Synopsis Solution To HealthCare Crisis Natural Healing Immunotherapy Magic Mind • AquaDios Corp

A 21 st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing Synopsis • Healthcare • Crisis Manufactured • Man-Made AquaDios-Med Proactive Preventive Medicine Is The SOLUTION Research Synopsis Crisis • Summation ADM™ PPM By Dr. Alan Jensen [email protected] P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265 310-897-5055 Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 • 2008 • 2012 • 2013 AquaDios TM / AquaDios-Med TM AquaDiosMed TM All Rights Reserved Synopsis • Crisis • ADM™ PPM • Solution

Transcript of Synopsis Solution To HealthCare Crisis Natural Healing Immunotherapy Magic Mind • AquaDios Corp

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

Synopsis • Healthcare • Crisis Manufactured • Man-Made

AquaDios-Med Proactive Preventive Medicine Is The SOLUTION

Research Synopsis Crisis • Summation ADM™ PPM

By Dr. Alan Jensen [email protected]

P.O. Box 2228

Malibu, CA 90265 310-897-5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator •

• AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 • 2008 • 2012 • 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved

Synopsis • Crisis • ADM™ PPM • Solution

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

The Healthcare • Crisis Man-Made • Manufactured

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

Is The Solution

Synopsis • Research 6 Page Synopsis • Crisis

15 Page Summary • ADM™ PPM 17 Page Intellectual Property • Graphs

by Dr. Alan Jensen

Includes AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine Inner Mental Training • Mind Body Medicine •

Psychoneuroimmunology • Proprietary Innovations Intellectual Property • AquaDios-Med™


[email protected]

P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen

• Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ •

Copyright © 1985 - 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved

Synopsis – Summation • Research • HealthCare Crisis

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265 310.897.5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

[email protected]

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

The Healthcare Crisis Has A Solution • It Is Evidence Based • AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

Synopsis Crisis – Solution – April 12, 2013 6 Pages

While being a critic of the healthcare system I am not an enemy nor is the reported research; the intent is to identify the crisis and a logical solution. I have been a doctor for more than 35 years and worked – studied with more than many experts while being associated with numerous hospitals. Motivation to research healthcare began long ago but nothing was formally begun or written until 2006 when I co-authored two articles one titled The HealthCare Problem the other Solution To The Healthcare Problem Is AquaDios-Med™. My first revision in 2008 included – SCOOP the $8.2 Million UK Study Analysis.

Well respected professional societies and universities jointly participated in funding the SCOOP osteoporosis - osteoarthritis research study where Fosamax, a Bisphosphonate drug known to cause osteonecrosis of the jaw was approved as the drug of choice for elderly female patients.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that can most often be reversed with safe exercise, diet and

stress management. Fosamax is a drug designed to cure the Osteoporosis bone disease, but it has a dangerously serious side-effect -- Osteonecrosis of the jaw or jawbone death – this has no remedy.

The obvious question is why medical research would rely on a drug that is more dangerous than

the symptom it is treating. Seeking the answer to this question became the motivation to examine the practices of healthcare and how it is structured. Research indicates the healthcare crisis serves a fundamental purpose – extraordinary profit for an aberrant culture within Congress, the Pharmaceutical – Device Companies, the FDA, the AMA, organized Hospital Medicine and doctors and more.

By 2005 medical research showed that hospitals were dangerous -- a leading cause of death and

by 2008 research suggested maybe a $1 Trillion healthcare dollars was being funneled into the pockets of those responsible for managing patient care in the U.S. Acquiring valid, unbiased medical data has been most difficult but by early 2013 Time Magazine published a brilliant investigative story by Steve Brill and the HealthCare Crisis that illuminated specifics within healthcare monetary abuses.

The most current American Hospital Association [AHA] annual statistics indicates in 2011 hospital healthcare expense was about $ 1.5 Trillion with an overall healthcare cost of $2.7 Trillion cited by Debt.Org -- and will likely be above $ 2.9 Trillion for 2012. The AHA identified 10,697 registered hospitals, but it is unclear if there is another 5,714 hospitals with an additional $ 500 billion in costs. All statistical discussion of this AHA data relies only what has clearly been reported.

The AHA data shows more than 72 million patients were admitted into hospitals, about 50 % or

approximately 36 million patients of those admitted were PWDP or patients without discernible pathology – no medical reason for hospitalization. Other research estimates that as many as 33 % or about 12 million of these PWDP patients needlessly suffered iatrogenic disease medicine and many died – while having no valid medical pathology or diagnosis to even be in the hospital.

Exercise Is Medicine

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Research confirms more than $750 Billion -- maybe $ 1 Trillion dollars is misused in the healthcare equation to become distributed to abusive profits. Roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar is squandered on ill-gotten-revenue through unneeded medical care, dishonest paperwork, deceitful pricing, fraud, abuse of pharmaceuticals, unnecessary surgeries, unnecessary procedures - services; inefficient delivery of care; excessive administrative costs; inflated prices; prevention failures; fraud and much more. To explore hypothetical, yet realistic possible statistical measures to decrease both the cost and the needless and wasteful expense the $ 1 Trillion figure has been used for making conceptual understanding easier.

Research shows the American Healthcare Crisis is a genuine Manufactured Man-Made Crisis

that has been artificially created and fundamentally contrived by an unscrupulous deceitful for-profit culture found in the U.S. Congress, the FDA, the pharmaceutical-medical device makers, the American Medical Association -- AMA, the American Hospital Association – AHA -- Modern Hospital Medicine practices, doctors and the entire healthcare industry.

The consolidated Healthcare Industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying Congress

to shelter and allow incredibly, stupendous, colossally abusive profits. The American Healthcare Crisis is an artificial politicized hypothetical construct identified best by Franklin D. Roosevelt … In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

More than $5 Billion dollars is spent by the collective healthcare industry to lobby Congress to

continue to allow a Political Arrangement to officially overcharge for all Hospital Related Services and to support the outrageous profits. One agreed method is through the Hospital Chargemaster Price System which allows at least 15 times more than a service or product may cost. Pharmaceuticals and Device makers have been permitted to charge a sales price of 300 times greater than the cost of a product. This perverse culture is permitted a method that includes Deceitful Billing, Dishonest Claims, Outrageous Cancer Drug Profits, Conflict of interest, Abusive Consulting Fees -- Laboratory costs, and much more. There is confirmation Non-Profit Hospital most often Produce More Profits than profit hospitals; the healthcare system it is a morass of Deception.

The design of this for-profit culture is to manipulate one of the most important and absolutely

necessary socio-medico-systems -- the HealthCare System; a system that all people need and depend on from birth to death for protection from disease, illness, and injury. Research illustrates how Hospitals and modern medicine are both manipulated and directly complicit in the fraud of selling iatrogenic medicine with unnecessary services such as surgeries, medicines, procedures, tests, examinations, all of which are profit-centered and dangerous, some causing serious debilitating and lasting side effects and too often death. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reports show the U.S. as the most expensive healthcare system with the worst results in virtually all categories when compared to other industrialized countries.

This research concentrates on how the artificial mechanisms throughout the HealthCare System

collaborate for profit, not for healthcare -- too often a callous disregard for patient welfare is rampant throughout most of the healthcare system. I am in full support of healthcare but not its profit centered motivation where patients suffer and many die. Civilized Healthcare is patient-centered, not profit centered, this means evidence based Mind Body Medicine must be included in all healthcare practices. Discussion produced by healthcare research is a built on confirmed investigation data, not opinion; it is evidence based … don’t kill the messenger.

Exercise Is Medcine

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


For decades scientific studies show how important the mind body -- immune system response is to health and medically defined dis-ease, including serious conditions like cancer. Mind and body science found a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm altered the immune system response concluding the brain is directly involved in immunity and coined the term psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) to describe the mind body connection affecting dis-eases, including cancer.

Published medical studies specific to preventive medicine repeatedly show people can lower

the risk of chronic diseases with regular exercise, eating well, no smoking and avoiding obesity. The four magical preventive medicine activities are simple -- regular physical activity, eat a healthy diet, do not smoke and avoid becoming obese -- these pragmatic practices can slash risk of most serious disease by 80%.

For decades placebo research pondered how an inert or a non-medicine can produce remarkable healing in many patients. Long term research of the Placebo Effect reveals a simple scientific definition -- a process that maximizes the human immune system allowing it to become unencumbered to perform the natural healing available in most all people. This natural and powerful healing is not considered or utilized in modern medicine practices nor do hospitals develop methods to manifest this powerful natural healing – Why -- because there is way less profit. Research shows Mind Body Medicine combined with multiple immersions with structured deep-water running can maximize most people’s immune system to reverse disease and need for surgery70 to 80 percent of the time.

Mind-Body Medicines • Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy • Research

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine • Evidence Based AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine consists of two main activities. One is a

physiological training base from safe sustained vigorous exercise during deep-water immersion. This alone produces Positive Blood Transformation with more than 34 Positive Evidence Based scientific physiological benefits from Deep-Water Immersion in Hot - Cold Water. Alternating Hot and Cold water immersions is a particularly powerful technique. The hot water draws old, toxic blood out of the internal organs and the cold water drives fresh blood back into the internal organs for maximized rejuvenation – healing. This physically active procedure alone can maximize immune system function, and when combined with physiological self-regulation training, learned through Mind Body Medicine healing is accelerated – this process includes Inner Mental Training -- Psychoneuroimmunology --Clinical Hypnosis -- Positive Psychology -- integrating Ideomotor Questioning – Resolutions and Imprinting within Mind Body Medicine. AquaDios-Med™ PPM utilizes these many proven scientific methods known to maximize immune system efficiency and can successfully reduce or eliminate most all symptoms common to illness, disease or injury. The practice of AquaDios-Med™ PPM is a prevention of the disease process as well as a promotion of physical and mental health.

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine is patient-centered evidence based scientific

medical process that integrates physiological aspects of Medical Hydrology, Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy and Aquatics. The ADM™ PPM innovative process takes place in unique Proprietary Deep Immersion Chambers with Multiple Temperatures, Proprietary Power Massage with Proprietary Safety Handles. Patients learn correct Deep-Water Running posture to sustain safe vigorous exercise together with Mind Body Medicine -- MBM to accelerate healing when sick or injured, and to manage -- control pain, manage -- control symptoms and to establish physical fitness, increase the speed of rejuvenation to maintain normal healthy chemical balance and establish natural homeostasis equilibrium specific to Hans Selye’s, MD General Adaptation Syndrome -- GAS.

Exercise Is Medicine

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Emphasis of AquaDios-Med™ PPM is to teach each patient how to develop and use natural mental skills to alter and control positive physiology and how to accomplish safe sustained vigorous exercise to build endurance, stamina, a strong Immune System, to improve vitality and a establish a healthy psychophysiological state; a process that will establish a healthy mental and physical state, independent from drugs and most surgeries.

Intelligent use of Placebo can become a platform for all hospital prescribed drugs -- an authorized placebo protocol -- one strictly adhered to by all hospital staff and one that is NEVER discussed with the patient. This placebo protocol can also be instituted into the surgery program so that all recommended surgeries will be preceded by a placebo protocol that indicates the placebo is known to decrease the need for surgery in a high percentage of cases, especially when an evidence based procedure such as AquaDios-Med™ and other legitimate alternative medicine practices; unless of course there is absolute verified and immediate need for surgery.

It is important to briefly discuss the development and science of the AquaDios-Med™ PPM proactive preventive medicine process and its assimilation of safe structured deep water running exercise with Mind Body Medicine. This unified procedure forms both a physiological – physical and Cognitive, Emotional Skills and Attitudes toward wellness and health. In essence AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine is designed to facilitate and produce a homeostatic bio-physiology balance that eliminates the dependence on and the abuse of biopharmaceuticals as well as most surgeries and hospital stays.

Evidence is presented that supports the AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine process can reduce the overuse of Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals and surgeries by approximately eighty percent and is capable of reducing more than 36 million patients from hospital admission. AquaDios-Med™ has combined accelerated healing, performance and pain control practices with structured deep water running. Structured deep water running alone produces positive healing and rejuvenation through physiological changes described in detail below. This sustained exercise, when combined with modern Mind Body Medicine the body’s natural healing process is accelerated, providing the body with the most favorable conditions for complete natural self-healing.

For the purpose of logical discussion of the AHA statistics cited above hypothetical analysis

permits a statistical method to first, eliminate the 36 million PWDP patients -- those admitted with no medical reason – this is half of all the hospital admitted patients. This will decrease the patient population by 36 million patients. Second, deduct $ 750 Billion from the $1.5 Trillion hospital costs or costs for the PWDP patients -- those admitted with no medical reason. This will decrease hospital costs by $ 750 Billion. This lowers healthcare costs to $ 750 Billion and $750 Billion is saved. By removing the PWDP patient’s -- those admitted with no medical reason costs from the $ 1.5 Trillion in hospital costs this hypothetically leaves 36 Million admitted patients and a cost of $ 750 Billion – a $750 Billion savings.

Further hypothetical exploration can be made from this AHA data that allows statistical extrapolation or a logical prediction based on reliable data. This process allows intelligent dialogue specific to those 36 million admitted hospital patients – all with no medical pathology – or reason to be hospitalized. It is likely these 36 million patients with no identified medical pathology will need some healthcare service. In theory half of the saved $750 Billion dollars or $375 Billion can be reinvested -- into an out-patient evidence based process such as AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine, a system built on known health outcomes and practices.

This theoretical scenario can produce 36 million more physically -- mentally fit people with

minimal hospital medicine needs and saves $375 Billion in healthcare costs. The remaining or saved $375 Billion could be earmarked for honest, noble pharmaceutical drugs and devices and healthcare education – a Win-Win. By eliminating these 36 million patients from hospital admission there will be a cost savings of $375 Billion dollars.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Although this research is critical of today’s healthcare system, it is not based on bias or prejudice; it is simple garnered evidence from research. All communities need hospitals, but there are practices that must be changed within modern hospital medicine, the FDA, pharmaceuticals, AMA, insurance companies, Congress and more. The biggest adjustment is for the healthcare industry to shift from profit-centered thinking to patient-centered logic. However, this research shows that it is highly unlikely the system will adjust without a dramatic change -- one where the Federal Government takes over the healthcare industry – there is just too much money involved – upward of $ 1 Trillion. The only other way for the healthcare system to transform is for the 400 worldwide Billionaires, who have pledged to give away large portions of their fortunes, to step up -- donate the money to install evidence based AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine to stop the crisis and save $ 1 Trillion dollars. Research shows the modern healthcare hospital system is responsible for a leading cause of death in America. Doctors themselves are not to blame; the entire modern healthcare system and its culture is to blame, for allowing, and promoting, so many unnecessary procedures, drugs and mishaps, not to mention the infections which plague hospitals and attack patients opportunistically. This illustrates precisely why the system is so desperately in need of change and why healthcare costs in America are reported to be more than $2.7 Trillion dollars.

The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is about 60 percent of those ordered or approved while only 40% of the surgeries were actually necessary. One in every three admitted patients will suffer a medically caused adverse reaction, many resulting in death. More than 72 Million patients’ were admitted to hospitals and 36 million were Medically Unjustified admissions – admitted with no justifiable medical reason; that means more than 24 million of the admitted patients in 2011 will suffer from a hospital mistake, error or negative side effect caused by treatment, surgery or prescribed drug – possibly death.

Research shows the healthcare crisis is designed by an aberrant politically active profit-centered

culture with control of up to $ 1 Trillion dollars -- it is highly unlikely there will be any pragmatic alteration to the system – nobody is going to willingly allow Billions of Dollars to be moved into to a patient-centered process and lower profit. This reality brings us to the 400 Billionaires Pledge. It is absolutely necessary for those Billionaires to donate actual money in hand – it cannot be just rhetoric by those Billionaires -- before any meaningful healthcare renovation is possible. It will take these Billionaires to actually step forward with the Billions of Dollars it will require to build the infrastructure for AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine healing centers across America and perhaps the World; healthcare renovation cannot succeed with just words to pledge Billions of Dollars, it will take action – release of the Billions needed.

Pharmaceutical and Insurance Companies are Corrupt – Drug companies have been fined more

than $10 billion in criminal civil actions - Eminent scientists, doctors, engineers and longstanding employees and experts in their field, have taken huge professional and personal risks to announce to the President of the United States of specific fraud and other violations occurring at the FDA which endangers the public by approving dangerous drugs and medical devices. Research shows that a minimum of $ 750 Billion is accounted as lost to the perverse human cultural conditions enumerated herein and that sum is likely much closer to a Trillion Dollars or more.

The obtained investigative research presented demonstrates the HealthCare Problem is an

artificial Crisis because it is purposely manufactured and man-made, by improper, illogical dishonest practices and should not be sanctioned by law or custom because the system is not in accordance with the rules or laws of honest government.

Exercise is a weapon against disease

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


The aberrant culture that has allowed or created this organized ludicrous incongruity of style and treatment of the sick and injured in America is identified from the top to the bottom of the healthcare system; beginning with Congress and ending with individual doctors.

Research identifies how medical mistakes are an enormous public health problem because

hospitalized patients endure morbid consequences from medical care which is avoidable more than 50 percent of the time. Coronary bypasses are identified as the most common unnecessary surgeries in America. Scientific Research shows that childhood traumas to be a major factor in most All illnesses.

Research shows that Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Arthritis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and most all medical problems can be successfully treated with methods such as AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine for half the cost while eliminating or controlling most all symptoms 80 % of the time.

Oculostenotic reflex is identified as the irresistible temptation by cardiologists to expand

narrowed coronary arteries, despite evidence-based guidelines recommending a different intervention, such as mild medication or the AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine safe sustained exercise where the drugs come with fewer risks, at a lower cost while ADM™ PPM has no risk at the lowest cost.

A simple definition of Placebo Effect is a process that maximizes the human immune system

and allows it to perform unencumbered natural healing. Mind Body Medicine combined with structured deep-water running can maximize most people’s immune system to reverse disease and need for surgery70 to 80 percent of the time – based on the General Adaptation Syndrome.

Research documents hospital expenses to be more than $1.5 Trillion for the year 2011 which

extrapolates to a savings of about $1 Trillion when Evidence Based AquaDios-Med™ practices are factored into the hospital healthcare equation. Seventy Percent is a constant in this AquaDios-Med™ equation because positive placebo effects are stable at 70 % when it is a prescribed guided placebo given to the patient by a respected doctor who makes positive verbal suggestion designed to enhance or elevate belief, imagination, expectation and faith in the drug. An integral part of AquaDios-Med™ is Mind Body Medicine - Psychoneuroimmunology practices used to facilitate and sustain physiological self-regulation, but without the placebo. [70% of (US $ 1.5 Trillion) = $1 Trillion U.S. dollars]

Experts expose unnecessary surgery is ordered more than 60% of the time and state that most

All of these Surgeries are Medically Unjustified; too often Surgeons Exploit Patients For Profit. Most all Surgery due to Back Pain is Unjustified … most low back pain is caused by a simple muscle strain, which over time heals itself … not usually caused by herniated disks in the spine, which are the target of most surgeries.

Corruption and unjustified surgery led by doctors and hospitals continues because the system

allows medical practices, even when unnecessary -- to be paid more for doing more, largely without regard for evidence of improved health outcomes – can’t have too much medicine. In essence the healthcare system has legalized fraud. For example, increased MRI is due to the rapid increase in the number of MRI machines, not the need for MRI. Health care providers that deliver high quality, efficient care are financially penalized for not delivering a higher volume of more intensive services, beneficial or not -- referred to as the perverse incentive.

Exercise is a weapon against disease

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

The Healthcare • Crisis Man-Made • Manufactured

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

Is The Solution

Synopsis • Research • Solution 4 Page Synopsis • Deep-Water Immersion 3 Page Summary • Mind Body Medicine

4 Page Physiological Benefits 3 Page Evidence Hot • Cold Immersion 17 Page Intellectual Property • Graphs

by Dr. Alan Jensen Includes

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine Inner Mental Training • Mind Body Medicine •

Psychoneuroimmunology • Proprietary Innovations Intellectual Property • AquaDios-Med™


[email protected]

P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen

• Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ •

Copyright © 1985 - 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved

Synopsis – Summation • Research • Solution • HealthCare Crisis

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265 310.897.5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

[email protected]

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

Synopsis • SOLUTION To • Man-Made Healthcare Crisis AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine 16 Pages

Introduction — The Body Naturally Heals Itself

The human body is designed to heal itself, and it does that very well, given favorable conditions. Unfortunately, with its practice of cutting, drugging and irradiating patients, traditional medicine produces conditions that actually inhibit the body’s self-healing capabilities.

It is in large measure because of this that healthcare costs in the United States are so high (see “The Healthcare – Crisis Manufactured – Man-Made). The solution to the high cost of healthcare is therefore found in providing modalities of treatment that support the body in healing itself when it gets sick, and preventing disease in the healthy body.

An Effective Alternative Healing Modality

Fortunately, modalities that help the body heal itself are well known scientifically. One such modality, with both centuries of historical use and modern confirmation of effectiveness, is deep-water immersion. Traditional deep-water immersion has been refined by AquaDios-Med™ to even more effectively aid the body in healing itself. The latest research on the benefits of physical activity while immersed to the neck in water is described in Considering the Biologic Aspects of Water, Cole, Andrew J. MD - Becker, Bruce E. MD, April 1995;“Water therapy exercise program; Water therapy pain relief; December 27, 2006; American College Sports Medicine, 2006. Dr. Becker has researched, published, and taught extensively on aquatics. The following points are summarized from his and other research. An Efficient Preventive Medicine Healing • Exercise Modality

Water is the oldest rehabilitation modality known to mankind. Few understand the magnitude, variety, and rapidity of its healing properties. Physical activity while immersed up to the neck in water promotes physical fitness, rapid healing, pain management, and more. Much research over the centuries confirms these properties, and recent research adds further understanding. For example, physical activity while immersed to the neck in water produces physiologic changes that accelerate the removal of metabolic waste, improve cardiac function, and lower blood pressure, thus assisting the body in healing the tissues.

The Circulatory System Immediately upon immersion, water begins to exert pressure on the body. This aids the circulatory system. For example, central venous pressure rises

with immersion to the chest and increases until the body is completely immersed. Cardiac volume increases by nearly one-third with immersion to the neck. Since the ultimate purpose of the heart is to pump blood, its measure of performance is the amount of blood pumped per unit of time. This is called “cardiac output” and submersion in water to the neck increases cardiac output 32 percent at rest. Research shows structured deep-water exercise is the most ideal, aerobically efficient cardiovascular conditioning medium available.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


The Pulmonary System Like the circulatory system, the pulmonary system experiences profoundly positive effects by

immersion of the body to the thorax. Part of the effect is due to the shifting of blood into the chest cavity, and part is due to compression of the chest wall. The combined effect creates a positive alteration of pulmonary function, increasing the work of breathing and changing respiratory dynamics. In fact, reserve lung capacity decreases by 75 percent at neck immersion, with vital capacity decreasing only slightly. The combined effects of these changes increase the total work of breathing by 60 percent. When water-training time is sufficient, this challenge can markedly improve the respiratory system’s efficiency. The Musculoskeletal System

Deep-water immersion positively affects the musculoskeletal system as well, particularly with vasoconstriction. On land, for instance, sympathetic vasoconstriction tightens the vessels of skeletal muscle to resist blood pooling. But in water, immersion pressure removes the biologic need for vasoconstriction, thus increasing blood flow to muscle tissue. In fact, resting muscle blood flow increases by 225 percent during neck immersion. The Kidneys Aquatic immersion creates many effects upon renal blood flow and the renal regulatory systems. For instance, the flow of blood to the kidneys increases immediately upon immersion, which produces an increase in urine production, as well as sodium and potassium excretion. Sodium excretion also increases as a function of depth due to the shifting of circulating central blood volume. The result of these physiological changes is the elimination of toxins which both cause disease and inhibit the natural healing processes of the body.

Deep-Water Running

Deep-water running while immersed to the neck is often utilized for its conditioning effect. Although opinions vary about the optimal exercise program for people who need joint off-loading during a recovery period, it is known that deep-water aquatic exercise can indeed increase conditioning in that population. In fact, water running equals land running in its effect upon maximal oxygen uptake when training intensities and frequencies are matched.

Similarly, when maximum gains in oxygen uptake during aquatic exercise are compared with equivalent land-based exercise in unfit individuals, the aquatic exercise achieves equivalent results. And water-based exercise programs may be used to sustain or increase aerobic conditioning in people who need joint offloading.

All of the physiological changes described above, and many more, combine to assist and accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, thus providing the body with the conditions most favorable for rejuvenation and self-healing.

Exercise is a weapon against disease

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ • State -of-the-Art • Deep-Water Immersion Therapy

AquaDios-Med™ is a specially developed, state-of-the-art, deep-water immersion therapy whose

potential has only begun to be exploited. This unique healing modality represents a fusion of time-tested hydrologic healing practices and modern medical research. It goes beyond any hydrology-based healing modality thus far devised to offer superior healing potential.

The AquaDios-Med™ process is conducted in four stages utilizing four chambers filled with water

at different temperatures, each with powerful jet massage to achieve healing effects above and beyond that of historical or traditional deep-water immersion practices.

Stage one provides a proactive, full-body, therapeutic massage and warm-up. In this chamber, the

temperature is held at a constant 98-99° F (the warmest immersion temperature recommended).

Physiological Self-Regulation • PSR

The autonomic nervous system ASC response to warm water immersion is equivalent to how the ASC responds to meditation, or a number of other relaxation states. Research shows warm water immersion aids the autonomic nervous system maintain positive control of the body’s vital functions of heart rate, digestion, respiration, salivation, circulation and even sexual arousal to adapt to changes in environment. This means that the sympathetic nervous system, SNS which accelerates the body’s system under stress, and the parasympathetic nervous system, PNS which promotes calm, becomes balanced when the body is immersed in warm water. This positive, natural physiological change reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, improves memory, enhances cognitive processes and increases concentration.

The average person will spend three to five minutes here undergoing water massage of all areas of the body. This station is designed to increase circulation and encourage blood flow into all the muscles, thus relaxing stiff or sore areas and enabling healing to begin. Those with more severe injuries or aches and pains may take a few minutes longer, concentrating the massage on the specific areas requiring additional attention.

Stage two is a deep vertical chamber. This is where structured deep-water rehabilitation exercise begins. Its temperature is held within a range of 83-88° F. This chamber is designed to accomplish lower-extremity stimulation through powerful therapeutic massage and exercise. Its 8-foot depth frees the skeletal joints and muscles of all compression forces, thus “unloading” all body weight so healing can take place most efficiently. This stage is highly therapeutic for the very sick or aged cardiac patients, people with skeletal problems such as arthritis, those with broken limbs and spinal problems, and the “couch potato” whose health is compromised by inactivity. The average person will spend about five minutes in this chamber doing deep-water running and getting additional deep power massage. Actual therapeutic exercise begins here.

Stage three is the main chamber where sustained, structured, deep-water rehabilitation exercise

takes place. The temperature in this chamber is held at a cool 65-68° F. Sustained exercise in cool water stimulates the immune system, facilitates the removal of toxins built up in the body, and enhances the healing properties of the blood for rapid recovery and rejuvenation. This chamber has therapeutic massage stations at various depths and power levels, plus a Swim Gym, which simulates the currents of a river, allowing the user to swim continuously without interruption. The average person will spend 40 to 55 minutes here doing sustained vigorous exercise and deep tissue massage, to facilitate the removal of disease toxins.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Research shows that cold immersion to the neck increases hemoglobin and oxygen production in the blood which further enhances cell production and the healing capabilities of the immune system; thereby accelerating rebuilding of the cell structure. Thus, sustained vigorous exercise, in cool water, stimulates the immune system to aid in the removal of toxins that build up in the body, and to enhance the healing properties of the blood for rapid recovery and rejuvenation. Deep-Water exercise in multiple temperatures is the pathway to release one’s safe inner medicine and inner medical doctor, acquire peak performance, to stimulate ones immune system to establish a balanced, healthy homeostasis for physiological self-regulation and for accelerated healing.

Stage four is the cold work chamber. This is the final phase of the process and begins immediately

upon conclusion of the sustained exercise in stage three, just before a cool-down-relaxation period. The temperature here is held at a cool 56-60° F. The average person will spend from three to fifteen minutes here, depending on his or her specific goals and medical needs. This “cold immersion” bath increases hemoglobin and oxygen in the blood and further enhances the healing capabilities of the immune system, thereby accelerating rebuilding of the cell structure. This “cold” process is followed by a quick “first phase hot immersion” for less than one minute, then a return to stage three.

AquaDios-Med™ procedures and processes stimulate dynamic immune system function, eliminate

disease toxins, prevent swelling, advance rapid healing, and reduce psychological obstacles to healing such as anxiety or depression. AquaDios-Med™ is the cutting edge of healing technology because it combines modern therapeutic practices and engineering science together with potent healing sources found in the psychoneuroimmunology mind-body sciences.

The AquaDios-MedTM innovative prototype and programs evolve from the physiology of

Rehabilitation Pain, an innovative term originally coined by Dr. Jensen to describe how accelerated rehabilitation requires differentiating between re-injury pain versus rehabilitation pain. One objective was to create a safe immersion environment where structured, mild-to-rigorous exercise activity can stimulate the inherent, natural capacities within the immune system to accelerate cell structure production. This immune mediation in turn speeds up recuperation, healing, rehabilitation, vitality, strengthening, and endurance for all walks of life. This includes simple well-being and physical fitness. See

"Rehabilitation pain" is a term Dr. Jensen coined decades ago to describe the difference

between proactive physical activities while injured and the more common, do-nothing, "use-plenty-of-pain-medication" approach to recovery. The downside to proactive or aggressive rehabilitation is that re-injury pain is very similar to rehabilitation pain. Many argue that purposely produced pain is masochistic or self-destructive.

To achieve one's exercise or athletic best and to surpass that level of best -- e.g. if one can lift five pounds five times before fatigue and or pain sets in -- it is that very pain (the tearing down of tissues) that rebuilds tissues and allows one to soon lift ten pounds ten times. Thus, today's best becomes a warm-up activity to the future or new best, a potential endless spectrum of greater achievement; this principle applies in safe, rapid or accelerated rehabilitation.

Injury and injury pain has an automatic internal unconsciousness to prevent re-injury.

Rehabilitation pain is similar to the above example. The problem with pain medication is that it suppresses healing at the injury/trauma site where the mind is capable of establishing pain management and rapid repair - rehabilitation. People are able to heal more quickly and completely when willing to experience rehabilitation pain, particularly at the trauma site, and to learn to distinguish between rehabilitation pain and re-injury pain.

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Rapid accelerated rehabilitation healing involves learning to discriminate safe pain or rehabilitation pain from re-injury pain; this is not a sadomasochist pursuit of pain, it is a complex self-awareness, one which involves self-empowerment, self-improvement, not suffering. It is the act of setting a limit today, a threshold that cannot be crossed today. But tomorrow or the day after, it will be easily delivered.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM • Evidence Based Treatment Fundamentals • Summary

AquaDios-MedTM includes therapeutic massage in each buoyant stage of exercise immersion to help injured, sore or tender areas to become active.

The AquaDios-Med™ physical hard-work exercise phase is a cold immersion to establish

individual tolerance for self-determined physical movement and exercise. The last AquaDios-Med™ phase begins recognition of Rehabilitation Pain or safe exercise

movement activities without causing further or new injury. Click here Rehabilitation Pain AquaDios-Med™ deep-water exercise permits people to distinguish between re-injury and

acceptable non-injury physical activity to further accelerate healing. Rehabilitation Pain during these immersions expedites a much higher cell-production repair rate than normal. Click here to see AquaDios-MedTM Videos.

For decades in Russia, then in Sweden, this type of special therapy was secretly reserved only for

top athletes to promote soft tissue healing such as tendons and nerve tissue as well as bone fractures and other injuries. Around the world, similar procedures are commonly used on prize thoroughbred racing horses and other animals to aid in healing spinal and leg injuries.

AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine combines these procedures with Mind Body

Medicine science and structured deep-water exercise immersion in one process. Typical conservative treatment takes about 70% longer to rehabilitate to pre-injury levels of

functionality and in general is much less effective than the more aggressive applied procedures of AquaDios-Med™. AquaDios-Med™ has formulated methods for multiplying concentrations of oxygen and other vital nutrients for cell production repair within the blood.

AquaDios-Med™ technologies and procedures unite the most powerful methods to activate and

accelerate natural individual immune system capacities. Research confirms that circulation and engorgement of blood is stimulated by hot immersion, and by alternating with cold immersion the production of hemoglobin and oxygen in the blood is additionally increased. AquaDios-Med™ multiple temperature immersion programs are calculated to accelerate rehabilitation, recuperation and recovery by access to multiple exercise immersion temperatures. Thus, AquaDios-Med™ technologies actively and spontaneously accelerate the individual's natural immune system functions.

AquaDios-Med™ is an ingenious fusion of health wisdom found all through ancient civilization to

the present combined with modern computerized biomechanical science. AquaDios-Med™ produces only positive results. There are no downsides or negative side effects.

Daily AquaDios-Med™ immersion in this preventative medicine and physical fitness tool boosts immune system cell production required to rejuvenate and accelerate healing. This, in itself, is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to our economy.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


IMT • Integrated or Inner Mental Training • Brief History

In essence the AquaDios-Med™, PPM design integrates the safest, most well-established, vigorous deep-water exercise together with the most robust deep-rooted and proven physiological self-regulation. The Inner Mental Training - IMT program has been adapted from the work of Dr. Uneståhl, Sweden and Dr. Barrios, USA, and helps patients to learn Physiological Self-Regulation, PSR. Aquadios-Med™, PPM is designed to produce safe rapid healing, pain management, rejuvenation, physical fitness, rehabilitation and has had very good success with cancer patients and other serious medical issues as well as great benefits with professional athletes and all walks of life; see

The innovative and original IMT has demonstrated its efficacy as a systematic and long-term

training of physiological self-regulation since the 1970’s by Dr. Lars-Eric Uneståhl in close cooperation with the Swedish National and Olympic Teams. The Training System was based on principles from Uneståhl´s research about positive mental training and Mind- Body relations at Uppsala University during the 1960’s.

In Sweden, IMT is used in Schools, Corporations, Business, large Organizations and for

Personal Growth becoming popular in the 1980’s. Emphasis in the 1990’s gradually turned more and more to Health and Clinical areas, but had been involved in Sport, Performing Arts and Education. Today more than 3 million Swedes are involved in the practices of IMT. The four main application areas are: Sport- and Stage performance; School and education, from first grade to University; Business and Public Administration and used by most major international and national companies.

ADM combines Mind Body Medicine, an Integrated Mental Training IMT of Cognitive,

Emotional Skills and Attitudes toward wellness, health and pain management with sustained, safe structured deep water exercise in 4 separate proprietary chambers, each with its own temperature from 98 degrees F; 80 degrees F; 68 degrees F; 64 degrees F and with proprietary power massage - see video demonstration at

The combined activities of this specific physical and mental exercise will create a lasting,

healthy, homeostatic bio-physiology balance; one that eliminates the dependence on and the abuse of biopharmaceuticals, many surgeries and hospital stays. See unpublished manuscript titled "The Healthcare Problem and the Solution; AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine” at

ADM preventive medicine design is based on long term research in two areas. One that shows

structured deep-water exercise while immersed to the neck in water is the safest, most well established, proven vigorous exercise because this exercise naturally produces positive physiologic changes that accelerate the removal of metabolic waste, improve cardiac function, and lower blood pressure, all of which accelerate the body in rebuilding and healing the tissues to accelerate healing, rehabilitation and well-being.

Over decades the other research area has confirmed that physical or emotional stress - anxiety

automatically causes a detrimental mind - body interaction that spontaneously releases hormones that negatively affect all physical systems and organs, which disrupts the body's natural homeostatic balance, the heart, immune function, and diminishes the capacity to heal.

Exercise is a weapon against disease

7 AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

Psychoneuroimmunology is a relatively new discipline that interlinks psychological, autonomic, immune, and nervous system functioning "psycho" for psychology; "neuro" for neurology, or nervous system; and "immunology" for immunity, and is often referred to as Mind Body Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Non-Invasive Medicine, Medical Hypnosis and Inner Mental Training, these positive medical procedures can be taught to the patient to interrupt dysfunction. ADM has been developed through the proven scientific practices cited herein.

Psychoneuroimmunology, Mind Body Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Non-Invasive

Medicine, Medical Hypnosis and Inner Mental Training all use the same basic principles and all rely on natural positive occurring human events scientifically identified as Altered State of Conscious or ASC and is based on the scientific research that shows all people naturally experience ASC daily; the idea is to make this a positive state for well-being.

The ASC familiarity leads to other naturally occurring positive human experiences to develop

what is scientifically identified as a heightened state of focused concentration, a wilful process of being … “transformed in the renewing of your mind…” and referred to as the Inner Mental Room. This IMT process is common to applications of Mind Body Medicine MBM and will eventually lead to the beginning of psychophysiological self-regulation PSR for positive purpose of well-being. This training in turn leads to development of a practice similar to a self-induced and purposeful self-suggestion, autosuggestion or autohypnosis carried out by means of the learned IMT routine and techniques. The IMT progression begins with physiological conditioning, muscle relaxation, breathing control and heart rate control and advances to psychic conditioning through mental imagery, acoustic therapy and more. ADM has been developed through the proven scientific practices cited herein.

One part of the ADM healthcare program is structured deep-water exercise while the other is

within the principles of Mind Body Medicine MBM, Psychoneuroimmunology PNI, and Inner Mental Training IMT. In essence AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine combines the most robust, well-established and proven vigorous, safest exercise together with the most forceful well-established and proven physiological self-regulation, Inner Mental Training IMT to establish Physiological Self-Regulation PSR to facilitate and produce a lasting homeostatic bio-physiology balance that eliminates the dependence on and the abuse of biopharmaceuticals, many surgeries and hospital stays.

END Brief Summary AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

Inner Mental Training • Mind Body Medicine Psychoneuroimmunology • Clinical Hypnosis


Equipment Needed • Deep-Water Immersion Running

Physiologist’s Rate benefits of Deep Cool Water Immersion Exercise Highest Evidence Based • AquaDios-Med™, PPM Deep-Water Immersion • Preventive Medcine

Exercise is a weapon against disease

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Equipment Needed • Deep-Water Immersion Running AquaJogger • Wet Vest • Hydrotone


Wet vest is a lightweight, snug fitting, training aid for superior conditioning and fitness specifically designed for deep-water exercise. During immersion its design comfortably allows total freedom of movement while keeping the head above water for easy breathing and visibility. There is no risk of injury because there is no impact trauma in deep water. Aqua-Jogger Belt – see picture>> Each movement is isokinetically opposed by water's natural soothing resistance. It takes about 3 times more energy to run in deep water compared to dry land. Superior conditioning with increased cardiovascular safety is possible because during immersion heart rate averages are around 10 to 20 beats less per minute. Waters added resistance requires more neuromuscular activation at the lower back, stomach wall, upper back and chest to maintain the correct walking-running position.


The Wet Vest or Aqua-Jogger allows body immersion up to the neck in a safe and comfortable manner. Joints and muscles can then become easily aligned. During immersion active exercise motion takes place with no pressure or distress on the body. Muscles are soothed and pain and fatigue are reduced while healthy aerobic cardiovascular strengthening and endurance are stimulated. Structured Deep Water Resistance Exercise-running Physiotherapy is safe and has virtually no disadvantages when use of the WET VEST is integrated with practical assistance, Behavior Medicine, and Applied Clinical Hypnosis for creative healing and performance imagery.

Physiologist’s rate benefits of Deep Cool water exercise Highest!

Exercise physiologists rate benefits of structured deep cool water resistance exercise while immersed to the neck highest of all physical activities because of the following facts: ***Approximately 90% of the major muscle groups are activated resulting in superior cardiovascular conditioning; ***arterial venous difference allows a greater volume of oxygen consumption; ***bone mass density strength and regeneration increases; ***lungs vital air capacity increases; ***lactic acid is higher, dissipates faster; ***at the same RPE, rate of perceived exertion, heart rates are 10 to 20 beats less per minute in water than dry land, heart muscle can grow stronger during exertion ; ***elimination of high body heat, and neuromuscular trauma to joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles; ***hemoglobin oxygen in the blood is increased; improved body tissue oxygen extraction from blood; ***water resistance increases strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Exercise is a weapon against Disease

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Nearly All Muscles Involved

Deep-water exercise involves use of a large number of muscles. Swimming is a good exercise, but upper body muscles, primarily the shoulder muscles, do 80 to 90 percent of the work. Running on land is just the opposite; lower body muscles do nearly all the work. Deep water running exercise uses all these muscles, both upper and lower body. Yet another reason safe deep-water exercise is the best exercise for developing muscular strength and endurance is that DWR is an isokinetic exercise.

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine Mind Body Medicine MBM Psychoneuroimmunology PNI

Inner Mental Training IMT • Evidence Based

1. Psychoneuroimmunology- Mind Body Medicine – Inner Mental Training is a disciplined use of natural Altered State of Conscious - - Attention, which approaches peak concentration capacity as related to an individual’s unique use of his or her own Neurophysiology, and helps to establish a common language relevant to treatment goals.

2. Psychoneuroimmunological; Mind Body Medicine capacity perceived as natural human trait 3. Psychoneuroimmunological - Hypnotic Induction Profile: one practical clinical method to measure Mind Body Medicine compliance relevant to treatment goals – Teach Self-Hypnosis.

4. Lay hypnotists, stage hypnotists and minimally trained professionals can be dangerous, cause confusion for the public and medical-psychological professions.

5. Psychoneuroimmunological, Psychophysiological and Psychobiological Research Demonstrates Mind Body Medicine and Inner Mental Training help mediate immune system functions to facilitate therapeutic mind body healing.

6. BRACEDVE, an Ideal Performance State acronym for athletes and wellness: (Breathing, Relaxation, Attention, Control, Energy, Detachment, Visual-imagery, EQUILIBRIUM) 7. 70 to 90 percent of Disease and other related medical or psychological maladies can be eliminated or controlled with psychoneuroimmunological mediation. 8. Discrimination between Rehabilitation pain and re-injury pain is an essential subjective discrimination to accelerate healing, improve rehabilitation while cultivating balanced strength.

9. Wet Vest is a lightweight snug fitting training aid for immersion in deep water conditioning. 10. Hydrotone is durable space age lightweight equipment designed to cube the resistance of

specific water movement velocity. 11. It takes more than three times the energy to run in the water than on dry land. 12. Deep Water-Running has the highest aerobic cardiovascular value of all Exercise with minimal risk of injury.

13. Range of Deep water resistance varies from 4 to 52 times greater than on dry land depending on exertion level used.

Exercise is a weapon against disease

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


14. Exercise physiologists rate benefits of deep cool water exercise while immersed to the neck highest of all physical activities because of the following 10 facts: a. activation of approximately 90% of the major muscle groups results in superior cardiovascular conditioning; b. elimination of high body heat, and neuromuscular trauma to the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles; c. a heart rate of 10 to 20 beats less per minute allows the heart muscle to grow stronger during water exertion than on dry land at the same RPE (rate of perceived exertion); d. hemoglobin oxygen in the blood is increased; e. improved body tissue oxygen extraction from blood; f. arterial venous difference allows a greater volume of oxygen consumption; g. vital air capacity in lungs increases; h. bone mass density strength and regeneration is increased; i. lactic acid is higher and dissipates faster; j. isokinetic water resistance increases strength, endurance, balance, coordination - flexibility;

15. Sport physiologists theorize training programs requiring isokinetic muscle contractions are

best suited for improving athletic performance.

16. Isokinetic muscle contractions are made with even tension, constant speed and a full range of motion. 17. With a foot stroke of 800 to 1,000 pounds (or more), per square inch running creates maximum neuromuscular trauma to the whole body precipitating a new medical vocabulary: runners knee, Achilles tendentious, plantar fasciitis, illiotibial band friction syndrome, and joggers nipple.

18. An AMA (American Medical Association), ten-year study on aging concluded aging is the equivalent of inactivity not passage of time, and nutrition with proper exercise can delay or reverse aging process.

19. Aging is a complex process when breathing capacity declines, heart vigor decreases, reflexes slow, and capacity for work lessens.

20. Age is not a limiting factor in exercise.

21. Cooper's Cardiovascular System Physical Activity Scale:

A. Higher number equals greater demand and increased benefit: B. Injury correlates to highest point value:

1.) Long distance road Running and high impact aerobics is most injurious through neuro-muscular trauma caused by impact

C. Deep water exercise while immersed to neck HAS Highest point value, highest aerobic value, WITH no injury;

1.) Equivalent exertion is 4 to 52 times greater as land; 2.) Each cell of every muscle HAS increased work load, superior cardiovascular conditioning

(strength, endurance); 3.) Deep-water extremity pressure forces blood to heart faster; 4.) Combined water buoyancy + WET vest decreases gravitational pull;

5.) Joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments trauma eliminated; 6.) Reduced heart rate 10 to 20 beats per minute less.

Exercise Is Medicine

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


22. Cooper's aerobic training effect for total wellness: A. Positive physical changes deep water immersion include:

1.) Maximum muscle use (80-90% major muscles groups) especially: gluts; quadriceps; hamstrings (improves posture); 2.) No impact trauma;

3.) Total blood volume increase = better oxygen transport; 4.) Lungs Vital air capacity increases, improves longevity; 5.) Process of oxygen consumption: Mitochondria (cells' power plant) Increases oxygen

extraction; volume of oxygen consumed; arterial venous difference (endurance energy)

23. Cool water immersion 68 to 72 degrees F Increases hemoglobin oxygen: a. Improves body tissue oxygen extraction from blood; b. Heart is stronger with better blood supply; c. Increased stroke volume; d. High density lipoprotein increase manifests reduced arteriosclerosis. 24. Cold water immersion 48 to 58 degrees F accelerates hemoglobin oxygen, blood's oxygen transportation, extracts even more oxygen from the blood. 25. Warm to Hot water immersion 90 to 102 degrees F dilates vessels, engorges blood, and accelerates flexibility, mobility. 26. ISOKENETIC (same speed) muscle contractions are from Even tension, constant speed, full range of motion, helps reflexes while quicker movement’s increases water resistance. 27. Cool water immersion 68 to 72 degrees "F" is a Full regime of cardiovascular fitness providing joint motion, flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination.

28. Rating of perceived exertion/pain (RPE & RPP): (Gunnar Borg Scale) 0 to 10 scale (0 = neutral 10 = maximal).

29. Research shows Lactic acid causes Muscle fatigue (not soreness) a. Same group compared water running to treadmill at RPE 6 the Water group Lactic acid higher, dissipated faster with a lower heart rate (10-20 beats per minute), had no soreness or fatigue. 30. Bone mass density and strength increased with deep Cool water immersion exercise Activity creates increased body fluid exchange at porous bone areas, and a synapse to stimulate bone regeneration. 31. Swimming is PERCEIVED as too difficult with minimal benefits, freestyle (crawl), common stroke the Body is flat on water surface, hyper-extends back muscles, increase intradiscal pressure CAUSES tension, pain and Activates 80-90% upper body muscles, but MINIMAL LOWER BODY.

32. Road Running has Maximum impact trauma to whole body with Foot strike 800 to 1000 pounds per square inch, Major muscles exercised gluts, quadriceps hamstrings.

33. American Medical Association (AMA) 10 year study on aging state Aging is equivalent to

inactivity, not passage of time and Exercise, nutrition can delay or reverse aging. 34. Aging is a complex process, defined (Dr. Agress) Maximum breathing capacity decline,

heart vigor decrease, reflexes slow, capacity for work lessens.

Exercise Is Medicine

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Evidence Based • AquaDios-Med™, PPM Deep-Water Immersion • Preventive Medcine AquaDios-Med™, PPM is evidence based, research shows immersion to the neck in multiple

hot – cold water temperatures together with safe sustained vigorous physical activity, in cool water, natural healthy physiologic changes are generated that cannot be duplicated in any other way. These immersions to substantially increase the speed of the body’s ability to remove metabolic waste -- to improve cardiac function – to lower blood pressure – to learn pain management -- to maximize body healing and rebuilding tissues. These natural physiological changes result in the elimination of toxins that cause disease and inhibit the natural healing processes of the body. AquaDios-Med™, PPM is designed to be the safest, quickest, most complete natural detoxification procedure for complete, total rejuvenation, healthy homeostasis and a foundation to achieve peak health, wellness and balance

Recently research physiologists acknowledged cold water immersion to the neck boosts the

immune system because, in simple terms, this purposeful sudden and drastic cold water immersion temperature change represents an assault that fools the body to significantly increase white blood cell counts and several other positive factors that maximize immune system function. Cold water immersion is a designed stressor to automatically stimulate neurotransmitter’s to produce endorphins, the body’s natural analgesics or pain killers. Endorphins also create a euphoric natural high accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life. Simultaneously the parasympathetic nervous system, releases dopamine and serotonin, these neurotransmitters are responsible for rest and repair which further increases positive immune system function.

Current research shows hot water immersion brings a stable balance to the autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system, similar to the process of meditation and associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, improved memory, enhanced cognitive processes and increased concentration; this means heart rate, digestion, respiration, salivation, circulation, calm and sexual arousal are normalized

Combined Hot Cold Immersion • Positive Blood Transformation

Hot water immersion brings blood to the surface while cold immersion moves blood to your

organs; these immersion extremes effortlessly cause the heart to increase blood flow – for healing. These alternating immersions help to flush blood circulation pushing blood through all the capillaries, veins and arteries; this exfoliates skin and flush impurities from it, helping complexion and some say it stops cellulite. Evidence shows the General Adaptation Syndrome at work – the body adapts to the hot - cold immersions with repeated exposure and this improves circulation, particularly to the extremities. Researchers also found increased production of testosterone and estrogen in men and women respectively, enhancing libido in both sexes; these hormones also play an important role in fertility. Cold water immersion exercise makes the body work twice as hard to keep warm and burns more calories in the process, a benefit for weight control -- for this exercise, fat is your body’s primary source of energy and the increased work rate will increase your metabolism in the long run

Colder water immersion 64° • 68° F • Coldest water immersion 51° • 58° F •Accelerates Healing

Physiologists confirm Cool – Cold water immersion 68 to 72 degrees F triggers the body to

increase hemoglobin oxygen which improves body tissue oxygen extraction from blood, this allows more rapid – complete cell production with a high density lipoprotein increase to reduce arteriosclerosis -- the heart is stronger with better blood supply with increased stroke volume due to the effects of immersion. Further research shows Colder Water immersion 48° to 58° F accelerates hemoglobin oxygen, the blood's oxygen transportation and extracts even more oxygen from the blood.

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Another physiological benefit of deep-water immersion exercise is that 80-90% of the major muscles groups are used -- especially the gluts, quadriceps and hamstrings to improve posture. There is a total blood volume increase for better oxygen transport; Vital air capacity of the Lungs increases to improve longevity; Warm to Hot water immersion dilates vessels, engorges blood, and accelerates flexibility, mobility; there is No Impact Trauma; Physical movement in the water requires Isokinetic muscle contractions -- an even tension, constant speed, full range of motion – this is the strongest most durable connective tissue and helps reflexes, while quicker movement’s increases water resistance. Water running in Cool water immersion is a Full regime of cardiovascular fitness providing joint motion, flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. Colder Water Immersion from 51° – 68° F has a powerful healing capacity, but utilized most often only by athletes.

Historical Research • Deep-Water Immersion • Temperature • Therapeutics Research on the cultural use of Deep-Water Immersion Therapy shows the evolution from

before 2000 B.C. For thousands of years Deep-Water Immersion Therapy has been a part of cultures around the world. Even in ancient times the distinctive thermodynamic properties of Water, with its markedly different therapeutic effects at different temperatures has been known and applied for healing.

Hot water is above body at temperature 100° to 103° F, is stimulating, raises the body temperature slightly, very relaxing and dispersing, especially to the muscles, joints and blood vessels. It opens the pores, induces sweating, and penetrates the skin and muscles quite deeply. Hot water can also ripen latent boils, abscesses or skin eruptions and bring them to the surface for release. Hot water draws the body's circulation outwards, opening up the pores and capillaries. Prolonged hot water immersion is not recommended.

Warm water 96° – 99° F, about body temperature or slightly cooler, is gently relaxing, stimulates appetite – digestion and activity of the digestive organs when done about an hour before eating. Warm water, particularly water that's almost lukewarm -- called tepid is best for general bathing purposes -- warm water is harmonizing and balancing.

Cool water 82° – 88° F is good for soothing heat and inflammation, and for cooling the body on

hot summer days; cool water immersion is good for bringing down fevers. Cold water immersion 72° – 74° F for short periods of time, act as a bracing, stimulating tonic;

after bathing in the hot water pools, Romans would go for a quick dip in the frigidarium, or cold water bath, to brace their skin and close back up their pores.

Sebastian Kneipp a German priest in the 1800s is recognized as the originator – promoter of

cold water therapy in the modern Western world. He was pronounced terminally ill with lung disease and his self-treatment included daily baths in the icy Danube River for just a few minutes; in a year he was cured. He developed a system of hydrotherapy with treatments of alternating hot and cold water therapies for many different health complaints. Today the Kneipp Association has a network of treatment and training centers throughout Europe and in South Africa.

Hot water 100° – 103° F relaxes, disperses, and thrusts blood circulation out to the body's

exterior -- cold water 72° – 74° F stimulates, consolidates and shunts blood circulation inwards towards the core and internal organs. Cold water constricts the blood vessels, stimulates circulation, digestion and metabolism, and awakens the appetite, having an exhilarating effect. Cold water compresses reduce swelling and inflammation. Passive Cold water immersion should only be for a maximum of about 3 to 4 minutes.

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Alternating Hot and Cold water immersions is a particularly powerful technique. The hot water draws old, stagnant blood out of the internal organs or the body’s interior, and the cold water drives fresh blood back into the internal organs and the body's core. With alternating hot and cold immersion, the circulation is powerfully increased, the affected area begins to throb and pulsate -- a sign of healing and regeneration; Hot immersion -- about 3 to 4 minutes -- followed by cold immersion of 1 to 2 minutes. Repeat this two or three time or more, but always end on a short hot or warm application to remove or neutralize any remaining chills.

Summation • AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine • Design

Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy • Mind Body Medicine

The evidenced based AquaDios-Med™, PPM is a robust design that integrates the safest, most well established, vigorous deep-water immersion exercise, known to maximize immune system function, together with the most robust deep-rooted and proven physiological self-regulation , a process that interlinks psychological, autonomic, immune, and nervous system functioning.

These physical and mental exercise programs rely on natural positive occurring human events, that of scientific physiology together with that of identified Altered State of Conscious or ASC; scientific research shows all people naturally experience ASC daily – the two activities combined produce a natural positive state of psychophysiological self-regulation.AquaDios-Med™ proactive preventive medicine design is to facilitate and produce a lasting homeostatic bio-physiology balance that eliminates the dependence on and the abuse of biopharmaceuticals, many surgeries and hospital stays.

Research shows structured deep-water exercise while immersed to the neck in water is the

safest, most well established, proven vigorous exercise because this exercise naturally produces positive physiologic changes that accelerate the removal of metabolic waste, improve cardiac function, and lower blood pressure, all of which accelerate the body in rebuilding and healing the tissues to maximize healing, rehabilitation and well-being.

END Synopsis

Solution to Man-Made Healthcare Crisis Is

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

Begin Overhead Views • Graphs • 17 pages

Proprietary Innovations Intellectual Property

AquaDios-Med™ Created By Dr. Alan Jensen

Exercise Is Medcine The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

Proprietary Innovations Intellectual Property

AquaDios-Med Created

By Dr. Alan Jensen

[email protected]

P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen

• Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ •


Copyright © 1985 - 2008 – 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM 2nd Edition All Rights Reserved

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ Medical Prototype With multiple Deep-Water Immersion Chambers

The 98 “F” Degree Lounge Spa Chamber The 80 “F” Degree Deep Strider Chamber The 68 “F” Degree Main Exercise Chamber [Cold Chamber not shown]

• AquaDios-Med™ • Multiple • Immersion • Chambers

• AquaDios-Med™ Main Exercise Chamber • Deep Strider • Lounge Spa Chamber

Main Exercise Chamber >>>

• Proprietary Multiple • Depths

• Proprietary Flat Bottom Surfaces

• Proprietary Safety Handles

• Proprietary Dam Walls

• Proprietary Easy Access

• Proprietary Immersion • Chambers

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Proprietary Deep Water

• Main Exercise • Chamber

• Proprietary Safety Handles

• Entire • Perimeter

• Swim Gym

• Proprietary Variable Depths

• Proprietary Flat Bottom Surface

• Multiple Jacuzzi Jets • Power Massage • Safety Handles

Proprietary Deep Strider Chamber

Design • People Who Cannot Exercise • Injury • Where Structured Deep Water Running Taught To All People •

• Deep Strider Chamber •

• Proprietary Safety Handles • Teaching Correct Posture • Deep Water Running Teaches patients how to perform Safe daily structured deep-water running.

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved



Deep Strider Chamber

Multiple Jacuzzi Jets

Proprietary Power Massage

Numerous Proprietary

Safety Handles

Various Standing Locations

Ergonomic Design

Comfort Safety

Lounge Spa Chamber

Multiple Depths

Jacuzzi Jets

Power Massage

Lounge Spa


Multiple Proprietary


• Safety • Assist

• Power Massage

• All Body Areas

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ Lounge Spa Chamber

Multiple Depths • Jacuzzi Jets • Proprietary Safety Handles Massage • Head • Neck • Shoulders • Lower Back • Thighs • Knees • Calves • Ankles • Feet

AquaDios-Med™ Lounge Spa Chamber

Patients learn how to perform Safe Power Massage

with Proprietary Safety Handles

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ Proprietary Plenums

Proprietary Plenums Absolutely Necessary To

Supply Sufficient Water Pressure Forces For

Power Massage To Numerous Jacuzzi Jets

AquaDios-Med™ Proprietary Safety Handles

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ Proprietary Safety Handles

AquaDios-Med™ Proprietary Computer Power Center Controller for

Multiple Plenums and Numerous Jacuzzi Jets

Exercise is a weapon against Disease

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Dr. Jensen Demonstrating Curative - Healing Yoga Poses

Exercise is a weapon against Disease

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


AquaDios-Med™ Pictures – Graphs

Dr. Jensen Deep-Water Running in a Wet Vest Steve Scott Deep-Water Running

In a Wet Vest Correct Deep-Water Running Posture


AquaDios-Med™ is not a panacea; it's a reality waiting to be implemented for the human race

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0 nothing at all

1 very, very weak

2 very weak

3 weak

4 somewhat weak

5 moderate

6 somewhat hard

7 hard

8 very hard

9 very, very hard

10 maximal (all-out effort)

AquaDios-Med - Rehabilitation Pain


0 nothing at all No Pain

1 very, very weak Minimal Discomfort

2 very weak Minor Pain

3 weak Experienced Discomfort

4 somewhat weak Low Grade Pain

5 moderate Tolerable Pain

6 somewhat hard Uncomfortable Pain (Safe)

7 hard Moderate Pain (Safe-Marginal)

8 very hard Severe Pain (UNSAFE)

9 very, very hard Unmanageable Pain (DANGEROUS)

10 maximal (all-out effort) - Intractable Pain (UNSAFE-RE-INJURY)

Exercise is a weapon against Disease

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein

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AquaDios-Med™ Dr. Alan Jensen

TABLE 2 • AEROBIC ACTIVITIES • ADVANTAGES • DISADVANTAGES ACTIVITY ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES RUNNING Convenient. Extremely hard on joints, muscles bones Provides aerobic benefits in short period of time Decreases flexibility.

Causes muscle imbalance. Low skill level required

Increases speed, endurance. Most of activity performed by lower body.

SWIMMING Reduced pressure on joints 80-90% of activity-performed bones. by upper body. Eliminates neuro- Possible ear - eye infections muscular trauma. Sinus - other problems Allows extended exercise High skill level required

Increases endurance. Pool - immersion water required CROSS- Many muscles involved. High altitude. COUNTRY Provides vigorous workout Cold. SKIING Limited season. Overload principle. Limited access. Increases endurance. High skill level required DEEP WATER Nearly all muscles involved. Pool or body of deep water required RUNNING Provides vigorous workout. Overload principle. Reduced pressure on joints, bones. Eliminates neuro-muscular trauma. Allows extended exercise. Provides aerobic benefits in short

period of time. Low skill level required. Maintains or increases flexibility. Prevents muscle imbalance. Increases speed, endurance.

Exercise is a weapon against Disease

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Isokinetic Contraction Isotonic Contraction

Eccentric Contraction Isometric Contraction

Controlled Breathing Through BRACEDVE:

a) Breathing e) Energy

b) Relaxation f) Detachment

c) Attention g) Visual Imagery

d) Concentration h) Equilibrium-Balance-Being Centered

Deep-Water Running Nearly All Muscles Involved Deep-water running exercise uses all the upper and lower body muscles -- the safest and best

aerobic exercise for developing cardiovascular capacity – also - best safest for muscular strength -- endurance because it is isokinetic exercise. Edward Fox, in Sports Physiology … From a physiology viewpoint, isokinetic training programs are the best for improving athletic performance ... Muscles can undergo four basic types of contractions: isokinetic, isotonic, eccentric, and isometric:

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Isokinetic Contraction Isokinetic - - same speed contractions are positive muscle contractions -- occur when a muscle is subjected to an even amount of tension at a constant speed over the full range of motion. Isokinetic activities maintain an equal amount of tension on the muscle throughout the range of motion. A bicep curl is performed in water at a constant speed using only the resistance of the water -- the muscle receives equal amounts of tension -- the more quickly the arm moves, the more resistance it encounters. Isotonic Contraction

Isotonic -- meaning same weight -- are positive contractions -- occurs when a muscle shortens under tension such as a bicep curl. Isotonic exercises require a weight that can be moved the full range of motion because the velocity of the weight carries it through the range where the muscles are otherwise too weak.

Eccentric Contraction

Eccentric contractions -- muscles lengthen under tension is a -- negative contraction -- opposite of isotonic contractions -- occurs when you lower the dumbbell from the shoulder to the starting position in a bicep curl -- takes effort to control the weight as it is lowered.

The more slowly the weight is lowered, the more pronounced the exercise becomes. Eccentric Contraction - A 50- pound weight is lowered slowly from the shoulder to the starting position.

Isometric Contraction

Isometric -- same length contraction -- muscle is subjected to tension without changing length -- contraction occurs when you attempt to lift a weight that is too heavy to lift, as illustrated – you strain with the weight for several seconds before deciding -- you cannot lift it -- this straining period -- is an isometric exercise. The muscle does not move, but it is subjected to tension. A bicep curl is attempted with more weight than the subject can lift. The muscle is subjected to tension but does not move.

27 AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

Necessary Deep-Water Running Equipment WetVest • AquaJoggeer

AquaJogger Buoyancy Belt

Wet Vest – Hydrotone Structured Deep Water Running AquaJogger Buoyancy Belt >>>>

Deep Water Running Wet Vest

Structured Deep Water Running AquaJogger

Buoyancy Belt



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Correct Posture • Deep-Water Running • Graphs

Deep-Water Running Examples

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Isokinetic resistance

Isokinetic resistance is an even opposition to power ratio, it builds the most durable, elastic and strong connectivity for muscle to bone.

Sustained vigorous intense power water running is the safest way to build physical fitness and both muscle and skeletal strength. It is the only exercise possible when injured; making it the safest exercise for all walks of life. Physiologists recognize isokinetic activity as a speed – strength - power relationship

As speed of movement in the water is accelerated a certain level of strength is required and this repeated action builds Isokinetic resistance muscle power --

Exercise is a weapon against Disease The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

Synopsis • Healthcare • Crisis Manufactured • Man-Made

AquaDios-Med Proactive Preventive Medicine Is The SOLUTION

Research Synopsis Crisis • Summation ADM™ PPM

By Dr. Alan Jensen [email protected]

P.O. Box 2228

Malibu, CA 90265 310-897-5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator •

• AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 • 2008 • 2012 • 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved

Synopsis • Crisis • ADM™ PPM • Solution

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

Magic of the Mind

AquaDios-Med Proactive Preventive Medicine

Mind Body Medicine Practice

By Dr. Alan Jensen [email protected]

310-897-5055 P.O. Box 2228

Malibu, CA 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator •

• AquaDios-Med™ •

Copyright © 1985 – 2008 – 2012 – 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265 310.897.5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

[email protected]

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

Mind-Body Medicine – Psychoneuroimmunology DVD - Video Please read the information below before using the MBM Videos

Please view videos to the end - credits for the full experience

Mind-Body Medicine Practices DVD

Individual genetics and the environment dictate how each of us becomes susceptible to disease; that is, the absence of ease (health) at the cellular level. Our immune systems are capable of overcoming very formidable dis-ease and health problems, even those as severe as cancer. At one extreme, medical research shows that with practiced, positive visualization, the immune system can rise to the challenge of stopping the aberrant cancer cell from reproducing. One of the simplest, most basic, and universally applicable self-training methods for creating positive effects is the use of a special spinning spiral -

For many years, a large number of scientific studies have shown a direct connection between the mind and the immune response and medically defined dis-ease, including cancer. A 1993 book titled The Type C Connection by L. Temoshok & H. Dreher identifies a series of studies in the early 1970s by Dr. Robert Ader that helped put mind/body science on the map.

Ader and his group found that by following a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm they could

condition a group of rats to suppress their immune response. Ader gave the rats a drug that suppressed their immune system at the same time they were fed saccharin- sweetened water. Later, when the rats were given only the sweet water, the immune functions plummeted, just as if they had been given the immune- suppressing drug.

Ader concluded the brain is involved in immunity. How else could a rat learn to suppress its own immune system? Dr. Ader coined the term psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) to describe the mind/body connection affecting such dis-eases as cancer; and opened the door verifying the mind is a powerful healing tool and may in fact have unconsciously contributed to the disease, much like the sweetened water causing immune problems.

Mind-Body Medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health.

Hippocrates wrote, "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." This is mind-body medicine in a nutshell. Mind Body Medicine is based on the doctor and patient recognizing the relationship of the body's innate healing potential, and the partnership of patient and healer in restoring the body to health; the basis for Immunotherapy approaches. .

AquaDios-MedTM Proactive Preventive Medicine innovative programs evolve from the physiology of Rehabilitation Pain, an original term coined by Dr. Jensen to describe how accelerated rehabilitation requires differentiating between re-injury pain versus rehabilitation pain. One objective was to create a safe immersion environment where structured, mild-to-rigorous exercise activity can stimulate the inherent, natural capacities within the immune system to accelerate cell structure production. This evidence based Immunotherapy mediation speeds up recuperation, healing, rehabilitation, vitality, strengthening, and endurance for all walks of life. This includes simple well-being and physical fitness. See

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Rehabilitation pain is a rapid healing experience to describe the difference between safe proactive physical activities while injured and the more common, do-nothing, "use-plenty-of-pain-medication" approach to recovery. The downside to proactive or uncompromising rehabilitation is that re-injury pain is very similar to rehabilitation pain. Many argue that purposely produced pain is masochistic or self-destructive; this is not the case in accelerated healing.

To achieve one's best and to surpass that performance level -- e.g. if one can lift five pounds five times before fatigue and or pain sets in -- it is that very pain (the tearing down of tissues) that rebuilds tissues and allows one to soon lift ten pounds ten times. Thus, today's best performance becomes a warm-up activity to the future or new best, a potential endless spectrum of greater achievement – to reach peak performance.

Injury has an automatic internal unconsciousness to prevent re-injury. Rehabilitation pain is similar to the above example. The problem with pain medication is that it suppresses healing at the injury - trauma site where the mind is capable of establishing pain management and rapid repair. One is able to heal more quickly and completely when one is willing to experience rehabilitation pain, particularly at the trauma site, and to learn to distinguish between rehabilitation pain and re-injury pain.

Rapid healing pain is not a sadomasochist pursuit of pain; it is a complex self-awareness, one which involves self-empowerment, self-improvement, the path to peak performance -- not suffering. It is the act of setting a limit today, a threshold that cannot be crossed today. But tomorrow or the day after, it will be easily delivered.

By focusing one’s total attention on the spinning spiral while simultaneously receiving suggestions for relaxation, most people—young and old—are able to enter into this natural, positive state of empowerment and learn to use it to enhance their lives. This practice can enhance wellness, productivity, physical fitness and the elimination of dis-ease. To help people experience positive self-change using this special spinning spiral, a demonstration has been produced and exhibited on the AquaDios web site, and a DVD has been professionally produced.

This program combines narration and classical music to assist the participant in accessing this

positive state of relaxation. It is recommended that in the beginning you use these tools in uninterrupted privacy until you feel comfortable about your experience. Concentration and the Spinning Spiral

One of the most universally dramatic tools for achieving powerful concentration is the special spinning spiral. The spinning spiral shows most clearly how focused and responsive the mind can become with simple concentration on this rotating shape.

To achieve the greatest value from this practice, it is best to remain focused on the spinning

spiral throughout the exercise, except as instructed. At one point the auditory instructions ask you to look away at any object of choice. The object can be almost anything, but the experience is most profound when the object is small enough to be seen in its entirety in one glance, such as a lamp, a potted plant, a picture, or a painting on the wall. Some locations may have wall clocks, which are ideal. The Spinning Spiral Experience

To perform the practice, first focus your eyes on the center of the spiral. A common perceptual change is a fuzziness or waviness in the lines of the spiral. This is a positive sign that your mind is becoming more focused. Another common perceptual change may be the appearance of a yellowish, fluorescent-like fringe on the edges of the lines. As you continue to focus on the spinning form, you may occasionally perceive the spiral to grow larger, especially when looking toward the edges. It may even almost seem to come out at you.

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While the spiral is spinning, you can give yourself the suggestion that the spinning shape is exhibiting three-dimensional effects. By suggesting to yourself that the spiral is a funnel or a whirlpool, you may experience these perceptions manifesting right before your eyes.

Now and again, the spiral may seem to be unwinding, much like the spring of a giant clock. Continued concentration on the spinning shape may also produce the appearance of dark rays spinning off the edges of the figure.

These are all positive signs that your mind is becoming progressively more focused and your

imagination and mental capacities are coming more under your control. As one suggestion while focusing on the spinning spiral, you might consider telling yourself

that you are in a spiral tunnel that is speeding away from you. Can you imagine yourself in a train traveling through a tunnel and looking out the rear window?

Whiling focusing on the spinning spiral, can you imagine yourself looking up at the top of a deep well? Can you allow yourself to feel as though you are sinking into the deep, spiral well as you continue to look up at the top? After experiencing these sensations, can you reverse this perception? Can you give yourself the suggestion that you are looking down at the bottom of a well and feel the experience of rising out of it?

From the moment you first began gazing at the spinning spiral, have you wondered about the possibility that your mind could become increasingly focused on positive suggestions, feelings, and sensations? Can you imagine how your life might improve by purposefully allowing yourself this kind of highly focused ability? Can you allow yourself to know that your mind can become increasingly powerful with each beat of your heart, with each blink of your eyes, especially thoughts for superior health and good will?

At some point during the practice, you can demonstrate to yourself that there has been a positive change within your perceptions. For a brief moment, look away from the spinning spiral at some particular object. Can you see how enjoyable your new experience, your new perceptions, can be? Do you see the changes in your perception as you gaze at that object? Inner Peace and Enhanced Living

As you continue to focus on the spinning spiral, you may be pleased to feel a sense of inner peace gradually coming over your body. As this inner peace grows, allow yourself to sink into a deep state of relaxation, and become even more deeply relaxed with each breath you take. Gradually, as you contemplate how much more relaxed you can become, permit your eyes to close. Can you allow your body to feel comfortably warm, especially your hands, as if you were in a nice, warm, comfortable bath or Jacuzzi?

After beginning to feel these states of relaxed comfort, allow yourself to internally count backward from 20 with each exhalation. You may also imagine this counting to be preparing you for your own positive self-suggestions, whatever they are or will be, as you become more empowered with your natural abilities to focus your mind on your health and welfare in all of your life’s pursuits.

For example, if you wish to lose weight, can you suggest to yourself that you will become satisfied with smaller amounts of more healthful food, and that you will learn to eat more slowly and to chew longer before swallowing?

If you wish to stop smoking, can you give yourself the suggestion that you will recognize the health hazards of smoke, nicotine, tars and other toxic debris found in the smoke of cigarettes? You might imagine recovering your early memories of how cigarette smoke made you cough, caused yours eyes to burn, and made you to feel irritated in the presence of this pollutant.

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You might then wonder how tobacco companies have been allowed to dupe the public about the health hazards of smoking for so many decades. You might even visualize yourself feeling independent and free of the urge to smoke by simply taking a deep breath of fresh air and exhaling until the urge passes.

If you are a student, can you suggest to yourself that you will easily and automatically focus on the most valuable information of your studies, both in lecture and your reading? You might imagine becoming automatically proficient at recalling information during tests.

If you are an athlete, can you visualize a specific level of performance that produces the results you want, and practice this imagery on a regular basis?

If you are having bouts of sleeplessness, can you conceive of suggestions to produce deep, healthful sleep—including peaceful and relaxing dreams—with each breath you take, as you prepare to enter the state of slumber? More Powerful Than You Know

Your mind is a far more powerful tool than you have ever been allowed to believe. It truly does have dominion over your body and your physical health. Allow yourself to learn the potential of your mind and develop your ability to bring positive states of being to your life.

The Mind-Body Medicine practices featuring the spinning spiral can be your gateway to these advanced abilities. The AquaDios web site and the Mind-Body Medicine DVD both feature two practices, one guided by narration by Dr. Alfred A. Barrios, the other with classical music only, so as not to distract from your own self-suggestions. Allow yourself to experience these wonderful states of mind and be well! The AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy


AquaDios-Med™ is not a panacea; it's a reality waiting to be implemented for the human race

Copyright © 2008 – 2012 – 2013 2nd Edition AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp.

All rights reserved.


Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan) Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing Phone 310-897-5055 - Email: [email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

310•897•5055 [email protected]

AquaDios-Med™ - MBM - PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 2nd Edition

Magic of The Mind

Name: Date: Reason for Treatment: Goal: Three Favorite: Colors Places: People: Events: Tastes: Experiences: Sensations: Sounds: Smells: Situations, places, events, people, behavior, animals, etc. you hate, despise, fear - love. Three Traumatic Events in Life following Birth, age: RECALL: Three Positive Events following Birth, age: RECALL:

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265 310.897.5055

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

[email protected]

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved

Magic of the Mind Seminar - BBC Documentary Films - real patients with real doctors Can Your Mind Control Your Body; Can Your Mind Control Pain – 53 minutes each.

Contents: BBC Film Can Your Mind Control Your Body

All of the doctors appearing in this film are friends and colleagues of mine including; Martin Orne, MD, PhD; Dr. Kay Thompson, DDS; Dabney Ewing, MD; Franz Bowman, MD; Leon Chertok, MD, A. A. Mason, MD. Martin Orne, MD, PhD, demonstrates how a patient with severe Parkinson’s tremors is able to learn symptom management - control with Mind Body Medicine by utilizing the simple mantra or affirmation I have complete control, I am calm and relaxed as a method to stop large involuntary movements. This is a method of physiological self-regulation. Dr. Kay Thompson, DDS demonstrates her ability to control bleeding based on the ability to relax and relieve anxiety. Dr. Thompson filmed herself as a patient going through maxiofacial surgery without anesthesia. She also filmed Al Hines a hemophiliac being trained to go through dental surgery with no anesthesia while controlling the bleeding; report on a study with 200 hemophiliacs who required 5 to 35 blood transfusions before mind body medicine training then reduced the transfusions to 2 to 3 after MBM. Dabney Ewing, MD, shows severe burn patients receiving MBM training that enabled them to interrupt the central nervous and autonomic nervous system swelling response and produce rapid healing. Research doctors demonstrate how patients learned to control asthma with Mind body Medicine; this research study shows how MBM trained patients performed 30% better than those with medications and were consistently able to control and terminate asthma attacks. Franz Bowman, MD discusses the case of a ten year old child, restricted to a clean room, similar to living in a bubble, who learned to control severe pulmonary, breathing reactions with MBM. A case of induced asthma with cow bells, birds, etc. Fantasy can be as strong and debilitating as reality and a powerful healer; imagery can be dangerous. Leon Chertok, MD, Paris France demonstrates how MBM suggestion of an idea or outcome can alter physiology, such as the production of a blister or burn on the skin of a patient. The blister was produced in 3 hours after the suggestion and then biopsied to show the same characteristics as a common blister. This is accomplished by a patient that rejects suggestion of heat; the blister takes three days to heal. A. A. Mason, MD, demonstrates a case of congenital ichthyotic skin, referred to as the elephant skin boy because the skin is more like an armor plate than skin and is identified as skin with congenital absence of glands. This disease is of a structural sebaceous nature and was cured in ten days with MBM. This professional research film demonstrates positive powers – magic of the mind.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein

AquaDios-Med™ PPM Copyright © 2005 – 2012 – 2013 – 2nd Edition – All Right Reserved


Can Your Mind Control Pain - BBC – British Broadcasting Corp. – 53 minutes The doctors appearing in this film are friends and colleagues of mine including Ronald Melzack, Ph.D., Montreal Canada; Ernest Hilgard, Ph.D. Stanford University Medical School; Martin Orne, PhD., University Pennsylvania Medical School; Dr. Frankel, MD, Beth Israel Hospital; Joseph Barber, Ph.D. UCLA Pain Control Center.

This film begins with an unidentified surgeon in an older filming of a cesarean childbirth with Mind Body Medicine as the only anesthesia. It is interesting to speculate that as the “pain” increases, the patient sings louder. The film was done to prove to the medical field that MBM or hypnosis is an effective medical tool. Ronald Melzack, Ph.D., Montreal Canada main theorist of the “gate” theory to pain discusses components of self-regulation at pain site and in the brain. Ernest Hilgard, Ph.D. Stanford University Medical School demonstrates and discusses hypnotic induction scales and his belief that hypnosis is a learned ability or a natural capacity for imagination that many do not have, thus cannot be hypnotized [research confirms hypnotic capacities are natural human abilities and that some people are virtuosos while others are average] . Martin Orne, PhD., University Pennsylvania Medical School discusses pain control is the use of imagination to overcome or distort reality and demonstrates classical research specific to pain management. Dr. Frankel, MD, Beth Israel Hospital suggests pain control is hallucinated by optimistic expectation. Martin Orne, PhD, demonstrates classical study of pain control – pain induced by hypnotic suggestion. He suggests this hypnotic ability for pain control is a skill held by some but not others. However research shows all people have this skill. Melzack discusses pain control in leg amputation – phantom limb pain as a skill by the therapist versus a skill by the patient. Truth be told, pain management is a resident skill in all people while it may take a skilled therapist to activate this in the pain patient. Joseph Barber, Ph.D. UCLA Pain Control Center discusses pain control and hypnotic capacity as a skill or ability possessed by all, suggesting those with low hypnotic capacity simply need a more permissive hypnotic approach to master these hypnotic skills. He states that low susceptible simply need some time to access their skill. Thus, hypnosis capacity is possessed by all people and some access this easier than others. These BBC documentary hypnosis films are powerful and beneficial means to demonstrate the power of Mind Body Medicine for healthcare. Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan) Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing Phone 310-897-5055 - Email: [email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy: EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING!

AquaDiosMed is not a panacea; it's a reality waiting to be implemented for the human race  

Exercise is a weapon against disease

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu • California 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •

310•897•5055 [email protected]

Magic of the Mind

AquaDios-Med™ Proactive Preventive Medicine

AquaDios-Med™ Mind Body Medicine Practice

The AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy

• EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! • THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! • YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; • YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING! • AquaDios-Med™ is not a panacea; it's a reality waiting to be implemented for the human race

Copyright © 2008 – 2012 – 2013 2nd Edition

AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp.

All rights reserved. Respectfully,

Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan) Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing Phone 310-897-5055 - Email: [email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265

A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing

Magic of the Mind

AquaDios-Med Proactive Preventive Medicine

Mind Body Medicine Practice

By Dr. Alan Jensen [email protected]

310-897-5055 P.O. Box 2228

Malibu, CA 90265

Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator •

• AquaDios-Med™ •

Copyright © 1985 – 2008 – 2012 – 2013 AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM AquaDiosMedTM All Rights Reserved