The Black Vault


Transcript of The Black Vault

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27 Sept. 10,7 ._p ...,qJ...."\ \'

27 Sept. 1605

---·· ---~-~--




Silvia IXmAJ ca.U.e Soviet !rAbull3' (Mo)


' t.a> lc:trlet .llz't[GoHr/~ SUva DtnWf ot CUba ,BillbUt17



Wa.ntn ~ to go to OIU!Iila. G9l.l back at u:50 •




Subjact told to

Silvia t:slll! MO that tbe American cititen vu tbere, the one vno 'llllll!t& a viae. for CUba on his n.y to the Soviet Union ud he va.nta to know with nom he wu talking there ~ca.uae she (Silvia) h&d sent to the So·rtet Embaasy saying that if they accepted him and gave him a visa then the CUba.."lC (Embusy) vruld also give :him a vi.ea vithout :f.'urt.ber paper vork only w;!vising lmmiE' in Cuba and he ·.nmta to knO'II' vith vbtm he had talked there eecaWJe Ill!! says be 'ims told there vou.ld be no problem. 11'.4) says to vait a moment. A di!f'ere:at M:> corms to phone and Silvia expleinB t:M thing to him. 'Iilis MO says to leave na.:ne lii.Ild telephone nwnber and he vill C'.&ll IJQ:k. Silvia. gi vea telephone ll-28-47 {CUba.n Cowaulate). Silvia ~akas ~u:hant.age of' the ptvm~ call tilld sta.t('la shft hu IIIO'Vl':Ci

and vn.rt..s to advinm the'lt l:ro1JU&:f of' her '-'MngiJ ot:' wlfll"tClll ao tt.o.t N)>! eM ;renf11Vlll tbn 'Ln:t.,.,ttn. l't:l me:to t" c:lllll YJIUY.H.A!{XClf.(J to ~~:1"" rtr n"~' IM11~u, th"n MO--;ulr.-1 tho nome or the C·,11:11u-l or ~ll.t\t~ Attach&, !Hlvta a~t1 too ~ ia ~l'I!Uie. Pll<EN'l.A at!d the tAeler~e n=l:ltu· 1a 14-1,!1-26. f4ID lla.Y' tha~~o.lw.


M! lll.l.lliz, SUwU. J tbc Amoricu b!Oll.'l tblltro. 81lv1.o. II!IQ.78 be ,, ,, , ia tbl! :rl'!t no:.r. rl says tbe .1\mericM showed papers fro= the Consulate in W'a.dlingtoo, that he wants to go to the ·Soviet Union and be tbtre for ~ long tiiD!l vith his vi!'e who is Ru.~~a:U.n, bv.t th'J ruu~~:o 1M not come f'Mm Waal!.ingtcm in Ml!lpec:t to this pr-:>blm., lilllld according to tlUa proc.eduM it 1AY..I'UI four or five montht, but v1tlout b.aving permi~>aion from the Sovif!t Union tM-y allould twk, or better ll!, they cannot usue a visa here vithn.Lt a.sidng lo'ashingtoo; ho-.~ever, &ceord.i:Jg to this ll1IUl

be Silow-ed a. lett!tr i.tldicating be vas Q ID!!I!!lber of u or:ganh:ati® in .avor of: Cuba e~d. that the Cubar.s said tbat they e~ot usue a vsa vithO'\lt hi.& b&vi.J:It;; 111. vist. for t!ut Soviet U11ica, and. oov

, JU ~a Dot Qle"}r \ffia~ to do Ol"itQ. hi!'.! ( tbc Alllcr1ou). t~ b£\;~ to Ydt for t.t\1l WM~"~>oer tl'O!l 'WWlbil'lgtcc. Silvlll!. ~ea th.o.

~ J}~!


...: ... .,... .. ' ~-

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... ·

4. 28 Sept.t,..:i 1151

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Silvia ImW1 caJ.J.a. Soviet Rmbe.s sy IIIZid t&l.lal vi th Kl


J• r_

ll:ltJIIB problem ex.iate v1th the ~, that the problem v1tb 1a1m (the .lmflrlean) is he does not know auy~ in CU'ba lll.nd

: tliJ:refon if :tll.e.t is tl:'ilfl 1t w1ll be d1ff:Lcul.t for t•'!.m to p·t a T1sa for Cuba, because he was thinkillg of proceee1ne, hia vii.Ja (f;>r Scviet Unioo), because be lmew it wotll.d require waiting a loo.g !cr hls visa to the Sov~t Union vhl.le 1D Cuba and !rona there go to the Soviet Union. 1\ii too thing is that 11' his vife right nOli wre ill Wuhi.ngtan ab.e votLld recei~ her visa ri&ht nav, or pe:nni!lsion. from the Soviet Union, to retu.n:~ to h!lr country, she ia going to receh-e her visa in Washington but havin.g tb.ia vic~a, she could c011ununicate to any place tilil!l pemiasioo,

,, ... f~.

for eXI.Uilple be re or w:ty place sl!.e could receive 1 t ( v.isa or p_ermiss1on) but right ::~ow they do not have them. (no las t:l.enen). Silvia says oerto.i:ll:r and they cn.nnot give a lctt<'lr eithdr becauae they do not knov if ~h., vin. vill 'I» approved. MI says tay 012ly give visu acco::Uing to in<!icc.tioru~. Sllvia says tl:il!ln she vill put thmt. on tblli list. M: IS&ylll he cannot give a letter of recommenda.tion e'ither l>.!!OO.!LlH! :te dcxors not kno;t him ( ti~ Ar.'ll'trioM) p.m1 ~ xouao me r both 1 you. fHlv1a I!IA;ta tlul.t. 1.>~ alright l.lncl rr.t~.ny tllu!:s. or er nft


Silvia says that in the Cuban bbe.ssy is a l'l'orth All'll'!lriean vho vas at tb.d&- Soviet Zr::'l.l6.Say. Ml 11ay!J wait a l'llinu.V-1. Silvia Sj)"!taks English with wit~ e~on.e - o.l<d <:01\Tnents 1n 5pa:11sh th.a.t they gi!.'M APARICIO t<!ll.lsphon.~ 14-12-99 Md to tat-..e tbe n-;;.m~r dOW'l'l 4 81lv1A u.yo ab<"JUt thl.l Amer1ccm citizen that be ia goir.g to talk v1th you (IU). A~r.ioan spea.k.e Ru.elilien and HI speaks in E.ngl1nn. They continue ill Englist,. Americon te.lkr.l broken Russian and aa.ys I vas in your Eln'M.aay Md spoke to your conlHll. JUBt a mil:lute. MI to.kea phone arA ~asks· 1\:r~ericllin ·in English vhs!.t dO!!& he wnt7 Americun says Please speak RussiM. MI aa.ys What else do-yo'l YG.nt'l American says I vas just nov at y0'.1r E:nbaaay and they took ~ey t\ddreso. MI l'Jaya I knov that. Am:sr1oo.n, ill l:u.u<lly reco~~;Dizable Bu.eBian, aaya I did not knov it then. I went to t.l'.e Cuban Embt.asy to 3.Bk t.lle:n for my address, beca!JJ.Ie thtly have it. >II sa;ys Why don't you come e.gain and lea:re your. a;ddress vith us, it is not far from the Cuban 'Embassy. Amt'!rican says I'll be there right avay.

\ I . . ' ........... "


s. 1 Oct. -----1o'l


6. l Oct.

8. l ~ 4 Oct.

9. 8 Oet.

MO (.Ame:dou.) to MI (Sov. Emb.)

Mo (A~~~Sriowi)· to omoimv or - .Soviet Embassy

MO (OSWALD) to MI at SOT. Emb.

• '!I

SECRET MO sm.ys I vas at your place last &l.turd.&y an<l talked to rour Consul. '1.'b.ey n1d that they'd send a telegram to 'lla.shington, a.ud I Yallt.ed to you if the:-e is ~hing nev'l MI says I'd l.i.lm to Mk you to c.o.ll anotl::er phone number. Please write it dow; 15-6o-SS 8.!ld ask for a consul. Thank you.


MO (the s&r:~e ~rsc:m vho phcned a day or so ago and spoke 1n 'broken Russian) speaks to omo.xov. lie says This is Lee OS"wALD speaking. I was at your lAst Sa.turday and spokl!ll to a consul, and they said tha.t send a te1egra:n to \iashington, so I 1.'<1Jlted to find out-• if yO".t hll;ve a.nythin nev? But I don't reroemrer the name of that coosul. OB!EDKOV says KOSTIKOV. lie is dark (hair or skin n) • MO says yes. 11'\Y nama is OSWALD. OBYED.lCOV says Just a minute I'll find out, They say that they haven tt received anything ;ret~ OS'«ALD sa.ys Have­they dcce e.nyth..tng'l OBl"i::DKOV sp.ya Yes, tbey say that a request h.e.s been sent out, 'but nothing bas been ~ceived as yet. OSWALD says And vha.t ••• T OBYEDKOV hangs up.

OS'.JALD a~IU:s in brol>en Spanish then in Enblish to MI. He ~~~~ Hello. ViBa. for Russia. MI says Call on tbe other phone; MO says I'm lco!dng for a visa. to go to Russia. MI sa.ys PleasG, c:.~.ll on the telephone of tb!:l cons.U, l5-6o-SS. MO says On~! u:oillent please, I'll have to get a pencil ~o write the number dovn. They issue the visa there? MI '!'hat depends on your eoovaros.tion. I don't lmO".r about this business. Please call tbe o!fice of the ocnsul and ask your qoo9tion. MO asks for t~ number asain. MI gives him the nur.lber and tells him to ask for too Consul of the Sevier~ Embassy 1n i'fll!lxieo. MO says Thanks.

Photos of unide:ttif:l.ed persm on entering Sowiet Embassy .a. and wb.o entered Cuban Er:iba.ssy on ·15 Oct 1963.

f<!F.XICO CM &453 ~J:X>rted According LIE."'VOY 1 Oct 6!1. Americ;m ma.le vho B'(X>m brollan I\'J.OISill.!l said hie n&.!lle !AfJ OSWALD stated be at SOVEMB


28 Sept ~hen ~tpoJ..."e vi.tb. Consul whom he believed be Valeriy Vla.dilllirovich l\.1),':,"'TIK0V. S\:.bJ a.slro~. Sov gWi.rd Ive.n OBU:DKOV who Mswred, if there fiUlytblng nev re telegra.:n to Wa.shil::.gton. O:BYEDKOV upon checking said not~ :t'Sceived yet, but request had been sent. Have photos male appears be American entering Sovemb 1216 hours leaving 1222 oo l Oot. age 35, athletic bui.J.d, circa 6 feoet. Mceding ha.irline, balding top. Wo khal<itll e.nd sport ehirt. S<::1.1..Ne: LIEMFTY. No local dbse:n-.

CRET ~--

lO. ll Oct.

u. 15 Oct.

12. 16 Oct'.

l~. · 22 Nov.

15. · 2~ No-V~

16. · 22 lrav

' '

·sECRET DIF.!CTOR 748;o reported em identity of Subject of liSXI 6453: Lee Henry OSrl'ALD ( 201-2 89248), DPOB 18 Oct 39, Nev Orleans, foi""Oer radar operator ill U. s. m1.rilles vho defected to USSR· ill Oct 59. DIR gives description of OS'IiALD, bc.ckgrOWl::l, ~: ~" ~ marriage, etc., and action to pus i.nfo to Emb. l}ompo!l'!l!lts.

!I!EXICO Cn'I 6534 req~sted Bqs to Pls pouch photo OSWALD.

Jllemo to The Anibassador on Lee OSWALD/Contact vith Sov Emb. routed to Aulb., :lfdniste:r, Coun.selor for Polltical Affairs, RSO, cc 2s to Legal, :r.a.v:U and INS. Memo #6831

M3XICO CITY 7014 v1t:!l refs (pare. 9, 10, ll a1:m-e) st-ated According VCA heard nt Station reg!U' President Kennedy one Lee E., 05"\i.ALD a~ 24 baS been a.rrested in ral.ltls J:OSSibly in ca:..necticm assassination of President 'KsiUJed.y. Direct Rqs. attention Refs. ReqW!!st priority pouch photo OSl~ALD oo that Station can check all recent L:m..l1P'J.'l' for Iden. FOJ:"'mrding soon'!lst copies or OS\ly visitor to So~mb 1 Oct ·.r!lo could· be identical vith OSWALD.

AJ"iSi'mASSI Outgoing Telef.l"lll.lll (Control 269) from Amb. I"A"ln stating Foreign Minister e::q:ressed condolences, etc., and that on his instructiC!l.S the border bet;reen U. S. and f"lo:dco had bee:~ closed to elL71inate any possibility • of l'l'l1lrderer' s escape into Mexico.

DIR B48o2 (ref MEXI 7014 - pare 1~ above) 'l'b.anks. Tbia cannection vas n<>t.ed b."!!re, Trust you will be able us-"t all your fac111t1eo to follw:'and' report 807 Emb activity and reaction during these bours. Pl.B cable f'~ sum:ariea.

Personal letter to J. C. f:rO!!l. COS (Win) with ref to conversation of 22 Nov in which COS requested permission to give Legal copiea of photos of a cerUc.i.n person kncr.m to J. c. Attached are copies with dates of visits st.a.mped on At 6 p.m. 22 l!/07., The Ambassador decided this •.ra.S important enougll to hsve Legu takl!t copies o!' these! photos to· Dallas. !iii\ val A ttacbe is ~ special flight !or this purpose. Legal officer going· to Da.llas promised to !rr.dl to you. Copiel.ll of tbese photos nre b:ling pou.~ed night of' 22 Nov. 63. .

:sECRET -··--·"*·--

' I .,

1e. 22 lfov.

19. • 22 Iiov.

20~ · 23 Bov.

21. • 2~ Nov.

22. · 23 Nov.


lj}O ·Mm cutside (PliO) calls Luisa of Cubm··!uibusy

SECRET. Ed.mundo JIUIDO!i (or Cubwl Emwsy) calla VILLACORrA ot Prenaa LII'!.:NvOY Latina in New York asking abou.t the detention of the ~President or Fair Play with Cuba Committee. V!L.LACORrA says 1:11!' only knCNs vhat. the ageneie 3 are reporting, that the person's name is OSWALD, tb.e.t he is a. member of the Fair PJ.a.y vitb. Cuba Committee, 1.f that is t~, it c:tould have been a..lso one of the 4o tb.OUSI'Jld or whatever on the FBI list, but surely this person is nuts. JAEi.OON says that if this is true '(that the guy is nuts) it is a-terrible prov.oeation. V!L.LACCF:rA says up to nov nothing is confirmed, tb.e.t. he was arrested for suspicion and looking up his file they found out h~ belonged .to t':lat (COO':lnittee of Fair Play with Cu.b!l.), but until nCN it is pure upeculation. JIUiOO! will call later.

HlliMA 22533 to cj;;w to send photos (per para 16 above).

MO askS LUISA. if she has heard the latest news and Luisa., Jok:l.ngly LlENVOY replies, "Yes, or course, I knew aJ.most before KIUilliEDI." Both agree on the s<5rio'.lsness of the a.ssaasine.tion, etc. LUISA aa:,-111 par..; at Silvia IlJRA.c''l's h!LS been called off so it wiD. not appear they are celebrating death of RE!l"NEDY, nor vill they have the party l!m:l::tld: coincide with the burial ••••• LUISA aa.ys she plans to move tonight to tile -doctor's (fems.le) house. ..

MEXI 7019- ~xi-Station has photos same unidentified AmericaA type vho is posdbly OSWALD_. entering Cuban EIDbassy on 15 Oct• -Searching for possibility photo-documented ent.ry Cubllr.n Emb other days. Also att.en~pting esta.blis~ OS'4ALD entry a.nd. departure fl.exi.

.., •

MEXI 7000 - PI!II'\'!ons r:iew M!::ci to U.S. vho might be iden w/OSWALD: \ A. Z,~:dctm& Flt SJO to C~~cago J. Nov, Lee. I'I.ARTIN; B. Same !lt, 12 Nov. r Wilford O$ALT; C. :B::-a.niff flt SO to San Antonio 8 Nov W111iu OSWALD.

llmm ME.U 7021 - O!EN'Ii'Y agent left here 2000 loca.l with 2. copies ea o!' 6 pllotos person suspected. by OSWALD on special fl:l.gllt for Dlll.:) He carrying ElnV!!lope vitb l copy each photo fer airmail specill.l from to GAL.BOliD at holM 1JE1r telecon with Clml"IS. 1 copy tbese photos plus ccpy of 2 'Photos sh011illg sa.'lla person exiting PBRUMI!:I Embassy forvaried in BY.MA 22533 lee.ving regular pouch ton~t. View above 1 does Hqs 'W'lil.nt staffer vitll additional photos?

DIR 84821. - Send staffer with a.11 photos OSWALD to Kqe on next fligllt. Oa.11 Mr. ilh1tten 652-6827 on arrival.


. 25. · 23 Bov.

27. · 23 Nov.

28 •. 2} llov.

SECRET DIR 84822 - No need se~d. st&ffer with phot::>o. We have as!lled Navy tor photos agai.D, but !lie xi CM see OS"ri'ALD'e pietUJ.""e sooner em press wire. Hnve just re-emrJ:uuiz'!ld to ODm'IVY :S:q:rs sensitivity of' Photos you are. sending and also relAyed na.'lles of travelers with similar narneus. Note radio s~s OSWALD lived under alias of 0. H. LEI.

D!R 84837 - Urgently require info Valeriy Vla.cUmirovich KOSTIKOV travels outside ~xi, hour by ho'.U" whereabOIJ.ts 22 Nov, all details his duriog Nov., n.a.'n'!!s and backgrounds his <!Ciltacts futUJ.""e contacts and activities KOSTIKOV via ~.milateral coverage, ll.l:ly indicat1o:1s unusual e.etivities invol'?ing !<DB e.Dd S·;,vemb personnel. 17 through 30 Nov.

DIR 84885 - KOSTIKOV traveled in Setptem"':ier with Ivan G&vrilovicb. ALP!mEV who in close contact Cuban dips during Feb 62 'I'D:! Quito. Request reporting and coverage .AL.F'.i!:RXEV as with KOSTIKOV.

l'IR 84886 - Impol"tt'mt you revin all Lm!VOY tapes and trrmeoripll since. 2'{ Sept to lo<:•a.te all II'Jl!.terinl. pertinent to ( po.ra 9 a.bO"ie). DiiiJIIIltch soonest by special oourler, stat' fer if D'!lcesaaey, full transcripts ~md original tapes if available all J)"rtinent materiU. Are original tap&llll avai.l.Gt.b:le?

DIR 84868 - OIENVY sayl!l th.o.t pllotO!I of m.1Ll' entering Savemb vllich Me.d eent DUJ..u were 112.!: of OSHALD. (Para 22 a.bove) Pre Bum!! ,....,xi 1w11 doubled cbl!lcked dates or Ui.eoe photoo and l'llao cb:eo:lting all pertinent other photos for possiblA.t shots or OSWALD,

MEY.I 702:') - On 28 &.lp1; 6!i Silvia Cui:&n !mb ed}..,d !3ov Cono'.al uying Borth American the%'6 lllho had and wish speak vitll.ooW!Iul. Unid.en :North Am!rican told Sov co:naul quGte "I YII.B u your Emb and spok't.!l to your COllJilul. I mw nw at your Emb and they took ·my .;.ddreas ••••• " (same as pan 4 e.bO"re) ••• Ill view OSWALD in Sov Union lil.lld fa.ct he claimed· on l Oat. LIEN"iTOY to b.nve vieitsd Sovemb 28 Sept, SubJ is probably OSWALD. Station unnble Oom}'>IU"C! voicl!l u first en.ised, Para thre~ MEXI 7014 (para l!i above) mnould ba 1 Oct 6;:.. 811J115 Oub.l visitAld Sovcmb 4 Oct but not recorded LU.N'IOY tb.m.t date. Aluo pl? 4 Oct photoe. Making ett'ort determiM 03WALOO activities Y~xico.

MEXI 7024 - Station's cheek indicates no other KOS'!'IKOV tnwl ootaide ME!XI. 6 thru 19 liov sbmrs KOSTIY.OV at SO".remb eve:ey day. Placing him tmder LIIMBRACE aurveil.J.A.uoo. :recent unusual Y.JlB and St."111'mb personnel a.ct1vH1ea 17 Nov to ®te.

·sECHET .. ); • ~ '":!~ ~·---'

!11.· 23 BOY.

"·. 2} 110\r.

'' '·


s RET .lo other ALF'Eru:EV travel. Ln.YRIC reporting sb.O'Wlil ALl"!Rin at So\lll!lmb 6 tlm.t 19 Nov. (No 9, 10, 16, 17 Nov.) Wi:U cover witll LIRICE isul"'!!'!!!illance. Stepping up proceuing OC'.M'!ril:lg Scmlmb, trying get LI!I'EAT OC$~e ot.' 1nr1tohbol\i'Cl ot.' apt bldg where reaid.e Min ¥.AZA!iT3EV, muspeot YJJB ruident Y.Oli'STAJtrDIOV Md sunpect <HID SC1n1CHY.I11. Having LD'A'iffl l!'eport movements SIOOOOV U.d ef·f'ort re a.udio OP agairuJt SID. Incoming LIF!AT on KGB l<lr"..NETSOV will be processed. ASAP. all unen.sed tl.".pes LIINV'OY center.

BAIU'ER (p) vrote to e:os suggesti.Jlg, since Me:dciUl autb.oritiea oloaed U.S.-Mexioa.n border (pooaibll!l escape route of usassin/s), we: should ·request· Me:d. authoritieiJ to put police cordon around Cubu Emb and require ·ali visitors to idl!!n·i.;ify themselves - entering and exiting.

Note to LUis·!CHEVERRIA to arrest Silvia I:m!AN, tM ~girl vho put OSWALD in touch vith Sovemb. Silvia is Mexican citizen. lives at de #74; mother lives at !bro #l2.J brotber at R-!rodoto #l4J s~ drives Consul car, platl!:s 8-9'2-17; phcme 1111 45-06-96; vorks at Cuban Embe..smy.

MIXI 7025 - (Ref nm 84886 - PQra 27 above) - Oft 28 Sept- 63 LIEN'VO'f reported. i'ol r "Entrada MP ••••••• (SUI!! e.a p~~.ra 4 above)". On 1 Oot 63 at lo45 hr3 n".B.Il called Sovemb s.nd said "Hello this is Lee OSWALD

. spetlldng •••••••• ( sQ!Jl!! u para 6 above)". 'l':rwlseriber says OSWALD is the .one in both eases and the one vho ca:i..led from' Cuban Emb 28 Sept to Sovem1... ·

MlSXI 7026 Luis EemM!:RRIA aa~d COS for all info on f'nu RODRIGUEZ Molina. Bet said he beard on radio RODRIGUEZ pio!2:d up in connection aasu1111r..ation IUld he is Mexican. On:l;y trace here is 30 Jan 61 report from LIFIB!!:S that 012 Oscar RODRIGUEZ Molina, 31, Cuban, arrived here 21 Jsm 61 on !V.exicana. fr0111 Cuba on tourist oa.rd 78el.}/61/6. Left Co.lle

· Independencia· 17 o.s contact Q.dd.reas w/drline. 'l' info given ECHEVERRIA. OIJKNVY informed of above. Have no info. ODEEVY chief ca,lling Da.l.l.aa for details. Bz!quest Bqa traces soonest.

Mli:XI 7021 - To facilitate expEtditious Me:d. reoores seo.reh cmd asset investigations. can Rqs provide ini"o dates activities OSWALD's most recent·.stay tl:u'u 22 Nov in U.S.


, ..

~s. · 2' lov.

s.o. · 2' :rrev. 41. •2' ·!fov.

::...:,· / ' ' 4 -.

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S RET MEXI 7028 - COS M.d. urgoent cnll. to see L:rni:NSOR 23 Herr. COS :would be !or exprassiOJ:I condolence but de-i-elopad that LIENVOY 2 had located call to Sovamb of OSWALD made m 28 Sept. Believe that LD.'EI!SOR .s.vare of this cmtact (from joint operation) o.od pn.ased data. to COS 1s important.

MS:XI 7029 - Sav photoa of OSW,!.LD on t. v:. nlght of' 22 N5JV and it · I obvious photos sent t'o' De.l.1.u were nOt iden. Dates are given- on: photos. Station reviewing all available photos pereOJ:IS ·•uttering , Sov and CUb Em~si!!a. Station suggesting to LI'I'EMPO 2 that Silvia. WRA.N who f's~ui employee at Cubo.o Emb and -:tho put. OSWALD on· telephone from Cuban ECJb to talk to Sovemb on 28 Sept be e,r::-ested i.mclediately and h~ld incomrmmicaclo until she gives all of' OS't1ALD lmo--.rn to her. LI'B!IJPO 2 can say D.F.S. coverage :reveal.ed ~ to him 1f he needs to explain.

li<Y.!E ~If BI COSr At 1620 b.:rs on 23 Iiov 6:5 I had from W'a.itten (Wa.ohi.llgtcm) asking that I not do J?fll'."'L 3 (to arrest 511 via nmAN - para 36 a. boTe) • I told him too la. te, I c cu1d not recall request.; I told b.irn that he already should have" .-ec 'd a cable in which I told them that President here hAd knovledge vhioh made this "aot1on" (against WR4.1'i) so that it cou.lcl. be Mexice.n init:Ls.t1'Ve. Ke Ga.icl. Oks.y. :NO'.IE: I had return call from ~CHEVERW at about 1515 h.r6 on 23 Nov 63 saying they would get "mujer" and be voul.d immediately notify me. He tb.a!lked me f'or·info on her. (Signed C~)

Ml!:XI· 7030 - Follwing care. appeared at CUban Embs 21 Oct 63 at 1900 b.ra Texas TA 51:2, and silver grey Buick 'l'l!:ms Kr-57-73 on 24 Oct at 11:35 brs. Both car license plates were black letters on vb.ite, believed be 63 isauance. Request identification. Although no known connection suggo!lst above be ca.l.led attention office ti.a.ndlillg OS'tlAIJ) c:aae.

MEMO FOR TEE ~CORD from Jexemy L. !UARCOS on Supporc; Activities Assignments re GPIDEAL Assassination.

f!ZXI 7032 - Info on sunell).is.nce teams - Soviets - no unusually a.ct1vity.

M!:XI 7033 - Fol add1t1tJllal ·oal..l.s LIEINOY probably repeat probe,b1y OSWALDs A. On 27 Sept 63 ca.l:l to Sov Mil Att "Entnd~-. Man calling says is it neoesso.ry to out a rtaa to go to OdeBo., 1\i'.a.n inside sa.ys to eo.ll 15-6o-55 cd uk for tbs consul. Man outside asks for the address. Man inside says

SECRET they Yill give it t.o you. B. On 27 Sept 63 at l6o5 (see para 2 above) . , c. On 27 Sept 63 s.t 1626 ( see para 3 above) D. On l Oct 63 at 1031 (see pa.ra. 5

42. · 2} Bov.

44.· 23 l!fov.

45. 23 l'l'av.

146. 1 .\;;



SECRET · above. B. On } Oet 63 (s111e Jl4U'B. 7 a'bove)

, .IO'm by COS: 1620 h..."11 on that thia

I bad a ooll from Washington (Jaok Whitten) at ov. I told Wll.1tten at 1620/30 an 23 !lav. vau.ld be en route to him soon. Signed by COS.

M1UI 7034. • Coarpl.ete roeeheek photos all viaitors to C".ibe.n Emb Aug thru first half lav good press pb.otoo shows no evidence OSWAIJ? visit. Similar blAnk against all Sovemb photos

·.from l Sept. Note only vi&it w knov he ll!llde wu Cub:&n !mb 28 Sept em which 1mb closed e.nd ve have not had coverage, In tUturoe VUl. require at least M.lf day photo both Sov e.nd Cub Embassies. Check ll3M1f~ata all planes arrt vLlg !+!xi oent.n.l airport from ·u.s. re.n.a allow OZi.'ALD l!l.rr1VIll. Puaa1ng thio info -, GOM uldng they check border airports from vb.ieh OSWALD might have fl~ Maxi, WI» do not gat manifesto these. do:lll!l&t1o flights,

MEXI 7035 • LI!liVOT rey.,.--rt1ng Sovemb nol:'al.l. Conversa.t1one bf.ttweeJS Alfredo .MIRABJU, Diu 'll'ith l'H1Sp!IOt KGB Pavel Antonovich YA'i.'8Kov (wbo

'nOt availAble, so ms:d:Kov cOj'J'II'! on 'line) (one tinlel Y.OSTUlW in error ·. il.ddroessed M:IR.A.ML u.s AZCUi and MlRABAL eorroects COMM.Im'l': MIRA.BA.L repl.a.eed EU!!ebio .AZ.C'tJE Lopez, former Cu.b&!l Consul).

~ 70}6 - LI!mVOI So~mb Oil 22 Nov. reports many calls by press ·people to get statetllent f'rol'!l Sovs re uee.ssinatiollJ they are &11 told Sovemb closed to call back Monday.


L1Bt or l4 names or cOilt&cta of ALF'J!:RlEV and KOSTIKOV at Sovemb

COO note to EC!i!:VIRRIA to :k:eep seol"f!t the arran of Silvia u.mAI that no info f'rolli bl!r 1.8 pu"olish..."'d or leaked, that all info from her is enbled to Washington immediately through COS and that bar .ams,t and ber state2nts is not spread to any leftiSts ••••• riO"mi From COSz ~R!UA sdd she waJJ arrested rlth "seveo otbero • including her huabe.:ld ••• " l'b.ey vel"!! bil. ving a fiesta - and ECHEVERRIA had: Just bad a· me'!ting v1th The President (vho apparently said "Proceed" aDd interrogate forcefully). sign'!!ld COS

M!ai 7031 • !CSV'ERRIA informed C03 at 18oo hrs th.a.t SUvia. UJAAR e.nc1 ber husban.d hM. al.ree.dy been arrested a.nd were pi"!aently under 1nterrogat1cm

·by Cobe:rnS.c:ian authorities. ECREVERRIA promised to try to la!ep &rre!Jt secret. ECRVZ~ · prom1.!Jed a.ll info obta!Md from DUP.ANSJ odd· !~ret report shoulcS be ready. by 2000 1:1.ra. cos· does not believe posllible to keep arrest fr()lll

49. 1 23 Nov.


51. · 23 .BO"'r.

. ·. . . SECRET

be!r ramil,y and rrom eubai:t !mb '"'I"Y long. SECRET rma 70:58 - LILYRIC reporting on KOSTIKOV's -surveillance and. ala o on ALFERIEV.

In Jan 63 SUvia WRAl'i s~ in 2 cars vith Texas pls;':.ea. COilvertible plaTe JF 96 - 75 and vl:lite Volvo plate Kf.l 94-95. Another :lrord oar Texas plate JR 24-76 seen in front or res1de:nce Im\AN brot~r. Pls resolve.. Abo'Y'd to bold in reserve bl!lre f'or poseib.le use in connection GOI'\1 interrogation WRAN.

DIR 8491"- - Rqs tha.nlm Station for errorta made in helping. on this critica.l matter. It· is extremely urgent that ve get verbatim tra.nscripts 1n English of all O?'..TALD intercepts and other take vhich could relate to him. Forgt','!t economy of vords Wld cable. OD!mVI tells us that Jose·RODRIGiJ" is not involyed. (para 33 above)

DIR 84916 - Al"l"'!st of SUvia IXJRAN is extremely serioW! matter wich could prejudice ODI0!\1 f~dom of action on entire questiOD of PBRUMI!:I l"'!:l!li'OllDibUity. Request you ensure her arrest kept abflolutely secret, that uo info from her ·ia published or laaked, that all info 111 c~ed · to us, a.iid f'act of bl!lr n.rrest a.nd stn.tements not 111pread ·to leftist, We are tr-1~ to get more info on OSWALD from ODDVI vill advi.l!le.

DIR 84917 (ref' DIR 84916 - para 51 ab<MI) M8W111!!1 you keeping Legg.l ,informed on deve~nts ret.

~ 7o40. - u.s. Ccrnsul.a.te E'Ut~vo Laredo reported to Ambassadors ,OSWALD entered ·Hexi at l'iuevo Laredo on 26 Sept •• said age 2} years, ocoupa.t;icm photographer, residence Nev, destination Mexico City, Mexican tourist card #24o85. Sanr:l 11auree {Meld Isx:a~igration Records) state he left by auto tilt liuevo Laredo. Will advise LITEMPOO a:nd OD!mV'f vill uk t o cbeck· hotel.B in Vsxi City to cheek OBWALD'a activities •

. mi To4l - All of' i900 23 l'iov. • LJEMBRACE surveil.lliL.noe team end LILYRIC amd LIMI'l5!:I?- ba.sehcusas all report KOSTIKOV under Mexi Secret Service pl:lyaical survelllsmce. Since C!WlOt continue !..IE!'I:BRAC! unilateral under above conditions cancel LIEMBRACE. This lila!lly due to Ll"mNSOR read1ng SMII!t Ln:JIVOl take as Stat1or.. Station bas not mentioned KOSTIKOV to He:dca.ns.

M!OC[·7042 - Advised Leg.e.l or arramt and or Bqtll duire for oecreoy. !Apt ~ .. not heard. of an-eat althouf)l M lw1 ta.llrlild to gO'II'Omllll.cion O'J111laots l:usveral times in hour. This good sign or EGE!Vli:iUUA control for tiM being. Aleo told Amb vho "very pleased" but vllo 1!\l.So hopes be kl!llpt secret let 'W'uhingtoa decide on all "leaks" Md releases •

5!:1.' 2} lOY.

59. · 2} lev.

I. . I •,

' '

. : ' !

I ' • • .,._, •~ .,.._~,,._, .. I,

. ''

'SECRET . ~ ····-"-

SECREl M!XI 7o43 - 1100 hrS on 23 nov., 1955 green Ford Callf'ornia 6; plates KV1l 191 pe.rked near Save:r.b. ~ driver approached na.:!.n gate 'but cUd not enter. Stoo:i at Emb and va.tch:!.ng atreet for rniliute then

- -...

we.l.ked across street to plant shop where reu.ined until 1145 vhen left anu~&.

MEXI 7044 - COilllJleted e..nalys:Ls Russi&n language port:l.~ of Savemb LII!:l'IVOl' 18 thru 21 Xov. lio items of poBs1ble perti.n~nce OSWJ\LD.. All. normal.

r-EXI· 7o45 -'.f of local oont.acta of ALF!RlEV (am~~ pam 45 &bow)

~:0: 7046 - EC!lEVERRI.A told COS Silvia ru?.AB completely oooperathe and gave written state:nent a.ttesting to 2 vi.sits l:r<J OmTALD, who showd, bb r u.s. p~~.~~sport shO'II'ing long stay in USSR. Said he Communist and a.dlllirer. 91' CA....."'TRQ, Wanted her hl!lp get transit visa Cuba order to go USSR, She could onl)' l'il.%'l'Wlge tnmsit Cub& if already had USSR visa. BoVIll told· bdtr they had further eteeldng to do before could iss~.te visa, K.nwa not vhy returned u.s. without visa. DIJRA1I' told go:vernacian she had recognized OSWALD em 'l',V, 22 !ov: and told hu-Sband about v1a1tn. Oll'il'lg cooperativeness BCHEVERRIA bel15ve& will be no ~percusc:l.ona. No evM.enee 1mb 1.:tt0'4D she piel-.!!!d up·, Ab<TI" p%"3l1miua.r/ nport. C03 will e.,e l!!c:M~rria o.t~.JAin morn1n.::: 24 Bov. #.mb' infO'l'llled by COS of WilfJl' pickup Clllld deligh~d. Will brief OII!m'Vl'.

Antonio CARA.'4 e..sks JAROOl'l (of Cuban Emb) if e.eytb.1ng :l.s lmovn or pused LIENVOY abOut the death of OSWALD. JARDON ao.ys yeo thsy paued ·the that so:ll3on~s shot Aim in tbe mtomaoa. CAB.Alli e~ it ill a.U a pl.ot. J.AR!lON 'r·' ~ea that :Lt is evi&'!nt. Cft.P.AM uko 1.a~a't it true tut that ic what .,' 1•.

, 1o. ba~tng·. JA.RDOJl Sfll,yCB t_l:CGe' t¥v.JS VW!t.ftd ~0 IDiii>M it l!lppl!!lil.1' to 'bel . , o. Co::m\miat witlf.Cu'biD.. t;tw •• etcf~· &W"' on0111 ht.1 WI in t~ .. , {'· ..

Sovtet .UniOill, ad be su'bjec~c! himself' to a dirty SIIWft· CJ\IAH ·\ ;, .~,: .:~:~-~'!'ft~:) . bslievee tM-y gNl:il:M:td him for the Job, JARDON s.greem. · CARAM Bil:f!J ·~· ... it 1.8 ·obvious tll~y b.m.d to liquidate him (OSWALD) so b!l wouldn't talk. • JARDOll ag:reea and adds precisely mo that he (OSWALD) v9Uldn't tru.k, ·.the job ia more difficult (to fin-! out. plot or aliUUusinatima of :Ke_imt!dy). JA..;roQI u.ya ~be situation will '!leo om ser1i::fua. CARAM 1U1.ya whAt a ridiculous. thing· to thinlt ttaa..t a bar I'IISUl

(outwro) is able to milt v1th the police ud kill. 03WALDJ in tb.1s meu mesa. tbey Bhou.l.d. IIUSP'!!Ot tbf:l· police of Dallu • JAROOI'i' sa.ya it VUI all preiueditated; tb.ey let him ·(o3ilALD) be 1-..ill.ed. CAP .. Ail aa.ya did you 111ee the building'! It 1111 90 met.en from the street, ;what a. coincidence t~y did not register the building (for surreillanoo'!)., inclw:Ung there at the bUilding some police we~ 1n on tb!! complicity for auie. JARDOl'l s.~s perhape_ so. CAEAM says all of this b.u him "Mr"J worried.

61. 24 Nov.

62.. 24 Nov.

6}. 24 ·lfov. ,\t


64. ~4 liov.

65. 24 liov.

CRET --~--

·i ''

SECRET M!XI 7047 - R1!ll Statio.,,.., !::ewly initiated LmAT or apartment res ide nee KA:-~fl'SEV, l\"ONSTAN'r:U.'OV and Cl SHCUtlt';IDCD'h No calli in or out by aboVe f'or coverage l64o to 2000 hrs 23 Nov.

SIDOROV talks OBRU'OOV vho sayo Havo you heard the latest? OSWALD LIIRVOI ·'118.8 mortally wounded in 41. cloa'!ld chlll.mb1'.1r. TM deta1l..m su:'!!l not. given. He 1& 'b!ting Oj;l!lrated on, a.ocording to the rc.d1o. (COMM!l'l'l': by tn.n.sor1~r - \fu'!ln OBR.Ul30V eo.1d "in a closed chamber" l:lomi!l irony could b1'.l detected in the tone of his voice, as if' he had a smirk on his face, vhereas SIDOROV vas ve n· non-oommi te.l with grunts f'or &l:ll>a"!! rs. and the final vord uttered liUii if' to nay - "So what?")

MltXl 7o48 - Re Station~~~ LIFE.AT oovorage of residence Sov Cultural ~fficer Svyatoslav Pedorovich KUZ.."'iE'!SOV, identified :1\CBr No calls whatever 18 Hov thru 21 Nov. OM pera-cnal call 22 Nov betveen him ir.Od vife of' no pertinence. No c:t! 23 Nov.

Mal To49 - LIPA'R'W-1 22 !iov audio product, of t.a.rget Sovmilat Aleksandr Georg~vioh SIDOE.OV. of no pertine:o.oe.

MEXI 7050 - Poll LIKliYOY Rullsis.n lang portions oompll'lte coverage thru ·22 Nov: A. 1338 hrs uniden VOl'll8.ll asks Serg?!y Semyonovich KIJKHAP.ENY-0 if "-they" phoned hi111 at hom!. KU".I\R replied that "they" wanted to tal.k to -the AmbaSsador. "They" were told that no one is bere no;r be-::ause ·1t is lunchti:ze. Female implies to KlJJ:G[ tb.e.t SoV'a!!Ob says not make lll.llY state­ment. B. 14-45 hrs y.ugoalav A:nb Gustav VLA110V asks for Sova.mb BAZAROV. V told that B at dinner. V se_ys wishes speak to him regardless. B ansvlH'B, V aJiks if' be got any li!.dditiona.l neva. B aays n<'. V uka and vhat. nationa.lity, nothing is knmm. B says no. V nys be::ause (~~r..affled word) here, that the lliiLtionCI.lity ·is Latin American. Do you Wlderstlll.lld'l B sa,vs ;-,-ea, I th!.nk so also. It is very importnnt. V says then you knov nothing moref B sayo nothing t'!Xcept vho.t vu broa.dout ·on re41o. B ukD V if V has MJtbing nev.' V oays no. That 1.11 vhy V phoMd. B ~a.ys no - about otb:&r things, besidea utione.l.ity. B ·u~a~ V if be beard a.. brCllla.dcut !ro:u Wasninet;<21. V uya tbey only told me be vu wounded and tl:.en V heard on tbe rt\dio. that the trAJ:!Bfusion did· not· help. J says.yes, that be died. V BliVS "I blev that be mu1 'WOunded even ·before the Americans. Both laugh. M!re accident. B says yes&. there they wre an emergency meet Congress. V se.ya yes, .1. 've beard that ·the one vho is chief here terminated his trip and ca.":)!! back (ref 13 to Pres. Adolfo LOPEZ lilateos). :S says which trip. V saya "Today be was

66. 24 :Rav.

68. 24 Bav.


70. 2li. !av.


SECRET in one or tb!! states initiating aid projects. ll says I understand. U there is a.n,ytb.ins new I'll phone you promptly. ·(Only other pertinent portions ecncern !a<.:t that Amb ll/l.zAROV held o. conference with appt.U"ently most members of his staff at 1130 hrs 22 Nov.)

MEU 7051 - Contaets of' Valerly Vlllldimiravich KOSTIKOV (ref: om 848;17 -para 25 above} a&e pa.:ra 45 abcrte.

DIR 849'20 - About Silvia OORA.I'i. One important question stUl puazlea us. Wban OSWALD ·vu in l"'exico City in l.a t.e &lpt e.nd early Oct to get a. Sov viae. amcl ·a Cub tnu:u!lit visa, did be want to travel to Cuba. right I'IIW'Ii.;y', alone, or have his wifiJ join him the ro a.nd then leave for Cuba, or did he pl.a.n to retuni to the States first llLlld then leave later. AlthcrJgh ·it appears that b8 was toon thinking only about a peaceful change of residence to the Sav Union, 1t is ll.lso possible tM.t be wu getting doou.:xented. to !l'lliL!m a quick escape a!'ter uauainating Pr.ta1dent. PlB restudy L!EHVOY mat-erial a.nd give ua your 'opinion, and also have IIMuic~mS qv.estion Silvi.a. IXJEA1Il' very on this point. Advise.

DIR 849'21 -. Pla.tea KO' 9495 Fiat Multipl:!. l96o issued to Carol J. SOLES, 5726 Killa:t"'.l:et St •• Corpus C"nriBti, Texas. Motor No. 954257. Plates JF 9675 ·C& Sedan 1950 issued to Richard J. AP.Al'IDA 16ol li. W. 23rd, Su Antonio, Te:r.e.o. Motor l'l'o. 506loo812. Plates JR 2476 Chev coupe 1959 iss·.:ed to Harry Lee Saffe 5022 Ba.yb'!ad San Antonio, 'l'e:ms. Motor No. 85%175555. (Ref 1-lexi 7039 - see para 49 above) .A1n1.iting info 1'l"QITI ODENV! on oth-3r pl&tes in MXXI 7030 (see para 38 .~above) and MEXI 7o43 (see para 56 above)

war!!: TO COS F:RCM DCOSs !llr suggestion on this 1s to do nothing with 1t her ~· (re para 68 above) So tell Hqs ask them for reading cm these people. We might consider giving GOM the do~ on Mexica.n plate~ observed at her house in 61, unl.esa you f'oel this is a thing ve sp,ou].d investigate first. She doesn't seem to me to !lave an;y target potential nCPII, if she ever did, with all the confusion surrounding her. In fact, it would uur:rise ·112 to aee her 1~ her job.

MEXI 7053 - In meeting 24 Nov a"::tended by OIENVY, Amb, Min, COS a.nd DCOS roll obtained: OSwALD ord~red rifle of same type used to kill

·President from Kleina Mall Ord~r House, Chicago. Ordered in ll8.llle . Alek· H:II:£LI, but bad sent to P .0. box registered ·in ow na:te. Also OSWALD wb.en arrested hs.d selective service card in possession in n8.l'lll!l Alek lUJ:ELL. This B&lt'e name appeared on Cubam Fair Play Committee ·

71~ 24 Bov.



SECR p~da issued Nev- rirleans, although OSWALD name also appeared · underueatb. ODENVY had not establislled as of' noon 23 Nov whether H.IIZLL exists or a.lins used by OSWALD. No Y.exi traces BIIELL. Checking person photographed enterL'1g So>"1!rnb l and 4 O<:t and Cub Em'b l5 Oct might be lUDELL. Supplying Mexicans multiple copies ODENVY photos OSWALD and Station photos unidentified man appropriatelJ· cropped for hotel investig&F tion. Also cbecld.llg R:J:!ELL by na..."''l!! vith border posts and otber GOM'files.

Mni 7054 - Eef's: A. ~I 7o46 (para 59 above) IIUld B. DIR 84920 (Para 67 abave) Additions or ref' A: a. OOP.!\li arrested at home vith hl.:.S"band and members· of family vho having party. All taken to Jail. b. Since aile had told not only husband but members of family about OSWALD visits after she read name and aav TV picture. aile attributed arrest to:!! denunciation by cousin whom does not like. Thus aource ·acr.l knowledge not revealed to her. c. Does not know where OSWA!.D stayed in Me xi. d. PIUlsport C'.SWALD showed her \r"'S.S still valid (or USSR. He

·told her: vished return there perila.nently dt:U. vife. e •. Di.JRA.'{ bad bpressian CS'wALD had or believed he had made ar.i."&llgements in \la.shington vhereby instructions vould be sent Sovemb :"'!exi to issue Sov entry vi.aa in mnner by vhioh would not himself ha.'-e to visit Sovemb. Failure his reu or imagined instructions work smoothly caused him become 1"\ll:le · ":o Sovs. (ca-to;:;_r'I'I': rara lc of MEXI T9}) - pro"'::>ably para 41 above • ~ia.lly bears this out but ·Station detects no oigns ruden!!sa in OSWALDS ~ vit.h Sovs. Fu.rtbor deta.lls I:URAN interr'C611.tion a:ay re..rea.l OSWALD becMll'! abusive in Cub emb as result ltis frustration by Scivs.) r. Her imprassion he simply "cCC!I"&&.de" vho could n-ot l1 ve comfort.a.'bl.y under rigors of capitalis~ and vished return to spiritual home in USSR. g. DURAN knC'ImB not vhether he got USSK visa or Cuban transit visa but it he did sbe hl!.d no ·pert. in it. h. If OSWALD t&Ukl!!'d anyone elsa in cUban !mb slle UDIWare • 1\::F D!R S49J.6 (pan 51 al'bove) ECimWRRIA a.vare Orr.!Ol\1 concern re leak and ha.s nrned her about ta.lking, but feels at least fact of arrest my wall be lenked by other :relatives pickled up same time. COS. will continue push need for secrecy vith ECl!EVERRIA. WP.A..\'l and husbluld vill be released but kept under surveillance. Re Ref B. With MTD:I 7933 l!qs bas full tra:tscrlpts e.ll pertinent calla. t

Station feeling that e. rs-·bea 1l request reinterrogation WRAH it



72. 25 Nov.

7}. 25 l'iov.


SECRET Press reported OSWALD entered Mexico 26 Sept with tourist card given him heels 1or by Mexica.n Consul in Nav Orleans on 17 Sept. Preas confirmed that 26 Sept OSWALD orossed border by lOOt Nuevo Laredo, Tamps •• the following day to Mexi City by road. On 27 Sept be vent to Cuban Consu.late General to request visa to transit Cuba because be vas going to i:1m go to Moscow 'de. Consul Eu .. nebio A7..cTJE told OSWALD that be voul.d have to consult hls -government, that t~ ~per work re.quired 10 to l2 days. OS"wALD, because of hiS irrlta.ble character, b!lclil.:!lll! annoyed with AZCUE and laft the office sle.!nming the door. On 28 Sept OSWA.'LD vent to tbs Consul General or the Sov Union to :request a. visa for R'msU.. He said in helping his case, that his vife YU a Sov citizenJ that he vas a mtlita.nt COOll!l'mist and had lived three yrs in Russia. OSWALD told tile Sov Consul th.e.t be could verify thiS quickly by calling his wife 'IIIlo wa at that tir"..e 1n New Orleans in a hotel. The Sov Consul said he would nave to consult with his govern!D'!lnt and that ordinarily a cue like this wou.ld tam ·from three to four month.B. OSWALD e.gain b!lcwne annoyed u he lla.d. the d!ly before in the Cuban Em'OOsay and left the oft ice very mad. OSWALD return..,d to Texas on 3 Oct· viA the border of Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. Inveet:l.gat:l.ons so far do not indicate tbs.t OSWALD inV.frviewed higher o~ficials of the Sov and Cuban Embaaaieu.

MEXI 7055 :.. ,...exi daily Excelsior· (sm.rne as para 72 above), alsot 'l'll1s nat our leak. Cannot eliminate Go'lrernacion u source. FYiz Px-esWllll! Hqs is of A:P story datelined 7 Sept 63. A.t reception at Emb Fidal CASTRO is Quoted: "We are prepared to fight th~llll imsver in kind. United States leaders should think (reflect?) that 1f they are a.:l.ding terrorist plans to eliminate the CubM leaders, they themselves will not b!l safe."

Lie. CERVAirnl:S calls fron ·ws officeo to 18-35·70, o!'fiee of nevspa~r El Mundo (o1na:fq,list) and asks what is ne-.r. Office girl says· Hous~ of Zeruttoro eatlle~d to oay the Comrnissi'on of Foreign Affl3.1ra. would be at too ;\m!!rl. Cliln :!mbassy at 12 t.o 6xpT'9!11!1 regret1i for Y.t.trm.'.tdy's .death.. CE7WAI'l1'ES mal'..etlll a note or t.hat,

Julieta de !nriqu.e OO!flAr...R:Z P.,i1:rero cO!I'lfllOnt111 with Ctc1Ua that ISM ill LIIl:liiVO! very with all <1l:te l:i.eB seen 011 T.V. since Friday and then yeoterds.y .vh~n the otlsr one (OS'WAI.D) waD killed, Cecilia agrees. Jul1eta says thiB all otmM from a Plulcist organization. becaUBe tb.~ police and gll.llesters or the sMJe group· C'itciUe dO'!ID cat E~.£lft b' ~l~vos tnie all rrom .the John ~1r<.:tl Soclet.y. J·ulieTA. u.:ylll

75. (continued) ,



_SECRET - ''

SEC REI _ no thi.m could nat be trua ooca.uae one was a Jev, that it is definitely

a group of Fucists, vez-J Amrlcan, ba 1S owner of a Cabaret or nudists o.nd bel.ongs to pol1t1ca.l gangsters. Cecilia uys it 1gJ absurd tbo.t

- tbw,y let him enter (Rub"'J entering Jail where OS'nALD vaa). JUlieta aaya be (Ruby) wu there !'ro'a thO! first day, that he began to rr.ix with tha r.oUce andcnevspa:per:nen. !t wu :perfectly :p~d. indeed some of the police pro"ba.bly are of the nrne organization because Ruby ~ 4:0 - · -.· · aimed tbe gun at hiS chest (OSWALD's). Ceclli,Q. agrees, the picture is evidence of that because the police did nat move to try to get in or acything for vithiq a question of seconds there sllolil.d havoe been a. reaction. Julieta hopes they vill ccmtinue tbfl i.nW.stigation; at least Kennedy's brother has sent a special agent. Cecilia says everything about it is strange aa the paper staJ,ed tbey found this character (Ruby) dri.nldng Coca Cola on the secOI'..d floor and tbe;r jUJ'Jt left him there. Julieta adds tha.t from the :f very first everythin$1 va.s absurd, that he was &·Communist. Cecilia says thiB type {OSWALD) 'ccr..lld nat be nuts because the vhole thing waa so x;ierfeatly .planned and that. ·ia evidl!nt since tb.e bUllet wu a.i""d at Kennedy. Julieta .~lil!lvea that. th1B ia all doM by '!lxt.l""'" riv.htists plaruv.~d f'rom

' ver; high up ni-:.d is vhy they had to kill. OS'~ALD ao he couldn't talk. Julieta adds that she hopes they v11l vaY.e up a l'ittle with this busiMrlll o.nd pay· atteni'ion to what b.&::! happened because it is evident it is all a conspira:y of ,r_igbtist gr.o,ups and military ll!!!n. She adds that in a very· obvioUs vay t!ua individual {OS'I'i'ALD) pretended he :was a C~u.nist to .. prepare tl:!e groundwork. Cecilia believes that he even purposely married the Ruasian girl. Julieta co:lm!nts that all vas very well prepa~d. step by step to blame th3 Co=unists, but that n<Y vith this (OSWALD's death) ever/thing 1S more comp::.icated and they couldn •t. oont.inutJ (the investigation) W:ld even til!!! r:m.i.l.a.s police add that with tl:le death of' OswALD the cue va.s cloaed, but tbe FBI answered immediately·that it wu. not closed, that on tlls contrary, they had to open an investigation and also ·.1;he Senate will n~Uai!'~ a. commission to investigate, and Julieta hopes they .woo't be al.a.rmed at whatever may be turned up. -She adds that each time more .details a confirm that OSWALD wws a Fascist and this business of trying ·to join an anti-Castro organizati~ and later poke his nose into '·the Fair Play for Cuba surely m.ll of this was Made up by t)313 I&.Uu police. L_ikawise she indicates that all the speeches given try to imply that he

_ .. (OSWALD) va.s a fan(ltic; also NIXON spoke to the :peoples of the Nation to stop this tendency tmrard violence and hate. Cecilia is utQniQhed that , NIXON h&s made o. stand u a good person. Juliet~~~. so.yl!l that 1t 1s that nc:r4 ever:fone- is frighte:::ted since they have seen Just to. vha.t extent these things ca,n happen. She hopes tllsy continue the inves:t!gaticm to the end •.

/ I •.,

76. 25 Ncrr. \,

.TI. 25 Nov.

78. 25 ilov.


SECRE~ a.nd. if things 'oollle out, th&.t she hopes the public· will be shaJI:en up so that they 'will otop tb.U tendency tow.rd. Fascism. Ju.Ueta. continue' that at tbe "begin.'ling ab.e thought it V'I'AJil caused 'by ra::~ial trouble but naJ sb.~ thinks ·it is something more than that; it ia a national thing vell pl.muled and -chat OSWALD vas not just acting apontueoual:y. Cecilia a.greea, indeed it 'II1Ul a perfect allot vith eT...a.ct ealcu.l.ation and could not have been dc:n'.!t s:p-:mta.neo-J.Bl:y. Juliet4 says that his (OSWALD's) death "'l''l8 evidently to shut him up and they had better not say now that Ruby vas at th9 moment emotion&l (when ~ shot OSWALD) ~cause Ruby 1.8 :tbl!l· type who eou.ld. never be pictured ua great pat.riot since he bas a cri.fllin&J. record. Cecilia ~lieves that Jolmson (Pres.) and all those people are paying attention to the strenglllth in this. JuJ.ieta 1B sure of th:iB and adds that the nevs (press) vas rediculous in· respect· to OS'wALD in that he '\lent to mar:ry a Russian, later 'II1IB photographed rlth the Dally Worla!r: rlth th~ Com;mmist nevspaper 1n one hand and a Trcelcyiat one in the other hand; thus everything va.a· very vell prepared to blame tbe leftists; indeed this h&S a.lwe.ys been the va.y they have done it, co=it the ·terrorist acts and then try to lll&.kl!l it appear that the acts were done by the Communists; that has alvays ~en the tactic and only the people that nave no idea about politics can swallow those things, She ·add.s that thj.s 1s very dangerous. indeed vhen they are able to assuaina.te a: president like Y.ennedy. imagine how strong they in the United S';ates •.

DIR 81+938 - Since U. S. immigration records next to nothing on travel of U.s. cit:l.zene • pl3,t Me .xi immigration to check all their records . since· June 62, wheri os,rALD returned fro!!! Sov Union, to see. if he entered or lo:tft Mexico at any other ti:ue than the :0!6 Sept to 3 Oct 63. We still do not. know vbat if a.ny-thi.Dg OS'tiALD told his Dallas interrogators about t.rave:l to !I.e xi. We alSo need inro on who traveled vi tb him Md whAt "rohic:Le he uoed on his Sept.:oct 63 trip Md on any other tripe. DOes fl'exi goveX"IlllY!nt have tAlly way of t.P.!llling Yhat other toursit cards bel might hAve ha.d'l If so, plJJ ask them.

l!rote to LI'mf'!PO - Silvia OORAN .!mew vhare OS'tlALD wu staying in Mexico • Could we get tb.ia addreu fran her?

l.zxl 7059 - Spanish lAng t.a.kl!! of 23 Nov Sovemb LIENVOY of no pE"trtin.ence. From ·Russian lang portions 23 Nov. LEINVOYt 1301 brs Poli.Bh Amb called Sovtl.lllb. Pole e..sred 1f BAZAROV going anywhere today~ :BAZ said staying at E:nb. Pole ast:ed is could visit BAZ, latter ~~,greed t:or 1330 hrs. Othe:rvise, ·all Russian lang parts personal matter.J. No'tone word on a.ssusination.

19. 25 Dov.

;6o. 25 lOT.

25. Nov.


MEXI 706o - (REF 1-m:x:I U368 - not in OSWALD. P-filJt ud ncr:. abst·raoted) AceorJing LIFIP.E dip CO".Ar~ra ref left. Ml:Xl for Cuba l2 Jlov via Cuban& 465 ret.urned MEXI 18 D'ov via, According LIE!fVOl', tbey probably left for B. Y. em 2~ liOY vi.a A~r~vef.l flt 451, Ananyev (phonetic} of 3ov c01lf.luJAte B. Y. phoned BOV'!'mb 2' Jiov asldng for info on which flight eouriera taking. COf4>1!ii:liTs Tbi.IJ only in?reqMntly occurs. ABilt Coneul KOSTU.OV Wll.llt:iled the call from N. Y.

Ma:Xl 7061 - Compol'lit-<! of laUlst rcportin1~ by fJOuroell LICALLA, LIMl'mD lAnd LlLYRIC on movem'llnts 1n and out Bovl.!lrmb by Y..OaTI!WV ud .u.FEFY!Vs (All norm.aLl o.ppil\r-ently,. exc.,pt 2/f. l'lov. ~~07·hra Y.OlJTII<OV enV!rc 6ovemb with wit'e azv.1 ~1.1WBirl. 11+4o drivea out in JILF"Eff!EV's oar, latter o.t wheel, with Y..AZAHTSEV Mf.i t..,o 1.Ulident1fi00 Sov visitors alSo 1n car -This. first ti,!!'l') LILYRIC l'l'!en theee visiting 30Ys. MEXI will idant1f7 AI3AP,)

MEXI 70f2 - (~fa DIR 81•9}13 - Para 76 above) LEGAT atMmpti,n,:; get all dl!!~ail.B re rll!!th~ of tnwel who if anyon~t travolled with him ud My info of eithlitr travel lrt Oii'IiJIL.O or "Al~x Hl.IJELL". L!CAT cMolr..._,d f'lif!')lts ll\.11!11'0 LIU"!do ruJd ff.ontet'!'1'ry' to and. f'r(Y.I! Me:d and found no evid"!!no., Ofi'.tALD WJe 'lf tn.V'!Il. LE11Nl' chl!lcldng on Jo.ok Hl!BUI:J'I'fi!Ill' IQ.U.&a Jack RUBY. LECAT a.loo us:t.cting with all uuet11 in attempt get data on wnera 03~/ALD stayed 1n ~1ex1 and his contacts. Job auggeusted 1n para one Z"!lf e.l:nost too big, but will mala!! raq•.l!!st. Ml!l:d iiMiigrat 1oft recordJJ are poor.

Memo !:rofll ROO: Subjects gilbe!._t~ _ftk_V.ARAOO..,_ tels 41-07-31J a.ddrecs. P1no .173, Col. Se:Pta Mo.rlir.....,.de .. lA Virrera, Hica%'11.gUWl cit, born 31 Jm 4o ill Ciwis.d, State of Cel..ll.ya!., Nic. - Jll.lm LORILLO, Rol~m .ALVARADO ar.d Carlos Fonseca AMADOR aro members or his organization 1n Nic.araguc.. Source cl.airliS he 1rnS sent to Mexi by :Sic CO!miWlists to go to CubQ vhero h!: vill be trained. 1~ so.lx:lt&ge, but he wll.l go o.fter lle gets documented as a Mexi cit. The Cuban Emb in Mexi is going to coma up with a fa.lele Mexi birth certificate for him. Source ~Said two persolUil were in the Cub Emb tbe morning of 25 Nov 63 a.t 1100 who aro involved in the plot to usn..s&inll'l.te Pres. Kennedy. B:e described them as one being white persoa with a large cleft nose. TD.e other person bad close cropped hair witl:l a copete. l'lr. ALVA.."-'WJJ cle.ims tha.t on tbe 18th ot Sl.tpt be wu in the . Cub Emb in Mexi and b.'! snw OS'H'ALD receiw $6,500. OSWALD wu speaking · with a Iie=, about 29 yrs of cage, who had a scar on his Jaw, had roddi.Sh ~ :iilllch.:,.IA proMJ;l~ ti~ Tbe Negro spoke English well and might be a North American. O_Stoi'ALD was apea.k:1.J:!.8 or eliminating ~ ~rson. The

----8,. 25 Nov.

64. 25 Nov.

85. 25 liov.

86. 25 liov.




1 , me

SECRET Negro then said tb.a.t be wu sorry that be could not acocmrpa.t~y OStorALD, but said "you understand my situation". OS",.;'ALD then :replied that's all right I can do this by l'll"JII!elf. Thl! S?'..lree vas of tbe opinion that OS',.,AL1)· bad OOI:J>!! from 'l! and vhen OSWALD entered ht9 vu· a.rrectionl'l~l.Jr g~~d by ra .feam.l.e employee of the Cub Emb vho hu blue eyes M.d Uvea at Calle Juarez 4o7. Source e..lso st&ted that O::.'WALD vas given $1,500 for extm expense I!. S01.l.r0e stnted that vben he vent to the bathroom he sav 013""ALD counting tile ·money, in Amric~~.n, on the patio which 1s adJacent. ~ F.SO and D/FSO made u appvintment to IDI!!et ALVARADO at 0930 26 Nov at t!:ae cafeteria of Ho~l Francis. (Signe:i A. c. Plambeck}

Mel!lo ·em OSWALD read to Pres. LOPEZ Ma.teoo on night t)f 25 liov. givil'lg bac~ ground· info and m.sldng lll1!l.lly questions.

ExcelSior. Cuban lAwyer Jose Antonio CABA.RGAS, eti-Castro former director oi' Inntituto de ~guridad Social of Cuba V18J5 captured night by federal agents to be investigated for political activities aDd especially ft:1r a suspicious telephone eal.l to Mililmi. vi th Emilio NUf.EZ Portuando, former Cuban delegate to United Nations. Address o1' CABARGAS No. 10, Vict.oria 25. CABARGAS a.o.d NlllEZ spokfl of the assusination of Kenmedy.

Police report on CABAir..:.AS IIUld ~Z of p&.I'Il 84 above. See para 86.

M6..(I 70~ - Following received l4o5 from, Narcotics l'lllpresentathe vllo received from ~mb9r poli~ of l'exi, vllic:b. ia on~ of two i.!lt'llrpol repe here. ~port directed to Direccion ~nen.l ( preoumably of bank). A. At 2030 hra 24 No-{., 01rect1:1r Intematmu•.l tele"hone merviees calle4 wr1 ~r re phone call b9twl'!~ CABAP.CA in Med and l'lUliJ!:Z in M11M'11 (phone }71-29-41). CAEARCA told ~z th.P.t with ta.'JU • .as1nat1on Kannedy, CASTRO's plo.n M.o been realized and that n~xt one to go· vould b.a "Bob" ud that any ti:m atomic bombs would down on 11. S. vithout &JlYOill!t knC'II'ing vb,y. that if a.ll u.s. Wlable defend life of itG president, would not be o.ble d&fend sel\"1!19 eit~r. ~port said othor 1tem3 relative Latin .A<nerica mentioned but operator could give no fu.rtber 1nfo. Report conti.n~d Capt ~.anuel LECUONA Ramoo, Ch1of of office of epecial invemtiga... tionn under privat-a 'oecretary of Preaid!!nt notifi.ed. Attempt alSo made loea.te Joee Luis mnAVIm3, treuury rep San .Antonio, but ooul.d orily get C!Apt Meads of San Antonio police who proa:i.v.d. info:m BENAVIJ:IES in fulJ. of' a.bove. Both callers vell blown CABARCA n..,

· \mde·r 1nterrogs.t1on by police. OIENVY notified here and will contact · Proeura.duria· direct :for info. Sin11e :fact CABARCA arrest appeared morn1ng pa.pera ~re no sen.s:l.t1Y1ty problem involved. Writer unknown. I,ists his phone in report QB 15-15-21, wh!ch not in either of reversed directo:ri-es.



89. 25 D'ov.

90. 25 Nov.

91. 25 Jov.

SECRET ---- ~---

_SECRET DIR 84926 - Reqm!st cable S1.i.l!milry aJ.l Station info on Silvia T. OORAl'f. Also request LITAI'UL nine bel queried as to his knowledge OSWALD contacts vith Cubtul abl and Sov emca.asies.

W-1.! 7065 • (t(!;;Ya fJU! 1.:..4~G- i'llu."'ii. f~·r t~~br.;•te) l':l11vie. tlJitArt aka fJUv1a de· TIHAOO, ~xi cit, vu employed by CubM conaul.&V. ot't.'ice Mexi· u temporary repl.lil.cemen·t OLI.BARRI upon utter's Geath July 6:5. IXJIWi vas director OCRC U!ltll early Jlilll 63 vhen pressured by Teresa PROENZI to resign. ~fore July 63. p3r Liil:!IVOY, :tlfJRA.N had sporadic con tact Cuban Ernb, mainly with PROERZA re I!1CRC m.tters. I'a+J. 62 had af' vith· Cl\rloo LECHUGA. I! In June 62 LICOOit:I-1 report~:! that J01>e REVULTAS said OORAi1 strongly drawn to his Lie;a Leninista. Eopartaco, local d·issident Commie grOU:p. Rc para tvo ref: Station queried LITAMIL nine tllis point night 2; Nov and b.e disclaimed any knowledge OSWALD visits. Re ha,s been instructed report any nev facts or significant reaction his associates.

DIR ·81+952 - Pl.S obtain and cable tnll:!Blated SU!lll'll&ry of any of!"icia.l reports or statements rtexica.ns have produced on Silvia IXffiAN and husband,

WAVE 3149 - 1. ODF'OAH e.dvii'J'!!d WAVE that phr.m"l call from one Joso san Antooio CA'MRf'-A 1.n !""":d f:ity (phon . ., 1!5-6';.;.1•) t~;~ Dr. Em111.o mJilP.Z Port.uondo, tUwn1, YQ.I'J m0nito.-.,1 ~'• Uov 6). Con"Mruation i3po..n1.41b o.nd e·i.IJt or it i»s Plan of C/£1'RO carried !orvard, Bobby 1e next. Soon the atoodc bomba ,..ill rain and they will not knO'II from vb.ere. 2. WAVE traces 1'i'U1:EZ reveals he subJ or 201-312:504. No I"'!!cord CAl3ACA. Hovever, A!10'1'-2 advised CAEACA is probably Jose Antonio CAl3ARGA Sainz, dpob circa 1916 Provin'!e Lo..s Vill.M, Cub111.. Cu.rently resi.d.ea Moxi, PQ·Box :::.o9C e.nd ll!!.ls BaM phoe l'l'o. p!ll.rB. l €Lbove.. He 11.1 nOll OCCUpiad With obtainin-": ~Maxi visas for persO!lB desiring leave .OJ.·r.e.. He 11.1 pronounced BATib'TIANO·IIl.lld rightist vHh ties to BATISTA groupll in U. S. e..nd heads the AlianZ4 Po.ra El Progreso de America.

Paul K!miED! tal.ks Yitil John Rin'I'I!!:. Paul Mka John if be t'l!!a.d Excelsior 1-ltt..:/fT this morning about OSWALD having come to Mexico e.nd having applied for at Cub Emb. Jolm does not knov about it, but had planned to call someooo in tb.e Cub Emb after 0930. Paul uk.a if that maJ:l• etc. (no bearing)

(later. s&.n:e day - ccmtin'Ufld)

92. 25 Bov.

~. 26 Nov.

95: 26 Nov.

26 lov.


SECRET . -.:,..;

John RE'rl'II!': calls carlos LAGIJNAS who is not in. Luz BERLOVA takeo the LIFIA.T


pbc-na. J~1lm tells Lw; about R.~t'.elsior 111,rticle today - about OSWALD. Jo\m would l1 ko to conf'irm tllh. L\111. thin~ he should cell the. bbusy. Ask for the 'boy with whom they hl\d breakfast once - Fernandez ROA. · But the Soviet El:lbusy? Best with KAZ.Ah"TS!!:V. Boris KAZA.N'TSBV. He would knov about it su..'"'ely. He is Counselor. Re is the tall. lll&ll.':' No, the gn.y hllt.ired lllW1 is KONSTAM'INOV. The 0!1e vi tb. vb0111 they were drinking with tb.<l Amb. - black hair IIL!'ld gluaes. b!t K.AZAli'l'SEV or YATSK'JV who is the Conaul. YATSYJJV would beer. person to have r.s­ceived OSWALD. If he vent to the Embassy, yes. Y.ATSY.OV may not knov John, 'but Y..A.Z.ftll'l'SZV knOW'S him. KAZANTSEV speal:s S~oMish. Re vU the one who greeted John in English.

!«XI 7067 - At this moment Station officer and local &ieurity off'icer ('li'hom he eonti.\Cted) interviewing Nicaraguan who clail)ls that on 18 Sept he saw O..."'WALD receive sixthou.sand five hunC.:red dollars in DJeeting inside Cuban Emb Mexi. Request Mana· and DIR a.Uvise MEXI OPIM any traces Gilbe:-to ALVJ\FAOO, DPOB: 31 Jan 4o Ciudad RM!a, Cela;ra, Nica:ragua. Claims he &•-aiting fiLlse. Mexi · docu:nantation prior receiving sabotage training Cuba.. Sa,j·s Juan LORILLO, Rolan ALVARADO IUld Carlos FONSECA Amador are me~bers his (Communist?) or~litation Nicaragua.

President IX>RriCOS of Babana. calls A:nb. Joaquin B3RHANIEZ Al'mlll.3 of C' .. iban LI!JINOY EmbB.Say, !•!cxico City. A'bout SilviA DUr1A..'l, the police picking her up,· detr.a.ining her, interrogating her, etc. (DORTICCS asked severe.l times about. mtm'!!y. )· OORTICOS uked EEBNANDEZ to. question Silvia scm more and to inv'es'tiga.te more and call him.

Mn:i 1068 - Tn.n.slll.tion of trMscript ( o:!.' 'pan. ~·above). sent. Ll"mNSOR ale o has ·Spanish copy. Tape be 1ng retain~d.

MZXI 7069 {R~f: ~I 7067 - Para 93 above) ( see Para 82 above) Statibn off~cer (pr-:ibably BAR.I\ER) with !:nb Security Off'ieer interviewed Gilberte Noluco AL'VARAIXJ Ugarte morning 26 Nov with following resultst (~peti:ticn of' Para 82 and 93 abo:rre dt1l follo-.ring additional)s ·ALVARADO a.d::litte\1 'be re11.1ly on polnetrat1on mission for .J!iic Secret Gervi~, reports to Mll.jor Roger JEREZ, !Uc Mil.att, P'! Latino, Interio~ 513, telJ 46-3;5-76, !1ex1. On 2 Sept reported in Mexi tcr Prot'ess~r Edelberto TORRES, ·Address General Zwuua No. 37, Interior 8. TORRES ia· l.Ue in chl!lrge of Nic CF' travellers to Cuba. Well knCM:l Communist. Raa di!.' in M;:>Scov. On 2 Sept discussed anti-Somoza guerrilla activity h with TORRES li.nd brothers Gustavo and H'.llllberto JtREZ Talavera. · TORr-ES told ALVARAI(l hl!! vould receive 500 Mexi· pesos monthly u..;baiatence untU travel pc&pertl arn.nged. At noon on 18 Sept ALVARADO vent to

-~1-:·~~' -----;.;}.'

97. 26 NO'Y.

97. 26 l'iov.


SECRET C-uball.Consul.ate to tum pus port photos aver to Consul AZCUE, e:te., ete. At ttl!t end of Sept ALVARADO phoned American E:nb soveral times to report his belief SO!l'J!Ione :i.TI!pOrtant :i.D. U. s. to 'be killed, used name .Jorg!! l\tl'tAUT (pllo-.H!tic) to protect identity. Was ulmd U related v:i.Sn matter. Replied no, pol1t1eal matter, wished ' speak to persoc of' ecmfldsnce. First time wu screened by 2 fee>.alea, finally spol:e to man who said he would call back. ALVARADO le.ft phone nu::II:P.:r 30-19-52 (uinco cb.anged). Man ne"ooer called, ALVARADO tried repeatedly cootaet Emb by phone vu firul.lly told "Quit nsting our time. We are vorking b'!M, not plAying." When ALVMIJ..OO na·.r OSWALD photo in MYill.palJ"r he 1\P',Illn'· cooi.4'Jt.AIIt.l '!i!mb ~·~ lfo-Y, 1\l.VAMr~) ~~ yrmnv., qut . .,~ •• vft>ry Sllri'JU#I P"rnon, vhc• IIIJ'IIIIII<A w1tn tiODV1fJt1on, Y.nrNO ~MJ'I.II{)l f.llli,Ulllll t.P ll!ll'l"ll"!l~.a.n1'I''H'II&>•, ll411 t.O.AI< ma.intA!I'fiAM'D t.t'IIILfAill~ 1n r.:vuLl'7hM .. ~n w1t..h JUn 1\r-tfr.J, fJe;itJ k:l'!l nt.11:l f.f1f.l GtAnmlA I•tllll"t,1 mbr, wu l)rfv.too.ll;~ convLnt.:~d fl..tlrxillt, later became dis:l.llus1or.\'ld, bB.S been penetn.tion agent for lU.c Gov for put 4 :;rtn. Scheduled enter Cuba within 2 months. He explained he outi'8.€,ed by Ke~U~edy usa.sstnatic:a be ac~ sure COil2!!UDist plot. Does not wish become involVed in big ptabllcity splash, hO?!!B u.s. vill keep na.".:e B'lcret, but villin.g do' vllatever necelll$11L'l"Y. L1vea'at P1no.:Jio. 173. Col. Sa,nta r~ri:a. de 1a Ribera, Tel 41-07-31. 'Will accept phone call from_ "Rodolfo ~ba.ldon" to set tim': for next meetizlg whieb. to take place front Juarez Mon~nt, :?arque Ala.mee".a. •

. M!XI 7070 - LIMI':rED reported Me:d S!!cret Servioe 1ZI1t1.ated b~avy surveillct.nce or Sovemb oto.rtin11; an.i'!rnoou ·2:5 NOv.·. Also &Jo Serv phyaic;.l surveillance or KOSTIKOV aar11er report.ecS, according. LIMnED the &.to· Serv sta.~d cloe~e obvious sunroilla.Me or Vitally Dor1r~av1cl:!, BmJBDf (r.GB) <:r.1 23 RO'Y. Notl.ll SHUBnl in past often o.ccom~ied Kf.JI3TIKCIV on tripe outeide Bovemb

M!X:I 707'2 - (REF: A. MEXI 7067 - Para 93 m.'bove; B. MEXI 70E8 - Para 95J C. MEXI 7069 • Para 96 abave,) - Amb Mann asks folloving be sent by COS to Sec. Rust, Mr. Me Cone &nd Mr. Hoowr: This message r!preaent& combined suegest 1on11 of myself. Scott and Anderson s ID view or Hie- (~f A) an1 info iZ1 long distance tel~pllone bet~en DCRTICOS and HEFJlABJ:8Z (~!sf' :B) we 111ue,~~ot "":derma 'M uiforlll'!d conC'!Irn1ng ~f' A and Nio be put at d1apoll1t10D or tol'!Z MatA!oo on c-;o¢1ticm LOPEZ r~teoe will ~ree to ord~r rearrest !lAd in~rrogat-.s Silvie. OORAN u f'ollCJVS 1 a)· Confront Silva vith lUc and haw IUc inform her of d.ate.Us ·hiS'fl'!5nt to us. b) Tell S1vl1a isb!t Clll1ly living non-Cuban vho knovs full story and. hence 1n ll!lliiJlll!!

positicm u ~'WALl> prior to l:ds usa.ssinat1cn~ l:ler only chance for survi\"8.1 1.s to ccm!ll clean v:l.tb whole s'tory ad to cooperate completely with Mexi C1)V 1n retu.rn for Mexi Gov protection. c) She will not in ar..:y cue be alloved to leave M!lxi. / Given apparent character of- Sllvia th<:~re wruld lilpp!!llii.l" to be go9d chance of e:raoking vben confronted v:l.tb details of deal bet;;'!!en OS'wALD, AZCIJE, l"il'.l'.ABAL auG ~ilv1a Md UDknaw Cubm negro. U shs. did!U - and ve suggest l'l'~ex:i.C'ait& ahould be a.slted to go all out :i.D. seeing thAt she doe• - we and !'exicans vould have needed corrobo:ra.t1on or statement of the 1Uc. AlSo suggest Meld Gov identify and arrant 'I.Ulk:now negro. Have 1' rearrest Silva so a.s to eliminate possibility of her being smuggled out of lt'.ex.1 to Cuba or· k1l~d her!. We lack established reliability of !lie, but aw;geat IXlRTICCS 1 preoocupation with ·IIII'Jilley aagle 'tends to corrobOrate authenticity of Nie statement. Thus, there appears

. ·I'

99. 26 Jiov.

100. 26 Bov.

191. 26 Nov.

102. 26 !0"1.

103. 26 Nov. · ·

104. 26 .Nov.

105 .. 26 l!iov. 1806'


SECRET to ~ strong & ~sibility that a dcr.-n ~nt vn.s made to OSWALD in CUb Emb here. Request instructions.

MB:XI 7o83 - (RiSF: MEXI 7067 - Para 93 above) FYI: ALVARADO DOW' claims be CP penetration agent r,r oon. Bequest MANA .Station not consult Lie.ison on this one until further word ·from MBXI or DIR. .

Mat -. 7o84 - Ar-m Mann requested om:rwr offit·er be sent to Mexi to· give him more details . of OS'.JALD/RUBINST!!:IN cas~s. 'l'b.1B info because it indicates Anib's feeling be not boeing .fully e!:lough 1nforr:ed of aspects of these cnses in U.S.A.

MB:XI 7092 . (EEFsa. A. DIR 85066 - not ill file, not abatn.ctedJ A. MSXI 7084 - r&r& 99 above) 1. See R&f B. vl:t.icl:t. CI'OSsed DIR 850~9 (not 1n file. not abot1-acted). 2. Amb'EI feeling is ba not f\:U.l,> briefed O."l cuas. etc.// COS finds pre son~ C/O'i.EJi'VY one of best and moat

. c:oopernth'e.· etc./ I cos cpinion it is des:I:Nble Or<RNVY Se::lf office.r to Mexi to aatisfy .Amb. Unles.s. lt!r. J\?M!Icm cll.ll coovinoe Ar.i'b that Chief/Odenvy l>'lelxi will receive a.n:i make a.vaUab1e to him ll.ll infoi"illliLtion concerning U.S. a.ngleu of these cues. . .

. M!CCI 7093 {REF: DIR 85198 - not in fUa, not abstracted) App::-eciate prompt instructions. ALVARADQ's story being cl:l.ecked. He being re-intervieved, and moved to safe address. Have asked ·Ec:!!EVERRIA as of night 2c Nov to put close su..-veilla.nce on !XJRAB.

MEXI 7094 - 1. Dr. Jose Guillermo AGUIRRE of Mex1 told follawing to Pete Moraga. USIS, on 26 Nov. A. Maria RODRIGUEZ vido;; of LOFEZ said & san in law of here vho lives in . New Orleans '1mB wll acqur.a.inted with OSWALD. B. Son in law is a Cuban, Arnesto RODRIGUEZ, who lives at 21.2 Jefferson Parrish, Tel, Vernon 5-9658. c. Arnesto RODRIGUEZ runs a S:panish ~e school; is &..'1ti-Ca.stro. D. According to Maria RODRIGUEZ do LOPEZ her son in lav bas taped conversations with OSI•ALD. 2. A'tiove will be r&ssed to ODENVY here on 27. Nov. Rqs may wish. pus OI:<RNV'Y.

Note ( piU"& 102 above) from Bob Ad&."'IS on 26 Nov 6). Signd COS

· MIXI 7095 - .Foll.O'Irlng 1'1!!Sult of Otm.'"'VY investigat~on hotels: OSWALD re,;iste1'1!!d at small lotel del COclsreio, ~ 19. tel: 46-6o-51. on 27 Sept 63. OSWALD left thie hotel on 1 Oct. OIEiiVY·l:!t!lleves OS'iAJ..J> t:rav.elled frOI'll :Nuevo Laredo to Monterrey by bus on 26 Sept then c~ed bases Gd continU'!!d on Jtn.ahua.c bws liM to l"lex1 City arriving 1n time on 27 Sept for 1037 telephone call to Sovernb tb.ll.t dc.te.

STA'l'E mc:cru:rm '.!EIEGEAM, Control #369 - Local newspaper editor todu.y told me .b,e visite.d Mo.ndu.y by one Hector Fl:'ll.ncis CCSERRA..~O, news photographer from Cul.iacan. Latter 11t&ted he travelled by bus late Sept Culiacu.n to Hexi City with OSWALD. They a.ttemp~d converse though OS'wAI.O's Spanish poor. OS"wALD gave informant pareonal card and pamphlet in English vith many pictures Castro. both later discarded. On arrival MEXI City, noted OSWALD's baggage included rifle in leather case. (from Linthicum - Guadalajara)

106 •. 26 Nov.

107. 26 lfoV.



.$ECRET. 'l'be lew article on OSWALD Sought Visa Here to Russia, Report Mexican Gowrnment Sources .•

. Article states OSWALD entered Mexico 26 Sept, left 3 Oct, on tourist carr! 1eaued in New Orleans by .Me::ti. ccmsul&te, conf'erred vitb. Cuban consul Eu.Gebio A7....ct!E, etc. etc.

LmMP0.:4 prepared 'report for LITEMP0-2 on .cue. Source ~rsonall:r interviewed Silvia IimA:N u well· a.a Horacio OORAN Nave.rro, Ruben WEAN Navarro, Betty SEP.RATOS de ruRAl, Lidia Duran Nave.rro Vda. de FLCBES, · Agata ROSENO Garcia, Barbara ·Ann :m.ISS and Charles E. BERT!.ey, a:ild .attachod report sets forth the results obtained. hlso attached afe · photoa of Silvia ·a.n.d husband-, Horncio. Source· advised that he interrogated Silvia. on two ·occa.aion~ and on both .she denied kncrwJ..edge or OS\vALD'a residence, whereabouts or contacts in. Mexico except .as set forth in the report~ See :report, in Sp6l.ll1sh, Vol. I or P-,859}. NO'T'E:: Gh~ck .. pa~ 10 ·of ~port, mutual friend ·is mino r.owrR.ERAS, bateriata (itJu.m drurnrrer) with i":ON'T'R.ERAS+. _oscar of 'T'arnpicq, 5 .Tuly 67 remo to LEr..A'T'.

WO!II!!Lil- calls Sovemb Md wants to tal.k with the person who bad .contact with_ OSWALD when -he - LIENVOJ vas in Mexico, wm.nta to know where he was, where be stayed 1ti Mexico. The Sov told ber -,,. no one knew' il.nything a boo~ the case~ , ,

·o.P,S. agent·, Hugo·cASILLAS, calls tlv.l North Amsrican, Barbara, vho lives at Bahia Magdalena 127 and remiride h'!!r tnat h<!! is one of t.b.e bO"JS from that tfl'lllll or the detention and that M was t.a.l:king 1ii th, her· in too camioneta (paddy wagon 1 i) ( "'0'~: E4t.rbara refers to Barbara -Ann· BLISS of' ·" report - parn 107 above - page e, vllich says she lives at .l!ahia de Yt.~~.gduena :rio. 125 wit-h' ul 45-13-41, divorced from Jun ESQUIV'EL, Costa Rican, etc.) and

· s.aid, "What a ·time you~ spent be:re, very pleasant, true?" Barb&ra remembers; Hugo asks -if<Cbarles M.s .his whiw _car in too sa..~ pla..:.-e, th.a.t a.t that tirm be vas very .worried that it w;ould be stolen. Earba:t1l conm:mts that the others we:re cervous, and Betty. with the long hair, is now fighting lf1 th he-r huaband. Hugo rermrnbers that it seemed that day that tbey .rere ·having a party there in RUben's house. Barbara indicates that it vas a pi.rty for cl1ildren~ Hugo n..aks vhere abe spent the dl!tY yesterday. :Barbara said she vent Yitb. Tino (CON".['BERAS) ~r sweetheart, but adds that Tino went to the United States to record some. ll!liBic, ,Jazz, for he pa;rs the drums. Hugo askJJ if' she hasn't gon~ to Acapulco. Barbara ·:re·apC'IIds -no ber:e.•.tae she dO!!sn•t 111-.e ·~ (Acapulco) 1 that there you can only go for

- yOU:r honeymoon. 'I"Mri s:tl.-!1 ·comments that iBn 1 t it horrible tll!l.t RU1lY killesd OSWALD ••• , "but think hCJ'W' thOl'Je police~n are in T~.r..n.s ••• they are mules." B.ugo comments that ·in tbe phoJto you could see· that they didn't even turn around (when Ruby shot OSWALD). Barbara be lti!vee that tlley van ted. OS"riALD to die. Hugo com:nents nov they say they might poison Ja.ek ·IUBY. Barbara says the thing is not normal, "It' a a thing, b.Cl'W' do you say it croomd (or tvi!J.ted) ~" Hugo 11ays that today. bn ia ?Il call but tomorrov he will b!l fl"!!e. · '~r;ba.ra 1n_vitea· him' to her house to !lave coffee anytime after 1530 hn. Hugo will b!l. tl:ien-e. e. t .1700 hrs •

. x·

110. 27 Nov.

111. 27 ~ov. 1701

112. 27 Nov.

113. 21.Nov.

114. 27 Bov,

115. 27 lov.

116. 27 Nov.



SECRET ,... Alll'b. Juaquin BEl'!RAl'iiEZ Al"!llU calls Pres. OORriCOS of Cuba and rep~rts there is ROt~iDg DeY em the Silva roRAN caae and that she had not add OS'wALD '!I'8.S given money iD the Cub Emb. Transla.tion has bee!!. cbeckl!!'d and is correct.

JfeaJO to LEGAT from COS ·encloe inc; r.ll '~<::r.Y<-ersat i~Jr.!! fr<m t43~h:~it·al cr;~ ratinns pertiMnt to CS'IiAl!) case, -i.e., 27 Sept, 1037 hrs (para 1 above); 16o5, (para 2 above); 1626 (para 3 above); ll58 ( pa'ra 4 above): 1031 ( J:Qra 5 above) 1 Oct.; 1035, 1 Oct (para 6 abcr.-e m1uked lo45); 1539. 3 Oct (para 7 above). COS requested (underlin~d) no dissemination or discussion-without prior ~d complete clearance and authorization of COS' organization.

STAt! ' te1gram· from T1jUQila (control #3fJS) aa~·ing !iegl~Ltiw report on RUmNS'l'EIR a.liu RUBY vith all poasiblS SPelling-variations checked.

Memo to LEGAT from .COS telling conteats of pe:ra 10:2 above.

MEMO to LEGAT from COS vith copy of Amb. 1-larul's cable (p1U'6 97 above). and copy of Amb'a draft of this cable.

DIR 85039 • Discussed vitb Mr. Alexis Johnson of State thia af'te:.noon Amb Mann's telegram requesting Om:NVY officer trawl MEXI for consultation on OSioiALD cue and other possible MEXI leads. Mr. Jo!mson is e..sking ODZHVY e::q:edite tra>-el .such officer ~d is enl1Bting usistance of' Deputy Attorney General KATZZNBACH in this matter. Will advise.

DIR 85o86 - {Ret's MEXI 7067 - pan 9} e:oo-re) SubJ ref is LAVARADO member of Frente de LibCracion Naoional (FLN) .. Hie exile revolutionary group which 1B Cuban supported and Commie dominated. ALYAP.ADO is also mow info:rma.nt Nic intel service. Rolan AI.VARJ.OO, Caries FONSECA Amador ·and Juan LORIO.(possibly iden v/Juan LORILLO in ref) a.ll vell knovn Nio communists.

~NA 46o9 - (Reft MEXI 7067 para 93 above) (also see pam 82 above) • Full name Subj is Gilberto ALVARAOO Ugarte, B. 31 Jll!.ll 40 Ciudad R'lo!l!a, Zelaya, Nio. SubJ, a mechanic, eon or Cervilo ALVARAOO and Zoila de ALBA.RAOO. Subj about 5'4", 135 lbs, brow·cyes, dark bi'O'Ill1 bAir, dark complexion. ~ubj vas informMt for Nio Security Service from 62 until Aug 63 vhen his connection vitb. Security discovered by FLN. After be "blown" in Aug 63, he rec 1d small p&YiJ!l!nt. from Sec ~rv and said he plB.nned go El Salvador. He told Security he vould vrlte if' be. obtained aJ:zy info of Ya.lue. On 4 Oct Nic 'Serv reo :,1. letter from Subj in Me xi dated 2 Oct •. Subj said he in position get inf? on 2 groups in l"~x:f., and mentioned E.TOP.RES, ·probably Eddl:.erto TORRES, as being involved one group. SubJ s:1:gned letter J011e UGAR'm, pseudo ~Ugned to him by lUo Serv, 1nd gave addnas u C&lz. Chm.v:acQIUI. No. 142, f'lexi 8. llic Serv has had no contact vith him since this letter. Subj vas ultimate source several Station info reports, including Hr.M 74o,_ 742, 753, and 7a2, vhich pre-pa.rsd from liaison into. Ee al! to·be fairly good inf'o~t vith good accets. to .FLN info. Nic services

111. 27 lov.

118. 21.1av.-

119. 27 Nov.

121. 21 lev.

SECRET considered ·him good infol"l'lll!llt, but said•he might be inclined exaggerate. Should cue develop to point where Mex1 ud Hqs believe desireable break ALVARADO, SUI!.t:l.oo could probably ar:t"'Ulge Nio officer vb.o handled him co:ne Mexi to questioo him. Rol.s.l:ido ALVAEADo Lopi!Z> ne:nber Nic Col'l'llllie Party (PSN), ia ALVARADO's 1mcle. Juan LORIO Garcia, member of Central Comraittee of PSN, traveled !!.ANA to ·MEXI on 14 Sept and returned to lUc on 17 Oct. Carlos· FONSECA Amador, .,-ell known leader or FLN, reported in Honduru u of early Ncrl.

DIR 85066 - Furtber to DIR 850}9 (pr.u-ti!. 114 abCM~) Mr. Johnson bu inforaed me tlul.t Mr. KATZE!r.BACH spoke with C/OWNVY who contended that !W.I Om:NVY office posaeued all relevant info and tllat he wu not d111poaed to oend ODEfNY of'fie).!r to ME:XI. Pls adv11Je a.} Whether ODJW'oll MeT.i does in fact have neeeaoary info b' Ia it desirable in j'c;.ur op"inion that OD!NVY do aend agent to MEXI? · ·

DIR 85178- (Bef': Va!!xi 7069. 7072 - pam 96 a.w:i 91 abcm!i) Amb M.aan'a :neasage re~d to addressees. Deo1B1on will be. cabled after they confer. r.n your investigation, suggest you· contact ALVARAOO•s lUc cue officer 1n Y.exi and ask him viletber ALVARADO bas ever told him thia story or anything ·like it. You can do this without further authorization. Request you not tam any action to ro-a~st or arrest otnero without &!)pro-val· from here. ·Preswne you are checking to .s"e ALVARADO ever ma.d'!t phone calllll to the American Embassy ·he clairr.s to have made.

DIR 05198 -·(&eft DIR 85178- para 118 above) We feel investigation and udysiS of ALVARADO's st6z-J sb.ould be ·"Slli!!~ further before more executive aetion .is taken. In lieu of WP.AN, SUP_,gest sbl.l b!l put und<:!r clotU! surveillance by KUMRK or by Melxi author1tiec. Note ALVARADO's claim he is a till working for !.'lie f:lerv1oe and MARA 'a belief' he ·wu dropped in Aug 6;.

DIR 85258 (Bef: MEXI 7093 para 101 ~:Lbove) - ODE.lf\IY sa.ys OSWALD applied for unemployment in.aunnce in New Orl.e:a.n.G on 17 Sept, one day before Al'Vlii..I"&d.o says b.e sav in Cub6l.l:l Emb Mexi. OI::!UVY checking a.ll airlines to soe if he c'ould have flown to MEXI by. 18 Sept. Re 'lo'IIB 111, lev Orleans on 25 Sept and left that day for TeDS vitb.out paying his rent. Be is bell'!!lved to have been vith.out funds during this perioo·. ODZNVY says his New Orleans landlady believes lle vas there continuously between 17 and 25 Sept. Abcm!i gives further reason to believe ALVARADO is fabricating.

DIR 85}16 (Ref: 'MEXI 1101 which states COS vas advised at 1215 MEXI time via Lie. 111t ECHEVERRIA thAt Silvia WP.Ali has ~en MIIXZ'9Sted because &h\!1 waa attempting to !.ea.,.., M!!xi t'or Cuba.. • Bequest instr..Lction!J.) - This instruction hu been cotmiinated vith ODACID and ODENVY.

' . Ml!xi autbo~itles should interrogate Silvia to eT.tent Mc'!laaar; clarify ou.tstar.d1ng points Ybich b<!len rn1sed your c~ableiJ ust 48 hro. You I!Uly provide questions to Mexi int;.<,rrogatoru but ve do not vo..nt any ~Ar.l13ric~ to confront 31lvia or '1:>!1 1n aontaot vitb. J:ler. Advise resulta ·intJ!rrogation;:


CRET Dill a579T (Hef: WJlA 461:>9 • para 1 bo-re)· Appreciate MAl'l'A r11f. T.let'er M!!:XI whether or no:t they want lite cue offic~r to a.soist in interrogation.

JIIEXI 7097 (Ref: MEAl 7068 - parill. 95 ab~) ?ollowing 111 tnnalati(!'ll or e. resume or follw up convernation to· ref'; Sourc-e 1.B LIENVO'!. LITE!i!JOR copy. Tapes -beilllg ·saved. BEE.NAiiiEZ .Armas calls OORriCOS- or Cuta at 1939 h.ra •. ( sef!l para llO above) -

Mni 7098 (Ref': ¥.lUI 7069 • para 96 abOV1!) Two St.ation officers interviewed ALVARADO in safehouse again night 26 Nov with following results: Subj story rem._in"d substantially sa.'lle. as· in .ref. SubJ ·recognized photos of Cub En:b personnel Silva WEAN, Frw1cisco LLAGOSTERA, ORESmS ?.uiz, Sa.muel PErEZ, P.ogelio ROuP.IGUEZ, APARICIO,. Rolando E3TEVA, Reberto JORRill, Oscar C011C!PCION, Antonio GARCIA, Jose FERIU,r!'DEZ Roe., Andres ARl-10NA, J~uin BEP .. "lll1ll!!Z Armas., ".!", Pereg-<1ina ALONZO, Luisa CALIERON, and Alfredo !URABAL.·. Did nat· knoil na.rnes of e.ny but. kn~w b-J an-i gaw partial u duties, height, skin color~ng, condition of teeth, d1vpoo1t1on, ac~nt, etc., ~ot diac~rnable from phonoa/ Identified photo of 0Gcar COriCEPCIOll l'tendoza as tall Cuban of !4-r&l. 9 .ref' and pho-to of Lu.isai. ·cAL!ERvN u -cl"!!tt.y girl of para 12 ref. Ou1cY.l:y identified Ne-w Yorleans mue sho-t of OSWJ.LD eu!Jpl1ed by- ODE1NY. Said wa.a positive oi theme 1d'!ntif1cat1ons. _ (ll'o-te LmrioY reveals CALIERON mOY'! into Cub Emb 25 Nov.)/ Said 03WALD h.a.d green passpo-rt 1n pocket and Subj believea ~ saw pistol in shoulder hoLster. Said OSWALD wore long sh""s and b&d wrist watch with yellov in':ltal ba.."ld, ~scribed h011 03"'!1'ALD slouched in chair in Ccmsulate vaiting room about noo::1 18 Sept, seerzed to oo at home, appea~d to know and be knawn by ccmsulate personnel. Said he beard OSHALD 'J.Se i~xi slang e:r.pression "Gabron", ba.dly pronounced./ SubJ reinacted. conversation- and r.:oney-pas!ling scene of paria. 10 and ll. re_f using Sta_tion oHicere as "prop3". Conversation essentially same as ref except had OSWALD use word "ktll" iu first reply to negro, hence "You're not the rum. I can kill:him." Said u.s. banknotes wre in s:nall pack, about quarter inch thiek a.t most with paper band vhich negro broke before counting oui; fifteen hundred dollars for extra expenses and five ·thousand dollus a.s "adv~ce" ./ Subj said he still sergeant Nic guardia civil. Entered Mexico without travel documents 29 Aug paying bribe at border ha.viug transited BondUI'1l-3, Salvador and Guatemala en route. En~ red ~xi tn J.961 mission for secret service after contrived escape f'rcrn fnlse arrest in Nic folloved by period of uylW!I in Mex1 Emb. Said rec 'd t~illling e.t Fo-rt Gul.ick, CUl1l. Zone, in l'.a.rcll 1956 (Note Subj only 16 yrs old at that 'ti.'lle) ./ SubJ says he h8JJ been to .Cub Con..-sul&\te on 2 or 15 or 16 Sept, . 18 Selpt, 19 3eFt• 26 Sept &nd 25 !1197. Stat.ion photo cOY'! rage of Cu b did not include consulate gate until Oct, SubJ not identified on photos of x;ersona using Emb gate. SubJ admits visiting Sovemb 6- or 7 ti21s. about 4 times vith. TORF:ES. Is soc.1!vhat f'uu:y on reuons for.tb.ese visits, was not ssed for detail at this session. Subj b.e.s not been identified_ u· photo cover&t_,--e . /m Subj given 6do pesos to enable him a:.::>ve out of present quarters to hotel or room'lrig hou:se else·.rhere in Me xi for next few days. Signed receipt in tree narne. / Subj appears coUlj,'lletely cooperative. Shovin-g some signs of fearing ror nrety. ·

125. 27 Nov.

126 •. 27 l'iov.

,. ,J.


MUt 7101 (para 121 above) _SECRET ~XI 7lo4 .Amb 'l".am a.aks that 1'ollov:lng be p&aned to &!o. Rusk:. He presumes Km!ARK and. OIE:!i'VY. vill be advised. Since my cable of' yesterd~?.Y (Ml'!XI 7072 - para. 91 above) there have been three principal developments: 1) Ar:lb BER!lA .. 'Il!EZ Armas at 18.39 hrs last evening oa.Ued DORl'ICOS of Cuba. · In this conversc.tion, ;1hich like the first is taped, ::.CRI'ICOS expreaaed ecmtinuad o~r possibility ths.t lr.exi police ha1 interrogated Silvia about money. · 2) ALVAF.ADO, the :!U.e. was questioned by CAS officer until tvo a.m. this morning. This

. officer was impressed by ALVARAJfJ vho ha.a offered make himself' availaba as a witness and vho is nO".r hiding in pla~ provid-.,d by ct.S. We cannot ~=tee ALVARADO's safety, Wealth of detail ALVARADO gi~s about e;ents nnd P'~onalitl~s involved with 03WALD in Cub Embt is striking. ·}) At 1215 hrs M'.!xi t1rooo 27 nov .• CAS officer WilLS ad!W1sed by phonl!! by ECHE:VE?..RIA that. be had reGu-r~sted Silvia torlay oocCAuae he learn~d lh'.!! wu att.A!Impt1.n~- to leaV'J ~r.i for lt0l4~ver, Echeverria told LF.GAT t!Mt he had d.,cid'!d to .rearrest Silvia to avoid ~~~.ny potulibility .cbf!l alieht eucar:t to C.uba. and l111.Utr be Ul'lll.vaUabll!t u a v1tness, Since ve had ~ceived ·no reply to ye3te:rday's t..elellrem (MEXI 7C72 • para 'J1 above) ve have not requested ~lexi gov to take g any action ae;s.inst Silvia except to maintain increased· survP.lll..o.::!.ce of her activities. Echeverria later denied to LECAT that he had any sp!!!cifie concrete evidence. that she 'h'as about to leave for Cuba. We do not nov knov which Echeverria st.ate::oents are accurate. It is quite possible, a.nd e\'1!in prob81.ble, that contra­dictory -s+..ate~nts by EcheVerria are explained by desi:-e of GOrll to play 1ovn importa.nee of OSWALD visit hers·, . Maxi line still is that OS"IIALD visit rel.:t.ted solely to visa que'iltion. Consistent with th1D Ec~verrla atl'l.ted to LEGAT that OORTIC03 Clnly intl!lrest'lld in finding

. out \lb.eth'llr ~bxi auth.oritw·:~ tri.,d to yay a storJ fran Z11-r1a. Thill 1m r,bviou.ely incrorl"!!lot inter-prit.at1.on. r.e1ther ·LOPEZ ll,ateor nor Echeverria know cf' ALVARADO's otOI"'J, PUS note that according .Echeverria Silvia 1a being tal-..en to Attorney Ger,eral'e of rice to vhicll MeJ;1 press ha~ easy e.ccee3. Poos1blity of ha~aa corpus c~~~.nnot be discoUJlt.ed. 4) We have as yet found no trace· of the red headed Cub negro described by ALVAHAOO, but are coritin)ling our search for h1.'ll. 5) Ll addition to questions raised in yesterday's telegram Wa.sbinE;ton shcu.l.d ur~""ently condder feasibility or req_U-'.!&ting Mexi authorities to arrest for interrog.ation% Eusebio AZC'Ull:; Luisa. C!J-!ERON and Alfredo MIRABAL. The tvo men are cUban nationnl.s and Cuban consular officers. Lu1aa C~.Lr:ER0!1: is a u secl:"!taey in Cuban consulate here. Iri this connec+.:l.on article II of' Consular Convent1on.between U. S. and Mexi exemp.ts fro:n ·arrest "Consular officer-s, nati.onal of the state ·by which ttey are a.ppo.inted, and not engag-ed in any private occupation for gain" P~xcept "vben charged with thl'! commission of IIL:l act designated by. local legislation e.s crim other than misdemeanor ·Md subjecting tbe. indivi-dual guilty thereof to pu.niab.a:ent by imprlsaal'llP.I!lt.,. We are checking to see whether ,au •. or t~se· individuals are on current consular list. Even as&tJ.:ning thny are, and uauming aieo."that Cublin-l"il!!:r.1can eonaular con;ention ia similar to aura, they would all eeem to be subject to arl'1!at, provided !>'t.!.idcan lav definb their appai""ent conspiracy vith OSWALD aa a crime ani not a. miede!!l'!!anor. 'l'h'!y may all quickly ~ returned to ffi:l.bana in order to ellr::tU!JB.te any possibility that ~xi Gov cou.ld use them u witnesses. We knO'il' that AZCUE 'vent to Raba:la. on 18 Nov and w !lot ncr.r certain that be or others in M!!xi at '. - .--present time!. 6) While I rea11ze~prmou.s difficulty in giving us inatri.letions, l

121. 27 liov.

128. 27 l'lov.

129. 27 J'fov. 1020

27l'iov. 1026

. -- ..


SEC REI . nevertheless f~l obliged to point out again that time 14 of the essence here. Jllazm"

Sterile copy of above to .Anlb at his request - 27 Nov. 63

M!Cti 7105. (Eef: D!R 85245 - not in fUe; not abstracted) l. Sending photostatic copy of ten page ·state_msnt' by Silvia. OOFAN obtained from Echeverria by band of Roger 'I'. Kil'iGMAJi in envelope addressed to GALBO?iD trJ.e lllll:1E!. 2. KINGI'-'.Al.'l arriving Dullea airport at 0800 hrs 28 Nov. -liB vill be met by his wife, llo,es abe vill tell him vb&t t.., do vith envelope. 3. Sorry no time to tra.nslnte statement. 4. Also including 22 Nov Luisa CAL.l:ERON (Cubo.n emplo~) talk to unknown ilWll from LIENVOY. {para 19 above)

Mni 7lOT {P.EF't A. Dm 85178 •. ;.a:-a llo above; B. om 85797 - para. 122 above; c; em 85253 :.. para._ 120 above) - 1) ~LVARADO story after tvo instllllments tends prove that be has been 1:1 Cub Entb and knows some of emplo-,rees by sight n9.!!19 or 'bo~}l· Nothing more. 2) 'I'o resolve daubt ·only sffective vay it:l to hAw~ coO]:)'!ratioo of MAJO~JT.RZZ. dlreo~d by bi.IJ H!ia in interrO?)l~ing ALVARAIIJ, Ir Uqn av.r""'~'~ I:Uf:P.""'· h5 b;lr cQbl."' •Jrp,., to co.,P'!r-at<! without qu!)mt1on with PB3Wll!G offiC'!!:r -.,bo dll contact hill! morn1ne2;~ Kov. Ht,at1tm · wiJSbl!ls JE!lZZ 'V-1 preaent durillg interroe;ttioa to dl liie official veight behind it, bu_t not to participate except in portions relative ALVARADO's'!d mission for JEREZ. 3} ·StatioD. conc.edea outside polllllib1lity this story could be SOV.OZA gambit get r1d.#f of CASTro so defe·r to Hqs re· action para. 2. calls Cub Elllb Md says he iG fr0111 Ultime.s Not1cia.s. t111lka with Luiea CALlE RON ot LIENVOY Coa"~~nerc:ia.l Departmant, that they have re·:eived a 'cable from Cuba u.ying they vere prot;estillg to ~~xico oocausl'll of 'bad treat.""nt gh-en a Cuba.n Embo.ssy employeG in l"oexico 1n relation vith the visa. requested by OS'n'ALD, tha Kennedy uaa.ss1n. Luisa a.skl!l him to speak vith the secretary of the Ambassador. ·

The sam individual (u p1l.l'"8. 129 above) .speal'..s vith Coneuelo l!!SPERON, says be 1B from LI!liVOl' tiit~ Notidu and they reC'!!l.ved a cable fran Ra.bcuu1. BAying u employ~e of tlv'! Cttbe.n .&lba.s111y ha.d W.ii bruily treated by Relaciones EJtt.eriores (Foreign Relations) vhen trying

. ' to find out about OSWALD's pa.asport e.nd too 8l.I!SUBination of y~'nned;r. a.nd l1e wuts to UDd. out if it is true. Consuela pa;rs no attention to the question a.nd .uks if the cable vas reoei~ directly from Ra' The iJY.iividual only aaye that Cub&. lllll.8 protested to Mexico about thiS oohavior. Con.o•;.elo is going to find out, o.nd tuen shit tells him that there they lmCN nothing, _tll4t they ha'ro no n'3W about thiJJ. TM individual uya b.s 1.11 going to talk vith tb.s boas or; infox-...e.tion to find out penonally about tbie. Consuela indica tea that tbe Am'bu!!ado~'s ee·cretary, PeregTina ALOrt30, in going to apeak. The, in

SECRET the r.J!!IIUitime, ·speaks to some: one vho ie with him a.nd says (in i'a:nil1ar form "tu") '"Th'!y are .._ : going .. to tell you, that you are chief of information, that they do not have ••••• " Later ·

-·-· ·the chi,ef or infor.nllt:l.on tells Peregrina. that the cable from Miami, that they hea:d

·1~1. 27 Nov.

1~2. 27 Rov.

' ..

~3. 27 Nov.

135. '21 llov.

~ : •'



'' ''.



i \'

SECRET \ . , . I .

. a l"&\Ui:\ bl'\)6,\,•oat. fl'\'~1 lll.\\'4\\lll 'W\' h' h Ill\ ld t.hl\t Ml f\ \It\~\' lltnl \ li\l_~ illllll'\llh'.,'\ \.hat. t.lf!Y lu~d eent. a t,,\ Arnb. GUoorto l.ll$l~\llr.:..l ,11' !<lexico a~.:.a!nat. the t'alliuct of' the.MexH:.e.n : &\Uthorit.iea who arrested &:1 1!!1llploy~e "of youra" na:...ed Silvio. OO!l.AN, thb.t they vere tMIJ'Ifiiii.Otlng

.some buainesa 'in the Secretnr1.a de fu!laciones "I ouppose to do vit.h. 1nforrrt1Ltioo" ~bout the: pus port of OSioTALD. Peregrina says or..e h.lw no news of thin. TM h.ell/.1 of information ~aaya · k of the proteat, but was there an arrest? Pereer1na. 1naists that she knows nothing. : :

' !· l ! I I

COS sen1letter to JC (KING), viiL John Horton, v1th copies of report prepared by LITEMP0-4! (.pa..ra 107;e) \ ' i

i DIR 65245 - Dept of Justice preparing report en vhole case and vUl VD.nt. to inclu(le detailed d..ut.a. on OS'oiALD'a f~xi activities. LIENVOY info cannot be used, b<.1t stater.J'!nta or Silvia IJtTR.U ·.-nicn carry essentially sa.:re i:llport cou.ld ·be used without compromising Mexi sources. Therefore, requ-est you co.ble in translnted ·rersion of her'!nts and . obtain Lm'NSDR and LITEHP0-2's·permission to use statements in off.icia.l report ror publi-: cat ion". ne note DIR 0~ is getting fro.":l ODF.NVY ~le:x.i much info which originates with LIENVOI operaUon. ODENVY here does not realize this info produced by ~ARK operatiat), and O!lEz..'vY rr.ay be gettL"lg · LIENVTJY L"lfo thr<l 0\lil ola:1dest:Lne sources in Gooornaclon or : e:Ven in President's ·office. Try to clarify wit.b. ODENVY rep there e~ct manner in'vhich he l:l.aS obtained such info and bt for.n :l.n vhich h~ ser"t it to ODEN'It"Y Rc;.a. "tie muat avoid

· inadverta,nt comproaiae of LIE:NVOY. I

JB:'W ·YORK TIMES - Trail of OS'tlALD 1n Hexico Vague. .. ... Mexican and. American ' ' authorities adrr.itted were inclined to discount 1-\exican immigration reports N~eVll. '

·Laredo that OS"WALD e::1tered Mexi :l.n aU. S. sailor's t:.nifom ll.lld in the co~rpa.ny of[ two : VO!!lo'!n and a ll!i'JL. Rl\ul LUEBANO. f'.exi 1mm1gra.tion &f:ent at. Nuevo L.a.redo port or entry, · edd thia (nilor'tJ uniform) from h1n recollect.i?llll of 03'..1'ALD. •• • • i rmw lOBK TIMES-_· Cub& Attributes Murder to Right. Cuba supported l>toac011' 1 B theoryltoda.~ that tl:le "far right" va.s responsible 'for the Msua:Lnat1on. • • • • • . ! \ . 1

· mN YORK TIJ"'IES Cuba Exile Tells of OS'toiALD Boost. A Cuban exil.e leader· aaid thai OS'.;ALD had bOGLBted that if the. U.s. attempted an invasion of Cuba, h~ vould defend CASTRO. OSWALD m&de the stat.ement :l.n a :m: conversation with an anti-Castro Cuban who was pOsing, u a Castro suppoi:v.:r accordiv.g to Carlo..<~ :CR.lllGIJIER, !'lev Orleans delegate to thts Cuban, Student Directorate .•• ,A1.1thorlties le'amed that OSWALD, during 11. au!III7J'.lr in ffev Orleans · before goirlg to, tried to Joil: the az'1ti-Coml1rul'1iat group.· BRINGUIER regarded OSWALD: v1th 8UBpi~1on and later SQ.V b.irn di.stribtlting -prc-Cutro l1t,, BRINGU:lER, If. 29 yr old HaVIUU\n ·vllo mM&f'fll:l a dry-eoo1s store..... · ' . · · i

' . ' '

·"' SECRET . ;

lUJlllla l /(,. ;:i: nw-.·

1}7. 28 llov •. 1~·

l~b. 20 lfov.

1~9. 28 z;c,.,,

14-o. 28 JOT.

141. 28 Nov.

141. 28 li~.


SECRET WUt.~ HALL i;alkn vit .. n Varll'l.a iil.lrr:I·:P:H. Wfl oo.y!'l 1:1111ti a.1.,)Ut. YAnn••H1;t., t,ll., wll)~lll~ !t~ ~t. to i.Ifl!!eA't' tha 'behind 1t, Vecy llltt'l'l.l~. WH <k..::ll 11(11; t:1fJut,t, t.IJc.t. G:J',fALfJ tw1 all. U!lluut l!tmMf.ll,irma,·

· but OSWALD could lu.we ~en hired by someone on tM Right to 11:111 Y..enMiiy. \ffl thinks that F.B.I .• Q!!lie'"o that he ·had an acc=?l10'!, lt; would be i!!T?O!Uiib.Le for one man to fire that many tim a in t.h.nt short of ti:M. Had to M accomplice. A lot to eolllll!l out yet. (This xiot in vSWALD file. It 1.11. in P-0~24, Vol, 2)

Folder on left side ot' Vol. 2 of Hotd RegistrntiOI'C! Md tnvel of 03WALD given to COO by Zcbeverr1111.,

ATISBOS - Article about tb<! Cuba:! Gov protesting the .t d~tent1on ot' Silvia DU'M.'I'J and huaba.::ld, a.lo::1g with entering their house, etc •••• all or 'W'hich is hurting friendly relations ·• bettveeli CubA ~~.nd MeXico. ·

!I. DIA - The J\."l11Lz1ng Pu.z:tle or the Dll.lla.e Police. Written by !1 D1a correapondent, l.leopoldo AMGOU. Article on diacre~ncies of' OS"n'ALD as tbe "cmly" killer •••••••••• ~ TM incognitos continue. TM rumors eont1nue. TillS 4o,OOO doll..m.%'15 foUnd in OB'li'ALD's house. A paid asu . .es1.n7 An a.ssa.1u in &1lenced by th'!!: bt.IJ.l.ot of' someone or some who feared they m1~t be i:11pl1~ted'i •••••

STA'IE 'IELEGRA.14 SE!fr SECSTA'IE 1201 F"LASii (Roger Cl:tannel) For Sec Rusk and Al~xis Johnson: A:nb, Mann '.s telegram says l•ia.ny tb.anks for your telt!lgram 961 (not in file). Perhc.I=-S. I shOuld describe briefly the background for my reeoo;::,endat.ions en the OS"i.ALD cas'!. l. In reading CS"1lALD's rather cot~~pl.ete doosi'!r ••••• etc., etc ...... I thl!'rofore req~st , 1100111!!St inst.r..tctionn on foll<:Ning specific points: a) Mexicans be told immediately vhl!tber ve va.\'lt th-em to cc;ntinUI) with inve3tigo.t ion. b) l'.exicans a.:re preening us tor i.rmllltdiate &W_..reement that IXJP.A.N shcu.ld be turMd loone but kept under surveil,.lance. What shall ve say. Request immediate allSwer to tt.i.G specitie question. c) It.' ALVARADO is not to be tu:med o•.-er to l·'bx1ca.ns what do we do with him1 Sb.ll.ll we B"!rtd him to the States tor tnterrogatian? Shall Embuay .giv'!l him teet be:re? Or shall ve do somethill1g else B.Dd if 130 vb.t.l.t?

DIR 85371 (Fief: DIR 85318 • not in file, not lll.bst~eted) To be certain there is no misunderstanding betveen u.s, w 'lr.Ult to insure that neither SUvi& DURAN nor Cubans get impression 'that Americans behind her re-m.rrest. In other words, 1o-e 'lof'S.llt Me:xi authorities to take responsibility for vhole affair.

Dm 85469 (:set: MEXI 71o4 ·- para 126 \).b~) · ~r "being P~Lssed to ODACLJ,~d o'DEm per: your request. Rave discUBsed MEXI 7104 vitn Mr. Ale:d..S Johl'lSon. lie vants Amb Mann to lmav tlla.t it not likely requested in.structior..a vill l:e prior 28 Nov. On Wash end OmliVY hu Ji.u-1cld1ct1on. Both ODACID IUld KUBAP.Y. attempting follow tbeir For yau:r priVIII.te infor=tion. there distinct. feeling here in a.ll three :agencies tb&t

142. 28 Nov.

144. 28- l'iov.

' } .

. l

-~ ' ~



, I , SECRET· ' I '

Amb 1s pushing this too bard and that we could wall create f'la.p with Cu'baZllS Which cculd haire serious repercussions. Un~ratand fi'Clm Mr. Johnson that be sent t'!leiram \ ODACID cb.amtel.s to Arab tl:Us afternoon ette:npting to give lUm better perape-::tive on this

'whole proble::~. We hope this will be of so:Je a.saist.ll.nce 1.n reducing his pressures! on you. . . . I DIR 85653 - OC!h~ says their follow-up investigation 6f O~~ALD's activities has prod~ced i "reliable i.n:i icationJJ" tllJJI.t he vas in new Orleans on 19 &!pt 63. This, co·!pled rl th ! : earlier. evidence that i:l'! vas. in !lev Orlea.n£1 app1:fing for unemployment insurance o~ 17 Sept' mea.ns OS"wALD would had to fly to l·~:d Md back betveen 17 ll.lld 19 f~pt in order to be at Cub Emb g'!tt1ng his pay cff, a.s ALVAP.AOO cllilims, on 10 5<-!pt, Witta tilis added 1nf'o, ' Yt!x1 can confide~tly rega:'d ALVARAOO a.s fabricator and tailor 1nterrogat1Pn accordingly. Pcrhapl'l he migtat resp<'nd to suggestioo that he has been"'g delusions and needs psychiatric treat~nt. · l 1

I . DDt 85654 - We have just hearo by phone fr001 Kinglllll.n, who is at home, that Ml!xi evalU..:tion i of ALVAR!u..'"() story may have been seriously wacyed by a. piece of .misinformation vhieh;t.U cr:ept into thls case. Fr~ con~~rsa~ions w.i~u ::t·:;,,r otu.c:eL·, :C.....u.:;,••AI• nas ... ne .... mp • .f:ss .. uu ~,us,.., the.; r.Je.&.J.eve tneete ... s Ot.!let· ev .. uem.:e ~ouao.. US'dALD ...n...e a b&."lk deposit of 5,000 dollars ill tbe U.S. after hs got back from Hexi O!"l 3 Oct. ThiS vould tend, if true: to corroborate ALVAFJ.DO's story that be sav ,OSWALD get 5,000 for the Job and 1,500 for expen.aes., Y~ thillY.s he heard that CURI'IS got ':;M info about. tb.e ba..'lk deposit from a.n 00::1'NY l!lo1l.U named Clark../ We· Y.nov of no such bank dP.po.eit. '<QrE!f~! here has· just affil"r.!'!d tMy ne~r heard this story. The storJ of the d~poait of 5,0C() dolls.ra is therefor'! almoe'r. c~rtainly , erroneo-JS. P/1.8 check it with 'or-t3VY <:;he:::-e. We have adviSed ODE:N"JY that this rurn?z- exists i

. ill Mexico. We, can rea.dil:r see 110'11 thh piece C?f r.:isinfoi'Tillll.tion wou.ld mislead you. Pl.s , do not ass:.t.."'!!! e is in "OOSsessicn of all facts·•n. to OIE!M or the tallas police : or any· other body. :ENVY has just le..,.ied O.'l us official request for fn.ll. ~nro!on source

I and. origin of ru;·::or about 5,000 dollar bank deposit. Pls repl:f im:rediate. l ;

DIR 85655 (Refs DDt 85469 - Plllra 141 above) To supplement o•J.r posi~ion .u outlined 1h ref, we vish to st!':lsa there should be no let dco.rn in your effort to follaw all lJ!Ia.ds : and investigate all facts vb.icb. bear on this cue. We have by no means excluded, poaaib111~ that oth~r s.s yet unknown persons may have been involved or even that other power$ may: :

·have pla;;ed a role. Pla continue all coverage· of 3ov and Cub :!.nstallat.ions &rid y~ur Hllliaan ~itb. l~.dc11Jl.G. l , MAliA 461~ (P.efs; A. DIR 85616 - not in fill!, not abstracted; B. MEXI 7107 - pd 128' ab~) Station requested ZRTIH.ROID-1 cooperation Mexi tllru JV.a.jor JEREZ Cl.lld .if possi~le bj seriding ,

! ERn'HROID-3 l'.ex1. E-l said ALVARADO in :~exi vithout ERYTHROID authority IL'ld passed off .I 1. suggestion use JEREZ but agreed i:rrr:Jedi.a.tely send E-3. Staticn agreed pay E-3 e~nses~

~SEC.REJ· He now 1n process getting Tisa and plane res~nations ·a:'ld vill probably be ill l"exi todia.y - ~les's Hqs and Hexi wish CCLllCel. / Even though his story re OSWALD may be false it possible

he has been working other l!.:lgle penetrate ~bans and E-3 vill be able to ass·illt 1rl. get~ing ; 1 I I

146. 28 ·ll!c;rv .•


l i.


\, ;




I SECRET 1. . I .

racts straight. In spite Mexi 711.3 (not in f!J.e~ not abst:na.cted) bel:l.eve it of' ~111.1~ E-3 travel lliexi and contact Station officer this case. Advise flash. i j ·

' I ! DlR 8566;1. ( P.e f: : ~I 7113 - not in file, not abs trncted; MANA 4613- P~ra 145 abclre) Do not turn ALVARJ.OO o-~er to the ?1\e:dcans. We have officially asked ODENVY tor their i position on this move, and pending O!Jt:NVY's a.nawer Md our final consideratiOn, ALVAMoo should not be 6lJ.rfii.C'!d to Mexir.MS m: turned 0'/ei' to them. I Advise UJI if omrm; in M!X.i;,mpte to e'-'i ·yr;r.J. to act one l'J -.ray or the ot~r on tho Q'Wf.ltion of turning ALVJIMOO : aver to tl:llil l~.dr.~~.ns. /. Pl.D note compl1cat1nv. ·t'act0r u thlll.1. ALVAP.A!:IJ 'ne.:t r,., a l'lic av,ent too, 1<'IA11A J/l.s avlv1lll" i'tll.' vi.,wn. W" av.J:'@"l R:riTltlf'J'HD '!I aht;rJld P.O 1"...,1.:1 and lJ"!! reGir;bablJl. at !Uc Emb t~ be at Me:d <UBpr.r.lo.l. I For l>»xts ,floVl OlJ~~rn man La.rr; fn"lnan tnci·,/ in l'hxt was ·sent especially to f'ollO'W' up lea.da OD entire 'assa~~sine.tion. Ple Cl)?y.tratet wtt.h him: fully.

. I ! DIR 8566~ - ODEI'iV'l LilliBon officer ofr:tcia.ll.y advis~o. t.ha.t. ODENVY Nq~ats that lWBA~ turn ALVAHA.OO ·O'Y'er to Mexican Qut!l.crlii<!!a a.nd that. KU13ARK reqw.!st Mexican autliorii:.1ea to . interrogate ALVARAOO in detail, I OLENVY X"!!porta thm.t it u! tha.t Mex1 aut-horities have a capabil:l.~/ of polygraphing and requests th&t KUBARK request Mexi authorities tna.t he

·be polygrnphed. I ODENVY expressl!d desire to have the results of tlle inei:rog:ition u soon • . as possible and that the Legal Attache be kept a.dvised of develop.-neuta. I ODEI'iVY i tamo the position that 1nasll!Uch as Silvia I:JJ"'MN may be released· so~~etine today (28 Nov) according to in'fo which .ODENVY bae from l.EG.AT, ALVARAOO should be turned over· to Mexicans alii aoon as , possible, so that their stories can be checked against each other. 'I Mex1 Station is; instructed to carey out ODEI;V"Y'a requests Bl!t out above. Cive full cooperation tO the LEGAT. Ti:lia tumo:v'!r is made without prejudice to KUBARK'a future role 1n thi.s cue. : \ol'lletMr we ever resll.llle direct contact with ALVARADO will be decided on its merits i-.rhen 1

. I ·-the i<la•Je arises. · · I . . t l

MAliA 4614 - (p.i,r: l-'EXI 7117 - not in file of O'J".rJil,D, but. ir1 ALVARADO P-8639 IIIli rohO'W's'r ~l:l.e\lt-!d b&ve EraTII.ROID ,!1. Hav'!l him call 46-';14-00, x 250 Md wsll: for Mr. DanielS, ; identifying self u Al~rto SUAREZ. vi.ll taf:e pl111.ce lobby Pl..aza Hotel comer i Insurgentes Norte and Sulliva.n Just off ~eo Refor:na, Tir.'l!l wUl be set by phone~ ui he should be able arrive 28 Nov. give him nUl'!loor 20196-24 and &3k for Sr. Iltavid. :Pls i

furnish identifying data. I If Kl.i'EARK interrvg;;.ticn in .E 3 1':::-esen~ unsatisfacto:t:Y retain alte:m~:~.tiw of turnover "Co GCM.) ERYI'RROI!)..3 ( IJEN) arriving Mexi flt 4oo. 0945 29 Nov. 'Will ir:ar.e contact per ref. H~·..e suggested he stay either hotel Geceve or Re'forma . to faeillitate reverse contact if de:~ired by !4ex1. I E-1 land E-3 h&.V•l been told qnl.y ' ; 't.hat ALVARAD9 appears l:la;,-e so:re infor bearing on OSWALD. I E-3 speaks English. coopera~elil :

; . very close~·v1tb Station. ii~ knO"n ALVARADO vecy veil and knO'W'B all details his 1past, : activ:l..,ties within FL.N and his -.rork for ERYTHROIOO. E-; will follow Mex1 leads re ii.nteX:Z.oga.. tion. Will probably llen<a open code &n:J'Io-er to E-1 his Emb so beat suggeet he 1send . mes1:1~es ·thru our channel.a !or securit:r SJ:~d M?JiA -.rill n~lat to !-1. DIR 65663 ( p~u·a 1.47 ; above) received. Believe ~st not change travel plans E-3. Suggest advi:sability Maxi

· discUBs with ODENVY withholding tu.rnonr to Mexi authorities until after arrival ~-3. He i

~' \·

149. 28 No:v.


150. '28 Nov.

151. 28 Nov.


152. 28 D'ov.


" '•




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liNCh more lil<ely. solve riddle than LC?'Ll."l'l'ER, especially Yiev OOii pO.rer con1.rol itia futU%"1!1.' . . i

MANA 4.615 (Ref: MANA 4614 - pe.:ra 148 above) - IIEN Franklin Anthony wm:ELOCK Gmrci&. Bom Managua 21 Feb 24. Br<:Ml hair, green eyes, 5'6"; 'ioi'<e:!.ght 170 lbs. WHEELOCK is captain :nationa, clrl.ef u.nti CommWlillllt, office of nationa..l : . . " I 'M.ANA 4617 - Pls inform MANA SOOtiest vhetber or 11ot still desireable ERYTHROrD-3 t~vel~ Ir n_ot request permi 8S ion inform ER:CTHRO!D ALVARADO in hallds Me xi authorl ties. I J

I l : DIR 85616 - Ia the face of moU!lting evidence that ALVARADO is fabricating bie story or: sein.S·OSWALD take money 'in Cub E1:1b, urge you follov up with his local NIC eue · cer' and a.vs.ll yourself of the help of the Nic service, which a can send ERTKYROID 3, a KI.J13ARK asset, to help in interrogation. We find it incredible that· the Cubans woUld brief.a.:nd pay .an USil.SSin in front of X a lUc interloper. We think it possible or even likely that be bu been in !Md out of Cub 'E'llb as a liic aeent to infi::.tnte !cuba' , aDd b.u picked up na:!J!!S o.nd· facea th<!re in so doin~?:. All he hM said about OSWALD be bould.; have gotten frcim tile press, except for certain incorrect items such o.s his Btatement that ' OSWALD wore glliL.sses. / The fact that Al..VARADO is a CIILlm, nice .and intelligent ma.:n does not mean he is not fabricator. FYI ve a.:nd other agencies are being flooded by , fabrications on the-OSWALD. case from tev~ral continents some ori8ine.ting with' people on the! fringes of the intellie,"'''!nce business. Such fabrications are not •wua.lly done for [money, but out elf. siclsl:Y fancy and e. desire to get into the intel game. / We do not thuik it ·a remarkab:J,e coil:icidence that both OOR'l'ICOS and .ALVARADO talk about money paid to O~ALD; For 0!1!11. thing,· pQy' for an aasusin is a f:actor which immedi&!l.tely rises in tb"! mind; of : ·expert and layman alike. Secondly, OORUCOS :r.m.y have heard through some Russiu O.r Cuban source i.n the Mexi government that OO'RAN vas asked ...-nether tha Cuba.n.ta paid dRW the alleged assignment~· / While ve do not insist that ALVARADO's story is beyond· ief l

,. ve de urge tha.t ·Mexi place it and ALVARADO under the most searching scrutiny.: Hisj interro-; . gators must probe deeply into kUB make-up Md lud him back the though processes '


which rma.;y have led him to lll :rake this possible mie-step. I.n securing confessions of : i 111 :f'abricatioh, a sympatbetic attitude,· stressing awareness of the severe mental s


: \

~he _subJect must be ·Wlder, and with generous recognition of his "basically f tion", c_oupl.ed with promises of face-saving secrecy, and even specious hopes of "useful" future cooperation are often e ffeeti ve. :imtll« Rours must be devoted to these tactics. /I Rave Just received .. l'-1e:U 7107 - pL'r'll 128 above - Concur that MA.."tt\ lend all U<;~iata.1ce a.ntl induce lUc serVice 'to cooperate. Think tilere is Just no possibility that this. is a lHc, :Wt ·hope lUc cooperati,on will prove helpful. , ' j \

.·:._· -· ·. · · · · : · : : i I l

SECRtt:· MEXI 7113 (Refr 'DIR 85653 - Para 142 above) Request OPIN authorization turn .1\LVARAOO over to LlTEMPoS witl:t. brief. eXJ) he claims to be witness to payoff to OSWA:..D in ~ban ConsUlate ·18 Sept., admits is in ~~exi illegally, admits CP membership, visits: to Sovemb, claims that Cu~ Con riov involved !n doou:uenting him with false Mexi papers for travel I

to Cuba. Latter point alone vould gi-r.~ Mexi authorities good reason to subJect him to • ' . . . I I

1_, I

15:5. 28 l!iov.


----· ---- ',.

154. 28 Nov.

·, 155.


157. 28 BoY.

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detailed interrogation. contact vith ALVARAJJP.


/ With Rqs appro>al. of turn-o,ter Station v01.U.d -plan no



I I 1 \

further I

MEXI 7ll~ (R'!!!t DIR 85654 - para 143 abow) f.!r. Clark ,Anjerson, LEGAT, told 'coo Arnb , • ·Mann of ru:nor that "os.,rALD bad dep:.s1ted five thousand dollars !n a bank in the • "I

On 27 :sciv. Amb :'tn presence COS ank~d Anderson about this again and Anderson said rumor vM; . l

on T.V. a.nd radio in l'.exi. Anderson said he had no info from his Hqs to cont:1'l:":n or deny. this. He said he vould check his Hqs. I ere h.f.s not heard l"Ulllor but fe'!!ls sure Anderson or some of his office did hear· thia·, Th1o Station had no ~ditional info concerning this 1

.but nov assumes J:LVARADO may have heard sa:ne radio or. T.V. report and th\18 ha.·.re hGtod "basis~ for 5,0CO dollar ~yrent. ' ·

..-·roi:XI·7115 · LITANn. 9 repor..ed 27 Nov after Silvia IXrnAl'l first arrest vas public kho.·ledge tha.t 'there great deal. discussion of this in Emb.' She back in office 25 Nov e.nd seemed quite pleased •'ith her performil.:lce. Her account interroga~ion contained little nev except i police· had threatened her 'Vith extradition to U. s. to facE .. OS'.JALD. She had no fear of ·

confront.atio:o. L-9 said there almost no discussion in Em"o. Staff D'll'!eting 23 Nevi Vl'!I"Y; short and oom~r with general ir.:pression being on~ of shock an:i disbelief. Heard' no expressions of / LITA11IL 7 se~n ni~:ht 27 ITov had nothing to a..ld to above. 1

Ind.eed her version much leas detailed. Neither L-7 or L-9 had any pernonal knOY~dge ; OS'IiALD presence Cub !mb at &ny time. \

ME"..<I 7117. (see para 148 above) (Ref: V.ANA 4613 - para 145 above) ·

l"'EXI ?+lB O~ft DIR 85~71 - para 141 abc:r/'1!) !i!W'! second pickup which made L aJ initiative without prior consultation v1th Station or PB3WING obviounly evidence great deoire Mexi authorities to be of earvice. Irnmedia.tely after j?iclrup EcMverr1a. ba.d rece1wd 1tust%'\1Ct.tons fr01:11 LI'l'ENSOR personally not to :release UIRJJi until CU'Rri3 said so. At Hqs requeilt C!JRI.'IS: furnish-ed illterrogation questions to Echeverria night 27 Nov. In v1ev ref felt no altema~ tive b•.tt inform Echeverria Mither CURTIS nor Pl33'..iiHG maku,g official requeat t'orj ~r i continued d'!tention. D!ci.sion re releaae be theirs. Tilio was done at 1200 noon \

on 2e l!lov. I , MEXI 7119 (ilefr DlR 85245 - para 132 above l Rave furnisb.Etd LECAT aU pertinent 1nf'o from! LIENVOY ·on OSWALD cue, including brief memo dated 16 Oct 6} on OSWALJ:t 1s contaotl!lj with: · 1

t= Sovemb. I In all cue a ba~ put ahter.ent "This info .from oonf':l.d~ntial 110urc'. It '


IIIUDt nat be disaerninated, etc." I On 27 Nov COS talk~d with LEGAT ancl made ~ollolting ! J:l"lntlJt A. We vimMd him citll ?JJBARK ao the oo-..u·r:g of o.ll info he rnce.ivor~ 't'romi tnia; Station e.n<1 1!1el1f to bia Hqa, 11. \fe X"e•:Juire that no <:21.1ltr1bu.t1on of' Y.IHlAW": info;.,.(, 1119./11, Ili!GAT 1a office without prior cl'!lnrance w~th· KUBARK Hq11, c. A great dea.lj of our info u be kn011s, comes t'r0111 sensitive, and sone ,of from technical OV'MLtion& and, all o! tbeae sensitive opero.tions have taken years, I!I'!Ucb. vork and many dolla·rs to build.i We, therefore, require careful CCI!ltrol of this info •. I U.:G.AT insist~ that'. he ha8 in ~ll eases:

· · . · . · i : . 1 I 1 : ' 1 ' ! _,

158. 28 Nov.

l6o. 28 liov.

162. 29 Nov.

163. 29 !ov.

.164. 29 Nov.·




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cited K!J'BARK as the source and put the control statement on our infp. He stays b.olweve~, that b.~ h.w3 'no cootrol over his Rqs and tl:.e ir distribu.tion of KU'BAPJ< or any other! info. I Also, FYI LEGAT. believes ..justice D:!pt. (outside his taking a.ctiODB! and 'not under control IAGAT's Eqs. · i ·

I . ' I

MEXI 7120 - Believe "J.Seful have Spe.nish spealdng LCl?'Ltl'l."rER operator' Mexi c'!"rta.inl,y for ALVAPJJXJ' a;:J.d possiblY for others. If Rqs agrees ·pls IIII.Tral' soonest and. adviSe. : ·

. ' . : ' : i

MEXI 7124 (REF: DIB, 65&53 - para 147 above) COS·-in cmnta.ct with E'chererria at 14BO hourl!ll IU!d !:cheve:rria grateful that ALVARADO being turned ovtlr to gobernacion. I Ecliieverr.ia 'lla.8

given ALVAP.i.Jx:l's R1 present address lL"'ld alias under which he registered. ·fl.exicMa will pick him up and q\).estion hirn on basis of very brief story ·given Echeverria by COS'. I ' Echev-erria ad•11sea that i.mlcas significant de.,:elo-pments from present· interr~atioh of : Silvia tuP.AR (based upon qU'!!stiona furniened 1:rJ cos 27 Nov) or from interroeatfoni of · ALVAPJ..IXJ, i:l.m.Arl ·tfill be released during n1eht 28 Ncrr or early morning 29 Ilcrr. I Ebneverria advised C03 that l't!xi Gov had refused to acc<!!pt "mu:y f~rosero" {ver,J rud<:~) not5 ofl p:rotest · lua.bded ,to Amb 'OOS.QUE3 in F...abane. yest~rea.y by Raul P.OA .• Cub forei~:;n minister •. I Will advice any .results tl:ta·t beco~ available from l1exi interrogation of ALVAM.DO. · 'I \ 1 :

DIR €5667 (Ref: HE!XI· '(120 - para 156 abcr•~) Ho tlu.ent SPan1filil a peaking ~lutter ~ ~vail· abl" at·. &l.l. For reasons of security and cOfni:arlmentll.tion, pl"!fer' not to have KIJBARK. operator double .. tracf:ed with I+.! xi operator. i-Tould only confu.s!: case. Prefer wait until all l1exi resO"oirces exhausted before we decide if we vant to ·resume rr.anagement or base,· includi.zig LCFLtl'J.'T.E~. :f Seasoned operators available h~re on short notice:. : \. :

l?..ertq to LEGAT. from COS, Subject: GUberto Nolasco ALVJ\RAOO Ugarte; On tl:;e m9rnin~ of: 26 Nov an officer of tb4s Section, accompanied by Mr. Plambeck of the Security Oft"1ce,. intervie-wed ·Subj in a parked car on tne sooth edge of' the city; The foll,.,.ing st~t~~rits, unless otherwise noted, those of the Subject: etc., etc. (Complete info on ALVARADO up to ti~ of his arrest on 28 Nov.) : · l


H!-'Y.A 22545 - At.tacbed ia a. reel of tape containing tltree conversations reported ih r!Jf (l·:EXI "(068 - para 95 above). i

I Un.s:l.gned letter ,to Mr. Mann (probab:i..y Crackpot) nalning people and places. in the OSWALD cue.

• . , I . j . Mi!:XI 7125 (Ref: DIR 85672 - Ple continue to keep us filled in on status of interrogations : .of Silvia IXJRA.N, ALVARADO, and others implicated as rut as you can get ·info; We\ navei· no : othe.r ready source of :l,nfo on these cases. Request you utilize capable officer fbr liaison with Gobernaoioo to skim off details and rela;," them to yo·J..r office for cabling to; u.s ~~;t . regular inter•als. P.equest statUs report, even negative, by 0900 hrs. B'!i! sure to kee'p us· i,nfol"fled of vhai info if a..-zy is leaked to· public· infonnation media there.) Ecb.e~rria advise=d··cos early on 29 Nov that Silvie. JJJRA.('~ again released, ·She released .~t ab~ut 1900

165. 29 Nov.

I "•.

166. 29 Nov.

167. 29 l'fov.

, I

SECRET I ! ! :

i:lra on 28 nov. I DU'RA1l i.fl under cloae aurreillance an~ vlll V. apprehP.nded. any tim info reC!!!iYed to va.rn..."lt. Sb.e still appea.ra to >'iexicans to Mlve ooen involved only in: b'..l.!liD'.!tOD · 'or possible C•.lb &."'11 Sov ·tisas for OS"t?ALD. I '•fill report soonest on ALVARAOO 'int'.!trrogation~

i f.Z.U 71.26 (Ref: A. Me:XI 7125 - Para. 164 abQ".-e B. DIR 85672 - para 164 above) Li'mMPO 4 Yith vhOI!l EE!"t.Aro-t and COS dealing directly at suegest1on of EcbeYerria vill lt..,.,p ua advised or int'.!trroga.tion of ALVAF!.ftJXJ as lt progreeses. I LI'l'EMPO 4 states that bis first oral report rlll be re~y at 1.100 hrt: on 29 Nov. I EENADliM will be in direct .contact : vith 4 at that ti1l'!! O."ld C03 vill O'!n.d data a.s soon as obtained. I COS is handling cue si.nC!!! LI'l"E!iSOR, LITEMFOS and LIENVOY involved and need to see LI'IENSOR, 'LIELl!:GANT, ECEEVARRIA and ot'ru!rs (no one of vhom speaks English), Also continuous Lia.i11on v~th Amb

j and O!:SNv'Y necessary a.nd COS viShes control these pen>onally. 1 ; . ,-· . I

M!'!XI 7127 - LI'l'EHPO 4 reported at 1130 hrs that ALVARADO claimS that he present tnside. Cu.b E:nb Vhen OS'.JALD given 6,500 dollars. Same story given Me:dcMS u ALVARADO gave Station. One differenr.:-; 1s that ALVAPJ,OO failed identify Silvia WRAN f" sevl!lral phtos LITJ!:MPOS him. With Station officer /JILVARAOO did identify her. / In~'rog111.tion c:ontim~s. ALVAP.JuiJ ha.ll up to ncr.t been "sua·re 11 and friendly. Nw LITE:I'lPO 4 eta.~D he ·

, . is t01.igher. I ALV!illAOO has all!lo cla.irred be here in 1961 'on miaoion for Nio s..irvi~ and: gives sa:n.; etor.r re prea'!lnt visit M he gave Station (nl.\mely, he ava.-1t1ng doo~ntation u a l".exl t.o :00 fr.1rniar..ed him by Cub authoritil!!a, for 111. training miasion in &abotaee, to C•Jba.). I Aba-1'!! b:d<!f and :;>re liminarJ. J.iTE.'Iil'O 4 "do-lbts" s tor1 and vill begin ivork' to "break" JiLVA?.ADO. I Will ~r•.dt C:()1).tact by ZT'"dYROID 3 and, if b.'!:!!a to do. IIQ, vill ha-.-e LI1'£MPO 4 call him at his hotel a.."ld let him participate. F'el!ll sun LI'IZMPO ~ vould velcOI:'le this. I Above gh-en orally to LEGAT. I I'ZXI 7J28 '(Fe f'z DIR 85712 - Tirre is of essence in rek!orting vh.r.l.t the r-1exieani are; learning : from ALVARAOO and Silvia WRAR. Up to nov, ve have been re-writing and relei1ng !Ivery- · thing you report over to ODENV'l Hqs vnich results in Sollll!'l unavoidable delay. We would lim· to ·be sure that- you are ir:xrediately giving ODENVY there everything you get about ALVARAOO a.od OORI\.5 so ODEHVY ~xi cM cable the sa:re data direct to ODE!Wi Hqs. Ple satisfy your­~el:f that ODEN'v.f tlv.!re han adequate commo facilit.ies and secretarial starr to its: Hqa ~nform!!d e..a fQllt as :tou l:ee;? u,s inforrrcd, anrl adv:!..!ile u.s on thia. I Ir yC'1U firlt1 that ODEITV'l· the~ dOt'!lll not hav~ a.d~'l'IAIII!I or ;t.a:rr !!Uld WMtll to nly on u11 t9 rel4Y t.l'll!l ma~rie.l, tb1'ly l!lll:f ot' crrul-s•i oen::t rmaflag"n r101t throtJ.S!.b our ohAnMlm, or yo.J. ean il"'l''ly.

l · on us to I'~'!! lay th'!l info as 1o1e bav~ "bl'!en. I In MY cue, oo sure you indicate on ail clllblee . vhether Or:JENVY Mexi b.a.6 been given the ss.tl16·1nfo.) OJ::el'IVY :!.a l.ocally being advised by COS. personally of e·l'!!rythi!le Station learns OS't?ALD case and, nov, on ALVAMOO inV3m­gat1on. I Feel. sure· OD:i:UVY of'f'i~, vhich almost same a he u KlJBA.RK st.ati on, ho.B adequate :

i SL'CRET staff for reporting needs. I Uaua.l procedure here 18 that cos notifies Hqs, _reports to: ! L chief' ODElNY and to Amb on.lly then subsequently ra.dvises ODENVY by memo. I Hqs is !uaured ; ·

that all info ·Jmcr.m to Station on tbeae· cases is being gh-en to, the::~ and shortly ~fter; info; obtained.



168. · 29 lew.

169. .29 liew.

170. 29 New.

171. 29 Nov.

172. 29 Ilew.

113. 29 Bov.

174. 50 Nov.

175. 30 liov.

l. -' ;.

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SECREl fll!XI·1i;7·(~f'~-MZXI 7068- pare 95 above- IIZXI.7097- pu1o.123 abow) c~ tapes of ccmversati.ons references pouched 29 Nov 'trJ RYBAT pouch :fOO'lA 22545. ',

. I or ~I!RVOY

i :. I j

DIR 85669 (R!!!Ps Jl.Art.A 4617 - para 150 above) - Feel ERT!fiROID 3 sbou.l<i go Mexi even though ALVAF.AJYJ may be in ~xi h.Mds. Ass~ he Cl.ll boo: '.18ed as consultant at leut, thAt he villi know vbether he can and should contact Ml!x1 authr.-rit1es, and that Mexi ·.rill cleat any' active Ulle we l!lalr.s of him v1tn tM ODEINY rep. ODE!TVY h.e~ lmova M is c:om!ng to l"lext to help. I At 1830 Wash time, vhich is a. bout 1630' t.l.r.e, ve have no furt.ber ~"'a ~r

~;ue~::: (::e a:~o: :ve :ut can be back M1 on th~ v1re on short natic-.. ~~ . 1 I

Ml!:XI 7156 (Ref r.ZXI 7127 - Pare 166 above} - LITE/>11'0 4, vho is ver.f 1ntellig~nt offic~r, had ·ta.llred to ALVAP.ADO twice. He sav him for one hour morning or' 29 Npv, ~ben ! for ao:ne three hrs afternoon 29 Nov. / LITEMPO 4 states that after first session he believed ALVA):IAOO story a fMtastic lie; after second session and all previous and interimjinterrog • . ations, ALVARo\00 sticks to SSJ:Ie story re CS\~ALD. LI!EMPO 4 states "Although, this, still · : prelimimuj•. either ALVARADO is telling truth essentially or is th.'!! best liar ! h&ve talked 'to in 1111 :liS.OY years Md I have tal.l:!!d to sore of the biggest." LITEMPO 4 "inclined" believe ALVARAJXJ telling truth in ge::1en1 outline; but believes he mU!!d up on dates. / ETHROID 3 a.rl"ived :!:.1 Mexi. Is nov at GeM~ Hotel. Will l:~e seen at l5oo hre. i It' ille vll.ling part:!.c:!.I)a,te, will get LITE1'!PO 4 to contact E-3 :!.~diately. / oft paras one and two (except for :!.denty· of source) have OO'!n given ornlly to chief OIJE1lVY and to chief ODACID py COS. Sourc.!! ;ras described as "~x:!.can off1cla.l." i

I , I . , M!XI 71Eo - As liqs aware, Station's double agents have not meetings with Sovs. sincb assassination. This principally due fact that prior . 22 Nov th.e Sovs sebe.duled future' , ses'sions for :period :en circa 1 D!lc; also due factor that one :agent {LIJENNET-1) out of touch with Sov C/O Md that another ae-ent {Lmn.E-l} out of country •.•• etc~. ·etc. ' I Request instructions on vh&t tactic or elicitation effort if' any that doubles should l!ltil.lll:i. I Also :request si::::ila.r instr..lctions re Station's Sov e.ccess ~n agents LICRAV! 1 and ' LICUFP l. L!CA.~"Y l rr.ey also have opportunity meet Sovs if Station.vants. \ ·

I ' Me:no to LEGAl' from COS, Subject: Silvia de DUl\AN - Attached is a copy iof a! 10 page sta.t:eme~:~t or 'info obtained ,by Gobernacion during the first detention of' ~~Abj ~ #?975 I

. • • • I \ I Dm 857l.2(:Ref' Dir 85672 165 abo·re) see ~n 167 above

1 : i ' : I I

Dm 8Eol2 {ilef: ~iEXI 7l6o"- para 172 above) STATION's double agents obrlouel;Y oa-*not l i direct pointed quest1o~ to c7o•s but s})ould be aJ.eri. tc, and report any comments on case. i Perhaps C&i:t provoke discussion in i.ruJ.OCUOUS qu~stions QS to general' effect events~ expected , to ha•-e qn international relations. / In instr.tcting agents station should riot ot co•.1rae ; IIISia.lle s.ny ref to Ofrr1AW/TJJPJ>Ji/ALVA..P.AOO et u.: Or 'to investigative rtl'!asu:res being taken. ' . , ' I ' ;


116. 3-0 Nov.

177. ~Nov. 1109

178. }0 Iiov. . 1200

I T i . c..,._ ,...,_,. r- ff"'""f"- . ,.;:,·. ~-. l ~c.


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SECRET MEXI 7168 (ief: P.'XXI 7156 -· para 171 abo·;~) L!TEMPO '4 and E'l'EYROID 3 met evening 29 No~ "unofficially" and E 3 reportsd on ALVAF.AtX)'s backgroWld. He told LI'l'EMPO 4 that ALVARADO lad been "seventy five percent acc·.ll'ate" in his reporting a.:1d ·had had access and furnished good info on Commu.."lism in past. He said,· hm.-ever, that ALVARADO inclined "go off on his

_ O'W'll" at tir:"r..s and i~ossible control. I At 1030 hours or. 30 No• L!'re~1r0 4 llJ reported to COS that A'!./o/AFJJ.XJ has sigr.ed a sta.te~nt saying that his stor.r of seeing OSWALD inside Cub E:nb is co:npletely false. He also stated that ·he had not seen anyone ca.."lded :noney by

. Cub Con ()fficers. lla said too that he had not called the U. S. Emb (as :previouslY,. claimed) ~~ 20 Sept to warn them. He said his first call to th~·u. s. Emb vas on 25 Nov the evening be sav tl:ie U.S. E:nb Security offic~r. I ALVARADO still claims that the re'11&in~er of his sto~· ,· the parts about visits to the Cub Con and plli\11S for his (false) documentation as

· a ~'texi a.nd pla.::la to go to Cuba for sabotage training are true. LITEMPO 4 a till inclined . l:.ellew these portions of stor.f. / J..LVAFJJYJ s':.a.ted his motive vas to try to get the U.S.A. to taia!t action agains.t Fidel CASTRO. He states he hates CASTRO ~sicnately and thow~ht his presentation, .if he could have hia ntor-J ~li"lved, youJd help to make th'!! u.s.A. tat-.e forceful ~Bet ion against CASTRO. / Ol::Eli'VY being informed of above. : .

PoH~ #09 reports to the Chief of Co. 8. the followings Rere in front of the ·cuban UENVOY Embassy just nOY was 111. group of 35 or 4o persons cs.rrJing signs and "We were abl<! to take ace a...-a.y • the otbere got aYa,y. We have a photographer detained here Yith the p411.trol." The Lieutenant asll:s vba.t photographer he •is talking about. #09 aeys b. he is the sar.~e as the otlle!l"'S :in the group. The LieutenMt insists a."'!d asks H he {the photographer) is from the press or from vhere and what will the po:!.ice do witb. b.i:n. #09 does not knOY but be vill inveati6'lte.

Amb m:Rii.A-.'ITEZ· Ar'fJI:l\B cm.ll.s Subsecretary GOROTIZA and eays the follO'iling: "Pardon me. for 'botl:e ring you b'.1t I ;.-ant yot:. to knov Yha.t has happened ••• " The Amh reports about th.'!! demonstration of para 117 ab:rve, and getti!lg to tho;) point, requests th.a.t GOROTIZA try not- to ha'r.!!. anything published in the press, nor plctures published.,. ·

DIR 86o64 (Rei': ~ZXI 7168- p;~.ra 176 above) White HoWle, ODACID, and. ODERV! here all advised ALVARADO confu·ned he fabricated his stor-.r. Pls give LI'mli.PO 4 our official. thanks. / Eecause the resolution of t~is case will ~ closely scrutinized. in the up-coming review of this entire eoisode, pls ascertain and cable details of how the confession wu obtained ' vhat. threats,, induce~nts, and tactics were ueed by LITEMPO 4. ·wa.~~ ALVARADO phjeicall:y mistreated? Much? Pls learn whether ALVAMOO actually did hec.r t.he false radio report abo\lt OS":.'ALD'a making 111. 5,000 bank deposit and use that in hie story. / MA.'iA an'i !<2x.I pls clarify vith ERYTllROID 3 and !Uc military attache whether ALVARADO vas still their agent vh'!!n he visited Cuban Z'Tlb. Pla keep track of ALVARADO's: whereabouts and urg'! the Nics not Wil to do awa.;r with h1m. / Pl.s cmtinue to follow all le!ll.da and tips.

SECRET Question of whether OSWALD acted solely on his awn has still not been finally resolved. Pla cable any rea..tlts of a'!!cond interrogation of Silvia I:URAN when you get it,'· ·

l flltn,

( leo Oil previ<NB pa£1!1)

lfa. 2. DI!Sc.

182. 2 Dec.


i85. 2 Dee.

186. 2 Dec. 1012 -




SECRET ; ' I ~

'nm t:itl)~ • Jf,it.l- hd r~r;,ived l'f't•ort~ t.twt; f)ll •1ay r;f t'Ne Y..enMd;.r'a aaeu111r.e.t.ion. (22 1'1<-IV) '(;uballa. 81r<lntt't di'!lAyed lts cl.P.par1;ure l~xi City !'!ve hoont f'r(J!Il 1'(00 to 2200 111.11rd.t1og important PuB'!nger who arrived f/~xico Cit:r e.irpo;:t 1n private twin motor aircraft at 21~0 hoUl"lll !~xi time. Passenger transferred directly to Cubsma plane 1rlthout going tl:!-rough .. c:u.stoo:a or i::tmigration. Travelled in pilots cabin to Above from KMl.l:LcER diplomat

-who passenger Oll Be.:lle plane to Habana. Reqooat you att'!!mpt identify and determine reuon unusual a~tiona at airport.

Contents of i?(tra. 179 ab<:rre sent to L!'IE~t,FOS ?? l'io indic11tion; however stated on the _Xerox copy of the info is c~ sent to 50-6-91/4 (LITEMFO file)

. NZ.T YO~'~\ TDES - Os;nld' s !'.other Places Blame ou Ped~ral. and Dallas Otficers. why defector vas not being watched - Insists Flli sh& hoto before Killed. by Jack La.."l£,s.ttll ••••••• AlB'C'a'rticle on ,,-os~ld Had Appl ;J.;.tt.o~arirwi'Si'Tc

-""':* --

Al-:EHBASSY l~xico City A-631 - Nexico P.ejects Cuban Note on Osvald Case. - The Mexica."l and Cutan Gove:m:nents have m-er the i.nvestigation danducted by M<!.xi police into the · activities of OS'riALD while h<! vas in ~iexi from 26 to 3 Oct.· fl~exi. Foreign Minister l'.ilnuel TELLo _a.lmounced ·on 28 Nov that th~ !·ie~i A;.ib to Cuba, Gilbert:> ll03QL'ES, had been instr.:.cted to return as "unacceptable" the C:J.b GCIV's not.e of 26 Ncrt vhich had proteared

M!!:Y.I 7199 - m~ 8104 On ~0 Iiov approxirmtie ly )5 to. 40 perlioos pie}'..eted in front of the Cuban Ernb ••••• (same as pa_~ 176 abcrt~)

' ' . '

Uniderttified WOITICI.~ outside (WO) calls for Hew ·York Times Correspondent, P~ter Y.m3S', and &.BY.s for Iva<'l ALFlER!V. Not in. Then the Ar:1h. Not in, to call tomorr011. WO asks if MyOnei kncr•s 1o1hen OSWALD went to tb.~ Sov Err.b to requ~ct a visa. lo\a.n inside says call to:~:orrcr" at 9 a.."ld talk vith scraeone else.

WCll'.an o-.tta1de (WO) calling for Peter Y.:IHFF, Ne-.r York Timee oorreepondent, asks for the : CUban Amb and FEFSGRINA says call baci.: in 15 minutes. then asks vhat Sr. KlliFF wants to talk vith the A:nb about. WO says he wants to talk personally with the Am'b,

iJQ(:J411 0 tside (WO) calling for Peter K!EF'r1 asks if the (Cuban) Amb h.u -arrived· and· LIEN'VOY : PeregrL1a says yea, tt.a.t the Arnb will speak \11th Y.IHFF. WO aa.ys KIHFF left, but abe herself

vo•J..ld 1111.! to i!'lterv'iew the P.mb in order to get 3ome data about OS'r/ALD's stay in- Mexi. Peregrina sa;rs When the Amb c<Y.res I shall give him your message, if you will give me the

; telephone cf Sr. KmFF' or where ~ou are s~ ;re 'can call w~en the Amb returns·. WO asks if · the Aob has not yet arrived and teregrina says no. WO says Then give the message to the

.1\:nb, the tel"phone is 25-53-13 or 25-53-14. Peregrina t&l~s the message. ' ·

r ap m ''WWT"


I .§_ RET l I ..


187. C&rloo SANCHEZ uks Peregrina (of Cuban E:nb) 1f hia applicat.i~ arrived.. ~regrka I LIENVOY Incorr:plet~ .'.Cheek LIEWOY s~s to wait a moment. Then SANCm:Z talks with the Amb. The Amb asks vita vh0111 does ;

SANcHEZ want to talk. SJ.NCBEZ Bll.j'll with PERZGRINA •. An:b says to a moment. I~c 0111plete! ! :

188. .:2 Ol!e. Incomplete •. 'll'irst pa,se miss~g. r:a~ck LIE:<VOY.

189. 2 Dec. 100' Check .. Not in cmiALD filer. Richard BirrMER,. North A::-erican. calls Cub E:nb froa~ Acapulco and talks with Luisa Ch,....:k Richard m:v11:!R... and asks. about· Silvi&. I.l...'RAN. Luisa says Silvia sliaouli be in her hoU-se right ~nov. i

· Richard asks if Silvia is hurt. Luisa says no, that she lu..s only bruises probabJ.i because th'!y s;raboed her arm very tight but truat it is not serious. She (Luisa) i adds she ·cannot explain by telephone ax:.d !i.Sks when Richard vill be coming to:




191. .Att not in OS'ol.ALD 'rile• ALVARADO i'-&l'\9,

' J

Ye 1n

.·~~.Xi co City. Ricllar:i sAys "This depends on you people ••. (nev) knovn a'bo~t Cuba?" Luisa, after consulting v!.th someone, responds that there is not an ans~r yet, but that today 111. plane will be: cor.1ine: in fr<'J!!ll Cuba and poosibly something will arri~ by diplo.."!Btic pouch, and for Richard to call again tooorrc;r. Riciard 111.11k!l: 1f Silvia still. vorr..a. at the Em b. Lu:tea respond:. ce rtaivl;r she does. Ric lard vUl c~ll tomorro-:.r. . I

! I MEXI 7203 (ll REFs DIR 86064 - Pam 18o above) Follo;dng from ERYTHROID :; tci Station 1

Officer 18oo 2 Dec: ERITRROID 3 nw ALVARADO afternoon<! 01!.: for. first time.' Heeting la.sted only seven minutes. (Prev.ious meeting had ~en laid on by Mexica.ns but ERYTiiROID 3 ·, vu not c_cntact.ed a.s pla.."lned). In brief interviev in· com~ tvo Me xi officials l ; · ALV:ARAOO re~:rted to pre-.,.icYJS story. Clai::ted he· dla SM· OSWAUJ, 'did call PBS'.!ING! to : re:p-ort. (r'BS"..;n:c inves~ie.ation does not suppo:-~ latter state:aent.) Said he told i ! M!!xica.'UI l1e fab:-icatir: because he 1.'"8..S .. mentally m1st~a.ted'' 1 specific!P.lly becaua~t ot' I threat he loi'O hung by tcsticlell. Not actu.all;/ poyeicl\lly miatreated. I ERY'I'llROID


3 speaking for self' and Nic Milat aa.y UVARAOO ·.ru not th.eir. a~nt wh.'!n be viaite-1 ; Cub !:~~b. /'ZR:Cl1IROID 3 ve.a told }L1fARAOO woul.d be d<!lported. He aeked and rece1ve1 !



p!mission .esc.ortt,; ALVARAOO to f".A.i'iA on 4 O!!c. Bi:t!THi!'JID 3 said he naturally unabl., c<:lll!e to aey definit-! conclusion u to ALVAP..Aro ·ren.clty but ·.rould 'be able to do eo once be ret~'"Iled MAnA B.:ld had cha.'lc~ co::;ple~ inU!rogat1on. ERYTRROID 3 reported i gist a.';;.ore t·o his H'-l3 K<\RA afternoon 2 D!!c. I Abcn-e beL"lg reported to Amb and ODEM.

Memo to LEGAT, 3ubject: Gilberte ALVARI>JX) Ugarte - Attached report based y.poo the ~~xi L'1terroeat1on of Subject. , (not

SECRET ... _ ...

' I I

is m copy of 11.11 1nterr6e;at1:~n in OSWALD file, that 14, the attac~~nt) ' l '





1 I

' !

}'t l ' •i

., \ ·) '

19::;. } Dec. .lOll


... r


' l '



' '

,. '

i '

195. 3 Dec.

196~ 3 ~e.

: i' l


Memo to ~GAT; !Jub,l!!!cts Converaationri r~t.we'!ln CubM Preaid!'lnt ·Oavaldo .OORTIC03 arld Cubo.n .1\fTihVJtJado:r to 71"'x1eo, JcJf&•lu1n HER1lAIT!:E7. Ar.nGJJ on 2C NctV 6?5. / Attcoiv'ld stl"'J \two t~acr1pto of cor"·r~roationo •• ,, ('l'Mce trnm:c:ripta are in the LIEMVOY tAJch ohron~ iii"# th'!l.:; .are alJJo in th" ·OSi-IALD P~fil!! with 1.ispatch to f.[qa tn.nsrnHt1n~ tapel! 'end trimo~dptG.) l'loLe by P.IGG:J, ! ' i . Pater KIH.P'F o~. the HeY YorK Time tela LEONOV of the .Sov Emb that he is very irltelrested LlENVOY in intervieYing A:nb BAZ!I:B.OV al!o;At OSWALD's stay in f.'l!!lxico. L!OONOV vill. give' tl» !message.

. ' ' ' ' I '

lllemo to LEGAT, SubJr Aenasaination of P:ru johtl :P. Kennedy Nov 22, 1963 at D!t.lW, Tew On· 2 Dec· a y.Jraon· id•.mt11'y1ng hi:na'-'lf lUI Luis riElmAJ'il:B£, GonzoJ.!!tz, cit of Rondu:re.~, ap~are(j at Eml> ~cept1on De~::lt of U.S. Err.b and said hi!! ha.d 1nt'o of 1n~:reat concdrninEI OSWALD I .... Only livine is his mother, Aurs-:ra GONZALEZ, who residl!o in\ i Honduraa. FEffil'AlU:leZ in f'e:r.i' ille~:;ally,·needo ua1stance to go to U.S., 1rJ rmmC,.,t of j

· MLN and h1o ll'lader io O.Ui.uhtemo c CARI:SHAS or Youth 3-!ctiol'i of MLN. h., kri'!lt <l0.\11

. LOPEZ, p:reaa ·chief of !r.l;N, Said tha.t on/about 2~ Sept he rll'!lt on!'l John \o!HI'l'E. who l v.reatly resembles 0~}/ALD. '/ FERNAIMZ accoopani'ld WUI'I'E anti tOFEZ to Cuernavaca, ili'!nt\ to !iotel d~ 1A Selva -f.I'Jr the day. I ... F'EPJfA!!!EZ Ba.1d WHITE and LOPEZ lett life.d for llfrmterrey ·in LOPEZ t aut•Jmobile (know this because ho we invited to go too): I G~ve · a ·.d.,acriptiem of f;'!UTE (!!mblinv, GG¥¥.1\LD) ••• Has t:old Emb OUIJ.lti b'3 or no ass1at~nce to h1•n it! t,h1B ,..,fl.lit.rd .\)I;!C!H<S~ M '-'M l.ll..,~ally in IIJI'.IIl1. • • 1lr>t-.tr1 that. ~'E:f<JIJ\Ni~l'. wa~ r1 Lt. by, hl'llllVU:t l~CI.r<'!<:!tl Md bl!V.l 'i "" rJ O.ftpt}QMtnr;~ or a. l""!ln11,.,11111l t.r~rnp. I r;jl:ll$lll'l'J~ u 1.t o.v~arrs L~W'IA11!BZ iill an "tltJfH'L'Jnht.,,, •.• n? rur-t.h"lr o.ot.1(Jfl 1~~S I.Jt\>Jiii!I.VI\?d warrant•!Hl,

MEXI 7209 (Ref:. fi!EXI 7203 ·para 190above) Amb !<'.ann sent c6lble Alexia. i Johnson recount1n'g contents of ref end recof!il1lending that ODEINY and KUBIIRK consi~er sendj,ng experts (i,nclud1ng LCF'!'i"reR operator) to l·WfA to a interrogate ALVARADOJ

. . : . ! i ~ YORK TI!I.&S :. Osw~d Eelov Average in Junior High.. Article about OS'.,tALD'a' early .

school, .with low i\vetage:s, h017ever no indice.t'ion of being e. trouble maker, tin ! abs-entee or in need or psychiatric care. Cn per!lonal history statement under general: health he. :wrote "abnorma.l eardnun in left ear", \ i

I ' · I I NEW YORK TIMES - Ocvald 's Tri~ to Mexico in &tpt was a Lon•tly Ventul"!!, Inquiry Shows. i

7-Da:r Vist's coot p•Jt, at uml"'r $::00. H'll il! ""'li"v<!'ld to httv~ ma.d'!l no pl'lJ.iticd Cr,ritaot$ While on Q~et for Cilbf4!1 Vioa, by P~t'!r Y.IHC3 (11e.ra 1155, lt& and 19.'; tfbov1):- .... ! .... j OS.\oiALD t:rav.eled from Nu.,vo Laredo on 26 Sept v1o. Tra.:uport.,a Frontera to Moxi leaving! at 2t" p.m. arriving Friday· 27 S'.!pt at <::s30 a.m.. (7~0 miles) •,• St~tyed at Cpmer~io t

Hot~· n Bernardo do Sa.h&.guM St. Co.:rril.ld one<'H' sui tcaoe about 2 r.,at lon Next to b. ;~1 is lunchroom LQ F;alJ":ranr.&\L run by Mrs. tlclQteG Ramire:r. ~ 'MRRJl;ROt · 11 OS\oiALD e.te tnere once. O.S'rt"Al,D lef" Mexi city on-wea,, 2 oct on • :roliUYIJ. a. • and arrived at Huevo Laredo at 6:30a.m. Thurs. 3 Oct. It is 't:.oi!Hsved OGWALD le~t. New Orleans on 24 Sept after having nnt his wife to Dallas the pi:'evioos day with a friend. He vanished from hilS cheap a~rtment there on that day withcut having Pfiid

. ! . I

202. .3 Dee. 1635

., J ·,

. I

\ SECRET, . . i his rent. He· is belie~d to ha~ lli'e"ch-hiked to Laredo on the A~reriea.n eide of border v!l.ere he arrived 26 Sept. It vas his custom to tra~l by hi-cell-hiking. ;tt 1 V"aS pres~;..-red he hitch-hiked north to r6l.le.s from :r.,aredo on his returr. from flex1 City.: He arri'lted in Da.llu the evening of Oct 3 an<: checked into the Dallas Y .M.C.A, The :· distance from Laredo to Dallas is 475 miles. Sebastian PEREZ Hernandez, desk clerk ! of th'! Hotel CO!'J'!ercio, said o5-wALD bad arri~d alone and l:ua.d left early in the mbrniQga and c:>me back late at night, &."ld tr..a.t he had had no visitorc. \ ·

. I. I

NE'w YORK TD•:ES - FBI: Hopes to Co..'"!pile Assassination Data So_on •. FBI D!'Jpies Shoving Mrs. OSWALD Ruby Photo ••••• FBI report to Pres. Johnson will be a narntive account in minute detail ••• If it follows the pattern of other FBI investigative reports. it will stick to positive statements of what happened, dismissing baseless rumorS by not lll!!ntioning them •••. ~ FBI denied ShO'Wing a picture of Ruby to Mrs. 05"rlALD before fatal shooting of OSWALD by Ruby (Writer's note.: The plc~ure shown t.o Mrs. 0 was probably the unidentified Arnedca.n £tt Sov Emb t>lex1co, carrie~ up to Dallas - the picture - by LEGAT,) Mosc0'11, 2 Dec. Izvestia suggest-ed today that tbe· FBI vas implicated in the sb.octing of ·Pres. Kennedy's accu.sed assassin, 'OSWAtD. ~ Sov Gob published a fro!'lt-page report on Nrs. OSrl.ALD's cl:u!.rge that. FBI show-ed her a pllotograpl:l of her son's killer 'refore the Dallas nightclub operator s~ot d.


li!E'..r YORK TMS - Cs......u.d 's Mother Talks ·about Money and "Class" - Aware of Not Having l Either, She Says, "ThAt's Way We Lived, !<'JY Son and I". lr.r Jack La:1gguth Article : tells about OSWALD's mother'e~ three marriages and the three sons, bapt.islli of OS'..TALD's. baby, etc. ' i

: . ' i : Peter KIUSS call.s YZAKOV. Peter ea.ys he iB from Rev York. Times :and that : LIENVOY

KOUKH.ARENKO indicated he _should talk with YAZKOV. Man ins ide (Sov Emb) sm.ys he 1oes not u."lderst&nd, Peter aays it 1B difficult because they do not ~peak each others li!Ulg~. Later vorn;an outside tries to speak but no one anevers so she hangs up. ,

11 !

WO calls the Sove:nb sa;,·ing she 1s clf.l.ling for Peter Krass, correspondent' or the N~w LIENVOY York Times, and aska for YAZJCOV. ~lan Inside says YAZKOV i·s in Acapulco. WO any$•• KC1JNii\RENKO said to call and ask for :YAZKOV. wOma.n inside says for KOUKHARE:NKO call the press office on 15-23-0l!.. 'WO tbrks ·I

Qut (or S~mb) to 15-23-.o4. OE!EDKOV ta1ks to Klft<H.ABENKO.'' OBY s~s ~y'U be ~nontitg you nov fro:n the N.y. Times. KU1!is Don It let them. phone .again. OF.: I Listen r -YATSKOV is net here. He bas left. KUKH: \>."b.y d1d't you tell him What ha I .. 'l Ol!Y: · I've said th.ll.t but he .. she is M!' for you al,aip. I edd Y9'.1 an~~ not h!:t~• KIJKlh Many thankls. OBY r They 1 ll be pnoning you nov. KIJ~ll: I l WOll t. ans-;,-e r. ull'Z I

I said that be 1a not in, tr£t he bas left already. KUKH: Fine. (Trans. Commeotr Thnl"' a o. det'1niw rehlctnnce on too purt of eve:r;oM to talk to tl:ll.s corl"!!!epon~~nt of the N.Y. Timas. In fact OJfl told b..l.r.:1 that YAT is out or tovn, whnreaa only lihr or 1-! b.rS ago bs YATSKO'~[ A tlult her huabrd was .corning home, with, the 1 ol:l1l~ren. 1



203. ~ Dec. . !

204. } Dec. lOll

! .


Pvter KmSS of Zi.Y. Ti~s a.sks for 1\LFIERIV. Man inside sa.ys he is not ~re~ to ~all! LlEJ!r~of tbmorrow. ~ter asl'..a if it vo..Ud be possible to go this aft..ernoon or tOt:Jigbt, Man ; i.Mid~ cays tcmorrqw a frol'/l 9 to 11. F'!ter d!J"e not !'.nov it he v111 be in 'the bity ! tomorraw but "ni modo", that he is aorry to botber them 1110 :!!llcb. Man inside h.anfll •.lfl':·

I I Peter KI!LSS of N. Y. Ti1'3'!S uks to apeak vith Ivan ALFIERIV or the one 1n charge of Pren :LI!NVOY at the Sovemb •. ~an inside says ~~it a moment. Peter says he is going through tbe city and vould like li.."l interviev vith the .Amb for just a fev minutes. LEONOV aays vait a.1 moment that he vil1 COII.nll<}t Peter vitb. too Amb's Secretary. Peter .!lays tb.Mks. Later I i LEONOV says the Secreta.ry r.a..s net y:et arrived and ths Amb is not in an:l does no til knov'. if he vill be in later or not, 1n fact that he hi1111Self juat arrhed at tbe Emb. . Peter nys perhaps it would be better .if be vould pass by the Emb because he is L'lXiod about this appointll'lent and alSo vith other Embassies mround there, so :please take ·.down j i (Peter's) na..'l'e sore can tell tr.e Amb's Secretary his wishes, that there is ·an J\!TJ'!rlclllll correspondent 1n the city who va.nts to go ll)?'!ak with. the Amb. · LEONOV says o!r..ay ~he him hls·na.'lle. Peter lit giwe his narne, thJ;.t htl has been sent to rr~exico by the'·N.' Y. Til'll':s: cl to rlo some vork on the activ1t1en or "tM.t ~!'1-:Jr Ll!e oc.~ti!\LD, t..hl!l UtHIJJil1n of o,lr JII"lBirl.ent" iiiild aa :y~u 1-.nO'A' tb.e u~;j[( Govern:ll'!nt.. hM been aha::"ing with che u. '!.1. lJ,¢1Vl'H'I'HI'IeOt'.

this l.n.us1n'!loe ar ... .i he really wo.nta to talk a few mimltel'.l vith the Amb ond find out , "this type - vor!l his deai:res here" for as you lr.Jlov the Embassy here (which:Em'oaasy) feelS that allis not correct. LEOHOV says he will tell the Amb's Secretary wnen ! she arrives, about the case, it is just that for Peter's information the Amb ~s ~lanning to go to Acii.P'.llco for the Movie Festi, but sometime today you will 'be advised; Peter says ol"..ay but 1n case the Amb does not have time, then find out wha~ IJ'!rBO~ in the E~b can discuss ·this case L~d have the information needed for the interview i "that that,. tyPe had .there" (vhy CS'r1ALD was at the Sovemb). LEONOV says okay, no~ 1:0 vorr,· that ·he -.rill gi•te the rnes::;ar,e just as soon e.s someone arrives. Peter asks i if .he goes to the E:nb coUld he for LEONCV. LEONOV says it would be :perfectly alright. Peter for his poor SpaiBh. LEONOV ansvers in Eng.i.ish (perfect Englis~) ! "My English is even vorse." Peter responds, "Y~r English &O'mds wonderful. O~bye ~"


Ml!!XI 7216 - LITEI·TO 4 ul'...,d COO at 1300 hrs on ~ Dec f~r ur~:ent' traces on U.S. cit 1 GUberto P. LOI~Z. / LI'm:1PO 4 stat~s LOFEZ arrived tliEX! on 23 nav en rout~ :to Ht4'oana; He he.s disappeared, no record of trip to Habana. I LOPEZ htlf.l Fl-i-6 (tourist card limited to 15 dayl'l) #24553 obtdned in TG.r.!pe., Pla on 20 Nov. I Hew'!: >'lot checkl,d al:iave wi ~h ODtNV'l. I Su'bj, PP 310162, l.eft)"!EXI for on 27 Ilcr.r via Cub:t.rta (only p8.11Benger ab011rrd). i Source is LIFIF.l. (See Ml!!XI 7177 - !lot in file; fcund in :>0-500-4/1, 2 Dec 63 "I.fiFiro!: a.irl1st. for 27 Uav al;.aws Giloorto LO?EZ lJ. S. cit PP #310162 left Mnx.:l for Uabanll\, : Abov., 'bo!l1og pG.Il;;J.,d Arnb Mann a.nrl 0!211'1/Y !~xi, .. ) .no Btlll.tlon traeen. I .\PIJr"llCie.te early,

"'P"'· ,SECRET I . i

' 206. 3 Dee.

207. 4 Dee. ~ck AMK."Mou lmawledfi!! .of 051.' ALri ' ·,

2o8. 3 Dec.

209. 4 Dec.

210. 4 Dec.

'! '' I ,--·-...




SECRET Memo to The Am'b :from ·cos, SubJ t Anti-C'J.ban Der:~onstration in Front

BMM 8104 {s~ a.s para 178 and 184 above)

I I ' ' I : 1 i I

of t'W! Cu~ Em~ i I

WAVE 8455 - AM:r.NOB 1-SW message rec'd WAVE 30 Nov reflected foll: A. Foll~ing ; .WJiVE CO instructions, A 1 sent cable with follO'W'-UJl letter to Raul at CIS addres~ Haba apon A 1 :return l'.exi: B. A 1,;:d 15 dky.S without receiving ans·.rer to letter 1 sent RA'UL; C. A 1 contacted ?BRUl~:"i Emb 22 !lov attempting reestablish eontact vltl:l : RAUL. A 1 talked Yia telcon ,,.1th girl na~d Silvia "'ho clai•!I!IJ. be sec of COrjBul~te. ; Silvia denied knO'Ioling RAUL. D. 22 Nov A 1 sent another c&..t>le PBR"VMEN CIS addre~s : requesting mee.ting. E. 25 Nov A 1 rec'd urgent wire fran RAUL sent from Tacubaya.. i D •. F., dtd 23 Nov which acknO'W'ledged receipt A 1 wire B.."ld x-equested A l wait fori RAUl). F. A 1 said "He ter.:'i.bly moved by horrible assassination president" and facing such acts must redouble strength fi,;ht red crime. G. A 1 sdd OSWALD face familiar bd· ma.y have seen _him PBl1UNEN or Me xi. A 1 will further advise. H. A l convinced Coc employs killers and assassins. This regard mentioned case tvo persons kilJ.ed Mei:i by fnu CORC'I<EiiSKI ,.,'ho received three hundred dollars fer deei from PBh'UMEN Enb !·~xi. / WL.l advise additiooal detail.S upon :rec2ipt.. / 3. ~xi: Request info re para:l lt

, , I a~. i

I ' I

MEXI 7224 - (Ref: J>rexi 7216 - pt~.ra 205 e.bove) - ODENV"! locally '(who advised ~f LOPEZ by Gobe:rna.ciem COJ;ltact) advise LOPEZ ca..'e into rt.O!xi at Nuevo Laredo o_n 23 Nov. /I' OIENVY asking for Hqs check. t LOFEZ listed as having U.S. p&Bsport. .

> • l !

Memo for COO from CHOAJEN, SubJ: N. Y. Times Article on OSwALD. - Carl MIGDAIL visited me on the morning of 4 tee. He br01..1€ht w:itll him a cutting from the 3 · rec West Cout : edition of the Ii. Y. Times. This was a story about OS"wALD's visit to l"exi, and Went ! into great. detail about where he stayed and ·o~ho he sav. !ol!GDAIL asked me if the :at:ocy vas accurate. I told him I did not knO'W'. (I ha:ve refused to co:nment to a ltiGDA!L on any aspects of the OS\iALD case). / MICDAIL said he felt certdn that t.he N .: Y. Times i man got his informtion from Luis FARIAS 1 file. : . i \

i I i

DIR 86563 (Ref~ MEX.I 7203 - para 190 abo·re) - Although 'W"3 are confident that ALVAIIAOO \ is a fabricator and that-his retraction of his confession is false, it has been decided that he should be LCFUJ'l"'rE~D. loie do not want him reti.U'lled to Nic until after the : FL'JI'!ER is finished beca:l!l"! ve fear that he will be too a,g!tated in Nie, apprehensive!!'~ that 1Je ·.rill be mistreated. Pl.S arrange vi th LJ:::i:E!1PC6 to ha'ffl Al-VARADO relei&Sed ito ; us for se-.,e.ra.l more days. Ask El":Y'l'!BBID 3 to remain in ~leY..:!. to a.ssist us. /Mr. ::r.vis of- K!J~DA ~ill arrh-e in !l'exi 4 Dec. We do not .va:'lt .to blow him ia.nd p·.-eper that :11.ex16ans . . , I , ntt be a·.rare of c'ur plans to F;LU1'I'ER ALVARALO u.'ltil after Mr. Davie hcw left. Hei rna:~· pose as Dept of ,'uatice man. I FLt?l'l'ER a!lould ~ p!!rfor:red on private or hotel ptemiaes, vith· Davia in charge a.ssut.ed by Mr. Clark Al.denlon of ODEliVY as interpreterJ / j Although: it is 111-..el:y that ALVARAJ:.O vill oo returned to rae, ve do not want to : decide tll.iS J-et. It is i::nportant before and during the FLtriTER that ALVARADO. not! be


: I

211. 4 I>'! c.

212. .. ~ :1>30.

' .. ,


·i I





I I 1 ..

j ! '

in fear-or bodily harm, that he 'be rested·,-etc ••• ./ We realize that !Vexic:an.S a!ld1 Nics have some equities and plenty of rights in this ease, but we do not want to:at~ l and discuss jurisdictiocal questions. !<!AltA pls .inform your liaison that there v';!.ll : be so::e f:J.rther interro.:;atiro of ALVAFJiJXJ L"l J.:exi l:;.efore his return. I Advise if\ you: r.m into prcble:::s on this. . - j ;

f<'~.Ar.J. 4E27 (REF: DIR t65Q3 - para 210 above) - ERYT:I!'OID 1 concurs further interrbga.tion ALVAP.ADO in Eexi also in E :; rerr.aining :lie xi as long as can be of ·service to u.s there.: Interpose a ·absolutely no proble!l".B • offering cor.oplete cooperation and agreement Uut any wa.;:r he wi.Gh handle ALVAP.AOO interroe;o.tior:s.: ' 1

. ' l 1-ZXI 7229 .(DIR e656~ .- :para 210 abo-ve) - COS talked wlth Ech!!verria at 1930.hra bn

' Dec. I Echeverria l! A. Hfl will ordr:::r Ll'!."E:MPO ~~ to %ml hold ALVAPAOO until coo ' is completed vlth "some e.dditional queotlonin~:;". B. In %"!!ply to COS RP.!~it.IEST to "borr0...."

6 ' ' t

ALVAP.AOO, Echeverri.a :res. C. COS t.ol1 Eche·;~rrta tr.t~.t qu.estioninr, vo,~ld be , d01rl<3 Jolntl:r vHh OrJ!:tf-rl Q.n:i GOC "t'Wlrant-"<:!'1" !"!turn of ALVMtAOO to LITEI•iF'O. 4. i . I Station baa !ifl·rised Er!YT:IR!JID 3 of uelay for 2 or ; da:;s dl!;re.rture of ALVAP.AOO~r E!> : v11! ilop<3 to re:ruain in :1.ex1. I Subrnit plan for !iqo a.p~roval A. Will. have J~ssrs. Anderson and Joo Ga.rci.a of LEG.t.T pick up ALVAfi.ADO lrJ from governacion. ; ; 3. AL'IW.DJ vUl be taken eit!:ler to former ZP.EP.ASE safehO'I!llle or Hotel suite. Aavise'. C. Anderson ard/or Garcia vill actae interpretJJre foz· Mr. Dli.Yis. D. Plan to "borrcM" ALVAP.AOO early ~ton:iing of 5 D!c ;.nd hope -..-e can return h1rn on evening of 5 Dec. 1 E. Will 1nstall microphones in apartment or hotel on 4 ~c to L·usure recording On ! DavisiALVAP,),J)() inter1iev. I Request ERYTTI?CID 3 be notified by his su-rer1ors toj remain I~ xi a few more days ia Station !•'..4NA can arrange this. /.Advise Davia ETA. I I . !

DIR 86f...21 (~fa l~XI -7229 - Para 212 above) Your plan Md progreBIII m011t lv.:~artenlng, ; All parts a)Jproved w~th foll comrr.entas E.T.act rol,Cl of ODEJIV'! rtl•m iS ur1 to tne1r ~hi'!!f} but th!.l ·role you outline for t~m an1 th~ o<eJftction or r-"nonnel eeem!'l porfect. ' · We prefllr hol;P.:l, ••• If WillA 4627 ill not enough authority fer EHYTi!ROID } plll ;cabl~ I

. · ' I I IWIA for more • : 1 · 1

• : l i I i fiJ\TtA 4628 (P,e_f: DIR 86563 - para 210 above an1 1-t.A.NA li-627 • JiiGnl 211 e.bov1.1) :ERY'l'liilOI~ l·

Just :rec 'd t.,legn)-'!1 from ! 3 aent fro:::~ 1-ie:d m.t 1147 pm l".ex1 t 1fllf'.'l 3 Deo annou:1cin~ E 3! arrbal ~A.'IA on TACA tooay 4 J)Jc brine ALVJJ>Jl.OO. If thl8 true neei confil:'!l'lation; 1

·before 2:00 ;m local ti:m to1a.:r as E 1 feelz special hMd-Ung and security p:recaut.1on8 1

required. 1 E 1 f'!!als strongly /GVAPJ..:OO sh<:TUJ.d not be returrl'!!d MAliA l:i<!fore intetTogg.tion, eocpleted. _ Interro~tion g,..ay from scene of events with I!Habaeqaent difficulties! · ; checking news info rw.Y.e follO'« up interrog in Ktu\A imprnctdcal. · ' ! i 1



215. 4 Dec. l:

' ' i

,, ! I

i ' 216. 4 De! c.



217. 4 nee. ;


218. 4 J:>.te • J• ,.


219. 4 Dec. ':. -

220. -5 -De~.

221. 5 ·nee.

. :

' i

' j

. , , I

: ~ ·, - . SECREI ' : I : ! I Dm 86659 (Reft DIR E-6621 - para 213 a'l:ove) - l'lr. Dans arriveB MEXI on Amerlcan1flt

35 at 2)41 on 4 Dec. '11'111 ~ traYeling on tourlet. eiA.rd he can get ~xi viea today 1n his offie~al passport. WDl ee.rry FUJTTEB inJJt~nt and nbould ~ me a.nd 1 assie~~d through customs, if possible vithcut blowing his connection to KUBARK th this cue. ~ Pls reserve suitable convenient hotel room. / P.eq,lest ALVARAOO not.lbe i interrogated !'urth~r until !l..r, De. vis over. Furth'!!ir interroga.";ion might co~ fuse: : cue. />~VAP.AJYJ should r!St and. eat well. Important he not spend to:lay VOXTYing \too ~..tch.j

'MEXI 7232 (P.ef'z fiJiliA 4£e8 - .ptl.ra 214 abo·1e) EI\fl'HROID 3 remaining r<lexi until inie ' : ·gs.tlon of ALVARA..-T'Q Corn];lleted. I \.:ill advise 11ANA ETA when known. I Believe ·return ALVABAJYJ ·accompanied by E 3 ;rill not be -prior to 7 tee. · 1

• \

~ 7239 (Ref: DIR 86659 - p;~~.ra 215 abow) 'A:;s ata~d previously we cr.nnot eua:knte~ against a.ny ba.ggage searches thr'..l LITE:•t?C€ and 'b10'11'ing Y..UBARK connection to traveler-. · ·· i


!>~:!!:XI 7241 - Station holding all reels fro:T: 22 Ncr.~ 63 for both Cuban and Sov Embud ies.: / . Unless. adYised to ccmtn.ry, Station vill erase routine tl!;pes Sovernb keeping normal · tvo week lag. Can ·retatil Cuba.'l taps as long. as :Ei-:&s ;riahes. If period to ex-tend I indefinitely, may need more t11.pea. Have t;ro :nonth.s GlJ.pply new te.pea at Stat:ion. l

. . : ' ' I I MEXI 724) (llef: A., DIR 84837 - para 25 above; B. DIP. 84&;5 - para 26 above; ~- M!XI .

7o6l - para 8o above) LICALLA., LILY:.UC and LIENYOY of KOSTIKOV and ALFBRIEV; thru 30 Nev indicate no particular deviati:on of their mode activities·, no travei \ \ outside r-mXI. · · 1

I Memo for thtl Files fr<:~m cos, Subject: Gllberto ·LOPEZ; u.s. Cit. - 0:1 ; De:: 63 LriEMPo! 4

reportl!'d that one Gilberto LOPEZ, U.S. cit who arrived in Me:xi on 23 Nov "looked! · suspicious". / LOPEZ, according to L!'IEI·IPO. 4 ha.d fl-1 8-24553 (a. limited, 15 day, I tourist card) issued in Ta.mpa, Fla, on 20 Nov 6;. I L 4 said Gobernacion hfld, u lor 3 Dec "loot~ Gi.lberto LOPEZ. They were looking for him. I ~ L 4 e..e!t:ed for any d~ta fran the u.s.A. I

DIR 86761 (I~ft . Mi!:XI 7216- Jl'i.r'li!. 205 above) -OUr check with OD'ACID on Gilbe1

rto Q.. LOPEZ has produced nothing aa yet,· Very difficult for- ODACID to do anything fast vi'.:.h -S•.ibject's nazile and. paesport number only. nope the;( c:m tell 118 somet ' noon five Dec. / First OIE:.wr traces shvo~ aometb.t!lg ona po:ls:!.ble Cllberto LOPEZ kiro castro. activities in Los Angeles. Will get more lil.lld advise. If L!'IEMPC) 4 cl¥1 1 giw uis Gllberto's birtl:l.dnte .it vill help. /We assume tb.a.t you have n.ot told_LITEMPO

· 4 that LOPEZ.. flew to Cuba on 2'T Nov because you do not ,.'ll!IJlt 'to blC'ii' tb.e LIF:t;RE .


j op:~ration.. 'l'his problem is up to you. i : · l j

' ' ' ; I. 11 I SECR~T ~. l j '

222. 5 Dec •.

224. 5 Dee_.

225. 5 tee.

-- . ;

226. 5 tee.


. I !>~XI 7253 (Ref'': DI.R 86761 pam 221 above) LITEMPO 4 reported to cos late 4 dec that, A. LOPEZ crossed at Laredo Texas on 23 l!ov; B. Regi&tered in Roosevelt Jiotbl ~.xi City on 25 Bcrv. at 1600 lllrs.Mexi City ti;ne i.n room 203; c. Dpp&t.rted as: onlJ\ passenger on Cub8J:la flight on night 27 Nov fqr Rabuna. Checked out of hotel at i1900. hrs. / L:r:;E!'.:?O 4 b.a.s 11. gocd photograph of Gilberte LOPEZ t..aken at airport on dePe.rtw.le. Will ge'~-. copies. I Re para 3 LITEHPOS run airport so data. re fU.q;hts to Cuba aVS:ilable to them. Stat.ibo1,1 did not report LIFIRE data to L 4./ ·will attemx;~ get birth datb.

. . . ' - ' i DIR E:6976 (P.eft ME"'.f.I 7239 .- l)f:l.ra 217 above) We noted. yCi'xt: :retu:irve:t.ioos a boot get(ting:

Mr. Dnla. tliroue)l c.ustOO'IS eect.U"!ly b!J.t W!cidcd ·to ro.tly on your asaete li.n:fVO.i'. ~I'JurM - Mr. Davib ~id arrive, etc." Pls coofirm. /As you mak:e your firuil plana for LCF'UJI'TER;

pls let us knOll loea.tion ~ set up. . : \. '

MEXI ·7256 (Ref: DIR G6976 - para. 223 'abo-.-e) - Peter K. WOOrm:AD arrive·i, met by OCOS and got th:::-ouen custor..s with no problem. I After study witll LEG.AT have decided bold ' interroe,"ll.tion a.t Apart #8, Galie !-~rida 1E6 whicll. was used by KUCLUB peraonnel for : AEGEl~RATll: L.P. This coopletely backstopj;ed by being rented for "visiting A:nericans" .: No future plan to \llle aparv by Station. Apart bldg has no wa.tcb.rnan, no oining' a parts or bldga. Hessl'."S Clark Anderson and JOI!II Garcia of LECAT studied apart on 4 J::ec with OOcS. I WOODBEAD stayed ,at -apart on night of 4 fee and approves. I Plan to have Anderson and

.carcia·picii;'up ALVARADo and pring hi!ll to apart. ~'.e:d. police will accompany to a~rt but . will not enter bldg. Anderson alone will interpret. I Will have RESCIGNO in bedroom to. 1.11onitor and· reco:id interrogation. RESICIGNO vill not be bl.o-.m to Anderson, Garcia or • I P.La.n to have inte.z:rot;ation begin at 1400 h..rS 5 Dec, adjourn overnight and continue ·.

. 'j

. : morning of 6 J::ec. /''PlAn send copy of ta.V'!s b'; WOODEZAD if possible. · ; \ :

·!>lEX! 7267. (R1!f: i.ZXI: 7256 - para. :224 abO>-e) - ·Prel:l.mi::lil.I''J questioning as per ref _piace. rnitial attitude lil1 one or resentrmnt ag~ainst E:nb for turnin?; over to 1-lex . after l:lis volunteering b.elp and against lf.e:dca.'lili.-or treating hfin"". l: View abo~,. question of LCFLUI"''ER not yet broa.::hed. Migra.cion inspectore taking him 01lt for good meal. tonight in hopes prolonging ups~o1ing of rapport reachl!ld by .interrogators i toward end of session. / Hope know early afternoon 6 Dao whether 111 take LCFIJ.J'):'TER.

1 P~fe'r :

cable su;loary after ·reading more defin1t1~ point in interrogation.. · · \ 1


i -+ Jo~ RETTIE a.s.ks if Paul Y.ENI1!I1!:has gathered any influ~mce on. th!! Mexican politic~l sc~ne

,_ as far .as th'.!l a.saa.ssination is coocerned. lie. he has .not gotten a thing on it. Paul : tliiillr.a. the only thing it couM hav<J done ·.ras t9 i:rrpresa t.~ palitic;;a.l ~lople about tl:i!l spenta.ne1 ty of _the synrpO:tey for !'~nn'!1y. On.lY thl.S, but t gone 1nto t rery

SECRET: . . t -

much. Appa~ntly they dB re~r_.ct epontaneoualy, b•lt tbfln you could look at f<'exi' s 1 vot-J; 1n the U.N. on the OAS, on Venezuela-Cub&o.'l deal and you ca.n aee tha.1. it didn't ma~ a ~at of dift'e~nce. fio, not on 1n~rnat1onal front. Jvhn. doos not .think. it VOlAJ..d malfA any; d~fere:lce to !l.ex1 :.:-olftics. ITo, or inside, Paul l!!aya. '


227. 5 ·Dee. Check


22U. 5 D!c. !,

229. 6 Dec. cMak ref


'' '

6 Dee.

. '

6 Dec~ • : v .. ,

232. 6 D!c.


. '

SECRET \ ~ H!IZ1A 22561 (Refs A. f".EXI 720} - para 1;/j abcrte; B. tt.EXI 7209 - para 195 above.) -l AttacMd; are c:ou1es of the ~xi i."l.terrogation report on Gil~rto ALVAP.AOO Ugarte. I The last i equoted) ,portion is ALVARAOO~s sta.ter:ent in .,..hich he admits that the story, :about hi~ seeing OSwALD in Cub Consulate in !l~:d ll.:ld having seen OSWALD paid money in the pub Con, is false. / A copy or this report vas e;i ven to CDR'ti'VY locally. ! 1 l

~ 22579 (Ref: MEXI 7253 - para. 222 above) - Attach~d are c~ies of a pht~ of ~il~rto · LOPEZ, U.S. citizen, tai::en night of 27 l'iov at l-Ie xi airport by V.exi &'.lthorities. • S11b.)ect chec~d into t'..exi Hotel Roosevelt, Av. Insureentes 2cr{, nt 1600 on 25 Nov 63. He at~ed in room 20:;, At 1900 hrs on 27 Nov Subj checked. out of t~ P.:otel Rxseve1t and at 2100 hrs an 27 l'lov Subj departed ~:exi for Ra't:·&."'la. / Subj \riiL.S listed on Cubans. .tlt #465 of. 27 ~ov a.s the only. ~sent:er. A crew of :nir.~ Cubans ;,"11.3 listed. On dep~&rture fro.11 ~xi, Sub~ect used U. s. passport #310162 which contained a Cu"ba.'l "Courtesy? visa. / Source (LI'l'S.'-TI'0/4) states the timing and ci.rcu.T.sta."'lces surro·.lndtng Subj 's travel tllrougb. ~:d and departure for are suspicious. I Source urgently requests Iilli data. on! Subj'.

ME7..I. 72f:)f (Paft !.ZXI 6982 - not in file, not abntracted) Foll results LIT.l!:AS!-i meet with Y.JJZITE:T30V 4 Li!lz, A. Re MIH1.1l<li.'l&tlon, Y.UZ P.ct inco:r.preMnsihle becatJ.ll'!l cottld not. effect CW!J:~B in U.o, I!Bfl':lcta.lly,n policy ?r r.f.lnef'it 'MI.cilltr.. CCWAI.D Commlh t<endl!neieB if tr-..r.'!!, or atay P.t.u;r;i.a. r..wj no 1:,-,aring cr1rrJe CP directive ein~ time of LEr.Ui eco.siC.ered op:;;n-essioo opp<:ments onls damaged COOT:lie !llovetl't!!nt. I B. Contradie'tiona aboot crime: Use 3 different ty;es of .arms, inability &ccount for OSWALD apprehension far from site of, so~ bul.lets explosi'r!! C>the%11 not. KUZ inordinately ' discon~rted by L..:l questions re OSWALD entry exit vor'- marriase Soviet Union. Explained that although not· co;nr:1on, foreigne::-s can work Sov Union. Then stated and repeated he. did : not knOll details but .doubtless th~re wre special oircU.":lsta.nces OSWALD's case. Re ' i emigritio::l Russian ,vife, no restrictions ·but fe·.r ·left SQv Union because :psychologically attached Sov soil. I L-1 K if Sovewb could assist financially 'in issua.nce consular'! Pnv.istlil. Monitor of which L 1 editor. K replied I, 1 could talk with consul : Pavel An.tonovi<:lh YATSKOV about it but doubt'!ld acy official help fnrthcoming ..... : ... ·~.

' '

GUberto Policarpo .LOPEZ, born 26 Ja.n 4o :l.n Eabana, Cuba. Both hl6 parents were q. S.: citizens. I His address 8t time he got his last U.S. passport vas Cerro 1307, Co:is!!!Jora .Arango 'y"C&.rvajal, Cerro, Ha.bnr.a, Cuba. I His Last u.s. passport ·expired on 25 Jan 6;5 • (Abo.:re - origtnai sent to LI'm~!P0/4) · · ! \ \

~!S:XI 7'2c8 - ERYTRROID ~ returning I•U\NA PAA flt 501, 7 Dec. Requests advise his vtre to meet l:li:n. · 1 1 '

j . I

-: i I ' !I$Xl 7'289 - ALVARADO LCl."'.U'l'TER indicated he fabricat:l.n,g facts of his story. In te:rrof,lltion

E *R'riMlf'W'Y==m

revealed SubJ unsure of da,y of ;reek alleee:ily saw OE'iALD. Thinks that it vas on !!'!.lesday vhich would have been 17 Sept. I h"heo shc-.rn photos of OS'fi'ALD during testing, de,ception patterns ·•-ere evidenced. i·:hen Subj was confronted with this he stated that he h4d ut:nost . confidence in LCF'"u!.Jl'l'ER and thAt it cr.u~t be correct. /We concluded interroe;aticz\ _vith

Pol1carpo 1s·a first name· origin is r.l"'1ek r.rythgloi::;y. Is Gilber...o Poliearpo LO?EZ ideo vith r.nbert.o LOPEZ r.ranados 1.::. ?-1:-672, me:no fro:n:L;g;;A'I' dated ll fo'.ar 64 vitl:i. attached pic:ture'l·n

234. 1 'D!!c.

'l'ruetn ·

. 2;>5. 7 D!!o. I

236. 8 Dec.


.2:57- 9 Dec •

9 Dec.


SEC 1 SubJ admitting that he must have made t-·:mest mistake in ~latins otiginal :stor:} in ~is

: identiri:::ation of 0.:3\\ALD. I './0-)DH.E...\D 1u:·iving Dulles I D!tc on AA .Stl. I Echevenia w~ll . hold ALVAR!\DC u.:1til 9 Dec so EruTIIROID ) will not have to accompany. . i I

1 I I I

Din B?.tl.l[: (Ref.t l'XXI 725j • not in fil<:l; not lil.tlll!,ra•:tt:~d - not founriJ l'•OI'!Sibly trtr~.nll~,r;dl~irm of num'uere, i.e. I'.Zli '(2'5~- ~ra ~~.:::::: s.uo•JI'I) You •r.&'J f.O.B3 LI'L'f.:~Pfj 4 t'ollowinq; frC>m l ODAC1J) but do not tell b1m it from ODA'::ID: A. GU~rto Polico.rp'' Lo:t)'!z vi th' Sam!!i ) nu.':lber b'.:lrn 26 J11..11 40 in l'l'..aba.!1S.. etc., etc. (info given to L1TE1'iP0-4. ~e \ para 2!·0 abo-re) I T'nis rna."\ is not identical •.tith th~ Gil~rto LOPEZ 1o1ho ve.s associa.t~d: 'liith ,pro-Castro go'.lps in r.os A."lt;eles. ;.;e hope to e;et more from OiENY on GilbeJ;"to. Policai"po Lol,le:t:. Wil advise. · · ' '!

: DIR.87666 (P.-::f: MEXI 7289 - para 232 above) Presume all concerned now agree ALVARADO will be returned to Ilic. We satisfied his ;.-role story abo,Jt seeing anyone ~aid to a.sae.ssinate :pre:: Wa.s a aca.x. / WI! vant. to avoid all possible :nishaps which m.l.ght induce ALVA · to resu.o:e his fa'bric&.ting on this case, so •i!! request tb.D.t Me xi and Nic: authorities , ke · no' pu...'litiYe :::easures ~.aL.'1Bt him beyo.11.:1 dept-rt'in£ hin: to Nic. If ERTl!ROIDS co.n gi\re .llim lH> 1~sef1:l a.nci non-sensitive to do for a few mc-nths it will help. / ?e"l t~ successful wind-up of this tricky incident spea~s for itself. I Tt~ks to all hands. j

I fi.EXI 'il?S<> - LITE:!{?() 4 w:hi.Bed COS en 7 ~c that ALVARAJXI will b'!! r.~turn-,d. to l".A.NA ~ TACA; flt #17'5 d'3part1ne Mexi at o~:;.o hra on b D'!c. I Pls llllivise Ef!l'lWOLD 3 vho arrh1ng; !I..C.tiA

~ 7 O,c' op P.3.S. ,I

. TEE Nlr~ YORK TD:SS - Lee :C:a...-vey Os·.-ald - The i'.an a.nd T'ae Mystery; Suspected Assass·ih of 1

: Ken~dy 'lol\\5 fl1thdrawn and Fri~ndle3s; Tu.rn~d to Harx in High Sl"hool: - by Donald Ji' SON Article abO'~t. the ty;e ch.l.rncter OSwALD va;,. , : 1

1 , , , t ,

. Till'! 1'\E:.I# YORK TI!~S - Follwing articles: os·.r~ld Chafed at Life ~ So~iet. He ~ote\ Mot~r He vas Eager to Return to U. S., by'Ja-::k L..IHl'GGUTH: Dallas Suspends Critical Taa.chl!r. 1

Sh.ts Sl.ys View on Climat of Hate Led to Ouster.: Texts of Letters to Pro-Castro Group (six letters printed which OSWALD wrot11 to Fair Pay for Cuba Committee): Six Oswald Letters .are Given to FBI. Pro-Castro Group Here Finds Notes 1n its" Files.: Texts of Osvald Letters to Hother on Soviet Tri·p.: Y'.ennedy's Gu.ard Brings Questions. !x-Ch!ier qf Secret Service Raises Queries 1n Slaying. . 1 i

: I

i ~LSIOR - F:BI Gets Hamy Letters - The FBI obtained copes of 1e :.tA!!'rs OSWALD; oenti to , Fair Play for Cuba Corm.i s orif::1n&l3 '~~"'nt to F1JI so.:k1 Vir.c.<:nt T'h!!!od~ t,t,e ~ 36 br w >l., 1'!111Ul or F:PCC. 1 I ! i I

239. 9 Dec.

21<0. ll Dec.

241. 11) Dec •

2142. 10 Dec.

?.I() .. 10 Dec.

244. 10 Dec.

2 1'•5. 10 !>7o'






; . I

I ! \- -·



SECRET I ' ,. i I I

- -:r ___ ---;---- -

I ' I I [ Dm 87770 (Ref: MEXI 7241 para 218 above) Pls do not erase ~Y Soviet or Cuban ta~s until ·further notice. Advise hov nr..tch mo~ you need. : . \ I

liOTE TO COS from Rif'.GS - Af(ll;UAm:' wM told y~s~rda.y hut I told' him not. t:) te~l tl Ln:J'WOY, fi"'ople. Jumt r.e"P. br1ne1ng in t~ M~lo to flli'I ..... H~ ha·1e et mont.h to of.x "'""l:e r,!l,..,..,o.t, ' R"lvfl}r\-h'l·l!!I'J~, 11\ro.Mqu"et,infl, ~00 Tlll)\4' or.!'la • If n·::Ot, ll'l!!rl•H.I for thi.!'J, w l')ll.n st,nl"'! half of tMm wHI'l V.l:f;HM:·H"/ fr.;r fi!JI,-;;.,~· tGI.ry;"'l.~. ;('rhtn nr,IA llt.I.IIV1M<I t,c1 Nlr.XI '(-~lit\ • pare. ~;;~ at,rrt'])) i

I by Donald JAJWOf{ .: TilE Hl!lW YOH.K ·TI!-12:3 - OB.Ya.ld l'l':!t Ort.'""f.'U of Fri.,M1eh1p With l3u.Uxv~ao.

I I THE NZW' YOPY. TD<ES - FBI's Rj.ak T,i.'Jt, Omitt~d OtJwald. • Secret S<!!rviM Cot Nam.;a ~fore • Y..enn~dy's .Trip. - by Jooeph A. LOFTU3 , \ '

; • Tm: !lEW YORK TI!-£3 - lleyond a D::>•..1bt, FBI Concll.u:J.~c. H., Acted Alone o.nd Did Not KiltO'IT Ruby, : r Says Beport to Warren Inquir; I'a.nel. \ ! i

Memo to COS fr0111 P.egistryr Vincent LEE: (U.s. head of Fair Pla.y ror ·Cuba Committe1 - para ·. 237 above) - LEE traveled from i·ie:ldco to Cube. on 28 Dec 62 wi <;h pe.ssport #B07321 T. / 1 :

LEE truveled from Cuba to Hexico on 21 ianuary 1963 I (E11zo.beth 110RA traveled f .rom l'lexico to Cuba on ;50 Dec 62 vith court'lsy pQIHlport #7L64. Eliza~th Cat1'11tt (sic) d'l !-lORA

l.---- trav"~'.l _from CubliL to l~x1co on 21 J~r• G)~ t.h"l na-.. plan~ u LEE), · \ I

ME1.l 7521, (HMr A. l'iEXI 72;'•G- para 2<:4 abov6, B. DIH iJ'(6U - pua 2;,1• al,O-v~t) :x . Bix tar;'!O (in whioh 1n1..,rro~;at.1on of Gill..,..,r1.o .IUNAHAOO done by !'!tl~r K. WOOIJIII!!AD l!"'lng! p<:>uch'! IL"il~A 22(/JI) on 1.2 !)9c, I C0'1l.1e:J or th""" Bbt t.ll.f~0 v,1v'!!n to ll!CAT (vho;vall. interpl"!!ter ,for WOODI!J!!AD) on 10 fJOc, l.indorutand he pouch1n~ t~l'.l<'l to hiP.S ll"t3 (Jfl ~12 D012 111.lno.

: ' ~ \. \

1-t!!:XI 7335 - rt~xi M"lfflpis.per Excelsior carTied story on 9 Dec of Vicente LEE (cbai:rman of r Fair Play for Cuba Commiotee in N. Y.) e.xchWlge of.' letters with Lee OStfALD. :j FollO'Iting i

to BErlADV1<1 from "OIENVY source" who ws.! directed for il'Any years by BENADUH in Mexico, I '! . OI:f£NVY source kncvn to COS and to UR':tUl!t.RT (at Hqs) •. Source is U. S. cit Conrnunist and '


member of Amedcan Corrrni~ group in Me::d. in good standing. Source reported on 10 !J)!!c that: ' A. SourCJ!'s close friend Elizabeth Callett de I'.OF..A (Betty MGRA) American negres~. CoiTil'llie

vho n011 naturalized Me xi and vife of Francisco !t.ORA (l'texi Corr.rnie) M.d. been called to Cub . ' Ernb and told to for~:.;et that she nv Vioont LEE in Cuba 1n Dec 62 and Jan 63. I :ee!tty MORA ' a.nd her husband are frightened because they both believe u:E and OSWALD had close relo.tion-.

ship ·and probably LEE in on "plMning" of OSiiAL.D of Pres., K. /,.Station : \ {lles sho;.' that Vincent LEE tnr.relled 1;o Cuba frQITI !ole;.;1 on (28 Dec 62 with U.S ·-oMsport ' #0073217• LEE retum<!d to ~~~xi from ~,>WUl. on 21 Jm..."l. b). , lletty MOP..A travCI.lif!atto Habana· ~ }0 !)!!~ 62 with "courtesy passport #'f(jf);,." CJd returned on s~ flight as Vince~t LEE '

on 21 Jan 63. I Para. 2 above will be roCE~h'ed by ODENVY locally frOm their source and: Rqs should treat. in ~er to protect LE:liADUi-1 contact. . l r

I • ~~-



ll Dec.

11 Dec. L

11 Dec •.

250. 11 Dec.

,,. '

'Check. · r.obernacion tells KIHSS one thing. unrl l.Er.AT ~ tHCf'!!l"'l!nt DtOl"'/ •.

251 12 Dec •.

252. 12 Deo.

' .,

SECREii I ' ' '

P.!EXI 7347 -'Some en dear attachments to ID'IH.'=I. 226o4 (Top Secret Lauricle eent to C/KUtbiJE): pouched 12 Dec pertain to OS"I"'.ALD application for CUban visa and. Cuban "line" :thati"North . American reactionaires wished to make Cuba- victim of their criminal designs." /:Have' made no local dissem of this material I S01.arce: LICASA/1 . · 1 \ ·

i i i ~XI 7352 (DIR 87770 - para 2)9 above) - Current use tapes ab.,ut six doz. per ·veeki for 'both' Cub L~ Sov Emb lines •••••• /Is there ~ornething particular which V~xi should watch for ' or should tapes and or transcripts be pouched liqs. i ·

. . I I I

TEE NEW YOR.l{ TINES - Osvald klBrJ.iled Right-Wing Vievs. Spolr..e Out in Public After Attending Dall8.3 RallY - by Donald JANSO~. also A Troubld 1-'.arine by Bill :BECKER (OSWALD w~s demoted ·from Private First Cluss to private while in Japan. Chief Warrant Officer Ed·.raro! J. sPIIIDt said that OS'..JALD "vas my persc.nal problem durL"lg tb.s.t tirre. l!ot even his o-,m 'llOtM r knew him lir..e I did," although he gave a ler.gthy st:ate~nt 'to th'!! FBI about OS'rlALD, he~decline1 to give specifics to a reporter. ' ' ·

l"emo to The Amb (cc to COS) frcm LEC:AT, Subjects. OSWALD - page 4 states that 3 ~c issue of vestern edition of New York Times v:ritten by Peter 1\IRSS said that OSWALD. tooki a 2:30 p.m. bus on Thursday 26 Sept frcm !lu.evo Laredo for the 750 mil., trip to end !l.t l!Jexi oni Fricta:r, · Sept 27, that the trip was made on a Transportes r'rontera bus. (para 197 above) , i advie.ed that th1:3 info Wall furnished to him by OM Lucio LOPEZj a. cle.rk in the T pcirtea ~ Frontera in l•lexi. KlESS said LCPEZ had told him the Ministry of Gobernacion had gotten this info from the Nuevo Laredo office of :,the bl.l.ll company. I It is to :be noted ~hat; Sources in the !Unilltry of Go-rernaclon have indicated t.ho.t inv~stigation to date ~n Uuf:vo ' LaMdo and '!".-!xi Cit.y ha.D failoo to unc:.ver M'J info t"!;:,ar11nr: CStiJ'u,D's t,rav<!!!l frotl N1;r.vo Lt~:r.,d"l 1,o l'.1:17.1r:o City .. ,... · · '

DIR fi642 - ODE:rnrf pushing to wind up its analysis of 11exi asp!'!cts this cane :and ~rgently needs results from interrosation of SUbia IXJRA,.~ and her husband during their second arres~. We.conjecture she ~sy not have been interrogat~d at all during her second arrest but ~ls find out the facts a.."ld advise. · i

i i !o!EXI 7364 (Ref: : MEXI 7362 -not in file, not abstracted: found· 1n OOHAN P-7969 • iwith1 ref:

I : , DIR 88642 - para 251 above • "Since 12 !'))c is 11exi holiday COS unable reach eithe~ LITEMPO ·4 or Echeverria. I Will at":-ern?t comply in full with ref on 1} Dec.") ronAN arrested second

i . tir.e 27 Nov, interrogated 213 and released 29 Nov. Interrot;at ion based on questiorls prepared by Station and approved by OrE1NY here.· A. :Asked her relations vith of individuals: including S':Jm~ 1J:lventi!d ond oth~r regist~r'!d mrrlers of cars she Sll!en in durine ;


Jan 6;:. surveillance by LITAINTS. Discldme1 kn011ledee of all. . B. Claimed Mver :mem~r of! Lie;. Leninist:~~. Er; or PCf>l, u 11€rl!l'!d with idea.B of neither except as refl,ard~ BTpport , for CUba. C. Cldr.ed no aff'iliat:l.~n with ICAP, nor connection with Sovemb here ~h.ich only



~~EC~ET1 ' ' '


visited once at anni·.-ersa.ry of. revolution. D. Remembered OSwALD perfectly and denied he I



' ~ . '

25~, 12 Dee. 'i I. :254. 12 Dee.

1. I

256. l} Dee. Wbe re ie DIR ref' ?'l. :

Why no significance??.

257. 1} Dee.

258. 1} Dec.

259. 1} Dee. ·


wo·~ e;l.a!JeetJ, Oth<!rwis., no addition to orieina.l storJ. E. _Y.n_~ ~f' no _re_d_h~~-~~~ in . !io n;,w people arrived at Emb around ti.rr.e 03'1iALO v:ltllil:.. F. ··-Admft{ed one -15 do.y rip to PBR!JI·!EN in 61, none since ·and he.d no plans go. Denier.! had requested Amb S'!nd her

there· after first interrogation. / Regret not h.ilving for.rarded this so-:>ner, but lUi.~ absolutely no eontrib1J.tion to resolutio:l basic :-cystery particularly aft-er ALVARADO LC?LUT'IER. Pouching questions o.nd full interrogation report 13 Dee.

MEXI 7362 (out of ple.c<J) See pam 252 above.

ID·l!~ 2266o (?.ef: ~XI 7324 - para 245 above) Attach'!!d are copi'!lil of. th'!l six tapes •.rhich resulted from the interrogation _of ALVAPJ.J>O on 5 I)Jc 63 and 6 the 6,3 by Peter K. WOODHEAD.

· / ••• IZ.GAT. acted a..s interpreter. / ••• LEGAT given copies of these tap!! a. l Orie;inal six tapes are being held in 1-lexi City Station,

!l'"mo to rZ,GAT from COD, Su'bJ-::ct: Interrogatioo of Silvia 'rirarJo d" DURAn' d•Jrinp, her "s'!!r:ond arf'!lt.~-t" - AttacMd a) ~xi report of in~rro;;JILt.ion and b) 111ft or q•.ll'!')."::J

o~-ested to l'l!xicarus.. Th~!!l!e 1orere ohovn to !l!r. flzvJ.ernon in draft prior to to !':exiea:rts .

. DIR 6&399 (Ref: DIR 85391 - not in file, not abstracted: HEXI 7030 - para ,38 above)

. ODENVY i:lvestigation ab.ovs car of F. !<!organ Da. . .>'liels with Plate TA 582· which Mei.i reported outside Cub Emb on. 21 Oct llad not been outside Texas around tha:. date". ·we a:ttaeb. no special sie,nifica.'lce to this. / Still checkin,g o-.mers otl:e r .cars.

ID-il'.A 22625 (Ref: !.ZXI 1364 - pam 252 above) Attached are a) r-texi Government inetTogaticm report on the "second arrest" of Sil-;ll>. .•• a::-.d b) List of suggested questions su'OO!i tted by Station. /A copy of each of these was given to LEGAT. : · ·


MR 886&) (Ref: l<IEXI 7352 - para 248 above) Upon receipt you may resume u.suli.l practice of Jr.eeping Cub snd Sov tapes tvo weeks a.n~ then erasing, but pl.s do not tap!!s mad"!t bet.we'!!n 22 .N?v l!lld pMsent. Will w:l.v1oe. ll Do n'ot pouch to fiqs. / Pll!' continue watch ·r,r Sov or Cub reaction to inV'!Bt1Ent1on, evid~nce or their complicity, signfl they putting out propg.ger;da about FYI only, 3ov intel in India had lett~rs sent m to ODYOY.E lelldera

. dem&.l'lding full 1nveatigu.tion of case; / H<N many tapes do you want to replace those tied up by para 1 ? ·

A/ B/ C/ , . WAVE 8949 (Refs: - not sent V.exi - WAVE 8658, D!R 87746, WAVE 6736) JENTONS returned

WAVE 12 Dee, In IILddition_ to C0r·'ll10 channel outlined para. 5 ref C, JEJITONS also included in _.,. - · , his letter to T.mSTAR auc:gestion ,that-U!iSTAtt could also send name or source a.nd.other·details

SecRET via IUEXTI' pouch to ·liTEXrr 3 in ~xi, if Ui1STAR felt ~rsonaLlett•sr vi.a Nusa.u_inaecure or L sl<N. 1J1i3TAR should a3k. UIEXIT ) pass letter ~rscnauy to .JENTON •. ! Fi!i ret ts!'ara .!.,

· assume ODENVY questicned NIETO on alleged Dallas contacts. since. ref A reported only that , NIETO could give info on DG.lla.s contacts.

260. 16 Dec:.

Check 14-12-99 g ' I

' ,. -----------·


261. 16 ·Dec·. Check UTA~ J.Oe.rins

262. 13 Dl!lc •

263. 18 Dec.

' -~:

264. -19 Dee. '-

Check Betty !':ORA j



·' '

S~RJ I I l ' ~- I I

DIR 89366 (Ref: MEX.I 7025 - pa.ra 32 above) (see para 4 abcml). In ~ara two ref' sbvia OORAN stateG that APARICIO has a. telepho;:,e and th&t its number is l!j.-12-99. ·For bur . analysis of tb!s case, can Me:d shed light on who APARICIO is, whether he has that number and w~t this might have to do with our cnse. We guess it migl:lt m:!rely have beeni 8 side ': remaril: to some b:.·stn.nder in the consulate. Advise. I ?le. have monitors 1every effort : to identif'J voices of various Sovs to whv.-n OS',..'ALD spoke on the telephone or who d~alt :With:

, , his case vith Silvia DUF.AN. (NC' In pencil vriting 14-12-99 not Uated 19&!. )j " : · 1-- -·-·i -·-(NOTE: ·COS wrote ou calbe "He is Raul APARICIO, Cuban Emb c.fficial..) !

~-emo from r..EGAT - '!heir HQ3 reported C!U" bearing Texas license KR 5TI3 (see pan. be a~o~) observed at Cub E:nb durlno ,time OS.iALD ·..-as 'in Hexi, is registered to Her:ninio· OOARTE Martins, Jr., Sanat.orio Da.J.inde, Tuxpan ;t-23, t·':exi, for a 1963 Buick. I Their Hq,S also advised pf info from lllll!tX one .. Robert Ed:nO!ld GALLANT, im~ate or Sa.:lta. Clara Pr15on Farm in California, that he has be'!n active in the a.:lti-CA3T3.0 \L."l.dergoU.l1d in l1e;(i for past six yrs under the na.:ne of ceneral Rob~rt.:-. de· Ed::tondo CORTES where he has under his comcd a secret army of 3,500 men in Mexi.j He cllliml5 to' 1-.a•-e a ":s':'!cret agent" vorking in Cub Emb here L"ld alleges that OSWALD was in: the Cub Emb on 12 J!.'.l: 63 to obt&in a visa to Cuba. ·He clai1'.S that os·,;ALD stayed in r-'.exi for about: one \.reek :at tbat ti;,re· and supposedly traveled he:::-e by airpla."'1e. GALLANT cl.lilim.s that his &.£,ent in ~he ~b Emb pointe':! OSWALD out to hi;-n in Me xi ! July. I LEGAT files re fleet that CALL.AN1' was e.rres;ted by rr.exi authorities l!."'d d<!!:ported to the u.s. in Aug 63 at our reqt;.est in view of fact he ~as wanted on forgt!r".f cha-;-..,-es in Califonia, GALLANT was born 19 1-'.a.r 22 at Cla:-e:riont, New. HamPshire and is marr to a !J!exi cic. He was residing :t at the corner of S.."ld Montiel Street, Apart! 302,; Col· L1r.da.v1 at u tb.~ t·'_ -~ of his arrest on 21 Aug 63. I FYI: OSwALD departed Nuevo Laredo fck ~~xi City a~ 2 p.m. on 26 Se:pt on Flecha Rc-ja bus No. 516. So.-ne of OS",..'ALD's fellow passen~rsj on this bus have been identified, and a British couple vho observed him on the bus l'ltateci he was '\iraveling alone il.n• left the bus in ~:exico City al~ne. I For :-etention there is attac!l~d a copy of the 2 :sections of the z.:exi tourist ·card (FH 8) utilized by 05riALD in entering and le1wing !-lexi:. 11

i ' I I

• ' I I

E·'::.r..' 12193 - •• ,.Tl::.a:lks for Stati.oo's h~lp in case. ;.Basically, what the -New Yollk Times hm.s pr:1nt about the repurt is all true. We h~v~ !!:eanvhile been flooded with fabricati~ms, iof wllich ~l:le · ALVARADO stor:' vas the most tro-.:.blesor:.e .I/ I...... ' i · ,

Jo~ RSTTIE w~th Robin (7). Ro~in vas involv-ed in assassin~~ion stories. ~d tJ go to WABhington John :Rl'ITI'IB snys he .,.ill eat bis if "there 't people behind OSWALD and Ruby and he will eat shoes if these are&'t uJ.t·ra-rightista." John PE'LTIE does not believe all this business. A lot of talk ab0>.1t being one lone mad :nan. John does not believe :u. , i I ! : ·

I ! ' '

ID·ll'.A 22627 (Ref: f•!ZXI 73~5 - para 246 above) - Arraehe1 are a) 2 copie~- or :photJ of ~incent l.EE taken at airport prior to his boa.r:line; Cubo.ila flight £!465 en route to Habana on ~8 r:ee 62 .'

SECRET b) Copies of the Passenger 1·1anifest of Ancna~s flt • Bh()l;[ing r.;F;'!'s travel frorri N.Y.C. , to Mexi on 26 Dec 62. c) 2 Copt2s of Cuba..'l_m~ifest ·of 2tl Dee o2 shewing LEE's tra•-el from ~.exi to Raba."lm. d) Cop~es of CuOar:a manifest for,a flight on 21 Jan 63 sho-ol'ing ·LEE's' retu.rn to Mexi from Habana and e) Copies of Aeronaves flt. #400 of.22 Jan 63 showing LEE's\travel from ll.~xl to N.Y.C. I As noted in ref, Betty !<iORA is ver.t ,concerne1 6-.-er her asaociat1on 'ij Cuba and, tn·1el

. . ; I







SECRET (on 21 Jan 63) vith Vincent L~. (All at tachlnents in 1ZE p.;eOJ3)

1 Dee. Politico. ~azine pablisheu L"l article by ?idel CASTRO on "Cuba. Ante el Aseainato de Kennedy"

20 tee. D!R 90487 - Re~ues~ Station pho~ograph entire station p file on Valeriy Vladim1rovich KOSTIKCV and pouch one CQ9Y or microfiL~ in first possible po~ch. Also request Stat1on.subject comments on file L"ld on Y.OSTIY.OV's acU·1ities and relationship to ot~r Sovs !'.exi. This analysis vould acc~"'Y photos if prAsible. If :nol:, pll! cable. I Little in n=l.S file on Y.().STrt.ov and yc:mr info and l:lt• vill 1.><! a ·; contribution to 01Jr preMnta.tion ·to '..lal"r'!ln Commiosion,


., .. ·

20 tee.

21 Dee.

,. I.ZXI 7488 (P.ef: DIR 9'Jl+G7 - para 266 ab~e) Pouching C<lpy KOSTIY.OV fil"-1 and a.nalY,s1s in priority dispatch EJ·r'.A 22652 ole. 20 D!!c. Order !!E!et pouch de~dline and sa. tis fy Hqs request A:3AP, Station unable excise true staffer n~s fr001 file f routi!'lg s~ets, ~re;nos, etc.

DIR %466 (P.ef: !1EXI 7115 - para 154 above) O•ar presen-r. P!.!:!L;_l!_~~sin_~ 1n.!_~li!..r_nm_Q..~1s_li!~ ~~2~~~~ rn~ntion of ta.p_:l! __ i!l, __ .!?.!:d..':.£_P_!()_t'!!?~-~·o~! '?O_ll~ -~.!...-.Will rely instead on ata.te:renta of ·sibiia·roM!I-and on contents of Sov Con file ich 3ova gave ODACID here. File shQVs both o.;r,;.AJ:,D at1d •.rife ... -ere d1oY.er1ng with 3ovs in WiiU!b by mail to e:~t pe:rmiuion return <.;o Rul.llSiA./ Exact 1eta.1Led info from LITA11ILS 7 and 9 on j\lllt what Silvia OORAN and otMr official.n nid about OSWALD's •tisits and his d~alinfD3 vould be vm.lus.ble m.nd \lllable corroborative evidence. Request yo•1 request ion the:n ca:nfully on these point!:, attempting get e.a much authentic data as possiblll!, without mixing in vhat they knCT.r frCY;J newapa~ra. Pls cable B•Jilll!'.a.ri'!!ts e.ncl pouo.h detail<!!d .ntat.e""'nts.

26 l)se. 11EXI 7527 (p..,fz DIR 09366 - para 260 o.'bo-r'!l) 14-12-99 is heme Mm...,_,r of Raul APARICIO Nop;o.l'!la, Cultu:!'lll.l t.tta.zbl! of Emb. Doubt any connection OS'..TALD 8.1:1 APARICIO ·.rats on sick leav'!l during s i.r~nifi­ea.nt ~r1od. I Re para tvo P.ef1 ~~e !•eXI 703) (para. 41 e.bov'!!l}. No further· info available u ta;~s ha:te ~en en.sed. (~e yara 4 above)

27 Dee. MEXI 7550 (DIR t66&r- P*orll. 258 above) Pll! air :poilch 30 doz. tapes. About 20 doz. ti'!d up vith Sov a.nd C"ilb traffic 22 l'i'ov .to 13 Lee. Mditional 10 tioz. r1eeded for STGANG op.

2 Je 64 I>Z".<l 7615 ('s Dia 90466 - pa...---a 268 above) L!TAHTI.. 9 hms nothing t·o offer beyond account of MSXI 7ll5 (para. 154 abo·~e) except that Silvia enid at that ti!Tr.l that l!lh'!l vu perfectly villL~g travel to U.S. to confront.O~riALD if necessary. L9 did not talk to Silvia about OSwALD visit, merely stood around with other staff lr.!m~rs wile S1lv1,a recounted arrest, interrogation, release. ·Silvia d:i.d:not mention any details of her encoun1;er with OS',.TALD. I L~ reported on 27 Dec that Silvia hall not reutmed to work since release from second a:::-rest. He~ huabnnd ·.raa angry

··.··:--· ~:·:··-:-.:.:o:_:_:...:.-=:_:..:.::_~~.::::::..c.::.::.:::.::=::-.ove::".FCML'i RCA nO""ve vhich rr.ade cause celebre of lll.ffair.- told PBRUMEN en::b official that ROA note :t.u.a i:laccurate in claiwing Silva miatreat~d b-.i ~.exi police.


272. 6 JM

273. 6 Jan

274. oJan

275. 8Jan

276. 8Jan

277. 1} .JIIIIJl Check

SECRET 'DIR 92766 · P~quest •-e:r.r discreet check to learn whether AMPALH 26 {IIE'N),unv1tting Cube.n

propaganda Yriter for AMPAU-1 project at WA'IE, has visited !""xi since assassination of Kennedy. AKPALM 26 ha.s originated a report that os,r.JI..LD l:!.llld e. long conference with Cu'b Arnb in Me7.1 in restau­rant on outskirts of i~xi. Aii!?A:.M 26 ~::;;ort 1m3 found its ·.ray :tt into unofficial analyole of vhole c::aae pl"'llpa~d b-J p-:~ycholoeil!l'l., Joec I. LA3AGA in ~t,io.."!li. / Do not Yiah Ali!PJIJ..M 26 to learn hiS identity 111.5 source thiB info b:&!l been divulged by LASAGA. PlB check 1!!!.-nigration records. and local sources who mig!lt k:icr.;.

DIR 92767 (Ref: DIR 92766 - pam 272 above) IIEN is Salvador DIAZ Verson.

Note to EE:f,A.Or.)'i-1: Pl.s determine vhe'c.her or not a. Cuban. vriter, presently :l.n Miami, bas visited Mex.l. Ria na.:ne is Sah-a.dor DD.Z Verson.

ME>:I 7690 (~?'S: A. DIR 90487 - para 266 abets'!!:; B. MEXI 5943 - not abstracted, not in ,file; C. mr.-tA 22652 - pam 267 above) Eelieve foil i."lfo which supplemental Ref C report worthvhile in inclusion H~S presentation: The unidentified Sov of P.ef :a -who met Sergey !Ukolayev1ch ANrONOV (Chief lAtin American ~pt YJJB) h&S nCY>~ been positively identified by L!FP.E: as being Valer1y Vladimirovich KOSTIKOV.

lr.!':XI 7682 - Although asaum!! info belov probably not pertinent since f'irst nlll.l1le OS.rALD's wife iB, wish nevertheless report foil: 7 Nov 6; Aerocaves flt 4oo toN. Y. manifest lists

. passenger "de OS"t•'ALD Elena.". No other apparent pertinent namee among ot~r 16 passengers.

!®ItO to Boonstra, cc to COS, from LEGAT: Subject: OS'riALD - Attached is A memo setting forth. the results of an interviev of one Yla::-io RO.TJI.S V1llalnueva ::~f Guada.lajana vho vrote ll letter to Attorney GeMral Robert F. Ke::medy which'd""lnt'~i!fY lla\•1ng to do ·.rith as5ass1nation of' K. -· Let~r, post.:~cked 31 Dec 63, Gua.:la.JAjc.ra. <;o Robert F. ·Kennedy said .••.. I ro~t am a J'l'.e:x:icM ••. I t!..'ll co=unicatil'lg vith you because I d~ not trust a."lyone in th'! rrlltter I intend to di!I'Ll vith . • • . death of your brother •.•.• I used to be a friend of os·..rALD a.nd alao of Albert, 111.5 well aa three more people. I knew about the plan, but I never thought that it would turn out to'be a true.pla.n •••••• S1gned-Ylar1o ROJAS, f.lanuel Acuna 1367,-Glls.dalAjara.· I Up6n.interviev on 10 Ja.n 64 ROJAS furnished the follcr.t1ng info: In Jun~ or July 62, ROJAS .was in V.exico City;., •• 1111. Cuban approached him about S!ll'Jg&ling Cuba."! propaglil.nda into Me:d. The Cuban odd he would see him lat"l!r in Guadal.ajara.. / Around middle of Aug 62, the Cuban arrived in Guadalajara in an automobile and drove ROJAS to Ciuda.d Juarez, Chihuah:.ta. '!t:. ROJAS went to a movie in Ciuda.d Juarez a.r:,d app6.rently the Cu'tan ;.-ent over !.nto !1 ?ll.llo. I ""hen the mo7ie was over, ROJAS was pick!!d up· 1n

, __ ...... _, .:.:.-=:.':·.:::..:::-.~::: ::·::-·-:-·.c-·c-:-:~-::::-::-:-::.-~=:-::::-fro:lt of·the. theater by.:the. CUbarr who at that time intrra:l'lced him to ·an-individual. ROJA!! · · has no il'xi'ependent memory of thiS individual's na:ne, but recognizes him b'J phot as OSWALD.

The three went to & bar where they discussed the introduction of CASTRO propaganda. into :vlexi 'SECRET_ via Coz1Del, an isla.nd located .••• They talked nt length, including discussions of everyday matters, for;.;.t four hours Md they also did quite a bit of drinking. The C\ apparently tu.r.1ed his ca.r over to os·~AI.JJ a.n.d th~. Cuba..'l and ROJAS spent the nigh"c. in Ill hotel. . ./ ROJAS sm.1d the follcr,;ing morning they lett Ciudad Juarez on a flight of .Ae.ronaves and flew to Monterrey.


Ch<!ct; Daniel SOLIS

· . 278. 14

. " - ,. " .. -·- -·-· ··- ..... __ -· .. -----

'--·----~ --··

SECRET It is to be noted that Aeronaves has no such !"light u that described by ROJAS. After arrival 1n Guadalaja.n~. the Cuban gave ROJAS 4oo pesos a!!d told him he would receive further instructions at a later date. I In the latter part or i:ec E2 the Cuban came to Guadalajara and gave ROJAS 900 pesos and told him ':.o proceed to Co;;ur:1el by bus ·.tithi."l about fhe days. ROJAS arrived in Cozu-nel Just e.fter 62. T'ne:re he vas met b"J 2 Cu.':.a.n rren and n Cuban voman vh.ose first ne.rre •as CRIS':i:'I!IA. ROJAS explained that, altb.ou.=;h he ca11nut recall the na~s of the Cu":ans, he baS the.':! vrit';.en do-.r:J. 1n a notebook vh.l.r;h he left ·.rith J)lni'!l S:)LIS, a :nunlcipe.l police-nan in Cozu:nel, ROJAS stateti SOLIS vou.ld not d"!li'V'!lr the book to anyone but him. I About 2;~ ~c 62 vS'·U,LD arri·...-ed 1.-1 CozuJ;-el, naving proce<!ded there fro-:~ Jamaica. via'!l.e>:icana. de Aviaoion. OSWALD, th'!l three C1lbans lll'..1 RO,JAS Stf,Air.. diScUJ:llled the intrwuc t.irm of Cuban pror..aeanda. ••• :, . , • Durin17, th'! t~ of '.,h.'!Be 11acuas1ons r;::r<~ALD e.nd th'!l <:;hre'!! Cu'bann stayed at the Hotel Playa in Crnurml and ROJAS stayed "Jith Daniel SOLIS. I 00..1.\LD re'l'ia.ined in Cozur.~l for~ or )'days and then ret·Jm~d to Ja::aica 'b"J air. T'~ ';hi"!<;! Cuba,ns ru:l':l. RO.J/..3 contin:.~'!ld to reaide in Coas•J.mel until about 15 Feb fJ~ whe::f OSrlALD car:1e to Cozu:rr!l from ,Jilr.lA1ca. On thia occasion 03',./ALD otayed three days in Coz1l:l'l'!!l. The day aner his arrival an .~.merican by the na:ne a ALEERT arrived from Jamaica. All conversations betveen this A~ertcan, Oo~ALD, and the three r.ubans ver~ in English, ROJAS stating that all thre~ Cubans s~o!r.e very good English. The Cuba.'l voma.n, CRISTINA, told ROJAS that they had discussed the elimination of Pre a Ri~nt'ledy. She stated ~hat OSWALD vas for killing Y.ennedy but that A.Li:ERT and th" Cuba..;1d did not aeree with OSi-ltLD. / ROJAS stated that he has ALE!:RT'Il laat name entered in the notebook vhich is in the poeeesaion of Da.niel SOLIS. He clairmd he got ALFERT's name froo a u.s. Gov credential in the bath house of the Hotel Ialena. whet:e ALBERT a·tayed. • , ••• os~lAL:> allegedly stated that, no matte::- •hat the opposition, he would have to go through vith it {the 'killing) because other..ris~ he m1E,ht lose his lif:'l, indicating: he vM acting under or:iers. I P.oJAS stayed in Cozu.-rel u.-itil e.arly !'>larch 6~ then returned by bus to r.l.l.Wi. , ••• ./ ROJAS could not explll!.in wh::t be car.not ~~mir-r the n~o..-nen of t,hl!l th:M8 CubarHJ in Grrz:,r!ll.! L a!tl!r havin~ i:t!l•.m vitil t~m f<tr r.-ead;r '.h~"li mont.hll. ![!3 ll.,ucr-1~1 th"':f':!,,.,./ ... ./ ... ,R\~!Ml stated he 1a "J1l:A.1ne to go ruJ::fll'heC"e if his l!!x~nMa are IA-1::1 to rnal-.a an;r 1ndlintU'1cat1on d.lltl to pick up hi.s notebook "Jitb the fll.l.l na.r.e11 of the individuals mentioned. It vas noted d•.tring th., ·intervie·,.. that hi appeared sincere, but stated .he is desperately in need of money. H5 Uvea in n sllll'l! area of Gus.dalaja.ara, is 31 yrs old, abo'.lt five feet nill'! inches, medium build, dark brovn hair, dark corrrple::don, brow eyes a...11d ·has a :nus tache.

' ' '

!'\EXI 7764 - LEGAT requests following '!Ohich connected vith investigation· of a lead on OSWALD. I It 1s requested thr.:t the foll invest1;;11tion be conauc:t.ed at Cozumel. A. Determine whether a "''uni­oipal police:-:-,ll:l na:-::ed l)an1el SOLIS act.ually exists ani is living and working in CozU!l'lel, B. If SOLIS does exist, deteruine vhether.he is acquainted vith •. ROJAS .••• / C. Detor~jne vhether SOLIS has a ndebook in his possezsion which belongs to ROJAS ..... / Pla cable reply.


21:o. 15 Ja.n,

281. 16 Ja.."l.

282. 16 Jan.

cr.e ck AJ',O::PAL.'i 26 trip to Managaui does be· knov ALVAR..:.OO 'iT


~~CRET '·1-IZ"/.I 7776 (.P.M·I D!R :i27(,6 ~ para 27<: n"uo•1tJ) 11.-:. a·;1der.r;.~ to d:.t.'!! of' trAV"ll to Me.r..l. b;/ AI'!PALH ;'(., durine 1963. I ':roll volunte'!red by clvr.:r.Ii'fl in ll\exi, on "!'I"! nine 1~ Jan 1n his oral rev!.~.t tr; r;I)~J of current problerr.s in t~l.r 1nveatir:;.ationa o~ ~rdMnt to C;.".l'riALD co.ees A. ODEirrl Hqe sent cab1"! to i•hx1 stating (Al'?AL11I26) waa source of Malysis pMpared. by Cuban pnycholog1st., JOB'!: I. LASAGA of l~ia.m1. B. ODEITVY :l.nterlie--<l'!!!d A:·IE'lli1 26 ·.rho said: Silvia OORAN t~ok OS"rlALD to Cab<Lllo Eayo restaun.nt near ChapultelJ"!'c G::>lf Club wher:~ they :net C:100n Amb to l'.ex1, Joaqu5.n HE?..:\A!-\IEZ. Ar.':'.S.S. ?."len i.!Z:tG'l..\N:Ez took 03'dALD :!'or a ri'ie 1.n hie car so ti)at t te ·: could taljt prhately. C. AJ-:FAU.JI2E· t-::>ld c:£;;-rr h13 source .... as E1.uudo lJ.')RZ"LL Navo.r::-o, i·!e~i n~n•s.-a:;:e:-:<.t>..:l vho vri~s '!d1torial.5 fer· E:xcelaio:-. 8. clcDEr;n sent 1-'atthe· .. Crawford, Assistant, to i:l~er-view K'r;:f;l.L Navarro or. l '2 Sr.a. t. BJEEl.L i;avarro said .\HFALl'l/26 had "ir.~ined" .,.hol~ st.ory. &:RE:LL Navarro said he did nto knC"'oo u.:1~· l':l.;~re tha·:~ that. 051-/.1\.LD had beer: to r·~xi and ta•1 visited the Cub E:r.b a.nd Si:lvia i:'U?.A!L BO:\ELL ;II!L'I'll.rro said ev-erything he me.,. had been t)Ubllshe'J and ·.,.as jpublic imc.·ledf;'!. I c/oam,ry, l<ie::do said he kne·o~ A!·:PAL:·1/26 well .... r.en both 2. were in Habana. He said PJ·'J"/J ... H/26 "noted for repo;:-1;!ne a based upon his intuitive fee.Hnes" and -.·ery rarely reporto::d facta. I Be l1eve ODC:l;"if told JIJ!?A!..:·\126 he had been c1 ted to. th:!m as s0urce· by Jose I. LASAGA.

A bull\'!!Un from Pundac1on del Caroenel :Undsz.enty, with o.ddreos1 ~P.O. Box ;:21, Clayton Branch, St. I,oui& 5, t•l1aoour1, th'!! t"c·llc:.,infl, .,.1110 trar•!llat~o1 "Gon.S1((Jlll. Commliflt.a. d'!! ProJ)IUI,ll::':a en Reladon Con la !·luerte d~l P~&id'!nte V.enn~dy", publish:'!d by Com1t.e !'.P.xicano Para Ul. D1vulgac1on d~ los Objectivro, Estrat.esie. y Tacticas d'!!l Comunis'llo. Article pointing out the usass:l.naticn wt.s. the work of the Ccn:nuni.sts. (From L!lllJFFfl)

RrN S2.S9 (Sourc~: Lr!ANr.., 9) Ofricials o!" the Cub 'Smb in Nex:L received very fe·J Christmas greetines fro:n i>iexi Gov officials. (It is ~11eved t.hat the lack of the 'traditio::~al exchan~ of Christmas greetings bet·.~en i'r.::x:l Gov and Cub E:r.b was t;he result of the resentment caused a.-::ong ~'!!xi officinld= by the otronc note dated 26 Nov 63, rec 'II bj· the ~;exi i·lin1stry of Fo:-eign Relations fro:n Raul ROA Garcta, Cub 1-lin:l.ster of F·:>reign Relations .• over the' detention bv !olexi a·.1thorities of Silvia OORAN in connectio."l vith the visit. to tl:l.e Cub E:nb in Maxi of oS,.'ALD. I

WAVE 0569 (Refst A. 1-'.SXI 7776 - para. 2i9 above: B. D!R 92766 - pe.n 272 aboves C. WAVE 2341 - not rec'd: D. D!R 64473 - not rec'd: E. fiA'V"?. L356- not ree'd: F. PAC'l 1245 (In 6457), l2 No-v 6), O'IDORIC TP?.A;;.SACK, filtt:d 200-124-117/.3) : G. 'tlA'!E 139!> ~ not rec'd. 1. Be ptu:a 1 Ref B according ;;;..1{!. sources (AI·tRAZO:R 1 an•:i AMBUCKI.3 l) A:·1PALM 26 stated plann~d depart· WAV! area for ~xi 20 Nov 63 in order attend seminar Federa·:ion Internacional de Orga:'liuc1ones de Fer1od1stll.S Profesionales (FIOPP) held W-!xi 13-2·1 Nov 63. Para 2 B Ref F confi.r.ns plo.r.ned attend&.\'l.Ce FIOPP b;,· A~t?AL·!·! 26. On return WAv;:: area A 26 told lu'"IDi!CK!.E 1 he attended FIO?P seminar / 2. WAVE agrees para 3 fu!f A that A 26 noted for skeptical report~ p:ilrticularly re his association with OJ:EARL. (See· Refs C, E and G.) In reply query para 3 ref E, Ref D i:lformed iiAv"E A 26 not O:EARL agent. FYI Af".RAZOR 1 reported learning frcrn A 26 that the latter scheduled r.-.a.'lre SJ:l"!eehes at PIOPP seminar and lnter conti."'lue on to Central .~rnerica pl·ooobty to l!:l.can.gua. In similar Htm.te:oent to AHPAL:o1 4, A 26 implied ODYOKE

20.5. 16 Jan

2ti4. 16 Jan

Ghec:k !lad1o V!LL/IflU!VA 1\a;nlret

2(}5. 20 Jlll.l'l

SECRET mission. / 4, ~ pSLra 2 Ref :B, Pan Am Airways records show A 26 departed WAVE area 18 Nov 63 via PM flt 50; for :-t~NA ,.ith transfer in Guat to PM flight 501 for M.IUlA. PAA records reflect A 26 traveled aa plnnned, hcr.tever vi~·, fact A 26 had to transfer in Guat, it possibll!l h'! traveled to 1-'bxi, either prior visit MA:-iA or afterwards. l!o record tra·tel A 26 local OIXTRGE offic'! since A 26 P'!'=ent. u.s. ~sld-,nt o.s of 7 Nov te !lnd granted re'!ntr.f )Y'rmit } ,ian 6} valid ona yr. ! lll.lltJlol'lll A 26 m'll.t.1pl!.' dep.m.rt.u~c!l !:lnt.rti'JD '.tit..hl'l'l'· r'!Ct.:-tct.tnnlL ~quMt. i!:jB ch"!ck O!JJlif.i& Z<C•:?.'l'AL l.O d'!!t"rr~tn'!! H' A 26 I&J'rived. rr<:l'!l """xi on or &OOolt. I. r~c 63. A 26 CDt·l~GE re~::istrtation ·No, A 775'9307. I A11PALH t. haa obtained oopy of LASAGA report. wt.V! c.a.n pouch H Hqs inte:t."eated,

l•:EXI 781.9 (R~f: v.RXI 7176 - ps.ra 279 above) LI'l'E!1PO 4 reported on 16 Jan that Al1PAL1"1 26 wu in ~le:xi on '21 Nov 63. LITEi·U"' 4 does no~ yet know arrival or departure dates. / AHPAU"l 26 vas :..nvited to !·iexi to attend "Colegic.. 1!acional de ?eriodistu" to''usiat 1n series of meetings organized b'.f that group, accCJrding to L 4.

HRID· O)i35 (~f: ~1EXI 7764 • ~ra 27i..\ above, also se~ p!lt'1\ 2i7L- I::.niel SOLIS vell known ~:~u.nioipal pol.ioe:r.n.n Co::umel or ·~:00:1 reputr.~t.lon over 1«111'. li yrs. I sor.I:i does not know any ,,_. reraon ann~d \'lnyio l:OJMJ!!!·,a, :;i)!.r:J wHo'll uno.ll) na:rnd F.IMl'l '/Ir.t.ANHE:VA fiNn1r11.7. · fl"O<ll (i\ln(ll\b.)IIH"O, CIJI'l bolil'lV'lt~ orl!;,1na.lly fl'O!t. r1.lll.r;ul!l llobla•lo, GUAII&, Thtl!l tmol'! ·ll.att..o:rl SVIJ.I.3 -in Got.•JI'I'l!ll mbout first ?. V'!'ll-.n in ,Jun'!! 6~·. Unol'!! arrlv'!:l hy \J>llt to PU"!rt.t:'l .JIIIll"'!7. •n-1 boo.t, l.o Co7.u,,l, brnl'n, l!l!l'!r.lni:l, wori-., wU.h n~1 ll.l€.•.ae,'!l IIU1d not.h11lP. mo~. than "lloth'.'!G on bo."lk. Uncle said hin .. S\litcaae ha(1 fallen from top of buo 1nto va.ter at umqll!!oified re~ry oroe!!in1-~ enro\lte r:~ridm.'., Uncle eali<i "important papen~" and all h1s pet·:sonal \>l!lon~­ingn. SOLIS houeed hi"' ll.l1d got him temporary Job as bricf'..layenJ assistMt. Uncl'! wor}:!.!d CozUflll'.ll untU.a.round mid-.J>.t.;e and then left for Veracruz by boot to Puerto Juarez. Present whereAbouts Uncle not known to SCLIS. SOLIS gave him clothes and 5C<l l"'lsoe financial usie­Ul.nce.on departure. I "N'hile at SOLIS house, uncle vrot.<! three letters to skipper ferrJ boat ~rJi.!'lg recover suitcas~ but no &..'ln;;er. Uncle sent nnd received no ot~r·mail. Uncle had r.., not.-'!1:-oo% of' o.ny kind. Uncle ;ro..a not in c-:Jntact with any Cube.n£ on Ccrzu.'l'.-'!1. Only Y.:no-.m'!!a vere ;tf.:xi a.irfcrct! a11.r~:;'!L"lt "Polo" and his 'tr'Lcl';er boss Lecnel VILLAIT"JEVA (no relation). ~co:·7·3r.T: SOLIS said no Cubar.s or North Amerlca.l"JS o!'!:"icial na:ned Albert 1n Cozu..-,el in June 6~ or i."l · p'!!ricd lat.<! Dec 62 to early :: ... rch 63 than visits Cubcoo officialt! Mr:l.d. This con!'iimed by Station/Base contact Joaq~in NASSIH who hie; knowledg~able CozlJ,;nel w.atters. Base C:id not broach p:::ssibl~ os~·.r.LD pres~rice Cozc..~l with SOLIS but NASSIM said highly doubtful). I SOLIS dascript:l.on of U."lcl~: .o\t,-e about ;o, 5 feet 6, about 155 lbs, stocky, skin "moreno" black stra:l.rht hair~ :m.:s :;ache. lone; face. Usually vork:3 as chauffeur or far:ner. SOLIS said uncle 'did not see::1 aberra.~d.

l-EI[) to LEGAT from CO::l r Subj-,ct: OO'tlii!.D - reportinl?, info in pcara ?.E')• abcv.,.

~SECRET ~--·-· -. - '

2t.6. 28 J8J'l

S R --·

SECRET MEXI 7964 (Ref': !I!RID O)IJ5 - pnro. 2C4 o.bnve) LEGAT, continuing interrogation of Ylo.r:.c ROJAS Villanueva of Guadalajara, has determined that: A. He is really Eladio VILLA..llll.JEVA of ref .and ·is the uncle of Daniel SOL.IS wife. B. Ela.dio VILLANUEVA • in Cozurnel from Apr 6;i until ,July 63 end stayed with Daniel ZOLIS. H., sh01o1ed letters he had vritten to his wife from there for this period. C. Dan!.el SOLIS knO'.m address nnd true name of Ele.dio VILLANUEVA; letters from SOLIS to VILLANUEVA to prove this point. I VILLANUEVA has written to SOLIS to send his M.dress book to VIL!.J..!l1J"EVA, U.s. Con 1n Guadall'lja.ra; used exc,.tse that wished visa to U.S. Hu. insists SOLIS notebook a.nd still clings to. story )l.e saw OSWA!..D a.e h'!i •.rrov.t to l-lr. Rebert Kennedy. I For Hqs: VILLA!HJEVA has a~reed take LCFLUTl'ER test and LEGAT ·~·ash Hqs·as~d him'to ask COS if LCFLU'I'IE;~ operator could cc:>rre Mexi as wu done in case of ALVARADO (Nic). I COS agreed forvard req:.<est to Hqs. I If agreed LEGAT vo•lld prefer ;;Jexi or GWI.dalajara as location with Mr. Jce Garcia as interpreter if on!! needed, tirre withfn Mxt ten da,yn. I Pls cable reply.

I•:Et•il) t,(l Il(,rJnnl.rll!, cc t,o CO'J f'·rrKn LI1!C:/;'l'J :J• r,::',/1\LD ~ It. 11$ t.r• b<!S nr..t~·f t,llflf, t.l,e '-l;,t•.e li(NI>!'! ·~o.l! in l'I'H:eipt of' a iill.V!lr en1,1t.l.ed "f'•JaBHJ!.e [•aycr,rJlogical f.l<)ti•tal.i<Jn!l in th'! AB61!>.o8lnfif.· tion of Pres. V..enned/' vrit~r. by Jos-e I. LNJft.GA of 1111L1111, Fla. '!'his speculative papo!!r attl'!'lTp~.f'!1 to that th-.., motivation of 03"./AI,D in th"l ass~Us1no.tion of Pres K was Fidel CA[l.Tf-0 or a CASTRC a;::ent and 03'.-lALD vas moti·.rat..ed d:lring h::.s trip to il!exi bet'Jeen 27 ~pt and 2 Oct 6~·· Tb.e paper alleged that QS'.·/ALD held an extended interview with the Cuban A'Tib in l~exi vho:-:1 he met 1n a restaurant on the outskirts of Nexi from vh:+ch restaurant tt".!y both later left i."t the Amb's car for a tlii.H: vithout being o'lerheard./ Source of this latt~r ·.;as o•llet:;ed to be Salvador DI.A.Z Verson. ':his in..iiviaual. vu int.orvieV5d at. i-lio.."li. H-. ntat .. d that while in ~exi 29-29 Nov 63 &ttcnding the Congress of the Inr~rnat1onal Pederation of Prof~ssicnal Uewapaper Ort::!il.l11zntions, he •.,ras at the offices of the n"!W'apaper Er.celaior or. the nigh-;; of 25 Nov 6). There he l-earned through the :·iexi press that the Hexi gov ha.d arl""!'!::tec one Silvia IAJF.AN; that OOFAN allegedly had OS\o!ALD as a guest in ~r house during his visit to !·~exi: a::d that DURAl1 placed CSI-IALD in contact ·.;ith of!'i~ials of the· Cub Emb in l'exi. ! DIAZ Verson ore:1t o.:~ to claim that he was r.t told by Dr. BORRELL No:\·arros, an exiled Cuban newspap!! emplo-jed by Excelsior, that OSWALD and OORAri on th"!! day following O~WALD's arriva.J. in 1'!!7.1. \lent to a. r-::;ta.ura~lt c!•l th~ Cl'l.blilllo B1«.'1C0 or pooaibly tha Caballo Ba.Yr> ·.t'r:e.-: t.he., •ll'!t 61.11 offidal of the Cub Ewb. DIAZ V"lrnon cla!mP.:d toot he Y.nO'.,~J nothing abo•lt OirviAT.O &l.!'l'l tM C•.1.b .official l~avin£ tb.e tor,ether in a car. I It '"&S ascertained that Dr. 'Erhlard<J Eoi--.. i\ELL Navarro, a. f'orm~r Cubru1 Ca'::>1net Ninister who on r>-:ce.sion writes f'eat•u'l'! articles for the Mexi City Excelaior, c!lrrently r-esides at 1303 Homero St., Apart 301, f.'!exi. BORTIELL Navarro vas intervieved on ll Jan a.t ;;h:icll time he furn1nhed the following info: Salvador DIAZ Verson was in Ne:;d as cj..airned and discussed OS'IiALD with EORRELL and ot~r Cuban exiles. DIAZ Verson also visited BOREELL in BOrtRELL'a home. I BORRELL did not tell thls story c~dited to him b:r DIAZ Veraon conr:ernine the visit to a Me:r.i Cit:r resta•.tn.nt by C:-)"I.'ALD and Silvia I:IJP.A!l~ B0PJ<:ELL h&d never h'!ard this story or a.."'y similar etorj ~fore. I BO.HRI!:LL lf'JieY of no ~eting between 0&'\{ALD an1 C;.~'o Emb officials other than tiu'J ~etings vhieh occurred !lt :tb.e time OSWALD visited the Cub Con in V.ex:l.. / BORt"'E'"W. knew nothing concerning a.ny visit by OSWALD to the homo of D'JF.AN. I It is to be noted that OORAN wo.s questioned by Mt!xi authoritie~

1 ~b.

6 Feb.


SECRET on 23 Nov 6,!1. At that tirre 5he oonfir:ned thP.t O.SHAI.D visited t\'!! Cub Emb in M!!txi during the time he \il\1.!1 in ~:d from 2'T Sept to•2 Oot. She alleged that the purpOIJC!i of his visits to the Cuban il:mb was to obtain a Cul:o~m viea. Sh! ~tated tthe ha,, given him e. telephone num~r to u~e in calling her concerning the vi:oJe., but denied that h., had ever visited in her home. I On 17 Jan 64 ·liL source •••• advised that he had been unable to locate a Cn.ballo Blano restaurant in il\exi, but stated the!":! is a. Caballo Ba.yo restaurant located on outskirts of 11\exi. Source '\Mnt to restaurant,' ehow'!!d photos of former Cub Con Eusebio AZCIJE LoJY.!z, who wao in charge of Cub Con at the t:lrr.e of OSWALD's visit there, of Cub Amb HEHJIANIEZ· Arma.e, of Silvio. OORAN Md of OS'WALD to employees or restaurant and oonducte1 extensive interviews of these employees. He \las unable to find a."l:,·one a•none the employees who could recall any of the persons a.s having been at restaurant.

}'iEXI BooB (!eft DIR 97829 - pan 289 ~low) - Station has reported 'all available info O~ALD activities ~exi. I Practically all info from LIElfvOY and ~ll other aourc~s was also reported l0cul1y to OlJEliVY and to Ar1b ~:ann. It may be that 1!1~ St11tioo info includ~d by l0cal ODE!7VY repn in their !"!porting; ~lieve hO"'"'!lver local ODE1ln will have indfce.ted K!JBAP.Y. e.a a cure'!:,

DIR 97329 - Fletch~r i-1. K!~IG!IT appeared ~for'! '..;a:r~n Commission on 28 Jan and received guide-I linea on what they eT.~ct from l{tTBARY.. On Sat., 1 Feb, we will give comr.~isaion ·a report on OSWALD's activities in !IJexi, presented so as to prote·~t your sources and techniques. Pls revie.., your reporting to u.s on this subj and cable ir. anything a.:1dit1onal you may hllV'! ·1:. time for Uf' to include in report. ·

DIR 9(5676 (Ref: !·'lEXI 7964 - para 2.'36 aboV'!I) Befor'l deciding on LCFLUTI'ER of TIOJAS need 11!'-!Ch more info on his backgroucd !.'or cl.earan<:e Pls have ODENVY supply vital data. ba.CY-6rOI.!nd, job historJ, so:n~ idea of ph:;sice.l and r.l'!!ntal condition. Also ne~d know: Would LCF"'.J.lTI'SR be dor.e in secret or mWlt :·lexi authorities lmov? KUBARK not in favor of cutting in loc&l authorities becat:Se it hurts security ar.d mobility of FLUTTER experts. i We have no tracell on ROJA3 with present id-:!ntifytnr.-; da.:.a. We in contact ODENVY here on case. Pls ae k ODE!iVY 1·1exi to 1Hlpp1:; add:;d data.

f1El~{J to C03 from l.EGAT; Subject: OS'dALD - Fe: Ylario ROJAS V:l.lla.n•1eva a.l'.a H1lar1o IK~JJ\S Villanuevn, EliJI.lio VILLAJ'iCEI'A, Eladio VTI,I.A!n.IF.VA Rojl!lll, Ilio Da.ta: HOJA3 does not have any birth certifica.te but statez he vas born in 193?. or 1::133 on a rnnch known as G•.l.8.yai,c de Sq.nta Rita, located ricar the town of Ciudad ?.o.nuel Doblado 1n tht! state of Cuana.juato. U1o motMr still at the ranch e..'1d her no.~ is Est..e!:'an1a HOJAS and is na".r about f:O yre old. He did not 1-~'low his fst.ther, th'!!relor us~:; hls moth"!r's surname, :lOJ.~.s. / ROJAS lived on the ranch Md went to primary school there, finished sixth grade at •.1ge of 14. Worked at sur varioul!l

SEC r · jobs e.bout the ro..'1ch an·d in 1949 entered :J.S, illegally n..nd work.ed in the El, CaHf. Rt T area f.or a IJ"!.!I'SOn named rioiLVAiiEY near iU~lway 9? s.nd Ro:;cy Street. filc!LVANEY was enotc!~d tn

--- · -- -- drainage -and irrteation wc·rk !l!ld ROJAS worked for him about 7 yrs. I In 1954 he was al.l 'N'!1 to leave the U.S. voluntarHy by the U.S. Immigration 11nd UatiJ.ra.Uze.t:l.on Service. I RO,JAS

29l. (continued)

Why va.s ·u ·a te leg.n.m _sent .from Nuevo Laredo authorizing the Cl-lA ticket office at­-ja.ra to iss•J.e a ticl'.et ??'?


SECRET also calirns a. ccrnrnon-la., ~r.arrie.c:e to Alici111 GM,VE;: and that a. child was born in th'!! U.3.

·of th16 marriage. Alicia ntill correapon::ls wi_th _hb_ard_li'J_eo at Ce.Jl~ Hl'lpublir.!a d.,t Saba.dor iil52, Col. C:;.auht'!;.~oc·, ~·1exicnlf, f!.t.l.t.i. I In IIIDO'l'- l'Ji4 M f'!!t•.Jrn'!!d tf1 t~ ranch Wh"!!r., h., continu"!!d with his work on the ranch. Durtnr, ljl;r·; or 57 M wall "!!mploy"!~ l5y a bottlinP, c..,mpany a+. T'lJ';, l·n.d. which bottll!t:l. 7-l.ip. • •••• I In 19~) hf'l Ml.urncd tl'l Guarlnl!l.,lar.a. H"' hwl no flY.':•] "lfTI~Il'ljlr!l'llll, G!OC~ hll'l 'J.'l . .)Wllllll .)0!1 I,!JI'l '1-l/p },•.Jf.l,l till'. ril'n Jn ~~·r '>r ~;1;,, O(:'.:!llll<mll\l

t'l'Tl;>,.,rttr"'J Jobl'l r.tnc"!! ahout 9;, mr;;Dt.ty :!.nll(>l.•tlnv. !/!"'JC:k.t~,11fl1nv,, I(·;~ rnard"l•l hla p,..,ll"!!nt. wl.l''l, Yoh.n<lll CO!lfJ(;I1A in ~)'(and w:r.r lul.:1 rlvl'l r:bl l:jri'Jr!J ttll"l yn•llii~"HJ1, born ~!lOot (,:_,, I IAI.I.I'Irl'i >thlr;h have V!en Gb3erved indi<)a.t~ by pol!trr.ark liOJA:J wM in Cozumel, buta at a later perlori thlil..'l he he.3 ste.U!d lll.!ld o.ppa.~ntly for at least three to possibly five rronths, vhir:h contra­dicts infor~o.tion received fran Da."liel SOLIS, who sta.t.ed Ylario HOO:AS was in Goz•!m"!l for :about 2 weel<'.a in June 63. RO.JAS readil;,· admHs that h-9, ROJA3, is the uncle of SOLI:::' s wife. I A verification of hia reported travel to the U.S. border, narm!ly, Nuevo lAredo, hJ:aS been established, althou£.'1 not on the S;Jecific da.tea f•lrnished b~· ROJAS.. C!·lA ,rer:ords refJ"!ct one Hilario ROJAS was on flt from Gu.11do.laje.ra to Nue·:o Laredo on 3 Aug 62. Cf"'.A records furtMr reilect that a U!legra;n d!i.ted 31 July 62 at Nuevo Laredo authorized tbe CNA ti:::ket office at G~adala.jara to issue a ticr:et to Hilario RQJAS of 665 Chilardt'l Stl"'!!et, Gua.tta.l.aja~. (It is noted that F.QJAS ha.<i s•.-at.ed that he fo:r.:-.'Hly resided at Chilard'!l Stl"'.!et in Guadala.;ara.) "· / RO.i AS e.:vpears t? be in phynica.l conditioa e.nd no out.warti e iv..ns obs~ rver:! of any m.,nte.l defiai'!ncy. He did not M ·real any rr:er, qnirt:a. lie tenrls to ~ voJ •Jbl., !.n h1JJ conv'l rrua.-t.1on.B an•l to .,lll,nd~r t"ro:n n;,.,c:Hir; l1n'!n or qu'let1ora1ne,. I!!".! II.Pf""l!H"11 to r"J&.ot, rrl'!lntall;y inc mann'!lr;tlng 1nno.t>!!l 1-:lt~ll!.::.:::nce llUf.'-lrior to that of his !ltat.l!:d "eb:t.h {l,rad".! " / He doos not volunt'!er any mot1·re for furnillhing info t.o the U. S. Cov t:r:mcornln~ his m.llegec\ aaooc::ia.';.ior, with unid'!ntified Cubans an:l with 0S':IAI.D, both 11\t U.~;. border and nt. Cozu!l'll"! l. I o+.M>r than di&crepMcics xz:r..i.l<~ noted L"l ve.ricr-~3 1nV..l-,i..,.,.ll conducted with ROJA:J. the on1y npps.r'!!atly W'l' d~velop'T.'!!nt conc~rne a rP.porte·:lly l!ler.ond lett"lr that ~ has· direct.~ t:.o IJ. S. Atto.cney G-:ln'!!riu Ro"oor1. Y.ennedy, wherein he, cccorlir.g t-:> hia ovn Bto.tem'!lnt, ote.t~d that he had additional info to furniflh. Accoro1:1g to ROJAS, this additional in!'o r:onr,emed a so-called car;ena. which he sav in Cozu~l L'l thl! pose;esaion of the un,.dentified Bubo.ns and os,.;ALD, ·.~hich ca~:ra l"':!port..e<!ly had ade.pte.tior.a which could be utilized to :"il"'!l about ftve

, . cartridges, which cartridges r! have a. small E0.1l compartment and that said p;a.s wa.s ' for the pU.l"'POSe of cutting dO'.m on the noiee n;ade in firing said ca:nera. He also descri"ood ·

a rifle supposedly in the poos:!ssion of these previolll:ily mentioned individ,lals. He claims to have been~l told by the Cubans that· the "ca:r.en." wats vortb about $50,000 and was a Russian imrention. I Attitude toward Polygraph E:r.amir,ationz :rt vrut expldMd to ROJAS that it. rnif.~ht be mtcesr;;acy in tr.e ft1ture to afford hirn n scientific e.o.mination vith the use or -:ertain inotruments. He said he .would b'! o.ereea.ble to sur:h o.n eT.a.-ninatinn. I At.titudr:~~ or l"'rex1c&n Governf!Y.lnt ~ Polye,mph Eu.:nil'l.ll.tion: It. ia ll.!JGW!l'.ld that.,. 81.3 'in ·.h.~ paat or the l'lill, EcheverriA should be u consulted a.nd hie autr.orlzati<>n obtained- to condtrct said eY.a'llinati.o:L At the same t1=, h~ Clll.!l also be told that general renults o!' exm.m wo:.U.d be furnished hi:n. I It is further ·eu,s.gested that the full tlQ..":le of RQJAS · sh,:~uld be :urnl.shed Echeverria G.nd the fact that b'! •.tould be exnml.ned either 1:\ Gua.dalajarn or Mexi. There doee not appear to be any reason for Echeverria. to be furnished :.he iden of the Polygnph examiner., .•

' ;:

292. 1 Feb.

295. 8 Feb •.

2;14. 8 Feb.

2$15. lJ. Feb.

. \o"hllt is Jh!'! RCT•'!P 'l r:l-• c k · 'Fiifq•••s"!'E Pl .. '

296. l2 Feb.

296. l2 Feb. to JIJRID

SEGR~T. ;--

SECRET folEXI 8117 ( 7.'\e f: D!R 98676 - pllr& 290 above) Folloving rec '<1 t rom .!.::1<::&1 ODENVY on f 1-'e b. (Reporting con tents of rara 291 abo\"e)

DIR 00~02 {Ref: fo"EXI 8117 - pam 292 above) Will trace Md clear ROJAS. I Since he Mexi cit. ve do not "'-a."'lt tc- LCFLti'l"'ER hi'i1 in l\ie:d with knovledf.e of gov"!rnment· there. ALVARADO ease vas different because ~ knew ALVARli.I.'l0 would be sent strai~~ht back toNic. Will coore.r vi;;n ODBl'IVX t&e!~ un prua .,;Ous of t.akinf, him to Te:ut.lii, whe%'1!1 fllcilities vould be better. Will advise.

Note oo cover sh'!et of DIR 00)02 - Advised Henry Joh!"!llon (LECAT) on 11 Feb 64. · Sign'!d C03

ME110 to COS from JKBP.:NADU:1 (so•.1rce): ~Jo•Jr(•e hae been t.old to drop ever,thing alae and conCI.!ntra• . .-. on Detty r.:-o:~ to endeavor to find out ~.ny n-1-:l.:itional info which she rnit-:ht have re 05"t1ALD arod his activities on beM.lf of th~ Pair Play For Cor:omitt'!!~ in !'l'ew Orl~e.ns, I,a. prior to the assassination. (See para 264 e.bmre) In this conne-:::tion it will be recall'!d thot ~OF:A Stat~d af~er the death of the Presid~nt ttat s!~ hoped that the FBI would not look toe hard i.-1 :lew Orl'!''l.."lS beclin:se it- _co·.~ld. be \"er;: bad" :·or u~". / Source als;, report~d th&t Reva BER..'iSTr.IN. fc-~r -; of the F?FC~ in D'!t.roi·;:., Nict., has been in ;:;exi for r:tore than a mo:1th, that. ste haC. bee:-~ in Puerto Va:Uarta for a, that she ~'l.a.d W"B:lted t.:> go to Play& Azul but ~hat she did ~ot do so because "it"'~ net good to do so- so soo~ after the assassin.tion". that she was lea...-ing l·lexi to !;O to Zijuatenejo. Source does not believe she was in Puerto Vailarta, n::>r that she is p~sently in Zijuntenejo. I l3EP.STETII alllo told so·..trce that she had been q~:esti::med 1n Detroit, prior to h-er departure tor ~?.x ... , o~ RCi1P, but that no inquiry had been r1aje of her by t.r.e :BI or any U.S. police or investii_:&.t.ive agency. The interror~a-tic.."l had to C.o ·.<ith the FI'FCC, its activities in the Detroit area, and the fact that she hac! repo::-tedly acted as a :nail drop for Cana.dili1.'1 cor.:r:.unists. This interrotation f:ook place in the office of her la'>l'_rer in tet.roit. She adC~itted to source that she had, in fact, act'!:d u .a drop, but that she told th'!: R:A·;p that sh\'! hn:i rr,erely actea as the a::!dr!!ssee f'or "pro;,::resai•l'! .publicatio::s" for her Ce...'ladiiL"l fri~nds.

Note- written in mar&in of aboYe ~:~mo: Should I report for Hqs info only ? by COS. RIGGS vrot.e 1 Since this deals with OS"..iALD case a.1d has al~ady 'ooen reported by the source to ODE!NY, I believe we sho~:i not send to Hqs. It adds nothing to the case and if Hqs snould decide to diss~m, it vculd blo-.; sour:e to .ODE:NY (our use of source). Signed RIGCS

A. l·':EY.l 8194 (~f: !1E:D 0385 - para 2e4 above and B. I·:E:XI 7964 - para 286 above) L!:GAT r'!questa the follO'.ri.:'lg additional q~ations be p·~t to Dl?.niel SOL!S: A. Vl!!r1t'y U SO!,IS bas :recei·~d t..:o letters recently from !:ladio ROJAS Villanue·"a aka EJ.adlo VILLAiiUE·VA ree;ardin€ notebook. B. Ask SOLIS to fon;a.rd no':.ebook :!.f found to: !>ir. Edwin 0. Johnsen, Cons• Am'!ricano, Gue.dala.ja:ra, Jalisco. c. Letters in possession VnJA'rtiEVA indicate he in Cozt:mel ·..rith Da.11iel SOLIS for at least three :nonth.> in 1963·. Can SOLIS recall dates? D. Ask SOLIS if YILLA.."f!..BVA in contact with Cubans or Americans while in Co:r.urnel. Ask him hO'ol VILLANUEVA occ~pied his ti.'l)'!. / Please cabl~ reply.

29c. 18 feb.

Ch~:::k. VILLATillEVA clai~ friendship with . '):J'! /J.?ZR'I'. ·S<:!e para 2Tl' ab\)ye. · Now the

ferry ·o:rat. is na~d ALlE!UO. 'l!

', h.op:r.n~d t,o VILU.Ii!JEVA's, '.ih1:::h cont.aine-1 "i!:!port8.1lt .IA-JJ'I"II" whid:l ha.1 !all'!:, fro·~ top of .bus :!.nto va.ter.·

::;e"! !'are. 2i:4 abo-1e.

Cou L1 Polo ~ Al~rt ?? Or ,coold Polo b! .-::r;:L"le:::tl:!d vit.h 'IILLA!l1J'EVA's first contact in Jl.e]:1 - the Cuban ??

~00. 20 Feb.

;:o1. 20 Feb.

;:c-2. 20 Feb,

SECRET FOR JAC'.rt S'D!:i<A.R':, ;I;!!!R!DA. from Joe Garcia (:iGAT) r.!!questinE info:rrnation containl'!d 1n pant 296 abo-!'!!.

l\iRID o4c4 (Ref: r-m::a 8194 - :para 295 a1:.ove) l. Foll SOLIS r'!ply para 1 Ref: A •. Had not r.!!ceived tllo letters recently. from VTI.l.Jiifu"EVA, ::S. iioul::i for.rard as r'!quest."!d L"lY notebook that t:u-n'!d up. C. Best recollecti::m VILIJJ1UEVA Qrriv-ed Cozun!l very early June 6:5, left on 4 July 6;; on ferr.r boat Al~;;to for P•Jerto Juarez. SOLIS received th~e letters, since bu:r::ed, fro;;; VILLAil'ljEVA in Guadalajaru in m0:1ths ir.rnediatel:,• follo-o~ing VILLAmJEVA depart•-tre from Coz·~-rel. SOLIS answered n.ll three. L'1 last of three replies so:.I3 asl-:ed VILLJ\M3EVA repa;:· 5C0 peso loan. SOLIS ne-.-er hesro fror:1 VILLAll\JEVA f after that. VILLANUEVA in one or' three letter!:' asked if SCLIS .,·ould like to be "secr-et po·lice ·agent'" con Cozu~l. SOLIS had no further on possible contacts VII..Lft.!l\)EVA with Cuba."ls or Americans or. Coz,.imel. VILLA!'·nJEVA vhen nqt working as alban1l, erent his ti::Je at SCLIS home "chapea.ndo" (weeding, cutting brash) ami :.:.sually in ha::mlock by 2030 hrs. SOLI3 and VIJ,IJJWEVA soret.imes visited ~:S.:; night-club to:;:"!ther. VIJJ1Ali!JEVA dt1 not l!l.;Jr.ear u be m•tch of a drln%er. I 2': ::iOLIS 111.lso r:~atrl: VIr,i.AJ!;JZ'IA arri·1ed Coz,;,;n'!l vith ~r;:;e~tn!. !l-:!r:r,n-1 <'!Jane ";,"··olo" (nici-:!Ja•:l"!}; P•,1-:> '.il!lll. arrivtn,..; on nelf MBiy,:rr.r.t of CO'l.•J:~l V.Uito.r; EMe: VILLAirc.:EVA sail! had ':'"l"!t Polo in !•;.,xi CH;n Polo ca'""'·m1 SOLIS house tvic':! aft'!!r V::i.LLAN"JE'/A depart,~t-e lo-::~kin~ for VlJ,LA!iUEVA. (COV.:€llT: Bas'!· asY.'Xl ;tt,:;sm JOP.~:Um disc:-eetly obtain all info P·Y.lBible on Polo; will advise. BQse and JCJ..QUI!~ concur S:JLI3 see~,g ~ ~ llin£ str-1 trljlt for-•e.rd stor.r. SOLIS da'.l~hter. apparentl:f · impriz"!d, coofir:tl'!:i burnir.g of. letters fro::~ VILLJ..lfJEVA.

r~r:.o to LEGA~ from COS: S·~b.jer:t: o:::".TALD - i'!!T.O rep?!+.!l info contained in para. 298 above.

!t.EXI 8341 to ·r·TIUD - ll!r. Joseph Garcia, LEGAT, gc:!.ne; to !·'Jerida 21 Feb. Said ·.rcr..\1d contact COB soO"ll after arrival. / Garcia v?..:ld lit:e to !Ti'!'!t a."lri talk to DD."liel SGLIS re. VILLMITJEV'A. He also bas "fe·,; other le1.11:l.s" i:l at-ea but dld not specify whether pertin'!nt GPF"u.Xm or not.

DIR C2E:97 - rio trace3 ROJAS a'r.a ;·ILT.Alli;"eVA. Y.lJBi;RK n(JI( pi"'! pared to LC.FLUTI'ER him in Texas if ODE:NVY still wants it. Have t0ld CD~:iVY h~re a."ld a•Ja.iting their decision.

ii,EV.() to C03 ~rom LEGAT; Subject: OS;{ALD. (&!e para 197 above) Aa T"!port..od previo11.sly, · eourC'! rr.ade a COVJ of the b:.ll! ma.nifellt or a -::om~a.ny call"!1 Trar:sportl'lll Fronv.tra. vb:!.cb eo-r.,red the trip of' the b•.1.s which depar-e1 rr~;u:1 2 Oct 63 and sch.'!d:lled arrival .tim'! at lt•.W"'O Laredo of 6 o .• m. on 3 Oct. The pa30'!:n~l'lr 11nted at~ o-::c:.trr.ling eea.t 4 on t..h11l manifeot •.ru ' O~"'.lA!.JD, no first rui'lle eivl!n, ln:!!tinatirm -,..u eiven as Lare·-:.o./ No nurn~r vas liet'!!•l by 03r/ALD'a na!:'le alt~ough tick'!t n•Jmbers ap[.l'!a~d beaide the nmrn'!s of :;he remaining paze'!ngl'lrs. Thic :;:m.nifeat "as poorly prepn~d in lo:1t;h.a"ld ·..rith narl1'!3 of som~ of the pa.~~aengerB being incornple·te m~d in some cases illee:iole. To ... ard the bottom of the l'l\IUlifeat ie a ::10to.tion,

"9 Llr.redo, 7 !1onterrey"; hoener, including the name of OS"tl'ALD, 10 passengers appear on the list -vith a desti.l"!ation of La:t"'!do. I Fn.ncisco ALVAP..ADO, sale!ll'l\IUl and dispatcher at· the

30! .•

· discr!pancy in nur.:~ber of .passengers.

25 Feb. SECRE1 ,.

SECRET Transportes F>·or:tera. terminal in He xi, ·.ras in~rviewed s~veral times. the last being on 17 D!c. l;LVAl'.ADO had no recollectioo of os..;ALD and cculd offer no explanation as to wby no ticlret n•Jml:>er appeal"'!d beside his na:e or as to the '("eascn for the discrepancy in the number of pe.ssensers listed for Laredo. I l As previouJSly reported, Francisco SAUCEDO Velez a."'ld Dionisi:::> FZfl'A Paz, chauffeurs .~m the trip •••• were il''lterv:l.ewed. They had no personal I"!collec­tion of OS>'i'ALD nor co-..1ld the;.' offer any explanations concerning the d-isc~pancy in the f•'-'Jl'i.-: ,. of r.assen~ers and the fact that no ticket n;,.ur.~r appeared beside OSWALD's name. I SOUCEDO e!!plained that tickets Ct.!ari:lg a prefix of 39 co·.-ered t:ra.vel fro'll Mexi to f'lonterrey and those with a :;>refix of 10 covered the tra-..-el from !'.exi to Nuevo laredo, He also pointed out that ticY~ts collected fro~ tbe passengers on a given trip are forwarded to th~ offices of the b~s company in Honterre:r. I Cn 9 Dec Telesforo QUIROOA, tic~t agent at Transportes Fror~:. era cffice, Mo. . .''lterr!ly vas b.tervie·.-ed. All tic:..-ets listed b;>· n·.tmber on the passeni:~er maoirest for the 2-3 Oct 63 trip fro:n Eexi tc Z1uevo La.~do ;rere located. Q.UIRCC.A could offer no expls.."lation a~ to '-'h;y no ticket :11.:.:nber wns ltsted for OSt.'Al.D, and it wll!l imrcssible for him to lc,~ate a ticJ .. :et which mit;ht ha\-e been used 'by os·~·ALD. / o.s·,.;ALD 1::1. t·1:ex1 stayed at Hotel del Co::-ercio, CaLl.e Sahat;u.."l 19. Cn 20 Ja:1 ~ 64 G·.:.iller::1o G:\F:ClA Luna, rr.a:-,ager of this hotel, ~pon.ed::kl The hotel does not use a syste:<~ of re,;::istr11.tio:-~ cards for guests, but rather uses a g :re~;istry book. Or: t~e ::'irst da;,.· a gm!s;:. n.rrl\-e's he, himself, a~.kes the· initial entry in the bcok, this includins the na~.e cf the g•Jest, the frorn vhlch he is a.rrivin~-:, hie occ'-.:pat icn, and !lis natioo~; ty. The :rea a~ r 0:::1. each day the g·~st ~ontinues at the ik hot~'! 1 the sa..":"e info is entered in the book 0::1 the :?lol.8! desi91ated for th.P.':. day, but th.f! entry is m:lde by a hotel e:rplo:,;ee. • .• G'.tests pay in advanc'!. OSWA!,D registered' on 21 Sept. arriving being shC'\.'11 ae "USA (Texas)". occu:ati-::m "photo" .an::l. nationality we,;) "U.S. citizen". HIS.Ild­vrit'ing c.n 'this entry in the rer,istr,y book has reen identified with knmm handvritinc; cf osr..·.~c.n ·;)y the FBI. I os,,ALD 1o-as listed a.a staying in room 18 fran 27 Sept <;hrouoh night,.of 1 Oct. Mr. GARCIA Luna said ::."Ooms lS thro· 2; occupy one floor of the hc-:.el. He vas able to furnish info on three of the g--..Jests vno. occuried roo·:~S on se:r.e :'loor as os;,u.n because they fr'!quentl;r stop at the hotel v~en in i·:exi. Guests ;.-el:'e: Hr. PE?ZZ Plie;so, San Luis Potosi, railroad e:rrPloyee, roo::1 19 on 26 Sept, 27 and 23 Sept. A ES~UI'lEL of Veracruz occupies room 19 on )0 Sept, i•:exi Amy Captain .,-ell-know-n in Veracruz i>Ccordint, to GARCIA Luna. I f!'.ario RESEliDIZ, rnercha.;1t, Saltillo, Coahuila., room 21,26 Sept to 3 Qct., ha3 merchandising busin'!ss involving sale of flm:ers s.."'ld rl'iscelle.."leous iterna in !-ionclo·,.a, Coah11ila., tlao well knCM'l in r.;onclO'\."a according to GARCIA Luna. I I On 21 Jan 64 Alfonso PERE~~ Pliego, Espana 304, Guadalajara, Jalisco, office ad::l.~ss Bolive.r 8-401, Mexi, vas inter:iewed in 1-'.e:r.i. He advised h'! freq:;.ent;ly stops at d~l Comercio l::.ut had not noticed C•SWALD. I The foHcr.ring investiga:;ion ·.ra.a conducted in Veracr..1z or: 23-24 Jan: ~meat HOLtr., Vice Consul, Ar~r Con, contacted logical sources of his offi-::e. rrone of these SO'.lrCle!!i ·•as able to identify Captain ES~UI\'!!:L. Lt. co:-~t.JulJ:ER Cha:rle.s EOOCN, assigned to ?'.exi Naval Academy a.a an instr•tctor b'-.r the U. S. Navy '.nLS una':lle to locate an;; info on ES~UIVZL. Inspe-::tor Alberto MOP..AIZS, Veracruz Police Dept. vas to obtain S.."l;,.· info on E3Q.UML. / InV':!ati£n.tion cootinuine::./ L"ltensiv'! inV'!!st11!;ation con~in>lbg to locat-e :-:.ario ;:::z53::IDIZ cf !bnclo-...-a.

l-£11:0 fr-:xn LEG/,T to COS: Subjec-:.: Jact:- L. R"J:BY; OS','ALD- Victim. - Information has been I'l'!C 'e tllat RUEY traveled to Cuba frorr. :1.exi L.-'1 the latter part of 62 under name of Jack L. R'JBY,

;:,04. 27 Feb. J.

305. 10 Mar.

i-•1lat h 'JW 111 I

·- ~f

;:-06. l2 l".ar.


SECRET Jack Leon F.UBY, Jack RUEE::7S'relli, or Jacob Rt.TFZ~STEIN. I Advise of an:{ info to ve:-if:r this tn.~l by EUBY.

lt.EY!O to LEGh1' from COS: Subject: RUBY - Info swa1lable to this office fail:l to confirm that RUBY left ioiexi for Habana or arrived in Nexi from by air anytime during 1962.

ME!~O from I.EGAT to Boonstra, cc to COS; Subject: OS"..r.o\LD • .,. Ref: LEGAT ~mo dated 13 Jan £A (para 2?7 above) - Sa-ne b.acf:grou..'1d ir,fo !!l..S para 277 with followlne~: additional..t ROJAS cl&irred he co·.1ld pinpoi.J:t th~ dat-e 14 Au;;; 1962 u tbe day b.e arrived in l'..,:r.1 h'Jca•.us"! h"! sat in seat #14 on tile buz.: ar.1 his hotel roo~ ... ~"3 //14 tt'l!l he ar:rived in V":d,. 1-r; Mi"id"!nce. on 14 Aug c2. (That da;r, vhHe ·,1nttin~; in e. r-ar}: n'!a:." ttw bus llh.tion of t.i'..,· bUJJl1n"! f.IS~.rella:<~ de Cro, an-:1 the hot'!!1 where bP. Sll.J''!!d was in th~ ·ricinit;r, M Vll!..!ll contacted by e.n •Jrddent1!'1erl L"ldividual, who he leu':"led ·,.;az; a Cul:>an. li~ sa;r this Cuban over a perioo of two da.:,·~>

an1 this Cu':Ja.."l proposed RO.JAS help hi:n in smuegli:w, Cuba..'"\ pro~,ze.:1da to l'.e":r..ico.) / ..... /I I /.J)et&ils on int.erro;,:.lltions concerning ROJAS, SOLIS, etc., ended up (page 22 0f I"ei=-O:.-t froo IZGAI') ;;ith "On 5 :·:ar 64, RwAS, at G"..l2.dalaje.ra, Jalisco, con~inued to MaintaJn th.a.t he h.e.i:l l11.!t OS'tiJI.LD at. Nl.l.'!VO Laredo a.."ld later at Cozumel, as he had pr!!·tioJsly declAred; hO"~ver, .Bub!leq• on that day he orally adnitted that he hali never l'.nO'.m or :ll'!t OS'.lALD an;rwhere." I A written, sigr.e~l atate~nt d~claring all 1"nforr~at,1on haa b-:!en fal!l~ vfl.ll prepared a:J.d s1gne1 b-; R0JJ..S. ·

1/,Z;·:.O to Ctf: from IZGJ..T: Sub.ject: OS'tlf..LD. 3ource produced original o! a passeng'!!r list or l':'.an:l.feet rela.tirl.g to departure No. 2, E•.us No. ;4o, 2 Oct 6;., of tbe T:ranep<::~rt"!a f'ronr..era, S.A. de c. Y. bus lirl.e, -.rhich has its heailq49.rters in lt.o:J~rrey, U. L. and its 11ez1 at Ba~ntw1sta S':.reet rio. 7. I I'i.1.._, pu::;P.nger list 0r manifest v.11s clee.r evid'!int:~· .~.nat, OS"riALD M1 d!'lpar~d from !'~7.i on tho:! ';;l;o conn"!r;t."'!rJ t.htlre· .. if,h wh1<Jh l!'lft Vll'l.r.t at. l1 1~() r>.!'fl. IU'!'l 'tsr;h'!!.htJ~rl ?,r,:..h.lll"l"! ar:r.i.·/"!•1 ~t. fl'.l~vr, LaM•lr;, Tc111::pr:, (a~rrA'l'l b'l:"!l'lr. fr?'n T.ll.r~(l'>, 'J:"'!1..111M)

at :i(~:J l! •• , ~ Oot. (.,?;, I 'J!I r>nllr::"!n~/H' 'J 1:11- 11l h.on,l'4'r!l,i-'!ln, n0t comrd."lt."l o.nd no.!. all ~;,oif,JJ'!, "ltc •••• (l"'!p0rt s•ibm1tt.~d tn~'l J.ifflt c,f:' ptt:l~"!nl'.ere, ooeat numli<'lr, tt<J;~t n .. mt...,r 111.n<:l destinat.ior., etc.),,. "Inq•;ir; at Tra.nep0rte11 Front.!'lra Bu.~:~· 'r"!rm1r.a1" - On 5 Mar·1h ();, Gil'i:!'Jrt.o LOZM:o Guizar ~t.t.1v1!lJI'JrJ t.he.t, ill'! 1!:1 th'l l·'· . .,,- of t.h!'l 1'>"lx1 'l'ermlnal of •rr~~~nepocl.."'l'l

?rrJn<r,., ra B•,P.I r.;r;mpM,'/, D•.l!'!nJlVj.r.~ ta //7, ~thl•;h hu o. tr.e t'or : "t,h l''J•JP.h ll'!'Jr•ttr~.,·· ll"' l-'4'"l"!n f'I'!T.1.; !1'Jntoe.rl"'Sy o.n1 l..o.r"!'lo, l>u!. 1..a nfJ•. !;o e~!!ll f;icY.~t.e or ;oiek up p1u:o••mv."lrl at in~Z.:ll"•:vJl.aVl loco.l.1t1efl, I L\/I,Ji.l/0 em.:ltl thf'.!, 'l'ronBp0rVla l~rrJnU!rCI!. had rnvl., a cr;mpll!!lt,'!l IH•Jrly of 1 I.e. :roe cor-:le! pr0r~erJ•.u:-e:~ lll'.d han n'7,t arrbed at tM that the Jl'!' raon d"le 1;.:.rlllt"!1. u "08'riLD" or: t,h"l 2 Oct 63 pli.SS".!nr.:;~r r~il'"!at riir..\ not purchase n tic~t and CC'Uld not have tn.·r<:~l'!!d oo t~'! trip to ·•hich it ~lat.'!s. He point"ld out th.a.t the list of pa:~s"'n>.;;>lr reeerva,.. tiorie, t1ck'!ts sold, al.nd pua'!q;"lr3 boar:l.ine thl'! bus :tn !·le:d are rec0rded on th!J form ...,!ticll ia provid"!d for that ;:rJ.r}:•:lSe a.nd is"ld on 111. clip b~rd on the co·.mter from wb~ct tict" sal'!!B no::-:na1lly 11.:re"l b;r t~ ticicet sa.l'!llme.r· and dispatohe:r, ?ranc;18co ALVAPJ..:.:>V. H'! ati~it t.'!!d that. AJNAPACIJ cco:;ard.ono.lly is aa:~is t.'!d durin~:~: ru.ah hours or a t.empor­ar;"!r.c'! fror!! the coun• by t.h"!;.::;at:e han1.!.er, Lucio:> !.OPEZ r-~'!(Hna, who may recei'l"! an:i recor-1 re:;'!!r;ations on the manifest but .d~s not handle the actual receipt of payment

. Did ·c.s·n'ALD act~;.a.l~· c.n 2 Oct.??,




',•• .....

tri? to Laredo

SECRET for tic} / According -t:;o Hr. LOZA."lO, e. res'!!rva~icm is l"'!corded by M.!!ic:h.-, a~~ .. ~-,- :1:~ras availabl~ an1 recordin2; opposit..e thl!! seat n•J:n~r assigned, the na~ a:~d dl'!stine.tion

o!' th"!: in•li:vl-:hal ~q\J'!Btinl~ 1.~ l"'!e~rmt.l.onn. Ti' re>'!:::-Jatioo :!e MS?'!'ct."!d •;r,<1"!r n.,rma~

cr...n:ll.tir-'!1.0 u:, t·,...o ho>lN ~fr,re d~IArtuM tirn~: hf)I.J-:!'I"!r, in th .. "!v•mt. al.l o.,at.a lll.l""l not f'Ul"ld, it ::lfi.:J 1~ Mlrl •mtU th~ ll-::•.<;.o.l rl"•H" of t,M b,m, Prior to t,h., l'l"!~o.rt•Jl"!!l rA tr-1'!! b;.s, a fbal cbf.:ci!: iB T.a/1~ o'f paea~n~"!ra in!r;ti-:m ·.rith ticY~I.s solt1 ror t.t,&•. ~rt1c•.lla.r trip, an1 at that ti:re -;,J:l:!!,~r corr::-:lUnica.t'!!S b'J ra.11o to th'!l compan:; ~-a.?qWirters in iO:ontoer:re;r the n:.;.:n'ler of ":;;ayine" on th4.! b•J.$ in :-elation to th~ :·:ont.e·r~y 0r Laredo destL'la.ticns for wb.ic~ they :;;;urchased ticket,a. I Francisco ALVfl.RAOO, ti_,k~t salesc.a.n and dispatcher for Tra.r.sportes Frontera, advised that h~ pr!!p,u-ed most of ti::e handwriting on the 2 Cct 63 o.anifest on which -;,he na:ne "OS'tiLD" and deatb.ation "Leu:~d .. P.ppear oppo.s~te Se:tt ?>:J. 4. He stilted that he did not ~rite the· "C.Sw"LD" I"!!Senation info and it ~as his opinion that the reserv&~icn had been :nade and the info recoroed b~ the 1:-.a.:;:,sa{~ na:;dler, Ludo LCi'E:'.. AiXA:-:AOO is qui~ certain at the p~aent time tho.t the bdiv!dual desii;:::Ja.ted on the lis;;; as "OS'n'LD" did :--.ot purchase a ticket and did not trav~l on the trip relating to ;;;hat :r.a:iifest. :;o tici\et r."::-:~r ·..-as :recorded for that J)'!!rson, and a search of' the co-r.ra.r·:;,:'s records iii ?·:on'' !:a:! failed to locate a tici.2t stub vhich va.s not otherwise acco-..;nt.-ed for in conr:ecticn •with tb.nt partic:.J.lar trip. I The notations by AL'.'AR<\DO of "9 Laredo, 7 :·1o!1terrey" :::-e:'lected t!lat he had :reported by radio to the :-lonter::-r; offi~ of tl:ie co:;;pa.n;;.· ttat t!l~ bus had d~parted -.rith nine "paying" passe:-.t;ers for La:::-edo l!l.l'1:i se-.-en "pay lng" passer.c,~:--s cestin'!!d for i·lont'! rrey. Listed ~de r "l;a"l"e of Pa.ssent:ersr. liere "OSf:LD" ·.;i:.h r;:: tici:et n:,.t;ii"bter, 1r..dicat1ng he did not t!"tlvel; "/1J1g~l PE~zr• 1-tith no t~.cir~t n·x::~r or -1e:Jtingi:.ion, which ccn!'i::-;r.-:!1 tlw.t. he had not purchased a ticl-:et and had not boarded the b~s; a.."ld "Nicola.G GC!lZ.ALEZ" Seat No. 10, listed as having trave ll'!d on a pa3S to Torreon. / ••• I ALVA?.AOO e.~d Gilberta LOZA!-lO stated that the notations "n the 'tact: of the ;:-.a!lifest ~ferred to adv:anc':!o of funds :r.ade by 1\L"lAP.AOO to LOZAN'J from ~.~'!!

cash· for :-epairs, jXI-rtS or other :::"'!quir'!!ll!!nts. T:.e:• rel..ated th:P.t the passenger lists are !'!Ot kept as a per::l!l..."lent :record, and, when the ~.a.."lifest was loCIIP.t~d in the "traah" at the request of investigators of the r·lexi Presidential Staff, the 1llanks at the to~ · of the form had not been filled in as t'J time, destinatio."l, trip number, bus number, and date, b~t tt~y had cowpleted these bl~,ks from their personal knowled~e in order to r;Ake that data clear to the investi;;at.ors. They also had listed tl!e nll."'!eS of the drivers on tl:!e for.IIIU at that time. They ar'fir::'le'd t.h:-.t the hm..:1dwr1tten "Tra.."lsportes F:-ontera." m.t the to;­of t\~ \h,,mr.~n~ had 'Men t~o:hied 'by 3l'::~ oft'i>lial o:' the ~~xi Gov!!:rnment after the dot~u:aent. \'At~ 'i:h'\l:'l'\'1~-e•l t't('(n t.b.'!::\, / !\ot.h I.('l.t\Nl) a::cl. ALVA!\At'iV s~at.ed that. they had no •~c;:,llec.:':.ion of o:.,i,'ii.LD, etc ...... t.l~y c:mht offln no e.Xi'lM~&thm a:~ to h.:>"' ~io:\ica.n a~tho:riUes had arriv-,d at tli~ c.:nclusion that QG;.;ALD hG.d tre.v-elled on the Transportes Frontera bus of 2 Oct b), but pointed out that nfter the na~e was lo~ated on the mL~ifest, they had not been given L~ opportu."Jity of :re-.-i~..,int;,; or checking out the data thereon. I Lucio LOI't:l l1edina, 'hag.£:age and freisht handler a:~ Transportee, related tb.~\t he oftencassists the tic}:et salesman by :re cordint; rese ::"\"t.tion.s r.:;d is quite certain that he 'lll"Ote the "OSWLD" and ~LARED" opposite Seat No. 4 O.:J. the pnssenger manifest of 2 Oct 6:5. He stated that he also had recorded the ~servations mld ticket sales to "FCO. SAUCEDO" one of ttl~! drivers,

}06. { c on~inued}

Lucio LOPEZ said he probably vro~~ "OSWLDft &.!'!d "LA?:ED" on the .r.lll.nifest. ·yet b!lie\"es C•S,.'t\l..D did not ::ake the· trip on 2 Oct!

3:)7. 16 :•:arch 1964

;. ' ~


!-l::l. 19 ! Ch~ci:: .VELASQllEZ oo KAPLAJi case • Tel QS',If.LTJ; Pearl G0117.ALEZ, etc.


~ECRET oppoeite Seats Nos. 1 and ), etc., and poosibly ot~er items on the manifest. He acknowledged that he had no ::;:ersonal recollection of OS',.ALD, cruld not recc.'gnize his photo u being of ar..yo:1e vho had be~n at the bus terminal_. and did not believe that OS'h'ALD had embarked

(on the bus o!." 2 O::t 63. I LCFEZ. said th&t tbJ reservatio.; was made by the individual in (person, as he did not recall having receiv~d a res':lrvat!.on by telephone from any ?erson (who spol'E: ·rer;r little Sf:anizh and that he hAs no tmO'o'l·~dt;e of English. I LO'l.A:70 eaid his

CO"l'!pany, t~'!! ••:necha Rojo", a!Xl "TraneporU!:; dt:!l !lortc·"' 81!"3 the only bus linea which a.fford direct .servic~ bet·.reen V.exi ~nd :-luevo Larer.lo, / "Inquiry at "Flecho. P.oja" B:;s T'!rm1nal" Jesus 11"lJCEOO, Comptroller at the t~rnlr.aJ. or tho! Flech.e. 11-:>.la., .V.exi·, and investigator-a ~Q..1e

a search of :::r..nifests wit b. ne&ati"te results. . .. I I::'lqul.ry at del l'lorte B'.ll!l Te~ba:l. Rir:ar::l.o EELTFJ ... i"i :-'ie::lina, of E~x terminal sto.tec emphatica.~ that records hsd been searched by.agents of tho:! Hexi P:residentiaJ.·Sta.u·, HtnlSGr.Y or Gcv., the".Federe.l Judicial Police, and bi:nself, and no record had been locnted 1dentifinble with OS'..IALD.

Washington Rerort - BACKGROtr.ID FOR A3SA5SDtA1'IOH, published by The Americm Security Council Ec_itcrial Staff. {gx'i readint:) Ar.alysis O:'l ";:hy and h0'.1" OSfi'ALD's orde%'3 could have co:-:e frcrn z,~oscov.

DIR OU57!.:. - rallas ?;ews toos:: carries stcry ~o enec-.:. -.:.nat Jack F.l-1ff's la--r.·er, r·lr. r<elv:tn M. ~L;:.I, ..,"'!.S b';.-ed e.t, 1::c.r:!er e:1 ·rc.t"...e to :·:exico City. L"!t-ervie·., does not re·•eal pt.1:-;:':lS~ tri~. Pl.S ~;:r.. ll..."l:i i:-:!'-:. ' c<:?·;~l~;> en EELL:!:'s act1·.-1t!es or Sif:l'li~ice..•ce this ":lll..n:nver. ODACID III.Dd. P~eid9:-.t'e crr.::-:.ief.lior. eztrec.":!ly 1n-::..e!"3lH.!.!d,

JI:IT'f 0(29 - F.nrlq'.l-9 RDIZ i'.ontalvo, acen•, o:: the Ferlere.l .Jur:!i-::ial Polire, informed ! that o~ o!" r.~a co:ltao::ts re;>::ort,ed in late Feb that Giloorto LOPE3, U3 cit, Yas invol·,~d in aase..!Dii.atio.:::. Ac-.::o!llinE thi:l C'J::.tact, LOPES lc!n':Kred i·te:d on foo!:. from La!"(!co, "l'exa~ 1200 hc'..<.::S en 1~· li·:Yv c.a.rr:-1:1~:, v.::>. pas:spor':. #~19962 i!l:sue1 1;\ Jul~· to lil..."ld pro-::eede1 by bus to rt.-exi ·o~here he er.te~d cu·o.m Er.:b. On i:7 !Tov he left E-r.b for Cuba on Cubar:a flt 465 a.:1d "vas tre only paslenger allo-~d. on the pla:-:e. V)~J wm.P. issued 1·'e.>:1 t.ravel forn 8 !lo. 21·5~5 at Nuevo L.a~do. I RUIZ said cou:.d not verl.fy this inf'o, b•;.t ooi!.e·ted it be of :!.nte!"':!st to U.S. e,cr-1. I Bast; an•i fDlC!D files no E'!ntifiabl'! +,ra.c<Js on LOft3/LO?'EZ.. Pls advis-e l"'J5\..llts Eqa passport checl{ including b:!.o data on LOPES if

c poesi":tle !'or !'urt.her checf:ing ty Base a.:'ld Station. f Backgrou.'ld info r":! :Eue contact ·.,ith F.UIZ contained in R:·::Y.A 2120, 10 l·ar beims pouched 20 :•iar.

·:rlzxr 8731 (REP: DlR 8695 - not in fUe; not a·ostracted) - Local n.d:to broadcast morning 18 ~:&r t:>ld cf EZLLI's trip !olexi and intent visit "old friend" Victor VELASQJJEZ. Station Mtified ODEF'l"f. I Gtatlon trac"s on VELJ\J(J_!JEZ: BELLI rrer:ib'!!r of Boord ( Che.irrr.a.n) of D1 r:!Ctors of Int..ernati-::r..a.l AcGJ:l~rny of Trial La.·.r.rers, 5!~5 Firth A'1~. li.Y. I ~ply to J\'llb'ts ~'~u~lll. f'Jr trace atat.'!d in Oct 5c VEL/\SQ:Ez for.::er Histor.r professor at tmA:-1 atnd Falll...'lg1ot l"la1"lr in l'.e:d 1942 and directed dr..1g Bmuv:;ling for p.a>.rt:r. Proceeds be ine ur:ed for Fo.lane1s t propar.;a.ndca. B-2 report 1945 llllj'S V pro-11.5. and. no lon€;er has Falangist connections. In intervie., ·.riAmb described self u antt-Coorny, Royalist e..nd beli>!!•rer in Porfirio Diaz policy. WIUI inviting

i I·


1:1 :-::t.r:Js1-ect, ,this not 1;.rue. VEL.AS~t1EZ is ·:-:o t: .:'~:xi ..

311. 20 Mar



:!)l2. 20 lllar ; I , I

-·- --i 1·,

314. 'l Mar SEC REI Ch~ck '?UCHANAN

SECRET ' ·Amb to pa.rty f'or Truman B. TUCKER, N.Y. b'.lyer Ul!lted in l~tterheu.d lUI Prellident of Academy 'of:TriJD.l Lavyers. I Durnell GOODRICH, C03 crmtact, repdrtl!!d M.e.r 61 1,hat V vas behind'ke lla•.l.'leh"d lilf.&inat U.S. l.JA·.ryera pr11c.tlc1ne 1n rr.e;d ·and controlled &.nd financed ~roup Ul"'AV. .stu.den·te who attacked u.::::. a·.cyl:lriS. I v Wll$ character .-ererence listed in PP.Q or Jorr,e ;PRIETO LaurenFJ, who presirlen~. of FI"!lnte PoplJ.lar Anticollnmieta de f!.exi and 3"ot'."ll'l or Conf'!Mrlll.• 'cion inten.mrictmo. d., d'!fenn d~!l contine.nte. I In Oct 62 vhen f"r. Robert FLORSTEIYl' (YJ.JBARKER) 'h!re from HQ.5 colleuting .NI5 l'l'Aterlal he viait'!d V vhont described llll'll 1-le.xicos outstanding· cr!rn1nm.l l!iii"J<!r and profound admirer of U.S. tnterviev lMt.ed 2'~ brs althoug·h ml!mo does not

:re\'eal in vhat •,.ra:.· v of service. I OOC~NY hQS no :record but their reveal v outstanding ,and hi.;hl.y t-espected trial la;ryer here. I In absence COO and since J!O:I leaving t011n 20 1-la.r ,for ,.·ee]Gnd asking CDENVY their ability fol101t BELLI movements. If nil, vill atempt cover !via LIE~ffi::i.ACE SUI"Veillan~. Will explore otm r possibi11ties with 'l'ES3AROLO and GOODRICH and .IJKB after his return 23 i•tar.

I·~~XI 8740 (Ref: HN'l'Y 0829 - Para 309 above) • Ref info Jibes fully with that provided Station by LIT~HPO 4 earl,): Dec G3. I DIR: Assume CDENV'I furniahod no fnrther inf'o or. Subj after

'DIR 87188 (not filed - not abstracted) . ·· i 'THE NE1oS • By Ruby,' BELLI Is Here - by Jdrne Plenn: 1•!elvin BELLI appealed to "public opinion. D..'ld ll!'J fel101t la'W"'Jers" not to judgement on h!B conduct in the Jack RUBY trial Wltil all "technical detaiLs of th'! trial a.nd the defe;'lse are knmm." I BELLI, di!lcharv,ed as attorney for RUBY, co~victed killer of OSriALD1 made the staten~nt throUP.h a spokesman, VELAz.C~lJEZ, ·.rell kna.m local ln;rJ~r. I The indirect statr.ment follr:rweti a Mported cr1Uc1a'11 of EE'.t.LI by Walter C. CRAIG of Phoo:1ix, Ariz., Jl.r.e rlca..Tt Bar Aal!ln. president. I ..... • • • :!EI..LI arrived last nigh-: by train, li.nd cl:v:clr.ed into a mid-tovn h~el, and va.s in contoet vith VELAZ(.:i.!EZ, the latter said today. I ... :aELLI said he vo•J.ld make a full st.ate:m!nt of his position u:ron h!B arrival in San Frar:cidco.

TEE ~:E",rs - Hidden Side of OSriALD, 'b-J Ralph ce; ••• ':beery on assa.ssination -History and backgrourtd of ti:ne in tt.oscmr, facility in leaving Russia v/a wife, etc ••.•.. . J//os,.;ALD took a trip to H~xico just before the day of the terrible deed. In apparatus vork of this sort., too directio::. is a.l1o1ays h~W.dle:i in a neighboring country and this io Op;ln.ting pr.~cedtl.:re. I Th><:! theory that os·.IALD \1113 made dOOS not r:-.a.tch ilill b'.lh!P.'Iior after his

· ar::eot. Th'!l mad !JOlit.ical IIUl!la.ssins issue fln:::lba;,·a..nt j'..llltifica.tione or their actl5, 'l·he trained u::assin cla.11e up. This !.s ;.·he.'.:. 03 . ./ALD did. os-..:t.LD really was and vho his prim~i;:&ls ~rere vill .::-e:naL'i in obsc:1rit:.· unle:n a n!lv defector brin;,~s the story out vith him. D-.1t. cer~~in~>, the:-e are eno~\f.h f2.ots in '.:.he dossiers of Iatelli1;emce services around the

· vorld to :;mt tct:.e\her :nuch o =- tte story - as ct.b.ers did· in discovering the· 'back€;round ot'

TROI".lh"Y's muroere'r, a ma...'l who had m~ch .in commo:1 psychological~· with OSWALD.

i·!E:XICO CITY DAILY BULLETIN (Date-lined Paris, Ma.r 30 AP'P) •.• A Pa.ris weekiy magazine haS be'!n publishing a series of ext :mots from a book by U .5. la'W"'.f':!r ThO!llli.B Buchanan - vhich book found no pt:.blis~r 1.'1 the U.s. - ·ol'hich clai::.s that the assassination of Pres. Kennedy was part of e. c~s?iracy and tr~t Dallas nightclub a~e~ Jack ~.1by vas, ind~ed, used to "sil'!nce" OSWALD.


---315. l April

316. l April

~JI;, 'f Aur


'· !

' r··-

i .:, ; ' '

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I -!

' ''

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~ . I

SECRET / The book "The A!Su.aains of President Y..ennedy" 1ndicat..<!s OSWALD Wllt.S little more then a

."patsy" in. a eonl!lpiracy put toeether by a number of ~n. The 24 yr old was 1.111er.L e.ecoMing ;to ~Jchanan, to (a) acqulre the rifle.ue~d inK slaying, (b) facilitate the entrance into ·lthe Dallas Book Depository of a :r.arksma.!l and (c) cover up for the rest of the gang by 11.ceeptir.e full guilt for too crime. I B~,;.cl'ul.nan claims that Dallllt.S Poliee:nan Tippit, vho vas shot da~m

Icy OSWALD shortly following tte assassination, had as his "job" the "silencing" of OSWALD lbut that OS'wALD ,-as quicker or.. the dra·o~. I Buchanan --whose conclusions are also. supported {by N.Y.' Civil Rights Attorney i•lark Lane, appearing before the Warren Com. "representing" the 051\ALD ~ also clabs t.hat there vss a sniper at the underpass bridge under which · tre. Keim~dy \faS moving lll'ld tht.'lt this l!l:liper alflo opened fire. I He eays this se"!ond ·\sn-iper 111ight have been RUBY, ;.tho showed up following the killing in the office of the "Dallae 'Morning Nevs,.'1 ·the only building -of quick, sure access for the sniper on th~ bridge, Hie conclusion is - that Hul1y gunned down OS'..rALD in the police etation just as it was feared OS'vlALD_wu re·ady to "spill" the whole story. · ·


I'I.EX! 8878 (Rei': MEXI 8737 - para 310 above) - As HQ.S knovs BELLI remained 1'exi only one ~T- ----night and Victor V'ELJ!.SQ.UEZ issued innocuoue press state'!!ent for him. I TES3AROI.O and 'BENADUM

1 both report VELA&:~UEZ :reputation among local lawyers is shabby. tThile he effective d~!' la'l~yer vith excellent batting average, said to be complewly with01it ethics. Interesting

. l

th.ia.t in current Hexi bar a.ssociation attack a.e;a.inst U.S. lavJerB practicing 1-'Je:d, bar apparently not risking dignity its cast'! by a.llo-.l'ing VELJ!.::Y.:.UEZ join ca:11pa1Vl. / BE!\AD!JM not optimistic

, re his or LITEMPO chances l!!e.::-n content BET..LIIv"ELASQ.UEZ discussions •

nOTE: Written by COS on cover of liJEXI 887;~ above. "I have a friend, ~rald SCHULZ, who is ; very cloSe to Victor VELASQ."JEZ - maybe I ce..:1 t,et 1ICI!l nare co;nment via Gerry from Victor V.

l''.E:•lO tc lJI:C:I\T from COS, SubJect: rhotcf)raphn, .;. Her is made to our con~rsation of ~ Apr U4 ·MJ the rcqneat for sixteen <Jopies of e~ch of some fiv'O items. I Th"re are att~ched 10 (.opi·"S ·-of each of the roqurysteu itcmr.;, (On filt::! ';opy is "3c~ HlliW>. 23229, 9 Apr 6'~" ~ pua '3·2 ~ 'Mlmr)

t.fei'AW'l!JI!!I'I' 'HIIJ(t·1ltl0 '11!!/.IWIW4 (drmt.r•d. 15~.) • f'r~11ldent. 1 1:1 (Jqm•Nl<~t11•:;n u11 III.IHIII,llll111t.Ur,,, tr,r•w,...,rl t.hal; memberrl of '~OIIIIr.l&siou !ltt:~.ff plan trav•H to 11~xi. lj Ar~r in connect.lon with ln•tABt:l!~at.l.un of o;;w~J.D's lliot1v1ti":!S ir, l4exi during ,V:ri'Xl 2G ~pl to ) Get r.,:;, I ~:ames of eta!'f mem't.l"!rri are William T. COLEH/\1-l and W. Davie cr.,-\;1.:.;0:1, Ho·.,.ard P. HILLEN3 of J·.~st.ic.., D!pt., currently ll.~lll1.t;,ned, to commla:Hon ota.ff, will acco:npar..:r thr.rn. TJ::ml"l llil.w;;~ro hav·~ i~..,n,rl (1) t., inform th'!rl\ll':!lves of lnvesticat1.·~ <:lffvrt ma1e by A'l':l"!r1~41rl e.w~ncil)o abr0a1; (2) 1,o

_ 'I.P.c~ in!"orrred ·.,.ith as much d-:!ta.U aa pc.eaiblf.l r<:!tardtnt; inv'!stiea.t.t-r" err.,rt, or :-l.,xican me•mcie&J and,{~) to consuJt ·.rith e.;r;.Topriate l),£;;, and 1-h;r.l.can officials aa to' what t"•J.rth"'r inv~eti:eatimi sho1ilrl 1t':! j_nittat'!d. I P.::nb ShO'Jld not dillcloee fact of tr1D o-r 1ts_p•lrpos~ to an;rone. ft:,oi1a.nce of publicity 111 of paramount intereat to both U.S. and ao:-1. PL!I anaist.


!>19. 1 Apr ..

.. -. ~



~21. 9 Apr ,.

3_22. ~Apr

9 .Apr·

11 A]n"

Cbeck Subject

SEC REI DIR 126;:::; . - *ish alert you that th~e me::·i!..l"!l"S of War-ren C=ission Legal Staff~ WILLEN~ •. SLA'tlSON, and COLE:-tAN, will arrive E.exi ·.rHhout publicity ... to confex· with you Statton, HBF'TI1Cr., and' ODE!f'{f abc.ut 1nvesti;,.:at1v~ at::tion tar..en on G~'dl\LD cas'!. / Main pu:rpoo"! is aBlNr-J

themsel'/'!S apo•lt completeness of l::.Vl!Stit:ation by Y.'JBJI.RY., oDE;wy. tmd l1e:r.ic'.lnS·. All'V'!! stW.H'!!d our ~-ports. 'in de·t.ail. Y.JJBP.RK ~iv:iors"ls p•lrpo!!l"l of trip; I WHl cablA. furth13r g•Jide lines on what '('X;>ecterl frO'll your 8tatiofl,

01!1 J~r_a(, ('l .f;In l2G~~- r•aro. ~l:J t.'l.b•J't") :JuJ,,ject.u I'!.J•tlYi!, .. ./ 'J'hey lot&.nt t.o ~JI<'l1ol' 1l' l'.ex10IILM ·. further wr1:tten. investi(:;Qt-ive report~, \llil.llt cle.rificati::m of me.."ly points in ODErNX'· -. 1nvestie;a.tion, etc ••. ::tome highly touch. subject they will di:scuss are •,:hether they should see !·exi officials the:nselves, t:q to talk to Silvia I:UFJIN, whether !1exicaJ1B will let them later publish just what 1-'e::dcar.s did 1n case. I These officers kno·"' V'! have tap asset's, may have guessed from coverage, we hav·e photo points and a source in Cuban Emb, ·but do not, XnO'o' <ietail.a _or our arran~c:rent.a with f/f!:dcane. RP.q\JJ.!s t CL"RTI:3 leoc. all n~eded al!IB1:l!ltance with minill!llm pooa.i.ble discl0s·•re of asaeta and techniq•~es, and no public1t:,r. a·t all.

DIR 13234 (R~f: MEY..I 8923 - para 322 belo-.r) Your visitox-s knO".i CUR!IS must leave 13 Apr -to'r conference here .... I Co!13u2.ta.tion'vith Division ••••••

1-iEXI 8923 - Station Chiefs meetii1g first on agenda follmred by consultations witt. Division and Desk. Pls confir:n. Al::~o !l!l.'!1'!::er of da:,·3..... C:D.~.C!D teler:;ra:;; of 7 Apr probably- will bl!! fairly de:r.and1ng and CURJ.'IS, who was 3tation CO, will be ex;>'!ct~d to participate 1n diel'lussionn,

l!lli111A 23229 Attach~d ·are cop1'!9 of do-::'llrY:!ntn p::rtincnt to OCWAI.D's trip to 1-':cxl in Oat 6_3. I Thc:!H'l copi'!t:J -W'! I"!i men_e (a.3 extra oMs) vh•m OL!ENV"! as 1-.r.!d :~tat ion l.o photoe;re.phlc cophts

~ for the:n. I Attached til"' for HQ..3 onl~· for c~.:rletion of HQS files. (A'IT.3 are an roll.,.,., 1 Reproduced above is a "Solicitud de"Rese nac io:;" ( RequerJ t), also de'scribed as a "Ticket "-Purchase. Order" of Trar!5portea Chihu~t.'luenses TN·-re l Agency, }lexi- City, issued to Mr. H. 0. LEE .for "one seat from z.iexi to Laredo, confirmed !~r. SAiJCTmo" in the amount of

·93,75 ~sos and qa~d 30 Sept 63. #2. Reproduced above 1s m. "Greyhound International ·Exchange Order" issued b-.r Tra.'lsport.l'!s Chihuahuensee Travel Agency, Hex! City on 1 Oct 6} 'to H; 0. LEE for trawl from L&:redo, T'!xas t0 Da.llns, Texas, foUo-.ring entry to the U.S. via Transportee del No~.

J.r.El-10 FOR Till?.: PILE:3 from C03, Jubj.,cts Theodore Vinc~nt I.!~ - On 10 Apr £,4 BE!1J.DUM report.ed that hirl "Jirnerlca.n source" had talked ~o Elizabeth Catlett de MORA (Detty MOP.A) on 9 Apr. /Among the items d-iscussed was Subject (see his file). iie 'ofa& formerly Chier: (in p.S.A.) of "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" (which v11.a dissolved after OSWALD's usassination of K and' publication and proof of OSWALD's invobu:rP-nt in the "Fair Play"· activities).. I Subject _has .nw orc;an1zed ~d is di~cting a "Revobtiouary Aid Corrrnittee in the U.S.A.'. f-lORA repo~s that thill C01m11i ttee is be 1ng financed from the Communist Chinese via Habana ~nd 14ex1,


325. ll Apr i ' .. I .. _


!26. 9.~pr

· 9 Apr

329. 9 Apr-

· :5~0. ·10 Apr

Is this hC?~.,tse Silvia .DII'ljAN's'l' Has Luis 1311ETO P.a.:~ire:z: been queried by us?

!-31. 10 Apr

· 10 Apr

SECRET T3!. ~wS - Local Police Murn on O~iALD Prob - Mex1 police authorities refus~d to acknowledge their part.icipat1on 1n the activities of OSWALD during biz:: visit to Meld City. I ... Vario•J.III lllexi police corpG are coope:--ating in the ir:.wstigation carried here by 3 .Amert'cans, SLAWSON,­Wn.LIA.M.S and COL'SK~l'i on the> ste;.s cf the aller.ed assassin of Pres. K. I OSWALD, shot to death by m.r:BY 1n Dallas, visited 1-"exi 26 Sept for one wek, viBited l·~~xi City to o~t.dn a vi:ur.· to tn..,-;el to ·euba ~a.nj Sc•t Unitm.

»l!JI!B.~SSY ot.'7GOING 'l'EU::GRo\1<1 Control 122 - t:pon their arrival at Mexi City 8 Apr the ident~.ea of CO!B?·1A.I'l, SLAWSON and Wii..I.EH3 as me::1'oers of President's Cor.mission staff were known to Eas_tem ·airlihes ·a.."ld to at least one other unidentified individual at o.irport. X.: .•••• I ..... Thus -we foresee no problem g with Gat; from unexpected publicity.


La Prenaa - "::'h:ree In·reetigat.ors of Y.cnMdy Cue in D. F. - About arrival· or three ment1onnd .in para ;126 abcv.,, al.eo they traveled em diplomatic paaspQrta, were I""ceived b)' rn<3mb'lr1!1 or tbl!! U.S. Ztnb and. reru.e"!d to m:..¥.e corr.:menttll to oevl!lpapo!!rmr.m. I were not inspected, Etc.

Ncivedadea - Three !nwst1ge.tors of the D:!! or JFK in tllexioo Same as para 327 above ..

El bia - T'h~e Agents Arrive fro:n U.S. who are Inwstig.ating the Aasusinatioo or Pres. K. -Sam as ·above except last paragraph "HO'W'ever, it vas not possible to find out 1f the three. Visitors VhO Cll.ll\13 for the 1rvest1ga.tion have CO'lle With the a.vthori:z:ation of the authoriti"!!S of our- country, e i.nce, when we tried to ask the.'fl (or interview th-"lm), they would not M1Spon<1."

Novedad<!s - A U. 3, SenaV., Cornmission in f-1:-exico, Inv"!!stigaV.,s Activiths of OSWALD Here -Same as above but with more detail, including " •.• os.;ALD attended a reunion in which were nrioU3 :persons, who, for sor.~e time have 'bEen activ-e in political affairs, and the meeting 'W'&S held in a ho:.1se in Colonia Condesa.. .-.••. Also stated .,.as that- the investigation wo,.ll.d 'oe ln eolabc·ra.tion with tb.e DFS cf the D.F. L'ld ?clice Chief, General J~uis Ctl'ETO

!13XI 89~ (F.ef: A. DIR 13026- para 320 above; B. DIR J26~3 - par-. 319 above) C:ivine info or articles on visit of SLJ,W30N, wnLE:r,3 and COIZ~-l.AN. Also "On morning 9 Apr C03-Pill.rt..ic1ptted with A:n'o., r-ib Boo:1stn. and LEGAT in briefing session. On aft>lrnoon 9 Apr COS a.nd· OCOS ·s:;;:ent 3 hrs vith visitt>rs. !<lemo of briefing will be for\mrded. I On 10 Apr at request visitors and with approval-of Arr~, COS has arranied -take 3 visitors to see LITE~~O 8. COS rua.S asked U:GAT accompany. · Amb told LITS~!PO 5 on nigot of 13. Apr (When Amb made his protoc-ol

'call1 of planned arrival, purpose of visit and d~sire ••• no publicity, I Will report on visit to LITEHPO 8.

l-ZMO FOR ro!:CORD r:igned by COS: frol!l F-8593 shown to Warren Com:niuioru t1. En~t,1eh .translations of calls made by O:Jr<ALD to Sov Em? ••••• 2. Conversation be tveen Pres. uuR'l'ICvJ and CIJ.b Amb REPJl'ANIEZ A::-:nas in 1-':exi on 26 nov 63. '· Con·rersation b<5twen C•lb Amb to Mexi and Pres. OORI'ICCS 1n Ho.ban& on 26 Nov 63.



; ..

What vu. acccripllsbed b"J · Warr'!n reps U.'l'l~r ~strictP-1'1 c?nditimJtJ?


l' Apr

i4 Apr.-_

·! \.

. ~. ···. ~. " .

S REl. --···


SECRET MEXI.8984 (Ref: MEY.I 8966 pe.ra 331 above) Publicity on visit continued on 10 am 11 Apr. inclUding "TM liew" ••• vhich on ll Apr etate.el police e.uthorit1e! refWied to eO"l'll'f1ent on_ visit. I On 10 Apr at ll30 hra, with approval Amb, COS took three and L!GAT to S'!!!e

LMi{P() 8 and acted as interpreter. I LITE11PO 8 copperative and friendly. I Visitors asked A. For ·a. complete written report of "l>'easuree tair.en and investigations made" by Mext authorities after assassination. Tr..ey promised that any portion tiley wiehed to publish in eommitt.,e report wo-uJ.d '1:1-:! cleared with lllexi o.uthorities prior to publication. :B. LI'l'EMPO e said he wQ1ll.d ~ly assemble full report but he asl-.ed tha~. "i:1 order to malr.f.! l"l'.:!I~"!Bt of'r1e1al"

· Amb sh-:>'.1ld req•J'!St this report from r1exi Por'!iv)'l flfinis to~! r. LI'l'EiilPO 8 hi!! w01x.tt1 eontaot ·x POF.fil1ui ·and t'!!ll him to £'!:t I"'!quer.~t to LI'lZ!1!'0 fJ. LtTE!Iff'O t: I'Jaid report v-:>uld ecmo~ back viti earne' c}la.nnel in ver; short time, I c. Commiesion l"'!lpll then UY.f.!'l it' LITII!rr.~o Fi ob,j"Jr:to~!rl

11' l'.e:d citizen.!J _(.e•..tch as rr.anat~r o~ hot;el whei"'! OS'riALD otayed in !t.e;d' V~I"!! fnvlt'!!d and

voluntart~ came into u.s. Emb to eive statef!J'!nte to commiesion rers. D. Lrr!I<!PO fl sa.11 the ~xi Gov could not agree to this. Said this WOLlld appear to be official investigation by U.S.: authorities in Mex:i. He said it would be at;ainet f-lexi sovereignty. He then llllP,if.e&~d

that th'!! CC'll!!lisaion reps let his office invite !l'.!Ch VP-.xicanc to luncheons or dinners vith one -of LI'IE!I!Po8 's subcr:iinatea and tM corr.miss ion reps. (liote: This the reps subsequ'!!ntl;r decided w-oUld not be vorth riat of off"!cse to !l.exica.ns and bad publicity !Iince the x could n·ot take de-;>oaltions a.x:d ::-eally diac~s no.atter in pt;bl1c restaurants.) I Amb sent not!! to Forn:dn GORoS'J:'I.ZA on afternoon 11 Apr. I P.P.lieve COS and OCOS as!SLLre Hqs that 3 reps pleased with sessions they bad with 3tation. Source (tel taps) revea-led to them first. by Amb Md "h.r.e" from these (with 3ource known to th"!m1 revealed by COO. Tbity state th~y alr!ady had been t'old of this IIO•lrce. They e.ll!o said al~ady CO!I1l!'litted to clear all draf'ts of :l.ntended report.s ..,.ith K:.TBARX.

AJ.~l~Su"'Y Ol.JT"'..Oim 'I:E:!ZCR.\f•1 #169 - Sa.':le info as para 333 above reported by Ar.tb Freer.-.a.n

lli·=".A 23249 to C/l.'!ID, Subject: Vw1t of Staff Representatives of the Warren Commission: Attac~d a.I"'! copies of a l·~:::~o for tb.e Recoro to recoro tall':S had with COLE!-'.AN, SLAWSOn and ~nuxs. Staff Reps of ·warren Counission. - l. On 9 64 Messrs. c .• s. and w. Staff Reps o!:' the Warren Comm, c~CT~e to Amb's of':i~. 2, Amb, Boonstra., L!G.AT m.nd I met there at 0845 hrs on 9 Apr. Amb a..sY'.ed that LEC.AT and I cooper~~~.te !'ully; these 3 would have Top Secl"!t clearances, etc. 3. ~n visitors came in, Amb told them that he wished .thera to call on us for any·m.nd all help x:.eeded, but that he wishE'd );P.rsonally to p: approve in advL'lce L'ly arid all contacts with 1".exi at:thorlties and/or !-!exi citizens. 4. -Amb briefed them · about 'secret and sensitive sources, such as tel taps, and reminded them any published item from ·these sources had to have prlor cleo.ra:1ce with Kt.JE.\P.K and OD'I!!lNY., etc. :s. A'llb 01,1.tlined "~~es" for visitors to work. Arrb made protccal call on Echeverria, etc. 6. See MEY.I U9D4 ( ~ra -333 above). 7. On 9 and 10 Apr. rcos ~.&d· I 111!!!t with viei tors. 3 hra on 9 Apr and ~on 10 Apr. In our officef'l, t:b~;>: a. Reviewed the "take" from LIENVOY for 27,:28 Sept and l Oct 63 •• -.They made a ''!H:b.edule" of OSWALD's activities. Note: "Takes" were Eng tn.nalatior.


: .~.


Check other buests of ·hot:!!l

I!' OS'IiALD vas never at -the hotel during tile day t1:-Je. ,..n_v vas he ne· s~n vi th a coat on si."lce he ap.,arently vas o'.lt at. nidlt vhen it 'o'ou.ld· be chil.J.,)·. 1'

SECRET b. Eng translations of 2 con..,-ersations of' 26 Ncrv betwen Pres DO:P.riCOS and Cub Amb HEMNAmEZ. c. Ead ~ ~viev Silvia IX!P..rl.1 cas_e; they 'IOe:::-e shmm pies of Silvia and husband. d. Had me review case of ALVAF.ADO, the l:ic. 8. Visito::-s asked what actions r1ex1 Stat ion took begi=ine; 22 Nov. I said ;re: a. Re!'l:ir.de1 iie<s, A<:~b !·:a.."ln ar.d ODf:NY locall;,· that ve had sent them all (in Oct 65) ds.ta on 0SiiALD ret;a.:-ding visit to l~.exi and v1sits to Sov and Cub Emb. b. T'r.rev all Station cscts a.-:d sot<rces into ~ob of tr.ri:1~ to ge.t all possible detailS. o!'. QS;.'.ALD's tra-.-el to a.-:d from l·iexi, place !::~ sta:·ed, CC:!~act, etc. c. Stay'!d i.-r continuous co."l.tac.t with lic;,s 0::1 1-::a.ds ·,.it:::. o:r~:~;---x ':o cco:·t!i::ate vo:::-:.::. d. ~-:ith it:;,::; ajj);:ro·;al. .;o': 1!1

·-t:.C.uch vith ~·~'!X!· authC't:ities a:-.:! ct:a.i:-.ed bel~ ~!'! ca~es ... - :he O'Jtst.and:::~~ cn~s b~Jng ;3tlvia IX:"RAii L'1C ft,L\'ARAOO. e. P.J.t ::o?ers.~es on D:.:l".AN, Kc·s::n::ov a::C. co:1tact in }l~:xi • .. ith OS'i·;!\LD: 9. i~o~e: T"~ kne\.· abo';.t. tel cor:re1~sc:-li~~:s Cs-:·~AL:l r~C. e-x~eJ;t for A. (';_;;.;},t,D ,_,.ar.ted to co to ('de:!!Sa, and. b. 0s;~AL!:I 'I.'S.':ted a visa for his "Wi!'e 111 tJhC' ·..-as a. Russiar.". 10. The;;· said tta~ !,:ssista.nt Sec :·:an.n still hP.S tb:~ "£'eel1nt; in his G':ts" that Cast.":"<:> hired OS..T,\I.D to kill ::K~nnedy; they said, ho~<o~ver, that ~!'.e C•~:nmissic-n has not oocn able t" t.,'Ut any proof or this. 11. Nc- docc:.ments or l'hotM .~.-ero <~h~n visit,,rs. En:::; translations rJad were kept by ..Jtatton. They are attached. 12. It is beli~vcod that all 3 of theM visitors >ret"'!· pl~ased t.rith Station •a vork O:l· OS'•IALD case.

·. l·:E:·:O frc:n LEGAT. to COS: Lee Harrey OSI>i'ALD. :e:otel accor.rr.o:fation of CS'II'ALD in ll:exi city. I.:lfo V'!rifyi::tg OS"tiALD stayed at Eot-el del C~ercio, located at Calle Bernardino 1e Sahag'Jn No. 19, in ro~ ITo. 13. OS'-.'ALD re;;is':.ered a::! ''L~. :t'Ift.F:'teY OS',.fALD, USA, TEXAS, PHOTO, US c~ti::en". O'.mi!!r and lLL?"J&.ger of hotel,. Gu.iEer.::o GAP,CIA Lu!'!li!. cooperated ;rith LEGAT. LECAT had FBI Laboratory check ha.'"dwritir:e: qf hotel registry of OS'..JALD with true sit;nature and ··'li.S fo11nd identical·. / List of and re~idencea, room numbers ar.d. dates of occupancy

. of those registered at hotel du.rint; ti::~C OSiiALD was there. I GARCIA r;una received.OSWP.LD at del- Co~rcio at betveen 1000 and 1100; OS..iALD'a room No. lB was 16.00 pesos daily w1th bath. that the registry boo:~ iudtcater, OSJALD sta,yt:d a-c hotel ni&l-tt of 1-2 Oct and depart-ed durins- the day of 2 Cct 63. GARCU Lu::.a could not recall circumstances of OS'II'ALD's departure nor the ,hour:. S:e belieYed OS' • .;ALD neither spoke nor un..lerstood any Spanish. He had not obuen-ed CSi.;'ALD 1..'1 the hote:. durin::; the day and he was never ~~occoopa.nied by a..v ]:erson. He ~c~lled that QS',.fAIJ) ca:-ried a mediu:c-siz~, brown ha.'1dcag, vhich had a zipp!r and vas either· of Naugal:,;td~ or car.Y~s ~aterial. He did not re:nember that CSWALD had ever vorn a coat L'ld bel-ieved he usually appeared in a short-slee·red shirt or a knit variety. V.atilde GA?JiiCA, maid at the hotel clel Co-rercio, recoz;nired photo of 03'..l.ALD as "'o!!1ng the yO'~e Arnerlcail vho had occup1e-.l roon No. 1e for aL'nost n. wek during the l.att.,r part of l..aat year.· She arrives at vori:: betveen 0900 a.n1 1000 and lea·.res at 2100. Cl.,arly recalls qz-,rALD, as f~v Jtmrica.ns stay at th~ ho~!:il. He few pP.rsonal eff~cta, carried in Ill

"s:::al.l, br01m, zippered handbA.E;" canvas or in1tation leather •Tu;~.terilll. Sb"! had seen CSWALD the day or hie arrival and· the follcr•ing Sa.tu.rday as h'!l · x still vas in hie room when she checked· to dete~1ne vhich rooms we:~ a·n.ilable for cleaning. When she sav'him in the room on Saturde.y: he said "good 111ornine" in ED8lish, and a short time later left the hotel.


{ '

Pedro RODR!Gl'l!Z !Jedes::~~~., night vatcb::lan at

ho:.el, claims os.:ALD left: hotel at C6!0 or :J700 hrs:·, for.RODR.IC';TEZ ..,as lll able ·,to.get a tax:!. for him; ho-.rever, the c-Jiid,_ r.ARNICA, :lai~~d ahe s~o~e to OSWALD that ~~Y ~orning :Jf his d'!parture vhen he a&icf-e:ocxr·:::omins"' and n~ ·..rli.!l L"'l his roo11. VAt'ilc!e f1ARJ1IC_A !'!nters v6rk l.~tll'!'!n 0:100 and 1000. 'T'i::l'!!l dincrepanc;(!?

vithout waring a coat???


If OS#Al,D. ate ~alsl at· 1400 .at ~staurant nl'!x•. 1oor t;o howl, ;rh;>; .vu ·ne nevo::r eeen at ho'Al d ..:riri~~ th~ day? Di-:i he 'never ent.P.r his r:;r_..., ·:bri:1g the <!a;,·, 1\mch, to •Jazb his h'L"1'! P. ?. · • ... 11y, 1 f he ·.te re 1n are. a of Cub or Sov E·:.b or Colo . ."lU· Conde sa,. vo:.tld h'!i r-eturn to t!le !';<y';.el loca.tiOil to eat, ;:;et'not ·be seen at tho:! ho·~l??

• ' <

!i'! t-::-o'?1 Any c o:mection?'l :Sro>.ac:;ht ·ip lr.1 C~CIA Lu:Ja becaUBe or·efforts to lo_cate, him so he c rJ!..:ld.' ·pa:; th'3 bill'??


SECRET Sebastian PEFZZ Hernandez, desk clerk a.11d assistant to the o-.rner or the !Iot.el del Comereio, had not conversed .,.itb 05'.\ALD bur. reremb<!red him clearly because few Americans Stilly at the hotel. He :>aid OS';,'!\LD left the hotel each morning and did not return •Jl1t1.1 evening, poM i.bly after PEREZ Hernandez had complet-ed his workir.t; da:t and left th!'! hotel. OS"dALD vas alone and usaally wore a knit, short-sleeved sport shirt and no coot or jacket. He did not rei:')'~mber

seeing.o.:r.-.4.LD dc~rt the hotel or: the ~or:li.r.g of 2 Oct, but ix it was possible that th<! night, vho rewains at. th~ reception desk during the n1£ht. "1£ht have been aware of os;,;ALD's departure frcrn t~e hotel. liatc!' is Pedro RO::JRIGUF!Z vho could be located at the hotel after 2100 or during the ea:::-l;:t r:; hO'.lrl!. I Pedro RODR!Gi.'EZ Ledesma's W1111r:..:>tng hours are fro~.2100 to 09DO, hO'.~ver, he often is able to leave the hotel TJ OeOO or earlier if the o-.rner and mana;:;er, GJI.FCIA Lu..?Ja, has arrh~d to relieve him v:d handle reception d•1ti~s. He clearly recalls the yo,mg Aoorican ·..rho::-, he lat.'!r idP.ntified in his; rr.ind all

OS.IALD and rem!!mbers that on tM 1at'! of the lfll.tter'!l tiepart.u~ from th'!'l bo~l anti on thll basis of sign lM;;::uag'! and t~ 1o1ord "taxi" whi-::h he understo:Y.I that OS'IIAT.D vant'!d a t.adr:ab, ·R~JDHIGTJEZ· 'lll!l.lY..ed ar,! t.t~ corn'lr fr<r.n t;he hotAl whet"!: he obt.ain"lrJ. a te..dcab, Ull ~Ue•t!'!'l OSwALD left the hotel ~t·.-een O()O ll.l'ld 0700 sin-::e it vas gettir1e lif,:ht wh'!n he vent in search of the taxicab. :Ee co'J.ld no':. 1..-.e r.~ore precise concerning th'! ti:re. He b<!lievl'!!d OS'tlALD gave him a ll:rAll tip of o::e or tvo pesos •. OS'wAJ,D carried his 0\m lug£1!1.f:l!! downstairl'J and vaite1 1n front of the hotel .,.,ar, the luggage until RODRIC'JEZ ~t:.:rned vlth the taxicab. RO:JRIIlJJEZ corJlr.l':!nted that while he had little difficulty obtaining a te:xi at the earl:'i ho•Jr, it beco:res 'very difficult to eec~l""! ta.xi transportatj.on bet.·-"'!en 0730 and 0-"~~r::: becaus'!'l of the h<:!avy traffic at that time. R0::lP.I0UEZ relate1 that ·os,IALD a arr!.ved at- th'! hotel lat:."! 'at ni ~'midn t or th~~a:'"', but he nev~r noticed an:y indi<:ation the. 't:P-en driz:iking. Hlermo GARCIA Lun.8. said of Pe1ro RODRIG'IEZ Ledes.1lll. t.hat RODRIGUEZ is "h:.;..':lbl~ but ver;,: serlO'..:S, deeply ~lisious, a fa;nily man~ and hig.'rtly reliable." I Dolores RAH:Z:FZZ de BARr'"'ZI?.O, cr.mer, :-:-ar,e.eer and sorre.ti~s cook at small restaurant irTJ'l'lediat~l;.r adjacent to Hotel J.!!l Corr:~rcio, at.ated that beca·lSe of proximit.y of hotel, mMy hotel 1£1.1-:lsts eat rreals a.~ resta1J..l"'l.nt. Sh~ remembered o:r.rl'l.D ·..-ho had eaten s':lveral rreals at the res t.aurant in the late afternoon over a period of one ·,.,ekk. os·,JA.i,D appeared at resta•1rant aft-.r the noon l"".l.llh hour or-some t1~ after 1400, alva.ys alone, 11.nd ordl!red food by polnt.1:ng at :ren•.t. Ate soup :of day, riciJ, an1 '!!itber rr..:!at·or egzs, but Mjected deaS·1rt and coffee, and wM very lllO!"JI!Y (cost) conscio-.;.s. V.eals coet five to six ~sos. IIIII Iml1viriuals 1n Mighborhoad of ho•...el 'l.t'!re ~ueried vith nega.ti ve reauHs. II I II Gu:l.ller.:~o GARCIA Luna. advised that on the basa of a search· of abandoned correspor:d"!nce, review of his records &.'ld account:s, and refreshing his ·ne~ory through discussions Yi~h other personnel at hotel, he had been able to develop the folloving data: Antonio OLIVA is a negro ...,.ho had been condd·lred Cuban but had clarified to GJI.R'::IA Luna that he had .grovn up on ea.:st coas~ of l1exico where "Cuban Spanish" 111' sp;,i'.en. He regi'ste~d as "r.rJ.Sicia.n" but we.s blcwn to have been employed all a cook or cook's helper in ru1 unidentified l'~xi City restaun.:'lt. lie had been living at th'!! h.:Jtel vith a woman to vhom h'!! tefe~d as his "vife" but GARCIA Lutla. jl.rlE;ed that ahe might have be~n his paramour. They left thcr hotel vithout paying a substa..:1tia.l hotel 'bill, and GARCIA Luna bas been attempt.. ing to locate them withotit success. SECHET

28 Apr

339. . ~ ... ·~

.·: ';'



SECRET All other inquiries of hetel g-..tests durint:; OS.-'ALD visit were negative. / LEGAT sources re:;:-orted that Gnillt-rno GAl\CIA Lu .. "'la. and his, del COG!erdo, to be :reputable.

~l-'.0 TO U:GAT from COS, Photographs. Attached are, as requested, tvo prints _ot each nega­tive. (See 338 belcu}

1.:/ :alr.·~ 23331 • Attached al"!l photos made frOI":l film sent to this offici! 'lrJ local ODENVY rep em .24 ..\pr.64. I Local CtElrT! :-ep req·..:ested two copies each. :&! said these vould be- sent

·~ ' ......... to his Rqs for V.4rren C031lission. / The photos ones of the local sov· Emb, the local Cub Consulate,. Hotel del. Cc,..~rcio, bus terminal -- placea of interest to the Warren CO!m!l because of OS"..!ALD's ~bxi 'Yisit. I It is :-equest.-:!d that this dispatch and a.tts ·be routed to Chief, J<:\1IESK.

DIR 1~~7 - Warren co~isicn req~ests we ~urnish following info: A. Hours vhen Cuban and Sov Embassies and Consulates in l·lexi City are o-;,::en to pt:.blic: their normt.ll vorkine hounr • Their procedures .and regulatic.'ls, fo::-:-:ml and informal involved 1.'1 issuin,-; permits for travel to and· through Cubs. B. ]):!scription of procedures .a..>1d regulations of i'~xi government for . travel of PBPRINE cits to Q..'ld thro>.:f;,h Cu'l:-a.. I Reqaest i'lexi cable eu::nrary of all that .can be ascertained on above.

MRXI 9332 (Ref: DIR 18827 - para 339 above) Sov E:nb e,r,d Con are· not opezr to :putlic. Offiees are in compound accessible to public by appointment. Sov guards are on outsi~ ~ate around clock. !lormal work hours Sep 6~ ·~re 0900 to lP,OO but recently cha.'1ged to 0900 to 1400 Jlionda.y t!'l..rout;;b. Friday. So..- con frequently cha.'1gP.. !i'ow O];)".!n 1100 to 1300 !1onde.ys and Fridays. Sixteen Sov fa.'llilies l1V1i 1.'1 ccu:pound. Visitors rins ~ll at gate at a.1.l hours. Russian s:.;ea!;:crs can ~t in anyti::-.e. Others usually turned a~· by guard after hours.· SO..s are not knO'o":l to issue per.~its fer tnw~l CUoo. ·I Cuba.:l ~'1:- an:i consulate in sa::-e compound but hav-e separate e~tra.nces·. Coi.sula.t.e :receh~s •·isitors from lOCO to 14-co hrs f-~ond~· throuo;h Frida:y. E.-nb ;;ori<ing hours are fro:;-, 0900 to 1700 hours SI!L":le days b•.lt most E::-tb visitors usually atten;led before 1400 hrs. These hrs also applied during Sept 63. I ·Cuban Einb proced'.lTeS e.nd ree;ula::.ions for issuing per:nits for travel to· and Cuba.; Vieas normally valid for 3 t::O."lths froo C.!!.te of issue. Prior authorization from Haba:na invariably required befCI'lre issuance any visa. Applic_a.."!t cc'llplet~s visa appHcat:l.on 1%a for:n at Consulate,· · -;,::enissi.:m often obtained in excha:-ie;e of cables bet•rei!n Err-b snd Minrex Haba,~a. In ir.any cues visas issued on eeparate eheet paper in e!"fort conceal .fact of travl!l. / 11ex:l.. gov:t procedures lii.T;d rees re tr~nel PBPRil'.E ci. ts to and through Cuba un·cbJ>..nged since. Hlt.!·lJI 2oe87, ;. !l..ay 63. PBPRJ:Z.':E cits 'l(ith pal!Sports Md Cub vis&.B are free to travel to Cuba. PBRI1o11!! cits ctm obtain tourist cards from !'~xi consul Rabllna for return via fl.ex1.

m-ii·IA 23398 - Attached are copies of 2 pages vhich were repro:luced by Station for local ODEIIV! vho prooured docu.'rents {on loan) fran Sec de Gob. (Docu:nents are list of a persons entering


19 f'.a.y

·ahe:-e are tb.'! to this???

wn~t 1z this about??

SECRET Mexi, vith.description, ~~er of travel, etc,

iol!!:X! 9430 - ODE:mr'Y reo'd large pkg through pouch frO'!! committee counsel Lee RANKIN vith instructions pass u.rlope:1ed to Dr. r.le CAi·:EROU attending psychiatric convention here. Cn tu..-nover CA!-iERON opened package ODE:iv"Y office a:;d cloDENVY could see onl,.v' that it co.''tta.ined pile docu::ents sta::~ped top secre~ with classification lined out. CAMER0~i valked out of off:l.ce carr:r·bg papers. probably to Hotel i·laria Isabel vhere moat conventioners staying./ Station u.r:derstands CA!•:;:R>J~~ intends• deliver talk on ?Sychiatric assess-rent of OS',JALD, pre­sur:mbl;r O!l basis theS'!! paj)'!lrs. I Alth::me.h Station ignorant content or origin doc·.::·t.H:tn appears 0'11 s'!e top a~cret doc'S Z"!llnvant GPF"LOOR eM<:: d'!cla5!l!fJ."!rl ;:>rlor'l comrll!it,t'!!'!! report. I R.:J.·;e not. infor:md O!'Jl!:r.v"! thl..a ~ablP. althoueh clvrJF:rra uid tv! cablinv. hie Hq,e vhich h'! thought probably did not kl'lr:r• contents of packa~::e. ·

l·~lrJO, to ·Boqnstra -from LECAT, copy to cos - In accordnnce with cntr conv.,reo.tion, tMre ill: atto);herl .-. t.iOV,:f '>f th.o:~ ~pt;wt ft:mo~lill":'l-"d to th., ::;.,, of For P.elo.!.1rml9 by thll Ar:t1r•>: ~rJ of (i()t;~r-na.dr.m, / ~lbU"! ·u·,"! MllOJ:'I, at- tb<:1 l'lnf.l 1:"!!1t.N.I o. daV, ~>t 6 f~a.;r 01, I':O"Jrc"! o,m, tM/1'1 e. F.f'Jfr:J

cf! l"'.!!JOrt ll"!!l for r.opyin>::, advised !.ha.t H '1o1M o.ct•a.lly delhered to· [<o~1VJ Pel.a.tiona en 9 !·~l Gi-, (see para )44 belcr.,.)

P.:·'J·»', 23443 - Attach-ed are copies of the Gobernacion a!port on the s~ps taken and i."'.,"!!Stigatirm!! :-.ade by tb.e l'e:d Gov as a result of ?resident ~:•e assassination. I As vill '00 rece.J.led; this ReO< vas ast:ed for by t~ tcree rne::;"oers of th'!! Harren Commission vho v1s1~d t-'ex.i c-13 Apr 64. • •. / The co?ies are "unofffcia.l". ':L'he P.eport has not yet (as of 15 !l.ay ) ~en r!!Cei·~ed by U-.S. _Amb from the Sec of For A!'fa.ire. / 7he attached vas received from LI'l'E:·'P0/1. A cop:,· vas also sent t: this Station b-.r the U:G.AT who recei~d a copy unoff'icie..lly from Lie. Sa.'l~i;;;;o ~f,',F!z Lla:::as, Director of· Invesdgatior.s, Goi:ler.Jacio:'l, I Pl.s pus copy to .Chi~t', Kt1Il"!3Y.. (Hig.'llights of P.eport. 1.'1 rough translation) - Just u soon a..s C-CI-i l.earn'!!d of tht! death of Pr!!s. K, tl':e cou."!tr:t ~loeei it's bordeM, in cas~ tM !L!I!IUSi."l would tr.r t" fll!e. Da.J.las into ~T.i::o. I Also troops ··~re l'l'!Zlt to border tovns in case it vo.<lt.! 'bl5 nec'!saari. I Upon,"Tline tl'~e nar:~e of _the!!in, investigations ~.rere oogun beca•.l!!e it vas kn')llll OS'..rALO VM in !.1\e.dco_ in 1963~ / '.i:.'hrou.g.h LT.Ir.igratbn Department ve could entablish for sure that OSWALD entered 1/e:r.i via N•.Jevo Laredo, Ta."!i'pS, 26 Sept 63 ~~ts a tourist, etc., etc. • an1 made a. photoatatJ,.c copy of docu:nent of entry into countr/. etc. I On 27 Sept hill sta~·ed at the :e:otel del Cornercio, etc. 1

g !>..1rillg his· fi•l'! day st.a.y in fliexi City, OSiiALD tried to obtain 111. Cuban visa in transit to tbl3 Sov Union, <etc. I Sra. SilviA I!JPJ>Jf, etc. I os·.,.ALo ca."lcellftd h11'1 reservations at toe hotel on 1 Oct and res-:!r~ed a 5'!lo.t on the bus of Transported Frontera to return to Nuevo Laredo tlle follcr>4'ing da;r.•r'!r, he did not travel on thi!S bus, nor any oth'!r b•..IS

..., line vhich travels to li'J.'!'IO La~do, I Confirmed that OSWALD le rt 11e::dco at 11\tevo Lar'!!t.l" . en 3 Oct. etc. I On 26 Hovan inspeetor, Joae l';ario del VALLE, _....,nt to Nu.~vc Laredo to inv~st1€t

OS'~ALD's travels e.nd alsc th'! existent rJmor that OSWALD ~~-~here _r._~vi~US1J_1:~ .• 0..b...!:&:.~~ .S£CR£Ta divorce in 1·1ex.ico. etc ••••• Beca.'.lBe of " -orone-of tht!' atenot;raphere, !form 11, in th.e --.__. -Immigro'l.'.ion Office in Nuevo Laredo ,stated OSWALD had travelled :b b'J. fr0<:1 there to hi:s

bj~ car to u.s. ?? country; ... -er, .proOf \I'S.S not foulid in e. search of pa.pers 1n oUl!ltOml!l that O'NALD left by oar. Error t!lat C!:>iiALD traveled ,,.. '

Th~~ are suppos~d _to b~ 17 attach:~n.ts: where

Hcr.1 c11:1 th~:r ~ .~,c/;i~~re that OSWALD had no ~:Jlitica.l COil":.RCts'l?.'l



• ;,46.

2 J\me

And attac~~nts t? ..

18 J\.lllle 64 the;.-??? SECRET

/ AlSo, Tourist Cards were checked of persons traveling at the sa.rne time: aa OSti'ALD to try . to e15te.blbh any con."lec:tion with him, or cars entering and leaving, etc.~ etc. I To complete this ·investigation, it was establish'!d W·ithout a doubt, that CS'ti'ALD had no contacts in Mexico with per3ons or groups affiliated with politics, I Finally, case closed; file sent to archives. Signed by Lie. Luis ECHEVERRIA.

A!·lE!-ffiJ\S3Y A-1359 - l·iexice.n ~port on Act:!.vities of OS"..TALD While in V.exico - On 11 Apr the Emb d'3l1v"!md to Sec of r'or R'3lation1.1 not".! /,11:34'), dated 10 Apr ()!~, requMtine ri!port. on invenci£t,o.ti"n C')lld•lr.:t.'!d b;t 11/!:d nm.tlr;,mal e.v."lncleo into ac!.'l.'lit."!ll (Ji' -G;.:VIALn. !mb not., aJ.oo Mq,JI'Jl'JI,.,d ca d'!cr•rJ p­tion -:>r t.h., rll'l'MUI"'I'J whtoh vl'.lro Lo.kl'!n b:; t·ll!xi 0(lv, "lt(J, ./ \.ltVlP.r ~,.,..,r 'J(' nr>l,"l //'jOIII'/,~f.,, 11at..,d 111 I'JILY 01, the :.;.,13 or r'or IY'llat1r,n.e r;r·i-1-ixi hau trttnlltn1t.Le1-to 'Ernb e: f.l(,nr1< m••Hno s"ltl.!n 11• forth info:> 111 !'e'-i'~s terj. 'L'Jo..e or1J::; net~ and at.1A!Hlh~1 rrl"!!m" a~- for\\aroed MJ:'I'IIf.1 ~.h, wit.h t.he . requ~el. that th'!y ~ c.a'le to'P:i"!s1d"lr.t 1 5 C.:omm1~3l0n on Aesa.asinat:ton. -,.. .-:ertif1~·1 ccrpj o!: th.e rrexi note ar:d !'!lemo 1B incll.lded for the ~part~nt'e files,'! another certifi~d copy has been· retained in Er.;b fil~s. I Department's attention is 'irawn to the res!!r·.ration that memo· :::ay not be published, b :part or ir1 f·.tll, wi t't:.out the express consent of the r4e.xi GO'r.

lii-li~.A 235k20 - ~xi Gov Report on llction;s Ta2.~n and In~stir_ations f·!ade After the Death of Pres. Kennedy (~ f: ID•F:J\ 2~44:5 - ;:era )11-4 above) Same info e.e para 344 above except the declaration of Silvia JJJRA.IIl about her contact with OS'.vAW (not hint; new).

NO'l'E: vri~ten by CO!J- Thls copy of ti~ Foreign Offic'!'s "~":dited" v.n-Al.on o!" t.ic. Luie P.:C.:itEVF.i'U':TJ\'1 %"!!port '118..!: given to me by LEGA'l' on 2 Ju...,~ 0;. W'3 alread:' have copi'!!B. · (Attacned ts th'!! '!ll'll'!

I"! port as para 346 above. -

A:-:E1·UV\SSY ,"-1461 "Supple:rl!lntary JVex!-ca.n Report on Activities of OS'tiALD (ref: A .'1.359 - pe.nt. '45 above) - Referenced airsra~ transmitted n note ~~d a memo from ~~xi Sec of For Rel on inVestigations, etc. I Supple~n~'irt£; that info, Note N-:). 505503 dated 9 June 1964. tnt.ns'llitting a number of pho~ostatic copies of docu:nents pertinent to this case. The original .,r that note end its annexes are for.?arded here·o'ith, with the request t~at they be made a'la1lable to th"! President's Cor:;:nlssion on the A~;sassil"laticn. .3, certified copy .of the !1e.x1 note lll!ld its a:mexes are ·included for the IP.part-rent 's files, another retaine:! in th!:! Em bass;;. / Department ~e attention is dravn to the reservation that ..• IT.9V' not be published ..• without pemission of 11exi Govermrent. ·

Potomac Cable :Io. :ne. (Unciassified) (Sen" ·.ria wireless file 6-12-61•) - 'l'he Warren Commission -This is e. two :p~e document statinc; thl!l ai;::s of the Con:mission, which wa!l established on 29 Ziov 63, lll!ld that its 1I!JZ::1d: Mport would be published in July 1964.

.550 •.


' ! .

19 J\me .

22 j~ne

21+ ~une ·

... ,-


SECRET fr.EY.I 991~ (raf: . !-1EXI 9031 - not ln VS~IALD file; 8M YAT3K01i P-£'.85) Dt1ring 13ubJ'!ct's (Subject is LIOVAL-1) (Job:: Emil BLA1lliE~lEAC.'E1) 11-12 June 64 trip v1th Sov Consul Pavel Antonovi-ek YAiSKOV-(KGB), lattar ~nticned could do favor for Subj and i~port rifle free of duty from U.S. for-Silbj's hunting interests. Subj casually responded that Y C'JUld pr0be.bly order one from ·K!:EIN dilicount store· Chica.e.o. T'ni3 cauaed So·1 to ask Subj if though O:i'I'TALD actually Pr'!a K' s assassin. Subj ·said definitely belle·ted this true ball iS neva paper accounts. I y ooun~red -. ea.:;ing-d11 not believe OSHALD in·•olv"!d nr.d briefly explained his positlon lJy follr ·"r m"lt 05\ He stormed into r:r;: office and wanted -ne· to introduce and recornr-,end him to the Cuban! He. told Ill'!! that he had lived in the U30R. I told him that I would have to check b-!fore I could re··com~nd him. H~ was n~rvoua and his he.nds trembled, and he et.0~d out of iey office. I don't believe that a 'i!e:rson · 6.ll nervous as OS'n'AI.D, whose hands trembled, couH have ·accurately fi~d a rifle." /Above ·is tull extent of Y's stater:l':!nt as recall'.ld br Subj who did not trJ '!licit further ••••

LEGAT PEPOm:' (filed. in Bulky)

1-iE_XI OC05 (Ref: . DIR 3C9~T- para 3:55 oolo;;) -·Fro·n '.?7 Sept 63 LIEl>'VOY, time late afternoon p::-ior 170r- ':!curs, unider.tifie::l Sov ~a.l~ talkt!d wi';h YATSKOVA. Presu:T~P. male nTSKOV; en:iea::-1n._;

_ ter.lS uaed •. / 2·3 Sept LIE:iYOY a tout 08]7 hrs: !<'..AZAtiTS'EV a peaks .,.,1 th wife, and Yt.r!:3KOV t.h~r: · ta1-}:s -with Y..AV.llTSZVA. Cia': of c-:n:v~rsat ion is tha.'. YATJYQ'l f'aml l:,r, a~compa::i"'d bJ BIIZAP.Ov~;

IL'1d "Y..t.ZAi·lT:::E:V:.i_, .planni:lc_: 'laJ· trip (poeaii)ly to cu~nHl'l!l.r.a) 9.;-J'l tri u.,part. this da'."J ~b"l'lt 11.00 hrti. Fro~ I.ICALI.A 2f.l Zt:lp_t 0:)':'>2 rTr.;: Yru~i l!l.nd wifr:r s.nd Y.A::t,!rf:,'P.Y !5~~1> che.tt1.n!'. rm t"lrr»'c"'!, At 1000 hrs Y .an0 wife ·o~~nt int;() r.ard~!L I.ICALLA did not oteerve U:re-of' Y d'!lpartLJ.I"'! t'ro,, !mh. / Have no reporting ft>r Su.'l, :2? Se;?t. I 3G Sept LILYRIC observed Y enter Sov'Emb in hitJ dip car Ot52 hrs, de parte::! 1416 hrs. LIE!-rlOY 30 Sept re:;::0rts !<').ZJI.trr • .:EV, s~aking with a vis 1 tint Sov, tells Bov call mom 1 Oct and e~a:< ·;Hh Y. / 1 Oct LILYRIC: Y entered Emb 0847, left 1416, LICALLA observed Y at 1104 hrs talking •.tith V9.lent1.n Vaoilyevich EAKUI.L'i arid Alekse:,• Ivanovich G,\?J'li.SHEV. / 2 Oct: !Icc LII.YR!C Y entet"~d Emb OP..-46, l'!! ~t 1106, entered 1120. D!part~d 11:?2 -.. 1 th Oleg Pavlovich ~:OSK'IICHE'l, entered 1128 ·..rith r4, ci~parted 1420 with wife. l.ICALL/\ seen. with m Valeriy Vlrujimlrovich K03TIY.OV at 01'.52, se'!n with Vfileriy Al.,ksandrovich /\NDRIAWW at-1000, S'!(ln with rt:oaf.vichev at 1121;., B·~en -with CAH!':ACllEV at 1 1~02, I F'!!l!ll quHo poBaibl., t.ha' . o:.;WALD'spoke with Y/\'r3KOV baB13 1 Oct 6) l.:ffiNVOY: ~Then.os·..rALD spoke wit.h OlW!DKOV, 03WAi..D said talked with a consul on SG.brday, did'not name K03TIKOV. It was OEY!:DKOV. who aslred eue;~estively if it waa K and 03',TALD Mid yes, po13sibly vithout, thought. Direct HQ.S a.t,!:"!nt5of'l this transcript. Note h9~v~r. KOSTIKCY ha.s dark ha1:r, YAT3KOV l1£ht brovn and very crey at temrh~s.~ _giving .appear:ar;c9 of almost white hair. Could al-ao wdl be that OEmALD f'irst epol.e with KO!::TIKOV who· tumP.rl 03\<iALD over to hi:l boss YATi:.~mv. J\le:o, givlln tho apparent frm.nkn'!'l!l!l

- •.: ·or·r•e discLWeiont'J vii.h l.IOVAJ.-1, particularly hie vjewfl·Stal1n and Khrnehch<'!!V, wo-1ld apt<'~ar

pOasible he told r.-1 truth re OG'w/ILD, at minimum re n~eting O:Jl.:ALD. .



' I.

353. 24 June

See para .~44 and ~48 above. Annexe:~ to C'.Ql~ report??



i. I

SECRET DIR 30547 (Ref: i•!EXI 9948 - 350 a·oove) - PJ s chfl<;:k L!CAT,LA and L!E!lVOY. recorcb t:r-.;1

deter:nine if YATSY.OV vaG in l~e:r.i City during periorl c:;·..rALD theM nnd 1f YATSKOV in Sov . .

E'!lb Sat., ~!8 Sept, day ·o~hich 1)~VALD claimed had viaH~d Emb and tallr..ed to connul (!I!P!XI 7025, 2) llov. - para 32 abo~). Also ca.ble your vie·.rs poss 1.bility OSWALD could have met YATSKOV rather than or in addition to KOS'J'IKOV.

Al·!E1{B.t.S3Y Inco'l'l1ng Telegram Control #72 Preaident'.s Commissioo considers it absolutely necessary publish docu:;~ents suppljed by GOH (with poanlble exception Annex ;), Mllervation sheet of buB ::O'llpany, and·A:1r1~x 5, l!xcept the s~,atements by Nr$. Du.ran and h1,1Bbll!Ki which extre:nely important to Coll"n!.ssion). li!~ You requested contact GO!·I · indicatiri~ above. You f!1S.Y vis!:! el:'lphasize tr.s.t Cc:nr:iss ion desires publish a'! r:1uch info possible, etc. Report ,..ill be p'.lblished at ~nrliest late Ju~ or early Aui...,;.st. FYI Substa.ntiall~ all info in doeu!'len~~s supplied by GOH had also been supplied Corr.;:Jission by other 'sources., etc. • etc.

riOl'E on abo\"et Underlined "ether sources" LIENVOY 'l Also - Arnb will request frorn '·Foreign Hinister. Sie;ned COS

DIR 3336e - Call Station '!ltte;;tion to IE'Pl'EL 23 dated 2 July to !~xi (para 35!.. above) dealing with cO>r.mission intention publish most of docs ~co!ived from'C0?-1. Station may wish·monitor reply to protect any of its cps int':lrests.

THE !E"viS b:: Holmes Alex.and':lr - Doubl'!-Cc'.'!ck, datelined '.iashington Nugh AynMvorth, a friend of Ale:r..a.'!de r, will publish e.n;,· th«e CO!mliS:J ion omits. Ayn'!sworth he.R b'!,n co:viucting a parallel 1nvest.isa;;ion of t,es'!.imony, affidavits vd ballistic re~ort's, ••••• 03~1.1\L::l's own vords shO".r him in his vacillating· loyalty, swinzing to th.,:C.,..,munists. O.."ld then svinging back to his naUve cot:.ntry. l,.,"hen he vas pro-R•J.Ss ian, he tock mon'!y froo 'the Soviet secret I'olice. Wr~n he • .. as pro-American, he W!l.l'l able to raise money for home­ward passa.g'!l a.t the American Err:bassy. Jl.ynesworth claimed that the fil FBI knev OS'I'iALD to be a .potent,ial assassin. And FBI agent is quoted as t.elling thl!l J::lallas police on 22 Nov. "We knew h~ vas capable of ansassinating ~he President, but ~ didn't dream he would do it. eto., etc.

AHEHBAS_SY· Outgoing Telegra:n, Control 955 - GORCSTIZA told me the.<:. GOM hu no objection to publica.ti<Xl of all docu:nents '!.:r.cept. statement of Hrs. Duran ( 5 mentioned in G0!-1 Note 505503 dated 9 Ju."le 1964) (see pan :;48 - a.nnexeB miss 1ne). Publisation wo,tld 'b-!t '!r.tbsrressing to GOi•i bec9.u:J.e of ex~nsivi, questioning of :·irs. DurM, etc. / I I!Ui!..eest.ed t.hat Moth~r wa:; of handling problem wo,lld be for GOR05TIZA to· i'ndir.:ate parte of Duran _,'~ stJJ.t'!munt, publication of which vo•.lld be particularly f!mbarra.ss1ne t.o G0!1, wil:h view to deleting tl.,llf.l from publillood doc•ll'fll!nt. GO!I1XJTIZA sg~ed to re-r.!ad docum!nt with this in view..... · ·


!161. 20 Al.lg

Check tbeae refs.



• 1:

. :


i :.


SECRET :Memo of Tel CooVl!!rsation betveen F:>rei(:;ll tiecretar.r GOROS'TIZA and Minister Boonstra • GoROC?TIZA eave permiaeion to publ1.lh all of' 'l'.be documents concerning OOWALD, including

, that document lio. 5 reia.ting to Silvia ·ronAN •••••

At>ZMBASSY Outgoing Telegi'Slll #122 from Alllb Freeman to Sees tate advising info :l.n pam 358 above.

Memo of Ccmversation between Amb Jos'.!! GALl.ASTEGUI, Secretariat of Foreign Relations, and Boonstra - Note !roo Ga1 c:l.ated 23 July 64 stated permission given to publiall all info on omtALD case, but omitwd Docutrl'!nt f~ (on WPAN). GALL.ASTEGUI sald note bad been written 'before ,dicision vas made to permit publ1all1ng info em DI.JRAN, to :return note and another 'would 'be sent ••••

AMEMBASSY M!:dco to Dept of State - PermiSsion to Publish DocWDents 011 OSWALD· with attached Note lio. 50TI94 from Gat¥ •••••

MEXI &il (P.afz WAVE 0767 • 19 Aug 64 - 1. 19 Aug Ko:JUMP Boustoo advised KUJUMP WAVE ·:area of f'oll: A. Oscar RODRIGUEZ Molina DPOB 10 rae 29 Je.ruco, Havana. effected Black

Riyer crossing t:rom Me::r.1 to Brov.ns·tille, Te.xa..s, 18 Aug. B. SubJ picked up by and in cu.Sto:iy OOORGE Br'Oimsville. C. Subj clailllS visit PBRM z.<.ay 61 for fev months then returned PBR'tJ'I>i:im with fe.."' D. Worked food. ration dept PBRIDIEN tmt1l 64 voon arrested for counter OO'mJG-l ac,tivities. E. W Ue 1n jail approx 21 days vas recruited by CIS for alleged miss ian abroad. F. Subj when pic};ed up during above river crossing re-quested talk with

, ODYOY.E intel rep. 2. WAVE oending Wilfred 0. CLOWER to :S:ouston/Brov.nsville contact • KOJUMP Houston and 'assess Subj B::-O'.msville order further determine nature CIS mission. ; locus same and possibla OP vis.bility case. 3. · WAVE traces posa:!.bly iden SubJ. previously 'fo:rva:rded 8ddees. BELL 1959, 29 Feb 61; "'MEXI 7479, 2 61; WAVE 4375, 10 Mar 61:

-; MEXI 7599, l2 May 61 and WAVE 6)82, 23 Hey 61. Local OOORr.E/OIENVY traces pending. 4. Request e.ddi!e traces ••• ) Station troces reflact Oscar RODRIGUEZ Molina arrived Me xi from ; Eava '22 Jan 61. Gave contact address lr1dependencia 17. (LIFI~ B/Doc) MEXI Ill 7026, 23 Nov

1 63 ECHEVERRIA asklld COS for all info on Subj. Said bad bearl1 on reA1o FNU RODRIGU!"l Molina ; pici'.ed up cd!lnection OPFLCOP. and RODRIGUEZ a Mexican.

: DI~ 4.705,8 • 1. FYI. We are informed by Warren Ccmm rt.nri::ua OOWALD bas very reoently provided 11 odd1Uonal docwr~<mt.a.:ey materialD perta.ining to late b.1J.nband'1.1 ~xi stay. To wits Map of Maxi cite crmt.aining loca.tion narks and a. ~xi cite TV guide, Our underatanding that vary detai-led s~'.l.rch of I' I"lflid>!lnoe in JAI.Uo.~. has ooen c<7ildul'lt.<e1 by !ILptlrr.>priato e.ut.hority and

: otMr MV!ir::tala with oo~ring '00 Ca.BO M'l'll ll'lCll prixhuoed. OVIDrlr ball forwarded it rep Me.xi I aopieB or map.l!l.lld other unepo!eit'ied ma.V!rriJ.als on or about 29 Aug. il'e hAve be.,n assured 1 eopieo rro!!l Comitliaaion and will forward for your· info eo ones t. May well be that· lm al OIJEHVY rep vill bring this up vitb. ybu on hie ciw. / Appa:rentl.y none of this nev info significantly alters prev1ous conclusions ·re OSWALD's stay. · ·


368.'. 10 Sept

for detaUs,. or e:pp11ca~_icm, .&H :attachment


!170. 16 Sept


}71. 16 SePt. .\

!. ! -. ·-

~_ECRET DIR ~7423 - Rave reed from Wal"X"E!n Collltl for and comment photo copy OSWALD Cu'llla a.~pllcation Maxi 27 Sept 6;>. C0111m reed photo copy of document from Cubans vi& l:ritliC ·and ODACID 1n .past we-ek. I OSWALD's Bigtllltura being analyzed here. Doc'UJ'D191nt bears mn.rut 1.18cr1pt notation OSWIJ:.D's address Me:xi poos1bly ma.d!l by B1lv1.~ DliAAN. We require urf?f,lntl:t l;l&ndt writing sn.mpli!s 'ruAAJh Signature mini:111Jm, prefer llu·~~r ao.mple 1f available. AlbO desire original ~ )ut photo COJJ'Y will do if tb.rit all you .bave, I Pouching soonest FYI photo copy doo. .

MID': I 0805 (P.efs DIR 47423 - para }61~ s.bove) - Ilex·t po--lch 8 89pt, Will f'or4'!1.rd phCitOS of I:JJHA.R lliii,T•O.ture ~l:r whicb. ill all V? hnv~ at. prgn•:mt. Att,.,m, obt.dn lArf'.OI" a~)Jit tr0111 Ll'mMPOo, \ol:l.ll adviD~. (At.ta'.lt_.,d to cahl~ in photo of ~JIIAR' G aiq141otun7)

HMWI 24280 - 'l'rarulmitted herewith. are two photoete.tio samples or DJRAR's lllignature.,

· MZMO FOB TliE lECORD ~ COS ~ Rqs 1s in urgent need of handwriting JJpeci~nta or Jl1RA.Ii •. ACTIOl!l: Get LIKAYAK/2 to have LIHUD covera..>G put on IlU1!.A.N urgentl;y and tcy to get some fast speciments.!.

m«oJ 128....~ - Tb:! attached docur.~ents and translation, provi.Jed by ODAcm. are FYI. The· Wan-eli Com:D bas ·decided ·not to coofroot M...-s. WPAN with the copy or OSWALD's visa application, · therefore, no ·actioo by !>~xi .with respect to the paper'u d~sired ·at 'this time.

Attached 1s the translation of' the visa. application of OSWALD, 1n vhicb is stated "Planned date or arrival in Cubo.r Septe.mber ;o,· 1963"

BK'1A 2l~:;o4 - Attached is another copy of IURAN's signature, furnished by LI'.!EMPOi4 who is searching for additional l:ts.ndvrltiog speciments of OORAJi •• I Station CM. put Lll.ruD_ coverage em DURAii. • • • • · ·

DIR 49619 (Ref MIXI 0805 - para 365 above) SlawBon of Warren Comm 1ll ditlcu.asicm OORAN's handwriting aample'.e.sked if info available re current stat<e her morale, attitude, CIJ.rrent employme::1t statua. I FYI only, HQS l::elieves cor.:unission may seek to have OO'R~N certify abe compiled OSWAI.J)'s visa application kapers s~pplied by GCC through Swiss. I :Req:.ll!lst Sta fUl"' ASA'£ available info re situation and outlook Wll.AN •. Suggest ;you not cc:nsult Mex1 officials at this time.

I'IIR 49941 - Warren Coom asks for aey subste.ntitive data which can be cited in published report' as authoritative source of allet;ations that J:JlTRA.F. and her busb&nd wre or are meaibers of the. Coa:runist party. / Cot1lll attorney Slavs on recalls that both COO and CIO!ENVY referred · to these allegations· during his vis1 t to Mexi. / Fls advise by return cable vbetner any doeUl!J!lnts.ry or other evid~nce exists or can be attributed to Meld :police I!Liltboritiee. In her deposition Jl1RAl'{ denied such C)!aibersllip.


. 3TZ· 18 Sept 61.

19 Sept

2:2 Sept

376~ 23 &.tpt Check MJHPJ!:nscBn.m'

SECRET :o:m 50732 (Ref': HMMW 12889 -·para. 368 above) Request Station cable its opinion authenticity visa aprlication. Also, if' available or possible promptly procure, desire other samplee or blMkB for cO!ll'J:)arisoo and possible a.ut~ntication. Does statio::1ery of' Havana •s response check out with any available exemplars'?

MIDCI 0930 (Ref: D:m 4.9,619 - para ;no abO'V<!, and DIR 49,9l!.l - para 371 abO"te) - coo checked· with Ll'lEM?O 4 wh.> personally participated in interrogation of OORAl'f re OSWALD. A. Her f'ullna::Il'! is Silvia Tirado Eazan dg JXi'RAN. :S:usba:ld's neme is :S:oracio OORAN Jlavarro. :a. At tiae or 1:lterrogat1on by Mexi authorities on OSWALD case botb. DURAN and b.l.B band denied they ~re t:en:ibers of' the POl, PPS or any Ccmmie o::- ~1arxist froo.t groups. C. :Both stated they "believed completely 1.n Marxist Leninist principles and tried to live as Marxists". ·D. LI'JD·!PO 4 stated "No MeJ;i has worked for Cuban Emb in Mexi since 1959 who is not a completely convinced CCIC!l:::Ulli.St." ••• E; Both Silvia and b.\.13 band were· listed in LI'I'EMPO 4 organization's · u Cc=unists, members of PCM. This h011ever D.ot reaeuable in doc~.~~Dentary' form. / Hore..cio continues to 1.1\'e at Av Constitcyentes #143-3, but Silvia b.a.s disappeared. Husband to se-.y where sbe is; ce,rely etates ! "She is out of M!!xioo". Whereabouts unkna.rn to LI'mMPCS for SCI'lle three & weeks; .believed to 'be hidden by Cubans. I LITEMPO 4 reports that Silvia. ! not.vorked since detention on OS'I'fALD ca.:~e. Does not know present status her n:orale bu~ beliews she still frightened, very pro-Castro, pro Commu .• "l1st and anti-1J3A and a.nti-~rl police authorities. I Koracio kept up pg.ymet•ts on rent, light biH.e and see~ tc. live &a vell as ev-er; SO'J.rce of his income !:JYStery to LI'!'ElJIPO 4. I LrmMPO 4 actively hunting Silvia. and will proYide any info to COS.

!«XI .0969 (Ref: DIR 50132 - p:Lr&. 372 above) STATION does not have exemplars available for ei:xnpar:l.son 'With ref visa application. Type fe.oe matches that of other docucents from Emb. We~ 1m:;>ression of top of lover case letter "E" also, appears in document fi"'fll corrrner1ea.l office of !!l'.b apparently prepared on same typewriter u visa. form. Stationery used for letter from Rabana. appears gen-.J.ine. :Both docU~:~ent'~ have a.u·thentic flavor. Atwmpting' obtain bla.:ak visa application for compariSon. I LITAMIL 9 recently Mceived letter from r.fl!roy MARI'D:EZ who a~tually signed lett'!!r from Rabana. Will cbAck signatures when L-9 locates lettex-.

-·!lllM\l 12~31 (Ref: ID1j\'ll\ 243o4 - pe.ra. 369 abm-e) - We appreciate tbe of'f'4lr to put L!MIJD on Silvia. but do not reel 1t necessary since b.a.nd'l."l"iting investigation can nov be considered COIIIPleted. ·1 All Rqs co:.nponents involved in GPFLOOR v1sh to expreaa their appreciation •••••

AMEMB Outgoing Telegram #619 - Ernb 1s Lege.t ha.s copious file on George de MOllRENSCJULD'l'. Legat advises 'that all info :l.:n his file is also on had at FBI, 'W'asb.. (Note by COS: Clark Anderson says this fellow vas once thought to b.sve been involved 1.n OSWALD case.)


2~ Sept:


lden of Ameriean·entering.Sov lmb?tf

}78. 2~ Sept '



25 Bept

·,26 Setp: \. "


SECRET DIR 519}7 - COO vill ~call that seveml I>hotos of' unidentified ;oerson were bandc:arried by LEGAT of1'1cer to Dal.l.e.a on about 23 Uov to a..Ssist 1n invest:ig,at.i<:Kt. Soon after OSWALD's arrest 'llld prior to h.ia murder by RUBY, cropp3d p~oto of this man vas shown by the FBI to OSWALD's mother ;rho·diBcle.imed any kna.t~dt;e. / After OSWALD's death his mother publicly claimed the FBI had shcr.rn her a photo of FlJBY prior ~peat prior to the killing of her scm. When ~in ·copy, cropped differently, she stated it not identical with the one show her the first tbe. / :Because o!' this publicity Warren Co= will publish copies of both photoEr·amccg documents reyed to its su...-vey of FBI pes tcrime handling •• ,f Report to be released 2o Oct ••••• (Note written by COS: God! 'I'bie vas of to~tgh looking American type going into Soviet Bmbaasy. Do you have copy of photo? Did we ever get identity?)!:X.I lOll (Raf: DIR 51937 - para 377 ahove) - Sta.tioo unclear &B to purpoSe served by publi­cation photo of person not even involved this carle. • •.••• / Caru:lot p~dict security effect of' publication •••• ./ Station wishes forewarn basehouse operators for hoe tile reactions. Will clear ~ three affected bases of all tech equip:rent for indefinite pericx:J. just prior to publication. / May Station no a:ater1al originating LIPZAT or LlENVOY to appear? ••••

MEXI 1018 (3ef: A. DIR 52398 - pe.ra. )bO Um below: B. f<ID:I llOll - pe.~ 378 above} Refa obviously crossed •••• /Only re:r.:e.ining hope voul.d e.W'!la.r be to get ASC!AM prevail on Coam not only 'retouch background in photos but f;J..s o retouch face to degree obviously not identifiable vith RUElr'b'.lt also not with actua.l subj of photo. / If neither suppression nor effective alteration possible, Station e\.-e.cun'lz'l LDUTED, LILYRIC, LICA.LLA, recent LICO\tiL tion and Lil·lES.A properties of all gea.r on plla.sed basis, ••••• evacuating LIQNIOll bas'S house ~ sending oocupe.nts Wlf&y for ii":!e'k on pretP.Jxt •• ~ ••.

DIB 52398 (Ref:· DIR 51937 - ~ra 371 above) - ••• Each photo shcr.ns same unide~tif'ied man. One closely cr0pped, otber cro:p_p:!d but with enough background to el.,a.rly identify Sovemb main gate .......... .

BIIJG 3734 -'Enclosed are copies of tba two photographJJ -mentioned in DIR 5l937 (para 371 above) and G11bsequ.ent cable.

DIR 52714 (Ref's M:e:XI 1018pa:ra 379 above) OiENVI showed her spread but Subj photo on'3 which att:rar:ted &tte'ntion. Comm adamant needs photo to utablish chain of evidence. Doubt other ph()tOS will be publiBbed. OIB!i\'"Y told her nothin.g ~ identity or origin of' photo • • • • • We have a.ssura:lce from Con.-:1 staff baclr.ground detail.s of. photo will be obsca~d·. / Bevertbeleas. believe prudence dictates eq:Upa:ent shoulll be removed from insta.U.ations ·in­cluding L.D-ESA •••••

DIR 529~9 (Ref: DIR 51937 - para 317 above) Foll tis pertinent excerpt i':rom Warren Comnu "Affieavits obta.ined from the CIA and from the two FBI agents who trir:med the photographs

..•••• Origillal photo had b!en tal'.en by the CIA outs~de of the u.s .•... Copy of book being · ha!:!dcarri.ed lr,/ KmGHAli. {note by COS: I suppose w:e ~lax, let happen vb.atewr happens!)



28. Set ~ "bb!ok this bio data em .~J '-'. ': -

28 Sept

29 Sept

:50 Sept

:50 Sept

5 Oct

5 Oct

. ' '

,· ! i



i j I

SECRET Mlm) from ISGAT: Oscar RODRIGUEZ Molba - Cuban

M!XI lo40 (Ref: DIR 52929 - para 383 above} Request.KI:l'l'GM.A.l'l carry annex with photos-. Staticm sl.ready has basic :report, obtained thr:.a chief PBS'iiiNG 26 Sept.

(PRO~Y ~FEcL\L CR.II.RNEJ..) (Ref1 .DIR 52774 - p:u·a·382 1\bove) l'!tr ref, opera.ticms suspended in LDESA o.s of 1 i07 hrs 28 ~~opt · 64 ·ani all gear removud sa:·:ll!l dll.l·.

' '

' 'nm Im'WS - Inside 'Wasll:l. gtcm - Mystery of O.SWALD'o 6 Dli"YS in Mexico? by Ro't:ert.S. Allen s.nd. Paul Scott - ••• the :reason far the ~eyaterious ~xi trip of OSWALD •• / Infomat:l.cmal gap about OSWALD's eight days in Mexico •••• I While reporting that OSWALD e11eaped surveillance during lllUCL of his tie::dcs.n visit, the corrMissior vill revea.J.. that the "limited" observntions by u.s. a.nC. Hexi intelligence au.tb.or!.ties clearly indicate the trip involved more than an effort to obtain a visa for trav-el to :::u·oa and Russia. • ••• the surveillance failure vas a mjor U.S. blunder, since e. nu:nbsr of government ageneies had advance notice that OSWALD planned ·to go to !lls::dco. • •••• .It vas iuring these fateful eight da_vs ths.t U.s. authorities lost trace of {)S"..;.ALD. although t.b.e CIA t."&S prel.-aroed to keep a careful check on OSWAU:I because of his 'coonectioo.s with the Fair Play for Cuba Coornittee •.••• {Note bl· COS: \w"llat a fals~ s taternent·n) · ·

i nm 53264 {Ref: ME:XI lo4o - para 355 above) Pls see pali:'ft. four nm 52398 (para· 38o above)

' Mr. due retum 30 Sept and photo in question not sent to pri:lt pending b:l.s return and discussions with us. / Will forward :Pertinent ap:IJe::ld:l.x e.a soon as available·.

rt.El/.0 FOR TEE FILES from COS; S~bject: Wa::'I"'!n Commission P.eport - I sent cop~s of' the Warren COO!l!l Report (book) to: DIAZ Ordaz, LIElZGAllT and Mr. :Bu~ll Goodricl:l., I I also g:~k.ed tM.t ECBEVERRIA be sent a. copy t'rorn the Amb. lit! l:!a.d been "" 'by'LEGA'l'. I I retained 'a copy tor the office. I All of the above are without appendices.

DIR 5~271 -.Calley proofs received from.Conm 2 Oct. Pouching 4 Oot. Background is completely blacked· out. J .Also learned that all appendices will be made publlc s:l.niultaneously somet!

·in Nov. This is cll&nge in schedule given in DIR 52398 { 38o above)./ lou my visb e~odifY timing and plMnins of ~;&XI 1018 ( 379 abov-e

, ; BM:•iil 12963 - Enclosed are th'.! galley proofs of 2 photos mentioned in IiiR 5427l (para ~90 above} ,

.. : EXC3LSIOR- Advertising TV program "The Mconsti".ICtion of the Anaas:l.nat1on· of' Pres. JFK." · · ·~ · ·- -' e.xcl1JSive pictures of tt.e FBI; coor...oent.ary - Agustin BA.PJUOS Goliez ·



}94. 6 Oct

396. 8 Oct

Who io lliOurc_e'l'l' What ii:lto did_~ get," frOID ·i:H.~ '· ir.lri M'JJJ·c 01111

,aoes'!arcll this.

SECRET MDI ~0 - Per L!!IIVOY ~ Se'pt Silvia OOHIIJI 1nfol"!Il'!d Raul. FZRnRA of Cuban lm'ba.ssy that she M.d. been o::a -an excul"llicn v1t.b. s~ stud~nt.a to Isla !liujeree and Merida. PER!YRA who recently ·returned from Cuba said Ev..aeb1o JIZCUE sent greetings to Silvia,

HM!':A 244-6) (~f: A. Bllll1\of 1281::.9 - p;tra. 368 c.bove1 J. D:IR 50732.- para 372 above; c. MExi 0969 - p;tro 374 above) l. Attached for RQS are: An item dated Jan 64 recovered from C.ub Emb by LITAil'iT/2 which rray be•ve be-:!n prepared en the 'latne typ!! U.llled to' prepare :the visa a:p-pl1catioo form of R?.f A; and. 3 Xerox copies of the signature of· Mercy ~rr.EZ (l".ercedes ~tARTDJ!:Z del CU.e·~o} talr..en fro;n a letter froo her ;o LITAMI!..-9 dated Sep1;. 64. I Mercy MARI'DJZZ is listed by Cub For Min as Sub-Director or the Secretariat of the Ministry. Her iomediat'!> superior is Juan .~!In:& l'Ulo Cfll!:RO Rodriguez for vb.orn she signed the letter of Ref A. I It i.s requet>ted :that every ef-fort be made to insure that ttl! attachmnts are handled in such a vay as to protect LITAti!IL-9 'and the LlTA:mi'-2 trash operatio:l fro~ compromise. (No atte.cb.=r.nts)

J!lii!:MO :FOR FILES from CDS r On lt B'!!pt 64 I aw.r Ll'lZMP0/4 v'ho advised that a. Silvia WRAJ!l, at t1!'l11!1 ·she WfUI qu:est1ooe1 e.bout 03\oi'ALD ~nied that she or her husband li'I1S ·a member ot the COOIIll1e Party, tee PP3 or on:t other Commie or Marxiat ori')Wization. ~r hl.ll.lband, wtwn questioned at ttw e~ time, gave the sa.m repli..,a. b. Silvia and busba.rld arlmitted they bel1e·l'!!d 'in fl'.ar:x1sm, ·tried to live so as t.o "conform to Marxist/Leninist theories". Silvia said "I_a.'%1 a l".s.rxist". .c. SUvia lla.s di.ilappee.:red from her home; Rorac:!.o cla.i11'18 he does not k:noii where an.t :L.a. He to live at Av Constitu:>·ent.ea 143-3 and is a.ble to pe.y r!!nt., lig,hts, etc. /'L!:I.'£MPOI4 said be could be quoted as saying that "no 1-'Jex:!. except Comt:.mista !:lad worked .for the Cub Emb in Mexi since .Jan 59".

Tl:m liEWS - Pillion Insists OSWALD is Collsbore.tor 1n Red Network - by Bobert. S. Allen .a.nd ·Paul l)cott: ••••• Docu.."'ll!mts delivered to tl:.e archives vtwre the papers will be e.vatlable -:!.1' they d() _not disappear - to :researchers. future in'matigators and students of history • .- •••• Pillion '...raced OSil'ALD's activities in the Sov Union, his clcee association with the

:_KGB, his marriage to the ni-ece of a Lt. ColmJel of tb.e Soviet MVD, e.nd his later v-isits to· · ~xi, reportfrtg: " ••••• Upon arrival in Sov Unior., OS"wAI.D voluntarily be~ -associated

vitb. tbe Sov S~cret ·poiice (KGB). • •••• wb.ihc is respoosible for ~eru1ting and training of a~nts. 'for sabotage.;., inci telll!!nt of riots and other forms of terror ••••• Y.GB. ar:t"l!!llged P:re!SS er.inferencea ·w publicize OSWALD's defection. then provided a job for bim in the s~et W!tal shop of a radio fa.ct_ory in l<li,nsk. OSWALD was not a skilled sheet metal vormr. HiS job was a clerical job of "checker". This vas a sham cover Job. OSWALD vas given a 5,000 r,tble lump .sum pa::;ment pric.r to going to Minsk. Thereafter, he received 700 rubles p:tr month as vagee and a.n additional 700 ·rubles per raontb from tb.e KGB. 'l'h" 700 ruhle .pa:t=t f:ro::t the KGD wa.a falsely rcprerJented M emanating frlm the Sov R'!ld Crou. '!'be, l,4oo rublo.t ~ontbJ.:t inc~ of OOWALD v~~~t~ conrfA!t.t1'1.ble to aal.o~n'";{ of rngr or tM fo.ctoey v~re he wormd. Y.G.B prov1,4ed OS'JALD with a BCI.I.r:'!e an4 c:ornp41.rat1vecy lU.XI.U'iOUS ape.rtment in Mtuk for a P':-iod of more than t~o • !.)£CHEf , ---· -.

10 Oct~

}98. l2 Oct

Cbl!ck·E1ena GARRO



·' . ! '


Why ct vas this not· sent. to RQS t~

400. l5 Oct


! '"

SECRET .M!Xl 1191 - Or. 9 Oct LICOW'L-l reported e.s folla 1 Oct Aleksey Ivanovich GARMASKOV (deputy ·KGB·:'I!IBictent Mexi) esJr.Dd L-1 re availab1ly e.pts immediate v1c1r.1ty LIMERICK installation, ··and specif-ically asl'.!!!d abo•!t qua~ru abovo L-1 a tore. L-1 d..,acribed quarters which too small for nove. GABMA3HOV (G) added tvo or nearby apt bl.dga and ref'ua"d rent to .Sovr.. L-l th<m volunteered try rent apt in biB for Sovs which G accepted. / Later same day L-l discovered tvo apto being vacated 15 Oct in some bldg which! (uoknovn to L-1) LILYRIC which Sta reactivated 8 Oct. on 9 Oct G agl\in visit.ed L-1 after being inforned or· vae&at apts and stated he would like to see larger of two aptR. L-l escorted G to apt tcr.> floor vtuc_:h G i:lspected closely. L-1 reports G look.ed ou.t front window l!tb.ich faces LIMBRICK for extended pericd. L-l noted that activ.tty inside LIMERICK compouod could be seen from this poil:it. After ins.pection, G stated no-:. ir.terested because apt dirty and ':!id not have

· or cars. (L~l notes that Sovs a'lll! bldg had no garage prior to G inspection tour.) lleves above is concrete indication Sovs looking for likely KUBARK photo base sites.

LILYRIC is one. ·or eight or nine e.pts vllicll 90uld give same coverage as LILYRIC. No possible :anticipate what Sov next step will be nor timing. Request Hqs comment& on security

su.rrouoding report ~ms priro to their relea.s.e and possibility so .... a have already obtained .copies: I . . .. . . ·

MEMO FOR TBE.EECORD fran Flanner-J (C/CA) -Elena GARRO tol.d Eunice Odio (who relayed to , TICHBORN on 9 Oct) that she and her duaght'r -were invited te a party at the Cuban Emb duruig ; tb.e period sb.e nov finds out that OSWALD VM he~ in Mexi prior to the assassination. Sba

. v~ i.!lvited by e. Mexi secretfiu-.r in the Cub Emh vhose husband is a couEJin· of the GARRO ·" fao.ily (Horacio O:l'RAN??7?). At the par'ty, she sa·., three Gringos, nc-.t .drinking, not mixing,

and .more 'or less just standing around together like "three bumps on a log". Tb.ey·vere so ; obvioUslY· out of place, she &Sked someone ·in the Cub Emb about tb.em and was told that '"they vere just ·~sing ::C:.:: tb...-ough". She cui::;s thir.t c:: e.:::coun.t of tho '1-:e.y these three gri11gos stood,'out ;ohe took a good long look at them as did her daughter. When assassination occurred and ~WALD's picture vas spread into the newspapers, both Elena and her daughter immediately

. said t~t he \I'S..S one of tb.e three gr~os "without a doubt" e,'i,; the pa.rty.

:Bote coveriJ:Ig 'above memo to COS: Do you want me to send the gist of this to Hqs? COS wrote t I Yes. but _we should fc:>llov up first. Flann!'ry then vrote: Nothing further.

i DIR 56876 (~f: MEXI 1191 - para 397 above) Rqs has no evide:::~.ce that Sow advance copy . i of p!loto. Coc:n sources assure us its copy of photo furnished by the FBI has also been j a.ltered to b}.ack out the backgroun.d. At present. the Sil.!lex is scheduled for release , mid !ov. / Considered opinion h:!!re is that Sov action per .ref woul.d aeem to 'be a logical Cl ; step &S a precautionary on OO.sis cf publisb.ed cocm report. That e. thorough : security SIU'\"SY sho~d be do::te at this tia.e either on Sov Emb 1s awn initiative· or on request · frOC!I Mosccv iB not ~t all SUI"pr1s1•"lg, independently of ~ specifice contained in COID!!I report.

., '~

401. 21 Oct~


4o2. 25 1!1ov ' ..

4o4. 25 1!1ov


.29 1!1ov

. ':

' ; '


. . s Tlm !®iS - Inside 'Washington CIA 'Withhe . Intelligence from Wa:rren COII'J!fliss:!.on - by Ro~rt s. Allen and Paul Scott - .... Despite the cOOJmission'e written request for all docU~~~ents that might shed light on the assassination, CIA failed to turn M"!r a national intell1e.--ence estimate varning that it is Kremlin policy to remove Western officials who actively oppose Soviet policies, titled "Soviet Strat!gic Executive Action" ••••. McCone furnished the Comm

. with tile CIA's secret surveile.nce reportq on OS'..TALD's eight daya in Mexi. before aasassination, ; 1nclu1ing d!tails of 03WAI.D's contact vith the hu.d KOB ag,.,nt in the Sov Emb thel""t., ••.

· · R.b.: Invest.i!'.atol'1J also are trJinv. to cl.,uermir:o why too CIA 1n 1.ta pre-auauinaticm r<'llport - . to ths Utll.t'!! l'.l'lJ;>!lrtrrnrat r.m OO~AM>'s trip t.o li'.l7..1 !!.ll'l'! cl'ltB.!ln 01oly f;f Ll!~!i acr~•ll,r~r''* vlnl.l.

t.o u~., ar.~v IJ:rnb QJlfl tlfll. t,tlfl Gut... !l!mu. ';!J\ t11•1 rwt '"V'Jf'!, 1.1!111 l~t.1AU' vit»J.t IUfl,l.l lt.I'I.<!St' t.h.., · fl.lliHUiainc:&, (In rt~~ Mll'11o' in \.h.lil notAis Who talked to t.MII4 euyll7 - &bout l.M . fleoret surveillance report11 - o.nd Ann1e G. w~1tea Tll" caller from the Cub !mb vas unidenti­

.' fied until HQP sent traces on OS'<IALD and voices compared by P!Ili!OLAS_S.)

; NEW ·yoRK TIM3S Plot Idea Studies by "iarren Group - Doubts f'.o.y Remain Ill!lspi te Exhaua t1 w . Examination - 26 volumes of Comm data releas~d yesterday include, lengthy test;imony by a member ; of tile Jobn Birch. Society ..... na~d ~vilo P. Oliver, professor at University c>f lllinoie. ; " ••• cover up for Co~Jnist Conspiracy~ •••••• Article carries picture which. was shewn to ! OSWALD1s mother ••••• Comm found that the picttlre was of an unid!!!mti:fi~d man in a. foi'ei191 · country v~ t.h sbom th'! CIA thought OSWALD might have been usoo1c.ted •• , ... Tho111.M B. Bu.oh.llnan ! who wrot..e .). "Who Kl.llid Ker.r:ed..:r" o.nd ll!nrk JAne, a N.Y. lawyer vho YU briefly Mro,. I'J:.lWALI)' 1:1 i la·.ryor (mot.Mr or 0:3\<//J..D). LaM ded tm:d to diecl011e ne.tlll!l of hi a l &lli;;:~d informant, •••

l DIR 666oo (P.ef: DIR 54271 -para )?0 above)Firet picture and l"!! of' "Margt.terite'e

I, ~tory" e.pp-,a.r on 19 of 25 Nov iauu.e of N.Y. Tir!J!Ia, / FY'I: kcll;ground in all copies. of original photo in Comm's poaseesion obliterated, .


II ~Zr-10 FOR THE FILES from COS - Subs J1me COlm - On 24 Nov 61+ LIHUFF/l reported t.hlll foll

wbieh he bad learned from LICHANT/1: a. The for'l1l!lr wife of Octav1o PAZ rents a. room to an : American Coril:ni.Clia t, June COBB. f<!ra. l'AZ is afraid of Miss Cobb who broke legs and smashed

ribs of a. pet cat..... b. COBB is p:~orniocuous and slllleps Yit.h rrYJn, ... / c. Mrs. PAZ I believes COBD my have been "planted" on h~r by .... Mrs. PAZ tried to talk to ! Robert Kennedy. vhen he was here to tell him she had personally m"!t OSWALD at roRAN's hoWIIe : •••• PAZ reported thio info to Amerlc!m cfficia,l of Emb who sai<i he YO.S Wa_:rren Comm rep •.•••

i Rafa.el LOZAJ!I'O with Dudley OOUST. DD just got back. DD ta.ll<ed to TELLO a.rx1 asked h:l.m LIFEIIT . : about OSWALD. OSWALD was here this ye:ar. About. the OSWALD 1nci1ent, the ro..rgh1ng up business

: 1.8 nor.tSI!Itlm! and thr.! :reason they rejecl.ed the Note Of COUI'Ile Wall becaUJie it WO.S not ·passed ; in the formal way and wes Just a rude n~. HI'J {TELLO) does-not think H-vu-wry ser1ou.e,


2} Dec Warren ,.omm De_~rt. ...



.i I

See para 179 ·above.

Wu this never checked out.'n'l --- "' : ===~ .




412. ll Feb.

See para ·376 above on· MO~tt..l:7r.

i 1• SE

"~ ~(}1~8 .. At.!.Mh!!d ie 01'11'! Sl!lt or t.he liiJarl lt;~~ ji!Jrt.. (A!, t.o.~~hrr~ut 11'1 po.nt. If(;'( 1.., lc1t)


noript,n llind ,gxhih1ts of thl!t Wl'ul"&n Comm

BK D 4726 - Warre.o Coomiallion 'l.'entimohy - f~lected Excerpts

BMMW 13244 (Ref: !GOA 3171, 2 Nov 64 - r1ot 1n file; not abstracted) Attachec.i is a eopy of a ~l to the FBI reporting an incident which might be connected with the. a.eea.saino.tiOD •••

---- · .. (attachment itJ para 409 below) . l<IEMJ TO FBI t'ro:n WOFAC'l' - An untested source recently furnished us with tbe foil· info b.e allegedly received fra:n a. well known Cubm scientist and on 23 Nov·63, but which he had forgotten to report. The ~lease of the Warren C011111l Report re:ninded him' of the inci­dent. I Th~ scientist said he had been at the Havana airport. on afternoon of 22 Nov 63 when at rtoo hrS an aircraft vith Mexi markin~s J.anded and parkl!!d at far side of the field •

. TWo men. whom he reco~ized as Cuban 5I 'gangstera" alighted, entered rem.r entrance of i· .,cim1nistrat1on bldg and vithout going th:roue-.h no:rm!Ll customs procedures. His

curiosity vas aro·m~d. and he vu able to learn that the aircraft had ji..U!t arrived from DalJAe, ~xas. via Tijuana and T>".exi City. Tl~ pane had ~en forced to lAnd at TijWlna due to engine trouble.' By ccmbining the date, the origin of tl:le flight, and the. knovn rep;ltation

·of tbe tvo m'!lll, he theorized that the two men must have been involved in assassination .• He speculated that OSWALD had acted in the pay of Castro, and that the. two Cubans bad been in Dallas to ore;anize or over=ee the operation. l:ie told the oo urqe that he bad been greatly distressed by vhat be had seen and and had to telll soueone t!.bout it. H.e then cautioned

! source ·not to tell anyone else about. it or t~y wouJ.d 1liru:i both be shot by the Cubans. I ! ·The source has pa.ssed avay since furninhing above info, thllB nl!Lking any follow-up oz;~ this · matter impossible.

DIR 81342 - Request ident.ify and Station traces person(s) at Mexi iwdress: E.F. AJdo 325, Ju&dalajov (, Mexique. I ~arge de MOHRENSRILI:11', vho connected OSWALD ease and who

. ·. nov living Haiti, received letter :postmarked 30 Sept 64 with above return address.

Notes vritten ill long 'hand on above ca'b-!1 - l".aybe: Apio · r.tuet be Cuadalajo.ra. Jalisco Clark Anderson 1 s off'ice has a good :nan, Ed Johnson, in Guadalajare. would probably be best !l!Wl to check this out.

MEXI 2430 (Ref: DIR 81342 - para 410 above) Believe ref address is .Apio 325. GuadalaJara. Jalisco. Mexico. I ODEJM has rep in Gu!ldalaja:ra vi tll excellent police contacts. Request

. -. Hqs authorb.e. Sta to·purs11e lead local CDENVY chief,. :·.

DIR 84099 ( P.e f': DIR 81342 - para J. 4le above and MEXI 2430 - para 411 above) Si.ation a.uthorizecf pursue lead on Mexi address through loc&.l QDENVY. OIE1M rep may. also be advised this info being included in voluminous report on rec!:ot activities of de MOE:RENSCHn.I:11' which being prepared for ODE!IV"Y hadqa. (Not-!! s P.equeat passed to Hank .Johnson on 15 Feb.)



~' '


What eonnectioo has MOilll!ll:liSCRII.D.r vit.b. 'this P.o.· Box U

416. . 8 Apr . Cbeck na.."le 'Willi.aa! R. 'AOli.KDIG {a1)'U)

l5 June· 1059' b.%11 :.



SECRET ~\A 254ol (Ref: DIR &.'GE.o pa.rn 25U above) In co:r~plia.nce v1 tb. Ref', Me xi Sta eootinuee to hold several hundred ho~ :reels covering Sov a.!Xi Cub Emb during period 22 Nov - 13 Dec' 63. I St.a. Meld would like to know if theue :reels can now be erased for :re-use, or if' these should be sent to Kqs for retention.

ME.XI 2741 (Refs DIR 81342 - para 410 above and ~XI 24~ - parn 411 above} omrn-n reports P.O. Box of r.!fB is mil address of Alrnacenes Favier, large Frencl:l.-ovned department store in G uad a.lllj e.ra. •

BMM'Ii 134t.o (Ref: E:.Y.!"'.A 254ol - para 413 1115 above) Pls forward reel~, mentioned in ref, vith any identifying and explanatory datos, to Uqs for reU,ntion. (On copy of dUJl'!'tcb is Annie G.'s writing- l Apr 65 Shipping reelS to Kqe vlmicrofilm of transcripts.)

MEMO to FBI fr0111 WOFACT - A usuallJ reliable source in Mexi City provided I'I'J9 vith· a copy of Ln annonymous letter to th3 ~ov E:nb which refers to OSWALD &nd which is enclosed for your ·'"'· info. I The files of tbia office ear.tain no info on William R. BOBKING (?? sp???) CSCI 316/01)98 65

MEXI 016 (Pt.!fa He$ 146 777) Col-r!'tO!:. that coverage Sov Em'b v1uitoro oam'.l &II past (LIMtT!D :a.nd Lll,'fRIC). Correct that fBPlt:DIE vio;itoro nw rare. I Sug,g.est comment to ODENVY ~vld"Jnr;e that worl hAS got~n around that PBm~n::o Meld aware identities PDPRIM!!: viaitoro to Sov Emb·, whidl probable dl!'terrent. to e.ll but ext.I"!:I'Jil')ly naive, / CUH1''L'3 believeo wide d1Btr1but1on Warren COill!!l report on OS'JALD ca.3e omtld have caUI!Ied a deorease in vie1t.ors.

Cub !m'b Lond distance. Wor;.M O>..ttsi<ie (WO) in English informs the Cub Emb there is a long Li&tv~ diatance call from Chicago for ArQb .UIMAS. !>'.an Inside (MI) s~s to wait a moment. Later WO in French e..oks 1f .AE·!AS apeak!! French. ARMAS se.ys no. M rTO continues in French and says sbf.l 1B epeaking for Sr. (1) of Chicago, in the Unit"td, and continues 1ri the aarne

· language aaking if Silvia W?J~ vas a fr1end of OSltiALD~ the ~rson who ensusinated n.t1 President Kennedy. AR"'J\S does not understand her lang..mge and in Span is~ says th,e.t Silvia worker\ for avhile in the Embe.Bsy, but quite a while ago f!he left. her work here and haa not . been se'!!n since. 'WO continues in French and asks if Silvia returned to Cuba. ARMAS says no tbs.t abe is a. Mexican 8J1d tt.eref~ resides in 14ex1co but ~ does not knoW WO, in her, asks if Silvis. vas a friend of OSWALD. ARMAS; without, e.aya "SI" (saying "SI" to} and e.sks vb.o is talking. \.10 d.:~es not un1 ersta.nd, but insists 1n knO".ring if she (Silvia) was a. friend of OSWALD. AR"\AS says Bi "gui •. gui" •• aJa ..• muy bien. s1. .. si sel'lodta (it s~ems that w:tlat he is s~ing 1s n.ot bCing understood). ~10 c:ontiz!uos in her JArlr..ut'4Y! vhicb AP:!~S doeo not u.ndersto.nd and says that. hi'! knows nothing

0. ~J., mol"C and tho.t ~~oll b.-.. 1:11 oo.yinv. ill ~~hat. "l.h" Bra. DURAn no lon~t)llr vorko in tMI Embusy n.nd {\""' f,h."',Y don't lm""' tll'!lr GMlrlr<'IIH.t", 140 111'}7.1.0 in b"'l.' }O.IIV,U"-~1!1 Mkll if £Jl.l,V11\ W£111 Ill f.'rl.eml of

()IJI<IALD I!Wd H 11.. w "'vet"1rv1." (11tll'!l lli'J.;tts t.t.ill in l.ivan1ab), Alii' AU aaya "sL ,lll'!lf\rJnt. si." WO B&:fG tb.e.nk you.. APJ4AS a:u.y111 ".B:AI!!nOII d11\J!l, •• eb ••• !"

419. 17 Jw:ae.

See 'PQ;"Q 416 above. llhota '

this VOIEI!lll n .

420. l8J~

421. }0 June -422. 19 Aug.

22 lov Did Mar1rut 1s book ever ·cOtD! .outU

10 Dec

How dld El~na GARRO know aboUt R1lvi~ being tM :nist.resa of· Qct'.tAIJ)?'l ·'l'h1a·ia J.965. Rt"t~ao h"iit:-:1 !"r0111 LT'PT11Z':: I~· in .Tuly 67~

'"' '.


SECRET MEXI :58:52 - .LIE.NVOY reported 15 Jun 65 tbat unidentified vome.n speaking French cal..led Cub ·· Ant":! ll:!R!iA.!fil!Z Arms fr0111 Chicago on behAlf of a JIM Mr. G.Al'i (phon) e.akltd if Silvia Dtm.tiiC .... va.S friend of OS'W'ALD &::ld if shP. ha.d ret~:.rned to Cuba. Amb who does not understand rll1lch

. French said JJ:1RAii used to work at E:nb, no longer doeB, that ebe reeidu Me:d but he dOf.llll not ; kilov her address. 'io1oonn agr.i., Med if OORA..:i vas ftiend 0.'3WALD, Amb did not UDderatan1 l q\Ws tion but s.xulwred yes. I Pouchi.'"lg t.e.~.

\ BM1M 263 94 (Ref z l<lXU :5832 - pal1l. -'*19 above) lin referenced ~.:abU,.

; ME::--10 to ·FBI from WOFACT - report iog info in paras 419 and 420 111.bove. CSCI 316102651+-65

: BXCZLSIOR - Wido-o~ of OSWALD has been hit by her new husband and be threatens suicide .• KellD!!th Jess PORrER is now in the Sll!!e jail as RtTBY.

on aa:M 'l'lle Revolver and the Gun of OSwA!..D, <:onfisce.ted.

DIE! ~OGe!l (Refz DIR 57610 - not Z:iJJ!ldJ not abstracted) If euitabJe a.oeeu developed AZCU! per rei', Rqa interested any nev or al'tematn info th&t can be brought to light OSW'ALD'·II viae. O:ppl1cat1on. at Cub Emb Hed Sept. 63.

Tim ~li3 - l pa~=:e on YEmlEDY on t.W! e"!cond enniveraacy of ilil'.l dl!!c.tb •.••• Tb.iiluaande of Memorials Immortalize Y.ennedy ••• , .Marina Osvald Wan to to Forget (now Mrs .• l\!5nneth Porter ••.. she io P'< a book) ••• Flowers P.tark A.sllassination Site ••• Gn Connally Can't Foreet Tragedy

l-BNO OF CO~'VEFSATION with CharU,s Thomas (?olitical Officer) - Elena said she had met osw fter her :return f:rom abroe.d. she verit to a party

. at.· the ho::~e of Ruben OOPJu'l, who is married to he.: cousin. Elenite. accompan~eC1 her. She met OS'lALD and 2- or.her young Americans. At party she vas discourage froro1 talking with him •••. / Ot~r guests were Cuban Con.sul, AZCUE, ~ner&. CLARK Flores, ·Si!.via. OOM.'i, -wb.o she later learned was OSWALD's c::istress wb.ile h!': was here, Emilio CARBALLIDO, and a Latin American negro man with red hair. I In Nov 63 when identity of assii!.Bs1n became known, she and l:e r da.-..:e;hter vent to Cub Emb and shouted "assassin" and other iilsults a.::. the staff there. / Short·ly e.ftenrard, she a..."ld her da:.tght~r .. -ere visited by a frl~nd, Manuel CARVILLO, then official in Secretariat of Sobernacio:l, and w~:re told he had oreera .to escort them to e. vmo.ll and obscure hotel in center of toll!l. ~y Yere kept there for eieht days under pretext that they -were in danger. ~~n she t-:>ld CARVILLO· sbe wanted to go to Amer Emb and explain

· what abe knev of OSWALD, she was told that the A:ner Emb was full. of Communist spies; ••• I Sorue of the otl::.~r people at tb.e wrty ;."!'ire taken to Vei'Qcruz to be "protected" by GO'£. LOPEZ Arias •. Ruben WRAN is "protectea" by ~n. CLARK Flores and nov drivlng ~ big car and. looking

. very prosperous. / f-:any Comrrr.misto. belie•-e assassination was result of C01m1ie plot engineered

. by C&atro. _SECRET


Did Mie;dail ever publiSh a.nyt.liing 0111 OSWALD'l?

Has Isaac DOD. Levine been. queried furtber?1 No doubt Marina ,!:!. hiding info •.

SECRET Note to Stu W from COS: io.'bat a.n imagination she has! Should ve sent to Bqa? - Stan replied: ·s~st se:~ding. ~re have been stories around town about ell this, end Thomas is not only person she h.a.s talked to. I Migdail has a little folder into which he is putting all the· little acraps he can find :relating OS'IIALD to the Cubans; when he gets enough of them I suppose he will tr'J to do a dope pi"!ce. I If me;nory serves me, didn •t LICOOKIE refer to OSWALD and the local efti:sts & Cu't:ans in on-e of her squibs? I Isuc Don Levine is writing a book abo•.lt the asse.ssinaticn; Higdnil se.ys that th'! Cuban connect-ion bothers him inc:ree.s ingly as ·he progresses 1n his Dlii.IIt :research. IDL hru1 long talk with ~rina not long ago in Russian; IDL is R-.l!lsian Jewish e:'lligre, and reputable scholar - and left convinced that she hiding info .

426. 16 &.>c: R~aul'..a of qu.eries· of LIOOO'R,

. loZXI 5621 - Info in para 425 a.bO're :reported to Hqa ••• • I Station LIC'I!Aiir/1 etc 'l? vi tb. LIOXIO!i • L·ICHJ.liT/1 and otb.e:: sources. Will cable :results.

and. loia.taoo: PJ..s ask Thome..s if M'll "follcv up~; g'!!t questions

checking GARRO statements (NOTE from cos· to Annie

from Annie G. Let'a <:Hsc·.tSs.)

427. 25 D!lc

Lydia, lLracio a.nd Ruben ·DURAB are cousin.s of Elena GI..RRO de PAZ.


Check files. 0111 A7t!'l.t!C and CAR'!W..LIOO • especially L~ during' Sept-Oct. 6}


(Reference · lll'Jt.ORABDUM OF CON\'EP.SA.TIOii,/lO D!c 65) bet·.~een Elena GARRO de Paz and Charles Tb.oma.s, Political Officer: On 25 Dec Elena diacus;Jed her alleged encounter with OOWALD. Also present were Tb.onns' wife, and Elena's daug)lt;..,r, IU.en1::.a. Fu.rther info wu given l!•.tbtl~q•.v.tntly on 9 Jan 66. During thhl latter converua.tion, Elena apmitted sh.e bAd gooe to AmZmb oo en ea.rlie r occuion with her da~t..o!lr and mother-in-law tllld to tvo Emb of't'i~ro (p;re&U1!,y from LECAT) about this matter. .She said since the Emb officers did not give much credence to Clllything they llaia, tlley.did !lOt bother to give a. very C·:>!llplete story. Th~ following info supplements and in sooe ins.t..!l..ilces corrects that ghen i.:l the memo of D!lc 10. I 1. Lydia, Boracio, az:.d Ru~n ~·are ill''couains of Elena. Silvis. is married to Horacio, ap. weak'D".II.Il, vho W1IUil cooverted to' Co=unis:::l by Ricardo GUERP.A. Ele:J.a bas nothing to do with ~ilvia whom she detests l'!.nd considera e. who~. Ruben vas born 1:1 u.s. and served in u.s. e.rnrJ during war.· ••• Party was held at home of Ruben. I Elena b'lieves date of pe.rty wa.s 2 or 3 Sept 63, fev days ~fore Visit .of Sov astronaut,, but i.s not sure of date •• ./ lit '.:;he party OSwALD wore a black sveater. He tended to be silent and stared at t-he floor. Two yo1mg American COI!JV!Ulic.ns, one vu very tall and slender a.n:l ba:i lone .blood nair 1.tb; which htmg across forehao.d, gaunt face and long protruding chin; other 'Vll.B tall, short light brovn hair •.• All three were obYiously A:nericans and d:l.d not mix or dance with otbe't' people. 'l.'b.e three were friencis, because :S:l.ena saw tbe:n by chance the next day walking down the street together. I Although Elena ret~ed fro:u Europe in June or July, she had already met Eusebio AZC't1E and knOir& pooith-ely he was at ps.rty. On another occasion (not clear whether before or aft~r the party in question), she attended a party 1o11:lere ah~ uv E-..laebio AzcuE: Emilio CARBALLIDO;. and a Latin A:reriCan negro :nan with red ! (l'hese last 2 were !AOt at till!! DURM' party as vas stated. 1n the 10 Dec memo,) CA.RBALLIDO and AZCUE, with ott.ers, wre in heated diSct.!Bsion on that o'ccas ion about Kennedy and th.ey came· to conclusion tbat the only solution viLli to kill him. Elena said CARBALLIDO is !mown as a Castro agent; he had been to -Red China, Sov Union, and m&.."JY time a to Cuba.. Following assassination h'! spent tl year in Cuba, tb.e.n got a Job teaching at Rutgers Un.ivers:l.dy through Dr. Jose VASQUEZ Amaral, fot'lllerl:f vitb. Foundation in l'l.t'. Md who is nov a. i professor at Rlltgers. Tl:t.~ day after usa..Bsination, llaenita encountered Sra. de ·AZCuz in Se.nbo:rna. On selling her, Sra.. de· AZCUE .hurried out of store. AZCUE 'II1IIJJ called back to after a.ssa.Bsina.Uon and his vi:·e fol.:ioved shortly. . . I


cMd: Pioordo Gl.ll!:AAA and ·aaaario · CASTELLAYiOS de c;tBI<l'IA. Wbs. are _tl:aey :

SECRET Others present at roRAl'i party were lion.cio e.Dd Silvias Lydia OORAN; Elena's pb.1loeomnnm1st

-sister, Deva GUERRERO; Gen. Jose Jesus CLARK Flor.!S e.Dd his mlstreas, a Guat voma.n; a medical ~">: doctor from Dal:l.nde; a young A:nerica.n couple, both fat and blond, who were spending.-::;·.lf their hone;rmooo in Mexi; a 4o yr old ?~!.!xi vnror. in e. red dress; e.nd a stran!!;e lf.Qll who claimed to be l'r.xican but did not look or talk 11~ one. His f1.nt n!!Jlll! vas .AleJandro and he sub­sequf!n';ly wrote :;!:lenita se,:-ere.l lo-re letters. She tumed thea'!! in to the Amer Emb. Rimrdo Gte3.PA and wife CAZTELL.AliOS veM auPA>I)I3ed to cetl'i'! to pa.rt.y b'J.t declined to COlli'! vhen they learned sbl!: (Elena) would be there. I On Sat., 2;; ll'ov 63, Elena's brother drove her e.Dd E~ni~a. to Cub Eclb a.t 3 p rn. ller brother vas embarrassed by their beb.!t.vior &.rid drove a block up the stre~t to wait for_ thelll after letting them out. The two vomen then vent inside gate and sboul.ed "e.saassin" IIIJld other inst.tlta. Later day e. friend, Manuel CALm.tO. took tb.em to small hotel for safety. • ••• Since Elena could not remember name of hotel, sbl! took ·Tho.'llaS to the part or towa .vl:l.ere she· remembered it to be -- Vermont liotel, Calle Vermont 29, one and a half plocks 'lo-est of Inst.trgentes jast south of' Viaducto. Elena said ho~l is ·owned by s~ooe from 3an Luis Potosi and used by busineasmen from that area~ She awd Elenit.a. did not register. CALVILLO regis~red them as relatives ar friends of hi> from San Luis Potosi. They stayed the!'!: until the follO\(ing Friday and b.nrdly left their room. I Elena and Elenita u;,.. new papers vi th OSWALD'Il o.nd k:neu tMy had seen him at party. . 'iihen'CALVII.LO visited the:::~ at h<.:Ttel, she t,old hir.1 she Ya.'"l~d to ~-eport to Arrer !mb vbat ahe mew a'l:-out OSWALD's connections with local comm:.miiJts and with A7£UE. CALVILLO said an'!!l shoUldn't eo because tM Alll!l~ EmE__v'lB full of Corru:runi.S~_s..f~:'!!· When she returned to her hOUS!!!

CAn this be cb.ecke<f - gu.a_rc!s outs_ide her house? the folloving 'ieek, ~!;U.Srds were posted outside it./'Wh.en abe SlUt her sio~r, Il!tva GUERRERA, tbl! latter vas ten1f1~d because of OSWALD's presence at tb.e WRAN p&I:ty •. Sra. de GUERRERA vas very a.ogry v.itb. WRA.N's because she thought they had become involved •in the assassination plot for money. About 2 c:~cntha after a.saa.ssinatio:l, Sr. (or Sra.?) de GUEBBERO vas called in by tvo cornr::r.mists, whom :a she refuses to identify, a.od vas varne1. with threats never to revee.l to o.nyaoe that she had beeo. to a party vith .OS',(A.LD, Sbe so terrified that she vould not acco::rpw:zy Elene. to the Arer Emb to tell vb.&.t abe lt:r.ev or OSW_ALD. / Shortly after ueassina­t~on. CARFA.t:LIOO, took OORAi"fS to Jalapa, Vero.o:ruz and kept them of the vo.y for a

li r-an trip to Veracruz be 'Droved.U Check Eunice ODIO. · r:osta Rican. Didn't

Elena first Say VASQH!7. Amoral's mis"'-ress vs.S A

vhUe until the in:! shock of ass!l!lsination wore off. CARBALLIDO hU connections vith ttie Uni~ra1ty of Veracruz Press. I Shortly after' assaasine.tion, an Allar voman, June con, came and spent several days in Elena''~ house. She wa:s sent by thei,r mutual friend, Eunice ODIO, a. Costa Bican vb.o is now June CCllB's room:ra:te and vho vas formerly the ll!istress or VASQU3Z Amoral· when he was 'with Roet:e:-eller Foundatioo, and Ermesto de la PEf:A. June COBB expressed in_terest in too assassination. Sha succeeded in getting _~vm. GUERRERO drunk. one nig.llt, and the latter told all she kn~·,.. about OSWALD and tb!! .~,"arty e.t the )lome or Ruben. COBB then va.nt.ed them to tell what th~y knev to the floor e.uthr.lritiea. Ci.dming to be CIA agent, sbl! adviSed against going to A:nl!lr Ernb aod u.rged them to go to Te.xu to tell their story. FaU1ng in this. ell!! uid she vOJ.l.d arn.oga a. ~Ung in e.· quil!'t care vi th the Chief of the CIA 1n Mexico. The meeting did ·not materialize, h01rever, bece.uaa ehe Ye.B ulr..ed to

-r lee.veii:rm El.ena'.:s house. COBB had kicked the cat. I At end of Jl!l.ll 64, Ruben visited Elena.. SECR£\ i:te said he vas going to 'viSit the U.S. e...'ld w.nted her to protect him as much as poesible vhUe he W& avay ••• / Six months after asse..ssination, vhen she vas talking to Bee PALQI'.ARES of

li27. ( cCICltinued).: ; . . . r.beck Vict'or 'RIC:O r.ele.n ·P·TI>~ 'IJ:EWO'f

27 Dee

':'his "'oclll!l"'nt by Lir.OOKDI:· ~ not in P-8593, but ·""s copied from 50-6-12913 l!nd lllttaehed _to ~n 5741, ?9 Dec 65.

SECRET Secretariat of Gobercacion about another ::catter, she told the story of ber. encounter with · Os-.;ALD. The only person she co\lld remember who told her this, li~~r. vas Victor RICO I Si::e sa:ld sh~ understood that· OSWALD had come to Mexico more ttan once.

·M!m .from An."'lie Gool!pc.sture to Cuban Section: 'llill you read this (memo 1n ~n. 427 above) 11.1.1d ~u me if t.hls Y~:ttW. and d&\~b.t~r w~ seen creating su~h a - u they claim-'in fro.'lt Cit' t.he Cu~<u:t E::bar.:s:,. J. Fic\!olo wrote "'No bolUs ring vitll me." Shav wrote ltlU yo, ta.:npoco." Jt.'<iy wrote "No pictures either."

.M!MO to Tm Amb ( cc to COO) frocn !Zv.r..T - ~f is made to memo dated 10 Dec 65 (para 425 above) •• ./ For your info, Elena. and El~niu.~. were interviewed by peraonn~l of this office on 17 and 24 Nov 64 &t vb.icb. time they fu."'llished iufo similar to that set forth. in ref memo. Inquiries conducted ;t. at thf't time failed to substantiate allegations'·by Enema and daughter. / In v1ev of the fact Elen.a•s allegations have been previously cb!!lcked ~t without substan­tiatia::a, no further action is being taken concerning her recent repetition of those allegation!

MIUI 5741 - Ref: ~lEXI SE2l - 426 abov-e : LEGAT interviewed Elena a..nd. Elenita. Nov 64 and failed substs.ntiate allegations ref. I 1'-'IEXI will advlse further info obtained.

NO"m attached to NEXI 5741, written by OCOO (ll'hite) r "See bottom document in 50-6-129/3 on this Subject. I don't lmov whs.t FBI did in Nov 64. but the GAR..~'e have been ta..lking about this for a long_ time and sh'l is said to be. extremely bright." Annie G. wrote the following: "l. L.A. Jl'!emo they ctiec~d info 1-BXI lilt 5621 and found it unsubstantiated. COS asQ!d me to send this cable. 3. We vfll t:cy to confirm or refute Mrs. G. del P's info and. follow up." COO wrote "Sl::.e is 'nuts' ".

Do~~~t by LICOOKIE dated 5 October 1964 - Mexic~ Comrnunista who bad contact with OSWALD, s.s bas 'not appeared in Warren CO\'!llll write-ups in press. "" All weekend !lena· GARRO de Paz, Elenita Paz (the daughter~ and !leba: GARRO de Gu.i!:R..liE:RO Galvan sat around recalling details of their having been in a group 'ilith osv.·ALD here fall during the days that he vs.s in l"'.exi. Tbe writ.e-ups of t~ Warren COil'l:!l r.!!port in tM'!rs sparked tb:l.s discussion,·· .and they apparently had never really sat around determined to piece it all together, although all 3 wre deep~ affected, •.••. The main J?')i.>tsa !lena and ~ba are first cousins of three young f.lexicans na1·aed Durn.•u Ruben, Horacio, and Lynn, Homcio is the b-1sband of S:l.lvia the l'~xican .girl vho '\J1I.S arrested for questioning about OSWALD '!>!!cause abe been in touch vith bio at the Cuban Eob vhen he ·.rent there loo for a visa. (She is or 'loi'M .also a ringleader at the Cub-Mexican Inst1tutt:Je en Toki While QS1.iALD vas Mre last fall tM DJRA.Jl cousins. invited the Gft..RP.O sisters and yO'LlD.g Elenita. to a "tvist" party at the horne of Ruben Duran mid-'lo-eek. A few Com:nunists they lmev (Debe. is a. CCIII!I!ie herself, and Elena ha3 been 1n touch· with Co=-.ies since she vas a young girl and vent to Republican Spain vith Octavia Paz.' · 11.1.1d a number of :peopU! who struck them. as very :pecu14ar at the time., wre there. AND OSWALD WAS TE:ERE WITH T'..iO tiTHER' EEATIDX LOOKING BOYS, Ci{{E OF WBCM WAS VEE! TALL Alm ALL ~ CiF i-11i0i4 T:E!EY Ri!:11El1l:ER ~ WELL.

450. (continueci) 29 _Dec 65·






,._. ·6 'Feb 66

. 21 Feb 66'

22 Feb

.·2} Feb·

' ...

"'i:t.ot can 1t be ucer'..eined. t.blit O"'VALD did not t·~V'!l to Jfe~co or:io'r. to early· ~Dt 6!-. ,-_ -' .... ~ . . ' .

' >

There c:UBt be e~ bu:is fo_r Elena's reoo~ing.

456. I

~ - . ' :- .~

SECRET ••••• Elena and Ellnata ve~ ·so sickened (by tbe nevs of the assusination) that tbey broke off their relations vith the OORANS. How-ever, their cc·usins very nervously looked them up later. Deoo GA~.RO de ·GUER.lilSRO Galvan says that Lynn l1TRAN .and one of the OOR.Ali. beys . made t:t:ips to. TeT..a.s. And tl:l..'1.t most cocs:picuously tb.ey have all proapered this last year. Alva.ya poor before, tl:ifly no-.r have an ·expensive car each. Roracio vorks at EL DIA nevspaper.

Note by ·:OCOO: Beturned on 21 Apr 65 as L/1 never regained co:1tact nth Elena GARRO de PAZ.

A-727 'To: Dept of State FRCM: · Amemb&ssy, Mexico - As of possible interest to ~hsb.i.Ugton ~ncies·, thl!!re is transJJitted herevith a memo of convA~rsation containing some observations iabou:t Cuba. Victor.RICO Galan is a Spanish-born Mexican journalist vllo has be!en one of the .m6s~ prolific and· ardent apologists for Castro's Cuba in Mexico.

At:tach:'llent: Pa.rt1c1pentec Elena GARRO de PAZ,· !4ex1can vriter, and Charles Wm. TllOOIWI, Politica.l Officer ~ l. RICO .Galan told Elena tba.t Eusl!bio AZC'UE, former Cuban Consul 1l:a l'.eixco, \;us on~ ~f the m6st men nov in Cuba. ••• I ..... :a:e- wu recalled, to i.mme<tiately oo th~ &S!Ja.1lZina.tioo vllen Ill!: wll.S Cub41..:1 Co::tSI.ll in Mexi, presu..""l&bly because be had .hlrl contact vith OS'..'ALD •••• / •• ./... · ·

THE EE«S - BBC Pilrns·Lee OSWALD StorJ vitn US Actor­

'1"l!E lii'Z"dS - Fight for OSWALD's G~s in Court - .....

l.EY.O ·ro Tbe Acll, cc to COS - froo IEGAT - Ref 1111· mad!! to Memo of Conversation dated 25 Dec. 65 (p-&ra 427 above), rec'd ":rt this office on 27 Jan 66, a.nd LECAT I!J!!:no da~..ed 27. Dec 65 (i;:tv.n. 429 •••. /ll'!xtez:.ahe 1nV'!IIti£A!.t10ll conducted in the U.S. end Mexico art.e·r the UllaJ:IIinat:ioo fail.ed to dillciose that OSWALD traveled ·~o Mexico prior to 26 Sept .6}·. CS"'ALD vu reaid!Ung in l'v.lw Orlea.~s, Louisiana in early Sept 6} and no info baa b!en obto.i.Ded to iru:Ucat.e tl:.ll.t be vu x away fr0111 that area: in· early Sept 6:5. I .In viev' of the fact that Elena GAP~O de PAZ's allegations have ~en previously checked . wi_tllout eubGta.ntie.tion, no further action is being taken conr;erning lle:r recent repetition of those al.legations. ·

Mei!!Q to C/VIS from COO ori Visa Appllc.lLllt /f220, 9 June 66, IlJAR'm Ma.rtinez, ID!trm!nio, Rio de JMeiro, Brazil, 15 D!c 36 - Pls sea LEGAT report dated 16 Inc ~. subject, ••• OSWAJ-D for inf'o oo one Rernxinio DfJARI:E fl;artins. • •••• Hate to C03 from Rosa P. - l!lsf LZGAT l'!!porl stated tbat WAR'm 's car vu noted at tht.t Cubwl E111b e.t tbe same time OSWALD vas ·theres. ·








13 July.

·cneck Ele.D.II!..'lll !rit.mds·md story.

L'~"~A~/l ?U Info from. billl?'l'Z ·

SECRET 'l'BE l'®lS - Jury Finds RUBY Sane -

DIR 12633 - Hqlll has revieved advance copy book entitled "Inquest" by Ediflll.rd J. EPST.E:m, ·subject being usa.ssin.ation... Book in M.nds major I"Jvievers, to be released lllometime. 66. In discuasing CIA role in OSW.AU) inveetigationa, statement is made on page 94 ·that Warren CO!n.'ll had picture by CIA purportedly sno-.ring CSWALD entering Cub Emb and thll.t "Picture. routinely taken by .secret camera from across the street.'' •. FYI, this 1s picture page 63:3:. Vol 16 of Warren Comm ••• I Since' book nov in. print but not yet on sale, foregoing is adva.nce notice to alert Station for vhate.,er precaution.e.ry mei!IJ('.lrel!l •• •.• •...

THE ~~ - Lawyers Plead RUEr's Guilt Based on PerJured Testimony -

Memo of Conversation - Subject: Further on OSWALD and K Auusination - .(Rafa Memo this Subj of 25 Dec 65 - pars. 427 aboye) l'articipe..nts - Elena and ·l'hc:mu (Pol Officer) Elena descri't'!d develop::Jents ·.roich 'T.2.Y ilaYl! sore bearing on her claim that sb.e sa.v os·.;A.LD &'-.a a~ home of her CO'..!Sin Ruben l:URJ..R when os·.;AI.J) vas· in ~xico prior to a.s_sassin.B.tici.n. said· Ca.rloe SOLORZA..'iO is veil acqUainted with Cub Arn'b HiRHANJEZ Ar:ma, a.nd that he li'S..S not leftist. but. his brother, Alfonso, YU a Cor.:mun1st. Amb BER.II.mlllEZ told SOLOR&ANO he wanted to ~t Elena, so SOLORZ.AN:> arru.nge1 a pe.rty at his own hom!l on 30 June 66 and .invited both. of- them. Also present were Tito MON'IEROSO and his wife; Elvira VARGAS, leftist journalist with NO\'EDft.ra!:5 anr.! ~tuonal frieod or· Pres DIAZ OrlazJ E:mnuel -CARE.ALLO, the pro-Castro writer; Joaquin DIAZ Can'.'!d·o, head of publishing firm called Zd1j.o:-ial··r-1ortiz; and Jwm SORIANO, painter, who vas invited to make her feel at ease, since he is a friend of hers !l..!ld '\iS..3 the only anti-Coc:munist there besides herself. I During evening, A:nb HERlU\InEZ, wheel she described aS intelligent and<i", cancen­·troted his attention on her •...• and ·e,.xpressed interest in· her friend, Carlos MADRAZO. r.e issue:i a personal invitation to to attend the annual l1 tera:~:·y festival of the Casa

··de las .1\ Havana. Ste said ~he w"liiS not a Fidelista &00 would not go unless · JUs.n SORIANO vent vith her. Arnb HE~iA!UEZ then invited SORIANO but the latter denounced

.the Castro regime· over the objections of the others present.: ••. / Later, ber friend, Victor Rico· who personally dislikes A:nb HER..~'n:EZ warned her not to go to Cuba done. / On 4 J~· 66 s. driver froo the Cub Emb delivered to her home on (;&lle Alencutre in Lomas Virreyes ·an envelope containing tvo letters and some printed ·matter from the CUa de 1u A~:~ericu in Ravana. 'The first letter, Vl'itU!n lut October· (667)· gave h~r &:idreea as Vermoot 38 .uld the second letter, wrltt~!l in AJ;ril, her add:.:ess as Ver:nont 39. ~ envelops for the ·first letter, with tb.5 above address. was mart:.ed for return to the sendsr, vblch liU Cub Ernb hers. .The seccn<l env.elo-;ie. vbich CO!ltained the vllole pJte. had .no address ·as it v&s hand carried to her hOI!Ie - see attacb..'l!en.ts. / Elena stated tbe only rea..soo, t~ letters vere addressed to her at. Calle Vermont vas because abe spent several ,days at tile Hotel Verml'lllt a.f~r t.b.e The correict ad.::l.ress or· tbe hotel is

_ Vl!rmont 29. 'SO she concluded t~ Cu.b Gov carried that street and number, vith a minor error, a.s her regular address. / Si.Dce CALVILLO bad taken her to the hotel ostensib:y to protect her f'r<Y!I the Coomunists, this raised ·the question of hov t'le Cubans obte.i.ned that

460. ( coot1nu.ed) l} Julr 66


,[ ...


> ,. ~·

SECRET address. Sbe 'add that the only people who knev she had been at the !otel Vermoot vere CALVILLO 8J:Id two clc:Be friends of' h1a, Ernesto de la- Per• Md f.iarga.rita: MICHF.LENA. - Two otber friends of these three vb.o might have leo.rned of it &1:1! Eu.nJ.ce ODIO and June COBB •. ,. -Sbe a h.a.s alvo.ys been sunpicious of all three because they vent out of way to cultivate~ bar wh!!!n she returned t'rorn Europe !11 6) and. mw:l.e such " point or bo'ling profeu~ond IU'l ti-Cornmunis ts. • • , .Eli!! ana. CALVr~LO vM a clooe :P"rsono.l friend or Hoe PALOMA.I£3 and l'rea. D!!7. Ord&z, Md thAt guArds,;y !'rom Gobernacion, had been placed ·outside -her home when Bhe :returned from tho Hot-el Vormootll ••.•• ./ Elena. thoueht it pooslble tba.t the Cub Emb hod deliberately givP.n ber t.he letters from the CM& de lu ·­Americas vith the Vermont Street addreao 1n order to frighten her. Slle vu already con­cerned o.bout vlJ.Q.t to be three gunshots tllat had be~n fired thro~h her u.pai:.airs window while she vas. out of the houae three veeks ago •... /Finally, ElcNlllaid sho had :recently encountei"!!d her cousin, Lydia 1ti OOilMl and that th~ latter had been very friendly

_and wa.nted to l'!l'!et her ·a.edn. She Lydia wu very poor IIUld had a small Job with Difisioo Cul.tural at the Anthropological i<!u.seum.

Attached are letters to ilerut. froru the de las Americas.

'1'HI HEWS - Report ~atloned - IUcM.rd N. Goodwin 17111d., tlle tJUfWJ.IIlt.iOn (ot· an_ inde~ l'l'~nt -gro•;p to dtlltormilll!l!mr tM We.rren Comm in'MIItli'}l.tian vao ir • ..-l~qu.o.t.e 011d ~reot1ve) 1D .a l:"'Vi'N in BO(;Y. WMl:. of' tho bflOk lr;t Edward Ja.:; P!PfJT.~IN .,ntitl'-'r.l "Inqueo ~. ttj.fjl Warren Cr.ilrllll and 'f!w Rntab111), of 'l'l"llt.h." ... ,ao~Ylwin ca!f.t, "It not. orily tail'li'IIJ

qu.ecdon.a but, d.<;mandr£ .,.xplora.t1on lll.nd ttrUJwere,"

462. '' ··". ·nm li!W8· - hw Home for OSWALD's Widow - About !<Iarina and new h.UI.IIband mO'l·ing

46~. 8 Aug· 'J'h<!! W:• !T"!n f:orrun d it! not do Em &den•Jil.t'!l in v'!r: t1~-:r•.t.1 v"! job ••••• It io hard t_o 'b-.! l1"!ve t..h~ C:orr.:~1r:~1<m sei-ved tM- public_ vell. Tnut,ew.l or ~w.iing all too rumors, they set U:~ r; t.n~>., !'or 11. rie.,, Md more uertou.s era r:JI' ::r~o·J1At1un.

, .


.The Second. OSio'ALDs 'l'he Cue for e. Conspiracy TW,ocy - ;tng,~,!! by Edward J&•y_ EPSTEIN~ ta.nd, ~toe~_!! by Harold Weioberg - by Richard n. Popkin


Presents theory that there ware two OSWAtD's 1n too consp.iraoy. ~ •••

'l'BZ R!W • !few Boolt Due on JFK Caae - 'l'ha third book aince the Warren Comm • "Ru.ab. to Judge!lll!ll:at."' hi :rlf.!l.rY. Lane. a. New York City lAwyer, - ••••• "The force of the evidence 1111 _inesc&Lpa.ble - the cue t.g&inat OSWALD e.s tM lone uaa.eoin ia refu!Aid by verJ witnesses upon whom the com:niuion relied ...... the FBI report devastates the commission's ,conclu.sioos that all or' the shots were. fired from the ree.r and that they were fired by a looe assassin."


465. l} Aug 66

! ,,

: ] . ! 466. ·. 15 Oo.t. 66

:; ' j

This is wbat '!~!lena claimed and n~e wou.ld bel1eve,ner., ! '

I i I I I

Tnfo from LIMl'.A'~~~"~'/1 'l'U < i ' j l

467. 28 Oct'

470 •.



I 21Vi>v

3 Nov

9 lo:or ·

}i2 lov

.23 Nov




·' i ,I

·I !


' ., l

I !







.25 Nov

28 loT

6 Dso

a D!c . I . . -· -- -;- ,., _____ -

9 Dec.


i ~---~ \ ____ L- __ ,_j __ .. -J'. -

. I . : r

l I I l ;; ,\ ! ji ! I . I I !

SECRET TIE ~ - RtTM' s ~ero Go To S~premS Court

! ' ' j j I

MEMO to COO from ~T _:Rer (mer~~o dated 13' Juli 66 .l. pAra 460 ab~) Source advised that at Hotel Vermont, Vermont i/29, diacloBL'lg that Elena Paz. housevire from 8u Lu18 Potosi,~ San Luis Potoa1~ Mexico, had registered at too Hotel Vermont on 2} Nov leaving · 24 Nov 63; registering on 25 Nov 63. leaving 27 'Nov 63 and again regiotering on 2!:1 Nov 63: leaving 30 Nov 63. /The. above individual may or may; not be identical with Elena ••• ~ferreu to in referenced mel!IO. ·


- ' i l : ' Tm: ImWS - Walter WINCH!!:LL - Debunker: ••••• lone of: tbe books w rea.d can explain aw.y this:, What 'A-as OSWALD doing hiding in m. movie theater (a. few miles 111;w~) shortly a.fter tbe a 1!11U'Cler of Officer TIPPETT when he should lll have been at his Job?'l'l

Tim NElot'S - Pike' Talms a SwmS At The Wo.rren COt'l'li:Dias i~n '

THE lliDI'S - Arc¥vea :Tuite Title to JFK Death Weapon j

:m uws - 2nd Asauain Doubtful ~ays Epstein ; l

Smt!'RE - Tres - La Mu~rte en 're.DJS


l Tm!: 8'.13 -·by Drew :Paa.rson and J&ck A.Kierson - Doubters qt warren Report oVerlook Important Point - '

! I j ' ! ! 1 1. ;

TilE NEWS -:Ar:Uoles 'on third l!l.mliversa:ry of. assassinations Mrs.' .:('in SeolWIIion;.Zyewitneases cave Pro ~d Co~; ~ree ~hots~ No~ Fou~; Wo.rren :Panel Sti~ks ~o Fil:ldinge . i Tim NEWS - 1by D~w Pearson - Warren Co.unission Chose~ liitb. ~~ to Unimpeachability

' ' i i ' : ! I ; ! !

TilE lmoiS -:FBI Chief Backs Co.miasion on Fipdings in;oswAi.D caaer !Himdreds Visit OSWALD Grave' : ~ j l i I ! i i

'I'BE lmlS - Boggs Ba.olm Findings of JFK, Report : , . I ; I i ' ! ! : I

T!!E MWS - :cy Henry J. Taylor, - OSWALD Roped to ,be a, Cub&il Hero ) - ~ : ; \ - : : . ' i i : ! Tf!E·~ - by Walter L1ppaann - Another Investiga.tion Asked? 1 l ! : :

· - :-- · 1 - -- t- ---- : ---- -: --- -- :· ~--- -l -: -- ~ · I -- --· t- --- i - --- ~ - -- -r. ----- -t- : i ..

TBI NEWS -'by Drew Pearson- German l".s.8azine Raveal.fiiJFK Bad AddisC:tn's Diseue:~tberefore tbe a.u:topsy report ¥u w:i.theld) ! 1 i • ' i ·

! I ! : i : J ' • i f.

: i. .SECRET ''




' I I.


i .l I

9 ~pt 166 i . I i · 10 Dec 66 : I , ! ·


j I


RET , I : . . : i • \

'!liE BWS :- by William F. :Buckley~ Jr.;- Warren Comm's Investigatfons Should \ : ; : ' \ ' ~ ! : I I ; ;

w .. s this nrcrt~ or rVen~overii .,; Y"\ ' ' ! i . ,. \

m l'mW ~ by Robert S. i All~ and Paul Scott -. 'l'ha Warren Comm Uncovers Curious' Information ,(About "Mr. ·X". rep6rting to tba U.S. Emb in Moacw about background of OOWALDB and friend­·sb.:l.p w1 th R!JBY', etc •...• 1





l ll Dec :

17 Dec i.


2 Jau. 6T l ' ' ~ '

I 1 I



·I ! l 1 ! I . I I I

. ' : I


i \ \ \ l ! ! !

C':h<!clt r.omr_nd'!l. k~ i I

r \ i· ! • ·l I \

3 Jan 6T . ! \ \


i I

I 'I I I .. · \ l I



' \ i I

m JmW3 • Ja.c!t Ruby Hall Cancer , \ ' '

T.B Ji!WS • Ruby Undergoes Extensive ~sts : ' : 1

. Tm!: BllS -Mrs. JFK'Takes First Legal: steps to 'stop: Boo~ ("The Death of a PreSident"\ by William · al.So i Dell Offers Cne Million For JFl'C Death 'Book ' ' I ' : ' ' I 1 l , , , , , \ j I

'!'BE S"rlS .:. Jackie Not Seeking Out-Of-Cc-urt: Deal (rei thej book "Death of e. President") and· Author. oru.r Wants :B?"k G1 ven ~ba.nce : · J I

1 ! \.

1 , ' ; ' : \ • , 1

'l'llE NEWS .,; by Henry J. Taylor - Careful Chronology Reviewed in OSWALD ~e - This articlei states tMt OS'i.I\LD 'W.S not a. crackpot .•••• '.premeditated murder ..• ; P.lso lllt.Gt.tes OSWALD's letter of :9 ·Nw 6!i to Sov Emb in Wo:ahington. reporting on ''ey meeting vit.b. Comrade KOSTm Jl: in .the EmbruJsy ~ to'axico City.~ · i : : : , .

1 ' : ! \ l ' 1

'l ; ' cos does no~ believe OSWAW was atuvid.

TBI ll!'W3 .: IBCA ~e,YJ!J Injunction on OSWALD Recording Attactnd is a not~! vrittl!n by' COOs I have a copy of this :recor::lingJ OSWALD sounds on tbiG Disco, like a moN than average (certain~ not the .stupid) person we've been led .to :oolieve nov~ •••. ;I'll be glad to play 1.t for a f?'Oup· should this be dea:l.reC.. ·;

' ; ~ l ' ! ~ .

i From Merida P'.e.r:l.o MEm!:NJ:3Z Ecdr:l.guez a.slm Carlos FERREYRA at the Revista Su.cesos, if'! LIErNOY \' I anything has arrived for fro.11 Chile. ~R.REYRA says no, but says that an euwlop! j' 1 e.rrh-ed for him from CARriERO Hoke'. MmiirrnmZ unders~ds 1 and adds that t:ne article that rlll ·

i. , I came out about vb.o killed Y.ENNEDY (on Satufday,1 7 ,Jan 67), .in thg .int.rOdlctiorr it says that

I I 11' m.TBr ls in a.goiiy, to wll AlfiPARAN to '.lorr.r:>cl:. it h<l!c~~~;·Jso ii!JB! also hal'! (Ui!d,, he dl"Jd today. I At t.M 811illl'l thin W.N"t:NlBZ uay~ ror lrRil!'Y.YJl4 t<• l'!l!'J'!ll.. 'nim lilt. t.l1!3 ait"J,>Ort.: t.IVJ 11Ut tlAy l!>t

I · · , •16a ~0, !l'ftHHP:1fHA 1'1f.%"1CI :1., 1 ; •

I ~~ l > ' ' ! ! 1~'/0. 4 Jir.n 1 . · l I .. ~HI l¢WS .:; H!JBX' Ditllf ot: Ce.nctt 1

' ; \ : ! i ~ . 1

491. .5 J~ 67; .. ·· .11 1

1· __

1.. I_ .1.

1 'lKE!: N!W8 -·. tr.f Henry·J. '!'~t.ylor - OSWALD A Drillt!d 9,om.'ll•mist - tb.e.t OSWALD yu «!. d:rilledL \

_ dedicated,! obedient.~ cool CUld canny COOII1!uniut. :OSWALD's my MVD oont&<ft \in Rullsia}:w- 1 C,_ ,_Col ell'l'icols.y AKr.EllfOV: wu he'ever: Colonel Nicolay AKSEilOV ·, •••• TheAlek in his i.J.S. alias -1Alek J. IIIIELL- wu OSWA.i.D~IJII · .~c ... '1n ~T.f~1 : ·

1 I' - I SE1 CRE, T n1okilarre in Ruac1a. Co1lll'T&de Y.OSTnl at oov Em'o Mrlxi ,.,a,a M"ID offic'!r Vo.leriy vl.Ad1m1rovio~

Ch,.,'Ji:; YJJ~->TJY.OV i 1 • ~'l'UOV •• : •• ~oa'"'ALD~a Wlf'.&t..1ld l.IJtter to his w.ifo. writ to? hnm (Dallan) and foUJ1d sscreted·· : l , _; • .... -~ ; i ~ ! l ! f ~ 1 i I ) ; 1

' j

i ! I .

491. (continued) 15 JJ· 6T I

! i'' ' i \ '\ ' 'I I.

Check bl\ck en v~~oriou.& m1Bterious t.[ · l.Rrvl1ne !lind t.e.king orr in Mexico . i !










sJu '

6Jan ' . ' 7Ja.n



15 Ja.n .


17 Jan ;. ' i

1ti Jaa l' \

'· I . I

~ i ' .. ' '1 i'

"l."J'E :rmrs


.I ! '

No stta.cllment to Meoo 411,174 . ·.. '

::.,, ·"l


:S.r. hiB personal effects by t~ police, includes: "Cert~iu of my documents' are in the sn:all ·blue valiae ••• The ~i.e., Sov Emb) will cane quickly to your assistance ora learning ever.{thing .. .'.:.'he 'Red Croas• will also help you ... we havs friends here." He vrOt.o these ins tr . .lctions irJ R'"; .•••. Trapped b-.f her ovn covf!ll'Up&, Mlaz ina finally stated th&t OSWALD had laid plens to reach Cubo. by returning to lii!!W Orleans and hiJacking a.n airliner flying to Haba.M. froo tb.era. ·

RUBY FlOiiU 'to Chicago

Tlm Nlrri"S • RUEI's Corpse :Closely Guarded ! i . ' ' :

~ -

TEE lBWS - RUB'!: Laid to Best l l

· TJ1E NEWS - by Inez Rob'b .:. R'JBY 1 3 Killing of OSWALD ~ing to Long Arm or, Coincidence

'JliE ZlE'ot"S - by Drev Pearaon and Jack Anderson - JFK Initiated Dal.l.a.a Trip; Visit Bot Urged by Jollnl!on

TilE mrns - Returns Horne .:. Jacqueline K arri-..-es ••• af';;er she returned from her Caribbean vacation.

'ID NEWS - I<trs. K Tries to Avoid c.,urt Action {re: ~ath of a President)

TEE NEWS -Mrs. K Agrees to Publication of "The I:eath of a Pres&dent"; alsc;;·stern Prints Antoher i'art, Unoelll!ored ~ · : ; · ·

' : '

ME!-D to COS from LEC!AT - S~.tbject1 William R. OO.eKIIiS - R-!f 18 made t.o your·~Mmo #11',174 'dated 17 !iov 66, c:aptioo~d "Correspooden~ for the Cuban Embuay." (Not in OSWALD file - · $.& as follwa: to LEGAT frOa! COO - Froo a usually reliable, sensitivs B0•1ree the attached item of correspondence he.s been made a•'l!l.ila'ble to u.s. / The envelop containing tbr.l attached clipping bore the follCT.;ing retu.n~ address: 'William R. DoBKINS, 415 South Main; Monahans, Tb.~re is no info available in our records on OOBK.INS ••••• (no attacl:unent)))) LEGAT lll'!Clo is: , We b.e.vs been wvised that William R. OOBKINS is a person of do·..1btful 'mental stability who bas been interviewed in cormection vith ·the Msa.asinat:l.ori. He claimed to have served in 'the U.s. Marine Corps ( US1-K:) vith OSWALD and alleged that after telling OS'II'Al..i> of the theft ·c-r his (OOBKIIl'S 1 ) ranch by pol1t1c1!Lt1s they talked about killing

4- ~ • II I .l .... -~ --r:- ·-Pre~. Johnson, Gov of Tex.e.s, and Texas Railroad C')ffiflliBsioner James Langdon. : Subj'!at threatened tb.eee )?'!raona tn a 1964: letter to the Chairman .or Texans. for j Goldwater. I S\lbj k:.a.s cla.ioe1 that be traveled to r~xi follCT.rinB his discb&r,--e from the -USI-i:: :1.n order to arran£"! a defection to Russ is..: The a.ppr<.~x~mate dates c:f t.h.1S tnvel are at preaent unkJ:Io;m. ·/ By ·le'tte+ dated 8 Apr 65, entitled .;i Con:espondence to too SCI'!' Emb in Me::d c'ity", yoar. Rqs· 1'urnisll.ed our Hqs with a copy of a rambline anonymous letter which. .concerned OOB.l<INS. OSWALD, variOWI politl.c:lll pe~oolllitir :l.n Te.xa.s, and the assassination) i


500. (ccmtillued,) 18 Jac 67 i . . I C1:1!3c~ 001'\ialG • ·s1milarit)' .to ~ALD n.

Is DO~K~ tbe. •tviD" in- the •double OS".;AL:O" tb.'!OI") 'l7 !



'. i

\: . i

21 J~ ·:

u~ ~~ ·J-.m 67.

•i "'" n1.1 11 !, !,l'llJ h:rn n f,a ' "I



24 Jan 67

! :

I !



I !


! I

! I




506. . ~ -~----- . •.

507. I



SECRET . . . . i

which the letter relates to tba ux:.coorpr01riaing attitude of Pres Johxlnon.: It is f'el.t that·. OOBKINS ma.y ha"119 authored this let / H."'S. M.argll9r1te OSWALD, mother ·or OSWALD, k:n01111 DOBKms !i.Ild VM in contact vit.h him in Nov 66. Sl::.e claime that he is very similar to her late son t.nd. tllat SO!:In of tbe t::."S.vel activitijl attributed to her son might haw actu.a.lly applied .to DCB.:0:N3. ,/ You are requested to advise if you have acy recore indicati!lg that Subj has been a vi.citor to the Sav. or Cub J!:mb or ha.B,d to use their Coneular f'ac:l.lities to arr&nge travel to tbet Scr.• Union. Additiona.1 deecriptive data concerning him will be. furnished to you vben a.vnil&ble. I lou are requested to authorize diseem in suitably po.n.plu'a.Bed language vith the source completely protected, ••. OOBKIJ.IlS vus in con~ct "'tt"ith the Cub &nb, lo~xi. ·

COS arulver to :LEGAT ~ Me:no #ll, 499 (not ill OSWALD file) dated 23 Feb 67 (from request of .18 Jan 'l'l'l'l1) 'l'b.e files of thie office contain no i!lfo :reg&rding SubJ in. addit.ion to th.e.t contained in DT.J ~:~ernci dated 17 Nov 66. I You are authorized to dissem •••... to the intelll,g~nce cOCl!llunity. of the u.s. ·eov M tl:'.at SubJ vo.e in contact with the Cub Emb in Maxi.

' J .

! . ~ !'EWS - bY Heney J. TaYlor - OS\IfALD Wrongly Called. Cra~y (cr1t1eiz1n8 the Manchester book, Death of a President. ·

., Tm: ·IlE"fi!S - Ger:na.n Court P~tpones Ruling on Look's Suit

BOOK DI5PA'l'CR 5&4-7 (9 attachments b/v - l SECRli:T 8 Unclusif'ied) TO Certain Stations and !Mea, !'roo: Clliof, WOVIE"W, SubJects Coimte ring Critic ism of tbe Warren Report. . . FSYCR l. · Ou.r Concern .... increl.l.&ing challenge to the Warren Commission's Report .... 2. 'l.'rend of opinion is (!. ll'llit.tter of concern to tbEI u.s. gov inoluding our OrP.)Illlization .•• ·'· Aot..ion.

·Wos do not. MOOI'mMM tha't di.uc•J.soioo-'1 of tbo quaot1on· bo 1n11.1al:.'!ld, hCifltV•r . wldMIJmu au·<t t<JqiJ~!llt.A)dr a.. To di.IHHUHI, ... b. Tt.t'l r>r(JIJCI.{.I)III•la. .... 4. ln £Jt1•ta1J.!I Q1' il'l!'fd·J.a 11 hi•WBIII l.•.:m, ••• 1.!>9 f'olliJifiut; o.r,:.:wr,qn t,u nhou lt1 t.A ulll., l\11.1. ·a, 1¥<, llliVJ! Hl•:~:~n t, fiiJW

0'!11fll)n?J:t,,, ,U,IJ,t'l,<!,t,.~ •• , .~. t.lh.I)M 1,Y:AII'libJ.e, ~()1Jtil.~:r' Ot"AtJIJJAt.i(Al by ~II'HJtll'1110!',1ft~ r<OfOIIJ"I!U}OIS to tM COiam.taeion'·l.l Report 1tselt:..... ·

EL SOL - Years Rine Months OOWALD s'pent :in doctri.lw in USSR; Wbat htluences 'Mo~ hiJ!I lcil:mle.nce'l by Jesus :Banite:t .:. ·

' I

'I'D IlEVIS - Dar ~tem' OK.B Cuts in JFK Book (rez Deatl:l of a Preside!nt) ' !

'l'SI m::ws -·by J osepll: W. Grigg:- ~k Challenges 1.-a.rrosD Report. . &D.d; . Lawyer takas. Issu& With Lane w:~d· OSWALD Victim's W1dov Reweds (Pol1CI!tl!l&ll TIPPIT's v1fe) '

' I j

'I'D HEWS - by Art :BI.lchwald - Tha Manchester Stocy;, 1W. Winchell'o :Ja.equeline's legal· fees over f"!aneb.ester vill be a dilly. Fathez·-in-J.av picking ;up t~b. 1


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' 1 Feb 67!

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foiZMJ of Conv<!no.tion betvean Elena GARRO de PliZ &nd ThO!Il0/5 (Pol Officer) - Elena. said ' l".a.r1() MEJ:iEii!EZ, Editor of Sueesoo,'.ad her to vr1te mol'9 articl.eo for ,the magazine.; •• ~Z bad ~en to the u.S. recently and tba.t be therefore mc~st have a valid visa, despite the- fact be is an agent of Fidel Castro. I Elena said her cousin, Ruben I:URA1f also gees to the U.S. often-without difficulty, despit~ the fact he entertain~d OSWALD ••• I ao:racio l:IJRA1i nov vorl';s for JOO.';l1.tin CISNEROO, Private Bee of P Ordaz. 'l'•1eh lloracio's intervention c:rsmmos o:t"!ered Gobernaoion to a v r son of Euaebio AZCU!!:-wo wu C.:uba.n Consul 1n Jlexic? at time of a.ssa.asiM.tion. I Dr. Yolanda CRl'IZ Asce~io vaa arrested at tbe sa.:ne time u Vi.ztor RICO Galan but releued on payrrent' of a 35,or..:0 -peso bond. After her release, Dr. ORL'IZ then got from RICO Cale.n9a mother all ae:o..sitive papu·-s, docllr.lenta, let t-ars, etc. '!»longing to RICO. -Ele!L!I. eb.e tu:rnf'.id them over to the lr)3xi Cov or p!<rhnpa till! Cub Ernb. • ••• ./ ••••• Ill/ / enid, that tee Cubans vere willing to p~~.y her a great deal of money if she vould go to lk'be.!l& and vrite a b1o­gn.pey of' Fidel Castro. Sbe said she bAd no desire to do so, lll.tld va.s in fact to go because of the OS"!iftLD episode, but tbat she found the offer tempting since Octav1o Paz vas oo longer sendiilg her WlY mon'!y. '

TEE NEW'S - RUBY's Cancer Could Ha-..-e Corne From EmotioUII

'l'!E S!WS - l.lev Probe Launched- into Kennedy Assa.asination ; (Beg~ - the 'Jim Garrison cue) · ••••• A Cub&ui serling-.nine years for burg]ArJ b.aa been tnuisr;.,rred .from the Angola Pen to

, the Orleans Parish Prism. ':i.'hia mao for;wrly lived just a. block from tbe last Nev Orleans - : _address of OSWALD and is reported to have known OSWALD.

i I I .,

Tlm ITEW'S - OSWALD Didn't :Act Alone, Be.ys_ D •. A.

THE SWS - ~veral Involved in J?K Murder - Dave' LEWIS, who :l.s employed· at. tbe Tnilve.:ys l3us Station here (lev OrleBl:la) said tnere vare ot!e r· people involved. &M be didn't tell tbe Fl3I the FBI d1d:l 1 t ask him.

EX. SOL • The Reds Killed K!rnNEDY says Juanita CASTRO

'l'U li!Eit"S - Conversatj,on Ched D.A. in ~ '"Plot" in JFK Murder - also - Nev JFK Probe No Hoax, Says DA 's Witness - David F. ~S, Jr., 26, skinny, dark-haired 1lllm said be knw five p!lrsons implicated in New Orlea.ns 1."1 a plot against too life of K. ~.: , '

TiE NEW -'Pilot Involved in JFK P-robe Found Dead - David: if. FERRIE, 46- was found dead in bed covered by a sheet. Corooer Chetta said .FERIUE died of a Tl:phred blood veosel at· tbe ~ of the broin. Garrison said were 15 bottles of pills in_ the apartment and death wu apparent suicide i








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521. 26 Feb : ~' , I

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27 Feb ' ·:

SECRET ;' , : I

'J."!! lmWS - DA Won •t Turn Over 'JFK Probe to Fo!ds

MEMO f%"001 L&GAT t.o CoS Subject: William ~ DOBKINS (~t~ IBGAT memo ~f 1~: Jan .67 .,. pua 50o'a.bove) We have :rec'd info th.:1t the :reported travel to Mexico of' Subj in order to a%'11Ulge !or h1s defection to Scv Union occurred following his discharge from tile U.S. Marine 'cor:Pa in Au.gust 1959. Re vent to Tijua..'U'., Baja California, vtere b.e 'contacted · a. local. ·"com::nU:."listn with vhom ·Jle had bee~ acquaint-"'d 1.o ·a tavern, 2.%ld soue,ht to arrange 1:1.18 defect.:ion through thi.s person. We are arranging 'for appropriate inquiry to be ccmducted in :TiJillilila. I DOBKINS. 1s described as Race White; Sex !l'.al:e; DPO:S 16 Jan ~n. McCa:ney, Tex. Height· 5 f.t 9 inches; weight 150 lbs; hair Black; eyes Bro-.m; Scars or mrkB 1/4" scar middle of foreh-em.d; education High school graduate I It w.s tb.e opinion of the Sheriff or Ward County, Monahans,- Ten.s. that all me:ribers of ,the :CCBKlNS family are mentally unbalanced_.-/ A photo of SubJ is enclosed.

IL SOL - C.utr;,'s Frien<is a=e in "Entredicho" ; also Ccmplot en !f1.Wva Orlea.ns ; ~ ~..t:rio .!e "'.U-:.a Pr.!.si&:l" (:-e: d-es.~b of ;:);!.•!.d :EF...'UE - pa.-s. 515 abcw) - .••• Tbe M:~~e of F!l:R...'=Ul: ""'113 rentioned ·~-ain yest.e:'day w-en Ferry R. 1\USSO, cf B&too ROUe,"1!!. s~d FERR!E said o:uit ll!CIIiltb. before the assusinat:l.ou "We shall kill b.:l..'=l - and before .long." FERRlE bad· told a group of nevspapercen the veek before that the authoritiea suspected him Or 'being tbe pilot wo vould ma.kl! tba "t;E~t~a,.~·" after the assassination. · · ·

Tim B'~'S ~ .JFX P:J.ot · Caatl Solved Says Nev Orleans D.A. (re: · FERR!l!l: death)

; and Pilot's Deiath Ruled lfatural:

m :EW.S -· Mo~· Deaths. Feared in JFK Plot Cue l J .s·. (J~ok) MARTDI', a man believed to have gi~en GA.RRIBOii much of· the info on llb.ich his investigation of, the a.t.ausina tion is baaed,: said he is ln seclusion "for _rea.BO!l.EI of security",

.EL.SOL- Plotters Against Kennedy Will·llfot Escape

' 'l'l!E B'I<IS - l.A!t terlil to the Editort1 - f-rom F"rw:tk WORRELL - ••• Wondering if GAI\lUSO."''' is as • !IJuch concerned vith:ass~sinatian mystery u in getting to top of Louisiana politics ••.•• ,

l'.t i:I:ERALOO - 96 Hours of th_e Life of CSWALD in Mexico - by Sotero R. GARCI.ARm:YES -

ea.r~· cootacta - At ~ot:el in Maiico "ityc : ch<>c~ uti's w:U.h :LE:":'A~ 'report .·. '! · .·· ·J·-

~ing tbe 96 'hrs ill 1-iexico, OSWALD ~ith cmly six people vb.o nov fear for their lives. 'l'llose 'six _are Guillermo ~~. Seb&st~an PE~Z./ An~ ctTRJEL, Dol~~s RAMIREZ, Margarita LAEASTIDA and 1-m tilde GARNICA.

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Cb.eck SerA,io A'fiiC"rfAcAA - ~arly, contact ; e r.e. A 'PC'.frT!;J. · i1"uba.n speakS- Englislll.

. ' \ \

1 Mar' 1

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5;10. ). ··- l ...

1 SECRET I ' Mo (Antonio ANDRADE,) fro:n tbe Remldo +..all::s with Cub E:nb' (ARACELI) a.OC· says he is e. good L"!"E""VOY !rand of A:nb HERlJ'i'IEZ Armas an1 ESCA.m'DI and was in charge of a series of reports about Cube..· ARACELI says What do you 'll'll.nt? ANDRAIE aa.ys ·he -•ants to knmr when OSWALD arriVed asking for a visa and you. turned hi:n dOirn. ARA.CELI asks why, at this point, does he WWlt to knov nw? ANDRAIE ea~a for tbe newspap!!r. ARiUlCELI says he would have to come here (to the ·eub Eob) persona.liy m.nd speak with tbe First Seeretary. thnt by phone she could not tekl him anything •. 'AliDRAJE says he vill go to tbe Elllb the next day.

-hrE Wr1'3- DA's iUtneas in Hiding- J~S. (Jack) MARI'Il'l' (para 52vrsaid~ "l'iw I'm.nid· out. r•.lll stuck_ in an unplea.aMt and nasty situation •. When :rou play spy and get caught in, eneey territory, you get no help." '

' . '

TEE N!r.iS - Q-;-er-.1\ll Pictu.."'1!1 of JFK Probe UndergroUDd - •••.. An Official report. on file in Ws.shill5too, c:tuoted. agents as sa:.-ing ~lARI'IN (pars. 520) told them "be s·lffers from telephonitis when drlnki:lg Wld that lt -""ll.:l durine; one of his drinking spre~s that he telephonE!d As at. Dist. Atty. l'I.S. Kohll:la:n :!I.I'.d told hi:n this fi!Ulte.stic story about FERRIE being involved with OSWALD."

ff.EXI 0511 FollO".ring 1s LIZTf'iO"! test of conversation betveen Antonio JJIDRAiE and "Secrete.r1 of Cube.."' Consul" vho Catalina PlJE!;'IES Sarduy d!! CEPEf!O (identifi<!d in~l mmber and vUe of Gerardo CEPEF.O Gallardo Mexico Cube.:1.a official)a (Contents of para 52~ above)

'!BE Nlr•iS - FEF.P.IE Died of Iia:tural· Causes -· ..••••• In Dallas. Asst. Dist. Atty. Bill Alexanc1er set the stage for GARRISO!Ps :nen to il'lt.ervie.,.. a Cuban exile about the events leading' up to ~be aasassinat:l:on ••. Alexander said that 2 Dallas police officers familiar with tile e.assssin.a­tion must be present 11nd 11ny interview rnust be held in a Dallas gove~nt bldb before vitness Sergio ARCHACBA would meet with GAR-~CN iLvestigators. and "ARCRAL~ damned vell better ~ot disappear, because '!lie vill be very unhappy."

EL BERALOO - Fidel Castro Decided, on the ~ath of Kenned~ - .A~cc:rding to El Tiempo. Spanibn ly printed in U.S., collaborator Stanley Rosa sayd the FBI· in, Nev York, on 19 Nov before tl:e e.asa.asination - detained om Cuban na.:ned Pascual Enrique RUEDOLOC

Gongora, vho confessed to be a mec:ber of one of the six or seven groups of assassins (each group contained } fl'l';!n) vhich C&lltro hn.d sent to' th:l ~.s. :to liquidate ~es. K. · · ..... Also about ARCACHA (para 528) I

~ j ' ' I

'rB IiE'IS -- FEA?.lE, OSwALD Seen Toge'tl:te·r •· •• prior to assaasinat.ion b1 a le.v officer making a check early one n;orning in :tM fall of 1963 -~tvo men sitting tooeeti:ler in a car. One of tbam icl!!ntified h1.."1Self at the tiC~e as O..."'WALD. The officer veek identified FEP.RIE 113 body' 8.a tb.' other occ,.<pant ·of the .vehicle. ·

ScrncT· Lv!\L :

;· -!·

5;)1. 1~67. !, :

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·who we·re Ameri:ci'Uls in· Mexico 1D contact ·,;i :.h OSWALD in '196.!\'1! : · l


Clay ~llA\t : • Tam~s ~. U!:IJA!..LR"" ?t

533. ----

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5)4. 3 Mar~


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clay B! R'l'RA l'7D - aiai. C!'!"AW c h'! 1'.: (. Do'li:: F.f.ei.rO'f .

3 Mar

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'l'l1i!: m:wB Assassinat:l..on Probe Extended to l>".ex1co - Reports of a mysterious vieitor retracing OSiUU.D's steps ga·~e rise to conjectures •.•.. At least seven pl!lrsons, ·including a young voma.n employed by tbs local Cu.b E:::1b yesterday were questioned by· federal security officers •••• who said tha questiooing l'lld to disclosure of at least 14 nt\l!li!!S and info on persoos directly or indirectly :r-aated to OSWALD. Parsons quentioned told police that OSWALD had been in contact 'l.dtb vari:ous American during his stay in this city.

' . 'L'BE m:'oiS - First Arrest Mde in Kennedy Probe - GAR.'USO!'i arrested former director of :New Orleans Internationa.J.. Mart tcday on a charge of "conspiracy to commit !lllU"der. ~ Clay SRA'ii, 54. SRAW and James R. IE.iALLEN, 36, a quality cootrol inspector for· the Boeing Co. at a Satu.rn rocket plant in New Orleans, were the first tvo men subpoen~d in the probe •

!ollt'GCO CITY 05&4 - !>!!!xi Eng language News article by 'Robert S Allen and Paul Scott, 2 Mar, Wash, states "Still secret WOFAC': report on 0S;.."AL00 Sept activities whicb. vas sent to the State D!!pt Intellifence Division on 11 Oct 6:!- co'.lld possibly shed solll'!! nev light on t~ !l'.e::d. trip and possibJ..:r other links of the accused a&sassi:l " 1 Station believes me :no may be b!\.<;ed on ~'!EXI· 6453, 8 Oct 6; (para 9 above) . Recommend that this memo not be declassified for n~W&p.P.per sources since wruld bltJV L!NEOOY and e::ive grounds for criticism aga.i.\'18 t· WOFACT and L!RA.i'lA Believe would also f'u':'tber convL'lce. LIRAM.A of poor sec,;ri ty :l.."l St.ate Sept I Pls adv.ise action taken protect L!ENVOY ·

EL SOL - Nevsp0.;,o~n·e.n E~l..030:i Says Fidel Castro Ordered the Crime Atfcordine. to GARRISON, OOWALD, Cla.y SHAW and pilot David W FERRIE and "others" plotted in NEl'll Orleans in Sept 6~ for tbe assa..asinl'.l.tion,. ( Se.-oo info 6.5 para 529 abo·M ~


. ,.! 'l"BE 1\irllS - ·JFK·Murder Direct'!d from C_uba, Says DA - Same info e.s para 529, 534

EL ·UJ'ITVEPSAL GRAFICO -.Three _k&y Points in the conspiration to av.uder r.enned;:,? - more a.bart GARRISON - SHA".i and FERRIE met in tha latter's apartment to plan K's death .... 11aterials

. ccnfisce.ted fro111 SHAW's apcllrtlll$ot

TEE NEWS - "Tr~.tth Sent-'ll" Allee:edly Uncovers Plot' Evidence - GARRISON says bi!l bas evidence : that OSYALD, SHAW and FEfiRI! lll!t in Sept 63 to ,.bow tbey vould kill KFK". The evidence ca"'e fro:~~ liL:l informant, whose staterroen r;s were corroborated while the infor::a11t was u.r.der the in~luence of sodiL'll pentothal. or truth ser ll'll Clark, the ~v U.S. attorney general:. said the FBI· investigated SHAW late in 6,3 and cleared bim of any vHh the assassination ....



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ch~ck P'•nt.e MAll<Y!v~:rJ· . 1 : ' '

4 Apr

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ULTIMAS IC1l'ICIAS, - Conclua:l.ons of GARRISON Ss..-ne inf? as .above newepa~r reports: i

i I - rer Mrs-; Sylvia

' THE NEWS - by Allen L~d Scott !- Key To GARRISON Probe. in Missing Woman ODIO. Info is that contail'ed 'in f<teXI 0564 (para,5;} abov9)

j ! I !

' I

al.Bo: Cuban Embanoy · a Lot Abo1..1t OSWALD - A Cublln exile add tha<~ the Cub Emb in r~.xi City "has not· said ana-fifth" of vhnt. OS',.{ALO dlsc.<aned there when he v181ted bet"'! two mon.tha before k11Hne Y.Err.lEm. I Dr. Aloorto GARCIA ~nocal, eecretar.1 e;enera.l of ·the Cuban BusUcneea Aeaocle.tion in He:dco, an old schoolmate of Ruz, left Cu'l::a· one year t.m, Cuban revol ... tirm th.:1t out.t~d 'Bat1tltA:t. I H!! Da.:l.!l it. 18 prohable that Mexican police rr.ar1;t detail's on OSHJI.LD'a visit h~l"!! which at that Ll:n<!~ w'!lre cc:mn1<ier<!d •m1mpo:rt.ant. but could now be needed 1n GARRL'30N'a 1nv~et1~at1on ·

] ' ,

Tim HE"'.l3· DA: 8lfA",.,, OOt.TALD, nRRIE Plotted to Kill Kennedy same :1nr:» u above neva articles

THE NEWS CARRL30N Questions 4th Sus~ct 1~ Case -GARRISON eubpoenaed'a fourth man todaY. - Dant-e fi'JAROCHINI, whose wife told reporters at thi!! couple's horne ohe th.:>tlght GARRISON

lliiLY have want-ed '~o talk with her husband beca 1se he kne·, James LEWAUEN-, a former roomme.te of FERRI!!:. !<'IJ,:ROCiiiNI ret•J:-ned t.o hio ho~ briefly bo fora ~oir.e; to GARRISON's o f'fica and denied -hio wii'e'a stater..ents.

; 1 '

EL SOL - GARRISON looking for Fame, Says !l!&lyor Walch. . , . I

· '111 - CtAbari Zrribaney Hu Said :No1,hinP:. Abo11t Ol'.:'.rALD re: stcar,emnts of' Dr. Alberto GARCIA Mitnf)Cal ( ~r:a 5~7 m.bove) :

TRE EIEW3 - Cuban Elllba.Sey P.efuaOJs Comment on Poasibl"' 'Link; to JFK Ca.:se .•. ; . the.t OSWALD received-inetr-Actiona and f ·nds for tD9 Mllaasination fron Cuban of-ficials 1nDI Me:d .

. (Earlier, srnp1oyeea of the hotel whcl"!! OSWALD st-ayed :and a l•.mchroom where he ate sald they had been qlWBtioned this week by l!ll :.midenl:i!'ied man· r<:'l~~arding contacts OSWALD may have ll"M'l in MexL The paper lllovedades rap.orV!id that. ~xi federal police had obt,a.ined CL list of "highly interesting" persons willl whom OSWALD had direct ·or' contact, 'incl11ding several. U.s citizens.) · · : · : . i · · ' ·' :

~ l ! ' j I

'l'!E l'ml3 -:strong Interests Hamstring GARRISON Probel Says Vi~itor- Josepil ·M. FAULT, Jr .• tells a Mexican neva conference his views on the GARRISON probe going on 1:a New Orleans ..

r-· elao: . NOVEL Eoolr.ed on ~gitt:~e Charge - NOVEL, Gorlon, 29, remained in: ~aU in lie 1 'or ' $10,000 bond l'.fter his appearance in Columbus Mu.'11c1pal Court on a fue_ttive charf~e filed ! forrr.o.ll:; ·by police from suburban Gahanna., vhe~ .riB •..rQS !llrres tad Saturday night, e.t. th.@t

j Z"!!quP.IIs.t. of OAJ1RtBcm '· 'Aho wMtB PIOVP:L as a vHMao in h. :I. a 1n'~'1iry .. : conuv1r1nP.,

I :sECRFT 'I : ' ·:

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=''''" :rmwcwenrnmwr-R

. , SECRET: 1 .

~lsoa Cuban Jailed tD GARRISON Probe - Sergio .AP.CACRA Smith, 44, a former anti-Castro Cuban exile ,leader j,n· New Orlu.ns. Wd arrested on a warnnt by_ GARRISON. . Will.rr&.nt accused . ARCACRA vlth conspirti:tg vith David FERRIE, now dead, and !•Ordon' NOVEL, now in jail 1n yolumbus

" l \ · ' I . • . "' ' ' ! ' j , : I

EL SOL;. os·;ALD and SHJ..Iv, 1-'cl~':crs r,f a Gas:.~::'l ;:,·r:.p;·,,;r, ;. Doug Ell!:LSOI'I, re-porter for tb.e'nt.dio· ·chain i~ U.S called: "Wins", accused Castro of giving the 1 or~er to'ueaesinAte K ...

OSWAIJ)'s triu to.!·!l-!;;.;:1 1 va.s not for the purpose of ~.etting a visa to Cuba, 'but rather to. receive. orden and funds from Cuban officials in order to comn:it the aesusin&.tion.

' ) ; '

IL EERALoo - ~ 1 FBI Admits the Innocence or' SHAW, - Jobnso~ says it ·is useless to ~open . a nev inve.s ti;;:ation: Proofs of GARRisO~L. . • ~ also, picture of SHAW IIUld pict•.lre ot' Dean A .A!IDR&ii, na.~d by Gf'RRISON ,

~ ' ' : \ ·, -

DIR 8o4o'- :(Refr MEXI OSH _;para 527 e.bove) • . l ' ' !

M!!!OC<O fr~ LICOHET-2 t,o Jose (Piccolo)- :Attached 1e a :clipping from the publication LUMIERE page 8, of Sol de Mexico, 4 Mar 67: Surveilled OSWALD in MeJ!'ico, but Not in Dallas C.IA a,-ents 'te.:"e note,\in Mexi airport, .of travele'rs to and from Cuba The dol\llter-espionage service, of the· CIA photographed OSWALD wh~n he arrived in Mexico and sent the info to ths FBI, emphasizing the fact that-OSWALD was in contact with ~~e Sov and Cub Embassies in M!xi.. "U .8. News a.nd World Report" says that Me xi is· of much importance' to the CIA because of tb.e n-.~mber of Com:11·mist a~.~nts who, fr011l Mexico, extend· their net of operations to the U S and So\ A:no'rice.. i

EL HERALoo- Dl!.n:li!A:!lAclrmi is t~ fourth penon Cited:by GARRlSON- He.wu a_co-worker, of OSWAi..D.: · - info .in pt'!vi.o:;.a nevspaper clippines. :

' ' ' i i

' ' • 1 ' ! \ ' ' ! THP; mr.m - OSWALD-Arms Cache Raid Links Sought- GARRISON was ~Seeking a possible connection bvtween OSWALD and a 'gro· of lll'!n in·•olved in a 196:5 FBI On a nmitions cache in


.t L ;



tacOinbe .• ·Lollis iana The report ce.rue after !Ante r~.AROCHDU. 42, fo~::th man 1n .GM!RISON' s e :probe S-p!nt 90 minutes in. the DA' s .. office l MAROCiUNI and OSW.:\LD once ;were employed here

(Nev Orleans) at the· 'sa.ixe time by the nme coffee rnanufact~r. though the plants we~ a block apart, records ahair .

~~o - Offf~ials Here ,Dodo~ "Cuban 'Plot" Query Cove:-nmrint offlcil\ls (of Mexi) declined to becoms embroiled in ·th~ cont.roverny QI.O.Oclt an a1le~·.ed CJban 'plot to usassinate' K They said "We wtll nGt go: int9 it ~gafn" unless uked: by t,he U :S - ·--An ;officie..l. !'IPOia!Ulman;· said· there vas no evidence to s~pport a' charge that the Cuban eov was involved.

. . . . i aJ..Bo_ - Houston Mayor Welch Calls GARRISON a Publicity Seeker .• : .



I ··•

\ i·- SECRET l 'I 'm lil'EW3 :. Siddines bY: Loyd Roa'!lr•f1eld: also, ,L'llttuo ~0 tM Editor i . 1 . OS"wALD took ord'lt rs froo th.., Cub 11:mb and Warren·: 1& o. Communist, writ ten

·l I i ! . I

7 lt'.ar I ·( m NEWS • OSWALD'& Move:n~nt's Here Bared vrit~n by:Ja,ime Plenn (COS V!'Ote to Annie G.


; '.--; ;

·. j.

i . I

a l$tter saytn~ 1 by 1Ucba~ M. W'ABCCE.

' \ . i . ,"Anything new in this?"and Annie .replied "r.o. '·All is ~,hs.Bh. ") · 1 1

ch"c!:: this lon:. revi-:!11 of. :case f lllot: previo,IiJl~ j · • · ' I .a~~n in :chis !'E! 1s b1s ~~WALD's\ tall(inl~ with i .• t·.r.o ~:ri\.iuh !,OJriuta . 1 Ol'l ·the b;J!I to, f~exico. $00 ,'•'· 'h.., 'J:tl'l i;.ntnr ~n r'!l'tlll· ; ... ivl ~or~1' v, ~~~~'! ~~'it.l'!! t ! ,.,,,.,,:ro . lll::!'J, h'!! 1AlY.I!d '[trJ l.wo 1\UBt.:raU~~n flrl.ej : · , i . ; .j .. n1 l"'!c<.m:mn'1e1. the ·"!'uba :ttot.el" in.l"extco, etc .; alB o RbOf.t ALVA><AOO denyine;• then ~>.rAin coru1rmin(.'h1e ~J10"Jled 1 e: o:· Cf'.'JALD

554. j \ I \ l i t , ! r I t l 1 1 • ! \ , [

7 l"'.ar · i \· !L SOL • Will the truth be kno-.m today? Will the Cutro agent clfaA.m he waa~ sent to kill i I Kennedy? '. Ruedolo GO!'I'GOPJ\,' Castro agent, will oo int.enri~..,d tOO.ay. : (~ 'lfao held on :

n,Jerlolo r.or:r.o~A'it~o at.~nt.'l?' 14 Nov G;s, accuc.,d M e. Gantro a;):!nt, arlmil,l,ed bein~t ~an emplo;;ee anli ""·""t or tM' i ! I 'Mv,irrll'!, mrvl tvldled 11<! wo.ll aent by Cas::tro t.o D.IHIUO!nal..e Pre111 r.. I He wan ~ld in Bl!tllevue




i I

7 Mar

i · · j _I Hoep1ta.l,:t~OOre hl'l vaa doelaired i "lo~o" and tMn 6Cnt 1~0 Creedmare hCJ1!3p1tal where he has

j ~en 11nc~cm1cado ): \ : ~ ; ! : ! l· : i .~ • : _

i Dm !510~9 '·- (Pef: MZXI 0564 ;. para 533 above) - 0:1 10 Oct 63 Hqa dianominat.l!d. report t,o I' St~tfJ, Flli, Navy t>.nf.l lmm1e!1!1tlon bMed on 1 Oct (,~ LIENVOY info oo OOWALD contaet:. with

1 Sov Emb. TJJ.ia: disll".!m w.o.a clun1f1~d aer:I"'!:t, ;l.nd an:;· e.t.t..empt to decle.alllify vo .• rd require i li . WOPACT approval. C':laneificlltion hM riot ooen drop~d Appropriate WOFACT otf1<:e whir;b

· I· cool'l'11r.&tea all OrJVIALD relm.ted mat'!lrial ic aware of sens'itivity of Me:r.i inl'o Md Ml!ld ! "' j \ to protect LIEtNOY 'so•!rt:e

! 1


• 1. ~ NEHB ~ JFK'e ~y 14-liy Bl!l ~·"The Truth About ~he ABeuainat.~on", written by · i Charles Roberto, White HOUBe repox-Wr ·for Ne·.relo"3ek !<'..a.gllzine, and p<lblisbed TIV! 'trJ \ ·1 r Grosset a.OO Dunlap 1M "The Ana·o~er to ~h.e W~rl"'!!ln Rr.port Cr!t.i~s".

: 1

! 1 ~lso1! GARRISON Under Pren'.l~ t~ Reveal IDfo~t ~ It is our positioh that he' (GAR1U:S011h "A"'111T<:t~ ~ve1111 his vitnesUt I :uust 'pre<U!:lt testimony from vitnesses vho have '-persooal knowiedge of the e·.rents; involved· .

j l · 1n his ~"':.l!.k allevations·. 'l'hia wo:.1ld ITI'aan GARRISIJI!I's "confidential informant" who allegedly 1 I \ · i ! 1 overheard SHAL~ OSWALD a.o.d FERRIE plot to kill Pres. K. wculd have t:.o testify or GARRISON ! I I . 'l I \' vouhl·be .in danger of M,·;in~~ hie CQI.IHJ,thrcr.m OLit of'collrt. according to William J ' i 1 'WEGI'IA)'ni and Ed1r~a:rd F. ~/RGMM~~~, lP. 1-torn'),:rs fpr Cl,ay LIIJ').W, ; · I · · ' i

\I 1· 1


J ~.lao•'· rr~t>r w~;.l. d(Jm".! ~~~rtt hyr. :Ttl'lvo~t_.,,. M.t:rr~mlln l~mtt.hi (R,Jttor~Q nrA., m~ITH, IJPI

I Wh1to Uo•llle reporter vho 'A'OO· tM ;E'!Jl1tzer Prize i't.:>r:l:lU: ooveraee ot' tha 11LlUIOJIB1na.t1on,

\i ·~· 1 ·I vent t.o New Orleans lu t ve!!k to look: into: char~e-s th.e.t th~!! nbrder of :the yo·mg president I I · 1 ' invol"rod a coru! spavned in Louisiana:. F~llo-.rin.,: is hil report >;·.. 'S£CR

!. i ! I


;)~~~·-~ ··*·''

' ~ '

i 1 ' ,.

557. i

! .j 67 BM-a:rcb


i' l I .. I I i 9 MrAr.

-: I ··; j·

559. 9 Ma~

56o 10 ~ 1


D~•n li~'Pji:\.~ ••. tom":• ~"-:- ~AL:D . I

l 1

M:riJ ~0'"~0h1fl!!l ;r'"' ~vori'.el'! f~r J::VA<J\ . -!

~ ~ •, i

( . r

1 I ' I. I I I

i !

. ;

' I




I l,

562. ll Mar .. i i . ~Mcil. l'll!:r;;;xid Cl~llll'Gll -)early ccmt.e.c:t'

12 Jl'.ar


564. 1~ Mar

' i ' 565. 14 Mar '

Ray morid (:1 '111<ITN<""~~



., .... ! ... ··-·· !

I ,_

i ~ 1


:' i I I

:sECRET Tlm nEWS- O!iWALD "HOOI'!I llllld Dey" by Court Ac:tl.on- l'rJ Henry J. Taylor -.Cl review of OO,WALD's stay in the Sov.Union, when M ~nou.:1ced his U.S. dt..izonahip,;etc r

l ; ! ; , I : , : ,

THE ·l!E'..r.3 - 03"11'ALD' G Wif., 'e ~:nber ot: tM Y..()lll8omol - by H.enrJ J Taylor - about OOWALD marrying Marina~ neice of r.rro .. She stated to Arr'J!jr Er.1b 1D l~OOCOif she dld not belong to tbl! Y.01'.3CX'-IDL, when applying for a visa to the U S. uter she admitted!ihe had liM

' THE HE'ri'S - Judg~ Upholds GAERISO~ -

i I ; I

TEE NEWS - T"rl'o More Enter JFK; Investi~:ation:- Nev Orleans' Grand Jury took a hand· in GARRISON"s in,-est1t,~atio..'1 ... and Sc!mrnoned· an at..torn~y who w&UJ asked to represent OSWALD after the assnssinatio."l :_., DaM A1'iDHE'NS pm.cticed la1o1 in ~'ew Orlenns at the time or the assassination o.nd told the \:arnm Ccvr.m ha received e. call ·frcr.'l 11. man named Clay BERTRAND after·the &, aekin;:; J!NDFal;i~"S repreucnt OSWALD 1\NDHE'..,"S said he vs.s ill a.t the time -..."ld did not t&ke t..MI case .. Mrs.Josephone HUG apent )4 minc~tes vit.h the j·.1ry. She 111111 once worked for Clay L 5HAW. i .

'.i:'BE NEWS Man P.eru~s Lie Datect.or - Deo.n L ANDREWS rehsed to take a lie detector test. Sam (ll!onk) Selden, AJmru::·.;s• attorney,· said he had advised ANDR!WS to refuse "on the grounds that it vas not necessarj."

~ NEWS - C111.bbie 1.'\e:':"Je~bers F.auline: OSWALD, FERRIE Together - Ravmond ~"WotiNGS, _34, also e. forrer police::Jan. told a new: conference that he was ,certain it ;,as C6WALD and FERRIE. in

.. his cab.

THE NE\."S - SBA'r(Gets Special Rearing

MEMO TO LEGAT fror.1 COS -:Subject: William ~- ::x:JBKINS Reference is l!lade to your me11o dato;d 24- Feb 67 ( p~ara 511 above) / No record could be fot:nd of a visit b:t a person resemblin~:, Subject to the Cuban or Soviet E~b. Should more precise info be obtain~d on the time when Subj YB.S actually iri 1\~.xi, a furt.h~r check ca.'l be made . ! ·

' I ' '

THE NEWS -'CIA Repo~t of OSWALD Yisit:. Here Kept :Sec~t

l ' usor SHAW Seeks to SqUilUih Plot Charge -

. I

' . alsor ; Ra:nsey Clark :unh.!ll.p:py With New JF"lC Probe .. ; .l ;--

; ' ' ! ' ' ' ~ ; THE NEWS- SRAW's Motion'Overruled -A three-.}udf':e pe.:'l~l overruled, todQy 111. defense motion' asking _that only a sin;.:~e ~·ld:e preside over e. preliminar., hearine;• l'or SHAW.. Another developrr.ent - Raymond IXJMi-\DIGS, the Dallas Carpenter' who 'claims that be once drove OS'.VALD; FERRIE and a third man to Jack RUBY's nig:htcbb, arrived here by plane


I . !

566. , 15'Mar:·67 ' I I I

:::h~c_k ?err:: ::i~·::-:ond 'R'!TS.~ !

e&.rl.y.; Conta·ct . I : i !

567. 16 Mar' o9ocni~ i



' ". i

Mro;'-'.(J; 5'/,. cl•.se•:rop?"d' Mit: li%"! 'Y'"'JILD B?'l'r.'l"'"ha ~ l : '

'. 509 . , 6 l".ar

L"!::;:; (f!.'.JALD - ?err:; ~ Rfi~'>O, .:25

570. .: i

I ; :-


rro-2 !l'a.'flpico no'nsm!! yet.·; j ~: ; - ,. l



571. 17. Mar:. ; r::, ;>pfSO,. • s. "con :·idee t-'i.J!t~ in f,orman't.",

• l


i i ~IAAO ' !


SECRET EL SOL • RUSSO Says He Saw SHAW, OSWALD m.nd FERRIE PlM the Death of Kennedy •

i . '

AM!MB Inco:ning -relet-.~'11 #441 - fr001 T8Jili)ico Local reportcir tells me he· knew CSW'ALD slightly but o.dC.s he can ah~d no nev light on case and 'W'OI.lld lose .~b over ao:. publicity Short Airgra.'l! follO'W'B. Signed b:.- Ruyle .

. I .

THE YiEio'S - 'loi'itne~s Tells of Plot to !'.ill John Kenn~!d:y (Picture of RUSSO and SHAW) Witnu&-l?el'lj' RUS.S0 7.ia~nt.~fi!!Hi 'tly-SRA"..'-as-one-of :;nNe-men-he 119a:rd plGttirlg-tg kill­

' hoe. -JC -ia ·se-pt. g' 6:; '· A ~ yr old ics:uance salesman testified he bt<!ard 03-.rA.LD, :ERRIE and SHAW conapiric~; to l asse.ssinate Pres K in 1963 tvo months i::efore K vas killsd in Dallas. He, pointed o•.!t SHAW · aa ·th~ man he ~t cat.. t.h~ part:; a.e "Cl~m EiiR'I'P.A!ID". . • RU3f:-0 said he so.w 03wAI!> four t.i~M~FJ

1n 'New, 1n the montha before tb.e uae.aaLm.ation o.n1 M knew n1m u U!on OOWALD

! THE lt'E'ri3 - GARRISON W1tneaa Conf~c;eea Conf•Jaion - GAR?.ISOU'a star witMIIfl t~stl.f1.,d t.ode.y · b.e kep1. kno1ded'-e of· an e.llee:ed plot. 'wo'a.eao.ssinate Free K Lo hirnaelf for :nore than three

;,·ears beca·..!Se b! ;;·as "coofu::~ed" about whe~her OSWALD vas the :I".S.n he knew e.s "Leon OSWALD" I Perry R RU3SO ~5. a Baton P.o~lf'.e, La , lnsunmc" he w!Ln'!t!le1 SRAW, OS'IIJILD and Jl'Z?.Rl'E plot tin£ .. the ·aaJHt&<::inat.lon in t<ev Orlel(l.."'l!J !l.llr.l t!no.t h~ "i:>!!c~ "abooluV!ly sure" or ir1~ntit:1 vhl!n one of .OJI.RRI:30N't1. mn dre·.t vhlakern on a :picL•~I"'::! or .00¥1AI.D V> -r&kil!l him look HY..e t.r..e o.<IHIIh.c 't'!!n ma.:i h4!! xnew.

t ':'·

A-43 Dept of State fro~ A."'CONSUL Ta:11pico ·- Sub.J: Tampico Reporter Kcev OSWJI.LD • (Rer: Tampico 59, 15 Mar 67 - para 567 above) During course of recent nveninp. or b•1yice drinks foro. <-ouple o!' Tll.m-p1co news!TI'!!n, one o1' the11 m!!ntl.oned to me he had rer:or-'t11%1!!d ·.h., photo of .OSwAL.:) when it appeared following the in at ion He said he co'l':nen leC: on t.his to his edit.or at the time. The latt-er advised him to ~be matter to himaelf, d•1riog tl:i., evec1n~ he req-1ested that I not reveal t.o anyone vhll.t he bad told me-. cla1rn1nt to fear f,or his .,ob if Mything car"" to li~,ht- at this point:. I Later (during de.yl1f!hL hour1J) I e.PJ~ro<acmd h1m for f)l!trnisabn to 1nfo1"'Tl t,h'J I15p~ Mr.l hiB l")pl:t wM ll fl(lt no Hla i-:nmr­l'l<l!f.I!JI •)I' (li:olt\l..f.l h1J!t1 lA'ln I', . , .Nhr(JIJ' ~,r, h.ll.•t"' rfl'lll, ()i~1fl\l.rJ A!, ttl~ •.rrd.'l'l!t'llti.;Y ltl ~.rGlrm Cit.)' o.n1· Jl1 f1.VC!.y;., h~ whhl:lcl 1.~> t,rJ9.Y~J. '·'' Cullat, l,IJI, CqJ,CIJr~ w~r' w;,t. Jlt"O[I~toM-1 .t,11 1(./'llkrr!. hlrll 1111 viii a It!!! u.S-1 bie conta~tll wit.h I.J'JifAJ,D hM V..,en t 1-e<~~<; en-1 or. rm (:on~~eq 11'1MI'l, aM tJO repeated b.1s requ.eot l inform no one, that hi! vould loee hill job if the rr.a.tter came to .light. Wb.en I pressed him further ••. treated in s t confidencle. he e.grel!!d to rny do in£ so.;

! . . ' . - . . . I 'l"HE NE".r9 • DA's vitness Says He Was ~Hypnotized ~ (see para 556 abov!!) ..: GARRISON's "coofldent:!.al 1nfornant", P=:rry R. RUSSO, said GA'Rt!ISON h.D.d blm hypnotized thl"!!e tirma · btsfore brin;.;in:.: hi":! to co,;rt to testify,Jt a cooap1rac!3y to kill Pres. K (presumably RU3HO wu hypnotized to ll'.:le if bl!l ·.tere tell1n;_ t.b.e truth in hi!J Bt.Or"J to GARRI301l 1nvemt.1-l")!ltors the.t biJ ooe.rd BRAW,, ·o:;r,..ALD acd FEP.RIE plottin;~ .



511. (contiD.~ed) lT Mar 67 l 1

i>!~n A"Dm,;;-..~ indicted fo~. 'Oer~: tti"y ;


sn. 574



- . ~· · 19

. . I

23 l"'8.r

l ., . : ' l :·

i' '





i· I


' "I

i \ ·' ,.

' cb~ck Do!lAld OO"Jf"f and Layton ~A~

early conv.icts ! '

i i

L.­; .. : . -~ ...... --~-------!--·

. i ! i'

l i

_SECRET . a.lso: nA Aide Suspended, Indicted for Per.l•ll"Y - (see para S6o above) Dean ANDREWS, former ; attorney viio told the Warrt'tn Cc-1l!:l he was asked to ~present OSWALD after assassination : vas indicted for perJury. The indictment said ANDREWS .testified falsely before the grwld

; j1.1ry concerning Ct~R.~!SON's in'll'estigation ..

. 'mE ~ - State Lacked Evidence to Con·11ct OSWALD: Tonahill JO!I B TO:riAIULL, th'! co-co·A!lael !'or the latex RUBY said· OSwALD could ne~r M"l'! ~~n convicted in T'!aas for the

i 'aasaasinatiori. Te.xa3 le.v prohibited the tea ti.l!lon;; of a vife from beiD~:; entered into t.b<!! court 1 record ... ~. 1

~ I . \ also': Judges Rule Evidence Sufficient to 'frJ SHAW " The co•..1rt finds that Sllfficient ·

evidence ba..s been presented to esr.ablish probable cause tha1; a crime hAs been commit.ted, and f•lrt.her, that su~fic1ent evi~nce has been presented to' ,justify the bringine. into play

,. further steps of the criminll.l pro~ as ae:ains t the arrestee, SHAW.

\ 'mE f\E".,"S - Did C-3WALD Dis Froo R'JEY 'a Shot 7 -'

i ' THE m:'.I'S - SHAW Just Getting Check..1p (and) Gun Found Bear SHAW's Car - SHAW vas hospitalized

for "Ills a.nnual ph:/sical" and ·ror treatment of a rec~trring back that first deteloped d·..1ring his :.:Hilary career ·

THE NEW'S - Grand .Jucy Indicts SHAW for Conspiracy,·

at.l\50: Witness C&Us JFK Probe "FraUd" ~ Nightclub operator Go1don NOVEL, su\>poenaed earlier 1D tbe day by a liev Orleans grand JUry, acc>.ll!led GARRISON or condicting a. "political, police st..ate inc;uiaition".

T!!E 1'IEWS - Subpoenaed GAR.~!SO!i Witnees Fl'!es CitY, G.Al:UUSON'a office ordered the arrest of Gordon l'i'OVEL, fo:r::er mmer of a French Q.uarter Bar, as material vitnesa in the investi­gation of assassination .. NOVEL 29. did not app:!ar and co1tld n'ot be here,· later turned t~p in Colu..-:.bus, Ohio; h9 left. there today saying he vu going to Cilicago Meanti:Ie, GAP.RISONS office issued t·o'o more aubJ;>O'!na.a - one dir'!l.::ted Donald DOOl"'! to ap~ar · for qu1ntioning; the otller ordered Layton MARTENS to go beff"Ioe tile grand jury next ioiedMaday (OOCTIT - red-biarded) ·

. '

also: Counterspy Says US Reds Not. In ~ ,JFK Plot Herbert Philbrick, forner counterspy and author of "I·Led Three Lives" bas disco·.mted :a.ny theories bla.:ning Americ&n Cot:lll!Ullists for·asslll.3sino.t:!.on. 'I Philbrick said he vu inclined, to ~lie·.111 the orders to kill K · origina.~d in C=unist-dorninated Cuba.: 1

' '

~SECReT . '






25·Ma.r ',',


26 Mar

21 Ma.T

28 Mar



! I

't '• !

.I !

'' 1

I ,

F:,. nd I"1'l MO~T'l'T. "t:A Lill:; Mae Mclo\A 'f'OE.q -earh contact , • I .

se1. 5j2.

51·7 ~.;.



29 Jlll&r

30 M&r

l Ap'r

'*OVEL AM Al:ir.Af"::lA: ' ;



2 Apr I I

TlOV'!I!L 'D1 G i1.ed i~

5Apr 1.


'; j .,

.: ! '


·sECRET l I. I

'f'il:E I!E'W'S Chicago Asl.ted to Arrest r.cnr.. - GAR.."CUSOi'i teroed Nv1zt. a ,.;most .imp<Jrtant"' '•rltm!SS . • Brod 'la"U :S9t for IiOVE!. at $50.000

i TRI ~~ - Missing witness Pops Up, Tells "Truth" on •Fraud" Gordo~ NOVEL. the "missing" witness in GARRISON's in•-esti£1iltion. popped i.l.P in a Washington suburb 4lld took a lie de~ect<'r te~t on charc,e that the GJo.RRISON' investigation vns a "fraud". '1'be operator or the polye:rapb. test said NOVEL "passed" the l'ie t.est · "Ee showed no deceptions" NOVEL was a room:nate of the late FER.lUE


'l'ltl ImlS Warren Report Will PJA.y No Part In Trial of' She.,;,

~ NEWS - GARRISON Ord9r~ Arrezt of Contrary Witness'. l!l GARRISON'~ office obtained a court order today for the arrest of a former Ne·.- Orleans voman who contradicted testimon~ of GARRISON's sta.r vitness against brJ.Sinessr..a.n SKAW. I :Bond -.-as set at $5,000 for So.ndra MOF'FITT, alias Lilly l"'.e.e McMA~S of Omaha, 'Neb. , l'En-J R RUSSO testified in SHAW's i preli~inarJ hearing ~4-17 MAr that he attended a party with Miss ~~FFITT. in Sept 63 at:vhich SKAW heliJed plot K's death. ! A tbree-judf.e pa.'lel oro'3:red SHAW held over follOii'ing the p'reli:nina.:F.f hearing. I RUSSO said the party was at the a.part:neut of the late FERRIE, t~ :uysterio .:s pilot vno died this yei!U' of a brain h~Cll:lrrbage. I But· the ~ ounl:. woma.• told neve:::en in ~ba. last week tb.l!lt she did no-:. go to the p&.rty e.nd that she never :net FERRIE until 19&5 .

'THE ·!!EllS - ,GARRISO."'i' Cbe.sing Witnesses -,

THE NZ'WS • JFK Probe Jury Recesses For A Weak

THE K1M3 ., Warrant Obtained for HOVEL's Arrest - GARRI301i obtained varranta today~ for the arrest of' Gordon NOVEL and a CubWl 'exile leader on charges or ecnspirine to burglarize a mmitions trm!rer in 1961 Sergio ARCACKA Smith is in Dallas; the arrest warrants were sent to Montr'!al, CMa.dSL, vb.ere !!OVEL is reported to be hiding.

a.l.Bo: TV Banned' At ·Mock: Trial • at Yale Lav. School, liev Ua:ven~ Conn , , i I ) 1 ' l : : I

'!'1m - Ohio Pollee Pick Up Witness i'l JFY. Probe • 'Gordon NOVEL was ta!ren :.into cUstody at. Cahlll..'l!UI. (near. Columbus, Oh1,o) and l'.ept behind ·clooed doom at the detective burea I:

j J I : : j

Tim NEWs-- Go1ng To lhw Case Wide .O];:ens ll'OVEL •. Gordon NOVEL, .eub~nMd as .a material. ·vitness •. :released on ·bond, to:lay, aaid he vo·.tld "blov the case wide bpen.: I'm going to prm-e the investigation is a complete fabrice.~.ion _. ": '

al.Bo: SHAW Enters Plea Today :- SHAW sa:!.d, I ~xpect 'to vtit." i -

' • . i "God 'N'illing, I •m lookine forvard 1 to the t:dG.l..:


' 5i-h. · 6 ·Ap~'61

537. a Apr

"''" """.:;,:). l2 Apr ~

5:1;. 20 Apr;

! ., I

590. 22 Apr· 1

P"'T A ~;en c P'!! ·..e r !':robe in A cal) tlb')· vi ~h r.;, m:: I"" OW 1?!

591. I

''• i eh;:o.:i< Lui's i:AS1'n.LO!- -oresible eat·].:.

::r :rain~ .lor' ass~ssioatioo

592. ·2 Ji'Ay: c h<! ::k YATSKOV - e~rl.:;






~- • • -r ~~-- - -· ~. • -·- _..;.- ---

eAr~• pcntact l ·j ~ i

,i t'

1 I -


SECRET TEl -~iS SHAW Ent~rs Plea of Innocent

Tim .ir.rc~ - by 'Seney J. Taylor - TJ:.e Greatest l'icmsense Of All. -

T!E ~~ ~ by Henry J. Taylor- ~Did OSWALD Kill Patrol~ TippitT -

.'!"BE NE".rcl - by Allen and Scott - Ap_!!mcy To R~vie-o~ Ne-w Evidences .in .JFK Killinr. E-.r~d • (2/:~ o!' the co·n:n1ss1on's estimated 20,000 docl.ll"l"t.!n~ have been d'.!cla.aa1:1ed since- it J:Hbli.shed

·1IAI findine,s on 2'_, Sept -64 · The I'l3tr.JS~.1ning o:l"l-l,hird. vhich inc l·lde- se-·1e raJ.· h<L:'l1I'13d: doc .!l'lll!lln ta belie'ied t,o M'l't oil:.)lH'11!<1.11~ newa val1;e, are still bni"red from p•lbl!c s':r-1tir.y .) . ;

' ' '

'!'BE HEWS - GA!t:UJ30N Po.ils to 'Appear Despite Rumored Stay P.:ere - Mex1 newspapers said GARRISON was 1!1 Mex1 a.a part of' llis ilnel5t~g.at1on into the assassination ... 1 1 I ·In Acapulco I 1 1 Paper said GARRISON vas acco:npEUli!!d by a special FBI inspector na:ned Peter Krobe o.nd four

· FBI agents No Peter Krobe coul.d be located in Acapulco.

I TBE NE!'h'S JFK Assassinatio:J. Plot Told by Puerto Rican - A 24 yr old Puerto Rican, vb.o says

he vas tra.ihed- in SJ. Cuban espior.S~ge school, claim~ te 1.--s.s involved in a plot that po,~t hi'll in Dallas at ·the ti:re of the assassination I The ne.vspaper auoted Luis -CASTILLO, under investii;atio.n by tb!! Na.tiooal l!ureau of Inv"estigation, ns saying tha•~ in Dallas he was instr.•cted b'J an unidentified =who t;a".n! hk a rifle to shoot a t:'tm in an ope:-1 car. I CAS'liLLO said he vas not able to his ri:'le but b.saro that a rr.a.'1 called "Jose" vas suocessf 1l ! CASTILLO 'II'U prodt:.ced for local news~n by the· l'iBI which :;aid he was arrested in Bulacan province, BO' of Manila, 2 1'-'ar, a month after he entered ll'.anila supposedly to coo.tact leading

·J!e:ubers of the Co=unist cove:rent b!!n. 1 CASTn.LO said h~ followed orders, 1!1 Sept 65 to assu:net the identity of 11 Pilipi."lo in the Chicago area, na::Jed Antonio ELORIAGA, and was deported by y.s. to Philippines for overst.a:.·ing. 1li the u s

also: I

Picture of SHAW ~ ar;ivt\s for his;.nment in Hew Orleans .. i

Pa·.rel Antonovicl:l. YA'l'SKOV' lla.a s ts.t~d that he talked to OS'viALD vben he 'II'U in Mexico LI!NVOY :(ca. 28 s'ep 63) and that he believed OS',.ALD va..s too nervous a person to have o been able ,to shoot Pres·. K. {prepared b-; w"EZNING, sent vith B!•'iMA 31932~ 2 !ll.ay 67)

• : I '

1 l TlB SAN A.Nl'ONIO L!GiiT - GARRISON Bus;:; - OSWALD, CIA Linked -' . n: · • j vi tnesse~ reported seeing OSWALD. BA;>qiSTER, At-:<:AC:f!A and FERRIE together in tbe b·J.ildine: (FEERlE djed 22 Feb 67: :BANI~R Qidd'of a:heart attach in the S~1TI!r of 64)


594. 6 Ma,.v 67

595. 9'~ ' I : r t '

ha!l. iden of A':'lericAn be. ~cer~ained'l ,


I I !'-!

wh!l.t t>ict:.~re of ~'WALD and • r- .abRn c01rollll1on :jQ:.r~n in f..~x~?7~?



' i ! I J·



' i

.. -·-·-·· ---

-i 1

,TX! ~'S La. Daily Claims OSWALD CIA Agent SECRET'

M!UI 1364 - Folloving from C/LNE:RGO lo0£1.lly on 6 May for J!QS ·info on)yi Mr Bernard· D1~erich CfLatin .AmericSI.!l Burea1 of Tim~ Life was introduced oo 4 il.a.y to CILN::RGO by .&.ide to CILNPirn!!:. I Diederich said he had been assigned t~k of deter:nining fa.a~s about 1!'. photo (now knrnm not. to b e ~WALD) vhich WOFACT sent ursently to LNERGO 01.\llas on day assaasino.tion Diederi.::h said ph~t.o a.ppr!ared in War1,n report 0..11d in an Esquire article 1 , C 1t.m!:RGO told Diederich he bad no C01Ill~nt and su£gested Diederich go to if he wished to investigate this matter ' Diederich intb:nted he voJ.ld go to LNERGO and WOFACT I C 'LNERCO reported to .his Hqs -

·asked that fac~ he .reported to Station not be told his HGS. ,

THJ!I: lfe'...ffi - Man Confirt:13 New Report of GARRISON Bribe, Threats .U·.rin R BEAU130EUF. a n yrs old li~w Orleans :nan "coo.fir:r.s in llLll de tails" a mar.:a.z ine acco·.All t t.hat he v~ f1rs t. offered money and then threatened ~ GA~~ISO~'s in~stigation of assassinatio~. . I Neva~~k story said Lynn Loisr!l. a GAF.lUSO':'i investic;ator, offe~d BEAlTBClt:UF up to $3,000 and a job vith IIIUl

airline t.p "fill in the fads" about the ·late ?6PJ\IE / GARRISOi'l on these developments: The Justice I:ept, claiming ·"executive 1=:.1nit.;:" moved to e::;:empt FBI agent Ree;is Kennedy frCX'II · testif:•ill~ ,be:'ore a t;rlL,d ,iury inv-estigating GARRISON's charges •. ·The grand jUl"'J iss·Jed a S'.lbpoe:-ua callbg on the CIA in Wash to produce 1!1 picture GARRISON claims wac taken of OSWALD · and a Cubnn COifPMion in l".exi. Gordon NOVEL, a former New Orleans r.tght .. club O'W'Tler GARRISON is t:ryine; to e~tradite fro.:: Colun:bus, Ohio, will file a $10 million libel suit asainst the DA ' ' ' ' 1

·orrtcial-Info:rma.l COlrFIIJENi'IAL. to Weele:: D. Boles, Esq•.lire, c/Mexi Political Affairs, Office of Me .xi Affair.>, Dept of s~.ate, ~ash, Dear wes: from Eenja:nin J Rccyle, Amer Consul, Ta:rrpico - ~.'bou~ his "infor:nant" knowing OSWALD. Infon:ant- said b.e and a g:rcxp of fel1011 s~.:dents ~tet 0:.).?.'-ILD when- they ca.'!:'!! a· of the Cinechb, vb.icl:l I ur.derstood to be at the !scaela de Filosofia. He de~cri'b!!d OSW.!\LD 1.\.G 'raro' and 'introvert.ido' OS'rlALD vas with the £ro.1p during the rerM·in~dr of the afternoon, evening and foll011ing ·de.~· 1 OSWALD vent to the UNA."1. to look .for pro-Castro students wh0 help hi:n per$ :a de the Cuban E"Db to grant. him a visa He -SP-)ke little Spanish, bnt indicated he was from California o..nd. e. member of n pro,. Castro e;rcup L"l New Orleans (no mention of Texas) ·Informant claims to have visiLed Cuba, ,to be well accpainted vith Raul ROA : ... friendly with Maria Teresa FROENZA' vho I • .mde:rs tood him to say del'ected· from the Cub E:nb in 1-'.e.xi and ~- now te in Miami /. ·:He aBserted he va.s the ·student. who p(!!raonally cl1:ned ... he :111!:-u.el AlJ!!man statue on the u"NAW campcJ.S vit.h '.he 'd:;'llami te wheri · it was m.,tila t-ed e om~ ;years e.go. ( HOTE from RIGG3 - Believe thia should be corrected·to PoH:t Section hers. from :OCOO: Eelleve ve shoctld hit Rzyle on his so.::rce vb.en·nex-::: he comes·up here l')r ·.rh!!n SCJ!:'eone from Cuoa section gota there COS vrot.e IIF:ree : \ l



l2 Hay 67

i 1.5 May

., '

·,;nil t "bo·lt. til!! t.e lephone: n ·m~ rs bo6k.s'1 """'~,; t~T'!! a connection 0 and ~TV'( t





. (1;;6.


15~ ! .

18 May i .·

i I

19 Jll'.ay

22"flla.Y· ' i !

I :25 Ma:r I . i 26 May !

I '29 fllay !

i 29 fll'a.y I


j .i r ' I



. . -·· I'

I conn'!ction - ~WALD. gf!13"f. RWAW n v~!ephon'! n ·.mber Ylfiteball ~-560t


' l·


' SECRET l ' ' : i ;

EL U!ir/EP.S.I\L - DiMator of CIA Cited b;i GARRISON for :cle.ri:t'jcat1on,- res and a Cuban leaving the Cub Emb in ftle:xi, taken b'.f an· agent of the CIA and rEtv'lal 'of one of t.he m!tn.:if not both. as o. ~deral Ai!'lnt

I ' ~ ' ' ~ I

picture or hswALD Mto·JChed not to

I t .

i m rmws - .GARFLSOH Clai~ Code Liniul RUBY. OSWALD and SHAW - GARRISCiN &aid 'RUBY's \UlpubUIIhed tel'!!p~;m'l number l'lPP"IlrtS in code in ar.!'J!":!ea'-boor.s bel0111;Jn;; t.o OOWALD and SHAW . I /1,'11 GARRIS071 said S!!AW' s a1dres!J book "contains a cliliq .e addreas which eAist.S e. leo in the address book of OsWALD, ns in the Warren Comm eAhibits Volume XVI, page 5:)." I He said botb notebooks contain the same Dallas post office re ft'.l:rence, "P. 0 , Box 1Y106"

' .

THE NE'tfS - Solon Cails GARRISO!i's Evidence "Import.ant" - Sen: Russell B. Leng, D-La . said . : 11' GARRISON can verify i.hat RUBY's telephone numbl.!r wu written down in code in th'!

·paper& of ·oswALD M.d S!UW, it. woJld "prove that. there definitel;:. ve.s a conspiracy "It l!! ~ t , , • " I

FlJI:!-N is4&'- In vie~ of rec~nt reopen in€ of the publicity rega.rdine. OSWALD and WOFAC'l<evidence, Hqs · wou.ld like to de\.ermine vh.ether the Station still baa. on hQnd th'!! neeati vee from Yhich· tbe prints available at E:qs 1>-ere rr.ade of the .midentit'ied "mystery' man" coming out of both t.hl'! .Sov and Cub· Embassies. If they are still on file, 1t 1.s req·H!!at.ed that they rerr.ain so. and ~hat tb.ey be forva.rC.ed IIQS for retention ra.t!ler thm.n destroyed if 1;b.e lfl, action is e~r con­templated. End. Note by RIGGS: COS: I personally clwckled on 27 Ma;t 67 and negatives are in LD-1ITED ph?to chrono (J 145 'l7) for 1; Oct 63

THE NEWS _,Analysis :or 1'.ilt Kennedy ;Filml!l P.efutes '2nd Gunmen ThJl!ory -

TEE !®IS - All CIAii for the RUBY fwnily

I "This Knocks liell Out o~ GARRISON cue" says Alan Adelson, ··an attorneJ

l!llso - Fiv1! Ant,i-Castro Cu" Killed JF'Y.1 'GARRISON :Pl"'!!l!l ): wu Co.stro CubiiU'la n.n~e:rnd over K's M.ndl1ng of LM &.:r of Pi11,13 1nve.aion &hobt K and "d.l.d not even touch o. gun on that day "

' ' ! I ', .

THE zmws -' BO"IEL Files Suit Aea.ina t CARR !SON . i : j ' : l :

'.l'HE WW3 -,Evidence From News t'fedia to be Part


! of SHJ.W T~ial

• I

'l."BE r.E'..r3 -; GARHIB~: to ~:rn ,;Other Pl;t ter~ • I

ususinated b:1 5 anti-/ He SAid OSWALD did not

"' . l

! • I ~ j -

'l.'lm NEWS - by Renry · J. Taylor GARRISON rro Buffoon at All - .. . . I I I 'GAP.Ifi20'R turned to Volu..'n'! XVI, Page 58, of the Co:nmillsion's Report, OSW.a.LD kept a diaey. Pag!! 5!:.\ shows a·note OSWALD

"P.O.Box 19106" ~. SHAW's notebook contains th"! ident1ca.l note. I GARRISON demonstrated simple code tha.t translates "P.OBo.x 19106" into WlUteh!llll 1:...5tQL GARRISON :b!mu1 Rl.JF.Y had an unp'lblished t'!! lephobe n unbe r in DallAs in 1963.: and that number vas

' '

; I

I i 1 • 6o7. {continued) 29.· May :67 I .


' "LAtin"


k'ho is :.he 'l,

6ol3 . 29 May

W9. !·0 May i

610. 31 May i961,

6il. 2 June :.

6l2. 6 June

~tns this been nroved? ~ I

j· !-13 June



611+. ... -~ I l2_June i

1 I j 615.

llA·~ 1nl o aD Pfil"'l 5Si2 ·,.bove YATS~OV ~ '!Arl;i ~ont,lct.


. i


;. '!, i



J '1

. i

I l i I

r I i I

! . ' I


• I ' : I

W!Ut.ehall l-5601. /·'rhie. dewlo-p!llent would connect OOWALD wittl both SltAW and RUBY. I Tile !IIQ.l

GARRISON nov vnnts most to find is a Latin; likewise rev~ualed, 'llhom GARRL'>ON has traCed back to the Bay of Pigs debacle.

BMMA :;:no:;·- Ren': 100-1\of 15406 (:pare 6ol above) -'The ~rinis forwal'\ied to Ref, were taken of a ~.rson leaving the Soviet EmbaEsy. The net:atives of theoe prints are 1n the Station. files


'mE MEWS - By SHAW Trial Judge - Conte'mpt Warning Cited ~ . : : ' : . ' i i :

THE NEWS_: by Henry:J. Taylor- Some Facts.About ~wALD Still Unanswered

'l'!lE NE"WS -· Taylor Tripper (ab-::>ut above article in which Tnylor said OSWALD left Nev Orleans about,noon. on a. b.ta ra.nd reacb.ed l'exi City the next morning, v!lich 'is an impossible

Tlm NE"!S -· GAR...'U'SON. SSJ.'l!l RUBY Part of Conspirac:.· -till!!! Capitol 'Row;e Rot.el 'in :&At.oo Rouge in the fall supplied them with funds .....

GARRISON alleged that SHAW made a trip to ' of 196!' and met vitl1 RUBY e.nd OSWALD and


Jr<lMA !'224} • to C twim, Subject: PBRUMEN 'The LIRING- ~ Operation 1 I',. lpae_,"'!. 2 - pam 6: H~s attention ir. ce.lled.-,to para;::rn.rt.n ;: tl:m~><:rh :; of ROUTON's report dated 26 f.!ay The .'act · that Silvia. .Iltl'R/>.N had sex;.~a.l inteirco1rse vith OSWALD on several occasions vhen t.he latter vas in Mex1 City is probnbly ne-.r, b.;.t adds little to the 03'wALD case. Th<!!'V,exL police did not l"'!!port tbe extent of tte J:UMN-OS",..'ALD relll'.tio:1shl.p to thin St.ation. 1!/fiJitt.r • Wal.lac'-l B ROWTON ~et.1ng wHh r.n~mr;/), dated 26 MR.:;· 67 ~ ... ./IILIRinG/3, t.ryin~C t.o Ir.eep active certain conte.r:t!l be hrtd had in tt.'! paot, .of the official Cuban circle, lll'!'ntioned· 11pecil'ica1Ly the caee of SHvle. and Horacia OOP-AN and explained the back.k·.round of hi:s relationohip wHh •.hem . ''Silvia tJ.JRJI.l~ .informed LIRING/3 that Sb.<!! had first m~t OSHALD vben he applied for e. vioa and had gone out vith him several times since she liked l1i11 !'rom the start She admitt-ed that she had sex,1al rela.:;ions vith. him but insisted that she had no idea of his plans. When the news of· the o.ssassin­ation· broke. she stated that she vas i:n:r!!diately tak.en L"lto c.tStcd;; by the Mexi police and :1: interrof:,atcd thcro..<ghly and beaten until she admitted that she Md had an affair with OS'<IAL·D Sbe add'!':d that ev'!!r since tMn she has c•lt off all contact with tile Cl.'bans .· partic11larly s1n<:e her h1aba.nd Hot"'lcio, who va.s badly shal<".en b:• the whole affair, vent in~o a

1r&£'! and has forbidden

her to see. ~hem. 1 ,


. ~ NEWS - FBI IJever In~estige.te~ Clay SHA'W ·! MEM:> ,on Pn'le!l Antoov1ch· YIITSKOV prepared by Jonathan L. WE:E!l'ING -· YA~IKOV Ilea stated that he ~alked to os·..rALD vhen he 1la.B in P.'k!xico (ca. 20 Sept 63), and·tl'iat' he iJelieved OSWALD vas too n~U .. IO·.Js· a peroor: to have bcilJ!In a.b~ to shoot Pres. K ( So1lr.::e: LIOVAL-1)

' ' . I


616. l~ Jun~ 67!"s o a~cl!! I .

- i !

l 1 I l

Oil'dA!.D .. u.,mr;sex .~ti?1 . iBccordin'.l to r'.A PPT:'IQ"' 1 i I

l 19 Jun.J

. I


i . ! ' - J

616. 20 June' · ~re. a~ lett!!t' 1\nd at.t.akh!ll!!lrW!11

I ,, !

i tk?O. 21 June


j .I i


m-Hd 15,557 to COO, Sub.)ect: K ASSAssination Report on OSWALD's Trip to Med ·c:l.t.y • i. The AID'lricea Consul in Tampicu, ri'.zyln, hal1 sent. to thl.l ~pt. of State a letter of' 11 l'.ay 67 .a copy of '<fhich iB a!:.t.ach!.!d. I 2 Th.i.f.l report consr,tt•'!ls the arat.. piece of G;Jbotantive info· Bbou~ 06WAJ,D's so.)ocJrn tn r~xi to o.ppt:~ar sincn th'!l i!VHIMI'I1na.t1on of F'T"'D Y. .. Ws •mdt!lrtltCI.n'l t..lw · rel'uctMce of t.hf!l •m1danLl.f1'!1d Bfll•r<~ll to !Ar.rxr:'!l 1n1olv.,d, btt. th~ l'e.•:l, t.ho.r, thlt:'o tJe.nnot. C(l'l\.inu~ toP, wi.t..hholt1 o~, conr.,•Hll<!!d I ~ I~ 1£1 roq.,eiP)'!Jd Vhat. y01J t;oof'••H• wlth Mr Ru:;Jn. lttJ.C .:l!.!t.,rmlne :l.rl,n!.Hy ot fl::mrr;~ .. .. 1114 II";/ I(;, 1\lthou~·.h tM Warren CfJm'n obtair.ed no Je.'Jtll p;>inttnv. to h'JrnOfJ~x.w.lHy O:l OO'I'IALD'a part,, this e.llere.Uon has been made· by elements of tbo! preas c:::verine; GARRISON's in'v-::ati.;'tation in N~ Orleans. It is therefore necessary to bear this poss:!.bility 1ri mind. when int..ervte•;L'le· the source and others who spent. t._ime ·with OSWALD in Mexi. It is our h~ that the facts obtained thro;1gb. these interviews will help to confirm that. se-oll!ral of GARRLSON' s nlleeations abo•lt; involvement of an.t.1 ~Castro Cubans, WOFACT, eta.,&.!'!!~ :"a..lse.~ {Noter, 22 Jun.., ~7 COO told Nate abr111t this)

1 : : ! 1

DUt 12~:!i2 - 11r. Richl!rd "lolch, COS C.,Orlf."',own, trnvellinP.: on t.our!11t card but carrying dip pp, will arr!~ l~xt 19 JtJne on Parw.m 452 at 2010 hra Mr Welch band carrying special materi.U for COS. AliJO wishes diScuss with Station and ROWTON proposal for OPS use of laHer; in Guyana llequest Station ~m~et, ea·cort through c·:sto:r.s S.."''d e.rrane;e a:::cor.:l!ldation.: He will depart Mexico City 20 June on 781. (Note: for .ROI'i"TON pers; Met by CP/D)

ME:X:I 10.)2 (Refs DIR 12232 - para 617 above) On 20 Jllne1 reee1ved and Qtt.&.nh.:~nts

sent by. LUND I W11l at:~llll>t e.ctionB llll(:';i''!!IHCdJ app~dat'!l guldano'!! . I

tUV..I 1?5'(1_:. t,;J COO, g,;li.j,.,ot;r ((J;.rj\t.l) -(f:M; lti41J!A ~~!lO~ ~: p1ara. (A;IJ ll.b(Tti\11 a_n~t, IIMMW 1~1•·<;·. :. , pam (/.)]. IJI},QV"l) ln oflrl11.11'7TI l.o l.h& IJfW!.~ for.I'Ard"'r1 \,t) ll•jll flf .m,Y!11,4r,l rnQ.rl .l.n rturlf, or·J'lciV ll!m't~, IV•tll 11.l.11o hM D. 1)ho!,l) to.·Y.rm in rronl, or Gut.. lf.mb or a WhtJ llfll""are. !.•>· l..e 1.fl"'nt.1'f':lll. WI t.h l,tlf8 ~m;ttSIAH':t ll\e!n 11 ,! 'J.'Illl t1o.l..., wrtl!A'tn on !.he be,~:k (;f' t.h1JOJ pr1111, 1o '.1.~ Oot. t',~ w.., h&v" nl)· f'l91mrd

Of' II tre.r•mn•Hlll.'l, dl.llfrlll.l.'lh ti!JmlJ"lr,· Crrl l.y o.n 1.niJ1r;&I.10n lt, 'll'll!.l f'orwari'I!J blllf'lll b.:t ,YI)•Il' l'.lt,ild.lan The ·t,.a•JY.I~:rc,und fin th11'1 mrci pboLo ..,as ·o:::c.mpl!t.M" 'oiHh Molhe r phot,o r'Hl& B•Jbrn1 t:.t..ed by yO• I t.o · 'llqrs of llllOt.har .midenUUed person photoE,rnphed entering .thl.l Cub Eonb, and. there :l.s little doubt that th~ l5 Oct 63 photo ~as indeed taken in front of the Cub Emb, I This photo'was the one referred to in t--:no!W 154&3. Il:qs assur.Jes that yo:.t also have the negative of .this 1'5 Oct 6~ photo. End. (note by RIGGS: This neo:;at.ive is filed in LIONION photo Chrclno end vas in the file ~ 3 July 67 Personally checked by RIGGS.. Ansver!d b:/ HM.V.A - ! ) ·

THE· N!'w YORK TII-ZS i.. Key Aide Rl!s.ign:s GARRISON I.nq'.!iry -' I.nvest.i!';ltor Quits in Figl:lt Over Aesusination C&Sf! :.. Chief Investigator for GARRISON, Willia:n B. Gurvich, quit his Job today 1.n the miW5t of a a diBp•lt..e over ::.he vny tbe K assassinat.ion inquiry 1.B being cond •cted . ! I I If


621 : ' !

29 June "67


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i i L Ta:!!Pico



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~ "The Death of a President" : ~ '

~ Walter Lippmann l : l

. ' l I ' also: More Hole!l Punched in Jl?K Prob!! · A!,torne:r Dean AHDP.EWS, Jr , said t.ooay tlv!l Clay BERTRJI.!ID ·.rh? so"ght leea.l call.l'ls.,J. :·or nr.:~ Jllfllrl p~a id'!ln•.1al atHHUID in OOW/11.0 wall Prennh Qu.llt.ri"A!I:r bo.r CJl"'Tfl~.or z~n-.~ne C. DAVJJ3 I A:IDFEW3','l!rr..:~nt. ceJ!IIS rm !,he Cll bl!eLa of DAVIB' aur;earance 'before the Gl'QJ'lQ Jur;,t~ I A!fDREW'3 erdd in an in~nitr.r tb4t Clay L SHAW. aco1&ed b:t GARRL'lON of cone~1rior:: to l!l'llrder Prel'.l K ,"n.,ver ·o~aa, and never will be" Clay BEKI'RMID I ANDR!'.ffl, J:R under indictment.for per.}.J.:I"'J in the_GAP.RISOtl in·:eH1en.t-1on, aa14 b.e would vol!UI'·&r1ly go before tM e_ra.nd ~ .ll'J' a.nd ".:.ell them that DAVIS V&S Cla:• .EERTRATID. ~ . '

( ;

M!XI 1950 (Ref: Sl'•'fr.IW l5557 - ~ra 6l6 above) - OOS~R tm•reU~<l Tainpico on 25 June 67 in attempt idntif~ source of Arrer Cons· letter per ref e...'1d make· contact w1 th him I I 1

Arner Consul placed DOSCHE~· in contn~t with inforrr.~'1t, Oscar CONTP!RAS who is repor~er for El Sol de-Tampico; is about 30 yrs old and married vith tnree children: ettdied law at URAM for ~ yrs (,. 1960- 1964); belont-"ed clandestine pro-Castro Rev::>lutionnry t;ro;.Jp a\. UNAM: visited c-.. lba vhare met Ct\stro and F.aul ROA; wa.s persecuted by police for these activities:

' and finally decided r,et avay from group ar.d from police by chansing residence. to Turnpico (circa 1964). CON1'iiERAS claims he no lo:nser member of any ur~~anizo.tion, but is .visited often by old friends 1<1ho still active. ; I Reecrdine; OS'•iALD case, h~ extremely caut.iou::l and refu.t.~ed give DOSC!!ZR di!te.ils an conta.ct''vith OSHALD. Said reason he co11ld not ei'ie na.-nes ot' persona 'Who met. OSW.4.LD .is that t.llen p!lrsons still ~<cti~ revolutionaries and if t.hey fvu.nd O·lt he infol"'!1ed on them, he nnd his family: vo•.1.ld be in "rave dant:e r .~ Altho11;7.h CONTRERAS van. not abll!l or willing giv~ and nan'li!:.l, he said oSWALD · UNAM oa:np: . .S 11llort.l.y after Cub E:nb reLu;ed him visa to vis 1 t Cu 11. os;;ALD made inquiries l"EE€Jlrdine~ pro-Cuban revohttionl.lry ~oup at. UNAM and vas directed to COH'l'RERAS u;d his friends OSWALD met. COm'RERAS and four othe:- persons as they caoe out of ro.mdtable disc-lSsion held in facu.lty of Philosophy OSWALD told group it ur~nt be v:iait Cub& Wld that Cub E:~.b denied him visa :S:e re(pested aid from CONTRERAS'

1 CONTiiE:RAS and others mistr:•sted OS\~ALD because they felt he vas CIA prove<:ation

·Gro 'P allowed OSWALD to &<.'com~- them the rest of that day, tlul.t nif,h.t and part of the u : nut day OSW!\I.D v-ery intro,·erted and appeared be slightly cn:z:y OSWALD made no men~ion o!' na!nuJsinath'lll -plat, but liert. 1->rln!,!in,: Ltp PL'inL he hn'l to l.1~avel to Cuba 1m:!'ll!ld1ntely As to vhel.her .0Si>ALD r.~i.,;ht lu\.ve b<IM hom'-"\SelC :al, Cml'm.ERAS said he intro\lerted a11d had complexes and b.e c·ould have been t>7- to enjoy ouch relationl'l '1-!hile M 'Was with i~ro,1p, however. he &hCMed no BiU!S of th1B V-lnd8nc:r' I !! /OOSCllER 'Wiil.fl to l:llave a t-hird !ll!te\.inE wHh C0m'P.ERA3 ev'!lnine 2~' June 67 but CO!ITHER,a.S d1d not ma)<;'ll l!.pptUI.rMce. f 11/If abo·tl!l not sufficient., St.ction oan pouibly tum info over t,o Ll'l'El1?0S· with, req'1est fhey p:<rs~ caee t'or info Pls llldvise.

:SECRET ........ - ; '

024 .


!.() ,Ju~ '(I {

l July 1

5 July; i

5 July: . :

i 5 Jdy;


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SECRET 1J!E.m!:Wll I 'tJy 1>!aJ.t:<:?r Lippman~


!MMA 32433 to c/wiiD from CC:S, Subj: OSWALD (Ref: :Eru.f..T of ref photo is filed at Mexi S~ation. This photo was photo published in the Warre~ Co~_F.eport was taken in has an file negatives of both photos

-· M&l1chester !ad Malice Toward. None . .

15574 ·- para 619 above) - The nee:ati ve taken in front, or the Cub Emb but the front; of the Sov Emb I 'l'his;.Station

DIR 16023 (Fe fa MS:XI 1950 • ~ro 622 nb.ow) - Althourh it pouib1e CONTRERAS may have fabricated ·entire story, !r:rport.ance of any lee.ds this matter d'!!:nandB ~explore to f'ullo!ll. t '9!111eve I'I~Ol"'J llhoo.J.ld b!l eh·en LNEHGO ·~.~nl"!!lln you h:t.v" ob,ie<:t.ionll If not., do you prefer hruJdle looall.Y or vant ws do lllO here? Once Lltll:RGO 1n 11u:t, they may 11lsh to.kl!l 1p 111tl:l 1-ll!xi a.J!Lhor1.t1eu_ I Ji"lws­VftP'Jl" e.rt1cl'it CO?ITRE.MS u leader ?f e~ tmt.M ro•mlutiono.ry bloo lAndiS 1•.tv" $01DS l!lllbl!itanlli!! to th1:ll atoey. Does Sta.Uoo have any contacts or uset.u who migb.t be able l.o identify· other members of COh"TRERAS group at ti:"!!e? If COI\"!RE:RA.S colleaguen . identified, conce 1 vabl~i e. follCN up approach to him e.rmed with this n:!:!w kno-.rled,?e mi;·ht pera him l!,ive morn of otorJ In any e·.-ent, if unable to r<ee:olVI) COI1TRZRA3 story unUa.~re.lly, will have to ~.111-:e .tp with Plod orficie.lB II.L1 ccru;iderin.~. ponsihly it. mny be .. m11le~ to r1ak expos·1re -Station usi!sts by IUiilat.oral ef!'ort.. ;e.,caune of tlli.B Md 1n view 'LICOAJa'!S rt'!lat.1oneh1p vl.t.h LIT'Jl'.:ff.POO, u. rtlll.Y not bet ·,tl,ll') to uM L!COAXJl,S de11p1t.e the1r lonV, bist.ory a.t Ul1Al1 1 !!tlqut'!Bt v!.ewe .re pror-'!ed1ng on OW'I1, through LITz:fr,pre, or handling lead to L:W.RGO vitb provimo we be. 'i-.ept. inform~ -/ lT o 1d en t1 f 1M~ t re.c:e s C0ll"l'REP.A.S . .

IIBXI 1991 ( f.l!!f: Dia 16223 - Jt$.:::'1!. 626 i.bove) s·,ation feels any f.trther unilateral handling of: CCllTR'EP.AS would not be profitablt! and pre!'ers pass entire cnse :to LITEl'iPOS for act.ion Also. prefetr inform Ll'U:RGO loco.lly re ca.s" I In ord~r aor:oorplloh e.oov'!!, COO plans ba·;e privm.~"!!· ,,.,l' vHh I,I'J.'.Zy,p().ij lll.rld '111.11 omll;i ?,1v~ bi:n 1rll'o avo.1labl, on COl!I'!'P.Z!lAI3 COO hU"'tlllliy 11111Y1ned LJiP;?.!JO or intt1nl into (HM?.frl 15557 • para 616 abo•") anrl pMpar1nv, follow-up rrll!!mo· cont.cain1n~-: 'info on DOSCHER's 'liait. to TJ?.ropi<:o LNERGO to be advised thcr. !'.EXI authorlties nov hancU1n!!, c&se 411.11d· requ.est LNERGO take no action vithout prl.:m prior cons•..11tation Station

~to U::G.!.T fro:n cos,: Subj: C:SWALD Visi~ in Mexi me~o info 1~ above PIII'af'.~phs t.o UGAT - en COm'P.ERAS. j ·

fi'Jl'Z to coo fro:'l'l vmn ( Otttacht::d to CCTo{'Jl: of Vol. I

5 vr p .. (.i59:i

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6 I 67 \ l ·' i

6 July i !. ! .. ,

1 July;_.

8 July-! -! : -l


•.;,.L•:- OUil!l>iDA11 ~Arl;,·: conuact'11'1"l

6~4. 10 J~ I

. I ·' i i I !


·i . I


i DIR 17167 (:Ref': MEX! 1991 OORGOhere

.SECRET : ·_ para ~7 above) Concur.


Will t~e parall~l action by advising

THE f\E'.,"S - D.A. Wants Sept Trial ,for SHAW GARRISON is ready for trial of Clay L SHAW.

THE JliE;."S lolancheater Book Labeled Un:-eliable -

' '!'irE :!B'vl'S CA?J'USON Cba:::~s liewa:nan • 'GARRISON said a ve.rran t; hGP.d been iso ted for the IU'X"'ll!lt

o!' a n'!!tvo:rk n'!va:~a"l on Gb.argea th'!l repor-ter att'.!mpt"!d to bribe Pen-1 PJII.ymond RTJ3SO. the star v1tneu in CARRI30r.'a lll.tte~t to pro"le t~ a3B6Jl!3L.'1ation 'W'IlS a conapimcy. -1 CAPJIISON char~:ed that Walter 3HERIDA!l. ... ..,ori'~d ror !'!DC in 1le1-1 Or~e.t:el for t.vo and one-half years SHERIDAN b.a.s devoted his efforts ·almost exclusively since Feb 1nvest1_gattog GARr.ISON's usassira tion canspirac~ theo~ and leeal activ1tied.

· v.EMO from JKB (So-.trce LI'IEMPOI12)Jr;g re~ Oscar COO'l'BRAS - Attached is· a report on captioned I!I"J.bJect, dated 7 JUly 67 I It vlll be noted that the records of the UN.AM Law School reflect 'that the only Oscsr COlirREF.AS listed is one Oscar COm'RERAS Lartie,,:e who was registered as a student there in 1959-60, bu.t not d:;ring the period; l961-b3

Attachment as follows: 'In t~ Lli.v Faculty at UNAM :l.n the f1 ies there is onlylistsd Oscar CO~RAS ·Lartigue, a student who regiotered in 1959 a.'ld 1960 to stud:r Law, having quit "en este ultimo aflo" / He is fro::: Ciuda.d Victoria. Ta.'l!Qulipae, born 14 Feb ~9. of Eustar:l.o t. COOTrf:RAS and Gulildal"J.-pe LARTIC-UE, hiw secondary st•Jdies;:t vere at !scuela Maciona.l Soect.indaria y ~ratoria ~deral in Tamaulipaa fl'Or.l 5<! to 5S ! On 17 Jan 61, in Excelsior. appears O!?e Oscar CONTteP.AS, as ·e. signer of a protest for the Bloque -Estudic.ntil Revol•Acionario


fhe first -time we heard:of the mm vall in 1

Jttly 61 when o.ctivities;'Mr·-~ in'politics'amoni at,l<W:nta .. 1·13 ,Tul,_v 61 :. tlni~rSlity l~ronps or th5 left, u~~im.lly l'lER. and the Movimiento A:TJer.!.-•a l.&t.ina (MAt.} headed \>~· lhu~oor!.o H!RI.AR'l.'E (or BF.R) aitd l-"dro SAEN/:. Y.epeda. (or MAL) made propa~anda utUidng "agrupadones de paJa" to attack the clergy and the Sec~tariat ·or Gobernacioo. I Directors of HAL are: H•Jf.O ARANDA. Oscar GO!\'ZALEZ M<i' RHlftn (Than) GARCIA, and those frO'!! the BER -pllumed to m'!!'Jtins·s in thi! A~neo Espal'lol. or tffiJ\11!, at:cordinv, to . ;tne in!Jtl'!Jctlons or ,Jor.:<! Jl.nt'JI'lio POi:rTJ01iD0 ( npelled COFCIJO~IDO in rep<>rt,). ,._rnb or C••ba 1 ,

15 .July b.l - Tnlo ~::ro1lp vit.ll other p.;ro ;pa or th<!t len. con~1nue hav1n.,: ·me'!t.lno.:e at Un1ver'£11ty · ·City: "25 July 61'- Tb1s t;ro:;p invit>!d students of. Inst1t•.1to Politecaico f1ac1onel {IPN)· to an "act" _to be held on. :?6 ,Tul~· C.t ·11\ t Uui v City to co• Le . the Cuban Revolution '· 2b July lll - Thla ~-:roap. al0.'16 vi'.h MAL vill or~111.n i:.e Ill) "act" in the lh:n:ar: i ~ ies A:;•5lt..,r: ru' [to honor the Cubsn' Revolution I 15 Sept el - The atude~ts o~ Lav School. ka~ vb1cll head ;t~ leftist political g.rolp, ~named Patricio I,ub,;mla w1J .. : 1er.QI·e,e.:·. !.:.ia:P.d ;.·ilt lin .f.Z.E\

I I ' 'SECRET : '


6~4 .. (cont1n1ed} 10 1July. '61' ·i I · ~ ; i·

Oz o• r r.ollT"'F! 9)!$ . lfll! ·:e a 11 these n&.r.~es ~"!n cbecr:ed as poosibly havl.n: .. had contact vi t.h o.<:;·.;/~!.D ._.~:'! (':Qr.Tl'£i=IAS ·.ra.s at TTIQ'A."l I!Uld O~~ALD ~~~ therei??

}0 Nov 61 ·- Uni;.rers"it.:r Leftists, directed by th'! :lJER, ;'1ovim1ento Libel'acional. Nacj onal end· l".AL, directed by Antonio ~IORIO Adame. Vicente VILLA.!1AR, ,Jose Edtuu'l:io PASCUAL and Humb<!rto HIRIARTE vill s~:rrnon the students to a Defense of the C~ban :evolution and 'v111. '·e led by th.!! Coo:itl:! Uni;.reraitario Pro-L~fer.aa of t~ same leaders. 1 24 Jan 62 - A 1l!! vill be planned fo:::- t-he A~;10 e. C• e:-, el :::~.·~~:::'_.-.. "'- .:;·:E.r!; L: ':1-." I"·'::(· c!oes not. stop it I

7 62 - Princips..l leaders are: Victor !'anuel l'.AP.CE'LO, Carlos A!IDALUZ. H•lf.O CASTRO Aranda, Antonio 'I'Kl70RIO A1a:re. Joee Gl.iERHEP.O Gu<:!rrero, Carlos CF:TIZ T~j'3da,'!'tl MOLINA· Brion



.. L .-, ~ I

This is nc"t?z.:;,!. \.nat C':O'/'fRE~r-; vas ,not .,:_ mrt,ll, in ~~pt 6!;

6!-6. ' 12 Sept.,

6!7. 12 JulY



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I , j ...



, r

.. i e.lvez, Hu~.b'.!!rto HIR.It.Rm, (epeiH'!<:i !UARTE), Osca.r GOlflAl.EZ, Ilibarn GARCIA. Pedro SAINZ Zepeda, Alberto CE:RECE:R, Jose E<:L:s.rdo PASCC!U,, Juan SALDAnA, fol.artin RE'r.:S Baissadel. Vicent.e LVILi.JJ'.AR, Rube!'io FER.iiAl'il:8Z Dorado, em! Jee·.1o OCHOA I This gro.1p ceased i'tll"lctl.oning as such abo.:t the ::aiddle of 19~ &..""ld o:le Oscar CO!U'REP..AS, who "''l!I.S not one of the "·leaders, it. is. possible he vns a lesse:::- m1li~..a...,t e.nd Sig::J.ed as a leader in the Excelsior p·;blicat.ion so as not to co:::proo;ise r.he actual ·leaderS

EY.l'.A !2497 (P.e!': 1~/.I 1991 - para. lf<!'{ - Att-ached is a COJI'J of first report re<'..<!hed fr001 tile LI'IZY.POO on COI'i"u3?.).S. . . I Of major inti:! rest 1B that. the tm'AM Law School files ~!"lect that the only Oscar CONTREP.AS listed is one Oscar CONTJ:<ER/>.3 Lartigue, wt.o wa.s re~istere~ as a student. in 19:'·9 &!'ld 6o, but not during the period 61 t.o 6~· In th'!l interview DCSCR!R had with CO.'lTP.E?.AS in Te.c;pico, CO;r!'FERAS said he has studied ln·.r for th.--ee ~·ears between Et'.• and 64

__ .. This appsSJrs to be a d-irect lie C:l his part 1 Also, C017i'BERAS said he wa.s a leader o~· the -i E!:R during his st·.1dent years, e.nd acco:·din,_ to th1!: reporr., his na."l""~ doos. no. appear on a,ny

of the lists of l~aders of the Bloc I Th'!'J peraons mentioned: in thi! report are £enerall~ lmO'.m :.o the Station ali! persons wbo telO:l<), or b!!lon::ed,}l to the l.fLN and other le'ftist :revohtiona..--y ~rou"!)S in l~exi. flull Such is the cMe vith Antonio TENORIO ,Marne, Vicente VILLA:t..AR Con~rera.z :m::l lm.niel !~0LI!lA AlveMz. TENCRIO ls 111 rr.omber of' Di~c!.iv" Co•mcU of the IU Md vu a ·dele;;)ilt..~ to Tri-Cont1nent.A.l O::onference held 1.n -Hn.b&r~a in Jel!'l 66 VILLAY.AR is on the Central Committee of the JCM IIUld va.a a delef.!at'! to l.he Tri-Co.' Conference in Jan 66. MELIHA is a ~'!'~'ember of the or!.'Mizing committee for tile first LASO congress.

MEXI 2756 - ~ 12 Sept most "M!:Xi dailies, incLdin~:: TM 'N~we! carried vire ~ervice :reporte of GARRISON's Playbo-J article charging that ex-CIA men killed D JFK. · In addition El Univer. sal printirlg series b::; telio F. roirOMf d'lt?!lined Miami entitl>!!!d "La CIA D!lclam la C•;erra a GARRISON". I Pouching clips. I

J t r

THE .itE"WS - GARRISON Files Bribery Cbar£eS Jl,gainst GARRISON tiled cl"uarpes e.coJoin(?. a n.~.mJllit:n:nan o:: 'llottempting t.o bribe M1 int.imidat.e 11 wHn!l!lll 1n probe, 1Jlichard 'ra.miZY


·s··-cqrr· t K_ ....__


l~ JW.y 67 ·~



'lf .. a th1B 'Men i::heck~td?

16 .JUJ.:,·: .

2~ July:


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:•·' .;

·earl,:.- :con~act/-''···-

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SECRET GARRISON -GetS "Equal. Time" Spot -

M!XI ,2124'- l.' In clAssified note to Station o July, ArnConsul, W1111a."ll Harb!!n, in Merida, . repozted follcrw1ne: A A:ne:r retired eea.:n:an Joseph BARET nO'W' in Merida vas aboard. Far::oel Lines Freighter African Dawn April 67 in Dar Es Salaa'll vhen that sb.:l.p unloaded considerable -~rated freight.' to 1::-!l.r~"'!! frO'-ll vhicll 1 t vas loaded on C1..:b nssel bertl"..ed 200· yrulls avay Harben describes RARET as· alert, 1ntellit,ern;. e.x:~rienced sea:r>en ! B American citizen I:Jo!nn1s -Lynn !IAP.EER describin~ self liB armed forces ~t en 100 percent i:Hs1.1.bi1Hy pension. . told Rarben that a Robert ERV..m, B:x:r. ;,69 Bouldor:r. Colo, vhoru be blew prevlo-J.Sl:r vh'!n t.J!!achin£ Eng to C·..lban ref•..lf.ees in scho9l r,,;n by fnu DIXOii _in l~ill'l'li visited him at. his (RARBER's) va:rent's hCI"'le ·in C~ and q·Jestion'!d hl.:n J.!lin;~ -::cn~ale-1 tape recorder about se·teral A-nerieana .vho_ h&ci·vori'.ed at IU.ami school: Bob D Bi10".m. Ed CCLLHi3, W.l.ll1a.r.1. SE"!MOt.'R, Leonar1 HALL and fl:n liARG?.AVES. He also Rfl_~?. p!:!.oto '?f Do.vid nRF.IE miY.ed ·•P in Ne·.r Orlea.:m inYestie;a.. tion of Pres K's death ·and e.s!r.ed if he lmev him HJ..?J!ER clabs to hl!l'te tnt.nslat..ed for BROW'ff ·book by Cub offi<:er; J!.loorto BAYO e:~t1tled "One Bu:1dre,i FL ty r.:;; .. estiona i'o:r Gl.l~rrilla Fi€,h.ter" published b:: ?anther pJ.blic&~ti0!1S Also. vorked Bertitz school New York In viev apparent robust ph;;·sical h-ealth, Harben SllSpe<::ted BARE'i!:R be affected with so:J~e sort psycb.o­ne .• rasis at! 2. Belie·.-e para lB info sllo.~ld ~ passed to LNERGO.

'!'BE liE'WS - Three Assasins in JF.rC Conspiracy Says GARRISON

\ •' . ~liD to Dixector. FBI in Washing.ton, S~bj: OS'ti.A.LD - merno reports info in paras' 6:54, 6!5 above

'!rKI· . .m:t."S - C onne.1J.J,· "..' r H. Ilt. o-.m A c co \Ill t :of .As sass ina. t 1 an .':' . .

Jilll!"'ll 15695 to cos·, SubJ: Possible !-'.exican Ramifica.t:l.ons of Assassination of Pres K, -1. An I.J'i!RGO infor.nant alleges that "quite s~ til:'e" before the ::assassination, OSWALD met

:,;in M!xi ... Cit.y i~ a me.~te:· .:f WOFAC! whose alias vas Bill i".SDINA. The latter's true 'name V&ll rtot la:IO!In to the infol'1:18!lt Would you pls advise -.;he;.her t.he name Bill MEDil'rA is knO".rn in 'any con~xt? We sssu:re th~I"! is no connection vitb. IDENTITY but would appreciale your cO!Ilmllnts l 2. Another L.l'IIERGO repor;:. 1ncl..tdes a stateil!ent to the effect that one Sam DEPINO. lkvs ·nept, WVUE Television, Ne·,; Orleans ..:lairzd to have received info that. GARRISON :night try :to connect. o.n ex-Nazi ncrw llvint; in l'exi City vith the assassination. The ex-Nazi vas supposedly active 1n the propacand.e. field and ,."liS a.l$o described as "one of the heads of 'o/OFACT in ·MeJti"

.Cl!-n you surmise ·.oho :nit;bt be the identity of this incongruous d'!!scriptine?_


644. ll Aug ~7 1

Thayer "'ALDO 11 · ·


645. 1l Aug.!

' 'I

R ~<A' "'-"rk 11"'1'AYE'"'

' !-



i I ! ,_


_I I

j· J




i '; l'


SECRET DIR 26:;97 {Ref: lt'l.WRID 2170 ~ing :rela:,-ed M!!xi City - ) 1 1. FollOlline_ info from WOFACT and L1fPU"fiE field reporta: A : TRAY!R WALDO reported as atrinF,er i'or Drev Pearson in Uruguay 191¥.~ vhe:re he lmO'.m for inaccurately reporting Emb events Be friendly wHb. gro·;.p of Spanish Cooml'mists in Urugu.&y P.eport. from Urug•J&y also disclosed that Waldo made dercg lilt% :rer.".arks :re~arding U.S polic:• in Latin America and expressed hi~elf as sympathizer lol'i tli Sov politics. Reliabil-ity of above report CSL\'lnot be j ;.deed since not available

-- g in files / B. WALDO also repo:rt.edly served e.s correspondent for Pearson in Ecuador and Colc:::nbia. After beine invite<"! to Ecuador by I3res Galo PLAZA, Subj took steps in 1950. to renounce U.S .. citize:::!.ship and obtain Ec~o:mn citizenship in c.rder ad~·ance official position wi~ latter govern~nt. Later decided retain U.S citizens-hip. Irt 1953 Subj was a.d:lliniatrator of in Sol, leftist da.:l.l:; in QuHo. In April 1953 he launched tb.e 11 Pacific Post. neV!!paper in EcUador. ·Subj considered unreliable, dishonest a:1d w.ns!lwory by Americans and EcuadorMs June 195~ WALOO deported from Ec·.'-fl.dor by Pres Jose !'.aria VELASCO lbl.lrra for writing derog articleiS concerning Ecu.adoran govern:;-,ent. He then t~pent one month in Cali, Colombia wheY"! he re-issJe~ U.S. passport Wife Helen, a_Hungarian nati~~al, joined Subj in Cali, travelling from Quito on :rno pa.sspor';;. I C.-, Jan f:IJ, Hnbana Station report-ed WALDO as .A:nerican ne\olsr.Jan from Mexi in· Habane. who might be offered editorship of' Eng ls.n~uage Times of Habana Late Jan 6o, l"lexi St&.Uon reported Subj_ discussed six week tour of Cuba wHh Ernb officials ltqs files indicate ·wALDO resid~d !~xi two· yre prior late 196<:1 at Calle Colima 107,. Dept 7, Me xi 7. I :0. Latest info available Hqs is Hex1 9266 indicating WALDO Public relat:\.ons head of Univ of Americas G.3 of c;. Aug 65. { 2 .. Suggest addressees pass above info to .P.:rnb officers wllo 1n touc~ vit!l Subj 1 3. M For Mexi: Req"Jest t::-aces on Subj

!«XI 2454 --'{Ref:·. D!R 26097 - pilm.644 above) - l. Nexi Station files_ contains same derog . on WALDO (aka Mark TRAYER) as ref In addition BY.R"wl ;-2c2 of 11 Veb 6o cites Lllil'l&lly reliable

:' source in HEG lE:-4. of 16 June 5;.' that Subj.'ll- former partner in Pacific Post, Francis R S1.JTHERLAND stated WALDO carried on his person proof of CP I!J!!o::bershi~ which .SU'rnERLAnd had seen.-! 2. Acting on top frooSINONCINI ~hat WALDO had beer. expell~ fro:n Mexi, COS raised Subj in Amb staff ~eti.nE; 3 Aug. Co;r.oer-cl.m.l Counselor vb.o sits on board of re~·.ents at Univ of Amricu_, s-aid WALDO ·bli.d bee:~ fired b;:·-Univ sine'.! be ;;as not doing .lob for t..bem Said Univ forgo~; to infonn 00<1 tll.e.t ;;ALDQ wor%1nr?: for them This p•.1t WALDO in position of havinr.

-vi.ola.c.ed wortil'IZ pap!rs_reipirerent, and Eccordinz co-:r:-.ercial co·mse1_or, probably acco>ltlt.ed for WALDO'-s exp" by GOf.'!. Counselor !or p.1blic affairs added th&t WALDO apparently kicked into TeXas .beca~ae 'he b.e.f called E:nb Press Attache from <;here on 2 Aug I 3 In sa:ne

, staff m.eetinf; Couns ror Public Affairs said l".exi· fore.irn correspondents assoc concerned over we because (a) they feared iiALOO .::-:ight have "ix.-en expelled because of e.nt:!.-Mexicen articles

-be' wro-.e·for D!nv~r Post·and New York-Times {for which he stringerJ, and (b) WALDO awed ehio eo:ne '6,000 pesoo in 'l:.s.r bi-lis, etc I 4 Acoordin~ US. Con Gen Mexi. WALDO is US citizen and b&d.:iatest U.S :rassport illsued Mexi 1966 l 5 Maxi Ent:.News carries story :by_Jaim'!!_Plenn 11 Aug l!.ee.dlL-,ed "Senrch on for Missing liewilman" P"'...ENN writes that disapp!!a.rance o!' WALDO public relations .director u.t Un:!.v of Amer, has 'becor:~e ob .. ect. of of-!'icie.l and private 1ncpir1es

. SECRET -&--·: 1-

I SECRET i i u .Aug 6J' ,, _ . : li'c)llollring is e,ist PLENN article: WALDO left i~xi •mexpectedl,v early July Last' heard frOm

1 1zl letter postmarked Los Angeles e.ddres~;ed to Uni·rersH:t cla1mlne:: he had b~en trailed in l'llexi ( continlled)

11~, t.i~ ABBI!ISB1Mt.iOn and that p~BB>lr:! put on him to co•ml,rJ. ·WALDO a roo:rib!'Jr of fore1;:n correspondents ; i·, assoc •• which l.i.l'!ts him M correspondent. for Denver Poot, S101.n;Fnmc1sco Chr nlcle, and l'


i ------~

ll Aug '



' I ('

! '.

--r '



l \


ro,lld wftLDO's ;wife be .r:.~"~rierl AbCHt S'D'!n~ in )')o>ilA'S d "r1Di ASSDSSWtiOn'li

15 .Aug

19 All8

' ' ' ' ·~--- ----. ~


' '

'' tSECREl

' ' ' '

T~tcsori C!itizen. Also wrote :re;,:ulady fo:- other US pe..pers .'&:>th Univ and Aasoc tr;ing locate WALDO I 6. PLEim story ccntinued: WALOO in Dllllaa at time acsaBtJination 1!1.111\ reported events of that week to U S ne·.ropapers Severnl months ago he called pre11s conference Me.xi and outlined his points of view that differed with Wa~n report Short ~hile before leaving

-Mexi;·· WALOO ¥ to ha:;e been inveatt;;;ating activities in ,.,..,xi of OSWALD and a rs_ported trip to !ll!!xi by !l'll!rnbers of a secret U.S orga.r1ization at time Pres K· visi:.ed Maxi 1962 WALDo friends said he told ther:~ h'! had been com,.niesioned in flX New Orleans bv GARRISON to .. -erify repor.ts of certain incid~:1ta dJ.ring KEmlED"f visit !t.e:d. GO!<! irnml!J)"&t.ion officials have dl!!nied ',YALDO d~porved. u.s Err.b Bllid they had. no info to u 1pply re WALDO's vhereabo•ltn. I 7 LNERGO cnur Mex1 e.dvised COO oa 11 Aua that L!l'F.RGO try inr, _to loca~ to interviev him re OSWALD case Request. H'.:S adv!BOJ LNERGO ,if whereo.b.olltB kncwn

.TBJ!: rEWS • Search On For, !< ;'e'.rsman - 're Thayer WALOO - info ~::iven above '

IIJEY.I 2463 (Ref: MEX! 2454 - para 645 abo-"e) - l. l'V!:d Eng l'levs 12 Augllst carries foll<:n~-• story on Thayar l-TALiJO by Pearl GOliZAJ,.EZ Gist follcr"'s I 2. . W,ftl.,DO reported 11 AUfolllSt to be vorkin;,:: on a n~,.,rs- stor;,· for »p,amparts" mar,uine' While a l'or "Ramparts" said WALDO b.aB e.z:t assignment for thl:! !':'.Q.€_O.Zine, he declined to !HlJ what.. the MB1£Ilment is or where WALDO located I 3 i<ihen the ne;;s contacted WHlla:n 'l'UR.N8R, staff vriter of the Califomia l'lli!At"SZir,e at noon ll_A'l{;;, M saidt "I Just talked to >TALDO 5 min ago Thl:!re's no mystery He iS ·Just busy traveling, which :I.e why he hasn't. written to a.'lyone or vhy he basn' t left a forwardin£ address Even e.s he up he vas get.ting ree.dy to leave for ·another city ." I 4. 'I'UP.NER vent on to ·Sa~· that WALDO explain~d his resignation from the Univ of th'! 'Amer al'l' :reslllting fro:n press,.tres applied to Univ officials by powerful Arner business interests follow.;

.ing his talk 1,1.t the;-fol"P.'ign correspondents club D!bunkirtg The Warren Report WALDO went "on 'vacation" in Los -Angeles, 1n July, TU!'JlER said, 'wired hie ~s1gnation to Unh. then , folloW-ed ilp with a le~U!r to pres of Unio Fro.'ll Los An65les WALDO'J.ed to San F.-ancisco vhere he contacted- "Ra.:rr?f,\rts" and was put to work on temporary basis TURNER concluded b;t ,

.saying-WALDO "definitely not:put out of lfJexi "- / 5.' Two professors at Univ said they weren't surprised at WALDO's resignation since he had been ne~lecting his job One professor att=icllted this to 'the fMt WALDO uni:Ier, trem!!ndo.ts ernotioual strain since his wife allegedly in States -va.itin,;: for decne on d~vo~ce she filed several months ago

TEE J'E\;"'S -· GARRISON Wins PerJury Case ~- ag~inst Lear! ANDREWS t·- -- i ' ' ' :

1 , I , · : ' THE 1lEWS - DA Says OSWALD, R1J.BY, SRA·..r Conspired Against Kennedy I! I fGARRISON said that sRA·l once cet vi th RUBY and OS'..TALD e.t the JMk Tar Capit.&.l Rouse in Bat.on Rou,_-e and hMded .•them IIIOney, that the mee~ing occur:red .from 2 to 9 p.m on!· S~pt 63!/1/ that SHAW went to ·Portland, Ore., in No·r 63 in fur":.h~ranc:e o,f the all'!ged cone piracy. The route took him through Houston,· L6s J\ngel,e~ and S!illl Francisco. · ·i

650. 22 Aug ,61

'.'i :/ '{

12 Sept

1:3 Sept.,

65;:. 16 Sept -67 x ,~h~:·k P'ls:-}:io.- Tn.-.erviev -GA~TSO!f

~· Oct. 1. 1 1




.r ;-.


1 SECRET ~ ·:3286l to cl\rnc, SubJects L."lERGO Reoort:3 on Re.'lli.fications of Assassination Ref: BM!>'M l5o9s - :Para 64' above - As f~r as can be deterrr.ined no 'WOFACT mer.iber has alias Bill !>!EI)DlA. Hqs ass,:.mption with re rard to ];Qra l, last sentence is , con-er.:t aware, there is no ex-Na~i vho is "one 01 the heads of WOFACT in Mexico."

'!'BE NEWS - Ex-CIA l4en Killed JFK Says GI\RRISOU -

used the I ke B''.)S

. f«XI 2700 - Ref: ~1ZY..I 2756 - ) - Follo'lling editorial vrltten b;; LIQ.UIFlER i~ le~ ed.1torial column of !>'.e:xi prestige daily Excelsior re GARRISO!Ir interviev in· "Playboy": Title: · Versioos by GA..'i.RISON. Text: It is , 1/!!flfLIQ.UIFIER wrot.e above editorial solely with, .a-im of discre' GARRISON Since most \I'Jexica:ts do not believe in Warre!l report L~IFlER :

, had to. express nor:nal Mexi doc:bt about assassination i·lost ll'.exi readers wi!.l asswiJe. that editorial· represents C'fficial GOM and Excelsior :nanar-.ement attitude toward CARRISON interview I Pls advise vhether Hqs vant.s 1-lexi Station po\ld: or cable S'Panis~ text 1 1 'I

! .

Pla;\ boy Interview: Jim GAF..RISON (Uote wri t!'.en t>y COS: This E;'lY GARRISON is so far fone · tlu\t he vould not be in e.n:v luny ~ ! ! )

NOV!DA.DE:S ~ OSWALD Requ~s ted Help fror.1 us ~o Kill Y.enned~;, says Castro - JUs Amb in 'o Mexico .informed,· ·but ~ didn't take it Serio :sly .- Ca!..·~ro reve.1led in a newspaper lnterview that OSWALD visited the Cub E:r.b in He:r.ico i.n order to reqdes:; help to carry t)ut his plans to aJflsassina.te Pres K .. I Castro told the r::ewspa.per:l!m, EnEl1sh11an, Comer CI.ARK. who was on a . visit. in Re.bana. a.::cordinr, to an anicle j·.;st. pe<blished in the U S The Inqtlirer: "I knew· . ;wnALD was plannine, Lo assasshla te Pres K, but I didr:.' t think he wo lld do i ~ CSW.U.D visited the Cub Er.ib in t•ie.:o::i on two occasions: the first, he said he wanted to work' for •1s, bu.t did not care. to give deLails. The second t:t::e·, he said h~ wan:~d to liberate. Ct!ba from Arr:eric-an

. 'imJ:.e.rialism, kill Y-enr,edy e..'ld 1t vas e:r.actl.y that which he was thinl:ing of doin1, " Castro added that the Cub Amb in r:.exi told him of OSWALD's visits and what OSWALD had said He did 'not r-tve it any i:nporte.."lce. He (the Cub Amb in' r1exi) thourht he was dealin1;; vit.h a · "Also·. I vo.uJI <'·:(\~;_,;.~,-. ;:t:~·~··:.. a Cili_,,- .,· .::;;~;·.• to be a st.upidil..;i As far as Cuba is C(ncerned the U.S Government vill to be the se.:re - vit.h :::-ne presiden·. or an<1ther " 1 The reporter askl:!d Castro if his e;o·,-ernmer.t varned the U S. abour- OSWALtt's plans Castro answered

,-;.hat b:l.s 1-_overn::ent does not r~ve, and did not ha·:e an;,· kind ot· relations vlth the ~;:overn~nt 'of tl:.e U S. Also,: "If I .had taken O..S:-iALD t!er.l.o .s::.:· I co•.1ld ha·1e infor.TJ'!!d the Unitl:!d Nations :or sa-ne official o,rga.nizalion. b:1t I doubt :..hat ar.:,.one •.touJd have believed it an;twa:1 .

·:Anyvay I tho·;~ht toot OSWALD's vislte to the Cub Emb (in r1e:r.i} urobabl~· had some·htnl:'. to do :vu.h. the CIA of tM U S " I The. ne-..·&pap'!rman asl'.ed Castro "whnt.over the cane •. d:td Cas~ro :consider Lh!l ·pobaibili :.y of th~ a.seacsination " Castro emphaaiz~d that. the thocJ;;.ht entered 1hia·rr.ind, but he bc-nediately discar:!ed it. "Also, :if it were discc-·,-ered tb.a.t there existed ·a plot they would bla.:rl!d us :m for intervening. It could have been a pr!t.ext for another invasion of OJ.r land ,ft.t any rate, everybody vould have stared at as {Cute) "


~ Oct.o~r: f.J7 I

' ' '

655 3-70ct:67. rti'! :k C~VALD's brother~s ;s·.ory


659. <; r.c: c ;; Ann i.e

16,Nov 67

.}o·'oct 67 ·i · R. I?A'l'l'EIBOI'l !

' i'


. ;


. ' l

I !

. I

,_ SECRET "I am not ~C1JOOI!i1ole' for the <1eat!l o!' K vu l'.illed .~by U.!l. Fta.l3cists,,by ele~~ts vit.h him".


Thil$ nho11ld M well unde~stood I think !{ ,

o; tile: right vinr.: who wert! in, disa .. reernent. 1


THI NEWS .;. Jte WillS My Droth~r Robert L. OSWALD vi th Myric!t and Barbara Land I

'1'81 NEWS OSWA!.D'I'I Widw St<es Oov.,rnrrl'!lnt. I.N')1 r.h~ U 8 II:OY!'lnt'lll'lnt. !'or ~00,000 dollau 11111 <J()ff'~h!iltt.l:ltJn lor tJll! ;o·...,mm~nt 'a D'll~·l'il <?f CIJWAL!l'lil P"~onel ~rl'enttlll

'l'JIE NEwrl ~ by Allan and Scot.L - I1bi St. ill P<Jr.zled - , II'J3I is· still 1nves t tgaling e.· mys V.H'l' 1nvolv1n•: tbe cont.enUI of the las\. letter OSWALD vrote betore Lhe tra;.edy I The FBI: intercepted letter mailed to the So·1 Emb, Wash , on 12 Nov t.3 -· 10 days befor'll Lhe !IIBsustn­ation. I Written an a req.1e11t for Ill\ ~O'I vleiA, Lh~.t l•HV-Ir rmnt.eln"Dd a pare;.raph l"'l!'lrrin(~ to tM h11~hly III!!Cl't!L l"l'Call of a Cub ofildal in foleT. Ci-t:; !!:mb dtl:;O I!Jft'.9r' o:-.:'#1\LO hlrl '110il.<!d tlvl!rt! .. I !lov did Of»>ALD l'!lnrn a.t>out. thle o1f1r:Lal 1 t1 o.nno"nu!ld nr;e.U? .' TtV'! FBI l!atf.l from OM or· t,h!"'i!~ to.1r~tH l) An inforrM.nt in th1 Cub !'!mb ''"'xi vho 03WALD tnm after b~S r'!tur'!'l'!rl to too U.3. 2) too CIA, or 3) t~ Y.GB I 1 I ! The CIA's memo, now decl..assifi'!d, etaV!s "We sur.:1is'! that th<!i ref.,rence in OSI.'ALD's 9 Nov letter to a man.· vho has 111nce been replar:ed r.n:wt refer to Cub"Jll Co:111'l~ ',Eusebio A7..C'IJ!i:. who lef't lilexi for Cuba. cin p!!rman"!nt transfer on 10 llov 63, fmr da;rs before the assassination · 1 1 I 1 1

Marina and M;re. Ruth Paine, on vhos'!! type·.;riter tile final dra!'t wa.s made. knew of the letter and its contents bef~re it vas ~iled. I Mrs Paine copied the letter and turned it over to Warren cO:nm on 2~ f>'ov 6:;. . . I :

'I'm: NEWS - Boc:-; Cite~ :; G~nmen in JFK Killing f! /co~clusions. of a.. tvo-.Yr investiga-tion of the 6!· tnt:ed;t by Dr. Josia.h TROilfP?,ON of il'av'!!rford Colle I;!!, Pa d'!!moHeh.,s the Warran Re JH>rt, Tfl011I'80Tl, )2 y rs old 11!1.1!! Ph 1 p.., ~-~~ f..llll f'!·~ Ell; h9h r, ~rqt-!1 "r.IY. t,:., oontls in !)allen", 'Jh \oh (Jq,/jl.~ rl~)l)b~, r.m Uv'i ·~IIHt. ·r;!' l)ml/\!.1) . .'I'II(J!·lllf! t:lO.~Nol! l,1; I'IAV., had ft':i;'illll$

t.o a l;.,.t.,...,r CJt Allrt~ham ZJlJ'lruD~k'e color rrtovi"l: of tl~ lli.~II!LtHiinat.ion than vu made a.vaU~bl'! to 1..1•" FEI. .. /1 Tl!<l1PSOH indlcate:s - Four bulleLs were 'fired and all hit their mark·~ B~llets were fired fro~ three loc~tiuns- the sixth floor of the Depoei~or.y Bldg, the roof of a nearby bldg, possibly the Dallu Co'.ln ty. Records 'Bldg or the Dll-Tex Bldg, and the st.ockat::e fe:Jce 't:A.!hind th'!! grassy knoll at the side of the plaza

CASE OF Annie P.. PA'fflRSON (file fro:n Protection & •..relfare Sectiqn U. S, Embassy, ~xico)






23 Nov 67

24 Nov 67

8 ~c 67


' ' ·' i'


' ''

Ab::-aha.:::; :OO:..r:E!i -;'ear~: contact '?

' 9 Dec 67

' ,;

,, !


SECRET '.!:BE JID.iS - by Robert S. Allen e..nd :.>aul Scott - FBI Still Puzzled ••••. 1nvestiga.ting a !liY!Itery 1n••olving the em> tents of the last letter OS~iALD wrote before the )lalln.e tragedy. , , • The correspoo.denc:e, intercepted !l.!ld read by the FBI before it arrived 11t its d'lstinntion, was mail~ to tbe Sov Emb he~ {Washington) on 12 Nov 1)3 - 10 days before U!IMo1nat1on,, I Written lUI a :request for a So·r 'Jiaa, the letter c<.nta1D~d a paragraph t"!; to tM highly see:ret :recall of a Cuban official. in the Mexi Emb days after OS'.?ALD had visited there and :returned to !AUlas. I FBI t:r-Jing to e.nswer, How did OSWALD l'.'!arn about this official's annoUDced recall? The FBI said info would have had to come to OSWALD from one of 3 sources: 1) An infor'T.9Jlt in the Ct:b E:;:b in Mexi who cont.a.cteJ OSIIALD after he retur::ted to the U.S.: 2? the CIA, or 3) the KGB, the Sov secret police ••• :The FBI e.scertdned tba~ CIA and Y.GB in flexi learned of the official's :£"3call at the so.rne t1.rre an1 only a '1>-eek before O~IA!.D v;;·ote b.ia ::.etter. containing the following para.1 "Or cours" the So-1 Emb wa.a .not at fault~ they ver<:!, as I say, the Cuban Consul waa guilt:r of a gross b~aoh of r:!gule.tiO'IlZ, I a:n glad h~ has sinoo been repl.a.ced." ..... CIA's memo to 1-lr..r:ren Co=ission, classified statea: "'.ie aurmiee that the referenc'!l in OSWALD's 9 Nov letter to a o ha.s since been :replaced cr;st refer to Cuban Consul Eueebio AZCU"E:, who l€<ft Mexi for Cuba on perrna.nent transfer on 16 Nov 63, four days before the a.esassination.


B::1!·~ 33540 Attached he:revitl-> is (of para 66o above)

Tim NE'IIS - Lane \.fants Agent Before JFK Probe - Aathcr-attorney !fl..ark Lane is o.!!,Pres. Johnson to release for.ner SecMt Service agent Abrahe.r.~ BOLDEN to testify in GARRISON-'s investigatio:. •••.. Lruie charges that the Secret Service !me11 of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy

before the assassination.

ELrrz (ne~~Sp.!!.per) - Iiew Evidence 'Exonerates OSwALD - FBI-CIA Plotted KEnnedy Murder -• •••• The fact that some 20 or :no're vitnesses or persons involved in the cri:re, from OSWALD to RU!Y vb.o have s!Dce di'!d unnatural deaths, also appears to incriminate powerful Police and

, Intelligence sources in the conspiracy .••••. Ne·.r information caroo to light early in 67 vhl!n Miami Police D:!~.rtment released a. tape-recorded conversat1on between a Police inf'o:rmer and an unidentified man who va.a an or~izer for a :ree.ctiona.rJ Geg:rega.tionist poll tical party. On 9 Nov 63, thic, "said tb.a.t a. plan to kill the President was in th! works. He said

. Kennedy would be 'sl c.t :vith a high-p::n.-erer.l rifle from c..n office building, and that the gun : v,o\.lld be disasse,nbled, taken into the building, o.ssetanled, :rut end ·then used fo?r murder". :Also "They will pick up somebody within hours afte:r-w!!.rda .••• just to tnrov the public orr". ~"The" ta:pe:.. reeord:::r.g· ·or ·thn-9·n·:>v-63, ·coii·ie r·sa.troli ·vas -gi ve'if ·t·o-Ufe" ·se·c·ret- Servfce._iirirmdlate'!y~---­:7 ... " (Bill Barr-.,:, "Assassination Idea Taped Two Weei'.s Fei'ore JFJ< was Killed" MIAl~r l€WS, '2 Feb 67, page lA, cola. 4-7 & page 6A, cols 1-6). .... The FBI pick'9d up and questioned the ! unidentified l!lllll five days after too assassination, re:1181nad silent about the ta1J'3 in teatilllany

before the Co=isaion ••••


10 Dec 67

w'ho vas the fed'! ral agent; vhy- vas this not in tM ·Cc,miasion :repc:>rtf1

1!- Dec 67

lB Dele

18 Dec

16 Dec


l ! •

' I ' '.

l·. 1 .:

. i


SECRET THE EEWS - Fired Froc:; a S-ever: · Pistol Shot Killed JF:-<:. G.ARF.ISON - ••••. there vas a plan to kill Kennedy in Chicago and the site vae moYed to ::lallas •••••. GARRISON produced Ill picture

:be said van taken 10 minutes after the aseaaainnticn vhich sha4ed a federal ag~nt picking up a bllllet found on the e;ro•md surrounded by p1ec"!s of fleah., ••

TilE_ l!E'II':.I 1- by l'ee.rl CCitfZALEZ • GAHHI.rJC..ll Uinta LBJ Link in Kennedy Plot •

THE liZ'Ii YORK TIMES - b:; Antho::cy le"Jie - Scholar Upholds Wo.rren Re"Port - A noted British scholar, 1c. a~ conprehensive analysis of all the skeptical literature on the assaasu1ation: concluded today th..'l.t the slreptics had made no per11ua.siv-e case. I John SPARROW, warden of All Souls College. Oxforo, p:.:;blir.hed e.n 18,()()(' word article .. ,... (NO'IE: Written by COS • "Finally, one vho writ?G s'!nsibly!)

f.ZY.ICO CIT'! ;,i:R8 • PO• J!Jl!'ld. Git;r li'I$Wc. ar1;1,Jle of' .l.l ~n by p,rlf(Jn%ali'JZ (r.ara E.O~ abrn"') d'!scr1i.t1.!lg 1n~r"ii!IW ahe cond!.!.cted previo,~/3 we"!Y: in u~,.. Orle1ans vittt CARRL30!L Article q•J.Ot'!:B CARP.I.>Oli M stat:lng he believes P~B Johnson impU<:a.ted 1n Msaaainati?n and reg111rd CfA u U.S.! J::a.actot ·alter ego. I LIROEijm-1 rep?rt-•Jd 14 D'!c tM.s m.rt.l.cle possibly only p-"!lurl'!l to nev ce:Tlpaign .e.g~~. :.nat CIA e.nd ',larren Cortr.71 invol·11ne- P'!:rla, GAP.RIZOl1 and Ramparts'!!. LIR':IEBlli learned 1'oll0'1110-€: from Perla: A. ~rla. is collAborating witb. Fll..'!Tpllrt !tiag on Joel David Y.API.ftli call'<. KXXXZJm This collaboration grev out of Perla. •s contnct with Rn~rto re;;o~r John RJI.Yl-101TD, · .,..ho ca:ne·l>"e.:r.i l.allt V.ay to CO"'<~r Y.APLAR case. RAYHOND has sine'!! been fired 'tr-; Ra:::parts. / P.a.:r.part:;; arrang1!d ,pcrla'a intervie·.o with GAP.RISON and paid for her trip to :i'ev :orleans. Reason for this iG Ramparts tr;ic.g put together evidence KAPLAN case directly connecWd ·o~ith a.<~sassic.ation. Although Perla vague, one e_lEnnent in Ramparts theory is that KAPLAN tipped off Castro on timing of BaY of Pigs. ~cause of th1o, Ra~karts theorizos Sen. Robert Kennedy has been exerting p:reaoure em Mexi Gov to D.;~·keep KA_PL.A.N impr1son!'ld. I Rampart.a h.~a. bbo1!t 6 atart' reporters working on story and oM of them so.t in on. Perla's ic.tervie·., of GARRISON/ P,rla went N4w York t:rom Ii~v Orlel!lnn and to.lke1 to fMoua lawyer there

·a 'bout YJIPU.!J oa11e ( protably Louiu lJI7.~n).

THE liE'>:S- OSWALD's Brother Sticv.s llitb Report .... actuaUy shot the-Pres and e. [)J.llu ortioer ai'ter a~body "pln.c<!'l the thouV1t in OSWALD'n mind."

Kl~<I.A 33689 - Tra:-tsmitted he:revith are copies of tte Pearl GOlr.t.ALEZ article (iJI'lr'B 664- above)

TEE I!E"rr3 ·- 'l'b.e Fa~ ia Familia..- - by Pearl GONZALEZ - About GARRISmN. This 1a a report on Pearl' a in:t;e rvie:.~ with GARRISON ••••• GARRISON said Have you seen a copy of this book by Harold

---· ·-···-·-------- -----------------Weisoo:rg1· celle4 '!OS"wALD in-liev- Orleann"· with the- subt.1tle--'1Cft.9'!it for Conepirac.,·.wit.b ·th"J OIJit" ........... _ ..... . ·; .!!lid t..e.a a f'~>ro~tJ.rd b-; GJIRRt30N ••••• " ••. the only note a i:nO'..rn to '!:>'! tar~n d••r1ng th-e long 12 fir

. . int~rvioev of CGW.-\LD P~t'!r th'l e.aaal!!Birut.tion Elll/Jl'!ar to hav'l beoea b•J.rn'l!d. NcteB tal-..'ln b;,r a !Ji•J '..IOFI!':l1 aoe"! notl'!u and :x·ra;.ra ~in;,: "•it!stru;..-ed" n

bet' ore , federal agent wh~ :!.nt.!rti•nred OSiiALD be f'ore the usullination also went up in r~o. A

S£.c.REJsec:ret· CIA me1no concerning OSioii\LD, writt-en prior to the assusination went up in smoke while . be :!.ng The rmofe.xed. • ;




2l Dee 67

' 21 Dec 67 ·'

early. _contact 'l

27 Dec 67

28 Dec 67

·.:·:~'-" Ji2 7:ECY~{/J1

La-n--::on:::~ ,J. HCJ..,'Al\D ir.

early· contact; .. , .

SECRET DIFZCTOR 61067 - Ref': l>EXI 3828 (para 666 above) HQS not 'passing to LNGOLD but vill advise I..DRGO.

'l'HE NEW'S - GA..'t.lUSON Na.1111!1s 2nd Man iii Plot - Charges cf cons'Pir1ng to as sass ina. ted Pres. K 'lo-ere filed against a freckle-faced man, Edgar Eugene BRADLEY.

THE. HE',;s - FBI Knew of Plot: GARRISON - Tipr.d off by O.'lwJI.LD - GARRISON said h~ beli'!lvad the ·FBI, 1nclut:l1ng ch1et.' J. E::It:a.r Hoo-ver, hed r~en vll.m'l'l in N'lV 63 c.hat 1!111 att'!!mr-t woulti 'til !'l'lfJ.I'.le on Pres Y.."n life whJ:tn ~ 'lisit_,.,rl IA.lle.n. I G.?.E!(::HrJN ·.ro.a tuin.t hi'3 1n!'omat1i:m on a _tell.lgrarn th.!i.t OOPI:.LD h.c.d aent to tt:e FBI oofore the ele.y1."!g, / GARiUSO!l contacted lie-stem UD1on cft'ic{.e.J.s in wh:> took the telegram from CSWALD &.'"ld kept a cop:r of it on f1le. I CAP.RISCN said if he could get a cop-; of the -telegram "it vou.ld _tile case wU:'!I _opeo" beca~e it vould prove that· OS'HALD vorked with th~ FBI. I hcw9ver, the Weutem Union agent vould not_ rev-eal toe file copy beca..u;e he feared for his life. I In Washington, too FBI--had no co=ent ••••• GARRISO."i clai:r..s ertrerre rig,.'lt wing, not Corr.nunista, 'lo"ere i.nvol ved. (Ndm: CCoS 'lrJ:'Ote "'Thill fella,.. has rea.l.l.y 'flipped'!") Tm: NE".IS - GAHRISON probe: B?.A.DLEY AIT!ligned in LO'J Angeles -Edgar Eugene BRADLEY, 49, :we at Coast :representative of a. r-..Aio e·;ang::!list, vas arraigned in municipnl court in ccnnection with a Lo".!isill.lla varrant: ••.. M<,;l vas released on his ovn recognizance wi ~bout being required to post bail. / BRADLEY, vho has denied any involvement 1n the aase.ssinat1on, !18de a pre-arranged surrei:u:ier. to Sherrif Pit chess, and vas then taken before Judge Aisenson f•)r the arraignrrent.

TEE NZwS,.- Probe Gatnere ·steam: GII..RRISON Subpoenas Three - Material witneues - Lon.,;-A. liA.I..L, ThOrtatt BE:C"'f.RAt'l an<i Lawrence J. HOWAF-D Jr. Subp~ne. for HALL said GAP.RISON· had inf-or-mation tbs.t HALL' -:necked into the Da.l.las YECA 1n October 6~ and re:r.a.ined 1n Dallas until the t'ime of K's der.ther on 22 Nov 6:;. HALL vas 1n Dallas with RUBY "and other individuals believed to be involved 1n the Mse.ssinaticn" OSWALD. HALL was active .-::..n the "FI'9e Cuba" 1110vernent in Florida, Louisia.:u e..:Jd Texas and "he \I'M previously engaged ir. CIA-sponeored guerrilla tra:t,ning in Fla. for mids on Cuba." I S::CKHAH, associated vith FERRIE in Nev Orleans during 6:; and both "~re ordained priests in the "Old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America." BECKHAl·t vas seen in Dallas in Nov 6:; .... / EOWAF:D vas "Jith FERHlE in 6~ du::ing v1s1t!l to Uev Orleans and HOWARD J:.S.rt.ioi~ted in CIA-r.ponso::ed g\:ertila training in Fla for raids on Cuba.

675. ~ Jan 68 'l"mm: :rw· YORK TI!.:S:S - Educator Scoma "Plot" on Kenn~dy - Johneon Aid'! !s Critical oi~ Conspiracy 'l"Morists - by Antl:wny Lewis - John P. RO'"..:m:, apecio.l cor:s:.tltMt to Pr1.1s .:iohneon, hl!te rliamiaflei 11.11 "marginal parano1£ls" t!"tl proponents of conn piracy theoril'!a in tbl!! aesalla1nation ..••.

. i . /A vitc.l argulll!lnt the exiatence of a con!, ROCH maintains, is the fact that .. --·· .:;..m- E<.•~ rt .. ?,.. -K~nMdy-v.:-tl~n-~rt--F-.- -K.!Inne.:y--hu -doo~ noth1..n-g- to-- puNue- a t---·and--would--&urct 1y ··bav&·· eet'!td--i f-· thet"'!t-·had------- ·

,;;on~piracy investi£a.tic..o.s-1f, he v~~ _part been ElllY ground for suspicion. ':J:~ it, e1th~r~

! . ' SECRET

676. 5·J~ 68

Ja'!'les EICr::S - ·early cootact. 1

6TT. 10 Jan 68 .··.·

JaC'k :-1 HEL!·~ - early contact T ·

J;~les Roccq iCIJ.ffiiZ - CIA invol~rnoent ?

·n·a.a ~ ..,"::; in th'! safe deposit box ( t_o be :--~-.-~'.i.l"!d du.riri~ ne_Y.t r:1ont!l's. trial· of Clay ~::.;.:,... - GJ,?.i\I.30N .ha..'J f:ey to box)

·.:'-,c. 1:; ·,11:11~r S!-:!?.lDAll - vh;,· did Robert 1:. {_'_;I,J'I,~'?l hlm fll)t to tilH: l'.e 1;.Q eo .to Canada?

SECRET TTm NEWS - f'.AruUSO:U Subpoenas 4tb 1".an - •••• GARlUSON subpoonaed a federal civil service employee be said "may ha~ s~cinl kno·,ledge of the assassination .• " James HICKS, a civilian emplO'.fee at Vance Air For·:e !lase in Enid, Okla. HICKS w~s a.t the scene the day Kennedy vas shot, and My have special k!lo'w'ledge concerning details of ":.he assassination vith respect to its plalming and e.:ote:::-..:.ticm as ;,-ell as :personnel employed in the assassination •.•. " HICKS said, "I sa·t~ e"t'!:'"

· RHW :tr,.-4\ - G~R.'USON Begins to Attract Attention - by Paul Scott - •••• Attention of these congressicnal probers centers aroun;i GAF .. 'USON's interest in and handling of (l) ancofficil!'.l of the Ku Klw: Klan and (2) a. for:nar coogressicna.l committee e:nplo)ee, 'lolho has given secret testim:l::lJ' before the 1~;; -0::-lea.:J.S grand jur::; ••• / Th~ KKK off:l..cial ':.nvolYed in GAP.RISON's :l.n\-estigation is Jack N. R::IP., fo:t7.:1E!r exalted cyclops of the Uev Orleans unit of the lln1ted Klans of 'A:narica, S..."ld no-., l::ead r:f' an indepe01dent KKK gr':>up vbich he orga.niz~d. Su:nmoned before the Un-Am!!rlcan Activities Co=ittee in Jan 66 during the commlttl!e 's prot;., of tbe ¥"./.?., b.e va.a an U."lCO~ra.tiY'.! -.ritneas .•••• /GARRISON began his probe of HELil! on a tip frem Ju.les Rocco KINBLE, a self-avo~d rncr.ii:~r of the KKK, who also cle.i:red he once worY.ed BlJ"!cial e.asign":~ent·s for the CIA. T'!<e the CIA denies a.n1 GAit'UZQN claims h'! will pro·~. KI!.ffil...E reported th'l.t on the day after the death of I:le>.vid FSRR.IZ, he dro~ BEl.!·l to FERRIE's apa.rtment. HELM then cnm9 cut vith a satchel fuJ.l of ra~r::; vhicb, Kili::BLE, says, the! !'\KKK official then placed in a baLk &afe d'.':?Q5 it bo.r.. ~:I:e:LE. said that t.i~1 t-.:r SHE?J:DAN, former Ju.s tice 1>! ~-rt­ment trouble shooter fo;: the tten At.t.c>rne4• Ger..e ra.l ?.ob<:!rt :-c~nnedy, once counsel"!d him not to to an:;: me and to go to Canada. • ./ The for;; con~:;ress1rma.l e;rrplO'JP.!'!i ·.thr:.s"! f•;mish~nv. of 1nf•n-irt~.tbn to GAP.r~r:;v"N ha~J :l.ntl:!~st.r.-1 c.-:ml~.r"Jillliona.l pr'Jtr.:ll 1!! Hl!l.rold r.rzr.:;;:epc,· a·Jt.ho:-of boo::.s on t~e a&Bazc1n9.t1on, att!lcHne tr.'! 'rla.::-·~n Co'wl, tb .. '! l"lli e.wJ CIII .. .. I ~JE:r:lf£fj[i is th'l l!l!.r.'l!! !':".tln 'w'hO tl'!atifi'!d in l)l;(j b<!fO::"'! a n?UJ;e CO'=lmitt13-::s th'l.t ble bOIJf';ht for;:(.;d 10CU.'!J'!nta in an ~tte:;;pt to link the Dies co·x~1ttce t0 th'! S_il·,-er Shirtll. (At that tL-M the Silver Shirts o"SS a rr.ilitant rigi:t-·•ini; organi::.e.ticn on the e.t ·;orney g~neral' s subve:::-si ve list. The doc;;.rents 'lol'e~ used in an a:ortive atte<:?t by a :-:icb.i_;a."l con,sressT.'?.n to s:rear the Dies committee, forer..:."l."l~r of -::r.e present Hous~ Co=.ittee r..n U;:::-A:r:eri:::a.::J Activiti~s.) !'l2cords of th'l 3<:!nate Internal ::>e::~;.rity Sub::o"T'lit":.e:! a.::.So sbcr,; that 'd~I3IiE?G •.taz dropped from th<! staff '>f t.h'! lat"!>:~r L.~lFol.t~t.r.:~fs Sp~ciaJ. !::·.1'1'!:Jt!::"!J~i::lf. S:l~-:-:~~1~~;: ~~r l~::t~"1.n;.; cub~n~~~ittel'!! cr:mftd~ntiql

info:-r:ation. I , .. In 'ti'EI::!:E?.G's bco% c:: t~ a:;sa:;sina.tion, ho:! cnnt~nd:: that <XJ:!f..LD va:'l fr"!~d 'b-.1 an i""Jo:!r::>cnato!". Cor.r:;:::"!!ssional pro~rs are nO',.; ::l:<!c\':jng ',iEIZEF:RG'a lonr:;-ti~

contacts in the CIA and State Lept, 1ncl:J.::lL"1£ several ~:rsons who tronsf,~r~d to th0ce ag!'!nr:~'!'l fr'J"'l th~ Offic!) of 3t .. ro~_..9~:io 8~T"""li~~B ((A~;5) ~fter ',forld ~,r~r II.. ·

THE!IE't1:5- !Tr.'rli5' Y:l!irl (~~.;1 I""tt/tr r;n r;t.i~l\I:;r,~ -l;y T·-:r,rl. (;C!Jfi',J\f.ll::/.. ·'' .. Jl/dlilT:;rlf1Wl.l.11"" ·pr')''"'" flt;'!urat~ Jn hl'~ ·p']r;t r;f;er!~'!r!,u r;r-!"J1~1:.~d .J~rt..n~ T;'t.zon, not~ 11 ',/e.J.'h,, rJ.C., r.~t:!Mfin who

-------------;rir•raraA<rt:n~izp-.f:.IJii'i&.l;fr.iii::-.-. /"·:·:-;o,:r;:arr-riicl"-·i.if>_t:-.iJc!:'ir:aU:/Ti:-;··.-w-·r.rr..:.-1:l-fiorfTi1rtFi·t:-·--· ---j''!:-ha;,r; .,,! ~h?~.:l<! Q'.J.'!r-.t J<:!~~ Dfr.Oli .'l'??'l'l enla.rEed en. her Gt.tmrsort pl"")1i-::ti:m b;r za:,· thn"t a wom:~.l"l we: a Y.'!·: fiP.ll"") in th~ l!l.Z:JMlinattcn.

Sh'! m101Jt te re·:eal'!d by the in.,e::;t.igation £<?1ng on in !i'!l.l OrlP.e.cs son·~ ti:m this ;,· '---m:i,;-­

SECRET. e.lso eaid ct,P.Rr::;on will oo thwarted in his pro1R b::; "a ·lot of pry..rer and mon'l:t fro'l'l o•lt!JHe the U.S. and in::li•!e",·;ezo, th':! r:v·st~r-; wo:n<.J.D 'a invol·rerrent will co:rl'l out in any """nt,

679. 15 Jan 68

16 Jan 68

3::l·;ia CDIO

L: ::,, uc. .... 20 Je.n 68

6~. 21 Jan 68



SECRET so:reti:::~e 1n his tor:;.

THE 1\E"riS - by Pearl GO:iZ.ALEZ - 'l'h~ F'a.c!! is Fa;:;ilier - ?erl inteni':!lling Gordon B. SEAVEY of ~L01ont, !':ass, one of th-e :re:::'bers of the i:ational Ne;;apaper Association visiting s~ of the:r. (the Association's :ne'71b'!!r3 end uives) ask:'!d •ilo CAPJUSON vas ••.••

TEE liE:',;S • Witness Ag~es to !t.a.i'.e GARRwON Pr:lbe - b-J Jerry Co:.hen - Lavl:":!nce HO'riARD, 33~ of El 11onte, Calif, a..-:ceptl!!d a GARRI30!1 subpoena 'l.S a :r.a.terial .... ::.tness, but said that thei assertion of GJ,?.RISON that be lmc-,rs e.b,:r . .::t a.n assassine::ior. conspiracy is so much r:nala.rky a.11d the only I?S..SC!l be is ".'illing totes:.:!::, is "I ·.-ant to clear m:r na.:~ .. I-'ve got nothing to be asha-ered of." HO'wA?.D, en une::~:ployed velder had been on a. three ve~k trip to l>lexico, a co;:1o1nation }lunti:lg e.nd CJini..'15 'ltenture. HO"JARD freel;; a.dmitt~d he trained Cuban anti-Castro guerrillas in Fla. in early 19cCs b"Jt denied an~; acqo_uaintar.ce with men nar::ed by GAR..'USON as cor.spir:\tors. I GAN--:I.SC'ii is in::.! :-e~ ted :i.n Rc>.;AHD a.:1d Loran E.1 ::~h~ F .. ALL,. 38, because of a story "told by l" Sylvia. ODIO, a Cuban :re'fusee, about a pre-assass ina.tion visit 'from three uen, oue ·of vb'J:!l rese-::bled CG',,"AL;). / Beth RQ;-ift..i.ID and HALL h.e:;e said they cannot re:r.!!!:lber meeting vitb •. OS",'AL;) •••

also- Sav ~la::l i\ith G-.:n in ':::'r...:nk (with pict-..Jre) - Je.:-:es EIC!:3 of Enid, Okla. said he vas in Dealy Plaza. during tbe assassi:naticn n::ld sa·.· a ~an o,;ith a g-m in the trunk of 'a. car on the knoll free v::O:l.c!l s crre sa:.- shots -.;ere fired.

THE IiE'riS - V.ari:la OS..;,!,1.D S-.:.'l:pow:ta.ed - ~~ Tr.e governr::ent subpoenaed V.arina OSWALU PORI'ER x in connectic:t vith two suits totaling ~>5":5 million o-.-er possessions of OSwALD; One suit, filed by Js.::k KDiG of Dem-er, seeks $5 :nillion for ttl! -.-uue of the rifle that killed Pl:":!s K and the pistol that killed Tippit. / •• ./ Nrs. Porter's sl.:it of $500,000 is to recover the value ~f so::Je )43 ite.::s, i:ncl<:din;:; her husba.•·tc's diary, clothing, correspondence end otter personal effects.

TEE NEWS - · ?OL.LITICKING - by ?enrl Gon::alez - The Jan 68 b.u Lssu.e of Ra-::pa.rts mae;a.zin'! had an un)lliua.l _cover .•• "'n-ao appointed;ey Clark, who has done his best to torpedo the case?

.Who contro1s ·the CIA'! Who· controls· the FBI7 ~lho controls the Archives where this evidence is locked up for so long that it is unlikelj· ttat there is anybcdy in this room vho ·o~111 'be

·alive ·.men it is relea.sed'i' This is reall:' ::our property and the property of the people of this \oiao h.e.s the ar=o;;ance and the brass to prevent the people from seeing that evidence? h'C.o indeed? I The ~ me.n ·.;oho has profited most from the assassination - your

----------rriendlj"Pres"iderit~ '"JobiW-oii-. n- :."siifd. CA?:RLSON-) ·w-e ·a:s'lre'a "mernbers--or· the ·-u;s. --Natioiiii.LNews------ --··. paper Association, here on e. recent visit "What is your opinion of the above?" Opinions ai-e given of six people •.••.


25 Jan 68

28 Jan 6C

J 1::1 Y.CET5Z

w 1111 a.::~ F.1 J!iTE .R

Ear:~:l! !=i.J~~ D'):-::>:r.,:. r:n..cJ:.I..U:B . ..,, : ll :a::: '"1l.A:EY z;;; . .r; ·~Y .. i a:1e i·~O):zi

~·~*! ;;r;,rr:r.s, J r, , f.'.! :-0n :!ien.'1~t CA?.LD'i E.Jd:J· EE:t!.VTI£3 and "SA:-~n ¥Z'!liO'L00

SECRET T1lE NE'.r3 - Ss,:.-s ~xico City Was :Base·- G:AR...":USON Sub:p~na.s os_'wALD's'·Widow - GARRISON that 1-!exieo Citj· vas. used as a l-as~ of operations prior to th~ 63 assaa_s :!.nation .. I Also I"-rotreal. • I He a.dded that only Ane rica.n:s and a. f~w Latin Arne rlcans ve :re involved in the plot to kill Pres K. I GARRISON asked OSWALD';; widow 1-\rs. l·!arina Porter, to testify. She said she doubted she could help. I Grand Jur; e Feb. / "I den 't know if I could prove my innocence to him", l•'lrS. said, "Hr. GARRISON is so po-.rerful." The subpoena called fl.arina OOWAUJ Porter "a material vitness" •••

TliE NE'wS -~xes J~dge Sa::ah Jl'.lghs Ur~a U.S. Leave Viet.na11 - •••• Hushes, vho swo~ in PI"!s Johnson 22 No-; 6) e.board an Air Fort:~ plane .•••• said "Ev'lrything in the _Warren P.eport is trJe," Md " ••• GAP .. i'.ISON had no evi'len~e against it." ·

SUCF.SOR #lf:/:)9 - Executive Order No. 11,130 - by Jo::Je A. BENTIEZ. Thill artic.le brings out tb.e fifteen p<!rsons directly or in:l:!.re~tly involved in the assassination, who k' died murdered or ::;yteriosly. 1. Tippit 2. CS..IALD ). Ji.-n KCETHE, ne-•apaperma.n, who attended a meeting with RUE'!, prepared a ·ooo% on the e..3Se.saina.tion, a was killed b7 a karate blow, and his n:;.tes ha'.re d.isapp<;!ared 4. ~lillia.m ETJlf.IZ~, ne•·spaperma.n, attended the sa~ meeting. He vaa cited for a declaratio~ in a police steticn, but wss 'killed by a gun shot off by a pol:l.ce:na.n vho 'lo-as absent-mir.ded - bullet in tl::.e heart 5o To;n UO'.i'ARD, la•«yer, also :1.n the z-eeting with F.l8Y 0 Died cf '.mimcr.-n rea.scns. Ta.";:en t,o a b.ospi tal by a man who knovs nothing. 6. KILLllii His wife,, a stri-tease cancer :1.n ElJBY's nit;htclub, was having an affair 1o1ith one John C/IRIZR, vho lived in the sa-ne g~.:.est hoUBe as OS"..IAI..D. He fled rallas at the begl.nnin;­of RU3Y 's trial. After finding work in-Florida, he sent for his wife. Two days later he ~ was found decapit.a.ted ,. 7. Ea.rlelle RO:::ERTS. Lived 1.'1 the sa::e guest house as OStiAL D. Her testi1~ony va.S t::cublesore for the Dallas police and fa·,ora1lle to OS'I'iALD. ·She d·ied of a 1Stlpp03ed ·"ce.rlia.o crisis", after ha-ring lost all her pravioun jobs. No autopsy was. performed. 8. D?rothy KILGALLBli, well lo:la."ll newspaper,...Oil'.an, attended an interview bet"''een Warren and Fru"BY. "Suici:le" it '""aS call~d. in ber apartment. 9. William WH.Al.u'='Y, taxi. dr:l. ver who bad drlve:l os·.rALD. His testirnon:r ;ras er.ibarrassing for the "official thesiE". !:I'! dield in an Wle.xpUcable aut?:lcbile accid~nt. 10. Nancy Jane l'.COltEY, atrip tease dancer in mmY's night~lub. She £1!1.~ ·an alibi for the p-9rson who si:.ot at Warren ~ynolde, witness to tM usa.ssi.M.ticn of poliCP.!l'.a.n 1'ippit. She hanged berself in a Dal.'lu prison. 11. · Lee B<MERS, Jro,··railroacr::m.n, one of the most important witnesses v::to sa;r the shooting but not from where osWALD was. Hia ne'll automobile, going at 75 Jdlo·r.eters per hour hit, vithout reason, and vitho'·lt once app~·ins the brah--es, a. ;;all. This "accident" vas very suspicious. 12. Karen :BelUlet CARLIN worked Yith RUBY. She spob:e before to tell hirn to go kill OSI'IAI..D. Assassinated by •-arious bullets. 1). Eed;r :EruiAV!DES, Yictim of his likeness to his brother, Domingo,

----------------~-----------------------~-------~~~w:a~~~~~~~s~1n~~ran~dY!n--oT-a~-no~--~nape~-:Eecx:--ai8s ____ _ fath!!r-in-le.v, who tried to investigate his death, w"a.S a victim of an attempted house attack, but ca.-:Je out unhurt. 14. Ja.ct:: Rf.JE'f, OSW!l.LD's assassin, '!l'!"ler taken too. ~lashington Jail, which he r'!q,uested fC!r securit;r raa!lons. Di'!d of ce.n:er, aprea.d out in hill boey, vhich suddenl;{ a;;;pea.I"!d. :i5. De.'(i~ ~·~ detained !.ate l.y after the !UIBUiil inaUon of

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685 (eon.t'cS) ' ~b 68 ;

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Check a•Jthor,,Jose iA. E!NITBZ• 'I - i I'


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Kennedy and later given his freedom. Re met his, but how!, no one la:ICI'IIs, after the p:ren; :revealed that: GARRISON su.sp!'cted him. 16. Warren FIZYNOLOO, vitneso of the Tippit uu.ss1n, .At first. he did not. admit tb.m.t OSit'ALD was the a.Tthor of the crims. Two days 1'. after JU the :1nterice;lt1on in which' he declAred 1.n favor of OOWALD, he ~ce1ved a bullet wound in the he!lad, · Be liw.d, but he retra.eted whoat be had aaid and "admitted" OOW'ALD's c%"11111!1, end of oouroe ,. ,OS'oiALD d1<MI ~Wu::xsk.!!a. · .

'Executive Order lio. 11,130 'created a eommisa1on of Kennedy, dictated by PI")G, Johnson em ~9 Nov '"investlga.tion" vao f'1n1shed on 24 · &!pt 64. I :

fQ!" investigation of the· as sua ination 6!i, 111"v"'n day a m.fte r the_ t rtl.e."dY.': Tho


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