SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award

1 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Supporting Partner: Submission Form of 2014 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Theme: Fostering Global Citizenship for Sustainable Future The last day for submission of entries: 15 September 2014 To participate in the 2014 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award, please submit the information of your school’s project/programme on “Fostering Global Citizenship for Sustainable Future” by using this Submission Form. The digital format of this Submission Form can be downloaded from the SEAMEO website: or requested by sending an email to: [email protected]. The guidelines for submission of entries and the judging criteria are detailed in page 13-15 of this document. Schools must ensure that the SEAMEO Secretariat receives their entries by Monday 15 September 2014 . More information, please contact the SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok (telephone number: +662 391 0144, fax number: +662 381 2587 and email address: [email protected] ) PART I: Details of Your School 1. Name of your school: ST MICHAEL SECONDARY SCHOOL, PENAMPANG 2. Full address: P.O.BOX NO: 66, PENAMPANG. SABAH 3. Postcode: 89507 4. Country: MALAYSIA 5. School’s telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +6088711541 6. School’s fax number (country code+city code+fax number): +6088712541 7. School’s email Address: [email protected] 8. Name of the Head Master/ Principal/ School Director: MARIE YONG PIK HUA 9. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Fenny Chin Chiew Phing & Thclea Nelly Michael 10. Email address of the Coordinator: [email protected] / [email protected] 11. School website (if available): 12. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): FORM 1 TO FORM 5 13. Number of teachers in your school: 63

Transcript of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award


SSEEAAMMEEOO--JJaappaann EESSDD AAwwaarrdd Supporting Partner:

Submission Form of 2014 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Theme: Fostering Global Citizenship for Sustainable Future

The last day for submission of entries: 15 September 2014

To participate in the 2014 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award, please submit the information of your school’s project/programme on “Fostering Global Citizenship for Sustainable Future” by using this Submission Form.

The digital format of this Submission Form can be downloaded from the SEAMEO website: or requested by sending an email to: [email protected].

The guidelines for submission of entries and the judging criteria are detailed in page 13-15 of this document.

Schools must ensure that the SEAMEO Secretariat receives their entries by Monday 15 September 2014.

More information, please contact the SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok (telephone number: +662 391 0144, fax number: +662 381 2587 and email address: [email protected])

PART I: Details of Your School


2. Full address: P.O.BOX NO: 66, PENAMPANG. SABAH

3. Postcode: 89507

4. Country: MALAYSIA

5. School’s telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +6088711541

6. School’s fax number (country code+city code+fax number): +6088712541

7. School’s email Address: [email protected]

8. Name of the Head Master/ Principal/ School Director: MARIE YONG PIK HUA

9. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Fenny Chin Chiew Phing & Thclea Nelly Michael

10. Email address of the Coordinator: [email protected] / [email protected]

11. School website (if available):

12. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): FORM 1 TO FORM 5

13. Number of teachers in your school: 63


14. Number of teachers participated in this programme: 63

15. Number of students in your school: 839


PART II: Information about the School’s Programme

The information of part II from no.1 to 13 should be no longer than nine (9) pages long of A4 in

total. The information should be written in Times New Roman font, 11-12 point size.

1. Title of the school’s programme


2. Summary of the programme (a half to one page A4)

A CUP OF BLUE FOR YOU AND ME is an environmental based programme conducted by St.

Michael Secondary School, Penampang. It is organized as an initiative by the school and focused on saving

water, its preservation and conservation. This is a continuous project which started in early February 2014 to

September 2014. However the follow-up of this project is ongoing.

Two villages and their communities namely Putaton and Kibambangan benefited from this project as

well as the river which is flowing through these villages; the Putaton-Kibambangan river. Another area

benefited through A CUP OF BLUE FOR YOU AND ME is the monsoon drain located in front of

Penampang Futsal Centre.

Among the activities carried out during the implementation of the project are:

i. To form a collaboration with the Villages’ Cleanliness and Safety Committees to prevent any fishing

activities on a part of the river for a certain period in a year and beautifying that area to become a

recreational place.

ii. To donate poly pipe and other materials used and to help in the installation of the water gravity

system which supply clean water to their houses.

iii. A fund-raising activity to buy water tanks. So far St. Michael’s school has donated 29 water tanks to

the villagers of both Putaton and Kibambangan.

iv. Conducting talks and workshops among the villagers on making mudballs and Effective

Microorganisms Garbage Juice (EM garbage Juice)

As for the monsoon drain, it is the initiative of the school to adopt it and dubbed ‘Drain of Hope’. This

project involved the school’s Parents and Teachers Association (PTA), the Penampang Public Work

Department (PWD), Penampang Fisheries Department, The Local District Council and the Management of

Penampang Futsal Centre not forgetting the teachers, non-teaching staffs and students of the school. The

main focus of this project is to make the whole streak of the drain trash-free, beautifying the sides of the

drain and monitoring its water quality. (Refer Attachments 5 & 6for the Letter of Permission to Adopt the

River and Drain)

3. Background information or reasons why the school created this programme

Water is the basis of life and the blue arteries of the earth .Every living being in the non-marine environment

depends on fresh water to survive. However our supply of water is finite. At present It is estimated that only

1 % of the water of the earth is suitable for human consumption and and are reducing every year because of

increasing demands and pollution of water. The United Nations has predicted that there will be 17% more

demand of water compared to resources available by the next two decades. Due to the effects of global

warming countries Malaysia though situated in equatorial region is experiencing more erratic weather as the

frequency of rain has become unpredictable. This couple with pollution of water due to economical

development as well as poor attitudes towards conserving and preserving water have placed a significant

strain on our water resources. In our school we sometimes doo faces dry tapes and in some rural local

villages, . Just outside the school, the water in the drain is badly polluted with solid and liquid waste. In

addition to that, the drains are clogged with rubbish which always during the rainy days cause flash flood.

The community forgot that water brings life to many which are not only to us but also the other aqua life. As

we took another glance, we saw a different community about 30 kilometres from our school facing the same

problem concerning water. They are facing a problem on clean water supply at their village. Based on our

research, we found out that, most of the villagers rely on the natural water supply such as river. When the

river is polluted then they have to turn to another source of water which is the gravity water supply. For the

gravity water supply the villagers need to build their reservoir. This creates another problem to the villagers.

They do not have enough fund to build the reservoir.


As citizens of this planet it is our individual responsibility to take an active role in water conservation and

preservation . The simple tasks we perform every day like laundering, gardening, washing our cars, etc. will

create many opportunities for us to make a difference. Change begins with us, and if we lead by example,

others are more likely to follow. With this belief in mind, St Michael Secondary School’s community has

decided to launch a program called ‘A Cup Of Blue for You and Me’ with the aims to increase and nourish

the awareness amongst students of the school and the community surrounds it, the importance of

conservation and preservation of water

4. Objectives/goals of the programme

Our school program aimed to:

i) To reduce the treated water usage in the school by 30% from the month of February to August

ii) to spread and increase the level of awareness of our students and the local community on the importance

of preserving and conserving of the river and drain.

iii) to improve the water quality in Kampung Kibambangan River/stream and monsoon drain

iv) to help the villagers in Kampung Kibambangan/Putaton to get clean water supply by repairing and

installing reservoir anpipes for gravity water system

v) to expose the villagers and schools on on the importance of rain water harvesting

vi) to educate the students and villagers on how to treat polluted water using mudballs and EM garbage juice.

vii) to intensify the esthetic value of the river and drain

vii) to create a caring society not only to each other but also caring towards the environment.

viii) To make st Michael School’s school a ‘Show Case ‘ on best practices for Water conservation and


5. Core competencies of students (e.g. knowledge and understanding, cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills

and behavioural capacities) that the school aims for within the programme.

The school aims that students involved in the programme carried out will be able to :

Work together as a team

Improve their leadership skills and learn to be independence

Students become more innovative

Improving communication skills – orally and written

Gain ICT skills

Better understanding on various environmental issues

Confident to become a good environmental ambassador

6. Period of the time when the programme was or has been implemented

It is a six-month project started from 1st February 2014 – September 2014. Monitoring and follow-up is still

going on

7. Activities (Actions and strategies of implementation)

The school has planned a 3 year strategic plan to look after the environment and a yearly tactical plan for

the project ‘ A cup of blue for you and me) (Attachment 1 and 2

Activities at School

1. ‘SAVE, PRESERVE AND CONSERVE, OUR RESPONSBILITY’ Week was held on the 17 to 21st

February 2014. I n these week the water vision teams and our Drain of hope squads team shows videos on

the sources and effect of the water pollution along the drains in Kota Kinabalu and Penampang areas as

well as the Effect of draughts in African countries were shown to students. Posters how to reduce water

wastage. were put up in the school compound.. These include posters depicting practices such as Take

shorter showers ; Close the tap at once after using the water ;Do not wash your bath tower after one time

use, Do not overwater your plant; Slow the flow of water to consume less water, using less energy; Fix leaky

pipes immediately upon discovery; While brushing, only open the tap when you need water; Don’t wash

your car too often and if possible just mob it and only use washing machine when you have a full load of



During this week all the students in the school will write a 300-400 words essay base on the themes such

as Water pollution, the conservation and preservation of water, climate change : the cause and effects in the

Bahasa Melayu Lesson . We also held speech contest based on the theme related to water.

The eco rangers also use digital media to promote the campaign (attachment 6)

2. Environmental Walk – this activity is conducted every Monday and Friday, where different co-curriculum

Club will take turn to walk up to 1km from the school to collect rubbish before they start with their club

activities. By doing this, the local community living nearby will be inspired by the action done the students.

2. 1 Class 1 Lot garden area – This activity is also conducted on Mondays and Fridays for 15 minutes before

the co-curriculum activities start. Each class of students will have to ensure that the lot entrusted to their

class will be taken care of. The class lot must be all the time – rubbish free.

3. Weekly Effective Microbe organism Mud balls and EM garbage Juice making – this activity is carried

out to ensure that the school will never run out of mudballs and EM juice supply in cleaning up the drain ,

the river and the school fish ponds. The EM garbage juice which are produced from the skins of ruits or

uncooked waste vegetables when use to clean the toilet floor will freshen up the ordour of the toilet . It is

also been used as the fertilizers for the plants in the school garden. The mudballs and EM Juice will be by

made the lower secondary students. The co-curriculum club will take turn in making the mudballs and EM

juice every Friday. T

4. Water Usage Monitoring – the water usage need to be monitored weekly as to see the changes in the water

bill. The usage of water in the school toilets and also watering the plants must be controlled by minimizing

the use of government water supply and maximize on the use of the rain water harvested by the school. This

job is done by the school’s Water Vision Club

5. Fund-raising Activity – The Water Vision team and our Drain of hope squads co-organize a donation

drive from all the teachers, students, parents as well as concerned individuals to fund their projects which

are The Drain Of Hope at Kampung Dabak , Penampang and the Water Vision Project with the villagers in

Kampung Kibambangan -Putaton.

6. Weekly kitchen and garden waste composting program – This program aimed to educate the students

that we can plant home-grown organic vegetables without using chemical fertilizer by doing own

composting from our kitchen and garden waste. Hence it will help lesson water pollution from the usage of

chemical fertilizers.

7. ‘Watering Your Plant Right’ Program. – The weekly class on duty students will water the hanging

potted flower plant using 250 mls plastic drinking bottle .This will train the students not to over watering

the plants.

8. Installing Water Fertigation System – Another activity and innovation introduced by the school Water

Vision team in watering the hanging potted plants is the fertigation technique. This fertigation system was a

special project by the water vision team to reduce the usage of government water supply. The length of the

pipe used to install the fertigation system was 100 metres and had shown a great result on the reduction

usage of water to water the hanging potted plants

9) to use social media to promote water conservation and preservation

Drain of Hope Project at Kampung Dabak, Penampang

1. “Love Letter to our River” Writing Competition – this competition was organized with the hope that the

students will become more concern for the environment. This competition was opened to all lower and

upper secondary students. The best letters will be exhibited at the school co-curriculum board to

recognize the students’ effort in writing their letter.

2. “Love our Drain” Poster Drawing Competition – the poster drawing competition was organized by the

“Drain of Hope” school squad on the 21st June 2014.

3. . The squad organized this competition was mainly to instil awareness among the students to love their


drain and not to throw rubbish into it. All posters were then planted along the adopted monsoon drain.

4. Visit to the Sewage Treatment Plant – The squad organize an educational tour on the 1st June June 2014

to the Sewage Treatment Plant together with few other students to gain knowledge on how drain water is

treated. At the site, the students also learnt how to determine the water quality.

5. Organise talk and seminar on Problem-Based Learning – The squad organized a talk on how to solve

environmental problem using the Problem-based learning method on the 25th May 2014. The participants

were divided into group of 5 and each group was given a different environmental problem concerning

water. The group had to study their problem and conducted research on how they can solve the problem.

The one week camp, ended with group presentation and exhibition on how the participants solve the

given problem.

6. Mass Clean-up along the Monsoon drain – the Drain of Hope squad also conducted a mass clean – up

involving the our school students and the community living nearby the monsoon drain on the 14 April


7. Talks to Primary School Students – The Drain of Hope squad students together with the water vision

team spread awareness not only to their school friends but also to younger students in the primary

school. The squad invited few primary schools which were the SK Kibabaig, SK St Joseph, SK St

Theresa and SK Putaton on the . All primary schools were located in Penampang area. These young

students were given exposure on how to conserve and preserve water resource. Besides that, these

students were given knowledge on how to make mudballs and EM Juice. After that, the students were

asked to make their own mudballs and EM juice.

8. Oil-Trap and waste trap making – the squad also make their own innovated oil trap and waste trap using

recycled items such as, plastic bottle, used net, bamboo, cut hair (collected from the saloons) and panty

hose. These oil traps and waste traps were then installed in the drain to trap the oil and rubbish

9. Together with the workers of the Futsal Centre Penampang, the school students continue to look after

the drain, cleaning the drain, plants flowers and feeding the fish in the drain. We are the first school in

Sabah to ‘Tagal’ the drain by the Fishery Department of Sabah.

Water Vision Project

1. Rain water harvesting – the water vision squad installed as many tank in the school compound to harvest

the rain water. The water harvested was used to water the plants, to clean the school compound and to

clean the toilets.

2. Talks to the Villagers of Kampung Putaton & Kampung Kibambangan – The School Water Vision group

gave talks on how to conserve and preserve water to the villagers.

3. Distributing flyers to the nearby community – the team distributed flyers on how to conserve and

preserve water at one of the major shopping complexes in Penampang.

4. Build a reservoir at Kampung Kibambangan – the team r ped to fund and built the reservoir at Kampung

Kibambangan so that the villagers can get clean water supply.

5. Donating Water Tank – After collecting funds, the team bought 20 water tanks for the villagers to store

clean water supply from the reservoir that they had built and besides that the villagers can store the rain

water collected.

6. On the 29th of May 2014 a Mass clean-up and landscaping were carried out at Kibambangan resort to

beautify the surrounding of Kibambangan river bank. The school students and teachers together with the

villagers of Kampung Kibambangan worked hand in hand to clean up the river bank. They also did some

landscaping activity mainly to beautify the Kg. Kibambangan River Resort. The students and teachers

including the school principal donated some flower plants to the resort.

7. One day talk and environmental activities on the 8th June 2014 were carried out with the primary school

concerning conserving and preserving the water. The talk and environmental activities were conducted at

SK Putaton by the School’s Water Vision Team. Interesting environmental activities were carried out

such as environmental quiz, and collecting rubbish with small students around the school’s compound.

8. Donating two units of water tank for Putaton and St Theresa Primary school to store the rain water

collected to be used to water the plants and clean the school compound.

9. Involving the afternoon session in environmental quiz activity and carry out the “I pledge” on conserving

and preserving water during assembly.


10. Repairing and installing the water pipes gravity to the villagers at Kampung Kibambangan , Babagon,

Lampaki and Salampid, Penampang. One of the problems faced by the villagers in Kampung

Kibambangan concerning clean water supply was due to lack of financial aid to repair their water pipes

gravity. Since it was a serious matter, the School Water Vision team took the initiative to look for

financial aid and later helped the villagers to repair and install the water pipes gravity. The two-day

activity with the help of ST Michael students and teachers, together with the villagers, they managed to

complete the work.

11. Installing a big scale of fertigation system (100 metres length) in school to water the hanging potted

plants and fund was donated by the Sabah State Government.

8. Teaching and learning methodologies that the school applies for promoting the core competencies as

identified in number 5

1. Work together as a team

- - Students were given a project in which they have to complete it in a week time during the school

holidays in June. 30 Form 2 students aged 14 years old were made compulsory to participate in this

project which is the Problem-based Learning project. This project was aimed to solve environmental

problem concerning water. The students worked in a group of 5 and they have to work together as a

team to solve the problem. They studied the problem together, solved the problem and produce their

own prototype to solve the problem. The project ended with presentation from each group.


2. Improve their leadership skills and learn to be independence

- - As the students work in group, one of them became the leader of the group. They planned their

strategies and activities to solve the issue given to them. The leader must be able to distribute

responsibility equally to each member and monitor the progress of their project. To complete the task

given they worked on their own with minimum supervision from the teachers.


3. Students become more innovative

- The school encouraged students to be more innovative and to achieve this, the school organized

competitions and innovation camp on alternate solution which is more environmental friendly. The

outcome of this camp was, the students managed to innovate the oil trap using human hair, panty hose

and used net. Another group of students created the waste trap which was made using, bamboo and used

plastic bottles.


4. Collaborate with local community and stakeholders

- In tackling the identified environmental problem, the students worked hand in hand with the local

community as well as the stakeholders. As students needed to build the collaboration with the local

society and stakeholders, they were asked to do a class project work – identifying the responsibilities of

various government agencies. By conducting such classroom lesson, the students will know which

government agencies that they can approach to collaborate with them in solving the environmental



5. Improving communication skills – orally and written – Communication skill plays a very important

role between two parties to achieve an understanding. In school, students were taught on the proper

format and convention in letter writing. Besides letter writing, students were also taught the right

way to construct questions for their questionnaire.

6. Gain ICT skills –ICT skill is one of the subjects taught in school. This lesson, help students to apply

the skill learn in their project presentation. The ICT skill helped the students to transform data into

charts and tables for easy understanding of the data collected.

7. Better understanding on various environmental issues – The Enviro-PBL camp helped the students to

better understand on various environmental issues. During the camp, they were needed to conduct an

in depth study on the environmental issue assigned to their group. The coordinator of the program

(Science Subject teachers) asked them to identify the root cause of the problem first. After that, the

students will have to list out all possible solutions for the problem. The solution need to be studied

based on several judgment criteria such as effectiveness, practicability and cost. In the problem-

based learning process, students obtained better understanding of the environmental issues.


8. Confident to become a good environmental ambassador – The school learning environment helped

the students to be more knowledgeable about environment. The schools actually prepared and

equipped students with environmental knowledge and awareness. There were many school activities

related to environment being conducted in school. The activities include “Love the Environment

Month(February), Fashion show competition using recycled materials, Poster drawing competition,

Love Letter to River writing competition, Rain Water Harvesting, Fertigation System, Weekly

mudballs and EM Juice making, Water Tank Donation, Drain of Hope project.

9. Partnership, community participation and international connection (Details of partners, their roles

and activities that they have involved)


1. EAC (Environmental Action Committee) – the partnership with this committee helped the school to

educate and give fund to aid the environmental based programmes. The annual ECO – Race

competition organized at our school helped to promote the school’s environmental education and

indirectly helped to promote our school as a benchmarking for environmental projects.

2. Sabah State Government – The Sabah Government has been continuously supported the school

environmental-based project. One the projects that they supported the school was the installation of

Fertigation System. The Sabah State Government actually funded the installation of the fertigation

system in our school.

3. Penampang Public Work Department (Jabatan Kerja Raya-JKR) and The Town Council – The

Public Work department supported our intention to adopt the monsoon drain and rear fish in the

monsoon drain. From time to time they helped to monitor the cleanliness of the drain and also helped

to cut the overgrown grass along the drain. They also helped to ensure the restriction on the usage of

pesticides on the overgrown grass.

4. Sabah Fisheries Department – This department helped our school by giving talks and sharing on the

level of water quality suitable for rearing Tilapia fish in the drain. The also supported our intention

to turn the drain as a fish pond and sponsored about 1500 small fish fry.

Community Participation

1. Villagers of Kampung Dabak, Penampang – This village located about 1km from our school, and it

was the location of our project site for the “Drain of Hope”. The villagers supported our project and

gave their utmost cooperation in maintaining the cleanliness of their drain. The villagers also took

part in our monthly drain clean-up activities and gave donation to the school squad who is the main

coordinator of the project.

2. Villagers of Kampung Kibambangan and Kampung Putaton – These villages were the location of

our second environmental project site which was the Water Vision Project. Ever since we started the

water vision project at these villages, the environmental awareness amongst the villagers was also

instilled in them. They became more appreciative to nature and the resource it supplied such as

water. The villagers were very cooperative as we conducted talks on the benefits of mudballs and

emjuice. The water vision school team, donated water tanks to the villagers and also funded the

building of their reservoir.

3. Primary School Students from SK Kibabaig, SK St. Theresa, SK Putaton, SK St. Theresa and SK St.

Joseph. – We also extend our environmental programs to nearby primary school pupils ages between

7 – 12 years. The reason why we chose this age range was because pupils of this age range are still

naïve towards environmental problems faced by the country and it is advisable to nurture them at a

young age. In the program, our students became the facilitators while these primary schools were the

participants. These primary school pupils were taught to make mudballs and EM Juice and were also

given talks on the use and advantages of these products. With such knowledge, we encourage these

young pupils to become environmental ambassadors to carry forward the knowledge to other

primary schools.

International Connection

1. Yong Ho High School, South Korea – We also have established a sistership relationship with Yong

Ho High School, South Korea. Our yearly activity with them is the environmental educational camp.


During the camp, the Korean students were given insights on how we took care of environment

through various environmental activities. The Korean students also had given the opportunity to do

the hands-on activity on making mudballs and emjuice. We brought them to our project sites which

were the Drain of Hope and the Kampung Kibambangan/Putaton.

2. Fuhua Primary School, Singapore – another collaboration that we had established with was the

Fuhua Primary School Singapore. These students were given sharing about our environmental

projects and conducted hands-on activities on making mudballs and emjuice. This benchmarking

activity also helped to promote our environmental education globally.

3. Stewards Pooi Kei College, Hong Kong – another environmental-based benchmarking visit was

from Hong Kong. The purpose of their visit was mainly for environmental education. During the

visit, the Drain of Hope Squad members and The Water Vision team joined together to give sharing

about the school environmental projects and activities. Since the visitors were 30 students and 5

teachers, we took the opportunity and asked them to do the hands-on activity on making mudballs

and emjuice.

4. Third Country Training Program – Visitors comprised of leaders and executives from Uganda, Laos,

Vietnam, Cambodia, Kenya, Indonesia and India. During their benchmarking visit, they were being

exposed to the various environmental issues faced by the locals and how the school played its role in

tackling the environmental problems. The Drain of Hope squad and the water vision team once again

shared with the foreigners on how mudballs and emjuice are made and the benefits from both


5. The Australia – ASEAN Emerging Leaders Program (AeELP) – The purpose of this visit was to

expose them to high level of discussions on contemporary issues, provide a forum to develop their

understanding of regional issues and capacity as regional leaders and to build long term and

productive linkages with each other and with the region’s leading thinkers and specialists. The result

of this visit will be to showcase efforts in education through the books for Asia program and

environmental awareness through the access of Asia/WWF Eco Schools program. During the visit,

the school provided opportunity to the students to share the knowledge and experiences as they

carried the school main projects on environmental awareness.

10. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and summary of results

Each member of the team is given a description of the job specification to ensure that the program runs

smoothly. Monitoring is carried out by selected parties:

a. Management team is responsible of supervising the environmental programs that were planned.

b. Teacher advisor have to ensure that the program is running accordingly and to monitor the students

who are participating in the environmental program or project.

c. Students squads are assigned to monitor the school compound and areas which have been assigned

to them such as the drains, river, gardens and the streets.

The evaluation system for the project is built by taking into consideration the goals of each project carried

out. Below are the types of evaluation forms used:

a. Waste Report Form is filled by the subject teachers

b. Written and Oral Reporting System

i. During the weekly assembly the students and the teachers will report the findings obtained for

river and drain on that particular week

ii. A copy of the written report will be sent and monitored by the Vice Principal, teacher

coordinator and the Assistant of Student Affairs

Summary of results:

- Through this programme, the school has successfully developed young environmental leaders who

are able to lead the other students in carrying out various environmental projects. All the activities

planned in the programme as in the attachment ( 2 ) had successfully been implemented. In most

of the activities we have exceeded the target results


- Able to create an awareness among students regarding the of importance looking after the

cleanliness and sustainability of environment

- Encourage students’ creativity through invention projects. Students are asked to think of a method or

a new product which can be used to solve the problems which are related to environmental issues.

- Student leaders (squad members) are aware of their duties and responsibilities, therefore monitoring

and evaluations is done systematically. (refer Attachment 8 – samples of the Monitoring Forms)

- Self-internal auditing using a specially designed evaluation form.

- Programmes are carried out as planned and written reports of the programmes are submitted to the

principal.All written reports are filed which make it easier for future references.


11. Resources used for programme implementation

There are a number of resources used to ensure the implementation of this programme:

Monetary funds which are obtained from donations, recycling of waste materials, crop yields from the

school vegetable garden and cash prizes received from winning competitions. Money used for the

implementation of the programmes (such as to buy brown sugar and rice husks for making mudballs) are

profit from the school’s recycling project.

Most of the tanks, poly pipes and other materials used for the purpose of ‘For Nature & Community, Save

Water for Future & Eternity’ project and the Rainwater Harvesting System are obtained either through

donation by parents , students and teachers from fund raising activities or donations by private


The Sabah Fishery Department has given technical advices how to take care of the fish in the drain..

(‘tagal’ means rearing fish in its own habitats and prevention of fishing for a certain period of time)

The NGO and the government departments provided knowledge and skills to the students in terms of talks,

seminars and hands-on activities.

The manager of the Futsal Centre in Penampang also helped to supervise and manage the landscape

which is created by the SM ST Michael Penampang and is located by the side of the monsoon drain at the

Futsal Centre as wel as give ahelping hand to look after the fish in the drain.

The Public Works Department (PWD) provided the tools and labour force during the cleaning up of the

drains as well allowing the students to do water quality testing in their laboratory.

12.Benefits/Impacts/ positive outcomes of the programme to students, school and community

1. Reduced Rubbish in River and Drain

With the adoption of Putaton- Kibambangan river and ‘Drain of Hope’ the school has in one way or

another changed the attitude of the communities, patrons of futsal centre (where the drain is located

just next to it), villagers residing along the river where they no longer through rubbish into rivers and

drains as they wish. Both project sites have improved their attractiveness in terms of cleanliness and

landscape. An area on the Putaton Kibambangan river has become a tourist’s attraction spot.

2. Reduction in Water Bills

The effectiveness of the programmes is also observed in the reduction of the water bills in school by

more than 100% from approximately average of RM 500 per month for the period of Jan- Amac to

RM 200 per month for the period of June to August. r.

3. Villagers in deep rural areas benefited in having clean water to their homes.

Through the mini water reservoir and water gravity system, project have helped 4 villages to have

clean water flowing to their homes. They are Kibambangan, Putaton, Salampid and Lampaki.

4. St Michael Secondary School, Penampang has become a role model for other schools and a

centre for bench marking from institution or organization inside and outside the country.

Visitor to the school until 30 August 2014


Organisations/Institutions Local National International

Primary schools 12 0 2

Secondary schools 6 2 1

NGOs 6 2 2

Government Bodies 2 6 1

Total 26 10 6

5. Parents are interested to get involves in the school’s organized programmes.

Majority of the parents were involved in the monthly river and drain cleaning programmes. Some

parents with skills in carpentry and masonry volunteered to get involves in the water gravity project

where the built a mini water reservoir, installed poly pipes and put up the water tanks at the houses

of the villagers. Other parents donated/ supported in terms of food and drinks.

6. St Michael Secondary School, Penampang has successfully extended the awareness of water

preservation and conservation along with cleanliness of water sources not only among the

community around the school but also to the visitors of the school.

7. Students of the school have become little ambassadors spreading the awareness of water preservation

and conservation to their friends, family and relatives.

8. The drain outside Penampang Futsal Centre is now clean and beautiful with lots of fish. Harvesting

of the fish was done once and the community nearby benefited from the naturally reared fish.

13. Plan for sustainability and plan for the future

Plan for sustainability:

1. The school will continue to launch the program ‘A Cup of Blue For You and Me’ in the month of

February as one of the program in conjunction with the school’s Love Environmental Month. We will

continue to implement and to promote all the existing best practices to conserve and preserve water in

the schools to our students and the parents.

2. We will continue to adopt the Putaton- Kibambangan river and the monsoon drain in front of the

Penampang Futsal Centre as show cases for water preservation best practices. The ‘Water Vision’

team and the ‘Drain of Hope’ team of the school will coordinate all the activities with the communities

staying in these locations.

3. The school will continue to install more rain water harvesting tanks in the school to water school

plants, toilet usage and for washing floors and drains etc.

Plan for the future:

1. To have essay competition annually for elementary and secondary school students between schools

within the state of Sabah, Malaysia in cooperation with the Environment departments of the state or other

non-government organization.

2. To do more networking and linkage with schools , government or non government sectors and private

sectors to carry out more awareness activities such as seminar or workshops to instill awareness for

water conservation and preservation.

3. To set up a website or face book to promote water conservation and preservation practices globally.

4. To replace all the old single flush teacher toilets’ cisterns with dual flush toilet systems in order to

further reduce the water usage of the school by the year 2016.

14 .List of attachments such as a copy of the school operational plan, learning/ teaching materials, samples of

student worksheet, manual, etc. If the attached materials are in the local language, please provide a brief

description in English language.

Attachment 1) - Strategic Plan for Sustainable Environmental Education

Attachment 2) Extract of tactical ple for the Project A cup of blue for you and me for the year 2014


Attachment 3) .. Organization chart for the project A cup of of blue for you and me

Attachment 4) - Mud ball making Process & - EM Grabage juice Process

Attachment 5) - Letter of Approval for the Adoption of Putaton-Kibambangan Rive

Attachment 6) - Memorandum of Understanding between St. Michael School and Public Work

Department, Penampang Branch for the Tagal Project on the drain outside Penampang

Futsal Centre

Attachment 7) - Copy of Newspaper report on an environmental activity

Attachment 8) - Copies of Teaching and Learning lesson plans.

Attachment 9) - Website/ BlogSpot created by students to spread environmental awareness

Attachment 10) - Sample of a report after a programme or activity

Attachment 11) - A copy of the monitoring form

Attachment 12) - The signboard at the drain outside Penampang Futsal Centre saying that the drain is

being ‘tagal’ (rearing fish in its natural habitat and protected)

15. Photos related to the activity/programme (Maximum of 6 photos with captions in English)


Photo 2

Students, teachers and local communities

releasing fish fries into the adopted drain (outside

Penampang Futsal Centre). The ‘Drain of Hope’

team is then responsible to feed the fish every day.

This photo shows the ‘Drain of Hope’ team

setting up an oil trap at the school’s adopted drain.

The oil trap is made by the students using hair.

The oil trap is able to absorb the oil on the surface

of the drain and preventing it from flowing into

the river.


Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Students, parents, teachers and local

community worked together to build the

mini reservoir for the villagers. These

activities are an exposure to the villagers

and students on a sustainable lifestyle.

Gravity pump and poly pipes project – in

2014, SM St Michael donated poly pipes

and helped the residents of Putaton and

Kimbambangan villages to repair their

gravity pump systems.

School’s Senior Assistant, Madam Jennifer

Asing is handing over the water tanks to the

residents of 4 villages namely Putaton,

Kibambangan, Lampaki and Salampid.

The water tanks are donated by the school as

part of the ‘For Nature & Community, Save water

for Future & Eternity’ project.


Photo 6

Teaching the community on how to take care

of their water resources. Hands on of making

mudballs with the villagers of Putaton and



Attachment 1

Strategical Plan for 3 years for sustainable Environmental Education in St. Michael School, Penampang




SM St Michael Will Continue to Shine As An Outsatanding Sustainable School


1. Creating a school environment that is conducive to sustainable education which is healthy,

happy, safe and can be maintained/sustained.


1. To have Strategic Planning and Action Plan for environmental sustainability that can bring

awareness to protect the environment and the implementation of environmentally friendly

greening activities through an integrated approach in extracurricular activities or curricular

in order to encourage the school to manage the environment in a balanced and holistic way.

2. Towards eradicating irresponsible litter throwing in the school

3. Condition of school buildings and surrounding areas are clean and cheerful all the time and

which also can create an atmosphere of a school environment in a garden.

4. The practice of 5R become routine for all school staff.

5. The school community practice and prioritize the importance of protecting the environment.

6. The school remains as a benchmark for other schools and rural communities for the handling

of environmental education


i. Establish planning and environmental management in the school in order to help the school

manage environmental resources in a balanced and holistic way.

ii. To implement environmental education activities using a concept of integration in

management, curriculum, co-curriculum and greening in order to raise awareness and

change attitudes and practices among the school or local community.

iii. To ensure the cleanliness and beauty of the school environment is at an optimal level

iv. To encourage innovation and environmental activities that can create resource conservation.

v. Practice cooperation and collaboration with local communities to raise awareness of

environmental conservation.







There are still

some in the


community who

are less involved

in practising


1. There are

students who still

throw rubbish in

the drawers,

recycling bin and

around the school


1. The school

has zero litter

and the rubbish

is thrown in the

correct litter bin.

To hold at least one

recycling programme

each month.

The number of

students who are

demerited for throwing

rubbish ubiquitously

become less.

2. There are still

less students who

do not recycle their


2. Students do

not mix their


Recycling becomes

the Moral Education


The number of rubbish

in the recycling bins

are reduced.

3. There are

students who

scrawl on the

chairs and desks of

the school.

3. All the chairs

and desks are

free of graffiti.

Conduct an activity

that will remind the

school community

about the importance

of protecting the

rights of the school

community (monthly

merit program for the

cleanest desk)

Number of desks and

chairs with graffiti

decrease / number of

students receiving

merit for the cleanest

desk increases.

4. There are classes

who score below

120 in cleanliness.

4. All classes

record 120 and

above for


Conduct eveluation

and award activity

for the cleanest class

each week.

Number of classes

with a score of 120 and

above increase

The school has

not been

recognized as an

“Eco School”


1. No students

committee was


1. An “Eco


committee was

formed from

among the


A committee of a

group of students was

formed based on the

the “Eco School”


A committee of “Eco

School” was formed

from among the

students and they

worked with NGOs for


concerns. 2. The school

community has

little knowledge of

the recognition

criteriaof “Eco


2. The school


knows about the

criteria for “Eco


Make an exhibition /

information display

about the criteria of

"Eco School" in the

school and


The school


knowledge about the

criterion of "Eco

School" increases

through the effective

information system


The community

has less

awareness about



1. Communities

living near the

school still litter

along the roads

leading to the


1. The

community has a


collection center

which is neat

and organized so

that they do not



Create a centralized

rubbish container and

help raise funds to

provide proper bins

to the community.

The total rubbish along

the way decreases.

2. Communities

living near the

school are still less

involved in



activities organized

by the school.

2. The nearby

community get

involve in the


organized by the


Conduct joint

activities such as

joint envirowalk with

the community and

provide trash bins

along the way.

There is an increase in

the community

involved in the school

sponsored activities

such as ‘gotong

royong’ outside the

school/donate money

for environmental


The community

1. The community

do not practice

1. The

community has a

Create a “Collection

Centre” for the local

An increase in garbage

sorting through the


outside the

school have less

awareness of 5R.

waste segregation. recycling center. community. recycling center in the



Attachment 2:


AND ME’ 2014


Program Objectives Person-in-Charge

Duration Cost/ Resourc


ETR Indicator of Success

1. Setting up of



To coordinate ,

implement and

monitor the



and all the



January - An effective

committee being

set up before end

of January

2 ‘Save, Preserve

And Conserve,




1. To instill

awareness and

inculcate best

practices to

conserve and

preserve water

so that water bill

of the school



Claris Hee,


Asing ,


Panel and





panel and

Visual Arts


17 to



y 2014

RM200 1 talk and

3 videos


-30 posters

on best


The water bill of

the school is


3 Mud Ball and EM

garbage juice

1. To instill

awareness on the


within or outside

the school to use

a more eco- l

friendly method to

fertilize the plants,

to treat polluted

water and to

reduce water


Fenny ,


principal of





ur club all

the teacher

advisors of

the club

Feb to

Oct 2014

RM 300 200 mud

balls per

month and

8 litres of

EM juice

per month.

There is a n


numbers of

persons knowing

how to make

mud ball and

EM juice as well

as how to use

them to improve

water qualities

4 Environmental


1. To refrain and

instill awareness to

the local

communities and

students not to

throw rubbish


All the


advisers of

the club

Feb to

Oct 2014

- There is a


amount of

rubbish collected

or found in the

Drain of Hope

5 1 Class 1 Lot/

garden area

To inculcate the

students the habit

of taking care of


All the class


Feb to

Oct 2014

- All plants

in the lot



and the

areas are


The flowers and

plants in the lot

are growing well

6 Water Usage


To improve the


knowledge and

skills in reading

water meter,

calculate and

present the data

collected in

graphic form as

well as taking

remedial actions if

there is an


increase in water


and the




Feb to

Oct 2014

- All the





able to


the water


Water usage

volume is




7 Fund-raising


To raise enough

money or

materials to


activities under

the Drain of Hope

and Water Vision

Programs which

include making oil

traps, mud balls,

EM juice ,

donating water

tanks , and

repairing of water

gravity systems

The water

Vision and

the Drain of

Hope team.


with their




of March

An increasing

number of

people willing to

donate money

for a good cause

with no feeling of


8 ‘Watering Your

Plant Right’


To instill the habit

of not over

watering the


All the

weekly duty





- An increase in

number of

students able to

water the plant

correctly and

thus inculcate

the habit of



9 The Drain of

hope Program

- Fix oil trap

and rubbish


- Water



- Beautify the

drain’s bank

- Tagal the

drain from



- Mass clean


- Engage

activities with



To Make the

monsoon drain in

front of the Futsal

Centre at

Kampong Dabak

as a showcase for

the community

that drain has life

and that it is

important to

reduce water

pollution in drain

and to keep the

drain clean

Claris ,

Thecla and

the Drain

of Hopes


Jan- to




More fish and


organisms are



0 The Water



- Mass clean up

-engage activities

with primary

schools and


- donate water

tanks to villagers

and school

- repair the mini

reservoir and

piping system for

water gravity

1.To instill

awareness among

the villages of the

Kampong Putaton

and Kibambangan

to keep the

surrounding areas

along the river


2. To increase the

awareness level of

the community to

help conserve

treated water

through rain

water harvesting.

3. To improve


Hildah ,



Teams ,





Feb to




12 rain









More villagers

are able to access

cleaner water for




supply to the


awareness among

the students and

community that

we should care

and help the less

fortunate to get

clean water in this

world regardless

of race , culture

and religion.


Attachment 3 Organizational Chart


*JKKK Kg. Dabak means ‘The Dabak Village Safety and Development Committee’




Vice - Presidents

1. Jennifer Asing (Senior assistant of Administration)

2. Judith Donsia (Senior assistant of Students Welfare)

3. Claris Hee (Senior assistant of Co-curricular Activities) 4. Frederick Kok (Senior Assistant for Afternoon Session)


Tchlea Nelly Michael


Mariatul Hanis Abdullah

Committee Members:

1. Viviantian Bian (Drainage)

2. Dewi Sharina (Canteen)

3. Judy Fung (Health)

4. Dorothy Jitamil (Grading of Class)

5. Cyprian Rian (Botanical Garden)

6. Teresa Moloyos (Special Rooms)

7. Betty Chin (Restrooms)

8. Fenny Chin (Recycle Centre)

9. Audrey Insing (Corridors)

10. Jennifer Asing (Landscape)

11. Collin Andrew (Safety)

12. School Prefect Boards

13. School Guards

14. Non Teaching Staff

15. PTA Bureau

16. JKKK Kg. Dabak*


Attachment 4: Making Mudballs and EM Jiuice

Making mudballs Ingredients: Rice bran or rice husk EM 1 – diluted (to dilute EM 1, dilute 1liter of molasses to 18 liters of treated water and mix/ stir well with 1 liter of EM 1)

Diluted EM 1 is called EMAS which is Effective Microorganism Active Solution) To make mudballs:

1. Mix 3kg of unpolluted clay to 1kg of rice bran and enough amounts of EMAS to make the clay


2. Shape the mixture into table tennis size.

3. Keep the raw mudballs away from direct sunlight, preferably in a cool dry place.

4. After 3 – 5 days, white moulds are visible on the mudballs. Wait until these mould dried off,

then the mudballs are ready to be used

Making EM Garbage Juice Ingredients Brown sugar Uncooked waste vegetables or fruit peelings Rice-rinse water

1. Mix 1 portion brown sugar to 10 portion of rice-rinse water and stir well until brown sugar


(100g of brown sugar + 1 liters of rice-rinse water + 1/3 vegetables)

2. Fill an air tight container with 1/3 of vegetables or fruits peeling (watermelon rinds, carrot

shavings, mango peelings, vegetables, etc)

3. Leave some space at the top of the container for the enzyme to breath

4. Avoid sunlight during fermentation period, keep in a cool, dry place.

5. Write the date so that you know when it was prepared and its maturity date.

6. During fermentation period, open the bottle cap or lid of the container slightly once a day.

7. The EM garbage juice is ready to be used after a month or when the pH is below 3.5 and

producing sweet sourly smell.

8. The EM garbage juice will never expire. The longer you store it , the stronger it will



Attachment 5- Letter of Approval for the Adoption of Putaton-Kibambangan River from The Drainage

and Irrigation Department (Water Sources Department Unit), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Attachment 6 - Memorandum of Understanding between St. Michael School and Public Work

Department, Penampang Branch for the Tagal Project on the drain outside Penampang

Futsal Centre.


Memorandum of understanding between Memorandum of Understanding between St. Michael School and

Public Work Department, Penampang Branch was signed on 23/09/2013.

Through this MoU, St. Michael school will be responsible for the duty listed below from the date it’s signed


until 31 December 2015.

1. To tagal the monsoon’s drain in front of Penampang Futsal Penampang for the purpose of preserving

the water quality and rearing fish in the drain.

2. Throwing mudballs into the drain once a month to control water quality level.

3. To hold monthly cleaning activity on the drain.

4. To rear fish in the drain with the guidance from Sabah Fisheries Department.

5. To beautify the sides of the drain with the approval of Penampang District Council , PWD and The

Management of the Futsal Centre.

6. To conduct water quality assessment and collect data of BOD and water pH level

Signed by:

i) Principal of the school

Madam Marie Yong Pik Hua

ii) District Engineer on behalf of PWD Penampang

iii) Penampang District Officer

Mr. William Sampil


Attachment 7

(A newspaper report of the students and teachers doing one of their environment awareness programmes

which is to instill on the best practices to save water among the younger generation)


Attachment 8 – Samples of Teaching and Learning Lesson Plan (with elements of water conservation



TIME 80 minutes

TITLE Water and Solution

OBJECTIVES A student is able to 1. Explain ways to save water


VALUES (5) The importance of sustaining our ecosystem principle (4) Life balance principle (16) The importance of taking care of the environment principle

TEACHING AID Laptop , Projector

METHOD 1. ‘Aqualator’ Game

2. Observation

3. Q & A

4. Discussion

5. Explaining

STEPS 1. Induction set

Teacher asks the students’ to state the importance of water.

Teacher attracts the students’ attention about the usage of

water in everyday life.

2. Teacher introduced Aqualator game to the students. Aqualator

game uses a rain soaked cat to calculate how much water you

waste or save.

3. Students are divided into groups to play the game.

4. Each student in the group will get the chance to play the game.

5. Each group will discuss the outcome of the result of the game

and present.

6. Other groups are encouraged to give their comments and give

their opinions.

7. Teacher summarized the importance preserving and

conserving water.

EVALUATION 1. Explain the importance of water.

2. State ways to save water.

FURTHER ACTIVITY 1. Students are required to carry out a project to study the

average volume of water used at home.



TIME 40 minutes

TITLE Pictorial composition

OBJECTIVE A student is able to write a composition that describe the condition and the

diversity of marine life species


VALUES (1) The importance of sustaining ecosystem principle (6) The importance of maintaining the wildlife and the diversity of life

principle (16) The importance of taking care of the environment principle


KNOWLEDGE Marine life

TEACHING AID Coral Reefs Mural

METHOD Group discussion

STEPS 1. Induction set

Teacher attracts the student attention by describing the

pleasure of swimming in the sea. The student briefly tells their

experience about it.

2. Students are divided into 5 groups to discuss about the aspect

of the varieties of marine life depending on each other base on

the coral reefs mural.

3. Each group representative will do their presentation and other

groups are encouraged to give their comments or any new

information related.

EVALUATION Teacher will conduct

1. Observation during group discussion 2. The outcome of the students’ discussion

FURTHER ACTIVITY Student will write an essay (pictorial composition) of not less than 180

words on the condition and the diversity of marine life as their homework.


Attachment 9. (Spreading the awareness using other medium)

Attachment 10 Pictures of folio/documentation after completing any activity


Attachment 11 (Samples of Monitoring forms)

Monitoring Time table

A) Cleaning of the drain

Date Activity Monitored by


Attachment 12 – The signboard of the Tagal by the ‘Drain of Hope’ squad


Tagal Project “A Drain of Hope for You and Me”

Research on Water Conservation and Rearing of Fresh Water Fish in the Monsoon Drain with Mudballs by

SMSM Toyota Eco Youth 2013 – The World Wise Team and Students of St. Michael School With the cooperation of

Public Work Department Sabah Fishery Department Penampang District council

Management of Penampang Futsal Centre