Semi-weekly interior journal


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M.OO mmxm a.wwmIf «• tevt to



D<>m ID an»li>«r OMtury,ta old, dim yMra ot lov* •n<l rfimt aod

pr«y*r,Tott woald h«r« bMo, do doubt-^ llth*

mmi tttr—A lUUlj faoM dMM; m4 I—And I—your }>•(•, parcbuio*.

I tov* to tlrMin to u( ut twain


Tour lmrw»» oImt Dicbt-bliM •y— hil b««a

BaBMth tiM Ull, whlu (v.lf! Y'lur datat/faal

Hi>i»-aMTliic tor Um hakry tnin

With MU> [mUihi an i UU t >fr«OMtA lltti* wrary uf v ."w inoniily lif«—Yo«, tf«l»««t«, • r\Mif li UruMdar*! wifa

And I.


I haar your b<)U<' * t of yum ' 'MidMli mr*-


Na»-, ti in« on •artli n .t B\ . ri \ ii.

But tbvn. •JD« da/— wiula tn tte UmI^Uark «*U

(M rour dull iMM, «ra«l i>M»lfall.

Tba •«aain«nt "pio a "Ontr* bluaWlik TaU4lka ruAt aLcbt—

\cm fM BMra \tmtty or nK<ra outHalf-faMtititg r*cu**f "'* J>7 <^

known.Yob •pMlii t MiwAr aot. Iff lipi In atonaWmm^ ttet ar*

iMiWar ao4, but aaura

Vte an too fair, txt wkltaif fair,

k IhM BoTt iwllifht, rwtlnc U^tiauly(MrNrMg* tkr.jtia ambUMmiad datkiirt

tam—anl gaaa—abl ara awaraMat Lira tltii at /war (a^

Ton lauffb now at tkia ararafal tia

Rnl fli la rkyBM aw%f aa Hta brmr


Aa4^at^oM ttUt|i uC Intlli U hiAh la 4owar


Mjr Udy-yrvk

TNi "LAOV conncs^ONOINT.*

AMm la T%olr l»«taua—KaUlM Mtripaihf. N*4 Caaaara.

(I .'f BrooWra BmU.]Tba "ia Iv c rramgiMidant* I* a<>iiilii( in fi)r

a good (Larw l^ <llacuail<i<i by ma^taxla"! andaMayi't" ju«l now. aad aka i< Ixiiig abuMdin i>atb«r a I.raif waf pan^« who tiava

notUiiiK MliKlavxr t') il>i wiMi t'.* praM.

Amoiif utbar uuimuaumUuMi %ry> Uttari

from atW»1 w>.-t«ty wuMaai fall '4 tlx bll-

Ui" t ri ' r iilxiM of tka toraala i-oi

an I a faw aUvar tm^ltm troaa tka

lU UaaialvaA Tka faaaUa oor

It Ii a a«wMr. wo«M not

4 MHaHn MMrtilea< M* who know

I MI aa ralbar aarprtoai tkil au lUUa haa

kaaa la dafaMa o( IkalMnala corra-

poadaBl% for tbaj ara palaaUkinc bardwiirkiag aad haaorabia wrttan— that la, aafar at my own ax^iariaaca g'W'i—an t lii ulna

caaa« aut of t«n ara i iimaa«urab:y «l>.ira

tbair .Utrartori. 1 bava aal maoy (ainlataa

(>.rr>'«|« nil'MiU -in ta<'t, 1 AiitW t uiay

(tint I li«T • ia»t all of any o>iiM'|uati(« !tliu iN iiiiirv ntlaajt—ani I hav* ( lutid tba/

ar* aiititW 1 mora to iy«i|MUiy tbaa to


Tbara ara two kind^ Tba tknii ani lady-

Ilka jrounf woman wbo makaa a llvlag, andby ao maau a good ooa, bjr ooUaetlng aoclal

daacrlblnjg lha «inataaiaa of parTanuaI writing Bp mafrtacaa aad Matal antar

forauoaaklni. Tha othar klnJ

ol wonaa wbu writa olavar aaiayi

•ad brlcbt lattaiB #t Irafala. am. It MauuparacBlarly hard that luch aamaU and con-

actoBtiou« writMB aa tba faoilnlna corra-

f>l>ondanta ibnaU ondm In for abuM, wblla

tboir aliitart. th» irflf.«-t" I ari l tirn^onia 'iit-

erary incii. go -..iit (tkij I im ac i.ii»a-

tluiia aKaiiiat tb i f»iiml<i iMri««(>ou lanbi

•aain l'> 1^., Ilrtt, iLnt tUay <>si»<ih a tl I bill

lor <li««< riliiiiR < «tiiiii- •. rv\'l. Hi'i jril, lliat

thay bent tlin pr i|>ria(<>rs o( li it«i<.

Ill tliv tlr-t |:laoa, it ii a xociaty womaa't•wn fault if niiit kraltar bar llu btlla amonglaaiala rurraapoiidania, tbotigb I do not In

tha laaat ballara that thl» la tba ottMam. Aafor tba bolal bmb, tbajr do not daaarva aword ona way or anotbar Thar aiaat ba

flaa ayaeliaaoa uf bn*la«a naa ta whinaaboBt tba inlltieiica ot a toiaala oorraaponJ-

ant and lave not gumptioa aaoogh to man-aga tholr own botal*.

< ;rui \T. I IfM'* r< i'iillarlll«fc

|lllo.,kl> II ( I.I . '

Tin - i.. nil 11 -I'T) ub. Ill Mr t-'i.-M Iliat

III) >lwil.>'> liiiiiil. »itli a iKTsi':; ai-'oonliiig t>i

liK HH liiii jr I••itiMii If tti.i [wr^iiii OL'uii-

liK'H a li^xli rank liu «iU K'^ ' '>">i » linia

liiiii l, Hill if liM II a iMr«i>ii 111 ttiD iiiiiitila

•tatiaii ba will glva htai tbraa Hagari, par-

hapa, aud if a poor aad bumUa aitlata. ooa

Angar 14 anougb. It la a fact that Mr. KaMbat a graat habit of thakittf haada with oaa

flMtar, and ba laaaM to ragrat allowing that

toba wad for ibaking purpoaaa A thing

that baa gWaa him at muoh rapillatia* a«

aayfhtng atta in Wali Ktraat libiadoor-bang-

ing pro|M>n<lty. Wbon be antarM an ofllee lio

bang* tba iloiir with niigbtanl main, andwblk) 111 Ktttbar< hit atruiigtU to •lam ittKain

wbun ba guoi liiiL Tlia door i.f one ullloa

wblcb ba(r«quaat% aa I aa> told, rtquirad r«-

pairlDg fraan bU haaiM lobr tlaoaa wtlbina year.

.M *<t |>f >|>l ' hiiVti 111 id'iA that Mr. ( iaid iji

H I r.i- u II. u Hot an nxlr -'ivjly w»altliy

iiiMii f.'i II Wall Il. ui.. Ill |iii|>)r Jny»»Muia i« woitli froiu foJ.Oi)'), )01) t ) irViMii,-

<)0U. and UuiaaU Batfa (rum »-J.'i,(iOU,UOO to

$;>.),IK)0,(XX). Tba beat aatimatat put Mr.

rieia'* waaltb at aboat •4000.-MO, and that

ia In all probabUilgr tba aataat o( M. Tbaavaragi panoa, no doubt, think* Mr. Viald

•I waaltby aa Mr. laaa, aad toaia ttaliik ba

ii almott at waaltby aa Mr. Ouuld. Tbaimtb U, Mr. Kiald U rutbar a pratantlout

anao, an 1 liU aira, parhapt. Lava craatai anIdaa of ^roat wanltti, lia ia not an op«ratoron Wall stroot iu tli« aenaa tbal UoulJ i* at

all. Ooiil I i.^ a >cal|iur ut thu iiiai ket— that

14, liu |>usli xtucUk up or ilowii, aa ttid

ca.sii aiiiv be, to |{et two or tlir-'i |Kiiiit4

prolit. I'1

'I I 111 vviiyk joi.-i 111 f ir 1 .l>«ali

likti tlk< M iiilKtitHU. Ill iii!iy ,( I all >rt of

ttock uii'l w ork niuiitba and laoiitbt ta bau-mar Itiluwu with tba iiiMutioaoC bttflbcaltba bottom for it .l'.>n2 raucMvo.


•Bat. W. O. Ooodloa will ke^in a pro-

tnelad taliag a< tba Prabyiaiiaa cburcb

TMiiijr MMiiBg.

— n«T. HtcTan«on, of I,Tw»r (iirrtrd, oc-

oupiad the pulpit at ih« Cbrialiaa oburch

Sunday morniogaod tTaning.

—Mr. JbMi UgM, fgad akMl 60fMn,UtA at kb heat in thb omi^ Sobda?morning D«ceM«.l wan an miS» of Mr«John Logan of thU placa.

—Tba BtUlary ooapaa? la a 4Mr tkiog

of tho aaar fatoiai Abeat 40 «»aag aaahiva ilkiMd tba nitar roll, which will ba

nt to tht Adjutaoi ('enaral in few dayi-

—Mr. Jack Uialtaad a cocaatalk matt*

uriag ^ftoaa faat fa bdtgkt aaaa Into

Mr. H. oarrM two laiga

•ara of cora ahteh ba arart cam* fraa off

iht ttalk.

—1 ha Touag gaallaBoa coapcaiag tba

Dtadag Gnb will gift laftoMfla bopat tba ball Tburaday aTaaiog aait. Val-

unl'a orcbattrt frooi Loaitrillt will fumitb

oak for tba occaaioo.

—Oifid MeOiaaii^ wbo waa aaal to lha

»«ik kMtbfir • tara •( WJara far carry-

lag coacaalad wta|<oDa, maJa good hit a« -

capa Friday eraaiDg afiar baviDg tarvatl

only two dayt of fell MSlaBca.

8aai uakaowa ptiaoaatola • ftao aaravalaoJalllWftoa JuMo H. WaM. wbolivta aaar niattariltt, in tbit county on

iaat Haturdaj aigbl. A diligaot aaarcb

for lha miarf^ mImI kaa btM MiMBi -v

M tbua Iw.

—Tba Star of Chayaaaa, a highly aduct-

t»d Indian, ileliTrrrd fre« lecture on the

Indiaa qnaalioa at tka iJonrt-bonta Batur

dayaraalafl. Tkb(M«a4a?) artaiag aa

alailtaioa Ita will ba daaaadod aad a

riaty of anbiactt partaialeg to Indian Ufa

will ba traatad.

-Doetot tad Mra. W. 8. 0'Kaat waat to

Vaiwa FffMar. Mlaa Bartit OoUior kwrtluraotf ftWi at: rilended T!4t to frianda

in ( irlMa aad other poiata. John K.

Faulktr, Jr , and Ham M. Duacao bava ra-

tanod ftaa UttkrUlo. Mr. W. H. WboT'

riti.MlaaKtto Wbairftt aad Mr. Victor

Wbarritt leave T.ieaday to attend the

Wbarritt-Uulay aaptiaU at VtraaUlea

Wadaaaday. Mr.aad Mn t 11 Yooar,

al Midway, ara at Ot. Uuflaaa'a. Mr.

JaaaaC. Hampbill ia ia OiaalMtti on

boeinwi*. Mr. ('till Coopar, •( SMiford,

wa< in tba cify Sunday.

— (>o Iaat Wadnaeday moraiog Mr. Mika

Rty, tba propriatoi of a koloi al tbit placa,

lefi hit bomt for Crab Orchard oa boraa-

btck. Tbnraday uioraing bi< dtad bo<Iy

wat diacorarad about oaa aiila to tba left

ot Dripfiag tprlaft. A wwaw 'a jury

w«t impanalad and ratumad a fariict tkat

bi* death wM tba raaolt of tba oaoaaaifo

u<a of whitk/. Tbia ia coaaidatod ky tkaP'opla hara wbo kaaw Mr. Raf vwl aa

?ary unjutl aa it ia wall kaow* tkat barara^T evar tootkaJ ialosictata ia aayfo-m. Ilia family pbytlclaa proooaaoadhia death at raaulting from an appopltctlc

alroba, aa atuck of wkiek tba dacaaaad

caillemaa bad cn a foraar oectaionaipari

en€«d. Ilia ramaiat wara brought hara

takta to Buck*Tburadar avaaiag^frtdayaadial

V^lagaOaalilfow Tark Ultar.l

itarr of ibo Ravf Wkilaar ii aa oUIfaw Torkar, aad ttaiafara faaUUar wttbtka olty'a charaaltriati04 Ha atoed ia tbacorridor of tba fifth Avanna hotal in aoalal

talk with tba BacraUry o( tba lalarlor

Lamar, and the topic of oouvariattaa wa* acdtafldauca robbery that bad been parpa-

tratad upon a guatt of iba houaa tbat Jay.

W bitony maliitaioad tkat wbila aoma man•>«r« a<t<'iii<riiu«ly Kullibla, Cba BMkJortlar

ware unreasonably cauUoua*To illa«fri>le iny point," ba aail. 'lot my

young frinn i. J >« Itaraarl, Uan>, oAar to

Kivo a (10 btl fur tl, and not a BMaki tkia

comdor lA^l acaaiiatba t>tfar."

Tbo vxpertnient wa.4 at aoea mada^ Joawaa a gu<>l-l.>okliig, waU-draaiad fallow,

with aotMag ia bla aaaaat to auggottroguary. Wbitnay baadad a ariap^ aaw ff10

n Ota to blai, aad ba aat out oa bia round.1 bag your pardon, air," raaiarhad Joa,

politaljr, to tba veteran Oaa Dan Hicklai,

wbo waa ttMnipiii|{ round on a leg anJ arriit^h, "but will you iJuaao k'^o ni« (or

bald tba iiuta «) cliMa t >

it4 geiuiiiiaiiKXi oug;bt to

A Uulf --.arc 10, half

ov'ir I li > ^umo al'-. (it> e,

• 'I 1 V, ,'in I i.'.i.iiptu ->iuly

tbit liur and haSii-kla<' •>yi>i that

buvij Uv'ii V 1 •>4:li'

«' .{ry Ki 111 ! ii:i


but lie lc'i^i»»l

turiK'U aiTny. Itm j.rotlar wan tobarly

ma la t > iiln ' iiifii iiona being a witnow of

tliii other " r luxtl, uii 1 avary lime with tba

tama reauli Nobody would buy 110 with

1 1. All decMtd on tbo apur of tba momantthat tbay wara Iba ob>cta ot a awtadlar^attentloa. Tba aadangarad nota eaoM•afaly baak to Wkltaajr, and tto grMplaaghad avtr tba adTaatara-tata Hlaktii,wbo waaaallaa tatoUtaaaad torlaWag aagood a bargalaaMvi

niakopa aa Ooa. Baabaar'a

(81. U>uia Bapublioan.]

rtan. R. Bl Bucknar, ona of tba two Con.

feilnrata pall twaran for Oen. Orant, bad* very ruiiiarkabia alalT iliinii,; the

war, aui lii* military family baa fur-

nitlaJ till) kpiacopal oburcb uitb tUraa

bubo|ia—tiaUagb.<r. uf Keiitui:ky, who wat

a lieutanaiit culoiiifaiid aviiataiit n.ljutant

general, i* now bisliop of l.,oui>iuiia; Elliot,

aiiotlier KuntM'kiaii, laptnin ari'l aij-je-

ramp, i« bi-Uop of TaiBi. llama, of

(leorKia iii<l <lt' -ainp, who la a blaUop of

tlie M-tuaii lUuuase, wa.'t tint prowotadto tiii4 high dignitj in tba aborah. Anotherclai gy mail wbo eaoM from tba tamaatrangatrainta»tabeoi ia Bboup, a Waal Fatalgraduall, wbo laCt lha old army aad wtatoath. Ua it now a 0. D., auJ faaMdfOrhia aiMM* and aarnaat piety, a< ho wai la

tbo old timat for daring and racklaia

UtaiakMini a swoanod Wa*[Exi liaiiice 1

.Vii AiuiTKiiii wh ) aaw a ivok-llgbt In

M 'iici wriMi: "Iba bird that bad awoonadwa^ liatbad with cold aatar, Itt throat111outened by a wat faatbar, a oloth bald

over It to kaap oS tko aw^ aad piaoaa of

luaoklng wood pat aadariliaiMMiiaad ovar

inaMiL TkatMiMtalid, H iwawdtkal|gkk»

Voragnia Mpa Ittid «ttk MMIiiag ap-

paralua are avtnred agtin>«t iirivaliona from

thiral, but it it atiil deairatile to diecovar

tome meaaa of aiaking tea walor polabio

b/ iim§\m MMH. A abip'a boat caa

aeamly kt ttlld Witk Ika raqoiaiia appara-

ratua, although even that ehould not he im-

potcibie. Cbamiatry ihould, however, be

C'lual to tlia taak of alimioating or naalral*

Bill in tko walir aad to Mr.Kay, praaidoat of tko Stockport

NtturtI Hiatory t^ociaty, ia due the merit

of making aaarck (oi tbo aoiotion of tko|

proMoa. Mo pMpiiii lo ara tka aklo. I

ridaa horn ooa wator k? tko agaacr of cit-

rata of ailTor. Tbo prooaaa ia baaad on tba

(kct that whan a aoluble tilvar aalt and a

-oilablo cblorido ara aitsod okiorido of ail-

tar HpaialM aad fklb aa a wklli, Midrpracipitata, which it i|iiita intolublo. TUi|Ohioridaof tilver ia familiarlv kaowakora ailver. Tne citrate of tilvr givea np

III acid 10 tba aoda aad otkor alkalia ia tko

« iralir.oalkatwkatfMMlai la a aoia*

tioB of citrate of aoda chieiU. Thiaaalt ia

aaid to be not only harmlaat but beoeticiai.

Tba qaaotiiy of ciirala of aiWar rtqoirod

ia two onaooa (or ofaiy pial al na mUm.Mr. K%j propooH Ikatkatllai af tko oHilla

of ailrer ahould liatacurad in the lift boata

of abipa and naed wbaa ahaolutaly rtqnirad

ao Ikal tko fauaaat of "iraUr, walor tmtf'wkaro, aad aot a diap ta driak," aay ao

loagor ko koard. Tkitra ia aotkiag ia tko

deacriptioB to tuggaat a doubt of the uae-

falaaaa of tko diaoomr. Tko ospaoaa of

aapplpiagtkaollraloof ailfarli aa alfw-tloa nawortky of coatideraiion.

Of lata tko pooploof Kaatockj kato aot

koard aiaek la ngard la tka opirttiaao af

the Slate I'.tilroad Cjmmltaion. Thit it be-

cauia tba Cummiaalon hat baan doios next

to aotkiag. oioopl to promptly draw tko

•alarr. It would aaam tkat tha coBBlaioa

kaa baan mainly angagad daring tho aaa*

mar in aaaaaeing the railroadt in the ^'.iie

and tba work ia not jat completed. Wanay ko mlatakaa, kat wa kava aa Idaa tkat

aeoBBiaaion of compoloal, eloar koadod

botiaaaa men, with formar aaacaamaata ko-

fore them and all atedod factt at command,

oeuld aako a Jaal MMMMat of tko rail-

nada la Kaataeky witkia rfz dbyr; or wkat

wouiJ be atill better, the Auditor of Stata

could diepoea of the batinaaa, more taiia-

faetorily, within the tama time. What

otkar lagitimaU biuibora ia tkoro for tka

CManiaaioa? A Makor ot tko koard

aaya vary fow complaintt ara 6led. Tba

Comniaaioa, to put it mildly, ia naaloaa-

TkoBoakofodoaotoara tkoir alaqr. It

ia i\3\a{ nothing for the benttit of tka pOO*

pie It aimply tUndt at a thraat to tko

rtilroadf. Tha Commiaaion ought to ba

•bilitbcJ.— [('.>vingtoo CommoDwoaltb.

Tbia aaoatb ia tba tiaaa to pack buiUr for

lauwiator uio. Mako food im katlar

aad work tha buttarmilk oat ot it wall,

than put it in a atoae jar, a faw poaada at

a time aad proaa dowa wall witk a woodoa

poulo iikor, koiag oacofol lo loaro ao

rooBi toralrtogollaaraMi Ika adgai af

the iir: leave two or thrae inchat of tpaoa

at tha lop of the ju, then lay a thick pieca

af aoriia doaa orar tko buttar, tbeo put

in fine ealt anongh to ftU tko {ar tall| tkoa

tie paper cloaaly aadWfitM lOp wUk 1

alate or wooden com,Mii koap la a diy,

cool placa.— [t'^t.


—Tba onlinuoue raia* of Iaat waakkavo raalorad to aa tko h»ary af aioaa

tor, of Wkkk wo fcad long been deatiliile

—Rov. Jaaiaa A. Allan, who guppiiet the

Presbyterian pulpit in thit placa, haa failed

to meet bia Iaat two appoialBMBla, kii^reported aoriotialy alok at ObbHaaoia.

— Wialor aat in on Sundtr in tbia lati-

toda Haaoa a li*e>y demand for blaokeu,aapaaiall? aaoag old bachalora. Of thit

aaglootad olaa wo baro oaly akoal a doiaala lami, aad will prokakly ka kMt la kaaptkom from fxiMerinK.

— In the rivalry prevailiog among thaemail lowot to acc ire tb« madal for a claan

Ull of :«aitk, wo aodoaUy aafarl oiu baa-

ior aad elaia ter RoatoaTilla tko fliat

priia for health, temperance, IndHlry aadpiaty, aa tha hat long boraa it for goodlooka aad azubarant fwundity.

—Ckria Lyoa loft a paapkia ia town,

tka aqnataflal droaalimaea of which ia

M iaehet, the polar hi\ iochr* and weight

88 Ibi. John Uooda baa oa axbibitioa a

lot of oofB, aaeh oar of wklok la aaok aaoaolar tkat I daro aot otalo ita diana-rfaaa. It la aaziona to bo boaioa.

—Thompaie ('o)|)er, lata of CiM>per AByan, haa atruck out caaraaaiag ia tko

ialanol of a lai|o ilnlHig kaaa. Ha kaao of tko clararaat, BMat rallabia gaotla-

aoa that aver graoad that flonriahing pro

foaaion or lapped tba "drum commarcial'

to tko doloouUoa of a ?iUi«aWo kapMk fw Ua aaaM-Miaa Kata Powall. wko ka koaa akk

•OBBO waeka, it raporlad aa abjut holdtag

korowa. DaraNowkaakftkia iMilly ia

Tiiiin aad latwod ta Irtdi kknaa* here. Mr*. Htrt Thomaon gave birth

to a daughtar on Hatnrday. Mif. UugkLogaa baa rBtoraod aad iMM kirfa il

tkia place. Dava Sklaaa, fcraaly at

Stanford, dropped in froa Moataaa a fow

ilaya aioce, looking remarkably wall. Bfilay

Witbara, oador tko aaoort of Will Oapoa-tor,o>UUMkk*%aaaa ter dtftaa" to

the llegee latt Ralnrdiy, the firet fruitt of a

big baryeat of candidatea. I'riah Djnnhaa returned from tha 8outh and reportt

tka markat for horaae and malee dull.

T.1I.1IBWLA2VDIt a ctadldato tm tarif af UaoelB eauaty,*— -•*--*^afiba<'


We Ito »AWM«laajacttatbaaaHtaartbo


SAV. a. owsmIt a eandldaie Iw Jailar af llaaala aaaaty, ab-ject te the acUaaaf tba"

B. C. WABBBirIt t CaadUatelor re-elecllon to lh<- oSce u( Com-noavealth't Attorney ot the tib Judicial XHt*trtatiaahlaiia tho aallaa aC tba


A Desirab/e_Re$idenceOa Oaavllle atrwt, Id 8Uatord. Tha lot coaUlattvaaaraiaod bat on it a coialortabla dwalllB«,atMa. woed*heute, eora crib, a tplendid eltleroBad a laiganambarar kail aad oraaateaui ti«e*ThU it aoe of tba meat dealrabie realdeaeet la thepltee. For lavau aad rartharpartteulan. appiv 10M.1W ,r«flMf jr. rmtLMPm, maaford.

HTANrOBD, CT.••^•»

oait atatb tide Main Mraal. tva <


4KS^OBca 00 Laaei

BlOB Jooaaaa aLa.aadltalr.M.

OB W B. PEITMT.r>ontl«t,

STANKi'KD, KENTCCCT.tar ttratt, sect door to In»

• taUa.l«adwt«»lUMyrT

rartiea Wiehlag Bugglaa, I'll :rlnn!i or Raronrbea,wUltHkataoaay by calllag on ua. \s> wuh locleaaaBt all our BBlahed work ilnt lall, in orderto Bake room for our apring work. We will aellhome-made work, fulljr •jr«rr»nt«.l, at lower prleeatbuyeu oaa bay any wurk ahippad to thia placeaaa waatat W< don l intend to t>e iioderaolJ onHygNMaafaBrtk Call and be toarloced.

oaavtUe, Ky.


Haifa mlla from Main Strict, Bttrfirl Thehoiiae, entirely new, i ontaina ^ rooms, celiar, (rootaD<l hack portbea. Ai; ne<e<nary 'Mti k.IIobi.I/>t ronttloa 10 arr<». Beit v i -iny ol o( allkindi In the county, til fiii: i/eHrlu^ lall oa »


ire. 1 Oontoias SIO Aortt,

whole at Iti

1*. 8 0«kdM UO l«iM,Well Improved, faared tad wtfereil, lying justaeroes the |ilka from No. 1. Both Farms are uearlrall In gratt tad both ara ilghtiv and productive.Terms eatf. eg>. JMI f'



a aa.rrir.vuie. Ky.

A Leva Lrtek.-Daaiat AaoUa—Mrlovokatnafvtkaa tka aaall af tofloa,

patant butter or tha kick of a roucg cow.

HanaatioBt of azquiaita joy go through maiiko ookorta of aala through an army crack*

ar aad apa •?« ay koart Uko youoggoataoaaalakkroof. Itkda tkoagk I

oooid lift myteif by my boot ttrapa to the

kighl of a church etaapl«, ot like an old

itaflikotwin a graaa paotora. At the

aaaa piM» kaakara afta amat ailk, ao doI kaaka afur your praaoaoo. Aad a tka

goelin iwimmeth io the mud puddle, to do

I twim in aaaa of dalighllniaaa whan yeaaroaar. My baart flopo ap ttd iamrn

Iiko a ckora daakor, aad my oya eland

opoa lika mIUt doora ia a ooontry towo:

and if my loya it not rwiproeated '.I will

piao awiy aaddk likoa pakiaid kod kog,

aadyoa oaaaooMaad aalok oatd oa mygfafa.-lOaiao?llk (Oa.)


Qaaoral Fitikogk Loa,

nre for (iovernor of Virginia, in a

at WiDcbeeter, that Ktatc, the otka

Mid:•I tkaak Ood tkat wkito^wiagad

now broodooimtbolaad. loaaakorolopreach peace and not war; to carry a> myaiandard the Htare aad .Siripaa, and not the

bloody ihirt. I thank Ood that tha iiuaa.

tiob of oaooaoioa ha booa fonra aotUod

aad Ibat now arary alar la onr gloriooa old

fitgku a meaning. 1 thank (iod that no

vettiflB of carpal-baggitm or acaiawag gof-

ernmoat roaala to Tos tko poopk*"

.\rtiScial ear* aie now manufactured

from celluloid- Tbay ara warrantad not

to fratta, aod when graaaad ara to alick

tkat lhay can't ba pollad. Eray litlla boy

ia town ought to karo hit puekota full of

iktm for tbo loaikaa lo baa.—[VowaanIndepandeni.

Joteph Lilly, a well-to do ftrtuer living

Bar Jaaaipert, Mo., hu baan in bad for

oigkloaa yoan. aad ia atill ia partat koaltk.

Ho labow nnda Iko laprialoa tkat if ke

gett lit of bad ka vUl dk.-rOkki«* la-

ter 0.:ean.

.\ I the Melbourne I'.xpoaition there waa

a completo dwallisgboaa oada OBtiraly of

paper Bad famlabad witk tko aao aatori-

al. Theie were pa|i«r walla, roof* ceiling,

il^oringa, joialB Bodatairwayf. There were

paper oarpalB, kodUag, chaira, afa and

l*m|ie. Them wen paper frying pant aad

aten the atovw in which bright firaii ware

waelantly burning daily, were of papier

•aeke. Wkea tko fabricator of thia maa-aioagavoakaaqnot tko takk «lolk% Bap<

kin'*, plttei<, cupa and aaucara, tamklara

botttre a Ull even the knira Bad forka were

UlMwtaa made of paper.


A friend of (ien. Simon Rolivar Buck*

Btr't tutea that ba it Mienaly indiDerent to

political ptaaotioa. If ka it nominated

for Ooveraor ko will aoapt, but if bo falla

to get the nomiaatioB bo will Bot worry

over it. Although immured iu the foreeta

of Hart eonaty, naay mila from a railway

et^tloa, tbo oflM iMktn mna§» to oakhim oat a aad aaaoy kia.

.\fter a eevere iWnef* »a FngHahmaa

thkvfd rH bit wbiakera and otherwiae die

guitad himwif. He than went to bit doe-

tM Bad aaid ko wa a biotkor of tko akk

man, wbo ko aaortad wa bow doad. Hothua obtained a certificate of bis own dtath

bad hia own diaaate regitUred, drew the

karlal aoaoy from kla lodge and Janapod.

A epoonbill cattiah tix feet three icchee

in length, aad weigkiag UC psundt, waa

ctugbt by a party of aolaon aaar dadnna-

tl, the other 111 -rning. It la elaimad to be

(be largeat and beRviaat fttb aftr OftOgkl la

ikoOktoBlm. '

Buckltn's Arnica Sa/re.

THKHr-r >.\l,\i; in Ih.' woiM for Cuts,

BriiH"«, '~>ie<. r 'T < 'ill Klifi. ii, Kevar S>res,

Truer. i'ri«p|-. I H.mJi, i hiil lmiu, I'orun and all

.<ki:> l.ruj'ii jiiK, ai. 1 |Ki9aivt-l>- > ,irvs I'lit^, or uui pay ri-iiiln-l. Il Is n i»r.init'e-l to give porfei t tat

iaUcttoo, or money retuiid«\l. Price 89 ceuta per

bos. For ale by >eaay A Maillmr.

IfHf Ihmvtable Disco¥»ry.

Mr. (Iro. V. Willing, of Maoi liealrr, .Mlcblxan,

writes "My wife ba-i Ix-en almuit lirl|>lei>a lor years, an helplcna that sbu ouuM not turn OTor

r I alone. Site ut."! lo I'otlle.^ cf KIe< Irii Bil.

ters and is a<> morb imi'roTed ' ulie Is notr aMelo do her own work " K.'i-ctrlc Hillers will lo all

that la claimed tur tliem. Iliinindii of teaiiiiiu-

Diala attest their ureiit > .rdt:\, |oers. Only 90

eentt t la<ttl« at Vtuay a A llslrr a.

Tua»,Ortat aarlteaMBt hat been oaaaad tn tba vidolty

01 Partt, Taata, by the raaarkaUa dltcovery of

Mr. J. B.Oarlar.wbaw«Mbal|iHatoeeBMBottnralc badw ratia bla haad; oaaybaily aM bi

wttdylagafMBawptla. A trial bottle ef Dr,

Klag'tWev INataaaty traaaaa bUa. Fladiagrt-

liei, be baagbt a large bottle aad a has ef Dr.

Klag'tNtwUlinila, aad by tba ttae be bad

takatwoboscaof nUt ud tva bettlaa af the

Dlieavary. ha wa well and bad gained ia latb 36

pouadt. Trial battlaaal IbU Ortat Oitaerary fcr

Coatawptlaa Me at Vaay A UeAUater't.

To tht peapleet thltcouaty wa would aay that

we have bOM given the Ig^ury of I*r. Marchlal'a

Italian Pile (liutment-emphailcally guaranteed

toiiir.'Or i.ioi'cy n lunJid -Internal, ICxteroal,

Blind Blaediog or Itching Pilet. Price 90c a box.

For tale by Fcaay * McAUctar, Orugglttt.

OaugMtra, Wires and Mothers

We eiu|<hallrally .;uiirant<'« Hr. MaribUra t'u-

tholiion.a Keiii.i> Rrini-ly, t iiire Female l>la

eaaea, aucUaa Dvurun irooMea. IniUmmatlon and

Ulceration, Falling ai 1 1>I-| l.iceuiet.t ur iH-aring

dowu felling, IrresoUirii.. i. li.irr. ii!:' J», I'liarue ol

Ule,Li-iK liorrh . i. ' r-; l- :. ..' > ». .o. .|

luij troiii llie at'ov,., ok. a ,'nK, >|ii-

nal WeakDPsi, .-le. i' i "i ie» j. Nirvous lieMllty,

Paliillallon ol llif lle^ri. .t> . l or mU- hy Drug-

glatt. I'fkes II and II Vi |>ar bottle. Hend to I'r.

J b. MarLblti, I tlcu, N. V., for pamphlet, free.

rale by Paaay A MaAlMa,


Personalty and Town Lots.

Having told my I

bidder onifwtllaill a the highett

We are tganla for tba oM ant reliable /ahaCburcb O».,ol Clnclooatl. iihio, tor the tale aif PI-aooe, Organt, Aotomatlc Musical Instrumtnta andMatleal Merebandiaa la Llnoolo and (tarraed

received naUl paid for. The 6*»f «r«»i<f«r«liWWAaro: wm. KaabeA Co., Uazaltoa Broa.,Decker A Son, F.rerett and New England Planoa,either upright or s.|uare. In Oriana, tha (ollow-iDg well-known makers: Clougb .t Warren, Johnrbiirrh dl I'o. and the Sterling, witb the Batant( hltne Be»M Attmehmenl.Tbe Cyf«ar«Wt», an Automatic Ifatlctl la-

ttramtat, tM matt porAct la the world.lUattratad cauloguee leot tree to all who apply,

titetba beet reCwancee from thoae who harebought and irttd any of I he »l>ore m itical instru-montt. Addmt ui at Stanford. Kr._»^>7t _ a. A! L. J. coom.

A. CInuid ComblBBttMl

THE•be UolafUa—

Weekly Courier- Journalily M—two pthan the price i

T1I1JR8DA¥. OCT. ISIk, 1^,On (he , remltea laHoutb of McKinney,

Lincolnall my

county, l\ milea'^^partooal property,

Seven brood lUret, 4 of tbea eitra good 1 flne 2.year old nUy, 1 yearling Ally, 1 Tearllof hcrsecolt, 2 Ally colta, 1 horM colt, work horaee,extra pair iged mart mulaa, 8 mule lulU, a lotof aowa and plga, a lot ni aboau, a vary Anajrearllni boar, 'i<J arrea ofroro, lot of bay andoats, l>ualiela wbaat, farming uteoalla , Ac.Two hous»ii and lot* aad 1 blacktmith tbop tn the

town of McKinney, will bt aold oa « and 12montha time. Feraonalty will be aold on 9r daystime on all aoma of 111! and over.

The farm of ISO aoreeb lately aold to ur (or roatpttaaleip.

.... WM. B. Vi.O\D,McKiBMy.&y.

Lincoln Circuit Court.John H. Eogleman .V 8uale £. KoglotMU. bla wUa,

No.l^U^i'iSto'VM"may eoaanthai tbepetiilaBa(a,J. H. Eaglemaa aadSuiloE.tngloman have thliday Alad tbalr petition In theClark a olOce of tha Lincoln Circuit Court, crayiogthat me Court empower the aaid buaie F. Eagle-man to uae, enjoy, aell and convey, for her ownbeaeAt any prui>erly ahe may own or acquire. f»ee

limaor debit of her hoabeadi toiiakaa, toown

., , . IV ahe may 0'from the clalma or debit of aereeatraeu, lueaad beaued at a ttagla wematrade in bee own name aad to dUpStoof barproperty by wlU or deed.

It U betabf ordered tbat tbit notice be publitb•*..!? "TBaioB JoyaBab.pobllthedio Staniecd. ly,


eertloat btlort the neat—

coin Ctrealt Court.•ilvenaadwaw band u clerk of laid Court,

tUii Litbil^alapiember,M-2( J. r. BAIIJiY,Clk.L.C.C.

at. a nawtpaper

Stanford Female College,


ALEX.S.PAXm.A.B.Pres.The cost ttet'on of thit well-kaowa taatuUaa will


MONDAY. 8EPT1MBSB14. 1888.

The PreBMi'iit a»ii-teJ 1 v

A Corpi of Efficient Instructor!,

will endeavor to give rarefi.l Iraining and thor-ough Inttructton to the puplle coiawlliad to blaibafga. VtniaNaaMala. laaAftcalMBkr.


V J^.** *ugaf*j lo teacblog ataca*.^.«fP*"«^w^»gM«laaaM. ba

[rrem J. J. White, Prufeeaor ofOreek]

WMBiaOTOM A Laa L'KiVka<iTr. i

u .1 „''!i'^""TOK.V*, Jul, J5, 1882. ). ^.t'i^ .'^'^l*"

graduste.t at thit lattitu.tlon In I811I. Ua* beenthe war, audbeen very tui

CKataJaaMa A. Wtlker, rrceotly Lieat.-OoverBorof Virgin la. J

--^ ,f"w iiaa-x, V*., J^ne^0.I»7l•

It aflordi ma plauure lo bear taatimoDy to tbaqualiaeatloae aad eflrlency of Mr. Aloa's. PBb*ton aa a teacher. Uis dlaclplloe it klad. bat Araltod good.

;Froiu tlie Bev. J. Rice Bowmap, D. D.jH*»«ii"»BrR(i, V»., July 4, IIM,

I take I'liasure lo teallfying loMr. Alea.S. Pa«-ino'ahigh llierary atlainmeDIt, hit teal tn hiapruleaaluD, ni* laclllty lo impartlag iatUuctlonand hit cooaclontlout ragard lar the aieral a walla^tba htJiaiaBIBdltailMkiaeBra.

[nreal. r. BbII

Mel tbe^tb mm

S«.B ard of TruttCW allvar


M I iiisoM viM,ak Taair., April 1. 1179,Pro . A lea. a. Paalofl Uaght la Bolivar Mala A

(emala Atademr. UU general deportment wasthat of a rolued. Cbrietlaa gentleinan. in liie

^r2>e achoUr, a

gemachool room he proved hiMtolf alepri _thorough and eAdent lottructor 1


len ihaleaailMataclaaa ai1'

la.i f I. a . MX 1 has gtva*tai>u«f uni.tftkal saoalaa

"i:i RrilY BRO*

I'aft.. TeaOhtswa tilt Uv'» OS

tlx ii'iUi.. ani aaw i

tm>>i:{ 11,e l>a'lm< I

clae. "ttiie otM m.A L. SMI 111.

Mrs Ull, ra

ivktai NiL

OneyawMrealy M-two panoat I


BypaylBgaiMyoa wiu rteelva for ana.

oai^. paper with the Oeurter<JoaraaI,pear_

repreeea iatlva Biaipaper of thertouth. demoiIc tad tar a tariff tor reranueonly, and the bell,brlghlaalud ableet fhmlly wc.ekly la the UnitaiRUtaa, Thoae who deelre to eaamiae a Mcopy of the Courier-Journal can do ao at tbia i

L.&N.Louisville & Nashville Ba B.




Puilman Palace Sleepers.

Oaly one cbaage to polnuia

EMIGRANTSSeeking hoiu^a on the


ine of ttiis roal will receivelal rait'.!

aVMae Ageou of thia Comptay lor ratal, routat*Aa'.avrila

C. P. ATMOBI. O. P. A T. AmUultvUle, Kp.


Interior Journal•rAVlrOBO. KT.

We ».WALTOMe »VO*«e

fapabllabat aery Tue*.iay and PrUar ot tholow price of


OPERA.- r.\.Mi'h:



aiia of !itage,*JOxM. El^bt o.nrlete eeti oftry. Heating capacity, io<.udtr.g galierr, Ut*Beatooabla ratee to ««x>d allraciTooa. Addriai

A Qear Skinis only a part of beauty;biit it is a part Every lady

may have it ; at least, whatlooks like it. MagnoliaBhJm both freihen» «od

Oftolwr I, 1SI5

Ixbilruitbat MrwiiMlaH una that

«iM«Ma NdiUiMr*ri|llllN « mmof poUg«, or rmther « liuh iMipomy gOT*

•rameDt poattion, b« fwU il >>( bonndaa

inHj to ehHBpioB tha mom of ararr dKty

i«Mp4«i«fMMIteMpaMtor tk« tralk.

ItttagMklaMsltWbiMlMidMii* Itet

we had coaimenled Dr. Tunpla'e kttaek on

JohD i:^ WiM tor hi« decuDciatioa o( lha

Danfille people, and ridiculad tha latter

bMua•lMdidM(«ck^ th« •dlter of tha

ieatnat lUpMitm Mh« n sIImIm to

ni which i« «i« f»l»» »« it '» nngentleinanly.

la r«g«rd to (he W'itv matter we merely

Mad tha facta in tha caaa, tddlBf 00)7

that badid not maka kia oauU atlMk on

tba DiUTilla peopla aftaf tha afdf. The

qaaattoD of our peraonal bratery i» one

that «• oavar diaenaa, is fact wa make do

•lalB t* M7. bit vbUt in m&nt pwfatot

WW if paaaibia t« pitfaat it, so «mtrallifolly aay that wa trn abirkcd tka rt-

•pontbUity of oaa, if nothing elaa wonid

4oew aalafoaiat Wa ha?a do idaa to

vkoBhafolHa aad do Mt baliof* ho baa

either, but if he actually tblnka suck a

circamttaoce occurred and belicTaa that it

«M bo itpoatod with impoDity, ha baa only

to'ospoao tba Ml pioiiiiitBl povtioa 0/

kla aaatcny ia ear raoeh to no hew qoi*'

It the toe of our boot will come in contact

with it, though we should di«Iike to hurt

littla cute."

HAurxAD's pataooal atataaaBt i« a

mk IrnnuHkm mi bla affort to

MM MotaM MpoMlblo fbrflU itMeaaof hi* paper yeara before be had arything

to do with it, moat fall vary flat. Halataad

ilM mUHleaaa.

Wills Hats baa at laat atuiaad tha

haifbtof aglotiooiaaUllo*. Hobaaaa*gacadfarthnoyoantotoMMi mm la

Haverlay'e MiMlNKM|M»«Mfe| « Hif given out

Trc Aoderaoo Smm hM bow wid by

Mr. J. T. Boavell to a ftookoonpoay wbleb

»U1 oootiooa Mr. F. B. FUoa4 M odiMr.

MrBoM«n|MihtotboRo««iM iorfloo.

•ffft 9f

—The vpecial dcUvery


DOBOUOW tk«FftU lUU OM«tt« Md

Cat II BirriBt OB the Sly, IfTm WIU,

iif Bn."

A rcw yoan ago Ambler Kmith, k ri)

Nttlat npoblioMt waa alaclad to CoagreM

fron tha Rifihnood, Va^dialriet. John

Wine wa» then a dyed in tha wool daaio

crat. >'ow be in the meanest of rapabli-

eoM^ a ftoaclyte, and Smith haa fonaken

tho (. 0. p. aad ioiaod tho donoenia. Tha

two wortblH not oa • nllnad traia

tha other day and the Utter haTin^ givoa

tho foraar "tha lie " tha former very

IwanpIlT kaockad tka latter dowa. Smith

waatod to olpo tho laaoll oat with blood

bat WbM baa naioaeid th> ooda aai ho oaa

QHl^ Mak ravaaga in denounciag him a#

a poitNoa aad a coward. TkoM Virginia







WhSH Naiha Grant Sartorie wae aum-

Boood fro* aeroai iha doop to attaod tba

bodaida of bar dying fatbor, It ma a aabfact

of wonder why her Eagliih husband did

Bot accompany her. It ii now elated that

thoy do aol livo bapptiy togothor. Ia

fact so brutal ia hia trattmaat of bar that

aha woDld haTa 'aaparatad from him long

ago, bat from her inability to oli'ain pocKe*-

ika of bar thna ekildraa. Tha mtrriaga

waa tho ngnt of Oaa. Onat'a llfa aad gave

biui more real trouble thaa aaytbiag alae.

A iuit for divorce from tho brutal erattnre

liooatamplated by Mr* Strtoria.

ITBM^ like thif from the Owensboro -Vd

Wjii ara appearing all over the State:

•^teoiaa good daal of talk of Judge

Durham for Gofaraor. Wa do aot belieTe

Judge Djrbam caraa to leave hie preaent

poaitioa in Waabingtoo, where be baa made

aora npatatioa thaaaay other officer con-

Melodwilll«kaadnlalilnUoa,aad ittoro

to Kentooky to angaje in a doabtfal cm-

taat. Hoiajuit the kind of man aaodod

at Fraakfort j uit now, howeTer—one who

mild kill tho littla riaga about tba capiul,

•ad uaagarato aono loeg aoadod nbrma.

aaniaT, tho Ciaeianati fiaad who carv-

ed bia weakly wife to death, w*i permitted

to view tba eunaat the cveniog before bia

OSacotioB laat week. He looked long and

Uaatiy apoo a aoaaa aavar more to be

vlawod by him oa oartb, whoa ftaally ha

broke the atillneM by remarking "When

that goea down again I will be Uyiag about

among the littla angela " bia bead waa

jorkad ofl by tba ropa whoa tho dnp waa

apniBg, ha will enato eoaatataatlaa aawng

>'tha little aogeU" who will hatl(f kaow

what to think of a hetdliMw chorabi

Tde average advertiaing agent Ii a tbiefi

toakw bii mjney by awindlinc new4

payar piopriaton. Wabavo aaTor bad a

gnat dool of oapatteaao with thorn, but

what we have hat conviaoad ae that a de

oaot piper should ignore tbam altogether

Oaaaa^iaantly we have reaolvad to have no

ondaaliap with than whatom, oseapt

at ragalar ntaa, apot eaah. If ovary paper

in the Stite would do likcwiae aad lira op

to it, wa abould aooa be rid of than laaebaa,

barfdn gal tally aatooahwaili at wnaaar-

ative fi^orea.

Tsoac axoallaatOirenRboro papera, the

JUMMfa'aBd tho /a^if ''• are experiencing

a wall danTiad boom. Tboy have eM:h en

largad to aioa colnmat to tha ptge and

thair adverliiing patronage ia ao great that

aroa aow it aacroaohaa oa thoir reading

aHir, aetwiihataadiag thay laaao tbrao

tiinea a week. No bettor avidaaea of tha

growth and proeparity of Omaabwe OOald

ho adduceJ thaa ia ao abmdaatljr ittMtod

in her newapapera.

Tha Mu{wampa in New York are a-,

OMImm to got book into the republican

fold that they ara aaarly bntkiag thoIr

aacka iumpiog over tba domoeratia faaeo.

Tha Mugwump, like the mule, ie never

happy cxcrpt wb n be ia kickiog — [Pbila-

dolphia Ctll

TuERK are over IS.OOO more women than

aoa ia Bietoa, and it ia evident that tha

«rop oi old naida will ba largo oakn tbay

g} weat and joia tha Moraaoaa. Bat wa

doubt if avoa a Moraoo woald baakar

tim a wlla fwai Boatca.

jBtSumUti/ Ar^ haa boaa parakaaad by

Judge Hoka fcr hia asB'ia law, Mr. JamnB.Camp. Tbafaper In not been a pay-

laffaMtitotloaNeaaUy, aor baa it

Mtotdltaftrto'r itpabtUoa far.

wOlMl ba

delivered oa ^uadaya.

—A haavy aovoa-day

very dieaatrooi to the cotton crop.

— A boiler explosion at Pituburg scald-

ed 17 pereona beyond hope of raeovary.

-From Waabiagtoa than eooMO piadia*

tionatbat Fitihagh Lw'e majority will

reach '."1,000.

—F. Hauaaaurak, editor of tha laadiag

Otrmaa papar ia CiarfBMtf.dM hi Paili,

Fraaoa, Satarday.

—Fraaklin Moaaa, ex Oomaor of lavth

Caroliua, was sentenced to thna Vaan la

tho poaitaatiary at Boatoa.

—MalUa Aadwaoa, a beautiful Jcaaa*

mine county girl, aged \(^, elopod with a

black negro to Cincinnati, to ba aarri^.

— Mayor Keed haa aold 4.000 shares of

L. & railroad atook baloagiag to Loaia>

vUlo. Ibr «l threogh How York hnhon.

,>;-Mr. W. W. Andaraoo, of tha Biaa*

bethtown Scut, it rocommaadad kgr tha

CoouaWoaat tor aa tapMiaagoocy.

—The great cbarfa of S75,000

dynamite with which it is proposed

moiiab Flood Book, in Hell Ciate,

diaehargad at 9J0 a. m O.-tober 7.

—Tha bookarago aad baakiag firau of

Wm. Heath A Cs. aad Haary M. Smith, of

Wall street. New York, collapaad Friday

With ItebiUtiaa aggragatiog $4,000,000.

—At Pwtago Oorga. K. Y.. J. E. Dalioa.

of Springfield, Ohio, walked a tight rapa

oaa inch in diameUr, atretcbad aerom tho

frila, two hundred aad fifty feat balow.

—Joha Bsbiaoa'a forward einoa traia

bmka la two oa tho Nflfthaia PaalBe B. R.

and colliding with the rear, kUlad five

meo an horribly mangled many Othota.

—The I'oitcd Bute* baa only thirty

aiaa ahipe ia ita aavy, bat it haa 160

tora, 120 paymaillW tmi UtThere are alao 7 nat aiolnli I

five captaioa.

—Tba trada la patnt madiciaaa, the

BMtoD (ilvU atotaa. amoaata to about $22,-

000,000 par aaaam, aad of thia $10,000.-

000 a year ia spent in advertUag* Thanan &,000 kiadaia tha markat.

-Thowlfaof a KowJanar oditot aad

one of hi" printers were fouad lylag to*

gether, dead, in CcnUal Park, New York.

Thar loved a bopaleea love and decided by

lot to aad thair hoart acba by auicida.

—Aaotbar nombar of tho CtvU-Sanrioa

Commission, Dr. (IreijorT, Hm passed in hia

resignation to the freaidcnt. It is aaid

that Thoman will follow anit, and then

Mr. CloTolaad will orgaaiia tba Biard oa

a practical baala.

John .\lexander ie in jiil at Paris, Tex-

aa, to aoawar for a murder committed

thirty-two yoara ago. HU father, who

waa the principal ia tha crime, waa eent to

prison for life for the offence five years ago,

and died there

—Attkaaalaof tkr late Mra. Mary J.

Morgaa'a eploodid collaetioa of ofobida at

New York, one plant brought f750 aad

I'lite a number sold at from $200 to $300

each. As a general thing common plant*

aold low aad ran varietkahigb.

—The can of Fowler, aaatoaeed to be

hiinn for the murder of Mins Birnett in

Union county, will be appealed, owing to

oaa of the jarors haviag aspreaeed an

opinio!). There ia alwaya aometbiag to

prevent a speedy czeeatioa of Joetiee.

— Joseph H. Djdaon, the most important

wiintaa againat tha young lawyer Cluveriu*,

aeateacad to be hoag at Richmond, Va

for the murder of Faaaia L. Madiaon, died

Thursday. 8hoald Clavarioa get a new

trial, his chances for acquittal are gooJ

—A imooth-faoad boy. eigbteoa yeara old

ia aojoyiag the neeaooof hte eatorprlae aa

a stage robher in Texas He operates alone

and quite tacantly robbed the mail bags on

a coach aoar Abilaae, but did not dialurb

tbeaiz paMiagan,who, likewiaa, carefully

nfraiaad from diatnrbiag bim.

—Near (treentburg Ju. H. Mircum waa

murdarcd by bia father ia-law, Joeaph B.

Coebraae, aa old maa aappoaed to he weak-

ffliaded. Cocbraao dipped ioto Marcum'a

bad room bafon tha latter awoke, and

craahad hia tkull with an ax. When ar-

raated be eiaimad that be bad baea badly

treated at hia aaa la law'a haon, aad oould


Lamdovb, N. laniA, \Aag. »i, 1M6. /

I am so glad the LOKO gave me grace,

at the time, to tear the beastly tract up in-

ataad of wading through iu filth to the

aad. Bf aa dolag, whaa atreagiy tempted

by thadeTntolalahnadlagh,Ilad that

the I><>RD i* lovingly keeping memory, so

that it doae not recur, at all, to tba p>lia*.-

ing thian that didMaltof aya balMa tak

iagtianly waralag.

"To the pun all tbiog* are pure;" doae

ajme dear P.iaii^ee ijijte, who went

through it. Well, brotber, aister. maybe

ym an of a typo that oaa handle pitch and

aot be defiled. Penoaally, I doa't bilieye

it. Bat if y^a think a), I c\a only hope it

is so.

Let me add another thin< that 1 don't

like, and moat eound a aoto of alarm

about, albeit it atiU toaebn tba gjoi Gen

oral Biolh and bte workera, wbleh I amloth to do, in the war oi unfriendly stric-

tnn. Iicoele me real paio to pen a word

agaiaat theak Bat the Oeaeral in the maae

maetioc la Exeter Hall, ia a apeecb of the

moat inflammatory character, diattactly eat

tha poor agaiaat tha rich, and the subject

^aiaat the raler. 2iow it will aot do, in

ajre other voices have drowned this gentle

call of God, to some whoea eyes will read

tSeea liaae. Well, dear friend, that ia why

the dear LOBD ia aamitlmto baflgd la

giviMaaald. He baa toga to mmf, af

tiaMa before He 6ods one responsive heart

that will aot upon bia teadar call. Do you

call Ihla bigglH tka aiy? Wall, call it

whatyoa like, It la a dmfh fan I amwritiag. Km la Jeaai^


toaaylt la aaly doae to m-

In .Swi'Zirland M. Weber experimented

upon two molee. Ia oina daya they had

eataa 341 wbito woraw, 193 earth woraw,

29 eatarpUlan aad a mooaa, both boam aad

tkia of which tbev awallowad. Wbea be

restricted them to a flgMBklg diet they

died of h jnger.

IM HiHOR f Of HQS* Lilfl


Beaiitil il kleep r, the dsyllgiit It brsaktog,

Ana tb« light of eleraai day has comt;

The aagaia watch over thy hsppy awakingAnd wclcoaM thee te their eternal home.

And vhll* we atUi atiee thai and mourn th«*, de-

. parted, . g^i «

W« know t^ou hMt down to the realms at>ove,#

TLvD why ihould |wt weep tbu4', ur L« Lrokao


Whca Ood baa race' ved thee lo His boms oflurt:'

There serapile beateaiaesaltantiy aloglog,

Bemoae thaa bw nleiei tbew magleal leads,

Aae Smvea'a high daaia with iwaat moaie i* riag-


Avaaael by the playlag of celaatial haada.

I. a

cjre justice for the opptaMd. Thia kind

of appeal will sooo lead to riotoaad blood-

abed. It Bsaaae, in ita aimple leadinga and

appUoatioa—nralatioa aad tha oammaaa.

Well da I kaow then good, ebiMaa poo

pie would shrink with horror from tha

thought. Bat thair taachings at that Eta-

tor Hall galhMkig—flf atraight tbither-

irard. m aa amw to tha aaarh; aad tbay

an all tba mon daagaroua, aad tobe rapro-

bated, becaosc, for once, lo the heat of se-

curiaga good aad, then worthy eaiata al-

liir IkwMiliw 1i liak in Iki 'f- laeel of

rad>aMalkod radicaliaaa, la order to aeeuro

it. Wbea nligioa calla ia each alliea—

"wo worth lha day."

Tha "Salvatioa Army" got op a petition

to garWa—t—tha Hke of wbleh aever

before astounded thatatig\ist body—aad aa

there is a ludicrous aide to everything, per-

haps some of your readers will feel relieved

of tlM aombn caat my letter bu takaa, by

amiliag at the tfeUowkv, wMeh la dipped

from tba Morning


Preefama to the oatraace of the .Speaker

tba Salvatioa Army petitioo had baea roll-


ed iato the Roan aad left ia fnat of the|

telle, where it overtopped the mac%.

Mr. J. Staart aow rose to praaeat il. Heateted that It WM algaed by 393,000 mem-

bers and friends of the Salvatioa Armyand was in favor of ratsiLg the age for tha

protection of young girls t3 1'^ years, and

of giriag magiatntM the power of imaiag

orden for the aearebing of aay boon whenthere w*s rf.i'in to heliPi-f iht* t,\t\* un'ler

age had been detained for iiuuioral purpos-

ee and against their will. Ha moved that

tha petitioo, the aigaatufw to which he

aaid wen eollaetod ia 17 daya, aheald ba

read l>y the clerk at the taMe

Tba prayer of tha petition haviag iie<-n

read by the elerk the imanaae maae of pa-

per waa rolled oat of tha boon by four


I oaa fancy tha British Huu«o of Com-

Btoao watobiag thia operatioo.

By the leat mall came a loviag latter

and remitl.inee of fV)— the second within a

year of the eame amount — fr^im car dear

frianda Col. W. G. Welch aad wife. I

hope thay will forgifome for thue publiclr

ackaowledglag tha lore gift, but I fnl thet

others ought to know of thoir unsolicited

kindneea—much aa they may, per>oaally,

ahriak fram the pahllcily of the aotin.

God blcM them, ever, forthia geatle re

mambranca of the axilva from tha Bloa-

grass. And He will hies* them for doing

what, I am sure. He pat it in their heir s lo

do.Tbia gaoaroaa act of oir good friends,

glTMoeoMioa, light ban, for a remark op

on money lima, that I fnl I aaght to


While on the ooc hand, trusting the

LORD oaly for aopport, aad fully beliav-

iag that He will aever allow aa to bo n-

duced to f.uth straits that we wi!l yiel i to

the temptelion to s|>(>etl fur .lij to even

paiBOail Uaeda, yet there is another side of

tha matter to be guarded agaiaat aian the

devil would lika,aothiBff batter thaa to de-

ceive these friends sk 10 o'lr real position

"Wa ara not ignorant of his devices," and

ao, let on ny, once for all, that willing of-

feringa for tba LOKD'8 work, are always

aeaded an 1 alwaya welcome. lam aun I

Hall never want a cent for an V other p jr-

pon thaa to promoto Hia glory for whoae

atflw. aloao, I Ufo^ If then an thero-

who baea eoafiJaaca ia ai, a« do-

lag the dear LORDV work, aad wish lo

help, be aun your(williog oflerioga will al-

waya be ia piaee, whether a dime or atbou-

addollan. Wltb^aa a prenat waat balways mure money. We c^tild do so

much good with it if wsooly had it. Weara 8} hampered ^in cur work by it* lack.

D J you aay, "Why don Gol aot aapply

your every need?" Ah, dear Mead, have

you forgotten that there is a devil to hin-

der, M well aa a God to help? I aaa tail

yoa of a thoonad loviag "helpa^ from oar

dear Ood. And I think licoald alao tell of

maoy "hioderai cca ' from satao. Has he

ever withheld you ^from ijin^ a ganerout

thiag, whea perbapa tbaiLUKD wbiapeied

lahb oaoal "aUlI email vo(aa"-'*8a8d

lilptoiha warkanaaNMthaeea." X fnl

-Workmeaanaagi^iapalBtiag aad

paaclliag the eitirlar of the Boyla Ifatloa*

al Bank building

—Thoyoaag folka working aaaociatioo

of the Beptlat ehoreb ant at Mn. M. B.

MaAllafk naUaan Satarday eeeaiag.

—Tha trial of Waaley Farli^ for aa a|.

legad breach of tha peace occupied the To-

lice Court all thia moroiag aad had not

be*n eoaoluded wbea thie report eloaod.

—The difoetora of the Boyle cooaty Fair

A*aociatioB met laat weak and declared a

divided of (> per cent, and carried a hand

eoaw balaaoe to the impcovaaMOt fund.

—Tha Laalagtaa aaaoBn tlaa of the

Kpiecopal church will meat at Trii Ily

church, thia place, oa the 19.b iaat. 1 m«thar parUealan al Utaeeat will ha gi^it


—Tho Deaellla ttaam Laaadry tar e Mtime paat ifi charge of Wm. H Hicks. Jt,%

wound up business on S\turday. MrHicka who isa very worthy young man will

prabably go iato the aaan baaiaem ia Lex


—John I . Spears' colt O'Falloi is to run

at Latonia to-day for a purse of (3tK). The

other horsae entered for this race ara Por

ler Ash. AUapa, Balto of LooievUle, Faith

Thompson. Traaaa, Eadover, Hallto fi.,

Adrisii, John (> 11 1 ler, Moonshine, '-^ir

Joseph. Porter Aeh aad Q'FalloB are re-

gardal bonn ihaaoatoadiag honn.—Oae of the espioiM of the Iato graad

jury was tbe iodictaaeat of Stephen Cowaa

and Jane , two old colored peo-

ple of 6-5 yeara, for Ufiag together wilhoat

tbotoenallly ofa OMfriaga eeremcay. It

is true that the relation had existed be>

twoao Stephen and Jane so locK that tbey

thenMelvas had forgotten when it be,(an

aad atf bad everybody oIm. Ib the kiog-

dom of Seottlaad they would have beoa ra>

garded as man and wife aa they would in

maay of tha Stetaa of this glorious Ameri-

caaUaloa. Bat hen they wen iadicted

and Stephen badlv frighteaed haalod ap

an attorney aad aaked bim what he maet

do to be aavad. The attoraay adviaed the

puiohen of a toani^ iioMw|(prtoo ll.CO

caeh ia advaan) aad the employmeat of

Rev. t I 'ar Nirholts at »n expeoM f f J

more. Afur (. • lar had j jioed the young

loeen ia tha cnUDglemente of matrimony

the attoraay aabmittad the eon to hie Hoa*

or, Judge Owalay aad Comiaoawealth^

Attorney Warren, who thought the majeo.

ty uf the law had beaa vindicated aulBeieat-

ly, eo tho preanatlaa wee diimliaii.

— Mr. L. ( Alcorn has takea charge of

the telegraph ( tlice .Mr. Thomas Andrews,

of Memphis, is in tswn. Mrs. A. L < irms-

ly and children, of EmmeiUburg, Iowa,

ara visiting Capt. A. 8. MeOrarty, Mrs< iriii'I t '• fchcr. Mr.O. D Masonheinier

went to tampbellarillo aad Columbia this

aaraiagaad will probably go into b iM

Beas at one of the two placaa. Mr. TomDurham, ot Daytoa, Oaio. ia ia towa.

Messrs. S. ti. snd 11 U F. tj'.r, Wiu. Uritfgs,

R. M. Durham aad Wm. Fibla are in

Loaieviiletoaaoahen ball game that is

to uke place tken to day. Memra. W. H.

Armstrong and \. W. Barker weal to Lou-

isville to clay to aarva as jurors in tha

U ailed Bialea ooart. Judge Oealey aad

Oeaaaaoaweeitk'a Attoraoy Warraa paaaad

thrai^'h t iwn Sjndsy t-vening on their

way to '^uiaerset, where circuit court begits

to day. Dr. Letobor, the new dentist, has

fitted baodaomaraameia Jadga Saaarall'a

building on Mala atmt, over Pield'a dry

goo<ls store. .Mr. .\. V. Wilson, of his

place, haa built a new reeidenca on his

km ia Garrard couaty. Prof. Nalaoa, of

the mathematical dapartmeat of Caaira

College, who haa been sick for several

weeks, again took Ghari{e of his (iass this

moraiag. Father A. J . Brady, of tho Calb*

olio ehareh, bn niorded ftoa a nj»ara

of several weeks in northern .Michigan,

where be went '.u seek relief from bay

layer. Nothiog but froety weather seems

to eon thia aiagaiar diaeeae. Mra. Hardiag,

wUow of the lata Aaroa Hardiag. la ia





Nuddlea,Bony Wkip^

Hllla. Hani«M^€i«er HUla, Lm^C«rm hallara.

OUm OkiUed, Ghamilm Itaal mA Malaf OgskteiA ftowa, Wt»4afC.MteMlliiBpB.aWtkaOdihmltiSt^ri«Mll«vfttgr. tblttli

inf and Oattarlnf Wtll teftftlBfl «IIIBlllBi{3b&JKflKy:


TAYLOR BROS.w»ai4 huaiy aih ywrmtmtin totbefcit that tbey hart just reiurnso iraMtheaMm wMh akap

mah and well sslsried stork of I HdK E

FAMILY GROCERIESId eodlees variety, dalaiy In quality aad satlsfartorj la prlcas; ibia we guaisutsa. Our ala ahaU b*

M all tiam to aapply every waat to ear Mae,

OUR HARDWARE AND POCKET CUTLERYOsaalslaarihaaiaadareBnaaselCafepeaae As—rtca. (>ar laiia liae ef OaeMag ttovm taatogmtbejoatly eetobrated •Oieel Wsatera Baasrvs" aad aaay other Ibaslly lavettlee. Oar Chla^ MnaoJ (Jtisvnswsr* sinrk eonslsla la part af rabie. Tea and Chaaiber leta eeapiaW, Olaaawaie Hafely ealsikI riched. Id the way of Bveadatato we aaie Burhwhsel PleoT, tba eaanel all tflhea. Oar eal»t'fstrd Psirol '<i. M." Flour, urlvalled for raks and pastry, vhtla Mae aad He«lay,o«r awa


otlr |>rudu<is, trrajfd as faitlilul stlJuDrts. All ihsdsllraclealo PHalga aad OaBeaUcare hare. Tin, Klons, Wooilen sn4 a'ltlowware, Klerlrlc Mnspa, auUeasvy. Ckaaed MaalS aadPlt^lliand a romplstsllBsofntar* and Tohsn-oa. Well, Ibis Is oolf a btel of what we bavakibsi '

^'1 ".<>'' '-r.^t .r ...t < 1... I'v ,.k .n ra—slaaileaef ear gaade aad year |


Phyalalaasr iiin 1 i ssia '

The LiHMt Stock of Watokeo, Oleeka,

lavalij mi lOfwvaia

*m tootbltotkleaiarbet rriMs Uvsr tfai

toe Uweat WeMMa,Ctorka.aid ^*^^ B«-

in Ii^ui*iAiture I

A Fnll niid (-oniplftr Hn»4»rim«'ui of Fnrnltnr«>, c>iabr»ciiMI cv*crythlBg fraoi the Cbeapeai tm Of riaaac PMrtor Umitm, Ume«tf to to tlM iMn* Httaa to aMbk*TMW ymvteaM,M Hattwwhat qnanllty ar qnnliij jon wniil, um I <mii nod will dnpllmta•ny priresi yon vmit obtHin rlM^wlirrr, frclshi IwIuk adda4.a full aAMortment ol C oOlua, ('a<i<>«. Mhr««4awMi R*be«,. .. — ... ^.^^ [Uimw •»* ggpgMllg r



- < ij the 'JS-.b of September lha acsel of

death entered the boaaohold of Mr. aad

Mra. J. C. Bryan aad claimed for lie ?lc«

tim their youageel child, John L. Bryaa,

jed 22 years aad 7 months—disease P. r

itoaitia, for wferal daya aa iatoan eaffer-

er, yet, bon hb aafferlag with gmt forU«

tnde. We have known the dear boy from

infaacy, he having received bis early train-

ing la oar aebool-room aad by bia gaatle

dameaaor woa a plaoa ia oar heart that

time Bover aeeered, aad thoogh pormitttd

it live but a short while those with whomhe aaaociatad and koaw him beet loved bin

moot. Aa obadiaat aoa aad aiaaHoaato

brother, alwaya ready and wiiiiag lo coe-

tribate to the happlaam of Ihoee by whomaarroandad and especially his kind mother

wbon heart ever followed bim with a

mother^ lata whieh Hneea aloao can


No more will we see his pleasant counte-

nance or hear bia geetle voice, hat we caa

hope to mnt bin aoMag tbeea who have

waabed their robn aad made them white

as the blood of the Lamb.

Loving parents, hrother ami sister, (iod

bath taken Johnnie from the home circle

for porpoaea kaowa oaly to Himielf, tbarO'

fore marmar not, remember thai He doelh

all thinga well.

The Lord givetb, the Lord haib takea

away, bloamd be tha aaato af lha Lard.


That we carry the Largest Stockol Groceries, I laidware and

Queeiiswai*^ iu the city;

That we are Millers Affeiits andwholesale depot for Flour

and Meal;

That our stock ofPleasure Vehic-les, iiieludiii^ everythiiif>; froma Koard Cart to a Barouche,

is always complete,

And thai we guarantee LowestPrices, style and finish


Also, thai we still handle the cel-

ebrated Wagons, ''Old Hick-ory" and Mitchell.

Big ol Farming Implements^Grain Drills, Turning Plows,both riding and w alkiug,

And all of which we guarantee atLowest prices.


Stanford, Ky, • • Ontober «, 18«5

l.«fL£iillfMf M«f.

I North „

n«»w««« toMlnltMMMM to AkMtM mUatai

L9aL HOTieU.

Brv your M-hooi book< from I'c*dt hMrAlintrr.

C'dMri.rTR Ktork of Kbool book* and

WATcaia and Jtwaln rmftindM iltort

t.utic« m4 mmmwi kf HMvAMUlli-•r

t^rv ihf lUt* )>air<ir, thf origi-

nal aod nnir K^niiinr, frnm iVooy >>( McAI-irtcr.

A t'oMi'irrr M(ick of jawtirj, Ul«lKockforil walokw • ipMllliif• PM*

Bj A McAiiMai


•bIIIM AKNIF IIoI.MIj' till hf«D fililiDg


W«M to

Dom't forgat tbc Nction ftad oattar at

Amother cold map ia opoo aa, bat aa it

io tba Ub* of ibo jft for it, tkoao who pt

Noiv ia 7oar ofportaolty to biy a kag>

17- Wt Vt atllkf all goodn at actual ooat

and MrHtc* nstll Osi Bright A Car-rao. •


Wicall particalaratlMtiM to Ik* ad-

rartiwaiaat of Mr. 4. . Omnibtwotttyyoioff DaDTilla narcbaaly #b» kMIMMHygom Id brntaaiatharr

HoM« Tanr.-Mankal W. T. fttaa.

d< r« d«l!v»r«<I to lha jtiUr y*«l«rdBT J»f!

Hfnilay, wbo had btco arra*t«d for ataaliog

a bom ! Scott couDtj, Va.

TueNTY NiifE mooubinara and two car

loMla of »iiaa«aa vara laka* lo LoaiafUla

onSinAtTBlihl'atiprMabyDopttr Mw-abal RacMf of IIm lOtk Diatriet.

—lltaa Maco KcrLtvBo^la lo vliilt rtialivaa

— Mk. Kkank Kcit T bMglow up with lb* country.

^MiiM Kati: IUil baa goaa lo Riflk-

•esdto viait Mr*. LiuitSnllk.

—Mk. AMn Mr* Will Cbaio tr* vlai *

iac Mro. Kan* Dnoo, in ( iarrard.

—MiM Mary Joxia.of Sunford, it bar*

fMihiC rri«ida.-rMa«lkaUo HgMl.

—MiM L1//IC NCMIIBLLKY, of LtliOf-

loD.ia viMiing Mr*. R T. Mattlaglr-

— Mh. J. F /.^MxrRMAN, of iba .1>/i<i-

ci/t, waa kara roaiarday, Isokiag tba

f« kia lata aofara lllaaaa

--Mr-'i VN ! H!\ C^h-T^ ind Mi«> Klla

'-1U1 >T IrtTr 10 day for Iba i ili** t» 1*7 in

u itrgr ai") k i I iii:!linrr7.

—MRa. Dr. A Smith, tba giaat

koalar of polaonary dlmaaa, waabara yar

trrday ud aitiuincd a oumbrrof |>tlirnl*,

— Krv. J M liKi r b(« been Ibreatrocd

aitk rainillant fcTtr fur i^varal day* aod ia

DOW at bi« broikar'a, J. L. Bruoa'a, naar

ProfidaMO.— Mk I \V. fUi.rrH, u1 I miiiTille, i»

ataiaiiog Mr. J.T. Uuibria to ail dapot agaot

J.A.Owpaalar'a piMO i» kia akiiM* on

oaOMl of ateknaa*.

->J. Rallk-r BaLLot? baa raturoad fron

tba ( Vil!rg« of I'nT'u *>• and Sjrgeon* at

Naw York a fuU-tl*dgad doctor. 11a (bink*

of loeatiog ia Kaaaoa Clir.

—Tni Waabiagioa cornap9adaat o( tka

Loui**ill« 7i',<< tara "it i* raaond that

Judgr M H. (>v*ltT will h* an applicant

for tka facaat judgaakip fa Naw Maxioo."

Wa kopo it ia aoi troo. Tba Jaiga ia

Dtfdad rigkt k«r« at konr

—Mm Mildbbo Lawn*, oaa of onr

Imliaat aad aioct giftad yo jng Udin, i*

fidiiag bar old ackool aiaU, Miat Maa>io

lirraBi. at Clilloa Forgo, Va., aad aajoyiag

t > tb* ful «wt »(tfnt thr bt>'|>it*litiaa and

twauliaaof tb«t pictur»t>| la land.

—Miaa CoBDiB OooPBB lafi Raaday for

Kin«ii<i lo 'prndtka wintar with h«r >i<trr,

Mr*. Antii* r)i»i», al Mcljrine l/nlg*.

Mia* l.fir I.Til* i(<-oui|tai>i«<l bar *• far

f Harpar, wkaia aka wili Mf vitk bar *U-

i«r, Mra W. fl. AndaraoB, aad Btlaad



•-t!>prAKiN(i ol Di( k Warrro tba .l / omv

aafti "Ha baa aaraad im la tka eapaaitr of

( )min')nwr»lih'' Attornay fur aaarly aii

Trar*. acid hw dor* Bio*l aicallaot work

f jr the ( oiumonwratth Hi* friand* Ihiak

ba ia aatitlad lo aa andoraaoMat. aooording

t > daaoeratie a»aga, aad ka aatara tka roca

with « »iTT 'trori^ liK-kitik: C irn, rearad

and rducited io H lylc, Hr i' ftirly regardrcl

aa "oaa of ua," aod ba ba< a following h«r*

(bat can nut ba aaaily dataekad Irom biai,

Bo aatur who ma? aatar tka roaloil.''


It waa raiaiag agaia laat nigkt

Bbvbm ibeoMuid ibafad abaHaat aktaglaa

lotaala,akoap. B. K . W—ita.*

For Salf.— Pour poialtr papa Ad-

.IrrM Mac William*, Daaailla, Ky. *

A rcLL liao of kaatlaf atoaaa, grataa,

toti faaaa,aaalbadaiAa,al W. H. Hlg

Lkk k —Twobuadrad aad Mij tboaa

acd.bard and wall-boiMd, fw Nia by

HenrT Haugbman. •

luL K. C. will *all tickai* to Old Point

good going on tba I' b and lOlb IMI NIMB-

ing until O.I. iUt. for flJ.

Hbjiry Hockbr, aoa of L'ocia Lawi*

Boakor, of ibta placa, it ia jail at Jcflaraoa-

ioafllia for cutting a •UM MB ia tba

brad wilb an ax.— — « — -

Thumb wiabing anytkiBg in my liao

fbuuld call r.r.l nimir* my fplfodid »tock

ofMilUaary. It ia act only tba largaat

^aak am kroatbtta tkia plaoa bot tka

oat aalaet Mra. Moody Hardin. *

J, M. JoBxaoN, who mada aoek aa os-

oallaat dapaly abarifl, la a eaadidata for

aiM»aor. An exctedinglr clever aad cod-

Nciantioua bob and fully coDp«teDt to di*

ekargatba Jatlaaaf tba ofBca to wbiab ba

aaplrao, tha damocracy of tba eoualy

would do well to tacure hi* Nryicaa.

Db. .\i.< '>KN, who ttkaa great intareat in

bfrChaaapaaka A NatbTilla and wboganar-

ally kaapa ioformad, aaya ia tba Advoealti

"Ffoa iBformttioalatalyoMaiMd (aad It

(l;dii't |>i»«'< ihrouifh m»Dy handr^ I am

tarcad to baliava that tba entire line will be

aadar ooatract by April l*t, 188(1. It will

paat ala tbU ptaoa lo Staaford, beyood a

doubt. The diraetoiT aill azpect tko right

0' aay through ib» c < -ni' '< ought to

lo ba gifoa without a laurmur. Tbi* litlla

doaatiaa will aacora tka toad Jaat wbaia

we want it, and «a bad Joal 8B wall abapa

'><ir oicd that waj.

TaiRiilroad t'jBBlfaioa radoced the

BIBBoat of the L. A NV Knox villa

Branch from f I '),000 fn fiL'dOO per inili«,

lixad ikaRioknoad Braack of tka K. Cat IH.OOO aad tka Ciaelaaatl tMtk«a at

127.000 all tbraagb tba Btaia.

Trk ClBciBBali Houtbara makaa anotkar

chaoga Ib llB*cbfdula nail Sunday, whiob,

it it aiid, will throw the Miitbern connec-

tion further out Ibao bafora. Tka oflMala

of tkat laad taaa ta dallckt ia aaaeyiattka pablie.


Fob Jailbb —Mr. WillU J:;. Baraatt ia

aoaaoaaad ia Ihia laMMaa a aaadMala for

jailar"aabiaettotb* re*tilt of 1 primary

aleetioa." Mr. Baraatt ia a popular aad wor-

thy maa, wko ia tba raea for aaaaator a fawyeara ate oaaM aa aaar iattiaf tba aaaii-

naiioa.• —

TaKcoanty ((>;iri gra.)t«d lavam licanra

toMiapbaa Vaadorpool al Crab Orchard,

admillod tka will of Mra. C. T. Daogkcriyto probttr, with A. (i. ( jflry aa admioii-

iralor aad ordered tba ebariff to adBiaia-

laraaMlaaBMa WMgbt'k aalala. Tbadamtgt* amoaatiag lo «(ver*l btindrt-J

dolUra ware fixed for the dirt road in the

HiaOorkBaigbborbrK.d.-— - - ^

Tht Court of ( l*im« with Judge Ver-non and Ike following juetioaa praaaat matTeeiarda? aftaraooa aad at oaaa kagaa to

axamlao aeeoaaU: W. M. Uaraatt, R. II.

Bronaugb, M. H. liiatin, Joka Btiley, J. 1'.

Lead, F. li. C^ldwall, Jr., Monroe Ciirlia,

J P. Daoiela, Joka Aadaraaa, U. P. Bright.

J. R. EMea aad CbrlHipbii Wnwm. To-tUv ih»T will fix 'iiltrieo (if county olBcer*,

elect a kre|>er ol the |>oor-bou»e. i^c

8tJiiui>LV lIrRT.->ii*ie ICeynoId*, a

ecarlat woBan, waa run into by tita South

booad paaatagar traia, PbU8^ oagiaaar,

Friday aoraiag aa it pallad iaio Rowlaad,

oor eaMern out' irb. 8be we* drjak, it ie

aald, and wa* eitiing 00 tha aida of the

track. Har bip waa diakiratad aad aka waabruiaad up gaaarally. After baiag attaad-

ad lo by Dr. Raid aka waa Ukaa lo tba

poor-hooaa aa ao oaa eaiad to giaa bar


The Mmif, rd h«rl'eri wet in «frr*t council laxt we«k and re olvcd lo put the prica

of ekaaing op lo 15 oaote. Oa laaraing of

thair dotaraiaalioa, a dciMa or Boro yooagmea cant fjr tkair eope al the i>hop<t and

»aid thev would hereaftrr nbave thfuirelvr*.

Another meeting of the toneorial artiet*

wu iBnadiaialy oallad, tko alaraiagcooraa of ovrata dieraaaad aad tha order

rp#rin !•• ! St * Dimniniou- v itr The? will

tbrre/ure continue to •cra)>«) the akin cfl

yourakia at 10 cent*.

\ rri.ujw named J. .\. liooe ai<<aulied

Kff.J.A. Catea, at Uarrodakorg, aa karama oat of tko Methodiat ekareh, bccaaaa

he*p(ke to Ilooe'ii wife, md the people

were *o incen«e«l tb»t thry held a tueating,

ety* tba Z'' 'ii'>r af, and danounoad Iko aa-

aaultaa "ao iafaaou* acd cowardly attack

that raadara Rooa uawortby of the reepact

of theri(i;';n« of the community." Sym-pathy aod confidanca waa alao axpraaaad

for tba praaekar for kiaeoaragoaad aaalycsodact ia tko affair. It atrikee ue that a

coat ol tar and (aatbar* aad a rida out of

town on a rail would ba tea ptapw tiaal>

mcot for »ucb a poltroon.

A C1X1-E (all— John W. Curier wmknorkWI from a freight train by tka Hang-lag Fork bridgo Hatardar aioralag akoat3o'elaekaadaaflbradaaaar« lejariaa about

the head. Tie hetta which be struck

again*t hi* forehead, tore up the acalp andwhen he duck the ground a rock tora uptka akia oa tka baak of kia koad. Dr. Bro-

aangh waa etilod aad aearad op tka wountfe

which he pror.niiDcex not Decfiwarily dangerona. It wa* Rome lime after Mr. Ctrriar

fall before the trainmaa mivad kia aadwhaa tkoy obbo bach ba kad managed to

erawl to a boaaa cloaa by, tkoogb ba baa

ao recollection of doiriK ao. Ho Ib B BMBof family aod lirM at Uawlaad.


—Mr. R<)bl DiakoB, agod 'HH, aad MJbBarak Aadaraaa, a llMla aald af 16,

war* marrial at Jame* Ploaaar'a Batnr-day.—Cnndootor J. H. Myara, of the K. C,

nlippe I of) to Hilliburg lam week aud look

tohimvelf a wife in the |>*r*0B of MIm S. £.Kacblay, a praity liitla woaua of that

towB. Tba? arrlvad baia Prlda? aad lookroom* at tba Myera Hou*e. The ( aptain'*

many friaada will ba glad lo know of bie

good fortuna and will oalta with na ia oz-landing wara eoagratulatiaaa lo bla aadhi* potlto brida.

— At the reeldence of .Mr. W. F. Kim-ney, al VI M o'clock Sunday, by Eld. JohnB-ll Oib'on, Mr. Niephen L Wkilokaadand MiM Mattio I'iak, botk of Ml. Varoon,wara nailad ia aarrlaga and immediataly»frerw»rd» took the train f, r lA)iiii<vilU,

accompinird by Miae Luella Ktoiaay. Thagroom ie a brother of Poataaalar J. t.Whitehead and tha brida a alalar af asroorraapiadaol, Cjl. J. B Fiah.


-Mr*. Wealey Holtxolaw, agad W,Saturday.

—TbawilaalMr.JaaMa Oaagbartj, of

MaKlaaay, Mad Saterday. tba waa a MImWoir of Harriaoo county.

—Hattio, Iko two-yoar-old daugktar of

Mr. Joka W. Waliaa, dM afpaiMtlf of

croop Saada? aorata«, but l>r. CarpaoUrporforaad tka oporatloa of Iracbaotomy

aad it began lo breath agaia and lived till

a lata hour tkat aigkt. Mr. Walaoa kaa

tvoalkarekildraafwf UL—Mit. Polly Shaakr, tbe aecond w if* of

tkc la 'a William Shaoka, died Friday night

of flux, after aavaral weak* illne**, aged ''i.

Ska waa a aialarof Mr. T. M. Paaaiagton

aad ia aarif life aarrlad Mi. Fhhar, by

whom *hF had Sve children, three of whomaurvive fcrr: Wtr. Morgan Smith, Mre.

Paolin* HiTx an I Fpeara Fiahar. Sba waa

a aMBbar of tko Baptiat ohoroh fora aaa-bar of year* aad waa graaily balofod by

all who knrw her, f ir iihe wait a mo«t eeti-

mible woman. The remain* were interred

10 ilu'l ilo cemetery Saturday afternoon, af-

lar a fuaoral ar?ioo at tka Baptiat ekarcb

bf Eld. Jja. Ballatt.

—A naw Coriitiaa okarek b to ba dadi*

caUd at WilllamaburgOet. 25tk.

—Tkoro ara 'l<'>,W<(i Njrtbara Mathodiau

ia Keatucky aad they own 'J''0 churcbe*.

—Too Matkodiat aaabar 2.72(},6U4; iLa

Baptiala, 2,360,481; tka Bmmb Oathollc*

over 'WNiii \ <(\t\

— Ttie Cofiogtan CixiimnnvtaUK (peak*

of him tba Rav. Dr. H.C. .Morriaaon and

eaya ba ia to kagia a ravi?ai aitortlj at the

Heott iiroot Matkodtot ebareb, tbat city.

— i;.i>hop Merrill, of Chicago, preoiding

over the .M. K. Cooferanca said lo tbe con-

fanaaa tbat a aaa kad aa tiaa la tka mia-

btry lo IBB a faraa, koap apaa aa afla, or

to raa i(or a poUllaal patMlea. Ha oaly

baa oaa work to do, aad tkat la to ava•oola.

—Tha Rev. I) W K linon, who wa* ap-

poiatad paetir of Iba A. M. £. ekurckahcra aad al TnraotoTtlla, baa arriaad aad

enleri<l 'Jp< n tbr dim-barge of hir dutie*.

He ip|«arR to be a very inlalligent man.

Kev u. W. Hattaa la tba ptaddlag aldtr

of the dirlrict.

—Tbe I'lptiet meeting clo*ed Friday

night with y.> addition* aod two mora wara

addad to tka ckarak Soadaj, aakiag 41

coBfonleaoaa tba tooaH of Rav. R. T.

I 'iniel'ii faithful and e«rne*t preaching ' f

nearly three week*. Bro. Bruce *nd tbe

ckoirdeaire lo expraae their appri-f iaiiou

of the kindne** of atabara of difltrent

churshee la aeaietiag la tba *ioging dur-

ing tba mertiog.

—Froa tko uiaataa of tha Tata'a Croak

Aeaaeialloaof Prodaadaariaa Baptbta kald

at Fiat Wood* church io Madi'on county,

we tind that ihcra are s churcha in tba

Aaaociatioa with a total mpmberehipof

Dariag tka yaar 6 BMBbera diad, oaa waa

ozeladodaad 4dbahMdby loltar, 14 ra-

ooivod l>f letter and .M by bapiixni. l id

A. C. Nawland. of thi* county, wa* Moder-

ator aad H J.Clark dark. The meeting

aast yaar will bo with tka Lakaaoa okarck

ia £<lill eoaaty.

— Falcoa, wko M a eyaic and deliKhtK to

•aaor, puMialio* a loag aad rather poiotleta

article on Mr. Baraea' joiaing tba churck of

Fngland, coacludlng M followe: "He graep*

in ilfiiptir at tha la«t fragment of Proteet

ant ( irioiiacitv be will ever touch, a* b«

>lrifu, aad fnu tba awirliag walara aa they

bear blm away ha akrioka hia laeokaroBi

faocit* •bolt the l'x«t IribM and the

Prophet Jrr«ujiah. Tbe carver of this

man ba« been a atraaga oaa but the end ha*

almoat coma—tko parpooa of kb waadar-

ipg* hi* almoat broB aoooaplbhod. What

tbe event will be 1 do not know. Perbapr

death, parhap* anligblenment and peace

froB a qoarttr ka kaowa Bat of. If aai-

ther of theee thinge come to him, thaa caa

hi* uD'i'iiet heart tiad reel nowbcra Mva ia

tba boeom of a church tbat claim* diyina

iafallibility aad daaaada naqoatioaiag

abadbaat. Tbat obarA la tba Bbbmb

Calbolie Ckarak.

— r.;re No r there aoad VhBBt fir Btla

Cieo. h Wearan. *

—F«t fUu-aO kl|k ffada raarllai

aiaera. Apylf la M. H. iNMafk, Crab

Orchard. Hi.

-John M. Hail and J. H. Millar bought

ia Puliaki ^ baad of roarllacaalM at aa

avaraga of ftl).

—For Sale -2 high grade Jeraey cowp,

good milkara. Apply lo J. K. (.Arfon <Ni

Bro . Crab Orchard. 3t.

—Tha Briliah Bibla Socioty i«*ued the

Naw Ttataaaat at two eeato a copy. In

niaa month* '.'50,(KX) copie* have been rold,

-C>1. B«a. CampSall boagkt 17 koad of

1,180 lb. oattla at 4 flaab par paaad. Tbaywere for Peter Qaatrj, of Boylo couBly,

aod a nice lot tbay wart.—[Harrodaburg


—Tko liliaob Lifa Stock Coaaiaaion

kaa prapand aad laid bofbta tba Qavaraor

a laport wiling forth tbat the Si.'tteiit abitc-

lutdy aad anlirely free from pleuro pneu-

monia, in in acute or contagiou* form.

—Thara ha joat baaa alUppad froa Lax

iagtoa toJaroBBO B. Haggia, a Califeraia

Billionaire, a coneignment ef y^arlinge

tha moil valuable ever taken from the

BluagraM. Thara wara 1(> coll* and .12

filliw, for which tha purchaecr paid


—Tha cattla aold by Mr. Ciaorgo D.

Whita to Bfckar, of Claciaaatl, waro tha

bent that bare left the cjunty thi* Keii'on,

aod brought tha beet prica— 15.>0 lb* , at

t5 35.—Mr. Bath Maupia ba* bought ra

caally aoaa Ciaciaaati bnlobar cattla at 3

to 3} caniB, and eoma battar atock at 4)e.—

At the dale of ('«lvin Todd, dtcfwed, on

T^ureJay, yaarliog cattla aold at $20 to

a]rtaraald%t48, or abaat 4| oaala, tbay

weighlag l,iao ponada.-[llahaoBd Btgb-


-Oara b laid aold at A. F. tolib'b *a e

at Grab Drabard at $1.66 10 tl.M.—fca Owen* baa for wale 1 pair of mo lee

1ft) baada, 3 horaaa aad 6 ailk oowa at

Haatoavillo, Ky. •

-Tba Dayar Broikora kava raUrad .M i

Woodford from ika ooara to tboir Kunaymada f.rm ia Boafbsa Bad vM bNid karto Uiadoo.

—CoL Oaaky OaMa kaa rataiaad fn aBoyla witk 50 kaad of young mnle colli

tbat ara bard lo baal. Tbe avaraga prica

paid waa aboatfU par fcaBJ,-[llaallealio


—O W. Kiag bad a colt abow, tko gat of

hi* hor«f, ^t^In^'rino King, Jr., hire Tester-

day. There wrre V eoirancee aad tba fint

premium of f 10 wa* awarded Wa. Hollt-

clawaad 21 to David Tkaflipaaa. Tbeiadgaa aid It waa tka baat lat of aolta the

gat of OBO bor<e the> hadeTprwen.—Skaap men have r»aeon to rejoioo for

wool kMadvaDoed very MBeibly aad atill

huaa upward taadeosy. Tbb ebaaga, if

it proTce permaaant will have an appraeia-

bletlTcct on the «bpep trade, aa wail a* oatha wool market, aad fl -ckmulara akouldtake c igaiiwca of tba fact aad traat their

itxk acoordiagly. Sheep may b« Kortb

fair priOM wilkia a ohort time - [Farmer*Home Jouraal.

—CocBTT COCBT DAY.-Baaiaaa waa a

liHk faapMffdyailardav katb la gananland in etock traaaaatioaa Taa crowd w*iover ao average. Ctpt Baih report* fromC<X) to 'l'<i) cattle on tbe market, which aold

al from 3) to 4, aa advaaoa of ah3ui I of a

eant oa tka pooai Sma agad plugmule* sold from }7') to f I'J'; plug borae*

from i'") to muia colu from $35 to

$' ) ( rowd good aad bBaiaaoi a litib bat

t«r thaa laat aaerl.

Suaaiiog up tba political *ituatiun is

Naw York, a Jeraey City bead-linar wrote.

"It L'K)liF I. ke Hill." The editor i* nowdown on bis kneee becauM tba

typaa said: "It Looka L<ka Hell."


J. M. JOH3ISOMI* a Caadidai* for Aaeeeenr of Uacola ooaaty, cul*)aat latka aeUao al tba


wiuu E. BunrnvleaOaMaialariba aOaa afJaltor af Uaaahicaoaty, aabjeci to prlaary alertlao.

AU penaa* iadtbtad t<i W. M. BaU, dcc O, wUI

•aaa auto ad trauUa by lattllag al aaw wlib tt a

•^tl Adaiiaialnle* af W. M.ML

MiHinery Dress andMaking!

Hra. M. T. Tabler k Mias Ella Salley

UiTe foriiKd afound on tbe 8. .. . .. ,

where tbay will keop en haad a lull w. wrwmm-able MiiiiDcry aad be pfeparad to da draiMUlagin i luakitKM abort aatlea. Pairaaaaa laltollaa.


artoenliip lod lao taereafier beV. oroer of Main and Depot *ti

I line of**

Adminisiraior's Sale.As a iulnlitritur nf thr tetata af W. M. Bail,

.ir. d, I will Npii at i.iii.iu luctiwatliia tetad*B^« near H'alnut Flat,

On WadnoBday, Ootobar 14, 1886,

All hit B«n«r»<.M anil Kll< tieii Fiirt Iturp, FsriuiiiK Im|l«a«iiia, 4<«i bn-.bvli ol I'ual, iO corda nf

W>«>l, ~s I «ltr and Lot uit V'*\i, S,MiOla*t of Fup-Ur Lualwr. '.M l.n«hal« of (>«U, 2,000 buodlM ol<>aii, a lot orCuro is the field, 1 Hack of Hay, 1

Toka at cattle, « oitlk 0>w*, <> Hsirera, 4 yearllDaSlaer*, 4 (^v**,2 Uor***, 10 Plgi, 10 Hogs, .tn Pigs,llOBIiiMp. I**t ot lUacktnillli's Tools, 1 UeehugMower aad Baaaer, and rarleu* srtlclM found on awell roodarted larm. Also, al the um* time aadp'aoeilM IHdillprf Mill aod Fii(ufaa.S baieala a(lax iMild WbiakT atld 12^ l irrHli of Whl*ky ial.onii, out, two an l tliree > erim il I

TBMir— A'.l >'.jiii» uoiii-r !lii. .-^ih; orrr thatamount, creditol ttiree luoriibi witu iiiieri'i! ir.uii

day ol aaia. [<>a-tdj J.A.LVTLM, Admr.

— Whpn npfxILrg ai ylhing i'. th>' line "f—

WallFapar Oaoorations. Paiata, oUt,

TuBiihas, Willow OUsB. udFainteri Painteri' Sip-

pliaa Otnarally,


A.*«»•—IH M.eBMIVllltkK«ar tbapoat-oace, ii*s h (uII, rrMh

naw *tock ol all tbe sbora goods, wklah harropoKf* lo li>|'uMolat the

Most Reasonable FiguresThat can i<r luaJe uiilndr cr ln«ide Ihi- (ilif»-

Pealing (xclusitsly lo the sbov* line, you can tiod

at hlaiiaraa batiar anartmai la lalaet bam MaiaiaMaflietery faleai tbaa alawb iea.

WialBW Olaas. Mixed Painti aad FiMVamisLes a Specialty.

Carpets aod C\iild«n' PipenoDstiDtlj on band.A trial to aoltitud and *atl*iaciloaj*_*jir*io rul<


BUU kiWBi.iiVH iu« av aw


H. A. HALE, Frinoipal,

Short-Hand Institute


imOlftX -HANJ>





It ia Iba aalyBoop-k.epla,.8koet.b..g.HMMBaai^»y»»wrt,ta,.

BaBtiag. ArNkMMa. AaColl.,, |» tfcU .eetloD wherein Book kaeplo, 1. taught a. iKKik. are kept k? tba'u^'t.nk.r....da,k...u,hpracuoaikno,«„ot.,„ven. Ha* tk. aod heat .rr.aiTroo«.ar..P<«i,iU.bair-t Tkaa-a-aanaai-nu graduetai Matii, f .k. ...n. OrTalas h.TTf nn ttr,nM. I. >•-*-'

-f gfrtiHaallaM. Oblliri

XiO«livUl« Brjrant dk StrattoaCor. Third aad JcOartoo, LCit'IBVlLLE, ET

4 siiif 10 ¥091111 mm.Touagmea araaAaa parpleaid ta kaaw k««

• }ijie men suocotd ia bwliiaaa wbUaatban Ml.F..r iDstaoce, one rear agaDr. Sawaabeaabafr

iaeta in sii.inior.i. He waaalaaitaatraagirsMaaditold hia that tba field was ftilly aeeapied; IbH bacauid do oolhiDg. Vet i^iiavlag then wai BoreIn tbe man than io tbe place, he weal ia.He li«!.tiicreeded l^yond his must aaag'alae ea>

I^. latloni. Ho,:- Why V„ , jt t, becan^he It an "Id druggtit *nd ha* hn 1 long e zparleaoain the imMnef». No, that li not the rkitf reasonibl.iuc<e«. Two woidatell tbe atcret. Hell

|iii.Tprt..Il7 polite polite to all, «-d m>I1> hi* good*

VouQf man, you ean succeed ir 700 will do Ikmibin». riM, aa pauta-pallia la all, («ba Mae

«irr-.Umer.h;,ni. ha. k„,.. ^ Mecond, |« thoraoghlyacjuainieJ with your hualnee,, 'the davta meuat«t>..ks .r« Third, .ell j„„r ,ooG,•iwaaaaabie ratoa. !>„„•, uj to mak. it .n OBoaa Mia. Many a n.n ha. ,„,dp , nlcklo too muck•a aa artlctoaad lo.. a c.u,,,,.. r.,„„,,„Wlew Who killed tbe ken » „ j.i,/*goldM,K- Hatkaagkt ke would•» laaiaelde tba ken. H. io.t .11,

I>ao'tlrytadiaweuai«m*r»»iih io« ,„k.„oa.»itUBgaBdlMaid«iblcon another. B« h,«.sat; laMataiaaasaablallve.and.i.t.iive


•k^ kaepgaaa. iiaMa.* ,«„i,, ,„d ^Paapla waai; paiiiiimt aa aad aaam to vmib. taIthiabiaakto.



oeuGGisis xiiD PiKnsrs,Opera House Block, . . StMilterd, Kf *

Wall Pa^r.Droga,CbemloalibPalniir^OilSp

^wY^ MwUcailaqoar •irneaie.i.,

JteT"' Pocket

•»»« Ariuia, .naohinOnr Jewelry, 8llrerware aad Optlral Aaada D«B.rt»<..< iT^Bickari. who Will iM^ir nSe^d* cJI£*;Sijy"ii^^




And Almost Any Other Articleill the Grocery Line You


Tin-, Glass- and Queensware, To-bacco and Cigars, Fruits

aud Couteetions,

Notions, Ammunition and Spices,Nails and a Good Deal of

Other Hardware.

School Supplies: Baskets, Bags,Slates, Pencils, l^ens aud

Holders, ink, &e.

Corner Main and Somerset Sts.

is the best place to buy.

Over 40 Buggies, Carriages,

Fhaetons, Surreys

.And Spring Wagons,Over 40Wwm WagpoiiM aud maigr irthrrCooii

to be


Too Sfany Goods ra •Bdti Tndo to Dull and Tbey Must Bf Md,


CoM fall* Um aiituinii on Mnd »a4hhingls,

Tb* breakari lift UmdimItw with ru$h ttwAromr,myrtad gboct-UIW ToioM rarg* and

bM loa*

It Ml ytlfiMMiA

Oh, tkou hMrtPi ttMTMl^ tall* vn% ki J* KM.

Caowin tbm trwMsUfeMPUuof titf bnwt,and •M6 Mi SSSk vTtmn m*PHTttoriB

foUAii^tk* wm*a arMt


innMifi '»(i iii .1

HcyotoM III

bMMW it ! otmUv* |«iiin«; h« graw indig'

MBl OMT Vraaeh oharacUr tbat humiUata*Itwif ronr* anJ mora in nrdxr that* manlay liei'otiii> .t stAU nfflcial. whrtchsr a min-iator or f< >tiiii«-br*ak«r ou the litjhwayi.Turin(( toward Kin^ Jaruin>; aiii i'rinot

Xorat, 1)9 wiij. "I am kurs you ar« notoama to S:iint Clm.l thi- niorniii< » >l*ly t)

drink >Sura»n«i wine; you iiuiit liave, ajmal. your poolcaU fillad with roqiiK^u—onato • 4«oar*tiaa, on* for a Uo>ui«a to tall

tobaoco, ofM fo a wMtonhiix WMI •pttyl Why do Dot thoM paopto aiakt • fot^

tH»l-ttet k Irat Ukw«r-»lMlMd «l mHt-laglDMto tto arriM «(«M tlBlt mApt^ «Mir Uvw la iteTwy."AaMiiMM gnflid vpoa Etlhlinw

«• fmI fNsMB; tbay ara tb* maator* ofMm Mtfrat toMoaa tbay ara tbair owntaaters. For axampU, whan I wa« in NawYork 1 (llii«<l at a tabla d'hota bmiJe a poordsTil who hail n i shirt t) bia back, but whofaacinateJ me l<y the Jarmg ot Ui« itcbamaa.

It was (xlravHgant, but kuIiIuiis. Thathtgh- Uinp.l . |»>niiil»s4 fellow. wli\ m Pranoawould hav« Uio>l a tax c<ill«rt(.r or a 'luill-

drivar in an adminiitrative (l«iv»rttua;it,

poMaaaad.oM yaar lalar, fia,UOO,uou iit cash.

Aad ba bad wot Mm Ik* moaay, aitbar.

OMdajrhawM M how ktlaattbatobUAtlibM htaMttMl^mgroC pthgyi

•A* iMMd at hta rMhwr dsMewly,larfe*taiMljathouiht«MK knftmiapon tba tabla a roll of pa|Mr mm WhMiba bad drawn tba plan of a eity of90,000 la-bahitaata with eburehi^ fooataina, tquaraa,and moaumant*'—a itook aiouanx* notbaini; for^ottdo, of coutm. AU tbU waafalryliko, hi.t r©a^o^ed out to parfactiou; it

wa» ft r.'Hl city of tlia future, aucbas wcsUall iiarj someday in Praaea. Mymanbad n jt roiitlnt^l hiiuaelf to dasigning tUatown, but lia.l (lurcliaiied the (jr^u'ii o"wblob to buiid, and made hU coutracti nithmanit aad gardanan. They werM at>out

to lay tba foundations and isakd tbo'And you city wiU riaa Uka Tbabaa.

• Aaphton playad upon th* lyra.' 'Yat.Ih«y wittMthaUd.M IB Ivopo. oaa> M a thMt aU wm ha oofaaMi on

tha iaaiadiv, coaplatid at

And, aftM> a pauia, HpfeM I Ml jrovaow."ooatinnaJ !7apol*an m, aomii Uk* a tola,

but our failowHluiar waa ia aarnaat; bebad aacured tba rafutal of tba «ita, andxbown tba contract! to baakara, who |ior.

rai TH I that tbera waa a fortuaa in tha af-fair for thanuolva* aa wall fur hiin, all

uf them took tha bit lu rbiir .taatb, andthus tha country r^r-l<on»l an additionalitate. Uii that lay I proiiii»«d myaolf thatoa my return to i'arU—a thing I narardMbt«l— I abould rabviU tha capiul. andthia 1 kball do. with Ood't halpi"

The Do| DMa't Baa.lOatroit Plraa Praaa.)

"I lika a laiVMU." ba aaid aa ba aatarwltba cantral atotion yattarday and plaoadhis bat uu two chain.

"T)j you want to sua aomabody'""Dot's liar exactly! I want n lawsuit dot

will make aoniebody Mlilar. 1 That BUkd*a fool of ajain "

"How w.K it

"Vbell. I baf lu my saloon a atuffeil wolf.I buy bun III Ndw York un I pay HaTbaa my sign, you know. I koep him ou ahalf, und ararybody who comaa in apeakaa( haw Btoa h* looka"Tm; VnMM Mb.""Vhal. dto Boraiai two IhBm MM* aUt a

Mcdoft aad OM o< iaa ina:' 'BUI, dat Tbaa a big doc <^

in bat b* haa no Mni ia hln.fiMi dot Koffad wait'

iBaihalooluap aad triaa aadtayi!

*" Vbal. I duauo. I goyM d«r driaki dotha doaii' run away.'• "Und so I |.k.< t ) SW3 der fun, uud put* darwolf d^^nn on der H ) >r. Bill ha tallt hUdog to sick 'ein, uiid—aad<«Thalk I 'f*^iOnietudy to kiok me.""Than the dog di lu't ruu?'*

"Dot dog bbump» in on my wolf, und inana mUnta dot ipecimun Thai all turn upBlitkindllus wood und I v.iai ti> out ofpaokatt Uayf What kind of treatmenthMdot oa a man who puy* taxaa in twowaidt aad That haadqaartafa to a «am.yalgaelnbr

"It was too bad.""Can 1 sua loiuapodyr"Hardly.""Doaa aopody pajr aa IST"I g'ioa not""All right, captiin—all rigbtl I puya ma

anodir wolf right away. I baf him stuffedmil dy!ia:nit.'. t if. iy time a dog comeialoni; I put dot w 1. aowu una cail 'sick'cm!' und if I J.jii t bo sh.jimr^ peforo I

vbas si\ moiithH olloi- you nmy jielief I

Taa n goat: 1) ,i vha.s niu, oaptaiii.I Tha« good-baarttfd, but draw der liue outiafffil wolTa*."


A IrfMiy Wbn nad Knoiiith rreaeatte of

mad to Follow <i«i>d Ad«laa>

IWashinirton Star !

Ti) r«i«oN9 Ab<iit to DaowN. — Rotainyour praaanc* of ntiad aa if yon ware in

your own parlor. Throw yoanalt promptlyon your baak. OtaM to airaKl*^ fltnalyheap your noaa out of tha wato aad braathatbroagb yoar noaa, and yoa will float andpreaently amia one will come and pull youa-ohore.

The abora U good advice. IVobnbly themoat remarkable inataaea of a Ufa aaTad byobaarTtng tbia adrice occurred at Parra-

Thb btaeh li om oI tha Mtlyiag chain of

iilaadt maalat dowa tM aoaa* ai tha aai^ara ahtn of that itati^ aad tana «h* tiMaaaabor* of tbair eaatim ildia BatwoMtiiam and the main ara aballow broad watara,aa tbay ara called, and marsbaa that aracoTared at high water, and both iotarsactad

by channels, which are tba thoroufaraa of

communication. Three yean ago tbis •un>mar soma lailia< were visiting fri«nd<< in

DrummondtowQ, and a beach partv « >. got

up in tbair honor Four of tba la<li«s !>4>pa-

rated from th > party to get a aurf bath, andfor that purpoaa ohoee a i«aota part of tba

Wand to b* aeeura from obaarratlon.

One lady remained ia

rest, and in "hingiag halata a deep plaoa, loot hMaarrlad oS. Aa aooa aathe others rM off anraamlag far holytha i-land, a diffleult loeaaMMM owing tothe pra-enoa of aharp graai aad yiaidtecand, a dMM0% parhaps of a quattw o( amila, to a flih teetoy, where* a anabar ofesperianoad Aaharman and sailors were en-

gagad. Tha flat oaa of the ladles vi boreached tba station wa< so axbauatad that

she fell prone in the sanl. and auma minuteaalapeei before «ba &>uld make tba situa-

tion kaown. When vhn dicl, all the men da-

dmad to maki the March, and aaid it wasastramaly da.igorous. and moraorar therewas ao use to try tt, as tha lady was un-doubadly dr«waad aad th^y woald lookfor aad tooara har bodyM tka TCtara oC thatidik

WhOathawoara wna feaaaehiag aadwringlB^ thalr handa la agoay, two yoaagflaharmen oaaa op^ aad, Aadlng oat thasituation. Jumped in a boat, pall»l out thainlet between F.rramors's and the island

Just north of it, down outside the surf line,

and about sundown dlsoorarel the object oftlieir saarcb floati^ on the water, a mileand a half from tiM place of aad an hourand a halt after tba accident Ttiey tx>kbar aboard, tbaaoe to tha main, where sbawas put to bed and giranan atoehoUo stim-ulant Two days after tfM waa fei Hii

iaatoa alive aad wall.

laglTiag bar azpariMoa afterward *ilaid that M aoM aa iM fooad tha had lost

bar footlac aha eriad Mt aad threw herself

upon bar bidk and Inata^nMntdhoka«l|MMilaa BnoMya awlaa.mingaehooL Ma wort a hroad'hriauaadhat, which, tied tmdar tha ebin, enonmbared bar much, but she said she wasafraid to raise bar bands to untaatan it laat

she shouli sink Thn saTad bar life, aa it

was tha obj<>ct that tha nsherman (1i--.t ^pted.

Had »he baen al 1^ to iwim, in all pr otjahilI'.y that wjuli tutve lieeii bar tir-t endeavoraad axbau'-ti on and drowning would have^sllowed and tbis true tale never been told



Row. In Farly TImr*, riain .Tnlin itmllh

Ileraiua "Malstra" anil Ills Wife

*'Malalraaa" — Oormptloa of

tha Oaaa m

Vol oaly hi oar oaaairy, but apparaatirwith all aMdora paoplta, lha haMt haa ariasa

aad feaaoiM a paraiaMal aad ararr day


bat paraatiriasa

ararj day

awwr fr


yoon, butBo runs

iTjr Oraaghts.[Tha Argoaant]

Ai. aniaMt ncliah phyrialaa, on oatb,tha othM- day, aaidttat ha had known manwho took their slaty taahlan oC paaoh parday. rand teemed no whit tho wona to Saiadulgance. The twenty-on«-tttmblar Buink, or use l to be, a rominun product of Irishand Hcotch couviTiality. fiosirall wasapto that. So «a. John niilpot Curran, MdErskiiu', on o. ciuioii, comiiasiia 1 hii twoJozen ho; toMi.-» Tin n there was a goodold sdiil, who dii,l few we«ki ago lu theHue \''iv .•nil", 111 Tari.-i, in the Loute whereMr. i' tgun for some time ee!«bll,hed thedying exchequer of tba I.*nd La,i<uj TU.saaiahrlty wa* a retire! shipping agent fromManaUJaak and the daily draught ia whichha did pMaaca comprised four bottles offlargaadf. foar of oter^t, aad two of cham-MPa-MaaUawMa halag asdnslra of

iooal driakathe

A aoleldal Tendenoy.1/ theio is a suicidal tendency in a man it

ti apt to develop soon after marriage, whanle lli-st lim'overi the jwarly littio tB.jth ofku sleepms darliof drowning tbamMlTM in

With a Ohoat Htory.

Btaaley, tba asplorar, says

fWioM'twhlp aortatTM AfrloM klag,

H oC hk boMi witk a


WhataadaawthaartoC aiaartWag hajMcoma, aad bow aianf mWliMalfM omtheir wealth to tko Jadietons nw of printMi^ink aad syaoa in tba columns of bifluanUaldaily paper*. Tba proprietor! of pauatadmadlcinas were tte flrst to take advantage'if tba publicity given to their aJverti^Jiauta, and the vau oitatet left by tbem totbair heirs ware accumulated mainlytbrougii tha aid of the presa. Bonner, ofThe New York l<i>dger. piiod up bis fortuneby the increa^ lo ctrouUti>>n oMaln»l bypubUabing the opanin; chapters of everynaw story in papers all ovi.<r the country,oloalng at an interesting crisis, with the in-

toaiatlon that tba rest oouU-oalr te readla tha ooloauu of Ike Kaw Torfc Lsdgar.Tho itory ii toU tkat OaL 1Mor8oit,ef

Maryland, at ena tlaa laartid m adTar<tlaement ooTaring a wbola pafa ia ThaNaw York Herald of hla patoat hhedadwhisky, and bought 100,000 aopto of thopaper. Uatting posaaasion of tha papers, habad Cham run through other pasaaes, and,when he inalled tbem. there was printed in

(laming r vl lettort above "The iiew YorkHerald" the legend. "Kead My Advertise-ment of Bleade<l Wlusky un the Seventhi'l^a." This was in lite tiiue of the alderHttnadtt. and h i whs todignaut at tba trick.

The cuto<t thing in the way of a rtfroal ad-vertisemeat was enginaeraJ by Oapt May,of the Peonsylvaiila railroad. When Jiilea

Veme'i story of "Around tho World in

Eighty Days" waa pnt»tUb«l to n«noa, aFhilaMphto payar hadtt traatlalad, aadprlatal tho atotr ia ,lii1allata» la thatportion whora tha aathar dtaeriba his raU-road trip from tM l»Mtlieu a Vaw York,Capt Uay bad iiiaert»l an original chap-ter specially divvttad t>tbe praiaa af the carsand track of tba .Feunaylvania railroad,

Md highly complimenting tb« ''under-

signeil," at he was aocuitoiiied to say when''peakiii; of hiinsL-ir. for aioalarating tbaprogress of the party toijpir l New Y. rk.

Judge Hoar's FU«t Meoting with tirunUjCoa - irj M.-msJS»l lif*^


I am remind' i of the llr^l tuns that 1

ever saw him, ahicb was Just twenty yearsago, when tba flr.t great dlvjaion of thework of his lifo had bsaa oomplatsl 1 1 wasla tho boat of tha aumaar foUanviug theeloio of tha eiril war, whM ha oaaa on toNaw Knglrad for a IHtIo rast attor his im-msnse labors, and I svoa Introdaaitf to him.Lea bud surrendurad. Riehmoad had beantaken, Ueu. Grant bad instantly (oaa toWashiugt 111 and takea m^^ur<M as rapidlyas possible to di^sjlve and ».)iid home thoarmy of the Pot )iu»c, to rcstorj them totheir natural pUc't'i in IIm cou.'itry.

I said t> him. '-<i"n lirant, I have beenliokinguithe paper-i pnetty »«a*dily ^incetba fail <ii K.clinioiid and the sun-Mider ofbee to sea about your eoleriug th« city be-

fore which yoa had been kept for so lung atime, and I hara not ytt seen that occur-ranoe reported to any Mwspaaar." Uen.Orant rapliadi "iMTar waa in Rtabmund in


Ithtokwakaoa kaowa arao gnmnU,and even soou aiUitary men of las azaltaJrank than generals, who would aat hao

likely t» have bad such aa awww towhom we sbouli have aeea riding

about til ) ittr<wt4 of Kichmond oo prancingsteeds with brass brands and the thunder ofc.iiiu <n. Mho would have i«su>>i a proclama-tion, h'll tli-jy ai-corjipli^bwl v^ry muchthiiii wUit Uen. (jraiil iia 1 ilono. Thint.'iii<r forbearance on bin p:irt is an actv» hi. h t.i .' t.eiirt of Vir iiua ahoul l remam-bar fvrav'T

One Way to L>"""c*> Thirst.

[lisll'i Journal >r lUalth |

Intense thirst i^tat^at?! by vra.ting inwater, or by keeping the clothing saturatedwith water, even If it is taken from th'j sea.

m of approprtatlaf \

orlf daialto titiM o( higkmaking them absolutely msaalnglsa hytacking them to tba name of every obaonraiadividuaL Doee not for Instance, everyUarman butcher and baker expect to bodubbed "herr" or "lord!" It ia the same,t<io. t>oth with the "iiionileur ' of the French-man, and the "signor" and the "senor" of

the Italian and S[v(niard. In actual oonveraation wa are laM aseuming tlian ourneighbors, and do not require to be s;tokan

of aa Enquire Smith or Lord Jonaa, being

<iaia ogaaatad with a plato "Kistar" bo-

fata oar aaaaa; bat wa ara qaito apt tolaal allgbttd aad ilialil il tha


kMld Sa oalttid aftir mtM^aiopaa which eoatata mtaaaa. Tha hlatory of thoM otaydaytltlee of Mr. and Un., which ana now theoommon property of every on^ or, at anyrata, seem to be suppoaad to ba so, is notwithout intereet, though In some of ite

stapa it la a Uttto abwar^ aad a law ra-

maiki apM II Bar Ml ba a«l •( planabera.

In the earlier times of our history the

ordinary man waa simply William or John;that is to say, he had merely a Christianname, without any kind of "handle" beforeit or sttiaaaa after it Into tba qasatloauf kuraaiM wa do aot propoa tohara SMBa It a Mtf tkat at iMlaaM oCdM^ataktac oMJokaor omWmiaa tnm ailbw Ma «r aaolbaWllUaa wan iMai. la yttia o( tiiB% to

bo noeaasary, Miaaa, (latraMy atokaanaa,derived from a maa% tradt^ or froa hla

dwalling-plaoa, or from sotne persoaal p»caliarity, were tacked on to tbair Chrtatiannanini, and plain J <hn became John Smith.A" yi>t til ' re wore no "Mistar^* m tha land.

Home John Hmlth aorumalatBd aMOawealth than tiia bulk of bto fel-

lows—became, |«rba|M a landed pro-

priet-T, or aii einpl'yor of hlrsi)

labor. Than be begau to be lalWd in

tha Norman- French of the day. tt.< Mats-

tra" of this plaoa or of that, of usaae work-maa or of thota^ la Maa tha "Maistra.* 'or

"MaMv,"M M aoM haeaaMk gottock^oobatooMaaaMib Md Aa loaMa MalMar


parftiM"maatars" or soowthlng or other b yoad the

ordinary damaatta chatties, who ssere thusdignlOei with tba Utle. Uradually ttosense of poa«ssion was lost sight uf, and thatitle waa oafarrsd npon any man who hadattsune<l Six.-ial distinction of any kiad,

whether by wealth, or by holding eoaa po-sition of mora or 1MB dMiManllM aadla-portaniM.

For a li iig ^erie< of years, however, ouone was called "Maiater," or ' Master'which "Malster" got tmnaformed)was distinctly in a poaittoa superior to thatof tho grat balk of Ms fMlow-ooun*ryman,and was raally, to cm taaa or aaothar, a

mooan tiaa that tha tana Maa to ka

Sale of Mares^ennefs, Ac,

I wlllaell St piit.lii s i.U i:. ! r.> Iht OWTt*House la .Stsaruiil on .WaMffaw, Oc-fakor Va,IttmS, Orcull Court Uar. a lot of stork cuaslstln|

at a tne atalllaa, Six Bread Msraa, Tea aged Jea •

acta, Oaa Jack MdOj


I afkr Ibrssle air farm of MJf Acrrs, mldesyhaiwaa l^raaiBvllla ao.i MrKinney it is la

itad aaadllla, wak luiprosrd. has briik heuMSiaUthoaaitttary ouibuiidin|s. Apply ta or

afiress as si McKlaarlo-Sw "ir.V. M4«r£i««.

Small For Sale!

Sltualf<(2' lullos from ^«ta^lo^l an the DaoTlllc

pike. coalafnln(t.l>. Acres ins hlghilMa er< ul-

tlvatloa,aew dwelUac with 4 reeaa aad kllchao,taaaiasi IMaajaiigaAfc .AwygPMm I^. JC mAwm9mt

lar adi a aritttloplba

r. mmtBt mMUH.

Havlag up a luaibar yard la tha itwarMr stafOi vo aa aav

PitphrBd to rmlal klaA:«r Lirtw

pisaiac Mills. ^MurAcraiiAjr.



(>a DaavUla Avwua, in Olaalard. Tha bouse con

ellsraadi• stalls, bt

talaa 7 reeass. cellar aad^peceh,>lewitV • rtalla, baagy^ .

swaa«alta.baitalad, auble


Ut welllatpfav-mm, waasa shad|banal efslan, all

leaarswlssa.aa^aadiai^rsfair.'^>5l'*jJ^g;5jfjg^Mt J. m.


I will dsUser Ici U regular cusiemars la Suatort

aad Ticlaltj asery uioralog st

Marjr'8 Saw MUb

Oa topafthaKaaha,oltahf J<




aUdoe at tk



rOOTK Jt WHKKI.KR. rroi>rlrt»ra.

For all hin Isnf (enarsl l.uiiit>*r, Hblnijlaa. Ac,bulMeri an I 111 ii>c< < >n not And a battel uiarkst to

suit thi'iuael'M ii»r molle Is "Oooil Mslerlsltor BMseaable Bales." fuliaii tdifiWi allsOap.ity.


Dnitad Plna Floerin|r, Otiling, WMtktrBoardt, Finithing Lumber, Oreen

Lambir Ib Um Soocb, iaoladiaf

Litki mi jtejUB.

Kor the raaTanlta(e of our eustonipri la Htan-

ford and viclalt* we have arraaeail with Soa.O. ir«sira« te haspa hU yaaau aaaariasMiof our Luaitaar, vhsra tkay aaa Mt It m chMp aslaysahat.fMm us direct. Ba vlU aia aaa sauautes for

say MIU haB|k*ldl|a^rin 111 OB short

1S.6BIM̂ If*.lily. Ky


MMOBheimer't UMtaurantOrroana Oooat'

i:e'f.--'''s:ro':i'^?!^'iU'^iy*rbiVu5rraat" and caU waa yeuais kuagrr-

r" (IjUo



San Franctsoj Po.-t: .Nutuuniel ilaw-thoraa, when consul, wm force 1 to declarethat tha Americans wsra the only peoplewhotra^el'l wlii>i, they cotUd not alford to.

Tbare is a uiiich now for aranr (our pao>Via la the Uattad

—BtUifd eocat;


a 169-(oaod

ona^oooTarsatioa or wrMag. MaMraa 8«nsoon baoama MistraM Hmitb. Exactly howand when the term got loorruptad oan notba said. Master Smith, bosrever. remaiaadMaster Hmith long after hla wife becamtMistreis Hmith.Tba flrst use of "Mistsr" u ditBcult to

trace. It is certain, buivevet . that it is ause of by no means long standing. The ooo-

traction "Mr. " appears on the title-p^e of

tba flrst folio editioo of Bhahaspeara, but Hspoald probably haaa ha«a baM read a"Master" at tha tIaa o« ill pabMaaltM it kiikaly. faidaad. that it wm aal l« loaf allwUhakapaars's day thai tta laiaw of IkaiinirtapMdlai Cor al mMmm tnaaMatoton tka a o( tka oM4kAlMiod "Matoi*into 1 of the "Mister" of our osvn Oiaat,

though sre still retain tha old word for thaservice of our ofaildrea^i

.Smith is no longer thahold, but bis httla eon.

We find an example of the old use of thaword still surviving in Kngland in the maa.ters of the supreme court, offlcials rankingimmediately below her majeity's Judgesanl it is occaaionally ainuting t^i a strangerto bear a grave and gray-haireiold gentle-

man riferre l to as Ma.ter Jane '. A somj-what Himilar instance is still to ba found in

Franca, where tha IMa ataally gIVM adro-catas and aotaria la *llallPa*Nut oaly. howarar, waa Joka •allhli wUa

knowBa MMroM Saith, bat bit grewa aaunmarriad daughtara wen aqoaUy oalMdMistress, with tka additloa of their Chrla-tian uam<i, for diatinetioB'a ake, if suchwere necessary. Nor did this um of Mis-traas give plow to aor aodam form of

Miaa" UII after tha lapa of a considerableportion of the last century. The worl• Jli-e' wa' Tt iiv.iy u^l b'f jr« that tims,

but not, inde« 1, v.Ty lon^' liefom At thebugiiuiing of tiie last roniury it wu'< appro-

Ir.ato I to the lun,;hto: s of (f<intl invn un ler

th« ii:;oof 10. or ^iven sbghtly to gl<lly

yoiin;{ lalia-s, or to those to wbuiii wa shouldapply the modem term of "fat"

It IS only within moderately recent times

that It has baooma tha property of unmar-riad ladies, whataTor do thalr aga As to

thadariratlMof tho word "Mita,^ it aMmsolaar that it la aot obtalaad br oartalllag

Mlstnar ol tta laa lyUaMa, but rathar tobara arisM from tho onatora of abbraTtat.Ing that word int> Ml*, frobably, too.

our modern Missis or Mr<. is to be ac-

ouuntad for by an attempt to give a de&nitasound to Ibis abbreviated form. At anyr«t*i the prisent writer li unable, after con-Kidt^rubl" ivestigation of the matter, to

oiler any other auggestiuo, or to discoverthat any otiiar aaakM baM oOttad bf aayother writer

teineee Imuilgraala(Exchaogi^


"From what |>art of i.'bina do tba Imoil-grantd coniel" was asked of ax-MinlsterVoung ill "••iivei-

"Kr /iu Ho !>; fCoiig Qiid ( 'aiiton entirely.

The former city is on an inland about sevenhours' truvd from (.'aiiton, and the (.'hinasa,

or coolie-, a- they are. ^o down ll.y river to

lloiig Kong, from vshich placst ihey come to

America Uoiig Kong* is a city of aboutIM.OOO Chinese and ;i,OJ0 English, besidua

Americans, French, and Germans, butamong tlie foreignars tha English largelypredominate, from tlie laet I aoppoir, thatit is English territory. Thia aa alwaysbaan tha sticking point ia traattog m thaquatloa of Chiaaa Inmlgratloa to thitcountry. It is a matter entirely out of tbaban is of th) C'.iliie>a goveinmeut, as all the•migrants sail from British torritorir. Iiievur heard of one OoaitaS «0 dawrlMlWany utber pliica"

Vol A. H. Marklaud says ba navor kMVlieu. Orant to whlaper or toaak la law laaMkM It MWlUlag ttotall praiont shoaUlSll


A Deiirtble Farm 0«BtBlBin| kbout 100

AcTM ofOoodLand.NaariT all In cultlvalloD. sltusleJ oo lhaSUnford

sad Liat-tar taroelha ~.d. .t>»"l » -l"-

LaacMlar, Cy. Wall liuproseJ Wlb U so. I

i^uStaly. Aaraae »» .•T' ?i .•"a-SsT*- iSi



TKStr twins^ovISMS S


H^ajXya^Sfiu^^niktlTsuMiMataslacOMMnraMtalassMik >•< tiiB«.Hi iaMe»t*SM>SW«nbrs., Is -r««; 4l,a

ekssHat MH*. VlM« sMiMasa eitk is, ii.*Ust aisciIsslSMi jslaslale Is Iks wslMs riaat st UM sU sAi. m-•••u IS fsTLoea Oeaasaea Baeae* •« aeaasaw tm""'I' »wss«» ft Osisil, AsMkirS'M.iMBs 1 ««sa saS i

rm M Biaatas' _.,,.__„ftjufsrs r>,ssai>rr sat ctMtaa^a»sss«is.

Beth let sale by Dr. M. U kOOBMB,

— Preoa—


LmmU%UU tm CUltmgm,


Aj-ntljf 1


tve. LouliTtlla |•7 « a as 1

•7 4ep mArr. Lalajralle 1 S« (> as i 1 M a lu


t topaii 1 Ma ai


Lva. CInclBiisti t' 10 • Ul f. ^

I' lU

" lBdlaas|>ulit ' 11 4% r . 11 lu p wAn. Oil. M'' 1 .*n p m 1 • Ma

•Dally. ti>allr aacepi •aadsy.

aa year Uchaa via tha

(kV.A.dCVy)a Hit the ^ulckaM. tha bMaad MM dirnt Mm to Chtra te aad patata

Thli Old and Well - KnownHotel StUl lUinUint its

Wtih Btpatetlon,

Iti Proprittor ia DkttmlB** tk»t

It Shall ba tfocond to a* Okmmtr?lotal in tha BUU la i«AppoiatmaaU, or AttM*'fion to 0«mf«rt ef

thoir OvMtB.

Bsaaata will ka ceaTeyat ta aa*frTaSr charts. Wr.Vi'iin"te Cewaarrlal Trasalars. Tha Bar will

In )ha Northwf SI

T ' k,*' • 1 I tiM Motion !'..> its o- • i

rtpai ticket Kir rate*, uiipna-MrM«.» It \1.I>W1N, (.. !• A , 1 lilra«o

A J. I' BEII.l.V. I. » A , >!.•..i .sllU

' s I (Tin-.:i lu

Dr. E. J. Nickerson,

Physician and Surgeon,

OftieesAthlt.. • • 9M?llto.X7

wmmlm Pwiecily

er OMMtioHo LigatureUikd.

TmtmMt Xild. lo DdtfiM FnmBoainMii

Car* CerUUCart, Xa Pir<


Oaly Line via—-


BalUmora, Philadalphia aad lawYork City,»I1M lyaeioM—

IPullman OsMa- I >nly I.lo* Tie——

KlcliBoad, Old Falat Caaifert (Urgeia

Balal) aat Havpaft VavBi

Id (naaac loo vllh Old Dom -i :. r. hi i i > •


Aad Marcbsnts laJ .Mmrn t • aiashtp Um to

BOSTON.Threagh TNia ftoa WlaihMir. By., to


An J ft It rr FaU''..ft V I'fif'.d >i t in^t aD<] riraa .r*

LOGS WANTEDaI WiU piksr ih« bighMt

priM llir good, toiiad

Walavt, Ohtrqr a&dHickory Logs deliver-

ed at any station of the

L. dc N., K. C. or 0. S. R.B. J. OTTENHEIMEII,^^^^ OiabOnAard, Kj.

St. Louis & the Westby Ue aay af


All Traino i^'<"<' kaliaDaaca tor Lea-All XnUIiB isTiii. aad ClaclaaaM aMha

dlrart raoBaatloa al iknaa aaiaH allh tha LBEalaa KiKasa QB tba <>kia a mssMaat M Mbouls and all pulnts W«|. rv

Ifl TTnnra '"''t f' i/ a:..ri. or ( AXULiro BBU la »(. L<aula. Mm l«a beaisiiikrr ih.ii aay athv Itaib atlMaa ^^M^M

iitn* for m^is aad om fiaMo 7aaM^alE(«lu( Wasi.

To Oaa ha aad ba>read tha by aay

Hnallnf, KlttilBf, Hathlog aod all klr.Jt ol rr-

crsatlxo fur tb« tourist, larailJ or s|>ortaioiiii

'This line tnut tbrusfh thf> Alla|hsny Mv.i.-taiaa, ea tha tiaoii^ "t liraiiilfil riv.r«.ii.>l ..-riiti-


O. M.—Aloaya ssakes-

Faat Time and Snrmneotioaa

—via all Uaaat—


•t LetU aad lataraeiiet feteti

Re PiWllit IV* Omnllfrra.

l oaaeell as wate lo CbIob tiepei. hi Leois.•lihlrBiaarilaes (iiti >.a.t. N.irtb>«i sulBiBlhveel.

If you sre geiagW, silo .oy iniui. rail oa or«ni. lu Ike aadeaalgaad.

fur lull aad rslUWa iatwBsailoa Ib rMfdUsd, Ac, la the wsslera auin. Msp,7oa'sad leyest speahJ fates lar.Tlck.u so l Uuu

or aiMriasAIJKIP,

ilppi Ballwsy

Ueeds to aU petals WmmUATtOkla

W. W. PBARODT,frM I an I Uaa'lkaa'gr,C. W. I>ABIS,C«alnl

ar'redsburi, vaBaATTOC,UW'IPMB. Agt

•paaialAtt«ntio&aUoOiT«a to Cbroa

ia liiMF a BlUiir Tiimblaa,

As wall as alt Dti peenliar to Women.

Charics molf rste Pr. N. r»t) I* caaallad Oesol i-harKS ami will be tuiin<l st his oBm at all

1 1use tor tbenazt tbraa lacntba.

By pariulMlou he refers to the ioUowlBf gan-

tlpiiii-n- J. rt. Bi»l»r, H. A. Ls^kay, o. Ir""}.

.•^tsiifur.l, K.J.: Ju ^e'.. K I..-*, T .bi Murphy. W.I' Tcmi.Ie, John M. .«|... i:. uiht". -h,i I ,ik, nsn -

fills, Ky ; lUr. J. A. Ho.;!.., II I'lciiTllU; II. «>.

.iuttiiu, J. ». Kibioion. Uhih <«t»r. Ky ,fuui B

Walker, r. C. Chrln.iiD. kirksTKI", ay ; J. «.

Jolinsou, BrysDHTlUe. Ky.; J 1'. I'lnl. !, MrK.iL-

ney; Ky.; (i. J. Boslay, Lebanon, K> ,«fCo. I*w.

la. fsoipbelUTllle. Kf.; A. A. MiOiiiuH, Bowiiag

<ir«en. ^y.; Um. BobM. Judge J. W. Hughes,Uarrodabori, Ky.|C. & MhuaMta, lleAlta,fty.»-«m

THE HKJL NHOBi:.carsM Day Tialas. kagalar trst-

clsw llckalB good Itt alep eta aad all ran to cuiu-I'lnrd wtlhoui .itra tipensa. Kur full laforiua-tivo, rsu. al H'ii«is, analysis or.Vt>dlcloal SprlDKS.I'.i'.liiuii ..Isi'i'liig Car ii|ia'<i, Tlrkrt*, Ac, call uc

w'm 'si*ROBKRl!<, W 11. WHIIILESKY,Titkrt Ajieul, TrsT. I'jwniir Aji

Htaolord, Ky. Uni.tillf, Ky.

Caa'l Maaaa*, Ow'l FM'r A^t.aahaa4. Thalala.vTa. SDWAaoa.

Ow'l WwlerB PiMsagsr A«at. aactaaatl. O.

imm MM i i•*Blae-QraM Ronte/*

Bhorteit and Qniokeit Eonta from Oaatral Kentuckj to all Pointt lorth,

East, West tod Southwut,Fasi Lln« B^Iwko

LEXI.\UTO.\ * VlSVlNNATincheduls IQ HSMt May 10. ItM,






pieane exHiuine the labil ott wnicli ;our L ime

Is printed and remit us l!iQ aiunuul .Tou owe if

yaa an ia arrears. I I














I CLDtrarli'l a (i-iiful rasa of lilao<l i'>l-i

ISit, 1 was ireaird by muie ut ilial'fit jibyii. liti,>

In Atlania. They ushiI the oid rauiHiM uf iu*r-

cnrr sod polasb, wbldi lirounhi on rhtuiuallsmBUd liupalml my <llKt'«llrp ur>;an,. Krrry Joint

la aa waaswulleo sud lull ol usln. 1 wss In a

botrible cuodltluB. When I had hfaii glvan uplodie, ay ahys'tlsus. who bad aeea the worklacs oftha uitdli-lnf In oihrr casts, Ibuufhl it would lie

» srieililM tllilS to l«l Ihii rlrlu ..H ."wlft'. f|i...

cHl'. When 1 1 "lameiii . '1 ; 1> - i il;e|'li

slclan sai't I < oul.l i.ot li \c t » u «»il.< i.!. i

nary Iraatiurot. Hi oiiuiueiKfl to tiiro mm themedlctnastrlclly HI MirJlDK to 'lirMtiuui, wl.i h 1

cootlnuad lof savsral muolhs. I took ooiblogelse hod cewuiiasad to Issprave Itcmlto Brtt. Oc.tuloaallr I weuld have a backset lieai laapru-

deoce. mod tha rbanmatlam left me, inr at>i>e-

tlte tisosae all lUbl, aad the uicars, wbli h thethe most frightful he bs'l rrrr


ot li-

laovB*BoiniD.Ko *,

Ci Hun.

THa. 4




Fi. Sua.

Lva. CevlDgteaArt. Psrts." tlStlUglM

S 10 a m!I0 IS a'it it p

» 1 J p nIII «.'« p aII /Opi»

J (Ml p 111

^ .'II |i la'< l« |i Ul

Lve. ftefia.

Aft. WlaehMer ...

aiebaoad• Laeraaler


II IA a a 10 21 B m1 J 2<i p u 1 1 ou n Ul

2 to u a« to pa,..• topal

A in p Q7 p ir

Lva, Biohuioad. 2 Ot p aArr. Bares

it U p u

*' Llviii|staB t 00 a lu

Moara-BorBo. Ko. II No .H No. 1

Lts. LItIiii(iIiiii

hereai INI in

10 a a UlArr. Ulrhibond . ~ II tin m ••a.ieaaeoeeaea


doctor ssid waaSMD, lie.sii l<> hIHt, I was .1 wvll lusn a

SMD, lie. sii l<> his), iiid liT iho liral ul iiclolier,

,mIii I sill •Iruiiiier mthan I BTar was hafura. aii i welK'h more. I hsvanot ftllfd lo rr|>(irl fjr duly slm e that time, lieiu|

aagagad ia tba ull wsrebouae ol ( beas-Carley I'ua.

paoy. I have b en, aod still sa, doing tome oftbabardsst work any man erar did, and smrcuJytoanowrr aur quMilen that may ha sifctd eonearo.iDii ih. I »e. ewin s Sieviiie ha avadaia tn>tu

HQ isrly (rtTS. LelTMcCLlVOOK.AllSLia, lis

,April II,

L mi stier ....

Kli hiuuod ...

Lts. ItlrhiuoodArr. WInrbatar...Arr Pans

J.Te. I.esiugtoa ...

Lve Paris ............

Arr. Oeviagtaa

f, 0 ) s m,7 00 a atM aa

: n a m .

. * O'l s mi.. IMiOji^iu .

1 M^m"2 25 am .

I It a a ,

T ts a at It a a

it M a atMpal tMaa• a pal tM pa

Lem Mrriaodoa has been In tba rui(lcvBO I kaow

of the

Cbaa-C'arlay Compaoy tor aoae jars aai

tbealiovastsleiusnit to betrue. At the tlaa balifgaotakiDgiiwiri'iDpatlllc ba wss Ib a horrlhla(ijii JIIInii, all I .11 luy s' lii llaitun bli Iresliui'iil

with 0. ^ vas :ini|i>rlalirn l>r s (ilijiIrUD adi r

•riersl othtis hsil il«< IsrH liisrsse lo i« bujirit'ss-

It iocuralile. He luok nutbln.; i'l«e but !S H. H.

sa<l has iKen s und as s new dollsr (or M*(ralBioi-ihs. I regard bis cure as a most uiraculoui.

W, B. caUBBV, Maasr.rbeir-Carley Co , Allaiila HrMaa.

AttaaU,Us,Ai>rlliH, i^^i.

I I ouaiJMi.ra sbouli not I'unrne our H|>-<IAewtth

Ithe I i.uKTo'K lioltslliiiis, •uhaiiliitrs, I'otatb Ud

I Men uiy iiilsiurrs, whirb sielgollao uti to sell,

' not ou tbclr uwD iiirrii. du, en Iba asnt of Ourkraaady. Any iiuitttinn Is • Iwsys a Iniul and achat and they thrtra only as ibey caa steal from" laniria laliaie I

' Iby all (Irugf'tti. Treatise nn IlikilsnJ

—I free

XHB i4Wirr iPKcii a cu ,

I>:fpiw», Ailaala,(«a.

M0STa«B09HB.Ko. 11,

UailyBs. Baa.

Ko M.

a. Baa.

L»e CuTtugtoo" Lazingloo m...k.„..." Paris

Arr Msyprille

T in a a8 20 a m10 40 a m

tOOpa4 M pa8 IS pa7 M pa

HOCTH'BorHB. Bally DailySa. 8aa.|Ka. Baa

Lvs MaysTlliaArr Paris" Laslogtoo'* Cevtagiaa ...... * a saeee•aaaeoc

8 4A s in 1 00 p a1 10 S 111 1.1 pn• lOa m < lOba

I Via*ttaia

~KoKi -TrsliiilsDil 4 ara dally I

(hisler. I4iiu.(ii>n srnl l'uVia|tM| Othttaroilallf i \n-|it ."Sunday.

I rnii, No I runs tIs LailngtoD and Paris, aadBol Yl» Wluchntar aoi Parla.

i'lrett cunuiittuiisara made at Wim heitcr with9«|uwkeAOhlo for Mt. Sterlinii, AnhUn.tluatlagloo, Charlaloo, W. Vs., and Ea.t. rn . Una:—Mm. 8 and 4 run Tia Wiuriipccr

Bol Id Trains, with Pulluisn '^''.plim Curt l.i-iweeaCiiw lnnail ami Rli hiuoiiJ, Va , an l Wlmhettaiami Wa..iilnKt<>i'. 1). ('.

Thriiii,ih tliksis and baggajs chicked to anydeslliiiiiluii reached by % ralTruad.

H v n. M()it8E, W. H. WHTTTr.ESET,Paawnger Agat, Tav. P»h, aui uI.

Ooviagton, Ky. I^'diuiou

tte* f^%^



BRUCE & M'ROBERTS, STANFORD, KYAs an evidence of the peculiar value of these Boots and Shoes, we deem the reports of only a few of our custom-

ers through the State as sufficient. They refer you to the following parties who have bought them and know theirmerits. These lists being taken from memory, of course many names are omitted:

unrooui oounrSIM I> B V

Bruc« A nrKobertN.


Levi Hubble. G. T. McRobertsR. K. Harrow. \V T. B WhitcT. I). N'tul.iml. Is.iac IMiil!i|.s.

Sanilord Irvvin, John S. Murphy.

P. D. Albrifrht, Cr»ig Lynn.

Jas. Du'ldrrar, Smith Haughman.H. C. Mrinht. I'.I.I Jos Hallou.

J. K. Bruce. I>r. Huyh Kcid.

A. A. Warren. Jno. W. WalUcc.

F. J. Cumw, Kd. Carter.

Geo. I.o^

Dr.J. n. Carjjcntfr

John Boslcy,


W. K Varnon.


iV. II. •lelTrleN.

J (i. Wallacr.

Dr. W. (J. Juhnsun

D. J. CharbomeanWill. Alexander,

Win nomarcc.

Sam I She rifT,

J. (i. KUiott.

H. C. White.

I\i i')t (.'i)iir,i(l.

J. H. Kossin.

W. L. Whalcy. J. M. Sipple.

Ja». Stand, Vet George,

Gi'o Furlcy, H. H. I.ovinj;,

/mi .Stoni', H. S Coleman,

Tm. ilmstc-ad, Hill yohnson.

f f'att Linzley W. L. Gorden, JrM. It: Stanley. P. McGregor.

Toncy Hrown, N. M. Holcinan,

J- K. Dumpscy. Nelson Taylor,

y. E. Ruby, Ben Myers.

yudgeA./ Sitk.

Sam'I ('"W in.

C. K. M.irtiM.

Andy Cuwan,

A. R. Penny,

I'ctcr Carter.

G. K. I'.\.iiis,

T K Knulall.

John Kuhal,

Jasper Olds,

(ills Hracht.

W. H.C Iiil.Krs

JoIhi \V. Gaugh,Wm I'oints,

'.Squire Rubinson

Alfred Rickens,

Morgan BIckeni.

John Benson,

aoTu oouaTT,-»*OI.I) HY

Umbii A.Culdwell.

yohn Tewmey,Tom Gentry.

Kldretl Conrad, l .O. H Norlhcutt i Henry Gcntr>',

W. Mc Clary. Jolin Hri^;lu. Sr.

N. R. Colvin.

H. C. Hall,

T. S. Torter

John lJudderar, WiUie H. Walton, j. j Clcineiit-

Tom Stone. Chasi. Crow,G G Helm. Rev . J M. Bruce,

M.ister iVyton.J .\ H.„ris.

/an Uudderar. Jolin Allen,

Wm. Carpenter, Reuben WilliamsI) IVrkitis.

(ieo. IVnny.

K. C. Walton.

Thos. House,

l> ui Stagg, Jr.

Ki\h.ii(! n,r,

A. K. l)eniiy.

Jno. Fer^,'uson,

Mike KIkin,

A. K. Denny.Hoss Dillion.

H. J Darst,

I) M Holtxclaw.

r. H Carter.

A. y. Kvans,

Huff Dudderar.

R. R. Woods.\\" V. Walton.

Richard Cobb,

R.T. Mattingly.W. J. Daiighcrty,

Wm.Daugherty.Dr. M. L. Bourne

J. W Hastin, F. M. Flenner.

(iior^^c I )iiim,

W. H. Hi(;gins,

WalkerMcKinncyKobt. Ferguson.

W. 1'" MiKinney,

Jno. S. Owsley,J. A. Carpenter,

Adam Pence. J. C. Florence,

G. K. \V.illacc, Matt. Hutchinson,C.;«l)e Walters. Robt. Ct. Hail.

H. liallou, Addic Kin;:.

Jesse Walters, J. H. Bright,

Chas. Dunn. Hugh Logan.Sam I',ml)ry. Jas M. Wray,Henr> Walters. Dr. J. S. Traylor.

Lte Stone. Allen Traylor,

Tom Traylor. Jas. A. Dudderar,

J. M. Philip., Wm. I.o^'.m.

W. Iv Anion. W. R. |'|ea-.mts.

Sam Hastin, W. K. Lawrence,David Stevens. John M. Hail.

G. H. Perkins. Wm. H.m^Miman,

Tom Carter. Kirhai.i Hi!)l).

W. C. Whcrritt, Wm. M. Hogle,

W. G. Raney. Rev. A. S. Moffett^t ij. Hanks. llu^h Porter,

J. I). Hastin, J,,h:; (I. I.\nn.

E. T. Pence, John C). Ncal,

A. D. Root,

Ran. Smith,

Joe Paxton,

Ben Bryant,

G. W. l-,chler.

J. R. I.«mon.

Dr. S. D. I'oorc,

Rich'd BrumbackC C Nesbitt.

J.C. H Conrad,

J. .\. Kchlcr,

Chas. Rice.

H. T. Craig.

A. Bowen,

Ridiard Gentry,

ReulKii (ientry.

yohn Spe.ars.

H. Worthington.

y..s. McDowell. Chas. McDowell..I 'lhn \V imkI«, Klian .M<)nt|{<iraerj.

itAmio> oommr.' ! I) MV

•f. a. Pliilllpw A€«.

B. J. Lancaster. Dan Hughes,S. H. Girtin. L M. Gray,

Ro!)t. Cre^or,

W ilson Purdy,

S. M. Bottom.

Ben O. Durrell,

I) M. C lymer,

(iei). Cr.ime,

A. W. l-'ngland.

If 'm. Thornton.Tom Thornton. Ti,i\ is Thornton,

Lewis (iooden. .\. J H ii.idleston,

Tom McKlroy,J. L. Collins,

D. B. Thompson.


«i. n. WhiiiitiKiiiii.

yohnyones, yohn Simms,Smith Powell, Humphrey liallou (»co. /r. Davis. 1 . C. Dav is,

Jim Haughman Geo. Hardin, ^ A*- K. Suton, Geo. irearrener.

J. T. Land, Adam Carpenter. / Hrown. W K. Cardwcll,

Tuck Hubble, A. A. McKinney, ''t^t^r l aflfoon. Abe Rijjgin,

Wm. Anderson, R. R. Gentry, Sr. /^H Riyti'". K. I). Kirkwood.J H. Gentry. U. K (..ntiy. Jr. yohn M. Todd, B. F/Carllsle,U C. (jivens, Crit Lubanks,

) / |. r ro*der V PinWMac Kubanks, Tom McRoberts.


Rev. H. C. Morrison; (Juiller /ones. Charles .\shby.

John Cash.

Neal Vanoy.

Jas. Paxton,

Jim Totten,

K. D Kelly.

K. L Webb.

J. P. Fidlcr,

Geo. Graham,Perry Mills.

C. I". Hr.ul>.

Tom .Mills,

C. F. Putman,

Jas. I Millet.

Peter Abell.

Taylor .\bcll,

J. M. Shreve,

Ja.s. Condor,

I). C. May.

I"". G. Phillips,

Barney Simpson,

Klijah I'win^j.

M. L. Drye.

Jno. A. Mattingly

Dr. J. H. Fvans.

Wm. Mills.

L. H. Hownian,

Jas. M. Miller,

C. W. Cowherd.

Henry Abell.

John (J. Mussen,

S. G. McElroy,

Frank Anderson.

Robt O Hryan.

I'heo. Spalding, J r

Kobl. I'uliiaai,

Jas. Celtua,

Wm. Tutlier,

Ambnt Bottom,

Ab. Hughe«,

•lobn Riut.

J W. Hicks.

Jsa Lesveil.

J. D. TillMt,

<- H T«lbott,

A. U. KsMj,A.J Bark.

John (' Yeiier.

J W Wemtherford,

Qe<> Douegbj,

A.H Rifls.

A H. Flutchinga.

B J. Molohon. Nick Ray,N H Putman, D. C. Putman.H \ Is.ucs,

P. S. Purdy,

Nick Phillips,

John Ewing.

H. I'alccr.

J. M. Camp,I'. M. O'Neal.

B. F. Hm,

Dr. L. F. HufTman,Rev. A. C. Ncwland,Judge M. C. Saufley.

F. M. Mitchell, // . H. Lynn,L. F. Lyie, yas. Parker,

/ H. Frost, yohn Furley,

Fr«uk Uudmsu,Aba Bmlib,'

'. I Pitman,

Tuu liiibioaoo,

Q. D. MahsD,W. S Punlora,

Kicharil Ilicka,

S. E. Uwilej,

Hop Msysr,

Will. Htout.

Wm. McKiooej,

John B. M'lora,

Dan Vsia«r,

Sim Slaughter,

Sim D M'Mtre,

N. I. Bastsr,

Ri>bt. McGlunia,

A. T. Uulchiugs, Jsmes Yesger,

L. T. YsagMT. Z«. Kinbsrlia.

("hI«'I> Tucker, .1 S. Owens,

John .Mejer. J. <'. Fox,

Joe TsrkingtuD, Wm. Tsrkiogtoo,

Wm. Stivall. J. Wselsy Dorbaai.J.S VauWiiiklp, .Stanley Caldwell,

H. U. Oweua, \\ . L. Caldweil, Jr

Gao. HanDM, Elifah Hariaa,

J. L Hariaa,

A. K Lngao,

Sam'I Wtbb.Sam MooM,W A Cul.lwell,

T. F Durham,


I. S. HituKbmao,

I)r .MoCiure.

Dr. O. Ribardri. Ibouipa Bailey,

Jamfs Caaa. WUUs Brails.

Will Owens, Roht. Mihits,

John Biren. (ieo. t'oiricer,

F. T. Fos, Jr., Seott MePsmui,M irriH L ing. .John Hoakioi, Jr.,

John Uoitkius, Sr, Wiu. H>uriie,

T. K Adams, W. E Baughman,Dr. Webb, Riebaid Aadsmm.R '1)1. Arvin, W. H Armatroiig.

Lewi* Oata, J>«. Cofley,

Joha Bsltenl, Chas Bdl,

T L liaugbmsD. O M Bibb,

L. W Caldwell. JobuC (.'aldweli,

Sam Cotten, Jsa Cbriaimao.

John CowsD, Jr.. M. N DsPtMlw,

Henry Hall. tkta Briiibt,

OHOsr Uregorj, Janes Kmiz,W. H. RiiUbsob, 090. Bright,

(} o W.xKi, W. H Haiiford.

Ben S|iesra. Harvey Spears.

John Hugelej, Jseob Hugeley,

V. Ware, Boyle Reid,

W. W. Yeager, Sam'lJ. Harlan,

C. H. Kodea. Fraok Reid,

Mnntip Fox,

D P. Bunlett.

Jsmes Cbion,

(ieo. Adams,

H ^Ir< liiiniH,

Jack Johusun,

Hia Oook;

S«m Johoaon,

Thiis. I. M tore,

Aoe Daly.

Wm. Hutcbiogs

Henry White,

Sam Stooe,

Wia. Bhsaia,

E P. Faulkner.

J<« Faulkner.

Heary King,

John Harmoo,

Kl. McCarty,

A. Payoe,

O. V Jcaa.

Wm White,

Andrew Pope,

8. H. Hundley,

Levi Hubble.

Tim Kii|{lemaii,

Jetl Duuu,

Beo Bright.

Harvey Pope,

H. W. Freiiob,

J<« Hfaiks,

W. C. Marda.

Hmitb Bskar,

Silas Cass,

W. F. Davis.

Frsd Burdett,

T. Kemper,

Atts Rioe,

C. l/'arrioo*

Tip Bruce,

Jobu S|>o()naasor%

ClWhaaa,.T'>hn Huffman,

K ibi. MrKee,

J W. HuSman, Jr.

Col R B. Bios,

R'l>t Snow,

Sam M«guire.

O. A. Striaahoarrl,

Frank McOiniiiH,


P A. M«okw«-ll.

Jas. Liiitou,

Allien Ailaiiii*.

Kav. J li Bruce,

Ribl. Mullias.

PIsas TWkfr,

Davis Irvine,

Spenoer Habbis,

John CrowHer,

S O Hitughiiiau,

Ben Duun.

Virgil Bios.

R-uf»en Price.

Kev J C Kaodolpb

B F.Msr.JohaTsafsr.

Cbas. Poi I,dexter,

J . C Jubnaoo,


B. F. BmmI.

Sam Cm,Ssm'l Boyle,

W. R. Mock,

W. H M.Kire,

l>. S Maxwell,

Caleb Tucker,

iMae Dorhaai,

Cbsriea (tray.

J B. Caldwell.

Allen Allen,

V. O Babbaga,

John Hiitler,

F<ieter Butler,

Jsmss Batlsr,

O B B «id,

John Brown.

Q W. Beard,

JaaesBsard,Henry B-ard,

John Alleu,

W. K BanNB,Frmik H itler.

Thiia. Builor,

Jodga Milton B'Mud

Abe Bruoer,

David H Bruce,

Clayton B-ard,

J.C Burbridga.

Win. Heaid.

Oan. Lawis, O A. Lewis,

Jamas Lyoos, Wm. Lyons,

John Lyoas, John Miller,

B. A M. Millar, W & J. Millar,

irif.* Miller, Jame« Miller.

Robt. Norton, Mrs. i^eitie Miller,

J. D Nsblatt, Asa NoMstl,

Oe > Neff, Jesse Oiven,

CUrk Owen, John Owen,

John Pyl<9a. Fraaeis W. Pyles.

Oe. W. Pylee, Wash Peyt .u,

Alt' Kobsrds J. T. Robanls,

John Ubodea, Tbus.;Rbode8, Sr.,

Loiinis Rhodes, Thos. Rhodes, Jr.,

R S Skillman. J. H. Hkillman,

R >b( Smith, Alvin Skdlman,

Chaa. Snltb, Loaolo Smith,

.Mike Sherrun, Mathias .Sbrewsborry

Jan. V. Tucker, Joa. Tucker,

iiartlett Tucker, Isaac Tucker,

Vine IVurpia, PSttie TrsS,

MilionTate, ./as. li. TaU'r,

Tboa Taber, W. K. Withers,

Thoi. Withsrs, Jas. M Withers,

Milinn West, Jamea W. Wright,

Pat O'RiUy. Mike O'Donebue,

Wtu. Miller, John SIsloo,

Jodge M(

Alton Clemens, V. Clemens,

R O. R'ibertaon, C. S Robert«)D,

Eli H. Dean. W. J. Dean & SonW. C. MooTMo, Jesse Mnnfaa.J. A. MoormsD. H. J. ^foorman.

D. C M'tormaa, John A. Moormaa,Saai DavidMM, J. L. Owaa,W. L. Wbeatly, John C. WheaUy,Richard May, Q90. W. Hurton,

Colombus Eskridgo,


S.fJ. HaksrASoa,


Dr. J T. Baker, John Criicbeloe.

O. W Oanaaa, Esm Oarmaa.E'tjah CaraMO, Cbas Carman.

Alfred Carman, Henry Carman.

L. A. C mmcs, * Richard Coomes.

Lucius C tonnos, Thos. Cooom*,

Geo. Dsvis, John Davia, Jr.,

Ed. Davis, John Davu, Sr.,

Wai. Davis, Orosa Dovtll,

E H.D«an, .Tohn Dyer.

J»hnaoB Dsan, Thos Dyor,

Bart Diwell. David Driski«-1

//oRton DeAsven, Clarence D^tfavooA .M D-jarnettH, Ribt Dejan ei'H,

Murris Ktkridge, Jos D- jsri<»-tie,

Len EMor, Ft*4. 0. D E s ««.

Win Filer, Anns Elder.

Uideon French, Janm Frank,

Sam Frank

Mni John Fliod

K F Gn()d«io,

Abiier UiMHlnisn. iieury M*mM,John Aoniger, H rri^on Aaaiir'r.

Wiu M /fensle.v.

Jamaa i/«tlHy,

J P Haawell,

/''I . //endricks.

Wm ifrtD'Irinks Sr

Wm //endricka. Jr


Janied J II,

Rev. Uid. J lly.

Andrew Frank.

Cbria. Davis,

Dennis // mm).

Win. //ennigHr,

J. B H.'iKley,

Btrtlett Tafley,

J O. //•.*ell'.

Rich'd //orsley.

Wm. Jolly,

Saai Jolly,

Nelson .lolly,


Pre*. Polk, Ifikldo Si no noons,

H'ui Polk, CiMirad Simmons,

F. yi. Polk, Hiram SioBmons,

All P.Ik, W.W.Weathse&rd,JrSc< > t L A very, Graham Polk,

Every Polk, Tboo. IFsathsrbolt,

Riley Polk, Edwin Polk,

TeH Groves, R ibert Tubin,

R >bt. Butt, Jas. Elbert,

J D. Cbakiall, C C WUlsh«id,Colen Harris, Scott Drinkwater,

Jdm Harris; Frank Drinkwater,

Ooo. Wtoehol. J«s Driakwalw,

Hi rata Harris. Nat. Harris,

Fraok Adams, Crawlord Brown,

Millard Brown, Martin Frank,

A. J Frank, Kirk Weatharibolt,

.\rH|Leaf, ''haa. Weatberbolt,

Alex. Leat, Geo. Weatberbolt,

A. J. Loaf, MiUaid Leaf,

Tboa. Lest, John Ambers,

Nat. Abl, Geo. Roof,

Lewis Conner, George Hyde,

Wod. Taytor, WUlia Ryan A Son,

Jas. England, Doc Payne,

Siuart Finch, Joha Lyons,

Jos. Wlaohal, Miss Aaa Fblk,

Misa Halaa Fblk. Wood Weatberbolt.

Zsl Ryan,

Alt Ryan,

(tail. Ryan,

Joe Mullin,

Nube Fats,

^fft Haodrioii,

MurrayWeatherbol t

Dan. Ryan.

Nat Bull.

Wm. L BaU,

Bud Pato,

Baaadtot Mattingly.

R B. Mattingly, Lutber Heudrick,

C. B. Pate, Sam Taul,

Wiu. Camp,W B. IWol,

Jim. Taul,

Juu. R. Taul,

A. r. Fata,

rnos. Bates,

J. B. Hates,

AliMB Nuley,


W D. Wilson.

Galea Barbae,

Wa.TMw.W. W. JoMiiJos. Jones,

Nat. Tsui,

Fist Kanaa, Jr,,

Pat Keenan, Sr..

Lawroooe Keenan,

Lswranes Oorrall,

Ban Hates,

Tom KeensD,

Tom O Hryan,

John Barbsa,

H R. Dean.

W. S, Dsao,

Thos, Baavao,

John Jones,

W. H. Chambles,Q. W. Maloalft Chas. Bartlaad, jro«.T. J, Lavis, Dr.A M Kiucbl««. Robt. Chanblss, Lutber Clemens,

Crit Burton,

Riley Liyd,

M. CIsrk.

Wm Cofivf,

Am n« C >rl«7,


JoMph RatflsW,

Rtnson II* Said,

E i. & D. U.(*la7,

J*in«M f«'ie«na,

RobL Paieiaea,

Jtnaa OolT,

J*ke L. MiHer,

Jtmes Kiumaa,Cnirlao M«f,Woi. Bs«vea,

F. N D« Hoy.1: n. Wi-..

Dr.J. U U.tlt,

Jeha MeOerritk,

0«c<r McUorrisk,

J. D. Kf«a,

ThoA Pow,

JoKb Dtwana,

BlebaH V«wMa,\lttert N.-«maa,

J ihn K >oiif


Et R of.

John Mnnra,

Wm Clill^rd.

Mike T iiiey, 8r,

Mika Tunoy, Jr.,

Ifsriie Murray,

Raory D inc*o,

Frank T'tTni*,

Hianlar Ptriuios,

Osorca W. Stort,

r. p. en»tarflald,


W. 8 AiUa,Sr.,

W. 8. Allea,Jr.,

Jasae Wmaa,Wm Simasa,

Mr* J<in« Page,

Jobs Hardis,

Jaasa W Blslr,

S'll Pioroe,

L >n T««^,

Haorr P«le

Leo Ssbiw,

Jobs 8s>klie,

VVm. Kahlin.

Jack Ma'iioglj,

H C W«Meaer,Louis WiK^roner.

Exra C'liBpio,

*4aui Joiinnon,

Mrs £ P. Pau,

W, H HswUaa,TesiBinlsil,

Jama* M 'ador.

J. Jk C. JeoninK*,

Jaroma Wberlay,

Ham Txarmaa.Cbarlox E <1t-r,

J U. Miner,

Wm. Atil.

C«le H««kiiia,

RilKj GUmmaa*.C. C Morrow.

W D H .li,

Wm Minor.

Wm. H*f,J. W B ard,

Jm. U. r4 ephrn*,

Wm W.ikiiM,

Thos W.iktasW H R •ItiDKhnoaa

/•DO H.-> <tricki,

Jo'.n .M.J.IIf,

NalM>'< J

Rosioa Jollv,

WiUon Julio,

Jim J»ll/,

Wm. Lyoo, Jr


Jeka sad Joe I^oa,

1W Wartbaas(SmafifS fqlsriar faanal

Don Clark,

Sam Flowars,

Ephraim Hatftsid,


Jamas HtlBeld,

John (Gamble,

JSSMS Wright.

1^ Joiw.Csrisf,

Bod Ifttrphy,

C W. MoorsMa,

P 8. Miller,

Uss Ullsid,

R L. Newsoo,

J 8. Wilkenma,

C. K Huttoo,

Lia MeOonrisk,


T. K. MeOswisa,John Daks,

W.L. Pate,

lasae Long,

Pst RooBf


DoonU Rooov,


HsnaBosf,Tfeos, Swaooaj, 8r


Tboo. Swoanay, Jr.,

Cbaa. I<'liiDar,

D.&DaaP V. Duocao,

William Payna,

Mark Wadding,

JsMaMstti^ly.Bod boa,


Dan Isom,

B Barton,

Honrr Pago,

Smith Pate,

Jalioa Haidia,

David J(

W.I.Lis Pate,

Dick Pala,

WskSmithJsaNiEWaldoFrank Smart,

Joa Smart,

Smilb Wacfoasr,

W. B. Cbapin,

John Jennioga,

C. Jobnaoo,

E. Mooraaaa,

MIssBswUas,Richard Bardatt,

Richard Baaror,

Mrs. Nannia



C. Black,

Jtmeii Ji

Jos. Kiag.

Wa. Psrao,

Mr*. Mike Hi

Wm. Paulaj,

Jim MiMT,Cbaa BobUr,

V. Hardla.

Dud Hamblotoa,

Dr.&F.0Wm. Hondrickd,

Thoa. Haodriod*,

W. A. JoUf,


Oss.T Jollf,

Haary J0II7.

Jama* Lyon,

Wm. WarthaMb


Jab PHst.)

t^^t V?' ^^'^T^ymanufacturers in the United States tanning our own stock and adhering

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