NURUL HIDAYAH A 121 16 031 SKRIPSI Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program Department of Language and Art Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Tadulako University ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM LANGUAGE AND ART EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY TADULAKO UNIVERSITY 2021 IMPROVING WRITING SKILL OF THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS AT MTs DDI SIAPO THROUGH COLLABORATIVE WRITING TECHNIQUE



A 121 16 031


Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program

Department of Language and Art Education Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education Tadulako University












A 121 16 031


Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana pada

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Dan

Seni Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidkan Universitas Tadulako








“So verily, with every

difficulty, there is relief”

(Quran 94:5)

Dedicated to:

Lovely parents, family and everyone

in appreciation of their love and prayers



Nurul Hidayah, 2021. Improving Writing Skill of the Eighth Grade Students at

MTs DDI Siapo Tolitoli Through Collaborative Writing. English Language

Education Study Program, Language and Art Education Department, Teacher

training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University. Under the Supervision of

Mochtar Marhum.

The objective of this research was to find out whether or not the use of

collaborative writing technique can improve writing skill of the eighth grade

students at MTs DDI Siapo, Tolitoli. This research employed a quasi experimental

research design with 43 students as the sample selected by using total sampling

technique. To collect the data, test which was divided into pretest and posttest

were used as the research instrument. .The pretest means score for the

experimental group and control group were 40.83 and 55.80. The posttest means

score for the experimental group and control group were 77.50 and 59.06. The

data were analyzed theoretically by applying t-test formula where the degree of

freedom (df) is 41. The result of statistical analysis shows that the t-counted value

is 7.99 while the t-table value is 1.68. The result of the calculation indicates that

the t-counted value is higher than the t-table value. It implies that the

hypothesis is accepted. It means that the use of collaborative writing technique

can improve the skill of the eighth grade students of MTs DDI Siapo, Tolitoli in

writing paragraph text.

Keywords: Writing, Collaborative Writing Technique



Nurul Hidayah, 2021. Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa Kelas VIII

MTs DDI Siapo, Tolitoli Melalui Teknik Penulisan Kolaboratif. Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu

Pendidikan, Universitas Tadulako. Dibawah bimbingan Mochtar Marhum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan Teknik

Penulisan Kolaboratif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa kelas delapan MTs

DDI Siapo, Tolitoli dalam kemampuan menulis. Dalam Penelitian ini, peneliti

menggunakan desain penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan sample 43 siswa yang

dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Untuk mengumpulkan data,

tes yang dibagi menjadi pretest dan posttest digunakan sebagai instrumen

penelitian. Nilai rata-rata pretest untuk kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok

kontrol adalah 40.83 and 55.80. Skor rata-rata posttest untuk kelompok

eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol adalah 77.50 and 59.06. Data dianalisis secara

teoritis dengan menggunakan rumus uji-t di mana derajat kebebasan (df) adalah

41. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-hitung adalah 7.99

sedangkan nilai t-tabel adalah 1.68. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai

t- hitung lebih tinggi dari nilai t-tabel. Ini menyiratkan bahwa hipotesis diterima.

Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Teknik Penulisan Kolaboratif dapat

meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa kelas delapan MTs DDi Siapo, Tolitoli

dalam menulis teks paragraf.

Kata Kunci: Menulis, Teknik Penulisan Kolaboratif



the researcher expresses her highest gratitude to ,العالمين رب هلل الحمد

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for blessing love, opportunity, health, and mercy to

complete this undergraduate skripsi. This undergraduate skripsi entitles

“Improving Writing Skill of the Eight Grade Students at MTs DDI Siapo,

Tolitoli” is submitted as the final requirement in accomplishing undergraduate

degree at English Education Study Program, Language and Art Education

Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University.

In arranging this research, a lot of people have provided motivation,

advice, and support that had helped the researcher. In this valuable chance, the

researcher aims to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, the

researcher presents her sincere appreciation goes to her supervisor Mochtar

Marhum, M.Ed, Ph.D. who has helped her patiently finishing this skripsi by

giving suggestions, guidance, and correction since the proposal until the

completion of this skripsi. Then, the most sincere thank goes to her reviewers, Dr.

Rofiqoh, M.Ed and Drs. Abdul Waris, M.Pd. for the critical contribution,

comment, suggestion, correction, revision, and great feedback for the

improvement of the result this skripsi.

Second, the researcher would like to thank the Rector of Tadulako

University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, MP; the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Dr. H. Anshari Syafar, M.Sc.; the Head of Language and Art

Education, Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum The researcher also enlarges her highest


appreciation to the Coordinator of English Education Study Program, Dr. Hj.

Rofiqoh, M.Ed., for her kindness and administrative assistance. Also, she would

like to say thank you so much to a whole lecturer of the English Language

Education Study Program for their useful knowledge, meaningful advice, and

inspiration shared to her during her study.

Thirdly, the researcher sincerely thanks are addressed to the

Headmaster of MTs DDI Siapo, Tolitoli, Ustadz Abdul Waris, S.Ag., M.Pd.I,

the English teachers, Masria Ulfa, S.pd., for their permission to her in

conducting the researcher. She also appreciates the eighth grade students of

MTs DDI Siapo, Tolitoli for their participation.

Fourth, the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents,

her father, Djunaedi Abdurahman for the endless love, prayers, caring, and

support, to her sister Dewi Sartika, Amd.Kep for the love, caring and sacrifices for

educating and preparing her for her future. The researcher also owes thank to her

beloved brother, Edi Suwandi for his support and valuable prayer. Afterward,

inexpressible appreciation is sent to, Miftahul Jannah, M.Pd, Muliati, Munira,

Saharudin, Hadijah Abdurahman, S.ST, Aldi Ramadhan, Budi Utomo, Gusti

Praja, and Prada Moh. Julsandi,. They deserve to obtain her greatest thanks,

because with their care, support, motivation and prayers.

Fifth, the researcher would like to express her love and gratitude to her

extraordinary other half, Moh. Fikran., for the love, support, prayer,

assistance, motivation, worthwhile advice, utmost patience, and heartening

understanding and cracking a joke when she looks glum. Besides that, she will


give her appreciation to her best friends, Riska Humairah, S.Pd, Niar, S.Pd,

Hesti Dwi Astuti, Nur Oktaviani, Yulia Krismonica, Feby Jennifer Jayanthi,

Nurmasyita, Anirwana A. S.Pd, Ririn Rahmadhani and Miftah Rizkia Ali

Amd.Kep. Because for their support, happiness, kindness, motivation, prayer

and affection.

The last but not least, her biggest appreciation is sent to all of her

friends in Big Family Himabris, Demisioner Himabris 2018, and her

generation of 2016, specifically goes to her friends in A(Authentic) Class,

Niluh Veren Septiani, S.Pd, Nunung Pandang Sari, Mushdalifah, S.Pd, I

Nyoman Rawita S.Pd, Moh. Rivan Adriansyah, S.Pd, Tyas Agung Nugroho,

Nanda, S.Pd, My Heart Lidya Piri, S.Pd. Siti Nurmayanti, Indra, Rabiah

Adawiah, S.Pd, Kiki Reski Amelia, S.Pd, Viatasari, S.Pd., thank you for

accompanying and supporting the researcher in campus life, happiness,

kindness, laugh and the togetherness. And for all the other friends that cannot

mention one by one here.

Palu, June 2021


Nurul Hidayah













1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Objective of the Research 3

1.4 Significance of the Research 3

1.5 Scope of the Research 4

16. Operational Definition of Key Terms 4



2.1 Related Studies 5

2.2 Literature Review 6

2.2.1 The Definition of Writing 6

2.2.2 The Importance of Writing Skill 9

2.2.3 Components of Writing Skill 10 Idea Organization 10 Grammar 11 Mechanics 11 Vocabulary 12

2.2.4 Paragraph 12

2.2.5 The Definition of Recount Text 13 Features of Recount Text 14 Language Features of Recount Text 14 Types of Recount Text 15

2.2.6 Collaborative Writing 15 The Goal of Collaborative Writing 16 The Procedure of Collaborative Writing 17 The Advantages of Collaborative Writing 18 The Disadvantages of Collaborative Writing 20

2.3 Theoretical Framework 20

2.4 Research Hypothesis 22



3.1 Research Design 23

3.2 Population and Sample 24

3.2.1 Population 24

3.2.2 Sample 24

3.3 Research Variable 24

3.4 Research Instrument 25

3.5 Technique of Data Collection 25

3.5.1 Test 25 Pre-test 25 Post-test 25

3.6 Treatment 27

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis 33

3.8 Testing Hypothesis 34


4.1 The Result of Test 35

4.1.1 The Result of Pre-Test 35

4.1.2 The Result of Post-Test 39

4.1.3 Deviation and Square Deviation 43

4.2 Testing Hypothesis 48

4.3 Discussion 50


5.1 Conclusion 54

5.2 Suggestion 54



1. Pre-Test 58

2. Post-Test 59

3. Lesson Plan 1 60

4. Lesson Plan 2 69

5. Lesson Plan 3 76

6. Lesson Plan 4 82

7. Lesson Plan 5 88

8. Lesson Plan 6 93

9. Documentation 98

10. Critical Values Of Students’ Distribution (t) 100

11. Surat Izin Penelitian/Observasi 101

12. Surat Keterangan Penelitian/Observasi 102

13. SK Journal 103



Table Page

3.1 Pretest – Treatment – Posttest 23

3.2 Population Distribution 24

3.3 The Scoring Rubric 26

3.4 Teaching Outline 27

4.1 The Result of Students’ Pretest in Experimental Group 38

4.2 The Result of Students’ Pretest in Control Group 39

4.3 The Result of Students’ Post-test in Experimental Group 41

4.4 The Result of Students’ Post-test in Control Group 43

4.5 The Result of Score Deviation in Experimental Group 45

4.6 The Result of Score Deviation in Control Group 46




1.1 Background

Writing is one of the language skills that should be taught besides the other

skills. Writing is regarded is a productive skill it aims at assisting students in

expressing their idea written. Writing is the most difficult language skills. It

requires complex thinking. In writing process we always involve thinking skill

and creative skill. Not only that, but also it is supported by right rules. It also

considered as the most complicated language skill to be learned, compared to

other language skills.

Writing is a skill that is required in written communication. A good

writing is not always easy and may be challenge even for the best students.

Mastering vocabularies and tenses become the main key to get a good writing. we

have to choose appropriate vocabularies to arrange words to be a sentence and

develop it to be paragraph. Beside that, we also have to use a compatible tense to

express an event in certain time.

As explained by Tarigan (2008:1) that in learning Indonesian, learners are

required to master of four aspect of language skills that are listening skills,

reading, writing, and speaking. Writing skill is one of the skills in Indonesian

learning that requires intensive attention both by the teachers and related elements

in curriculum development. In current situation, writing skills in Indonesian

learning are presented in theoretical form, rarely in practical form conducted by

the teacher directly. This certainly causes a lack of writing habits so that they can

hardly put their ideas or ideas into writing.


Some previous studies were conducted pertaining to writing skill. Firstly, a

study by Emejidio (2018) evaluated the writing competency of the seventh grade

students of on the teaching writing method used in the classroom, execution of the

writing methods; writing competency of the Laboratory High School seventh

grade students; and common errors of seventh grade students committed in

writing composition. The results of this study should be an encourage to every

researcher and therefore have an annual study of the students’ writing

composition competency. This is to determine the students’ improvement and

functionally of the improved teaching writing method/s.

Another study by Ramadhani (2016) examined the use of collaborative

writing technique to improve student’s writing skill on recount text, and found a

positive effect of using collaborative writing in language learning process on the

students of MTs Alwashliyah Tembung. This research applied the principles of

classroom action research. It is considered that this research only gives an

emphasis on students’ writing on recount texts. Therefore, other researchers

conducted research on other genre of texts which can improve their writing skills

and also enrich their knowledge in different kind of both factual and literary texts.

Based on the previous findings the researcher will conduct a similar study

to know whether the result will be the same using the previous studies or not.


1.2 Problem Statement

In this case, the writing ability of the students it should be low. Based on

the issues, the researcher tries to do an experiment using Collaborative Writing to

enhance the writing ability of the students. Nevertheless, the technique demands

to test if it can be applied to teach writing. Thus, the researcher states the research

question as follows:

Can the use of collaborative writing technique improve the writing skill of the

eighth grade students of MTs DDI Siapo?

1.3 Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out whether or not applying

Collaborative Writing can improve writing skill of the eighth grade students of

MTs DDI Siapo.

1.4 Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to be useful information for

teachers, students, schools and other researchers. For the teachers, this research

will be expected to assist English teachers to use an effective technique in

teaching writing, so it helps students develop their writing ability. For the

students, it will be expected to help the students write and generate their ideas

easily. For other researchers, this research will be expected to be a reference and a

comparison for further research.


1.5 Scope of the Research

This study focused on improving English writing skill of the eighth grade

students of MTs DDI Siapo by collaborative writing technique. Since there are

many kinds of text in English, this research was limited on writing recount text in

paragraph. The researcher limited her research on some elements of writing;

vocabulary, organization and mechanics particularly punctuation and spelling in

writing recount text.

1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstabding about the means of the key terms, resercher

identifies the terms as follows:

a. Implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in

order for something to actually happen.

b. Improve is act of enhancing or making better in terms of quality, values,


c. Writing is an activity in which someone learns how to get ideas, thought, and

express feeling that used for communicating in written form by applying

vocabulary, organization, and mechanics.

d. Recount text is a kind of text that lets the writer tell the reader about events

that has happened in the past.

e. Collaborative technique is a technique where the students work in groups of

two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or

creating a product





2.1 Related Studies

In conducting this research, the researcher has three relevant previous

studies that support this research. First study by Emejidio (2018) evaluated the

writing competency of the seventh grade students of on the teaching writing

method used in the classroom, execution of the writing methods; writing

competency of the Laboratory High School seventh grade students; and common

errors of seventh grade students committed in writing composition. The results of

this study should be an encourage to every researcher and therefore have an

annual study of the students’ writing composition competency. This is to

determine the students’ improvement and functionally of the improved teaching

writing method/s.

The second study investigated is by Pramono (2014) with tittle “The

Effectiveness of Collaborative Writing Method in Teaching Writing at MTs

Assyafi’iyah Gondang.” In this research, the researcher chose 8th grade students

of junior high school as the sample. Even though the sample is different, he found

out that this technique is helpful to enhance students’ interest in writing. Through

the use of this technique, students find it is easy to write their thoughts and enjoy

the lesson during teaching and learning activity. Pramono realized that the

objective of the research was achieved by applying collaborative technique. It was

supporting by the evidence that the researcher found during the research. Pramono


found that the t-counted is higher than t-table (40,22 > 1.694),which means the

technique can improve students’s writing skill.

The last study investigated by Ramadhani (2016), “The Effect of

Collaborative Writing Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount

Text in MTs Alwashliyah Tembung.” This study is focused on the effect of

collaborative writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing recount text.

The population of this study is also from the second grade student or 8th of junior

high school in MTs Al-Washliyah Tembung. By applying this technique,

Ramadhani discovered something new that the students were able to work

together with their friends or groups in writing especially in recount text. The

students were easy to construct the sentence by doing brainstorming with their

groups and then make it one into some paragraphs. This technique makes the

students are easy to pass the passing grade which can be declared that this

technique is really useful. It can be seen as the result of the research shows that

the value of t-observed is higher than the value of t-table (17.02 > 1.667). Based

on the data analysis of the study, the result indicates that the alternative hypothesis

is accepted. It means that there is the significant effect of using Collaborative

writing strategy on student achievement in writing recount text.

2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 The Definition of Writing

“Writing is considered as a productive skill along with speaking,” Harmer

(2007:265). When students deal with language production, it means that they


should use their knowledge to produce the language to achieve a communicative

purpose either in the form of spoken or written language. Among the four

language skills “…writing is the most difficult skill for second or foreign learners

to master,” Richards & Renandya (2002:303). It is because “…writing is

considered as a complex process of putting ideas down on paper to transform

thoughts into words,” Brown (2001:336). Brown (2001), furthermore, states that

writing is seen as a process focusing on the various stages that any process of

writing goes through, such as putting ideas down on paper to transform thoughts

into words. It means that the process of writing is more valuable than the end of

the product.

Harmer (2005: 4) suggests the process of writing into four main elements:

planning, drafting, editing (reflecting and revising), and final version.

1. Planning

Before starting to write or type, writers try and decide what they are going

to write. When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. Firstly,

they have to consider the purpose of their writing since this will influence not only

the type of text they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and the

information they choose to include. Secondly, experienced writers think of the

audience they are writing for, since this will influence not only the shape of the

writing, but also the choice of language. Thirdly, writers have to consider the

content structure of the piece, how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments

which they have decided to include.


2. Drafting

Draft is the first version of a piece of writing. This first goes to a text which

is often done on the assumption that will be amended later. As the writing process

procedure into editing, a number of drafts may be produced on the way to the final


3. Editing (reflecting and revising)

After writers have produced a draft, they usually read through what they

have written to see where it works and where it does not. Reflecting and revising

are often helped by other readers (or editors as a proofreader) who comment and

make suggestions on it. Another reader's reaction to a piece of writing will help

the writer to make appropriate revisions.

4. Final versions

Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes which are

necessary, they produce their final version. This may look considerably different

from both the original plan and the first draft, because things have changed in the

editing process. But the writer is now ready to send the written text to its intended


Since writing is a way to communicate with others in the written form,

everything should be clear. Unlike speaking where the message of the

communication can be grasped through non-verbal language, such as gestures,

body languages or facial expressions, in writing, the message is conveyed through

the written form. Therefore, the writer should be able to make the reader

understand the message conveyed.


The practice of language teaching points out that there are two important

aspects in writing. In order to make writing to be successful, it has to be both

coherent and cohesive. Coherent is the feeling that the elements of texts are bound

together in which the reader can follow the sequence of ideas or points. While

cohesive is the surface links between the clauses and sentences of a text. It is a

more technical matter since it deals with the various linguistic ways of connecting

ideas across phrases and sentences, such as using pronoun and connector.

2.2.2 The Importance of Writing Skill

Writing is one of the important skills in learning English among listening,

speaking, and reading. Writing belongs to the productive skill that should be

mastered by the students in order to communicate their ideas and feelings with

others in written form. However, we know that learning to write especially in a

second language is not simply a matter of “writing things down”. It is one of the

four basic skills that are very complex and difficult to learn.

According to Word reference cited in Harmenita (2013), writing is one of

the ways to give an idea or message which is form in writing on a piece of paper

or the other area. It is an act of making marks on certain surface. Specifically,

writing is one kind of expression in language which is created by particular set of

symbol, having conventional values for representing the wordings of particular

language which is drawn up visually. Stiller (2011) states that writing skill is

important part of communication and also writing is a valuable skill.

Additionally, the ability to write is required in many parts of people’s life.

Harmer (2004:39) states that writing as a skill is the important reason for teaching


writing. It is a basic language skill just as important as speaking, listening, and

reading. The ability to write is also required in many job such as writing

application letters, business proposal, reports and memos. It will guide students to

succeed person and get better position in their job.

Based on the explanation above, it is important to choose a good writing

technique. It has purpose to encourage them to do writing. Besides, this

explanation provides more information to the reader that there are many several

ways in writing which are important in lives. Hopefully, by seeing this theory the

reader will be more interest in writing and it can assist the writers to be more

creative in creating their writing and making writing should be our habits so that

we can write fluently and expressively just like in spoken form.

2.2.3 Components of Writing Skill

In the process of improving writing skill, there are some aspects of writing

that should be included. They are namely idea organization, grammar, mechanics,

and vocabulary. Moreover, paragraph and linguistics aspects are also included to

ensure of making good writing. Idea Organization

Organizations related to the main idea of the text, supporting sentences,

conclusion. These three aspects transform writing into a good sentence.

Organization also related to text sequences or transition signals which make the

text unity and coherence. Raimes (1983:116) explains, “Organization in writing is

a process of moving back and forth general statements to specific details and

arranging them in most effective order”. It means that idea organization is a


components of writing which concerns with the ways how the writer make and

generates idea or the message in writing in order the reader can understand the

information in a text. Grammar

Grammar is very most important part in writing a paragraph or an essay. It

supports the writer to create a good writing. Grammar rules cannot be separated

from writing itself. Bronson (2012:1) adds, some grammar error lead the

sentences that mean something just not what you intended. It can be said that

grammar is the way how words are used to combine one sentence to furthermore

sentence. In addition, grammatical aspect that the writer needs among others:

tense, regular verbs, irregular verbs, and so on. Without them, either the writer or

the reader will have difficulties to know the meaning of writing text. Mechanics

Mechanics in writing involves punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

Having good mechanics can make a text easy to read by the reader. Mechanics

refers to the appearance of words and how they are spelled or arranged on a paper.

In addition, mechanics will help the students or learners to write meaningful text.

Punctuation is a signal which used to make the message of writing is

readable and understandable. Punctuation is also function as a signal in written

language that helps the readers clarify the meaning of sentences and how to

interpret the correct meaning of the sentences. There are some examples

punctuation marks such as period (.), question mark (?), exclamation point (!),


comma (,), apostrophe (‘), quotation mark (“”), semi-colon (;), and colon (:). The

right placement of punctuation is needed to make a clear and meaningful sentence.

Capitalization is used to put capital letter in the initial of word.

Capitalization in writing English text is one of the important parts in writing

mechanics. For more, capitalization is used to differentiate between particular and

general class of the name of people, places, the days of week, the months of the

year, nationalities, and language, etc.

Spelling is also important thing has to be known by the writer, because

putting appropriate spelling in every sentence will helps the reader get the

meaning of the words. The writer should emphasize spelling because wrong

spelling will affect the meaning of the word as well as the reader will get

difficulty to understand our writing. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is about the word choice and usage. The writers cannot

produce and create excellent writing to be a good sentence or paragraph if they do

not have enough vocabulary stock. Richards and Renandya (2002:225) define,

“Vocabulary is a core of language skill and provides much the basis for how well

learners speak, listen, read, and write.” It can be said that, when people wish to

speak or write their ideas, they should have much vocabulary in their brain to

have good communication either in oral or written form.

2.2.4 Paragraph

Paragraph is a group of sentences dealing with a main idea. In other words,

paragraph a basic unit of organization in writing which a group of relate sentences


develop main idea. In short, paragraph is a part of writing that has function to

separate parts of the ideas in a composition. Oshima and Hogue (2007) state,

1. A topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. It has a specific

idea called controlling idea. The function of controlling idea is to control

the topic sentence in order to not out from the topic sentence itself.

2. Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence. It is explained the topic

sentence by giving reasons, examples, facts, statistics, and quotation.

3. The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph.

2.2.5 The Definition of Recount Text

Mark and Kathy Anderson stated that “a recount is a piece of text that

retells past events, usually in the order in which they occurred”.24 It means the

text is based on a person’s story in the past and written in sequence of the story


This text has its own purposes which are informing and also entertaining.

Informing means by writing the story, the writer can give the information to the

reader, while entertaining is the writer can amuse the readers by writing the story


Moreover, Hyland states that “the story recount has expressions of attitude

and feeling, usually made by the narrator about the events. The one who has the

story becomes the narrator of the events. He/she expresses attitude and feeling

about the event that written in the sequence of the story. From the definitions of

recount text above, it can be concluded that recount text is a text that tell story in


the past by expressing the writer’s attitude and feeling in the sequence of events in

order to inform or entertain the reader. Features of Recount

The recount text type retells past events, usually in the order in which they

happened. Mark Anderson (1998:49) said, the steps for construction a written

recount are :

a) A first paragraph that gives background information about who, what,

where, and when called an orientation.

b) A series of paragraphs that retell the events in the order in which they

happened called events

c) A concluding paragraph is called re-orientation, but it is not necessary. Language Features in Recount

The language features usually found in a recount text are:

a) Proper noun and pronouns to identify those involved in the text

b) Action verb

c) Descriptive word to give details about who, what, what, when, where, and


d) The use of the past tense to retell the events.

e) Conjunction and time connectives.

f) Adverb and adverbial phrase.

g) Words that show the order the events.

15 Types of Recount

a. Personal recount

Personal recount is retelling an activity that the writer is involved in the

story. It means that the writer has experienced the story. A letter and diary

can be classified as a personal recount.

b. Factual recount A factual recount is reporting the details of the

information or story that has happened. The examples of factual recount

are a science experiment, historical recount, a traffic or sport report.

c. An imaginative recount

An imaginative recount is a story that applies an imaginary role and details

but it is presented in a realistic context.

2.2.6 Collaborative Writing Technique

Collaborative writing goes beyond the theory of social development

by Vygotsky (1978). The theory helps to explain the potential of

collaborative writing when it is applied in the teaching learning process. Learning

process is a social activity and is thus enhanced through social interactions.

Through their social contacts, students learn new ideas and processes that

stimulate their development.

According to Graham and Perin (2007: 4), collaborative writing is a

technique where students work together to plan, draft, reflect, and revise their

compositions. It needs students’ involvement when they are working as a team.

It also allows students to learn from each other. It values the social nature of the

writing process. Harmer (2004: 12) states that collaborative writing is a way of


planning, drafting, reflection, and revision by having students involved together in

a process of writing. In addition, Chin (1996) asserts that collaborative writing is

an area where group may provide significant benefit. It allows students to

simultaneously work on different portions of the same document and/or to review

and critique the written work of others.

In collaborative writing students work together in pairs composing a

formal paper. Each students participate and cooperate at the steps of the writing

process such as brainstorming ideas, gathering and organizing ideas, and drafting,

revising, and editing a paper. Working together actually help to students to learn

an run the writing process effectively. Finally, students’ work in composing a text

will be better and better and can see easily read by readers (Elizabeth et., al.

2005). Collaborative writing process can refer to how groups or paired provide

feedback to each others, what they search for help from each others, and how they

discuss and negotiate strategies in pointing writing concerns (e.g., how to mark a

missing citation) (Kesler,, 2012). The purpose of collaborative writing does

not only produce final product but also construct meaning in collaboration to

achieve higher quality of product. The revising and editing processes are mutual

relationship to the learning process. The most practical way teachers provide

feedback to students’ errors and monitor them in working in group (Shin

Wanteow, 2014). The Goals of Collaborative Writing Technique

The purpose of using collaborative writing technique in this research is to

improve students’ skills in writing. Besides, this technique provide so much


information that perhaps not available when they doing work alone. In addition,

by conducting this technique it build a social relationship among students and

teacher. The Procedures of Collaborative Writing Technique

When teachers try to put collaborative writing as a technique in teaching

writing to students, it is better to consider how to organize the students into

groups and the writing activities. The students need some more direction to go

with the activities and the teachers as a facilitator will provide it. According to

Dale (1997: 46) there are five points to be taken into consideration when teachers

organize collaborative writing in a classroom.

1) Forming groups

Forming groups is done when teachers put students in a diverse group.

It is a teachers’ task to arrange them into different groups because if students

form their own groups, they tend to make homogeneous ones. One

consideration to form diverse groups is that it creates a positive group that

enhances each member to interact with partners and assert their individual


2) Providing time

Since collaborative writing a bit takes time, that time must be

provided for students. Students will have chance to assign their works and

make their own discussion.


3) Primary-writer system

This activity is when teachers need to set certain tasks which make

students contribute to their works.

4) Assignments

There is not one kind of assignment that works best for a

collaborative writing. A set of assignment for an entire class is no

longer the main importance because it may be different among the groups

of students. Each group could write different works within the same or

different genres. For that reason, having each group decided on its own

topic is certainly appropriate.

5) Focus on process

Since attention to writing process is a weakness to students who are

early writers, collaborative writing with its emphasis on process, can be

an effective means of teaching writing process. It offers the students to learn

strategies from each other.

The above important points transform the needs of the teachers to

effectively organize collaborative writing in a classroom. It can be inferred that

through the activities in collaborative writing, the teachers help students to keep a

writing process moving forward. Therefore, to support the students to make

connection between the process and the product of writing, it is necessary for the

teachers to apply those activities in the classroom.

19 The Advantages of Collaborative Writing Technique

The advantage of collaborative writing is that to increase the amount of

combined knowledge of the students when they are working together. In areas of

intelligence where one person is weak and others are strong, the collective

intelligence of a group of students can be a powerful resource. Students who have

better knowledge can help others to do the work.

Another advantage of the collaborative process is having more

students to read the writing. Having different perspective is important in

commenting the result, so the more people look at the writing, the higher the

likelihood that mistakes will be identified and improvements will be made.

It can be concluded that collaborative writing is a highly effective way

for students to learn not only effective writing skills, but also social skills. It

incorporates students’ knowledge, and problem solving abilities into the

process of writing. Through the use of specific strategies, guidelines and

facilitative activities, students are able to improve upon the steps of the writing

process: planning, drafting, editing and final drafting in a collaborative manner

that encourages interpersonal communication, cooperation and management.

Furthermore, the suggested evaluation of collaborative writing is not just

the end product, but also the collaboration itself which permits the students to

engage in a higher level thinking if they are involved in the evaluation process.

Finally, related to the explanations above the researcher believes that

collaborative writing can improve students’ writing skill.

20 The Disadvantages of Collaborative Technique

There are also several disadvantages of collaborative technique in teaching

writing. They are as follows:

1. Pair work is likely noisy.

2. Sometimes among the students have different arguments in developing

paragraph. So it can make a conflict between them.

3. It needs a long time to end the product in doing assignment.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that collaborative

technique in natural way is a technique which has both positive and negative

things inside. Although this technique has several benefits when it’s applied, the

disadvantages cannot be separated from its use. It depends on the user to

maximize the advantages of the technique.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Writing as one of productive skills has a process which consists of

planning, drafting, editing, and final drafting. In those phases, students’

writing collaboration often eases them when they produce the work. That is why,

collaborative writing can be employed during teaching-leaning process to help

them writing their work From the early observation MTs DDI Siapo, the

researcher found problems in the process of writing a recount text. One of the

problems was that students did not know how to begin writing because the

components of recount texts such as the language features, the generic structure

and the purpose were not familiar with them. Besides, their minimum requirement


in writing skills namely writing correct spelling and punctuation was still low.

These problems became worse when they worked individually. It made them

bored and unexcited to produce the recount text.

By looking at the facts that students need to be encouraged to write the

text, the researcher employed collaborative writing as an activity to improve

their writing skills. Collaborative writing was a process in which the students

were offered the opportunity to give and receive immediate feedback on language

used on their writings that might be missing when they work individually and it

suggested valuable opportunity in improving reading and writing skills to the

students. It was also considered as a process that enhanced and stimulated

students’ motivation in improving the writing skills because they found the

feedback from their pairs that was useful for the betterment of developing the

writing skills. It also provided the enjoyment of writing a text as a form of

planning in process of writing that relates to their personal experiences. The

personal experiences were interpreted in a form of recount text where the students

explored and discovered the language that sounded familiar to them. It eased them

to start writing the texts because the language and the topic used were based on

their surroundings that were very common and easy to find. The

collaborative writing process was implemented through four distinct phases

of writing: planning, drafting, editing and final drafting phases in which the

students helped each other to improve their writing skills effectively. Seeing the

facts that the students need a certain technique to improve their writing skills, the


researcher employs collaborative writing technique which has four phases:

planning, drafting, revising, and final-drafting phase.

2.4 Research Hypothesis

According to the literature review and the conceptual framework, the use

of collaborative writing will improve the students’ writing skills on recount texts.

Thus, to find out whether Collaborative Writing can improve students’ ability in

writing or not, the researcher formulates hypothesis as follows:

“The use of Collaborative Writing to improve the writing skill of the eighth grade

students of MTs DDI Siapo Tolitoli.”




3.1 Research Design

The researcher employed a quasi experimental research design, especially

non-equivalent control group design. The design of this research was adopted

from Ary, Jacob, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2010) which can be seen below:

Table 3.1


Group Pretest Independent Variable Posttest

A Y1 X Y2

B Y1 - Y2

Where : A = experimental group

B = control group

Y1 = pretest

Y2 = posttest

X = treatment

- = no treatment

The research design above showed there were two sample groups

involved; they were the experimental and control groups. In this research, both

groups had a pretest and posttest, but only the experimental group applied

collaborative technique as the treatment for six meetings. In contrast, the student‘s

of control group was taught by using traditional teaching method called problem

based learning (PBL).


3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

Population is the most significant factor in conducting a research. The

population of this research was the eighth grade students of MTs DDI Siapo

consists of three parallel classes with the number of the population was 72

students. The Table 3.2 below showed the distribution of the population in this


Table 3.2

Population Distribution

Class Population




20 Students

23 Students

19 Students

Total 72 Students

3.2.2 Sample

It is necessary for the researcher to determine the research sampling in

order to limit the object of research. In this research, the researcher used purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique which the researcher

selects sampling based on the teacher recommendation that the students in those

classes had similar problems. Therefore, VIII B was out as the control group and

VIII A was out as the experimental group for being the sample of this research.

3.3 Research Variables

In this research, the variables were divided into the independent and

dependent variables. The independent variable was the use of collaborative


writing technique meanwhile the dependent variable was the eighth grade

students’ writing skill.

3.4 Research Instrument

In conducting this research, the researcher used the writing test as the

research instrument. The test included the pretest and the posttest. The pretest was

conducted in the first meeting before applying the treatment. Then, the posttest

was conducted after the treatment or the last meeting to both groups in order to

discover the significant difference after the use of collaborative technique.

3.5 Techniques of Data Collection

3.5.1 Test

There were two kinds of test; the pretest and the posttest. The pretest was

given before the treatment and the posttest was given after the treatment. The

researcher used these tests to measure the students’ ability in writing recount

paragraph and to see whether the students’ skill has improved through

collaborative technique or not. Pretest

The pretest was applied before treatment in order to know the student's

ability in writing. It can be a guide for the researcher to know the student’s ability

in writing. Posttest

The posttest was used after applying the treatment. The purpose of posttest

was to know the students’ ability in writing after giving the treatment and also to


know the significant difference between the student’s ability in writing before and

after doing the treatments and to find out whether the technique will be successful

or not.

Table 3.3

The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)


3.6 Treatment

In conducting the research, collaborative writing technique applied in

teaching writing skill. Before giving the treatment, students must have done the

pre-test. The treatment gave to the experimental group. In this case, the researcher

used collaborative writing technique in teaching writing for eight meetings. Six

meetings for treatment, first meeting for pre-test, and the last one meeting for

post-test. So, the meeting was conducted in eight meetings including pre-test and

post-test. The procedure of this treatment can be seen as follows:

Table 3.4

Teaching Outline

Meeting Topic Activities

The teacher Students

1 When I was


- The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher introduces a model of recount texts to students and the topic of the text.

- The teacher showed recount texts to the students and asked them to read.

- The students read the


- The teacher asked the students to analyze the features of the text.

- Altogether with their friends, the students do the exercise.

- The teacher tells the students the common features and the generic structure of the texts.

- The students may deliver questions relate to the materials given.

- The teacher forms students’ groups by divides them into 3-4 students in a group.

- The students work in groups.


- The teacher assigns primary writer for each group.

- The teacher asked the students to do a guide exercise.

- The students altogether with their friends, the students do the exercise.

- The teacher observed the students.

- The students do the planning, drafting, revising and final drafting

- The teacher discusses the answer with the students.

- The students altogether with their friends, the students do the exercise.

- The teacher asked students to arrange jumbled sentences into good orders.

- The students do the exercise in group.

- The teacher asked the students to identify jumbled paragraph into good orders.

2 Holiday - The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and

repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher explains a recount text based on the input text.

- The teacher showed recount texts to the students and asked them to read.

- The students read the


- The teacher asked the students to identify the generic structure and language features use in the recount text.

- The students with the The teacher , the students try to answer the question.

- The teacher asked the students to make a group.

- The students arrange their seat based on their previous group.

- The teacher gave - The students do the


students a task on a worksheet.

task in group.

- The teacher observed the students.

- The students do the planning, drafting, revising and final drafting

- The teacher asked the students whether they find difficulties or not.

- The teacher altogether with the students discuss the answers.

- The students discuss the answers with the The teacher .

- The teacher gave students a task to write a recount text in groups.

- The students brainstorm their ideas with their own group

- Students write their draft.

- The teacher exchanges students’ writing.

- The students correct other group’s writing.

- The students submit other groups’ results and revise their own work in group.

3 A Time I

was Scared

- The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and

repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher showed a previous recount text to the students as the input text.

- The teacher explains a recount text based on the input text.

- The students read the text.

- The teacher asked the students to identify the generic structure, language features and mistakes if there are mistakes on the text.

- The students with the the teacher , the students try to answer the question.

- The teacher asked the students to make a group.

- The students arrange their seat based on their previous group.

- The teacher gave back students’

- The students submit


writing other group’s writing.

- The teacher asked the students to writing their final draft.

- The students re-write and revise their group writing.

- The teacher observes and taking notes on the activities done by the students.

- The students discuss the final draft on their writing.

- The teacher asked students to make a text based on their experience.

- The students write a recount text individually.

- The teacher gave time to students to write the text.

- The teacher asked the students to submit their work when time is almost up.

- The students submit their work to the The teacher .

4 Boring - The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher showed a recount text to the students and asked them to read.

- The students read the text.

- The teacher asked the students to analyze the features of the text.

- The students with the The teacher , the students try to answer the question.

- The teacher with the students identifies the parts of recount text.

- The students may deliver questions related to the materials given.

- The teacher forms students’ groups by divides them into 3-4 students in a group.

- The students arrange their own group.

- The teacher attachs a paper in the board which contains a miss words recount text.

- The students prepare to start the game.

- The teacher provides the student some cards of word.

- The students pick the cards randomly


- The teacher asked the students to attach the correct cards on the blank space.

- The srudents discuss the answer with their group and attaching the card on the board.

- The teacher discusses the answers with the students.

- The students may deliver question related to the answer.

- The teacher gave a worksheet to each group. The exercise on the worksheet is about finding the mistakes on the recount text and the students are asked to revise it into the correct one.

- The students work in groups.

- The teacher asked the students to do the guided exercise.

- The students with their friends, the students do the exercise.

- The teacher observed the students.

- The students do the planning, drafting, revising and final drafting

- The students find the correct mistakes on the worksheet and revise it with the right answers.

- The teacher discusses the answer with the students.

- The students answer the questions.

- The teacher asked students to write a text in group.

- The students write their draft of a recount text in group.

5 The Best

Day Ever

- The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and

repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher explains a recount text based on the input text.

- The teacher showed an example of a recount text to the students that

The students read the text.


still contain several mistakes.

- The teacher asked the students to identify the mistakes on the takes

The students with the The teacher , the students try to identify and correct the mistakes on the text.

- The teacher asked the students to make a group of two.

The students prepare themselves in pairs.

- The teacher gave students a task to do an exercise on the worksheet. The students are asked to find and correct the mistakes of a recount text given.

The students analyze the mistakes on a recount text.

The students revise the recount text with their peer.

- The teacher asked the students to make a group of two.

The students prepare themselves with pairs.

- The teacher gave students a task to write a recount text.

The students do a drafting process of a recount text.

The students can share their idea with peers when they do planning and drafting.

- The teacher asked the students to exchange their writing.

The students correct their peer’s writing.

- The teacher asked the students to get back their writing and do final-drafting based on the feedback given by their peer.

The students submit other groups’ results and revise their own writing.

- The teacher takes notes on students activity with their peer during the process


of collaborative writing.

6 An



- The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

- The students read and repeat the vocabularies

- The teacher asked students to make a text based on their experience.

- Each student writes a recount text.

- The teacher spreads the worksheets and gave time to students to write the text.

- The teacher aska the students to write a recount text with peer.

- Each student does planning, drafting, revising, and final- drafting.

- The teacher tells the students that the time is up.

- The students submit their writing.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data by using test, the researcher analyzed the result of

the test. To find out the difference score of students’ improvement in writing

recount text through collaborative writing technique compared without using

them. After collecting the data of pre-test and post-test from the experimental

group and control group, the researcher measured the score differences from pre-

test and post-test by the statistical calculation. To analyze student’s individual

score in pre-test and post-test of both groups, the researcher applied formula

recommended by Arikunto (2006:240) as follows:

Ʃ =𝑋

𝑁 𝑥 100


Ʃ : Individual Score


X : Obtained Score

N : Maximum Score

100: Constant Number

After that, the researcher computed the mean scores of pretest and posttest

based on formula proposed by Arikunto (2006:240):

𝑀 = ∑ 𝑥



𝑀 : Mean score ∑ 𝑥 : Sum of achieved value N : Total number of students

After analyzed the students’ individual score, the researcher computed the

sum of square deviation between the result of the experimental and control group

by using the formula proposed by Arikunto (2006:312) as follows:

a. The formula for experimental group:

∑x2 = ∑X2 – (∑X2)


b. The formula for control group:

∑y2 = ∑Y2 – (∑Y2)



∑x2 : a sum of square deviation of experimental group

∑y2 : a sum of square deviation of the control group

∑x : a sum of deviation of experimental group ∑y : a sum of deviation of control group

N : number of students

Then, to find out t-counted, the researcher used the formula by Arikunto

(2006:311) as follows:

𝑡 =𝑀𝑥 − 𝑀𝑦

√(Ʃ𝑋2 + Ʃ𝑌2

𝑁𝑥 + 𝑁𝑦 − 2) (

1𝑁𝑥 +



t : significant difference between experimental and control group

Mx : the mean deviation of experimental group

My : the mean deviation of control group

∑x2 : the sum of square deviation of experimental group

∑y2 : the sum of square deviation of control group


Nx : number of students in experimental group

Ny : number of students in control group

3.8 Testing Hypothesis

The researcher tested the hypothesis whether it was accepted or rejected in

order to prove whether the use of collaborative writing technique improve the

students in writing skill or not. If the t-counted is higher than t-table, it means that the

hypothesis is accepted or there was significant influence. In other words, the use

of collaborative writing technique was effective to improve students’ writing skill.

In contrast, if the t-counted is lower than t-table, the hypothesis was rejected or there is

no significant influence to the students’ achievement in writing skill.




4.1 The Result of Test

In these findings, the researcher presents the result of the research and the

analysis of the data. The research was conducted from January 12th until February

13th, 2021 at MTs DDI Siapo. The data was collected by the researcher using tests

as the main instruments of the research and the result is presented in the form of

numeric data. The result of this research was obtainined from a writing test. The

writing test was divided into pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given in the first

meeting and posttest was given in the last meeting into both classes (VIII A as an

experimental group and VIII B as a control group).

The pre-test was administered to measure the prior knowledge of the

students both on experimental and control groups, while the post-test was

administered after conducting treatment. The researcher gave treatment to the

experimental group using collaborative writing technique while the control group

using the school teacher’s strategy. The researcher conducted treatment twice a

week and each meeting had 40 minutes. The main reason to test the students is to

find out if there is an improvement of students’ writing skill to the eighth grade

students at MTs DDI Siapo.

4.1.1 The Result of Pre-test

The pre-test for the experimental and control group were given in the first

meeting before conducting the treatment. It was attended 20 and 23 students of


each group. Data were gathered through pre-test in both groups in order to collect

the students’ prior writing achievement before getting a sequence of treatment.

The pre-test was given to both experimental group (VIII A) and control group

(VIII B). The researcher administrated pre-test to the experimental group on

January 12th and control groups on January 14th, 2021. The result of pre-test of

both groups can be seen in table 4.1 and table 4.2.

Based on the table 4.1, it can be seen that the lowest score is 25 and the

highest score is 66.67. By the standard score is 65 only one student who almost

pass minimum score used at MTs DDI Siapo. In addition, after analyzing the

students’ individual score, the researcher continued to count the mean score of

experimental group by adding the standard score and dividing with the number of

the students by using the formula proposed by Arikunto (2006:240) which can be

seen as follows:

M = ∑X



M = the mean score

∑X = sum of the score N = number of the students

M = ∑X


M = 816.67


M = 40.83


Table 4.1

The Result of Students’ Pre-test of Experimental Group

No. Initial

Score Obtained

Score (X)






(Σ) Mechanics Vocabulary Organization


1 ZR 2 1 2 1 6 12 50.00

2 RA 2 2 2 1 7 12 58.33

3 H 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

4 AZ 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

5 LN 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

6 AR 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

7 MS 1 1 1 0 3 12 25.00

8 F 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

9 R 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

10 A 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

11 ZR 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

12 IAF 2 2 1 1 6 12 50.00

13 NZ 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

14 GD 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

15 NA 2 2 1 1 6 12 50.00

16 FP 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

17 NA 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

18 MF 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

19 AM 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

20 FA 1 1 1 0 3 12 25.00

Total 32 23 21 18


Mean Score


From the data above, it can be seen that the mean score of the

experimental group’ on pre-test is 40.83. Most of the students were not able to

complete the answer because they did not express their idea and their still got

confused on how to write their text. Furthermore, the researcher not only analyzed

the pre-test result of the experimental group, but also the pre-test result of control


group. The researcher provides the pre-test result table of the control group as in

table 4.2:

Table 4.2

The Result of Students’ Pre-test in Control Group

No. Initial

Score Obtained








(Σ) Mechanics Vocabulary Organization


1 HR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

2 AZ 2 3 3 2 10 12 83.33

3 MR 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

4 RR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

5 SN 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

6 YD 2 1 1 1 5 12 41.67

7 SF 3 3 2 1 9 12 75.00

8 NFA 2 2 1 1 6 12 50.00

9 PA 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

10 F 1 2 2 1 5 12 41.67

11 NR 2 1 2 1 6 12 50.00

12 GP 0 2 2 2 6 12 50.00

13 S 2 3 3 0 8 12 66.67

14 T 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

15 NW 2 3 2 3 10 12 83.33

16 D 1 2 3 2 8 12 66.67

17 YS 2 1 2 1 6 12 50.00

18 M 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

19 SS 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

20 R 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

21 IK 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

22 AR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

23 NR 2 2 2 1 7 12 58.33

Total 38 41 44 32


Mean Score



The table shows that the sum of the pre-test of the control group is

1283.33. The lowest score for control group is 33.33, whereas the highest score is

83.33. After computing the students’ on pre-test, the researcher calculated the

students’ mean score on pre-test in control group by adding the standard score and

dividing with the number of the students which can be seen as follows:

M = ∑X


M = 1283.33


M = 55.80

So, the mean score of the control group on pre-test is 55.80. Based on the

calculation both pre-test results the researcher can concluded that the students’

ability of the control group was higher than the experimental group. It means that

the average of the students’ learning achievement was poor.

4.1.2 The Result of Post-test

After applying the treatment, the researcher gave post-test to both

experimental and control group. The researcher conducted the post-test to control

group on February 11th, 2021 to the experimental group on February 13th, 2021.

The test was conducted in order to measure the students’ achievement in writing.

Moreover, the researcher needs to see whether the treatment that has been applied

to the students is effective or not. The result of both groups is presented in Table



Table 4.3

The Result of Students’ Post-test in Experimental Group

No. Initial

Score Obtained

Score (X)






(Σ) Mechanics Vocabulary Organization


1 ZR 2 3 3 2 10 12 83.33

2 RA 2 3 3 3 12 12 91.67

3 H 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

4 AZ 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

5 LN 2 3 3 3 11 12 91.67

6 AR 2 3 3 2 9 12 75.00

7 MS 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

8 F 2 3 3 3 11 12 91.67

9 R 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

10 A 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

11 ZR 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

12 IAF 2 3 3 3 11 12 91.67

13 NZ 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

14 GD 2 3 3 3 11 12 91.67

15 NA 2 3 3 3 11 12 91.67

16 FP 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

17 NA 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

18 MF 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

19 AM 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

20 FA 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

Total 40 45 50 44 1550.00

Mean Score 77.50

The post-test result of experimental group shows in table above indicated

that the higher score is 91.67 and the lowest score is 66.67. The total score of the

students is 1550.00. By looking at the table, all students pass the school minimum

score which is 65. After computing the students’ on post-test, the researcher


calculated the students’ mean score on post-test in experimental group by adding

the standard score and dividing with the number of the students by using formula

proposed by Arikunto (2006) which can be seen as follows:

M = ∑X


M = 1550.00


M = 77.50

After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the mean score of

experimental group is 77.50. It means that there was a significant progress of

mean score of the experimental group from (55.80) in the pre-test to (77.50) in the

post-test. Moreover, in order to find out the post-test result of the control group,

the researcher provided them in the Table 4.4.

The table 4.4 shows that the sum of the post-test scores of the control

group is 1358.33. The lowest score of post-test in control group is 33.33, whereas

the highest score is 83.33. The total number of students who passes the test is only

twelve students. After obtaining the students’ individual score, the researcher

analyzed the mean score of post-test in control group by using formula as follows

(Arikunto 2006):

M = ∑X


M = 1358.33


M = 59.06

From the counted data above, it showed that the post-test mean score of

experimental and control group was different. The mean score of the experimental

group is 77.50 while the control group is 59.06. It proved that the progress of


students’ achievement in experimental group after getting the treatment was


Table 4.4

The Result of Students’ Post-test in Control Group

No. Initial

Score Obtained

Score (X)





Score (Σ) Mechanics

Vocabulary Organization I II

1 HR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

2 AZ 2 3 3 2 10 12 83.33

3 MR 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

4 RR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

5 SN 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

6 YD 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

7 SF 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

8 NFA 1 2 2 1 6 12 50.00

9 PA 2 2 3 2 9 12 75.00

10 F 1 2 2 1 6 12 50.00

11 NR 1 2 3 1 7 12 58.33

12 GP 1 2 3 1 7 12 58.33

13 S 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

14 T 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

15 NW 2 2 3 2 10 12 83.33

16 D 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

17 YS 2 1 2 2 7 12 58.33

18 M 1 2 2 1 6 12 50.00

19 SS 1 1 1 1 4 12 33.33

20 R 1 2 2 1 6 12 50.00

21 IK 1 1 2 1 5 12 41.67

22 AR 2 2 2 1 8 12 66.67

23 NR 2 2 2 2 8 12 66.67

Total 35 41 51 34 1358.33

Mean Score 59.06


4.1.3 Deviation and Square Deviation

Having computed and analyzed the means score of the students’ writing

achievement in pretest and posttest from experimental and control group, the

researcher continued to count the mean deviation and square deviation of both the

experimental and control groups. The deviation of pretest and posttest of each

group is presented in the following table. The researcher conducted the deviation

and square deviation of the students’ scores in the post-test (both in experimental

and control group groups) after calculating the mean score. The result is presented

in the Table 4.5.

As written on the 4.5 table, the total score of the experimental group on the

pre-test is 816.7, while the total score they gained on the post-test is 1550.04. In

addition, to get the deviation scores, the researcher subtract the students’ scores on

the post-test from the students’ scores on the pre-test. Further, the researcher

computed square the deviation score of each student in order to get the square-

deviation. Thus, the researcher compute the mean deviation of pre-test and post-

test in experimental group by using the formula proposed by Arikunto (2006):





Mx = 36.67


Therefore, by dividing the total deviation by the number of the students of

the experimental group, it can be found out that the mean score of deviation of the

experimental group is 36.67.

Table 4.5

The Result of Score Deviation of Experimental Group

No. Students’


Students’ Standard

Scores Deviation



Pre-Test Post-Test (x2 – x1) (x2 – x1)2

(x1) (x2)

1 ZR 50 83.33 33.33 1110.89

2 RA 58.33 91.67 33.34 1111.56

3 H 33.33 66.67 33.34 1111.56

4 AZ 41.67 75 33.33 1110.89

5 LN 41.67 91.67 50 2500.00

6 AR 41.67 75 33.33 1110.89

7 MS 25 66.67 41.67 1736.39

8 F 41.67 91.67 50 2500.00

9 R 33.33 66.67 33.34 1111.56

10 A 33.33 75 41.67 1736.39

11 ZR 41.67 75 33.33 1110.89

12 IAF 50 91.67 41.67 1736.39

13 NZ 33.33 66.67 33.34 1111.56

14 GD 50 91.67 41.67 1736.39

15 NA 41.67 91.67 50 2500.00

16 FP 41.67 75 33.33 1110.89

17 NA 33.33 66.67 33.34 1111.56

18 MF 66.67 75 8.33 69.39

19 AM 33.33 66.67 33.34 1111.56

20 FA 25 66.67 41.67 1736.39

Total 816.7 1550.04 733.4 28475.11

Mean 40.83 77.502 36.67 1423.76

In order to find out the deviation of the control group, the researcher continues

calculating the students' score as presented in the table 4.6:


Table 4.6

The Result of Score Deviation of Control Group

No. Students’


Students’ Standard Scores Deviation

(x2 – x1)



(x2 – x1)2





1 HR 66.67 66.67 0 0

2 AZ 83.33 83.33 0 0

3 MR 41.67 41.67 0 0

4 RR 66.67 66.67 0 0

5 SN 66.67 66.67 0 0

6 YD 41.67 41.67 0 0

7 SF 75 75 0 0

8 NFA 50 50 0 0

9 PA 66.67 75 8.33 69.3889

10 F 41.67 58.33 16.66 69.3889

11 NR 50 58.33 8.33 69.3889

12 GP 50 58.33 8.33 69.3889

13 S 66.67 66.67 0 0

14 T 41.67 41.67 0 0

15 NW 83.33 83.33 0 0

16 D 66.67 66.67 0 0

17 YS 50 58.33 8.33 69.3889

18 M 41.67 50 8.33 69.3889

19 SS 33.33 33.33 0 0

20 R 41.67 50 8.33 69.3889

21 IK 33.33 41.67 8.34 69.5556

22 AR 66.67 66.67 0 0

23 NR 58.33 66.67 8.34 69.5556

Total 1283.36 1358.35 74.99 624.8335

Mean 55.7983 59.0587 3.26 27.17

From the above table, it can be seen that the students’ total score of the

control group on the pre-test is 1283.36 while students’ total score on the post-test

is 1358.35. After computing the deviation scores of the control group, the score

analysis is continued to calculate the mean score deviation. The researcher used


the same formula as what was used to calculate the previous mean score

deviation. The researcher then provides the calculation as follows:





My= 3.26

By looking at the result of the calculation above, it can be obviously seen

that the mean score deviation of the control group is 3.26. Moreover, before

analyzing the data by using t-test formula, the researcher afterward continues the

calculation by computing the sum square deviation of both control and

experimental groups. Below is the calculation of the sum of square deviation of

the experimental group by using the formula proposed by Arikunto (2006:312) as


Σx2 = ΣX2 −(ΣX)2


Σx2 = 28475.11 −(733.4)2


Σx2 = 28475.11 − 537.875.56


Σx2 = 28475.11 − 26.893.77

Σx2 = 1581.34

Further, by applying the same formula as used in calculating the sum

square of deviation of the control class, the researcher also provides the sum of

square deviation of the control group by using the formula proposed by Arikunto



Σy2 = ΣY2 −(ΣY)2


Σy2 = 624.83 − (74.99)2


Σy2 = 624.83 − 5.623.50


Σy2 = 624.83 − 244.50

Σy2 = 380.33

Therefore, the sum of square deviations of experimental and control group

from those calculation is 1581.34 and 380.33. Further, to find out whether there

is significant effect of the treatment that is collaborative writing technique for the

experimental group in improving writing skill or not, the researcher applies t-test

formula. The formula used is the formula proposed by Arikunto (2006:311) stated

in the previous chapter. The researcher then presents the calculation below:

𝑡 =𝑀𝑥 − 𝑀𝑦

√(∑𝑥2 + ∑𝑦2

𝑁𝑥 + 𝑁𝑦 − 2) (




𝑡 =37.09 − 3.26

√(28475.11 + 624.8335

20 + 23 − 2 ) (1

20 + 1


𝑡 =33.83


43 − 2 ) (0.05 + 0.04)

𝑡 =33.83


41 ) (0.09)

𝑡 =33.83

√(709.75) × (0.09)


𝑡 =33.83


𝑡 =33.83


𝑡 = 7.99

4.2 Testing Hypothesis

The purpose of testing hypothesis is to get the result whether the

hypothesis of the research is accepted or rejected. Thus the research did it based

on the data analysis. Testing hypothesis itself is supported by criteria below:

1. The hypothesis of the research is accepted if the value of the t- counted is

higher than the t- table.

2. The hypothesis of the research is rejected if the value of the t- counted is

lower than the t- table.

In order to attain t-table value and to find out the significance difference

between the value of t-counted and t-table, the researcher applied interpolation formula

to count the degree of freedom of the t-table by applying (df) = Nx + Ny – 2 = 20 +

23 – 2 = 41 with one tailed significant level 0.05.

Experimental class (Nx) = 20

Control class (Ny) = 23

Degree of freedom = Nx + Ny – 2

= 20 + 23 – 2

= 41 (between 40 – 50)


Since the value of df (41) with the level of significance (0.05) cannot be found in

the t-table list of critical values of students distribution, the researcher applied the

formula that suggested by Gujarati (2003:809) in order to achieve the value of t-

table as follows:


𝑏 X 𝑐


α = The subtraction of the degree of freedom obtained from the student’s number

in sample, and the degree of freedom whole figure proceeds right before the

degree of freedom is obtained on table of critical values of student’s distribution.

𝑏 = The subtraction of two degree of freedom whose figure precedes and come

after the degree of freedom on the table of critical values of the student’s


𝑐 = The values subtraction of the degree of freedom in b

Level of Siginificance = 0.05

df (40) = 1.684

df (60) = 1.671

α = 41 – 40 = 1

b = 60 – 40 = 20

c = 1.684 – 1.671 = 0.013

The t-table=α

𝑏𝑥 𝑐

= 1

20 X 0.013

= 0.00065


df (41) = 1.684 – 0.00065

t-table= 1.68


Since the value of df (41) with the 0.05 level of significance is listed on

the t-table, the researcher directly applied it into this research. Where the value of

df (41) is 1.68. Hence, by looking at the value, the researcher affirms that the

research hypothesis is accepted for the reason that the t-counted (7.99) was higher

than the t-table (1.68). In other words, collaborative writing technique effective in

teaching writing skill to the eighth grade students of MTs DDI Siapo. Based on

that analysis, it was concluded that the researcher hypothesis was accepted. In

conclusion, the use of collaborative writing technique can improve students’

writing skill.

4.3 Discussion

In this part, the researcher discusses about the findings of the research.

After conducting the treatment to the students for eight meetings, the researcher

administered the post-test to the students of the experimental and control groups.

The result showed that collaborative writing technique improved the eighth grade

students’ writing skill. The improvement could be seen from the deviation

between the pre-test and the post-test.

The students’ scores of both groups have increased on the post-test.

Assuming the students’ scores of the experimental group rocketed from 40.83 on

the pre-test to 77.50 on the post-test. This proved that there was a significant


difference between the students’ score on the pre-test and the post-test of the

experimental group. Meanwhile, the students’ scores of the control group

improved from 55.80 to 59.42, which was lower than the result of the

experimental group.

There was only one student of the experimental group (5%) who could

meet the minimum passing grade of 65 on the pre-test. Whereas, there were ten

students of the control group (43%) who met the criterion. Thus, students’ writing

skill of the control group is better than of the experimental group. In other words,

students’ writing skill of both groups on the pre-test was different.

As mentioned in the scope of this research, there were three components

of writing assessed. There were vocabulary, mechanics and organization. In

vocabulary on experimental group shows that students score increased to 35%.

This can be seen from score that the students got 50% on pre-test. While on post-

test the numbers increase to 85%. It is indicates that the improvement in

vocabulary is significant.

By seeing the data, in mechanics consist of spelling and punctuation on

experimental group shows that students’ score increased to 37.5%. This can be

seen from score that the students got 36.25% on pre-test. While on post-test the

number increases to 73.75%. This indicates that the improvement in mechanics is


Moreover, in organization on experimental group shows that students

score increased to 37.5%. This can be seen from score the students got 36.25% on


pre-test. While on post-test the numbers increase to 73.75%. This indicates that

the improvement in organization is significant.

However, after receiving treatment for eight meetings, the students’

writing skill of the experimental group increased. All students met the criterion

(100%). Meanwhile, the students’ writing skill of the control group was slightly

improved, from 43% to 47%. Therefore, the treatment given brings positive

impact on students’ writing skill of the experimental group.

As mentioned in the scope of this research, there were three components

of writing assessed: vocabulary, mechanics and organization. The result showed

that the students’ ability of the experimental group in the three components got

increased on the post-test. Their vocabulary mastery was increased by 85%.

Mechanics of writing and organization of ideas rose by 73.75%.

The researcher used collaborative writing technique to help students to

improve student ability in writing. In applying this technique, the teacher asked

several questions related to the topic. During the treatment, the researcher found

that the teaching and learning process by using collaborative writing technique is

better. The students can improve their ability in writing, pricesely in idea

organization, vocabulary and mechanics. The students can organize their ideas

correctly. The researcher attracted the students’ prior knowledge which is

important for understanding by introducing the topic that is going to be taught.

This part is named brainstorming, where the students can activate their brain.

Collaborative writing technique gives them opportunity to do brainstorming with

their friend, so they can share their thoughts to each other and feel more enjoy in


expressed their ideas without any hesitation and pressure. Since their work in

groups, they get easily to divide their tasks, there would be the one who do

drafting, revising, and editing the text, but they still worked it together by sharing

their ideas. The researcher also showed some examples of recount text, and also

explained the generic structure, language feature, and what kind of tenses that

would be used in recount text. The students show greater improvement in

vocabulary, some of the students could use appropriate words when they wrote

sentences. The students also show greater improvement in mechanics. By putting

the students into the groups, the teacher gave exercise and asked them to do the

task together. They completed the task, the teacher asked the students to have a

look at some mistakes in mechanics. Then, the teacher checked the students’ draft,

and gave correction to the students’ essay. The students would be able to check

their own mistakes from the exercise and then on the next meeting they would not

make the same mistakes anymore. From students’ progress, the researcher know

that this technique is useful. This research has gave a positive contribute in

education side because the researcher had already proven that the use of

collaborative writing technique can improve the writing ability’s of the eighth

grade students of MTs DDI Siapo Tolitoli. In conclusion, it can be stated that the

hypothesis of this research is accepted.




5.1 Conclusion

Considering to the results of data analysis, the researcher draws a

conclusion as follows. The researcher summarizes that by using collaborative

writing technique can improve writing skill of the eighth grade students of MTs

DDI Siapo. Specifically in the several elements of writing, they are organization,

vocabulary, and mechanics. It was supported by the students’ score between the

mean score of posttest in experimental group (70.50) is greater than the mean

score of posttest in control group (59.06). It also was proved by the value of t-

counted (7.99) is higher than the value of t-table (1.68). Therefore, it can be stated

that the hypothesis of this research is accepted. It indicated that the students ‘score

of the experimental group after the treatment is rather than the students’ score of

the control group. Conclusively, by implementing collaborative writing technique

in teaching and learning process, the problem in writing faced by the students can

be solved.

5.2 Suggestion

In order to improve the students’ ability in English writing, the researcher

would like to recommend the English teacher, so that they use collaborative

writing as one of the good technique when they want to teach about writing. This

is because the technique can help the students who still have problems in


expressing their ideas in written form to write with well-organized sentences in

recount text.

Actually, there is no perfect technique or strategy in teaching learning

process, it depend on the students’, because the ability of each students are

different. The students have different way to understand material. For that reason,

the teacher should help the students by giving more exercises about the use of

simple past tense. Moreover, the teacher in every meeting has to improve the skill

in teaching for the students’ enhancement.

Based on experience during implement collaborative writing as a

technique, the researcher suggest for the further researcher to find out the

implementing of collaborative writing technique in other skills such as reading,

speaking and listening. Other researchers also can try to find out other types of

texts besides recount text, for example: narrative text, procedure text and

descriptive text.



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Name :

Class :

1. Please write down at least 8 recount text about “My Holiday”!















Name :

Class :

1. Please write down recount text consisting at least 3 paragraph about the

best day ever!
















School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Material : Introduce Recount Text

Time Allocation : 2 x40 minutes (Meeting 1)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial

tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan

teks personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

tanda bacadan ejaan dalam

teks personal recount

3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok

dan penjelas teks personal


4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat sederhana,

terkait pengalaman pribadi

waktu lampau (personal Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang Menyempurnakan

penggunaan tanda baca dan



4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks.

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal

recount) Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, questioners and student groups can

compare, identifying and finding meaning of personal texts intertwined social

functions, structures text correctly and context.

E. Explanation

A recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order

in which they occurred.

a. Generic structures:

Orientation: Information about what, who, where, or when

written in a text.

Events: Events that happened in the past. They are conveyed

in a sequential pattern.

Re-Orientation: a conclusion on the events.

b. Social function:

to give the audience a description of what occurred and

when it occurred.

to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

Look at the examples.


First Day of School

I still remember my first day at school; when I was 6 years old kid I

felt very excited to go to school, but when I entered the classroom I became

scared and frightened. Everything was new to me, the school,the teacher, the

books, and even the classmates. (Orientation)

Today I was my first away from home. My mom walked me in. She

talked to me and told me she would be back home. I started crying. She left

me with my teacher. As soon as she did, I ran as fast as I could outside. My

teacher was right behind me. My mom left, though. My teacher picked me

upand took me back in. I cried most of the day. (Events)

My teacher finally got me to stop and some other kids who liked to

play with me and we became good friends. (Re-Orientation)

F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative Writing technique

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : Power point presentation

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source : Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” SMP/MTS Kelas

VIII, Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.


H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

The students read and repeat

the vocabularies

Checking the students’ attendance

Pay attention

Asking questions related to the materials.

Answer teacher’s question

Main Introducing a model of

recount texts to students and the topic of the text.


Showing recount texts to

the students and asking

them to read.

The students read the text.

Asking the students to

analyze the features of the


Altogether with the teacher,

the students try to answer

the question.

Telling the students the

common features and the

generic structure of the texts.

The students may deliver

questions related to the

materials given.

Forming students’ groups

by dividing them into 3-4

students in a group.

The students work in


Assigning primary writer

for each group.

Asking the students to do

a guided exercise.

Altogether with their

friends, the students do the


The teacher observed the students.

The students do the planning, drafting, revising and final drafting

Discussing the answer with the students.

The students answer the


Asking students to arrange jumbled

sentences into good


Students do the exercise in group.

Asking the students to identify jumbled


paragraph into good

orders. Closing Checking for the students’

understanding. The students are expected to ask to the teacher.


Altogether with the students concluding the topic


The students are expected to conclude the materials.

(Altogether with the


Leading the prayer and saying goodbye

Students say a prayer and say goodbye.

I. Assessment

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3. A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals. After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night. Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go off the rope, but he was ok. During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed. When we returned home we were very tired but happy. It was because we had so much fun activities at many places at the zoo.

1. What happened to the writer's dad when he rode an elephant? A. He felt a thrill B. He felt fun C. He fell off D. He failed

2. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo? A. They had to visit many places in the zoo


B. They took a long time to reach the zoo area C. They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo

3. ... our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, we were still happy. A. Since B. Because C. Although D. Nevertheless

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 7. Last weekend, I visited my pen pal's house. His Name is Anto. There were many activities I did there. In the morning, Anto and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very much. After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and beautiful. There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds. After visiting the bird cage, Anto and I went to the flower garden not far from his house. We took a rest and had lunch under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Anto.

4. The text above tells us about .... A. A holiday at a friend's place B. A picture of bird C. A big bird cage D. A big garden

5. What is the last paragraph about? A. Anto had butterflies as his pet


B. The writer's friend is a good swimmer C. There are a lot of flowers in Anto's house D. The writer had a good time with his friend

6. Where did the writer spend his afternoon? A. Under a tree B. Inside big bird cage C. In the flower garden D. In the swimming pool

7. From the text, we know that the writer .... A. Had gone and visited many places during his holiday B. Lived in the same village with his pen pal, Anto C. Liked butterflies and swimming very much D. Spent his holiday at friend's house

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school. Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic. When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.

8. Who took Mrs. Damiri to the clinic? A. Her son B. Her husband


C. Her neighbour D. Her children

9. The main idea of the second paragraph is …. A. Mrs. Damiri got accident B. Mr. Damiri was proud of his son C. Yusuf asked his neighbour to help D. Mr. Damiri and his other children had gone

10. How did the neighbour help Mrs. Damiri? A. He called Mrs. Damiri’s husband and ran to the kitchen B. He called the fireman and put out the fire C. He put out the fire and took Mrs. Damiri ot the clinic D. He called the fireman and advised Mrs. Damiri to stay calm

J. Answer Key

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. C

10. C

K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing Score Explanation



1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

M. The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031


School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris


Class/Semester : VIII/2

Material : Declarative and interrogative sentence in the

simple present tense

Time Allocation : 2x40 minutes (Meeting 2)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial

tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan

teks personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

tanda bacadan ejaan dalam

teks personal recount

3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok

dan penjelas teks personal


4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat sederhana,

terkait pengalaman pribadi

waktu lampau (personal

recount) Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang Menyempurnakan

penggunaan tanda baca dan

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal



4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks. Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, questioners and student groups can

determine and complete the text of recount personal on the language features

and contexts.

E. Explanation

The use of language features.

Simple Past Tense : Positive: S + V2

Negative: S + did not + V1

Interrogative: Did + S + V1

My Holiday in Yogyakarta

My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last

month. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my

sister’s gradution ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night.

We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes

away by foot to Malioboro street.

In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from

Semarang to Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home to recharge our

energy. I walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how

it is like to be in Yogyakarta. There were too many house, I think, which

made the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road

was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through.

On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so

many merchant with various of product which they claim to be a traditional

product of Yogyakarta. We also took some picture of the building so we can

check it again at home. We found some place providing Yogya traditional

food around the building and we jumped in right away.We realized that

Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason

why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

Sentence Example:


1. My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last


2. There were too many houses.

Practice Assignment:

A. Find and change the wrong verbs on the text

The Earthquake It is last month that the earthquake happened. I am on my

car. I was going home from my vacation in Bali. Suddenly my car move to the left and right. I do not know

that it was an earthquake. I know it was an earthquake when I see some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground. Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There are rocks everywhere. There was nothing I can do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.

Finally, when I reach my town, I am so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake make a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.

F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative Writing technique

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : Power point presentation, worksheet

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source :

H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

The students read and repeat

the vocabularies

Checking the students’ Pay attention


attendance. Asking questions related to the previous materials.

Answer teacher’s question

Main Explaining a recount text

based on the input text.

The students read the text. 60

Showing recount texts to the

students and asking them to


Altogether with the teacher,

the students try to answer

the question.

Asking the students to

identify the generic structure and language

features used in the recount


The students read the text.

Asking the students to make

a group.

The students arrange their

seat based on their previous group.

Giving students a task on a


The students do the task in


Asking the students whether

they find difficulties or not.

Altogether with the students discussing the answers.

Discussing the answers with the teacher.

Giving students a task to

write a recount text in


The students brainstorm

their ideas with their own


The teacher observed the students.

The students do the planning, drafting, revising and final drafting

Students write their draft.

Exchanging students’


The students correct other

group’s writing.

The students submit other

groups’ results and revise

their own work in group. Closing Checking for the students’


The students are expected

to ask to the teacher.


Altogether with the students

concluding the topic


The students are expected

to conclude the materials.

(Altogether with the


Leading the prayer and

saying goodbye

Students say a prayer and

say goodbye.


I. Assessment

A. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative


1. (+) They played football last month.

(-) ………………………………………

(?) ……………………………………….

2. (+) Father brought some cakes last night.

(-) ………………………………………

(?) ……………………………………….

3. (+) He wrote a letter yesterday.

(-) ………………………………………

(?) ……………………………………….

4. (+) Shifa cleaned the blackboard.

(-) ………………………………………

(?) ……………………………………….

5. (+) We bought a magazine in the bookshop.

(-) ………………………………………

(?) ……………………………………….

B. Fill in the blanks !

1. She (meet) ………her uncle last night.

2. We (do) ………the text yesterday.

3. You did not (bring) ……… the dictionary.

4. Did you father (drink)………. The coffee yesterday ?

5. They (play) ……… the game last night.

6. He (give)…….. me an orange last night.

7. I (go) ………. to Palu last month.

8. She (sing)……… a song yesterday morning.

9. Mother (make) …….. a rainbow cake last week.

10. Dita (wash)…… her shoes yesterday morning.

J. Answer Key

Practice Assignment

Find and change the wrong verbs on the text

1. Was

2. Was

3. Moved

4. Did

5. Knew

6. Saw


7. Were

8. Could

9. Reached

10. Was

11. Made


A. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative


1. (-) They did not play football last month.

(?) Did they play football last month ?

2. (-) Father did not bring some cakes yesterday.

(?) Did father bring some cakes yesterday ?

3. (-) He did not write a letter yesterday

(?) Did he write a letter yesterday ?

4. (-) Shifa did not clean the blackboard.

(?) Did Shifa clean the blackboard ?

5. (-) We did not bu magazine in the bookshop.

(?) Did we buy a magazine in the bookshop ?

B. Fill in the blanks !

1. met

2. did

3. bring

4. drink

5. played

6. gave

7. went

8. sang

9. made

10. washed


K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031



School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : VIII/1

Material : Adverb, prepositional phrases indicate time, and

conjunctive adverb time

Time Allocation : 2x40 minuutes(Meeting 3)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial

tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan

teks personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

tanda bacadan ejaan dalam

teks personal recount

3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok

dan penjelas teks personal


4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang


kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat sederhana,

terkait pengalaman pribadi

waktu lampau (personal


4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks. Menyempurnakan

penggunaan tanda baca dan

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal

recount) Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, questioners and student groups can

determine and complete the text of personal texts on the language features

and contexts.

E. Expalanation

Adverb, prepositional phrases indicate time

- Yesterday / yesterday morning/afternoon/evening.

- Last … Sunday/week/month/year

- a/an/one … ago (singular)/ ago (plural)

- past date/month/year/event

- always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, never, once, twice and

adverb of frequency.

Conjunctive adverb time

- first

- then

- after that

- before

- next

- afterward

- at the same time

- meanwhile

- at last

- finally


F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative Writing technique

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : Power point presentation

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source :

H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The students read and repeat the vocabularies

The teacher write 10

vocabularies in whiteboard

Checking the students’ attendance.

Pay attention

Asking questions related to the previous materials.

Answer teacher’s question

Main Showing a previous recount

text to the students as the

input text.


Explaining a recount text

based on the input text.

The students read the text.

Asking the students to

identify the generic structure, language features

and mistakes if there are

mistakes on the text.

Together with the teacher,

the students try to answer

the question.

Asking the students to make

a group.

The students arrange their

seat based on their previous group.

Giving back students’


The students submit other

group’s writing.

Asking the students to

writing their final draft.

The students re-write and

revise their group writing.

Discussing the final draft on their writing.

Asking students to make

a text based on their


Students write a recount

text individually.

Giving time to students


to write the text.

Asking the students to

submit their work when

time is almost up.

Students submit their work

to the teacher.

Closing Checking for the students’


The students are expected

to ask to the teacher.


Together with the students

concluding the topic


The students are expected

to conclude the materials.

(Together with the


Leading the prayer and

saying goodbye

Students say a prayer and

say goodbye.

I. Assessment

A. Choose the correct answers.

1. …. 1945 Indonesia freedom.

a. ago

b. last

c. In the

d. Finally

2. My mother went to market….

a. today

b. Yesterday

c. Ago

d. In the

3. ….., Maria got excellent point

a. Finally

b. Yesterday

c. Ago

d. In the

4. She always come …

a. in the

b. late

c. yesterday

d. ago

5. My uncle give me some books … week.

a. yesterday

b. late

c. last

d. ago


B. Re-arrange the jumbled paragraph


- Finally we went back home.

- The dentist asked me to sit in his chair.

- Next, I got to the dentist with Mom.

- He looked in my mouth and said I was fine

- I could not go for my Holiday because I had toothache.

- First, I got in my Mom’s car

- I decided to go to the dentist.


- Finally I got on the Bus and went home

- Then, we drove about an hour on the highway

- Next, we arrived at the zoo.

- I wanted to see the monkey first.

- After looking at the monkeys, I saw a large python. It was cool.

J. Answer Key

A. Choose the correct answers.

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. C

B. Re-arrange the jumbled paragraph


1. I could not go for my Holiday because I had toothache.

2. I decided to go to the dentist

3. First, I got in my Mom’s car

4. Next, I got to the dentist with Mom

5. The dentist asked me to sit in his chair.

6. He looked in my mouth and said I was fine

7. Finally we went back home.


1. I wanted to see the monkey first.

2. After looking at the monkeys, I saw a large python. It was cool.

3. Then, we drove about an hour on the highway

4. Next, we arrived at the zoo.

5. Finally I got on the Bus and went home

K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031


School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Material : Punctuation and Speelling

Time Allocation : 2x40 minutes ( Meeting 4 )

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial

tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan teks

personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan tanda

bacadan ejaan dalam teks personal


3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok dan

penjelas teks personal recount

4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat sederhana, Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang Menyempurnakan

terkait pengalaman pribadi

waktu lampau (personal


4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks.

penggunaan tanda baca dan

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal

recount) Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, debriefing and discussion groups can

identify and refine the correct and appropriate use of the punctuation and

personal spellings of text and as in context.

E. Explanation

A good and clear grammar, pronunciation, word stress, intonation, spelling,

punctuation, and hand writing.

My Holiday in Yogyakarta

Last tuesday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of

activities from my senior high school to my home. I had no time to take a


First, at the morning, I went jogging. After that I went to school to

study until 3.00 pm. from my school , I went to sanggarian sport hall to

practice badminton until 8.00 pm. I practiced hard because that I felt very

tired. After that, I went home. But when I would sleep, I remembered there

was some home works that I had to do. I did my home works until 11.40 pm.

And finally I could take a rest in my bed.

Those activities made my day busy and I felt very tired.

F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative writing

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : Power point presentation, Paper board, flashcards, worksheets.

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source :

H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The students read and repeat the vocabularies

The teacher write 10

vocabularies in whiteboard

Checking the students’ attendance

Pay attention

Asking questions related to the materials.

Answer teacher’s question


Showing a recount text to

the students and asking them to read.

The students read the text. 60

Asking the students to

analyze the features of the


Together with the teacher,

the students try to answer

the question.

Together with the

students identifying the

parts of recount text.

The students may deliver

questions related to the

materials given.

Forming students’ groups

by dividing them into 3-4

students in a group.

The students arrange their

own group.

Attaching a paper in the

board which contains a missing words recount


The students prepare to

start the game.

Providing the student

some cards of word.

The students pick the cards


Asking the students to

attach the correct cards on

the blank space.

Discussing the answer

with their group and attaching the card on the


Discussing the answers

with the students.

The students may deliver

question related to the answer.

Giving a worksheet to

each group. The exercise on the worksheet is about

finding the mistakes on the

recount text and the students

are asked to revise it into the

correct one.

The students work in


Asking the students to do

the guided exercise.

Together with their

friends, the students do the


The students find the

correct mistakes on the worksheet and revise it

with the right answers.

Discussing the answer

with the students.

The students answer the

questions. Closing Checking for the students’


The students are expected

to ask to the teacher

related to the material



prepare for the next step on

collaborative writing

(revising and final drafting)

to conclude the materials.

(Together with the


Leading the prayer and

saying goodbye

Students say a prayer and

say goodbye.

I. Assessment

Fill the missing word ! My Holiday in Yogyakarta

my family and i went to my grandmother’s house in yogyakarta last

month. it was my first trip to this city. we went there two days after my

sister’s gradution ceremony in semarang. we arrived at yogyakarta at night.

we spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away

by foot to malioboro street.

in the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from

semarang to yogyakarta. so we decided to stay at home to recharge our

energy. i walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how

it is like to be in yogyakarta. there were too many house, i think, which made

the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road was also

small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through.

on the second day, all of us went to malioboro street. we saw so many

merchant with various of product which they claim to be a traditional product

of yogyakarta. we also took some picture of the building so we can check it

again at home. we found some place providing yogya traditional food around

the building and we jumped in right away.we realized that yogyakarta turned

out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason why we decided to

spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

J. Answer Key

My Holiday in Yogyakarta

My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last

month. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my

sister’s gradution ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night.

We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away

by foot to Malioboro street.

In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from

Semarang to Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home to recharge our

energy. I walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how

it is like to be in Yogyakarta. There were too many house, I think, which

made the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road

was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through.

On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so

many merchant with various of product which they claim to be a traditional

product of Yogyakarta. We also took some picture of the building so we can

check it again at home. We found some place providing Yogya traditional

food around the building and we jumped in right away.We realized that

Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason

why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for





Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.


Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031


School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : The Best Day Ever

Time Allocation : 2x40 minutes (Meeting 5)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial

tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan

teks personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

tanda bacadan ejaan dalam

teks personal recount

3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok

dan penjelas teks personal


4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat sederhana,

terkait pengalaman pribadi Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang Menyempurnakan

penggunaan tanda baca dan

waktu lampau (personal


4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks.

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal

recount) Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, debriefing and discussion groups can

identify point/clarity ideas, create and tell the correct personal text of

instruction and according to context.

E. Explanation

Social Function:

To report an event or activity that has finished in the past with purpose of

reporting or entertaining.

Structure of Text:

- Orientation (introduction: who, when, where, dll)

- Events (order of the event)

- Re-orientation (closing, summary of the event)

Language Feature:

- The use ofpast tense.

- The use of adverb of time: first, then, after that, before, when, at last,

finally, etc.

- A good and clear grammar, pronunciation, word stress, intonation,

spelling, punctuation, and hand writing.


The New Shirt

I had a new shirt with a pink colored. It was from my sister from LA.

My sister was coming home from her studying abroad. She bought me the

shirt with a lovely color and picture. It was pink and there was a unicorn

picture there. It was made with high-quality material that made the shirt was

very comfortable for me to wear.I was so happy to have the new shirt from

my sister. I like it because it was beautiful and comfortable.

F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative Writing technique

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : students’ writing and worksheet.

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source :

H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The teacher write 10 vocabularies in whiteboard

The students read and repeat

the vocabularies

Checking the students’ attendance.

Pay attention

Asking questions related to the previous materials.

Answer teacher’s question

Main Explaining a recount text based on the input text.


Showing an example of a

recount text to the students

that still contain several


The students read the text.

Asking the students to

identify the mistakes on the


Together with the teacher,

the students try to identify

and correct the mistakes on

the text.

Asking the students to make a group of two.

The students prepare themselves in pairs.

Giving students a task to do an exercise on the

worksheet. The students are

The students analyze the mistakes on a recount text.

asked to find and correct the

mistakes of a recount text


The students revise the recount text with their


Asking the students to make a group of two.

The students prepare themselves with pairs.

Giving students a task to write a recount text.

The students do a drafting process of a recount text.

The students can share their idea with peers when

they do planning and


Asking the students to exchange their writing.

The students correct their peer’s writing.

Asking the students to get back their writing and do

final-drafting based on the

feedback given by their


The students submit other groups’ results and revise

their own writing.

Closing Checking for the students’ understanding.

The students are expected to ask to the teacher.


Together with the students concluding the topic


The students are expected to conclude the materials.

(Together with the


Leading the prayer and saying


Students say a prayer and say goodbye.

I. Assessment

Make a recount text based on your experience in groups.

J. Key Answer

Based on student answer

K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031


School : MTs DDI Siapo

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : An Embarassing Moment

Time Allocation : 2x40 minutes (Meeting 6)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya

diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan

sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence C. Indicator of Achievement

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

personal recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunanya.

3.11.1 Membandingkan fungsi sosial tekspersonal recount

3.11.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

personal recount

3.11.3 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan

teks personal recount

3.11.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

tanda bacadan ejaan dalam

teks personal recount

3.11.5 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok

dan penjelas teks personal


4.11 Teks recount

4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan Menemukan makna tersurat

dan tersirat terkait teks personal

recount Melengkapi teks personal

recount yang rumpang

dan tulis, sangat sederhana,

terkait pengalaman pribadi

waktu lampau (personal


4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount), dengan

memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks. Menyempurnakan

penggunaan tanda baca dan

ejaan teks pengalaman pribadi

di waktu lampau (personal

recount) Membuat teks pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount) Menceritakan pengalaman

pribadi di waktu lampau

(personal recount)

D. Instructional Objective

Through discussion activities, debriefing and discussion groups can

identify point/clarity ideas, create and tell the correct personal text of

instruction and according to context.

E. Explanation

Social Function:

To report an event or activity that has finished in the past with purpose of

reporting or entertaining.

Structure of Text:

- Orientation (introduction: who, when, where, dll)

- Events (order of the event)

- Re-orientation (closing, summary of the event)

Language Feature:

- The use ofpast tense.

- The use of adverb of time: first, then, after that, before, when, at last,

finally, etc.

- A good and clear grammar, pronunciation, word stress, intonation,

spelling, punctuation, and hand writing.


Bad Shopping Experience

Few weeks ago, I came with my friend Bobby to go

shopping in a supermarket. On our way back home, I felt

something strange with the motorcycle. Bobby told me that

we were out of gasoline. I was terrified because we had no

more money left in our pocket at all. We had spent all the

money for shopping and our home was still about 5

kilometers away. We had no choice but to push the

motorcycle all way home.

When we were pushing our motorcycle hopelessly,

suddenly a man on a motorcycle asked us what was

happening. We briefly told him about our problem.

Surprisingly, he gave us some money to buy some gasoline.

After giving us the money he went. I couldn’t say how happy

we were that time. We pushed our motorcycle quickly to the

nearby gas station. Thanks to the random man, we didn’t

have to push our motorcycle all the way home anymore.

F. Instructional Technique

Collaborative Writing technique

G. Media, Tools, and Source

1. Media : students’ writing and worksheet.

2. Tools : laptop, LCD, whiteboard

3. Source :


H. Instructional Activity

Activity Activity Description Time


on Teacher Students

Opening Greeting the students. Greets the teacher 10

The teacher write 10

vocabularies in whiteboard

The students read and repeat

the vocabularies

Checking the students’ attendance.

Pay attention

Asking questions related to

the previous materials.

Answer teacher’s question

Main Explaining a recount text

based on the input text.


Showing an example of a

recount text to the students

that still contain several


The students read the text.

Asking the students to

identify the mistakes on the


Together with the teacher,

the students try to identify

and correct the mistakes on

the text.

Asking the students to make

a group of two.

The students prepare

themselves in pairs.

Giving students a task to do

an exercise on the

worksheet. The students are

asked to find and correct the

mistakes of a recount text


The students analyze the

mistakes on a recount text.

The students revise the

recount text with their


Asking the students to make

a group of two.

The students prepare

themselves with pairs.

Giving students a task to

write a recount text.

The students do a drafting

process of a recount text.

The students can share

their idea with peers when

they do planning and


Asking the students to

exchange their writing.

The students correct their

peer’s writing.

Asking the students to get

back their writing and do

final-drafting based on the

feedback given by their


The students submit other

groups’ results and revise

their own writing.

Closing Checking for the students’


The students are expected

to ask to the teacher.


Together with the students

concluding the topic


The students are expected

to conclude the materials.

(Together with the


Leading the prayer and saying

goodbye Students say a prayer and

say goodbye.

I. Assessment

Retell the recount text in front of class

J. Key Answer

Based on student answer

K. Scoring Rubric

L. The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No. Writing


Score Explanation

1. Mechanical

accuracy I






Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.

Low standard of accuracy in punctuation.

Some inaccuracies in punctuation.

Almost no inaccuracies in punctuation.


accuracy II






Almost all spelling inaccurate.

Low standard of accuracy in spelling

Some inaccuracies in spelling.

Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

2. Adequacy of

vocabulary for






Vocabulary inadequate even for the most

basic parts of the intended communication.

Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Perhaps frequent lexical in appropriacies

and/or repetition.

Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task.

Perhaps some lexical in appropriacies and/or


Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the

task. Only rare in appropriacies and/or


3. Compositional






No apparent organization of content.

Very little organization of content. Underlying

structure not sufficiently controlled.

Some organizational skills in evidence, but

not adequately controlled.

Overall shape and internal pattern clear.

Organizational skills adequately controlled.

The criteria of scoring are adapted from Weir (1990)

Palu, ............................. 2021


MTs DDI Siapo


Nurul Hidayah

A 121 16 031



df Two-Tailed Test One-Tailed Test

Level of significance Level of significance

0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01

1 12.706 63.557 6.314 31.021

2 4.303 9.925 2.92 6.965

3 3.182 5.841 2.353 4.541

4 2.776 4.604 2.132 3.747

5 12.706 63.557 2.015 3.365

6 2.447 3.707 1.943 3.143

7 2.365 3.499 1.895 2.998

8 2.306 3.355 1.860 2.896

9 2.62 3.25 1.833 2.821

10 2.228 3.169 1.812 2.764

11 2.201 3.106 1.769 2.718

12 2.179 3.055 1.782 2.681

13 2.160 3.012 1.771 2.650

14 2.145 2.977 1.761 2.624

15 2.131 2.947 1.753 2.632

16 2.120 2.921 1.746 2.583

17 2.110 2.898 1.740 2.567

18 2.101 2.878 1.734 2.552

19 2.093 2.861 1.729 2.539

20 2.086 2.845 1.725 2.528

21 2.080 2.831 1.721 2.518

22 2.074 2.819 1.717 2.508

23 2.063 2.807 1.714 2.500

24 2.064 2.797 1.711 2.492

25 2.060 2.787 1.708 2.485

26 2.056 2.779 1.705 2.479

27 2.052 2.771 1.703 2.473

28 2.048 2.763 1.701 2.467

29 2.045 2.756 1.699 2.462

30 2.042 2.750 1.697 2.457

40 2.021 2.704 1.684 2.423

60 2.000 2.660 1.671 2.390

120 1.980 2.617 1.658 2.358

1.960 2.576 1.645 2.326