teaching strategy in writting descriptive text


Transcript of teaching strategy in writting descriptive text


















My beloved parents ( and )

Who always pray and give me the best thing in my life and bring

happiness all the time and always wish for my success in all

Conditions and guide me from childhood up to this presents time

My beloved brother, and my sisters, who always are my spirit and

my inspiration and support.

My lovelly teacher and lectures, who have patienly told me,

Showed me and inspired me to get throught my destiny.

All my families, my realatives, my friends especially English Departement.

And I thank my God upon every remembrance of you all.

I love you all.



“Science Is Not What Is Memorized But Which Gives Benefits”

(QS. Al-Ra’ad : 11)



In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and most Gracious, as well as for his

endless mercy, favor and guidence for the writer to make this thesis entitled:



This thesis attended to fulfll asigments and requirements to obtain the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Departement at Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic

IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

May peace and and blessing area always be poured upon the last

massaneger of Allah the great Muhammad as well his family, his comapanisons,

and his followers until the last day for this save humans life from destruction and

darkness to the way of Allah.

To complete this research the writer has much got support. Direcion, and

motivation from many persons. The writer thinks that area unforgetable and

usefulness. The writer expressed her grade grattitude to those who have given the

writter support, advise, guidence, and idea. The writter herby would like to give

appreciation especially to:

1. Prof. DR. H. Sua’di Asyari, MA., Ph. D as The Rector of The State Institute

for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Aramida, M. Pd.I in his capacity as the Dean of Islamic Education

Faculty UIN Sulthan Tahaha Saifuddin Jambi who approved the title of this


3. Amalia Nurhasanah,M.HUM as the head of English Departement of Tarbiyah

Faculty and the staff for their information that related to this writing.

4. DR. Mahmud MY,Pd as advisor I and Firdiansyah,SS.MA advisor II who

gives the writer much time to consult direction, bright ideas, and knowledge of

value for the writer fro begining until this thesis finished.

5. as academic advisor who gives the writer support, help, and guidence from the

first semeter until the writer finished this study.

6. All lecturers who have given the writer knowledge and advice.

7. The head of IAIN library and Tarbiyah library also staff;


8. Also all of my friends of mine who have directly and supported me to

completing this study.

Finally, the writer hopes that resarch paper will be useful for the next

researchers. The writer realize that this paper is till far from perfect. Therefore,

more constructive criticisms and suggestions are also highly expected for its

perfection. May Allah the almighty always bless anda reward the whole of us for

all good things that we have done. Aamiin.

Jambi, 12 Juli 2016


Rahmat Samsul Bahri

NIM: TE. 120651



Rahmat Syasul Bahri. 2016. Teaching Strategy In Writing Descriptive Text At The

First Year PGRI I Junior Hight School Jambi

Key Words: English Teacher, Strategy of Teaching.

This thesis focuses on the analysis of the srategic in maximizing

enthusiasm in teaching english at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi. It generally aims to find

out the strategies used by english teachers in maximizing enthusiasme and the

impact of teachers enthusiasme for students learning motivation. Therefore, the

enthusiasm in taching should be always maximized by teachers throught some


The resarch questions are axamined throught descriptive qualitative

research. TO solve the problem, the writer use observation to know the strategies

used to maxime in teaching english. Then to analysis the data, the researcher used

trianggulation which combines the results of observation and interview. The

writer also used the thery of teacher enthusaiasm variable description by Collin.

The result of this research showed that there are seven strategies used by

english teachers at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi in maximing in teaching english.

Those are: (1) Preparing newest topic of jurnalis or article as an additional english

lesson material, (2) Designing an interesting and different activity for each

meeting classroom, (3) Controlling the self emotional, (4) Being a little bit

hyperbole, (5) Giving special thought to the end of class meeting, (6) Improving

the style of presentation, (7) telling a much humor with the students which related

to the lessons material. Appliying those seven pratical strategies, teachers

enthusiasm level is mostly high in short, enthusiasme of english teachers will be

directly increased when the students give their passion in learning. Telling humor

is directly increased when the students give their passion in learning. Telling

humor is effective strategy in increasing interest. The students interest is also

impacted by teachers stlyle in presenting the material in class. Hence, english

teachers shuld improve those two strategies two strategies progressively.



Rahmat Syasul Bahri. 2016. Teaching Strategy In Writing Descriptive Text At The

First Year PGRI I Junior Hight School Jambi

Kata Kunci : Strategi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Mengajar

Startegi pengesahan tesis ini berfokus pada analisis strategi dalam

memaksimalkan antusiasme dalam mengajar Bahasa inggris di SMP PGRI kota

Jambi. Untuk mengatahui Strategi yang di gunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris

dalam memaksimalkan antusiasme dan dampak dari antusiasme guru terhadap

motivasi belajar siswa, oleh karena itu antusiasme dalam pembelajaran harus

selalu di maksimalakan oleh guru melalui beberpa strategi.

Pertanyaan-pertanayaan penelitian di periksa dengan riset kualitatif

deskriftif, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan obsrervasi untuk

megatahui strategi yang di gunakan agar maksimal dalam mengajar bahasa

inggris, kemudian untuk menganalisa data, peniliti menggunakan trianggulasi

yang menggabungkan hasil observasi dan wawancara, penulis juga menngunakan

daftar deskripsi variabel antusiasme dari collin.

Simulasi yang mengabungkan hasil observasi dan wawancara. Penulis

juaga menggunakan daftar deskripsi variabel antusiasme dari collin. Hasil

peniltian ini menunjukan bahwa ada tujuh strategi yang di gunkan oleh guru

bahasa inggris di SMP PGRI kota Jambi dalam memaksimalkan pelajaran bahasa

inngris yaitu : 1) Menyipkan topik jurnalis atau artikel terbaru sebgai peljaran

bahasa tambahan, 2) mereancang kegiatan yang menarik dan berbeda untukuntuk

setiap ruang pertemuan, 3) mengotrol diri sendiri,4) menjadi sedikir hiperbola, 5)

memberi pemikiran khusus pada akhir pertemuan kelas, 6) memperbaiki gaya

pesentasi, 7) menceritakan banyak humor dengan siswa yang terkait dengan

materi pembelajaran, menrapakan tujuh strategi tersebut, tingkat antusiasme guru

sebagian sedikit, antusiasme guru bahasa inggris akan meningkat secara langsung

ketika siswa memberikan respon mereka dalam belajar. Telling humor adalah

strategi yang efectif dalam meningkatkan minat, minat siswa juga di pengaruhi

oleh stlye guru dalam menyajiakan materi di kelas. Oleh karena itu guru bahasa

inggris harus meningkatkan kedua strategi secara progresif.




COVER TITLE ................................................................................................................... i

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................................. iii

DEDICATION..................................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ix


A. Research Background .............................................................................................. 1

B. The Limitation of Problem ....................................................................................... 4

C. The Formulation of Problem .................................................................................... 4

D. The Purpose and Benefit of The Research ............................................................... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................ 6

B. Related Studies ........................................................................................................ 22



A. ResearchDesign ....................................................................................................... 26

B. Seting and Subjects .................................................................................................. 26

C. Types and Sources of Data ...................................................................................... 27

D. Techniques of Data Collecting ................................................................................. 27

E. Technique in Analyzing The Data ........................................................................... 29


A. Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text at

SMP PGRI Kota Jambi ............................................................................................ 32

B. Students’ Respond Toward Teacher’ Strategies in Teaching

Writing at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi ........................................................................... 43

C. Research Analysis and Discussion ........................................................................... 51


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 59

B. Suggestions .............................................................................................................. 59

C. Statements of Concluding ........................................................................................ 60

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 61

APPENDIXS ........................................................................................................................ 63




A. Research Background

In the teaching and learning process, teachers has greather role than

learner and lesson material. According to Wright (1997:63), who states that more

can be done to improve education by improving the effectivenessof teachers than

by other factor. It can be said that the teachers role has to be concerned more in

educational setting. Sanders (1998: 27) also added that the single largest factors

affecting academic growth of poppulation of students is differences in

effectiveness of individual classroom teachers.

The activity of learning English in the world of education plays a very

important role. The succes or failure of students at school can be said as

depending on how good he is in English competention (especially in writting

skills). And it is not easy thing. It needs practicing a lot monitored by a competent

and resposible teacher.

There have been many researches recognize that teachers have a great

impact on student achievement. However, there is only a little empirical evidence

exist to determine which set of English teachers characteristics correlates with

students learning outcomes (Peng Ding, 2008 : 6). Teaching strategies refer to the

structure, system, methods, techniques, procedures, and processes that a teacher

uses during instruction. These are srategies the English teacher employ to assist

students learning.

Teacher probably has the greater role on the students learning motivation

than their parents. It is because students depen on their teacher, especially in

learning English. Freeman and Johnson stated that the central to understanding

and omproving the qualitu of English language taching is from the tachers, apart

from the method or materials they use (Freeman and Johnson, 1998 : 418).The

students often find some difficulties to have an interser in learning English

because English is not a part of Indonesia culture. They depend on their teacher to

develop their interest so that thet might study English.


Furthermore, Peng Ding stated that teachers who are enthusiastic prduced

learners who would develop and instrinsict interest in learning English(Ping Ding,

2008 : 264). Students will find ways to explore the English language and even

develop an interest in the culture and society of English speaking countries, such

as reading English magazines which cover western fashion, music, and film. In

addition, students who receive ahigh enthusiastic teachers reported have greater

instrinsic motivation regarding the material material in classroom but also further

as other things outside the English lesson.This research is based on thepreliminary

research on May 2016. By interviewing the English teachers, its reported that

enthusiasme of the stutudents in learning English is great. Students seemed to be

more interested in speaking English, listening English songs, readingEnglish

book, and writing in English(Observation, 11 May 2016).

Based on the grand tour conducted by researchers in the field, encountered

some initial findings about the state of teachers’ strategy in class SMP PGRI

Jambi City that shows good quality of teaching and learning process. Some of the

things that show this indication among others, are as follows:First, based on the

observations of researchers in the field looks completeness of facilities and

infrastructure in every classroom in the school. The completeness of facilities and

infrastructure (including media) turned out to be very helpful instructional

effectiveness of teachers in developing the teaching strategy with the students at

SMP PGRI Jambi City.

Looks very enthusiastic students build communication to their English

teacher. Students actively asking questions to their teachers about the pictures

displayed by the teacher through a power point slide. The other students there

were also responding to the answers given by their teachers, so that the classroom

atmosphere becomes active and no vacuum. (Observations, October 6, 2016).

Based on initial observations (grand tour) above, are known to look active

classroom atmosphere, and students among students and teachers actively

involved in the conversation for a review of the material presented in power point

concept maps presented by them. This condition indicates that the teacing and


learningprocess that have developed between the students and their English

teacher at SMP PGRI Jambi City going pretty well.

Second, also appears on initial observations, an English teacher at a

meeting occasionally make classroom management strategies. For example, to

randomize the location of the seat and a table of students, so that the learning

environment to be more fresh. It turned out to effectively make students actively

interact with each other as they are in a sitting position face to face.

Looks their class room settings varied seating arrangement by an English

teacher.For example sometimes applied U shape, pattern sit in rows, or groupings.

Even once an English teacher also gives freedom to the students to organize their

seats each in accordance with the tendency of students. With the pattern of the

latter, there arose a group divisions are naturally based on the wishes of students.

Apparently, it can trigger communication between them. It is possible this occurs

because students select groups based on their emotional closeness of each, so

intertwined interaction between the student and the student to the teacher by

nature and not rigid. (Observations, September 5, 2016).

Grand tour results above show that an English teacher at SMP PGRI Jambi

City implement a good strategy in the learning process in the classroom. Besides

that, a good strategy provides a good interaction effect is also among the class

members and their teachers.Thirdly, the researchers also observed that in SMP

PGRI Jambicity is also received awards from various competitions. Students

always win in the competition of English which are held at various levels.

Researchers looked at the teacher's room much on display trophies ever

achieved by male and female students ofSMP PGRI Kota Jambi. Among the

trophies, trophies are related specifically to the English competition, such as

debate, speech competitions, writing competition, and so forth. (Observations,

November 1, 2016).

Based on the observations made by researchers in the field, seem

interactions that occur among English teachers with students running well. For

example, when a teacher explains to the class, it always seemed student who

asked in English if there is an explanation of the teachers who have not


understood by them. On another occasion also visible when the teacher asked a

question to the student, then the student immediately respond to the teacher's

questions with enthusiasm.

Finally, the research purpose of this research is to analyze the strategies

used by the English teachers in maximing their enthusiasme is teaching.

Therefore, the title of this researcher is: “TeachingStrategyin Writing Descriptive

Text at The First Year of PGRI 1 Junior High School Jambi.“

B. The Limitation of Problem

There area many kinds of teachers skill teaching English as well as:

questioning, explainning, and motivating students area some basic skill of the

teachers in English language teaching (Shalevson, 1973 : 144). This research will

focus on the strategy of the teachers in teaching descriptive writting the first year

(one class) at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi 1 of A

C. The Formulation of Problem

Based on background of the study, the resarch analyzes the English

teachers strategies in teaching english. In line with the statements described

above, the researcher formulated the problem: What is the English tachers strategy

in teaching of descriptive text at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi?

D. The Purpose and Benefits of The Research

1. The Purposes of The Research

Based on the formulation of the problems above, the purpose and

benefits of the research:To knowEnglish tachers strategies in teaching at SMP

PGRI Kota Jambi.

2. The Benefits of The Research

This research is about the English teachers engthusiasme which

affect on the students learning motivation. It deeply identifies the

strategies of English teachers in maximing their teaching enthusiasm.


a. The result of the research is hoped to be a source for the school,

especially for English teachers in controlling and up grading the

teacher strategy in English language teaching process.

b. The result of this research will give good contribution to the English

education departemen of IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,because

by knowing the English teachers srategy in teaching and learning

process,the departement can also implementstrategies in creating may

great candidates of English teachers.

c. Students studying in English education departement at present to be

more and always be enthusiastic in teaching.

d. This research is also hoped will be useful as a literature review for any

further research which focuses on the topic with this research.





A. Theoritical Framework

1. Definition of Strategy

According to oxford advanced learners dictionary, was knowed that

strategy is a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose, the process

of planning something or putting a plan into operation in a skilful way, and the

skill of planning the movements of armies in a battle or war; an example of

doing this .(http://oald8.Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/strategy,-

retrieved:may, 2015).

At the another sources, strategy still correalation with terminology of

military:The term strategy originally used in the military and it is means as the

art of tactics in war, especially related with the movement of army navigation

in which position they feel the most advantage to get victorious. Today, the

term strategy borrowed by many other sciences and it also educational science

(Ahmadi, 2005 : 11).

Based on the two definiton above, strategy has connection with

military world. But in the context of education, as generally, the definition of

strategy is a guidance to achieve the determined goals. If this term related to

the teaching and learning, the strategy can means as describing the teacher and

students activity in teaching and learning to achieve determined goal. In

education, strategy means a plan, method or series activities designed to

achieve a particular educational goal (Ahmadi, 2005 : 11).

Learning strategy is learning activity that the teacher and students must

be done in order to achieve learning objectives effectively and efficiently.

Similar with the above opinion, Dirk and Carrey also said that learning

strategy is a set learning material and procedures that are used together to

increase result of students’ learning.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

There are two that we must understand from the definition above.The

first that the learning strategy is a plan of action including the use of methods

and power in learning. Second that strategy designed to achieve the

determined or specific goals. So, we can understand that the learning strategy

is a plan of activities and methods that designed to achieve the determined

goals. The goal‟s of this activity is to get synergy that two people is certainly

better than one (Ramayulis, 2006 : 110).

2. Teaching and Learning English

Teaching is about the “transmission” of knowledge from the teacher to

thestudent, or it is about creating condition in which, somehow, students learn

forthemselves. Teaching is focused to do something for students. Teaching is

formalaction to bring about a greater opportunity for the students becoming


Therefore, teaching means that the teacher gives or transfers

knowledge for thestudents.Teaching is an activity that tries to help someone to

acquire, change, ordevelop skills, attitudes, ideals, appreciation, and

knowledge. The teacher attemptsto bring about desirable behavioral changes

or tendencies toward changes in hisstudents. It is apparent that there must be

decisions made as to what learning isdesirable, and how best to perform such

teaching and learning.

A purpose of teaching is to help the students to learn. Each student

learns,however, from his own efforts and experiences. A teacher may inspire

students towant to learn and may guide them in experiences from which he

may learn somefact, attitude or skill.

There are three aspects of teaching:

a. Leadership: teachers have role that similar to those of leaders who

work in other types of organizations. They are expected to plan, to

motivate the students, to coordinate work individuals and group of the


b. Instructional: there are three important things that should be prepared

before begin the lesson: models of teaching, the teaching strategies and


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

procedure, and the last is the wisdom of practice contained in the

repertoire of experienced teachers.

c. Organizational: teachers not only plan and deliver instruction to their

students;they also serve as organizational members and leaders in a

complex workenvironment (Ramayulis, 2006 : 115).

Therefore, the teacher has more than one duty in the classroom. He has

to prepare the learning objective, the material, and also the media. Then,

deliver the material and using the teaching strategies to make the students

understand to the material. In other words, he has to be a leader to manage and

give the students motivation when teaching and learning in the classroom.

3. Teaching and Learning English at Junior High School

Based on the National Education Department has made the

newEnglishcurriculum, which is known as KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan) orinstitutional curriculum. KTSP is new English curriculum that

emphasizes on theDiscourse competence through literary approach. It

indicates that this new Englishcurriculum places the students’ text creation

both in oral and written. It means thatthe students are expected to be able to

use English in four basic skills, they are:listening, speaking, reading, and


All of those skills should be integrated in the development of the

language.In order hand, it can be said that the objective of English teaching in

Indonesia,especially in junior high school is that the students will be able to

use English forcommunication. And communication involves the use of the

four language skills.Integration of the four language skills will get the students

to perceive therelationship among several skills, and provide the researchers

with a great deal offlexibility in creating interesting, and motivating the


4. The Nature of Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is the noun of “write” means to form (letter, symbol, or

characters)on surface with a pen, pencil, and another tools (Miffin, 1986 :


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

1478) Writing is not only a unity ofletter which has meaning, but also

symbols and characters are the form andwriting. So, writing is written

form weather it is as long as meaningful eventhough only a group of

people can understand it.

Writing is also simply making mark that other people can

understand it.Such writing is treated in articles alphabet, handwriting, a

pen, pencil and others (Bobley, 2000 : 4972). Like speaking, writing is a

productive skill, and like other skill, writing is involvesa hierarchy of sub-

skills. These range from the most mechanical (such ashandwriting or

typing legibly) through to the ability to organize the written textand lay it

out according to the conventions of the particular text type (Thornbury,

2006 : 248).

Writing is one of subject or skill in English which also known

asproductive skill that should make the writer itself to produce his

expression inwritten form of, such as on paper or in computer. The goal of

recording the ideas(written form) which character and words express is to

communicate with thereaders by visible sign.

Writing skill in learning English is one of the vital skills which

supposedthe students to be able in writing especially in describing people,

animals, places,and something else. Although they have been learning

English since they are inElementary school, some others students stills

confused or even do not understandhow to write.

Writing is not the only activities combine words. Writing is a

processrepeated, namely process of revising and rewriting. Teaching

writing means thatwe create a science education that helps students see

that writing requires steps tofind, plan and create a draft text.

So, writing is the process of combining the words that express

something tocommunicate with the readers.As we know from the

explanation above, writing is a combination ofprocess and product (Linse,

2005 : 98). The writing process refers to the act of gathering ideas

andworking with them until they are presented in a manner that is polished


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

andcomprehensible to readers. And the writing product is the result the

entire stepwriting process.

b. Step to Start Writing

Most teachers in grades as early as kindergarten and of course also

juniorhigh school use a writing process. This process involves several

steps to guidechildren from the beginning of writing to creating a finished.

1) Prewriting

Children brainstorm to generate ideas for writing. They use

charts, storywebs, and graphic organizers to help develop a word list

for writing, decidethe type of writing, and audience, and determine the

purpose for writing.

2) Rough Draft

Children put their ideas on paper. At this time, they write

without majorattention to punctuation, grammar, or neatness. Some

teachers may refer tothis as a sloppy copy or rough draft. The purpose

of the rough draft is for thestudent to focus on his/her ideas and get

them on paper without the distractionor fear of making mistakes in

grammar, capitalization, punctuation, orparagraph structure.

3) Peer Editing

Classmates share their rough drafts and make suggestions to

each other forimprovement. They help each other understand the story

by asking who, what,when, where, why, and how questions. They look

for better words to expressideas and discuss among themselves how to

make the writing clearer.

4) Revising

The children use the suggestions from classmates to make

additions or clarifydetails. Children try to improve their writing on

their own. The teacher stepsin at this stage and gives feedback.

5) Editing

Children work with the teacher and/or peers to correct all

mistakes ingrammar and spelling.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

6) Final Draft

Children produce a copy of their writing with all corrections

made from theediting stage and then discuss this final draft with the

teacher. The teacheroffers the last suggestions for improvement at this


7) Publishing

The writing process is finally at its end. Children publish their

writing bymaking a copy in their neatest handwriting or using a word

processor. This isa time for students to celebrate. They may share their

pieces with the classduring story time, make a class book or a personal

portfolio, or send theirwork to local newspapers or children‟s

magazines for publication.There are five categories aspect s of writing

as follows:

a) Content: knowledge, substantive, thorough development of

thesis andrelevant to topic;

b) Organization: fluent expression, well organized, logical

sequencing, andcohesive;

c) Vocabulary: effective word, idiom choice and usage, word

form mastery;

d) Language use: effective complex construction, understanding

agreement,preposition, articles, pronouns, and the like;

e) Mechanics: spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

c. The Nature of Descriptive Text

Writing is used as the tool to express some ideas, feeling and our

thoughtto other people. In writing, the writer should know how to

compose sentencescorrectly and how to arrange the sentences to be a good

paragraph. Writing iscommunicating that knowledge to other people. In

addition, Brannan (2003: 3)states that writing is tool to communicate our

ideas on a piece of paper. Based onthe definition above writing is a

creative effort expressing idea and thoughtthrough words. As a productive

skill writing needs some effort of the writer inbuilding sentences.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

There are many kinds of text that should be learned by the

students. Oneof them namely is descriptive text. Descriptive writing is

primary to describes aperson, place, or event, so that the topic can be

clearly seen in the reader mind. Hogue (1996: 72) explains the main goal

of descriptive is to make reader “see”what we have described. It means

that in descriptive text, the thing should beexplained specifically for


Miller (1997:36) states that descriptive text is a text which

describessomebody or something. Descriptive is related with something

that a physicalstructure. It tells how something looks, feels, smells, and

tastes. On the otherwords, Wardiman, Et al (2008:16) descriptive is a

verbal feature of a person, placeor object. Generally, the writer must use

vivid details that illustrate picture for thereader.

According to Hogue (1996:72) there are two keys to write a

gooddescription. The first key is to use space order and the second key it

to usespecific detail. The first space is order paragraph. Just as we put the

sentences in atime order paragraph in a certain order; we must also put the

sentences indescription in certain order. Instead of using time order,

however we will usespace order. In space order we might describe

something from top to bottom orfrom left to right. For example, when we

describe a person, we could start withthe person’s head and end with the

person’s feet. There are all ways to use spaceto put the sentences in a

description into meaningful order, such as: top to bottom- bottom to top,

right to left - left to right, far to near - near to far, outsides toinside - inside

to outside. The second key to write a good description is to usespecific

detail. When we write something we paint a picture with words. The goalis

to make reader “see” what we have described.

5. Process of Writting Descriptive Text

Process of writing is very important to make a good writing especially

indescriptive text. Brown & Hood (1993:6) explain that three main stages of

thewriting process, they are: (1) preparing to write, (2) drafting and (3)


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

revising. Inaddition, Blanchard & Root (2004:11), divide process of writing

descriptive textconsists of three steps, they are: (1) prewriting; generating

ideas, planning, andorganizing your ideas, (2) writing; using your ideas to

write a first draft, (3)revising and editing; improving what you have written.

Hogue (1996:6) states four steps to writing, they are: (1)

prewriting(getting ideas and organizing them), (2) writing the first draft, (3)

editing the firstdraft or checking and correcting it, (4) writing the final draft to

hand in. In thesame way, Meyers (2005:3) states that writing process consists

of six steps, theyare: (1) Explore ideas; (2) Pre-write; (3) Organize; (4) Write a

first draft; (5) Produce the finals copy.

There are some processes in writing. Firstly, exploring ideas means

weshould prepare something related to our ideas before writing a text. In

exploringideas, it consists of two steps: considering the subject; we should

have thematerial we will use in writing. Considering the purpose; we should

know ourpurpose to write some ideas, for example to inform, to persuade, to


Secondly, pre write is using one or more technique in writing to search

more ideain our brain. Thirdly is to organize, after we put some ideas into

words, weorganize them. Fourth, write a first draft, at this point we can begin

our argumentof ideas, make a note about it in the margin, and write on a

second sheet of thepaper. If necessary, revise the first draft; read it and change

our ideas or organizethem. The last is to produce the final copy, after we have

finished revising ourparagraph.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that writing

isprogressive activity. It means that when we write down something, we

havealready been thinking about what we are going to say and how we are

going to sayit. Then after we have finished writing, we read over what we

have written andmake changes and corrections. Therefore, writing is never a

one-step actions; it isa process that has several steps.

6. The Concept of Teaching Strategies


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Teacher has a big role to make their students success in

learning.Therefore, more strategies in teaching process are needed. These are

somestrategies in teaching English that can be used to teach young learner.

Cathy and robert argued that strategy in teaching is used to make the

learning environment come alive make the lesson learned last beyond the next

test (Cathy, 2000 : ). Here researcher defines strategy which is as action

designed to achieve in the theoriest, but especially it is pracitice way of

maximizing teacher enthusiasm which is for increasing the students englis

learning motivation.

According to Ngo, he said english learning education needs to focus on

whole person experience of students. It has to teach the language, but

also their experiences, emotions, spiritually, and culture should also be

taken into consideration (Mayda, 2015 : 12).

Learning styles area not dichtomous black and white, or present and

absent. Learning styles generally operatre on continum or multiple continum.

For example, a person might be more extraverted than introverted, or more

closure-oriented tha open, or equally visual and auditory but lesser

kinesthehthics and tactile involvement. Few if any people could be classied

having all or nothing in any of these categories (Oxford, 2003 : 3).

The teacher have to plann their lesson by considering the students

profile in their classes, the weekly course programe and the institutional

course books (Borg, 2015 : 19).

a. Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy involving children‟s

participationin small group learning acvities that promote positive

interaction. Thefunction of cooperative learning is to help the children in

helping each otherwhen they are facing some problems in learning

English. In cooperativelearning teams, low-achieving students can make

contributions to a group andexperience success, and all students can

increase their understanding of ideasby explaining them to others. Well-


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

constructed cooperative learning tasksinvolve positive interdependence on

others and individual accountability.

b. Communicative Learning

Language learning is understood as learning to communicate

throughcommunication. Communicative teaching is often organized in the

threephaseframework. Pre-activity, while-activity, and post activity. Pre-

activity isorganized to arouse interest in the learner towards the main task,

motivateperformance, to activate in learners their prior knowledge and

prepare themfor the language that can be necessary to perform the main

task. Whileactivityis organized as oral or written communication and is

based onengaging the learners in the communicative tasks. Post-activity is

reflectionon the ideas and language that was produced during the main

activity. Thisphase also includes additional language drill and

interrogation with otherskills.

c. Active Learning

Many studies show that learning is improved when students

actively involvedin learning process. Active leaning is environments that

allow students to talkand listen, read, write and reflect as they approach

course content throughproblem solving exercises, informal small groups,

simulations, case studies,role playing, and other activities. In active

learning, the children directly learnby their self and make their own

concept base on their experience.

Active learning refers to the level of academic students

engagement in out of the clasroom. These teaching techniques. These

teaching techniques area intended to make the students active (rather than

passive) participants in learning. Learning impotant health knowledge and

skooll os not unlike learning manu ners skill, be itu a pshysical skill (eg.

kicking a ball), a mental skill (eg. decision making), of a social skill (eg.

communication). Many individuals learn best and become profecient in

skill by practing them to teachers talk about the skill, reading about skill,


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

or watching others perform skill


Active hands on teaching strategies and learning activities are

designed to take classroom, sometimes out of their school, and sometimes

out of school, and sometomes out their familiar activities are intendend to

make stidentas active participants in their own learning.


Two important terms area frequently uses in this chaper: (1)

Teaching strategies refer to the structure system, methods, techniques,

procedures, and process that a teacher uses during instruction. These are

strategies these teacher employ to assist students learning. (2) Learning

activities refer to the teacher guided instructional task or assigments for

students. These are students activities.


The terms teaching strategy and learning activity do not

exclusively imply active aor passive instruction. For example, a teacher

may select a lecture teaching strategy where the students are expected (as

their learning activity) o simply listen. (https://www.goole.co.id/url?sa


Conversely, a teacher may select a problem a problem-based

teaching strategy where the students are expected (as their learning

activity) to discover thath they to learn something in order to solve the


Active learning is a process where by student engage in activities,

such aswriting, reading, discussion or problems solving that promote

analysis, synthesis,and evaluation of class content. Cooperative learning,

problem based learning, andthe use of case methods and simulation are

some approaches that promote activelearning (http://www. crlt. umich.

edu/tstrategies/tsal.php. Retrieved May 31 2015).

Active learning requires that students are engaged and active in

thelearning process. The instructor serves a coach or facilitator, guiding


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

studentsthrough activities, but letting the students take control of the

learning event itself.Active learning is a teaching method that involves

students in learningprocess rather than seeing them as passive recipients.

Active learning asks thatstudents use content knowledge, not just acquire


Silberman also said that activelearning is a teaching method that

incorporates a variety of activities to get thebrain storm. Students need to

hear, see, question, discuss, use and teach thecontent. The purpose of

active learning is to improve students comprehension,retention and overall


Students and their learning needs are at the center of active

learning. Thereare any number of teaching strategies that can be employed

to actively engagestudents in the learning process, including group

discussions, problem solving,case studies, role plays, journal writing, and

structured learning groups. Thebenefits to using such activities are many.

They include improved critical thinkingskills, increased retention and

transfer of new information, increased motivation,and improved

interpersonal skills.

There are four basic activities through which all students learn, and

specificactive learning strategies use one or more of these elements. they


1) Talking and Listening

When students talk about a topic, whether answering a teacher's

question orexplaining a point to another student, they organize and

reinforce what theyhave learned. When they listen, we want to ensure

that it's meaningfullistening, relating what they hear to what they

already know. In a lecture class,students need periodic time away from

passive listening in order to absorbwhat they've heard. And they need

reasons to listen, reasons perhaps moreimmediate than a good grade at

the end of the semester. Did the teacher ask aquestion before the

lecture segment that was thought-provoking enough tocause the


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

students to search for the answer in the words that followed? Werethey

told beforehand that they would have to explain the points in the

lectureto a fellow student?

2) Writing

Like talking and active listening, writing provides a means for

students toprocess new information in their own words. It is

particularly effective inlarge classrooms where breaking students into

pairs or groups may beprohibitive. It also appeals to individuals who

prefer to learn independently.

3) Reading

Students do a great deal of their learning through reading, but

they oftenreceive little instruction in how to read effectively. Active

learning exercisessuch as summary and note checks can help students

process what they haveread and help them develop the ability to focus

on important information

4) Reflecting

In the all too typical lecture class, the lecturer stops talking at

the very end ofthe period. Students gather up their notes and books and

run for their nextclass. One can almost see the knowledge evaporating

from their brains.They've had no time to reflect, to connect what they

have just learned withwhat they already know, or to use the knowledge

they have gained in any way. Allowing students to pause for thought,

to use their new knowledge toteach each other, or to answer questions

on the day's topics is one of thesimplest ways to increase retention

(http:// www1.umn.edu/ ohr/ teachlearn/

tutorials/active/what/index.html. Retrieved May, 31 2015.)

One of the best ways to promote active learning is to give

learningassignments to be carried out in small teams. Often, participants

can learn as muchif not more in this mode than when you are teaching in

front of the class. The peersupport and diversity of viewpoints, knowledge,


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

and skills also help make teamlearning a valuable part of active training

(Silberman, 2005 : 161).

According to Mel Silberman in hisbook, there are some active

learning strategies that include team learning. Theyare:

1) Information Search

This method can be likened to an open-book test. Teams search

forinformation (normally covered in a lecture) that answers questions

posed tothem. This method is especially helpful in livening up dry


2) The Study Group

This method gives participants the responsibility to study

learning materialand to clarify its content as a group without the

trainer‟s presence. The assignment needs to be specific enough so that

the resulting study session willbe effective and the group will be able

to be self-managing.

3) Card Sort

This is an active team-based strategy that can be used to teach

concepts,classification characteristics, or product knowledge or to

review information.The physical movement featured can help to

energize a tired group.

4) Learning Tournament

This technique combines a study group with team competition.

It can be usedto promote the learning of a wide variety of facts,

concepts, and even skills.

5) Team Investigation

There are many ways to mobilize small groups to gather

information, obtainideas, and solve problems as a team. This is an

excellent strategy to buildactive learning into any training program.

6) The Power of Two


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

This activity is used to promote cooperative learning and to

reinforce theimportance and benefits of synergy that is that two heads

are indeed betterthan one.

7. The Concept of Instructional Standards

“As a teacher, you will be most interested in the instructional and

assessment standars. Bellow are lists of the instructional standars.

Bellow area list of the instructional standards and selected assesment

standards. These provide general guidlines for teaching and for

evaluating your students.” (Kerns, 2006 : 6).

Based on Califoria model, the instructional standards are:

1) Instructional activities integrate the four language skills (listening,

speaking, reading, and writing) to emphasize the holistic nature


2) Language tasks in the classroom consist of meaningful

interchanges that enchance students communicative competence.

3) Instruction activites focus on the the acquisition of communication

skills necessary for students to function in real life situations.

4) Instruction focuses on the development of the receptive skills

(listening and reading) before the development of the productive

skills (speaking and writting).

5) A variaety of grouping strategies (whole group, small group, par

work, individual work) are used in the classroom to facilitate

students-centered instruction.

6) Instructional acivities are varied in order to adress the

differentlaringing styles (aural, oral, visual, kinesthetic) of the


7) Instructional activities integrate language and culture so that

students learn about the culture in terms of significant and subtle

characteristics thath compare and contrast with those of their own

cultures (Kerns, 2006 : 6).


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Direct instruction is ascientifically based instructional approach that

has proven results for students disabilities. The directional instruction uses

detailed teaching procedures that area presntes in a specific order. It is built

arround the concept that every child if we teach them carefully and teacher can

be succesfull with effective instructional techniques (Martel, 2009 : 19).

B. Related Studies

Surya Azmi Hidayat was finish his research with the title: “The Power of

Two Strategy in Teaching and Learning English At The Second Grade of MTsN

Padang Batung Sungai Pering Kandangan Academic Year 2011-2012.”The data is

collected by using techniques such as observation, questionnaire, interview, and

documentary. The result of this research shows that the teacher activity in using

the power of two strategy in teaching and learning at the second grade students of

MTsN Padang Batung Sungai Paring Kandangan is run well. The students are

more motivated to learn in the class, they have more confidence, and they are

more active in class activity (Hidayat, 2012 : vi).

Nasutionwas finish his research with the title “The Teachers’ Strategies in

Overcoming The Students’ Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text”. This study

aims to investigate the Teachers’ Strategies in overcoming their students’

difficulties in writing descriptive text and to find out what the Teachers’ Reasons

of using the strategies. The respondents of this research were three English

teachers at SMPN 1 Kramatmulya Kuningan. The approach of the research is

qualitative approach, it means that the information of the data has been gained

through questionnaire, interview, observation and reading books. In the process of

teaching and learning three English teachers usually use some strategies in

overcoming the students’ difficulties in writing descriptive text. Those strategies

are modelled writing, visual scaffolding, guided writing, independent writing,

cooperative learning, writing conference, material scaffolding, content

scaffolding, number head together, and making diary (Nasution, 2011 : v).

Lutviana Sari was finish her research with title: “English Teachers’

Strategies in Teaching Reading at The Eight Grade of The State Islamic Junior

High School KenaliBesarJambi.”The purpose of this research is to find out


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

strategies used and applied by teachers who teach reading in eight grade the Sate

Islamic Junior High School KenaliBesar Kota Jambi. There are different teacher

namely Mrs. Rima Melati or first teacher teach in eight class A and B and Mrs.

Suryenti or second teacher teach in eight class C and D. The researcher collected

the data by interview, observation, and documentation. The researcher use

descriptive qualitative have happened in the process of teaching activities. From

the result of data analysis, it could be conducted that there were two strategies

used and applied by the English teacher in teaching and reading at the State

Islamic Junior High School KenaliBesar Jambi they are strategy and question

answer strategy (Sari, 2016 : iii).

Sukardi was finish his research with title: “The Teacher Strategies in Teaching

Pronounciation for Eight Grade at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bandar Jaya

TanjungJabungTimur Regency.” This study aims to identify the strategies used by

the teacher in teaching pronunciation and identify the application of classroom

teaching strategies to VIII grade students of Bandar Jaya Tsanawiyah Madrasah in

TanjungJabungTimur District. The research design is qualitative descriptive.

Research arrangements took place at Bandar Jaya MTs in RantauRasau District.

This school is a public school and in learning English, students are facilitated with

nine classrooms. In addition to learning in the classroom, students are also

facilitated with a library and multi-media space. According to the findings and

discussion of some conclusions that can be drawn, it turns out that the teacher

uses various strategies that are combined in learning and teaching activities in the

classroom.(Sukardi, 2016 : iv).




A. Research Design

The method that use in this research is qualitative reseacrh model.Saebeni

said that qualitative researh are looking for phenomena (Saebeni, 2008: 183-

184).With this approach,researcher build the logic argumentation about strategy

of teaching Englishat SMP PGRI Kota Jambi and how the students respon about


This qualitative method applied in this thesis with consideration of this

method is useful to obtain in-depth data, which is a meaning that implies. The

meaning is the actual data. The data is the data behind the value visible.

Researchers chose and used a qualitative approach for qualitative research

is more appropriate to be applied in this study (Saebeni, 2008 : 92). Researchers

argue, with a qualitative approach, then the data in the field, including in SMP

PGRI Kota Jambi will be easily elaborated comprehensively.

B. Setting and Subject

The social situation in the SMP PGRI Kota Jambi can be said that

distinctively Islamic. This is because in that school are very thick with Islamic

nuance. Some of the things that show this is partly because many of the attributes

and Islamic symbols found on school infrastructure. In addition, in this school

majority of the teachers are Muslim and in everyday life in a culture dominated by

dressing in class Muslim outfit.

Subject of this research is the the English teacher at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi in

academic year 2018/2019. And object of the research is the strategies in teaching

English.The subject of research in this study is limited by a number of officers

and staff working in SMP PGRI Kota Jambi. The reason researchers took the

names of the subjects of this study is because researchers believe social element is

the most representative of the fundamental problems in the thesis that the

researchers discuss the researcher who the explanations already in the first chapter

of this study at the subtitles focus of research.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Types and Sources of Data

1. Types of Data

The data of this research are devided into two kinds as follow:

a. Primary Data

The data about the English teacher strategy in teaching descriptive

text at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi academic year 2018/2019.

b. Secondary Data

The writer also the secondary data to complete the primary on

which are mentioned as follows:

1) Briefs history and buildings’ data of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi;

2) Description about teachers, English teachers, and administration

staffs of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi;

3) Description about students of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi.

2. Sources of Data

Based on Arikunto, he said that sources of data devided to three

point. they are as bellow:Person, Place, Papper (Arikunto, 2010 : 172).

Sources of data in this research are:

a. Respondent: The students of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi academic year


b. Informant: Headmaster, teachers, and administration staffs of SMP

PGRI Kota Jambi;

c. Document: All written resources which relate to the primary and

secondary data;

C. Techniques of Data Collecting

To collect the data, the writer uses some techniques, they are:

1. Observation

Observations were applied in this study is also a frank and subtle

observation. In technical, researchers in data collection expressed frankly to

the data source that this activity aims to a study. So that by doing so, they

studied to know from the beginning to the end of the activities of researchers.

But at one time, researchers were not overtly or covertly in this case to avoid


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

the observation that the data sought is the data that is still secret. Possible if

done openly, then researchers will not be allowed to make observations

(Sugiyono, 2014 : 71).

Observation is “Pengumpulan data dengan cara memperhatikan atau

mengamati secara langsung.” (Sugiyono, 2007 : 203). This is technique that

the writer comes to SMP PGRI Kota Jambi and observes the object and other

related directly. This strategy used to know how the effectiveness strategy

applied, and how the impact to students’ activity.

2. Interview

The interview is a two-way dialogue that is conducted by the

interviewers in certain situations and circumstances to obtain information

from interviewees (Sugiyono, 2007: 155). Interviews were conducted with

teachers who are in the area Jambi City. Interviews were conducted with two

forms namely formal interview with structured questions, as well as informal

interviews with unstructured questions and more are chatting in a reasonable

and conducive atmosphere. The data obtained through interviews researchers

use as the primary data.

Interview is “Wawancara adalah percakapan dengan maksud tertentu,

percakapan itu dilakukan oleh dua belah pihak, yaitu pewawancara yang

mengajukan pertanyaan dan yang diwawancarai yang memberikan jawaban

atas pertanyaan.” (Sugiyono, 2007 : 203).In this way, the writer hold a

number of reviews with some related persons, like the teacher especially

English teacher, students, headmaster and administrational staffs.

3. Documentation

Documentation is “Metode untuk memperoleh keterangan-keterangan

atau informasi dari tata usaha atau catatan-catatan tentang gejala-gejala

atau peristiwa-peristiwa masa lalu.” (Sudican, 1998 : 39). The technique is

used to get data about total number of students, teachers, administrational

staffs, facilities and so on. To know more closely about those data, source of

data and techniques of data collecting, the following matrix will be helpful:

Table 3.1 Data, Source of Data and Technique of Data Collecting


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

No Data Source of Data Techniques of Data


1 Primary data:

The data about the strategy in

teaching writing at the students

of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi

academic year 2018/2019 with

consist of:

Teacher Observatioan



A How the strategy in teaching

writing is applied; Teacher Observation

B The students response toward

the strategies in English when

the teacher teaches them

Students Questionare

C The impact of the strategy in

teaching English to the students

activity in the class

Students Observation

2 Secondary data

A Briefs history and the buildings

data of SMP PGRI Kota Jambi

Head master

and document

Interview and


B Description about teachers,

English teachers, and

administration staffs of SMP

PGRI Kota Jambi


staff and


Interview and


D. Technique in Analyzing The Data

Qualitative data analysis in other research done since before entering

the field, and during field, In this case Nasution was quoted as saying by

Sugiyono, menyataka that the analysis has started to formulate and explain the

problem. Before plunging into the field, and continue until the writing of the

research results. Analysis of the data become a handbook for next research if

possible theory is grounded. However, in qualitative research, data analysis is


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

more focused during the process in conjunction with the field data collection

(Sugiyono, 2007 : 90).

Data analysis techniques in this study using data analysis techniques

model of qualitative analysis. The data analysis done during the data

collection process takes place, and after the completion of data collection in a

particular period. At the time of the interview, researchers have conducted an

analysis of the answers were interviewed after analysis was not satisfactory,

then the researchers will continue the questions again to a certain extent

obtained data are considered credible (Saebeni, 2008 : 200-202). Saebeni said

that activity in qualitative data analysis interactively and continues over time

until complete. So that the data is already saturated. This technique consists of

two phases namely the analysis prior to the field, and analysis while in the

field. The Qualitative analysis described in the paragraphs below:

1. Reduction of Data

The data obtained from the field is quite a lot, for it then to be

noted carefully and in detail (Saebeni, 2008 : 200). Data reduction means

summarizing, choose things that are basic, focusing on things that are

important, look for themes and patterns, and discard unnecessary. Thus the

reduced data will provide a clearer picture, and facilitate researchers to

conduct further data collection, and look for it when necessary.

In operation, the data reduction techniques, a large number of

researchers raw data acquired and collected in the field will be researchers

collated in the form of field notes, a copy of the interview, a copy of the

documentation. After sorting as it was, the investigator will be easy to

carry out the reduction process and the selection of the raw data that was

scattered into a number of data mengkerucut essentials only, and indeed

associated with the research.

2. Presentation of Data

Presentation of data in qualitative research can be done in the form

of brief descriptions, charts, relations between categories, and the like. In


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

this case the Miles and Huberman states that are most often used to present

data in qualitative research is the narrative text (Sugiyono, 2007 : 338).

Researchers conducted engineering-right to display the data is with

the aim of helping researchers to understand what is happening, to plan

further work based on what you've found it.In operation, after the data is

reduced, the next stage researchers will assemble and systematize data in

place menyesuaiakan accordance with the interests of the research report.

Reduced data so that it becomes an argument that explains, meaningful

and meaningless.

3. Verify Data

Verification and conclusion is the final step in the process of

qualitative research data analysis. Conclusion in a qualitative study is

expected to answer the problem formulation formulated from the

beginning. Conclusion expected in qualitative research is a new finding

that the previous form of a description or picture of an object that

previously were vague so that after investigation it became clear, it can be

a causal relationship or interactive, hypothesis, or theory (Sugiyono, 2014

: 345).




A. Teachers’Strategies in Teaching WrittingDescriptive Text at SMP PGRI

Kota Jambi

According to the result of observation and interview conducted with an

English teacher about teacher’ strategies, there are four strategies used by the

teacher in teaching, they are memorizing, question answer relationship, game and

discussion strategies. All the strategies used by the teacher in teaching writting

comprehension are effective, because with those strategies the students can

understand the material easily.

1. Using Memorizing Strategy

The teacher in SMP PGRI Kota Jambi said that there were some

strategies that he used in teaching writtingto their students they were

memorizing, question answer relationship, game and discussion strategies.

"There are some strategies that I apply when teaching in the classroom.

Usually this strategy be varied so that students are not saturated in the

learning process (activities of teaching and learning. As an English

teacher, I would certainly apply the right strategy. For example, so as

to teach writting, then I would use the strategy of memorizing,

question answer relationship, games and discussion strategies.

"(interview, September 1, 2018).

“Ada beberapa strategi yang saya terapkan ketika mengajar di kelas.

Biasanya strategi itu divariasikan agar siswa tidak jenuh dalam proses

KBM (kegiatan belajar mengajar). Selaku guru bahasa Inggris,

tentunya saya akan menerapkan strategi yang pas. Misalnya saja ya

ketika mengajarkan writting, maka saya akan menggunakan strategi

memorizing, question answer relationship, game and discussion

strategies.” (wawancara, 01 September 2018).

The first strategy wasmemorizing. Teacher utilizes memorizing's

strategy on student for writting comprehension's learning. Every final learn,

the teacher asks to student to memorize minimum 5 vocabularies from text

writtings that was taught, student was given a few minutes to memorize

vocabulary. After that, the student asked to memorize vocabularies at each


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

theirs seat with attendance. According the teacher, this strategy utilizes in

order the student easily to understand content of that text's writting.

All of the students especially in eight grade are using this strategy. For

example, in every meeting with English lesson, the teacher must memorize

five vocabularies and those meaning individually related to the topic that they

have discussion. It’s done in the end of lesson. And a week the students can

memorize ten vocabularies because in a week they have two meeting with

English lesson.

"In every meeting student must memorizing 5 vocabularies and their

meanings. They memorize vocabulary of the texts have been discussed

earlier children. Once a week the children have a collection of as many

as 10 vocabularies, because in the week there were only two meetings.

How to memorize directly invoked by teachers one by one. (For

example in every meeting the students should memorize five

vocabularies and view those meaning. They memorize the vocabulary

from writting passage that they have done. In a week, the students have

ten vocabularies to memorize, Because in a week only twice meeting.

The trick to memorize call by teacher Directly one by one).

"(observations, September 5, 2018)

“Dalam setiap pertemuan siswa harus meghafalkan 5 kosakata

beserta artinya. Mereka menghafalkan vocab dari bacaan yang telah

dibahas anak-anak tadi. Ketika dalam satu minggu anak-anak

mempunyai kumpulan kosakata sebanyak 10 kosakata, karena dalam

seminggu hanya ada dua kali pertemuan. Cara menghafalkannya

langsung dipanggil oleh guru satu persatu. (Observasi, 05 September


And other informan said to researcher as well as:.

"Very true, indeed our teachers often ask us all in the class to

memorize five vocabulary of every text that we have read. Here we are

always repeating the text up five felt enough in our memories. After

that, at the next meeting there will be five more rote. So it went on,

until we can continue to add to the vocabulary of English. Thus we

will easily understand the meaning of each writting in English, because

we have been helped by our vocabulary previously memorized.

Sometimes if you do not know well, we were forced to look at the

dictionary. And this is also permitted by our English teacher.

"(Interview, September 2, 2018).

“Benar sekali, memang guru kami seringkali meminta kami semua di

kelas untuk menghafal lima kosa kata dari setiap teks yang sudah kami

baca. Di sini kami selalu mengulang-ulang lima teks tersebut hingga

dirasakan cukup dalam ingatan kami. Setalah itu, di pertemuan


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

berikutnya akan ada lima hafalan lagi. Begitulah seterusnya, hingga

kami dapat menambah terus kosa kata bahasa inggris. Dengan

demikian kami akan mudah memahami arti atau makna setiap bacaan

dalam bahasa Inggris, soalnya kami sudah terbantu dengan kosa kata

yang kami hafalkan sebelumnya. Kadang kalau tidak tahu juga,

terpaksa kami melihat kamus. Dan ini diijinkan juga oleh guru bahasa

Inggris kami.” (wawancara, 02 September 2018).

This strategy can help students to understand the writting text. Because

after memorizing and knowing what it, means students will easily understand

the text. But this strategy cannot work properly if the student does not have a

good mood and atmosphere are less comfortable classes.

"My opinion as an English teacher, of course I see that with the

number of vocabulary controlled by my students, I see them more

easily understand what the cores of each text that they read.

Nevertheless, of course I thought, writting comprehension of students

here must also be supported by the classroom atmosphere conducive

and flexible way of teaching. "(Interview, September 3, 2018).

“Menurut hemat saya selaku guru Bahasa Inggris, tentu saja saya

melihat bahwa dengan banyaknya kosa kata yang dikuasai oleh anak

didik saya tersebut, saya melihatnya mereka lebih mudah memahami

apa inti-inti dari setiap teks yang mereka baca. Meskipun demikian,

tentu saja saya pikir, pemahaman bacaan siswa di sini juga harus

ditunjang oleh suasana kelas yang kondusif dan cara mengajar yang

luwes.” (wawancara, 03 September 2018).

Recognizing the importance of a conducive learning environment to

support the convenience of learning in the classroom, then the principal shall

be responsible in maximizing the provision of facilities and infrastructure. It is

pointed out by the principal to the researchers as follows:

"As a principal, I take responsibility for the completeness of facilities

and infrastructure in this school. Of course, in coordination with

representatives of facilities and infrastructure. We continue to monitor

this case together so that the students are studying in this school can

feel comfortable in participating in learning activities. "(Interview,

September 4, 2018).

“Sebagai kepala sekolah, saya turut bertanggungjawab atas

kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana di sekolah ini. Tentunya dengan

berkoordinasi dengan wakil sarana dan prasarana. Hal ini terus kita

pantau bersama agar siswa-siswi yang belajar di sekolah ini dapat

merasa nyaman dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar.”

(wawancara, 04 September 2018).


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Based on an interview given by the head of the school, explained that

the principal always complements the condition of facilities and infrastructure

in schools. Then the English teacher also explains that the strategy of

memorizing vocabulary is also done so that learners quickly understand the

text they read. In addition to memorizing strategies, teachers also use question

answer relationship strategy.

2. Using Question Answer Relationship

The second strategy is question answer relationship. Teacher utilizes

question answer relationship strategy on student for writting comprehension

learning at the class. In this strategy which utilized by teacher, the teacher

gives problem or question to student as much 1 until 2 problems at each

learning final so the students answer the problem. According to the teacher,

this strategy used to give material to the student in order the students easy to

accept material that gave by teacher.

"In addition to memorizing strategies, in class I also use question

answer relationship strategy. How this strategy works this way approx.

First, before I teach the material, I will do a monologue short of stories

that contain the problem. As the momentum Jambi exposed to smog,

well, in my class tell me the problem. Then at the end of the story of

the translation of smog above, I do interaction to students and

concluding phase of teaching, I assigned tasks to them to determine the

factors the occurrence of smog and how to prevent it by writting

literature on the internet. Indirectly this will motivate students to read

intentions. "(Interview, September 5, 2018)

“Selain strategi memorizing, di kelas juga saya menggunakan strategi

question answer relationship. Cara kerja strategi ini begini kira-kira.

Pertama, sebelum saya mengajarkan materi yang ada, saya akan

melakukan monolog semacam cerita-cerita yang mengandung

problem. Seperti ketika momentum Jambi diterpa kabut asap, nah, di

kelas saya ceritakan masalah itu. Lalu diakhir penjabaran kisah kabut

asap tadi, saya melakukan interaksi kepada para siswa dan diakhir

fase mengajar, saya memberikan tugas kepada mereka untuk

mengetahui faktor-faktor terjadinya kabut asap dan bagaimana cara

mencegahnya dengan membaca literatur di internet. Secara tidak

langsung hal ini akan memotivasi niat siswa untuk membaca.”

(wawancara, 05 September 2018)


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

In this strategy, the teacher gives to the students one until two

question. So the students answer that question. This question is about the

lesson that they have discuss. It’s done by the teacher to know students

understand or not understand about the material. And its done in final learning

with the teacher point one of student to answer that question. And they answer

it by sits in chair each.

“Strategy is adapted to the material. The material that we have

considered jointly covered in class earlier. I give to the students one to

two question as, and then I asked the children to answer (this strategy

based on the material. The material that related to the topic that we

have discuss together in the class. I give one until to the question to the

student so, the student answer that question. "(Interview, 28 September


Staretegi ini disesuaikan dengan materinya. Materinya yaitu yang

telah kita bahas bersama-sama dibahas di kelas tadi. Saya

memberikan kepada siswa satu sampai dua pertanyaa, kemudian saya

menyuruh anak-anak untuk menjawabnya (this strategy based on

material. (The material that related to the topic that we have discuss

together in the class. I give one until to question to the student so, the

student answer that question).” (Wawancara, 28 September 2018)

This strategy is used by the teacher to see if students really understand

it withtext they read. If the student can answer the questions they have been

understoodin understanding the text, and if they cannot answer the question

then the studentsnot understand with those text. This Strategy can help

students if students really answer that question with their own words or with

the answer from the text. And this strategy cannot help students if the students

answer the teacher's question get from their friends or not using his or her own


"With this strategy, I as the teacher intended that my students can get

answers to my questions are good and there is a source of reference.

Thus, they will be trained to read the literature and encouraged to read

the English subtitles. Through a culture of writting this, hopefully can

minimize some students who are used to cheat on her classmates.

"(Interview, September 7, 2018)

“Dengan adanya strategi ini, saya selaku guru bertujuan agar para

siswa saya dapat mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan saya secara baik

dan ada sumber rujukannya. Dengan demikian, mereka akan terlatih

untuk membaca literatur dan terdorong untuk membaca teks bahasa


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Inggris. Lewat budaya membaca ini, mudah-mudahan dapat

meminimalisir sebagian siswa yang terbiasa mencontek teman

sekelasnya.” (wawancara, 07 September 2018)

What is conveyed by an English teacher at the top shows that the

question answer relationship strategy can minimize the students to cheat,

because the students are asked to immediately find the answer through

writtings, rather than through reason students each. The next strategy is a


3. Using Game Strategy

The third strategy is game. The teacher uses this strategy in

writtingcomprehension class. The teacher use “picture dictionaries game.” In

this game theteacher divide the students into some group. The teacher uses

card or piece ofpaper that there is a picture. So, the teacher shows that card in

front of the classand all of students saw. Next, the students answer that picture

and spell the wordswith find the in the dictionary quickly. And the group who

that they have lowscore the other group will get the punishment. This

punishment done by theteacher in order the student active.

Usually the students are happy with this activity because it is

conducted with students in group. For example, the teacher in front of class

showing the card that there is a picture and the students finding the answer

what is the picture. And if the students do not know the English language and

the spelling the student can open the dictionary. And they must answer that

picture quickly.

Based on the observation that researchers do in the field, it can be

observed that students were eager to follow the course of the game.

"It seems the students were very excited when the teacher started

learning English by using the media of game. Students are very active

for randoming and turning the dictionary to answer the questions posed

by their teachers through the pictures that have been prepared.

"(Observation October 1, 2018)

“Terlihat siswa-siswi sangat bersemangat ketika guru bahasa Inggris

memulai pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media permainan. Siswa

sangat aktif untuk mombola-balikkan kamus untuk menjawab

pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru mereka melalui


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

gambar-gambar yang telah dipersiapkan.” (Observasi 01 Oktober


Based on observations of researchers in the field, it is known that looks

teacher divides the class into two groups. This is done so the strategy game to

do well. Here are the results of observations of researchers in the field:

"The teacher enters the classroom and looks to bring media images as

much as 10 pieces of the picture. In the picture, there are a variety of

forms. As for the ten images were taken by the teacher at the time was:

(1) drawing machine, (2) the image of the bridge, (3) the image

necklace, (4) pictures of trees, (5) the picture hat, (6) the image ruler,

(7 ) umbrella image, (8) TV remote images, (9) pictures of shoes, and

(10) of the image light. Media images will be used by English teachers

to train their students in writting through a strategy game.

"(Observations, 12 September 2018)

“Guru memasuki ruang kelas dan terlihat membawa media gambar

sebanyak 10 buah gambar. Pada gambar tersebut, terdapat berbagai

macam bentuk. Adapun kesepuluh gambar yang dibawa oleh guru

pada waktu itu adalah: (1) gambar mesin, (2) gambar jembatan, (3)

gambar kalung, (4) gambar pohon, (5) gambar topi, (6) gambar

penggaris, (7) gambar payung, (8) gambar remot TV, (9) gambar

sepatu, dan (10) gambar lampu. Media gambar ini akan digunakan

oleh guru Bahasa Inggris untuk melatih siswanya dalam membaca

melalui strategi game.” (Observasi, 12 September 2018)

Based on interviews that researchers do, it is known that the English

teachers will use these images as one of the media in teaching writting with

game strategy. Here are the results of interviews with researchers:

"In the meeting, the teaching of writting English texts, I as an English

teacher also uses the strategy game. Well, these images will be the

media that I will wear when teaching in the classroom. Once the class

is divided into two groups, then I will present to the two groups. Well,

from the picture shown, the two groups will compete to refer to a

dictionary of English how to pronounce the word in the picture

through a dictionary respectively. The winning group will give

punishment to the wrong crowd. "(Interview, 12 September 2018)

“Dalam pertemuan mengajar membaca teks bahasa Inggris, saya

selaku guru Bahasa Inggris juga menggunakan strategi game. Nah,

gambar-gambar ini akan menjadi media yang akan saya pakai ketika

mengajar di kelas. Setelah kelas dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, maka

saya akan memperlihatkan kepada kedua kelompok. Nah, dari gambar

yang diperlihatkan tersebut, kedua kelompok akan berlomba untuk

merujuk ke kamus Bahasa Inggris bagaimana cara melafalkan kata


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

yang ada pada gambar melalui kamus masing-masing. Kelompok yang

menang akan memberikan hukuman kepada kelompok yang salah.”

(wawancara, 12 September 2018)

Based on information from the researcher is knowed that using a

strategy of game is can help a students to writting a paragraphs with good

pronounciation because students refers to dictionary.

"This strategy is done by the group. The teacher divides the students

into several groups. Once completed form groups, the teacher standing

in front of the class and show a card or piece of paper containing the

image. Then the disciples replied what that image and how to read it

quickly. If you do not know the English language picture the disciples

could open dictionary. And the lowest value for the group will take

punishment. This punishment is done so that students active. Game is

conducted with the students in the group. The teacher divides some

group. After that the teacher stands in front of the class and show a

piece of paper or the card that there is the picture. So the students

answer what is the picture and how to spell it done quickly

intervening. If the students do not know the English language about

that picture the students can open the dictionary. And who the group

have a low score will get the punishment. This punishment is done in

order the students' active. "(Observation , 27 September 2018)

“Strategi ini dilakukan dengan cara kelompok. Guru membagi murid

menjadi beberapa kelompok. Setelah selesai membentuk kelompok,

guru berdiri didepan kelas dan menunjukan kartu atau potongan

kertas yang berisi gambar. Kemudian murid-murid menjawab apa

gambar itu dan bagaimana cara membacanya dengan cepat-cepat.

Jika tidak tahu bahasa inggrisnya gambar itu murid-murid bisa

membuka kamus. Dan bagi kelompok yang nilainya terendah akan

memdapatkan hukuman. Hukuman ini dilakukan supaya murid-murid

aktif. (game is conducted with the students in group. The teacher

divides some group. After that the teacher stands in front of the class

and show piece of paper or the card that there is the picture. So the

students answer what is the picture and how to spell it done quickly. If

the students do not know the English language about that picture the

students can open the dictionary. And who group have low score will

get the punishment. This punishment done in order the students’

active).” (Observasi, 27 September 2018)

This strategy helps the students because the students feel enjoy in

following this lesson. But this strategy there is disadvantages that is students

not serious in this lesson.The results of data mining in the field also point to


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

other strategies adopted by an English teacher in learning to read. The strategy

is a discussion strategy.

4. Using Discussion Strategy

The fourth strategy is discussion. Teacher utilizes discussion strategy

on writting comprehension learning in the class. Teacher will divide student in

little group, and teacher gives the passage to each group with different title.

Teacher asks to the students for translating the passage writting with each

group. After that, the teacher asks one of student of that group presentation in

front of the class. And the other groups comment the result of presentation.

"It is certainly true that I also applied the strategy discussion in the

class in learning to read. This strategy makes students thrive in the

thinking and the ability to read. Here, students are not only able to

develop the ability to read, but also the ability of reasoning is also

growing. "(Interview, 17 September 2018)

“Memang benar sekali bahwasanya strategi diskusi juga saya

terapkan di kelas dalam pembelajaran membaca tersebut. Strategi ini

membuat siswa berkembang dalam pemikiran dan kemampuan

membacanya. Di sini, siswa tidak hanya dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan membacanya saja, melainkan juga kemampuan penalaran

juga semakin berkembang.” (wawancara, 17 September 2018)

Based on information from informants in the above in mind that an

English teacher at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi has been pursuing a strategy

discussion in learning to read. This strategy is done by groups, as well as

observations of researchers in the field:

"When the strategy discussion is done, seen the English teachers divide

the students in the class into groups. The group was divided only into

small groups of three students in one group. "(Observations, 18

September 2018)

“Ketika strategi diskusi dilakukan, terlihat guru Bahasa Inggris

membagi siswa di kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok. Kelompok yang

dibagi hanya ke dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil yaitu tiga siswa

dalam satu kelompok.” (Observasi, 18 September 2018)

The observations in the visible students are divided into small groups.

After that, the teacher began to implement its strategy as the result of the

following observations:


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

"Looks English teachers assign their students to read a narrative text

and then translates the text as possible. The teacher gives 30 minutes

for each group to do the work in groups. Each group looks were in

discussions to translate text shared and formulate the core of a given

text. After time runs out, the teacher then invited each group to present

their work to other groups that then provide feedback to the group that

presents or give presentations. "(Observations, dated 21 September


“Terlihat guru Bahasa Inggris menugaskan peserta didiknya untuk

membaca suatu teks narasi lalu kemudian menterjemahkan teks

tersebut semaksimal mungkin. Guru memberikan waktu 30 menit bagi

setiap kelompok untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut secara

berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terlihat saling berdiskusi untuk

menerjemahkan teks yang dibagikan dan merumuskan inti dari teks

yang diberikan. Setelah waktu habis, guru kemudian mempersilahkan

kepada tiap kelompok untuk mempresentasikan hasil kerja mereka

untuk kemudian kelompok yang lainnya memberikan tanggapan

kepada kelompok yang menyajikan atau memberikan presentasi.”

(Observasi, tanggal 21 September 2018)

In this strategy the students were divided into small group. So, the

teacher gives them difference topic to discuss with their group. The teacher

asks them to translate. The students discuss in their group, while the teacher

around from one group to another group maintain order, and give motivation

and help so that each member of the group actively, and so the discussion

went well. After they have done, so the teacher points one of every group to

presentation in front of the class and the other group is give comment.

“Strategi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekompakan siswa apakah

dalam mengerjakan tugas yang telah diberikan guru, semua siswa

dalam kelompok tersebut mengerjakan semua. Dalam hal ini guru

memanggil satu orang dari setiap grup gunanya untuk mencatat anak-

anak yang tidak ikut mengerjakan tugas nya tadi. Jadi ank-anak semua

berusaha aktif mengerjakannya. Dalam grup ini guru menyuruh

siswanya untuk mentranslate bacaanya dan setelah selasai guru akan

menunjuk perwakilan menuju ke depan satu orang anak secara acak

dari setiap kelompok tersebut untuk presentasi di depan kelas dan

kelompok lainya menanggapinya.

This strategy is done to know student solidarity if in doing task already

being given by teacher, all students in group is do it. In this case

teacher calls one person of each group the purpose to note children that

don't do the task. So children all tries active done it. In this group

teacher ask to the student for the writting passage and after that the

teacher will point represented in front of class one student at random of


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

one each group for presentation the result of the task and the other

group is given the comment. (Wawancara, 02 Oktober 2018).

This strategy can help students because students can share ideas with

their friends. Because in this discussion one group should give ideas in order

to get the right answer. But this strategy cannot run well if the discussion was

only a few students are active in working.

"Although the method of discussion is expected to have a positive

impact, however well there is still a weakness. For instance, there are

some students who are not actively involved in the dialogue during the

discussion. That means the writting material they are too weak.

Therefore, this is becoming a bit less effective this strategy in my

observation as an English teacher. "(Interview, 23 September 2018)

“Meskipun metode diskusi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak

yang positif, namun demikian yah tetap saja ada kelemahannya.

Misalnya saja, ada beberapa siswa yang kurang aktif terlibat dalam

dialog saat berdiskusi. Itu artinya kan bahan bacaan mereka juga

lemah. Oleh sebab itu inilah yang menjadi sedikit kurang efektifnya

strategi ini dalam pengamatan saya selaku guru Bahasa Inggris.”

(wawancara, 23 September 2018)

Acording to the information from teacher are balancing with the

observation before, those are:

"When a teacher of English middle-class discussions condition, are

still there majority of the students who are less active to comment on

their writting material to the other group. There are still students who

just sit around and do not respond to the discussion. "(Observations, 25

September 2018)

“Ketika guru bahasa Inggris tengah mengkondisikan kegiatan diskusi

kelas, terlihat masih ada sebahagian siswa yang kurang aktif

memberikan komentar atas bahan bacaan mereka kepada kelompok

lainnya. Masih ada siswa yang hanya sekedar duduk-duduk saja, dan

tidak merespon jalannya diskusi.” (Observasi, 25 September 2018)

B. Students’ Respond towardTeachers Strategies in Teaching Writting at

SMP PGRI Kota Jambi

1. Student response to memorizing Strategy

Based on observations of researchers in the field, it is known that

students' response to very diverse memorizing strategies. No students were

enthusiastic and some students were less enthusiastic. Students who


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

enthusiastically look diligently memorize vocabulary that has been

assigned by their teachers.

“Looks five students in the class VII SMP PGRI Kota Jambi, they

are flocking to repeat their vocabulary memorization. They help

each other. Some are holding a dictionary to check whether rote

read by his friend true or not. "(Observations, October 1, 2018)

“Terlihat lima orang siswa di kelas VII SMP PGRI Kota Jambi,

mereka secara berkelompok mengulang-ulangi hafalan kosa kata

mereka. Mereka saling membantu satu sama lain. Ada yang

memegang kamus untuk mengecek apakah hafalan yang dibacakan

oleh temannya itu benar atau tidak.” (Observasi, 01 Oktober


One student gives his statement to writer. He explained that he was

very enthusiastic in memorizing for memorization method is suitable for


"I am very spirit in memorizing. Because of memorizing it for me

was very pleasant. Since the first I like to memorize, memorize it

quickly because I catch. I also like to memorize the Koran. So, if

English teacher using memorization strategies, then I really like it.

"(Interview, October 2, 2018).

“Saya sangat semangat dalam menghafal. Karena menghafal itu

bagi saya sangat menyenangkan. Dengan menghafal, ingatan kita

semakin berkembang. Sejak dulu saya suka menghafal, karena

menghafal itu cepat saya tangkap. Kebetulah saya juga hobi

menghafal al-Quran pak. Jadi, kalau gurur bahasa Inggris

menggunakan strategi menghafal, maka saya sangat suka sekali.”

(Wawancara, 02 Oktober 2018).

Based on the interview above, it is known that for students who

have memorized a good background, they had no trouble with the

memorization strategies. In fact, they feel that the memorizing strategy is

suitable for them. It is also expressed by one of the other students told


"The strategy is to memorize so much fun for me. The problem

with this strategy, do we so many know the meaning of words of

the text there. Additionally, do we also know how to pronounce

those words earlier. So, here we as students can already be two

benefits, namely; know the meaning and how to spell the pack.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Well, if you have already mastered, do we so easily read text her

and knew also what the text said. "(Interview, October 5, 2018)

“Strategi menghafal ini sangat menyenangkan bagi saya pak.

Soalnya dengan strategi ini, kan kita jadi banyak tahu arti kata-

kata yang sulit dari teks yang ada. Selain itu, kan kita juga tahu

cara mengucapkan kata-kata itu tadi. Jadi, di sini kita sebagai

siswa sudah dapat dua manfaat yaitu; mengetahui arti dan cara

mengejanya pak. Nah, kalau ini sudah dikuasai, kan kita jadi

mudah membaca teks nya dan tahu juga arti teks tadi.”

(Wawancara, 05 Oktober 2018)

From interviews with the above in mind that students are

enthusiastic about memorizing strategies is because the strategy was

preferred by the students who are hobby memorize. In addition, this

memorizing strategies for the student in question gives two good benefits,

namely; know the pronunciation of a word, so read the texts become more

perfect and the benefits that students have become more easily understand

what is contained on a narrative text, because the vocabulary is difficult,

difficult it is known means based on the results of the rote.

In addition to the students who are enthusiastic, there are also

students who are less enthusiastic about the memorizing strategy. Because

based on observations it appears that there are five students are punished

by teachers of English for not memorizing the task given by the teacher.

Based on the data above, the researchers conducted interviews to

determine why they did not memorize a given task. Then one of them

answered as follows:

"I have included students who are difficult to memorize, because it

is less a hobby memorize. I am pleased to understand rather than

memorization. So when I was given the task of memorizing by the

father of an English teacher, I hardif comrades quickly memorize

it, but if I need a little time to pack a little bit. "(Interview, October

7, 2018)

“Saya ini termasuk siswa yang sulit menghafal pak, karena

memang kurang hobi menghafal. Saya senang memahami daripada

menghafal. Makanya ketika saya diberikan tugas menghafal oleh

bapak guru Bahasa Inggris, saya kesulitan pak. Kalau kawan-

kawan cepat menghafalnya, tapi kalau saya butuh waktu yang

agak lama sedikit pak.” (Wawancara, 07 Oktober 2018)


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Interviews showed that the lack of enthusiastic students in

participating in learning to read English text using a strategy of

memorizing for reasons why this strategy with the character of some of the

students who prefer to understanding rather than memorization. Here are

the results of interviews with researchers:

"I admit, sir, this is my lazy when told to memorize. So it is natural

that our hard when asked to memorize them. So we indeed become

less enthusiastic. But we did not like memorizing, so naturally

difficult to memorize. "(Interview, October 9, 2018).

“Saya akui pak, memang saya ini malas kalau disuruh menghafal.

Jadi wajarlah kalau kami susah kalau disuruh menghafal tersebut.

Jadi kami memang menjadi kurang antusias. Tapi memang kami

kurang suka menghafal pak, jadi wajar lah kami susah

menghafal.” (Wawancara, 09 Oktober 2018).

Interviews showed that students' responses were less enthusiastic

about memorizing strategy is due to several reasons such as laziness factor

of the students, the students were more than happy with a system of

understanding rather than memorization. However, the number of students

who are not enthusiastic about memorizing the strategy is not so much

when compared with students who are enthusiastic. Thus, it can be said

that memorizing strategies are quite effective in learning to read English

text at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi.

2. Students’Response to the Strategy Question Answer

Based on the interview researchers at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi known

that most of the students enthusiastic about the question answer relationship


"Seen in class VII SMP PGRI Kota Jambi, they are very enthusiastic.

Students are very active in response to any questions that teachers give

them. Every issue that was brought to the students, has always been

taken seriously by the students in the class. "(Observations, October

10, 2018)

“Terlihat di kelas VII SMP PGRI Kota Jambi, mereka sangat antusias.

Siswa sangat aktif dalam merespon setiap pertanyaan-pertanyaan

yang guru berikan kepada mereka. Setiap isu yang dilontarkan kepada

siswa, selalu ditanggapi serius oleh siswa di kelas.” (Observasi, 10

Oktober 2018)


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

The results showed that the students are very actively responding to

the questions posed by their English teacher. After conducting follow-up

interviews, it turns out this is because this strategy involves the gadget in

answering the teacher's questions.

"We are very happy with the strategy question answer this relationship.

You see, with this method, the teacher will propose the issue, well

after the teacher asked the issue earlier, and then the end of the story,

the teacher will ask you a few questions. Then, the question is asked to

find the answer through the existing literature on the internet. Well, we

are very happy, because this strategy involves the Internet media, we

love surfing the websites. "(Interview, October 11, 2018)

“Kami sangat suka dengan strategi question answer relationship ini

pak. Soalnya, dengan metode tersebut,guru akan mengajukan isu, nah

setelah guru mengajukan isu tadi, lalu diakhir cerita, guru akan

mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. Lalu, pertanyaan tersebut disuruh

mencari jawabannya lewat literatur yang ada di internet. Nah, kami

sangat senang, karena strategi ini melibatkan media internet, kami

suka sekali berselancar di website.” (Wawancara, 11 Oktober 2018)

Interviews showed that most students enthusiastically participated in

learning to read because the teacher involves internet media. In this case, the

school allows students to bring their smart phones each from home. Because

the writting learning strategies using a smart phone, it is natural that if the

interests of the pupils more enthusiastic.Because, at the age when they were

teenagers, playing a smart phone is in great demand.

"We are very enthusiasm to the strategy relationship answer this

question. Because we are supposed to find the answers to teachers

based on the existing literature on the internet. At that time, we got the

task of our teachers to search for English-language articles about the

causes of smog. Well, there we are very excited, because on the

internet a lot of articles in English that includes the discussion of the

smog, even some pictures too. Learning so it feels very exciting.

"(Interview, October 12, 2018)

“Kami sangat senag dengan strategi question answer relationship ini

pak. Karena kami disuruh mencari jawaban guru berdasarkan

literatur yang ada di internet. Waktu itu, kami mendapat tugas dari

guru kami untuk mencari artikel berbahasa Inggris tentang sebab-

sebab terjadinya kabut asap. Wah, di situ kami sangat bersemangat,

sebab di internet banyak sekali artikel berbahasa Inggris yang memuat

pembahasan kabut asap, bahkan ada gambar-gambarnya juga.


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

Pembelajaran jadi terasa seru sekali pak.” (Wawancara, 12 Oktober


The interesting thing about the interview above is that overall student

enthusiastically in response to this strategy. All the students were involved in

an active and busy play their gadgets to answer questions given by the teacher.

Based on the interview above it can be stated that the response of students in

MTs Berembang the question answer relationship strategy is quite good and the

students seemed enthusiastic in learning until the end of the meeting.

3. Student response to the Game Strategy

As an English teacher implement a strategy game in learning to read

English text, seen largely enthusiastic students, but some of them do not look


"As an English teacher started the implementation of a strategy game,

when the group split into two parts in the classroom, the students are

very enthusiastic. Initially they are very noisy, because everyone wants

to get into the group of friends they are proficient in English. But the

commotion was resolved after the English teacher who determines the

members of their respective groups. "(Observations, October 13, 2018)

“Sewaktu guru Bahasa Inggris memulai penerapan strategi game, ketika

membagi kelompok dalam kelas menjadi dua bagian, siswa sangat riuh.

Awalnya mereka sangat ribut, karena setiap orang ingin masuk ke

dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari teman-teman mereka yang pandai

berbahasa Inggris. Namun keributan berhasil diatasi setelah guru bahasa

Inggris yang menentukan anggota kelompok masing-masing.”

(Observasi, 13 Oktober 2018)

Observations show that noisily students in the classroom when the

division of the group. But this show of enthusiasm for students in participating

in activities of learning to read English texts in class.

"We are a rowdy when you're sharing group. Because we do not want a

group with friends who are not proficient in English.Because our team

later lost, and our shame. But our teachers are already aware of this, so

we divided the group by the teacher directly. "(Interview, October 14,


“Kami memang suka ribut pak kalau sedang berbagi kelompok.

Soalnya kami tidak mau sekelompok dengan teman yang tidak pandai

berbahasa Inggris. Soalnya nanti tim kami kalah, dan kami malu. Tapi


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

guru kami sudah menyadari hal ini, jadi kami dibagi kelompoknya oleh

guru langsung.” (Wawancara, 14 Oktober 2018)

After the division of the group finished appointed directly by an English

teacher, the classroom atmosphere conducive to return. After the situation

back to normal classes, students became very enthusiastic in response to the

strategy adopted by the teacher in the classroom.

"Looks students flipping the spirit of their respective dictionaries. Each

image shown to the presence of two groups, then each member of the

group will be try their best for the word from the image in question in

the dictionary to find out the procedure recited and how to write the

word in English. "(Observations, October 15, 2018)

“Terlihat siswa semangat membolak-balikkan kamus mereka masing-

masing. Setiap gambar yang ditunjukkan ke hadapan dua kelompok,

maka masing-masing anggota kelompok akan berlomba-lomba mencari

kata dari gambar yang dipertanyakan di dalam kamus untuk

mengetahui tata cara melafalkannya dan cara penulisan kata tersebut

dalam bahasa Inggris.” (Observasi, 15 Oktober 2018)

Results observation is in line with what was stated by one of his

students to researchers who say that they are spirit once replied matter what

game. The full statement is as follows:

"Me and a group spirit in answering questions asked by our teachers.

Every picture shown to us, then I and my friends straight track as

quickly as possible in the last word in the dictionary. Anyway we are

competing with each other. Shame too, if inferior to other groups.

"(Interview, October 17, 2018).

“Saya dan kelompok semangat sekali dalam menjawab pertanyaan

yang diajukan oleh guru kami. Setiap ada gambar yang ditunjukkan

pada kami, maka saya dan kawan-kawan langsung melacak kata tadi

secepat mungkin di dalam kamus. Pokoknya kami saling berlomba-

lomba. Malu juga kalau kalah dengan kelompok lain.” (Wawancara, 17

Oktober 2018).

Based on interviews and observations above, it was found that the

majority of students look happy and excited about the strategy of the game.

Through the strategy of the game turned out the students' enthusiasm for

learning to read.

4. Student response to the Discussion Strategy


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

As an English teacher implement the strategy discussion in the

classroom, the students were enthusiastic and very vocal. But there are also

some students who sat silent and passive does not respond to the discussion.

"It appears that the majority of children the spirit of catapult the results

of their writtings. They are also proud to present the results of their

writtings in class. Students spirit explain the results of the core writting

to her friends and classmates also do not want to lose, they are clashing

argument and debate is healthy. "(Observations, October 17, 2018)

“Terlihat bahwa mayoritas anak-anak semangat melontarkan hasil

bacaan mereka. Mereka juga dengan bangga menyampaikan hasil

bacaan mereka di depan kelas. Siswa semangat menjelaskan hasil inti

bacaannya ke pada teman-temannya dan teman-teman sekelas juga

tidak mau kalah, mereka saling beradu argumen dan berdebat secara

sehat.” (Observasi, 17 Oktober 2018)

Based on the observation above is known that students were

enthusiastic follow learning activities with strategic discussions held by an

English teacher at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi. This observation is affirmed also

by interviews conducted by investigators to one of the students who give

testimony as follows:

"I am very pleased to present the results of my writting to friends in

class. Especially if they are there to respond. In the class there will be

differences of opinion. But it is unusual for us, means we each have

different writtings and different viewpoints. "(Interview, October 19,


“Saya sangat senang menampilkan hasil bacaan saya kepada teman-

teman di kelas. Apalagi kalau mereka ada yang menanggapinya. Di

kelas akan terjadi perbedaan pendapat. Tapi itu biasa bagi kami,

berarti kami saling memiliki bacaan yang berbeda dan sudut pandang

yang berbeda pula.” (Wawancara, 19 Oktober 2018)

What was conveyed by one informant over anyway justified by one of

the other informant who said that the method of discussion is very interesting,

because it not only brings benefits to make diligent student writting, but also

how students should be able to convey the results of his writting to classmates.

"The strategy we are very happy, because we were told to show the

results of our writtings for each friend. So although we can not same

with the native speaker, but we try and the results are very exciting.

Indeed, with their mix of the local language and English, so the spirit

of our class. "(Interview, October 25, 2018)


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

“Strategi ini kami sangat senang, karena kami disuruh menampilkan

hasil bacaan kami kepada masing-masing teman. Jadi walaupun kami

tidak bisa sefasih aslinya, tapi kami coba-coba dan hasilnya sangat

seru. Justeru dengan adanya campuran antara bahasa daerah dan

bahasa Inggris, kami sekelas jadi semangat.” (Wawancara, 25

Oktober 2018)

Based on the interview which has been described by informants

and observations in the field, can be obtained by the fact that by using the

strategy of this discussion, the class becomes more vivid and mental

students also formed. Students not only learn to understand the content of

writting, but also learn how to present the results of their writting to his

friends, though not so well versed in terms of speech.

C. Research Analysis and Discussion

1. Analysis of Strategies Implemented by English Teachers in Teaching


a. Analysis on Implementation of Memorizing Strategy

According to the analysis the researchers, with the application of

memorizing strategies undertaken by the English teachers every two

weeks can be very beneficial for students. Such benefits are increasing

every day vocabulary, and pronunciation of every word memorized would

be even better. However, if there are students who are not diligent

repeating every rowding outside class hours, then this strategy will be no

effect. Therefore, in the analysis of researchers, memorizing strategies

must be balanced with the motivation of the students to master the

pronunciation of every word in earnest.

These strategies help the teacher in teaching writting

comprehension in the class. Because with memorize the words that the

teacher gave, the student always remember what already the teacher to

give them. Although maybe available one forgets, but students tries to

remember it back. The words that was memorize by the students, teacher

take from writting passage that already work together sometimes also from

the teacher's utterance. This teacher do, in order the students if they found


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

the words that haven’t knows they not lazy to memorize it. And it also

help the teacher in process teaching and learning which is if there is

difficult word the students not always ask to the teacher.

“Strategi ini dapat membantu saya karena setelah anakanak

mengetahui beberapa kosa kata yang telah mereka hafalkan proses

belajar mengajar ini akan berjalan dengan efektif”. This strategy

can help me because after they know same of words that they have

memorize teaching and learning process will effective.”

(Wawancara, 04 Oktober 2018)

Memorizing is usually found in class activity. Based on the

researcher’s experience, memorizing is boring activity and some students

also do not like memorizing. But the teacher always applies this strategy

and after they get used to using this memorize strategy they are

enthusiastic when the teacher asks them to memorize, because student

conscious of the importance for memorizing. By memorizing, they are

encouraged to study more and it can improve their English ability. It is

encouraging because by using of memorize the students can more

understand content of text from that writting. And if someday the students

find the words that same with that they have memorize they will know the

mean because they have learn before.

"Looks indeed some students are less enthusiastic about

memorizing vocabulary assigned by English teacher before. When

the teacher asks their rote, seen students are not able to answer a

teacher's question, so that they will be punished. Penalties are

given like standing in front of the class while reciting the five

vocabulary to memorize all of it. "(Observations, October 6, 2018)

“Terlihat memang beberapa siswa kurang antusias dalam

menghafalkan kosa kata yang ditugaskan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris

sebelumnya. Ketika guru menanyakan hafalan mereka, terlihat

siswa tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan guru, sehingga mereka

harus mendapatkan hukuman. Hukuman yang diberikan seperti

berdiri di depan kelas sambil menghafalkan lima kosa kata

tersebut hingga hafal seluruhnya.” (Observasi, 06 Oktober 2018)

b. Analysis of Implementation of Question Answer Relationship Strategy

These strategies help the teacher in teaching writting

comprehension. With this strategy the teacher able to know how far their


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

students understand what he has gave to them. And in this stage the

students not only read the passage but also really understand what the

content of the text.

Strategi ini dapat membantu saya dalam proses belajar karena

saya dapat mengetahui seberapa jauh murid-murid dapat

mengikuti dan memahami pelajaran yang telah saya berikan

kepada mereka”. This strategy can help me in teaching process

because I can know how far the students can join and understand

the lesson that already the teacher gave to them.” (Wawancara, 04

Oktober 2018).

Question Answer relationship is usually applied by English teacher

in second eight class at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi. The teacher usually uses

this strategy in the end of learning. Because the teacher want to know the

student’s understand about writting comprehension. In this strategy the

teacher asks the student about information in the text that the students have

read. Then the students answer related to question and that answer is from

the text or from their mind.

c. Analysis of The GamesStrategy

These strategy help the teacher in teaching writting comprehension

class. With these strategies the student feel enjoy to join the class. The

teacher can include the material without the students know.

“Game ini dapat membantu saya dalam proses belajar mengajar

karena dalam pembelajaran ini tanpa murid-murid menyadarinya

guru dapat memasukkan materi ke dalam game ini. Game ini saya

gunakan untuk memancing ketertarikan murid dalam

pembelajaran writting comprehension. This game can help me in

teaching and learning process because in this learning without

student realize the teachers can incluide materials into this game.

This game use by the teacher to interest student anxiety in learning

writting comprehension.” (Wawancara, 03 Oktober 2018)

This strategy functioned to student in enriching vocabulary. This

game using dictionary as a source. The uses of context and words structure

are strategies that give struggling readers into the meanings of known

words. Rarely does context or words structure help learners derive precise

definition for key words. This is applying because to make the students


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

enthusiasm when they have bored. It is apply with the teacher stand up in

front of the class and give the instruction to their student to guessing the

picture that he holds. The students can answer that picture with open the


d. Analysis of Implementationof Discussion Strategy

These strategies help the teacher in writting comprehension class.

It is can help the teacher because can allow the students to learn more

about the information from the other friends. This strategy used by the

teacher to make the students has a confident to give opinion in discussion.

Diskusi ini dapat membantu saya dalam proses belajar mengajar

karena tidak hanya guru yang berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran

ini tetapi murid-murid juga ikut berperan aktif. Dengan diskusi

murid-murid dapat bertukar pendapat dengan teman-temannya.

Sehingga mereka dapat mengeluarkan ide-ide yang ada di pikiran

mereka. (This discussion can help me in process teaching and

learning because not only the teacher that get active role in this

learning but the students also active. With discussion the students

can change opinions with their friend. So they can issue their idea

that in their mind). (Wawancara, 04 Oktober 2018)

This strategy is usually use by the teacher in teaching writting

comprehension. With discussion the teacher giving opportunity to students

(student groups) to arrange conference used to gathers opinion, making

conclusion, or arranges various alternative resolving on a problem.

Discussion is a process sight two or more individual which get verbal’s

interaction and face to face for aims or targets already given through

information exchange opinion problem solving.

It is apply by the teacher in group, the students divide into some

group and the teacher give to the material to translate the text. That text is

different topic with every group. After that, the teacher asks to them to

presentation in front of the class In presentation in front of the class the

teacher points one of student of each group. This was done by teacher

because teacher was experienced if that point is not their teacher they don't

want to work that task, because they depend on their friend. Therefore of


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

that the teacher that points each delegation from each group. With this the

all of the students will do the task that gave by teacher. Because every

students may be able to turn to present in front of the class.

2. Analysis of the Impact Generated from Strategy Implemented by Teachers

of English in TeachingWritting

Firstly, based on the results of the analysis researchers memorizing

strategies can help students understand the content of writting. This strategy

used by teacher in teaches writting comprehension in the class by memorize

vocabulary already be given by teacher. This strategy helps teacher to give

writting comprehension’s material and the students are easily understand

writting comprehension material already been given by teacher. And with

memorizing hope can increase student ability especially in writting


Secondly, based on the analysis of researchers in the field, the question

answer relationship strategy also had an impact which makes students become

more active, in addition to increasing writting skills.This strategy used by the

teacher to know how far the students understand the content of texts. The

teacher uses this strategy so benefit for his, because the students not only just

as read the passage but also understanding really what the content from that

passage. It means with use this strategy push the student for asks about what

that they don't be understood and the student becomes active.

And in this strategy help students become aware of skilled in using

teaching strategies to find the information they need to comprehend content of

the text. “The teacher helps students become aware of likely sources of

information as they respond to questionThird, the impact of the application of

game strategies to improve students' writting ability is the classroom

atmosphere becomes vibrant and students feel comfortable with the

atmosphere of learning undertaken by teachers of English in the classroom.

Teaching strategy to teach writting use game the teacher applying this

strategy with aim gives understood in teaching writting comprehension to the


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

students. Besides, the student able to understand writting comprehension's

material and students also enjoy in follow teaching writting comprehension in

the class.These strategies also help the teacher easy to explain the material.

Game is the effort of self (think and physical) that is very useful from

improvement and development of motivation, performance, and achievement

in implementing the organization’s interest and better assignment. It means

that while plays, students perceives is glad no charges whatever at in the mind.

Always have good mood. In this moment the teacher can include the material.

This games aim to fishing interest in the subject matter of the students

learning while playing. So with a sense of excitement expected that students

can more easily understand the subject matter present.

Fourth, based on the results of our analysis of the strategy discussion

applied by teachers of English in the teaching and learning to read English text

can have a positive impact. One of the positive things is the creation of

emotional closeness among students. Emotional closeness was due in the

discussion atmosphere, made the students can communicate and share

knowledge. So from these activities, there arose the emotional closeness

between students.In addition to causing emotional closeness between each

student, strategy discussions can also add insight or the wealth of knowledge

the students. Because with the strategy of the discussion, the students will

exchange their thoughts and when presented there will be a question and

answer and feedback from other groups. From where the students will each

add their insights based on the writting material of each group.

Discussion strategy is one of strategies used by the teacher in

theclassroom. The teacher predicts that this strategy can allow the students to

learnmore about the information from the other friends. By using this strategy,

theteacher can indicate that every individual of group discussion has power to

teachothers.In other words, this strategy used by the teacher to make the

students has aconfident to give opinion in discussion. From here, the other

friend or group canknow how the way give opinion is.Students’ confidence

area crucial to be built up in speaking activities so that students who were or


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty UIN STS Jambi

were not accustomed to class performance, are motivated to do their best and

willing to perform. This implies that any mistakes that students make do not

destroy their confidence, instead feedbacks and corrections enhance students

enjoying the learning process.




A. Conclusion

Based on the description above it can be concluded some points as


1. The strategy adopted by an English teacher at SMP PGRI Kota Jambi in

learning to write are: (1) memorizing strategies, (2) question answer

relationship strategy, (3) Strategy game, and (4) Strategy discussion.

2. Students' response towards the strategies used by the teacher reveal a

positive attitude as they Responded strategies that helped them to writting

a text, Provided them with the presentation of material visually,

motorically, and audibly, as well as students concerned to create a text

production of Whose participation was emphasized.

B. Suggestion

After doing research and concluding the research findings in this paper, it

can be formulated several important suggestions as follows:

1. There should be the panel who of teachers in SMP PGRI Kota Jambi,

especially English teachers continue to push the learning strategies in

class. So that students more enthusiastic in following the teaching and

learning activities in the classroom.

2. Teacher’s strategies must be applied because this is the teacher’s way to

determine learning goals during teaching learning process.

3. Students should keep in mind the explanations given by the English

teachers while teaching in the classroom. For any strategy would be

useless without the support of a good learning concentration.

4. With the strategies used by the teacher, the students hope the students

more understand about reading comprehension and enjoy with the lesson.


5. The researcher wishes that other researcher could conduct this research in

wider area. The next researcher can conduct the research about the teacher

strategies that used by an English teacher which important in teaching and

learning process. Therefore, that result will be more advantageous and be

applied in a larger area.

C. Statements of Concluding

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds because the top user and his

Rida, researchers can accomplish this thesis with all the maximum effort, although

there are some hurdles and obstacles faced but all the authors consider to be a

challenge in gaining knowledge and success.

In this case, the author realized that this thesis is far from kesempurnan

and there may be some mistakes that writers do not realize when writing.

Therefore, researchers expect suggestions and constructive criticism from all

readers for improving this thesis in the days to come.

Hopefully what is produced by the researchers on this day a grateful

worship the God Almighty. Finally, researchers ucpan closed with prayers and

peace as well as praise for the Prophet Muhammad.



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Supervisor I:

MY Mahmud, M. Pd


Supervisor II:

Firdiansyah, MA




(NIM: 120 651)

Research Title:

Teaching Strategy in Writting Description Text at The First Year of PGRI 1

Junior High School Jambi

A. Guidelines for Observation

1. Researchers studied the state of infrastructure in schools;

2. Researchers observed teaching and learning situation in the classroom;

3. Researchers looked at whether teachers use instructional media;

4. Researchers observed nothing is being done by teachers when teaching

material descripstionwritting text;

5. Researchers observed responses when the students English learning

process takes place (in particular the description text writting material).

B. Interview Guide

Questions for teachers of English:

1. How brief biography so that the mother then taught English at the school?

2. What are the materials that you use in learning activities?

3. Where did you get the instructional materials?

4. Is the teaching material in the classroom once wore a journal?

5. Have you ever been to design activities in the classroom with activities

interesting and different from before?

6. Do you ever have a meeting between the classes (class meeting) enable the

students to enthusiasm in learning English?

7. Have you ever perform or provide challenging assignments to students to

improve their ability to write text deskriptive? And how is it you do?

8. Are there any signs of boredom on learners when continuously given

material about grammar?

9. Are there any problems when you use the journal as a teaching material to


10. Did you take the effort to overcome the obstacles in the descriptive text for

teaching in the classroom?

Questions to the principal:

1. Where the full address of the school?

2. What is the emphasis on teaching and learning in this school, is more

concerned with moral guidance, or something else?

3. Does the school require the assembly of teachers to adopt teaching

methods and strategies varied?

4. What is in this sekoah all already qualified teaching staff properly and

according to the field?

5. Is specialized English teachers, the tutor can write and speak in English

with a qualified competence?

6. Are school TOEFL test has been applied to the students?

7. Are there students who had received awards in the competition in English?

C. Documentation Guidelines

1. Researchers requesting the document a profile of SMP PGRI 1 Jambi;

2. Researchers documented informant interviews;

3. Researchers documented the boundaries of office SMP PGRI 1 Jambi;

4. Researchers documented in the office means SMP PGRI 1 Jambi;

5. Researchers documented in the office infrastructure SMP PGRI 1 Jambi;

6. Researchers mendokemntasikan staff activity SMP PGRI 1 Jambi;

7. Researchers documented each interview session conducted with


8. Researchers documented things that are deemed necessary.


A. Informasi Diri

NamaLengkap : Rahmad Syamsul Bahri

No Handphone : 082373977286

E_mail : [email protected]

TempatdanTanggalLahir : Sarolangun, 24 Maret 1992

Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa

Alamat : Jln. Mayjen Sutoyo No. 16 Rt, 15 Jambi

B. RiwayatPendidikan

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

MAS Pondok Pesantren Ummul Quro AL islami

MTs Pondok Pesantren Ummul Quro AL islami

SDN 44 sukasari sarolangun
