Ti I lliv;ln 1 V. I.l, NiIIiiii (l. AV'.), Stillivan T. J,

Il v I' 1 I' I iI;lilt v \\k11, 11 cter, 11 tilt;lnl~, A\ irtII, LctII r; Pr1Nk11t \liner,

,1; I I'I t" \H iiH L 11111! li r!rl 1 I'illif11, \\r} [rl'>I(Itlit III IICr, lr.

111Ii;tl1] (. !'l,rn. InIII>,IlItr t I'tlblic \IIk 1'ie'dent ('iii IIv, Iv \V .:\n Iit,

'\1-,' i ! Illlll•• , !'.'. r [ I11:'!' \\ ; Irt lll:l I\]1;1, li\ I)vil . Illlt,

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution F.stahlishing Various (trades of Positions in Department of Water Supply,

(ias and I.lectricit}.

I !I , I lln!itt „ Il ',I!:;rlt

][lilt I Ii' t ,;;; tlt I't

It I, 'tali lit ••I \'t ,tI'r 1111\

I],' 1 '.t I lily rllllli11 ter 11r~~11U , t1' 1111 l'i11111 tit vailIiei0 in

Iii 'Iir 'I' 'I lu ;t'I ]ti'] i, rr•~~nnrrll'It'I

\\ 1 F,lI II'.Ill,itr all''. ~1,1) ilti litl1blit Glllitt''I t1lr t111111 rilll

It' I :It t'~ I Ins '!iI Illl Ilr1c l, 14:

I It': , Ii ,t lilt' I:Irlt IIt hlll;tll' ;11111 .A(tlli~lllllt'lll, IlIIr,t1:t1lt t I the 1 )l- t)-

I I1 'J I' II ' , f 1111' ( r'tr \('1C Itrl< ( H;rt'l1'I'. Uiillv rt'C1tl))i111'1l(l; Ii) the

i'I , 'I \'tl It 11 1i hhrsivnt il', the I ll'I,;trtlllcnt '~t \1.Iter Supply, (gia: an(1

I l t'ii ( rite 'terl;t' nl p' Itl: ll;. 111 a1lltltll1 tt , tIit' IICrCtut(lre (,stabl'isl1C(l, a:

I' 1,

Rate \unll,er of I Per Annum. IncumFenis.

\..i•t;ant I'alui itcr

cr;0A) 0(1 1

\- , i ,l lilt 1•.1'',I iet1 .... 3,O,) ()(1 4

\r ': 'at't'tu~Il ' lii!]i~t'a;tu I)] L]]]) 3,(NH) (NI 1

11("it,un,;t! i )I ,fl~nlan ,,%I) 00 1

I: h(' I' ti c I", ;n'I J .Al~lt'rinc; I!rr.'I yll)r"v'c, if lull e1ICilrS in the

' Iiiil I ti iI,tri f`;III Il lt'.'11 i, jet IrIll tlh- fCfll.

I'.IIv,1.11~ 1', t [ Ii I 1': I)\\ 11\111 (:AS~h1) , :1. t;, 11.1Li11'-R~T.11)"I'

V III\ ny(t' tI-; A\, I~i IyAII \11) lI\\:AII, I'I':•i•Ik J. \111'\b. ll !~l if 1. I 111 H (11 1)\\l. 1'1':'1'1':1y IIOXO1.1\, TIIOti.'',

1 I~ I l 1.1.1 , l mnt( n ;tl;.r'r, ;Iii Otf. JI It t;' n( rill I lrlitr I 1 tl'.t' I(;1v

111,' It lilt lire lt'lll. III lilt' l;alt' llrll 1111t'thCl' tilt' Board 11'tilll!I ;t,1~rt't` 11'It11

it' t ,ail 1- \\ VI II V\ I` tip' Ili'I 11'. tilt' "Ill [rill;tll\t' ail till' tl:t111 Ate

\tiirnl,tivt A l(IIll(11 .1111 u, _Atvvcll, I;;r(In. (aitilllell, C]l il',v, l~rlran. (till -

] i,.11,tlu. l llltv. e l l'!/Itr, I) w. J iiiiii, I cn:l, I'itzlr,ltric, Fralik, I'riVd,

(1Il,11- Il,tl 'r';t. Il,ull'j,Ii, hLily, IImrkrhi. hill;clrieier, !)lee, R:tFeitncier,

Iv ''I;. I'ilt'jIy. Lirlli}1t' I, uei]Ln1], Alt'('u•k('r, He(;arcy, 11c(1i1lick, 1teGuinie s,

11'i , 11 t!' ;' 11 ri~, (1'l.t; r'. 1)16,111 , Rii FI, SchltItz, Schwab, Smith (i. R. I, 11:11 I '_ A\ 1 F lien, Ftantl. ',llv;ln (I'. l.l, ullivan (1. \V j, Sullivaii IT. Jl,

1 Iliv';tu I \\. I I I t:thl), A1 iIIl, AI'1hur, W1iHlatll , 1V'irtlI, Zcttlrr : Prcsidcrst Nfl''itr, I. fII.]] l.tut 1 mini,-I nt-1 1 i'ilhlic 1V•rkx; 1restucnt Prticknsr, by

\V'LI ]ter I. 1N.1l],, I 11llni,ncr (i Public \\ irk ,, Pre,ldcnt Clliiit ll . by \V..1nu;tll -Ili 'JI, , . A I I I n! r._ r I I I \\ ' ; k: ; Ptdilicnt l.v ti It he Iav id S. Rctidt,

I ItIll- ''ii i I'::I 'ii A\ rl .

I',\if :Ai I 'ilt-I I',11i ,,Ill's.

N'o. (] ,

Rerort of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution I I stahlishin (trade of Position of ',b'atchman in Office of the President of the Borough of Queens,

1 tic i i iiirtt, II ttl,!rit> ;ul('t (tfictr, tit Mhirlt vva< re]crrtd v,ii Inns 17, 1') 4

\I!I1iit '':I,' ill , ', tllt' ;Iltllt'XC'I Il'•~~Illtlll ride it ltlull !'1 \\ atch -

1 ., [ tl;l : ] lrHl'a i Fr' ' ()tidr' rprct1till\


1 Ill' tilt' ill, ;I "1 i'i tIll, rIlltl'11 I, tip '111 a V;cVi'l ;tt t}ll' rate 11r'l1]l1Cl[ it tilt

111 t,l, I It

Ilanl ••1 I tiiitGIu ;Ina] :A1lllI~rt1,tnnlcIIt i(OUrteiI thr' f , I11uvVin , lt I l 'i% It(I(I It11't I'l. 1)_'a

cri. I tll II lid Li f,I 1 1ll:ltt' ;ttitl .AIljlcrtl'iitdctit. 1)llr,tl;tnt to the Orc-

' II, '~t 'Ctli 11 I till' (,I liit l'VA' '1' Irk (1lartl'r, }ll'rl'1)y reCl'r11111C11(I tit the I

\I tiIti'. (Il l;ll~ll ,llllltfit 111 Ill(' Oifi: tit thy Pr(lt'11t of tbt' li(Irottl};b Of

Jt'rll, ' i III. '':I I '' I~ ti , ii, 111 ,'lll'lltlll In thle 11(, rCtuf(irt' ('~tahli'llC(I, as f lIuty :

Rate y of

Brit' ' i I't'~iti n, Per Annum. RcumT cnh

(P. (r39.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing Various tirades of Positions in the Department of Parks, Borough

of The Bronx.

111 rmmlltittct' I'll ,tl;lriand Otlir('~, ill vli1iiU vv;u rcfcrrril it Itill 1,• I .VI1111111.', 1;1el' 11 11, til' al11l1.XCl1 rc1ntlit u tal)]LI1111 Alrltt> Lrlt(Il' I t)inlllt~ 1t1

Ill' Il(;rtlllll( i'f P;IrI~~ litil li hl ''I 1 lie llm)lcX, I llt'Ctltllll

1, };J)Ol'1•S: hut tlll I'l'1(ttl~ll 1, l'' (Ir''\Il1l' a free lll'll'IC1' IF Illy ilur;111 1 tilt' l\,ltt'

11lii rill 1'I:Ivflt'1'I, vXiitt'V i, l\\ rl'a(lv it Ill(' Its 'll .I , II lily I!( cr Ir\ ,I'I(1 the ;Illllht'll i , l till' rl'lttii ill rco IIIIltl'lltll'll.

\\ llt'It"t ,. I lit' F al l Iii I'.>tiiit;ItC :111(1 :AI)iihrt1l 1HI11'lit II(li pt 11 till' 1 , T, iIHl1' 11,111

(I'll] ;it t nl('ttro tell Inns 211, 124:•

Ri lwl, I Ilm till' F art ut 1'.'L'il1;ltl' ;Ctll r(I111111'llt, })llr~llltllt I tilt' Ii1'Itil ll,~

, It >t'l'tl 11 ;'ll '1 tilt' I rItl'I" \CAA \lirlk (llilltt'r, Ill'Il'It1 rt'e iiiillelltl> t(t 1111' Iii'arll ill

.Ah'i('IIlivil tllr t'• t'(1111,llnlcnt in tiir I)t'1)ruttntnyti 1',lrk<, Illin'uib of 'F lie IIronx, ttf he r;llll'• fit 1 111 ii , Ill ;1'lilllli~!I I'l tlh'>C lll'r(t , 'tnrl' t1;IlllNlll'll, efc(,11vt' Atli(' 1, 11124, ;l1

1 11i:

Nunllmr t,I "1'i'ir I If 1 'it1 n. l\rtr. Inrunlbcnt~.

I'cr .\nnunl. 'UII'I'v1IIlC lllr' tr y4,,5I)(} III) I

\ itant ul)erli~.~r '( Kc;r, l! ii (! hilt') ?,UIIU (Pit 1

Per I)iem. tt('ntl;lnt $4 1)1 ('illiliiitnl

I'Ilv:;n' huh l ;AttrnI;int 4 UU 1~'tiiiiitited _'vllnttuinL lit trnitr 4 (Pt) 2 \\ .itcIlnyul ; IIU 2

,AIIit11t'i Ill'rl'11 1111)r1'C l X11111 Ctll'lll' ll Illy al1t'

•l- i iit11, 11 ;11111 tl.\l', tilt' ';iItrly ,ie i k,~ 1111)111 ;1tlll I ;III1 lIII It111 <i I 1 , I'III llRl('lll

l I)111 ll t1. tJ \!l\ hl\1\I i) (AShi)ki, _l. I; II.\1.I~I'.II•:11li - .

RcIv('ll, lilt tl'r Iii lr I I

IOII\ I. (I)l t (1 1\ lli k\lI1R1) ( 11\\:\h I'I':I I l I. \h(( l\\I':~S, 1111}': \I. 111 8111\. ILI I (1kI):1\1, II Ilk I)OV) :\\, 'l1l1) I)'RIII.IA, I tllnliticr .'ii al;lrte lnl(1 Uffit .

.AI:ehr (j artl Orr ill the tlay. 'I- Ile I'rt-i(Iellt I till]. Ittlf tilt' t;ile tiit vv Itchier tilt' Hard Xrs'l11li terse t'itlt still

rlp)rt ;dill jilt :Iill rglilnti(In.

\\'I ii vlu iitl'i(ll'lI ill ills' ;tlii1'!ilalivt' III rile flllv'l] llr:

.At]irnl:ltivt' - \IlIcrnlcn .Al1Ii. AtXIyNl, nilrilirl, (~InlIIlu'll. [1.ltiv, t .•Ict~i tit 1 un-

IlllII;1111, ( ll7lt1, I 1'llli~l„1l, I)i/ltr, I) w(1, 1'111111, I'del, I'lt7t);ltrll-l~, 1' lily I'rlt'1,

fit;ull <1'rl. I I;II!kl fait, I iiItili '(.it. 11111v, I Iyllri]i, ph,k ti t irr, lye I~;Iltt'nnlcirr, I. 11X I\i('rn;lI!, Ixniiblu, Mel ;inn, 1I ti l<cr, Hc(]-ii , \l'(jilliik. \RiillIlln(">,

1c 11;1;1t1 AI ! In 11 ' 1 t PI"yltrl, O'Reinv, Rntltl, seilillitz, Sciioah, Smith ( I. R.l, N[lt'la ( I i.l.I, Ill ii, tit;lI11l, stnliX'lni (I'.. I.). SIIIIii;tII W. 11.), tiuIIivrat1 T. I. I, ullil<n t\I. .), ialIater'y, A\aI It, ACcbcr, AViIli;tii, 1V'irthi, 7.cttler; lr(i(icut 1I Ibr.

Ilk l;lsnt': 1. 1 Iii tu, :AS,i>tant l ( , Illleiil'1',cr It Tii!)Ii \Irk> : Fre.tlp tit Ilruckrt 'r, by \V'hI~a n [. Flven, I(,mmi.~i' ncr of Puhlic 11• urk>; Prc<irlrnt ( ]tit ll), by 1\.:Aill ll iti ~Il'pY.:1t~~.nt l ntnliiI t'1':r 1)1 I'un1ie 'll i :•: Pmsi(dcw I.pech, 6v I)lvlil S Re'lllh, ( '117111! 1lt'r l plill' \\ (rl:

I':xcuyl--\iit-rill(ll Fa c, incr. \o). (40.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing (irade of Position of Messenger in Office of the President of the Borough of Queens.

'lily (' mnlittce till Sal~tric, 111(1 Odice<, tl' vvihich vv;u referred ,it [ale 1, 1')2I

,\Illltlto,", 1):If~e lit), Ille :111111At'll 1'll htlti ill l'~tliblhllll1 O' t;r;iUl' III (11~>ltl1~1l if

hi ONice If the 1re.1(1eni i't till' ]irtetit tit (Ul'l'Ur, r'llt'l'1111111


Ilat till' IiIrPlle (If thi, rl'llltll tip 1111 a 1lc;1lei" b1 Iht,In ~tlll t Ml1ilttl

r111)] X'ee ill lire rt't ice I if the I )etTrtnrillt. 'J 'ii' 1(11'(Jl li X11 k 1l'C'rr11111elltlr(l.

11 hiry<, 1111 N.t,artl If Itiptatc ;till :AI)ll rttenm('nt ;l(ll ,])tt'tl the fllvlillg I- Ititil n

at ;t tneetintg 1111(1 June ?(I, 1')24:

Restll\U(l, That till' hard lit l tiillGte ;Ill(] :Appio,tij11111ent, (Itlr5t1i1lt tot the pill - Vlsloils If sUci uu 1O (It t}le (ir('atl'I" Yew \ ~ir'k ( barter, Ncj(cjX 1t'CIl1IIilllll(F II illy

ftar(1 of .Aliierinlll tilt (EaIih1lllllt ill the Officc It till I're.i;lcnt, Ii,Irt)ueIt III (,)Merits, ail [lie' !irlie Itt ])0SitII)it, III a(l(I1tlliI1 tU 111451 bl'rt, tII1Ure cyt;11IIIHIIe(I, t'1tl'ytlVC

Iune ?(1, 1924, a; N1lww:

Rate tiutn1Icrof Title of P(sit1,(,u. Per Annum, Incunlbcnts.


,?, I ;(1 00 1

Rl'~lI \(' , iltit the It ar(I if .A1(1c!-1111'll III,reb lil)prll\t' Iif :till I' niitr ii tilt' 1tlI,VI' ry>uIlltl"11 :hill itXi' tilt' illlrl tit "till Ill):ItltIIl ;l (t f(irtIt Ilkrl alt.

I': I)\\ \i\) W. ( RI 1-. Z:1)1V'.11'I) CXS,MI)I, .A (;, IL\L111':RS"l':1I)T, I )hIQ I (()R(()R:1\, III ':R\lI:Ai l) ;( II\V':A', PI f1 ':R J. 11c(I\V'I',SS, [1111':ti 1I. A1Hy"I IIA, I.O1'I I (':11~1):A\[, Ph Ilk DO\UJ1'.1V', "IIIO;.

O'R}':ILL\, (rnntIItrr' II sli1Iric" ;ln(I Otid('. 11;t(ic (Ivres1 I )r(Ivr f , ~e tll(, dav . FII(a PnIflelll pr u left. Iittt till' !Itte't11Ili Xltemlllr III( iP ar(l weld aQFlit- lfit11 '.till

tel)zitt all i a(I111 'tltill rr,if ti";, \V'hich vVl liyNlIld in till' ttlirnlative IIv till' fI it vvit vtc: lfrrnitivr -:AllIeIIInln :AIll;..:Atvtr11. 1llrdcn, l-antnitell, C;li(lc, ('re In, ('tlll-

nittellam, (_urlry, Il Ill v;ln, i)gt/Ilr, I)vld. Itnnn, l end, Yi[t1r;itril'F, l ricl, (;rlular' Iiiliuwr>ta(It. Ilanll'rl:. Ilcalr, Ilenrich IIiiLeiitrirr, JI0v- t-c, Nalt('nnlrilr, Kelly. Pierian, l.rnihan, 11c( ,t;rn, Mc Cii krr, 1[r(iarrv, Met iillick. 1[t'(liinlll' S 11c,lln<. 11Illn. 1[trs, ()'l,car\, U Feillv, liu(I(I, ti1'Vlltit7, Seltwtb, tinlith (J. R.),

nlirh (J. 11.), $~ lt1ur n, titllld, `iIl1liVaii (F. I.), StIllivill (J. W'lt.), Fiiliiv'an ('I' 1.), lllliv;ln I \\. 1'.) 1 Inahcv, A'1tkli, AVeber, AVillixni, 11'irth, Zetil('r, Pr('<i(Iy'nt Miller,

I)v lame, .I. Ilan,; .:A< ia, tit 1 1'111n1iH ii1r I i I'lli ,Dl A1rk,: FrI,i'illlt itrucknlr, by \\ illianl J. Flynn, ('oillrilisiiler of Public \\'ork ' President ('I 111 llly, by \V•..1it.1t,ttlq hil)1,), :Akt;ant (nlnli, I„ncr (It 1'llIlil' \\rk , 11.'~i](nt lnch, Ill I)ivi(I . Rill1t,

('tiiiinllt lltr ill Iuiihic \\ urk -~~~.

I':zcuNc(l-.a R(rrnlyit bill Bier. \o, 041.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing (irade of Position of Nurses' Assistant in the Department of Health.

'IT}le nlnliltt'e t:it 5:llarirj and Officx;, 1(1 Milct was t'cforrt(I (Ill lily 1, 1924

I \hiillut, IlICY III , (Ill ' ;tnnl\t'II rinluti(~n lSt t Ili'Ilill ra(lr (If IlI);limn If Nurse's \tant ill tit(' I)' trtnlcnt of Ill';Ilth, rr,ltc tftilly


I }lilt tilt' 17llrlt' 'II tll!, rc<i'ltltlt , il is Ill (irtl\ I(Ic for till' 1111111' tt1 Vacarsiie, at the

ninimunt rate. 'I hr .1(1,ll)tioll i; rccutltmrn(lod.

\1 hcreas, The 1(I)ar(1 If Fstlill;Itc and :11111ttrtiunmeut a(I(illted the foIh i ving resoltl-tiurl at a nleetroL 1111(1 luny 20, 1O?4:

Res~lllt'(i, That the I.nard of I~.-tin;ate and :Ap(11)rtil)nn1ent, pursuant to the pru-viSiun; of section 56 Of the (sreatcr New irk (Charter, hereiiv recomtnerl(1; ttl till' ilr(:lr( (If :Aidlrnlen the e~tabli~hnunt ill the I)cplrtnlellt of health of the grade of luitIlm, ill a(Iditil~n Ill tlu(',c hcreluf()re estallllshe(1, effectivc June 20, 1924, as follmrs:

Rate Ntlnlbcr of Title if Ioiitiou. Per .Anmmll. Inctttnllents

\tlr~l s A\,IslGllt $) (1 00 1

Ren.1ve(l. That the itoiril of :Ab ulrnim }lcrclty lt)I)rt , v- c; of and amcilr: in the .l'(\c rii(illutFeul and HXIS the asalan• if ;aid l(nsiti(lll ac sit fllrt!] lte('r(in.

J'1)\\:lR1) W. CURLEY. I': I)\\ ':1R1) (:ASSII)), :A. (l, II \I III l "•1':1I)I',

I ~. l itll ,:lilt

lit li.

,1']I 1,' Ili lilt 1iI1.

\'' UI lL 111' n. .A(vll. 11,!rll~ n. t ,lmltt ll, l;1!\, I - i - ,m.

I '~ ~ I''Y1n, I) 't; r. I I v':. I inn. I cii ',, Fitil),Itrit ;,., I. ~ and;, I ril 1,

(ii Ii, III;IV, I ier]t'ul], I lillvnit RI, Ivt k iItnnlir,

1;1 lill 1;tl ,,1,•1-1; (N) 1

t il II, I it;lt I'~ F. ;r I \TW'rllirii lrtI.l)v aippruv It and (Imetlr, ill the

i rt'uei-Illl'M'1 ,Ill : \.` 1111 ]t1,lr\ 'I i] 1 Tit),ItI. II llH >et fir tiil'rl'lll-

I !111 'yF 11. I l I'.1 1 1111:1RI (:`,ti~II)1, :1. (;. II:AI.11l':RHTAI)"I II'II\ I. t(''I(I'tF\\ I', [I:1111(;) ('II AI',, I'l';'I- I`,R I. AIt'(;l'I\\1':~ti,'

1111 1f ll {VIIIA, WIN I . C:AIv1 \\I, II TI1t 1)O\OV1\, "I I1OS. ~ 1 FL11_IV, l ri hilt' n S;ibiP. ;ill,' 0iitt'.

I]( cn' rl ltr tr tilt'

he lit 1 1 ("It 11'i t(In hilt the hui"tinrs avllcther the Board wl)BI(1 agree with said rt anti lI II I ikr[f r("Ipti , Iii.

1 1!lirlt vr;t- (It(irlr(I in lily Ittirllilility v file fllttail vIte:

tlirII tII Alglt'rint'n .AIltri, Atwill. Ai'lmi1n, (w11llIh(ll, Ca,<i(1v, G ,rct)rall. ('nn- C Gill, ;. Ill v I ii v;tit, Lt/h r, 1)vv'r(. I''llnn, Ien'i, I'itzpatrich, Frank. Frir1,

(;rlI ;t,'I. I I;II (it'll. I l;tnn' Ii, 1[(;11v' Nririch, Ilillccnlcicr, Invee, R,lltt'nntcicr, It'llv, I\ 1.t nth:', Mc( 1111. At: ('u,krr, '11c(;arl'y, MiGtl1ick, lI(•Gllinne;s

JI l ', I AI,I 1 'rig, r l'i•tarv, ffkullI , fluid, Schmitz, Schwab. Smith (J. R.l, Frlli 1, I ' \1 .1 1'i Ii 'I, Ft;lr1I1. HlhI)V'Ilt (T. 1.l, Sullivan (I. 11'.1, Sullivan (1'. 1.), '

'li .t'l I V', I') 1l! Ill(;, As'akli, Xl-ti,r't', A\ illiarn~, AV"irth, Zetticr Prai(lrllt Miller, ~' dill] I I'; :'„ n. \-i till 1 ~']ll,lli.,i~n r I'i !'ill,iit' \11'rk;: 1'rri(Icnt Iritckni'r, by

1I':IlltilI I. Titill ' I elruli;•,'xncr i Pttblie \V, ikii I'reidtnt 6 1miolk, be \V..A11ff11,tns'. ?till' v. A'H l il11 ( nlitII l li 1- 1 1'1!1 , 111' 'll I. I _; IIll~I , II I.vIwlI, Ill I)avi(I ;. kt'iiilI.

n!ruI..~~,l , i Plll,ie \\"L S. - \iJ- ill l lllll 1;IIe~ i''I I.

Rate Number of .1 l ilt 0 ilfl1I. Per Annum. Incumbents.

\h1l II. 1' i1(I1l ) \\lli 1liilitIhlIc) $1200 00 Unlimited

Il\ll, 1 • .d tli b :1! 1 :\ldy:111Tl llcrhv aI)I)r\( f all(] cncurs Ill the abo ve 11i ii! :i\ . 6 lr I l 1.iIill 1K et Irli thcreiiì.

)\\ \j I I \\ I RI I I !\\ \RM CASSIM, A. ( 11 L1l1 RT \D F it I , \ (I II I i 9 \ \ ( \ 1 I \ll ( il\\ \i PETER I R I \i0j9 I \ \ I I \1l 6 \l I b I I I \. L( IS F ,\RI)A\i, Pi"I'Vk DONOVAN, THOS.

l II i.. I i 1l)ir 1) Ill ) 1 l,l (J1rl 1 ol ft II 1 he l i t It et 10 1111. (III (hI FlllIilll \vl1(Il1er the li;lr(i \VIlhi(i agree with said

\\ l . I I(J IL] in Ill ;wlrllativC I t i lt' fllwi1I vIe

\o in Ii y Al i l it it All( 11 . \oll, l9lrdhl, (itlIhI!eli, 1ativ, (_rcratl, ('tin- li )1'l r, l)\l, I 911111, Fk 1 1, llIZI)JIT'ICc, 9raiik, Friel,

tFt. I I , lf:lv, l few ili, l{llllnier, Five, kaiiiineier, i'lli iii, \i ,( ni, N Ic(1Kk('r, Mc(:lrev, McI iillick, MeGuinness,

\fl N I,i] TI . lir. I'Ju;ry, I lllFy, Null, Schmitz, SU!1\\b. Smith (1. R.(, 11I lJ (,J

W. . S 1iiiii, Still, Sullivan (F. I.). Sullivan (J. \V.), Sullivan (T. J. ). 'i .l1!l'1 , W~1 1,11 \Vcbr, \\'1lllanh, Wirth, Zettler : President Miller,

l.11ly, I. I I;: x i .. \oIiit ( ' .ilil1lFi!1r f Piildic Works ', President Bruckner, by

lil1i1lill:r I Public \Vrk' : Prtideit Lniiiollv. by W. Augustus F ;\i',i I ( nlTnNil]yr i lillIC \\ik : Irlidlnt l,yiicli, hy 1)avid S. Rcil(lt, IlilNor F 1iFFic \\ i t- L f.

lFii •1 Ill" ii IliI dlCr.

N. 645,

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Niitahlishing (irade of Position of Clerk in Office of the President of the Borough of Richmond.

I Ii' I ,1i'llFtIi I ii S;l;rfr' 'iii I J6iu I' vliirli was r(ferrl In July 1, 1924 di i tv,, l;i' 11 I . ill' xl m \'l r'iliIil etallNhiil grade of pitith of Clurk

I '4 1 1 iFr I'it 11 1 1 k it if !Ilc lFyiili ( of kicliTliond, respectfully

.5:10 THE CITY RECORD. THURSDAY, IU1V 17, 1)2-4.

H \ I ( ') IIIN1{\1I 11\VAi, IITFR J Mc 1;UJ\\j

\ l \ I \ DWI ,- AND AM. \ I P1 I } R DONOVAN, TIJ( )S I That 1L1r1(If this rt ?tuitu k to prwniitc a ( lerk t di an iin Hi I . 11InI!l V l IT I if a higher ra(1(, j1Ut1(iiIlg his ivahIcatiun I Iv t\LflhIt1Ltil1 it i t- t he IIIh rr

j, 1-(CUflfl1UIdtd. H I H TT h1fl pill Ill, 1,11(H1l1 \ Iitr the I'ard vn1d agr \tI1 s;iiI \\ Iiria , TI flard of I';tiT11{tt W([ .\prtll1innt ltu(I t}1 II1I\\ IIW

. ii'u ]ttPfl. rt1itin at a ntiiig hel d Jniw 20, 14 \\ d{ I ill i I \ \ I lw ii \ t

i Ii t the i ml I , f 1 tnii tt ti d \ 1 prtii1111nt iur nant Ito fit(, pi I '1 lilt it \ I \ I \\ Ii II l ( am ll.( t iI rn iriiii, t nh

III II ) I till ( jF( a tt ! \ c \\ F 1 ( Ii H It r 1, c i i i I 1)17)11 I1d ti) Ill(' } II

I li in I ) r I ) d I 111111 I II I itip t Frinik, I i It 1. \1I , IfltIl 1111 1 t I 1111 iltlit thc lltI( ( if the n l(Il lit j 1IIL1 I Ill Ii it i I

I ii i I 1111 h I I II I It iirlch, I I IIL 1111 ii r I ct,% K alt t mcwr,r I i f II 1 ii II 11 IliltI II t' Ill I I t t 1 1 r( I ti Ii ill I I II U 1k I ii R

' t I'{ It 1! LHJ!.\ l'T ! ( llk(i, \lcI;ircv. .\ictiiilii'k, t(tIIrItl, Il)4 . IlIl1U\\ 211,

1 I I V , i I I ti { I \( ii I !\ lit III , I I It I I Sc I I .k Af) S Ili lt1I ( J }\

1 ' I' ' Ill 1 'tII ''II 1 lI (1 J,), Sullivan (J \\ ',u11ian (1 ) I 1\ \UIll I

\\hr , \V!Hllnl. Wirth, Ltt1tr: Pridcut Miller, J .\nnunt. Ill llllt!u

IJl IJtI \;llI 1!ll!))lsiI)tr I 1uhHt; \\vrk Prul(kIlt IrIl'k1ter,

l l 1 1 , (T I 1 ,111dic IL 1i 1(11111 ( llIll1\ ii W. \tlLl1tll ( 1l\ '1 u iti) '

\ .rl II1IIU [ HlIlr \\ik PrtllI(lit i\IICil, 1}\ I );I\ ill . Iyll(lt,

l• ilil• W1 rk . ll4I\ll, iiitt the lard Ht \I&rinlll !Rrch,, aplr\e It ilild CIICtIl III I lit lll I itI,I't FC, I I it I I 111(1 Ii\(' Ilit 'iltI\ iii Li(i JiilIi I ll i k ',( t tIti1 tIllitlIl.

I I \\ 'I 1) \\ ki k \ I I )\\ \I\ I ( I[)\ \ ( 1. II \I I i\ <T F II 1( I \ ( ) R ( ( )1 \\ k' N I I : \ I \,L I )I F. ( I 1\\ \h II V I k I \l( ( I 1 I \ \ I .\\!I' S \I .\Il il'Ii.\, I)I' I- I ,\lI);\.\I, 1)\()\:\\ 1 Ii( )RI:1 Li\, lIlIIllttt U t i lt 'allrIi and

lI i(i Gene ral ( )ukr h)! tI1t (I\. Ilic Pre'l(lelit ])Fit ft111. lilt (IlIYllIl \hit1Itr lily I 11(1 lVVlll(I ILll mill LI1

l(LJ( rI alill t(l(I)t lIclI r('lIlItilTl.

Which wit, (klU1((i ill ti le atfirillativc ly the iI.\\ti t& \fflr!lllIli---.\lltrInun .\litit ,. \I\\ l], flIlrI(ll. aIllTi. 1 rir, I

IUlIlaIU, ('lit 1l\ , I )lIvan, 1 )11711r, l)w ii, 1 I mill, Itil VlttplIrlH, ! I I1K, Ill 1, I rauhar(l, I 1t1IfttI;ldt, I I alulull, I Itav, i(llrlil. 1 ilIlli]fljtr.

] y , kirtiaii. L(lllIl 1, M ann \1cCIlLtr, M ;ti;, nllkk, \I c( uinll1', ic\lal l a li t )it, .\!(rrK, I )'ixar, I )Iclli\ Illl1(l. Cl1Il1itZ, schw;h, it11

!i. tHIII, tl[I\;lll ( I.. j.), lll1ll (J . \V.t, Il1liVaII (l'. It,

. T ;ttali

ta, Il\t

i1 i, ;Vhr, \ iI1iin, Wirth, Lctiir !rli(illlt ilhr,

lv falli' .1. f!aall, \ )lIllII iHlkr Ht

llti)1iC \Vrks Pridtit lrtickIIcr, hv

\\lIliaIIl 1. lliiii, (ulllI)tii f P111)1k \VIL 1rtidlllt I tlll()I1\ Ili, \V 111 1y, :\lttIlt (I'I1lll1iLllr .I I \\: l'l(ldllit i. Ii- h, iv I tilt lIli(I1U It l'libhC \VrL -.

lxCt1tl-:durflRll lik r.

Jate Number of

I i I I ii. 11cr .\ntiiim, IIIcutIll)cnts.

I rf I I I ii \\ 27C) (it) I

2.7() () I

I r.I(lC,l Jl;iiNluIll1

2, 1 50 (l

ill\ 950 00 3

IlTh'I\lII, hUt! (I 1tn1 \I It, rIlIllI I 1lr(I)v ;lppr(v(s ( all(i cIlcurs in the abl)v llllH iI I L i!;trr( . lii 1)'ttTflhI ct thrIll tllereTrt.

,. l (\\ .\IflJ W. (LfI,!\, 1i)\\ .\II) \SSII)V. A. (. i1\LBERSTAT)T, II )I I W6 I b \\ } \ IT \hJ ( Ii\\ \R PETER J. \Ic( I\\l

I \\[I Ill 'II L , }\ I H \ I ) i I \II) \ d 1) FTF R I)D\O\ A\ 1 FIOS.

!; j 1.1.1, 1 11111V111I'll .ic, ici l l I }ffi. \Ltlr r i I lil t I- (r ih v.

H. i jiru 11111. )'lit (il ji11lfl \\ llltIlt lb Il'tt(i \VuUI(I agree with said

1 1 II! ;Id .(i ' iii tHIlltIlI.

\\!nH \. IlIIII II 1}i :tlIillll;Itv( tli f11Ioill \lte: ., Ia Nilitlilerof \i?

it i. It \ : Allilt r \L n. \I HI, Hurduii, a!Il(lIlII, Laidv, U)rrdl1, Cun- Title of IksitiOfl. Per Annuni. IIlculnl)cnts. I ) ,wll I llIlll. Iflll, IltZ1)attlC, Irai*, IriI, -- --

I bI!Il1LLh, ild\ 1 biiriyh, I IiIkeiniir, Jnvc, Kalfciinncier, ttn(}Lrap!lur and 1 pc riftr 2IO OIl I kI I i Ili] I \Il ( uui \l ( ii kI r \f(( ir \Ic(1iI1tk Md3uIIllk

l IL I \I II V , III (IJ O\ ((bi'k RItIbI 'Jitiiit, Sch wab, Smith (I N I Rll\d Nut tilt 1I{IId 1 \bkrnlll ikId Il1rI\ (I 11(t (l1Rur II lift Ii )l(

­Li I 1 St I III I Ltil1i tiPi II (1 ) 'lllII\ LII (J. \\ )Sullivan J. J.), r(Intl Ii 111(1 flxc~ the 11tt\ of 11(1 l)ltu 1 it tith Ill(rlll

\\ I I IL \\ ] 1 \\111 \\lflI1t1l \\trt}l /ettltr Pres ident Mi l ler, I J)\\ hJ) W. t J1 I II I )\\ \R) I \J!)V, A. ( i\I II RH \J(J

ill I Il l [I 1 HI IllI)1l1 Wi,rks : I1 rl(1Tlt 1ruckiir b\ H (I IN P ( I )I OIk\ II I\ 11 klI) '( IIWA H II I I I \il( t I \ \ I \\ l I I I 1 t 11 III I 111 1 1 Poblo \\ Ilk Pr I(I(Ilt 11111111k b\ \\ \l1LutIl \\1 I \I \ft k I II I I ) H I ( \'I) \\ I P1 I I l I)( )\( )\ \\ T 1 II

I I I III 1 I 1 I 1,H: I A1fl I Ph (k lit I 1111J1 il\ Da v id ' Rll(It (I I'i II I \ UlllIflltt " tIlt ( ii (I ((lullt

.I Pill \\., . I;o1l jllUtaI Order for the (lay,

\l ! A l•T il( II l The President pro few. put the (lltiuII \YlltllCr ha bird \vIllhl art( \itll said

\; 644 r( ) Irt and adopt such resolution. •

. - . . .

Which wa decided In the iuuirnittiv IIY the Illvii vite:

Report 3t the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution \ffirn,at:v-\llermcit \llun, .\t\v(lI, Ilurdun, (itll1;l)(ll, C:tid , Lrcuraii, CnTl

I tal'iishing tirade of Position of Ambulance Engineman in Bellevue and 1 ii,lj WI llIk\ 1) tio I tIr I)d Pririii I uiii I /[ttrl(R I oiL 1-III?,

Allied Hospitals. ( raular(l, I IaIhcrtadt, I Iallncll, I Iualv, I l(llrllIl. I lll(llluier, b)vc, IKalIc!llluicr,

I ,t i III lIll I l I d I 111111 \1nh \\ trrd n July I 1924 j 1 kI(rllan I (11111 1 \l In \hCttl r \k(lrt\ !jxtIIftk \I(JuIlllu \l 1 .ili( .., ) Lt I, l ka lllilUXl ' I' ll I t{llll]I1Q arak it Iltll It AmhuIanc McMaiii, M(lI()t1 tr , ( )'Learv, ORillv, Rlldd, Schmitz , Schwab, Smith I I. ft •;,. IIlI11I it, b dl.1L :wd \liii If1tI, ft])uCllUllV Smith (J. W.). SIoincn Stand, SI:Ilivan (I

", J.), Sullivait (J. \V,), SnlIivai (T. 1,), ll1 liVL!1 (W. P. ) , Tanahey, \V;illi, \\!jr, \\'jlIjii11i, Wirth , 1ttkr : Pr(i(I( ft Millr r,

bI I ; Inle, I. II:utt, :\itiiiit 1, ollilllls~,I(Ill'r f l'uhlic \Vrks : I 1 riduIIt UrticklIer, by I11,11 III ( II Ii t d I I Iii 1 1, lit II Ih( ilk lltmlkr It IIRUI111)11t tt the j I hIll 1nrnlsllt(r of Public \\ Ik Pr (Itt 61nn it liv, I)v W. \lllI ii

Ill I Ill Tilt(, \\ iii Ill LI LI lit \ I I1(l( IllI\ he fil led, Mall (uIrIlIg \ltllIlt 'l(Ipl(\ \ tnit (tl1mIl I '1 Pill)! l: \\l Iiakiit I ttJi I)tid I(lllt • :d I;i ,t rp it, I i ]1Il I!;LI I1,\ rult 1llr\vi1. (tnnisullr of Public \\'rk-.

id d. lXCtlSC(lAl(irIltClt It1cticr . \\ H . 1 . l:' - d .iI ;rll ,\pJrdlIul(rIt a(lpI((l the fZluwiiig rccIu- No. 651. ,i 1 ill I I. li t II julic 211, 124 . Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution l ­1, Il, Jlijt Ii fli a:l ( l.t 111111y and .\ppurtiitlnciIt, ptiriIaiIt to the provi- Establishing (irade of Position of Comparer in Office of the County Clerk of

II I " Iir! i I111i , (;I It l Nc\v '1rk Chart er, Ihri'bv r(conlr(Ilds to the 1ard Queens County. i : ~, Jl ri:i II Ill 'ii(]li7fll II it file flC!!VIIY and Allied Hospitals the grade of 'I'li(' Utl1r1ltt(( tlri Ill ( )I1ic, t,, \ll1cll r(Rrr((l i ll July 1, 1)24

( {, II, II .11'ii t' t1)': ill kIIl UIilJIil(l flcti May I, 1924, as follows: \1iTl(ttc piwe ,u ) , the IT1ll('X((l r(lll(ill iiliIiii r:Ilt' 1 l)itillIlf (nhllalur

--- - - - ill fficc I f the Giwili (Irk f (II((II (itlity, r(I(ct(ully

% F )l'FS

That the (mndttc H LII that t1it Iit are uclary ill rikr f it

Irlerly Icrirlil (lu wrk 1 the the, :till 1r((l)t tlicr ( flhl )l\ are drafted f it

(1(,the \V rk,

The a(ll)tiohl i, ttO lflhhlI1k(l.

\\'lierea, Ilic 1ard of itilhltt aid .\(1rtiIlnlcl!I :ol1ttl the iIJviii. r(dn

11 'II at a nl(ctitIg licid little 27, 11)24: lelvcd, 'I'b:tt fit(, l(:tt-(l (If }'tihhl;itc :111 .\I1rtblIht'lht, It:ttlt ti the Iry-

iijIlhi If suctioll So of the (rcatr \rk ('li:irtrr, lit rCi\ rcchhlnitIh(ls tit the Board

o f .\ldcrinin the CAahlilllllrh]t in the I offir if the lh1htv ( ' lurk of Queens L)llIltv f

the grail of 1);1ill, in a(i(litin fit those lhcrrtforl lILlhiiSll(l, effective Jiilr' 1, 1924, as follow -

Date Nuniber of

Title o f f()SiI iii, Per .\nnuni. Inctitnlrenis

( ' iiiti'r I ,.iO, I (1(1

Iclvl'i, That the Earl f ,'\lderrneil ly're! a!l)rv' 1 and l'r!iClti'S in the iil)l' r('slutiil aol tix' till salary if i;1i(l pitiii it ''t frtii tl]ei'il].

EDWARD \Jfl) \\ ( ( RI F\ EDWARD \Rl) \SSII)\ A. ( 11\1 P1 R'F\DT !()}i\ I 9()R(Ok\\ 11F,RNIIARD SCHWAB, \R P1 ii R I \l(( 1\\l ,i.A\lii:S M. MURTHA, IJ)CiS F. CARDANI, I'l,"ITR DONOVAN, 'i'iiOS.

( )'R El 1.I.Y, Committee ('11 Salaries and C )tTiccs,

Made (ttc ra I Order f ur the ic (llI' .

The President pro turn. put the (liil'titl \\ lietlier the [;lrrl wolild arc( with said rel rrt and adopt stir.'ii rcsoliitir ti. '

Which was decided ill till :tlfiriil:Itl\' lv tilt- tnhll\\ llIL \rIe .\Iiriil;tivl --.\ldl'rml'ii :\llii. Atwell, Rirden, ('anhpleil, ('asily, Glro i ran, ( III-

tilligihani, ('urke. i)ri)van. I (171cr, D(, wd, I (111111, Fenli, Iltiiratrick. P11111k, i'riui, (;r:IliI):lr(i, I ialbertait, I iaiiihU'll, 1 i('ll\', I Ilnri('il, 1i114ihicic r, bvce, i<alt'1in1'i'i,

l\C1Ii, , Rierilall, J,tiiiiiaii, McCann, \l'CIlsker, \IcGare'. ri'(;iliick, li'1;lil,

\1c1aiiii, i\Iail11, 1rrrris, O'1.(iar', O'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith ( j. N.). Smith (J. \\'.). Srrluhn, Siatirl, Sullivan (1', J.), Sullivan (J. \\'.), Sullivan ('I'. J.),

\p, 043.

Riport of IIlt• LMmmittec on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting kesoIutior I stablishing Various tirades of Positions in Office of the President of the Iorough of Manhattan.

L I Hilitith l lLii t x 1 d LF.h, t \\Ilic]l \\t rcIlrrlI ,it July 1, 1)24

* ,I!1I I 1ll lit i!l lt)IlIIllI Vfl'll Fi l l lc lit?(lH ill

h Ht i till Ii .111l 1 \LilI]1ltIdll, r1)uctitlI1Y

iiI i( u IiI ilIi:l

1, i Pr'ihI1 tr tlii tl11iIl of VaCallCiC by

I, 1.1:11 lrr. Il ii i. rL1( thill )viIld HI the

i ,, 1IliY l ItllIiilliIlUi. 'I h E il .1 1:tiIll:lft 1114 \11 rti llnlIlt at a niu&titlg 1ill June 2(1.

ill Ih fl ,lll 11tiiii;itu 11111 ;\1irtiutiiiiiit, ptiistiatit to the pro-

I- U ' f tilt 'r, 'it ( \\ wk (!uiiftr, er1v rcmincttds to tiic

I 11 CC If J Prid&nt, thrungh uf

IN ill l(I!(]MIl lu huc lIcrl)t}re ttab1is1ii,

Ilift 21 1. J4 l

No. 947.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing Oracle of Position of Stenographer and Typewriter in the Depart , merit of Licenses.

The (hlInhIlIt' k Ii Salari an t i ( )Iiic, I Mich \(; r(ftrr'i II July 1, 1' )24 ( \1iiul1tl, )gl 21 ), (iii alI1\ll rltlIlI cIilillill r!e 'I pi, ll I Sgia pbr :11)1 ivi)i rit(,r ill the i)iI;trIhIu'll: f i.iclll'i, r[lltiuiiY

Rf'P( )RlS 'l'lliIt the i)uril 1 tli' rilutii i to) (Ii a II.tIIC\ at IhhilhinlunI rai The al PI 1 Ii P, rIc rflrTllldcd.

\Vilrca, The Hard If i't)lllat till AprtiInut tIlittI the 6 lIwihl rultt- till at a meeting 11111 Jule Li 1924:

Rl'l\ll, that the Bard f Ltintati and \((rIil:lhlllt, totiuI I ill(- pvi 1K

o f scc illwi of the (irc:ltr N\) urk (Ilartir, ]y rcttllnulil, i the liar! f Aldermen the (tal!KliIn(l1t Ill the I)l'(;lrtlhllIlt Il l l.1!1 If till r1 If pitilI, ill

ili!itin to ti1C hyrutfIrt (taIIKl1(l, y(flIi\l ,lIilft (), 1924, 1k, flll\

Rate Nurnhcr of (:?I oI I ''i!l I1. PCC;AlntitMd. IllCilnlpCntS.

ill IIIIT •I li tlll , (,1.111111(; till(1 I`li1"11lg $1,SO() 01) ?9

f I I l f' H ):A i JLLV 17. 1')24. THE CITY RECORD.

H'1' :n i 1' 1' 1. TNT:I1lcy, AViii,h. \\h r, A\illiarns, AVirth, Zettlrr; Pre~i(lent )lillcro Re>t~1vcd, That the l;(lartl .•t .Aldcrmcn herd,) aplsr(\r; of aut1 concur, in the

1 I.uut I II.. W, .A•,i-1,lnt ( inn1i..l'r.l'r cif 1'uhhc 11„rks: Presi(lcnt Bruckner, b itl„Ivr rt'<ohlti,;n an(f tixc< the >alar t)i 'aid llt ,>iti~n ,is •et forth therein.

,1 :]]in: 'I I , lnnii er tai I'HbI1c \1rl ; f'resiclent t rt)hi l), h) AV.:1uLu tn Ii)\\:AR1) 11-. l I I:LIa . b:Il\V':1R1) ('.A lt)\ A. t., I1:11.1lr-IRST:A11T,

H '_ ',~' 1 n m 1v 4'raidntJ.yncll,li) 1)nvid S. Rnllt.I 1(1)1 J (()lat A\, Ifl':1(\IIAltU li('II1V- :AIt, E'I':-II':l 1. Ah(d 1\\i':~•

11 JA\11'a \1. Aih h I ll.A,['I~ I-, (:ARI):A\I, P1 11I I)()\O\ A\, 1~IIt )~ )1:1ILI Y. 1 l mmi;ttc Iln ti.tllric< ,in(1 t)ifie

\ (,:? \tall, ,in r l ( )rdr fI I- thr tl;lv.

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution I Ile I'rillcnt pro t(111. Init the tluc>ti n vv 11('1111 th, I;,,,l1d lltl ;bier vvith

I'tahliskin. (Trade of Position of Inspector of Regulating, (trading and Paying ra'J';t It (I adopt "1(Ii rf,Iiofitm

in Ufti(e of the President, Borough of Queens. 1\hich vc,l (he lt'(1 in tl l. allirll.11t'.v- l' l i v tt'

v _. . ,rm, a I'Ilt , ~11(r.

vv a, r(fi lI . m I iih 1. L!Iadc lit Illl`IIllIll It III ,1)Clt , ~r

I'Bel)t ul ill(' I;1irotigh Ot

ltiirnritive-.11l1cntl('1n .A11cn, .Atvcrll, 11.1rtll'n, l;inl ph li. t :l„ills. l rir:ln. l 11n '1 hr 1 1 ~~; Ott' ~ Ti ~alnt , ;ln~l OIfl~t'. tt) »llirh

IIIIIellanl, l llrlc I)nnuvan I)1ltzlrr. 1)ov~tl. unit. tM•111. I'It,llatlir'.;. Drank. I rit1, • ;ht ,lnn~ ~~ ' rt ,~ ~lu;~~a c~';! ~li,}1 11>

t ~ratlt aid, ha11 tint, I1 n~n~ 1, I k ik l crnrtgl. 11111<rnl(I( I l~Iv I . K Itrnnlrirr, ht'_!~ ,trl ~r~ ;l i 1',It~ll~ in l lttirc ••t till

}\(t. Dkl.naf, Lm)ban. tilc(ann. Rc(tshcl., AIL{ :ir('1, Mir(ndtk • \k(

vi. 1 1_, 11 ''I" 1 In \1t1 ri nt'il bi'rt'hv' ;1)1IiH\l': nl and coiellr, 111 tl'('

ll( 11• :II fit• ti' •,I1)lr f >;i11 itlnll as het t(lrth therein.

f ! )11 '' ! 1', . t 1 y 1.1:1 _ i':1111 .A l) \11) A. (;. 11AI,Tl]i.RSTAFIT,

If 1IH I r1k:1\. 1',I'RAII:lhl) ViHI\\:A1;, ]I HR _l.

\).fly 111 I it \, I.(!1 H I'. L\)1)\\!, 1)_A\I, ['If l':}: 1)t)\t)VAN, T!IOS.

k I !_v, . I minittty -Il >.ilarirI Mill tfice .

n. -.!I it Illl,

•Ile 1'l..-iltll l tc'nl lint thy j. tie it it 1vholler thy Ilharll vv'~ulll ;hirer vv'it}t :air!.

., ;111)1 .I l„tit ;,•I1 r,

\\11'tl' l III tIlt' aftiIllt111't I the tillnl5'lll>; 1il':

\I it' it 11~!c'!~1cn 11It'il. .11trlil. IlTllt'if, (an1i,l1cll. la„illv, (- fc('rn ati, (1ul-

111 ll;h , I;van, I)/1lr 1)vt1. I tlnn. I cn'1, litfnatrir'.:, I•trank. Iii('),

1, r) Ii, l ..l1 Il;)nll. Ilr,ll), IIt'nrirh, Ililkcnit'ier, love(', Iraltcnmcit'r,

v•v, K ih:'.I1. 1CHtl1f, 1ctn her, Mc( ;Irv, Mc) )flick, Mc(uinnes.

1 AI 11:~i~~ ' 11 I t',iiv () l\('illv 11 1(l, so-hnhltz, (j1\\ 1) Smith ( I. R.1,

liI 1 I 11.1 , 1 n: l'. H'n~' 5til1 ivan (lr,. T.l, Snllivall (J. W.), Stllliv~an T. l.l,

n r11 I' 1, T.+ll,lht~~, 1\;lisp, 1\eh(r, Williams. Wirth, Zettler; President Miller,

I l tI:I',;In. .\ l tlllt t i11nll 1 Ir , f pffl1hC \\ rhs : 1r&idunt 1trilckwr, by

\\)I ~ 1~ L furl-II cer t,f Public WV'orks: Pre )dent ( Ilnin ll', by W. Allgtl<llls

1 1i;n ilrni1 ; H 1'llhl)(' V'~. 1:<: Presndeiit Lynch, by I)avirl S. Remit,

will ••I t 1'111 lli 11 " l

i .AI,I( mien F;ticollcr. NM. I. (e3.

Peport of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution EstaHishing (irade of Position of Transitman in the Department of Street


)1 , , ( it to „t. 111 a.1;lrti'1 ;,n,l, (1)Tiee. t , , vflied vca> mtcIrcd t,n Iul', 1, l')24•

„f i)1»1iillit tit I rrn1h1I11Ytil '\I11' p ilt' ,I1nl rt'~~ 1111lnll 1"l(le

OR I)tl,, lntIII t'- ' • t i lt;lrien. I(',))('l'n}1v'


I1.::) tl til) Illtl~rn 1 t 111th lllll)ell~ll-

n , II t . ,lmn , u 1L a ith (1i(

ht ,111 11 i n f the r 1u!i ~;n 1, rcc''nlnlultll'll.

11'~It'rt':1. "I lit f ;Irdl 1',ti1n;.1t' ;til) :11)llrti~eiiiitnt fr1f)1te(i tilt i''llrlvvin rc<I~1n-

it II it :I n hJl In 27, 1')14:

ICt VY I, Hi .tt tl',t' lh, Xit tai Itinn tc ;uul Apportitlrimcnt, pur,tt;int to the pro-

il til m';1ftl. \t' \V' Y rk 1nirir, hert'b1" rec( mmeinll to t)le

n the t ,t:p,li1hn1t'llt in tl'c I)c1)artn cnt Ili Street Cleaning Ili the

:llt' l ,, .r'i:. lit l llll III 1 11?C llt'rtuHre ('>taldishe(l, effective July 1, 1924, as

i li)v~

Rate Number of Per Annum. Incumbents

52,751) 00 1

h 1v 1 'Ii !IT,' I' ,lr'I i :AIlrniun lurch ;p)rv,cti Ili and "incurs in the l Ill , I e 11\t', )lit'ill 1 n1 ;{ltl III ,Ill' ,II l het trth tilereill.

1111i:1 1i. Il Ll.l.l I I)1\:A1I) I:AS~II)1, :1. (;. II.AILlli':1 \i)I H I I I)l )hA N1'1\iI \bI) Hi{\V\11, I'I'1I'I':R J. Ile) i I\\I:'

1H \1 \11 y 111 \, L()II I \Iyi)A\l II':'l 11 I) V)\\\ 'I1lO~.

:F'I I. l -11 TitI tt,' '111 Ii~Llle ;111,1 Dtltcr.. 11~~1 (;•'r,l I)I ItI. I :I tin

I ll, I Hel'., ;~: tn llut tllc I,uti,~,l vvhcther till' I,tlar(1 vulll +Lrcc vvith sx(I 1 r! ,.,l,i , pt L rr•t ,!Il¶' l . •

l,{tI 111 tl'.' llillrlllll`;l' i'1" till 11 0]11 1,i It

1i rnlliv Utit'nn -A11tu. .Atvrcll. IlIrrlrn, (anll)hcll, (aidv, ('reran. ('nn- u I llnl. t rrl v, I)nrall. I), )tzler, 1)t,vv(l. Ilnun, Fens, bitzpatrick, Frank. Friel,

HllI;nHl 111!,; : 1;cr, II: i1nrll, llealv', I enrich, Ililkcrncicr, Juv'ce, Kalteiimeicr, I' 11',, l rrll,ll,, I nih;nl, tct',lun ylcCusker, '.1tcGarev, AfcGillick, 11cGuitiness A1 1. :1 ti!, ri. tI'1 (al.\, O'Rcillv, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R.

: 1'.. n, t)nl. Srslliv,ul I F. T.) Sullivan (T. AV.), SulliVara (T, J.), -';ii' ,nl 11\ 1'.l. TL111,1hcv , AV',ll'h, Weber, Williams, A\ firth, Zettler : President Miller, 1, I:.ln 1. 11 t., lin, .\r'i,t,nit ('~munlis,i(Incr t~f Public Works: Prcxfidciit Brtickner, h\• 11`Illin l~ i lv-:11. milliner of Public 1W-ork.s; President ('otiolly, by 1V'.:Aiigi tus

11: 1 .: nl I mink i"11r H 1'ulllic 11' Pr('si(Ient I.}nch, ) 1)avid S. Rcnrlt, ( 'Mill'.. et' 'i Public \\r i'k .

I. y n- Ni li

\I,I! r tit i l :t rn err.

No, (154,

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing tirade of Position of Clerk in Office of the Register of Kings i.ounty.

111, (, r 11llt,, , oil ti,ll,l II ;Inl1. Oificl<, to which tva; rcfcrrc(I on Tillv- 1, 1924 ulllt 1',1_( , tilt' alI'evirI rt , olnt: 11 e(t"hbsh)H grade of pu iti<'.n of Clerk in

t'n if the ' CittF t'i hind: (unty, rl I ectttill%

REPORTS TO ii lilt' I la'1'"_'' ' 1111. rt " ,lutll ,ll 1> to ir1.Ci(te for the filling of a vacancy at

th rn~ni'rltlrll I1 lht' ra It 1" I1, ;Il1f b0' n 1, ruc(iiii1el1(11'd.

11 lit'rt;1' 'I ht' I;irii (if f'tiiii tc and :A1)Ilr,rti(Inment adopted the folluttiing resolu-" ,It :1 mertils hint l Time 27. 1924:

1'((ltrl, I}iIt tilt' 00, )aru if 1timate anTl :Apportionment, pursuant to the provi- ,. t,f i , n III the Greater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the RoaHH

Hf \Illt'r'ntll ti'l' e t,lI I IImtnt in the office of the Roister of Kings County of the

t;c(_,1r ryi pl)~iti' n, in ari(litiHn to these heretofore established, effective July ], 1924, .I, till r,\\~:

Rate Number of ~I i 1 1, H. . I'

Per Annllm. Incumbents

\T\ 1 Iii hill~. .A! rlIs, t)'Learv, I)'Ncillv, Rub!, `;cllntitz, tichw,lb. mith (l. h.I, 'inh1 i (I. 11 . lnr l' slnnll. SullI'v'an (I'. l., Sullivan (. Al .l, Sullivan ('1'. I. ), Suliic{u ) \\. I,), Tanahr)', \\ alsh, \\ eber, \\'il1i;uns, \\ - irth, %l.dlcr ; ]ie(uu'1t \I hv I lliit' 1. ll:tC;ln, .Assi•t,lnt l inhiiis;iiiilt'r III Public \Vork>: 1're,i,leiit brae iicr. 1)v \\alliam 1. 1 1)nn, (11111missi' !ler of Public )forks: 1're<i(irllt t b11114(llv, Iv 11 .Ai1Cit til Shlpl(\. A'slt;nit ( , ifni-iii lt'r Iii piihbc \1 I rh , I'r('r1lbIU I.\lllll, 1, \" I)!t\Ill`. I"'l'llllt,

I. o111I111,~1UIltr of Public \\ irk -;8,

F,xcused-:Alcl('rmen Falconer. N

Report of the Committee on Salaries and Offices in Favor of Adopting Resolution Establishing (irade of Position of Auto Engineman in Office of the Sheriff of Richmond County.

Tllc Committee t,n Salaric" n ell Officc,, to vvRich vva> rrirrrlll „I1 ltile 1, l')'-I ( \Illltltc~, llae 4,i ), the 111111('X('1 res(ffllitn ("till)11>11111 grltll' It Ilu'ltlull , II :All(n Fm,inetnan in O1Oicc It the 'lit'riU f R, I II tl , nll l i111tv, r)' t)ccttI11

R1 1': I() R T S :

Tit It tlic (~ nlflhitt'f i, ,l, ihUi thlt the I )cp.lrtn?cut h,l, hilt fill .1nt , 1'111"11 (ln,ul allll lw I)l'I4irtll1CllldtitnlllOIli S. It Is , l1)l'l , Ill , t)I'lt (ether 11)(ntlr 1, ii t'' (rA fur

till' 1(ro1per Ocrturnlallcl' )~l tIle Aburl: nl 1111, br;tI1i11 cat till' I

he neptl(l))ill Is rcc'imrllcn(Ie I.

\1 here">, The IIOar(I f Ititn;ltc tell :Af)p,i1,1 +1tcnt ;(III j'ietI tilt' i, lL orin rt luti '1 at it mectint held June )t, 1')24

I\l'sill\'('(l, 1 hat the 1Sllar(i Ut I'.~t111rntC :111 (1 _\P11ortU~llilll'llt, llllr~llallt to the l)rlivItillllli

of section 5(1 (If the Greater New York Charter, hereby rccn)nlcllds to the Ilu;lrri of 11Occti'ii the :stahliti}itncnt in the office of theSheriff of Riclnenln(i Ctltn)t} of the raffle it 1I)I'.lti((l, I1) a(1(liteIIIl to those lit'rctutnrc cstab1ihed, ;is t III(I "s:

Rate Num;)cr oii Title of I'Isitien, Per :Ann1nn, In Gunk eiit .

.Aut ];n ineman $1,47? 00 1

l(H )lVc)l, That tlir Ilt~ar(I of \IMt'l-mcti IlcrcIl :l1(i(r t if ,lnll cI iwiir n the ,Ih'vt' re )hlit ii mid hxl 'life salary If llll 1Nt>lti Hll ft >('1 1dliI1 therein.

1:I)\\:A1y1) \\. (l- I"'I.i::l'. i I)\\ \1) (:A lI)\. :1, t, ll:Al.L'I':I fal)'1, 1)H\ f. (()R('I)RA , 11FR\I1:AR1) SCHWAB, Pt-I'Il.,R 1. 11ct;1 f\V'I'~` I\\ll ti 11. A1L'RTHA, I.U['Iti F. :\11):1\1, I'I':`HR I)O\t)V-:A\, "lltO;~. O'RFII,LI', ('mmittee on Sal;lries and Offir('.

'.flack' Gc11eral Or(lcr for the (lay. The President pro teni. put the ()uesttl ,n whether the l Iar(I vvslul(.l a);rct' with g;iii

report and a(It)pt s',tch resol,utilm. Which \tas (It'CidU0 Ili the afllrinative by the ttrinill!l, A''tt':

:Atfirn)ati,- c-:11UrrlftI1 .Allen, .Atncif, YIlr11cf ( (antlll)rll, (;i ill., ( -~rri , rall, t nn- ning'ham, (urlcv, I)1)iivan, 1)1lfz1cr, I) Mn'rl. I)iinn, !"rrv1. I itil,'ttriq:, Drank( 1ril. f ira',lharl!, I lalh('rstatlt, HannocM, I IeaIV. I [enrich, I1ilkcmt'icr, l vcs', lnht'nmt il'i, Y1l1J, ldrrnnH, l,eiiihnn, Ale('ann, A1cCuskcr, fIe(;"re)', 11c(iIIIick, AIDtIrfIIc",

: AlgllI t.";'1i11. A11,•'ris, I), I,I-.1nv, Q'1ei1Iv, RuM(l, ScIIiBtz, Schf,('nb..initii (l. Dnith (J. \1.), Sllt,ntt.n, SI;III,I, H1ht„I (F. J.), StiIiiVaan (J. W1.), Sullivan(1', 11.

n11iv;tii ) \V. 1'.), Talla}le}, AValsh, 1Vehrnr, 1V'i11ianls, firth, Zcttler; f'rcaflInt \Ililci, Jill J ames J, 1I t an, As. i;twlt Ct1trnmi5sin1lcr of l'ttI)lic \t',)rkx : I'rc,itIcnt Frurkfa, hv William i. Flynn. (onlmissilncr of Public 11'orks; Prcri(('rl` (('InlIlll), by \V.:1u) ii iii

Ili11a, e. ,\ is;<Int (tmulll, il. in'r c i ''inl1i(' 1Y''rks ; 1'r('shit nt Lvrlrh, h\ l);n it) S. Rt n111, ('nnni i, llur t0 Public 11'

I.\cueI1 .AIderincn Falconer.

STFi'I.1I. Ol:I)1':h~.

S. 0. 136 (lilt. Au, 0311.

Resolution for Special Revenue Ponds, $30,000, for the Purpose of Makin) Repairs and Replacements to Permanent Improvements in New York Zoological Park.

Resolved, That, in pursuance (,f the Provisions of stlh(11v1silm s of section 1 of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be "rill it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to iss!te special revenue bends to the amount of thirty thousand dollars (53O.00))), the 1)n.("ells nlit'recf to he used lo the Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The lireux, for the purpose of making repairs and replacements tl permal;t'rnt inll)rl)vcrncnts in the N(«' Vrk 7Iw1ngt('ih ]',Irk; nO tlhligatiots C iitractc(l for heretnnier to he tlkurl.el1 on HIr before llercmh('r 31, 1924.

hit' Pre~it',('nt pro tern. llut the gtle~tiisi nhctlitr the Iloar(1 would ;lerlV n h ;til

\\thick t\'1- (k('i(It(l in the ;Iffiriii tivc in till fl,lll , vv"in," 1tc: 1'Tirimitirc -.Ahi('riien .Ailen, 1tvvcll, Ourdeil, ('aln)lheii, (';I„i(1v, (rO ;ul. (111

rI IlCI;(nl, ('iIrley, I)ntvan, l)Ftzlcc, I)IOV(l, llflUf. I'aleuiier, l cnlI. l itzl(;ttrek, 1"rank, frill t ra ile ill, 1f"li)nr ta(It, IIaIIII ell, Ilelv, Ii htep( Ililkein ir, u)cc, {y,111lun( r, E;ll . Kkrna)1, I,cnillali, Mc)'ann, Alet uhktr, tIe("nv. 11('Gillick, lit) iiiml'•~, 11e11nnu, 1fa I i Morris, O'Lrarv, n'Rcill}, Ru(1(1, Schmitz, Schttith, Smith (l. N.1, •'rilitll (1. A1'.) ''ollVNo1ll, StanI, t tiliivaii (F. J. ), Sullivan (1. 11'. ), SlIJI Ill ('I'. I.). I \\ . I'. ), "Iamb(')', \\l111, 1t'chcr, ACill iaim, AWirth, Zettler : I're0(el1t fuller, hr tames J. 1I; i[i), .Atisiltaiit ('umtni;sielcr of Ptlhlic 11-1 irks; Prc,illt'nt llrurkncr, In Ifiliiar J. l7kim, CfunmissiHHrr of Public Works; President Ccrmillly, by \1'..Allcutn, 'i1illler, .As istant CI)nlmi<aonrr f Public \\(r4 > ; Prrsihciit I.Vnch. 1) 1);Ivirl S. Neil:,

) ,m11liooilmcr of Public \\ )rks--;2

S. 0. 141 ( hit. NO. 673) .

Resolution for Special Revenue Bonds, $800, for the Purpose of Meeting Payn'ent of Salary of a Confidential Investigator in Office of Surrogate of Kings County for Four Months, Beginning September 1, 1924.

I'C'sUiV(tlI. That, in pursuance if the prl , vsions of stth(liVisiun S tlf section the Greater Nett' V'Irk Charter, the Board of Estilnate and 'pl ortitalnient he and it is herd.' r(~yurste(l to authorize tilt, Cnlnl,trl)llcr to ),sue :pt'cial rt'tt'nnc ion I'. I'. thy' amount ni eight hundred dollar; ) $8,()11), the proceeds whereof to Lc u('Pfl It the Surrogate Of the C(Iuritv" of IyinCs it r the lldr1no(t' t)f gating lit) ml lit of ;ilir}' t'; ,l ( .nti(ieIlt,,i In\c tis at, r f r four moiith LI',einninee Sc;)teH11icr 1,

The Fr('sirient p tell). hilt the question whether the I1 )ar(d would a~.;rt'c with ,;till rsl) lilt 6 ii.

Which was (le(')c1c0 in the affirnlativ'e by the following Vote:

ltfirmtlti c Ahit'rmrn .1llen. Atwell, Rurticli, ('amphell, Cas~irlv, (: rco-an ('tin- l:i1'hant, Curler. 1)Ili lvan. I) tzler, T)oml, Dimil, 1'alcyicr, ]:(-fill, l itzllatrick, Frank, izr-iel, Gratll)ar(l, }iafhfr.,trnit. haunch, lleall, Henrich, ffilkerHda, Jette. kaltyr]flla(r, Relic. Kh'l.f;lf, 1,c6pff. Me(ii ii, McCusker. yIcGarcv, McGillick, AIcl;nii ii,' , \1('fiaiiu,, pahorl,'t1urris. (vicar}•, (]'Reilly, Rudd, Schmitz, sdr\ti'(h. smiti) ( I. N. 1, :smith l 1. A\ .I. 'tlloil(')n, ;tanO, Sullivan (I:. J.), Stilliti'al' (I. AV'. ), stl1li1';tH I'I' I I, t''IiIh I' 111. I'. ), lallah(') , 1\ alsh, AV' 'her. AV'iilianls, \Virth, Zenlcr : Prei(k'1)t \1)I II'' , he Tame" 1. 1;,~~all, .A„istant Commissioner of Public Works: President llrnckner, hv \V'illiam J. P1yiil.), (mltllissiorn('r of Public WCorks; pr('s)ci(lit (onTu)!%, by 11' :1Hl,u,tn, Sh,i)1C\', A%,l ant t th7l1nlioeer if Public Works : President I.t'neh, he 1)al'ir1 ~. Neill'-, ( rotn).(i nrr of Public \\ Drks-59.

S. 0. 142 (int. No. 670).

Resolution Authorizing the Commissioner of Purchase to Purchase Material, Equipment and Supplies for the Rice Memorial Pla}•field, Without Public Letting.

Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New


tl !fly t• , ('<lah1kh a er:ulc at the minimum rate

t Iii' H. H"silt (id: i1lb'11\elUef1C1'.

•, It l~ti l I It t HInrnn(Ildt i.

1V ,! . I., 1'. ,Ir , I i 1 and .Al,rt ,mment a(1tell the f]1\\ifl

, .. . a: ~, III .II, lit Ill hm ~ 7 ,

~I t , I 1 hat the f'v lirli "i Flnatl and Appnrtitmnlcnt, [)ur<uant to the pr(vi-

:1 , ,; ~lt • , t .hI( ttc,i r N pork (tarter, }hereby recommends to the Board

\.' 111, 1. till t;tl~ll~lllllt it ill the otfict' iii thu Pro, 1(lt'I;t, Borough of Qnetiis, of the

:.H it .1, _n It I'litl, ttl t}11,; hcrct( , furc ctahlishcd, effective July 1, 1)24, as


$1,794 00 1

kl )I'RS.

It I \nhilllifl

, Iiiniihtiit '.


' L I• \ jiLI

\iL: Hld1n'i

HLHnl H1'11 Ia


):(t •. L1, a

j: I )LIIII 1 Ii. • i iriiia UI/II, IC., ii t !ttlI lII1t, tadimu, at Ill lusC.

II I ' LH • ) \ 11, II II I'I d Iiil IIIa t!1l III Ifl trIL

1 ! r L il It I1 tit 1 i w tiII \V!IUtIICF tlI( Hat(l wiiId art t

\\ 1 J IjI( III

IlIt, by the iu1I\vIII,-, v I

\a! lIiII • \fit TIII(I1 \1Iii, .\twtll, ltlr(klI, I tiniI11, ('aHdv, (rcntii, Can.

I . ) 'H II, I ) . I )wd, 1)111111, IT1II, :jtt)[trjcK 1tLIl, Irlti,

I 'L i H II]] h. I Lii, I!tIIfldl, ililkcnitk'r, tyc, NalItlililtiur, ku!!v,

di F. •d I II Ii, \ft IkIr ,\ft (jaty, \[c(;ilIlI'k, \lc(niiiii, \1cIanu',

)'!i11, Rudd,c}1II1it7 . lIWII),Sill] th (I. . ),smith

I \] 1III. ,tI1I, SIIIH\,i1I I j ) a ll (! W. , n11i'aii I. j). Sullivin

,i i i I \\ lli \\ lyi. \\ifl ;ini, Wirth, /.ttIir : Prtidtnt Mlllcr, l)y Jni

_I aI .\ aHIl ) '!IIflIIi hI 'I

I t \\urk !rti(lt1It lriickiitr, by \\ilIIalII

Ill it ' '

I J)•1]j \\rL : 1ITi(RIIt fully. by W. \iiitii Shi1tv.

, . 1 LI •il l 11 H (1 1 1 IIlIIC \\rks PrtIdtIIt T.IICh, by I)avid S. Rtinit, (ufl1-

:iH i Ii r ) Int1lic \\Irk-5 .

N.tI\ 1Il 111:11 I'i1ciit'r—i

S ( I. 143 ( [at. No. (77).

Resolut ion for Spcdal Revenue Bonds, $2,663.5(), for the Purpose of Purchasing an Autornohile for the Commissioner of Licenses.

i ' 1 It, I; II' a i:i i th 1li\iiIIlif lIhdi\iin a t'c1iii IS8 of the' II II \ ri Iir, thu FitI Itiin;ift and Apprliiinii'nt !ic ;oil It

I 'i : II )i il!II rI'

tit I1)tFlkI t kiit special rtVI1lIt' 1)1111k ill the

Ii II : li )I IIlill i\ illI1Ir W(i 'x t i -tlircc (!1ii;fl 11111 li ft y Ct'Ill (2,((3.I)),

1 a' ' ii di I 1llnlkiIlt'r of l,iC(IIt hr tli' pi-pi' Ill

I L l\ l ILIIt IIIl(I IIIII ,llllIn l;l, mill ('XtIl all i)ij;Lt(ll clltr:ti

F 1 ' IL t i It II III I(i :11 I* 1'1I( 1)tctiniur dl, 1)24.

ITh. 11 lil t )tIt.1lJI1 \It'ti1tr hit Iard \VulliIi artt with s,ild

\\ H ! I d 1 ii d iI1irinativ ly III' i1i\vitl vtt

\) •l iltIl '\ 1111111 .\Ihn ,. \tatfl, flardlil, taInl}kli, (:[id v, (ruuIlIl, UII1-

- L I i)t'lr, )\\d. i)llIIl. Ii'iiii, 1'itziIIlrik, frank, Ftii,

I 11 1 !:) - I 1:11 i' IIIti\, iIt'iiii}i, 11iik lilt 'icr, Jvct', kalttiinitar, KelIv,

1i ukr, \lcGarcv, McGillick, N10dliIln, !c\!a!ll1,

)U(iL !l(i(i, Sdnnit, Sc hWaI), Slilith T. N.), Sinit

I J Sil l li UI ( I W. ) 'l1iil\ all ) I I ) ''nIii in Wirth, '/xttiir Irtidnt M 111t.-r, i)v Jaini'

) I . \- i' II' I IlIIIIN1Il I II Plliiia \VnrL Prtsi(ltilt 1iriikiiur, by \Viiiiain

I 1 n )IlilI ' - l Iiiiilic \\'ck PI(H(ltIlt Cnnliv, l)y \V . \nai1tiI SlliTll('y,

\ Iiilt I IIlII NlI r I 1i)h \\rks Prtiihiit J.nc1i, by I )avid S. Rcinit, Coni-


'" ailIt I:— ".1(1 haul

S ( ) 144 ( ht. \ )()

Re;alution for Spt'cal Re cn'ie Bonds, $ 1,250, for the Purpose of Meeting Cost of Furnishing and Erecting a Fence at St. Mans Park, Borough of the 1iron.

Ia i, 1 I ii. ii ill 1( I Iil Ji\i'IIl f iii)ii\iH(il X Ili tctiii 1 f : I \' '1 i ':1 ) ii.iiftr. dli' Ilri If i':tiina tIu(! Apjirtiiintiit lit ill it is

I II 1 1 H, Nc iiit ptci:i1 r(vti1i1 1)I1(i to tilt, aintint

i;i t i lI 1ii;ir 1.2f}), the Iritik li&rif ti he iicil iv the

IlIlIF 111:-, iHraaii 1 lil lriix, tir the pil l 1 nmitin C( , ~t It

1 i• Thi id I 1L! 'I 1 IlUl IUIl \ r iiitii ItI1CI' at St. Mar Fark, 1

ail Th ii' \lilI .1 'iat Illiii)Ul %,, 11i inliuril 1ll;yru1l ;ii)1aii;itn: iii il)iIl-

I ilI(T t I 1Ii('lirrt(i on r I)i't'll' i)cl'nl}iIr 31, 11i24. , t ill, Wt till )liYtiIil \viRtlit'r tilt' Iirii null! LItY With iii1

RtiClIVt(1. That the ltieiru of .\hiIrnit1i litriIy appr)vu 1 01(1 CiIciir Ill the rtHlutloiI allil ltx the salary ()I 'O•l plitI}I1 ;K t irtli llerLiii.

Prt'i(iilt liril teill. I)it tilt jiittIIi1 II ittilit tilt' hinT ivull ;l,rt4' ii itti r lIlt 011.

\\ iich itcidoi ill tilt i?Iii111it1,i' i\ i) fii1 nia vIe:

.\tiirnl.iti\e— \idornit'ii \Iki. \t\\ ill , ihillitil, I iiiiiIt'lI, (;tiiiv, Lrerii, I till-

illIlallani, I I) 1, t )aiiii. F,iClli, loan, litittiek, V,titk, l:i.j t.t, (;1i:rl, I I:t1iort:id, IlanilCII, I Italy, 1 lentitli, I !ilktitieici, l\(i\ , kiiiiti, I .tiiiItjii, iC(;ii1l] . \lcCiL' - . \l:I Ii Iv\Ic I lIi \l( iiiniit, \Ic\!aus ..\i;li111. irri, I Italy, I )RtilI. kiald, cIiiiiitz.. Siioal. Sittitit ( .1 I I, Sniitlt Li. \ I ,'i Ill II, Slit,!, Sli llh.111 I Sitlitian I \\ , 1. I, i,iiialit'v, \\ tier , \Vlii;ini, \\irtii , /i'tilir It0lI('ilI \liiiur, ly iaiiit .1 I .\'lt:IIlt 11it11NHilt'r 1 Ihiiiie \\',)I k, ; Ihli(ielIt ihiikiiei, 1,1 \\ iiIi:inl .1 l:l III. t1t11ili ilti If Iti1 iic \\r lI'li\ , I'v W. \iitiliI. SililitI, .\la:it C Ill Ili iion'r II I'll llic \Vak: Irt'idtiit !iieii, iy

I ),idl S haidt titr It itll,ht:

(. Itit. Nil (i2).

esoIution EstaHishing (irade of Position of Topographical Draftsman in Office of the President cI the Borough of Queens.

lilt' l:irI if l'tjiii:t'y aol .\ppitilIInt'Tlt alptti lilt' ili\\ilia hutii at ii lattl Iiiectiii it'ld iiil i 1n24:

Nt'lvol. I That the lard f I'tiiit1t 11111 ;\pprllilniullt 1IIiIihi!It t it the jrvi- IlIi f tetii1i ) If tIi ( rtaI(r \rk tii:titer, iltVt'lI\ it'eiiiiiioiiik ti the ItImli f Ailirintil tilt t'I:lI)lii)int!1t in lilt, Uit f tit(, lrtiil a. flitmll f (1lCt'i1, It

nrt(It If P1Ill, ill iII(It1il 1 tIit' Ii0l(lIi(' otilltditi, t'tletit' lint 17, 1124, a s f I I I v

Rite \lili1i)c'r (1

Title of Pos ition. Pct .\illiilIn. incunilituts,

-1' II irlilIi1iI;11 I )ra ftiii:iii

27l) II)) I

$OOO 00 1



itIVt'I. that lt:t' IIlir(i t .\ikriiioit ili'ruiiv ;tpprvt I f awl ctictir

111111 lix tilt' i1i1r o) .lilII )'itiil ii wt nit tiltreiti.

'lilt' hTt'1IiIll Pro ttfli. lilt Ill( ii !it'ilier lilt tt,lrIi oulci ;IFtt' \\ itli said It' lilt it II,

\\iiicli '\:i ( 'ilki in Ill( ill ai1i,Iiy :\ tilt

\Ifii - iiiii' \IItriiieii \i11 Ii, \t'i Ii, Uiinittì, ( iItlli)i)(ii, (':is'idy, (Iicr;iii, ( liii-

lllI:al::llii, tiirioy, 1)11:111, I )t/ir, I )o 1, t )iiii:, 'aleil I , idiiii, tiiitoitrick, 'tank, r1i, I,tlii,lt(i, I ft Y,III, I i,ilI1lcIl, I IlIlli I lolIrieli. I iiiittiioit'r, ct', kaiiiiinit':t'r,

l\tiI l\tYIl':iIIl, loillilall ,.\iJ 11111, II (iiL r.

Riiilil SC tutu,. Seltnai ,. iiiitii H. k.)

iiiitii (,1. \V. I, Slilla, Si;iiol, Sni]iiaii I'h i, Siilliviit Ii. \\ I, Siiiiiv;iti (F I), ilil1\IIll I \\•. 1. ). 'kilidiicv, \V;i-ii, \\ tiler, \\ iiii:tiii, \\ irti1, tolt'i IruI'(1tlit \lilIur,

I,v ,itiiit• 1. 1 1Ia:Ln \it;iiil I1lIl1iii1t'r f lililie \YiL Itoidi'iit krtikiit'i. iy \\ lhiiii ,i ii till, ( i11lillI'('I f lnllic \\iii : !lI'iIli1t I tinily, ii W.

.\'it,t1ll Clllllli'siilt'r i f IllilIll' \Yi L Ir':tiiiuI In

1 );ti dl S. kt'iiii, Uiiln1iillt'r f nih'

( i. I I, S4 I Iitt .\ o. )' I.

Resolution Designating Anawanda Park in Ridgewood, Borough of Queens. Nelitl. 'lii:t tim ()1111 1Iiit' iiotiiidd 11 Ito' unit by (r,iiiil \ civ ivt'ilile,

II ha' (':lt 1 Y 5t'II',iiflllc trttt. t i ll the titIt lv lain to lillille till 11 tile vt't fly

l.jii1it11 Hill Ctnit'It'i- ', li(latlV)U(l, flirouii of (l1t't'il, alitlily (lt'(Iiu;ltt'(l 1 ani

f pi1i\irltinIl ;iiiti lt'(rtati(n i1irlst', It tiii hit' sank lit'rtv i iiatnt'il 0111 shill

hereafter Ile kitivu and (loiLi11:ltId as .\N \\V\n \ I\1tK.

'Fit,t Pro 1 I it Hr It n lilt lIlo L!1 0tiI II \\ II thor ui1' il :Ir1 ii tiiit lnrI'y iii

rI' litit it.

\\id'ii \VN di-Il!l'd ill tilt ltIill11LII\' lv tilt' lll\lllltt yto

\IIirnl::ti\v -\lIItrwfII .\ilt'll, \totii, ihlrit'll, (,IillIIiUii, I ;iulv, ( 'Icrall, I 'an-

l.11ail:llll, (IllI ' i)iii II, I ILt/ic I, I )\\ Ii , I lana, lhiil r, 'tint, I'It/i)atrlek, 'rank.

ii'u'i, I ;r:lli,rI, 1 t:l1olt:iIit. I laiini'it, I h:tiv, I {l'lli'ieil. I iliktlnt'iIr, Jvce, Ictiiy, hit'lllIl, l,t'illilall, ,\IC(altll, Mc('nkt'r, l:( ;;rt. !c(diiicl, \lc( nin1lt's,

iC\i;LlliN, \l:iIIl, llrri, I)L(lIrV, ku(i(i, SehItlitz. St'iio;ih, Sniitli (J. k,

"ijilli (I W. ) lull] "tilld niiti in (I i ) 'iiiiiiiii () \\ I l1lil\ II ( I I) 'IiI1i\'Illl \\' P. ), ilIiViiit'\, Walsh, \\ 'l'ilt'r, \\ ilitanti , \\'irtlt, tI'ltl('r 11rt'i(i1'nt \i 'her,

11y Jiiiit' J ,. \itlIllt Uiiiiiiisiiiitr i f PuIhe \Vrk : Prcideilt Itrllt-kIi('r,

1 a' 1111:m) I. ii lii, (ni111iiIil'r of PuIlie Vi rL S

Work, I'ri'ii, ,t I ' ltilit v, iv \\.

.\lalitii SIiihv, .\itailt Cniini sit itt'r at lhil,iit' : Prt'itTt'nt Lvl1cll, ly

1 1a . dl S. kotidt, ('n11uissila'r o f Public Works- 9.


in tilt ;lh,vc


' ' ' : It iii k •I11I1{iIL F (1 1t1rc}u an1 lic llCTt1)Y j ai1th)1- iz(d and

'1 'I h p iY iit Hi. 1l)iL n(1 (i1ldplflYnl ihc nI at 111k. Ricc M ,, 11 It

L d ii Htill Li\ j)1I'\ :i, Hr'iIi i h flinx, iii the Tcll 1flark1, WUIIlil

Il 1 : ljt' i 1! 1'N) ;t]il itTlI i iniN, it I , fl'' % N

:{I a 1.t)O (O 1.1)() (lI

()()() (o

1,2() (i

271 UI)

73 (II)

3, 1 U I - ' I iIi, rt tiiiI) Fin, (iIi. 1tiic1:

(,i2 UI) I))

w ith

1 I I

,' W1 II.

1((I' It" ! ill tilt IIIITIILIIIV( he tho fu11awi1i vol c:

I'iI .\il I'iI,\tW Iii, Itnrdii, ( nni1di1, (aiity, CIrt';i!i, Cli r -

t l i t It I lIl\j!l I 'tItyi, Ill I. 1)iinn, itan, Fitz1Iatrick, Irank, Iriit,

I ) ii )1 I 1 . K l­r , w ll, I Iiuiy, I tinricil, fliiklnll'Il'r, ty('('. 1a1ttinit'itr, Kt'll, K it I 1lY, it ilI)l ,.\i') LIII', !c) tikir, Mc(dit', Mc(;iilick, Mc(diiiiiie, \1ciai ill ,

\I.t 1 I )'far\, I )'i'Hl\, klidd, Schniitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R. I, Smith

5 iiilan (I'.. T. ), Siilii\';in (J. W, Sniiivaii T. 1. I. SliiIi\ali

\\' 1 r \\'iIi:iii. \\irth, Zt'lticr Prci(liit 1iIlt'r. by J;lnii

it I ( tii'i'ilt r t Ililia \\rk: 1reiih'iit Criickia'r. i) \\iiiniii

H I • 111111 ­71 "c': 1 liii lit- \\hri< : Prc(i('i1t UnliIli\, by W. At1gnrIi tiili'v.

'III i I' Ill r a Pihi' \\rh Iri'idiiit I.viii'li, by I )avid S. Retiilt, G iii-

H I I 'I• I 'iIIic \\ fk

1)l 1 I1IUiI t'i1l ' Ilk r 1,


Resolution for Spi'cial Re k enue Bonds, $8,164, for the Purchase of an Auto. met Ic and Its .1Jntcnance and Operation During the Current Year—Sheriff. Count of Erin.

I , k il l. 'I t II IlI1;IIt:t t till' prvilH f sn!(tivii1l (If S(ctloll 1 ol

r ' ,it : ' ": k I iaiiiyr, t}it iar(1 o o f ftiii1;it and .\iportal11iIlit Ile and it

., I[ I i . itiit''I t ;ilIlTl Fl/I I l l( ( 4 nIiltrIiiyr 10 iiiC jieciai rt\liliit iIon(1s to the

1-i' ll 11 '". 110 lillt haillirtlI and iXtVt()IiI dollars (,104 I, the ict,'eds

,'\ I .' , I 1' ii Ii Ir tL Shrill. )l11II\ (:1 Bronx, for the pUrIIoC of purchils,lit, ill

,till I I ;iIl' 'I . IlilIla It r i1 iIl:ll1teial1lCl' and o1wriltion hiring the current VIar.

'' I( III jilit I) it )ilttiIl \vilt'tIll'r 110' hard \l1IIi ;lgrt't' wdh si

Ii it i'. :i II c I it 1 in thu itfi rIllalM by the folloWill". V Itt

\lt!iliLt' I: \I{It1iilIII .\iltiI ,. \twtli. Ihirdtii, ainpi'1I. C;iii1i, 1 rcr;i, Ciiii- - .1a Il a' I'. • I I II IIl, I )tih'r, I )vd, I )um. i'eiin, 1itzll;itri(k, lr;i'h, trill,

0 h ! I Iii 1 a I I' I ii IiI'C ii. 1 iI:iIy, I Lunch, liikinuiier, Jyce, ktitciiniti&'r, kliiv.

r, 1, ( n , "llci lfll \i iiL r, \it(;iit'v, \le(dliick. Ic(iiinni. \lt'\laiiii,

\i . ()I ;r, iH1iv, Rudd. Schinitz, Schwab. Smith (T. R. ), Sniitli

t \ i ,!Ill !, Still, Siiiin )

F. J.), Sullivan IJ. W.1, Sullivan (T. J), Snilivati I' I IT Ili, 1;, '\\ Lii \\l yr 1\ W I Tam,, Wirth, /.t'tihr : I1 rcii1tiil Millcr. liv Tiiiit

I I \.I';1iit (nlIIlki i ll( r i I 1 lhihlic \Vrk : 1>riiiliiit Hrtickiitr, by \Viliani

1 Fiiiiic Works : President (tinily. by W . \i1niit: SiiiiI,

\ . '-'ia I ni i1i f Iil'ii \\'rhs : Preidtiit !.\I It'll, ht, JUivill S. Rt'iiiil, (ii


I; 1\ I; 1.\ I.

ki)iN\\CCS \\[) RISl,[Ti()NS,

N .

Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds. k i. \ i Itiitiiii K it'rnan-

hat tiit' fIioCng-1lalntd 1)'rli be and lilly ht'rthy art' appiiitud

C twin:—Wilt r I If 1)'ed

Hy .\ldtriniti ( alltpl)t'il—\\altt'r :\. 'l'raut- 1t \iIt'rinaii i\i('rIlaTl--h i('I)il lit, Ill, 121 Pacific trt't't, ltrkivn 1417 gait tl'ei't, Iirkin,

i'1rtict' I I, Fitz (trail, III itri:iyll lt ,\ilIcrinali L'iiiIl:ill - Patti \'icti'

ivIlilli, , krki a. ( )'\Hi, ')42(I ,)di strl'('t. Qllccli" : ( it;ii'lt' fly

Aldcrilixi ( tt'(Lilii -I r;n't l. I tidt'i, I'(iolll I 1, ) \\ (-If, t 2( i*itii tri'et, ()lil't'li.

'1 \\ ct IItii tr&'t't. l;il1il;Ltt:lIl : I laril i .\hk'rtn;iii it'lhire\--korllar,l .'\iitill,

I I. i.10'il, ) i'hit 411th tl'l'l'l, \htii 14() 5 ( ill, trl'I't, Hrkivii J'pit A.

Il:tttaii : S;iuitioi P SlIer, 11'1 \\ ' tt Wtii Spt'liniali, 4 Rt'ifri avniiiu'

trtt't, \iaitIiittaii. Iii : ii. k'i,t'rt it'viiit' 217 l)iviiii

Iy .AIiuni;iii ( X—i'Iilllli!l'i : \iIlii)ilY, ilVt'llil, ltrkkit : \hraiiim Napian, 173 1131 iftt 1t trt'tt, 1-1 f : - \!trid kc'tii trtt't, flruklvii. T. Salman, 2730 ( )c,';it iirki , Jy .'\id1'iii:iii it'\t'r-1l;trr\ M. 'liter-

ltrk!yll Nay \i(-J)!laid, 37)13 t1'it1, 147 Jaiat'tt&' ivt'iuit' Hrki\iI: krki\ ii Richard P illi,ll I lt'ifalii, 53-I \\'iiliiiihy ivt'iltit',

:\rtttit, 1,i2,i itl 't!'t'tt. iJr'k - iil'Iklyil : '\iIrtw Stauh, (r( i'iiiliittit

CII. tV('ltlt', Hr k k hy ,\hlt'i'niaii 1 ' Ili Jt' - i,ui:;i Strch, 4n4 i.J ,Alit'rniiii

J;tt I41t trct't, ltriix hitit V. She r- 17)) 'liii 'lr'l't, itrikivil : t 1l;irll' V. ilIlill, 322)1 i)t'';tur a\t'llllt'. !irllx. \lallfrt, 3t0 \l4iitank- ;i\'cllut', ilrlklyil

itv Al t i(rinall I )iivili Ninni(i 1aF(liI, \l,irtin I). Slll1iiii]l', 131 Nt'v Jt'rty 2 114 hriait ICtIlilt'. Vriix.

! \iiti- in,iii I >td r--- .\lartii. \Jlli'tihii'nhli ,\, ir('('J, ,i :I s trict, .\Inli,, in. :i 11111, I I )uttll.

E: ,'\iielnl;Ill i)\\Ii —i:ill11 , \iititrvt. I

' ' ,- - ' ' ' '.'' I ' :\hIerittaii Rl1lJli( harks Atierbacli, .12 \\ "t tit't't, Ill itta . • , i, I '

INII\Vl,k li\l'llllt', iOrJVil. I \i'n:,,li i)tl'il--I'.flhiliilllI h, 'tl4, - ' -

77:: 'tl Ill' Veii ' It ,, ,\iIItrmliil -'citmitz—Itt'IIc A. \1aon,

R'liaht'r. htitii 1ti:tt't', i'hit FIiiiiiiirt, (lo't'll.

i '\iii'rni;iii Sclioah—Ali;Inl KiieIe\vski, VI :\iIi'lll:IIi i:rlliJlll it':iiiiin', 44 (_;-lid tret't, \hi-i'thi, ()l1('ll.

l r(i :0011110, fl'iki\ 11 : Ji1in J. \il]('rlll•tll Smitll—kaiiild M. AiwIe, '!' tirh 1373 H,'i inn pi:t't, Ttrkiyn. 1,11 \\ 't't l40tii strt't't. Manhattan ; Vi

ii .\i!tniain !"rjt'li1il111;l i('t Jir(Ilill Sittciair, 21)) \\'i't i,iit \\ i i rniiiIe , hi' kin: trt't't, \Iaiiilattall.

1t ,Ai(1l'rnlall ( ;r:liilr(I—fl(ilj. Rosen- , ,'\l(it'rivan S,Tliian---P(tt'r Yt'wrnark,

I thu is') I riti tru t l itili itt Ill )Il \\ iti trt \1 iiiii it iii I '; \idi'rn;itt 1 ltrvt't—kt' I j. Rrdrit'k, ,,

1) 11 1 ) }'ii trot ( )l1( ll 1Y Aiderni;ii Slliilvan (1. \\ )—Jsepit

I he ,\l'lt'rni;iii 1ieai.'\ii'ert 11llliltaiU, ('aput', 2 Tt'lllr(I aVt"iIn', irklvii.

I 43 ft t 'itil r ad, flroiix. fly AIlt'rulail W ii1i;itii ('V U rd I. 11

N, .\Jirrnixi R,'ilv-- klijliOlt'l 1. ihve, 241sic ]\'I i llrick- , t ihiiii' place,

FastI 11th lrt'tt, \!;iiihittau.

?ilalu (1i'iural ( )rdcr fill the (I;i\', till' 1rtsidtnt IM) toni. kilt the jUiti'll whether the Board \'Iiflll ai.irct' i'it1i said


Which was iinatiinnoticl decided in the affirmatixe iv tlti following vote:


I . fl. 2 ( tnt. N. i,1 I.

IesoIt,I ion r thisiing (irade of Position of City Magistrate. \\iI - II". JIi IIIi ii f 1'."tilfl(I( iiicl Apportililnielit IdIptud lilt foi1oiiig risillu

'I 0 1 I;tl 11I1I ) held hint, 27. 1U24:

I'h'.II(I, I II UI l 1011 If Etinnte and Apportiinnii'nt. pilrI1Iiilt tI t11 prf)-

I iI I' i(t'l ' I the ljrlatr Nw Y,)vk Charttr. hirIlly r(c(rnn1u1(l to till Boil- 0 a 'I 111:11 I ic .-tih'Iinn'nt Ii I jy \I;Igitr:It( (inrt ° i , f the grade If poitioi1.

in illirt CI;iliiil(1, t'fl(,ctivt' Jinie IU, l)24, a f it, iio\v

Rate per \uln)tr if

I t: I' ! I 1',


1'HLRS[AY, JULY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5313

ltiirtnt e :U(It-illofl :Men, ;\t\ 1i, Burden, Campbell, Cassidy, Corcoran, Cun- r, t],hnl, Ctlrlcy i) izl~r, I)IMI, Dunn, Falconer, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, Frank, i rt:l, t;r;, 11111 tadt, Hannr>c}t, Ilraly, Henrich, Ililkemeier, Joyce, Kaltenmeicr, 1,, ; 11v, IN it l tan, '.:_;:Iltan, '.l c( AlcCttskcr, McGarcy, .McGillick, .11cGuinness, 1,, 1I.I tug, 1l;IllL1!, i", rri,, ()tar, ( ) IIIv, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R. ), :'rni!I j. \\ .1, S lumr, Stan(l, Sullivan E. J.), Sullivan (J. WV.), Sullivan (T. J.),

ulliti,in ( 11'. 1'. , 7 rul~rhry A\ alsh, Weber, 11'illiams, 1Virth, Zettler; President Miller, 1\ ]ant, I. I 11ant 11anmissi,,ner cif Public \lurks; President Bruckner, by \,i11i.rn • r . I l , m~r (if Public Works; President Connolly, by W. Augustus Hilly 1'i~'.ant mrnii ':i r (ii PuLlic 11 orks; President Lynch, by David S. Rendt,

nnPnl :nyr ui I uhlic A1ork~—~9. No. 695.

I; esolution (iranting Permission to St. Luke's (ierman Evangelical Lutheran Church, Borough of Manhattan, to Construct and Maintain a Vault Without Pa%ment of the usual (:ee.

I r \lLnnan F1clanus- I: 1' cl, I i.;v 1, l)r and the ,ante i hereby );rantcfl to the Trustees of

I I :hr , l~~,rr•a ; licrl Lutheran Church to construct and maintain a vault I tl] il n irr , nt the c}~urch premises Nos. 303-316 Iti'cst 46th street, I ss~ssI L •I {f 11,1.,1„It!,II, v,,it}unrt paynI I t ui the usual fee, in accordance with the I II, II! S',,i t 'lr, i,f the (treater Ncw Y(, rk Charter; the wt~rk to he done at tI s„ 0 .I thr- ,i1`1fl nlcntipined 'l i ii•tcc, r i St. Luke's German Evangelical Lutheran ( ll'.1<<I "11(is I"i' tIOn Of lie President of the Borough, such perrnistiion to

a uto (.111, rltrin tlj pIca,nre of the Board of Aldermen; provided, however, that \t l 'lip i mi b, rr ill flame(] shall cca,c to be used for public worship the

1 l :cls r crl shall terminate. 1 I~Ic ( ynrral Orticr for the da_v. IT' 1'n~'rhlt 1, r(s 1 ii. lsut the lucstiun whether the Board would agree with said

To fl1

11• ttt in1t1ntt1t U]efl1ft1 in the affirmative by the following vote: 11rrn;tli~~ lrl(rin Allen, :1twwell, Burden, Campbell, Cassidy, Corcoran, Cun-

n n,h<< n (II'1 )iirsvtu. I)~, )tzlrr, Dowd, Dunn, Falconer, Fenn, Fitzpatrick, Frank, I.Iwl, (;r;ltllllr~I, fl.rll~rr~t,;dt. haunch, Healy, Henrich, IIilkemeier, Joyce, Kaltenrreier, K t' 1v, lki~ t roan, l r nilt,tu, !ticC,tnn, A1cCusker, '4"1cGarev, McGillick, McGuinness, 1 1(, I tl 11;lilraI, Al rri, OI ñ'kcilly, Rudd, Schmitz, Schwab, Smith (J. R.), ~mill, I. 11• I. `, 1~ ntssl,, St;~ndl. Hullivan (E. J.), Sullivan (J. W.), Sullivan (T. J.),

:11 \ \1 . I'. , •f;w:ih, v, AV';ibh, WWeher, Williams, MWirth, Zettler; President Miller, 1 • l~ri < 1. 1151_:1r..A Io,ant C mniis;i(,ner of Public Works; President Bruckner, by \\' Ili;1rt •l . I• ly nn, l'emt11;«iorcr of Public Works; President Connolly, by W. Augustus

init., .1 i-,tarn mtmiun(r of Pudic Works; President Lynch, by David S. Rendt, ( 1n r i Public 11-orkp-59.


1t t1,i nt Sullivan (E. J.) extended an invitation to members of the 1 i (1 1 , ittt i(1 t :ii (•!ling of it memorial to Thomas F. Smith, former Representative it J II,:rc«. to lac hell) this afternoon in Thomas F. Smith Park.

)fl TII,itI( I; tI :AI~l(.rrnarn ('unningham'the Board adjourned to meet subject to the 11 thl. C hair.

\l It 11:11-:I, J. CRUISE, City Clerk, and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.



1, , it t,ttentent of warrants made ready for payment on the above date, Si s \ ill, therein tilt• I )upartnrent of Finance voucher number, the dates of the invoices ,~ therruilerr, ; number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the L1 ncnt ( , f I-Iartlice, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant.

11 re 1vV ur nit re hills are etnhraced in the warrant, the dates of the earliest old 1, tl'>t are giv n, cxcrpting that, when such payments are made under a contract tl r re;i~t~rei 111110 her of the contract is shown in the place of the second invoice date.

\\ litre the vluVrl '(in;ll" is shown after the name of the payee, payment will not l mat e un-il tliir v Ilay, s after the completion and acceptance of the work, but all OJ tilt, other w:1r,unts mentioned will be forwarded through the mails unless some r Jn Xi ,t why, l,aynterlt is to he made in person, in which event written notice will br p: t illtl} given to the claimant.

an ntaki l a written or verbal inquiry at this office for any of the above men-ti r:eel ,varrants, it is requested that reference be made by the Department of Finance t( I(t]I I ru:itber. CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.

IntioIct- Received Uatc r in Depart- Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount. Nuntb~r. Finance.

Armory Board.

tt- 4 24 b 2,~-24 Electro Sun Co„ Inc.

,- .- 24 o-2~-24 Dttex \Vatchlock Corp.

e- .i 24 t,-2-24 _1pcx Color Works, Inc.

0 .t 24 t, 28-_24 Iic%,,e & Raynolds Co., Inc.

-211-24 (,-2~- 24 Irvine & Wilcox Co., Inc. 2 -24 Vacuum Oil Co.

h- ; 24 (. 2~-24 Charles Kurzun 6-28-24 American 1ifg. Sales Co. (-2-24 Schrcll-Schultz Co., Inc.

-2ij 24 t,-2h-24 i;lectro Sun Co., Inc.

ri 27.,n

3-11-24 I'u;t & McCard, Inc.

4 •21 24 6• 11-24 Co-Operative Masons and Stone Reno- vators

140 00

Board of Standards and Appeals.

6 24 24 1;-3U 24 A. B. Dick Co,

63 00 Board of City Record.

6 124 7- 3-24 Peerless Towel Supply Co.

16 75

3-.31-?4 7- 3-24 Autocar Sales & Service Co., Inc. 7- 3-24 Standard Stamp & Stencil Works, Inc. 4 25

3 75 7- 3-24 Remington Typewriter Co.

3 25

)`-_24 7- 3-24 Art Metal Construction Co.

10 85

-27-24 7- 3-24 Herald Square Press

46 00

- 2L 24 7- 3-24 Bainbridge, Kimpton & Haupt, Inc. .. 17 82

20 24 7- 3-24 M. II. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co.

59 00

[-2t24 7- 3-24 F. Hubner & Co.,. Inc.

15 00

~.-31-24 7. 1-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co.

2,510 19

2 2': 24 h-2;-24 Pandick Press, Inc.

4,663 64 Examining Board of Plumbers.

1 (, 24 6-11-24 Everson-Ross Co., Inc.

2 08

t.-311-24 7- 1-24 howler Mfg. Co., Ltd.

1 95

(j-17-24 7- 1-24 0. Charles Meyer & Co.

8 07 Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

6-23-24 6-28-24 A. Rudolph

29 20

-2. 24 li-28-24 A. Rudolph

71 85

6-11-24 6-28-24 J. 1. Curtin Co., Inc.

6 00

6542 7- 3-24 Patrick McGovern, Inc. 103,028 40

Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. 106 53

x;94(l3 7 3-24 Samuel E. Hunter

)740 7- 3-24 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y.

540 69

911 7- 3-24 Chatham & Phenix Natl. Bank, As- signee of Henry Pols, Inc.

7- 3-24 Edwin Smithson Co., Inc. r9-L;3 7- 3-24 Shtilts Bread Co. n93l4


7- 3- 24 Edward Boker


7- 3-24 \Vashhurn-Crosby Co.


7- 3-24 Sheffield Farms Co., Inc. 6-28-24 Holland Shade Co.

69528 7- 3-24 Mergentime, Inc. 7- 3-24 Chicago Fuse Mfg. Co.

Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- Contract ment of

Name of Payee. Amount. Number. Finance.

6-18-24 Dr. Dadirrian & Sons Co. 7- 3-24 Todd Salt Co., Inc. i 3-24 John Wanamaker 7 3-24 Simon Manges & Son 7- 3-24 Dalite Sales (o. of N. J u-14-24 A. N. Kinney 0-14-24 Henry Drexler

69385 7- 3-24 Mersel & Fortgang 6-18-24 Simcs Co., Inc.

68281 7- 3-24 Institution Equipment Cu., Municipal Civil Service Commission.

98x19 0-24-24 Lewis Mayers County Court, Richmond County.

1051 6-17-24 6-20-24 'bower Mfg. Co., Inc. 13 80 City Magistrates' Courts.

103 5 i 6- 9-24 7- 3-24 Delete Chemical Co. 1 75 103259 6-19-24 7- 3-24 Charles Kurzon 3 25 lt)3 2oU -20-24 7- 3-24 L. Baumann Co. 16 00 1032o1 6-27-24 7- 3-24 Fallon Law Book Co. 21 50 103202 0-20-24 7- 3-24 General Fireproofing Co. 5 00

City Court of The City of New York. 105040 7- 8-24 N. Y. Tel. Co. 57 03

Supreme Courts. 7- 2-2.4 Jos. H. De Bragga b-24-24 I. & S. Glick b-24-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Btlg. Co. 6-24-24 Banks Law Pub, Co. a-24-24 Ezekiel & Co. 6-24-24 Proudtit Sales Corp. 0-24-24 J. B. Lyon Co. o-24-24 Lawyers' Co-operative Pub, Co. 6-30-24 Eagle Spring Water Co

6=19-24 6-28-24 C. E. Simonson & Co., Inc.

4-311-24. 5-29-24 7- 7-24 Consolidated Gas Co. of N. Y. Hunter College.

6-25-24 Cambridge Botanical Supply Co. College of The City of New York.

101248 5- 9-24 69001 6-27-24 Commonwealth Fuel Co., Inc., Assignee of Martin F. Shea

101461 6-28-24 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 98609 69651 6-28-24 Empire Lab. Supply Co., Inc.

Department of Correction.

6-13-24 7- 2-24 Institution Equipment Co., Inc.

6- 4-24 7- 2-24 Henry J. Fink Co., Inc.

6-11-24 7- 2-24 Central Window Shade Co.

5-31-24 7- 2-24 Goshen Auto Supply

6-14-24 7- 2-24 Ayres & Galloway Hardware Co., Inc

6-19-24 7- 2-24 C. H. & E. S. Goldberg

5-10-24 7- 2-24 Diniock & Fink Co.

6-12-24 7- 2-24 Fred'k H. Levey Co.,

5-26-24 7- 2-24 Williams & Wells Co.

5-20-24 7- 2-24 Charles Kurzon

6-17-24 7- 2-24 J. S. Woodhouse Co.,

6-18-24 7- 2-24 Topping Bros., Inc,

6-14-24 7- 2-24 Stumpp & Walter Co.

6-13-24 7- 1-24 Charles Kurzon

3-13-24 7- 1-24 David Killoch Co.

6-16-21 7- 2-24 Diamond Expansion Bolt Co.

6-11-24 7- 1-24 Standard Plumbing Supply Co

5-27-24 7-18-24 Bramhall-Deane Co.

5-19-24 7- 1-24 John Wanamaker

5-16-24 6-18-24 Marine Works, Inc.

5-24-24 6- 2-24 Callahan the Hatter

5-20-24 6- 2-24 Callahan the Hatter

6-18-24 7- 2-24 Zophar Mills, Inc.

6-16-24 7- 2-24 G. Tagliabue, Inc.

6- 1-24 7- 2-24 National :Market

5-10-24 7- 1-24 Geo. T. Johnson Co.,

6-12-24 7- 1-24 E. F. Musgrove, Inc

5-23-24 7- 1-24 J. S. 1Vocxlhottsc Co.,

6-14-24 7- 1-24 Charles Kurzon

6-19-24 7- 2-24 Duparquet, Iluot & M01e11se Co

5-28-24 7- 2-24 Manhattan Supply Co

4-25-24 7- 1-24 Jaburg Bros., Inc 6-21-24 Easttnon Kodak Cu

6-14-24 7- 2-24 Benjamin Horton

6- 5-24 2-24 Singer Sewing Machine Cu., Inc

5-31-24 7- 1-24 Dairymen's League Co-operative

ciation, Inc. District Attorney, Richmond County.

6-24-24 7- 2-24 Ever-Ready Typewriter Service 7- 1-24 7- 2-24 Peerless Toyvcl Supply Co

6- 2-24 F, C. Vitt District Attorney, Kings County.

99287 6- 2-24 6-24-24 H. A. Farrell & Co

99286 6- 2-24 6-24-24 Van Brunt Tandy 99285 6- 1-24 6-24-24 Peerless Towel Supply Co

District Attorney, Bronx County. 8963 Jane M. McDermott

District Attorney, New York County.

5-15-24 6-17-24 Fallon Law Book Co 6- 1-24 6-17-24 Gramatan Springs Co., Inc

6-17-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co

6-10-24 6-26-24 West Pub. Co Department of Docks.

74197 5- 1-24 Moran Towing & Transportation Co. Department of Education.

68334 7- 8-24 Nicholas P. Lorenzo 1,688 26

68334 7- 8-24 Nicholas P. Lorenzo 1,055 16

65775 6-30-24 Thomas Dwyer 79,447 50

4-14-24 67859 6-10-24 \Vissner & Sons, Inc 655 0O 6-28-24 John P. i latthews 150 00

5-12-24 i 2-21 Standard Stamp &Stencil tVorks, Inc. 4 00 69208 7- 3-24 Chemical Rubber Co 131 73

68721 7- 3-24 M. J. Tobin Co., Inc 1,187 70

68495 7- 3-24 Milton Bradley Co ' 544 50 69475 7- 3-24 Craven & Sullivan Steam Boiler Works 1203 80

4-15-24 68633 7- 3-24 Unity Sanitary Supply Co 307 75

5- 1-24 68629 7- 3-24 John T. Stanley Co.. Inc 915 01

69065 7- 3-24 Almira'1 & Co., Inc 10,000 71 69065 7- 3-24 Almirall & Co., Inc 3,000 21 69(165 7- 3-24 Almirall & Co., Inc 9,000 64 69065 7- 3-24 Almirall & Co., Inc 6,000 42 68355 7- 3-24 F. Rutzler Co 3,004 78 67837 6-27-24 S. W. & G. Building Contracting Co ,

Inc. 1,800 00 95460 67072 6-16-24 Nicholas P. Lorenzo 806 80

95513 66395 6-16-24 M. D. Lundin 500 00

95516 66216 6-16-24 Levine Plumbing Co., Inc 926 00

95459 64587 6-16-24 William J. Olvany 4,120 85

I o 1 s uch'r

( 1,111 I

(;14~~ 111.1,;11

1 177(4 (il.~l.~ ill~(17


] le1I7 •o

11) 210 II) 7l IOi2i2

111;?il) 1(I;114 10',711 1H71, 1(j3715 ln~-li2

'i)N3 dWi07 1o'! 05

Ill ,,42

1O'.S1y I O. i r ]')

lu. II 1(I II;; lu fit

1 ).i7i't 111.17 ~ 3 1(i,;7ro1

10.]oi7 6- 6-24 11).i7j6o 11) . 4i 10.1752 105(327 6- ')24

5,380 20 201 52 623 86 380 37 149 00 353 60 1800 47 11 13 75

$9 30 9 65 16 00 14 53 39 63 11 40 17 85 55 25 400

11 06 205 11

Finance Voucher


101339 o- 1-24 103320 6-14-24 103324 103323 o- 9-24 103322 3- 5-24

94814 94852 103758 5-31-24 96576 4- 9-24


8 00 16 30 177 50 25500 242 75 410 00 573 00

4,357 67 125 50

Inc. 229 01

15 05

102742 99205 6-23-24 9909 99218 6-23-24 99047 5-11-24 99050 o-11-24 99221 6- 9-24 99220 U- 4-24

102074 101846 104107


5000 141 15 911 50 129 50 84 50 93 10 400 7 50 21 60 60 00 1 27


2,091 79 83 2o

287 26

103105 103104 103102 103 1(10 103098 103097 103096 103095 103106 103113 103111 103109 103094 102450 102442 103123 102440

06772 102449 96769

103144 103143 103141 103140 103090 102434 102435 102439 102438 103125 103107 102436 97971

1(13093 103142 102430

103228 103229 I 0322


23 16 25 00 18 00 10 53 600 11 40 600

Inc. 2 00 97 90 16 49

Inc. 18 68 1500 5 50

12 80 17 28 20 61) 3 72

27 95 36 20 43 00 22 50 21 00 14 42

1 00 18 00 24 00 24 80

Inc 12 93 1700 4 75

1189t) 300 0)) 126 81 180 00 115 00

629 19

I (H) 3 0) 500

1 15 9 35 20 33

62 50

96194 96195 96193


36 50 50 00 2730 3 00

396 00

104775 104774 101899 92235

101715 102838 103565 103517 103491 103393 103429 103452 103409 103410 103411 103412 103408 101127

1,215 9;8 320 00 125 55

5,684 05 674 31 115 31 119 51

1,008 48 253 05 25200 157 50 260 40 161 70

2,814 ((0 y 388 50

7,885 50

735 03 399 00 171 30

1,232 68 351 00 153 60 309 75

1,980 00 37,273 53 2,444 45 3,911 11 4,888 89

121 00 105 00 156 45 370 44 450 00 540 00 481 80 128 73 335 00 100 10 729 00

24,657 60 380 00 29400 454 70 178 93

976 00

930 00 234 72 162 14 500 07

1 50 6 65 12 00 404 2 82 6 06 13 50 2 72 1 80

16 25

10 00


Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart- Voucher Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount.

No. Number. Finance.

Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart-

Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount.

No. Number. Finance.

h3r of of 11 (,-1(,-24 I,i,titution Equipment Co.. Inc 539 ().I

()8b!~2i r,~538 b-24-24 M. J. Tobin Co., Inc 2.Z80 51

.327 O5iO7 5-2J-24 N. Y. "I el. Co 4,003 29

8323(, (2t) 5-2(i-24 N. Y. Tel. Co 102 11

11)1123 7( 27-24 Jt,}al Co, of N. Y., Assignee ut A. 11. %achariu 450 0O

I[X1.3II (53 ()-2O-24 11. J. "Robin (u., Inc 241 !(4

10359 2 7- 9-24 Benjamin B. Chappell 18 01)

1)3(,02 7- .i-24 Harold R. 1'<cbcr 2 39 1U'r,4; 7- 1-24 Percy Bridges 3 10

]021,44 7- 1-24 Louise F. Borgltardt 0 30

103796 7- 3-24 Margaret J. Langan 7 (0

lil5 7- 3-24 Lila I. King 15 54 1n.9, u i 3-24 Julia llurd 13 65 1f13o01 7- 3-24 Ruth M. Lindsay 8 72 1(1,;01(0 7- 3-'4 Jeannette T. Wiener I1 10

11l•ic44, 7- 3-24 Lillie H. Gerdes 9 83 I(I,),o(I; 7- 3-2.1 Josephine D. Corte 9 3(1 I( (5~)4 7- 3-24 Win H. A. Filan 7 18 113(,11 7- .3-?4 1aizabeth O'Brien 3 68

:)-.'~ 21 (,-2~-24 '_Hilton C. Henley, Inc. 309 00 Ifll594 4. 2-24 (,-? -_24 Charles Kurzon 341 10

I O-,;0 24 Agent & Warden Sing Sing Prison 1,257 00 8481 ti

5-L-.4 I 1. J. Ila)pcl 212 ((0

) 4-11-_'4 ( ,-25 24 I1. J. Ilappcl 174 0) 101 599 .. 7-_- (,-2~-24 Stuml,l, & 1W-alter Co 190 00 I01f'i1 4-(4-_'4 b-_'8-24 Geo. 1. Knapp 336 00 101544 : - 1-.24 08795 h-23-2-( RD}-al Co. of N. Y., Assignees of Still-

man Appellate Ytg. Co., Inc. i ti 7 7 : - :-.4 (i(•(0 7- 3-24 11 cnchey Envelope Co. ll),(n'. ) 13- 2a (1(149 7- 3-24 Macmillan ('o.

)A)0 (,')742 II-24-24 Underwood Typewriter Cu., Inc I L944 ("Z7O 7- 3-24 Atlas Stationery Corp - Ii)1]) 17-_'' (5 257 7 2-24 lfacmillan C 1(125)7 (7!0 i- 1-24 Ward Baking Co I U39, 2'i (?()2 7- .i24 Naughton Garage Co,, Inc. 1I13a?.1_ ()857; 7- 3-24 Blain Dotnbroski 103/2(1 (1- I-_'-J (k'>74 7- 3-24 Ih❑ 11. Henning Il(.1(,?) . ~-'4 0 6 4 7- 3-24 (;eurge A. Etch II(3(;3,i 5- 1-24 7- 3-24 Barnardus B. Hendrickson 11)31,11; 0..'--_'4 +,3095 7- 3 -?4 1t'illiam A. Lappe 11131,,31 (x;;97 7- 3-23 Frank J. Balch I(13n2l 686'O i- 3-24 Albert Sommer 030.?' o 034 7- 3-24 Central Mercantile Bank of N. Y., As-

signee of Louis T. Walter, Jr. O30,27 :-31-'4 (x(7_'3 7- 3-24 Central ?Mercantile Bank of N Y., As-

signee of Louis T. Walter, Jr 9,(3J 68585 7- )-2.1 Jacob Griffin Ii,i43_I i,579 7- 3-21 M. Fiegel & Bro., Inc li.i;4i 005 7- 324 Samuel Lewis

::, (430 o59 7- 3-24 Eeppler Bros I31,71 1,1040 7- 3-24 D. C. Heath & Co. }3(,1 o- .24 o572 7 3-24 John F. Connolly

9941 3 04, G- 13- 24 \1, Barash 9l4 (,7334 (-.3-24 Peter Cleary

1O1144 (,O477 (,-27-24 William J. Endres I (1l4: 09477 0-27-24 V'eilliaut J. Endres 11414.1 (,9.777 6-27-24 \1'illiam J. Endres I(I_'5° .4.2,E-24 (,5{)3 7- 1-24 Instituliiin Equiptnent Co., Inc. 1()3 C : -31-24 685 Co i - 3-24 John Groben 11(,9,2( 5 31-24 6,8(,37 7- 3-24 John li inkler's Sons, Inc I113(,35 5 31-24 (,8(101 7- 3-24 Anton Krttppenbacker 9540 i 99)51 l 6-16-24 T. Frederick Jackson, Inc 98279 09811 o23-24 T. Frederick Jackson, Inc

1(12564 (6593 7- 1-24 Institution Equipment Co., Inc 102014 6-30-24 Burton & Davis Co

99660 3 :) (~-25-24 American Burnall Corp 102002 8-1.3-21 (i-3(1-24 Keystone View Co

91565 O[1021 6- 7-24 C. L. Dooley Co 958.14 6- : 24 (,254_' 6-17-24 Jams Sugden Co

10.4438 5.21-24 00773 7- 3-24 General Manifold & Ptg. Co S5(lG1 5-23-24 Lan(lay Bros., Inc

1 I.' 289 7- 1-24 William Kroepke X)968 6- (-24 American Ornamental Iron Works

1 , )1044 5 28-24 6-27-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of M. Kalmus

1)1141 5 ; -_'4 6-28-24 Royal Co. of N, Y., Assignee of S. Epstein

)8720 (-24-24 Clarence S. Nathan, Inc 113015 41(,'74 7- 3-24 J. F. Linde Paper Co., Inc t)3(i9l O»532 7- 3-24 Rockwell's Bakery, Inc 43442 4- 4 24 (,8533 7- 3-24 Royal Card & Paper Co 1)3056 5-14 _'4 00588 7- 3-24 Ilarral Soap Co (13710 3-_'4 24 65242 7- 3-24 Houghton, Mifflin Co.

'.113497 61047 7- 3-24 Little, Brown & Co., Inc 1)35("><;; 5-1024 69234 7- 3-24 Century Co.

11)3455 5- 6 24 68671 7- 3-24 F. S. Banks & Co 1(2L(78 4-'8 24 ((519 7- 2-24 Keuffel & Esser Co 4029117 7 24 61047 7- 2-24 Little, Brown & Co., Inc )(C$33 5-l04 61028 7- 1-24 A. S. Barnes & Co

333308 5-20-24 Charles N. Stoddard as Receiver of New Home Sewing Machine Co

10O364 5- 8 24 6-26-24 Charles N. Stoddard as Receiver of New Home Sewing Machine Co

0(,032 4-28-2.1 6-17-24 Charles N. Stoddard as Receiver of New Home Sewing Machine Co

]('1624 5-10-24 6-28-24 Bruce & Cook ,, 1(!153 6-25-24 Caswell Motor Co 1( ,3383 5-19-24 7- 3-24 S. Zacharkow

" 99716 4-22 24 0-25-24 Louis Messer 9421 5- 7.2.1 6-25-24 Sam Herson

C')(,64 5- 7 24 6-2a-24 II. J. Rappel I02292 7- 1-24 Charles N. Schneider 59803 3-29-24 6-25-24 H. J. Rappel (,3514 (,7044 6-16-24 Egan Co., Inc

1(3435 68789 7, 3-24 Pacific Ptg. Co_, Inc 1(3(,50 01789 7- 3-24 Pacific Ptg. Co., Inc 103(93 5-21-24 68789 7- 3-24 Pacific Ptg, Co 103665 6525(1 7- 3-24 Lyons & Carnahan 113477 5- 8 24 (,52c~I) 7- 3 24 \World Book Co 103697 (18610 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 103671 4-16 24 68610 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 1T348f( 2-29-24 (490 7- 3-24 Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co 173515 O879(; 7- 3-24 M. J. Tobin Co., Inc 1)3681 5- 1 24 (8506 7- 3-24 Standard Trading C. Assignee of

Globe Ink & Mucilage Co., Inc

113709 68526 7- 3-24 Paper Crafts Corp. 968 75 11)3505 5-1224 68512 7- 3-24 Iroquois Pub. Co., Inc. 305 50 1)1581 67127 6-26-24 F. & P. Construction Co., Inc. 495 00 1)3395 67165 7- 3-24 Neptune B. Smyth, Inc. 1,845 00

o- 9-24 68991 7- 3-24 Reo Motor Car Cv. of N. Y., Inc., As- signee of Lena Belotti 023 28

5 -28-24 08796 7- 3-24 M. J. Tobin Co., Inc. 122 10 7- 3-24 Frieda J. Bayern 9 91 7- 3-24 Bruno W. Muc11cr, Jr. 4 07 7- 3-24 Patrick J. Sullivan 2 00 7- 3-24 Mary E. Labaree 13 00

7- -24 William J. Lonergan 3 95 7- -24 Daniel J. Kenney 1 11I 7- -24 Patrick J. Lynch 5 42 7- -24 Elizabeth C. Cropsey 7 98 7- -24 Nlary W. Malone' 15 54 7- -24 J. It Jlaier 7 56 7- 3-24 Jenny (Tare I leath Moody .1 77

5-21-24 6-25-24 S. Gottlieb, Inc. 264 00 4-30-24 6-25-24 Benjes & Stiefel 98 00 4-2-24 6-25-24 Kramer, M ezger, Inc. 68 23 4- 7-24 6-27-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of Edward

F, Connolly 20 50 4- 5-24 6-27-24 Frank E. •Crosby & Son 58 33 3- 4-24 6-28-24 Klevens Boiler Works 62 70

6-28-24 William Krocpke 74 O0 5- 3-24 6- 2-24 W. F. 11o:s 21 o2

6- 1 -24 Kopta Bros. 30 75 5- 6-24 68995 7- 1-24 American Bork Co. 1 92 5 6-24 (,8027 7- 1-24 Standard (lit C. (,t N. Y 52 7o

6$06 7- 3-24 Globe Ink & Mucilage Co., Inc. 33 68

5- 8-24 68610 7- 1-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc. 2 37 4-15-24 08500 7- .3-24 Globe Ink & Mucilage Co., Inc. 20 28 5-16-24 08:'(k> 7- 3-24 (ilohe Ink & Mucilage Cu., Inc. 1 t$)

5-15-24 68506 7- 3-24 Globe Ink & Mucilage Co., Inc. 67 20 61053 7- 3-24 Rand, McNally & Co. 41 80 68610 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc. 38 74 68610 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc. 77 56

3-26-24 68574 7- 2-24 Defiance Sale: Carp. 42 40

5-15-2.4 68610 7- 3-24 Montgomery Co., Inc. 2 40 68610 7- 3-24 Montgoinervv ( ., Ilic. 0 47

4-11-24 68582 7- 3-24 Nathan Glantz 1 05 5-20-24 68582 7- 3-24 Nathan I I;antz 1 20

5-14-24 69072 7- 1-24 Universal Map Co., Inc. 10 72

5-17-24 68011 7- 3-24 Jlttrray 1~ubbcr Co. 17 28

5- 8-24 65275 6-24-24 Row, Peterson & Co. 13 50

5-26-24 68528 7- 3-24 Peckham. Little & Co. o 24

6- 5-24 68697 7- 3-24 Samuel Lewis 59 76

5-15-24 68587 7- 3-24 11. M. Halpern, Inc, l0 50

5-16-24 68498 7- 3-24 Bklvn. Lumber Co. 6 33

5-10-24 68476 7- 3-24 Kolesch & Co. (8 40

5-15-24 68528 7- 3-24 Peckham, Little & Co. 84 48

5-22-24 68475 7- 3-24 Adolph Rastur & Bros 95 40

5- 3-24 68493 7- 3-24 Emile Bernat Co 13 88

5- 3-24 68502 7- 3-24 Eugene Dietzgen Cu., Inc 8 70

68502 7- 3-24 Eugene Dietzgen (o., Inc 2 In

5-22-24 68475 7- 3-24 Adolph pastor & Bros 14 31

5-12-24 68708 7- 3-24 Peerless Ink Corp 12 0))

4-30-24 68476 7- 2-24 Kolesch & Co 63 011

5-19-24 08498 7- 3-24 Brooklyn Lumber Co 27 I ))

5-22-24 68498 7- 3-24 Brooklyn Lumber Co 157 51

68502 7- 3-24 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 7 o8

5-12-24 65244 7- 3-24 Iroquois Puh. Co., Inc 14 28

4-30-24 0-25-24 Atlantic Decorating Coo 4.3') I)))

6-25-24 John Abel 77 0')

5- 5-24 7- 1-24 L. Suprau 27 17

5-27-24 7- 1-24 A. D. Evertsen ( 14 93

1- 8-24 7- 1-24 Ph. Weinberg 6 4(I

4-19-24 7- 1-24 Anthony A. Flnitskv 51 10

5- 7-24 7- 1-24 R. Solomon & Son 29 01) 4- 7-24 7- 1-24 Heywood. Wakefield Co 37 •h)

5- 8-24 7- 1-24 General Electric Co 1 85

5-15-24 7- 1-24 11 illiam L. McAdam 3 15

4-29-24 7- 3-24 A. B. Dick Co 3 00 7- 3-24 R. W. Rodman 29 (88

5 6-24 68023 7- 3-24 Royal Petroleum C(I., Inc 53 4,

12-22-23 64988 6-26-24 Royal Card & Paper C(I 1 48

o-21-23 65435 6-26-24 Cambridge Botanical Supply C 44 oo 6861(1 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 8 35

68019 7- 2-24 Rauh Cutlery Co., Inc 2(, (I)

5- 6-24 68623 7- 3-24 Royal Petroleum Co., Inc 1 08

4-14-24 68781 6-24-24 J. h:. Linde Paper Co 17 65

5-21-24 68781 6-24-24 J. F. Linde Paper Co., Inc 7 13

5-22-24 68781 6-24-24 I. E. Linde Paper Co., Inc 22 211

5- 7-24 68467 7- 1-24 Holden Patent Book Cover Co 1 26

5-21-24 68610 7- 3-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 1 00

5- 8-2.4 68010 7- 2-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 1 12

4- 5-24 68685 7- 2-24 J. A1. Fetch 4 84

O8995 7- 1-24 American Book Cu 71 31

5-14-24 68995 7- 1-24 American Book Co 49 92

5-29-24 (856') 7- 3-24 Fcrd H. Von Damni, Assignee of Cal- laghan & Roulet 976 Sol

103479 (i8528 7- 3-24 Peckham, Little & Co. O95 10

98325 4-28-24 (19983 o-23-24 Equity Finance & Service Co., Assignee of Universal flap Co., Inc 102 00

98728 5- 3-24 69983 6-24-24 Equity Finance & Service Co., Assignee of Universal Map Co., Inc 126 00

102896 5- 5-24 68492 7- 2-24 Babbitt Kelly Co., Inc 2,779 50

98799 68768 6-24-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Cu 452 80

98797 5-15-24 68768 (,-24-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co 204 25

100338 6-26-24 Richmond Borough, National Bank, Assignee of Joseph J. Keller 584 5i)

100418 5-12-24 6-26-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of M. Kalmus 714 01)

100419 4-29-24 6-26-24 H. Gordon 195 (()

95217 1- 8-24 6-16-24 American Brass Co 327 4(,

103662 65244 7- 3-24 Iroquois Pub. Co., Inc 113 75

102612 6866 7- 1-24 Reo Motor Car Co. of N. Y., Inc., Assignee of Lena Belotti 333 69

102306 68644 7- 1-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 711 65

102315 6- 2-24 68644 7- 1-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 102

100014 68644 6-25-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 201 53

102309 68044 7- 1-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 337 01

103493 5- 8-24 68568 7- 3-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co. 350 00

97474 69464 6-20-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of Velo- drome Equipment Co 540 00

100258 3-19-24 64821 6-26-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of Still- man

2,035 95 Appellate Ptg. Co., Inc.

92943 5- 1-24 6-11-24 keystone Electric Co. 190 00

101924 6-30-24 Hubbard & Co. 900 00

102015 6-30-24 Francis H. Leggett & Co. 321 60

98831 12-17-23 6-24-24 Bushwick Natl. Bank, Assignee of Wil- liam Beck 284 00

103503 68507 7- 3-24 Hano Weinkrantz Co., Inc. 1,053 50

2 25 72 96 3456 6400 3684

420 00 4400 32 00 29 00

707 00 113 00 139 30 118 00 103 50 139 50

1,469 41 100 34 582 29 992 05

641 52

036 25

03526 (13609 03603 03595 03 597 O2o41 02(,42 02640 01,65.1 02652 02651 03610 01569 99608 99o25 100983

100981 101740 101742 102819 102290 102587 1023 24 103544 102308 103422 103699 103706 103482 103692 1036117 102899 103523 103524 103652 103443 102578 103465 98889 103528 103546 103041 103533 103459 103543 103540 103454 103448 103427 103683 103703 102903 103514 103475 103487 103504 99652 99628 102671 102682 102680 102675 102083 1(12677 102657 102660 103012 103590 103461 100319 100288 103444 102879 103494 98782 98795 98791 102554 10351 102876 1028(.8 102590 102331 103624

Finance Voucher


102354 93756


Invoice Dates or Contract Number.



99799 3-27-24


5-20-24 II ((X)6 -14-24 100255

;-221 101942

S-31-24 98984

45000 120 06

113 92

147 135 119

00 00 00

192 00 6 45 8 98

40 00 25 00 3 10 2 25

54 00 49 12 27 92 1000

72 69 8150

35 19 s~

85 7


2 2

37 10 59 48 17

31 6

27 89 6

9 48

2 6

294 10 54 99

90 65 76 25 50 35 00 74 88 00 16 35 70 00 85 44 50 00 35

20 50 00 42 14 04 36 24 16 57 80

53 93 60 40 6 67

5699 74 89 9 15 500

24 15 29 45 46 75 22 20 13 50 11 75 37 74 5150 27 35 3 00 2; 00

; 3 ;7

22 50 42 00 81 95 19 00 3600 4500 5501 16 00 4 35 1 75 190 9 75 6 50 9 13 3 35

20 70 23 75

99 96

23 00 1 59 8 72 4 06

445 00 774 36 333 34 80 00

170 00 134 00 277 00

79925 9 00 79926

99000 146093 27,551 78 103263 8,886 60 102059

53,538 30 102065

2-15-24 2-19-24


6-11-24 6- 7-24

ITIC-R' 1)AV, JULY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5315

Finance Voucher



IiSik .;

III! ;.1,;..24 1 )

4 17-'4

i ;' 4;0-24'

;- qi-2:

f12;;' ;-'6.24


iiil ; ;.1i+.24

2; 1;; 22-24 ) 4 2'-2)

+o0,7 o 4-15-24

(li)')~n 4-1;-24

{~12-'u 4-29-2.1

, ), ),i12 1 I') 24

'i'+7:' i-;I-24

lnlnl)s 5-1il-24

'1251 5-27-24 llH1i,

9)1 5{ - ~l

1U1( i5 ]i)24

r?;: t Z- '+-?4 ]IL1. 5 4-2-1

'v4I1 ;-12- 2 4

1I 2, 1 5-14-24

1U22 ;-15-24

t u.7 1 4 - -24

1n,) 5I;-24

1( 2; 11 5.1424

1i425r,I F

1,24 ; l4-24

(i.;(,3-) - 2-24 1 ). lr 5; 5-24 1;, .- 7-24

1 ) 224 _' 5- 724

552? ' I

1 i27' ; 14- 24 )7 :,

))7) 2 2-N

I72 317-24

iiiI,i(, -1-24-24 I i'(, 4.22-74

;1? 4- .i.'4

+,, ;"+ -1 13 24

1)1231 4-22-24

1I)(c)i, ! ;_ 5-24

1~)1)9 5 ;-24

100987 4- 8-24 1' 12624 11 )262

14 )262'; 5- fi-24

'1012011; 4- 9-24

1111906 3-18-24 iHi)1';

Ii!I')7 11)1%6

1925 7] 5- 7-24 (l ,r;1

1410)7 5- e-24

1112(,6, i- (-24 1 '' 1 1 424-24

2,;; -I.1-24

2, 5-27-.24

+21N14 5-12-24

21M)5 ; 21-24

'9i1( o- 1-24

( 4x,13 5-31 -24

i191 5- r, 24

13 27 4- 9-_' 3

1425 5- 9-24

21r, 5-15-24 :- ri24

( 3;x)3


1r1i )- 1 23

t)757,L1 4-3(I-24

H17(1 4-14-24

91(,90 1-25-24

O(;97 5-16-24 (-i;753 12-27-23

10?~39 4- 3-24

III ?364 I 645i 10 ?3 52 10 I url i

7- 3-24 Hano 1Veinkrantz Co., Inc. 101 00 7- 3-24 llano \1-einkrantz Co., Inc. 142 50 7- 3-24 Irvine & Wilcox Co., Inc. 579 16 7- ;3-24 Rol al Card & Paper Co. 322 10 7- .3-24 J. 1F:. Linde Paper Co. 100 40 6-17-24 \. H. Dick (.o. 2,702 25

-23-24 .A. 1. 1)ick Co, 139 50

(16-24 A. B. Dick Co. 4,725 00 6-15-24 Fred Trehitsch, Assignee of J. Menke,

Inc. 7- 2-24 Silver, Burdett & Co.

1} 2;-24 knval l o. of N. Y., Assignee of Harlem Door Check Co.

7- 1-24 Rcn ?1lotor Car Co. of N. Y., Assignee of Lena Belotti

(-28-24 A. B. Dick Co. 'S-24 1I. I. Ha1)1t1

G- 9-24 Cipolla Cont. Co., Assignee of Salva- tore Schiavone

7- 1-24 Leona A. Smith 7- 1-24 Stumpp & Walter Co. 7- 1-24 1o~hn Skellv 7- 1-24 Susan McCormick 7- 1-24 \ auzhan'.s Seed Store

7- 1 -24 John Jos. McVey (-25-24 :Anthon' A. Elnitsky 6-27-24 Isaac Brenner

(-27 -24 Isaac Brenner 6-27-24 Anthony A. Elnitsky -25-21 Ro al Co. of N. Y., Assignee of Fred

G. Lax t.-25-24 Lennon & Co. -25-24 _Abraham Lanowitz, Assignee of J.

Cr ,hen 5-29-24 Fred G. Lax 7- 1-24 Royal Card & Paper Co. 7- 1-24 \1ilt,)n Bradley Co 6-28-24 Kny-Scheerer Corp. of America (t-20-24 J. F. Linde Paper Co. 6-28-24 General Electric Co.

516 7- 1-24 Snelling & Son

(ih79 7- 1-24 (avanagh Bros. & Co

1401)(1 6-23-24 II)thi, C. A1'inston Co.

1,047`+ 7- 1-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co.

r,~5,s-1 7- 2-24 ('. II. & F. S. Goldberg r'+917 7- 7-24 Chas. E. 'Merrill Co.

1l(40 7- 3-24 Ilarcourt, Brace & Co. (J')2+;9 7- 1-24 .Amcrican Viewpoint Society, Inc.

(i~1,70 7- 1-24 Cavanagh Bros. & Co r,O2(i) 7 1-24 :Amo-rican \ictvtx)int Society, Inc 4,4'+7,3 (,-2r,-24 Eugene Dictzt;cn Co., Inc

.i7') 7 1-24 l avanagh Bra,<. & Co (,'4,9,3 7- 3-24 Tiny Lorucs,I

~ 0ri41 7- 3-24 Bade Tiro,

1,12.;3 7- 2 14 Funk & \\'agnalls Co i 7- 1-24 .A. S. Barnc; & Co

h'lill i 7- 1 2I (harlcs E. ?Merrill Co. 621 I (i-16-24 1. W. Fetch

(11130 7- 1-24 Ifarcnurt, Brace & Co. h X14 7- 2-24 N ati(,nal Sponge & Chamois Co., Inc. . (4 03 ( - 29-24 I3 dnvin Smithson Co., Tue.

7- 1-2I Ih)sephinc D. Corte (,-2;-24 kroepke Plumbing & Heating Co (-25-24 1 cplt Martinz -25_21 I1crman Sacks RI 0(irng & Contr, Co ,

Inc. 11 illiam Beck

7- 1-24 Kramer Mezger, Inc. (23 24 lulu(, Haas, Jr • (,224 1ulins Haa;, Jr. (-27-24 George Roach 6-27-24 T. Youdelman O--27-24 1. Youdelman 6-27-24 Louis Messer 7- 1-24 M. M. Halpern, Inc. 7- 1-24 D. Van Nostrand Co. 7- 1-24 Ya«man & Erbe Mfg. Co 7- 1-24 Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. 6-30-24 A. Bobbe Co. 6-17-24 I.. E. Knott .Apparatus Co 6-30-24 1.. E. Knott Apparatus Co 6-30-241 C. P. Chemical & Drug Co., Inc. 7- 1-?1 '.{tender, Bush & Co. 6-25-24 1ova1 Co. of N. Y., :\s.ig0ge of

Thomas F. Maher

7- 1-24 D. J. Carey 7- 1-24 I' ]ward J. Keyes 7- 1-24 A. Itzknvvitz 7- 1-24 \V. & C. Sheehan 7- 1-24 James I. Kelly 7- 1-24 lames T. Kelly 7- 1-24 F. J. Canavan 7- 1-24 S. 1 rauzhlau 7- 1-24 Tames Ynrkston

6-2o-24 Review of Reviews Corp. (~-3(1-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 7 - 3-24 Clarence S. Nathan, Inc 7- 3-24 Lilbrary Bureau

(~S623 7- 3-24 Ro\al Petroleum Co., Inc (i0fi23 7- 3-24 Rural Petroleum Co., Inc (1(140 7- 3-2.1 D. C. Heath & Co 01932 7- 3-24 R.:1. Fife Corp (0621 7- 1-24 Tarries H. Rhodes & Co (8(123 7- 3-24 Po al Petroleum Co., Inc

7- 1-24 Gunhill Trucking Corp 7- 3-24 Isabel S. Cooper

6-24-24 Blanche T. Haddow 7- 3-24 '1l iriam Gorman

08;(10 6- 4-24 Ahriss & Unger (4904 (i-2fi-24 Charles Broadway Rouss, Inc 69648 0-20-24 Dalton Adding Machine Co

6-28-2.4 H. S. Thomson 0-28-24 H. S. Thomsoai 6-18-24 H. S. Thomson (0-16-24 H. S. Thomson 6- 2-24 Goodyear's India Rubber Selling Co ,

Inc. ({3327 7- 1-24 Tandnus Electric Equipment Co I, ,1(1R 0-26-24 lVilletts Const, Co., Inc (8203 7- 1-24 Jesse E. Kahn 66300 6-30 -24 G. Dekimpe

Received in Depart- ment of

Name of Payee. Amount, Finance.

7- 1-24 Peerless Engineering Co 5,6918 62 6-12-24 Winifred Cornell 11 84 0-24-24 Central Mercantile Bank of N. Y ,

Assignee of Louis T. Walter, Jr 132 00 6-25-24 Hyman Gordon, Assignee of A. W

Brauer 757 00 7- 1-24 Montgomery & Co., Inc 128 11 6-26-24 (lane Bros. & Co. of N. Y 140 26 6-30-24 M. B. Brown Ptg. & I3dg. Co 161 25 6-30-24 Powers Accounting Machine Corp 175 00 6-24-24 Harry Starkman & Bros 160 32

Department of Finance. 105316 7- 9-24 John J. Keating

Department of Health. 5- 2-24 7- 3-24 Edward B'oker 669 00 6-17-24 68400 7- 3-24 E. Michaels 542 10

7- 3.24 Swift & Co 155 87 11-17-23 7- 3-24 Oliver Typewriter Sales Co., Inc 3 25 12-21-23 7- 3-24 F. G. W. Musbach & Son, Inc 9 00 6- 2-24 6- 2-24 F. B. Me}rowitz Surgical Instruments

Co. 24 50 5-28-24 7- 2-24 Adams Flanigan Co 13 32 5-21-24 7- 2-24 C. H. & E. S. Goldberg 9 90

6- 6-24. 7- 2-24 Speed Key Mfg. Co., Inc 2 80 6- 3-24 7- 2-24 \V. R, Ostrander & Co 7 511

7- 3-24 Harold L. Benton 7 5(1 7- 2-2.4 J. M. Horton Ice Crean Co 12 47 7- 2-24 Collins Stamp Mfg. Co., Inc 2 41)

6- 2-24 7- 2-24 Tablet & Ticket Co 2 (1) 6- 1-24 7- 2-24 N. Y. Blue Print Paper Co 3 82 5-31-24 7- 2-24 Richmond Ice Co 6 (2 5-31-24 7- 2-24 Disbrow-Nachman Corp. 2 04 6- .3-24 7- 2-24 Bainbridge, Kimpton & Haupt, Inc 12 (4) 3-31-24 7- 2-24 Knv-Scheerer Corp. 19 SO 6-13-24 7- 2-24 Fairbanks Co. 6 00

7- 2-24 Joseph Bauer 12 77 6- 1-24 7- 2-24 Peerless Towel Supply Co 4 75 6- 1-24 7- 2-24 Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau 9 09 4-14-24 7- 3-24 Meyer London, Inc 21) 00 5 1-24 6-11-24 Edgar Briggs 200 00

69885 7- 3-24 Wyoming Valley Coal Co., Inc 3,130 12 Department of Licenses.

6-20-24 August W. Glatzmayer 171 50 6-24-24 Joseph C. Newman 467 60 6-24-24 Peerless Welding Co., Inc 42 00

Law Department. 7- 8-24 Francis J. Sinnott 1,050 00

7- 8-24 Reuben A. Lazarus 482 92 7 8-24 Charles L. Craig, as Custoxlian of the

N. Y. City' Employees' Retirement Sys- tem 17 08

6-27-24 Royal Co. of N. Y., Assignee of L & M. Steinberg 240 50

Miscellaneous. 7-15-24 James A. McQuade 5,439 00 7-10-24 {)avid 11. Knott 8,083 83

5-31-24 7- 0-24 Brooklyn Union Gas Co 25 05 7- 2-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 5 20 7- 8-24 Kathrine Lynch S 56 7 8-24 Lawyers' Title & Trust Co 2 45 7- 8-24 Edward GafTnev 319 08 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 496 00 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 464 00 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 472 00 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 411 00 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 412 50 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 415 50 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 372 0(1 7- 8-24 Knickerbocker Ice Co 348 0(1 7- 8-24 V. Loewser's Gambrinus Brewcry Co 1,060 40 7- 8-24 V. I.oewer's Gambrintis Brewery 6' 1,180 ()0 7- 8-24 R. E. Dietz Co 1,096 (11) 7- 8-24 R. E. Dietz Co 1,100 00

6-20-24 7- 1-24 0. 1.. Hyde 21 00 Department of Public Markets.

6-24-24 Joseph 'Moore 28 71 Bronx Parkway Commission. 7- 3-24 Splitdorf Electrical Co 20 18

5-31-24 7- 3-24 Standard Scale & Supply Corp 1 52 6-16-24 7- 3-24 Stillman & Van Siclen Chemical Lab.

Co., Inc. 20 00 Department of Parks.

Treasurer of Bklyn. Institute of Arts & Sciences 6,264 53 Treasurer of Bklyn. Institute of Arts & Sciences 1,387 46 Treasurer of Bklyn. Institute of Arts & Sciences 8,768 68

5-31-24 6-24-24 Samuel E. Hunter 169 43 6-24-24 Transcontinental Oil Co. 138 99

6-14-24 6 25 24 Joseph L. Burke Corp. 823 00 6-24-24 Ernest Capelli 295 65

5-13-24 6-25-24 Beith & Reilly Co. 385 00 5-28-24 6-25-24 George A. Williams & Son 300 00

6-17-24 Albert C. Benninger 121 15 Police Department.

57312 5- 1-24 James Whitford 5,200 62 69622 6-28-24 J. M. Saulpaugh's Sons 1,226 23

6-30-24 Sinram B'ros., Inc. 193 00 6- 4-24

6-25-24 Manhattan Supply Co. 233 20 6- 5-24

6-25-24 Robert Dickie 250 00 5-31-24

6-25-24 Teevan Riding Academy 224 00 Department of Plant and Structures.

5-13-24 Independent Pneumatic Tool Co. 420 00

10-15-23 5-13-24

Hauck Mfg. Co 140 00 Independent Pneumatic Tool Co. 435 00

Eastman-Stockhouse, Inc. 8 48 7- 3-24 Holloway, Bentz & Co., Inc. 64 80 6-30-24 S, Fabian Goodman 72 00 6-30-24

Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- (.ontract mentof

Name of Payee. Amount. Number. Finance.

60517 t,;t;n7

Oo)41 J (d)fi4~)



r! !f I I


99445 9938() 99391

102976 99296 99447 99298 95838 95845

103082 1(13853 10388(1 103877 103876 102935

102932 102934 102930 102931 103870 102963 102923 102924 102925 102927 102900 102928 102930 102970 102971 102046 102948 103878 93121 103852

97710 98626 98620

104855 104580 104581



0614.2 (1;378 03224 046.13 04('32 04631 04628 04629 04630 04627 046 26 04625 04624 04623 04622 04621 04x;2O 04019



103338 103334 103328




993(,5 90370 99411 99110 99430 99435 95825

74218 101771 102085 99486 99503 99522

Fire Department. 0-11-24 6-25-24 J. C. Smith

6-24-24 Wm. H. Swartwout 6- 3-24 o-24-24 American Ia France Fire Engine Co ,

Inc. 5-21-24 7- 2-24 Paul Schaad 5-31-24 6-24-24 Pine Hill Crystal Spring 5-28-24 6-25-24 John T'. Ferguson 6- 8-24 6-24-24 Gimbel Bros.. Inc 4-23-24 6-17-24 \Villiam J. Olvanv

6-17-24 Standard Oil Co. of N Y

34 00 36 25

Water Co.... 3 85 349 00 251 50 205 00 819 82

23 60

25 00 11 20



Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- Contract ment of Number. Finance.

Name of Payee. Name of Payee. Amount.

Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- Contract ment of Number. Finance.

Finance Voucher


Finance Voucher


6-30-24 E. R. Latham & Co. 6-30-24 E. S. Morris 6-30-24 F. S. Morris

66609 6-20-24 Commonwealth Fuel Co., Inc. 1-23-24 Henry Pels & Co. 2- 5-24 Kin,- Pneumatic Tool Co.

69776 6-25-24 Swan & Finch Co. President, Borough of Manhattan.

7- 3-24 Charles L. Craig 6-24-24 Rae Bros 7 1-24 W. J. Fitzgerald 7- 1-24 Sicilian Asphalt Paving Co. 7- 1-24 American Blower Co. 7- 2-24 Millard F. Smith Co. 6-24-24 S. 0. S. Welding Corp. 7- 1-24 H. L. Spence 6-17-24 FI. J. Street Co. 6-17-24 John J. Leahy Elec. Supplies, Inc. 7- 1-24 Uvalde .Asphalt Paving Co.

70096 6-21-24 Harry Klein 7- 1,.24 Frost's Veneer Seating Co., Ltd.

7- 1-24 Samuel Lewis 7- 2-24 Idico Corp.

President, Borough of The Bronx. 6-27-24 N. Y. Multi Color Copying Co.

60337 7- 3-24 1nter1)ro Asphalt Co., Inc.

09705 6-30-24 Garofano Const. Co., Inc. (8548 (-20-24 Ames Bldg. Material Co., Inc.

66)170 6-20-24 Burns Bros 69905 6-23-24 Penn Fuel Co.

6-16-24 John C. Hime 6-16-24 Thomas Heatley

President, Borough of Brooklyn. 7 3-24 Topping Bros., Inc.

69,376 -2-24 Hcgrade Builders' Supply Co., Inc. - 9-24 James Halpin & Son

6-19-24 John W. Sparks

6-19-24 John W. Sparks President, Borough of Queens.

,)-73q ((879 6-16-24 James Gallo 5742 (7830 6-24-24 R. A. Hess, Inc.

)3343 K- 24-24 6-11-24 McGirr Bros., Inc.

) 574(; (Q6(7 6-16-24 American Creosoting Co. ~~~)1)9 6-24-24 Harry K. Vought

6-24-24 Harry K. Vought (-24-24 Harry K. Vought

)C()2 6-24-24 Harry K. Vought

) )17 6-24-24 Harry K. Vought President, Borough of Richmond.

1263 63576 6-27-24 Joseph Johnson's Sons 2234 5-2 24 6-30-24 James Goold

:) )637 6- 4.14 6-25-24 J. F. Devlin )22l 6- f -24 6-30-24 T. J. Mullen & Son O2232 5- (-24 6-30-24 I. C. Blake )1I)35 5.24')4 6-25-24 Gregg Bros., Inc. 12241 5 1c-24 6-30-24 James Goold

(1(114 5-31-24 6-25-24 Allen-Wheeler Co. 101 4 6- 1-24 6-25-24 James P. Shay 2215 68212 6-30-24 Joseph Johnson's Sons

Department of Public Welfare. f1139 6- (P-24 7- 1-24 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.

D 4S6 (,9e82 6-23-24 Titan Fuel Corp. :13006 6- 4-24 69435 7- 2-24 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc.

3002 6- 9-24 69204 7- 2-24 Abt Bernot, Inc. 32l,ti 7- 2-24 Nason Mfg. Co., Inc.

13217 6-. fj-24 7- 2-24 John A. Rocbling's Sons Co. of N. Y

113213 6- 7-24 7- 2-24 Otis Elevator Co. 3214 - n 34 7- 8-24 1). Liederman & Sons, Inc.

1321Y) 2-2c;-Z4 7- 7-24 W. B. McVicker Co.

91193 3 .374 7- 2-34 Samuel E. Hunter 0,1208 6- -24 6- 2-24 Hanlon & Goodman Co.

1,204 6. "-24 7- 2-24 George Tiemann & Co., Inc. [11203 6-l.-24 7- 2-24 Agent and Warden, Auburn Prison .. (132lf1 0 13-24 7- 2-24 Topping Bros., Inc. 0")1961 6-25-24 7- 2-24 A. B. Dick Co. 03105 7- 2-24 Schrell-Schultz Co., Inc. (1301] 5-31-24 69471 7- 2-24 Edward Boker 03004 (-11-24 69415 7- 2-24 Burton & Davis Co.

I)23c16 (-17-24 7- 1-24 D. Liederman & Sons, Inc. 03199 5-2c-24 7- 2-24 Oxy-Acetylene Equipment Co. of N. Y ,


101861 6-30-24 Abraham & Straus, Inc. 2 25 101860 6-20-24 6-30-24 Friedlander Supply Corp. 14 62 101858 6-30-24 C. M. Sorensen Co., Inc. 3 90 101859 (i-30-24 dcKesson & Robhins, Inc. 8 17 101856 6-122-24 6-30-24 Optimus Supply Co 4 103193 5-31-24 7- 2-24 Edward Boker 3 100875 6-27-24 IIance Bros. & White, Inc 47 100868 (i-27-24 Parke, Davis & Co., Inc. ')0 103027 (if479 7- 2-24 I. Frank 14 103014 69528 7- 2-24 Samuel E. Hunter 113 103213 5-23-24 7- 2-24 Institution Equipment Co., Inc. 249 103013 5-31-24 69493 7- 2-24 Samuel E. Hunter 2211 104088 6- 9-24 7- 5-24 Scientific Specialties Co., lnc. 3a.; 103018 5-31-24 69975 7- 2-24 Sheffield Farms Co., Inc. 3,1081 103005 69415 7- 2-24 Burton & Davis Co. 100499 69294 6-26-24 Abt Bernot, Inc. 225 102388 7- 1-24 Herbert A. Post 413 96754 5-22-24 69882 6-18-24 Titan Fuel Corp. 1,526

Register, New York County. 102988 7- 2-24 Annie Mathews 7 80

Sheriff, Bronx County. 85085 5-15-24 5-23-24 Frank B. Hill 315 82

Sheriff, New York County. 103813 6- 1-23 7- 3-24 Banks Law Puh. Co 103817 6-30-24 7- 3-24 John T. Stanley Co., Inc. 103816 7- 1-24 7- 3-24 Herman Bros 103815 6-30-24 7- 3-24 Franco American Baking Co. I (1381 (~-10- 24 7- 3- 24 Leon \Veinstock 103810 7- 1-24 7- 3-24 N. Bass & Co. 100440 6-20-24 F. F. Fuhrman 103073 6-23-24 7- 2-24 American La France Fire Engine Co ,

Inc. 14 (11) 103072 6- 4-24 7- 2-24 Henry Kastens 15 I)0 103074 6-25-24 7- 2-24 \Vholesale Typewriter Co, IS (X)

Department of Street Cleaning. 6-19-24 68184 6-30-24 John J. O'Connor 1,116 67

69241 6-30-24 Rinek Cordage Co 4,469 161 5-31-24 6-30-24 Moran Towing & Tran,portati)n (o 121 So

6-30-24 Slrar~Lock Towing Co,, Inc. 1,100 I$) 6-11-24 o-30-24 Ira ",, iiushcv & Solis, Inc 325 01) 6- 5-24 6-30-24 C. A. Leitch Mf,g. Co 156 00 6- 1-24 (-30-24 Mahoney, Clarke, Inc 50 71) 6-17-24 6-30-24 O'Brien Bros., Inc. ti 2,700 (>I)

7- 7-24 Mrs. H. J. Fogg 184 20 Tenement House Department.

102111 6-30-24 Eagle Spring Water Co

Transit Construction Commissioner. 63677 6- 6-24 Michael Del Balsa, 9,4022 11 ) 68714 6- 6-24 John B. Roberts & ' 2,787 7)

6-14-24 N. Y. and Quccns I':lectric Light aoil Power Co. 3 27

100721 6-27-24 Defiance Sales ()rp 2,0o6 21) Board of Water Supply.

104800 6-27-24 6- 8-24 Globe Indemnity (..',) 12 5i) 104842 6- 8-24 Thomas Crimmins ' nitracting Co i 4')

99553 5-31-24 6-25-24 Lithoprint Co. of N. V., Inc 33 46 102550 65168 7- 1-24 Merritt, Chapman & Scout (')rp 14.11778 1)11

992261 64594 6-24-24 Angelo Paino 3O,2o9 99226 7- 2-24 (p4594 6-24-24 East Jersey Pipe iCo nre (.f

Angelo Pain() 15,000) lid

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. 102605 68434 7- 1-24 George II. Cooper 1,686 48 102602 4-16-24 680010 7- 1-24 J. A. Maloney & Cn 10 20 95180 6-16-24 Eimer & Amend, Inc 20 14

101837 1-26-24 6-28-24 Paul F. Brogan 10 S5 101836 6-28-24 John J. O'Mara 51 55 101835 6-28-24 John J. O'Mara 54 6rl 101834 6-28-24 John J. O'Mara 45 Ii) 101833 6-28-24 John J. O'Mara 52 I) 101279 5-26-24 6-27-24 George V. Cornell 8778 36 101399 6-11-24 6-28-24 Godfrey Keeler Co 121 01) 101293 5- 1-24 6-27-24 National Gas Governor Co 117 95 101284 6-10-24 6-27-24 Cassco Bar Metallic Packing Co 175 51) 102265 69773 6-30-24 Sinclair Refining Co loll 83 99088 69267 6-24-24 N. Y. & Queens Electric Light & Power

Co. 45,282 01) 96172 66923 6-17-24 Steamship Fuel Corp 1,645 (1) 94040 5-12-24 6-13-24 Albert Blechner's Sons, Inc 410 01) 99306 6-24-24 Westchester Lighting Go 713 81)

102604 69927 7- 1-24 Orange & Rockland l;lectric Co 212 58 102603 5-31-24 69926 7- 1-24 Orange & Rockland Electric Co 339 2O

1( 37; 6

(c~f41 0-10 --14

1(2,41 5- 8-24 I ( ,254)

1( 2536 3-19-24 1(,3ii79

137 4-1221

1(! 32 5-24.24

c34 5 734 ( ,(642 5-27 24

1(,2547 0-11-24 (,Q(~27

1(42531 6- 5 24

10252Q 5-..1-2.1

](3(7(1 6- 9.24

l (11110 5-31 24 1r42$

62 T34 '~K )4 (-'1) 24 1004(4 0-15 24


56 5')

1(_'CLG1 1(2O62 6-12.24 1( ?(l;fi 6-12 24

c 7379 29784 12-2) 23 ; 14) 12-1123 y)93 l

43 08 43 92 183 00

7,840 16 995 00 216 00

1,398 41

3,789 61 248 00

37 35 908 25

7 75 154 15 65 00 45 14 49 50 31 75 7 65

900 00 219 00 738 60 200 00

18 60 12,482 92 12,891 10 2,148 17 50580

3,992 88 13 37 44 71


071~1 7180

89 79 11 40 4000 3 00 18 10 68 75 19 00 3000 5700

4,158 00

140 82 1,606 80

17 65 42 52 9 38

22 58 7 56

23 69 1966 34 98 2 75

1440 24 00 4 77 390 5 80

34 '29 22 00 17 54

9 50


10 0) I 5

11 34 2(i 43 2 5(1 2 15 6 611

210 68 3,752 24 554 69 102152 146 64 102155 20 45 102195


2,401 45 102184 826 08 102182 447 00 102170

2,496 37 102190 175 80 102186 7 87 4 95

318 95 11 70 91270

912619 94689

27 h0


A statement is herewith submitted of all vouchers f i led in the Department of Finance on this date, in which is shown the Department of Finance voucher number, the date of the invoice or the registered number of the contract, the name of the payee and the amount of the claim. Where two or more bills are embraced in one voucher the date of the earliest is given. excepting that when such vouchers are submitted under a contract the registered number of the contract is shown instead. CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller. L

Invoice Finance Date `'ouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract


108291 108292 108473 108474 108475


Vouch- or Con- er No. tract


108181 108182 108087 108088 108089


108527 108528 108529 108530


108340 108341 108368 108369

108524 108525 108526


Name of Payee.

Invoice Finance Date

Amount. Vouch- or Con- er No. tract


98 29 108476 Gerry & Murray 24 65

7 96 108477 A. B. Dick Co. 21 00

42 00 108478 Ice Service Co. 7 70

100 00 108479 John W. Sullivan 495 00

108480 Chas. Wands 291 8,6

71 46 108481 O'Brien Bros 131 25

76 85 108482 Centadrink Filters 10 50

87 00 108253 Frank J. Butler 7 90 62 00 Frank J. Butler 12 00

Department of Education.

10 49 108154 I. David Cohen 7 45

220 75 108155 Ella Wilson 11 90

108156 H. M. Devoe 69 66

100 00 108157 Rockaway Auto Services 92 50

17 27 108158 Martha Adler 8 30

199 59 108159 Baker-Taylor Co. 1 95

108160 H. Weiss 5 50 County. 10 00 108161 Western Union Teleg. Co 3 75

70 80 108162 Dunwoodv Institution 18 00

59 52 108129 Gaylord Bros. 5 70

69 72 108130 Wm. Herman Co. 40 80

20 00 108131 Krengel Mfg. Co. 66 00

15 00 108132 J. E. Linde Paper Co. 47 00

40 80 108133 J. W. Tente 1 40

108134 World Book Co. 1 35

8 11 108135 Healy Bros. 51 00

21 48 108136 Krengel Mfg, Co, 10 26

120 00 108137 Library Bureau 90

5 00 108138 I. Smigel 36 00

24 00 108139 Clarence S. Nathan 16 00

8 50 108140 J. E. Linde Paper Co. 27 50

50 00 108141 Edward B. Kelly 14 32

Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

08104 Clinton Garage $19 25

0~l0( Peerless Towel Supply 22 95

; 08107 N. Y. Blue Print Paper , 22 78

?()810( Triangle Lithoprint Co. 34 06

010 r Equitable Blue Print Co 34 75

108110 Langton Co. 10 40

1118111 Keuffel & Esser Co. 18 27

08112 N. Y. Blue Print Paper Co 8 10

10810: Peter T. McGowan 182 76

10109.1 Ralph L. Van Name 20 04 Ralph L. Van Name 1 00

108094 Peerless Towel Supply Co 31 05

108095 Peerless Towel Supply Co 22 11

108096 N. Y. Central R. R. Co 223 17

108097 N. Y. Central R. R. Co 80 40

108098 Royal Typewriter Co. 147 26

108009 Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 30 00

Name of Payee. Amount.

Jesse B. Snow Wm. J. Shea E. Blecher Hyde A. Rudolph

City Magistrates' Courts. Jay Finn Tay Finn Jay Finn Jay Finn Supreme Courts.

Bowron Transfer Co. C. J. Lundstrom

County Clerk, New York County James A. Donegan William F. Schneider N. Y. Tel. Co.

District Attorney, Queens James A. Dyton James A. Dyton Geo. H. Lamb Eugene A. Fallon William J. Lavelle William W. Spiro John J. Sullivan

Department of Docks. Kolesch Co. Kolesch Co. John C. Orr Topping Bros, F. Schmidt Valcoline Oil G. W. Bromley

08302 083(13 (1831)4 08305 083(Po 083(17 08.3,31 08332 08333 08334 08335 08330 08337 08338 118354 08.155 08356








08079 ((808(1 ((8()81 08082 08083 08084 08085 (18086 08O74


08076 08077 08078 08282 08283 08284

Hildreth Tarnish Co 47 2(1 Hildreth Varnish Co 5(1 (0) Jones Bros. Tea Co 2,950 (1) Jones Bros. Tea Co 3,(XX) (11) Jones Bros. Tea Co 3,175 01) Knickerbocker Ice Co 5911 11(1 Chas. Klees 95 Julia Paeper 5 88 N. Y. Fire Dept. Relief Toni] 825 00 Nellie Kelly 20 61 Morris Siegel h 64 William Cassidy 11 03 Chas. Jones 54 10 Timothy Flannery 6 4; Mary Zinn Home 1,361 25 N. Y. Guild for Jewish Blind 7 2(1 00 Convalescent Home for lie- brew Children 728 5(1 Central N. 1'. Institution for Deaf Mutes 128 05 Institution for the Inlproved Deaf ;flutes 4,851 59 Institution for the Improved Deaf .lutes 6411 23 Institution for the Improved Deaf Mutes 12)18 16 Institution for the Improved Deaf Mutes 451 48 Institution for the Improved Deaf Mutes 105 45 St. Joseph Institute 3,925 45

Department of Parks. M. Glich 105 5(1 Irving Bolotnick 8(1 (111 Adam Klein 18 01) M. Dumev 8 0(1 Geo. F. Koons 95 50 Harr • Epstein 18 00 P. L. A\ einstock 24 25 William Rabu.s 48 51) Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 447 4o Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 229 70 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 43 77 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 478 08 Treasurer of the Bruoklvii Institute of Arts 19 (l) Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 405 5(1 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 24 85 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 1 11.1 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 70 76 Treasurer of the Br klvn Institute of Arts 532 92 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 56 82 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 28 76 Treasurer of the Bronklyn Institute of Arts 4 83 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 6 00 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 47 5(1 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 1 00 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 144 3(1 Treasurer of the Brooklvii Lnstitute of Arts 9 31 Treasurer of the Bro klyn Institute of Arts 1 41 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 43 05 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 88 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 22 42 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 3i 18 Treasurer of the Brooklyn

Institute of Arts 30 91 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 41 09 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 293 31 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 26 83 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 23 90 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 75 35 Treasurer of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts 91 81 Aaron Zellermaier 28 5(1 Chas. Israel 28 0') L. Sorkin 98 00

619778 Tuohy & Upton 1,312 5(1 70003 Fred Medart Mfg. Co 681 12 70004 Schoverling, Daly & Gales 1,530 11(4

Police Department. 08288 Ice Service Co 08289 Benjamin Griffen 08279 Benjamin Stewart 08280 New Amsterdam Gas Co... 08254 Fredk. K. Levy

08255 Marzano Bros 08256 Peerless Towel Supply 08257 Walldorf, Hafner, Schultz 08258 Kranich & Spec. Soap Co 08259 David J. Lindner

08260 Swan & Finch 08261 John J. Leahy

277 2)) 18 60 21 0u 78 63 825 8 62 3 00 1 20 1 50 7 95

21 00 12 75

T1IUISi)AY, JULY 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5317

Invoice Finr,ce Date V'oucli- or Con- Name of Payee.

er o. tract :dumber.

1')•II Library Bureau 6 15 IIKI I i(hn' Ifnl)kins Press 1 50•

1i1'7 I.c,islatiVe Index Pub. 400 00 t H1,; A,li,nnl h(lucati()nl :Asn 1 50

i I: (;(i1 (1 1're's 8 00 N1) Llb File I;inrlcr Co. 23 52

Iri~1.'I I'inc Hill Crv~tal Si~rin 7 80

ucll I't b. Co. 550 00

I ; 1.. Rrin) Mfg. Co 7 56

:H1.'4 .1as t,tty. ( . 3 (i)

il.' \V'i!lianl L'rattcr 69 00 ) ''l A. H. Dick 177 00

1~i~1'~ AIdress' , ~ra!,h C(, 11 50

1Kl. .`\rc,) Mtg. (n. 144 77

it I2 hi 11 A. Filan 4 43

laHl i I~ tht l 1. ('ark(al 7 78

iil '1 \lic" P. IVi,h 19 71

lnl-, (n , z 1 n,z :\lv :\l R. !:1i 23 80

E. Rcadc 12 25 A\ 1Il1;im A. Mealy 6 30

Kl .1: I) thy Kl1(te 2 7O H.:1 \1 ichat l H. Lucey 15 65

I~1:!t lrlr I... Keadc 1035

: 1 itla lanhcim MitchrII 5 90

H: _' l)r(nisla Ontif 7 75

, : ; I rcl;t 11. Tellkampf 6 88 .. UK 11es;cr 46 34

t 4 1. C. Munn 106 68 1r) l 1"I<cl,h Stcrn 82 40•

i,-( I) V'.:Allcn 10 00

I! 7 N. Solomon 70 64 >.;; I. l 1tucl( lnlan 50 (J0 *;;, \. 1). I~vcrtscn 58 50 \. D. I'vcrtn 48 42

I* ,

A. I), Ercrt,cn 00 11 li<Iil IKr(cl~ke Plumbing Co 29 00 l , l k,;,mcr, \Iezg(r, Inc 113 72

1 ftni-y I'uarl 36 82 I l''l„1 .A1cl 15 65 10-',;:4 hdiu; Haag, Jr 76 46

•ii1liuH Ila1b. Jr 43 92 in~,~'•. F.rlv%ard J. ]awes 81 25 l i. 1'liih1) Dimclltstein 21 07

1, 1). Gcrdon 75 35 1 William Canllll)cll 35 10

1. I. Girocrer Co 77 49 I 1 homnas F. For(1 96 85 l ' <chr~ll 5rhnitr. 3 00 I \ 1tzko vvitz 6 25 1(),4 ]olio; llaa: Cu 51 99 ii ,J Julius Maas Co 22 33 1! i'), Julius Ilaas Co 19 55

Julius Haas Co 35 30 i It Jiii Ahcl 41 17

•I hn Abcl 36 33 II 4 u _1 1ni .Abc1 20 45 Ii.! Ikhn Abel 57 46 l~i~li~? .l Ahcl 26 20

~ 1( I. 11. AV"erbelovkti 3 90 lil :14 .1. II. Werberlovsky 15 93 u'.- .1 1Cob Haupt 55 12

1 I ). J. Carey 53 23 10'o7 Nn~1cl Bros. 53 00 1K.:( \\ illiam (;ilfovle 38 70 l(J ) Julius Haas 53 96

0 i r H. Roach 36 00 1i._ I \V'illiam Beck 50 20

A. AV'. I ratter 45 00 u ; ;3 (. F. Nlclltzinccr; 5,014 71

]~i~ ; 1 t)f o. F. Dnsc( I1 21.625 17 1 . 2 \\ illiam J. ()]Many 6,034 03 I 1vsl) I':nlil I)icbitsch 43,618 50 1:4 ( , 39, '1. A. C!ark 44,821 08

oo747 D''(de Stapleton 51,461 82 1k:.2 Ilia SaNtt~ky 1,105 28 li~':~,; (1u:sic A!)ronloty lz 22,040 43 l :.;1 \I,ts L'irnautn 848 93 l(y:.; Irnlius Netniro 17,880 66

. ;Llv,itnre ltaida 16,023 62 IU':i l n. llurt itz 14.113 52

\1 rrthatn Lo~ine 21,011 10 Ilk:, + yl;ix Sriii ky 12,521 77 ;K-Ji C nrepation L'nai Israel

I' kur 14,113 51 In .:. 1 I1,rrry Frier 13,848 22 jol ,' 2 .\laX 1Rothstein 12,341 37 l l)•<: -.. .105l )1U11( Nucclo 12,606 66 1 -I I'>>cphine tiuccio 12,659 72

1'11ilif) Kaplatl 106 12 () JL )'o•phinc N uccio 13,561 71

1l: 7 Ix,rh Solomon 371 41 1_ ' 1(O \V'cintraub 12,023 02 loo', _1') \\ illiam G. \ crplanck 98,640 29 I i*; (June \V'enneberg 7,661 00

Department of Finance.

1H ;(. )3'7 N_ Y, Tc!. Co 1.488 80 0 H hai ,ene 11. McLaughlin 261 60

Fire Department. .\!aiihattan Electrical Supply 1)-t (1'.. 523 Worthington & Raymond 12 62 Atlas Stationery Corp. 9 80 William 1I. Stoff 77 50 Rii~,cll ('n 12 50 1hn R. Sliney 23 34 Lillis Harris 2 25 Clark & Wilkins Co 298 80 I . 1. AV,)nd Co. 120 00 \\ ill fain J. Holte 1,786 40 Dictaphone Sales Co 35 75 David J. Lindner 630 00 C. II. & E. S. Goldberg.,, 87 50 Tiffany Co. 308 50 Paul Schaad 640 00 American Fire Drill 19 20 Eastern Sacs Co. 516 00 ..11ontgomery Co. 21 83 .\merican Bosch Magneto Co. 223 44

108513 1118514 108515 lO8516 1(18517

l($453 108484 1(184 85 168486

1(18487 1(184,8,8 108480 I (04)( I 1(1`-191 1(18492 1(($493 108404 108-195


108190 108(191 108V)2

()$3()4 08365 083oo O8367 (18342 (18343

(18344 P 1834 0834(]

08347 08348


(1835O 08351 ((8,352 08353 08213

08214 ()$215 0821(1 08211 08212 (18245 (18246 08247 ((8218 08249 ((8211) 08251


08100 08101 08102 08103 (18223 08224 08225 08 226 08232 08233 08234 ((8235 08236 (18237 08 238 08239 08240 08241 08242 08243 118244 08323 08 324 08325 ((8326 08327




108308 1083(1) 108310 108311 108312 108313 108314 108315 108316 108317 108318 108319 108320 108321 108322 108295 108296 108297 108298 108299 108300 108301

Name of Payee.

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co D. B. Fleming Co Robert Marcus John McQuade American La France hire Engine Co. Paul Schaad

Library Bureau Crystal Springs Water Co Knickerbocker Towel Supply Co. \Vinche~tcr Repeating Co... Follett Time Recording Co Superintendent, State Prison Real Estate Directory John \Vanamaker Central \\ i11(l )v Shade Co Gould Storage Battery Co_ \tOntgonlery U. S. Tire Co.

Department of Health. 68407 Reilly, Donovan Ice Co.

Law Department.

John B. Cornell John B. Cornell John 13. Cornell

Miscellaneous. St. Joseph Institute St. Joseph Institute St. Joseph Institute St. Joseph Institute Northeastern Dispensary Asylum of tit. Vincent I)e Paul Brooklyn Nursery Catholic Institute for Blind Dominican C( )n of I)ur Lady of Rosary 22,495 48 House of St. Giles 1,150 25 International S tin slline Branch for Blind 651 ()4) Lebanon Hospital 916 00 St. Michael's Home 7,601 58 St. Germain's IIume 3,816 44 Sloane Hop 30 90 St. Christopher's Hnme 517 82 I{•arry P. A enezia 78 00 (;aetano Raganu 78 01 Peter Raniere 78 (10 John F. Flynn 78 00 Omcra Castellucci 150 00 Nicholas P. Vice 100 00 James S. Corcoran 78 00 .1. Endias 78 (10 Chas, C.:Ilarrin 120 00 Chas. Schano 1,390 00 Chas. V. Halley 1,200 00 James W. O'Brien 1,380 1(0 Lorenzo Di Stefano 5 00 Lorenzo Di Stefano 02 Lorenzo Di Stefano 562 ((0 Lorenzo Di Stefano 3 18 J. P. Morgan Co 9,574 14 J. P. Morgan Co 12,996 57 Salomon Bros. & Hutzler 83 25 E. Arthur Carter 2,830 62 Henry M. Kielgast 78 (8) Tucker Elec. ('onst. Co 500 00 Kimball Elec. Const. Co 724 80 Chas. Delaney 40 00 Geo. S. Higgins 78 00 Louis Nussbaum 78 00 Joseph A. Kehoe 78 00 Ira A. Williams 78 00 Julius Wollenberg 78 00 Lieut. Fred. W. Simpson 78 00 Geo. A. Zeller 78 00 Frank S. Cicio 78 00 William Hirschfeld 78 00 Walter :Mulford 78 01.1 Thomas So16o 78 00 Frederick J. Etzel 78 00 Ralph Pinto 78 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 822 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 825 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 831 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 744 0(1 Louis Eimold 3 53 Louis Eimold 4 26 Louis Eimold 07 Abraham Wainer 24 66 Abraham Vainer 28 Celia Horn 23 29 Celia Horn 38 James Rigley 13 70 James Rigley 64 Knickerbocker Ice Co 590 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 580 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 696 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 1,888 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 620 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 692 50 Knickerbocker Ice Co 969 50 Knickerbocker Ice Co 962 50 Knickerbocker Ice Co 687 50 Knickerbocker Ice Co 959 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 959 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 744 00

Knickerbocker Ice Co 708 00 Vito Mineo 52 20 Knickerbocker Ice Co 696 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 3,753 80 Knickerbocker Ice Co 2,160 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 2,380 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 2,032 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co 3,091 20 Rockwood & Co 236 00 Rockwood & Co 254 00

Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con-

Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract


Invoice Finance Date

Amount. Vouch- or Con- er No. tract



367 95 238 42 42 05

483 00

85 00 68 40

675 (>t) 5 95

28 25 20 90 45 00 2550 5000 23 25

234 31 2 08 4 44

21 60

442 40

390 00 230 00

75 00

1,648 44 5,652 11

6383 38413 400 00

436 50 932 00

1,170 00


Invoice Fi lance Date 'r uch- or Con- er No. tract

N umber.

Invoice Finance Date

Amount. Vouch- or Con- er No. tract


Invoice Finance Date

Amount. Vouch- or Con- er No. tract


Name of Payee. Name of Payee. Name of Payee. Amount.

t Tim' 'tant[ \1 f. Cn. ( Iliii `tanl() 11 C, L(nli(I(!, Inc1li A1fg.

f•:acIc L k Co.

l?h I & I', l.rtt• .. I c rntan } cchttnan

11~?rc I I ntat, 1ntz II Inilln(lcnt 1.kc. Supply, U .?:-(l f'atlrr> in Br ' ti

n;?71 }\, (1I(! In & Dint I)<< 27? 1 f cnry lelliriek

If & F. AIciM)cr A1fg I.74 r]lt,tav I raiikc's Snn~

1l1,r(lcn Darin Prurluct IT(, J Jln I...Ilallran 11'_777 I ,htt I Icv(ritt

Oc 27 1 r,irk hrrrican

(cL Hncl;iir R~linin>; C o. . (~t.?2~~ rJ)7.4u '-t~tnrlard OII Cn

(p)77' ttan V l inch

lr ; ,;II 71131-'1 t ). M. I di,o,ard; C.

II' 2.~I 7112(i 1lcy'tcnncl, \V; kcfICId Co. Brooklyn Public Library.

1 17 kltl I'ilhlic Lihrary

President, Borough of Manhattan. 7(12111 .1,ph;ilt ('nt. ('~~.

President, Borough of The Bronx.

ll4;() \V. Crane 1,I iU t;intl;lrrl Oil 1(t l %; f rcrl (,ahricit

'4 i:41 Iplt J. 1.. Lantar,h

President, Borough of Brooklyn

1tis471 8778;

11147' 447 Sici!i;in -Asph<llt Iat'ing

Ifl 187.7 07;11-1 I't<il(lc :1halt ( o

lu }r a t,',ti' t'talrlc :1;idl4It Co.

1I14r n1;(J-) (~,iI(It~ .A~l,ll:rlt (, 111,.1)n,i, ~ I rink I'cr•icaanr~

1(I. 4t; fp'147 flinch .A>phalt Co. Itt') r , 71 "r 11ruug11 \p halt (~,

llH)' (3373" l table .\1))411

lt) 1711 1,7T,i; t'Valk .\1h alt Department of Public Welfare.

lU::l#r Kenlint'ci 'Itltcttricer Cu...

1O);-147 I)trrick IIui:t ('ant. C)..

1)111;.14' Na\ Hr Netv(yo l I: l4't I. D"nohuc

1tl~r:;U ( ru,krr lay. CIS I c l .1 ;)!1) I'icki•r

1 I:rne~t W. ( Isen

tict(land Trinidad l'aciiir.

;(1 1084 ,i

)isinfccting & Extcrntinatirg

3; 00

75 108434

)idnfcetiWi & 1?xterntinatIng

25 (10

18 75


)isirtfeeting & ]:xternlmatiTll

2O (((1

24 1)

I (843(,

)i~illfcctin,r i$ F.xternlinat111g

2)) 00

1 19 1O8';7

)isinfecting & Exterminating

75 0(1

12 95


)ti ]fillr

211 0(1

11 40

S 20 10,8433

)aviiI Iyill()c(1

22 35


). Liederman Sons

8 38

I 118334

Stumpp & \Valtcr 6)).

20() 17 48


White Co.

o7 54 215

t. 08436

White Co.

71) 4)) 3 75


Ilarrolds Motor Car L

;717 30 00

084 38

General Motor Truck ( Co, 18 II(1 25 00


Harr))lds Motor Car Co.

a (i7 81) 00


Timken Roller Bearing

2202 60 00


McDowell Spec. Co.

24 (K)

128 00


United Motive Parts

5 1(l ,3; 00


bred (;abriel .Atuo Sulipl

14 52

if); 0O II (8444

F.. Kreiger Co

19 20 4i77 (17


Royal Typewriter Co.

2 50

11,_219 52 168418

Ilecre \lire & from Works.

I99 (>) 33 00 13eere Wire & Iron Work,, .

2) i 45 1181 (II) 307 50


(.~rowsers' :A ccn

1,(112 5(1 Ell

1 )842(1

Borden Farms 14$ 0(1

((84 21

S. I). Woodruff 1 35


Knickerbocker Ice C). 236 511

084 23

\. P. Dien t Co. 2 7,


C. H. & F. S. Golill ,cr.g 12 061


General Fireproofing ?30 O(1


Bramhall-Deane Co. 6 70


Inv-Sch(crcr C)irp. 4 36 Will Corp. • ((84 28 1 50


Grttlicb-Greiner 1 1) 7' Hospital Supply ('o. ((1$4311

1 0) -1i' I). I.icdcrmari (($431 Commissioner of Records, Bronx County.

0828o Nickel Towel Supply 6 60

1)18287 I'ndertt'ood Typewriter Co 4 O<)

105283 C. 11. Hewitt I,'roc 25 30

Commissioner of Records, New York County. 8 00

Sheriff, New York County.


Knickerbocker Ice Co.


John \V. Kirk

71 1; 7 (A) 7 62 ltrltn W. Kirk 3; 11)8221

, 3; O) 108221

0' 10) ) Lafayette Garagc

Peter J. Doolingg

128 3; i 10213

13(1 00 Sc6 in Bro<

29 18' Board of Water Supply.

125 0O itl,5$7 52, 64594 :Ang(lo PainIt

35 ( II ) 1118113

1,412 72j II. C. P,unckc 38 50 108179

1((8l8$ R))ger W. .Arnt>tr ing 1 1) III 108184 Chap. M. Clark 127 87 1(18185 N. Y. T):l. Co. 17 (4

1)81$( X. Y. Tel. Co. 4 4o 308187 N. Y. Tel. Co. 3 So 108188 Rose Tc1. Co. 4 (11) 1(1,$1,,3 Robert S. 'Tuttle 105 1111 10$1'1O .\lhert T'. Ilanks 22 O81 111,`;1')1 City Garage 21 14 1(18112

Ford Garage 10 24

1(1,$1' 1,3 (acorgc Garage Co 36 12 1O,81')4 1.ufl<iii Rule Co. 22 31 10$193 Packard Ml(,tor Car Co, 8 (08 1(18( ) Pecrless "I'otvcl titt(Yply 7 _))l 10,8197 Frederick Snare Corp. 42 o3 1(1$111 "1 E'anl Scllntid Co. 4') '1? 111511)'1 Ulster Gara;c 20 32 1(1 2)111 1tul1ilger's Monitor (inillc 9 ((4) 1082111 Central Garage 19 7(i 10821 3 Colonial Garage 53 94 1(($21(3 Ll elic Dietzgen Co 4 89

1(18204 (; x)lvear Tire Cry. 25 03 108203 R. 1L Ilodges n 01) 1112(}1i Ktirzhals Iiro 5110 1)182(17 N. Y. Latt' Journal ') i() IIl821(8 Peerless 'T it'( Supply 4 73 1(182(11 Co,nity 1.iLht & P)ner 3(1 00

Department of Water Supply, (ias and Electricity.

1(183 31 11. 1. (;rafly 44 '14 M. I. (;ratly 22 437

108;18 088117 fox. Rt'vnold 908 (l8 108519 680-12 1. V. Tiomev 103 05 11(85 2() o95,3u I'aladiii Cont. (o. 241 )) 108521 o7o,$3 ('arinive 1)c Illa.iO 312 84 III8522 3794$ N. Dc>tcfano 1,0111 1)8 108323 (,))77() Swart & Finch 84 93 111,81(() T1ayer-\1'i1kIII<Ott C". 81(1 20 1081 4 Standard \T for Parts 8 39

Standard Motor farts ... , 8 5')

1(181 05 "['homNon 11eter (To. 1 20

'I'hnnt on 91ctcr Cu. 58 54) 1(181(0 (;)tlfrcv heeler Co. 95 oo

)(1,$(74 74)688 .Arnold Hoffman 1 o. 573 21)

108173 70689 Hooker Elec. Co. 1,048 32

1')$17o 1"8$55 Bedford Lamp \\,irk; S,57)) 50 1(12177 19740 Standard Oil Co. 47 25

Standard Oil Cu 47 2S

10,`,178 70471 Mueller C~). 251 81

\luellcr Cn, 125 91 11(8171 7111107 Stanhv Con>t. C , 3,.180 37

111817 2 70448 Beaver lliig. ('on). t o. 4,723 51

1(817,1 7(1231 Knight & Demicco ,3,942 28

3,211 30

1,779 36 1.68 9ti 300 00

3.016 65

1,8:6 28

4.49 (1) 1((,ti39 80 1,327 7; 2,800 17 2,001 75 5,831 (10 2,206 11 1,604 62 1,;1,9 2O 2.628 25

1)$218 T. C. M))orc

Fire Department.

O 21, i ll,n 31, 1'124, l' oh )lane 1)1(1))-

(;,. )r:(' 17O1, Alcchanical IIriItIntan, Otittau of Itrpairs and Stip-Illi,.. I)iri~in of .Apparatus, at 82,088 per ant nn), f(a tlO,rc).' ]mot(1s, \lay 28. \\'il- lian 1. I)utit, lilt nt }i1' \Iacllnist, I(n-';i ut Ncl,,tir; and Supp(iy,, 1)ivi>ion , t \p;i7irut0-. at So) a 1l;3y, for 1ittcell

I;tt.. 11;it 22. 1•cul1s)rary Linemen. I;tt -au .•f I in alarm Ititoraph. at $8

;i ! I) • -\0818 n l . \1 and \Villialn I.. l,aiii1 crt, \fat 211; h hn W$rTtnist, \lat 'i; l'lo;tFlI Ilanna, A1718 26. Jacob ~c!l~cin, llh(() for (}I )'ire Prevention, Iiu•Ian If I ire 1'rryl'ntiun, 1)ni i u nt' In•;)ccti1 , 0. at 82.(11111 per annum, fur (it- t)cn (NV', 11a 10- 1i~tant Fire Mar- ia! Iklld , dI)h I . Iyrictc, Ilur(;aII r t Dire II11t-tw-lit111, ;it $1,8011 Ill 'r ;wriu lm, .lay 21 1itat Fire A1ardial \V'tlliairi \1. \Ie trili~III, Iuntan HI Fire Investig.iti,on.

at °1.. 111( l )T ar)vllnt, Alay 23. i hOii I. O'Keefe, to Steno;;-

)1)1t' r ;1110 'I y,oci,,riter, Bureau ref Firr \),trio 'I eIiiat 1( 11, at ti 2,232 lk, r annum, \lat16.

1), i, i lirnlan l,t grade Lotii; A. kat. I:n1. 43. IT 51.251) per annum, lfav '.; I a, ut, nalit 1)a\ id 1. Sullivan, i:ng. ',x$. ;o ).04(11 p(r annum, Alat 24. F.ngi- 'Wcl If ,Sicani)r- \\ illiant I1, Ilrooks, Erg. ;...I $1, (l,) per ,rnnttm, 1fav 23. l ire 0111 I't cradi- T)IIXmas J. ]]reader, I1. & I.. Jo at $1, 2 ;1, I~ t r annum, May 26, Fire-0.)) 1't (rarle ]'Hoar)] A. Dear)1)n. Flag. 51, , t '$1,2511 per annum], May 24.

I urH )oai1S nn t;r ids'--Firemen : 1 in- cnt I.. I l ivii0a. Fig. 8 T(lcoh0rc AV.

11 ) 'r, Fiun . '1; 1t'illard hall, Etg. 13; 111 I. Sullivan, Fog. 03; Joseph A. t 31 a. Eiug 23 Jarnc A. Clark, 1l. &

I.. 1_; }'tit ick 1. k)lly, Ent,. 24; At'illiatn \1 at, l l . ,& f . I S , Frederick Schecken-

1 ,lt. F,11" 27, aid J.•;. St. V. BnyIc, If. I.. 18, .irl t , id crane, June 3. Hogg

)'J Ii nnl ll, Enc. '), 2d t,) 1 t grade, June 12. (iii III ,i(l crtdr, Iune 10, 1924: Geof- i r)'t I'u l l 5, f':n~~ 7 ; I l~nvarrl Scliaetzle. 1:nC. 8 ; l.( I). 11cCann, l tit. 13 ; Daniel

( 'Rricti 1r }.n r. 31 ; lnscph M. Egan,•I:ng. .;?: 'fhr , tn,.; 1. Kane, Lug. 22$ : ( ~, ~~ << :A. Obra;, F

. 238; M. J. Con-

iii i tti in, I I. & I,. 211. 2d to 1st grade, f IN' 2I , I') 24 • Frank A. AVeher, lcng. 17 ; Law1ncc I. Kiernan, 2i; Her-

it I. I;r'tn. I':ng. 76; Adelbert ( hug hill, h;ni.1. '21 ; Charles H. French, 2-6) 3d to 2d grade, June 26, 1924 : , I lie II Ifessm;ui, kig. 2(l; Martin \1'alsh, 1.1)iZ 28: Phililr Nagclio,t, Eug. 30: 11tn '1' I )uinlalt. 38; John T. Quinn, Fig 39 ; Joseph G. Farrell, Eng. 274 l h)'n as J. I ughlin, Eng. 251 ; J. P.

llrnlnigan, If. & I. l(I: Fdavartl B. Smit11, H. & I.. 2(I; John Healy, H. & L. 28.

ilrsru.rinrl l~<<<rl'cr1 I ircloan Ist grade \Ifretl (i. Smith, I':ng. 223,'1av 27.

1rurlsJr)r~ d Fireman 1st grade, Ntay 27: (;c),rgt W. Minor, If. & L. 149 to 11. ~ L. 107 ; Edward N. Str„mherg, 11. & L. 14$ to 11. & L. 118.

Sci-z , U-c) (east'd--.Antunlobile Machinist (cige E. \l hauls, Bureau of Repairs anti Supplies, Division of Apparatus, 1ay 11 t. Temporary Lineman Edward V. Fitz -<2cralll. I)ureau of Fire .Alarin Telegraph, \lay 13.

u.,r rrd'd f roux .(1f 1)trtl'—Fireman 1st grade Alfred (i. Smith, Eng. 223, May 27.

(uutr) cts l:.r)'cuh'd—T. Frederick Jack-Soil, Inc., (34) John St., Manhattan, for fur-nihittn, delivering and installing one air compressor, etc., in the shops of the Mar-illc I )ivisi ii ; $2,380 ; United States Guar- alitce I. 0. I. F. ITarttcn & Co., Inc., 50• Church St., Manhattan, for furnishing, de-liverin:; and installing machinery, equip-ntent, etc., in The Bronx Central Office (of the Trlcgraph Bureau: $1,300; Fidelity & Ucpn:it Co. of Nlaryland. ( & 8) 11, 81 Ocean pkway., llklyn., for alter-ations and repairs to headquarters build-ing. 363 Jay st., Bklyn.; $9,493; Fidrlity & Deposit Co. of Maryland.

l.i (L',f,ei) ns of Time Granicd—(eorge F. I)riscoll Co., for sixty consecutive working day's. for the completion of Contract No. 04409, dated Feb. 27, 1923, for the con-struction of firehon;e at F,)rest Hills, for-)11101 of Queens. Pulllic letting, conducted 1)v Department Iof I 'ii n iia•e : Gimbel Br))., until June 2, 1924, for the com-pletiori ) , f deliveries under Contract No. 639333, dated \lav 26, 1924; York Flec-tric & Machine Co., until June 25, 1924, for the completion of deliveries tinder Contract :No. 69328, dated April 1, 1924. East River Mill & Ltmmber Co., until July 30, 1924, for the completion of deliveries 0n(ler Contract No. (8648, dated Feb. 7, 1924.

1 ir)'s Rcrorlyd (week ended \lay 31, 1924)-11anhattan, Bronx and Richmond, Ilk) ; Brooklyn and Queens, 111.

1)ill.) ,1 rrditcd-1liscellancous, $300, $3 contract, $1,(N-0.45, $7,817.94, $2,724.39; open market orders, $3,678.69, $216.40, $2,8((0.79, $676.69, $886, $2,492.38.

Payrolls .-(uditcd—Payrolls, month of May, 1924, being duly audited and for-warded to the Department of Finance, ag-gregated $1,460,969.02,

THOMAS J. DRENN.AN, Fire Corn-iii issioncr.

Ihstract of TransacIions front Jime 2, 1924, to Jane 7, 1924, Both Days Inclu- ,c i7'r. ~'lppointt'd—Fire Telegraph Dispatcher

Jlartin Scott, Bureau of Fire Alarm Tele-oraph, at 822,7110 per anunnl, June 3.

R tircd—•h;ngincer of Steamer Stephen F. Smith, lug. 81, at $1,360 per annual, \lar 31, Lieutenant John F. Reilly No. 1, If. c8 L. Cr,. 143, at $1,600 per annum,

une 1. 1F ireman I st grade George L. McCort, I'.ng. 9; Fireman Ist grade 1 en-iamitl Kazemier, Eng. 93; Fireman 1st ,grade John L. Roth, Eng. 7, and Fire-Inau Ist grade James P. 1'rcudergast, Eng. 31, at $1,250 per annum, June 1. Engineer of Steamer lolin J. Walsh No. 2, Fog. $3, at S1,3O0 per annum, June 3. Fireman 1st grade \Cilliain F. Goebel, Eng. 267, and Fireman Ist grade James F. Nelson, If. & L. 29, at $1,230 per annual, June 5.

K)'tin'd—Engineer of Steamer Patrick E. AIcNall.v, 1':ng. 271, at $1,360 per an- Iltllli, Tulle ;.

Trials—Tried be re Joseph M. Hannon, l)elutv Fire Cmmi;sinnur, May 13, 1924: Fireman 1st ,trade Iohtt 1'. AVatts, 1 iig. 3. Char) e L complaint (lismis l)1; charge 2, fined five day's' pay. Fireman I grade John O'I)onohue, Fng. 91 : Charge I (two speciticatti+nSI: 1~t s1x'cihcation, repri-nlanded ; 2d specification, reprimanded. Charge 2, finer] five clays' par. ,fried bc-fore \ViIIiain F. Thompson, Deputy Fire Commissioner, Brooklyn and Queens, May 2$, 1824: Fireman 1st grade John J. Blanch, Eng. 208. Charge 1, fined one day's pay' ; charge 2, fined five days' pay t0)tal fine, six ilat' Ira.-. Fireman 1st grade \1ichael 1'. O'Shea, 11. & I.. 3, having been tried on May 10, 1924, on Marge an)i sentence suspended, the folim4'ing iind-in, is hereby rendered by the Fire Corn-in 1s one r: Guillt': reprimanded.

7 rarlsf,'rrf'd—June l : Theodore ... TgonipsGn, Fireman I st grade, I I. & L. I to If. & I.. 143. :1ntoln Bondy, Fireman I st grade, I I. & L. 102 to H. & L. 123 June 23. John L. I.angrill,ge, Jr., Fire-mail Ist ,rarle, I1. & I., 112 to I1. & L. 5, little 5.

Ju.c 'rtsieu 13)°s'o1','d—Froln all (litty, Max' 3)) : Fireman l,t grade :1l f red G. Smith, Eng. 223.

.')rr Z'iccs Cca, ,'d—Fireman 1st grade .AIfred (;. Smith, Erg'. 223, Alav 30. l'ti pctt riting (opVi,t Lillian Schwartz, Bureau of Fire Prevention, Division of Recriling, June 2.

FI-tclisi))ws of Ti?,!)' Grtruied—Joseph \ an Illerek until Sept. 2, 1924, under Con-tract No. 08236, bated Jan. 24, 1924, for the construction of one Robinson gasoline-propelled and pumping engine. James Sugden, for thirty consecutive working days, for the completion of Contract No. 67542, dated Nov. 8, 1923.

Rids .'lccepted—FIkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Elkhart, Ind., for items Nos. 1, 11 and 13, of specifications for fire appliances; $1,116.0; public letting of May 29th, The

Gamett'cll Fire .Alarm Telegraph Co., Newton Upper Falls, Mass., for I urnishi-rig the fire alarm boxes called for by item No. I of specifications 1 r lire alarm h,ixes, lead covered cable, electric materials 1081 motors; 82,510; public letting of May 20th. Standard I nclerground Cable Co., 31) Church st., A1irthattall, for fnrni,hin); the wire called for by class No. I of specifications U r lire alarm boxes, lead covered cable, electric materials and mit-t)rrs ; $3.892,44 ; public letting of May 26th. David Ki(loch Co., 57 \lurra}' st., 11an-hattan, for furnishing pins, breakers and rings called for by items Nos. I amt 3 and 7 of specitications for fire alarm boxes, lead covered cable, electric mater-ials and motors ; $624.40. The AV'illianis & \V'ells Co., 250 Fulton st., Alanhattan, for furnishing the porcelain insulators anti ground plates called for bt' items Nos. 2 and 4 of slxcitications for fire alarm I)) xes, lead covered cable, electric mater-ia1) and motor,; $1,093.41); public letting, of May 26th. 'l'he Ilazartl \lfg. Co., 53.3 Canal st.. Manhattan, for furnishing the cable called for bt- Class N. I of speci- ficatinu fior tire alarm hies, lead c ,v- ercrl cable, electric materials and motors: $7,981.26.

l:.rti'rtsii,rls of 7'irrlc Grrnit,'d—The \Vil-liatns & Wells Co. until June 30, 1924, under Contract No. 68984, dated March 1, 1923, for the completion of deliveries. The 1Ci!liaru; & Welly Co. until lane 30, 1924, under Contract No. 08912, dated Fch, 21, 1924, f))r the completion of deliveries.

I'irc•s J ' ortc'd (week ended June 7, It(2. )—Manhattan, Bronx and Richmond, 2(X1: Brooklyn and Queens, 118.

Bills .Iladil<d—Miscellaneous, $1.70, $2,-3(00: contracts, $32.4(3, 81,1123, $26,4(4.19; open market order;, $331.09, $2,329.73, $850.30, $1 ,2l6.3>, $3,640.$) , $793.78, $1,-2,34.77.

T11()M.\S J. DRENN:1N, Fire (' ,nl-tnissioncr.

Changes in Departments, Etc.

COMMISSI(NER OF ACCOUNTS. .1pfo in(cd—Francis F. Barr, 133 40th

,t., Corona, L. I., Clerk at $7o0 per an-nttm, July 7.

TENFMEN'l' HOUSE DEP.-ARTMENT. .lppointed—Thomas 1', :Anderson, 3o5

\V- . 24th St., Teniporary Process Server at $1,370 (ler annual, f une 16 ; Anna J1. Fox, 44 Johnson st., Bklyn., Temporary Stenographer and Typewriter at $960 per annum, June 11; Francis V. Jadigan, 776 Fairmount pL, Bronx, Clerk at $600 per annum, June 10.

Ser 7'iccs Ccascd—\Villianl E. Jackson, 483a Hancock st., Bklyn., Clerk at $960 per annum, June 10.

The Surr.gate's Court is held on Mondays, hall of Records. Worth 3406. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, except during PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, QUEENS- the sessions of the County Court. No Court 161-10 Jamaica ave., Jamaica. Jamaica 6000. is held in August. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, RICHMOND-

DISTRICC ATTORNEY, BRONX- Fort Richmond. Port Richmond 704. '1'remnnt and Arthur ayes. Tremont 1100. PUBLIC MARKETS, DEPARTMENT OF- 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon. Municipal Bldg., 23d floor. Worth 3662.

DlS'I'RICT ATTORNEY, KINGS- PUBLIC WELFARE, DEPARTMENT OF- (ii.) Court st. Triangle 8900. Municipal Bldg., loth floor. Worth 4440. 9 a. nt, to 5.30 p. m.; Saturdays to I p. m. Manhattan Office-438 E. 25th st. Lexington

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, NEW YORK- 1040. Centre and Franklin sts. Franklin 2304, Bronx-Tremont & Arthur ayes. Tremont 0798. 9 a, m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 1 p. m. Brooklyn-327 Schermerhorn st. Sterling 1677.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, QUEENS- Queens-Town hall, Flushing. Flushing 1081. Court House, L. I. City. Hunters Pt. 3871. Richmond-Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 1000. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon, PURCHASE, DEPARTMENT OF-

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, RICHMOND- Municipal Bldg., 19th floor. Worth 9163. New Court House, St. George. Tomp. 50. QUEENS, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF-

63 Hunters Pt. ave., L. I. C. Hunters Pt. 5400. RECORDS, BRONX, COMMISSIONER OF-

161st St. and 3d ave. Melrose 10070. RECORDS, KINGS, COMMISSIONER OF-

liall of Records, Brooklyn. Triangle 6988. RECORDS, N. Y., COMMISSIONER OF-

flall of Records. Worth 3900, RE(11STER, BRONX COUNTY-

1932 Arthur ave. Tremont 6694. REGISTER, KINGS COUNTY-

Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Triangle 6800.

ESTIMATE. AND APPRAISAL, COMRS. OF-Clerk's Office, Municipal Bldg., 15th floor.

North 4600, FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF-North 1200.

Comptroller's Office, Municipal Bldg., 5th floor. 381 Fulton st. Triangle 6844. Receiver of Taxes-


-Municipal Building, 2d floor. Hall of Records. Worth 4300. Bronx-Tremont & Arthur. Tremont 0140. SHERIFF, QUEENS COUNTY-

Queens-18'22 Fulton st. Triangle 3270. Court House, L. I. City. Hunters Pt. 3766.

Queens-18-22 Cou rt sq., L. I. City, Hunters SIIERIFF, RICHMOND COUNTY-

Richmond-Borough 3386. County Court House, St. George. Tomp. 41,

Richmond-Borough Hall, S. L Tomp, 1000. SINKING FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF- Assessments and Arrears- Municipal Bldg., 13th floor. Worth 4560.

Manhattan crpal Building, 3d floor. SPF,CIAL SESSIONS, COURT OF- Bronx-Treemontmont & Arthur. Tremont 0047. Manhattan-Centre & Franklin. Franklin 3983. Brooklyn-503 Fulton st, Triangle 3400. Bronx-Tremont & Arthur ayes, Tremont 6056, Qns.-Court sq., L. I. City. Hunters Pt, 1553.

Court held every Thursday. Richmond-Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 1000. Brooklyn-171 Atlantic ave. Main 4280. FIR(?

Municipal Bldg., DEPARTM ENT- Queens-Town Hall, Jamaica. Jamaica 2620

Municipal Bldg., 11th floor. Worth 4100. Brooklyn-365 Jay st. Triangle 8340, Court held every Tuesday.

GENERAL SESSIONS, COURT OF- Rich.-Court House, St. George. Tomp. 324•

Centre and Franklin sts. Franklin 1201 Court held Wednesdays.

WEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF- Probation Bureau-Municipal Bldg., 3d floor,

505 Pearl st. Worth 9400. Franklin 3983.

Bronx-3731 3d ave. Jerome 4900. Courts open at 10 a. m.

Brooklyn-\Villougbby and Fleet sts. Triangle STANDARDS AND APPEALS, BOARD OF-

9400. Municipal Bldg., 9th floor. Worth 0184.

Querns-4.0 Fulton st. Jamaica 1200 , STREET CLEANING, DEPARTMENT OF-

Richmond-514 Bay st., Stapleton. Tomp. 440. Municipal Bldg., 12th floor. Worth 4240. SUPREME COURT, APPELLATE DIVISdON-

First Dept.-Madison ave. and 25th St. Mads. son Square .3840. Court open from 2 to 6 p. m. Friday, Motion Day, Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Motions called at 10 a. m. Orders called at 10.30 a. m.

Second Dept.-Borough Hall, Bklyn. Triangle 6690. Court open from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Friday, Motion Day, Court open from 10 a, m. to 2 p. m.

SUPREME COURT, FIRST JUD. DIST.-Civil Division-Chambers st. Cortlandt 4580.

Court opens at 10 a. m. Criminal Division-Centre and Franklin sts.

Franklin 6064. Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Bronx County-161st st. and 3d ave. Melrose

9721. Court opens at 10 a. m. SUPREME COURT, SECOND JUD. DIST-

Kings County-Joralemon and Court sts. Tri-angle 7300. Court opens at 10 a, m. Appel-late Term, Court opens at I p. m.

Queens County-Court House, L. I. City. Hunters Pt. 3800.

Richmond County-New County Court House, St. George. Tomp. 902.

SURROGATE'S COURT, BRONX COUNTY- 1918 Arthur ave. Tremont 1160.

SURROGATE'S COURT, KINGS COUNTY- Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Triangle 7020,

SURROGATES' COURT, N. Y. COUNTY- Hall of Records. Worth 1821.

SURROG.\TE'S COURT, QUEENS COUNTY- 161.10 Jamaica ave., Jamaica. Jamaica 6000.

TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, DEPT. OF- Municipal Bldg., 9th floor. Worth 1800.

TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARD- Municipal Bldg., 13th floor. Worth 4227. -

TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT-Municipal Bldg., 19th floor. Worth 1526, Bronx-5S9 E. Tremont ave. Tremont 6018. Brooklyn and Queens-503 Fulton st., Bklyn,


49 Lafayette st. Franklin 5801.

1'nIe44 otherwise stated. ('ity Offices are

12 nnun; t'ounty ()Itices, 0 a. m, to 4 p. m.; Aur;. and the first week in Sept. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, NEW YORK- luturda3s to I2 noon.

At'C)1 NI5, ('(',I.11I:~SIONER OF-- 11~, nici1 al IIl(lt;, 12th floor. Worth 4315,

ALD[-,RMI'N, BO'\RD OF- ( erk's office, Nun. I31.1g., 2d 1. Worth 4430. I's,dent's Otis i u, City Hail, Cortlandt 6670.

A.AIftl-'LAN'CE SFRY'ICE, BOARD OF-11t.nicipa' Bldg., loth floor. li'orth 0748.

AI'l l.Al.S, B0.'RD OF- Mrnicipal Bldg., 9th floor. 1i'orth 0184.

AROIORj BOARD--- Mt:nicipal Bldf., 221 floor. Worth 0594.

AR-1' ('OMMISSION- I'a, Hall. Cort,indt 1197.

CSSURS, BOARD OF 1f .,nicipa! 1311 ., 0th flour. li'orth 0021.

IIIII.F:A"LI' \ND ALLIED HO5I'IIA,.S- 2~ t r ,,t. and I ,t ;rve Lexington 0700. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon.

IIR(Iy\, PRESIDES f, BOROUGH OF- DOC6S. DEPARTMENT OF- 3,1 aid Tremn• t ayes. Tremont 2680. Pier ",1." North River. Whitehall 0600.

IiR( OKLYN', PIZIIS[DEtiT, BOROUGH OF- EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF- It ugh flail. Triangle 6400. Park ave. and 59th st. Plaza 5580.

(IIA ~l It IRLA1N--- ELECTIONS, BOARD OF- llunicipal Illrlp., 8th f?nr. It'orth 4227, General Office, Municipal Building, 18th floor.

('1111, F MEDIC \l. EXAMINER- Worth 1307. 11 r n Otlice, 21 1 , Mun. Bldg. 11'orth 3711. Bronx-442 E. 149th st. Melrose 0336.

( pen a~ 1 hours cf day and night. Brooklyn-26 Court st. Triangle 6830. Bronx--Tremor.t & Arthur aces. Tremont 1250, Qns.-10 Anable ave., L. I. C. Hunters Pt. 3375.

( , pen 9 a. ct. to midnight; Saturdays and Richmond-Borough Hall, S. 1. Tomp, 1000. REGISTER, NEW YORK COUNTY- 1 lidav, to 12 noon. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noes. ~ Hall of Records. Worth 3900.

ItI,Iv n.-\Viliou:1:hy and Fleet sts. Triangle ESTIMATE AND APPOR'MT, BOARD OF- REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS, BOARD OF- 9?58. (lpen all hours of day and night. Secretary's Office, Municipal Building, 13th municipal Bldg., 7th floor. Worth 1200.

Qu, ins-Town hall, Jamaica. Jamaica 1330. n 9 a. un. tr- midnight; Sundays and

lI'Iays to 12 noon. Ri: rntond Neu (,'onrt (louse, S. I. Temp. 7.

(9pen 9 a. ti, to midnight; Sundays and 'i ,lila%~ to 12 nor.

('l!II D 1V}ILFARI , lir)ARD OF - I4i Aforth st. It•o'-th 8935.

dill-1)REN'S COl'R7- '37 E. 2_,1 st. (;Sarre 3011. lir:,roklyn--II1 Schermerltorrr st. Alain 8611. lira:rx-315 E. 1,i7th st. .fart Hazen 5888. Qcrer.s-.10 Union H:rl; st. Jamaica 2624. Ri' irnonI-Borct.r.h IIall. Tomp. 2190,

rllY C1.ERK- 11n'ricipal B!dg., ~d floor. North 4430. }ir.rr.x-l;,-th st. anal 30 ave. Tremont 2680. Br~rk'yn--BorL,ut;h hall, Triangle 0670. Oto ens-(8 iiunlets Point ave., L. I. City.

nnt<rs Pt. 118. P,r9,rr n~l-Buruu,h hall, S. 1. Tomp. 1000.

CI ! l' (Ot'R'f- 3' I'I~amhr rs t. Cort!andt 0122. Court opens

a. rn., 1'ri;~! Term, Part I, open 9.45 a, rn. 5pr•cial Term Chambers, 10 a. m. to

P. rn S {tur'i yo to 12 noon. Ucr s Office oiI l n from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.;

:rturdtvs to I.' noun. ['1"1'1' 11AWSTRA'I'ES' COURTS-

Go,enil Ot)ice, 300 Mulberry st. Canal 6500. All t'ornrts, tscr.ii 'Traffic, Municipal Term and

Irnti'.y Court., ate open from 9 a. M. to 4 INDUSTRIAL AID BUREAU- 1. nr., except Satttrl,r)s, Sundaes and holi• Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., 10th floor. r ; y~s, w hen 0010 burning sessions are held, 1l'arth 4440.

Employment Div., 129 Worth st. Franklin 1510.

floor. Worth 4560.

. ,,r 1111 f, rr, i .Arnt ttt- G. K11, 9 \Vil- . , Ukltn, ral,h(r and 'I-)pc- 1l " lr ;t Iii r aTU)ltttl, to 1r1(1CI)1 MI lrt llf h I I~r o ,k1411, Rills li.

t\I I I; )\ k (V 1 l':J. )NI)S. li::r.ixy l(}('yIV.

r, is '; u.c1'J l rb \1. Irikun,

ltr.; ;It ?~INi l amttm, lulu' 1. c tl l lnr, I inkcltcn.

( rk t:H l 1~, ~ 1,$(N) pe r anuut, . ul, 1.

••hl'in'(l t ;rl I. t hdInlan, i k k at l iti) In r ;u mini, Ltlt• 1.

10th Dist.-133 New Jersey ave. Glenmore 2222, Family Court-327 Schermerhorn, Cumberland 4900.

Municipal Term-402 Myrtle ave. Cumberland 2240,

Night Court for Women-318 Adams st. Main 0216.

Probation-44 Court st. Alain 7411. Traffic Court-182 Clermont ave. Cumberland

1647. Queens.

St Dist.-115 5th st., L. 1. C. Hunters Pt. 4171. ,Second District-Town Hall. Flushing 0228. Third District-Central ave., Far Rockaway.

Far Rockaway 0164. Fourth District-Town Hall. Jamaica 0517. Fifth District-Fresh Pond rd. and Catalpa

ave,, Ridgewood. Evergreen 1428. Richmond.

First District-Lafayette ave., New Brighton.

1 I I 1 \ 111. A'I Tomp. 500,

Second Dist -Village Hail, Stapn. Tomp, 1150. ()1 t Ic I, t 1 11IF. (. it I } l I P 1)t11 10N '~~ CITY RECORD, BOARD OF-It'orth 3490.

I 1'i IF I%IPRn`.FM1,NI'. Supervisors Office, Municipal Bldg., 8th floor.

h Distributing Division, 125.127 Worth st. In 1 :c~~r+' Il (Iz,t :1 i tant c it CORRECIION, DEPARTMENT OF-

1t L r ;i( '_',1O I r ;Inutlm, .till (,ti lac Municipal Bldg., 24th floor. Worth 1610.

1 ~, I lit!, 11r;lit ,1ii,nl 111arp I.(ItcrcrI COUNTY CLERK, BiONX-

`_',lh!l ~cr .u,r,llnl. Itllt 1. 1n;st st. and 3d ave. Alelrose 9266.

1 CO('NTV CLERK, KINGS- Hall of Records. Triangle 8780.

COUNTY CLERK, NEW YORK- ('ounty Court House. Cortlandt 5388.

CO['NTY CLERK, QUEENS- 3u4 Fulton St., Jamaica. Jamaica 2607,

Cl UN IV CLERK, RICIfMOND- New Court House, St. George. Tomp• 1806.

COUNTY COURT, BRONX- 'i remont and Arthur ayes. Tremont 3205.

C'-WN Y COURT, KINGS- I20 Schcrmcrhurn st. Alain 4930. Court opens at 10 a. m.

COUNTY COURT, QUEENS- l'ourt (louse, L. 1. City. Hunters Pt. 0596. Judge's Chambers, 161.10 Fulton St. Jamaica

0551. Court opens at 10 a. m. Trial Term begins

first Monday of each month, except July, Aug. and Seat., and on Friday of each week.


New• Court House, St. George. Temp. 572. Trial Terms, with Grand and Trial Jury, held

second Monday in March and first Mon-(Iay in October. Trial Terms, with Trial Jury only, held first Monday inMay and first Monday in December. Special Terms jury held Wednesday, except dur-i:,g the last week in July, the month of

open from 9 a. rn. to ;i p, m.; Saturdays to 44 Court st. Alain 2840.

1111\Itl)I}( I'`"II111'f1 \\U11'1'OR-

1 h' 'Clothe and \IUI:icipal 'Perin Courts are cIrn firm y a. m. to 4 p. m, daily, and are 1 ed Satur loos, Sundays and holidays.

]'le Family Courts are closed on Sundays and holidays.

Manhattan and The Bronx I irs' I)i'tr,ct-1111 i\ rite st. Franklin 1971, Sri rid District--125 tith ave. Chelsea 1054, Thir.l [)it,-2d ace. ,8' 2d st. Urvdock 1204, I•ou th District-'53 E. 57th st. Plaza 6789. Fift::t Dist.--12lut t. & Sylvan pl. Harlem 0225.

ixti District-161st st and Brook ave., Bronx, 11 iros,' 3670.

Se,'r•rith Dist.-'I l W. 54th st, Columbus 4630, Eicl:th D'strict-1014 E. 181st st., Bronx.

1•crih(im 5744. 'Iw' 0th l) trict-11.30 St. Nicholas ave, Wads•

,firth 5402. Alit ony Uureau-- 153 E. 57th st. Plaza 2302. Fare ly Court (1lan.)-153 E. 57th. Pla°a 2302, Farrily Court (Bruns)-1014 E. 181st se.

1, or1iham 5808. II on: ici lc--301 Mott st. Canal 6500. Municipal fern:--Room 500, Municipal Bldg.

II' )rtlr 1400. N icht Court for Men-314 W. 54th st. Colum•

bus 4630. Probation--300 Mulberry st. Canal 6500, Traffic Court-3dI Mott st. Canal 6500. \V'ov 'ii 's Day Court-125 6th ave. Chelsea 1051.

Bro, ''Iv n. ( rncrGOffice-44 Court st. Main 7411, l first Ditrict-318 Ad;itns st. Main 0216, Fiftl District---Williamsburg Bridge Plaza.

Gr•rnpoint 3395. Sixth District-495 Gates ave. Lafayette 0014, Sevrnth Di.<trict-3I Snyder ave. Flatbush 0741. F:igltrh District-W. 8th st., Coney Island.

C ?nev Island 0013.. Nint'•t District-Stir ave. and 23d st. Huguenot

14,; 3,


3d Dist,-314 W. 54th st. Columbus 1773. 4th Dist.-207 E. 32d st. Murray Hill 4358. 5th Dist.-2565 Broadway. Riverside 4006. 6th Dist.-155 E. 88th st. Lenox 4343. 7th Dist.-3o0 W. 125th st. Morningside 6334. 5th Dist.-170 E. 121st st. Harlem 3950. 9th Dist.-624 Madison ave. Plaza 3873.

Bronx. 1st Dist.-1400 \Vmsbdge rd. Westchester 3457. 2d Dist.-Washington ave. and 162d St. Mel-

rose 3042. Additional part is held at 1918 Arthur ave. Tremont 5695.

Brooklyn. 1st Dist.-106 Court St. Alain 7091. 2d Dist,-495 Gates ave. Lafayette 0504. 3d Dist.-6 Lte ave. Stagg 7814, 4th Dist.-14 Howard ave. Bush•,oick 4323. 5th Dist.-5220 3d ave. Sunset 3907. 6th Dist.-27-33 Snyder ave. Flatbush 10262. 7th Dist.-31 Penn, ave. Glenmore 0904.

Queens, 1st Dist.-l15 5th st., L. I. City. Hunters

Pt. 1420. 2d Dist.-Broadway and Court St., Elmhurst.

.'1'cu~tewn 0087. 3d Dist.-144 Halleck ave., Ridgewood. Ever•

green 0395. 4th Dist.-Town Hall. Jamaica. Jamaica 0086. 5th Dist.-9018 Rockaway Beach blvd., HMI•

land. Belle Harbor 1747. Richmond.

1st Dist.-Lafa yyette ave. and Fillmore st., New Brighton. Tomp. 503.

21 Dist.-Village Hall, Stapleton. Tomp. 313, MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY-

Municipal Bldg., 5th floor. Worth 1072. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 1 p. M.

PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF- Manhattan Office and Park Board-Municipal

Building, loth floor. {Worth 4850. Bronx-Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park,

Jerome 3000. Brooklyn--Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park. South 2300.

Queens-The Overlook, Forest Park, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill 2300.

Richmond-Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 2797. PAROLE COMMISSION-

Municipal Bldg., 25th floor. Worth 2254. PLANT AND STRUCTURES, DEPT. OF-

Municipal Bldg.. 18th floor. Worth 1131. ('LUMBERS, EXAMINING BOARD OF-

Municipal Bldg., 9th floor. Worth 1800. POLICE DEP.1RTMENT--

240 Centre st. Spring 3100, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, BRONX-

2808 3d ave. Mott Haven 5994. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. KINGS-

RICHMOND, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF- Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 1000,

SHERIFF, BRONX COUNTY- 1932 Arthur ave. Tremont 6600,


JURORS, BRONX, COMMISSIONER OF-1918 Arthur ave. Tremont 3700.

JURORS, KINGS, COMMISSIONER OF-635 Fulton st. Nevins 2747.

JURORS, NEW YORK, COMMISSIONER OF-hall of Records. Worth 0241.

JURORS, QUEENS, COMMISSIONER OF- Court House, L. J. City. Hunters Pt. 0963.

JURORS, RICHMOND, COMMISSIONER OF- County Court House, St. George. Tomp. 81.

LAW DEPARTMENT- Worth 4600. Main Office, Municipal Building, 16th floor. Brooklyn-153 Pierrepont st. Main 1948, Street Openings, Bureau of-

Jlain Office-Municipal Buildine, 15th floor. Brooklyn-153 Pierrepont st, Main 2948. Queens-Court square, L. I. City. Hunter!

Pt. 3886. Penalties, Bureau for the Recovery of-

Municipal Building, 15th floor. Personal Taxes, Bureau of-

Municipal Building, 17th floor. LICENSES, DEPARTMENT OF-

57 Centre st. Worth 9600. Brooklyn-381 Fulton st. Triangle 6587. Richmond-Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 1000. Licensed Vehicles, Division of-517 W. 57th


Municipal Building. Worth 4227. MAYOR'S OFFICE-

City Hall. Cortlandt 1000, MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM'N-

Municipal Bldg., 14th floor. Worth 1580, MUl'ICJPAL COURTS-

Clerk s Office and Office of the President•Jus• tire, 261 Madison st. Orchard 4300,

Manhattan. 1st Dist-146 Grand st, Canal 2520. 2d Dist.-264 Madison St. Orchard 4300,

'FI I R S I .\ V. Jt'IX I7, 1924, THE CITY RECORD. 5319

Municipal Bldg., 22I tloor. Worth 3150. WA"1'ER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITV-

Municipl Bldg., 23d, 24th and 25th floors.

Bronx-Tremont & Arthur ayes. Tremont 3400. Brooklyn-SO Court St. Triangle 7100. Qus.-Jackson ave., L. I. C. flusters Pt. 3500, Ktchntond--Borough Hall, S. I. Tomp. 840,



IF'orth 4320.

.Municipal Bldg., 3d floor. Worth






SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the other of the Supervisor of the City Record,

Room 812, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until ii a. m., on





Bid sheets may be obtained and samples of the work called for may be inspected at the office of the Supervisor of the City Record, Room 812, Municipal Building, Manhattan, on the Monday and Thursday preceding each bidding.

All bidders must agree to comply with the provisions contained in the ciroular entitled "Rules and Regulations to be observed by Print ers, Blank Book Makers, Stationers, Lithog-raphers, etc., obtaining orders from the Super Visor of the City Record," a copy of which, to-gether with all further information, may be obtained by applying to the Supervisor of the City Record, Room 812, Municipal Building, Manhattan,

PETER J. BRADY, Supervisor, City Record.

Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Fridays at 10.30

a. in. PETER J, McGOWAN, Secretary, Municipal Assembly-Board of Estimate and

Apportionment Branch. Meets in Room 16, City Hall. Fridays at

10.15 a. m. PETER J. McGOWAN, Clerk. Board of Revision of Anaeeemente.

Meets in Room 737, Municipal Building, upon notice of the Secretary.

JOHN KORB, Secretary. Commisnloners of Sinking Fund.

Meets in Room 16, City Hall, on every other Chursday at 11 a. m.

JAMES MATTHEWS, Secretary. Board of t tandarde and Appeals.

Meets in Room 919, Municipal Building, Tues lays at 2 p. m,


Shore rd., Pelham parkway to City Island rd., eastbound.

('its' Island rd., Shore rd. to Pelham arkway, westbound.

D,rted July 14, 1924. 1917 R. F:. F'.NRIGHI', Police Commissioner.

Board of Aldermen. Meets in Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall,

every Tuesday at 1.30 p. m. MICHAEL J. CRUISE, City Clerk and Clerk

to Board. Municipal Assembly-Aldermanle Branch, Meets in Aldermanic Chamber, . ('icy halt,

every Tuesday at 1.15 p. m, MICHAEL J. CRUISE, Clerk, board of Apper<ts.

Meets in Room 919, Municipal Building, every Tuesday at 10 a. m.

WILLIAM E. WALSH, Chairman. Board of Child Welfare.

Meets at 145 Worth st., on the last Monday it each month.

JOHN 1'. EAGAN, Executive Secretary. Board of City Record.

Meets in City Hall at call of the Mayor. l'E'I'ER J. BRADY, Supervisor, Secretary.

Special Regulations for Vehicular Traffic,

BY V'IRTt'l' uh 'fllE, .Ayf11gRITV \ ESTF:D in the by law I herebydirect that the ful-

Iu sing special traffic regulations hr the conduct of vehicular traffic he estahlishe,l in t}rr vicinity of Court lfouue square, L. L ('ity, liruul h uS Queens, effective upon the installation of the necessary traffic signs:

Court House square, Court st. to Austell pl. (Anahel aye.) as nne-wa,v street, westbound.

Parking of vehicle, is }rercby prohibited at the fulluwih g locations:

East 51(11' Austell pl., Court House square to Jackson ave.;

South side Jackson arc., .Au~tcll pL to "Thomson ave.;

South side T Ii' it, s, 'r ate., Jackson as- c•. to Court House square;

East side (uurt st., Jacky ,r ace. to Thomson ave.;

:5ruund park hounded by Jackson se,., Court st. and Thomson ave.

Parking of vchides is hrreby peril;ctterl at the frilluwiu„ locattuno:

\c st side Court st., Thomson arc, to Long Island Railroad tracks;

North side Thomson aye., Court st. to Nott aye.;

East side Austell pl., Court Horse square to Long Island Railroad tracks;

West side Austell p1. from point 25 feet south of Jackson ac'. to but not including Tax office Building.

Dated July Ii, 1924. !'17 R. E. ENRI(;lIT, Police

BY V'IR'ruE OF' '0lii" AUTHORITY V'Es'l'F:D in me by law I hereby designate the follow'

lug framed streets as auc -way streets for the conduct of vehicular traffic, c lire dve upon the installation of the ueec;saiy traffic signs:

Borough of The Bross.

Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property.

OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of The City

custody without claimants: Automobiles, boats, of New York for the following property now in baby carriages, bicycles, bags, corwsei optical goods, furniture, rope, lead, metals, clothing, jewelry, precious stones, silverware, boots, shoes, dress•suit cases, handbags, pocketbooks, wallets, merchandise, tools, trunks, typewriters, canes, umbrellas, robes, blankets, furs, machinery, sur-

::1 instruments, musical instruments, electrical goods, sporting goods, hardware, groceries, canned rods, liquors, etc., also sums of money felon-iously obtained by prisoners, found, abandoned, or taken from persons dying intestate, or taken from persons supposed to be insane, intoxicated or otherwise incapable of taking care of them. selves.

Main office, Police Headquarters, 240 Centre street, Manhattan.

For Boroughs Brooklyn and Queens, 72 Poplar

street, BrooilyI, N. Y. For Borough of The Bronx, 46tb Precinct,

16th street and Sd avenue, Bronx. For Borough Richnwnd, Room 310, Borough

lfall, St. George, S. 1. R. E. ENRIGHT, Police Commissioner.





F\1}.() lt!l)i I!- ILL BE RE(EI\'EO BY THE nn,i•~uIt: ref !lucks at Iris office, Pier A, t li ilt , r% p] , Nurlh River, Manhattan, ontil

TIILRSD.tY, JLLY 24, 1924.

( ()STRA(1 N(r. I1;41 --FOR TO\VING AND l Ul1 ll1Kl•:. IVuJ(h "Iii IF. 1IRl (.,RUED l'NDER THIS

()\ !(.\( 1 lip, Sl'CIl TO\k'1NG nAI) \V MIRE AS SIIALL BE REQUIRED li\ 1 ii: 11FN'AR I MEN 1 TO BE PER- I Ok11EI) I l R1i'(I "IIIE PERIUI) BETWEEN I I. 1, 14, A DEL 31, 1924.

The cur .t rrgnired shad be: On Class 1,

hi:t~ II tn deed Dollars ($.3, 00); on Class 2, I it t;c liui,,1t {I Dollars and on

( Li., .i, Ihirt, -,ix llun•lrcd Dollars ($3,600). 1frr itloo'it ,duties, in cash or certified check, {(r: rlt tits Lul shat be: For Class 1, One

Il'iirIr l ari NCI) Uuilars ($100); for Class 2 w.: 1tirn1ticd au:l ',esenty-hve Dollars ($275),

. d It (1a,_ .', ()ii c Hunired and Eighty Dollars

Ihr anik -tl ,n which Li is are asked is divided

i LL three viz.: ( lass 1, for attnding

P, n the ,tnd for towing the dredge and -, r 1 r(ru place to place within the

snit. i , t th, is ity of New York; Class II, for I it lowing t Val u'.7; prints within the limits

the Ctt) of New lurk of loaded dumper scows t ., t .uul itl urn; I°Iatis III, for the supplying it m (limiter cr:ws to he delivered upon the

S :,, ca i points within the Iimits of the it of \ew \ink. I"nder each class the bidders

u 1 ,t:sic 1,'rh in wurls and in figures the unit l nia• prkkr, and the price for each item, for n III r t t!rc work tin lcr that class. Each

n;,y Inc m:ulr the .subject of a separate t- It of discrepancy between the

giccn in words and that given in figures L. pnrc in ,scnls will be considered as the bid. ln.n , if rent,, will be to the bidder whose bid

writ an ul r in all respects. fh, i ity 'V11T%c` the right to reject all bids. Further infi:uation, blank firms and specibc4-

'i n; rn:Y he o,tainrol at the office of the depart- 1 cnt, It:,grit In, Pier A, foot of Battery pl., \,rth Ricer. ;11 tnhattan.

I lilt ~I .1 ii 1 , 1924. M It'II.AEI. COSGROVE, Commissioner of

l eke. jy14,24 •tee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



t1l:ALE) B!1)S WILL BE RECEIVED BY thzc p6aoel of Estimate and Apportionment in

I t-• Cuuo:r11 ('hair bcr (meeting room of the Board I Etirnate cn f Apportionment), in the City

II X11, linouglr of Manhattan, New York City, from '~. a m. until 12 noon, on

THE Rtt)A1, AUGUST 14, 1924.

FOR At - R\I~lll\G ALL THE LABOR AND °1:\ 1 E1, lal.` lEltylREl) FOR:




VI, ,N INC \V(.RK. (()N1RA('I' ..E' T1lE F:1,EC'TRICAL


t tl V1'1", L(i( :ATEl, ON TIIE S1I'E \V'ITHIN 'I ill: .\RFA AND Ill l'NDEI) BY CENTRE



hi hint rimoin,t of cccurity rerluire(l will be: inlet:t "A 1'h( interior finish work, $1,200,-

nisei "P 'Ihe ct.rawn steel fixture work,

untrwt "(" The plumbing work, $55,000. ontraVt "I)"-•Tfe heating and ventilating

w -k, $2 1Pil . 1 cmtr: t "E'' The electrical work, $30,000. hid non': l'r accompanied by a security

3 t in c:uh rr Cc!ufieol check upon a National tit ate hark c r trot company of the City of

New Ywk, ni t check of such bank or trust ca r it:;toy sit t: ,l h>' a duly authorized officer tf c rcnf ~Irawn amt made payable to the order of tic C.,nitrollo r of The City of New York, or c, i r:tc stock or certificate of indebtedness of ,ui nature i-tiod by The City of New York chicIt thy' Cotup'ruller shall approve as of equal

V. .1 with th. security deposit required. The ato punt "f ccnwity deposit required for each c, r tract is a f lbws

( ,"'ntctn "A" The interior finish work, $60,000. I i'iitract '•13"--The drawn steel fixture work,

q u~il I'ontract "("' The plumbing work, $2,700. l'r ntract "I1"---The heating and ventilating

wk. fH,fl0n, ( ntract ' E '-- -The electrical work, $1,500. :1 separate hil rrO't he submitted for each

Cl rtract rind separate an arc] will be made thereon, :le time allowed for the completion of the

w'' k and full performance of each contract is I crncccntivc months.

blank {mine for the hid or proposal, contract arc spccificatirns for the above may be obtained .,tut app'ication at the office of the Secretary ,,f the P:oard of Estimate and Apportionment, R:lro I3 i . It Inici,'al Building, Borough of \1 cnhattao. City of Nev York.

111E R(,AR`) OF ESTTMATE AND APPOR-1'1rtN1fENT, 'F 15R J. McGow.w, Secretary.

jy16,a14 I'TSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



SE\LED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY ,he Cotnmiss:nner of Street Cleaning, at his

,fii e, Rum 1244, Municipal Building, Man-h:rtan, until 12 noon, on

MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924.


'I he time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract i, Ciirty (30) cor;secutive calendar days.

'[he contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder; the amount of the security reuuircd for the faithful performance of the cottract will be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified

check upon one of the State or National banks or trust companies of The City of New York, or a check on such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York, or money or corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comp. troller shall approve as of equal value of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100). The check, money or securities must not be included in the envelope containing the bid.

Blank forms and envelopes, in which to en-close the same, copies of the contract including the specifications in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, may • be obtained upon application at the main office • of the Depart-ment of Street Cleaning, Room 1244, Municipal Building, Manhattan,

A. A. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.

Dated July 9, 1924. jy10,21 LrSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, at his

office, Room 1244, Municipal Building, Man-hattan, until 12 noon, on



The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is six (6) consecutive calendar days for each scow,

The contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder for each scow; the amount of the security required for the faithful per-f irrnance of the contract will be Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for each scow for which a con-tract is awarded.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or National banks or trust companies of The City of New York, or a check on such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York, or money or corporate stock or certificate of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value, of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25) for each scow for which a bid is submitted. The check, money or securities must not be included in the envelope containing the bid.

Bids may be submitted for one or more or all of the scows.

'fhe scows will be furnished to the successful bidder or bidders from time to time, at the con-venience of the Department of Street Cleaning. Each scow must be repaired and returned within six consecutive calendar days from the time such scow is ready for delivery to the con-tractor, and the contractor so notified.

Blank forms and envelopes, in which to en-close the same, copies of the contract including the specifications in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, may be obtained upon ap-plication at the main office of the Department of Street Cleaning, Room 1244, Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan.

A. A. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.

Dated July 8, 1924. j10,21 tl'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page. last column of the "City Record."


Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurte-nances Thereto on City Real Estate By Sealed Bids.

.1T THE REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF Education public notice is hereby given that

the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain en-croachmeuts standing upon property owned by The City of New Yurk, acquired by it for school purposes, in the

Borough of Brooklyn. Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of a school site at 16th avenue, between 56th and 57th street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, which are more particularly described on a certain map on file in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.

Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held May 29, 1924, the sale by sealed bids of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held under the direction of the Comp-troller, on

THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924,

at 11 a, m., in lots and parcels, and in planner and form, as follows:

Parcel No. 1-A 2-story brick building at 1634 56th street.

Parcel No. 2-A 2-story brick building at 1636 56th street.

Parcel No. 3-A 2-story brick building at 1638 56th street.

Parcel No. 4-A 2-story frame building at 1617 57th street.

Parcel No. 5-A 2-story frame building and a one and one-half story frame building at 1629-1631 57th street.

Parcel No. 6-A 2-story frame building and extension, and two (2) metal garages at 1641 57th street.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on the 24th day of July, 1924, and then publicly opened for the sale fur removal of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned witbin twenty-four hours after success-ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject anv and all bids and to waive any defects or informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed cutclupes, marked "Proposals to be opened July 24. 1924," and must lie delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery prior to 11 a. m. of that d,ite to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room ,1'68, Municipal Building, New York City, from wham any further particulars regarding the buildings to be disposed of n+ay be obtained.


CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller. City of New Yurk, Department of Finance,

('omirtrullcr's Office, Jttly 9, 1924. 1y 17,24

Interest on City Bonds and Stock.

THE INTI•:RE~T DUE AUGUST 1, 1924, ON registered and coupon bonds arid stock of

The laity of New York, and of former corpora. Lions now included then iii, will be paid on that day by the Comptrulier, at his uttice, Ruont 851, Jiunicipal Building, Chambers and Centre sts., Manhattan.

The bulks for the transfer of bonds and stock on which the interest is payable :1ugu:t 1, 1924, will be closed from July to to July 31, both dates inclusive.

H :\RLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller, City utf 1'

C l irk, Departnu, nt of Finance, Comptroller's

OtTicc, July 12, 1924. lylt;,al

Sureties on Contracts.

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM-panies will be accepted as sufficient upon the

following contracts to the amounts named: Supplies of Any Description, Including Gas and

Electricity. One company on a bond up to $50,000. When such company is authorized to write

that amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

Construction. One company on a bond up to $25,000. Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers,

maintenance, dredging, construction of parks, parkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aque-ducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc.

When such company is authorized to write that amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914. Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave-

ment. Two companies will be required on any and

every bond up to amount authorized by letter of Comrptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.

Confirmation of Assessments.


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-1'ROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOK- LYN:

SECTION 5. CEDAR PI..-PAVING from Montgomery st,

to Empire blvd. Area of assessment affects Blocks 1301, 1302 and 1306.

STODDARD PL.-PAVING from Mont-gomery St. to 100 feet south; LUDL.\M PL.-PAVING from Montgomery st. to 100 feet'south, Area of assessment affects Block 1304.

LEFFERTS AVE.-SEVER, CURBING and FLAGGING from Washington ave. to Bedford ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 1318 and 1327.

TROY AVE.-CURBING and FLAGGING from Crown St. to East New York ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 1417, 1418, 1422, 1423, 1426, 1427, 1428 and 1429.


I,NG, CURBING, FLAGGING and P.AVING from Greenpoint ave. to 342 feet south. Area of assessment affects Blocks 2585 and 2586.

SECTION 12. UNION ST.-P:AVINE from Sutter ave. to

East New York ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 3509 and 3510.

LIVONIA AVE.-PAVING from Herd l St. to Hopkinson ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 3570, 3584, 3585 and 3586.


ave. to Hegeman ave., and HEGEMAN AVE. from Louisiana ave. to Williams ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 4293, 4294, 4317 and 4318.


live. to Kingston ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 4796, 4797. 4798, 4801, 4802 and 4803.

RUTLAND RD.-PAVING from New York ave. to Albany ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 4801, 4802, 4803, 4804, 4809, 4810, 4811 and 4812.

E. 34TH ST.-P.\\'ING from Lenox rd. to Linden ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 4838, 4839, 4854 and 4855.

E. 37TH ST.-REGULATING and GRADING SIDEWALK SPACE, CURBING, FLAGGING and PAYING from, Clarendon rd. to Cortelyou rd. Area of assessment affects Blocks 4936, 4937, 4953 and 4954.

SECTION 16. TEIIAMA ST.-PAVING from Chester ave.

to Dahill rd. Area of assessmetrt affects Blocks 5307 and 5309.

CLARA ST.-PAVING from 36th St. to Chester ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5308 and 5310,

PAVING-LOUISA ST. from Chester ave. to Dahill rd., and STORY ST. from Church ave. to Louisa st. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5311, 5313 and 5314.

40TH ST. - REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING and FLAGGING from 15th to 16th ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5364 and 5365.


FLAGGING AND PAVING-54TH ST. from 16th to 17th ave., and 17TIl AVE. from 53d to 55th st. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5478, 5479, 5485 and 5486.

I8TH AVE. -LAYING SIDEWALK between 58th and 61st sts. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5504, 5505, 5511, 5512 and 5518.

61ST ST.-PAVING AND CURBING from 19th ave. to 20th ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5520 and 5527.

(,6TH ST.---PAVING, CURBING and FLAG-GING from 18th to 19th ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5554 and 5561.

58TH ST,-PAVING from 11th to 13th ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5696 and 5697, 5703 and 5704.


CURBING AND FLAGGING-BAY RIDGE AVE. from 19th to 20th ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 5578 and 6162.

SECTION 18. 85TH ST.-PAVING from Narrows ave. to

Colonial rd. Area of assessment affects Blocks 6013 and 6031.

SECTION 19. 70TH ST.-PAVING from 160 feet east of

I7th ate. to 15th as c. Area of avcs;mcnt :ctfccts Blocks 61ot atil 6171.

731) ST. RE:(;l - LATING, GR.1UlNl;, CU'RU-1NG and FI..1GGING truni 11th to l.ith sue. Area of a+se~>meut attrct , lilock, olS; an,l

1'A\ I:A(; -74111 ST. trout l'Oli to 211th ,nr. and R1•:Ch:I\ 1NG BASINS ,n all lour comor, of 74111 S1'. amt 191'li AVE. Arco of ,u.' > melt atfcct, Blocks 6 203, 0206, o_' l o an:l o- I ..

75111 ST. -PA\ ING trout 15th to I'tttt .ivc. Arta it a,sessmcnt afltct; Blocks n'li n,l

7u1'll S-1'.--REGULATING, GR.1IiINC, gPRliIN(l amt Ffi.AGuING trera 2i1th to ave. Arco of assessment adccts Blocky a "v ,uul 6_140.

78TH Si'.-PAVING from 13th to 14th ace. Area of a~scssntent affects blocks 0'44 iiil I) I,.

78111 'i'i'.- PAV'1N(, frunt l th to 15th otvc. :\rea of a>,es>rucnt ,ttTects li.ocks 62400 an'i b'( o.

7,`?Tll S1'.-PAV12sG from 2 1s ;ICC. to kwa Arca of asse••mcut affects 1il,,eki i.5 1,

i,252, u'o 3 and 6204. I 911 AV'E.-1'AV- ING and CURIBING t:ciii

75th to 79th st. At of asscssmcut; Blocks 0261 and 6262.

52i) ST.--PAVING from Bay pkway, to 2;,1 ave. Area of assessment affects 1tli'k, o.i10 and 6319.

16Tll \\'l•:.-PAVING from $otlt .t. to li.cth ave. Arr,t of assessmcut aliccts ltluck (i u_', 0303, 1,310 stud 6397.

I1.\\' 2-'l) SI'.--I'A\'ING and CURBING from Bath ave. to Benson ave. Area of a~>cs,mrnt tt},cls Blocks 6406 and 641)7.


Occ,oi ave. to Coney Island ave. Area of a,sess-ment atlect Bucks 6494, 6495, 6496, 0 17, ill , 6511's to 6513.

E. X111 ST.-PAVING front Avenue J to Avenue K. Area of assessment affects lllucks u527 and 6528.

E. 10111 5'C-PAVING from Avenue I' to Avenue Q and RECEIVING BASINS on the ra't sole of E. 10th st. 434 feet south of Avenue I' and out the west side 320 feet south of Avenue 1'. Area of assessment affects Blocks tolo, 6ul,, (,641 and 6642.

\\1•;sI 12Th 1 ST'.--REGTLATING, (;R.AU-INC, CURBING and hLAG(;[NG {rum Avnwe 0 to IIit;hlawu as e. Area of assessment attccts Blocks ti 44 and 6645.

E. 15711 S'I'.-1'AV'ING front Aeenuc N to Avenue (1. Area of assessment attests Blocks u752 and 6753.

E. 19'Clf ST. -PAVING and CURBING from Avenue U to :1vei1ic 1'. Area of rissssnetit atlects Blocks 6765 and 6706.

KINGS illGhhWAV-REGULATING, GRAD-ING, (;t - RRINC, FLAT;i;ING and I'A%ING front E. loth st. to (;ccan ave. A:ea of assess- ment affect, lh0cki 6708 to 6753 and 6798.

1'A\ ING and CURBING in E. 9TH Si'. from Avcnue I to Avenuc 1. and in E. 10TH ST. from .\venue I to Avcnue K; RECEIVING BASINS on E. 9111 I'., cast side, 136 feet and 50o feet south of Avenue I; on the west side 12o feet and 506 teet south of Avenue I; on the east side 82 feet and 510 feet south of Avenue J; oil the wc't stile 407 feet South of Avenue J, and on E. 10111 ST., east side, 179 feet and 437 feet south of Ascrnnc I; on the west side 201 feet and 501 feet south of Avenue 1; on the eat sole 249 fret and 4')9 feet south of Avenue J and o❑ the west side 231 feet and 5 o 7 feet south of Avenue J, Area of aeses,niint affects lllocks 65 21, 6;1, , 0523, t'9 6330, 6531, 6534, 6535, 6530.

SECTION 22. E. 17TII ST.-PAVING from Avenue S to

Avenue U. Area of azscsstuent affects Blocks 7295, 7296, 7321 and 7322.

E. 14TI1 ST.-PAVING from Avenue 11 to Neck road, Area of assessment atlects Block, 7.318, 7319, 7346, 7347, 7374 and 7.375.

'that the ahuve assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors July 10, 11124, and entered July 11, 1924, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Iluicau for the Cullection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assess-mcnts and of Water Rent, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be pail on or before Sept. 9, 1924, which is sixty days after the date of entry of the assess

nicut, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to be calculated from ten dais after the date of said entry tc the date of payment, as provided by seetion5 159 and lnlo of the Greater New York Charter.

The sluice assessments are payable to the ('ol-lector of A,sessments attcl Arrears at his otf:cc in the 011erman Building, 503 Fulton st., Brook Ivn, N. V., between the hours of 9 a. m. an , l 3 p. ni. and on Saturdays from 9 a, ni. to 12 noon. CHARLES L. CRAG, Comptrol'er.

Dated, New York, July 11, 1924. jy14,24

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF TIIF. Greater New fork Charter, file Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to owners of property affected by the fol -lowing assessment for LOC:1I, 1M PROVE. 1IENTS in the BOROUGH OF QUEENS:

FIRST WARD. SEWER in CHAUNCE!V ST., between Potter

ave. ,.nd Ditrnars ave., and in GOODRICH ST. between \Voolsey st. and Ditmars ave. Area of assessment affects Blocks 845, 853, 854 and 850.

FIFTH WVARD, SEWER in BROWN 1'I.. front Grand st. to

Whitlock ave.; 11'f1ITLOCK AVE. from Brown pl. to Bittman st.; JUNIPER AVE. from \Vhit-lock ave. to Caldwell ave.; FIRTH AVE. from Grand st, to Whitlock ave.; BITTMAN ST. from Grand st. to Caldwell ave., and CALD-WF.LL AVE. front Juniper ave. to Bittman St., with temporary connections to the sewers in Juniper ave. and Bittnran et., Second Ward.

That the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors July 10, 1924, and en-tered July 11, l924, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collc•c-tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Sept. 9, 1924, which is sixty days after the date of the entry of the assessments, interest will be col-lected thereon at the rate of. seven per centum per annum, to he calculated front ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears in the Munici-1al Building, Court House square, L. I. City, between the hours of 9 a. m, and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

Dated New York, July 11, 1924. jy14,24 CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 986 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Assessments for OPENING AND ACQUIRING TI.TI.E to the following named road in the BOROUGH OF TILE BRONX:


ave. to Spuyten Duyvil parkway, Confirmed June 10, 1924; entered July 9, 1924. That the area of assessment for benefit in these proceed-ings be and is hereby fixed and determined to be as shoown on the following diagram:

E-2246 1


[CPU.+ArORy NnrE: -- -odrrreatxbau~daryaTthea^eaofas.sessmer!. p' ,ta%cot sthetiE tO7)?'o7orrtw4,ri' mtotrerw~,eclear' .red. ,I/l1%stages Cd: I!cd °e<^ ors.]^.ioretoDemeosuredot gM.a /es

O'nNgDo'.2 es!'ee' ;peat eh,chtrey•vre~ef,•^.xey. Se nrrq;nal nfh,i dioao;ff s oti'/ e In the /347, ManrcipA/ Building.




BOROUGH OFR/CNMQND. A'ewYork, /an. 922.

50A1 E:

Ac..-..hKjE49i .

I'. I:[ .1\tI'. I)F SICTIUV' 9:a6 OF THE r iii r .` c s t o-k I'harter, the Comptroller

I I r ( its of S, as A Irk hercbc 'ivcs public I. ti;; , t thr ennt.rla:tti,;n by the Supreme Court

! t it entrrint; ill 1Lr Bureau for the ('ollec-t: -n of \s, s,rne: t anal Arrears of As,essneents t r I , Il:A1\(; .1\I) .Al'QL'IRING 'IITLE to tl,r ,;I„wn;l name I strert In the BOROUGH

h 1liL BRONX SFC'1'10N Ii.

\V .''IIII ST-()21-.NIN;G from Cedar ave. I , the Pinto in, D1cylnn of the N. u'. C. R. R. I' narueIj 51,, 2G, 1'i't, entered July 2, 1924. 1rr:t of as<c„n rat f ;r benefit in these pro-

e-li I,s is a, fi u, - s:

L'ot'del rn thr earth by a line bisecting the it clr L Irmed by t tt iutrrsection of the prolonga-

I s t f ttte centrr !,nc: of \V. 179th st. and W,

]80t1t st. as these streets are laid out westerly frill and adjoining Cedar ave.; on the east by the westerly line of Cedar ave.; on the south by a line bisecting the angle formed by the in- tersectiott of the prolongations of the centre lines of \' . 18th st. and W. 179th st. as these streets are laid out westerly from and adjoining Cedar ace,; and on the west by the easterly right-of-usay line of the New fork and Putnam Division it the New fork Central Railroad.


White Plains rd. to lironxwood ave., and E. 2315T ST. from Paulding ave. to Laconia ave. Contirmed May 26, 1924; entered July 2, 1924. That the araea for benefit of this proceeding be fixed and determined to be as shown on the fol-lowing diagram:

La~aroFrNOre ---,'I'catrr thetwn4aefstt/ramaafa5,gCs5vrmt. Plod yrcesindicaedarr ,hfetosrdarelabemranretditrigAl sey,rrreeet ltotr:twt smestswfacirthryanKfenne~

7hl,,-ginalnitbu/iagrs.ronfLernthroffictafthe C irf Evy'nrt°r, Rcan /9417, 41r#,i pa/ & i ft








Hew t* Feb.?f /92!


e7srf fir~.rem .« in IM

THE CITY RECORD. 5321 'I IIt'Rtil)-1Y, 1UI.Y 17, 1)24.


!~ r ntIt I I< cssa,a nt w-as entered on ll rr i ;e rr :;isrn In the Rnl of

1 A..r.-tr, nt ;t in t}hc Burt all 1r the to 1 ;\rr if ]'axes

1.",.nlrli .nl \\ rater Kcrit-, and unless 1 (r i.rr:Ult nn ,nly persnn

rlc .11;t I Ise :i~l on Or bef Sr pt. 8,

-I tc ;tltcr the 'late of said th;r -. :al,t. tn(cre t will he cul-

~, ~ , ~t the t:ltr ,.f sever per centum

;, :, t.. ,c alit,,l from ten days after

i't l\\ I: I,F SliIIttV ri:o,, OF THE 'ii k I ",.art r th, ( uittllir of

I I i ,, A~,i 1 I ,. Il,. , ttw iii'' utllc ramie' t~ III:1• ,. the .tinPrerne ( nrrt nn, l

_:. Iv H ur:rI f~r tln, ('nllrctir,n of 1, 1 :A.. of .A.,r,.nlrnts for

\I\I \'l ."rltl!l IRI\t; "IICIM; t ,r ttie ,. ij I,m, : r :,u •I Ircrt , in the BOR-


F1F11[ WARD. 'II I-k1,F:F: :,'I'. l)IIF.yINt; f.,~m Amhnv

t• ,tt•IIrt lanr; ,,nil ,A I'I EIl I' 1~: I..\1; :iti r . ti thr >t~utlIerly prrty line

I V l r I' :fv f Id e City of New York. IL rrc-i Ats _.. 11; enteral Ju'v 8, 1`)24.

f( ,: It , '., '1 I: t t'. c area rf :Ii sment for tt uI ti,,- -I t Kip tin he ,Ir1s'. i, hereby

nld 1 tr l min :I t he a follow s:

1 :r,io it :, l ill1l 'Ii the l 'rIIit•iI SE1tr pier

-I1: - :ILtc; entit'L- l as essments were entered I I ilL ii.Ly hereinhel.;rc g:vrn in the Record of I it'.r, .i:Lil A,;cs,mr is kept in the Bureau for t Ie I ;Ilrctfir, of Assc-ssmcnts and Arrears of -I;C , anal :1ssc; ni ,.rats and of Water Rents, I ,.I unrss the an nunt assessed for benefit on

:I i ;cr,o:t „r p-1wrty shall be paid on or b -f -c Sept. 2, 19'4, which is sixty days after tic tiaa of said entry of the assessment, interest will bu collected thereon at the rate of seven Ier erratum per annum, to be calculated from


date date if if f f entry to the rlate of payment, as prvvilcl be sect ens 159 and 987 of the Greater New \ nrk Charter.

The abuse assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assc,sments. and Arrears, at his office Iii the Bcr;,'cIi Iluillinq, 177th st. and Arthur ace., Borough if The I3ronx, between the hours if 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from ti a. nr. ti 12 noon.

Dated New York, July 9, 1924. y14.24 CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.


plt'ER LA\E-OPENING from Forest ave. to V'oodstock aye. Confirmed May 23, 1924; entered

July 8, 1924.

Resrakmr1, That the area of assessment for I,emfit in these prctt•edmgs be and is hereby fixed and determined to be as shown on the followinq diagratn:

ten days after the date of entry to the da e of payment, as provided by sections 159 and 987 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lectur of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Bergen Building, 177th st. and Arthur ave., Borough of The Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m, and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

Dated New York, July 2, 1924. jy10,20 CHARLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECF:[VED AT the Otli,e of the 1[a)or, City Ifall, until

3 p. m., ou



Security required will be Seven hundred and Fiftyy Dullars ($750).

Dcp''sit to aciamgnrkany bid wi'1 lie Thirty-crccn Dollars and Fifty ('cuts (ai1.5n),

Time all,ilc i for d,, inx and completing the work will be f,irts- -tive (45) consecutive work-ILO Jars.



Security required will be five Ilundred and l fifty Dollars (;550).

Deposit to accompany the bid will be Twenty-5150 Dollars and Fifty Cents (527,50).

Time allovrcd for doing and completing the cork will be forty-five (45) consecutive working days.


Security required will be Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500).

Deposit to acenmpanv the hid will he One IIun-Irc,f and Twenty-five Dollars (5125).

Time allowed for doing and completing the cork will be sixty (60) consecutive working lays.

For hid blanks, specifications, envelope and I:thvr information apply to the office of the \rmnry Board, Rootrn 2208, Municipal Building,

X. Y. City. Dated July 11, 19.2 4. iv14,24 JOAN B. TRAINER, Secretary. g See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



The bidder will state the price of each article or item contained in the specifications or sched-ules for the contract, per foot, yard or other unit of measure, or article by which the bid will be tested.

Contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder.

Blank forms or other information may he ob-tain('d at the office of the Department of Parks, Queens, ''The Overlook," Forest Park, Rich-n;nnl IIill, L. I.

FRANCIS I). GAT.I.ATIN, EDWV. T. 0'101 (;REIN. IOS. 1'. IIF:!\I SS1", :ALBERT ('. BENNINGER, JOAN J. O'ROURKE, Com-missioncrs of Parks of The City of New York.

1`'14+'4 gTSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Park Board, at the office of the Depart-

ment of Parks, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2.30, on

THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1924.

Borough of Manhattan.


The amount of security required is Ten Thou-sand Dollars ($10,000).

The time allowed to complete the work will be 25 consecutive working days.

Certifiei check or cash in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) must accompany bid,

Blank forms and other information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Man• hat tan.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.


t'See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Park Board, at the office of the Depart-

ment of Parks, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2 30 p. m., on

THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924,

Borough of Manhattan.


The amount of security required is Three Hun. dred Thousand Dollars ($300,000).

The time allowed to complete the work will be three hundred and fifty consecutive working days.

Certified check or cash in the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) must accompany bid.



The amount of security required is Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000).

The time allowed to complete the work will be one hundred and seventy-five consecutive work-ing days.

Certified check or cash in the sum of Seven Ilundred Dollars ($700) must accompany bid.


The amount of security required is Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000).

The time allowed to complete the work will be one hundred and twenty consecutive working days.

Certified check or cash in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) must accompany bid.

Blank forms and other information may be obtained at the office of the Department of larks, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a luinp or aggregate sum,


jy8,74 it 'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Queens, at

his office, 4th floor, Queens Subway Building, 68 Hunterspoint ave., L. I. City, until 11 a. m., on

THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924,


(1454 E,°LANATC.;Y

.. / Jicats the 6ourdvry a/ Mt Area of *test, en! . /vrafes cfae,aflthe:N/Aer•

k: - c/tor// / rel A.l mrEi,FetrodsA')*a•Is III'..'

-V r. y/naJ ardt✓ma/ 4' !AL JJrn t 11,ra &4,0 /pef are r: era~rcd.

TAgarr~iaa/ of fAir Oio ram it oo


nt)1 ofifc? If CA41 Lvdncer, Aa~i7/J4/, 4'~AV~p/G1v/Mv',

S44fD ae t i'MATE AA API°dR7YANw1H7• fFi('£ of TMt awf tn0/N£L, -




A'i)yycrA, Ott,t /*V



the sntuhcrly line of the property acquired by The City of New York for the ferry to South ilnlhn, : thence westwardly along the said property line :inl its prolongation to the United States pier arn,l li:ilkliewl line of Arthur Kill; thence north-wa - filti- sbrayg the United States pier and bulkhead line of Arthur Kill to the point or place of begirnning.

The 010,11 entitled assessments were entered on the clay hereinhefore given in the Record of Titles of Assemc its kept in the Bureau for the Cal-

nikl r I 1 lt: c I AIthut hill t+hcte it is li-etion of Asscssments and Arrears of Taxes and I ',l I y a III il•tal,t 1;Ci fci t nr rthr sly 11s c>sments and of \Pater Rents, and unless

n t.,- n :thr:Ii'':ii- ,-f Aut'mc nl , the said the arnuurlt assessed fur benefit on any person or

I, L "uc 1L0,i L:r,4 it right angle to Amlwv vroacrty shall be paid on or before September 6, 1 _LI ,•ulniva thrn,r rttuarllv amt alw,n, 1Q24, which is sixty days after the date of said

t I ir , t :I -Il t Inull ;tint l lraPcl with cntce of the i :cs~ments, interest will be collected di L t% 'in, An, nl. to thi' :.utersecti'tn thcrel,n at the rate of seven per centum per annum,

. t I n, ti I ~; line,tty hetwccn to be calculated from ten days after the date of

Batt :I~ee st. and Carteret st. as these streets are (-oh t-, the date. of paynm.ent, as provided by 'L r i 1, I .rl ouuuii; S,ntth;i-lr bunk- srrtions 159 and 987 of the Greater New York

tl: ,, r1 It s I , II'. ,l,,:tg the ail line (barter. Ii -V ' t n ` irtr I c t. Arai (:;rtt rct ,t. 'I he alcove assessments are payable to the Col-

nc }L:,.l II I,! c; f tfr ,ail line to lectr of as rs~mentc an! Arrears, at his office, II I . c ,I h a liar hillcurn,L the anr;le ill tin' Nrurcrgl ]fall, Rooms Nos. 15 and 19, I,. the i - u:' of tlit re tcriy line St. (r rgc, N(w Brighton, Borough of Ri -h ;;t t LiuLi iii r.rt llr ire it Sitter],, tnurnl, 1etsseen the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. rat, tl,l ii I I: I -,It Li ' l ' 'LIL:rLg S ttterlee ,ut,1'ott Sattutlacs front 9 a. m. to 12 noon. 1. l 15 the ul biechng ('Ii.1RLES L. CRAIG, Comptroller.

I tiLt i;,rr rriun tsith iii, ;,nJ grat;iitffDra of 1)atil, New York, July 9, 1924. jyl4,24


The amount of security rcyuiretl is Thirteen 1[undred and Fifty Dollars ($1,350).

'I1te time allowed to complete the work will be forty (40) consecutive working days. and piles),

Certified check or cash in the s,tnr of Sixty- 55 linear feet 4-foot reinforced concrete sewer. seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($67.50) must 131 linear feet 3-foot 3-inch concrete sewer (ex- accompany bid. elusive of decking and piles).

26 litrear feet 3-foot cast iron pipe (class "A"), including concrete cradle, joints and cast iron connections to future pump plant, but exclusive of decking and piles.

26 linear feet 2-foot 6-inch cast iron pipe (class "A"), including concrete cradle, 1oints, cast iron reducer and cast iron connections to future pump plant, but exclusive of decking and piles. 48 linear feet 24-inch cast iron pipe (class

"A''), including concrete cradle and joints, but exclusive of decking and piles.

75 linear feet 24-inch vitrified pipe sewer (in• eluding concrete cradle, but exclusive of decking and piles).

100 linear feet 20-inch vitrified pipe sewer (in-eluding concrete cradle, but exclusive of decking and piles).

75 linear feet 18-inch vitrified pipe sewer (in. eludingconcrete cradle, but exclusive of deck- ing and piles).

1 chamber in 40th rd. near Joe pl. I chamber in Lawrence st. at 40th rd. I chamber in Lawrence st. at 41st ave. 1 chamber "A" in Lawrence st. near Fowler st. 1 chamber "B" in Lawrence st. near Peck ave.

(exclusive of decking and piles). I chamber "C" in Peck ave. at Blossom ave. 2 chambers "D" and "F" in Lawrence st. at

Peck ave. (exclusive of decking and piles). 1 chamber "E" in Lawrence st, at Fowler st.

(exclusive of decking and piles). 1 spill-over chamber "H" in Peck ave. at

Blossom ave. (including mechanical equipment, etc., as shown on plan).

1 chamber "I" in Lawrence st. at Blossom ave. (exclusive of decking and piles).

1 chamber in Blossom ave. at Sault st. 2 cleaning shafts (including 24-inch cast iron

force main) class "A," as shown on plan, 24 manholes and drop manholes. 1 basin manhole (regular). I basin manhole (type No, 2). I inlet. 40 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe basin con•

nection. 10 linear feet 10-inch vitrified pipe basin con-

nection. 166 6-inch spurs 24 inches long on concrete

sewers. 846 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe house con-

nection drains. 484 vertical feet risers. Removing and replacing existing old Stewart

railroad tunnel (as shown on plan). Cutting the invert of existing shaft in

Lawrence st. near 40th ave. (as shown on plan). 9,500 cubic yards of fill to established grade. 1,200 cubic yards of cut to established grade. 1,900 linear feet of fence for fill.

Type "B." 109 linear feet 10-foot by 8-foot 6-inch D. B.

reinforced concrete sewer (exclusive of decking and piles).

170 linear feet 7-foot 6-inch by 7-foot 6-inch S. B, reinforced concrete sewer (exclusive of decking and piles). 2,857 linear feet 7-foot reinforced concrete

pipe sewer (precast type "B"), exclusive of deck-mg and piles.

520 linear feet 6-foot 6-inch reinforced con-crete pipe sewer (precast type "B"), exclusive of decking and piles.

178 linear feet 6-foot 6-inch reinforced con-crete pipe sewer (precast type "B"), (under L. I. R. R. right of way and old Stewart railroad tunnel, exclusive of decking and piles).

55 linear feet 4-foot reinforced concrete pipe sewer (precast type "B").

131 linear feet 3-foot 3-inch reinforced con-crete pipe sewer (precast type "B"), exclusive of decking and piles.

The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY as follows:

the Park Board, at the office of the Depart- Type "A." merit of Parks, 10th floor, Municipal Building, 109 linear feet 10-foot by 8-foot 6-inch D. B. Manhattan, until 2.30 p. rats, on reinforced concrete sewer (exclusive of decking

and piles). THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924. 170 linear feet 7-foot 6-inch by 7-foot 6-inch

FOR FURNISHING ALL L.ABOR AND S. B. reinforced concrete sewer (exclusive of MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED decking and piles), FOR GRADING AND SURFACING P.\RK 2,857 linear feet 7-foot reinforced concrete

sewer (exclusive of decking and piles). 520 linear feet 6-foot 6-inch reinforced con-

crete sewer (exclusive of decking and piles). 178 linear feet 6-foot 6-inch reinforced con-

crete sewer (under L. 1. R. R. right-of-way and c'd Stewart railroad tunnel, exclusive of decking

3322 THE CITY RECORD. TIllISl)A1', JULY 17, 102.4.

?6 Iine r feet 3-fcot cast iron pipe (class Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," ]t1 0 Item 34. Reccicing basins altered, cunpicte, 2, "A''), includ ng concrete cradle, joints and cast square feat. ltem 35. Standard inlets, complete, 1. iron conntct.)ns to future pump plant, but ex • Item `t. I1ati m flag silewalk cut to me, 20 11cm 36. Type "A" inlets, complete, 1. c',usive of decking and piles. linear fret. I Item i finch vitrified pipe, complete, 50

26 ;inear feet 2-foot 6-inch cast iron pipe (class Itcm 1'. New Bluestone flagging; 100 square linear feet. "A'), including concrete cradle, joints, cast iron feet. I Item 3`.+. Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 lu,e.t reducer and cast iron connections to future Item I1, Blue tune flagging relaiil, 200 square feet. I un>p plant, 'jut exclusive of decking and piles. fret. l.tcm 40. Earth excavation for sewer appurte•

4 hncar feet 24-inch cast iron pipe (class Item 12 New granite header, (> linear feet. nauct>, I cubic yard.

inclu-i.r.g concrete cradle and joints, but Iten; 13. Temporary header, 1!I linear feet. Iran 41. Ruck excavation for sewer appurte. x:lu~ive of decking and piles. Item 14. Brick m:rsonr , I cultic yard. nancrs, I cubic yard. ,5 linear feet 24-incb reinforced concrete pipe Item 15. Concrete, 2oU cubic yards. Ite;n 42. Bituminous concrete, I cubic yard.

ewer iprcetrst type "B') ncluding concrete Iteni IS. Sheet asphalt pavement in ap- The tome alluwed for the cumpleuun of the erael'e, but cxclr:s:ve of decking and piles. ire aches, 10 square yards. work is twenty-five (25) con~ecutnr s o: t ro

IOU linear feet 20-inch vitrified pipe sewer (in. Item 2`f. Granite bock patiement and keeping nays. chiding concrete cradle, but exclusive of decking the prnement in repair for one year from date l hr amount of security required will and piles), r , f completi n, 1,(20 square yards. and the aaruunt of deposit accompanying the

75 linear fret 18 inch vitrified pipe sewer (in- Item , 4. Receiving l,ains altered. contllete, 1. bed shall be 5 per cent. of the amount of security, eluding come;te cradle, but exclusive of decking' Item 33. Standard inlets cnmp1ete, 1. N0. 5. FOR REGULATING ANI) REPAV- and piles). Item 3N. 12 inch vitrified lope, complete, 10 1NG 11IT1f GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT

1 chamber in 4( th Cu. near Joe inear fret, ON A CCiNCRE'FE FOUNDATION TILE I chamber in Lawrence st. at 40th rd. ltcrn 3'). Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 linear ROA1)1VAY OF 8TH ST. FROM LEWIS -T. I chamber :n Lawrence st. at 41st ave. feet. I TU AVENUE: 1), 'TOGETHER 11'11'H AI,I I charn[;er ".A" in Lawrence st. near Fowler st. i Item 40. Earth excavation for sewer ohpur- j \1 URK 1\CIUF\TAL THERETO. I chamber t'' in Lawrence st. near Peck ave. triers, 1 cubic yard.

(rscl,~sice of lecking and piles). Item 41. Rock excavation for sewer ahpur The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work

than;ber 'C" in Peck ave. at Blosson ave. tenances, I cubic yard. to I,c done is as follows:

2 chambe-s "D" and "F" in Lawrence st. at Item 42, Bituminous concrete, 1 cubic yard. Item 3. New 5-inch bluestone curb, 520 linear ['t(k ave. (exclusive of decking and piles). The time abowed for the completion of the feat'

I chamber "E" in Lawrence st. at Fowler st. work is twenty (20) consecutive working days. Item 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 40

1xclu eve of decking and piles). The amount of security required will be $?,500 lintar fret.

I s nil ever chamber "1I" in • Peck ave. at and the ant ,;nt of deposit accompanying the bid Item 5. Old curb redressed and reset, 20 Itluss,,in are. (including mechanical equipment, shall be 5 per cent. of the amount of security, linear feet.

tc, as shove on plan). NO 2. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- Item ti. Concrete sidewalk, class "A," 110

I chamber "1" in Lawrence st. at Blossom IN6 \VITA GRANITE IILOCK PAVEMENT ~ I Item f t Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100iirr

ice ( of decking and piles). ( r y ,\ (:ON,('RETF FOUNI)A'TION lift Item

I chamber in Blossom ave. at Saull st. square feet, 2 cleanin; shaft (including 24-inch cast iron 11)11'\1' GF RE:1DE ST. FROM lll'D~ON Item I0. New Lluestone flagging, 100 square

wee main), (lass "A"), as shown on plan, sT. TO \\F,ST ST., TOGETHER 111TH ALL feet.

Imxtlhmgts and drop manholes. \ti ) it INCIDENTAL THERETO. Item I1. Bluestone flagging retaid, 200 square

I basin manhole (regular). the Engineer's estimate of the amount of (act.

I basin manhole (type No. 2). t'ork to be done is as follows: Item 12. New granite header, 50 linear feet.

I inlet. Item 1. New steel curb, 40 linear feet. Itent 13. Temporary header, 10 linear feet.

40 linear fey t 12 inch vitrified pipe basin con- Item 2. New 6-inch granite curb, 1,630 linear Item 14. Brick masonry, I cubic yard.

feet. Item 15. (-oncrete, 200 cubic yards. r~e if) li Item 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 20 y 10 linear fact 10 inch vitrified pipe basin con. It em 18. Sheet asphalt pavement in approaches, r action.

linear feet. 20 square yards. 1(06 6 inch spurs 24 inches long on reinforced Item ~. Old curb redressed and reset, 10 Item 28. Granite block pavement and keeping

linear fact, the repair year from date concrete sewers. pavement in re air for one x46 linear feet 6 inch vitrified pipe house con •

Item (~. Concrete sidewalk, class "A," 500 of completion, 1,020 square yards. , tion drains.

square fe(t , Item 31. Old granite block pavement relaid, 434 cortical feet risers. Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100 10 square yards. Removing ar d replacing existing old Stewart "1rr''re fcct. Item 34. Receiving basins altered, complete, 1.

I Li road tuncel (as shown on plan). Item 10. New bluestone flagging, 100 square Item 35. Standard inlets, complete, 1. Cutting th invert of existing shaft in Law- f r Item 11, Illuestore flagging relaid, 1,500 s~ uare

Item 3~y, 1:.'-inch vitrified pipe, complete, 10 r^nce st. near 40th ave. (as shown on plan), gg B 1 linear feet.

9,500 cubic ) tads of fill to established grade, feet. Item 3'.t. Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 lu,ear Item 14. Brick masonry, I cubic yard. 1,2UD cubic itifds of cut to established grade. fcet.

1,900 linear feet of fence for fill. Item 15. Concrete, 875 cubic yards. Item 40. Earth excavation for sewer a~ ur- 'hhe time allowed for completing the above Item .. 4. Granite block pavement and keeping tertances, I cubic yard. I p

r+ork will be two hundred and fifty (250) work- the pavement in repair for one year from date Item 41. Rock excavation for sewer appur- nq days. of c)mpletion, 3,1(00 square yards. titi:iiices, I cubic yard.

The arnourt of security required will be Two Item 31. Old granite block pavement relaid, Item 42. Bituminous concrete, I cubic yard. [lundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000). 40 square yards. The time allowed for the completion of the

The (leposit with each bid must be 5 per cent. Item 35. Standard inlets, complete, 1. work is twenty (20) consecutive working diys. ,, the :unount if security required for the work Item 38. ]2-inch vitrified pipe, complete, 20 The amount of security required will be $2,500 r which the bids are submitted. linear feet. i and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid The kidder must state the price of each item or Item 3'). Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 linear shall be 5 per cent of the amount of securitv.

iii tide contained in the specification or schedule feet. N0, 6. WIDENING AND REPAVING Ii . rein contain ed Cr hereafter annexed, per square 0. Earth excavation for sewer appurtenances, y\ I

0, GRANITE BI•GCK ON A CONCRETE: ;,rd, linear bout or other unit of measure by 1 cubic yard.

(c~tieh bids will be tested. Bids will be compared 41. Rock excavation for sewer appurtenances, FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF 41ST 1 cubic yard. 5r. FR01t LEXINGTON AVE. TO A PO[N'I'

d each con'ra tr ayarded at a lump ai or aggregate The time allowed for the completion of the 13.4 FEET EAST OF PARK AVE. AND

um. Blank forms may be obtained and the WIDENING ANI) REPAVING THE \VII)ENFl)

tns and drawings may be seen at the office of t+o'k i; thirty (30) consccuttve working day;, ,

the President of the Borough of Queens. The amount of security required will be $9,000 f ORTION 113.8 FEET EAST (1F PARK

Dated July ?, 1924, jy7,17 aril the amount of deposit accompanying the bid AVE. TO PARK AVE., TOGETHER 1VITIf

\IAURI(:'E E. CONNOLLY. President, 1 hall lie 5 per cent, of the amount of security. \l -I- A4'ORK INCIDENTAL TIIERE'1'0.

,t 'See General Instruetloni to Bidders on NO. 3. FOR REGULATING AND REPAY- Th Engineer's estimate of the amount of work last page, last column of the "City Record." ING WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT to be done is as follows:

ON A CONCRETE FUUNDA'1'ION THE Item 2. New 6-inch granite curb, 480 linear

ROADWAY OF LISPENARD S1'. FROM feet. B120AD\VAY TO WEST BROADIVAY, TO- Item 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 10 GET HER \VITIH ALL WORK INCIDENTAL linear feet.

Proposals. 'II[ERE1'0. Item 5. Old curb redressed and reset, 430

EU Bi[) . \1lLI, BE RFCF:IV'ED 1;1 The Engineer's estimate of the amount of linear feet.

the ]'r<sirirnt of the Borough of The Bronx, work to be done is as follows: Item O. Concrete sidewalk, class "A," 300

Item 3, New 5-inch bluestone curb 1,280 square feet. it h,; ut1- icc, M ur:c;pal Iluilr.iug, Crutona Park, linear feet, Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100 7; tunt and 3. avcs., until 11 a. m., on lien 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 10 square feet.

MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924. linear feet. Itent 10, New bluestone flagging, 100 square

NO. 1. F1'R\lr'IIIN ; ALL LABOR AND Item 3. Old curb redressed and reset, 50 feet -

M \ll;Rl.AI. RlO('IRF;D TO APPLY NE\\' linear feet. Item 11. Bluestone flagging relaid, 300 square

I- 1)01-ING 11 V'1 ERR1 \l. OVER THE PRESENT Item 6. Concrete sidewalk, class "A," 300 feet. Il\ ROOF 01 "IIIF; MUNLCIl'A1, BUI1.1)- square feet. Item 12. New granite header, 30 linear feet.

I r;, TR1•.NWN f AND 3D AVES., BOROUGH Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100 Item 13. Temporary header, 10 linear feet.

(1i. "I1I : BRO1'iN. square feet. Item 14. Brick masonry, I cubic yard,

the tie*re allen+e l f r the fail completion of Item 8. Platform flay; sidewalk cut to line, Item 15. (. oncrete, 350 cubic yards.

iii , work herein described will be 20 consecutive 10 linear feet, Item 18. Sheet asphalt pavement in approaches,

is eking rays. Item 9. Platform flag sidewalk relaid, 200 10 square yards.

I Lc arr'unt of security required for the proper square feet. Item 28. Granite block pavement and keeping

pr-forn;auce of the Contract Weill be Fifteen Item I0. New bluestone flagging, 100 square the pavement in repair for one year from date

11ur,Irel Dullar $1,500). feet. . of completion, 1,170 square yards.

ach lid nu-t he accompanied by a deposft Item 11. Bluestone flagging relaid, 500 square Item 31. Old granite block pavement relaid,

is cash fir certi: eel ,heck of 5 per cent. of the feet. 4it square yards.

,gym: unt r,I the hind requi red as security for the item 12. New granite header, 30 linear feet. Item .35. Standard inlets rebuilt, 2. q

security Item 38. 12-inch vitrified pipe, I~-~ I~~r perfnrrr ru:ce of the c~ntract. Blank forms Item 13. Temporary header, 10 linear feet, 1 t complete, 10

,'. l'id rl1,n rel.lch hid roust be made, can be Item 14. Brick masonry, 1 cubic yard. linear feet.

,'t: iii! by rti,m therefor. The specifica- Item 15. Concrete, 690 cubic yards. lien 39. Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 linear

ti , i; n;ar be s- en an 1 other information obtained Item 18. Sheet asphalt pavement in approaches, fact.

at ii llice 10 square yards, Item 40. Earth excavation for sewer appur-'

',2I IIF\R1' RRI 'CNN ER, President. Item 28. Granite block pavement and keeping tcrnances, I cubic yard. ;CoJSee General Instructions to Bidders on the pateutent in repair for one year from date Item 41. Rock excavation for sewer appur-

latit page, last column of the "City Record." of completion, 2,500 square yards. tenances, I cubic yard. item 31. Old granite block pavement relaid, Item 43. Low pressure hydrants relocated, 2.

30 square yards, Item 44. Rock excavation, pavement founda-Item 33. New receiving basins, complete, type tiotu, 1 cubic yard.

Item 45. Excavation, widening, 30 cubic yards. Standard inlets, complete, 1. The time allowed for the completion of the Inlets, complete, rebuilt, 1. work is twenty-five (25) consecutive working days. 12-inch vitrified pipe, complete, 50 The amount of security required will be $3,500

and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid Cast iron pipe, conpplete, 10 linear shall be 3 per cent. of the amount of security.


The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to be done is as follows:

Item 2. New 6-inch granite curb, 10 linear feet.

Item 3. New 5-inch bluestone curb, 10 linear feet.

Item 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 20 linear feet.

Item 5. Old curb redressed and reset, 20 linear feet.

Item 6. Concrete sidewalk, class "A," 200 square feet.

Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100

BOROUGH square feet.

OF MANHATTAN, Item 12. New granite header, 60 linear feet.



'l , e Eiipineer'z estimate of the amount of iso'l to be lnnc I. as follows:

` It. m 3. New 5 inch llowicoc curb, 500 linear

t. r„

It t 4, New -inch granite corner curb, 40 inrar feet. Ilan i. Old curb redressed and reset, g0

li•itor fit. 1'1 rn 6. cOnfi'ta sidewalk, class "A,'' 200

squzre feet.

Item 35. Item 36. Item 33.

linear feet, Item 39.

feet, Item 40. Earth excavation for sewer appurte-

nances, 2 cubic yards. Item 41. Rock excavation for sewer appurte-

nanccs, I cubic yard. Item 42. Bituminous concrete, 1 cubic yard. Item 43. Sheeting and bracing, 1,000 feet

board measure. The time allowed for the completion of the

work is thirty (30) consecutive working pia',. The amount of security required will be 57,000,

and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall be 5 per cent. of the amount of secarity.


The Engineer's estim,:;e of he amount of work to be done is as follow:

Item 3. New 5-inch bluestone curb, 700 linear Item 13. Temporary header, 10 linear feet, feet. Item 14, Brick masonry, I cubic yard,

Item 4. New 6-inch granite corner curb, 80 Item 15. Cotrcrete, 400 cubic yards. linear feet. Item 17. Sheet asphalt pavement, and keeping

Item 5. Old curb redressed and reset r 20 the pavement in repair for five years from date linear feet. of completion, except in approaches, 1,480 square

Item 6. Concrete sidawalk, class "A," 300 yards. square feet. Item 18. Sheet asphalt pavement in approaches,

Item 7. Concrete sidewalk, class "B," 100 50 square yards. square feet, Item 25. Wood block pavement in approaches,

Item 10. New bluestone flagging, l30 square 110 square yards. feet. Item 27. Old wood block pavement relaid, 30 Item 11. Bluestone flagging relaid, 100 square square yards.

feet. Item 34. Receiving basins altered, complete, 1. Item 12. New granite header, 50 linear tcet. Item 35. Standard inlets, complete, 1. Item 13. Temporary header, 30 linear feet. Item 36. Type "A" inlets, complete, 1. Item 14. Brick masonry, 1 cubic yard. Item 38. 12-inch vitrified pipe, complete, 30 Item 15. Concrete, 270 cubic yards, linear feet. Item I8. Sheet asphalt paver ant in approaches, I Item 39. Cast iron pipe, complete, 10 linear

50 square yards. feet. Item 28. Granite block pavement, and keeping Item 40. Earth excavation for sewer appurte-

the pavement in repair for one year from date of nances, I cubic yard. completion, 1,370 square yards. Item 41. Rock excavation for sewer appurte-

Item 31, Old granite block pavement relaid, nances, 1 cubic yard. 10 square yards. Item 42. Bituminous concrete, I cubic yard.

The time allowed for the completion of the work is twenty (20) consecutive work;n days.

1 he amount of security required will be $_',5U0, and the amuunt of deposit accompanying the bid hall be' 5 per cent. of the amount of security.


The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to he June is as follows:

ltem 3. i"ew 5-inch blue, tone curb, 5,970 lui ,ir feet.

Item4. New b-mcb grau;te corner ewh, Sill) linear feet. Item 5. Old curb redressed and react, 2,270

linear fcct.

Item o. Concrete sidewalk, class ''A," 11,li10 square feet.

Item ;. Concrete sidewalk, class ''B,'' 500 square feet.

Item 10. New bluestone flagging, 2,000 square feet,

Item I1. Bluestone flagging relaid, 13,000 square feet,

Item 12- Ncw granite header, 40 linear feet. limn l.1. 1 en;purary header, 10 liucar feet. Itenr 14, Brick masonry, I cubic yard. Item 15. Concrete, 1,450 cubic y:Il . 1tcm 17. Shcct asphalt pavement, 4,'120 square

yards. lime IS. Sheet asphalt pavement in approaches,

1,710 square yawls, Jim 24. Wood block pavement, 40 situate


hero 27. Gld wood block pavement re aid, JO square yards.

Item l8. Granite block pavement, 1,020 square yards.

ltcm 31. Old granite block pavement relaid, (30 square yards,

Item 32. frees transplanted, 3. Item 33. New receiving basins, complete, type

"K," 20. Item 34, Receiving basins, altered, complete, 1. Item 35. Standard inlets, complete, 9. Item Jb, Type ''A'' inlets, complete, G. Item 37. Shallow inlets, complete, 5. Item 38. 1?-inch vitrified pipe, complete, 1,200

Nucor feet.

Itc:n .i'1. (';it iron pipe, complete, 10 linear feet.

Item 40. EiFtb excavation for sewer appur tcnances, 15 cubic yards.

item 41. Rock excavation for sewer appur• tenances, :0 e iii nc yards.

Item 42. liihuoinuiis concrete, 5 cubic yards. Item 43. Inlets et'l,,caiad and erbiirlt, 8. Item 44. New receiving basins, complete, type

"A," 5.

Item 45. New receiving basins, complete, type

"B 5 t r 46. New receiving basins, complete, type '1'','' 13.

Item 47. New receiving basins, complete, type ''I 1.

Itern 49. Manhole, complete, 1. Item 49. F;xcaeation, widening, 1,200 cul,ic

yard;. Item 50. Rock excavation, pavement founda-

tions, lU cubic yards. Item 51. Sheeting and bracing, 5,000 feet

board measure,

Item 52. high r pressure hydrant relocated, 1. Item 53. Low pressure hydrants relocated, 19. The time allowed for the completion of the

work is seventy-five (75) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required will be $27,000 and the amount of deposit accompanying the bill shall be 5 per cent. of the amount of security.


The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to lie done is as follows:

Item 1. Concrete in railroad area, 100 cubic yards.

Item 2. Wood block pavement in railroad area, 3,000 square yards.

Item 3. Granite block pavement in railroad area, 10,000 square yards,

Item 4, Granite block and oak key block in railroad area, 4,000 square yards.

The work herein described shall be cxniplcfcd on or before December 31, 1924.

The amount of security required will be 414.1(00 and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall be 5 per cent. of the amount of security.

The bidder must deposit with the BoroughPresident at or before the time of making his bid samples and affidavit or the letter in regard to samples and affidavit as required by the spec- fications.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications car sehed-

u'es herein contained or hereto annexed for the contract, per foot, yard, or other unit of measure or article, by which the bid will be tested-('ontract, if awarded, will be awarded separately for each of the above to the lowest bidder.

Blank forms may be had and the plans and drawings may lie seen at the office of the Com-nlissioner of Public Works, Bureau of Engineer. ing, Room 2129, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

JULIUS MILLER, President, Dated, July 11, 1924, jy11,22

r See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column o' the "City Record."


SEI,FD BIIi WILL BE RECEIVED BY tic Prrsident if the Borouch of Dfanhattan,

at R~r,m 2034, Municipal Building, 11'Ianhattan, 1;11, 1 11 a. m., or

T('FFf).11', .it'll 22, 1924. ''i!). 1 1OR REGULATING AND REPAV-



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Manhattan,

at Room 2034, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on

TCE51):1Y, JULY 22, 1924,


The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to be done is as follows:

Item 1. Earth excavation, other than in sewer trench, 1,300 cubic yards.

Item 2a. Rock excavation, class ":1" in sewer trench, 100 cubic yards.

Item 2b. Rock excavation, class "B," in sewer trench, 5 cubic yards.

Item 2c. Rock excavation, class "A," other than in sewer trench, 5 cubic yards.

Item 3. Filling, 3,800 cubic yards. Item 4a. Concrete, class "A," 30 cubic yards. Item 4c. Concrete, class "C," 20 cubic yards. Item 56. Rubble masonry in mortar, 1,160

cubic yards.

Item 6. Brick masonry, I cubic yard. Item 7a. 18-inch vitrified pipe sewer, com-

plete, 81 linear feet. J)em 7b. 15-inch vitrified pipe sewer, corn-

plete, 370 linear feet. Item 7c. 12-inch vitrified pipe basin connec-

tion. 100 linear feet. Item 12. Steel reinforcement bars, 500 pounds. Item 13a. Bluestone sidewalk, furnished and

laid, 4,320 square feet,

SAl.FD B1Di WILL BE RECEIVED BY t'te l'm,ldcfit ;f ti ;e Borrut;h of The Bronx,

It iii, ~,ffi.r, 1lneicipal Buildir;g, (rotona lark, T i sit anl , I aces., until 11 a. nr., on

FRIDAY. •JULY 19, 1924. 0. ' F['R ISI[I1G A\i) 1)111VERI\G

15, inn G.1I,1.O\ , l)F MOTOR GASOLINE. 'l ii tine all w, d for the full completion of the n(rat till be as r'my be directed during the

rri,,(1 riling Sc:,lt. 30, 1924, after the endorse-.,.,t of the certilicate of the Cumptrollcr upon

th • , srcutcLl c,r!ract. 'I he amount if security required f r the proper

Ir •'nrruarcc of the contract will he Nitre Hundred 1)Crs (hI:]U).

Fach l l mus^ be aecomianied by a deposit i. ';uh or certiii i check of 5 per cent. of the

an r net ni the hood required as security for the 1,T r perfortnan,c if the contract. Blank forms f yids, cl, on r,h ch hills must be ntade, can he h ; itch by al pl'cati:rn thgrefor, together with 1 cs of the specifications and form of can-

ted at >:tid ot1ic'.. ~s.I0 HENRY BRI'CKN ER, Pre,i~ient,

1t0 See General Instructions to Bidders on lust page, last column of the "City Record."



The stork must be commenced within five days after notification by the Commissioner of I'lant and Structures to begin work and must be entirely enmp'eted within eighty (80) consecutive calendar days,

The amount of security to guarantee the faith• fill performance of the work will be Five Ilun-dred 1)ollars ($500),

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in cash or certified check, payable to the order of the Comptro:ler of the City, for an amount equal to five per cent. of the amount of the security required,

'Ihe right is reserved by the Commissioner to reject all the hills should he deem it to the in• terest of the City so to do.

Blank forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Plant and Structures. A deposit of $5 will be required f r each set of plans and specifications taken. This drpi it will lie refunded upon the return of caclr full set of plans and specifications in good C - nrlitinn, within ten (lays after date set for open-Ing of bids.

GRO1'FR A. 11'1[ALEN, Commissioner. Dated July 11, 1924. iyl 1,23 ;t^)'See General Instructions to Bidden on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS 1VILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Plant and Structures at

his office, 18th floor, Municipal Building, 11ian• hattan, until 2 p. m., on



The work must be commenced within five days of the date of certification of the contract by the Comptroller of the City and must be entirely completed within ninety (90) consecutive work• ing days.

The amount of the security to guarantee the faithful performance of the work will be Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000).

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in cash or certified check, payable to the order of the Comptroller of the City, for an amount equal to five per cent, of the amount of the security required.

The right is reserved by the Commissioner to reject all the bids should he deem it to the in-terest of the City so to do.

Blank forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Plant and Structures, A deposit of $5 will be required for each set of plans and specifications taken. This deposit will he refunded upon the return of each full set of plans and specifications in good condition, within ten days after date set for opening of bids.

GROVER A. WHALEN, Commissioner. Dated July 7, 1924. jy7,17 R~PSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record,"


Auction Sale.



Deposit with bid rrrust be the sum of Four Ii.mdred Dollars ($41} 0).

Bidders shall submit a lump sum bid for fur-ni,hing all the materials (except such materials as are to be furnished by the ( ity) and for fur ni'hing all the labor required to lay and install tit(- mains and alpttrter:ances shown on the con -

tracts complete. Blank forms of bid, proposal and contract, in-

clur in siecitications, approved as to form b' 1 6 1 pl 1 y branch oflices if the Board of Education at 34?; the I'orpo rat ion Counsel, can lie obtained u: In I F 12th St., Manhattan, and 131 Livingston st., pa}mcnt of a deposit of $5 at I om 2351, Brioklyn. 1lunrciltal Building, Manhattan. \\\I If. GOMPERT, Architect, Superinterdent

NICHOLAS J. HAYES, Commissioner. tf School Buildings. Dated July 7, 1924. jy'8,18


,w'See General Instructions to Bidders on tent, hunter College.

last page, last column of the "City Record." 1)atcrl, [uly 14, 1924. jy14,25 1i'See General Instructions to Bidders on

eluding specifications, approved as to form by Ili,- ( nii Ln lip r cif the (it), 1,,r an amount cyual the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained upon I t. life i':r cart. of the arn'unt of the scctnity payment of a deposit of $5, at Room 2351, rr-lluircl. Municipal Building, Manhattan. l he nclit i, ur~wcirl by the (mmi;signer trr

NICHOLAS J, HAYES, Commissioner. Feet :t11 :he 1)1k sholil,i he (!rata it to the in -

Dated July 3, 1924, jy7,18 terI>t cif the ( it) i-o to Il ~. It See General Instructions to Bidders on 131 ink form :ind Irr citicatir ns mar he r ltainal

last page, last column of the "City Record." r,t tl r ill ice r I cif the I),lcrrtntetrt of Plant and structures. :1 deposit of $5 still Ire requirc~l for

BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION. ' 1ih ,tt rlf Matte :nil ,1 ,cincatit,trs taken. 'lhi; IIpsit tttlt It nefumlejh iip n the return of each full ,rt of plats, and spccitication; in good con-diti.1n, ttithin tm-n dace after date set fir open-inl, of Liu.

\h M. 11'IRT MILLS, Commissioner. I)atcil lute 17. 1'124. jyh7,_29 x,1 tee General Instructions to Bidders of.

last page, last column of the "('ity Record."

Invitation to Contractors.

.,a :I:I ,it a lump or a);grcr;atc Sum to the low- Ir 29TH, E. 56TH AND W. 6TH STS KEN•


The time allowed for doing and completing the entire work is before the expiration of Seventy• five (75) consecutive working days.

The amount in which security is required for the performance of the contract is Eleven Thou-sand Dollars ($11,000).

Deposit with hid must be the sum of Five Ili ndred and Fifty Dollars ($550).

Bidders shall submit a lump sum bid for fur-nishing all the materials (except such materials as are to be furnished by the City) and for fur-

ni,hing all the labor required to lay and install the mains and appurtenances shown on the con-tracts complete.

Blank forms of bid, proposal and contract in.

.-1 omiirvtlt "I )K" Routes A'os. S0-A and SOB- Jo 'nulls i r stn .ZlcKihbm Street, flarrisort )lair, lf 1. f :itnuc, Sciaefcr Street au,!

Pr9wdrea' iu tjte D)-ro.riJI;s of Broohlvn and O tr r r iii.

SF:A1,F:D BfI)S OR PROPGSALS FOR MAR-trng borings along llcKihbin street, Harrison

place, AVyekid avenue, Schaefer street and Broad -tca}, in the Boroughs of Brot- kIen anll Queens, is ill he receiver! by the Board of Transportation cif The City of New York (hereinafter called the "Ilrrard") on behalf of The City of New York it the office (if the Beard at No. 49 Lafayette rtrrct Borough of Nlanhattan, New York City, t:ntil the tsemr_v-fnnrtlt day of July, 1924, at Jsr-n-chitty (11.30) o'clock a. tn., at which tunic and place, of at a litter date to he axed by the Bi:rrd, the 1 roposals will be puhicly opet:ed.

The contractor must complete all the work within two (2) months from the delivery of the contract.

It fnllcr (lc~criptinn of the work and other rryuirements, prvisions and specifications are giten in the forms of agreement, bond and cent- tractors' proposal and in the contract drawings which are to he deemed a part of this invitation and copies cf which may be inspected and pur. chased at the office of the Board.

Ni proposal will be re:eive l unless accompanied by a separate certified check for One Hundred Dollars ($1Oil) payable to the order of the City and drawn upon a National or State hank or trust company satisfactory to the Board and having its principal office in New York City. Such check mr,st not he enclosed in the etuvelope containing the proposal.

Deposits made by bidders, except the lowest biller, will be returned within ten (10) days after the receipt of bids. The deposit of the lowest hither will he returned within three (3) days after the delivery of the contract.

It m ii,. llirJeshtnc sidewalk, redressed and r I:1, '.?it wlu;re fret.

Item I4 -r. !rw b inch by 16 inch granite i !', fu.i'll, d an I laid, b linear feet. Iran 13h. N:rw t-inch by 16 inch granite r r r r h, furnt,lo d an,l lat~l, 137 linear feet. item 1 tc. 1" w i inch by 16 inch blucsto:ar_

I l:, fill rii-hc I Ind I.ri~l, 91 linear Ii et. Iii In 14:1. O; I cutir, rcdres,cd and reset, 10

ic,.tr fret. Item 15. 1lrillgestuucs ft:rnibcrl and laid, 70

syt.ue fret. hero II. T~-n porary header, 40 liucar feet. Ft m ; •'. 'I in her guard rail, 830 linear feet. Rico . Ott t Li 1 inlet, 1. lr'l11 I.;l''r, trig ha.tns, 2. item .., afore fair house connections, i. terry .n . Va::h ,:, s, complete, 5. tint J. Hut b.rVast, cubic yards. he time ::I!.aerl for the t in1,letion of the

\, tk iv f,ity l5 ) t ~n~ccuti%, e Korkirig days,

he „ .!It of ucunty required will he $7,001), I the .thou t f rl(I sit accompanyurg the bid

Inc 3Ier crnl. it the arnnunt of security. 1:t' l r 1er tl,ll 'rate the trice r,f each item aria iit,iii in the p<citIc.1truns er sche~l-

u r, hr (,r r it not or herctu annexe-1 for the I tr,nt, Icr tot, far i, or other unit of measure

articlr, 1,. +hrch the bid will be tested. - iI rct, If •rwrrii will be aliarlcd to the

~.,t I.i.l~irr. ii rc'ri f iei -a1 be hail anal the plans and l irS !nac lu crcr at the office of the Conn-

r •: ur r i I'ul Ire A\ rk~, 11urcIs f F.ngmccr- t, I:u In 2.-"t '\1ni.Il ,t; Vuilding, Nl,inhatum.

l 'I.I('ti \II1.1,h,R, YrssfJstlt; gat-,l 1n: I., I'I_'A. jyll, 2

Sir General Instructions to Bidders on Ia•t ptlge, last column of the "City Record."

. - \I II) Iif US I1 I I.I. ii; Rl?('EIVF1) BY I'r -iii r I ft,- If ~r ,uIth of Manhattan, at

R ri _' -1, 11urncil ii B111111 u~, Nlanitattan, until

1'1E`4I)A1'. .11'LY 222, 1911. 1 rIt i1'RND1l1\(I Al.!. nP 'HIE 1.:180R

1\l) 'NL%TI-:R!. 1. RP;Q1'IR~.D FOR RF:- I'11I, AN1) AI.TF:RAIIONS To THE l l I-\':1T(l OF Tlfh: ('RI\1INAI, I'(dPRTS ll' i.l.l)1`11; :1\I) llll (flit' Clil'Rl BUILD

It)R1i1f OI, 11:1NIfATT.\N. i uric :r' : c i f r the C ~InI Ir tion of the

I lie , sty lb0) con,ccutire working

I lie ass tint sec 1rity required kill he Two H u-.ri l D''ll..r; 52, 1J), and the amount of

l .tr ml:tn;ing the (ii shall be live (5) 1 ti r ttn~ur~t of security.

Ili tI..,Icr ,,I' stat . one a ~rrg.~te price for 1,- :lt I' n•'r, iii r il ,l and specified as the

a r, entirr 1r ins a complete job, 1w I i'l, t+:,l Ire rumpared and the contract

~ ~1 I a p u. .i rcgate sum to the loin. t liilrt. I' ri t .n: ac 1 pcihcttiiS may he htaine~l

f II . •, l:,r .,i Ih, Auditor, offices of the Co;' u. ~'r:r r of Pul,lic \V'nrks, Room 2141, Munici-

IStnl'l:ng, larrhattarn, New fork City. JI , III'5 .dIUs.R s President,

:cl July 11, 1')2). jyll,22 44 -+ See General Instructions to Bidders on

Iast page, last column of the "City Record."

I 't I I'I i,'k t r; , sit f ,-atione and lilacs may lie , rr ! at tiir ff i. r Iif the Auditor, c ommissioner

i I i' Pc AV', rk~, Room 2141, Nlkinicip a: Building, li, i ;_ Ii ,•f \l:u

I ul I'l'KNDl1lNf; A[.L (lF THE [,AROR A\II l,A"I'F:RI;AI-S Rt;(yl'lRED FOR THE IV-I I':11,1-,1TIr iN i )h P L U 5t I3 I N G AND \, :', 1 I i yr'f 1".1 SYSTEM Al f1 A1,1, \VHRK 1V'r IIr1-:N 1A1, TIIE I1'O AT Tlll? I,rifI.IC It.\ ltl ll.liINr; I.(0',1TEIt .AT 24 11ADI- e;i T, HoRO)l Ilb OF J1.INIIATTAN.

I ti z r•I n rl f. r the crmphctinrt of the 1 iiiI I c ; i ci nc-c wive Si -I lay.

l( -Oh; '-lit I t leurhy 10 Inin i1 N%ill i.e Three I 1 : , ,ni-1 I )! , Il:us I ?;.ISO), amt the amount of

I„ rrp:c }r t the hill shall he 5 per cent. -r it;t of t!te security. hil !c r will state one aggregate price for

Lr .t hair irk lI .:n be(I and sprc1tiu(, as the i . t r t.e- . nil f r r a conrplr_-te t - I i l,i r,n~l the contract

u I -I -It a Ii - ,rl. or as:grcgsttr suni to the low. t I l-ter. Eta u,k in r,r,

'l-(tlati,tls ami plans may he l J otfi.e of the .Au litor• ('ontmi,sintter

1' .! l,, AVrk,, kr , om 2141, Municipal Bui'rling, 1'-.1 i. F r f 11~trIvittan.

lr( i hI R\ItiflING ABC. OF 'fIlE LABOR \\f %IAUERyl.S Rh`QI'IREf) FOR TIfE iY "'ILI.:1Tlrt\ 5)1 HEATING SfSTF;\I 1V .11i. AV(11,K I,N('1DENTAI, 'I'IIERETO h Till: 1'1'1th_hU PATH Bt'ILF)IN(; I0- V"' F I B AT ''a' 1I:AI)INON ST., BOROUGH

l] 11.9NI1\TTA`. llr tilt ills ,-d In the ceet;'lr-tine of the

u- c i', ill l e 73 corn e - .-tie tetlnkh's l:vi. hti .tmen:ot ut c c rrit. requirr,l trill he Three

Thy- r- n~l 15 1,,:rr (5 i,tIi10), and the amrtunt of e(- it :;cc.n:ul:;il:vin 4 the bid shall be 5 per cent. f the Inn rot of the security.

Ti' 6ild~-r t+i'I stat r one aggr -gat' price for thr tli,lr work 9rscrerl and sperifie.l, as the I''.1' it is entirr and for a complete jnh.

1 - li,k will lie compared and the contriet «a --!-•~I at a hut( or agvcgatc suns to the low-

llor. Il::ik (rcm~ i:ircitic:rtinne and plans may be

r'--I .at rb e Hider of the Ari:hitoc, Cr mmi~srnner '' r bite 2141, Municipal Building,

r i .1i rf 11at-ha!tan lir I lily I1 19:14 'I!..'2 ..1,11'5 MILLER, President.

;c -' See 1,eneral instructions to Bidders on last tinge. la't l'Irliltilll of the "('111' Record...



I:IIFD RIDS \VILI, BE RECEI1'ED BY tic- ( , •tnmii:ne 1 \Vat-n Supply, (;: anrl

I t i. r' it .,., -tiic . -? l tI r, 1hin1ciifil I'•1i _ . 1`. nl,,tit ri. - ;; t'l I 1 i m . ..n

9It1NI):1Y, JULY 28, 1924. Fill II'R\l l'll'G AND lStFALI.IN(;

I-I_Ft ibli b-.Ol lI'.11f, \T AT TllE IS.A:1(' I.. I,: l( f'L:IYFIELD, IELH.\l! BhY PARK, iiOkt)1-(;11 1OF T!IF: 13RONX.

TI , :err o1ig,tr I f. r the clntf,leti„n of the

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Plant and Structures, at

his office, 18th floor, Municipal Building, Man• hattan, until 2 p. m., on


AT UNIONPORT BRIDGE. This work must be commenced within five

days of the date of certification of the contract by the Comptroller of The City of New York, and must he entirely completed within forty (40) consecutive calendar days,

The amount of the security to guarantee the faithful performance of the work will be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in cash or certified check payable to the order of the Comptroller of the City for an amount equal to five per cent, of the amount of the security required.

The right is reserved by the Commissioner to reject all the bids should he deem it to the in• terest of the City so to do.

Blank fornlrs and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Plant and Structures,

GROVER A. WHALEN, Commissioner. Dated July 7, 1924. jy7,17 ,See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Plant and Structures, at

his office, 18th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan, until 2 p, m., on

TILE BOARD OF EDUCATION WILI, SELL at public auction at storehouse, 31 Vestry st.,

Manhattan, at 11 a. m., on



The weighing will be done by a representative of the Board of Education, but all handling on and off the scales and the removals from the premises must be done by the successful bidder.

The quantity mentioned is to be considered as more or less.'' Cash payment must be made at the time and

place of sale by the successful bidder, of the cost of the 15 tons of broken castings, at the rate hid Per hundredweight. If upon weighing tite quan-tity' of broken castings shall he found to be in excess of 15 torts the successful bidder must forthwith pay in cash for the quantity in excess of 15 tons at the rate bid per hundredweight before removal. If the quantity of broken castings he found to be less than 15 tons the Board of Education will refund to the successful bidder for the difference in pounds at the rate bid per hundredweight. The representative of the Board will make a tally of weights and also check off the removals.

The Board will not be responsible for logs or damage of said materials between time of sale and time of removals,

All property will be sold "as is" and if the purchaccr at said sale shall fail to remove the materials within ten days from date of sale the said purchaser will he deemed to have ahanrioned the property and to have forfeited all claims to ownerzhip thereof, and the above purchase money paid at the sale shall become the property of The City of New York by way of liquidated damages, and the Beard of Education shall have the right to resell the property for the benefit of the City and to retain the proceeds of such resale.

The Beard of Education reserves the right to reject bids and return to said bidders within five days from (late of sale the money paid on such bids, if the Board should deem it to the best interest of the City to do so.

WM. 11, GOMPERT, Architect, Superintendent of School Buildings.

Dated, July 14, 1924. jy14,25


SEALED BIDS WELL BE RECEIVED BY the Su; crintcnrlent of Sc}tno' Supplies, at the

Barl of I•:lucatinn of The ('ity of New h-ork, N. V., Park at-e. and 59th st., N1:rnhattan, until 3 P. m., on



The tittle for the delivery of the articles, ma-terial; ant supplies and the performance of the contract is set forth in the specifications,

The alm,unt of st-curity required for the faith-ful perfnrnnanre of the contract is thirty per cent. 13D ) of the amount of the contract.

No hid twill lie considered unless it is accom-panied by a dcpnsit. Such deposit shall he in an amount not Ies, than one and one-half per cent. (I l of the total anl'.iunt of the bid.

The bidder will state the price of each item enumerated in the notice to bidders for which lie desires to hill, contained in the speciticatiuus or schedules, ht• which the hills will be tested. lwar I, if made, will be made by item, according to late.

Dclicery will be renttire I to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantit'es as may be directed.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope,

Blank forms and further information may he obtained at the office of the Superintendent of

t-.I:' It11,5 \1'1LI, IfF RE('EIVEI) I1Y ll. 1'r,--; l,tt ; ' the l(c;'tliiiIi of 1iAillittan, it

I'. , rn _'- (. 11utc, ipal ll;;;llinp, Matnhattan, until II . in., (Ii

'I'I EsDA1", It LY 22, 1921. rR I'I ENlS1IlNt: Al.!. 01 THIE I.A1 OR

AA it .%IA14:RI \t S RI ?G ('IRF: 5 P( OR AI -TEIt:A' II .A~, AII1rl'11(t\ti AND II.I:CTR!(:hi 1\i ,RK -Its t''I.A\GE 1HE: BI'Ii,DING LU- ( -a', I-1) AT '4 M.Ai)ISItN Si.INTO A Il I,I It Chill Bf11,DING, 11(th01G11 Oh Ii1 t\H:\Cl N.

l~I~ ,-, .I "stirthe camp I'll ill (I tItc SEALED B[DS WILL BE RECEIVED BY

t,~l c ; ,tcntite wnrkin t~<. the Commissioner of IVater Supply, Gas and last page, last column of the "City Record." nf r ~inity r irc~I wi l Ise Twenty Electricity, at Room 2351, Municipal Building,

Il ~~,ril lhi::rr~iiliI, anal the a•lrunt rf 5fanhattan, until on

FOR HAi)LING AND LAYING WATER :. !~ I~I~ r Hill state one ac~regatc price for MAINS AND APPURTENANCES IN FILL

} t e crihed anti sprcifie t, as the MORE AND 23D AVES.; AVENUES M. 0, I' ''I1 - ,nti e uril for a cr,rrl'l,te j'h

SF..11,1•:I) HI Ds, \I ll.l. I I REC'1{I\ F;I) 131' 111- I~r,l. ii ii. ! c c ~ml~:tretI rtnri the contract T AtiD 1'; COLEMAN, KI141BALL, MILFORD,

\ AN SICKLEN, 62D, 76TH, 78TH, E, 4TH,

DEPARTMENT OF PLANT AND ::nc n any :1- thr hill ,h:,ll he i 1, cr c,,nt. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924. I STRUCTURES. ,,nu r,nt et he ~eei,1 ..

,% , Ik :in, l the full pert rt;tncc .,t the contract . ❑ inrty colisccutive ttnrking da%S.

'I he am aunt r If I,rcurrte t,, go:trantce the faithful ;'trfrmance It the tt rk wilI lie \ine Ilr~n,.rnrl !)rllars I$v,nn I)).

Each hid must be accmpanit 1 l,}- a jr it it. I ii;' r t r rtiticrl click. I a)abh to the (.ilk r Ill ti; - (, 111111 ~!ier of flit' C i t y ~f New \ ek for the .11111 ~~f Four llunirel and fifty Dull:u, :$4511.

Iii i ;''lr r, ,g ill state :1 lump sum f ,,r all later ;I;( matrrtal; t;eee sar to cr,nrplete ti r abaci I nUtlrrl wrk in acc1, a itlt tht' llatr atirl - lit,itcatir , ll s thin fin.

'1 h- richt i. resen-et be ti ( - , mmi"inner tir 1, 1,•ct :ill l'!'k rhrulr( he drew;, it t'~ the inte!c-t f the Cite <., to rii. Blank frtns :ml sf)rcil;.atr-n. mac he Iih

twined at Rini Y. 2224, Iluniiillal Iluihling. \I:rnh;rttan. :1 dleposit of F;ve Dollar; ($51 %till he rrqtrirc-I for each set it pl;m.~ ant j et' tiatin , taken. The deproit till It returned

ul o u the rciurn of each full se: of ldans ;tnl ;iGcati ns to gowl e niitinn, tethrr ttith

ti; Icceil't yrten f r 111,11 del sit, within ,~,c ,i' I i, aft ii: - ate fixe I for the re-s itt ut Lill .. , hot ilrr n rn hi'ller xhall be rcquircd tlr rc-un~ thii.--umrnts at Itlist ~~nc .lay pri i ,r ter tilt

trine tiycl f~~r the receipt ~,f },ids, anll ern his failur,- t i ~1' , ,, the ~irpo'it will tie retained by the (';tc.

11(11O1..A~ 1. 11.11 F:S, (n.nniimrr. I)atIIf _1uly I?, 1'x_'1.

1, See General Instructions to Bidders on lust page, lant column of the "('ity' Record."

SF.ALF.D BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the ('omntissioner of Water Supply, (,as and

I'irctricity', at Room 2351, Municipal building, Jlanhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The tin-,c allowed for doing and comlicting the entire work is before the expiration of sixty (ru) Cconsecutive working days,

The amotnit in Hhich security is required for

the performance of the contract is Eight 'thou- Proposals. sand Da t ay% ($3.000}.

sum of Four SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Deposit tcith bid must lie the Hundred Dollars ($4110), the Supeoinlendent of School Buildings, Board

CONTRACT NO. 2-FOR IIAL'LING AND of Education of The City of New York, at his l,.\VING AN1) FOR FURNISHING, DELIVER- nflicc, southeast corner of Flatbttsh Avenue Ex. ISG AND L.AVING 1VATER 91AINS .A sI) tension and Concord st., Brooklyn, until 12

noon, on FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1924. Borough of Manhattan.


The time allowed for doing and completing 3 NEW ROOFS, ETC. AT HUNTER ('0!. the entire work is before the expiration of forty- LEGE, 68TH AND 69T1 STS. AND LENIN'G five (45) cousect:tive working days. '1'ON AVE., BOROUGH OF MANIfATTAN-

Thc amount in which security is required for The time allowed to complete the whole work the performance of the contract is Eight Tbou- of each item will be one hundred and twenty said Dollars ($8,000). (120) consecutive working days, as provided in

the contract.

The amount of security required is as follows: Item I, f'~.000; Item 2, $1,700: Item 3, $2,500,

Tie de~sit accompanying bid on each item sh;r'I he t vt per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must be submitted for each item n , i separate awards will be made thereon. Blank forms, p'.ans and specifications may be

n!itafHe. or sccu at the estimating rooms of the

the Cumnris,uncr of 1':,ri,t ;ill Structures, at hi, r-flier-, :SC h boor, A1unicipal 1tuiltlin,g, 11au-h„ttan, until 2 it. In., on

TI Eu ILtY: Jli,- 29, 1921. IOR Iilf , IF:h\l 111:AII\t, :AlI'AR.A'Ih'

FitR T111,: YK(t!'(SR{1) 110('Si,N4; SI-:A"1'ION hi 01 THF: I)F.I'.ARTMF:NT (IF STRF:EI' I I I:.A\I\I;, :A1' 21) .A1 AVE., 11TH TO 1'III SI5., IN TIIE HORO1'GlI OF BROOKLYN.

Ili;: irk inns: he c :nmcnccrl within tits days aitcr notitXtti n by the Commissioner of Plant anal ttrtcturr_s t,, I,rgiu wurl.i and must lie crr-tirrlt r- u:.iletel Hithrn eighty (SO) cuusccutive c:r:cnrl tr lay_.

hi ni. uirt f the ecurity to t11otamsc the f.,ilhful 1,crtIIIIIItncc of the work slid he Twenty-tiir• Ilun lrnl D,.11ars (022,50(!).

Fla - hi hill nru~t lie aecuntpaurcd by a l-1 sit in cash ui c e;titid chick I ,;tyablc to Ili, older if


SF..ILF.D BIDS 11'ILI. BE RECF.I1'ED BY the hoard of Transportation of The City of

New Yor , , at its ollice, 12th floor, 49 Lafayette it., Jianhattan, from 9 a. m. to 10.30 a. nt., on



The tittle for the performance of contract is S consecutive caielldar days after the endorse -

mcnt of the certificate of the Comptroller. The ar:,vunt of security required is $4,500. No

hill shall lie considered unless it is accompanied by a dc; , 'it of $_'2 5.

7 he hitter a ill state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and price., by othich the bids will be tested. The rxtc tsinus mu<t lie made and footed up, as the bids shill be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lottest kidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids niust be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. '-~ o hid will be accepted gnless this provision is complied with.

Specifications referred to in the schedules m.)' tie tine! upon application at Roont 1901, 1lurieip:Il Building, Manhattan.

Blank forms and further information stay be ohtaincd at the office of the Board of Trans - p'irtation, 12th floor, 49 Lafayette st., Man- hattan.

BOARD OF TR.INSPORTATION, Joxx 11. Dra.AN es, Chairman; Daxtet. I,. RYAN, and h1'tn-I.t tit A. De Foan, Commissioners.

FRANcis T. SINNOTT, Secretary. i v 1 0,21 g 'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record,"

The richt to reject any and all bids is reserved. New York, hue 10, 1921. BO.\ RII OF TRANSPHRTATION, by Jerre

If. UF.t:SNer, Chairman. Feasr is I. Stssorr, Secretary. jyl4,24



F:.Al,lI' l,ll)S \1'11.1, ill: RE;CEIVED BY t'u 'u) schI supplies, at the


ti c !l ,ri ni E lucttiun of The City

,, 'V Y k. N. V., lark ave. and 59th st., lanl:.,'.tiv, iv .i , rn., nn

j10N11.11, .JULY '28, 1924. FOR 1 t R'(I~II1N(; :\N1) DE11\'ERT.NG i„ t.AI.l.t\ ' (;-ASOLlNE FOR \l()'roR

11.:lil(11.'IS, F)ROI - (;I1 OF M:1NIL\TT:AN, 1 0OKI.A \ .\N 1) QUEENS.

'lilt• turn If CC:c Icliovrirg of the articles, t, ri r, auJ -uTics and the performance of

i i tract to fur the perio,i ending Sept. 30, 1324.

'she ,munt tf st curity required for the faith -

f l' { t r. ~rm:vie~ of the contract is $1,000. No bol wi;l be con~i~lcrrd unless it is accom-

nir l I c a dcp it of $35(!. the tji.lrr t ill state the price per gallon, con -

tLnrl in thr s, t, utcatiuns or schedule, by which

01 tciil hr It tvrl. t .tat, ,. a %ar..c0, will be awarded accord-

cc lii ; oust b subnortted in duplicate, each in

,;,,rate vv l0- . 131.;0 i>rii:,a aL l further information ntay be t: inc,l at thr otiice of the Superintendent of

I' uol lir, 1,rl of F.,lucation, Park ave.

d 1 >t., .A1,LO :titan. RICK J')N0.S, Supern.tcoJ'.ent of School

U;tt„1 Jul.- 1o. 1934. j)16,28

1t4; see General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column of the ,('ity Record."

F.11.E1) 11I[)5 \VILL BE RECEIVED BY he uperiut(ud r.t of School Buildings, Board

H Fdtt.tinn t t The City of New York, at his

L t e s utIo it corner of Flath,tsh Avenue Ex-

O-O ❑ at;d Concord et., Brooklyn, until 12 noon,

t E11TI).1T, 11'LY 25, 1924, Borough of Manhattan.

FOR .\1. I- b 1'110 5, REl \IRS, ETC., AT I llil,l C11uOI.i 3, 32. 33 (1'1E1 1), AND ;, Il )Rttl'';lI OF NIANIIATTAN.

fin, time n;lt M'd to cam1tlete the work of each', i.tiill le ni::tty (9o) consecutive working

Its, ai, pr cil=~rI in the contract. 'I he trout t i sccuiity is as follows: P. S. 3,

$n; I. S u', $0,0'O; P. S. 33 (Item 1), 1 l $2100.

Ti t: dcpos : is roiupanyinz hid for each school

,gall Iv 'ivc ;ie cut. (it the a:nntnnt of security.

\ '0l tratc :I sh,+ll be submitted for each ccl tt ,l s tic pie chards will be made thereon. FORALT : ll .AT10NS, REI'.AIRS, ETC., AT

I i 'I' IIHOL 27, 113 E. 87TH ST„ AND l' l': s( 110)1, 134, 31 W. 116TH ST., BORr)['tIlI OF MANIIATTAN.

it- tm,e aloe I to c~mplete the work on ,,ch scl. L1 V. II he ninety (90) consecutive work-

S. as pl odded in the contract. The atnr>urt of <t'curity is as follows: P. S.

C; 00; p. 5 104, $1,9'10.

The d, !rosri arcnml' ° ing hid on each school

-hall Ise five ;)e: I! .t. of the amount of security, ;1 St arate '101 >h01 be submitted for each

! 0 ai. l s l 1 ale :marls %+ill he made thereon. P(1R FIR] lGNAL SYSTEMS Al' PUBLIC

t Ili)O1, l; . lit 3 IST AVE., BOROUGH OF \,\N11 \TT.CN

I he t i r Oil r•'. to cc rplctc the whole work

.c1 ',0l !,e sixty (GO) consecutive 0. „;t y lay.. ;s ,ill in the contract.

i f,e t r srcuri v ruluired is $700. I !;c 0 11- 1 )1:1 a_c-,. , +-o\ ng bvi stall be five per

'1 - ,t, , f tl: ;'.:r.. It t SPCnrlty,

II lI. `;.ANT \PV .AI rERA'TIONS AT PUB- ! 5ClIrrst'. ?11 K. o2D ST., BOROUGH l M \t11T' 4N. 7'ie t15 ,,'. + I o c rrp!ete the whole work :0 I : x,: -ref, .ne working days, as 1 in he contract.

1 17 , ; o ' U- t f so ority required is $2,000. I Lt o r.g bid shall be five per I, , t I. t i u, t ,~I schurjtc.

Borough of The Bronx. 1 (1R ITF'f 11. IN~TAl.I.iN ; GAS AND



The tirne all ,sc to complete the work will ,-- un or bef,,r , N,.. 2 ,, 1924, as provided in

,, I cootract. iii atrou"t if security required is $3,500. 'f h :i y -it ;, cmpan} imp bid shall be five per

[:it. of the am, unt of security.

Borough of Brooklyn. Fi)R .1LT1;Il:1CI(1\' REPAIRS, F.TC., FOR

'111LIC Stilt 01, 6. \VARR'EN AND BALTIC lH- NI \F1 BMl i ii S'1'., A\f) PUBLIC

,~ Nl101, 4.1, CI.:ASSON AND ST. MARK'S .1\ !?S., BORO('GII OF BROOKLYN.

The time al',nwe, l to ceutoplete the work of ich s, huol w ill Io ninety (911) consecutive

t0 kirn days, a; provided in the contract. The amount , f -scurity acquired is as follows: S. 6, $1,(' 10 1. S. 42, $3,000. 1 m-'aratr I at must he submitted for each,erl ;end s(pa7 itr awards will be made thereon. The I aeon mpanying bid on each school

(3 a'I he live Per cent. of the amount of security. FOR AD)I)ITIONS ANT) AI,TERATT(;NS


The tale ueol to complete the whole work , n 'cch sch 1 will be sixty (60) consecutive (, rkirng days. ;,s protiled in the contract.

The ;imnurt ( I security rerluirc,l is as follows: 1' S 1r;, $7i)1] P. 5, 17, S(X; P. S. 23, $600; P S~ 4'. S71]11: P. S. 45. $900: P. S. (0, $701); P 5. r1, Stool'; P. S. 107, $900.

The nopo,lt ocrrtnpanying bid on each school (I all l e live leer cent. of the amotmt of security.

A (el,aratt• I id must be submitted for each ii 1( 0' and sets;t',ate as arils will be made thereon.


'i lie time :tlji.a-,tl to complete the whole work c'I 1he ninety- i1O) con~ecutive working days, as

I t t, i ,le,l in the contract. the tmunt if security required is I he lei'.o.ccornpanrin; bid shall be five per

ii iii. of the am unt of security. Rorongh of Queens.


1 h w r to

cn r each echo olwi:: heisf l the whole

fell„P work

ffty ("'I) cnns, 'cuti(e working dayc; P. S. 8, ffty I f1) cnroecutivc working days; P. S. 9, sixty I(tl) crmceciot ve working days; P. S. 76, eighty (ill) consecatise working days, as provided in th contract.

The amount ei orurity is as follows: P. S. 6, ?ns: P S. $t000; P. S. 9, $1,200; P. S. 76,

The deposit accompanying hid on each school sho'l he five per cent. of the amour: of security.

A separate bid shall be submittea for each


.J ; tiul I lit, I3;ard of F.d ication, Park ave. L! 1',111:1(It Jtl\ Superinterolent of School

1).,t, l _fill, ;;. 1'!.:d. jyI7,_9 ;I.;; see General InNtructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

school and separate awards will be made thereon. FOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, ETC., AT


The time allowed to complete the whole work on each school will be ninety (90) consecutive

working days, as provided in the contract. The amount of security required is as follows:

P. S. 22, $1,200; P. S. 31, $500. The deposit accompanying bid on each school

shall be five per cent. of the amount of security. A separate bid must be submitted for each

school and separate awards will he made thereon. FOR ALTF.RATIONS, REPAIRS, ETC., AT


The time allowed to complete the work will he ninety (90) consecutive working days, as pro-

vided in the contract. The amount of security is $1,700. The deposit accompanying bid shall he five per

cent. of the amount of security. FOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, ETC., AT


The time allowed to complete the whole work en each school will be ninety (90) consecutive is orking days, as

The amount of security provided

curityrequi ed isnasa follows: P. S 76, $1,100; P. S. 84, $800.

The deposit accompanying bid on each school shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must he submitted for each school and separate awards will he made thereon.

Blank forms, plans and specifications may ne obtained or seen at the Estimating Rooms of the Branch Offices of the Board of Education, at 1411 F. 12th st., Manhattan, 131 Livingston st., Brooklyn, and 69 Northern blvd., Flushing, Queens, for Queens work.

WM. H. GOMPERT, Architect, Superinten-dent of School Buildings.

Dated July 14, 1924. jy14,25 t See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies, at the

office of the Board of Education of The City of New York, N. Y., Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, until 3 p, m., on


ORGAN TN THE GIRLS' Ii'IGH SCHOOL, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. The time for the delivery of the articles,

materials and supplies and performance of the contract is ninety (90) consecutive calendar days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.

The amount of security required for the faith- ful performance of the contract is $1,500.

No bid will he considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount of $75.

The bidder will state the price contained in the specifications and schedules, by which the bids will be tested.

.\ward, if made, will be mede according to law,

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope,

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of

School Supplies, Board of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

Dated July 10, 1924, jy10,22 9FSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies, at the

Board of Education of The City of New York, N. Y., Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, until 3 p. m., on



The time for the delivery of the articles, materials and supplies and performance of the contract is by or before Dec. 31, 1924.

'rhe amount of security required for the faith-ful performance of the contract is thirty per cent. (30%) of the amount of the contract.

No hid will be considered unless it is accom-panie l by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half per cent. (h1) o) of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price of each item contained in the specifications and schedules for which he desires to bid per item, pound, dozen, gallon, yard, or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested.

Award, if made, will be made by item accord-ing to law.

Delivery will be required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Board of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan,

I':1TRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

Dated July 9, 1924. 3y9,21 t 'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Buildings, Board

of Education of The City of New York, at his office, southeast corner of Flatbush Avenue Extension and Concord st., Brooklyn, until 12 noon, on

MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924. Borough of Manhattan,


The time allowed to complete the whole work on each item will be on or before Sept. 1, 1924, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security is as follows: Item 1, $400; Item 2, $800.

The deposit accompanying bid on each item shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must be submitted for each item and separate awards will be made thereon,


The time allowed to complete the whole work Ott each item will he ninety (90) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security is as follows: Item I. $5,000; Item 2, $900; Item 3, $6,000; Item 4, $1,600.

The deposit accompanying bid on each item shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must be submitted for each item and separate awards will be made thereon.



The time allowed to complete the work on each school and item will be sixty (60) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security is as follows: 1'. S. 1, $500; P. S. 10, $1,000; P. S. 22, $800; P. S. 23, $1,800; P. S. 28, $800; P. S. 43, $800; P. S. 46, $600; P. S., 69, $1,400; P. S. 88, $500; P. S. 95, $800; 1'. S. 104, $600; P. S. 141, $60(l; P. S. 158. Item 1, $3,000; Item 2, $1,000; P. S. 165, $800; P. S. 167, $1,200; P. S. 168, $1,200; P. S. 197, $500; Brooklyn Technical High School, $1,800; Commercial High School, $800; Eastern District High School, $8,000.

The deposit accompanying the bid on each school and each item shall be five per cent. of the amount of security-

A separate bid must be submitted for each school and item and separate awards will be made thereon.



The time allowed to complete the whole work on each school will be sixty (60) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is as follows: P. S. 42, $1,500; P. S. 57, $1,700; 1'. S. 59, $2,500; P. S. 66, $800; P. S. 76, $2,000; P. S. 80, $600; 1'. S. 81, $2,000; P. S. $2, $500; Jamaica Training School, $2,500: N. Y. Parental School, $500; Bryant High School, Item 1, $1,000; Item 2, $1,500.

The deposit accompanying bid on each school shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must be submitted f r each school and separate awards will he made thereon.


The time allowed to complete the work on each item will be on or before Sept. 1, 1924, as Provided in the contract.

The amount of security is as follows: Item 1, $8110; Item 2, $1,400.

The deposit accompanying bid on each item shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate hid must be submitted fr each item and separate awards will be mode thereon.

Note-Bidders on Item 2 shall state in their bird whether the type of desks and seats they propose to furnish will be aljustahle or non- adjustable, steel or cast iron standards.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be sixty (60) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is $1,500. The deposit accompanying hid shall be five

per cent. of the amount of security. Blank forms, plans and specifications nxiv be

obtained or seen at the Estimating Rooms of the Branch Offices of the Board of Fducation, at 340; E. 12th st., Manhattan, 131 Livingston st., Brooklyn, and 69 Northern blvd., Flushing, Queens, for Queens work.

WM. 11. GOMPERT, Architect, Superinten-dent of School Buildings.

Dated July 8, 1924. i8.21 VFSoe General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record-"

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Buildings, Board

of Education of The City of New York, at his office, southList corner of Flatbush Avenue Ex-tension and Concord St., Brooklyn, until 12 noon, on

MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924.



The time for the delivery of the materials and the performance of the contract on each item is sixty (60) consecutive working days after the execution of the contract and the endorsement thereon of his certificate by the Comptroller and the mailing to the contractor of a written order from the Superintendent of School Buildings of the Board of Education to deliver,

The amount of security required for each item will lie as follows: Item 1, $7,000; Item 2, $2,5110; Item 3, $_2,00; Item 4, $900; Item 5, $1,000; Item 6, $300; Item 7, $2,000.

The deposit accompanying bid on each item shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate bid must he submitted as a lump sum for each item and separate awards will be made thereon.


The deposit accompanying bids in excc's of one thnu~and tlul;ars ($1,0,11)) shall he tuu ],cr ct nt. of the amount of the hid.

A separate Lid must he suhmitte,l for each item for each Borough and separate awards will be made thereon.

Attention of all intending bi!dcrs is cxprc«ly called to the advertisement in the Ctry R:i. oI,

Blank forms, specifications and form of c, .n-tract may be obtained or seen it the E,timating Rooms of the Branch others of the lluart1 ~f Education, 34 1 ; E. 12th st., lfanh,tttau, anal 131 Livingston st., Brooklyn.

\VM. Il. GO\IPERT, Architect, Superiti, tenderit of Schoolltuildings.

Dated July 8, 19'4. j) y, 21 g^)'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "('ity Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE( I:IVEl) 11V' the Superintendent of School Bwl0liues if the

Board of E,lucatiun, City of New York, it e.tltce, southrast corner ilk Flatbu~h rlcenuc Exteu<ion at;d Concord St., Brooklyn, until 12 noon, on

3IONDAY, JULY 21, 1924. Borough of Manhattan.


Thr timr allonvcd to complrte the whole wutk will lie thirty (30) consecutive working days, a, 10 io'l,te,l ill the contract.

The anmttnt of security re,tuired is $1,000. The deposit accompanying hid shall be lice

per cent. of the atrmilirl of security. The work in question is for the eumplctinn of

said ascmsDufd contract. 'I'Ite attention of all intending bidders is cx

press' called to the addenda which has hi-cu inserted in the original specifications.

The quantity of work to lie dune awl the material to be furnished are the balance cif th,• work, together with corrections ei, iinciatcd in the addenda.

Itiuh:cr< trust examine the ap1ndoreA1 work he-fute nicking a hid and must alto ex;tm:ne the a6linlui and the original Its and spectficatinvs.

hi,ls will be compared and the contract will i

be awanlc.l in a lump sum to the lowe,t rerpuu-sible hi idir.

Plank forms original plans and specifieatinm t t,cthcr with the addenda, ni.,y he oLtaincl ,r seen at the E,tintatin); Rootus of the Itranch Otficel of the Board of Education at 34;j F. 12th St., Mlanhattan, and 1.11 l.iring,ton st., Brooklyn.

\V\f. H G(MI'ERT, Architect, Superii;. tendent of School 13uillint;s.

Dated July 8, 1)24, jy2, 2l 1TSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



SF.:1LE1) BIDS WILL BE RF.CEI\'III) Bit' the Presi,lent of the Borough of Bruukly n, at

Room 21, Borough hall, Brooklyn, until 11 a. rn , oil



The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 341 cubic yards exiauation to subgrade. 10 linear feet cenit:t curb, 50 square feet cement sidewalks. 80 square feet 6-it:ch cinder or gravel sidewalk

foundation 124 cubic yards concrete. 760 square yards asphalt pavement (5 yea's

maintenance°,. 2 sever basins to be built. Time allowed, 20 consecutive working days. Security required, $1,100. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $55 in cash or certified check, made payable to the order o; be Cot, ptroller of The City of New York,


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 705 cubic yards excavation to st'bgrade. 93 linear feet hluestone heading stones set in

concrete, 470 cubic yards concrete. 2,830 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

maintenance). 2 sewer basins to be built. Tint allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Secu'ity required, $3,500. Each bid must he accompanied by a deposit of

$175 in cash or certified check, made payable to the order of the Comptroller of T1,e City of New York.



'Fhe time for the delivery of the materials and 14 cubic yards filling (not to be bid for,. the performance of the contract on each item is 1,287 linear feet steel round cement curb (1 sixty (60) consecutive working days after the year ntaiuteuancc). execution of the contract arid the endorsement 6,480 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year thereon of his certificate by the Comptroller maintenance). and the mailing to the contractor of a written 6,480 square feet 6-inch citsder or gravel si,le• order from the Superintendent of School Build- walk foundation. ings of the Board of Education to deliver. Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days.

The amount of security required for each item Security required, $1,40)1. will he as follows: Item 1, Manhattan, $1,500; Each bid must be accompanied, by a deposit Item 2, Bronx, $500; Item 3, Brooklyn, $900; of $70 in cash or certified check made payable Item 4, Queens, $1,000; Richmond, $400. ' to the order of the Comlltroller of The City of

The deposit accompanying bid on each New York, Borough (item) shall be five per cent. of the NO. 4. FOR REGUT.ATING, GRADING, amount of security. CURBING AND F1,IGGING E. 35TH S1'.

A separate hid must be submitted for each FROM LEMON RD. TO LINDEN AVE, Borough (item) and separate awards will be The '+;ngineer's estimate is as (allows: mode thereon. r r

882 square yards excavation,

FOR FURNISHING AND DELTVERING qq c squ yards filling (not to be bid for). MATERIALS FOR USE OF MECHANICS, 49 linear f steel (not to


4395 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year THE VARIOUS SCHOOLS IN THE mninten~ilua BOROUGHS OF r MANHATTAN,, THE

'95 s feet 6-inch cinder or gra'~cl side BRONX, BRCOOKLYN AND QUEENS. walk 5

squareq atiun. The time for the delivery of the materials

and the performance of the contract on each Time allowed, 30 consecutive .vorki:ig days.

item is sixty (60) consecutive working days Security required, $1,100.

after the execution of the contract and the Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

endorsement thereon of his certificate by the ' $55 in cash or certified check made payable to Comptroller and the mailing to the contractor of the order of the Comptroller of The City of a written order from the Superintendent of New York. School Buildings of the Board of Education to NO. 5. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING deliver. WITH PERMANENT GRADE I GR \NITE

Where the total amount of an award exceeds PAVEMEN'." ON A 6-INCH CONCRETE one thousand dollars ($1,000) the amount of FOUNDATION THE' ROADWAY OF TROY security required will be fifty per cent. of the AVE. FROM CROWN ST. TO EMPIRE total amount of such award. BLVD. THE BLOCKS USED ON TIllS

z -


(' NI RA(F :-H:A1.1, Btu. NEW GRANITE 1. III'

1 }.uginr. rs c,'imate is :IS Io;lutts:

;U c LbIC +,Lr!s ccc.r.ativn Ire sublrae. ) II Icar f(°t nite hc.11lin t 71cs set in

o: r rrtr. oR Cta 1, :: ar 9 CJI'Crete.

-"m r ;m ;aril; grt~le I gr:ulite p:nrmcnt,

h t lii'.et i asl~ha''t a-rd sat (1 year

:t d(n;jl t'r), 1,a tl'~n a ~°d, ?) eon" Trrtir- e v urkirr : days. ter, rl!,,' rC,JUI'e',e 4i•SU.

t:.r,!I I'ld roust b: a'.c"!nla -tied by a 1cpu ,rt of

J U. c.ish 'r iert!!• ed chc.k Inae pryakle to r id , r of tl.c Cu:r>Ttrallci of 'h he City of


\n I"rR Ii'E I C.:1TIN( -, A\'I) 1?F.I':.V-

1 \, WPfII PF \\'E\T ASl'11AI.T PAVE\; \T I,\" A , f\I'1[ (II\('I'F.7E Fui'NI) •1l I III? K r:1 11':11 nl l'lll',1 AVE.


1, F.n,lnr~ r . e.:in:ate is as fn!lows: Inr fart (1! c.Irl~stone reset in coorrete.

:y ne:lr ir t nrlc curb,tune ;ct in ennrr~te.

l rr it Ir t .•r to hulg str,nc5 pct in con -

S r, 1:l to ailn:a area. liar ket t mole hri~ling stnrs set in t rn -

c:r• , 55,thrn r: eral ara. ii cncrete, n•,It ,i,le railroad area.

I:, rnncrrh ui:hin railrn&l area, t. l .( •;tea , ahl;tt :rvrmcut, outo, ide

wra',ti' rn:;irvti'nance). lilre :.v .Is t pL•Ilt pavement, within ii- .1 rn

._.uo le ajiceat pavement to be relairl. .iIt.

e I.. !, i tc to 1.e remitted. hr , •r iI1..t,.titivs include the wid, ii-

iii I fl r I~I~Iv Her (3) fort in each side.

1 a ~ xrl. c Qn,cc wive working days. re er` 62i10,

. h Li ruui-' b cun.prniel !.y a depn>it of i't in 11 a r c tried check, ride payable to

•i. r of d1 C, nlplrnlr if Tit,: City of

1 ()R f F( I'I \TINY; .I) REPAV- I\I; 11 I i II 1P1 :1.`(IA I llt•llrf1 1 (IRAN-

II. aI II\I it\ A CIS(1I I'ttk(R 11?

}ui V'11:1f11 ~Y Ifll Rlr:MIW A%, (11. i'TI(A

\\ is I Rn\I t'.1RKnLL ST. TO EAT NEW lI Iv AV"(•: :1 I) II)R RF:(il - I. TING, ( RAI)-

1\t lI, I"hI.I`•li I .\(; ;IN(; AN! l I'AVI\G 1t'llll ]hR\I-A`;F.A'I GRAVE 1 GRANITE. 1':`' I,: AH \ I OA :1 ri I's( If COV( RE'IF.

l \I):Al If 1f[1; 'sVV)ENEIU PORT[(N f 1,,'r\1 t :1RR(11.1. ``T. Ti ('RO\VN ST. TILE II (' K I SI; uIS '1'IIIS CONTRACT Sh ALf. I',I \f.11' I Il:\\ I !'E ltLO('KS.

, I ..lie ae fo mts: irk t ;;:nation to sv.ligrade,out-

r yal Is cxcacation to s~,lbgrarlc, within r I1,-1.

c :; f ,'d curl„tone reset in concrete.

.l'I Ir Ir its r,ew cu:listne set in concrett. linear i t r finite cuuhing stoics set i'I

0, c :t-ie IIIiIri;:iii area. ;in. Ir f,Lrt ;rn to loading sti,nes set iu

0 ,' tNiB ruo! 1 area. ,crr fi ct cement si~lcv"a'ks (1 year

T, r t .105 1. r l t 1.i ii oiler or gravel se-

,c:elk fir .tu,n i cl. r, ,' rI! l5 concerts, Oirtsle r UruaeI aria.

,her itI:rete, within railroad area. .t d of r ir,t } ill s krale 1 grarritn pavement

u it t t I t, r it t,yh tit and sail, colic rd

.0 1 1 _yule nrun, rnance).

4' „:err :,II Ig ci:r!e I gracile p,rverreot i.i • r 1 ct tlllr r if a.phait al s•Ir,d, within

.i, ,, I , is r+d .«:r, nt paccrni lit to Ile telaid

u i rid arrn. ;n . acer,t Jri hiiiit tD to relaid

rl: •I r• i!~. t .;re p ,t r Li'n r~ ttlt. i . ,.sr.1 I ant cn:er aml 1i 1 for sewer

1 '. .A I ;,._ire If Irnnt If he 1e1,elh'!. lz ,i a!Igit;,l, C ,,!L~rc•aice working days.

rity rrrlt:--i' e;flo

1 I I, ! ! must I Ire, nlpilnie, '. by a deposit of

L_I alt r i-lt r <ert tiel check flair ha}able

rrH r nE tl : lo rptro of Ih' City of \•i Pok.

fir! F. I nR ItP:Gi'I.ATi1G A"did GR,AD- iNi :AV'F.`;I E 1 Rn11 \V. I+'flf ST. To

ffl Sl'. ,1\[I 1'; I3"fif ST. FRO11 1'l'.~1C1f 1\li 'h(t AVEtil'E V. 11. F:r,ci,lr, I I n ate is as fallotrs:

l tiara'. uiicatin. i it volt' blline to be flubbed.

10. ii ~e ! r sciuti,e wt rkitig d:iya :iv ri Iiii .oro

}. i h Li] I iii. I 1r °nn I .!t,ied l a r.spd of

'.1: in r., I ..r c• rid check, pride pa}able to -1- if ti:e Comptroller cf The City If

i•i `i 1: iR RE(;I'I.:ATING 1N1) RFPAV• \t IliTf{ PER\IAN6:1NT A`;l'IIALi` PAN E-

V \ I' tlV' A 6 INCII CO\( RF:TF It l \l)A-'fit '; 'I IIF, ROADWAYC,F W. STlf S'I'. I I ',t V'I:I Ft : AVE. T(1 'l RI AVE.

1' I 1 Ie nt I <<timit(, is as folltwos: V tett h ne'tone healing stones set iu

uiae r, iIroard area. a ,ur fort '~~Ii sto'le heading stones set in err t^. nithin r:i:lrccd area. _•' ~~~ iincar firt steri Luurrl cement curb (l

C':'ir rr:lntengnCt' I. hide }a'Ji tur.rrste, out,,tde railroad area,

I14 rnl, -c panic mrrrtO, stithin rai'road area. re s GIs a halt pavement, rut;ide r iii siren f i r. an mainten«ncc).

r. re v.i k w;plait pavement, within rail- . ,I r~. ri 'iro nt.•,

1 ; .. iu e(, rrL; ;,rijacent pacenlent to Ic relaid, )a•. i r?rin,al c a.

ire varrle a flacent pavement to 6e relaid, •h I rail,.l tre:r "fire :,I1n,1el, ii rnn:ecr;tive working clays. 'mot c •, ri'v r~ u u r•rl

1. rh II most lit aecnrnpar~ied Is' a depecit of ;. <l ~~ c:l,h or citified check, mule payable to

= lee ( f thc l'o:rptr'dler of 'fle City of New 1 16.

\l In FOR RE(;r'I.A'lING !rY1) RF:PAV- \r, ',\ IT11 1'Ek1IANENT ASI'IIALF I'A\"1

\I1 `. r (iV' A i l ('fI (O' 1CRETE? F )l N1)A-'fl , iv' I III R(1:A1)'a':A1' CF ' 5!'If AVE. FROM Il:A1' RJh ( T. AV•lie T(1 R,,Tlf 5T.

1'1» h r, , ncr's c'1lma;e 1 s as follows: :114 1"ra* fret r cnrbctone recrt in concrete.

1'i .,aea• feet nr'.v clirbctone set in r~ncrete. 111 • i rrt: -on:reIi, n et;a le rai:rna,I area.

ii !.:c i it l; co-Icri e, within riilroa~l area. 14.7 .1 c,lIra'- girls acpl'at pavement, ontsiele

t.i lira l :1:1,1 (; rei m Imtsri n ncel.

Ill .ire yir IS aeplillt payment, wit'lin aria (ni a uiufenoncc).

.: uard a accr:t pavement to he relaid, ruin .a1 arc:

5, :Im ii: ds arj:icent pavement to he relaid, C1'I r, c: drn:ld area.

' r! V mlarl iron h•7cir heals II 'it 1. !.') ruucccutis wrrking days.

ri r '': r':frel, 27,2d. F.. l i•uI rr;=t 'e arcrnr':Inied by a rlepesit of

n, r' cF-tifed check. mn.!e I~aealle ii• I I • r of t' e Comptrn'ler of The City of



11 R0:AI)\V.A' OF 36111 ST. FRGM I•(lt'I A ST. TO CII['RCH AVE.

The Encineer's estimate is as follows: ~•,.I cubic yards excavation to subgrade, -1utside

railroad area. 5 cubic yards excavation to subgrade, within

railroad area. 108 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in

.uncrite, outside railroad area. 4 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in

oncre1e, within railroad area. 271) cubic car ,.ls concrete, outside railroad area. 4 cubic yards concrete, within railro::d area. l,b?U square yards asphalt pavem-qt, Nutside

ail,oa~l area (5 years maatenance). 25 51u.11e yards asphalt pavement, withic rail-

ioad area (no maintenance). '['inc allowed, 20 consecutive working days. security required, $2,1100. Fach I I must he accompanied by a deposit c£

$100 in ca,h or certified check, made payable •o the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


'I he Engineer's estimate is as follows: 883 cubic yards excavation: 4tid linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

bear maintenance). 2,2240 square feet cement sidewalks (I year

rraintcnance), 2.240 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel side.

«alk foundation. Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. security required, $700. l,ach bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$33 in cash or certified check cede payable t„ the order of the Comptroller of The City of Kew York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 371 cubic yards earth excavation to 6-ineb SO!-

grade. 27 cubic yards earth filling to be furnished. 406 cubic yards cinder filling to be furnished. 1,490 linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

year maintenance). 7,400 square feet cement sidewalk (1 year

maintenance). 7,400 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel side'

i+ak foundation. 'line allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $1,700. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$ 5 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of N, w York.


The 1.rginccr's estimate is as follows: 2~S cubic yards excavation, sidewalk area

only• 1 19 cubic yards filling, sidewalk area only runt

to be hid for). 3,41(1 linear feet steel bound cement cu:4 (1

year maintenance). 9,640 square feet cement sidewalk (1 year

Ii i ..tenatCt,). 9,640 square f"^t 6-inch cinder or gravel side-

+;.1k foundatiuu. I se,ccr basins to be rebuilt, 1 sewer basins 'o be built. Time allowed, 30 consecutive worKing day's. Scturity required, $2,600. Each bid musk lie accompanied by a deposit ot

$]-3i] in cash or certified check made payable to I tic order of the Comptroller of The City of New V; rk.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: '.,551 cubic yards excavation to r•hgrade.

i linear feet Bluestone heading stones Set 'o concrete.

1,010 cubic yards concrete. 6,080 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

maintenance), Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $7,400. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $370 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows' 1,690 linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

year n;4timenaice), 6,10 square feet cement sidewalk (i year main-

tenar.ce). 610 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel sidewalk

foundation. sorer blsins to be built.

lure allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security u'equired, $1,500. 1•:aclt bid trust be accompanied by a deposit of

$ 5 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.



The Engineer's estimate is -s follows: -3 cubic yards excavation to subgrade.

4) linear feet bluestone heading stoneL set in ion' rite. 4'.9 cubic yards concrete. 2,760 square yards asphalt pavensent (5 years

mail tenance). Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $3,400. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$170 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City e.` \ew York,


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 1,122 cubic yards excavation to subgrade.) 100 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in


3.380 linear feet steel bound cement curb 'I year maintenance).

911 cubic yards concrete. 5,470 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

maintenance). 5 sewer hasios to be built. Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $8,000. Each bid must he accompanied by a deposit of

S•t00 in cash or certified check made payable to tIr realer of the Comptroller of The City of N-w Y, , rk.


1'he Eneineer's estimate is as follows: 2.'R colic yards excavation sidewalk area only). 2( clrbic yards filling (not to be bid (or). 1,1'50 linear feet steel bound cersent curb (1

year maintenance). 6,0 55 square feet cement sidewalks (I year



l'he Engineer's estimate is as follow%: 1,99(1 cubic yards excavation to sul,grade, out•

side railroad area. 8 colic yard excavation to suhgrade, witl,u

railroad area. 005 lluear feet bluestone heading stsaes set m

rl orate, out tide railroad area 8 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in

concrete, within railroad area. 2„!100 linear feet cement curb. 2,070 cubic yards concrete, outside railroad


5 cubic yards concrete, within railroad area. 12,430 square yards asphalt pavement, outside

railroad area (5 years maintenance). 30 square yards asphalt pavement, within rail-

road area (no 'maintenance). I sewer basin to be built. Time allowed, 40 consecutive working days. Security required, $15,300. Peach bid most be accompanied by a deposit of

$765 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 923 cubic yards excavation. S cubic yards filling (not to be bid for). 1,477 linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

year maintenance). 6,900 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year

maintenance). 6,900 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel side-

walk foundation. Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $1,500. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$75 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 680 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. 66 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in

concrete. 453 cubic yards concrete, 2,730 square yards asphalt pavement (5 yearn

maintenance). Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $3,400.

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of $170 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Coteptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 210 linear feet old curbstone reset in con-

crete. 210 linear feet new curbstone set in concrete. 75 linear feet granite heading stones set in

concrete, outside railroad area, 20 linear feet granite heading stones set in

concrete, within railroad area. 310 cubic yards concrete, outside railroad area. 90 cubic yards concrete, within railroad area. 3,590 square yards asphalt pavement, outside

railroad area (5 years maintenance). 805 squaro yards asphalt pavement, within

railroad area (no maintenance). 245 square yards grade I granite pavement,

recut blocks with joint filler' of asphalt and sand, outride railroad area (I year maintenance).

65 square yards grade 1 granite pavement, recut blocks with joint filler of asphalt and sand, within railroad area (no maintenance).

15 square yards grade I granite pavement, new blocks with joint filler of cement grout, within railroad area (no maintenance).

20 square yards adjacent pavement to be re-laid, outside railroad area.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 601 cubic yards excavation to subgrade.

34 linear feet bluestone beading stones set in concrete.

401 cubic yards concrete. 2,410 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years


Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $2,900. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$145 in cash or certified check made pays.ble St the order of the Comptroller of The (ity of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 340 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. 174 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in

concrete. 226 cubic yards concrete. 1,360 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

maintenance). Time allowed, 20 consecutive working days. Security required, $1,400. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $70 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 1,314 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. 2,850 linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

year maintenance). 793 cubic yards concrete. 4,780 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

I, aintenance). Time allowed. 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $7,000. Each bill must be accompanied by a deposit of

$350 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 552 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. 36 linear feet bluestone heading stories set in


410 cubic yards concrete. 2,470 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

maintenance). Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $3,100. Farh bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$155 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 1,197 cubic yards excavation to sub?rade. 400 linear feet old curbstone reset to concrete. 100 linear feet new curbstone set in concrete. 1,440 linear feet steel bound cement curb (I

year maintenance). 798 cubic yards concrete. 4,820 square yards asphalt pavement (5 yea •s

maintenance), 2 new standard iron basin heads. Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $7,000. Each bill must he accompanied by a deposit of

$350 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of l'he City of Nett York.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications per foot, ethic yard, or other unit of measure, bl which the bids will be tested, The bids will he com-pared and the contracts awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Bureau of Highways, Room 502, No. 50 Court it., Brooklyn. jyl l.23 EDWARD RTEGELMANN, President.

WSee General Instructions to Bidders on last paste. last column of the "City Recorri."



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Richmond,

at his office, Borough Hall, Staten Island, until 12 noon, on

6,015 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel side. walk foundation.

Tire allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $1,300. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit ot

S6 _1 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of Neuv Y)rk.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 919 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. 454 cubic yards concrete. 2,73.1 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years

mait,t malice) . Time allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Sr •urity required, $3,400. Ea :h hid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$17!) in cash or certified check made payable to t-re rule of the Comptroller of The City of :\W Vork.


Pie l'.ngineer's estimate is as follows: 1,5 3 cul,ic yards excavation (to 7-inch sub.

6r.,dc), 2,5.9 tutic yards filling to be furnished. I ,3 ?t .,gilare yards reirforced concrete pave•

r.I Tit 7 inches thick (I year maintenance). 2,410 Itarrels Portland -ement furnished and

itl;ced in the pavement. ?,000 linear feet wooden railing. lime allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $8,600. Each bid. must be accompanied by a deposit of

$4.10 fit cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The C'ty of N c v York.


The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 623 cubic yards excavation to 6-incF sebgrade. Io2 linear feet bluestone heading staits set in

.:oncrete. 1,3 1 0 linear feet steel bound cement curb (I

year maintenance). 3,840 square Yards bituminous macadam pave-

mint o inches thick (I year maintenance). 3 sewer basins to be built. 1,920 gallons asphalt macadam binder delivered

and spread. Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $2,800. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of

$140 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.

5 square yards adjacent pavement to be relaid, within railroad area.

14 new standard iron basin heads. I new standard iron cover and head for sewer

manhole, 'lime allowed, 30 consecutive working days. Security required, $6,700. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $335 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York,


The Engineers estimate is as follows: 436 cubic yards excavation to 6-inch subgrade, 246 cubic yards earth tilling (not to be bid

for)_ 376 cubic yards cinder filling to be furnished. 450 linear feet steel bound cement curb (I

year maintenance). 1,200 square feet cement sidewalks (I year

maintenance). 1,200 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel side.

walk foundation. Tinre allowed, 25 consecutive working days. Security required, $600. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $30 in cash or certified check madepayable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


The Erigineer's estimate is as follows: 1,021 cubic yards excavation. 15 cubic yards filling (not to be bid for). 1,478 linear feet steel bound cement curb (1

year maintenance). 5,025 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year


5,025 square feet 6-inch cinder or gravel sidewalk foundation.

Time allowed, 30 consecutive working days, Security required, $1,400. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit

of $70 in cash or certified check made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.


II EI) F; .L):u, J(1.1 23, 1924.

\n. 1. F(R l'll\TRI;(:cIV'(; C()\CRETE lll}.1\ \lh ON .\\1IR )v RI). I-ROM ANNA-

it) 1'III, ;,IV"IF:A NI A\I) R,AIL.

1 .11 RI \t. AT ii[ (It'F'\O"1', TU-

I;fIIFk 11111( :11.1, 1\•l)RK INCIUENTAI. 7 111.8 - I

AV'ritl -n cxaminatiun will bt held in R, kIm

1I l .tin:atc ..t the quantity and -)17, )l1lulcil'al But1, 1:ug, Alanhatt:ui, cm-

t ly .t ti tuut, nnI,, au'i the nature an, l

vlrht l ,' ;, n po,,ihle, i.t the wurk rc-

y.,,nr 1 ,t, H, t ct r,t coo, i(tc snitwalk con-

. 1I n J.

ul var f :i 11litianal cxccvation.


t1 •t nunt . E - lint'. \fritter examination will he hchl in Room

1417, tl1umcnpal liuilinng, 1lanhattan, c'nt- \u '. l ilk \ O\ IIkt'( TI\I COV'CRI,TF: ng at c) .a3 a. m., uu 1' Rh) :A1', Jl:I \ ly, IFll.11_F liA' "l I11% Sul'hli ~11)E OF ly,), jy15,18 \tttl.A -1'I•.. I•k(r,AI RI l II\ltt\I) RI). TO MARTIN A. HE:ILl, SeCrctary. IRIII R.AI1,kmn.A1) AVE , 10(iF:TI{ER

\ I I It .AI.L \\i)RR 1\('LI)E\TAl. TIiEI ETU.

TIIF: UI:I':AK'1\IF:A"f 1.)F 11-17 FIR tl l'1l.A, ;.\., .\\ I) EILE(I'RICIT\'.

Filelints gut' tint • lcrfo~rntancc of cuntr,tct 15 cnciutie raIcncl:tr days after the endursl-nclit of lilt. ccrtitcatc iif tine (ntlrtrlicr.

fhc aniunt ~~t securit} rujunrcei i, $,i10 \~~

tldlc-., .cr , t to makce thc:r bids upon hip'i .shall lie ern<ieicrccl links; it is acr,impar.icl

'I don n 1-rin irni by the I'residcnt, a lit ;i icl it of $3i,

r i mln,!:. n; iI the ,t~,;,c.r eucrlope in which The hinlder will state the Inlee per unit, as

i .r tin- I il, r it[ be i,bt:oinal ')pun applica- ')Hco7 fir in the semrllilei of qnol.oitics aeil

Ii :1 i„r t t r ')thee ,f the I•:n„inrer, 1° nn by which the bids will be testrd. 'Fill

'..0 'l InLncc:0 it ruui!t hall, 'tatcu x'cutn mu)t Inc m;nle amt f , ,oaetl up, as the

I ,o1, a ion ; Ions ,nIol it:c contract, including Inds will he read fronts the fetal, and awards, if

Ih , -I tIn it 'r , ti: the form alforked by the rn,nic, made to the lowest bidder on each item

.l ,...•n t t, :: I-cl. inn) IT .con. or clit". as •tale- i in the schedules.

illIlN A. i.VNClf, President. Spccilicwttnus referred to to the sacdulns may

I i nn- 11u1v ' I +'a. j} 1?,_J3 x - General Ili,.t ructions to Bidders on

lea page, last column of tho "('it)' Record,"

'I he I~idcler will state the price per unit, .n application to (hurt to Condemn Properly. called for in the schedules of quantities and Iiricr~, by which the hills wt,1 be tc•stecl. The xtcn,ius must he made and footed up, as the

hli1: will h; real from thetotal, and awards, if made, trade to the lowest bi~blcr on each item or cla,s, a stated in the schtdtiles.

Specitieati,cs referredd to in the schedules m:rc i , had up , n application at Room 19.11, Municipal Building, slanhattan.

Blank f , ,rms and fiurthcr information lilac be 1'I'RSL;.AV'f TO '11fF: ST:A'ICTE5 IN SU('II obtained at the ofii<c of the Deprtrttnclit of case moue and )melded, notice is herchy 6icrti }'urrhasc, 19th floor, 1lunicipa1 liu1lding, Atan- that it is the iutcntiun of the t orpuratiou Cnun- h tt:tn. sei of The City of New \urk to make al~pltct-

iv 12.24 J( I1N E. B011'E, Cnmmi,siuner, tiou to the Supreme Court of the State of Ncw rY f'$ee General Instructions to Bidders on \ urk, at a Special Trrnt, Part 1, to be hell in

last page, last column of the "City Record." and for the County of New York, at the County Court House, in the Borough of 1lauhattan, City SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY of New York, on the .29th day of July, at the

the Comnsissioner of Purchase of The City of rpetiir9 of court on that day or as such there New York, at his office, Room 526, Municipal after as counacl can be heard thereon, to have Building, Manhattan, from 9 a. m. to 10.30 a. m,, the cuntpensati,,n which ought justly to he trade 0n to the respective owners of the real property l~tu-

THl'RSilAY, JILT 17, 1924. posed to be takou in the abo%c proceeding, ascei- I- )R FURNISHING AND DE1,IVERING tamed and rleterntinecf by said court without a

LAMPPOST CASTINGS TO THE DEP.ART- jury. ylE\T OF 11':11'ER 5I PI'L1', GAS AND '1 inc nature and extent of the improvement ELECIRICI.TY. hereby intended is the aoqu7.iuun of title in fee

The time for the performance of contract is situplc abwlutc by 'file City of New York to from ninctv (91)) to one hundred and fifty (150) certain lauds ar.d premises, with the buildings consecutive calendar days, as specifically stated I thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging,

situated on the northerly side of East 88th street,

west of Avenue A, nenljuiniinq the premises of Public School Nu, 66, Borough of Jlanbattan, iu the City of New York, the same to be con-verteei, apprnpriatcd and used as a site for schnwl p'.up')1cs. Said land, ;uin1 premises to inc acgiinaci arc boundr,l and described its follows:

"Beginning at a point oil the northerly side of fit t i th street where it is intersected by the masterly line of the lands of Public School bb, which point is di,tant :57 feet westerly front file corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of East Stith sheet amid the is irk' side of :Aunite A, aril rurnnin9 thence c:lst-rily along the northerly side of 1•:ast i th strict /U feet to the easterly line of I lit \u. ii; tnence


Notice to I ile ('lalms.

It the, \latter of the Applicat i on of The City of Ac-w A urk, relative to acquiring title, wher-cccr the same ha, ❑ lit hccn hcrct(ol',rc acquired

t iling (tills of Costs.

Bussing ucnuc, and MT'RDOCK .A's F.A1-h; Ito tin' 1laticr ~,1 aryuirinc 'hitlr lac "f he fry m F"I t ?13 i ctrrct to Bttssimn asenuc, iu

~t Ni l ~~ n tt, rc rtain I:u~~l, loud I t 'fin - ~n tilt, Bnrugh of inn- ]irnx. ('its- ~f Nero At~rk. the nurthcrly ,i,le of h.1ST Ltl~f ~TRE I,

\llI'I(F; IS ill RI Ill (;IV'I:A", lit \I ])1' -AN hr raItcrlt ~oIkL of \IOIZllIS :A\ I•:A'1'I•: vt,l order of the Sup)rcnor Court of the State of

Note 1'r, First lu~lirial ])istriit, cl;ttrd luly tin- tcr>t(rly si,le of ('I~iII)\ .A11A('I:, in

B liana, aril dulti- entered and filed in tite ndice the Run~tt h f '1hc lir„iix, in the lily lit \-rm

of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason of the abov-e entitled proceeding will he priesentcmi to one of the Justices of the Supreme (hurt of the State of New Fork, First Tudicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-


1'11_1Ain l examinati„n well be hold in Ru~'nt 41 11• _\ltnucll'al Iluil(ling, 11anhatt;m,

ntcniinl at 9,.iU a, m., un 11O\1).A\ lI - LV'

inrrurnc, at 't.43 I. lit., lilt 11(1\I):\1, 1E\ 1, :'123 .

i'R01tOTII)\ TO FIFTII (ik:U)E ('LERK, 1)F:I,.\R ,i 11E\'I' ()F' Fl \.\\(1.

11 litter ex urination will In he iti i ❑ Ra m

IL , tine t.r the c,mplrhtn of the work and 141', llunictlal llnnilJnnng. \fnnhattan, cona-

a perirmaI.c ,f the contract is thirty (30) 1 Inn 10 l at 9.4 a. lit., ou FRIDA1, J(;1.1- l,

c,ut cc t-r~tct Slay.. 9 1. jy1~,IS

IIii ;nr:uorA I I slur t)' rcyuircd for the per -

i r.r.~i cc of If c1 r:tract i, 'eveutcen liundrrd 11.ti.: r; I,; l I, ani the irtoUut of deposit

u1 , aLy0n mliv l.i'l ih:ri1 Inc ficc ti) per cent.

The Lll fl!I t:< e<tinEite of the q uantity and DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE.

lint t „ u, Ito. I:. to LIc r s` ii, nt:nt r e

t. the Ii of ach item

n . i_ in ISO I.ICini cr's ertintatc. The bids

liv ntl,.crr 1 iii the cnntiact atcarded at a

1'111 cr;r;II Ott• 'unl fltr the cllrtract '1110 Id,It rr ti f i le rii;ht to rejtct all Lids.

f'bvnc.,I rit nn,:a •n will he held in Res in The time for the performance of contracts is l. Moll oil Al Biillin;. Monti that.. cent- for the period ending Sept. 31, 1924.

. t.:inC at r. m. nn Tt"ESD.A1-, JULY 22, The amount of security required is thirty per 1114 rent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid

\\ rittrn era•ninatioon will be hold in Room shall he considered unless it is accompanied by a

111 , AInt -.t1. al Builliutg, Manhattan, corn- deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not

s rein); „t ! 1 l a. ins., on TCI SDA1', 1I'L's' 22, less than one and one-half per cent. of the total 1 c A. 19 1 6,22 ainount of the bid.

tll.11 h\\(t.AI.A\. PAIGE DE1'.ART111:;NT Or i1 v:nn nLLti In ui'.i Lc held in Ruum 1443,

1lunir:1 Yull-linol 1lanhattan, cnn',,mcncing at In 1.. m, )n TiiPRSD.A\, Ji'l.A' 1i; FRI-

II:11', it - 1..l IS: MONDAY, JULY21, and iI'E'1A1, 11 1,1 22. 1(124. jy16, 22

I -t) )\1 .1 1't)1 \l• .AI3ui'T 3b11 FEi•:T F:.AiT (ii• Iiil S(I;'Ilii \'i Li)R\I!R Ui A11B(tY RI), :A\1) 11(1PillNtr A\1 TO A I'OIV'I .USUI C )u Fl-.El \V1•al' OF TI{]•: NORTH. \\ I.' ', f t OR\I:R (ii BF: Nit I•:Y 'I'. .1ND IIIIIII'l \\ F.; 'rliE;NCF: \1)R'lIIF,Ri

lkul lit{ .\\ 1\;F:\1E\T T!) Al'1iiLR Ill.l. l-i) AT :A POINT :Al3OT I 3?u ILF:I t I:'-.T (IF 13F.ATI,I•a" '1'.; THENCE LIST. Ri. .ALUN( AR'l iIl'R RILL RI). TO BENT-

I.I-1 '-1 :\\I) IN 1'.\'ITS•:\ '-T. FR(111 :\ U1..Af Alt'11`I' 1 1 I'I•:F.T ORTH OE

I.I.I.1O"i I A\ I-:. 'IO I101'l'IN(i AV'E., Tll- ffllF:R 11IIII .11.L WURK 1\CIDENTAL


The l_cs:innei'. esiiin,ite of the quantity and if i,dily n~f the mwtn-;nai, and the mature and II rut, t: la a, ;aossibie, of the work re- lttcc~l, K IS ioluw~:

I,53!i Ilnr,ir gent of vitrine~l pipe sc,ver of n:rh tntnd(- :I.irster, cn:nl!!ctc. 17 in iioh inn:Neo1 pipe "1 ' h arches oil ;i-inch

p:: c- slum, c r. ma:nhlc , ~~ml ,lrte. iii,iy h~~:

no ba:l rnc:c;urc fret of foundation I i nilocr, i-i ;.1-ire an I sccurIIf.

[ I ,nr,l ::nn--:n: felt „f stinting, rctamecl. noi1nc .% Ir , n I a, ljitIIrnal Clnorcic, clans

"~t" t r C.nectc cr.n11e, etc, furni,hcd and

u:L r.,rls :l a, lciiliunat eI,nc1tte, class "C ," c :c n- e ti nil etc., turnisltc.3 and placed.

1 col is yar Is -f brukcn stouc ballast, fur hr I ,t:1 I •arc,l.

?u nlhic y-,r,1 , f additional excavation. Inn u ;, uitin It rciulurcentent ionr,, furnished

Pl:rcc 1, S syuIre ;arts r,f granite hli,ck pavenrcnt out crrt, fn t,n,lati~ri with cement and mortar

n1.,, to tor') ii

lit >y.t,uc .ti cl., c-f Belgian block pat(- nlent on o i twin:l.rt I , it .trc(l.

>Ilu.irc :,ar t; of tar innaoaTam paventer t,

I:1 I , LUc .;at i- of old mmiaca,lanl pavcrmut,

ri lot t o of in )rise conrretm drains of itch i,it;ri : liaoniter, rxlcnd, d and connected. I h;• t ne t t tine c,rll letiun of till, wurk and

I ct 1 rm rt ;e . f the contract is fifty five

n . u, ti w„rking pl:ny,. l he ,n:noun t f 'ecurity required for the Jter-

t nr,nI:,c cIf tl.c o ntract is Twenty e•ght I un- 1 i I)l a (;'.'pul l an,i the an,vr,tnt of deposit I n: yr.I i O,; tit,- I I'1. shall Inc tine (5) per cent.

the ;nli.m, it 1 c curity. • I hr l is h -,ul time the pa cc of each item

he Etn a ,e" r ; e'tintate. 'Ihe bids will be Intl itI I an l tilt c ntract awarded at a lump a- i;r' );ate snrn fir the contract. The Prest-

1 i:t rc -~ n're the riullt to reject all hitls. 1ii4 ,1r r1 etc requutedl to make tl•:eir bids upon

ir III in k fo r s tc Fared by the Prccident, a o n1. y 1c lii li w It the I t Ter CIneririe in n hick to

:1,',- tilt, hiii, can be rhtaincd upon ap;,lica- n lit' nj - it the- office of the Engineer,

I -rt-au I:I ,innc, ring, B:r~ut h I{all,Staten in , nit' i' tnl1ll aril the contract, inelildIng

'i I , tt a. nr :, in Cnc form a;'provc- I by the i c. In n t' mu'?. may be seen.

Ititc-~l (ttnr t, 1`)24. nvI ] 1011\ A. I.T\('II, I're,ii'nt. xn t:ee General Instructions to Bidders on

I tst page, host column of the "C'ity Record."

:• .1l.1-.I) BID- \V"ILL BF. Vi-A'EI\F:1) BY 110c i'rc; Il , lit t t the l,'iruueh of kicltmond, his ii.-, 11 rt,•.,t;h Ifall, 'statin Island, until

l noun, on

1I(tiNI).%\', .1I• LT °.1, 111:1.

I-I IR CU.'"' FRI - l'TIN( A TEMPOR \RY .\\i i.Ak'i" y1.-\\ i-:R IN HO1'I'ISG AVE.

Notices to Appear for Examinations.



SEALED BIDS WIT.T, BE RECEIVED BY the C oin'missioner of Purchase of The City of

\er+ York. at his office, Room 526, :NPotnticnna! Building, Manhattan, from 9 a. m. to 10.30 a. lit., on

THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924.



SEALED BIDS \1'II.L BE RECEI\'EI) BY the (n iiinner of Purchase of The City of

New Pork. at his (fiice, Room 526. '.lfunicipal Rli7hhr9 l Manhattan, from 9 a. lit. to 10.30 a. lit., nil

TRll).%Y, JILT 25, 19.-1.


'Flit, time f , ,r the performance of contracts is 'r o:ti Aug. 1, 1924, to :Atog. 31, 1924.

The amount of security required is thirty t-cr :eat. of the contract amrtunt atrardel. Nn bid Shall Ise cons;dcrerl un'ess it is accon'panierl by a Ti it. Such deposit shall lie in an amount nit less th:ul nine anri one-half per cent, of the total am Iunt of the bid.

'1-1nr 'ii'idc'r will state the price per unit, as all l for in the schedules of quantities and

prices, it- which the bids will he tested. The exttt: ins must he made and hotel up, as the Ia l will be rowel from the total, and awards, if nt,ade, n.a,le to the lowest huller on each item or clan in stated in the schedules.

I Itciticatiuns referred to in the schecltil"s mare I~ hail uprn otp1iea1ror at Roam 1911, .\lttnicilial Bmli''dinu, 5lanhattan.

Blank fermi and farther information mac he twine ci at the office of the Det artment of

Purchase, 19th floor, '\lunicipal Builling, fIan- inn) tat: iv la' TOIIN E. BO\VE, Commiseiener. Is See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

ur')Ol)Y'l .ILL ] 214, 1924.

1:1)R } l'R\IiHI\(i AND DI'1I.I\ERI\l; I_M"I'u\ \\.A)TF: '1'0 THE FIRE DEI'ART- \1 F: \ i

The tit,'- f„r the lot Ifurtnauce of contract is cmns,cttitc calrmt:rr days after the endursc-

mcnt tIf the ccrtifieuc o,f the Comptroller, Finn amount of srcurity required is $6.400. No

bil steal: be cnsi'lerecl unless it i, aeourtparrnl hi a deposit n1 $422.

FOR El'R\ISIIIN \\D DELIV'F:RI\G hI,tt\\ERI\G BI'Lliti 'I'O '1'111.1 I)EI'AR'I'-\IF:\"1' IIi- PARKS-\i.\\liiATTA\ AN) I':ARKS iii )OKLY\.

Thr time for flit, Icrforni n to if contract is fur mini ;term ending (let. 15, 111 24.

The amount of security required is thirty per cent , f the contract antrtunt :rnarciccl. No bill hi, 1 he cmn1nlnirod unless it is acconn.pauieci by a

'iii :it. tuck I,-)sit -.hall be in an amount trot I Is than one and one-half per certt. of the filial nn nn,t III the hid.

'hhe bi,llcr will state the price per unit, irs 'null f ,, r in the schedules of quantities anal rnna , ht• which the hils sci'.l he tested. The

rv1mIfeu1 mu't he maIfe anal fnnterl up, as the ok will he road from the tnlal, and avcards, if

m:ilc, grade: to tie lowest tin bier oil each item or :la' , a: stated in the schrdnles.

ipcciticatinns referred to in the schedules nosy i n' h;ul upon a(tplieation at Roont 1911, :\lunicipal Builclinl;,1Tanhattan.

Blank form. :red further information may be htainecl at the office- of the Department of

Purchase, 19111 floor, Municipal Buii ling, Alan-h;tttan. tIti JOT! F BO\\'f•2, Commissioner. y~ 1Tc'Fee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

Sac- hail upon weplic:ntiolt in Ruurt 191)1, slunicl-) ,al 13uilcling, Manhattan.

Blank furnts and further inf.,rntation stay he obtainef at the office of the Department lit t'urclnsc, 19th doer, Municipal Building, Alau-It:ttt:in.

ti l7.'~s 101IN E. B(1\\ F., Commissioner. :: see General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last colutntt of the "City Record,"

Si 11.ED ]31Uti 11II,1, BF; RECEIVED BY the (or:'missiuner tf Purchase of The City of

\cis 1 utk, at his utlicr, Rnnnt 326, 11nulcipal 13uiiiine, .\lat:hattau, from 9 a. m. to IU.3U a. n1.., on

In tilt, Matter of :Acquiring Title by The City of New A urk to ccrtaiu l nnls and p c erise., situated on the nnnrtlteily side of Fast h,,tlt Stied, wc>t of .At'cittic :A, a, Ip'1111ng the promises of 1'uhIie Schoo,I \u. bo, Flolough uI \tanitattwn, ('ihe of New \olk, rinly stic.tccl as a sue hr school purpcs accur,ltng to I:nc.

t::tty ,i tl l;Hcr.,1I, anal the nature and e'x- .i ?In .n a ,f the work rcyuired, I'ropn;uls.

I, in the schedule, after the endorsrttrent of the

I -t' ~yirne I t of t- nc'r(te s;clrw,tlk coil Sli'AI.1-1) BIDS 11"1LL BF RE(EI\ EI) BY crlitica f the Cumptrnllcr. '-1 Rtc,l, the Cnntrncissiuncr of Purchase of The l'ity of The aniount of security required is thirty per

Ill, tune for the cn mI,lchrn of the tcurk and New Ark, at his otfice, Runt , 26, At•tniciial cent, of the contract amount awarded. No bi.l I I In man I the coutraet a tvrruty (2U) I)uil, ling, Manhattan, from 'l a. lit. to 1u.3U a. In.,

.,-I,u;nc a,rhiug jay's. nr. l- nnull 1 runty requircol for the per- IIV1)T .Ill R, 1921,

t ,n r ( .h c''i'II:t t is Five Ifunlre l Do! -

an'yInlii of ~Iep'"it accnm Fttli FT R11tiHl1G ANN) 1)1:1.11 LkI\t.

tn~g ilL;-I ~I Il:-,Il he tiro 1.15) 1'er cent. of the I .A*T IRON \A1.AF: Ii(I\ ('.AS11\(.ti I))

shall he considered unless it is accompanied by a deposit. Sack deposit shall be in an amount tint less than one and one-half per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of Quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications referred to in the schedules may lie had upon application at Room 1901, Munict- ent[hcrly along the easterly line of Lot Ni. 1% pal Building, Manhattan. IUJ feet `p!: inches to the en-mitre line ,~f the

Blank forms and further information may be lt'ijck, then' westerly along the said centre line obtained at the office of the Department of I, f the Nock 7U felt to the easterly line lit the Purchase, 19th floor, Municipal Building, Alan- lied of yehunc School 6t', and ti .Ice ;~ m:hele; hattan. whin the ca,terlt line of the lai.c,s n

jy7.'; JOIN F. B014'E, Commissioner. 'ch'ol 66 Ito) fret ,<', inches to tile p nit or XITSee General Instructions to Bidders on )~lacm Of hcgiuuing, be the said >csoral dnncn•a-in

last page, last column of the "City Record." ' minion- c or In Is, said prcmi~c. being ,lesi~;note i a.s l,, its Non. 1_, iti and 1, in Block ,>b~ on the tax tnnl,s of the llurnu);Ii of 1l,tnl.ttt:tn, t t,ethcr with all right, title and intere,t, if any, In anal to the streets nr In-cuucs ill fn:lit thcrc.'f to ti:. centre thereof."

D:ucd New V"nik, Tub- 1~, 194. (;l-_OR(;:I'. A11fllll,~()V, Cnrporttiut~ Coup

'ei, Office and 1'nstollic_ A, fileon, !,lunicipal 8uillin4, Buruugh of hlanh.t;'au, City of Nctv \ ork. jy'15,25

York, nn or before the 28th clay of July, 1924, a copy of such verified claim.

Dated New York, July 16, 1924. GEORGE P. MCHOLSO\, Corporation I cun-

sel, Munneipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, Nees Iork City. jyl6,26

t the ('Ir rk of the County of Bronx n:t Jttly 9, \ tirh, tinily .c-noted its It bile fillsJ l'"'I tir

1 11 24, till al ;nitc:ainn lit 'hhc ('its- of New York po •c., :,rr r iting to I'll.

to Dace the coml, cnsation which should justly be .l)iI('l: IS lll•:REBI' Ci\I•:A" TO 'liiII n:-ad- to the mmIpecbvi- owners if the real prop. owner, rrsl , ectivels, entiticol to or intorn-rtol erty' proposed to he taken in the ahot•e entitled iu the n-al property, title b, which has hrcn proceeding a,certained ajgyl determined by the t -cot)rmred1 in III e all,vc emttitic•AI IIrtccr,linl;, ain1 Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the to all r,thcr-i tchnnt it ntac concern, In wit: cent of the improsemeut as'es,rd by the said I 'Drit the Sul~rcrnc (hurt of the State lit A'c-tc curt in accnrd:rnce \sith the restitution of tine j 1 rk, at .t Special Term fir Iri;ils, hrl~l in nut Bnanl of I•:stimate and A11pportionment, adopted our the' ('Aunty of Ill nx, ha', after cin;iuenimng un the _'filth day of \lay. 1924, was granted. , the ln-otinu~ry cold I t, n.Hcrcni by The ('.t.

Ni 1i IIEREBV' F('RTIIER GIVEN, . of \cw, Y,,rk 1:1 the I antic, and leer" n-i mill that pttrsu:ntt to section 10101 of the Greater Inns c ;Ililncarrtl nil the ;Ibntc Iii it -n liu cmpletel :New \irk Charter, as amended by chapter t26 the cstlu,~ate of the cnmpc n;atin nhirh hnu1'i of the Lass of 1915, the map or survey of the ju>tly be made Ity Pile Cite If Vets l ark to tltr land to he acq.ti;eil in this proceeding has been 1(.du(c')on mcner of the n.11 property ,~, acyuire~i lull• hi-d in the nice (if the Clerk of the County in thi n~rcciliuo. tel ha, trni:lr-V it tran;cribt f Bronx, acid each and every party and person of its estiMale ~It the niaur:lzcs Sl, asrertainc~l

interested to the real property' to he taken for and c,tlmatctI Saiti tran"iript if cstitnatr i, the purlI(~e of nlnemmmo and extending of Hill acc'ntt-'I~alticcl by the tlanlagc map a oil by the avenue from East 233d street to Bussiti;; avenue s,o , l ciurt ul, nu the trial if said proceenlinr:. au.i 1lnr(incl: rn- enue from Ea.t 233,1 street to alit ,t,,tc-, th, s -mewl sum, rrrpectit•ety uuiur.ibi Byisslr n; al aunt', in the Boron h of The Bronx, fr each parcel .h~mm n u ,;iii damage mill), with City of Now York, having ar,y claim or detnan 1 . tilt' ::minis- of the owner nr nwucr., sin far on account thereof, is hereby required to file his :i'ccrtoinecl, Said transcript of rstintate, d;tic--I laim hilly verified, describing the real property April .'6, 1'1'4. is signed be Ilan. kich;tr'l it

which the cl:timatlt owns nr in which inc is in- 11i!chrll, the Justice of the Suprctne l' lilt. terestecl• and his 1ostofiice alik7rv'ssl with the Clerk 1'rc~i~iin1 at the trial of the ontitici III' If the Cklint_a of Bronx on or before the 29th nonInri,, anal snch transcript if n- titnatc lent d,1v of luls, 1924, and to serve on the Corpora- J,am'(i by said lain-lye m:tp, t~,i;cthcr xith tb~ tine C,,un,cl of The City of New Pork, it his 1'lo-t, ullnn which the wine is base,l wal 1iic-1 ifllce, Ru~tm 1559, 15th floor, .uniciral Build- ' In the ')thee III[ the ('Icrk if the ('Atei1c r-i

in);, Bn"otigio r f Manhattan, City of Now York, oil nx art )lay 27, 1)24, for time inilpoed n I f in nr ynf')re the 2 oil day of lul;Y, 1924, a copy ns1nnnnsov-scr it may concern.

If such t- rritle~l c';tini, N(71'l('"F; it iiilRi:Ill F1'RTIII:R (711'1:A", Dated New York, Title 16, 192.1. that The ('itv n,f \etc A'urk or ally i n-rsou or

Gl•:0Rf;l-: 1'. NICIIOLS(2N, Corporation ('nun- I'm-rsnny wl.,:e ri hl nt;iy I' ;o7utc l is .iii

'rI, )luuicipal Lueenlirg, lit r mu~gii of Manhattan, Ircn,cript iii c'tlrnwin- old wil 1-my l il t ti,

\m-w' fork City. jy16.26 the ',t•nr ur in fart thcrn t, rn;iy within tiftrc ) , Inns after line tint Inthhcitinn it flit, relkl ml

in the hatter of the :Npp177wt7re of The ('it) Julc 17. 11124. set forth their n,lilrction, to the

of Now Yolk relative to wenniring title, ohcr " c' "t in rntnnnc, lull antic 1, in the nnnncr rcquneil Lt. laic f ,, r the nctificaln , n ml ,I(,n iltn O,

ct'cr the son e has not hoer hcrctoforc acquirc~l 1 1 -.

for the stone putpnse in fee to the reel prop nt' an :tote ~n ethn forth the oral rnpert:.

City nyniire~l for ill(' opening and extruoling of mart I lnc tilt, nDirctor, an~l hi; l~n<t , mtiicc alclrs' .

EF:A'ERI AVE\1'F: from Fa;tcmno bmsleoar2 ! an 'l Iii c the sane with the I Is of the I lints to Rim-ti-it aycnue, ill the loiiuuynil of The "f hires, and within the s,mte tills' .crcc 111)(111

Brans, (itr of \rw A'irk. the ('orpnrattun ('sunsci it "l he City of Ni - ti

\UI'1 x, it I of Ne 31- GIVEN, TH,1T BY A N A"ten• it his tTicti. R.ilun 1741, 17th tlnt~i,

urdcr of the ~ nilremr ('hurt of the State of I \funiripal Bui !ins, 13,rnu h of 1lanhattan, l'tty

' or 1 rk, hint luhcrtl 1)istriet, dotal Jolly S, i it Ac w 1' irk. r It The ('itt It Arw 1 Irk file,

1924, and dill,)- entere'l and filed in the office of nil;ccuitn, •ha'1 wrtllln the .ants- turne Bette nine

the Clerk of tlli Cuunty of Bronx on Iil.y 9 I the attr lit I till- tilt' cl t ntant: nun hnce ,tppe:cii

1'1 _'), t'ue .aplilicatiou of The Cityof few 1'nrk 1 Itcre;n, a copy of such vc rite I rijmaiwis.

o It till c1~ntperlsatimn which should jostle be \(11l( 'h: Iti }il:REf31' I-I RI'IIh;R ),I.V'E\,

matte to the respective ')tuners of the real prep n tile f rcu m tr that \1.n;'

~t~r I ns ~un,~ therc1

clftck erty prnl st'cl to ii' taken in the alive entitled I rids ,linp, ascrriaIneI1 iiii determined by the a c"ut el can hr hrarrf "ii la, n till I'nrlii,rttnm

l'nun~cl if The ('ity rif New York will apply , uprcn•.c Court without a jary, and to have till, cmt~t of the impr~mvemcnt assessed by the said IIIon d1ti:nr'i In )htctieiI, at tins o.tmbers,

court in accordance with the resolution of the ° (harm n I waft, titl uuh iii \1 mum h el

13nard of Estimate and App )r ionmrnt, adopted (its lit V'etc l~ ten t~; tix a time when anal ~herc

urn the 14th clay f December, 1024, was granted. sti'I Juhre mil( hear the perrties so objectutg.

NOTICE IS IIF:RF13 FUR'III1;R GIV'F:A, I Dalcd A'cw V'ark, Ielr 1i. I i24.

that nue<uant to section ]Olin) of the (;rcater New GF:OR),F. I'. NI('!tOLSO\. Cotpnraun ( ur-

1 (irk Charter, as amended by chapter 606 of '.m.:i. '11ut,icit'al Building, Conough of \l;umhattan-

the laws of 1915, the mail or stir e% of tilt land \cw York City. j , 17,LN

tam be acquired in this proceeding has been duly tiled in the office of the Clerk of the ('runty of In the Matter of the :App1icwiinn of The City IBninx, and el-in and et- era party and person iin- of New Y(lrk, relative to acquiring title to the tcre.tcd in the real property to lie taken for the elevated tailroaml structure, tracks, stations,

I'ur},nse t~f oprniut; and extending of Revere tlatforms, stairways and appurtenances of thi: avenue front F:astertt bnulecard to Rnosetc:t 1lauhattan Railway Company, or by whom>n- :tvetnte, in the Dnromnnh of The Bronx, City if eeer owned, in EAST 421) STREET. con-

\ctc Perk, ing any claim or demand on stitutiug the existing 421 STREET' S1.'TR, account thertof, is hereby required to tile his in the Borough of Manhattan, City of Nn-t+

claim duly verified, descnbing the real property York, and a!,n to acquire the right to ix-

which the claimant owns or in which he is in- tinguish all right, easements and franchises tcrested, and his pnstofiice address, with the of every nature nhatsoever of said Manhattan

Clerk of the Cotutty of Bronx on or before the Railway Cnnipany, or by w'hont,oen•cer owned,

29t1n day of July, 19-24, and to serve on the to construct, maintain and use said elevate-1

Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, railro2d structure, tracks, stations, p'atforris,

at Iris office, Room 1559, 15th floor. Municipal stairssays and appurtenances.

Hnnl1irK, Borough of Manhattan, City of New NOTICE IS HEREBY iv EN THAT A B11.1,




,''/YLr4N (Soo .u5 ,D( aoalts,R)BOULEYARD fi'OM Pl lY/NSONAYlNVFT(l AO5fMNA /TO `1PA/NS AYfNUE

5TE6'BfN 5TREET /71"1 HYldN90!/LLY4RD~sor W,Dr cQQ rr+rol TO R4A0YPlAl FANO

ufPLANA7t'#Y hV7T'

--- h~%rn/rr.`,t d r, re /r~iq aavprd v/a~ri~veu~sIre,4"' a 4ay/pW at017/hi

Cl IP/an —/m7Itra M' dslmrl .n rr aa /iMprcpr/y rnap

Cry cb~!1ee iaa-m'> otWi or lrrt/x-aa'go~td

Ad di/poi is -a/td ort M !rr/ wed a e /o M BRADY PL ACE ~►easru rd / c/ any4'c wflocmw/ /o /e• s'sw,- pN 5 Yf/&N 5TRf[T TO NYLANBGY/LfVAA'D '• .o eC•/ Alin ,6 ffbcn t of ore rtfrrei

BOROU6NOf R/Ch'MOND 1)k poti/tae of/t' a tirnr A r,QYr Q M t98 1

cW a»rwne c/nv g/.to If b cax/wt p;5 A'Aovml Di7r h r air ,frw'r rofmry

77 ay,na/ o!/br a8,9rn,, /J oe !/t /a /As

o/lirt o/ht8u htllo9ntnrAoom/JI7 NuthYip9/ 5.o/a%y

YoM' 4~r~r~ y1 9914

L2- (Ir( 1aor

f f L 1k Is 1).1 `t- , .11: Ll' 17, 1924. THE CITY RECORD. 5327

\I,cll,.'t:-i., in the ( -f \cw bark, 'nth 1 , : Inly, 1'.!!a, : 1i u'clock t❑•

~ r II ur 11 tc I:,%, nr s u thcrcattcr

t:i L. h t l tnv,e : , fir tax itic,n III l.-, c , .c,th it cr rtlL at of the (ot r,ratiun

l .n: I tl:.+, t! , >.ti I. f ci:. t charges :h the r, rnhrtr of tar l rpura

uhr tL rc' a, I.u11, 1 hu been d itcd

I, ti t`I rk of the ur.t; of .Aew

1 , Ih, r t ,c. t.,mn 1,,r an'i d:rnng the sl'acc ~„ ~I:,.; a, r,,~,u,,{ Lt lay.

()N(il-. 1'- .NIA II L~ ,i1A, tarp„- a'- fl G tin• I, 11ul~.rl 1U 1I, Borough of hIanhattan,

1 6 uy

li: t :c 1-i , f -Ise -lppliiatton r,1 The (ity of \ 1 k rr it.te t aa1uit1u utic, ts.lciccrr

stir 1 ,• lit I, n Kent i rc ac; „red o to

t IT , t L 1W TN ,rnl hcrel,tt,reflN reyuncd t- - -1 rprnc,;; anal cxt!- ndtug

1'. I, I! HI•!Ek A11,,MJ, ta',!hn, h mt yet

c nc„li, c1i ,c :t, t I rItN I fr'nn Bronx

k,.r ; t.. 11, : 'yes t, a, the >arne has hruii I] - ,.,i ~ ..t col ignatcd ac a hit

in tl;e ';th 11; rd, 1S r-

, ~h t 1 hr B ,s. City of New• \ ark, as

. Iri r-f the tinprrnu• ( -'uit of \I rk, F -~t Jl,i1JI I)IItrict,

crf th! her 1: and di'y rrteteI and

I c ! - ' a of the (1e,k „f the t -,aunty

i,~ nr dn (~ctu!~~ r „ 11)11 empowering

t t I]--n ncr; r t ]?~ttimate and A"c,sme it

I • t~ '- ; ;i.,. it thrrc,:t to awar-1 cunt-

.itI to Ii I cansc~l by the clo'ir,g

v I tin::.1t, t t (11;1 Cans Point road. l. fit. L:rw,cn,, I, e•iue, ()d Commonwealth

I, i ,il: blare and It ]ham road, in said

t!t 11 1, It t irch of 'I Ise 13ronx, Of of

\c e 1 h. want to ch;iptcr IOnr, of the

I, i s < I t' ?, :ld as further amended by an

I , , f 'lc 'r,l~rrme Court of the Stile of Vrr 1 , Fi-- t Jr.~'.icial Ie,trict, dated Octo-

lam, all din v catered and tiled in ti ' i~e rd tl t~l.elk of the County of Bronx

[l;t -r 14, '91k, ~ as to fitrtItcr empower r ni tf ~1?~tim;~te and Asse>sment

Ii Trt~t,-n ;tp;(I,nt-d thcrcin to award corn t iu"'n i'Ir donr.,grs ea115(1 by the closit:g

tI_j IHcl-naInudnL0 of OId Clason's Point road t o d, 11tN n ;iccnue ;and Sauna \ few- are-

i I ail 2 ill 11 aril, Borough of Tile

It- 00 I -ilc of N(, ,c rk, par iiant In cha;it1,r I I . of 1.:',:

,I It II H Ill-:R:.M, (;1 l:N THAT A BII.I- i , .t-, ch - , And ex!,i ii s liegrmd IIy

1' ti I it r .,.., .cc ent-rl prncee'li,tt; trill he pre-

1 i„ t th I'rtices (If 111(1 Supreme

; I i t t!i,- t _ti of Ncw• \ Tk• 1' first lurlicial

t,—ii , .t .i Cl it 'Item thin-of fi r the hear. n.i:n, t r 1,c1,1 at the County Court

- tfi. to ,,nevi of The Itrr,nx, in the :y f N, tc Yot , in the 221 day of fitly,

it 1i, u'cl , cl: in the forcnnon of that day,

111 n thei alter a counsel can he heard

!!r , I r tgtr.iIi n in aceonlance with the t .;r ..t fh tnrp- r:tp n ('0T,mset, and that

t o ! bill „f r -t~, , 1;,ages anal espen1ee with t?,-- c°rtiti, a1,, r,f the C rp~,rati IT (rnnrel thereto

,,1 " H has ! rc n ~le}ite I in the Office of the 1 H , k f the Cr - m'v of Bronx, there to remain

I .-- i , 1 lit eg the space of ten days as required

I i , \* ( in Y I;r. i , ,lv 1fi, l4. (;I• tMo,E- I'. \It lit ll_- N, (urpnration ('nun-

- 5to1e:,~.,1 fitiL l,nu, Borunoh of Manhattan, \cw Au:k I it}- . jyIQ,20


:1pl,lication to (Dart to ('oudemn Property.

to il,• AltI,r (It ,c'.,' :1pp;ictin of 'IIe (- itv of \ t ~„ik in.-!! - t aqislnnu tile, wIle:( cr 1, r. tic h;i, no hen illrct,t,irr a tiirc'l lr ii mac ; lit I - to ire, to tan real property

:n, I i~ r -Ii. nl~, n,ug did ext,-rnlinq ni 1111,,\ I'sIIt IlHllIEI Ii )rLF:VA1121) fn iii 1', tkr

it ;ire, :;c I.: III , Tbank Gimki,is) acc-

n r TF.I Ith:A S'IhF:I:'I' itom Ili:an ISunth- H I I IOul, t it l -. lirrr'.y plte-, anal IiKal)1' fL 1C}: Ill t: ,,Len 'beet to 11'1ar, ~ South- soil 1,x, , ,1, rani II the Jtomisgh of lichmgil, „ „f New

VOi' t F; IS IIEkE:lsl' GI\ E•;A T11AT AN

.;. 0 -o1 will to mule at a Special Tern for hr h ;irn,:: -,t Cl. 1, r,s tit the SMirnir ( ,ntrt of

I ,.,tc cot Nf I% 1, ,I,l. tircontl JmlIcril I)INtrict, h , ',I ni :illI'n Cmunty of King;,, at the t

n, tOO:t Ili i” in tl,c llrtuis4h of lhuoklyr,

I! nI \ev 1c,rk, ou tip • nth day of I ,, i'4, it the : penis;q of the count on that a,-. r r, ,.:,n ,kcrcattcr :r< cu unmrl can hr

Ii .o 1 Ihr,e •n, t:, !t15e the curnpiIi :itien which ,, , )n- t l% I r n In to the rctice owucrs

f C ,-..a ptq"rcl Jr e I to he ar,lt:-rev for --1 h .1 11%, iii lit cr T1,011iI and dctertniuc~l iv

vii -1'it!nr (cut w,tb .oft a Jury, and to have -t cif - ich in,prurc mint ;tc~sc~l by the

.1 I c kart ;,' her,-it; iftcr pct fo_th, in acc,, nlance nl 'I of t!ic Boar.i of ] tuiiatc aucl

1H Hrt4e'l It I I c ulIc :urd rv;-r. f the iml'roVentent

I : nli r , II-,l ., the ac lui'iti n of title in fee tl r r -a'. in ;'c-tv rr~;.ti:cd for the opening anll

etc, n,, of Ely- iii i S ntb'ideI hr'ulevard front

hi' n a. ti ac, tow t , Re•n :ink (Tompkins) ave- n, t ; 'tI -,It, if >tn t trill lit'lan (S iithsirfc)

iii , ! 1{i - a l ln- and Ilr:ily Lice from ', 1. rt --t to It :-tn (S,rtthside1 boric info in

hr l rou l r f k -hut ml. City of Ncw• York. 'I h,, r-al pn,pc,ty, tit'e to which is to be acquire-I,

t\ n, ,c I-i°ir-, ,,tl., Ilion jell and dr-criLcd as Iio - to tiara

11 IN hilt'!P.1'ARn.

11c; ru,.nh at IT Ipint in the caste,ly line of I'.,:k, ,;;n ri-ms( v,here tl,e same is iWte-reetcd I,- the <oulhr-rly li•te f lvyvstn huulevard prolnnked c, , . tl,t t,rr ui,r'h, :;v a:tong the said easterly lrc E';,r4in,n - i -. - ii ,:,• It distance of llll feet; u.- ,cI I .11! ,,i tt I Ir•Ilrctinc to the right 90 ;c t;rr, :S :irinutes ' I seconds a di_,tarice of

t) fctt. ehen:e still northcastcrly cur•.:ng to ti-;r 1 t and tangent to the preceding • coarse on Ii:'- c if ,i circle the radius of which is 675 tfI_:: Ii:;-inrc of 15 9 .71 Sect; thence sutitheaster'y cu,,, tilu ruli.rrgati n if the radius of the -In-cI ig coupe a di,t;nice of (ii feet; thence

:.uh,vt•,t.!tl) caning to thin left on the are if a inc c the r,ulius it which is (0 feet and the iv- of Which lies in the southeasterly pro- , ,::r i n if the 'rt cr''lirg course a distance of

I i i I ' ft t; thence southcasterly curving to the -:0l t r r the arc of a circle the radius of which - "I 17 fe,t anal f,rmang a res- erse carve with b ; r -clitut cnu;~c it distance of 100.83 feet; h, nc st:hl i :uthcast-•rly artd tangent to preceding

ire a rli,tance r f 91).13 feet; thence still tithe; >tcrly nun' iii to the right and tangent

th pried ug :mor=e ,, the arc of a circle ILe rIlius f,f us- bud - is its feet a distance of

fey t; there^ I it southeasterly art] tangent ii the br i-i-liuig c, arse a distance of 336.45 feet; hcccr eater V e,.ry l tt to the left and tangent

t(, thy• pnccling _n,irse tin the arc of a circle file r; airs of which is 525.02 feet a distance of

tit- t; thence nc, rthea~terly curving to the left I , I .c ire of n circle the r:,rlius of which is S1(1.11

feet aril firming a competmd curve with the _n;eccd- iig course a ilictanre of 276.16 feet; thence north-

t,esterly din irg to the it-ft on the arc of a nil he tie radoIs of stitch is 100 feet and forming a ctn I turd curve with the preceding course a ciktan i , of 1-15.63 feet to the prolongation of the

IIII'l ,l ,•e! widened southwc~terly line of Firtger-I,uarcl Woad; thence still nurthwestcrly along the 'iii prolongation of the proposed wr,tened south -

irsterly line of hingrrhrard toad and tangent

to the preceding course it distance of 133.74 test; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right a dtancc of Ku fort to the proposed north-

ea,trr!y it time! line of 1-ingcrt>„ard road; thence rtrr,v curvnig to tic It It aucl tangent to the .al I l,rolloled northeastcrl v w ideneil lme of F Inger-hn:,r,t road in the arc of a circle the radius if winch 1, 1(10 feet a distance if j597 feet ; thence r.,,rthcry curv.11g to the left on the arc of it circle the radn,s of which is 275 feet an;': foranng s crnput;nd curse with the preceding course a ~li ,tance .t 226.7o feet; thence still northerly and t:n c lit to the preceding course' a cl,-tance of 4r1.4' feet; thence still northerly din hg to the let .utd t ngcnt to the preceding cull: se on the arc of a ciro e the radius of which is _'lit) feet a I, ,t;,ncc of I09 65 feet; thence northwesterly cin•;:ug to the right nu the arc of a circle the

I radio, it which Is 1,4,5!1 tent and forming a retrne curve with the preceding course a distance cif hit i l feet; thence still Worthwisteely and (lit-g,'rt to the preceding course a drtauee it 24.'4 7 fcct; tltrncc stiff uorthwecterly curving t Il:e right aril tangent to the prcccd1II', course on tilt, arc i I a circle the radius of which is 2,451) feet a rl,'t.tnce of 30,3.79 feet; thence still north-isc,teriy rind tangent to the preceding course a ~li't.race of .10(1.55 feet; thence northerly deflecting to the right 15 degrees 9 mintues 23 seconds a

dhtt:rice of 273.36 feet; thence still northerly rlrt!,,cnicg to tilt, right 9 degrees 57 minutes 15 ccm k ,t di<t;trace of 516.2d feet; thence north-

I castcrly corviug to the right and tangent to the pre•ec•~ling cuur'e on the arc of a circle the radius of which is 711(I feet a distance of 58121 feet; thercr '-till northeasterly and tangent to the pre-cc,i,uti nurse a distance of 514.35 feet ; thence ,till u, nlheatsteily curving to the right and tangent to the preccliI C course on the arc of a circle the radius of which is Si0 feet a distance of vi S( feet; thence still northeasterly tangent to

the pre-ceiing course a distance of 1,065.40 feet: thruce still northea.,terly deflecting to the left 4 ~ienres 7 minutes 46 seconds a distance of 91.98 feet; thence still northeasterly deflecting to the left 41 degrees 18 minutes 48 seconds a distance of i 5.11 feet to the proposed southwesterly wriroo (I line of Tomtpkin, avenue; thence north-iv - tt rly deflecting to the left 41 degrees IS min-t,tc, It,, seconds along the said proposed south-ii I ierly itidcued lmc of Tompkins avenue a ,li-Voice of 24.`19 feet; thence nurthea terly deflect- lug to thin right 8b dcgres 45 miutrtes 211 seconds

a di,t;once of 7.51 fret to the present southwesterly

lint rt Tompkins accuuc; thence southeaster'y deflecting to the right 93 degrees 14 minutes 40 •ces.:, l, along the said prescut southwesterly line-if Tompkins avenue a distance of I 702 feet to tilt' present southerly line of Ycnttsylvania -items(; thence northeasterly deflecting to the left +3 (itvrecs 14 minutes 40 seconds along the I resent soutlierly line of Pennsylvania avenue a tli- iiinc of 67 ti feet ; thence southwesterly Ii t'r-cling to the right 175 degrees 5? minutes It cn~l, ;o;inllel to and distant 100 feet south-

c;t-terly front Course No. 29 a distance of 20i.57 fart; thence still southwestcr:y deflecting to the right 24 degrees 7 minutes 46 seconds parallel to anJ distant 1111 feet southeasterly from Course N 28 a di>tance of 1,069 feet thence still s iiIliwrcterlh curving to the left and tangent to the prececliug course on the arc of a circle the

I adius of which is 751) feet parallel to and di'girt 1110 feet from Course No. 27 a distance of 221.64 feet ; thence still so,rthwesterly and tall cnt to the preceding course parallel to and distant loo feet southeasterly from Cutn-e No. 26 a iiistance of 514.35 feet; thence still southwest . r'. - ciirving to the left and tangent to the pre ceil mg course nu the arc of a circle the radius

ref iiiich is t,00 feet parallel to and distant lfil) feet southe.istcily from Course No. 25 a distance of 498.18 lcct; thence southerly and tanget:t to the preceding course parallel to and diotatrt 101 f , c-t iHt rlv from [nurse No. 24 a distance of 573.',,, feet; thence still southerly cursing to the left and tangent to the preceding course on the ,re of a circle the radius of which is 400 feet

rli,tance of 175,31 feet; thence southeasterly n,h t4rnncm to the preceding course parallel to

v ial llitgirt lilt) feet easterly from (noise No. 2 2 a ,h,taiiie of 3111.55 feet: thence still southeasterly :nrving to the left ❑nd tangent to the preceding

ur:r nn the arc of a circle the radius of which It 2,350 fcct parallel to and distant II'0 feet

I ; surly front Course No. 21 a di,tattcc of 296.18 icet; thence still southeasterly and tangent to thin prrcedine cone<e parallel to and distant 100 I , ,•1 ca,tcrly from ('nurse No. 20 a distance of 1'') feet; thence still southeasterly cursing ter the Ii it anti tangent to the preceding course nn the a -r of a circle the radius of which is 1,351) fit larallcl to and distant 100 feet easterly from (_r n, ,e No. 19 a distance of 559.50 feet; thence till smtthcastcrly and tangent to the ltrccerlinq

cour-e a distance of 54,45 feet; thence easteele can tug to the left and tangent to the preceding c,ursn nn the arc of a circle the radius of which i. 21'~i feet a distauce of 184.5'_ feet to the pro-jt c h mslhwesterly widened line of Fingerlioird ro:ol: thence southeasterly along the prolongation of the radiuls of the preceding course a distance

of ;I) fort to the proposed southeasterly widened

lice cf F'iii erbnarI road ; thence southwesterly Icilrct'it 90 degres to the right along the pro-rti ati n of the said proposed southeasterly iii~lrneI line of Fingerboard road a distance if !!'1.91 feet; thence uesterlv ctun:n.g to the Irft hill tangent to the lo-ccu~liug course on the are

n circle the radius of which is 125 feet a ~llltnnct of 103.81 feet; thence southerly and tangent to the preceding course parallel to and I, fnitt 1(1-1 feet easterly from Course No. 17 a (list once of 550.67 feet; thence still southerly carting to the right and tangent to the preceding

curse on the arc of a circle the radius of which i- (,50 feet a distance of 207.95 feet to the 1,rn bleat ion of the proposed easterly widened line ur Sand lane; thence still southerly and tangent to the preceding cour e a`ong the prolongation of the said proposed easterly widened line of Sand lane a distance of 240.36 feet; thence westerly ill fleeting 90 degrees to the right a distance of 715 feet to the proposed wecterIv widened line of Sand lane; thence still westerly curving to the left and tangent to the said proposed westerly widened line of Sand lane on the are of a circle the radius of which is 28 feet a distance of 76.9; feet; thence still westerly curving to the right nn the arc of a circle the radius of which is 910.11 feet and forming a reverse curve with the preceding course parole! to and distant 100 feet southerly from Course No. 11 a distance of 297.74 feet; thence northwesterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle the radius of which is 625.02 feet and forming a compound curve with the preceding course parallel to and distant 100 feet southerly from Course No. 10 a distance of 777,11 feet: thence still northwesterly and tangent to the preceding course parallel to and distant 100 feet from Course No. 9 a distance of 336.45 feet; thence still northwesterly curving to the left and tangent to the preceding course on the are of a circle the radius of which is 675 feet parallel to and distant 100 feet southerly from Course No. S a distance of 294.81 feet; thence still northwest-erly and tangent to the preceding course parallel to and distant 100 feet southerly from Course

No. 7 a distance of 919.13 feet; thence westerly Curving to the left and tangent to the preced'nte course on the are of a circle the radius of which is 721.17 feet parallel to and distant 100 feet southerly from Course No. 6 a distance of 374.91 feet; thence southwesterly and tangent to the

1;'c-ceiling cursc parallel to and distant 100 feet sc,utherlr from i. iir,e No. 2 a distance of .8929 fret to thl• tastt-rI- line of 1'arkinsun avenue at the print of Ireg,nning.

•I'hc lines it lfylan boulevard hercinhefore tic-scrile-1 are shown on a map entitled: "711ap show-,rig 5outh,ide boulevard trout Parkinson avenue to Tumpk,ns accrue; (love avenue from South-s,!- boulevard to Fmgertxrard road; Fingerboard :toad frr,m inuthside huulevard to (love avenue; t-ti-ubrn si red from ) outhside boulevard to Brady place, and Itrad; place 'rom Southside iii tiles ard

to Jtc-cbcn street, in the Fourth lkard, Borough of 1 ichmnd, the City of New York, dated \nvcmLrr s, 1922," which was adopted by the Hoard of Estimate and Apportionment April b, 1`+25. and appnnel by the Mayor April to 1923, :rn~l ti c•d a, follows: In the Office of the I'resi- clu,t of the Borough of Richmond on July 9, 1''?; in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richn,oud on July 10, 19.'3, and in the office ,f i the (.orporanon Counsel of The City of New 1 irk on July 9, 1923.

STcunF:N 'sTREF.T A%U BRADY Pt-Ate. Beginning at a point iii Course :No. 7 on the

north site of Ifylan b~,ulevard, as hereinbefore de~cribtfl, and distant 115.98 feet northwesterly tram the snuthcastcrIy extremity of said course; theater northwesterly along said Course No. 7 a distance if 122.82 feet: thence northeasterly do fleeting to the right 1'i degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds a distance of 561.53 feet; thence still northeasterly dcllecting to the left 16 degrees 36 minutes I second a distance of 455.69 feet to

the proposed widcued southerly hue of Finger-board road; thence northerly Deflecting to the Iitt 20 degrees 14 minutes 29 seconds a distance of 93.23 feet to the proposed widened northerly line of Fingerboard road; thence unrthwesterly deflecting to the left 14 degrees 21 minutes I second a distance of 290.42 feet; thence still Wortlincsteriy deflecting to the left I1 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds a distance of 402.34 feet; thence Wrtbcrsterly deflecting to the right 35 degrees 15 minutes 3 seconds a distance of 888.77 fret to the northerly extremity of Course No. 23 on the westerly side of iiylan boulevard herein-before described; thence southerly deflecting 149 degrees 31 minutes 47 seconds to the right along said Course No. 23, its entire length as Oicett in the pre\'ious technical description, a di=tanec of 273.36 (eet; thence westerly dcttict-iug to the right 97 dcgrecs 39 minutes 25 seconds

at distance of 41,`I0 feet; thence southc;rsterly detlecting to the ItIt b7 degrees 11 minutes 1_ sccuuds parallel to and distant IOU feet rast-crly front Course No. 7 a dtstatine ut 4 b.8.3 feet; thence still southerly CUISiiig to the left sod tangent to the preceding course tin lice arc of a circle, the radius of which is 340.93 trot, a distance of 209.75 feet; thence southeasterly ,and

tangr•ut to the precedn,g course parallel to and distant IUU feet ea-terly front Course No. b a distance tit 272Ab feet; thence suutlleasterly dr-drehng to the r,glit 11 dcgites 39 u;n,utcs 13 sea,nus parallel Ii and il,staict IIIU feet e•a>terly trom Course \u. 5 a dist,ince nt 411 1.50 feet to the proposed widened northerly line tit Ftngt-r-board road; thence South"v'tcrly detivering to the right 3) degrccs -19 minutes 43 sicuuds a u]utance- of tiu..ib feet to the proposed wicleued southerly lute of I'ingerbaeil roar(; thence still suutintesterly dcticcting to the left 5 degrees 14 minute, 13 srcund, pirralle1 to and distant loll feet easterly from Course Nu. 3, a distance of 451.47 feet; thence still southwcstcrly dcticrtiug to the right 16 ilegTees ,?b m,uutc•s I sciuncl parallel to and distant lUU fret svuthrasterly

from Cuure Ni. 2 a distance u! 5od.S1 ti-et to the pint it beginning.

The lines tit Stcuhen street and Brady place heieinhe•fure dcscrihed arc shown on a tt,ap en-titled "11ap showing a ch;rnge' in the lines of 5tcuhcn Sticct from llylan Boulevard to Brady Place and Brady I'Ixc from Steul)cn Sticct to Ilyl.m Boulevard, ,n the Furth 11'ard, Borough of Richmond, 'I lie City of New York," dated lulu I I, 1 1 23, whirlr was adopted by the lia,il of f•:stimate and .1pp,rtiunmeut February' 1, 1421, and approved by the Jlayor 1'ebruary 1.1, 1924, tncl tile-d ,❑ the office of the President of the Buetugh of Richmond on July 5, 1924; in the uttice of the Clerk of the County of Richmond .in July 5, 1'124, and in the other of the Corpora -tiull Counsel of The City of New York ou July 5, 1924.

The Board of E,Iinaate and Apportionment by resolutions ail„ptcd May 2 5 , 1923, and stay ' 1924, determined, pursuant to the provil,iuns of

section 247 of the Greater New York Charter, as afretnled, that 20 per cent. of the entire cost and expense of this proceeding be placed upon The City of New York; 20 per cent. upon the Borough of Richmond, and the rculaining 61) per cent. upon the area of a,sessmeut shown tin the fellow,ng diagram:

the taxes on the real property of said City and Borough in the same year, and if not detcnniiieil in time, the same shall be levied and cullectcc with the taxes of the suceeding )ear.

Dated New York, July 14, 1924. GEORGE P. NICHOLSON, Corporation Court.

set, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. jyl4.24

the saute purpose in fee, to the real property required for the public park bounded by Grand-view avenue, Stanhope street and Linden Hill Cemetery, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York,


That all such cost and expense to be borne by said City of New York and Borough of Richmond, shall be levied and collected with the taxes upon the real property in said City and Borough becoming due and payable in the year

in which such cost and expense shall have been fixed and detertesined, provided such cost and ex-pense be ascertained in time to be included with

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for

Notice to File Claims.



The person or persons making a bid for any service, work, materials or supplies for The City of New York, or for any of its departments, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services for which the hid is made, with his or their name or names and the date of presentation to the President or Board or to the head of the Department at his or its office, on or before the date and hour named in the advertisement for the same,at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened by the President or Board or head of said Department and read, and the award of the eon-tract made according to law as soon thereafter as practicable.

Each bid shall contain the name ant place of residence of the person making the same, and the names of all persons interested with him therein, and, if no other person he so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made without any connection with any other per-son making a hid for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud and that no member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereto, or clerk therein, or otherofficer or em-ployee of The City of New York is, shall be, or become interested, directly or indirectly, as con -tracti';g party, partner, stock holder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the con-tract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of The profits thereof. The bid must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the bid that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true.

No bid will be considered unless, as a condition precedent to the reception or consideration of such bid, it be accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or National banks or trust com-panies of the City of New York, or a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money or corporate stock or certificate of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the security required in the advertisement to the amount of not less than three nor more than five per centura of the amount of the bond required, as provided in section 420 of the Greater New York Charter.

All bids for supplies must be submitted in duplicate.

The certified check or money should not be inclosed in the envelope containing the bid, but should be either inclosed in a separate envelops. addressed to the head of the Department, Presi-dent or Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation of the bid.

For particulars as to the quantity or quality of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifiea-ticns, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said office of the President, Board or Department.

No bid shall be accepted from or contrail awarded to any person who is in arrears to Thq City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon an cbliesl~on of be City.

The contract must be bid for separately. The right is reserved in each case to reject all

bids if it is deemed to be for the interest of thi City so to do.

Bidders will write out the amount of their bids in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Bidders are requested to make their bids upon the blank forms prepared and furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Department for which the work is to be done or the supplies are to be furnished. Plans and drawings of construction work may br awes there.


\ 1 ,TI('F: is Ilf:ltl.IV' GIVEN THAT, BY AN ( ler lof the Sul runic ( -urt of the State of

\rw Yo"Ik, )II JwIicial Ui1trict, dated June 2', 1_-. an,' (IV entree] and filed in the office

flit l 1c rk of the County of Queens on June ., i2;, the Up.:cton of The City of New

1„rk r the cumpcn,atiun which should fly Ir m.t-Ic t.i the respective owners of the

gaI l r llrrtN to he taken in the above- c,,titicd ct-r& asccrtaiued and determined by if(' Sur(mr (,utt without a Jury, and to have 1l c- u t c t the ITl Ito Wntut as (C l by the sail

u ir, acc,,ni.,urr with the rcwlut on of the it .a, .i 'l F:m.~te :,nd Ap., rtiunment adopted on , t') , I.,y ,.f O(ter, I'i23, was granted.

\(t7I11•, I5 IIF:REltl F1'RTIl1.;R GIVEN ,t, Ioc'aant to secltun Il1UU of the Greater

\, w , rk t honer, ,n yrecmicet by chapter ((JO

,I the Laws of 1915, the map or survey of the rt to I, linrcd IN this proceding has been : tiled the otlice of the Clerk of the „uit: ul llucrru, ,,od e.tch and every party l peru n tere,tcl In the real property to be

kc a t the ] uhlic park hounded by Grandview \ iuir, tnihy c trcet and I,tmlen Bell Ceme -

Icn, m the It ,cu(h of Queens, City of New . h.Iv mz any c ;tiro or demand on account

tlr . i, (J (,y required to file his claim,

Nc font, h ,cnhrng the real property which

iFc lun ant wns or in which he is interested, l lu, I' .'t it e address, with the (lark of the

otu .,t r lure ns 00 or before the 231 day of

Ii , 1x.1, to l tc Berne on the Corporation iii.cI t file City of Ni' Fork, at his office,

I( , .nc r , , (th i „r, Municipal Building, ( ourt II ,., -• Iir,,n, Lung I=land City, Borough of 4 i,-crr, ( it t I New lock, on or before the

lute, a copy of such verified


Itte-L c,v t'cork, July I1, 1924. 1.1tkt l: 1. AIC1101 SON, Curperation Court tiIrj,cipa; ltuih'ing, Borough of Manhattan,

(•]i cat \cw fork. Jyll,22

I the M,ittvr of the Application of The City , d s lurk relative to acquiring title, when ever t'cc sire has not been heretutore acquired t„ all ,.orn ri.t for the purpose of a sewer in a strip et I;tnEl extending frunr Cannon avenue

uich of Chrl,ca Creek, at Linoleuniville, hu on upoi a trap approved by the Board

,t L,timate ant Appurtionnteut on June , '3,in :Inc Borough of Richmond, City

o \u Y, -k

l! Il 1. is Ili'REBF GIVEN THAT BY AN rdeh

`i w 1r„r nkt, t~"cr i11 Judicial Distrif State

t, d atedJune -, 4. at,, I tluly entered and filed in the t o r f the (-'9 i k f the County of Richmond

et tune !u, 't9.,4, the application of The City of •w l'oik to :lace the compensation which should

ju.tic I n i e to the respective owners of the r, it pr; ray proposed to be taken in the above entitl(d pr)cceding, a<certained and determined lot ul , rc~nr l'nurt without it jury, and to lce the cost ;of the improvement assessed by t e :ul (•kart in accordance with the resolution of the R ,ar l , f E timate and Apportionment,

c tedl on the th play of September, 1923, was if toted,

Nt1 F1' 'F 1 HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, t t it pur'uant to seetirn 10011 of the Greater New ) , rk ('iiarter. as vnended by chapter 606 of the I.-ws of 19l>, the asap or survey of the land To be acquire,!in this proceeding has been duly

tiled in the utlire of the Clerk of the County of i ichmeitd, auo1 each and every party and person

ere tel in the real property to be taken for an e,emcut f,)r tl. lwrpose of a sewer in a strip

f l o l estrid,nl font ('atinnn avenue to a hr inch If ('he',ea ('reek, at Linoleumviile, as sh icn u;, nn .t map approved b_y the Board of F,rirnafe and Apperlinnment on June 22, 1923, i I the Bnrnirh f kirhmnnol, City of New York, lac iti ao:y dLlire o r demanol on account thereof,

hr ii; require,l t file his claim duly verified, dr"ri-if,ii0i the real pr,pertv' which the claimant ov no nor in 0 hi, h he is interested, and his post - rt=irc aollri .l,ith the Clerk of the County of Ii. rinn on I r it rr before the 23d day of July, 1924. aril to serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City f New York, at his office, Room

l th ilr. r, Municipal Building, Borough of M tuliatoo, (Sty of New York, on or before the 231 lao of Judo, 10 24, a copy of such verified C I a im.

ibted New York. July 1I, 1924. (;F1IR(GI•: I'. NICHOLSO N, Corporation Coun-

Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, ( icy c'f New 1 cork. jy11,22

In the matter et The Application of The City of New 'irk rclaticc to acquiring title, wherever the ,;rnic has not Lien heretofore acquired for the tam, t llr(ose in fee, to the real property reynired for the puUlic park bounded by 155th ( 15th) street, 2'ith I Bayside) avenue, 159th ,trert and 32J (M)rtle) avenue, and for the •pc ill ug and cis.te ii! ing of 29th (Baysidc) avenue from 1, th street to 159th street, 32t1 (Myrtle) accnur from IStth street to 159th street, 157th 'tract from 2')th (Bayside) avenue to 32d (M yrt e) avenue and I5)th street front 29th (Bacsi,le) avenue to 324 (1il rtle) avenue, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.

I'm( E 1S JIEREBV GIVEN THAT, BY AN nlcr of the Supreme Court of the State of

^;o w 1- ork, c i i Judicial District, dated June 27, 1'i'4, :uul duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the l'ounty of Queens on June 2, 1124, the application of The City of New

( , rk to harp the compensation which should jr-tiv be m:u!e to the respective owners of the r tl pri,perty prued to lie taken in the above-entitled pooeetlling ascertained and determined by ti- Supreme Court without a jury, and to have t 1 cu,t of tie irnprus'ement assessed by the said eI rt m accordance with the resolution of the I',c.r! of E~tiniate and Apportionment adopted on till, _d day f Nuvembcr, 1923, was granted.

N(TI, E H HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN tlit, pursuant to section 1000 of the Greater New

c0k t'ltarter, a amended by chapter 606 of the I ;: w, of 1915, the neap or survey of the landto 1w acyttircd in toil proceeding has been duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, artI eacl', and every party and person interested in the rt-Ii pm(erty to be taken for the public p0 -k bounded l,y 155th (15th) street, 29th (Bayside) a,- -hut-, 15'sth sl rert and 32d (Myrtle) avenue, an I for the o(icr.:ng and extending of 29th (Bay-s, e) acr:tue from 15)th street to 159th street, 32 I IM:' t'e) aoeouc from 156th street to 159th s.Iret, Dell street from 29th (Bayside) avenue t,I 321 i iiyrtiei avenue and 159th street from 2 s-h tR:ii lII]O avenue to 324 (Myrtle) avenue, In the B, ,rouoh of Queens, City of New York, hoeiite* ace claim or demand on account thereof, i> hereby required to file his claim, duly verified, Ii'erihin.g the real property which the claimant :Arc or in which he is interested, and his post- o ficr aI.lress, with the Clerk of the County of Leeds inn or hcfore the 234 day of July, 1924, a i I to serve un the Corporation Counsel of The ( i°y of New 1'erk, at his office, Room 606, 6th ti r, MjitiIcipil Building, Court House square, long l,land City, Borough of Queens, City of .A'rw ''o-k, on or before the 23d day of fully, 1'+'4, a copy of such verified claim.

fated, New York, July 11, 1924. 1;EOR ,E P. NICHOLSON, Corporation Court-

sel, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. jyll,22

Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to File Objections.

in the Matter of acquiring title by The Cit- ( I , c )-ork to certain lanls and ei rns;ses located on the northerly side of DECATUR STREET, west of Lewis avenue, adjoining the premises of Public School 35, in Block 1674, ou the tax maps of the Borc,ugh of Brooklyn, duly selected as a site for school purl es, according to law.

NO TICI? IS HEREBY GIVEN TO TIIE owner or owners respectively, entitled to or

interested in the real property', title to which is sought to he acquired in the above proceeding and to all others whom it niay concern, to wit: That the Supreme Court of the State of New fork, at a Special Term for Trials, held in and for the County of Kings, has, after considering the testimony and proofs offered by The City of New York and the parties and persons who have appeared in the above proceeding, completed its esttnrate of the compensation which should justly be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property so acquired in this proceeding, and has prepared the transcript of its estimate of the damages so ascertained and estimated. Said transcript of estimate is accompanied by the damage map used by said court upon the trial of said proceeding and states the several sums respectively estimated for each parcel show-ti on said danxtge map, with the names (if each owner, so far as ascertained. Said transcript of estimate, dated the 30th day of June, 1924, is signed by lion. John MacCratc, the Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceeding, and said transcript accompanied by said damage neap, together with the proofs upon which the stung is based, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the Ist day of July, I°24, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern.

NOTICE IS IIEREL'1' F'LJRl'li'ER GIVEN that The City of New York or any person or persons whose rights may be affected by said transcript of estimate and who may object to the same or any part (hereof may within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice, on the 15th day of July, 1924, set forth their idb

iections to the same in writing, duly verified ill the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real tosperty owned by the objector, an,l his l ist-:,ITice address, anal tile the same with the Clerk

i f the County of Kings, and within the same time serve upon the Corporation Counsel of The ('its- of New 'lock, at his office, No. 153 Pierrc-punt street, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New )' c o r k, ;I copy of such verified of )ectinns,

NOTll F; IS HEREBY FUIrTh'ER GIVEN that cut the 31st day of July, 1924, at ten o'clock in the furenon of that day, or as soon thereafter

,ts a,unsel ran be heard thereon, the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York will apply to Hon. John MacCrate, the Justice of the Supreme Court, signing said transcript of estimate or

tentativ decree, at his chambers in the Kings County Court House, in the Borough of Brook-iyu, City of New York, to fix a timle when said Justice will bear the parties so objecting.

Dated New York, July 15, 1924. GEURGI' I', NICHOLSON, Corporation Coun-

sel, 153 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, N. 5

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening and extending NEW UTRECHT AVE-NUE from 81st street to 86th street, subject to the rights of the Nassau Electric Railway Com-

pany and the New York Municipal Railway Corporation; and of 82D STREET from Bay 16th street to New Utrecht avenue, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL parties interested in the above entitled proceed'

ing, as follows: First-That the above named court. after con-

sidering the testimony andproofs submitted on the trial of the above entitled proceeding, has completed its estimate of the compensation which should be tirade by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding, and has made an assessment of the value of the benefit and ad-vantage of the improvement to the respective owners of the real property within the area of assessment for benefit as fixed and determined by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 28th day of January, 1921, and that the tentative decree of said court as to awards for damage and as to assessments for benefit was signed on the 23d day of June 1924, by Hon, Russell Bene-dict, Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceeding, and was filed with the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 30th day of June, 1924, for the inspection of whomsoever it rtesy concern,

Second-That the said court has assessed all the real property within the area of assessment fixed and described as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on the 28th day of January, 1921, and the said area of assessment i ncludes the parcels of real property situate and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of 84th street where it is intersected by a line bisectin g the angle formed by the intersection of the prolongations of the southeasterly line of I 711 avenue and the northwesterly line of Bay 16th street as these streets are laid out north of 84th street, and running thence northeastwardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with the centre line of 81st street; thence south-eastwardly along the centre line of 81st street to the intersection with a line at right angles to 81st street and passing through a point on its south-westerly side midway between New Utrecht ave-nue and 18th avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line at right angles to 81st street to the intersection with a line midway between 81st street and 82d street as these streets are laid out where they adjoin 18th avenue; thence southeastwardly along the said line midway be-tween 81st street and 82d street to a point distant 100 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of 18th avenue; thence southwestwardly and always distant 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of 18th avenue to the intersection with a line midway between 82d street and 83d street; thence southeastwardly along the said line midway between 82d street and 83d street to a point distant 100 feet northwest-erly from the northwesterly line of 19th avenue; thence southwestwardly and parallel with 19th avenue to the intersection with a line midway be-tween 84th street and 85th street; thence south-eastwardly along the said line midway between g4th street and 85th street to a point distant 100 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of 19th avenue; thence southwestwardly and parallel with 19th avenue to the intersection with a line midway between 85th street and 86th street; thence southeastwardly along the said line midway between 85th street and 86th street to the inter-section with the prolongation of a line midway between Bay 23d street and 20th avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway be-tween Bay 23d street and 20th avenue, and along the prolongation of the said line to a point distant 100 feet southwesterly from the south•

westerly line of 86th street; thence northwest' wardly and parallel with 86th street to the in-tersection isitl: a line midway between Bay 2_l street and Bay 23d street; thence sotrthweslwardly along the said line midway between Bay 22d street and Bay 23d street to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the prolongations of the southwesterly line of 86th street and the northeasterly line of Benson avenue as these streets are laid out between Bay 22d street and Bas 23d street; thence non lhwestaardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line midway between 19th avenue and Bay j2d street; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway between lath avenue and Bay 221 street to the intersection with a line di,tant 1110 feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southwesterly litre of Benson avenue as this said street is laid out between 19th avenue and Itav 22d street, the said distance bring measured at right angles to Benson avenue; thence north- westwardly along the said line parallel with lien- Sill avenue and along the prolongation of the said line to the intersection sith a line mi(lw'av be• tween Bay 17th street and 18thaven,te; thence northeaa'scardl y• along the said line midway be-tween Bay 17th street and 18th avenue and along the prolongation of the said line to the inter-section with a line midway hetwcen 8th street and Booth street; thence northwestwardly along the said line midway between 85th street and 86tH street to the intersection scilh a line midnav be Iscen t 17th avenue and Bay 16th street as these streets are hillaut south of 34th street; thence nurtbcastwarilly along the said line miluay be-twectn 171h avenue and Bay 16th street to the intersection with the southwesterly line of 84th stiect; thence nnrthcastwardly in it straight line to the point or place ofbeginning.

Third-That all parties and persons interested in such proceedings or in any of the real prop. erty atlectml thcrehy, having any objections thereto, shall file such objections ill writing duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector and his postoffice address, with the Clerk of the ('aunty of Kings, nn or before the 21st day of July, 1924, and within the same time serve a copy of such verified Objections on the Corpora-tin Counsel of The City of New York at his office, 5th floor, No. 153 Pierrepont street, Bor-ough of Brooklyn, City of New York,

Fourth-That on the 23d day of July, 1924, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the Cor-poration Counsel of The City of New York will apply to the Honorable Russell Benedict at Spe cial Term, Part I of the Supreme Court, to lie held at the County Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, to fix a time when said justice will hear the parties who have filed objections to the said tentative decree.

Dated Brooklyn, New York,une 30, 1924 , GEORGE P. NICHOLSON, Corporation Court-

sel, Office and Postoffice Address, 153 Pierrepont street, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y. j30,jyl7



THE BUILDINGS AND APPUR'CENANCES thereto will be sold to the highest bidders, who

must pay cash or certified check, drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New -York,and must also give a certified check or cash in half the amount of the purchase price as security for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the sale. Where the amount of the purchase price does not equal or exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 will be the amount of the security to be deposited. This security may at any time after the expiration of the contract period bo, applied by the City to the cost of completing any of the work required uader the contract, but unfinished at the expira- tion of the contract period.

The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause, or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur- chased by him to be used or occupied for any purpose other than that of their speedy removal, nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either the land or the buildings, etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or any of these conditions shall forthwith void the sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur-chase money and the security deposited for the faithful performance of the conditions of the sale. The placing therein or permitting the occu-pancy of any such building by any tenant free, tar rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watcbntaa or the workman engaged in the actual demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above conditions of sale.

The sale will be as of the condition of the property on date of delivery thereof to the pur-chaser. The City of New York will not be re-sponsible for any change or loss which may occur in the condition of the buildings or their appurtarrances between the time of the sale there- of and the time of delivering possession to the purchaser, after being properly vacated of all tenants, The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made as nearly together as the circumstances of vacating the structures of their tenants will permit.

All of the material of buildings, sheds, walks, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte- nances and foundations of all kinds, except the exterior walls of the buildings and their founda- tions, and the sidewalks and curbs in front of said buildings, extending within the described area, shall be torn down and removed from the premises. None of the dirt, debris or waste re- sulting from the demolition shall be allowed to remain on the premises, except old mortar or plaster only, which may be left, but not higher at any point than two feet below the curb oppo-site that point. The exterior walls and their foundations shall be taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in front of the building. Where there is no curb the elevation of the surrounding ground shall be considered curb level. All wells, cesspools, sinks, etc., existing on the property must be filled to the level of the surrounding ground with clean earth.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all abandoned water taps and old service mains and in place thereof cause to lit inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street, in compliance with the rules and regu- lations of the Departmentof Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity that this has been performed,

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street, and the openings of the main sewer in street shall be properly closed in compliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers in the Borough in which the buildings are situated and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Bureau of Sewers that the work has been properly performed,

The permit for all openings in the street to be obtained by, and at the expense of the purchaser of the buildings.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurte-nances, or any part thereof, within thirty days from the day of possession will work forfeiture

of ownership of such buildings. appurtenances or portions as shall then be left standing, to-gether with all moneys paid by said purchaser on account thereof at the time of the sale, and the bidders' assent to the above conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and The City of New York will, without notice to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed and the cost and expense thereof charged against the security above mentioned.

The work of removal must be carried on in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner, aid must he completed within thirty nays from the date of possession, and she suet cessful bidder will provide and furnish all ma-terials or labor and machinery necessary thereto and will place proper and sufficient guards and fences and warning signals by day and night for the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify and save harmless The City of New York, its officers, agents and servants and each of them, against any and all suits and actions, claims and demands of every name and description brought against it. them or any of them, and against, and from all damage and costs to which it, they or arty of them be put by reason of injury, to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective materials or machinery, implements or appliances used in the removal of said buildings.

Where party walls are found to exist between buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma-terials of said party walls shall be understood to be equally 'nvided between the separate pur-chasers.

Party wa',,, and fences, when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be tak'n down, All furrings, plaster, chimneys, project-ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls are to be taken down and removed. The walls shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam holes, etc., bricked up and the wall pointed and made to exclude wirwi and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs and adjacent buildings shall be properly flashed and painted and made watertight where they have been disturbed by the operations of the Contractor.

"No buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or machinery, sold for removal under these terms and conditions shall in any case be relocated or re erected within the lines of any proposed street or other public im p rovement, and if any such buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or machin-ery, etc., shall be relocated or re-erected within the lines of any proposed streets or other public improvement, title thereto shall thereupon be-conic vested in The City of New York and a re-sale at public or private sale may he made in the same manner as if no prior sale thereof had been made."

The Comptroller of The City of New York re-serves the right on the day of sale to withdraw from sale any of the buildings, parts of build ings and machinery included therein, or to reject any and all bids; and he it further

Resolved, That while the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized to cause the sale to he advertised and to direct the sale thereof as financial officer of the City.