Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Education Program

ofPurworejo Muhammadiyah University







‘Do my best, so that I can’t blame my self for anything’ -Magdalena Neuner-

‘If you believe, you can achieve’


‘Success doesn’t come from spontanity. We have to start and ignite the spirit with ourself’ -Reggie Leach-



With gratitude and love because of Allah Swt, this thesis is proudly

dedicated to:

1. My parents, (Bp. Paridi) and (Ibu. Sugiyarti), thank you very much for your

motivation, support, prayers and for everything you have given to me.

2. My beloved sister, Eka Yuni Sulistyarini thank you for your support, prayers

and special thanks for my nephew Ayumna Riska Fariha, I love you and you

are the beautiful and smart little girl

3. My big family, thank you for all the wishes, prays, and supports that you have

given to me.

4. My beloved friends: Suciati Lestari Wahyuningsih, Nurul Khikmah, Erna

Watiningsih, Mayang Ari Utami, Agus Triasih, Nuri Ulfah Isnaeni, Ayolani

Ciptaningrum, Walin Kristofani, and Lia Lestari. Thank you for your

motivation, advices, jokes and everything.



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praise to be Allah the Almighty. Due to

His Mercy, the researcher has been able to complete her thesis entitled The

Analysis of Idiomatic Expressions in Dead Poets Society Movie and its

Application in Teaching Speaking at The Tenth Grade of Senior High Schoolas

the requirement for obtaining the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree of English

Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

Here, she would like to express her greatest gratitude to several people

who participated in finishing this thesis. She extends her sincere gratitude and

appreciations to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammdiyah University of


2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd., as the Dean of the Teacher Training and Educational


3. Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Program in

Purworejo Muhammadiyah University.

4. Zulia Chasanah, S.S, M.Pd. as the first consultant, thank you for the

guidance, knowledge, views, and advices during the writing of this thesis.

5. Basuki, M.Pd.B.I. as the second consultant. His gratitude for the guidance,

advices, knowledge and patience in the process of finishing this thesis.

6. All of the lecturers in English Department thank you for all the knowledge

and guidance that you have given to the researcher.


ABSTRACT Dwi Agus Tiyarini. The Analysis of Idiomatic Expressions in Dead Poets Society Movie and Its Application in Teaching Speaking at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School. S1 Thesis. English Education Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. 2017

Language is an important tool for communication. Without language, people cannot communicate to each other. In language itself, there are so many variations; one of them is idiomatic expression. Idiomatic expression is fixed combinations of words whose meaning is often difficult to guess from the meaning of each individual word. The purpose of the study is to identify the types of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead Poets Society movie and to describe the application of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead Poets Society movie in teaching speaking.

The research design of the study is qualitative research. The data form is

English idiomatic expression found in Dead Poets Society movie. It was collected by finding the movie, watching the movie, downloading the script, reading the script, then collecting the idiomatic expression from characters’ conversation in movie. After the data collected, the researcher analyzed the data based on its type.

From the research, the researcher found the types of idiomatic expression

in Dead Poets Society movie are as follows: similes type is 5.83%, binomials type is 4.85%, proverbs type is 3.88%, euphemisms type is 0.97%, clichés and fixed statements type is 83.50%, and other languages type is 0.97%. From those data, it is concluded that the most dominant idiomatic expression type found in Dead Poets Society movie is clichés and fixed statements type. The application of idiomatic expression in Dead Poets Society movie in teaching learning is to teach speaking of narrative text in tenth grade of Senior High School.

Keywords:Analysis, Idiomatic Expressions, Movie, Teaching Speaking



Title ................................................................................................................. i Approval Sheet ................................................................................................ ii Ratification Sheet ........................................................................................... iii Mottos ............................................................................................................ iv Dedications ...................................................................................................... v Statements ...................................................................................................... vi Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ vii Abstract ........................................................................................................... ix Table of Contents ........................................................................................... x List of Table ................................................................................................... xi List of Appendices ......................................................................................... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................

A. Background of Study .......................................................................... 1 B. Identification of the problem .............................................................. 3 C. Limitation of the Study ....................................................................... 4 D. Statements of the Study ....................................................................... 4 E. Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 4 F. Significance of the Study .................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................ A. Theoretical Review ............................................................................. 6 B. Previous Study ................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................... A. Research Design ................................................................................. 30 B. Unit of Analysis ................................................................................ 31 C. Data and Data Source ......................................................................... 32 D. Instrument of the Research................................................................. 32 E. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................................ 32 F. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................ 33 G. Technique of Coding Data ................................................................. 34

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Finding ............................................................................................... 37 B. Discussion .......................................................................................... 38

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ......................................................................... A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 66 B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 67

References ....................................................................................................... APPENDICES .................................................................................................



Table 1. Percentage of Idiomatic expression types ..........................................



Appendix 1. Description of Idiomatic expression types .................................. Appendix 2. Syllabus ....................................................................................... Appendix 3. Consultation Log ......................................................................... Appendix 4. Decision Letter ............................................................................



In this chapter, the researcher introduces the topic. It is divided into the

following sections: background of the study, identification of the problem,

limitation the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study and

significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Language is an important tool for communication. Without language,

people cannot communicate to each other. Language used for expressing

feeling, conveying message and having conversation, which are represent

through the spoken forms such in formal or informal conversation, drama, film

or movie also written forms such in poems, novels and songs. It can be said

that language is important for our life. Language is essential to every aspect

and interaction in our everyday lives, both in oral or written communication.

There are so many kinds of languages on this word. One of them is

English language is used in almost all aspects of life. In other word, English is

powerful language in the world. In globalization era, students must master

English. By mastering English they can explore the world. They can know the

culture and education in foreign countries. As learners who learn English as

other or foreign language, Indonesian learners may find difficulties to deal with


English has four skills. There are speaking, reading, writing and

listening. Those skills should be mastered by students of senior high school.



English also has language components: vocabulary, grammar and

pronunciation. Those will support students’ mastery of English.

To learn a language the learner has to understand the meaning of the

language itself. In English, learning the meaning of it includes in semantics

branch. In semantics, the meaning of language divided into two branches.

There are literal meaning and figurative meaning. Literal means that the

meaning is direct or straight same as in the dictionary meaning. While,

figurative means that the meaning is not the meaning of the word or phrase

itself, but different meaning that is depending on context.

Since the meaning is not based on the words itself, it is known that

figurative language is idioms or idiomatic expressions. They are fixed words

combinations that is often cannot be interpret by translate the words


Idiom is phrase or sentence whose meaning cannot be inferred from the

meanings of words that make it up. The English language is very rich in the use

of idioms. Idiom or idiomatic expression may appear in literary works. In

example of literary works are written from such in poems, novels, and songs

also spoken from such in drama movie or film.

Related to language teaching, idiomatic expressions can be used to

teach speaking. Based on the researcher’s teaching practice experience in a

senior high school for two months, the researcher found that the way students

speaking English were bad pronunciation and not interesting to tries speaking


English. Idiomatic expressions are fascinating, so that it can make the students’

speaking more interesting.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses the Dead Poet

Society movie to analyze which focus on types of idioms that found in the

movie. The researcher chooses this movie because there are many idioms can

be found in the dialogue. The researcher uses the script of the movie to analyze

the idioms. And idioms in the movie can help student to understand the types

of idioms. So, the researcher writes this thesis entitled “The analysis of

idiomatic expressions on the Dead Poets Society movie and its application in

teaching speaking at the tenth grade of senior high school”.

B. Identification of the Problem

The researcher found that the problems appear related to idiomatic

expressions and teaching learning process is as follows:

1. Idiomatic expression is difficult to be understood. It is because the idioms

cannot be translated literally word by word to know the meaning.

2. Idiom has appears in many context, such as writing text, speaking, listening

and reading. So, it is important to understanding the types of idiom in

learning English.

3. Idiom usually use in speaking context, the teacher must make the student

interest to study about the idiom.


C. Limitation of the Study

The researcher limits the study on analyzing dialogue contain the types

of idiomatic expressions on the Dead Poets Society movie and its application in

teaching speaking. The teaching of speaking is focus on the Tenth grade of

Senior High School.

D. Statements of the problem

In this research, there are some questions or problems that needed to be

answered. These questions are as follows:

1. What are the types of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead Poets Society


2. How is the application of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead Poets

Society movie in teaching speaking?

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the statements of the problem above, the objective of the

study are as follows:

1. To identify the types of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead Poets

Society movie

2. To describe the application of idiomatic expressions found in the Dead

Poets Society movie in teaching speaking


F. Significant of The Study

The significances of this study can be both theoretical and practical. It

means, the result of the study could be useful to increase understanding about

casual conversation and can also be applied in daily learning English. The

result of the study hopefully will be used for:

1. The Teachers

The result of the study can be used by English teachers to improve

the knowledge about types of idiomatic expressions and their application in

teaching speaking.

2. The Students

The result of the study can be used by students to learn more about

idiomatic expressions.

3. The Readers

This thesis can be used as a reference in teaching-learning process,

especially on teaching-learning about idiomatic expressions.

4. The Researchers

The study can give advantages to the researcher there are to

improving the knowledge about idiomatic expressions in the movie and

knowing the application of idiomatic expressions in teaching speaking.


In this chapter, the researcher discusses the relevant theories related to

the study, the previous researches related to the study. This chapter is divided into

two parts: theoretical review, and previous study.

A. Theoretical Review

This section contains several relevant theories to answer and explain the

formulation of this research. The theories and examples of idiomatic

expressions are also presented as well.

1. Idiomatic Expressions

To understand about idiomatic expressions, a learner must know

about the definitions of idiomatic expressions or idiom. Here the researcher

has collected some of definitions of idiomatic expression based on some


According to Riemer (2010:56) defines idioms as non-compositional

phrase-phrase like Throw in the towel whose overall meaning is not the

same as the combined meaning of the individuals parts.

Idioms are fixed combinations of words whose meaning is often

difficult to guess from the meaning of each individual word. For example if

people say ‘They put them foot in the other day at Linda’s house - They

asked her if she was going to marry Simon’, what does it mean? If they do

not know that put their foot in it means say something accidentally which

upsets or embarrasses someone, it is difficult to know exactly what the



sentence means. It has non-literal meaning or idiomatic meaning (O’Dell

and McCarthy, 2010:6)

Moreover, Spears (2005: v) states that all languages have phrases

that cannot be understood literally and, therefore, cannot be used with

confidence. They are opaque or unpredictable because they do not have

expected, literal meaning. Even if by knowing the meaning of all the words

in a phrase and understand all the grammar of the phrase completely, the

meaning of the phrase may still be confusing. A phrase or sentence of this

type said is idiomatic.

According to Langlotz (2006:2-3) many phraseologists have noticed

that it is impossible to capture the linguistic anatomy of idioms without

relying on a set of different definitory dimensions (see, e.g., Fernando&

Flavell 1981; Burger et al. 1982; Barkema 1996; Fernando 1996; Burger

1998a; Moon 1998). Traditionally, idioms such as grasp the nettle blow the

gaff or trip the light fantastic have been described as conventional multi-

word units that are semantically opaque and structurally fixed. Thus the

internal organization of idiomatic constructions can show more or less

striking: (a) semantic characteristics; (b) structural peculiarities and

irregularities and; (c) constraints or restrictions on their lexica grammatical

behavior which cannot be explained by the general grammatical rules of the

given language. Nevertheless, idioms are; (d) conventional expressions that

belong to the grammar of a given language and; (e) fulfill specific

discourse-communicative functions.


From some resources about definition of idioms, the researcher

collected a conclusion that definition of idioms is some words or phrases

which the meaning cannot meaning word by word but can be interpret in

other meaning with the other words. The idiom or idiomatic expression uses

informal communication, and also in all literature.

2. Types of Idiomatic Expressions

The main point in this research is to analyze the types of idiomatic

expressions in the Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher collects some

types of idiomatic expression. In this research, the researcher used a theory

from O’Dell and McCarthy (2010:22-33).

a. The six types of idioms

1) Similes

Similes are expressions which compare two things. They often

use the word as or like. Similes make the spoken and written English

more colorful and powerful. For example:

a) Pillar is as bright as a button.

As bright as a button means extremely clever

b) I slept really well, so I feel as fresh as a daisy this morning.

As fresh as a daisy means extremely fresh and full of energy

c) The baby’s skin is as smooth as silk.

As smooth as silk means extremely smooth


2) Binomials

Binominals are fixed two words are joined by a conjunction

(linking word). The order of the two words is fixed. For example, we

always say black and white, NOT white and black. Below is some

examples of binomials and the classification.

a) Synonyms (words which mean the same)

Sara’s work is always very neat and tidy.

Neat and tidy, the two word that have same meaning.

b) Opposites

The sound quality of a cheap speaker may be a bit hit and miss.

Hit and miss means sometimes good, sometimes bad. The two

words hit and miss have opposite meaning.

c) The same word

They finished the race neck and neck.

Neck and neck means equal. The two words neck and neck have the

same word.

d) Rhyming

Tables in the canteen take a lot of wear and tear.

Wear and tear means damage through everyday use. The two

words wear and tear has the same rhyme “ear”.

e) Alliterative

After the match the players’ legs were black and blue.


Black and blue means very bruised. The two words black and blue

are begun by “bl”.

f) Joined by the words other than and

Little by little, Vera gained the horse’s confidence.

Little by little means gradually.

Trinomials are similar type as binomials. While binomials

have two words joined, trinomials have three words joined. For

example, I’ve looked here, there and everywhere for my glasses

but cannot find them. Here, there and everywhere means


3) Proverbs

Proverbs are short sentence which refer to something most

people have experienced and they give advices or warnings. Proverbs’

form id fixed cannot be changed. Sometimes it is not possible to guess

the proverb’s meaning by looking at the individuals words.

For Example:

a) Positive Situations

A :“Well, we’ll have to invest all of our savings and work really hard and there’s still a chance the project won’t succeed.

B :“I know, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nothing ventured, nothing gained means you need to take risks to

achieve something


b) Negative Situations

A :”What a day! My car broke down and my wallet has been stolen”.

B :“It never rains but it pours”. Rains but it pours means that problem always happen together.

c) Other popular proverbs

We should buy extra travel insurance for our skiing trip.

Better safe than sorry.

Better safe than sorry means it is best not to take risk, even if it

seem boring or hard work

4) Euphemisms

Euphemisms are a type of idiom used to avoid saying words

which may offend or be considered unpleasant. They are useful to

learn, as they will help you communicate using language which is

appropriate for the situation you are in. Euphemisms are used:

(1) To talk about subject this may upset or offend, such as death.

It was obvious he was not long for this world, but he never lost

his sense of humor.

He was not long for this world means going to die soon.

(2) To avoid using direct words for body functions.

I’m just going to spend a penny.

Spend a penny means use the toilet (UK public toilets used to

charge a penny).

(3) For humorous effect when telling anecdotes.


My boss was offing and blinding because he had lost a

confidential report.

Offing and blinding means swearing (some common English

swear words begin with f or b)

(4) By the media or political institutions to tone down unpleasant


Many soldiers have made the supreme / ultimate sacrifice for

their country.

The supreme / ultimate sacrifice means died.

(5) Other euphemisms


• The play may offend some people, as it’s full of four-letter

words. [swear words (many of these have four letters in


• He’s such a bloody idiot, pardon my French. [apologies for


5) Clichés and Fixed Expressions

Clichés is a comment that is often used in certain common,

everyday situations. It is a comment that most people are familiar

with and is therefore not original. Clichés are often used in everyday

conversation and they are also frequently played with in advertising

slogans and newspaper headlines.

For example:


a) Look on the bright side.

It is means try to see something good in a bad situation

b) There are plenty more fish in the sea / pebbles on the beach.

It is means there are plenty more people or possibilities.

c) Enough is a good as a feast.

It is means you should not have more of something than you


Fixed Statements

Fixed statements are often used and heard in everyday

conversation. For example:

1) Take it easy!

It is means calm down! Relax!

2) So far, so good

It is means things are going well up to this point

3) Give me a break!

It is means stop criticizing me!

6) Other Language

English includes many words from other language. Some of

them are from Latin or French.

a) Latin

• He was paid on an ad hoc basic

Ad hoc means not planned but arranged or done when needed.

• Jorge is the de facto head of the organization.


De facto means existing but not officially agreed.

b) French

A : Only the very best students are accepted on this course.

B : I know. They really are the crème de la crème

Crème de la crème means very best.

3. Movie

a. Definition of Movie

Bersam and Monahan (2010:3) state that a movie is a popular

entertainment a product produces and marketed by a large commercial

studio. Regardless of the subject matter, this movie is pretty to look at,

every image is well polished by an army of skilled artists and

technicians. The finished product, which is about two hours long,

screens initially in movie theaters, is eventually released to DVD, and

ultimately winds up televisions.

Acker in Sreekumar and Vidyapeetham (2015:1) states that

cinema (or movie) is a mass medium and it stimulates experiences in its

pursuit to put across ideas and perceptions.

From those definitions about movie, the researcher concludes

that movie is an art. It is produced by recording using the cameras by

the skilled from artists or actor and the technicians. The movies are

eventually released to DVD, and ultimately winds up televisions. The

goals of movie are to entertain the audiences and to give the educated to



b. Genres of Movie

Press (2000:93) says whatever genre you pick, remember that

people who are genre-savvy mix them in description all the time. For

example, Ace Ventura, Pet Detective can be described as an action

comedy mixed with outdoor/wildlife. The other example is Letter to

Juliet, can be described as drama comedy mixed with romance. Here

are the movie genres according to Press (2000:89-92):

1) Action movie

Action films usually include high energy, big-budget

physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights,

escapes, destructive cries (floods, explosions, natural disasters,

fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and

adventurous, often two-dimensional “good-guy” heroes (or

recently, heroines) battling “bad guys”.


a) The Dark Knight

b) Captain America

c) Dare Devil

d) Redemption

e) Man of Steel


2) Adventure movie

Adventure movies are usually exciting stories, with new

experiences are exotic locals, very similar to often paired with the

action film genre. They can include searches or expeditions for lost



a) Troy

b) Divergent

c) The Hunger Games

d) Into The Wild

e) Charlie and The Chocolate


3) Comedy movies

Comedies are light- herted plots consistently and

deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by

exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and



a) A million Ways to Die in the West

b) Keeping Up Joneses

c) They are Together

d) 10 Things I Hate about You

e) The Hangover

4) Crime/ Gangster movie

Crime / Gangster movies are developed around the sinister

actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bank robbers,

underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate outside the

law, stealing and murdering their way through life.


a) Spectre


b) Black Mass

c) Criminal

d) Urge

e) Triple 9

5) Drama Movie

Drama is serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying

realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving

intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are

not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action.


a) Miss Sloane

b) Neruda

c) Titanic

d) Moonlight

e) Dead Poets Society


6) Epics or Historical Movie

Epics include costume dramas movie, war films, historical

films, medieval romps, or “Period Pictures” that often cover the

large expand of time set against a vast, panoramic backdrop. Epics

often share elements of elaborate adventure film genre.


a) Silence

b) Jackie

c) Hidden Figures

d) Free State of Jones

e) Founder


7) Horror movie

Horror movies are designed to frighten and to involve our

hidden worst fears often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while

captivating and entertaining us at the same in cathartic experience.


a) The Conjuring 2

b) Annabelle 2

c) Chucky

d) Mama

e) Zombies

8) Musical or Dances movie

Musical or dance movies are cinematic forms that

emphasize full-scale score or song dances routines in significant

way (usually with musical or dances performance integrated as part

of the film narrative), or they are film that are cantered are entered

on combinations of music, dances, song or choreography.


a) Jem


b) La La Land

c) Mama Mia!

d) Frame

e) God Help the Girl Street

9) Sciences Movie

Sei-fi movies are often quasi-scientific, visionary and

imaginative. Complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets,

impossible quotes, improbable setting, fantastic place, great dark

and shadowy villains, futuristic technology, unknowns forces, and

extraordinary monsters, either created by mad scientists or by

nuclear have.


a) Avatar

b) Minority Report

c) Guardians and Galaxy

d) Insurgent

e) Limitless


10) War and anti- war movie

War and Anti-war movies acknowledge the horror and

heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting (against

notions or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air provide the

primary plot or background for the action of the film.


a) The Patriot

b) Camp X-Ray

c) Dear John

d) The Lucky Ones

e) Five Days of War

From those definitions above, the researcher concludes that movies

has many genre there are action, adventure, comedy, crime, drama, epics

or historical, horror, musical or dances, science fiction, war and anti-war.

Every genre has differences from the theme of the story line or the


message delivered in the movie. Film genres may appear to be readily

categorized from the setting of the film. Nevertheless, films with the same

settings can be very different, due to the use of different themes or moods.

4. Teaching Speaking

Brown (2007:8) says that teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, and setting the conditions for

learning. Teaching may be defined as showing or helping someone to learn

how to do something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or

understand. Teacher must transmit to new generations the cultural heritage

of society, the knowledge, skill, customs attitudes acquired over years.

Teaching is activities of educating or instructing, or activities that impart

knowledge or skill.

According to Schiering (2011:19) stated that, teaching is the

act of passing on information for learning. This may be accomplished in a

variety of ways, and these are addressed in the concluding chapters of this

book. Most importantly, teaching is defined by the style of delivery and

attention to learners’ needs that one uses on a regular basis in the

classroom or other settings where learning occurs.

Speaking is so much part daily life that we have it for granted. The

average person produces tens of thousands of word a day, although some

people like auctioneers or politicians-may produce even more than that. So

natural and integral is speaking that he people forget how the people once


struggled to achieve this ability until, that is, the people have to learn how

to do it all over again in a foreign language (Tronbury, 2005:1).

According to Hughes (2000:6) speaking is that is overlaps with

considerable number of other areas and activities. How far, for instance, is

the structure of a conversation culturally determined. How far is grammar

of speech different from other sorts of grammar. What are the critical

factors in the stream of speech which make it intelligible. Spoken language

is the focus of classroom activity there are often other aims which the

teacher might have: for instance, helping the students to gain awareness of

or to practice some aspect linguistic knowledge (whether a grammatical

rule, or application of a phonemic regularity to which they have been

introduced), or to develop production skill ( for example rhythm,

intonation or vowel-to-vowel linking ), or to raise awareness of some

socio-linguistic or pragmatic point (for instance how to interrupt politely,

respond to a compliment appropriately, or show that one has understood).

To learn to communicate expertly in another language a speaker

must change and expand identity as he or she learns the cultural, social,

and even political factors, which go into language choices. Hughes

(2000:6) said spoken language is the focus of classroom activity there are

often other aims which the teacher might have: for instance, helping the

student to gain awareness of or to practice some aspect of linguistic

knowledge (whether a grammatical rule, or application of a phonemic

regularity to which they have been introduced), or to develop production


skills (for example rhythm, intonation or vowel-to-vowel linking), or to

raise awareness of some socio-linguistic or pragmatic point (for instance

how to interrupt politely, respond to a compliment appropriately, or show

that one has understood).

From those definitions about teaching speaking, the researcher

concludes that teaching is to learn the leaner, guiding and facilitating

learning. Teaching is defined by the style of delivery and attention to

learners’ in the classroom. Speaking is one of English skills and elements

of communication. Teacher must have a interesting manner to make the

student interest to learn about speaking in the class. One of the manners is

teaching idiomatic expressions use the Dead Poet Society movie. The

students can be make conversations with their friends about those


5. The Dead Poets Society movie

Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by

Peter Weir, written by Tom Schulman, and starring Robin Williams. Set in

1959 at the fictional elite conservative Vermont boarding school Welton


Academy, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students

through his teaching of poetry. The film received critical acclaim and was

a box office success. It won the BAFTA Award for Best Film, and César

Award and David in Donatello Award for Best Foreign Film. Schulman

received an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for his work.

The cast on the movie are:

• Robin Williams as John Keating

• Robert Sean Leonard as Neil Perry

• Ethan Hawke as Todd Anderson

• Josh Charles as Knox Overstreet

• Gale Hansen as Charlie Dalton

• Norman Lloyd as Headmaster Gale Nolan

• Kurtwood Smith as Mr. Perry

• Dylan Kussman as Richard Cameron

• James Waterston as Gerard Pitts

• Allelon Ruggiero as Steven Meeks

• Alexandra Powers as Chris Noel

• Leon Pownall as McAllister

• George Martin as Dr. Hager

The Welton academy is a pre-eminent high-performance

preparation school that is well known for their four core principles of

tradition, honor, discipline and intelligence. Dead Poets Society is a

community of teenagers who make poetry as a revelation of their


expressions and identities. This secret society consist of a group of

teenagers from Welton school. Dead Poets Society is considers a banned

society by the principal.

John Keating who was the early founder of Dead Poets Society was

one of the best graduate students of Welton. Along with the passing of

Dead Poets Society then its existence disappears and dies. After a few

decades later a new student tried to dig up information about the teacher

and found annual book in which there was a photo of the teacher and next

to it was a Dead Poets Society phrase

Mr. Keating is a substitute teacher who teaches English classes at

Welton academy. He is the only teacher who applies the unique learning

methods. The learning process uses outdoor games as the media. The other

major role is Neil Perry. He comes from a family of mediocrity. Perry is a

hard-minded and authoritarian father who hangs his hopes on the only

child of Neil. When his father learned that Neil had other activities outside

in the school, his father immediately gave ultimatum that if he continued

to play the theater he would be withdrawn from Welton. But because of his

very high desire to become an actor he decided to keep playing the theaters

even though he had to die for it.

B. Previous Study

This part is about result of some researchers which held similar

research with this research. The first study is done by Khusnul Khotimah


(2015, English Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State

Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Tulungagung) entitled An Analysis of Idiomatic

Expression in “Lock and Key” Novel by Sarah Dessen. The design of her

research is library research by applying content analysis method. The result

of her research shows that she found 50 idiomatic expressions in the novel.

There are 1 idiomatic expressions of simile, 3 idiomatic expressions of

binomials, 3 idiomatic expressions of proverb, 9 idiomatic expressions of

euphemisms, 20 idiomatic expressions of cliché, and 14 idiomatic

expressions of fixed statements.

The objectives of this research are: (1) To find out the type of

idiomatic expressions in novel entitled Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen, (2)

To find out the classification of idiomatic expressions in novel entitled Lock

and Key by Sarah Dessen, (3) To know the connotative meaning of idioms

in novel entitled Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen.

The second study is taken from Iris Persnawati (2014

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo) entitled The Analysis of Idioms in

the Film Entitled The Smurfs 2 and its Application in Language Teaching.

She used a descriptive-qualitative design with complementary qualitative

data in the research. There were 107 idioms of the data belong to phrasal

compound, the most common type of idiomatic expressions used in the

movie. There are six types of idioms. The researcher found that the most

idioms used in film are clichés and fixed statement which is contains

86,91% from 107 words of idioms. Types of idioms are use in the


conversation in film entitled The Smurfs 2 are; similes, binomials, proverbs,

euphemisms, clichés and fixed statement. She found 0,94% for similes,

3,74% for binomials, 4,67% proverb, and 3,47% euphemisms. The objective

of the study are (1) To describe types of English idioms in the film entitle

The Smurfs 2, (2) to describe the application of idioms in the film entitle The

Smurfs 2 in language teaching.

Those two researches have similarity and differences with this

research. For the similarity is they all analyze about idiomatic expressions.

Another similarity, the first research used the same theory to classify the

idiomatic expressions as this research. While, the differences of these

researches are: first, the first research uses novel as the object study, while

this research uses the movie. The second research used the same theory

about the types of idiomatic expressions. While, the differences of these

researches are: the second researches applying on language teaching, while

this research applying on teaching speaking.


In this chapter, the researcher describes how the data was collected and

analyzed. This chapter discusses about the methodology of the study.

A. Research Design

According to Creswell (2012: 3), research is a process of steps use to

collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic issue.

Creswell also stated that a researcher can approach research in two ways-

through a quantitative study or a qualitative study-depending on the type of

problem the researcher need to research.

Moleong in Djamal (2015: 13) identifies some characteristics of

qualitative research as follows:

1. Emphasize on the process. The technique to get and analyze the data is

more important than the result and conclusion.

2. The background of nature. Qualitative research emphasize on the real

condition without any intervention from the researcher, so that the context

is not changing.

3. Human is the instrument. Collecting the data is done by the researcher

himself by observation or interview with the source.

4. Grounded theory. Qualitative research emphasize on finding concept,

knowledge, even new theory, and not to examine the exits theory.

5. Descriptive. The research data is words, pictures and not in numeral form.



6. The analysis data in inductive way. The conclusion drawing is taken from

specific facts that are received from the field, not just certain theories.

7. The design is temporary. It is because in the field the condition can be

changed anytime.

8. The result is discussed and agreed together. In qualitative research, the

definition and the result made by the researcher have to be discussed and

agreed by the sources.

9. The data analysis is done from the beginning when the researcher gets the

data from the field.

From the theory about research design the researcher uses descriptive

qualitative research design. This research is categorized as qualitative

research. The data is words, pictures and not in numeral. Human is the

instrument, the researcher analyzed the types of idiomatic expression found

on the dialogue in Dead Poets Society movie. Furthermore, the dialogues are

analyzed descriptively to describe and to explain in detail the types of

idiomatic expression based on idioms theory.

B. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this study is the characters’ conversations on

the Dead Poets Society movie which belong to idiomatic expressions.


C. Data and Data Source

Data are the result of observation consisting of things that researcher

analyzes (Arikunto, 2009: 172). Data are also the information of material

which is used in some research and is taken from the data source.

In this research, the data is obtained from the original script of the

movie and supported by the movie in DVD. The script of Dead Poets Society

movie obtained from English subtitle that download from internet. The

researcher typed down with the name’s characters and time of dialogue.

D. Instrument of the Research

To collect the data, every research needs instrument. As started by

Sugiyono (2011: 223) in qualitative research, the instrument of the research is

the researcher himself or herself. As the human instrument, the researchers is

functioned to decide the research focus, choose of the source of data, collect

the data, analyze the data, interpret the data, and make the conclusion of the

research. Therefore, the main instrument in doing this research is the

researcher herself.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Without a data, the researcher cannot do the research. To get the data,

researcher uses a technique or more. According to Sugiyono (2011: 225)

there are some techniques to collect the data in a research. They are:

observation, interview, documentation, and triangulation.


In this research the researcher using some steps to collect the data.

Those steps are the following:

1. Finding the Dead Poets Society movie.

2. Watching the Dead Poets Society movie.

3. Downloading the script of Dead Poets Society movie.

4. Reading the script of Dead Poets Society movie.

5. Collecting the idiomatic expressions from characters’ conversation in

Dead Poets Society movie.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

Bogdan in Sugiyono (2011:244) states that data analysis is the process

of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field

notes, and other materials that you accumulate to increase your understanding

of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others.

In this research, the researcher uses some steps to analyze the data.

Those steps are the following:

1. Identifying the types of idiomatic expressions in the dialogue.

2. Analyzing the types of idiomatic expressions in the Dead Poets Society

movie dialogue.

3. Discussion the data of idiomatic expression found in the Dead Poets

Society movie.

4. Applying the idiomatic expression in teaching speaking at the tenth grade

of senior high school.


5. Making conclusion based on the data anlyzed.

G. Technique of Coding Data

The documentary research is the main technique of collecting data that

the researcher uses. In this research, the document is Dead Poets Society’s

script. The researcher makes some codes to classify the data based on the

number of the data. The data number took from number of utterance from

conversation in the script’s movie. The main categories of data are types of


The types of idioms are used abbreviated:

1. Simile : S

2. Binomials : B

3. Proverbs : P

4. Euphemisms : E

5. Clichés and fixed statement : CFS

6. Other Language : OL

The names of the characters of movie are use abbreviated:

1. Mother : M

2. Father : F

3. Photographer : P

4. Teacher : T

5. Mr.Nolan : MN

6. Boy : B


7. Mr.Anderson : MA

8. Mrs.Anderson : MSA

9. Todd : TD

10. Mr.Perry : MP

11. Mrs.Perry : MSP

12. Neil : N

13. Hager : H

14. Spaz : S

15. Knox : KX

16. Cameron : CN

17. Charlie : CE

18. Meeks : MS

19. Mc.Allister : MAR

20. Keating : K

21. Pitts : PS

22. Coach : C

23. Chet : CT

24. Chris : CS

25. Mr.Danburry : MD

26. Mrs.Danburry : MSD

27. Boy 1 : B1

28. Boy 2 : B2

29. Boy 3 : B3


30. Hopkins : H

31. Gloria : G

32. Tina : T

33. Steve : SE

34. Bubba : BA

35. Lysander : L

36. Fairy : FY

37. Puck : PK

38. Hermia : HA



It means that the number of data is 1 taken from number utterance in the

script’s movie, used the category a type of idiom similes and the utterance

from K (Keating) as the idiom in conversation in the movie, and the actor did

the conversation at 22:45:87. In addition the researcher also makes some

notes to describe the context of the situation of the conversation.


In this chapter, the researcher would like to discuss about the results or the

findings of the research. For the first, the researcher presents research finding and

the second is discussion.

A. Finding

In this thesis, the researcher found idioms that used in a movie entitle

Dead Poets Society. There are six types of idioms. There are similes,

binomials, proverbs, euphemisms, clichés and fixed statements and other

languages. The percentages of the usage of idiom in movie entitled Dead

Poets Society to make the research finding is clear.

Table 1 Number and Percentage of Idioms

No. Types of Idioms Frequency Percentage 1. Similes 6 5.83% 2. Binomials 5 4.85% 3. Proverbs 4 3.88% 4. Euphemisms 1 0.97% 5. Clichés and fixed statements 86 83.50% 6. Other language 1 0.97% Total 103 100%

From this research, the researcher found that the most idioms used in

the movie are clichés and fixed statement which is contains 83.50% from

103words of idioms. Types of idioms are used in the conversation in movie

entitled Dead Poets Society are; similes, binomials, proverbs, euphemisms,

clichés and fixed statements, also other language. The researcher found

5.83% for similes, 4.85% for binomials, 3.88% for proverbs, 0.97% for



euphemisms, 83.50% for clichés and fixed statement and 0.97% for other


B. Discussion

1. Idiomatic Expressions in Dead Poets Society Movie

Based on the theory stated by O’Dell and McCarthy (2010:6),

idioms are fixed combinations of words whose meaning is often difficult

to guess from the meaning of each individual word.

In this part, the researcher explains about discussion of finding of

the research. The researcher discusses about the types of idiomatic

expressions found in the Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher

collects some types of idiomatic expressions. In this research, the

researcher used a theory from McCarthy and O’Dell (2010:22-33).

a. Similes

Similes are expressions which compare two things. They often

use the word as or like. Similes make the spoken and written English

more colorful and powerful. The similes that found in the Dead Poets

Society movie are as follow:

1) 47/S/K/00:44:05

Keating : “Don’t just walk off the edge like lemmings. Look around you”

a) Context of situation

In the Mr. Keating’s classroom when the students are all

back in their normal seats and Mr. Keating leaps up onto the desk.


Mr. Keating rings the bell on his desk with his foot. Charlie and

Neil quickly rise from their seats to go to the front of the

classroom. The rest of the class follows them. While, Keating

continue to speaks. Neil and Charlie join him on the desk and

then. Keating jumps down. Keating speaking in front the class

and the student hear it.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘like lemmings’ is an idiomatic expression.

It is included in simile. It can be indicated by the use of ‘like’, and

this ‘like’ compares two things. In this context the speaker was

comparing his student with lemmings. Lemming is a kind of

animal living in snowy area, and his body like a marmot.

Meanwhile ‘like lemmings’ here means doubt. It means that we

have to leave doubt, have firm belief, and stay forward.

2) 59/S/TD/00:57:30 – 00:57:33

Keating :“What’s he mumbling?” Todd :“M-Mumbling, ‘Truth. Truth is like, like a blanket that

always leaves your feet cold” a) Context of situation

In the classroom, Keating was teaches his students.

Keating turn Todd around and points out a picture on the wall.

Keating begins to circle around Todd. Keating puts his hands over

Todd. The Todd eyes and they begin to slowly spin around.

Keating removes his hands from Todd but Todd keeps his eyes


closed. The students begin to laugh and Todd opens his eyes.

Keating quickly gestures for him to close them again.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘like a blanket’ is an idiomatic expression. It

is included in simile type. It can be indicated by use of ‘like’, and

this like compares two things. In this context, the speaker was

comparing the truth with ‘blanket that always leaves your feet

cold’. Meanwhile, ‘like a blanket always leaves your feet cold’

here means the truth is difficult to be closed.

3) 68/S/CE/01:11:04-01:11:25

Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too, Gloria” She walks in beauty like the night She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and stary skies All that’s best, dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes

Gloria :“That’s beautiful”

a) Context of situation

One night when was in the Chet’s kitchen. The two guys

raise their glasses in a toast and Knox reluctantly joins them.

They each take a big drink. Knox rolls his eyes and gasps,

loosening his tie to try and breathe. Bubba puts on a horned

football helmet and walks away. Charlie leans over to Tina. The

boy laughs and Cameron shakes his head. Charlie moved over to

sit next to Gloria.


b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘like the night’ is an idiomatic expression. It

is included in simile. It can be indicated by use of ‘like’, and this

like compares two things. In this context, the speaker was

comparing Tina’s with the night. Meanwhile, ‘like the night’ here

means a place where there are no clouds and lots of stars. Just

‘like the night’ that means she has a very clear and lovely


4) 87/S/CE/01:30:36 – 01:30:40

Todd :“W-What is that?” Charlie :“It’s an Indian warrior symbol for virility. Makes me feel

potent, like it can drive girl crazy”

a) Context of situation

In the night when the students in the bathroom. The boys

are grooming themselves in front of the mirrors. Cameron runs a

comb through his hair and Todd tries to mess it up. One of the

stalls opens and Charlie’s hand emerges, holding a small brush

and a bottle of red paint. He opens his unbuttoned shirt to show a

large red lightning bolt painted down his chest.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘like it can drives girls crazy’ is an idiomatic

expression. It is included in simile. It can be indicated by use of

‘like’, and this like compares two things. In this context, the

speaker was comparing his potent feelings with ‘can drive girls


crazy’. Meanwhile, the sentence ‘like it can drives girls crazy’,

the symbol W is a symbol of power and it can make girls


5) 94/S/MP/01:40:41 – 01:40:47

Neil :”But that’s ten more years. Father, that’s a lifetime” Mr. Perry :”Oh, stop it. Don’t be so dramatic. You make it sound

like a prison term. You don’t understand, Neil. You have opportunities that I never even dreamt of and I am not going to let you waste them”.

a) Context of situation

In the night, on the Mr. Perry’s study room. A photo of

Neil standing stiffly with his parents sits on a table between a

glass of coffee and a half filled ashtray. Mrs. Perry watches

through the window as her husband and son arrive and then takes

a nervous puff on her cigarette before sitting down. Mr. Perry

walks in with Neil close behind him. Neil sits down beside the

desk while Mr. Perry remains standing.

b) Data discussion

The sentence ‘like a prison term’ is an idiomatic

expression. It is included in simile type. It can be indicated by use

of ‘like’, and this ‘like’ compares two things. In this context, the

speaker was comparing Neil sound to a prison term. Meanwhile,

the idiomatic expression ‘like a prison term’ here means sadness.

Just like a prison term, sadness.


In similes type, the researcher found 6 conversations using

idiomatic expressions. The percentage of them comparing to the

other types is 5.83%.

b. Binomials

Binominals are fixed two words are joined by a conjunction

(linking word). The order of the two words is fixed. For example, we

always say black and white. It cannot change as white and black. The

binomials that found in the Dead Poets Society movie are as follow:

1) 60/B/TD/00:57:33 – 00:57:38 Keating :”Forget them, forget them. Stay with the blanket. Tell me

about that blanket” Todd :”Y-Y-Y-You push it, stretch it, it’ll never be enough.

You kick at it, beat it, it’ll never be enough. You kick at it, beat it, it’ll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, it will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.”

a) Context of situation

In the classroom, Keating was taught his students about

poem. Keating was told one of his students, Todd to stand up.

Keating puts his hand over Todd’s eye. He removes his hand from

Todd but Todd keep closed his eyes. Other students begin to

laugh and Todd opens his eyes.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘wail and cry and scream’ is an idiomatic

expression. It is because ‘wail and cry and scream’ has same

meaning. Meanwhile, ‘wail and cry and scream’ means screams.

That sentence include in trinomials, trinomials are similar type as


binomials. While binomials have two words joined, trinomials

have three words joined.

2) 65/B/CH/01:10:50 – 01:10:53

Charlie :”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate”

Tina :”That’s so sweet” a) Context of situation

One night when was the Chet’s house. Knox rolls his eye

and gasps, loosening his tie to try and breathe. Knox and his

friends raise their glasses for a toast and down the rest of their

glasses. Bubba puts on a horned football helmet and walks away.

Charlie leans over to Tina.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘more lovely and more temperate is an

idiomatic expression. It because it does not have the right

meaning toward the context when it is translated literally each

words. 'More' means increasingly. In fact, ‘more lovely and more

temperate’ here means better than before. This idiomatic

expression is included in binomials. It is because the two words

‘more and more’ have the same words.

3) 66/B/CH/01:11:04-01:11:25

Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too, Gloria” She walks in beauty like the night

She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies All that’s best, dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes


Gloria :“That’s beautiful” a) Context of situation

One night when was in the Chet’s kitchen. The two guys

raise their glasses in a toast and Knox reluctantly joins them.

They each take a big drink. Knox rolls his eyes and gasps,

loosening his tie to try and breathe. Bubba puts on a horned

football helmet and walks away. Charlie leans over to Tina. The

boy laughs and Cameron shakes his head. Charlie moved over to

sit next to Gloria.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘dark and bright’ is an idiomatic expression.

‘Dark’ means a state where there is no light in the place. ‘Bright’

means like daylight filled with light. The words ‘dark and bright

’phrase means two different sides. This idiomatic expression is

including binomials. It is because there have opposite meaning.

4) 67/B/CE/01:11:04-01:11:25

Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too, Gloria” She walks in beauty like the night She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies All that’s best, dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes”

Gloria :“That’s beautiful” a) Context of situation

One night when was in the Chet’s kitchen. The two guys

raise their glasses in a toast and Knox reluctantly joins them.


They each take a big drink. Knox rolls his eyes and gasps,

loosening his tie to try and breathe. Bubba puts on a horned

football helmet and walks away. Charlie leans over to Tina. The

boy laughs and Cameron shakes his head. Charlie moved over to

sit next to Gloria.

b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘cloudless climes and starry skies’ is an

idiomatic expression. It because it does not have the right

meaning toward the context when it is translated literally each

words. ‘Cloudless climes and starry skies mean there is something

good behind bad situation. This idiomatic expression is included

in binomials. It is because the two words ‘climes’ and ‘skies’ has

the same rhyme ‘es’.

5) 91/B/CS/01:31:35 – 01:31:40

Knox :”I can’t, Chris. I love you” Chris :”Knox, you say that over and over. You don’t, you don’t

even know me” a) Context of situation

In hallway, when the Christ standing by the door. Knox

leaves the other boys to join her. Charlie hustles the boys away

and Meeks remains starting at her. Charlie returns to drag him.

Snow is lightly falling as Chris and Knox walk outside.


b) Data analysis

The sentence ‘over and over’ is an idiomatic expression. It

because it does not have the right meaning toward the context

when it is translated literally each words. 'Over' mean above or

higher than others. In fact, ‘over and over’ here means repeatedly,

again and again. This idiomatic expression is included in

binomials. It is because the two words ‘over and over’ have the


In binomials type, the researcher found 5 conversations using

idiomatic expressions. The percentage of them comparing to the other

types is 4.85%.

c. Proverbs

Proverbs are short sentence which refer to something most

people have experienced and they give advices or warnings. Proverbs’

form id fixed cannot be changed. Sometimes it is not possible to guess

the proverb’s meaning by looking at the individuals words. Proverbs

divided by three kinds. There are positive situations, negative

situations, and other popular proverbs. The proverbs that found in the

Dead Poets Society movie are as follow:

1) 14/P/K/00:16:09-00:16:30

Keating :”Hear it? (whispering again) Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary”


a) Context of situation

In the classroom, Meeks immediately puts his hand up.

Mr. Keating slams his hand down on an imaginary buzzer. The

students slowly gather round the cases and Mr. Keating moves

behind them. The boys lean in and Mr. Keating hovers over

Cameron’s shoulder. Cameron looks over his shoulder with an

aggravated expression on his face.

b) Data analysis

“Seize the day” is an idiomatic expression. It is because

when ‘seize’, ‘the’ and ‘day’ are translated literally one by one,

they do not have the exact meaning that the speaker indeed to say.

‘Seize’ is has the some meaning with reach. ‘Day’ is a period of

twenty-four hours as a unit of time. In this context, the sentence

“seize the day’ mean to use an opportunity to do something that

he wants and not to worry about his future. This idiomatic

expression is included in proverb type. It is because the idiomatic

expression contains advice.

2) 19/P/MD/00:19:28 – 00:19:28

Chris : ”I’m coming” Mr. Danburry : ”I know where you’re headed, like father like son,

huh?” a) Context of situation

At night in the Mr. Danbury’s house the doorbell rings.

The door opens and Knox is awe-struck by the beautiful girl


(Chris) who has answered the house. Knox manages to break out

of his daze. Chris begins to laugh as Mrs. Danbury arrives behind

her. Knox enters the house, his mind still hung up on Chris as Mr.

Danbury comes out of the living room to meet him.

b) Data analysis

‘Like father, like son’ is an idiomatic expression. It is

because when ‘like’, ’father’, ’son’ are translated literally one by

one, they do not have the exact meaning that the speaker intended

to say. ‘Like’ means have the same thing. ‘Father’ is a man who

head of family. ‘Son’ is a little boy in a family. In this context the

meaning of ‘like father, like son’ is that both father and son have

the same attitudes as his father or behaves in the same way. This

idiomatic expression is included in proverb type. It is because that

idiomatic expression is a popular proverb that we often hear.

3) 45/P/N/00:39:44-00:40:18

Charlie :”Abraham Cowley. Okay, who’s next?” Neil :”Alfred Lord Tennyson. Come my friends, ‘Tis not too late

to seek a newer world for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset. And though we are not now that strength which in olds days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;--One equal temper of heroic hearts, Make weak by time and fate, but strong in will”.

a) Context of situation

At night in a cave, Charlie clears his throat and pulls out a

page from a magazine and slowly unfolds it. Neil gets up and

looks over Charlie’s shoulder to see what he is reading. Charlie


winks at the guys and they clap and cheer. Charlie turns over the

centerfold to show where he had written down the poem. Neil

sits reading from the book by flashlight.

b) Data analysis

‘Not too late’ is an idiomatic expression. It is because

when ‘not’, ‘too’, and ‘late’ are translated literally one by one,

they do not have the exact meaning that the speaker indeed to say.

‘Not’ is has the same meaning with never. ‘Too’ is has the same

meaning with also. Meanwhile, ‘late’ means doing something not

in expected time. In fact, ‘not too late’ here means used to

encourage someone to try to accomplish something on time. This

idiomatic expression is included in proverb type. It is because the

idiomatic expression contains advice.

4) 46/P/K/00:43:33 – 00:43:43

Keating :”Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try! Now when you read, don’t just consider what the author thinks. Consider what you think”.

a) Context of situation

In the classroom when Mr. Keating was teach. Keating

rings the bell on his desk with his foot. Charlie and Neil quickly

rise from their seats to go to the front of the class. The rest of the

class follows them. When Keating continues speaks. Neil and

Charlie join him on the desk.


b) Data analysis

“Look at it in another way” is an idiomatic expression. It

is because when ‘look’, ’another’, ’way’ are translated literally

one by one, they do not have the exact meaning that the speaker

intended to say. ‘Look’ has the same meaning with see. ‘Another’

means different and ‘way’ means a route. In fact, ‘look at it in

another way’ here means to ignore something wrong or

unpleasant that people know is happening instead of trying to deal

with it. This is included in proverb type, because that idiomatic

expression contains advice.

In proverbs type, the researcher found 4conversations using

idiomatic expression. The percentage of them comparing to the other

types is 3.88%.

d. Euphemisms

Euphemisms are a type of idiom used to avoid saying words

which may offend or be considered unpleasant. They are useful to learn,

as they will help you communicate using language which is appropriate

for the situation you are in. Euphemisms are used (1) To talk about

subject this may upset or offend, (2) To avoid using direct words for

body functions, (3) For humorous effect when telling anecdotes, (4) By

the media or political institutions to tone down unpleasant situation.

The euphemisms that found in the Dead Poets Society movie are as



1) 40/E/N/00:36:58 – 00:37:05

Charlie :”I’ll second that” Neil :”To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had

come to die, discover that I had not lived” a) Context of situation

At the night in the cave, the boys are trying to start a fire.

The cave is quickly filling up with smoke. Pitts tries to stand up

and slams his head into the low rock ceiling. He lets out a yell

while the others laugh. Neil stands before the others with the book

in hand, and takes a drag on a cigarette.

b) Data analysis

‘Not lived’ is an idiomatic expression. When it translated

literally, the meaning is not what the speaker intended to say. It is

because it does not have the right meaning toward the context

when it translated literally each word. ‘Not’ has the same

meaning with never. ’Lived’ means breathe. Meanwhile, in this

context, the speaker did not mean anything about all of those.

‘Not live’ in this context means die. This idiomatic expression is

included in euphemisms type. It is because the speakers avoid

using direct words to talk about subject this may upset or offend

someone else.

In euphemisms type, the researcher found 1 conversation using

idiomatic expression. The percentage of them comparing to the other

types is 0.97%.


e. Clichés and Fixed Expressions

Clichés is a comment that is often used in certain common,

everyday situations. It is a comment that most people are familiar with

and is therefore not original. Clichés are often used in everyday

conversation and they are also frequently played with in advertising

slogans and newspaper headlines.

1) 04/CFS/M/00:05:18 – 00:05:20

Father : “Hey, come on son” Mother : “Chin up” Father : “No tears now” a) Context of situation

The conversations take place in the school grounds. The

boys will enter school for the first time. His parents drove to the

front of the school gate. He looks very sad about having to part

with his parents. Bell rings and parents have to leave their

children in school. Parents begin wishing their boys farewell.

b) Data analysis

‘Chin up’ is an idiomatic expression. It is because it does

not have the right meaning toward the context when it is

translated literally each words. ‘Chin’ is the part of a person face

below his mouth. ‘Up’ is toward a higher position. Meanwhile, in

this context, the speaker did not mean anything about all of those.

In this context ‘Chin up’ means to encourage someone to be


brave. This idiomatic expression is included in fixed statements

type. It is because often used and heard in everyday conversation.

2) 20/CFS/H/00:20:40 – 00:20:44

Pitts : “We got it” Meeks : “Turn that” Hager : “All right gentlemen, five minutes. Let’s go” a) Context of situation

One night, in the students’ lounge, several students are

throwing darts at a small rubber skeleton hanging from the

bulletin board. Charlie enters the room and closes the door behind

him, leaning up against it heavily. He leaves the door and sits

down with the other boys. The radio Meeks and Pitts were

working on begins letting out a high pitched hum. Mr. Hager

walks into the room.

b) Data analysis

‘All right’ is an idiomatic expression. It is because when

‘all right’ translated literally, it does not have the exact meaning

that the speaker intended. ‘All’ means every one (of) or the

whole, while ‘right’ means correct. In fact ‘all right’ in this

context means okay or yes. ‘All right’ is included in fixed

statements type, it is because often used and heard in everyday


3) 35/CFS/MAR/00:32:59 – 00:33:03

Todd : “Neil, Neil!” McAllister : “Oh shut up, will you?”


a) Context of situation

A conversation takes place inside the library. The boys are

gathered around one of the tables with a map laid out on in. The

boys take their seats once again and Neil goes over. He sits next

to Todd, who is sitting by himself. They are talking about Mr.

Keating. Neil gets up and rejoins the other. McAllister hears the

boys whispering again.

b) Data analysis

‘Shut up’ is an idiomatic expression. It is because ‘shut

up’ is a phrasal verb. ‘Shut’ here is the verb and ‘up’ is the adverb

or preposition. Besides, when ‘shut’ and ‘up’ are translated

literally one by one, they do not have the exact meaning that the

speaker intended to say. ‘Shut’ means close something and ‘up’

means towards a higher position. Meanwhile, ‘shut up’ here

means stop talking. It is include in fixed statements type, because

it is often heard and used in everyday conversation.

4) 41/CFS/CE/00:37:28 – 00:37:30

Knox :“Yuck” Charlie :“Wait a minute, who gave us half a roll?” a) Context of situation

One night on the jungle wood, Neil stands before the

others with the book in hand, and takes a drag on a cigarette. The

boys cheer and Neil begins flipping through the book. Meeks lays

his coat down and everyone dumps their food on it. Among the


pile are chocolate chips cookies, a box of raisins, a few apples and

an orange.

b) Data analysis

‘Wait a minute’ is an idiomatic expression. it is because

when ‘wait a minute’ is translated literally, it does not have the

exact meaning that the speaker intended to say. The speaker did

not mean anything about something intended for one minute. In

fact, in this context ‘wait a minute’ means for a long short period

of time. This is idiomatic expression is included in fixed

statements type. It is because it is often heard and used in

everyday conversation.

5) 77/CFS/K/01:21:05 – 01:21:08

Charlie :“Aye, aye Captain” Keating :“Keep your head about you. That goes for the lot of you” a) Context of situation

One day in a study room, Mr. Keating was teaching the

students. Charlie sits with his bongos as the other boys are all

crowded around him. He hits the bongos as he mimes Nolan’s

footsteps. The door opens and Mr. Keating walks in. Many of the

boys get up from their seats. Keating leaves and the boys gather

around Charlie once again.

b) Data discussion

‘Keep your head’ is an idiomatic expression. It is because

it does not have the right meaning toward the context when it is


translated literally each words. ‘Keep’ means stay or continue

doing. ‘Your’ mean belonging to or associated with the person or

people that the speakers addressing. ‘Head’ means the upper part

of the human body. Meanwhile, in this context, the speaker did

not mean anything about all of those. In this context ‘keep your

head’ means calm down or relax. This idiomatic expression is

included in fixed statements type. It is because often used and

heard in everyday conversation.

In clichés and fixed statements type, the researcher found 86

conversations using idiomatic expression. The percentage of them

comparing to the other types is 83.50%.

f. Other Language

English includes many words from other language. Some of

them are from Latin or French.

1) 15/OL/K/00:16:09-00:16:30

Keating :”Hear it? (whispering again) Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary”

a) Context of situation

In the classroom, Meeks immediately puts his hand up.

Mr. Keating slams his hand down on an imaginary buzzer. The

students slowly gather round the cases and Mr. Keating moves

behind them. The boys lean in and Mr. Keating hovers over

Cameron’s shoulder. Cameron looks over his shoulder with an

aggravated expression on his face.


b) Data analysis

“Carpe diem” is an idiomatic expression. It is because the

word ‘carpe diem’ is from Latin language. ‘Carpe diem’ means

seize the day in English language. ‘Seize’ has the same meaning

with grab. ‘The’ used to make a generalized reference to

something rather than identifying a particular instance. ‘Day’ is a

period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time. In this context, the

sentence “seize the day’ mean to use an opportunity to do

something that the people want and not to worry about his future.

This idiomatic expression is included in other language type. It is

because the idiomatic expression is from Latin language.

In other language type, the researcher found 1 conversation

using idiomatic expression. The percentage of them comparing to the

other types is 0.97%.

From this research, the researcher found that the most idioms used

in the movie are clichés and fixed statement which is contains 83.50% from

103 words of idioms. Types of idioms are used in the conversation in movie

entitled Dead Poets Society are; similes, binomials, proverbs, euphemisms,

clichés and fixed statements, also other language. The researcher found

5.83% for similes, 4.85% for binomials, 3.88% for proverbs, 0.97% for

euphemisms, 83.50% for clichés and fixed statement and 0.97% for other

language. The most dominant idiomatic expression in this movie is clichés

and fixed statement because the percentage is 83.50%.


2. The Application of Idiomatic Expressions in Teaching Speaking at the

Tenth Grade of Senior High School

Dead Poets Society movie is an example of a movie where the

story came from a narrative. We know that movie and narrative are parts

of literary work which cannot be separated from figurative language. A

kind of figurative language is idiom or idiomatic expression. Besides the

idiom used in a literary works, idiom used by English native speakers to

communicate. In this research, the researcher wants to show that the

idiomatic expressions can application in many contexts, and the researcher

focus in the use of idiom in narrative text. This is become subject material

in teaching learning English. Narrative text is listed in an eleventh grade of

Senior High School syllabus.

The used of movie in teaching learning process make the students

more interested to study about the materials. They will not bored and pay

more attention to the teaching learning process in the classroom. In

teaching speaking, especially speaking narrative, teacher can play the

movie to give the stimulus to the students. If the students enjoy in teaching

learning process, so they can get more inspiration to found the idiomatic

expression in the movie. Then the idiomatic expression that found in the

movie gives the students example about how to make their speaking more




School Name : Senior High School

Subject : English

Class : X

Semester : 2

Year : 2016/2017

Time Allocated : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Standard Competency


To express simple, short, functional texts and simple monologue texts in the

genres of report, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of daily life.

2. Basic Competency

To express simple, monologue texts accurately, fluently, and acceptably in the

genres of report, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of daily life.

3. Indicators

- Read aloud a written text with the right pronunciation.

- Identify the topic of the text.

- Identify the meaning of words in the text.

- Identify the meaning of sentences in the text.

- Identify the setting in a narrative text.

- Identify the complication in a narrative text.

- Identify the idiomatic expression that found in the text.


4. Goal of Teaching/Learning activities

Students are able to:

- Read aloud a written text with the right pronunciation and intonation

- Identify the topic of the text

- Identify the meaning of words in the text

- Identify the meaning of sentences in the text

- Identify the setting in a narrative text

- Identify the complication in a narrative text

- Identify the idiomatic expression that found in the text.

5. Material

Oral text in the genre of narrative

6. Teaching Method

Three Phase Techniques

7. Teaching / Learning Activities


- Preparing students psychologically and physically to start the learning


- The teacher asks the students about the previous materials they have


Main Activities


- The teacher gives the example of narrative text


Questioning :

- The teacher asks the students to ask the material about narrative text


- The teacher ask students to read the narrative text

- The teacher asks the students to answer the questions based on the text

- The teacher points some idiomatic expression, then ask students to find the


- The teacher plays Dead Poets Society movie then asks the students in group

to find the idiomatic expression and their meanings


- The teacher gives feedback on students work


- The teacher asks the students in group to make a narrative text and include

some of idiomatic expressions they found in the movie

- The teacher asks the students to make story telling of the narrative text they

made in front of the class with good pronunciation and intonation.

- The teacher asks the students to review the narrative text they have learned.

- The teacher ends the lesson by asking the students to make conclusion.


- The teacher asks the students to make a brief resume about the narrative text

they have learned

- Leave taking


8. Evaluation

A. Practice the monologue text below with good pronunciation!

The Ant and the Grasshopper

In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hoping about,

chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing

along with great toil and ear of corn he was talking to the nest.

“Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper,

“instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”

“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and

recommend you to do the same”

“Why brother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; we have got

plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued

its toil.

When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of

hunger, while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and grain

from the stores they had collected in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper knew. It is best prepare for the days of



Based on the text above, answer the questions orally!

1. What is the writer’s purpose to write the story?

2. In what part does the writer identify the main character of the story?


3. Who are the characters in this story?

4. Who is the main character?

5. When did this story happen?

6. Where did this story occur?

7. In what part of the story do you find a crisis in the story?

8. In what part of the story is the crisis resolved?

9. What is the moral value you get from this story?

10. What is the idiomatic expression you get from this story?

B. Watch a short clip Dead Poets Society movie played by the teacher. Find

out the idiomatic expressions and their meanings! (minimum 5)

No. Idiomatic Expression Meanings




C. Make a short narrative text contains minimum 5 idiomatic expression,

then story telling the text in a good pronunciation and intonation!

Scoring Rule

School Name : Class/semester :

Subject : Year :

Type of Test :

No. Criteria Score


The students are asked to practice the monologue text

(narrative text) with good pronunciation.






The students are asked to answer some questions orally based

on the narrative text they have just practiced.

The students are asked to find out idiomatic expression and

their meanings

The students are asked to make a narrative text, and then story

telling it in a good pronunciation.




Mark = score gotten x 2 100

Source: Lesson Plans by Dra. RahmiBektiUtami, a teacher in SMA 7 Purworejo.

9. Source / Material

- LCD Projector

- Laptop

- Speaker

- Dead Poets Society movie

- English Alive Grade 2 Published by


- EnglishStudent worksheet

Purworejo, June 2017

Approved by

English teacher

.............. NIP.

The researcher

Dwi Agus Tiyarini NIM. 132120071

Head Master of SMA

...... NIP


This chapter is the last chapter in this thesis. In this chapter, the researcher

gives conclusion and suggestion for all whom related to this study.

A. Conclusions

After discussing Dead Poets Society movie in chapter IV, the researcher

gives conclusion about the thesis. Here is the conclusion:

1. Types of idiomatic expressions found in the movie entitled Dead Poets


From the research, the researcher found the types of idiomatic

expression in Dead Poets Society movie are as follows: there are 6 similes,

5 binomials, 4 proverbs, 1 euphemism, 86 clichés and fixed statements, and

1 other language. In the movie, the researcher found 103 idiomatic

expressions, there are: similes, binomials, proverbs, euphemisms, clichés

and fixed statements, also other language. The researcher found 5.83% for

similes, 4.85% for binomials, 3.88% for proverbs, 0.97% for euphemisms,

83.50% for clichés and fixed statement and 0.97% for other language. From

those data, it is concluded that the most dominant idiomatic expression type

found in Dead Poets Society movie is clichés and fixed statements type.

2. The application of study analysis in teaching speaking.

The application of idiomatic expression in Dead Poets Society movie

in teaching learning is to teach speaking of narrative text in tenth grade of

Senior High School. The teacher asks the students to make a narrative text



contain idiomatic expression they found in Dead Poets Society movie, and

then they story telling their narrative text in front of the class.

B. Suggestions

After finishing this thesis, the researcher has some suggestion as


1. For Teacher

Teaching the speaking skill in the classroom is not easy because it

need more practice. The teacher should use the interesting method,

technique, or media to teach speaking, for example teaching using movie.

Movie can make the teaching learning process not bored and more

interesting. Teacher also should know how to make his/her students’

speaking to be more fascinating.

2. For Student

To make the speaking more interesting, the students should add

figurative language to their speaking, for example idiomatic expression. It

is suggested that students do more reading or watching movies and pay

attention on the idiomatic expression. By knowing so much about

idiomatic expression, it also helps the students to understand, make and

story-telling narrative text well.

3. For the Reader

For the reader who is interested to do a same study about idiomatic

expression, this thesis can be a reference for the future research.


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http://www/ (accessed on April 20th , 2017 at 10.00 a.m) (accessed on May 15th , 2017 at 07.00 a.m) ( accessed on May 10th, 2017 at 08.00 p.m)


Table 2

Description of Idiomatic Expressions

No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of




Man :“All right boys, let’s settle

down” 00:01:15 –


Clichés and Fixed



Man :”Banners up” 00:01:28 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Nolan :”You’ve been away too

long” 00:04:46 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mother :“Chin up” 00:05:18 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mother :”I love you, you be a good

boyanddo your lesson” 00:05:24 –


Clichés and Fixed



Hager :”All right fine” 00:05:50 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”Listen don’t mind

Cameron. He was born

with his foot on his

mouth. You know what I


00:06:18 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”Yep. Chemistry. My

father though I should get

ahead. How was your

summer Slick?”

00:06:29 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Perry :”Keep your seats fellows,

keep your seats. Neil,

I’ve just spoken to Mr.

Nolan. I think that you’re

taking too many extra

curricular activities this

semester, and I’ve

decided that you should

drop the school annual”

00:07:50 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of




Knox :”All right, all right. So

what are you doing to


00:09:17 –


Clichés and Fixed



McAllister :”Slow down boys, slow

down your horrible

phalanx of pubescence”

00:10:18 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Thank you for playing

anyway.. because we are

food from worms lads.

Because believe it or not,

each and every one of us

in this room is one day

going to stop breathing,

turn cold, and die”

00:14:38 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”They’re not that different

from you, are they? Same

haircuts. Full of

harmonies, just like you.

Invincible, just like you

feel. The world is their

oyster. They believe

they’re destined for great

things, just like many of

you. Their eyes are full of

hope, just like you”

00:15:11 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Hear it? (whispering

again) Carpe. Carpe

Diem. Seize the day

boys, make your lives



00:16:30 Proverbs


Keating :”Hear it? (whispering

again) Carpe. Carpe

Diem. Seize the day boys,

make your lives



00:16:30 Other Language


Coach :”Let’s go boys, hustle up

in here. That’s means you


00:17:02 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of




Neil :”Suit yourself” 00:17:34 –


Clichés and Fixed



Chris :”I’ll get it” 00:18:44 –


Clichés and Fixed



Danburry :”I know where you’re

headed, like father like

son, huh?”

00:19:28 –

00:19:33 Proverbs


Hager :”All rightgentlemen, five

minutes. Let’s go” 00:20:40 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Excrement. That’s what I

think of Mr. J.Evans

Pritchard. We’re not

laying pipe, we’re talking

about poetry. Cameron

looks down at the graph

he copied in his notes and

quickly scribbles it out”

00:22:40 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Go on, rip it out” 00:23:13 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Thank you Mr. Dalton

.Gentlemen, tell you

what, don’t just tear out

that page, tear out the

entire introduction. I want

it gone, history. Leave

nothing of it. Rip it out.


00:23:16 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Keep ripping gentlemen.

This is a battle, a war.

And the casualties could

be your hearts and souls”

00:24:31 –


Clichés and Fixed



McAllister :”You take a big risk by

encouraging them to be

artist John. When they

realize they’re not

Rembrads, Shakespeares

or Mozarts, they’ll hate

00:27:20 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



you for it”


Keating :”Gentlemen, can you keep

a secret?” 00:29:22 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”The Dead Poets were

dedicated to sucking the

marrow out of life. That a

phrase from Thoreau that

we’d invoke at the

beginning of each

meeting. You see we’d

gather at the old Indian

cave and take turns

reading from Thoreau,

Whitman, Shelly; the


00:29:29 –


Clichés and Fixed



Cameron :”Wait a minute” 00:30:37 –

00:30: 39

Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”It’s beyond the stream, I

know where it is” 00:30:40 –


Clichés and Fixed



Hager :”You boys there, hurry

up” 00:30:54 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”All right, who’s in?” 00:30:57 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”Okay, follow the stream

to the waterfall. It’s right

there. It’s got to be on the


00:31:45 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”All right. What if you

didn’t have to read? What

if you just come and


00:32:37 –


Clichés and Fixed



Todd :”What? What are you

gonna do, go up and ask


00:32:48 –


Clichés and Fixed


35. McAllister :”Oh shut up, will you” 00:32:59 – Clichés and Fixed

No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



00:33:03 Expressions


Spaz :”Get off” 00:33:18 –


Clichés and Fixed



Hager :”Cut out that racket in

there. The kazoo player

lets out a rude squeek

before finally stopping”

00:33:20 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”Guys, over here” 00:36:06 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”All right, all right, forget

the fire. Let’s go


00:36:24 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”To put to rout all that was

not life, and not, when I

had come to die, discover

that I had not lived”

00:36:58 –




Charlie :”Wait a minute, who

gave us half a roll?” 00:37:28 –


Clichés and Fixed



Pitts :”You want me to put it

back” 00:37:33 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”All right? No, I don’t

need it. You take it. 00:38:50 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”I didn’t memorize a

poem. Move up” 00:38:58 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil : ”Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Come my friends, ‘Tis

not too late to seek a

newer world for my

purpose holds to sail

beyond the sunset. And

though we are not now

that strength which in

olds days. Moved earth

and heaven; that which

we are, we are;--One


00:40:18 Proverbs

No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



equal temper of heroic

hearts, Made weak by

time and fate, but strong

in will. To strive, to seek,

to find and not to yield”


Keating :”Just when you think you

know something, you

have to look at it in

another way. Even

though it may seem silly

or wrong, you must try!

Now when you read,

don’t just consider what

the author thinks.

Consider what you think”

00:43:33 –

00:43:43 Proverbs


Keating :“Don’t just walk off the

edge like lemmings.

Look around you”

00:44:05 –




Mr. Nolan :”Take a power train in

two! Three! Keep your

eyes in the boat!”

00:44:57 -


Clichés and Fixed



Meeks :”We got it, Pittsie. We got

it! Radio Free America” 00:45:06 –


Clichés and Fixed



Todd :”Neil, Neil, hold on a

minute. How are you

gonna be in a play if you

father won’t let you”

00:46:25 –

00:46: 30

Clichés and Fixed



Todd :”No! I—I, I don’t know,

but that’s not the poin.

The, the, the point is that

there’s nothing you can

do about it, so you can do

about it, so you can just

butt out. I can take care

of my self just fine. All


00:47:56 –


Clichés and Fixed


52. Coach :”Okay, everybody on the

bus. Let’s go, boys.

00:50:18 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



Come on let’s go on the

bus, boys. Now!”


Keating :”Now, devotees may argue

that one sport or games is

inherently better than

another. For me sport is

actually a chance for us to

have other human beings

push us to excel. I want

you all to come over here

and take a slip of papper

and line up single file”

00:50:29 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”I want you to hand these

out to the boys, one


00:50:55 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Now go on” 00:51:10 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Congratulations, Mr.

Hopkins. Yours is the

first poem to ever have a

negative score on the

Pitchard scale. We’re not

laughing at you, we’re

laughing near you. I don’t

mind that your poem had

a simple theme.

Sometimes the most

beautiful poetry can be

about simple things, like

a cat, or a flower or

rain. You see poetry can

come from anything with

the stuff of revelation in

it. Just don’t let your

poems be ordinary. Now

who’s next?”

00:54:44 –

00:55:09 Similes


Keating :”Now, for those of you

who don’t know, a yawp

is a loud cry or yell. Now,

Todd, I would like you to

00:55:44 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



give us a demonstration

of a barbaric “yawp”.

Come on. You can’t yawp

sitting down. Let’s go”


Keating :”No, you can do better

than that. Free up your

mind. Use your

imagination. Say the first

thing that pops into your

head, even if it’s total


00:56:56 –


Clichés and Fixed



Todd :“M-Mumbling, ‘Truth.

Truth is like, like a

blanket that always

leaves your feet cold”

00:57:30 –

00:57:33 Similes


Todd :”Y-Y-Y-You push it,

stretch it, it’ll never be

enough. You kick at it,

beat it, it’ll never be

enough. You kick at it,

beat it, it’ll never cover

any of us. From the

moment we enter crying

to the moment we leave

dying, it will just cover

your face as you wail and

cry and scream.”

00:57:33 –




Charlie :”Knoxious, you’ve gotta

calm down” 01:01:13 –


Clichés and Fixed



Knox :”She’s gonna hate me. The

Danburry’s will hate me.

My parents will kill me.

All right, goddamn it.

You’re right. “Carpe

diem” even if it kills me”

01:01:39 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”Mr. Overstreet, driven by

deeper force. Yes we

know that. All right.

Now, Ididn’t bring them

01:04:35 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



up here to ridicule them. I

brought them up here to

illustrate the point of



Charlie :”Yeah, this is it. Go

ahead, go on in. It’s my

cave. Watch your step”

01:08:04 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”Shall I compare thee to a

summer’s day? Thou art

more lovely and more


01:10:50 –

01:10:53 Binomials


Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too,


She walks in beauty like

the night

She walks in beauty like

the night

Of cloudless climes and

starry skies

All that’s best, dark and

bright Meet in her aspect and

her eyes


01:11:25 Binomials


Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too,


She walks in beauty like

the night

She walks in beauty like

the night

Of cloudless climes and

starry skies

All that’s best, dark and


Meet in her aspect and

her eyes”


01:11:25 Binomials


Charlie :“I’ll write one for you too,


She walks in beauty like

the night She walks in beauty like


01:11:25 Similes

No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



the night

Of cloudless climes and

starry skies

All that’s best, dark and


Meet in her aspect and

her eyes


Tina :”Go ahead, pass it

around” 01:13:49 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”So we can all stop

beating off” 01:14:29 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”All right, but you still

shouldn’t have done it,

Charlie. This could mean

trouble. You don’t speak

for the club”

01:14:59 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”Welton Academy. Hello.

Yes, he is. Just a


01:16:21 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”You kicked out?” 01:18:11 -


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Nolan :”What was going on in the

courtyard the other day?” 01:19:30 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”It’s all right, gentlemen” 01:20:18 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :”No. You being expelled

from school is not daring

to me. It’s stupid, cause

you’ll miss some golden


01:20:45 –


Clichés and Fixed



Keating :“Keep your head about

you. That goes for the lot

of you”

01:21:05 –


Clichés and Fixed


78. Charlie :”All right, go on play” 01:21:23 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of




Director :”Wait, please. Excitement.

I don’t hear any

excitement about this

play. And take her hand.

Bring her down the stage

and stop. And “There

gentle Hermia” Okay try


01:21:43 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :“Wait a minute. Before

you anything” 01:22:14 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Perry :”Don’t you dare talk back

to me! It’s bad enough

that you’ve wasted your

time with this, this absurd

acting business. But you

deliberately deceived me!

How, how, how did you

expect to get away with


01:22:20 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Perry :”I made a great many

sacrifices to get you here,

Neil, and you will not let

me down”

01:23:34 –


Clichés and Fixed



Neil :”I know what he’ll say.

He’ll tell me that acting’s

a whim, and I should

forget it. That how

they’re counting on me.

He’ll just tell me to put it

out of my mind”

01:26:00 –


Clichés and Fixed



Knox :”The heavens made a girl

named Chris. With hair

and skin of gold. To

touch her would be


01:28:23 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”Get out of here.

Cameron, you fool” 01:28:48 –


Clichés and Fixed


No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of




Cameron :”Excuse me, just a

moment. Yes, you’re so


01:30:10 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :“It’s an Indian warrior

symbol for virility. Makes

me feel potent, like it

can drive girl crazy”

01:30:36 –




Keating :”Gentlemen, let’s go” 01:31:03 –


Clichés and Fixed



Knox :”Go ahead, guys. I’ll catch

up” 01:31:05 –


Clichés and Fixed



Chris :”Well, you did. Chet

found out. And it took

everything I could do to

keep him from coming

here and killing you.

Knox you have got to

dtop this stuff”

01:31:25 –


Clichés and Fixed



Chris :”Knox, you say that over

and over. You don’t, you

don’t even know me”

01:31:35 –

01:31:40 Binomials


Knox :”Go ahead, Captain. I’ll

walk” 01:31:45 –


Clichés and Fixed



Chris :”You know what would

happen if Chet found



Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Perry :”Oh, stop it. Don’t be so

dramatic. You make it

sound like a prison

term. You don’t

understand, Neil. You

have opportunities that I

never even dreamt of and

I am not going to let you

waste them”

01:40:41 –

01:40:47 Similes

95. Mr. Perry :”It’s all right, it’s going to 01:46:30 – Clichés and Fixed

No The Idiomatic Expression Time

Type of



be all right” 01:46:33 Expressions


Mrs. Perry :”He’s all right” 01:47:25 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mrs. Perry :”He’s all right! He’s all

right! He’s all right! He’s

all right! He’s all right!

He’s all right!

01:47:40 –


Clichés and Fixed



Pitts :”Calm down” 01:49:14 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”It’s all right. It’s all right 01:49:19 –


Clichés and Fixed



Charlie :”He’s a rat! He’s in it up to

his eyes, so he rattled to

save himself”

01:54:22 –


Clichés and Fixed



Meeks :”Go away. I have to

study” 01:56:58 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Nolan :”All right, then, we’ll start

over. What is poetry? 02:01:09 –


Clichés and Fixed



Mr. Nolan :”Never mind” 02:02:06 –


Clichés and Fixed



Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo


Kelas : X

Alokasi Waktu : 2 jam pelajaran / minggu

Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai

dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait jati diri dan

hubungan keluarga,

sesuai dengan



(Perhatikan unsur


pronoun: subjective,



4.1 Menyusun teks


transaksional lisan

Fungsi Sosial

Mengenalkan, menjalin

hubungan interpersonal

dengan teman dan guru

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Sebutan anggota

keluarga inti dan

yang lebih luas dan

orang-orang dekat

lainnya; hobi,


- Verba: be, have, go,

work, live (dalam

simple present tense)

- Subjek Pronoun: I,

You, We, They, He,

She, It

- Kata ganti possessive

- Menyimak dan

menirukanbeberapa contoh

interaksi terkait jati diri dan

hubungan keluarga, dengan

ucapan dan tekanan kata

yang benar

- Mengidentifikasi


penting dan perbedaan

antara beberapa cara yang


- Menanyakan hal-hal yang

tidak diketahui atau yang


- Mempelajari contoh teks

interaksi terkait jati diri dan

hubungan keluarganya yang

dipaparkan figur-figur


- Saling menyimak dan

bertanya jawab tentang jati

diri masing-masing dengan


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

dan tulis pendek dan

sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait jati diri,



fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

my, your, his, dsb.

- Kata tanya Who?

Which? How? Dst.

- Nomina singular dan

plural dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Deskripsi diri sendiri

sebagai bagian dari

keluarga dan

masyarakat yang dapat

menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajarnya

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


interpersonal lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended),



sesuai dengan



4.2 Menyusun teks


interpersonal lisan

dan tulis sederhana

yang melibatkan


memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended),

dan menanggapinya



fungsi sosial,

Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan

interpersonal dengan

guru, teman dan orang


Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan

memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended),

dan menanggapinya

- Nomina singular dan

plural dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara guru

dan peserta didik di

dalam dan di luar kelas

yang melibatkan

- Menyimak dan menirukan

beberapa contoh

percakapan mengucapkan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended) yang

diperagakan guru/rekaman,

dengan ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar

- Bertanya jawab untuk

mengidentifikasi dan

menyebutkan ungkapan

pemberian selamat dan

pujian serta tambahannya, n

mengidentifikasi persamaan

dan perbedaannya

- Menentukan ungkapan

yang tepat secara lisan/tulis

dari berbagai situasi lain

yang serupa

- Membiasakan menerapkan

yang sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di luar


- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

ucapan selamat dan

pujian yang dapat

menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait niat

melakukan suatu


sesuai dengan



(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan be going

to, would like to)

4.3 Menyusun teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis pendek dan

sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait niat

melakukan suatu




fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

Fungsi Sosial

Menyatakan rencana,

menyarankan, dsb.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan atau di

luar dugaan)

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan pernyataan

niat yang sesuai,

dengan modalbe

going to, would like


- Nomina singular dan

plural dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara guru

dan peserta didik di

dalam dan di luar kelas

yang melibatkan

pernyataan niatyang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI

- Mencermati beberapa

contoh interaksi terkait niat

melakukan suatu


dalam/dengan tampilan

visual(gambar, video)

- Mengidentifikasidengan

menyebutkan persamaan

dan perbedaan dan dari

contoh-contoh yang ada

dalam video tersebut,

dilihat dari isi dan cara


- Bertanya jawab tentang

pernyataan beberapa tokoh

tentang rencana melakukan


- Bermain game terkait

dengan niat mengatasi


- Membiasakan menerapkan

yang sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di luar


- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.

3.4 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis dengan

Fungsi Sosial


menjual, mengenalkan,


mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur Teks

- Menyimak dan menirukan

guru membacakan teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang

tempat wisata dan/atau

bangunan bersejarah

terkenaldengan intonasi,

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait tempat wisata

dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal,

pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


4.4 Teks deskriptif

4.4.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks deskriptif, lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana terkait

tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah


4.4.2 Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait

tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, dengan


fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

Dapat mencakup

- Identifikasi (nama

keseluruhan dan


- Sifat (ukuran, warna,

jumlah, bentuk, dsb.)

- Fungsi, manfaat,

tindakan, kebiasaan

Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan istilah

terkait dengan tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal

- Adverbia terkait sifat

seperti quite, very,

extremely, dst.

- Kalimat dekalraif dan

interogatif dalam

tense yang benar

- Nomina singular dan

plural secara tepat,

dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Deskripsi tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah yang dapat

menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

ucapan, dan tekanan kata

yang benar.

- Mencermati danbertanya

jawab tentang contoh


dengan alat seperti tabel,

mind map, dan kemudian

menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa

deskripsi tempat wisata dan

bangunan lain

- Mencermati cara

mempresentasikan hasil

analisis secara lisan,

mempraktekkan di dalam

kelompok masing-masing,

dan kemudian

mempresentasikan di

kelompok lain

- Mengunjungi tempat wisata

atau bangunan bersejarah

untuk menghasilkan teks

deskriptif tentang tempat

wisata atau bangunan


- Menempelkan teks di

dinding kelas dan bertanya

jawab dengan pembaca

(siswa lain, guru) yang

datang membacanya

- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.

3.5 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks khusus dalam




dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai

dengan konteks

Fungsi Sosial

Menjalin hubungan

interpersonal dan

akademik antar peserta

didik, guru, dan


Struktur Teks

- Istilah khusus terkait

dengan jenis


- Informasi khas yang


- Gambar, hiasan,

- Menyimak dan menirukan

guru membacakan beberapa

teks pemberitahuan

(announcement) dengan

intonasi, ucapan, dan

tekanan kata yang benar.

- Bertanya dan

mempertanyakan tentang

persamaan dan perbedaan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaannya

- Mencermati danbertanya

jawab tentang contoh

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


4.5 Teks pemberitahuan


4.5 1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks khusus dalam




4.5.2 Menyusun teks

khusus dalam bentuk



lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan

sederhana, dengan


fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

komposisi warna

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan dan kosa

kata yang lazim

digunakan dalam



- Nomina singular dan

plural secara tepat,

dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan



kegiatan, kejadian yang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI


Layout dan dekorasi

yang membuat

tampilan teks

pemberitahuan lebih



dengan alat seperti tabel

dan kemudian

menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa teks

pemberitahuan lain

- Membuat teks


(announcement) untuk

kelas atau teman

- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.

3.6 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi





dilakukan/terjadi di

waktu lampau yang

merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan


Fungsi Sosial




menanyakan, dsb.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogative

dalam simple past

tense, present perfect


- Adverbial dengan

since, ago, now;

klause dan adveribial

- Menyimak dan menirukan

beberapa contoh

percakapan terkait dengan

intonasi, ucapan dan

tekanan kata yang tepat

- Guru mendiktekan

percakapan tersebut dan

peserta didik

menuliskannya dalam buku

catatannya untuk

kemudianbertanya jawab

terkait perbedaan dan

persamaan makna kalimat-

kalimat yang menggunakan

kedua tense tersebut

- Membaca beberapa teks

pendek yang menggunakan

kedua tense tersebut, dan

menggunakan beberapa

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

sesuai dengan



(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan simple

past tense vs present

perfect tense)

4.6 Menyusun teks


transaksional, lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi





dilakukan/terjadi di

waktu lampau yang

merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan




fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

penunjuk waktu

- Nomina singular dan

plural secara tepat,

dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Kegiatan, tindakan,

kejadian, peristiwa

yang dapat


yang termuat di KI

kalimat-kalimat di

dalamnya untuk

melengkapi teks rumpang

pada beberapa teks terkait.

- Mencermati beberapa

kalimat rumpang untuk

menentukan tense yang

tepat untuk kata kerja yang

diberikan dalam kurung

- Diberikan suatu kasus,

peserta didik membuat satu

teks pendek dengan

menerapkan kedua tense


- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar

3.7 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks recount lisan

dan tulis dengan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait peristiwa

bersejarah sesuai

dengan konteks


4.7 Teks recount –

peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

Fungsi Sosial


menceritakan, berbagi


mengambil teladan,


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- orientasi

- urutan


- orientasi ulang

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogatif dalam

simple past, past

- Menyimak guru

membacakan peristiwa

bersejarah, menirukan

bagian demi bagian dengan

ucapan dan temakan kata

yang benar, dan bertanya

jawab tentang isi teks

- Menyalin teks tsb dalam

buku teks masing-masing

mengikuti seorang siswa

yang menuliskan di papan

tulis, sambil bertanya jawab

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

- Mencermati analisis

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks recount lisan

dan tulis terkait

peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.2 Menyusun teks

recount lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait

peristiwa bersejarah,



fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

continuous, present

perfect, dan lainnya

yang diperlukan

- Adverbia

penghubung waktu:

first, then, after that,

before, when, at last,

finally, dsb.

- Adverbia dan frasa

preposisional penujuk


- Nomina singular dan

plural dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Peristiwa bersejarah

yang dapat

menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

terhadap fungsi sosial,

rangkaian tindakan dan

kejadian dengan

menggunakan alat seperti

tabel, bagan, dan kemudian

mengerjakan hal sama

dengan teks tentang

peristiwa bersejarah lainnya

- Mengumpulkan informasi

untuk menguraikan

peristiwa bersejarah di


- Menempelkan karyanya di

dinding kelas dan bertanya

jawab dengan pembaca

(siswa lain, guru) yang

datang membacanya

- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks naratif lisan dan

tulis dengan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait legenda

rakyat, sederhana,

sesuai dengan



4.8 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks naratif, lisan

dan tulis sederhana

terkait legenda


Fungsi Sosial

Mendapat hiburan,


mengajarkan nilai-nilai

luhur, mengambil


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- Orientasi

- Komplikasi

- Resolusi

- Orientasi ulang

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat-kalimat

dalamsimple past

tense, past

continuous, dan

lainnya yang relevan

- Kosa kata: terkait

karakter, watak, dan

setting dalam legenda

- Adverbia

- Menyimak guru

membacakan legenda,

sambil dilibatkan dalam

tanya jawab tentang isinya

- Didiktekan guru

menuliskan legenda

tersebut dalam buku catatan

masing-masing, sambil

bertanya jawab terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan yang


- Dalam kelompok masing-

masing berlatih

membacakan legenda tsb

dengan intonasi, ucapan

dan tekanan kata yang

benar, dengan saling


- Membaca satu legenda lain,

bertanya jawab tentang

isinya, dan kemudian

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

penghubung dan

penujuk waktu

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Cerita legenda yang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI

mengidentifikasi kalimat-

kalimat yang memuat

bagian-bagian legenda yang


- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi

sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan




4.9 Menangkap makna

terkait fungsi sosial

dan unsur

kebahasaan secara

kontekstual lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan




Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-

nilai kehidupan dan

karakter yang positif

Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata

bahasa dalam lirik


- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan,

tanda baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Hal-hal yang dapat


keteladanan dan

menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

- Membaca, menyimak, dan

menirukan lirik lagu secara


- Menanyakan hal-hal yang

tidak diketahui atau berbeda

- Mengambil teladan dari

pesan-pesan dalam lagu

- Menyebutkan pesan yang

terkait dengan bagian-

bagian tertentu

- Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajarnya

Purworejo, 18 Juli 2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Dwi Agus Tiyarini

NIP NIM 132120071


Kepala SMA