Tax & Legal News - KPMG International

Tax & Legal News Novedades impositivas y legales: Cambio de sujeto y calidad de agente retenedor de IVA a los emisores de medios de pago de servicios digitales. Impuesto a la herencia en seguros de vida. Pago por servicios jurídicos prestados en el exterior. Agosto 2022

Transcript of Tax & Legal News - KPMG International

Tax & Legal NewsNovedades impositivas y legales:• Cambio de sujeto y calidad de agente retenedor de IVA a los

emisores de medios de pago de servicios digitales.• Impuesto a la herencia en seguros de vida.• Pago por servicios jurídicos prestados en el exterior.—Agosto 2022

2Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.


Se incorporan nuevos códigos al formulario 29 de declaración mensual y pago simultáneo de impuestos para declarar y enterar en arcas fiscales el IVA retenido por el cambio de sujeto.

Se establecen nuevos códigos para el formulario 29 en el nuevo recuadro denominado “CambioEspecial de Sujeto”, los cuales deberán ser utilizados por los agentes retenedores por cuyointermedio se paguen contraprestaciones a un contribuyente individualizado en la “ContribuyentesIVA SD Afectos a Cambio de Sujeto” con el objeto de declarar y enterar en arcas fiscales el IVAretenido durante el periodo (mes) inmediatamente anterior, incluido reversiones y contracargos. Loanterior rige a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2022, por lo que las retenciones deberán iniciar el 1 deagosto del mismo año.

3Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Tratamiento tributario de fusión transfronterizaEfectos tributarios de la fusión por absorción de una sociedad residente en Holanda, propietaria de una sociedad residente en Chile, por parte de una sociedad domiciliada en España.

Conforme al CT, el SII se encuentra inhibido de ejercer sus facultades de tasación en los casos de división ofusión por creación o por incorporación de sociedades, siempre que la nueva sociedad o la subsistentemantenga registrado el valor tributario que tenían los activos y pasivos en la sociedad dividida o aportante.

El SII ha interpretado que, si las fusiones de sociedades se efectúan en el exterior compartiendo las mismascaracterísticas que en nuestro país, no se aplicará la facultad de tasación del SII, en la medida que se acrediteque los efectos legales de la fusión en otro país sean análogos a la fusión efectuada en conformidad a lalegislación chilena y esas operaciones se efectúen bajo un régimen de neutralidad tributaria al no haberganancias ni pérdidas en la operación antedicha.

El SII se encontrará inhibido de ejercer sus facultades de tasación siempre que la fusión se ajuste al conceptocontenido en la Ley de Sociedades Anónimas y se mantenga registrada en forma separada en la sociedadabsorbente el valor tributario de los activos y pasivos de la sociedad, independiente de la forma que debanregistrarse los activos según la legislación española.

4Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Crédito de IDPC con obligación de restitución y Convenios de Doble Tributación

Ciudadanos chilenos que son socios de sociedades que tributan en el régimen general semi integrado de la LIR, se trasladan a vivir y obtienen permisos de residencia en países con los cuales se mantiene vigente un Convenio de Doble Tributación con Chile.La obligación de restitución a título de débito fiscal de una cantidad equivalente al 35% del monto del crédito por IDPC no es aplicable a contribuyentes de impuesto adicional en tanto califiquen como residentes en países con los cuales Chile haya suscrito un Convenio para evitar la Doble Tributación que se encuentre vigente, siendo irrelevante la nacionalidad de la persona.Para acreditar la residencia, el contribuyente debe contar con un certificado emitido conforme a la legislación interna del país extranjero.Además, el referido convenio debe establecer que el IDPC será deducible del impuesto adicional que sea aplicable conforme al mismo, o bien se contemple otra cláusula que produzca el mismo efecto.

5Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Servicios de hotelería y alimentación en Chile a trabajadores de empresa extranjera

Una sociedad hotelera en Chile proveerá alojamiento y alimentación a trabajadores de unaempresa residente en Brasil.Al tratarse de entidades con residencia en Chile y Brasil, el Convenio de Doble Tributación entreambos países resulta aplicable, por lo que los pagos por los servicios prestados por la empresachilena calificarán de beneficios empresariales, por lo que solo se afectarán con tributación ennuestro país.

Luego, Chile tiene la obligación de reconocer como crédito los impuestos pagados en Brasil, solo encaso de que el impuesto sea de aquellos comprendidos en el Convenio y las rentas respectivaspuedan someterse a imposición en Brasil de conformidad al tratado.Si en Brasil se aplicare un impuesto que no está conforme al Convenio, el contribuyente residenteen Chile podrá solicitar el inicio de un procedimiento de acuerdo mutuo.

6Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Tributación de rentas de un banco provenientes de la enajenación de un bien raízTributación un banco por la enajenación de un inmueble previamente adjudicado en un juicio de cobranza y tramitado contra su deudor, en el que podría adjudicarse un inmueble a un precio inferior a su valor comercial.Si el banco se adjudica el inmueble en el remate judicial y lo enajena con posterioridad, el banco deberá tributar por el mayor valor obtenido en la venta del referido inmueble, deduciendo el costo tributario de la operación que, para estos efectos, corresponderá al valor en que se adjudicó el bien raíz subastado.

En el caso de la adjudicación de un bien raíz por parte del banco acreedor en el contexto de un remate judicial, ha operado una venta forzada en que la propiedad – a través de la inscripción – ha sido transferida desde el deudor (representado por el juez) al banco adjudicatario. Por consiguiente, el proceso de adjudicación en la ejecución forzada de bienes culmina en una compraventa, de manera que no podrá entenderse que hay una donación entre el deudor y el banco por el mayor valor que se obtenga en la posterior enajenación. Por lo anterior, el banco deberá reconocer un ingreso primeramente en la adjudicación del inmueble – en aquella parte que no resulte imputada al saldo capital que se encuentre adeudado a la fecha del remate – y, posteriormente, por el mayor valor que genere en la venta del inmueble a un tercero.Así, el banco acreedor deberá tributar por aquella parte del valor en que se adjudica el inmueble y que no resulte imputada al saldo de capital adeudado a la fecha del remate. Adjudicado el inmueble, el banco deberá tributar por el mayor valor obtenido su posterior enajenación, deduciendo el costo tributario que, para estos efectos, corresponderá al valor en que se adjudicó el bien raíz subastado.

7Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Requisitos para aplicar tasa reducida de impuesto adicional a compañías de seguroSe solicita confirmar que las compañías de seguro extranjeras no deben cumplir el requisito de que sea un fondo que se encuentre registrado ante una autoridad reguladora de un país o mercado, para efectos de hacer uso de la tasa reducida de IA y, en especial, al requisito que exige contar con un representante o agente en Chile que se haga responsable del cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias del inversionista institucional extranjero. El artículo 59 de la LIR contempla ciertos casos donde se aplican tasas de IA distintas de la tasa general del 35%. Se aplica una tasa reducida de 4% cuando se trate de intereses pagados o abonados en cuenta por concepto de créditos otorgados desde el exterior por instituciones bancarias o financieras extranjeras o internacionales, así como por compañías de seguros y fondos de pensiones extranjeros.

Para estos efectos, debe entenderse que serán aplicables los requisitos que sean compatibles con la mecánica del IA. En efecto, considerando que el IA debe ser retenido y enterado en arcas fiscales por el agente pagador en el país, no es aplicable a las compañías de seguro extranjeras la exigencia de contar con un representante o agente constituido en Chile que se haga responsable del cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias. Por lo tanto, para acceder a la tasa reducida de IA de un 4%, las compañías de seguro deben encontrarse registrado ante una autoridad reguladora de un país o mercado. No le serán aplicables los requisitos de (i) contar con un representante o agente constituido en Chile y (ii) que los representantes o agentes deberán declarar al SII las características de dichas operaciones.

8Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Obligación de usuarios de zona franca de operar con el registro de compras y ventas.

Se consulta respecto si el usuario de zona franca se encuentra obligado operar con elregistro de compras y ventas en los casos en que sólo mantenga régimen de zona franca yno se encuentre afecto a un impuesto adicional de la LIVS, o sin incorporar la informaciónrelacionada con la operaciones propias de zona franca, cuente con actividades en el régimengeneral, o bien, opere en su totalidad en régimen de zona franca con el registro de compras yventas pero sólo respecto de sus operaciones afectas a impuesto adicional de la LIVS.Informa que todos los usuarios de zona franca, a contar del 1° de agosto de 2017, se encuentran obligados a complementar el registro de compras y ventas con la información contenida en los documentos tributarios no electrónicos recibidos o emitidos, que den cuenta de sus operaciones tanto en el régimen preferencial como de aquellas que puedan realizar en el régimen general, incluyendo aquellos documentos especiales que deban emitir, que den cuenta de operaciones sobre mercancías.

9Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

IVA en la venta de parcelas rurales provenientes de una subdivisión

Una sociedad es dueña de un terreno rural que ha sido sometido a un procedimiento de subdivisión. El contribuyente pretende vender las parcelas resultantes de dicho loteo. A su vez, la sociedad se compromete a construir caminos internos dentro de un plazo de 12 meses contados desde la suscripción de contrato de compraventa y, eventualmente, instalará postes de energía eléctrica, tuberías, redes de telefonía, internet y demás servicios básicos.Conforme a la LIVS, el hecho gravado venta considera la enajenación de bienes corporales inmuebles construidos, de una cuota de dominio sobre dichos bienes o de derechos reales constituidos sobre ellos. Asimismo, expresamente prescribe que “los terrenos” no se encontrarán afectos al impuesto establecido en la LIVS. Luego, evidentemente, cualquier construcción introducida al terreno –excepto el terreno mismo – se grava con IVA en cuanto califique como bien corporal inmueble “construido”.

De acuerdo con los antecedentes presentados por el contribuyente, el inmueble se vendería desprovisto de cualquier construcción, enajenando simplemente el terreno, sin perjuicio que la parte vendedora se compromete a realizar obras en el futuro que si tienen el carácter de construcción. De este modo, los actos referidos no se tratarían de la venta inmuebles construidos para efectos de la LIVS, quedando por tanto su venta no gravada con el mencionado tributo.Sin embargo, el SII en el ejercicio de sus facultades de fiscalización, podría revisar este acto, o conjunto y serie de ellos, en el marco de la norma general antielusiva, teniendo en consideración que la figura expuesta podría ser utilizada como un mecanismo para evitar la ocurrencia del hecho gravado correspondiente a la venta de inmuebles construidos.

10Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

De acuerdo al cambio legal que dispone una nueva definición del hecho gravado “servicio” se consultasi se encuentran gravadas o exentas la prestación de servicios de capacitación, asesoría o estudiosbrindados por empresas o por establecimientos de educación; las prestaciones de salud, realizadas porclínicas y hospitales.Al respecto, se mantienen vigentes las instrucciones administrativas que liberan de IVA a los establecimientos deeducación por los ingresos que perciben en razón de su actividad docente propiamente tal, sin que sea requisitoprevio para gozar del beneficio su reconocimiento por el Estado. Distinto es el caso de las asesorías, debido aque estas no constituyen actividades de docencia, sino que servicios cuya finalidad es dar una opinión técnicasobre una materia específica a un cliente determinado, la cual queda reflejada en informes o documentos, queno se comprenden bajo la exención en análisis.

En cuanto a las prestaciones de salud, sin importar quién sea el prestador, éstos se encontrarán exentos sidichos servicios son prestados en forma ambulatoria, es decir, cuando éstos no requieren para su prestación deatención médica o de enfermería continua, que haga necesario mantener al paciente hospitalizado. Debeentenderse por “servicios, prestaciones y procedimientos de salud aquellos comprendidos en la nómina dearanceles modalidad de atención institucional publicada en el sitio web del Fondo Nacional de Salud.

IVA aplicable a servicios de salud y a servicios prestados por establecimientos de educación, a contar del 01.01.2023

11Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Valor tributario de inversión y forma de determinar el costo tributario de acciones

Sociedad realiza una inversión con sucesivos aportes de derechos sociales de sociedades de responsabilidad limitada a una sociedad anónima y ahora necesita conocer el costo tributario de las acciones.El costo tributario debe determinarse por las normas vigentes al momento de la enajenación. Luego, en cualquier caso, el valor del aporte equivale al valor efectivamente enterado por el enajenante o cedente a la sociedad respectiva, o al valor pagado al tercero que enajenó en su oportunidad las acciones o derechos, según corresponda.

12Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Aporte de activos ubicados en el extranjero desde una sociedad constituida en Chile a una entidad constituida en el exteriorUna sociedad constituida en Chile aportará activos que mantiene en el exterior a una entidadsin domicilio ni residencia en Chile.En materia de reorganizaciones efectuadas a través de aportes, el SII se encuentra inhibido de ejercer susfacultades de tasaciones en la medida que los efectos tributarios de los aportes se produzcan y agoten en Chile.

Así, para que una operación agote sus efectos tributarios en Chile, el mayor valor obtenido en la enajenación delos bienes aportados, efectuada con posterioridad a la reestructuración, deberá tributar en Chile.

En el presente caso, el aporte de activos ubicados en el exterior a otra entidad sin domicilio ni residencia enChile impide que el mayor valor obtenido por esta última entidad, posteriormente, tras enajenar los activos seasusceptible de pagar impuestos en Chile, al tratarse de un bien ubicado en el extranjero enajenado por unaentidad extranjera.

De esta manera, una reorganización en que se aporta un bien ubicado en el exterior y el receptor del aporte esuna entidad constituida en el extranjero, sí podrá ser objeto de tasación por parte del SII.

Tax & Legal News—Agosto 2022

14Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

New codes for form 29

New codes are incorporated into form 29 of monthly declaration and simultaneous payment oftaxes to declare and enter in fiscal coffers the VAT withheld due to the change of subject.

New codes are established for form 29 in the new box called "Special Change of Subject", which mustbe used by withholding agents through whom consideration is paid to an individualized taxpayer in the"SD VAT Taxpayers Subject to Change of Subject” with the purpose of declaring and entering into taxcoffers the VAT withheld during the immediately preceding period (month), including reversals andchargebacks. The foregoing applies as of September 1, 2022, so withholdings must begin on August 1of the same year.

15Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Cross-Border Merger Tax TreatmentTax effects of the merger by absorption of a company resident in the Netherlands, owner of a companyresident in Chile, by a company domiciled in Spain.Pursuant to the Tax Code, the SII is prohibited from exercising its appraisal powers in cases of division or mergerby creation or incorporation of companies, provided that the new company or the subsisting one keeps registeredthe tax value of the assets and liabilities in the divided or contributing company.

The SII has interpreted that, if the mergers of companies are carried out abroad sharing the same characteristicsas in our country, the SII appraisal power will not be applied, to the extent that it is proven that the legal effects ofthe merger in another country are analogous to the merger carried out in accordance with Chilean legislation andthese operations are carried out under a tax neutrality regime as there are no gains or losses in theaforementioned operation.

The SII will be prohibited from exercising its appraisal powers as long as the merger conforms to the conceptcontained in the Corporations Law and the tax value of the assets and liabilities of the company is kept separatelyregistered in the absorbing company, independently in the way that the assets must be registered according toSpanish legislation.

16Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

CIT credit with restitution obligation and Double Taxation AgreementsChilean citizens who are partners in companies that are taxed under the semi-integratedgeneral regime of the CITL, move to live and obtain residence permits in countries with whicha Double Taxation Agreement with Chile remains in force.The obligation to refund as a fiscal debit of an amount equivalent to 35% of the amount of the CITcredit is not applicable to additional taxpayers as long as they qualify as residents in countries withwhich Chile has signed an Agreement to avoid Double Taxation that is in force, being irrelevant thenationality of the individual.

To prove residence, the taxpayer must have a certificate issued in accordance with the internallegislation of the foreign country.

In addition, the aforementioned agreement must establish that the CIT will be deductible from thewithholding tax that is applicable pursuant to it, or another clause that produces the same effect iscontemplated.

17Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Hotel and food services in Chile for foreign company workers

A hotel company in Chile will provide accommodation and food to workers of a companyresident in Brazil.As they are entities with residence in Chile and Brazil, the Double Taxation Agreement between bothcountries is applicable, so the payments for the services provided by the Chilean company willqualify as business profits, so they will only be affected by taxation in our country.Then, Chile has the obligation to recognize as a credit the taxes paid in Brazil, only in case the tax isone of those included in the Agreement and the respective income can be taxed in Brazil inaccordance with the treaty.If a tax is applied in Brazil that is not in accordance with the Agreement, the taxpayer residing inChile may request the initiation of a mutual agreement procedure.

18Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Taxation of bank income from the sale of property

Taxation of a bank for the alienation of a property previously awarded in a collection trial and processed against its debtor, in which a property could be awarded at a price lower than its commercial value.If the bank is awarded the property in the judicial auction and subsequently disposes of it, the bank must pay taxes for the gain obtained in the sale of said property, deducting the tax cost of the operation, which, for these purposes, will correspond to the value in that was awarded the auctioned real estate.In the case of the adjudication of real estate by the creditor bank in the context of a judicial auction, a forced sale has taken place in which the property – through registration – has been transferred from the debtor (represented by the judge) to the winning bank. Consequently, the adjudication process in the forced execution of assets culminates in a sale, so that it cannot be understood that there is a donation between the debtor and the bank for the gain obtained in the subsequent disposal. Due to the foregoing, the bank must recognize an income first in the adjudication of the property – in that part that is not imputed to the capital balance that is owed at the date of the auction – and, subsequently, for the gain generated in the sale of the property to a third party.

Thus, the creditor bank must pay taxes for that part of the value in which the property is awarded and that is not imputed to the balance of capital owed on the date of the auction. Once the property has been adjudicated, the bank must pay taxes for the gain obtained from its subsequent disposal, deducting the tax cost which, for these purposes, will correspond to the value at which the auctioned real estate was adjudicated.

19Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Requirements to apply a reduced withholding tax rate to insurance companies

It is requested to confirm that foreign insurance companies must not meet the requirement that it be afund that is registered with a regulatory authority of a country or market, in order to make use of thereduced WHT rate and, in particular, when requirement that requires having a representative or agent inChile who is responsible for compliance with the tax obligations of the foreign institutional investor.Article 59 of the LIR contemplates certain cases where WHT rates other than the general rate of 35% areapplied. A reduced rate of 4% is applied in the case of interest paid or credited to an account for credits grantedfrom abroad by foreign or international banking or financial institutions, as well as by insurance companies andforeign pension funds.

For these purposes, it must be understood that the requirements that are compatible with the mechanics of theWHT will be applicable. Indeed, considering that the WHT must be withheld and deposited in fiscal coffers by thepaying agent in the country, the requirement to have a representative or agent constituted in Chile who isresponsible for compliance is not applicable to foreign insurance companies. of tax obligations.

Therefore, to access the reduced WHT rate of 4%, insurance companies must be registered with a regulatoryauthority of a country or market. The requirements of (i) having a representative or agent constituted in Chile and(ii) that the representatives or agents must declare to the SII the characteristics of said operations will not beapplicable.

20Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Free Zone Users obligation to operate with purchase and sales register

It is consulted regarding whether the free zone user is obliged to operate with the register ofpurchases and sales in cases where it only maintains a free zone regime and is not subject toan additional tax from the LIVS, or without incorporating the related information with its ownfree zone operations, has activities under the general regime, or operates entirely under thefree zone regime with the registration of purchases and sales, but only with respect to itsoperations subject to additional LIVS tax.Reports that all free zone users, as of August 1, 2017, are required to complete the record ofpurchases and sales with the information contained in the non-electronic tax documents received orissued, which account for their operations. both in the preferential regime and those that can becarried out in the general regime, including those special documents that must be issued, thataccount for operations on merchandise.

21Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

VAT on the sale of rural property from a subdivisionA company owns a rural piece of land that has been subjected to a subdivision procedure. The taxpayer intends to sell the plots resulting from said subdivision. In turn, the company undertakes to build internal roads within a period of 12 months from the signing of the purchase agreement and, eventually, will install electric power poles, pipes, telephone networks, internet and other basic services.

Pursuant to the LIVS, the taxable event of sale considers the alienation of constructed real estate assets, of a share of ownership over said assets or of real rights constituted over them.Likewise, it expressly prescribes that "the land" will not be subject to the tax established in the LIVS. Then, obviously, any construction introduced to the land – except the land itself – is taxed with VAT as soon as it qualifies as “built” immovable tangible property.

According to the information presented by the taxpayer, the property would be sold devoid of any construction, simply disposing of the land, without prejudice to the fact that the selling party undertakes to carry out works in the future that are of a construction nature. In this way, the aforementioned acts would not be the sale of real estate built for the purposes of the LIVS, therefore their sale would not be taxed with the aforementioned tax.However, the SII, in the exercise of its control powers, could review this act, or a set and series of them, within the framework of the general anti-avoidance rule, considering that the exposed figure could be used as a mechanism to avoid the occurrence of the taxable event corresponding to the sale of real estate built.

22Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

VAT applicable to health services and services provided by educational establishments, as of 01.01.2023

According to the legal change that establishes a new definition of the taxable event “service”, it isconsulted whether the provision of training services, advice or studies provided by companies oreducational establishments are taxed or exempt; health benefits, carried out by clinics and hospitals.In this regard, the administrative instructions that exempt educational establishments from VAT for the incomethey receive as a result of their teaching activity as such remain in force, without recognition by the State being aprerequisite for enjoying the benefit. Different is the case of consultancies, because these do not constituteteaching activities, but services whose purpose is to give a technical opinion on a specific matter to a specificclient, which is reflected in reports or documents, which are not understood under the exemption under analysis.

Regarding health benefits, regardless of who the provider is, they will be exempt if said services are provided onan outpatient basis, that is, when they do not require continuous medical or nursing care for their provision, whichmakes it necessary to maintain to the hospitalized patient. “Health services, benefits and procedures should beunderstood as those included in the institutional care modality list of fees published on the website of the NationalHealth Fund.

23Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Investment tax value and how to determine the tax cost of sharesCompany makes an investment with successive contributions of social rights from limitedliability companies to a corporation and now needs to know the tax cost of the shares.

The tax cost must be determined by the regulations in force at the time of disposal. Then, in anycase, the value of the contribution is equivalent to the value effectively paid by the transferor ortransferor to the respective company, or the value paid to the third party who disposed of the sharesor rights, as appropriate.

24Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Contribution of assets located abroad from a company incorporated in Chile to an entity incorporated abroad.A company incorporated in Chile will contribute assets that it maintains abroad to an entity without domicile or residence in Chile.In terms of reorganizations carried out through contributions, the SII is prohibited from exercising its appraisal powers to the extent that the tax effects of the contributions are produced and exhausted in Chile.Thus, for an operation to exhaust its tax effects in Chile, the capital gain obtained from the disposal of the assets contributed, carried out after the restructuring, must be taxed in Chile.In the present case, the contribution of assets located abroad to another entity without domicile or residence in Chile prevents the gain obtained by the latter entity, subsequently, after disposing of the assets, from being liable to pay taxes in Chile, since it is an asset located abroad disposed of by a foreign entity.In this way, a reorganization in which an asset located abroad is contributed and the recipient of the contribution is an entity incorporated abroad, may be subject to appraisal by the SII.

25Document Classification: KPMG Public© [year] [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.


Andrés Martínez Juan Pablo Guerrero Javiera Suazo

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Rodrigo Ávalos Alberto Cuevas Hernán Gutiérrez

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Juan Infante Gloria Mardones Francisco Ramírez

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Luis Seguel Ángelo Adasme

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KPMG Tax & Legal | KPMG en ChileRosario Norte 660 piso 20, Las Condes

Tel: +(56-2) 2997 1000