Sydney Grammar School. - Amazon AWS

Sydney Grammar School. Incorporated 1854. Opened August 3, 1857. Thifor HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, rutees (OFFICIAL. THE HONOURABLE THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. THE HONOURABLE THE ATTORNEY GENERAt. THE HONOURABLE THE SPEAKER OF TI-IF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY. THE SENIOR PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS. THE SENIOR PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. ELECT ED. A. J. CAPE, ESQ., MA., (Thr,i)ocee E. W. KNOX, ESQ., Vie-Chairman. THE HONOURABLE C. K. MACKELLAR, M.D., M.L.C. R. J. BLACK, ESQ. JAMES GRAHAM, ECQ., M.D., M. P. J. RUSSELL FRENCH, ESQ. ,$ecrictarp to the ruoti'e: W. H. CATLETI, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 3cab aotcr A. B. \VEIGALL, MA., Late Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford. 1,afhemafjra1 anb eaturat Science Uasfer J. E. BLANCH, M.A. B.Sc., Late Junior Student, Christ. Church, Oxford (Head Master Elect of the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne.) I. H. S. LUCAS, MA., B.Sc., Late Exhibitioner Balliol College, Oxford. tatcr of Cower &hot A. GILES, BA., Late Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge. ,fftaBter of ,itotcrn LtnguBg.e A. K. FARRAR, ,Jelf Medallist, King's College, London. cCOItb Qtaicat tilStCr C. E. HEWLETT, B.A., Late Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford. Secoith t1 latlicniatical ,Hla.ter H. J.- - CARTER, B.A., Late Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge. iotmt Lteteto: C. J. D. GOLDIE, St. John's College, Cambridge. 0. MCBURNE, University of Edinburgh. C. A. ot KANTZOW. C. T. SOAR, BA., Univerity of London. N. PITZ, BE., University of Sydney. R. H. BODE. BA ., New College, Oxford. C. P. BARBOUR, MA., Late Scholar of University of Sydney. C. F. %AUGHAN, MA., Late Scholar of St. ,John's College, Oxford. T. J. 0 RFALLY, University of Sydney. \:m. H. SA\JGNY, BA. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. I. kApoN. B. J. G . HUME. HARTLEY M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. E- driting ,Ratcr JAMES BRUCE. rhoo1 ' S'ergeant: F. MORRIS, Late Sergeant, H.M. 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

Transcript of Sydney Grammar School. - Amazon AWS

Sydney Grammar School. Incorporated 1854. Opened August 3, 1857.


rutees (OFFICIAL.



,$ecrictarp to the ruoti'e: W. H. CATLETI, F.L.S., F.Z.S.

3cab aotcr A. B. \VEIGALL, MA., Late Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford.

1,afhemafjra1 anb eaturat Science Uasfer J. E. BLANCH, M.A. B.Sc., Late Junior Student, Christ. Church, Oxford

(Head Master Elect of the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne.) I. H. S. LUCAS, MA., B.Sc., Late Exhibitioner Balliol College, Oxford.

tatcr of Cower &hot A. GILES, BA., Late Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge.

,fftaBter of ,itotcrn LtnguBg.e A. K. FARRAR, ,Jelf Medallist, King's College, London.

cCOItb Qtaicat tilStCr C. E. HEWLETT, B.A., Late Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford.

Secoith t1latlicniatical ,Hla.ter H. J.--CARTER, B.A., Late Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge.

iotmt Lteteto: C. J. D. GOLDIE, St. John's College, Cambridge. 0. MCBURNE, University of Edinburgh. C. A. ot KANTZOW. C. T. SOAR, BA., Univerity of London. N. PITZ, BE., University of Sydney. R. H. BODE. BA., New College, Oxford. C. P. BARBOUR, MA., Late Scholar of University of Sydney. C. F. %AUGHAN, MA., Late Scholar of St. ,John's College, Oxford. T. J. 0 RFALLY, University of Sydney. \:m. H. SA\JGNY, BA. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. I. kApoN. B. J. G. HUME.

HARTLEY M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. E-driting ,Ratcr JAMES BRUCE.

rhoo1 'S'ergeant: F. MORRIS, Late Sergeant, H.M. 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

CAPTAINS OF THE SCHOOL. 1857---C. S. Mein (1) 1858-C. S. Mein (1) 1859- -C. N. Stephens 1860-K. Wright 161-A. J. Cape (2) 1862-(. Knox (3) 1S63-E. Barton (4) 1864-F. Barton (4) 1865-J. A. Alston (5) 1866 -k. Richardson (6) 1567 - IL H. Rennie (7) 1S6 -C. A. Coglilan (8) 1869 -8. Kelly (9) 1870-A. C. 8mith (12, 1871-.]. Jacobs (13)

1872-C. F. Forster (16) 1886-F. Lloyd (36) 873-C. Allen (18) 1887-F.M. Stephen (37)

W. Russell 19) 1888-C. FL Weigall (39) 1S74 -\V. C. Wilkinson (20) 1$89---1). Levy (42) 1875 -• W. L. Nloore (22) 1890-A. H. Garnsey (43) I876 -J. H. Murray (25) 1891- FL Mitchell (46) 1877-J. H. Murray (25) 1892-E; Mitchell (46) 1878-(;. k. Rei,nje )27) C. Waddle (41) 1$79-1. Armstrong (29) 1893-F. Ludowici (50) 1880--L. Armstrong (29) 1891-N. Pileher (49) 1881 H. C. 11roomheld (32) 1895---R. C. Teece (51) 18S2--R. Tiisomhe1d (32) 1896-A. C. de L. Arnold 1888- --H. A. Russell (3$) 1S97-(. S. Browne (52) 1884- -H. H. (8arrau (34) 1898 -C. 8. Browne 521 1885-H. A. Thompson (33)

KNOX PRIZES. 863-F. W. Knox

.J. W. Alston (5) 1864-\V. A. \Vooley

.1. F. Dickenson I865--.1. W. Alston (5)

F. H. Rennie (7) 11"66--R. M. Sly (10)

W. Peter 1$7--R. H. Rennie (7)

I'. M. Sly (10) S. Kelly (9)

1565 -Not awarded 15419-S. Kelly (9)

8. Oliver (10) 1ST4I-J. Jacobs (13)

H. K. Kelly (14) .1. Oliver (11)

1811-I. Jacobs (13) H. K. Kelly (14) U. J. Renwick (15)

1812-I. F. Forster (16) I'. McKeon (17)

I 51:1-.) 1. Il. Allen (18) W. \litcheil

I S14-L. Whitfield (21) F. Bown

I 75-R. C. Alleu (23) W. James C. F. Rich (24) A. B. Paterson

1876 -.1. H. Murray 25) \•\ Ames (26)

Stephen 1877-1. H. Murray (25)

(1. H. Leibius (28) 1878-C. F. Rennie (27)

L. Armstrong (29) 1879-L. Armstrong (29)

F. England (30) 1880-G. Halliday (31)

1'. McPherson 1881-A. Pratt

A. Thompson (35) H. M. Anderson

1882-H. A. Russell (33) U. C. (ilauville

1883--H. A. Russell (3$) (1. Hayden

1854--H. R. (Jarraji (34) H. A. Thompson (35)

Taylor (35) 1885 --H. Tlininpeiii (35)

W. C. MeClellaml 1886-H. MI. Stephen (31)

IL W. Wood 1887-IL MI. St.-pIen (37)

F. S. Siinpmn )4t) H. S. Paul

1888-J. Peden (39) 1. \Vardel[ (41)

1888-T. Nunn 1889---1). Levy (42)

.1. Auld H. H. Whitfebl (45

1890-F, Wood N. Stephen F. J. Wyndham

1891 -H. Mitchell (46) .J. H. Hammond H H. M. Stephen

1892-F. Mitchell (46) J. I'. Strieklanrl (4 j) \V. T. White S. Siveli

1893 -H. F. Whitfeld (45' 1). MeBurney

. Prowse 1894- N. Pileher (49)

F. C. Griffiths (48) H. C. Delohery A. W. Taylor

1895-H. C. Teoce (51) 1). M. Clasaford 11. II. MacCarthy .1. A. Stephen

18)46- H. H. Stephen 11. Gale J. Dungeon

1897-C. S. Browne (52) C. G. Sharp

1898-1. N. Griffiths (53)

MA., Sydney (late Scholar) late Puisire Judge of Supreme Court, Queensland. MA., Sydne5 (late Scholar). MA., Cambridge and Sydne (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). First-class Mathematics. 51. h. Sydney (late Scholar). First clans Classics Member of the Senate ; M.L.A. ; late

Speaker of the house of Assembly of New South Wales. BA., Sydney (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). Firsts-lass Mathematics; MB., Edinburgh

Ettles Scholar. (c) Late Scholar Sydney University. (7) MA., Sr (boy (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). First-class Mathematics D. Sc. London,

F.C.S., F.L C. Professor Chemistry in the. University of Adelaide. (0) LL.B., ordne (late Scholar and Cold Medallist). First-class Classics and Mathematics:

Fawcett Prize for Jurisprudence Fellow- of St. John's College. (5) B . h. Sydney (late Scholar and Cold Ifedallist). First-class Classics and Mathematics.

(10) LL.D., Sn dney (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). First-clans in Classics and Mathematics; Prize for Greek Iambic Verne LL.B., London Studentship at Inns of Court, London.

(II) B.A., Sydney (late Scholar and Medallist). F rst-class Classics and Natural Science. (It) MA.. Melbourne (lane Exhibitfo-rer and S-'holar). First-class in the School of Language and

Logic Ormand and Lara Scholar in Theolocy: MA,, Edinburgh (late Scholar). (13) Late scholar Sydney Ijrriversilt BA , Canrbrfdge (late Scholar St. John's College) Senior

Moralist. (14)B.A., Sydney. (15) BA., Scl're (lote Scholar). Bylinore Medal, M.B. and CM. Edinburgh. (Is) BA., Sidney (late Scholar). First-class Classics and Mathematics. (17) Junior Prize, Public Enaririnrationis. (it) Oermrer Price, Public Examinations; B.... Sydney (late Scholar arid Gold Medallist). First-

class Classics and Slatherriaties. Late Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford. (10) At. A., St drre r v (late Scholar and Gold Me(falliot), First-class Classics.

BA., Sydney (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). First-clans Classics and Natural Science, M.D London. First-c'la'n horrocrrs in Medicine ; University Scholar and Gold Medalilso in For-ensic Medicine ; Atchison Scholar, University College, London.

MA.. Sydnyn (late Scholar). First-class Classics, Junior Prize and Prox Acer -, Second Pore, Public Examinations, M.A.,jSydne5 (late Scholar),

First-class Classics; Bow can Scholar and Frazer Prize, St. Andrew's College. Senior Prize, Public Examinations, 8,5., Sydney (late Scholar and Gold Medallist). First-class

Classics and Slatherrraticn. BA., Sydney. First-clans Classics.

(C) Junior and Senior Prize, Public Examirraliorrs henry, Magdalen College, Oxford. First-class in Classical Moderations rind Final Schools.

(26)B.A., Ssdnrey. (27) Pro, Acct., Junior Prize. Public Examination BA., Sydney late Scholar). First-class

('lam) 's and Natural Science. M.R.C,S. Gold Sledal in Surgery. Bruce and Trrke Medals, .htcliisnrni Sclro',,rr, Coin scsi It College, London.

(2) Junior Prize, Public Exanni satin, .s. B.A., Sn 'lucy. - (2.1) BA., Sv,Inet (late Scholar arid Gold 5lcdallisn. Firot-class Classics. Medal for Latin Elegiacs

Verse. (Sn) B.A., Stclrrev. (31) BA,, Syclne's (late Scholar and (Sold Medallist). First-class Mathematics. ('121 B.A , Ti'(eil5 College, Oxford. Second-class in Classical Moderations, Second-class Final,

Schools in Classics and l,ann and dc derru History. (54) Junior and Se' ior Prize, Public Examrniiial(oos BA,, Sydnrc (late Scholar and Gold Medallist,).

First-clans Classics and Slather calm's. Scholar, S3 ci ret University, B. A,

(35) Scholar, Stchrncv I,Tnfver'sila, B.A. (OP) Bk., Sydnret (late Scholar and (Sold Med Mist). First-class Classics. Lecturer in Latin,

,tyelnrct I ii versus - - (;,,-.)Junior and Senior Price. Public Examinations. B. A. (late Scholar arid Gold Medallist),

St dricy Urrivernits - First-class Classic's arid Philosophy. (35) C,C.C., Oxford, B.A. ISIS) Sclnol,rr, St dney Ciii, cr-siC, B.A. First-class Classics and Philosophy. Sub-Warden St. Paul's

Collc'ge. (411) Scholar, Corpus College, Carribniulge, B.A. 41) Junior Prize, Public Examinations. Scholar, Sydney University.

(42) Senior Prize, Public Examinations ll,A, Late Scholar and Gold Medallist in Classics, Sydney Cmii ersirt -

(4:2) Junior Prize, Public Examinations. Late Scholar, Sydney University, B. A. 14 4) Senior Prize, Public 1dm' Exanni , aCorns. Scholar, S dnev Cnin'ersnly.

(45) Senior arid .101, (or Prize, Public Fxaiirin,alionis, Scholar, Sn dn e' University. (inn) terrier and Junior Pr-ice, Public Itxannui ratio, is. Scholar, St dnre University. (4) senior Prize, Public Esa,nrinrationrs. Scholar, S,'dncv FIns ersity. (45) Sorrier Prize, Pul)lic Public Esannu mat iOns. Scholar, St'dnct University. l9) Scholar, K, if ire)' Cii r'ersilv.

t) sn'ho]:,r St'dnrcs CniveisitY. (51) Seniorarid Junior Prize, public Examinations. Scholar, 5 Inc. tJrmnversil 1 'r) Jun ion- arid Ser,i,nr Prize, Public Exarriurral)onns. Scholar, St dircy I 'rim, ersrtv.

') .Ini her Price, Public Examinations,


The following First-Class Honours have been obtained in the various

Examinations during the Yew.



A. —ENcTsn.

Browne Teece 1 Barton Stephen Gillett Harris 2 Jackson Molesworth I Savage Thomas 2 Brennan Webb


Wilshire Browne Griffiths 1 Harris 2 Molesworth 1 Gale Gilchrist 1 Donovan MeBurney Elwell Butler I

Browne Barton Donovan Brearley Thompson I Mair

Griffiths 1 Thomas 1 Jackson Dudgeon Harris 3 Thomas 2 Murray-Prior Rogers


Teece 1 Harris 2 Stephen Mills Spence Taylor 2

Thomas I Richardson2 Elwell McLachlan I Norrie

D. --MTi1E1AT!cs.

Tivey 1 Harris 1 Brearley Stephen Ilenderson Richardson 2 Cohen 7 Bonamy Came Savage Tivey 2 Fuller (ib1in Caner Barnett Spence


Barton Teece 1

Richardson I Vickery Wade-Brown Hammand Edwards 9 Palmer I


McBurney Cohen 5 Donovan Stephen Wilson Jones :1


June Examination. ENrisrr.

Carter 1 Taylor 2 Dibbs Robertson Thompson 6 Waterhouse 2 Cordon 1 Deck 2 Cohen 11 Sands 2 Waldron Ramsay Spence Schleicher Oatley Thicker 2 Powell Zions Stockwell Atkinson Peapes Palmer 2 Carmichael

LATIN. Condon 1 Dickson 2 McKeown 2 Amos Love Waterhouse 2 McKeown 1 Geddes Atkinson Cohen 10 Palmer 2 Richards 3 Spence Hallarl Chamier Flreuch 3 Paton Cameron 2 Taylor 2 Stewart 4 Dibbs Fraenkel Thompson 6 Elphinstone 2 Deck 9 Triggs Gihb 1 Kirkpatrick Powell Green 3 Henry 1 Barnard Noakes Ridge Elliott Searle Hough Dawson Peapes Stoltenhoff Storey Schleicher Griffiths 2 Ralston Ducker 1 Carmichael Armytage Maclay Robertson Little 2 Murray

FR EN( 1 II. Condon 2 Hellicar Geddes Fletcher Sewell Conunius Spence Henry 1 Hallard Griffiths 2 Smith 2 Connell Stockwell Hough Barnard Joyce Walker 3 Elphiustone 1 Taylor 2 Inglis 2 Allen Maclay Atkinson Munro I Deck 2 Schleicher Blaxland 2 McKeown 2 1)ibbs Samuel Douglas 3 Sharp Dawson Peach Peapes Sands 1 Farrar 3 Dickson 2 Evans Rae 2 Ralston

December Exam inatioii. Eujisn.

TialiarcI Carleton Clayton Hogg Marsh 2 Wallace Cameron 1 Ridge Archdall I Parker Woodburn 2 Murray Triggs Butler 2 Archdall 2 Green 3 Christie Mills Dickson 2 Carter 2 Chorley White Miller 9 Bottrell

Ruse Paton LATIN.

Armytage Binns Butler 2 Clayton 2 Marsh 2 Ferguson Carleton Crouch 2 Broughton McCaughey Maclaurin Mills Beddes Dawson Allen 1 1)ibbs Nettheim See Ballard KirLpatrick Ridge Bottrell Murray SI tirray-Prior Henry I ilcKeown 2 Granger Archdall 2 Wallace [2 McCrae 2 Slitchell 2 Holloway Storey Christie Platt Schileicher Peapes Cohen 9 Waterhouse 2Viviau Stokes Atkinson Sharp Noakes Woodburn 2 Miller 2 Palmer 2

Hordcrn Archdall I 1RENCH.

.\rmytage Crouch 2 liiuton 2 Dibhs \Villianis 1 Waterhouse 2 Barnard Dawson Taunton Archdall 1 Parker Russell-Jones Ballard NJauning 2 Cohen I) Archdall 2 Rich 1 [1 Henry 1 McKeown 9 Holloway Bottrell Holmes I Markell Hough Peapes Walker 9 Joscelyne Chorley Board Schleicher Sharp Walker 3 Palmer 2 Walkee 4 Green 3 Sear Farrar 3 Cohen 11 Richards I Cowper 1 Zions Stewart 5 Ridge Robertson Teece 2 Johnston 2 Rooke 2 Atkinson

ARITHMETIC. Butler 2 Jago Taunton Gerber Rich 2 1)uret Lewis Oatley Inglis 2 Grey Woodburn 2 Cormack Boys Peapes Kirkpatrick Johnston Ruse Elphinston 2 Piddington Clayton 2 Cowper 9 Parker Christie Woodruff Crouch 2 Francii Matthews Marsh 2 Cohen 10 Westgarth 9 Harris 8 Williams 9 Robert soil Waterhouse 2Sluir \Voo&lhurn :1 Barnard Archdall 2 Burgess Schleicher Miller 9 Watson 2 Holloway Dawson Chorley

ESICLID AND ALIlEJIRA. Lewis Peapes Holloway Chamier highs 2 Beale B0y5 Allen 1 Sands 1


PRIZE LIST. Knox Prizes :—Senior—Griffiths I.

Junior ---Spence Hal1arI

\Vigrain Allen Prizes: —_Kathein at ics— Griffiths 1. Thomas 1.

Natural Science--McBurney. George Knox Latin Prose Prize —Browne.

Head-Master's English Essay Prize :—Teece I.


GENERAL PRIZES. Given to boys who gain three First Classes in the Upper School, or live First

Classes in the Lower School during the year.

U J'PER Sci-iooi.. Browne Barton Teeec 1 Harris 2 Stephen Donovan.

Lo\vElS Scirour. Schleicher, 11allard, Dawson, Atkinson, Dibbs, Peapes, Waterhouse 2, RidB

FORM PRIZES. VI. Upper—Browne VI. Lower. Waterhouse

V. Gale IV. A. Mills IV. B. Bennett 2.

Remove A. McArdle Remove B. Spence

Commercial. Webb III. A. }iallard

Up. Special Form. Peapes III. B. Ridge II. A. Clayton 2 II. B. ArclLdall 1 II. C. Hogg

Lower Special. Waterhouse I. A. Woodburn 2

Marsh 2 f I. B. Wallace I. C. See


UPPER Scnooe. 11. —Dndgeou IV. —Came V1.—Murray Prier.

I. B.—Brearley 11I.—lionamy V—Savage Rem.—B. Giblin

LOWER Scisooc. Div. I. A.—Lewis II. A.—Inglis III. A.—Marsh 2

I. B.—Peapes II. B.—Kirkpatrick III. B.—Woobnrn 2 I. C.—Backhouse II. C.—Parker FIT.—Cohen 10

V. Miller 2 VI. Duret.



UPPER SoFfooL.—Latin--- Elwell, Greek—Brow ne. Arithmetic—Stephen-Harris 1


UI'iER Siioou.

Frcnch—Div. I.—Browne 111.—Harris 2 V.—Gilchrist I Vll.—Conley IV.— Bennett 1 V1.—Clayton VIII.- -Eleell

(4erinan—Div. I.—Gales III.—Phibbs 11.—Bennett 2 Gilchrist 2


LOWER S:iiooi.. —FRENCh.

III. A—Taylor 2 Ill. B.—Inglis Ii. B.—Peapes

Schleicher Farrar 3 Richards I

U1'. Spccia1-_1 Fallard II. A. --McKeown 2 Low. Special— \Vatcrlsouse 2

Dawson Walker 2


Smith 2 Rich 2 Williams 1 Howell

IMPROVEf,I ENT. —Allen 1


Dickson 2.


UPPER SCHOOL. Harris 3 REMOVE A. Douglass 1 Forri VI. UPPER. Bilbrough Mr. Bode. Rutter The Head Master. Hall* MeArdle Marsh

Browne Harris XI. Wallach Munro Barton Mair Nossiter Teece I FORM IVA. Seale Stewart 3 Wilshire Mr. Vaughan. Jones 3 Fuller Griffiths 1 Mills Arnheint Himmeihoch Harris 1 Thnison 1 Lees Elphinstone Farrar 2 Elwell Renwick Harvey Corlette ]\IacCallum Taylor 1 Connell Weigall McLachlan 1 Jones 2 Power 2 Deck i Cohen 7 Small Stewart 2 Johnson 1 Henderson Bull 2 Balmain Close l Maughan Cohen 6 McKenzie Macpherson*North Devlin Milson Powell 1* Cohen 4 Whitinge Scarlett 1

Phjbbs Murray-Prior 1 MeKell 2 FoRti VI. LOWER. Pinnington \Vardrop Cochrane Mr. C. F. Hewlett.Hill Lindsay Cliounding

Waterhouse 1 Gilchrist 2 (Jarvan Spain Thomas 1 Gilchrist 1 (larnsey McBurney Vaughan Mullens Mote Close 2 McLachlan 2' LOWER SCHOOL. Harris 2 Paul 3 Westgarth 1 FORM lilA. Wood Yeomans Edwards 1 Mr. Carter. Smail Tivey 2 Caro Hallard Marks 1 Butler 1 Campbell 2.1 Carleton Walker i Rogers Schleicher Farrar I Addison 2 REMOVE B. Armytage Richardson 2 Weeks The Head-Master. Triggs Brooks Docker Spence Sear Tivey I Inglis Taylor 2 Cameron 1 McCrae 1 McDonald Barnett Byrne 1 Woodburn 1 McLaughlin McKeown 1 Francis Lowe McCarthy Norrie Geddes Stewart l Postle Carter I Henry 1 French U Edwards 2 Douglas 3

FORM IV c. Palmer I McCrae 2 FORSI V. Mr. Farrar. Condon 2 Dickson I

Mr. Barbour. Bennett 2 Cohen S Boys Gale Jones 1 (liblin Stewart 5 Donovan Corden Cowlishaw Hough Stephen Best Smith I Beale 2 Dudgeon Bond Clark Barnard Cohen 1 Wilson 1 Harris 6 Begbie ]irearley O'Connor 2 Poatc Inglis 2 (illett Elliott 1 Nathan 1 Harley Bennett I M'\Vhanneli Scarlett 2 Douglas 2 Vickery Waine Condon U Dickson 2 Cohen 9 Pilcher Hellicat Reid Wade-Browiic Rosenfeld Paul 2' Campbell 3 Cohen 5 Addison 1) Deck 2 Raffan Parry Ebsworth I . a js FURS! Waters Harris 4 . ()wen I UPPER SPECIAL. I larrison Clayton Mr. Odes. Jackson Bull I CosIsle;stuIAL FuRl!. Peapes Richardson I Hinton I Mr. Soar. Dawson Power I Heron Webb Atkinson Hammand' Mitchell Savage McKeown 9 Day' Marshall' Rankin Sharp Garde" Buchanan 1 Brennan Crouch 2 O'Connor 1 Manning Thomas 2 Binns Watson" Campbell 1" Cohen 3 Kirkpatrick Bonanty' Came Mitchell 2

"I' utfly ab.Wn(.

SCHOOL OF LANGUA(iES--Continoie'. Clifford F0ROI 21,., Board Zeliner Manning 2 1 Mr. de Kantzow. Russell-Jones 1 Paling Sands 1 Arebdall 1 Backhouse Thomas 3 Ffrench 3 Archdall 2 Zions Somerville Fletcher Palmer 2 Markell Duret Burns Bottrell5 Ramsay Littlemore Griffiths 2 Williams 1 Searle Little 3 Morris I Joscelyne McKittrick Howell French 2 Richards 1 Cowper 2 Willis Kendall V Cohen 10 Storey-- Marks tJ

Harvey 2 Downes Huet FORM IIIB. Levien 1 Ascher"' Vivian

Mr. Savigny. 1-[oskings Boston Bray 2 Ridge Pittman Rooke 2 Hordern5 Butler 2 Bolton Jago Ferouon Allen 1 1)uaker 2 Holmes 21 , Soutter Broughton Powell 2 Pieremont Baber \tebster Paton Campbell 4 Rand Farrar 3 Elliott i Pratt Sinyth Grauger Teece 2 Rooke 1 Manning 3 Lewis Thompson Ii Riley Flphinstone 2 Ijinton 2 Chard Cameron 2 Turner Rae I (:uy5 Bethune Bray i Cohen 9 Carmichael Yeomans 2 Cormack I'aunton Fraenkel5 Mort* Henry 35

Joyce Harris 7 Williams 2 Rose 1 Orr Stoltenhotl' Houston 2 Carter 2 Ducker I FORTS b *Holloway Blaxland l Fours Lx. Divisio A. Starling Mr. C. J. 1). Goldie Mr. O'Reilly. Peach FORII lii. Woodburn 21 Mills aSiflitli 2 Mr. Fitz. Marsh 2 j See Nathan 3 Hogg Bryant Stokes Marks 2 Parker Carment Platt Goldfinch Holmes I Borne 2 Bagshaw Jones 4 Buchanan 2 White Rennie Allan 2 Walker 4 Muir Angus Amos Cowper 1 Hutton Rose 2 Fox 1' Cliorley Taylor 5 Goddard 2 lilaxland 2 Johnston 2 Nettheim i ui-ray-Prior 2 \lackellar5 Burgess Edie King Maou lirereton McLachlan 5 Gus-ell Jones 2

Crouch I Deery Watson* FORM HA. Rich I Isaacs Levien 2

Mr. Hume. Thompson 4 MacLaurin Clayton 2 Bullock Waldron Divisioa B. Cohen 11 Evans Lindeman 2 Woodburn 3 Matthews Harris S Miller l Shmith 2 Dibbs Sunderland Lindeman I Westgarth Robertson Houston 1 Rowrnan Stiles 2 Gibb 1 Carter 3 Love' Woodruff Oatley Suttor 2 Nslson Armstrong Taylor 3 Gray Morris 2 1 , Bauer Walker ii Chambers Little 2 Richards 2 Sands 2 Wetherill Fox 3 McLschlan 6 Walker iii Gerber Little l Ross Noakes Fox 2 Gordon Foster MeCaughey MeKell P Blaxiand 3 Shmith 1 Rich 2 Cow5 Gibb 2 Green 2 Stiles 1° FoRM 1r, Bell* Forsyth Mel auchlan Mr. islcBurney. Maiden Wallace DiviSioN C. Macleod FORM Christie Hinton 2 Chamier LO\VEE SPECIAL. Miller 2 Harris 11 Rae 2 Mr. Sampson. Murray I Westbrook Traill Waterhouse 2 Ruse Kendall Goddard 1 Piddington Blackwood Munro 2 Celtic Green 3 Powell 3



DIVISION I. A. Mr. Blanch.

Gritliths 1 Thoma 1 Harris I Tivey I Deck I Marks Close I Browne Teece Wood Wilshire Wilson Sinail Barton Stewart Lowe

DIVISION I. B. Mr. Carter.

Brearley Stephen Jackson Brooks Cohen 5 Waters Corlett Mote Walker Gale North Waterhouse Farrar 1 - Mellurney Powell \/Veigall RatTan Farrar 2 Johnson Harris 11 Mitchell MacPherson abs.

DlvIsIoN I Mr. Scar

I )udgeon Henderson Cohen 7 Harris 2 Donovan Cohen I Richardson 2 Cohen 5 Harrison McLachlan 1 Vickery Garde Bilbrough Oorden Bennett 1 \V at son Butler I

Clayton Scale Brennan Yeomans l'liibbs IVaine O'Connor 1 MeCrae I Gillett Hinton Woodburn* French*


Boo amy Harris 3 Thomas 2 Rankin Day Buchatan i Gilchrist 2 Webb Best Small Hall Maughan Mills Bond F{aium and M cArdle Puiuiiigt on Mc\VlialIIiell Bull 2 Piluher Douglass I Power 1 .JOIRIS I Close 2 Parry Thompson 2 Marshall Stewart 2 Campbell I

I )ivsoa IV. Sir. C. E. Hewlett.

Came Cohen 4 \I cUallnin Vaughan Elwell Rutter Munro Cohen 3 Thompson Gilchrist I Elliott I Stewart 3 Docker Paul :i Becks Addison 2 McLachlan Iiosetifeld

Westgarth 1 Harris 4° Wade- Browne O'Connor 2 I'dwards 1 Caro"

DivisIoN V Mr. Farrar

Savags Tivey 2 Fuller Al air Arnheiu Marsh McCarthy Slaiiniji g 1 luglis Richardson 1 51 cDonald C hounding S\ardrop \V allach Whiting McLaughlin Jones 2 F,itidsav Cohen (I

am van (larrisey SleKeil 2 II ,Kell I"

Divi°iox YL Mr. Vaughan.

Murray-Prior I Taylor I Nossitcr Rogers Heron Jones :1 Rcuwbk Scarlett 1 liii! Bennett 2' Devlin Addison I EIpliinstune McKenzie Power 2 Mullens Balmain Lees SIilson l'ostle Campbell 2 Cocliraiie Connell HiInnI ci lOCh Spain

Barnett Sp en cc Harris 6 Taylor 2 Condon 2 Hellicar Smith 1 Edwards 2 Norrie McKeown I Paul 2 Cowlishaw Poate Cohen 8 Nathan 1 Palmer Scarlett 2 Clark LOWER SCHOOL.

DIVISION I A. Mr. Blanch.

Lewis Boys Butler 2 Piddinglon Crouch 2 Douglas 2 Douglas 3 Hough Hart is 8° Forsyth Cowper 1 J, Holmes lJ Houston 1

Divissox I B. Sir. Carter.

Peape Sands 1 Holloway Jago Allen 1 Carleton Sharp Atkinson Cameron I Sear Barnard S ewartS Li Ills Hallard Oatley Goldfinch (leddes Armytage Morris I Allan 2 Triggs Dickson 2°

DIVISION I C. Si r. Fits.

llackhouse Downes Francis Clayton 2 Chainier

FIEnOVE B. Mr. Blanch.

Giblin Carter I

c Par((y&i.wnt.

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS—Contisntcri. \Villianis ' 1)ivISIoN IT C. Ruse DIVIsION V. Dickson 1 Mr. de Kantzow. Green 2 Mr. Hume. ltyrne I Parker Miller I Miller 2 Fletcher Burgess Ascher Isaacs henry I Cliorley Wallace Turner Macleod Hogg Yeomans 2 See Nathan 2 Johnstone Holmes 2 Cameron (rrriplell 3 (Jroueh 2 Richards 1 Campbell 4 Granger \\ralkei. 4 Storey Angus Marks 2 Rich 1 Rae 2 Blackwood Mills 2 Evans Bryant I Rand

Gray Zeliner King I )rvisioc II A. Thompson 4 Bolton Marks 3

Mr. (tiles. Sunderland Ducker I Bauer Irlgl's 2 Bullock Riley Burne 2 I >arvsort Carter 3 Chard Little :3 Arclilail 2 \Vetherill Blaxiand 2 Manning 3 atids 2 Fox 2 Smyth Waidron

I)iItI,s (ha,.bers Button Bray 2 Uir Breretoit l)eery Vivian Arelilall I Suttor 2 Fraill Huet Carter 2 Stiles F Maiden Goddard Taunton (4erbcc N acLaurin Nelson F'trertcli :3 Buchanan' Ethic Levien Ceid McLauchlan' Love Paton l;eghie Morris 2 Hoskings Botirell Drvrsiox Ill A. Fox 35 Litticmore Rae I Mr. Savigny. Forster French 2 Marsh 2 DIVISTON [V. Blaxland 3 (rilliths 2 Board Mr. de Kantzow. Faylor :3 Waterhouse 2 Cohen 10 DIVISION VL Mitchell 2 Cohen 11 Ridge Mr. O'Reilly. leach Schleicher Ramsay Jones 4 Green 3 Rooke 2 Duret Joyce Rich 2 Pittman Woodburn 3 Houston 2 Williams I Muir Cormack

Burns Harvey 2 Westgarth 2 1)rvrerox II B. Autos Bowman Elphinstone 2 Mr, M'Burney. White Murray Shnith 2

Kirkpatrick Kendall i' ]coke 1 Richards 2 Beak Walker 2 Powell 2 McLachlan 5 Cowper 2 Harris 7 Russell-Jones Platt McCrae 2 Zions Paling Rose 2 Mckittrick Fraenkel' 1-lordern Murray-Prior 2 Robertson .Joscelyne Lindernan 1 Taylor 5 Clilldrd Teece 2 Bray I Russell-Jones 2 Hroughtrin Markel Somerville Woodruff Matthews Boston Howell McLachlan 6 MeKeown 2 Carmichael Carnuent Baber Harley McCaughey Thomas Stiles 2 he-u-jeer Pieretnont Thompson 6 Rennie l'ratt Bethune Nettheim Watson Farrar 3 Searle Henry* Shmith 1* \Vebster Docker 2 Soutter Bagshaw Manning 2 Walker .31. Noakes (iuy Powell Palmer 2 Armstrong ()ldar-d I Elliott 2 toltenhoff Harris II

oheri 9 Mason5 stokes UiRh 2 rnrth 2 Lindeman 2 Kendall 2 hinton 2 DivisioN Iii B. Willis Ross oldie Mr. C. J. I). (toldieMort5 Hinton 2

Mackellar Woodburn 2 Blaxiand 1* Westbrook Fox I Christie (iurdon5 Munro 2 starling Lihh 1 Rose l Bell*


chcrIarhip anb ,Scciit[ $ric. FOUNDED BY PRIVATE BENEFACTION.

Date. Donor. J__

Severin Kanute Salting ..



Object of Foundation.

The Salting Exhibition.—For 1858 the promotion of sound learning. Awarded on re- commendation of the Trus- tees to a student proceed- ing from the School to the University. Tenable for 3 years.

1887 Boyd Dunlop Morehead ... £1000 The 'Ji.A.A. Morehead Lx. hibiiioss.—To endow two Exhibitions, connecting the School with the Uni- versity.Awarded to the most meritorious student proceeding from the School to the University. Each Exhibition tenable for 3 years.

1863 Edis aid Knox £250 The Kno,v Prizes—To provide two prizes annually for general proficiency in the Upper and Lower Schools.

1886 The Executors of Will of £200 The ff1irans Allen Prizes.— Sir George Wigram To provide two prizes Allen. annually for proficiency in

Mathematics and Natural Science.

1879 George Knox ......I £50 The Geore Knox Przzc.—To found a prize for Latin Composition.

Sydney Residents and old £525 The Citizens' /hizes.--To es- Sydneians.. ... tablish a fund for provid-

ing prizes for proficiency in the French and German Languages.

he preunt hn.thcrB of Srltnn.t ,Schoiarshiz ur





Beatty, Richardson & Co., Printers, Paling's Buildings, Sydney.