Tbc Paducab $un


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Transcript of Tbc Paducab $un

Tbc Paducab $unVOL. IX. NO. 104. PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, MONDAY. MAY .'>, 1902. 10 CENTS PEB WEEK.


frMidwit Roemelt Sa)i Confre«{

Mint PMHivalyHu • CubMCMI.

Very Firm in the Stand Hi HnTiktn-Big O'l OmI In Alltn




Wuklnctoa, May I.— PlMi4«it

BoMtTtll this OMinilag told bit mb*.

toriti mUIw* lha< aalMi • Oabaa n«i*

pr«alt7 mtnn wm |MMd this m-•loa h* wrald call tt In iinoUl nMlonflftWD mlnntM »fl»r il wlJoornMl

Tht Pntfiilrnt DUkle no iioaliAcMlon,

•nd iltclariKl vtu|ilistloally thM Ihv

ii««di of tlic iiUnd (oroad kiim to lake


A UO on. DBAUaoHiTUIa. lUr t.—AmWmt Mc aU

d*al taaa hum aada la AUaa aoaatr.

Tlwlter«aM>t)M«awaBdOa aom-


Complat* Ctmptiiy Hm Arrived and

Bh*" IMMtrttlt Today.

Th* Summtf Seaton at the Kentucky

OpiM Moadty Nt«l With "t Studmt



A. r Lmm 1,M* ^mm 4f wha*anlilmil tao bMtolt ItAttgtj la tka

conplj. Th* |«lm paU for llii* IrrH-

torj taaot knowato tb* pobllo. Iwl II

U kaowB .that H. C. Doll'i Uaac to

antonn tba maar ptuvhawa.


Mew Terk, Magr A.—0«Talo|ia»el«

of tba huter baU of IhI weak la Wall

Mtealtta waamlaii wltb Btoebeof

tbe Dewlalaa Becntiliea Oeiapaay,

BalUad MlltaMi rnmpu^ aad ib»

BaakaaaMk MaadawieaaiyaBy, nanli-

ad later to Ifca aaaoMatmaat la ni'i I

nbaage twkeaaaa baaaii. Tba ibret

trm to deihri teabUWy tomm oMl-

(•(lone waa OfTriiliaob aad Moorr.

followml by Ilrnrj BnM., aad Lock

waed. Hatd aad Oo.

>TAin BaroMtSD uoungrvLLMiagtMi, Mar BaUaMa adrlon

imHi* Imt Wiiblagtia ladar anfasft 9L Cliy'^RaM^vM ba Ika

pMjr arrlrtMl (hU morning from Wtiw

Tork and OblcairOe anrl tbU •tt«roooo

ftt a o'clock Itegiin rpbrftnalt. "ABtvdcnt from Jiii«u" i« th< tlrnt pto;r

to bo proMutod, «n<l t > ih- « InAc nfthM

rojraUr tea«on PriiUy iii^bt th-- Kn^*-

Imh SUn'k coiui«ny will irn<ly for

tU fir«t ftpi" nr»iict' in Pnthicnh, which

wi'l Moii.liiy fviiiinK

MttiiiiKi i l^iitf hxh r.iut'I tifiv< K(>( arril

Do U tt< t ( I'lrijitti.v r hi- 'Unau" r

•MKOU. Ho lUti li'U tt) iiiuUc l'ljt< IvPli


Delegates Leave Here to Join Meth-

odiits in Memphii To-day.

General Canftrtaca Op«a« WtdiMtday—

Whit it Will od Gaaanl Inttrtft.

Rot. aud Hn H. B. Jobaaton aad

Hi. O. W. Xooiaaa laft Uii Boralaf

tor Maaiiblf, Taan., to jola tba MRgalagatloa Ibal laavat Ibantoalgbt

tor DaUaa, Taiaa, to atlead tba foar>

taaatb qaadraaalalJiaaiOB of tba Oaa-

tial Ooaltraaoa ol tba K. E. abaiah,

aoMb, wbieb opeaa Wedneedajr aad

laita tba mootb^

In tile party will l« liiataope J. 0.

(iraulwry, nf Vintinin, A. W. WilaoD

of Ualtiniore. 11. C. MorrUou of At-

lutita, R. K. HargroTa and O. 1>. Fila-

k-traM. of Nanhvill.'. Iir K II .Mabun

111 t uliiu City, llr \\ i< I'ih.r ali'l

.MlH^ Ui'llA I'lIltT, .IllhU U I't'^IMT,

AU<1 Miifl Mnry I'l-pji^T nt M<-miihiii

T IS KiiiR of l]ro\Tauvill,'..U. K. Al

n THE cioicns

Good Crowds. Stror.i Sorvices Yes-

terdayirSome Visiting Miniiten

Qotd Slnfing It Broadway Church—Mini-

itert Asiociatioa Matti.


Great Interest Being Talien In To-

morrew't Bout

lyaa in Training—Joe Choymiki Eapected

Tataariow to WitneM Ika


lark.T an oti'lo ilato plarhoBBo dnrlas Uaoa of Bowling Urwn. IUt>. A. J.

HIV bol niontba, m he made II darlag Maadera, 8. U Jewell, ln>. Jaiuea

tba wlatar. It will be acar at baad, Atfciea, P. U. Wblaner au<l oloer

eosi. aad tba batt rlar* oalj will ta|

promineal Matbodlala, who ko an del-

aMMad. . pgalia and TWtot ta Dallas IWr.

Mr. Ttaa S. Jaaaa wUI ha laadias

aaa aad dliaatar, aad JIIm l^asaMOala hadUi waaaa.

Mki Jaata^ WivM wUl ba IkceBaa

aad laraalla, Mia llaa Meektaa dram-alio aonlirrtl«,Mlaa Loalas Henry alaa.

In( an<l ilaaoaig aoabnita, Mr. Fran-

ela Plelda beary aa<< ebaiagtrr. Mr.

Aailtaw Forajrtba baary, Lao Farrrat

aioglag and daaolait ooaiedlaB, Mr. LA. Ortma InTcoUe, Alfred Seaton

trni'rnl man, Tbe iNNraMa Bbrtera

a|M>rialtT artiaia. aad Vha Jahaaoaa la

illu^ttati 'I .ntiffii



.1.- Iinr.' I» ' u on t 11-

11. B Jobattaa la a cletical data-

gala, aad Mr a W. Motrlaoa a toy

dalapMe from tbe MampUf eoafir-

aaaa, wbiak la qaita aa beabr to

Padaaab Hdlhaolna.

Tba taaant aeafataaca of tba

MalbodM abarah atata arary fonr

yaaaa, aad ii tha aait Important

falbarlBfl of tba abaNb. ai It It ibe

law-making body, aak it alto eltott

tbe bltbopa, gaaaial oStari, ate., of

the chu'ch.

It la |«obabIe that two or more blab-

opi will be eleolM al Oallaa thla year.

"All Dr. K. E. Ueaa of tba Obriallan Adro-thi


lilt, ei'leglalalor from Lewi. nnty,

diad yattarday at bit home In Tolee-




London, May 6—la BlUlaty alr>

claa tbe qnaatlon of Earl

tiremral from the jwct of

la-oblef Immediately attar tbe oorona-

tloB la freely dlecBNad. It la lookMl

vpoa aa a aartainty tbat the Duke of

Oonaangbt will aaooee il taim ami vrill

not retam to Iralaiid. The fart thai

K«tl KolwtlK ha> nri.iitlr |ii>r<'ha<ii''i

a Mk oatat.* in thi- country la coniider

e<l proof of thli Ktalenianl.

U'Nt attrai'tinii.- tins hi-aihiii,

[auil ar.i fiulihvd artiit*. Nfanaiii-r


Enjiliith lia« orKaiil/i^it liii rnniiiAiir

IWltb a viow to Kivliit; tlio pciMlr a

I hii;h ( Ift-i. ;'.*rforniar:ci' at i hi'«it I'rir.'.

ail I al n .fit-at i-ilMUar. an.l h>' will

dotiMlcu niaae a aooceaa of It. llii

dirt-dor. Mr. Jaaaa, bat baaa ttaa la

Padnoab to "A Boyal Priaaaar," aad

Mlia Waraa la "BaUa^UI." aad

kaaw what Ibalr wartla. Sheia will la


WUI la tpta^j -are

eaMi (• aiv fM* atllMtaa etHita


TO oBWATCB mAim oa uaa-mUMA MTMOH 0» ILU*

THE MARKETS.<Rciioc«e«aall]rky






J"''St: I

l.at.l -





aaa «






M I?wn


Baptrlntaadaat U. M. Dogtn of tbe

ttlagrapb departaaat cf tba IlllnoU

Oaatral lyalaa, la la Jacktna. Hlia,

the (irellinlnary arranirementa

tat [tba ui'w ny.teiu of diai>atrtiliis

tralB^ by teU'tihoiii*. rfc.'ntlr adopted

by the r.iiiiiiaiiy

SutMirint.-iidi'tit I^nKan atatrit that

alidiit 1 .oiin mil...! of telt'phnne \^ iri>.<

for tile iifw pii'ivu-H harp alreaiK ln'pu

^trnnif. and the lin«i iKirthwar.l from

New Urh>aua ipacht-.l llaniniood yea-

teiday. Tba force of llnenea will

laaeb Jaaktoa by tb* iMh. It la ti-

paatid to bara tba aatira ttrrlaa In-

itallad aad la pnwiiaal workiag erder

wMhta the aaxt tUty daya. Tbe eeti.

aaltd tart al vaMag la tba aaw ayi-

1MB Mi«IM,«ea tt HaekiattBdadte ahaadea tha pttttat ditpalebbig

ttrrlaa lauHdIalaly, bat tbe Inttalla-

tloa win bt gtadnal, and for aeyaral

montbi at leatt, both telegraph and

ttltffetM itCTipe «1U bt nttd In tht

baadUiw of t»lat.

Bapttlaltadtal Ongaa belltTta.

howevtr, tbat it It only a qnaalloa of

a abort wblla wbta tba ttlaphone will

tatiraljr •!V'*tl. *l9 ttltgraph bay

oate in Naatarllle ia probable'

' biabop limber.'

' Variona other mat-

t.>ri will be rotittidorofl, among them

tht' I'utilisbinff boua.. war clai.~u

tiiuni'T and thi- (l.-aconv p« niorenient,

liut II In nut hki'ly there will 1* anyvital i-hantrva, aikI notbioK Hcintational

l>"ndini{, Tne itm;urlt,v (if the

tiody are eonaerrativti men. and they

will be aafflolanl to hold in check

tooie erratia aaaabara who ara en-

eaoad la aakMac tka MlBlMatttottbt ebarab.


The aolla againat th« Dloaa grocery

will likely be aetlM out of oouri.

Tbe mat> nlnTifT.

and tba atore la aow open ana doing .

Ttttarday wai a beaatital day, and

all tba ehorcbea bad latga eoagrega-

ttooa. The lotal alalrtwi Mad tbair

falpilt with a ftw aataplltM- Brr.

Oaotga B. Baatbaw af Ooribgitoa,

Kj-, oaenpled tba pnlpit of tbe Flrit

ObfMlan ehoroh in the eranlng. and

Bar. W. L Snvntrn of Jackaon, Tennfwaaotaed atth ."ipcond Raptiat chnreb

at niKlii 1; V H Ii .lohnnton, iTi -

filling' .1 1. 1 ( f the Hailtirali district,

tilled 111- u Kular apiiointmont at the

Third str . i .Mi thrnll«t chnrrb. preach-

iiiK tlier- itiorninR nii-t eveninir Tnia

ia Ml .!lJ^.Il^^»)n'H last apiKitntmeot

nntil .hill. . 11^ be m a iteleifnti- to the

t;enerftl rniif. renr-t- m Iiiilln. iturinK

Hay- Stroiif x.rinnnii wore preaoned

at tba variooii cluirchea.

Thi chant > uiam- in tho Broadway

Hothodidt aiiitlt^^riQTu ^ave ffeneral

satisfaction t" the confjretration yea-

terday Tlie altar ii raiao<l and ei-

tto^t and laltt tbe big ebarcb moch

bttltr In every way- Tbe obolr

l|Maa ia ineally enlarged, and oaa

mMf aeoommodate the large cboir

Ikat aow oaoaplea it Tbia aboir It

atlnidllig maeb aollaa tof itt twaat

ttagiag. It it ooapottd of a aaabt*of yoang girli, aad boyi, aad bat bean

tplaadidly tralatd by Mia. 8. HWiatttad, wba bi ttptabOiy gttltd in

tbt art, aad dttanrta gaat andit ia

tbIa taw, at tba tiaa hat bta^ ihtit.

Tba aatbaaM wan wall aaag ytiter-

day, tba tola paitt btlat well ent-

taUed. Miitet Hay Owen and Tir-

gltia Jabntoa rendered a vary twtti

daal with obomt toaoaq«aiaaat by

tba ahoir la tbe eTening.



Tlie Jury Impaneled in Circuit Court

this Mominc.

Many CaMi of a Minor Nature Dit>

pottd of liy Judge Sttdtn

thit Morning.


The-Kentaeky will no donbt b«

well filled tomonow night with eitl-

xena who deaire to aee a ^ond. cli-an

aparrlntt t-xluliition It iin.s h- .-n

some timi- sinri- thi- p|Kirt In ld liway

liere, Imt It iirnnilsei* til li-- ri-juvi-ii-

ati-il with nion- iirominint: prospt-'-ta.

AoKtralian .liminy Ryan baa fouKht

a numl>er of memorable bnttli"!!.

wiuuliii; till' welterweight chaniuinn-

Kuip fism Hyatdrlona Billy Smith,

tho mMdIewalght ohamplonahip of

the PaeMo aoaat from Yonag Uitoball,

aad dadatiag Oaocge Byen, who wat

aolotad btavywtigbt obamjilon at that


Pearoe baa wblpptd Daa Oreedcn,

Jaok BTarhardt aad Jaak MoBatt,

and otbtra of tbli ebtit.

Ryan haa been nmtobed to box

UarrinBart of Lonlarllle, who lloked

"Kid" Carter ot Brooklyn ia nine

loaadt of a twenty-ronnd oontett at

LonltTlle Batnrday night, and Ohorn-

akt, who hat already met Ryan fonr

tlaei. wantt to fight the winner of

tomorrow't conteat. Shniild Ryanwin, it lueana two more matobtt lor

kim. Tbe exhibition promilea ta la

fait end entartainllig.

JoaOboyaaki al OUlfomla, wtopal oat Al Walaig ia tba tlzth ronnd

at LonUviUt Fritey, wiU atri*a today

to witaea tha eoalirt «( >yaa,aad

Thar amonnt to ahont I'.iOO.

ter baa been Hied witb^th

The Minlaterial Amociation met

tbia moruinff in reKular aeaaion tiut

nothing of public iuterett wan dona

Tbe regalar reitorta and a general dia-

cnaaiou of tne work w aa luatie and tbe

meeting ailjoaineaU withont any aob-

jert or iaptrtaata baviag laan

broagbt up.

There will be a meeting of tht

bnilding committee of tbe BroadwayMcthodiat chnroh tonight to bear tba

reimrt of the aub-oommittae appointed

relative to the indeblednea of tha

obarob aad tba auaaa by wbiob tbia

THE BALUNEST BALLSThat Don't Bawl or Ball arc Bafls in


/^onstrurted on bicycle principles. All cups, cones

^ and balls arc dust prooi. Adjustable through-

out. SdcAt in operation. Runs easy; ctits like a razor


Bataiday't haahall laaalti wtto:

Aaatitaa AatooMlta: Bt Pant »,

Inditaapolit e; Oolnabot 4, Iftaat

City 0: Mllwankw t, Toltdo I.

Malonal Laagae: Pitlabnrg 9, St.

Looia 8 : Oblcago <, Oinolnnatl 0.

American Leagne: Boaton 10, Bal-

timore I ; Philadelphia 9, Waahington

3 ; Detroit Clereland S ; St Loala S,

Cbloago 3.

Sunday 'a battball reinlta were:

Batlonal Laagae: Ohioago St.

Loait, rain; Piltabnrg 11, Cincinnati


Aaarioan Laagaa: 81. Lonia-Obl-

oaga^ laia; Oltwiaae I. IMiaH L

Alaa-a-Dale won tbe Kentnaky

Darby by a neck Saturday, with In-

Tealtt ttoaad aad Tba Biral thild;


AlhaM WiU ba haU la-

atthalWaMhOaaOlab'i grooadt la La BaUa park ba-

twtta til oraok iboM al Fadaaab It*

a parte of 1 1 so. It la nnderatood tbat

the contaataota will be Meaart. Hoee

and Ben Starr, Haaiy Bayar. B. 0.

Brouiiugh, Hal WalMiaaad Ot. W. L-


The Paducab baaeball oleb mat da-

feat tt Oolconda yeaterday by a aoore

of 6 to T. The team repreaenting Pa

duoab waa not the big team, but a

Junior organization, but carrying

Reilgci, pitcber for the regnlar team

lleil^i-s lii-i th-- liox wcrk for the ^ir^I

three inuin;:!! and tbt-u •[nit. TheOolconda \>ay* bit the gnlietitntad

pitcber freely, and the I'a-Ineah boya,

bandlrtp])e<l by having no left fielder

or abort atop, loat the game.

ABOMBMilbp pjailMOAM. «Maw Tarfc. Hay (-Thtta Maaak

ooattta ttll am the eaaa tt Aiehhlth.

opOorrigaa. at Or. Kayat, tha at-

tending pbytlalaa. tnaeaaoad tonight,

after hit tIiII to tbe bedalde of the

prelata, that hia oonditlon ia attll dan

gaiaotaadthtia la a poiaihUity it aayoritkaL


The ]nry wat tapaaalad la olroait

court tbia morning for tba elTil ttra.

and tho trial of tba mora laportaat

caaea will tie taken nji at onoa.

Tbe jury ia: (i. Itutwnll, f. IK.

(iar.iner. Sr., S. M Ware, F. Klrob-

oir, Ben Liinier. .1 S Hnnt. T. NKenwick. I, \V. HoKWell, Ury Wil-

kini", Han Keitliley. O. h. Brnnnon,

U. 0. Hartley, K H. Hnnimel, W. A.

Mooney, W. ,1 Miller, T. K. Haddock,

U. B. Sherrer, Frank H. May. F. N.

t.«Ily, J. II. Maaaie, J. W. Orr, R. V.

Jacob, Y. U. KouM, Joa Featt

In the case of Samnel Qrahamagainat V. h. Bryan tba oemalaion-

ar mada a daad ta Mia O. & Bryaa

and taaa waa ttrltkaa Iroathadoakat.

Htaiy WUUaaBwaaatTONtd troai

Dora WiUlaaia.

In tht aaaa of Matriton tgalnti Bot>

baadt tba ragalar lodge oonld not pta-^

aide, aad Baa. W. M. Betd wat tttrt>

e<i to fill tha Jadietal ebair dorlaf tha

trial oi tht eatt.


Jndge Sandcra had a Mgdoekattoday, bat moat of tba

plain draaha.

Howard Furka, Tbai Olatk, 1

Fbbar, lUwaid Adaaa aa* Jtaa Al>

Ian, whila: aad WIU Tftt, telatad,

waft aU aattl fai 11 aad aetit tor

-plate diaaka

Tom Bolt, wbltt, tot dtau Mdditorderly, trat flaad |s aad tatte

Tbt oaae agaiati Bitbard MUlifaa.

aolotad, tot itriking bit wttt, waa Mlopen, after the eTldence had been par-

tially beard.

Eph Pevlne. colored, chaigad WithbaTlng fought hie wlte, wat uml^ttAand the -warrant dlamiaaed.

Cnaa .Tohnaon, white, wbo itruck

H. RiitotT. a Second atreet merchant,

OTer (be head with a bottle Satardaf.

waa fined t;& and ooaM tor bit taa.

Jim Allen, wblMk Waa iMi |l tadootta for drunk.

John Darnell, tn employe of tba

Lally grocery, who ttraak a aagro

woman for dltpaMag bit watd, waaflnad IS aad tetit fat btaaah ot tha

Davit, whMa,OOaitOaaritaa't bor, wat i

ftr a hiiath tt tht ptaot, aad tea MMaoattaatd.

Iitwia Batt, aolotad, wta Satd #•and ootti for draak aad ditotdtflr.

RobeH TldweU, while, wbo UvMa thinly boat at tba iaoUaa, wat ar-

raigned for a braaoh of tba pttat, aaAthe case continued.

Eildii- Hobl-ii and Katie Fowell, col>

ored. were lim-il f:io aud coata for Im-


H. McClops anil Sunn- lirahiim wi-ra

fined t-O Hiiil cuHts for iiiiiiioralitT.

The caae at^Hinat .lu.- and MaudeTitaworth, colored, for initnorality and

for rnuuiiiK a iliHordurly boaae, were

continued until tomorrow.

Doua Jouea, oolorvd, wat flntd |3

and oota for drimk a«d dltotdttly.

Willlaa Jobaaoa, whlM, iraa ar>

ralgaad on a abanta ol teiaf a taa-

moo gaabla^ aad tha aaaa

•ISO baad, whith ha telltd te il*t.

Tba ditatdwly i

Frad Barry wat 41Jaiir I




fretldwrt RoMtvelt Sa)t Congrnt

Mutt rmMlyHm t CiibweBHI.

It Very Firn In tht Stand H« H«i

Tiktn-BIt 0>l DmI in Allen



Co(n()lete Company Hat Arrived and

Bagaii RahMTMlt Today.

Th« Summer Seauin at the Kentucky

OpiN MontfafNMl With "a Student

ef Ja^"i


WaahlDCtoB. lUr •.— PlwidMil

BadMTall thia Bwalag told kli —am-

torikl CkllM* ital mliMi • OtbM net.

IMoitj nmtm «m ymmtH •! thla ae«-

floa b« wmU «ftU It ta fiiMfaU aiMioa

«flMi aiaatM ktMr U wlJoiuMd

TIM PiMidenI Bad* ao qBalifleaUoe,

ud' deotand emphaMoaUj thai tke

noeda of the laUad |ofwd kiai le laka


A BIO on. DXAU8oottaTllli>. M*T ' —Another bi« oil

deal Iwa ln-dD iim<l« In Allen ooontT.

The Mayflelil-Uann Oh aad OU oom-

V»my inrcbaaed toimr hoa ObpUlnA. r. Laaaa 1,800 aana al what It

ooaaMarod tae (Met oil tcititory in the

ranntr. Tba |»laa paid (or lUa t««H-

tnrj tf aot kuo«a to tba pabllo, tnl It

U kaowa .that H. O. DoU'a laaa* la

among tba niaar pnrehaaea.


New York. Mhj .'».— I)ev*.ln]inicDtl

of IhK lattiT half of l.iit yretk in Wall

atrial, la conorrtlaa with ttocki of

the Dominion Kernittu-a Oomrany,Ballaad lallfoad ooaaiaar aad th«

Hankeaaank Haadawaoompaar, nanlt-

•i lodagr la tba aaaowMamaat la lapid

iMtaMtM af aaapaaataa «f •t«Nk*as.

«haBta hnkan«a keaaaa. Tka Btat

tmtoAaalMalaakUt^taMH oUI-tatloaa waa OIkakaak aad MaMa.fatlowad kr Baaiy Biaa., aad Laak-

itaei. Bart aad Oe.


liaalattaa, Mar V- Krhahl.' K^tvir...

waatTad traai Waabinctoo twlaj are

that B. Ohj Ivaaa'.wUl ba tba aast

Utataid thatba baa haaa

aa wlHliw Ua aaattat

witb Oaplaia BowaTd far tba oOaa.

rORMKR I.E(HSl.ATOR DEADlUyiTllle, Mar — Docllflr A. Pol-

lilt. PI le(il»l»lor from Lt'wln ooanly.

died yaalardar al hia boaaa la Tolaa-



>.JUaaiar Jaaaa B. ogUah'a tma-

Iiaajr atrlrad thia meraing from Ifaw

York aad Ohtoago, and thli aftarnaen

al t o'alaek bagau rrbramali. "AStwient from Jaiian" ia tke flrat ytkT

to >w praaentad, ami bjr tbeclnaaoftba

refnlat aeaion Friday nliiht ihi< Bbrllab Btook aompaay will Ih> n aMy for

lla Bnl a|i|K«ranoi' in railucah. wlilcli

will be Mouilay cviiiiiiit.

MnniiKer KriKliibcoaM iiavf MTare<l

nu U'tt< T rt)in)«nr for bin xuiiimt r

1 «n.oli He liiti-nilii to liiiittr I'li" Ken

IturkT an up tu <lnlt' jtlaTli-juh. .luriiiK'

tttv hot Tuniitlifl. ill hi> iiiadp It liurjDK

tba MTiiii' r li uill )»• ntar at liaad,

eool. and thi' Ix tt rlsra only will le



I<Mdaa. in UMaiy oir-

alttthtqaailiaa atlwfaknta' ra-—- '— tki I nit irf nfiailiila-«Mar iMwillami ailwUha aeacna-

«toalafcaa|y(Hiwwi|. it Uloakad

l^fi^ MallhaOaka of

. IwUlaaaaaMlkiaiBad wiU«ot ratam la faalaad. «fea Bwt tkalKatl Robarta haa fiiaatly mnkaaiila big aetata ia Mm ooaalrr la ooMidar-ad proof of lUa alataaMal.

THEfURKnS.(aeaartaadiHrty taleiii i atacii a orna co.i


llriSimai'.'.'.'."."!.'.'".'.'.'.'.'! »i{ JJj

W^-r :;::::::::::::: SS TS

iS^=:=dtt asBtM-

fiS::::::":::::.r:;r:r.rt8 tS

Mr. Tne H .Innira will bp leadinft

man and director, aad Mlat Vraun *

Uala Iradiog wooibd.

Mlaa Jaatlaa Waraa will ba lagenno

and laraBlla, tliai Una Slooktan dram-

Btio eoobrctte,Mlaa LoaieaUaury elag-

tag and Oaaoav eoabratta, Mr. Ftan-

ela'^lda baary aad obaHMltr. Ur.

t Aadraw Faraytba ktavy, I«o Faneat

aiaglBf aad daaeiag eoaiadUa, Mr. U.

A. Ortgga javaalla. AlArad B«itoa

gaaaral maa. Tba BaaiaraWa Blatera

eiweiaity artMa, aad Tba Johatoaa la

Ulaatratad aeaga.

Tbaea inopla bare baaa on tba road

witb the beat attraotlona tbia aaaaoo,

and are flnUhed artlala. MaaagarEngllah baa organtutt hla eompaarwitb a Tiew lo glring tba pabUo ahiiih clau ix-rfnrmaaoaatobaaprrieof.

•II I ai n iiri'at etptaaa. and h» will

ilonlilli'H iua>e a anormi of II llii

>ltr<-ctor. Mr. .laiuea, han b*>4>n m'eu in

Padaoab in A Koral I'rKniuT ' mlMlaa Wayne in "llcllo ilill. and

thaatra goen know »hnt th<'ir uort

la. Tbe otber* ait> r-ioAHy kk ;t i

aa will be ieen wben tbe Ibeatre o|«na

naat Monday eraalag. Tba iirlsee dar-

ing tba aaaeoa wlU ba twaaty-Bva

(^nta la imf pail •fihahaaaa, aadten oaala la lha galtary.


TO tauAtm man om lod-iBiAVA Btnuom or ttxi*

on onreftAi.

BapiflalMMlMl O. m. OagMI «( the

talecraph daiiailBm ef tba nHaoti(}aalral ayalaai, la ia Taikw. MIm.,

aMkiag tba laallailaaii anaagaaent<

forltba aew ayataai of dlapatahlnk-

tralaf by Mapboaa, raoaatly adopted

by tba aompany.

Bnparialaadant Dniran tlatei that

aboBi 1,000 milaa of lelephone « irea

for lha aaw aerriw liavr alreariT hern

atrang, and the llni' nnrihwurd rmmNew Urletna i«arb< I llaininond yee-

Inday. Tbe force of linemen will

feacb Jaokeon by tbe IMh. It is ei-

pected to hnve iho entire iierrico tu*

itallad and in iiraotlral workim; rr 'er

within thi neit mity dnvA Tl i ini:-

mated coat of pnttiiik' in thi> new cyit.

tern lagtloO.oun. Ii u ,uil mt.wwl.'d

lo abandon the pr>'>ent 'lisintu Iuok

eerrioe Immediately, Imt the iiutalln

lion win be gradnal, and for ixTfral

montba at leaat, both telegraph aadlelepfaaoa aarrlpe will be need ta th«

haadUpv^AMBi.BapaMBliBiMk Dagaa baliaraa,

bowavaf, thai il la aalr a awatiaa a(


Delegates Leave Here to Join Math-

odiitt in MmvMi To-day.

Genaral Caalkrmc* OptM WtdaMday—

What R Will oti Geiiaril Intertrt.

Bar. and Mra H. B. .fohnaton andMr. O. Vi. Morrlaon left tbU luurnlug

tor Hamphil, Tano., to Join tba big

aalagatioa that learea Ibaro toaitbt

for Dallaa, Texaa, to altaad tba tba>-

teaatb qaadraanlaliaaaaioa o( tba Oaa*eral Oonfaranoa of the H. B. ehafoh,

ioatb, whieb opaaa Wadaead^ aadlaata tba MMtb,la tba party will ba Biabopa J. a

Oraabaiy, of Vlrgiaia, A. W. VUaonof Baltimore, H. C). Morrinoa of At-

lanta, K. K llarKruvii Bud (I. P. Fila-

k-erald. id .NaiihTille. Ur It II .Mahon

ot I'uiiiii t'Uy, Dr. W. K I'lm r nliil

•Mill Rena Pluer, .lohn K Pamper,

>n(l MiH Mary Pepper ot Mempbia,T B King of Browanrille.'.R. E. Al-

liioB of Bowling Ureen. Id'vi. A. J.

Maailori. ^. I.. Jewell, Dm. JameaAlkinii, P. II Whiiuir and other

prominent Mi'IIkhIihIh, who dcl-

egatia luid visitom to DiiUnt. Ucv,

If. n. JoliiiKiun 1.1 n rl.riral ilota-

Kale, agd Mr C \\ .MiirriM.ii « Uyilileiiati' fii.iii till* «Ii-iiiphii confer-

em '.

\y\ h ,'.iiU' an hoain to

Padlltuli Mt".l.tnll>ui.

Tb« ganaral oonfcrenri' if ilic

Uatbodlat obnroh meeta every iinr

yeara, and la tbe meat Important

gatlwring ot tbe ebanb, aa It la the

tew-anklac body, aad it alao electa

tba biabopa, gaaetal oOaen, ala, ot

(ha ebaeah.

It la ptahahla thattwo Of bmn Uab-opi will ba alaelad at Oallai tbia year.

Dr, B. E. Ueee ot the Obriatlaa Adro-oata In Naabrllle la probaUa"Uabep timber." Varloaa

tart will ba oonafalatad,

tba pobllablng boaia war claim

money, and tbe deBOoneaa moraiaaat,

hat It i> not likely tbeta will ba anyvital rhangei, and nolbiag aaaaatigaal

> i>endiBg. Tha ajotily «( thaimly nre eoneerTBllTe Baa, aad thaywill he unmoiant to hold in cheek•oni,. erratic maBbaca who are aa-

itaKe.1 m fl|{btli« Ih* hMl MHNliel(be cbareb.

OOt" or OOCBT.

Good Crowds, Strong Service* Yet-

terdayj-Some Visiting Miniiters

fitfd Sinfing at Broadway Church-Mini'

ttari AtiocitNae Maait.

Yaaterday wan « I an'iful il.iv m -!

all the I hiiri III hii I Ifii'

tloni. The local iiiiuiiilir.- hlli 'l tin ii

palpila with a few axoaptiona. Bev.

Oaotge B. . Baaabaw of Ooriagton,

Ky., oeonpied tba palpit ot lha mralOhtiaUan eharob ia lha avaalaff. aadBar. V. L. Sataga at Jaokaoa, T«aa-.paaaohed at the 8««aad Bapllat sharobat night Rer. H. B. /obaaM*. pre-

Iding elder of tba MtMBb diatrlol,

filled hie regnlar appelntneat at the

Third itreet Metbodiel obtirah, preaeh-

inir there morning and erenlng. Tnia

ii Mr .lohuBion'n lant appointment

nntil .luin . <i< he in a delegate to the

gencml niinfi renrr in Dallas daring

May. tilronfr aermona ware praaobed

at tba vsriotii eharahea.


Great Interest Being Taiten in To-

morrow** Bout.

Ryan in Training—)oa Ckayiiialii Expactad

Tmviow to WHnaM tka




The Jury Impaneled in Circuit Court

thi* IbniiRC.

Many Cata* Of a Minor Nilura Oit>

poaatf of by Judgt Stndart

this Morning,


Tbe chaogaa MMia ia tbePi> » U\:i\

Method lit andltorlnm gaTa genoral

•alinfactioii tn the aoBglBgaMoB yea-

lonlftv T!h iltar is railed and ex-

tended, nn 1 : ,t-tlu' tilg church muchbatter ui v way The choir

apaoe in Kti-ally i ii larked, and oan

eatlly nccoiiiiiiiKliite tlu- large clioir

tbat MOW occupies it Thii choir ii

attractirit; moch notin' for its «weot

kiiiiriuK Itlaaooipofi- >in iiiiiiilxr

of youn;: Kirla, Bad boy*, an 1 Im- l<i i n

i-plendiiily tralaad by Urn ~ II

Wiuitoau, who hi aapaoially tiilii d in

lha art, aad daaarrea great credit in

Ihit (aaa, al tbe time baa koaif abort.

Tha BBttaema were well atiag yaataa-

day, tba aolo parte being wall aaa-

Mwd. MiMaMarOwaa aad VIr-

mo Jahaaoa laataai • Toiy iwtat

diMi with ahteaa iiiowpaalBint by

tba ehoig ia lha o«oaiai|.

TbaCeataaky will no doaki ba

waU tiled toaMiiaw aighl with dll-

aaoa who daaba 10 aaa a good, clean

aparriag axbibilioa. It baa been

iome time aiaaa tba apart babl awaybare, bat It pnuaiaee to be rejayaa-

Btetl with more promiaing proapeota.

Anatrallaa Jimmy Byan haa fonght

a namber of memorable battlea,

winning the welterweight ohampion-

•hip from Myiterlons Billy Smith,

the liiiildli-weiKht chftm.pii'ii^inii nf

the Pacillc nmsi from Youll^: Miti-lii ll.

and defi-ntiii;.- m,:. i'.y. rj,, who \vi\h

colored oi'iivyvi i,.'lit chaiupioii at that


Pi arc till- \\hip]ied l>an Creedcn,

Jack Kverharilt tiiid Jack MofiTett,

and othern of tiii.s clasi.

Ryan baa been mntchoii to l>o\

Marrin Hart of LonlaTlUe, who licked

;"Kid" Oartor ot Brook'tyn in nine

toaada of a twenty-ronnd oouteit at

Lonlarlle Saturday night, and Oboyn-


ilci, who haa alraady met Ryan fonr

tiaaa, waata to flght tbe winner of

toaMcrow'a ooataat. Sbonld Ryanwin, it meaaa two more matobaa for

him. The exhibition promlaea to be

fMt and entartaining.

JoeOboyaaki of Oslifomia, whopat aat Al Velnig ia the aixth ronml

at LealaTilla Friday, will oiriTe today

to witaeaa tha eealaal of Byaa anil

Thar amoaat la aboat |0M ThaaM-terbae baaa txad wiMnha AaeW,aad tba alota ia aew opaa aao dolag


Tha MiaiaMrial Aaaodatioa mattbia Bcraian 1* (agalar aeaaion bat

aalhlagafpahlltlalercat waa doaa

Tbe regnlar reporta and a gaaeral dla-

onaeion of toe work waa made aad tba

meeting ail^iaraaad wIUhmI my aah.

}ect of ImportMO*broagbt ap.

TBE BALLINEST BALLSThat Dor't Bawl or Ball are Balis in




Cups are Made

of Solid



^onstru-.ted on bicyck principles. All cupt, cones

^ and balls are dust proof. Adjustable through-

out. Silent in operation. Rims easy; cuts like a razor


Batnrday'a baieball reanlU were:

American Aaaoototien : SI. Paul »,

ladiaiMpolit 0; Oolaabaa 4, ^'-vOity 0: MUwaakaa S, ToUde 1.

MakMa Laacaa: HMrtti », 81.

Uaia i; Ohi«a|o «, OiaoiaMli 0.

Aaatieaa Laafaa: BoalM lO, Bal-

Mmm t: PhUadalphia *, WMhiaftoaIt Detroit S, Olmhail t; m. Leaii ».



t OUtNia . at.

imMBHf'tt, OlniaMtla.

Airliwi Laini! H- iaaii^hi-

oaM wlai OlaTahiad S. OaMl 1.

Alaa-B-Dala wen tbe Kentnoky

Darby by a aaok Batarday, with In-

raalcr aeoand and Tha Biral third:

tina, 1:08 >-4.

OIBOOIT OOOBT.The )ary waa iapaaalad ia olivait

conrt thia morning for the oiril term,

and the trial of the more Importaat

caaaa will ba taken ap at cnaa.

Tba Jarjr ia: a Bidwall, r K.Oaidhit, Bi., B. M. WaN. F. KiNfe-

oS, Baa Inntaa. J, & Bank, T. W.Fanwiok, L W. BoawaU. Ury WU-klaa. Baa Kaltblay. a U Btnaaoa,

II. O. Hartlay, F. H. Haauaal, W. A.

Mooaey, W. J. Miller, T. B. Baddook,I) B. Sherrer, Prank B. May, P. H.l.Blly, J. M. Maaiie, J. W, Orr, B. V.Jacob, Y. D. Ronae, Joe Faaat.

In the rnso of Samnel Qrahamagalnat W I, Hryan the oommiHlou-

cr made u deed to Mm. O. E. itryau

«nil cnsi' W.I- KtriCken from the dookot.

IIII i:rv Williama waa dlToroad from

D:MB \ViUiaii,8.

In thecA?io of Morriiioii af^ninit Ilai-


bands the re^-nlar .iinlKc couM not ]ire-

I hide, and Flon. \V. M Km .1 whs . Irct-

ed to All tbe juiliciiil i Ii:.,r <lunug tbo

trial ot tbv cane.


Juilxe Sniulim had a big docket

tO<Uv, lint iiiii-I iif till- CHui'ti were

plain ilii.h;.


lliiwii .1 I'liil..". Tom Chitl,. 11. myKihliiT l.it\v:iiii .ViliuiiK iind .Iim .-VI-

Inn. whiti and Will Tate, oolored,

w. rii all linril ftt H gad OeMi tWplaiu drunks.

Tom Uoaa, white, for drunk ami

diiorilorly, wai flned |D aud co^ti.

The CBM againit Richard MUligan,

colored, for atrlking hii wife, waa left

apaa, after tba ertdaaia bad bam pwtially beard.

ph Payiaa. ooletad. ahaiaad Withhartaw foafht hli wtta. waa i

-V live hir l ihoot will l>e held to.

morrow afternoon at the Pailucah (iuii

Olob'i Krouudu lu La I'.kII,. park lie.

tweaa tlx orack ahota of I'udocah for

a pailO ot Itta It ia ondemtood that

tha coataalaata will be Meaara. Moae

aad Ban Blarr, Haary Boyar, H. O.

Bronoagh, Hal Waltera and Dr. W. L.


Tbe Padaoab baaaball olnb met de-

taat at Ooloonda yeiter lay by a ncore

of e to 7. Tba team reiireaentiOR Pa

daoah wae not the big team, bet a

jaaior orgaaiaatioa, bat aarrying

adiaa, pUahar tor tba laeafaw taua.

Badgaa did tb^ box wcrfc far titt Anttbrea iaaiaga and thaa fait. TbeOolooada b«ya hit tba taballtaled

pitohkr freely, and tha Padacah boya,

bandieappad by bariag nn left flelder

or abort atop, loat the Kame


New York. .Mar .>— Thtri' i« iiiiirh

concern felt over th.' oa»e of .Vn-htiifli-

opOorrigan. an Dr K-y, ,.. the >t

tending pbyaiciau, aunonoced toniKhi.

after hU rialt to the bedaida of ih.|

pnlau, tbat hU ocaditiaa ia atlli dau i

garoaaand Ibara it a peaaikiH«F H anyaneriti«a.


|1 and

•m lha bead with a I

waa Saad «7t i

Jtaa Allaa, whMa, wm i

ooata for draiU.

John Darnell, an eaplaya of

Lally grocery, who atrnok

woman for dlapnllng hla word, waaflned (5 and occta for bteaeh of tba


Erneat Dayia, whita, who •track

onioer Qoarieux'ii boT, waa arraigned

for a hreaoh of the i>eaoo. aud the caie


I.,owii Baiu, culoreil, wan lined |5

and conifl for drunk and ilmonlerlr.

Robert Tidwell, white, who lives on

B ehanty boat at the Incline, waa ar-

raigned for a breach of the peace, andtha caae eontiaiwd.

Bddia Bobba and Katia Powal|, aoUored. wata Saad 1*0 aMl aaili In iat>


B. MoOlopaaadBaiiaatabaaiwaiaBaad p» aad Mali 1^ I

Thi Ma* asalBal Jea

TilawaHh, aoiaNd, fariaHnaiaUkr aaBtor raaaiag a dlaoadorly boaaa, waiacoatlaaed aatil tomarrew.

Dona Jonaa, oolorod, waa toad IS

aad ooaii tor drunk and diaofdarly.

William Jobnaon, white, waa ar*

raiirned on a oharf;e of lielng a coro-

iiiou Kanihli'^. and the caiu< oootinned

and the ili ft iiilaiit pUi-eil aoilar at\ ill liond. wlileli he failed to giTO.

rhi< iiiHoiilerlT 3onduct oaaa aiiiaiO

Fred Herry wan dianiiNMid.

leiry Oook, colored, who oat NoraUndaon Batarday nigat, waa arraigaad


Lands in Wathlnglon Thrown Open

for Sattlem«nt Today.

Much ii Valuable Und, and Then Will be

Qvkk S«HlMN«t of It.




Spokune. WahIi

four towii>hi|if

»crt'« of ftnrv.'v. ,

tlor on thi- Pf mi

kre abom thirty

town of Ntwport Th* tnot oaa b*

mehad bj MTanl ronlM. tM MSiwt

of which to via lha Oiw* Worthiwtiaai thli «Mr to Hawptttwia



1 > aKit'TU

.1 I M ( iWIl 11 to

1 111- lii-w laud* bor-

r Orpille rlTer, w>d

uillra Dortb of tb«

toto bttMMdMlriBlit •Urn hwtndi MM. Th*

MftM tofMMnllrUUf, MdimMMplaoM rongta and moaataiaoaa. It ii

Nporttd Uwt then 1* oonaiderable

timber In tbe dlalriol. and that it ii

reallj mon raluaMe for its timtti-r

than its agiloaltaral reeoaro.*^. The

diitriot is alio ^ioeralizeil. but do

imiiortant deTeloprnt-ntt have been

maitf. It II eii[i4]Ci«lly uotablc for it«

immense <\>-poslt« of limestone. Ttu-

faiuouti Portland cement works is

loratf'il on the Peml d' Oreille river,

ii* ar tilt' new lands. Immediat.'ly to

the north of itae latreyed dlatnot tbe


BABY mm.nw OBAiiiMOH or A fOBim


raoKiHUiT rsBMoaiaar asBiso ATTUID OnTULOrO


Pari!. May Tlie French iuI^mou

which will atli ii l the -.invi ilintt of iti.

Ro^hrntlH'HU niiuium. lit t\t Uai-liiiik'-

ton >ttllf.l frtMii Touimi to.L'iv on the

(iaulols l'ro;;iin. lit amoiin Ihi' miui-

NTS of th. miBBion iirr Ii. ni ral Bru-

t:. rs, c.ininiander tn chief ol the army;

lioniTal ih' riialanil. r, on.' of wboae

iinofstori. l.u nl<-n>int of Ilocbani'

Iwan; LientenaDt t'olouel I Hermit*,

OkptaiB Laaeon, Via* Admiral FoU'

alar, Boban d* BlUj, a ai*aib*r of

th* BarcoB of Ibo lUaMiy of r«nl«l

ASait*. K. MMtol lawmf% *» th*

UlalUqr *( Ommmw. Md U*atui-

ant (MoMl Mnm aial-llare, the

m»iwtoMt« of Praaldaat



oooABAV wiHimrobbwHOROBB.


ct T albbbt patbiok matNEVEK BATS TO BXFUTB


wUoh aoBTeji th*

Aaariwi to oa* a< the llneit

lie afloat. She wa* bnilt and

eqnlpped at Breet, ber.laoach takia(

pUoe la IHOd, anil it a eieter ahip of

th* Oharlomairne and th» St. Lotiia.




A ton-ponnd son hft(. arriv.'d at

"Melroee. " the country home of the

Hon. Ueoar Tarner ot Lonisville.

Thi Tonni; man haa the distinctiou of

u nk' the s'ln and the f(n>ndaon ot

Ki'Utucl^y's oongreaamen. Hia die-

tingatah*d grandfathar rapaeiented the

flrat dtotrlot, wUl* hto wm waa the

•bto ooiWTC**Ma bom tt* fifth dia-

Mot, atooM fe* laoa. Wtthaaeh aa-

•titor, to It «C» to VNdM • MfM fa-

tal* te Ohu Tamar m.



The execntivo comniittro of th.'

Kentaoky Press A"', lati. n at a meet-

Ini; held Satarday ai l.onisville .1.

ci.l. d on Owensbor.) n.- the meetioi;

jilace tUU year, and the aecond wef k

in Jaly aa tha time. From Owoua-

toro th* aiombera wlU amko aa ei-

onraioa toPal-ln-Bar, x>a OtooiBaati.

From Pat-ia-Bar the7 wlUfotoMt.OhoMW, Mioh., and thaa tok* aam-oroao aid* trlpa to lak* naaMb

City of llaalw, Hay s.—Tbea*.ti.mHl holiday, commemoratinu th*

victory of the Mexican fore s over the

French and im|>"rar.i»ts at Pnebla,

forty years aRo. wa- . elebrated all

over the rejinblic with the aanal en-

thulaam. Prealdent Dial with bia

entire anit*. together with a larRC

aambar of dlatiagatohad p*«fl*t went

la tha mocalat to Baa yawaada oam-

Ihaj plaoad wiaathaoa

lb of

«( «k

Tha «Ur watthe PraaMaat



>,'inir.i«v » l.ouiaHll* Tlmaa aayi^

Ui.bbi II. U. Enelowof the Tenip'e

Adas larael will li ave loni irtow .'

uuun for Mew Orleaua to atten.i ili.

anaoal BMetiag of th* Ocatral Ooof.'r

eao* of Amofleaa rabbi*. Oa Monday•trmdag h* wiU daUtrw bafora th..

a nittr BabM Adolph

I of It*



Boot briUlaat of th*jaM^ MbM* la

thto aoaatry. H* wUI naata to >*wOrlaaaa a week




I New York, Mar S—Thto to th*

,, .1, - t for the e»»ontlon of Allwrt

r.Tri. k. th.- lawy.'r coiivu-te.l of

th, iiiurd. I .if William Marsh Uice.

th. atfe.l iHiilioiiair< t'Ut as the coun

1 f.ir tile con.teiiiDe.l man lias taken

au a].p.'al he la assared of a respite

until October at leaat Patrick la

now In Blng Sing priion when, be la

viaited ittalarl; bj hi* alaten and

other r*laMt«* aad ttteada.




7*at*rdaj momito tt aboni

Th* B«ltto Ow*alag took aa


ptotoaf th* W«ateMi«f tk* WatM.


Atlanta. Oa., May <—A nniit»"rof

proinin. lit Cotton mill ..ftu ials are

gathered in Atlanta tu conaider the

adTlaablUly of orgaaiiing a mataal

iacaiaae* eompaa^. Th* cotton mill

oiraar* ar* diaaatlafied with their In-

aaraaoa rataa awLhop* bj oo-op*ratloa

to laMB* thoir auba at ilw lalmam.Tho(«h th* rale on aottoa aOU* ha*

<*«aind giaatly to th* pat IB year*

th* ewMta ar* of Ih* opialoe^that lb*

flga(***tlll reaato toe hl^ Th*

projooton ot th* a*» mataal •aaoMmplan to extend lie opentloca throagh-

ont tha oottcn aut**.

yav^ aal gf

Ip WM • piMtoM «M. Th* boat

iMia abial t f. aa.

Th* Dtak Vewtor la th* aft*raooa


oarriod aboat SOO p*opl* down to th*

wreck of the City ot Pittobafg. which

ia nearly oat of the walat. aad all

a^vnt a pleaaant afternoon,




Th* oi«r «*«aMl will mn» la f*(n

lar (amion thI* erenlag, aad there will

ba tha tuoal amoont of biulneaa to

tnaaaol The ordlaaaoa tor qdnkUag tha atre*t* by ooatiaM wtU aonie

np fof ooaolderation.

Tha boacd of .-ducation will meet

tomorrow nifiht in refrnlar aoasion in

ita new roouis in the Hiftti Sciiool on

Weal Kroa.lway Amont: oth.-r thlues

th.- hool c n^u-, .-mini, raters w ill r.-

port, the nnuitwr found this year b«-



Mr J W. Bamett and Miaa Mo'lie

,.f Lyon conntr arriTe<l in the

I'ltv this luorninir ami went tlown to

Meir, i-,)lis. Ill , ..n the I)ii-k KowUrto l» luarri.Mi. Tli.-y w. re ar.-oiniNkn

l. l' r Mr N J Uoim and Mrs SI. lla

1ji\s r. II.'.' of Ly.m comitv, and lte\

.1 I, Perrymaii of the i iM Th.' lat

ler 1" rformed tbe ceremony, an.l tbe

pauty will retorn thu aflaraooa.

The bride i* a natlr* ot 0*rBuar,

bat b** b**a la thto ooaatry aovaral

yeara. Th* groom to a

yonng fl


UatoTiaa, By.-

tar* tot tBi nil IH|limltad to Mar ta,

' a to M,

LoatoTllI*. Ky.—Oa* far* for lb*

rotin.l trip Derby day. May ^, Olark*

aUki's May lo. NnrKTv .lay May 17.

Kentnoky Oakea ,lar Mar U. liinihMl

two ilaya for n>lnrn

Memphis, T. nii — One fare for the

ronnd trip .\i>'il an.l .'it good rv

tarninfi May i aooount visit A.lmlral



Uallaa. Tei —One tart' plaa |j May:i, 4 aad 5. koo.1 retarning June V.

aooonnt iteneral ooatereno* M. B.



I Faltoa, Ky.—Oa* aad ona-lhtnl Ianfor th* laaad trip, April aa to May a,

accoaat BIk* oaiaHal.

..Carnival Notes..

Baay, BWitei l*M*i>a*a win ha wata, aad atthiaR•I**, darlag Ih* f*atWM**.

The time to Kvt these shoes is right aow.

'l*hr place to secure thcni is Lcndler tt X.]rdaa'ai

Thev have tlic shoe^ that Ki^e satisfaction,

1 or l.vj" tlie> sell yeu ,i sl.oe well worth |4,oo.

Tbey arc making a apecialty of Ihia price ahoe.

Bata th«B iaa ladtoa aad g«Btlcn*a.

Th**ho**ai*amd* **|i*clally (or L*adl*t& Lydoa.Made by th* baal aha* maaafaalwam to thaaaaatiy.And aregaafaataadtob*lh*b**taltk*priH«ito*


At AM, they have the lamoa* Fla*«halto, Ik* ahsB

(or genteel dreaaera.

For a*.oo they glr* yoa th* b**l «ala* lar yaar

r lo be had la Ih* city.


ma Bmadway Pbune 67S


BOW SHE DOES BAOK HAIB.New York. May B—Tho " Ra/.aar

of li.Riitify n..- .'lit,, ' open,.! in I.yric

hall today ui. 1 will coutinne through

the weel;. Tho alTair is nu lor th*

BuspiTs of the American Art of Coif-

fur, .\- >''iiition. an iii.-orporated

aoci. tv iintitutt il ihr-'.' y.-ars ago for

the purpos.' of a.lvaii, in;; and eleTat-

ing the hair .Ireaaer's art. Tbo model*

Of aabjaot* of tii* d*monalratioua are

tho b*at r*ia*a*atoliT** of clamlcal

>*aa<y aad ri«h*«t poaaeeaon of"wo-maa'a taawalag glofy" obtatoaU*.

Baalda* lb* iUBili a*tlwi aad amd*!-

lac aflat tkatoto* Panriaa laihlaaa

c( aeif-

to ahampoo a

woman'a head i* ahowa aad th* hair

drl*d ia aarrriatogly qalak Mm* tf•toetrlolty.

GOES OH TBB BOAO.Mr. A. A. lialaley, formerly one of

the beat known pait-r draiuiuers on

tha f*ad, balWhabaa be.-n In.-al a^enl

for Ih* Btoadaid Paper ( ..minny ot

Cincinnati for aararal yaara, haa ac-

cepted a poaltioaM liaTOlliig aaleaman

fw tha Otoiiaal Phpar Oe. tt ladlaa-

•pall*, aad wU toaka tw* trip* a

tttoOhtoa, Mamphtoaad8* laft today for Braoa

Tillaahtoiirt total



Havana, May a—The Onban ooa-

graaa aaaambtod today fir th* flrat

time. Th* •*aBion 1* meraly a prelim-

inary OB* iKld lor th* parpow of ex.

amlnlng tha ei*d*atlato of Ito mem-bera aad toaaUag and rtotifflag the

eleotoral Toto tor pnrideat aad Tice

preildoal Th* **miBBa of tha aoiwt*

an h*Id to tiM Palaoio d*l Bcgnndo

Oabo, aad Ihoa* of th* hoaae of repro-

•aatattraa to th* Oomaodanlao d*

Mariaa, both of whiah war* throagad

with totMW*toil Ttoltana* th* opaaing






000,000 AT TODAY'S



8oh*a*eladr, N. T., May a—At a

ipooial meeting ot th* «toehlw)lders

of Ih* Ctoaoal Btootrie oompaay hell

h*r* lodar It wa* ol*d to laoieaae

th* oapilal Bloak of the oompaaj fNon

ai»,T5T,800 to $48,000,000. Oat of

tb* a*w M*a* if ateok it to prcpaau l

to par what will inetlaaUr amaant

to a lorip dividend ot M t-O par aaat


will ba earred

al tito Flnl Bapttot «haiak h^ Ih*

mato mamban, Ih* ladi** to aMaad a*

Invited gnaat*. Tbia to qall* a aovol

coorteay ahowa the ladlea, aad a large

crowd win dooblleaa enjoy tbe CTen-


The ofBoer* of the church will l»

on tbe reception committee, aad the

yonnir men ni. mber* wUl aarr* the

r<'fr.'shm, lit. A ptogntto •! maalowill be rendered. '


r '). . May .'>—Lancaater

i:s 11-. I I'-t I II, and looker In

1;,':, I

• ., 1,1111 li, ,.- , f vi«itor» *r-

rivin.,* for Ih" annuiil .leonrlinent en-

oanipin, lit of tbo (Jraiid .\riijy, Tiie

renniou -loes not o]'. n lu.ul to:iioir.'\v


bat tlie arriving train lo,lay brought

many visitors, inctiullng veteraua andtheir friend*, member* of th* Wo>man'* Relief Oorpa, Boiu ot Vatoiaaa

and other alllllatad orgaaiaalioaa.

•at tedtoaltoaa th*

wlB taBMiaaUjtoiii*.ta.*hla(TUtaatowlUba Ik*

gaaiM «f th* aa*aii«a aad *hihatoto



New York, May B—After long delay

te caae of Al Adaau, known as tbe

Policy King," arreate<l on an io.lict-

m*nt charKinK him with violatinff the

penal C04le by having in hia poaaeaa-

aion the paraphernalia oaed tu play

policy, waa called for trial in Oeneral

Seaatona today. Owing to the pope-

lar agitation agalnat policy playing

aad tha giaiwl aatoptoaua of the

b«Uaf tha* hiUmililka kiiw pto of

tha ayadtoata iMtoilllin Ika lato* ta

Or*a**r Bow Xmk tk* iiliiiii *< Ikg

trial to awaltod with lalwii Mmai


Uooaton, Teias. May Th* local

Underwritera Asaociaiinn of Tanaaa*'3ible<I in fifth annual aeeaioa her*

t.rlay and will -ontiuue lb* meeting

antll Tharaday. Well known agenta

from all parts of the state were vath-

ere.i in Concurliahall when tii.' ui. t-t-

In.; was ralle.l to or.lrr at lo o'rock

tins uiorning. Maiiv jU.sti'iis of

inter. St t.^ 111".:' J- are sclie.l-

nleit fur .li.eu-.i I , 111 II tbv three.laya' aea.ion,



MayStbto^ath. laoa.

For the aboT* ooeadoa lb* Na*h-

viile, Ohattaaooga aiMl M. LonU rail-

way, will eell tickela to Aaherille .N

0. anil retnm on May Alh to inth In-

clnaire for |1 T '.'0. limited for retnmnntil May ;.'l, iiy dejositlng tickets

with ,11.1 at;, rt at AsboTlU* and pay-

11,111 I ' .,III- Uinll of Uokota oaa

be extended until Jnn* t,

E. 8. BURHHAM. A«*al.

HAT nSnrALATMBW HATBM.Baw Hav*a, Oooa., May S—Th*

May MMtaal l*rilTal, f«r whlehpra-

paraUaaahav* b**a to ptagiam for

aamy, w*«ki, *p*a* toalgkl with an

argaa walial by WIUImb a OmL For

Ta**day aad W*da*aday aa attraetlTe

pregtaa^ef agaaarto, taritato aad op-

eratlo pertormanoe* haa been ar-

ranged. A large aambar ot mnalo

lorera ar* bar* from oat of town aad

the featiral promiaaa to ba a great

flnanolal a* wall M aittolto

WE HAVE FOR SALEOne oi the very nicctt familr horxi in Kentucky.

Haodiomc 41 a picture sound, and 7 yean old ^ J*

Have you ittn oL-rpony and trap?

Sale ior children to drive W* real tko ttMBoal lar

$140 tor Hto afigraeoa. * Jt ^ ^ ^ ^


u aiaaa t i i aiaaiaii

I Volt Votea

iitiiain laaaaaii

EacloBa Money in Scaled Envi

i'• For Miss


For QtMca oi Elka' Camiyal,

Mar 12-17, IMS.

vera* i»ivb obntb baohaa a iaM iiim ii tiriMmnMiM iiiim ii*

W F. PAXTON Paia erNT R. RUDY. CsaHita


Capital Stock aad Surplus, $130,000.00


laa.A Rady. B. P. C.ilson. Ceo. O.Hart, Kd Parley, P.Kamlciler,aC Wallace H M I iaher. W. P, Paatoa, H. Rady.

Intateal FaM o» Tbnc DcpoaHs. Open Btctt Satiif4«y Nitht


Mr. J. r. Wallaea, th* ataialaat

general manager ot tb* I. 0. , paaacd

throagh tbe city at BOOK today On Ho.

101, tbo taal Mampfela aad ImIivIU*


alMr min-


Do You Know 1and yoBwMhw—ftit but the pnreat Wt

That iiitK h illiws..

caaaed by im-

e foiMtf It is I

attend to

but the pnreat Wtpart ol tko oUr irae oi ohai|t.

MBfMCcrywaut!)dattvar goodi tu

P. F* LALLYy The Graoer* JgtfZi,'St.

Go to UOIMAltSlNO'SFor aalWaal yavaai•a4 IfslS fat t«an.

^Ma 4rfNaff|r ib

For Pur*Slralrht



Undt in Washington Thrown Open

for Settlement Today.

Much It Vilutbl* \m4, iM TkM Will bt

Quick MlMMal tfH.

8pokMM,WMh., Itoy »,—P»rti of

latttvwMUpi. mlMelaff 4l,T»8.7«

•MM «l iMTtytd kMdi u «Hieni

WtTMii oouit7 were thrown oiien to

MMtomrat tod*7. The new Unda bor-

der on the Pond d' Oreille rirer, p.n>l

are kbont thirty mllei north of the

town of Newiort. The tract can he

retched hj leTtTai roiitoH. ttic easlt^st

of which ii Tin the Orent Mortham

fiom thin city to V««PIl\v pteamcr.

The region contnina

meadow and Rgricnltnml land. 8m1i

land, howeTer, la to be found only in

apou of n few hundredi aorea. Tba

region ia RenoaUr hltlf. Mrf ia mm*pUoea roa«b aad MontoiMW. It la

MpMtod tfeal MWN ii MtWMtblattabw is th« dMrtet, aad UmI it If

ttMj MUM vtlaekl* iMiti IMtfeM

Mmb Iti vilMlMnl weeMBM. tu4MrMlt alM^ilawaUMd, bnt bo

at d*T*toiaMBta hav* bMoIt II wpudaitjr aotobltlotltt

dapMtti efllMMtaaa. Tb*Portlnad cement worka 1*

oa the Pend d' Oreille rirer,

aeai the new land*. Inuaediately to

tha nortb of ibe anrrayad dtotrlot tba

eonntry la monntainon* aad aanirey-




M* taai anivad at

' Mm oMawy koaa ol tba

Mr «( LoaliTUlt.

TlM yoaat tha diaUaotlan ol

liaiag the eon and the grandaon of

Kaatacliy'a oonRreaamen. Hia dia

tlngnlahed grandfather repnaented the

fittt dittrlot, wblla bia aon waa the

able oongreaaman from the fifth dia

trict, elected in IS'.im. >Vith such iin

oaatry, it ia aafe to pradlot a bright fn-

tan Iw Oiaar Taian m,






ruU, Kay 5—Tba Ttaaeb mlaaion

wWeh win attend tba naTeUlng of the

Boehambaaa moaaMBt at WMtalng-

tea aailad fi«m Tonlaa today ae the

Oaalail. Prominent aaong tba mam-

baM tt the miaaioa are Oeaaial Bra-

gara, oommandar-ln-cblef of tba armyj

Oeneral de Ohalander, oaa of wboaa

anoeatora waa Lieutenant of Rocham-

bean; LientcnantColonel 1 llermiti'.

Captain IjisKin, Vice Ailmiral Four-

nipr, RoNrt ili fMllv, a miralur of

the Bureau of the Miuntrjr of Foreign

Atfaira. M. Michel Ij»((r«ve, of the

Miniatry of Commerce, and Liientan-

ant Colonel Meanz gaint-Mara, tba

paraonal repreaentatlra of Praaldaat


Tba Oaaloia, wblob ooBTeya tba

yaitir *a AaMTiaa. ii oaa ol tha taaat

eqaippad al Braat, hM.laaMh «akt«

plaea la 18K, aad ia a iiilar aUp of

tba ObarlemaKoe and th<> St Louis.




CHtrof Maxtao, May ».—Thaaa-koMl helidiv. oaauMMwatiat tha

Tietocy o( tha llasloaa toroea orar tbe

riaaah aad iapaialliata at Poebla,

forty yeara ago, waa celebrated all

over the repnblio wllb tba nanal an-

tbnalaam. Prealdent Diaa with hia

entire anite, together with a large

number of diatinguitiied jieoplo, went

in the moriiiitg to San Fernantlo com-

etery. where thej jilaced wreathH on

the torati of General ZftrraRot*ia,

leader of the rictorioui Mexican

forced. The city waa ilecorated, and

the Prealdent waa greeted with moob



Tba azaontiva oomMltlaa e< tb.

Kentucky Preta Aaaoclatlon at a meet-

ing held Saturday at LouiaTlUe de-

olded on Owenaboro aa tba BMatlng

place thia yaar, aad the aaooad waakin Jnly H the tinif. From Owena-

boro tba memtxr, will make an cx-

eitraion to Put in I'ny, vui Oiiicinnati.

From Put-in I!ay ttiey will go to Mt.

Ulumeui, Mich., ami then take nam-

aroB* alda tripa to laka


Haw Tork, May S—^Tba " Bauar«f Baantifylng Arta" opaoad in Lyric

hall today and will ooatiaaa tbioagb

tba waak. The aSalt la aadar the

anapioM ti tbe Amarloaa Art of Ooif-

fiua Aaaooiation, an incorporated

aoclaty inatituted throe yenra ago for

tbe purpoae of advancing and elevat-

ing the hair dreaaor'a art. The modela

of tnbjeeta of the demonatrationa ara

tba baat tapreaantatlTaa of olaaaioal

beauty and richest pof^uPBHors of "wo-man'a orownint: iilory" <'ljtHinable.

Beaidna the couBtruction tnul nioilel.

ing after the lat( st I'linsian faahiona

and new American creations o( eoif-

furf. til'- proi>er way to Hhauii'no a

woman n head la ahown aud the hair

dried in aui|alilatlj qalek tiMB by


oonoM nu boaETMt. A. A. Balalay. ttmmlf aaa of

tha baat known papat draaaitM on

tba road, bnt who baa baen local agant

for tba Standard Paper company ol

Cincinnati for aeTeral yeara, baa ao-

cepted a poaltion aa traTeling aaleaman

for tb* Oreaoent Paper Oc. of Indlan-

apolia. and will make two tri[ia a

Booth for it to Oairo, Mamplii* and

Boofcporl He left today Iw Bfaoa-

Tilhi t/t hi* ftiat trip.

Atlanta, Oa., May B—Aaaabaroflirominent aotton mill offloiala are

gathereil la Atlanta to ooaaidar the

adTiaaUlity of organizing a mutual

iaaaiaaoa oompany. Tha cotton mill

owner* are dlaaatiafled with their iu-

aurauce rate* ana^hoiM* )iy cn np,>ration

to itHuro their mills at the miniiiiuui.

Thoiigh the rute rn cotton mills haa

.'erreased tT' atly in tie- pact !."' yeflis

tile owners lire of the o; >illionjthat tie-

ti;;ares still te.-itain too hiijh. The

iTojiictors of th" new mutual eonctmplan to extend its oiieratioca tlirongb-

out the cotton atataa.




Saturday 'a Lcuiarille Timea aaya


Rabbi H. U. Bnelow of the Temple

Adaa lirael will leave tomorrow at

noon for New Orlaana to attend the

annual meeting of th* Oentral Confer-

ence of American rabbi*. On Monday

evening he will deliver liofore the

Conference a •ulofiy on Itabhi Adolph

Mcae*, hii lamented predeoeaior.

Rabbi Moeea waa one of tbe vice pres-

ident* of tile ooDfereno*, and one of ita

Moat dlaUagidahed mambtth. Rabbi

alow la aMiaantly qoalilled to do

tha iiiMlaa JaaUoa. Ba i* on* of the

oat hriUlMH af tha yoaafat labUa in

a aaaMy. Ba vUli«Mata taVawOtiaaaa a waah.






tarn OBIHB.

The lit tile (.'Wen yesterday morn-

ing tooli au excursion |*rty of about

300 people to Uolconda, under the aus-

picea of the Woottineu of the World.

The croNvd was one ^>f the largeat and

beat that ever made up an ezouraion

party out of Pailacab, and the entire

trip waa a plaaaant oaa. The boat

lataiaad abaat » y, att

Tha DIak Vnwiat ia tha tftamcao

oairiad aboat SOO paopb dawa to tha

wiaok of tha Oity of Plttrtaiv, whloh

i* aaarly oat «f tha walw. aad aU

New Totk,W t—Thla ia tha

week aet tor tha aaaeatioB of Albert

T. Patrick, the lawyer ooorioted of

tlie murder of WiUitm Uarah Rioe,

the aged miUicnaire, bnt aa the ootu-

sei for the ooodamned man haa taken

au appeal be ia aaanred of a r»*plte

until October at leaat. Patrlok ia

now in Sing Ring priaoD whar* ba i*

visited regularly by hia aMtN aadother relative! and friends.




Mr. 3. W. Bataittaaf Wm lla*Ua

OtlayolI^waatMlranrlTad to tba

oity thla wlai Mil WMI (liiaa In

MatT«qpolla.'IlL, oa tha Otak FUwlar

tcbaMMTlad. Thar wtM aaaampan.

led by Mi. V. J. Dann and Mr*. Stella

Lawraaaa ol Lyon county, and Rev


.1 L. Perryman of the oitj. The lat.

tor {MTformed the ceremony, and tbe

party will return thi* afternoon.

Tbe bride ia a native of Oermany,

I at baa been ia tbil oosntry aavatal

years. The gMMI ii a pfOVMtMyoung farmer.

ILLIMOU OnrTBALnaoBtioH Bcuarni.




Tha attr aoaaeil will Mat ia laga-

lar iiiiita thla araal^ aal ibiw wUlbe tha aaaal aaaoaa* afbaalaaaato

traaaaot TbaartiaaMa tot tfrink-

llag tba aliaalB by aoakaet «tU oema

np fot oaaaldatatioa.

Tha boaidaf adaeaUoa wiU aieet

toaottaw alfht la logalar Maatai in

Ita aaw rooMa ia the High Bahool on

Want Bi^way. AMong other tblnga

tbe aohool eaaaaa aaunaraton will re-

port, lb* number foaad thl* year b*-

ing S.731.



000,000 AT TODAY'S




Haraaa, May 6—The Cuban oon-

greaa aaaemblad today for the firgt

time. The aeHion is merely a prelim-

inary one hild for thej uri'ose of ex-

amining the credentitt's of its iiit-m-

Is-rs and counting and r- rtifying the

el- etoral TOta fbr prrcident and vico

president. The aesaitins of the senate

arc held iii the r:ii:\cio del iljegundo

Cabo, and tho,.i ot the house of repre-

lentativea in the Coniandaniac de

Marina, both of which were thronged

with iataiaatad Tiaitenat the cpeaing





Tonight refreshments will U- served

at the First Kaptint church t y the

male members, the lailies to atti iid as

Invited guesta. This is quite a novel

ooorteay abown the ladiea, and a large

crowd will donbtleaa enjoy tba even


Tbe otBoart of tba obucb will be

oa the reoeptiaa oommittea, aad the

yoangaaa aaaibaia wilt

refiaahaaatB. A pNgraa at


Schenectady, K. T . May 8—At as]x>einl meeting of the utockboldera

of the (Jeneral Electric crmijianj held

here totlay it waa voted to increaK4'

the capital stock of the lompany from

l'.l,7 .'iT,S00 to f |.">,on(l.li01i. Out of

the new lasne of slocl^ it is i>ropoa*d

to pay wnat wininirtn ally amoaat

to a *erip dividend of > '' :i per oent

LoaloTilla, Ky.—One aad one-third

Cue for tha loaad trip, May t to 94,

limited to MiF *•,

LoaiaviUa, Ky,

laaad kip Darby iaj, May I, Olarba

taa nay to, Baniry day May IT.

KaataakyOahMd^r HiyM, liaiHad


Lanoaatar, O., May 6—Laaoatter

ha* pat oa it* baM bib and tackar ia

hooor of the haadiada of viailoia ar-

riving for tbe anaaal dapartoMat aa-

oampmcnt of tha Giaad Army. Thereunion doe* not open aatHtomorrow,

but the arrlTing train today brongbt

many visitor*, including veteran* andtheir frieoda, member* of the Wo-

man'* Relief Oorpa, Son* of Veteran*

aad other alBliated orgasiiatioa*.

From preoent Indicatlonii the atteml-

aaaa will tm unusually lar^'i-. Coni-

mander-in-nhief Tcrraii'-e » ill l)e the

guest of the ooeasion and elaliorate

entertainment haa beaa arranged io

See Ji


POUOY KINO OB nUAL.New YMk, May I—iflM Img delay

tbe OMO «( At AdaMi, kaava m tba

"Poliay Klat," anaalail oa aa iadlat-

ment ohargiai biai with vlolatiac tha

penal ooda by hariag la hia piMiwiiOB tha parapberaalia naad to play

poUay, wa* called for trial ia Qeaaral

Seaaioea tadtj. Owiaff to the popu-

lar agiutioa acaiaal policy playing

and the general aooaptance of tbe

belief tliat Adam* ia tbe king pin ot

tbe ayndlcate cantrolllug the game in

Greater New York the oatcome of the

trial ia awaited with iattaw iataraat

round trip April N aad M gaod la-

turning Hay 1. aaeoaalTMl AdminlBohley.

Dallaa, T*z.-Oaa ttia plM t* May8, 4 aad good iatarah« Jaaa S,

acooont giaaial aaatatMa H, B.


Fulton, Ky.—One ami one-third fare

for tha round trip, April 98 to May >,

aoooaat Ilka aantTil


Boaatoa, TOza*. Hay t—Tbe laaal

Undanrriten Aaaaeialioa ot Tea*aawmbled ia dttb aaaaal aMaloa bar*

today aad will watiaaa tha aiaatiag

aatlt Tbaiaday. Wall kaowa^woet*from all part* ot tha atate war* gath-

ered ia Coaooidiaball waaa th* aaet-

tagarMeallad tootdtoat 10 e'ooek

thla aiatBiat> Many qaaatiaaa of

Interest to inaaiaaaa aia aebad-

uled for discuaaiea dariag the threeday*' aeaaion.



May Kth tol.Hh, ItiOJ.

For the above occasion the Naah-

ville, Chattanooga and St l.o.us rail-

way, will sell tickets to A. hevill" .N

0. and return on May Sth to irih iu

cinaive for (17.20, limited tor return

until Mi9 aL By depoaittat tiokele

with )olat afaat M AihovtHa aad i»y-maatot M oaata UmH af tithato aaa

be aztaaded aatil Jane 9.

E. S ni'HN'HAM Ag.nl

MAY FESTIVAL AT NEW HAVENNew Haven, Conn., May r>—Tbe

May muaioal featival, for which pre

pnrationa have been in proKress for

many weeks, op^-na tooi|;ht witlian

ortran recital by William C Carl l-dr

Tuesday ami Wedueaday an atlnu-tive

program^of concerts, recitols on<l op.

eratio performances haa bi'en ar-

ranged. A large anoitier of mnalu

lover* are bete from out of town and

thefaatiTat jaeaiiaM M ba a great

Aaaaalat aa wall M artiiUo iaooeaa.

.Carnival Notes..

Eaay, comfortable Ihocs m ill be worn, and aothing

elae, during the faativilia*.

Tba time to get tb<ee aboea ia right aoar.

na plaM to aaeata than i* I<aiMUar ft Lydoa'a,

They have tbe ahow that giv* aatlalbetiaa.

For I3.50 tb*y aell yen a aboe well wcrth|

They are making a apeeisltv this price I

Have thetii for Isdiei «nd ^ei.tlenien.

The shoes are made cspcciallv for I.eiidlrr ."v l,.doii.

Made by the beat aboe manalacturcra in the country.

1 to ha thabtatat the frlM aa toe

At ts-oo tbay have tha famou* Florabelm, tha ahoa

for gantael drtaaera.

Far tijoa they gir* yoa tha boat valaa far yaar


LCNDLCR & DONOs ETcrf PsrelitM .

i^t^ "fr^^^tt^t^^i"HI"fr^?^'^^"ft^ 't'^ tm

WE HAVE FOR SALEOne of tha TBTT faailr koMH to KMtaakf.

Havt jrou sun ourpoay mi tftp?Safe for cfcfl4rca to iitr*. Wt rent tltc tarneat for$1.00 for tht afternoon. J» J» J» J» J« .« J»


Z l>OURTH AND OOURT.it*>H'>»f>Wt»fi»fi**>rt>H-»f>M-»»ia»it iiaHi lt»fWi>f»»ttfia*litmiiHW<»

« it 1





Enclose Money in Scaled Envelope*,

i IVoU VotesI



For QtMcn oi EUu* Carnival.

Mar 12-17, 1902.

I VOTBfe KIVK c;hn

I 1 : 1 ; 1: I 1 I 1 : :'

. I . :


W. r. PAXTON. ftiiaiaiHT m. RUDV, C.aM.aK


Capital Stock and Surplus, $130,000.00


Ja*.A.Rndy, B. P. Ollaoa, Geo. O.Rsrt, Rd Farley, P Ksmlclter,G.C.Wallace FM. Ii»h,r. \V 1'. K Uuly.

Interut Paid 00 Time Depoaits. Opn. Hv. rv Sjtlurdiy Night


Ur. J. F. Vallaca, tba aaaialaat

general manaorr of the I. O. , paaaed

through the city at noon today on No.

lOi, the faat Memphii and Loniaville

paaaenger, en route to iCranavUle onbuaineaa. He wM la bla ajiaaltl aar

and remained ia


ThatBMkiHaeMby ita-

Do You Know1 JPOV trill have nothiaf! but the piircHt. We ddi

any part of the city lrc« of charge.

ua attend to


P. F. LALLV, The Grocer. iJh'k T^mbie^st

Far PmkStralfhtGo to LAODMARSINO'S^

Far aiiteiaal paryotai. Pna ^iff-irr tt JagitHii iTa. Tii . II IW




Yoa Are Urgd to Make

Health BaildinK Yoor

first Work This lonUi

Paine's Celery

CompoundPutt You in Condition to Withitind

the Enervating Effecti

of a Hot Summer.

ol'«t r^AtioMH tnl' 11 ui . .» Ill KiviT

!•' i mi tlir iiituii*'. n rl»<' of 0 li in iMt

fortj-fltfht hourft. Wiuil, totttlifMI. ii

tight biMio. M'Mklkw, ckar sad

Ttaiwntsn. 1l dignWi. P»U. ObMCTM.


1 . II

I .11? tntitt III

llri.'k U!t

hM • iwaion lot tradlDi «kteh<». aiid

mty tliu« ho oiBira to Pailnoiih bu •

w*tch to tntde. Ttiii limo. hunon r.

Ik' uy« hil tlokrr Ja»l nuitu hiui, nml

hr lion not 0«« tu uiaku > Iru'lr llu i

many frieniU oonniili r llii> a ri rr n -

niarkal'N' inclileiit of hi> vull. and at<^

a<io]>tli>K vrrrr niHbml of flTi ctitiK aj

traMr. Nd thaf thf (^aptiiiu'ii n-conl

mar ri-iimin oiitiroki n.

Oaplaiu Jaini'i i'.r/i 11 hni hail earn-

maad of the luM lwat .Ini' Wlllinriia iot

jMTaral yrari II'' i« a I'llttliurirrr.

t-'ii'l triple sttbonch moat of tu, iniaiiT:,' ..i ini


)r«an bai baaa Ui the I

•iiTilay for, Maw Urlaana inAf llir tnt

If yoB SM siHac. Mk or

It ii oar MiOMt dMtn to Inlenit yoo

In roar own paraooal wctfata. W«

lir to do thia bf ibnply «r|ia( yoa

to BHiko btalth tatUiat your flnt

work tbM month, m effotU to bulib

diai*oao tkn mnch more dtttoall wkoB*

la oddltion to pbyalcal •afTrrlnn ytm

ara obllnad to ooaton'l with the oav*

atlnic affaota of a hoi Hiiuiiiier Bled-

ioal Ban know wi-lt that n hu-k

wbflQ treat^'il with ihi* proin-r tin'iltciui'

ill Mar. ha« a niaclt twtter chaun* for

lifr anil hi alth than li loaaibltt tD-lalj

or AoKiut.

Th" iDoalonUbla amonnl of Rood

thni I'aiov'a Oalvry Ootnpoaod ta nowiluiiiK in makias aiok peopla wall,

ahoaMkOoapal tha attaatloa of arary

tktaUaa aaa tmd wwaaa now la

1 1 iiiii'«if I' rivrt tu hiiiig nut lifi. ' Biaadar, Captain Jack VS'illiaiu>, <liiil

Th. I.N lli«.k arriv.,1 yi'.lir.lay J"*" •«» OapUin Jo-

fri..i 1 l.^' r «it!, a luw of •'I''' 8- ''""'^ f™"*^nuaad. la MtU Utrtag.M IMO had no

coanaoMoa with *• rim hMtatM for

nanibar o( yaar*.Uli 1

Till' Jwi I'owlcr latt oa llnM

niorntnt far lianilla with a<rl|-

(''ai'taiii H lUk r nturai'

'la;, aftt r a nail to fit. hoala on baii-


A onmbar of Iowa ara aada ap al

Piluhan sad Mrtf isMMsaifesftr«t riM.

• Th' Ohailaatoa arrlrad iMt altht

from Taonaaaaa rlrar aad Waal 10

Jopi« to uuloail.

Tbf Kala AdMna, a M| Mt WkMtpacket from Mamphllk MtVli fHlW>day to go oa lha wayi.

Tha BaMorC arrlTad laM althllM«a*vUla.aadtafialaMa Mhv tmOaikOTllh with • kMik




Vaalir aaMUaa a( i

, .^ ^ ^^^^^

nyMiai la tho dUagl aaaaa sf aai

•vill'i' anilhaadaohaa, dyapapria

aaualcto—ailmaala tha

arc DOW aaSmrlag IMbl Whaa paople

hare bloott that <a palo. watary ami

fall of Impnrltin. tnrir nim'a cannot

aaalmilatv foml |>ro|K'rlr apd darira

noorlahmnnl frnm it

Paina'a d lcr.T C'oni|>oaod naad la

ICsy olaaiiaoa Ihv blooil, bralnwa pioat-

or norri' force, rrjrulatf-a thf atomarh

nii'l tnw Ii. ariiaai-i' a hi aUhy ap]" tilf

ali't hrmtfi al'Out a nonnat ai'tu'ii of

the ilorniant livrr I'aino'a Oi lrry

OoQipoQii't in t'Tfrr ca«'' KiT**a a iioai-

IIti' ant |N»riiutii' lit cura. It la the

moat tboroagbly bonent tnadlclaa that

ran dowa^aad ilakly men anil womenoan amplor. Ita life giving effect on

narTea ami Mooil la truly roarrelona.


•d la all pro-

win ha a aaw healer

1 la tha iiaaaenfer deinl, and tha

ptpa iyitam orerhanled



twMo OBihWibMi mi riksviUs. Kf.,

, aMik 10 twslTs tmU watw siaiday•It Bllai atofs

Tha rapetia raaalrad

that Iho tswhgal A U. Vlakr had Isil

niaetoMi ooal hwMi sad sas hams hi

tho Mlailaalppi rifW hsiawArk., Thorailay. Ii denied by thsbnrg olfloera of the UononfShslaBifSrOonaoUdalad Goal aad Ooks TmnT.to whom lha boat hataMSd.

A imtltion haa lieea aaal Is OsplataW. L. Siliert. l-nlted atstai a^iastrin rherifr nf the ilaiua in tha Plttaborg'lutri' t. \<\ i.itv >'» ktenilera amployadon the four MiiiiuiiKaheUi looka, aak-

Ing that th. Ir ilaily period of work bareilnu'l from twulvn lo eight bonia.tf th.a mnthoil were uilopteii it wonldnoc.'a«itnte the riii{>lovm>'iil nf ahiiut

twi'iitjr eiira meii. Hiv. r <hipper»

are iiioatly in favor of llie i haiiRo.

Cbptaio A. J. I'owell of Cmcinnatila la lha el|j today oa baaloaia.

7'hi' aeventy-fonrtb annual council

of th'' I'roteMtant Kpiacoiml rhurch of

the diooeae of Keotocky will meet In

Handaraoa Snnday, May II. Tbeopening aarrloa will ba at II o'olook

la Iba omlag of that day. Biahop

Oadlay will ptaatda at tha ooaaoll.

mn*. Jsba K. MatM, O.D.. taslar of

M. AadNW'i sttaish, wiU *Mask the

snal^ aaraaML AU Ihsolaify of

Ills distsss sss ssyMlid Is hs prea-

sM, aad «th pMlik Is , laMMid to

k* NfNSMM It

Sill Miiiif "'f^'"'-'Witk' UUnaoad Dyn. ioc«nu

•sr. ft 1. Issd,



Roiie Croflon who aai'l he waa

told at Hickman, Ky . thai Padncah

waa a gooil plaoe for InJigenl aick, ar

rireil Saturday erening anil ai'iilieil

for admiaaion to the cily hoapital.

One aide la oorerad with aloerooa

ernplione, and allhoagh II li eOaMryto ralaa to admit aoa-raildaat patlaaU,

adaltlad SI Ihs advlss of Olty

Phyalolsa Oiylh'


OMiisiiw WiU Taaaay today bagan

rapaita oaths Blsad*tlls Mad. Ooa-

Iraetor Taaosy has lbs loalwul to re-

pair iUty-a«« ntllaa of tha road. Hop-

arrlior Bart Jobaaea will ahortly a<l-

rertlae more of tha dirt roaila to be

worked by contract. There ara over

.too milea in the oonaly. aad prsriaioa

baa been made for

fire milea tbna far.




Reportj <if Mri-. Ttieclore Roote-

vi'lt'i jritrltn I'artv in Wai.hingtrn

TocB4lay mi-ntioQ among others choacn

by the Rraciooa lady of the While

Hooaa, the following Kenlnoklana:

Ur. aad Mfi. O. Uaa dooeh, Hr. an.i

Htn. O. K. Vhaalar. Mr. sad Mra. J.

N, Kahsa, Hr. Hanty D. Allen. Mr.

Vlaaaal Boialag aad two dangblera,

Mt. sad Mia. D. a Bmilh, tu. O. U.

CHIhart, Hr. H. 8. bwia, Mr. He-

Kaaale Moaa, Mr. J. B. Whits, Hr.

oata Trimble, Jadga and Hra.

William T. /.mnr, of Kew Albany,

Hn. DaUy Kit/.hagh Ayrea, Hr. Poat

Wbaelar of "Keflectiona of a Bach-

alor" fame, from the New Tork |iraaa,

tollII'lmnre if bia many




FOoria, la. Mar A—Ths salal>ra-

Msa Of tha tith aaatTatmy of tha In

dapaadaat Oidar of Bad Haa In the

auta of IUIaola,'.walsh bagaa here to-

<lay, haa stttaelad tha kigaat gather-

ing ofaihin of thia artar arsr held

la addillaa Is datagatea

parte of tUlaoto, there arc

piaaaal oawy fralsmsl a liHil from

lodgsa sf lha orler la Ksalaoky, Iowa

aad ladlaaa. Today wai dsaotad to

tha reoeiitlon of the grand ofHoera of

tha order anil other rlailora. The «n-

t ]iroi;rnni will Iw inaogar-

eveiiiiifr with the jatat .aa-

oliamp* l]ani(nc t at the (.rami llot^l,

hieh Ine r- ;'r"'i'Utativi.'S nf the

great oonncil. aii'i Irom ether HtHteK

win make aiMreKM Kliil"'int'- iir-

raagamanta have tieen conolatleil for

tha Ug paiads, wWab tikM plaae to





'. r. PaslOB, Wat. Badea,

Oea Bsok, IHoofs, B. ft Baghas,

(°>eo. a Wallass,


to owM's Outt, la

on Ita Moaia Bsaat yaalMday to in

peot tho pispatly , wliiah a aradlpate

reoantly porehaead.

Tbay foond many ralnabla a|ieai-

nMna of lead ore and other mlaeral,

and eipect to make rioh flada whaathey N'Kin the il. velopment of tha



Btooktoo, Cal., May .^-rhl9 cit.r

ia throQgeil with riaitor* to the Grand^

l.mt^ri' meeting cf Korealera of .\nierica

whirh ! to Ihi in fevaion h;re thia

week. Di'legatea hare aniTad froM

afteiiiuon late lo aaaiKt in eunferriuK all l«fta of the atate

the ihir.l .li'sre'j on Mr. Fre.l Oowpi r, ' a"""" promlaaa to'


' Tbe Charleston will take a erowil of


f'lrlr or fifty Maeona to t^mithlauil thin

a yiiuiii; niturney of that place,

heal I' aveaSt ItW Si





St tbs Msrias Wara,

whs was lajsisd «|l Iks Wsya aare-

lal days Sfs is m aiHflkat to the

machinery, ta Improving alowly.

Hia leg la In a bad ooadltlon, hot will

Baj piobahir asi kais M ks sapatslad.


Thia aftaraaon s gaaatalisaapMoa waa

givaa Ihs rialtore la Haaoais Maalo



Thakaaqaatof the T. P. A. 'a of

KMitaaky Satnrday night wonad np

the convention in fitting ityla, and

Ihoai' preri nt greatly enjoyed It Hon.

Jerre M. IPorter of Ollnwn |preaide<l

with bla naoal wit and grnoe, and the

tssili wsis wsU w^fsadad Is.

HeadacheSick, Nervooa,

No matter what may betha name or the cause, if

ou are subject to headacheIn any form, you are natu-rally more interextcd inknowing how to prevent andctire it. Tho next time your

aches t:et a bcx ol


Pain PHlsThey do care headacheand pain in all .'


•Por DerV"U< anil si.k hradache wecoaaider Hi. .Miki' I'aiii I'llls the txst

feiacdy that we liave ever tried. Mrs.Hannan haa found tile moat aavaraattacki yiald inuacdiataly to their cara*live influence." R»v T. II. HaaMAN,

Frnnini' r«. Wis.

Or. Milaa Mad cal Co ,(.Ihharl. Ind*

Probably ao Use of faraitore

baa tpcsag iaio farnr as qalA-lyaa




And yet It la aaally asplalnad, aa Ihs expanaton ayetSB la alatoat a as-cceaity t« bouie tbe accnmnlating hooka. Aa thia eoadltloa arlaaa, aa ad-ditional •ectinn ia purchaacd at alight coat, aad tha boOkcaaa growa withyoui lihmy nnil meeta your requirement!.

Supposing the case, that in the r.eiir (iilurt- j ou may w ish t" purchasea liookcaae ? We have little doubt you will decide on the aectional aya-

tcm. Thciaara aararal makes on the market, and all ahoat tha laaia

price: (hcrafora, MBKIT la tbe main conaidaratlon.All of tha obfectlonal (aatarae, auch aa iron banda oa,lhe ildaa and

ahelTCf projecting between the doors, hara baan orarcooM ia tha "OUMM"^' ' ' I'''':' '.v.'.iTi t <.' completad caae, while of neceaaityI ' >:iied togathar that the outward ap-

I'tHLuae .> 11..,'. i,i I'

! .:.! "< :i piece of furniture, and an ornamentto any room.

The doora operate mi re; let bearings and cannot possibly qind. Thisi ngenioas darico aJI^ the door to be of orated with a aiafla kaob, Icav-

1 ng one hand tree for remoTlng or replacing lha booka. «

The'Gr.S'N ' i« the only aystem In which a broksa glam «aa he

placr'l by simply t:iih"oking the door. In all other naikoi tts book-,

mual be ramored aad the caae taken eatifely apart.

Nanufacturinq Co.

4 HAviA GOOD TIME!j« J» Get Ready For

The Elks' Carnival!i^Mm ia Oas sifc Thaa la iIm A< Ysat

Every Day Will Be a Special One

MONDAY. MAY 12. ELKS' DAY. Parade by Htm

Knights of Hacudap, local Elks and Cily Officials. CoroOB*

tion of Queen in Midway Court at 7:30 o'clock p. m.

TUESDAY. MAY 13, Grand Plonl Pteadt Bad M»>tfopoUs Day. Six free attractiOM.

WEDNESDAY. MAY 14, N., C & St. L. Day. Nov-el features of every kind.

THURSDAY. MAY 1 5. Caiio Day. Tht.day

wa cnltttalB oib rivals.

FRIDAY, MAY 16. Governor's andMayfieldDif.

Governor Beckham and staff will be prcMiU.

SATURDAY. MAY 17. Dlinds pijr, AO llic





OVFJCIi—River front, battraan Court and Waahingtcn eiraeti. Telepbosa. Ks49p. All oidara, large or tauti, will rsoain fisaipt attaatlsa.

Henry Mammen, Jr.,

•^BOOK BINDER.<e-A Thoroughly «qaipptd Booft-auklii( Flint. Yob ft«ed Mud BOthUlg Moftown



I* 4





Yoi An Ufffii to lib

HoiUh MWn Tur


Paine's Celery

CompoundPuts You in Condition to Witlistand

th* Enervating EfTect*

of a Hot Summer.


THE Rim MBWS., - I,. I

ObMmlioni tekra >l 7 m. RItwle.a oa (&• fBOg*, a rlM of 0.0 la but

(orlf••ighl hoon. Wind, Mlhwwt. «

llflM btMia. WmUmi, cImu anil

TtaiKiaiaM, 11 datnaa.

ftU, Obaanrti.

Tba Diok fowler bad a gooil trip to

OWte Iklf monilaf al S:M.

Th* T«n Broek left yatterday for

It iii)**»ro rivrr to bricg out (ie*.

Till. L K. ilook arriToil jreitenUy

'ri'tu Taiiaiiiii rtvar with a tpw of

1 1,


Til.- Jor K.iwlrr iKft I.U lllui' tlin

niurnlUK (<>t KvutiiMll.. wiili it (.-owl

Ctptain U. Baker retaraad jMtat-t»v afiaraTWIlsM. LoalsMbwI-

.\ iiuiiiK. r of town tin* iiia<U< np al

Piltil>urK auil ri'iilj to oumo oo tba

flrit riM.

Tho CharlFiton artlTOd

from TbtittttHcu

Jopfia tft uiiloft^l

Tta(> Knt<' A'Uma, a blf aid* wbaai

paokat frooi Mempbli, airiTod jaalai-

dar to to oa lb* wajn.

Tha Battorff arrtrad laa« alfM turnHaahrtlla, aad lafi al oooo tadar far

OlarkiTllte witb a food mp.Tho Paroaia wlU arttft OM i( tba

! lowtr Taoaaiaaa ttvatMmmw Vttb.a tow of tiM.(HliN Aywaat Lart

Tba alaal baU tMrbaM 7aalb waiopaat la a itorB at PiltibBit IMday<T«Dla(. This la tba toortb towboal

opael la alonu baaa Natallr.

Pilot BiabMrt awMa, tefoar yaar.

,oa th* John 8. HepkiM, diad rrlday

at EraoiTill* of oounmpllon, haTlng

aaatfaad tbraa waaka biioN. Ha wa«

It llt-I.MI I

cviTv tmif !-«

watch to trad' : - i r

ho tayi hi! ti< k> r jy.-i ^uiu h.tn. iin<l

he doci not cnri' to nmki' n iru lr llm

many fni'tidi. coniii'l'T (hi- ft v. ry t< •

mnrknl'li' inciiimt of lui* M^it. nnil nr*'

aauptii'K i-vt^^ niothfxl of efTectlug a

triiii.'. Ml that Cnptaia'a taootd

limr I' Miiiiii unl>rii»i-n.

Captiiiii .Uiiii l^ /. II hna hxl com-nuiiiil < ( till' I: K li nt WUIiamii (or

M v.-i.il y. iir> r I" 11 Fittebonrer,

alttiuu^li ni>>-' i f loAiinu' of Ute

yaatahn* ""n m iii' l.i u lilu andNewUrliaiiH trnU' il. r rr<t oora-

maadar, Uaptaio Jack Willlamf, iIiimI

a niunhar of yearn ago. Oaiitaln Jo-

lapb B. WIUUuiu, afiar whom aba watnanad, U itiU liTiac, bat boa bad nocauaeotion wili> Aa rirar baaiaaaa lor

a nambar of yaan.




Tha rapairiag of tba

wo lodof rapoMat tba

ro«(o(tkaL a MWidTban win aiao ha

oa Hm pioMiflio doyolt ob4 oMmt pro*

PMtr of tho oaapaar.Tba haaltr qaaati— will prehably

ba aattlad Ihia aaaimar. aad ia aU pro-

bability tbar* will beaaowhaalarplaoad ia th* pai*«n(er daiwl, mt (ha

pipr lyttem OTerhaaM



It yoo are ailinR, elek or dlieaaed,

it i* oar raraaet dealre to Intereet yon

in yonr own ik.'r»on»l wi'lfari*. Wetry tn ill) thti* liy miiiply iirffinK yoo

to luaki- ti-'iiltli tiutl'ltii^' viiiir flret

work thiK inunlh. n- • ilmt^ ut l>aniib

Ji("'«ae »ri' moch mnri' .lillicult when,

in a liUtlon to phralcal nutTprln)^, yoo'

art' otiliKi il to coutrml willi the ener-

ITatinu i-1T.-rtft of a holfluiiinier. Hed-

' iral nil n know wi-ll that a ^iIk i>ereon

wlii'n tr,-nl' 'l \vitli tin- proiN i iii.-'hcim*

I ;n May. na« a niacli Uittur chauoo for


lifi' anil health tbaa ia poaaibia ia Jaly

or Aagaet. *

Th* Inoalonlabl* amoaot of good

that Paiat'a Oalery Oomponnd li now

doiag la aMkiaK aiok paoplawall,

aboaMaaonpal thaatbatloa of cT*ry

thiaklai ana aad waaoa bow ia

•iokaaaa aad aaCariat.

Faaltr notrltloa af t.^* t-arrooa

iyalam ia tba diiaot oaoaa ot aarrooi

debility, headaolna, djapepaia aad

oeoralgla—allmaala tiatt Ibooaaiula

are now kafferiag from. Whaa people

have blood that <• pale, watery ami

fall of Imporitiet, Itielr aerva* oaaaol

aMtmlUt* food proiwrly and darir*

noari*hm*nt from it.

Paina'i Celary Oompoand aaed ia

May rlpanxw the blool. brttowa preat-

I'r n' rvi* forrt'. ri-Kulati'i thi' toninfh

itnil liowi'lii, arun«i'h a healthy apiM titu

nuil tiniiftii nliout a normal action cf

the ilorniant livi r I'aino'a C, irrr

OoDii>oiin<l in ,'vi>ry oaan fci^^'' a jiosi-

tif«> aU'l iierntancnt cure. It is the

moat thoroDfhly honeal medicioe that

raa dowa^aad ilokly maa and wonuaoaa aaplor. Ita Ufa nlvlat aflaat oa

aarraa aad blood la traly morraloaa.

The ttaaala Oooqio, raaaiai b*-

twaaa notlottabatf aad PifeorUla, Kf.,, aank in twaira tatt of wator atoidarail mile* abora Oatlattaboof, tbaataw•ad paoeencer* aaeapiag.

The reroria raoairad frtm MoBipUathat the towboM J. B. Flaley bMl loat

nineteen ooal boata aad ooe haqte ia

tba lliiiiuippl riT*r below Helena.Ark., Thnrsilay, ii denied by the Pitta-


bnrg offloer* of the IfonongahalaBlTerlOoaiolidaled Ooal anil Coke oompoay,to whom the boat briongad.

A intilion ha> been teat to OaplalnW. L. Sibert. United Sulea enarinecr

ta etutrge of the Jama in the Pittabargdiatrlot. hy flfty locktonilcra employed«u thi> four MononftahL'la looka, aak-lug that thi lr ilaily [leriod of work beri'ilntcil from twelve to eight hoiua.It thi» uii-iiioil wiTe iiiioptoii it wonlduod'BiiUtd tho eniploToieut of abonttwfuty oitra men. River ihippera

an? inoHtly in favor of the change.

Uaptala A. J. PowoU oi Owataaalilai*m uUgtttymhnlttm. So

Thi< aeventy.foarth aiinnal rounnl

of the Protealant Gpitcopal chorcb ot

the diooeic of Keatooky will meet in

Uendenon Sunday. Hay II. Taaopening aerrioe will be al 11 o'

tn the moraiac of that day.

Oadlor wlU pnaida attbaooaaoaBo*. Joha K. Moaoa, O.O., raotor of

M. Anamr'aohaioh, wiUpNoeb th*

opoalat MtMM. AU Iho ebrgy of

th* diaoooa ON ospaolod lo bo poao-

oat, oad woh pMrioh to.oMIIM lo

Bar. & . Baad, tron Padaoob,

will ailenil.

|MAS(3N,S to V1.->IT SMlTHLANnThi' t^harli'titon will take a crowil of


tarty or fltty Manoni to Sniithlatul thia

afteiDooD late to aoiiit in conferring

the Ihirii ilopreo on Mr. l-'ri'il Cowpt»r,

a youiiK ittturiii y uf that plaw. Theboat leaves at S .'M auil returns abont

Saw imf Vifftass TtTsar


Roiie OroftoD. who aanl he was

told at Hlokman, Ky . that Padaoah

was a good place for indigt-nt sick, ar-

rived Satnrday evening anil applied

for adraisaion to the city hosiiital.

One sill* is covereil with aloeroiu

•rnption*, and althoagh it i* oontrary

loialio loaiMW M»«ooital paHaata.

adiBlMad 01 Ihi

PhyolatoB OotIo.


Ooakaolar WlU Toaooyloa^ bagan

tapaiiaoatho BloadTlUo NOd. Ooa-

tea*tar Toaoof ba* Iho eoetiaet to r*-

pttr oUIt4vo atlloo of tho toad. Hop-

arriior Bart Jobaion will ahortly ad-

vertia* mor* of lb* dirt road* to be

worked by contract. There are over

VOO mile* in the ooonty, and provision

lia* been mad* tor working only *izty-

dve mile* ths* tar.


Kr. Oocrga MMpaaa, tha ahlp oar-

p*ntfr •atplayad at tho Horiao Wot*,


who woa lajorad at Iho Way* aara-

!ral day* ago in as aOMdaat to th*


machinery, i* improriag ilowly.

Hlal^loteaba«iW(MMia. kM wUl

HihoWy Mt kavoiobo


Stockton. Ca' . May .S—Thm city

M throHKi'il witfi vimtorH to the (.iranii

I.oilt«> inectiiig (if Kurrnti rj of America

whii'h IS tu I" in lu'.inion bora tbia

week. IK'lKgatos hare arrived fioia

all part* ot the (tale aad tba attend


anoa promiaa* to ba a laeoid-braaker.

Tbia oUaraaoB o nianalrooepWoa wasgiraa tba Ttiitof* la Maaoaio Hnsio


BBOBO WITH THK BAMQUET.Thabaaqaalof tho T. P. A.'* of

Koataaky Solorday aighl woaad aptbo aoaToatlea la tttlB* atyla, aadthoae praaeat graatly aajoyad It Boa.

Jarr* U. | Porter ot Olintoa Jpraaidad




Baport* of Mrh Tii>..li)ri' Roose-

Tolt'* garden party in Washington

Toeaday manlioa aaaoag otbar* oboica

by tba graolooa lady of th* Wbtt*Bean, tba foUawlM Kaataabiaoa:Mr. aad Hr*. O. LlaaOoooh, M». ladMia. 0. K. Wbaalar, Mr. aad Mm. J.

B. Kaboa, Mr. Baary D. ABaa, Mr.

Vincent Boratng and two danghtars,

Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Bmitb, Mr. O. O.

Uilbert, Mr. U. H. Irwin, Mr. Mc-

Kenale Moss, Mr. J. B. White, MrBontn Trimble, Jnilge and Mm.William T. Zinor. of New Albany.

Mr*. Daiay l-'it^hugh Ayres, Hr. Post

Wheeler nr " Itcflcctlons of a Bach-

elor" faiMi. from th* K«w York imss,

addon t(i til I'lcaatm cf hi* manyKeutocky friemls.




Paoria, UL, Hay A.—Tba aalahca-

tioa ot the atth oaalvaiaary of tbo la-

dapaadant Order of Bad Maa la the

itata of IUinoi(,',waleb bagaa bare to-

day, ba* attnolad lha taigaat gather-

lug of awmbeia g( Ibl* erdar aver belii

ia tb* •latr. Ia addlHoa to dalagatea

froot all lart* of Illlaoia, tbar* are

iweaent many fraternal vialtor* from

lodges of the order in Kentnoky, low*

and Indiana Today was devoted to

the reception of the grand ofiioera ot

the nnler ninl other viaitors. The eu-

tertiiiMMi' lit iirogram Will be inaognr-

attxl this eveoiag with the post .aa-

obam*' banqoat at tha Qraad Hotel,

at which tne rcpreientatiros of the

great oonni-il. an-l from other ntates

will iiiHki- a.lilreiHi II. Kialiorato ar-

ran^;rnii iii-. Imvi U-i n conolnileil for

the big liHraiie, which take* pla(H> to-




W. P. Paztoa, Wb. lodes,

Oooi, Boah, Bd Wedlolh. Oaotga

Moaia, B. B. Bofhao, Biauh Owoa,OoOl a Wallaoa, oad olhMO mat vpto Owoa'a Ohv*. la Urlagoloa eoaaly,

oa Ih* Moal* Baaor yoolatday lo la-

ipaet the property, wbleb a aradifat*

laeaatly porebaaad.

They fooad autny Talnabla speci-

mens ot lead ore and other mineral

aad ezpoet lo owko rich iada whoathey boghi Mm liiilnwiol Of Iho

No matter what may bethe name or tha cmam, Uvoa are aubjeet to haadoiislie

In any form, you are natn-rally more tntereatod inktiowing how to prevent andcum it. The next time yeurhead acheo got a box ot


Pain PlUfThey do corff hMdacheand pain in all forma.

Sold bj &11 drnssUU. Prlc« SSc

**For scrTOQB and tick headache wetOMhitr Dr. Mile*' Pein Pills the best

immif tfut we have ever tried. Mn.HanMS has found the most MvereCtacks yU\d immediately tn their cura*

tin inflttence." Rbv. T. M. IIaiiman,Fcaaimoic, Wis.

Oa IMtaMatflMl Oaot'"'^*'^ 1**^

Probably no line t^f fumilurc

hu spraog Into favor at quick-




Aad yet it is *a*ily explsined, as the expansion syslam is almoat a na-

c«*sily t« house the accuinuUtinic books. As this condition arises, an ad-

ditional section is purchased at slight cost, ami the bookcase crows withyou I liliray anil meets your requirements.

Supposing th* c*«e, that in the ncir fiiiiiiL- j oii may wish w purchasea boobra** t Wa bar* little <loiibt you Mill an iile on the sectional sys-

tem. There ar* aeveral makes on the market, and all about the aamcprice; therefore, MBUT 1* tb* main oeoaidaratioa.

All of th* o<>|*ctiona1 f**tare*, such * Iron band* on the sides and•htlvef projecting between the li.nr. I.nve been nvercnnic in the "( IfNN'Sectional System. In thin sysU m ;',c cninplelt il c.t?! . wlii.t of nei esaity

liuiit of sections, they are so nicely joined together that the outward ap-

pearance is that of * *olid, bsndaom* pi«ca of Anoltsra, aad an orOaaiaat

to any room.

Tb* door* opantc on ndler bearing* and eaaaot po**ibly qind. Tbi*Ingenious device allow* the door to be or orated witb a elBgia kaob, leav-

inc one haml tree for removing or replacing tba Imoka.Tbe' Gl'.VN" i> the only system in which a fatokeo glaaa can be

placed by eimply nuhookiag tb* door. In all other nakaa th* book*oat ba nawfad aad tb* oaa laaaa eatiialy apart.

tim^QOOD TIMEl.»i J* Get Ready For J*

I The Elks' Carnival!^ t^MoM Fm ia One Wuk. Than in the Average Year >

Every D>Y Wlfl Be • Spedal One

MONDAY. MAY 12. ELKS' DAY. Parade by the

Knights of Hacudap, local Elks and Cily Officials. Corona-

tion of Queen in Midway Couil at 7:30 o'clock p. m.

TUESDAY* MAY 13. Grand Eoral Parade and Me-trapoUi Day. Sfai (fcc aitraetloMa

WEDNESDAY, MAY I4< C & St. L. Day. Hbt-el features oi every kind.

THURSDAY. MAY IS. Cairo Day. Tha 4ay

we entertain our rivals.

FRIDAY, MAY 1 6, Governor's and Mayfteld Day.

Governor Beckham and staff will be present.

SATURDAY. MAY 17. lUinoU Day. Afl the

people from acroaa the river will be here.





Oi'i'ICi:—River front, betoeen Conrt and Waahingtcn streets. TclephOMb II*

499. All order*, large or tmall, will receive [ rompt attantioa.

Henry Mammen, Jr*,

^BOOK BlNDER.'i«^MmWF BmmmMis MmiIo Tm MtA mi Mtt


A Thi




a, PTMldaat uil Editor.

1 1. Vtxtom, Owml Muuor.


Kr« M ii •••<



•t turit. pu wttk • •*

1^ mill ptr bobUi. Ii adraow.— *>

nS WUKLYIVIliiff, k» I




i Tha SUN can be found for

Inl« It tha MItwInf placM.

R. D.CIemMrtiftC*

VinCulln BfM.

flilMf tttiiV

MONP.W. MAY. •„ 1»0».

those in ilaiigir. Yet ««Uy w»m•Piwrently tllitrraood. Why V I ouiBOl

imagine th»t |<eo|>lo M bOBW upaot Mg»ia glorj aad poUtiMl advaMMNmby alMtiiv tha umr. ItimferMaf-tat tM MwriMB wu. It malrltd al-

tar IIM OirU war, witli tka laaaM that

Orant, 'tht tatohar,' wti vlaetad

praaldaat, aad diad lorcd and booorad

tf amy taiartnaa WhU* lha cam-

palfM is tha FhlUppiiMa baraaot

been oondnoted to meet the tiowi of

tbe •fntimcotalUtt ami 'ronl Icfiume

bnijbodiea In the L'nitfit Sti«i> s th> t

h»Te been oondnctvd on « wlu. li

havp rcflectec! credit nix>Q ihf valor.

l<laok. hniuanllj and kimlupn of

American — fitiarrf Whom bara

(reelj lai.l ilowu tbtit ItVM M thak

country'* altar"

Colonel I \Voo<lrnir, daiiac bit ad-

dren, rerii wed tbe aTideDoe a^

lenRth. ihowlng tha Bioaadty for

making Samar a wUdi

tract iiwinkliag projact baoanaa tbey

wUI ba aaaaad a law doUata a year,

at aUtlmumod to tbe


Oa« perton I bare to make good—

nyaelf. Bat my dnty to my neigb)«r i«inte<l

it mnob more nearly e«pr<'«in ii I'V

jlag that I hOTO to awka blm bap-

yr—II I BakNt


Partly elomlT tuiuKht, ami cooler,

with probable vbi'wer*. Tneaday



Oanoial Smltb, aa bai bean ooa-

tandad all aloag by patriotic oitiiaaa

of the I'nltrd Statei, wai only acting

vithin lionnda of the law wheu b«-

ned tbe "kill-and-tarn'' orili r. find

ha will be acqaittt'd by court niariial.

Thns the a<liiiinistration Hcores ttnoth-

er victory ovrr th>- nmbk'iieis or the

Amencao soldier*. "The war deimrt-

ment oonimlMionad a nsa woaring

the uniform of tha Unitad Stataa to

kill and i>nm and daatroj," remark!

one paper—Oaaostatto of ooana—in

waU rtaillatad honor. Wall, parhaps

It did. 4 taaHiltw aad anlMi war

la laiathlM wa tboaU Ilka to mo but

«naot Ukatr to aaa. OatflWarali

•teaapvaatdto aia thab amiodgxMBt, not that ot a tew iBOMpeteut,

alwuyi eoM^lalBtni dematafai at

hooMb ' IfeHk la little htuaaalty in

war at aay stage of tbe gaite, bst

there ia nothing to indicate that the

American troojis have not been at; hn-

rmue to th" Kiliidnos as thoy couM be

: mid naiety of om armyIn ranking tbe dosing

i .Iffcnse lietore the

lal that tried General'

Smith Colonel Chat^x A. Woodraff

drew tenrs to the eyes of hi.'* hturers.

He diRinaticiillv (*li*-lrl:. li Cfiierali

tf aalaadof

IrdiV aadtgr • fUlarallre

hj illhl~

Od H had beea paore d

bgr tka avMiMa that MMva bora ateht

7MM i( i|a WW* aayabla ofwleldiag

BaaUed aaoeroaa Inatanoea

of Billtaiy law, Boman, SagUah and

Amerieaa, la behalf ot tbe detenee,

and portrayed Oen. Smith's military

oaroer from the time he enlisted in

1861 I'l I'.'iii, when he was ai>

liri|,-a<iier general, aad da-

HcnU-d his wounds, hmint Md 4a*

Totion to duty

Colonel Woodrnff a!»o »inote.l (iov.

ernor Taft'n s)K;ech at lia^npau enlo-

gising Qeneral Smith, and abided:

"Now, after wearing for 41 years tha

nnlform ot tha Oaitad MMatwlthhonor to bimaaU aad to lha baaaat

of the toTatBOMat, at the oloaa ot a

tamarbably aaoeaatal eaapalga In

whMk ha aNMVltakad whaMfaia waa

aabtataialB 900 ymn, whlla la-

alraat latlakllag la

ooatntaitM ta tht aoateKaoad hoalth

aad happlaaai of lha eaauiBBlly ai •

whole aad the foad that wtU redonad

to the gteateal oaoibar will tu ofaet

the objeetloaa a tew aHi|> haTO to

It. StnH>t sprinkling is

that every i-iiy re<tnirtts,

thing that Pailnoah haa I

eriii cially in tha MM MHafelT popO'

Uted looalitiea.


to oiWBl* thalt haali. Ta* MMia anhordaa of Ba(i«ta at tha whatvta a««(y

day. They do aol NiM to watk oa

aooooat ot the wagea, wUoh are

large, bat beoanae Ibey aimidy do not

daaire to work. If tbe Tagranoy law

ware antoired this evil wonld ioon be

eradloated. Every loafer who refiues

to work on a boat ran tie arrestetl and

made to show how he ot)tains a lire

lihof^l A few such arrests wouMliave the etTert of luakinK many of the

iilli rs go to work rtii 1 running the re

maiikder out of town, either of which

weald ha a»»a»ttelha eaawalty

Tbe tiilagtaa Liadar jeaatarly re-

marks: "Itlaa aatloeahUfcot that

PadnosLh noTer had a ll.SStaz rate

nntil Urey Woodaon went there to

lira. Urey oomei high, bat we most

Loalarllle otafmaMiM aiO mnobwroafht BP onr ta tSM 10 wiooiae

the ahaMh ahtlM. tataof tka lead-

thair paa It aaylkfev imwith roees now.

tor the (joc

and the cm.,

atldresf fi r

court Hitiii

rlnr. lind


.^iiiitti'i* c.ip I Ml :

cuuilucted a fumrLul

oaBipa%a lu a inann< r w I.',

oredit oa bis vulor, Jinmniuiv nn l


BpeaklBf id impauiooad tonaa Ool-

aaal WeodrnS Mid la oblar limaa rio-

toriena aaeiali tied oaptirea to their

ehaiiota. Id thU oaM tbe (aiieral fln<Iii

hlmaeU tied. SeatiBMiil waa an ex-

eaUaat*hla(, kal tbara «M na ptaoe

torlfirfiMg. *

"WaahOai." doolarad tbeoolooel,

"that lha laamr, oampaiga, jnat

brought to a sooMsafnl termination.

While poibad aetlTely, Tigoronsly anil

•nargetloally, was erer oondnoted

within the limits of war. During

tha laat tew months it has Hcemed jiofi-

ular to OTitici/e tile Htniy m tilt' t'hil-

ippines. Peojlli' ileem tu have for^ot-

ted its magnificent nervices for Amer-

ica's iiouor and hU'TV. through sun.

rain, mud and dust, acromi rirers and

over monntains, thrnuKh tangled un-

derbrnab. In alokness ami in health.

taktaaCagrowiacaalif the

glTlnc iBtti attloai I

a aoootarfal oaapaifB.

'The detenae feels that lha

ment haa only done this in detOnnea

to oTcrwheUning pnbbo eaatiment,

baaed on mmon toataied tor aakaowBand tenoMi' imrpoaee. nntll hyitaria


rn iucwl. Then thii gay,wnu.i<l<<l. \ u'torioas general was ex


{Mi-'d to tli<< iiidii-'nity (if n trial in

deference t" tiystencal I'liMic opinion

General Sinith faces the conscience v1

tbe court nii I iwople with the full

knowlediie that bo did hi* daty M an

botiorablo soldier.


This apeech seems to rerral the trae

•tate ot alfairs. There Is too mncbhyoteria among tbe people ot the

United States. Their atop-oirt* hato-J

WBwhIp and tbeii nntadlin ey npalbytor tha ^Tiolova traaybeioiw TiUtdsoa

Who aii^MtsfaigtU^tbt flan and

itrlpta,. ho' aadnth to ditftut any

•cnaible man.

The olty anlborities will hare to

take some altp towards preTentlng the

authr.ritiei ia naigfaborinf oitiae fromI n ilnff their iiaapera and Indlsant

^: 'into Padticnh When nn nnunn

iil:y 'a'l c*^'- lune^ tJ tv.< rniticf i.f

the ollicers in these i.uit ii;ii : in;.' tow r.s

Instead of caring for tl.' .n: .:i:iinii

as the law i>rnvideB. tie y * iv. W.

sen I hiiu tn ['n^lii' i.ti" .\nil h> r.' '..<

comes. oflentiiiieH \\ If h n rhrtinlc 111'.

ni"nt that Un yo Ijiih .'i th" city lioj,.

pital for weeks and iiejnti.s at the ex

pauaoftha people. Thf law docs

not permit tbia. Ho non-ietident can

ba la«aUy*oared tot in the ettf naipital

atthoBgh often hBmaalty dimaads

thatavnwa al ihlt niiotlpttf bi

B«t taMttatngr. «ha ihlag la to

Let's ha\e tie streets sprinkled.

Tho*,* who object may sell th*-lr jirep-

erty and more ont on the dirt roail,


If the weather laata, wa wUl bare

a oarnWal that wtU ba one pnrple

week ot unalloyed delight.

We bad the dnunmer* Satnrday and

wa will bare tbe doctors Wednreday

There will be plenty doing In Pa-

dtieah this summer.

The oarnival tiegins a week from



Suspicious Chincton to be Arm-

ted ami Lociied up.

lag thtai hara. Thaio it a law waiaalit aad a law eiamplaa woald hare a

moat Mlalao aSeel aa lhaat ^ho im-

agine that wa have aolhlaf to do aa-der a ll.SC tag rata bat la take aaio

of their paapen.

The city oonnoil uwiU tonight

be called npon to pass ok an oHlnaaoawtaieb bare reflected nothing bar for iprinkling th'e streell. if Me pree'

Kkf7 apoB onr flag and aoaaltj . WakoTO baaa worthy mambtta tl tha ar-

m. wkatthMfMla i»iHiitil<a-

oefttalht tltiati tt tkolaw, aaditairM eonfort to

eat plana materialize. It is bofed that-

the oouwil will look at tbe

titMfeaMtkatltBdftMtCIve botiatm aiB. It amj bt

there aia Mau who wiU objeet to tka

TKe Polici WUI Ttkt Na RKkt lot Will

Oatktr Tktai all la.

Marshal Ctow hnn insiructeil his

oRloen to arreat all stupioloaa obar-

aoten aeea about Iowa ea av obarge

that can be (gtfkrrad, IMat rtcatnoy

to laroeny.

This ia the oaly naaat «f liddkg

tho town of the atafiafa aad aneak

tbiarea who laleat tho towaa daring

oarnlTal ttno. UM year the raildents

sntTere.1 greatly tkOMkbi tlee,

:in<i tiie poliee Wwt kapk baiv. TheI' lckskin Bill thow brooght -aereral

iiere. a«d the lew lebberies |)laoed the

' c. ra nn their guard and ahowed the

luiini.' 'ttuatinii up mora oleorly.

'1 [,.. n'.ji et of the local ollicers Istoar-

rest tie- suspiriou- chiirs* ti rs and lock

theni np. eontlliiiing their trial from

liar tn (lay until th-' carnival is oter,

thiTeliv kt epinK th'-ni cut of mischief

Marshal C^rnw sael thiH nKirninf,'

that he lia-l liii* eye en -cvt ral grafters

now iiuil that he exjicitc'l to I'lill

them 10 il they did not change their

QUAOBinauL oowm-nroi, a n K onrBOH.

WatkrlUa, rmm.,Mv Ttklaliit,


Oa May aik, atb aad 7lh lha Hath-

ntla. Okattaanoga aad St Loala rail-

way wlil aeU ttekett to HaahTilleaad

rettim for one tare, aoooaat the abore

oooaalOB. Tickets good for (atomnntil lone 2nd.

6t S. 8. Bamham, Agent.

ta Jaait' ildMa lar facB loaa

(notuinaed treat riial Fwo.


on a oaaiia al BMlMoat oattiat with

intent to klU, aad tkt'tait taalUatd

and tha ilifcaitaat iatt< aadar a a*oa

bond. wUah ho aOM to ghro.

Homy aalietita, taliwd, tkaigt*

with leek tkiMriat aad itrikiag a

small bay, wot analgaad it* brcaak «f

the iwaoe and the caae left open nntil

> this attemoon.

ludge Saadert bald eoart latla thia

afternoon, and Bob THweO waa aatd

|^ and coat*.

Theoaae against tbe Malligan negro

was alao tried, and the defendant

Hiked #10 for tiNing insnltinK lani:nage

lowartls his wife and ahosing her in

other ways


8am Jones, colored, age<l 31, of tbe

city, and Annie Weatbrooks. agati ii.

of tbe city, have been licensed to wed

\V D Orabam has lieen granted

]»iKiler'» license

.Morris MaxoB and others deed to

.vaiiie waiiaaih tm laao, nijiry mthe county.

Thr-" will !» another ,1' nulu of

road contract let out on the :.'th of

.IU'1k« LlK^ltftHit IB hQMT tOilftJ tTT-

niff tbi* cu* of Atiitin Myli t atfftinit

J D Ovt-mtrrrt lait od ft not*' for

• loO. The OM* WM ftaiiM ftt noon.

hut tht jndft hat Ml ft! Miimil ft





VatkvUle. Mar Ptfaty Oaitad


with a ballet in bla body, the raanll

ol a daaperate enooontar In Bomner

connly yesterday, wbleb eame near

causing his death, as well as that of

s M \?m«lall of that ooonly.

[ Dnggnn had k'Oue ta Ihl home of J

I. ilrysi ntiio- an allegeil moonshiner,

who had ;iiitii-->l his l,ond. and carried '

\V(>(kia!1. who was (^n ltry-»entiii"'s

lioiid. with litm li: nn un;;usr,!e(l

II, in- lit IiUKKaii. who had drawn his

. n enu-riag the boiue, le-

I.hl. 1 II .n the bolitrr. Bryienllne

anhnltted to arrest without resistauo

bat when Doggan |>nt up his gun he

drew a Mg knife aad eadaaroMd to

eat the oOoer'a tkraal A ditpante

itraggle laaaltad. la whlab Doggan

tried to wieaea the knife from Bty


They atmggled through tbe front

door of lha boaae ont oo the perob,

and were flghting like demons when

a abet waa Bred throogh a window at

the house, preaomably by one <if Bry-

sentlne's friends. Tbe deputy tell,

tbe ball having entrml bis boflj near

tbe point ot the left hip, beooolag

embedded In the fleah. Tka oatktwi



ASNotM-|:ii rilAT IIK WILLoKi/i. 1 'ii; ui;i.\s III' T.\M



New Terk. May a.— katoiday's

! Buopaaa malb hrongbl Inai Blabard


Oroker lettert to Tammaaj leaders ot

tbe eld gaard. Whether II waa m a

result or iMioIr a telaaldaaee, wTeral

confeioaeta were held peatMiday.

After one of these tbe announce-

ment was made that Mr Oroker will

return to New York late ia August.

No attem|>t was maile to conceal his

intention of taking back the leailer-

sbip, at least in effect.

He is sai'l to be greatly dissatisfteil

with the iiiaiiner In which Tainninny's

affairs have W-en administered Hebelieves that mistakes of the opiiosi-

tion have not ^n profited t>j as they

should have been, and be is disgusted i

that bla orders have not been obeyed


Bee Williams Bicycle Co., they cai

•are yoa money. Kftb and Jeffi



Great Variety of Colors In

Attractive PatternSo

New toigM to Fieoch Batiau, an celcfa, isc a ratd.

MaamUal eeadad Seoldi maaUn. Tatjr thaar, ajc a yaM.

FIm faaer^olofad diaWaai loe a yulA good attortmeat lat patttnw ia colored lawa, tar ataaalu

sacqnes and honic g«wu, 3«aad jo a yafd;

Ginghams and MadrasBeat fatt-colored (tripe ginghams, loc. la sc a yard-

New 9itk-s|<ot «-ii<it ginghams, 6nc qvaU^Ti laMo a yards

Beautitul silk giagbaau, joc a yard.

lUcellent qtulity akMic aadiaa. 34 «Ma, tiHeaad ISC a yard.

Silk itripc madiaa. all coloia, 25c a yard.

Tkt aew I.eM)madraa,aaptciallyfecladiea'aUtta,a9cyonl-

Shirt Waist LInonsttyliah ahlit waial Uaeaa ia deafaable colore. 35c a yard.

Solid Uikt-ooloiod Uaeaa, JSc a yard.

New aUit walal caaeaaaai. wklle, plak. Uae aad giaaa,

40c a rard.

Our White Goods Stock.In this department you will find

th« mo«t datoty mat«ri»l* In b«thplain and lace effects.

Cback muslins, y:. ^ i l.K and loc .1 y,in!-

Oood (jaatity ihccr lawn, sc. ^ 1 u .iml i<< a yard

40-inili white lawn, usei! lot liiuiij;- eti 1 » aiul ijcayard.

Kill'- sheer while liiiniis c\ti.i \v:'!e i so tu .' '.c a yard*

Sheer Haslisle dw- not thicken n hca woahcd, 35c lO 50C.

.1 yard.

Bcautiiul Periian lawns, 35c aad jSc a yard-

Fine Pari* mnaliiu, very wide and iboer, joc aad 75c yard.

73-inch it'hite organdy, 50c aad 7jc a yard.

WHITB FIQUB ia good qaality aad ilyliili pattama, isc

to 50c a yird.

Attractions in NoveltiesWe Are Shewing:

Japaneae (aaa, loc, 15c ami j.s -.

Bloiiae aeto i piu'« and licit huckle. 50c.

Sailor collars in a v.iriety oi styles. I:, to (^00.

Waihable foiir-!i: • '.,

i.: 1'.- 1, ic pi<|ue,'joccacb.

.^IM while 1: - I V . . 1 madnui, 50c.

Ladies' wMsIi lIui. ...!) ;.i l.lii- ,. '-^.i ami pinlt, styl-

iehly ni.Klc, f t ')0 to lisvWbiU: and iancy colored parasols, fi.oo. It.75 and It.98.

Beautilal black ailk paraioU, elaborately trlmhed with

chiffon, $3.98.


Ihis wouid be a well shod tov\ n 11 v>e sold all the Shoe*

The/ srt our shoes until you are ^.iti .lied.

We arc dividing our profits and K>^'>"k[ T^" larger share*

Barj(aius are tbe rule and not the exception here*

fa oo naya la woasaa's Bootha Ideal patent vid otford, draaa orniaDBiah laat

so cents added tn tbIa lor a pair ol onr bocklca aad yon ba*e lha aqtml

of any I3 orlj.su Colonial on the market.

I'srly spriuK pickers find the l>esl f.hoe crop.

f ; hu) - iiMii H or Monian'ii suell dir^s Khoc, in patent vicl attch.

Our shoes era much better than tbe prices Indicate.

onralothofi—irlettwierwaaaeetrio itiUd ia til deptftaMaiaas now.

Oo'waybatkaadiltdewal NUI Ow shaaa biliw yoa to the teatwith a slghot laUai. Ho allw>mfeta go with aor ahoet.

Name yonr priae aad we '11 have a good shoe to fit it. In men'swomen s, boys or girls.

We do repairing ^Ick aad cheap, anh delietrU tha saaM day, if It

is yo"

Rudy, PhiUips & Co.

/ 1. a k I t/>i




ftbun M. rnan. Prwldtat uil Editor.

I 1. Paxioh. Generml MMiMtr

suBSCRimoN rates:



nj eMiMr, IV w«tt • 'O

Bi •ll.farmik.latdTMM


OHTMr, fcj mull. po«t»«B paid. -

Addma THE SUN. PaduMk. Kf.

. 4.U

Omc*. lUinM TkM I Tunom, N«. *.

The SUN cin be found for

ule It the followinf placet.

R. 0. CUmtntt k C*

VinCulin Broi.

Pilmer Houie

MONDAY, MAT, S, 1(01.

DAILY THOUGHT.Onf Tcrnon t Hbtp to make good

Diywlf Il'.it inv duly to my neiKhlior

is mocll inert' m'ftrly fiprcMt'd by

ttyiog ttiat 1 have to makf* him hap-

pj—U I m«7.—Robert Lonla Bterea-

THE WEATHER.Putlj oiondy tonisht, ud ooolw,

«Mh fMDMkt *»mm». TmmIv

GEN SMITH TO KK AOgUITTED.General Smith, at hfta been ooa*

t(-Ddei1 all alon>; by tiatriotio oltiieiia

of ttu' rnit4-(l StatoH, watt ooly acting

within bonnds of the law when he la-

med tbf "kill-and'barn'' ord<-r, and

he will be acquitit'd by coart martial.

Thnfl the a<lministratioa soorea anoth-

er Tictory oTtT the mali^Derfl of the

American titddirrH. "The war dei»ri-

ment commiMioned a man wearlmUMsniftrai of th* CnlMd BUlM to

kill and ban and tlwOar," Murk*

^•nrtHlktidkecTCr. Wall,

it did. AdaalblaM a»li twalhtM «• ikoald Uka to Ma bnt

«nMt UMy to aaa. OatfiMnlfate aapyaatd to ow tbair Mmfa^-BMBt. not that of a few Inoomiietent,

almqri-ooniplalnicg demagogan at

koM v^kK* 1< UtUa kBMMity in

war at any Mage of th* gnM, bat

then la nothinir to indicate that the

Ameri^n trooji have not been aa ho-

aana to the Kiliplno* a* they oould be

tor tha good and laletjr of our armyaad the caoae. In matlin tbe elating

addreee for the datama before the

conrt nmrtial that tried (General

Siiiilh r<!r.,.l c-liucV' ''^ WnfHlruir

dr* w ti ^r^ t th- v< s of hii hiarera.

llr 'h.'..ji«: .- tciiMl Coiii'ral

Siiiitti ft cai- 1 rtri.l (:i-clBn>rt he hadcoU'liu-ii'd a revinri^abie and racoeaafn]

camiiaifta in a manner whtoh rtfleoted

etadlt « hi* valo*. ktnaaaitr and

Hpaaklag tit impanlonad tonal Ool

eaal WoodnS «td in older timaa ric-

tetioaa fOMiala tied eaptivaa to their

•kaiiota, iB tkii oaae tha gaaaial flnda

UaueU Ued. Baatiment waa an ex-

aallaat titiac, knt then oai no plaoe

for if in war.

"We claim," daelarad the oolonel,

"that the Baamr. campaign, jnit

brongbt to a aaooaaalal termination,

'while pnilied aottvatr, Tigorontt; aaaaoirgetically, waa erer oondnoted

within the limita of war. DnrinK

tbe lait few monthi it baa rx . ju. ,i

nlar to criticiie the army in ih. I'lul

i]);>iDe8. People *e»-m to hu\< tdrj^nt

ted ita magniftoent aervioea for Ami r-

ioa'a honor and glory, throogh ann.

rain, mad and diut, acrota rivera and

over inooutftina, through tangl*-" im-

derbroata. In aiolineni and in health,

wiiicb have reflected BWthiln bat

glory npon oar flag and oimatry. Webare been worthy membere of the ar-

mj, wkaaa taTwati aarer Baafcad a»-

aapt! Mm ddMaaa af tha lav, aad


tboaaia daagar. Tet todajwaaia

appaiMitly4l^oad. Why 1 1 oanaot

iiM«liV that poopla at kaaaa aspaot to

gala tlotr aMIpoUtloBl adTaaoaaMBt

brahaalav tha army. It waa triad af-

ter tfea Maxioaa war. It wao triad af-

tar tbe OiTil war, with the remit that

Grant, 'tha batebar,' waa elected

preaideat, aad died lored and honored

by erery American. While the cam-

paigiu In the Philippinea hare not

been oondnoted to meet the viewa of

the aentimetttaliata and tronlileaome

biisvbo dit.'it in the I'lnlrd .^tatva thvy

have N'en ronduclfl on Inn-s which

have n^flt'ctoil cn-dit nprm the valor,

plack, humanity and klU'lut-sH of

.\in<,rican aoldit-rajuany of whr^m have

fre,'ly laid do\Mi thi ir Uvea ou their

oonntry'a altar

Oolonel I WwiratT. dating hit ad-

dreti, reriewed tha aTtdanoe a^

length, ahowlng tha aaaaaaltr for

making Bamar a wildwaw aad at*paring tha aaa)al|B tat thatlalMt


tyaalMdofler«V aadkr a flUarottre

Tha ooloaal Mid It had baaa imve d

by tha eTidenoe that natiTa bey* eight

yean of age ware capable of wielding

boloe. He oited nomerou inatancea

of military law, Roman. Engliab aad

American, in behalf of the detenae.

and portrayed Gen. Smith'i military

career from the time he enliated in

I8<ti to nioi, when h^ waa *p

iwinted brigadier general, and de-

arritied hia wonnda, beroiam and de-

votion to dnty.

Uolonel Wooilratr alto qnoted Oot-

ernor Taft'a >i»tech at Dagapaa, emlo-

gizing General 8mith, aad addad:

"Now. after wearing for 41 yaara tha

anlform of the United MalM with

hoaor to hiBiMW aad to tha bNWfli

of th* govataaMBt, at tho doMelaifiikably iaumirfal eaapaifa in

whioh h* iiwajHikil whaWpala wa*

aaabia ta «a la 900 yaan, whila ta-


a mroeeatnl campaign.

"The ilofenae feel* that the gOTem-ment hM only done thia in deference

to orerwhelming pnbl.c tentiment,

baaed on mmora foateied for unknownand ignoble purjioat'S. until hyateria

WM pnidacwi. Then thii gray,

Waniad, Tietoriona geoeral waa ex-

poaad to the indignity of a trial in

defaioaea to hytterioal pnldic opinion

General Bniith facea the conacienoe cf

the court mi l {>e"| :< with the fall

knowledge that hr di I hit dnty if an

hOMMble loMler"

Thl* speech i^eema to r*-vi-al the trne

•tale of aVain. There ia too mnchhyateria among the people of the

United Btatei. Their alop^ar hero- j

wonhip and tUeir mandlln aympathyfor the Tioipoj tyaahwm* fUtatooawho an 4kMIb« agdurt tha itir* Andatrlpee,. aro ancogh to diagnit any•eniibie

tioatgpnafcllaf iMjaet baaasMthaywill ba MiiMii a law doikM a ywr,

• aUMaM*M« to th*

gr*atMt Baabw, aad tiMiMbar that

atrael priakUag la iOMitbl^ that

contnbatea to the oomfort,gaod health

and bappineaa of the oommimity aa a

whole and tbe good that will rodonad

to the greataat aaMbfV wUl tu offael

the objection* a IMr May hare to

it. Street iprinkliag la aaaMthiog

that every city reqntre*, and aoroe-

thing that Pailncah haa long needed,

eajieclally in tha more thickly popo-

Thai I n*MpaalM aaa

The city antboriliea will have to

take aome *le|i toerard* preyentlng the

aottaoritiei in neighboring citiea from

nnloading their panpera and indigent

llok onto Padneah. When an un-Jta-

ally bad oaae cornea to the notioe of

the officer a in theae aurrounding tuwiif

inatcad of cnriiii; for the iinfui tunate

aa ttio la\^ lirovi.iea. they way, '"Wi-'ll

aend tiim to Padiici.li, " -\nd here he

comi'H. ottentiniea with a chronic :il!-

iiient that keepa liiiu in the rit\ hot-

pital for weeka and monti - at the >-i

panae of the people. The law >laea

not iiermit thia. Ko non-reaident can

ba legallyllaared for In the city hwpital

althongh oftaa liaaMDity demand a

that a paraoa al thia oaaoriptMa be

k to

ing thMtkata. Thaia it a law wbIbmit aad a law »i»mp>*i waalt kava a


meat aalalMy aCatt «a thaaa ifho iM>

agina that wa hava aothlag to da la-

der a tl,SO tax rate hot to take ear*

of th«lr fan))! ri.

The city cnuiicil owiil tonight

tie called uiwin l« pa.<t« an oldinnnoe

for apTinlilin^: the street*, if the :Tea-

eni plann materialize. It ia hop<d tliat

the euuiicil will look at the propoei-

tiou from the ataadpolnt of progreae-

ire bnalaaM aMB. It may ba that

Iber* art aoaM who will object to the

ly maw aaoagh labor, at prlw,

to op**Bt* their boat*. Tat that* are

hordw of B*gTOM al tha wharrM av«ry

day. They do not refnM to work on

aoconat of the wagte, whioh are

latga, bat becatue they aimply do not

daaiia to work. If the Tagraaoy law

woia (otoead thi* erll wonld aoon be

mdloated. Every loafer who reftiaea

to work on a boat can be arreeted and

made to ahow bow he obtain* a live-

libtiod. A few auch arreata woald

haye tbe effect of making many of the

idler* go to work and ranning the re-

mainder out of town, either of which

woald be a benefit to the oommoaity

Th* Ltxiagtoa Leader joomlarly re-

mark*: "It 1* a notioeable taet that

Padneah nerer had a ll.StIaz rate

oatll Urey Woodaoa woM there to

live. Urey



ni THE LOCAL coom

(noitfiaaad fNMritatPWN.)

ais daelar* th*lr path it


TaiI'm have the atreeta aprinkled.

Thoae who object may aell their prop-

erty and more oat on tbe dirt road,

where it i* hotter and diutler.

If the weather laata, w* will bare

aoaralTal that will be one pnrpla

ft nnalloyed delight.

Batarday aad


MO mnmSuspicious Characters to be Arres-

ted and Locked up.

on a onarga of aalMoaa eattiac with

intent to klU, aad tha'aaH oaaMaBed

and the daliadaat faaad andar a laoO

bond, whtah ha teUad to glva.

Henry Bobartaom oolorad. aharged

with rook throwlaff aad Hrlklag a

amall boy, WM amlgaad Mr teaaah of

the |ieace aad tha aaM Mtopta aatil

I :S0 thi* aftaraooB.

Jadg* Baadara held conrt again thia

afternoon, aad Bob Tidwell wa* lined

|^ and coata.

The oaae againal the MoUigan negrti

wa* alao tried, and the defendant

fined % 1 0 for nitng inanlting langnag*

to» ariiK hia wifa aad ahMlag her in

other way*


Sam Jonea, colored, aged SI, of tlM

city, and Annie WeMhrook*, aged 9t,

of the city, have bata UatMMd towadW D. OrahaM kM ktM BMBted

i>«ldler'a lioente.

.Morria Maxoo and others deed to

Mattle Waltera, for %iw, projiery in

the county.

Thn will be another a 10 milca of

road itafn IHaataa tha iMh of


gUARTERLT COURTJodge Lightfoot i* bnay toilay try-

ing th* ease of Atutin MyUa agaiuai

J. D. OTentrect, aait on a not« for

1100. The oaae waa flniabed at noon,

bat th* jndga ha* not yet readarad a

DErun MAwsmi shot.



The Polic* Will Tsk* No Rllkt Bat Will

Gillwr Them all In,

• ,Mar*hal OiM' haa

dfflem to anaai'afi

actera aeen alwat town aa any charge

that can be praferred, froM Tagaauyto larceny.

Thi* 1* tb* oiUy maan* c( rlddlhg

th* toarn of tha graftera aad aaaak

tbievM who lafeat tha lowM dtuing

carnlTal ttaaa. laat year tha lartdinta

•afTemd gtaatly tram tha tobbarlta,

and the police were kept baay. Tber.tiokskin Bill ahow brongbt .aavanl

here, B<Mi tha f*w rebborie* placed the

otiioer* oB tbair gaatd aad *how*d tbe

coming altuatloB np more clnirly.

Tlie oi ject of tha local otiicera la toar-


real the auapicloo'^ charactera and lock

them ap, continuing their trial from

day to day until th*- carnival ia oTer,

therehy keepwiK Iheiii out of miachuf

Marahal Crow aaid thiw morning

that he had hia eye on aeveral graftera

now and that he expected to pall

iii.ni HI if they didaat ahiaia tbair

taotioa aoon.

QCjLOBmMUL oomwaaL.nca. a M. . ohoboh.

aAvilla, Toaa., Kay Tthtollat,


OaMay nh. Othaad Tthth»>teh-rille, OhattaBOOBB aad St. Loaia rail-

way wU aaU tlokMto to MaakTlUaaadretamforaub tela, aenoat thaabraoooaaioa. iSlkatt' fMit tmontUIwaald.

NaahTiUa, Mar >.—Dapaty Daltad

BtotM Marahal JaaiH W. Onggan of

Oolambla U« at tha attr haapital bar*

with a bnllat in hi* body, th* raaalt

of a <l**p*rate eacoaatar In Bamaer

coanty yeetenlay, which came near

caaaing hia death, M well aa that of

sHT^vT^SdaU of that oouulv

^Doggan had goaa to the home of .1

L. Bryeentine, an alleged nio»ni>hin< r,

who had jampe<1 hia bond, and carried

Wooiiall, who waa on HryM*atiu»>

bor 1, with him. lu an unguarded

moment Dtigtrau. who had drawn hia

piatol ofion entering the h 'M-i r-

llaci d it in tbe boliter. Kr

•ulmiitted to arreat withont r*- -'.w,

hut when Dtiggau put op hia gun

drew a big koifa and un<le«vor>Hi tn

rat the oOoar'* throat. A deai«rate

•trnggle teealtad, tn which Dnggantried to trtaaoa tha kaif* from Bry


They ttragBlad tbrongh the front

door of tlM hoBM eat on the porch,

aad were flgbting like demon* whena that WM Brad thretmh a window of

tbe boa**, preanmably bv »no c f Pry

eentine'* frtenda The iNputy f.<U

lb* ball haying entered hi* boily near

tbe point of the left hip, beoomlngembeddoil In the fleab. The ontlawa





5t B. S. I'urijtiam, Agent.

Bm JmmF

H«w York, May B.— Batntday a

Baropaaa Mall* bnmgbt from Blabard

a«k*r letter* to TaMmaay laader* cf

the old gaard. Whathar It wm m a

reanlt ar aaralj a eolaoldaaoa, aararal

ooofaraaoM ware bald faitMdar-

Aft*roa*of theae tha aaaaanoe-

MMia that Mr. Okokar will

ta Bow York lato la AagaalNo attempt wm Made to aaaaoal hia

Intantion of taking book tha laadei

*hlp, at leaat In effect.

Be IK nai t i« \k greatly dlatatiafled

with tbe manner in which Tammany'aaffair* have tieen atlminiatereil. Hoball*Te* that miaukea of the opiwal-

tion bare not been profited by aa they

Ihaald baT* b«en. and he la diagnated

that his ordert have not baa


Bee William* Bioyola Oo., tbey cantave yoB Mfiy. VIM mi JfBtnoa•trvet*. ttolO



Great Variety of Colors in

Attractive Patterna.

Ntw taigM ia tnmck BttiM. all oolcn, tjc • ]r*>4

MiBBtttBl oovdad Seotdi atHllii. ymjf Atm, Bje • jwM.Ffait iaaGy<olond dlmitica, loc a jraWL

A good oapottaoatM pattma ia eolondkmio, te dweilngsicqwii aad lioaao iMno, MBid §»« yoBi;

Ginghams and MadrasBest last-roloiett strips Kinghams, loc, la'icayard.

New $ilk-H|>ot waist gingham*, fine quality, 12 So a yard.

Beautltul silk gingham*, soc a yard.

Esccltent qtiality ikirtiag Madras, M iachoi widt, I2i%e

and ISC a yard.

SOk Mripa aadraa. all colon, 150 a yard.

Tht Bcw Laao madraa, aapecially (or ladies* lUilBf tjc yari.

51iirt Waist LinensStylish shift waist llatoa ta desirablt colors, 3se a yaid.

Solid light-colorod liaeas, ijc a yard.

Nsw shift waist caavasses, whito, piak, bin* aad

40c a raid.

Our White Goods Stock.Irt this department 70U will findthe most dainty materials In b«thplain and lace effects.

Check muslins, 5c, x 1-13C and loc a yard.1

OiKxl i|uality sheer lawn, sc H i-jcand loc a yard.

)< inch white lawn, used lor lining*, etc, loc and 1 5c a yaid.

I'lne ahecr whito liaoas, astra wide, ijc to ajc a yard.

Sheer Baatiite , does aot thickaa ^hoa trashed, asc io SOC>

.1 yard.

Beautilul Persian Uwns, 33c aad jSc a yard-

Fine Paris mnaliaa, very aridt aad shaer, 50c and 75c yard.

73-iaGh whlM orgaadj, soc aad 7sc a yard.

WHITB HQUIS ia good qnality and ityliab pattaras, 15c

tu soc a yard.

Attractions in NoveltiesWe Are Showing:

Japanese fans, loc, 15c and lie.

Blouse aeta—4 pins and lielt buckle, joc.

Sailor collar* in a v irioty <•>'. styles. to i^.oo.

\V.ish,il)li; foitT 111 !i 1:.! I'.cks, tmtdo ol liuc pi'jiie. 50c each.

.Mao white pique atuck* tvltb ends of colored madraa, joc,

Ladies' wa.<ili cbambtay suits in blue, green and piok, styl-

ishly tuade, (4.90 tot^.jo-

White aad lancy colored parasols, f 1.00, 11.7S and $1.98.

Beantiittl black silk paraaoU, elaborately trimbicd with

chiSon, 11.98.

SNAPS IM SHOEOLOfiy.TlihwoeldbeatvellsliodteiwiiftyeseMslltlisSlwsS

They ap oi.i In.- s m.' , \. .u iire aatiafied.

\Vi rtfi- (liviiliii|£ our pri'lila and Ktvinfi you Urxcr ahare.

una are tb* mle and not the earrptiuri heir.

ti < irays in women'* Booth* Ideal patent vid oxlord, dreaa ormanaiah laat

so e*au addad to thi* tor a yalf ol oar backlaa aad yoB have tb* aqtwlol any t] or |j so Coloalal oa tha amtkat.

P.arly apring pickan <nd the b«at *haa nop.%i buy> niin\ or woman'a swell dreaa shoe, ia patcat tIH atock.

Our slio. -i me mill h lirtter than tbeprlcca Indicate.

Dur aioik i>( summer loutwear waa nerer ao vvrled in all departmentaaa now.

Go way back and ait down I Nit! Oar *ho** bring you to the frontwithaaigbof ralial. Mo altoi ftpila gawith ear aheaa.

Naaie yoar priaa aad a« 'U haia a gsad ahaa to It It, la awa'iwomea'a, boy* or girla.

W* do repairing ^lalck aad eheaptaah iillenB tha aaaia day, if it

i* yoor wi*h.

Rudy, Phillips & Co.,



• ,1

Bolvtt the problem. AnyIhlag you nrcd oc do aot

"TIPS" wUl

•tdtapoMW toryM.

Th* priM for adTWtlMarato ia Ihte

lOlUBB If Bo • ItM. OMh mul M->Mipi«y tko ordar for UI adi. Then

IhltrmU tut


• My'lfrtlwMik.lltto watte. Uw•a 1. L W iMMoilfNalof


tlimMj WHiMd •! Hoak'i Ark

Oooil iXMitioii r'>r riiihl i«rtT it

for oboap pUaU pbOM l»t.

m. t


Mu. «

aMdtaUrfeMBtaPaxtoa'M oflw

—Th«8u vtn Ml"Woat" or "liOMl'

•MOpI tor euh with th« onlrr Wor« oompettfKl tn ftilnpt Ihii roll* from

1h- fat^t that il riwti ui tiiort> in oiil

l<Kttor'B tliur iima wv ici<t fiir Ih** ail-

Tortiwmsnt. ThU rnlti will k« lUlct-

I7 odbrnd to, utti w* tnt M ao»

wtU Mk for erwlll. «• ikall k* oom-

poUad to Nfaaa Ikaaa.

Livingston n .rjf. u '.n waa drownedoir ihn ,Inhii S lliipkmi two waaka

affo hai* not jvt Nth fonwt. TImfiktber of the ileoeaaed waa hare yea-

lenla; is aearok of It.

—An engine wai off the track at

tbi' Trimble itreet croaeinK last iiiKht

for a hhnrt time, anil tlelayftl thi'

0|>Ttiti'>n of the atreet oari for lome

litil.' liini. tba OHf balaa <u«bl* to

prori'i'.l out TM«U* fBHkat IkM the


Mr .liiii ph Tanner haa reoalred

uutu'<' of the di alh of bii ancle, Mr.

John O. Tanner, of ErUuifter, Kj.,

a4re<l n: The (IcoeauMl wtii a natire

of )t(Hiu<- roDDty, an<l for uiAny Tcart

WRM rounecteil with Ihv Oinciniiati

8(iulhern railroa<l.

I>r Delia Oaltlwt'll haM tx-cn ap-

IHiiiit*"} pKainlner ai I'ailiirah for the I

National Jewlth boiipital ai m>nvi<r

for ronHaai]>tiTet. Mr Sim.u. 1 ( irab-

feller, of lAialiTilU', a reUliM' of MrJbaaph L. Prtadman of Pailaoah. Upraridaal of tha dliaotora and Mr.

About PmpI*« 0 And « *

Social Notes.

* AN BRROXIOUI BBPOBT.The report thai IntoiloMlM Uqnor

would ba aold at U BaUa park thu•aaaoa laaaMaka. Thar* haa aaverbaaa aar lataalloa oa part of olttaet

the manaraaMm tha Iimm to ptnaitlu lale. and II fMMHa^ wIH boibe aold.

0«M«i C Wallarc.

01 Ooaaral Maaagar.


LOCAL UMOoal 70a I oaala par Uae.

Uaa Peitor'a "TaS Olaai" lauap

Ohloaayt. la

8oblMM«<rty kitkary waod at t?30toatk TlHd Steiil. Mall ordara.

t aaida TM a 100 al Tha

—Tka little aoa of Mr. B. B. tmn of

tho Bamn road, la lU.

—Oat Oljrda Ooopar to do jonr

Boraaa wark. flial eWa work, raaaoa-

•blT'prtaot.' YbaaoSW-torTis.

—I kavaa laapaalaia, plaaiy of

Mft (Hp BMkaMb. if

—Oaiaa'a 'lUiltaat aaola toaicbt

a| 7 :10 orar DaTia tia ahe^ Alt mm-tara reqiwatart to be jireeent. I

—A. J. Bcolt, of Roaring 8|>rln|t»,

Oravaa ooaatjr, kaa fllad a petMoa ia

Uokrapter. with IdOO ItebillMao.

—There la to ba a r«|alar maatlng

of the KnlKhlii of the OoMrn Hone-•koe tniii^'ht at n,i,i K. IIo\v> hall

—Mr niiM Urt- (it'or^v .XuKU"'''"

X\i' Soiiiii >iA>\ .^ftturilar ri'b'brate<l

the i'lth nnnivi r««ary nf their ninr-


— luKleoiilr nn 1 Mniik'tmi Loiltrin nf

Oilil Kellov> have nnl.x tilxM ( (or

koada of the new fraterultv bnlliling

aad ladlTldaal frnkoactvlioai wlU be

olloltetl fram.membera.

—Dr Trontinan wim ralleil to (iol-

•oada jentenlajr to atteml the be<liiiile

al Mr. Tom MeOowan nf that ritj.

Vko li In a aerioaa condition oaom <t

IMm Bright 'a diaaaae

—The oowi bare nanieil general

••plaint for aoiaa time pnai ami ocwit ia tha hofa. From man; loealitiea

mm* rejiorU of hoga being allowed to

HD at large and root op jieople'a rarti

Bd flower belli.

—Tba body of Wm ThreUeM of

kmm «Mdajrktta-

I ra-

it atMaM •WMtlk wkaataaaloUawi: BoMto BhifckiHi. kaaae

braaklat.flva fMMi Mtr Blaka, aalleleaa oaMag, aMyaar; LMdIa Oa.meat, aallaiatw oaMiat, aaa yaar.

At the Mma lima tha iharllT will take

Robert Bnekner. Kor Dnnalp, (lenie

Mark and Norman Red, colored I'ojrp,

to the alata reformatory al Leilngton.


I haro fcaafkt John klaiMi'n a oigar

Will eoMiaaa to aaaa-of aiaara, aad hara

AU itMakiawm ba

Vwr l iipatKaUy.D. B. PBIHOB.

DBATU MBAB OLABK H RIVERMra. J. L. Olark. age.1 1;. died

fnna imerperal fe«cr in tha Ulark'a

llTOt Mtlaa Batardari aad Iba la-


Oa aad afkar Hajr Mboata wtllitop

oaijr at tha thralda of oroorta«t«aBiaadwajr hatwaaa •ixMi aad Uwrivaraad oa VaarUkalwaaa MadiiM aadOlark firaati. I ae

Pft'lnrnti Kv anil Light Co.

A.NurilKli lioDV rulljfli.

The body of ^rllle llurke of Owenii.

boro waa fouti<l t^aturttar near .Menu t

OltTt aii'l burle'l iiMur Cair i .^he

waa one of the family ol eiivtu

diewaad ia tba Pittibatg diaaatar.

sioyaui'MAOBiKisTaWilUaaw bleyoli 0>. acpartayele

aMMblaifta. bar* Iba baal aqaipped

oyoia fapalr ahop la tba city. Fifth

Hon. John l» (Jat-^. of I'rinc. tr,n,

ia at tbo Palm. r

Mr. iHaar Heeu-, uf Mempbii. waa

in the city today

Mr Tom Morton, of Cbioagc, a|>ent

Sundar in the city

Mr K A McClelland of EkldyTiUe,

la in the city today.

Jnilge Thomaa P. Oook, of Marray,waa In the city today.

Mr. W. a taith, •( Joppa. UL.waalilba«liF«^iir-

I TtalMMlHt.4. Mki.tlMMa-ton, il Ik Ik* Mgr today.

Mr. OMm «•. ilIII.. ipiM Btoidiv to Iki tMr.

TlUa today almmM bagiiiM,

Mia 9H HaadUy. of lliwBaU,wiU Tiait ia Iba eity thia

Mr. L. R, Wlllla went to

Ry.. lo<lay at noon on boiineu.

Mr John I. Harhaiu anil wifo oC

Ml Vernon. Ill are al the I'almer.

Meiari M I) ilollon and J. HKeya. of Murray, were in the city to-


Capuin WnL lauakdla haa rataiaadfrom a iitoial waiba' MgoM to Ba*.ion.

Mu|a-rTi>nr Martia fbabM if MMI. C , waa in the oltr today M baM-

Mr David "tiaiitfi

trip tbii mornlac to

tlon of Ihu itata.

Mr. Sl»llvy Boyd left yeatedray for

Kanaaa. Neb. . to be abaent aboat foar

aontba on baainaaa.

Mr. Frank Pinkard, of

B|>ent Snoday with hu faIba la toa.

Mr (Kio W Kdwanli.

Mr. Jim R. Lowe, of Lowaa, Ky.,

aad Mr. a F. JoM, oflLaTalaaaTlUa,

araatlhaMaMia. W. T. Miliar

LoalaTllla yeataiday oa aoaaaat of th*

Ulaoa of bar tiaadniotboi.

Km. a F. ArUar, «t Obloafo, ar-

riv*d to lhi|.d|ylMmm todiF to

lh*toMUyi(ll»t^ W. O^tlt '. u

Mr. X W. Oaltett aad wito, af

HprlacflaM. wara la th* aity todayan laala b«M (t«a Oolooada.

Mr. Mtoiall Baoka*r, twiaarly ef

OaOaa, baiaow of LeaiiTilla, will

arrtT* Ihfi aroat^jM^a fcili^TiMl.

OiWtota t. F. BmrtoiU, af <h*

Ohiaago «*d flMtaw flUaai*, laMa ap

and JefferiOll slreeta. mill

, Soo Janei' oulaiuu fur farm loaa

FAN NOTICE.Wt have been aVlc to trctirc a

special lot of buz: fans that wc citi

sell at a bargain. Any one buyingnow and signing contract for the

icaion can secure one for $11.00.


DR. THANK BOYD.BBOOK BILL BLD'G,alaai. (Take Mratec).




Cherrfea '

Peadiit' A.ftHAvnm,ii|h




Managei W II Kioe wiU today la-

tarn friini ' 'hnttanooga

.Mr- Uli. liiMwiU tomorrow begia

the ileronitiiin of tlie i|oenn'i float,

which will I., the moM magvlflocnt

thing ever m en in Pailmah

The queen s Mini. ,t i-Iom r tomtrht.

and there ia a great deal of iatereit

being taken in tbo oatoom*. Theballot boiei will be taken ap at 8 p.

a., aad all roting thafaaftar will be

at Bika haadqaartera, a*ar Fifth andwdwar. laaiaaeiatot tl th* rot*

wiUto MMl* tytb* JadfM

Hp. Ttm AifsM wial lavMi thit

MMtof M tor M AMfeMh. tmn.,to fIbn adraiMM lha tMaiitO.

MiM Ida tMka ttU.


Ifr. I'M Bairki aad wit*, of Ola-

eaiMti, an TkUUac Mr. L. Harria.

the formei'i father on Rortb Fifth


Mm. F.O. Moor*, of IfibM, Tbna.,

will aniva to tba oily aborUy to riiit

MiM Ada Biaaaltoa, af Boath Stitb


Maidaaa* B. B. AahhfOik MdRiohard Olatuiati n'tamad yeataiday

from a two week a Tialt to Ballard


fMlM~Olaaa'>alaar aad"iiMiir7MiaMaya*' Maiar, nianad boa* to

MmbpUi yaitoiday after a riail to


Mr. W. P. Bayaa. at Bawtakal. B.

L, ia at tba Palaiw tor a tow day*.

Ha ia MM if Iba jciMtpal owmh af

th* Onbaakaa I

Jartge W. D.

.Miii Myrtle, bava fMHWd tNnapleaiMt trip to VMda. iMgaQtowla paatly iMptOTid to bwUh.

Mra. F*ati Obfy of Oalla*. Tmi,formtrly MiM F*arl BaabM* if Ilada-

cab. wIUmU fttoa Maw MiMi May11 for Barep*mm iolMdid tow.

OoloealJaok FlyM. it IliOoBba

Oity tha popalar L 0. twIaMaMir,

•erirad toatte oHf * *o*Vlo~ Malkiaat-

tor tha paM Mfwd dayi.


Foil line bicycle aandriea, lira*,'

etc., at vary low pricet, at WiUlami

Bloyol* Oo., Fifth aad Jaiti

ttmtH, StolO

Ulaa Mamie Townaaad 410.

Mi.K -vlviaOalUHl 410. t

Miw .Martha Oaria 407

Miia Katti I. Plumb 40fi.

Miaa Laura Sanders 401

Miaa Mary ISoawell 4(Ki

Miaa Maygie Williania 4<«i.





Opening UONDAYa MAY 5



in bit rt(j« fur life liown a KJO-ft. bIhii-

WBy tn1f> bin MonMerfui cvclr whirl.

PRICES: 10c and 20cMatinee Wednes'lay Sc Saturday

Nijrbt perfdruiaiu e. Mutinee, 2,^0.

sTheKoituckyMaaaiaairat JAMBS B . SMQUBM

TicsdayNigMayiFbtt EthH ofTlw Kantucky

II ba* baaa lapHtod am Ih* L 0.

that Mr J. W. LattiaU, lb* I

mecbanle at Ih* tfaiaalde

ahopa, Ohii-ago, formerly aaperiatcnd.

ent of motive power tor the O , O. and

8. W. road here, haa r«*l(aad hia poel-

tioa with the I. O., aad baa aooeptad

a poaltion with the MMoaii FmIIIo

ro*<l. Uii iniition. th* lapMl Myi,

will l«< iiU|*rint*ad(M it HOtlre

jmwer, and hia baadMtolMi wUl be

at Si I.0UIV

If HUrh 1. !ru.- the i hRii(;e will not

effict I'ailueah onleaa there will be a

promotion ol maatar meohanica and

then ixaiaibly Padooah might coma in

for her aharu of the change.







The Wheel of Fame, Known

Iht WMt WotyOvw.

HoUbbII WwURMOfdsj

TtaaMarittaMcyclMlwIUfad it*

livat** w*llMiaaU elMr aihin

of IUi,*adlh*ib**t UiaMallM Mtbi* ia tha fiM that Batoig ywMof ceaipatltiM tb* OiliM adU hild*

Ila place at the head.


Aik for raialog.

Williams Bicycle Co.,


Mr. .Toe Aaer. pontnin-' 1 St.

Jobn'< .Ihi^ ciiuniv, ili. 1 v. -1, r^lay at

aiiiK-iidiritin ofter a 1 rii f il!neaa. H*wa^ ni"-rateil on Thnradav end cnnld

not hurvive the nhock. He was n

yoong man onuarrled, and waa a

brother to Rav. Father ObariN Aan,tlia Oathollo prieit there, Tha faa-

aral look plae* tbia monlag, barial

at tba Oathollo bnryinc groand.


Viola Allen, it wonlil ap|>ear, poa-

eaaed ununnall jadgiiient in theoholee

of plaTn. Her «ucc*'*» with "TheCbrifitian" waa nnpreccdenred, and

that Mhe has -iir; il the farore oc-

oaalounl liv I ', ' .t It play with her

new one, "In ti, ' I'lla o of the King,"

was a Ronico of woinler, iinco it ia an

uuuHual weurrence for au actreaa to

aocnrti two aunt plnyii one after an-

oIluT. ' In the r.ilitre of the King"jirn\. d tl'.f j.'ri-at i.l ^^.

, of the N\\v

York maauli, liutli from a tiuaurinl

and artiitio atandpoiut. .Mik« .Mien

la to preacnt tbia great play at TheKantaoky on Tharaday eTening axaot-

ly aa aeen in New York. Seata go on

aalu toiMi'! T'-v. %' ' ^ m




Mlsa Kthel Smeilley. the l^ year old

ilanKliter of Mr. Chaa. Smedloy, the

well known bricklayer, of hon c«outh

Thiril dtreel died thiK moruiDg at

11. ^11, after an illneiia of tlx weeks.

The yoaii): lady was taken sick in

March of malarial fever, and had been

In a praoarloiu oondillon for th* paat

MToial day*. Bar eoodltloa waa oon-

iid*r*d iM^Mlaa yaatarday


Bh* waa a Jo^a^ lady popalar, with

*U bijr "

and lb*



GEO.PIERCEla A T««aty-Round I

to a Decision.

Siz-Rouid Preliminary Batwas




PKICEa. SOc to 91.it

The KentudqiJaaaaB.



PUa Olmw— That01t« Satistectlon.

Eyes Tested Free


VIOLA ALLENAnd Her Own Company, Presenting


OF THE KINfi"A Romance of Old Madrii].


All of Orehaalra Floor.Ktrst y Rows in Balconj ^. | ^R»Ilniiceof BalcoDj ^ \ ^AU of gallery, Indoding nwrrsd




Aadf «< At. L«uU R'y.

Are Good Over

Railway and Steamer Lines in

in the Southeast Gunprising

Matt tfatti 13,000 UrM.

rofi'tively no scats suvefi fcr any OMl>cf.)rr the ^ale ojieiis. \'ou must gvtfailine or h.ivc ii rcMresentiilive there.

The KentuckyManactmMH Jaawa E. BaglUL

Sold by Ae _ mm ^Friday, May 9

MaUoeo 3t30 P. M-Evenlngi 8l30P. M.

Ratt, U&OO. Limit, 1 Year.


tiekttotteMi ^ *

W. L. DANLEY.Gen'!. Pass. Agt.

Royal Italian


Artitts 52 BandGaiaappcCraator*. Dlrectar.

Cooccdad by all who haaid it lab*A*gr«*taat baad a**r la Padacah.

PKICBi: MaHaaa, *5c, 50c.

KvenitiK, %v , 50c. 7sc, |l.oo.


irSSCARCE!kavt i^ aiwafs iiali—alio

aa4 aayAliiff la the vagrtaMi 1

Henry Kam letter,Tilt Soulh Third strtfl r,r r ami l>eil nenlpr. Plu

TIm prlM Iw adTwttMaMDli Im this

eolanui la io llM Omk BWt •••

•empMT th« mtm Im M Th«n^ttMWlMM fNBlktoraktot

At Iji Hell** Handftj kfternooc

• U'lT'a KoM walch. EUi>n worki, Ihf

InitiaU <i. K 1 on mii<lr of front of

CM*. Snltkbli' r' wnrl will \« psiil for

tli ntara to UvurKi* IiK'nitn *t Kmlj,

|*klUI|M ud Oo.

kiMlady VMM M Moak'i Ark.




Wm akMp piMli 'piMllokMwBiw.


Well lirml batcitj luarv with |>haetoD

•nil hamea*. Tdspbon* iftd. 2

' U)Hr—Look*t ehani wt with

opali PiadM wtn nHia «o thuonoii. It

J.Ooad bunlly hone tai al*.

VhtlM WtU MlMW*

Ithlifmb DmbUmM MmI ttMM M BOM IB aol-

ImIot'iMm thM w* *! tor Um ad-

VOTttMBMBV Tkb rmk will k* Mriet-

I7 Kllicrwl to, w* trail m «mwiU uk tar OTMlIt, M w* ikaU biMB-pilM to M(aM IhHL

Thx Hon PnblUhinir Co.


Oisl jtm t anil pir IIbo.

Uw Pvrtot'i "TaS QkM" UnpOhliaa»7i. Im

Bail Mi plenty hickory wood it 1730

Soutk Titrd StcMt. Mulordirt.

81U aSoo.

— Tbi- llttl. aon of Mr. B. B. BMn of

till' It' ntoii ina l. It ill.

-t„ t (•• !. Cooper ta <lo yonr

fccri'rh work "r^t rlawworl.,

ri nioD*

•ble-l'riccfc I'K.'ih - ; 1 , t ;;:

— 1 hft\<' « liuii i>a«turti, pliiutjr of

goikl wktor for •tMk. PrioM roafoiia-

lilf Olp HaihMii I1 tf

— ITnlOD't MiliTiiiii iiii.tn tonik'ht

at T :S0 OTor DkTia tin iihop. All mem-ton (oqoMtod to be prcMOI. 1

—A. J. 8oMi, of Rowing Sprinna,

UnTM aaaaty, hai flloit a pctitioa In

liankrapto.T. with t<MO Itabillilea.

—Thoro ii to b« a rogvlat mcotinK

af tka KniKhU of Ui* Ooklen Honw-

ihM ioalcht al Oild Follewi halL

•—Mr. and Mr*. OMrg* Aofiuttu of

thaBoatt BIda, Oalardar oabtealad

tk* MIk tMiiTMiHy of IbilrBM-fiaga,

—laflaalde and Kancnm Lodgoi of

Odd Viltowi bara rabwribad ISSOfl fur

koadi af the aew fralamllj baildlag

•ad IndlTldtuil iBbMripMaM wiU ba

wUoltad fiam^Mban.—Dr. TroaiBMM wm aallad •• Ool-

•iMda rialaiiar M aMiad lha bidalda

of Mr. Tom MaOvwMi at lhat allir,

vboiiia a miiom ModlMwMaKdftiMMgklldlMMa.—Tba SOW! hava Maud gnoral

MsplalBl lor MBM UaM paal,aBd bowII la lb* taoci. From aaay leoalitiei

OMM laporia of bofi baiaf altawMl to

M lama aad nM ap paapla'aTardi

—The body of Wm. Thrplkol l of

DR. FRANK bOYD.itooK nu,au>'o,

OHM mill).

LlTlncitoD oooatj, wbo WM dwwaadoffibaJ^ B. BifkIM twa-waakiafo hM aM yal baaa famd. Tbatalkar of Ika dMHiad waa ban yee-

•ardigr la naagfe al H.

—Aa aaglaa wm tt Ika mak at

tba Triabla ilNal

tor • ibort Uaa,opaiatioa «< Ika akiaal laM far aoaaUtile Mmc. Mw wta baiag aaabia to

prooaad aat TriaiUa tartbar tkaa Ika


—Ml. Jaaipk Tmmm kM Naairad

aoUa^af Ikadaatkgf bia aaola, Mr.

Jaka a Ttaaar, af MrlaatiT, Ky.,

iW*d t1. Tka daoaaaed waa a aailra

of Booaa ooaaly, aad for many yeara

WM ooeaaolad with tba Oiaataaatl

lalkita railroad.

Dr. Delta OaUwaU kM baaa ap-

pointed eiaialaar M Fadaoak far the

National Jewiah boepitot at Denrer

for oooaamptlTea. Mr. Baniarl Orab-

feltor. of IioaiaTillr, a relalivp of Mr.

Joaoph L. Krledman of Padocah, la

prcaldeat of Ika dliaelon aad Mr.

FrledMBlaaikkMI if thllMMta-lion.

; AN BBBOaaOUB BWOBT.The report Ibat Intoilcatlnc liquor

waald to eold at La Balle park tbU

MMM iaaaMalaka. There bM aerer

baM mr lalaallM a« part af ailkar

tba aMaacaMil at tka laMM to pmaliiM Mia, aad M paaMvaly wlU aoi


Ctoarta 0. Wallaoa,

8t (!rnt>r«I MnrifiKar.


Sheriff Polti r linv... c ii. Isjr

tbia wi>ek fur Frankfort with the ft-

male priaonera conTict4<d at the re-

cnt trrm of circa it ooart, who are a«

followi Hi'ttip niaoklinni, bouap-

I'riakinit.nvp rrara, Folly llirka. uia-

llelona cnlting. oup Tpar: Lidille Oi>

mput. lualiclona cutting, onn vpar.

At the aame tilue the aheriff will take

Rotort Baoknar, Hoy Dnnalp, Oenie

Mark aad Mataua Bed, oolorad bo7e>

to ike Hato retWawtory M Leiiafton.

Nonoa.I hare boofht Joba Madden'a elgar

fantory aiid will eontiaw to nuuia-

f»rt':ri- hia l>riin<1a nf cifrara, and hareIn; ' y. il Mr MrtMiIi-u fnr niy tales.

.iL!Uj All blulttcta (rivpn hini will lie

•1 > L-latad. Vprr rpiin'CtfnllT.



Mra. J. L. Olarfc, anad 17, died

bvar ialkaylark't

iaiarday, aad tka re

aiai wara feariad yeaterrtay.


Oa aad after May .'ith i tm wll! »top

aaly al the tar tide of rroamnK't on

Broadway between Sixth and thx rirer

and on Foorth between Uadlaon and

Clark atreete. 1 moFadaaah Rr. and l.>i.-hi Vn.

anothuTbodK routD.Tto bady af ValUa Barka af Ownia-

boro WM foaad Baiuday near MoandCllr. and barlad near Cairo. She

WM one of the family of eleven

drowaed In ibe PItlebarK diiaater.

About People

Social Notes.

UICYCLB MAOBINUTH.Wlllianit bloToleCa, eiiirrt cycle

niApliiniatt, harp the liput piiiiipiu'd

oyole re|«lr ahop In the oily. Fifth

aad Jafferaon ttreala. Itoio

;,Im JaaM' oafauaa tor farm loan


Wt have been able to MCafc «

special lot of butt fant tllAi wc CMMil at k bargaia. Any om buyincmm uA riffskif tMrttact for tfacMM caa MMM MIC lot IUjOO.PADUCAH RAILWAY AND





ChcfTiM '


A. %. HAVKM) H|k

Bon. Jaka O. Galea, «( PitaaaioB,

la al ika MaMT.Mr. IMm Biiw af Maaipbli, WM

ta IkaaHf tai^.

Mr. Tom Martaa, at Okia^ ipMtSunday la tba ally.

Mr.*. A. XaOlaUMd ofHdynUa,U ta Ika aMy today.

JadiaTbmaMP. Ooak, atltMHV.WM ta Ika olly tadi^.

Mr. w. O. Bmitk, It Jaffa, U,,WM ta Ito city today.

I TwlBmanir T. A. Baaki,af PltM*-ton, la ta Ika oliy today.

Mr. OkMha Rom, of BpriafAald,III

. i|ient Sunday In the oliy.

Mr. T. H lloRan went to Hapkln-Tllle today at noon on boaineaa,

Mra Pat Hendlay, of lU^UA,will tUII rn the olty thia weak.

Mr. L. R. WllUa went to Kartoa,Ky., today at noon nn^liBilnam

Mr. Joba L. Parbam aad wifa if

Mt. Taraaa, m, an M tka PklmM.

Kaam. M. O. RaHia art J. B.Kaya, ifKamr, WMa ta tba my t*.


Okplata Wm. Umhdta bM iataiaadfr«M a NTMal waaka' lagean ta Oaw-

BapMTbM* Marlta OkabM al tbaI a, WM ta tba


Mr. Oarld iiafm waat oat on atrip IkM mantat to tto oaalnlpor-tloa of Ito Mala.

Mr. Bkallay Boyd Ml yMMdray tWKaa«M, HaK, to to




Mr. Frank Plnkard, of St Lonli,

a|ient Sanday with hia fatber-in law,

Mr. Ow*. W. Kdwarde.

Mr, Jim R. Lowe, of Lowee, Ky..

and Mr. B. P. Jell, ofjliOfaklMTlIK

are al the Palmer toilay

Mra. W. T Millir waa rall>il to

LottlaTllli' yi-ntprit.tr i>d acooatit of the

illneee of her KraU'liiiottapr.

Mra. U. K. .\rlhar. of Chicaifo, ar-

rivi d in Ihp city[at noon today to viiat

Ihp tiimilr of Mr.jA. W. Urell.

Mr. .1. W. Onll.tt and wife, of

SprluKlipld. wprc in thp city today

en rout-' hnmi* from < iidcoiida.

Mr Mnrri'lt Dinknir. fnrunrly of

I>k1!aii. but nl>^^ or l.ouisvillp will

urriM' thin . m'Iuuk'ou a bripf^viait

('a|itoin J. F. Browiuaki, of the

Obiacgo and Laatem Illlnoia, oame npfrom Joi>pa yeeteirday to ipmid Baa-


Mr. Lee Hania aad wife, of Cln-

culnati, are TtriMac Mr. L. Itarrii,

th.' furniet'i father on Harib Fiftli

Hi I pot.

Mra. F.D. Moore, of kilam, Tenn.,

will arrtra ta Ito city iborlly to Tldl

.Mlm Ada BtawlMa, of Boata Btsib


.Mpailam. » 1; 1: Vsiil.r.H,;, uuil

Richard Olemouta ri'tnrDtNl ypeterday

from a twowaabi rWl to Ballard


S~Mlaa"01enn Palme7and'daiar,~ Mtaa

Mayme Palmer, reinmed borne to

Memphla yeeiarday aflora rkil to

rolatlvea here

Mr W P. HaypK. of Pawtnokel, B.

I., Ik at the Faliupr for a few dl^l.

Hp 1^ onii of tbp iirinciiial owam af

the Ouhankaa coniiMiiiy.

Jodge W. D. Cirpor and daughter,

Mlu Myrtle, tore raiunad tram a

pleaaant trip to Vlarida. JadflOraar

ia (TMily improved ta beallb.

Mra. Pearl Gary of DallM, Tasai,

formerly Mlaa Pearl Bneknar of Fada>

oah, will aall from New Orlaaai MayIB for Xarope on an extended tow.

OoloaalJaok Flynn, of MaOoMtoOlty the popular I. C. traiamailar,

an-ired In^the oily at noon today to

aooompaay bit w(« back hoiM tbia af-

temoon. She baa been

tor tto paat nvaral d^o-

UTOLI lUVDBinFnU Uae bioyole anadlliib itmt

eto, at Tary low prlooa, at

oa., mib Mid J<

MMMflto W. B..RiM WiU today la-

tara from Otottaaaoga.

Mra. Wtotaa will limMiew befin

tto diBMatka of tto qaaia'i BMt,wklak wdl be tto oMal matrWmiittblag oTer awa ta Padaaak.The qneen'i ooaiaal alama taaiabt,

aad there la a ureal deal Of talareil

beiDK taken in the ontoome. Ttoballot bozea will be takan ap al 8 p.

m., and all Toiia* tharoaftar wlU to

at BIka h«a<lquart«re, near Fifth andBroadway Announcement of the vote

ill bo made by the judgea every

fifteen minotet.

Mr Tom ArKUat went tooth tbia

morning aa far at .lackaon. Tenn,

to further adTertite the carniral

Mita Ida Leake laiS.

Mlaa Anne Boewell SOS.

Mitt Mamie Townaend 4S0.

Miai SylTia Oalliial 4«0. \

MlmMarlkaOavlaMT.Mlm KMa U Ftamb 4M.MlM Uara Baadi Mt.Mim Mary Bonren 400.

MiM MlKRip Williama 40n.




It baa bpi'ii rpx>ort,*<l or^r tbe 1, C.

IfHim Ibat Mr .1 w l.uttrell, the

mMtoi mecbanio at the Bnmalde

ikapi, Ohieaga, toriMrly lapartatond-

eat ^ nioliTa paww lor Ito O., O. aad

B. W. toad blN, kM iMi«Bad hia poai-

Itaa witk Ito L a, aad kM aooepted

wltk tto Mkaoari Paolfio

Hia podUoa, Ito raport mya,

will to aapartatiadMl of motive

power, aad kla fciadaiMtwa will be

at SI- Leala.

If laak M ITM, tto akai«a wm not

eSaot Padaaak aalam Ikan wiU be a

jieiaatloB af amilir maohaBlai ami

then poaaibly Padnoah miRbt come in

for her abaru of the cban^e


Opening MONDAY, MAY 5



in hie rid« for life down a loo-ft. atair-way Into hia wonderftil cycle whirl.

PRICES: 10c aad 20cMatiiiM Vadnodar& Sotwrfajr

Night performaace, 8:13: Matiaac, t.jo.

The Light




The Wheel of Fame, Known

the Wide World Over.

Holds all World Records'!




Mr. Jm Aaar, pnatmaator •! BlJoha'i ilbia aoiuly, died yealeiday of

appaadleitia aflir a hriaf lllaiM, Hewaa operated oa Tbanday aad ooaUnot larrlTe tto abook. Ba wu a

yonnii man Bamarriad, aad wm a

brothpr to Rer. Fbtbar Ohartea Aner,

the Catholio priail ttora. The toa-

eral took plaea tbia morning, bnrlal

at the Oatbolio borylng groand.

VIOLA ALLBN.AMrii, it \M)uiil npiH-ar, (los-

M^-'''l .i!ui-v..ili jnilffiiiput in ttip clioii'i'

of i>U !;. : tnooeia with "Tl.'

OhriatiiMi wua nopreoedented, aiil

Itoi ihe haa tiiri>aated tbe furore oc-

oaiioaad -by t hat great play with her

new eaa,"ta Ito MaM of Ito King,

WM a aoarM of wonder, iIbm It la an

Baaiaal ooomteaoe for aa aelreaa to

Moara two great playi ooa attar another. "laltoPalaw of Ito Kiag'

proTod tto giMieal laooeM of Ito NewTork naaoa, both tkom aaadartiiiia MaadpotaLta to preaent thia grMi play at TtoKealBoky on Thnraday avening met-ly M teaa ta New Tork. Swia go onwla tomorrow at V a. m.



or MAliAMA,

Mlm Clbal aaMdky, tto 17-yMr«ld

daagbtor af Jfr. Okaa. Bmidlay. i>»

woU kaowa MiklafM, at M« aonth

TUid rtNal,diM tUi mwalM at

» :tO, attw aa UtaiM at ita WMki.Tto yoaNllady WM takaa aiak in

Marok of malarial ferar, aad had bMnta a pMMrioM ooodltioa for Ito pMt

ya. Bar aoadiliaa wm ooa-

Bba WM a yooag lady poptilar with

all he^ frienda and aoquaintanoee,

aad the newt of her death will be

raaalTed with legreL

Va fatoaal aRaatamtali tora yal

True merit in Ijir\( les*will find its

1ev;1 as well as iu all otner aflairs

of lilr, nnd the I ttest illufctratiun of

this is iUp fact that after Innj; years

of competition tbe Orient ttill holda

iu place at the bead.


A«k for rataloK

Wflliams Bicycle C«e


The KentuckyManageaicBl JA.ME.- V. . n.vrjLISB


Tuesday Night, May 6.

First Event of The KentuckyAtUctie CM.



GEO.PIERCEIna Tw«itr-RMia44

Six Rntiti'l I'n-litniiiarv HrtwetB


KID SHAW(01 MeapUa.)


PRICES. 50c to $1.00

The Kentucky

TIUBSNT Mm, Mil 811.

One l^wfofOMiKit Osl^k




Fits Glasses ThatOlTtt Saitiafaction.

Eyes Tested Free


INTERCHANGEBLE1,000-Mile Tickets

Scld bjr the

Nashville, "


AndSt. Louis R'y.

Are Good Over

Railway and Steamer Lines in

in the Southeast Gimprising .

Mace than ISjOOOIOfM.

Rate, $25.00. Limit, t Year.

On sale at principal

tkkttoiBeeSi ^

W. L. DANLEY,Gcnl PkM. Agt.

VIOLA ALLEN.\nil ller Own Conipanv. rrr»ietitiii£


OF THE KING"AI««aaoeof Old Madrid.

SEATS ON SALfTUESDAY, 9 a. m. MlAll of ()rrhr«;tr« Floor OOJ'iri^t T, Kiiws in Balcoay i yiRallauctr ol Balcony ^ ^ i ooAU of gaUory, lAclodiag retcrredMats _ ^ _ ^y '

-seiit-i saveil for any oneIk- I oil- iIk- .i.Lopcus. ^*oa must get inline or have a reoreoenUtiTt therfe.

The KentuckyManaKctncat Jamea E. Bngliab.

Special rISeiigIgement

Friday, May 9MAtincei 3^30 P. M.Erealngt 8«30 P. M.


Royal Italian

Artiata 52 •••••BandOaiaappcCnatnrak Diiacior.

Conceded by all who heard K tabattaKre.itp^t b^ii'l ever in Padncah,

PRlCIvS: Mattaee, ijc, sacBvaaiac, afc, sag, TjctM*.


IT'SSCARCEIa kaTC it, always frc^

tXio nice {ruh eg:g»—

tai anytliiiig; in tiie vegetable line.

Henry Kamleiter,'' naabathnMflnatOfooKaadVMdSaalar.



Some of the recent cures made by this famous bloodpurifier and tonic among your n^iohbors and friends.

All that we say of our remedy is substatitinted by' the testimony . of tboii.-,i!i<k i.i • sittitm and state cf tlie

union. S. S. S. has won its way to success by honest, straightforward methods. For fifty years it has steadfastly pursuedthis course and is today firmly established in the confidence of tl.e people and neDgaind everywhere M tlw •taadaxd remedyfor all blood and skin troubles and the greatest tonic on the market.

There is nothing mysterious or magical S. S. S. It is a simple vegetable comp<iunil, passessing purifjnng andtonic propertiea that uo (^er medicine does. It cores all manner of blood and sLiu diseasei and builds up your general health.

Kead what the people ol yoitr own atate say of 8. S. S.

MALAMA li mt SYITEM FOR VCARt.Loramui, Kv., March i«>3.

OCHTuaaic : Far Mvcnl ytm I (ufli rol wHbChlUf tnd Fenr, canted by Malima in eiv •ritrai,

and e.ich s'.:muicr for Mvcnl yean I would UTe arcl >)<» ] in.illjr my pbyaician prcMtibed & 8. S. I

t'>ok in all tlirrc bottirs; this wait abrtit six yean a|ra

It mtirely t intf. ati'l I h;ivf t;cvir t>cc'i tror.lTrJ

^iIlce. 1 >urL- ti'> tthcr itutli*.inc itiulil !ia\e I'ivfH

liu so cnin; !.tf ;mil limncdi.iti* rtlii--f. nn-l I i:innnl

'irt -ik t"-» 1m hi-. I'! S S S. My p.irtncr in husincs*

is now talcing I'a- S ^ S. for an enintitin of tllc i-kin,

fiDil a (:<*ni-T.il i uu 'wii ron<lii lun of the systrm, anaaltliouKli he lias t.ikcu hut one bottle, already ctim-

nienceii to 1 I'l-ttcr. Yours trulv,

Mo. 913 >tarkct St. I. Siiarorr.

PWMN OAK AND ITS EFFECTS.I'ANViLUt. Kv.. .\pril 5, ify^?.

CpVTr.I "v: f N , <)\cf f.ru-Ml > r:in(a^>.» 1 was J^'l^"IU'^l

•^ih r 'i^-oii i ' ik. I Uivi\ it'tm-ily after rc'.iK ly -.vith-

out getting; i- lu f. Sow I'mkc out over iny 1 i«iy iin.l

on mv ti>ui,uf. aflfftinf; tl o liiiinjj of my i;u>ulh.

Finally about a m .ir a^o i -.v (l'>ftor t .I.l me t«> try

8. S. S,. whiih I <h 1 Aft. r L.^in^ Ihrrc !>*<ttle* .fl

the •ores di>uppf.irt-<1. .ni 1 1 1. vc not been U>thcri- ]

•iac^ Mid i feel inuchiu<Ul>tt.<l t<>yuur v^lvabU medi-cine for so prompt mo<1 complete » t ure. I ua certain

that S. & ft will do all that is cUimed for U la blood

diaeeM»i it not more. Yonn very truly,

Con 0*Bktai«.


l«CI«vaiA Ev., April I, 190}.- Osirn.KVffK ; About twenty yaara ago 1 lued

S. 8. 8. ai u graeral tunic to baild up my lyilein. I

fonnd that it prompUy did all that waa^claimed (or it,

and 1 am jileaMd la any that It put vij Uood in per-

fect condition, and I knv* had no ncas of aay aadi-clac since that tinw.

jljliarkul St.

Vouia truly,

). N. vaiiB<ntKAi«w.



nonixsviu.E, Kv., March }i. i^oi.

GitNTtKUKN : About three yean agn I felt entirely

ran down, my buainesa of cigar makiag being vttyconfininR. I was quite unfit for >\-jrk. One nf onrcity dnuwiats told me to line S. 5. i^. . and lam gladto i^ty uat it made me feel like a different man. I

only mad it one month and hare felt welt ever since.

Imh aar* then conM be no brttrr mMiciaaon the

markat far taalag Bp llM system, by gcliinctlM bloodin good cooditloa. Youm trulv,

;oi W, Till at. H I.. I.r.nKVFCKnu


New Auaitv, IfCD., March to. laoi.

OBfTtBUCH : for OTCT ten years I suSered withBarber's Itch. I triol several mctlicinrs. took several

kinds of baths, bad medical advice, bnl nothing diilw anr good. I saw 8. 8. S. advartiacd add cotn-

nenced usinu it After taking two ar three bottlee, I

noticed good resnlla. After Ukiag aboot sin bolUesin all, I was completely curetl, and hav* not beentianbM since. I raconunend S. B. S. to any in needof a good blood tonic, and a sure cure tvr Barber'sItch. Yours trulv.

SoyW. HarketSt. W. II. i^Tirann, Jn.


LnmoTOir, Kv., April }, 1901.OSMTLKMrx : I have no baaitancy in ncuniaiand-

ing yoor 8. b. S. as the best spring tnnic on tha mar-kaC 1 kave ui^d many other medictnea, bat Sad8. S. ft to be nndoubtadly the only toaic that willlaupai ly baild up the svstem. I shaU lake plaaaniain telling all whom I think in need el a goi ' "tonic of your mediciaa. Yours tmly,

Pavettr i'..rk. LSWU 8. FniBKli


'; Stj*k:,in«;. K\.. .\; ril q. 17'?

GairTirMrv I .>r uwr (our jcors'l fulfcr»-l in-

tensely wllli ' Kl.rumatism. The UhriimJitismfirst tiniiMr 1 :'i iny litu, tfacu sprrsil to uiy shnul-dcra, Lca.l. .r r ii.iliyall oi'er my ImhIv. 1 becamesittb an int. '. \ ih.it neither my family nor frienda

thought it ->Mi' for ne to aorvive Iouk. I hadtriad ao itianv

jrrscrlptions given me bv physician*

(vUch containni a great deal of potash), that aiy' was ruined, and than sceme.1 no hepa fas

' had been mdinc in the newspapers o(8, a> 8. and derideil to try It. and to my m 1

nenced to ^rt relief licfore the second btittia

Stinr. .\ftrr, T!'.;.l't;!t.' live I"itllc4 I \v.i« an eatlialyiStrrnt m.r -A I : I ili it I livl 11 iirvv laaaa na

life. Thr t .; ' I !T;'- i ,sf has lK-r!l k.. woi< Irrful thatI sh.nll li-U < . -1 . n.- i.f II, 8. ^ S, n..l ..niv curedmy Kliruiil.i'. I'Ul also pat my sv.lein k"* nvra'.lv in

excellent iutitiitiou. 1 ha^'o a go..-! u;>i.,:)ti. ^U^pwaU aad aaca BMia aBiagr Hik

Yoaiatnil1.. I I..-.. iH


r\ ANsMtta, iMD .

GEXTtKM! V : A>»>ul fonr vn - • 1

grcaUy fnnn which «ou; I 1 .k f>t,t i.ri •-.-..r:.

cat parts of my body, one ln.r lUtil commit;

baiow the knrc. from wLiih I u.is lu^apavlLiIrl t.-r

for two ur thrca weeks. 1 saw S. 8. 8. a Ivcr-

sad decided to take it After nalati ahoat three1 1 waa cured. Whca 1 first catnincnccd to use

8. & 8. It msikr tha Bail oa my leg ma so that I wassomewhat afr iid, bat H aam Bealed np, and fur thelast thrse years I baeahat aotronbWarhatcver. -Ismthaielara a gnat bcUrvar ia yonr madiciaa, and am >

aaxiaM that othan abaoid kaow what it has daa* forme. Yoars ^mtj truly,

' - Kead SC A. W. ZKBBa.



Tha WTMk of tba Ollr o« PiHabnrtwas sold Saturday>l Cairo bgr Oaplala

Pbilllia, who pnrobaaad it. lo Oaptaia

D. Morgan for 1 1 , 1oa Tha latter fot-

luerlr owned the Coadbr, the boat

liouKht by the C au<l K. I., and will

driuollsh ihi> hulk for the serap ircn

that is lu it. There will be a gri'al

doal of valualde material, inclnding

machinery. Udlt rs snd shafts

II is i't|K-('t<d tlrnt th<' di<luolillou

will l» i.Mn to !»y <'a|ilain Moruaii

was lu tht' cily to s, curl* foundrym. u

to ^ down and mukv an ,-\nniinalion

of the nuuduni ry and Niih'rs.




SsTiirdiiT find v. Bi. rdsy llipuieirury

w, lit to '.' .* tn tti<' shiidf While this

IS I'ti'ity Msriu, tl Is not nnuual for

Maj, aaeotdiae M Ohaartat Boraa-


mamm. Vaatamay aad tiaa day baton

jiha aialaiBai was ti, aad lodart*

waa M. indlealing that kalay Ifea bm*-

laani will N> kT^'^t* r th.%11 ut.

obiiaarr noiiM »r m siae»

A raeaat aaaiber of the WeatodaatarOaaatta eoalalas the followliig obita-

arjr aottea: "Meirirullr seat t>

!al Laadguard. full of ysars aad

I Prnadom. a ebsatnut mare' to Dr. Cowper, She wujt bn-*! by maand waa named J'tee.lom tiy Mr. Bart-

Irit on ano'inl of h'-r :itia<dule frao-

<1 >iii of inoierarnt when quit* n tlay

Ally. In hvr beat days she would b*

aard to pasa on any road.






Than will ha oaly taa npw iiala-

lira* oa tha alaii* lo lake part ia tha

progiaai, bM all tha papils will ap--

ivar in the ehoms There will ba

tiette r miuio this rear tluin hareto-

fore, ' aad iha elaaa msmban anworkiat haid to oaMa Ihalt vn<dooaasors.

The other numbers oa thaptOgNaiwill net ts> ri'ady for s»veml wreka.

as th" pupils havo not ha>l sulhcient

tlwo in which to praimio them.

HARBIBD Ur'ntNRKBMB.Mr. J. B. Jaooba, a wall kaowa *<•

paon macsonger. raaalag

Loolsrlllo and FnlMa, waaflatnnlay lo Miss Hattia VhnBar of

l7Dlon Oily. Tonn.

^ r«». snil I l(hlnli*K.

\nHi. : 1:

siorni 111 I!:*- A.xi', . .

Re* from the fir i:

Our Medical Department is au idportant feature of our bu.sincss, and the physici.-itis in rliartjc nn- I 'l'isriciifious

and painstaUnr ia the diayno«is and treatment of all c.iscs.

If you need medical advice, do not heiitatc to write tu freely and as often as yoa wish. Vuur lcttcr.s m ill receive

eooftaoos and prompt attention. We kmrt ben h^pfnl to thonsanda 61 others, why not you ? The infomiatinn and ad\-ice

ymt VMCiTC fraOl OW phyridUU will cost yon nodliBgV and <><ir v.i1u.-il>1c liook mi Bh-x-xl :md Skin Diseases will 1h' Sent free.

THE, SWIFT SPKCiriC CO.s Atlant*. Ga.

New Kchfiiond House Bar

Fine Free Lunch Daily

8:30 T0 11 An M.

Th« B«st Wines, Whiskey, Tobacco and

Cisars in the city.

Re E. Drennan, proprietor.

CALDWEU & SON.Insurance and

# Real Estate Agents.If yoa waat Fire, Life or Accident Insurance, call to seens, or drop

na a postal card aad we will sec you at year home or place of

bnaiaaaa. Haea saaa special bargaina ia raal aalals oa goad tanas

'FkMM 36). ii6 legal Horn-


A ParKlaa "dasuiator of ladMa*stocklnKs" has so far forgotten profea-

sluniil iluiTeU'iu as to t' A I,il>-:4 outof bl. studio. The artist itenlKiis hos-

Isry ckleHy tor fair, fastidious and ea-

Iraragant baautlaa of the "world whichaauaaa liaell ' Theae ladles will onlywear sto<k>ngs the pattema of whichare unique, and they retain the copy-right of Ihs designs.

It Is even mora Indiscreet of the ar-

tist to reveal that for one of his cua-

toiaan be has made delicate hOM eia-

broldered with a Cupid climbing up thaImr inrertii ... .io<l for another a pairon nijrii excjulsltely worked aserpent having two pearls for llaayaa.

Otbar "art" itaekia* an dacoratedwith parfsct imilalloaa of lewan em-hroidrre.i ,n eolora, linn a( taa *al-l-y V! lets and Ilia* baia« bMillablooms.

Moat of tha ladlaa adaet a fartlevlarflower, whirb tkay order to ba workedon all th« !r hosiery. It appears, how-ever, tNai Ken'-rally speaking, thestorking einliroldered In colors Is eon-tldered a trifla loud. Ladln of savetartasia prefer black laca, but Jeweledornamenta In tha latter are regarded aa

quite permissible. Tha arll.si In ques-

tion caargaa aay prion, from i:2t uy-

wafd, Mra fasr d

ao«M .... NOSHM xwiatHuif gr •XtApcoja 90t 'yods sfip Ajj pjnoijs no;^

'Tspjns Ai|)|e3i| 'poo3 puv vods >ufi jo) uoiiip

-U03 ssep.)ti{) u; Jtou s| par spurij p»iuei{3 se^

•A3nV ONIIMOa 31113 3H1

Than Is no Bore Intarastlag or car>

Ions sights than that of the rrater Aso8sn alMMit tMity miles from the city

of Kumamoto, lo Japan. The crater

hn long iiaea eeaaed to.hetch forth

Huim aad lava, aad ia aow lahaMtsdi>y 20.000 people. Who live aad proapar

wiitdn Its vartieal wane. Ml teat high.

The Inhahitaala faraly aaka a Joai^

nn lata tha oalar world, bat lam, as

It ware, a little aatloa by themMlraa

Dsteh B.rrlDS rublng.

The great Uutch Industry, herring

flshing. waa aaaaaally aacamlU laat

year. Balgiaa eoaaaana lataa «aaa-tiiica of Hoiiaa4 harrlan, Baglaad ia

till' i.useat vwahMar aC Dutahsk'tmps.

What mags Cast.

The valna of tha baal Paraiaa rugaIs flO per squan foot, la the Weet-rm world that seems expeaalre, but It

is ch<.i|i from the standpoint of thalabor Invidvcd. It took the weaver In

tha orient twenty-three days In lom-plete that square foot. This allowedabout 44 lentK a ilay for »iiO| lind Ij-

bor. Three tu ir:l,.i of ih. ajnounl wentfor the wool, and the worker had left

laat atora aaau a day oa which lo

One of the moat snrprlsing of reeealanalogical discoveries u that tha aa*ssatBfi o( the whales aadwere protected by a loag araor,lar to that of tha anHdHlQa •(Aaarlea.


I thunder'

',' oak tree.

I' ll srek the

In ordi r to ji it the worthI li-rt tilt rf rotkl-Ti- to the

t'. M. .il r\Aui!naiii>ii wsa<;il< M I. 1 • itie :iv llie f.i.eet

1 1 II

lHN«eh t-ees

of III!" .'tl

tint a

Tiinili' !r

an till II II ' ^ (It) -<r • ,'ti( V till. .11 ick

by t:sTili I. ; In s forest .luulit whereseventeen of the trees were beeehaa,

flfly-sli baks were struck by thaUgblnlag. and twenty-tour Are aadlarehsa, but not oae single beach.

a.rt.M>i.i. Ar« HmaM I «i»r«.

The llid'iiiln Ai.-ilis .1:' , iM inti-rs.

nil iir H-ven dsie. soaki-d In meltedbutter serve a man a whtde day.

a vary aauJi qaaaUty of coamaraUWahanof riea.



AO olaM |iapM(7 la'eaatr fart «(

the city.

No. Jackson street, nloe col-

tSk-e at I'.'.'iO,

Low |irl«ad Trimble atreel lots oa

boan, wodara aoanalsaaaa,

aad well shaited ywd. Priee 14.000

0:1 e.i».y laTinriils.

Thri i' iTU k four riKiiii rottai{es with

4 III fi'i t of (.'round fronlmif south on

Clay stri'. t l. twu n 1 1. v. nth ami

Twelfth street Will - I! » h. le or

any iiortion wanted e im- ti.r price

anil terms on jiart you waut

I As nine, wi-11 hulll inoilern eliiht

;mom house as tall t-- fiiuiiil In the

city 8ee~me for delalli/aod gel aNo I home. rUmm^mmts.ooo. ^^^^^(OSaadUO

•*a aad Ms•i,IMMi«|l,


with k

= 1

Baaraow rrlatlag Bllla.

It the shade of Herr Outtenherrcould come back lo earth when the

aaw goveraaaat prIaUac oOca le com-pleted aad roam throagh the estab-

lishment he would note a tew rhaniesIn the art of which he Is the fslber.

The biggest printing shop In the worldwill be established under lbs toot ofthe mammoth building now nearlngcompletion on North Capitol street.

'The printing hill, of tcrle Sam are

eaornsoua. He la a great promoter of

publicity. Ha drivae thousanli of

maa. day aad night to turn out mll-

lloaa of copies of every klad of printed

document from a single laeflet t i a

fty-Tolume eat of 600-pase booka HepaMlahea a daily Joaraal darlag a por-tion of the year He loada eatlre carswith ti'ilky iliii Mfiipnts anil ships themthiMisanil-i "f inllos til ultimately glad*daa the heart of the ragman. He runs

a Madery aad taraa oat aMrrela oftsalber aad ntia rorerlags. He hasan llluflirsted department and makeamaps and lieaiitlful hnlf-tnne plrtures

And all of this work has been doneheretofore ia a raawhachia old ibop, '

so shaky that erery workmaa baa keptone eye on his ease and the other onthe nearest esit Hut there win beno excuse fi-- criticism In the newbulldias. It wlU ba a aanral al eoa-vaaleaca, nfMy aad atnipaeat

No :o'!.' Monroe street, good S

room house, st |I.T.^O. on very


No. 411 South Pnnrth stnel, 1

story, a room bouse, large lot, *ety

eatr pajaaati. M •*.4W.

>» dITIsalkaiatb ilnal,MaS'aellMti isMa kmm, m fssleaa.


No 1144 tMlb Baeoath street. 1

room bonee, M (hat kH, la flrst olaas

serlion. Prioe. (MMk

No 1341 South Ninth street. r>

rooms, hall, roomy lot, both shade and

frail treea. Nice home for the prIoe,

lat, haan raala al 11 pwefahoanat 11 pw usiii.; fWaa|t,MO aa aagr fifSMBia Itakilttoaa ba paid oa« af laata laoatnA

Fifty lots in Founuin Park, al

pru'i'd from |l .'.^ to over |l, 000 oa pay-

ments r>f fin rash and |A monthly.

Street. Kmveleil or under oontribot to

><• xrareled. and going to be beet vsel-

'leuoe section of oily, aad oa

low pHaaa lata wiU b« aiaal

meal in raliM. Tha plaea for hoaMa.

Clay strei't l orm r lots for sal.' Can

give you corners Clay and Kluventn.

No iiini NortlTseventh street Five ! Thirt ith. Foniteeath, Fifteenth,

Hiitventh and Seventeoath, eoma st

these with adjoining inaUa ISlB, it

can Imil'l on Uith streets.

Mo. lir.i Nortli T«'ilflh street,

foor room bouse, 4U lot with sliade

trees. alaskMMal9M0M«ssr W9,


Lot .'i? feet. '.I inrhes by l'' i fe"t

northwest corii'r Kitfhth siel Harrison

• tl' t« alli-y iiD'l pttvi Mil lit iiii|irovel,

two good bonaes;ieut total |JA month]

Priea, ISndMi km «••« llsMO of


room hooae, large, well shaded yard.

Prwe 1800, half Mi* aa< MImm eaay


Fire room bi)U«i in k'>i>'I ooaditioa,

41 foot lot. South Si ventli joininif Dr.

Roddick's residenee on nnrth .1 I'

Prioe ll.tlOO on any rett-niiiabli' pay inents.

meats to soil bnv. r. j^-„ ,•.

, ; Hroail str. et. 7 tcKims,

No. 410 Sonth T. iith street, former i lark-. !ol. mending I ai'k aii l fronting

Home of Frun.lli>s I'Ullding. with a' on Kli/nl'. th i.tii. t. iiaie f. r two

40 toot vacant 1 ,t. Suited for board Imore bouaas in Una location for renla.

iiitrhoii.i' I'riee «-'.noo, at wlU taUUasMw M mU. aadahagpUa Ma ha

the vacant lot sejiarata. ! fottoa. _____WaBban <3T Boath.Mlath and unu Font faol fwal lolg, baalfaifta

Ohio stroeta, both oa "same lot, aad I** >*•• "^Jrent total of HO.M par month. Five

•ad Ihiaa reoBM taapaoUTaly. Good

titiilMist at priea. <l,m

ros lAUi OB mnt.Ha. SNV. Mslk M. alaa toea

W, ffl. JANES.


Some of the recent cures made by this famous bloodpurifier and tonic among your neighbors and friends.

All that we say of our remedy is substantiated the testimony,of thousands in every aecdoo and state of the

union. S. S. S. has won its way to success by honest, straightforward methods. Fot fifty years it has atead&stly pursuedthis course and is toduy firmly established in the confidence of the people and tccbgnized everywhere as th« staadaid icmedyfor all blood and skin troubles and the greatest tonic on the market.

There is nothing mysterious or magical ab S. S. S. It is a simple vegetable oompound, possessing purifying andtonic properties that uo other medicine does. It cure& Jl manner of blood and skin "HfiMitft and builds up your general health.

Read what the people of your own state say of S. S. S.




MAURIA IN HIS SYSTEM FOR YEARS.Lomsvii.i.E, Kv., llarch }A, iv>2.

GSKTUaiBx: For Mvcnl yean I suffcrcf withChiU* aad Fmr, eawtd hy Malaria in mr avutnn,and etch lusuncr tot tnmi jnn I wnuul tavc areUpar. Finally my phyticitii prcKribed 8. 8. S. I

took in all tbice botUci; tliis waa about sis TCai* agaIt entirely cnred me, and I hare never been troubledsince. 1 am sure no other meilicine rituld have Rii*en

me to complete ami immediate relief, and 1 lannotApeak too highly of S. S. S. My partner in hu-iines*

iir>w takiag tbt B. 8. 8. for an erunliin I'f fu- ~V:n.

aii'l a penerdnm down coodition of il.es\ N in, ..nl

altboiurb h« haa tahan bat one Iwttle, alrcaclv cum-ncn to feci better. Yovntnly,

Itak 913 W. Ifaifcct St. I. SKATorF.


OB?tTt.KMFV :( >vcr tiftrni \ r ,us aco 1 waa poisoned

^Mth Poison Oak. 1 truil ictn. . !> after remtniy with-out getlin>{ relief, fvirrs out over my boily andOB my tongue, affecting tliu lining ol my mouth.Finally about a year auo tiiv doctor told me to tryS. S. which I '<Ii>l Altrr takins thre* bottlea all

the 9ort-M di''..p;'(-.ire'1. an<l 1 }i .ve not bees botheredAiucc. and 1 i<.tl mucbiu<lei>i(<l i >your valnable medi-cine lor aoprompt and complete a cure. I am crrtain

that S. a. jf, will do all that it cUimed for it lu hWldJaMiH, if aot awrt. Vonit very truly.

,L\iN < ' I'kV \ N,


Louisviujl, Kv., April i. looi.

GEKIXitMBN : About twenty yeart ago I uj«d8 S S. aa a general tonic (o build up mr ayatcn. (found that it promptly did all that waa claimed for it.

and I am pleaaed to aay that it put my blood in per-fect condition, aad I h«« ha4 so nana of i


IIorKivs^iu.i'., Kv., Uareh it, 1901.GKNTi.rui..N : About three yeara ago I feltentirely

run down, my business of cigar making facing ^^ryconfining, I waa quite unfit for work. One of ourcity druegiaU told roatonaeS. 8.S.aadIam gladto say that it made me feel like a different man. 1only used it one month and have felt welt ever since.I am sure there conld be no bcner medicine on themarket for toning up the tyitem, by getting the bloodin gooil coaditloa. Youn truly,

701 W. 7th at II. L. Lebkmeckuk.

dae since that tiMMUarkrtSt.

any atedi-Vtoaalndy,



Nkw ALaAin-, Isb., March J9, looj,GxinXKUSX : For over ten years 1 tnflereU with

Barber's Itch. I tried setcnl medicines, took severalkinds of baths, bad medical adTice, bat nothing diflM anr good. I snw & 8. a adnrtiacd add com-menced uainK it After takmg two or three bottlea, Inoticed good resulla. After taking about six bottlesin all, I na. completely cured, and have not beentroubled since. I ncomaend S. S. 8. to any in needof a good blood tonic, and a anr* cnre for BailMr'aItch. Yours truly.

.^,r\V M.irVetSt, W II. ^r.-rpmss J».


LszniCTOK, Kv., April s, 190J.GB3nFt.HilFN : 1 have no hesitancy in recommend-

ing your .S. S. 8. as the hot spring tonic on the mar-ket. 1 have u^ed many c>:l rr mcili. m Tut fin<l

S S. 8, to be nndoubtefily the onK- t.-mr that willproperly Imild up the system. I thall take pleaxurein telling all whom t think in need of a ({ool bloodtonic of your medidan. Yours truW,

Fayette Park. Lnwii S ri,^»K».


Mt. STinujio, Kv., April % 1901.OnrrWRK : I'or urer foar years I tiineiM in-

tensely with Sri die Khrtnnatism. The Khrumntitrafirst troubled me in my hip, then spread t" my shi-ul.

dels, bead, ard f.nally all over my l>..',\. 1 hecauiestub an inralid Ih.^t neither my hmilv 11. r ft!eudathought it-^ws-iMe for me to sur^Hve Ion):. I hadtried so many

irescrintinn. f;i\-en me by |>byaicians

(which contiine-I a >:T< a*. deal of |)otash), that mrluii- 1, .r 1 there aeeiaed no hope foi

i 1 -t in the newspapers ofIt, nn I to mv joy com-I'.ie .-r. ..II I l«ittle was

: l'.-it>^ i \\.;,iri entirely

; tl:.it 1 li.i I .1 new le.iae onhas \k< :\ mi «i,n lertul that

i it S. S. not only cufids» put my systHB fMcnll*<

I have a good oppMIn, alMp

The wr-^ck of the City of Pittiliurg

wia sold Saturday Bl Cairo by Oaptain

Philliia, who porobated it, to Oaptain

D. Mafgan lor (l, 100, Tfea iaUnr for

BMrty owaad Um Ooadhr, tho boat

bMfht lvlk*aawll.L,M« tirtU

dMaoIWi tha halk fW tkt Mnp iiaa

Ital la ia 11 TIMM wtn ba a staal

deal a< ralnabia malarial, taoladtag

maohinery, boUan and thafta.

tt ia ozpaetwl that the damolltloa

wllltogia today. Oh^aia Morganwaa la the olty to leania fonadrymon

to po down anil make an rxaminalion

of the machirii rr an<l loilLrs.







atomacb wa^recovery. 1 li

8. S. S and de.

mencc'l to ^' t '

gone. After I' ll:

different man, .m. 1 1

lift. The cnif in iTi''

lahall tell eter\ <.n<^'

my RheumatiMn butexcellent louthti* >n.

well and once mure enj<

Batnnlay and yeatetday thaaMiearywent to »« la the thada. Whik thia

ia protty warm, It ia not onaaaal tOr

May, according tn Obaerver Bome-manu Yotterua) an. I Ibti day before

the mlnitiiuni wa« ''.1, and today It

iraa (lit, (ndicitiini.' ihni today the max-

Inam will be greater than *1.

The gradnatlag ela* hai btgnn to

praotioe and rifcum (In MSla, feoMl

choral and aiieclal

There will 1m« only ten r.'i>rr<iiontft'

tires on tho Kmur to ink.' imrt in tlie

prOKrnm. I.ut all III.. pui.;!. will b|i.

pear in th. i ii..ru- I r.- will l«

mnf.10 tir- v..ir tli.Th h.'l.tii-

Ihi' class nieiubcra are

wofkiiW hMd la

Th* otbar aaaibtn mi the prograoiwiU Mt ba nady for ttTual weaki.aa tka papUa hart net had taOotaattlmt la wbloh ta laapaK than. -

KABBUO Ur TBMKEi<HBE.Ur. J. Jaeoba. a well known 11.

iwesa ueaseiifc*) r. rtiiiitii;,; iK'twcen

LoiUaTllle and Kulton, was marrlMl

Iwday to Ulu Ualtie Ihrnw al

UalM Olty, Tnnn.

•y life.

Vuurs trulr.

B. M. Fuaaui,


GEXTLnniN : Aboat fonr rears n^'o 1 auBendgreatly from Boils, which would break out on differ-ent parts of my body, oae larKe lioil romint; ;::^t

below the knee, from which I waa incapacitate. I l..r

work for two or three weeks. 1 saw ti. S. H. ndter-tiscd and decidcl to take it. After naing shout threebottles 1 was cure^l When I first commcncetl to use8. & 8. it made the Itotl on mv K-i? nm *o Uiat I wassomewhat afrai'I, l>nt it hfn .1 ny. and fur thelaat three years I h ivehad n > tt iiMe » hatever 1 amtherefore a great t>clie\'er in ^<mr nuHlicine, and amanxious that othen iheald haow what it has done (orme. Yoon VBy tndy,

Uea 1 St. A. \V. 7KBr».

OMMMkty asiles mf a Stase.|

K reri'nt number of the Westminster|

(l«z<-tt" contain* the following obitu-

ary notice: "MenlfuHr sent 1 1 sleep

at Laadgaard, tail of year* aad honor,

riaadaim a akMUnt anre, belongtag

to pr. OawiW. She waa kiwd by maaad WM aacMd 9nMm IV Mr. Dart-

latt oa aeeoOBt af W abaolnte fre<--

dcmi of movement when quite a tin.

Illy. In h'T best ilvs she would b

hard to paai on any road."

jiii ll«htMli.^.

Aa eld Swiaa pro>erb 1^ t>i the rffnct

that U you are ranghi by a thundor-stonn in the nrooda avoid the oak tree.Die fri'm the llr tree*, but leek thebi-i^ h fees. In onler to put the worthuf tbil ancient bit of folkbire to thetmt. a i.ialliitlcal examlnaiiou waamade In .'anion Lucerne by the forcwtauthorluie. Ont of eighty trees struckby llghlnlnr In a fOratt dtatrlet wheiwM-v-nteen nf the trees were heeehv,fifty alx i.al.H »e'. alruek by thellghlntng. and twenty-four flra andUrchen, bat aet oat alagia baaah. /

The Redmria AralM are amall eaten.- , ,iaie« MMked la melted

! , ri «i..,i» day, with> .J >....,., iuauuiy ul coana float

or a lltUe ball of riee.


SKI. Ills 1:1 I Iiur^c ;irc iimsi.icntiiiiisOur Medical Department ia an ioportant feature of our l>u

and painataking in the diagnoaia and treatment of all case.-;.

H yon need me«ucal advice, do not hesitate to write u.s frcclv and a.s often as j-ou wi.sli. V.mr letters « ill itccivt-courteous and ptompt attention. We have been helpful to tliotisaiid.s of other.s, why not yuu ? The information .in l aii\ii.o

you receive {ran our pihyddaaa will cost you nothing, and our valuable book on Blood and Skin Diseases will be sent free.


New Richmond House Bar

Fine Free Lunch Daily

8:30TO11 A. M.

Th* B«at Wlnaa, Whiakey, Tobatteo aadCigar* In th* cltjr.

R. E. Drennan, proprietor.


J Insurance and

# Real Estate Agents.If jam waat Fire, Life or Accidaat laaiiraace, call to ita aa, at dropna a poMal cart aad wa wiU aaa jtaa al yaw haiM ar plaea altnulaoH. aMt«MM«iMWk«*rfaalBiaalaMalaaagaa<tMai

'Phone -jri. lift Legal Row

aOMd .... NOeUM AiliavtJtitr ,r -XrAproja 90^ 'JJods siijj Aj) p|noqs no^'M|3J»» Ai|i|aai| 'pooa pu« vwda wa joi uompnwn^ Kiaim dhoq^ fmtimmifaumpnu

BiTf DNiiAoa urn m


VaaMla ArlUt Da.otM Hi. TalMt

DMlgaa mm ••lery.

A ParllUn "daaoimtar otatocklnga" haa ao far fergottaa protea-liinal dIacretloD aa to tell talea oat

at bla itudlo. The arttat dealgna hoa-lerjr cklaflj for fair, taattdlooa aad aa-

<i»*Bauit kaaaUM al tka "world whiekaaoaaa Itaalf Tkeaa ladlaa will eairwear atocklaga the gaUataa al wfckfeare unique, and they iMkia tka aatr-right ot tfea dealgai.

It la ana amra Mdlatfaat ef tke ar-

Uat to roraal that for ooa ef hi* esa-lOBefa he haa made deltratc hn^p rm-kroldered with a t'upid cllnibliix up t&t

laaa loaerUoaa. aad lor aDottavr a pairaa wkiek waa ei^olatuir wotkad aaarpant hairing two paarU for Ita ana.Other "art" ilockliuli are dacoratadwith porfect Imltatloaa ot flowen eai>broldereil m cnlura, llltea of tae fal-

ley, vloleta ami lilac balag IfeTOrttablooma.

Moat of th<- lidlca anlect a particularnowcr, whi. h they order to be workedon all tbt ir hoaiery. It appean. how-arer. that, grnerallj apoaklng, theBlocking emkroldered In colura 1< eon-ttdered a tritte loud. Ladlca ol aeverartaau prefer black laca. but Jeweledornamenu In the latter are regarded aaquite permltalble. The artlai lalion charges any prtcea, from CMward, for a pair of hoae.

Toleaoo t>«ell«ffc

There It no more IntereeUng or eur-loui Bighti than that of the crater AaoBan about thirty milea from the city

of Kumamoto. In Japan. The crater

hai long alnce ceaaed to. belch forth

rladera and lara, and la now Inhabited

by 20,000 people, who lire and proeper

wtthla lU eerttcal walla. MM feet high.

Tke lakabltaata raraly make a Jour-

aar lata the ovtar world, but form, aa

it ware, a little aatloa by themaeleea.

Tba graat Ddteh ladoatry, herring

Ashing, waa unusually •ucceaatui laat

year. Itelgliim rniirtiime« larKe ijuan-

Utlea of Holland herring. England ia

aaoraieea Prialiea ailla.

If the ahade of Herr GultenNen;rould come back to earth when thenew forrrnment priming olBce le com-pleted and roam through the eetab-liahment he would note a few ehangeala the art of which he la the father.Tke biggest printing ahop In tke worldwill be eeubllabad aader the roof ufthe inaaiiaoth balldlng now nearlngceawMloa oa North Capitol atreet.

Tka fflaUag bllla of linele Saai areeaonaoaa. He la a great promoter ofputill'ltr Ha driTae thouaands ofiiinn lU.v and night to turn out mll-lluns uf cuplee of erery klad of printeddocuBMBt treat a single leaflet to aflfty-Tolane aet of MM>-page books. Hapublishes a dally Journal daring a por-tion of the year Ha loada entire caraarttb bulky docamenta and ship* thantlioaMada al arilee to ttltlmaiely glad-daa tka kaart of the ragman He ruaaa bindery and turnfi <nit marvels ofleather and Hatin < ')verlnf;<i. He hasan llluatratad department and nakaa


ma pa and baaatlfal kalt-toaa pMaraa.And all al tkia work has baea doao

heretofore In a ramshackle old shop,ao ahaky that erery workman has keptone eye on bla caae and the other onthe nearest exit Bat there will keno ezciisa fe- crlUdaai la the sawbaUdlag. It wtu ba a anral al ee».Teaieaea, eafety aad

All classea [toparty la'aeaty part «<

the city.

Ho. 1118 Jaakaoa ilnet, alee eel-

tage at IPSO.

Low iwieed Trimble street Iota oa

teiy eaay payments

• laaa nettaga. ertbaaat eenier


hooae. BM>dani ooaTaalaaaea, lai|e

and well ikaded yard. Prlee 14,000

oa aeay pajaeala.


4t6 feat ef greaad taaUi^ aealh .ea

Olay stnat betweea Klersotk lad

TwemkHMl WiU leU wkale «t


>0<li<rn eight

aaaaa ^teaodin the

•tty. iariM~lH '^Mdla.'aad'get aVe. I baoN.


V*. MM Maaroe alNai, teed I

eaw, al |l,TM,'aa eery eaay


No. Ul Honth Konrth street, t

atnry, II room boose, large lot, *a(y

eeay paymaau, at I*, 400.

N& 417 Soalb HIalh ilnel, aa as-

e*Um • ieoB boeaa, la §mt am-iMma, al 11,400. ea eaay

Ma. IM4

seolloa. Prioe, $tor,.

Ma IS41 Bo'ith Ninth street, t

reoBM, ball, roomy lol, both shade and

Nioa borne for the prtoe.

The value of the best Persian rugal« tlu per xquare foot. In the West-ern world that seems eipeaalre. but It

Is cbsey trea the elaadpolnt of thelabor iBTOlead. It took the weaier in

the orient twwiy-tkree days to com-plete that square Ibel. Thli allowedabout 44 ceata a day tor wool and la-

bor. Threa-fonrtha at the amount weatfor the W041I, and the worker had left

Just ele\i ti . ! • ,' iy on which toItva.

BARUAIK.Lot ST feet, » Inchei l.y IKS feet:

aatthwaet earner Eighth and Uarriaoa

ilieeli; aller aad paeaateat Inproeed ;

two good keaeei : rent lelal $U awath]Prlee, U^mtO; loag tluM «a 11,000 of


ta. Ml eruaeraaU ttreei rire

large, well ahaded yard.

BOH an<l MO South Konrth

Bve and sis room cottages,

•1,100 aad 11, toa

i Three room hoeae oa good let oaJooes ttreei, prlee |M0, moetly oaaoBthly payaMali. Ohaaee tMiri.oted aaa t» gelgeed 1

Ha. IIM Je

haaae, 4* lea* lal, tiilelMiPrlee 91100 ef wMah ttm'.

Oae ot the moat sarprtaiag aC recenttoologlcal dl8i»verlea Is that the aa-ccstorii of the whuieg and dolphlnawere protected by a long armor, alnl.lar 10 that ol Ike araadUioa a(

n«e-roaai keaae la flood oooditioo,

4* fool lot, aalk BeTtalb jolaing Dr.

Beddiek'o leeideaee «a aorlk aide.

Prlee 11,100 oa aay reaaaaaUa per-meota to anit bnyer.

No. 410 flonth Tenth itrcel, former

Home of Krlemlleiu l>ollillng, with a

40-toat Taoant I'A. United tor board

iBghonae. Price 11,000, «t wlU aeU

the TeeanI lot separate.

Nombers AiiT .-^f.iMh .N inth aiifl '.kv.i

f)hlo Ifref'tt. I"itli on furne lot. Hn<l

r. iit tnidl (if t JO ,'.ti i-t-r iiii.::th. Five

aiiil tlin-c roftroH rt ^.i^f^tlvdy, (iood

iDvottmcut at price. 1,1:011



•Ill VM I

al •? vwi•l,M0 M eaor pajMaia MmkHHeaa be paid eal al reata i iual»i<.

rifty Iota la roooiala Park, at

priess fromi llMteorer ll.OOOoapay-

meala Of «Mk aad aMalhlr.

(Mwtodg Mid folif to to tali ml*deaee metlaa ef at^. mU oa ihMOlow prlese lots wlU be great

meat la valae. The piMO lit I

Olay alreet aeraet lata lir «la. Omire yoa eataere Ohj aad >•«••*,Thtfteeath. FoMletath, FUtiialh.


eaa baild oa both

No. nil) North Twelfth ttreei,

tou room boose. 40 lot with shade

No. isiT Bread eawal, 1-tamm,large lot, ezleodiiig beck and tronliag

on EllzaU>th tirfct, tpaoe for twomore hooaea in Una looatioo for lenla.

AasMaa tn tall, aad a kaipria eaa bagotten.

Four HO foot front lota, frntii:ri,(on

Lang i>ark, law prieti end^ roty \mj





DO IT NOWIHave that old fHkioMd, noNai-

taiy plwBblac fi|lMid bjr atw•ad np^B-dalt fl««bla(. It

wUlrapay loa ! lha iacnaM of

kaaltk aad Om hvImc oa doelar't

bOla. Wt4»t««rhMdta(aiid n-Mat tkaravgUy. IM m give

jrov an attiMta oa rtplaeing all

(bat old plambing with ap-to date

work that will iwap ont aewcr gas.

BD. D. HANNON,132 South FoHrth Stnet.

Now,Sir!It mil M titm Uw«>t Knod clotkw thuIhr iDlcrlor Mft, udwhv nut <lo ao' One(it our suitf fvill <<^it

,thrrrj ur.hiintv

onri. Cumr lU aixl ]«*.

UM ftilow uar liBc--ftliuw

fM iM Iht bMl<^

will J. Dlcke

IMPORTANT.Have the McG-ackcnCounty Abstract andTitle Co. to examinethe title to your property.

unlet South Honrth St.,

PidBcah, K.}.

i.i.niiia .

hub M*r1r on ffDrA fMrti, ImtV Ihna imwatrf uur b'JUf N itunUug Di> waBh-bo«r<l, Ml>«ik«ib». <l >"ti uar M«|ric Hoap. Will IrMMuv KAific ku Bu toaiB. A c&k« rrtAlli Iw« MBU. Tr* II. 3MMtMp Powdrt. Ib« brat and iBTgcat.

SaDitorsctai- ^miie sotf N,


TtaMCCSOMMETNOO"T^ man with a mrlh

CHt •rt<>ni|<l<Khc* III rr I'l

a wr- W I' I I

MEMORY.^wi-trlli - t;ia Ul iir

' nu t ail t iiirrii- I a

Tlx L 1 >».i--1rr*3r iCt«J DiJt'ti*

( ninit r\if\. >:a«|iv aoiuirrd.II trxhr* h'lw I'l m*-iit<i'i«r at a MaBlr iMiaaAlwhat I ouM "nt* h«i»t •t-nt l« ar(*>Pit>li«nr'l bjr

tit ltf •« tvf* iiii<<'i« l>«ly €utiipl«i» a«il iMacllr«1 nt«llM4.

' ^.M^-^—


•trucflmi tar a

rUI In 6>*f iM I

4ayii Addtcaa




Paducah, - • KentuckyIniin st Paid on Time Ueposlta

Officc.i on sccotid nntlthliil floors

tolat(tco. C. Tbotnpioni Ptm.

B<1. L. AUlaa. Caihl«f




Best In the City 924 N. 7th

(. IL T. lESSli,

—Trv fhir Iiii[M)rted

IfelM Block gjHttliUllKKlS6jr n4 7sc a Fsaad.

I;r I IVh II Kurth

Chinese Laundryf Work Ounatecd 1


A. L. LASSITER,AfcUtact and Swperialaadant.

RooBM 7 and S. YtlMrBdUatiPhoaaltS.

WMmtt Phaoa 54»-i.


•lIMTOir B. BAVn. V. A. I. A.

^ AROimCT^516 BaoaowAT Paon k

SAUY A BmrmpoERFboat No. 70 Pot




t i I

OakOialnlag. Pictorial.

Back ol MtPhanoa'a Drag Store.

Alben W. Barkley,

1^ AltotBCi^ibLaw* ^(OBn vkk BM*kk a imiM)

Room Noif ColwnlU B«IMa»Telephone 31.



Kret lnue i« .T'flerar n atirrt. tel»phnn»

aa*. ti^tr ML.ri«LL.I»i!ldin|. jij Kioadwajr

J. P. HOLT.Oflcc iUnatieaa-aanaaa

NaUiaal baak balMlM;nau No. I Bajra aa4 wUaKnI Kilatt aad atcatUlaa1^1 R*Ut« Laaaa at lowtttfale. :: :: :: :i :i


Physician and SurgeonOPnOb CotamUa BoiUinff

<BW Iilll O»H ll ll'-a.* )

rBUPHOMaa- ('fn.n, wkKSlIiKNCa, 111

'ENNYR0y.AL.PII:L8^ '< g''^ ' , « IIK III ^11 K-'« I M.l-lsll

*^J^7}.i,), M„. ..a ... 1nL*H««lbfr. U*r^—\A^WkJ laMWillMU^a* Mud IniiUt

' * flfUM*- P-i eii" -r aa*! 1»* T«a|lM««'>l«



OR. J. 0. SMITirSaamiar koara (or oSaa praauaa, t lo • a. c

^^^^^^^SLaao^*""'''SaSiaaaaaanarlftaib.Bd j.ff.noB Tai^

BY PAtX OVttRT.(OantrlgM, ua^ by Dally Story Pub. ro.l

Tba kotaaa palled and togcrd at the

bit aad toiaad tkclr haada Intpatlrntly.

Tbr elaaklae of sword aad scabbardbrgaa to lall mt Blind, snd mf Cfs-llds bagaa to droop. Throosb tkalight sray of th*> .^nrly niorning. the

agurea of the tr(Hii>..rrt Iix.k'it ahoiit-

Uka and shadowy aa thty nraredrhytkssaMaeliy «Mb tha Botlon of

Iheir aMaata, aad Iks lew hum of

vnlcMi rain^ to my ears aa from afar.

'I'hr rtuti, Hurklns thud of thi' lwr9*''»

hixifa on the corduroy road, actinf

with tba aasr alst Ibat haaa orerthe vslley, baaa* to asad a tsallac <>'

ilron-fliifff" (ivpr m^, and my pyea

»li.»ly ' l.i^. I Th>- W illi had liffn

abut (.lit from oiy view hut h niiinipnt,

when 1 became* ronitrtoitii of Hoin.-ttiinft

riding beside me, •umrthlug ml i hh 1

lUent. and in a moment my eyea flew


The men were Juat as I hsd last aaen(h.-m an>l t"T a m<)m.>rit I laiiKh.*(l at

njy Hn.l<t.-n ft'ttrn Hut grarliially anotijert, black, allsnt aad mournful, be-

gaa to class la npoa as, aad srsa as

I looksd, agars after laaia bsaaa to

apread th ieaafcant the tioea aatUthere were tkaaaaadg ef tbaa lUiaismoagst ua.

I looksd at Us one saalartaa baMaa. Its sssasd to bfaatks a cold daaf-nena aad inroluntartly I wrapped mymUliary rloak rluaer round my body.He waa black from hia akull-tlfht

cap and looap rriat. to the powerful

charger he rude— a deathly black. Hawaa tall aad gannt. aad In the light

brsets that bad apruBg up, bla clothesflapped loosely sbnnt his bony frame,ard bla hnr«e. thmiab galloping along-aide of inlie gave no Bound as Its

hn< fa struck the road. An ordsriycame rtdlaf iMMn the raar, aad rode•iralgkl fttr Mii. <A tsaralag cry waaI'll my llpa when, to my horror, tbatriMipcr t.wt'{it past, having riddenthrough my compaaloa aa thoa(b bsware aelfetaa bnl air. IW a awaMatI rsslsd aaslsadlly la mj addls, bat agrim chuckle brought me to myd^lf,

atiil ] liAt uprlaht to find wh.ii ],Ai\

on<e t>een a human face, atsrlUK at

Be. It needed but a glance at thoas

saaksB bollows snd wbltsasd boneslo lall as I was looUac at a akalatoa.

"Who ars year* I Maiiwed.The one la Mask brehe Mo aaoifcer

chuckle, ^a," be saM, ladlaitlng the

others with a s»as> at hIa ahadnwyana. "ara tba Rosaars a( Osatb."

I ihjiMsrsd. aad swerved ajr horae

IMn lbs pbaalom. %m in an In-

wlthout iinv vlitl.!. .T'!t hi-

bla ch«r«.-r . vdR' '

"Wall have work bsi^ to-day," berroskad. "work, worfc."

I ablTered allgbtlr. aad glaared at ativw, flat line, far down thr vnll.y. an 1

ibroiigh th.' I'^lim ntUtH. -Iii'iisIjI 1

could distil gii ih the gluo' of a ran

noa. lo tbeae were the Irsnchea wcwars to ebar(e. Kven aa T thought, a«')iite paa^ a dall boom ami th<t

r-^i. fk eCaMI. awok'' <' - "

ih.' iilataat hllbL Aad ili- li i- mi of

i)<<alh bad work^to iln.

At my nihow a luigl" Mfw. bat I

a.-arri'ly hcudl or uii leiptno l the notes.

1 haw II tliiiiiK.!') 1 rlitht arm!! Ix-iid, I

board tho r. r.tplna of ale<:l on llD, sadId a muuK'iit a thouaand blades llaab-

ed In tbe air, brcatblnc delaniw at the

•moke ahead.Arooad BM I (ovld dimly asa atralBe

ad and bloodlaaa taeai. trying to lookencouragsment at one another. Batmy eyea were not f :r th'>iii. Far aathe eys could reach were boata a(Mack daorsa, coatortinf and writhingin allrnt gles, tsalUng but tor tba ale-

nnl to beala tbair work.nm from tba worka ahead leaped a

tongue of flame, to be followed by ashriek at sgonjr. Through a rl(t lathe Tapor I cansht a moBMatarycllmii.o of n troi'iMT lajrlng la thero^i'i ih" i.'h.i iiy iiiuiiitude earrooad-tuK blm in I'xultnilon.

"Our flrat rernilt. " glbl>ered the one

In black, clicking hl« horrible lawa to-

KrilHT, "nui I'' .< • ' il l

ast Br bialn on Bre, and frtvplai tbebridle-rsta la one banl, I roas la avstirrups aad swung mr sabre tor hUbead. Tba sword paaaad throagh hiBas It woald bava paaaad throagb nam,aad I fbit bacb la b* «M|e aiek atbaart, bla mocking langb rlastaa la

my ears.

Tba bugle blew tbe charge, snd the

blades flashed higher and brighter in

tbe momldg aun Fi>rward awept tbe

troop, onward awept the phsntomi.Tba shot and shell tors taping boles

In our laaks. aad as eaeh Baa waatdown, a boat of Iwlatlae aptrlla gath-

ered around him. their long black

coata flapplnx round their framea andblowing back every now and then to

diaelosa a (raawwork e( whMaaadbones. And ss sacb treofer aaally

etieene*! 'Ill' hi« dlatorled body, a

new fori! ';';iri^; up In theli rank>«

aad the gbgrily throng paused oa.

Blekaaad sad diaeoaraasd I rods, tbeblack Bultituds awaylag around mawith the tide of battle t saw the llssb

•f ate4:| before my eysa and InatlnctlTS-

ly thruKi utit my asbre. The bisds

slrosk aometblac soft and yielding,

aad area aa I drew beck mr arm, I

saw tha Hussars ewesplai dowa uponsaaeiblat reUlat In the land In Heat9t Be.The blood curdled In ar eelna «Mh

hemr. Agala caaa a white la* he-for* as. but my arms lay as thoofhdsad at ay aide. With fearful fas-

I rinatlon I nw It rise before my eyesand begin the powerful downwardetroke. Then came a abock. For a

: moment I rsslsd, aad thaa beaaa tolaiak. dewa. down, down. A whiteface Isarsd at bm, a heOew eelee

'< anunded In my ears. And lo the weedsjof. "another rernilt," ajr saBaaa MtI

me and all berams black.

WbsB OBcs aore ar raeooa rstoraadlbs nlfbl bsd fallen . aad tba stars

' blinked down upon a desolate fleld. Brhe dim Hsbi of the early moon, tka


wrecked overturned csnnOBS snd tbsstill, allsat forms tbrsw dark sasgss-

jtltre shadows oa tbs groaad, ebllUattba Bind with a haadrad wiM, darkthoaghta. Orsr la the aaelh a aeH-

Maa J.&MSM


i>< Isath Voarth St yadntih, Mf,

gabieribe for The lia.

The Hnaaara o( Death were gons."

tarr dof lifted lie head aad bowleddisaallr.

I closed mr eyea and tried to tbink,

bm a rustle by my -i 1. startled me,

aad I looked up to flnd, surrounding

ae, the Hoaaan of Dsatb.

I had aasa aaa that dar real aad fall

froa tbsir aaddles, fe<nily trr to ralne

tbeir sword-ara. and f.illlng. with

tbeir last breatba cnrae their Maker.

I had even maa lOTB br shot aad shell

calling upon tbsIr Oed fdr asrcy, snddying with a amila oa tbclr Upa. Andthen In dsaperatlon t prarad, sacb

word a burning hope, petitioning Himthat gave me life, to spare me fromthat ghastly throng. And gradually

Br tsara left Be, a paaca caaw orar

mr ton aad wrstehed aool, aad I

fell saleep.

II u a" mornlBc wbSB I aweke. Fori.'.Mi iio' v.iiier the helaete of ouriifiuie.i. retrsetlas arar guttered,

iiiii I waa bappr, tor the naiwri ttDrath witre goae

MarK Twale atlll

he was in England Mark.ii:> buyti bii^ hi ail waa once taxed

);:t.< norki He wrote Queen Vio-

1 a friendly letter of protsst, say-"I don't know rou. but I*Ta ast..on. Me waM at the hesd of s

. , >:on '.'.i thr Slrmiil aiul I waj on

I ,l^ ^.ara alterwarU hi- nut ths

1- nil' of Wslea, now King Edward

VII . at Homburg. Tbey bad a long

walk and Ulked togstbar. When bid-

ding him good-bya tba prince said: 'I

am glad to havs mat foa again. " Thl«

rvmark troubled Twain, who feared

that he had been mistaken for aomeone else. Hs eoauBoalcatsd tbis sus-

Picloa to the priaoa, whoWhy, doa't roamet ms la the itiand aad I

head of aa 'baaf'




II llrAtivll('• IllfMl ( lt>

_ . Nortt^nvlllH .

Lv. e«aa«vtUa


tt. Bopataeyllle..I,T. Priaoeta


. TLeaun» Xhiiii

III Umii.IJ.Il.Ol:

U WMiS:*iuii

s ospm t i

V eifjti) tt I

« ui|.rii

' Aim' .'Spin


Ar, Ji

ArAr N.

Siaipn I umii ; i"iiu>

... h .llain

eiapoi li lapn • iKpai

I IS;«l|iui

L>. BopklB'viUeLv. PrlBOetOBAr. Paducab .

Mortli UouiHiLv. N. (>rl»aiiMLV' Mrmpblkt,v. JadtiHinlA HIvrt.I.V I'aducah Jdl.\ CulruI.V. Hultim

Ac I'wliiiuti .

li.ak IHVllIC ....

IU«Ar. NortOBVUI* «Ar. UMtnlClWAr. H. BraMkT..Ar. OMWkMO

IS.UpiD i MauiXiWpn IO;»ani• Iftpn iv itmiii



y:>aiLII .lUan

Lv. PaducAk..Ar Prlnortoa*r fnnortoaAr HopktnaTtiltL.

• :air|)iri

» Supn.() 9i*pit>

wf.wm DIVISIONSuutti BouaA I

Bt. Louitt T:iK.M.Louto t:«CktaMB


mI le upoi

lliMsm tMm*3fm t:nsm

North SoundLt. PaduoeSAr. ParkerAr. (?arhondaleAr cmraiKiAr E St t.oul>Ar. at. Luut«

Mopai (HaaL; -.!.pai « f>!iBm AT.

Par Purther IDformatloa. re»ervatleBa. tick,eia, sta, ooll on or addrva. J T DoDnvan.asent. Paducma Ky,. C C. MeCany. UPA.at. Uals: W. A. Kallead. A, O. P. A.. Loula^TlUe: A. k. liaaaoa.O. P. A.CWeaga, UL



STEAMER CLYDBLmtm IPadueah for iVooaaaM |fUvtr fW«

Wedneadaj ai 4 p. ib.


mownThis eeapeay is net

Invoice ehanea aaleaclerk of tbe Boat.





Str. H. W. Buttorft.

I.e.ives r.Khirah for t"l:iiW'.\ i'.Ie er-

cry .Ntntiilav. i ri

Leaves raducah lor X.isliville

ever Wednesday, u in. •

Leaves Clarksville every Titeadaynoon for raducah.

Leavea Naahvillo eettjr Satatdaynoon tor PadnoBh.

Par freight or paaaaca appljr onboard or to Oivea Fowler, Aft

BrMUie tor ta« Ceeeaatlew,

It Is calculated that about lOt.OOO

aklaa of tbe ermine will be used to

make the peers' sud peersssss' rolisa

for tbe coronation, and that aa tha

pries at this fur bos aosb lacrsossd la

riew of tba isBMad, aboBi an,Maworth wiU haaoalaL

noAK w. wmrrwMNH,Real Batata Agency.W



KviT}' day during M^rcli andApril, only ty oo Irom .St. I.ouii,

tSJ oo Irom Chicago to Caliioraialerminala via Burlington RonlaiDenver, Scenic Colorado and SaltLake City.

K|ip(-ial thniuirb toiiriiit sIpti •

ers lu .'San FranriM-ii ami LdfAntfrlPR personally (.oniiiicli il o\erthe al>ove rotitc (tlircm^li C .lira-

do'e wonderful ficenti', \ \ day-light) every Wedoeiday auil Fri-day nigrbt irom .St. I.oui^and Chi-cago. Secure through berths at

the earliest date durliiK tliiaraakin these KurhnKton cx.'.r^'ona, llwbest of all to California.

Two great Coast aataiwith tree chair cars.

NORTHWEST RATES.Cheap Settlers' ratoa to the lar

.N'urthwest daily dnrbigManh aaiApril, 1902,"The Burlington-Nerthcni Pal

cific Bxpreia" is the only throogktrain carrying through eqnipmealfrom .St. Liitiis and Kansas City tathe upper N'orthweat region.

HNIMUn' EXtNMWS.These are ntn the first and third

Tuesday^ ot ci' h month to the en-tire West and Northwest. AskaKcnt Icir details.

Do us tbe iavor to write us oi

your prepeaad trip aad let na ad-Tiae yon the loweat coet, tha haakroute end trains, send you prinliAmatter free and oaaiat yon.

S.1:m;..a»A: XifASMXiAat. Leiria, Mo. SL liSMEm



B.&O.S-WsDtiring March and April.

To- ^


— .Xn'l


Montana,Ofdca and Salt Lake atTaMA.LOS ANGELES


iho other points in the

WEST & NORTHWESTFor rate** tiiiit' of traiu'^, ur other ia-

Jl cu any a>>rnt,or addriW

R. S. BROWN,Dirtrict Pait. Agt.

LouitvUle. Kt.O. P. licCARTY,

Ccocral Paaaeagor Agt„(^inciaaatl. Ohio.

"BIG FOUR"The Best Line to




And all Pointa in

Indknaaad Michigan.


Aod an Bolali Waal.

Information cheerfully furnline

on application at City Tieket ofic

"Big Wmt Warn," art Ma*avaaoa, or wtita to

S. I. OATB8, Gen'l Agt.

Louisville Ky

N. J. E WNUUOS re Roara

ft to II a, a.< i»o 4 p. aI 7 to t p. c

loth aad Cler- itaajap Trim



DO IT NOW!Have that old

tary plnmbing nptoMd Iqr newand up-to-date opn ylaabtag. it

will repay yon In the incrtaae of

hMlth and the saving on doctor's

billa. We do overliauling and re-

fitting thoroughly. I,et us give

yon an estimate on replacing all

lh:il i>M pliimliinx with U)i-l(j il:Uc

work that will keep out sewer gas.

ED. D. HANNON.1S2 South Fourth Straot.

Now,Sir!It coats BO mon to

tke iaMac salt, aadwkgr Ml 4a ler Omaf ow airili wUI oM-we«r

^thrc«^ onHnary

"itri. (. omr in atul let

US Kbow unr line—show

rm that the bsatOecconotny.

Will J. Dicke

IMPORTANT.Have the McCradunCounty Abatnct andTitia Co. to axamincthe thk to your property.

Ufflct 111^ Soatb fcmxtk





Rub Mairic on arlltd ptrti, lc«v« ih^ <w«trr one hour. NobolUag, so wBab-bo«T<l; nobatkActat, il you hh Mairic ttoap. Will lro«

flMVunaific kMBorosta. A c«kc ictalla lot

tfMlf. Tryll. r". 3


MAliC SOAP N,Naw-Orlaaaa,


—Try Our Imported

Block, QimiilOCllQlilKIIfiNiUl If

6sc itat 7SC 8 Fonnd.

lir.t Tm 1 11 Ivarth

Chinese LaundryflNek OaaiaaHadl

No. lot Broadway

A. L. LASSITER,Areltitcct and Sopwiatcndcnt.

RoofTs 7 and 8. Yeiscr Butidlne

Oltict Phone 215.

R«sid<ncc Phoiu 549-4.


BKnrrONB. DAVIS. F. A. I. A.



...COAI. AND PB80...




OakOnlaiag. HetorlaL

Back of MePhorton'a Drag Start.J

Alben W, Barkley,

^ AltOflltJflU'LAWa 0(Office with ITendrIck & Miller)

Room No.^ ColumbU BuUdingo

Telephone 31 •

wlthawMk•iblUhpa mor* Itt

• imk Oian Ihr ha I -MB—worklin alov. II wi' I tiL .1 th ur

B«<l(icc» llir •till au'l ait i( ipmi >ty l>

•clrfii*. 411 MliMl-WMittrtBM tuivtt H -'k«MM tfMiy nrtssil. F««l:y ti^iKio.iIt trstkr* hum to NMMHm SI * l-«-:<i>«l

what I 'Hil<l <>«l* Imvfnlor* hr ari-.ini.'.ii r l t,>

rtnllraa rriHlllKin*. f>nl

|tf«|r«rH p. HOLT,THCOieaaON neHOOLOFMCMORV l nHlrc Ani.iicmi <;trro«n

^ T«« THt auoiToaiuK, CMioQO ' N«iion«l huiMinn;nwrtll Nil 8 Buyii anfl •ell«

Rfal Kfttate and nc)(otiatc*

. ^al Kalale Loaas at lowcittate. i: a :: :: :i ii





Paducah, - - KaotuckvIntorcit Paid on Tiaw Oopoolta.

Oflcea on accond aadtkird floon

toOao. C.


DR. L. J. OTIS,BaallartajB Twalaaaat Reoau.

R«MaBet | CiHT ITa



Physician and Surg^eon

OFFICE) Columbia Buildinf

(OSmWl C^aiam Uoau.)


fENNYROyAL, PILLSr , I II M il I I » i; I.Nt.l.lHIl

.^TV'j mi.i I hLi no nlirr. K*^mWJ Paacrro... -..L.tii .iil aMa .«4 Twit*



BY PAVl, OVERT.(Coplrrlcht, IMS, by lolly Riory Pub. Co.)

Tba hofsaa palJi-il ami tufPiPil at thebit aB4 toaaad thdr h<>.i<la Inipailpntly.

Tb« elaaklBS of sword and acabliard

tx-can to loll ay mlad, and my aya-iida bagan to droop. Throuch tkaHk^I Cray of tt arlv iiMirnIng, tballgurts (tf ttn' (rix'iptrn Im.ked {taost-

llk« and ahadowy aa ttaey swayedrkytkaaMcallr with tba bmUob ofihHr Boaat*, aad the low bnm ofvf»!(.«*R rami* tn my .»ara an from afar.

1 h(. futl. nuiklDK lliuil <>t thi biirse'l

huufa on tb« corduroy road, acting

with tba easy alat that haac otttbs valley, begaa to asad a taeling of

drowftaeaa over mt>. and my pya.lowly (huicd. Th<- wiiil-l ha'J l><'*'n

•but uut from my view but a moment,wben I beeaaia eoBaetoaa ot aooMthlagriding b««lda ma, lOBsthlag cold and•llcnt, aad la a mooiaBt my eyes flaw


Tb« men ware Jost as 1 had laat aaeaIhpm. and tor a moment I laughed at

my sudden faars. But gradually aaobject, black, silent snd moumtui, be-

gan to doaa la npon me, aad eten as

I looked, flgura after figure begaa to

HPD-aii throughoat the Uoov natll

lh>'r<- were thousaada ol VUm ridinc

amoagat us,

I taokad at th« eae caaMrlac baaMaai Ha ais»s< to brsathe a eold damp-aass. aad Involuntarily I wrappeil myilllary cloak rluurr round ray body.

He was black from his akull-tlght

cap aaa looas coat, to the powerful

eharaar be rode a deathly black. Havaa tall aad taoat, ami in the light

braeaa that had apraag up. hin . luthrs

flapped lonaaly abont bl» l>»ny frame,

aad his horse, though galloplns alung-

aids of mire, gave bo lounil aa Its

boots struck the road. An orderly

eaaM riding from the rear, and rodsatralgbt for him. A waniing cry wason my Mpa when, to my horror, the

trooper iwcpt past, hsTlag rlddea

through my compaaloa aa though bewere nothing but air. For a moassatt reeled unsteadily In my saddle, bat agrim chnckis brought me to mysaU,and t aat aprlght to >ad what hadone* baaa a bnaaa lace, starlag at

gM. It aasdad bat a flaaoa at thoae

seakea bollowa aad wbltaaed bonesto tell me I was looking at a •keleton.

•'Who are you?" I muttered.

The one In black broke Into anothfr

rluickle. "We," he aald. Indicating the

others with a nweep of hla ahadowyarm, "are the Htiaaara of Death."

I «hud'leri'.I. itnil itWiTv,! my horse

ast my brain on lire, and gripping thelirldle-relB In one banj, I rose In mystirrups and Kwung my aabre (or his

bead. The sworil passed through Ubaa It would have passed tkroagh ayaes,

aad I Ml back tn mr aaddto aiek atheart; bla Bracking Isugh rtagtaa in

my ears.

Tbs bagle blew thx i lmrrr, and the

bladaa laahed hUh< r :in(l brighter In

the momllg aun Foi wunl swept the

troop, onward the phantoma.The shot and ihell tore gaping holes

la onr raaka, and aa sacb man wentdown, a host of twisting aptrlts galb-

errd around him, their long black

coata lapping round their frames and

blowlas back every aow and then to

a tramewofk at wbltaaedAad aa sacb trooper laally

.atltaaad out his diatorted body, a

aa« form sprang ap In their ranks,

aad the ghoatly taiaat passed oa.

Slekaasd aad Haaannfit t Nda, tbablack mattltude awaylac aianad mawith the tide at baWa, I saw the llaab

of ateel before lay afW and Initloctlre-

ly thrust out my aabrs. The blade

stroak soasathlac aolt aad ylaldlag,

and area as I draw baek mr ara, I

saw the Huaaars awsiplat dvwB apooaomethlnit rulUag la the IMd la INatof me.Tbs blood curdled la aiy eelaa with

horror. Again caaa a white lath he-fore me. I, lit my arass lay aa thoughileari at iijv Fide, with (earful faa-

ilnatlon I sa» It riae before my eyes

and begin the powerful downwardstroke. Then came a abock. For amoment 1 reeled, and then began to

pink. down, down, down. A whiteface leered at me, a hollow voice

sounded In my ears. And to the wordsof, "another recruit," my senses left

ms aad all became blaek.

WbsB once more ay reaaoa retnraed

the Bight had lallea, and the stars

bllaked down upon a desolste tieid Bythe dim light of the early nioon. the

srraeked overturned cannons snd ths

stin, tllsat foras throw dark aaafsa-tlvo •hadewB oa the grotmd, eblUlagtba aiad with a bnadfod wild, dark

Orsr la the aafth a


sotHh Bound m usLv. clseliinaU trMr^ 1=

Lv. Omnalwro siBsa diLv. H. Branch IS:r~Lv. CcnUMtClly.Lv. Nortoavllla.Lv.BvaaavtUe. .

Lv. BopalasvlUe ItLv. nusetaw I

lt:Msa I imam



Ar. Paduoak



Ar. PxiltonAr I'twlucab Jet..Ar CairoAr. Rim .

Ar, Jp


Ar. r

I 4:aaB T:iOpDi

1 I'jJgJS:»|mi

'. t-SSm 10 Mpiii. Tieipm Hfmm

Lv. HopklaavUleLv. Prlnoet4inAr PaducHh . .



Nortli ll.'utHl

U\ N ilrl.'ttlis .

Lv- .Ui'Dipbh . .

Lv Jiu'kftoa.Lv Klvei.Lv. raduoah Jet.Lv. fttlroLv. Pulton

.nil lu rri,ii.


l.,!!. I 1 33^II.

.. (• ?>l['ni

e:UOain 10 ItTato l^ lfwtc

Ar. Paduoali...Lv. Paducak .

I 11:1 I;;

Ar. PrioeetonAr. UopklasvUM.Ar, BvaaavtUe ...

Ar. NertoBvllleAr. Oeatral Clly^ .

Ar. H. Braasfc.......Ar. Owiwliero....



. It4

tt:«Bm t:MaBiiMtlB WiMamS:|tpB iO;lllaml:a.pai S.ASani


>Mpa •t'Mpm liWam

Lv, I'mlui-ub. ..

At . rrliictUKiAr HupkloMvtUa..


tf.wm ofviMoN.Ml ns

Tillaia 10 Itpti:

t:l. ll;MaB I


0.iui)m" OOitm


Nortb BuundLv. l*HJufaaiAr. PiirkfrAr. ('BrbundttlrAr. CblrairoAr. K Ht. LouU. ,

Ar, St, l^viu

m ST4IS l.*iplii fl:ttpn Lv,

4 utem IS.aUMB Lv.7.W«m 10;Mkwi L^7:«lpB •:llUiLr7:MpM %:taam Ar.

Fvr Purtber infonutloa. r«MrTtttlottA. tick-eta, rtc. call on or sddreat J. T. Donovu.ttdrt-ni. Hiiducab. Kf„ C C. McCwtr O- P. A..8L Louis: W. A. KsUomS, A.O. P. A.. LouUrtlta; A. k IUMM,aprA..C»laM«. Ul.



from t ti*' iihuiittiin,

v'thoiit aTiy

hiri chantfT I

II !ia\4- wrK




aaatStace lom Jeffrraon ftrtH, telvphODt

Ha. Oflire MurrvU battSlDf, Bteadway.'

trlerh'^t'e at. omem aaetif U sa.Bk, I IS a.to « p m

1 hlVT. 1

low. flat Hnthrough lh<

tar .lo« 1 : .

rould distinguish the lil.-aui ol ,i <au-

non. So these were the trenches wswere to charge. Kvrn ss t thought, a.

whiit. piiiT. It dull Ixiora and the

s)j:!fU i.t a slii'll. ;i\vc.i.. the ecboea of

the distant bills. And the Huaaars ot

Death had work to do.

At my elbow a bugle Mew, hat t

s -nrcelv beard or understood the aotoi.

I .4SW a thonaaod right srau bend. I

h>'ard the scraping of steel on tin, andIn a moment a thouaand blades flash-

e<l In the air, breathing dclancr at the

amoke ahead.

Around nie I could dltvly a«e strain-

ed and hlnoillvaa lave>, trying to look

encouragement at one another. Butmy eyes were not f ir Ihein. Far as

the eye roiild rea.-h were hosts of

bin. k IlKui' .•onioning and writhing

tn all. nt k!. i T.-aitlng but (or the «lg-

nal to begin their work.

Out from the worka ahrn.l !;'' i a

tongue of flame, to be followed by a

ghliafc o( aiiony. Through a rift In

the vapor 1 raiiaht a moaentarygllmp.4e of n triHiper laying In theroad, the ghastly multitude sarroond-

lug him in esultation.

"Our flrat rseratt," gibbered the oneIn bitii'k. illrklng hla horrible Jaws to-


Bm&Mf8«tt la tba Ctly 914 N. jtk


"Tbs Huaaara ot Death ware goae."

tary dog lifted Ita bead and howleddiamally.

I closed my eyas and tried to think,

but a riirtle by my side startled mo,

and I 1 ''

I Mil tn till ' . iirrounding

me. II, •!• .1 (

I hi". I'll Ml' 11 Hell < .!> I'll and (all

from tli'lr saddli x, f'.>'i<Iy try to ralae

their word-arm. .mil filling, with

their laat breathe curie their Maker.

I bud aeen men torn by akol and ahall

railing upon their nod for mercy, and'lying with a amllr . n tl" ; Mrs. Andthen in deaperalli.ii i ; ':r.. 1. each

word a burning hope, petiiluuing Himthat gave me life, to rpars BM tcOBthat ghastly throng, Aad (radtuUly

my fears left ms, a peace aaiM oi

my torn and wretebad aeol. aad I

(ell aale^It was asocalaa wbaa I awohiy FOr

down the valley the belBMta ot oar'"'.iit'ii. ri'treating anay (Httaiad.

haiijiy, lor the Haaaara alDiath W'.*ie gone.

M<tr\ Twain Btlll Humiirows.::i' ^e wss in Enijlitnd Mark

'1. .11:: favH hU head was once taxed

I. tai works. He wrote Queen VUi-

arls a (rlendly latter of protest, asj-

ng: "I don't know vou. but I've metvou son. He wss :ii t'i< bead o( a.iroceaslon In the Si: mil .mj 1 waa on1 bua. " Years atterward be mat tha

prince of Walaa, aow Klag MsrardVII . at Horoburg. They had a longwalk and talked toiretber When bld-

Uliii; liliu good liyi- lb', prince said: "I

am glad to have met you again." Thlaraoiark troabled Twata, who taarad

that hs had beaa mlstrnkea (or somee else. He communlcateil thla aus-

plrion to the prlni-e. who replied;

"Why. don t you remember when youmit oie In tba Straad aad t waa at tha

head o( a proosaalea aad yoa wan oa

a -imr

STEAMER CLYDEIdMTCS IPkdUMh tor TfDDesaes |KlTtr tViT*H ^ WsdCMxlay fti 4 p. m.



nv Ii Bat laaaaaalbla (w• nnieaaollaetad Iqr ths

ThU company Ii

Invou e rliir^'C

clerk of the boat



Str. H. W. Buttorft.

Leaves r.«hirah for Clarksvillc ev-

erj- .MuTiilav, 12 m.

iicavca Paducah ior Nashvilleover Wedacaday, 13 m. '

Leavaa ClarkavUla amy Tueidaysoon ior Paducah.

LeavM NaflkvUk every Satnrdaynoon lor Padocah.

Por MgU or paaMge apply onboard or to Oivea Powicr, Agt

J, S. Tyner, W. A. Blatum,faster. Clark.

Kmiaa for tn* Coronation.

It Is ealentotsd that abont UI.MOakiaa ol the sralaa wtll he mad to

aba the peers' and peeresses' rotiea

dSf tbe coronation, and tli.it its the

priaa al this (ur has much Increased in

view at tka daaiaBd, aboM £«jmworth wm ba aaadad lor tba

w. wHrrreMORE,Real Bstste Asrency.

PADt)CAH RBAL BatAThWcaUrn KrntiKfcy FvaW

30L0= BOl (If. I=eXCHANaBOmmna lor Rrww tloogrtwa.


Eviry day during M:irch andApril, only $30 00 Iroiii .St. I.ouis,

tii 00 Irom Chicago to (.alifornia

terminals via Burliagton Rotite,

Denver, Scenic Colorado and SaltLake City.

Sperial throngh tourint RleFi •

era to Nan Fraiiciscit und liOf,

Angfles p<;isoi:ally condtictcil OVOTthe aliove roiitc (lliroiiv'ii Coltrg"do's wonderful M.ti;c:', i . ila>-

light) every WeilnesUuy ami Fri-day nicht irom St, Louis and Chi-cago. Secure through berths atthe earliest date dtiriiiff this nullin iIr'sc liiirlin^tcin cXLUrsiOM, tlwbest of all to California.

Two great Coast trsta* dallywith free chair cars.

NORTHWEST RATES.Cheap Settlers' ratea to tbe iar

Northwest daily dtuing llar^ MdApril, 1903."Tba BarUngton-Narthem Pa)

cific BxprcM" is tlie only thranglitrain carrying through equipmastfrom St. LouTs and Kansaa City tothe upper Notthwcat region.

NOMESEEKERS* EXCUSIORS.These are run the first and third

Tuesdays of each month to the en-tire West and Northwest. Askagent for details.

Do us the favor to write us oi

your propoaid trip aad let aa ad-vise yon tha lowaM coat, tba btatroute and trains, send yon printedmatter free and aaaist yon.

I. f. A Km I'wt >,lrf»t. cTVnTfiaa'r Aaaat.bi. i.i.uis. Mil. SLLoels.!!..MOWA*


BaatOaS-W,During Match and April.


—Anil -


MONTANA,Ogdca and Salt Lake GMy, Utah.



also other point.s in the

WEST & NORTHWESTFor rates, liiiie of trsiiis. or other la-

formation, c.-ill on any 8^1-111, or addrMR. S. BROW N,

District Pass. Aet.,

LouiivtUe, Ky.O. P, HcCARTY,

Ceasral Paascagar Aft.,

Cincinnati. Ohio.

"BIG FOUR"The Best Line to



And all Poinu in

Indiana and Michigan.



New York,


And an Foiati Waat.

Infornintion cheerfully hnntlfcj

on application at City Tiekal oflc

"Big Post Koala," ai$ V«wavenue, or write to

S. J. GATES, Gcn l .\gt,

Loni^vilk' Kv

Dr. Will Wli«yfle

EYE. IM.Oflcc Cor.' 4th aad BraadHay



OBce Honrs

MlhaadCtar.— |Si.

{9to II a. BL,

J to 4 ^ a..

7 to I p. b<




HOSE HOSEWe h»vc just opened »n immenst shipment of fine

summer hositry, and yoo had at well quit looking if

you can't find something to suit you in this big stock.

Thtre ii included in this shipment some exquisite de

tttnt in importci Im* foods in ftll colors and black.

Pflen naffe fioa f0 14.


All SU«—An Colon—

50c. 75c and SI 00


For thett^m silk Upcneck and sleeves.

Oc to 98c

Bars«•^'S'v.VtKrat m u $^.5o

Suit DepartmentOar S«H DtptrtflBcat b tctmbir wHii food thiar*

Vft luTC MW Barfklns hi act skirts, skirt waiits,

walkiot sVirts, (Mkcti end uits.

DRESS GOODSNow ii the time when mothers arc loo.ing l.ir

graduating dresses for the sweet girl .;r.>duatcs. Wehave an extra ti.ne selection of white silk gTenadincs,

orf^andies, Paris ir.uslin?, enibrjidercd Swij«i and

Liberty chiffons, and at prices thai will appeal to the

buyer. All the new shades and aU «i4tks of ribbon

for tbc new "DoU^ Varden" Sasltcs.

Jost ia—A lot of twcU whiU eotds iet tlw Gi^nw»isls.

Cone te tUi week. We e«n scrre joh most setU-




Everythinc it in ReadiiMtt for the

OHrtvtUi EvMing.

Prof Accord to Ftrform a Oann( Feal-

tiwsrslii flMPIiytl TlMtw.

Th» Dnnbat-Lyall 8tMk oompuywill oinn Uk Belle park tbwtt* to-

night tot Ibc MMoa. lUaagcr Ovonrc

Shaffer at Portimoatb, O., ban bei ii

here sfTcral itayi arraiiRini; for ili.

oiwning. Mill thi- imblic in promi^i I

cntprtninim nt that (« up to dnti . un I

put on by ('»iiftl)!(» i^oplc

Tiu' comitanv is itronjuT tins \<nt

than Inft Mr Charlm Mi.lir.t.M

will I'lnr Icailii. Mr Wnltir IIirnM n

heary, Mr C II ("arlion Mr '.

Mr« (irar-c ani Mr on. I Mr* M.ut

Il'-atrr rhurartrr pnrti, anil Mr I.vitll

ligiit cnuii'dy Miu Katie Lyall

pianiit. ami Mr. Qrasa i

The opening bill


Mr. Ge«r|t Htmm Has B«aa in Y.M


Soar CtlecritM Kit Silvsr Wadding- Notts

of4m Y* Ki C« A«

At T :ao o'oloak. pMTlOM *• the

forisoei, Plot. B. 1. iMaMl, one

of tiM mrt dartaw •yollMi ia the

world, wiU petana the tart ol rld-

lag dowi^a Tt foot ladder eato a

hnge rim whloh liai an aagia of Oft

degrees, and rldlagaroaaa tlM latter

at sreat speed. It ii mmethtngnerer done in Padncah, and ia a

feat that lian iittracted widatprea>l

attcntiun throiiKliout theconntry. It

ii oallod the "cycle whlrL"

Mr. OMrge T. Bowser o( Ohloago,

the T. M .a A. baUdlng worker whohoa tor the past twenty-two yaara

rnaoa thla hti bnaineia, will on the !>th

<<f this preaeat month celcbratf* hia

t 'M iity.fltth marriago annivrntary.

Mr. Howarr ha« txrn a ililiK>'nl

worker m the Y. M. C. \ can*** a[l

hi- life, aiKl no man m the aKnociatir^D

w i-rk oiin Bhow a U'tter r.Hrmi for la-

I ir anil ronlia Mr. II«wii.'r (irati

\M lit into U'.v %\ork in tlniahik aoil

fii'iii r here wen! to Chieafo. wortirjj

u.-i) m Cin. iiin;i!i He wa;! inatrn-

tiii'Utal in Hecunnji the big V. M. C.

A. bBiUiBg la OtaelaaaSi,

heea tke mala wo(k«r for othtr T. H.

C. A. hnlldtacs Jast as iMge. Be is. at

preaeat working in Waatam Oeatral

alatea, and wlMrerar eaaployad always

works anasr tka dtsaetlon of the stale


ttolmakasn in Padaaak fonr weeks,

and has asoam pUsbed maeh towards

aeoariag the (ands for bolldiag tba

Ba Is apisoMM





aThe restaiuant la bow opsa at 1mBelle park, ia the bnlWlMI «i the

hill, and to ia obaiga ol Mr, Jsa.

DsTis, oos of ttaa mast ospaUa man-

gers so ba tsiM. It prsnilsii la he

waU patHminsd. Thsta ia «e be t

O'eioak dianer daily, and onljr light

refreshnientu will %o\'l.

Huckukin Hill left y^'uler Iny for

Storgla, where it ,.liowii toUay. It d.'l

a good baalneaa in Hadncao Satorlay.|

playing to large srowds both in att«rj


noon and night Mr. A. B. Sherrrll

. Uft laal night tst fis. a»d wtU be

I tieasarer of tb> eompaay.


The coni.Tt at I.» Dill. l'iir)> v.-«

terlav BfriTncion I y Dean'a Ijaud wa«

enjoreil I'T a Ittrk*. crowd, SSd the

'. masie wrin excellent.



Thaio was aora|nlwat tha assosiatlai

noon, and Bsoistary tn wtt made a

abart talk. Ba rand a short paper

which ha )mA inapaiad while in sohooi

on the nsossaHy 0< hoys' week in the

There will paohahlj

maatlM ol the* T. M.

be a board

0. A. lomor-


to the new bnlMlng.

Tlie '1t anaa

iit the mtiui

ami all members a


Secretary H K Kii.>ev

riTe in the city llie for

week on lioviie

There wan no Obyi,' nn

aaaociari.iri r ^|^lay.

next Sun lav"

Geo. Rock & Son,321 BROADWAYe



"No. SI" Court St

IlwIUbaoftricada •< tha Ba*.

tatottto OtmoalIn




fnll »a4 eonsplrte stock oi

good things to cat. Ddhrcredto any aart oi tke city, i : i s t

Hay. Com, Oats aad Btaa.

M FILTERS 0If you tfaiitk you have gotten

your share of MUD, buy one

of our celebrated GE.RMPROOF Filters. Every one

guaranteed. They don't ooat

muclt. For lale only by

Scott Hardware Co.(IMOOItPORATBD)

.Tba Ml White Slosa on Bnadaar.siaiojio ^

• ,«»>•:•«•

W. K.

lag tar so taaf. Dr. Piaar has baan

pastor of this ehnsoh aaly alnoa NoTambet aad has heea algnally aooeem

tnl IwTing added or more membera

bMldea paying oS the big debt.

He ia rery popnlar hare wnere he

has Tiaited aad held a pcstenatad

meetiBR at «feo Bsaadway MsOhodiat



HaofordTiUe. May .t—Bernlce. the

infant child of Mr. W. W Jonea, of

thit plaoe, the traTaling rrpreaenU

atiTe ot IjOQiatille Orocery Co . waa

horribly aoalile l thi« mornini; tiy over-

taming a kettle of boiling water on


will practice


toba In

^ar will ar-

'Iart of neit

eetlng at the

bat wlU to


lumbing...Steam and Not Water Heating.

529BrMdw«v.'Phone 133.

^Ml-Htt^ai I I'li'inii'ia'ia'lf If-l-en- a> l-».'t'K+«'l«'t-a(.|«-Ht+«4«.M««itai'l-

^ Ii you hue .anything to do in the way of

ITin, Sheet Iron or Galvanized Iron Work




, J.M.Mr.


ap the work ol

the big

Ml Maooa today

ho triU lake


Ik al

orM ko(


OafW havo



will orersee the work. Mr. Batter-

John baa basa shlppiaf oMaoaway.

bat this wlU bo Iho in* day Iwonshing atone


Prof. John Hobaoo haa aecnred a

meeting room for hii orchentra an<l

tonight the nieuilMrh will niei't to

elTect a pernianeut nrKanuation

Prof. Holjeon vill necure a Cfll..

player and alio a violin and Menu.


violin Thla will make-the orelientrn

oompleta aad it will then be eiubled

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