i STUDENTS’ STRATEGY TO MAINTAIN THEIR MEMORY IN READING COMPREHENSION (A Descriptive Research at tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Education in English Department RISNAWATI 10535 6260 15 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2019





(A Descriptive Research at tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Education in

English Department


10535 6260 15









Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Risnawati

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Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Students’ Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading


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menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, Januari 2020

Yang membuat pernyataan




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Risnawati

Nim : 10535626015

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Students’ Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading


Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesainya skripsi ini, saya akan

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2. Dalam penyusunan skripsi saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan

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bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Januari 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian





The past, I don‟t need to remember what in the past

because I don‟t care, don‟t live there again,

I live for the future.


This Thesis for My Future

For My Collage,

My teachers, and also

To get a JOB



Risnawati, 2019. Students Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading

Comprehension (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at Tenth Grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar). Thesis of English Education Department. The

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Makassar. (Supervised by Syamsiarna Nappu and Maharida)

This study aims to find out students‟ strategy to maintain their memories

in reading comprehension that limited using by strategies were PQ4R, Mnemonic

and Rehearsal in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. This study applies

descriptive qualitative research and evaluated method in order to find out

students‟ strategy to maintain their memories in reading comprehension. The

sample get by using Total Sampling Technique that was the technique which a

sampling technique where the number of samples is equal to the population the

researcher had 19 students as a sample. In the class X consists of 19 students of

SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. The data gain through closed questioner which

consist of 21 numbers, classification the data by using Frequency Scale, analysis

by using Percentage Technique, conclude the information and predict the result.

The research findings shows that there are strategies used by the students‟

to maintain their memory in reading comprehension. Then the researcher found

Mnemonic strategy was more dominant than the other strategies.

Keywords: Students’ Strategy, Memory, Reading Comprehension.



Risnawati, 2020. Students’ Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading

Comprehension (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at Tenth Grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar). Fakultas Keguaruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, (Dibimbing oleh Syamsiarna Nappu dan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi siswa untuk

mempertahankan ingatan mereka dalam pemahaman membaca yang terbatas

menggunakan strategi PQ4R, Mnemeonic dan Rehearsal di SMA Muhammadiyah

9 Makassar. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan descriptive qualitative dan metode

evaluasi untuk mengetahui startegi siswa dalam mempertahankan ingatan mereka

dalam pengetahuan membaca. Sample di peroleh dengan menggunakan Total

Sampling Tehnik yang merupakan tehnik dimana tehnik pengambilan sample

dimana jumlah sample sama dengan jumlah populasi, maka peneliti memiliki 19

siswa sebagai sample. Di kelas X terdiri dari 19 siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 9

Makassar. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner tertutup yang terdiri dari 21 nomor,

klasifikasi data dengan menggunakan teknik persen, menyimpulkan infomasi

dengan memprediksi hasilnya.

Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada strategi yang di gunakan

siswa untuk mempertahankan ingatan mereka dalam membaca. Kemuadian

peneliti menemukan strategi Mnemonik lebih dominan di gunakan dari pada

strategy PQ4R dam Rehearsal.

Kata kunci : Stategi Siswa, Memori, Kemampuan Membaca.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. All praises to Allah, the creator of the world

who always provides health and opportunities until this thesis can be completed.

Greetings and shalawat were bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad, to his

family, friends, and the muslims who still uphold the religion of Allah.

The researcher would like to give her gratitude and appreciation to the

following people who have supported her until the thesis was finished. They are


1. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM. The rector of University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the head of English Education

Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

4. The researcher‟s high appreciation and great thankfullness are due to

consultans, Dr. Syamsiarna Nappu, M.Pd as the first consultant and

Maharida, S.Pd.,M.Pd as the second consultant, who have give the support,

guidance, motivation, and their patience since the preliminary state until the

completion of this thesis

5. The researcher‟s beloved parents, Saleh and Denta, who always love, care,

support for financial and their pray for every success of the researcher.


6. The researcher‟s beloved sisters, Sitti Nurung, Irmayani, Nurmala,

Darmawati, Riskawati, Widiyah Ulfa and beloved brother MIftakhur Khaer.

Who always support and being motivation for every success of the researcher.

7. The researcher‟s Community, Guru Untuk Bangsaku and Koin Untuk Negeri,

who always give best tricks how to be a good teachers, and how to be a

sharing science in the interior.

8. The staff and all of the lecturer of FKIP Unismuh, especially to the lecturers

of English Education Department who taught the researcher for many years.

9. Asri, S.Pd M.Pd. as a head of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, has given

his permission to did this research

10. All of the respondents in this research that gave their best time to answer the


11. Special thanks for the big families of BRITISH Class (class B of English

Department 2015), especially Irawanti, Harmiati, Nirmawati, Nur Hidayah,

and Andi Riswandi Putra also the member class C, Sam pravita sari for

always gave the researcher support and motivation.

12. Everybody that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah almight bless

us now and ever.

Makassar, January 2020




COVER ..................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................... ii

COUNSELLING SHEET 1 ..................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET 2 ..................................................................................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ......................................................................................... vii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ............................................................................................ viii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ................................................................................ ix

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. x

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................... xv

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................... xviii

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

A. Background .................................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statements ........................................................................................ 3

C. Objective of the Study .................................................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Study ............................................................................... 3

E. Scope of the Study ......................................................................................... 4


CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................... 5

A. Previous Research Findings ........................................................................... 5

B. The Concept of Reading Comprehension ...................................................... 6

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension .................................................... 6

2. Reading Process ....................................................................................... 7

3. Kinds of Reading ...................................................................................... 9

4. Types of Reading ..................................................................................... 10

C. Memory .......................................................................................................... 10

1. Definition of memory ............................................................................... 11

2. Types of Memory ..................................................................................... 12

D. Forgetting Phenomenon ......................................................... 13

E. Factors that Inhibit Memory................................................... 14

F. Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading

Comprehension ...................................................................... 16

1. PQ4R Strategy .......................................................................................... 16

2. Mnemonic strategy ................................................................................... 17

3. Rehearsal Strategy .................................................................................... 22

G. Conceptual Framework .................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................... 26

A. Research Design ............................................................................................. 26

B. Population and Sample ................................................................................... 26

C. Research Instrument ....................................................................................... 27

D. Procedure of Data Collection ......................................................................... 27

E. Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 27


CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................. 29

A. Findings .......................................................................................................... 29

B. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................... 41

A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 41

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 43

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 44

CURRICULUM VITAE .......................................................................................... 52



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 25

Figure 4.1 Students Strategy ................................................................................. 39



Table 4.1 Items of Mnemonic Strategy. ....................................................................... 30

Table 4.2 Items of Rehearsal Strategy ......................................................................... 33

Table 4.3 Items of PQ4R Strategy. .............................................................................. 26



APPENDIX 1 The result of data analysis ............................................................ 49

APPENDIX 2 Documentation ............................................................................. 50




A. Background

English was one of some international language which used by most

people around the world. In a global era, people expected to master English so

that they can communicate with other people who live in other countries. As a

tool of an international communication, it should be learned by people who live in

a country which used English as a foreign language, including Indonesia. To

support Indonesian people in order to be able to communicate with other people

around the world, Indonesian government incorporated English into educational

curriculum as one of its compulsory subjects starting from junior high school.

Hence, it hoped that there will be a great chance for Indonesian learners to

improve their English communication competence.

Reading was important skills in learning to be mastered by the students

besides the other skills. Wineburgh (2001:80) stated that reading is not merely a

way to learn new information but becomes a way to engage in new kinds of

thinking. It means that when the students reading something (such as, books,

article, and newspaper), it was not a way to get new information. If the students

did not understand from what they are reading, they cannot get something from

the text. Thus, it made the students think hard how to get the information from

they read based on their way of thinking. Then, Seyler (2004:2-3) said that

reading is the process of obtaining or constructing from a word or cluster of word.

It meant that reading was the process where the students read the books and


article. To got the meaning from the word or cluster of word after that the students

construct a word or cluster of word to get a good meaning from what they red.

And the students can get meaning from what they read.

Furthermore, Harmer (2007:99) stated that reading was useful for

language acquisition. Providing that students more or less understand what they

read, the more they read, they better they get it. Problem mostly occurred to the

students when reading book, a major question in many students mind was how to

maintain memory. People have memory in their brain to be used to keep any

information they have received and any events impression for them, they can

easily remember it. Meanwhile, if a particular event or information did not have

any meaningful impression, it meant that people are difficult to recall it.

Santrock (2004) clearly state in book “educational psychology” that

memory was the retention/maintenance of information over time. It involves three

process. First is encoding, It was the process by which people get information into

memory. The second process is storage. It was the process retaining information

that has been encode into memory storage. The third process is retrieval. It was

process of taking information out of storage.

In other word, we as a students needed some strategies to remember

information that we have got in learning process. So that why the researcher

choose this title, because this is important for students in reading comprehension,

then it aims to help the students‟ memory become maintainable of information.

As we know that mostly students weak in retrieve information and easy to forget



Base on the explanation above about students‟ problem in maintain

memory, the researcher is interest in carrying a research entitle students’ strategy

to maintain their memory in reading comprehension at the 10 grade in SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar .”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the writer will present the following

research was :

What are the Students‟ Strategy to Maintain Their Memory in Reading

Comprehension at the 10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar?

C. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was to find out students‟ strategy to maintain

their memories in reading comprehension at the 10 grade in SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar.

D. Significance of The Study

The benefits of this study were divided into two, namely theoretical and


Theoretically, the researcher intends to investigate strategies to maintain

students‟ memory in reading. The purpose of this study was to find out what

strategies were using by students, whether using the PQ4R, Mnemonic, and

Rehearsal to maintain in memory. The result of this research would give new

information to another student how to use a strategy in reading. It could

maintenance in their memory.

Practically, as reference for the teacher in conducting good teaching in

reading comprehension. Improving the quality of the teaching and learning


English because the teacher knows students‟ strategy in learning reading

comprehension. It also could be a reference and giving information for other

students about strategy to maintain their memory in reading comprehension.

E. Scope of The Study

The scope of this research was limited to find out strategy to maintain

memory used by students‟ at the 10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar

. These strategies were PQ4R, Mnemonic and Rehearsal.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

There are some previous researchers have conduction a study of students‟

strategy to maintain their memory some of them are:

Kartika (2013) in her thesis “Efektifitas Metode Mnemonic dalam

Meninggkatkan Daya Ingat Siswa Kelas Ix Smp Negeri 2 Satu Atap Sluke pada

Mata Pelajaran Sejarah”. She conclude that level memory treatment group

(experimental) on the subjects of history after treatment to get the average value

of 81 is categorized good level of effectiveness; the level of memory in the control

group subjects after treatment history to get the average value of 72 including the

category level sufficient effectiveness; and the application of mnemonic method is

very effective in improving the memory of student in the subjects of history seen

from the results of learning that use mnemonic method 81<75. Thus, mnemonic

strategy is memory strategy that can be enhance students‟ memory and of course

students can maintain the information in their memory.

Rosniah (2012) in her thesis “Meningkatkan Daya Ingat Siswa dalam

Menghafal Asmaul Husna Melalui Strategi Index Card Match pada Siswa Kelas Ii

Sekolah Dasar Negeri 013 Teluk Air Karimun”. She conclude that The "Index

Card Match" method can improve the memory of class II students SDN 013

Karimun Air Bay in the Asmaul Husna material with the achievement of student

memory test results reached 88.91%. The effort of the teacher in improving the

memory of second grade students at SDN 013 Teluk Karimun's water in Asmaul



Husna's material also increased with the results of the final achievement of the

learning action reaching 65%.

Lestari (2017) in her thesis entitled “The Use of Mnemonic Technique to

Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research at Eighth

Grade Students of SMPN 2 Banyubiru in Academic Year of 2016/2017). State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga". She conclude that The "Mnemonic"

method can Increased the students‟ vocabulary mastery of class VIII students

SMPN 2 Banyubiru. Test results reached 93%. The effort of the teacher in

Increased the students‟ vocabulary mastery of class VIII students SMPN 2

Banyubiru also increased with the results of the final achievement of the learning

action reaching 59%.

The similarities between previous researches and my research is has

same focus, it is focusing on how to maintain students reading comprehension and

the differences between previous research and my research is on the strategy that

are used. In my research applies three strategies, those are PQ4R, Mnemonic and

Rehearsal while previous researches just apply one strategy in order to maintain

students‟ reading comprehension.

B. The Concept of Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading and Comprehension

Reading is an activity in which readers respond to and make sense of a

text being read connected to their prior knowledge (Spratt, Pulverness, and

William; 2005: 21). The activity is done by the readers as they want to get

information and knowledge from the text. In the process of getting information

and knowledge, the readers try to connect what they read in the form of written


language to what they have already known about the text. Making sense of a text

is done by understanding meaning of words, sentences, and even a text.

According to Charles in Hamka (2005:9) stated that reading is a

transmitting of information process where the author is regarded as the informant

and the reader. In other hand is receiver during reading process the reader

interacts with the author directly. It means that with understanding of

comprehending the material that have written by write they are done an

instruction with the writer.

Reinking and Scenery in Hamka (2006:9), they stated that reading

comprehension understanding what has been read. It is an active thinking process

that depends not only on comprehension skill, but also the students experience

and prior knowledge comprehensions involve understanding vocabularies, seeing

the relationship among words and concept, making judgment and evaluating.

From point of this view. The researcher can be conclude that reading is

cognitive process in which the reader tries to gain information from the text,

whereas comprehension is an active process where the reader is not only read the

text but also can tries comprehend the meaning of the text.

2. Reading Process

According to Hudson (2007: 33) and Brown (2001: 298), there are three

types of reading processes, as presented below:

a. Bottom-Up Processing

Bottom-up processing views the process of reading as phonemic

units. The readers construct meanings by scanning from letters to letters. It

is continued by recognizing the words from one to another. The process is


broadened by associating among phrases, clauses, and sentences. Finally,

it is processed into phonemic units representing lexical meaning and

attains some comprehension of the text. This process mainly focuses in a

linier processing which allows the readers‟ ability to recognize words into

mental lexicon. It concerns more in the way the readers read a text than

that of comprehend it.

b. The Top-Down Processing

In top-down processing, the readers involve their knowledge of

syntax and semantic to create meaning of a text (Goodman cited in

Hudson, 2007: 37). On the beginning of the process, the readers make

some prediction of the text. It is followed by taking samples which will be

confirmed or not to the predictions made. These are the process in which

meanings are created by transforming the text. In the end of the process,

the readers do some correction on the predictions. The top-down

processing, indeed, takes the background knowledge of the readers as the

most important thing in reading.

c. Interactive processing

Interactive processing points the process of reading as the

interaction between the information of a text with the readers‟ prior

knowledge. This process combines the two previous processing i.e. the

bottom-up and top-down processing. As the process of reading happens,

the readers arouse what they have on their background knowledge

connected with the written information in the text. Thus, in the


interactive process, the readers both recognize words and predict the

implied information in creating meaning.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that there are

three types in the process of reading. They are bottom-up processing

dealing with recognizing the words, top-down processing using the

readers‟ background knowledge, and interactive processing combining

words recognition and background knowledge of the readers. Those

approaches help the readers in reading comprehension.

3. Kinds of Reading

Purnamasari (2002:7) classifies reading into three kinds, namely;

reading aloud, silent reading and speed reading.

a. Reading Aloud

Reading Aloud is very important device that cannot be over looked in

achieving the goal because it is a great aid in the developing our habits to

practice, in reading aloud. The students will get experiences as many times


b. Silent reading

Silent reading tends to reinforce the reader to find out the meaning

of the words. This kind of reading leads the reader to a better

comprehension. Silent reading is a skill to draw inferences as well as to

express a new on the basic of what is read.

c. Speed reading

This kind of reading is use to improve speed and comprehension in

reading. This skill is very important for students. This skill of speed reading


must run side comprehension. The rate of speed however, depends on the kind

of reading material. The rate of speed reading story or narration will be

different from the reading scientific materials.

4. Types of Reading

(Brown, 2000: 308) determine the types of reading for the purpose of


a. Skimming

The eyes run quickly over the next to discuss what it is about, the main

idea and the gist. However, a reader should look quickly across and down the

page to find specific information.

b. Scanning

The readers are on the lookout for a particular item he believes, or fact

in writing. The eyes start quickly at the lines of writing.

c. Intensive reading

It also called study reading. This involves closed reading of the text as

the amount of comprehension should be high. The speed of reading is

correspondently slower.

C. Memory

People have memory in their brain to be used to keep any information

they have received and any event experienced. If an event or information is

important and has good impression for them they can easily remember it.

Meanwhile if a particular event or information does not have any meaningful

impression, it means people are difficult to it.


1. Definition of memory

“Memory is the process of maintaining information over time.”

(Matlin, 2005).

“Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in

order to use this information in the present‟ (Sternberg, 1999).

"Memory is retraction of information that has been obtained before."

This definition is still very simple because it only emphasizes one's ability to

bring back information that has been obtained in the past, in other words

memory is to bring back experience past. (Slameto, 2010: 111)

"Memory that we usually interpret as memory is actually a mental

function that captures information from a stimulus, and it is a storage system,

which is a system of storing information and knowledge contained in the

human brain. (Syah, 2004: 72).

Moreover, remembering is current knowledge about past experiences

(Fauzi, 2004: 50) Memory in this sense emphasizes more on one's cognitive

abilities, namely the ability to mention or memorize an activity that has been

carried out in the past.

Base on the definitions above, the researcher could conclude that,

memory is the tools that we can save any experiences, events, impressions in

which we can recalled through three processes of memory retention namely,

encoding, storage, and retrieval.


2. Types of Memory

According to Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin (in Matlin, 1998),

memories are stored in three information storage systems, namely sensory memory,

short term memory, and long term memory.

a. Sensory Memory

Sensory memory is the memory associated with the temporary

storage of information carried by the senses. Actually, sensory memory

has a large capacity to store information, but what is stored quickly

disappears, it is said that the information will disappear after a tenth of a

second, than it will disappear completely after one second has passed.

b. Short-term Memory

Short-term memory or often referred to as short-term memory or

working memory is a process of temporary memory storage, meaning that

the information stored is only retained as long as the information is still

needed. Short-term memory is where we store the memories we just

thought. Memories that enter sensory memory are passed on to short-term

memories. Short-term memory lasts a little longer than sensory memory,

as long as you pay attention to something, you can remember it in short-

term memory.

c. Long-term Memory

Long term memory (long term memory) is a process of memory or

memory that is permanent, meaning that the information stored can last for

a very long time. The capacity of this long-term memory is unlimited.

Long-term memory is a storehouse of information possessed by humans.

Long-term memory contains information in psychological conditions in


the past, i.e. all information that has been stored, but is not currently being

thought about.

D. Forgetting Phenomenon

According to Irwanto (2013) in his book General Psikologi, forgetting

is a symptom in which information that has been stored cannot be recovered

for use Encoding failure.

There are two kinds of theories about forgetting that we will discuss,

as for the theory, namely:

a. Decay Theory

This theory assumes that memory will wear out over time if not

repeated (rehearsal). Or simply we will forget if we do not remember or repeat

something. From this decay theory, it can be explained that if people store a

memory trace weakens and decay.

b. Interference theory

Forgetfulness can be caused by:

1) Memory buildup occurs

2) Influenced or mixed information from one information to

another. Influenced or mixed information can be divided into

two, namely:

a) Retroactive interference

Retroactive interference occurs when a new memory prevents

retrieval of an old memory. Retroactive interference itself is a

phenomenon in psychology that is a process that occurs in one's mental

life and is closely related to the problem of forgetting. For the public,


the term retroactive interference is still rarely heard. But if it is called

forgetfulness, it can be better understood.

b) Proactive interference

Proactive interference can occur when forms of memory in

psychology. Forms of memory in old psychology that inhibit retrieval

of new memory. Proactive disorders can occur when past memories

hold individuals so they cannot retain new memories. The competition

ultimately prevents memory retraction in proactive disorder. It has

been hypothesized that forgetting memories would not exist if it were

not for proactive interference and rest would not have affected the

proactive interference.

c) Physiological disorders

In addition to the four theories above, physiological disorders

can also cause a person to forget, for example in people affected by

amnesia, where forgetfulness can occur due to a disruption in the

engram (physical changes in the brain caused by the biochemical

factors of the brain).

E. Factors that Inhibit Memory

There are several factors that can make students have difficulty in

memorizing. According to Gunawan (2003:32), these factors include several

things, namely:

a. The information was not important


In principle the brain will store important information only, therefore,

considered to be less important information that will make the brain stores the

information in short-tern memory.

b. Interference or disorders Interference would disrupt memorizing

Interference occurs when unnecessary information entered and mixed

with the information need, for example when we memorize poetry and at the

some time we listen to the singing voice of the neighbors were quite loud,

unconsciously chatting songs that will be included in the memory and mixed

with poetry that is being memorize.

c. Do no focus and no concentration

Concentration is the main door of learning. The brain will have

trouble if the two activities at the same time.

d. Stress

State of mind full load and pressure would interfere with the brain to

work, imagine when learning mathematic while neighboring kitchen fire, of

course, thoughts will turn to the study of mind to extinguish the fire.

e. Physical Fatigue

Physical fatigue is usually caused by physical labor. If physical tried

usually someone drowsiness and sleep, because oxygen into the brain is

reduced. Learning in the long term mike the physical universe becomes easily

tired. The solution is to strengthen the physical endurance sports, because

sports will drive the heart pumping and muscles moving. Enough sleep can

also be a solution when it was hit by physical fatigue. Lack of sleep will


interfere with the information we have stored, because during sleep, the

process of extracting information in the brain is done.

f. Effect of Chemical Substances

The habit of consuming alcoholic drinks, smoking is a habit that can

damage the brain. Even some psychotropic substance will kill come brain

cells, farther than it could also inhibit the growth of the generative processes

of the brain, resulting in brain can not renew themselves again (generative).

F. Strategy to Maintain Memory in Reading Comprehension

In this part, the researcher would explain about strategies to maintain

students‟ memory in reading comprehension at the 8 grade in SMP Negeri 1


1. PQ4R Strategy

a. Definition of PQ4R

One of the strategies that helps students understand reading materials

is PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review). PQ4R is the

effective variation of SQ3R strategy which was developed by Thomas and

Robinson in anshorullah thesis (1972). It is step by step procedure used for

reading through a text. It constitutes an analytical reading procedure to lead

the students through the study of texts systematically (Hayes: 1992). It shows

students how to cope with texts through a procedure of Preview, Question,

Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review.

According to Logsdon in anshorullah thesis (2007), PQ4R is a

strategy that helps students focus on organizing information in their minds


and make it meaningful. Furthermore, she points out that the PQ4R strategy is

a good study skill that improves the students‟ understanding of the text and

improves recall of facts by as much as 70%. This strategy can be adapted for

students of all ages. In line with Logsdon, Hayes (1992: 48) in anshorullah

thesis maintains that PQ4R strategy can be applied for high school and

college classes to make substantial use of textual materials and it can be used

with individual students, small groups, and whole classes. Furthermore, he

affirms that using PQ4R, students will gain experience with a strategy they

can apply when they study on their own.

Anastasia (2007) stated that PQ4R is a popular method of working with

text to remember it better.

After seeing about PQ4R above, we can say it is a strategy which is used

to remember text easily and transfer the information into our long-term memory

and then it can maintains the information.

b. The Purpose of PQ4R

a. It will improve the students reading comprehension. It also may

improve recall of facts by as much as 70%.

b. To help non-disabled students improve reading comprehension and


c. To understand what they read and to remember details of what they

have read.

d. To improve comprehension and retention or maintenance.

2. Mnemonic Strategy

a. Definition of Mnemonic


According Wojowasito and Wasito (1980) in Anshorulah thesis,

Mnemonic are derived from the word Mne'monic in memorizing

intelligence. Mnemonic originated from Greek mythology named Dewi

Mnemonyne. This is an indication that the Greeks really appreciated the

ability to memorize the name of the goddess to be the name for a method.

The core of this method is imaginası and associations. Simply put, the

method according to Stine (2002) is nothing more than the ability of the

mind to associate words of ideas or ideas with images. Highee (2003)

defines mnemonics as a method to help memory.

According Suharnan (2005) in Anshorulah thesis defines,

mnemonic methods as learned strategies to optimize memory performance

through exercises. Suharnan was well aware that this technique needs

practice to master it.

Mnemonic is closely related to imagination and association.

Pasiaq (2003) said that imagination and association are part of the work of

the right brain which is the center of creativity, therefore learning by the

mnemonic method indirectly coordinates between the left brain and right

brain in a learning activity

Mnemonics are useful to reading instruction because they are

organized ways to help people store and recall ample amounts of

information. When there is the student must recall vast amounts of

information, mnemonics devices help them make relations between two or

more pieces of information (Brigham & Brigham, 2001). The focus of

mnemonics strategies is so specific that they are intended to be


implemented to enhance the recall of the components of any lesson for

which memory is needed. Theses strategy are also not comprehension

strategies, but strategies to aid the recall of new information.

Mnemonic strategies are the “cure all” for success in school. There

are many different things that students need to do to be successful in a

school environment. The ability to remember content specific information

is only one part of the process. The good news is when there is academic

content that needs to be remembered. Mnemonic strategies could be an

important instructional component that students could implement.

Mnemonic strategies are systematic procedures for enhancing the memory

and making information more meaningful. Their particular use is in

developing better ways to encode information so that it will be much

easier to retrieve and remember the information.

Although there many different retrieval strategies that can be

implemented to attempt to retrieve forgotten information, research has

demonstrated that the way information is initially encoded facilitates

memory and the recall of this information better. The fundamental aspect

in developing mnemonic strategies is to find a way to relate new

information to information that is already in the long-term memory of

students. If this connection can be made, the memory of this information is

the potential of being remembered for a very long time, in addition, “the

use of mnemonics with collage age students might have enough potential

for making learning easier and possibly more fun” said by Higbee



b. Kinds of mnemonic strategies

Mnemonics strategy the following authors also convey the memory

techniques. How do we incorporate the information into our brains in a

manner consistent with the workings of the brain? This technique can be

very effective because our brains store the image and meaning, not words.

This technique is a mnemonic technique. This mnemonic is also an

elaboration technique.

a) Chunking

Chunking is a grouping of several items of information

stand alone to be easy remember.


a. o-m-e-m-y-r= memory

b. 08123153116= 081-231-53-116

Before being grouping, either letters or the numbers are difficult

to remember. This is also another secret, why he words in the

Quran are grouped into verses.

b) Rhyme/Song

Rhyme is compiling new information into the from of a


Some examples of rhyme namely:

a. Surat al-mu‟minun (QS 23) and Ar-Rahman (QS 55). Both of

the surah displays many verses in rhyme.

b. Sumadi Suryabrata stated that macapat song is an excellent

illustration to explain the rhyme. Furthermore, Carmark (1975)


in his book improving your memory that listening to soft song

will aid students‟ concentration and increase their probably of

learning the material quickly and easily.

c) Key words (key-word)

For example, the end of all the “An-Nas” is “Naas”. That is,

Naas word is the last word in all paragraphs in the surah An-Naas

(QS. 114).

d) Inventing stories

This technique is also called the chain technique says, as

the name suggest, this technique someone chaining connect the

word or words that want to memorize. Do with connect/interchain

that word create a story.

For example, to make it easier to memorize the series the

surah in the Quran can be used as a technique following.

“after opening with Al-Fatihah, cow named Al-Baqarah

forced entry into the house of Ali Imran, the eldest son of the

family of Imran, butting woman named An-Nisa” and devastated

dish which is located on Al-Maidah‟s table”.

e) Acronyms

Conducting the compilation of new information and create

an abbreviations from. For example, the order of prayer time can

be shortened to DAMIS (Zuhur, asar, magrib, isya, subuh).

f) Acrostic


It is a technique of memorizing by taking the first letter of

the material that want to be memorized, and then the first letter is

incorporated and made an abbreviation or a funny story. Here is an

example of the technique acrostic.

The existence of various technique above does not indicate

that one is better than the other, but more of a variety and choice.

Accuracy and effectiveness of the technique depends on the type of

material being studied and the person‟s appetite. Thus, someone

must actively create or choose the proper technique for himself.

3. Rehearsal Strategy

a. Definition of Rehearsal

According to Kartono and Dali Gulo (1987) in their book, Dictionary of

psychology define rehearsal is repeating back and information and encrypting it

(compiled in a password-specific password) to be store in memory, in the

imitative learning, or learning be imitation, or can be interpreted again as

repetition of information or a learned behavior. Rehearsal extends in long-tern

memory. Two important factors to be considered in performing and evaluating

rehearsal are:

First, the amount of time allotted. This will determine whether to

conduct a rehearsal once, or twice. Punctuality is a very important component in

rehearsal. The first rehearsal occurs when the information into working

memory. In students feel that the information into working memory. If students

feel that the information it makes no sense and has no relevance/significance,

the new information is likely to be lost or forgotten. By providing sufficient


time to be able to do a rehearsal two, students will have the opportunity to

conduct a review of the information he received and found the relationship with

the learning experience in advance, so that this new information be reasonable

and give the value and relevance of the information. This will all result in

increased likelihood of this information entered into long-tern memory.

Secondly, the type of rehearsal is done, whether the nature rote or elaboration.

b. Kinds of Rehearsal

According to Gunawan (2004:80-81), where are two kind of rehearsal,

namely rote rehearsal and rehearsal elaboration.

1. Rote rehearsal

Rote rehearsal used when student have to remember information and

save it as the moment the information is entered into the working memory.

This involves a kind of rehearsal to memorize a simple strategy. For example,

when memorizing a definition, facts, multiplication tables, phone number,

song lyrics and steps in a procedure or process. Verbal rehearsal technique is

done by reading the back of the new information received with loud and

repeatedly. Repetition is done by reading aloud produce what is called the

articulator loop. Strength and the level of convenience (accessibility) usage

depend on two things. First, the intensity of the articulator loop, the more

new information is repeated, the stronger is stored in memory. Second, the

length and complexity of the new information, the shorter a word or phrase,

then will be easy to remember, the more complex the word or phrase it is

increasingly difficult to remember. Thus, rehearsal is done by rote

memorizing exactly what information existence.


The theory of verbal rehearsal able to provides empirical answers to

the reason why quran was revealed gradually and words then concepts within

it are repeatedly mention. The empirical reason is in line with normative

reasons mention the quran surah al-furqan,25;32. For example the word sense

„aql is mention 49 times,101qalb, lubb or plural albab 16 times.

2. Rehearsal Elaboration

Rehearsal elaboration is “used when we do not have to memorizing

the information exactly as it is, but rather the effort to connect what is being

studied by what you already know”. According to Anderson, “with the

elaboration of the old knowledge that has been stored in the memory may be

developed into new knowledge, perhaps modified or rectified”. Rehearsal

elaboration also gives the meaning or relevance of the information studied.

Here are some effective strategies to do rehearsal elaboration, namely:

1. Using their own words.

2. Select and record

3. Making predictions for the continuation of the learning material

4. Created a question

5. Reflect and summarize

“Retention/maintenance is a term that indicates the quality or the

strength of one‟s retrieval is spending back material/information in memory at

the rewired time. Not much can be done to improve retrieval capabilities

directly. But keep in mind, whether smooth and stored in memory. Which is

located in the levels and quality during the processing of the information

stored in STM, and the subject‟s own effort to dig u the information in the


LTM, reworked and put back into LTM? But sometimes the

material/information stored in your memory may be “maccessible” (hard to

find) yet does not mean that there is no material, the material in the memory

it‟s just that you are not able to find it (remember back) we all know that recall

information is more difficult than a note of it in our memory. Thus, our brains

store more than were recalled.

G. Conceptual Framework

Reading Comprehension

Memory Strategy


Students’ Memory

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

In figure 2.1 showed that the researcher investigated students‟ reading

comprehension at the tenth grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar by using

memory strategies were Mnemonic, Rehearsal and PQ4R strategy to found out


which one of those strategies is more dominant to maintain the students memory

in Reading comprehension




This chapter would be explain about design of the research, population

and sample, instrumentation of data gathering, technique of data analysis, and


A. Research Design

The research design of the research would be used descriptive research

and evaluated about students‟ strategy to maintain their memory in reading

comprehension at the 10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. This

research analyzed the students‟ strategy. The data of this study could be

categorized into quantitative from questioner. The data obtained from


B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was 10 grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, which consisting of 19 students.

2. Sample

In the sample, the researcher used Total Sampling Technique. Total

Sampling Technique was the technique which a sampling technique where

the number of samples is equal to the population. In other word, the

researcher chose 10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. In this

case, the researcher had 19 students as a sample.


C. Research instrument

The questionnaire was adapted from international journal of humanities

and social science vol.1no.3; march 2011. The questionnaire had positive

question there is not negative question. It aimed to get the data about students‟

strategy in reading comprehension, the researcher uses Liker Scale. Liker Scale

usually has five scale options, Those Were strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided,

Disagree and Strongly Disagree. This questionnaire were 21 number, in 1 to 7

were students data about mnemonic strategy, 8 to 14 were data about PQ4R

strategy, thus 15 to 21 were data about Rehearsal strategy. Students chose the

best answer according to their strategy in reading comprehension.

D. Procedure Of Data Collecting

The data of the research would get from questionnaire. This research

could take three days for the researcher in collecting data. First, the researcher

explained how to work out the instrument to the students. The participants

collected their questioners sheet to the researcher. A questionnaire took 30

minutes for students to finish it.

E. Data Analysis

For data analysis, the analysis method used by the researcher in this

research is percentage Descriptive analysis. Percentage descriptive is obtained by

frequency divided by the number of respondents multiplied by 100%, as stated by

Sudjana (2001). The formulate are as follow.




F = Frequency of items

N = The total Respondents

P = Percentage




This chapter deals with the findings and discussion of the research. The

research findings showed the data obtained from the questionnaire and test result

the discussion the description and interpretation of the research findings. It base

on the analysis of data collected.


The research described the result of data analysis which found from

questionnaire. In this findings section, the researcher finished the observation of

students‟ strategy. Many students were active to answer the questions. The data of

the students‟ strategy to maintain their memory in reading comprehension at the

10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, Could be seen clearly in these

following explanation.

In analyzing the data, the researcher gave questionnaire the students‟ that

obtained of 21 items that based on the three strategies (Mnemonic was from item

1-7, PQ4R is from items 8-14 and Rehearsal from items 15-21).

a. Mnemonic strategy

The questionnaire aimed to get the data about students‟ strategy in

reading comprehension the data from questionnaire item 1 – 7 number

were the point of Mnemonic strategy

Table 4.1 items of Mnemonic strategy 29


No. Items Classification Frequency Percentage

1 abbreviate the first

letter Strongly Agree 14 73%

Agree 0 0%

Undecided 2 11%

Disagree 0 0% Strongly


3 16%

2 make a new words Strongly Agree 10 53%

Agree 7 37%

Undecided 0 0%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 1 5%

3. underline key


Strongly Agree 9 47%

Agree 6 32%

Undecided 1 5%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

4. Paraphrase the

information Strongly Agree 10 52%

Agree 4 21%

Undecided 2 11%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

5. string up the words Strongly Agree 8 42%

Agree 5 26%

Undecided 3 16%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

6. create chunk of

number Strongly Agree 14 73%

Agree 2 11%

Undecided 0 0%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

7. information Strongly Agree 6 32%

Agree 8 42%

Undecided 4 21%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 0 0%


From Table 4.1 Number 1. the students who Strongly Agree that

they try to abbreviate the first letter of words to make it easy remembered

were 14 students or 74%, agree were 0 students or 0%, undecided were 2

students or 10%, disagree were 0 students or 0%, strongly disagree 3

students or 16%. Number 2, the students who Strongly Agree that they

make a new words base on the first letter of the word, to make it more

meaningful and easy to recall were 19 students or 53%, agree were 7

students or 37%, undecided were 0 students or 0%, disagree were 1

students or 5%, strongly disagree 1 students or 5%. Number 3, the students

who Strongly Agree that they make a new words base on the first letter of

the word, to make it more meaningful and easy to recall were 9 students or

47%, agree were 6 students or 32%, undecided were 1 students or 5%,

disagree were 1 students or 5%, strongly disagree 2 students or 11%.

Number 4, the students who Strongly Agree that they string up the words

which are going to incorporate to the story or inverting story to be

correlated the information each other were 10 students or 52%, agree were

4 students or 21%, undecided were 2 students or 11%, disagree were 1

students or 5%, strongly disagree 2 students or 11%. Number 5, the

students who Strongly Agree that they string up the words which are going

to incorporate to the story or inverting story to be correlated the information

each other were 10 students or 52%, agree were 4 students or 21%,

undecided were 2 students or 11%, disagree were 1 students or 5%,

strongly disagree 2 students or 11%. Number 6, the students who Strongly

Agree that they create chunk of number, date include on the passage were


14 students or 73%, agree were 2 students or 11%, undecided were 0

students or 0%, disagree were 1 students or 5%, strongly disagree 2

students or 11%. Number 7, the students who Strongly Agree that they to

figure out the information what they reading were 6 students or 32%, agree

were 8 students or 42%, undecided were 4 students or 21%, disagree were 1

students or 5%, strongly disagree 0 students or 0%.

b. Rehearsal strategy

The questionnaire aimed to get the data about students‟ strategy in

reading comprehension the data from questionnaire item 15 – 21 number

were the point of Rehearsal strategy

Table 4.2 items of Rehearsal Strategy

No. Item Classification Frequency Percentage

1 repeat information Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 4 21%

Undecided 6 32%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly


1 5%

2 put the word Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 3 16%

Undecided 9 47%

Disagree 0 o% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

3. choose the key word Strongly Agree 2 11%

Agree 9 47%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly

Disagree 0 0%

4. I am reading I predict Strongly Agree 3 16%

Agree 7 5%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 4 21%



Disagree 6 32%

5. refine the information Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 7 37%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 0 0% Strongly

Disagree 2 11%

6. summarize Strongly Agree 8 42%

Agree 2 11%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly

Disagree 1 5%

7. focus Strongly Agree 7 37%

Agree 5 26%

Undecided 4 21%

Disagree 2 11% Strongly

Disagree 1 5%

From Table 4.2 Number 1, the students who Strongly Agree when

they were reading they repeat information over and over were 5 students or

26%, agree were 4 students or 21%, undecided were 6 students or 32%,

disagree were 3 students or 16%, strongly disagree 1 students or 5%.

Number 2, the students who Strongly Agree when they put the word in my

own word to make me rehearsal information easily were 5 students or 26%,

agree were 3 students or 16%, undecided were 9 students or 47%, disagree

were 0 students or 0%, strongly disagree 2 students or 11%. Number 3,

the students who Strongly Agree that while they were reading, they choose

the key word and note in my notebook were 2 students or 11%, agree were

9 students or 47%, undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 3

students or 16%, strongly disagree 0 students or 0%. Number 4, the

students who Strongly Agree that while they reading they predict what will


be happen in the next part are 3 students or 16%, agree were 1 students or

5%, undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 4 students or 21%,

strongly disagree 6 students or 32%. Number 5, the students who Strongly

Agree that they refine the information of passage, so that they can rehearsal

them easy were 5 students or 26%, agree were 7 students or 37%,

undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 0 students or 0%,

strongly disagree 2 students or 11%. Number 6, the students who Strongly

Agree that they reflect the all information of the passage and summarize

them, were 8 students or 4%, agree were 2 students or 11%, undecided

were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 3 students or 16%, strongly

disagree 1 students or 5%. Number 7, the students who Strongly Agree that

they increasing their concentration to be focus on what the passage about,

were 7 students or 37%, agree were 5 students or 26%, undecided were 4

students or 21%, disagree were 2 students or 11%, strongly disagree 1

students or 5%.

c. PQ4R Strategy

The questionnaire aimed to get the data about students‟ strategy in

reading comprehension the data from questionnaire item 8– 14 number

were the point of PQ4R strategy

Table 4.3 items of PQ4R strategy

No. Item Classification Frequency Percentage

1 general information Strongly Agree 3 16%

Agree 2 11%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 4 21% Strongly 5 26%



2 focus my reading. Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 2 11%

Undecided 8 42%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly

Disagree 1 5%

3. find answer Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 3 16%

Undecided 6 32%

Disagree 5 26% Strongly

Disagree 0 0%

4. relate it with the

information Strongly Agree 3 16%

Agree 7 37%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly

Disagree 1 5%

5. memorize Strongly Agree 5 26%

Agree 5 26%

Undecided 3 16%

Disagree 3 16% Strongly

Disagree 3 16%

6. guess the meaning Strongly Agree 4 21%

Agree 6 32%

Undecided 5 26%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 3 16%

7. review Strongly Agree 3 16%

Agree 6 32%

Undecided 9 47%

Disagree 1 5% Strongly

Disagree 0 0%

From Table 4.3 Number 1, the students who Strongly Agree that

they try to survey the passage to get an idea of the general information were

3 students or 16%, agree were 2 students or 11%, undecided were 5

students or 26%, disagree were 4 students or 21%, strongly disagree 5

students or 26%. Number 2, the students who Strongly Agree that while


they were reading passage they make up questions in their mind to help

focus on their reading were 5 students or 26%, agree were 2 students or

11%, undecided were 8 students or 42%, disagree were 3 students or 16%,

strongly disagree 1 students or 5%. Number 3, the students who Strongly

Agree that while they were reading passage try to find the answer of their

own question were 5 students or 26%, agree were 3 students or 16%,

undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 5 students or 26%,

strongly disagree 0 students or 0%. Number 4, the students who Strongly

Agree that while they were reading passage try to relate it with the

information that they already know about were 3 students or 16%, agree

were 7 students or 36%, undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 3

students or 16%, strongly disagree 1 students or 5%.Number 5, the

students who Strongly Agree that they try to practice and memorize the

information by the using point aloud were 5 students or 26%, agree were 5

students or 26%, undecided were 3 students or 16%, disagree were 3

students or 16%, strongly disagree 3 students or 16%. Number 6, the

students who Strongly Agree that they try to guess the meaning of author‟s

idea on the passage were 4 students or 21%, agree were 6 students or 32%,

undecided were 5 students or 26%, disagree were 1 students or 5%,

strongly disagree 3 students or 16%. Number 7, the students who Strongly

Agree that they review all of information and test their understanding of the

passage were 3 students or 16%, agree were 6 students or 32%, undecided

were 9 students or 47%, disagree were 1 students or 5%, strongly disagree

0 students or 0%.


Figure 4.1 showed that Mnemonic strategy had 137 (34%) total

students answer, Rehearsal strategy had 133(33%) total students answer,

PQ4R Strategy had 131(33%). Thus the researcher concluded that

Mnemonic Strategy was more dominant than the other strategies at the

Tenth grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar.

B. Discussion

The students‟ strategy to maintain their memory in reading

comprehension at the 10 grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. The

discussion deals with the interpretation of the research findings.

A. Students’ strategy to maintain their memory in reading


a. Mnemonic Strategy

The used of mnemonic strategy to maintain their memory in

reading comprehension. Item 1, I try to abbreviate the first letter of

words to make it easy remembered. In this item the research found 14

students strongly agree in percentage 73%, its means that by abbreviate

137 (34%)

133 (33%)


Figure 4.1 Students Strategy

Mnemonic Stretegy

Rehearsal Stretegy

PQ4R Stretegy


the word students easy to remember and memorize the words, so they

can used it in the classroom. Its support by Higbee in Ansrollah ( 2007)

thesis said the ability to remember actually depends on the method used,

as well as how the exercise is done with that method of remembering,

this method does not directly refer to mnemonics.

Based on Pasiaq in Anasrollah (2003) said that imagination and

association are part of the work of the right brain which is the center of

creativity, therefore learning by the mnemonic method indirectly

coordinates between the left brain and right brain in a learning activity.

The result of item 2, I make a new words base on the first letter of the

word, to make passage meaningful and easy to recall. In this item, the

research found 10 students strongly agree in percentage 53% and its

mean that students needs some new words to increasing their


The last item 3, I paraphrase the information on my notebook, the

strongly agree there were 10 students in percentage 53%. This strategy

was very affective in improving the memory of students to get the

information of what they read. ( Kartika 2013) mnemonic strategy is

memory strategy that can be enhance students‟ memory and of course

students can maintain the information in their memory.

b. Rehearsal Strategy

The second was Rehearsal strategy to maintain their memory in

reading comprehension. According to Kartono and Dali Gulo (1987) in

their book, Dictionary of psychology define rehearsal is repeating back


and information and encrypting it (compiled in a password-specific

password) to be store in memory, in the imitative learning, or learning be

imitation, or can be interpreted again as repetition of information or a

learned behavior. Rehearsal extends in long-tern memory. Rehearsal was

repeating strategy using by students to maintain their memory in reading

and remembering on LTM.

Based on the statement above, Rehearsal strategy could maintain

students‟ memory in reading comprehension. In the item 8 I try to survey

passage to get an idea of the general information were 3 students

strongly agree in percentage 16%. It means that students tried to survey

the passage to got an idea of the general information, while they are

reading passage, they made up question in their mind to help focus on

the passage.

In this study, the percentage of students strongly agree was 16%

and this strategy to show the students not dominant to used that strategy.

Therefore the researcher found that students used Mnemonic strategy to

maintain their memory in reading comprehension at the 10 grade in

SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. Hence, the mnemonic strategy more

effective than rehearsal strategy to maintain the students memory in

reading comprehension.

c. PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)



The last strategy was PQ4R, this strategy helps students focus on

organizing information in their minds and make it meaningful. It is step

by step procedure used for reading through a text. It constitutes an

analytical reading procedure to lead the students through the study of

texts systematically (Hayes: 1992). From table 4.15 in item 15 when I

am reading repeat information over and over were 5 students strongly

agree in percentage 26%. Its means when students were reading they

repeat information over and over to got information.

This strategy could be adapted for students of all ages. In line with

Logsdon, Hayes (1992: 48) in Anshorullah thesis maintains that PQ4R

strategy can be applied for high school and college classes to make

substantial use of textual materials and it can be used with individual

students, small groups, and whole classes. Furthermore, he affirms that

using PQ4R, students will gain experience with a strategy they can apply

when they study on their own. The result of item 18 While I am reading

I predict what will be happen in the next part, students strongly agree 3

and percentage was 16%. Its means that while students reading they

predict what will be happen in the next part.

On item 21, I increase my concentration be focus on what the

passage about were students 7 strongly agree in percentage 37%.

Anastasia (2007) stated that PQ4R is a popular method of working with

text to remember it better. After seeing about PQ4R above, we can say it

is a strategy which is used to remember text easily and transfer the

information into our long-term memory and then it can maintains the


information. Based on the statement above, PQ4R strategy could

maintain students‟ memory in reading comprehension. Therefore the

researcher found that students used PQ4R strategy to maintain their

memory in reading comprehension.

Therefore, from the discussion above the researcher was conclude

that the these strategies were Mnemonic, Rehearsal and PQ4R. In

learning proses of reading comprehension there some of strategy was

dominant used to maintain the students memory in reading was

Mnemonic strategy than Rehearsal strategy and PQ4R strategy.




A. Conclusions

Based on the research findings and discussion in the previews chapter, the

following conclusion was presented:

Using strategy to help students to maintain their memory in reading

comprehension at the tenth grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. It was

proved by the students‟ responses on the questionnaire in the previews chapter.

There were three strategies that researcher in corporate to the questionnaire

namely, Mnemonic, PQ4R, and Rehearsal strategy. Based on the questionnaire,

the achieved of each strategy showed that students‟ used these strategies to help

them maintain their memory. However actually in this case, students‟ were

dominant used for the first was Mnemonic strategy, the second was Rehearsal

strategy and the third was PQ4R strategy to maintain their memory in reading


B. Suggestions

In relation to the reading comprehension, the researcher would like to give

some suggestion to the students‟ (learners), the English teacher and the

researchers as follows:

1. For the Students


Students‟ need strategy, to practice and learn more not only in the

informal education, but also the formal education to improve their reading

comprehension. In this case, the students could apply this strategy to maintain

their memory in reading. Because when we have learn or read some passage

and we do not remember about what we had got, it was useless.

2. For the English Teacher

The application of Mnemonic, PQ4R, and Rehearsal strategy can

significantly maintenance students‟ memory in reading comprehension. So

these strategies were strongly suggested to be applied in teaching English

reading in the classroom in order to improve the students‟ reading


3. For the next Researcher

To improve the students reading comprehension generally, there are many

case which must be improved such as: literal comprehension, attention,

interest, motivation. But in the case, the researcher focuses on maintenance of

students‟ memory in reading comprehension. So for the next researchers, they

can take the other case of reading comprehension. To be improve neither they

use this method not other methods. But is better to uses this method in order to

know the students‟ strategy to maintain their memory in reading

comprehension. The result of this research can also use as an additional

reference or especially at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




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TOTAL Mnemonic PQ4R Rehearsal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S.1 1 5 5 1 1 5 4 1 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 5 4 1 5 5 5

S.2 5 4 1 5 4 5 5 5 3 5 2 4 5 3 1 5 4 3 5 5 5

S.3 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 5

S.4 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 5

S.5 1 5 1 1 3 5 4 1 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 5 4 2 5 5 5

S.6 5 5 5 3 4 1 5 5 3 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5

S.7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 5 3 4

S.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3

S.9 3 2 4 5 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 3 5 3

S.10 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 2 3 4 2 3 2 4

S.11 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 2 3 4 3 1 4 3 2 4 3 2 2 3 4

S.12 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 2 3 2 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3

S.13 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 2 3 2 3 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 3

S.14 1 4 4 5 4 1 5 3 3 5 4 3 5 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 4

S.15 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 1 1 2 4 3 2 4 3 5 3 3 3 4 2

S.16 3 1 2 3 2 5 2 1 4 3 3 2 3 3 5 3 3 1 4 2 1

S.17 5 4 5 4 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 1 4 1 4 1 5

S.18 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 4 1 2 4 3 5 1 1 4 2

S.19 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 1 2 3 5 1 3 4 3 1 4 1 1 3 4




Name : Class :

The following statements are about the strategy that you use in reading the passages.

Please indicate the frequency of reading strategy you use by circling the following

appropriate number.

1 means “I never or almost never do this”

2 means “I do this only occasionally”

3 means “I something do this” (about 50% of the time)

4 means “I usually do this”

5 means “I always or almost always do this”

No. Statements Frequency scale

1. I try to abbreviate the first letter of words to make it easy remembered. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I make a new words base on the first letter of the word, to make passage

meaningful and easy to recall

1 2 3 4 5

3. I underline key words to remind me of important concept of the passage 1 2 3 4 5

4. I paraphrase the information on my notebook. 1 2 3 4 5

5. I string up the words which are going to incorporate to the story or

inverting story to be correlated the information each other.

1 2 3 4 5

6. I create chunk of number, date, etc which include on the passage. 1 2 3 4 5

7. I try to figure out the information what I am reading. 1 2 3 4 5

8. I survey passage try to to get an idea of the general information. 1 2 3 4 5

9. While I‟m reading passage, I make up question in my mind to help focus

my reading.

1 2 3 4 5

10. I‟m reading the passage while try to find answer of my own question. 1 2 3 4 5

11. When I‟m reading the passage, I try to relate it with the information that I

already know about.

1 2 3 4 5

12. I try to practice and memorize the information by stating point aloud. 1 2 3 4 5

13. I try to guess the meaning of author‟s idea on the passage. 1 2 3 4 5

14. I review all of information and test my understanding of the over. 1 2 3 4 5

15. When I am reading I repeat information over and over. 1 2 3 4 5

16. I put the word in my own word to make me rehearsal the information


1 2 3 4 5

17. While I am reading, I choose the key word and note it in my notebook. 1 2 3 4 5

18. While I am reading I predict what will be happen in the next part. 1 2 3 4 5

19. I refine the information on the passage, so that why I can rehearsal them


1 2 3 4 5

20. I reflect the all information of the passage and summarize them. 1 2 3 4 5

21. I increase my concentration be focus on what the passage about. 1 2 3 4 5

International journal of humanities and social science vol.1 no. 3; march 2011


Arti angket 1. Saya mencoba menyingkat huruf pertama kata-kata agar mudah diingat.

2. Saya membuat kata-kata baru berdasarkan huruf pertama kata itu, untuk

membuat kata yang bermakna dan mudah diingat

3. Saya menggarisbawahi kata-kata kunci untuk mengingatkan saya akan konsep

penting dari bagian ini

4. Menulis ulang bacaan menggunkan kata2 sendiri

5. Saya merangkai kata – kata yang berdasarkan kata pertama yang di kumpulkan

menjadi sebuah cerita agar mudah diingat.

6. Biasanya memotong atau menjadikannya menjadi beberapa bagian (digit) agar

mudah diingat contoh 085237729737 menjadi 085 273 729 737

7. Saya mencoba mencari tahu informasi yang saya baca. Misalnya saat melihat

judul cerita seperti MALINGKUNDANG sudah ada gambar tentang cerita itu, oh

yang ada batunya ini.

8. Sebelum membaca, saya biasanya mencari tahu apa hal menarik yang ingin di

baca untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang informasi umum.

9. Saat membaca timbul pertanyaan (apa,siapa,kapan dan dimna)

10. Setelah membaca saya mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang ada di kepalaku

dan mencatatnya

11. Ketika membaca pembaca bisanya mengatkan dengan hal yang berhubungan

dengan itu, misalnya “ada sebuah kemacetan di jalanan,” mereka pasti akan

mengaitkan dengan hal lain seperti mahasiswa depan kampus itu sering DEMO

jadi menyebabkan kemcetan,

12. Siswa biasanya menghapal dengan cara membaca dengan suara keras agar

mudah diingat

13. Siswa biasanya menebak akhir cerita tentang film yang di nonton meskipun

filmnya belum pernh ia temui

14. Mengulang kembaliapa yang sudah dibaca dan mengetes diri tentang isi bacaan

15. Ketika membaca siswa sering mengulang-ulang bacaan agar informasih yang

terkandung mudah diinga, dipahami

16. Menulis kembali informasi/kata yang dibaca agar mudah mengulang materi

tersebut di rumah

17. Memilih dan memilah poin tertentu dan menulisnya agar mudah di pahami

18. Siswa biasanya memprediksi bacaan tentang apa yang terjadi ada paragraph


19. Siswa biasanya mengembangkan isi bacaan agar pembaca mudah dalam

latihan/atau pengulangan berikutnya

20. Meringkas bacaan agar mudah dipahami

21. Meningkatkan konsentrasi agar bias focus dengan bacaan






Risnawati was born on 06nd

September 1996 in Selayar. She

is the child 6 of 8 child from the marriage between of her

parents, Saleh and Denta.

She began her elementary school in SDN 1 Latokdok and

graduated in 2009. Then, she continued her study in SMPN 1

Pasilambena and graduated in 2012. Her Senior High School

was SMAN 1 Benteng and graduted in 2015. At the same

year, she continued her study at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as students

of English Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

At the end of her study, she finished her thesis in 2019 entitle “Students’ Strategy to

Maintain Their Memory in Reading Comprehension”