Text Title Genre Pigs is Pigs Short Story The Drive-In Movies ...

Week of May 26-29 Grade: 6 Content: ELA Learning Objective: Greetings 6 th graders! We hope you are safe and well with your families! This week we are providing you with 5 engaging and informative readings from Common Lit to choose from. We are also providing you with ways to boost your important reading skills through on-line programs. Students with a device and access to the internet should spend time on these sites as well as work on Common Lit activities each week. Common Lit Activities: Text Title Genre Pigs is Pigs Short Story The Drive-In Movies Short Story A teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side Informational text Immigration to the United States Informational text East 149 th Street (Symphony for a Black Girl) Poem Skills Activities: The following websites provide students with more practice with important reading skills. Only students at the identified schools have access to these sites. Directions for logging on are also in this folder. School Program North, East, West, Plouffe Amplify Reading Ashfield, South, Davis Power Up Mrs. K Silva’s classes at West Mrs. Holm’s classes at West Mrs. Freschett’s classes at West READ 180

Transcript of Text Title Genre Pigs is Pigs Short Story The Drive-In Movies ...

Week of May 26-29

Grade: 6 Content: ELA

Learning Objective: Greetings 6th graders! We hope you are safe and well with your families! This week we are providing you with 5 engaging and informative

readings from Common Lit to choose from. We are also providing you with ways to boost your important reading skills through on-line programs. Students with a device and access to the internet should spend time on these sites as well as work on Common Lit activities each week.

Common Lit Activities:

Text Title Genre Pigs is Pigs Short Story The Drive-In Movies Short Story A teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side Informational

text Immigration to the United States Informational

text East 149th Street (Symphony for a Black Girl) Poem

Skills Activities: The following websites provide students with more practice with important reading skills. Only students at the identified schools have access to these sites. Directions for logging on are also in this folder. School Program North, East, West, Plouffe Amplify Reading Ashfield, South, Davis Power Up Mrs. K Silva’s classes at West Mrs. Holm’s classes at West Mrs. Freschett’s classes at West

READ 180

Name: Class:

"Latte the Guinea Pig" by Garen M. is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Pigs is PigsBy Ellis Parker Butler


Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937) was an American writer who published over 30 novels and 2,000 stories andessays. “Pigs is Pigs” is his most famous work. In this story, the argument over the definition of a guinea pigleads to a comedic result. As you read, take notes on the writer’s use of diction (the choice and use of wordsand phrases) and how this contributes to the humor of the story.

Mike Flannery, the Westcote agent of theInterurban Express Company, leaned over thecounter of the express office and shook his fist.Mr. Morehouse, angry and red, stood on theother side of the counter, trembling with rage.The argument had been long and heated, and atlast Mr. Morehouse had talked himselfspeechless. The cause of the trouble stood on thecounter between the two men. It was a soap boxacross the top of which were nailed a number ofstrips, forming a rough but serviceable cage. In ittwo spotted guinea pigs were greedily eatinglettuce leaves.

“Do as you loike, then!” shouted Flannery, “pay for thim an’ take thim, or don’t pay for thim and leavethim be. Rules is rules, Misther Morehouse, an’ Mike Flannery’s not goin’ to be called down fer breakin’of thirn.”

“But, you everlastingly stupid idiot!” shouted Mr. Morehouse, madly shaking a flimsy printed bookbeneath the agent’s nose, “can’t you read it here—in your own plain printed rates? ‘Pets, domestic,Franklin to Westcote, if properly boxed, twenty-five cents each.’” He threw the book on the counter indisgust. “What more do you want? Aren’t they pets? Aren’t they domestic? Aren’t they properly boxed?What?”

He turned and walked back and forth rapidly, frowning ferociously.1

Suddenly he turned to Flannery, and forcing his voice to an artificial2 calmness spoke slowly but withintense sarcasm.

“Pets,” he said. “P-e-t-s! Twenty-five cents each. There are two of them. One! Two! Two times twenty-fiveare fifty! Can you understand that? I offer you fifty cents.”

Flannery reached for the book. He ran his hand through the pages and stopped at page sixty-four.



1. Ferociously (adverb): in a fierce, cruel, or violent manner2. Artificial (adjective): insincere or fake


“An’ I don’t take fifty cints,” he whispered in mockery. “Here’s the rule for ut. ‘Whin the agint be in annydoubt regardin’ which of two rates applies to a shipment, he shall charge the larger. The consign-eymay file a claim for the overcharge.’ In this case, Misther Morehouse, I be in doubt. Pets thim animalsmay be, an’ domestic they be, but pigs I’m blame sure they do be, an’ me rules says plain as the noseon yer face, ‘Pigs Franklin to Westcote, thirty cints each.’ An’, Misther Morehouse, by me arithmetical3

knowledge two times thirty comes to sixty cints.’

Mr. Morehouse shook his head savagely.4 “Nonsense!” he shouted, “confounded nonsense, I tell you!Why, you poor ignorant5 foreigner, that rule means common pigs, domestic pigs, not guinea pigs!”

Flannery was stubborn.

“Pigs is pigs,” he declared firmly. “Guinea pigs or dago pigs or Irish pigs is all the same to the InterurbanCompany an’ to Mike Flannery. Th’ nationality of the pig creates no differentiality in the rate, MistherMorehouse! ‘Twould be the same was they Dutch pigs or Rooshun pigs. Mike Flannery,” he added, “ishere to tind to the expriss business and not to hould conversation wid dago pigs in sivinteen languagesfer to discover be they Chinese or Tipperary by birth an’ nativity.”6

Mr. Morehouse hesitated. He bit his lip and then flung out his arms wildly.

“Very well!” he shouted, “you shall hear of this! Your president shall hear of this! It is an outrage! I haveoffered you fifty cents. You refuse it! Keep the pigs until you are ready to take the fifty cents, but, byGeorge, sir, if one hair of those pigs’ heads is harmed I will have the law on you!”

He turned and stalked out, slamming the door. Flannery carefully lifted the soap box from the counterand placed it in a corner. He was not worried. He felt the peace that comes to a faithful servant whohas done his duty and done it well.

Mr. Morehouse went home raging. His boy, who had been awaiting the guinea pigs, knew better thanto ask him for them. He was a normal boy and therefore always had a guilty conscience when hisfather was angry. So the boy slipped quietly around the house. There is nothing so soothing to a guiltyconscience as to be out of the path of the avenger.7

Mr. Morehouse stormed into the house. “Where’s the ink?” he shouted at his wife as soon as his footwas across the doorsill.

Mrs. Morehouse jumped guiltily. She never used ink. She had not seen the ink, nor moved the ink, northought of the ink, but her husband’s tone convicted her of the guilt of having borne and reared a boy,and she knew that whenever her husband wanted anything in a loud voice the boy had been at it.

“I’ll find Sammy,” she said meekly.



3. Arithmetical (adjective): of or relating to the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation ofnumbers

4. Savagely (adverb): wildly; to a severe, violent, or uncontrolled degree5. Ignorant (adjective): lacking knowledge or general awareness6. the nativity is a reference to the celebration of one’s birth.7. Avenger (noun): one who seeks justice for an injury done to oneself, often inflicting harm to the other


When the ink was found Mr. Morehouse wrote rapidly, and he read the completed letter and smiled atriumphant8 smile.

“That will settle that crazy Irishman!” he exclaimed. “When they get that letter he will hunt another job,all right!”

A week later Mr. Morehouse received a long official envelope with the card of the Interurban ExpressCompany in the upper left corner. He tore it open eagerly and drew out a sheet of paper. At the top itbore the number A6754. The letter was short. “Subject-Rate on guinea pigs,” it said. “Dear Sir, — We arein receipt of your letter regarding rate on guinea pigs between Franklin and Westcote, addressed to thepresident of this company. All claims for overcharge should be addressed to the Claims Department.”

Mr. Morehouse wrote to the Claims Department. He wrote six pages of choice sarcasm, vituperation9

and argument, and sent them to the Claims Department.

A few weeks later he received a reply from the Claims Department. Attached to it was his last letter.

“Dear Sir,” said the reply. “Your letter of the 16th inst., addressed to this Department, subject rate onguinea pigs from Franklin to Westcote, rec’d. We have taken up the matter with our agent at Westcote,and his reply is attached herewith.10 He informs us that you refused to receive the consignment11 or topay the charges. You have therefore no claim against this company, and your letter regarding theproper rate on the consignment should be addressed to our Tariff Department.”

Mr. Morehouse wrote to the Tariff Department. He stated his case clearly, and gave his arguments infull, quoting a page or two from the encyclopedia to prove that guinea pigs were not common pigs.

With the care that characterizes corporations when they are systematically conducted, Mr.Morehouse’s letter was numbered, OK’d, and started through the regular channels. Duplicate copies ofthe bill of lading,12 manifest,13 Flannery’s receipt for the package and several other pertinent14 paperswere pinned to the letter, and they were passed to the head of the Tariff Department.

The head of the Tariff Department put his feet on his desk and yawned. He looked through the paperscarelessly.

“Miss Kane,” he said to his stenographer,15 “take this letter. ‘Agent, Westcote, N.J. Please advise whyconsignment referred to in attached papers was refused domestic pet rates.’

Miss Kane made a series of curves and angles on her notebook and waited with pencil poised. Thehead of the department looked at the papers again.



8. Triumphant (adjective): victorious; having won a battle or contest9. Vituperation is bitter and abusive language.

10. Something “attached herewith” is attached directly to the letter.11. Consignment (noun): a batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone12. A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier or his agent to acknowledge receipt of a shipment.13. A document listing the cargo, passengers, and crew of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle, for the use of customs and other

officials.14. Pertinent (adjective): relevant or applicable to a particular matter15. A stenographer is a person who takes dictation or writes a letter that someone else speaks.


“Huh! guinea pigs!” he said. “Probably starved to death by this time! Add this to that letter: ‘Givecondition of consignment at present.’”

He tossed the papers onto the stenographer’s desk, took his feet from his own desk and went out tolunch.

When Mike Flannery received the letter he scratched his head.

“Give prisint condition,” he repeated thoughtfully. “Now what do thim clerks be wantin’ to know, Iwonder! ‘Prisint condition,’ is ut? Thim pigs, praise St. Patrick, do be in good health, so far as I know, butI niver was no veternairy surgeon to dago pigs. Mebby thim clerks wants me to call in the pig doctheran’ have their pulses took. Wan thing I do know, howiver, which is, they’ve glorious appytites for pigs oftheir soize. Ate? They’d ate the brass padlocks off a barn door! If the paddy pig, by the same token, ateas hearty as these dago pigs do, there’d be a famine in Ireland.”

To assure himself that his report would be up to date, Flannery went to the rear of the office andlooked into the cage. The pigs had been transferred to a larger box—a dry-goods box.

“Wan,-two,-t’ree,-four,-foive,-six,-sivin,-eight!” he counted. “Sivin spotted an’ wan all black. All well an’hearty an’ all eatin ‘ loike ragin’ hippypottymusses.” He went back to his desk and wrote.

“Mr. Morgan, Head of Tariff Department,” he wrote, “why do I say dago pigs is pigs because they is pigsand will be til you say they ain’t which is what the rule book says stop your jollying me you know it aswell as I do. As to health they are all well and hoping you are the same. P.S. There are eight now thefamily increased all good eaters. P.S. I paid out so far two dollars for cabbage which they like shall I putin bill for same what?”

Morgan, head of the Tariff Department, when he received this letter, laughed. He read it again andbecame serious.

“By George!” he said, “Flannery is right, ‘pigs is pigs.’ I’ll have to get authority on this thing. Meanwhile,Miss Kane, take this letter: ‘Agent, Westcote, N.J. Regarding shipment guinea pigs, File No. A6754. Rule83, General Instructions to Agents, clearly states that agents shall collect from signee all costs ofprovender,16 etc., etc., required for livestock while in transit or storage. You will proceed to collectsame from consignee.’”17

Flannery received this letter next morning, and when he read it he grinned.

“Proceed to collect,” he said softly. “How thim clerks do loike to be talkin’! Me proceed to collect twodollars and twinty-foive cints off Misther Morehouse! I wonder do thim clerks know MistherMorehouse? I’ll git it! Oh, yes! ‘Misther Morehouse, two an’ a quarter, plaze.’ ‘Cert’nly, me dear frindFlannery. Delighted!’ Not!”

Flannery drove the express wagon to Mr. Morehouse’s door. Mr. Morehouse answered the bell.




16. food17. A consignee is a person who has something delivered.


“Ah, ha!” he cried as soon as he saw it was Flannery. “So you’ve come to your senses at last, have you? Ithought you would! Bring the box in.”

“I hev no box,” said Flannery coldly. “I hev a bill agin Misther John C. Morehouse for two dollars andtwinty-foive cints for kebbages aten by his dago pigs. Wud you wish to pay ut?”

“Pay — Cabbages — !” gasped Mr. Morehouse. “Do you mean to say that two little guinea pigs — ”

“Eight!” said Flannery. “Papa an’ mamma an’ the six childer. Eight!”

For answer Mr. Morehouse slammed the door in Flannery’s face. Flannery looked at the doorreproachfully.18

“I take ut the con-sign-y don’t want to pay for thim kebbages,” he said. “If I know signs of refusal, thecon-sign-y refuses to pay for wan dang kebbage leaf an’ be hanged to me!”

Mr. Morgan, the head of the Tariff Department, consulted the president of the Interurban ExpressCompany regarding guinea pigs, as to whether they were pigs or not pigs. The president was inclinedto treat the matter lightly.

“What is the rate on pigs and on pets?” he asked.

“Pigs thirty cents, pets twenty-five,” said Morgan.

“Then of course guinea pigs are pigs,” said the president.

“Yes,” agreed Morgan, “I look at it that way, too. A thing that can come under two rates is naturally dueto be classed as the higher. But are guinea pigs, pigs? Aren’t they rabbits?”

“Come to think of it,” said the president, “I believe they are more like rabbits. Sort of half-way stationbetween pig and rabbit. I think the question is this — are guinea pigs of the domestic pig family? I’ll askProfessor Gordon. He is an authority on such things. Leave the papers with me.”

The president put the papers on his desk and wrote a letter to Professor Gordon. Unfortunately, theProfessor was in South America collecting zoological specimens, and the letter was forwarded to himby his wife. As the Professor was in the highest Andes, where no white man had ever penetrated, theletter was many months in reaching him. The president forgot the guinea pigs, Morgan forgot them,Mr. Morehouse forgot them. But Flannery did not. One half of his time he gave to the duties of hisagency; the other half was devoted to the guinea pigs. Long before Professor Gordon received thepresident’s letter Morgan received one from Flannery.

“About them dago pigs,” it said, “what shall I do they are great in family life, no race suicide for them,there are thirty-two now shall I sell them do you take this express office for a menagerie,19 answerquick.”

Morgan reached for a telegraph blank and wrote:




18. with disapproval19. Menagerie (noun): a collection, often describing a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition


“Agent, Westcote. Don’t sell pigs.”

He then wrote Flannery a letter calling his attention to the fact that the pigs were not the property ofthe company but were merely being held during a settlement of a dispute regarding rates. He advisedFlannery to take the best possible care of them.

Flannery, letter in hand, looked at the pigs and sighed. The dry-goods box cage had become too small.He boarded up twenty feet of the rear of the express office to make a large and airy home for them,and went about his business. He worked with feverish intensity when out on his rounds, for the pigsrequired attention and took most of his time. Some months later, in desperation, he seized a sheet ofpaper and wrote “160” across it and mailed it to Morgan. Morgan returned it asking for explanation.Flannery replied:

“There be now one hundred sixty of them dago pigs, for heaven’s sake let me sell off some, do youwant me to go crazy, what?”

“Sell no pigs,” Morgan wired.

Not long after this the president of the express company received a letter from Professor Gordon. Itwas a long and scholarly letter, but the point was that the guinea pig was the Cavia aparoea, while thecommon pig was the genus Sus of the family Suidae. He remarked that they were prolific andmultiplied rapidly.

“They are not pigs,” said the president, decidedly, to Morgan. The twenty-five cent rate applies.”

Morgan made the proper notation on the papers that had accumulated in File A6754, and turned themover to the Audit Department. The Audit Department took some time to look the matter up, and afterthe usual delay wrote Flannery that as he had on hand one hundred and sixty guinea pigs, the propertyof consignee, he should deliver them and collect charges at the rate of twenty-five cents each.

Flannery spent a day herding his charges through a narrow opening in their cage so that he mightcount them.

“Audit Dept.,” he wrote, when he had finished the count, “you are way off there maybe was onehundred and sixty dago pigs once, but wake up don’t be a back number. I’ve got even eight hundred,now shall I collect for eight hundred or what, how about sixty-four dollars I paid out for cabbages.”

It required a great many letters back and forth before the Audit Department was able to understandwhy the error had been made of billing one hundred and sixty instead of eight hundred, and still moretime for it to get the meaning of the “cabbages.”

Flannery was crowded into a few feet at the extreme front of the office. The pigs had all the rest of theroom and two boys were employed constantly attending to them. The day after Flannery had countedthe guinea pigs there were eight more added to his drove, and by the time the Audit Department gavehim authority to collect for eight hundred Flannery had given up all attempts to attend to the receipt ofthe delivery of goods. He was hastily building galleries around the express office, tier above tier. Hehad four thousand and sixty-four guinea pigs to care for. More were arriving daily.




Immediately following its authorization the Audit Department sent another letter, but Flannery was toobusy to open it. They wrote another and then they telegraphed:

“Error in guinea pig bill. Collect for two guinea-pigs, fifty cents. Deliver all to consignee.”

Flannery read the telegram and cheered up. He wrote out a bill as rapidly as his pencil could travelover paper and ran all the way to the Morehouse home. 7 At the gate he stopped suddenly. The housestared at him with vacant eyes. The windows were bare of curtains and he could see into the emptyrooms. A sign on the porch said, “To Let.” Mr. Morehouse had moved! Flannery ran all the way back tothe express office. Sixty-nine guinea pigs had been born during his absence. He ran out again andmade feverish inquiries in the village. Mr. Morehouse had not only moved, but he had left Westcote.Flannery returned to the express office and found that two hundred and six guinea pigs had enteredthe world since he left it. He wrote a telegram to the Audit Department.

“Can’t collect fifty cents for two dago pigs consignee has left town address unknown what shall I do?Flannery.”

The telegram was handed to one of the clerks in the Audit Department, and as he read it he laughed.

“Flannery must be crazy. He ought to know that the thing to do is to return the consignment here,” saidthe clerk. He telegraphed Flannery to send the pigs to the main office of the company at Franklin.When Flannery received the telegram he set to work. The six boys he had engaged to help him also setto work. They worked with the haste of desperate men, making cages out of soap boxes, crackerboxes, and all kinds of boxes, and as fast as the cages were completed they filled them with guineapigs and expressed them to Franklin. Day after day the cages of guinea pigs flowed in a steady streamfrom Westcote to Franklin, and still Flannery and his six helpers ripped and nailed and packed —relentlessly20 and feverishly. At the end of the week they had shipped two hundred and eighty cases ofguinea pigs, and there were in the express office seven hundred and four more pigs than when theybegan packing them.

“Stop sending pigs. Warehouse full,” came a telegram to Flannery. He stopped packing only longenough to wire back, “Can’t stop,” and kept on sending them. On the next train up from Franklin cameone of the company’s inspectors. He had instructions to stop the stream of guinea pigs at all hazards.As his train drew up at Wescote station he saw a cattle-car standing on the express company’s siding.When he reached the express office he saw the express wagon backed up to the door. Six boys werecarrying bushel baskets full of guinea pigs from the office and dumping them into the wagon. Insidethe room Flannery, with his coat and vest off, was shoveling guinea pigs into bushel baskets with a coalscoop. He was winding up the guinea pig episode.

He looked up at the inspector with a snort of anger.

“Wan wagonload more an’ I’ll be quit of thim, an’ niver will ye catch Flannery wid no more foreign pigson his hands. No, sur! They near was the death o’ me. Nixt toime I’ll know that pigs of whativernationality is domestic pets — an’ go at the lowest rate.”

He began shoveling again rapidly, speaking quickly between breaths.



20. Relentless (adjective): showing no lessening of determination, intensity, or strength


"Pigs is Pigs" by Ellis Parker Butler (1905) is in the public domain.

“Rules may be rules, but you can’t fool Mike Flannery twice wid the same thrick — whin ut comes tolivestock, dang the rules. So long as Flannery runs this expriss office — pigs is pets — an’ cows is pets— an’ horses is pets — an’ lions an’ tigers an’ Rocky Mountain goats is pets — an’ the rate on thim istwintyfoive cints.”

He paused long enough to let one of the boys put an empty basket in the place of the one he had justfilled. There were only a few guinea pigs left. As he noted their limited number his natural habit oflooking on the bright side returned.

“Well, annyhow,” he said cheerfully, “‘tis not so bad as ut might be. What if thim pigs had beenelephants!”



Text-Dependent QuestionsDirections: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. PART A: Which of the following best describes the theme of the passage?A. Words and names should be more straightforward to avoid causing confusion

and or disaster.B. Pets teach their owners responsibility and discipline.C. Don’t turn small problems into unnecessarily large problems.D. Rules serve an important purpose, and to bend or break them frequently results

in trouble.

2. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?A. ‘“Wan,-two,-t’ree,-four,-foive,-six,-sivin,-eight!’ he counted. ‘Sivin spotted an’ wan

all black. All well an’ hearty an’ all eatin ‘ loike ragin’ hippypottymusses.”’(Paragraph 35)

B. “‘Stop sending pigs. Warehouse full,’ came a telegram to Flannery. He stoppedpacking only long enough to wire back, ‘Can’t stop,’ and kept on sending them.”(Paragraph 75)

C. “‘tis not so bad as ut might be. What if thim pigs had been elephants!”(Paragraph 81)

D. ‘“Rules may be rules, but you ca’t fool Mike Flannery twice wid the samethrick—whin ut comes to livestock, dang the rules.”’ (Paragraph 79)

3. Which of the following statements best describes the conflict between Flannery andMorehouse?

A. Morehouse resents Flannery’s position of authority and doesn’t like the controlhe has.

B. Morehouse is prejudiced against Flannery’s Irish heritage and status as animmigrant.

C. Flannery says the delivery fee is higher for pigs, while Morehouse insists it islower as guinea pigs are pets not pigs.

D. Flannery does not understand the concept of guinea pigs as pets andMorehouse is more annoyed with this misunderstanding than the money.

4. PART A: How does the scene at Morehouse’s home contribute to our understanding of hischaracter?

A. Morehouse is an intimidating figure at home, and this suggests he will bestubborn to get the delivery price he wants.

B. The scene reveals that Morehouse bought the guinea pigs for his son and willpersist until he gets the pigs, revealing that he is a good father.

C. Morehouse is a very neat and tidy man, shown by his insistence on finding themisplaced ink.

D. The scene reveals that Morehouse is actually well-off and could easily afford theextra ten cents.


5. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?A. “Mr. Morehouse stormed into the house. ‘Where’s the ink?’ he shouted at his

wife as soon as his foot was across the doorsill.” (Paragraph 16)B. “She never used ink. She had not seen the ink, nor moved the ink, nor thought

of the ink” (Paragraph 17)C. “When the ink was found Mr. Morehouse wrote rapidly, and he read the

completed letter and smiled a triumphant smile.” (Paragraph 19)D. “That will settle that crazy Irishman!” he exclaimed. “When they get that letter he

will hunt another job, all right!” (Paragraph 20)

6. Which of the following best describes one of the author’s ways of building humor in thetext?

A. Mr. Flannery purposefully mocks or makes a fool of Morehouse.B. The number of guinea pigs multiplies to a ridiculous number.C. Both Flannery and the Interurban Express Company seem serious when

compared to Morehouse.D. The narrator reveals that the Interurban Express Company knew that guinea

pigs are not pigs all along, and that they were just playing a trick on Flannery.

7. PART A: What does the phrase “herding his charges” most likely mean as used in paragraph65?

A. moving a group to protect themB. losing control of the situationC. punishing those who misbehaveD. paying money that is due

8. PART B: Which of the following phrases best supports the answer to Part A?A. “he should deliver them and collect charges” (Paragraph 64)B. “in their cage so that he might count them” (Paragraph 65)C. “I’ve got even eight hundred” (Paragraph 66)D. “the Audit Department was able to understand why the error had been made”

(Paragraph 67)

9. Describe Flannery’s diction, or the way he talks. What is the effect of this language choice onthe overall story?


10. Why does the author choose to have the Morehouse family move out of their home? Howdoes this event contribute to the theme of the story?


Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared toshare your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. In the context of this short story, what can we learn from comedy? What is the moral of thisstory, if there is one? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and otherliterature, art, or history in your answer.

2. Have you ever turned a small problem into a bigger one? What happened and why did theproblem get blown out of proportion?


Name: Class:

"Drive In" by Stefani is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

The Drive-In MoviesBy Gary Soto


Gary Soto is an American poet, novelist, and memoirist. In this short story, Soto describes his desire to go tothe drive-in movies as a kid. As you read, take notes on what the narrator does to get what he wants.

For our family, moviegoing was rare. But if ourmom, tired from a week of candling eggs,1 wokeup happy on a Saturday morning, there was achance we might later scramble to our blueChevy and beat nightfall to the Starlight Drive-In.My brother and sister knew this. I knew this. Soon Saturday we tried to be good. We sat in thecool shadows of the TV with the volume low andwatched cartoons, a prelude2 of what was tocome.

One Saturday I decided to be extra good. Whenshe came out of the bedroom tying her robe, sheyawned a hat-sized yawn and blinked red eyes at the weak brew of coffee I had fixed for her. I madeher toast with strawberry jam spread to all the corners and set three boxes of cereal in front of her. Ifshe didn’t care to eat cereal, she could always look at the back of the boxes as she drank her coffee.

I went outside. The lawn was tall but too wet with dew to mow. I picked up a trowel3 and began toweed the flower bed. The weeds were really bermuda grass,4 long stringers that ran finger-deep in theground. I got to work quickly and in no time crescents of earth began rising under my fingernails. I wassweaty hot. My knees hurt from kneeling, and my brain was dull from making the trowel go up anddown, dribbling crumbs of earth. I dug for a half an hour, then stopped to play with the neighbor’s dogand pop ticks from his poor snout.

I then mowed the lawn, which was still beaded with dew and noisy with bees hovering over clover. Thisjob was less dull because as I pushed the mower over the shaggy lawn, I could see it looked tidier. Mybrother and sister watched from the window. Their faces were fat with cereal, a third helping. I made aface at them when they asked how come I was working. Rick pointed to part of the lawn.

“You missed some over there.” I ignored him and kept my attention on the windmill of grassy blades.

While I was emptying the catcher, a bee stung the bottom of my foot. I danced on one leg and wasready to cry when Mother showed her face at the window. I sat down on the grass and examined myfoot: the stinger was pulsating.5 I pulled it out quickly, ran water over the sting and packed it with mud,Grandmother’s remedy.



1. to test an egg for freshness or fertility by holding it to a light2. an action or event serving as an introduction to something larger3. a small handheld tool with a curved scoop for lifting plants out of the ground4. a type of grass common in warmer parts of the world


“The Drive-In Movies” by Gary Soto © 1990. Used by permission of the author.

Hobbling, I returned to the flower bed where I pulled more stringers and again played with the dog.More ticks had migrated6 to his snout. I swept the front steps, took out the garbage, cleaned the lintfilter to the dryer (easy), plucked hair from the industrial wash basin7 in the garage (also easy), hosedoff the patio, smashed three snails sucking paint from the house (disgusting but fun), tied a bundle ofnewspapers, put away toys, and, finally, seeing that almost everything was done and the sun was nottoo high, started waxing the car.

My brother joined me with an old gym sock, and our sister watched us while sucking on a cherry Kool-Aid cube. The liquid wax drooled onto the sock, and we began to swirl the white slop on the chrome.My arms ached from buffing, which though less boring than weeding, was harder. But the beauty wasevident. The shine, hurting our eyes and glinting like an armful of dimes, brought Mother out. Shelooked around the yard and said, “Pretty good.” She winced at the grille and returned inside the house.

We began to wax the paint. My brother applied the liquid and I followed him rubbing hard in widecircles as we moved around the car. I began to hurry because my arms were hurting and my stung footlooked like a water balloon. We were working around the trunk when Rick pounded on the bottle ofwax. He squeezed the bottle and it sneezed a few more white drops.

We looked at each other. “There’s some on the sock,” I said. “Let’s keep going.”

We polished and buffed, sweat weeping on our brows. We got scared when we noticed that the gymsock was now blue. The paint was coming off. Our sister fit ice cubes into our mouths and we workedharder, more intently, more dedicated to the car and our mother. We ran the sock over the chrome,trying to pick up extra wax. But there wasn’t enough to cover the entire car. Only half got waxed, butwe thought it was better than nothing and went inside for lunch. After lunch, we returned outside withtasty sandwiches.

Rick and I nearly jumped. The waxed side of the car was foggy white. We took a rag and began to polishvigorously8 and nearly in tears, but the fog wouldn’t come off. I blamed Rick and he blamed me. Debrastood at the window, not wanting to get involved. Now, not only would we not go to the movies, butMom would surely snap a branch from the plum tree and chase us around the yard.

Mom came out and looked at us with hands on her aproned hips. Finally, she said, “you boys workedso hard.” She turned on the garden hose and washed the car. That night we did go to the drive-in. Thefirst feature was about nothing, and the second feature, starring Jerry Lewis, was Cinderfella.9 I tried tostay awake. I kept a wad of homemade popcorn in my cheek and laughed when Jerry Lewis fit golf teesin his nose. I rubbed my watery eyes. I laughed and looked at my mom. I promised myself I wouldremember that scene with the golf tees and promised myself not to work so hard the coming Saturday.

Twenty minutes into the movie, I fell asleep with one hand in the popcorn.


5. to vibrate; to expand and contract repeatedly6. Migrate (verb): to move from one region to another7. a very large wash basin or tub, suitable for use in a factory8. Vigorous (adjective): done with force and energy9. a comedy film adaption of the classic Cinderella story, released in 1960


Text-Dependent QuestionsDirections: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. PART A: How do the narrator’s actions develop the story’s theme?A. He does chores because he wants to go to the movies, which shows the value of

working toward one’s goals.B. He misses out on his reward by falling asleep, which makes him believe that

hard work is not worth it.C. He works hard and realizes that it is better to earn rewards rather than just to

receive them.D. He goes against his mother’s rules, which suggests that breaking rules can make

people happy.

2. PART B: Which quote from the text best supports the answer to Part A?A. “She looked around the yard and said, ‘Pretty good.’ She winced at the grille and

returned inside the house.” (Paragraph 8)B. “We polished and buffed, sweat weeping on our brows. We got scared when we

noticed that the gym sock was now blue. The paint was coming off.” (Paragraph11)

C. “Finally, she said, ‘you boys worked so hard.’ She turned on the garden hose andwashed the car. That night we did go to the drive-in.” (Paragraph 13)

D. “Twenty minutes into the movie, I fell asleep with one hand in the popcorn.”(Paragraph 14)

3. PART A: How is the narrator affected when parts of the car turn white?A. He is embarrassed that the family will now be seen in an ugly car.B. He feels proud of how hard he and his brother worked on the car.C. He feels guilty for getting his siblings involved in his own plans.D. He is worried that all of his hard work will actually anger his mother.

4. PART B: Which quote from the text best supports the answer to Part A?A. “But the beauty was evident. The shine, hurting our eyes and glinting like an

armful of dimes, brought Mother out.” (Paragraph 8)B. “I blamed Rick and he blamed me. Debra stood at the window, not wanting to

get involved.” (Paragraph 12)C. “Now, not only would we not go to the movies, but Mom would surely snap a

branch from the plum tree and chase us around the yard.” (Paragraph 12)D. “I promised myself I would remember that scene with the golf tees and

promised myself not to work so hard the coming Saturday.” (Paragraph 13)


5. How does paragraph 7 help develop the plot of the story?


Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared toshare your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. Do you have chores? Why or why not? Does the reward ever turn out differently than youexpect?

2. In the context of the story, what does it mean to be grown up? In your opinion, is thenarrator “grown up”? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and otherliterature, art, or history in your answer.

3. In the context of the story, what makes a family? How would you describe the narrator, hissiblings, and his mother’s interactions? What about them reminds you of a family? Citeevidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in youranswer.


Name: Class:

"Looking Into the Past, Commercial Street Trolley" by CoreyTempleton is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A Teen and A Trolley Reveal Society's Dark SideBy Bethany Brookshire


In 2015, a high school senior named Tiffany Sun conducted a social science experiment and presented herresults at the Intel Science Talent Search in Washington, D.C. The results of her experiment shed light on anage-old question: are people naturally good or evil? As you read, take notes on Sun’s social experiment andhow the results support her claims.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A runaway trolley isbarreling[1] down a track. It’s headed toward fivehelpless people who can’t possibly get out of theway in time. But you’ve seen it coming. If youthrow a single switch, you can put the trolley on adifferent track. Unfortunately, there’s someonestanding on that second track who will now gethit. What do you do? Throw the switch and doomone person? Or do nothing and watch five die?

Thankfully, this situation isn’t real. It is a thoughtproblem known as “the trolley problem.” TiffanySun, 17, used it to explore biases[2] in peopleagainst certain types of appearance, of apparentincome or of disability. Her results show some ofour darkest behaviors. But knowing that thosedark sides exist might help us fight to counterthem, she says.

A senior at Roslyn High School in Roslyn, N.Y., Tiffany presented her results at the Intel Science TalentSearch run by Society for Science and the public. Sponsored by Intel, this competition brings 40 highschool seniors here to Washington every year. These young researchers present their projects to thepublic and compete for huge cash awards.

A philosopher first described the trolley problem in 1967. Tiffany came across it in a class on ethics —codes of conduct for how people interact with each other. It immediately fascinated her. “There wasgenuinely no correct answer,” she says.

Tiffany thought the trolley problem might be a good way to study biases — or the prejudices[3] peoplehave. Biases are often something that we try to hide. We may not even be fully aware that they colorour interactions or decisions.

But a scenario like the trolley problem might bring such a bias to light. So Tiffany tried an experimentin social science — a field studying how people act toward each other. She surveyed almost 300people. She asked each to decide what they would do in the trolley problem. Would they throw theswitch and kill one person, or do nothing and allow five to die?


“A Teen and A Trolley Reveal Society's Dark Side” from societyforscience.org by Bethany Brooksire. Copyright © 2015 by Society for Science.Reprinted with permission, all rights reserved.This article is intended only for single-classroom use by teachers. For rights to republish Science

News for Students articles in assessments, course packs, or textbooks, visit: https://www.societyforscience.org/permission-republish.

Tiffany varied the identity of the woman waiting on the track. Sometimes the woman was well off,wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. Other times she wore a waitress uniform. Sometimes she wasvery attractive. Other times she was plain. And in one condition she no longer was standing, butinstead sitting in a wheelchair.

If a woman looks somewhat wealthy — as represented by the business suit — only 24 percent of herparticipants would sacrifice her. But if she was dressed as a waitress, 59 percent of the people offeredto sacrifice her to save the other five. If the woman was attractive, 44 percent of people would sacrificeher. That share climbed to 68 percent if she was plain. And while 54 percent of people would throw theswitch to sacrifice a standing woman, the number jumped to 74 percent if she was described as sittingin a wheelchair.

Tiffany is not sure why there were such notable differences in choosing between people who areattractive or plain, rich or poor, disabled or not. But without a doubt, she says, it appears “that we as asociety tend to view some lives as less valuable than others.”

The results don’t make our society look very nice, she observes. Still, understanding these hiddenbiases can be very important. With this information, she explains, “we can target those biases andcreate a more equal society.”


Text-Dependent QuestionsDirections: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. PART A: Which of the following best describes the central idea of the article?A. Humans are evil by nature and must actively do good in order to resist their evil

impulses.B. The trolley problem does not accurately reflect human nature because there is

no right answer to the problem.C. Biases affect how people value others, but awareness can help reduce unequal

treatment.D. Society places value on people based on how well they can make tough choices

for the greater good.

2. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?A. “What do you do? Throw the switch and doom one person? Or do nothing and

watch five die?” (Paragraph 1)B. “Tiffany came across it in a class on ethics... It immediately fascinated her. ‘There

was genuinely no correct answer,’ she says.” (Paragraph 4)C. “54 percent of people would throw the switch to sacrifice a standing woman, the

number jumped to 74 percent if she was described as sitting in a wheelchair.”(Paragraph 8)

D. “understanding these hidden biases can be very important. With thisinformation, she explains, ‘we can target those biases and create a more equalsociety.’” (Paragraph 10)

3. How does paragraph 1 contribute to the author’s explanation of “the trolley problem”?A. It is designed to spark a classroom discussion about what the trolley problem

represents.B. It describes a situation and asks questions similar to what can be found in the

trolley problem.C. It asks the reader to consider how they value others’ lives and what biases affect

this.D. It shows that the trolley problem is just an exercise and doesn’t determine how

someone would actually react.

4. Which statement best describes the relationship between ethics and the trolley problem, asshown in the article?

A. The trolley problem is an experiment that tests one’s moral principles by posinga difficult decision.

B. The trolley problem is an experiment that teaches people how to acceptscenarios no one can win.

C. The trolley problem forces people to confront their own biases both in daily lifeand regarding larger moral principles.

D. The trolley problem proves that ethics is not an unbiased study but one thatchanges from person to person.


5. Summarize Tiffany Sun’s findings. How do these findings contribute to or support herclaims?


Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared toshare your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. In the final paragraph, Tiffany claims that understanding people's hidden biases can help uscreate a more equal society. How? Explain this idea in your own words.

2. Imagine that you are going to enter the Intel Science Talent Search, and you are required topresent the results of an experiment. What kind of an experiment would you design, andwhat would it test?

3. What can “the trolley problem” teach us about human morality? Are people basically good,evil, or a little bit of both? Explain your answer.


Name: Class:

"International Migrants Day" by IIP Photo Archive is in the publicdomain.

Immigration to the United StatesBy Michael A. Signal


In this informational text, Michael A. Signal discusses the long history of people traveling to the United Statesto make a new life for themselves. As you read, take notes on how the government has tried to control whogets to move to the United States.

Humans move from place to place. People moveto different homes and cities to be closer to theirfamilies or workplaces. They might want to findbetter neighborhoods or roads with less traffic.But people don’t only move to different housesand towns. Throughout history, people have alsomoved to entirely different countries. We call thisinternational movement immigration, and thepeople who move to a new country to live thereare known as immigrants.

People immigrate for the same reasons that afamily might move to a new neighborhood or adifferent state, such as for better workopportunities or to be closer to relatives.Sometimes, though, people have more urgentreasons to leave their home countries. Manyimmigrants flee war and violence. Sometimesthey move to new countries to avoid famine1 andpoverty.

For the most part, Americans live in a society ofimmigrants. It has the largest number of international immigrants in the world. Almost one-fifth ofglobal immigrants live in the United States. The country has a rich history of immigration. However,there are some groups that you wouldn’t consider immigrants. Native Americans, for example, arewhat we call indigenous to America, which means they make up the original population of NorthAmerica. If we look back in history to the first Europeans that came to America, we would considerthem colonists and not immigrants because they took over the land. Slaves who were forcibly broughtto American shores from Africa would also not be considered immigrants.


1. a situation in which there’s not enough food for a large group of people


Most early immigrants came to the United States from Europe, but the country was open toimmigrants from all around the world up until the late 19th century. Immigration to the United Stateshas typically occurred in waves — with various groups of people moving in large numbers at differentpoints in American history. For example, one of the first groups that moved to the United States inlarge numbers was the Irish. In the 1840s, a great famine struck Ireland. Scores of Irish people left theirhome country in search of land where they’d be able to feed their families. Between 1820 and 1930,over 4 million Irish men, women, and children immigrated to the United States. Another wave ofimmigration came from China in the mid-19th century. Many workers traveled across the Pacific towork as miners, farmers, and other manual laborers. When gold was discovered in California in 1848,Americans rushed west, hoping to strike it rich. So did thousands of Chinese immigrants. In just a fewyears after the discovery of gold, about 150,000 Chinese people immigrated to the United States.

As immigration has grown over the centuries, tensions have arisen. For example, when Chineseimmigrants began moving to America in the 19th century, many Americans felt threatened. On theWest Coast, where most Chinese immigrants settled, some Americans thought that they were losingjobs to Chinese workers. Rumors describing Chinese immigrants as unlawful and immoral spread, andmany people believed these rumors. In 1862, The United States acted on public fear and resentment2

of Chinese immigrants. Congress passed an anti-immigration law. The Chinese Exclusion Act stoppedalmost all Chinese people from entering the country. The law also made it impossible for Chineseimmigrants to become American citizens.

Over the years, countries have used laws, both fairly and unfairly, to control immigration. Sometimesthese laws have been discriminatory, or showing unfair treatment towards certain groups of people.After World War I, the United States enacted another restrictive immigration law. The Immigration Actof 1924 established limits on how many people could enter the United States based on their countriesof origin. Immigration from Eastern Europe, Mexico, and Japan were largely banned; on the otherhand, immigrants from Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavian countries like Norway, Sweden, and Finlandwere allowed into the country.

Today, immigration trends have changed. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished, orended, restrictions on immigration based on country of origin. Since then, immigration has flourished.3

By the 1970s, most immigrants entered the United States from countries in Asia and Latin America. Ofthe 10 million immigrants who came to the U.S. between 2000 and 2009, 8 million were from Asia andLatin America.

There are over 240 million immigrants worldwide. One reason for the global growth of immigration isthe improvement of transportation and the decrease in cost. In the 18th century, you had to travel byboat to reach America from Europe, and that could take over a month! Today, you can travel the samedistance by plane in just eight hours.

Even though it has only increased over time, immigration has become a controversial4 topic in the21st century. One reason for this controversy is that a number of immigrants have entered the UnitedStates without going through the proper legal systems. In 2015, an estimated 11 million immigrantswere living in the country without legal permission. There are a lot of discussions around immigrantsliving in the United States without legal permission. Some people feel as though this will mean feweropportunities for American citizens, while others feel that immigrants, regardless of their citizenship,help boost the economy and make valuable contributions to our society.


2. Resentment (noun): a feeling of anger or displeasure, usually directed at another person3. Flourish (verb): to grow and develop in a healthy way


“Immigration to the United States” by Michael A. Signal. Copyright © 2018 by CommonLit, Inc. This text is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

No matter how trends change, immigration to the United States will remain strong. Estimates predictthat by 2065, 78 million people in the United States will have been born in other countries. There willalways be varying views and controversy about immigration. But just like they have been doing fornearly 250 years, people from all over the world will continue to move to the United States to becomepart of our communities, cultures, and country.


4. Controversial (adjective): causing disagreement


Text-Dependent QuestionsDirections: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. PART A: Which statement describes the central idea of the text?A. America has a long history of immigration but some groups of immigrants have

been treated unfairly.B. America has a long history of immigration and has always been welcoming

towards immigrants.C. America must limit the number of immigrants who enter the nation to preserve

its resources.D. Immigrants have enjoyed fairer treatment in America than in their home


2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?A. “Sometimes, though, people have more urgent reasons to leave their home

countries.” (Paragraph 2)B. “In just a few years after the discovery of gold, about 150,000 Chinese people

immigrated to the United States.” (Paragraph 4)C. “Over the years, countries have used laws, both fairly and unfairly, to control

immigration.” (Paragraph 6)D. “One reason for the global growth of immigration is the improvement of

transportation and the decrease in cost.” (Paragraph 8)

3. How does paragraph 4 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?A. It demonstrates how famine brought different groups of immigrants to America.B. It shows why some people were unhappy when immigrants came to America.C. It reveals some of the reasons why groups of immigrants came to America.D. It discusses how people only immigrated to America to find gold.

4. How does the text illustrate that United States immigration laws were discriminatory?A. The text details how the government uses immigration laws to imprison

immigrants.B. The author describes how the United States accepted immigrants from certain

countries but not from others.C. The author compares the different number of immigrants who came to the

United States from Asia with those who came from Latin America.D. The text illustrates how the impact of World War I meant the United States

government had to change its laws.


5. How have American citizens’ attitudes toward immigrants affected immigration laws?


Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared toshare your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. According to the text, how have America’s immigration policies changed over time? Whichgroups of people have been discouraged from coming to America in the past, and why?How would you describe America’s treatment of immigrants today?

2. How have America’s immigration policies been tied to prejudice? What false beliefs didpeople in the United States have about immigrants? Describe a time when someone madeassumptions about you based on your gender, your race, or where you came from. Howdid that make you feel?


Name: Class:

"Braided Girl" by Steve Chilton is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

“East 149th Street (Symphony for a Black Girl)” from the poetry collection Haint by Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Copyright © 2016. By permission ofGival Press.

East 149th Street (Symphony for a Black Girl)By Teri Ellen Cross Davis


Teri Ellen Cross Davis is a contemporary poet whose work is known for using small, personal moments toexplore more universal themes. Her poetry also focuses readers on the experiences of women and people ofcolor in America. This poem comes from her 2016 collection Haint. As you read, take notes on examples ofimagery in the poem.

sitting too longskinny cinnamon burnt legscramped, Momma’s thighsuctioned1 your earrelief was turning your heada new view of the television

but nothing was better thanmatching candy-colored beadssymmetrical2 cornrowsbraids swinging rhythmicallyaluminum sneaking its shinethrough the hair’s woven layers

and the freedom of skippingon sidewalks, blacktopped3 driveways,running round backyards, listeningto the beads clanging kissthe crescendo4 then whispering — thismusic celebrating the movement5 of you





1. Suction (verb): to stick to another surface because of a difference in pressure2. Symmetrical (adjective): balanced or identical on both sides3. A blacktop is an area paved with asphalt, like a road or playground.4. A crescendo is a steady increase in the volume or intensity of sound.5. A movement is one of three or more pieces of music that make up a larger symphony.


Text-Dependent QuestionsDirections: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. What does the first stanza reveal about the characters in the poem?A. The girl is admiring her sister’s outfit before they leave for school.B. The girl’s mother is scolding her about having been outside too long.C. The girl’s mother is frustrated that she is watching too much television.D. The girl is uncomfortable as her mother is braiding her hair.

2. How does stanza 2 of the poem develop the girl’s ideas about her experience?A. Stanza 2 shows the girl appreciating the color and pattern in her braided hair, in

contrast to the discomfort she felt in the first stanza.B. Stanza 2 shows the girl enjoying experiences in her neighborhood, in contrast to

the boredom she felt in the first stanza.C. Stanza 2 shows the girl appreciating her mother more than she did in the first

stanza.D. Stanza 2 shows the girl admiring the appearance of a friend, in contrast to the

discouragement she felt about her own life.

3. PART A: Which statement best expresses a theme in the poem?A. Sometimes it takes the love of a friend or family member to help us realize that

we are beautiful.B. We don’t always realize it, but our everyday experiences can show us that we are

beautiful and worthy of appreciation.C. We only realize the sacrifices our parents have made for us once we’re older and

can reflect on our past.D. We do not always appreciate the beauty in our community, and we should stop

and pay attention to everyday moments.

4. PART B: Which lines from the poem best support the answer to Part A?A. “skinny cinnamon burnt legs / cramped, Momma’s thigh / suctioned your ear”

(Lines 2-4)B. “but nothing was better than / matching candy-colored beads / symmetrical

cornrows” (Lines 7-9)C. “and the freedom of skipping / on sidewalks, blacktopped driveways, / running

around backyards” (Lines 12-14)D. “listening / to the beads clanging kiss / the crescendo then whispering — this /

music celebrating the movement of you” (Lines 14-17)


5. How does the poet’s use of imagery develop the poem’s theme?

6. What effect do the words “symphony,” “crescendo,” and “movement” have on the overallmeaning of the poem?


Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared toshare your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. In the context of the poem, how can simple moments bring us happiness? What kinds ofexperiences contribute most to our happiness: everyday moments, or big, dramatic ones?Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history inyour answer.

2. In this poem, the speaker identifies the experience of getting her hair braided as importantto her identity. In your opinion, what makes you who you are? What experiences or peoplehave had the greatest impact on who you are and how you see yourself? How can it behelpful to remember these experiences as we grow older?

3. In this poem, the speaker comes to appreciate something about herself as beautiful. Inyour experience, what do people think of as beautiful? What messages do you get from theworld and other people about what is beautiful? Cite evidence from this text, your ownexperience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.


How to Log on to Power Up from Home (For only Ashfield, South and Davis 6-8 students)

Log on to Google and search for Brockton Public Schools and go to the home page.

Choose the Students tab.

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Choose Student and log in with their six-digit lunch number for both the username and password.

Students are urged to comlete their word study minutes on Monday, Grammar minutes on Tuesday, Reading Comprehension on Wednesday and Thursday and the topic of their choice on Friday.

How to Log on to Clever from Home to Access

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Choose Clever.

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Click in “Go To My Account”

Click on Reading 6-8

How to Log on to READ 180 from Home Log on to Google and search for Brockton Public Schools and go to the home page.

Choose the Students tab.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Student Intranet

Choose Clever. Students will have to log on with their Username: 6-digitlunch number @bpsma.org and the password is their 8-digit birthday bps1920 Example: Username: [email protected] Password: 06142007bps1920

Choose READ 180

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Directions for Students to Access Common Lit. from Home

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2. Scroll to the bottom of the student page and choose the blue Student Intranet button.

3. Choose the Clever button.

4. Log In with your BPS username and password. Your username is your 6-digit lunch number and your password is your 8-digit birthdaybps1920. Example: password: 123456 Username: 12052007bps1920

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6. You will see "Your Account Needs Updating” will asked to set a backup password so you can access your account even in the case of a Clever outage or issue. You will never be asked to do that again.

7. Once you do that, you will be let into the Common Lit and you can do your assignment. Under

the heading ASSIGNMENTS TO DO.

Good luck!