Table of Contents - Baseline - Campus Labs

BYLAWS FOR IOTA-ALPHA CHAPTER OF THE LAMBDA CHI ALPHA FRATERNITY AT BALL STATE UNIVERSITY Table of Contents Article I: Name 1 Article II: Objectives Enumerated 1 Article III: Laws 2 Article IV: Meetings and Functions 2 Article V: Officers: 3 Article VI: Executive Committee 6 Article VII: Other Committees 6 Article VIII: Membership 7 Article IX: Initiation 9 Article X: Finances 9 Article XI: Discipline of the Individual Member 11 Article XII: Conflicts with the Constitution and/or Statutory Code 12 Article XIII: Fines 12 Article XIV: Amendments 12 Article XV: External Representation 12

Transcript of Table of Contents - Baseline - Campus Labs



Table of Contents Article I: Name 1 Article II: Objectives Enumerated 1 Article III: Laws 2 Article IV: Meetings and Functions 2 Article V: Officers: 3 Article VI: Executive Committee 6 Article VII: Other Committees 6 Article VIII: Membership 7 Article IX: Initiation 9 Article X: Finances 9 Article XI: Discipline of the Individual Member 11 Article XII: Conflicts with the Constitution and/or Statutory Code 12 Article XIII: Fines 12 Article XIV: Amendments 12 Article XV: External Representation 12


ARTICLE I: NAME Section 1. This body shall be officially known and designated as the Iota-Alpha Chapter of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Section 2. This name shall be applied to the chapter at Ball State University located in Muncie, Indiana.

ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVES ENUMERATED Section 1. The objectives of the Iota-Alpha Chapter shall be:

A. To maintain at Ball State University, an undergraduate unit of The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity in accordance with its ideals, standards, traditions, and laws set forth in its Initiation Rituals, Constitution, Statutory Code, Grand High Zeta edicts, and the authorized rulings and orders of its general officers.

B. Particularly to build up the membership, ideals, spirit, organization, and physical equipment of this Chapter so that affiliation therewith shall ever be regarded as an honor and privilege of which only the finest men are worthy of.

C. Lambda Chi Alpha aspires to be a fraternity that attracts and retains a diverse general body, unified through common core values. Lambda Chi Alpha is committed to ensuring that all members are welcome through our practice of valuing the varied experiences and worldviews of those we serve. We promote a culture of respect and civil discourse as evident in our ritual: both open and private.

For the Iota-Alpha chapter, diversity is an integral part of our identity. Our success depends on our efforts to cultivate inclusivity within our pedagogical, scholarly, and creative pursuits. Community is an inherent and crucial aspect of such efforts at local, national and international levels. As we recruit and retain a diverse membership, we strive to ensure that our members are prepared to engage and succeed in increasingly diverse environments. Our recruitment efforts will continue to include historically underrepresented populations to create the cultural environment that promotes participation by all.

We are committed to the pursuit of excellence by being inclusive of individuals without regard to race, religion, color, sex (except where sex is a bona fide qualification of our bond), sexual orientation, gender identity/gender expression, physical or mental disability, national origin, ancestry, or age. We strive to be a fraternity that is recognized for its positive climate.

D. To make good men great and great men excellent.


ARTICLE III: LAWS Section 1. Laws enumerated. The Iota-Alpha Chapter shall be governed by the laws outlined below in this order:



Section 1. Regular Meetings. The High Alpha shall determine the time and place of regular meetings. The Chapter shall be required to hold a minimum of two regular general fraternity meetings each month of the academic year. Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the High Alpha or by the written petition of one-third of the active membership. The entire membership must be notified at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting. Section 3. Quorum. A majority, which is defined as 50% + 1 of the active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Iota-Alpha Chapter. Associate Members shall be considered part of the quorum in all discussions not pertaining to those matters which are reserved to fully initiated brothers. Section 4. Who may attend. The Iota-Alpha Chapter business meetings are open to the public. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be permitted to attend regular or special meetings. Matters of attendance are ultimately at the discretion of the presiding officer. Section 5. Responsibility to attend. Attendance at all regular and special meetings shall be compulsory on all members in good standing and those on probation. This includes associate members. Any chapter event that is announced (in a chapter meeting and on the calendar) by the officer in charge of the event as a “mandatory event” at least 2 weeks prior to the event shall be considered compulsory for all members to attend. Failure to attend a “mandatory event” shall follow the same guidelines as missing a chapter meeting. The executive committee, in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code, will carry out discipline in these matters.


A. If a member has 3 or more unexcused absences per semester he will be called before the Executive Committee for Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman and Violation of an Oath of Membership.

Section 6. Excused Absences. The Executive Committee shall make all decisions concerning excuses for absence from a meeting. Excuses shall be given to the High Gamma, or Presiding officer if the High Gamma is not present, before the absence and must be communicated to the High Gamma by email/text/call at least 24 hours before the absence or at the discretion of the presiding officer. The Executive Committee may grant an excuse after the absence in extenuating circumstances. Section 7. Who may vote. Only members in good standing of the Iota-Alpha Chapter are entitled to vote on all chapter decisions. Section 8. Behavior at meetings. Disorder in a regular or special meeting shall not be tolerated. The presiding officer shall expel any member who refuses to maintain proper decorum during the chapter meeting. Disciplinary action will then be carried out as determined by the executive board. Section 9. Dress at meetings. The attire at all chapter meetings shall be business casual or any shirt bearing letters. Once a month there will be a formal chapter meeting in which members must wear formal attire. Those members who do not follow the dress code set forth by the bylaws shall be denied entrance to the general chapter meeting at the discretion of the highest-ranking officer. Guests and Alumni shall be expected to dress appropriately, but may be granted entrance at the discretion of the highest-ranking officer.

A. Formal attire is defined as dress slacks, shoes, a button down dress shirt, and the presence of a tie and/or suit jacket.

Section 10. Rules of Order. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Iota-Alpha chapter.

ARTICLE V: OFFICERS Section 1: High Zeta Officers. The High Zeta of the Iota-Alpha Chapter shall consist of the alumni advisor, also known as the High Pi (whose appointment is outlined in Statutory Code IV-13), and the following elected officers by rank:

A. President a. Shall also be referred to as High Alpha. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Alpha Ops Guide.


c. Shall complete the tasks of any vacant position until replacement is found.

d. Shall have the authority to assign other duties as seen necessary. B. First Vice President

a. Shall also be referred to as High Beta. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Beta Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

C. Second Vice President a. Shall also be referred to as High Theta. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Theta Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

D. Secretary a. Shall also be referred to as High Gamma. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Gamma Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

E. Treasurer a. Shall also be referred to as High Tau. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Tau Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

F. Risk Management a. Shall also be referred to as High Iota. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Iota Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

G. Alumni Secretary a. Shall also be referred to as High Rho. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Rho Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

H. Fraternity Educator a. Shall also be referred to as High Kappa. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Kappa Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

I. Recruitment Coordinator a. Shall also be referred to as High Delta b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Delta Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

J. Ritualist


a. Shall also be referred to as High Phi. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Phi Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

K. Scholastic Chairman a. Shall also be referred to as High Sigma. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Sigma Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

L. Social Chairman a. Shall also be referred to as High Epsilon. b. Shall complete all duties assigned in the most recently revised High

Epsilon Ops Guide. c. Shall complete other duties as assigned.

Section 2. Non-Zeta Officers. Other officers in Lambda Chi Alpha may be selected by the executive committee or voted on by the chapter in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code.

A. Standards Chairman B. Accreditation Chairman C. Interfraternity Council Delegate D. Historian E. Big Brother Committee

a. This committee will consist of no less than 5 but no more than 7 active brothers.

F. Parliamentarian Section 3. Eligibility to hold office. No member may hold a High Zeta office or executive position unless he is a collegiate brother in good standing, can hold the office for its full term, and meets the requirements of the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. The candidate must also hold a grade point average of 2.7, both cumulative and each semester. If any Zeta member fails to maintain the established grade point average, they will be removed from their position immediately following the grade release. The Executive Committee should fill the position in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. Section 4. Elections. Regular election to High Zeta offices and executive committee members shall be held annually in the fall of each school year. This election will be held during a chapter meeting, as determined by the High Alpha, and only voting members and advisors are allowed. Nominations will be taken two weeks before elections; in addition, a chapter member may only run for three offices per election. Any member nominated for an office will hand in a letter of intent pertaining to his intended office, to the Executive Committee one week after he has been nominated.


The newly elected High Zeta officers shall then go through the Formal Installation Ceremony. Section 5. Vacant positions. The executive committee, in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code, will determine replacements for vacant positions. The President shall fulfill the responsibilities as outlined in Article V, Section 1 of the bylaws. Section 6. Delegate qualifications. The official delegate to any headquarter mandated event shall be elected by majority of the undergraduate chapter and shall have at least one full year of college work before graduation and be an active member in good standing. Section 7. Duties of the official delegate. The official delegate shall attend all mandatory sessions and serve on committees to which he is appointed. He shall present a report to the High Zeta and then to the active Chapter following his return from the assembly.

ARTICLE VI: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee shall be composed in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. Section 2. Election. The Executive Committee shall be elected during the same chapter as the President and in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code as well as other officer eligibility requirements outlined in Article V, Section 3 of the bylaws. Section 3. Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall be defined in the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. An Executive Committee may not overrule or suspend anything within the Constitution and Statutory Code.

ARTICLE VII: OTHER COMMITTEES Section 1. Creation and organization. The High Alpha shall create committees at his discretion or upon a majority vote of the chapter. The High Beta shall organize all committees. Section 2. Alumni Advisory Board. The Alumni Advisory Board will be coordinated by the High Pi. This board will consist of Lambda Chi Alpha alumni, not necessarily of the Iota-Alpha chapter. Their duty is to provide advice and guidance to the Iota-Alpha chapter and are expected to mentor and guide the organization for optimal success.


Section 3. Senior Advisory Board. The Senior Advisory Board will be coordinated by the Standards Chairman. This board will consist of seniors of the organization. Their duty will be to provide feedback that can better the organization and contribute to its success.

ARTICLE VIII: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership requirements for all initiates. The General Fraternity is and shall remain the sole and final authority of the requisites for membership in Lambda Chi Alpha. The following shall be required criteria for all candidates:

A. Only college men of good moral character whose ideals, characteristics and attainments are such as will make them compatible, congenial, and worthy members of the fraternity, who comply with the laws of the fraternity, and who are not members of any other international general social college fraternity or any similar local general social fraternity will be eligible for membership within Lambda Chi Alpha.

B. All initiates, except honorary members at the time of initiation, shall be students at the college or university where the subordinate Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha has been established. No candidate, of whatever membership classification, shall be initiated unless he shall have paid in full, fourteen calendar days in advance of the initiation, the initiation fee of the subordinate Zeta into which he is received. All initiation fees shall be paid in any manner deemed fit by the High Tau. He shall also have paid the Associate Member fee, all monthly dues up to initiation, and any other money that he may owe to the Iota-Alpha Chapter.

Section 2. Requirements for sustained membership. The following guidelines are expected of each Associated Member and initiated Brother.

A. Each Associated Member and Brother of the Iota-Alpha Chapter will be required to complete 12 documented hours of community service.

a. If any brother or associate member does not complete these hours, they will adhere to the following consequences until all past due hours have been properly documented:

i. If between 8 hours and 11 hours 59 minutes were documented, the brother or associate will be placed on probation.

1. Members placed on service hour probation cannot attend weeknight events excluding chapter, initiation week, ritual, or brotherhood based.

ii. If between 4 hours and 7 hours 59 minutes were documented, the brother or associate will be placed on suspension.


1. Members placed on service hour suspension cannot attend any events excluding chapter, initiation week, ritual, or brotherhood based.

iii. If less than 4 hours were documented in one semester, that brother or associate will be up for an immediate expulsion vote by the executive committee.

iv. If a graduating brother does not complete 12 documented service hours, he will be assessed a fine equal to $10 for every hour he did not complete.

1. This fine must be paid in full before the brother is allowed to take place in the Senior Ceremony and the brother will not attain status of “alumni in good standing” until the fine has been paid in full.

b. Once a brother or associate member has finished, and documented, the hours he did not complete a previous semester, he will automatically be lifted from his current status.

B. Each semester all Associated Members and initiated Brothers are expected to complete study tables at the discretion of the High Sigma.

C. Each semester all Associated Members and initiated Brothers are expected to maintain at least a 2.6 grade point average for both term and cumulative. This requirement shall be in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code

Section 3. Academic probation defined. Academic probation will be immediately installed upon a member who achieves a semester or cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 2.6. Members placed on academic probation cannot attend weeknight events excluding chapter, initiation week, ritual, or brotherhood based. Section 4. Academic suspension defined. Academic suspension will be immediately installed upon a member who achieves a semester or cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 2.5 following a semester of academic probation. Members placed on academic suspension cannot attend any events excluding chapter, initiation week, ritual, or brotherhood based. Section 5. Voting on candidates for Associate Membership. The procedure to be used by the Iota-Alpha Chapter is as follows:

A. The High Delta will be responsible for developing criteria for Associate Membership to be passed by the active chapter by a majority vote. These criteria shall be reviewed on a yearly basis and voted on by the active chapter at the last Chapter meeting of the spring semester.


B. Sixty-six percent (66%) of the active membership present and in good standing shall be required to extend a bid to a prospective member. This percentage is in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code.

a. Bid Defined. A formal bid is one that upon acceptance by a New Member grants him the right to become an Associate Member without requiring a subsequent vote.

b. If the chapter so chooses, a committee can be formed to vote and extend bids to potential new members. To install this committee a chapter vote of 75% is required. The committee shall be comprised of a minimum of 9 brothers including the High Delta who will chair the committee. A 66% vote is still required in this committee to extend bids to potential new members.

i. Let it be further noted that the chapter must vote members of this committee on with a 66% vote approval for each candidate.

Section 6. Voting on candidates for initiation. Favorable percentage for initiation shall be at least Seventy-five percent (75%) of the active initiated members present and in good standing. This percentage is in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code.

ARTICLE IX: INITIATION Section 1. Time. The time and date of Ritual shall be decided at the High Zeta retreat or at the discretion of the High Phi. The event should be approved by both the International Headquarters and the Ball State University Office of Greek Life. Section 2. Manner of Initiation. The Iota-Alpha Chapter shall initiate only in accordance with the laws and practices of the General Fraternity. Section 3. Compulsory Attendance. Every active member shall be required to attend and participate in the Ritual Exemplification Ceremony. Any member not attending the Ceremony shall be subject to discipline at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Section 4. Conduct. Any member not exhibiting an attitude of decent conduct, as determined by the presiding officer, shall be subject to discipline at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE X: FINANCES Section 1. Dues. Each active member is required to pay an amount to be determined by chapter vote. A $100 deposit will be due the 3rd business meeting of the semester. All other dues will be paid in full at the academic semester at High


Tau’s discretion. If any member is unable to make such a payment, they will receive a notice by the High Tau and will be placed on financial suspension. A member not able to make such a payment, will submit a payment plan to the Executive Committee, which may defer the decision to the High Tau. Each Associate Member is required to pay $500 his first semester. Due dates of this payment shall be made in accordance with the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. Section 2. Budget. The budget of the Iota-Alpha Chapter shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and proposed to the active chapter in the second business meeting of every semester and submitted for approval by the third business meeting. Associate Members’ dues shall not be included in the planning.

A. Each semester the budget needs to include the following: a. International Headquarters Dues b. Interfraternity Council Dues c. Summer Conference d. Educational Leadership Consultant Visit e. Composite f. Annual Philanthropy

Section 3A. Minimal Liquid Assets. The chapter shall seek to maintain a savings account balance of $3000 at the beginning of both the fall and spring semester. Section 3B. Surpluses. All excesses from the previous semester’s budget are nonrefundable. The surplus will be moved to the following areas in this order:

FIRST: Payoff of Liabilities SECOND: Replacement of Outdated Materials THIRD: Discretion of the Executive Committee

Section 4. Association and Initiation Fee. The Association and Initiation fees shall be equal to the amount listed in the most recently revised Constitution and Statutory Code. Section 5. Procedure for Expending Funds. All amounts expended must be within the approved budget, and approved by the Statutory Code officer under whose budget the amount is to be applied, as well as the High Alpha. Failure by any officer to not follow proper procedures regarding expenditures will be ruled on by the Executive Committee. Section 6. Financial Accountability. The High Tau shall present at every chapter business meeting a written or electronic financial report, regarding the weekly expenditure of all funds as well as the status of chapter accounts. At the discretion of the High Tau, the amount owed by individual members and their standing in the


Chapter shall be posted on the meeting room door prior to and throughout the duration of the chapter meeting. Section 7. Members in Debt. Graduating members that are not in good financial standing are required to pay their outstanding balance in full to be placed on alumni status. Accounts that are not paid in full within 6 months of the date of graduation will be sent to a collections agency to be determined by the Executive Committee. Written notice will be sent to members last known address 1 month after graduation and 1 month prior to collections. Section 8. Financial Deficiencies Defined. Financial suspension will be immediately installed upon a member who has missed a monetary due date by 30 calendar days. These due dates will be monitored by the High Tau. Members placed on financial suspension cannot attend any events.

A. Late fees may be assigned with the approval of the executive committee.

ARTICLE XI: DISCIPLINE OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBER Section 1. Offenses defined. A member in violation of any of these laws is subject to disciplinary procedures and penalties:

A. Each Member shall abide by the Laws of the Fraternity as defined in Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution, the Iota-Alpha bylaws, the acts of the Iota-Alpha Chapter, and the acts of the Executive Committee and officers.

B. In addition, a Member may be disciplined for: a. Conduct Unbecoming a Gentleman b. Slander or libel of the Fraternity, a Chapter, or another Member c. Failing to act for the good of the Fraternity or committing an act

detrimental to the Fraternity d. Violation of an oath of membership e. Conviction of a criminal offense that reflects upon the Fraternity f. Any violation of applicable civil or criminal law, the Laws of the

Fraternity, or the rules of Ball State University.

Section 2. Social Discipline. A member in violation of the social contract shall be subject to the following disciplinary actions:

A. First Violation: shall result in being placed on Social Probation. a. Social Probation defined. Social Probation shall constitute an inability

to attend any events for the rest of the semester that are not chapter meetings, brotherhood or ritual based.

B. Second Violation: shall result in being placed on Social Suspension.


a. Social Suspension defined. Social Suspension shall constitute an inability to attend any event other than chapter meetings and I forfeit my right to vote on all matters. I shall remain on Social Suspension for eight (8) months from the date of the violation.

C. Third Violation: shall result in immediate expulsion from Lambda Chi Alpha and accept all ramifications outlined in the Constitution and Statutory Code of Lambda Chi Alpha.


Section 1. Adjusting conflicts with the Constitution and Statutory Code. All bylaws that are in conflict with the Constitution, the Statutory Code, or orders of the Grand High Zeta are automatically deemed null and void.

ARTICLE XIII: FINES Section 1. Fines assessed to members. Fines that are assessed to members will be added to their current semester’s dues and must be paid in full by the end of the semester. Failure to do so, will result in the Executive Committee’s reevaluation of the fine, and may result in additional fines or punishments.

ARTICLE XIV: AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to the by-laws. A two-thirds vote shall be required for the proposed amendment to be entered into the chapter by-laws.

ARTICLE XV: EXTERNAL REPRESENTATION Section 1. Composite Attire. All members must wear the following for composite pictures:

A. White button shirt B. Official Lambda Chi Alpha Tie

a. Provided by the chapter C. Black blazer

Section 2. Sweetheart. In order to run for sweetheart for the Iota-Alpha chapter the individual must meet the following requirements:

A. Shall be a female B. Shall be a student at Ball State University during the entirety of their term

C. Shall be in good academic standing rn ith the universit;'

Section 3. Lavaliere. A membel u,ill meet ri,ith the executirre committee to discussthe pui'pose of the ceremony. The ceremonl,u,ill be conducted at the member'sdiscretron. to be approrred by the executive committee. A member u,iil then berequired to call forth a rrote to be held during chapter that must pass with at least7594.

CertificationApril 10, 2017

Bryce Smith, High Alpha

ehlinger, High Pi