Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in Commercial ...

1 Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in Commercial Advertisements (Semiotic Approach) A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Letter, Hasanuddin University In partial fulfillment of the requirement To obtain sarjana degree In English Department SINARTY F21109418 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTER HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2014

Transcript of Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in Commercial ...


Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in

Commercial Advertisements

(Semiotic Approach)

A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Letter, Hasanuddin University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

To obtain sarjana degree

In English Department













The writer would like to express all the praise and all thanks to Allah

SWT, The lord of Almighthy, from when the writer gets strength and health in

completing this thesis and during the study at the English Department, Faculty of

Letters, Hasanuddin University.

She also would like to extend her profound gratitude to all those who have

assisted her in various forms that cannot be mentioned here one by one. Special

gratitude should be addressed to the following persons :

1. Drs. H.A.Lukmanulhakim Jaya as her first consultant and Abbas

SS.M.Hum as her second consultant, for their valuable advice, guidance,

encouragement, corrections, and comments from the early on until the very

end of this thesis.

2. Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum, Ph.D as the dean of Faculty of

Letter, Hasanuddin University, Drs.Husain Hasyim, M.Hum as the head of

English Department and Drs. Simon Sitoto, M.A as secretary of English

Department. They have given the writer a lot of guidance and help in

completing the writer‟s study at English Department from the beginning to

the end of my study.

3. Dr.Sukmawati M.Hum as her academic adviser for her guidance and

encouragement from the early on until the end of the writer‟s study.

4. All lecturers in Letters Faculty, Hasanuddin University who have given their

knowledge and motivation during the writer finishing her study in English



5. All academic staffs Letters Faculty, Hasanuddin University who has given

best service to the writer when dealing with academic affairs.

6. Unlimited thanks dedicated to my beloved father Suping and my beloved

mother Sumiati for all sincere, everlasting love, countless motivation and

prayers to the writer.

7. Many thanks to my beloved brothers and sisters Surono, Sudomo, Lasia,

Budianto and to the entire writer‟s family.

8. Special thank are presented for my best friends ever ( Reza Apreliah,

Kasmawaty, Arlinda Paradisa, Widyawaty Ahyar, Astriani Sair,

Marjeni Maniran, Dian Setiani and Tetin Pasepang) and all member of

“REDEMPTION 09”. Thanks you so much for the nice time having spent

togenther and for the friendship.

9. Special thank are also presented to big family SAR UNHAS, DIKLAT XXI

SAR UNHAS and BeBe GENK and for all people that I cannot mention

their name one by one in this writing.

In conclusion, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being

perfect, therefore any suggestions or critiques will be very much appreciated for

the improvement of this writing.

Makassar, August 2013

The writer



Sinarty. Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in commercial

advertisements (Semiotic Approach. (dibimbing oleh Lukmanulhakim Jaya dan

Abbas )

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis slogan dan icon yang terdapat

dalam iklan komersil khususnya tiga jenis iklan yang menggunakan perempuan

sebagai icon produknya. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan

gambaran perempuan dalam iklan komersil tersebut.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka untuk mengumpulkan

informasi yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian. Penelitian ini mencakup

penggunaan buku-buku di perpustakaan, artikel dari internet, dan berbagai tulisan

yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dari beberapa iklan

product pada internet dan televisi. Data dikumpulkan dengan mendownload

gambar dan video di internet. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 6 data dari 3 jenis

product yang menggunakan perempuan sebagai model iklan yaitu sampo, sabun

dan detergent. Penulis mengidentifikasi slogan dan icon yang terdapat dalam iklan

kemudian menjelaskan makna dari slogan dan icon tersebut berdasarkan teori

Roland Barthes selanjutnya menujukkan gambaran perempuan yang terdapat

dalam iklan tersebut.

Berdasarkan analisis data, penulis menemukan 4 slogan dan 4 icon pada

iklan shampoo, 5 slogan dan 6 icon pada iklan sabun, 6 slogan dan 8 icon pada

iklan detergen. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar slogan

dan icon yang terdapat dalam iklan saling berhubungan. Icon merupakan

visualisasi dari slogan yang berfungsi menarik perhatian audiens untuk membeli

produk. Kemudian, icon perempuan yang terdapat dalam iklan memperlihatkan

gambaran perempuan di kehidupan nyata seperti umur, kewanitaan, kekuasaan

perempuan, peran perempuan dan kelas sosial.



Sinarty. Slogans, Icons and Woman Representation in commercial

advertisements (Semiotic Approach. (Supervised by Lukmanulhakim Jaya and

Abbas )

This study aims to analyze slogans and icons contained in commercial

advertisements especially for three type‟s advertisement which are used woman as

the icon of product. This study also aims to show the representation of women in

commercial advertisements.

The research applied a library research to collect information which was

related to the topic of writing. This research included the use of books in library,

articles from internet, and some books that were related to the topic. Data were

collected from some product advertisements on the internet and television. These

data were collected by downloading images and videos on the internet. Samples of

this research were 6 data from 3 types of products that use women as model of

advertising. Those are shampoo, soap and detergent advertisement. The writer

identified slogans and icons contained in the advertisement, then describe the

meaning of the slogans and icons based on the Roland Barthes Theory and next

show the representation of woman contained in the advertisement.

Based on the data analysis, the writer finds 4 slogans and 4 icons in

shampoo advertisement, 5 slogans and 6 icons in soap advertisement, 6 slogans

and 8 icons in detergent advertisement. Results of the data analysis shows that

most of the slogans and icons contained in the advertisement are interconnected.

Icon is the visualization of slogan that serves to attract the attention of the

audience to buy the product. Then, icon of women contained in the advertisement

shows the representation of women in the real life such as, age, femininity,

empowering woman, role of woman and social class.



FRONT PIECE ............................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... i

LEGITMACY ................................................................................................................. ii

AGREEMENT................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ............................................................................................. iv

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Identification of problems ......................................................................... 3

1.3 Scope of the problems ............................................................................... 3

1.4 Research Questions.................................................................................... 4

1.5 Objectives of Writing ................................................................................ 4

1.6 Significance of Writing ............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND......................................................... 5

2.1 Previous study............................................................................................ 5

2.2 Theoretical Framework .............................................................................. 6

2.2.1 Theory of Semiotic ................................................................................. 6

2.2.2 Bathes Connotation Theory .................................................................... 9

2.2.3 Advertisement ......................................................................................... 13

2.2.4 Types of advertisement ........................................................................... 14


2.2.5 Advertisement and culture ...................................................................... 15

2.2.6 Woman Representation in Advertisement .............................................. 16

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 18

3.1 Library research ......................................................................................... 18

3.2 Method of Collecting Data ....................................................................... 18

3.3 Population and sample ............................................................................... 19

3.3.1 Population .............................................................................................. 19

3.3.2 Sample ................................................................................................... 19

3.4 Method of Analyzing Data ....................................................................... 20

CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS DATA ....................................... 21

4. 1 Presentation and analysis Datum 1 ........................................................... 23

4.2 Presentation and analysis Datum 2 ............................................................ 31

4.3 Presentation and analysis Datum 3 ............................................................ 38

4.4 Presentation and analysis Datum 4 ............................................................ 43

4.5 Presentation and analysis Datum 5 ............................................................ 48

4.6 Presentation and analysis Datum 6 ............................................................ 53

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................ 59

5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................ 59

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................. 59





1.1 Background

In this globalization era, competitions of products are unavoidable by

any companies, so they should really keep their existence in the marketing world.

One of the important activities to communicate the quality of the product to public

is through advertising. Advertising plays a very important role in determining the

success in marketing products. The aim is to attract many consumers in order to

increase the profit of the company. Putting a good picture and slogan in an

advertising has a purpose to make the consumers could keep the advertising in

their mind for a long time, so they would like to use the product. Particular

products can appear in our mind, if the advertiser compiles good pictures and

slogans. Therefore, the pictures function to emphasize the texts in constructing

good messages.

The effect of advertising is really fantastic. In a short time, one product

will be known and finally used by many people simultaneously. Besides that, the

products also may create a new community (product user community), even social

class in society. Advertiser should pay attention on the visual messages and verbal

messages for the benefits of the product in order to give better understanding to

the audience. In creating advertisement, the advertiser should pay attention on

signs, symbols, and meaning that can be understood by the local audience because

it is related to the background of the audience.


All the signs and symbols appear in the advertising text are

representing social realities that exist in society, so the advertising is closely

related to the sense of the audience like some of the advertising that used women

as the icon of the product that represents the social reality of women. Therefore,

the authors choose advertising as the object of research, because every

advertisement always fills of signs to promote the product but not all

advertisements convey their message directly. The writer does this research to

find the deep meaning about slogan and picture in advertising and see the

relationship between advertising and social reality of the audience especially for

advertising that use women as the icon of product and its representation of woman

in advertisement.

The writer chooses three types of advertising products as the object.

Those are soap, shampoo, and detergent, because the writer wants to know

whether the slogans and icons contained in the advertisement adequately describe

the product. Otherwise, the writer would like to see a picture advertisements

contained gender, especially women because the three types of advertising using

the same icon that shows women. The first is a shampoo advertising showing a

woman with long and straight hair that shows the elegance of the woman. The

second is soap advertisements which show a white and smooth skin of woman but

exploited the bodies of women. The third shows women washing clothes that

show the role of women as mother and housewife.


The writer uses semiotic approach in this research, because the writer

believes that semiotic analysis is the best approach to be used in observing the

advertisement and by using it we can easily understand the meaning of the sign.

1.2 Identification of Problems

The ideas introduced by title above brought several problems that are

identified below:

1. The writer believes that people are still confused to understand the meaning of

slogan and icon in advertisements.

2. The writer believes that several types of commercial advertisement that used

women as an icon of the product effect representation of women in reality.

1.3 Scope of the problem

Based on the identification of problem stated above, the writer focuses

the analysis into two main points. The first is the use of slogan and icon in

representing the product in advertisement especially in three types of

advertisement that the writer chooses are soap, shampoo and detergent

advertisements. The second is the representation of woman on those commercial


1.4 Research Questions

Based on the background, so the formulation of the matter can be

classified as follows:


a. What are slogans and icons are used in commercial advertisement?

b. What are the meaning of slogan and icon in commercial advertisement?

c. How is the representation of women in commercial advertisement?

1.5 Objectives of Writing

Based on the statement of problems above, the writer has purpose :

a. To find out the slogans and icons which are used in commercial


b. To describe the meaning of slogans and icons in commercial advertisement

c. To explain the representation of women in commercial advertisement

1.6 Significance of Writing

In this writing, the reader will be able to think critically about the further

message brought by the commercial advertisements. Moreover, the reader will be

able to filter kinds of information that is found in mass media so that their mind

and action are not easily affected. Besides, the writer also hopes that this writing

will give a contribution to the readers who are interested in doing research about

semiotic field.




2.1 Previous Studies

Semiotic approach has actually been used by some writers to analyze

kinds of phenomenon in order to understand the signifier and signified such as in

comic and political slogan. In completing this research, the writer finds out some

references that might support this analysis. The previous writers are from English

Department of faculty Letters as follows:

Andi Erni Zaenab Musa (1994) was one of the English Department

students who wrote about Semiotic but in terms of comic. The title is Wacana

Komik Anak-Anak ( Suatu analisis Semiotik). She focuses more on reality of

comic which could represent the phenomenon happened in the society. She uses

the language of semiotic and the social semiotic approach analyzing the object.

Mulyani Makmur (2007) entitled Myth in Cigarette Advertisement. This

research takes four brands of cigarette as the object of research to disclose the

myth in that advertisement. This study use Pierce‟s semiotic theory, this study

focuses on the approach proposed by Roland Barthes called myth theory based on

the Saussure‟s semiotic theory.

Emmaratna (2007) entitled Iconity and Implied Reader Construction on

Commercial Soap Advertisement”. This study focuses to analyze the slogan and


icon which are used in soap advertisement and find the reader construction in

commercial soap advertisement. She discloses the implied reader construction by

using Roland Barthes theory which consists of linguistic message, coded iconic

message and non coded iconic message.

Different from those studies above, the writer‟s focuses on three types of

advertisement as the object of research. They are soap, shampoo and detergent

advertisements. In this research, the writer use Barthes connotation theory to

analyze the slogan and icon in advertisements. They are linguistic message,

coded-iconic message and non-coded iconic message. Besides that, the writer

discloses the representation of woman in commercial advertisement.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Theory of Semiotic

Semiotic comes from the Greek word semeion or seme, means sign.

There are two figure that known as the pioneer of semiotic. They are Charles

Sanders Pierce ( 1839-1914) and Ferdinand De Saussure ( 1857-1913). Semiotics

means the study that analyzes sign and how the signification process establishes (

Cobley and Jansz, 1997:4). Semiotic is term used to study about sign. Sign is

“something” that represents “something”. “Something” that is meant can be

experience, opinion, idea, or sense. That representation process occurs when a

sign interpret in relation with thing that is represented.

Sudjiman and Zoest ( 1992:5) state that semiotics is a science of sign

studies how sign functions, the relation between one sign and another sign, and


also process of sending and receiving messages by those who used signs. Semiotic

deal with interpretational behaviors or the process of referring to something and it

is representation.

Based on the definition above, semiotics study can be classified into

three main areas:

1. Syntactic Semiotics: the formal relation study of sign which focuses on the

classification of sign and another sign, the way of signs constitute together to

run their functions.

2. Semantic Semiotics: a study of sign that focuses on the relationship of sign

with it is referent and with its interpretation.

3. Pragmatic semiotics: a study of sign that investigates the relationship of sign

with the sender and the receiver, how the society used sign.

Charles Sanders Pierce, a logician and philosopher, argued that human

think logically trough sign. Anything can be a sign or become a sign as long as it

refers to something other than itself. Image, sounds, objects, words could be

considered as sign when people associate with meaning, so it is a sign when

people interpret it as a sign. Pierce then defined semiotics as an action or

cooperation of three entities of sign namely representative (the sign itself that

represents something), object (what is being referred by the sign), and

interpretative (the reaction after receiving the sign). Pierce explain three kinds of

sign, they are icon, index, and symbol.

1. Icon


Based on Pierce statement: “icon is a sign which would possess the

character which renders it significant, even though its object has no existence;

such as lead pencil streak as representing a geometrical line. Moreover Robert

gives definition that an icon could be illustrated by an object that represents the

real object with the real features.

2. Index

In the statement of Pierce, it is said that an index is the relation that

appears because the close existence through the particular way related to

things/goods possesses it. The example of an index is the sound of cat that

indicates it is a cat.

3. Symbol

Beside an icon and index, symbol is also a kind of sign. According to

Pierce, a symbol is a kind of sign that comes up where the signified and the

signifier are connected based on the agreement. In our daily life, there are many

examples of symbols, for example, a nod that refers to an agreement but also can

be interpreted as an appreciation to the particular people.

After the period of Pierce and Saussure, there are new semiotic studies.

They are:

1. Semiotic communication ( Prieto, Buyssens, Mounin)

Semiotic study focuses to the sign that has purpose (signal), that used

consciously by the sender (encoder) and the receiver (decoder).

2. Semiotics connotation ( Roland Bartes)

Semiotic study focuses to the secondary meaning (connotation)


3. Semiotics expansion ( Julia Kristeva)

Semiotic study focuses to the use of linguistic concept and adds with other

concept. Example: psychoanalyst (Fred Theory) and sociologist (Marxist).

2.2.3 Barthes Connotation Theory

Barthes ( Cobley, 1997:47-49) distinguishes the advertisement in three


a. Linguistic message: all word and sentences on advertisement

b. A coded Iconic messages : existed connotation on advertisement image

(Function if correlated with board sign system in society)

c. A non coded Iconic messages: denotation on commercial image

From those theories above, the writer will unite them into two formulas

that will be used to analyze the advertisement. From Barthes theory, the writer use

slogan term for linguistic message and icon for encoded-iconic message and non-

encode iconic message. So the advertisement juts focuses into two items (slogan

and icon).

a. Iconicity

Linguistic message

Coded-iconic message

Non-coded iconic






Pierce as explained by van Zoest stated iconic sign is one that has

potency of similarity with its denotatum. Iconicity is the imitative aspect of or the

potential similarity with that of literary texts. The elements of literary text

following the principle of imitation that they express are icons. Actually,

advertisement core as the other mass media‟s core is constructed reality it is not

run totally or purely. That is caused by the existence of several interest especially

commercial interests. Those interests that finally causes the differences in the way

the products are advertised and what construction that will be applied. Therefore,

the writer concludes that iconicity represents the several ideologies that are in the

advertisement. Semiotic in this case sees that phenomenon as a man efforts to

reconstruct reality from society into the magical world of advertisement. In this

process, the advertiser reconstructs the reality by using the similarity relation

between the product and all the essence in it and advertisement.

According to Pierce ( Zoest, 1993: 11-22, there are three kinds of icons:

1. Topology‟s icon: topology icon is the icon that includes spatial terms-has

gradual and non absolute characters

2. Diagrammatic icon: diagrammatic icon is icon that concludes relation terms-

focuses not only to the writing style but also to the meaning.

3. Metaphoric icon: metaphoric icon where referent and sign has no relations.

b. Slogan

Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in

advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of


drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. Its purpose is to emphasize

a phrase that the company wishes to be remembered by, particularly for marketing

a specific corporate image or connection to a product or consumer base. Some

slogans are created just for specific campaigns for a limited time; some are

intended as corporate slogans, to be used for an extended period; some slogans

start out as the former, and find themselves converted to the latter because they

take hold with the public, and some are memorable many years after their use is


Charles Whittier “A slogan should be a statement of such merit about a

product or service that is worthy of continuous repetitive advertising; is

worthwhile for the public to remember; and is phrased in such a way that the

public is likely to remember it." Some ways to create great slogan are

a. Identification. A good slogan must stay consistent with the brand name either

obviously stated or strongly implied. It‟s better to include the name of your

business to it.

b. Memorable. Some of the best taglines or slogans are still being used today,

even though they were launched several years ago.

c. Beneficial. Reveal your purpose and benefits of the product by conveying the

messages in consumer language. Turn bad into good. Suggest the risk of not

using the product. Create a positive feeling for the consumers.

d. Differentiation. In an overcrowded market, companies on the same industry

need to set themselves apart thru their creative and original tagline or slogan.


e. Keep it simple. Use proven words and short keywords. One word is usually

not enough.

Slogan that usually in the clause or simple sentence is a kind of term that

expresses textual sign. In general textual sign that occur in text, so as a part of

text, slogan has a textual sign. Therefore, slogan functions to represent the product

in a textual form. In order to obtain effective and efficient advertisement, the

advertiser collaborate the textual sign-represent by the slogan and iconicity-

represent by the model and nonverbal sign. Slogan that we know the core of the

advertising usually appear in special way (the way it pronounce, the way it write,

the color it written, the big of the letter in the product, etc). Beside concern to the

way the slogan presented and put, the advertiser should give more attention to the

affectivity of the slogan.

2.2.3 Advertisement

Advertisement is one of communication forms. It is kind of serving and

idea about the product or service by familiar supporter company. Advertisement

has an ability to reach difficult condition or situation. Sometimes, it is

materialistic or cause people depend on certain products. Advertisement influence

people attitude became dynamic and attractive. It is a process of communication,

process of marketing, economical and social process, public relations process or

process of information and persuasions that all depend on our perspectives (

Bovee, 1986 : 22).


Advertisement is a technique of conveying messages or business

information because those messages remain contains the information function,

educational function, entertainment function and influences a certain attitude for

consumer. Based on the source of advertisement books from Wright, Dunn,

Busch, and Bovee the function classified as follows:

a. Marketing function; sells information about the products, services, ideas

through media by paying the space and time as a place from producer to


b. Communication function; advertisement contains a story about a product in

order to influence the thoughts of consumer.

c. Educational function; to build people attitude up to improve their selves. This

function must give a freedom for people to make a decision.

d. Economical function; advertisement promotes an information about people‟s

need in a product form.

e. Social function; advertisement assists carry out a change of living standard

which determine by people‟s need around the world.

According to Munandar ( 2001;451), there are four factors that establish

the affectivity of advertising.

a. Attention: The first thing that must be achieved is the attention of the

consumer. Nowadays, there are many product advertise in mass media. So if

the advertisement should provide with artistic and other aspect that will affect

the consumer‟s attention.


b. Interest: after obtain the consumer attention the advertisement should obtain

the interest of them to read of watch the advertisement.

c. Desire: the advertisements finally have to affect the desire to buy the product.

d. Action: finally as the aims of advertisement, the consumer that has desire will

give a real action-to buy the product.

2.2.4 Types of advertisement

1. Press advertisement

Press advertisement is any printed medium such as newspaper, magazine

or trade journal encompasses public readers in local or district specialized topics

and allows private individuals and companies to purchase with a small form and

lower fee in socializing their product or service.

2. Billboard

Billboard is a larger form media than press advertisement located in

public areas and main roads which display information and advertising to a

number of passing pedestrian and motorist such as shopping malls, office

buildings, stations, and stadiums.

3. Television advertisement

Television is considered as the most effective advertising media in this

modern era. It is an audible, visual text code combines with elements of motion,

color, sound and picture. Television commercials describe and demonstrate

products and commonly testimonials from professionals.


2.2.5 Advertisement and Culture

Advertisement is a significant element in culture because it causes a

reflection and tries to change our life style. It does not only promote products to

consumers, but also many things such as modernity, happiness, attractiveness,

status, success and luxury which are all similar to hopes, dreams, and fictions. A

good advertisement is one that can communicate with culture as well (Frith:

1993). According to him, advertisement is the same communication with culture.

Advertisement works with reflection of a certain culture to the consumer. The

effort of connecting the product image with cultural image is more likely swindle

pseudo-realistic description

2.2.6 Woman Representation in Advertisement

Representation refers to the construction in any medium especially the

mass media of aspects of „reality‟ such as people, places, objects, events, cultural

identities and other abstract concepts. Such representations may be in speech or

writing as well as still or moving pictures. The term refers to the processes

involved as well as to its products including identity, class, age, gender and

ethnicity. Representation involves not only how identities are represented (or

rather constructed) within the text but also how they are constructed in the

processes of production and reception by people whose identities are also different

marked in relation to such demographic factors.

Women are generally represented in a narrow range of social roles by

various types of media, whilst men are shown performing a full range of social


and occupational roles. Tunstall (2000) argues that media representations

emphasize women‟s domestic, sexual, consumer and marital activities to the

exclusion of all else. The media generally ignore the fact that a majority of British

women go out to work. Men, on the other hand, are seldom presented nude or

defined by their marital or family status.

Tuchman et al. (1978) used the term symbolic annihilation to describe the

way in which women‟s achievements are often not reported, or are condemned or

trivialized by the mass media. Often their achievements are presented as less

important than their looks and sex appeal. Newbolt‟s research (2002) into

television sport presentation shows that what little coverage of women‟s sport

there is tends to sexualize, trivialize and devalue women‟s sporting


Wolf (1990) suggests that the images of women used by the media

present women as sex objects to be consumed by what Mulvey calls the male

gaze. According to Kilbourne (1995), this media representation presents women

as mannequins: tall and thin, often US size zero, with very long legs, perfect teeth

and hair, and skin without a blemish in sight. Wolf notes that the media encourage

women to view their bodies as a project in constant need of improvement. The

depiction of women in advertising has changed from women as passive objects of

the male gaze, to active, independent and sexually powerful agents.




3.1 Library Research

The writer uses library research in order to find theories and information

related to gender theory, semiotics and advertisements. This is done by reading

relevant book, unpublished thesis, and other written materials in the library. The

writer also gets some data from the internet as additional resources to this writing.

3.2 Method for collecting data

The collection of all data is taken from mass media source especially in the

internet and television by downloading the advertisements. The writer uses

observation technique on the mass media that show the three types product of

commercial advertisement as the object of this researcher. Sutrisno Hadi (1986)

argued that observation is a complex process, a process that is composed of a

variety of biological and psychology processes, the most important are the

processes of observation and memory. In order to find the accurate date, the writer

used descriptive method takes the technique by doing the following steps:

1. Observation means that the writer read and watched closely the three

types of advertisement from the mass media sources especially in the

internet and television.

2. Note taking, the writer collected all the data and materials which are

related to the object of research, then analyzed the data.


3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

Population is a generalization region consisting of the objects / subjects

that have certain qualities and characteristics that set by the researchers to be

studied and then drawn conclusions. Includes population characteristics possessed

by object research. The population of the research is the entire some commercial

advertisement taken from internet and television. They are:

a. Shampoo advertisement

b. Beauty soap advertisement

c. Detergent advertisement

3.2.2 Sample

The writer classified all data and focused on the three type‟s advertisement

that the writer chooses as the sample of this research. Sample is part of a number

of characteristics possessed by the population. Some characteristic to chose the

sample of this research are use women as the icon of the product, the

advertisement contain of image and slogan and it show the representation of

women in the real life. From those characteristic above, the writer chooses 6 data

taken from internet and television as follows:

1. Loreal shampoo advertisement

2. Clear shampoo advertisement

3. Lux soap advertisement

4. Shinzui soap advertisement


5. Rinso detergent advertisement

6. Surf detergent advertisement

3.4 Method of analyzing data

In analyzing the data, the writer used descriptive qualitative method by

giving an explanation and description about signs in three types of commercial

advertisement that has been chosen. To analyze the data, the write employed some


1. Classifying the sign used in the advertisements, whether in the form linguistic

message (slogan) and coded or non-coded message (text or picture).

2. Identifying slogan and icon of each sign in the advertisements. In this step, the

slogan and icon are interpreted literally one by one.

3. Identifying the relation between slogan and icon in the advertisements.

4. The writer used descriptive qualitative in analyzing the data in order to describe

the iconicity stage.

5. Disclosing the construction of ideology including woman in advertisements.

6. Giving meaning to the sign in advertisements as a whole unit.

7. Collecting this thesis to fulfill requirement as Sarjana degree of English





In this chapter, the writer analyses the slogans, icons and woman

representation in commercial advertisement. All data collected from internet and

television advertisement which show the three types of advertisements that the

writer chooses are shampoo and soap advertisement.

The writer uses Roland Barthes Theory to analyze the data. In the

process of analyzing advertisement, Roland Barthes starts by identifying three

classes of message within the image. Those are the linguistic message (slogan),

the symbolic message /coded iconic message (icon), the literal message /non-

coded iconic message (icon). So, the writer focuses on two items (slogan and

icon). At the end of analyzing process the writer discloses the representation of

women in advertisement.

There are six advertisements that the writer chooses as the sample in this

research. They are

1. Loreal shampoo advertisement

2. Clear shampoo advertisement

3. Lux soap advertisement

4. Shinzui soap advertisement

5. Rinso detergent advertisement

6. Surf detergent advertisement


4.1 Presentation and Analysis Datum 1

Loreal shampoo advertisement

1. Information about the product

The picture above is advertisement of L‟Oreal shampoo brand. The

L‟Oreal Group is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty companies with its

registered office in Paris and head office in the Paris. It has developed activities in

the field of cosmetics.

This advertisement in general consist of two main points: they are iconic

message such as women and linguistic message or slogan.

2. Slogan Analysis (Linguistic message)


In the LOREAL shampoo advertisement there are two slogans are shown:

a. LOREAL Paris

Smooth- Intense




Dian Sastrowardoyo

Generally from those slogans above, the writer can find three main

elements. Those are “Loreal Paris, Rambut, Kelas dunia”. Loreal is the name of

the product that is shown by the big size word” LOREAL”. Paris is the place

where the product originated which indicates that the product is international

product derived from the famous countries in Europe. The word “ Rambut” is the

use of the product which indicates that the advertiser offered shampoo to get the

beautiful hair. Then, word “ Kelas Dunia” clarifying that this product is an

international product, expensive, luxury and has a high quality. So, the writer

through the slogan concludes that the advertiser wants to inform that “LOREAL

shampoo” is the international product which has a high quality.

In the first slogan, the writer divides into two phrases. The first phrase is

“LOREAL Paris” and the second one is smooth-intense. From the first phrase, the

advertiser wants to introduce the product using the capital letter. The word “

Loreal” is denotated message because it shows the label of the product. Then, the

word “Paris” as has been described above shows that this product is a large

company coming from Paris. “Paris” is connotated message which indicates that


the product is an international product because it has been known that Paris is one

of the major countries in Europe and center of fashion in the World. Therefore,

word “Paris” give a significant effect particularly for women as the target market

of this product because Paris is famous city and known as the fashion center in the

world. Then the second phrase “Smooth-Intense”. Smooth means completely flat

and even, without any lumps, holes, etc (Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary: 408).

Through the word “Smooth” The advertiser would like to give an explanation of

its products that the LOREAL product is shampoo that can make hair smooth.

Intense means very strong become or make something greater and stronger

(Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary: 226). From the word “Intense” the advertiser

inform that the reader will get the strong hair by using this product. Through the

two words above, the advertiser inform the special quality of this product which

makes hair smooth and strong at the same time.

The second slogan is “ Perawatan Rambut Kelas Dunia Kini milik kita!

Dian Sastrowardoyo”. In the second slogan, the writer divides into three phrases.

The first phrase is “ Perawatan Rambut Kelas Dunia”. The word “ Kelas Dunia”

means luxury and expensive. In this phrase, the advertiser would like to inform

that hair is very important parts of the body that must be considered so readers

should do the great effort to get the beautiful hair such as the world treatment hair.

The second phrase” Kini milik kita” is continuation of the first phrase. In the first

phrase, the advertiser gives the problems to the reader by appeal them to do hair

treatment as good as they can though it is expensive. So, in the second phrase, the

writer found that the advertiser give solution by using the L‟Oreal product to get


the good treatment with the low cost. “ Dian Sastrowardoyo” is the next phrase

who give an impact for the target market of this product that is woman. The two

phrases before “Perawatan Rambut Kelas Dunia Kini milik kita are quotation of

Dian Sastrowardoyo. The second slogan is declarative sentence functions to

declare the idea that is brought by the product. The advertiser would like to

emphasize that this product has been trusted by Dian Sastrowardoyo. As we know

that Dian Sastrowardoyo is one of the Indonesian artist who known as good

actress and intelligent woman from her academic record. The advertiser wants to

get trusty from the reader by using the name of Dian Sastrowardoyo because most

of people know her not only as Indonesian actress who has a good acting but also

a smart student from Indonesia University. Therefore, there is no doubt to use the

product that Dian Sastrowardoyo had chosen. From the slogan analysis, the writer

found that hair is the important part of the body that should be considered

especially for woman. So, the reader has to do the good treatment to get the

beautiful, smooth and strong hair.

3. Icon Analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In relation to “LOREAL” advertisement, Icon is distinguished into two

kinds are the symbolic message (encoded iconic message) and literal message

(non-coded iconic message). There are two main images which are presented in

advertisement above. Those are woman (non-coded iconic message and the

shampoo bottles ((non-coded iconic message).


The first icon in this advertisement is a woman. The woman as the product

icon is not deliberately showing the iconicity process but if the writer goes on the

deep analysis, the writer can see that woman is a sign that is built from the

similarities with the product message (message that is brought by the product).

Product in this case is not only the material but also other non material elements

of the product. Non material here is the idea which is brought of the product.

Thus, the similarity relations in this icon occur in the idea that is brought by the

product advertised. That is why the model icon is categorized as the metaphoric


The first icon is woman with a long black hair. She is an Indonesian girl

with shiny and soft skin. She has a pretty face with a confident smile. She is

Indonesian famous artist named Dian Sastrowardoyo. Dian Sastrowardoyo is one

of the famous actress in Indonesia who has good acting and success in receiving

for best Indonesian actress. In addition, Dian Sastrowardoyo known as smart

actress which graduated as best alumnus from Psychology Faculty of Indonesia

University. The personal information of woman shows the identity of product

which is credible product because it trusted by a smart woman like Dian

Sastrowardoyo. Through the portrayal of women contained in the image, the

writer indicates that the product offered is a product of shampoo that can make

hair look soft, healthy and strong. Besides that, the advertiser also informed that

L‟Oreal Paris is not a local product but it is suitable for use by anyone including

Indonesia people proved by using local women as an icon of this product. From


the explanation above, the writer categorized woman in Loreal advertisement as

non-coded iconic message.

The second icon of “LOREAL” shampoo advertisement is bottles

shampoo. Bottles shampoo presents the product substantively. This non-coded

iconic message because the image of bottle shampoo represent the shampoo that

the advertiser offered. The bottles of shampoo contained in this advertisement

appear reversed indicating that the shampoo can be placed in two positions. The

psychology response of orange color that used as the background of this

advertisement means harmonistic and warm feeling which emphasizes product

that is not expensive. Through the image of bottles shampoo the advertiser

provide clear information about the products offered are LOREAL PARIS


3. Woman Representation in Commercial Advertisement

After analyzing the slogans and icons that are used in “L‟Oreal”

advertisement, the writer move to the next analysis is the representation of woman

in commercial advertisement. Women as the icon does not just describe the

product to attract the audience to buy the product but also represents the state of

women in the real life by use some signifier that is why representation woman in

advertisement categorized as coded iconic message.

Images of women in this advertisement represent the ideal figure of a

woman in the real world life. In this advertisement, women are portrayed with


long hair. Hair is the crown for women. Hair is a woman's identity because the

hair is one surgeon between women and men. Recently, woman chooses a short

hair for various reasons such as practical and easier to maintain. Long hair

symbolizes women but it has been changed because we can easily find men with

long hair while women with short hair. This is a shift from the current human

lifestyle. The depiction of women with long hair in this advertisement is a

representation of femininity. A woman with long hair that sparkles is ideal picture

of a woman because women will look more beautiful and elegant with beautiful

long hair. Through this advertisement, the advertiser would like to show how the

hair of women should look like that is long, strong and healthy.

In addition, women depicted in this advertisement has sparkling eyes and

smile confidently. The expression of women in this advertisement shows the

representation of empowering woman. Through a confident smile, the advertiser

wanted to convey that women who live in this age are a strong and independent

woman without the oppression of men. Besides that, the expression of sparkling

eyes shows the spirit of a woman's life that women have to be eager to get what

they want.

Overall, the appearance of women in this advertisement shows the

representation of social class. Social class in the advertisement shown by the

hairstyles and make-up which the woman uses indicate that the woman has a high

social class.

Through the analysis of the slogan, icon and woman representation in the

L‟Oreal advertisement , the writer found that the products offered in this


advertisement is L‟Oreal shampoo for women that can make the hair stronger and

healthier to make women look beautiful and elegant in accordance with aspects of

the femininity.

From the analysis above, the writer sees that slogan and icon have a very

close relationship to represent the products offered. The slogan contains

persuasive language which can affect the audience while the icon is a

visualization of the slogans contained in this advertisement. For example, in the

advertising the slogan of “ perawatan rambut kelas dunia kini milik kita ! Dian

Sastrowardoyo” then visualized by the icon of a woman with the beautiful hair has

named Dian Sastrowardoyo. Through the woman in this advertisement, the writer

found that the advertiser show the femininity and elegance of woman with the

smile and long hair of woman.

4.2 Presentation and analysis Datum 2

Clear shampoo advertisement


1. Information about the product

The picture above is advertisement of Clear shampoo. Clear has been

launched in Indonesia since 1975. The main reason is to provide an effective

solution to the problem of Dandruff. “Clear” anti-dandruff is the biggest brand in

Indonesia because the product is suitable to solve the problem of dandruff which

caused by the tropical climate in Indonesia

2. Slogan analysis ( Linguistic message)

In the Clear shampoo advertisement there are two slogans are shown:


Baru, clear soft and Shiny, tidak ada lagi ketombe rambut lembut.


b. Tidak ada ketombe, rambut terasa 4 kali lebih lembut. Sandra Dewi

Based on the two slogans above, the authors take the three main elements

are Clear, tidak ada ketombe and Sandra Dewi. “Clear” is the name of the product

is written by capital letters. Tidak ada ketombe is the main goal of the product.

Sandra Dewi representing the target market of this product is women.

The first slogan is Clear. Baru, soft and shiny, tidak ada lagi ketombe

rambut lembut. “Clear” is the name of the product that offered. The word clear is

denotated message because it is really represent the product in this advertisement.

Clear means easy to understand, without doubt or confusing, remove something

unwanted from a place (Oxford Learner Dictionary: 72). The advertiser explains a

lot of things by using the word clear as the name of this product. The first is the

word clear quite familiar English word and memorable for the reader. The second

is the word clear is the simple word but has a lot of meaning to solve the hair

problem so no doubt to use this product. The first slogan is declarative sentence

function to declare the product offered. Through the slogan “Clear” the advertiser

show that the product comes from abroad but it can be use for Indonesian people.

Besides that, similar with the brand name of the product (Clear), this product can

make the clean and healthy hair without dandruff.

The next phrase is “Clear baru, soft and shiny. Tidak ada lagi ketombe.

Rambut terasa lebih lembut”. In the first phrase “Clear baru, soft and shiny” the

advertiser repeat the word CLEAR mentioned by the capital letters means that the

advertiser wants to give information about the brand new product of Clear

shampoo which is called “Clear soft and shiny”. In the word "Clear Soft and


Shiny" implies that Clear shampoo offered to make soften and brighten hair. Soft

means smooth and pleasant to touch persuade to do something by saying nice

things (Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary: 410-411).Shiny means give out or

reflect light, very good at something, brightness that something has when light is

reflected on it, smooth and bright ( Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary: 395). From

the meaning of these word, the advertiser show that this product make the people

who use this product get nice thing including smooth and shiny hair.

The second phrase is ”tidak ada lagi ketombe rambut terasa lebih lembut”.

The advertiser provides the information about the other advantages possessed by

this product is no longer dandruff after using this product and get a smooth hair.

In the second phrase, the advertiser use Indonesian language to make the reader

understand about the quality of this product even though it has been said in the

first phrase In the word”tidak ada lagi” indicates that this product can solve the

problem about dandruff. “ Rambut terasa lebih lembut” is repeated from the first

phrase that has been said in the word “ smooth “ in order to make the reader

understand the usefulness of this product. From the second phrase, the advertiser

show the special quality of this product is “Anti ketombe” which became a

famous slogan of this product. In the second slogan, the writer found that the

advertiser show the quality of this product not only make smooth and shiny hair

but also offer the special quality which became a familiar slogan of this product is

no dandruff.

The second slogan is “ Tidak ada lagi ketombe. Rambut terasa 4x lebih

lembut. Kini aku percaya, Sandra Dewi”. In the second slogan, the writer divided


into three phrases. They are tidak ada lagi ketombe, rambut 4xlebih lembut, kini

aku percaya Sandra sewi. In the first phrase” Tidak ada lagi ketombe” is repetition

from the second slogan which show the specific advantage of this product is no

dandruff. Then the second phrase is “ rambut 4x lebih lembut”. In this phrase the

advertiser show that the clear shampoo can make soften hair. This phrase also

repetition from the second slogan but it emphasize by the word “ 4x”. The word “

4x” is a persuasive language to attract the reader use this product because it has

significant effect for people to get an amazing result. the writer found that the

advertiser emphasizes once again about the other advantages possessed by this

product that makes hair softer and stronger than before, namely with 4x more

powerful word. The third phrase is “ kini aku percaya. Sandra dewi”. This is the

new slogan in this advertisement as an answered of the previous slogan especially

in the second slogan. This phrase is evidence that this product can really be

trusted. If the second slogan, the advertiser only makes promises about the quality

of the product, in the fourth slogan implies that there is no doubt about this

product because it has been believed by the beautiful actress like Sandra Dewi. At

this slogan, the advertiser would like to inform the statement in the third slogan is

a direct statement from Sandra Dewi at once added to the signature. This indicates

that the product has been reliable since been revealed by a beautiful artist like

Sandra Dewi. Sandra Dewi" also represents the target market of this product is

women. It is describe that women will look beautiful and have beautiful hair when

using this product.


From the slogan analysis, the writer found that the advertiser would like

to inform that the hair is an important part for a person but has many problems

including the dandruff. Therefore, the advertiser offers products to solve the hair


3. Icon analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

Based on the picture, the writer found two icons in this advertisement are

woman and shampoo bottles. The first icon is a woman with a long hair looked a

bit blonde but unraveled. She looks at her sideways looks optimistic and very

confident. She does not smile but looks sexy with her thin lips. Her hands is

curled hair with seemingly left hand which implies that the hair does not fall out

smooth even rolled by hand. She has white and oriental faces. She is an Indonesia

artist who named Sandra Dewi. Sandra Dewi well known as an actress, models,

and brand ambassador of various types of advertising such as shampoo, soap and

goods electronic advertisement. She also noted as alumnus of London school of

public relation. Based on the portrayal of female icon contained in the

advertisement, the writer found that the advertisers offer product with several

advantages. The Clear shampoo make the hair feel softer, stronger and brighter.

Additionally, the advertiser informed that the products offered can solve hair

problems that many people are very worried because this product has specific

quality by the anti Dandruff. Woman in this advertisement categorized as

metaphoric icon.


The second icon is "Clear Shampoo Bottle". The bottles shampoo is Non-

coded Iconic message because it represents the product directly. The image of

bottles shampoo images that the reader see in this advertisement is a form of a

shampoo bottle that the reader find in the market. Through the image of bottles

shampoo the advertiser provide information about the products offered are Clear


4. Woman representation in commercial advertisement

Women are portrayed in this advertisement with long black hair, sparkling

and a bit blonde. Category of women with good hair is representation of the ideal

figure desired by the most women in this world. Long hair is a representation of

femininity. White smooth skin also represents the femininity because depictions of

beautiful women not only have long hair but also have healthy skin and white.

The expression of woman looks optimistic and very confident. She does

not smile but looks sexy with her thin lips. This shows a representation of

empowering woman. Gaze sideways and very confident smile showing attitude

that excited about a better life. In addition, her thin lips seem not smiling but still

look sexy show that is very elegant woman with a beauty that she has.

Women in this advertisement use a white necklace that shows the

representation of social class. It means that women are portrayed in this

advertisement has a high social class because it uses a necklace that looks

beautiful and expensive. Necklace represents a high social class because it can

bought by the people from the upper class.


From the analysis of slogans and icon in this advertisement show that

slogans and icons contained in this advertisement has a very close relationship

which serves to explain icon as the visualization of the slogan. In this

advertisements use women as an icon of the product which represents the

femininity, elegance and the social class of woman.

4.3 Presentation and analysis Datum 3

Lux soap advertisement

1. Information about the product

The picture above is advertisement of Lux brand soap. Lux have been

creating exquisite beauty products since 1925 when Lux launched the world‟s first

mass market beauty bar, “made like the costliest French soap”. Since then, Lux


has been associated with over 400 of the world‟s most glamorous actresses from

Hollywood legends like Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, and Grace Kelly.

2. Slogan analysis ( Linguistic message)

In the Lux soap advertisement there are two slogans are shown

a. Lux

b. Hanya dengan sedikit lux body wash di Lux beauty puff

c. Semakin cerah setiap hari dengan Lux

Before the writer moves to detail analysis, it will be better if the analysis

goes on to what in the word “ lux” as the product‟s name. in greek mythology the

“lux” is the light idol that is identical with the power to shine, to bright and to

sparkle. So from the” lux” soap the woman is directed to have a bright skin to

shine and to sparkle as the beautiful person. In relation to the reader‟s side, the

readers‟ first interpretation is directed to the word “ luxury” means great comfort

especially in expensive surrounding or thing that is expensive and enjoyable but

not essential ( Oxford Learner‟s pocket dictionary, 2003:257). Expensive thing

and surrounding from that definition refer to the high class societies. From the

explanation above, the writer can see the advertiser strategy is to show to the

consumer that the” lux” soap is not ordinary product but luxury product which is

can make the woman especially woman skin became brighter. Besides, the

advertisement also gives an indication that the”lux” soap is a soap of high class


society. So if the consumers use the “ lux” soap, they will be a part of high class


In this advertisement, the writer divides into two slogans. The firs slogan

is “Lux. Hanya dengan sedikit lux body wash di Lux beauty puff. The word “

Lux” in this slogan is denotated message because it is the label of the product.

Then the next phrase is “ hanya dengan sedikit Lux body wash di Lux beauty

puff”. "Lux beauty wash" is the kind of the Lux product which has free formulas

that promise to make the skin soft and supple without drying it out at all. In this

slogan, there are three times repetition of the word "lux" aims to remind the

readers about the products offered because the more often mentioned something

the easier it is to remember. Through the first slogan, the advertiser informs that

the product offered is lux soap which is one of beauty soap for women that works

to brighten the skin.

The second slogan is “ semakin cerah setiap hari dengan Lux”. In this

slogan, the writer divides into two phrases are "semakin cerah setiap hari " and

“dengan Lux”. This phrase contain the main goal of the product is the skin gets

brighter every day. Then the next phrase is "dengan Lux" serves to reiterate that if

we use the Lux soap product we will get the radiant skin every day.

From the analysis of slogan, the writer found that the product offered is

lux soap which is one type of beauty soaps that can brighten the skin. Besides

that, the advertisement also gives an indication that the ”lux” soap is a soap of

high class society.


3. Icon analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In relation to “ lux” advertisement, Icon is distinguished into two kinds,

encoded and non-encoded iconic message. There are three main images or

pictures which are presented in “lux” advertisement above. Those are woman,

foam, and the bottles shampoo.

The first icon is woman. Women are portrayed in this advertisement as a

beautiful woman who looks sexy with a thin cloth that shows most of her body

from behind. Her smile and eyes shine express optimistic and happy feeling. She

has brown hair with the hair band. She is an Indonesian girl named Dian

Sastrowardoyo. Dian Sastrowardoyo is one of the Indonesian artist who known as

good actress and intelligent woman from her academic record. Woman in this

advertisement categorized as metaphoric icon. From the personal appearances of

woman show the identity of product that is advertised. The product is soap for

women specifically for woman skin. Besides, the use of local girl as the modal

icon also indicates that the product is not a local product but suitable to use for the

local girls. So through the model icon, the writer definite that the beauty is

identical with modernization, the beautiful girl is the modern girl.

The second icon in this advertisement is foam. Foam here functions as the

representative media that shows that the advertisement model is in bathing

activity. Although the foam present alone without other bathing equipment it

adequately attracts the reader to see it is the bathroom. In semiotic it is called

topology’s icon.


The third icon in this advertisement is bottles soaps with the spons. The

second icon of “lux” soap advertisement is the bottles soaps. Bottles soaps present

the product substantively. This non-coded iconic message because the image of

bottle shampoo represent the shampoo that the advertiser offered.

4. Woman Representation in Commercial Advertisement

Women are portrayed in this advertisement with beautiful face, white and

smooth skin. Skin is important for women who also support the appearance of

women to look more beautiful. Therefore, the skin gets attract of women except

hair and body shape. It is show the representation of femininity.

The expression of women in this advertisement shows the representation

of empowering woman. Women in this advertisement look from the sideways with

a slight smile. Her eyes looked very excited to show that she is very happy with

what she was doing. The expressions of women describe happy feeling. In

addition, the expression of her eyes showed the spirit of an independent woman

who is able to live her life. Her smile represents confidence and the elegance


The image women in this advertisement look sexy with a thin cloth that

shows most of her body from behind which present woman as sex object. This

image views the body of woman as a project in constant need of improvement.

Besides that, this image represent woman as mannequins with skin without a

blemish in sight. Therefore, this advertisement represents sexuality of woman.


From the analysis of slogan and icon in this the advertisement, the writer

found that the slogans and icons contained in this advertisement are related to

each other to describe the products offered. Through the slogan and icon, the

advertiser delivers the product name, the main goal of the product and the target

market of the product. Women who serve as an icon in advertisement represents

the femininity, elegance, empowering woman and also use woman as sex object to

sell the product.

4.4 Presentation and analysis Datum 4

Shinzui soap advertisement

1. Information of the product

Shinzui is one of the products which come from Japan. Shinzui lightening

skin care soap has been formulated naturally with Herba Matsu Oil Japan, a


precious essential oil from Matsutake mushroom. Shinzui‟s natural ingredient

may brighten the skin to fade pigmentation.

2. Slogan analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In the Shinzui soap advertisement there are three slogans shown

a. Shinzui

b. Shinzui Japan

c. Karena putih itu Shinzui

From the slogans above, the writer can draw three main elements namely,

Shinzui, Japan and white. Shinzui is the product name, Japan is the origin

country of this product and white is the main goal of the product.

The first slogan is Shinzui. Shinzui is denonated message because it is the

label of the product. Shinzui has several meanings in English include essentials,

mystery, and spirit. Essentials means extremely important, fundamental (Oxford

learner Pocket Dictionary: 145). As we know that if something important is

nothing then something else will be disturbed. Mystery means something that

cannot be understood or explained (Oxford Learner Pocket dictionary 283).

Shinzui has mystery which can give unpredictable results to the reader. Spirit

means persons thoughts and feelings, take something quickly intervening or

mysteriously (Oxford Learner Pocket dictionary 416). From the meaning of the

word Shinzui, the writer finds that the advertiser want to inform that the product

offered is very important for body especially for skin to make brighter and



The second slogan is shinzui Japan. The second slogan consists of two

words are shinzui and Japan. Shinzui is denotated message because it is the labels

of the products that have been written with a capital letter on the first slogan. Then

word “Japan” is the hometown of the product. Japan is conotated message. The

word “Japan” not only informs the origin of this product but also shows the

quality of the product. As we know that the Japanese have white and smooth skin

naturally. Through the Japan, the advertiser informs that the product can be

trusted because it comes from Japan with a population that has a white and

smooth skin naturally.

The third slogan is "Karena putih itu Shinzui '. In the third slogan contains

the main goal of the product is white. The word "karena" in Indonesian means

causes something. Through this slogan, the advertiser describes that whites simply

not obtainable but it is need effort to get the white skin. It is contain that white

need effort. In this slogan, the writer found that the advertiser shows that white

skin can be owned by anyone who wants to try including using soap Shinzui.

3. Icon Analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In this advertisement, there are three icons found. Those are women,

bottles of soap and green flowers. The first icon is woman. Woman in this picture

has white and flawless skin. She has a pretty face. She has brown hair wearing a

hair tie. She is smiling staring at the soap bottles in front of her. She has smile that

looks very happy. She is wearing a white dress that shows most of her body from

behind. She is the Indonesian woman who has oriental face. Woman categorized

as metaphoric icon from explanation above, the authors conclude that the


advertiser would like to clarify that the product offered is devoted to women to

obtain smooth white skin. In addition, through this woman icon the advertiser

explained that this product is derived from overseas proved by using the model of

oriental but the product is still suitable to use for women in Indonesia to get white

and smooth skin.

The second icon is the bottle of soap. Soap bottle pictured in the

advertisement is a little different from the portrayal in the soap bottle before. In

this advertisement, soap bottle pictured looks bigger and drifting. Through the

depiction of the soap bottle, the advertiser wants reveals that the product offered is

the latest product that is different from the previous. This is “Shinzui liquid soap”

the new innovation product from bar soap. With the soap bottle, then the

advertiser drives us to bathing activity which in semiotic called topology icon.

Additionally, depiction floating soap bottle indicates that this product has a

mystery as one of the meanings of the words that have been describe in the first

slogan analysis.

The third icon is the green flowers. Flowers represent nature and the

natural things. Green color and flower shows that this product is a natural product

in terms of material manufacture. The green color is diagrammatic icon which

focuses not only to the writing style but also to the meaning. Besides that, green

color indicates freshness and caring environment. So through this icon, the

advertiser revealed that the products offered are innovative product which is

natural bringing the freshness.


4. Woman Representation in Commercial Advertisement

Women are portrayed with white and smooth skin. She has beautiful face

and looks very elegant with its natural beauty. This shows the representation of

femininity which describes the physical condition of a woman who distinguishes

from man.

The portrayed of woman in this advertisement has smile and eyes which

full of optimism. In addition, expression of women in this advertisement shows

the spirit of an independent woman who can leads the live without hesitancy. It is

show the representation empowering woman.

In addition to representation of femininity and empowering women,

woman in this advertisement represents the nature by the woman. It is indicating

that every woman is beautiful. So, the woman should not feel inferior to the

shortcomings because she basically has the inner beauty that radiates from the

expressions and the way she acts.

This advertisement also represents sexuality. Women wear thin dress that

makes she looks sexy shows the body of woman from behind which present

woman as sex object. It makes the female body as a project that can attract the

attention of buyers to buy their products.

From the analysis of advertising, the authors conclude that through this

advertisement the advertiser offers beauty soap products originating from Japan

but suitable for use by women in Indonesia. The concept of this product is

naturalist. In this advertisement use women as a product icon represent femininity,


empowering woman but also represent sexuality that makes the female body as a

project to sell its products.

4.5 Presentation and analysis Datum 5

Rinso (Television advertisement)

This advertisement begins with the sentence “ Apakah detergen anda bisa

menghilangkan noda dengan sekali cuci?” which written on the white school

uniform. Then mother appear with washbasin which full of foam and ready to

wash that dirty school uniform. Mother wash the clothes while answering the

question by saying “ Bersihkan noda hanya dengan sekali cuci. nyuci bukan Cuma

enteng tapi juga bersih”. A few minutes later the woman raised the school cloth

that has been clean and white. At the end of the advertisement appears Rinso

product images which is followed by the slogan " Rinso baru bersihkan noda

hanya dengan sekali cuci”.

1. Informasion about the product

Rinso was launched in Indonesia as the nation‟s first detergent brand.

However, it was actually a brand most commonly used in United States, United

Kingdom and Australia since 1918. In 1970, Unilever, realizing the country‟s

potential, positioned Indonesia as the home base for Rinso. It was proven to be a

smart move because today Rinso is proudly the number one leader in Indonesian

detergent market.

2. Slogan analysis


In the Rinso advertisement there are four slogan are shown

a. Apakah detergen anda bisa menghilangkan noda dengan sekali cuci?

b. Bersihkan noda hanya dengan sekali cuci

c. Nyuci bukan cuma enteng tapi juga bersih

d. Rinso baru bersihkan noda hanya dengan sekali cuci

From the slogan above, the writer took three main elements are “detergent,

nyuci and bersih”. Detergent is a type of products offered, nyuci is an activity

performed by using detergent and “bersih” is the result by using the detergent


The first slogan is " Apakah detergen anda bisa menghilangkan noda

dengan sekali cuci?". In this slogan, the author divides into two phrases, namely "

Apakah detergen anda bisa menghilangkan noda” and “dengan sekali cuci”. The

first phrase is the introduction of the product that is detergent for removing stains.

In the second phrase " dengan sekali cuci ". This phrase begins with the word

"dengan" which means the way or the method used to remove stains. Then the

word "sekali cuci" shows the way chosen to remove the stain. Overall, this slogan

is question that asks about the quality of products offered. Through this slogan the

advertiser introduces the product which is detergent that works to remove stains.

The second slogan is “Bersihkan noda hanya dengan sekali cuci". The

second slogan is divided into two phrases which are "Bersihkan noda “and "hanya

dengan sekali cuci ". The first phrase is a command line to clean the cloth from

stains. The word "hanya" indicates make the clean cloth is not difficult and can be

resolved. The second slogan is imperative sentence which ask the reader to do


something. So through the second slogan, the advertiser answer question on the

first slogan that is offered detergent to make cloth cleans from the stains.

The third slogan is "Nyuci bukan Cuma enteng tapi juga bersih ". This

slogan divided into two phrases are "Nyuci bukan cuma enteng " and "tapi juga

bersih". The first phrase contains a refutation of previous slogan assume that

washing is an easy thing to do. This phrase is an allusion to the second slogan.

The second phrase is one of the requirements to show that the product clean the

cloth successfully. In the third slogan, the advertiser describe that we can

consider the thing success or not by looking for the result.

The fourth slogan is "Rinso baru bersihkan noda hanya dengan sekali

cuci". The fourth slogan divided into two phrases. Those are “Rinso baru

bersihkan noda" and "hanya dengan sekali cuci". The first phrase offered the

product is “Rinso”. The word “ Rinso” is denotated message because it is the

label of the product. Products offered is a new kind of product that serves to

overcome the previously mentioned problems which is able to clean the stain. The

second phrase is repetition of the previous slogan explains the way to make the

clean cloth by one wash. In the fourth slogan the advertiser introduce the brand

new of the product which is “Rinso” to make clean cloth from stains

From the Slogan analysis above, the writer conclude that the advertiser

offers detergent product which can remove stains. This slogan illustrates that

success activity proved if it achieves maximum results by using a simple manner

including use of this product.


3. Icon Analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In the Rinso detergent advertisement, the writer found four icons. Those

are women, washbasin with foam, school clothes and Rinso. The first icon is

woman. Women are portrayed in advertising holding dirty school clothes ready to

be washed. Then the woman looks wash the school uniform with happy feeling.

A few minutes later the woman raised the school cloth that has been clean and

white. Woman in this advertisement is metaphoric icon. Through the portrayal of

women in advertising, the authors conclude that the product being offered is

detergent for removing stains. It is also the role of woman as a mother who cares

to the family.

The second icon is washbasin with foam. The washbasin with foam

indicates washing activity. If the advertisement not showing mother who is

washing, it can be guessed that the woman in this advertisement will do wash

activity through depiction of the foam. In semiotic terms it is called Typology


The third icon is school clothes. School clothes showed that the products

offered serve to wash clothes for remove stains attached to the clothing. It is

marked by the color of clothes chosen in this advertisement that is white color

shows whether the clothes are clean or stained. School clothes categorized as

diagrammatic icon that conclude relation terms-focuses not only to the writing

style but also to the meaning.

The fourth icon is Rinso. This icon appears at the end of the

advertisements which represent the product directly. It is non code iconic message


because the images which shown in this advertisement is a product that will be see

in the market.

4. Woman Representation in Commercial Advertisement

The women portrayed in advertising as a mother who was washing her

children's school clothes. It shows the role of a mother who cares for her son.

Women contained in the advertisement shows representation of femininity from

the other side. If the previous types of advertisements show a woman's feminine

side from his physical traits, this advertisement shows the feminine in terms of the

role of women as mothers who must give attention to her children.

Woman in advertising have very high spirit shown by experimental face

when she washing clothes. The expression of woman shows the portrayed of

mother who care about her children. It is shows representation of woman as a real

strong woman who able to do the role of woman as a mother.

In this advertisement, women also depicted with a pretty face and look

simple by wearing home clothes. The woman has not been too old showing the

adult age in general. It shows the representation of age who demonstrates ideals

age of women that is about 30 years should have the family not only focus on her


4.6 Presentation and analysis Datum 6

Surf Detergent (Television advertisement)


The advertisement begins with the appearance of mother who washes the

cloth. Then she rubs the cloth with lime. She considers that the clothes look clean

because rubbed with lemon. The mother shouted to four other mothers who are

also being lined up to wash behind his house. The mother then said, "suruh pakai

jeruk nipis". The sentence is repeated until the fourth mother who changed the

sentence later to "Surf pakai jeruk nipis" on the fourth mother. Mother who said

the sentence looks surprised but she still said to the fifth mother who is hanging

clothes. Then the last mother answer the fourth mother by saying “ Surf pakai

jeruk nipis. Nih ada!” while show the detergent product.

1. Information about the product

Surf is the name of a brand of laundry detergent was launched in 1959 and

now available in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa with a comprehensive

range of offerings including bars, powders, liquids, tablets and capsules. Surf

works with experts in aromas from the leading perfume house in the world to

develop products with amazing fragrance – using exciting ingredients such as

essential oils and natural extracts to lift up your laundry and inspire your senses.

2. Slogan analysis (Linguistic message)

In the “surf” detergent advertisement there are two slogans are shown

a. Bersih. Suruh pakai jeruk nipis

b. Surf pakai jeruk nipis. Nih ada


The writer found two main elements in this advertisement are “bersih” and

“surf” . the word “bersih” is the main goal of the product and “surf” is the name

of the product offered.

The first slogan is "Bersih.Suruh pakai jeruk nipis". The word "bersih "

represent to the main goal of the product. The word "bersih" also refers to

washing activity. Then the phrase "suruh pakai jeruk nipis " is a command line in

order to wash the cloth. This phrase is repeated four times in this advertisement

though the meaning has changed at the end. The word " Jeruk nipis" suggests

naturalness, freshness and fragrance. The first slogan is imperative sentence ask

the audience to do something. Through this slogan, the advertiser informed that

detergent which offered contains lemon because it has natural ingredient and


The second slogan is "Surf pakai jeruk nipis. Nih ada". This slogan

divided into two phrases. Those are "Surf pakai jeruk nipis" and “ Nih ada”. The

word "surf" is a product that is offered. Then "pakai jeruk nipis " indicates that the

product contains lemon surf. This phrase also gives an intelligent solution to the

reader that we do not have to scrub clothes with lemon to get the fragrance and

freshness but simply by using the surf products. The second phrase is "Nih

ada!"Show that the product needed actually exist. The slogan contains declarative

sentence function to declare the product offered. Through this slogan, the

advertiser introduce product that contain of lemon without having to use lemon



From the analysis slogan above, the authors conclude that the advertiser

introduce the innovative products that contain lemon detergent so the audience

does not need to get the original lemon. Therefore, this slogan shows that we must

keep abreast of the times without leaving the basic values of the naturalness

through innovation.

3. Icon analysis (Non coded iconic message/coded iconic message)

In the surf detergent advertisement, the writer found four icons. Those are

woman, washbasin with foam, lemon and surf detergent.

The first icon is woman. In this advertising there are five women who have

the same profession as housewife. Women are portrayed in advertising as a

mother who is washing the clothes. Women are the target market of the product

because washing activities always identical as the duties of women. women in this

advertisement looks to try something new that is rubbing clothes by using lemon

which then proved to be successful. Woman in this advertisement categorized as

metaphoric icon. It shows that the product offered is a good product which

contains lemon because it has been proven able to make clean clothes.

The second icon is washbasin with foam which refers to washing

activities. Washbasin filled with foam carrying the reader's imagination to wash

activity without washing machine. Although the advertiser does not show washing

activity, the reader will know that the product offered is a product used for

washing clothes. In semiotic terms is called Typology icon.


The third icon is lemon. Lemon is symbolizes of fragrance, freshness and

naturalness. The lemon pieces shown in this advertisement is the main thing that

is offered in this product through the fragrance and freshness. Through this icon,

the advertiser brings us to the nature and believes that something good always

comes from nature. Therefore, it is categorized as diagrammatic icon.

The fourth icon is surf products. This icon appears at the end of the

advertisements which represent the product directly. Surf detergent product which

offered is non-coded iconic message because it is really representing the product.

4. Woman Representation in Commercial advertisement

In this advertisement there are five women appear who have the same

profession as a housewife. Women portrayed in this as mother who is washing the

clothes of her children. It is representation of femininity that shows the feminine

side of women‟s not only from physical characteristics but also from the role of

woman as mother. She looks elegance from another point of view.

Woman in advertising have very high spirit shown by experimental face

when she washing clothes. She looks very excited about her role as a mother

including wash the clothes. It is a representation of empowering woman.

In this ad shows the woman who was washing clothes by hand without

using a washing machine. In addition, social circumstances of these women can

be seen from the cloth which the woman used. The woman was seen wearing

simple clothes home. It is represent the social class of woman.

From analysis above, the writer conclude that the advertiser offers

detergent products contain lemon to give a natural element of the product. This


advertisement use women as icons of the product describes the role of women as

mothers. In addition to demonstrating the role of women, this advertisement also

represents femininity, empowering woman and social class of woman.




5.1 Conclusion

After doing the analysis, the writer finds that advertisement has aesthetic

function to attract the reader to buy the product. The writer also concludes some

points of the research as the result of this study as follows.

This research use Roland Barthes theory which consists of linguistic

message (slogan analysis), non coded iconic message (Icon analysis) and coded

iconic message (Icon analysis). There are six samples of data in this research.

Those are two samples of shampoo, two samples of soap and two samples of

detergent advertisement. From the analysis of slogan and icon in this research, the

writer found 4 slogans and 4 icons in shampoo advertisement, 5 slogans and 6

icons in soap advertisement, 6 slogans and 8 icons in detergent advertisement.

Most of slogans and icons contain in commercial advertisement have close

relationship to attract the reader. Slogan contained in the advertisement has

denotation and connotation meaning while icon giving visualization of the slogan

that serves to sell the product. In semiotic, it is called Relay is when text and

image interact in conveying the meaning.

Women as the icon does not just describe the product to attract the

audience to buy the product but also represents the state of women in the real life


by use some signifier that is why representation woman in advertisement

categorized as coded iconic message. In this advertisement, the writer found

representation of femininity, empowering woman, age and social class

5.2 Suggestion

The semiotic analysis is interesting approach that offers deep analysis of

communication process whether verbal and non verbal. The writer suggests the

readers, especially the student of English Departement to choose semiotic

approach to analyze the object of research, because there are many interesting

aspects which can be analyzed . The writer suggests analysis in other field such as

in political slogan in order to see the politician strategy in constructing the

reader‟s to vote him.



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