The Big Sandy news.: 1919-10-24


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Transcript of The Big Sandy news.: 1919-10-24



Ad^>•^ti•ino i* an Abaoluto

NcMMity to Evary BualiMM.Try an A4. In th« Bis tmndyN«wa and you wilt bm pliaaart

with tha raaulti : : : I

Tha Big Sandy i««%wa wNIbring your advartiatog 10(0mora, hama* far Mm aMMimonay than any otiiar pagwrin Eaatarn Kaatiiaky i t|


$250,000 BOND






I«wr«iK!a county will vot« on a bondtaaua of 1260,000 nn L>eroni)>rr 20th to

ba aaad In bullilInK kuuiI roM<lM.

It carried thlit will Kd Siutu uiul

National aid enough tu bring the road

tiuifi up to about t7»0,0M, wbieh will

ba aaoufh to raaka L«wrahea oiMinty

an altogathar dirtervnt kind of ii plauf

In whieh to ltvi>.

On lent Monday a (wtltiun with iIh-

required niunbar of algnatiin'a wanpraaantad to tha county court and anordar waa mada oalllnc ttie election aa•tatad abova.Thus I^wrencr county Imllcutea that

hi' will full 111 line with all the ulhiT

I'liuntlcH uf the Ulg Handy valley amihullil good roada. Saraly we bava had(.•iiiiuKh and at thia time are aufferlnK

HUfflt'lently from had roadn to iirdiiMc

ue to the necrHHlty of doliiK ulml nil

i)roBreiialv<' N<H.'tluiiH nf llw i cmnti y arc

doing.Lawrence la an oil Held tluit will bo

prodneing (or a ganaraUon or moreand thare la no longar any reaaon to

r<>nr tha eoat. It will l>e paid and w»will never feel It. un ih<' other handthe beneflU of good ruailn will tnnk)-

avorybody pr«ap4>rouit who Ik wlllinK

to work or to produce anything. Kar-mera will ba aaoourasad to raiaa pro-

ducta becauaa they can get them to

market and havp a boo<1 prottt Irft.

Such le not the ranc now for tlio»e

who live any dlatance from the mar-ket* or ahlppinc pointa.Roada biillt by* bond laaue coat um

nothing now. aMd tbay abaolutaly will

pay for thiiiliaatvaa durin* the SO yearnwhich they are to run.

The nacal court haw nlio«n Kb Kood

taltb by following the example of

otbar countlaa and appointing an ad-

riaory committee to act with them In

road building and to help In any waypoaalble to g«t thr bi-Ht nmilta.

Lawrence county people i«n do whatthe people of other countlea are doliif.

It only Ukea ,an equal amount of en-

•rgy, honeaty and ability an la foundin other countlaa, and we are not yrt

ready to admit that theee <iunlltle« are

not iivalluhle here.

Road building la no experiment. It

kaa feaan workad out aucceaafully In

etvUlaad country In the world.

DmS why healtate In Uiwren<-<'

eowatjrT We have loat many of our

beat elttiena during the laat few year*

on aooount ot bad roada. TIMy liave

auiTad to other countlaa and cither

aaUaa wher* th» roada almdy havebean built.

Booat the bond laiue.


They bid fair to dominate the wlinlo-aale grocery traile

They control i>oultry atid Kt^ine, dairyproducts, lard and buttar aubatltutaa,canned and dried veget&blaa and frulta,canned, cured iind frtizen flah, cocoa,cofTee, .iiolanHCH anil cutie, corn andmaple ayruiia, uoda fountain prepara-11004' and utenalla.

Tliar bandied In ltl8 over 49.6 percant of all ahlpped poultry; M parcent of all ahlpptd eggs, and 49 percent of all fnctory-made cheeae.They are aide to liuy In Huch a way

aa to reaell upon a market In whichtheir purchaaaa have (oread up theprice.

They control 44.R per cent of all coldHtorage facllitieH.

Armour alone had a profit aurpluaof |t,4U,U0 (or the year 1917, afterdeducting a .71 per cent dividend oncapital atook.

MARRIAGE LICENSES.Anthony W, Thoiniison, «o, to MaKk'le

Marcum. SS, of WUllamaon and Liun-

lOW, W. Va.John Nolan. It, to Maxla tiartar, if

of Ix>ulaa.

Wm. R. Batep, 6t, to Cora Jordan, 17,

of (iallup.

Ttohert Pnmrun It, to Nancy Hayaa,22, of Adama.W. D. Keller, X, «> Maud Quean, IS,

of Tuacola and Cadmua.



OF NEXTWEEJudge Claco la puahing the work of

the Circuit Cotirt along aa rapidly aapoaalble and a bonalderable amount ofbualneaa la baing diapoaed of.

The criminal docket haa been dia-poHed of except three felony caseawhti'h are Hi t fur Wednesday Of naztweek. They are aa followa:

Prank Kasea and Joe May, ehootbiKand wounding.Frank and Arlle Bradley and Joe

DelonK, chargod with killlnig Sol May.Kl. Hhort, char|;ed with embezzle-

ment.The caae agalnat Willie TlmmpHon

(or ahootlng Tnnk.Kazee reHuiteii in

a flna of SlilS and alx raonthH in jail.

DIvorreH appear to tie leading .otherkin. 1.1 of lanea, seven tiavthv beengranted, an followa:

Eula. Hartman from Walter Cain.Joe Berry from Beaate Berry.Juno KllKore from Frank Kllifore.

Arble Wallai'o from Julia Wallace.Victoria HurKeHH from I'Jil. K. HurKeHH

llefiHon ftoin 'I'hoH. lleiiHuii.

The grand Jury returned i» Indict-

manta aiid waa diacharged Saturday.


'I hurHda v n;ii(r. October 23rd, lie-i

Kiiinlng at 7:30, In fie time sot by i\\

church coiiiiiiiiiee for holding an In-formal reception In tha M. B). ChurchSouth In honor of Rar. H. O. Cham-bera and family. Everybody Invitedto attend.Rev. Chamber* came to Louiaa two

years ago from Alabama and aince thattime has served as paator o( thiachurch. A* heretofore atated ha la re-turning to the aouth for tha benefit ofMrs. Chambers' health.


Orayaon, Ky.with a portyOeorjfe Patton.ton, was IriMtan

over a 40-fout cI'utton mistooklier for a roadinK, his friendawas unmarried,this county.

—While coon huntingof friends last night,l!!', Non of .Samuel Pat-tly killed when he fell

lift on the Tygart river,

an opening In the tlm-way and loat bla foot-aaid. The young manHa lived at Iron Hill,

20c ROAO TAX.A vote I" to be taken In L;iwronc«

county .Nov 4tli on a.proposition to

collect an extra 20c road tax. Homeof the county officials claim this Is

absolutely nereaaary to provide fundswith which tu -Jiulld bridges. Also,

they advocate It a» iieceMHary to help

take care of a sinking fund to pay off

bonda.Attention la called to thia propoaltlon,

which appeara on tha regular ballot

of the November election.

New Pastor for M, E.

Church South, Louisa

Rev. Slaughter, preatdlng elder, has

aaauranoaa that aeem to make It cer-

tain tliat Rev. Mr. Bell, from a Caro-

lina ct)nfcretft«'. will come to Louisa•ji piiRtor of til. M i:. ciiun h South.

Bishop Darlington has been aaalst-

ing Blahop Uondrlx In tha mattar. Ac-cording to our Information Rev. Bell

will, come from the Western North

Carolina conference, wliuli l^ in .'"e-

slon this week, and It ia expected that

he will probably reach bar* Within ten

daya or t«-o weeks.Rev. Chambers and (Unily will leave

for Alabama next Monday. Fromthere he will go to Houth Carolina the

nr«t week in November to attend the

ooofaronce In which ha ezpecu to take


CHARLEYThe writer haa been away for the

past week.Farmers are almost through making

aorghnm and gathering com ia nowthe order of the day.

Jamaa Daniel of PainUvllle. paaaed

thru here thia waak with a new auto-

mobile.Brother .Murphy, the Freewill evan-

gelist, preached here thia week to alargo crowd. Ha la a Atae preacher.

B. U Moore went to Louiaa thia weekon buainess.

Herman Hayca. Verly HayeH and

their uncle Qraydon Chapman, visited

the latter's grandmother laat Sunday,

Mra. Joannah Chapman, Mr*. Mao-Moore and Miaa Mai;garat Chapman

Iwere the dinner guesta ot Mra. Beaaie

Preston Tuesday.Mr*. Irma Chapman was calling on

Mrs. Bowluig one day thia week.

Btnh Bdwarda was calling on Mra.

John Wallaoi Tueaday.BtMla Itanln vlalted her mother

Sunday.Mra. U. 8. Swan waa out to church

. Sunday for the llrat time In two or

three months aa ahe waa Buffering from

an Injury to bar foot.

Mr. and Mm. Walt Haya were the

dinner guesta of Joe George and wife

Sunday.Hersle Fannin vlaited MolUe Martin

Sunday afternoon.Mra. Bell Auatln waa calling on Mrs.

B. L. Moore thia weak.There will bo a pie mite here the

first Saturday night in November for

the Sunday School and chunli.

Uncle Tom Klse waa a buBlncHS

oallor In Charley thia week.Chllt Qrifflth made hia reguUr trip

to Ijoulsa this week.Mrs. Lat Orlfrith'e quilting waa vary

larsely attended Monday.The quarterly meeting beglna Friday

at tha Bell chapel ohortili.



In the local oil Held the Ohio FuelIs starting wen No. 3 on the L. 8.

Alk-y leaHe.

The Jones iJrllllng company Is at

work on the farm owned Jointly byDeWltt Diamond and - Thad Ranaom.They will put another ris to work onTom Bnrchatt'a (arm within a fewdays.

.\o 3 on the A. U Moore farm haHbeen shot and put to pumping and Ih

making at>out nine barrela per dayThe Ohio Fuel has completed well

No 5 on Mra. Hannah Lackey's farm.

It in ri'porle<l good for & or * liarrels.

Another well has t»en atarted on J.

p cartin's farm bought from WillDiamond.The company representixl by Mr.

Maloney Is getting material on the

ground to drill on Jame» IJ. I.Ackey'«

farm.Mr. Shamberg has acquired some

leases on Rockcaatle and expecu to

develop them aoon.Thoa. Ramey, of Loulaa, received

word Wedneaday that hla laat wall onBeaver creek in Floyd county waa in

the pay aand and ahowlng up apian



The new plpo line to Blaine Is In

operation and the well* of the Unionoil company are being Ptlmped stead-


F. H. Yates' well on Uttle Blaine Is

almoat to the Berea aand, which la ex-

iiected to be found that atiout 1200 feet.

The Uttla Paint company in John-

aon county haa begun to pnmp Iih

wella and at laat raporU they were

ahowins up niooly.

Turn Back Clocks

Sunday, October 26

Next Sunday moming- at t o'clock

the time changea all over the UnitedStates, under tha daylight aavings

law. The time pieOea are to be aet backone hour.The bcHt plan Ib to make the change

Saturday night and there will be noconfuaton Sunday morning.The law haa been repealed and here-

after there will be no changing.

DRIFTMisses Myrtle Collins, Caldana IJ-

kens and Nannie I>anli lH weic calllnn

on .MiHM JcMsio I'M 111! Dian Saturday.

MlHH Maranda Ii.uili N was oalllnS OnMiss Jessie Kdlth Ueun Sunday.Mra. Marlon MarUn waa vlalUng

Mra. J. H. Dean Sunday.Mrs. Sii.imn Duaenberry moved from

this 1 l.i. I to .McDowell laat week. Shewill be greatly miaaed.Mlaa Nannie Danlela waa the gueat

of her Blater, Mra. Bd McSorley, Sun-day.

Let UB hoar from Oeorgen ('reek andMeads Branch. CUULY I.OCKS.

TUSCOLADue to the wet wealljer fainu-rn are

not done sowing wlie.-it.

Not many school children from this

I>art of the county attended the countyand Hohool fair on account of the In-clement weather. 'I'liowe that attendedreport a cood fair,

Isaac Cunningham was at Louisville

laat week attending the Orand Laodgeof I. O. O. P. He reporta a gr«at meet-ing of more than 7000.

Rev. Dan Bralnard and family, of

North Carolina are here visiting hla

parentN and he la preaching at Jattle

Wealey Webb and TamUy, of W. Va..

are Visiting his parents. Mr. and Mra.A. J. Wehli. He had a neriouH fiperii-

tlon performed on him ami v^^^H re-

ported dead several times but nuide a

gallant flsht and won and ia now ableto walk around.

e Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Qraham, of Ash-land, ore spending a few daya herevlaltlng frienda.

Mrs. Vlrgle Mills, of Norton, Va.. Is

visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Jordan.

Sheriff Ed Webb waa here Mondayeiocutlng iiapers.

Some of our people are attendingcourt at L«ulaa.The Fox Hunters Aaaociatlon bad

their regular monthly meeting Satur-day nlfht and report a fine chaae.

Eaq. J. H. FYaaher sold his flne younghoraea last week to Jake Neal andbought a line young mare of JameaEllis. John la some trader.

Jack Prcaley moved Sunday tramTrout Hollow to Irtah Craak.John Holbrook moved Friday from

II In ton Knob to Veaale.We hear lots of talk about good

iiiail.s lull the best argument we everhoard or aaw Is a round Iriji fromYataavllle to Louiaa. If one trip overthe road ian't aufriclent to convince anyman that we need hard roada he ia aonot" In lilH ways that the dovil oould-

nt change him.We wah to go on record aa tavorlxig

Kood roada—the beat that la (eaalble

In our county.C. F. Smith haa moved hia family to

LiOUlaa In .order to school his children.


Mra. Walter StoU and Mrs. RalphAahworth. o( Springfield, Ohio, cameto tioulaa Friday night from Ironton,

Ohio, where they attended the funeral

of their brother-in-law, P. A. JoneH.

They will visit with their sister, Mra.

J. A. MeCaakay, .a (aw daya be(ore,

returning home. Mr. M. T. Duncan,of Weat Van Lear, (kther-ln-law of!

Mr. Jones and Mr. J. A. HoCaakay, abio

attended the funeral.

NOTICE.There, will be a apeclal

communication of LouiaaChapter No. 95, R. A. M.. onFriday night of thia week at

7 o'clock. Wprk. All com-panlona are requaated to bepreaant. O. R. I^BWIB, U. P.



The LAtMco company will begin mak-ing bread on November 1. The ovenaare flniahad and are being heated. Theelectric plant la In place and only somewIrInK la yet ti, be <lone. The various

macliines are installed and the plaster-

Ing Is near completion. A very hand-some aoda fountain ia being erected in

a front room, which will be fitted ele-

gantly for serving aoft drink*.

On the second floor a cake and paa-

try oven has been placed. All the ma-chines In the plant are of the lateat

type, aaving aa much labor as possible,

and .aaoh . la driven by an Individual

electric motor. Thia ia the most com-I>lote baking plant to bo found any-where and everybody will be glad to

see It go into operation.

MUTE KILLS FATHER.Inea, Ky.—Everett Stepp, dc.if and

dumb mute, Ih lodged In the .mmtyJail, and will be charged with the mur-der of his father, John Stepp, formercounty court clerk.

'When. Efverett purchased a ahotcun.

It Is aald his father remonstrated, say-ing the money could be used to better

advantaKe. The boy left tha bOUse af-

ter being ordered to sell the Stm.Returning, the boy found Jila father

seated on a log talklnc to two women.He warned the woman away, and. It

la aald. opened fire on his fathar, klU-

Ing him Instantly.

It IH alleged that the boy then wentto hia home and tired two shots at hla

alater Mollie Stepp, 18. Returning to

where he had kU)M his father he stood

guard over the body for an hour, then

took to the hills.

Newa of the killing preceded htm andwomen and children barricaded Ihem-aelvea In their homes.Latar young Stepp met W. R. Mo-

Coy, a lawyer, and wrote him that hewanted a coffin. He next entered astore and, carrying his gun with him,

motioned the proprietor tliat he want-

ed aomethlng. Ha was disarmed bar*

and plaoad ia JaU.


The fair at Louiaa Friday and Sat-urday was very aerlously inti.rfered

with by the heavy ralna that fell all

during the week, putting the roads outof commlaalon. In uplti of this factthere was a good attendance and avery creditable exhibit. The schooldisplay was excellent.The llHt of premiums will be puli-

llahed next week.

HARVEY JOBE, 8R„ 82.Harvey .lohe, Sr., ngv aliout 82 years

died at Osii Wedmsilay. He Was aman of good standing In his commun-ity. A ifLTge number of relatives sur-vive hini.


The campaign to raise 8848 in Law-rence county for the Y. M. C. A. peaceprogram Ih now on. Quito a numberof people have Hubscrllied, but the

amount Is yet far short of the quota.

Here are some of the thlnga the Y.

.M. C. A. preposn to do In this, the

Ashland dlHtrlct:

1. At*, nil t to organize Clubs In ev-

ery High School, hoping to underminethat tendency toward vulgarity' and.

urofanlty existing in the High Schools2. I'romote that very Interesting

Father and Son llamiuet.

S. Hold a District Older Boys Con-ference, where a program of Christian

Cltlxenshlp Training la put on undertha Direction of a Trained Boys'Leader.


4. Conduct a County Welfare Con-ference with a program rel.Ulng to the

betterment of Men and Itoys.

5. Conduct a Thrift Campaign for

the purpoae of encouraging folks to

aave money for rainy daya.

6. Promote County Qala Daya withCounty Athletic Field Meet.

7. Promou Boy Scout Organiza-


8. Organite T. M. C. A. WeKareAssoolatlona in Industrial Centers.

Here the Y. M. C. A. Is the CommunityCenter, with such activities as .Movlnc

Pictures. Basket Ball games, Educa-tional Lectures and Entertainmentscarried on through the week. SundaySchool and Church Services held onSunday. Bible Classes and Education-al I>^< tures are also promoted in the

mine and factery liy the Sucretary In

charKe. Four such Associations aa

well ns two Railroad Associations are

now operating in this District ThereIs opening for some twelve others.

9. Through the co-operation of a Y.

M. C. A. Committee In each county andthe <"it.\ Associations the "Y" attempts

to see that the boy or young man leav-

ing the smaller community (or the big

city. Is properly taken care of, par-

ticularly as to living and working con-

ditions as well as Christian environ-

ment.10. The Bute Board of Health using

the T. M. C. A. send* specialists to the

varloua countlea to the mining campsand industrial centers giving lectures

and Illustrated lecturea on sanitation

and aex hygiene.Would you like to see these, with

many other almllar propoaltlona put

over in your county T If so, you are

Interested In the oampalgn now Bolng

on to raise money for this profiram.

Show your Interest by letting your

county chairman. F. H. Yates, or as-

sociate secretary, H. O. Chambers,know that you are back ot them flnon-

clally and morally. Dont wait until

they come to you. Tell them what youwlU give.


Lawrence County Delegates

Attend Red Cross Meeting




Congressman Klelds has made twoappointments to speak In Lawrencecounty next week, the dates beingTueaday and Wednesday, Oct. 28th and8tth. He will speak at the school house#t Adams at 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday,and at Webbvllle at 2 o'clock Wednes-day.

Mr. Fields Is one of the beat speak-ers on the list, becauae he knowa whatIs happening and tella It In an absolutejy truthful way, without any abuseor ranting. It will pay everylMdy tohear him who really wants to knowthe facta connected with the presentcampaign.

Delegates from all over the state

attended the conference of Bad Crossworkers which was held In IiSZlngton

Monday and Tuesday of this wealL OnMonday a feature of the moating waathe addreaa of Dr. Livingston Vairand,of Washington, the peace-tlm* direc-

tor of the American Red Cross.

Dr. C. B. Walters, chairman (or

Lawreno* cotmty in the Red Crossmembership drive soon to be made, andMiss Salile Oearhart, secretary, at-

tended tha oonferenoe Monday andTuesday and report a moat Interesting


PIE SOCIAL.There will be a pie social and fishing

pond at the Dry Ridge school on Sat-

urday night, Oct. ISth. for the benofit

of tha aebooL Bvonibody ooma.

WALBRIDGESeveral Walhrldge citizens attended

the fair and all were very much pleasedwith their trip. If our county olTlclala

and the leading citizens of our countywould get the "good roads vision" aaone of the little achool girls of Louisawrote In a composition, on good time or money need be spent toInterest the people to vote for goodroada. Each ^oter wouM caat hia votefor roods and Lawrence county wouldcome to the front with other progres-sive counties. Then we could havechurches, schools, fairs and instead ofmoving to a more proKn-s.slve localityto own u car and enjoy good roads,we will have them at home. Give usmore men that will make the fight forroads regardless of politics—like theJohnson county citizen that wrote aletter to our editor a few weeks ago,then you will cease to bear the remarkwe ao often hear, "I admire dear oldLawrence county but we are ao behindthe more progressive localities that I

am really ashamed, so think I'll sell

my farm and go to a more progressivecounty that I might own a car and havea good market." We want roads! !


Misses Veaale and Brlsa Peters wereguests Bunday of Miss Virginia Asche

Mrs. Reuben Wellman remains veryIII. Her many friends hope fbr herspeedy recovery.

Mrs. Jane Peters spent Sunday andMonday wifb IVast' Virginia rolatlvea.Miss Marie C. Holt, of Richardson,

visited home folks Saturday and Sun-day.Mrs. Henry Boothe and Mrs. Daniel

Lornob and children spent Sunday withMra. H. WelH.

Rev. Albert H Miller wUI preachhere Sunday at 1 1 a. m.

Harlan Boothe, of Kanova, Visited.Mr. and Mrs. Hsilry . Boothe Saturdayand Sunday.'Mrs. Chas. Hawea and son Bussell,

of Ashland, visited relatives and at-tenddd the fair.

Q. G. Peters returned last week fromFloyd county ard left Sunday for workon Wayne county roads.

Corp. Talmadge Wells recently re-turned home after an absence of twoyears in U. 8. army service. He spentM months overneaB and enpnped Insunic suveie iigiiling. Hib relativesand friends arc pleased that he hasarrived home oafely.

EStEPA very beautiful wedding occured

Sunday at the residence of Hev. Cam-els of East Fork. The bride being MissBelva D. Bellomy and the groom beingMr. D. C. Queen. The bride wore abecoming suit of blue cloth. After theceremony they motored to D. W. Bul-llngton's of Ashland and later return-eid to the home of L. U. Powers wherea nice wedding supper awaited them.The bridaamaids were Miaa JohniiaPetry and Rosella EHswick and thegroom's attendants Were Mr. Pen Rob-Inett and lOarl Elswlck.The Powers home was beautifully

decorated and the wedding guests wereMtaaes Lula Powera, Nora Elawlck.Bertha and' Adft F|innin and Messrs.John and Will' Btawick.The bride la the youngest daughter

of Wm. Bellomy of Adeline and the

groom the youngest son of John B.Queen of Eatep.Miss Madge Queen called on Miss

Ellu Wueen Saturday and Simday.MlfiH Lula Powers and John BIswink

motored to Trinity Sunday.I). W. Klswick and family expect to

move to Ashianil soon.TWO HI.ACK HYKD HIRLS.


M. JB. Haywood will have his cot-tage on Lock avehue raised, puttingnew rooms underneath those of theold house. Work will begin at oncoand when completed Mr. Haywood andfamily will occupy it. They have beenliving on a farm near BuaaeyvUe. thepast two years.The house on Lock avenue recently

purchased by Mrs. Ethel Peters W«*not the Haywood property, but fmacross the street and was owned byJ. H. Prestm.


Belcher's Stock F&rm, at Olenwood,this county ,held thetr third annualsale of shorthorn cattle and duitxs hogson Saturday, Oct. 11. The outatandlttgfeature of tl:e sale was the flne qualityof the stock sold and shown. A heavy


rain reduced the crowd, but the aalo,notwlthatandlng that there were somebig bargalna, waa very aatiafaotory tsthe sellers.

Their progress in livestock was evi-dent, as their cattle were equal to thoseof the western Hluegrass. Mr. G. B,•Belcher is at Lexington this week ex-hibiting his herd bull, Nonparlel Sul-tan, at the third annual fbow and saleof shorthorn cattle by the KentuckyShorthorn Breeders ASSOClatlOIl, atTattersall Barn. Mr. Belcher has re-fused tiOOO for this herd bulL


Hannibal, Mo., October 18.—A 1,100-pound hog, raised by Louis Harrlaon,has been auctioned for $10,000 here.Thia la said to be a record price in thiaState. The animal Is 44 Inches high,84 Inches long, and Is 4 years old. L.C, Potter, of Plattsburg, purchased theanimal.



New York.—William Boyce Thomp-son, preifldent of the Roosevelt Me-morial Association, haii Issued the fol-lowing statement:"With the co-operation of State,

county and local committees In anparts of the United States, the Roose-velt Memorial Association is ready forits campaign during tha week of Oc-tober 20-27 to honor, the memory ofTheodore SbOse^t The people ofthe' United States are requestedthroughout that week to contribute tothe fund for memorials to TheodoraRoosevelt.

In addition to memorial meetings,which will be a tribute to the geniusand patriotic service of TheodoreRoosevelt, there wlU- be permanentmemorials that will convey to presentand future generations the chaittctarand principles of Theodore RooseveltIt is for the establishment of thesepermanent memorials ^hat the peopioof the United Sutes will be '


CHEROKEEThe pie aupper at this place waa

quite a aucceoa Saturday night. Pro-ceeds $17.80. We .wish to thank thepeople for their assistance.There will be church at this place

Saturday night. Sunday and Sundaynight by Rev. Thompson.

.Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bishop, ofPlain City, Ohio, are visiting relativesof this place.

Ghuroh at Mr. Kitchen's Wednesdaynight was largely attended.Mlas Flora Pleming. of WlUard, is

visiting her cousins, Misses Lula andElta Houck, this week.Miss Roberta Stafford went to Webb-

vllle Sunday.Miss Hester Woods and Mrs. R.

Woods attended the pie aupper at thisplace Saturday night.John May was calling at thia plvoe

Tuesday. ^fiorrest Rogers and Oarfleld KcDow-

ell left Monday for parts unknown.Miss Bessie Ward waa visiting our

school Friday.D. Li. Sparks and family spent Sat-

unlay night with Mr. and Mra. WayneQrlKlth of thia pUoa.Several from thia pHon attanded

oonrt laat woak.' TWO QlBLB.

during the week ot October 20-27 tomake contributions to the memorialfund of the Roosevelt Memorial Asso-ciation.

"Every pert>on who gltres to this fundduring the week will become a perma-nent member of the Roosevelt Memor-ial Association. Any contribution,large or small, will entitle ihe personto mcmbersiilp."Men. women and children by the

thousands are visiting the grave ofTheodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay.Millions of others who hold his memoiryIn esteem and affection are not ableto malfe this Journey, but the plans ofthe Roosevelt Memorial AsaoclatlOK(or the week of October 20-27 provldaample opportunity to honor the mem»ory of thia great American."The countries of the Allies, whoao

cause Theodore Roosevelt espoused sovaliantly in the darkest days be(oro\ iciory came, are joining Americanain this movement. Likewise In thoPhilippines. Porto Rico, Alaska, Ha-waii, and In the farthest comer wherethe Stars and Stripes fly, men andwomen are rpeparing to honor hiamemory during the week set apart bythis Association. The ofTlcere of theRoosevelt , Memorial Association knowthat they have only to explain to thapublic the plana for this campaign ofOctober 20-27 in order to receive en-thusiastic support In all parts of- thoworld."

Lawrence County Date. '

R. C. .McClure. chairman for Law-rence county, will receive applicationsfor membership and contributions athis office from October 27tb to Nov-ember 1, 1919, Ineluaive, and 'will sendreceipt to every subscriber.

lowmansyilDe:"5he death of Mrs. Julius Spears oc-

curred Oct. 10th after an Illness of fouryears or more. She Is survived by herhusband and two sone. Arbte and Lu-ther, and one daughter Eata.Mrs. Spear^ was Vinnla Preston. She

was the daughter ot Roaco Preston andwas born In Johnson county, Ky., Mar.9, 1875. She Joined the Baptlat chuothat Toms Creek.The funeral aervlce waa conducted

by Rev. O. W. Olbbs and Rev. ManfOrdCaatle at the residence on Sundayafternoon and was attended by manyfrienda. The burial followed at thefamily graveyard.

Mrs. B. J. Fox and little son, J^ Sunday for Oliver, Oreenup coun-ty Where Mr. Fox Is employed as su-perintendent for the National Contractcompany In building lock No. SO onthe Ohio river. They moved recentlyto that point from Apple Orove, Ohio.


This Is Cinciimati's


FOR . : n> -nvu jears this store iia> stood for E\'ERY-THING that cx>ntnbua5 to tbc best inceresc of the

public- ^Ve namber our regular customers fmm wide

areas in FOUR STATES customers who never come to

Cinctiinati without visiting Mablej-'s.

—U'e ca'yoy diis rcpotstioa became for jcan wchz^c caterrd

tlus rqjoatto tbc om-ci-tamra trade.

Tliis Is » Store for ALL the Frailj

—Ererv meinSer of the family can be COStfi •

PLETELV outnned bcnr—*od to the be« . lt.h ^.We spedalize qo STTi'LE in everydiing v. > car—ana

we ako> spedafize on quality and pciccK.

•^Tbe dtocc is caovcaicst W ail .-kii. i. -...^ :r.:rr-r-

faon ttttioos : to ^ diea|R% and is m tbc bean oi

tiie dM^>ping district.

—^\Vc offer tbc use ot our rest 'roonifr-Toar iroc

dieckine facilibea—oar infonnatipa icnecKinel*at—and


' He laM Mtk Cue Kan vtrt tit^-j

Mrm. liaru>& Asm^r-j. ^^ CSntaWK.Mr. a»« Mr^ KM^ikjni 'BbmMmMM «haa( iiHiliM ! ir. Ta. i*.

ULYSSES1 tltr MM* «&« I liilJin aat tMajin* I. r-arrtT^:;-'; rtiail i'^ a:

•f Lcnnakan'^^ «• teat TYamdai/Cnr k*M

' 4«>tt. BUB. k» a. kOL- '

v*^'. -^liaa- 3x a abart caa* a^^-

^mumi T a>i 1. -. •-.

:<.i>: • • r — : aj y> ne » . s., r-^-

i£ CE^^ t«-J>^? Stfmr aA*r ea.—^ i -*

iMBitT AmL H* iMwaa • ar:>. oM•as. aamal gnad cfetiMm aal oraa

ttrMMmk aHwl « ?•*-'» ar.l

AaMtr Maa Aa ayja'>r af a^

^tac* ar* a^^ vra. maaa it lackMaa )

.la Vkta teaiatr a* itea tsaae.


'T i i r '.mntt<t a: Waitt: Pwi-i-iay


-.g^z a»4 iki&Aar »-> -.r:'-=*J

4 f*w ia?t >:^:r--' nm L»rj»ii» H «;-.'-» via. U»M SfUi- 1

r-iaaai tka tena |mk alww tk* la iialKij

?f Crt^ ae CBJab B Paw a T*a1. fa-rt: t r a~r as "b* .'t-r-* i-^rrx*

'a-T: • :r !— •• -"ai.

a( tMi

- ,. v^.,. • , Kr^.«: - > » ;-r.»;«-- a-tM*-hj^' satsritaa-', Kft pttummMttr aC

;-ia» a»d ttia Ba*r fT»ta>>a. wtyatvmT Back tsia: b» a&i few tuifiri>e*ia4 «a lonau *-^ar*Mra

Tt«» r~-»T- arrrra^ a-» F--'-'

Borl-*-^ I"'> «r*' aj»* '• i •

tarn Hn'-wz, ani wit* * <i a&l '.c

Dare Dscli a»l artfr rwia bafeaaa. ajto* askf rt'. BCHOLA j

DR. J. D. WUIAMS•»acial ( <U4im

Eye, Ear, N«e uti llnatSMC BrvotftMiifi


0#ta« In Or.





Office In ro«D)« torBarli' oemplaC byIff Wa.'!*ra Lwlaa. Ky.

' Offica Hawra:—4:00 m. mi. t» StOO p. m.



General OeOcr

I BUY mm MtUL MAL nTATIaf all ktarfa. Alai. «rU| tmi^ pniixjt,an aawiwi iaala^ H yaa «*«« la k«yar aall TOWN ar COUNTHV MlOr.CRTY, call an ma.



— -'i^E.:Wa Hava Par till





JAITIETkMt 4» a ftwtmrjiri rz^.:---t -•^^

kac kr Bc«. Daa Bnaar^Mr. aarf Mra. Dl J. TttaoQaoa

V. K. Bay* az.1 Umi

Mr. aoi M.-a .A. il Wi -aw aad ckil-

Mr. a^ Mra. Irna MiTiiMn ««•X.' aal Mia. G. C Tkanvaaa

Gaa Maada Ttoeavaoa na tte Saa-' s»eal af Mra. Bi 11 aai TasaC-in. "X- K HaT> aa« Mtl & B.

W D. J.

Ma-ika Tonevar« caUac «e Mr a


aja* ckOdlmi« Mm Lkaar

Mra. K H.»?a wa* f-be^jissg

G. C- Tb«at>ae« a^i eE_»tr«^:

Irria Mc-

Mr. 8Bi Mm C«kra«I ta .



ad E -.

Ui. caSiac Miaii'a

Omar HaacBcd Sasii^kT

V. S. Sbartnigt warn a atar az D. J. Tkaaafaaa'a fl

:ez-,Dati rivr - ic^-^ f-.-.u at BMaa. la-ta ktr ac*«K i

iMaSay.«4 Mm CIrAa Boak aptat Sat-

M(M aa4 SacaAav vSk Mr. aa<J. M


"Oan an tvs.- *xa.=:;A«a

Ltf m a aa;* ar.' tf-iz.i ba^ vaar*





1 MAIM sTmnr. louiba. Kentucky.


ML r.'-^

Officers and Directors


It MmaCM. Aa«. C aafciar

iL.m^ NancT •ofl Sail* Farra toa»»

r»-.-—-1 h<c«* a a*« a( Ka-serra aad BBsusgmo.Mr. aai lbs. Jiailk Farr* a( tkte

irl !i2ra. Oaa. McK«TBeM>^o4 City. W Va.

: -jjT ^raarO aat J«ter. ^uavf- tiMt 10 Laaiaa ta

aa ika Ma lis*

CkajoaE a:>l imshtr aadtir^Uarrr v«ai ;o LaaiBa Ta iadi y.

Hia* r/CdaA* Oi iia»li «( Laaiiaasaa Tisiiac Mm Taawa Ftaxpatrtck

Mlia ISaacT Jaaa Fktre l amtaad aMtcr IkMa Aadr& X rmaler. Ir. «i

BaXBTdar ar.'f !^-.:n4aT.

Bctsr> 3':^: aC Ikia pAar* f

^-jf.:' Ue baa beva aack Tor






ROCKY VALLEYBora rwacC; vc. Ut aad Mra Ton

MaSMa. a girt

Mra FVrroc* Vijjtc rni'-Bi a t*w'

1. • la naallail— tejl ««<ra.

W!ar Marvbr la aa Uw aic*. VM: -a.-.* rmmr aad taallr of Por

k f^'ir: Btaadar at B. 'Hairrta• * ; jb^^

'. ~ Itu ri laa of IdCKwa^ wk* al thu: .> • Maedax7iSn»*« W«ii«. «M r«r*<:tl>' r»vjrr

fr« OT»r*»** iaa ami-^d'>v . t^rv { a.' .>uv» &!b: t»ck asalo

i . f U.-saa, waa a Tt»!v r

a: Ru»i til'ra S^itjaax.

Mra iay Hardwk aad Utt)a ar-

n««»b«r of t>«a ''i > Cr»*k. w*r» h.-.*- •- T ft-' ».*• •^.ff M'li

Aee(V4 *<:Uifor9la~ ^rrrap ot IV«oe)7—>o«k im It* aa=» "^^^ifoma o-

tba parkaci. tbra re^ ar* mar* y<yir

e&Od ia havMw tfca baa* aad moat•.h-Tz^- r iMXU^i* or r f':^ \t*

iit'Jrt g'-iack. liver aad bow«.a. C^-drtn leva Ita dcBciaaa CIaltj laaaa.

FbD d ; r>rtx— tor <hSrt * doae as mckGii« it abbw. fear.

MaUiu: Taa aM aar 'Cafiftnua.'

WEBBVUXE.baa or^aaiMd

Mr and Mra Lark MdUraaMa are

a: >.t7- ;r^-

Mr. i.«8 vest to I<fn;aa rooteUjr


Tbe N. & CbankSaadar Bcboal bov.

Er^. f"!!.! a^yj lajaiiy h»

bntrtinir a ptxtractftf

; .3—


^Tcra. <m tbia place Asd DoaUboaaTiradrd tbe talr at Losiaa

v,-.»f.- cf rsrt G*T T.aued bla'

: J. . M;>

M.- : Mm Ell I>iics of Baar Fcr!Oa; a.T tba gaili «( Mr. «Ad Mmh-.. c-tara.

sTf^jc' * icagnaatm aicalr at tbia

;.a« FVm AJVr tmcbtr.M.aa Ka.->.> m ^*rr C: ^tb trpboid

i^-.t-r^ Mu.T r.) • boaa* vu dcatr«redt>y tm faeaatij.bkaaai Bairii aad Lstber Copiay

•a Fart Oajr Baadajr algbLACTCMM UUr.

POINT NEWS'~^B<3« Tboapaae. vba baa typkeid

*•<*" • r< letter- -i-- ; IjT-saa w%» it-.T Sun-

day rJ«i v.' H K Mo(«v aaJ Umily.taate Tbarciu£ ajMc: Satarday n-^hl

aad ^oday mttb ber aiaier. Mra. Oyde*•»)«}.

a»*at tbe past amk w.-Ji Lilbe and

Cbaraa TbarabilL »bo baa at Oriaoco. Ky. it expected

Jba Ibiiiilli bas'^ •<. I>3«a.-.

W. Ta. vbere be haa exapiorBeet.Tirbn Aatt. of Grayaoe. ^cat tbe

««efc cod vltb Wa;tcr Tbooa^avcMr. aad Mm Gieetiaay Oirmlaa

aad tttiM daasbter left Batanday («rW. Va.

F>r Kovlaad Oalitktaaa lbHad to Bay J Irtt her* Saivrdaybit recalar appotattaeat boa Mat tor Habba.-lt-.:Tr 'X. Va.

Mr. aid Mm Wiiaoe UK aad aaa ofVmX Rjc* aaa tba p«<aaaat SQcat M*.. BtrrBaK. Obio. am vlattlav rMa-

a< Bartba aad Vttsia Ilaii liMaa Baa- j Uiraa af tUa jlari

ilil I labM I ICaa Cant* KMd baa saaa ta Lioaaa.Mr. aad Mm Mart Webb ware tbalW. Tb, to apaad a ttm veaka «Mlii

Mr and Mm M T ' rle&laT Mj»a R-at-T f";a.-r.«rT ;-ia» gr'* fa

Araoa Ratcli? ar.1 Btt. r<.::t£iz (aaS- ( Olivect. n:. vbera abe will eeler acboai'

•d cp >cr crevic M<»day j lim BBBltb aaa caOlaB aa Batb Sbap-Mua ESra Cba^is w :.-t plmaaat herd raecatiy.

of MMa Lam Kltebes Saadar. Lota STi>vart apeet^ Batar^ay aadj

y S«aday vttkStarmt ,W. %'a. aa tbe aca—ai «f ; Banaoa Kidd.

of bia taa Utt> daacbtawa. ' araa for 1

IrwT Grecebere BatardayMr and Mm' F B KaMv baae m

• ; tbefr

'• .u^rt aad LacT Bartra«. of Fteri;.> s«re maioc «a Velda Baa thtn-iayTbMBaa U'.on 9 nMtl^ frteoda a-i

CfacroaM- '.iLi* -mtf-k

MSaa -n-.-r-hiU na tbe Sun-day eemtr.^ fztm: cf D«aa le MooreMm N>::;» CraS:r»'» vas rlaKinirfi Itadi an^ taaaurt* :c I^ouM teatSvBday SOMEBODr8 DAiUJ.SG

Mtaativa May A, ItmL». WMt Oay (Castral TIbm)

Wa »—1:11 iu BL DaUy—Fir Kaaarn.IroatoD. PartaoMailb CtaMMHt Oat-amboa ffliipm tp CMMhMI bbiColumboa

m and PortaoioathJ** IS— ll:>d p OI. t%ily-ror Col-

naboa. riBdeaaU aad Inm iiiiliinttatlone Kl<wper Dlal^ car ta Col-jiEbu« .'^topa only to dtaefeaica paa-•'r.j»rt from beyond RaaaobeVo -! II a ra Dally—For Wll-

yajomm. Walcb. Blat-yacbbarr Nartg*.'m EMalac ear.

.vo :i : p m Daitjs-rM' WU-.lamaoc Weieh. BtaaOaM, BMaaka..N'erfoik. R'.rbnond Slaavar ta Hor-tolk. carTram laaraa Kaaee« TrOO a.

OkOy tar WIIIMniiiL TM WanM. andlaama Keaem I.m a. BaBy tar

Oolnoibaa and lorn) atattoaaFor ta:: !r.format»oe appty to



An WvmMmg MioriilU WHITE BBONZi

MONUMCMTt AND TOMBBTONtS.•rtMttc; vara ipj^m^ «i« taai

apeaalTa thaa cmatta ar MibliMaeta all raqalremeista for a perfectnteoaodal. Caa t bxoeae aoaa (rovn.Mltbra doaa It chip, rrark or enanble*••» bCtloa af troet Uuamntoad aeTerto raat or eorrode from expoeam ta tbaeieaaota Have baa*ada «( Baaifva(o aelact trom at aatnaMhlm la* prtea.

at ray offlre aad aaa i^MfMa oftbe brocxe and cuu •< BtilBa badibetr



Keep Liver and BowcbClean and Active




I>«ar Frtaada:—I aa laaalaB at MSI

JV-utb Oras«e A»e, OrtaaBa. norida.^7 th» eidr of tba Aator HetaL If atany time you ooaaa la riartBa ta apaodtba viatar, ba aam aaB aaB aa bowbatbar yaa Mali ta Bay aagfllBic ornot- ! win cladly HaM yoa to anyvaa pc«aible I have aO fekate Fanni

c^l^jO">»~. Kanchea. aad City Property


>«L -vao aaa aaea avtr- , »iea aaadacbe. btUoiaaaaa, cvatedii mmn ^vj rx^wnjUaie. mai iiad Batarday.

1 loarac. aaar. caaay atfiaili ajaaja''""^ aomethinc

1 waa a fcaaiaaaa caller uaea <bia to ror^td lleer: delayed, far. i**n>» • caU aad ha aara aad apaad

IM>*aoaooa nan«r yk«,ed la ibe in- 'SSISL^atlaaa, taatmd of twuta caat out of ?^^ "* ^

brMa>ta]iba arataa «a re-ataorbed Into tbe i^T*'^*™ «Wad. Wbea ,h». reacb^ BmuUful. To<

Ui. mzA M.-a. Devey Hleka 9«at deWrata htaln Uaaae u cauaaa ooocaa- 1 B> O t VbT/^IIBatsrday aad ScaSay viU Mr. aad t»a aad that doa UirribUns, «*-frtn- 1

IjI 1^1/11*

f"!!^-^—^ |Haalda»ca til W Central Am. OfficeMiaa Raib Bbepbcrd aaa caBtoB «ai Oaaearatt Muaediatrly cleaaae the >•» *»• Oi*a«a Am.. niTli I.. Florida.

Maa Laab BaU laat vaak.; mail ill, mai 1 tbe aour. aadtoaatad !

" '

Mm Jaka Ooi apaat WmMb «ttfc!feai «i« Mai rrrriL lafca thattMaa'"

Mra C r Flaasery hOa fraai tbe Heer and mrry oat an MT PLEAbAMT

A OMcam toalCbt wUI ham y«« aebool houae Saiur>1t»v niabt. Nov :

TBiT »«rk wIlUa yoa BmiybaJy M aatdMBr

Friday, October 24, ttlS.


Koaodaa lo tht fttrrman qulddr tcthaac who quAUfy for hlghrr mtlnn InMarch II94 A. P. NlUwin rnlii'r l in tb«Navy Mkti Apprentirc Scuiunii. .it.1 t.\mm,' AwU IM; b «u rated CUcf Turn*

' "Mb tar < " - "' today li IIM.T6 fm

man's li&— amon^ men!C«yloa, yakaliaiM—an tbt treat

porta pr tba iMrM-«i« thajr oalj

pteeaa on tlM BMP to yen—«r •(•

thay pofts whm jrou'vt leaa ifU-

li« In ftvB tjM Ugh aaaa w<th

9wmj apt alcBf tha iliare tuniad

•I pour big ahip—iUpl Svanr ooaan hat a

Ontod Stktaa ahip aiMBg toaaBBt pott worth aecing.

If jrou'vo any call In you for h

full life—join, and color all your

ymn ahaad with of

tiyflfi pofftb flMliic~~witb koowl*

ttdti vof|li bjnta^T*with ipi Ims*hjmabbte fkaad of tea taiea and<l»tntuna pidtad up aahoM and

afloat that win make pOu a

oona OMtt In any eooponyt

Woffc? auta, and a mao'a woric

it TflT'-K aMtt<

P<ayy i*ell.rath«r,wHhabBncb

of men who know bow to play.

Thcae comradea of youfi cany

in their ewo the aouudi o! great

world dtieo, of boomini (uni, of

awaihiag aeu— lounda you will

aharo with them and that will

never die away.

And when you come home, youHface life aahore with level cye»—

for Undo Sam tiaina fat aotf*

rmlimnom aa weQ at telf-raapaet.

The Navy bullda itraiabt i

no noUycoddka*

Balat for two yam. KaoUaot oihiuiImIiIm far I

Pear waaka boUdayi with («y «ach yaar. tbora taavt to aoa•I

land atalita at port! «lait«l. Men alwaya iMmlng. Oood food

and Brat uniform uutltt fraa. Pay bacioa Uu day you anliit. 0«(lap iaferaiatioa fkoa yoiu aiamt racrultlBa alalioa. If you danot aaow wWo^w^nriil i—alUai Marion la, aak raaa

Sbove off ! 'Join the


Rhaatnut and poaaora huntinp ta ailthe fo liaro,

I'lyda ICcCaman madr a buolnoaa tripi<> ("harlMton. W. Va., Iuhi w.-. k.

Ura. tUtllla (liunblll. wife ot (h<- lati-

Dr. J. J. (jambUI. In at Wendovpr,Wyoming, and will «|i(>nd tha winterihiTv with hi>r dAughtor, Mra. BvalenaIliuiivy.

Mm. I^lEclo KIkitffK*. who liaa bean In

thi* ntati' li<>M|>it.Al ai l^'iintfton, huaImiiruvi'il Kiid Ik l>u>'k liume.

Mlaa Veau and Uacar Skagpa wantto Baifonl. Arlaonn. for the lattar'a

hivallh. Wk an- mirry lu Iimiiii til.i

health la not no );iiimI ii<' Ih imw(ninflned to hla room with a bud atom-

aeh tronbla.

Thara waa a pla aoppor at thia pinoalaat Baturda^ nipht for the purpoaa ofihlttinv Hands Wheeler an Invalld'ai-hnir It wiiH n Krxat aueceaa. Procaada\yj ;ii Thn > hair waa ordored. It willl»i u Kri-at help ua Mtaa Whealar la

unable to move baraalf about thehouae. 8ha baa. bean aitllctad withrbeumatiam for quite a while. Sho la

now maklnir bar home with her alater,

Mra. K. I'. Mcllrayor.Mra. i-llvik SkuKioi Aod ht-r alHtt>r,

Mra. .Maud I'-^rry, win lu IIIuliiu lual

Sunday,There Wll Iho Hunday School at thia

lilucp pvt-ry Suiiduy at 1 o i. lciok. Kv>>ry-IxHly I'ljinu out iuid hulp Ln thia ifri'at

c a package

bffore Hm war5



doriiMl Mm war




UCE CREEKSunday School la progreaaint nicely

with J. U Vauphan Supt.Thara Vlll be church at the sniza-

beth Jarrell churoh Sunday night. Nov3, Bro. Palis Thompaon.Henry Burke made his reKUlar call

huro Sunday.Mr. and Mra. Grunvllle Thompson

bava » new prandaon, Maater DouglaaThompaoii, of HalUar,

Mr. and ' Mrs. Lafa Thompaon werevlHltiiig rulatlvea at Liedocio Saturdaynight and Sunday.Mra. ISrma WUaon waa ahopplng In

Lioulaa Tueaday.Mra. M. J. Plcklaelmer, of Ijoutaa,

waa vlaltlng ralatlvea here the paatweek.WIms Holu rt Shannon w:ih cullinK on

Mlaa Munnlc Stiannon Kr>duy.Mra. Delia Thompaon' and Mlaa Uthel

Meada contamplate a trip aouth tblawinter.

.Mr. and Mra, Carl Aki r.^ and familyof Helller, are vlaltlnis home fulkH attbla place.Mra. Churlea Wllaon, of ui pt-r Lick

Creek, apent the day with her mother-in-law. Mru. .Marlon Wllaon, Monday.MIsu .Mitrtrurut WllHon waa vlalting

MLw 'llndya Hay, of IxuInu. .Saturday.Mm. Delia Thompaon and Mlaa Ethel

Maade were calllnp on frienda at RItarrlew hoapltal Monday.

Mlaa Virginia ANchu la attendingachool at K. N. (,'. thin fall.

Mlaa Minnie tihannot. u vlaltlnp haraiatar, Mrp. John Buma, of lower Uckoreak.

Mr. and Mra. John Akera and Mr,and Mra. Carl Akera took dinner withMr. and Mra. Millard Wllaon Sunday.


HICKSyiLLEMuch alekneaa la reported In thia

ne-lKhhurhuod now.Henna I'lnkurton waa the Kueat of

Ortru H!rkM Sundiiy.

Boaalu and Juaalu Dalton, Stella Mc-Klney and Qraole l(olbrook ware thegueata of Cora Young Sunday.Johnia nolbrook and family have

moved to ICiiHt l''ork where they expectto make their future home.Marlam Plnkerton waa calUnp' on

RahvHU Hicka Sunday.Henry Hlcka waa calling on Willie

and Ijoonard Adama fiuhday;Rube Adama and family have moved

Into tha houaa vacated by Johnnie Hoibrook.Com Tounr was callinp on Beaaie

and Jaaale Saturday.W. M. Holbrook, of Qrayaon, Ih vla-

lting home folks at this place.Clarence tllcka and alater Qladya

were vlalting their grandfather at thisplace Sunday.A. ti. Hlcka made a bualneaa trip to

Irlah Creek Monday where he la mak-InK pre(iarutluna to move hla saw mill.

Cellu I'inki rtiin wiiH falling on Ruthand .H<-atrlue Hlcka Sunday.



A Kood friend btiinds by you whi-ri In

need. Ixiulaa pi-oplu tell how Uoan'aKidney IMIla have atood the teat. Mra.Frank I'lgg of Water St., Louisa, en-doraed Doan'a eight yeara ago andaKuIn conflrma the atory. Could youaak for more coiivini lnK te.stlnKiMy?

"I auffored for u Iomk iiriH- with manydlatreashiK aymptuni8 of kidney com-plaint." aaya Mra Plgg, "The moatannoying ailment waa a aevere pain,

In my back and a dull, bearing downfeellnK throuKh my )olna which nt

times was almost unbearable. I wshweak and languid, conatantly tired andhad no ambition. My back waa In sucha bad condition I couldn't atoop overwithout aevere pain and It waa a ter-

rible ufTort for mn to rlHO. I was roat-

eas at iilKht and couldn't Hiecp. Morn-Inga I waa just as tired as when I wentto bed. I waa nervous and aufferedfrom aevere diuy apells. My kidneysacted IrreKUlarly, too. I Anally tookLVjan'a Kidnny I'llla. Kettlng them atLijiiUii l)rni; 4'(>*n sioi-e. and the palnan lay b.K k mid loin?i left. The ai tlon

ot my kidneya became normal and the

other distraaalng aymptoma were re-

moved."Mra. IMkb gavo tho above statement

on March 'ii, lHIU, anil on December181t aha aald: "The cure Duan'a

Kidney PUit.nade for me ia atlll laat-

Ing and I now anjoy tha beat of health.'

too. at all daaiera. Foater>MllbumCo.. Mtgra.. BuflDalo,. Vt. X.

MATTIEsinging achool began at thia place

Saturday with Mr. Danlela teacher.Several of the boya attended the

ball game at Cordell Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. I'Yed .Short- apent .Sun-

day afternoon with Mrs. Kate Wilson.

Mra. Alafalr Stombaugh, of Blaine,

la apending a few days with her daugh-ter, Mra. Jay Mooro, at thia place.Aunt Nancy .Moore Is very 111 at thia

wrltlnn.Manuel Cordlu, of (Tordell, was on

our creek Saturday.Dr. J. O. Moore spent Sunday after-

noon with C. C. Uayea.Mrs. Jay Moare ind Mrs. Alafalr

Stambatlgh Hpent Sunday with Mr. andMr.s. Dora Mo^ire and I'aniUy.

Mra. Minnie .Moore Is spendlni; a fewdaya with her alater at Sip.

Ray Wilson called on his beet girl

Sunday.Stella Moore and Colda Childi r.s

spent StMiday afternoon with Alma andJettle Hayes.Bascom Moore waa visiting home

folks Saturday aivd Sunday.Mra Landon Moore spent Sunday

with Mr. unil Mrs. W. H. Moore anil

family. swkiot si.\ti:i:.\.


^Ches. Field

NOTHING like followingup a good showWith a isood 8nki&ie~-<3iMteiAeId.

No ordinary cigarette, this. Mellow as anold friend, but rich with flaT<Mr<—the kindthat goes right to the spot.

Our own buyers in the Orient select for usthe choicest Turkish leaf. We blend withthis several varieties of specially selected

Domestic tobacco. This blending—by asecret method—brings out liew qualities of

flavor ^t othtf aiid lisilM e^qiert methodsfail to find.

That's what we mean by "satisfy"—anentirely new kind of smoldng enjoymentthat you get in Chesterfieldsonly—nowhereelse; for the blend Is a closely guardedsecret, tt can't be topied, '

20 for 20 cents —^"^-^-

WEBBYILLKThe good Christian iieoplu of our

community orgitnlzid .Sunday Schoolhere last Sunday. We are hoping to

have a good school.

Mr. and Mrs. V\<sm Keller, who hadbeen vlalting relatives at thia place,

loft Thursday for their home in Cat-lettHburK.

Mlas Lilzzlo Smith, who waa visltInK

her cousin, Mlas Huhy, returned to herhonie In Tiiscola recently.

Mrs. Sallto Gardner attended the big

revival meeting at HItohena laat week.Bertha Irene and Jake trang were

tliu ploa.sant guests of Ruth ShepherdtYlday.

We are informed that the weddingbelia wtU aoon ha ringing here again.

Ura. lii jr. Wabh apent a taw daya

last week with bi r daughter. MissDorothy, of Loulsu.Roy Shepherd left here Saturday for

Hubbardstown, W. Va.Harry Shepheril, of Plain City, Ohio,rlaltlni; biii coualna at thia place.Italulgh liuUer and Charley Hblbrook

ahlpped a One car load of cattle laatMonday.Bro. Coz and wife, who had been at

L<eon preaching, returned home Satur-day.Mlaa Roberta Stafford of Cherokee,

waa vlalting har alater and friends atthia plao* Sunday.Mr. and Mra. John Lang, and chil-

dren and Clara and Ruth Shepherdapent Sunday evening with Mra. L. J.

Vebb.We are Informed tint Kr. and Mra

L.. J. Webb wUl aoon move to Louisawhere they will make their futurehome. They are good nelghbora and wewill mlas thom very much.

.Mrs. Sanih Stewart paeaed Ihrouf^hhere en route to Blaine where she will

visit her alater.

Ruby Smith apent Sunday with MissLahoma Hensley.The farmers are very busy cuttinR

tobacco and corn and digging potatoes.

Needeii ProtectionKeep your body well

nourished and strong andthere is little danger. It't

e»$ential that you keep upyour resistance. There are

thousands of families whowould not dream of beingwithout the protection that

Jim Smith left here Saturday forLogan, W. Va., where he la employed.Hugh Shepherd Is having serious

trouble with his stock.There will be a pie supper at this

pUce Friday night, Oct »4.

Church here Saturday nightSunday. Everybody come.Bertha Lang waa the pleasant guest

of Haael Hlc^ Sirndtty.

Married at Qrayaon, Mr. Ora Meekand Katie Herald. Be is from Cat-luttuburg and ahe from Jean, thiscounty. . DEW DROP,


EMULSIONaffords. The right idea is to

start in the fall widi ScoU'sEmtdaion and be protected

for a strenuous winter.

Ifs Scotlfi you ask for.The Hl

in ScMI'a .

to oar sMn .& poifUr aad, Jfi

eod-llTcr oU I

Is anpcT'icflnad«bafaa>riaa.aasaipMSiw

School Is progressing nicely at thisplace.

Sunday school every Sunday morn-ing at >:(0. Come and help ua. Weneed your help.

Mr. and Mrs. MUt Diamond apent.Simd.iy evenhn; with Mr. and Mra.Ueorge Simpson.A large crowd from tbla place was

out chestnut hunting Sunday after-noon.

Several from this place attended thefair at Louisa Friday and Saturday.May Uobinett of Louisa was the

pleasant guest of her brother, LutherRoblnett at thia place Saturday andSunday.

Mr. and Mr.s. .lohn Manner of Pot-ter. aiJint S:itunl:iy ni^jht and Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson.Jim Pugett, of Ashland, was the

pleasant ^est of his cousin, Mrs. JayShort of this place Saturday and Sun-day.Miss May Roblnett and Bud Diamond

were the Sunday guesta of Miss Ben-nle Alley. i

Qoldle Rice, of thia place; apent Sat-urday and Sunday with her sisters.Misses Elizabeth and Sophia Rice ofCatlettslmrs.There will be meeting at this place

Saturday night. Everybody conic.


in Huntington last week.Dr. J. C. Hall and llttio sons, RuVert,

Georse and Charles attended. }he fairat Ijoulsa last week.Mlaa Marie Handley ia recuperating

from a caae of amalipox and Georgeand<| Handley, Jr., haa a light oaae alao.

Mr. Geo. Belcher la in I<ezlhgtoh thiaweek.Miss Norma Taylor and Grant Taylor

were the gueats of Mlaa L,ena BlastenSunday.Mlaa Marie Handley will attend

Hchool at Berea this winter.MlBHes Beulah Miller and Orao*

Belcher will go to Ashland soon wherethey will atudy mualc.


tht ffitiiit PainlMi Cora looatan:

If tpu have evtr tried to get rido' • com by bundling up your toewlth^aadagaa, or by uaing aalvathat made your toe rod and phaoafc


GLENWOODSeveral from thia place attended the

county fair and report a very goodcrowd considermK the weather.Horn to .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller,

a hoy -liohert r.uil.

Wesley Italcllir, of Kush haa return-ad home attex a visit to G. B. Belcherand Ed TaylcA-.

V. B. Shortrldge made a businesstiiii t.i .\ahland last week.Miss Beulah. Miller waa the guest of

the Miaaea'&nlth at Vuacola recently.UhH Qtaoa Belcher vlalted relaUvea

raw, or tried to drag your oorn oatwith a knife, there will bo a sur-prise waiting for you when you use"Gets-It." Imagine peellnt; your cornoff gloriously, easily and painlessly.Just like peeling off a banana akin,well, that la what happens whenyou use "Qeta-It" There ia nothingelae that win give you tlila aaaareault Millions ot folka haTa_l|adthe oatte blaaeed asparlanea Wliypatter and' auSer, limp, and apoil a

^ta-It'-'the dnlysii>o.tiianntee{,'money*-— *- —a trirfi

B. LawraooeSold In Louiaa and recommeadad aa

the worida beat com raoMdy by TaaliaDrug Co.

ley.baek oom>r«mo*ar. epata batirto at any dnutauw*. IrPd 1^'awraooe * OMfOUaam U.



BIG SANDY NEWSK7^ M Meoad-elM nwtur.

PiiMMMd CwMy'rrWqr by

M. r. CONLCY an^.!. Kr^WBNOCR^Htora and Pra»ri«tan



Caak in AdvaiM*,

Friday, Ostebwp 24,

OKMOCRATIC TICKCT.a«y«rnor—Jamas D. Biaek. Barb(nir-

tUe.Lieutenant Governor—WUIiaai H.

Bhaaka, Stanford.State Auditor—Hanry U. Boaworth,

Laadngton.Attorney General—Frank E. Daush-

wtf, Bardatown.aaaretary of State—Matt S. Cohen,

dark CoHTt of Appeals—John A.

Oaodinaa,-^kton.Ooounlssionar Of Agriculture—John

W. Newman. VaraalUaa.

Stats Treasurer—Hanry F. Tumar,WlckUfle.nparlntendant Public Instruction-

It. B. Foatar, HopWnavlIJe.lUpraaentatlve—E. K Shannon, Uiu>


We are authorired to announce HonBRIO H. HARRIS, of Boyd county, as

a candidate for the State Senate fromthe district composed of Boyd. Law

' raaea, Jobnaan and Martin countlea,

•nbjaet t« tbo action of the Reptibllcuaartjr.

Itarstofoea dodged because of the fear

o( losli« th» forotgn roila. UntU wera&ks tbls a thoroughly Amerioancountry, with no quarter shown to

thone who oppose Its principles. ther»>

la going to be trouble. The foreign

hyenas must be banished and all Oth-ers prevented from coming here. Ttdsla the moat impnrj.-im question liefore

our country ti"l:i\

Prenitlent Witnon is unprovinc in

he&ith and s able to attend to somebuaineas.

If the coal miners of the Big Sandyand Tug viyr \.iiU are half as Km.irt

as they ought to be they will chaseout every lazy paraatte of a union or-

ganiser that comes Into their midst.

Without being tied hand and foot byc union our miners will be able to havesteady work .it high wages. They will

not he forceil to quit because someworthless cusa from a Toreign landwants to tear down our great Ameri-can induatriea, and under any hind ofa pretext sta-ts a strike There wasnever such an opportunity for good.\merlcan laboring men to make moneyand save it. Wasting it in riotous liv-

ing is the great temptation that Is

causing many to tall, siivo your moneyand don't let theaa dialoyw unloii or-K.inizers kuII you Into a scbeme forpsL.vinL' dues to keep them in easy Jobswith big salaries.

The operators ar« taxed up to 60 percant of their protlta to help pay the ward^t. There is no danger of theminaking loo much money as long as theIncome tax law remains, as at present,

it is tlioif patriotic duty to pay with-out complaining, and It is the duty of

t!b* miners to put out the coal tliat

helps to pay the war debt. The greatpublic Is rayi'"- 'n the final


ABOUT rouncs

Do not forget to Tote for Statewideprohibition at the election Nov. 4th

separate ballot will be giren to you atthe polla Vote In tha aqiiara after•Tea."

If the tinlon miner* win their out-rageous demands for a aix-hour dayand flve-day week and W par Cent In

crease, the price of coal will go sobigh that nobody but .tha rich peoplecan buy it.

Attention is called to the platform ofE. E. Shannon, candidate for Repre-sentative in the LAwrence-Elllott die

trlct. He Is a practical, successful bus-iness man who is Interested in theprogress and development of the mountain aectlon and his servlcea at IVankfort will be valuable to these people.

The Attorney General has ruled thatit is the duty of the election clerk in

every voting precinct In Kentucky to

give each voter the ballot on the sute-wld« prohibition amendment as wall asthe regular .ballot whether the voterasks for it or not. See that thig is


The union coal miners are under contract until next spring and are violating It by striking. Three other unionshave done the same thing recently.When they reach the point that theybrazenly break their contract.s how lothey expect employers to recognizethem? Honor is a very aeoeosary fac-tor in business.

E. E. Shannon, candidate for theLiegislature, is publishing his platformthis week. It contains some good ideas.Read it.

Printing school books in the reform-atories Is entirely feasible and prove tobe a good^ion from all stand-polnts.

The people are forced to pay enor-mous prices for everything they needbecause of the strikes more than forany other reason. The shortage inproduction makes goods scarce andprices high. Thousands of ton.M of foodstuffs are rotting in the harbors ofNew Tprk because of the longshore*men strike. When tha great mass ofthe people get thoroughly tired of thisstrike business they can stop It andthey can force Congreas to i>aaa somevery vigorous tegtolaUon that baa been- " " ' - - - . - - -


- -1

— .]1^ ,11 ii n nn '



I r i I I II 11^

We are prone to fall aaleep too soonwhen comfortably situated and forgetthe hardahlps of the past. Before thswonderful Federal Reserve Bankinglaw was enacted In ltI3-l4 as the re-

sult of a special session of Congresscalled by Mr. Wilson for that purposeas soon as he became President, wewere continually harassed by panics orthe fear of them But now we are juat

emerging from the worst war in thehistory of the worlil, the greatest crista

evi-r ii"alt with; yet we had no jtanlc

and we financed the world and havetaken from England the position ofworld financier. It is the gftateetachievement of all the ajres in this

important department of »;overnment.We have often heard the question

aaked, why waa not something like

this done before? The answer Is plain.

The money power of the United Stateswas in Wall Street previous to theenactment of that law. They foughtevery attempt to change the systemand succeeded until this time. It wnathe first instance In which this evil

money clique lc»t control of both thePresidency and Congreas at the sametime. After one of the bitterest flghtsin history the law was passed andthere became twelve money centersinstead of one and the twelve are notIn the bands of the unscrupulous mon-ey grabbers who for SO years had suc-ceeded In running politics aa a part oftheir business, furnishing huge cam-paign funds electing high olTlclals andthen demanding that Wall Street rulersbe not dlaturbed In the unholy use oftheir tremendous power. It took Wood-row Wilson and his Congresa to aavethis countrj-—and then the world.


(Published by the Committee.)

Do you like to be fooled?Do you enjoy having the wool pulled

over your gyWTDocs it please Tou to have

nut something bogus ovar on yiouTIf so. swallow th« atatemanta of Bd.

.Morrow and the flgurpa of extrava'f;ance published by the Republicnncommittee.They aay the lire inauraace rating

board has cost tTT.SM. It has not costthe Slate nor the taxpayers one cent.The cost IS collecied from the Insarance companies and amounts to abouttwo pannies on each policy issued.They tell you how much more the

expenses of running the State now .irc

in exci-ea of the period of 8 to 12 \

ago when '".us Willson was Cioverrui

Btit thsy dont tell you that millionhave been spent on good roads in thelast eight yeara againat nothing underWUlson. Also, that the achools havbeen extended and Improved and better paid tlian under Wlllnon. amountinto }2,k00,000. Also, that progress li^i

been made along other lines, wltlwhich Kentucky would be a back number. Nothing is as cheap now aa12 years ago, a fact which everytxulyknows.They till you a great numhi

of new offices have been created In

Kentucky in eight yeara, but they arecareful to not list them and nobodyhas check e.d up to see how mui h i f anexaggeration the statement i>

they flail to tell you the truth thamoat of the positions created in thatperiod are eommlsslona carrying nosalary—like the penal and charltablboard Morrow has named. No doubtthat Is where he got the Idea.

Find out about all of the .Morrowand Hert statements before youcept them.

There is a lot of "buncombe' in thetalk about "removing offices from pol-itics.' Kvery man has some poMtIcapreference. It is ritht that he sliniild

have If he la a true American. Hutno honest man is made otherwise byhis politics. There are honest, capableDomncrats and Republicans, and it

<lo*sn't matter so '- uch whetherboard is composed of men from thesame party or a mrt from each. If

they are honest and efTlelent they will

render good service in public office.

On a divided board i>olltlcs Is contlnually kept awake by the fear that oneside will get more appointees than th

other. And then. If a alncere eiTnrt

,were going to be made to remove offlees from politics wbuM you pick <

professional politiciaa like Ebl. Morrowto do it? Well, hardly.Look what h«ppened at L.exlngton a

few days ago IM Mr.rrow was intro-

duced to an audience by Judge Kerrione of those Republican non-partisanCircuit Judges elected to "take thecourt out of politics." He made oneof the bitterest, meanest partisanspeeehes lmafrln.ihle. He referred tn

I'r<-siilsnt Wilsons illness as n<it

much physical, but more as being "sick

of his Job" of trying to put over theL<eague of Nations proposition. It is

only the professional Republican poli-

ticians who are <>|-|MMing this peaietreaty, aided by a few soreheadeil

are ap-

Walter Williams is improving.There will be a pie social at the

.school house Saturday night, Oct. ZE.

I.,ys« Pox and Erml.i Shannon werecallins on Miss Kate Weliti Sunday.Lawrence Keatbley ^ now employed

as water boy for Richard Allen.Miss Jessie Dean was visiting Viola I

Williams Sunday.Joe Beverley was calling on his best

girl Sunday.The boys of Drift wi re dl.sappolnted

Sunday as their twll ground was toowet to play on.John Wilson and wife have gone to

housekeeping.The wedding bells are expected to

ring soon. LONESOME BOT.

\ NOTICE.There will be a pie aodal at Tales


ville Saturday week night, Kov. 1st,

for the beneflt of the achool. Every-body come. A. T. S.


Tothe VotenofLawrence and Elliott Counties:

EDUCATION— Free School Books. The State, t|sing iUown printing presses, and the Inmates of the Reform Schoolcan publish its own books. It means an education to t^eInmates of the Reform School: the saving of thousands ofdollars to the taxpayers of the State; and it helpa the poorman educate his children.

SEVEN MONTHS FREE SCHOOLS. A salary of tlOOper month for teachers holding First Class CertUcatea; and$85 per month for teachers holding Second Class CertlAeatea.Teacher.s .should liave a living wage: and the children areentitled to the very best instruction that money can obtain.

ROADS—Repeal of 6-Dcy Law. Roads should be builtby taxation. The "six-day " law Is a discrimination againstthe poor man. All road money should be spent in tha sameMagisterial District in which it is collected.

DOQ LAW. The repeal of this law .should be had sothat each farmer may have a watch-dog, free from taxation.

JURY FEESk Three dollars per day for Jury aervice.Five cents per mile, to and from the county seat.

OIL LEGISLATION. Kentucky oil is the equal of WestVirginia oil. The price received for our oil is much lessthan that reieived for the Went V irginia oil. There is novalid reason for this condition. The Kentucky farmer shouldbe protected in this matter; the oil should be graded ac-cording to quality, and laws enacted to secure a higherprloe for our oU.

PENSIONS. All unfortunate blind persons, bom inKentucky, more than 21 years of age, should rsoelve pensionof flO.OO per month from the State. All widows, worthyand spotless In character, not owning their own home, andin need of this aid, nhould receive pension of $10.00 permonth from the State.

I pleds* myself to usa all honorable means to securethe passags of these laws; and upon this platform I aolieit

your suFPOit at the pell*.

' Reepectfully, I


Demoemtg whose "reasona"parent' to the entire country.

Edwin P. Morrow, Republican can-didate for Oovemor again lust becausebe wants the people to have a ciianre

to "right" the mistake they made In

not electing him four rears ago, is

going up and down and eroeswiae of

this grand old Commonwealth shout-ing himself hoarse about the terrible

misbehavior of the Democrats. Any-thing to catch the voters Who have nochance (o know the truth.

Morrow made speeches for Hughesthree years ago in which he ridiculed

President Wilson's efforts to keep this

country out of war. He was howlingfor war. The time came when wecould not keep out without aurrender-Ing to the Huns, but until that timearrived Mr. Wilson refused to call uponour young men to make that awfulsacrltiie Now if Kentucky shouldelect Morrow It would be used aa aslap at President Wilson for his sin-

cere effort to evade war and as an In-

dorsement of Morrow's howl to hurlour boys into it early and withoutj;)rcparation. Tour vote will put you onrecord in this matter

—Pal4 AdvartiMmant

A good example of how hard pressedthe Republican committee is for cam-paign matter appears In an advertise-ment being paid for and published thisweek by that committee. It showswhere Mat Cohen, the hustling, effic-

ient and honeat Commissioner of Agri-sulture, has been repaid some travel-

ing expenses. He made those trips onbusiness for the State and in collect-

ing for it he il'd no more than everyother State officer Republican or Dem-ocrat, does. The truth Is that Ken-tucky pays very small salaries to all

tier officers except the Oovemor, andthat waa only recently raised by theLegislature. It Is a me^n Insinuation

to call Into question a small expensoaccount that the State Auditor passedupon aa correct and the Treasurerpaid. Such taotioa as that ought to

make votes for Cohen instead of In-

juring him.In this connection It is due Mr.

Cohen to quote from hia statement aato some things he has done:"When I became Commissioner of

Agriculture," he said, "the prize list

of the 191B Kentucky State Fair to-

talled 128,000. The first fair under ray

administration, the prize list totalled

|40,Nl|^- Hie aecond fair under my ad-mlnlabrgfion the prise list totaled tEO,-

000. The prize list of the third fair

totaled $78,000, and the last f.iir. that

of 1»19, the prize list totaled $110,000.

"Again, when I assumed the office of

Commissioner of Agriculture, the State

Fair was tn debt to the amount of

tlt.OOO. That indebtedness has beenliquidated and I will turn Institu-

tion over to my successor free of debt.

"Again. I begged from my friends

from Frisco to Boston and five to the

Kentucky State Pair in cash during myterm aa eommiasionar of agriculture atoui of tu.ns."

Morrow has declined to meat OOT-emor Black In Joint debate. The rea-

son is that he is making a lot of Wild

•ad false charges and be imowa If ha

Our Great Specud Offer


Sewing Machines

" The FREE''


Special Allowance

Offer of $12

is the allowance we will make you for your old Sewing Machine,

regardless of its make, style or condition, toward the purchase

of either of the New "Free" Models, the Desk Style or the Cabi-

net Style, as illu.<^trated in this advert L'^enient. Never before have

we made such a liberal allowance for an old machine. *

Anderson-Newcomh Co,On Third AvHtn Hmtington, W. Vii,

cornea face to face with Ulack he willbe shown up in very had light.

Morrow Is a failure aa a bnglnaaaman. Aek aomebody from hia homeiwn He would be a poor executiveI place at the heinl of the .states af-

fairs If he can not successfully man-age for a small family. .The truth lathat tm. needs the salary of (he Oov-emor's office. He can nuke a stumppeech. filled with reckless charges

promises. Millionaire Hert andHeavy Toll Itallard needeid Just thatsort of a fellow and they are foolInKtha bins, nat to hov it all bappaood.The biggest bluff ever put up Is thatline over Morrow's picture In the ad-

r ti.Henienis which says "The manwho can not he bnseed, bluffed orboiicht. -

The sickest man In Kentucky thruthe years to come will be that Dem-ocrat who swallows Bd. Morrow's takebait and votes for him. Those flshstories for Demoerata are nothing butfairy stories. Any Democrat whowould be caught napping and causedto vote against his party at a timewhen it would amount tp a repudiationof Woodrow WItaon'a administrationwill never cease to regret It after harealises wliat a mistake he has made.

Truth and Honesty

Pay Large Dividends

Any of my four little aoeouodatlonstoraa asU ground coffee at SOe lb. Wehave 10 different kinds of ooftse. Webuy low and asll low.

Oma Oreen, IH years old, near headof Tarklln, has new stor« up and Is

selling for Big HIalne. I>roduco Co. Allpeople for us are honeet and reliable..Make all kinds of money. We buylarge white eggs and large yellow eggsand give 10c on dosen more than onsmall dirty e^gs. Ws ship to mlllaOur i>eopie eat thsBi. Ws know whsreto ship and how.

New meat mai ~et in ronneetlon withour grocery store. We cut down highooat of tlvlng. Round stsah I6e Jb :

tenderloin lOe lb.; rlbe 10c: liver KcIf you live ways off. give orders Wehave finest |.;itcher and only kill fat

yearlings. We buy dressed hogs. 160Ihe and under. Itc cash, head and f«etoff:, freah killed, dallvar here. We buyRome beauty applaa and grsgn apples.Qive In groceries tt.i0 busbsl: driedapples tl.lO. We are high buyers onbutter.

Crean veal calf bides IB. SO and allother beef hidsa high Hhevp and boraehides, big prices. Wn ship hidaa towhere Ihey wear woo,fen sboes Don'twaste lime wiling any dealer whowont advertise. Corns bars, we arealways In Ihe market Contracts absadwith big tanners. Our mOttO, "11ouiii l a to pound and lOg eSflta tO thedollar ' Ws handle lemem^ onagea.big stock Vicka pnetUMnte aalvt forInfluenia.

Kor all our llltla atorM wa buy inquantities, f plugs natural l«af to-twc CO :tc at nialne We buy right ands<'ll right. Illf s(o<'k sugar We uuL OUigerale I6r bottle. Ice coldpop lOe. It sticks chewing gun at anyof our little (tores tc. Ws buy fromfkctory In quantltiaa. Coma in wltbproduce or money—we sell atrletly forcash or prmluce Wo krsp the dollarsriilllnif day ami night. Tbafa how I

Koi rating in Pun and Hradstreel116,000.

810 SLAINE PRODUCE COMPANYH. J. Peek, Msnager and Buyer

Blaine, Ky. Sea WInnis Crawford, SI. and Blraore Hub-

bard. IS, both of Jenkins, were marriedin CatletUburx

We wish to announce to our many custom^ that we will be able

to deliver bread again November 1, We will begin baking October

81st and will be able to take care of all customers after that time.

Our new plant is a model in every way for sanitation and economy.

We will produce a much better piece of goods than before. Thegeneral public is invited at all times to go through our plant. Ev-

ery detail is open to your inspection.' Do not hesitate to go thru.

It will be worth your while if you are in Louisa to spend an hour

in this plant. It may seem strange for a small town, but our

baking plant has no superior anywhere in anyway except capacity.

Every piece of machinery is new and the best and latest, Youare always a welcome guest.

The Lobaco Company

Bw 8ANPY mm

Lock MooreStaple and Fancy Groceries

Feed A Specialty

Hay, Chop, Middlings, Oats

Flitmr, Meal, Etc.


BIG SANDY NEWSPrtdty, October 04, Wit.

ijxrLrtrii~>~ir~i~i"''i"~r~— — |—

FOR tAUE—Bis boM PoUuid Chtnaa2 gilta Mill t boars regUterwl, a«ii 4

month!, walght 130 rm h. l-riir (30If you want one of tlivvu tlii» pikr cuimat once or write AUGUST KKKNCHVeule, Ky. l«-l-4t


"Nnmea don't mnun much, nnld Crony.>!•'« omolhliiK of n wit.

"I know a man namt-d Tuny,

Wbo'f mqt, that mr » bit"' —iMk* UcLuk*.

U E;. Cqoluajr and family will movefrom lira. Cora Burton'* residence onJefferaon atreet to the Hobvrte prop-erty on I/ock BVrriui' whic h hiut hi-vn

occupied by Dick Skagga. Mr. HkikgK*win return to tb* oountry.

Don't mlaa Womanleaa Wrddlug.

Nnr tOoM •vtry iriwk «t Juatice'a

•tor*. ••17-tt

ITrad Dtaaa la abit to b« init aftar anlllciMB of aavarai daya.

Iliin .1 w Newman apok* her* Mon-4]>y to Ik fair (lied crowd

Ileal bargalna In boM and ilipperi

•t Jaatleo'a atoro. t-tT-tf

«)Ut. J. T. Popo baa baan eonductiriK

cavlval aorrloa* at Mt. Zlon thla wrok

Wnmanleee WedilInK Friday nlcht.

October 14. AdmlMlon 60o for adulu.

Ho (or ohlMran.

t> (>. Smith baa aold hia realdenceppoperty on llAdlaon and Watar atreete

to C. H. Brbmlay.

FOR tALE~~lU acra (arm located

«t Martha, Ky„ In banft of oil (lehi

For partieiiiara aaa DR PROCTun8PAHKH. Ixiiilaa. Ky. It-pd

O. C. Baker and family have moved,:tlMi Haywood proportr on Lock

to Bert Shannon'* bouaa onPowhatan ntn-oi

FARM FOR SALE:— 100 acrea I mile*wi«i of Ixiiinn ICx'i'lli'nt reiUlence,

coed barn. Apply tu M. F. CONLiBY«r O. R. BUROBSS, JLoulaa, Kr.

FOR SALE—All kind* of'Carma, |10to lliiu prr acre. I can aiiit anybody.If you iluM t Ix'llvve It, come and »>efor yoiit.^i'if It wont coat yciu one centWhile you are here. Write me wlial

you want. N. W. KBW80M. BoothWebstar, Ohio. 11-14

Wm. Arthur haa been vlaltlnc L<oulsa

relallvi'S. He was In overseas service

and rvtumed only a short time ago.

He la a nephew of Mrs. W. M. Hylng-ton and llvad In U>uta# aavaral yaara•CO.

LADIES HATS.On Wedneaday and Thursday, Oc-

tober 19 and 10 I will be In Uiulaa witha line of ladles hate for sale. Willhave illHiiliiy at Mrn J W Talra Haton MMln iitr*'Pt < 'all uiitl nt-c thh-iii.



or sis man. Uoua* and atova for

"batchlnr" funtlahed: brlns a few brdclothi>a. ISO A. Oood corn, ten <-<'ntM

por huahfl. f'ome to l.ttfiiy<.ttf. Mufll

Him county, Ohio, Ohio Uiectrle fromColumbus, Ohio. DR U. B. mUBOV.It-pd

Leo Berry, of Rich creek, haa re-

tiirntMj home. He wan one of the first

Ijiwrrnre county eolillerH to go to

l-Yance. The return trip was made in

stai days. Ha iaft Braat Oct. < andreached th* Ststaa Oet. IS.


Ben Lockwood and Miss Thurman nf

Ravage Branch wen- married In I'alntii

Till*. They went to Covington to spendthWr boaeymoon.

MlKHi'H Kertha and Ruth Conleypa»a€>il through Uoulaa Hunday return-ing to thi'lr home at West Van Lear.Mlaa Ruth had t>e«n In Kaaaler hos-

pital In HunUngtoa th* prnnt few woekewhere she underwent an oparatton for


PON tALI—N aor* farm,

wbaat oora Mid tobaooo land.

CHAKDUeR IMt Grand ViewPorUKnouth. Ohio.

goodC. J.


Iff. Mid Mr*. R C. Burton movedfiaturdar Into tli*lr handsome new rea-

1d*no* on FimnkiUi atraat It I* a mod-«m alght room building.

FOR SALE -A iliip young Jersey

cow with heifer calf one month old. I

wUi b* la Loulaa, Ky.. Nov. IsL Bee

la tha*. L. D. JONB8, fronton. Ohio.

FARMS FOR tALB—If you ar* in<

terested In a wall located farm near<-|iinii'othe, Ohio, write or call onl-THHKR * JBFFRIIS8, M Bast SecondStreet, ChUUootb*. Ohio. (t

Thore will be a pie aoclal at the

Ollovlllc srhool houac Saturday even-

ing, Oct. 25. Kverybody Invited to

«oma and enjoy tb* avenlnit



FALL8BURQ.There will Ix- n pie mipper here Sat-

uriluy, OclolxT fm the benefit of

the school. Kverybody la lnvtt*d to

eome and brln« a pi*. ORACH DAM-HON, Tsaeber.

MIN WANTED: - S» men le out

timbar on Uuyan River, IB miles above

XiOgMi. Pay $4.10 per day. Good board-

ing a conaldaratlon. Bvary day work.

Fhrat alHa lofglmr camp board $1 day.


O*o. W. Ch»pn*n. Supt, Taplln, W

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.The lai books for lAwreoct- ' nuntr

an- now In the hands of the Rherltf

and tb* paopi* ara raqaooisd to payaa oMly a* oonvanlaM to avoid tha big

iu«hattlMlML W. M. TATLOR.

DENNISMr*. Jim t'ompton and little daugh-

ter Bhila *nd little eon Henry called onMra Martha Roberta Saturday nightanil Runday.

.Minnie Hell TennlnKton waa abOp-^

ping at Cadmus Haturday.Thomas Christian nf Morgan Creek

called on hIa alstsr ut this place Run-day.

Mrs. A. J. Cookaey. who had beenvlaltlng her *l*ter at Wellston, Ohio,ami roi-tamouth, has returned home.The little daughter of Mr. and Mr*.

Drant Cookaey Is no better.




acres. goo<l 7 room houee, amoke houseanil leilnr, barn, more than 200 fruit

trees, i acres red clover. \k mile fromoorporMe lloilta of Louisa. On public

highway. FVae tuition In LouisanchoolH. Not far from pro<luclng oil

wiiIlN Oil. gn» and mineral rlghta havenot been aold. If Interested In this

proposition address J. B. MoCLURB,Omar, W. Va., or MRS. J. B. Me-et,UKK. Ix>ulaa. Ky. 2l.

THE WOMANLE8S WEDDING.You are Invited to the we(U1ing of

Miss Ernestine Shannonand

Mr. William Bvansto take place at I: SO o'clock

Friday evening at Court HouseDon't mis* this biggest social event

Louisa ever had.

New-Meat MarketIn connection with our grocery store we have in-

stalled a large refrigerator which we keep stocked

with the beet fresh meat. Beef, pork and mutton,

as well as smoked meats.

Also please give us your orders for groceries




O. B. Carter, of Ployd-co., spent Sun-day In Louisa.

, Mrs. Carrie S. Adam* was In Ash-land Saturday.

Mr*. R B. Adam* was In Hunting-ton last week.

Robt. Dlzon, Jr., waa a reoont risitorIn Detroit, Mich.


H. J. Paekt^f Blaine, waa a buslnsssVisitor in liouisa Tueaday.

Dr. V. V. Adklns of Ashland, was in

Louts* Monday.

John B. HOrton, of Haiard, is spend-ing a few day* at hia home here.

Prof. Dock Jordan, of Van Lear, waan vlHltor In Loulna Haturday.

Mr. and Mr*. A. C. McClure wereIn Aehland the Urst of the week. *

Mrs. F. L. Stewart and Mlaa VivianHays were In Aahland Wednesday.

Attorney J. W. Woods of Ashland, at-tended circuit court In Louisa Tuea-day.

J. M. Talbert, of Matewan, W. Va.,

was a buslnee* visitor in Louisa Wed-nesday.

.MiK I" W Myers, of Ashland, waathe gwi'Mt thiH week of her Hon. W. L,.


Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Walters andilaughter Opal visited relatlTe* Inrikevllle.

Mra. Kulle U>ar. of Betsy lAyne. hasbeen visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L.


Mlasen Kunlee and Virginia Maroum,of Cereilo, W, Va., were guestS this

week of Mra. C. C. Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Holt, of Care-do, V*.f have been vIsiUnc reta.-

tlTes In and near Louiaa.

Mra. Martha S. Meek and MineTudell Turner, of Madge, called at the

.\KWS office Saturday.

Mrs. Rowland M. Horton, of RedJacket, W. Vs., was the guest of Ix>u-

Isa relatives a few day*.

VIra. K. S. Thompson anil rhililren.

f Aahlanil, have lieen vlaltlng herparents. Mr. and Mra. .Vf. K. Hale.

MIMM I.llllan Worley. of Norfolk, Va.. 1

.H li.'vii vlHltlnK her Krandparenta..Mr. .incl .Mra. Jaa. H. I'lcklealmer.

Mra. 'leo MrAlplne and son, George,of Pt. Pleasant, were guests recently

of Mr. Sam Bromley and family.

MIse Elisabeth Vates returned Sat-

urday from A.ihlunil where she spent afew days with Mrs. KUsabeth Bldridge.

Mr. and Mra. J. F. Hatten of Buch-anan, were guests Saturday of their

daughter, Mr*. F. T .D. Wallace, Jr.

8. J. PIcklealmer. of Valley View,was here thla week visiting his par-ntH. Mr and Mr.i. Heorge IMckleslmer.

Immense Line of

HATS for Ladies

Misses and Children

Ladies, Dont Delay Buying

Cbats & Si^^

Sweaters and




The Most Complete ever shown in Louisa


G. J. CARTERDepartment Store



on. OF SEVEN PINES"The Medicine That Cures''


Prompt Relief In



a bronchial and pulmonary nature. Al-'



Better known K*k-be>K*hLOUISA • KBNTUCKY



Mr. H. C. Com* arrived Wednesday}

from Florence, Alabama, to spend afew day* In Loulea. Mr*. Corns hasbeen here for some time at the home ;

of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Q.[

Ijackey. Mr. CornR holila a reHponslhle

pOHltlon In the V S i:nj;imi r.s offli e

at Florence and Is here on a shortvacation.

I am extending the big reduction sale onHAHDWARE, FURNITURE, PAINT,FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ETC.,started by E. E. Shannon. Buy whatyou need while you have this chance.


.Mlas Uemard Oarred has been vlalt-

lng ber alster. Miss Rebecca Oarred,who Is a teacher in the AShlandMchools.

Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Waldeck, of this

city, and Mrs. C. B. Ross, of Ashland,are visiting Jolly Waldeck and family.

of Norfolk. Va.

Miss Ellen Hughes, Mrs. M. F. Con-ley and Mlasas Eltsab«th and EmilyConley went to Cincinnati Sunday to

spend » few days.

Mrs. U S. Johnson, who had beenat the home of her father several

weeka returned Thursday to her homein Frankfort.

Oeorge R. Lewis Is in Louisville thla

week where he went to represent the

Louis* Chapter and Apperson t<odge

at tha Orand Lodg* of Kentucky Ma-sona

Mra B, H. McOhe* left Thursdaymorning for her bome In Memphis,Tenn., after a visit to Judge R. T.

Burns and family Kit nuither, Mra.

C. H. WllllamHon. n rniiliieil for a long-

er visit.

Mrs. ». F. ThoiniiH, of Cincinnati. O.,

anil Mra. (ieorge K. Guiiiiell and little

daughter, Wlllena, of Catlettaburg, .

were gueata this week of Mr*. Thomas'j

sister, Mrs. Jss. Q. Lackey, aBd other

Louisa friends. They returned to

Catlettaburg Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tatea returnedMonday from a delightful visit of

several weeks to their daughters. Mrs.W. W. Mason, at Freemonl, Virginia,

and Mc*. T. L Muncaater, who recent-

ly moved to Wayland. Ky.

Hiss Maxle Wellman came nomeFriday and spent a few daya with herparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wellman. {

She has returned to Lexington whereshe Is a student In Hamilton College.

She waa aeeompar, V'll to Huntingtonand Aahland by her niollier.


L F. WELLMANSneeessor to Louisa Fnmitnre & Hardware Co.

M. E. CHURCH SOUTH.rrcichlng services both morning anil

evening. Morning service at 10:30.

E}ventng service at 6 o'clock.

Sunday' school will be at 9 o'clock

Instead of 9: SO

lYayer meeting 6 p. m. Wednesday.Bible Class Thursday 6 p. m.Please observe the hour* for service

and come promptly.A cordial invitation la extended ev-

ery one to attend theee services.


CHRISTIAN CHURCH,rrenching by th* pastor. Rev. J. H.

Stambaugh the Bret and third Sundayia *Mk montli. momtns and *vanlii8.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHSunday school (:I0 a. m.Preaching aervice IO:tO a. m.Evening worship 1:00 o clock.

Prayer meeting Wednesday I p. m.First W*diM*day nlsbt in - aMh

month bustneas m**tins.Ton ar* cordially Invitod to attaod

all aarvioaa J. T. POPS, P**tar.

FARM FOR SALE40 acres, good fbur room

house, water and eas in

house, ffood out buildings

and orchard. Cross tie tim-

ber. Near church andschool. Known as Chas.

Haws place. 3t.

SAM SEEWalbridge, Kentucky

IA Word About the Tresh |

Meat BusmenWe feel justified in asking for the patronage of the

people of Louisa and vicinity in the Meat line because

we conduct the business all the year around. It has

beoi the practice here for many years for one or

more persons to engage in the fresh meat business

during the more profitable season and drop out whenwarm weather comes with reduced demand for meatand with the heavy expense for ice, etc.

When the price of cattle dropped recently wereduced the price of meat accordingly. It is our in-

tention to treat the public right at all times and to

give the best service possible.

We also carry a good line of Groceries and will

a'ppredate your patronage.

Lambert & QueenLouisa, Kentucky



We have the aeency for the

HOME, one of the best fire

insurance companies that

accepts risks on farm houses

and orooerty. No farmershould take chances on los-

iner all by fire, when he can

e:et insxirance on






SERGE DRESSESiBlack Plush Coattees

ANDNEW FALL HATSon Display This Week at




lUND THE T^RLD WITHm AmEtlCA$i ££D CROSS.Public Heahii Nnraiiif




Plan to Build Farm Home For

Kantucky Waifs Supported

By Candidates



MADGEMuiTlir <"lnrk, of Da«phol«, npftit

Saturday night with Do* and CharlieMay.Fred Bradler and daufht«r Ooldle

apent Kunday with relatlvm at Dii-p-


Mr. «ntl Mrs. (i. A. Iluwa wen- IhfKucRts of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Barry

Men and Woinen Form Good Fel- '8"Jj^'r»'"r?: «. . ^. « wMrs. K. M. Chnffin, of Twin BrMWhlowship Club Together Under

Y.W. C. A. Leadership.

In the midat of Its mtiltlfarloi^ <rmf duties the Amarleta Bwt Cram did

Dot nejrlMt Itt aWtfatttM to the ci»III«n popelatlon at homi. Thronghont

the canfllct it ntlntalned l« Boreaii of Public Health Nurttig, laetmrtlon B

flnt aM. hone nariin« and aaaltati^B, and dU*iter rellet Particularly la

their werii tor the babies was effert by public health anrMS ifcperunt. The

kce^mMiiyiBff phetfgraph shows » Bed OrofM public h«Mlth aarae tnatractlDg

a BMtker in the proper preparattoa ef the baky'a diet.


In the Arctic Circle.

' WhercTer American noldlers went darlae ta« wsr tti aftw, tanr. alse

went tJie Ajaerlcan Red Croas. T1»U policy aarrind R.^ Cross w.rkw^'far oorners of the globe and here they are mmi near the rta tt OTarlastiag

loe and mow In North Russia. Aatomahllea wers seed whcasTsr possible hatI on many joomeys the reindeer pictured here proved Meat sffsetlTS.


Home Serrice.


There are iinmbpr nf ihinr-s onwhich the Repnblkin Mtid ihc Mrnio-Oracle parties of Kesiurky disacree,but therv Is one thing tut which bothare working dvrlag the tunaeU Justbefore elacdea Uae.

It la ter tba caapaiga to ralae DUO,-on ta MM the aew '^Usge of eot-

tac««" aa a track ef land ten nlleafrom LoulsTine, la which to can forthe deatitate children of Keataeky.fkheel cUldren ail orer the sute areroatrihutUg their sarings for the newhesM.

"Aa.Ttklng tkit our own kiddies trefor, ig not t. be everloolied by eitherperty," declared one promlncot candi-date ef the state i.i he cUwed a staiupspeorh. •Thtt Is one reaaon wfcy I

an pmMbc r*r a drlTe, sad that li

why oar oppouenia ire dolag the aaoie.

Bat that is not all the reaaon."The new cailldreu's Uohm U a thiag

that ia needed for our own public wel-tare. The present location la caageet-ed, and Vk» surrvnadlncs ara a detri-

meat ta the moral and physical wel-fare of booieleM and helpless cblldreaof ear Mate. Tboy desenre good coreDsder gvod sorroUDdlDgs, out on awlwlesofBe farm where they can workaad play uadar favorable coadltiomaad beeooia goad cltlcaaa.

One ef the flaeitt eoBetrandre actlTltiaa of the «siir1ssa Kod Chwas atiM war was Home Service la the Calted BUtea. the frleadly ssaiiillin Uahbetween the soldier far fron bone aad hl« loved eaes. IWs hiaaah e( Ike-wark which aadar tke peace proRrasi of tha Rod Osas wlU he wpaaded to

, hsneflt all wka need the assistaaoe It oaa prerlda, la dlrei<ted by eetsntiCeallytnained aaetal workers. 8Uc<« lasUtated Heiae todoe bss —-tIT Md.dMaoMlais' aad aaUara' fanUUes. TtOs photograph shows ens s< ths tMSMsr-akle HoBM Barrlsa infematiaa haraaaa whan aarrloa mm meaald bilBc (Mr ftoblaaM Car aatatte.

with Ciiartty.

"It ia a bastnaas propoattlan ta pottWa wbeaa tiM elder children canw«rk aad learn acientlttc faraslag anddairytnc aad Make the laatitatlaa aelf-

•>if>V*rttag, and, at the aaae tisM, da-valap thcsSMlT«s go that they can hsadsHed late kisin where they raa t>*-

nai usafal to the fiiuil.r aud u the

•SMOiuaKy.*Aad It Is a haaiBeM iirov>o.rtioa to

«e«ry ettlon la etM? roiuitj T^ie

Ksatacfcy (liUdaaa'i Boa»e »»rie<f

the daMttwt I'hlldreu from thi>

caaa ty aad cares for ttwun,

a«hsi a las they woald be krrxSt tiM eaaaty paorhoaa^ wImt* cheyweaid ba an lap iasi ta the eeuatj. la

tha Irat plae^ aad a n»enaee to usafter thay grew np as paapan naderaneh aordtd coaditloBa That waa tht

iway coadlttoas were twaoty-are yearsHgo bafare the Keataeky Qhlldres'iSociety waa fenaded. There may br

charity In a tslae like this «Bd It in

charity la (h* cane ttl the srhMl cliil

(ireo vtw. ar. (ItIbc thair saTlag* Tot

the canaa, but for tov citlaoaa, foi

tyaelf, SJsd for mj polUirsl oa{>oaMila,

It is a paea caae of duty aad souadbaslaeas."

Ia socao waya, howevor, IIm peii'ical

sftaattoa la detriaeaui ta tha drlTS^

aeesrdiag la Oeerge L. Hnhw, aapsal a-

tsadsnt ar the Kaatnaky oikUdran'i

UaaM Saaiaty. la tha taasH U the

caapaiga aaay praalnant aan of tlw

auta wha aOanriae wonld ba daveMagthalr wMa tiaM to tha GkOran's HemeDHva aaa My la party warfc. Thedl4v<^ wWah wai lake plaoa f»sa Ootober 27 to 81, la right on the ore oi

the eloetkm. whoa the clUaeas of the

stasa am hayed ap to odMr laleila.nt w«U he far the eMMraa aad tat

Ike IsilelMI ritlncas to as tmrwmt*

aad see H thaoagh," Hr. Moo said

*lt has Ika UadoaaaBMait of tha Oorwt oActala at


a ssaHaa to ths ia-

>^^W^UND THE WORLD WITfl^^%I£ AMERICAN RED CROSS.^^^^ Repatriating Pridoiiera.

Whan hostilities cenned there were in the hands ef their Teaton captors

millions of prisoners of w;ir <>r hII Alllt-Kl (-mintrles, the terrible plight of

whom Is well iuiown to ull Uie world. Unil r;nws workers, carrying rallat

Milipllus of clotbInK, ujediciiii-h and vuppluiiieiildrj f(H>dNlulIi>, p<>iii-(ratod tha

Oeotral Powers as sonn nftur ihu uruiiatlce a.s Uie military aulliurilloM woaldperaUt, and the work of gt-ttlng the prisunitnj started bark to [hvir >i\ru oona-

trlaa wm aoon begun. In this photograph a gruup o( these mao are seen

pMkad ap and reetored to Hoinethlag like normal haalth. awaitlas tlia toiki

tM Win mug Ma aat ot ttoadag*.

^ ^ i , u" '


It adU pa bat H



dtnoaas means of prwreotloc din ai " .

They Iuit* chosen as tha^ pMaoa-

ttiw oocupottoo the teaching at tiome

hyglsoe and (tiatetlcs to woman aOd

girls outalde the Bontas protossion,

aad bopa in this way to Insrsase the

nninhir aarching with tlw Amartdan

Red Caoaa in its adyanoa against 4^1-



RED Ooas Home Berrloe work-

ers tn Oaap Taylor (Ky ) and

Oamp Sherman (O. ) hare

found lh«<r aastatanoe re-

qtdred mora and mors as time pasaea

by soldiers retarnlng to ctTUion life

wi>o need aid In making the change.

During July 2<,«77 m»n pnatied

ttaroneb the Kentucky domobillsatloo

camp and of this nnmbar 2,60t newcases are reoorded In tha camp HomeBerrloe records. In aiddltion 2,270

man a^ad for InfomatloB. aoatly in

retard ta insuiaacs, Tbla total Pdta

CMp Taylor at tha head «( tka list

lor all eamps In the oonatry tn Tolums

of work of this ktnd.

CM* MaraaarWwtelMj^

The Hood Fellowahlp (^ab has miide

tt* nppearanc* in society in Hangshow,China.

It beirnn with the desire of a pr<>-

greaniri' ymiiie Clclnewt doctor in Blve

his cctiipiii riiiis, ^•l^pe^•l«il.y the Cliria-

tlsna. soiuv iM'iiUhlul Turin of social In-


Channels for s eood. clesa, social

life among Chinese i>eople are very

Ignited Until recently bactelhg a

Christian often meant etittins aneaalf

off from one's frieads and ralattves,

also from feast dsya and fsatlTala

As for Joint lueetlRgs of men and wom-en—well, sucti a thing waa never hciiril

of In dtM'cnt six-lei v.

The yonng docinr's plaa of havirr

n olnb where men and Iheir Rives

mllElit iimip together tn i-njoy a rixxI

lliii*- Willi ciuh (iilier nas dlicmirnKod

and «nlfr«Ml ut. Ilewever, a few people

agreed to be pioneers In the cause of

soi'lsl Intercourse, snd T. W. C A. sec-

reuries agreed to halp make the cluh

a success.

At flrst the meetings of the cloh

were Isughed at by outsiders and the

whole alTnlr considered a ^ka. I1<"v

ever, the metahera OB meeitnic.

flrst St one house and then at annihcr

iioon the men got aver the fit^i'ni: ><r

Was slioppliiK h>'ri> .Monday.V. U. I'f^rc. of ItiiKHcyvlllp, wna n

hueinrKN vlt^iliii- hen* Mtitiiljtv

Ella Large, of Smoky Valley, apcntSunday witlt alativa here. .

MUas Dell May was shopping at OsleMonday.

MiriH Mary Bradl<-y i* NprmiiiiK n fpwdays with her siatt-r. Mm. U K. Wal-lace of Ixiulsa.

Mr. and Mre. Dave May and childrenof Kllt'n. epont Hundny nlKht with It.

T. May nnd family.MieH Inez Wcllmnn waa In Ltouiaa

Moniliiy having' dt nlal work doni'.

John N'elHon made a bualneas tr'p to

Ashland Monday.Miss Bessie Bradley spent Saturday

and Sunday with home folks.

Miliars Iii'BHii C'larkson and Nannie

iNolen were the gucats of Miss InesWelUaan Sunday erenlng.


Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burohett spent)Sunday evening with relatlvea at Deephole.

J . w nradley and wife spent SoMnywith Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Robsrto atPeephole.Mlaaea aiadys and Osergia Lse Haws

and Ruby Dnmron made a flying tripto Louisa SaturdayJohn Munry wan the pleasant gUest

of Mine I.IIIInn Hradley SundiyMine (ilailyH llawa waa iT M Nt nf

Mies fioldle Mradley Monday cvt-nlMK.

Mrs. a. A. Hawa and Miss Ose Hui-Mrs. Esther FVaxier was ' visiting

chiaon MomlnyC'Tiarlle May atl>-nil<d <-hurch nt

nunaryvllle Sunday night.Thi d O'Neal, of Evergreen, spent

strnt.K.i,e« nt Martlnr out with ihHr ^"''^'^^ and Allen

wl,e^ „„ Tueedav evenln» ^.r Mlshes Dell Tumor and Sophia Riib-frictijK hoim- -n* wouii-n h»rai.

j ,.rta bimtI Sunday .-venlnB with Mlwratnjoy i.iii'ni: and lo take i>an In (jin,i5„ n<\<\ r,vmg\n. Ijev M.iwkthe dli<ru«*liiu8 -an Intelllgefit [mrt I Several of their friends apent the

too—lauch ta tha aarprlaa of thalr hn*- ; afternoon very pleasantly with Qee andbands. .

' Al Hutchison.

Tha aamberahip grow. Ths cinh'a IMr. and Mrs. Henry May arc visit-

faaa bsgan to'apraad. At irat the dis , relatives In Fikevllle XXcnaaians of the c|ak ware eondncted In

Engltab. Baaa H hacaae naressary BLAOfK.for them to he oarrlad ea a Oiseeeso that mere ef the woassa could nn The ihp* Iln"- m the o:i tlelda liox

dsrvtaiiil and taks part Many ef the been coniideted and the oil turned Into Inn her um le Sum Kannin Thursdayi

,<«ff.r. keran to spply fsr sd-taslon ths pipe. I Jack hW ia coming soon.

, _ . 1 .w fteorge l*ack has moved Into thei

IT"''*" huuee vacated by Bud Swetnam.'

ri l«iUI.T . katnsK aad .^<satoaall.T forK,.nrtrick WllUama has raturned from

rot thalr dlfalfy t. play J«ksa oe ime Aehland.niioflier naallT It l>.ca»e ee l«re»

jWre A .1 I l<.linii un.l (liuiKl't' T Ix jl.-

M liiiil IS l>« divided Into two w '. wer« calling on her aunt, Mra. (.ieniut

iloiia. whU-h «»ei sepsrsiety three I.'ordan, Monday.

Tuesday evsalage la the UMinth sad oa IMre. Julia Moore spent Sunday with

the faertt Taaaday aat together for sI

her sister. Mrs. Ileatre Holton.

lelat eeartea. wMh a special pragram. I'""'j'""''""'^

Friday, Oateber H, MM.i I



naltlt, 1438 Boss street, I.aCr<)s.'<e,

Wisconain, is chiefly rcmarksibleon uroount ef the length of timahe was ttinictsd.

Ho writea: "I hava been suf-fering: v.-ith chronic bronchitia i'or

twenty-six yoars and every winterI win; 111 citcli cold and become sohour.«e 1 coulU not speak for six oreight V. ccks. I conla get only tam-l>orary relief.

"This winter I wav taken withOip iiiul waa in awful shape. Afellow woikinuii advised mo to takariMU'-NA. I)y the time I hadused three-fourths, of g bottle, tha


huursonca.s was gonai' also thattired feeling- I am on idy secondbottle. Hereafter PE-RU-NA willbe roiiNtantly in iny house. It it

t'le best iiiei!irii<e ever put up forthe purpoBO."

Kur any diaeuse due to c:itarrh

or catarrb&l conditions, PK-UU-NAis squally dependable. Cougha.c«ld«, catarrh or tUa hcud, atomawtrouble, constipation, rhcutnatism,pains in the back, side and loins,

bluatiPK. belching gaa, indi)rcation,catarrh of the large and small in-tastinaa, ara aoaa of tha troublesfor which PE-RU-NA ia aspeeiallrraepmmended.PE-RU-NA con be purebasad

anywhere in either tablet or liquidform. '

DENNISMiMieN Ada «'ookiM-y. Minnie I'en-

nlngton and Itertha KItchvn were shop-ping at Dennis Haturday.

Mrs. Daisy Pink's children have thawhooping cough. -

Severar attended ths fair at LontaaIiVlday and Hniurday.Rowland lliiiehlHon and fintilly went

to Oenou, W. Va., I<'rlduy after his(laughter Hmma, who liaa l)een therefor aeverat weeks.

.\ii»K CiiKi.y Alley went to her homan,-ur I.<piii-a 'riiui Kilay. She was ao-comiunled by .Miaa Uraclu Cooksey dndOkley Kitchen.

Baltdn Thompson waa calling atbenhls Saturday.

Nellie caines and Nona Cdokaorwere enllInK (iti Mentio Rlw Friday.

V ii-Ktni.i .Muile lliiirhiaun wiia vlait-



can snd Oerssaa oaitsgea, aa aid Bud-

dhist scholar who Is panlealariy inter '

Mted in the diecaaslea ea liaddhiim

and ChrlatlsBlly, merrhsDU, rsllmad

II nd ciivrrnanent aSHala rnwiiM.* il'S

ines's aide ef tha r«oni Tk« wf.mpn

are atlU a bit sh.T ab«ul lalklni: la

front i*r a« aiany paepls. bat maaji nf

then ahow akgas ef great exMnitlve

iiMllt.T aad poww sf laadsrshlp The.v

lire ull »rU ^>i».d. clear IklaklBg ladij

viduula, vrhe will kavs s great infln

voce OB Chlaa's fatare. They discass\

among theasslves greap saeatlars la.

their varlana charrbaa. tha lark afj

smaseaMaa tar Ohiaaaa waaaa. aadal

service wark, aabacripttea data far tke

orphaaage, cake aaklag. typee of

stoves, baby diets, ths IstMt eac>r'meot snd ether topics such ss one

would bsar discaaaad by a grasp of

wonea gatbared tagatkar aay place la


Ths social part .f tha evealng la giv-

en over te rastaa which at first !

aatoaad Uie setter Chlnsss gaatlen.a,

hnt which they take sp with grsat

after lbs tsal avealag Aad thalr

HivM eajey It tmH aa gratly.

Seal Aaarleaa pleaia ara tka lataai

tiling whisk tha <lab M triad, aadthay aaa a graat aaaaaaa. Aplay la



Mlaa Orare Swetnam was tha guest^

of her cousin Mlaa Kthei Hwetnam a •

few niirhtn laat week. '

W M Haten mmle ii trip to the oil ___n-'lil l.'lfl Wiek

.M:iurt(-^ Mt(*ulre and wife were via- Kellef ronieH inrttnnlly. A doe. takenitiiifc the lattera parenta Bnturihiy every two hourH until three dosM BraiiiKht and Sunday. > taken usually brvulu up a asvere coldMian Kiln liiv Hewlett wii* viHltlii»r n I e:ida all the grlp|>e nlsary-

MISB Julia Kiiiinn Saturilny uflerniion : The very first dose opens your Clog-Krd-iip noftrlla nnd the air puaangea Lnthe 111 .111 KtiiiH iiiiKii ninnlnK. relievesthe heuilnehn, dullness, feverlahnass,aneesing, sorsnsaa and atlffnaea.

Iion't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowingand snuffling! Clear your congaatedhead! Nothing else in the world glvMsuch prompt relief aa "I'ntie'N Polil

. Compound," wlileh coata only a few_ cents at any drug store. It acts with-

LlTcr Tons out nsslatance, tasiss nice, oontalna noiiulnine— Inalat utmn Pape'st


Mr. Dodaon, tha

B, BaapoDflifate for Obangs

1m ths


• Ihv sB #M ths asaas nr*' 1 Uar «aaa la takh. Ms

a *nwB has notlasd aof sakasLDodsoa^


snd paopk knowis psrsooaDytet who asA


Chinees Slrlo Learn It to Tall< to OneAnatiter.

Ohlaana waaiaa etadsBla la ths Tnagri Callaas, Paktag, Ohisa. are obllg«l


te lasrs KaglVsh ia order to talk with

>ia« uaatker heeaaae ef the dICereat

dialects seed by tka atndeat body.

Oirla fsaa tka aatreoM weatempfovlaaaa af Chlaa, who attend the

sehael, aaat raaala la Peking dariss

all af tka alghi ysara r«<Blrad far

their high aahaal aad college train- \

ing, bacaaaa a retam each snmmer'

would raqoira six wsaks for the trip|

one wsy and woald cost mora than B '

trip to Anirrlea and return. j

Girls fronn each of the wsntero

provlnrea speak a dlfTereut language

aud they eiinnot undnrsitund one an-

other aov iimra than they ran tha cirls

from northern, southern, esstem or

central provlncss. Elaoce, they have

adopted Bngllah aa a commoa taague.



IWksa maUM at s^ aad waks ap fssHaa

test m MihMMa. aA ksshaha. acid

There will be church at Marys ohapeiHaturday nlirhl by Itrothcr AndersonMoore.

.MiB I.lzzl.- Dution waa In fliaileyiini' ila\' I.-iMi wi-.-k

lltirlan lllaekliurn, Madge M<h', itryariMiller and Ree Hee irere out car rid-ing Sunday afternoon.corda Plgg wa« tha plaaaant gneat

of Mra. Rebecca Branhaa Saturdayafternoon. .

Rverett laft Tnaaday for Halller.I'aal Braimaa Shannon and Maaireil

See ware calling on Jack ShaniMNr Mat.Sunday.

Mian iiexie Branham and Madga Seawere railing On Margie Ida Miliar fautSunday.Mr. and Mra. Bob Bartman. of l«u-

Isa are spending a week with Mr. andMrs, C. V. Shannon.



v. W. C. A. Ssoursa New Site far Clrie*

PhyslosI Training School.

A new home has been found for the

I'hynlcnl Training School whlrh th»

Young Women's Christian Asmjciaflon

h«H opened for native girls in Hhnng

nai, China.

The school, while in the country, Is

not fnr distnnt from the National

llcadquiirters of the Y. W. O. A. in

Shanghai nor far from the local T, W(,'. A. The grounds cover eighteen

"mow." wlilcli means uppnix.'niately

<lx iirre--.' mill are liivldeil liy n prlratc

nmil. A fureicn ii«iilenee nl: o«dj on

ilie ;;rouiiilK will he usied hy ilie Ameri

r-no tem lierH, while native hulldlnpa on

;lu' other Kids will fiinilsli Ilvliii; qnar-

ers mid vlaserooau fur tiie U stn-


The groaads baaat a gardta,


Quality ServiceDRY CLEANING






5Public Health Nursing.



Plan to Build Farm Home For

Kantucky Waifs Supported

By Candidates



Murphy Clark, of PHopholp. »p<>nl

Saturday night with I)i>n and fharllcMay

i-Yed BradU-y and djtughter Qoldle

•pmt Sunday wUi» r«ifttlvM at Dew-hol«.

Mr. and Mrx. Q. A. Haws wer« therurnti of Mr. and Hfa. W. M. Berry

Men and Women Form Good Fel- ^""'^'j^t?'".?: - * - . « .Mm. K. M. ('hami>, of Twin Branch

lowship Club Tojettief Under

Y. W. C. A. Leadership.

In the midst of Its imiltlfarloiw WHr dmlea the Ainrrlcay U*a Croas did

not iienlfct lt« •hllratlon.s to the cIvlliHii populntlon iit home. Thrangbont

the condlct It amintalned its r.iireau of ruhllc llealtk NurslBf. lastrocttoD la

first aid, home nnrslnj: and saaltatlon, ami dUnatw reHet Particularly In

their wark for the liitbieR was effort b.v pulilic health nnrsaa Inpartant Tha

accompanying photograph shows a Red Oroea public health •»• tnatructiiig

• aether la tha proper preparation of the baby'l dIeL


In theArctic Circle.

Wherever ^aaarlraii soldiers went dartag the war and after, fiaerc alMwent the Aaaerleaa Red Croaa. nUs policy oarrlod K.d Cntm werkws te

'far ceraen af the glot>e aad here they are eeea near the rla tt aTeriaatlag

Ice and aaow In North Kussla. AatoBaobllaa were aaad whcaavM' pMilble bat

'«B Kutny JowDora tha reindeer pictured here prataa mitit •ffaeUTe.


Home Serrice.


There are a number of things onwhich the Repnbllcan and the Oemo-cratic part>aa of Keatncky Ulsticre«but tker« Is one thing for which boihare working during the tanaeU Jiutbefore elertJon tiaie

It U for tbc rtBipme* to rs»a« g.WO,'

<W0 to boUd the aew "vtlliEa of rot'

tag««" M a trark of land teii uMr*fraaa L«uleTine, la which to care forthe daatttata ehUdren of Keatncky.Sckoal okUdraH aU over the aute arecMtrtbaUac their MTlnm tor the newboM."AajAUw that anr «WB kl«Alea at«

for, la B«t fa bt ererlMkod by aithrrparty," derlared one proMlnaat candldate ef ihe state as he eloaed a ataiapapeerh. "That Is one reuKon wky I

an pasMag fer a drlye. aud that Is

why onr opptmeBts are doln^ the Hawi-.

But that Is not all the rouaoo."The new Clilldreu s Hc>m« la a thing

that is li'»eiWI U'T ciir own piihllc wel-

fare. The preiient locution In congeat-ed, and tha surrvundlncs are a detri-

UMat to tha uioral and physlcai wel-

fare of hotseless and helpleaa childrenof oar aute They deaerre good careoader good anrronadlnga, oat oawheleaoBM fania where tUey eaa worka94 plaf under favorable aaaOttoMaad 1>ee«BM toed eitlcena.

One af the flaeet eoaatraottTe aetlTltiea of tkathe war wae Hone Service la the United Sutaa. the friaadlr iMsiitln Uahbetweea the aoldler far troai home aad Ua laved aaaa. Ikls h>aai> e( ^work which aader the peace pra^raai «f tha Bad Ooaa wlU ha eapaadad to

.beaailt aU who need the awlstaaos It oaa prevtda, la dlra<t«d by setaatlAaaUytrained aaeial Rlace lasUtalsd Beois arrtoe kaa aaitatad MM*aoidiers' aad aaUars' fasalllaa. This pkatograph Aawaflkle HoBM Sorvhie iBfumatiM hnreaua whM<* MlltWOMld brlag Ibair problaaiB far uoluttou.


RepatrUtiiif PrisoiMn.

Wbn hoatnitlea ceased there ware In the haada ef tkair Trntoa captorsBilllloBS af prlaoners of war of all Allied countries, ttia terrible plight ofwhom la well known to all the world. Bed Cross workwcs, earrytnc roUafsupplUis of clotUag, BMdldnes and aapplamentary fabdsii^s, pentHratod tkaOeatral Powers as soon after the analatlce as tlie military aalliurlUiM wi

peraiit, and the work of gt-ttlug the prisoaan started back to tiiWr owntrtas was eooo begun. In this phategraph a group of these maa are

paehad ay and raatored to Huraethlag Uka aomal hsalth, »waltia( tita

tiMt wlH maj aat of itoadas^ ' —

With Chartty.

"^t la a tioeioaaa propoaitlaa to pnttheta wh«#« t)»e oldar eklldrw canwork and learn scientittc faraslug anddairying: and Make the laattMUan aetf-

aapparttag, and. at tha laaa ttoa, d»-

valep thwaaslTsa ae that they eaa haaispted lata heatss where they caa ba-

«HM aasAil ta Ua faaUly aad U tha

aManltr.*Aad It la a basiaeaa ptopiilllM ta

•<rary cItkM ta STery raoaty. WieKaatavky (IsUdssa'a BoaM Sacietytakaa tha daMttaic vhlldretj froB this

wary cMualy and raroM for tbwii,

whare Mharwtas tkny wowid be k>v<St tk* <'Maty poorhoiMA. wIum-. tUeywooid b. aa npM«« ta the roualy, la

the Irst place, aad a lueoace to uaafter they graw np as paupMi nadrvanch serdM eoadltloas. That was the

1 way caadlttaaa were tweoty-Sve yearsage biCsre tU Keatacky Oblidrea'tSadaty was taaaded. There asay berharlty la a talag like tbia—aad It 1*

rharfty la the caae af tha eehaal ebll

(irea wha are gtvlag their savings for

the eaaaa, b«t fer yoa . clHssas. fat

myaalC Csr mj paMtleal oMPoaaota,It la a pasa eaae of duty aad aeuadbaalaeaa."

In sa ra s ways, however, the pali'lral

sitaatian la datrlaiMtal lo tb* driva•«?M^lac t« O.M-ge I. iMkoa, aap«na-tsad aai of th. Kaatacky CbUdraa'iUmm SocMy. Is the tsrasill of the

raaipalga aany pravlaaot aaaa of th*

atata who oabarwise woald be davotlatthatr whsta tlaie to the CMIrea's HomeDHts ate baay Is party work. The

wMsk will lake vtaaa tatm 0»37 to SI. Is rtaht oa tka saa a<

the ilstHea, whsa the tltlasas af tk«

stais aaa ksirsd a^ te otksr laAssaala.' It «« ka far the ekildNa aad fsi

tfea IMMAaal rUlaeas to aa tmwriaa4 ass H thaaagh," Mr. •ohoa oald

*lt has »a Isdusiisiwt atf the Oovar

TO puiuc Kini mon

Firrr »ad Oroaa ii arise, aaat af

(ban aaaaatly raSaraed from

oviaaaaa tm i l aa. are to loset

ki Olaraiand. AaaL U-W, ta

dl;<a«aa maana of praveatlac diaaaea.

I'bey li«T« ehoean aa thatr pnaoattnK' oocuiiatkn the taacbtng at hotue

hTrl.Dfl and <n«tctlRs to wommi and

tclrls outside tb« nurtilug prufnsaloo,

aad hope la tlila way to Inoroaan the

number marching with tbe mnrloanRed Croaa la Its advanoe agataat dla-



RCD Ooss Hoaa Bsrviea work-

ara la Oaaip Taylor (Ky ) and

Osiop ttteratan (O.) havefoand tbeir aastatanee ra-

Qatred mora and more as time passes

by eoldlers retnmlng to ctvUian life

v^ need aid In making the change.

During July 24,«T7 nion paaaed

through tbe Kontneky demobilisation

camp and of lliln number 2.50^ newcases are reoorded in tbe cHiup Hoiue

Senrloe reoorda. In addition 2.270

man appUad for IntormatioB, moatly In

reaard to iBaonace. Tbia total puts

camci Taylor at the bead df tfca list

lor nil aUkpa ta tbe uuaabj in Tolume

«< VOiftadMa

Thf iiooil Fellowship (^lab has miide

tti< ii|>|.i';iriiiice In society In Hangeiiow,


It beean with the desire ef a pro-

gres.slTi' yoiini! Clilnnee doctor to give

his compatriots, especially the Chris-

tisns. some Ijcalihful foriu of social In-

tercoui se.

Cliuiiiicl^ f.r n L'o<»d. clean, so-'lal

life auionK ('lilBe»« people are very

lliTille<l I'ntil r»tentlj be<-omlii|: a

Christian ofien meant nitllng nncwelf

off from one's frlaeds and relatives,

also from feast days and fastlrala

As for joint ntsetlngf of men and wom-en—well, such a tbln( was never beardof la decent society.

The young doctor's pins nf kavlBga clnb where men and their wivesmlglit ronie together to enjoy s goodtime Willi each other was dlsroaraged

and BUlfTed at lUwerer a few [leople

agreed to l»o pl«jrieerj« in the cause of

social lu'ricourse, and Y. W. C A. sec-

rcturii". Htrreed ta UfiP ntaks the club

ft success

At first tbe meetings of the clnb

»rer« lauelD^d at b.v outsiders and Ihe

whole affair conslderod a Joke. How-ever, the members kept on nieetlng.

first at one-house and then at another

Soon the men got ever the feeling of

strauveiiess at starting out w1t)( tb«4r.

wlven nn Tuesday evening for' ' Sfrieud's home Tli. women betan to


enjoy the outing and lo take imrt In

tbe dlacuaslqno—aa Intslllgaat pnn I

too—oiacb ta iiie sirprlaa Of tbair hnsbands

Tli. iiiMiit>ep5lila grew The club's I

faui. b.cau to «pr*ad At trsl the dis

ctiskione of th* risb wer« eonilncted In

Kngilsli nooa It bwam* nareaaary

for them to he earrlad aa la Chineseso that mere af tbe wswsa eanid aa-

dsratsnd and tske part Many af tbe

scoffers begaa ta apply fer adssMon.Thefrleadly rhafllag aad aeeasleaalty for-

got their dignity M pisy Jakes aa ons


nnotb.r Vlaally It becane se Isrgs|

ibai !i biul le ^ divided Inl* two se>-

ilgiia. wliiclj met Mp«ra<.lT three

I'uwda.t .Tcalag. la the uiuaili aad oa ;

lh« fwunk TBM<1a.T aa.l i*c*th.r for a

Inlnl aee^lM. with a s|Mrlal program, i

Ktailestf Joei relumed fresi Aanerl ;

con ami (irratas rallagea. aa eld Rid;

dhlst acliolar wh. Is partiealarly Inter

eeted In ilta (ila<-aae1aa ea Rsdrihlsm

and Cbristloaity, Barchaato, rellmad

and goveraaent eflcials coaipeae the

niea's side ef the reoai The womesare sUll a bit shy sbaut talking is

front af sa many peapla, bat maay of|

was a


was sliopi>iiiK bi-re .Monday.y It l'u;i: of Husseyville.

but«lni-R.s \isiior here>;<" of .Smoky \'»lli y

.Suiiility wilh rt'lativea here.

Miss Oell Mav was shopping at UaleMonday.Mlsa Mary Bradley ia spending a few

daya with her Mlsi..r. Mth I. i:

laoe of LioulKi

Mr. and Mre. Dave May und childrenof Ellen, spent Sunday night with It

T. May and family.MisH Ines Wellmnn waa In iMIIaa

Monday having dental work done;John NelHon made a bUHinpHH trip to

Ashland Monit.iy.

MlHS llevHie llradivy spent Saturdayand Sunday with home folkaMioses Bessie Clarkson and Nannie

Nolen were the guests of MIns IneiWellman Siindsy evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burchett spentStinday evening irtth relatlvea at Deepbole.

J. W. Bradley and wife apent Sundaywith Mr. and Mra. R C. Roberta atDeephol*.Misses CIndys and Oaorgia \a-v llnws

and Kuby I>amron made a tlyinK trip

to Louisa Saturday.John Muncy waa the pleasant guest

of Miss Ulllan Bradley Sunday.Mloa Gladys Haws was t^e gtiest of

Miss Goldle Bradley Monday evening-Mrs, a. A. I laws and MIhs Cee Hut-

Mrs. Elsther Friizler waa visiting

cblson Monday.Oiarlle May attended church nt

BUBSeyvllIe Svindnv niKbt.Thill ii Nial, of I :\ iTK-n-en. spent

Baturday night with Dee and Allen


' Mimes Pell' Turner and Sophia It^>b-

erts Hpi'fit S'linil.'iy i*venlnjf with MissesCiln'tys an>1 ilioifcin l>*v liawa.

Sevi rsl of their friands q>e|it : theafti rniH.i: very pleasantly Witb OMi MidAl Hutchison.Mr. and Mra. Henry May are visit-

ing (•tatlvea in I'Ikovllle. XX


, Hose street, LaCrosse,

Wisconsin, is chiefly renwrloabla

on account ef the length of tinwhe was ulTiicted.

Hu writes: "I have bese snf*

foriiig v.'ith chronic bronchitis tortwantyrcix years and every winterI would catch cold and become sohoarse I could not sneok for six orI l({ht v.i ks. I could get only tem-porary relief.

"This winter I vras taken withOip und was in awful shape. Afellow workman advised mo to takeI'i; HU-NA. By the time I tliree-fourths of S bottle, tha


hi .,1 seiH s:. was gone, al.--o that

tired feeling. I am on my secondbottle. Hereafter PE-RU-NA wiUbo constantly in my house. It is

t')<> best medicine ever put up forthe purpose."For any disease due to c.iturrh

or catarrh.:! comlitions, riMU'-NAis equally dependable. Couglis,

colds, catarrh of tlia head, stomoektrouble, constipation, rheumatitm,gains in tbe back, side and loins,

loating, belching gas, indigestion,catarrh of the largo and small in-

testines, are some of the troubleafor which TE-KU-NA is especinllrrecommended.PE-RU-NA can be purehassd

snywhare in altlier tablet or liquidform.


DENNISMiaaeH Ada Cooksey, Minnie Pen-

nington and liertba Kitchen were shop-ping at Uennia Sat unlayMra. LMIsy I'lnka children hav* tbu

whooping cough.Several attended the fair at LoufaHS

HYIday and Saturday.Rowland Hutchison and family arent

to Oenoa, W. Va., FYiday after hiadaughter Kinma. who baa been therefor several weeks.

Mlsfe Cosby Alley went to her homanear LoulMt Thursday. She waa ac-companied by MlHM (Irncio Cuokery andOkley Klicben

Uallon Thompson was calling atpennia Saturday.

Nellie Cnlnes and Nona CookseyWi-re l alllntr on .Mi nlie I<I<mi I'Vtday.

S irKinIa -Marie llijtclilson was Visit-ing her uncle Sam h'annin ThurOdayvJack Frost Is ooming soon.

The pipe tine to the oil delds hasbeen completed and the oil turned lato

the pipe.

t- «. Bnieh George l-ack has moved Into th.

Tlr?*"J .»«»«»• vacated by Bud Swetnam.Kendrlck Wllllama baa mturned from

Aahland.Mrs. A. J. Ilolton and daiiKhti-r I.<'ile

were mlling on ber aunt. Mtk <!< niia

.'or lull Mori'tr.v

Mrs. Julia Moore spent Sumlay with

her sister, Mra. Heaire Holton- I' —

Mra. IJasie Moore and daughter Ruth I

were vialtInK iii .1 T Swiliiain s lii.i "PAPf8 COLD COMPOUND'SunilayMlsa Grace Swetnam was the guest

of her cousin Miss Bthel Swetnam afew nights lost week.M. M. Bates made a trip to the oil

field last weak!Manrii' MCiilie nnd wife were vis-

illnft the laiiir- parents SaturdayniKht and Sunday.

_^ . Miss Rlla Jay Hewlett was visitingthen show sigae ef great es^nitlv. j^,^ ^^^^^ Saturday afternoon,ability aad power ef leadavshlp Theyare all weU poleed. clear tkinkiag

viduals. whe will ksv. a irsai iiifln

cnre ob CUlaae future Tbey ilsruss






atnong tb*vit>*lT*« (rosp aiMtlafB la

their rarieus ekarchea. ik* Isrk of

amasemenis for (AlnM. wesisa, social

service work, sDherrlptl.a lists fer tha

orphanage, cake aaklag. lypee of

stoves, baby diets, the Igtsst engage

moot and aUer te^es sncb as onewould hear discasssd by s grasp af

womea gathered tagatbar say place la

America.The soctsi part af the evealng Is giv-

en ov.r te gaaiea which st first

nstooad the saber Chin*** gMtleai

but which tbey tske ap with great

after th* tret evaaiag. Aad ttiair

n-lTM eajey It Jaol aa greatly.

RmI AKiertraa plcalcs ar« th* IstMH

Llilug whiah tha tlah has triad, aadth*r are a great esi'nass, AI>lay to balag ptaaaed aaw.



DodiOD, the "Lirer Tom"m, BaqMOilbte for Obuiga

for tlw

• th^y aa #M lbs saM niLhsr tiaa li taW-gl*.


Chlneae Mrls Laaiii M *s Tslh te One

Ohlaene wessM siadsBis la the TaagPa Oell^, Pakl^ Cklsa. are obllgwl

te leers Cagneb ta erdar to talk with

ns« aB.<k.r hMaaea ef the illgaraal

dlule<'tF seed by tha atudnat body.

Girlt. fraoi th* aztraiae waotera

proTlucMi ef rhiaa, wh* attaad the

school, mmni rvnuilB la Peking daring

all of tit* eight yaara required for

their high school sad college train-

ing, becaaoe ta return each summerwould reqolra «U weeks for tbe trip

one way and would coat mora than a

trip to AneHea aad return.

Olrls from ssck of the wastemprovince* sjieak a dllTflrent Isngusge

and tliey cannot understand one an-

other soy mors Ibsn thsy can the girls

frimi northern, southnm, esstnm or

central provinces. Hence, they have

adopted Bngllsb og a eommos taagna


notiesd stbe sal* of eakneL

ason. Dodsoa^plaae.

ki dsfliaa aaxl peopk know1*8 liew Tua* is prnwoalhby .vary A'aggiat who s*la

A hMB boMt* doaoat aa*t vary moeb

bat • MDs te #v. (My rUM in *rery— - itljia-

OS. bial aA fai yo.TMbM** livar T<sa* b

Bskahls leaMdy.Tibs

Relief I'otni s Instantly. A dose takenevery two ln.iirs until three diiare ar<>

taken usually brvuks up a B«>vrre colda .d enda all the griptw misery.The very first dose opens your clog-

L'cil up noHirlls and the air poaaagee In1 M- Ili ad, stops noso running, rellevaatill- heailachi*. iliillni-ss, feverlshness.snerxnik*. sori iii»-r. anil HllfTneMt

i'on'l slay tufT>Ki-up! ljuit blowingind snurrilng! Clear your oeagostad

I i-ad! Nothing else In tbe world gtreasu. h promiit relief as "Pape'a ColdCompound,' which costs only a (awcents at any drug atom. It acta with-out oaalstance, taates nice, oontaUM noquinine—Insist upon l>atM>'sl

UCK CREEKThere will lie church at Marys ohapel

Saturday night by Brother AndsMonMrvote.

.Mrs i.iizie ihitton was In CharleyOMi' liav last Wei'k.

Marian Klackburn, Madge Bee, BryanMiller and R«e See were out car rid-ing Sunday afternoon.Corda I>igg waa the pleasant gaeet

of Mrs. Rebecca Branham Saturdaynftemoon.

l Aeiett PIgg left Tuesday for Heliler.I 'aiii Hranham Shannon and MautWell

.-lee were ealllng on Jack Shannon hutSunday.

Miss Regie Branham aad Madge Seawere calling On MaTgle Ida Miner lastSunday.Mr anil Mrs Itoh llivrtman. of Lou-

isa are npendlnic a week with Mr. andMrs. c. I*. Shannon.



y. W. C. A. Gecure* New Site far Qlrls'

Physical Training School.

A new home has been found for the

Physical TrMinlng School whli-h ih"

Young Women's Christian As.siiciiifIon

lias opened fur native glrla in .Slmng

hal, China.

The school, while in the country, is

not fnr distant from tlie National

lleadqaartera af the Y. W. C. A. In

Shanghai nor far from the local T. W0. A. The grounds cover elght«an

"mow," wlilch^ means approximately

six ncrei.' and nre divided by a private

road. A foreign roaldeiice alreedy on

Ihe ;;roiiinlH will be uiMvi l»y ihe Amerltencliiirs, while nstire linildlnfts on

tlie other aide will furn'sh IItIiii; qnar-

ers niid elasarooau fur tlie SO sto-


The gronnds basat n gsrdeai


Quality ServiceDRY CLEANING






I Sarah McKlnster wu calUns onl -lUnr MillMr TMadajr.


I U BTmirm «M callUic en T. W.. Uoorc.

A. L. Moore mad* » bualnaM trip toLioulaa I'YkUty.

Walda Miller waa oalUoc on JfAlwtt*and Liula Thompaon Sunday.The newi reached here Ftidar that

Iijraa Thompaon and Audrejr HcOran-ahan were married. It waa a aurprlaato their many frlenda. W« wiah thema lone Md happy life.


Oris! Your hair needs tlitUC'Danderlne"—that's all! WhenK becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruffappears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful,dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair,also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thidc hair, too.

OBITUABYOn tho ITth day of September 1tl(,

th>' death angel vUlted the lir)iii>' i,t

Urit. Davlit Mulllnii and took h"i Ik-

loved mother, Mra. Kittle Kortner. Mh<-

was a kind and loving mother andleavaa many frlende and relative* tomourn their loan Sln' hnil paaaed h«rtVth mlleetone. Hln- Ii uvuh four daugli-tore. Thr<H> glrla and four boya and herhuabnnd hava preoeded her to theglory land.

A few nighta before KrHiiilmothi>r

died ahe looked up at th^ writer and•aid: "1 than live again." We wouldaay to the bereaved ones not to weepover granilma a« thone Dial Imvc nolio|M. .Iiiit tliink of her t<-Hi litions nmlprepare to meet her where we all almlllive ackln. 8he will be aadly ml*m-dIn tba home and community, but ourloaa la heaTen'a gnin. Cflhe Waa lovedby all who knew iiei . to know her waato love her. Two of her children werepraaeat at the funeral which waa con-dUQtad by Bev. Reutwn Curnutte.

"Me ya therefore ready alao: for the0o» of Han oometh at an hour whenye think not." —M. M. B.

OUo^i Greatest


^ Land Barraiu

Very Beat: VuttB, SebooU, OiMrah-•a. Karkeu and Plkaa. Title* parfeetMy aim i* to pleaaa. T lit yea eatno matter what you want Try m:Write for free llate W A Rirrm^BBROBK Land Ki.o. ikiim. u rketMaUeaal Bank BIdg.. PorMMalk. O.S-t-tt-tt.

LEDOCIO AND ADAMS.K. W, Thompaon went to Fort Qay.

W Vii,Kridiiy lo till hlH H|i|iolntment.

I. \' IliiyiH hiiti iiurrhuNi'il u farmfiotn W. J. ThompHoii on Aah Uranchand boa moved there.

Mlaa Uouverna Thompaon, of Noria,•pent Friday with ooualn. i)i>ul MllliT.Kverybody la talking oil liuMineMa our i

wiiy. Klni' iiroHi <•( (H In.vli-w all llilnk.l

.MiMB M;itl.- M, Klnnti-r Hp. Til Monilay|

afternoon with Mr». Uculn lluyeH ,

Mr. and Mr*, Iteott Thompaon, of(ieorK«a Vrock, were here laat week


vlalting friend*.

Roy McKlnater I* here from MichI- I

Knn vljtlting hia parenia, Mr. anil Mm. I

i:. a. McKlniter.IJndaey Thompaon wa* italling on

hIa beet girl at Norl* Sunday.MglrUy Miller waa vlalting frlenda

at Norla Kun>liiy.

Mr and Mrn. .Mln Mlllvt, nf .N'lirla.

were vlalting Mr. and Mra. J. K. Miller.

ev. a'. A. Thompaon filled hi* regularappointment at Thompaon'* ' ahaiwlSaturday and Sumlay

Mr*, a. A Tlidinpwin wuii vlaltInK

her aleter, Mr*. W. M. Martin. Saturdaynight and 8unilny.Homer and l-Vlgell Miller (pent Uun-

•liiy with their couaina, Opal and WaUlaMiller.

.Mlaeea Willie. Kdna and GwendolynMoore. Cralhel Jordan, Laura <.'nrt«*r

and Opal Miller were vlalting MaryThompaon Sunday evening.Mr*. T. W. Moore wa* vlaiting her

• i-i' i Mr*. Matt Huy.-.M Krid.iyMi .ind Mr*. Alv.i ,,f i-,,r.l.-ll

w,-i<* vlwltlng frlendH lift,- hiMt wrt*k

Walil.i MllliM »lipiil .'^.•il ijr .111 V aMrr-

TATESynJUBThere wiU be a pi* mlta here Sat-

urday night, Nov. 1. Alao church Sun-''ay morning at 10:10 by Rev. 8. 8.

Booth*.John E. Austin 1* on the *lck list.

Oracle Crank Bp«nt Sunday withBeaala Caaty.Mona .Casey waa at this pUce Thure-

day Evening.KIrd Saltera spant Sunday with Ollle

Short.Wi'lib Uolierts and Drew Ekers wi ri-

al thia place Stuitfajr.

Chester Diamond waa at Oreen Val-ley Hunday.Bob Blklna woe here I'lld.iy

Lona Baya spent lust we«k with rel-

atives in ^oulsa.'

Orvllle Marcum. Lawrence Muncyand Ray Short were huslneas visitor*

In Lnul*a Friday..lohn Kentley, Jr., who haa employ-

ni4'iii :ii 1/OKan, W. Va. la- eipectedhome aoon.

Don't forget the p(« mlta.FOltaiST MB NOT.



Diaordwad StooMctM

faei fiM atMMel

Lump* of undlgeeted food lauxInKpain. When your etomach la acid, andla BBMHy, Hour or you have heartburnflatulence, headach* or dyspapaia, bar*la aiieedy relief—no waiting.

Elat a tablet or two of Fape'a Dlapepain and Inatantly your atomachfeels line. All the Indigestion paingate*, acidity and mlaory In the atomnrh f'aiiHed liv aridity ends.

I'.ilM'.^l iMH'epnln laliliTe rOHt lltlli'

noon with her loualni AUa end Alka any drug alore Imt there le no aurcr or

Moore. quloksr itomaeb antaotd known.

IHowMat Cohen SpendsFacts for the Taxpayers of Kentucky

Mat M. (VrfMn. i VHiHnlaaloner at AtirWuliuru ami lieiiMM-ratlr rani|l<kiie for .Stvretary of Ware, em-ploir* mora people Id bis d«^>NrtnrafM aud »iM-niU iiM>rv oxxie.v than any nlltcr tbrtw eom61iMd dgpaitiMetaof «tM luu fBif«rwD«iH. It la vary Imitortant to tte Mxpayera, sapaelally ika Uurvmn, bum tbli memrI* aMOt. ^

In three years, Ooti<«i'* perMwal travaUnc esp««M«a, which yM lazpayen pay, have ptWtd tip to atotal of t4,irw<I BS, aa trerag* nt 11^.94 per year. Id IBIT \w <'har»w)']Nw taxpayem $0.00 per day ferten >1ay« fur itt^ndlnK the 8tale Fair In niMllluo to rallriHid ..ire ami s hoM atvrt taxicab Mil of morethan IKDIOO. I>n«>* inytKidy fMy ynn to \lalt (lie Htatu F*lr?

Vuurtiers on flie Id the Auditor's oAce at Ifraokfoft show what Ouheo has l>eao <lolos w<•|^^B•low at* a few lampiaa of Km extravagaB«a of ^Is man Oo^>en who, low y«ara mtt, i

Uup*y«n to ttmS your money caralnlly and ••oMMBMaUy:


r n^Tairi TOof



prornuM yoQ

Mat a. OoHen—Tfsnsportatlen frem FraaMart la

iMm and berth

Nat*»—WMfilngion (st New Wlllap<)

. 4ir;'. ••••to m rwtta (2) 92.00; ratum (S) «ai»i In iHfaaHI

^'VJt^ CSkTh; Takl »Oo; CarlOai Taal «et Taxi lOat CarCjpr <|pe; Taxi •Oo( Oar aOa; Taiil VM ^^t^^......

^% ^ VOMOMM NO. mu^AiOM. t. C«t<*rt MltoiQs Be«4( (M.OO1 BMlIt ta iOiililigln .<ajD M.Mj<a«al St Bslthnore 17.4»Hotal at Waahlngton aiKl BarM heme 22.08llfllt Msal* at Baltlais»i M; >• Meale at Wa«Mafla« tmt fei tranaM

•«.00 ...... 23Mu Ti«l « and frasn DaiMt at •attimara $2.00; Tslaaram 4ha »M

..V. atnM Oar far* UMt Taxi* In Wgahlnatea lOe, iSi, We, 70a, 70^ tJO'^^I^Tslaflram .59


Mat a. CpIihi raaa rra«Merl to Chtoago $19.20

Pwtlman ,, 2.00

Cangreaa HoM (OMaaoo) 10.10

n Mea4* 28.00

Taal—CMc«4|o *.«atreet Cars 1.78

TaRl ta TnUN JO


mi—Muo sarr. aa, t«iy.



Me 8te Ct/ntfi^^mKptntB aooonMl forbar «, 7, * %fi, 11, la. It, H It. (-Fa4r) Pars to Lowiavnia and ratura.

Hotel (Unit act!) Reawa, Maala. WIra, TptuMie

Transfer of trunk 70o and BOcFour Ta«i tria* at BO oanta each^^r flilvff^ ^0,eaiw ^ft^O |isr tfsy*

.8 8.00

. 100.001.20



ska la paid M

CONCN CHARQIt YOU DCTIIA POM DOIII« MIS MmHie mtonte CMinn waa rleictnd to oAWe tte to4 the stare IflgMatore tn raise bts nalary. bat tka lavai

denartmeot oi ttm ataie mied ba eoaid itot bavs It. A* Ouoatlastooar at A«rlc«ltur«k Qobtm la a OMt)rt»er

aTaU tha boarda in Ma dapartmeot atid Ma duty In to aMaod tMr aataOaga Nftilarty aa a paM of flb*

wort for WtMi rm tagparars pay Mn salary. M (Mmb sbMSBd pan tmm^iM t» tKMA a *« te•tMndtOg mnntlno of vartotw boarte. Tb* t'Otnl yea paid Mop tH- titit wmm OOaaOO fcr M daj|^ aai aw«t^

«fla «C $IM vm dar. Bnar nMnoy fur snswrrtog -Reaa" at ntl eafi.

Onhm was paid IIODjOO ufww dt* <>rd«r of lb* VeCertnary —awtnaai' Poaad and N WM ^Mapsd to

Hw yiH<w4QarT LKwise Viaid "Hm A4ll>m«y Geoersi mM tba^aia .Ml tOmtX.

C«<ta4a diarka la ObIim'* dopartaeot draw nwtoey lo e<MlnMta OMir laiartaa.

« meetfaft tat amndkiff bur mrettoffii of tt>« Uv* S»o«k aaoWary Boaat .

0t |Ua>.OI> a yaar wHlctim l»H»I«rfl*-^ ^ *>*^^katOUtt datfc |*ta * •alary of U^OO.OO a yaar aad addtttsi

W^V% IN TNI 8TATI PANI SOOKSTOn Opt <V tbe Il«M«aa Wate llaruiiaUtn OoBsnaSttea aahad Um pt4vtw«a of Itavton (ba Btata Mr

Boofca caMiilned by <«t«»ed ps*»« acoociitants. Ooh*B a< flr* coMmtMl. bat iHter ()«aaad Cbfl Bjl**-

Iwe. Wh«D tttvnataoad <ritli a kt* aatt. be eakl ba w«nM atteiM tta raqoaat to a BaasMlBC of Ctia tRpta

tS^ at Kmlkf>tlilKK1^ Q<*-*^^ . ^The boaks of tha Btata »^ bsfcmg to tti* i im»»aw wtoa l uau^at* iM«a a^ cd Vf/mf ^

to Mp kn%i It (olog. ^ . , ,

Amcng o«t>«- Itniua In thoae book* ore i>ooebec« atMwtng Mat 0|*«p^ P"WW »i«"Hf"» "fWIP*.Why does Ootoeii otjject to ou lonnollate exatutnattoD of tte*e boofcaT


VOTE FOR MORROWand Uie S^aight Republican Ticket

PalMteat advartiaament paid for by RepuMiean Campaiga OewaiHtas.

Cigarettes made to

meet your taste!Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely

out of the ordinary—a flavor and smoothnessnever before attained. To best i^oliiKe their qual-ity compare Camels with any oigaraHm inthe world at anyprice!

Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will

win you at once—it is so new and unusual. That'swhat Camels expert blend of choice Turkish andchoice DcNDoestic tobacco gives you! Youll prefer

thisblend to either kindoftobaccosmcdced straightl

As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of

any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un-pleasant cigafetty odor. And, youH be delatedto discover that you can smoke Cameli libenlly

without tiring your taste!

Take Camels at any angle—they surely supplydgarette ciodtentm^t b«yond anything you everexperienced. They're a cigarette revelation!

You do not miss coupons, premiums or giftk

You'll prefer Camela qualiiyl »,

is cents a pack«geC«ai«/« mn sold mnrjwiw in 9Cf*nti/temUj mmmjmd prnek*•JM of30 o^arXtM or ten ptckmf 1300 ^tmntt—) At ailmmuin^pmpmr-cormnd emrton. Wm mtntmgly raooMmeWtkim tmrtan Ar Itm komm oroMcm mpplf orwkon rou trmroL


laan amt~


A THOUGHT FOR MOTHER.VpR. the summer Is bast and mother

fatit'tl to %o{ lier vacation. And nowcomes the fall .si wlng, tae winter (jar-

menis lo be chosen. perliapH made; the

houaecleaning with all of Its attendanthorrnra, the picking of autumn daint-i)K. which will give zeat to many awinter feaat, and the general manage-ment of the whole domefltlc machin-ery. HO that no little part will becomecluKKed or Ita squeaking diaturb theharmony of the home. As summer hasbrought mother no vacation, no changeof HoeneH, wliat wonder then If her face.8 pall', her Ntep a little Slower, her


.smile no lexs sweet, but less frequent


than of old ? Everyone Is sorry for|

mother^ disappointments, but all take I

it as a' matter of course as she never I

<-omplalnS. So the domestic mill goesgrinding on until one ila> there Is all

.-onfilsion In the huuHehoUl; the ma-:hnery Is all awry, for the band thatguided It has lost Its cunning anddropped nerveless by her side. Motherhas borne the burden too long. It be-comes too heavy and she is crushedbeneath It. lent thia a true picture we.iHVe sketched for you? Isn't mothertoo often left oyt? Girls, you know It

;i to and the conscious blush rises to

your obseks and you bang your headsind are ashamed of your own selflsh-

nese. We write this that you may be

more thoughtful of mother. You will

never regret any sacrifice you havemade to lig)tten ber burdens and bringinto )i«r life all iQig fwcatnfa* poaaibie.

We have heard a great deal In lh#past year about woman's mlssiotl Hrid

woman's sphere, until hclwech twocontanding forces we havi' Iiuku" to

wonder whether woman really has anyright to exist on earth at all. And yeteach day to proving alt thtaa aaaar-tionH. (rrotesiiuc and otherwise, butmiTO iniBnomiTH. while woman contln-ucH to perform mUch the same missionthat has fallen to h*r lot since theworld bepan: doijiR (f ttStier In some

H,'K than in others, more appreciatedin*-tliius tliaii others, bit! doing her

mlmion and developing with the raceand with the world Into new oppor-tunities, higher duties and greaterprivilege*. It is an old teaching butone that we need constantly to call to

mind, that ttie one who does that dutywhich Is nearest at hand Is' the onewho accomplishes th* most for theworld. It iH Hs true of classes aa tt

is of individuals.

Voung people starting out In lif«

should not be afraid to go Into d*bt,provided the debt Is Incurred fol- alegitimate purpr>He nnd In backed bya firm determination to make goo<l.


Often times young men and womenstruggle along, tryiay to accumulate a'little money here ahd there, when, If


they had more faith in their own poW'ers to "put it across," they could bor

fli^ncial affairs until the cruel bloircame which turned them out to wres-tle with poverty for the remainder oftheir life's day. Then oftener thanotherwise, the world would say, "It waaher extravagance that nimed him."Such as astute ludga of tklngs Is thaworld.

, *,„.,. . ,

While we carefully guard whatavaifla womanly in our daugliters, let thembe trained to more of fibre and flrm-nea*. Bducate them to self-de^Oal itpecuniary etroumstances demand \land not to self-indulgence. Aeouatoathem to be of service in the housahold,to regard economy as praiseworthyand even heroic, and to add to theirother accomplishments a practical

row enough money to start out onventure which, bolstered up with hardwork, will aoon yield enough not onlyto pay' back tba 44l>t but lUsa to fur-nlah the means for anottier venture.And tn addition to this, an honest debtrenders a young man or woman moreefficient and encourage* thrift.

GLAD \^mmUif WatMt Uiy, "As Te WblCMMHMD«MF«IKIe

Watoi^W. Va.-Mra. W. Q!

•(ttiia Iowa, ays: "Whsa akoat IS/eari

•< aga, I Mrfbra4 rMtfy . . . iomtVum*»o«M ge a maalii ar twa, mi I had•arrKda baadaehe, bachaaN, an4 feaartnc-

dawp pairni, and weuld JhI draf and<ad aa ap^eUle. Then . . . it tanMi|Ht

haawaaks, aad was^•ad a|y baaHh was awfuLMy awttier kaa||^ m « taflfi «

6»r*d, aad I betao ta \mfm«ki«e Mnt kattia, « tapt M Ippl I

>oa|[ 1^ ... 1 gaiaad, Mijirai^tad i^Nilp, aad 1 vara it all to CwM.I»eiljf4»ria4—waad iMPf 3 chQilraa

, .ilitf^aaTar hadto hartAdaator^«taal||raiiUa.aad Jatt ra^ toCardid

dlaadl^toaic. I aai gl^ to t«M; to

•tiMtill IM d«M fer ,»a, SQj^ toMy

If yon ara nervaui or wpk, li»Ta haad-tdiea, backachaa, «r aqr of fka eOiertilmaoto ao cornoMn to tMnaa, why n«l

five Caidai a trial? ReeommendH bynany physician*. In ut* over 40 yaaia.

Begiil tpking Caf(lui today. It awy

The mother who allows the bluesand sulks to overshadow the horns, whoallows herself to be moody and dis-'

contented, falls In a chief duty andplaces a handicap on her husband andchildren In the race of life.

We bavs read somewhere that thecost of stopj^mg a railroad train hadbean otoilsly ftgufed out, anil that it

was much arcater than the expsnae ofrunning a train several miles. We donot know which is the harder to stop,

e train or a habit, but are Inclined to

think the ^fttter. We have never tried

stopping a (ralS- trains are as hard

to atop as soma habits, few would ever

started. No one would dare ride pnth61fl. fioye, neVer start ft thing youare n«i sure to stop. Never start ahabit you think you may wont to atm.It saves a great deal of trouble not tO

start It.

We are persuaded ift AiiY own m(h3»that the c.iiise of a grertt rnany disjis-

ters and ruined homes la 6Wtaiff to lackof concord between husband and wifeIn tha management*of family ^WoC^ns.We could mention a ncore of #omenwhose huabands have failed In' in^l-

ness. of dl*»d insolvent, who ditJ lMt>t

hav« an.t' Ltlea of the stale ef


knowledge of work and the posseaaionof some lucrative position or Industryby which they can support themselves..•^lU'h girls, when portionless, w'H carryto their husbands dowries \a them-selves. ' *

J ^ I

Keep your children off the strseta.

In a town of our slse, with our larfslawns and safe backyards, there la noexcuse for children playing on th*street*, here danger Is ever prseent.


Nsmt "Btyir" is on

Aqiirin—say Bsytr

laaM OB 'inn fai>ieij U iipla a '^ayer paauge," contaiiiiiig


idireetioiM for Headache, Colds,

Keuralgia, Lumbago, and RlienmatiaaaKaOM "Bayar" maaa* genoiiM AspirUipreaeribsd br pliysldiaas for ninetscByears. Har.dy tin boxee of' 12 tablets

cost few cents. Aapirin is trad* markof Bayer Haiwfacfane ol

aeid**t«r of Sattt^rqifMU.


Aug^ Snyder

Caskettif Mcimand all Egjuipment

Funeral OeiaihAttended to

in Proper Manner

FrMay, Ostebar M, 1119.

Sarah MrKliiHtor WMMary Millar Tuesday.

J4. B. Bvw .jnm oalUag onUoor«.

A. L. Moora made a bualaeM trip to

Lioulaa Krtday.Walda MilliT wan calling on Jeanette

an. I Lula Tliompsun Kiinflny.

The news reached here Friday that

Lgraa Tbompaon and Audrar MoQnui-anan ware married. It waa a aurprler

to thair many (rianda. We wiah thrma lone and happy Itf*.


GIrlsI Your hilr needs a little "Danderlne"—that's all! Whenit becomes lifeless, thin or loses Its lustre; when ugly dandruffappears, or your hair falls out, a 35-ccnt bottle of delightful,dependable "Dinderlne" from any store, will save your hair,p.Iso double It's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too.

OBITUARYOn tha 17th day of September lilt,

the death angel viaKed the home ofMrs. iMvlil Mulllni and took hiT Uo-loved miilhur. Mr». Illlllo Korlmr. Shi-WSK a kind and liivltij; inothir andliavea many frlfiulH iiml nl.ilivin tumourn their Iokh. Hhi< had imaHva hi-r

txih mllMtone. 8he leavaa four dauch-iiTH, Three tiria and four boya and herhualwnd have precodod her to the>lf>ry land.

A f"W hi-forn KrHiiilnvilliiT

died ahu looki'd al lli" wiiti'i hihI

aald: "I aliall live a«uln." W« wuiiMsay to the bereaved onea not to we<-pover rrandma U thoae that have nohope. Juat think of her leatliminy nnil

prepare to meet har where we all ahulllive acaln. Hhr will Ih- nhiIIv inlMxid

in the home and cx>mmuntty. hut ourloaa la heaven'a gain. Khe waa luvrdby ail who knew her. to know linr waato love her. Two of her children werepraaeM at tha tuneiml which waa oon-4aatotf by Rev. Reuben Cumutta."Be ye therefore ready alao; for tha

4on of Mail coraalh at an hour when>e think not " - M. M. li

Ohio's Greatest

. Land Barfaiaa

Very Beet: L*nda, Schoola, fkurok-w, MwkMa and PIkea. TItlaa aerfeet.

sty mSm te to plaaae. I oaa st yea eatno matter what you waat. Vrjc mm.Write for free ilals. W. A. nCBK/-BBROBK. Land BpeeMM. U FlnrtNaUonal Bank Bld«, FptlwmM^ Q.«-t-i>-tf.

LEDOCIOAND ADAMS.K. W. Thompaon went to Fort Gay,

W. Va., FYlday to till hla appointment.I., li. IlaycH haa purchased a farm

from W. J. Thompaon on Aah Branchatul liaM moved thi-rf.

SWhh l^iui'iM'im 'rtioMii''*o!i. of NorlH,Bpi nt Friday with cuuain, opul Miller.

Kverybody la talking oil bualneak oUr j"'"^^ '^^

way. Fine proapecta In view nil thInV..MImk .M:it|.- M. K liiniiM M|icnt Monday


a fti'i niM 'Ti \s ith WvH Itcula llayt-H.

Ml anil Mrs. Scott Thompatun, ofliforKi-a Vrwk, were here laat weekTlHltlnK frlenda.Koy .MoKlnater Is here from MIchl-

Ktin vixitinK hla parenta, Mr. and Mr*. I

I-: li .M.Klnatir.l.iiitlm'V TlioiiipHoii \^.tH > Klllnir on

hla l>eet girl at Noria Hunday.fWrlar - Miller WM visltmf frlenda

at NOrfa Sunday.Mr and .MrM MIn MIII't. of NorIa,

wen- riHltliii; .Mi an. I .Mih .1, .S. Mlllfr.

ev. li. A. Thomimoii lllli-d hla regularappointment at Thompson's ahapelHaturday and Sunday.

Mrs. a. A. Thompaon waa vhilting

her aiater. Ura. W. H. Martin, SaturdayniKlit and Hunday.Ilomrr and I'>1gell Miller spent Sun-

day with their coualna, Opal and WaUlaUlUer.Mlaaea Willie, Edna and Gwendolyn

MiMire, Orathal Jordan, Laura Carterunci Opal Miller were vlaltlng Maryrtionipaon Sunday evening.MiM T W Moore waa vlaltlng her

aUlir. .Mia. .Malt llay<'H. Friday.Mr. and Mra. Alva Hhort of Cordeil

were visiting frlenda here laat week.Walda Miller apent Saturday after-

noon with her cousins Alta and AlkaMoon".

YATESVILLEThere will t)e a pla mite here Sat-

urday night, Nov. I. Alao church Bun-•^ay morning at 10:*e by Rev. 8. 8.

BootteJohn IS. Auetin Is on the alck Hat.

Oracle Crank arent Sunday withBesale Casey.Mona Caaey was al this plucc Thura-

day evening. .

Bird Saltera si>ent Sunday with Ollle

Short.Wi till itoiicrtn and Drew Ekers were

at this place Sunday.Cheater Diamond was at Oreen Val-

ley Sunday.Bob Eilklns was here Ptlday.Lontt Bays spent last week with rei-

ntlvea In Loulan.Orvllle Marcuni. I.nwrfnci' .Miin<y

and Ray Short wt-re hUHlnt-aa vlHliorn

In Louisa l<Ylday.

John Bentley, Jr., who haS employ-I>ot,'an, W. Vh. Is expected

Don't forget the pie mite.FOBtlKT MB NOT.


"Papt'i Diapepaw"

DiMrtood StoOHdMfMlfiMilMMiil


Lumps of undigested food cauHiiiK

iMiln. When your stomach is acid, andis gassy, sour or you have hearthurn.

flatulence, headache or dyspepsia, hereIs speedy relief— no waiting;

p:at a tablet or two of Pape'a DlaIwpHin and Inalantly your stomachfcela nne. All the Indigestion pain,

gases,, acidity and misery in the stom-ach caused by acidity ends.

I'upc's Dapepain tablrtn ront little at

any drug atore hut there i« im Hiirer or

iiulrker Bioinncli antacid known.

Mat Cohen SpendsFacts for the Taxpayers of Kontucky

Mat a. Oebm, r>nmmiaalntM<r of Agrb-alture auil lKuuo«IMtC; fMidWhiie for Svcratary of StaM^ am-ploira more people la bis d<i>Hnm<mt and »ih'|i<N iiH>r«> uionajr ttMB gny nil^rr thn<v fombinad deiM itmsuUof (tie State (uvemowmt. It Is very liuporiuni in ttte taxtwyers, aapeotally ttm fanner*, how tbta monerta aneot.

IB three years, iMmo's ixTwHial traveling eipeiieew, whii-h yoa ta^payera pay, have pitad op to atotal of K168.BS, an average of lUUM.e* per year. la IBIT he eimrged you taxiwyacB |ft.00 par ds/ tortea days tor attendtng the 8U(e Fslr In nildltlua to railroad .are and a hotel and laxteab Mil ct mof*(ban ttoivno TVves anybody pay yna to tisit the Htat<- Fair?

Vnurlien o<i nir In the Andltot'M o<TUv M Frankfurt hIjuw what OihMi lioa lM<«in dotngMway. Below are a few aamplea ot the eztntvagaiK<e ot ^Is man OolM'n wbo, tour yeara i

pi««|g«d foa tAxp«|«n 10 ipond your ntoiMf e«ri<«ll7 MMi »aoiwj«i»ly;

•»M,<a «' - VOOCHIR NO. laSia^AID MAY 11, WH.

mm M fmV» »»•»Mttt WiwWBi)»n (at Naw Wlltarrf) 29.10

\ iy. MMla an route (2) •a.OO; return (3) asilO; in Waahln«toti (6) 18.00.. 11.00^'Vt. OafcTSe; Taxi 90c; Car 20c; Taxi 60c; Taxi eo»t Car IOb; Taari TOo;

Cfr Taal Mo; Car Me; Taxi 91.00 ......

" VOUOMM NO. mu^AlC iimiMiiyU,'

M. a. C atiaw Mil—oa Utk |3e.0O( BerHi ta WaaHlagioa •S.OO 'MiMMatH at Baltlfnera ttMHotel at Waahtngton ami Berth homeIgiit IMeiita at BalUiwafS Meala st WssMnoloii mtt

116.00Taal to and from Oayat at Battlmers 12.00; Tetegram 4i»e »MBtraat 0«r tare 12.00; Taxla In Waahlngtoa Me, Ml, Re, 70% Mb^ MB. MOTaUoraiM M

Cigarettes made to

meet your taste!Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely

out of the ordinary—a flavor and smootfaheBsnever before attained. To best realize their qual-ity compare Camels with any cigarette inthe world at anypriG9l

Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will

win you gt once—it is so new and unusual. That'swhat Camels expert blend of choice Turkish andchoice Domestic tobacco gives youl Youll preferthis blend to either kind oftobaccosmoked straight


As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence ofany unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un-pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'U be delighted

to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally

without tiring your tmatef

Take Camels at any angle—they surely supfdycigarette contentment beyond anything you everexperienced. They're a cigarette revelation!

You do not miss coupotie, premiums or gifts.

You'll prefer Camela quality! ^

18 cents a packageCsmftm mm aoJd mnrywhmrm m mdmntmcMlIy ttlmd pmth*atfM ofX ofnHmm or tmm pmckm4»m ilOO mtmnttm^^ ailmmmfttm-pmptr-eonnd carton. Wm timely iiiiii«ran«<

INa aaftan ibr(*• or«Ae> avp/rar<r*«/M <n*at

B. J. REyNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WlBate»«aloB. N. C.


Vea, the summer Is past and motherr.ilk'd to get her vacation. And nowromnn the fall Hi'Wing, tiic wint*»r gar-iiHMiiH Ui \jf choNfn. piThiii-.-^ made; thehuusecleaning with all of its attendanthorrors, the picking of autumn dalnt-l.cH, which will give zeal to many awinter feast, and the general managi-jnent of the whole domestic machln*<?r.v, 80 that no little iiart will becomecloKKed or ItH Hijupuklng disturb thehurmony of the home. As summer hasbrought mother no vacation, no change

mission and developing with the raceand with the world into new oppor-tunltlee, higher duties and greaterl>rivlIc(;PB. It In an old tpaohing but

that we lu't'tl conslaiitly to call to

mind, tliut the one who does that dutywhlali is nearest at hand is the onewho accomplishes the most for theworld. It IS aa true of daaaea aa It

is of individuals.

Young ppople stnitinc out in lift;

should not be afraid to go into debt,provided the debt la incurred for alegitimate purpnae and la backed bya flmt determination to make good.

|them to be ot aervloa In the houaahold,

Oft*n' times"''yotiHB' "Wien hnd women to regard economy «a •• piaiaaworthyatruBKl' alonB. trying to accumulate a ' and even heroic, and to add to their

orougni momer no vacauon, no cnange \\^^\^ money here and there, when, if I other arcompliahmentB a practicalof acenes, what wonder then If her face they had more faith in their own pow- ' knowledge of work and the poaseasion

ImL'''"' 'V "".'i' ? I

'° '* »<!»•«>«•." they could bor- |of some lucrative poeiUon or Induetry'* " '

*"*' ' ' by which they can support themselvea.

Such girls, when portionless, yrlll ^arryto their husbands dowries In them-selves. I

fli^ncial affairs until the cruel bloircame which turned them out to wraa-tle with poverty for the remainder' ottheir life'a day. Then oftener thanotherwlae, the world would say, "It waaher extravagance that ruined him."Such aa astute Ittdge ot things is tha

•- » - •

WhUe we carefully guard whatever''is womanl.v in our daughters, let thembe trained to more of fibre and flrm-neaa. Educate them to self-denial If

pecuniary circumstances demand it,

and not to self-indulgence. Accustom

I. ••••«••••• '


Itat S. C«lM«—TaM FrMMerl to Chleaflo.

PwMumhi > t i 1 4 • * » » * • *

GttWf^'^ HO^d (ChlOAQO^ •stee«a««««aesa<

CB M#Sl9«eaeasaeae ea*«**

TsKl—CMoagoatraet CaraTaiii to Train


. 8.00

. laioaann^^^^

. 4,48

. 1.7t




22, MI7.

ber 6, r, ^ 0, W, 11, 12, 13. V4, IS, (GtateFa4r) Pare to Lowtavtlla and return $

MtdflmtWtttk) Roema, Ma«K Wlsia, T«8.00

Tranafar a< trunk 70e and BOoFour Taxi trloa at 90 oanta eaoti .


Par diara, 10 i»f a* par day •



conpi cHARttn YOU DcmA PM ooNM wm MmThe mioiite Crthan waa HtvM to oflw he fo4 the staTe lagMstara tn saiae Ma salary, M (to laBBl

d«fMHiini«i< rrf (tie atat^ ralfd Imi nmld tvot iMfe It Aa (VxnmiaatoDer of A«iic«itura, ODbta la a tuatuftai

a/ all the b<i«rda ta h4a ifavartnieot and bis duty !« Ho s*tend (Mr msstlnjs regtitaily aa a paM nf tha

wot% for vrtilrti yu« taxpayera p«7 bliB a salary. M CM>an ctergad yoo fpsoi fSilO to ttOOO • 4ay tor

attending meMioca of vantoua bowAi. TU total yea p*id hka tor this wm OflaOiiOO^ || dMV^mt *t W.44 pi» day. flMT tbom aitowtetoB itlmmr at roll «•&.

Cnhen was paid $10040 wftoo Uta order ot tha Taterlnary Biaialnasa' BoOTd It AMpad to

itke TKiwtoarr Urmaf rand. Itta Attorney 0«>«ral t«lad tha etoira waa llHcaL

Certain oiwkx In Cohen's dOfartmant draw mmmj ht addttten to th«*r aalurlne. (Hm was otMt ttW* net'tlnR tar atteodhic four mnetlnaa of ttte Live Stoek SaaMary ttsMt. IBta dwwaa a

af ItlOO.OO a year wWcli ISB JMOMnU'*'- C*". ^

Another «lafk ge<« a aSary if |l,a00.00 a year and to aMMtoa *a to

qC tbe J|tf|a 4^ TattctoMT BmbIimcb. Praetj aaCt.

yfmV^ m STATI FAIII BOOKtTptArOaaa ot havli

at Ami aaatteOn Oct A, the Itav«M1«aii Wato Oampalfii

Boolu caatDtoeO by certWed pai>IIa aeooonlanta

tee. Whan tkanatanad wKti a law aalt. be eukl be^,

Board at Agrirtrtttwe. Oct. »,jk tpm (toga l»e*ort tt^aalfBl^ttl.

The books ct tbt, am» M«M ^Iff

l^Wtoi #tta

*"*ASi<l£ra«i^lSL ItHfcoa. book, are ^'VOfi'WMnB OJSft PWf*Wbr^oaa OolMo object to m hnatollata ii|>i|<r>iiM1n>i^ tkpaa bookat


VOTE FOR MORROWand the Straight Republican Ticket

mile no li-sa HWeet. but less frequentthan of old? Everyone Is aorry for

mothcr'H ili.saiipolntmenta. but all takeit aa a matter of course aa she neverI'omplalns. So the domestic mill goesf^rlnding on until one day there Is all

.'onfUHion In tlu* hoiiHchold ; the ma-•hniTj iM all a\vr>'. f(ir tlu' hand thatKulded it has lost Itu cunning andilropped nerveless by her aide. Motherhas borne the burden too long, It be-'omes too heavy and she Is crushedi>(>neath It. Isnt this a true picture wemvc sketched for you? Isn't mothertoo often left oyt? Girls, you know it

'.H to and the conscious blush rises to

your cheeks and you hang your headsind are ashamed of your own lelflsh-

neas. We write this that you may bemore thoughtful of mother. YOU Will

never regret any sacrldce you have

,made to lighten her burdi ns and bring

into her life all t))? jwestntsa jiossibl

We have heard a great deal In thepast year about woman's mission andwoman's sphere. Until between twocontending forcea we have begun to

wonder whether woman really has anyright 10 exist on earth at all. And yeteach day la proving all thaaa aaaer'tions, grotesque and otherwise, butmere mlanomeri, while woman contln-ucH to perform mtloh tha same missionthat ban fallen to her lot since theworld l><>i;an: doing it better in somecases than in others, mors appreciatedsometimes than others, bill 4oing her

row enough' money to start out on aventure which, bolstered up with hardwork, will soon yield enough not onlyto pay back the debt but also to fur-nish the means for another venture.And in addition to this, an honest debtrsndera a young man or woman moraefficient and encouragea thrift.

GUD TOTESnFYhft Watafk Ikij, "At Te WWlCmM Hm D«m Form Se

WatogmW. Va.-Mn. S.W. OMhnae( Ml towa,«ys: "Whia ^laat ISreari

af act, I Mrfhrad gr«^ . . . teanOiw i

woaM «D a mm^ at Intl. I


<law|i ;|Mi«k. waid^ jHRl 4rt| «mIsad^afipatftt. Thea . . . it wiaii^

. . waakc, was^ fpffkfalw,•ad ^jf baaMh wufwfuLMy BMXher baia^ ,m f tapfi «*

G«r*Mi. m* I beifi iTUmii maa^ktofl^ trst battlt, ai Kkp^ I

HMft %a8 . . . i laiaad, aatf wm welwd tmi. aad 1 awa it all to Cardai.

I aa ajrriad aaw aad Imv« 3 ehfMrca

. Hare aevar had to havca dottor.^cmalt koMbla, and \a»t resort to Cardtii

<i I need a tonic. I am glfd to tosMj to

what it baa doae for aa, to ai to help


If you art nervaui or wtak, hire haad-tchw, backachet, or any of tha other

tilmeolt so common to womew, why not

(ive Cardni a trial? Reeommendtd bynany physiciam. In uaa over 40 yeaaa,

Bcfia taking Cardui today. It any

The mother who allowa the hluisand sulks to overshadow the home, whoallows heraelf to be moody and dla-ooBtanted, falls in a chief duty andplaces a handicap on her husband andchildren in 'the iioe ot life, '


We have read somcwhi re tliat thecoal of stopping a railroad train hadbean oioaely llgured out, and that it

waa much areater than tha aktianae 6trunning a train several milto. We donot know which is the harder to atop,

)k train or a habit, but are Inclined to

thinV Ihe Jutter. We have never trle<l

stopping a tralfl. li trains are as hard

to stop as aom« habits, few Would ever

he started. No one would dare rlda pnthiffi; fioys, never atart a thing youare ndi sure to stop, Mevar aUrt ahabit you ibink you may WOilt to at«p.

It saves a great deal of trouble not to

atart it.

We are persuaded iti SUt own RtfhSfl

that the cause of a grefit many disas-

ters and ruined homes Is^ 6Vbig to lackof concortl between hUHhand and wifeIn the munafi'mciit of family MnniCorns.

We could mention a acore of *ompnwhoae bttabands have failed in ^'i-neaa, or died Insolvent, who ditf Wotheve any idi-a of the etat*' ef |Ai

Keep your children off the streets.

In a town ot our aiae, with our largelawns and safe backyards, there la noexcuse for children playing on thestreets, here danger is ever present.


VUmt "Bftyor" Is on GaiuiiBB

Aspirin—say Baytnr

la a '^tyw pa^^fe," conta^tfg^direetiona for Headache, Colda,Kturalgia, Lumbago, Snd RbeiUBaUtaliKama "Bayer" means genaine AtpMapreeeribed by physicians for lUaeUtayears. Bandy tin boxes of IS iaUMaooet few cents. Aspirin ia tradeof Bsyer MsDufsctura d•eideeUr ol SsUeyUeaeid.



Caskets, Mobmcund all Equipment

Pm^ml DieiailsAttended to

in Pvopmr Manner

— — L

mlgi Buiar TO iUIPY Friday, Oetobar 24,


Mth Birthday0»pL J. li. FenniBon'B 86th birthday

WM celebrated on SatuMay. ()(-tol)er

11 at hU hanflsomc i'<iunlr> »-fMi(ifnrt-.

near Aahland, with an atiHembluge of

ral»Uvea and friends, all of whom aradaroted to the fine old Kentlamati.

. Tt)m bwUth of Mr. Fer^aon ta better

thaa It has baen for many months, amattar very Kratifylng to hia friends,

and to the varloua membera of hla


Thraa Eaeapad PrisonaraAra Still at Largs.Three of tlu' tivt* m,-n who oscaptnl

from tha Boyd county jail at Catletis-

biuv Sunday evening, are still at lar);i-.

SherUT Sam Debord and several of Ills

deputies have scoured the surroundint;hllla without avail. Jailer John \V

White hun offiTed a reward of $25 for

the rapture of Kelly Vance. VernonMcTeak and Cuonie Anderson, the

tbraa men who have not bean appre-hended. It Is the opinion Of Sheriff

Debord that the men are in the UikSandy Valley, probably in I'iki' rciuii-

ty. The authorities there have beennotified to keep a clooe watch for thesemen.

Fortnar Clerk Dead.I'embrokc S. Msher, 79 years old,

died Thursday ;it his jiotuc in Chesa-peake after a semi-invalid lllneHs of

At* years. He leaves the wfle, form-erly Miss Ella -Brammer, aad one souWilbur Fisher, well known ball pliiye

In the Southern league.

Mr. Fisher was once sheriff of Boydcounty, Kentucky winning recognition

as a trustworthy official In the dls

ohaiiB« of his duties,

Live In Canada.Mr. and MrB. Duncan D. McCosh,

(formerly MIbh Fraoees Hampton, of

Ashland) are now at home In TorontoCanada, after a delightful wedding trip

which embraced a visit with relatives

In Chicago, Jfhcre they were royallyentertained. Mr. McCosh la Identified

with one of the leading banks of Xoronto,

>VA. W. Campbell Loaaa MHIa.Ura. George Wechsler la In receipt

of a letter containing the news of the

destruction by Are of the fine lumbermills of her brother-in-law, Hon. A. WCampbell, a few miles from Wllmington. N. C Tha losfj^^ty thoinanddollars, but undftunfiAh-Mr. Campbellexpects to start: rebuilding at onceAndrew W. Campbell Is widely knownthroughout this part of Kentucky as aworthy and Influential citizen. He re

sided in Pike county for many yearsand through his Influence mainly theacademy, a ward of the Presbyterian-ohureh was founded at Phelps, Pikecounty.

lliss Clara Queen, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Queen, has accepted

a position with the Blkhom Coal Coat Wayland as Menogirapher.

Mr. K. F. Chapman, much loved vet-

Wan newspaper man, who has resided

here many years, is critically 111 andwas removed to the home of his son,

Ola K. Chapman, Huntington. All of

hia eight children were at hla bedsideMra, M. Irwin and children of Plke-

llle were here and went to Hunting-ton to visit Mrs. W. H. .Mutli.

Key. and Mrs. J. U. liagan left Olive

HIU Thursday for their home in

Wheelersburg, O. Rev. Ragan has re-

tired from active service as a minister

<m account of ill health.

DENNISChurch was largely attended at

Compton Saturday night and Sunday.There will be church here again nextSaturday night and Sunday by Revs.Leadingham.M. V. Berry and wife spent Saturday

and Sunday with W. S. Pennington andfamily.

Mrs. Llllle Cooksey has returnedhome from Portsmouth after a visit

with her sister, Mrs. John Howell.Literary Is progressing nicely at

Compton. Everybody come.Several of our neighbors have been

attending court at Louisa this week.Misses Nellie M. and Bivian Lyons

were guests of the Hisses Pennlngrtonaunday.Herman Webb was at tionesome

Cove Sunday. Ftumor says there iWlUbe a wedding soon.

. John Evans and wife spent Saturdaynight with their daughter hereJ

E. W. Jobe was at W. S. Penning-ton's Tuesday.

Mrs. Mary K. Kitchen and little sonBeryl were the guests of her brotherat Gladys Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Qolns and little

son William were the guests of their

daughter near Gladys Sunday.Minnie I'cnningtun and little nephew

William Beryl was calling on MUsMartha Kitchen recently.

Oamett Diamond was the guest of

Miss Btyla lUyons Sunday afternoon.

Misses Nell Jobe, Bffle Wright andMlnne Pennington were calling on Mth.

Rosa Wright Wednesday.O. F, Atkins and J. Savage attended

church at Compton Sunday.Hol>art Cooksey, of Catlettsburg,

will visit relatives and friends at this

place in the near future.

Whooping cough U raging in ourvicinity.

Remember meeting next Saturdaynight and Sunday. Everybody come.



Mrs. H. H. Cyrus and children of Ka-nova were guests of friends here Fri-

^day and attended the fair.

Atty'H J. M. Higg, D. U. Hardwickand Fisher Scaggs were in Charles-ton on business Tuesday.

Or. and Mrs. C. K. Romans wereguestH of relativcK ir. Kt. Gay last

week.H. W. Thompnon visited hia daugh-

ter in Portsmouth last week.Mrs. Fisher Sckggs la visiting rel-

atives In Teredo.Misses I'earl and Garnet LAmbert

spent Saturday and Kunday in Hunt-ington.

lyon Uowen uf Huntington was i

Wayne visitor Thursday.Mrs. Charles Bromley of BIuefleM

w.iK the gucut of Mrs: E. J. WilcoxItuft wc'k.

O. J. Kife of Kenova attende<l thefair here last week.Curtis Plymale of Buffalo creek was

calling on merchants here the flrst ofthe week.

Mrs. Claude Newman spent last

wcfk with relati\",*s in t'crcdo,

Floyd Harrison was in Charlustunon buaineaa last week.Mrs. W. B, Smith of Ceilieryille vis-

ited friends here last week.Miss Tim ^Yy of Ceredo waj< the

guest of Wayne relatives last week.Elmer Sansom was a Cincinnati vis-

itor last week.Dr. A. O. Wilkinson of Dickson was

a Wayne visitor the flrst of the week.t:<l Curnutte of Radnor has purchas-

ed the C>sl>om House, owned by S. J.

Bloss, and will take possession nextweek.Among those from Wayne who at

tended the funeral of little Jack Hensley at Ceredo Tuesday were .Mr. andMrs. Claude Newman, Mra Joe Newman, .Mr. and Mrs, Elba Wilcos andFisher Scaggs,P. D. Lierch o{ HuntingtoiT Was here

on buairiess last week,Atty. John Meek of Huntington was

in town Saturday.Miss Ora Gunnells has returned to

her home in Tenn. after several weekBvisit With her sister, Mrs. R. J. Thompson.

Dr. j. W. Taylor of Huntington washere the last of the week.Clyde Scaggs was a Huntington vis-

itor Friday.Sirs. Georgia Dillon of Missouri is

the guest of Mrs. tiuden Ferguson.


ITEMS OF NEWSTaylor- Rice.MIsa Mabel Taylor, of Nolan, W. Va.

and T. Joseph RIoe. of Ileiln. r. W. \ a.Were married In WiisluiiL-ion. 1>. C. ai

the home of Lieut. John York. Theywill be at home atUellner. -

J. E. Pack Dead.Mr. J. K. Peck pioneer and influen-

tial citlien of l»t,-an. W. Va., diedThursday of last wi ek. He wa« u vet

einn of the Confederate army. He hadseryad as Sheriff of Logan county andas warden of the West Virginia penitentlary.

John NizbB, 61: years old, widelyknown throughout the county, died athis home near Iverson. It is believedcancer of the stomach, together withother complications was raaponatblefor his death.One of the flrst rural route mall ex

change boxes to be esiabllshul in thecounty wa« received by W. H. .Spurlock, Wayne postmaster. This box will

be put up at I'erry'a store at Echo andwill be used as an exchange l>«tweenWayne Route 1 and Fort Oay Kc^te1. In this way mail service betweenWayne and Fort Oay will be verymuch improved. The exchange box is

iiiuiie ot" Hon and is similar in shapeand size to the boxes on city deliveryroutes.The latest town enterprise to be e«-

labllshed in Wayne is a broom cornfactory which is now in operation. W.

Marshall and J. F. Booth are pro-prietors.

Brooms are t>elng turned out daily,

all of them being made from Waynecounty broom corn.

Tll*"«h*va la quits ss eorroot a wyato spell '

"E-Y-E-S"as cheap, window-pane a'sssee are asoarroct a wsy to remedy eye-treublee.

When you buy glssaaa that ara not

fitted to your own individual ayaa youre buying trouble for youraalf.

If you have eye-trouble, or

snspect that you have them.consult our expert oculist for

relief. He wiil gladly advlao

yon just what your indlTldnal

needs happon to bo.



HunMnftoiw W. Va. I Sunday moinliiK,

GRIFFITH CREEKWe have been having quite a lot of

rain In our section. It has been adraw back to the sorghum makers.Mrs. Mary Sammons is slowly Im-

provlnp.l^verett .lohnson ha.s been very sick

for the past week, but is some better

now.Mrs. Herl>ert Lemastera spent Satur-

day with her sister, Mrs. C. V. Back.John Brown of Cliffeside has been

here visiting his sister, Mrs. GeorgiaBrown.Mrs. Lucy Lambert, Nannie Mere-

dith and Josephine Lambert called onMrs. Mary Sammons Monday.Miss Jessie Vaughan spent Sunday

and Monday with her slater, Mrs. Her-bert Lemaster.M. T. Preece and Herbert Franklin

have returned from Coal river.

D. Harold Vaughan has purchased aUne little farm, the O. W. Owens property.

Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Hanshaw of

Logan, W. Va., are visiting the latter's

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lyons.Mrs. Grace Sanmions and little

daughter, I'ansy, were In Louisa Sat-urday.Uncle Noah Lambert Is on our creek

vlsitinK friends.

There is so much sickness in ourneighborhood, mostiy on the lower endof the creek. Several cases of ma-laria are reported. MRS. MUTT.

Clyde- Lawson.Dr. John Carl Lawson, aon of .Mr

and Mrs. Harry Lawson. of Williamson, was married Oi t 4 to Misa BatherMarie Clyde, of .New York City. Theywill live at Spri.SK W \ a.

Million Dollar Bond Issue for Logan.J. M. McUu«n, county engineer of

Logan county, states tiiat Logan is

preparing tbr a fl.OOO.OOO bond Issuefor the Improvement of Class A roadsand plans are being made for thisIssue.

Prof. J. B. McClure, principal of theschools, is getting onto the Job in flne

shape at Omar. He has held two suecessful reading circles mctings andcommunity sing. A splendid interestis being created in taking care of theschool property and in keeping theschool building free of |>aper and rub-l>ish. We hope this spirit will prevailall over the district,—Logan Demo-crat,

Aged Woman Dies.Mra. Mary M. Woodroffe . died at

Barboursville, W. Va., aged 92. Shewas bom in England In 1828. Her bu<iy

was taken to North Carolina for bur-ial. :

A. Preece Injured.Alonso Preece. aged 15, while hunt-

ing eliestnuts fell over a clitT at tinin-dy, \'u., where he was attendint; eoj.

lege an<l suffered a liroken leg. He is

the son of Mr. and Mra WheelerI'reece, of Williamson.

Nine Blind Children Prom Webb.The Wayne (W. Va.) News .inys:

There are nine blind children in tlu'

small village of Webb, this countyThis signlflcant fact la given out in alate report of the State School for theDeaf and Blind at Romney. The fol-

lowing children from Wayne countyare attending the Homney school this

ai ;

nui.NDi-.Stclla Dillon, Ida DillonSarah Dillon, Clifford Dillon, RoseyBelle Williamson, Nellie Copley, Raymond O. Copley and Logan Copley,Webb, Milton Maynard, Uunlow, JohnW. Meade, Dunlow.

DIOAI":- Abbey .Napu r. I Lynn,Ix'Wis Watts, Melvln Crum, Webb, An-Irew Holland, Genoa, Sarah Caper-ton, Ceredo.Othhers who will probably enter the

Kcliool later are the two children of

R. V. Hoberts, Kenova: Thos. Thomi -

s<jn. Fort Gay, it. 2; John Willliiins

daughter, blind, of Webb; T. F. Marburn's son, blind, of Dioy.Parents of blind or deaf children are

heInK urged by Superintendent Petersto send their children to the Romneyschool. ^New Paator Here.Rev. W. H. Beal, recently appointed

by the M. B. Conference to the Waynecircuit for the coming year, arrived

there thi.i week. Kev. Beal goes to

Wayne from Mt. Morris, Pa.

Holdings in Wayne and Mingo coun-les. W. Va., will be developed by Hunt-ngton men who have formed the Wil-son Thacker Coal company, a tf'U.OOO

corporation. No time will be lost In

completing arrangements for the t>e-

ginning of operatlona While the newcompany will operate in the territorymentioned, the general offices of thecompany will be at Huntington.

NO use arguing about it, or making chin-music in a

mmor keyl If you've got the jimmy-pipe or ciga-

rette makin's notion cornered in 3rour 8in<^ea|>petite, slip

it a few liberal loads of Prince Albert!

Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk,Prince Albert kicks the "pip" rifiht out of a pipe!

Puts pipe pleasure inte the 24-hours-a-day joy'us class!

Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports I P. A. is so

fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing!

Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your

Ihroatt Yougoasfarasyouiikeacconlingtojroursmokespirit 1 Our exchisive patented process cuts out bite and


Tommm i«d bmgt. My rmd Mm, AawAawa psawrf and Wf-^e»wd Hm-- ^ 4A«(ciaa<y.pMH(MpoMMfcf3WtalflfaaaA«nWBr«((Ar Imp tktlhmf tim f


faeco «a rntek puiHtt caiidtHoifc

R. J. Reym^ Tobacco Company, WiasUm-Saleni, N. C

SMOKY VALLEYThe wheat fields here are beginning

to look green.A large crowd from this place at-

tended church at l.,oul8a Sunday.Misses Gertrude and Audrey Fletch-

er were vsiiting the Misses DiamondSunday.Miss lAuretta Bradley spent Satur-

day and Sunday night with Louisafriends.

Mike See was calling on his best girl

Sunday.Tivls and Walter Hays, who have

been visiting relatives here returnedMonday to their home In New Boston,Ohio.Miss Hattie Hay has accepted a po-

sition as stenographer in the countyclerk's office at Louisa.A large crowd from this place at-

tended the fair at Louisa.Miss I«ulse Hay spent Sunday with

her cousin, Rebecca Hay.Misses Martlia Roberta and Marie

Bradley were calling on Gee and AllenHutchison Sunday.Mrs. W. A. Hay Is visiting her daugh

ter, Mrs. Escum Ross of Blaine.Bud Hall and family of this place

have moved to Ashland.Hardy Phillips of I.«ul8a was calling

on friends here Sunday.Ifiaaea Ines Weltanan and Bess

CtauicBton made a business trip to Lou-isa Monday.Misa Virginia Bell Bradley spent

Saturday night and Sunday with hergrandmotlier at Louisa."There wiil be Sunday achool here

Bvarybody oatna.


Wemanleea Wadding.The Womanlesa Wedding, a play

gotten up by home talont under th»direction of Miss Burch for the benefitof moonlight schools, was given at theLiberty Theater last HYlday eveningto a full bouse. A. C. Harlowe playedthe role of bride; Wm. Wallen that ofgroom: H. H. Fitzpatrick, minister;C. L. Hutslnpiller best man; William.Mayo, father of the bride: S. C. Fer-guson mother of the bride; BurnhamCombs, grandmother; ' ^Tom laauhon.



Doesn't hurt! Lift any com or

callus off with fingers

lirother, (ie<jrge Goble, butler: Lewi*black mammy; OaMey Stuart, baby.'^tophena and Ranklna Roberts, flowerKlrls; .M. I». Pow,'rH. rim; l,e;in-ri Her-man .Miiiix. irilu h, in 1 . .1 1 1 Smith,B. F. Combs, Emery Clark, .-^.un .Sal-

yers, P. D. Davis, W. M Candjii. .\ .si

White Jr., bridesmaids; Will II Layne,pianist, T. O. Burchett and James Mor-gan Davidson, muaiclans.

E. J. Harris ami familv ot ,\lvln left

this week for Quincy, where .Mr. Harrishas purchased a flne farm and ez|>ectato make his future home.Attorney R. W. Pendleton returned

this week from Cincinnati where heEpent sev, rnl days on liusines.t

Mrs. H, lle C. Carilni r atnl ilailKht-T.

Mra. Maude liose and Margaret andBilly spent Sunday with relatives inPaintsville. Ky.The Infant son of Capt. and Mrs. B.

W. Itaker of Langley, died Out. 14.


Officer Wounded.Sunday afternoon Canton Stone, of

Allen, shot and wounded Dock Wooda

Mr. Colvin la employed by the North-E«»t Coal Co, Thoy wlU reside atThealka.

Paris Qreen Married.Mlaa lAUra Lemaster. of ^inlfred,

thia county, and Fhirln Green, of Hunt-ington, wi ri, married here Wo<lnesdayTh,* hrld, 1.-. ,Mie of our county's mostcharming young ladlea. Mr. Green boaJust returned from overseas where heM|>ent several months. They left forHuntington where the groom alreadyhad their home fumlahad.

Home Prom Prance.Jim Preaton, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Dan K. I'reaton, of this city, arrived In

Paintsville Monday, having been hon-orably discharged from the army. Jimhas been in the eervioe tor over threeysars and for the past year has be«nstationed In Paris Prance.

Misa Buckingham Entartalna.Miss Venus lluckingham entrrtjitned

to a (Mirty a numl» r of hi'r frlenda at

...wi . . . , ... t - hei l>eauUful home Tburaday evening,conatable, with a platol in the thigh. -„._,__ ,.„•...^bi... hi. -III «Z- The evening was very pleasanUy spent

.MiH .M C. Kirk and Utile Hrand-dauKhter. Mary Knthleen. will leavethis week for Vero, l'"la, where Uieywill spend the winter. Mr. Kirk willaccompany them and apend a few dayaon their range grove.

.Mr. and Mrs. Chas, York and llttiosons have relurn<,d to their home InIxxilsa after a visit here with Mr andMrK C. T. liul* and Mra. A. J. Kirk.

.Mrs. llulda Meek, of Aahland, waa(he Kue.iit of friends here laat week.

Mrs. Jnsii. r \ anhoose left Mondayfor her home after apending six we*k»with relatives here.—Herald.

breaking his leg. Woods will recover.

Akers- Noweome.George Akers, son of Nelson Akers,

of Dana, and Miss Malarkey Jane New-Bom, daughter of Kllaa Newsom, weremarried here (><-t. 13.

Child Dies From Burns.Bllaa Clayton, two year old child of

litr. and Mrs. John M. Stumbo. ofHarold, died Oct. IZ from bums re-

ceived by falling into a large kettle

of beans t>elng prepared for canning.

Profa. Byington and MoDowall Here.ITof. W. M. Byington, of Louisa,

was here Saturday. We are glad to

note that his school, the KentuckyNormal College, la still going with arecord attendance this year. He waaaccompanied by Prof, McDowell, ofElliott county, one of hla teachera.W. T. Garth and Karl C, .McClure, of

Louisa, were here Mondjiy. —Citizen.K. H. Krasure and son Lieutenant

Frasure recently returned from over-

aeas duties were In the city Saturdayand Sunday. They were formerly of

Frasures creek, this county, but are

now of Flemlngsburg where the elder

Frasure luui largely increased his for-

tunes by buying and selling farms. TheLieutenant was the only officer left Of

his company after the tierce battles of


Don't suffer! A tiny bottle ofFreezone coata but a few cents at anydrug atore. Apply a fsw dioiui on thecoma, callusaa and "hard akin" on bot-tom of feet, than lift tbom oftWhen Froetone removes ooms fimn

the tooa or callusea from the bottom offeet, the akin beneath is left pink andWealthy and aeTor aort, tOBdar or Ir-titatad.


New Pipe Line.

Chas. Spurlock, repreaenting the

Great Northern Refining Co,, Lexing-ton and loubrvine, was in Johnsoncounty this week looking over the oil

field with a view of laying an oil line

from the oil field In Johnson and Ma-goffin counties to .Paintsville. Mr.Spurlock has made a favorable reportThe oil will be brought from the dif-

ferent wells to Paintsville where it

will be shipped In oil tank cars to

market, or If the output lustlfles, arefinery will be established here.

Mr. Spurlock is an experienoed oil

man and says this fleld is a promisingone as the oil is found In the best

sands which Insures a long life for the

wells. All the wells will bo connectedwith this line In the center of the fleld

and a ptunping station wiil be estab-lished to force the oU through the mainnAe to PalntBvUle. A four inob Unawill be laid which will take oare ofthe output of these wella for yeara.

Colvin- Mollette.Miss Litesle Mollette of aoons Camp,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klijah .Mol-

lette, and Mr. Ray Colvin, ot Thealka,ware united in marriage Sunday. MissMalletM U tsMblBg at Thsalka, and

and at a late hour Ice cream and cakewaa served.

Auto Oarage.TolM Rule has organised a company

and will Btart work at once on a newautomobile garage adjoining tha BIcSandy Hardware Co. on Main atreet.

The lot waa purchaaed some time acoby Mr. Rule from Mrs. Bulda Meek.

Beautiful Weddtng.The home uf Mr. and Mra. W. W.

Kice, of Aahland, waa a scene of abeautiful wedding Wedncaday, the con-tracting imrtles being Calla I>'e lllce

and Capt .M.ilcolmn Dice of the I"

Army. The bride Is the eldest daugh


t«r 6t Bar. H. H. Rica, aad Is wellknown and has many friends whichshe has ma^de by her lovely and sweetpersonality. The groom Is the son ofMr. and Mrs. Charles L Rice, of IlagerHill. (?aplaln HIcc has serviMl twpnty-one years in the U. S. army, spendinglie laat twenty-seven months In Franceand Germany and returning to the U.S. A. Sept. J, I»l». He Is a youngman of sterling worth and is held In

the highest eetecm by all who knowhim. Captain KIce and bride went to

Hager Hill to visit his parents fur aShort time before returning to CampTaylor where they will make theirfuture home.

WJjUiARDWe are glad to toU tba wmm vf

church at Wlliard again by Bro. Saod-grass.

I', (i. Pennington, who has been awajrat work returned home Saturday for Wtfew days vUlt.Karl Fleming attended tha ball gaa*

Sunday aftamooa.Mlaaee Ooldia Praley, Naa Wright

and French and Clarence Pteming wareout kodaking Sunday afternoon.Mrs, U, O, Pennington and daughtara.

Ruby and Martha, attaadad ohiuvl*.Sunday nightSchool at Wlliard Is pragrsasln^

nicely by Harry Hlllroan teacher.The wedding bells wMfing again la

our town aooa. A IjOVma PROENOl.


116 acres of Scioto, O., bottom farmanil truck land, M acres of paatura andwood land. ..One S-room houae, cellarunder house, front porch. One S-roomhouse with two porches. 'I'wo 4-roonihouses with one iwrch. One dairy tuuikbam t4z6« ft. Room for cowa labasement, room for feed on upper floor.Corn crusher, milk house, two comcrtlm. 6 acres l>est building site, t stOOkbarns. One 120- ton silo made of ce-ment This farm la located one-halfmile from PorUmouth, Ohio, U goodland and will produce alfalfa and aUother crops with any land In the Stato,This farm could be divided nicely irileslred each with house on. State pikeand at the edge of city. A bargain.Wrtta C, H. WILEY, lAicaaville. Ohio.Route >. I have other good farms for


The Best Insurance

Against Influenza

Prominent Educator Believes That Vapomoitha if

A Sure Preyoitive

br. R. M. Brame, discoverer otBrame's V'apomentha Salve, liaa a let-ter from C. C. Wrigin, Superintendentof the Wilkes County, N. C, PublicSohOOls, In Which he says: "We havetised Brame's Vapomentha Salve fornearly all the Ills for which It is pre*scribed and have always seeured sat-isfactory results. If used la time It

has never failed to break up colds.

tril, Brame's Vapomentha Salve pen-etrate the pores of the skin, reiievlnrcongestion, at the saae time heallnsvapors arise and are breathed throughtho mouth aivd nose loosenlt^ thepleghm and cauaing the patient tobreathe freely, lu abaolute reliabil-ity Is avldaaoed by dosena of unsolic-ited testimonials. Brame's Vapomentha^^Ive will relieve pneumonia, Influeaga,

usually tha forerunner of Orippe, In- I grippe, pleurlav, bronchitis, whooping.-.1 D . cough, caturrl, asthma, tonallltla, hay

fever and imummatlon of the skin,Vapomentha Is applied oxtemally,

and It will not stain the olothea, asother salves do. No home should everhe without it. Buy it from your drug-gist or direct from the Brame DrugCo,, North Wilkesboro, N, C, A smallbotUs ooats Mo.; a much lai«ar ons,eonlalalaff sla ttmss mm mnek, |1,N.—Aqt,

Avmum and Pneumonia ... Ipaak from personal observation. Ibelieve If this preparation is tued latime it will prevent the developmentof pneumonia in every Instance If use<1according to directions."

These strong statements are fullylusUlled by the remarkable recoveriesthat foUow, Brame's Vapomeatha•atro la awltod fraoly ev«r the ehoat

~ tferoat.MUl laasrtaa ta aaek aoa-