se > .NV SRsr Soldiers' and Sailors' Council Takes Berlin ...

"i'i yP: tfO O K t. i* EXTKA Mk*«t^U<> nM*l H *Mte • MMtk U «Mto *H >M«W»., Mr lu: H j M • r*«r. (I.M Irr ti>U»». laaliMia* war Ua—SatnM M i*e«4-< »«»UmXT tllfc. IIM. at Ifcr Hr» OWk« «< Krwart, Htw ^mtr^ aifcr IM atl af HM«k M, tm . 9 0 . 10.670 NEWARK, N. J., SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1918. «. I , TWO CBKm , \ se > H I d* 55^%- oca BRM IC m M Ml It UST .NV id s UDSl MM' It WptM fl ltMnti.ltw ■ittlM. J<M rfet IMM M H I it,«M k (CO.' l»i" dS t jf- rr im SRsr O w m S e,sz IQNDS L»-CA3H y ILUMS MMMTipVVw nMTOIS h . Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Council Takes j Berlin Following Abdication O f the Kaiser. Grown Prince’s Palace Is Seized Many' Persons Reported Killed—New Qiancellor Announces Purpose to Form People’s Government. I I atvoludoniry condition! previiled in Berlin, following upon the tbdicitiofl of the KiiM r and the entire royal family. Newi of the chaea it alowly filtering through to the outside world. Associated Press dispatches from Copenhagen. London and other Earopean centers received this morning describe in brief form what bad Juppened. Following early dispatches telling of the occupation of the greater part of Berlin by the Reds, it was announced later that order bad been reatored and that the people's government had been inati> tuted. Schleswig-Holstein Is reported to have proclaimed an indepen - dent republic, and Leipsig, the Ijrgest city in Saxony; Stuttgart, the capital of Vurttemberg, and Cologne and Frankfort are declared to have joined the revolution. BERLIN, Saturday, f^ov. b (German Wireless to Dtndon, Nov. 10, 12M P, M.) (By the Aasodatei^ Preu).—The German People's Gov- emment baa been inatltitted in the greater piirt of Berlin. TIM gar* riNB f w jw oiipf *• IN loHreMait.* ' ii* iN w iii* vwv4^rtki,' r gmaa feMa baan |dac^ at the diapdaal of the' oouaeil. .^1 . The SodlLDetiocratie ftarty ia interceding (?) with the peopica' govamoMat The guarda, wbidi had been stetioned at the public offieea and other buildinga, have been wittadrasm. LONDON, Nov. 10.—Severe fighting took place in Berlin betwe^ t and S o'do^ laat night, and a violent cannonade swa heard from .the hiipt of tha dty. *liw iwolution is in fnll swing in Berlin and the ■ ft Ibrcea ooeupy the gtenter part of the German capital, according to a Copenhagen diapatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company quoting Berlin advicea lent from there at 3 o’clock thia morning. The Gmm Prinoe’e palace haa been aeised by the revolutioniata. The pMpb arc ahoudng "Long live the republic" and are tinging the -MariiiBaiia." . Wbac 'tevolutienary aoldiera attempted to enter a building in whieh anppoaad e number of officers were concealed, abott were fliud m m the windowe. The Reib then began ■helling the building., ^U mb the flUBOOnada began, the people dionght the Reichbank waa belB| bMbafiM and thouaanda rashed to the sqnare in front of the ^ w a i Priuce’c' pelaM. It vna later determined that other buildinga ewe fit*.' • v' llany paitem were kitted and wounded before tha officera sur- ffudeted. ‘Aie ia d fercM are in control and have reatored order. Strang gufudrure m arking through the atreeta. j * i r OOPfiNHAOEff, Nov. 10 .—the WolS Bureau,‘'the aemt-official ;Krw« agMcy^t Oarmanyl aonouacH In a diapatch from Berlin tha^it bM bean takeh oyer by tto Seidiera’ and Vorkmen’a Councii. Friedri^ Ebert, the Soeiatiat leader, haa beeii appointed Im- . perlel Chancellor. He haa i a a ^ • proclamation taying that he plant to form a peopla'a ■ovemuidiMr whidnriU aadMvor .to bring about Twenty-Four Dead By Gas Explosion PtTTSBUftOK. Now ».->*Twoi)ly-four w«ro kill«4 Ahd n r t r oworeom* by 4»dly funidS this ofioroooih, wh«o 4 fft* tfthk ftplodod o( tbo Joaos 4 Laufbllfi St*4> Co.’a EUu F«rn4c*. SIe of tho workman wara Immodlotaly EBphysUtod- Tha me I covartnv 4 bufo cia t4nk lot fo 4tkd 4U «orkora wltblti 4 wtda radius waro oYtreom* oy ths oscapod Caa. Soldier Dies of Poison After “Seeing the Sights” Sergeant McLaughlin Taken from Chinese Restaurant After Night of Drinking. Police Inveatigating Mystery T,k*n tn ■ pollr, ambulatic, t, th, City Ilaapltsl from , Oilnn* rMtiu- nnt In H,rk.( iirMt Mrlp yMtwdsr ,|ohn UcUiuahlln, , Hrg»nt In Ih, 0<mrl,rina.i*r Corp, marts* ^** tu:bm*nt *1 lb* Fort Newark lupflp dMot. ^** protioupc*! d.trt on ■rrlvtl. I An ,utop,)r ahowta tbbt bl* d»tb hni bMn rtuMd by n oarro,!** poUtn. Wh,n b, w u proBonaroe d.,d nt lb* hMpIlBl B pollc, IniBBtlsBtlob Iml to tb« b,ltBX that HcLBUgbltB bad dIM or tiM onaotB at drink. But a wblu pow- Oat waa Maad la tU aaeUat wbtn hla Text of Decree TeQing Of ICaiser I Abdication Pollowlat la itM tsxt of the da- craa by tha Carmaa Inpaftal Chancellor, Priooa Mu of Badan. Iisead yesterday, saaouadna tha Xaltar’a abdkattea ted tha plau ter sihar chtofta la Canaany: "Tha Kalaar u d King btva dt- ■Mad to raooanoa tho threat. "The Imptrial Cbuoallar will remain in offlca until tha qaaa- tiont aoBiieciad with tha abdica- tion of tha Kalaar, tha ranounclag by the Crown Prlnca of tha throne of tha Carman Empira and of Fniaala, and tho aattlB| up of a roaency bavt bota aattlad. **ror tba ragaaqr ha iHanda lo appoint Deputy Ebart aa Imparial ChMcallor, aad ha prepaaas that a bill ahall be brenabt In for the eslabllahmeat of a Taw provldlni for tha immediste promulgation of general auffraga and for a conatiistiontl CariiMn Ntrioaal Aaaamblv, which wilt settle fluUy thie future farm of gov- emroant of tbo German nation aad of tbos# paoples which might bo dasirous of oomini within tha tiapifa. "Tha Imparial Chancellor.” Berlin, Nav. B, 1 P18 . Courier from the Armistice Envoys Reaches German Headquarters Only Today. Will Wilson Go to Peace G)nference? Th» Is Stilt Open Question, with Liberal Forces of World Hoping that He WUI. Prussianism Bows Before Civilization Abdication of Comes as Climax to Natiou’ Protestation. Immense Difficultjei in Way It Prauiant C m M BaT, Own Way AbMt H Bwa SlBBie CMSItSM, r » - Mlttw H# WMtId DsabtiM, t*« ain Im , U voia Abame Wm M CtM«*. H* BaBBt Umw TM. Dnptl* Itaan n . Wilson Voiced World’s Verdkl WABHISaTfiN, N»V t.—rriiaalan- Ifm. MBd of ike worid'R EreitleM vkf, hei keeiv deitPoyed rIvttUrd force*. | Newt of the Germiui KelMr’i dectilon I fr9m rkf 1T««Miff44 Burm* of Ikt iFf- Sfjfo jrrwB. » WABHINOTON. Nov, 9.—tt la Ptlll 4n •Mn ^ueelloft whetligr Preildent Wll- •on «vllJ 4ttend (he world peicw con* HoheniJIerns <• L'alon.l Uau*,. If th, Pr,*ia*nl could hav, hi* own way about It and war, not htid down loo much by coodltloa* at horn* b, would doubtlou fO, not nar«*Hrlly for tba *n(lra l.nsth of ih* lonroranc*. but long anough to l*n<l Ih* walfht and Intluanra of o/rtoa, hi* pCBODBlIty and bn pow*r» of p«r*ua*lon In tb* miking ot th* kind of p**c* b* advoeatti. Th* I^r*(ld*nt I* pr*p*r*d to maka th* ■trongact *or( ot argumint t'.r th* TUa pa- Uair iasM ifattaa la tb* light ot tht* ntw d«v*l»(HB*nt. ‘rii* Wynathaala fln t an-tvad at by th* polio* waa kaaod on th* otory of til* rutataalaa oa a vtalt ta th* cantar of tb* oity rrlday niabt. whleh, brlafly, Wat that llcl.*aBWta had drunk frooly frdm a nasti of wbtaUy wh|ab h* car- rlad aad bad lalaad thi* wish boor la tb* coara* of th* avaaiag. Aaparantlr enreora* by lb* atfocts ol Ria Imbibing. IR* aaldUr want u tli*p tn tb* roalaurant wRIl* waiting ta b* sarvod with a bawl of cho* *u*y. and attar alumbarlng atartoraualy far aom* ttm* that* wa* ramoyat to th* hoapltal an th* adric* af a taUar. A amall cut an Ih* d**d ma*’* hand -wg* •aplalnod to th* ■atlsragUon ot th* pollc* by *tat*ia«in* altribatad I* lb* doctor and aura# who naatrad th* badr at tb* hotpital. They are daclarad to bav* aald Ih* naa'a h«ad atrack an Iran tat whti* ho waa balag ireaafor- r*d frem a atratchar tu th* rot At th* ho*plU1 today. how*p*r, th* raatdaal pbyaittan aald b* bad n* kaowladg* ot ■ueb aa aceMaat. CampaaSaa'VMb ad Drtaking. Th* story (or tb* moat part la tald | to abdicat* and lhal of hla aon lo r*. nounca all claim* to th* Ihron* cam* aa tha clloias ot world prolaatatlon agalnat th* Hahtnsollcrna. Th* campaign agalnat th* ralgnlng laailly at Oarmaay M a b«*ii lad hr -WiiiaA?jpa Enemy Is Hard Pressed in Field N French Troops G)ntinue Hoi Pursuit—^Take Largs Stores—British on Outskirts of Mons. ' w auy'd a faiMiMe e tetit bddtsaa'nt ApHt I, IVIT. At that tuna ha tsM; "W* hav* n* guarnl with th* Oar* laan p**pl«. bat Ih* Fru**lan *ut**raey wa* not and a*v*r couM b* aar frlanda" Tbaraafitr. tin t by ep*n dlplHnacy tn appoali lo th* Uarmba p«apl*. than by propaganda barlad from aircraft wear tb* Garaian II n** and citica and tlnally by direct and Muni word* to tha 0*rman aov*rnm*nt lloalf. th* Praaldant oonalstantly pur*a*d hi* parpo** ot ridding th* world of th* Hoh*n*oll*rna. ~Th* war art* b*gun by th* military mastMa af flarmany." th* Pr.aldcni d*. dared on Jan* I. iSlf “T1)* ob)art af thia war Is to rt*|lv«r th* fr** pcoplia af th* world from tho manac* «f a yatl military **t*bllih- meat, conlrollad by an Irreipoualbl* gov*rnm*nt. This pnw*r I* not th* Oarmaa pfopl*." h* said on Auguii 17. IStl. la hi* r«ply to tb* Pop*'* apptal for p*oe«. ‘-rii* spirit of fr*«doni do** npt suit th* plan* of Ih* Pan-n«rninn*," th* Pnitdint addid In * >p**ch Novinbir II. isn. And again. In a ap**ch bator* Ton. graaa Dacamhar t. 1SI7. Ih* Praaldcnt by th* BWB wht aacompanlad X eLai^- arc* Srent WHttaSf uSIlldh Hh* MdUartUa «•"*** powar. a thin* » “ ho’'' a maiubor *t th* BtoriLg* dataokmaal caacclane* or honor, mu*i he crushed, tf thV ^rt.rm aatcr cSfpL nt iK porl TuUr* have M e abu to up«i - A* ha told ht* atory P**«*ot w«rld only berau** th* ■puM| paaga,, . '■ , It 4 ttfEdupr' iMOMOad f iw DerEa that the War Miuiutry K m placgi ftMlf at Em dUftpaaf or Ebart, «)M m appeifitmunt eaTmparial GbatMoIIor «t» foruoMted puiteMir by the daereu of Prineo MaxL mlltaa. Thh ictloii W fw tho parpoio of ggauring H m provialoutai of llMgrmytndggglatlBilBtlMgolB«oaofdoi»iobiltotio« Aeoordlai to • fnmtter bmmim PrtooMt Hoiuridi, wifo of tho of Xvdeif lll-dil BhvjiiNi, VH u M (hi vm 'IM bI Whih Mimkl i (IU» A. M.)-4hloowf^ohtein, i PruMiM Fwvhibo vfliWi bglongad te ia to N i alalntd ah Mif«nEoi|t m * •• B«huata TEufraph diapi frouiCop tfliiii fc c a M.g. rigprte from tho 1 ........ ilro3i:*«\ lo'g.HMvm* voiaddd in tbo arm vrbea . , hk and hor fcuabaad are Beviirla eHb' W itcaw Adalburt, tfffo of Em* h-’ . .to o>i- tha pro* diapatdt Etottfart, tba ei^tal of (Fort* loRbi ant Fmii^rort btva jmsadi 4i'l«tatatlo% bo * ' “ " fraiitW', Mlawtpbad b a n .^ 4a ft ConFMy. ^ igart, Cotogno d^^Fnmkfort aaht out from Aramao to ^ n tha iwalatioa, '4(4^ lora b f 4a oomapoawht Kewarh dapot. I* L.|«*l*nant B*bold and Datcctlr* Meaulre of polio* hoadouartar*. th* lactB ware ** fallows: ^ Th* two aoMUri loft 'Tort Kawark aboat T;l* o’clock to com* ta Kewark aad *ta* Ih* ■Igkla'* MeXiOaghUn h i d with him a tlask of whlaky. fram which bath laak occBBloaal drtaka aa tbaV masad Moat th* city. Tbay alaa drank *Wn* haar. althcugh whare thay gat It haa »*t baan r»v*«i*d. Batwaaa It o'clock and midnight Utay •atarad th* Pert Arthur Raataurnat at 111 hlarkat ttraat and aach ardarod ohop taay. WhU* awaltlag It, llctAHghltn laanad forward on th* labia and begaa t* iBore. He was itill al««plag, ap- parently. whan tb* dish waa tarvaC and Jleaiab did not .distarb him; bat procaadad to aat. thorlly a/Ur mldalght Chart** J. BreUr af H Warwick atraat. a attlar. dnUrad th* rsitauranf at tb* ft 4a Exohino Toiinpb • JIUML N o v * ^ .—Pi^ooMjr # ro m f^:h ^ t^ ofBcHloorilltegi dtet PobMlteO oaowaod 7 Q^rig 41 ao«tB4a(( if Ai If 1 ^ IN iCM i f S M n I >ii44ofM«ftyioaK aarm an p*opl* w*r» not *uff*r*4 to sbar* th* camradalinp of othir paoalaa of Ih* world •Sthor la tnought or pur- poaa", Hio noat thiw t at rru*»i«ni*m wa* In Pabraary U. ISIS, In r*p|y to Count Caarala'a appMt (or poor*. Tb* Pr**|. daal than reit*r*t*d ihat "Our whol* ■treagth will b* put into thia war of amMolpatiM rran th* ihr*ai *od a lM lg t o( BUsatary o; ■•Iflah group* a( autanratic ralar*." « * * • * Mas to U*ra*aa P*opl*.> Agata. on April I, th* Pr**ld*nl. anoireHag pabM idano*uv»r* nr Otr- many, daclarao In * *p*oeh at Balti- more: * ^a are radgy to b* Juot lo Ih* C*r- man paapla, hat th* poac* propoaala, ram* Iretn darmany'* military Itadora. who 'are bar raal rulara" At H t Varnoa, on July t, ih* Preat- daat aaandtd th* doom of th* Hohan- aollorn* aa th* primary r.quiitt* for a n c h o r If, k* d*fin*d a* th* firet an* of Ih* war: 'nhall th* mttUary ,yw*r of any aaiton or group of any agUdn or groap of natioa* b« nutfarad M aatarwin* th* foHun** of p**piM gvtr Wh*m thay bar* no right la »«l* ggcatt tb# right o( torc*r 'B y thI* ttm*. «h* light wa* h ^ n - nlag t* dawn (idly upon th* paopla « Oormany. lia ia hag*** th* firat s*v*re nmihtlag* of «*«»"*•"•• ____ Tkaa* grow ipbe* a# th* •iob ap th* Mba* cndgel on Octobar l l a reply to th* direct and amphbUa taatoB ovartarM far p***« < tn*k #t fH«i ta Holat*. eanaacatlvaly ta his p»*«* ka gointad aat ta raapo"*** lhal had t? k* Bablla«|g kg Ih* 0 *noan pra* U»” l e 5 t . p r o i t k ^ ta* word of Ih* ....................... ........................................................................................ E si^ r« sw sitf?iaas' ~SSrvi!S.s™'sroS..': j(M «|rbU a_w ig tarap.iy-aavaa. P* tS. obatacla lg callad t* fiMMh that I An bad Bhg h* b* Uhsn t* M jJ tiskar aad Boaaeh tMaskaa la gat a Ukiaab far tab fsg balag saakb to taeat* agd^ Ik* rtitaaraaL aftai m SMit katf aa >»»(•••* ‘ witk lb* firet m clact . tt .ar** tkaa *:ll a'clock ta Tk* aato patrol *m M t i* .flig r*a- tsanst anOffLaai^Ita waa Nat t* Ik* S te Hopital, srhare U* tasA psw- ‘ ^Itrhan Ltaattaant Dskptfi M viiiiNe al.babdaiartatB, « m Mimmapaa is.tha hdaglUt, k* fount th* oat on Ik* dtad , i maa'a baai a«d reativad tar and a i ^ ta MtaTi ^ M IM ktBMia. TM.ntM.U!l!ta.M<'Uii:igiBqf.: waa nat taaraad .... >* '' M*t to SMtaf UHYDPr*'" RtpoM 'lkiihte M KnI (MPHnuronf, War. U-41M «**• ••fWW . ■ iAlksCount Roinanonet [oForm Spw iw hJ^lry ^■Simiasg.te. uu*«*r -yf, . » : '.kad ahaSgU’ PMU Ha^krttata id*aU aad th* werhiag prlnclpl** laid down In hi* tonruan artJcl**, and b«- caaa* hi* ditam lnatloa on this tcor* la to fli*d It la not at all Imprcbabi* lhal h* will do th* anhtard p( thins of onaalag tb* ***** t* lab* th* taadar- *MP !(• Ik* *o-cali*d ItbarsI fare** la ............... _: . (rtaU tts c^tiM t MlVasia tha llb*^ and aon- ■arvailv* Mor*m*att to a h*sd. Th* rtshl that I* erganlainf In th* rmt*d St*t** on thi* lubjcct will only b* part ot th* world-wtd* *irut*l* h«- lw**n th* two c*nl*ndlng ferct* Uriuin, Franc*,. Italy, Orrmsay. Japaa. Ituaal* and all oth*r couatrlM ar* now la th* beginning ot tbii groat argu- mcai, and th* cntlr* copital will eo*. verg* and Join ls*u* |n Ih* p«*, * con- sr*H Tbs Bu(c*a* ar fallur* ul th* uppacing group* In thtir r**p*ctu* couatrl** will b* in*atur*il by th, tplrlt snd th* po;icle* tin t will Win tt in* peace l*b!e. % Tn* force* *f whlrli Praaldant Wit. •cm Ka* nii*';im*d Ic d trth ip are vary • niioili lo hav* him mtk* <he fight f(.r ihoir craed In ptraon, Thay bell*** the prretlgo of Ih* PrtJldinl will b, of mor* conatcivcnc* If h* It on tho I ground rather than .t( Ih* *nd ot ■ | cable im* In I ho tVhll* Honao And. (hla li«lng the cm**, ih* iirevaur* to hav* th* Preeident make Ihe trip, un- precedented aa It la. hoa become pro- nounced. Haay Dlfflenllle* 1a Way. Thera ar* lirrmen** dlftkullli'a ***n In the way of th* Preildant making th* trip oy*n*aa. There le flrit of all the praoedent agalnat th* Cblat Maglatrau. laavlng Ih* national territory during hla t*rm of offlr* But, aa haa been reotarhtd bafore, Mr. Wilton, ilnr* ba- lag In public life, ha* never allowtd pneadent or ruatom to feUar hi* ac- tion* aad conaaquantly thli particular pr*ced*nt would ot Itielf hiv* llttla w*lgbt In d*t*rmtnlng th* l*ia*. Tb* big ou**tlon concern* Itself with th* void that would be cr*at*d In ca** Hr. Wllaon left Ihe White Houae tor an aatanded parlod. It Is a*k*d wheihSr Ih* Prealdaot coold afford, from th* vlawpoint ot tha nalloaal atlg*ncla*. to b* aboant at all from Washington. Whila tha paac* congr*** la In leuton thare will b* many grnv* problams of Intarnal concern to ba conaidarad aad thig wilt PMaaaa aaeh Srganey that It la auatllonaA whether Mr. Wllspn could ar would loae* th*m to • Congre** that w*gW ba mnr* or lata fre* from *1* 0*- tlr# preaanr*. Vador tb* Coaatltutlcn, th* Vic* Praaldent taaom** th* pmaldantlal attire oaly la th* *v*nt of ih* dtdth, ramoval, raaignatlan or Inability of ih* Praildant to parfarm th* dutt** of hi* affire. What eanalllute* "inability" la a palai tb«t baa aovar ba*n aatherl- latlvaly daUrmlnad—it may b* that a trip I* th* paae* congr*** wauld b* eanattaad aa Inability and that Vice .FreaMtnt Nareball could alt ta during Hr. Wllaon'* abaanc*: nobMy hnowa baaaaa* thare hat a«v«r b**n a rallng. It,I* all a apaantatloa. and a last far Ik* aharps on tb* CunstUatloa. ta tk* daya liamedlatoly ahsad, tba ppMla win aanly haar a grasi 4*at on tw aablact af th* Prasldaht going aktabi.,- !t farnlah** a wid* fl*M for reewlatto*, bat It la ballavad tkat tn tk* awd tk* Proatdant.wlli akap* kt* sasga* baaardlag to tko amaygaaal** *( Skg.ksmr. n* FswaMont It migkt k* s i dod, la It by Trey pare kav* ibbekag bar* from yariaa* (By AnociMted P m t.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (Havas).—The German courier from the meeting pla<% of the armistice negotit* tions arrived at the German Grand Headquartav at 10 o’clock this rnwning, according to an offidai statement issued here today. PARIS, Nov. 10.—French .troops this tnominK renewed their pwv sttit of the Germans. The French official statement, issued today, u |t the retreat of the enemy it becoming more and more prsdpitelte Everywhere along the line the Germans are abandoning great quanHt4| of war material. Csnnon, numerous vehicles of ail descriptions snd, in sotM 4 * stances entire rsilrotd trains, have been captured by Foch't forces. f The text of the statement reads- "Our pursuit of the enemy wts renewed this morning under (Ite vortbie condiitont. of Miiieras the FfM 4 pssaed the Somenne Bivsr aaSy (he vinege of Sorraonne. They raadi^ tli«^^3M^s|M-a|ti^^ sur-Renwei. ' . "On the right the French continued to cross the Meuse River b 4 ' tween Lumes and Donchery. V "In his retreat, which is becoming more and more p r e d p itw ii;^ enewy is abandoning everywhere considerable material. The Ff«4% have captured, notably between Anor and Momignies (SouthvM M t4 Belgium), cannon, numerous vehicles of tH kinds and wholeVailffMI|^^ tmins." Y' LONDON. Nov. tO.—Field Marshal Haig’s forces are closely lowing up the retreating Germans along the entire front in Flaiider^ The official statement issued today by the War Office announcM that the British troops have occupied Faubourg dc Bertaimont, o* tht . -P- southern outskirts of Mons, Belgium. The text of the official statement follows; "Our advanced forces are keeping in touch with the retreating enemy on the whole front. "We have occupied the Fauburg de Bertaimont, on the southaril outekirts of Mons. "Further north we are approaching Leure and have taken Renalx*. (Renaix is about 30 miles west of Bruiscls.) v; ^ East of the Meuse, on the Allied ri|ht, the Americtn troops kr* idvaacMg toward Monimedy and Ihe Briey iron tields. The foraird movemeat ia on front north and south of Damvlllers. Further north toward Sedan tkert bta been only artillery and mschlnc eun fighiing. . - at tba'Wblta Roas* tadar. Vbat *( aaaapk* ta pareiataat raMSa* Cwdiw 2»3j0fi2 raJW a.’. 1&S *r Ma apsbtfT te tkariateet that tb* Prly (W bad dkraadpgattoa IsHltanpfb *,a,***taJ***W-i-^iv*a«*Wi * ' ■tested liraaMaai th Uagwf* I WUi hate * p« tk* - > 1 Letm Trotiky Reported Out A s Bdshevik War Minuter XURtCH, Nov. S.—L*od Trotiky. War Mlnlltar and former Foreign Minister of th* RuaBlan Bolahevikl Oovernmern a** rrelgnad, according to a diapatch today from Helsinafor*. W. ahhaaihy t* reportod to hav* aucooedad him. TJw*lv* fbonaand eaunter-ravotu- tIvBlat* from Pskoir ar* raporttg to be marehlng ea Petrograd. | Russian Soviet Mission Is Asked to Leave Switzerland BBHNB. MOV- S (#>.—Th* awts* Fad. aro] Coaaotl haa doeldad to break off all relattoad'wltb th* Ro**l*ii Sovlgt Miaolab. 'tew n*iab«r* of tk* Rsaataa dal*a»ttQd kbv* kaaa aakad by Skatav- aremaat |e laav* Swltsartaad - Maaeg*. of tkatr panloteattoa ta nyatatSfUtp, Hoaaasjr Congratulates oa’; , tatter’s Yictoor m Ra4 m >;aw akarkJ Outbreak in Berlin Rqwrted, Also Blocking of K kI Canal <Dr traUad'vkno.l ^ TIIH HAUUe, ttbv. t.—An aa«on- llrmed report wa* r*0*lv*d her* tadSF that laaurgent* h*** **li*d Batata, totting are lo th* poatotko* and dMp halt COPBNHAOBN. Nov. Th* Work- "■* mea’a **4 Boldlara' Cmmct) has bitokad tb* Klal cahbl by throwing warMlp* Ifnglliwtaa *«(«** It, aocordlng to dla-' patchea r*c«tr*d her* today. ^ Anottiar Vnlted Praia dispatch from Lobdon saga that lb* rtvoiutloa apraad to aaxaay and Wurt*mb#rg; jP|r that Ivaadan, tb* capital ot aasotiy, 1* tn Ul*' kgtala *f r*b*la and that tb* WartatnhSr* ChW"»t ha* rMlgnad. ^ ■—reaftitaDw ikii I'nte-ia* ■■ sf..* AH ms HkVt Ciptured 405,009^;^^'; ..... ' itev -1 <8Wt'(4^vr»te»**a'•' handrad tSkfguidl ,...,te 1 i*n by th* BrW itaf* . fg' front (rant JaMpg^t, SSf . , iiwlasitk -m '-' .Mm * Oof Owriw' W «dl . •v ■ IH i^ 0tt4w 23 Okk- Mko. kw ik. tai-'; ___ ____ _____ tag (*tel:ta* aadfcr** iM teM kMSi t |0 Mights said atteo ,wt*«by4w*Ml.4)iW, dM ’’*iMai)M oawqnaMtelNs.Jfl^iLf

Transcript of se > .NV SRsr Soldiers' and Sailors' Council Takes Berlin ...

" i ' i

y P :

t f O O K t .

i * EXTKAMk*«t^U<> nM*l H *Mte • MMtk U «Mto *H >M«W»., M r l u : H jM • r*«r. (I.M Irr ti>U»». laaliMia* war Ua—SatnM M i*e«4-< »«»UmXT tllfc. IIM. at Ifcr Hr» OWk« «< Krwart, Htw ^m tr^ a ifcr IM a tl af HM«k M, tm .

90. 10.670 NEWARK, N. J., SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1918. «. I , TWO CBKm, \

se >H I d*

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ltMnti.ltw ■ittlM. J<M rfet IMM M H I it,«M k



d S tj f -

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O w m Se,szIQNDSL »-C A 3H y



h .

Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Council Takesj

Berlin Following Abdication O f the Kaiser.

Grown Prince’s Palace Is Seized

Many' Persons Reported Killed—New Qiancellor

Announces Purpose to Form People’s Government. I I

a tv o lu d o n i r y c o n d it io n ! p re v iile d in B erlin , fo llo w in g upon the

tb d ic itio f l o f th e K i iM r a n d th e e n tire royal fam ily . N ew i of th e

chaea i t alowly f i l te r in g th ro u g h to the o u tsid e w orld .

A ssociated P re ss d is p a tc h e s from C op en h ag en . L ondon and o th e r

E aro p ean c en te rs re ce iv e d th is m o rn in g describe in b r ie f fo rm w hat

bad Ju p p e n e d .

Follow ing e a r ly d isp a tc h e s te llin g o f the o ccu p a tio n o f th e

g re a te r p a r t o f B erlin b y th e R eds, it w as an n o u n ce d la te r th a t o r d e r

bad been re a to red a n d th a t th e peo p le 's g o v e rn m e n t h ad been inati>

tu ted .

S ch lesw ig -H olste in Is r e p o rte d to have p ro c la im ed an in d ep e n ­

d en t republic, a n d L e ip s ig , th e I j r g e s t c ity in S a x o n y ; S tu t tg a r t , th e

cap ita l o f V u r t te m b e rg , a n d C o logne and F ra n k fo r t a re d ec la red to

have jo ined the re v o lu tio n .

BERLIN, Saturday, f^ov. b (German Wireless to Dtndon, Nov. 10, 1 2 M P, M.) (By the Aasodatei^ Preu).—The German People's Gov- emment baa been inatltitted in the greater piirt of Berlin. TIM gar*

r iN B f w j w o iip f * • I N lo H r e M a i t .* ' :»

i i * i N w i i i * v w v 4 ^ r t k i , '

r gmaa feMa baan |dac^ at the diapdaal of the'oouaeil. .^1 .

The SodlLDetiocratie ftarty ia interceding (?) with the peopica' govamoMat The guarda, wbidi had been stetioned at the public offieea and other buildinga, have been wittadrasm.

LONDON, Nov. 10.—Severe fighting took place in Berlin betwe^ t and S o 'do^ laat night, and a violent cannonade swa heard from .the hiipt of tha dty. *liw iwolution is in fnll swing in Berlin and the ■ ft Ibrcea ooeupy the gtenter part of the German capital, according to a Copenhagen diapatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company quoting Berlin advicea lent from there at 3 o’clock thia morning.

The Gmm Prinoe’e palace haa been aeised by the revolutioniata. The pMpb arc ahoudng "Long live the republic" and are tinging the -MariiiBaiia." . ‘

Wbac 'tevolutienary aoldiera attempted to enter a building in whieh anppoaad e number of officers were concealed, abott were fliud m m the windowe. The Reib then began ■helling the building.,

^Umb the flUBOOnada began, the people dionght the Reichbank waa belB| bMbafiM and thouaanda rashed to the sqnare in front of the ^ w a i Priuce’c' pelaM. It vna later determined that other buildinga ew e fit*.'• v' llany paitem were kitted and wounded before tha officera sur- ffudeted. ‘Aie ia d fercM are in control and have reatored order. Strang gufudrure m arking through the atreeta. j * i r OOPfiNHAOEff, Nov. 10.—the WolS Bureau,‘'the aemt-official ;Krw« agMcy^t Oarmanyl aonouacH In a diapatch from Berlin tha^it bM bean takeh oyer by tto Seidiera’ and Vorkmen’a Councii.

Friedri^ Ebert, the Soeiatiat leader, haa beeii appointed Im- . perlel Chancellor. He haa i a a ^ • proclamation taying that he plant

to form a peopla'a ■ovemuidiMr whidnriU aadMvor .to bring about

Twenty-Four Dead By Gas Explosion

PtTTSBUftOK. Now ».->*Twoi)ly-four w«ro kill«4 Ahd n r t r oworeom* by 4» d ly funidS this ofioroooih, wh«o 4 fft* tfthk ftplodod o( tbo Joaos 4 Laufbllfi St*4> Co.’a E U u F«rn4c*. SIe of tho workman wara Immodlotaly EBphysUtod-

Tha m e I covartnv 4 b u fo c i a t4 n k lot fo 4tkd 4U « o rk o ra w ltblti 4 wtda radius waro oYtreom* oy th s oscapod Caa.

Soldier Dies of Poison After “Seeing the Sights”

Sergeant McLaughlin Taken from Chinese Restaurant After

Night of Drinking.

Police Inveatigating Mystery

T,k*n tn ■ pollr, am bulatic, t , th , City Ilaapltsl from , O iln n * rM tiu- n n t In H ,rk .( iirM t M rlp yM tw dsr ,|ohn UcUiuahlln, , H r g » n t In Ih , 0<m rl,rina.i*r Corp, m arts* ^** tu:bm*nt *1 lb* Fort Newark lupflp dMot. ^** protioupc*! d .trt on ■rrlvtl.

I An ,utop,)r ahowta tbbt bl* d » tb hni bMn rtuM d by n oarro,!** poUtn.

W h,n b , w u proBonaroe d . ,d nt lb* hMpIlBl B pollc, IniBBtlsBtlob Iml to tb« b,ltBX that HcLBUgbltB bad dIM ortiM onaotB a t drink. But a w b lu pow- Oat waa Maad la tU aaeUat wbtn hla

Text of Decree TeQing Of ICaiser I AbdicationPollowlat la itM tsxt of the da-

craa by tha Carmaa Inpaftal Chancellor, Priooa Mu of Badan. Iisead yesterday, saaouadna tha Xaltar’a abdkattea ted tha plau ter sihar chtofta la Canaany:

"Tha Kalaar ud King btva dt- ■Mad to raooanoa tho threat.

"The Imptrial Cbuoallar will remain in offlca until tha qaaa- tiont aoBiieciad with tha abdica­tion of tha Kalaar, tha ranounclag by the Crown Prlnca of tha throne of tha Carman Empira and of Fniaala, and tho aattlB| up of a roaency bavt bota aattlad.

**ror tba ragaaqr ha iHanda lo appoint Deputy Ebart aa Imparial ChMcallor, aad ha prepaaas that a bill ahall be brenabt In for the eslabllahmeat of a Taw provldlni for tha immediste promulgation of general auffraga and for a conatiistiontl CariiMn Ntrioaal Aaaamblv, which wilt settle fluUy thie future farm of gov- emroant of tbo German nation aad of tbos# paoples which might bo dasirous of oomini within tha tiapifa.

"Tha Imparial Chancellor.” Berlin, Nav. B, 1P18.

Courier from the Armistice Envoys Reaches German Headquarters

O nly Today.Will Wilson Go to Peace G)nference?

Th» Is Stilt Open Question, with Liberal Forces of World Hoping

that He WUI.

Prussianism Bows Before Civilization

Abdication of Comes as Climax to Natiou’


Immense Difficultjei in Way

I t P ra u ia n t Cm M BaT, Own Way AbMt H Bwa SlBBie CMSItSM, r » - M lttw H# WMtId DsabtiM, t*« ain Im , U voia A b am e Wm M CtM«*. H* BaBBt Umw TM. Dnptl* Itaan n .

Wilson Voiced World’s Verdkl

WABHISaTfiN, N»V t .—rriiaalan- Ifm. MBd of ike worid'R EreitleM vkf, hei keeiv deitPoyed rIvttUrd force*. | Newt of the Germiui KelMr’i dectilon I

fr9m rkf 1T««Miff44 Burm* of Ikt iF f -Sf jfo jrrwB. »

WABHINOTON. Nov, 9.—tt la Ptlll 4n •M n ^ueelloft whetligr Preildent Wll- •on «vllJ 4 tten d (he world peicw con*

HoheniJIerns <•L'alon.l Uau*,. If th , Pr,*ia*nl could hav, hi* own way about It and war, not htid down loo much by coodltloa* at horn* b , would doubtlou fO, not nar«*Hrlly for tba *n(lra l.n sth of ih* lonroranc*. but long anough to l*n<l Ih* w alfh t and Intluanra of o/rtoa, hi* pCBODBlIty and bn pow*r» of p«r*ua*lon In tb* miking ot th* kind of p**c* b* advoeatti.

Th* I^r*(ld*nt I* pr*p*r*d to maka th* ■trongact *or( ot argum int t'.r th*

TUa pa-U a ir i a s M i f a t t a a la tb*

light o t th t* n tw d«v*l»(HB*nt.‘rii* Wynathaala f l n t an-tvad a t by

th* polio* waa kaaod on th* otory of til* ru ta ta a la a oa a vtalt t a th* can tar o f tb* oity r r ld a y n iab t. w hleh, brlafly , W at th a t llcl.*aB W ta had d ru n k frooly frdm a n a s ti of wbtaUy w h |ab h* car- rlad aad bad lalaad th i* w ish boor la tb* coara* o f th* avaaiag.

A ap aran tlr e n re o ra * by lb* a tfocts o l Ria Imbibing. IR* aa ldU r w ant u tli* p tn tb* ro a lau ra n t wRIl* w aiting t a b* sarvod w ith a baw l o f cho* *u*y. and a t ta r alum barlng a ta rto rau a ly fa r aom* ttm* that* wa* ram o y at to th* hoapltal an th* ad ric* a f a taU ar.

A amall cut an Ih* d**d ma*’* hand -wg* •aplalnod to th* ■atlsragUon o t th* pollc* by *tat*ia«in* a ltr ib a ta d I* lb* doctor and aura# who n a a tr a d th* b ad r a t tb* ho tp ita l. They a re daclarad to bav* aald Ih* n a a 'a h«ad a tra c k an Iran t a t whti* ho w aa balag ire a a fo r- r*d frem a a tra tch ar tu th* r o t A t th* ho*plU1 today. how*p*r, th* raatdaal pbyaittan aald b* bad n* kaow ladg* o t ■ueb aa aceM aat.

CampaaSaa'VM b ad D r ta k in g .Th* story (o r tb* m oat p a r t la ta ld |

to abdicat* and lh a l of hla aon lo r*. nounca all claim* to th* Ihron* cam* aa tha cllo ias ot world p rolaatatlon agalnat th* H ahtnsollcrna.

Th* cam paign agalnat th* ralgnlng laa illy a t O arm aay M a b«*ii lad h r

-W iiiaA ?jpa

Enemy Is Hard Pressed in FieldN

French Troops G)ntinue Hoi Pursuit— Take Largs Stores—British on Outskirts

of Mons. '

w auy'd a fa iM iM e e tet itbdd tsaa 'n t ApHt I, IVIT. At that tuna ha tsM ;

"W* hav* n* g u a rn l with th* Oar* laan p**pl«. bat Ih* Fru**lan *ut**raey wa* not and a*v*r couM b* aar fr lan d a "

Tbaraafitr. t i n t by ep*n dlplHnacy tn appoali lo th* Uarmba p«apl*. than by propaganda barlad from aircraft wear tb* Garaian II n** and citica and tlnally by direct and Muni word* to tha 0*rman aov*rnm*nt lloalf. th* Praaldant oonalstantly pur*a*d hi* parpo** ot ridding th* world of th* Hoh*n*oll*rna.

~Th* war art* b*gun by th* military mastMa af flarmany." th* Pr.aldcni d*. dared on Jan* I. iS lf

“T1)* ob)art af thia w ar Is to rt*|lv«r th* fr** pcoplia af th* world from tho manac* «f a ya tl m ilitary **t*bllih- meat, conlrollad by an Irreipoualbl* gov*rnm*nt. This pnw*r I* not th* Oarmaa pfopl*." h* said on Auguii 17. IS tl. la hi* r«ply to tb* Pop*'* apptal for p*oe«.

‘-rii* spirit of fr*«doni do** npt suit th* plan* of Ih* Pan-n«rninn*," th* P n i td in t addid In * >p**ch N ovinb ir II. isn.

And again. In a ap**ch bator* Ton. graaa Dacamhar t. 1SI7. Ih* Praaldcntby th* BWB wht aacompanlad XeLai^- arc*

Srent WHttaSf uSIlldh Hh* M dU artU a « •"* * * powar. a thin* » “ ho’' 'a maiubor *t th* BtoriLg* dataokmaal caacclane* or honor, mu*i he crushed, t f t h V ^ r t . r m a a tc r cSfpL nt i K p o r l TuUr* have M e abu to u p « i

- A* ha told ht* atory P**«*ot w«rld only berau** th*

■puM| paaga,, . '■, It 4 ttfEdupr' iMOMOad f iw DerEa that the War Miuiutry Km placgi ftMlf at Em dUftpaaf or Ebart, «)Mm appeifitmunt eaTmparial GbatMoIIor «t» foruoMted puiteMir by the daereu of Prineo MaxL mlltaa. Thh ictloii W fw tho parpoio of ggauring Hm provialoutai ofllMgrmytndggglatlBilBtlMgolB«oaofdoi»iobiltotio«

Aeoordlai to • fnmtter b m m im PrtooMt Hoiuridi, wifo of tho of Xvdeif lll-dil BhvjiiNi, VH

u M (h i v m ' I M bI Whih Mimkl

i ( IU » A. M .)-4hloow f^ohtein,i PruMiM Fwvhibo vfliWi bglongad te ia to N i

alalntd ah Mif«nEoi|t m * • • B«huata TEufraph diapifrouiCop

tfliiii fc c aM.g.

rigprte from tho 1

........i l r o 3 i : * « \


voiaddd in tbo arm vrbea . , h k and hor fcuabaad are

Beviirla eHb' W itcaw Adalburt, tfffo of Em*h-’ . .to o>i-

tha pro*


Etottfart, tba ei^tal of (Fort* loRbi an t Fmii^rort btva jmsadi 4i'l«tatatlo% bo*

' “ " fraiitW', Mlawtpbad b a n .^ 4 a f t ConFMy.

igart, Cotogno d^^Fnmkfort

aaht out from Aramao t o ^ n tha iwalatioa, '4 (4 ^

lora b f 4 a oomapoawht

Kewarh dapot.I* L.|«*l*nant B*bold and Datcctlr* Meaulre of polio* hoadouartar*. th* lactB ware ** fallows: ^

Th* two aoMUri loft 'T ort Kawark aboat T;l* o’clock to com* ta Kewark aad *ta* Ih* ■Igkla'* MeXiOaghUn h id with him a tlask of whlaky. fram which bath laak occBBloaal drtaka aa tbaV masad M oat th* city. Tbay alaa drank *Wn* haar. althcugh whare thay gat It haa »* t baan r»v*«i*d.

Batwaaa I t o'clock and midnight Utay •atarad th* Pert A rthur R aataurnat at 111 hlarkat ttraa t and aach ardarod ohop taay. WhU* aw altlag It, llctAHghltn laanad forward on th* labia and begaa t* iBore. He was itill al««plag, ap­parently. whan tb* dish waa tarvaC and Jleaiab did not .d istarb him; b a t procaadad to aat.

th o rlly a /U r m ldalght Chart** J. B reU r af H W arwick atraat. a a ttlar. dnUrad th* rs itau ran f a t tb*

f t 4 a Exohino T oiinpb • JIUML N o v * ^ .—Pi^ooMjr

# r o m f ^ : h ^ t ^ o fB cH lo o rillteg i dtet PobMlteO oaowaod 7 Q^rig 4 1 ao«tB4a(( i f Ai

I f 1 IN iC M i f S M n I >ii44ofM«ftyioaK

aarm an p*opl* w*r» not *uff*r*4 to sbar* th* camradalinp of o th ir paoalaa of Ih* world •Sthor la tnought or pur- poaa",Hio noat th iw t a t rru*»i«ni*m wa* In Pabraary U . ISIS, In r*p|y to Count Caarala'a appMt (or poor*. Tb* Pr**|. daal than reit*r*t*d ihat "Our whol* ■treagth will b* put into thia war of amM olpatiM rran th* ihr*ai *od a lM lg t o( BUsatary o; ■•Iflah group*a ( autanratic ralar*."

« * * • * M as to U*ra*aa P*opl*.> Agata. on April I, th* Pr**ld*nl.

anoireHag pabM idano*uv»r* nr Otr- many, daclarao In * *p*oeh at Balti­more:

* ^ a are radgy to b* Juot lo Ih* C*r- man paapla, hat th* poac* propoaala, ram* Iretn darmany'* military Itadora. who 'a re bar raal rulara"

At H t Varnoa, on July t, ih* Preat- daat aaandtd th* doom of th* Hohan- aollorn* aa th* primary r.quiitt* for

a n c h o r If, k* d*fin*d a* th* firet an* of Ih* w ar: 'nhall th* mttUary

,yw *r of any aaiton or group of any agUdn or groap of natioa* b« nutfarad M aatarwin* th* foHun** of p**piM g v tr Wh*m thay bar* no right la »«l* ggcatt tb# righ t o( to rc * r 'B y thI* ttm*. «h* light wa* h ^ n - n lag t* dawn (idly upon th* paopla « Oormany. l i a i a hag*** th* firat s*v*renmihtlag* o f «*«»"*•"•• ____

Tkaa* grow ipbe* a# th*•io b ap th* Mba* cndgel on Octobar l l a reply to th* direct and amphbUa taatoB ovartarM far p***«

< tn*k #t fH«i ta Holat*.eanaacatlvaly ta his p»*«*

k a gointad a a t ta raapo"*** lhal had t ? k* Bablla«|g kg Ih* 0 *noan p ra * U»” l e 5 t . p r o i t k ^ ta* word of Ih*

....................... ........................................................................................

E si^ r « s w s i t f ? ia a s ' ~S S rvi!S .s™ 'sroS ..':j(M « |rb U a _ w ig tarap.iy-aavaa. P* tS . obatacla lg

callad t* fiMMh th a t I A n bad Bhg

h* b* U hsn t* M jJ t i skar aad Boaaeh tM askaa

la gat a Ukiaab far t a b fsg balag s a a k b to taeat* agd^Ik* rtita a raaL a fta i m S M it katf aa > » » (•• •* ‘ witk lb* f ire t m c l a c t . t t .ar** tkaa * :ll a'clock ta

Tk* aato patrol *m M t i* .flig r*a- t s a n s t a n O f f L a a i^ I ta waa N a t t* Ik* S t e H op ita l, srhare U* tasA psw-

‘ ^Itrhan L taattaan t Dskptfi M v iiiiN e al.babdaiartatB , « m Mimmapaa is . th a hdaglUt, k* fount th* oat on Ik* d tad

, i maa'a baai a«d reativad tar and a i ^ ta MtaTi


ktBMia. TM.ntM.U!l!ta.M<'Uii:igiBqf.: waa nat taaraad .... > * ' '

M *t to S M taf UHYDPr*'"

R tp o M 'lk i ih te M K nI

(M PHnuronf, War. U-41M «**•

••fW W . ■

iAlks Count Roinanonet[ o F o r m S p w i w h J ^ l r y

^■Simiasg.te. uu*«*r-yf, . » :

'.kad ahaSgU’ PMU H a ^ k rtta ta

id*aU aad th* werhiag prlnclpl** laid down In hi* to n ru an artJcl**, and b«- caaa* hi* d ita m ln a tlo a on this tcor* la to fli*d It la not at all Imprcbabi* lhal h* will do th* anhtard p( thins of onaalag tb* ***** t* lab* th* taadar- *MP !(• Ik* *o-cali*d ItbarsI fare** la

............... _ : . (rtaU t t sc ^ t iM t MlVasia th a l lb * ^ and aon- ■arvailv* M or*m *att to a h*sd. Th*rtsh l th a t I* erganlainf In th* rm t*d St*t** on thi* lubjcct will only b* part o t th* world-wtd* *irut*l* h«- lw**n th* two c*nl*ndlng ferct* Uriuin, Franc*,. Italy, Orrmsay. Japaa. Ituaal* and all oth*r couatrlM ar* now la th* beginning ot tb ii groat argu- mcai, and th* cntlr* copital will eo*. verg* and Join ls*u* |n Ih* p«*, * con- sr*H Tbs Bu(c*a* ar fallur* ul th* uppacing group* In th tir r**p*ctu* couatrl** will b* in*atur*il by th , tp lrlt snd th* po;icle* t in t will Win t t in* peace l*b!e. %

Tn* force* *f whlrli Praaldant Wit. •cm Ka* nii*';im*d Ic d tr th ip are vary • niioili lo hav* him m tk* <he fight f(.r ihoir craed In ptraon, Thay bell*** the prretlgo of Ih* P rtJld in l will b, of mor* conatcivcnc* If h* It on tho I ground ra ther than .t( Ih* *nd ot ■ | cable im* In I ho tVhll* Honao And. (hla li«lng the cm**, ih* iirevaur* to hav* th* Preeident make Ihe trip, un­precedented aa It la. hoa become pro­nounced.

H aay Dlfflenllle* 1a Way.Thera ar* lirrmen** dlftkullli'a ***n

In the way of th* Preildant making th* trip oy*n*aa. There le flrit of all the praoedent agalnat th* Cblat Maglatrau. laavlng Ih* national territory during hla t*rm of offlr* But, aa haa been reotarhtd bafore, Mr. Wilton, ilnr* ba­lag In public life, ha* never allowtd pneadent or ruatom to feUar hi* ac­tion* aad conaaquantly thli particular pr*ced*nt would ot Itielf hiv* llttla w*lgbt In d*t*rmtnlng th* l*ia*.

Tb* big ou**tlon concern* Itself with th* void th a t would be cr*at*d In ca** Hr. Wllaon left Ihe White Houae tor an aatanded parlod. It Is a*k*d wheihSr Ih* Prealdaot coold afford, from th* vlawpoint o t tha nalloaal atlg*ncla*. to b* aboant a t a ll from Washington. Whila tha paac* congr*** la In leu to n thare will b* many grnv* problams of Intarnal concern to ba conaidarad aad th ig wilt PMaaaa aaeh Srganey that It la auatllonaA whether Mr. Wllspn could ar would loae* th*m to • Congre** that w*gW ba mnr* or lata fre* from *1*0*- tlr# preaanr*.

Vador tb* Coaatltutlcn, th* Vic* Praaldent taaom** th* pmaldantlal a ttire oaly la th* *v*nt of ih* dtdth, ramoval, raaignatlan or Inability of ih* Praildant to parfarm th* dutt** of hi* affire. W hat eanalllute* "inability" la a pa la i tb « t baa aovar ba*n aatherl- latlvaly daUrm lnad—it may b* that a trip I* th* paae* congr*** wauld b* eanattaad aa Inability and that Vice .FreaMtnt N areball could alt ta during Hr. Wllaon'* abaanc*: nobMy hnowa baaaaa* thare h a t a«v«r b**n a rallng. I t,I* all a apaantatloa. and a la s t far Ik* aharps on tb* CunstUatloa.

ta tk* daya liamedlatoly ahsad, tba ppMla w in a a n ly haar a grasi 4*at on t w aablact a f th* Prasldaht going aktabi.,- ! t farnlah** a wid* fl*M for reew la tto* , bat It la ballavad tk a t tn tk* awd tk* Proatdant.w lli akap* kt* sasga* baaardlag to tko amaygaaal** *( Skg.ksmr.

n * FswaMont It m igkt k* s idod, laIt by Trey

parekav* ibbekag bar* from yariaa*

(By AnociMted P m t . )

PARIS, Nov. 10. (Havas).—The German courier from the meeting pla<% of the armistice negotit* tions arrived at the German Grand Headquartav at 10 o’clock this rnwning, according to an offidai statement issued here today.

P A R IS , Nov. 10.— F ren ch .tro o p s th is tnom inK renew ed th e ir p w v

s ttit o f th e G e rm an s. T he F ren ch o ff ic ia l s ta te m e n t, issued today , u | t

th e r e t r e a t o f th e enem y i t b e co m in g m o re and m ore p r s d p i te l t e

E v e ry w h e re a lo n g th e lin e the G e rm a n s a re a b a n d o n in g g re a t q u a n H t4 |

o f w ar m a te ria l.

C s n n o n , n u m ero u s veh ic les o f a il d e sc rip tio n s snd, in so tM 4 *

s ta n c e s e n ti r e r s i l ro td tra in s , h av e b een c a p tu re d by F o ch 't fo rces.f

T h e te x t o f the s ta te m e n t r e a d s -

" O u r p u rsu it o f th e enem y w ts ren ew ed th is m o rn in g u n d e r (Ite

v o r tb ie c o n d iito n t.

of Miiieras the F fM 4 pssaed the Somenne Bivsr aaSy

(he vinege of Sorraonne. They raadi^ tli«^^3M ^s|M -a|ti^^

su r-R e n w e i. ' .

"On the right the French continued to cross the Meuse River b 4 '

tween Lumes and Donchery. V

"In his retreat, which is becoming more and more p r e d p itw ii;^

enewy is abandoning everywhere considerable material. The Ff«4%

have captured, notably between Anor and Momignies (SouthvMMt4 Belgium), cannon, numerous vehicles of tH kinds and wholeVailffMI|^

tmins." Y 'LONDON. Nov. tO.—Field Marshal Haig’s forces are closely

lowing up the retreating Germans along the entire front in Flaiider^

The official statement issued today by the War Office announcM that

the British troops have occupied Faubourg dc Bertaimont, o * tht .- P -

southern outskirts of Mons, Belgium.The text of the official statement follows;

"Our advanced forces are keeping in touch with the retreating

enemy on the whole front."We have occupied the Fauburg de Bertaimont, on the southaril

outekirts of Mons."Further north we are approaching Leure and have taken Renalx*.

(R e n a ix is about 30 miles west of Bruiscls.) v; ^

East of the Meuse, on the Allied ri|ht, the Americtn troops kr* idvaacMg toward Monimedy and Ihe Briey iron tields. The foraird movemeat ia on • front north and south of Damvlllers. Further north toward Sedan tkert bta been only artillery and mschlnc eun fighiing. . -

at tba'Wblta Roas* tadar. Vbat *( aaaapk* ta pareiataat raMSa*

Cwdiw 2»3j0fi2

r a J W a . ’.

1&S*r Ma apsbtfT te tkariateet that tb*Pr ly (W bad dkraadpgattoa IsHltanpfb

■ *,a,***taJ***W-i- iv*a«*Wi * ■'

■tested liraaMaai

th Uagwf* I WUi hate

* p« tk*

- > 1

Letm Trotiky Reported Out As Bdshevik War Minuter

XURtCH, Nov. S.—L*od Trotiky. War M lnlltar and former Foreign Minister of th* RuaBlan Bolahevikl Oovernmern a** rrelgnad, according to a diapatch today from Helsinafor*. W. ahhaaihy t* reportod to hav* aucooedad him.

TJw*lv* fbonaand eaunter-ravotu- tIvBlat* from Pskoir ar* raporttg to be m arehlng ea Petrograd. |

Russian Soviet Mission Is Asked to Leave Switzerland

BBHNB. MOV- S (#>.—Th* awts* Fad. aro] Coaaotl haa doeldad to break off all re la tto ad 'w ltb th* Ro**l*ii Sovlgt Miaolab. 'tew n*iab«r* of tk* Rsaataa dal*a»ttQd kbv* kaaa aakad by S k a ta v - a rem aat |e laav* Swltsartaad - Maaeg*. of tk a tr panlo teattoa ta n y a ta tS fU tp ,

Hoaaasjr Congratulates oa’;, tatter’s Yictoor m Ra4


>;aw akarkJ

Outbreak in Berlin Rqwrted,Also Blocking of KkI Canal

<Dr traUad'vkno.l ^TIIH HAUUe, ttbv. t.—An aa«on-

llrmed report wa* r*0*lv*d her* tadSF th a t laaurgent* h*** **li*d Batata, to ttin g are lo th* poatotko* and dMp h a lt

COPBNHAOBN. Nov. Th* W ork- "■* mea’a **4 Boldlara' Cmmct) has bitokad tb* Klal cah b l by throwing warMlp* Ifnglliw taa *«(«** It, aocordlng to d la- ' patchea r*c«tr*d her* today. ^

Anottiar Vnlted Praia dispatch from Lobdon saga that lb* rtvoiutloa apraad to aaxaay and Wurt*mb#rg; jP |r th a t Ivaadan, tb* capital ot aasotiy, 1* tn Ul*' kgtala *f r*b*la and that tb* W artatnhSr* ChW"»t ha* rMlgnad.

^ ■ —reaftitaDwikii I'nte-ia* ■ ■■ sf..*

AHms HkVt Ciptured 405,009 ; ';

.....' i te v - 1 <8Wt'(4^vr»te»**a'•'handrad tSkfguidl

, . . . , t e 1i*n by th* B rW itaf* . fg' front (rant Ja M p g ^ t, SSf .

, iiw lasitk - m ' - '

’.Mm * Oof

O w r iw 'W « d l .

•v ■

I H i ^ 0 t t 4 w 2 3

Okk- Mko. k w

i k .


___ ____ _____tag (*tel:ta* aadfcr** iM te M kMS i t | 0 M ights said a t t e o ,w t* « b y 4 w * M l.4 ) iW , d M ’’*iMai)M oawqnaMtelNs.Jfl^iLf

H -I Q

- I fas Embodiincnt MSBtary Gate s World-Power Dream


um a it ir f (« f w in i* »(b« w*rM tot* w«f. l'p*n h*™ ||**MaRB«a wIIIUFT tM lo*

^m i»nlH n *r vhlob h« wM O'*1*4 •x|i*M*t *nA lb* luUar.

iMponilM lItr of *«llb«r*t4ly

di>c«l Kirp«ror NlrholM *f ItuMl* t* il«n * M rtit •*T4»ii'«il I® »hl*h h*

**d briBclac »b**t i w n mat a n f llc i tli* wor)4 m#b-

n <M ■ « m Am r I® '* • • » 0 4 lb*' ! inA BuMi*

« * f t* fore* tb» •dh»r«nt‘» of Franco In (b* porfoctlon «f on offonolvo ond dofonolra olltonco ofotnol Knflond- Tbo trooty wo* dlocovtrod and r«- *udintad by a HuMlan mlalilar

F a llln t In I'l" *<>*'"*1. Ib» Harman Kri. (Oror aal ypon bimaalf tb* taab '>f d r a a l r i Knfland to hla aldt a ia lm l

II.>W wall !>•

-w S'

HC- ' 'bf.

in o l iw o f W o iH W a r n m r ^ m

t*4 » » n iriir 'f **ra**al abara In Iba i m oufh l ha had auocardatl In tn ii may. I . . , ---- . h , wrota lo— inmadlaialv DracadlB* tha ha nalharad from a I t ii tr na wroia lubaan obaenrad Tha world

'MWIIWnl hidi of a rfan liin t. diraclln* M i MKlntaintoc a t tha top notch of p ifliltacy lb« «r**t Orrman mllUary Jnddhlna- ll ramambarad lhai ba alanad tka ordar for tha (lartnan iriablllaa- w ll ramambarad that he aloud ^Ipanaor for tha larroriam and b r t |n -- jd*Ha which, uiidar tba fulaa of w*r- fU K natabad Balflum. laid waal* lha aplllaa wf ^mnea. dapopolatad and oai- C g e d Warbla and aant tha t.noltanla ipft* bar fralfh i of and children aa * graa* in tha Atlantlc-

adH lta tlon will navar far(al thatf t waa lha mlniona of tha Knpari^r wbu

ahol t* daatb Kdlih Cavall.Banllah j t r l «bo batrlandad tha

Shl«lo^ . a a a in Bruatala jh^njaat Ibaaa hla cry 'T did not will

diM war" avallad aa nothin*. Bafora t t* W r of bunianlly William waa ad- a■tB*d dallty of Iba *raalaat crime • S m tha rrurlflilon . In him human- |Hr taw tha laat of tba auiocrata. tha ftant Caaanr. Aaaariiona that ha waa Bl iMnrt fanrafoL ao paralatantty clr- l l ^ l i l far yanrh aa la nlaa th an iba ■taaay of Oarman *ropa<anda, barama fciapdid aa rarialnly falaa Ha who

laac fraclalMiad blmaair tha prlnci- B jp iH - aiaad rtrraalad aa bam anliya kiddiwh- and adolaat blm and all that fca ripraaaatad roaa iba naw world of Mwadracy and fraadom. r 'Y ti-T daiibt whaibar William waa •MWdly MM- Ha aald rapaatadly that ta'M aaaaaad a dWIna maadata to rula.

tba * lB l«b ty -traa bla ~«Be*ndl- U lM l *nd Bbowad aHy." H la not MBIrtty etoar wbalbor anab atHdlrtoka wwra tba prndact a f a dtoardarad brala tW warn dan la aabaaadad tcMiant and M aftH t to laipraM bla aabjacta with S a idM af ravaraat aad iiaaaaallonlnc MkaUMlan. HI* apaarhaa la bla analaa

' th b* aaaanad ba aad tbay wara lataala * t d lrtaa Jadcatanl apon

jiy 'a aaamlaa" wara ragardad by •staid* a f Oanaaay m plaraa *f

lataadad aaly la dacaloa hla lia-I’a atolai to elaaa a tna lly wllb Uto b sfdaa *f daaaaa a t bla h a s t feafata aa wait • • a tta r

kagtaalak •< tba war Of i m m 1 tto#*lr daftaad bia

tbaa hto aatortoaa "dWiiia r lfb t" ' a t Braadaatoira la

ba aaW ha rtsa rd ad tba laamto aa “a raawaaaibllHy'' a aa a Mai by Oad aad that It - ity I* bwrtaM thU hatlto«a

•M day 1 altoH ^I la f ta a aaeaa a t Tbaaa wha try bihartara with aiy Uak t

iB «B W a Iba watM aaw b a to n IM B toaaasa bat a MStaly. It

w ith tba ibaa Caytaia J ^ » b _j*a ad tha Uallad B utaa Maay tadaralaB fraaa tba w ar with

halMas a f Iba atoah arith tha ■ator a d tb a Oanaaa a«Badraa a t

Bay, aaatota r a ^ tba psaM, "Math dar Katoar.- ta •aaalad laa ra tra tn w aa la tha

warda a f tha Bmparar

aalM toU aw—aad 1 ad t blw— S ra ta B ta T —Vnd Oatt-"

raaUaad thaa that tha iparar to bla ‘ b la lac

■ aaaaa tra rts f Ma anatoa aadbattdtoy ap tba Oaratan

, ^ ’■uat, aaBwaUpd lha Oaa- _ _ _ p l r a a and Tarbay, and foatarinp t t a praaablbB a f tba aayrawaey af aa-

w at araettaa a laaeUna th a t waald maba war apaa all

aald Kina Haoraa had itroniliad Prin. a Henry of Pnia»u on July II, l» n . il *' Knaland woald remain nautrat in a war Inrolvina Iba I ' a n t r a l P p n n a with Franca and Huiria

Parhapa Ihc nuiai ilirr.-l and aulh-irl- latlTP of lha »i.u>aUnii» a ta lnai tha Oarmai! Kmprror and Pan-Ocrinnna are i-onialiiad in it<e ii-il,liat.r-l nr-rei inanLurandum ni* fr in --, I'harlm ylai Llt-hnliwah). Mim **• 'lartnan Am- hwaandor at l-andnn I t the uuthrrak of hoatlllllan Tha ITtii-a uni-au" <>■ ally plarad the Mamr fnr lha w ir ■■ . Oar- many and r-r hi* fronhiira* » a , hit- prlvitiiad lu « Milralaii .lialran par | tnancnily aii.-ticd fr-pni ihr I'tuaatan j Houaa of Ijirila. nhl. h a'Hon »aa , annclionad by Iba tCinparor. and. 1 finally wma •illad la bwluarland

Bmparor Wllllam'a dnirluallnn over (lartnan alataatnan dlplomala and tha htgti command of (ba (Jarm(sti army waa etnphaalaad by l»r Wilhaioi ataab- ton, a fitrmar ( I rc lor uf the Krupp wofba, lha graal Harman munltlona factory. In hla bo-'b *n T h e I>a>aata- tloh of Kuropa" In thia ha b"! only laid blame upon (larniany for bad faith aud crltlrUail the German army for l(a brutality, but aaaartad thar In lha GarmBit Kurtldn Office 'only ha who did lha llmparor'a hlddln* waa allowad lo ramaln Thay i*oald not do hattar," ha declared, hacauaa of tha characlar, the nowrr. the va. Illation of nnd lonilnuad liiiarfaianci by lha K a laa r" H waa Ur Uuahlon who aa aarlad lha aiiihanllclly o( tha iia ia - mant |hal Ivmparor William (Mated at a BHatlaa of Oaratan arwiy otfliwra that ba had plenty of prlaanara and that ha hoped lha otflcara would aaa that nn mora priaonara wara la ban

Mailmtilan Harden, a a trn ian t.lbaral lander, declared tha German ruler brau(h( oa tha war hacauaa of hla da- alra "for aomathlni Itba world rule*

william oftao proclalintd hla Inno- canra. and endeavored to put tha nnua of tha war on the ahouldara off tha Plniania Alllae In hla apaach from' tha throne a tta r lha war ba*an h# aald

"la puraalat Ha Inlaraata the Kuaalan Kmpira atappad In tha way of Auatrla- Uuaaary. Our duty aa aa ally called na to Iba aUa af AuMrla-Huagary.

*rha altnatlon a roaa not from taaiporary caanteto a l lalaraata m diptoaaatic camblaatlaaa, but li tba raauH of Ill- will aalallay for year* acalnal tba • ira aa lp and pruparlty of tha aa rw aa Baipira.*

Tba Baiparar. daiplU bla pravloui a i- praaalona a f «oad will for Aiaarlcaaa. •au a aant to hla anpar apalnal tba Uallad Btataa wbaa It bacania aaldaat a a offktol actio* waald ba U h a a ta •tap tba ahlpmanl of mualtlona and Btlppllaa lo tbo Katanta Alltaa by da- elartoa to tba Anarlean AaobaaMdor, J*Ma« W. Oarard, "I ahall lU a d aa ■aaaanat fhaai Amarioa a lta r lha w n r"

Wllllaffl'a daalcM to apraad Uarman daWlalon la Aala touad a ipraH lon ta bla famouB rlalta to Cenalantlnopto wbaa ba waa piuctolKad aa pratactor af tba Haaloffli In Ibla tba world aaw a euBBlnc alap toward aebiavamant of tha Garman ambition of Gorman do- mlnlea from Barlln to Bapdad.

m ad ricb Wllbalm Victor Albart waa bom January IT, 111*, and bacama Bm* parar William II. •* tba daaU of bla fatbar. r ra d trk k H I. J i t * 1*. **•can a oat o( tba Uelaaralty #1 B aaa proparad t* anlar tba acbaol of atnta- craft. Bat to work In tba poaaraaiaal b a raaw . ba was early taupht tha rootlna of offlctol bualnoM under tb i tutalapo of tha pTMt Btomarcb.

At lha daatb of bis fatbar, tha Im- thropa davolvad upon Wtlltnin

I f

1M4Ja a a 1»—Arebdubt Fardlpand aad

tha DaebsM af Kohanbarp aaMMlaatoda l laruLtaTo, Boanla. by •srrlan a tu to a t Ju ly J*—Auatrla daelarat w ar aa

■sroto.Aay. I to 11—Daclaratloai of war la-

aplalnc Ctormany. ... * '‘*‘•'1?;. m a s t , Balplam. Oraat Britain and

**A w t^* t^erm aB y vlalatad Balplumaautrajlly . .. .

App- *—Qarmaay baplna bar allack aa Llapt-

Aapaai l l^ la r m a n r paaatratai r ra a e a throaph Luxambwrp.

Aap. I I—Japan daclaraa war on Oar- many.

B a ^ 1—Franeh Oovarntnant with- draw a from Faria.

Bapt. T—Oaymaa army baptoa Ua ra- trea t from tha Mama.

Oct, I—Oarmana capture Antwerp. Nov. T—Japanaat capture Talnplau Uac^ II—Alllot drive Uarmane from

lha Tsar.i m

May l » F raaidoat n r r tba

■tgaad dalaeUvu____ b u t ‘ .Jtuto I I —Oaaaral Parabtop arrlaad

to F ariaJ b m it—dmactoaa appadm aaary

aaaU ap w t raaabod Fiaaoa.yaly I t —Fraaldaal aallad NatloMl

Obbm to ta aarTtaa.Aap- I—Buaatoaa baplB panaral ra-

trM t In Oallela.Aup- I t—Foaoa ppap aiad by tba Popa.Hapt. Id—Karanaky dacIaraP Buraia

a rapubUc.Oct- •—Tranch aad Brltlab woo b a t­

tle of Tpraa.Oct. I I—Auatm-Oamiana broach Ital-

tr \

TK« Kaiser .. TKeKAISEJlJN

Jan. 2—Ruaalana Invade Hunpary.Fab. I t —Qannana drive Rusilanr out

• r Raai PruBsla.Uarch 21—Allied troops landad at

CalllpollMay •—Luallania lunW hy Oarnian

aubmarina.June *—Secretary of Btata Bryan ra-

alpaa.Aap. t —Oarmana aaptura W arsawPapt. I t —Alllaa bapln drive on waat-

%m front and taha Ifl.oo* prlaanara.Oel. I t—Balparlani invade Sarsia.Dad. I—Bflllab army driven bach by

Turks ta Kut el Amara.Dae. I t —Britlih withbtaw from

OalllpoU.V 1916

Jan. 11—Oarman olfenal'e In Cham- papna la compltled

April 1*—French begin otfenalve at Verdun

April Id—Brillih eurrepdar at Kut al Aiaara.

May »l—Brlllah and Oerman naval bailie of Jutland fought

June 7—Earl Kitchener and staff drowned by sinking of cruliar HamP- •hire

Oet. I —Oarman U-boat alnba fl '* alaamare off Nanturket

Nov. 1—Germane evacuele Fort Vaui. Verdun.

Nov 21—Emperor Fran* Joaaph of Auatrla-Hungiery dice.

1917Fab 1—Oarminy declared V-boal

blockada'af Graal Britain.Fab. I—Praaldant Wlleon Mvara ra-

lailotii with German}.rah . I t—Praildant aaka Congraaa for

nulhbrlty to use armed forcaa lo pro­tect American right* *nd shipping.

Mnrch T—Pre»ld*nt dacldtd to arm • hipi

Ian front,Oct. Id—Atnsrlean troops aatarad

halt!* aad flra Ihalr first puna on Oar- man iraaehas.

Nov. I—Bolahavlkl a la u eontral af Rusila-

Nov- lb—Italian* drooa back Aaa- trlana eu Aslapa ptotoau.

Dec. 10—Brlllah esptura Jaruaalam.1918

Jan. I t—Ausirlana ratraat west a t tha Plav*. Italy.

Fab 7—Brittah Iranaport Tuaeanto carrying American troops sunk, ltd ao Idlers Inal.

Fab. 11—Bolahavlkl dactarad war with cantral Pow*ra at and.

March J—Bolfhlvkl sign peac* treaty of fire*l-Lllovtk.

March U —FIret All-American raid on Oarmana made In Toul aeclor.

March II—Oarmana' final offendvo baguA

March I t —Oanaral Foch mad* tan*eraliaelms ot Allied forces.

April 11—Brlllah raid Zabrugga and Oatend and block harbors.

June I—Oermana attem pt to croaa lha Marne, hot hurled back by French.

Jun* I—Allle* chock Oerman drive June I—Ameriran troop# aid coun*

ler-a ttack and burl Oarmana back a t Chaalaau-Thlarry.

Kept. 12—American ofl*n»lva *B weviarn front begun.

Kept t t —St. Mlhlal u lle n t wiped eat. k ep t IT—Bulgaria aakad for peace. Sept. Id—Bulgaria acceplad praca

lertn^.Oct. I t —Turkey aiked for p«*(w Oct. I I —Tuika aurrender In M*»o-

polamta. and arm istice *n*u*dNov c—Auetrla-Hunpary *l*a*d

annlstlc* term* and fighting eaa*ad St 1 P M .

Nov. T—All United State* calabrata* talsa announcamanl Germany bad atgned armlatica terma. with fighting (0 ceaaa at 1 P. M- Americana capture Sadan.

Nov. l~B *rllB 'a armlatica dalagataa enter French Una* and racel** armi*- lies tarma trom Foch. Thair rM U ^ for a provUlonal caaoellon of hoatll- Itlae ratuead. Fourlar **nl lo QanermI H talquartere of Oarman armlaa a t Rpa- Belgium Tarma required accapience or rejection within *evenly-two houra. P A M Monday. French tlioe.

Nov *—BrlU*h caplur* Maubaug*.March 12—BrltHh caplur* Bagdee. April I —W1l*on signed declaration

a t war.

j,g ( French fortreae of jnagnituda In hand* of Oerman*. Americans andFrancb drive ahsad.


iten . l i t i vkba Wa* than but tw enty-ulna,a pm«M was w a ^ by M sia j y a * B ^ apa. Bismarck cttniloM d aa

that tha Mmpara* * Ckaapallor, bat not for toap. Though- -a- -a.-- —B-- aapBAM 4 _ 4 _A-,._.a. kmdl Mam M_ • • • gey brla« eataalrepba uM * aattana. TbtM ama m w la Mm

. - 4 gga htoi saw aa a aiad In- plvan to hU youth tha »*M a t e l all la y w ^ ta •«»» *“ *

**Tbar were h it playthtos* **• *•* Iheai threughaut the yetra to

f i r p a t o t whara be ha* toi i t U h e a craato '"van to t ha ad lha aad ot hto ralgn would find iPTtattoBB aatrlad; to J * "

ewpagtualty to wage a world war. lattoM lha Oerwaa war parly w ith William aa lU hand, and tba

CpMaa *f world doatlaloa awaltad tha to bos In H i ollilntnontv It com#

jtllb tb i M io iiln ittp n of th#

ib i vtitoMiftTi •vory•ffo rt to iiiitti h ti rbUAt P«ipH wUk b ti own 14M i of (Oftrnm tiU an4 4lplo-

i l Pli pMiUlU IliHMH

htllad. It was staiad

aiatlo polletoA tha tiew Bmparar aoon found that ba dlaagraed with hto pyandfathar'a former cloaa advlear In many Important raapacta In I l* t the 4 lM frM inint of lb* iwo a erlBlA a rupture came aad Btomarcb went. The relatione between the two maa remalnad strained for aavaral years, but bafora Blamarch died pea(M wea mada belwaaa tbam.

W ith tha paailnp of Bismarck tha Emparor's real ralgn began. Aa a mil­itary man b* wa» a alicblar for af- (Icleney, discipline and tha obaarvanca of atlquatta lo the last detail Aad of

Atohduka, Franol* Ferdinand, and hto j goieiia of all thaa* componanta of• I Parajavo. ermy Ufa and tra in in g ha w aa fan tllu r

M tlad from a yachting trlfr w in | smallaal pnini. U to ralatad thatprsaldad a t a Vontoranm^ during military revlawa ha waa able la

raprnasntativaa *I ***• ®*^"**" daiact tha allghtan Imparfactlon In theBad Austrian armlaa navlsa and com BiifnHI to laraata Tbof*. according t* lha beat Information obtainable, in* SttliloB wM riicb#4 to iBiko tbo bnaansinatlo* of tb# Archduh# t pm- toaao for lha world war for wbicn Oagmany bad long prepared.

In tb* diplomaltc aichanga* batwean

hour* war* davotad to tb* la*k of la- farming himself on tb* pragma* of aeant* a t bom* and abroad tbraugb rssdtog of lha prlnelpnl Oarman nnd foralgn nawapapam

Bafora tha war Bmparor William oftan pmfaaaad frlandllnaa* for Amar- IcA H* anoouragad tha foundatlab of atohang* protaaaersblpa by which pramlaant Oermaa aducatort vtoltsd thto oouniry aad lactursd In tha cel- Isgps bar* whlla Amarhia n tolU g* pra- f a S a ^ aUallarir'inidW'VBKtfP-to Oar- man laatllutlona of laam lng.

Ha wa* an aatbuatoatle yaohtaman and, daaptto hto wltharad arm. waa abla to taka parsoaal command o t bin rac­ing ynchto *nd anil them with coa- •Marabto auocaaa Ha spent much tim* al hla MOatlnl kpnUng lodgaa and to ra­

th* champlaa hsa- th* polat af gaaia

staiad th a t lha Emparar had klllad tl.TW plasas s i -Bduna, m art than 4,Odd of which warn s u g a

H* wa* a g rast T**d*F=-0ttl privalr library in lha tm parlal pstoc* a t Barllit before the war waa bacomlng on* of lb* moat Istaraatlnc eollaotlons of back* la tha world. H* posed na a dictator In roualc, pnlntlng, poetry and acting.

At an* tima Tt was announcad that h* had eompoaad tb* llbra tto o t a ballat lo b* glean la calabratlan of hto blrth-

, day. A prlvato perterm aace of on* of i hla musical attorta to aald to hav* baan

glean In lb* Potsdam False* withaul notabt* affaet upon the mualeat world.

Physically unimpraaolvw—b* w*a short and Incllnad to ntoutnaa*—WHl- tom was fond of baing pbotographad while striking a m ilitary postur*. though tnklng good iWro to v*|l the deformity of hla toft arm, a dtoflgnre- man! with which h* was.born, and of which h* waa aiirem aly senaltiv*. H* btomad hto Kngltoh mother for living

Senate Control May Plague Republicans

do* or haratical (»(Bp*lgn for r*-*l*c-tlan.

Borah's caa* to a curious on*, becaua* until a f*w month's ago h* waa a critic a t the Praaldant and for tb* first four yaara of tha Wllao* Adralnlatratlon h* rafusad to sttand Joint ***«ton* called for tb* purpea* of hasrink Frasldantlal‘ *TkVHdthe Banator. how*v*r. accord- tag to raltobi* r*perta, ha* bacon** w - viaead that tb* BapubU**** b V * „**4 Initily f i n i ovir to th i pluiid*rku*Jtf and »m u 4 InUrMU th t ojiFr ic iu r t i pM fttM ltM Ukind thd WtlM« proffim .

It li kiUMid tbit CoUniJ RMiiirilt

Discord witb CM«erVBtIV« Seen Bomb, ha* baan mad* aaqualnted with

ClodencM of Vote Put* Situatioa in Power of Progremve

G. 0- P, Solont.

Ing tabulation a* publlshad whtl* awaiting tho official eanv*** lo be mad* Monday by lha County Board of Elec- tlen*

It was F C. Bchn*ld*r of thto ctly, HIddIcaex County roproaenlattv* on the Rapubllcsn btat* ComroiiieA who found tha arm r Ha **1d today that h* be- rsm* doubtful of th* accuracy of the ra tum a from Highland Park becaua* a t hla kaowladfo that 11 was strongly lUpobItaaii and b* then started an In- uaatlgntton of lb* afftclal raturna fitod with County Clark Barnard M. Oannon. A eomptot*. official canvas* of th* ra- turnab* daielarad, would. In hi* opinion, show Appleby, on* of tha Tlapubllcan Aasambly candidal**, alactad by a t laaai fifty plurality. The aoldtor vote h# thought would total about 4«v and h* wpaet* a -flfty-fifiy" *P>tt ’» "» to* Democrats on thl*.

Democratic Counly Chairman Thomn*

County eecllon of tb* E ighth Congreaa- tonal D lilrlct are:

Rosi (Rap >. 4,40*; MeOlannon (Data.1. 1.7IS; Tallman tboe.l. 171.

Ninth Congraaalonal Dlatrlet; fa rk e r (Rap ), t.llO: Mtnahan (Dam ». 1M»’ - Blrchar (boc.i, l.IM , Dtorshing tln d ) ,

'*T#nlh Congraaalonal Dlalrlct: Lehl- bach (Rap t. 11.40*. F lanaagan (Dem.J. It 114; pool* (Roc-), 1.444.

The Banaiorlal vote* ..........Long Tarm—La Mont* (Dam.), II.SI4;

Edg* (R ap). I4.SI0; Day (Problb.). ••*; Reilly (Roc ). S.S42. Wallac* (B. Tan),Jl*.Rhorl Tarm—Hannaaay (I>*m.>. 1S.TSI; Be)rd (R*P ). S4.4M; Day (Problb.) Ml; Reilly (Roe,). 1.I7S. . ,

Th* tabulation was mad* by forty- three clerk* under th* aupervUlon of Deputy County Clark Oaorg* 1* siabr and w illiam Chrlallan.

rraat Ma WesMaglea Bar*** jtiFe FBWI.


*f tt* BFB-

lha BoiintaF* atat* of mind aad In prl- H*H*Bg*rty la atlirconfldam. however.. . . — p a r ^ a Aanambly nomlnr -


aqulpmant or training of a raglm ant or i ^ aalf-Indulganc* and ourae* bar• itiid ron iiid cillid Attention to th i [ i i b ilng riipoD ilb lti for hlidarallcilon *h*rply. w ith th* ( g*(onalty.

fMnaaay and Austria on ana alt* ando2nal Britain. Franc* and Russia onlAgaikdr Wllllnm pos*£ ns on* wishing Qaa paaae but wa* driven lo war. H*

^ to a sd lh * ardcr for lb* mobllliatlon of tba Oarman army and from that eaegMal wnr wan Inavltabl*. Tharaaftar ha .efawa aa kla armto* rnianltodnli in tba mad campaign* for victory. *n- ••BfBgIng th*m with ev*ry dev let and ,naBMtlm*s appearing on lha front to b* vroelalmad an parsonal commander la a great offanslv*.

Fabllcatlen of lha "WMIy-NIcky" earraapondanc* in 1917 pliwed th* Qar-

, man Emperor In lb* Ilih l of an un- nnrtlpaloua plottar. Tb* lalagram* dia- el(M*d that Emperor William had In-

pla* of tactics *n(l ra*no*uv*r*. too. h* waa thoroughly s(n]uatntad.

Batidas being wall varaad In army malera, the Emperor wa* thoroughly familiar with naval a ffa lra having a taohnlcal (ii**l*ry of th* datalla that go to make up the *fflrton,'y of a flaai. j Rludy of naval prohlam* wa* on* of hi* j pat occupation* lU* Influanco wa# ' potent In foalarlng th* davalopmant r of German rommarca. a r t and aclanca, Hto tniarfaranc* to thaa* affair* ** »»■' as In alalacraft oftan embarrosaed <)*-- man laeder* and evoked front lb*m ai*- monltton* lo leav* diplomacy lo h'o chancellor*

In everything he wa* daacribed a ;ihorougit and, withal, on* of the hardest worker* in lha •mpir*. Hto riaing hour wa* 4 nrlm'li aharp and * long day * hard work, which fraquantly extendedwell Into Ihii night followed. Slated


No dancrlptlon of tho Kmparor'a per­sonal appaaranr* will be cemplal* with­out mantlanlng ot hla full, bristling mustach*. Hla photography which h* dlalrlbulsd with a lavlah hand, showed It with ends twirled up at helHgarant angloa.

Ha married Augusta Vtclorla. oldaM daughter of Grand Puk* Frederick

; of BchtoewIg-Hototalo-Bondarhorg'Au- guatanburg on Fahruary IT, 1111. Tbay had »l* aon* aad ou t daughtar, of whom tb* Crown Prtnea Fradarlck 1* lha aldaat Wli* thn f^rown Prince, hla father rlashal frag'Bantly. and on on* occaalor. virtually a ilU d youug Frad- arJek lo Uanialg. but aeon racaltad him and raatorad him lo favor.

Oarman mother* who wrote to th* Emperor of th* death* of thair son* klllad In batU* allcltad from him no

' word of lympathy. H* ragardad Ihalr daalh* *» ’'glorlou*." Tat hto own aU sons, though holding high command* were *o proiaotad that the Imperial

alone In allGermany In warding on in* clutch** of doalb

----------mcr lb the UM‘^ .by lb* praaariBBn piuralUy lb* DMboorata n u f J*t turn dill i# ^ mar* of a plague (ban an 7*th* O. O. P , a t least a plagu* ta th* Lodge, Rnoaava’.l. Bmoot and Fanpeaa M a ^ t p . Th* g a m of itooard and aehtom Ivomn u u lu M g a

Tb* otoaenaa* *1 lb* vot* put lha nlt- unlioB In th* eontral nl bby of tour or flT* Bfagraaalva Anpubllcai' nanalera wha bav# b*a« an t al nym- patby wltb th* eanpatvntlvad nf tb* Ra- i u b l U a party Wkito they W trB'rnI atong In thn buatnnnn nt orgnmlHna tba uBpar haunn on a RapubllMa hMW. It to vary mueh in ba Mubind If, In lb* atarn fights over ranapatruditaa lagto- totlM, thny will ba faund s t ^ n g with th* IsBdnMblp af M g a nnd ■mnai na agalltot Fragldant Wlfgoa,

Thar* nr* hat* being mndn ta Wm N- Inglan today that tha fa rtf-a lM Ra- Dubllonnn la tb* fanat* will aat opn- reta na n, unit oac* ntU f having at- taciad or^nlaatloB . There to, in d * ^ no nanuraat* that orgnaM tiM Ma M effaetad hnnponleualy. Th* tltuallna to full of poaalWIItto*. It 1* of th* grdnt- s«t algnlflcnnce (n ooaaaellaa wltb tha growlkg dlicuMloa about a rnfan«**to* of lb* two big partlM nlong lha liaa* of Ubaraltom varan* eaatarvdtlsm. Thar* af* th* atoaiania of a ravalt In both Houm and Benatn altaattoan and It may toad up lo lb* aaw and mueh dIaeuaMd partly altoemaat.

Tha man who, on tha Rapubllenn aid* of th* Banata. hav* tha future nf Ra- publlMh (wntrol In tha hallow af ihalr hgnd ara LaFpItotia, Greana. Bomb and ifanyon. Thaa* man are oM of *ym. pethy with th* pruNni Rapubilean Uadarahip, for one raaaen or snotbar.

vnt* hn* haen blltarly charaetarlnlng It. Tho oolonol gal hi* llrat =hort M tb Borah lb»t January whaa ho «?!?*“

RaooovaR wa* holding dallg ip e a p U ^ , - vorth -----iV th* Nlehalan laagwortK bom* for

Rapuhllcant and Borah wa* ‘J* mooteanapTcuoti* of a groop .Ibb*' da-liberMaly dUyod away

Thor* to nom* doubt whether Borah will praooad on hi* preoeut l u ultim ate doatluatlon. He la an ahl* m an and a foreotui npoaher. but ba ha* baan hnawn ta weahoh aad hanital* M

Americtn Press D i^tcha Wm Come Through Direct

warn el*cted deipite th* chnngo In th*tehutotloit. M* *ai(l today t w b* tbto-kettoS on tb* faot that hrtwann » *•Ad IS* Mlddloe** County v o tn n n u mow |» mlittnry training » m p a <■ »hto eouittry and on hto tonildenc* that *tMngl an* of thon* ooiod tor th* Domoerntle candidal**- H* declared hto party

. WABHIROTOR. Roy. » f# )-—AMA iaarkaa pnian dlnpbtbhqg .(yom th* wantani Tront SaraafUr w ui come thraugh direct when paened by th* field censor, without holng dlvartod for fur- ihar canaorahtp. Htrotofora wb*n*rer auab dlapatcaa* roftrrad to troop* other

had mad* an eapecl^ i***! I than American thay had lo p**» throughaatdlar vot*. while the Rapuhllesne hadna^loetad this braiich of Jh * campaton.

„ raport asm* from Tranton today that tho total vot* of aoldtor* from MIddtosaii County wa* i l l and that

ertttoBi auHtoaU and now tha «ipM tad | thea* ballota will reach bar* In tlm*uggy ba t earn* U pan# la bin *•*•-

? a v M h u S m kaard ta talk Ilk* an Htourgant In rocapt manthK aud^tu •rakak ly will nat play hall with L adfa M Pm so t ar Poarvta unlaaa they g ra t ­i s a ll prograaalv* damaad* far raoag- altlau. _

F ioPInnw I* tba ■ * •••, Organlaatlon ef tha naw Houaa will

pran*nt anoihar proMaa* Im th# Ra- pqpllean majortif. Har* th# "’arg tn • I control I* much aaftr nmd workahl* than In th* Hanbi*. y*i t l ^ nr* uuM- tloB* *uoh aa U* »pa*k*rnhlp. coramlt- tnao and rule* of procadur* which h aw In thorn dtollnet pacalblUtlo* for giving th* mamhor* a long progroMlva aad conaorvstiv* Una* _ ...

For InblancA th* olsctloa n t Ropra- aontattva Mann to lha Bpaakarahlp would undouhtadly ho oppadad by th*

ter lha offlclsl canvass Monday.Th* unofficial tabulation mad* a tto r

th* alaetlon gave thIa result for th* Asiombly; . , . . .

Dtinscrato — Kirkpatrick, 1.111; W ight. I.MI: D* Vaa, KMI,

R*puhlkaa*-r,Appl*by. ,.T0J; John­son. A III: Ttndrtf, I.IM. ^ ^

Th* canvaa# mad* by County Clorh Oaanan aad ComnilU*om*n Bchnatdar •how#; , ^ . . . .

Damscrat* — KIrkpaIrleh, 1.111. Wight, T.I19; Da Vo*. T.Mb

napubilean*—Applabr. T.I4I; John­son. T,«lt; Tindall, T.I4I-

Th* Democratic county ehnirman to alee canfldenl ihet the aoldtor vote will Chang* tb* result of th* fraahatdar alaetlon. On the face of lha ra tu rn i In hand the vote wee a* follow#:

Rapubllcsn*—Applegate. T.IM, and

th* Fraa* Bufeau a t London, ofton ac- caatanlng houra of datoy.

Bocratary Dsnlals announevd today that through th* atfort* of Vie* Ad­miral Bim* and Ltouianant Cemmandar Georg* Barr Bakar. tk* London canter ha* Jurt ordoTod th a t mtosng** "w ith­out •xctpllon" from AmtriMn cotr*- spondanta In Franc* boaring th* P**o* vrord of th* field oanaor* ahall b* trans- mlttad without furthor oanaorlM or dlveralon. Thto follow* a ^ > W n g o rd ir laauod October E under vrhieb th* corraapondenla have been PormUtod ta writ* about Amertcan timopa brigaded with the B ritlih and »T*neh. C atn then only dlopatche* ralatlng ' t o •eparete Amarlean forcM w *tt p*r- m Utid to ioM i tfcfOMh 4i f r t .

WOUia VBAWIBWIW I# ww -W ^ . - . - 4, t ILAfLRMMWI. and

• f lia p b aa ! Warnsdorfor, 1411.

and It to quit* p***lbto that _____CapSer and Hiram John**" will Join , „»»k paint In th* Domowal iham In a fight agaln it lha old laadw- . tp* raesnt campaign

Uann ha* boonuunlom . Th* oto«*lo". (g u g k v r would h* hatlW w itk dallght . b y th * DamooTuiie

W th* **"1* taksn. th* ®*!***™**L*5?* trouhtsu* tlma# Ih J J 2 5 ;■ilTfti f i r rifk tf.nru and W**t«ru Domaarata w * b*g1i- Bt!lg la call f»r a '}l^* ^laadsrahip of •“*b • •Champ a a r k , T h a y t ^ i J »woak point In th* Domowatlc a n n w during G-0 raeant campaign waa tha

T .m . and

Th* toad of Dannatl over Warna- dartar to only It*, and th* Damoornw ball*** this win bo nulllflod whM th* •oldtoy vat* I* caiivaaaad, ghould W arnsdarfer h* raturnad th* wlnnar th* board would continue to otand tour RapublleaM to two Damecrate.

Sunday Work in Navy Yards Now Ordered Dis^tinued


U.S.Protcst« on Teutons’ Treatment of Priwner?

Enter* Objectioni to Varifw AbuKi of Which Americgn

Captives Are

ahlF John*an ta d R***mr*lt hav* main- ; of tbo«a mdilatnod tholr frIouMhIp olueo th* tumul- ^{ur* I* rtlU abooUr*. but tbdtoluoun day# of 111*, but mora than one* | . K»rdiy any doubt ih t t th* frodldont In raonnl m o M ^ Johnaon. vrhtto nat ,4^ pi* halp to • fight lo r now

Tabulation Is Under Way Of Vote in Essex County

approving th* FroaldonI, hn* Indicntod dtaaaltotnetlon with Ih* doing* of Ledg* and th* laiw r, of oourt*. to wording in harmony with tho notonol-

Th* hulk of thon* prograoolvao am- - -ill -- - - -praparad to dnmaad th* fuU**i kiad of racognltlon In Ih* dlilrlhutlon ot com- mitts* ahalrm anaip* and oth«r plum*. This dlitrlbutlon atoy bring ** th* ini­tial euah. aad q u tu pnatibiy ii may h* *m*oth«d ov*r hy glvlM th* In- aurgontt wkat thdF want, t u t It 1# nat ballavad th a t thto will ar c u affaet aa andurtag harmnay, far th* nlmpl* raatan that th* dllf*r«nc«* *1 vl«w* ta poiitl*dl prnaaSura ,1 *ba»* damontaL Thd tnMllar graup I* out of

Clark* a t tha atflea ot County Clorh ott, tabulallag th* vol»* e a it In ’ • * -

Ll Jr htT h u th w n w « t gfOMtonaUlitfl^^^^^fcgxinit him In th* nuffrng# fiBbt. Mr. j than hagan «nwil*

WAgHINOTOR. Nov- • <#),—^ *Navy Dapartiwmt today lMu*d M o r ^ r dlaeontlnulng u a t|l lu rth w "**f®o ■unday work ln .*a*F “ Jth o ri iU ttpn* of fho novy. boeoifiii towofTow.

Boerttary Dantol* “ “ ‘J**Mkon to sava tha wan dram tha itra lh of a *av*n-dar woah now that pfoduo-

quIrsmonlA Ha addad th a t if tn0r««tod preduntton baoama PsaH iary tho *rd*r would ha o o n irta rm y id ^

QUEBEC, Nov. I (JF),—Ipptrurttoup from Ottaw a to *top th* worh of t i n tin g guna cm hoard phipa, and a l* * ,^ •top th* providing of quartom on bj»«4 noma vnnnato fa r gupuw ■ crawK kavn b ^ n rnc ilw d by tha ^ 1 ropraMPt*: ttvni of tha tm partul IluaUlann HaarS • n n g a i T i U i J f ^ n g th* f» tto g ^ y 4w S S n o rF 'r n ^ l W to n of

•ym pathr srith *h* hlmyar group and uuit* lu PFHtpaibv with tho stows ad- ?M«tM W > rn « ) /« it Wilnnn. aithnughth ar do nat Ilk* tk* D*mn*ratl* party, wit!) IM Bputkaru otaadpal a ttllM toM

Haw I to U a paailblim** *1 »h* ito*

f t ?

WARHINOTON, Not I ( g ) —The United Btat** has mad* a vlgomu* |iro- ta tl to the Oaroisn Oovarnmant regard- Ing the trealm ant of American prleon- ars of war.

Th* Rtai* Deparlmanl, through the | American Mtnlotar nt Bam*, has aakad lha Bpantoh Embaaay In Barlln to eub- mlt vigorous prataat on th* following

I poinia inlannation aoaearalng which has haan otflclally tumtohad to th* de-

I partmanliFirst—Forcing any Amnrionn prisan-

' er* of wnr to work whito til or phyale- ally unabU to do no.

•aeoad—Compelling any American I prtnonera of war to labor In mines

Third—Compelling any American I cIvlIlM prieonom lo perform any work < of any kind • •* • na(h • • may be •*•*•-

aary In connoctlen with Ihetr own car* and upkenp or bi cnnaacllon with th* cam and upkeep of their own quarteru

Th* Gorman Oovorumoni to igtnnMNi that tha Utltod B taU t luatatp th a t Ihor* must ha a eenoailoii a t tkd ftp* king and laoo a t paroals nnd th a t t t to new. dtoposed lo glvn m t m m w •ndnavarn nf tkn Oarwnn pponrumnw

^ I h n W lto S Dnmaerat* nr* nick of

„ iloon ban he*n rspwnontnd na bnllnv- Ing that the feeling * •* '• • ! BeutMlRrenetlonarle* and S J i htom would have to he fmight ta a flulp" booaua* H In » weight ayaund thd nw h of the Dom**tatle party In etbnr part*

*Sn*thiTnatur* of tM ngs the Rnpubll- ean* will have a h»fM t ttm* ta pro- onrving *fd*r and tho Domawainwin hav* tho w to y * jb ‘» g w * f**buH tnn th a t ar* 1h**»^>*tb* m ajaruy v lthw itluarpdn of pn**r ta not up w nmaathm aohins . .

Thar* war* H W fb lto a h d .^ .^ Itovad during th* oampitow » • • to* iiav* today that n ^ ^lak* for thalf P W ltJ* ta il;trol af C(>ngr**s flw F to ltov to th a t It wauid hav* hnou hattof nW togT i*

V T uriT Z K n^^n '^ fSr'^Ib; l i U . to ll t h e rs



ftoi"hcrii dimipa«®i> •»* * ‘ " V !* i* * . ' i itnnVtho pw k fajrtwnd « i «b* todh a t [ It up. T h a f toltova t ta l thto b^pad t* ■ tha Pamocrat*. T hlagl hav* toJtoiMito rieraai th*m l»*i Tutagsy. Bom* fau th - atharwii* and ualaa*

■•k ■ ■

t* excus* tha uon-raoalpf M parapla by tma uppk ugwidtod whtoSlaying lha hlama

haadia •ueh paikato kdfnra thay raaah

H m to m >• « » » • *?no .tomato-. * > - -----^ tke•taU-AaM r

I ipaiH ih Hto*I iMintdiitly Ip

fHrtont m .

1 rieraat tham l«*t Tutaday.arn Dmuimrata ara more to •ympalhy

I with tb* aM guard RapuUleaao I to n they ar* with th* Vrilmin l**d*r»hlp.

I whUa atm athara af ‘to 'J J J * * “ ' ‘.JJJ;I and Daut. ar* *■ to rm ouf wiHi 1 she " E a iik o ^ b r and th* pap-*ry*d rnd- I iw la Tlww drn num*r«M todleattoni

Ihiit a ^ t will ha t o « | .‘ to Dtm aeratle Party agalnat Kltaklnlam M d M ettopeiCii *am* lima that a flgk l t o M M toto* hy th* pragrad-5iv# V * W * » « M I M hlh il T « r^ r« '■lha H*p«k»nBB to«T< ‘ " I* * * “ •**T , a r , X ’ C . i : s s * « « . . .

ord*r of Ihingu , . , ,A* to tha mar* Immtdiata l**u* ef th*

cantral a f tha ■«4wto, Piueh «t th* dia- eutalan blngaa dP Uto dPur** th a t i*nato r La T d l l* ^ wilt follow. It, fo r inotanaa. h* ito u to lump lha naarvatlpg whau It apMW »j»n to « - gMllMihaBMWtA t l to ^ u M te a n v rta ^ i d hd raluoad ta fto^-a lgh i. Than It La Faltotta ahouM gn furthor and Join wUk t to !>*■*•»*•. Rbloh to oulp: n r ? i r i ^ « r H : 3 S i S i , ‘ * r : m tcrat. wpuhl •••» thd - Bantolva haltpL I t nktUM klaa ho wm*«ho*M that lu m ast Itolhhd*# Uto *JHP a t

otharwii* and ualoaa , U 1 algn* ga wrong, faetlanalldm anS lanurgancy will soon broak loans agUlP,

Revised FigMra* Give House to Repuklicani »-1 ■■

Trkiuponng of G- 0. P. tnd Dbh* ocrglic Aitcmbly TeuU ReqiN»> |

lible fod OriginBl Story of Tm-

iI #

W .

Say E Wodc

gkdf CUrrmpo FERTH Al

tion that a 0 only by tho llOTOd to lu wrackod pto Hholl Loadini roady aceen* a iun ltlou In •Or of latari mltta* wbicl gan diaastor

Vh* spallli b* turnW to Nation a t *a(

Cm, mndo !Ron* of I

ten mon of ( knd bean g •ap tio n i h*( eauntrloa wl waa a t war,

m ilia ry al IMpto plant I* 'ha alaM ha Mkad 10 and 1*11 wb* tla iu with tl praaant whi undMarmlno Kanry L. U; of Ih* Inquli Honing Tbo Urango. h*a(

Before |o4 mill** elao lold hy Myrc ploy**, ihi Wedged hen of the Btorai quake Creek aeter. Blaur men who ]}n

Whial In contini

l*epl* admit had bean |U( into th* pto Ullleeple cw their rciid* claaure. W etopped thl* Wllnee* en*v prl vale hon

Mr. um ei whather «>i far match** rral euperli wa* tk* tna that Mr. I stand, and, linghuyaen'i w«r* psrmll highway ot th* building

^n d a r fur Oarmn, caun Council of dfldg* aiali wpr* mad* ' ar thre* tlm autranca* b; M ellon mat ether aeercli matchee h*l operatln* bi rule* wore match** or where vrithi

TaUae Part of M

a( a eangaoi place a t Ih that time ( aupultlag eh aorted that, t l* Ordnan gaatlan du* ■aSBt eoatli daetton.

Mr. Gin** W llltoau, ( partmaat, h Paptambar

.g an a to r Fr* whatbar a< ttotiad that waa ratpan: a t tha plant arty *f tha tb* wltnaai not,

3. Harry uiontbi pr*( loaplo p laal Hsyora aui ah*n-la*dln ottocetolva d Moyers whe reported hi eupertntend tho rn lts

Georg* J formerly fl Morgan pi* lions to a a■aap raga oTNT apread

Tha haari ■dpt Thurw

I t wa* adlraetad ta d a ta of r< voatad tor th a t aa an portent oti bafora tha <

"Did yen OdandahLa Plnyad nt tl •p M tn rr ■

T to * b« Planlon,* H h tn rd h n w

"*nsB O ' avn had

"Voxy hr aUInapto n

"Would ■ tukity to t drt bulldla nawirrnd. •

T n a . h*hto U K bnk knp tot* whn want* to«M i«ranIlkdto to d“ ll. W•Wkl.«o«W gat I

Uf* to dau "T « p -h l

toytog toll k P t» srlMi

“(STK!ta da withMFP. Mr. 0

Mr. GUI* pudkad hi

OOIII. 'tdUM togP (tou toboar* Joarntd yo tons m w ii kitopdtkM

Recount Sedns te Be Ukdy

la M E n m ittonilhisRUi

ftajr Cerrttpialm nr.NEW BRUNiWICK. N rf.

elal ratum* nt T u sn d sy '* /Hiddinnmt Coualy tobuwUd ••wipnp«r, wnr* la a tFufk. srtf* _______bnitof Um I th* Slip ■ • ■ * w Rg" i j . J X wauto nltow a tto hdiw tM Uto H d fW ^ i •ana and Dwpa«rnto dd t o K j M M g r ] pnranl paw th a t UPMM •uiitoh has nat hadp ____g i a t t haaB iitt-gwBrtOaftvC!"

1 Npv,

r. to wktoh to e e m p tJ 9 g S 2 11 fr*m s p r p R ^ . to J W jg to J j * HkUdii

4 M aellvo

Mg krrl««d

[f«4ttl«M rr

4 HmUm m I

■«n*nl r«-

►f tb« pop*. ir*4 R iih U

lb WOK b*t-

brakck lt>l>

p i intiriM uni on 0 *r-

contral • !

baek Aw-

Jiru M U n .

l i t w ilt i t

r t Tuioanla ■unk. It*

le lin d « i rMl.p ile* tr** tr

ricin rild on (or.i l ortinilv*

I mad* c n *

•b ru ff* an4

ipt to croa* k bjr n -ln rb . ■man dflv* t* aid coun* ana back a t

rtanilva *H

nt wipod oMt.I ror paac*. •plod p«a«a

for p*aca *r In M»»o- lu«d»ry *lf«*4Ini eaaaad *t

ciU bratia • rmany bad vlth tirb tin c Icana captur*

tea daU iata* acalv* armta* Thalr raduaat on of boatll- nl to Oanaral irm lai a t Rpa. id accapianca ly*two hour*. Ina.r* Maubauca. m ainltuda In narlcana and

bth CoMgraia*


lilrlct; fa rk a r Dam *, l ll . tn ; irahinc ito d ti

Dlatrkt; Lahl-aagatt (Dam.).[allow: iDam.*. (Prablli.*. M l

I lac* (S. T at).

(Dam.*.■ IProhlb.) M l;

lada by forty- luparvtalon of aeri* (^ Mahr

ispatches ough Direct’ • (JP).-AII ah** Jrom tb* a t will coma lad by tha flaVd Irartad (or fur- >(or* whanaaarto troopa other

to paaa thretath ndon, oftaa ao- r.inonnead today t i o( Vie* A4' ant Commandar

London cantor nii aa i a i 'W th - .marlean eorra- arlBg tk* paaa-■ aball bo trana- r oanaorlBg *r a a modltylng under wbleb tk* an p*rmltt*d t* troop* brl»*d*4

rranck. Cntn■ ra la tins * *• real war* par-

Javy Yards [K s^ tinued“ * (»),—Tka r Itauad an otdar rlkar notlca all y a r ^ u*4 (Mkar navy. Tk* *r4ar rrow.d tk* aetlan arai trof* tk* Mtratk

ow that pro4no- II iteaad lM (*•

th a t t( kidraaaad ■taary ih a ardarId.P).—dkitrM tlind tha work ot nt.* ilpi. and •)**.*• luartari on hoard nar ortwa, kaoa local raproaaata- H sattlan i B anti I tha fitting an4 in o t wood**


E tr a r n ic t^ H E W B .

m yWodeed at Morgan

VttacMei «t Heuiat of Senate CoBuiteee Into War Plant Ex-

plcMwii Make DiacJowirc.

Cnomany’i Head on the Stand

•*. A. a in aapl*. !■ Aaawa* to nuaottow a I goading an Altegod O t y g g AHaw Mamad Odaadahl, naya B* Woakad U ^ a l and that I t Mad n aaa MtaadL A ttn Maal, th a t ■* W aa tmm AUa*.

amtr a r tT u a h b (>t . not, i .—Tha rovaia-

lloa that a Oarman anamy-allaa. known only by tbo namo of OdoadhhL la bo- llarad to bav* workad la tha blaat- wrackad plant of Ui* T. A. Olllaspl* Khali Loading (^mpany a t Uorgaii, with raady aceat* to avary branch of tha big Biunltlooi tnduftry lhara, hald tha can- tar of iBlarait whan tha ganal* coai- ■nllta* which la layattlgatlng tha Uor- gan ditaatar raaomad Ita Inquiry today.

Vh* apotU ihtof th* laraatlaa tlon will ba turned taday, too, on tho oihor alia- uatlon of aaamy-aitan activlllaa at Uor-

Cin, mad* lat* yaatarday by Charlo* k**a of Kayravllla, who awor* that

(an man of enemy atlaglapca, man who had baan glraa aalacllva aarvic* a i- aaigtioni bacauaa they ware aubiaela ot -wuatrlai wUb wham tha Unliad Stataa wa* a t war, had workad In ih* plaal.

m ilia ry affletal* atatlonad a t th* Olt- laapl* plant war* echadulad to b* called i* th* aland, anA K I* aayactad. will k* Mkad to furthar Idanilfy Udandahl and tall wbat lhay know of k it connac- tlaa* with th* W ar Daparimant and hla praaani wharaabouta which ramalnad undetarmlnad laat night wlian Senator Kanry L. Uyar* of M ontana chairman of Ih* Inquiry commlttaa, laft off qua*- Honing ThOmai A. Olllaapl* of Waat Urang*. head of ih* nillaapl* Company.

Bafora loday'a aaaalon and* th* com- mltta* alto hopaa to a itt ih* atory (old by Myron E. klatar. a Olllaapl* *m- ployat, that match** war* feund wadgad balwata boata of TNT In on* of Ih* Btorag* houaan along th* Cbaaaa- qoak* Creak Hyaral day* a fte r th* dla- aatar. Klatar la trying to Idanilfy w ork­man who l^naw of th* dlamvary.

M htakay Kept la HawM*.In continuing Me taatlmony, Mr. Gll-

l*tpl* admitted (hat whila a trict ordaru had baan Itiurd agalnat bringing whiaky Into the plant, be offlcar* of (ha Ulllraplt company had kept whiaky In thalr raaldancei wltlua th* plant In- cloaure. When aakad why h* had not atoppad thl* Tioltllon of ragulatlona, th* Wltnaa* ttitwarad ih* whiaky waa In th* p r lra lt homa* of th* offlcar*.

Mr. GlUaapI* waa Interrogated ta to whathar ayatamatlc aaarch waa mad* far mateb*^ and rapllad th a t th* gati- eral auparlntandant, Ro*)*rt E ldridgt, wa* tk* man who would know about Ibat. Mr. Bldridg* waa called lo (h* aland, and. In anawar to Kanator Kra- llnghuyaan'a queatlona. aald th* man war* permitted lo amok* on the main highway of th* plant, but not (n any of th* building!.

^n d a r further axamlnailon by K. II. Oaran, eaunaal tor tk* Perth Amboy CauDCil of National Dafanea. Mr. Bl- dfldg* ataled that Irregular aearchaa wyr* mad* of th* *,0«« amployaea two ar thra* timaa a week a t th* two main autrancaa by tan guard* or laaa whan friction malche* were taken away. Ah- clhar aearcli waa made tor all kind* Of ingtchaa befer* th* man entered the aperating bulMtagi. Bldridg* aald tbe rttla* wore how mkch adrlctar, and no UMteha* or amoklng are allowed a n j- vkar* within tb* lacloaur*.

TallB a t C'eagaattaw a t khaUa- Part of Mr, Olllaapl*'* taatlmony told

a( a eangaallon of ahalla a t tbo Morgan place a t Iha (Im* of th* ditaatar. At that Um* about 1.M M M akalla «ai


MTOIOBIIE S ilE S ill. 5 ^ h e N a s h M p t o r c a r s

a n d t r u c k s o f f e r a n u n ­u s u a l o p p o r t u n i t y t o

hip^h f^rade s a le s m e n .W e have an opening for a man with ability and experience.


but on th* auggaatlon af th* wltnaat, no plana of th* raconatruetad work* will b* Introduced I* taatimany until tk* com- mlttaa goaa Into aaacutiva aaaalon. Mr. fliilaapi* alao adviaad that quaatlan* ronrarnlng th* quantltla* of TNT In •larag* a t Ih* plant b* anawarad aaly In prlvat*. Continuing, h* aald;

Prwteglad «• Cwearumawt,"W* protaatad t* W aahlagtaa about

th* quantity of TNT wa had ta k**p an hand a t tlma*. Our protaata war* mad* ganarally by paraon or pbona, -hut w* have lom* corratpondanc* dealing w |th that itibjact. W* war* auppoaad ta kaap ilaiy d a y f aupply of TNT la star- ag* for th* Morgan plant and forty-fly* day*' aupply for our other plant*."

AI th* requaat of Senator Frallng- huytan, Hr. Olllaapl* prefaced hi* tea- tlmony with a atatam ant of hla Indua- trlal aiparianaa, beginning back In th* PIttaburgh ataal aon* In th* tarly tav- anlla*. through an aaaoclatlon with Oeorg* Waatlnghoua* and up to th* da- ralopment of th* Olllaapl* Contracting Company, th* Immpdlal* pradacaaaor of th* Olllaapl* Loading Company. In 1**1 Hr. Olllaapl*'* eempaiur laid th* Baal Jaraay W ater Companyw main* In Newark.

Mr. Roaa'f atory th a t anamy alien* to Ih* aumbar of taa had baan am- played by th* Olllaapl* Company and Mr. Slaur** repetition of the ro- port that match** had bean found wadgad batwaan box** of TNT had ttirrad Ih* crowd In th* Inquiry room bafora Mr. Olllaapl* took tk* aland.

On* of th* altagad allana Mr. Roa* ■Bid. had baan arraatad laat Tuaaday for amoklng a rlg ira tt* near a magaain* filled with hlirh aiploalea*. Thl* man. Mr Noi* aald. wa* Jamaa Kavari a Hungarian, of 111 John atraat, Perth Amboy. H* wa» fined It*.

appolnimaal a* flrat aaalaUnl phyalctan at th* Naw Jaraty i ta t* Hoapltal la Traataa. Or. Nawwn laft Thuraday with hi* wif* and child far Traaton.

Bufbee Mom for Chailenfen At Receipt of SoMien' Votes

T* H tar Mlaat Daaiag* Clalmaat*.tpartaJ ttrviti *f (At hXW§.

PERTH AMBOT.Nor. * —Offlca* hay* barn opened In tha R aritan building. ITI Smith •Irtal. by th* beard e( angina*^ appointed to datarralne and repart amounta du* claimant* (or property damage* raauliing from Ih* axploelon Oclobar I a t Ih* plant of th* T A- 011- laipl* Company a t Morgan. Blaaka upon which property owner* may Inyantory thalr claim* *r* noah avallabi* thar*. Th* board will bagln It* haaiinga a t II o'clock Wadneaday morning and It a t- pad* to alt for two woaka I* thl* city and htraabouia

dtaff oirmipialma*TRBNTOK, May. t.—-To aatagnard

properly th* taU rastt of tb* party. fWalrmaa Nawton A, K. Bugba* of I bo Republican Mat* C^mraltta* (Had a ra- quaat with BacraCary of Btalo Martin laday for patlalaalon t* appoint chal- langar* or w at char* to oearuao th* ru- calpl and diapaalllan of th* aoldlara' vote*. Hr Bugba* atatad h* had no raaaon to (aar th* raault *( th* aold- dlart' vote, bacauaa In th* prlmarla* th* Rapubileant racalvad oyar aavaniy- (iT* par cant, of thoa* cAat.

Approilmalaly 7,114 ballata of man In th* aarvic* hav* baan racalved to data, which, af couraa, Mr. Bugba* aald, could not change th* reauU except In peaalbly on* or two Aaaambly or Can- graaalonal coniaata

"Wbll* It la anilcipatad that a few acat taring onei may eora* In," daclarad Hr. B uba* . "naiarally th* bulk war* y o l^^h ro u g h th* affort* *f th* voting cemmlaolonara rapraaantthg iMth par tlaa wh* vlaltad every oamp In tV Untied Slat** where any conaldarabi* number nf Jeraaymen war* located

T b * law parmli* th irty day* i f ta r Elactloa Day for th* racalpt af addl- tloaal ballot*, but auch ballot* muai have bean voted or mailed on or ha- fora November (. My only thought In aaking to b* repraaanied by challangari waa aimply that any quaatlen which might arlae could b* immodlataty takai- up and that (h* Interaata ot tb* party would ba praparly aafaguardad."

Du Pont PUnt AppesU for Men Needed Even in Case of Pence

IpeHal AretCra af lie .VglTgPOMPTON I.AKEB. Nov I —Paaiing

Ih* affect of paac* nawa on piwepectlv* amployaa* a t Ita cap worki plant th* E. ]. du Pont da Namouri A Co. yeatar- day had printed a large number af p«*> ta n Blating that whalavar th* outcom* help la naadad a t th* plant.

Th* paatara will b* dittrlbuiad In Pataraan. Naw York, Newark and towM In thia vicinity. On* poatar ad- vartlaaa a apaclal train for commuting amploytai from Montclair to Pomptea LAkaa. If aufflclant help can ba aacuradBegin Delivery of Soldim' Votes

To County Election Board.»t*ff r<

TRENTO.N, Nov. . .—Two maaBtngar* I war* tent from th* lucratary ot atato'a ofric* today to dallvM eoldlar vota* thua (hr racalyad t* tha couaty hoard*

Manlclalr a ( ra il will be run on lb* Oraanwood Luka branch of th* Erl* railroad lo carry tham.

Th* train will |*av* Montclair at f ; l l A M. and arriv* a t Pompton latka* at 7 o'clack. Laavtag Pampton Lake* a tthat Um* about l,l* W d U * anaiia w w r* ■ in u e l e r r e c v iv v o l e rw e c w s e i r w oerw v • . . g . p w „ — 111 e jM e e i .

^ t f l r * 1 ^ 5 S r . n t . ‘O T . * l t n M . a . - Of alactlon^^ * « * • '■a a r t^ that although ho had Interraad | aax and Monmouth conalla*. Hoaaap- aanaa m at. aim » • . _ _ ^ ^ Monday with th*

aoldlarr and aallar*' vota* of athar counties Thli coura*' hag haaa pur- auad In order th a t county boorda may procead to eanvaaa th* aaldlar vOl* Immadlatalr afte r eomplating tha ean- vaat of th* cl Titian yot*.

Thuf far th* to ta l namlwr of aol- dlar*' and aallor*' ra ta* rMaltad by tha aaaratary of atal* la T.lll. It Is not bcllavad In th* sacratary of atata'a office that th li number will be ma- tarlatly lncr*a**A although inch TOtaa may b* racalvad and canvaaaad up to thirty day* afla r alacUoii. Proapact* ieem to point lo a vary aaiall aaldlar vote from ovaroaaa I t ha* baan laarnad bar* that tha Twanly-nlnth and Kavunty-alghth dtulalonn. already announoad a* having participated In tb* opamllona about Sedan, war* an- gagad In th* tir*t-llo* tranohea aloe* th* Ittta r part of Odtohar. It la tharo- for*, doubtful If any oanaldarabl* num- bar of man In thaa* divtalona which conialaad a large nuntbar of th* Jareay aoldlara at th* front, wor* abl* to vat*.

Th* number of aoldlara’ and aallor*' ballotj raoatvad thua fa r by Ih* **c- ralary of atata'a otflo* for aaeh county follow*; Attanilo. ISl! Eargan, .H ; Barllnglon. !.* : Camden. It* : C * ^ May, I .; CumbarlAKd. Mi Eaaax, l /lT i OloueaaUT, 71: Hudaan. i.*M; **•«<?• I l l ; HMdltiax. .M ; I Monmauth, IMi Horrla IIT; Ooaan, IP: Paaaalo. *M; lalam. U i Somaraat, TI; Suaaai, Mi Oilfon, t i l t W arrun, 11; Huntardan. M.

J. W., on Ring of Wotnan Found! Dead. HMN t Cam of Murder

CAP! MAT, Hoy. S.—Oaatg* W. Draper, an *s*« naEfo. who raaldaa naar th* Dalawaau Bay At Cm * Hey FolAt, yaatardAp /.liooyarad tho body of an nnlaaaiiriad woman lylag.partly In th* wAlar a l th* Dalnwara Bay.

Tb* wsman was *kp*ASl**ly drsauad and wor* throe larg* ring*, on* af which was Inscribed J. W.

Draper and o ther Aya-wUnt w ai **I4 they thought th* ja w ta M had bath brakan a u th a t a btilwt

th* Ordnsno* Doparlmant of th* ook gaaUan du* to lack of ship*, th* dapart- natnt coatlnuad to urge qAantIty pro- duottan.

Mr. Olllaapl* aald th a t Major Oanaral W llllaau, chief of tho ordnaiic* da- partmaat, had vlaltad th* Morgan plant Saptambar I l - l l . to push production. Sanator Prallnghuyaan wanted to know whathar oanaral Wllttama bad man- tionad that, a* chief ot ordnance, h* wa* raapanalbl* tor th* aaf* operation ot tho plant and for th* Ilyas aad.prop- arty *( ih* clllaaBB of Naw Jaraay, And tb* wltaat* rapllad h* oartalaly had

4. Barry Pataraon, a guard for foar months pracadtng October 4 a t th* Otl- laapl* plaal, taatiftad h* had aaan H. L. Ilayara, ittii«rlnt*odant of eno of tho ahall-loadlng unit*, amoklng on two ouecaaalTo day* H a ram anatralad with Mayara who paid no attantton, and than raportad him, h* aalA whereupon Ih* auparlntandant stopped hla vtolattoa of th* rulaa

Oaorg* J. Hanna of Perth Amboy, formarly flald auparlntandont for Ih* Morgan plant, taatiflad to d irty eondr. tlon* In a shall.loadlng unit, h* haying Saw raga oh tho floor and cryatAllliad TNT spread over th* floor.

hearing wa* than adJoairBad until Bdgt Thursday.

Baamy AMaw SwagMaw.I t waa a quaatlon by Sanator Hyara.

diractad ta Mr. QtUMst* tow ard tha e la u Af ran atday’a aaflU a. th a t ra- vaalad for th* first tim e th* auapleloa tlw t an anamy allan had hald an Im­portant ofrio* In th* Morgan p leat bafora th* axploalon.

-Did yen avar kaar • ( a m an naaMd Odaadahl. a a snamy.atlar wha waa am- Playad a t th* plant aa a geyovnmant la- sp M to rr Sanator Myora aakad.

■ t W* baatd of him alnc* th* *s- BlaslOB,* Mr. aillaspi* rsapaadad. -ry * M ard h* wa* an anamy nllan.-

-As b B*y*Tsm*nt InapacUr ho would

ST* had hy«ad ^ y f la g a * aheu t tha int, wouMn'l n * r aentlnuad th*

’'Vary broad privilog**, Indaad." MrT Oinaapla rapllad.

••Would an liMpaotar h*y* any agyar- tualty t« gut Int* th* ‘pwuring rA«m'm d4 hulldlag, wbar* tb* flrat «zpt**Ma oAAurrad, and onua* nn anploalw nr grtam d Banatar Myar*.

T s R ba wwuld. If ha arnnud t* las* hid b* eauM t* In tb«ro end thyom a «ap tnt* th* hatllde. B u t tb* wba wABtad ta do aw h n th in g aa that la tawarally s ooward—ho vm alda 't b* Iikaly ta d* n,* 4a«lar*d Mr. OUltasla.

•Wut, I w t ibatA aom* w ay a 'm a n A*ull gat lata th a t building and oauM a s gspiM lw urltbout n laelng big uwrk Ufa In d n n ^ quarlad B anatar M ysie

TTW -buI n oanld oglP h* «*M I f leylag Mtaa* *r bamha, and I don't

' kn*w wbat th* i*y*l ln*p*et*r* ta*wl^ b* d*lBg wbU* b* won d*lnft th a t" .

Tha OlUausM a*mpany knd MUUnt to d* with th* MaploynMat *< iMpai' tar*. Mr. CHIlaugl* i A O g U rtb ag W ' am n u n t waa t*w«M » f f m )lMn> ^

:*n and that had antaradIh* weman'i tampU. Al th* apal whar* th* vletlm was dtaasyarad^thar* ww n« treoa of bleed nor dW a adareh ra- y*et a gUB *r pIstoL

It Is tb* Aplnton * f tha*a who In- tarastad tkamaalva* th a t th* wamaa had baas murdarwd nnd U han la th*

Free Farm Bureau in Uwon Is Urged 1^ Mn. Carroll P. Bawett

tftfta t dWricr af Ur ygirg.^ I Z A B E ^ . Nov. I.—Th* Union

Couhty Board of PraahoMar* ha* boan Mkad by H re Carroll p, Baaaaii of Summit head of th* Union County Weman'i Land Army, to aatabllah a fra* farm bureau In tb* county a* * maans of amlatlng In tb* farm ing projaol

Daclxring that th* work could b* aastitod greatly It a bureau wars eraatad. th* wrtUr pointa to tho sue- CIS* of th* land array and talla of graalar raaulti that might hay* baan accompllahad. Thar* ahonld ba a eouaty bgan t ah* daclaraa, whoa* dutlas would b* aomawhst sim ilar to thoaa of a Chambor a t Commarc* aae- ratary. H* could aducat* Ih* fariwar* In Ihh lataai mathods of farming and In ganaral could look aftar thalr In- laraata. Mre Batsalt points out.

Pneumonia Fatal to 0. 0. Tifide, Just Elected as Councilmaii

dpartal Srrvlrc af A* VEgf,BLOOMlNODALE. Nov. I.—Ill Jui( a

waak from (nfluonss shd pnoumonla, Oocar.O., T Inlla managor a t th* Oulf Refining Compaay'i aiatjon a t Bloom- lugdala, died h*r* tqdayX t hi* hom* la Main atraat. H*' waa alaetaa lo tho Eloonlagdal* Borough Cauhell Tu taday *a th* Rapubllcan llokat. Bom Ip Bul- Idr tw antysayan yaara ago, Mr. TIntI* bad apant all hla Ilf* in this vicinity. H* 4* aurylvad by hla wit* and son. hla pbrante Hr. and Mre Henry Tlatla, thraa alalar* aad six brethars.

p.c a

*■ Mr. OlUaqd*. w etdlirUr W l . v l iW i tsnalMd h r th* h M n r urfeUh t|ba dla>

jwetned yestapdejrdwswhw e l d afalech tyanlng; l b fn » IM ddM hgM M

TM aaly clue feund « •* n dmnlt ■had* *( a hunsntow *rlth a RMn stand- M *a tS* S*rck. .The waanaa wM of ■adflnm Mm w ith ligh t hair.

Man ia Dued CondkiM b Picked Up in Jemjr CiQr

'SgaeiirikrMat af SM J r jw e .'.f. m i S I T C 'l f t . M«y> l-i^-VhiAl* , I* gly* any aaeawnt *1 btmaadf. *|ih*r aa t* hid lAlatl*** or boma, a g aldaNy mam wha gay* tha MEM «C dnmdi Batman, U IwM 4n (M g i d i ^ JM I.wM M .W afdw ^M rlck •uUlvaa i* tn rM f^ ta l«ar*

irf abdni hlnb 1^ y b n j | M

w esep u l

|y«%n lUB

Enforce Auto Laws to Prevent Mishaps,' Union Prosecutor Urges

gyaMal dWylm yf l*a Ntsrg. ■ ELIBAMBTH, Not, f.—rrosaeutor

W aller natflald has laauad to ovwry pollca chief In Union Cwunty lAstmc- tliop* that all autemobll* laws must h* apforoad tw th* lattar baaaua* *1 th* fatalitia* th a t 'h a v * rasu lud in th* laat raw wisaha Th* lalaat fatal aodl- dani waa th* death taf WiiHam Ham- lUsn. an agnd lwaUant of SaMch FlUns. wb* was gimah T h u n d ^ iU g b t by an eutamabu* dflvan by m U lam & idr- m ltab afaee lah Blaine r .

Phlw, BecMM «f l I W hrom

TDItIL N*y. *,cHMAa«ad It b*- Ibat UkaamlaB troop*. pM<

mShdad by Oorman offloan, bay* ta h fa • a r t A irr***nt Invaalan of PgM P tA - m*iT> Ikd FPttib MatlMtt.NJbiiMltuii tbiwtigb fUTihalmwii. Ignaea TidMaW' gkh bad wtfbdnwn^flwM tbp * S B s r apaaa Union. T bit a tu w g ^ iH sn l ito s madd e t a moMtaa *s (b* union ebm nigbt IB CnrsdSla . T bs tibrelitiNSe fr> s tb * n to n a M« d)M m t s M ^ M .Ow%aiarsro : . :

Taidioi Styi Fiuce Loob I To U. S. lor Rocoiutiuctian!4 _ ______

NEW TOlUt. N*v. rrftBMkM iMt In flf tr moRtha tC §m4 v Im I win HR*#' (or r ^ M U U tlo a w tr* told iMt nlfRt by M. Am€r$ Trt- 4U«a 9«n«rRl ewminlMtonAr l» r ^rbnob- Afn«rlc»ii Wxr AffRlrt, Rt r rbRRRtlRR IR th* Hot*l PIrir. rhR flf«r«R h# fRVR h* m«4« (b* bRiU (er RtRtlRC th« r«llRnr« which Prhne* would flROR U|Hm thU couRlry In h*r iRtk uf fr- oORRlruRtlon.

Th* r*cr*ptloR WM ‘ flvRR by tM AiRRclRIlon of F#r*l«n CoR*RRpRRd*RtR In th* VnltRd MtRtM, Ih* tbbbf* ckudittf, U, Ttrkl«R. PreRldsetN icho lu Murray EutUr Rt ColuMbW UfilvvrRltrr M*M1I* Bv KORR 0RBRrRl rth«Rc*r of ihR ARR0C(«tR4 PrR«% rr4 RthRrt* »

PrRncR't rRRMlrRttiRRtR 'fntm tb i t ^U Rtry, which Nr f*lt R tturtd rrr4 but bR atRt*d to bR ReoorARd. K. TmrUlRUUlvidRd und*r lour hORiRp^lRber* otodlt* row m*t*rlRlR and oblfR* Tbo er*4lt i|RRd would bo fifty por e*nC of ih# URluR ot tho mRlorlRli bar rooRualrttf- Hub would tRURlro. Am tm iRbor, h* Ripr*RR*d hopR th* ARiorlRRR uruiy (a francR, whll* RWRitlnc trmmmpmrtmiion bom*, would *ld In cIrrHs # wp th* d*va*i*t*d r*vt*n«. •* th a t tb* w ork­men of Prhtoc* could .brRCRdd witb (h* c-rIororI robulldlrif protrRW.

KRRRkInt q( Rhipfl. b* indlcRtod tb* *xp*ctRtlop ihRt from tbo vRit floRl which JUnarIcR ha* bulU RRd ti bulld- 1n | tbl|w would bo cbRrtRTRd to Frtne* and othor* irRn*f*rr*d t* French r* i- iRtry, (R hRip mohR up tb* irIIUrr ton* • r moro Io*t bjf FrRhcR through th* •ubBiRrlRR wRrfRrRq RRd to tnRbl* h*r to bnv* the trinsporthtlRR iarrti* with* out which ah* could not bopo to tmpdrttho HReded meterlfli*

la d*Uiklhg thRVRSiRRt of th* WRFfRRRt* to rm ne*. M. Tardltu th a tRipRndtiurRR for IhR proRRRRtlon of th« WRr would (otRl |St,d#4i,t#R,##d. Tkl* burden of doht waa mado doubly proRRlv* by tho roduetlon of roRoufCRR du* to wholeeat* dottruetlRn In the In- vedod region*, which, roproaRtiiing only ■IX p«r cent, of th* cRuntry** aroa, nav* ertholRR* hftd paid twonty-fivR par cant, of Hr U xRR prior to th* w *r Of eltlc* and vlllRgR* nothing romalnod but ruin*. homoR rIor* having boond**croy*d. To rebuild th**o cMIrr and town* would r«4utr* ROO.RM.RRR day* of work, r*pr**«n(lng wMh lh« noroftaary mataHal*. a root of |},eoR,RR#.oOR. Th* poreonal property d**lroy*d or ■tolon— fumUhliig* ind Ih* ttk«— would repro- Mtii a va)u* of lIM.tdd more BllUon* of franc* in war coRtrlbutloni al*o had boon Rxactod-

No agrlculUiral fetourct* whatRvor roraalned In (ba repatriated rogloaa Lobrr* tn cdtti* of all kinda totalRd 1,11*4*4* head; loa*** in farm *Rulp- ment* maohinR* and cart*. 4(4.***; tha tw o rRpr#*anilRg a value of ll.l**,***.. ***. Induatrtal lo*aa* w*r* *v*n greater nothing having b«*n left of the groet Indufltrtal raglon* whanc* FrmncR drew (he great majorlly of moei of her pro­ductive capacity in rngnufarturing, m in­ing, Rtc. The great coal mine* of the Rorth alone had been eo dciiroyed that it would raquire two year*' work to bring thorn to the point at which Rlngle (on could he mined, and (eii yaare to reetor* them to the productive ca- parity of l f l |

Franc* would heraelf eupply all xhmi It wav poaalble for her to eupply of her own tieeda but when that had been dona, beeldee i li the help (hat ahe ex­pected lo find oulelde the United btate*, among her other alllea, eh* would look to thli country flrel for "an immediate aealitanca In the m atter of tabor. Wa hope." he went on, "thei during the preperatton and tha carry­ing out of the iraneportatlon of your troop* back to America your technical un ita aa well ae other u n lta w ith their equIpTnent, will be able to co-operate In that effort.** Tbi* help could be ex­tended in aiding traniportallon to the invaded reglone *• well ** in clearing the ground.

Of the need of vhlpe and the reliance that Franc* placed In America, H. Tar- dieu eald :

'*The coloaaal effort put up by the United Btatae In tha building of her fleet for war purpoMe will not be 01- verted from thl* eacred end If it, in part. helpH France to recover on tbe aaa*. for th* revival of her force* in peace# the mean* of transportation whieh wev* lo*t t* bar or aceount of tHR trafy- ' *

*Tit yefereboe t* thea* f*ur 1t«ma labor^ cfetlltv mw materlale, ahipe-—1 have explained In detail our need* to your Adm lnietntlon, by whoae welcome t have been deeply moved- W hat I told them, what ( aakad for. I am (elttng tt to you again* becauee a policy of le- RpRcy does not haflt our day. Rpeaking to America, f know that I need not add anything to theee facia; for you U 1r anough to know In order to wll!-**

After Frank Dilnot, preeldent of the Corretpondenta' Axeoclatlon. had made a apeech highly complimentary to M- Tardleu, in which he referred to hla ItRvIRg been a Journallat tn early life and mentioned aleo the literary accom- pllehmenle of Premier Cleinenccau and W eeldent Wllaon, Mr. Btone declared th a t thla nation owed *o much to both France and Oreat Britain, Tor you

' Tdught our batilea for three veara"— that all it aaked urge **wlth Ged'a help. IR p*y ftome part of that debt to yon."

Dr Butler eald that ib* world navar would return to the aid unregulated In- tarnatlonal competltlan. and added lhat the Unltetl 8 (atea had learned a great kRaaen in being forced by the war to do th ing ! which tha Sherman law had triad for twRnty.fIve year* to prevent private capital ddltidr.

Thirty Carnegie Hero Medals, One for Trenton Man's DeedPITTSBUBOH, Noy. • (JP).—Thirty

set* e ( h*roi*nt. on*' by * N*w J*r**y I , w*r* r*«osnl**d by (h* C*rn*sl*

R*re Pond Cammlsalon In th* fell m **tlns of th* oommiieloii h*r* y**. W ider.

In *lx es*** *lly*r m*d*l* w*r* «w*rd*di In (wsBty-four lbms broni* iB*dBl* Btkht of th« h«ro«i Inxi th tir tluOa, *nd lo th* drpcndani! at Oir«* • f th*** Mixlon* Skcreaslinc * r* * r w*r* srsBlsd. To (he depend- •Bt* e t (Ae of th« o(h«rs who lo*( th* lr ' U«*s th* lum of 11,AM we* srmnted, to b* eppHsd *■ lh« roniinl*- •!•* mey eenetlon. On* of (h* h*ro*s •MWlAsd lojurl** which dl**bl*d him end h* w*a srentod dl**bl*meBt b*s- •niA In th* *(101 of I7M. In oddities I* Ibea* money tr*nt*. In th n * ce*** td .lM « * i epprAMisisd tor *diic*tlon*l

■po***, p*yis*sl* I* )>* mad* «* esASed *nA BfkBtPvod; end In Blxt**ii

w Award* * ss r* r* (iss iit.soo w*r* MAd* te r w erthr purpo***. Peymsnte Is th* os* -n m ee*** will not b* med* un til th* b«netloUrl*r plan* for th* warn a t th* ewArd* h*y« b**n approved hp .th* eommlasiMi. '

TM d*r«*yai** w*i Howard S T rtis - pA«* *1 T tontes, who lest hi* Ilf* in r**- esIsB Ctsir* C. Welch from drownlSB- ■ I* widow WA* ■ worded • iiw sr medel,

TRBNTDN, Hey, I.—Th* ewerd of ■ e s rsa s l* M r* M*d*l le th* widow • ( ■Award Si Tranip*7* (hi* city we* S*r,kA*v*rr iB'r**Auins ci*ir> o. 'W*i*a f f M dfw w stsf In th* f*«d*r of th* tMIhwar* and llArit*n Can*), near

. -n,

. •w M .lriw ev 'IWNit MHii;

„ ■ aifimum *t , M « ^ : |M g ,: t tS t .tsM sr ■ aOn a ' stAsMy . .Ih iSBiiv -

a: ' hsd winM 1* »*' ' p in t., hr w . duisssHi «na '

s th a t th * (iSAltnAAtIMt >> AtWAIV

maL •tr**!, thl* city, June t lt*L TYS'*P')n WB* rld lns hom* from work M A hjqrpi* )tlH *■ (h* child fell Int* th* WAt*r. H* we* an expert twlm-. ■ ir* Uid ip rsn s to (h* rsBcu*. *UA- 0 i in n E . In > m vIb s Ih* child, but *t I I a eoSI At hi* ewe Ilf*.„ Xnimp*** w*A •*I**S w lw Iwnrt j h d m u S ilAd *h*rt]y *ft*r th*

n a eyerlMotMl oonditl** At 19m tfisA M M r*d h r th* plun«* int* tb* waIot U d Ih* *«i**qu*at •M rtlen h t U* child warn r**P«M|hl*f a d ^ e d s t h . . Bmba r**W * « • T n m -

' ' •*y*S-llM Ilf* a t Paul C*b-



When You Buy a Car Buy a Good One

Price does not always tell the story. First cost is really only incidental. That’s why the Maxwell and Chalmers Cars are actu­ally the cheapest cars you can buy — they cost so much less to maintain than ordinary cars and they give long as well as satisfac­tory service. Ask any ownerl

* T h f

Chalm ers—the c t r w ith th e w o n d er­ful e n g in e . T h ey t i k e the d u st o f no cat t n d t r e t l- w iys r e td y fo r t h i t g ree t b u rs t o f sp eed in e m e r­gencies. I

T m t* « lA*. dlMS r .'O . B.

MneWAll TA«H*c Cur. MM P. O. B. DetywR,F«wr-t'> Ur4rv

T J »

M axw ell— th e c a r th a t w ins all th e econom y te s ts . You can a lw ay s dep en d upon th e M a iw e ll fo r speed, econom y a n d e n d u ran c e .

-AtwatwwKeat tguj itaw ■' flaaRtewa TrrIi m Caekafutev—OemawtaMR lUaHk

M axw ell Truck— U ncle S a m ’s Helper

F o r s h o r t in d long h su ls th e M axw ell T ru ck is to he d ep en d ed upon . A g rea t e n g in e an d low gasolene co n su m p tio n . The m ost eco n o m ica l t ru c k you can

buy . . I ___ I____ i ____1 ‘

MuwaU Om -Tm TrwMt. wtth C eh M n ttee B*x Mali* Bedy, a t m P. O. B.■MiwH. OhnaMa. t I M P. O. B. Dytrolt.

Tlmkow Warm DrI*! *** B oartan Thiwuhawt—Tb* Trw*h That vAlway* OMb Thar* aed ( M B eX wHb e Lm 4."



Early Deliveries Good S e rv iceV e e sn d e liv e r M sxw ell in d C h tlm e rs M axwell in d C h a lm e rs serv ice Is i by-

c i r s im m ed ia te ly . w ord til over th is c o u n try . I t 's re a l service.


DeCozen Motor CompanyIRR Rafftkatn Nwr Jafuay

Alfred Da24 Bnmford Placid Newvk. N. J.

General MasagtrTdephoBe Mailiet 481

^ IB '1

SfANISN WFLUENU nttUTEDDioaiands are btqrtng a 25c Jar

of CBEAM o r MUSTARD, a pre- vantaUve. For proemt reUef from G r^ Sore Throat, CoM in Chast ■M All loflaiHiMthM «id Con- teUk«, Cnbm of Hoitard Glvos UNtMt Rdef and C ^ o r t to the Seffcrcr. Ask pour draggiat for Hy or KiOed oe recatot of Mke. Tho Cr«t» of Mootara Co, South Norwalk, Com/^Advcrtbeneirt.


B*v ofU! bev* you b**rd that md cty Pme th* >mliai *t ill*****. Parh*** th* ai»»rA«T h«* aww t*o fer f*r h*IIS >•*

It I* JimA I* tt* t t " t *t*»** *»d th* t*je* Bad *ob** er* **ly iiBtar** tin* «rl«* iar halp. D* ‘ '

• aad *1** Mtiif* •*)_ . aka »fii r*p*» y « wlA h*aftk. L»h Aft** th* kld»*y*. Ttt* IfiC*?* •'V.!,** BM*I *T*n(*thtd tm * * M th* h m w b ^ . BBd wh*B th*y 1*11 n ih*lr wark *1 lUlatlAe Ab2 S S .I M •>' tk* HMmi (hat t w m imy BMBtiqilai** la th* *»um . *y»ryUilM JPM wn*B> 0 0 t3 MBDAl, liaartaBi OlT ON*-

W O T O iA M B P I O P O M U

“ G iv e ’e m M o v ie s —in P ^ c e o r W sur”**\Y 7 ^ ^ ^ want more than

W anything else for your men?” they asked an American gen­

eral. ‘‘Moving pictures," he an­swered, ‘‘and more moving pictures, and still more moving pictures." The war work agencies ar^ shipping fif­teen miles of film a week to France. Think what the movies would mean to you if you had had the pictures of the trenches before your eyes for a week.

Think — and then give twice as much as you ever gave before to the

U n ited W a raaf. _ _ _ _

W o rk F u n dThii Sptoe' OhBtribiitod ip

r :.V\v jIcSKs'

t W . 'V i i

n e w a b k e t e n t s o o t w s ,

Mb\h i tA m y R ees

if K oisfidj Dodov S*t^* M l * b t o H h J o f H en ry

Bdchcr iB^tbcM nC-

Vet**i Cooditioa Senout

-V IrttB

M ta ilH M v M rr tM t m MgTtra u e «lclu M n _ ■lljMeAlly willt ThlrtMW * • « **Ik* Mseical A4«i*ary ■m H

NjMtae M Counfy D e d n o B o a n k...t .* 1 Monday

T w enty -tw o to D u N « i t W eek From K enrny a n d E aa t N ew ark

(■ Ee*srer»W.


Okctkrfl *r 111* p*r*ni* l» a»v« IkMui*. Mwry Th*y«r.g m n *M. » « ' ' 'IM yer at !• D®aJ ■lr«»l. Bloom fl»ia. E kllotnl I® li*** ■*»! Honrjr n«tea*r. kkoMiy-oiffti. St II V o u tav *ir«0t. 9 m t Ona«*- in <*• lw*4 aliorttr koTor* i|kwn •• Ik* cofBOf Do<l*i otroot an4 • ta r lc h i pl»c*L In in* Wnt»oo»ln« •#<;-tiM *r »looBifl*ia.

n«tga«r I* Hia to bo la ■ l a r ln * E aattlaa at ih* Wonjiialnaiao lieakltbL Taanc Tkayor oaoapoa *o a biryalo aak la b*lB( aoackt by a ta ta ta rrl* ko’l**-

U n . Tbajan abl4 «kai kao aoa >*4 laaa la a unatanam oa aaoaral oAa- o-oo, ifld that urtpayatlaaa wora boia«

In ba*a bliB i-aaimlllaa i* tha Caaaty Hoa*ltal a t tuorbrook.

j TteT*r, iha »o*l« “ tr- ^*4 boon M la c atraacaty far a aa a llaM. aa4 bla ■maltr om# a io lw i la hava kiM aaai ki an laaltlallaa. Wkaa ha aar«ka4 ha «raa waafU f h ta4 awaatar army avar-

E l. * lth aBall halt. a»4 raaaat thaoo .*a«a aa hat. Thayar la ahoat ftva I aaoaa Wchaa 1» balcht.

■avaoal *4y**«* raathta* In Da4d ntraat, an haatiae iha abat. hartlaa aat a»4 I tia n aa i tha »aUaa lhay h«4 aaaa ta « a f Thayar rl«a ay tha th a ra ae h th n .

aa nahart raaaaa, aff e a ty a t • oraat ta tha a a a n a»4 awAa

*■» aw rth Ihr Thayw. naa- t U w taaaa ■■ M * n a r aaai Dataa-

woo Im e * IM « y *• tk a taaality wMh ■ a l■ ^ ll l |-— aa4 ila fhU M d ward ta fka ■wt ataydi paHaimoti aa4 aa tb ari- S a a t aaaihf niaictkaU llaa ta ha aa «hU h (or yaaac Thayar.

flovontoon mon (or yonaral mllliary lorTU.* will bo aant to I'aatp Dt» Woa- nooilay by ibo Eoatny-Chat .Nooarh Caamptlon Board. Thay ato Jaraapac Dulylih » Mapta itraoir W altor P nor. I t Calumbia a*anaa. W aliar f Lana. » « Ulabland aoaaaa. Llaoollya r Karla, t l Tin* .traal; Ja n .. . T Mo- ijororn, to Blot "iraot. Atfro.1 .Oinmiat. Calbolk Protrti'jry . John wHUam Plataar, t i l Covoa airool. Maleoim Harry, II* Hiahia"'* a*»nur. J<‘"’»* King, >11 Pomrroy aronuo Kdrmind B Flanayan, l» Tarrarr Plarr. "a*p I'alorara. 1*4 Kim alrooi. Vln.'.iit Le­vina. « » B l» •iraal^ * f . u .,!,T it Daoaa atraai. and John a koio o( M Kaayoy aionua, Eoayny Itoboti MoMalUn. » Eulm-k placo. and <.oor*a ■tampf. » « Tliinl »!r*at, Kaat Nooara. EsTtello < iia4snn. It* Horbort airroi Rad hanb, fornioriy *( **•''"1'

Tha altarnataa ara InciMUod In lti» „ |a c t1»a man to ba aant ramp Ibo follooln# day Tha Hat far that day onipriaoa ti>o (olluning Prodorfk tt Hlndoror. !I Johnalon a r rn 'o w a .i.r Ant-araon Mo Blm „ r „ t . Rirbmood K»l*araiiu*. and BIm.r Bradburg_^ JJl Htrh- nry atroat, Kaarny. Patat Waailowahl, tnt North n u rd itrM t. Kaat Saoarh. Tba alttm aioa callad for Tburaday aro: Morton Oroon. l« l Highland a»a«aa. and John B*orail Uarlan, 111 U adaa avanoa. Kaarny ,, jQ i i M t b « i n f tn*n*a •y th* boerti to r#|Uir*T«t« eifhtA^n M ntri«t*«n y#*re oW •nd ih^rir-*U forty fivo Tbs Uf»l edvtoory bobrd wUI ivory »ft*n»oon »nd #v«ntn(«K«opt **tttrd«y. bogliifeknc Tu*id*y. bt lb# t#«n N«Ua to «Mlit In m iins ouK th# qtiMtlonAHtroA.

All Applktboat for RocounU Must Be Made on or Before

Next Friday.

Candidales* Btik by November 20


* * ^ 4o o H ^a» aallu a W. Day. It-D.i - r ________ __

tn ia a to n —Mbh w B in aMaaa, Ul-B.|.A , John Kariaaa. IM-1. ’^ ' “v■nkolhofar Ill-K, l-A. VHarnod. HI-* *"4 Charlaa ha-

ira, ll-D *■* Ill-B . 1I*D-kauth Ltrana*—John J. Hafnaa, lll-B .


irtr After Afed Man. Dl. Flsdi Hin Daid in Irvington

A w ards G iven W yom ing R e s id en ts F o r B est A p p e a rin g P ro p e rtie *

Tti* county haarda of alociinn will nv-i Monday at tha catirt houao m oath toniii. to dlaoharaa Ihoir Juiloa aa bunrdn of .anvaaaora. .AH applHa'Ion* for 'nrounlt will hava lo bo mado on or b .fo r. noal Prtdhy Tho county clorka will dallyor aa or boloro iioat Satarday earttflad toploa or tha daiar- miaailan ar tha county ranraaoort to (ho ponnna riociod A ■ opr wilt aliO hr aoni to Socrotary of »(« '• XaMin

On ar bofora fto»omb«r J" bill* la* currad by candldatri m.i*t >»• prop- rrly auditad and paid in - cam palfn 'nanagar of any Candida* * f*'r riacllpil a> tha yaiirral alactloti muai fH* a alaiamanl on or batora b*r IS ol Iha total amount upon.lad or liability Incurrad by or on bohalf or tha candi­dal#. Ob or bafora iha aaioa data tha caahlar or irtaaurar of tha banh or irmat company aalactad by any data muat tlla with tha propar otTletal dapoalt illpa praiantad lo tha bank with any dapoalt of moooya to tha ae- coaat af tha campalfn fund of auch aandtdataa at tha ganaral alacttod-

Bacraiary of d 'aia Martin will pra- aoni to tha Htata Board of Canvaaaara Morambar 1* all olactlon alaiam aoia which hara baan Iliad In hla offlaa. Tha stata Board of Canvaaaara loaal In Trtnton on ihli data for Iha parpoaa of canvaaalnf tha vota oaat for mam- bar of Iho Houoa of Ropraaaoiatlvaa ■ nd a mombar of tha V’altad Staiaa Sana! a.

Alfrad a. Kachalaaan, U1*S aad U-D. I.A and 11-D; Charlaa 1. n a t ta c h lw r . It-o . auitalpad. Oraaar C. Ta«a«, tV-A, auaulnad Marry B. r r w ^IV-A U-A. william M. W iS a ld t. U l-B and ll-D. l-A and U-O.

Chdrgci Fwmer Business Rtvel Wilfully Dtaneged Automobile

Gly to Be CanvMMc! b War Walk Dtiva

CootnbntHW ▼>! Bn S g u ^ nEvery SectioBi and from AH

Trades by 100 I m Ms.

ha iW him Bink M * - day Biiht la h sa fh adar Uta W btta Manaa aa h laalura a t th a Uottad W ar WdPh cta tsh le* Ml WhiM a gbaa Tha M as wm ha Ughwa. M « s s a » a « t ^ tadao, h> wamaa w v w aM sta rrms

a l Iha Mitaa aiiw hara a t

Maas Meeting to Be Held Mondny

Vhitad etstaa TraUtUie Oatpa.WKaa «f hanatara as4 Uasraaanta-

llvaa la Caasraaa will aa* aa haolaaaaaijtWt

W - ..W -m-ow ___________________(ar avaai, whila tba Praaldanl and Mra WUaoo ara tApaclad to vlaw tha asaalaela from tha Whit* Moaaa wlaSshTh

Uaa Cohan of Tt WaydaU at root. Ula city. w#e Arr«#i#4 LlncoliiHliiiway. Kaarny. by Chpl^B OlWbf »» aamalaint of Charloa (JoldaUla a l W Huatardon alraat. oharpad w ith wll- tully damaplap tba Ibltar'b avtpaiablla. Cohan condaPta a lunch whpaa aaar tha radaral th ip PuUdlnp CampAay plnat. and ha and Oaldatala a ra aatd to hava baan (ormarly bualnaaa rlvhlh.

Social Activ ities

Ghfl Kaala. ia*ah ty .asa yaara aid. Pf tdh Omt aiyaai. lytrtaKioa. wma fauad _ |pp w bae a l hla h a w thta a ia n la p

; ' I t iM a r t Kaharlapd. tataaaaa hi tha i m a t ta a laM lH at n M aflatat Co,, mils hPOPaa aad CoU atraat. th a t

. Sharp, wpa waal U tha haoaa ta ipgalya Phspl (ba apad man Tha la tla r s a a 111

Awarda hava baan laada by tha Wyomlap Aaaaclatlaa a( tba Wyoming aaatlaa of Mltlbura Tawnablp ta thaao wha ahawad mara than ordinary latar- aat In Iha aspaamaao a f thalr prapar- tiaa durlBi Iha paat aahaan. la tha ardor a( aiarlt tha awarda waro aa fol- lawa: flra l. Taman M, Haidar. Proapoft avmo# aad Elm a traa i. aaaon.l. Charlaa M tH*". Pvoopacl avaiiaa. and third. P w W rlth^ Cadar itrool. Hon- arabla manllon waa racatvad by Ralph K Foaa af Praapocl avantta, W 8. Ball- Itara af Cadar Itravt aad P. Drana of P lra itroot Tha awarda conaiatad af ahruba and ptanla

Accardlnp to a arhadala af rradlip amngad by tha aaaaatatlaa taa caanta war* paaalhl* aS *btalBm*«il. aa l \l ta « a i PubIM froal, tw ttarp Mptwalh. Iraaa aad th rab a Ihraa aaaata; pard. flatobr

ClassiBcution Decnioiu Affect Mbny Newarkers

I>aci>loat aa ladnatrial rlatm* aad appaal* tram claaaincatlana a t local kMrda worn aaaaaacod yaatarday bytba Pocoad Now Jarooy D iatrtat Board.

IP trap bsaapiBK traa i a law bla a - M i^B p ppd bapttPK )a« m tha . hPt C taaiy Fhya tr laa Oaar pa U m. wha trSawad tha bady. aiatad

ptaa prabahly Paa ta a a ia ia l ■ Kaala baa aa ta la llvaa hara Ov

r aa iha p a lm roaM laar«

anrdana traaa and m tha, . C 2 - eonaia; 01*0 table pardaaa f e a r e a e M

R e c o v e n $ 4 7 9 fro m C e n ie r F o r R w n e d T a lk in g M acb inc

’ W. A. Loid (Xt of Action gf To UKkrgn Opembon Overseas^ # M iP im itaa i A Laos a f IIS Farh

L Oraam. haa baaa aant ta a haaa It la tv aaaa_ ______(a r an oparaUaa,

_ la a M la r raaaloa* ia4ay by tmrC In tha aoaMnwataPtlaa. la Salad Oatabar IS. l la ja r tmrd

(hat whna iha ap asnUaP will1 ha Sdievwm (M^ytowiirtiiPg Mat*

Abraham U Ackarman a( Chlea«a waa awarded Jtidpiaanl for ItT t yaatar- Pay by jadpa Daalal A. t>npaa ta tha Oraapa Plalrict Caart acalnat the Me- Qana Compaay. tru rk ina firm In Ihia city Tha claim waa that on April II a talklay machlaa aWppad to Ackorman (all fy«tn a iraak a( tba dataaPhat and waa rained, Tha aaaa waa triad by Jury Octabar H hat a dlaheraamaat raealiad.

Judao rJapaa yaatarday aw aN ad V alla r U Bakhardt Ip d p m a i for IIIT.II apnlaal BartP Ptagar.Iha fhlladalphip Fathaph aaa W a oamytalnaat ehartad th a t tba dataad* aat. wha had a atara la th is city, aald out owlBP hUi (a r gpaPh

WMAV AhA M irifA TIO PP MMAh.HanalBfa at tha claaalttrailon

aipnt caoialaad In tha daclaloaa a( tba dlvialon boarp tallow:

Claaa l-A-PIngla man without da- pondanl talallvaa l-h . marriad mao with or withaal abtldraa. ar faihar a( matharlaaa children, who haa habltaally (allad to aupport bia (amity. l-O—H airlad man dapaa- Seat aa wlta (ar aappart l-D—Mar- rtad mao with a t w ithout ohlldron. ar taihar al atalharlaao chlldraa, maa aat aaatully oapusad. (amity Buppartad by tacama InPapandaDt ot hlawhof. l.B —Wat naeaaaary (arm labatar. I-F—Nal aaeaaaary inPua- trUl iaborar. l-0 .-R oplalrnn i mah-Ibb or far whom no claim la madai-f t-

B w ill hp Imp s iHUb I hhp ta ga haak ta tb a (rap t (a r pi

‘ * * rndPtMa..a la r LaH haa baaa praaalaaat himMtary atlPIra la naaaa C aaaty far ppaaial r*ara aad bafora w ar w as da-

lad by thta aapatry ha waa bead a( I f i r s t nattalloa. F ifth Waw Ja rasr

awy. Ua was a t tha K ta iaap bar* ■ P 'am v p l am alba aad wgpt w a r - i t a l i s y s ( ihM yaar.

Woman. Watetuag Dear in RondL ‘nirown from Bicycle. Is Hurt

M Sued (or .Served widi Ortler in Court

Thsma* A- BSIaon waa la tha flapramagM yt a( Maw ra rk yaatarday aa da- S p eM l Is • •dU hrapeht agalaai b lu

- Uprbart Lewis by Arehihald U. Bi af graahlya. who elalma that

d M dsa aa aamaataataas ta a aon- .J tar thd sale a t taU al ta the Mrlt-

Oavaramaat. W hila in eaarl Mi. ma waa aarrad w ith aa ardar ta r kit

sB rntaatlaa bafora trial. On that ac- aaapl tba aaaa waat o ra r till Manday. R la uadarilaod that tha Invanlor'a tai- Ihmaay la wHUap will ha nseaptad aad

‘ m as lie will not ba rapulrad ta yaappahf IglPhM. _____

Aa alfart la Whteh tha aapraa af aa aa tlan d huch dear which eraaaod iha raad juat ahead of her rauaad Mlaa Padla Abrama a t haw Tark to tall from a btayald yaatarday a ftb raw a » the Tapper HIU raad hatwaan Fine hrodh ta d Tawaaa. Mlaa Abra(pa auatalaad a fractura of bar rlphi (wraarm aad ainnarant bralaaa

Hl*a Abrama la the puaal a t Mr and l i r a Soloman Katowahy af Pina Brook ■ha waa rataralnp (ram Tewaea and waa a t ana a t Iha ataapaat portlana of tba raad whrn tha door came out af tha waada Tha alsbt at tho animal ao alartlad Uiaa Abrama that aha did not watch tha couraa of her wbarl. which ontarad n rut and aha waa ihrow a. t t a waa ahl# ta ralurn lo tha Kalowahy homo uaaialatad.

T ik e D eserte r a t M o th e r’ s F u n e ra l

' Whila atlandlnp Iha fanaral of hla dgad Bwthrr ta tha Hi. Jamaa'a Cam** SMTi Oranpa. Jamaa Folay of SSI War* tap airtat. an allaaad daaortar. waa ar- Msiad yaairrday by Pnirolman (FNall gpd Hufbiiar of th# f i f th Praoinct Ig la r ha wha turnad over ta tba mill* SWT aptbarltlaa a l Oovarnera Island.

Aaasrdlnt to tha potira. Folay da- d (rata the aara earvloa eamp at

^ rifM , T aaaa laat Dacambar. aflar nap thraa mantha of hla aallatmant.

armaUapd llaahnar a iraslad him July Ml mat yaar. aad ha waa tak aa to Ooo-

H . plaadad at Manhal- taa Tranafor lo ba allowed to * ^ •>•* ^ and chlldraa a t Harriaoa. WhMa Ibara ha aacapad.

Harry Russell of Orange, with Cum diut, Wounded in Action

i - n —Roflatrant railing to aubmit aaaatlaaaalr* hag for whom no alalm la mad*. |- J —Raglatraal not dafarrM and not Included In nay atbvr Claaa I dlvialon.

jl.A ^W lf* ar cnlWran no! mainly drpondani ll* g - w ita aat mainly dapaadaaL llu.^—eitiUad farm labarar. It-D—PhlHad lad aat'ia l labanr. II-X—(u c aa t m arriapa law, with child.

tlI*A. dapaadant chlldraa aat hla awn Ill-B. dapandant p a raa ia Ill-C, dapaadaBt hroibara ar alatara. Ill-D, couBly or munleippi o(flear. UI-B. l« la*d nram an or paUcaMja. I l l- r , ruttam houaa d a rk . 111-0 . aaiplayad la traaamlaalo* a( m ails lll- ll. armary a r araaaal a m p l a r ^ I I l .l Vnllad SUIaa am plaraa IH-J. hired atrtcu liu rat manapar. III-K , lachnlaal ar mechanical aspart. III-U aaolatani iddnatrlal maaapar.

IV- A. wIta a t children mainly da­pandant IV-1. m arinar In actual aarvtea IV-C. diractlnp aprlaul- fufpt head. IV-D. d i r a a t lu Indaa- trial head *

V- A, aUla ar p a ila n il o*n**rA V-K miBlalar af rallglaa. y-L, ibaolapiaal atudaat V-D. ia Valtod tu ta a military ar naval narvlaa. V-B, allan ahamy V-F, allan not aaamy V-O. phyalcally until tar mllliary aarviea. V-M. m orally ua- fit ta ba aaldlar V-L aaiuplly am- playad licanaad p l la t V-J, die- charpad alien aoldlar. V-K. aaM l« of ea-btlllparant aauntry V-U naairal dacraranl w llhdraw inp cHl- ■taablp appileattan.

M rs Arlbuf H Caaavar a l SIS eraad ■traai aatartalnad bar cl*b mam bora a t lUBohaan yaatarday. wbaa covara warelaid tor nioo ^

Tba anpapamant baa baan announced af Mlaa Wlnltrad Malcolm, dauchiar of Mr. aad Mra AlaaanPor Maloolm o( ■roohlya, to U au iaaaa t MpaaoH w . Holmaa of II Fabyaa ptaca. Ibla city. Uoulaaant Holmaa. la the naval m r- vlca. la a iraduala a t Frincalon Ual- varalty. claaa of l** *-

Announeomaat *waa naada to toy t ^ tba trland of tba Moma far C vlppl^ rhildran wbo baapbi tba boa aaata told individually Ihraupb •'■ro* *‘ ‘Ma Proad ■traai Thaaiat haa offloa a lta r tba boaaa bad baaa Bold to rapalar lubacrtb- ara baa raturaad tbam ta Iba board of eiaaafora and lacurod orcbaaira aaata (ar tha baaaftt parfarmaaca af Laava It to Jana ' ta ba plvan Maaday nipbt al tba tbaaiar (at tba baaafit a( tba iMll- lullan. Mra Joaapb (J. Hpurr and Mra WlJHam Blttlaa ebalrman of iho proas and artanpamania commlUaoa raapac- tlvaly. today aipraaaod tbair tbonka la taa purchaaar af iba ilchata for raiura- laa Ibarn In order tbai aana af IM ^looaad. baa partita will bava to ba brokaa up. ^

Otaptar A. P * O . of New Jaraay will bold Ha annual (air In tba hoana of Mra N. A <!;arlo af >tl Rldp# alrral. Thunday. (ram I la * a clotb In Haa with Ita charity and war tallaf work tha chaptar haa adopted a Franch srphaa * « i

Arranpamaata aro nsarlap complatlai. for tha hanafU conoart ta ho plvan the avaalBf a l Novamhar I* In Iha Roharl Treat Kotal for Iha Mama for Iha rnaadlaaa In coajancllan with the aftornaan card party aad chUdtoa a an- Itrtalam aat to ba bald tha *pma placa aa Iba aanual hanatli a ffa ir for Iha hama. Mambara of tha board of mon- apara of tba homa hava baan dividad Into commitiaoa and aro com plailni do- tallB for oiahlap tho a lth ir aa larga as In tormar yaara * • a

Tha Taunt Ladlas' Club af tha Flral Mathaditl Prataathal Church will bald tha flral maailap o( Ika aaaaan In Iha hama at Mlaa Pearl Johaaan of 1*1 Haddaa ttrraca. Monday niphl.

■ • aA auhalaatihl »um. ■raatar than w u

aapaclaC «aa railed yaaltr4ay tor tha hOMtlt af Iba Sarah W ard Day Nwreary a t Iha annual (air and aala held In tba ■acond Fraabytarlga ChUKb uador lb* auiplcaa of tba autlHary a t Iba inatltu- Han A card parly for tho auraary • hanatli win ba bald In tha naar futura. (ar which tvniativa plhM ara now undar way 1


Harry Ruaaall ot the Canadian army,waa waundad In action Detobar t. ac- catdlnp la ward racalvad by hla wtfa. whs llvaa al IIT ran tra l avarua. Or- anaa. Hla nama appaara In tha Ca­nadian raiUblty Hat today Ritbaaouont word racalvad by Mri RuaasH waa lo Iha atfaci lhal har huabaiul la apaln lo Iba iranchaa aflar racovarlnp from a aunahot wound In Iha taca Wblla lo a baaa hoapHal ha pava a pint of blood lo aid a fallan comrada. Ha la thlrly- two yaara old and anilatad Is Oatabar of last yaar. aalnf ovaraaaa In January. Ha It a nativa ot England.

HILLSIDEIff, and Mr# a a o r ia F T ralb tr an-

ttrtalaad al dlnnar al Ihalr boma 11*1 ealam avanua, la*« avaning In honor a l Ihalr daugblar Bvaala a birthday Tha lagla Saroratloaa ware In tba national ..^i^a Tbara w rrr lan guaa 'a

A aan has baan born lo Mr. and Mra raamaa Blackwell of Princeton ava-

Tha daclalsna follow, tha rlalWi mads by or (or the rag la trtn l appaarlna t in t and Iba darlalon aarond:

■a*aad V a4arh.Jamaa A. Nall. SI Naw atra tt. 11-D.

tu tta ln td : Laarui Cola, t* Lafayatla•traai. It-D. auatalaad; John A. Burgaat. t t l Mulbtrry atraai. au«talnadiJoaapb r hoaa. II* W aihinalon atraai. Il-H. auatalnad. cbrla tlan K H arlaa- aan. II Jamaa alrart. II-l> auatalnadl Joaaph A U arritan. 11* Naw alraat. I |.n . tualalnad; Jainra 8 . hmlth. •> Ortnt airtai, H - l \ auatalnad. Rupparl W bum^n. IS W aahinptnn atraai. III-K.

A cting R ec lo r W ill T » k e U p W o rk ll fB e t le v i l le T o m o rro w

n .v R L Scoflald. raoanily namad hcllna raclor of Chrlal Bplacopal Church, nrllavllla. will aaauma hla naw rtnllai lomorrnw Rav rb a rlaa P“Pl'*j"_ r»rlof. li NOW in Army rhupJAln

w#i t»blt4l b) lb* iruilR**' ? . a. . . a a. _ raimmlam w rn A

auatalnad. Carl J, Phllllpa^

ot th i rbur«‘h aboui thr«* ^1*4. I'OiYiM t# B#IlfvHU from

_____ i l i w#t «ppoMit«d forAn* j**r. Af In fh* *v#nt tM l ih# wRfHi) bronV. i*onnAn* 3**r. nr i«i ((>• vv..a, ,w—- ---1* n#( 0v*r At IhAl tlm#. fbr In* dur#-lion of th* w ir

g wm|ig)it*r h*R b#*n bA^n lo Mr- Rnd MfS. William Hdrvay of Baker atraat

Vh# Cbftitlwn Endon'for Hocl#ty ofthe MiiMid*gcanlng at tba bom* of Mlaa Bua

itara, aalam avanuaMat •*

iS tai^ Marjarla Bloy. dauphiar of Cammlatlonar and Mra Rob-

. MB_ 1 dWmwt.. mvm*h1kdS T r Blay of LIbarly avanua. who baaa III with in flu tn ia , la con-

R e p o rt H tn i io n M an M iu in g ; H *d S u rtfcd on H o sp ite ) V isit


Tha llarrIaoB potica wars sahad laat nlpbl to Inalllula a March for Fairlck Kannady of WT •avanth alraal. that lopn, who haa baan Bllaalng from hama ainca Thursday Whan ha lafi. KaanaPy laid hit family ha waa going ta St Ml* chatl'B Hoaplial, but failed lo put In an appaaraaca at tba Inslltullon, It waa Itarnad lalar Tha mlaalDg man la flfly-twa yaara old and w ars a dark cult.

: Plra Dapartmaat waa called out: w t ***** txtlnKniah a hlaia at tha ' g a ^ af John Hohman, IS Tlchanor lar- - whara a pHa of rubbish raught

Rag hi soma mannar, ranaing a Iota ofew e* !*»•

I (he ggfvtotic aarvlnaa la honor of tha ^gaaihtra In Ih# rarvlca will b t bald

I UM iffmr avaning In Calvary Faathy- taek a Chpreh. WaaL Tho program will

I lumeta add****** s e e patrieiie muaic ' I i«wuai Rally Day aaarclaaa of ih .

- achaol w ill ba hold in Iho

F il l fro m M oto r T ru c k , H ilte n , F iU lly In ju re s E lix a b e th M en

ra ia r Burns foriy-lhroo yoara e l^ of 111) Flrat atrool. Bllinbolh. died hbw t I o'clock yaoiordoy In ouddon Imdgo Hoopllal. Irvlnglon, an hour a fla r a fall from lha raar of an autamablla truck whila riding through Hlltag. Ho

' yag titiasta In tho nInotMn lo jM glass war* akamtnad ytator-

Pav i l IM ■***•• WetWe W tho -mod- l i r i S s s i l a s r s RMrd Ha. i..JS ^ f^ M g tP , gpvarbW In rta tto a , Mlll-

gaulb Oreapu Tawathlg. wabrao w ars ggaaptad fa r gaa-

truril wataam a.v.p,, -----waa Intarnally Inlufad- Burns waa aai ployed by Iba Chamleal Cotngany ofAmgrka •* iprlagflald

atraai. III-K, II-O; Henry C. Peak. I d Orange alraat, ll-l* auatalnad. Marry T WlUlami. I l l Mroad atraat. ll-D,I . F John R. Blhnfcawlta. II llamlRon atraat. II-D, I-Fl Marnard I*. Tulle. >» Burnet alraat, ll-D , auatalnad. Edward J Harrington. IIS Mulberry atraat,I I . li. luatalnad; ISdward J MuHar. II Baarh iiraal. U -U auatainvd; Joaaph L hharp, l i tlran l alraat, II-D, •ut- lalnad. Oaorgo F. tSaogan. It Ho'*** alraat ll-l>. 1-F; John J l-aahy, 1* Hurnat ilroal, 11-D, l-F ; Frad flHmora,71 New .traai, It-D, auatalnad: Waniar Prince. 151 Academy atraai, IM> I F.

• la th Navaarh.Archie M hcoH, !H Hou'*' Tenth

atraat. lll-R- l-A.Pdgbth Rwwarh.

Bdwtrd I , Murry, I I I Oaralda alraat Ill-B. l-A. Baymand J. Ahaain, - I t Wtahlngton alraat. H-D- auatalnad

Toalb Mavaarh.Hanry J Oorakl. MI Rouih atraai,

ll-D, aualalnadPlavaatb Kawarh.

Charlaa le Orl. i l "oa th FJavahth atraat. HI-K. H-D: Joaaph J Im r.lla I I I North Fifth alraat, ll*l> auatalnadl Bdward T Tobin, I I I North Fifth aDasL n-D l-F; Tham**J MaSIga*. •• ■"'■•J' Twa fth iiraal, H-D. l-F ; Robert (1. M « i l i Htath a«r*at. U I-K William L Tuebar, IIT North Ravanih ■liMt, III-U M-Ul Edwin J. Gunn, I* Mouth Twelfth alraat, Il-D. auilalnad; STobart e. ■toutaaburgh. Id ebhjh Tenth alraal. IV-A. H-Al WlUlatn H. Good- man. IIT Orange alraat, lll-B , l-A

rawr«aaw«h Rawarfc.William I- Standar, H i Camden

■IrMl. n i-K . U-I>; Franh Malknar m r#irm9unt Av#f»tt«* lI-D bM ni*K, It-Or Thomaa F. BbalahaaMr, i l Highland atraai, ll-D- auilalnaA

Third Kaaaa.Verona-Joaaph K MalHfaa. Ill-B

and Ill-K. I-A anS II-D,Hontolalr—Jamaa FaaSIcIa, I!I-n and

llI-C . I-A. _

Old Irlah ballada will ba auag to Mra Oaarga 4. Klrwaa a t tha muairala wbleb wlU opta Iba ragalar meatbly bualnaaa m Hilag of Tha Caalamporaty of Ntwark. Tuaaday aftarnaan a i I;W a'ctach. ^ .v Mayar'a CommlHaa af tha Council e( Nallanat Dafcnaa will bg lha g u « t af haaar at tha tea (allaw lhg lha bualnaaa Maltan aad will raoalva with lha praaldaal, Mra. l» M. RobhiM

Tha boalaM at lha laa will ba Mrs Slapkaa ■ Harrlaon aad Mra fca ja - mla F. whltahaad aad U rp Alfrad P. Mai haw will praalda a t Iba lablaA • « •

Th« W#m#n K lfh Boho^l TMkchRri’ ARMcIttl^n wUI #nl9flBl»•fUTii9«n I t 4 o'clock In BMl i l i* Klph •f^hool in honor #f Mr#, A • PoUnA 4##ri of ikrii 111 Ih* h lfb tclintU- « • *

"Rusata" waa tba topic a f a talk given by Rav Albert •bappard. paatar a t Mila- abtih Avanua Praabylarlan Ohairch. ha- fora Hatmagundl Club yaatarday afte r­noon at a poatponvd mealing bald In the home of Mra V. A Mchmurhor, II Vaaaar avanua Mr Mhappard lold ol paraonal aaparigneoa. aa ba had tpant •onie Hina In Ruaala

Work (or girla was lold of by Hr Kata W tllar »arraU of Waahlnglon. praaldanl ol the Nailanal Flortnco Crlt- Union Mlarlan. and H n . Howard Van- doriMot “laggad'* aaoh manibar for lha banafit of tho locol Floranco Crlttonlon Homo.

Mra Nathaalal Von Ibovon wao op- polntod to rocotvo imiolc rocordt for aol- dioro a* (ho elab‘0 ohora In Iho worh. ao rogutalod by Iho music dapartmanl ot lha llg la Fadaralton af Woman a Clubs Tha n a il m ealing will ba Friday afiarnoon. with the hoalaaa lo ba an- riounoad lataa, a a •

"A rt' was conaldarad In paper* • .d Informal talk* yaalarday afurnoon by Mra uaarga O. Drake and Mlaa Klala M. WHian al lha fartnlghtlv maating of lha Irving Club la lha hnma of Mra. Frank D Halloway «( *> Nairn plaoa with Mlaa Wllaan aarvlng aa taaociaia hoaitaa. Roll call waa raapondad ta with oammanU on aalad palnlhiga and Mlaa oraaa M. Daffy apoha tor iha < am- paign far Ifnltad W ar Work m o|>aii Monday. Mra. Hahlon i . Drake will •arva ta hadtaaa a l lha Navambar U maating and a vlaR to Ika Maira- polllan Muavum of Art In Maw Tork hat boon planned fwr Navambar II

Mra. William A- Gay waa appsinud to raoalva boaka and m agaataae lor tba Vnllad War W arh campaign aa a rtpra- tantailva af lha TravatarV Clak *i 'h* regular fortalghlly maating hild yaa­larday In dll* •<«"• •* “ w »**l«™‘n r Hurd, a l Parker atraat. Muato record a (or aaldlmr* will ha racalvad (or lha club by Mra. J. Irv lag Fort

T alki and papara an • a a itu . lha city •tudlad a* lb* day’s program, ware given by Mri. «- T -ta a o n , Mra. am *'*" C Thompaap. Mra Oaarga #. ^ * d . Mra. y A. Dudlar Mid Mri. aaorga*M. Pip-

t'ndar parfaotad p laaa Ibo Ualtod lAtr Work drive wilt epaa Maaday niurnlng wUh aa Initial canvass of Ika city by Id* leami. C oatributlana will ba aougkl from ovary eactlaa of tho oily and tram ovary Ho# at trade and lu- duatry. Al noon tba Drat luaohaoB maating will ha btod a t tba Robert Treat HoUi. and raporta will ba mada of tha prallnlliiary v tfaria lo ralaa j,^awark'a uuoia of |l.®**.*dd- A maoa mMllng will b* hold a( tha arm ory Moaday Bight, at which addraaaaa w iu ba luada by proralaant apaahara aad pa- Irlwtlo Muali: given by wall hnowa or- ganlaaUoaa

wlthaui further tormalliy tba team capu ln t ware noiHlad <oday to atari the iollcllaiion work varly Monday niurnlag The Louiinandar* of ibo taamA aa glvan out from th a Joint haadiiuartara of iba cliy. county aad a tn u oagaaiaaliona In Iho Baaaa build-

u ^ u ia r g Marsh, Jowa A. M attbaw a Waltar K Molar, John MoaUllb. W. H. Mllchall. WHUaui A Moffat. C F. Idc- Curd. M. r . McLaughlin, Marnard MHlar.B J. CVlrlan. Joha J iTRaurha, William P O'Rourke Chauiicay O. Parker. W. O. Paaraoa. Moaaa PlauL Major W b. Parker Jamaa M. KvIHy. Leopold Rk'h. gamual Roaaalar. Kobart L. Hoaa. Abra­ham Raihsohlld. W illlan R Roa. Louis gchlaatagar. John F PlnnotL Lao Plain, Lewis K ItrauA Manjamla J. gugarman.H. SUcy Smith. Frad O. ■Uchal, W M. Ptaarna L It Uolding

F C. Titaworlh. V C Van Kauran. Lawranca C Ward. E T Ward, A * Ward. O L W viagarlan. A M. Wood­ruff. r ■ gimonaon, Adolph Augan- bllck. Thomaa Allaopp, Frad W Mall. Amal Marla, Nat C Blldar. H A Hon- nalU William Conway. Robart H. Cor nlah, y J Crawford, Charlaa Cameron, John c Campboll, A J. Coaaollao. Jo- aonh V Clark, Ja ro au T l.'ongUlon.

Laaaard l>rayfuaa, Harold tvaniHa Jamaa Daarla. W H Kills, gtanlay T Klaaar. Aba Falal. Rabbi and M ra Molo- mon Poaur. ('wan B. Foa. Loui. L Friedman. Claronoa FUhar. Harbart iJay. Arthur J. Kardt. Charlaa M Henry. Morris Herbal. Michael HoUandar, Sid- nay T Holt. Dr. W It H aarahsn . A C Htnalar. tr. «. Harrlaon. Cbariaa M JabBaa John Jayca LauiB Kamm. Joaaph K artahia Jaroma Lehman. PhIHv Undaman. Frank I U varlghi. John J. Connolly. Jona C MeKnroa. KImar K Saataa. Oliver Randolph

Mrs W B SUnock. Mra Emanuel Baltman. Mim Muiial ivawten. Mlaa Agaaa Garrlgaa. Mra. SWIIard I Ham- IHaa. Mra Thaadora K. Havdan, Mrs Cksaur R Hoag. Mra A. Lambert, Mrs W tllUa U Morgan. Mva T U Morion. Mra A L Mayara Mra Victor Poraoa- aat. Mra R J Gulna. Mrs K A Hauaa Mlaa t'arvla Roth. Mra John V .Ulnnoil, Mra Joaaph U, bpurr, H ra Sigmund L. Start. Mrs. Jamaa Turnbull. Mra Hanry l> Walker and Mlaa Agnaa Duffy

gpaakvra at Armavy NvwIIwb.The aiiaakara al lha maaa maallng

Monday nlgM »H1 ba Commander Eva Booth of Iht Salvation Army, Mlabop P.J Muldoon od Naw York, bead of tfca KatlOBal Catholic W ar I'auncll. and Louie Marshall of New Tork. a lawyer lataraaiad Hi tha warh af the Jawlah Walfara Board. Mayor ilLllan will pra­alda and muaic will ho given by Iho Calhotlc Choir, tho Notional BUff Band of Iba galvalloa Army, whk-b h a . baan In Fraaco. and lha Now Jaraay Klltlaa Pipe Rand.

A call to apaod up tha work In Iba ataia and an appaal (or an ovar-tuY- acrtpIlOB waa laauad laat night by Dr. John R Moll, nailoaal director of Iba campaltn Ouillnlag P la ta calling far feoator acHvliy among tha aavan alHad arganisatlaiii a t tbia pra-arm lalloa pa- rt94i H* *4y9t

•11 It a»r anltad canolunira tk a t aa mhtlaa haw near tha baglanlhg af pof-m«D#nt 9##h'* n»»y ^ Ih* p*r»*iaf damobHIsallon and Ika period which will pracada dameblllaatIan will praaani graatar naad Ibdu aver for Iba aarvloa of tha aavan oo-oparaling otghnlaatlona, and tbarafart Ibal tba raauaatad ovar- aubacrlpllou of fifty par cam. la »o*l naeaaaary. Our adviaora of lha Aniarl. ran army and navy concur In th is ludg- manl. I have confarvad on lha aubjcci with tba War Dapavtinant and Prral- dent Wilson, and they airongly amph^a- •II# th* n**4 iin|b#M*it^* <'f Ihliwork (or Iho period following tho cot- aalloa of hoatlHlIaa" |

A maating in tha Intaraat of lha campaign waa held yaatarddy at lha freight atdtlon of tba Pannoylvanla Railroad In River alraal by tba olghth dlalrlct Indualrlal commlllaa. under lha fhalrmanahlp af John 1- Hoagland. Rav. J R Clark apoka and Mloi Mar- gralta Hauaman. aaprhno, **"S- Thoaa on tha commlltaa a re Mra Du- krow LIndanmann. Mlaa Etta B irnaa Hits Marian Kaofa ll. A Cooper and F A. PktlHpa-

Nogtaaa (a Taka aeflva Pnrt-Cul.ired paonia of iba oily and ataia

will taka an avMva part la lha cam­paign. Oliver Randolph la chairman of lha clly comnillia* and C H. Rullock, aacraiary of lha calorad V. M. C -A. In Montclair, will have auporvlaloB over lha aiata foroaa Aaalaiing In H|a city will ha Dr William H. WasblngtoM. Rav R. *■ Rloki. paalor a f Bathaay BapHti Churohi Dr. W illiam 11. Oraaa, J. H. H gcntlaad. Rav. H- M. •paarmaa, pallor of il. Jamaa'a A. M. M. Churahj C. lanolng Navlua. Hra Bugana flrag- e r r and Rav J. B. A John#, paalor of PI. Jebn'a Malhadlat Baploopal Church

We«t Otwice Takes Steps Agaiitit Trolley Speeding

Acllaa to pravaal tha apaadlng of Irollar c a n la Bagla Rock avanua, aapoclally al Iba FvaakHa avanua turn, whara acoldtala bava occurrad. waa takaa last sight by th a Waat Orange Town Oounall. Tho poHoo cammltt,oo

tii*truol#d tp or #mnmonthe moturmaa driving rachlosaly to appear la thk Tawa Falloa Court.

Ftvors Chpital hunslMBeBt for Von Tirpiu «iid Other GerniAns

lap lla l punlahmant (or Von Tlrpll* ae ihe V-boal murdarar" and a Uka diapoalUua of tha caaaa of G aru aa gaa- araU who hava baaa guilty of coapar- abla (rliaaa on land wad Urged yaaUr- day aitvrnooa lb iho Baat O rsaga Mlgb School by WtlHaa S tarr Hyara af PrlBcaton. Ha said ha regarded (ba Kalaar not aa tka arab-crlm laal aad tharafeia praaorlbod (or him ovmmlt- mant to ■(. Halana.

Tha optnluna w .ra given In anawat to a uuaatlon. "What khall wr do with | lha KalaarV’ following lha drat ut a aa- ‘ rUa of a ll talks hv Is to give oa cur-

Fof GpQrtiptttioik itS s U td eC«rtfli^s___U m V S k

w fflte lycM nfh t€ f f « r r n g h t

C i r t i r ' s I n u i P I l b l

B A D n

Dr. Edwwdi’ Otie*i t t h e C B U w a n d K c o Q O w l t

rant ayauia under Ihe auapicea af Ihe Womede OulU of Calvary Malhadlat

Dr. IitomdM'OMvBTitodth ( to *(*■»WM k f e r i w l , ^

Bplacopal Church. Beat Oraaga. An audlanca of 10* board hliu diacuaa tha war alluativn and the problama g( ra- conaiructloh. which ka . haracterlaad aaxltantlo.

"Thii (ov#rDm*#l U t* in s I*. A-------Aih* t*rai* »h*tTh* y*wpl* <1#ib*ii4 il will kiiQw *«tclly <*h#t public opln*

!•/* *«pUI**<l t*rof*t#or My*r# In #n#w«r ko irttdlhvr qu*#(lun. "KubHc 9plnlo», nlilcta I* mor* lnip«>rtnBt lK«ti m# vui«, I* r«#Uy th* thinking of * vO' cKtrou# mluocuy. wbo *ucv'*od In Ini- preMlUg tk«lr iL««* ou th# k*#4t# ol Ih* g#v*fnrn«ot Th*x nnd a#-L«rlnln thtNM vUw*.

"I ikould Ilk* lo *** th* Alllod ^#ac* | i'onf*r*uc* to V*r*#lll#aa au4 I thould I Ilk* to »•* * c*ri#1n |jar#on aummoitoO ih*r#~-'^Uh*in th# l^oin*<l —to ftvo t up hi* ■woi'd. khd I b*U*v* Ih* man < who ahoulid b# cho### to r#c*lv* it | •hould b« King A)b«rt ut B«lglum

but i rn ly m t b t m A KivtiipHmtiihriBf ttora to ms* * *

dMmtroMB MkMOil ftodM MtosM* soy ot iIm to4 stMg a i * ^ _ , . ,

AB to* to M ils ol

J iliw y D river. A ccu sed o f R d cing , F ined in I rv in g to n PoU ce C o u rt

Arralpnad bafora Ra- ordar Turton In lha Irvington PoHca I’ourt last night ■ on a charge of racing In Cllaten avenue, lhal town. Louie H arris a Jllnaur of t l I Fiftaanlh avenue. Ihia clly. waa liued H* Aaolher bus driver, Banjanitii iluldlaib v( 111 Prince alraal. thta city, waa arraalad on tha aanie charge, bul declelou waa reeerced In hie laaa owing lo Ike absence of the lo n p la ln lug aftl- cor. Sergeant Mayer, who la IH.

(Joldfarb waa fined II* on another i-harte. however, ihe coniplalat In Ihle t-aae being made by Tratflo Poltcanian Ftnutaaii. wbo allagwd th a t Uoldfarb waa (Ightlng on Ibe etreat with Maa Jorri ot (II SprlngDeld avaiiue. Ikla elly, alao a Jltnay drlvav. Tha fluaa ware paid

Another jltneur, Frank girala af ll* Badger avanua. Ikla city, who was arraalad Wednesday by Folkanian Pulliiian on a charge of racklaaa driv­ing. waa also fUad l l* by tha racordat,

_ _ i * y i r t i d l s c o v « r * 4 tti* toniiilh #H c mwra a n a r o d n ^ tic* MBOat PdIMto* p ^ hboaml H d H m I . Hf l i lMA tho htteodiot to d todd*V-w.-.-

Df. BdFSidir 0I*T» DWly% PkiMd w it l €a>'«S t f o T w t t b S T t o s * to t b to othd colar. T ito ob* to tu » tofdFrBJKto fr>r hw **ktod B M t to aOset. 10c hud tU;Ito to iL A ld n g B to H A dvarlU aaanifur Oliva Tuhlaf O a ________________

Irv ing ton Police B eg in W o rk In U n ited W tr F u n d C u o ^ a ig n

Although lha L'altad W at Work cam galgn does net oltiutally s ia r l uallln ia n *•« awuuaw.,»w,, —midalght lamorraw. lha tolva waa

,1Vaetuaily lauached la iw lag lo n today when nembara of Iba Palled aad FlrdgnvaiitoW** vt **wm a mevwvw w . . -w-

*buln#4 Mv#rgl hundr*«,Iu .delUra (rum motorlaia paadlag Ihrough

lha loirn. Aa Ih t vahletaa approached lha Iralftc aland In lha bualnaaa caiilai tha drlvara ware Imporluaad for auk- acrlpUoni and In almoal avafy case lha Iiiolorlat dug up a dollar and racalvadIn return a ^**'*'' '*** m aebln^ deIII ■*■(**■* m B'wparnw. w-w-v - »»w —i —-noting lhay bad aubacribad to Ibe fund

Mayor Edward R Folaum, who la a moinher ol the Irvingtun aaacullva tomnilllea was an Initraaled apacialor luuei of Iht morning aad whan lha va- hiclaa cBina loo fatl lor iba unllornied ■nan to handle, ha lam hla aulatanoa

Yo tti^ U$e Cdtoa T$ m ia l BtUieit

T to casto «»• prwaatvwa to to U to, *•uwallT dindnif StomptM, witliCulkuia Soap and tod w a itr foUo>c<l to oc(h*loi»*[ drctoing* oi Cuticur* CHiumtnt toi muck to rtaioed tfc*VO ratu ik n

danSnifl. allay itchln) and ini- and arraal (hlling kau.

Mr. f^Uoni *#14 h* «sp*ct»4 #ub*«rtik*- * - - .......... iWfrom th1« aouP** #lon# w#ui4

probgbiy r#i(h

M ech n n k i s n d H e lp e rs S tr ik e A t Sw ift k C o . P U n i, K ek m y

Mechanica and kalpars a l lha Pwitt A Oa. plant In Kaarny want on atrlke thia morning for more pay Balwavn elghly and nliialy man ara out. Thvy mada ihalr damand (or aa tra monay Wednaaday. when they ware told lhal haaduuarlarB In Chicago would Ilrsl bava 10 ha coiiaullad. and Ibal a da- claioB would ba (orihoointng today.

This morning Ibo machswiua ware ad- vlaad that thay 'w ould raoalva more money, but ike Inoreaaa waa not In au- cord wllk Ihalr demand- Tha halpari were Informed lhal Ihalr case would racalva oonaldarallun lalar. Tha man ihen conolwdad lo slop work.


Look a t T pR gito! R m o w P o b m a rrwM HUn u t K l i v t o i m I

B rnrelto

m. MIMira m laamveam —■— — -- -I'ompotlng lha alula organliaU an are Dr. W II gutharlaad of O ranfa, obalr-man of Ihe eiacullv# immmlUaa; iJhelr men Randolph of lha clly commlllaa, earrotary. Dr. llaerga B. Cannon of Jgfioy I'lly, I'rafaaaor T. F,dwar«1 Kin- n*) of Tranion and Dr. W. S. Ballou of Monlelalr This nam m lllta aapacli 111 rail* |U.*«« In the *ta(a.

C iin p F ire i N e t r W h ile H o u se Aa W ir W o rk C a m p s ig n O p en s

w abKINOTON. Nov. I ( * ) .—Farly-

Th* "** tln* to H«**mk*» I> J * ', '*'• at lha horn* of Mra Charloo B. Bride.

Mra. Howard ■ HIU of II* U k aatraat anl»rUtll*d ywWrday hi the


1, ^ . v a h art W haa HI* by A«Mg.Twa hayi v a ra ktiockad dowa by hu-

temokllaa In Irvingtan atraala r**t«r- day, bat 1* naltiwr «h*a ws* lha lito In- Jurad. Arthur WoH. t** yoara oM, of l*(( Sogth Oraao atrool, th a i tow s, wai croakiBi Clinion hvonB* a t tba Irrta*- taa MillaghI Bank v lio || ha waa attack by tba mudguard of i oar d rlv fs by

' Hlabaal J. McMahon to UT W aat Flfty- toarth atraai. Nair T o rt. Tho othar

:M tE Y O U F r r ?e-aamw-ammim.

mwiap o m n a S h i B g to ^ to ld avaoaa and Maw atraat, whara W altor Imvaloy.


#n« CBWW WKrWVBp WfPWBW vwwowatan yaara oM, of lt* f BpiinKflold a*a- mm, FBO a maatilno Srivoa by Oaarfo Flyga to tod Fork avoaua. Or- wyi* wbiU# anpaalBK Ilia atroat a l that

m n lo g 'n io a iln f of ‘ha aag*on af tha Cartemlf Clih, lb #

-n itb a rd J. Coaiatlo,Wa*t Ofanaw—----------- -■ -----------m-A and Ill-B , l-A: ASSoIortto VaoBa*

< uriDwiiB ciww, u ro piovlau* maal- l n , " T r (M lto ir hBvtbg bran omltiad hauauM af Ibd lBf1li*nBa apISamIc.

I ll-a nna m . - w, , ~w-ll-D. I-Fj O m tava A. iLrak._llit>._*a»:


a s a n . s a y g . ’a a y i rI M M ^ . waa flaad I t s t o iHdWSar Tasl In I to (gw

Sr*$i%iSn*MBomm. dMrt

1 tmiBB, also 'J avguBO. « n

' a to ragi waa (HM* •<^ to fiM to r

fig* g f f i d 'I • f to to i to «





ThB tVBBly'lklrS busubI mrallng for Ik# fBudlpp «f raparlB o t tb* HaldBiharg Gsild of IhB a in ra n Avbbmb Raformtd Cbarch win ha hglS Magday afiarooan la tha hoiga ot Ih* pwaNraiL Hra, John R HIppal, IT Jaharan gvgaua.

• * *A ramiiMB* **l* k* conductad

s a l t Frtday.gnS B atuttop At l l Bella- villa avanua h r th# Dagoon*** ouUd of i to p raabyurr a f i l t W l i <*f ‘^* to"*- fll af lha Sdgoondi* ttonallanafar (h« aala wW to raairtaS a t tha atova addraaa tburaiar fraai J* uaitl i a'Btodk. a a a

OffUAft hM’ lBAchayg to Mi. FlaaMgl Bsptlat Church, Bckato AlNtto a t Umtr aaauhl gi*altAf la « a t«k( ^ (*«t*wl*i

S S w ^ S S g a ' a w S a !

P o s n i H

Wed Six Weeks Ago, Irvington Girl Dies in Hoipiul from PneumoniAA bride of a ll waakg, Mrs. Jennie

Palmer Frilohard, wife af Frank Prllrherd af Floranct avanua, Irving­ton (Had IsBl night In Bl. Ht0h*ara Hoapital fram pnauninnla. Ih * w u re. moved ta Ih t hoeplial Wadnatdny. Aa aunt of lha dead waman, Ht*B M*rla Heiiravay. alao ol tha FtariNca avanua addraaa, la rarlaualv III w ith lha aama malady,

Mra. Prllrhard, whara m arrlaga look Plata Saplambar 14. * M • daughter atHr and Hra V alanllat Falmar of I r v Ingion. H taldtt har pai*"** *ka la aur- vivad by a alatar, M ri J. Blwood Malm- nar of Irvlnglon, ana Iwo brothay*, Ja- raph Palmar, i(*o of th a t lawn, snS Llaulanant Hugh Falmar ot tha afilaora’ aehool at Fort 1111. Okie-

FraviDua to b*r inafrlh«a Mra

acctiii 'Valllarala-' ayrup al Flfl ally -lack (er Ika naina rallfarnla *• Iba pack­age, Ihen »eu are eare your ekild la hav-laV Ike biel ead meal k a ru il« laaallvj ar akyabLler tba HUM eloinack. Ilnay end raweti rtlldraa Ira* Ita daltcjaua. fraliyiMt*. 4tr*«U*«* tof cM)d • « » i *JRteek Mil#. ' Olv* 14 |*#t.-*14*

f#r i:*llf*rnU iyrqp ul FlM C*.

Frtlehard urai amployad aa 'll toMk krapar by L Bambfrgar * Ce. HM waaSimliiMf uf 0* toippa^av"* » —w-promlnanlly Idantiflad wlfk t to ao* llviiiaa of Ifca •aoaaS p a ^ m a g Chunk, Irv ln tiaa , aad har miUh c m bM d ah*ah t« k*r "MbF <(**■<; . ,ih i-hdral aarvlcaa will ba aanduaiad Man< day afitrm ian tram th a uaSartoblai parlor of Harry W. DavlA 11 Oatoa avanua, Irvlnglon.

Mrs. LcoStvitiDiwi IXiiMiMiAnd &ro(hiM*4*w hprovhig

d i \ d —

•to m anr/Goffeee r d o e s n 't


H b e c o u M

h u r t s


Mr*, taaan U a Bavafa af «v.Orapf A toad ikU N ^ l to ■! ML Mhrr'a

i m u - w n H D i w n r a

t i k t s

I o r S ^ ,

.R tottif BBiAitoiiDlL. „ aal A m to Iwttof «Wi..l flMStoftrOraN'

■•va«% wUo to FlyamshI f f V*H«F ------WWM

la aiM rraavaifaf otbar b rtik to , lMii~ dlag ot ta*«B4*fto af tart gfaaitoi from

ft, rra*altyi f a raasa#fm w kFarh

u h a T h to T to to V r t Mlohhtoi£ ! r t* r ! s rS a to * ( to III ufWi fliurlaytotoiaMaf a tU M F ^i

Mrt ItotMtortoH t r t t n

ftgMWI •« fBMto*

k* w

CoalDeAs to


N o In fo m


Lightiin g

!l#xnn4 th< ^#y hy a u tflMS«B RlMIOtJ* ton In #LI I *D#I, tiolhlm |m#yt)p*t#(l<] whoI*•a)^ ri' Rhii mornif wouMA kl on ^ v^ould #rply th# mln#i #1

ForUiwr • 4*y th*t ’IlfhM*** N

ottofe*r 11 In t In th« IC#*i t»#rttC)il*r|y• h4 star#liVht#d h*r« op#n Tor hu <*l0*#de how I lum lnsdon ( H#r*(i»for# I 4* will*P«ti for bul

Writ Inc •RtF# rharg ton #lIow*d d*t>«n4*nt" I Mr J*okln*< fh* *Elr* ItV#vlou* CO h#d r«sult*d month* ago W I#k*n of

Tt pQthi* *«if# <■ c«#l will Dl th#n "cotppi th# #000X10 n*w pHr* 1 4>n th* bmsi mastic anih r i t r # for In raiita addlt 4*«|*rp for J

Dl&CU&S 'I

And AT\’#*l* r*r

*P*n meet I pfevlouMi)' J|)#rtm*nl of Mrk. to«r* 1 41 th* form council. Th ch#rg# of I Mrs Rob«ri

theirsffi, who 1 rouo iy for I War loduitt

A l#i(*r fi th# Induttn ^v#r^r«. »rk of meml»*r# on \V#*lc ft r'n #rcord#ft lie bosrd. )s4 t«I#gr# th# organlsg portsre* of WMhotit rafi Vcoanfusfad

Th# list r 4* fll#4 mt « i(h Ih* ori M iyor b«ln| follow* Th of National A m arkan F' W. il«hln. h MkS* ar*c* Council. MlW#|fkr« r«V*d*r#t Bo« Mrs- K. Osr TTlUtM of N4tl044l P* bom*, Nstti snd ^ l» o n B otrd of Tr vsiion Arm Mrs. Ku«bU ront*mpor4i dor* E. H*y

I n f l u e n u 1 P n e u m

Bavanty-a< War# raport tv an ty -fou r t ia ra than k portad yraU raportad tof Bunbar, In | yaatarday. from fUtaa Ihraa more today than

^vrsi f lv s Conm antl

H aallh Offlt ba ramambe yaar slw syi IsetSanea ai and tk a t tiu (laaasa ran waa na rai raaradaaotoi tha w lo tir.

S tr ik in g IM oiidi

B trlkiag : faotad to ri lowing l i t mambara al aoolaUoa. I and ta Ik g ran tad all of tho unloi

Tho otrlki vrooka. waa «raaaa in w Imum wage haur worhli •arlad th a t aadlad a l i tb a union hi oao of tho t

C M. Bl ualoB, todo UMh tho ■BFar aa a agraamant

S i m n i t R O f D i

Oaarga J-Brtt, v a a ar lag In (ha Fi ahargod wil t o a while u ngwhaarr ton atyoola llaataaa VII Bat j ooa O HgRall. ant tlBoaao of 4 aokad for a whifh wM 1

llooehad T4 Hhwlkol ationioon. oM rg* mad

M rg. Pol

Mra. A. B high aehoo a fto rto o a a AMMOiallOB «0U0M(*d4

aadtida Oft 4 gdtUagoat t o t to M to

. A ton tom MipglU lB

Mtow dMMitortoi111

aft*^**■totar « to AbMial MtoK U ai aBtarthiaaa

FolMa iM

iblett Get move Ith tk* MbiHattebotnli

It te l MtUyk a i r i e r .M nl action, ttbr yurtfrina bo that wuch

w y

ty. flchMin'. vad from Lr. thout friyiDii, ■eta.;ovar«d tks • a n o t |c*c- flbeW wHt) ia4 th«

■It aia panly u d wilk obv« by their olh« r««T ttlfkl fr>r ;. lOc andtU;kdv«rttMia«nt

Cndcm iUmisa baidaa«> unpoca withMtrloUaartdI of CuUcurt

rtnto** th«hlnc and Irii- bail.


m '

m m

Mova Polaom ivar uMl

'!«■ (I r i | t Mi|te th« ytek- ro4r ehlia li Isr* ■aruiiM*iMUMCck, IU«r «tia ta trally

o( ckllt'a l«M a* atikaat l« r —I Irrup al VlM l a-

I f f l

n i u s B i

E iSkYM tA iasTwISiautiSUng,h t iW l i ' ‘

RHVN 1M HWn*b a th t f r p a a n tk ,^ you WtMt nlMIIt w a n c s M iv a n ^ V


Coal Deikn Undecided. As to Piice Application

N o In fo n n a tio n R ece iv ed a i (o

W h a t Sh ipm eoU Shall T ak e

N ew In c re a tc i .

Lighting ReitricUooi Easier

II*yon(l th* (skaram racvlriHl jr«at*r> by St«t« Fuel Adnitnistraiar Jenh-

IneoB »AfiounelBf an inrreeae ef 91.U a ton In ell etsee of dotneetic anthfaolte foal, not h in t hea been received ea ae Interpreiaiion of the new erdtr. Neither wholeeelc n >r retail deatera could iey thia m ornihf whether the Increeae would apply (o all coal eold elnee 7 A II on November 1 or whether U Would erply only \n roel shipped from the mines eince that data.

Further ennouncement was made to ­day that cerialn reeirlctlona on

IlfhtleM n l f b l i ' had been lifted, to become effective n e ii Monday. Novei*' bar 11 In this ita le and certain other# In the Eaai the order hae reference particularly to the Illumination of shop and flora wlndowa Theee may be lith ted hereafter. i>rovided (he atore la open for buelneae. When the etore la rJoeed, however, there must be no 11- lumlnedon of the wlndowa or etterlor. Heretofore It has not been permleetble *o lipbi wlndowa even If the atore wae bpeti for buelneae.

W riting to W'aahlngton to aee If the • t l r a rherge of eeventy five centi a ton allowed to dealers In ao-called “In- dependent'^ coal had yet been removed. Mr Jenklnson wee informed today thA the eatra rharge waa sUll allowed. f*revioua confcreuces In WaahIngion had reaulted In the annotincement some monthe ago that this differenllal would be taken off on fteptember 1

Tt was pointed out today that with Ihle eaira charge allowed Independent coal will not sell for | ! a ton more than "company'' mat sold for prior to the announcement yesterday of tha new pric* Inrreaset This 1e figured On tha bails of | l o& advance nn do* meatic anihraclts, nsventy-five cente cetra for Indepeodsnt coal and twenty renta additional allowed independent deelera for Jobbers' rommteilone

Ducuu Waste Reclamation And Americanization Plans

Waete reclamation end plans for the •pen mectJnK on " Amerlcanliatlon," previously announced by the civic de­partm ent of The t'ontemporary of New­ark . were under diacuialon yesterday at the fortnightly meettuf of the civic council. The open meeting will be In charge of the departmsnt chairman. Mm Robert Kuebler. and Mrs. M. R ^Vater•. the clubs reclamation chair­man. who Is aleo chairman for E teei County for the apecial committee of the H e r Industries Roerd

A letter from Dr C Ategg Whltln of the Induatnea board waa read by Mra ^Vitcr«. arknowledgihg receipt of a Hat of memtircrs for the proposed Council on Waste fierlaniatlon to be organised rti accordance with Inatructlona from pe board. Dr Whltln ilao etalad he jad telegraphed Mayor Gillen to call 4he Organisation meeting. The vital Im­portance of continuing el! activltlee Without reference to peace moves wae 'Vceentuated In K

The Hat of members of the council, gs filed a t Waahlngton by Mrs Waters, w ith the organlaallona represented, the Mayor being a member ex-offlcIo, la aa follows Thornes D Raymond, Council ftf Natlonel Defpinse; Henry P. Hlffere, American Federation of Labor. Mrs. o. W. Gehkn. Newark Red Oroae Chapter. Miis Grace M. O'Rourke, Catholic W ar Council. Mrs. Charles Hood. Jewish W elfare Committee. Carl Rannwart, Federal Board of Farm Organitatlona. Mra. E. Garfield Gifford, Mayor's Com» m lttee of V^amen of the Council of National Defenae; Judge Harry V. Oe- borne. National Committee on Prisons end ITlaon Reform. Jamea M, Reilly. Board of Trade. Major David iHltt, ftal- vetlon Army. Mrs. L. H- Robblne and Mrs. Kuebler, with litre. Waters. The Contemporary of Newark: Mrs. Theo­dore E. Keyden, T. W. C. A.

Influenza Here Again Recede*; Pneumonia Increase Explained

B*T«nt)r-nY,n n*w n i . t sf In fln tn u v»r« r«pert*d In N *vtrk In th* PMt lw*at**foar hoar*. ThI* la onlr ■ tow Mor* than ha lt th* nambor of caiot ro- •o rtod roo lordbr Tko pnaumonla raioa raportod todar. howovor. w tr , forty In nambor. In ptaeo of Iho f1ft*«n raportod Toattrdar. Influonia d tn th i docroiood from fUtooD to tU , but tharo woro throo moro pnoumonla dootha raportod today than yoatarday'a numbor, which

_wit 11*0.CooiiBOnttBi on tho day'i flaaroo.

Hoalth Otfloor C ru io r atid that It muit bo romomborod that th it oonoob of tka yaar alw ayi It markad by a rloo In tho laotdoneo and daaih ra ta of pnainnonla. and th a t tha altaatlon In ralatlon to In- flaanaa ronaload anoearaglni. Thoro waa na raaaon to atpoet. h i aald. a raorndoaotne* of tha apldamlo darlnc tha wiBtor.

4 - ' • -. • I ' V

• • >/f

^ ( ' •

Grittent(Mi Mission Has Its First Tag Day Here

Worker* on Street* Making Effort to Rai*e $2,000 for Support

of Newark Home.

Grammar School Relay Won by Robert Treat

Israel Zeckhausen Is First to Flash Across the Rnish Lane at the

City Hall.

National Head Talks for Cause Winner* Lead All the Way

Strikiaf Tkiion May Return Monday on Employers' Offer

B trlk la t ]eam ayiaaa lallori ara a i- faetod to ra tu rn to work Uonday. fol* lowUif aattlamant tarma effarod by mambora of I ha Uarchanl Tallero' Aa- ■oolatloa. In lallara to Ihoir oinpleyaoa and to Iho Mayor, tha marehnnti m n to d alt domandi axcapi racoanlllon of tho onion.

Tho atrlha. whloh h ia lu to d for tigh t w aaka waa for a iwonty por can t ta- craoaa in w naai for ploeo work, a m la. I m a i w a t t of | t t a waak and a nlno- haur w drklna day. Tha m arehanlt a i . oartad th a t tha airlha eovtd ha*a boaa oaStlod a t any lima If roooenllloa of ilw oaion had not baan Inilatad upon aa OBO of tho torm a

C. M. Boinndof, arcaniM r of She ■aioB, today oald that h it aid* lookoa UMa tho ratrohanta' ItU art to tho IniTor aa a bettor propoaltlon that aa a«raam oat with tho ublaa. t

I *---------------Summit Resident Is Accused

Of Driving Auto While DrunkOoorao X. Nawaaan, a roMdont o f la w .

■rtt, waa airalgnod boforo Jad f* U n it ' 1«T In tha P lr t t Criminal Court.yaitardar o tw ro d with haTtna drivan an aatomo. ktta whlto undar tho Influsnea of tlsaor. Ha w aa arraalod a t Baak aad Waihtng> ton atrooio tato Thuraday n lfb tlir* Po- llaaiaaa Villa. Ho w aaU k o a to fa ito t ■at j aaa chtoka. a oaai a ia e i# Caataia

and proealnwof an d tr tho ta- rieoiiM of drlak. CobbooI fa r Mowaiaa aakod for an adjooraaioni of oao wook. arklch WM craatod.

Boaehod h r taiophOM k V k S r s Maorthorao alaeo, a a w k U a V d a m ir a fttrao o " . Ifr. MowMu 4tnlf«--fip i

qaado h r tha aolM .

_■ A ? i. .voihofC # ir isie * e .■ehitokh , i l ■ •itw^aM et’t a . -

.a s O M M U itr S a w t a e M ^' 'tM iiiilM i f n a i iaaar> so h aeU /la

'■ 'S to !s5 ra. sb ■WSISeNBB w v

----------- ---

Meeting with a g^ncrsui response from ths public, (be local branch of thf aSatlonal Florence Crltlsnion Mission Is conducting today Its first "lag day ' ever hel4 In this vldally and vlU 'coa- tinue Ita efforts during the evening hours to raise 11.000. all of which wU« be ueed directly for the support of ihs Newark home a( I t l Ml E'leaeant eve- nua

Aaslailng the 'iag g e rs ' la Dr. Kste W aller Barretl« preetdent of the ne« ilenai erganisatlM a who !■ giving keerles of ta lk s In this vicinity on (he mleelon'e work- Headquarters for (he day and evening have been eiiablljhefJ i t 170 Broad atreet and at noon ail workera were served wlih luncheon at oh« ef the cafeterias near limad and Market streets.

These diracting the cjllrcllori from the |ieadquartera include Mrs Joseph F. Folsom, Mrs. Cherlfi n Condlt, Mrs. a. E. Caldwell. Mrs. Willleru L Butcher, Mrs M yron W Morse, Mrs \ti|t1ism tl Florence, Mies E A MrLeod and Mre H A. TrSerte, chairmen of I he house . committee of the local home Mr». | Treene and Mra. John F Winchester are also donetlng (he use of (heir tars for aatcnslv# work throughout the 'iiy . ^

Women and girls from the local churches and women's organlsutlons re- i ■ponded to (he cell for isg ieia and were Instructed Id the work at a sps' | clal m eeting held yssterdny a'lcrnoon Id the headquarters |

Asftletlng as captains who are direct­ing (be work of the collecting are Mra Howard Vanderpool, national eatension secretary for the mlaelon. Mrs Albert 8 Pheppard. Mrs F A ftchmurker, president of the local board, Mrs. Krenk Holt, Mre Mae Aiumpp, super- m tendenl of the Newark home. Mrs E tV btenaback and othera

Mrs Htumpp, who 1e a fraduate nf the National Training Floran<e rr lt- tenton Misalon gchool at Waahingtnn. wilt apeak Tueegay tn Intereet of the local work at Centanary Methodist episcopal i ’hurch end ou Wednesday e( the Forest Hill Presbyterian t'hurch

t>r B arrett yeatsrdiy addreaeed tha eighteenth annual msattng of the New Jersey Congrese of Mothers anrl Par­ents' Aeaoclatlon at the Utate Nor­mal School, Trenton Rhe will apeak tomorrow morning at the Ellasbeth Preebytertaa Church and at night at tha Calvary Preabytarlan Church.

A special mseting has bden called a t the home In Mt. Pltasant evenue for Monday afternoon, which all members of (he board ere requested tn attend.

Additional Information concerning the work of the mteslon or the course of addreeeei being glvin by Dr, Barrett may be had by telephone from Mra. VanderpoPi Of t i l Lincoln gveilne.

No Announcement Made Yet Of Next Launching at Port

Bl* abip i ara ntarlna canplallen on tha waya a l tha Port Kawark yarda of tha BubBU-rttia Beat Corporation, but a t yat no announoamant hat baan mada of tha naxl launehlna. althouth It h i i baan naarly a monlh ilnca lha loat caramon y.

Ii waa raltaratod by VIca Proaldant Sutphon tcHlay that lha ration (or th^ dalty v n i tha datarmlnatlon to id . vanea th* parcanttaa of eomplatlon on tn* way* and finlah op*r»tloni which lv*r*tof*r* h*v* baan dona on lha elhar ship* a t Ih* riiiinc-out dock Undar thl* plan It I* probabl* that mor* lhan thraa vaaaala. the maximum numbar aant down th* way* In an* day. will ha

nt lha aam* tim* for lhair Initial plung* Into Nawark Bay. but Mr Pul- phan could not "ay how many would b* Inunehad on ih* naxl occaalon.

Tb* laat launchinf *1 th# Bubmxrln* plant took pl*c* Ootobar It. whan Ih* AllUa and Conaorl war* **nt ovarboard In Ih* praaano* of Chairman Hurlay of lha Bblpplng Board. Oanarat llanagar Behwah a f th* Bmarcancy n*«l Coiv poratlon and a numbar of rlallora frmn W aahlngton and Naw York.

Th* Fadaral Bhlphulldlnf Company will ha*a It* naxl launchint al lha K aam y yaHto about Ko**mb*r Id. Tb* ■hip will b* namad Tb* Lamb*, aftor tba ihaatrloal organlsatlaa. which win hav* abarga of tb* aaramonlaa Tb* naxt and last launchlnB at th* Xaxrny p lant of th* roandatlen Company will tak a plao* batwaan th* middi* of th* month and Thankacluiny.

Gas Mask Days to Be Observed Soon to C(4tect Needed Material

Gae Mask Days are to he obsarved w ithin the n e tt few weeka Proclama- tlona by varloue tovaraers will set the tim e for reepense bp the epeple to the call of the American lUd Croat for nut •hetla and fru it pits which ers wanted In quantities. The material will be ootlaotad an lha day# apacffled In thepraclamatlone.

Autemabllas. dellvary wagons and trneka a ra ashed bp tha Red Croas for uaa on aiicb daya tn callscting. Only Rad Crgaa offlolati will maks tba ship- manta* and yie m atarlalt not listed will ba tpoludad*

D atalli fbr tha drtaa ara now baJng acrsadied, and amphaMa la laid on the (get th a t hickory nuta. walnuts and bo ttom uta a ra tnoaa iaalrad a t (hit tima, ^ e Goa Dafsnie IMrlslon, through tba Rad Crostf announced to- ggy th a t It bag iftanlp of ooeoanat ahalla and th a t a preoadura to aoUaot tbaaa will apaat an nrranaramant which It haataken montha to efiMt. Tha ma- taH ala of tha nuts atatad ara partleu- laflp wanted to provide carbon for gas BMaha.

Israel Zsi khaueen ef (he Robert Treat Rrhool th is morning flashed across (ha line a latnnar In tha grammsr school relay race, held under ths dirscilon of W aller E, (thnn of the physical sduca- tion det>artmeni pf ihs Newark public echouJa The entry list of more thsn loe Includrd representatives from a l­most every grammar school in ths city

t'en ira l K<-hool got second plsi-e, Avon third. W'est Knd fourlh and Burnt! Dfth W ith the asceptlon of the win­ner. most €>( (he other lade finished In close order

The s tsri nf the race was st the en­trance nf Wce<)iishir. f*srk and iht fin­ishing Mne ai. ihe cHy hell, where lev* eral hundred hoolboys lined (he eteps Zeckhausen e time, unofficial. <sae lu minutes r :jt |i kbse u le&m relay race, each (>o> running ahnut yards

Hohen Treei s Im*>r got off lo a fly­ing etart. ami licfore ths race had progressed vrr> far lhal •<hooi had a conimandlnig leact of slmut yard*flobert Treet msiiageil to retain that m argin of edvaniage alt 'he way In. and Zeckheueett breasted the lap# (ar In advance of the secoivd man.

HMney l^eaer, coach al Robert Treat, la an old Thirteenth Avenue Rchnol ath- let# The msmhers of the winning team nnrl (b« ord«<r |n Mrhli'h they ran are i'harJe# HUbereteln. Gsorgs Wliilere. George Tryhalua, Nat Kaufman. Ns- pfilton Moltgrimn, Joseph tJreetiiieln. Morris laelbermsn. Herbert Kirg. Js- ■ Ineky l>l r'Icn, Fred ITeana. Wllklem lloeeaitt, Dan Gorsky. Kieln. Harry Hmlth. John Flnnlgan and 7^khausea.

Food Board Modifies Penalties Recently Imposed on Bakers

Mod tfiratlont in penalties Imposed Thursday on twenty Malian bakers of this city end ftnes mated out yeeterday tn fi.ri) f so other Italian bakers by the fn»d admInlatrstton will rsiult In sliable rnriTrlhullODS to the Ttallan Rad Crosa irieieed of ths bsken being obliged to <lose (belt establlshmenig for violaiihg ih« food regulations.

It wae ruled Thursday that lha twenty hekere would have to rioea their pUcee of business for otie week, sta rtin g next Wednesday. As for the fofty .five bakers who appeared yssttr- day. It waa decided to give them (ha option of cohTrlbutlitg lo tha iteiigu Eeu Cross In lieu of cloalng orders and to extend the seme prlvllsge to the first delegation. All availed themeslves of the chance

( 'losing all of them. It was felt, would aerlouely affect a large part of (ho Ttallan population of the rit) who de­pended on these bakers for suppllts An eddreea to (he bakers on Ihs rules and regulatlona. prepared by John W. Pal­mer of the enforcement division, was read and trah ila lcd (o them by C. 0 . H. Langlent.

Announcement was made today ihel laadore Levene, a grocer of IH Bram- hall avenue. Jersey City, had been or­dered to cloee for one week beginning November 12 al midnight for violating the auger regulations

Gives Time for Move to IikIikIc Clarke Estate as Kent Asset

C radllftfi of th* dafunct K*ni Molora Corporation of BallaTlIU war* illowad Iwanly d a r t by Unllad S la ttt Dlitrlct Judgo H alfh t thl* mornlni to baflti EOtlon th ro u tb Ih# trualr* In bank* ru p tcr to h*va Inaludrd amoni tb* l a o l ■■**1* of Ih* conrarn lha flhort Hill* Ml*!* of Mra, Uah*lla D. Clurka. whoaa huaband, S'radrrlrk H. ('lark*! waa It* pr**ld*nl If aetlon li no) than baaun. Ih* court tald. a raiirainlnc order laauod In Jun*. HIT. pravantint dlapooal of lh< property, will va- catad.

Thl* da.'laloit war raarhad after ir - ■Umant on * motion by rounocl for Mr*. Clark* that Ih* reetralni b* rr- moved David Bobkor, altornay for Truato* l« u l* O. Baekmin. tav* **■ ■uranr* t1i*l actlati would be at*rt*d within th* pr**crlb*d flmr.

P urin a Ih* enure* of th* *r«um*nt Mr Bobkar *1*1*4 that arfumant w*i h*d Ihr** weak* *«o tn Phllidalphl* bafor* tha Unlird Btataa Circuit Court of Appeal* fronvth* convlrtlon of Pr*d- arlck II. Clark* and hi* father. Pr Henry F f 'larkr. a* traoaurar of tli* Kant M olori Corporation, and Food- arlek J. Natal, a New York prontoiar, for uaing the malla to dafraud In con. nactlon with lalaa of th* motor com­pany otork. Fradarirk H. Clark* I* under aenlanr* of Ihr** yaare In At­lan ta p«itlt*ntl*ry and tl.Idd fin*, hi* f*th*r of 11,100 fin* and F*i*| of ■ y*»r and a d*y In AtUnt*, Impnied In D*c*inb*r, ItIT.

■toM« i la Kaaray. ■*atd*d M th* faof and amt* ky

VBtor f r a n a hollar dt iw lft a Co '* In K *arn r today Edward Pr*al*r, |« m iF ,tl ir* * y ta r i old. of 1ST Houth B ialitM >t1i.atr*«l.-tklt elty, wae taken t i B ta S a l SUntarlal Roaptui. K* w** wathlBB ■fM'aa th* h*ll*r whan w«t*r

~W (ro ta a eh««k valv* *tr**n)*d. . . . r. .

" 'InwSW <WSr*aMM*a Htaaliaa.' ' “ *. Wayn*

itod In th* Klatb ^ Mlaahan of

In th* tarn* %. totoaram of

:Appropnation Is Made For Road Improvement

Ordoance DcparUnetit Graals Re­quest for $21,000 to Repair Road Below Perth Amboy.

Will Be Part of State System

Arrengem ^nis for on# of the meet tm poriani roeg Iniprevemsnti (hat have he»n made in New Jersey since the e4-> vent of ihe auloiBoblle were consum- m stsd Ihle w<bsk, whsn, gl ths bsheel of the higbwgye transport rommittee of New Jersey, compoisd largely at Mo­tor Truck ( lub of Nsw Jersey members, ths War Department, through ihe Ord- nanre Dsparrht>ent, grantSr] an appro­priation of $21,000 (n build a new road from the aoulharn end of the bridge conneciing Perth Amboy and bouth Amboy (u Bordsniowu svantie In the U ller piece The road la to be built es a war measure, as II !■ ebeoluiely nereeeary In order lo continue the mo Utr iru t'k tng of supplies end finished diiHirrIel Ibis winter to Mid from the goterhm eitt loe<lliig plants Si Morgan •tatlofi.

Tha road rovers s distant# of two miles and when It Is repaired will com­plete e efralghl etriich of hard pave- ilisnt from Newark to th# short local- iilea £tt Red Hank. Long Branch and Aebury PerM This Slralck, Which wag of gca%'el roiisiructIon. and about th# wore! place of thoroughfars in the ■tale, has (>eert a missing link in New Jersey 's good n»gde It will bring shout ths elimlnailoin of the notortoui ''hole Itl the w sH '^ a tutinM under (he J^en ni V u s mIh Ftnilroad St the entrance to Hnuih AmiIhi> ths private right ©f way of th# Papnsy Ivanla. running per- alDI. being ariopted for ihe n»w route Instead of the old hele road

Tem perery Be«d fee W later.Ths new conetrgrtlon will be tem­

porary for the winter snd will conelel of s bed of trap rc»k with a tar hinder for the e\4rfac» It la i« be completed bef'»rs Derenihsr I. to have |I duwii be­fore the snow a come Then, as part of Ihs agreem ent by which the War !>♦“ pertm enl makee the lemporary Im- pro\em snl. the New Jersey fttats High­way I'omnvlsilod has agreed to lake U tt\*r and make H part of thf itals road ivetem and build a permanent road neit summer

Th# improvement on this sireich of road baa been held up for years bs- reue# of a dleggreemenl between th* rltv of South Amhoj and ih* r«iinev1 -sn ia Railroad The latier wanUd rh- ■hole in the wbll* mad abandoned but this Houth Amboy rieflloerl l*> do As ronaequenoe. The PiTinsylvanla refused io deed Ha strip to MIddleaea « ounly. In which Boulh Amboy la located With the government taking over Ihe rail- roads and Ms dealgnation of thl# roed improvement ■■ a war nacsieiti. the rtbjertlona of both Houlh Amboy end the railroad were overrom#

Tw atwrS w evb mt (>•#».The plana for this new road w #re

worked out el a meeting of ih* Jersey H ig h a s)a Tranaport iomm lt- lee arm y orflt'lal# »nd officials of the munlcIpalHie# of Derth Amboy, two week* ago The auggeetlm, for i he road aa adopted was made by T J Waaeer. Hudson rounty engineer and engineer of ths New Jersey lomrnltte# These Ih# comnMlt## approved anJ d«algnated a apsriel commliie* to vlsH W ashington laat rtalurds) There a conference was h#ld with War Depart­ment officials and members of ths na­tional highways transport committee, which brought their approval and the appropriation from th# War I>epart» ment Frlority orders for Ih# material ha\e been secured and ih# work will be sta rted next week, under govern­ment cen trari

An Indication of Ih# ImporUnce of the road is #hown b> a count mads thsre November 1. wh#ii TH irucks p^e**d over H from $ 30 A M In K JO P M . during Ihe same tim# I l*i pae- senger cars passed over H At the Gillespie Loading t'nmpany plant, two motor tru ck s era loaded every minute of ihg dkF for pas si f t over the road.

T h i committee of Jerseymen who went to Washington on the project was composed of David Harper, chair­man of the commlltse; Mr. Waster. C kartei T Kavanagh. Chsriea Milhauar and Alfred D. Way J r . Secretary of the highways transport cornmlltte Mayor A. T. K err of Routh Ambo>, Edward E Read a e s li t tn t anglnesr, AlvinFox, Middlesex County engineer and Clarence Halghl, MlddUaes t'oumy freeholder

'ThcAter Tranifer It RntrtinedUn1t«I titalaa VlalHet Ju 4 « Hataht

Ih li m orn tiit Itauftri a t*tnpar*ry r*. ■training ardar p rav ta tin t «*I* or 41a- p o u l or lw» thaa tan . an* In R*d Bank and on* In llahw ty. whieh, It wa* a1> lafad. had r*c*ntlY h**« t r a n t f t r r ^ by th* D*n Ca**r C*mp*np of N*w York to Mlcha*! MclUnuo, It* t* •••ap* a ludfManl.

AM ileatton n r th* erdar » ta mad* bY IMvId Hobhar In M a t r a( F. Dud- lap I t o v a r t »f Braohlpn, whe H waa •aid. had abtatnad ]ud(in*nt r tc ta llr BfaltMt tlM Ca**Y coinpaar ta a Ndw York c « « n for fd.dH. On th* aaiu* day. Kr. Babkar laid th* tourt, ttan t- tor itt th* p rap arir wa* mad*.

Hold Biak***law*at Cham*.Joi«ph Btap* of I t Buffington ■▼*•

nvp, irtrington. wko wa« arnatod W adn*ad«r on • charat af M a m tln f to hto own u*o Idto.dl b«lonflng to hi* om ptorora th a 1, T. Ca«tlM bo Craaan C om paar a f l l Lerotta otrtot, that town, d u r ia t tho loot two yoaro. waa hatd la*t nlKhl In | t l« hall to await th* aetlon of lb* grand Jarjr, h r R*oor4*r T urton -hi Ik* irolngtoa pOlM* e*grt.

H*l4gn|MotoMC|«i««,' /A man whg fa«* hi* gam* aa Zaha

B. W ayntoalh. tWMUg-gaWR Ttaoi ^ and *ai4 b d llv a d at lU Baal IC ina^ ■tr**t. thia « ttA waa MM wHbautihalt thl* morniaar bp B*«ard«f,Xaal la 4ha M onictatr Valle* C*grt to await iha action of tb* v raM }ai?, Ma plaad*4 g o lltr to a a gH aelraa a aavan-ftartold f in . H ar abadltiaa I t mat atolwia,, 'Ha waa a rrea to f r**tordap aftffttoaa.



B O P F Slr*e«hia.<

i r . ifa tvM A

■ 1 ■

- 4 M b : ■

T w o W a rn in g S ig n tli Are F o ile d A l D a n g e ro u i Bloom field C orner

Two now dangor altn* war* poatad y*«t*T<lay *ft*rnoon by a*crel*ry Th»o- dor* T Maxfitid, **rratary of Ih* Naw Jayaay Automobll* and Molar Club, at tha c-ornar of UapI* *ad Broad iiraai, Bloomflald Mvaral nooly colllaloni hav# occurred a t th li curnar durln* tha p*at thro* montha. lha mofl rictn l of Which wa* * rr**h batWaon • I'atarion aulomobll* but and a hakary wagon. A ltar erec linc th* *l|n> In Bl»amfl*ld. Mr. Maxfield want nn lo I'aiaraon, wb*r* aeveral more warnlnga war* poaltd. * « t' T h irty n*w mtmhari war* enrollod In th* Automobllo and Motor Club a t a tnoatlng of tho mrmbarablp committaa h«ld tbia waak.

Seek Relief from $23,000 Levy On Land at 366 Broad Street

Baoklna ra llrf from an lairaamrnt of Itl.dda on th* land al M,* Broad alrtal on th* pl»* that lha oropariv li now llalod for a*l* at II.OOO laai than lha vglu* pul upon It by tba rtty la , coni- m liatonara. Danlal Cmiiiiball «ppa«r«rt b*f*r* lb# County Board of Taxailon yoaiardgy to rrprotant thi Fidallty T ruat Company.

Tb* place of proparty in quail Ion hid * *m*tl bulldina on 11 whkh w n torn down aomo month* x o . and now brinp* la no rovonu*. tt n part of ih* *it*t* ef tho U lo William Walttr Tbalp*. *t OB* Urn* L'nltad e u i i i banitor from Haw Jaraay and Amarlcan Ambatiadar to Q*ryn»ny. Th* FIdillty Trust Com* pony la oaont for th i citai*. Th* d ty eemnila*lon*ra aoiartad that Ih* dapth of ih* plot, l i t toil, wai 1arg*Iy ra- •ponalbl* for th d r valaallon flgara Th* appaal wa* t*k*n undar cohildara- tlon.

ttoarg* E H*ll*r of th* firm of H*l> )gr Brother* appaerad lo proiaat a*aln*t aa aa*«**m*nl of It.idd on ihi p*r*an*l properly a t hi* ranldinr*. ]9 Ablnoton avanu*. covering furnllura, ruga. fur*, towalry and o ther panonal affarii *nd M t*nr« In bank at Ih* ritli of taxation. May to. Mr. Hrllar clalmad ihal tha value of Ik*** food* in hli poiaaitlon a t th* tim* did not *mounf to ff.OOO. tto wa* r*qu**l*d to iiibmlf ■ aworn |tomla*d *lat*m*nt to th* rommli- alonara

F o a r ll*ioc1*t* Fined It*.Chargad with vislatliix ih* traffic

w d |n a a » , four moiorlata. lAiWrenc* Nak* ^ l i t Academy itr**i. John q b ah lan of ttT Keuth EItvanth atroot, aad Charloa Bmlth of loi Mulborry ■traat, thl* rtty, and Waliar Z*ia* of t t a O arilandt «lr*«t. Hallavlll*, w ti* arra lahod bafor* Juinc* Branagan tn t U H arrlaen Potlc* Court today and Hmad l i oarh. Th* llnat ware paid. Tk* aatam obltlate wari arrial*d by Po-

flaadiaa gnllly to *. chara* of hav- m » ‘a>iial a4 hi* ■utoMobii* twenty* 4afa> M lM an hoar y**l*rd*r la Mala atrwdk n i t Drang*. B*n Cab** at *1

/« # » * • avtnilo,Jhli *Hy, waa QfiM | | i W S«fi*ra*r Mott tkia awra- M u tk i S |fit Oiiiift ryliot Coart. qSwn M am tto i^by HoUtopai* ralia«eaii SSuwifc- yv.

ia.>rt«tia.‘'^;I Bf' BiB*

la j*( Intlawipf, I f m t

ipVw lfvtifl*a.4ar« aa4-



$ 2 , 0 0 0ALL DAY EVERY HAY

S bvc Money by UUng

FULTON I'/^TONU mbc mUontl con>uratioiH ara doing It:

S tandird Oil U. S. DefeneeOoco-Coli John W u nm akerAinarlean Bitumaiitie Texta OilJ. S a t r h Coil Co. Wm. F u ra ll & Sob

and over 300 other tlncB o f bwliMBa

FULTON TRUCK CO. OF N. J.Siki nd SeYtet— 124-126 WhNb0ii Si., Nmrk, N. J.

• PHONE MARKET 3MWr Arc Hto Oaly EicliMivo Aatbarlxfd A(*al* far Pultoa Truck*

1* Thl* Trirltoty.Broadwtjr Gtiug*. Jarkaan-SkofMd Co,

Troatoa, N. J. ratrraon, N. J.

P ro te c t Y ourself Against Influenza

l>9 you kno*' ih*l-Ncw«rk h*i b<«n In ihc trip of one of Iho mo«t acrioui epidemic* ever known r

Do vou r t il l ie ih ii li'i Ihe duty of every one lo avoid con|c*tion, whether II be in ir*vtllnt to butlne** In overcrowded conveyance* or in public place* in t*i<er*l?

If you value your htallh, «nd If you w*m to ride In comfort liwtetd of hanginf on i *ir*p, «i the tame time conterving lime and aaving tho additional Irolley expenie, It it our luggetlion ihat you altend thl*

TREMENDOUS SALE OF USED CARSFOKDS, 1914, 1917, 1919—Runtboula, louring car* and buainea*

car*, with demounlable rimi *nd other equipmentFORD SEDAN Self *tirter, fully equippedDav is . 191T—Like new; |u*t repeinied and mechanically perfectMAXWELL. 1917.DORT, 1918.DODLE, 1917, and other*, in cxcelleni *hapc. *i price* which you

can afford and which cannot be duplicated elaewhere.Thcae cara will be worth much more money next aprlng than the

price* we aak today.WE ALSO HAVE A FEW USED


McAilister-Carton-Stulz Corp.1003 Broad Street, Newark


Our Repair Department has been reorftanized and is now equipped to render complete service on the above cars.

With peace declared and the boys coming home you can help relieve the transportation problem by putting your car in proper condition for anofher year's use.

Fourteen years' experience is your assurance of satisfactory work.

Send in your car now before the real rush begins.

THE GREENE MOTOR CAR CO.9 0 W ashington S tree t

Nowtrk, N. J.


TOURING AND LIMOUSINE OARSAlao Good Lina nf Olova* and Gauntlata


268 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J.


b o N n e l l m o t o r c a r c o m p a n y

SOaBT S a a aa a A«*., 2 S laelia Abe** H ib Ii S t , N aw afk


Can an Old Bittery be Repaired?

That ^ ap mn d t!—am hoar a U It la—WB how w all reiiVa a ab namramtU—ton how aaon you tot tha

WiUmd axpart locat* tha tnoiblo and «*m ct th* ‘ faulL

Nebody can repair a battery until h* And* th* troubla, an€ nobody can correct a M f rauK a i caally a* he can a Uttia on*.

If you auopect any N ttia bat­tery iToubto* m ' d bettor driva ■round and le t Ua 6nd tham.Aak for th* booklat “ A U ark with a Moaning for You."

Starter yatterySeiYicellt.240 Central Ave. *

Newirk, N. J.Elizabeth Braach

irnion and Morria Avea.Jersey City Braneb

2381 Boulevard

" . I

PowerTo make that motorwhiri

When you put your f4ot en tba aiarter—{tower li what'a wantad. Put a Columbia Storage Battery !■ your car and you can pree* tha M * ton with the feeling Ihel thara'a going to be tomething doing— Qnick.


The Cotum bli i* a powerful hal* tery. Ii will a itnd operiiing coitil* tione thel wreck other*. It* ptalai


pf haioaonal een- atrurllon. I l k a * hon*y<v>inh. *r* aalf- rrtoforcinx. and balk •Itoinfl buckllna,

But w* dan t

ESSEXStorage Batteryft SoppljCm*

272 Halsey StreetBranch: ZSS ('antral A**naa


poi't you lo *bu*4 folumM* lu ll ba* raua* It If an *xo*n- tlonallv xnod bat- I lory, W* ainart *•■ lo lot u* halo yon k**D 1i tn Al oondt* lion *11 th* Urn*.

Cord Tires ^%nd

Fabric TiresMade to Look Like New by

Our Retreading ProcewDon't throw your worn Cord * f '

Fabric Tire* away uniil you have iB- vestigated our claim* concerning their repair. The life of your old tire* can be incrca»ed at Icaat 2,000 mile* If you will permit u* to retread them aad *uch lire* will have ■ brand new ap­pearance.

Don't be satisfied with 7.000 milt* if you can gel U),0(Kl mile* for * sm atl| invetiment.

Call and Inspect some nr the wort done In niir modern repair shop and'' you'll agree with ui.

Newark Rubber Tire Co.2B6 HaLsey S t, Newark, N. J.*

Telephone 4689 Market \t

•I'' ■ ,;f


ew ateid


S«4ve 25 to 45%BTAMDANO MAHRB

TIRES AND ItlBES •sautaitt

2 1 8 H b la sy S trov tPHONg aiKT. tz a *

B O a O B O d G . O a O B O B O B O

MUSICALF irs t Baptist Church

■.bar iiKiNiiR. *-'*Hawthorn* Avenue and ilaln-Blrool

W bcL . N ow. 1 3 . S i t B P . A lWaa. Itoaar i **■ htidor. oeaaa.

800. Aaiio Haoar, kotolaj,” Howry Jordaa Jr-tJa llo . «

H t. Alboet T . Dario. Boadoov Froo. iWloelloB.



■ --------

5 E W A ^ E m i N O K XW B. ^ • W — . v J r■'Wk* C . W

« D n h i )(CML

, M. «.

IM « • e w i J "

IM » 4 BK » T » ijito m n n «•«*«•»* •■ r***^ t i IMVHk *pr -I* rntm •

£ S H i m . “ H : : S ! S 5 . 2u I* rawWlMtlW

WOVXWBBR . . t i l l .

^>e«king forThemielves.l a tk « dMDMMtnttaai w hkk kar* ■M«a4

Ik k a O a l p n t t r w«U ov«r <l«nkaar> tk« • •■ M il FMPl* a n tpaaktaff for tkaia aalroa.

M m o Mai*i naltnatloo a k i - | to PtoM m i Wllam’f ta a k lrr pa to ViMM k« waa apoaklat tor. Tka ■octal Dom> a— ta kavo npu«toto4 kla elalM to bo cpoak- ta« fo r tk* Ocrmaa H«Pto aa4 kta p ro u a - • • • tk a t fbo O om aa Oovoramaat ka< kooa kronght uBOcr popalar eoatroL

n o Kaloor, rofuilBf tbo ■odalU t^ ao- M aaa tk a t ho abdleatf. eoaftm o tho cpo-i t l -------- c< Maa‘1 n p i r Ho lacMa, accord-• f t o tho nporta, apoa rotalalna oonm aad , M tk a grouad that ha «t)l not “ondortako Ifea tom M a naponalMUtr of k a ad ln t ooor • a r w a a r to iba Sataata and doltoartac op HM aaw rtiT ta aatrohr." Tka daM aad U M P ad lo hava coma from tka ma>ocltr p a r- Mat a ( tk a Raiabouw. «kl«b Max trtod to MBka ■■ kdHava ware ta oaatrol of tk a am - p M fk a fla tra

n a an aM tea d itag itaa kaartag cradaa- Mali t n f t tka Ckaaaallor and tk a O or« ia» ■ g k Cammaad. ka ta n p a r ta d /b o o h to •e k d g e a n o n a t apa, «bara lha Xalaar w atta l a IB am laa lha am lalloa tarm a M ao a iM ta Vdparaarta ^bU akaa a praeW nattaa fraaa t t a • N ia l Pam oetaUc Partp wkleb ealla « •■ ■ t a n tkaaa «ka> Ikravgh aMrioo pM- MMm akkaad tkla eg laaitt/ U op«n ap o a o a r

"fgaptcii’’ l a PMiga thatr paplk and daolaraa • M l a n ■•aaaM rr maaaaraa a ra katag la k a a I k Ik a t aa4 withaMi aaoapUag a « r paaaas • a M atta r haw kighlir plaoad.

• k r iv tk la waak tka Oarauia Q aaaram aat •■ aad • maaUaalai la wklak it aoM:

n a aaw gaaaram iat la made a p ofa u tlo a i of tka a ja io rttr partloa

f in k a ltm la f lu aamplata ad ap tiaa ad tka ■lata-aaa plam aad tka tak lag o w a f tka g o ra rM a n t lak will aaalat m atarU llp In m aklag tkla traaalonnatloa moaa a Mocaan b r fam lnhlnf amplonnont (or aoaoa of tho Inmalaa who might othararlaa bo In IdUnaao for a tlHM.

Tka noluUon af aararal o ther problam a will ba auM ad b r tho eorrylng out of tho oonlraet, provldad II worba auocaaafuHir. and will command tka aitanaJon of tho plan In o thar olatM. I t will giva Now Ja rao r morn nw anna fr« « the InmalM omployod w ithout placing an -nndua biirdao on tka Fadarmi Cloowmmant, far tha labor wUI ba w orth tka ra ta of wagaa roealvad. Tha am ploym ant of lh a prlaonara will rallava to an antant tha labor chortaga. ralaaaing fraa m an naadad now for akoa repair work ao th a t they can an U r olhat llnaa w han Ihatr aarvtaaa will ba of larger baoafit Furtho im ora, lha aalvaga of ahoaa artil ba haatanad. w hich la Importanl, and lha oullay o( lh a a rm y fo r BOW malartal Will ba laaaonad.

H th a Ratahalag. n a .mllllanr ad m la- lltosttM i !■§ bvMi plwsil • H f l tp w tka Impartnl n u n c a lU r .M th a t Oma Max wba laa tad aa aagteg

k araafta r ba would ibal aalUd npoa U U arkm iirar ha UUad U eoNunaad tk a ta r t a t a gavaramant m ajorttr. H a kaa

Come to Stay.Tha aiparimant of employing wom an

achool taaehara aa alaeilon orfleara, aa wall aa th a t of grouplBg polling pUeaa In aokool butldlngi wharavar pracUeabU. w orked onl vary mttafaetorlly In TuaadaFa alaeUon. n o moat algniricant aaqoal lo tka rao rgan lm tla* of tk a dlalHel boarda. parhapa. waa tka fact th a t tha faallota wara votad and countad without coafhtlon and tha ra tu rna fllad In gulekar lima than In any o thar raoant yanr.

And In Iba racatvlng of tha veta, aeoord- Ing la ganaral raport, t h a n wraa no M otion o r mlaundaraiandtng. Tka woman aaUm- IMIod thair dutlaa with na tpaelal tn u b la and It It lha taatlmony of tha m an o ffU a n of wldor axparlanea that tka voting thU yanr prooaadad at laaal ni amaelhly and aa Intal- llgantty aa haratafon.

DUftcuhtaa w an aiparlanoad b a n and t h a n during tha aarly parloda of raglUra. Uo« and occajianat mW ahat occurrad a t th a prtm artaa Thay w an of a trifling ehnraotar, howam r, daa ta graannaat on th a p a r t of aoma af tha alactlon efficaro—and naa an tlra ly conflnad ta tha woman ofnelnlo—o r to oonfMlon n tu ltlng fn m th a Innovbtlan of having many polling plaoM looatad outaMa th a dlttrleta thay raapactivaly n p raaan tad . Tkaaa inaldanta. It la Uatad, w a n dua lo tka fa u lt of lha votan aa traauantly aa o f th a a flM ala

Tha widar uat of tho aehool hundfSga aa polUhg plaoaa may ba oonMdarad aa having baan raUflad by a lueoamtul tria l. Tha Couaty Board of ElactloM la an tttlad to m uch of tha eradit tor Iba tev arab U raaulU to bath axparimanta Tha hoard waa anu- tloua In tha aalaetlon of new dlatrtet o ff lea n and dlicrImlaaUat la tha looaUhg of th a vating plaoaa Wa may loah fg r fu r th e r da- valopm tat a t the taachar-oftloari th e aehool voting plaeo haa Mma to Way.

■etteegnpe a n r , m o t hwaflar y «H> k m t* ba haM In traaL Thera a ra d a p m ia n a lu and aolonlat, anetant banaa o f oontanManam ong the fluropaon natlona, whJah will ba vary Ubaly la paaa under Am arloan pro- taetarntaal. far tha almpla raaaoo th a t Amartoa'a tataraal in Xnropo la ncognU ad aa Impartial.

All tbaaa thinga maan dalay. m aan a t ln u th n l will naam iniarm lnabla bafora th e laU Amarloan aalaetlva la onca m e n a t hama. Wa Mull have to ramombar th a t A m ariea no longer la axolualvaly lotaraUad to th o Amar-

n a Wa ara a world power, grow n to man'a a ta tun . and 11 will ba ou r laak to U ka up our Intarnstlonal raaponWbUlUaa Uka niaa and not grumbla a t lh a b u rdana. E ath ar fhould wa apply to thoaa raaponWbllltlaa the mma aplrlt of larvloa w kleh haa made America a natna to o o n jn n w ith In tha wlaalag of tha war.

And. whlla wa a n a t tt, lot uo a t home show tha mma appraclallon of th o armod eruaadan of thli W aalarn Ropubllo lo thatr daya of victory that wa ahewad In th a tr daya of affort. Lot ua prove to thorn th a t wo ap- pn c la ta aa fully thair w ork In oatabllohing tho peace aa wa appraclata th a tr m arvaloua acblavaroant of w laalag It baaldo th a ir vat- a n a companlona of tho AlUod naU ona Let ua ahow Cham that although thay a re ta^ away t ^ l r hoaM lead haa la no way fur- gottan them la tti own buallo of rooonftnie- tlon. Wa can apaah to them nod have part of America only a a hour aw ay th ro u g h Iba galvatloa Xrmy. tha Knlghta of Colum bua T. M. C. A.. T. W. C. A-, tha Jowloh W o lfan Board, tho W ar Camp C om m unity Sorvlca and tha Amarloan L lb n ry Am oclatlon. Lot ua do our boot


r a u M n ' t f fh g » d ^ bkua naiad aapnMialy n M walgfl m v ld ta l iM fflt, net nil ad tk a might have bean d a n M .

At ell ewigtA tka tem p er ed Ik e in te rs e i an r aMak an akawn In t h im kiUSk iM ag wuU na In garaay City n ynnr n«a^ nppann U ka agalnat ap p ro rtag of U rr m aad aMarMa fa r klgk mnnialpal o ftU laK a a w tkangk thatr full Ugaa lo d a m in ia d In ik o aandact af U air affleaa, ang daaplU tb o maonUag eoat of living.

Tha naiiH of the poUoo end f i n per rafarandunu tndlontao olanriy anongh that tkU atom ot pabUa aarvnn t to regarded In ad ltta n a t light tb o a to th a ataatlva muntolpnl offtoar. Tha v a ta n In ik a tr caaaa toak liv­ing oaaia and tha gan ar n i tandoncy taward higher wagm far w ork ing poepla Into coa- aidamtlon. Thoaa rafarondum a w a n held in Jaraay Ctty, Patoraoa. K earny. Irvington, Nuttop> flabtb Orango T titago. Ilutharford. Xaat Itntharford and IgradhuruL Tho vtr- diet arai sobaUotlat In oneh to o t Tho ro- anlU would atom to vtndlonto tho aouiua taken pravianaty. w itboak raeouiua to n fa r- a n d u m ,^ th a City Conuatoalon of Newark

gW n4M wlltob tkap

and by otkar loon] gwvornlng bodhia. In graotlag Inanaaaa o f pay to th a ir pollea and ftnm an.

With lha K itoaF i n avy wovtag tha rad flag, hla army ratoiag th o w htta flag and hto poopio foaling doeldadly hlua. Uia color ■ehoma of Am arlens InU rvontlon la p n lly ganarallr avIdanL

flap ad Iwfll r a « f ln torga ananfl-

I g r ig ir iT MalaltaWr law


wtu ha fmmfl wklah arfll bofar

Dm flaltad fto tm •r td meat tC tkat

tad a ifm i, a a ta ilm i


Tha hlghaat paid mawto aotraaa low advil ooait ault over l l P M t t . What a hardanod lot of cynlonl old booadlcta th a t Jury nuW have baaal


^gfdMfllad. W ba to th a n lo naaapt l i t la ho ■fli awnmat a f tk a paapto a r .af lh a Kniaar. toko hno keen eallad a p a n 'j ta lanva tk a _ by tkto anma m alirtty iM a k ta rn ad

fU f i t f* raatgnatlon.T h e HatakWag m ajadty arMmUy doaa not

th a t Iko paapto bnva baan p u t In ad Iba govanmanL* In th a tr u ltl- tkay mnka damnada far tk a foUoar-

paMaa nmai ka ar darad

Imniadlata UnaMarmnUan a f th e ,^||gflaflan Oavarnmant In aaufarmUy w ith • to .r la w a aC tka aMjarlty In tka R a teh iiac .

O ian ta r ioetoUW lafluanaa In th o

VIm nbdknUan af Bmparor WllUnm an d • n raniinototlnn a t tk a Ihrana by th a Crown

Russifl'i Need.

• h to nation ana hardly fall ta raauU in n •ghnmdiwn a t pawar. In handing In tkaoa jgalW oni, tha pratawanta daaaandad th a t tk a ChnnMUor aaoapt tham; atk artoiai they aranld artthdraw from tka gwvarnmani. I ^ r r k a n eutalda af Oarmany th a t would fliann revoluuon. and arith lha ap trlt o f ro- vWt flHuodlhi aa It to through th o Oorm on

-iMflaa It.vouM aaam to mean th a t tharo. fd n a a i In tuck an tmpama, tho Kaloor

H ayu upon the word "anarchy," T ha j^ghdiovtom Ikat Oarmany let looaa upon •m W a la dani^ad btfara our oyao aa a a n rM nMnaoa which arc muat kelp to hoop Ml aback. Auatrto trtod to ploy tho aamo pnmo, ktw tho thraatanad Bolihavtom th ara libn n e t gtalartollaad. The O annan U harato if f lm tk a t all they want ara far-ranching ra- m tm g ih n t will iraniform Oarm any in to n ^M u ln a damoertey, aad wa taka m ore atoch m tb a ir word than In tha Xalaar'a daealtful •A h. Hla notlona of anarchy and oura a re pdlaa apart.

I t to tha to ta of amptraa. aoma one had m id , to dlo of ImpartoUam. W hllo th o In- l lm a l Wtuttlon If aomawhat obacura, im - •peta l Oarmany to avldaatly In th a laat

.dbruoA A mlla-long procaaflon of ro- I^WkStranta would not bo atuoh In tk la gnnM ry. la Oarmany, where L labknacht • f lg imprtooBad for conducting n oM -m nn pntudav any procatWon demanding traodom • M flia aoacthrow of eonwiiMtad authorlU aa • l | eW tocteg event

• h o W lttatokiOh dynaaty. braador o f th o ilB fl hiflflb *d Bavarto, kaa been dap am i,

rhola Baltic littoral to m id to bo In h p a ia wMk tbo movamant aprandtaig I gfM hara atalaa AUoarlag fo r w hnt-

>;flBagBaratiam Amtc may ba In tb o ra - kaub' gona ta r enough to

tjto wa afltam wa ahall w ant to havo I |h o aaeaptnnea of tho armtottoo

nuaato takaa aarloualy th a Botohavik th rea t of anotbar I t Bartholom aW a Day, act for tomorrew. Haw Ruaala appaato for help from tha AmaWean and Allied govarnmauta while Ambaamdor B akhm atatt plaada that wbalavar can ba dona to p iuvant tbo osocutlOB of tbo mamaero th ran t MtaU ba d a w

t t ii tap tola la Intarvana w ith foraa. If any pravaaUon to paaWbla It m oat ba th raugh diplomaey, by conntar tb ran ta a f boMlng thoat raaponWbla poroonally ao- oonptabla Tha Bolabavlala have already b e a t tntormad that thto to th e a ttlta d a of tb a Bntanta natlona. and It nppanra to havo bad no affaet; concaquantly tb a auUoah to vary dark If ao laam lagtr tmpoaalbla a car naga of butchery and crim e ta b a ln f oon-

I tamptolad.Tha threat WUI haa a O arm an odor. It

appoora u a part of tba Oarm an propaganda to bwUI a lOTTor of Bolabovlsm. I f It to t h a t It will *aan flicker o u t B ut It It to •anulna. thoaa wha carry out th o th re a t artll have oat tha world agalnat thorn. T hair vary moamaa will ba a traah g u aran ty th a t Ruaala will racovar Itaalt and, aided by all tha world'! forcaa of order, will bring thair raglma to a rum m ary and.

I Libor and ^ar Work.' • w afliklhg a t tha eoBtroct w ith th a

Oaayr nwant fa r the afnpleytnani of f in M T rm ton to rapnir arm y abaao. a

•ant to awofad of what has baeoBM ^Mdtof pkta fa r ntlltstag prtoen

Tha par f i rilig~ a rran g e- aeaptemnawt ad la a In-

tota prtoon in fta* shops HT madklnary haa kaaw In- w aB gP;n*.to b« gaM and m f t f i t ta p rarn tt. Thus

to gtnm th a t flw ■■» d aal to tn na MtP.fW to lawmatMton

to 'l t .B a m U a rn n a / o b n i f f t o s ou t

------• k n k g f i n n to a n d a af.Ifliaas S W ‘« H h to itp p wpM B riia n fl*to*itof ito-

« M toaka flwto • ! , • » gartto* n i t iwiiiMUii

Alt the Greater Reason.■van tt only a few daya o r houra o ra to

alapoa bafora tba armtotico w hich will and tha war baeomaa affaettva, thara will ba not laaa but avan greater reanoa fo r ganoroua rioaaolal aupport of tha t'n ltad W ar W ork campaign. I

Inwaad of tha azeltaemnt of w ar wa ahall hava to arrange lo moat th a tedium of gnr- rlaon and barrack Ufa. A fter lha flrat vpat Intaraet of (ha occupation of enem y territo ry and fortraiaei an turaty haa palled In Mm- parlaoa with (ha tanwon of f|frhtlBg ona'a way Into cuch placaa, tha raoourcaa of tha w ar workeri will ba taaad avan tb a m ore ta moat tha homMlcknaaa of tho man who hava wraatad victory Irom tha anomy and w ant to go back. It will ba a Umo w han not only a Inch of tbo moat axeitlng ocoupotlon In tb a world, but alfo boredom a n d lonollnom will contend with jubllntloa to m nko dln- elpUna difficult and unwholaaomo pinnsuraa attraetiva

That tha return of poneo will o r can mana tha return af tha granlar p a rt o f th o arm y to still doubtful To bogin wMi, «von If they era not dtolurbad by ravolutlonnry movamanii. tha aetnni M unlng of th o tormn of poaoa wlU, la all prokabltlty. ta k a m ontht. Haver wara lhara aueb oonfllola o f c o n tra s t. Ing ctolma. ao many dallnnta auaaflotia of boundariaa and ractot am toattona, such an ndmtxiora of hopotul dam nefatic poaatbliUy and anclont hatradn. InM aw th e ahouldara of a few man ta aatito. W a a ra no t daoUng now with tim aaplratto— of com pnet naaw-. arehlas as tn Hapatoonto tkwaa, n a r w ttk th a VhUdtt)r of th flr mllNagy n r harodKniy a te ln s to oommotctol a i ta r ttto ito l nd* vnniags. Wa nra dm ltog wHh th e natlonnl- tow a t aarahanad kaoplim «rUh dam oara- atoa wktoh hava ahowa to thto w ar th a t Ik s tanacHy with which they hold to tho lr ofla- vtottona eaa aeartkiww tk a m oat afttotonl antoetactoa

Thara ara new gavdnm anto lo ba aat up. Tbap will naad the frtowily auppart ad Alltod traapa. Thara a ra gbattarad guvarnm aata whtok may ksvd t« fl»4 th a ir B ia t Ik flia traafltlM parted ttoW wUi M o i M B . Tkwm may ba ysraitiiiaw wlHlw uto fllM I k a a i |k watt to fail tka lin liiito r «C f l » now ■o*ani> manta, th a ra to Mfutoa, wM ah, arkatooir flto farm af g ikar p u to^ wM b a n to

wrgt t n m tka, a ra a f k lan dni m to Am M # yai ihitoii I i ito t i w a

Breik the Seniority Rule.w ith tha s a l t Senate ctandlng. aa a ra-

cult of tho alactlOM, forty-alno Ropubll- o a n ia ad forty-oovan Damocrato a f ta r March 4 nazl. unlcM aoma unexpM tod ehaagea cccur, thara to a fine opportunity to break tho aonlority nilo nnderr which tbo chair- manahlpo of commlltaai and tb a mombar- aMpa tharaoB ara allotted.

If tha ■aaato to organlaad In th a aatma old way, ianalor Tenroaa will ba eh a lriM n of th a flnanea, naval aftalra and pootoffloaa and fo n t raada eammltlaaa, which will ntAka him th a moat powerful figura lo th a up p er houao ilaM Aldrtah'a tlmo: Bonalor W orran of Wyoming will ba chairm an of th a agrlcul- tura. appropriation, m ilitary a f f a tn com- mlttoaa: ionator Lodge trill ba hoed of tha foreign ratotlooa oommlttaa. th a moat Im- poitont of nil In tba next Congraoa; Ser^tor Smoot arW bo chtot of tho public tonde and public boalth aomm tttooa U nder (be aonlority rata praetlenlty a lt th a commlttaaa wtti ravurt ta tha handa of tho roaetlonary Ropubltoana which m enns th a t tho Sonata wUI bo onntroUod by tbo mon who all but wraehod tbo BopabHcnn party In IP ll .

I t may ba all right lo laavo Banntor Lodge a t tha hand of tha foratgn ratottona com- mRtoa. daapito tho undenbtod ropudtotlon by hto oam au to of Hnsoochuootta of bto vtawa on a paaoo tranty th ro u g h tbo dafrat of hto caltaogwa. Saantor Waofca. The Maamehuaatta raault m g notloa to Banator Lodge to tot up. But It will no t ho a ll right to load down tho commlttoa w ith raeg^wkena Wawa ara tk a aaraa aa flann to r laadgs'it'vaM fliat to flka|^‘ w u y i f f ^ If a b s a O m rule praualtorj

Tka gtagPlitoaii flaguktlean Banalara hava Bot only an o p ^ u n K y , kaannao of t f a claaraara of tk a party divlalon. bu t they have a duty, to tho country not only, b u t to thair party, to forco a change tn th a aanlorlty ru tu g u or savan Rapubllean Sanatora from tho Waat, poaaibir more. whOM vtowa colnelda hardly unywbaro with tha vtawa o f Panroao, imoot. Lodge and o ther raaotlonnriaa, have It In th f lr power to b r |n g ab o u t thto reform now. T har ought to eoo th a t It Is don u

Thara to naHhar gaod ssuaa nor good pomiaa behind tba aautortty ru le. If tha ■onata leads In nbottahing It, th a House will undoubtadly follow auH. Tbo h ic t It that tha Republican laadora have been aomptola Ing In tha last two y o a n th a t a ll the Im­portant ehalrmnnsblpa In th o low er houaa want to tha Soulhant m am bera baenuaa of the aanlorUy rule. H era U th a ir oppor­tunity, than, to oao th a t th is ahall not happen again, Kara la tho opportunity of RopubHeaaa to kill two birda w ith lha ont stone, to aafaguard thamoalvao agalnat a popular raactlon In I t tS by unhorsing tha Ponroaa-Smoot brand o f Icad o n h ip new and to protect lha country from tho ovila thay laa In tha seniority rule, even If thair parly to^dafaatad in any clrcumatnnoas. If


Sottteta of "Im parlkl Pntriatiam” Contidarad by Two American



. ta an attam pl ta ahow haw almMi by accldaat, ecrtalaly w lth au t coaaelaaa plea, the Sritlah Bmplra haa grow a to Ua praaaat proparUaaa and baa daaalapad a ramarkabla forn of "haporial patrtoUam" tha to lama, "Iipporial EagUnd" (M acm lllaal.vhaa hooa wrliloB kr CooU raIrfM M LavaU aad Okarloa Edward Payaa both profaooors a< htotory at Orlaatll Callaga. OrtaaolL la . Tba aithara aaem lo faal th a t tbo B ritlah Enipira eoa- aiUstca a modal a f ta r which a laagu* of aatloai might ka pattoraad—ta aama partica. lara at laaal.

Whoa Eagllah aallora ftra t bagaa ta faal tha lore of (ho fa r horUon thoro woro two ontorpriui (hat a ttrac to d tham with peculiar power. Ono waa tho auoot of tho horthwoal paHaga to the Indloa aad aao waa tho trade to tbo SpaBUh main. Tha to r a a r waa ta a t­tract Eagllah tap lo rara fa r thraa ccaturiaa and wet to Immeriallaa oamo of tho moat aetabto namoa In tha an n als af British saa- maaohlp Tha la tte r had aU tha tasclaatlon af advoaiura, oontUet and unguism hla turaa of chanoa Batwsaa them U o r hocama tha Nhosl af EUsahothan esaman,' and tram thasa anUrprisas saay ba traoad (ha glory sad gtawth af EagtoaC

Klataruas today, o f w b atov tr Isaalags ar BatloBallly, agroa la g aaaral th a t no factor had a groatsr iBflsanoo n ltla u ta lr la the tarmatlea of a tru e aad oohoroat Eritlsh Em­pire than tha ravolatloa of tba oelaalaa tn i n i and tha Mrth af a new Amarleaa eatlou. Through tho folly of Its Toatonla ralori and lha davaOaa a t tha oolohlata to the k Ix I- plat af tiaadaaa the B ritish Empira leal tha meat valaakto a t l u paraaaalana and toaraad a * M * X h * to » “ * ^ AiaraflratRasHMto# Igfleatad. onaa and far all. that Uto 'e ia ealoalal poUap a t aspaaalao had totted.

Ah aoeouat la gtuan a f tha aigalfkaat chaataa that have baan effaetod la Eagllah- raan aad thair am plra by (ba war. It la ■tstad (hat Englaad Is by aa tara ladlvld- uallctlo. but that today bar Indaalrita ara natlonalliod, her Ufa aoetallaad and her peo­ple OB ratlana Sha la by aa tu ra epan-handad. hut today mllllona of poepio are saving amaoy to oaohlo tbo govornm ant to oarry ea tha war. Tha Bngllshmaa la a lever af outdoor ■porta but today th a Hoaloy regatta, tha Darky, erichtt, football aad rowing hava nuda way for tha m ore aarlau i bualnaat ea hand By tam poram ant tha Bagllshnuui hates systsin. hut today ba to going a t thlaga mors Methodically and w ith n torgar lotolll gaaoa thaa aver bafora.

Tha diapasslanato obaorvar. In tho opinion of rrofoasor Lavutl. who w rites tho eoaelud. lag Motion, will too throe clear roeeons for British suotoes In empire bnlldlag. Ono lo tha amplra'e alaetlelty, lie refusal to forco humaa natera Into a rigid mold. Its abandon man! of tho poller of contralliatloh, lU ataadlly Incroaalng comproboaolon of tho moaning aad power o f liberty. Ahotbor lo on Inborn eapacUy to r admlntstratlon. The third la the applleatloa of tho principio thM ajaipathy and good fellowship raattor mors than aoy astornal form.

gn C to n ttaaiedsennUt^

to radol th e noodn of pesfto who meat IndustTtol ^ s sm m irtinl IMs ahn tst eU seer egeli. bo t w ithout tho etoek oe head witk wkleh to do I t

Woras th an th a t to thn toot t ta t some a* ibo laado so affUotod, nonsly aU of thorn, will bo wtthout mao a s to buy lha gnaatlllot af thara prodnato aaadad. They hava tM tbs goM erlth which to pay to r ibora. What gold remalas la oestala. If ao t all, the sapIlaU of Esrofo will haso to bo knehaadoC mere par- tleniarly to r uoo as rsaorvss to bask ihslr eo iraaslsa I f they rany net send gold tor goods or m orohaadlos th e rale has baaa to ro tsra la kind, to export to anotbsr land snough to pay fo r w h a t may bo Importod tharofrom. But It w ill ba mors than ans year, poaalbty several, batars Ihar ar many af tham wtU hove surplus produsto aosdsd hers at sufficient enan llty to sand to M Is payment for wbol (hay aroald ham to bny from na

Karo tho problem of pooos which may bo as •taggartag ao alm ost any which praaaatsd ttaalf fa r the oaooaastnl proaasulloa af tba war by tha Allloa and lh a Unllad tlaU a aomaarapidly ta the f r o s t II calU far aelutton. Raw may the w ar-slftckan eatlaas find maaaa wtth which ta pay ua tor laslanea tor what they m u tt have, which wa e^y he able la aall to th im t

Thoro are only two ways of importlsf, by peylag fo r the goods, orhlah maaar with gold, or by ra tn rn ahlpmonta of marchaodlaa Th* larger aharo af th e world's avaltoblo gaM to In (ha Uhltad S ta tau Tba pradsot a t gold from miBOS awnad by torolgaara will aat ha M at hero la paym ant to r Iqtparta lor some tlmo to come. I t w ill bo asodod whore owned or eontroUod.

Tho ono reply thus to r made to tho dura- llon aa la w hat may ha daaa In this prospao- t!va amorgOBcy abroad la that paymoal far geoda may bo made ta ua by forolga govern- m oats corporatleas and munlelpaUtlaa oa- (ouraglag aad ooearlag a nmrhot bora tor tholr hoadA th n i crootlag a credit with ua which would perm it tho fuBcllenlag of In- tornalloaal trade, tho oamoohlng of tho world-whooto of traffic oo that roconelrue- Use end upbuilding mey ho rooumoA

Th)A of souroA would ho an ostoaelon er ttponston of pr oooraoo which havo already baan Indulgad tn ta aerao outaat Anwrira haa hooome acuualntad with tba dasiraMIUy af foreign hoada a s lavaaim aatt staea tho whr broho out aad oBSaobtadly. by tha faroa at lha elroumatanoaa rafarrad (a will have to aad ba w illing to eranta and ■tlmulau a wider m arhal hare for ouch soearHIoA

As pointed o u t by tho prooidont of a toad- lag Now York bank, coma osoh solutlae of (hla moot prsoolog problem, proopoetivoly, will oarry w ith II tbo woltora of ooubUom m lllloai of psoplA not only hero hut uhresA


Thoso to w ntting ^ J ra u ra e t thn toot a t Iko

A t th e end ag ItgFs kigkwep.Wkora tbo pUsHm, n-wenry, absQ pul dosra

As tb s sun ooto n tu r dnr.Tharo Is root end rofrashmsut tor ihora th a t

a ra spsu tFrom tbo o trugglss and the strito,

Aad n ptooa w hom tho tootsoro s -g sit to ooatoat

At tb s and of Ibo toll sg Uto.Ang tho bouoo Ihn t wu flag a t tho osd df Iko

tro llto (hs heuM Ik sI wu gt sparai

Not s brick uo r s flflnglA s board aa n nalL B el e n n e l f keg ptaeed II tbesA

■o we th in k we shell f la t, ak the end b tto g t

Aad we see eu r etosnel ebede ^T w ill be nehla o r poor, as the s m we built

h a reOur Housa by U a tid a af Ua Baud.

C ia tg c n i t o U p h o U MArale.'P ta p la a t hoaoA whara thara ara stares en

avary eornar, do no t raoltia what II maaai U lha hoys ever hare whan tha esalaai has ts close to r Inch a t ■uppUtA" eammaatsd a

man la n racoat latter to iho Buffalo EsprooA

"Wo havo had five rainy days la suoeosstou and ao suppllra coming 1a Tho oaauoa Is closed to r bnstoora and tho only sloch wo havo loft lo w ritlag paper, a Ullla taolh paste some matchsA sxplanatlaas and patlaace

•The people a t home mual aaawar Ua hayF quartae I f th a people wonld begin saadlBg' . ___ _____ _^au^ raSramm (PWmmto •

MR. COMMON r e o n j .In U a anbnrb tram whkh we mevol tema

time age th ara lived—end prahohly atlU Uvea —A cltlsan w ha coma lo praoaot la e a r ayat all U a eheractartatlca of U a aammaa paopli, ■mbadlad in ana paraaaaUty. Tha Idea of U U laearaatlaB parslatad aflar toe aalload th a t avary tim e a eariaaa lit (all sallad an to portray hto aaaaapuan a t lha average clttoaa lha raeult wua a a trik lag Ukaaaas of ear fal- low-gnharbaallA Tha torfa-rimmsd glarass. tho a lia w h U h are U a eoovasUaaal faoUraa. tha humMo axprraplaa around tho oyae all ware th a re F laally wa got to U toklag of tbo naan w a raw on tba Irallay as Hr. Oommao People aad the nema stnak.

Wa aaw him on tha atraal yaalardar. Ieoh- lag m ara commoaplaea and typical than ever. Ha had a a arm ful at bundlse hla ayaa wara mlM aa they alw ays hod baaa bablad U a spaetaotoe b it wblahara wara mnsrih l r combed o a l aad ba had four buUaoA ana w ith a aarvlpa a lar, aa his asal lapaL laa lng him brought It sttodaBly la os that hare w ee la raallty , th a eommaa e ltlsae Ua ardlnary A m arleae tb a llv tag type Ha haeama (ba ambadim sa t a f a great army, mnUaas of oammaaptoea man IdaatlcaUr Hha hlnu with buadlae and aide w hlskare aad glaaaas. aag b u ttaas on U a lr coal Upate

I t waa th ti arm y e( elU taae ardlnary whan U a Individual was considsrad but splaadld aa Its mllUeaa awapt along, which made paaalbla th a amaahlag (oravor of a titaale m ilitary strUcturo which thraatoaod ts rule lha warlA But to r this srmy of ardtaary eltlsaas Am srtea eat.1d aot have M at abroad tha T ankas soldlars who oa quickly turned tho acaloA Tho ordlaary cKIson toratobod tha aald lare and b# torntohad tho mohoy, aad I t (hare ts anything a lts Uacla Sam waaW ho has only ta moattoa It ood Hr. Common Paapto w ill got It (or him.

Sa wboBOvar wa ooo (ho oaebtruslva llltlo man from tha suburb ho has a woadartol dignity la our oyae aaA figurativoly. wo take ear hat e f t to him.

Utoga ever hara, whUo ataglag •Otat Thare' U o lrp n tito U ara .« o « U ehpw .apbatisr. Bun- drsds ag 'tim es 1 h te r U a aaprssaloa Thank dad to r tho t . H . C A.' w kra 1 head e s t a paekogo'Ot e tgarattos or aoma choealale

T h o loagar I atoy. U a mara eorUIn I am that tbo T. tt. C A ta doing Its grratrat work through m iBistoring to Uo noads of tbo boya through (bo caateone Tha surosl way to break down tbo m orale af Ua boys la to da- priva (bom of tholr omokoo oad tho lltUo eomforta which U oy havo a right to havA“

THE WRITEILA supor-lhahoapai r e hlag of Hoe

(Though gu ilt Mndomos or tome aaotato) Ho awlago a world whoao peaco-dippad pan •

goads E lia stock up THREE WBOLfl P O IN T ltm I*

Dear Jean—How tor tho slacksr eherns: "How I w ish r d had a ebaneo a l thoat

H u n s r EDDIE.P. E —Teu w all aad see

tk U a and wa may fat up tbs fool-klllaFl g rist.

But yen never aaa OUR glavsa tsraad down a t U a wriat.

I t ooenre Just aocure that If Vnclt Bam daddaa ta tlaluh up U at Msslcaa ]ob. ha has U s tools all handy.


All Bccsmss Pasce W at BtiAes.Fully s lgh ty par cant, a t U a amblams made

tor and by U a govarnmant ara turoad out In a (lag m aaufaaturlag .plant la Phltodal- phU, which to v irtsa lly an annas ta U a ichuylhlll Aroanal.

Tba gevarnm aat is ssahiag bids tor H .ldf baaorabta dlaebsrga buttons la rollad gold and bronsA w ith gold finish

R e c M tls O w fld lo C y d re iL

tho ssnlotity custom was bed In princlpls under Damooratio rule, it csrtsdniy cannot bo batter under Republican r u le

te nratriit

When Voters Dlscriminited.One tntiraatlng faatn ra of tho local

phssin of tb s alactlons of la s t Tuoddsy wee the conetatent m enner In orhich th e people mode flieir decUlons on dueetlonn Involving raleiT Ineraera s tn tho public aaiv to t. Tho roforondum wne Indulgod to ra th e r freely thto yenr to decide theee m stto iu . In moto Ingtaneae e lU er U e poUm o r (Iramon, or both, were eoneerned. l a tw e es rasi. In Heirark and T rsa tos, the d ra t a n d tost cKles a t the e lite to adopt tho commleMpa form e t grararninent, tko toot wee o a tho gueetleu a t tolling tko astorfss of tho raotoknre at tlM c » y Ooramtoiton.

In every inetnneo the police a ad (Iremea wera granted mere pay. B ut th e voters «f Neirark and S u n ta n rejected , by an over- w hetnlng lanjoiity tn each eneo, th e appaal of their eeramtoiionore to r e n toeneeA which m e ntede In accordaiicn w tth U e gupptoneatory ect.« ( H IT . T roatna. wkleh haa been gneeraed under th e p reM ht MWtem flaee I b l l . and to apparaa tly aattaftod wRh the oemmtorlon form, ra jeetod U a aalary orttoanee by eonetdetably raera th a n two to onA The Newark v o ta n , r rk e have raanl- toatod no dtoeontent w ltk tk o now t o m as to r ae It baa gone, decided ad v o n ely by a majority votg^of t .1** >•> n to ta l vote e^ 11 ,111. T k to .. toeldenta ily . wag dk iwanty-flve per oanl. Mto tk o n th a t eaat ta r United Ito tee l e natn r. ira* » low poroesMnfle exMtly,' meeaurod by U « kisaory a t roferaa- d a y I tofflenn..

Magen il>r f l» ealloiw a lf lh td t « t IM Ntatorh Toton te PSrltoflB ptota,' Tito ua- yrdnalinlTd ta« to to o f i | t . t e M d otowUlhlf^ i a ' ^ w tu It, o raa w r a n t U o aa w h n ifiit ad b to iw upon tbo ■■mratoflin l o r U d t n to . Vndoubtodig t k a n woo n, dtopetottea to ra* fraJn In to gtotoB Mnettoto eagr m m a a n

rre ild laad -lh MJU lu 'k a r d a d . m w m

A W artim d “ W h o ’d W ho."Tha war, naturally . Is mlrrorsd vsry

largely In the new edition.'‘th a t for l l l l - l l l l , or "Whos Who In Amorlea" (A N. Harquls A Co.. Chicago): Indeed. Jnat ao a wartlma Iniarluda, tbo book m ight havo for an added •uh-tllls "And Amaricana Engaged In Ihow- Ing (ho Kaltor W hat's W h at" There ara In the Tolumo upward of 1.000 names mots thanover have appeared In any pravleue adltllAvqror theta naiaee hnndrede are of parteas who

Ik e

have gained proralnance en aocount of tho war; tha now akotchos Inslndo theee of nuuiy etneoro at tbo arm y and navy premotsd from tha lower ronkA a t c lvillani Appelated to oRIcot In tho arm y and p t n a n and womea selected te fill im portont etotl cooraitoetoea It may be noted U a t New dorray. with 114 nallvta listed In "WhWa WhA* to. In order, tho twelfth sta te In th is r s ip ie t. Neid Terb beading U a Hat w ith I .U I. Aa to rosllinee. New faraay Is U a eavanth state, wlU lU namse; la addltlen te tha six atotee leedlag Ntw Janay In th is perticutor, there to e|e* Ihs District of ColumhiA ' l a tbo prorlotso tisuo e( "Wbe'o WhA" H I Jarsoy aatlVM hag III Jsraay rasMants ware listed.

"No oerm nn-m ado geeda sold hero" Is U a legend on p laeards which auiy be ptoesd la atorai wlahlng to amphasloe their petrletteas. Tba Katlenal W emea’a CommltMo of th# N t- tloaal Detonae iecto ty lo fostorlng suck a mevomont ')

I t to en t tn CelumbuA (h, that tbo pheteg- raphara hava otm a forward help maho pood tho pramlaa of w ar raoUara to mad pis- tnrao to man from th a t city la FraacA in eomptlanea w ith Oanoral Parfhlhr* onggao- tlea. T h ar have alraiUlr ■tgnlflsd thair will- lagnasa ta tak e cempUmantary pleturas a t Uoea w ar raethars who (eel (boy caenet afford the a n tra onpMsa.

Thto has besa U e Urns tor aaosMltles t t loom lorgA Boforo tbo war thiags wara paot- poaad and nareraltlae did net aaeama U als valnabla charaetor. Paapto wore prone to th ink of doing UIngs “somotlnra” ThnA ohildron woro not alwnys treotod fairly ta th e way o f rooerio U a t ohonM hava hasa U o tn h r h lK hiigh t.

A eitioan of Chtooge hao Joel pebllolr eara- plalaad th a t hto parenU made na i s i s r l e< the tow n In orhlah ha orae b a n end he hea p atray of finding eat. Net ntone U el. hut ba Ooee ao t know how old ho U. D tplonhto to- , stanaoa o f parental neglost havo oomo to ligh t d u rin g U o ooloctlvo Mrvlao period.

Oftonllmoo chlldron live oontontod wnltl m o u ro d bofnra bogtoning to qnootlon ooa- eorning tho lr o tart la the world. One# la rio w , U oy reoont tho lr Ignonnoo end It to gems times too to to When U o nsoosslty oogfroato tham te obtoln details of tholr Mrth.

Among tho ndJaotmonU that wlU ooma ou t of U o w «r ought to bo in sM sd a pataa- U k ln g e ffo rt o« tho pari of paraato to store tb o tr ohildron w ith a roeord that wW eatak- llsh tho ptoM of Mrth. aneostora, paraa to Sato, onviranm oal and sharastof a t Unas im m odlaU lr ralatod.

W h it N g w a rk e ra A re R eading.The boobn most In demand at tho Newark

Library the paol week hov* booA In order of popnlarlty, oa follows: Fiction—‘T bs FourHerramnn of tbo Apoealypm," by VIsonto dioseo tbonos; " loon nnd Peter." X. 0. Wslls; "Tho Doughtor of the Leod." by Owe itra tten -Perie r: "The Baegk Reed," by Wllllnm J. Leake: "The Lure a t the Hertto” by Herald BlndloeA nnd ‘‘A OIrt, Homed Harp,” by lo llo t WUbor T ^ p h ln a Mee- ricllon—T b o Kaloor ao I k y w Him," hr Arthur N. Davto: "My Lorraine Jonrnal,* by EdlU Lohloo O khnughnoiar: "Over Porleoopo pond," by Rnth Rnyioo Boot; T n tH Fearth Tear." by H. a W ells; "Tho gooond U a t a t DoloaoA" by H arg aro t g la tto rri aad "Wornia Waatod." by Hobol Pe.ttor DaggotL ■

A a £ tH ]r P r a U e n o f P enog W h id i ^

M u tt R i p k w i th H k m o l W arW

Itot oaly hankofu, bu t merehanto aaflw u a i. esotumye, oxpoWora to parfloator. ara tg l^ alieuei o P an approolaUon that whea.pogoe Oban edma again m a o f tho moot o lta lalid praMosao to be w eeu nterad by eareelton aa wbU ne by peepk to a t m u y fe rflU wifl ba feaad to;.Oewiel»g urayo aad aMMw IV

blingeflNM M wall ae etkie f |« e - : he abto to .flet


wm WP Mwwmm m .vf^iwM Uflto blnge«iM

toed, aud raw useiiai

T o n i^ t a t U auter’s**C eie6nito V ieto ry w U h M u$ie‘

S o v e t t t b e r M u t i c N o v e m k e r V i c t o r R e c o r d *

T% i F a m m t L a M U r > H o m * M


and Women:,W- y t a ' ’ *

h G o vern m en t S erv ice

ri: *r" _4 ir

flitif i f . e a t i i f lU i t th e F id a l l t f T m C o a ip u iir l a t e i r • • r v lc * ^ i b i p ^ M ik l f l f i r r M f M f lM M w ith i t t* h w k f l f t s r bflitM M i' u d p w f l f l i f l b ih n .

m o d t i m ■ D p I I M i i r .

s. ■ ■ Sf:

T riijR ,D ep m tm en t

3 . t---

la the day# aproo was ««! tody's wnrdrel a t shoos or gl oostsma books aad prtoo Us least among ■ponk dollbornn p m orna an . lumo on sror bnpA wo oscoi tbs Pnritsn Ichurch.

Wo nrs notfor whits thsr ths sun," «

TTie hWomsB fin;

ne muoh In Os qnllo so wsl horns. In Ihs (bsrs s rs occ who hoerds w. It wsrs set to k i t which tsh n sd s of slun weight that I difficulty If 01 ulansUs sro s otor, snd wha sbova tho ott not stnnd n I alcohol lo ths smplsysd. SOI paeslhls ts I ooffss sr oei bit t ( becoo.

Week’s ) An Inc

Nineteen P Thu Prei


Om Ctlli fc

U >,*a .

.■Nlnstdsn I outlay o( II and sltorst’o DspsrtniSs\ wesh ondiBf e rtsss of fil (ho procedini porralli wore pendlturo of vfM ng | 1,W laws:‘ FourU Wa

tsiatlon te I Bsllrasd of mslod coat, |

r ifth Ward taihtlon te Our IstOy of tsMod cost. I

• ii th ward sitsrstlon to O. Ktofsr. ow

tlg h lh W ons-story ho HsnochkA i U.IM.

NtoU War. a«A sltorsiK IMg Losthoi mstsd cost I sas-story aa otorsgo, O'Ce llmstod ooot

Tenth War CUftord strM WUIIam Tou cost t4,*H. lew tils todpeny. nwnsr;

Eleventh 1NSrib Thin frsmo gsrsgi luring Compi t i fm .

Twelfth W ens-story oc epd point ah peny, swnsr WItoflloea evsairued, Iws-st huiiiing, BiOempeny,ito tift.

Thlrt tenth olroet, niton fleerge Epto BMtol eeet I

Rubber 8t( To Era- ^

The Rttbbs hee oeniraetj erete itaol d A iwo-story aetnue adje M ilrrad to

whioltly dsstroloh WlU

•MM*, to t n reed ranen area of 4tiM

flafcerkCi t i n of an ex a t Ita pleat t ' iiniolpa to, wi^ t

a twe-ator* g l M HUto

ra is ifd otru

. .wm

r O f THB

|M « «C I te

• « • • i< Ih*

tM w* M I t

LE.■•▼*1 MB*iir Miu uvM

Ik Kar ktmKBKBTh* Mm of

Mtl«04 okUo4 o« to

or*«o ottUoB 10 of o i r fol- ibo4 glKoeoi. >BKl foKtaroo, tko OfOO, »I1

tblaklKg of I Mr. OMBOo

torter> look' !kl t k u o*or. ilo oiroo woro i koklB« tko ro BKiot k lr kKttoM, ono lopoL loolng k«t kora woo, tko orlUnorr

I kooomo tko BlIlloBa of

ko kiBi wttk 1 (loaaoo, a a j

rkloonr wkaw bot oploodl4 whiek b o 4o of K Utoolo

t*oo4 to rnlo ’ of orklDorir ■ Mot okroo4 alokir tomo4 MB forsloko4M BOBOtr, kb4 o lom wooto

Hr. CoBBok

ktruiWo llltto o woodortol

tvolr. wo toh«

BOB.JDO ooolaU) ><4lpto4 poB •lES W BOLI

I .

tor ekoro* t onea ot thoat


M fool-klllor'l

I iKTBod dowa

If Vnolo SoiK OB lob. ko koi



BoeoaotUop t( ago woro paot^; oookBO tkolt Mr# proM toitlBB.** T k wM fk lrlr ta tko loi koaa tkotra

I pokUalr oaM>I pa r m td o t I o a t ko ko i RO 10 tbal, k a t ko Doploraklo la* , baoo ooato lo rleo portot. oBtoatot aatU

oooottoo oaa>I. Oaoo oortooo, a t It la aoBo- oaltr oaafroato Ir kirtk.L will OOOM ORlM o t a p a la ^ lartata lo o ta rt k a t w tn ootok* Btora, pareetR aotot of tkooo

' I rA BK B V M K O N E W S .'

E m i n e n l ^

ta Iba talro a t oar faiw lathara a a apMo wat gailo aa nook a- p a r t of aU ^ o wortreko ao a r t kaadkorebloCi •# ofcooa or glovoo to tap . l a tko old oootiBo kooko poa w in f i a t Itomlaodaad prloo Ilata of clothlag. no t tho M o t amoBg wbick oro oproBO Wo aoook dollkorBUIp la tko p laral, fo r mn oproB woo on oooontlol port of bor *t>o- lUtBo OB OTorp ocrooloB, iinlooo, por* kopo. wo oacopt boUo and church; and tko Parllon looo otoa woro oao lo chnreh.

Wo oro not opt to ooo th o t ogola. for whito (horo " u nothing bow undor tho ouB." oipoclollp la toohiooa

'.W j

'V I ' r -

I# ! J .'—7 .V

aolthor la tkoro aaptblRg < oM poploi OMcttpi oHropo II lo B o tll lB# lo oalt aow strowaotaacoa a t otodora to a ta Novoriholooi, wo oro aoolag aa opl> doniB o t oprooo. to o p o ttto ltp to tko oconoiBp ihraot apoa ao t p tko war, but msro parttonlorlp kp tko aow tlolda of labor tkat tko war boo opoood opto HO.

II to ooop oaoagh to ooo tko «oo< Doctloa lo tho Hootor aproa. tko ovor- alio of ionnorattoa aad BualUoo work- oro and tho Rod Crooa aproa.

And tho conaoelloa lo tkoro galto oo Joflnltolp la tho kalttlng and kltchoB oproBo. Wo knit for tko Rod Crooo and a Biolorlly of ua oro Opoadlag Intlaltolp


M ro IIbo la tap hltoboaa tk aa w ai our. woat two or throo poaro agB

It takoa forothoaghi, bralaa and palloaaa ta awka tko poorar Bala of moat palatokio aad lo aao Um wbooi aad aakkr aakotliptoa f t tohoa aa ovta groator aB oaat of forothoagbt aad brain work to lo iaro ao w oota hOBCo tho kllchoo Bproaa

•a. f ln t. la tko oral, wo hovo tho Boot praalleal of oil tho Baallor kiteboa aproaa It la nado a t tlgurod oil* cloth koand with topo.

Proof bgilBol aap llguld pou map olop PB tho rrOBt of pou. It map bo waohod oft with a opongo, aad. If vorp Bollaf^ a bit of hhrntlooo oooarlng ooop. It will OBorgo frooh oad cloon oo bow for oa long aa tho oarfaco laaia

Natl coBot anotkar hllohan apron, dlogulood uador tho bobo of B^bunga* low" aproa Roollp It lo o dPaoa. and though It might ko eoat. worn h . in wlatar, la auBBar It aarraa admlrablp laaiaod of a hoaaa draaa

Had* of a hoarp waOh tabrir. colerod. It lo Irlmmod with k daoR collar oad Mplago ot whiio. Mag* pookota ro«n> klaa with iba boll lo g i n a paaol af- foBt to tho front.. Tko holt k u tton i la bach and map ko uataatonod lo faell* Italo tho laundorlng.


Rut^oBlag from B0«k to honk It la dnnghlfallp oaop to doa and doff.

Matt lo a Itod Crooa apiww o f koavp wkllo, ootarlog poor ooUro ttook. oad prootlcal tor all af tkooo Rod Crooo taaho I hoi ro«alro apotloot olooallaoos.

Prom tro t# u gap, wo hoTO w ith u i oa tho right a garm tnt aallad a ‘‘fodga •rtO B '' It lo p n itp oaougk to hop aad wMr undor aup namo, wa m ight •von roaani* It tho "grapo fulco and t'ornbroad apron" and otlll woar It with pUaturo.

It li mada of tha ahaoroot whila lawn or ballota and la trtmmod dUlto olob- orataly with Torp llao and dalnip Vat Tha bolt ind tho voot aro oatlrolp mada ot tho laca

Laai li ona of th » o rldleuloua Ittllo offatro that bocama tho h a tt o t |okM whoBortr and wbarovor warn. But II la roally not oo feollok oa It looka, oraa though It la mado of ohooroot m au n lullo and Hod w ith a aogh o t tho ooBo. All that It lo daotgnad to do la to protoct your troob froB tho Hat from your grop or hhaht para, for It la a hniuing apron, ta d tk a t It dooo moot offlcloBttp.

If you poroouallr aro not wooiing aprona and da not foal awro of thoir auddan riaa In tha roapoct of tho eom- rauully, you hava only lo tu rn tha pagaa of a Franch faahloa kook and count tha numbar of OprOB modala among tha draaaat.

For Franch alylaa aro attlt tha Iruatp waalhar raa ia of Amartcoo faahloaa


C««i4te4 bjr J«An(Th* Ivnahln* Um )

If oor hM rt contftBa us ii«t. lh«n hav* w« rofifidcntih lowArd 0«d.—L John lU, II.O L«rd, Adw bhppy i | Ut« tim«

WbM in Thy | r*«t: Wb*n my v*Arin«M | climb

B'hn lo Thy (indcr br*att.Th* n lfht of oorrow ondoth thoro*

Thy royo oulvhinh (h* oyn; And In Thy p«rdon end Thy cAro

Tho hootoii of h*ftvotii ta won.— W. Ca L>Mfltr.

port Iho klhdorvArtOB moy notQhiy In tho o v ly Ufo of iho child, but In ofuy yohyo. bocouto of th« lnriu<-i>co II wioldo In Iho doyolopmont of chat* octor. Thio lo whnt Dr Afahon o.i>i,

Tao h lodorv^oi^ lo inoro Ihnn a pay f lcu ^ r form of ochool. i t t« »n ooion* tUl prloclplo of oducntlon—tho prlnt^l* plo thot oducMlon la growlha net mon» ufoclura. Tho klndariarton !■ * thMd dardtn, tho homa and tho at'hcHtl »ro (ho toll; hod hobita ora tho wood* ih* poronta and thO loorhors aro iho Kori* onoro. oducolloft la proporlna ond rx* rlrhlfio Iho oolla plahtlHo iho rooiIo, wooding tho (ordon bod. tho kittdoi K»r< tan ploy! and aonga aro gortUn innii; O rhoorful aplrll. o gonial liutnor. a aplrli of kindnaaa giid aympothy aro (ho nacooaary adnahfno: anrrow, trlala,Hmpiatloao. Uoro, dtaclpiioo nro (Ho oaooooory roln. . Kvtyv hnmo and avory o^ool ahonld bo o enlld gordon. Tho puplla ahotild ooTof groduaio. Tha no ry grhool, 4ho g ronm ar arhoel. tho high Khoot. tha coltOgo, ahouid all bo ahlld gardana iu' which th* growing

South ohould bo guldod In hi* growth.ut atwoyo oncouragod lo grow nolur*

oily, olmply, hoatthfully Into whaiovor flower aiiil fruit hlo natura fito him for. The motto for tho poront ond tho toachor ohould alw iya ho "I'oiialdor th# IDloa of llio flrld how (hoy irow ." ond tha model of the poroni ami th* toarhor ahotild alwayi ho ih# tllstno modal fur* nlthed by 0«wl • worh in rrootlon "And Ood aohl. I.#l Iho rarth bring forth graaa, the herb ^leldtna ooed and Ih*fruit iroo )lold1ng fruir oftor hla hind '*

If wo oWl plant the cMIdron r>f our Immigrant* in AmorU-an n>il> ale* them Amortranrompanlfmi. leach them In Iho American longuoao. let ihom hrealho Amorlcan IHeraiure. dioclniine (hem In

i Iho Afnorlran art of ernment.I warm Iholr haarl" (He eunohlno of

Amorlcan toodornea*. pytni»aihy a“d gMd tdllAwnhlp, and aHraro roapoct tha natura whkh Opd hai gheii thorn, how* ever II may dlffor from Dura. lhay will prbw up loyal. devoted Amarl*caoa.



ittsssn sx 'v esrisx iPb lalUTBaiMt ruojrkM Orportut*

Fboao a^etwa pogi*TWhtt.. f. ». k»y»r. r«m r»J (Ualaa £ l ) t-il CUat»a e^N »»ark . •£.*FT lltKMB, ftt ifarttBB au«.. BmtIim ,

^ U RL I K E ^ M P S O F

Wkoa yf>u « ak« up Miih bochaebo anil dull mtORr/ In Iho ktdnay rogion li aonvroU neono yeu ho>« b*on oaitng to* muck moat. Myo a i*«ll-anoWb outhortty. Uoat feriM urk odd wbkh r«b-or*orb* the kidaoyt In tb«tr effoei tO (lllof K from (ho Mood, oad lb«jr bofOoi* oort of parolrood and lofty. Wh«n your kidaojro get alatgtah wad alaf >«u tauoc roltovo taom, Uko you roltovo your boweie, roipoving gJl (ba body* oriamiO waote, alao you navo baokaeh*, oleh kaa^> geho. dlaty opaUai ggur glopuMb aoaro. longu* li eoat«< and whin tho woaibor i* bad you iaro rhoumatl* twiagoa. Tbo urtno la cloudy, full of oodlmoat, eb****l* olton got oara. wgtar ooaid* aad pad tow obligod lo oook rallof two or Ibro* tiraoo durtag Ul* alfbt.

fcith«r coniali a good, roUablo p lv i l i iW 01 v n f or 1*1 from your pkanaaolat AbM l four euticoo of Jag ta it j . taka a labtaapaaft* rt»l In a f la i l o f waioe bofora yrm k ffg t M a f«« d»ya M d gauifkldaoyo w ill ib a ^ .M

Tkii famoiA aalta ta mad* t n a i Ilid acid af gif>*a a n r iMAaib Jutaoi a a m lh M erlth U|hla. ai|d hat boaa^aaod far llAio U dledn abd oHmatbU a la g fb ii i B - nayi, a|oo lo nouirallaa a d t e In tba g r t b g jp It na iM fer Irriu taa tbda eadtag M M W woakaooa

lad laUa la a Ilf* eavar fur •aiato. It la laagpoMew. oaaaat .^ k o i a doUgbiful offorroiooat IHdetiib.^A'Co.

-Advirtlaoikoat tor Wyotb

The Handy Mess Kit jWaann tin t that tba maaa k it. now

BO muek la iamaad for uao OToraoaa la OBlIa au wall adapted to aorulco at homa. In tha room or In Iho op to—for tbara a n oceaaloni whan Iho woman who koaiOu would (01 a "unack" It only It warn net loo i r u t tronblo. Tba mMa kit. which ttheu up uarp tlltla apacu, U mada o t aluminum, and la ao llpht In walpkl that It mar ko earrlad w llkeut dtttlcultr It ona la a ft ta r a picolo. Tha ulaoalla ara about ala ineboa la dlam- alar, and whan plaood la pooltlon. ona abora tha othar, tha an tira o u tfit doaa nat a taal a loot la hoicbl. ■olldltlod aloahol It tka cookiBO aiadtam uaually amplapad. and at a u Ub b It ta qulia papilhla ta t^ragara a cup of cocoa, oottaa at boBltlpn. cook an a ( c and a bit af kaooa, M .

Week’s Building Shows An Increase of $32,988

Nineteen Pennits Iwued. Fewer Than Previoudly Reported, but

Amounts Are Lirger.

One Cktb for Outlay of $75,000

So-GUed **Hiunble Folk” Bear Witness that Heads Are for Something Else Hian for Hats

.•RiBaidan parmlU, rapraaaatlBK an outlay of lIH .td* for naw bulM lnsa and altarat’ona warn f r a a ta d by tha Dapartmaa\ of BBlIdlORO d«rla« tha waak andlB t yaodarday. Tbio to a a la* oranaa of r t l . iH «var tko aaow nt ot tho pracadiBC waak. wkao twaatp*riva parmlli warn craBlad, to r a ta to l aa* paadliBra a t tT t.n t . Tko lotooi. la- tpItIbb tl.tSd or Boro, aro aa fa t. IdWi; I '‘ rao rth W ard-* llt Rraoi a traal, a|«

iMktion Ik betek ra o u o rM t, CaatrM Railroad of Naw Jaraay, owwori aott. Bwlad coat,

Fifth Ward—» MoW hartar otraat, al- laiktloa ta hriek ehuroh. Church of Oar lady of Ml. Carmok oW Riti.oott- BMad coat, ILMR

•li th word—III lOHUi BiRkth atraot. allaratloB to fraino dwOlltuR. A*dr«w O. Kloftr, awBori aatlBOiad ooot |t,dM .

EMhlh Ward—f i t C tlftao aToaua, •Bd.ttory hallow ilia toroR R M. M. Hanachka, awiiar; aatlaw tad cadt, •LSM.

MUtk Ward—t i l FralInRiMFOOu ava. and, aUarallon to brtok fa e te ir , I t a r . IIKR Laatkar Compaaiy, ow aar; aat{. BBtad coat ltd C linton auoaua,oaa*atory ooncrata block cmroRo and atoraoa, O'Cenaatl * KltBor, owoar; oo* llBatad eoat II.IM.

Tanlh Ward—W haalar Point rond BBd ^ r t o i d atraot, two-atory fram a atohia, WltllBB T auaf J r , ow aar; ootlatatod coat Rall'a lana, OBO*atery hol­low tlla faetory, RodsI Laotkor Co b -

' hany. owaar; aititnatod Boat $l,Sdd.llavaatk Ward—B litk a ran u a aad

R ank Thirtaantk airoat. oaa-a torr frama ptraaa. Bloan R Choea HanUtao*. ta r ln t Company, aw aar; aathM tad cook♦ItH*. ■,

Twajfth Ward—»I*1M Lanta orauuR oua-atory ooncrata aulom ohll# ropolr and palBt ahop, Oulf R o tlu tns Ckn* B u r , owaar; aatlBatad ooat |td .H f. WlifoR a r n u t aad L oktfh VoUap lUU- mad, Iwa^tiorr fo ia w wRd oOBaoolo k k iiu id , Hio m t n t ta to M ird d ao w OoMpaar, owuari > o o tlM to # M t iTkafft.

Tklrtaantk W a r# * -I |. |d Ala— adar tiraat, aliaratloa U fnuRo ekurak, i t■ w la l'o aa t'T ifie *^***'**'' *•<)•

R u ^ h Cdtibid {Vodtteb I £ To Elect a $75,000 BaiUy

In th* fall of 1111 a aurburhan lady daclarad h*r Intantlaa o t aatoadlnd a bli of ceurlasy, la tha way of homa aconemlct hnowladia. to cartaln ham- bla famlllM llrlno la aa-callod poor diatrlela From bar awn homa coma bb tarty mornlBC pradtatlon. "Tau 'll laarn acmatblnf." In tha ar«iil*d. oa aha ctimbad tha front atapai aho rapllad, "I did"

Tha callart a l thaaa parUauM r "poor" homaa ah* vUltad war* ao wall otaekad with hema-prtaarTad and eesperred food* th a t t t pat tO aliiiBa tk ( o ffjrt* I f th* woAto Ml* idadhaW artud W M aMF put to tn«h t kW 'a waapp t to "'apiN»I thrift and toad oaaaarraUoa pfepOROOdk. Th* **nr flrat aabjoata of th* fra ta r- aal andtavor. a family w ith m aay mam* kart, all haid-worklBf, had m ara tan . aarvad food oa tkair tkalva* than aay maiBbar of Ih* vlaltiBf cemmittao.

Batwaan Ih* Dacaaaltlat of laat win* tar and tha anilelpotad n acaaiUlaa of th* coBln( wiBtar, Itatlao houoowtraa had bunt a brU f* af proctlaal pro* paradnat* oat of lhair awn hra la lua- tarial. If It had baan a daaollon of calarinc food* inatood of food ooaoar* vatlaa Iba opportnnily fa r ao au ra * tton mlpht h a rt baaa praalar. Ifuatord plekU* occuplad a coBaldOrabl* part of Iba callar.

Tha Amarican houaawlfa laarnad that naataalty It a atrongar fore* toward conaarratlOB than propaganda, th a alao la iroad that tho humhla wemaa'a haat la,Band far aoroatalng mora tkaa baorlag kata. Th* combtaatleA af pmpagaada cireulatad during tha part faw yoari; a atom nacaaolty m lngtot, parkapt, witk faar, and th a aaa of gray nwttar tlUad tha aatlara w ith caanad

Tba Rabbor *1 aantrai• M _________ _

etota Itaal Campaay for tha tOaotloa of ■ lwo.|tory ladtOTF hutld* ------a iwo.itory factoiSSILTSX

d^raypd bp UPrwill fgkolTd. I t» M

oiMn o f Iivm

_____ H.O i « l i ^ l i g i r i o | i i * i

Udu af OR oitfMloR Id ta«■ -■ |r Ai i ------- -


■1 omHI™ j p

roodarkloh loIttRIM t.

U to bo pgi


ftodi. Thar* can b* no doubt hut that many of th* humbi* heataw lvta con* CiBuad ih tir frugal, th rifty bablta that am th tir cuitemt. Other* followad th* laodaru *r hinti tk rtw n out by horn* walfar* kodlaa

Naoaaolty la a atara taokm aaltr. No ana waala to craota naoaaalty through mltfartun*. but It ao happan* now and than tkat Ik t kaatowifo I* dauklepod lata a aatlanal aooat through nocoo- alty. For laaUnoR a oartaln family had a maid far coaBldArahl* tlma wha p ^ o rm td nkiuralty ahd w ithout piuoh (a ifra ettaa th o ddllo* o f « hodpahold tfo Idkf Maio.' Mb ' mada Maak'Rkt'brdad. >00 km oWa la tiia tty o ,'* k o a^k * fiia lly dM' Rat Buah ear* if It oavar taw wlBl**wh**l braod again. Mu uaad all food*, waatlag aOna. ph*' waa a Mwat. "How aer* waa th* natural IhoughL Aa acoualaUae* of kora In- farmad Ih* family that baoauaa ot aa unfortuaata marrlaga tba maid had goo* bar own way* Into d***loplng har talaal* aa a houtowlf*. tharahy uncanaalouaty madarlng a aa rrlc t lo a family that appraeiatad har aftorta. In* itaod of rapiBing, aha uaad har haod, and hand*

Raton** th it pOTtleular mntd’t ekureh lay la a dlmatlao many mil** away fram har |*h thar* cam* a aaparatlaB rugrattad by Iho family. For It waa ovidtat that th* family waa a* much

ewaad to havt within thalr houaohold B* on* wk* would ua* har haad lo

help In th* tirannoka praaaai aa Ik* aaborkaa woman waa turprlaad to too tba wall ttaekod otilar thalvaa.

■am* a t Ih* humklar haad* or* mara danarrlBg of maallon, It paama, than •am* th a t a r t uaad far aapanaloa mil* llaary. I t all dopaada apoa.tka hood.

The KindergartenDr. LyniAn AHbott hAi v r l l t i n %n tp -

prgcUtloo i f (hi k in tU rgartin on b«- h ilf »( tb i D ip ir tra iit pf Intgrlor. B urim i f EAiicgUog, u i4 Shi NAilpngl K lnd iriirtiB AiiPclAtlon. ll b rlngi htfor# Ihi pd n n i vdrr forcgfully th i

STEAMSHirSs t a t e L | u r

Pif IvfMnmtiip ngm ung tloM i t 4ig*r(w« pbMi I1M r '

D on 't S ay ** A P o u n d of te d * S a y

E 'xe

T E Ath e n you’l l th e r e a l d e lio io u g n eM ofpnrep fioohd frad g a iit leoTeo b le n d e d to p e r f e ^ ' * A t y p i n r d r o o i r * S t a k J p m ^ r t t o n f y ,

Snowj' W hite' Gothes Without Scrubbing

No nutter how big thMwtih orhoweoflid ther Uoea, 20 Mulo Team Bom Sotj» Ghij will put your clothM on the Um isowt wf

all tho lurd work of wMb diy Mt I It’# the Borax la ^


thgidocaitl ItioAeiisdwwatRrandlooeeiiilhhSrtie thdt tba pure dkdohra It awn. Naatl waA*dar aaa 20 MuIaTaam Boia SoapCattpa thii wart

Maka a Soap Jellr by ^ in| (htita tablaapoouAib of (^ipttoaouartofbotliogwater. Putauoulbof this aolatioa iiiilb (ha 'Wat»wataf Ito maka a iood todt aad loak or bofl doibaa aa iwttal Will not ihripk wooleoaorioiuraiiaajfabfiea. Ao8oa.paek. ada of 20 Mole Boeix 8o^ Cliipa aqaala 2Sa wertk ot ordinafy Utwdry aoap,

/ f ' i fbd g t r w r mdth ( S a s a # t k a t i m p a r k



yart tko ardtaat *aa*atary fram a alok ta* a t I t L u g otraat. wklak ta no* id u a Tara BalL Into a raomi

k il l fad maa. Tha halldlag, aeoapida • plot t f a ik t foot, la to ko

do two Morlaa high by laa to llla f o wad TIoor, and la lo ko po rtltla iiad

off Into forty bad raoma u d a raodfgg room. Baary i . WoUor ka* praparad plan* fBr tba ehudOR.

Com at HI ft i fr Chaa. t* Foraaada 0

l*T ft a fr

S lorry *l ua. ft a fr Wit*

One Teneaent Peniiit GiRotedP U at worn a pgr* rad by th a #1* 1*

Board af Tonamaat Mama SupenlaH e ihla waak for tko a lto ra tloa o t a iwo**^....-.^ •tory.brldk hMMtag; W u M ag to a n a ip M M . t f jW Mala at m ala •argaaflald . awnad -b r Fradarlek Iiaglar, o t aa aaiim atad oaat e l tt,Hd. «

R R U ROTATR TRANaygEB.Th* Mltwiaa daod* wan f#*o yaatardayi

HIWAMLAaaa H Mtakard U XaRiB Rraallar ot aa,

a a Haraoad at IH ft aXtr AMaotr pi. ililH , II. '

gdwta c aipaaaa at al ••*• ta L* Ray R Otkaraa, w a W tthlnttta a* add f t a M Ckowtr to. H ill, ft,

saaw U Mtallta W Oakata*. w a Waak*SI.

aajja, aj

I lE S I a u l --------- -' ' and *lh*r uaak ll.

iSIU m at a t If . / •at aa If

'** “ or mwAMf.

M g A 4$M%I «g • V dig imA em


I JWMbalk a llfafft V• r j f w m

K s n y ik MrieSyhhi IUIp RIIfIR#

flTtnni - . . -w .

MORTOAOga Tkaat.awriou a* warn m*dt

MgtrARR.!*«** tiM Uar at aa to Waal « d t Tarh R

A L Atan, * a Iftrwtad at h * n a fr Akta- gaFpkMSM.

Abiam Rataarita at a i ta OaMaala R RL ASBk * *.* tiymaar a* M ft a a fr Jat*

Opwa V fammiil at al te Ftftk trard ■ A L Am a a Iwdayait* at l i t ft <r tr Oatto B, HH.

Rat* VUata aad ha* t* Waif Jatra, t a g lltb at IH It a a ft m b av, im .

Ptal ■ graac* *t a i u Joaal* v Raat. aI M tik M n ft a ft H or. Ikaat.

Onotria Flgaaiam la Job J Pallllto, a a tar Madlata tad Bowalag am ||,TH.

Carollaa Rlrthadr ta A t lu R A L Aop. F • Atuadati at. (R iia iau ar) IH ft a ft

ffi& atV -,ifm *«a:

i t ’f i t t i ’wia;:!!;',?Itaak. a a oar

IH R tVr% *w ar. tt.di OOTMOB 9F,.|fBWABJL

!*»*.&* iwmm'fal W

t*«iSb?vrirh*.AHar *1 Ml lHiM |.

w a r n n i i

m .

iU M « n



. . . . . . . . . . . . A N D THE REASON!---------Do you know France?Do you know her aHvcr Rtrcama, the mu lie of her moonlight on casement windows, be*

death which lovers aing serenades?The UoMMua from trees along the roada by which the legions of Caesar marched to

conquest—UoMoms from the same soil that dropped bloom on the head of Henry of Navarre ai he whispered love in the ears of his sweetheiui?



2 :3 0

PRICESBilcony.........25cOrchestra.......50cBoxes.......... 11.00

500 Good Seals it 25c



8 :3 0

, ; rJpRiCES‘B sl 1 . c 25c & 50c Orch. . . 75c and $1 Boxes........... $1.50

500 Good Seats at 50c

dd THE s ir s E m r l o v e s t o r y e v e r to ld"



B r ir^ the Rom ance and Beauty^ o f jPranee to Amm4d»* to Newark, to iTou




.. ■ 11*.*'«


*,TW TC!

1>i,'» Ae;;+;j‘v

” f*' ylV-

< i,t< *♦ f d r t f - ■'/,s

w :


L tf b m k t m i a n

A M tt IfelM iM H MaMfiw

"*•***• ***T?li

E. «.

^ OTVAM im m u o * ■ « iEiMW* • • r r tw * V to E«*<M t tf l» to*to •

•totoM 'iM trto »»«»••■*• »*•' i ? *MniMlw. to* »<?»**

|v«aiav IN«^

fMb to % v tvW f *f tli*AOT«ri»4*4 IN*m ' '{•4m%9 mm W to fyllr "Sir« «4 l)M A«»<to(*4 Pr«toi L*^ a«v» W

aL m Aflfta Atr»l« *rlBt«4 to t« th*ittofl M t* ry ttfeTtoftUtto

«IOVBllBBIt * I t l l *

S p e a k in g f o r T h e m a e l v e s .la tiM d«m*iiEr«tloM which hav* avraa*

Kiel prtoty «*ll ov«r O a n n aa r . th« O il im n p*opl* ar* tp aa k la f to r thamaalvaa. M ac* M a il raalanaUan i Iv m th a tn ia aMwar to Proildaiit Wltoan’i laq a try M tohaoi h* w u ■paaklBC for. T ha S«cUI Dam-

'atohU hava rapudlatad bla etolap to ba apaak- iBt tor tha Oarmaa paopta a a d hla praten- toaa that tha Oaratoa O avatam ant had baan broaf hi andar popular ceatraL

Tha Kalaar. rafualBC tha •oclallata' da- ■ aad that ha abdicata. conrtrm a th a apa- e to a n a t of Max'! rapir- Ha laalau. acrord- la s to tha raporla upoa ra ta la lnc command, aa Iba (round that ha will not "undartaka tha tarrlM i raaponilbiiiir of handlna over QarEtobjr to tha E ntaata aad dallvartna up Mto aaantrp to aaaretar.” Tha dam and la toatod to hava ronia from th a m ajorlttr par­tita a t tha RaM utac, which H a s triad to ■toba 1M btllaaa wara la eoatro l o f th a am- f ln r ta ith iN .

Ib a am latlea dalacataa. baartav eradan- Hala I r a ^ tha Chaaoallor a ad th a Oaraoaa- ■ g h CoBBtoad. baira raportad bach to baadgaaitan a t Epa. w bara th a Kalaar waits •a taam laa tha armlstloa ta rm a H aaaw htia Vaawaarts publlakaa a pracbkm atloa from thp taalai DamocraUc P a r t r w hich calls upaa IbH thoaa who, Uirawfh aaartaa pol- ta ith adhatl thia oalaaitty to ootao upoa our

Mpla," to ra tifn ihalr poaU, a ad daoiaraa a t all aSeaaaarr aaaaoarta a ra b a lM takaa

I h Owt aa4 ' without aseap ttac a a r parsoa IP MOttar haw h lph lj plaoad.

f la r tr thIa waah th a O an aaa O ovaram ant Hoad P aianlfaato. Ip w hich It « tld :

fanwatlai u tk a aaaaplato adopuoe a< tha ■uta-aaa piaa, a ad th a tah la p ovar af tha poraratotnt Job will aaalst matarlaUp In making this traa tfa rin a tlo n m ora a aucoam bp turaWiIng am ptorm ant fo r ooiiia of tha Inmaiaa who m ight otharartaa ba In Idlanaaa tor a lima.

Tha aoluUoa a< aavaral o thar problama will ba aaalalad hjr th a carrTlnP ®ut of tha contract, provldad It works auccaaafully, and will command tha astanalon of tha plan In othar stalto. I t will glva Naw Jaraap mota ravaaua from tha Inmaiaa amplopcd without placing i a uadua burden on tha radaral aovarnm ant. for tha labor will ba worth tha raU of wagaa racclvad. Tha amploymanl of tha prlaonara will rallava to an aslant Ih# labor ihortss*. ralaasing fraa man naedad now for shoa rapnir work ao th a t thay can antar othar llnaa whara thalr a an ica t will ba of larger banafit. Furlhaim ofo. tha Mlvaga of ahoaa will ba haatanad, which Is Important, and th a outlay of tha army tor naw malarial will ba laaaanad-

Tha paw gpraram aat to roads up of ' r tg rssaau tiT ts of th a Ptojortty p a ^ a a

Ip tha Ratehslag. T ha m ilitary adm la- lEm tiaa has baoa ptoe td u p d sr raspoa- IMUty ta tba Im partol C haaoallor.4 t th a t Uma H as was giiotod aa saylag

M at bsraafU r ha wouM fool callad upoa to pgHga vhaaaaor ha (hllad ta com inaad th a gPERart of a govaraataat m ajortty . Ha has IPtIgBOd. but bts raolgaatlop h as ao t boaa hPMplad. Who to thora to aoeopt R f Is ho Hn p o m a l of tho poopio o r o f th o Wolssr, Vbo has bson oalUd up aa to loavo tho

4 htooo by this samo a ia lo tl t r w hiah forosd M ^ s rottgaalloB.

Tbs Rslchstag m ajority o rtdoatly doos not Poatidar that tha poopla havo booa pu t ta ppptrol of tha govontaMnu' l a tb o ir uHl- n a lo m tbsy Biaha doataada to r th a follow- lag rttormo:

£ right ^ gebUo a e o w h ly , ,p i U t ^ and polioo m ust bo erdorod

b t aaorclio gioot rsssrrs .to o Immodlatt troasfo rm atlop of tho

IhM loB OovanmoBt la eoato rm lly with Ibg slows of tb s a ia jon ty la th o Rstohstag.

(irsa tar PoclaUst la flu sacs In th s M dhslag .

Tha abdication of B m paror W illiam and f to rsauaelatloa of tho th rono by th o Crown M ao a .

th ia aatlOB eaa hardly tall to rooult In a ghowdown of power. In handing In thaaa hOrtslOBs. Iba protaatants daroaadad th a t tha Chpaotllor accept iham i othorirtoo thay # ta td irlihdraw from th o g o ro m m an t Aaywhara outslda of OormaBy th a t would ihoap rsvoluUoa, aad with tb a oplrit of ra- |M I spraadiDi as It ta th ro u g h th a Oarman

'•M ss It wsuM ssam to m ean th a t th a ra TIacad In such s a Impssoa, th a Kalsar

Etays upon tba word "anarchy ." Tha BoWiavIsm that Oarm any let looaa upon Bptola U dangled before o u r ayaa aa a toPrid m antes which ws m ust help to heap Ig chock. Austria triad to play tho same go PIT but ths throatanad Bolahaslam there hhd pot matarisllsod. Tha Oarroaii Liberals IgHH that all thay want a ra far-raach lng ra- (Iw pu that will transform O orm any Into n ^ u t n a democracy, and wa tak a m ere stock Ip thsir word than In tha K atsar'a deceitful talk. Ill* notions of anarchy and ours ara potaa apart.

‘ I t li tha tola of tm plraa, aoma one had • td , to die of Imperialism. W hile the In- Israal situstlon is som aw hst obscurs, Im- garisl Oarmsny Is tv idan tly la th s last fh rsa a A mile-long prooaaplon of r t- p isaftrsn ts would not bs llluch In this gooptry. In Oarmany, w hara U tb knach l tgps Imprisoned to r conducting a one-man fffpf® any proccaalon dem anding freedom gM the overthrow of eonstli*ttod authoHtlos to % RMPacIng ovonl.

' t o o WlUalsbaoh dynasty, brsodar of tho toitol Whgk of B assha . h as boon dopoood.

t T jto' Pholo Baltic littoral ia said to bo In hpads, with th s m ovem ent spreading g ^ th a rn sta taa Allowing to r whnt- Inggamtlonn (hare m ay ba In tha ra- th ln » hnvo ''gona fa r enough to

to us srhoiti w s Bhall want to have tha aeeaptanea of th a armlsttca

C o m e t o S t t y .Tha axpahmanl of employing woman

school laachara aa alaellon offleara, as wall ns that of gm uplnc polling plaeaa In school buHdlngi wharavar practleabla, worked out vary lailafactortly In Tuoaday’a alacllon. Tha moat aignlflcinl asqual to th a raorgsnlmllon of tha dtalrlcl boards, parhnps. was th s fact that tha ballots w sra voted and counlsd without confusion and th e rs tu m s fllsd In quicker lima than In any o thar recant year.

And In tha receiving of th a vote, accord­ing to ganarsl report, th ara was no friction or mlaundaratanding. T ha woman asslm- llatad thalr duties w ith no apaclsl trouble and It It tha testim ony of th s man offloari of wider axpartanoa th a t th a voting this year proesadad a t taaal as sm oothly and ns Intal- llgantty sa h tra to fo ra

Dtfflcultlaa w ars axparlencsd ha rt and thara during th s aarty periods of raglstra- tlon and occaslanal m tsUkaa occurred at ths primsriaa They ware of a trtfting eharsetar, however, due to grsaunaas on tha part of soma of tha alaoUon offlearo—and net an- Uraly confined to th e aroman offleUlo—or to contusion resulting from tb a Innovation of having many polling placas located ouUtda the dlatricts thay raapoettvaly rapraaantad. Thaos laoldanta it is ototod, wara due to tha fault of tha voters a s fraquantly aa of tba otflclala

Tha wider use of th a school bulldfnts os polllhg pUoos moy bo eonsldsrad as hsvtof boon rsUfled by a sueoswfol trial. Tha County Board of Eloctloas Is antltlad to much of tha credit for th a favorable raaulti In both expartm anla Tha board was oau- tious In tba salaetlon of naw dtitriot offlcart and dlscrimtnatlBg In th a locating of tha voting plaeaa We m ay look tor furthar de- valopmaat of th a laachar-oftloar; tha school voting place has coma to May.

aatlono a i* a*gr, piucB tarrtlary *W hasp ba bald la tru s t. Thara ara dspsadspctsn and coloatsa, ancien t houia of eoatoatloB among th s B uropoan nattona. which will bo vory llboly to p M t undor Amarlcaa pro* loctoratoo to r tho sUnplo rassna that Amarica'a Intsrsot to Bureps Is raeogaJaad as Impartial.

All tbaoa th ings ro tan daisy, m taa a tints that will asam inlarm lnabla before tha last Amarioan sslacUva la coco more a t hom a Wa ahall have to ram am bar that America ao longer Is asoluslvaly Inlarastad in tha Amsr- leana Wo ora o world power, grown to man's lU tu ra . and H will bo our task to tak s up our International rasponalblUttea Ilka roan and not grum ble a t th s burdana Rather should wa apply lo thoaa raoponslbllltlaa tha tam e spirit of service which has mad# Am trica s name to conjurs with In tha winning of Ihs war.

And. while wa are a t II, 1st us at homo show the sam e appreciation of the arrosd cruoadara of th is W aalam Republic In thalr days of victory th a t wo ahowod In Ihalr days of effort. I-at us provs to tham that wa sp- praclsla as fully th a lr work In aitsbllshlng the paeca aa wa apprac ta ta thalr marvelous achievement of winning It beside their vet­eran com panloas of tho Allied nstlone. Let us show Ihsm th a t although thsy ars to( away tijetr hom o land has In no way fur- gotten thorn In tts own buelto of reoonstfiic- tlon. We can apoak to them and have part of America only a n hour away through the Balvatlon Army, tho Knlghte of Columbus T. M C. A.. T. W. C. A , the JeWleh Weltore Board, tho W ar Camp Community gervlcs and th s Am ortcan Library Aesoclstlon. Lot us do our

m m *, alam T m * M r. f t tha » a i |l a M hM havo a a l a i poparttoly aad solod a a to4l- s td h a l Bsorlts, a e t aU of tho so w ato H o aM arigh t h a s* booa doatod. (

A t a ll o saa is . lb s tain par af tha sotmrs a f o u r aM o a os ahswa la thdaa totonagoo aa woU a s la Jarssy City a year a g a aggaarg ta bo ogalaot ap g ro sitg of laersoasd oolirtog fo r h igh munlclpol offldala *soa though tho ir fu ll Umo la dsmandsd la tho ooaduct of th o ir oftlcoo, and dtopRa tha moaaUmg coot o f liv in g

Tho rooult of tho poUco and firo pay rotoroadunio tndicatss olsartr enough th a t th is alaaa o f pubUo sarvaat Is ragardad In a dlfforont ligh t th an to tho alactivo m unicipal officor. T ho volora In Ihalr coses tooh liv­ing canto and tho geaoml tendency tow ard h lg h ar wagoa for worhlng people Into cca- ■IdomUon. Thane rofaronduma wero hold in Jom oy City, Patarooa. Kearny. Irvington. Nuttogr, Booth Orange Vlltofo. R utherford. E ast R u thorfo rd and IgndhUTtt. Tho vor- diet woo nubolantlal In oooh lest. Tho ro- sulta w ould oooro to vindicote the eouroo lahon provtoualy, without reoourso to rsfor- e a d u ra .^ y th o Ctty Cammtsstoa of Newark and by o tb o r Iocs! governing bodtuo, lo g ran tin g Incroaoos of pay to ihalr police and ft roman.

W ith th s Katsar'a navy waving tha rad flag, hla arm y ratoing tha while flag and hla poopla foaling dscldadly blue, the color schem a of Aragrtoan Intervention la pretty generally avldaat.

T ha htgbaot paid roovto oetrasa loot Hvll c o u rt su it over t l t t . t l t . W hat a hardanod lo t of cynical old benedicts that. Jury m ust have bean!


R u s s i t ’s N e e d .Ruwla lakao aartoualy tha Bolshevik

threat of snothor Bt. B anholom aW i Day, sat for tomorrow. Naw Russia appeals for help from the Am erican and Allied (ovsm m anta wklla Aroboaaador Bakhmstaff pleads tk st w hatever can ba dona to pravoat tha aiecutlon of th a maaaaera threat ihall ba dent. ,

It to tap lata to la ta rvana with to rea If nay pravantloa U poaatbla It muet bo through diplomacy, by eoualer thraaU of bolding those raoponslblo personally ae- eouotahla T hs DoUbavM s have slrasdy baai Intormsd th a t thto to tha attltuda of tha Entaata na tlo n a and It appears to have had no affect; conaaquaetly the outlook to vary dark It so asamingly IrepoMibIt a car­nage of butchery and crim e Is beind con­templated.

The threat ctlll hae a Oerman odor. It appears as s part of th s Oerm an propaganda to Instil s terro r of Bolsbovtom. If It to tbaL It will eoon flicker o u t But It It to ganulns, thoea who carry out tho thraat will hoTS sat the world ogalnet thara. Thalr varyHI------- will ba a fresh guaranty thatRuasls will recover llsolf and, aided by all the w orid 'i forces of order, will bring their regime to a sum m ary end.

f o n L a b o r a n d ^ a r W o r k .


a signing of tho con tract with the O ossram onl to r tho omploymeni of a t Tronton to rep a ir arm y shoes, a tost to assured of w h a t has become

i s tb s Jofghy plan for utlltoittg prison to tkar wOfk. T ha parfoctod' arrange-

sall to r tho om ployinaat of t to In­a l tb a atato prlaon In fiva shopa

m aohlnary h as boon In- I a m to bo paid and M to prosalL Thus

to gtson th a t IhB hirir dsal Is In no Wtoadsd t i ggsS B I* oocnpoUtlon l K l 5 w and M BBlhlr to n n a

^toltlttHNll 1B IB * pocullarfy totoUBi tik UM «Mnrlng out

Thig# WB thiuiands of o * t o M l # 'l ) t o « n h i i 'k

'agitog ,W' Ptoto BwM Bglfto. ■

a il l ia Pi th a a ia u

g i l t l . su rrsa t 4g,togM>lMtir dar.'

A ll t h e G r e a t e r R e a s o n .Even It only a tew days or hours era to

elapse before the arm istice which will end the war becomoa sffsctlve, there will be not lew but even groatar reason for generous flnenctal support of th e United Wer Work cempaign. I

Instead of the excltanw nl of war we shall have Id arrange to m eet the tedium of gar­rison and barrack life. After the flrit vast Intereel of the occupation of enemy territory and fortreseea as sure ty has pelled In 6om- parleon with the tension of f^h tlng one's way Into such placca, the resourcei of the wer workers will be taxed oven the more to meet the homeelckneto of the men who have wreeted victory from th o onemy and want to go bach. I t will be a Uma when not only a lack of th s most exclUng occupation In tho werld, but also boredom and loneliness will contend with JubllaUou to make dla- clpUne difficult and unwholsooma pleasures sttrsctlve.

That the re tu rn of pooeo will or con m taa th s return of tho g rea te r part of the army Is still doubtfuL To begin w iii, even If they are not d isturbed by revolutionary moTomtnis, the ac tu a l fram ing of Uie terms of peaoo will, In a ll prcbablllty, take montha Never were there such conflicts of contrast - Ing oltlMS. so m any delleats questions of boundartos and racial aspirations, such an adm litu rs of hopeful democratic poeslbllity and anctont batreda. laid on the shoulders of s tow men to oottle. Wo am not deollag now with Use osplimljona of compoct Btoa- archlio oo In Napoloonta Uumo. nor with tho Validity of th o tr m ilitary o r htrodHary claims to eom nw rclal o r tsrritorlal ad- vantago. Wo a m dgallB i wHh .the national- tom of owahoBOd tooRiBB. with democra- Idas which havo o bow i la this n r that llw tenacity with which they hold to thsir eda- vtcthms can osorth row th s most ofttotoat autociaclsa. ^

Thsfs am naw govdm m snta lo bo at! up. They will nood th e friondly suppw t of Allied troopa Thom a m ahaUomd govommenla which may have to f isd tho ir toot la tho> tnnsIlloB period th ay «tU aosd help, Them may bs m rolutlotH where wa Hwll havti (*' waK ta ana tho tohdatohr of the new gesem- meata. There to BgaBtok wNtoh. WhatovOr tha farm of <»sorBBHld, wttt have to emarga from th is a m htoodtowd la the

' a t .p g g ih ito « iltii;:j% i» » - w

B r e a k t h e S e n i o r i t y R u le .W ith th e nex t Benale etandlng, aa a re-

ault of th o oloctlons. forty-nlne RopubH- eone and forty -ooven Democrato a ttar March 4 n e it. unlem aome unexpected ohangea iceur, th em to a fine opportunity to break the eealorlty ro le u ndrr which the chair- manehipa of eom m itteee end the member- ahlpa themoB a m allotted

I t the Bonato to organised In Ihe eame old way, Banator Penrooe will be chairman of the finance, naval a ffe irs sad poetoffloee and $oet roada eom m itleei. which will make him the moot pow erful figure in the upper houae alnco A ldrich 's tim e; Benstor Warren of Wyoming will be chairm an of the egrl';ul- ture, appm prla tlon , military affaire com- mltteaa: Banator Lodge will be head of the forolgn relatione committee, the most Im­portant of all In the next Congreee. Senvtor •moot erlll be chief of the public lundt and public h ealth eoromitteoa Under the eealorlty retie practically all the committees win revert to tho banda of the reactionary R epublleaaa w hich m earu that the Senate erlll bo oontrollod by tho men who all but wmckod th o RapubUcan party ta I t l l .

I t may bo a ll rig h t to leovo Senator Lodge at the head of th o tomlga relatione com­mittee. despite th o undoubted rspudlaUoa by hto own sta te of Maseechueetts of hto views on a peace trea ty through the defeat of hto eolloocuo, Beaalor Weoka The Hassaebueetta r e n l l was notice lo Senator Lodge to let up. B ut It will not be ell right to load down th e committee with ipeg wbogo Stowe are t b a eam e aa Senator Lodgs'auiBS that to lA a t will If Uio e e d t o ^rule prosBHOb i ."T.',

The progf is e lea- Rapublleaa Sanalom have not only an opportunity, beoauae of t ^ closeneoe of th e pa rty dlvlelon, but they have a duty, to Ihe country not only, but to their party, to force a change tn the seniority ru la Six or seven Republican Senators from the West, poaalbly more, whose views coincide hardly an y w h ere with the vlewe of Penrose, ■mooL Lodge and other reactionaries, have It In th e ir pow er to b r |ag about thto reform now. 'THey ought to tee th a t It Is dona

'Them to n a lth e r good tenss nor good polities behind the ssnloilty mle. If Ihe iena te leads la aboltohlag I t the House will undoubtedly follow suit. The fact Is that the Republican lead ert have been complain­ing In the last tw o years that all the Im­portant chairm ansh ips In the lower house went lo th e Southern members because of the eenlorlty ru la Here to their oppor­tunity, then , to see that thto shall not happen agnln. Here to the opportunity of Republlcana to kill two birds with the one stone, to safeguard themaelves egalnsi a popular reaction tn 1116 by unhorsing the Penroae-Bmoot brand of leadership now and to p ro tec t the country from the evils they see In th e eenlorlly ruli, even It thoir party to detoatod In any clrcumstanoea I t the seniority custom was had In principle under D em ocratic rule, It certainly cannot bo better under Republican rule.


SouKcs of "linporlgl Pairiotlain’* Considered by Two American


A n

I m m IMIR. dqggdsd ad ttoM wMHi tkor I hiva to koihoop their tasterloo aad woeii*

loaM will roqgtro large qoaatl- Itaa af stoplo toed peadaeto. toalaitsbty few of tbOH wm ba to poHUoa la gqein Ibam,

witaiB thotr own

la an a ttem pt lo shew hew alatoel by accident, certainly without censoleue plan, the Brttleh Bmpire hat grewa le l i t present properUoao end bet developed a reOMtokable form of 'TmperUl patrUtlem" Ika a e la s ia "lippertBl England' iMacmman), has been w ritten by Cecil Pilrfleld Lavell aad Gbarlee Edward Payne, both prefseeore of hlaUry a t Urinnell Cetlega arianell, l a The authors seem to feel th a t the British Empire con- ttlto te e a model after which e league of nations m ight be patlernod—In some pertteu-IftrAo At l«Atl-

W hen English eellers first began te feel the lure of the far kerlson there were two en terp rlee i that atiractsd them with peculiar power. One wee the quest of the northw est peeeage to the Indies end one was the trade to the dpanleh main The termer was lo a t ­tra c t E n g llih osploror* tor three centuries and w as to Immortalise sem* of the m eet noteble nemee tn tho annals of British sea­manship. The latter had all the fesclnatloa of ad v en tu ra conflict and ungueeeable tu rn s of ch aa ca Between them they became Ihe icheol o f Ellsabethen ssamen, and froso these enterprises may be traoed Ibe glory and grow th of England

H istorians todey, ef whatever leanlnge e t nationality , agree In generel that ne factor had a g reater Influvnc* ultlm etelr In the ferm ntlon of o true and coherent British Em- plro than the reTolullon et the oolontee In ITTt end the Mrth of a now Amsriean nation. Through the felly ef Its Ttulenlo ruler* and the deveAen e t the oelenlst* to tho prlncl- pleo of froodem. tho Britloh Bmptro lest the aw et valaahl* ef l u poeeeeslons aad Isaraed

not see seal ewssgUsM the Belted toaSeo will ha toaad lha gooasBoer of moot of that wfetoh trin ba rswtoad liida, raw awfstnia

Maatootariag gaC to a Itoriiad antootwad gosto to qnaatttg

to most the needs ef poapts vba ssaat ladaatrtol aad sommerttal Ufa alawat agala. bat wUheat the eteck oa hand with which to do It

Wara* thoa that to tha toot th a t ooom of Ih* load* so otnietad, asarly oU of tbota, w ill b* w ithout ueoBS to buy tho qaeotltl** of thooo produels needed. They have ad t th a gold with which to pay tor theau a rh a t gold roraain* la oortala i t aot olL ih* oopitals *1 B arops will ha ta la h* hashaadod more par- tica la rly for ue* oa rooerve* to bock thoir curroaclea I t they awy aot aoad geld far goods or merehaadlo* the ral* baa heon to ro lam tn kind, to eiport lo oaetbor load onoagb I* pay tor what may b* Importod tharafroB. But tt will be more t han aaa yaor. poaalbly eaveraU before they e r many of them will bav* surplus preduet* seeded her* of aaffletoat qnaollty to send to a* la payment for wbal they would has* to buy from ua

Her* tho problem ef peso* which oMy bo a* etaggorlag a t almost any which preoeated Itse lf to r the eoccestful preseeutloa ef the w ar by the Allto* and the United g u ta* **ma* rapidly t* tha t r e a t It calls fa r eelutlaa. Row moy the wsr-stjleken aatlons tiad m eant with which te pay ua te r Iss taaea (or w hat they m utt have, which ws may be able I* 0*11 te thofflf

There are only two ways ef Impertlag, by paying for the geeda whloh mean* w ith gold, or by return shipments of m orebaadlsa The larg e r share of tho werM’i available gold to la tho United gtaloa Tho product of gold from mlnoo ownod by forolgnoro will not ho oonl horo In payment for Importo for oomo time to com*. It will bo noodod whore ewosd e r cootrelled.

The OBO reply thui far mad* to the quo*- tlea a* to what may be don* In thi* prospeo- live emergency abroad It that payment for goods may bo mad* to ns by ferolgn gevom - m enta corporations anb munlctpaUtlo* on- couragtng tad tocurlng a nu rho t horo to r thoir bonds thus croatlag a crodll w ith aa which would pormit tho functioning of In- tornatlonal trad a the onmooklng of tho wortd-ivhool* of traffic oo that rocoaotraa- Uoa and upbuilding may bo rooumod-

' I ^ s of court*, would bo an oatonalon or oipwnslon of procootot which havo alrosdy boon Indulfod la to tamo e itsn t. Amorloa has boeomo scqsalntod with tho dootrsbillly of foreign bondi e* Invettmenl* since the war brek* out and undoubtodty, by tho forco of tho clreumstancoe roforred l a will havo lo and bo wIlllBf to croato and atim ulato a wldor marhol hero for each tocurilloa

A* pointed eut by the preeldent of a lead­ing New Torh bank, eom* eoeh solution of th is moot prooolng problosn, proopoctlvoly. will carry with 11 tbo wolfaro of coantlooo millions of poopla not only hor* bnt abrond.


Thosa to waillsg q bouoo at tho foot od tho

At tho oad of llto's highway.Whsro tbo pilgrim, a-woary. shaU p a t dowa

hto loadAt tbo sun tots aftor day.

Tboro to rost and refroskmont for tbaoa th a t are spoat

From ths ttruggtoa and tbo o M fa Aad a plaeo whovo tho lostoore may sit la

esntoBlAt tbo ond of tho U ll of Ufa

And tho houso that wa flad a t tho aad o l thotroll

Is ths houso that wo psopera*Net a brick aer a sh lag la a board *v a aaA

But ourself hag plaeed It th a ra io w* think w* tbaU flad. ok tbo ead hriags

us sear,Aad w* see eur eteraal aheda

"Twill he nehU or poor, as tho oa* w* built bora

Our Hens* by the did* of tbo Road.

a teosoa Tba AmortoaaR a u ^ t l o # IBfIeated, oeo* aad tor aU, th a t th e old colonial pellep ef oxpaaelon had tolled.

An account It givtn of tho slgoincanl ehaagoa th n t hove boon eftoetod In Bnglleh- m tn and thoir smpir* by th* war, I t I* otaiod th a t England to by nature Individ- uallatlc. but that today h*r Industrlot are natlonallsod. h tr Ilf* ooelallstd and hor poo- pl* on rn tlona (he I* by natur* open-handed, but today ratlllont of poopio ore oavlng money to tn ab lo tho sevommtnl to carry on the war. The Englishman It a lovtr of outdoor sp o rta but today the HoaUy regatta, the Derby, ertekot, football and rowing kavo made way for tho more oorlouo buclnosa oa hanA By lomporamont the Eagllohmaa hatoa oystam, but today ho to going at thingo mors roothodlcalty and with a larger Intollt- gonco th an over heforo.

Tho dlepaaolonaU ohoorvor. In tho opinion of Profoosor LavolL who wrllos tho conclud­ing ooctlon. will *00 three clear reaoona for Britlah tuecooo In emplrt bulldlnt. One le the em pire'! elaetlelty. Its refusal to force human nature Into a rlild mold Its abandon mont of tho policy of cenlrnlliatloo. It* oteadlly Increatln* comprehenelon of the m oaning and power ef liberty. Another la ao Inborn capacity for admlnlet ration. Tho

I th ird In the application of the principle that sym pathy and sood foltowohtp m atter more than any external form.

CiDteeiu to Uphold Mor*le.'Poopio at homo, whore there a re stom a on

every corner, do not roallso wbnl It moaao to tho boys over hero when the coataon has te elooo for Itch of supplIoA" eommonud a

" man In a roeont letter lo tbo Buffalo Bxprsoa

■Wo havo hod Ova rainy daye la snoooealoB and no oupplloa coming la. Tho cantoon Is closod for buelnos* and th* only atock w* havo loR It writing paper, a m tl* tooth paota aom* malehe*. oiplanatloni and pattone*.

"The poopio a t homo must aotwor th* boys' quorioa If th* poopio would bagtn oeadlng things ovor hor*. whll* staging "Ovor T hora’ thatv patristtoss.votlU show up bottor. Hun- drods of tlmo* I boar the oxprooolon *rhaak Ood lor th* t . M. C A ' whoa I band o«t » paehag* of elgarottos or soto* cboeolat*.

•Th* longor I olay, th* more corUIn I am th a t th* T. M. C. A Is doing Its graatoot work through mlnlstoring to th* ntodt of th* boy* through th* cantoena Th* suroet way to break down lb* moral* of th* boy* It to do- priv* thorn of their emokee aad th* llltl* comfort* which they hov* a right to hava"

MR. COMMON FEOFLE.Ia the enburb from which w* movbg aom*

Um* age Ihor* ltv*d_aad pm bahly itIU tlvo* —a elllaon who cam* to pmooot In our oyo* all the eharuetoritllc* of th* common poopl*. ombodlod la on* poreonollty. Tbo tdoo et thto tncoraollea porslstod a fto r w* notlood that ovory time a cartoentol foil called oa to portray h it ooneoptlon of Ih* avorag* elttoen tba rooult was a slrlklng llkeMSs of our fel- low-nbarhaalt*. Th* targo-rtmmod gtasooe. th* tlto whlskora th* eoavonllonal foatnroe. th* humhlt exprostlon around th* oyoa *11 wore thora Finally wo got to th lahlng of tbo man w* taw oa tha tretloy a t Mr. Common Poopla 0*4 th* nam* otueA

W* saw him on th* stroot yootorday. look­ing Btoro commanploeo aad typical than ever. He bod an armful of bnndloa hi* *70* wore mild os they always had boon hehlad th* cpectael**, hie whtekor* wore smoothlr comhod eut and ho had four bu ttoua on* w ith a corvie* e ttr , on hi* seal lapoL tosliiu him brought It suddenly lo no th a t hor* w ta Is roallty, th* common c ll l io a tbo ordinary American, the living ty p a He boeam* ih* ombodlmsnt ef a great army, mllltene of commenptoc* man Idontleally Ilk* hint, with huadUa and eld* whlokars, and gtaaooa, and button* on thotr coat lapola

I t was this army of eltlsona ordinary whsa th* Individual was consldorod but splondld as Its millions twopt along, which mad* pooilble th* emashing forever of a tltanlo mtlltary otmetur* which throatonod to rule tho w oria But lor this army of ordinary cltlton* Amorloa eoUd not havo oont abroad th* Taakeo ooldloro who oo quickly turned tho ocaloa Tho ordlaary clttson furntobod tho seldtora and ho furntobod th* manor, and If Ihor* to anything Ola* Unci* Pam w aatt ho bos only lo mention It and Mr. Common Poopio will got It for him.

Bo, whonever wo so* th* nnobtruolvo tittle man from th* euburh ho ha* * wonderful dignity In eur eye*. *nA flguraUvely, w* teks our hat off to him.

All BecatHd PesM V u Broken.Fully eighty per cent of th* emblom* mad*

to r and by tbo govermqont ar* turnod out In a flag mannfaelurlog plant In Phlladol- phlA which I* vlrtnally an annex to tk* Pcbuylklll ArsonaL

THE W RITERA tupor-Phakoepoara. king of men.

(Though guilt condomn* or fnm* anolntt) Ho ewlnge a world who** pooeo-dlppod poo .

Rond* Erl* stock UP THREE WHOLlPOINT!!!;! L.

Dear lean—Now ter tbo ilackor chorus: '■How I with I'd had a chanc* a t thorn

H unor EDDIE.P. A—Tou wait and oo*.

IA th* end w* may fat op th* fool-klllor'i grtot.

But you nsvor *** OUR glovos turnod dews a t th* w rist

It eecurt. Just occurs th a t If Unel* Bam ioctdei to nnish up that Hoxlean Job, ho has th* tools all handy.


Recorcb Owtd to Quldren.

The government to seoklng bids for l•.**0 henorabl* dieehtrg* bnitone In retlod gold and broniA with gold flnleh.

"No (jorman-mad* geode sold hevo' 1* th* legend on placards whieb may be placed la storss wishing to om pbuli* thotr pstrlotlam. Th* National Womon's Commltto* of th* Na­tional Dotons* ioctoty I* foattring tu ck g movomant. y

p B (Mtoto triM i

W h e n V o t e r s D i s c r i m i n a t e d .One lnt*r*sttng featur* of th* local

phasos of th* oloctlona of laat Tuotday waa th* constotont m anner In which th* poopl* mad* th o ir doetotons on quosUon* Involving oalnry Inaroaae* In th* public aarvlea Tha rotorandum waa indulgad In ra lhar troaly thto year te decide thaaa msttaro. In moot InsUneoo a tth e r th* pollco or flromon, or tioth, wore eonoorned. In two enaas. In Nawnrk nnd Tronhon, tba first and lam Citlao Of th* s ta te te adopt th* commission form «( govornm ost, th * last wa* on th* question of ra ising tho oalarfss of ths mahibM* Of lb* City Com mtsilon. <

In ovary liwlanc* the pollc* and firamon war* gran ted m ore pay. But th* votora at Nalrork a n d T ranton rrjeetod, by an ovor- wholmlng m ajority In each caa*. th* appoal of tho ir oommlaslonera for an Incroaa*. which waa inado tn accordance with th* ■upplomofltary act .of h i t . Tronton, wbleh has boon iOTomod under th* proJbnt ayntom sine* n i l . and I* apparently sattoftod w ith tba c o m m M o n form, roJooUd tbs salary ordlnanoo by consldeiably mors than two to o n a Tho N ow arb votsra, who hav* m anl- fostad no dtoeontant with th* naw form a s fa r *p tt ha* gon*. dscldsd sdvonsly by a m ajority volq , of t . I K hi a to u t vot* of t l . u t . Thto. . ipoldoatelly, wad ahoat iwanly-flv* pa r cont. loss than that cost fo r Unltod Btato* BoBator, boi a low p im si aBo exactly,' mcosoroA by th* hlriery of roforM* dug! oloOtlOMl =

rwrifOB tm th* eaUoo* aitttti4d df A iN*«mt1i yotan t* pwhaBd plain.' *111*pftoddoiiM UE ntto of ft-** luto sAHtoi itir tp do with It, dim PPMOB tbeia wh* v«t ■* hit Hit ppoo tt>o commtostoB ipr that ipta. i'pdtMhtddly thora wad » llgpwllldii to ro- fratot frasn sivtoc ■nnottop ^ JWtodWW tbal wHriM'inAAfi -Mtl' tofAto Mitowtojito

A Wtrlime ‘ Who’* Who."Th# war, naturally, I* mlrrorod vary

Isrpely In th* new edition,'that for X t l i - l l l l , of "W ho* Who In America’' (A. N. Marquis A Co.. Chicago); Indeed. Juel as a wartlm o Interlude, the book might have for an added suh-titl* "And Araorlcsni Engaged In dhow- tng th* Kaleer Whet's What." There ar* In the volume upward ef 1.040 name* mors than svqr hav# appearsd In any provloos sdttlOn, Of thsas nsmss hundreds srs of pofsons who hav* galnsd prominence on sccounl o f th* w nr: tbo now ckotebes Include thoe* of many otricore of th* army and navy promotod from tbo low sr ran k s ef civilians appointed to errieoa In the army and pt man and womoo solaciad to fill Importent elvll oommlsiloha I t m ay b* noted that New Jorsoy. w ith l i t natlvo* Uatod In ''Who's W hs" la In ardor.

I t 1* out In Columbus, 0., thnt tbo pbotog- raphors havs corns forward to holp mah* good th* promls* of war giothor* t* oond plo- turos to moa frero that city In Franco, In compltone* with Oonoral Porahinr* auggoo- tton. They have a ir tad r olgnlflad thoir wlll- ingnos* to tak* oompHmoctary plcturoa of jhoao war mothers who fool thsy cannot afford th* extra exponss.

This has booa th* tim e for noeooaUI** ti loom U rge Bofor* th# war th ings war* post- pensd and noeoaeltio* did pet assum* thots valuabi* ebaraetor. Poopla wor* proa* t* think of doing thing* "aometlma." Thus eh lltrsa war* not nlwaya tronlod fairly In th# w ar af raoergs that thonid hav* been thoirs by birthright.

A eltlioa of Chlange bos jn s t publtaly no*- plalnod that hto pnroatt mad* no reeard at the town la whtoh h* wa# her* and ho ba* naway a t finding o u t Net alea* that, but h* dee* not know how eld b* ta DoplorabI* ta- slaneo* of parontal nogloct hav* oomo t* light during th* aoloetlv* sorvlc* period.

Oftontlma* children Ilv* eontontod uetU matured before boginning to quuetlon ooa- cornlng their etart la th* werlA One* Mrion*, thoy roaonl thoir IgnemBc* nnd H la asm*- times loo tot* whoa th* noeonatty aontroat* thorn to obtain dotalto e t thoir Mrth.

Amass Ih* adJuatmoats th a t wlU com* out of th* war aught to b* laelndad a palaa- taking effort on tho pa rt o f paren ts ta atari their children with a record th a t will eetah- llth th* plac* of hlrlA eneeator*. peraala guts, auvlrcamant and charactav a f these Immedlalsly related.

th* tw elfth atato la this roapoet. Novto T srkto ra s to inca.hosdlng th* Bat with l .t l t . Aa

Nsw Jaraoy I* the aovaath atata, w ith lU namao: In addition to th* alx state* l*adln(g Now Jorooy In this pertloulsr. thar* Is ejs* lb* D lalrtct of Columbia 'I n th* p rev iew loou* of T yhe'a Who," 461 Jorsoy netlva* and t i t Jorsoy rosldsat* were tieted.


Whtt Ntwirkert Are Redding.Th* book* roost In demand at th* Nowerk

U b re ry th* peat weak hav* boon. In a rdor e f po p a la ritr , ss follews; Fletlon—"The F eur Horoomen of th* Apoeslypao," by Vlooat* Klaoeo Ihniios: "Joan and Patar," to M- ^ W alla; T h * Tlaugbtor of th* LanA" by <1*M •tra tto n -P e rta r: T h * Rough Road,** t o W illiam J. Look*: 'The Lur* of th* N ertA " h r Harold Blndloee, and "A QlrL Kasaad WgiT,"* by Juliet Wllbor Tompkina N*ti« F lc tton—T h * Xaleer a* I K l^w Rlro." t o A rth u r H. Pavla; "Hr Lorraine Jeunial,” t o B ditk Laula* CTihaughneiay; 'Dvar Furtaeep* Fend." h r Ruth Bayte* Root; T a th* Fourth Tear.'* by K a Wolls; T h * doeand U a * a f Defaueo," by Margaret glaltevyi aad T fe a w a W aatad." by Mabol Potter P em ett.

Aa Early Pnbldtii of Peace WhickMutt Rank wkk IkoM oi Ww

0 .Imt only ban kora, but meiuhanl* had nMaBo (aeMrurh, eapertan ta putloular, ara MUr atoawt at an appreetotlen that wtoa psoa* Oban agaw agala *a* af ike niaet a1talala« Brahlani* ta be eipauatotud hr autuatvae aa well ah to paaplii at Riaar tasiMA Mato, will be fpaad iaAf*Wto warn aad aMMhl to whiab tto blDldnfpit as won pa•diMtM A ,''

D ld s ^ tI aH* td. I


T o n ig h t a t L a u t e r *8(«'Celebrate Victory with Mueic**


JVovember Music RoUs November Victor Records

The Famoiu Lauter-Rsmaaa


M en a n d W om enIn ihe Government Service

may a i «ne« enllit th« Fld«Hty T m t Comptny in their tarViM by limply making Arrangemantt wiHi it to look after th.«ir butinoia aad porfdiml iffain.


D r K N w


F id d ilyTriut Department

m - -

I t o W H a

j 'lb

Apr<I* the day

a p w a was qe lady's wurdre «s sheas e r | oostwm* hook and prio* II toast among apea k dallbonaprna was anlum* on *v* hapa, w* sxcitk* Puritan church.

w* are no for whll* th* Ih* *un.'‘

TheWomen fit

oo much tn d qoll* a t w< homo. In th* Ihor* or* oc who heord* v It woro not ti hit. which te mod* of *lu weight that difficulty If I utoaolto or* otoT, and wli ahov* tba oi not stand aalcohol l i th employed, ai neuetbu to coffo* or ho bit of bacon.

Week’s An ln(

Nineteen I

Than Pre Adu

One Catli (

Nlnotden outlay of I and a ltoratj Doportmont waok endin i crons* of fl th* proeodln permit* wor pondltur* *1 volvlng H.l lews;

Fourth W tofullon in Railroad of n a to d coot.

F ifth W st torhtlon to Our Lady * mated cost,

M ith War a ltorattou ti O. KIsfsr, ei

E ighth V ono-story h Hanschka,

N inth Wai nu*. a ltorat Hug Loathi mated coot ono-story c oterago, O'C lln a lo d eesi

T enth W* Clifford stri W illiam To coat 14.666. lew til* fai psny. owner

Bloventh North Thlifrom* g s rs ita rin g Com] IM66.

Tw elfth 1 *U*-#tory c and patn t * p u y , own*: wileoa *¥*■ road, two-* hulldlag, I Company. ITt.660.

Thirtooatl stroat, altai Oqerg* Bpii fiM ed coat

RiAber & To En

; r

The Rubb toe eentrsei etot* atoel 1 a two-slary avenue adj lUtllroad te eenUy destr which will m,66g, ip 1 lereod uami area af eta)

Baker a < tien ef an a at lla plaalA. FbelM II

trhiehrsinfarcedS S » 6 d « F k th e east to

B ln ie u Mq twa-atero------- H iu i


whhdi toll! IP sroat at CNfferd air


fM* •* tiM

U f « t 4«wb

r th«M th a t

I f* .M r i<t la

a aa* a i th t

I 0 t a aaA

I aa4 W 1a(i

n a v a kalU

h " '■*'• V ■>! I , - ^

ft. y I '■''.M .■ ' .-

' ' t i .

LB.n a r a t aoma i lr atlU tlaa*

In a a r ayai a n aa paarl*. Tba Maa •(

wa aatleaa call *4 aa lo

a faca etUaan■ af aur fal* m ad glataai, laal faataraa. tha araa. all

tk lak leg >(I Mr- Caamao

aardar. laak- »1 tk aa avar. ila araa wara■ baklad tha ra aaiaathlr battaaa. ana

lapaL Caaliia hat hara waa,tha ordinary

I kacana iha mllltona af

k a hill, with I gtaaaaa, a a l

ird laarr vbaa but aplandid vh ich mada of a tltanla

tanad to rula r a t ard lnarr a aaot abroad ulckly lurnad ■an fmrnltbad ■a manor, and ia ■am waaW

Mr. Caramoa

ktrualaa littia a wondarful

Jaalr. wa tak«

nan.ima aaalata) t-dlppod pan • ilEB WHOLI

Utar ehonii: anca a t thoai


10 raol.klllar'i

■ tarnad dawi

If t'nela flan lob, ha hai


naoaaaltlaf t | ln«i wara roal<I aaaama thalr irara praaa to a tlm a" Thaa ad ta l r i r la tha tTo baaa tbaira

t ■abltalr •••■*a a a raaard a l I aad l a baa aa■a tkat. bat ha

Daplorabla la> , haoa oona to

rica partad. M ta a ta d aatU > aaaatloa eaa- 4. Oaoa aarlaat. tad It If aama> ta fltr faatraa ta ilr birth, t wlU eama aat iladad a palaa* paraata ta atari th a t w iu aatab- aatora, paraala a o ta r a ( thaaa


r.V *A

Apr<^-Grave or Gay, En nend or Entirely Frivolous, Are with UsTa tha dapo a t aur foratalhara am

a p ra a waa qa ila aa ma«h a part of a l a ^ a w ardreba aa ara handkarehlara « r ahoaa or plOYaa loday. In lha old aaatam a baaka you will find Itamlaad aad prloa llata of clotblng, not lha maat am ang which ara aprona Wa apoak ia llb a ra ta lr in lha plaral, tor an aprna waa an oiaantlal part of bar m t- luma on ovary ocraalon. unlaaa par- bapa, wa aacapi balla and church: and tha Puritan loan atrao wora ana to church.

Wa ara not apt to aca that again, for whila thara "la nothing now undar tha aun." aapaclally In (aahlona.

nalthar la thorn a a rth lag pld paplad n aac llrl alw ara it la madinod to aalt aow olrcaaiatancao or taadara taa ia Navartbnlaaa. wa ara foalag aa apU domic of aprona, dan paH tallr to tha aconamir Ihraat upon ua bp tha war, but mora partloularly bp tha now flolda of labor that tha war haa opoaod up ta ua.

It la aaap onaugh to ana lha can. nactloa In lha Haavor apron, tha ovar- a lli of larm aratlaa aad nua lilan work- ara and lha Rad Croaa apron.

And tha connactlon la thara gulta aa Jafinlialp In lha knitting and ktlchaa aprona. Wa knit far lha Rad rroaa and a majorltp of ua ara apandlng Inflnltalp

I aV

mora lima la Our kltchana than waa our. wont two or thraa paara ago.

It tahaa forolbaughi, bralna and pallaneo lo a a h o tho poorar autP of n a a t palaiabla and ta uaa ika whaat aad augar aubalttataa I t lahaa an araa groatar am euat of faroUoughI and brain work to Inaura ao waato. boaca tha kitcban aprona

■a, flral, la tha oval, wa havo lha moot praotlcai of a ll tha aaaallor kitchaw aprona It ta mada of flgurad oil­cloth bound with topo.

Proof agalBOt anp llguld you map olop on tho front of pou. It may b« waahod off with n apongo, and. If vary oollad, a hit of harmlaaa aconring aoap. It will amorga fraah and claan aa naw far aa lang aa lha aurfaca laaia

N an comaa anolhar hitohan apron, diagulaad undar lha nama of a"bunga- law" apraiu Raallp It la a dPaaa, and though It might bo cool, worn aa. In wlatar, In tumm ar It aarvaa admirably laataad af a houaa draoa.

Mada af a haavp waah fabric, calorad. It la irlmmad with a daop collar and plplaga of vhita. Hkga poekata ram. blaa with tha halt ta giva a panal af- fact la lha from. Tha halt butteaa la back and may ba unfaalanad la facll- ttala tba laundarlng.

Buttoning from Back ta haai. It la dbHghlfunp aaap to dan and doff.

Matt la a Rad Croaa aproa o f haarp whita, covaring paur aallro froah, aad proallral far all af thaaa Rad Creta laaka that rogulra apattaao elaaallnaas.

rrom grava la gap, wa hara With ua aa tha right a garmanl eallad a "fudga apron •• It la pratly aaaagh ta buy and wear under any nama, wa mighi avan ranama It tha "grapa luica and ccrnhraad apron" nnd allll wenr 11 with plaaaura.

It la mnda of lha ahaaraat whila lawn ar batitta and la irlmmad dulla alata- orataly with vary fina and dainty Val Tha ball and iba vaal ara anllraly mada af tha lacr

l,aal l> ona of thaaa ridteulaua llltli affalrt Ihal bacema tha bull af Jokaa whanavar and wharavar worn. But It la raally nol ao faollab aa It leokt. avan though li la mada at ahaaraat mauva lulla and Had with a aaah of tha aama AH that It la daaignad la do ii to praiaci your fraah frota lha lint from your gray ar khaki para, far It la a knitting apron, and th a t U doaa moat afftclanllp.

If you paraoaally ara not waarinf aprona and do not faal aura of lhair■ uddan riaa In tho raopact af tha cam- munlly, you hava only lo turn lha pagaa of a Pranch taahlon book and count tha number of apron modala■ mang tha draaaaa.

For French alylaa are atm tha truaty weather vanta of American fnahtona

Just a MomentPA ll^r tTHKNaTH AMD C H SR a

C«n^1*4 by John Q.^Tho Btinaliifm Unn)

B*Iovo4o If AUF h««rt con^tniR Ui no t ihoii horo wo ronfidone# townr4 John 111, 21.O L«H, how hoppy lo iho tlmo

Wbon in Thy |ovo | root:Whoa from my wo*rln««« J climb

B'on to Thy londor broool Tho n lfh t o f oorrow ondoth thoro.

T h y ro yo outahtno tho tu n ; And In Thy pdirrlt>ii ond Thy coro

Tho h co ^ fu uf h^ avotii lo won — W, c U oooltr.

p ort tho k ln d o r to r lo fi m oy pl%y, nnl on ly In tho M r ly llfo o f tho ch ild , hut In A ftor jrohre. bocouoo o f ih o Influrhco It w ioldo In tho d o vo lo p m o n l o f i li«r> o cttr . ThfO U W liol Dr A b b o tt

Too klndortorton lo moro than ■ par* form of ochooJ. It U fen f ikBon * llfel prtncipio of oducotlon^lho prUu'l- plo that feducfetlofi lo growth, rron- ufariuro. Tho klndorjiarton li a ihild grordon, tho homo and tho oohon aro the ooll: bad hfeblta ara iho wretlii the parent! and tho teacher! aro thr car<t* enera. education lo preparUiK tui i m - rli'hlnx ih« ootl, plaul)Ti*r tl'« ftfcil!. noodlnf tho fardeii bed. tha klnrlrttfor- lon playa and oonR! are feardfi^ inula. O rhoorful ■plrlt, m icotiiat humor, a apint of klDdnoofe ond oympathy aro iho nocoetary aanfehine; ftorrew. trial*. Umplatlon*. toaro, dloolphuo a r t thn nfecofeoary r«ln. . ICvoyy home and overy ochool Ihould b« ft Onlld cordon. The pUpHo ohoald novfer nrftdxifeio Tho pri> toftry fechool, ih o #rftniniar achool, the

W H E I ^ U R

LIK^MPS OF LEAD"lifi bockacbo anil t«>§lon l( oonriollr

W'KOA )tiU w ak« Lip k dull miewr/ til 111* kiilhO> moan! you h a t* h*en casino loo much m*ai, aftya a w«||.kne<rk authnriiy. kleai rnfttii urlr acid which •’>i«rwoik* lha hUlneya In thalr *rforl to filte r It from ihe Mood, aod th* / liecomo eert of paraljrie^l ond (•■■y. Wh«n yowr ktdooyo f e l o lo f f lah a n d t lW )ou inuai roHoi a Ikom, Uko ynu ratltvo your be««l*. romevinv a l l tfea Oodjr o VirtiHnro aoel*. olao >eu navo kaohache. alcli haafl ' oohe. d l io r apfeUai ftouf oiomaoh oaora tQTifijo to eeoiad. an d whan lha wofttbar t« bad rno hftvo rh e u m a i l e twlnfoo- Tko onno lo cleudy, fall oedlmoai. chftfeMii olCon

b l f h fechool. t h o t o l l O i * . OhDuld a l l bo aaro. wotor acaida a e d yeO ora ebllfado h l ld c o r d o n a to w h i c h (h« f t r o a t n e eollaf t « e or tferoo timM d ur th f thoy o u t h a h o u l d bo tu L d e d In hlo f T g w lh . b u t a l w a y a o n c o u r a d e d tn c r o w n a l u r ' ftlly, o u n p ly . h e a l t h f u l l y I n lo w h t l O T e r f l n a e r a n d f r u i t h ie i i a i u r o f l t a h im fo r . T h e Ti io i 'o fr»r t h e ( lo r e n t a n d t h e t o o c h e r aho i i ld a l w a i o h« ' V o i i a l d e r th e l l ll e a o f Ih e fle lil hi>w t h e y ( r o w . " a n d Iho m o d e l iif il>» |» a ro n l a n d Iho l e o c h e r a h o u l d a i w a y k t»o t h e d l i l n o m o d e ) f u r n ia h e d b> 0 <><1 o a o r k in r ' p a l t o n "A n d O o d oa ld t-e l t h e e a r t h hMuft fo r lU ( r a a a . t h e h e r b y i e ld in i i o e r d a n d t h e ; f r u i t t r e a > i e l d l n i f r u i t a f t e r h lo k in d

If wo w i n p l a n ! i n « c h i l d r e n i.f n u r J r a r t i l f r a n l a in . A n ie r k a n et»ll ( I v e t h e m A worl ronroTTvl»*nloni. l e a c l i i h e m In iho A m e n r a n l a n ( U a | i « . le t ih e in h r e a l h e A m o r k a n l i l e r a i u i e . d i a r U ' l i n e l h r « i In t h e A m e r i c a n a r t nf *e]f • e r m n e i i l , w a r m t h e i r h a a r t * In I h e r u n e h l n e o f A m e r i c a n l e n d e n i e e e . a y n n 'O lh y f o o d f o l l o w a h ip . a n d aVwova r e o p e r t lh a n a t u r o w hl i h U p d h » a a U e u th e m . h o w ‘ e i r r It may d i f f e r fn>fn o u r a . Ih o y wil l p r o w u p lo y a l , p a t r l o f l f ' . d e v o t e d A m o r l ' canov ■■

__________ S T E A l i m T S ________ _

~ T M r l l lL ir BE FLE t« i>


ree la ferwO iU e ro«ardlft« •$ depftrtorer f t e a e Apelfefe Mdl- . . .

Tirkete. J. C- Merof. reuiia |*T (UaJeo kUlM- i M l » - l l aifeiefe il .v Nowarti. and Kdward F. l l r J teoa . Harneow aeo- Harrteeo-

h n h t r iWhaull a io o d . rellakto pbyolOlM 01 cnc« ur i » i f r e m y i u f pharmadfei fekftfti four euiicee oC J a 4 ■oita. la ko a laklofepofeft* fol lT> a oiftaa e f w a te r before krooUfeOt H r 0 low doyo a n d your* kUfeoya « |U tko«>fti l Aae. Tkia famouk otUa to la ade frofefe tbft avtd e f f ^ p o o t r i # toMoft. lotoo, otft w |tk iLibio, a ^ d haa kiMfe wood for t t ^ o lo fledn 0 h4 o t tn o l i l to a l u f . nay*, aleo lo o ou tra l tao m MU In tbo wlftftjBI It no 1o a | * r I r r l io loa tHilO Ofedluf iM W W weakfeoofe

f a d Salta lo fe hfo ofeTor for r a f i l s r a f e t i aftioro. It to laotFenoiwo. oftoaoilsi«r« SM a a k e a a d o i t fh i fu l affarveoooM IttbH dii fik .-^A dvoii loomoot tor WyolbC*. s

The Handy Mess Kit jWociiftii find that thfe mooi k1l« how j

•o much tn domand for uoo ovoroofti, lo QQlU fei won ftdaptod to oorvlco s i homo. In tho room or In tho open—for ihoro ftro occftolono whon tho woman who boftrdfe would got a ''anack" If only It worn not too groat troublo. Tho meo* k i t which takeo up vory Illtio apaeo. lo mftdo of aluminum, and lo oo light In wolght thftt It may bo cnrrlod without difficulty If ono la off for a picnic. Tho utoAOlU ftpo shout o il Inchoa In diani' otor, and whon placod In poaltlon, ono ftbovo tho oihor. tho ontlro outfit dooa not stand a foot In holght. BoUdiflod alcohol l i tho cooking modlon uoually omployo^ and a t oaa Umo U la qulia pogolblo (0 froparo a cup of cocoa. i coffoo or b u llio n , cook an egg and a bit of bacon, too.

So-Called “Humble Folk” Bear Witness that Heads Are for Something Else Than for Hats

Week’s Building Shows An Increase of $52,988

N i o d t e c n P e n n i t i I s s u e d , F e w e r

T h a n P r e v i o u s l y R e p o r t e d , b u t

A m o u n t s A r e L a r g e r .

O n e C a l l s f o r O u t i t y o f $ 7 5 , 0 0 0

N lnaldtn gci'BillA r»pr*t*»tlng an outlay o( llIl.T tS (or u*w building! and alM rat'on*, w ar, granlad by th« Dagartmon^ o( Bulldinga during tha araak andin yaatarday. ThU la an In- craaaa of t i t . l l l ovtr lha amount e t tha praoading waak, wbaa tw tnty-flva parmita wara gtatitad, (or a total aa< pondllura o( ITt.ISS. Tho laUat, In­volving 11,000 or mora, aro aa (ol- Iowa:

Fourfh W ard—t i t Broad Btroot. a l- tofUtlan to brick raatauraat. Control Railroad of Naw Jaraay, owaor; to ll- laatad coat. llt.OOD.

r i r ih W ard—t UcW horttr atraot. al- tarbtlon to brick church. Church ot Oar Lady of Mt. Carnal, oaraot; oaO- malod coat, H ,0dS.

g lith Ward—US gaulk Eighth atraot. a ltorottoa to framo dwalllag, Androw O. K laftr, ewnor; oitlmalad eeat tt.Md.

E ighth Ward—t i t CIKtoa avanu*. ona-atory hollow lllo garogo. R. H. Honachka, ew ntr; oatlmatad coat, • 1. I S 0 .

N inth W ard—l i t FrallnghayMa avo- aqa, a lta ra ttcn to brick factory, gtor- llag iM ih o r Company, ownor; tall- laatod coat li.OtO. n o Cltnion avanuOi •na-atory eoncrala block garago and otoraga, O'Connall d Hlliar. awaar; aa- l ln a iad coal 11,100.

T anth W ard—Whacicr Point road and Clifford atroot, two-atory (ramf itablo, W llliaai Touag J r- ownar; aatlmatad coat M.MS. B all'i lant, ona-atory hol­low tllo factory. Rodal taa th a r Com­pany. ownor; oatlmatad coat tl.lOO.

E lov tn th Ward^—Blith avanua and North T hirtaanlh ilraat, ona-atory framo garaaa. Hloan A Chaco MahUfae- tu rin g Company, ownart aatlmatad roaS t l ^ .

TwaKih W ard—tt-tOO Laoti avanua; oaa-atory conerata automohlla rapair and pain t ahop. Gulf Rafining Cnan-. B u y , ownar; aatlmalad coal llO.OOf. w llaea avinuo aad Lahigh Valtoy Rail­road, tw e-otary -rolafovaod eoasMt* balldlag, Rabbor esllulald Produela Company, ownor; oitim stod coot tTLOto.

T hirtaoath Ward—T t-tl Atogandor atraot, oltorallon to fraaio churoh, Bt- Ogorgo EpIaeopaJ Ckureh. owaor; ootl- m atod eaat

In lha fall of t t l l ■ aurburbon lady daclarad har Intantlen of aitanding a bit of courtaay, In Iba way of hama aconomica knowladga. to cartoln bam- bla fannLllaa living tn aa-coUod poor dtatrlcla. From har own homo coma on oarly morning prodiotlen. "Tou'll loom ■omatbing" In tho availing, aa ih t ellmbad tha front itapo, aha ropllad, "I d id"

Tho rallori ot thaaa porllaular "poor" homaa aha vlaltad wara ao wall otoohodwith homa-praHrvad iq d coaptrvad (ooda th a t It pvt to okomo tk1 o fT m t of tha womto aha wad bpdn put lo (Rght MS anotapt to th rift ond (oodconaorvttlon Tha vary flral tubjoolo of tho frator- nal andoovor, 0 family with many mom- hara, oil hard-working, hod moro eon- oorvod food on ihotr oholvoo than any mombor of lha vloltlng eommlltoo-

Botwaan lha nacatalllaa of la tt win- tar and tho ontlclpatod naraaoltloo ot tho coming wtniar, Italian hoaaawlvaa had built a bridga of practical pra- parodnoao out of thoir own brain ma- torlal. If It bad boon a uoaotloa af calariflo food! Inataad af food eoaoor- vatlan tbo opportualty for oo-opora- tlon might havo boon groalor. Muotmrd plchlat occupied a cenitdOrablo part o t tha collar.

The American heusawlfo learned that noooaalty la a atrongar force toward conoarvatlon than propaganda. Bba alao laaraad that iho humble woman^a hand la uaad tor aomathlng more than baarlng h a ta Tho combi nation of propaganda clrevlatad during tho p a it tow yoara, a atom noceaolty minglad, porhapo, with foar. and tho uaa of gray m altar GUad tha eollara with eanaod

food!. Thoro can ho do doubt but Ihot many of tha humble houaaolvaa con­tinued thalr frugal, tbrlfty babita that ara thalr cuaiema Othara followed tha laaSart or hinia thrown out by homo walfara bodloa

Noooaally la a otara laakmaaiar. No ono waata to croato nocaaalty through mlafortuno. but It ao happona now and than th a t tha houaowlfa la davalopad lata a aallonal aaaat through nacat- Mty. For Inataneo, a aaplain family had a maid for coaaldarabla lima wha

C fonaad aaturally aad without much m etiwii tho dattoo o f a houaidiold

trBk a n lrf Nl t*af ttalo Bko mada kncIi tvbi'bftaS.Oa bar awa lattSattvo;. UtaS thO-fawlly did not much c a r t it It novar aaw wbola-wbaol broad again. She uaad ■II fooda. w atting nOna. Rha wat a lawa). "How o o r ' araa tha na lu rtl thought. An arqualBlanea of hor, In- tormad tbo family that boeauto of an unfertunato m arriage Ih t mold hod gone hor own w ayi Into dovoloptng bar talaato aa o houaawifa, tharaby unconacloualy randorlng a aarvlca to a family that approclatad hor afforta In ­ataad of roplatng. aha uotd har head, and hand#.

Baeausa thia particular mald'i church lay In a diractlen many mllaa away frtiB har Job thara camo a aaparallan rograttad by Iho family. For It waa avldaat that tba family waa aa much

K'aaaad to hava within thalr hauaahotd ma ooa who would UM hor bead to

holy In tha airanueva praaont oa tha ■ttburbon woman waa aurprlaad to aoo tha wall itockad oollar aholvaa.

dome of lha humbler heada ara mere dooorvlng of mention. It paoma. than aoBM th a t are uaad far aapanalva mil- llaary. I t all dopoadc upon ,tba hand.

The KindergartenJ

Dr, LymAn Akbett hai wrltt«n an ap- praelallon fef tbA kJndarsArt«n on t>«- hstf of th« Dfeparliftfebt of InUrlor, BurAAu fef EdseftUfeft. and thfe Nfellonal lClnfefr|fert«ii Afefeftclatl«n. It brlnf! bfeforfe thfe parfetit vferr forcfefully th«


W «ref t t« r ...................OttSUlK STAT*

’ li ■

felrvtt. U !*•I l l l l Prfevl^M,____ BTAT* fel AM 9 9 .

F«f InrormfetiMi m«AriUM U i m *f d«pArUffepk *M STH ■fefehlfeift.

D on’t S ay "A P ound of Tea* S a y


T E Ath e n yoB*ll | |e t th e r e a l d e lio io n sn e a a of pnre« fresh* f ra g ra n t le a s e s b le n d e d to p e r fe ^ '« A t|r« n iriiooer. Sm Jtdpoelm ttot^*

Snowy' W hite' Clothes WiAout Scrubbing

No matter how bu| tbs watb or how aolkd ther linen, ^ Mule Team Borax Soap GUm will put your clotbea on the line anovi^ white —w i^ all the hard work of waah day left o v t It'a the Borax la ~

m u l e :t ^BORAX SOAP C H IK

thdtdoctitl ItdoftaettbawaterudtooaaoBtbadlrtio ihet the pure eoep cen diicolve it awn. Next week- dev nee 20 Mule Teem Borex Seep CMpa tUe wey i

Mike t Jelly by ^ tn ! three tabteipooo/uld nl OiipB lo ■ quart of boilia| wetcr. Puttoou|bof tbU toluiioo into Ihe 'Wuliweter [to melt* a iood ■ads end lotk or boil clodiee ee tssueL Will not ibripk wooleni or {njure Bee Nbrioe. An 8 oa- peek* ege of 20 Mule Borex Soep Chipe eqaele 2So won! ot ordinefy Uuodry Kep,

/f'f rkd Btrmx wUktittot th*t Jms$ tkt raeri.AT ALL DEALERS

■ nS: n

vart tko BiUMBt ono-atory framo dub houoo o t l i Lang atraot, which la now Band BB B Turn BalL Into a reomiBg houaa for man. Tha building, whigb oceuplOB B plot I tx ls t fact, la to bo mado two Btorlaa high by Inatalllng B ■oooBd floor, and la lo bo partltloBod off Into forty bad rooma and n raodtag rooat. Uonry J. Wollor haa proparod piana for tha changoo,. ,

aSaTJf.Ta.'.rCftftftfefeUfer ftv,Iffe5ftft Mut‘ III

Cfeit fel HI ft i tr Ckftfe.h«t tfe Pfepaftiidfe 0.......................I t fe fr

Aftlift t tftfeffeF

tbaa Ruaaall Jr to n Barry at ua. n a fr Wia-

One Tenement Permit GrentedPlana warn appiwvBd by lha Blalo

Board o t TonaoMBt Honoo guponriaioB thla waak for (ba oltarollon of a two- ■tory briok bunding, W aahlngtan bM Mala atroote Etrganflald, awnod by Frodarlek Zlaglar. a t an aatlm atad ooat of tl.SSI. ■


Rubber & Celiiloid Pifodncli Co. To Erect e $75,000 BdldiBs

Tho Rubbor A ColtuM l. P n tH td On, b u eo n tra o M with Sho MidMdda Om* •fBto Blool Company far fhooraatlae o t a tw a ■alary factory building a t WUoaa avanuo ad ia in lag tba Lomeb T aday M illruad to raaltea tM fg e tly d a a tro y ^ by flNk v ^ lo k will Involva an aaaaedlttir* o | H hW A M to bo ooagtridigC'.«e-«!ile*

■Bdorota. I t will goTtr e f te w A ' dM i, e t I t i H l tool..' ^A ekor * e e - Tae.. kaa boggn t U oifiig* Am or ■■ otuetloa lo tbo aeglbo i M ila Bleat la AuMle a iM o O ^ i ju rh slfo la the artbltaat far tbo i

i f c lU

\ t m o t i M i

Tha fellawlfif daada wara ffad yaatarday: NIWABX.

Aaoo U Ratabard to Jillaa Kromlor ot oa, a a Korwaad at IH tl a Vfr AMacar pL itiiaa . II. ^

Edwin c Oiwaaaa at al atta ty lo Ray B Oabama. w • Waabtaftan aa iH (I a (r Cbaatar av, Hall. |l .

aama ta PriMlIlo w Oabaroa. w ■ Waab-H

. t .. . . . ------- -- -- ----------- mtm at,:tl and albar iraot Ij. . .. ..

' . Eakp at « to Jaaala Eodllae

aalla. a a lUgb « t l ft a fr ath av, iSaHTTL Loata XaAad at aa la Bam WHom o a 1

lltk It ITS ft a fr ^Frw am O Jackai a a Walaut at It

...... ' mb avf iSaiti a c k a a a abd Baa i

Sta ft w tr

a H! llB■tM^a? iR ft a n ^ i a i ^ L ^ t s h a

fSS,"»^x.“.vtrtaffi:tAS** o i A s i m o r N B w a m x .

ipr a o ^ w i i N i n a

iTIMm V auoobmb a Uyan, B



UORTOAdSRTbam.awrtgoaaa wara fltad:

NBWAHXJbHaa Kfouttar ai ua la Warn Mda Park B

a L Aiaa. a a Narwaad at iOa ft a fr Abia- gaf p i l i t a i .

Abram Rudaania at u to Oatadaaio B 4 t> *fm, a a a gaymoar av aa ft a a tr Jaf- tray p i ff.tsa

A aa r fUmmail m al to Plftb ward B a I> Aaaa. a a tolayatto it isa ft « cr Vatea ai isas.

Ram Wtlma aad baa to Waif Jmra, a a a lltb at tia ft a a fr llib ov, |IM.

^■1 H Broata al u i i Jaaala V Xmt, a a N Tib at Tl fi a (r Id av, ll.aat.

Oragarlo Piaoaura ta Jm J rouitu , a a aar Maditm aad Dvwalag am Il.TII.

CarallM Klrahatr ta Aflaa B * L Aam. w a Atuaduai at IRIghload ar) l i t (I a (r ktoaialolr qv, IMO*-

looM *^ bf Harato at oa to Lulfl Um- a a Falrmauat av lla ft a ft ttiii

' - ^ " o l ^ l a i **“ *|ty rntmm Oa to ra b y u B e l ,

IH ft a i r (Mila 01 aad


a a l

• L " * • * ! <« a Id at US tl a-O'fy H e B R C■agat ta Miriam 0 BtryOwb a a a

ny pi IM ft a w fr W EMaar ai

at ua..^A uta Kaah to Matilda Rmh. a a Ctaaa aad Wmd atai •I.TiS.JMw Boaba at ua to Aatoalo Maam a a MMy m Isa ft ■ tr thaw ov, ii,i

ovtm db o r n ew a bx .lsJa ;ia r.“ yt*VaV..r” ' r d - n T r . I

■ av.,ILM4w iM j i w lo Amal M l at U a a iKMIaatta av sI T r a l t

tenaa at u. IivIm

w t r

'th ^ '

i' " o S k ^ r i A i P e l f c "

"A ,* I


--------- AND THE R E A S O N !^ ^ ^ -Do you know FVance?Do you know her silver streants, the mu »ic of her moonlight on casement windows, be­

neath which lovers sing serenades?The blosionis from trees along the roads by which the legions of Caesar marched to

conquest—hlossMUS from the same soil that dropped bloom on the head of Henry of Navarre as he whispered love in the ears of his sweetheart?



2 :3 0

PRICESBfelcoity ......... 25cOrcheftra....... 50cBoxes...........$1*00

500 Good Seats at 25c




8 :3 0

PRICESBal. . , 25c & 50c Orch. .. 75c and $1 B oxes............$1.50

500 Good Seats at 50c


Brings th e R om ance and B eauty o f F rance . to A in < ^ (» , to N ew ark, to Y ou




ItrO ik A V

.■ ■iV/-'

■j ',V



b a s e b a l l ^

\ 0 X 1 N G


Organization Effected I Speno Slaves Hie Way> By Scholastic Coachesi To Victory Over Pavese

E«1 c. MacArthur of ? t M t In­stitute b Nuned Proident of

New Football A*»ociatioiJ.

Short b Named Field Seaetary

Puritan Boy Come* Back Strong After Going Down in Second. Haoeb Out Terrific Punching.

Ho, Fans, Your War Drive Starts Tomorrow at the Velodrome!

Palmer Wim Semi-Final by K. 0.

s r r . v . r r « . . : . ^ * A » : o u ^ * r . t f ; . . jtn etry^natt. ^

purlU ni »oMU •

r S th irty .fiv* pr«P»riiory anfl ni»n 5 S f» U from hU ac tio n . w ika ooraonftl hlU

TontmU Bptno of th« n ich t dupthy«tl hla Irii*

I b « ltl* r wh*n h* lopprd Dionl* r»v*a* In A bout that ov*r-alatItd ' from th# flr«i round to Ih*

I ccr>p • r*pftltlonIfrory mill yoni*


•fvurnt mor*.Pfcde applicationwrlUn*

In addition to Mr

tth fcclion |«t( Tbo

of Ui9 Bproo-tim#

bit mt>f«b a d 4 M p o re o n e l r#ii

'•P a tbn ll a ,i;,a iM . tiiah l i ban le w*. •for ra*mb«r»hlp in | ,|onn( bocauM of a knockdown *cor*d

.tn tli« aacond round br Taraea. and a

tt, fKcictO i to u S r , Witt. 6ciy 4oo,ooo

c i< : a < a t f r c s

UacAHhar. elhar i Vtca naar-knackdowii acorad br *vano In tha

: X m-na B»tb ........... .ucbKth ach««L Ja r ia r CUr; aaeratary- ] ^ of tha alehlhtran itir tr Bpancar kt Bannatl of AUnn-

4tW City High Hrhoal. Waltat E abort.u r ta ta n l to Handnil E Wardhar, au-

fM T tao r of nthlaito iMflnlif " «. fambitc ocboola u d lb» man taaponatbla ■ iK r IlM now orBnnltallon. namad

*flal4 nocTOtary, whila « . E ****®".^,*^ rk iu ta a b a r i HlBh School »aa alactad IM nb o r.a l-U reo o( tba aiacudva com-

fb o Brlaelpal apaakar of tha avaninn M j D». r r a a k P. Haronay, formar Ibyw lb l ilro o to r at Nawafk Arodamy Mti now M ata auparviaor of kjr*'**' •eam ttaft. Dr. Maronay romroandad tna

wbtnh raaultad in tba oryantia. Um bf Ibo now aaaoclatlan and volcad

»-> ■ tba boM th a t tha body may lb tima d r* bfM cb ottt to U ka control of all fchel-

OBomiOli In Now Jaraoy. HaIS W ew b t w llk klm Iba baorly approyol [, • f t ^ i r tn J*. «ondnJt ita ta attparlntand

M l « t odioolo. Dr. lUrooaya aoHM- 1 IlM Um < tba Infant erianliotlon aim far Iho 00)00 anporvlalon of all aporta

, Uml It In to bbvo ovar football atruok a .MMMobra chord, and. wklla tba man 4 S S 5 l b e oaaaclatton ara a ittafM for Iko Uioo boUiB to eontar tbair fOldanca M Iko erldlroD. it lo prod tool lyaioared

: t ^ .bofaro t o u Ikalr cootral will bo-

,*1uhN ? M v m o , Colnaibla. and Jo l« f t M fliobald. krown, tare Caatral Board i i m i l l om cla ta roaMlae In Nannrb. dUtoodod tba wtoanag and aclad aa a JB lof tntorpratallon cooimtttaa. Tba

• OwloM oaoclMa praaant wtra elaa" pae- M lrilrn to aok tor Intonnatlan an any of Dm raUOL bUd. with tba aaalatanea of tba iw o -offlciala. M»aral Intricaia p rtn io w ara claarad np. '

■ M lgn Ckorllo BrIebJay. forbtar Mar- OMd M p tslb . and Wllllani C. E<>P*y> I m M r Prinoaton captain and coach. C d k a a n aspoctad ta addraaa tba maat* low, k« t n a ltk a r waa abla to bo praa- o a t . ' M arat artalfn oiadt •* Impoaal^b a fa r BnoInn.M ttoklay to a l l ^ . »bila ar» i tio tT Iroo dotalnad In Haw Tark k f kla da tlM aa aacratary irf tba «an-

M orU eommlttaa warklnf far tba Vottad W ar W ork ca«*al*«-

War Drive B ethaU Series Fmally Fixed

Tpm of PUyen in Seniice ud txal AU-Sur CoofaiMtion

1 i Wn PUy Two Mitchet.

utad np a t tha and round. Tammla a llpa Vlha raault of a bull by Pataaa In tha

Hvanth.Mat ona thine marrad tba rontaal and

that waa Pavaao'a rough work Ai aariy aa tha flral round Dannla rtalliad thal ha would hava la bring Into play avary irlck ha knaw. fair and foul, and ha did. Hul U waa of im ia taall, for aftar lha flrat tbraa round# Bpano c a m # back with planty of rough atuff hlmaalf, and ka had Dannla holding on for daar Ufa when Dannla waa not laahing out wildly In an effort to local# lha Puritan "baar-cat,"

Tba taa tu ra of lha battla waa ipano a racuparaliva powtra. In lha aac^d round, a fta r Tommla bad handed Pa- aaaa a tarrlflc lacing, Spano allowed hlmaalf lo to nippad aalaap. and pan- nla caught Tommla with a right hook bahind tbo aor. Tommla want down In

' a aitting poaltlon. HO came Up imlllng Immadlataly. howaarr, and managed to n a i l around for a niomanl or two until lha ball rang, Hood work by bla han- dlora. Toung Oradwall, Joa Burba and Ray Wagnar, aooa had Tommla In figh ting abapa again. Tommla waa glaan laalrucilona ta aaaa him talt In U a third, but ha Juat couldn’t do that. a»d ho aat out to abnlhllato Pavaaa.

pavooa. In tha third round, amployad lha Btunt of grabbing Tommla around Iho nack w ith bla laft hand and pap- paring gpane’i faca with h it right, bringing h li gloaa up and down and aaory othar way. gpano, at tba aama tIma, kapt alammlng away at Paaaaa’a a lanach. Dannla aamad tha honora In Iba th ird round, and In tba fourth ha bald Tommla aran, but from than on II waa gpano all tha way.

ICzraat far tha garond roOnd. In which Rpano waa knocked down, tha Puritan bottler waa navar In any dangar, whila Tnanmia had Dannia'a longua haaglng oat on aayarat occaalona. In tba ftrtb, gpeno'a atrangih laamad go return and ha backad Dannla up agalnat lha ropai and hammered away at bla body with g roat affact. Paaaaa't wind waa aary bad aad tha coMiant body puachlng bad Danola all In.

Poaaoa HoMa oo Tighfly.I f P a y a » hadn't bald aa tightly aa

ho did In tha aUth round the bout m ight not hatra gona lha eight rouoda. BMOo want a t Pavaaa In Ihla aaaalon Ilka a young tigar, and Pavaaa waa torcod to taka morn backward itapa Ikaa OTory bafora, probably Ha bald with kid loft H lk llr k W |l« Tbmmla'a hack

to lip

<2oSH. j lOMhi w n m iii t “Co

[,:;^n|C -CM k M S I M k Tkii. 5 ff« I

N OC A Bif ■ , (CN(uy ByT •Ml) kdihfj k * M R rf MO ffCAH,

•M IhB

■fitt 6 * (TiMiediisy OUNl - "#U C An i f f H)U\

(JWM u H lt

GouUet Gets Furlough;To Be Here Tomorrow

Sur Drawing Card Finally Secured for Benefit Bike Meet at


Matched with Kramer and Spean



ciouuf'f ' 'f t i f t affeAc-fioii

-TmcriPapfw x tu COMk ihg. BdfIMaiS

'WTM ^ u a S g a a , "fcMewerWauuo $iACKfrp&

Princeton Team Given Penniuion by Faculty to Play at Polo

Groumh Next Saturday.

Would Meet Service Af«re«*»ion

Prlitcalen Unlvaralty gained anothar lap In popularity dn tha othar mambara of lha big three yaatarduy whah word waa aout out from TIgartown th a t tha unlvaralty laMh waa w tlltng td meat a raprnoohlotiva alavan from C d M Oploa or Cumn Dig hoat galurduy kt fko ^ l oOroundl IP Ho*

and triad tohta right, but Sy tha lima lha a lilk « a - alon rolled around Tommla had a foil for th a t foul punch, Bpano had both handa fraa all lha tima Dannla uaad th a t punch

pftVftM uft#4 thftt onft Mow ftimofttMolualvaly and, aeaerdHig to tha rulM yo?#rnln# cofitftsti lo tills iCSt^ H is a lrictly foul and PavgM ghould havo bean ^ f a d . ’' Tha rula raada aa fol- Igata;

Conlnataata ahall break elaan. aad mugt net strike a blow whila braaking from ellnehaa. Con- laalaiita must not hold and blt- P nach 'd n in k In tha stvonlb. Pavaaa

raolod bround Ilka an InUAteatad Biaa. Ho laikad out avary oaca In a whila. but M v tr svan came noar h ltllag bla i opponent. It was Dannie's gwmauaau I th a t kapt him In lha ftght In this | round. Ha never looked ao bad la alt

I bla earaar, Pav^a. ganarally pretty | n ifty urtth hla laft hand, waa lost oom- plstaty , and all Tommla did waa s lsp ' In coatinually and sand thraa and four punchoa to Iiannia's body. Tha unerr­ing body bombardmant from tha Arm round on had It# affact, and Dannla wrua In poor shape whan lha alghlh railed around. In tha aevanth Pavaaa aovar hll Tommla a punch.

Tha alghlh arad a aanaallonal asaalom bpano, ripping mad hacauaa of a bad ru t oh th a Ups ha rscalvfd In tha pro- vioua yaund whaa Dannla butiod him. want out to atop Pavaaa Ha cams within an aca of aceomptlahtng iho stunt Oaa of Tommla'a body alama T i t a boauty and aant Pavaaa halt way through tha ropoa In hta own cor- nar .

PavoM waa long after a acrap with Rpano. and claimed ba would moat Tommla at catchwalghla, maklfig Hpano'a handlara bcllava ha would coma In a t about III pounds at the moat. Thoro waa a bla aurprlaa whan tha boys waigtaad In, Pavoaa scaling at l>« pounds and Bpano Just under 110 pounds. •

Jobnnia Palmar, lha BItag A C. boasr. parformlng In bU first aaml- final, put away Johnnia Wilson of Or- una* In two rounds Palmar trained w ith Spano tor this bout.

Rpano's face with

JFkit Gmim Bt Nktiowl TuTBcrtA fta r m ack dtokaring a n t dlacuaal«a

' baahotbsll authsrltlag and thakatbhll romailttao ol tha ■P«rig- 1‘a w ar drive hoard, of which Otia furhl Is chairman, a two-gawa aorIM I boos arraagod. A uulnlat of aiafg I

ta th a aarvlca will play a taam M ' agggl ail-atacA ana game to ha alagad Sktiba Mallonal Turner court Novamhar ^ hud tha a « o n d conlaat lo taka plhoa M th a N aw arh Tumar court Novam-Sar n .MSda by tbu eommltUt proves that tba dgUhurstloBa sad dlscuaalons have had

» good rooults Tha Newark All- loam w ill ha compoaad of Johnnia

laian and Wlllla Boub. forwards;, Malooa. eontar: OH Schwab and Joa

ayfua, guarda, with Dutch Dahnart Iga « t r a man.f n o Barvica Blare, aa Ibal team will k kaMura. a ra Oarry Ichmaalk and ^ a t B alm an. forwards; Ohrla Leonard, oaa- ia r and BUI Brunner and Harman llurgham p. guards. Eddla Burks la

tha* local llna-up three Newarh aro Topraeentad- Beckmaa and

J a a j fua a ra membara of lha Newarka ftgkwab and Malone of tha Nitlonala

Boub Is of lha Whirlwind# and also ■ M lM ala Dahnart playe with the Spw arka. Schmealk, Brunner, Holman 2 h d Morghanip era In lh« navy, all ata- S m s * around New Torii. l/sonard la M Camp Davana and Burke If a t Camp

f k ^ baaketbaU committee la makfng .aa a ffo rt to enlist tha aid of tha man- husra of tba pmaller eluba The com- kiMtoa potnia out that baakatball draws la ra a crowds In this city and that a bla MBOunt could ba raalliad from banefit ■Btnos atagad by the numeroua small Make In th is city- Chairman Abrueht la ■Baleus to hear from all Intirailad. He hhh ha reached at tha National Turn Varaln. . „ .

Cammlaaloner Thomai L. Raymond, kkalrm aii of the general eommlttaa on hparta. Is slated with the good work ghsa so fa r by the varloue aporl oom- mlUaoa, and this morning aenl out an OMhaal to the sporting public to help H a n g the hard work of lha eommlt- %gM by turning out for the iportlng

7«J*u order to gala our atlotmanl of |gg,aOa t t la naceeeary fur every pa- t r ta tla aportaman In lha city to thor- M ck ljr co-operate with the iportamen'a urar ^ I v o committee and give avary aaglatanca poaglble," said the commta- i tha jiM o r, “and let lha Newark sporting •‘— a ^ l o show -Its colon by pushing Iho I r tv a over the top " Bubecriptlona of X | doaatlone will be ractlved by tha fM atratan e f the tlnanoe oOmmlttea, A. ft. ■ am burg. In care of T. II. C. A., I l l jiilla sy s tra e t

Princeton engage In a football game lo aid the Onitad War W ork Campaign waa made aoma lima ago by wliHam W Roper, a tormar Prineatonlan In charge of tha football angle of tha big drive, and tba worthlnaia of tha cauoa raaultad In Prlocaton'a coaaant for tha oonlaat daapita tbs fact th a t tha "gama U It* B ikM Ii pallay. whichhng baan against a th latle gsplsltat Ion.

ratlow lng la the aaaouacom ant ad- draeaad by Princatun to tho football oommitloa: . .

“At a maatlag of tho board of ooa- trol of tha PrlneatoB U alvariuy Ath- latto Agaoclatloa held Thuraday ava- a la c la Prtaaataw

Th* tiaga li act for iba aportBOWO i wgf drivg In Newark. Tlw varloue committee* In charfe ef the drive, which elm* to add JSO.OOO to the Dolled Vef Work campalxn, bey* iboui completed prellinittary atranfe- mente and ere r**dy for tha bluer talk of eonductint tha nvmarout com- petiilona on the program for next week. It la now up to the fana to come thVough with their ood-the ill- Important function of generoue patron­age or generous giving to the fund. The folit, safe oo ihie alda of the Atlintic, have been asked to give on it least a doien occtiiont. Drives have come iwlftly. but the backer* of the boy* over there tbould not d«lt he- catue they have given often and freely. Macbloe gun bullet* com* •wifily, RM, and *oin* of our l*d* h»v* felt lb* gilng of a* mtny « a doicn of Iheao hlaalog meaaengtra of misery.

Th* t*atur* of thU griv* la that doaatsaa ara ta raoatva sobaolMag la r»-

of th lak lag ta golag to attampt ap­plication of a a ^ a acala la tba armory and hops la “ptay a capacity bcaaa." If tha a ffa ir a t tha armory la to ba tha auocaaa th a t It should b* It atema lo ba ssaantlal that rasarvatlon, and ganaraua rasarvatlon a t thal, should ba mad* fo r th* hoitng aothualaatt with a tlfty-coat llmlU 'Thaa* Httla fallowi ar* r u l ly th* lada who aupport boxing waak afte r weak, and they war# the one* diractly raaponelbl* for tho finan­cial auecaas of tho show atagad by th* Puritan Club a mouth ago tor th* sol- dlara a t Camp Dlx.

Stevens Takes Measure Of Newark Academy, 7-3

Gm tb Always On* to Win

Hoboken School, with Weight ind Experience in lu F«vor, Just

Noses Out L ocaU .

H i^ Street Boys Need Prictice

Pop Oeara rurnithat Inaxhaustlhl* malarial for wtUar* on light harnaa* racing avant*. Tommla Murphy w liard drlvar, racing aueoasa

fo rm aru a m was autkarisM ta 'p t t jr .a * turn In addition lo tba aallataatMn of foolball •AM* With a ‘• J * knowing that thalr eoatribuHka* viak ;: vv i ho*’ . « . » w..i h. th .. . . . . . .(or tM ” naHt • t th* Bn Had Whr > bringlhg a ray a t aunshlno, a hrasth of Work CftHMWltfn- th o took th li olr, Into tko oholl-lwoiHg ffto-action a t th* eam ost **'**• 1 potsonad wests™ (ronl, Thor* I* avary-.p o r t , commltta. In th . .po rting lln . ll.tMl oh th .

of— commlttoo of (ho Wor

Work Campaign, whaa* reprasantallya* Impcaaaad upon th* hoard th* v*lti#th a t tk* gsMa weald a* ta tha driv*.

ti abut bla unpracadantad doaa not cans* ‘Th*

sllant man from T#nn***«" to Uk# a poaltlon bahind fnma's IlnsA Oaort bna haan IdM tiriad with raaing lor mor* | than forty iraar* nnd hn* nlwnya triad to win. T hat aoeottnU la a graat mass- ayo fav hi* popwlailty. VnUowlM kla aAftp TemiawH beMefep****. 0**« laaalad ta where h* wad*asm* *f v tita fk r* rw a kywftd ta r*a- tng etr«l*s. 0**r* may amk* a mleufc* now and than Ih r ic a a but b* InataU th a t tbo "ear* thing” men k**p nway fraw hi* Btabl*. Tha v * uraa always

Blavana School yaatarday aftarnoon took the maaeura of the Newark Acad­emy oleven a t Academy Field by a score of I to 1. Tho work of tbo Newark Acadamy boy* aatlafled Coach Ikaa of th* High elroat tnam utloa thal hta beyi need mor* practice. On aavaral occa- slona Nawarh allppod up on opporiunl- tla i thnt m ight hava raiullad In braali- tng through Btavene'a detene* for a touchdown If the Academy boys had been on tbs alert.

gtevene had weight and eiparlenee In Ua favor, and th* absane* of two Academy regutara landed to waakan lha local combination. In th* third parlud

....................... flelil

Alf Goullat will compata In th* war drive bike meet tomorrow at Ih* Veto- dromr. Teaterday Manager Chapman gave up hope of being able lo secure the avlator-cycltat and arrangad a match In plac* of th* propoaad Qoullai- Kramar duel. Later In Ih* dey he f t- celved n telegram from Ooullet tta tlng that ha had boon grantad permission to com* to Newark and would poalilvtly appear

Th* addition of aoullat adds g raatlr to th* drawing power of th* meet 1|« li Ih* only bike ac* who hepped Inlo Uncle gam's deck and It mad* him Immanaely popular with th* fana

Goullat will apart In a thraa-eornered ' match. In which Champion Frank Km- mar and Bob Bpear* will bo Ih* other sU rlera Th* contaat will be at oi.a mils with a victory In two beats necee- aary to win lha malch.

It la mor* than eleven months aln, a Ooullet engaaed In competition. Ills last rare w * th* New York tli-day rac* In Dscamber, which he won wllii Jake Msgin aupporllng him. While ‘TJoullle" will be short on compatulon ha will not bo handicapped from a laci, of condition. Nina months In lha navel aerial train ing atatlon a t renaacola, Kla.. kept the A uitrat-Tank In aupeio condition and he took dally aplnaon hiv blkA which prevsnitd th* bike-pro- palling muacle* from- losing their pre eminence through the regular tervli a phyalcai training.

During the two months ha has baeii at Iba Boston College of Technolog:. Goullat has found tima In which M lake in occasional workout on th* Rf- vers Beach track and freuuaiit ride* on the Kenway.

Thera will b* no money up for Iba pro rac*a tomorrow and no prieae for the am ataurs—tha *nt1ra proceeds from I program* and avsryihtng will go Into tha fund. E vtry not* published by I he band will b* fraa, and E. Humphrey Radford will dlaquallfy, suspend ami fine absolutely tr** of charge. With no money up It will ba Intaraatlng to note lha manner In which tha rldata airivs for victory. Tha natural coii- rlutlon la that thar* wilt ha no laam- Ing. Rut It must ba ramambarad tbul II It not uncommon for a.rider to give hla entire winning! In a rac* for aer vices rendered by other ridart In av- rompllahlng the victory. Also, rldere hava given over thalr winnings to ac- complice* and then added to the price of victory from their bank account*.

profesalonul bikors ar* not aa money mad a* the frequant aquabblet wouW IndIcat*. Thay all love victory, and ii la not unlikely that ther* will be team Ing tomorrow. Thoro li no rhanc* of oo* rider offering money to another for a "puU," but on* rider may agree

1 to "p u ir another If the other fellow ggroea to "puli'' him In the next war

Oue Lang, th* am tieur champion, yfllt got hi* baptlem of ralloueed el-

' hows, cultured BwUch#* and other as*l-a o V t;:V .« * ? :^ ^ o '■ ,^ ^ :^ .1 y V ”r‘; i .-r*.im*n. .h * n he c . . t . h.a vot. a .

Th* Acadamy ttm* and again carried the hall down th* field to within hell­ing dtetanc* of th* Hoboken eebool'e goal, but th* locale lacked lb* flolehlng poach. P eaaltle t also proved ooaUy.

Newarh Aeagimy.■mahetar . . . __ Lad aad........

NebI* ............. RIabi eed.......W lagai*..........Q u r ie r^ h5lna ............. .1^1 halfback

agatr*........W rtt kalfbsck.Wttarkary ....... iTullback —

Th* fact thal Prtneeloa haa apeelft- cally daaignaiad Upton Of n i l »i*y result In some ellght entanglem enta but the eommltle* that lha agUn- dld aplrtt shown by th* Tiger* will make It an eaay m atter to atralghlan things euL Ther* hee been little rapre- aenUttv* foatbatt a t Dlx thi* saaeon and a t H I* net a t all eaeurad that th* Upton alavan can b* tecurad. Mr. Ropar may h* forced to ash for *r- ranaomanta a llttl* diffarant from thoa* propoaad by Frtneoton.

Anothar point which may entar Inlo considaratlon la th* Rutgora-Graat I..ak** Naval T raining Bckool gam* which haa alao k*** euggaaled a* * Polo Ground* ettraetlon next Baturdey ThI* data ha# been pul forth by the Chicago sailors aa th* only dey on

hich they will be able to pley In Now Tork.

to Inspir* th* beet a ffo rtt of competl- to ra

Rickey aa Triser’a

program of th . a th t.llo d rlv . e g e p , j gl*** th . a g ad taw . Wh tor hU m « ey___ _________ . . . • baaaball, and th* alh la ta i who will

*•>. compotition, . m ^ f e r mpolicy, which ha* boon against athlatlo | for th* reward of knowing they hove eipleltattcn . It woald waive euch Ob- ^opo their share In a good eaua*. And jactloa. owing to th* i » lu « of Ih* ap- reward that ouutrlp* goldIZ a S ;S ::ir tr t* h ."^ U n d .d '‘™uM 1 » « . . ! . »r « . h p n - a .a d . . .« f« c ..n t™pre*snt*d In lha UgUed W ar Work - ----------- * " — • * ' c—.« .ii-Campalgn.-'

'ftklwi* ciftftl ^^1 MfttltftMt fM A;fftT Kl«r. Klac

. MUentH

....... K«jly

. , . Lavftrlft .. Tenlilag HftrMhmiti . . . rrovMt ... . 11*«)i*r. . . . Mftjr*!'. . KmtTMn......• I *—IT • *-T(ftftftk-

rrofeaelonal tomorrow, Qua la switchar and albower of no mean order, however, and probably will not b* sunk without true*, aa uaually happen! lo ematour champloaa who go debutantlng In lha hard-boliad-egg elaoa

Jueh Barry laltMOd-seamah Jack Barry, formar manage

of Ih Boston R*d Box and on* of lb- member* of Connie Mack's famed alone wall Intlald, I* confined to th* Stillman infirm ary a t Cambrldg*. Uaaa. iuffer Ina from w ater on the knee. The in lury I* the reeult of a tall which Barry auitalned Mvaral day* ago. It la eatd that Barry ha* about conelnded to pass

n*M~Rlag. I baaahall, th a t h* has play ad hi* Iw i >y—Aadrewi I ^ wmm*.bmkfST'^^”*'*"

Veteran New York Cracks In Navy, Are Booked Here

Another Chance for Winds Against National Turners

Th* driv* atari* tomorraw with lha raca mast a t th* Velodrom* and will end November 11. With Alf ao«U*t In the feature event a t th* Velodrona, th* card rank* with Ih* beat of the past aaaaoa. which should glv* th* driv* a Gylag a iart with a fin* financial mark to shoot at. Cycle racing la th* laadtng aport from a financial and In Newark, end the result of th# drive could b* prophostad oh the Valodroma'e box of­fice atatem eat. Manager Chapman Is hopeful of ralelng ten per cen t of th* quota of |M .» * eel ky Hi* Bportimen'* W ar Driv* Commute*.

The H igh Coal e l Boxiag

Only a few waak# age It waa g*o-erally conceded thal John Haydler would oncoood John K. Toaar aa preal- dant of tho National Loaguo, hut Branch Rlekay. praaldant of tbo Lonli Cardinal^ t* loomlag formldahl* for th* poaUloa. Haydlar- haa alwaya baon fa ithfu l and afflolaat. H* know* about a ll th a t I* to h* known regard­ing baaahall. but Is said to b* In favor of aomo raforins to bring about a bottor u n d e rsu n ila g botwaan ptayari and club own*™ ThI* probably do** nat causa Haydlar-i candldaoy to b* ap­proved by parant laaga* magnatan, wko allowsd Tanar » depart baeaua* h* waa not a rnkhdr PtamP affloUL________•

PTvu to Ftay Foatetn** Tsana.iponenl* tagtih t th* Cel lag*d f ta r PPI

- f t t n urtll have tha-Foatofflc* Banlors. <M dka CaMno Hall court. Managvr Mc-

- of the OoUeg* Five last weak hi* hoy* off with a victory over

I W est End Flva

__ MeaisanU Taka Three.'IR m UnloB Remnante. th* remaining

' IT* of tha old Union I^eagut. last tao k thraa straight gam** front

jg M o m y hoys. Nathan London Sa4 IpStvMaal high score.

.ffb* Boaira*: •NKAinWI gOONOMY.*nner... It) m i t t Ilf u t l i t e. Undos. I*e •• Uf

'7 le t l i t i t l Ktleri. .. lie at it* ib IM ll tU t Butdae... IIIIITIITa w riii itr" " *. J j Tatala.. « i ) t i l ! l l


Garry Behmealk. Bill Brunnar and Dick Bmyth*. three profeaelonol etari. who mad* the tr*na-conlln**l*I trip w ith the famoua New Tork National* eaveral years ego. ar* now In th* navy, and *n ar* mentberi of Qarry*a Naval Katervo Five which la elated 1* play th* Navrark Turnar* tomorrow night a t

William etrael court. In addl- tlen to Bchmoelk. Brunnor and Bmyth*. tha navy team will present Nat Hol­man aad Hobble Fyfe, another pair of proatlaont proteeolonal* now wearing th* Wu* of the navy,

Yjllf MIBi COmbtfLAHotly b fBclUB*«tk, last wash tylmmad th* Mu llonal ‘l^ rn a r i on the National eeurt. All flv* jacklo* ara w*H known hare, and ganarally a ttrac t lha tasa. Behmaotk » on* of th* uaat ahot* la lha country, along with Fyf* and tm ythe, while the floor work of Holman ha* easily bee* Ih* feature of local haokot- ball conteet* *o far thi* ****** la which HolmAB haa apiMarad. Mat IB a member of the Whirlwind Five ta *Bal- tipn to reprreontlng iniMaooHc** team

Rendoivons Flv* of

An opportunity to prove whether or not th* Whirlwind A. A,’! victory over Ih* Netlonal 'Turner* Thursday n I*** waa a fluka will b* afforded the Wind* tomorraw afternoon when they go agalnat th* National* on tho U lier* court. Th* Thuruday night gam* wa* atagad on th# Whirlwind team e own court and rem ltod lu • U *o I t vlc-

wiB over th* National* »*iiafl*d local fan* thal th# city ohamplonehip oarla* this year will kav* to be a thre*- oornsrtd affair Instead of th* old two- team thing, with th* Newark* end Na- tienalt fighting H out, Th* Bt. Mlchaaln who had a flngar In th* pl* whon they war* in axiatonc*. hav* been off th* court tor about four year*.

Bill Bahwara, form er m anagor of Ih* Newark TurnaiA I* handllag lha W hirl­wind* and th* taam ha* boon viotorlou* aindo going under hla dlractlor Anothar oontaot with tbo Nowarki la i pending and will probably .he atreneed ; tomorrow. Tbo Newark* beat I he [

. wind* la the opening gam* of the eee- ;I aon to r b « h d a t e

Bocaue* Wllll* Boub, a member of the \ Natlonel* and Whirlwind*. mu*t play

I with In* former In thie eerie*. U waa

getting the eeal* of price* et one, two and thra* dollar# (or the boxing show which I* to be staged November II at the armory In tho Intareet of the United War W ork Campaign I* not meeting

lo t of favor. Th* feeling Ifwithprevalent tkat th* eommIUeomen In de­ciding the price of setts were alto- gathar too nattering In thalr aatimatlon of th* general Newerk bank roll. The promoter ef an ordinary-*li*d club, of- fsrlng a taut of unusual aitractlvenoae, m,y raasteably ta axpactad to fill aU hla peat* k* on*-two-thr** acala hut th* promotar who atop# lo turn a IfioB

Many Sporting AfftinArranged for War Drive

nacaoaary for Managar Behwari to eur* a naw man, and Ernl* Raich t

I (III in.HI

and Ih* Fedaral ------------------------ , , .

a - 7 t w — c r o . .have hoan playing togathor for loaat , U fjth 0 D o w d W « f T h eretour yaara and as a N M it tha taam | ____ —work of that gnartot I* a ptoaaar* to watch. It aeenis to mah* llttl* dltfar- onc* on what sort of a court Itay play.W halhar on th* National Turners’ long court or on Ih* Naarsrk*’ wtd* court, they pul up th* same artlols e t ball.JahnnI* Murray o l Ib* Nawarko. who has been ill for several week*, espoou to gel back Into harnaa* tomvrtow.

ft. a . r. akv OOM» LBAoua.

s i a g “ 3


te t . . i*» tTI IT*

t » • n e wJ b * ilBRg.

T i l IM

Kieddwfer Sets Billiard Record lo Three-Cttiliioq .Title Mutch

I Touag inllp . of Uila elty, who wont I to FrahO* with th* Thirty-fourth En-

gtnoora. Is train ing “aomawher* In ' Franco" with Hth* ffDowd, th* mlddla-

walght rttamploa- F re a k Rica, who I I. ala* working w ith E 'k*. t* * « » • ( • » of th* tax ing BM*e. (ought Bton-

! lay Kotcbetl and J*«a DHIon whan In t hi* prim*. Bullylhsa improvad wonder-

fully •!*«• boning w ith QfDowd,



CHICAGO, Nov. r< F ) .—B ftung a now record. Aagl* Ktockhafor. champion throa-enaklon bllUardlat. aatniiwd hi*

" t l t e Chatlo#■ In 111

titl* last defaatlnight byMaConrt hfclovaland, IM t* ft,

' ' Mhthm iaga ta ita fr thrao-n>lfW tahtok. Th* ecor* *( M nighr* h l A WBi I* to *t M tairor ef Ktaekhefw. o

The raoord ««* gel > F AI-M lC nte fli**« rnnr* MO

m feta nmtah with EtadMetWr. , 'v M a aeero a t tM potnte t n U f lM li

-N ioni m ho* Ttavemti ItanA Mike Tier***. *a Idol a t MW T jjh

haaatall fan# hack ta th* **rtF_»fh died yeeurday In IWIovn*

BitBl Btaa* (M tater tA H # w * e a fln . tafeed enttlaHOr u « alwaya • B inging ba tatatn., Ttaenan M i« n t tf s d jS «t-


iw.:'.Mh.CM'trthtatata U

» AtwdMB

witaiiiiig IItavwfe

Cyeltag.Valodrom*. leawriowNewark


Meal Bt F lin t Regiment Armory, Wodnooday ntgbl.

PartuthftHi■•rvjM Bt«ri Vft. H«VKrl( All-

Btara,' a t National Tumvagaln. P ridar. and a t Newark Turn-

ifo v ita ta r M. 1reothoU .

B srrtagar v*. Tranton and Can- tyai V*. Fhim pehurg a t City Flald: aloe kicking OBhlhltten by

.C harttaE atab laf. Novamtar lA

•a * Rta* and gmlth gun clahF lolnt Mioet. Novambor IT. a t Smltb riab trap*. W j^ a a v o n u a

ftathlahom F. C, v*. Canadian AII-Bu m *( H irrtaoa Flald, No- vsm tar IT. *'

AII-«tar ta a ln g ekow at Flrat Reglmoal Armory. Novamhar II.

Two mataboa batwaan Newark • l|.s t« y bpw taftih* 'Watagarth. W tatiM i m tsrA Thuraday. *ad a t NattaM i Tnrhvtrota sIlayA Mo- v*Mb»r II.

ThIftg-BMI* Btemt H a* rna, by j te T ld tB O M rtonyel* Clnb. No-

H o u s e i lj- Di r, r y



slas. Bart oBf* *U aad pert I aiv* yo* ^

ataKT^tch. rod MooA


ft ftl DftWftj •ft i ftftif *

$1JS A B O T IUday—bay - at year dtPngaM

H. f . Dewey Sim Co.131 M H lL A T n *


p 0

O IL E N G IN E Sfor £53011601 Poimr Pu^$e3

l J i t o 2 0 0 H . P t




! LT Li" E 2 r n ? .J E i l t-LH n-Lft=H f c £ i J S J i ’




r**iou*..iC-vT u u n u K iiM ia f a ffsa t a a e a i B g ' R iG O " % a u ) e r


' ■S'itMtp UftlRTT HAUe

K A S g M t# A iff« 'Tkk'dPtegm iSU IJlIIIIS

\x >

9S MARKIET StR EET, Newark, N. J.n « A M O dtum R ttim ru it

',30ft , CIteibRddUliANftSBcnamk aOie^faiN IU A liir.E^ 75(;$1 At, 12.00

U tihft bBINllt flf Um tR gitfHriRp.

.kdAS P ta r

MMAIBtA HAJbVb fE ta ftgdtfflkNl-

ladkeM fE l

S p e d a l

C h m ete Loncheon■ t*;’

:: 3S C : :,iD iH i ib S 0 i .7 ik $ I * iZ

NO. U)

I " I


offices >

L 0 ^

E and 8' hetri of Red fore ■ Copen Berlin *<

The The peo "Maraei


Sptet0t-n iT -j-Bi ____ wy»«— atimtUm mill Imf** Mm INT or dMctiii

I b'!i.MR'I

the an At

Ksitdt B d v

now Ir peror'

VPnissi cUimd

I from < LI


Ti ■' %

•tCoi A

' IC

f u n .

. . .M - L -I ■ *


lly SecurwJ leet at

ind Sp«an

'■1 iT>,i vooir. 1

r -1 -■* -- 1

A'u „ - - ^ -1— lu n tr . tllk. IMt «l lirt Oftict «i W«w»rt n.» U n tj un<«r tli» Act of Mwfc t«- m »

VO. 1D.870 Vi;J5rsr. ftiiiE*" NEWARK. N. J., HINDAY. NOVEM BER 10. 1018. PtUl. IjIHit TWO CENTS.


I In th i war a t (h* V«lO’«r Chaprnan >ta to lOciiro arringod a 9m 4 Ooullai-0 dajr ho f%< ■ullot atatliif >armlailon to iLd poaltlvfly

adda t ra a tir ha maaL lia hoppad Itilo

t mada him ha fana tiraa>earnar«d '1 Frank Kia- ba tha other

ill ba at QUO I haata nac««-

month# a(n< a •atilloti. Hii York all-day ho won wilii him. Whila n compat1U< ti d from a larw O’ In tha navnl a t Panaarola, tnk In aupato ty aplna-on htn tha blka-pri<- Ing thalr pre- kgiJlar aarvh a

• ha haa ba«<ii >f Tachnoloo.

In which I'i >ut on tha Rr- uuant ridea on

ay up for thano pritaa for

procftoda from f f wUl fo Indi ibllahad by Iha E. Humphroy

. auapond and charge. With intaraatlng tn

itch tha rldai a » natural cou- It ha no taanv' mambarad thul a.ridar to givu % raca for aar r ridara In ac-

Alao. rldern rlnnlnga to ac- ad to tha prtef ink accounu a not ta monay luabbiaa wouhl victory, and U

■a will ba taam a no chanca of nay to anolh«'r Ider may agree »a other fallow tha nazt war laur champion. it cillouaad el­and othar mil -

la hla vota aa a Qua la a

I no maafk ordar. will not ba atink tlly hippana to »go dobutantlng

formar tnanage and ona of th«-

>k‘a famad atom: i to tha ktUlmaii a, Uaaa.. auffer- I knaa. The In fall whioh Barry gfo. It la aahl

oncludad to paan • playad hla laat


i ,R J .JiN iW ItlllldaiaSBc$1^)0.12.00

p d u «

» «


Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Council Takes Berlin Following Abdication

O f the Kaiser.I ^ I

Crown Prince’s P alate Is Seized

Many Persons Reported Killed-^-New Chancellor

Announces Purpose to Form People’s

Government. '

Twenty-Four Dead By Gas Explosion

PITTSBi noll. Nov. » —TiUnt>-four kni.rt and fifty uv.rc*m» b,f

it.»dlx funi«» (hi. »fl«rnooB. wh.n • gae lank eiplodrd at Iba Jonri A l.«utfhlin Htee) C o'i Ellaa Furriar* Hla of the workmfM aere Immediately • aphyaiated

The Mial covering a huge gaa lank let go and all workera within a wide radlua were overcome t>y the eacaped

1 gaeRevolutionary conditions prevailed in Berlin, following upon the

tbdication of the Kaiser and the entire royal family. News of the

chaos is slowly filtering through to the outside world. | ‘ iL C' Us ”Associated Press dispatches from Copenhagen, London and other j ® ®

European centers received this morning describe in brief form what j

had happened. ’« Following early dispatches telling of the occupation of the

greater part of Berlin by the Reds, it was announced later that order

had been restored and that the people's government had been insti­

tuted.Schleswig-Holstein is reported to have proclaimed an indepen-

Soldier Dies of Poison

Sergeant McLauj^lin Taken from Chinese Restaurant After

Night of Drinking.

Police Investigating Mystery

Text of Decree Telling Of Kaiser's AbdicationFollowiii* It the teal of the de­

cree bv the German Imperial Chancellor, Prince Max of Baden, ietued >*esterday, mnounclnc the Kaitcr’i abdtcaiion and the plane for other chint*. in Germany:

‘‘The Kilscr and Kln( have de­cided to renounce the throne.

-The Imperial Chancellor will remain In office until the quei- tloni connected with the abdica­tion of the Kilter, the renounclni by the Crown Prince of the throne of the German Empire and of Prutiia, and the aetiinf up of a re[ency have been settled.

“For the recency he Intends to appoint Deputy Ebert as Imperial Chancellor, he propotoa that a bill shall be broutht In for the esiiblifhment of a law providing for the immediate promulgation of general suffrage and for a consiliullonil German National Assembly, which will settle finelly the future form of gov­ernment of the Germsn nsilon and of 'hose peoples which might be desirous of coming within the empire.

“The Imperisl Chsncellor." Berlin, Nov. 9, 1918

Courier from the Armistice Envoys- I

Reaches German Headquarters O nly Today.

Will Wilson Go toPeace Conference?

This Is Still Open Question, with

Liberal Forces of World Hoping that He Will.

Prussianism Bows Before Civilization

Immense Difficulties tn Way

t f r«*ta»w i r * * u n»v« <>"■ w « r AbMl 11 • » . M»i»» r r r -n iitra H> w « i a u m s i i m (K—n is l u » U Vssa AMvww W «its CtMlv. H . H u a i 0«1« I»«ati» HwMra.

Is Hard Pressed in Field

French Troops G)ntinue Hot Pursuit— Take Large Stores—British on Outskirts ^

of Mens.-J-'N

Takan In « police ambulance to th* f liy lloHplta) Irom e *’hlne*e reeiwu- rant In Markrl itreet eerly yMlerrtay

, , . . ^ ......... . dhdi ' John MrLeZUghDni a eerg«*nt Indent republic, tn d Uipsig, the largest city in Saxony; Stuttgart, the , , ........ . . . . . . . I J . r a A../-lmrrA In IBchm.m Bt th» Pori N .w .rk supply i l»n, .'t lh» w orld. Kr.«to«t w .rcapital of Wurtttmbcrg, and Cologne and Frankfort are declared to pronounc-i on . r r tv . i ; t , . . b ..n d ..iroy-d l> ro r r«

Abdication of Hohenzullerns I

Comet as Climax to Nations’


Wilson Voiced World's Verdict

WASHtNOTON. Vnv t —Pru .siin -

have joined the revolution.BERLIN, Saturday, Nov. 9 (German Wireless to London, Nov. 10,

ll-.Sfl P. M.) (By the Aaiociated Preu).—The German People's Gov­

ernment his been instituted in the greater part of Berlin. The gar-

riM« kaa |oaa Jt)i «ovcni«aaU..r-‘. -The WoHimen's and Soldiers' Council hw declared • general strike.

Troops and machine guns have been placed at the disposal of the

council.The Social-Democratic party is interceding (?) with the peoples’

government. The guards, which had been stationed at the public

offices and other buildings, have been withdrawn.LONDON, Nov, JO.—Severe fighting took place in Berlin between

g and 8 o clock last night, and a violent cannonade was heard from the heart of the city. The revolution is in full swing in Berlin and the Red forces occupy the greater part of the German capital, according to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company quoting Berlin advices sent from there at 3 o’clock this morning.

The Crown Prince’s pslace hss been seized by the revolutionists, The people are shouting “Long live the republic" and are singing the

“Marseitliise."When revolutionary toldieri attempted to enter a building in

which they supposed a number of officers were concealed, shets were fired from the windows. The Reds then began shelling the building.

An autopsy ahowtd that hla d .ath had been caua*d by a corroalva potaon.

Whan ha wa. proi'ouncad dead a t the hoipltal a pollae Invaaticatlon led to tha ballaf that McLaushlln had diad of tha affacla of dflnk. Bui a whila aow- (a r ws* X*w»e la bi» f«ckat whan hla oioUite war* saarcM sad wS«a

' ■ m W " p P iw s iw rN w w k N ^ a w *tha avtbpar ha thane that • farm a f

whlfh la obtaltukbla Ik ka^4arform waa the rauaa of daalh. Tha po- llca raiumad thalr tnvaatiaaUaa tha light of this naw davalopmant.

Tha tlypothaala flrat arrlvad at by

of the German Kataar « «ler1a1on lo abdicair and that of hla »rsn lo re- hounca all elalma (o lha throne cam* aa the cllmal of world protealmllon airalnat tha Itnhanaoll^rni,

Tha campalffn ifa ln a t tha ra lfn ln i fu n llr fff Oartnany h u baan >*d byPrwgAlpat. WIlasB. 1U V«nM W t gi--------- --------------------------- ---------

front th a OafmkA pat>pU, v i tt i Bta war a d d reu of April t, t i l 7. At th a t tlma ha aald:

*‘Wa haea no quarrel with itfa Gar* man paople. hut the Pruaalan autocracy

from l*« raek*iif»o« Wareaa of <A# kFli- .v/,vo yfwg.

Wa sh in g t o n , nov i .—u u "tm an open queeilon whether J'reaidetit W 'l' •nn will atlentl 1h* world pew e con fraee In peraon or he represented hy L’olohe] House. If the Preeldent could have Me own way alfaul It and wara nol held doan l«>o much hy roiAdlllona at home he would doubtltae «<». noi nerreeertly f"f iTia enllra Jenath of the conferanre, but long enough to lend the w alihl and Influence of hie office, hli iwraonallty and hie powere of ptrauaeion In tha fnaklng of the kind of peace he advocate*-

The Trealdant la prepared to maka tha aironfaat aort of artum ent for tha Idaala and iba warhlDi principle* laid down In bla f««rl**n arltclaa. and ba- cauaa hi* datarnlnailon on Ihl* atfora la ao flaed It le not at all Improbabla that ba will do tha unheard of th ln i of oroaalng ih* oaaan to l*ke lha laadar- ablp a( Iba aa^okUad Ubarkl forca# in

■I i n i i iiiririe i •’ " ‘ ...... ............- . . . a i . u a

tha'pouVa’'^ * * Unaad on ttat atory o f] waa nni and nyvar could ba oura t __ m allwIS t ra S kt M l'»nteW frlOFlde 'hla rompanloa on a vUlt In lha erntar or ihr city Friday nlfhl, which, brlafly, was >hal McijiughUti had drunk fraaly from a flaak of whtahy which ha car- riari and had mliad Ihla with bear In the courte of lha avaninf.

Apparanily oyarcoma by lha a/facta of hla Imbibing, lha aoldtar warn! to ■laap In lha reataurant. whila waiting to ha aarvad with a bowl of chop auay, and gftar alumbartng ittnorougiy (or goma lima thrra wga removad to th# hoapitgl on tha advtca of g aa)lor.

A gmgU cut on tha dead nian'a haad waa aiplalnad to lha aallaraetlon of lha pcllca hy itatametna attrlbulad to tha doctor and nurga who raealvod lha body a t lha hoapital. Thoy ara daclarad to hava aald lha man'a haad ■truck an Iron cot whila ha waa baing tranafar- rad froTW a airatchar to tha cot. At tha boapltal today, howavar, the raaldaiit phyalclan aald ho had no knowltdga of Buch an accldant

CoapgglM TallB of Driahlag.Tha alory for tha moa\ part Ig told

by the men who gocompenlad McLaugh­lin on the glght-gggthg trip. He lg ia r -

; gaant WJlIlam Roaach. Ilka McLaughllaI * M a a. _ _a .wa..nw. <S aS* Avlaowa

Tharaaftar. flrat by opan -tlploingcy In appasla lo tha Damign paopla. than by propaganda hurled from aircraft ovar tba Harman Hnaa and cttlaa go'l finally by dlract and blunt worda to tha (Jarman Oovarnmant llaalf. tha Praaldant conalatantly purauad hla purpoaa of ridding lha world of tha Hohaniollrrna. '

"Tha war waa hagun by tha m ilitary maatara of oanrany," tha Praaldant da clarad on Juna 1. I tl"

"Tha ohjacl of Ihla war la to rtallvar tha free pooplaa of lha world from tho manaca of a vaal m ilitary aatabllah- manl. cotitrollad by an Irraaponalbla ( govarnmani Thla powar If not tha (Jarman paopla." ha aald on Auguat 17. I l l" , In hla roply to lha I’opa'a appaal for paaca

—Tha aplrlt of fraadom doaa not aiilt tha plana of tho Pan-Oarmona.' tha Praaldant addad In a aparch Novambar !1. ISIl.And again. In a apaach bafora ron- graaa Pacembar t, 1M7. tha Praaldant ■aid; , ,

"Tha Oarman powar. h thing without oonaclanra or honor, muat ba cruahad. Oarman rulara hava breo abla to ui>aat lha paaca of lha world only ba< auaa lha Oarman paopla war* not auffarad !■' ahara lha cororadaanlp of othar paoplaa of tha world althar lb inoughi or pur- poaa." . .

Hla naal ihru it at rruaaianlam waa In February 11. Ill*, 'n reply to Count Cgamln's appaal (or paaca. Tha Praal­dant than raltaralad that ■'Our whola BIrangth will ha ru t Into thla war of amancipallon from lha th reat and attam pi of maalary o.* aalflah groupa of autocratlfl rulara."

w|W Mo Jwaa fa Uaavwaw Paagla.

(By Associated Press.)

PARIS, Nov. 10. (Havas).—The German courier from the meeting place of the armistice negotia­tions arrived at the German Grand Headquarter! at 10 o'clock this morning, according to an offidal statement issued here today.

PARIS. Nov.‘ 10 -French troops this morning renewed their par

suit of the Geimins. The French official stitement, issued today, Myt

the retreat of the enemy is hecoming more and more precipittM.

Everywhere along the line Ihe Germans are sbsndoning great quantitki

of war material.Cannon, numerous vehicles of all descriptions and. in some in­

stances entire tailrosd trains, have been captured by Foch's forces.

The text of the stitement reads: .

Our pursuit of Ihe enemy was renewed this morning under fpr

vorable conditions. ^Wetiersa the French pissed the Sormonne River ind tOPk

the village of Sormonne. They retched tficTildson rouTe i t Metf^M-

sur-Renwez '"On the right the French continued to cross the Meuse River fed-

tween Lumes and Donchery,'In his retreat, which is becoming more snd more precipHout, the

enewy is abandoning everywhere considerable miterisl. The French

have captured, notably betw-een Anor and Momignies (Southwectem Belgium), cannon, numerous vehicles of all kinds snd whole riilroid

gaan t w jm aii.1 iiuiM iiav wiMwwww. -------------------------- -- w - l a mawbar of lha tturaga daiaonmagt

\Fhen the cinnonide begin, the people thouflit the Reichbink wis | a» ha tow aio^being bombirded ind thousindi nishcd to the squire in front of tho JJcauiTa**o*"poika haadguartara, tha

* . 'IJ* - ———.a. w. w CaalknWHM'Crown Prince s piliee. It wm liter determined thit other buildings

were under fire.Miny person! were killed ind wounded before the officer! sur­

rendered, The Red forces ire in control ind have restored order.Strong gusrds ire mirching through the streets.

< COPENHAGEN, Nov. 10.—The Wolff Buresu, the semi-officill rn d ’aaeh'oHared chop 1 Again, an Ap MI *. tha rraaldant.'a a. a. L # D i:.. *!■..« U «u*y- WhlU *wkll1tif U, WcL*ufkUn I aniwtrlnf p«#c*> m*nf»*uv*ri of 0*p-

news igoncy of Germiny, innounces in • dispiten from oeriin tnit it forward on iha labla and bagan mapy, daclarad In a apaach at Baltl-h » been tiken over by the Soldiers' ind Workmen s Council. j iaf»niiy, whan iha diih waa Mrvad. i Mnp, raady u> ba juai to iha <i«-, ' , , , , I . A I and Hoaach did not dlalurh him. bul man paopla, bul tha paaca propoaala.

Friedrich Ebert, the Soclllist leader, h is been appointed Its- | p,ocaadad to aal. ^ , l cam, from Oarmany ■ mllUary laadart. i * a t«M 1 Shortly aftar midnight Charlpi J. 1 „|,a ara bar raal rulara.

Wri.l CtancOtor. H . t a . .» « « l • p ™ l.n .« ..n «y ln» (tat ta , l . » , - ta - , „ in v - . . . , ™ ^to form I people s government, whichyntill endeavor to bring about; ,i^|iw ubu ,a“ e7V.1..V. a* d^rk h'SS

•peedy peace. , ^It ii officially announced from Berlin that the War Ministry "•';"\Mon*.”br.uHar".5

placed itself at the disposal of Ebert, whose appointment aa Imperial j’'** aiJ;**and ^aaehTogathar^aaTiiiit ^'dalarmin# fha (onunaa *fp iacea h k u -a » r ^ - j . a S la .i to l a t e la ik a b for Ihla pgrtoao. bet , , , , whom (hay hava no right to m laChancellor waa forecasted yesterday by the decree of Prince maxi- locata oat, r^arnoe to tha n th tV forcars iaaawrwgg , . 1 5 ' * j Ik* r*»t4ur»iil, kft*r kk kkMDM or ...........— - n-ws

' mllian. Thi. action was for the purpose of assuring the provisioning of j .the armv and auiating In the solution of domobiliiation probl^a.

/ S i r i i t a T . (™nilw " > « « » Pritw w H.iarich. .11 . f t B e p . t a w . .r Ludiri, III- fire

mkn p*0pl«, p w e vrtigawmmip. b* ftbMnt ! t Ml Trowi wzBnmfioh.’i>c**a*a xo _ I fijLih# from Ci*rmkny'* niMIlfiry i*kfl*P!, WHU* Ih* p*MC* I* In tfsplonShortljr kftor midnight Chari#! J. j r#*l th#r* will b* m*ny crfcv* probUm* ofAmbaAw eat k# Wmrwiok itTiot. ft wiilor, ! A a «pa ifa.w*mia nn .tiilv 4. ih* Pr#!!* Iptomol coBcom to b# i?onflid#r*d #nd

thoy hvlll pOM«M aqeh urgtnoy (hat It la qiiaatlonad whathar Mr. Wllaon ctfiild or would J*av* tb«m tn * Congrek* that would ba mor* or laan frea from enacu- tlwa praaour^.

Undar tha Conatltutlon, tha Vk* Praaldant ka#umaa tha praaldantlal pffka only in th* avant of tha daath. ramohni, raalgrtatton or Inahiuty of th#

Th# pane# cdiltr«M bring th*conflict batwaan th*' Mbaral and con- aarvatlv# movamanta to * haad Tha fight that 1i organlalng In Ihs L'nltrd Btatat on thin nubJaM will <-n|y l>« part of ih t *orld-wld# atruavlo ba- Iwaan fh* two rontandlng forvaa Britain. Kranra, Italy, Oarmany, Japan,Itiiaala and all othar counlrlaa ara now In lha bfclnnln* of thla grant argii- mant, and tha antira contaat will von- vorga and Join laaua In tha pao'e ron- qraaa Tha m rm a or (allur* uf tha oppoaing gmupN In thalf ro'ipaftiva | rountrla* will ba mrapured by ihf aplrtl j and tha pollvk# that *1U » In al tha | trAlTlS.pear, table LONDON Nov, |0.—Field Marshal Haig's forces are closely fol-

Tha forvaa of whlrh Praaldant Wi) jriouV ^hTv:^.'“ 'm:Ke‘’ r lowing up the retreating Germans .long the entire front in Flinders. the 'prMi'iga'Iit tha i-rcaident’ will i.c -pi,( official Statement issued today by the War Office announces thetof more cotiaaqueni;'* if ba t* nn llio , j o • >ground rather than ai the end of a 1 ^1, - R rifiah trooPS havc OCCUpicd F iu b o u rj^ oC BertklfHOnt» Oil tllO cabla Una In iha Wiute Hnuae And, | thla balnf the oaaa. ihe prenaora to i hikve tha Praaldant make the irip, un- pracedefitad *a U in. haa become pro* nouncad.

IUbt mffncBltk* In li|*yaThara are 1mm«nan diffiniliiea a«an

In tha way of the Preeldant mkklng tha trip ovaraana. There la Ural of all the pracedanl agalnat the Chief Maglatrate leaving the n*llonat territory durln i hla term of office Put. aa ha t been ramarHed before. &1T. Wila«n, alnca be­ing In public life, baa never allowed praoedent or cuitom lo fetter hi* *c- llofi! and lonaaquantly (hla particular pracadant would of Uaeif hava littl* walght In daternilMng lha iasua.

Tha big queallon ronrarna Itaeif with th# void that woul'l ba created In laae Mr, WUaon lafl the Whit# Hpuae for an aaiandad parkil. it la aakad whether tha Prealdant could afford, from the

I viewpoint of lha national exlgenclea, to b# abaant at all from W aahlngton

i a l

I c^ 1 1 . 1 2

rr «r AM«!lf ^ ^

lK d * u p o n IS sh e w m f l ^ n g fro m M unich .hiding in Southern, B ivsrii sdlh Princeu A d r i^ , wife of pm-

^ '" I oNDOn! (1135 A. M .)-^ « W -H o lite ^ , thePnissiin provi#«o whieh formwly belong^ to D oaw rk b t o ^ pi^, c Z d in indepoBdsBt republic, stys m Exdungo Teleiriph diipitch

’ ^"‘V SpK a’S o to r ^ ^ « lty ta ’SM ony;atotigw^^HmcupitilofWurt- im n i^ rM d C o lo ^ to4 PrMWort h w joliiod the issolutlon,

'S 3 i f W c w p o n d « i t o f t lm E x « lm * » T o f c i^ ^.'^^Tho Soldbto' O w n ^ « Struttgirt, CologM sAd FMukfort hive

ni- 4od4o4»ErocW «.» t l . ' n J L i '


Boom nMH mn sswm*. »»**with (ha Flra( Praclnc( Poltea Station, n was than I'lB (CelMk In tha mwmlng.

Tha auto tMtrol was H nt t« tha raa- ta u r ie t snd McLauihlln was ssn t to ths CTty Hospitsl. whsrs hs was piw- n o m ^ I s s l .

Wrhan U sutsnsnt Sshwid. on tosonro nt h sa lq u irtsfs , was summonsl to th s hospital, ha fouM tha ant on tho lond m«n‘s hoal u l roesivol from tho q*e- to r a n ! ouroa In chirgo, ho siM , t h l M fonnotiaa that ths tnjtinr * baS so* qprrM i* ihs hsMltol. ^ Uosllss tM paohiao of pow lsr In tM poebou of M tfM shXn- S thslI s44a*. t m . l * was foMHl on him and was tahaa for aata- kaaplag hir tbo hospital an thp rttisa

HoUtSMthitn waa. tw oatf-ssvsn raara oM an ilsm a th s ss« e f w tain to sommaad o t tbs T h M rras to e i

si»?srvS5 £ii«t a sWM no* IsimML „ ,

Roosnh and Rasbar w irs ellowM t a a f ta r m aM M Uaa. > « stm etsd to bold- tb ia it i lto BOSS to appsar as ^ wHm waatsd. . ■mb fctoMU a id warn Rombsts M a ann a t arb of wbisb 1 t« sm a lit I tb s esaiRiiMkW v n liso

southern outskirts of Mons, Belgium. '

The text of the official statement follows:“Our advanced forces are keeping in touch with the retreating

- ,¥‘'enemy on the whole front“We have occupied the Fauhurg de Bertsimont, on Ihe southuru

outskirts of Mons.■'Further north we are approaching Leuzc and hive taken Renalx.

(Renaix is about -W miles west of Brussels )East of the Meuse, on the Allied right, Ihe American tr are idv inciU I

toward Montmedv and the Bney iron fields The forasrd movement Is Ofl • ,front north and south of Dsmvtllers Lurther nonh toward Sedan there been only irtillety and machine gun fighiing. /

-------------- ------------- iOutbreak in Berlin Reported,

Also Blocking of Kwl ( anal

ivlek uu4 bl* «eculi«r, bmt ubdiwtod.Eftwt, vk* llM J*


l a l^ n u m l iw ; lAitk purty iM

B|rti Wtf „ Uoder:'

m w m m '|a

'»> th li tlias. (h . 1"'*’' * " nine to dawn fulljr upon tha paopla of Slarmanr T har, h a s ." th. flrat aavsre nsm bllnie of diaeontanl.

Thaaa .raw tp » « • • '8*t In raplT to *•*. dlract and amphatio Tauton ovartursa for paaca,

tmab a* Fallb la Ilalaaa. Conaacyllvaty In h i. p a a '.

ha polntsd oat l« toan“n « * to ba publlihad br (h» (larm jn prasa r t , laek of failh in th . word of tba

H mar bawUtod, ha .Bpvar baa* to dmibtbriiia about tha •abdioallon or

S lS p li t h i r tolsr was lb . obetoel. to * HR*

tCiwAiki Count Romanonei To f*nn Spnnish Ministry

M m T T T iy 'tbo Aiooelated ‘h Alfonso has BSbod C oast

rJtSmasoftso *f **»» * lattsr proRlodd to iwsWsr

y j r s a i f a ’r a j s : it

______________21JX «**:!m f w a h l b a r f . S J

Frasidant to parform tha dutlaa of hla offlea. What cwnaMtulaa "inability" lo I point that hai nuvar baan aulhnri- tativaly datarmlnad—It may ba that a trip to tba paaca ronsraai would bo construad aa Inablltty and that Vlea Frasidant Marshall could alt tn during Mr. Wilson’s sbsanca: nobody knows boeauta ijiara has navsr baan a rating. I t Is all a tpaculatlon, and a ta a t (or tM sharpa on ths ConsUtatlon.'I n ths days Immsdlataly ahaad, tha

pabllo will surair haar a g raat daat on tbs BUblaet of -tha Frasidant going abroad. It fum iahai a wida (laid to r opoeputlon, but it Is bsitsvad th a t In tba and lha Praaldant will abapo hU eoarso according to tha amarganclaa Ofths boar. ^

Tbs Prssldsnt. It m ight bo sddod, to St tbo W bits Mouso today. That by way of aasw st 'to parslttant rumoro which heyefoaebed bora from yaiioos parta of tbo ooaitry to tho atfoet th a t tha prtoldMit hoUalraady sallod for Barop*. Ho boai’t. A. J. U

Bi^wil Vision Re-elected President of Minions Bonrd

- -TONKlUa. N, T» Ko». I j im ) .— •ishep tBthoT B. WlUan w ig t o M ; ^ .

■ itod prosldsnl i t tba B oird • !> * •(• a MtaslRM of tb« MotbodlR Chgreb. to MBRtI Ifg?-

t* r thg

Leon Trotsky Reported Out As Bolshevik War Minister

Zl'RICH, Nov t — l.«on Trotsky. War Mlnlatar and (ormsr Forelfn Mlnlal.r of tha Busalan Bmahavlkl aovcrnmanl. haa raalgnad, according to a rllspnlch today from Itolaingfora. M Shhar.hy la raporlad to havs suceasdaj I i.

Twalva thouaand rounlar-i;^-olu- tlonlaU from Piboft aro roportad to ba marching on patrograd

Russian Soviet Mission Is Asked to Leave Switzerland

BBRNB. Nov. S ( Tha Swiaa Fad . aral CouiftI haa dacldad to braak off »11 ralatlona with lha Baatlan Sovlat Mlaalon Tha raambara of tha Ruailab dalagatlon havo baan ashad by tha gov- am m ant to laav. Bwlttarland bo«auas of thalr participation In ravolatlonarF propsgandA

HcBMiiy Congratulated Edge <Mi Litter'd Victory m Senate Ruce

IMff CorrcajiaadmcaTRENTON, Nov. ty—!■ a lottof o o i-

grptBlatlng Oayamor M g a on bid too*. USB to ths OnlUd lu to s Isnatoi CU iH si

'O’CoBBor Hsnnsssy, Ptm ocrM ll M l l la u t k for ths short totR, '

«^gv ICMV Of#varno#«-A!i|lg^f^wmw tho vatots of gjqqUoB to tb s Unitse r

C lilie '

(Br t ’allad Fasaa.1TIIK HAlllIK, Nov. » —An moon-

nrtix'd report was racelvrd hero today lhal InBurnanlB have aelaad Barlln, ■riling llrr lo lha poatoflica and ctljr hall-

COPENHAOBN. Nov. Tha W arb- men> and Soldlara' Council has Mochad the Kiel Canal hy throwing warahipg langthwlaa acroaa ll, according to dia- paichra racelved her. today.

Anolhat I'niled I’raaa dispatch from London aaya ilial lha rovolutloB h*< spraad to Baxony and W 'urlaRbsri. th a t Ivaodan. iha capital of Ssiany. l» tn lha hand, of rabala and IbBt tha W artoR bsrg Cabinet haa rastgiad .

Ailiet Heve (Captured 405.000 . Gerrasnt in^tt Since Jsn. f i,

‘i TiONOOIf, Kov. I iBrlttah WBSlato abrrtea).—Two hhndrodpglggngfg war# tah#! 1 Brlftty Mi t |w w ^ U rn fr#]^ fp!#! - Wiajwry .t *• - ' Mawgsibsf d. toeNetos. Mae^iie t» M ;■SUM camSioa^^ •}•, ; S w r .w iA a i i

m f


' asMaphSfM

m m m . I T 7?1 : m -• ■^l^ ' 1 *.j I * '• . < . i*. f /■•■•


K m se Seen by Nations as Embodiment Of Mifitaiy Caste’s World-Power Dream

A artwn »f **rl< anmlBlM " b i« i - i Uur»fl Kmp.rOT Slrholmi nt n « . . l . <»

f’ m v


! A arPMfi »f **rl4 anmlBl*n "« •••■ i ‘1 ^ Ik , mind >r Kmpnror William j '•lw if«d tfe* world Into war. limii lilm j Md tho (r»m*"dou« itilHUry im ln r i‘t , kMlruclton of which hr woo ih« f'"-

t kaOUMBl. (he oipaittai oud (h< leoUtr. t thd rootKrnoiblllty of doni>oroi*lr I Iplaesin* and b rltifln r obOBt Ih* frooi-

•M bwirilcl iho world hot o»Of oMn n did not manor 1o tho world lh«'

ahar* In the•w ift • w n t i ImniadlaH'ij pracadm * tti*- |

b««Ti (ilucyrfJ worldLTidltd him of oriM iirlnt. ilirardm

S^ftlnUtnlhi *t lli« lop notch uf •ffid tncr Ihr n*rm»» mllii-rvewchlho It r«memh«rrd Ihal ha ■ijnsilth« f'*'' (ffrmnn ni«bnii,l-tlop. It r*jnernhef^«l that he iiOd»l ■poaaor for Iha f«rroM«n on«i b rl|uv dtfO which, under iha tfulaa of w»r lire , r»vtfb«<< Belfluw^ i*ld w ane tha l l l l ^ pf Prance, dapopiitatad anti out' fl^ad Btrbla and tant tha Lualtinta v h h Mr rralpht of anmen

n gra«« in tha A(lann<ClvtliUttou Will ne\er forjcat

■tvn a aacrat ecream ent to whidh ha wna lo forra (ha adberenca rtf Prance In tha parfartlon nf an offanrlva and dafanriva alllnnca afalnat England. Tha (reel)^ wna dtecovarad and ff- pudtatad by • Mueaien mlnlitar

Palling ih hla altem pt, Iha Harman lltiiparor aai upon hlmaelf iha laah *»f

FAMILIAR (R,IMPSES OF KAISER. KAISERIN AND CROWN PRINCE" X b tb n o lo g y o f W o d d ^ S f f , T 9 1 4 - 1 '9 1 8

o t A a

^>1— pBjp "i*v ■> ^ • *•


nnd I'hi nit m

—on ••• —h woo (bo minlono of lb , Kmporof who I r.nnoror•ffirlhlly »ho( (o dooth LMIfb r.TOll, I hi III, Btoioro

■A4M Cniltah girl who bafrtandad tha Batflena in Bruaaala

Agalnel (haaa hla cry I Jid not niU war'' avallari aa hr>1hltig Hefarr

tha bei* of humanttv Wllllain «ep Jgigad guHtyr tif the graa.aai l Mifi# •flee Iha cfticlflalon In hint human­ity agw Iha iait of tha autorrala. I he flm l Caaaar. Aaaortlona ihAt lie waa I t heeft peecaful, eo parataianily i lr-

k ggjgtetf for yeeN aa lo glT# (ham tha gtMBp of Qarman propagenda. breama

.'G lided M cerlalnljr falaa lla a hn ' I n i leni proi'lalmadl hlmaalf iha prlnc*

I f ^ggee iioo# revaalad e i humaniiy'a'"tiigirBi. gnd ggalnai him and all ihai• C r w M


Ijli roprooontod too* ih* now worbl of 4b»ocroc) ond froodom i Mbblf doubt wlirihor Wllllotn woo

, 'ik tln lF ootio. H* oold rrpoolodly ihot * 'kk bcodooood ■ dlvlno miindoto (o rulo,

rttk l iko A boirh tr w«o h it -'micondi- J ttlM l u d tvowod t l l r " It lo nut

MklrilT ciMr wbtihor tuch o u ltiv in t, Vtro Iho product at a d ito rd trtd brtin

.pr wtro dM to othpwndod aaotlom ond

i pp pifotv to Impropo hto oubjocto with (pp Mm of roToront and unpuootloninp

'i pahMitoton. Hlo opoochto to hlo arailoo ; ',|p wbMb bo tMortod ho ond ih*r woro

IkU tniBonlt of dlvlno Judpmooi upon (Ipliiltiii'i onoiniM'' woro ropordod br

odlildo of Oormoay to ploroo of *pt#rie. Intondod only to dMOloo hlo tm poeplo.WUIIhih 0 claim la claaa oftlRUir with

I IbP ktirdan of doaona of hM I n p hafera aa wall aa a f ti r

kaflaalap of tha war. o f thaaa ' IW M*a •••** tla a rtr daflaad hit

I th a t h it aotoHout "dtolaa rlpht** 'k tllT trtd at ■ randtaburp In

, (a wMak ha ppU ka rapardad tha ppppla a t "a ratpoatlM llly"

d pppti Um b r Opd and (bat it J 4« tr to Iwrf t a aa (h it harltapa Wkich ona ddr I ahall ha ctllad

to piaa aoaoBOt. Tboaa who tr r latarfara aftth my t t t h I thall

l a a l l th ia tk t world aaw bafara tba « p p a p t a taanaea b a t a ooaMdr. It^ n ^ M ^ t b ilM ihoB c a p u l a J ^ p k

• r tha Uallad M alta Natry ra td ra laa from th t war with

aad ttiH ap a f tha ciatb with tb t dtp a< th t Oanaan aquadroa at ■P7, tba p a p u la rtaltad tha patin. 'B aeh dor Kaliar." la

tb t eoaehidlap rafrala waa, la tba Itloui worda of tha Bmptror.

I mit him— n M IB U r—Uad Oott."

palla m ltM l

au taamoa raaltaad iboa that tha • lap ara r la hla “ih la laa

tpanaanTtrlnp hla armlaa and. bnlldtap tip tba Oarmaa ayaiaia. aaaoMlUit tba can-

_ piraa pad T arb ty , and faalartna praacblnp of tba aupratnacy of au- ay waa araetlag a machlna that day wawld laaka war upon all

illaalloa.llM world waa w am td by h m o h la l a u a that uia ■mporor ODO day brlag eataatropba upon

aaUana Tboaa mao saw in himaad aoa him now aa a mad In-

fcta tar tl»an la hla youth tha moot JlaaparoBa of all toya b it army and

Thoy W trt h it playthlnpt. Ha da- T dltlld tbtm throughout tha yatra to Ih t pdiBl wtaaro ba bad to put thorn la t tatt. U ba a cratad Inraator. h« kayad tba and of h it rtlg a would find

' I t tbraatlona on irltd ; to grtapad th t b a t apparlunity to w agt a world war

' ^M m ttm a Ib t oarm aa war party ■raw with William a t Ita htad, and tha ghaait of world damtalan awaltad tha laar to batin Ua altainm ant II rama

dr.iwlna Knaland to h i,, aid# nfOlnRi Pranoa and Itutala H"" **ll ihought he*! ■UCceedetl In 1hi» rtiey

gUhrretl fftnii e l*ner he wynte iul^ree14ent W’lleun In 111* l» *hlch be fftld King c>torge bed promler'1 I'lln e Kenr> of f*ruee>e on .Inly It. 'H I. ihei Kngleiid would remeln Qputrel Jn m wer involving the rV ntril F^oweri with Kren< r unci UOh' bi

Pfirhaipe (he rn lei rluerf ami n tU...'!- la ( l\r of th« e> ueeUrute egelitPl lliB (Irrnien r.rnpertir end I'en •* ler men* ire lonlalned ■" 'b r nuUllihrtl hp-iei irieniotefiilum I’f 1‘tim- p c'heilea Mei Llt'bnowhliy. w l. wuv ciermiui Am- bgpMdor at l.rori'i''M el the oulltreeli of hoetnine* The •rlll.•e xjnrq'ii^ n. glty placed (he ftlaTT e fgr rh# war on Her- men) ami f -r hi- rrenUnwee nr>i iTi i* .HlU-men .halFh'i per­manently r^i'elletl fit'in rl'e I'fiieelen

f t.<-rd» w ill! b at (ion waa end.

flnelly we» eii'ed m HwiiierlandKninemr Willigm'e rtt.m iTihCinfi ,nv#t

(Jp’iiMin eleCreiTiMi tl«pl-iuAie and i h» hiK»i command of Ihp 'ierman army Ml- rniphaatted l»> I'r Wilhelu^ Mueb' loti, a former dlrt-tior of lit* Ktupp worke. (he great Oeimati muntfloiii factory, In hie book nn "The I'e^aeie* lion Ilf Kurfipr In (bla h« i”'t nnlv laid LUme uiioii (JerninnK r‘n bad faith and < riti<'lied the ilern an arm% fiir Ua brutality, biii aet«riar| that In (he Herman Korilgn office onlj- h* Whti did the Krnperor a iildilKig wge

tUowed (o remain They could not do elief," he declared, "becauae of the

■ harat'ter. Ibe pnMer. the HaitllaiUyn of and continued hi lerfererne by tbo Kaleer" It wee I'r Muchfun oho ae- aerled Ihe an t heiil Id t y of I l e itatv- merit Ibul ibinperor William aiaied ai a m eeilnf of Oerinan a m y officare that he h id pleriiy of prlaonere and that be hoped the rtfflcerq would eee (hat iia tuhre priattnere were taken

Iftllm lHgn Hirdan, atietm ah Liberal leader, d 'lla red the Herman ruler breughi on the war beraua# of hie de- «)ra "for toinethiiig like world rule

WlUtam often proclaimed hie innn- cetice. and endeavored In put the oiiue of (he wgf irii the ehoiildere nf ihe Kntejiie Alllee in hla ppee<h frtrnt Ihe throng aftar the 'var began he eald

*'ln gurtttlng ne inlerepte the Huaalan f'mplr# ateppe'i in the wgy of Auptrla- JlUbggJ’y- Our duty ap gn allp cal.ed ua to tba alda of Atittrla-fCungary. The gituaitoii groao imi from temporary cogflteU of inloroato or diplomatic comblnallont. but Ip thp reouK of t|L will oglottng for yaaro agalnot iho g tronfta agd proaporllp of Iha Uormon Bmplro **

Tha Ktnporor. dpgptta hli pravloui Ot* progglon* of pood will for Amarlcgno, ggva vant (o hla angor agalnat (ha t^iltad ilg tao whan U bacoma avldont no offletal getton would ba lohoo to glop tho ahlpmant of munltlong and guppllM lo (ho ICgtonU Allloi by da> eloHsp to Iha Amarlcan Amboogador, iomaa W Oarard. "I gball atand no nobiogoa from Amarlcm gftar iha war7*

Winiom'a daaigni to apraod Oarman dominion In A«la found oiproagton In hlo famoua Tlolta to i'onalantlnoplo whon ho »M proelalmod aa protoctor of Iha Hoalama In thla (ha world aaw a cunning Piap toward achlairamaiil of Iha Qarman ambition of Oarman do­minion from Boflln lo Bagdad.

m odH ch wnhalm Vktdr AlMrt waa born January 27, l i l t , and bacama Em- poror William 11. oa (bo daath of hlo

~ 1914ju a a } l—Archilulta Fcrdlaiag ang

tka Dwchaaa ef ftohanbarf atM H laatag a t eanyawa, B«Bn(a. by garrlun atnaant. July U —Auatrta kacUrbf war ou

•urvlu.Aug. I to 11—Pcclurallon* ot w«r In-

vaWIag (Hrtaany. AualrU. Huaal*. rn w a u , Balglum. Or«st Britain and Mestaatgrw.

Aag. S—O a rn a o y vtoUtad B rlflumBiutyalliy.

Aug. *—aarm aay bftlna h ir a iia rk • a Uag*.

A uguti llW larm an r !.an«trBira FlWUea through Luaomburg.

Awg. I I —JapMi daclarta war on (.«r- many.

Bopt. 1— Froaich Oovornmanl wiih- Aniwa Froai rhi-la.

Baft. 1—Oormaa arm y baglna iia rr- (roul front th a Mara*.

t>rt t —Oarmmno roptura AntaorpNov 7—Joponou caplur* Tajnyiaiil>tc 12—AlJlta drlv , tlormana from

th* roar.19U

Jan 1—Bugglanp inoada Kungaryfa b 11—-Oarmona drive Ruaglant out

af Bgat Prutaig.March 31—i-Alllad iroopg landed at

GatllpohMay 7 - Lupitanta aunk by German

BubmgrlneJu ra 1—Kecretary of Ftat« Bryan re ­

als upAug B -Oarmgng captura Waraam •apt. tl^A U lap bagln driva on wait-

prn front and (ake 20,ODh prieonere <%CI. 10—Bulgartanp Invade Kervtm. Pac I^B flllP h army driven baok by

Turks tp Kut #1 Amara.f>ar l»—BfltlPh withdraw from


Jan 1L—Oerman offenpiva jn Cham- pagna la romp|ated

April II—Preorh begin offeftplve at Vatrdipn.

April aS ^B rttiib lurrendor at Kui al Amntg.

May I t —Brltiih and German naval battle of Ju tland ffiggM

June 7—aKmrl KMrbener and a itf f drowned hy Pinking of ffulier Hemp- ihira

Dot- l ^ a r m a o t.'-hoat Plnkt fh e Plaamara off Nantuckef

Nov 1—Oarmant evLi<uat* Knrt Vaup. Verdun.

Nov ?1—Emperor Frani Jegeph *>f A uetrta■ Hungary dlee

1917Fob I —G arm aev rtarUrad I '-boa l

bloakoda of Groat Hrllale.Fob 1—rrraldant w'llaon aovrra ra-

Lvtlona T.lth .jormaoyFob. : s —rroallont aaka ro in rM i for

ttttha^Ity t® uoo armoA forroa to pro- tart American rlilita anA ahlpp>m.

March 7 —rrcaManl SectrtaA to arm ahlpa

Match i ; —Brillah eaptura BatAjo.April t -W ll io n atinaA Aaclaratlon

of war.

May IA.~rruatgaBt ilgiiaa Mla«UvaaartriM kill.

JuA* 1 S-..<IaDaraI Fank lag arrlvaA In F a ria

JuM IT—Aiaarlcan <ia*4l(tenArx can ttag aat roachoA Franca

Ju ly 10—Praaldm t caJIad Nailaaal Ouard la ta aarvica-

Aug. 1—Kuaaiana hagln ganaral ra- troat la Qaltcla.

Aug. 24—Faaca preyaaaA hr tha Fop*. b«pt. 24—KaranakF daclirad Ituaala

a rvpuhllc,Oct. »—Frantfh an4 Britlah won bai-

II* of Tprt*.Oct 2 ^—AtiKtro-Oartnan* braach I ta l­

ian front,Ori- I I—Amorican troopa anUrad

battl* and fira thair flrat luna on U«r- inan tranchaa.

No*. I—Bolahavlkl alaia control of ILuaala*

Nov. I I—Itallana drova back Aua- tiiana on Aalage ptalaau.

Dec 10—BrlUah captur* Jaruaalam.1918

Jgn 2J—Auitrlpni retraat wagt af the Piave. Italy

Keb T ^ r l t la h trahgporl Tugdgnld carrying American (roapp PUnk, iTdaoldiarp laar

Tab. n-^Bolihavtkl daclgrad wgrwith Central powarp at and-

March J^Bolahlvkl algn peace ireAtT of Itreet-i.ilovik

March U ^ F ln i AU-Amerlcan raid an Germane made In Toul eertor

March 31—Oarm ihi’ final offenpiva begun.

March II—Lanark! Forh made gag* erailMPlmn of Allied forcee

April *1 —Rrltleh raid Zebrugga and Ogtend and Mock harbori

June 1 ^ e n p a n p atUinpl to crapg Iha Marne, but burled back by French.

June 3—AtUrrt check Oarmpn drive June t —Afnerlcati troope aid coun-

ter<aitack and hurt Germane back a l Chagtagu-Thlerry

Sepi. 12—American offenilva an wen^ern Irani begub

Hapt. l4—B t Mlhlti Mlleni wipad avUgSapt 27—BulSAftk Mk«d for plAce. ift " ‘ -

tf rme.Sept. itUoABulgarU gccaptad page#

f)<-l 2t —Turkey nked for peace Oct 31—Tuike Nurrrnder In Heec-

potemla. and armtedep enpued\o v 4<—Auetru-Hungary iignad

armlpilce termp and fighting ceaped gl 1 P M

Nov 7--All L’nllPd Slatee celebrate* falee announctmanl Germany had Plgnad armUtlci Wrma. with fighting to ceape al Z P. U Amerlcatu eaptura Sedan,

hfov. I—Rcrhn'e ■rmllllce dpiegaleg enter French lined and receive armlf* live term i froir] Forh Their requeat fftr a provlplonal ceipallon of hOPtll- 1i(,a r,fuaed. I'ourlar i*ni lo 0«ner»l ll*»lnuari*r* of 0»rman arml*a at Spa.

I B t lf tu i" T*n»i* r*qulr*A ooropianro I or f*J*cllon wllbln ,*v*nt>.two hour*. I , A NL Mon4»5. Frobch Hta*.I .Vov »—Britlah raplur* \Uub»iig*,

lAat t'r*nch fortraaa ef m«*Bltu4* In hand* of Garmana. Amarican* ana rr*nch drlv* ah*ad.

to CnOW H PRINCE e t fro t-b V *

houra w*r* davolod to th* ta a k y f ta- fo m la g hlmiolt on th* yrogroaa of otrofita at bom* aad abroad through roadlag of tha principal G am aa aad forolgn n*w*pat*r*.

Bofor* th* war Kioporor William ofiM praf*a**d frUndlln*** for Am*r- Ica Hh ancouragod th* fouadalloa of • ichaag* profoaoorihlp* by which promlBOnt Oarniaa aducotor* vl*lt*d th is country aad lacturhd In th* col-

Senate &>ntrol May Plague Republicans

X V - * . r . t . I t 1BB1 I t . logo* hor* whll* Aiahrleaa collog* pro- falhar. F rad y lrk I I I , '* fatoorh almllarly im*d ekatra In Gor-euna out of lh« Umlvdrelty of B o n d ___ «.e iaamIbwCAJqa out of lb* "■ » 7 " I lutltuU ouh of lodntlag.proparod to *nt*T tb* whool of atat*- , , oathaalastlo yschtam aacraft, 8*1 to work In th# goaornmant [ qaopit* hit wUh*r*d arm. waa ahla buroauA ho waa *arly taught (ho Mraonal commoad ot hla rac-routln* of official builn*** u ^ a r tha | th an with com-tutelAB* t»f tke gr«>t Bismarck. f giggrabU guoeega* Me epent much time

V }»*•,****(•*■’ I a t Btg pslallslliSkU hS ledges esd Is rs-

Clotgneti of Vote PuU Sttualion in Power of Profreuive

G. 0. P. Seloni.

Discord with Con»ervBtibei Seen

porlml throa* goVoWod upon w itiu id t |_ M * Waa (ban but twaaty-alna r m n o t ag*. Hlamarck contlnutd aa Ch4aiM)lor, but not for long. Though tb* graat atotaainao had mad* *v*ry offort to ln*tll hi* younc pupil with hla own Idoaa of fov*rnm«nt and diplo­matic pollcUa Ih* B»w lSinp*rot aooji found that ba dlaacraed with hi* ,

p tM t V k*wa kpoB th* champion huai- tor !■ Tk* world la tha point of gam* k l l t ^ n wad Btat*d that th* Emporor had hlllod fl.T II placM of gam*, mor* than t.ddd of which woro maga.

Ho waa a gr*at raadar—hla prh tata llhrary In Ih* Iiaparlal palac* at Berlin b«far* th* war waa hocomlng on* of th*

, , . , . I mo*t lBt*r**ilBf rollaotlona of booha Ingrandfathar-a form .r cloaa a d a liy In I , giciaior Inmany Important r**p,i’t*. In ltd# h* muck, painting, pottry and acting, dtaagrtam ant of th* two man roachad | ,BnouB0*d that haa criala. a ruplur* c*in* and B •march eOmpo*od th* llbrolto of a ballot want Th* relation* b*tw**n th* two gtv*n In c*l*brallon of hla b lrtb -m*n romalncd atralncd for aovaral prluat* porformaneo of ono ofyaara, but b.for* Btamarck dl*d paaca | • ffo n i It aatd to havt b* ta"'VL."!**’*.*’**’***? ^ t glv*o In tbo Poodam Falae* w ithoutWith th* paialng of Blamarck tha bo„ | , 1« *ff*ct upon Ih* m uakal world. Lo.peror * raal reign began Aa a mil- ( phyalcaliy unlmpr*ail*o—ha was ■ivry man he waa a atl.kU r for *f- ^ incUned lo ttouin taa—Will

nd the obaervanceAnd of Ism we* fond of beirtg pbologrsphed

while gtrlklng a mOlUry poiture.1 * . . * A BiliHW ■AIIKin* «t tcaiiawapa W*1 Ih* detaito of all lli*a* componetila of itk ln g good car* lo v*ll (ho'i ie A n o r r ro m 'e yachting trip. Will- "a* " '"* h* » “ I* tn '"af a - . - ™ .. - -* k .. i .r . .™ . A i.riw ...,7* • ... , to Ih* amallaat I’.'int n t* retatr.i <ni

IMB pr*ald.d at a cman I during military ravlawt h . waa abl*ggm Of I d*l» i (h* allghlcat lmp.rf.cUon In 11

I « tu lpm .al or training of a r.glmenl .

r— -- . h.v.dwdmw Jflii n ), aiatl|fiiti«« riu th# aMOMlnatlon of th . ,h , lo.i AelatlAtohduk*. Frencl* Kerdinendt | • k_Wtfawt BhraJOTO

to Ih* amalUal poltu II I* relaird that> to Ih*

............ i . i . - a t a Thor*' according to I *uulpm*nt or training of a r.g im .nl or5 ^ . t '" . n 7 „ r m . t l o „ oh.alnah.r, .h r | JC -d ro n ^ an^coU*.. allention to^ ih . ,

S iS ;r n . . :« V o?7 £ ;1 rcV "d u 7 ; ; P - P>*. o, ..c t..w ma„o.uv*r.. too, h .

®^th7dlDkmaU •ichaiig .a b*l***n i ni»<ri'». 'P* Kmporor waa thoroughly n iL !.* !.v ^ In A ^u iin a on o*na alda and familiar with naval affalrt. having a S S S rS r lta lir F ranc , and Ru.ala on ! krhnlcal n.aaiery of ih . d.lall* that

Froar Id* BgabtarkM Boraou of l*« BFB SISIO » f * f . _

WABHINOrOtf. N#r. g. ■Bo p t^ Had*gagoagBaty la th a r titid d B tM s BM atoby tb* prooorlou* plurality of tarw *»*r (go Domocrata m ar ya* tu r i oat to b* mor* of a plagua than an advaatag* to tb* o. O F , at laaal a plagu* to tba Lodga, RooaovaU, Pmool and Fonroo* loadarahip. Th* form of discord and tebicm loom* quit* torg*.

Th* clo**n**a of (h* vol* put tb* tlt- uatlon In lb* control of aay on* of four or riv* pr*gr***lv* Ropublloan Btnatora who havt b**n out of aym- paihy wUh tb* eoat*rvatlv#o ot tb* publlooa party. Whll* tb*y may lrav*l along In th* buain*** of orgaalatng th* uppor hou** on a Rapublloon baalA H la vary much la b* daubtod If. la tb* •tern fight* *v*r raconatruotlaa logta- lalloa. thoy will b* found a u a d lg f with th* londarahlp of Liodg* and gmoot aa against rr**ld*nl Wltaoa.

Thor* ar* b*l* b*lng mad* In W**h

dot or heretical rampalgn for re.elec- Ilea.

Borah's cas* I* a curloua one bteaus* unlll a r*w month'* ago h, wai a critic af Ita* Pr«*ld*iit and (or tha (k i t (our T*ar* of th* Wllapn Admlnlitrattan ho r*fuo*d to ationd Joint sotalon* c*ll*d tor Ih* purpoo* of hoarlng Pr*sld*ntlal addr****a .Tha Idaho isnator, how*v*r, accord­ing to r*lUbt* fwporti, ha* b*com* con- vln«*d that th* H*publlc*ns h*v* d*(- Inlttly gon* ovor to th* plundorbuad and vaaud In ia r tsu and that th t only rocoura* for progr***1v*s Is to gst bs- htnd tbs Wilson progrsni.

It Is bollsvsd Itaat Colonel Rooisvelt, wh* was (ermarly a graai friend of Borah, hat basn mads acquainted with th t Bonotor’s i ta ts of mind and In prl- vnl* haa boon bittorif eharactarlglag I t Tha colonol got hli flrat ahock aa to Borah last d ^ bW aahlngwn »<t "rt» <" 16# Chhih^iUW -

*p cowtMBdNy* t l 'R h s th p o Mf-• i iS 't l . .

BoaggoWt *«B ItOIdkid dallj TocoptlotlPat th* NIeholaa Longworth homo tor ftepublkana and Borah was lli* moat coniptououi of ■ smell sroup thet ds* llberaisly auyad away.

Tbsru la aoms doubt whether Borah wUl prooood on hla present eours* lo Its ultim ate dostlnatlon. He is sn sbl* maa and a foreotut apsokar, but ho has boan known to wsakon and hssUatt at

Ing labulallon Bi publlihed while aw iliin g the official ranvai* lo be mad* Monday by the County Board of klec- tlens.

It waa F r Bchneldar of thi* city, Hlddl*s*a Cnunty rtprtsantativ* on ih* Itepubllran Biat* ComtiUlt**, who found Ih* a rre r H* *ald today that h* b*- cam* doubtful uf Ihe accuracy of Ih* returns from Highland Park because of his knowledge that II was ttrongly Republican and h* (hen started an Ih- Tsstlgatlon ot th i official returns (Usd with County Clerk Bernard 21 Gannon. A complela, official canvaaa o t ihe re- turnwh* doclared, would. In his opinion, show Appleby, on* of the itepubilean Aaaombly candldaiea. olecled by al laael fifty plurality. The aoldler vole he thought would total about tOa and h* •apocta a T lf ty -f lf ty " ip lk with ths Domocrata on thla.

Domocratlc County Chairman Thoma* H H aggerty Is ittll confidant, how*v*r. th a t Big party'a Asaambly nomln**a w*rg a l* c l^ d*splt< th* Chang* Ip th* 'ialn taflo ii. H« aa|d today that h* hgasd *fllo bOR*f on tha (act that bMwaon MO aad f»« Mlddkasx County votar* ar* Bow In m m iary training camp* In this country and on hi* eonfidanc* that at least goo of Ihso* voted lor the Dsmo- crallc candidates H* d*clar*d his party

County section of the Eighth Congress.lonal DUtrlct era:

K nu <Rep.I, (.sot, UcOltnnen (Dosn.), (,7SS, Tollman iSoe l, 27J.

Ninth Congrtsslonal District: P*rk*r illep.l, I.;!*: Mlnahan fD»m.), 10.717:Blrch*r (Boc l, 1,300; Dkrshlng llnA ),1«*

T*nth Congretslonal District Lahl- hach (Rep I, ll,(»0; FUnnagan (D*m.). 11.*!*, Foot* (Roc I, l ,t t l

The RenalorUl vote, follow Long Tiriri —l j Monte (Dem.1. 11,111;

Edge (Rep 1, 2«,»10: D»y iProhib.), *0O; Reilly lEoc.l, 3 ,» !; Wallae* <#, T aal, t i t

ghort Term—llsnnsesy <D*m.), H.Tta: Baird (Rep 1, K .tH , Day (Prohlb.) M l. Kellly (Roc,). 2,111.

The tibultU on was mad* by fOtty- ihre* clerks under Ih* supervision of Deputy County Clark 0«org*'L. Mahr and William Christian.

American Press Dispatches Will Come Through Direct

WABHIKOTAN. Nov, • IJF).—All Amartdgn prOM dlspatchst from th* wagtahn front h*r*aft*r will com* through direct when pasaed by th s field censor, without being diverted for fu r­ther contorship. Heretofore whenever

. . I . . *uch diepaiches referred to troopa otherhad m ad. Anr.rlcan they had to pass through.o ld l .r vote while the Republican, hadnsglacted this branch of th* campaign.

A raport cam* from Trenton todaythat th* total Ants of eoldler* from MIddlssoi County we* Mt and that

crttlogl momsnia and now th* eaptetad these ballot* will reach here In llm*for th* official canvass Monday

deformity of hi* Itfl arm. a dliflgure m tn l with which h* was born, and of which he was esiramaty ernaltlva. H* blamod hi* English ntolher for Hying a Ilf* of ssif-indulgence and oursod bar

t i* nthsr William posed » on. wishing | ■» '® mal® up the .fflclsncy of a fle.L * - . ---- Niudy of riEval prr»bJ«m» wei ont of h li\Uimr MACi hu( « ai driven to war ■* gtgnod th* order for th* moblllsallon of ! pn occupatlone HI* Inriutnct we#

S I Osrmsn army and from that ; potent In fosl.rlng the d .y lo p m .n t' r . t l l a a r t n m n ** AP(i m A Pi'A s r i E llQ E l 'le l lC wth* Oarman army and

igOUMit war was laovliabl*. Thereafterkg gross oh his arnilos rslsnllsosly In tk* mad campaigns for vlcinry, *n- uoifaglng them wllh every device and ggnsotlmes appearing on Ih* fronl lo b* Breclglm*d a* personal commander Ig g great offensive

Fubllcailon of Ih* "W llly-NIcky" ggyrsapondeiice In 1917 placed th* Ger­man JJmpefor In the light of an un- tetupulou* plotter. Th* lelagrania dll- closod that Kmperoi Wllllain had In-

f (]E nnin ronimErt'E, if ( lU t ln (# r f« rin c « In ih«M n f f i i r i i» w«H »» In EtBtecrBfi oftm i embArrAEMd 'jE**' inEfi lc>Edrri« and « v o k id from th im i^ - fhtj/illlonA ii> l e iv f d ijilo m iry t« h '* rh an ce llo rs .

In everything he wva deacrlhcl »r Ihorough i.nd, withal, on# of Ih* hardeal workers In Iha emplr*. Hi* rising hour WS.T * o • loch sharp and ■ long day'.

dsformlt)No d*ecrlptlon of ih* Emperor's pe r­

sona] appsarane* will ba complat* w ith­out ninntlenlng of his full, bristling mustnrh* Hli photographs, which h* dlitrlhul*d wllh s lavish hand, showed It with ends iwirlsd up at bolllgeront angisa

H* m arrltd Augusta Victoria, oldosl daughter of Grand Duke Fredarlck of (lehlCiwlg-HolBt*ln-flond«rburg-Au- guatenburt on February IT, l l l l . T har had all son* and on* daughtar. of wheni tha Crown Prlnca Frederick I* th* • id**t. Wllh th* Grown Prince, hi* father clashal fr«|u*ntty, and on on* uccasloi, virtually silU d young Fr*d-

Ingtoa today 'hat th* forty-nla* Ho* publleana In Ih* BonaU will not op«-r ,t* as a unit one* after having sf (ectod organltatlon. Thsr* Ik lad**d. no aaauranco that organisation oan bo effactod barmonlouslr Tb* alluatlon Is full of posalbllltl*. It Is of th* frsa l- sst ilgnlllcsnc* In eonnootlsa with tba growing dlsousslon about a rsferikatlop of tb* two big partis* alaeg th* Unas of libsralitm vorsus eenaorvattsm. Tbsr* *r* tb* sismonti e( a rorolt Ir both Hsus* and Mnnt* situations sad II may lead up to th* new and much dlscusssd partly allnsmsaL

Tb* man who, on tk* Ropublloan sido of Ih* gsnalo, bav* tb* futqr* of Rs-

ubllean eontrol In th* hollow of th tirBL___hand ar* LaFollott*. arena*. Borah and Ksnyon. Thai* i^en ar* out of sym­pathy with th* prsooni Ropublloan IsadsrsMp. for oho reason or Slid Capper

may not com* to paa* In h it ra saIfsnyoB haa bssn heard ts talk Ilk*

an Igswrgsnt In rsconl month*, and h* probably will not play ball wHh L*dg* or Bmeot or Psaros* unloaa they g ra t­ify all pregrssslv* dtmand* for rsceg- nltloa.

Ftwbloaa la tb* Moaa*.Organtgatlon 'h* " • » Hous* will

prsoant anethor problem (or th* Rs- Bublloan majority. Hsr* th* margin • f esntral la much safar and workable than In lb* Bsnat*. y*t thsr* ar* quss- tten* such as th* spesksrihlp. ixunmU- tso* and rule* *1 proesdur* which h*v* In them distinct possibllltlss for giving th* mam bar* a long pregrogalv* and cbnssrvatlv* llnss.

For laataao*. th* olootloa of Rspro- ssntailv* Mann to th* gpqaksrshlp would undoubtsdly b# opposod by th* Rooaovolt and Ledg* following, boctuso liann b a t boon tatntsd with pre-Oor-. manisin. Th* oloellon of laann as •p sak sr would b* baltsd ■ with doHjRt by tb* Doooocmtlc opposition.'

By th a aam* tokan. th* Dsmoorais faaa trouMoss lltnsp In organlglag JkoM - sglvoa for th* coming ftghl*. North-

The unofficial tabulation msde after th* sUctlon gave this result for the AaooBibly:

Domocrata — Kirkpatrick, 1.212; Wight. I.tlll; D* Vo*. I.OII.

Rspubllcan*—Appleby. 7.702. John- **«. TIndell. T.t«2.

Ths canvas, mad* by County Clerk Oapnon and Commtttssman Schnsldsr show*.

Democrats — Kirkpatrick. I.DM; W ight. 7,110. De Voa 7.IM.

nepubtlcsn*—Appisby. 7.It*. John­son, 7.011. TIndell. 7 .ttl.

Th* Democratic county chairman Is also confidant (hat th* soldier voi* will Chang* th* rtsu lt of th* Crssholdor •lection. On llio far* of tho returns In hsnd Ih* vote was ** follow,:

Republicans—Applegat*. 7.100. and DM nstl, 7.140.

Dsmocrata—Jorgsnesn. 7,171. and W grugdortsr, 7,1*1

the Press Bureau at Londoi|. caalonlng hours of dslay.

eocrstary Dtnisis announesd today that in rough th* effort * of Vtcg Ad­miral Blmi and Lieutenant Commaadsr Georg* Barr Baker, (h* London etpsor has Just ordered that msasags* “wlth- oui eacsptlen" from American cerra- spondsnts In Franc* bearing th* pass­word of th t field cineors shall b* tra n s ­m itted a lihottt further csasorlng or diversion. This follows a modifyingorder tssusd Octobsr 1. under which Ui*

■ fUccrrespondenli hsv* bssn pormltCTd to writ* about Amorlean troop* brigaded with th* British and French. Until then only dispatch** relating lo separa tt American fores* war* psr- m lttsd to com* through dlroct.

Sunday Work in Navy Yards Now Ordered Discontinued

WABHINOTON, Nov. » (F ) .—Th*N a v r D*patlm*nt today Issusd an order discontinuing unlll futlh*r notle* all

, ------------- Bunday work In navy yard* and * tt# rThe lead of n*nn«U ov*r W arns- aMtlo'ns o( th* navy. Th* ordor

* I* (Uilr 14*. and th* Dsmoertte p.eomsg ftffootlv* tomorrow ..............................■ ■ ■ iry D*

orn *hd W satsm Domoerat* or* bsgla- publi»n J j j f„f t, im kt against th*

„***’ *' * ' Isadsrship of such t s Kltohlg, Dsht aad It Is quit* posalbl* that Cummlna , Z ^ Th*y,*T and Hiram Johaion will Join

rllov* thla will be nullified when iho aoldfpr 'Tola' It ranvaiasd. Hhoald W arnsdorfor h* r*tufn*d ths winner' th* board W6Uld eontinu* to su n d lour Rspubltcaaa to two Dsmoeral*.

roallt* that a smoeratie armor

hard work, which frtqusntly estemled well Inin the night followed Misled


erlck to rmnitig. but Mon recalled him Johnson and Rootsvolt have mainand 7** '°"* . . . tamod Ihslrfrlondsh lpslaostho tum ul-

German "J® Tf ih .l! .Iw ! <“ *“* <*F» ">•« ‘ban oncaEmperor of the In recant month* Johnson, whll* notkilled in baltl* Sllolied from Mm no Frofldonl. has Indicated

, word ot ■ympathy. H# regarded Ihelr w lth th* doinga of lAdgadeaths a . comm''ands ’ **• ** ••■7**, I* working Insons, though holding high commands (go eolenel.

them In a fight against th* eld leader- [ campaign was th*t j a f e w M ik E « d I V ia lf la tll#M MiK* ^

Th* futlird i t •llH olticufir th*r«

Tabulation Is Under Way Of Vote in Essex Cminty

Is hardly any doubt thqt th* Frsoldsnt will lend hi* help tP a fight lor now leadership In Ih* Hougs, At least, ever sine* th* Bouthsm contlBfsnt wont

rio rk s a t th* otfld* of County Clork Rcott, labulatlng the vol«* cast In Tues­day's election, completed Ih* Ihrss Con- grsaslonal dUirlols sarly this aftsm oon

were so protected that the Imperial family atood practically aloe* In all Germany In warding off Ih* clutches of death


U.S.Protest8 on Teutons’ Treatment of Priioners

Th* balk of Ihoa* gregrosolvs* ar* prsparod t* domakd Ih* iullsot kind of rscagnltloB In th* distribution s t com- mltto* cbalrnanshlpt and olhsr plum* Thla diatrtbullon qwy bring on th* ini­tia l clath. and quit* possibly it may

against him IP th* gutfsag* tight, Mr 1 o„d then began on tb* Bsnalorlal voi* Wilson hgs booii roprsoontsd aa hollsv- ; Th* figures announced for the Esask , Ing th a t th* fsoling against Reuthern ] rsactleabrl** and Southern provincial- '

outd have to b* fought to a ftnUh

BeerstaVy Danisf* eatd th* aeilon waa tiko tl (d *av» ihb Mail Trom tb* a tra la o f a ssvon-day wsok now that produc­tion In moat toiantlata Is axeoodlng ro- qulrsmsnts. H* added that If Ineroasod preduciton bgcama nsosaaary tba ordor would be couptsrmandod,

QUEBEC, Nov, » (F ).—Ia*tnielloBa from O ltaua to stop th* work of fit* tin g guns on board ihlp*. aad gl*o to stop ih* providing of quarters on board som* voossls for gutinsr crowa,' k a ro hosn rscsivod by Ih* local reprOMnta- tlvss of th* Imporlal UnnltioB* Board sngagsd In supervising ths fitting aad m aehlnsry logttUatlon of wood** tioam srs bsing butU her*.

Ism '

b* ttnosthod o ra r by giving th* la-“ ui It la nst

hoesus* It la a weight atound th* nook ; nf Ih* Dgwocratlc party la (|th#r parta i , ef th* country. i


Enter* Objection* to Variou* Abutet of Which Americ«n

Captive* Arc Victim*.

ourgonl* wlmt thay want. Bu bollovad th a t thi* will *r ean offset gn enduring harmottf. tor th* simplt reason that ths dinsrsness of views to poliilaal prosodnr* are ahar* aa* fun

la th* aatura of th ln ta . th* lt*)uhtl- | a Iwrasr Icans Witt hav* a hardsr time la p rt- ,

aarving ardsr and party rqgulArl^ than l Iha Dsmoorata h*oa«*P U|a BdUl^Koaqa ( will hava tha rsspdhalblllty a n d 'tk a >

--------------- bnrdsn* th a t are tnavltqkl*. lb hl(*lbB :damentaL Tk* tm aller group is out of | m ajority without harlnc sqlfUloataympalky with Iho b ^g a r g ro w and , " ^ „ p * * . ,quii* In iFiBpathy with the v l w ad-vseatad hy ira ttd aa i Wilson, Mtbough ) There were Ropn

sat up, a smooth

Unitod ■latss has made * vigorous prn. 1**1 to th* Gerirsn Governmont rtgsiA lag the treatm*uL of American prl,on- sr* of war.

The Rial* Department, through the American Mlniater al Berna, ha* aek,'! the kpanich Embassy In Berlin ,(o *uh- mlt Mgorous prclsst on th* following po in ts information conosrning which ha* bssn offlotslly tumlahsd lo the <le- psrtmonl

-------------- . ^ r RopnMIean* »ho bo*(boy do not Uh* *6* DomoerMie R ^ r - . itovsil during th* c a m p s ^ an* who ba- with It* aonthsra su ad p a t amilallon*. | j | . ^ . todny that It waa a polttoal m li-

Hsre II* Ih* posslbilltlo* of th* new i party lo fight for eon­trol of Congrsaa Thoy hsllivod that It would hov* boon bottor straHgy to hoep th* pack taatonsd ob th* back of tb* Demoerata Things hav* happened otherwla* snd ualoas all alga* go

t party lina-dp; . ,WA8HINOTO.V, Nov » (» » .—Th* i Tho W llton Domoerat* ar# tlek of

' Southern dowlaatloB and waal ta b rtak It up. Th*^ bollov* that thi* holpod to defeat I horn last Tueodky. Bom* South- ern Domaorata ar# mor* in gyaipathyvllh th* old gnard Republlcaai than ui*v ar* wHh tb* WHsoa loadorahip, whll* atlll other* *< them. Ilk* Kliehia and D*Pt ar* ■’or* la harmony with the ' Boiahevikl" and th* pop-*y*d rad- icole There ar* numorou* ladloatlona that a fight Will b* aSidt with the Demeoratle parly agalnat Kliehintsm snd leqHonafla* •> tho iam* Urn* (hat

wrong, fgetlonallgm ta d Ingqrsaacy will noon break loo** again.

Revised Pig;ure8 Give House to RepubKcans

Flrat—Forcing any American prieon- j g fight 1* hMag *F <h* p w r e apublic....................

• « i u*n.‘?'b.T«g’^S i" ih . *at *r «««»« AwetnU^ TotdpRtipii«r|p.r‘.yrm e^nT’ - ^ k " ' r i l J j r a r i ' l a T n i ^ n ^ r - r ^ k ’ M | . ib lg fiM 0 r i f i l » l S to iy o f ^

itad agve tuch M may im neo**-I ..v)er f ,n . -------------- ! '

R e c o u n t S e e n u t o B « l i t i d y

j ers of war lo work white 111 or physic­ally uaahl* to do sn. ..............,

■ocond—Uompolllag any Amertcaa | wilt cobs* th v prlaenora of war to tabor in mines. I It wlU not be

Third—Compelling clvlllaaaary Tn ooaoectron wllh their own eare j A* t* the n tbn hm aailale lasu* of tho and upkoop or In coanoellen with th* : control of the lenatA gliaeh of th* dlo- car* and upkeep of Ihelr own quartors. i liutilou J’'r'***.*"

Th* Oorman Oovaramont la la fo rm o d ......... - - - - - - —that Ih* Unitod duion Intlals th a t thoro m ult b* a veiiatlon of tk* rek« bing and loan ot pareolt, and th a t It ts now dlsposod to giva sr adaB** t* ondoavert of th* Ootibm . Q«v*KMt*al to nacua* th* aon-reiiolpt a t parool* by teying tk* blame upon agtaalaa whlab haiidit sttch paraol* bafaro thoy roaohaarm any, . ___

Tk* Bpaalali tm k t m r I* fkK kar aakod taaiatoaUy ta damaad tk* ro-



Mptral t* aa gftloars' **aw pt atl-Amor* tasR Bwrqkaat maHa* m * * r« ht praa-

' i ' l ^ l i a i M o f i . ^ ^ ' dopartflipBt **b*

that Psiwlor La Folladt* «i|> follow, tf, to r Instane*. h* ahould jump th* roaorvatlon wbon It aamM Um* to or- gaitif* th* Bsitata th t Bopublieso veto would b* rodueod to taity-atgkt. Thon If IA Follstt* phoutd go furl hor ang Join Wllh tk* Dam ptrala wktoh la ealy

«l*ff Corvorpoodcncr. ,1NEW BRUNSWICK/ Not. P.—tfn a fn 't J

etal rolurn* of Tusoday's a jo ftlaf J* t Middles*! Couaiy tabulatad 6y a Vm*! l

a posolbUllfi irgti woilld ha a Ua Slid vio* n icra t.

__ ..s a ld o a t M arshall, Dorn*.woaM d*dt tiM doeW v* b s llo t

U g hw M a lt* b* th a i inmoot fnstanogg tk* tm tf a f a fo n n a of

■ u i laav n u tq f U .t t daat w |(lb

^ t ld .itad O r ^ n a kyoRjPM.>«n6 >•

nowspapqr, to w*aiTK l.^B giiM J ' w o rs .a ta l from a proolpet In HlgMSBd Park , w ar* ro tp o n tlh lt to r ^ f l I f i B ballot th a t th* t t t P MowH " A S fflS S wifnld Shaw a t la batwMR .SfSj***ta n a and Domocrata, W kL*?

■ u t r Tral *w hich hag n a t Boon far** M ldtiotok C aq litr tA i saiNI «« Ik* ■*!** tw a D om tacata aa d *■« No

ibtle “ - - “

\ a , rgaoBB V IJty* t t i n a rO il t i





T. A. GUIs*

Mitved Od n»i A t t t Bii

tH / / CMTMffrS R T H A

tion thftt « ( • nljr by lb« IUv*d to h wrockod pt Hh«ll Loodln rood}’ oce«oi munUlohB li to r of Intoi rnltio* wh1< ffon dloooUi

Th* gptUI b* (u rn ^ t< gotloD of *r (An. DiOd*H. Ro** of (*f) Ti)*n of h*d b*«n J *iaptlon« bi I'ountri** w WA9 At «*r,

UniUrjr c ttdpU pUnt to (ft* itAJI b* *«lL*d tl and 1*11 wh Uon* with 1 pr*s*nt wh ui»d»t*rmJn H*hry I . h of Ih* (nqu (loplnf Th Or*nf*. h«i

B«for* tc mitt** *1*4 laid h r Mjri ploy*«, th w*d(*d b«i of th* Btori quak* Cr»« aat*r. RkK* Bi*n who k

H hl tn contlr

UipU *dm had b**n III Into th« pi OllIrspI* r th*lr rcald cloaur*. >«lOpp«r1 Oilwlto**« *nip rivajt he

Mr 0)J)« wh«th*r « for malchf *r«| 9up«r WM th* IT th*t Mr atand, »nd Horhuyirn w*r* pri*in hlfhw ix o (h* bulldin

L'ndtr ti 0*rpn. C04 (Touncil of dridvd Ita w*r* mad* or thr*« tl «ntranc*« frScOon mi cth*r *r*rt mdlrh** b oporating rul*s weri m*(ch** o wh*r* will

Ttlta Pari of

of a cangi plao* a t’ 1 that ton* tw alting I a*rt*d thi th* Ordni ga it Ion dv m«nt coh< ductlon,

Mr 011l< w illinm apartminty

g*nator F wh*th*r •

ttOh*d th wap f«*p<of th* pla *rt)r of tbth* wltn( not.

j: H arr month* pi

pi*M*7*ra. ■ fthillvload*UC4‘«HIV4Mojror*. w r*port«d oupdrintoi th* ,nil*a

O*org* form trly Morgan p tktn* in ■ ■MB r tg f TNT ipr*

Th* h*i B*gf Thu

mI t wa*

dtr*et*d cUa* of v«a1*4 fc that an portant bdfor* th

**Dld F 0«andahi pleyod al ■pMtor r

*Tt* 1 ploalon,** hotrd h*

**Af a J Kavff h a p la it. * ionator.. "'Vary OllUipla

‘ o u l iBBlir U d-t bulU oceurr*d

nr**. 1 bllllfbd ■ eapw hb WAI

IlksIF U "But.

oould gl M aapli Ht* In 4

"T a a - lag tag ' I know w ba dolai 1 T ha <

to da w borK U t orasaaal «S)U IM

B‘ »lr. O tuuobod aa tar'W rm iadla

SI k* » -

5. , .iVibl

‘ . an. - |v«' tlBoa*



•a ^ lU M ia ry

JM NailM«ln r*n^ral ra*

6 kr tk* Fof>*.iclarad Hu««la

ltt«h was bai-

!■ branch lu l*

'o«aa anUrfd gUQi an U«r«

iM control of

ra back* JtruaaUm .

traat w att of

port TuMonla pa piink. IT#

daclarail wgr and-:n ptaca tra a tf

nartcan raid on actorfinal orranaiva

K'h mad# goa* aaZclirugga and

r timpt to croaa ick hjr rranch, larman drlva. »opa aid coun« rmana bai'k a l

offanatva OH

lent wlpod omt* id fQf paaci. xcapttd p«aca

i ter paari ndar \n Mcao* nauidngary iignod OUhg oaoaod a t

atc i calibrataa Oarmany had

with fighting irkatia capturo

atka dalagataa racilvfl armla* Thalr raquoat

illon of hoattl' lant to Genera)I armiaa at Spa, trad aarapianro inly-lwo bourO, Umi-

ura Maubauga, f magnUuda In kmarlcana and

Ighth CongTooa*

Glannon (Dom.),

Dtatrlct; Parker fDam.». 10,717;

vierahing (Ind.),

DIatrkt Lahl- tnnagan (Dam-). Ifollow

e rDam.>, l l . l t l ; y (Prohib.). «00; allaea <ff. Tank.

T (Dam ). M.TH: (Prohib.) H I .

mada by forty* I auparvlalon of Oaorga'U Mahr

)i«patches rough Direct“ • ( # ) .—All teh tt f ro n t i t . rttr win c«tn* w td b r tb* fl*id llvirtwl (or (or- (ofar. whonoror d to troob* otbor 1 to p.M Utrovfhondoi). ofton oc- lynnouncod todar r i i o( Vie* Ad- nant Contmaador . London ctnaor maaaatoa ~wttb- Amarlean corro- aarins tba paaa- ra than ba trana- . r canaortns ar r . a modityin* undar wMok Uio

i .n pamiUfbd to troopa brlfadad

I Frtnch. Until , i ralatlng to troaa w ar. por- b diract.

Navy Yards Discontinued~ t ( » ) .—Tha y l..uad an ordar irthar notlea all yarda and othar navy. Tha prdar trrow. ,Id lha aettan waa rTrom tlia stra in vew that produe* I la axoaadln* ra> that It Incraaaad

saaaanr tba ardar ad.« ) .—tpatn tctlans (ha worb o( f i t , hipa and plao ta ijuartara on board mar crawa baa* local rspraaanta- Mnnltioiia Board

f ib t (tttln c and on o( woodaa hara.


Say Enemy Aliens Worked at Morgan

Witoeuet «t Hearing of Senate Committee Into War Plant Ei*

ploeion Make Ducloiure.

Company*» Head on the Stand

T. A. GIUoopI*. la A aaw .. la Osaotlaa n.BardlB|i a s All*s.d O rran a Allan Hmard IMoadah). t«ya H . tAsrhod la r la a l and Ibat II Had Baan Hoard,

■laaL U a l Ho Waa Foa AUaa.AHa*


IHIf CermpoeddieaPERTH AMIKJY. Noi, I-—Tba ratalm-

tlon that 0 (Jarman anomy^olian, kpown anijr by (ha nanta of oOandahl, ta ba- lltvad to haaa workad In tha bUal- wrachad plant of lha T. A- Glllaapla Shell Loading Company at Morgan, with raady accaaa to ovary branch of tba big munllloiii Indualry thara. hald lb* can* lar of Intaraat whan tha Sanaia com- rnltia* which la liivaaiigailng lb* Mor­gan dlaaator raaumad lla Inquiry today.

Tha apatllgbt of tha InvaatLgatlon will be lurned today, too. on tha oilier allv- gatloo of anamy-allan actlvlttai at Mor* gan, Biada lata ytatarday by Cbarlaa n, Roaa of Sayravllla, who awort fbat (an man of anamy alUglanca, man who had bean given ailactlva aarvlca a«- auptlona bacauaa ibay ware aub)aeta of I'ountrlaa with whom tha L'nltad Stataa waa a t w a r had worked In the p lant

Military offlclali atatlonad at the Qli- tigpla plant ware ndbaduiad (o be chllad | to lha atand, and, tt la axpactad. will ba aakad to furthar Identify Odendahl and lall what they know of hla connoc- tlona with tha W ar L>apartfnant and bla praaant wheraaboiitA whbh ramalnad undatarmJnad laat night whan Senator Hanry Myern of Montana, chairman of tha Inquiry commUtaa. lif t off quea* (loping Tbomaa A. Glllaapla of Waal Orange, head of the Qllltapla Company.

Before today*! aeaalon enda tha com- mlttaa alao hope* to alft the atory told by Myron E. Slater, a Glllrapla em­ployee. that mmtehaa ware found wedged between boiaa of TKT In one of tha Btorage houaep along tha Chaaie- quaka Creak aovaral daya after the dla* aatar. Slatar la trying to Idealify work­man who Knew of (he dlacovary.

Mbiehry Kept fa HoaMa,Tn continuing hli taatlmony. Mr. GI1-

Itaple admiltad that while atrlct orderii had bean iiaued agalnet bringing whlaky inlo the plant, he offloera of the Glllreple company had kept whitky in their rcaldrncea wltnin the plant ln> cloaure. When aaked why he hud not flopped tbla violatlorv of regulatlona. the wttaeea aniwerad the whlaky waa In tha prlVAle home! of the offlcera.

Mr OlJleapta waa interrogated aa to whether eyatamatlc acarch waa made for malchea. and replied that the gen­eral fuperlntendant, Robert Eldrldgf, wga tba man who would know about that Mr Eldrldga wee called to the atand, and, in anewer to Senator Kra- llQghuyien'i queallona, aald tha man ware permitted lo inu*ke on lha main highway of the plant, but not In aivy of the bulldinga

Lender further riam lnatlon by E U Oaran, counael tor the Perth Amboy (Touncil of National Defenae, Mr Ll- drldge Btatrd lhat irregular pearchaa ware made cf the •.DM emplayeea two or three tlmea a week at the two main entrancea by ten guard* or leep. whan frSctlon matchea ware taken away. An- ( tb a r aearch waa mada for all kind* of iria trh .. b .fo r . Ih . entvre-1 (A.ap .rad n g bulldina*. EWrltl*« ■•I'l lh» rulai w er. now much Mttetor, .fia no maicli*. or imohlna ar« ailnwvd •ni'* whara wllhin Ih . Inclo.ur.,

T.Ua a( Caag taWaa al SAalla. p . r l of Mr. Ulllc*pl*'a uattm ony toM

of a oan»*»tloB o( ih .l l . a t lha U e rg u plaoa at- lha Um* • ' ^that tlma about l.lOh.hh® ab.lla wai-a awalilng .hlpmant. amt tha w itnau am aartad that, a lthouih iia had Informad tha Ordnanea papartm ant of tha coo- n a tio n duo to lack of ahlpa. th . dapart- mant cootlnuad to ur«a quantity pro. dactloi). „ ,

Hr. Olllaapla aald that Major a*nai-al W llllatna Chlaf of tha ordnanea da- partmant. bad vlaltad tha Morion plant ttaptambar H -H . to puth production, •anator rre lln fhuy tan wantad lo know whathar Oenaral WIlUama had man-

, tlonad that, aa ihlaf of ordnanea, h . waa raaponilbla for tha aafa oparatlon of th . plant and (or tha Mvaa and prap- a r tr of tha eltlaana of Naw Jartay. and tha witnaaa rapllad ha eartalnly had

Harry Palaraon, a fuard for four montha pracadinf Octobar < al tha all. laapla plant, laatlflad ha had ..a n H. U Mayara, auparlniandani of ona of tha ■hall-loadtni un lla .m ok ln i on lo o auccaialva daya. Ha ramenalratad with SItyara who paid no attention, and than raported him. ha said, wharaupon lha auparintondant i^oppad hla violation of lha rulaa

Oaorpa J. Hanna of Forth Amboy, formarly flald auperlntandant for tha M ortan plant, laatlflad lo dirty cond*- Ilona In a ahall-loadlni onlt, ha havina •tan r a n on tha floor and errilalllM d TNT apraad ovar tha floor.

Tha haartn r whi than adjonmad natll matt Thnrsdar.

Eaaatp Allow IwapM aw.It waa a qnaatloa by Banalar Myart,

dirartad to Mr. Olllaapla toward tba cioaa of yaatarday'f aaaalon, th a t ra- vaalad for tho firat tima lha auaplalen that an anamy allan had Aald an Im- p o ru n t offlca In lha Morfan plant bafora tha aa plosion.

"Did you avar hoar of a man aamad Odandabl, an anamy allan who was am* pleyad a t tha plant aa a rovommant in- ip a a ta r r donator Myar# aakad.

*Tva hoard of him ainca tha aa- plaalon." M r Olllaapla ratpondad. *TTa haai4 ha waa an anamy allan."

“At a fovarnm ant Inapactor ha would hava had broad privllagaa a h tu l tha plaat. wouldn't haf" continaad tha iM a to r t. "Vaor hraad p tlrd a iaa , Indaad, Mt. Olllaapla rapllad.

"Would an Inapactor bavo any oppor- luhlty to ca t Into tha ■psurlni room' w «-I bulldlnc. wharo tha Hrt* axplM M ocourrad. and causa an aiploalOnT ■rsaaad Sanatar Hyara

“Taa, ha waulA H ha wantad to loss U a Ufa, ha oauld go In thara and throw a cap Into tha hattlaa But tha t u n who wawtad to do inch a thing aa that la wanarally a coward ha waidldn t ha l& siy ta do It," daolarod Mr. OtllMpla.

“BuL lin’t thara aoina way a nhtf canid gat la ta th a t bulMln* * » * « • « an asplssia* without BiMin*Hta In *an«af"“Taa-Aut ll aauld uly ba domW

a ls g i or b o « iK * • j j g kMW wM I ISSFBfltm V M fl

ta da with tbal^M r.-Omwih ah«b, Og?T S u it Whi ta«ow(m ,lw ..1 ^ w

The Nash Motor cars * and trucks offer an un­

usual opportunity to liij?h jfrade salesmen.We have an opening for a man witli ability and experience.


bill on the auggtillon of lha witnaaa, no |

fliana of the raconpiruftad worka will ba ntrodticad In tcaitmony until lha com­

mittee goea Into eaactitlva aaaalon. Mt- Olilaaplv *1*0 advtaad that quatilona concerning tha quantltlaa of TNT In atorage a t tha plant ba atiawara4 only ' In private. Continuing, ha aald;

P ra fS iad lo"Wa protaatad la Waahington about

lha quantity of TNT wa had to kaap on hand at tlmaa Our prolatta war# mad# ganarally by peraon or phooa. but w# bava aoma corraapondanca dealing with lhat aubjact. Wa ware auppoaad ta keep a iily daya' aupply of TNT in otor- age for the Morgan plant and forty-ftvo dayi* aupply for our other p lan ta’*

At the raqueal of Senator Frallng- huyaan. Mr. Olllaapla prefaced hi* i*a* (Imony with a ktatemant of bl* Indus­trial eiperlanca. beginning back In th* Flttaburgh steal tone In tha early *av- antla*. through an aaaoclatlon with Otorga Waallnghouaa and up to th* da- valoFniani of lha GUtespla ContraoUng Company, tha Immadtata pradaeaaaor of (ha GlUeapla I^oadthg Company In I t t l Mr. Oineipla'i company laid the East Jaraay Water Company’! mains In Newark

Mr Hoea'a ftory that anamy alien* to (he number of tan had bean em­ployed by the OUleapla Company and Mr. Blatar'i rtpatlllon of lha re ­port (hat matebaa had bean found wedged between boxes of TNT had stirred ihe crowd In (ha Inquiry room bafora Mr. GllUipla took tha aland.

One of lha alleged allana. Mr Roaa aald. had been arreaied laai Tuaaday for smoking a cigareli* near a magaflne ruled with high exploilvea. ThU man. Mr Rose *aid, wax Jama! Kavar). a Ifufigsr1*n. of I t l John alraat, Partk Amboy. Ha waa fined |I0 . "

To Ma«r Vlaot Da m s o C1aIu h «w>fperiai /Pfrrifr of Ifca SBW9.

PERTH AMBOT.Nov, Office# have been opened In (be Raritan building, iTi Smith itraat. by the board of anglnaara appointed lo rtaiermina and report emounli due clalmanli for property damagea raiultlng from lha axploalon October S at lha plant of tha T. A. O ll­laapla Company qt Morgan. B lask t upon which properly owner* may Invaotory Ihatr ctalma are now avallkbla there. Tha board will begin It* hearlfigi e l 11 o'clock Wednesday morning and It ex­pacta to *it for two waeka in tht* city and hereabouta.

Tkrdieu Sayi France Looks |To U. S. (or ReconstructionNEW YORK, Nov * —W hat Franoe

ka* loit In fifty montha of w ar and whal *h« will need for rehabilttation ware toM Uai night by M- Aadre Tar« diau. genera) commlailoner fe r Franco- AmerUan War Affaire, a t a receptlou In the Hotel PUta. Th# rigu rta He gave h« made tha baaie for atatigff the reliance which Franca would pled* upon (hli country In bajr taAll of ra- conalruojlon

The reception waa given by the AaiOH-ladon of Foreign Correependant* In lha ro lled States, the guaats ta- Cludlhg. Lesl ies M. Tardtau, FraeldM t Nlcholai Murray Butler of Columbia Vnlveralty. Melville B. Stene. geaeral m anaier of the Asaeclated F fe e ^ aad othera

France # raqukrem aaU « lrem > ta l i country, which he f tU gagwfdd p e ^ but

M. Tavdleydivided under four headP-^kdbor, credit,

appointment aa f tm a»*t*tant phyalciaa at lha New Jersey Stale Hospital la Trenton. Dr. Brown left Thursday with b it wife and child for Tronioa

Bufbte Moves (or 0 > A l)en « en At Receip* of Soldier*’ Vote*

tigff oervsiyiediew.TRENTON. Nov. To aaUguard

properly tha latareata of tbo party. Chairman Newton ib 1C. Bugboa of the Republican State Cemmlttee Died a re­quest with ftacralary ef State Martin today for parmlaalon to appoint chal- langara or walrhar* to ovareee lha re- oelpt and ditposRIon «f the •cldlara' voles. Mr Butbea atatod be had no reason to f«ar tha raauil of tha told- dlar*' vole, bacauaa In the prlmarlaa lha Rapubllcand racalvad over aevenly- Clva par cant of thosa caat.

Approximately 7,$74 balloU of man In the service hava been received lo data, which, of rourta, Mr Bugbaa aald. could not change th# result except In possibly one or two Aseaipbly or Con- graaaional contaaia

*‘Whllo It la anticipated th a t a few eceltarlifg onaa may coma In,** daclarad Mr Elugbaa, "’naturally tha bulk ware voted through tha effort* ef the voting commislloners rapreaantlng both par- (la*. who vlaltad every camp In the United State# whara any eonaldarabla number of Jeraayman ware located.

"Tha law parmli! thirty daya afte r Election Day for tha receipt of addi­tional ballota but such ballets must have bean voted or mailed on or be­fore Novambbr I ^My only thought In asking to ba rapraaantad by challangara was limply (hat any question which m ight arise could ba tmmadlataly taken up and that tha im areati of lha party would ba properly aafaguarded."*

Du Pont PUnt A p i^ i for Men Needed Even in Cue of Pe«ce

tfrritl Aprrfn »f t*f .V*Fi.POMPTON LAKES, Nov t —P m Hh«

th« .(( .c t of pfoco now. on protpocOoo •mplofoo* at III i-ap w ork, plant tha E. I. du Pont *0 Nomouri A Co. xoatar- 4ay had pMntad a largo numbar of poa- (•ra atattrig lhat whalaror lha outcoma halp la noo*o4 at tha plant.

Tha poitara will ba dlatrlbutad In Pataraon. Now Terk. Nowark and towno In thia rlclnUy. On* poatar ad> vartiHa a apoolal train for commuting •mployooa from Hontrlair to Pompten I.akra. If aufflrlont holp can ho a*curodBegin Delivery of Soldier* Vote* ....... . .... ...... .......... — „ —

T r- . Ct .■ D Moniclalr. Llltia Falla and otharl o C oun ty E jec tio n D o a r a t , pU ro, botwoan Pompten U tkta and

iiaff Cerreapoadrerr.TRENTON. Not. I.—Two maaa«ngor«

war# aant from tho aarratary of atata'a •fftoa taday ta dallrar aoldlat ««*aa Ihui far racalTad to th« M wnir boarda of auction (or Etaox. Hudson. MlddU- aai and Monmouth conntloa Mtaaon- gara will b« aant n«xt Monday with tha ■oldlarq] and aallora* Totoa of othor rounttra ThIa courOa haa haan pur- gu*d tn ordar that county boarda may M-oMad to canraao ih« aoldlar Tola

Ttnmodlataty afl«r coiaplallng lha can- Tau of tha HTtllan TOta.

Thua far tha total numbar of aol- dt«ra‘ and aallora' Totaa roe*lTad by tho foerttary of atat# ia 1,1*1. H la not btlloTad In tha aacratary *f •Offtea that thia numbar w ill ba tna- tarially lncraaa*d, although aueh Tot*a

Montclair a train will b« run on tha Oiwtnwood Laka branch of tha Erla railroad lo carry thorn.

Xha train will laava Montclair a t t :l* A. H. and arrlTo at Pomptou Lakaa a t I e'oloHt. Loanng Fampioii Lahaa a t 1:1* F. M. It w|U arrlTg la Moatclalr a t Till P. M.

may ba rooalTod and canTaaaod up toth irty daya aflor alaotlon. P r o a ^ t a -------Ham to point to a Tory amall aoldlar TOta from oT arnaa 11 haa ^ n laarnad hara that lha Twanly-ninlh and 8oTanty-»lghlh dlvUlona alraady announmd aa haring partlelpatad in tha op«rat1*na about Bodan. wara *n- gagad In tha fIral-Una tranchca aloeo tha lattor part of Octobar. It I*. fora, doubtful If any eonaldarabla nutn- bar of man In th a n dlalalona. which eonialnad a larga numbar of tha J a rn y Hidlara a l lha fro n t war* abla to Tola.

Tba numbar of aoldlara' and aallora baltola raerlTod thua fnf hy tha aoc- ratary of atala t offlco for aach county foflowt: Atlantic. i»*:Burlington. 1*»; ^amdon.Hay. t l : CumhoHand, “ eloucaator, 7*; Hudaon, 1.* * ^ Moroa®,*»t; MMdlaHX. I»*i Monmouth. IM .Morrla l»T: Otman. «l; Paggalc. IJJ ;Balom, I*; iom orH t, 71; iu iH * . W.Uitlon, t i t ; W arran. 11; Huntardon. M.

Free Ftnn Bureau in Union I* Urged by Mr*. Canoli P. Buiett

gpartaJ kWalrT af IA< FEFg.ELIEABKTH, Nor. I.—Tha Unlao

County Board of Fraaholdars haa baan aakad by Mra Carroll p. BasMIt of hummlt, head of tha Union County Woman'! I.and Army, to w lab llih a fraa ta rm .b u ru u In tha county aa a

j naana of aH litlag In tha farming

Daclaring that tha work could bo aHlatad greatly If a bureau wara qraatad, tha writer painta to tho auc- c a u of the land army and lalla of groatar raaulta that m ight h a ra baan aecompllahad. Thara ahould ba a county agant, aha daclaraa, wbaaa duttaa would ba aomawhal almllar to iboH of a Chambar of Cammarea aac- ratary. Ma could aduoata tha f a n s a n In th r lata il mathoda of farm ing and In gonaral could look a tla r thoir In- taraati, Mra B aan tt pointa out.

araUMhl i o iu ti ia d -

. Hy. omoaplhihad bp m

f f n g e m■ •** '


J. W„ on Rini of Woman Found D e ^ Rw i^ t Ca*e of Murder

CAFB MAT. Not. *.—Oaarga W. D ra ^ r , an agad nagra. who raaldai

.naar tha OaUwat* Bay a t Capa May Point, yaatardny dlaeoTarad th# body o f an unidantthad woman lyln* parUy IB tha watar of tha Da|awsra Bay.

Tha waman waa agpanalTaly dragoad and wara thraa U rga rthga, ana of which waa Inaotlbcd J. W.

Drapar and othar aya-wItBaaiaa anld they thought tha Jnwhond had baan hfdkdn a n i that a huilat had antarad tha wamaa'a t^mpla. At tha iM t whara tha victlat waa dIaoaTarad thara w as na traiM of blood nor did a aaareh ta- vaal s Fun or plataL

I t la tha opinion a t t h ^ who Ip. tgTMtad thamcClTaa th a t 'tha woman h*A' haa* aiurdarad and takan ta tha •Vat •

th a a*ty d n a fband wga a- amall plials a t A baaenlaw wUh p man atand- InF an lha porch. Tha i r a m u waa a t awdipm al*a with Hdht h tlr .

Man b Dued Condkion b Picked Up b Jenejr City

g M ^ lkralM a Ike » t » f .^ ^ n « t r r c it t . mot. *.—tn ia^ ia t*

any aacawi of htmaair, altbar m hi hi* r^tlvtd or hama, .pn aldarir ••n .

FnT«'t|* naaia ^ l*d*h ylnimdh. l* L 'A 'm . tn tM «a«atr .'jut-'wklla Wntdua

Skirtgli, idlllfBii’ V" VJtw u lawn

Pneiimonid Fttal to 0 . 0. Tintlc. Just Elected u Counciliiuui

gpWtaf Akrrlcr af l*a FFWF.BLOOM INODALH Not. t ._ I I | ju i t a

woak from tofluahaa and pnaumonla. Oaear O. Tinllo, managar af tha Quit Baflalng Company'! atatlon a t Bloom- Ingdala, diad hara today a t hta homa In Main atrMl. Ha waa alactad to Ih* Blaomlngdala Borough Council Tuoaday an lha Rapubilean tiokat. Born In But- lar twanty-Mvan yaara ago, Mr. Tlntla h^d apant all hla Ilf* In thia Tieintty. Ha I* aurTlTad by hla Wlfa nnd aon. hla paranu. Hr. and Mra Haary Tlntla. thraa alatara and ila b re thara

rdada HidP-Aa

raw n i.iinala and ahlpa The credit need would ba fifty par cant, of lha value of the matarlala her raconatruc- tlon would require, Aa to labor, ha aiprtaarri hope tha American army In Francr, while awaiting tranaportatton homa. would aid In clearing op the d«vaeta1*d rafflanx ** iH it work­men of Fram'e could th#coinixal rebuilding progrus*.

Spaaklng of ship*, ka ludlcatad the aipacteilon lhat from th* 'f*** which America has built »nd la buiM- ing ihipa would La eh*rl*r*d io Franca and others iranaforrad la French rag- litry, ID help make up Iku million ton# or more loit by Frwnce Ihroukh the submarin# warfare, and lo ansbla her la hav# lb* tranaporlAtlon m**n# aul which ah# could not hope ic linport tk# needed materlnlg.

In detailing ih* **innt of the w tr* tq#u to Franeo. M- Tnrdlou snld lkn( ax pend I (urea for lha prowo^uUon of in* war would total Thi*burden of debt erg* fhkdo doubly wp- preaalv! by the tadudtlon Of resource* due lo wholeaale da*tructloii In tha In* Tadcd raglona, which, rapraH ntlng only all par cant of the im untrya aroa, nav- arthalaai had pild tw anty-fiva par cant, af lla taiaa prior to tha war. o f citica and Tlllagaa nothing ramalnad but rulna lU.M* homoa alone haTlng baan daitrayad. To rebuild t h a u cltlaa and towna would require *o«.!**.WO daya of work, rapraaanting with tha naceMary matarlala. a coat of | l , •!#.*♦•.»*• Tha paraonal property daotroyct or itolan— furntehlnga and tha Ilka— would rapaa- aant a value of Itaa.OOO moro. Bllllona of franca In war eontrlbutlona alao had baan axaciaA

No agricultural raaourcoo whalsTor ramalnad In lha rapalrla tad raglona l.oaua In cattlo of all kinds totaled*,«M head: loaoH In farm equip mant. machiaaa and carta. tM.dOO; the two rapraHntlng a value of It.I!*.!!*, too. Induitrlal lo a u i ware even greater nothing having baan loft of tha great Induatrtal raglona whence Franca draw tha great majorlly of moat of her pro ductlva capacity In m anufartorlng, min­ing. ate. Tha groat coal m lnH of tha north alone had baan ao doatroyad (hat II would require two ycare' work to bring them to lha point at which atngla (on could ba mined, and tan paara to raatora Ihom to the productlra ca­pacity of 1111

Franca would h a rn lf aupply nil that It wa, poaalbla (or bor to aupply of bar own need,, but whan th a t had baan dona, baaldrt all tha halp that aha a i paciad lo find oulalda tha United Cltatao, among bar o thar a lh aa aha would look to thia country d rat for "an Immadlata aailatanca In tha matter of labor Wa hope," ha went on, "th^t during the preparation and tho carry­ing out of tha iranaportatlon at your troopa back to America your tachnical untti. aa wall aa other u n its with thair aquiptnant. will be abla to co-oparala In that affort." Thia halp could ba ai- tandad In aiding tranaportallon to tha Invaded ragtona aa wall as In clearing tha ground.

Of (ha need ef ahlpa and tha rallanca that Franca placed In Araarlca, M. Tar- dIau Hid

'The coloHSl affort put up by tha t'nilad Stataa In tho building ef her fleet for war purpoHP will not ba dt- vartad from thia u e ra d and If It, tn part, halpi Franca to racovar on (ha laaa, (or tha ravlval of bar forcaa In paaca. Ah* maaaa e l Iraaaporlatlon whiah traiw )oa« to bar on a o H ia t af tha war.

"In raforanca to th*M (our Item labor, crodli, mw m ata rla la ship*—I bava axplalaad In datall our n n d a lo your AdmlnlBtratlon, by-whooe welcome I hava baan dHply moved. W hat I told them, what I aakad for. I am tailing It to you again, bacauH a policy of ••- crocy doaa not befit our day. Speaking lo America, I know th a t I need not add anything to lhaaa (acta; for you 11 It enough to know In ordar to will,''

After Frank Dllnot. praaldant of the CarrelpondaniB' Aaaoclatlon, had mada a *paa<m highly compllmaiftary lo M Tardlaib In which ha rafarrod to hla having baan a Journallat In early Ufa and manllonad alao tha lite rary arcom pllihm tnti of Premier C lom aneuu and Praildent WItaon. Mr. Btona daclarad that Ihia nation owed *a much lo both Franca and Oraat B ritain, 'for you fought our battle* Tor threa year*"— that all ll aakad w as "w ith aod't help l^p ay aome part a t th a t dabt to you."

Dr. Butlar H id th a t tha world navar would ralum to tha old unregulalad In tarnatlonal compatitlen, and addad that tha United Htatai had learned a g ra il liHon In being forced by tha war to do thtngi which lha Bharman law had triad for twanly-flva yaara to prqvant prlvala capital from dolng-

'M t* r


Enforce Auto Laws t o Prevent Mishepi, Union Prosecutor Urge*

gpartal Ibrrlcf af Me NtW t.BLIZABIITH. Not. Prosacutor

W altar tlatflald ha* lu u ad to avary polica chlaf In Union C «uutr iM truc- tie n i that *11 automahUa law i muat ba •Pforead to the lattar bocauH of tha (gtalUlag that bava ratuUad In tha last raw weak* Th* la t ta t fa ta l tacl- ddht w u Ih* idtath of WtUlAin K*m- llton. an *e*d raaldaut of Boeteh p laint, wM* waa gtruck TkursdM night hy an automohlla drlvan hy W llllwn Saur- mllah af Baetah Plains

oIm, Becawe cl UkniM Acti, Dirop from MidfuroifcmB Uaioa

NMW TOBK. N w .T . n aamuaa It b*. lltM * that Oktatnlaai troap*. aem- naMidtd by Oarman om aafg. b*v* takan pa rt In a raeaat ln*a*t«n • ( P«IMn t t f • y lte y , tha PalWi NaUaHAl OawwHtaa, th M w ii It! chalmlaB, lia * * * Pnepfow- •h i, kaa withdrawn trOM th* MM-Bu- r i i ix g Vnl*h. This ennpenew neet wai •Mda a t * tn**U H '*( th a ttalo* la tt n l ih t In Carnagta Hall- Th* Ukrainla** or,R*lh*«Un* V* al** **M»h*r* *f a * B**r o M ip ta n U ^ . _ ■ . - .

AwHdMit n a tb r *f (M w nhi* tm ivm . ■IIF actad aa ebalrvan * f tb * m**Uai.

■ - -* * ------iHBeTlNV**#'

•v; ■■■ ■ ‘



You Buy a par a Good One

Price does not always tell the story. First cost is really only incidental. That’s why the Maxwell and Chalmers Cars are actu­ally the cheapest cars you can buy — they cost so much less to maintain than ordinary cars and they give long as well as satisfac­tory service. Ask any owner!


Chalm ers- Ike car with the wonder­ful enjjine. They take the dust of no car and are tU ways reidy for that greatburst of gencies.

speed in enter-

Chali 'TawHa* Cat, * !•* • :

Mnawall TawHag Oar, •*•• F. O. B. Dat r aH.Pawr-CyUndar ICngIna Atw«ar.Hawt IgodtSen Qaaolana ‘T u b aa Banr—

The "

M axw ell ’—the car that win* all th* economy test*. You can tlways depend upon the Mtiwell for speed, economy ind endurtnee.

M axw ell Truck— U ncle S a m ’s Helper

For abort and long h*uU the Maxwell Truck la to be depended upon. A great engine and low gaaolene consumption. L The moat economical truck you can buy. _ t„ _ ,t 1 ^ ,1 .

MaawaH O w T aei Trwalu with C anblaatla- Baa twtfea Ba*y, a i l f a F . O. B.OHiadl, Chnaatii a ija g F. O, B. DatraH.

TlHkaa Watiw D rlta n d Baarlaga Tkiweskoet—The TvwaB Tha* “Alwaya Oats Thara aad Data Baefc with a LaoA-


Early Deliveries Good S e rv iceWe cdii deliver Mdxwell dtid Chttmen Maxwell and Chalmera aervjce is a by*

c in immediately. ^ word all over this country. It’s real service.

DeCozen Motor Companyfaa BaathHPu Ba

AlfNiDni24 Bnnrord PlBoe N tw k N. I.

Geaml MnnicrTekphone M*rket 484

Thirty Carnegie Hero Medak, One h>r Trenton Man’s DeedPirfSBUBOH. Not I ( » ) —Thirty

kata af harolem, ana by a Naw JarMV man, wara racognlaad by lha rarnagla Haro Fund Conimlaalon In tb* fall ikHlIng 6f th* commIMIon her* y*i> tarday.

In ala ceH* tllT tr madnla war* tw trded; In Iwanty-four reeei broni* madaU. Bight of th* b e ro rt Inat thair livta, and to th* dapandenti of ihrH of th tH panalont aggregating tl.SWI t year wara granted. To tha dapand- • a l l of two of lb* othar* who Intt thoir llvH Ih* eum of II.OM wae grantaA to be applied a* the rommle* tion may Hncllon. One of th* berooe ■uatalned tnjurlee which dleabled him and he waa granted dlHblem ent ben- a h ti In th* eum of |70®. In addition la those monoy grante. In th rH caH i t i , l ta w u appropriated for educational purpoHa, peymente to bo made ae needed and approved: and In alxteen caiM Bwarte aggregating tll.StO were aad* for worthy pu rp o u e Paymant* h lha ana-aunt caaa* wtll not b* mad* until th* banafictarl**' plana for th* UM of th* award* have baan approvad by tha eommlaalon.

Tha Jaruym an waa Howard R. Trtinl- pora of Tranlon, who lo*t hta Ufa In raa- eulng Clair* C. Watch from drowning. HI* widow waa awarAad a allver madat.

TRBNTON. Nov. *.—Th* award of a Qayaagla bare modal ta th* widow of i m a r d a. Trumporo of thia city wai far braToiy In raaculng Clair* C. Wale* (ym drawning in tba faadar af th* Dalawar* nnd Rnritan Canal, nMT PrMpael ftraat, thia ally, Jun* t IniL Tfumpar* wn* riding horn* from wark on n bicyola Juat aa tha child fall Into Ih* water. Ha waa an ax part awlm- mar and apmng to tha raaeua, •uo-

r ing ln .,H v lng th* child, but at sa lt of hta own Ilf*.

Trumporo waa to it td w ith boart thlluro and dlod ah o rtlr aftor tho ■ ithap. ' Hlo oTorhoatod condition at it tlmo (ollowod by tho plungo Into It Motor add tho conHquont oiortlon

Ih roeauln* roononaiwoB r'Ili* dooih, >oS0mo g o a n agoiTrttin-

u v o d tho l if t of Haul Coa- F.i' Mil trtdow I* now living in Cat-

' ~ I II -

SPMIISH INFLUENZA PREVENTEDThmmiidB are buying a 25c jar

of CREAM OF MUSTARD, a pre- vcntatlve. For pnfoipt relief from G i^ Sore Throat, Cold in Chest and All Inflammation and Con* gaition, Cream trf Mustard Giva IiMtant RaUef and Comfort to the Siffercr. AA your druggbt for | tt, or mailed on receipt of price. | Tha Cream of Mnstani Co-, South Norwalk, Cbna^AdvertlBemciii


A FAMILY IflE^AInttip AbdMwn gf O t t l w * ^ *•I Wan Altar, •iiSitwiM.ttioOciBf-"

i-a sso rsijsS 'S s• RKSAwtatoa, ‘h*.J2*MJm fnwUy trtaUiBMxt-aM

i itiiBtammd .


How oRen hav* you heard that lod irx from lh» vtctlOH qt * l e « - e - ' j j j - dWarder bH fOM l*o ter for h*1p, hot •flH ir 11 - Joat “» R™' *£lpeloe and achH * « onir n r heia. De n*t dvepalr. Flo* out tH oaoM and flv* oalur* all th* h*lf yoa can aad Ob* will r t y r yoe with hraKh. Look altar tb* ktdneya Th* kldMyi or* th* maat ovrtwork** oraan* •( the

rSSrSSilSoriea wlU gt** aVmeat IwrtHdIal* rail*! bidaar aalw oddw troaWH H d km-Irem MMi R* MisvA order. Rut I* #ufs Is fVt ( f S j n l A S r Look far tk . aoint avary ken -In.i HMuy rafuadadAdvmtta*-----Ht». C*.

.ta thTH atoH. aaalod aacktdoaiM It I lM y ^ • • i .ta j f at Hr OtaolH Maatlami Oil



“Give ’em Movies —in Peace or War”“T y /HAT do you want more than

W anything else for your men?” they asked an American gen­

eral. "Moving pictures,” he an­swered, "and more moving pictures, and still more moving pictures.” The war work agencies are shipping fif­teen miles of film a week to France. Think what the movies would mean to you if you had had the pictures of the trenches before your eyes for a week.

Think — and then give twice as much as you ever gave before to the

U n ited W a r W o rk F u n d

Thii Spteo .by

i , ’’

t ‘t A



I m dr Nisr#

ta tta M


flnomrllaks^YHmYum. O rla p w ie U lN l s n d O l i M V ' j n M k * l fIgimiiHiB '''' '4n -

CASHiSaMally AMtal—ii<

AnotKa, FleesSob of Bloomfield Doctor Scndt

BmUcI Into Heod of Henry Butcher in Wetieuinf.

Victin’i Condition Serious

M»rTT ■•••*<■ U T w a t r -tN « t> ar« OM W m A W a t ta Mr

C M a l l i r M la ta a a la a ta M — V t r l lB

W a a a a a ir r r i Wfcra a t a t Ka r a i f

MaMa aa M aiairrrtr.

Daclarad by hit parania !'> hay* harn iMian*. Harry Thayrr, lwanly-ri»a ^aara old. aon ■>( l r and Mra Itaiiry Thayar of ; i I’ndil ilraal. HIoomriaKI, )a allagad In bavr iihni Hanry Bulohar. •aTrtily-rlihl. of II Maadow atraal. Baal Oranta, in lha h u d ahortly bafora Maoa a( Ihr iMintr of I>odd a trra l and Blaricha |i|arr. m lha VValnraalnC aar> Hon of Bluoinriald.

BUtckar la aald in ba In a aarloua aandttlon at tha Moautatnalda Hoapllal, T aun t Thayar aarapad on a biryria and la b a ll) aouaht by molarnyrla pollea-

Hra. Thayar aald that bar ann had Batn In a aanalonum on aavayal o rra- •laaa. and that praparatlona wara bain t Miada to hava hint rommlliad to tha Btaoa 1‘ounty lloapital at (rvarbrook Toang Thayar, tha polira u y . had baan •o tlna atrantaly tor aona Itnaa, and hia taailly wat adalaad Id havo taint tan i tm an laatlmtlaa. Whan ha aarapad ha Wat nraarlhc a rtd tva tta r. (ray ovar- dBMt. with aanall hall, and ruiaai ahota Ba wara aa hat Thayrr la about fivo f to l oovan lacbu In halfht

Baaaral paraona raaldinf In Dodd ■Iraot, on haartnt lha abol, hurtlod eui •Md laformad lha palica lhay had aoon

Ria« Thapor ridt up tha thoroughfaro- tralatan Robarl raatar, off dalp a t

Bm lliaa, want to tbo aooao and mada aa gataorotatal aaaroh far Thapor. Bor- M M t la v m o a R. ■bortor oont Doto«<

- Joooph Maddp to tha lacalltp with Ika aariialanoo and dlapaUhod word to Ow motorcpela pollcoaion aad aalho rl- oao of aoarhp annnlrlpallllao to bo on watch for yauag Thaptr.

iNJuirer After Aged Mu. HI. PoKti Him Dead in Irvmgton

OhPl K unia aa»antp-ona paara old. • ( H I ^oit atraot, Irvlagton, waa found Band hi bad a t hla hoiaa th li m atalng fep Bahort Haharlaad, faraaian a t tha ■ratagton a n ttt la c a Harintng Co., Bpa aaoaao and Colt atrooi. that tMwa. * h a wont to tha hoaoa to laaulro abaa l tho agad atan. Tha la ttar v a a III

I Qaa M g oataplag rrom a raoiblaa- HgBtlag aad haaltag Jat In tha

k hdt Oaaalp Phpgielaa Ooorga L. Fafraa. «ha vlfwad laa bodp, atatad

waa protiakiy dao to a a ta ra i laaa. X aali haa ao rolntiaao hara ov r aa tho polloo could laarn.

' W. A. Lord Out of Actiofl to Ibdeito Operitioa Ovencai

W linaai A. Lord of V* Park , Ormago, haa haan oaai to a b u a

al la Traaoo for an oporatlon, ling to a tattor rooolvad tadap bp Lard. la tha comnaiatcatlea, la datad Octabar II. H aior Lord

that wbUa tha aparhtla« willfed daagaroat tha phpalglMna hava

111 bt' hlw I that H wlli ba Bapaaglbla

1 tg ge baok la tha fraat (ac at IdMt Ba wantha.

» * e |ee Lard haa baan praalM M l In mHHhcp affhlra lo Baaax Counlp tar

‘T|Bpggal pggrt aad b s t ^ w ar waa da dlhted hp thia countrp ha waa baad ofBM Flm t Battalion, n t i h Now lomop

itrp. Ha waa a t tha M tatcan bar- atba aad want avar*

I la Hap or thla paar.

lUboB Sued for Commiuiooi. Served with Order in Court

MMaa A. n ta e n waa In tha hupramo rt g( Maw Tork pnatordap aa da- M l In a ault brougkl agalnat blui

BOrbort Lnwia bp A r r ib a Id hi. of Brooblpa, who clalnu th a t

k H I la d«a on eamailaotona in a con- ; fa r tha aala o f'io llo l to tbo B rlt- Ootromnionl. Whilo In court Mi.

I wag aorvad witb an ardor fa r hto dBMMitaatlon baforo trim. On Ihni no- MgMBt tbo uao want evar till Ifonday.n i a «ntf«r«tood that th* Inventor'st tb M y Im wrUtBi wtit b«A m h t *111 not ^ r«9ult«d to • OMft.

Take Deserter it Mother'i FunenlW blla attanding lha funaral of hta

ABad mathar In lha BL dnmaa'a Cama . laiT. Omnga, Jamaa Polay of IIT W nr- pBn atraal, an allagrd dtaartrr, wan nr- BBt t ad paatardny by Fnlrolman O'NnII BBd Bhahnar nf tha n t l b I’raolnot- tiBlag ba waa lurnad ovar ta tba mlll- (B fr hBtboiitlaa al Oovarnora taland.

Aaoordlng to iha polirt, Folay da- BBiead froBi tba aara aoTTlra eump at K a llr FloM. Taaaa. Inal Dacambor. nftar ggrVlBg tbrpa Boniba of bla aullatinont. O riM bM Huobngr arraatad him Aulp t l , iMBl paar, and ba waa taboa to Oo*- g f Bpg Itland. Ha pitadad a t hfanhai- tag Tranafar lo ba allowad to aoo hla w ifa and ehtldran a t Harriaoa. W hila thar* ba atcapad.


Mrilaa*' aJ7 algkl w a ^ ralactad aa County Election Boardsptayairally unfU ThlMoon were r— ih« Medti'Al Advls'>r)r Boord

enl to

Twenty'two to Dix Next Week From Kumy and Eut Newark

HrvMiltrn mrn for fenera l milllftrjr f^rvir'B Hilll tiB sent lo 1>Ih W<*d-netdkji by th« K#«rnynKAAl Netbsfk KxernpHoii Hoard They are Ja rtap a r Dulrlitp * Mapl« ilreet, W alter f> rim* nor, II 4.'olunib]A avenu* W«U*r K.

I l l Klfhlind AViAua. Lj«w«ll>A K KarU. 11 Btreet; Jame* T Mr*(JoVBfp. SO F;1-*i MtraBi. Alfr^tl Hrfimldt, ( ‘athniir I’rolM. inry . John WHMam PlA ljiar, 111 l>avftji itraat. Matcolpt Harry. K l Htahland HVfnue' Jam ei KInf. J71 Hnmeroy Kilrnund HF'lanajtaii. !0 TarrB.* i»late I’atornra, IM K'lit X'lnrvnt f>a-vin^ t i l Elm BtrBBt. Maoua Ti l Davon strait, and John W Raid Ol IT Xadrnr av«nuv, Kaarny: ftobari Mcliallaii. IS VuIo< k plarc, and tlenrgr* fltkimbf. I ll Ttilni. Birpal I’Ual Newark M4rr«lto t'lladino. L'bl Marbari a lren . Had Batik, furrtiarly of Kaarny

Tha altarnata* ara Ineludad In the •alacUvg man lo be aant to tlie Bam*- ramp lha foUowInf day Tha Hat for that day lompr^Bai the rol^■wtrlK Kraderb’lt W Hirdervr, rJ JohrmtHii avenue Waller Ani'»rai>{i i iv hllin Btreal. Klrhmond RIHb J r . K? OakwtK>d avenuB. and Eln>rr Hredbura IIT Hlrk- ory alraBl, Kearny. f‘»tar Waallewikl, 40i \n rlh Thinl Kaai NewarkTha altcrnalii railad for Thur«day ara Morion llraen. Richland avanua. and John Kvareil Uarton. H t Llndian avaauB, Kaamy

QuantioTinalr*a are baini mailed by the boarri lo reflstraiite alchiaari and nlnaleao yean old and th lrti eti to forty The 1»cal adviaory boardwUi me*! ever) aftarnoon and everilnc aicspf Haiurday. befinnlnc Tueaday. at tha town hall, in aaelil in fllhnc out tha quaatlonnairei

Awards Given Wyoming Residents For Best Appearing Propertiei

Awarda hava baan mada by n»a WycMnlnff AiaoclBlIon of tha Wyomlnc aocllon of MlHburo Townahip io thoaa who abawad mar# than ordinary liilar- Mt In lha appacranca of tbalr pr«par- tias during lha paat aanaMi. In tha •rdar of marlt tba awarda wara aa foU iawa; Pirate Varnon M. Holdar. Praa- pact avanua and &lni atraal; aaconsl. Charlai M Ratn. rm apact avanua. and third. K. W Wrlffhl. rad ar atraai. llon- arnbla manilon waa raK?alv«i1 by Baipti P. Foaa of I'ronpaat avenua» W. M Bail- Rara of Cadar atrtet and £. B. Drana of Pina atraat Tha awarda conalatad of •hrubi and pUnu.

Atcordini to a aehadula of eradlta arnngad by tba aaaoolaltan tan eaunla wara poaalbla a( abtalnmant. aa f\l1owa; Pubhe ffonlp fu ltari. vidawallt, iraaa and ahfuha, ibraa oaunta: yard, ftowar cardtna. traa# and palba tbraa eaunta: yagatabla fardana four eoaiita

Recovers $479 frooi Carrier For Ruined Talking Machine

Abrihofli H Arkornion of Chlrogo wui gwirSod JuStment (or StTS pogtor- 4gp by Julgg Donlol A. nugun In the Orange Dltlrlri Court ugolnot Iho Me- Ouiin I'ompiny. trucking firm In th li city. The cielm woe ihot on April 11 A lolhlng mochlnc tklpped lo Ackermon full from 0 truck of the defongAnt onS woe ruined. The cog# woo triog by Jury October It hut e dloogroomont reouliog.

Judge Dugin yootordoy aworded W alter t- lokhordt ludgmool for SHI II agolntl DotM Blagor. ownar of the PhlltOelphla Pilhoghoao Co. The complainant rkargad that lha dafoDd- ant, who had a e lo n In th la city, aold om owing him for

Canvas$ Voles Monday

All Applications for Recounts Mutt Be Made on or Before

Next Friday.

Candidates' Bills by November 20

Tiir county board# of riaiilnri oil: MifcL Mtitiday at (ha court houir in each fourity H i dlscharg# Ihoir dull## •" (lontdM nf rantaatar# All appll«'«lIons for rMinunli Will ha'v^ tt> ti# Piiacla on or hrifor® nail KrM#> Th^ couniy riarks will drllw r on «>r b^for# n#lt Saturday cartlflad ropla* of rha rlsttaf- mlnnllon of tha county canvaavara to lha paraona rlortad A roiiy will alao hr aant to H»HTrtar> of Hi**e Mariii*

On Of tiefora NovamUfr lilll* 1n- lurrad by candldatra m lai br- prop' rrly ludllad and paid 1 t>r campaign mana^ar of any rasMlIsI"! f-'f at lha gararal glatltor rtiurl Mir a atataincMt on ur baforr N '\wtubrr ?S of lha total am'iur.t exptnilPt) or liability Incurrad by or on of lha canrtt-data On or bafor* tha aain# data lha raahtar.or iraaaurer of lha bank or Iruat romPAhy arlrctrd b) any Candi­da ta rtiuat flla wMH iha propar official dop4'>a1l atipa praManiad to (ha bank, with any dapoait nf mnh«)a to lha ae* eouni of Ih* rampalgri fund of auch caodidataa at ihn gaoarai ^laeilon

Hacratarv nf Hial* Marfin will pra- aant 11> iha Niarr Hoard of ranvaaaara N'ovfmbrr ?l a!! riacllon at ataTnants which hai* haon fllail In bla cffic# Tha Ktaia HoarrI of ( ahtaaaara moat In Trrnion on thla dal* for tha purpoaa nf canvaialng tha voia cait for mam- liBT of lha Houaa of RapraaaniaMvaa and a mtmbar of (ha L'nttad (Mataa ganaia.

Classification Decisions Affect Many Newarkers

tamed; Marlin H. l,aiiCO, tl-D . aus- talnod; Marlin t . Bolrnd. Il-D , I-F.

goulh Oranga—Chorloo y. Nalbllng,Il-P , IV-D.

Caldwell—Carnellua W. Day. II-D.i-r

r tr ih Koaaa.Irvington—Maa W Kngamann. ttl-B .

I-A. John Kurfate. Ill-B , I-A; Frank J. Bckelhnfer. Ill-M. I-A. Hapmond V Harmed, IM-M and C. I-A, Charlai A>- ■ara. Il-D and MI-K. Il-D.

Mouth tirengi—John J. Kernan, 111-8, I-A

Kaal Oraago.Allred d Kerkeleeen, III-B and II-D,

I- A end Il-D. Charlai B •a llich in g e r,II- D. luiialned. Uraner C Young. IV-A, luelalned: Henry K. Fraytag, III-B and JV-A II A. William H. Wlabaldl, Ill-R and Il-D, I-A and Il-D.

Chsrgcs Former Business Rivgl Wilfully Dungged Automobile

Mas f'ohAii of 74 Waydall atroat. tbia niy , WAi Arraatad todmy |n Lincoln lllghwAy, kaarny, by CaptAlii Ollvar on oomptAint of (.’harlaa Ooldatiln of H Huniardoii iir*«i. cbArgad with w il­fully dAniAglng tha U ttar'a gutgmoblla. ('Oban tunduria is Itioch wagOB naar (ha KadBrAl Hhip Rulldihg Company planl. and ha and Oolditaln ara Mid tu hava baan formarly buatnaaa rival!.

Mra. Arthur H Conovar of SSI Broad ■traat antartalnad har club mambara at luncbaon ytatarday. whan covari wara laid tor ninr

Tha angigamanl has baan announrad uf Hiai Wutlfrad UaU-olm. dau fb ia r of Ur and Mra Alasandar Malcolm of Brooklyn. (ti Iglaulanant HuMall W. Uolmaii nf $l Fabyan placa, th li cRy, ielautanani Holman, In tho naval aor« vira, la a graduiia of Prlncoton L'nl* >aralty. t laaa of l i t !

• a a

tiaclaloni on induitrlat ctalma and appaala from claailfkatlona of loi-al boardi wara announrad yaatarday by Iba Sacond >'aw Jaraay D lttrlrt Hoard.

Woinu. Witching Deer in Road. Thrown from Bicycle, b Hurt

Aa offori (a wateh (ha aaurao of an anUarad buck daar which croaaad tha road Juat ahead of har caaaad MIm Sadia Abram! of Now York to fall from a bloyclo yaatarday afiaraoon on tha Toppor HtR road balwatn Flaa Brouk and Towaca. MIm Abrama aaataioad a fractura of har rtghi fo rtarm and Bumoroua brulaoa.

MIm Abrama la (ha tu aa t of Mr. and Mra Solomon KatowaTTy of Ftno Brook. Sha waa ralurnlng from Towaco and waa at ona of iha aiaapoai portiona of Ibo raad whan tho door camo out of (ko wood# Tha alght of tho anim al oo •tartlad-Mlaa Abrami that oho did not watch (bo couraa of hor whool, which ontorod a rut and aho waa throw n. Sha waa abla to roturn to tha Katowalcy homa unaatlatad, w

Hiny Russell of Orange, with Canadiuu. Wounded in Action

Harry Ruaoalt of tho Canadian army» waa woundod in iction October I. ac- cofdlmg la ward rocalvod by hta wifa, who llvaa i t t$7 ran tra l avanua. Or- anga. HU name appaara tn (M Ca< nadtan raaaally lift today Subtoguant word racglvad by Mra Ruaaotl waa in (ha affacl that har huaband la acaln In lha trenchaa aftar rocovaring from a gunahoi wound in tha faca. Whila In a baa« hoapiral ha gava a pint of blond Id aid a ftUan oomrado. Ho ta th irty - two yaara old and anlUiad la Ootobar of Uat yaar. going ovaraaaa In January. Ha If a ratlvf of England.

Acting Rector Will Take Up Work in Belleville Tomorrow

Mr. and Mre Oierge F Trelhor en- tortglnad at dinner el their home. IISI •glgm avenue, lael evening In honor «rUM lr daughier Beielee. birthday Tha Igklg deroratloni *ere In tha national

There were ten gueele.A iOh hae been born to Mr and M ra

TIiggng Blackwell of Princeton ave- BM.

g ggdghter hie been born lo H r and SIrg. William Harvey of Raker e lraa t

Ti|g ChUetlan lt:ndeavor Boclety of IMg MlltglS* Friibytrrlan Chapel met tagi ovraning at ihe home of Mtea Sue WlgUrk. Aalam avenue

JIldg Mir|orle Blur, daughter of gogaOl Coglinleeloner end Mre Rob­ert S . Blop of LIbarly avanua. who Mas Saaa tu with influanu. If con- VglgMlBg

Rav. H. 1. Srofltld, racantly namad acting ractor of ChrlK Rplacepal Church, Hallavlllfi will aaauma hlf naw duHai tomorrow Nav. Charlca Fopham. raclOT, la noa an army chaplain. Hla railgiiftlon waa tabled by the trualaaf of tna church about (hraa w*aha agn.

Mr fcofIvH romaa tn TIcllevlIlM frrsm Saybrook, t'nn?i Na v«aa appolntad for on# yaar. or In tha evant th a t (ha war la not ovar at that tima. for (ha dura> tioti of the war.

Report Harrison Man Miuing;Hid Started on Hospital Visit

WHAT itASSlFH'ATIUTg MKAT.yeanlnga of lha claaalificai ion

aigna coaialndd In tha daclalona of lha dR talon board follow.

CUif l-A ^lng la man without da* pondaht raLaUvaa. 1-Be mafrUd man with or without cbILdfin, or fathor of motbariaaa ablidrtn, who haa habitually failed to aupport hla family. I*C—Marriad man dapao* dant an wifa far aoppart J-U—Mar* riad maa with or without children, or father of motharlaaa children; man hot uaafully a iiag ed . family iUpportad by Incoma Indopardant of hlf labor. 1-E—Nat necoaaary farm laborer. I>F—Not naceaaary Indut- (rlal iaborar. l-O-'-Raglatrant inak- Ing or fer whom no claim la made 1-H —RegtfiraM failing to aubmlt oueallonnalra and for whom no claim If mada. L J—Raglatrant not dafarrad and not Included In any Other Ctaaa I dlvlalon

U-A—Wife or children not mainly dependent ll-B - Wife not loalnly dtpendaat. ll-C—Sklllad farmlaborer, II*[>--SkllJad Induitnai laborer. 11-X—Recent marriage law, with child.

III'A. dependent children not h it own LJI-B. dependant paranta IH-C. dapandant bmtharo or Alitara. tll 'D . county or iwunictpal offloar. l l l ’B. trained fireman or pollcaman. III-F, cuftom houfa dark . lll*<$i employed Id iranamlaaion of malla 111*11. am ory or groaaal anplajraaae l ll- r United Btataa ampUyaa. 111-J, hired agricultural managar. lll-ICg tacbnlcAl or mechanical aapart 111-U gaatataot Indaairlal managare

IV-A, wifa or children mainly de« pendent. IV-B. mariner in actual aervtaa. IV-C. directing a#rloal« rwiiDl head. tV*D» directing tndaa* (rial head.

V*A. itata er national offloara. V-B. mlnlater af rallglen. V-t;.theological otudant V-D, In United Stataa military or naval aervloa- V*S. alien enemy V-F, alien mot atiamy. V*Oe phyalcally unfit for military aarvlce V*U, morally u n ­fit lo be loldlar. V*l» actually em^ ployed Hcenaed p ilo t V • J. dla* chargad alien toldlar V>K. aoldlar of ce*benigarent country V-Uneutral declarant withdrawing cRI* aanihtp Applicatioa.

Announrament waa made today (hat lha friend of (ha Homa tor Crippled f'hlldran who bought the box aeata told individually through error at (he Broad dtreet Theater boa office after (he boiet had been told to regular oubbcrlb* era. haa returnad (hem to tha board of mAnagari and aecured orchaftra aaata for lha benefit performance of "Leave It

Jana.' to ba given Monday night at lha theater for tha benefit of tha Inatl* tutloiv Mra. Joaaph O Hpurr and Mra. WllliAm Blttlaae chairman of lha praea and ArrAngamanto Lomniitteea, raapec* lively, today aapreaaad (hair thanks to the purchi»ar of (ha ticket# for re tu rn ­ing (ham hi order that none of the planned boi partlaa will have to be broken up

Gty to Be Canvassed In War Work Drive

ContributioDi Will Be Sought in Every Seclion tiid frosB All

Tridei by lOOTexins.

Mass Meeting to Be Held Monday

Under parfactad plant, the United War Work drive will opin Monday morning wlih An Initial canvaa* ot the Hty by 100 (eaima. Canlrlbuttoni will be aought from every taction of the city and from every line of trade and In* duatry. A( noon the flrtl luncheon meeting will be held a t the Robert Treat Hotel, and raporta will hy mada of (ha preliminary efforta to ralve Newarh'a qudta of H.OOa.OdO. A maai mooting will tie held at the armory Monday night, at which addroiaae will be made by prominent apeakart and pa- trioih' mualr given by well known or- tanltatlone.

Without further formalKy tha team caplAlna were notified ^today to atari the aollcliat Ion wnrk early Monday morning The commandera uf tha taama, aa given oui from lha Joint haadguartara of t1i« city, routity and ifaia organitallon* in ih« Eaaai build* Ing. are

the tJmlgh*-eapill ba lighted hg«t Mag- day night In a park near lha Whila

Hauaa aa a faatura wf tba UhltaS W ar Work Canpalgg la Wgghlngtooe Tha Clrac will ba Hgbtad. It waa ganauncaJ today, by woman war workar* from ogek of tha gutaa* mambaro of ihw

Ualtad Slotaa Tralnlog Carpt. IWivaa gf Saaatora gad Rapraaanta*

tlvaa Id Cohgraaa will get a« noalaaaaa for tha avaot while tha Freaidant and Mra, Wilaon are cxpactad to view the . ipactacia from the White Houae wiidowi.

West Orange Takes Steps Against Trolley Speeding

rhaptar A. T K O . of New Jaraay wlli hold Ita annual fair In the homa of Mn. eS. A. Carla of Stt Ridge itraat, Thuraday, from ! to $ o'clock In Una with Ua s’harlly and war rallaf work tha chapter haa adopted a French orphan.

a • • •Arrangamanta are nearing complatlosi

for (ha benefit soncert to be given tha evening of November Id la Ihe Robert Traat Hotel for the Home for the Frlendleaa in ronjunctlon wUh the afternoon card party and cblldren'e an- lartalnment m be held tha game place a t (he annual benefit affair ,for tha home Membera of the board of man- agara nf the home have baan divided liUo rommiitaea and are s'omplatlng da- t^ la for making the affair aa Urge aa In former yaara.

The Young Ladiaa' Club of the F Irit Uethodlet rrotaatant Church will bold tha flrai meeting of the aaaaon In the home of Ulaa Pearl Jobnaon of 101 Redden terrace. Monday night.

A aubatanilal eum, greater than waa espacted, waa ralaad yaatarday for tha benefit of th t Sarah Ward Day N urtiry i t lha annual fair and aala hald In the Second Praabylarian Church under tha auvplcaa of the au itllary of the inatliu* tlon A card party for the nuraery’a banefU will b t hald In tba near future, for which tentative plana ara now under way.



The Herrlann police ware aakad la it nlghi In InaMtute a March for Patrlek Kennedy of SOT Savanlh alraet. th a t town, who hea b«en mleatug frs»m homa ainct Thuradey Whan ha tafi, KeanOSy told hla family he waa going to St- W - thael'a lloepKa'l, but failed to put In aa gppeerance at (he Inatitullon, It waa learned leiar The ipiaaing man (a fifty-two year! old and wore a dark ault.

f l io Flro Dopirtment wee railed out h M BiBkl lo eilinfuloh e hleie et Ihe BOHit ol John Hohmen. is Tiohenor lev-

wliora A pile of rubbleh rausM t m SB wnio menner, oAUelns • looo of

SSS-PBStSotle eorvlree In honor of the

•HMSora In the lervlre will he held In m irn tr oeoninf In re lvery Pre«b> ShHB* Clinrrii. Went. The profram will IMIbBS kSSronsen onS pnlrloilo muni.- M m BBaMl lull)' Dnjr ekorclnoi of the

tcbaol will be held In the

Fall irom Motor Truck, Hilton. Fatally Injures Elisabeth Man

Peter BurnA forl)'-lhree re am oM, of 320 Flril ilrael. B llnbeth . died about b o*olock yeeterdey In Gladden Loda* Hoepltnl, Irvlodlon, an hour a fte r a fell from Ihe r « r of an automobllo irurk while ridinc th roufh IlDlen. Ho V.BI Internelly ln|urod. B u n n w at aai- ploynd by the ChenilpAl VompaPir of Amnricn ot Sprtnffinid.

rnatstraaln In tho nliintnon lo ,Mletla elnaa nrnrn etnmland yenter- ’ a s <)■* puIlM station b r tho med- 1 «ate>b*r* af Local B rard Mo. l,

itr, navnnaa ira ing tea . Min- ■oatli Oraaaa Townnhtp.

for aon-idSanatr.


ARE YOU F ir?I Saw la l i l t ga* I

tegda lah a rl Wkaa H it by AmHm* Two boya ware knocked down by au«

inmobllaa In Irvington itra a ta yMtar* day, but In nalthar aaa« waa tho lag In­jured. Arthur W alt ten yea re old. of |g |4 South Orova itraet. (hat tawn, waa cfMalng CllRtan aTanua a t tha Irwiag* ton NatloDil Bank whan ha waa ainick by lha mudguard of a oar drlTCn by Mlehaal J ItoMahon of 147 Waat F ifty- fourth atraat, Naw Toidi. Tho othor mlahap ocaurrad a t Sbrtikgflold aYonuo and New etraet, where Wgliop LoYg|ay, tan yeara oM. of 144f SpH ngflali aea-

I. waa hit by a maafilno grlvga by Oaarga Flvaii af IN Park ayatisa, Or- aa^^ while croaalng tha atraot a t U a t

Tha dtciAione follow, tha claim made by or for tha registrant appearing firat and the decision eecond

gecoad YawarkejAtnea A Nail. 91 Naw itrael R'D.

ittgtalnad: lA im t Cole. JO lAfayatta •treat. 11*0. aualAlned, John A. Burgeaa S4l Mulberry itrs^el. l!-r>, euetalned^ Joaeph F. Reae. 119 WAshtniinn atreol, Il'H , suAlalnad, ('hrlatUn K Marian- Mn, 71 jAmea itreel, IT-Ii. euetalned; JoMph A. Qarrigan, 1(9 New atreel. H*1>. lualAlntd; Jamen N. Smith, 19 (Tram Airea(, ]f*li, «ufltAined. Fluppert W. Suman. 10 Washington elreat. tlL K . •uatalned. Carl J. Philtipa. ssd High itraei. nt-lC, R-D; Hanry C. Peak, II nranga atreat, 1L1K aualalned; Harry T. Wlinami. 991 Broad e tra tt, M-D,I- F. John n Nlankawha. I9 TTamtIton •tree!. Il-h. I-F; Barnard r TuRe. 99 Burtiel itreat, 1J-D, aaotalned; Kdward J HAfrlnglon, 14# Mulberry atraat, If-D. iuetained; Edward J. Mullar, 1# Baarh ( sirset. tt-U. autlAlnad, Joaeph To. Sharp, li flrant d rae t, |[ -n , eue- ralned; Heorge F Doagan. 91 Halaay ■ireei. II H. I-F; John J. lA thy. Td Burnet etreet, IT-D, I»F; Fred flllmore. '.i \»w Afreet. If-P. auatalned. Werner ITIncc, l- i Academy alrael. IT-P. I K

aiilk NewarkeArchie M Srolt, t? l South Tenth

■treat, IH-B. I A.iitghtk N m v h .

Edward L, Murry, 119 Qarelda #ire«i, lll-B- T-A; Raymond J. Ahaam. :tT WaAhlnfton atreel. R-D. eueUlned.

Tenth NowuvkeHenry J Oorekl. 149 South etreet,

Tl-D. aiiiialnadtUeveuth Newark.

rharlee L- OrL *7 Norlh Eleventh eireet, [ll-K, R-L>; Joaaph J l^relle . 2IS North Fifth airear. Il-D. auMalned; Edward T Tobin, tH North F ifth atfert. ILD. I*F; ThamaaJ Madigan. f# South Twelfth etreet, II-D. 1*F. Robori O. Men. $1 Ninth atreel, Ill-K . euetalned; William U Tucker, SIT North Bavehth Atraat, 111*L, II-D; Bdwin J. Ounn. I# Mouth Twelfth atraal. II-D. auaUlned; Robert B FHoutenbdfgh. M South Tenth •tre«(i IV-A, ILA: William H. Uood. man, *47 Orange aireet. III-B, l-A.

Poarteeadb Neworli,William 1,. Stander, 39$ Camrlen

Aireat. RLK. ll-D; Frank Melaner. >4» Falrmeuni avanua, t l-P and t1l*K,II- D; Thgrnai F- Kbelaheuaer, IS Highland elraal, Tl-D. aualalned.

Third Keeea,Verona—Joaeph F. Mulligan, n i l}

and 111 K. I-A and H-D.Montclair—Jenaa PandlelOi Ill-B and

m -r ., i*A.Pourtll Seaem,

Wait Orgnga—Richard J- Coatallo, m -A and l l l ' i , l-A; Addelergio Vacco, Il-D. I>F, Ouitgvg A. Bieck. Il-D, aua*

Old Irlah belUda will be aung by Mra Oeorge J- Kirwen e( the mualcele which will open lha reftilar monthly builneaa meat lag of Tha Cenlamporary of Newark. Tueadey afternoon a t l:9o o'clock, Mayor’a Committee of the Council of National DeffBM Will be (he gueet of honor at tha tea following the buglnaee aaaalon and will receWe with the president. Mre. 1* H. RebblAi,

The hoeleee at the tag will be Mra Stephen B. Harriaon end Mra. Banja- min K, Whitehead and Mra Alfred P. Ma>hew will prealde al tha iablaa

The Women High School TeacherF Aaeorlgllon will entertain Wedneeday afternoon at 4 o’clork In Eael Side High Mihool in honor of Mre. A. B- Poland, dean of girla tn (he high achoola.

"Tluaala'* waa the loplc of a talk given by Rev. Alberi Sheppard, paator of gTlIa* abeiti Avenue Preabyterlan (Titirch, be­fore Salmagundi Club yaatarday a fte r­noon at a poaiponed meeting held !n (ha hnma of Mra. F A Bchmucker, 71 Vaaaar avenue Mr Sheppard told of partohal exparlencaa, ae ha had apeat ■nme time In Ruaala

Work for girla waa told of by Dr. Kate Waller Barrett of Waahingtun, praeldoat of the National Florence Crlt- tanton Miaalon, and Mra. Howard Van- derpool ‘'tagged” each moinbaf for lha benefit of the loral Florence Crltjentoii llop»e.

Mra. Nathanlat Van Doran waa ap- polflied to racatv# mualc focorde for eol- diare aa the ciqb'a ahara In Ihe work, aa reguaated by lha mualo department of (h* ila ta Kadarati^n of Women'a Cluba, Tha n a il maaling will be Friday aftarnoon, wlih (ha hoatoaa to be an­nounced later

• e“A rc waa ronaldared In papere a-d

informal talk! yettarday afiernoon bv Mra (Yaorga D. Drak* and Mlea Klai# M Wlleon at tha fortnightly meeting of (ha Irving Club In tha home of Mre. Frank D. Hallowty of *1 Nairn place. wKh Mlaa Wilaon aervlng aa aaaorute hoeleea. Roll rail waa raeifonded to with, commanta on noted palntinge end Miee Oraca M Duffy apoka for the ram- palgn for United W ar Work to npen Monday. Mre. Mahlon B. Drake will eerve aa hottaaa at tba November 37 moating and a vigil (o tti* Maim- pnllian Muaaum of Art In Naw York haa hean planned for November 79

opancer B Maraii. Jown A. MatIhawA Walter 8. Moler, John Montalih. W H- Mllrhell, William A Moffat. C. K Mc­Cord. M F MrliCughlln. Barnard Millar. E. J. (/’Brian, John J O'Rourke, William

O’Rourke, rhauncey (J. Parker, W. C. Paaraon, Moaee JMaul, Major W S Parker. Jamee >( Heiliy. l<eopold Rich, Samuel Hoeealer. Mnhert I*. Rove. Abra­ham Hoihachlld. WIMiam S Roa, Loula Schlealngar. John F Sinnott, Lf#o Stain, |,awta i. fdraue. Uemjamln J. Rugarman, H. Stacy Smith. Fred O. Stlckal, W E. Slearna, L l{ (lolding

F- C. Tltiwnrih. K C. Van Xturan, Lawrence C W'ard. E. T. Ward. A. R Ward. O L Walngartan. A. M. Wood­ruff, F H Hlmoneon. Adolph Augan- bJIck. Thninai Allavpp, Fred W. Ball, Amal Berla, Nat C Bllder, H. A Bon- nelU Wllllani Conway. Robert H. Cor- niah, F J Crawford. (!Yiar1ee Cameron. John C Campbell, A. J. CoaaoHne, Jo- •eph V Clark, Jeronaa T. Congleton.

loeonard Drayfuee. Harold Dennia, Jamaa I^eertn, W H Euia, Stanley T Glaner. Abe falet. Rabbi and Mra. Solo­mon Foeler, Owen R. Fo». l,ou1a L. Friedman. Cltrance Flaher. Karberl Gay. Arthur J, Hardl, ("Tiirlea M. Henry, Uorrii Harbei. Michael Hollander. Sid­ney T. Holi, Dr W. o. Hanrahan. A. r . lleniler, H H. Harriaon, ('harlea B. Johnee. John Joyce. Louie Kamm, JoMpli K arrekla Jerome Lehman. Philip Llndeman. Frank I LIveHght. John J. Connolly, Jonn c. McEnroe, Elmer K Seaton. Oliver Randolph

Mre W B. SInnock, Mra. Emanuel Bellman. Miaa Muriel Daweon. Mlaa Agnaa (Yarrlgen, Mra VFrRmrd I Ham­ilton. Mre. T he^ere E. llaydan, klra Cheater R Hoag. Mra. A, T^mbert. Mra. William L Morgan Mre. T U Morton. Mra A L Me>are. Mre Victor Peraon* net. Mra B J. Quinn. Mra E. A. Reuaa. Mlee c«rrl* RolK. Mre John Slniiotl. Mra Joaeph lY. Spurr. Mre Sigmund L. Htfrn, Mre. Jamaa Turnbull. Mra Henry D Walker end Miee Agnea Duffy

■peakere at A rm ory M oollp g,The apeakera at the maaa meeting

VIonday nlghi will he Commander Eva Booth of Ihe Aalveiinn Army, Blahop P. J MuMooti vf Nee York, head of tha National Catholic War Council, and Loula Marthall of New York, a lawyer Interaated tn the work of lha Jawlah Welfare Board. Mayor (iHlan will pra- ■ ld« and niuaU' will be given hy (he Catholic C'holr, (he Nailonal Staff Band of the Balvailon Army, which hae been In France, and (ha New Jaraey K llllai Pipe Band.

A call to epeed up iha work dn the gtata and an appeal for an ovW-eub- ■crlptlon w ii leeued Uat night by Or. John R Mott, national director of tha campaign. C>utllnlng plapt calling for greater activity among the eavan allied erganlaatlona a t thla pre-armliittca pa- Hoa. ha aaya:

“It la our onitad concluclon fhat wo matter how near Ihe beginning of per* menent peace may be. the long period of drmobllliallon end the period which will precede damobllliellon will preeent greater need than ever for the aervloo o*f (he leven co-operating organUatlona, and therrfere (hat (he requeaied over* •ulwcrlpiloti of fifty per i-eni 1e moat ne^’eaaary. Our edvleore of the Ameri­can army and navy concur In fhle judg­ment. 1 have conferred on (he aubject with Ihe War Department and Preel- dent Wlleon. and they etrongiy empha- i lte tha naed and Importance of thla

ork for the period following the caa- aailon of hoetllltlea."

A meeting In the Intareet of the campaign wae held yeeterdey at the freight atallon of the Penneylvanla Railroad In River atreel by (he eighth dlatrlet Indueirlal commlltee, under the chalrmanahlp of John I*. Yloegland. Rev J. n. Clark epoke and Hlee Mar* gratia ItouemaTi. eoprann. aeng. Thoee on the committee are Mra Du- hrow Llndenmatm. Mile Zita Byrneg Mlaa Marian Keefe. R. A. Cooper and r A. phiiiipi.

Nrgeeaa te Teke Artive Fart,Colored people of the city and etate

will take an acllve part In the cam* palgp. Oliver Randolph la chairman of (he cUy committee and C. H. Bullock, eecretary of the colored Y. M. (‘. A. In Montclair will have eupervielon over Ihe elate forcea. Aaalating In the cUy will he Dr. William H. Waahlngton, Rav. fcL E. Rieka, iwetor of Bethany Baptlat Church; Dr. William H. Oreen. J H. K. Scotland. Rev. t(. K. Spearman, paator of st. Jamea'a A, M. E. Church;

lAhilng Nevlua Mra Eugene Greg­ory and Rev. J. K. A Johng paetor of SI. John # Methodlat Rapicopal Church. I'ompoaing the etate organlmatlon ara Dr W. H. Sutherland of Oranga. chair­man of (he executive committee; Chair* man Randolph of the city commlltee. Merctary; Dr. George E. Cannon of Jereev l*Ky. fTofeeeor T. fkiward K in­ney nf Trenioi) end Dr H. Ballou of Montclair Thie committee expecia to (Mine 9T*,#i' D In (ha itatU-

Action to prevaat tha apaedlng of trolley eara la Eagle Rock avenue, eapectally at the Franklin avenue turn, where accldenta have occurred, ^ae taken laet night by the Weat Orange Town Council. Tha police committee waa Inalructed (o a rrta t pr aummon the motormen driving reckleaely • to appear In the Town ^olloa Court

Favors Capital Puiushment for Von Tirpitz and Other Germans

Capttifc] punlehm«n( for Von Tlrplta ae ' the L'-boat murderer*' and a like diapoaitlon of the caaea of German gen- eraU who have been guilty of compar­able Crimea on land waa urged yeaier- day afternoon In the B ait Orange High School by William S tarr Myara of rrtneeton. He aald he regarded tha Kalcer not aa the arcb*orlnilnal and therefore preaoribed for him commit­ment to Bt Helena.

The opinion# were given la anawer to a queetlon. '*What ahall we do with the Kaleer**' following the Bret of a ae- rlce of all taika be le to give on cur­rent event* under the auapicea of the Women# Guild of ('alvary Methodlat Eplecopal <*hurch. Baal Orange Aa audience of 104 heard him dlaruaa the war altuallon and the problema of ra* conatructlon, which he characteriaed aa gigantic.

"Thla government la going to glVBitThthe term* that Ihe people demend and It will know exactly what public opin­ion la," explained Profeaaor Myera In anawer to another queatlon. “Public Opinion, which la more Important than (ha vote, 1* really tha thinking of a vo* clferoui minority^ who aucceed In Im- preaalng their view* on the heade of the government They watch and ai- certaln thoa* viewa

“T ehould like to ee# (he Allied peace............................ ellli - -conference In Verealllea, and I ihoyM

like lo eee a certain perton eummoned there—’WlllUm the Damned'—to give up hi* tword. and 1 believe the man who ehould be choeen to receive it ihould be King Albert of Belgium '

Jitney Driver, Accused of Racing, Fined in Irvington Police Court

Arraigned before Recorder Turton In the Irvington Police Court 1a*t night on e charge of racing In Clinton avenue, that town. Loula HarHe, * Jltneur of 4I Fifteenth avenue, thi* city, we* fined 910 Another bue driver. Benjemln Goldfarb uf IJl Prince eireet, ihle city, wae arreated on (he aame charge, but declilon wa* raaerved In hla caie owing to the ebeenre of (he complaining offi­cer. Sergeant Meyer, who 1* 111.

Ooldfarb waa fined |14 on another charge, however, the complaint In thie race being made by TrafDc Policeman Flnnlgan, who alleged that Goldfarb wae fighting on the etreet with Max Jorrt of 429 Sprlugfleld avenue, ihle city, elao a jitney driver. The finci were paid.

Another Jltneur. Frank SIrata of 114 Badger avenue. thI* city, who waa arreited Wedneeday by policeman Pullman on a charge of reckleee driv­ing. waa al*o fined 914 by the recorder.

Irvington Police Begin Work In United War Fund Campaign

r a '« ,* .M si


—**■ «-r—‘ •- “ T-trWf rmtfic iw « « «Kk Mayima « r i« i YB««m

M M r , «M ( l4 i lU W lU v rO-r

iv io i « i






Mr, William A. Oay w a, appolnlid (a n ra lv , bpok, and maaaainra fnr the Cnilid War Work eampalan aa a r*pr,- untallv* of Iba Tra—I,ra' Club a t ih« r ifu U r fortnlrhtly ma«lln( hold y „ - iird ,] ' In th , bom, of Mrn. Btnlamlii P. Hurd, ol Parfcar atraal. Mutir ru o rd , for H>ldl,ra will b , rM altid for Ihr club by Mre. J. Irvlna Vori

Talk, and papdfa on Saatlla. tha city (ludlid aa lha day'a proaram. war* |lv ,n by Sira. K. T. Ifaion, Hri. I'hartei C. ThompMn. Mra Oaorc* B Boyd, Mra. b' A. Dudley and Mra. 0 ,o r ( a H. Pep­per

Th, meetlBB a t Noramber SI will b* ,1 lb* bom* of Mra. Cbarlaa E. Brid,.

Mr,. Howard B. l in t or l ie L ab, etr«,t *nl,rtalaad yaatarday a t Ihe opanlnf m eelinf of the aeaaoti ot the Curtomle Club, tha two proeleua maet- ince for Ootobar h a -Ia ( baan omitted bacauie ot the Influepa* epidemic.

Camp Fires Near White House As War Work Campaign Opens

WASHINGTON. Nov. » (»> ,—Forty. eight rmmp fjre#~«ne for each a ta ta lu

A'lthough the United W ar Work cup- palgn dnaa not afctclglly a tart until midnight tomorrow, the drive wga actually launched In Irvington today when membera of the Police and Fire department* obta1n*d a*v*r*l hundred dolltra from motorl*!* pe#*lng through the town. Aa th* vehicle* approached tha traffic Hand In the bualpeea cegtei Ihe d riven were tr^o rtu n ed for aub- acrlpilon* and In almoat every cna« the ntotorlet dug up a dollar and received In return a paater for (he machiii*, de- holing they had aubacrlbed to (he fund.

Mayor Kdward R Folaom, who la a member of the Irvington executive commlltee waa an Interaated apectator moat of the morning and when the ve­hicle* came tou faai for the uniformed men to handle, lie lent hie xaelitgnce Mr. Folaom aald he expected *ub#cr1p- Hon# from thin aource alone would probably reach |9,400.

Mechanics and Helpers Strike At Swift fit Co. Plant, Kearny

Mechanic* and helpar* a t th* Swift A Co. plant In Kearny went on atrlke th li morning for more pay. Between eighty and ninety men ar* out. Th«:y made their demand for extra money Wedneeday, when they were told that headquarter# lu Chicago would firet hiva to be roniotted. and that a da- rlHon would ba forthcoming today.

Thla morning (he mechanic* were ad- vleed that they would receive more mone/y but the Increaae wg* not lu ac­cord with ihair demand The helper* wer# Informed that (heir ca*e would receive coiiHideratlon later. The men then conelodad to ttap work.

Wed Six Weeks Ago, Irvington Girl Dies in Hospita] from Pneumonia

Fof CooitDgtioii C a iW su ^ e

UfarPilbwin aet you right

over n ii^ tfv raly V«f«takl«

C u b r ’iI n o F llb

B w nDr. EdwardT Olive Trisfet* Get

«t the Cause and Raeove ItDr. lihnrti'OUraTaMx tha BobMl-

tota (arcalooNtactfraltroatbabavria


do tba mrk. Mota tfflftfil wItb bid bnatb And

nliaf tbroDfb Dr. Edmrda* TablatE<- Tba

, « abv tU arbo kooir tbaa.

Dr. BdwacW Oliva TbUels act •lattr bat innly ob tba booda and Hvar, adnudattel Oiain to aotonl odion, deating m blood and lenttr pirifriiw tba antlra onlciB. They do that wiilcb danf troua calooNl doea wtttoot my ol UM bad altar cffacto.

AH tba bathriha et naaty. # f1f >b»g. fripiai cafhartfca ora dattrad from Dr. EdisiBW OUve Tabiata without griphifc {mIb or anv dlaatraaabla aSacta.

Dr. F. 11. Bdwirda diacovarad tba fonsida altar aavantaen scare ol prac­tice amcag potiiota afflktad witb bowel and Ihrer compliliiL wSb tba atteodmt bid bfUdL

Dr. BdwsnW Ottvs Tbfalsts ars ptvdy a vagttabla oempoond mfamd with diva cQ; roa w ll knOT them br tbdr oSva color. Tika ona ar two avarr night for a weak and note dia aSoct. lOcandSik: parbML AUdrogglata. —Advert l**ni#Bl for Otfva TabM Cs.


A brId, of i l l w ,,k i . Sin. J in n t , Polmir Prltohird, w ll, of Frank Pritfh .rrt of F to rm c, .v ,nu«, Iriln* -■ nil. dl*d ■■it n tth t In Bt H lrha .r* HoipKi'l from pniumonla. Bh« w a. r , - mov*d lo ih« ho ip lt.l W odniiday. An■ lint of th . d*.d woman, J |lH H .rl* M cllriray. ilM of th , Flor,nco a,«nu* ■ddrt««, I. Mrlouily HI with tho i.n i* m.I.dy.

Mra Pritohard, whOM m .rr i.a * took r i .r a Boptimbor 14. w .o . d .u th t* r of Mr. ind Mra. V.UntIno P .ltn .r of Irv­in (ton. R«*ld*i har p a r tn t . ah* Ik tu r- V l„d by . ilito r, Mri. J. Elwood l l t u . - n*r nf IrvInBton, and two brethtra,4JO'

ph P ilm .r, itM of th . t town, and l .l ,u i ,n .n t H a th Palmar o t th , oflfeor*’ Khoot al Fon Bill, Okl*.

ProTleu* to h .r m .rr i .g a N n . Priioh.rd w ii •mploy.d .■ a baok- k ,* p ,r by L Bombortor a Co. Bka waa promln,nt1y Id.ntlflad with tbo »o- tlvllloo of the Bacond E a fa n n ^ Church, IrrlTiBlon, and har daatk raina a . . ahock to bar many frianda. Fu- naret aarvlraa will ba eonduetad Mon­day aflarnoen from th i undartaklng parlor of Harry W. Da via, IS Union avanua, In togton.

YoongMcoUie CationTaPiovotBildDtti

Tba cauae ot pretnaion btldpeaa b ufcally dandniS. Shampooa witb Cuticura Soap and bot water followed

occajionil dreaiinga of Cuticura intmrnt do much to remove the

worn dandruff, allay iichin| and irri- II ink hair.ution and arrtat fall ing I


Look at Tongue! Remove Polaow from Stomach, liver and


Acr«y( "(.'■IlftirnlA" Nyrup #f Flii #Dly -I'leok for tU* lusme CeiiforMl# ## lh« p*''k-■f#, th»n /on *r* #ure your rMlit li h#v- (■t 111* b««t eisd inokt kirmleaa l*utjb>e AT phyelc for ih* IKd# klomarh, llv*r en! kewei*. Chlldrci) leva Ua d«ltclea». fruity t*#(#. Full dir#cl1onk for child'* do** r»i •*<ih UfsUi*. (Jtv* It wl(h#ti( r#«r-*Ad* vvr(.l##mvD( f#r ttrrup Flf# t'o.

i m E - J i n n iR 'M IlIIIB !

GmJ Decle As to Pi


i ;

It Soothes anff Relieves Like a Mustard Fhater Without

the Bum or Sdng i ftKwola ii a cleaa, vddta dobnent,

mode with the cO of moataid. Itdoaaau Iba work of the dd-faihlooed moatatdrimlir dnaiitbattatanddowiiothUa- iar. Yon do not have to b

CHURCH ORGANIZATIONSTha twauly>thlrd annual Ynaatlni for

lha raadlne a t raaarta a f tba Haldalbarg Guild of tha Ctlptan Avanua Baformad Chirch win ba baM Slaaday aftarnoon In Iba hotna a t tka atoaMant. Mra. John 0. Eippal, ST JahnMU avuwua.

# • •A rummaga l i l a will ba eonduetad

n a it E rldar a n l k a io rd o f a t i t Bail,, villa, avanua by tha Datnawaaa tJulld of tba araabpury af Mavryk fa r tba bana. fit a t the DaManaaa Um ia Donatiana tar tha aala WIU ba raaalvai a t tha abava addraaa ViMindar f r a n i« uatii i a'alaek. J

* * *Offlaare aad taaehara a t ML Plaaaant

Baptist Cburab Sahtal atoatad a t tbair a a a i i a l a i a a ^ laat a ig b i tb a tallawina afflaata: gbpaflasaaiaat, J aaiaa Ciwa:

■ " eaaaaaritraaourar,

I jM iap wmaata iaa iaa t.Mwatd

brings cheer snd comfort “t o m oT Y ir. A coffee drinkr er who wants Nsoorfeebut ^ s n 't drink rk because he knows ThetoofFee hu rts hint


Mrs. Leo Saviyc Diei; Husband And BrothcMU-Uw Impravin*

Mra. Susan Bavaga, wifa of r ira m a a Laa gavaaa o t l i t Vallay road, w aat Oranga, diad tbta law iilng a t S t Mary's Haapltal, Oranga, of vaauaiaBla fallow­ing Inttaania. Mr. Savage is III a t tba kaopiui wlib tba aaaaa dlaaeob but la raaavartng. HI4 bralhar, w illiam A. Savage, wba la a aaaaly oaurt offiaar, la alsa raeavtHbg frwlB laflaaaia. An- atbar bratkar. Nlabaal Savaga^ rsoaatlt disd a f pnaameala tollaw lag a raacua af twa waman fraaa Sraaek S raakT ark taka, and thair laaUMf. M n. Mlehaal io v tga , h ta baek tea III w iu p lea rlir la ba taM af altbar Oaalb.

Mra Laa lavage waa bora m O raagt tb lrty-aaa ysars a g a Ska laavaa tbraa ahHdraa. .

I eg M ales Meeaw.

r f i9 tro k iv ^ ^ .-3 2 ^ JSoi*' ' ■ - V a ia ifkk wbb ddM WaiamjCsg gl

I1S1 li«SM7Ma*ark after tbraaVaatoP Ulnaaa tsa« gaatiaiMila waa WMglitbare tadar far burial, Iba faaaibl W«a bald fvaai fL »aaafc»i>ataB ftaUidlla

yaara of aga Saeliai Wa wtto ha lf aurvIvM ^g^ fatiwr, MatUufr. I and tba fa


botto whb s ctotk Yen ailiyir n # U ob—n d tMuaUy ttfp #aft|D aal

ManTdettore tad mnre ne Muattf- Ma a d laoomiatnd It to thair paUanto

Thaw will gladtv Iril pea what raliaf ■ lIvaaMm r atlC i


f ft

No Infotmatic What Shipr


Lghting R

Beyond ih* (#1 4*y by 8tx(* Fu (f)*OB anuounein! (on Ih #11 llK S toxL no(hlna hi ltH*rpr*(atlou of whf»]«#tle nor r- (Fun morning would apply to A M on Nov*I would epply finl th# mines since

Further i.ntiOi day (h it c#i ' llxhtlSB# nl#hi b«ccmte *ff*cllvi t r r lL In this I In Ih# K#kt ih particulnrly (o i #nd *(nr# wlm Ilfhtsd hertefl# optn for bijiin* ('lo*#il. hnwev#r lumln«(lon of tl Hereiofor# M hi to Hahr window #p#n for bu*!h#s

W nimg lu w *11 r# i-hsTf# I ' (oT( xltow rd lo 1 rlftpendent" ri>k1 Mr Jenklhkoti m (he sglr# f-hftr FrflViog* confer had re*ul(ed In months kffo thn(ge (*ken off <wi

U w#a poirife Uil# # ilr* ch*ri ro«l will tiM ■ (hen "compeny" (h# innounoem n#w pfire inrrs on th# b#«lk Alm##ilc anthrucl ex lri for lmi«p< r#n!# eddMIoni #ea(*r« for Johb

Discuss Wa And Amt

^V^p!e Terlmn *pen meetif^Xpre\ lou*l> *MH( purlrninl of Thi irk . wefft undi gl the forlnlghl tounrll Th# o cheri# nf (h* Mrp Robert K 'U*(#r*. (he ri man. who t# # rouni) for (he TA'xr Induitrl##

A l#u#r from (he lnduitrt*i I

R(er* erkriov of memberii (o on Wkjie Meclj In ■•'corHinr# (h# hturd. Ur hid (#)#grcph* the oraanlietio porienr# of nvllhnut ref#r#T

■ rr*nTu#i#d In Th# h it of T

gl f1l#d #t Wa# with (h« orfen Mayor b«ini # followf Thom of N#tlon*l r># Am#rlr#n F#H# W. 0 #htn. N#w Mlii Gfar# Mroqnrll, DlTi.Welfer# romil Federal Bo#rd M n K. Gerflal mlltf# of Won Nellonal D«f*n born#, Nedon* end Prleofi Hs Boerd of Trcdi vedon AnTiy; Mr#- Ku#bl#r, Cnntemporery dor# E- H*yd#r

Influenza He PncuDioni

F*v*nty-a,v, war* report* a Iwanty-four h< a o r , than hull port*a yaatardi r*porl«4 today aombar. In pla yaatarday. Inf from fittM o throa m or, pn today than ya was fiva

Cemmanllng Health Offloar h* r«m,mb*r,t yrar always la tneldanra and and that tha al ftuanaa ramal was no reaao racrudasranca Ih , winter.

Striking Toi Monday

B lrtk ln r Jotparted to ralu lowlnc aeille tnembara of t aoelatlon. In and to the prantad all dfl of th , union.

Th* alrlke. ' waakA was fi i-raaat In wac Imum waa« o hour workin* aartod that it oattlad at an tha union had ona of tha I t r

C N. Boll union, today upon tho mi Mayor no a h agnam ent wl

Summit R« Of Driv

Qaoraa J. N mlL was arralay In tha Ftra ehargod withblla whila uncton atraata la Iloamaa VillaBargaoa ClarMdBall, and ifluanoa ot dri aaktd for anwhich waa gr

Eaaehad b]w| ttawthormpfltraoon, Bubargt made

Mr*. PobMra A. k. I

bigb soboula aftanaftarnoon apt APMoiatlan a natlonalo^W ■todaata fro •aoUan of Uf gattlag aos a ■aibsiMdiai

Aboatodoa msbidad to tJ


gaaaaa ftai Mayer Oil

maiabarifctopaiiatad Sa id w ba.sB tar < Tba aawMiHi

ftaora w avb M iH ito toM

S . ' .. ‘ i f ' .. V ■ %

■ ■ ■ • ■:.y ^'- ' j w - r >

-T *


iP i l l si*Imm«I

m'abteta Getmove It», tfai mbtU* M th tb o v ito

1 tmcth And}r. BdmieMMtir ted teMthM act MMtT Jt lo d Aver, tv n i action, ntljr purUying to wUcb wttboot any

*y.tvad from Dr.tlwut: o r a r a d i t eetn of pne- flUctad with a t, with t t e

ela a n p a n ly ted with oUn by th d r o l in w y night (or. Uc and 2Sckdv4rtle«m«Bl


IflS”XATIVEore Poiaow rerand




i e( rifi ehl l« eti ihe r rh t l f f !■ h a v ' rinleae le u U v** la rh , l i ver and lettrleni i . f r u i t y rhfid'a doe# nt lotit fe a r — Ad* rtt^ r»t rif* *'o.

U .

m .

me like aWithoutStingMta otnhmnLad. Itdoeaall oned muatanl IdoMnotbU batte r with a (H-and uoually% vn hbM t^tfirpfttieotiaI WM n M II / wCfakl%crou| r

GmJ Dealen UndeddedAs to Price Application

No Infoniutioa Recciyed as to What ShipnenU Shall Take

New Increases.ate----

Lghting Restrictions Eaiiei

B e y o n d lh a te la g r r a m r t c e i t e d y ea te r * d a y by B t a i a F u e l A d m l M i t r a t o r J a n k - (r iaon a n n o u n e l n f a n In i ' r a A a a o f 91 Ot a Ion in a l l a la ia o f d o m a a i i o a n t h r a c i t e t e a l , n o t h i n g haa b ea n r a o a l v e d aa an i M a r p r a i i t l o n o f t h e n e w o r d e r . N a U h e r ' w h o le a a la n o r m a i l d e a l e r * t ^ou ld aay Ih iB m o r n l n f w h a t h a r t h e t n c r a a ie w o u l d a p p l y t o a l l c o a l ao ld a lo e * 1 A U on N o v e m b e r i o r W h e t h e r U w o u l d a p p ly o n l y t o c o a l a h lp p e d f r o m t h e m ln a e elnce l h a i d a te .

F u r t h e r a n t io u n o e t n e n i w'aa m a d e t o ­d a y t h a t c e r t a i n r a a t r l c t l o n a on ' l l g h l le e a M l a h i u ' b a d b ee n U f t a d , la baconte a f f a c U v a n e t c M o n d a y . N o v e m ­b e r IL In t h i s i t a l e a n d c e t ' t a l n o ih e r a In ih e K a a i i h a o e i « r h e a r e /a re n c a p a r t i c u l a r l y to I b a l l l u m l t i a l l o n o f abop an d i t n r e w i n d o w * T h a a e m a y ha l i f h i * d h e re a M e r . p r o v i d e d t h e a to r e l i open f o r bua inaaa. VV'hari l h a a to r a la cloaed. h n ^ e v a r . i b a r a m u a t be no II- lu rn l r> a flnn o f t h e w i n d o w a o r e i t e r i n r H e r e i o f o r e M haa n o t b e a n p e r m la a lb le t o Mghr w i n d o w # e v e n I f t h e a to ra was open f o r b u a ln e a i

W r i t i n g lu W a a b i n g t o n t o aaa i f (be a i l r a i h a r g e i f i e \ r n i y - f i v e c e n t ! a ( o T t a l t c m e d to d e a le r # In a o * r a 1le d '^ In - d e p e n d r n r ' cua l bad y * t b ee n rem oved . M r J e n l i l n a o n w a a i n f o r m e d t o d a y t h a t in e a a i r a c h a r g e w a# a l l i l a l l o w e d t ' r e v l o u a e n n f e r a n r e a In V l ' a e h l n f t o n bad r e a u l ta d In th e a n n o u n c e m e n t aomc m o n l l iA ago t h a t t h t a d l f f e r e i M l a ) w o u ld he t a k e n o f f ot i { j t a p ta m b a r 1

U wae p o i n t e i l o u t t o d a y t h a t w i t h t i l l # e i i r a c h a r g e a l l o w e d in d a p a n d a n t rs ia l V i l ] l i iM a e i l f o r | I a t u n m ore t h a n ’ ’c o m p a n y " <oa] ao ld f o r p r i o r to the a n n o u n c e m e n t y e a t e r d a y o f t he n e w p r ic e in c re a a a a T h N I t f i g u r e d o n the b a a i r o f t t OA a d v a n c e on do* m a tU C a n t h r a c i t e , * e v a n t y * f i v e ca n t * e a t r a f o r i n d a p e i u la n t c o a l a n d t w e n t y r a n t # a d d i t i o n a l a l l o w e d I n d e p e n d e n t d e a l t r v f o r Jo b b e r* ' r n m m l t a l o n a

Discuss Waste Reclamation And Americanization Plans

^Va* le T e c la in a t l o n a n d p l a n * f o r the apen m e e t i n g o n ’' A f n a r l r a n l i a l l o n . " p r e \ l o u * ] > a n i i o u r i i e d b y t h e r U i c d e ­p a r t m e n t n f T h e t ' o n i a m p o r a r y o f N e w ­a r k . w e re u n d e r d lacuaa lo rs y a a te rd a y a t the f o r t n i g h U y m e e t i n g n f t h e c iv i c c o u n c i l T h e o pe n m a a t l n g w i l l t a In c h a r g e o f t h e d e p a r t m e n t c h a i r m a n , b t ra R o b e r t K a e b l a r . a n d Mra , M IL W a ta ra . t h * c l u b * ra< a m a t l o n c h a i r ­m an. w h o ta a ia p c h a i r m a n f o r E a a e i r o u n l ) fe-ir the a p e c la l o o m m l t i e a o f the W a r I n d u i t r l e a B o a r d

A l e t t e r f r o m I>r E S t a g g W h i t In o f t h e I n d u i l r t a a b o a r d w a a r e a d by Mra. W a t e r * a c k r i o w ( e d g i n g r e c e i p t o f a l i l t o f m en ib e re f o r t h e p ro p o a e d ( ' o u n ^ l l on W a i t e M e c la m a t lo n t o be orgmnlaed In a e c o rd a n ra w i t h I n i t r u r t l o n a f r o m ' the b(»art1 U r W h i l l n a l e * a ta ta d ha had t e le g r a p h e d M a y o r Q l l l a n to ca l l (he o r g a n l i a t t o n m e e t i n g p o r ta n c e

Grittenlon Mission Has Its First Tag Day Here

Workers on Streets Making Effort to Raise $2,000 for Support

of Newark Home.

National Head Talks for Cause

M e e t in g w i t h a g e n e r o u t r **ponae • ro m the publU*. t h e lo- a l b r a n c h n f the N a l in n a i F lo r e n c e t ' r i t t e n t o n H . *e l« n I* i c o n d u c t i n g t o d a y i t * ( i n i " t a g day i ■ ve r he ld In I h l " \ u i n l l y a n d w iU ^ iO U - , U n ua U i e f f o r t * d u r i n g th e even in g b o u t * to r a l e * IJ.OOO, o f w h i c h e l l s ■ he u*ed d i r e c t l y f o r ( h a a u p p u r t o f t b * N e w a r k hom e « l 72$ M t I ' l e a e a n i a^#• hue.

A e i i * ( l n g (h a " t a g g a r * ' la U r K a i * ^^'a l le r B a r r e t t , p r « * ld « » ' t o f i h a nw- UonaJ o r g a n l i a K o n . w h o Li g i v i n g a e a r lM o f t a l k a In t h i a v i c i n i t y on the m i i e io n 'a w o r k H a a d q u a r t e r e f o r i l i * day and e v e n in g h a v e been e e ia h l l i h a J a l '7 6 B r o a d e t r a a t a n d a t noon a l l w o r k a r e w e re a a r v a d w i t h lu n c h e o n a l one o f t h e l a f a i a r l a a n e a r H rnad and M a r k e t i t r e e la .

T ho a* d i r e c t i n g t h e c o l l r c l l o n f r o m the h e a d q u a r t e r a I n c lu d e M r i J'>e«ph F Fo lsom . M ra . C h a r l e a P v ondSt. M r»H E C a ld w a l l , M ra W i l l i a m F U u tc l ic r , Mra M y r o n W M o rs e , M r * ^t■|! l lam fJ F lo re nce . M la a K A M< f .eod and M r r H A. T re e n a . c h a i r m a n o f t he h n u M G o m m lU a * o f ( h a lo c a l hem e Mrs T reane and M ra J o h r i F in c h c a ie r a re a lso d o n a t i n g t h e use .. f t h e i r c s r i f o r a i t a n a i v e w o r k t h r o u g h o u t t he r t i / .

W om an and g i r l * f r o m the local ch u rc h e s a n d w o m a n a o r g a n U a t i o i i i re- aponded t o t h e c a l l f o r l a g g e r e and wa re J n a i ru c ie d In ( h a w o r k at a spe ­c ia l m a a t i h g h e ld y e a l e r d a y a ' l e r n o o n In t h * h e a d q u a r t e r b

A i s l a l l n g as c a p t a i n * w h o a re d i r e c t ­in g the w o r k o f t h e c o l l e c t i n g a r» M r# H o w a r d V a n d e r p o u l . n a t l o t i a l e a iena lou a t c r e i a r y f o r t h e m la a l o n , M rs A lb e r t B Sheppard . Mra . F A Hi h r m i r k a r p raa iden t o f t h e lo c a l h o a r d . Mra. F r a n k H o l t , M r a M a e H tu m p p . aupar- I h te n d e n t o f t h e N e w a r k h o m e , M r * £ l ' H tana bacA a n d o t h e r s . ^

U r a RI tumpp. w h o is a g r a d u a t e of t he N a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g F l o r e n i e I ' r l l - ( r n t o n M l * a lo n H c h o o l a t W a a h ln g to n , w i l l a p *A k T u e a d a y In I n te r e s t o f the local w o r k a t C e n t e n a r y M e th o d is t E p ia r o p a l I ' h u r c h a n d

Grammar School Relay Won by Robert Treat

Israel Zeckhausen Is First to FU^h Across the Finish Lne at the

City Hall.

Winners Lead Al! the Uay

I s r a e l / . » v k h * u a e n o f ih e R o b e r t T r e a tSohiiul t h i s i i i o r h t n g f la s h e d g c r o * * the I h a a w i i . i v e r In i t i e g r a m m a r a rh o n ] re la y rae-e. h e ld u n d e r the d l r s r t l o n n f W a l l e r E Sh ' r t n f l h a i>h> a y a a l^ e i l u ra - t i u n d e p a r t m r i i o f t h e N e w a r k p u b l i c schoo l* . T h r i - i i l r y l i s t o f m o r * th a n lh>U In c lu d e d r e p r e t ^ h l a t l v t * f r o m a l -

a v e r ) g r a m m a r ac hoo l in (he r l l y 1‘e n t r a l Si hf..>l gisi se ro n d pla<-e A vn n

t h i r d , W a M i: r \d f o u r t h a n d B u r n e t f i f t h tN 't lh ih e e s c a p U o n o f lh a w l H ’nef . m oa i o f t he n i h a r la ds f ln l a h a d In r io ea o r d e r

Th e n a n - f t h e ra ce w a s a t ( h e en-( ra n e e n f U r e u u d t i i ' P a rk and t h e f > la h ln g U n a s ’ < • i i y

bu i td ren l<hi^ • i i y h a l l w h e re ae c •

a ra l bu i td ren l s h s re tho ) * Lined the a t e p i I Z e i k h a u a p n * t im e , u n o f f i c i a l , w a s H* 1 m i n u t e * f l a ‘ I t w as * le a in r e la y r * ' e . I each b o y r u n i ^ l u g *l>ou( IT& y a r d *

(hkt l?i. a nd f a r In

The vital Im- of rom lnutng all activities

Ithou! reference to psac* fnove* waa srcsriTuaied In It

The list nf mtmbara of the council, as filed at Washington by Mrs Waiara. with the organltfllions reprcaantad. the Msyor baing a member ax-offlcto, la aa follow* Thomas U Raymond, t ’ouncll nf National Ttefensa: Hsnry F. Hllfsra. American Federation of Labor, Mra. O W. tiahln. Newark Rad C ro u (.'haptar, Mips Grace M O’Roiirka, Catholic War rognrll. Mrs. .Charles Hood. Jesrtsh Welfars Conimmas; Carl Ba^nwart. Federal Board of Farm Orggntaatloai; Mri. E. Garflsi^ (llffofd. MayoCa Com- mKtao of Woman of Ihs Council of KatlonsI Dsfanao. Judge Harry V. Os­borne. Naltonal Coromliias on Prlaoni and Prison Reform; Jam s# M. BaMly, Board of Trade. Major David HtIU. Ral- vallon Army: Mrs. L. H. Robbins and Mrs. Kuablsr, awHh Mra Waters. The Cnntemporarr df N ewark. Mra Theo­dor* E- Hsydsn. T- W, C, A.

K o b e f t T r r a t ' s (■*>* g o t o f f i u a ' I ng S t a n , a n d l - r f i s ra (he race h*r t p ro g re a a e d ve rs fa r K i h I hoo l h a d * r o m r n a n d in g le ad i f i l m i i i 20U y a r d " H o h e r l T r r a t n ia i i a g e d 1.. r e ta in m a r g i n o f s d ' a n l a g r a l l the ws> Z .ackh*uaen h r a a a ie d t i l# (ape a d v a n c e o f t h e secon d m an

H ldney l«asaer, coach a l R o b e r t T r e a t , la an o ld T h l r t a e n l h A v e n u e Hchoo l a l h - i s le T h e r n a m h e r * o f t h * w ln iU n g team and the o r . t e r I n - w h i c h th e y r a n are I ’h a r le s K i i b e r a t e l n . U e o r g # W i n t e r * , t l e o r g a T r y l . a l u * . N a t K a u f m a n , N a ­po leon M o l l g n a i i Joeeph r . r e c i i s l a l n . . V n r r l * I . e i l . e r m a n Har» -er l K a r g J * - s ln a k y . IM h red !> re in a , W i l l i a mR o s s e t t i . I ’ s n G o r s k y . H ie ln . H a r r y S m i th . Juhi> F l n i i l g a n and Z a c k h a u s e h .

Appropriation Is Made For Road Improvement

OrdiMiKf Department GronU Re­quest lor $21,000 to Repair Road Below Perth Amboy.

Will Be Part of State System

A r r s n g a m e t i i # f o r o n e o f ^ h a r a o i t I m p o r t * n ! r o * d im p r o v e m a p i a t h a t h * v e boa n n tade in N *w Jaraoy a ln c a (h a ad- v a m o f t h * a u t o m o b i le w a r e c o n * u m - m a te d i h l * s e e k . w h an , a t l h a b e h s s i o f t h * h l g h w a v * ( r a n s p o r t e o i f i m l U a e o f N e w J a r * * ' • ornpo*ad l a r g e l y o f M o- l o r T r u c k <^hib o f N e w J a r a s y m e m b a r a t h e W a r I t e p a r t m e h l . t h r o u g h t h e O rd - n s n r * l ^ p s r i m e n l . g r a n t e d a n a p p r o - p r i a l l o n o f 1.1 OOO to b u i l d a n a w ro a d f r o m l i t * i i g l h a r t i e n d o f t h e b r id rga l o i i i i e c i i n g I ' e r l h A tn b o y a n d S o u th A m h i iv tn f i o r d a n l o w n a v e n u e In t h * l a t t e r p la . ' * T h e r o a d Is to b s b u i l t

f l n l a h a d f r o m th e

as * w a r m easure , a * i l Is a b a o lu t s l y necaaaar t ' In o rd e r i n c o n t i n u e t h e n io t o r t M j t k i n g o f aup p l l as a n d i n A ip r l n ; t h ; * w l n t t r (n a n d g o v r n i f i* r i l lo a t l l t ig p l a n t s a t M o r g a n h t a t i o n

T h * r o a d c o v e n a d la ta n c e o f ( w o m i l * * and w h a n t l l* r e p a i r e d w i l l co m -

a i t r a l s h i s i r a t c h h a r d m e m f r o m N e w a r k t'« (he s h o r t l o c a l ­i t i e s o f Red Rank, l ^ o n g B r a n c h arid A s h u r i T i i r L T h i * s t r e t c h , w h i c h w a * o f g r a s e l n-Tmtiui'MCHi, a f id a b o u t the w o r s t p i e r * i h o r o u g h f a r e In t h t P la t * h a * (•<‘ **1 a n i la a in g l i n k In N a w . le ree ’i * goo i l r u e d * K w i l l b r i n g j i b o u t the elWTiU»ai|on o f t h # n o t o r l o u t " h o l e 111 the w a l l a t u n n e l u n d e r lh a

Iva - . ia R n i i f o a d at I h * e M r a n c a to K m j ih t h * p r i v a t e r i g h t o fw a y o f t he R e n n i y h a n l a , r u n n i n g p s r - al J*l . L e in g aciopted f o f I h # ne w r o u t e In s ie a d n f i l ' c o ld ho le road .

T e a s p « r a ry Read fee Wlafer,T h * new c o n s t r u c t i o n w i l l be te m -

rw . ra rv f o r t h e w i n i e r and w i l l r o n a l s t n f a bed o f t r a p rock w i t h “ f o r t he s u r fa c e I t la i h e f n r e 1 s e re m b r r 1 to h f . i r * t h e a n t iw * come I h * a g r e e m e n t b y w h i c h t h e W a r Da- p a r l m s n t m a k e , t h * 'p r n v r m r n l l h f N r w J » r « r « ' » ' •»•«. h»» »arMiS "„ , , r . n r t , r> . k * l< r « ' l ' h * • ' « ' *

. n d b u i l d ■ J > f r m « r , i H r o «.1 m i laurnner. . .

T b * l , q p r o v » m , n I nn l h l » • I r f l r h f r o . d h > , b,-»n h . l d up f p r , . . r . b * -

o f • d l , » f r » m » n i r l l y o f H o u lh A n ib o ) »hd I h '- , n l . l U l l r o . d T h * l . i l » r « . n « . d t h * ■ h o i . in I h . w t l l " » b . n d . . n . . lt h i s K o u th A m b o y d e c l in e d n ro n a e q u a n re . t h e P a n n a y l v a n l .

tar binder be I’oitiplatsd

11 «|nw 11 he- Then aa part of

Food Board Modifies Penalties Recently Imposed on Bakers

a t the F o r e s t H i l l P r a s b y i e f l a r C h u rc h Dr R a r r e t t y a a t e r d a y addrsaaad t h *

e ig h t e e n t h a n n u a l m e a l i n g o f t he New Jernay C o n g r a a * o f M o l b e r a and Pa r en ta ’ A a a o c ia t i o n a l t h e B t s t * N o r ­m a l Achool . T r e n t o n F h * w i l l apeak t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g a t t h e K l i i a b e t h P r c a b y t a r l a n C h u r c h a n d a t n i g h t at I h * I ’ a l v s r y r r e a b y t a r l a n C h u rc h .

A spec ia l m e e t i n g has been ca l le d a l (ha h o m e In M t . p l e a s a n t a v a n u s f o r M onday a f t e r n o o n , w h i c h a l l m a m b a n o f (ha b o a rd a r« r e q u e a te d t o a t te n d

A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g the w o r k o f t h e m la a lo n o r t h e couraa of addreaasa b e i n g g i v e n b y U r ^ t a r r e t t m ay be ha4 b y t e le p h o n e f r o m Mrs . V s n d a r p o o l a f t b 2 L i n c o l n avan na

M - > d i f h a t i o n a In p e n a l t t e * tm po aed I T h u r s d a y (>ii t w e n t y l l a l t a t i h a k e ra n f I Ih l# c i t y and f i n e * m e te d o u t y e s t e r d a y

(•'• f u r t y - D ' k ' o t h e r I t a l i a n b a k e r s by [ t h e fo o d i d m l n 1s t r a l f o n w i l l r e s u l t ln I s l i a b l * i-oi i t r l h u t l o n * to Ihe I t a l i a n Rad

t .To is i n s te a d o f t h e h a k e r# b e in g I o b l ig e d t o I 'k ie e t h e i r e a t a M la h m e n i a

on W edneadsy | \ i u l a i h i g i h e fo o d r e g u l a t i o n *

Influenza Here Again Recedes; Pneumonia Increase Explained

Favanty-pevait new cases of Ihflusnia v sr# rsportsd In Ksw ark In ths past tsrantp-four hours. TM i ta only a fs# mors than half lha number of cases rs* ported yeeisrday. Ths pneumonia esMS reported today, however, ware forty tn Rumbar, In place of the fifteen reported ysstsrdiy. In ftosn ta deaths dscraaiad frem fUteeii to slg. but thare wars three more pneumonia deaths rsportsd today than yaatsrday^a number, which Wat fIvA

Comraanllng on th e day's flgursA Health Officer Cragtar said that It muat ba remembered th a t this gsaton of tb i year always Is m arked by a riae in the Incidence and death ra te e f pneeipenla, and that the situation In rsla itoa to In- ftusnia ritnalned encouraging. T^srs was no reaaoti to e ipect, he aald*< a recrodsMCAce of tb s tpldsmlc dgrtag lbs wlnisr.

baala s t


Striking Tailors May Return Monday on Employers’ Offer

llrlk ln c Journ«yin*n 1a l1« n »r« « i.p a r t.d to r . tu rn to w ork Monday, fol- lew lnc .» ill*m »nt t . r m i o ff» r.d by R itm bari of tho M .irh a n t Tallora' A .- aoelatlon. In lo ih a lr .m p to y . . .and fo th» M ayor, I h . m .rc h a n l. aran tw l »H d .m a n il. r.coanllloBof t h . union.

T h . . I r th . , w hich h a . l a . t od for . I fh t W Mka w a . fo r a tw .n ty p*r cant. In- i r u . a In w acaa fo r p la c . w ork, a m in­imum w at« o f l i t a » .* k and a n in .- hour w orh ina day- T h . m .r rh a n l . a t- a« rt.d th a l I h . a tr th o could k a v . bMH aalU .d a t any t im . If raoacnM IM a f t k . union had a o l bocn In ilM .d upon a . oaa of t h . t.rm * .

C. N. B o l.nd .r, o rg an la .r of Sh. ualon. today Mid th a t hla aid . look** uM n th . m .rchan ta ' l . t t . r a to Ih . Mayor aa a bottar prepo.ltton thal an a|T*ain«nt with th . union.

Summit Resident Is Accused Of Driving Auto While Drunk

q .o r ( . f . Nowman, a raald .n l of Sum- A lt w a. arra lanW kofora Jadaa Q «lf lor In th* r t r . i Criminal Court yoatarday cMraod with bavtna d riv .n an autome- kilo w hll. u n d .r tha Influonc. of Uauor. Ha waa arraatad a t Bantf and W aaklnf' ton itro o t. lata T h u n d ay n lfh t by *o noamaa VIU*. Ha waa takon l« Fallea flarfMR Clarko. iMworaiiui M Captain and pronounnad uadar Iba la- f l i .n o . of drink, C sinaal. for Nawiaan aahwi for an adjowrnmanl of oaa wMb, which waa prantad, >

Raacbod by t^ap h o aa a t hid hOMa, «1 Hawthorno ptoea. a a n « l ^ XteUteay anornoon, Hr. Mawmaa iaPlOd th takdra* ntoda hy th* pwllo*.'^

______ i -* ^—T*■ Mn. Polw>J to Addrse t i i* ^

Mra A. ». **la»Ar Aaaa *f *lr|p ta th# ?' high dcbool#. Id annopaoad _Od » S t*

,i plKnioon d p tak tr a t • WMtltet ^ o S Id o la tlo n ^ W ltw * *f ^ ^ 1 V jk l - iwtlona today la ■ arrln aa r Blok takdol,S K t d fr«m **A"X >" *»,<•

un aatUM of th# d ta u irhd *r* httoM c Ia ^ M ttirp M t dohMl m ofoalpaaV tS MOka- ' Za mwMmlidie- t 'J

I t e a r dpi

No Announcement Made Yet 0( Next Launching at Port

a n .h ip . »r* n r .r ln a compl.tlon on th . » .y . »l th . Port N .w .rk yard, of Ih. guhm arin. Boat Corpor.tlon, but a . y .t no announem ont h a . b».n mad* of th . n c it l.unchlnp, althoaah II b ..n n.»rly . month .In c . th .

'*[* W..' r»li*r.lm l hy VI*. Pr..ia*fi* aulph.i, lod .y that th . r«a.on for Ihk d .l.y th . dH .rm lnallon to .d -vanc* Ih . p .rc* n i.» « of compl.tlon on th . w«y. and flnl.h oporallon. which h .ro to f.r . hav . h . .n don. on Ih . olh.r .h ip . .1 th . ftttInK-out dock. I nd.r th i. pl.n It I" p ro h .b l. that mor* Ih.n th r .. V ....U . th . m .ilm uin "umber u n t down th . w .y . In on . d .y, will b . ready at the aama lime for their initial Plunc* Into N .w .rk B.y, but Mr. hut- ph.n could not . . y how many would b . launched on th . n . i t occa.lon

The last launching al th# Bubmarlna took p lac . Octob»r 14. when Ih . AllI*. and Coniori w .ro « ,n t ov.rboard In ths prsaencs of Chairman Hurley ©t th . Uhlpptnp Board. O .n .ra l M .naa.r Schwab of th* Em »r««icy Coivporatlon and a num ber of vl.liori fr«n 'Srouhlnfton and N.w York,

Tha pad .ra l Bhlpbulldlna Lompany _111 hav* I t. n .a t launchina at th . | [ , 4 rny yard* about Novambar S". Th* ■hip will b . named The Lamba, after Ih . theatrical orpanUatlo*. which will hav* eharp . of t h . CMmnool.*. Th* n . i t and la .l launohtnp at th . K*.rny ■lent of th . FoundaUa* Company will take place between the middi* of th* montlTend Thenkeplvlnp.

| ( w a a r u la d T h u r s d a y t h a t (he t w a f i t y h a k e r a w o u U l h a s # m r lo a # t h f i r iila> aa ' f huR.u ran f n r o n * w e a k , a l e r t i n g n e x i W * i l n * a d i y . A# f o r t h# f o r t y - f i v # h a k r r a w h o a p p ea red >#.s l# r- «Ja>. u waa f la c id a d to g i v # t h e m t h s opd is t i o f r o i i t r l h u t l n g l o i h * K a l i a n afsu C r o s s In l i e u o f c l o s l n f o r d e r * and (0 e a i a n d t h e asm # p r i v i l e g e t n ih e f i r s t r le l e g a d o n . A l l s v a l l a d t h a m s e lv e a o f t h # r h a n r #

t ' l o a i n g a l l o f th e m , It w a s fa i t , w o u ld a e r io u a ly a f f e r i a l a r g s p a r t o f t h e I t a l i a n p o p u l a U o n o f i h s r l t y . w h o ds- pSndsd on th e s e b a k e r * (o r a u p p l l s a A n a d d r * a s t o I h e b a k e r s nn tha r u la s and r a g u l a t l p r x A p r s p a r a d by J o h n W . P a l ­m e r ut t h a e n f o r c e m e n t d l v i i l o p , w g * read a n d i r a n s l a i a d to (ham by C, Q . M { .a n g lo n # .

A n n o u n r a m e n t w a a m a d s t o d a y ( h a t I s a d o r a I^avane, a g m e e r o f A64 R r a m - h a l l ava n u a , J a r a a y (Mty , had been o r - d e rad t o c l o t s f o r on# w a # k b a g ln n l n g N o v e m b e r 12 a t m l d r t l g h t f o r v i o l a t i n g the s u g a r r s g u l a t l o n s

liiitdo A * rafuaad

. t r i p '<•[n w h i c h h o t i i h A m b o y I , l o ( . i * < l « " n , h . . o c . r n m . n t U h l m r " v . r , h .r o . r t . . n d I I . d . . l l t n . l l " " ^ * " ", . o p r o v * m . f l t • • .O h ) , c l l o n . n f b o t h K o u lh A m l . e ) end , h , r . l l r o . i l w * r * o i f r c o m c

T. ilert *4.'b ■>T h . p l . n . I " t ' h i .

»nrk ,d oul .1 . m»*lln»Jersey tee, army

H llh^ •>» Tranaporlf fir la l* so d o f f ic ia l* *'f (be

Gives Time for Move to Include Clarke Estate as Kent Asset

Gu Mask Days to Be Observed Soon to Collect Needed Materialn .a M.nk Im v. er* lo h«

wtlhln th . n . . t f»w w.clc*. ProcUmk- tton. by v .rio u . « o v « n o r . will let Ih . lime for r ..p o n « . by th . .popi* lo ih . c l ) ot Ih* A m .ric .n Reil O io .. for nut ■hell. »na fru ll PH* ’ 'hlch ere w .nt.d In au.nUIlM T h . m . t . r l . l will b .m ilw t.d on th . d * y . .p w lfl .a In th iproclamations

Aulomohll... delivery w .yon . and truck. » r . ■•had by lh» HoH ffo * . for UM on auch d .y . In colUetlnc. Only R.d C reu o tf lo l .l . iblll Ih . .hip-m .nli. *"<) no m .l.r ln l* not U.IM willb . lnolud.d. , . ,

D.UIU for th . drive *r« now being .r r .n a .0 , *ftd .m p k u l . I . laid on Ihe feet th .t hickory n u t., w .lnu t. .nd butt.rnut* . r» «h<HM d . . l r r t a t Ihl. time. r i i . Om Dafan*. DIvl.lon, through Ihe Rwl Oroaa, announced to­day that II ho . pjlonty of eoeoanut •hell, and th a t a prooodura tp . oIIm C Ih .H will opo*t on arrangOmatit which It haatak.n m onth , to * ff« t. Th* tna- t .r la l . of th . n u t. atatwl a r . particu­larly wanUd to provtda carbon tor gaimooka. ______ ___________

Worinwa* OcaMod hi lU a n y . ■ealdad on tho faco and arraa by

water from * boiler at Swift a Co '. Jn KMrny today Edward Pra.I.r, twanty-throa year# old, of I I I south B lth lH a lk itloo t. thi* city, w a. lah.n I* Itom pt MOMorldl Rooyltal. H . waa w orhlaf aronad tho bailor whan water l■aat■s from * chook valv* atraamad

C f s t l l i n r s n f t h # d e f u n c t K a n ( M o t o r s C o f p o r a l l o n o f U # U #v ( | |# wrsr# a l l o w s d t w # n ( y d a y s h y I ' n i t a d 8 l s ta n P U ( r l c ( J u d g s H a i g h t t h i s m o r n i n g to h a g in a c t i o n t h r o u g h ih # i r u a t # # In b a n k ­r u p t c y t o h a v # I n c lu d e d a m o n g th # le g a l a a n e l* n f t he c o n r r r n (he R h o r t H i l l s c a ( a t# o f M rs . I s a b e l le D G la rK # , w h o s# h u s b a n d , F r e d e r i c k H ( ' l # r k # , w as I t s p r « s ld # i i l | f a c l l o i i la n o t t h a n h#g u t i . I h # c o u r t said, a r « # ( r a l n l n g o r d « r I s iu e r l In Ju n e , I 9 l 7, p r e v e n t i n g d ia p o a a l o f t h # p r o p e r t y , w i l t be va * ca («d

T h i s d e c i s i o n w a * r«arhedi a f t e r a r ­g u m e n t Ob a m o t i o n b y c o u n s e l f o r M r s r i a r k e t h a t t he r e s t r a i n t he r e ­m oved . D a v i d B o b k e r , a t t o r n e y f o r T r u P l # # L o u i s G. B a e k m a n . g a v e ##• iT u ranr# ( h a t a c t i o n w o u ld be s t a r t e d w i t h i n I h e p r e a c r lb e d Dm#.

D u r i n g t h e n o u rs # o f ih # a r g i i m e n l M r . B o b k s r s t a te d t h a t a r g u m e n t w a a h a d (h r# © w e e k s a g o in P h i l a d e lp h ia b e f o r e t h e I ' n l t c d H ta iea ( ’ i r « u 1t T o u r t o f A p p e a l s f r o m Ih# conv l r - t Ion o f F r e d - s r l c k Tf r i a r k f t a n d hla f e i h s r . D r H e n r y F r i a r k e , aa t r e a s u r e r o f I h# K e n t M o t o r s C o r p o r a t i o n , and F r e d ­e r i c k J N a g e l , a N e w Y o r k p r o m o te r , f o r u s i n g t h e m a l l s t o d e f r a u d In r o n - n e r t l o n w i t h sa les o f rh# m o t o r c o m ­p a n y s lo c k . F r e d e r i c k I t . c u r k e Is u n d e r s e n t e n c e o f t h r e e y e a re In A i> l a n ( a p s n l t e n t l a n and | } , $ a o f in e , h is f a t h e r o f I 2 ,lhf> f i n e a n d N a g e l o f a y e a r a n d a d a y In A t l a n t a , Im pneed in D a re m bar , 181T.

r . V « / i l l l e * P e r t h A m b o y , ( w oT b .

r o . d » . .<lopi*<J « • " T J.\V....r. Hud."" I.oubly. n g l n * * * n f n - N . « J - r - J 'T h , . » ,h« r o m m l i t . . a p p r o v e d and

T c . l a n a i . d « - P - r l . l ' ' " " ’ " ' ' " ' V l ' ’. * ' " , !W . . h l n » t O b U . l ,c n n f . r . T , * . . . . h . M « 11h W a r ) . p . r t - m . „ ! o r f l c i . l . . n d m * m b . r . o f l l o n . l M l h - . V . i r . n . p o r l c , . m m a t . ^ w h i c h l . r o u g h , I h . i r . p p r o v . l a p p r o p r i a t i o n f r o m > b . ' V . r m . n i l T t o r l l > o r d . r . f o r I h . o ' * ' " * *l , . , * h * . n M c n r . d . n d I h . w o r k w i l l h . . i . n . d n . i l » . * k , u n d e r g o v . r n -m . n t m n t r . c i .

A n I n d ic a t i o n o f I h . I m p o r t . n c o f I h . r o . d I . i h o w n by . c o u n i m . d . t h e r t .November 1. . b a n 1»4 " ' ' “ ‘ I j ",>.•■*11 o ' * r 11 f r o m * 3" A M m 6 I » p M . d u r i n g the . . m . t i m e M i i P » . - M n g e r c a r , p . » i« d o v e r I t A l t h * n i l l e . p l . l e i . d i n g 1 ' o m p . n y p l . n l . IwO m o t o r i r u c h . . r e l o . d w l e v e r y m in u t e o f t h * day f o r p ( i » g * o v e r t h e r o . d

T he c o m m l l U . o f J . r * * y m * n ■who w e n t to W . s h i n g t o n on the p r o je c t . . . ( I .m pneed o f I > . v ' " l * » r p * r - • ' h . i r -m . n o f t he r o m m U t . e M r W . . i . r , C h . r l e . T K . v . n s . h , f h . r l e . M l l b . u y . n d A l f r e - l 1' W . y J r . . c r . U r y o f t h . h i g h w . t . i r i n . p o r i c o m m i t t . . . M a y o r A. T K e r r o f HOulh A m b o y , E d w a r d En . . d , . . . l . i . n i a t . t c . n g l n e . f , A I v tn y e i M i d d l e . * . C o u n t y e n g in e e r , . n d r i . r * n c . H . l g h t , M l d d l * . * * C o u n t y f r e e h o ld e r

H a i f c o r c o a * * B t w M * a B t a a b o a .r r o n , Hoproaaittattva R. Wgyp*

Eoykor. who wo* OofMtoa In th . Ninth OMirtob Moyar D oitel V. Mliuthan of Oniifo, Ceegiw onw e-eleet In Ih . gam* 0l*|jrwb iHki yoaatT*a a totngntm ot MtomUM. . . '

Theater Tranifer Is RestrainedVnllcd n ia t.* IM.trloi Judge H .lght

Ihl. morning l*.u*d . temporary ro. ■training o rd .r preventing u l . or dig. p o u t ot two th .a le ri, on. In n .d Bank and on . In Rahway, which, It w*. a l. I.g .d , had racwntly beon Iranaf.rrod by tho Dan Cna«y Company ot N.w Tork to Michael McManu* Ita managor, to aaegp. t Judgment.

Application fbr th . order wa* m ad. by David Bobkar In bthalf of F. Dud. lay Stewart of Brooklyn, who It w a. Mid. had obtained Judgment r« '*ntly ag .ln a t the CaMy company In a Now Tork court for On tho oatnaday. Hr. B obk.r told the court, tram far of Ih . property w u m ad .

Hrtd ow R n ib n . lH n .n t Cha*w*.Jo.aph S tng . of I t Buffington pva-

nu*. IrvIPgton. who wnn arroaiod Vadnooday op a eharg* of cenv .rtlag to kin own uoo tC tt.ts bolonging to hla ampibyara. t h . J. T C ^ l c . Tc. Croom Cofagony of l* Idtraitn ilroot, that town, during th . In*t two yMTO, waa held loat night In SSbS ball to awnlt tho ncilow of tho grand Jury, by (tooordor Turlon In tho Irvington pollca court.

' fHoM i ertono Cfentgc,

A man wX« ghVa kla aam . a* jokd B, W.ymoBtk, tw agtr-oaton y tara old, and nald ho llvod a t H I Boot Klnnoy atroct, thIa e i|y , w bi hold w ltkM t ball thia m ornlog by Rocordaf Toot la tha Montclair ro u te Uourt to aw ait tha action of tho (grand JtiT ' * a ploddad guiuy to an ottaok oa a a«dfan*yagr-old girl. H .r oaiadlttaB Id nat M r lo w ' Ha waa arra itod yootarday atUrnaoth

Tr^rfarning Signali Are Posted As Dangerous Bloomfield CornerTw . new d in i . r .Igna w .r . pnHed

yaaterday afternoon by Secretary Theo­dor* T. M .ifl.ld, . .c r . ta r y of Ih . N.w J .ra .y Autnmobll. and Motor Club, at th . corn.r of Mapl. and Broad iire .l . Blonnitirld. Several naaty collt.lona bavs ©orucred al (hla cu^nsf during tna pa .l three month., tha moat rw cni of which w*s a crash between a I’niefion gulomobll# bus end a bakery wagon After srerilng the signs In Bloo»nflsld, Mr, Masfleld went on (o rsterson, where eeversl warnings wersposted. • • V

Thirty n** memhers wsr# enrolled In Ihs Auiomoblle and Moior ( 'lab al a masting of l^is inernhsrshi[i committes h«14 this week.

Seek Relief from $23,000 Levy On Land at 368 Broad Street

ftc.klrg rirli.f from «n of 133,000 On th . t.od at L t Broad a ir c t on th . plea Ih il Ihe properly It now luted for . . I . «l iet.j Ih.ii tli* v . 1,1. pul uporv It by Ih* city ( .» rnm- mlMlonert. Danl.l r.icp i.ell .p p .e r .d before the County Board of Teiallon y .ilerday to repr*.*ni the Kfdetlty T ru .i Company

T h . piece of property In uuedlon had a amall building on It w hich wa. torn down .otn* month, ago, and now hringt In no r*v*Bue. It la part of Ihe e ita t. of th . l . t . W llll.m M '.lt.r Phelpa, at on . Iltn. I'nltwl m ate . Senator from Naw Jeraay and Am.rican Anibaaaador 10 O .rinany Th. Fidelity T ru .i Com­pany la ag .n l for the .atate , The citycommlaalen.ra aaHried that Ihe depth ot th . plot. 1*1 fMl. wee largely r«. ■pon.lbl. for Ih .lr valualtcn, figure. The app*.! wai takan und.r co n .ld .ri- tion.

Oaorge E H .ll.r or th . Jirm of H .l-l*r Brother, appeared to prole.I an .lnat no of SS.0P0 on th* per.onai property at hi. ra .ld en c , 31, Ahtngton avanua, covering fiirnlture, ruga, fura, Jawalry and o th .r par.nnal effect a and balanc. In bank *1 tb . dal* of laiatlon . May 10. Mr. H .ll.r claimed that Ih . value of lh«H good, in h i. ponaaealon a t th . tIm. did not amount to t2.0PP. Ho waa r.u a .* t« l to aubmlt a .worn Itamtaed alat.m ant to th . commla- alon.ra.


$ 2,000AU, DAY EVEIIV day

Save Money by Uiiitjr

F U L T O N 1 ^ -T O NThcae iu IIoiibI corporttioos are doing it:

Standard Oil L. Dvfcnsa('oco-('ola John WaiumakrrAaMflcan Bitumastir Texas OilJ. S. Clark Coal Co. M m. Farrell & Son

and over .TOO other linm of buBlness

FULTON TRUCK CO. OF N. J.Sain ud Senke — 124-126 WaikiattM St, Htwirk, N. J.

i’HONE MAKKm ISOW> Are th t Only Exclualvt A uthorlitd AfoiBn for Fulton Truck*

In TWa Territonr.Broadway Gorafc, Jachion-Shtgitld Co,

T im ton. N. J . ru c rao n . N. J.

,T th 11 h T

Can tn Old B attery be Repaired?

That d tp u n in—oa how atd It la—-on flow w all you'vo to tea

car. of It•—on how ooon you let tho

Willard eipcrt locate tho troubla ond corroct tho fault.

Nobody can rcjiair o bottcry . until h t Rnda the Double, ond

oobody can correct ■ big fault a . ciilly a . he can a little ont.

If you auapcct any H t t h bat­tery trouble* you'd better drivo •round and let ua And th n n .A.k for th* booklet "A Mark with a Mcaalag for You.”

Starter Uatleiy Service Co.240 Central Ave.

Newark, N. J.Llizibcih Branch

Union and Morns Avta.Jersey City Branch

23S1 Boulevard

P ro te c t Y ourself Agadnst Influenza

np )Ou know that Newark hat been In ih« grip ol on* of the mo*l terioui epidemics ever known?

l>o vou realiic ih ii ii'» the duty of every one lo avoid congealion, ahether it be in traveling lo b u tine it In overcrowded conveyance* or in public placet in general -'

If you value your health, and if you a im lo ride in comfort inatead of hanging on a .trap , at the tam e lime conaerving time and a iv ing the additional trolley e*p*n»e, it i> our iuggesiion that you attend ih it

TREMENDOUS SALE OF USED CARSKOKUS, 1916, 1917. 19IH Runiboutt. louring car. and bu .lne i*

car*, wiih demountable rim . and other rquipmentFORD SEOAN Self atarier. fully equippedDAVIS. I t1 7 —Likc new: juil repainted and mechanically perfectMAXWELU 1917.DOHT. 1118.nODLE. 1917, and o ther., In evcelleni .hape, at price, which you

can afford and which cannot be duplicated elKwhereThCM cara will be worth much more money neat tpring th in the

price. «e a.k today.


McAUister-Carton-Stulz Corp.1003 Bro*d Street, Newark Ufa


Our Repair Department has been reorj^nized and is now equipped to render compietc service on the above cars.

With peace declared and the boys coming home you can help relieve the transportation problem by puttinR your car in proper condition for another year’s use.

Fourteen years’ experience is your assurance of satisfactory work.

Send in your car now before the real rush begins.

THE GREENE MOTOR CAR CO.9 0 W ashington Street

N e w a r k . \ J .

PLUSH AUTO ROBESH A N 'D I t O M E V A R I K T V O K f U ' H H n n B E .S P i ' H

TOURING AND LIMOUSINE CARSAl*f> O o o <1 L i n # o f G lo v # i # n 4 r rM i in d # !#


268 Halsey Street, Newark. N. .1.


BONNELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY3 B . 4 T # u g M a A v a . , 2 B l e a k * A b e v * H i g h S t . , N a w a r h

F a a r M aterial. F la re gXti.Ckargml with violating H'r traffic

e rd ln an c, four motorlau. l.awr*ne." Nttka of f i t Academy etr*.t. John Ooghlan of JIT South E l.v .n tli .treat, and C h.H r. Smith of 3«1 Mulharry ■treet, th t. cllj'. and W .U rr X .I.. of t fg OorlUndt atroat. B .ll.v lll., w .r . ■rralgoad bafor. Ju .l lc . Branegan in Ik* UarHoon Polio* Court today and flhed | t eaeh. Th* fin .* war* paid. The autoaiebniat* w .r . • r r .e t .d by Po. Ueaman leek .



PowerTo make that motorwkirl

When you put your fool on Ih* . l . r le r —Power la uihat’a wanted. Pul * Cotumbii Storage Battery la your car and you can preat Ihe but­ton with the feeling thal there'* going to be aomeihing doing— Quick.

C o lu m b iaThe Columbia li a powerful ba t­

tery. It will .land operiting condl- lic. I. thal wreck other*. It* plate*

nf h#x*gon#l < on- BifucUon, I l k # A h«»n#y«’omb tr# »«ir r#lnforvlnK. And balkA|TAlt1i#( buckling.

Hut w# don’t Ag* p#ct you (u Abup# A rolumblA lull b#‘ r#u## It li An #*e«p- llonallv Aood bAt- t«rv W# #ip#rt YOU to l#( u# h#lp YOU k # # p I t In A L r o n d t * lion a)I th# time.


272 Halsey StreetBranch: 235 Central Avenue


Cord Tiresand

Fabric TiresMade to Look Like New by

Our Retreading ProcessDon't throw your worn Cord of

Fibric T ire, away until you have in* veaiigaied our claim , concerning their repair The life of your old tire* can be increated at least 2,000 mite* If you will permit us to retread them and auch tire , will have * brand new ap­pearance.

Don't be .alisflcd u ith 7,000 mileg if you can get lO.'lOO m ile, for a small invesiment.

Cat! and inspect some of the work done m our modern repair shop and you'll agree uiih us.

Newark Rubber Tire Co.266 Halney S t, Newark, N. J.

Telephone 1889 Market

g S«ive 25 to 45% g0 “ • 0 N BTANDABe M A M B H

9 TIRES AND TUBES 8 a WBTiVif 9o 219 Halsey Str##t SQ PHONC MKT. 3330 Q^ o a o o o t a c o a o o o D O a o

Hty to a charge of hav- iwanty

n o a d iM g« .**d*4 hla .alom ebll.

IMHgM I* Ui* BfBffMI.


m1 %S.' -.turn chom ##tef,

. . i t t

c ,*oVa ,

m -!#*!'

. J.V ",7



In* apaadad h i. .aiomoDii. iwantv- t e r n RdIgg.aN hour yootarday tn Hntn .'iQggt, niAt Uranga, Ban Cohan of t l lo litb •UHinfea avenue, th t . city, won - I | | g % fiacord.r Noll ihia m oni-

In tiff J h a t Orango Polio* Court, n «im ’ grraalad by Hotorayol*

’ IliiNWMH of infloteoa. • • in* r tlHm te

•Vfp Uig'flavtiMM dip,


B tM tN B tL O. J ' l l .. ,vr-‘ .A I f ! *


MUSICALFirst, B aptist C h u r c h

w E.lNT DRANCtF*.HAW lhorn# Avenu# «n<l sM#Jn S tre * t

W a d , Nov. 13 , S :1 9 P- M.Mto. Kohorl D. Kldev, Organ.

ara-iAonr Saner.r. Howry "ferUan J r- Mr. Albert T. Bavin. Haodar.

A l r t l a o l a t i ■ F e r e ' t ' o t l a te * — ■


Una* U n f t te Bod iUBdllBK > l e w W g D e t tM n

W. B. BROWN'^^^

r . v

Henwdi (CaeifaQ Vm .

ifjiir ti V. s.PMMtftH H M a l i '■gl«r«< U IlM "• 'M JJ

M «l(* I m««TU3{«S« w w S f ^

nawAlIK y v sitllia WBWi «*HT*n« wrvkw* la Kavafli Ur (• »aati a ■•(*■* iliiaa ii far auU <•»<» -fV *?aa as «*ir«a aa4 aaa a* U(i alih r*ar

aawiiialr o

Hr. Ikr kraack alTlaaa ar ^ a a a a aWlaa Kawa Aar oaai»»alBl ihaaU ka aa4a »a

'aaarli SraelM Mam

Tkla aa«a*aaar la a naaikaf af lha A iaaal^ l fraaa K»ara diaaaxkia pJlaiaA harala and aaalc- Mtad kr l»> ana Aaaaatatad Faaaa dtiaaickaa vkJaa atar aai ka Itvfallr raarlata* Maa*t to aaaaiWra t t ika Aanactaiad ^ ta » Laaal aa«a •* WaalaaMaa arlcla karala arla'ad la aaklaat la tba MMa raatrintlaa aa la rakuMUallaa.

NOVEMBER . n i l .


Speaking for T hem adves.In tha damoaatimtlana arhith hava apraad

frmn Kl*l p ra ttr wall ov«r Oarmanir, lha Oannan paopla a ra ip aah laf for thamaalvaa. Brinea H aa'i raaicnaUeB (tvas th a trua tM w ar to Praaldant Wtlaon'a thdulry pa to wham ha waa tpaaU tic tor. Tha Sorlal Dam. ecrata bava rapudlalad hU claim to ha apaah- la f tor lha O arim a paopla and hla pratan- iloa that lha Oarinaa O ovanm ant had baan brought nndar popular ooalrol.

Tha Kalaar. ra tu a la i tha Soclaltata' da- n a a d that ha abdloata, contlrma tha apa- (louanaaa of M a i'i reply. Ma tnaliu . accord- lag to tha raporta, upon ratalnlng command,

f M th a ground that ha win not "undartaka I lha tan ib la raaponalMIUy of handing avar ■ O am ah y to tha Entanta and dallrarlng up

IBP country to anarchy.’* Tha datnand la •M ad to h a re coma from tha majority par- M«i • ( the Ilalclw ug. which Max triad to Mgka hallav* war* In cantrul of tha am-

ferm atlon la lha oomplota adoption of tho ■tata-uoa plan, and tho taking o«ar of tho

‘V >rarnm ant >ib will aaalat m atarlallr In making thta tm naform atlon mova a aoecaao by tum lahlng amploym ant for aoma of tha Inmatoo who m ight otharwlaa ba In Idlanaao for a lima.

Tha oolutlon o t oavaral o ther probtama will bo aaalatad by tha carrying out of tha contract.' provided It worka auccaoafully. and will command lha aatanalon ot tha plan In other atatoa. It will give New Jaraay more ravanua from lha Inmatea amployad without placing an undue burden on tha Federal Oovarnmont, for tha labor will ba worth the rata of wage# racalvad. The amploymant of tha priaonara will rallava to an a tlan l lha labor ahortaga, ralaaalng free man needed now for ahoo repair work ao th a t they can enter other llnaa where their aarvicea will ba of larger benefit. Furtharm ora. tha mlvaga of ahoaf will ba haataned, which la Importaul, and tha outlay of tho army for new m alarial will ba laaaanad.

^ rg 'g g fM N .TBa anwMUci dalagata*. hearing eradaa-

tUPifrWM tho Chanaallor and the Qarraan N liii Coatmand. hnvo ropoitad back to N a d g w e ittn a t Bpn. w htru tho Kalaar wnlU to iM m laa tha nrm M loa larmn. Manawhlia ▼•rwaaito puhitnha* a proclamatton from n f .iM tal DammraUo Furty which call*

tko«t wbn, through unwtio pol- MtoK^aaiugod thin eniamtty to coma upon our Bgppto" to radiga Ihalr poata, and daclaraa t t a l all aaeaaaary maanuraa a ra being taken to th a t aad, wUhuut aicapU ag any paiuoa M Miattor haw Jilghly plaead.

■ a r i r tW a w aak th a Oarman Oovammaat ItoBgd 'a aaaatfaato, 1$ which It aaid: . f l to aaw govanunaat la mad# up of

Pipoeeeauthree of th a au tle rilr pnrtlaa to tiM Itotehntag. Tha m ilitary admin- IglPatton'haa bean plaoad under raopm-

gtollHg to tho Im perial Chaaoalior... At t h a t ’Omo Max waa guoiod no mylng th a t h aranfta r ho wuuM fool callod upon to paMgh trhawovof h« latlod to command the iUhpart af a goouramawt m ajority. Ho hat lU^BMd, hu t hla iM g aa tlo n itaa not boon aagtptod. W ho Ig thoro to aooupt RT la ha lh a gmunat of th e p o « ^ or of tho Kaiior, B%g hag haua callod Ip u a to laavo the <Bruac hy thia cam# am totlty which forced |lhg*d lUflfaaliua.

K budU tohaug Bwjom y oridcatly doaaaot ggpKtor th a t th* pooplo 'havc be ta pat la aaatroi a f th e g overh iaoat la thetr ulti- tohlum thag gMku denm ada to r the toUcw- la s futaruH!

t^h c righ t u f paAha m iib iMj .t h a BhUtorr u d polleu anmi ha crdcrud

f h a Immadli t c iraBaformatloa of the Bgumtaa O ovanm unt la coafom ittr with M w ic w a of the nm jerity la th e RrieliMag.

ator Boctalldl lafluoacc In the

r f A n abdIenUon of B m ptoor WllllaDi dadth e reaaae laltoe u t th e throne by the CrownMhea.

Thto Mtlew can hardly tall to roeuli in a dhuwdown o t power. In handing In thaoo daeWoaa. tlw protantaaU demandod that the Ohaweallor aeoupt them ; otherwiae they totilM w khdiuw from th e goveramaoL 4 hywhere ontaMe ad Qurmany th a t would NMM rtvo|uUoB, and w ith tha apirll of ra-

, i t e i piuad lay aa it U th rough tho Oorman ' dHtos K would noem to mean th a t thoro.

. Flaead la auch an Impanaa. lha Kalmr » to n upoa tha word “anarchy." Tho BaWtovlam th a t Oormany lot looto upon Sarnia la danglod batora our ayoa aa a Ufarld mopaea which wo muat holp to koap

, to ehook, Auatria triad to play tho tamo IShM but tho throutaaad Bolshavlam thoro hah pet mutarlallaad. Tha Oarman Ubarala IhilM th a t all they w ant a re far-reaching ra- to ra u th a t arlU traanform Oarmany into a g w a laa damocmey, aad wa taka more alack to thoir word th an In th a Kalaar'a dacaltful talk. Hla notlona of anarchy and oura ara pelaa apart.

k I t la tha la ta of ampiraa, lom a one had aaM. to dio of Imporiallam. W hile tho In- tom al Bituatlon la aomowhat obaeuro, im- parlal Oormany to oridontly In tho laat iSruta. A mlto-lon^ procoaolon of ro- ijw twtrunls would not bo m uch In th li • iu a try . In Oormany. whore Llabknacht toha Imprlaopad fo r conducting a ona-man h ^ d a , nay procaaelon demanding fraadom hhd the overthrow o t coiutituted aulhoritlae |h a menacing event.

; The W lttelabacb dynaaty, breadgr of the hMd ktnga o t Bavaria, haa been depeeed. t h a whole Baltic litto ral la aald to ba la tPhal handa, with tha tnovemaDt gpraadtng to th e eoutharn atatea. Allowlag for what- d h tr axaggaratloaa there may ha in the ra- yggta. thing! have gone far enough to Ihdim ta to ua whom wa ihall want to have 4 d«atorflgn the aecaptanca of tha armlatica M fm a- " ' : " ^

Come to Stay.The cipcrlm ant nf employing woman

•rhool tea rh ari aa election offleera aa wall aa that of grouping polling placea In actaool bulldloga wharavar practicable, worked out vary aatlafactortly In Tuaoday'a election. The moel elgnincant eequel to the raorganlmtlon of the d le trln b o arji, perhapa, wee tha fact that tha ballole ware voted and countod without confualon and tha ra tum e filed In quicker time than In any other raoant year.

And In the receiving of tha vote, accord­ing to genatal raport, th ere waa no friction or mlauuderatandlng. Tha woman aealm- llatad thair dutlaa with no apacUl trouble and It la tha taatlmony of tha man offlcari of wldor aiparionca th a t tha voting Ihia year proeaadad a t laaat aa amoothly and aa Inlal- llgantly aa haratofora

D itflcultla^ ware axparianead hare and tbara during tha early parioda of raglatra- tlen and oecaalonal m latakai occurred a t lha priauriaa. They ware of a trifling charaetar, hewavar, due to graannaaa on lha pari of acme of tha alactlon offteara—and not en­tirely coaflnad to tho weman oftlclala—or to confuilon raaulting from tha Innovation of having m any polling placoo locatod oulxldo tho dtotrieta they roapoctively reproeented. Thooe Incldenta It to elated, were due to tho fault of tho v o len ao froquantly ao of tho offlclata

Tho wldor uto of tho ochool bultdlngi aa polling placao may be eonolderod ae having boon ratified by a ouccaeoful trial. The County Board o t Elecltoni to ontltlod to much of tho credit for the favorable raaulta In both agporimenU. Tha board waa cau- tloUB Id lha BOlacUon of new dlatrlct officer* and dlaerim laallng In tho locating of lha voting placoa Wo moy look for fu rther do- valopmont of tho toachor-offlcor, tho ochool, voting place haa coma to atay.

aaUoM a re •var, muoh to n itc ry ariu have to ba bald In truai. Thera are dopeedeeetosaad oolonlou ancient boaoo of ooatenUoa am ong tho European nattona which will ba vary likely to paaa under Amerlcaa pro- lactoralaa for lha aimpla roaaoa th a t A m arlca'i Intareai In Europe la racegnlaad aa Im partial. —

All thaaa th ing! mean delay, mean a Uma th a t win aaem Inlerminable before th a laat Amarioan oalcctlvo le once more a t home. Wa ih a tl have to remambar that America ao longer la aacluetvely Intaraatad In Bia Am er­icana Wa are a world power, grown to m an '! etature. and It will ba our ta a k to ta k a up our International raaponalbllltlaa Ilka man and not grumble at lha burdaaa R ather should we epply to those raaponalbllltlaa lha same eplrll of earvica which hae made America a name to conjure with In lha winning of tha war.

And. kh lle we are a t It, let us a t home show the lam a appreciation of tha armed crusaders of thle W estern Republic In their deye of victory that we showed In their days of effort. Lot ue prove to thorn that wa ap ­preciate aa fully their work In eetabltohlng the peace as w# appreciate their merveloua achievement of winning It bealdo their vet­eran companions of lha Allied natlona Let US show them that although they are (ar away their homo land haa In no way fur- gotten them In Ito own bustle ot rocano*ruc- tloD. Wo can opoak to thorn and have part of America only an hour away throi'gh the Salvation Army, the Knights of Columbus, T. M. C. A,. T. W. C A . tha Jewish WaUaro Board, tha W ar Camp Community Bervlco and tha Am erican Library Aeaoctalloa. Let ue do our beat.

■MM. ab a . FaM bly. K t h d 'f h a h b m «M have aetod aaparatolr a ad p g ti j vM aal r n r t t a a to a ll • ( Uw m ight have ba«a dantod. ^

At all avaata the tam hir «< th a V a to if a l • a y e tu aa aa ihaw a la thaaa to itoaaM aa wall a s la Jaraay City a year acik a p p ia r i to h« agalaat approving «f lwrraa*»d aalartog fo r high m aatclpal offlelala •▼•* though thair full tim e to dsm andad la th e poadiMt o t thair-offlnas, and dasplts th a moitaUBg east of living.

Tho result of tha police and tire pay rafarandaraa Indicates clearly enough th a t th is c lasi ot pubito aarvaat to ragardod In a different light than to th a alactiva m untolpal offlear. Tha voters la thair case* took liv­ing costs sad th a goasrsl landaney tow ard h igher wagaa for working paopla Into epn- sldaratloa, Thaaa rafarandum s ware held In Jaraay City, Patarson, Kearny, Irvington. Nullay. gouth Orange Vlllaga, R utherford . East R utherford and Lyndhural. Tha ver­dict was pabauntlal In each test. Tha ra- •nlhi would aoam to vladlcata tha couiao tahan pravfougly. w ithout racourao to refar- andum, by th a City Commtoalon of Newark and by o ther local governing bodies, In granting In e rssis i of pay to thoir police s n i firemen.

With tho KatooFo navy waving tho rod flag, hla arm y ratolng th a white flog and his people foaling dactdadly blue, tha color •chomo of American Inlorvontlon la pretty ganarally avldant.

Tha highest paid movie tetraa* loat a e trti court suit over l l b l . t t t . W hat . a hardened lot of cynical old banodlAa (h a t Jury m uit have boaal


R u ssia ’s N eed.Ruoals tskoa earloualy the Bolshevik

threat of another gt. Bartholom ew '! Day, set (or tomorrow. New Ruesls sppesle for help from tho American end Allied govam m anta while Arobasaador Bakhmetaff pleads th a t w hatever can ba dons to prevent tho oxooutlon « f tho masoacra th rea t shall

I t to too lata to Intarvana with fo rca II any pravantlon Is poaalbla It m utt ba through diplomacy, by counter tbreata of holding thaaa raaposalbla paraonally ac­countable. Tha Bolahsvlota have already baan Informed th a t th is Is tha altitude ot tho En lento nattona aad H appears to have had DO affect; eonaaquantly tha outlook to vary dark If so acemlagly Impoaalbla a car- page ot butchery and crime It being con- lem plated.

The th reat still has a German odor. It eppaare ae a pari of tha OarroaB propaganda to Instil a te rro r of Bolahavtom. If It to that. It will ioon flicker ouL But If It to genuine, those who carry out tha th reat wilt have eat the world agalnet them. Their very exesseea will be a fresh guaranty that RuMla will racover Itaelf and. aided by all tha world's forcai ot order, wtll bring Ihalr regime to a sum m ary and.

P rison L ib o r and W ar Work., l |y th a Mggtng a f the contract with tha

O ovam iM nt fo r the employment ofI a| Trenton to repair arm y *hoaa, a I tost b amttrad of what has bacome

aa tb d J« iw y plan for utlibing prison m ath . The patfsetad arrange-

il. a t U l k r th a a m p lo n tu n t o f io« in- « e 'U to l'd to to .h rto ea In five ahopa

I'OM btoilB W r m M hlaary hag baan la- am to be said and

thai g l g l ^ i ^ ^ i a # b to provolL Thua n « « deal Is la no

l^ta^ gggfihffk M In campatltloB' 1 toil t tf t tg .

> tr« tha«aH aifly out

" vtahhi a ' '-.h lijrtaag’t*- Itt. fh f giirutoa

I'M bM a n

All the G reater R eason.Sven If only a few days or h o u n are to

elapoo boforo tho arm istice which will end the war bacomoe offoctlve. thoro will be not leas but even graatar resaon for genaroui financial support of th a United War Work campaign.

Instead of tha axettam ant of war wa shall have to a rrange to moot the tedium of g tr- rlion and barrack life. ARer tho first vast Interest of the occupation of enemy territory and foriresaee le surety haa palled In com­parison with the U niton of fighting one's way Into such placoa the rw u rc o a of tho war workers will bo taxed ev w tho more to meet the homeeicknaos of the men who have wreotod victory from lh a enemy and want to go back. I t will ba a tim e whan not only a lack of tha most exciting occupation in th a world, bu t also boradom and lonallnaaa will contend with Jubilation to make dis­cipline difficult and unwbolaaoma plsaauras sttnetW a.

That lha re tu rn of paaea will or can mean tha return of th a g r to ta r part of tho arm y to atm doubtful. To begin with, even If they are not disturbed by rovolullonary movomonth the actual fram ing o t th a tarm i of peace will. In all probability, taka manths. Never ware thsrw auch oonfllcta o t o o n tra it. Ing clalm a so m say dallcalo quasUons of boundarioo and racial aaplrattona, tuoh an sdm laluro o t hopoful ttomoeratle poooiblllty and snekint hslrods, laid on th a shouldars of a few men to ao tlla ’ W a a re net doaUag now with tho asplratknto of compact m oa- archies as In Mapolsonic tim ss, nor w tth-ths validity 'o f th s ir mlUlary or hsfwdllary claims to eom m srclal o r tirr ito rla l od- vantogo. Ws a rs dsallng with th s natlonal- tom o t awhksBsd poopisa with dsm oera- qIss which havs oh own la th li war th a t th s Isnaclty with which they hold to thoir ooa- vlcUons can overthrow th s most sffleU at •utocraetos. .

Thors a r s nsw gsvaram aats to bs sst up. Thsy wilt nssd th s frtoadly support of Alllod

T ksro a r s hhatlsrsd govsrnm sala which may hav* to IlM tfeslr f s s t In th s transitlaa period th a r M B Mdd help. I lM n may ba rsvoluU tM M aI aU havs to watt to MS th s tsad sh tlr <hs asw govsra-

t h s r s to II ■Ml . vk^h *ha|tovsr e f eesdiW M hl, srHl havs ta

B reak the Seniority Rule.with tho next 8<na(a elanding, s s a re ­

sult of tho olectlone, forly-ntno Ropobll- cans and forty-seven Democrats a fte r March 4 next, unlaaa aome unexpected cbsngsa occur, th ere la s fine oppariunlly to break the oonlorlty rule under which tha chslr- ■nsnahlps of committees and tha membar- ■blpa tharson arS allotted.

If tha Sonata Is organlied In the sam e old Way. Banator Penrose will be chairm an of the finance, naval effs lraand poatofflcaa and post roads camnt}ll***. which will nutka him the moat powerful figure In the upper houas elnea Aldrich's time, Banator W arren ot Wyoming will ba chairman of tho agricu l­ture, appropriation, military affaire eom- mlttoes; Senator Lodge will be head of tho forolgn relations committee, the most Im­portant of all In the next Congreoe; Sop.xtor Smoot will be chief of the public land* end public health comm ittees Under the oenlority rule practically all the committaea will ravari to tha hand* of the reactionary Rapubticana. which maana that tha Benata will be controlled by the men who all but srreched the Republican party In 1111.

It may be alt right to leave Senator Lodge a t th s head ot th s foreign relations com­mittee. despite th e undoubted repudiation by hla own atalo of Hoanebueotts of his views on a pasca treaty through the defeat of hla collaogua. Senator Weeks. The M ssoschuaotti reoult woo notice to Senator Lodge to let up. But it will not ba all right to load down the com m ltua with man whssa vbkwa urn lb s asm s M Ssnatos ts td g e ^ M d th a t 1s wttot wl^LiSFPsn If the aan lo rl^ rule pravsila,

Tba prograaalvs Rapublloaa Sanstort have not only an opportunity, baeauia of the dooensaa of tho party division, but thoy have a duty, to tho country net only, but to ihoir party, to force a change In lha aanlorlty rule. Six o r seven Republican Senator! from the West, pooolbly more, whooo viowi coincide hardly anyw here with tho viowe of Ponrooo, Smoot, Lodge and other rractlonariea have It Is thair power to bring about this reform now. Thoy ought to see that It la dona.

T hera to nsithar good oonso nor good politico behind lha aanlorlly rule. If the Senate leada la abolishing It, tho House will undoubtedly follow cult. Tho (se t le that tha Republican loedero have boon com plain­ing In tho lost two yoaro that all (ho Im ­portant chalrm anshlpf In th s tower house went to the Southern m am bert' because of the oentority rule. Here Is their oppor­tunity. then , to see that this shall not happen again. Hare to tha opportunity of Ropubllcana to kill two birds with tha one ftona, to m feguard thamealvae . against a popular reaction In 1110 by unhorsing the Panrose-Smoot brand of leadership now and to protset the country from the evH) they sea In th s seniority rule, even If their party to da(aatM *ln any clrcumatoncea. If tha seniority custom wee bad In prlnclpls under Democratic rule. II eerisinly cannot ba batte r under Republican rule.


Source* of '‘Imperial Pgirlotigm” Coniidered by Two AiMrIcaa



In ao altam pt le thaw bow a lnool by accident, certainly without ooneelous plan, the Britlah Empire hoe grown to Us prasaal proportlens and has Oovalopod a rbtoarkablo form of “Imperial patriotism" tba voluma. "Impertal England" tMacmlUoa). boa bean written by Cecil Fairfield Lavell a ad Cborlaa Edward Payne, both prateeeors a f history a t Oflnnall Callege, OrtnnalL la, Tba authors eatnt to (sal that tha British Empire con- itltu tes a model after which a taagua of nation* might ba patternad—In *om* particu­la rs *t laaat

Wh*n BnglUh aallora (lr«t began to fool tha lues af th* (ar harlton there ware two • ntqp^l*** that attrmclad them with paeutlar power. On* waa th* quait of tho northw**t paosag* to tho Indies and one woe the trade to the Spanlth main. Ths former was te a t ­tract Englteb explorer* for three centurla* •nd was to Imraortalloo some of the most notable names In the annal* of British oea- manehlp. Tho latter had *11 the fnselnatloa o( adventurs conflict and ungueesabU turns of ebancs Batwoen them they became the sc heal of BUiabethan seaman, and from Iheoo anterprlooo may be traced the glory and growth of England.

Historians today, of whatovor leaning* ot nationality, agree In general that no faelot bed a grantor Influeneo ultim ately Id tho formation of a true and coherent British Em­pire than the ravolotloa ot tha colonies In ITT* and tha birth af a new American nation. Through tha (oily of Ua Teutonic rulers and the devotion of tho colonists to th s prlncl- ptos of (fatoom, lha Britlah Empire Isat thp moat tIeJhaMa of its pooiaootowo sad learned ^ b tfb ll . TOlushU IsesoB. Tho Amsrieau Mevolntlon Indicated, once and for all. that U a old colonial policy of axpanslon had (si led.

An secoont Is given af the algnlflcast change* that have baan affected In Englltb- men and thair empire by the war. ft la ■tatsd that England le by nature Indlvld- uellitlc. but that today her Induetrlee are netlonalleed, her life eoclallMd and her peo­ple an ra tions She Is by nature open-banded, but today mlllloni of poopla are saving money to enable the government to carry on tho war. The Englishman la a lover ot outdoor spo rts but lodsy tho Bonloy r s g s t t s tho Derby, cricket, footbsll and rowing have msds way (or tho more earloua busineeo on band. By temparamopt tha Englishman hatoa ayatam, but today ha Is going a t things more mothodlcally and with a Inrger Intolll- goneo than over boforo.

The dlaposalonato obaarvar, In the opinloq ot profseeor Lavell, who writes the conolud- tng ooctloD. will 000 three clear reaaona tor Britlah iucete* In empire bolldlng. One la th* *mptr*'i alattIcUr, Ua ratu**l to force human natur* Into a rigid mold, Ita abandon­ment of the policy of contraltiallon. Its ■tsadlly lncr*talng comprahanelon of tha meaning and power of liberty. Anothar la an Inborn capacity for admlnlatratlon. The third I* tha application of dhs principle th a t sympathy and good (allcw ihip m atter mere than any external form.

e re e BeaeOeaUp, daaadad of that wblah ibay ■ ae t hgva to kaag Ualx toatartoa aad v e rh -

.efiwe bagy, . Baus will raqulra large q e u U - a m g f eU»to feed yredeats BslsUvaly (aw a t IhsM 4 be ta peattlsa to aaaera Uaaa,

a f USM, witbla tbair aw a

m a aeeeral sMegUana tha Ualtsd l u to e w ill be feaad tba paaaamar a t BMSt e t th a t wfelah will be regelpdi ■ toads, raw atstoristo ter. m eeefeateH eg sad. to a llmllad axtaaL auaataA tuted geode—4e quantity suffietaal to BM*t tba Bead# a t paopla who aiast bagta tadestrto l aad eamaiarolal Ufa olmaat all over Bgala, but wUbaut tha stock oa Sand with which to da I t

W ares than th a t fa (ba (bet th a t soma a t tha loads so otfllataC aaarly a ll of thorn, will bo w ithout maana ta buy ths quanlUlaa of Umse praduota naadad. They have not tha gold with which,to pay tor thorn. W hat geld romalna In oortaln. It not all, the eapltols ot Europe will have to be hesbonded more par­ticularly for use os roaorvoa to book thoir eurronolos If thoy enay not send geld tor geedn or morcbandloa tho rule hot baan to return In hind, ta expert to anatbar load aaaagh te pay tor what may ba Imported tharatrem . But It will be more than one year, posalbly aavaraL before they a r amny o t thorn wtll havs surplua pradaols aoadod hero o t ••fttelont quantity te send to no to payment for what thoy would have to buy from u s

Hero tho problem of peace which amy bo bS otoggorlng as almost any which praaaatad ttsatf (or tha auceaeaful proaaeutlan e t lha war by tha Alllaa and tba United B u tas comae rapidly to lha fhant It calls for aalatton. Hew may ths war-strlehan natlaas find maana with which to pay u s tor lootoaca, te r what thoy muat have, which wo may b* able le foil to IhamT

Thoro ore only two way# ot Imparting, by paying (or the goods which moan* with geld, or by return ohlpmants of merthoiidlns Tbo larger ohars of (ho world's nvallabU gold to In the Unllod g ta las The product of gold from mlnoi owned by foraignoro will not ba ■enl hero In payment for Imports (or seme time to come. It wilt be needed where qwnsd or eontrelled.

Tba one reply thus fnr made to tha quoe- tlon a* to what may ba done In thle prespoc- tlve emergency abroad Is (hat payment tor goods may be made to ue by foreign govern­m ents corporations and rounlcIpalUlee en- ceeragtng and oocurlng a m arket hers for their bonds th u i creating n credit w ith ue which would permit the functioning of In­ternational trade, the enmeahlng o t lha werld-whaal* ot traffic ec that rocenstruo- (Icn and upbuilding may be raeumed.

T h is of ccures wonid be in eitenelon or eipanalcn of processes which have already been Indulged In to some sitenL America hoe become acquainted with lha desirability ef foreign bonde ae Inveeunent* since tba w ar broke out and undeobtadly, by tho Torca of Ih# clreumeuneaa referrtd t s will have to and bo willing to erosto end itim utato a wider m erhet here (or ouch oecurltlos

AO pointed out by tho prseMsnt of a load­ing Now Tsrh banS- tome such solution of this n a e t pressing problem, proapacuvelr. will carry with It the Welfare of countlsoo mlUlone of peopis net osly here but abrooA


Tbora la waiting a henaa a t th a te a l a t tba rood.

At tba and of tifo's h tobw ay ,'Wboro tho pilgrim, a -lK ory . oboll put dewa


, ■■■I

•■fife fkea tli» *m M fleeMieB to toe e f 'Mien wMf'wa ffumk Ingi.

.........................I M k M P V M * '

W h en V oters D iscrim intted .One Intoreitlng faeture of tbo local

phaeoe of tho oloctinne of lost Taeeday wax tho coneletoat m ennor In whleh th a people m ada (h a ir daelslonn on quoatloae Involving ■alaty laeriaaoe In tho public MrvlM. Tho Totoroadnm wae Indulged in ra th e r freely thle y ear ta deelSe thee* m atte rs l a moel Inatpneee e ither tho polloa or flrefflon, o r both, w ere concerned. In two coeas In Newark and Traaton, the flret and laat citlee o t tb a e ta te to adopt the commlaefon torifl o t govom m aat, tho t«*t waa on (ba quaation of la irin g tho ealarlei of tho mombere o t tho City Commlealon.

In every Inadanca tha police aad firainan w ere g ranted more pay. But th e voter* ef Kowerk end Trenton rajactod, b ^ a a ever- whelming m ajority In each eo as th e appeal e f tb e ir ooiamleolonart to r an taereaao. w hich was m ade In accordanoo tetth th e •np p lem ea to rr act of HIT. T renton,‘whleh hae been fevernod under i t s prseeat epet«m etaee i t l i , and la apparently eatletled w ith th e eetnmlerion form, rejected th e m Im t o rd laaaoe by conriderebly m ere th an two to o n s Tha Newark v o te rs who heve m snl- teetod BO dlaeoataat with th e now fe n a • • ta r ee R hae g o n s deeiiod advetnely b r a m ajority vote oF T .t ll la a total veto of » . ■ » . ISiRi ineidaa la lly. traa ab o at twonty-flve par e a n t !«■ than th a t eaet fo r United f to ta e l enater, not a law pareontafe eaaetlp, wtaeetitad by tha^hlriory of roftreR -

M M tor the ealloua ifuftifi of th* tM etrio pdctupe pRM,'" tho'idle-;

RUT rato bt hM ■MBaauh|r‘ to 4M with M, ovan among Iboie w in f f t no hbURO upon tbo oemwIMef fee that im a ., tM oabUAy tboN waa * tMfMHfn *• ra- (rato Bmn ctvtM'Mngttoii I*

-ih^;w todi< '.toM 'n»'Pta(

A Wgrtime "Who’s Who."The war. naturally. Is m irrored very

largely In the new edition, th a t tor I t l t - l l lS . or “ Who* Whu in Amorlea" <A. N. Marquie A Co. ChlraKo); lnd**d, Jnnt nn a wartim e Interluda. the book might have for an added ■ ub-iltls "And Americano Engaged In Shew­ing the Kaleer What * W hat." Thoro are In the volume upward of S.OOt names mar* than over have appeared In any provlou* odltton. Of (hsia name* bund rad* a r t ef poroeni Who hav* gained prominence en account o t tbo war; th* new akatche* Incleds those of amny otflcare of th* army and navy promoted from th* lower ran k s of civilians appointed to ottleoB In lb* army and of men and womoa eolaoted to fill Important alvll commlaalOBS I t may be noted that New Jaraay, with S tt natlvaa Hated In "W ho'* W hs," la. la order, th* twaitth atat* In (bis raspaet New York heading tha lt«t with Aa te reeldeaosNaw Jaraay la th* aavarito s l a t s .with SIS namaii In addition to th* slg stoto* land leg Now Joroay In this particular, thoro le alto (ha District of Columbia In tha pirevfeue Issue of "Whe's W hs" tb l Jersey aatiee* and 111 Jersey resident* were luted.

Cgnteau to Uphold Monte.“People a t hema, wbar* thar* ar* gtora* en

ovary comer, do not realli* what It mean* to th* boy* over hart whan th* cantaan has te do** (or lech ef soppllas" coramonud a “T" man In a recant latter to the Baftnia Expraaa.

“W* have had (Iv* rainy fn y t In anocasslon and no supplle* coming In. Th* cantaan la cicasd for buelnea* and th* only etock w* hav* left I* writing pnpar, n Uttl* tooth p a s ts aoma match**, oiplonallona nad petlanca.

-Th* paopla a t haa* mn*! npawar th* boys’ ■M rios I f to* poepl* woald bagta aqaeiag totogs sae r b a rs arhlla alaglag t>*wr Tbeaev' tbair potriatlam wauM show ap bettor. Huo- drada of tlma* 1 hoar tbo oxproaolon T hank God for th* T. M. C. A.' when I hand dot a paekog* of clgaratto* or tom* checolat*.

T h * longer I stay, th* mer* oartaln I am that th* T. U. C. A. ta doing Its groatest work through mlnlotoriog to tho noadi ot th* boys through th* cantoons Th* auraat way to break down ths moral* of th* boy* Is to da- prlv* them of thair emokaa and th* little comforts whleh they hava a right to have."

hi* loadAs (h* aon sals a tta r day.

Thar* la rest and rafraahm ant to r thoo* too* ar* apant

From th* alruggta* end th* s t r l t s And a pUe* whar* th* tootoar* may rit Is

oootaalAt lha end of tha toll a f I lfs

And th* hsua* tou t we find a t (ha aad ad to* trail • ,

Is th* house toot w* praparaiNot a brick nor g fhlagto, a board ar a Ball,

But auraalt boa plaead ti (b a rs • a w* thinh w* shall find, os th* and briags

us near.And w* ■** ear a tam al abods

'Twill b* nebl* or peer, a s 'tb a en* w* balll bars

Our Houa* by tba gld* e t tba ReaS

MR. COMMON PEOPLE.In tba suburb from whicb w* moved aona*

tlma ago thar* lived—and probably still llvai —d cltlasa who cam* to praaant In our ayai all tha characlarlatlca of th* common paopla, smbodled In ona paraonallty. Th* Idas ot th is Incarnation paralstad a fte r w* noticed th a t every time a eartoonlat fa it colled on to portray hi* conceptlen of tho avarag* rittaen lha laeult wae a etrlklng llkanaas e t eur^el- low-eubarbanlta Th* Isrge-rlm m sd gleesea, the alda whiahars th* eenvantlonal (asturaa. tha humbl* aiprasslon around (h* *y*a *11 were to e rs Finally w* get to Iblnhlne or lha o o n w* saw oa lha troUay a* Mr. Camraan Paepis and (ha nam* s tu c k

W* law atm an tba a traat yasterday. look­ing more CopiieeBplae* and typical than aver. He bad an armful of bundles hts eyes were mild os they always had been behind the •psctocles hla wblekere were tmeelMy combed out sod h* bad (<mr bmtoaa, ens w ith a sarvlc* star, on h1e coal lapaL Beaiiig him brought It suddenly te us that her* was In reality, the common citlsen. th* ordinary Amtrlcan. th* living lyp*. He became ih* embodiment ef a great army, mllllnut of eommcnploc* man Idantlcally like him. with bundles and side w hiskers and glae***, and butteni on thair coat lapala

I t wee this army af citlsana, ordinary when th* Individual waa consldarad but splendid ae It* mllllona swept along, which made poastbla the amaahlng forever of a Ittable military etructur* which threstenod to ru'e (be world. But (or thle arm y of ordlniiy c ltlu n e Amartca could not have sent abroad the Tank** eeldlera who so quickly turned th* scslca Th* ordinary citlsen furnlahsd th* Boldlers and he turnlahed th* money, end tf (her* Is anylhine ale* Uncle Bam wants he haa only le mention It and Mr. Cemmue Peopla will gat It (or hlm.

gc, sArenever we ee* tha uncbtrualve littia man from th* suburb he ha* a wonderful dignity In our eye*, and. flguratlvaly. w* take our hat off to him.

Alt BecatM Peace Vat Broken.Fully elabty per cent ef Ih* emblams mods

for and by tb* gevornratnl are turned out tn a flag manofaetorlaa plant In Pbllodol- p h is which la virtually an annex to tb* Bchuylklll ArstnaL

Th* govarnmant la saaklng Md* ta r id .eeihonerabla dltehsrg* buttons In relied gold and b ranss with geld tlnlsb.

"No Oarwian-mad* goads sold hers" Is tb* legend on placards which may be placed In eterae wishing to emphorii* their patriotUm. Th* Natloaal Women'* Cemnltte* of tha Na­tional DefenM Beclefy I* teetering auch a mevamant. , . .

n le e a t In Celumbus G-i that th* photeg- raphate bav* eem* fakward to help make good tha premia* b t War methara to sand pie- tores to men from that city In Fymnes la ccmpllanc* with Oanorel Parabinkk eeggae- tlen. They have already algnlflad tbair wlll- tngtiasa to tok* eem pllm antl^ pletarae e t the** war m etheri who faal th a r eoaaat afford th* extra axpenas

THE w r i t e rA euper-Phakaepear*. king e f man,

(Though guilt cendamna or tamo anoints) He swing* a world wbosa paace-dipped pan

Band* Erl* stock up THREE WKOLBPOINTni!!! L

Daar J*an-~Now for th* Blacker chorus: TIow I wish I'd had a chance at ihoe*

Huns!" EDDIEP. g —Ton wait and sa s

In th* and w* may (a t up tha fool-klUat'e g r i i t

But you never *** OXm glevas turned dewa > a t to* w riat

It occurs Just eeeurs th a t If Uncle earn dacldaa te flnleb up (hat Maxlean JoS h* hoe th* tool* all bandy.


Recordi Owed to Children.ThI* boa baan th s tim e fo r nacaaattlaa to

loom la rg s Bafer* tb* w ar things war* paat- penad and naosasltlas did a e t assume their valuable eharocUr. Paopla ware pren* t* think af doing tblngs "eometleM." Tkus children ware net alw ora troalad fa irly In the way ef reeerds th a t eheuld bav* bsea torire b r b irth righ t

A elUi*B ef Cblcog* haa Just pubUelp eem- plained that bla perenta made ae reaesd mt lha town la wbteb ba waa bora and ba boa aa sray e t ttadlng o u t N at oleae th a t bet ba daaa not knew hew old he I s Deplorable la- ■toncea e t parental neglaet have com* to light during to* aeleetlv* servle* period.

Oftantimea eblldren live eeatented until matured bafar* bagtnalag to quoatloa son- corning thoir rio rt la tbo w orlE Oaco aartous they raaaat tbair Igaoraae* and It la aams- ttnm* tea lata whan tb* aaoaarity asatroate them to abtala datoile o t tooir birtk.

Among th* adJusiaaoBto th a t sriU eomo out e t to* war eughl to bo laeladed a palari taking eftert ea tb* p a r t o t psueato to atart tbair eblldren with a roeord th a t srin aatab- llah to* place e f b i r tk aaeeators paroats d a ts envlroement aad eharaeter o t tool* Immediately related.

▼hat Newgrkere Are Readin|,The beeka most In demand a t th* Nasrark

Library tb* peat week hav* baen. In order e t pepularlly. a* fetlowe: Pletlan—"Th* FourHersaman ef the Apecatypas," by VJeasto Blasco Ibanas; "Joan and Pater," by H. O, Welle; T b * Daughter e t the L saE" by OOBB itra tte a -P e rie r; T h e Rough *-*■*." bp William J. Locke: T h * Lure o t th* North,'*, hy Harold Bindleas and “A otrL Naepei Mary." hy Juliet Wllbor Tom pkins' HeR- Fletlen—T h * Kalaar as I Knew Ulna? bp Arthur N. Devli; “My Lorratae JeefnaL" bp Edith Louie* O'Bhanghnasay; •XJver'FeHeuepa P o p s" hy Ruth A ylaa Root; *Tn'tlM Funytb Taar." h r H. a Walls; “Tb* Be Band tfn e e ( Datanas." by Margaret Blattarr, and “WiMMB' Wanted," by Mahal Patter D aggett

------ — .. a I ... , ■ ■ 4'-

Ae Ebily Problem of Pcbce VhkfaMint Rank wi& Hiom of Wet

1 » e i' - f r

.i*, tfekwrip bankats but mareban n elliwrs aaportere In partleui aMrebetet an apprariattoa that BknE mNm again *n* ot tb* m preblama ta be.dnHemiarad br 'Men a* by peaplw at mMf tefWIb

T o n i ^ t a t L a u te r *8ddCelebrate Victory with Mueic t t

November Mu$ie RoUi November Victfir RecordsThe Pamoes LaaterrHamaui


t, -'V ' . I '

Men and W<xi^s; * ■’ i “v! . •

; lb ike Government Service


fluir.Et mm* PiddUtjrTrMt C e a p u y in thoir aBnrlebtljr l iE ip ly E M king b rra n 'iM M n tiwith it to look ift ir thoir

rVr-Ifr V

tnulboii u d porw ul offiin. : Tf A'.*

1 .-"■ H:

la tba day* a p tea waa g e ilady's wardrob

'* F ahoa* a r gl aoatum* beaka and price lisi laaat among i apeak doltbarai aprcB waa an < turn* en even h a p s w* eaoet tho P uritan I church.

W* ar* act te r whll* than th* aun," s


I TWIWoman fin

ee much In d' quit* as w* home. In th* there ar* or who boards « It were net K kit, which Is. mad* e t elui weight (hat difficulty If ( ulansll* ar* etor, and wh above th* et n o t.s tan d a alcehol Is th em ployes ar poBsIbl* to coffee or be: bit *( bacon.

Week’s An In<

Nineteen I Hum Pre


One Cdlti f

Nineteen outlay of I and a ltera ll Department week endini Cfwoee ef II the prscedln parmlte wer penditure o: solving |l.( tows:

Fourth W tara tien to Railroad ef m ated east.

F ifth Wai tara tien to Outmated coat,

g lx th War aU aratlen t

G. Xlefar, O' E ighth t

ona-aiory h Hanschka. I I AM

Ntnlh Ws •p a , Bllarst Ittig Laath mated cost aae-Biory c storage, O'C ttn u ted cos

Tenth We Clifford etn W illiam Tt cast t4.«ee. law ill* fa phny. ownai

Elavanth North ThI frame trnrsi lu rin g Com

Twelfth ' eas-etory i aad paint i tony , owns Wllaea avei rood,, twe-i balldlBK ■ Cempaay, (TMM.

T hiriesnt eirsot. alt* Goarg* Epl

’ / » itTh* Rttbl

has central

l iy -


erot* gtaala two-eteriavenu* adHanraad b•ODily daali whleh .will l» ,d a« . Id tereed em t a rea o f 41a

E ak o rA Hon ot an '

' gl Ita ptaniJL Phalpa 1____ whtelrotofsrood«nn B to a r ' t b a a a d t U

’ g l i m O

MkWi Wll ta aroet i iti^- ■ q lK tard M

r , • W -'"■'.i. .sj>«


t tiM f*«l H tiM

r* » .'r, ikall F«t 4*w«

« t ta r tkaaa ika*

la atrlta,>taara Mar i l l la

Ufaa t U a aM at Ika

>ara;baar4 ar a Ball, th a raaa tha a a i hrtaat

»a4a'ta a ana wa balll

tha Raad.

'EOPLE,> wa nioaad aonarobablr atlll Ilraa aaant In our tyat a eamoien raapla, ty. Tha Idaa of a tta r wa nollead t ta lt caJlad an to la a rarac* rittaan kanaaa a t aur^al- a-Mmmtd alaaaai, antlanal faaturai, and (ha a raa all at to th tnklnf o( lay aa Mr. Caiaraon

t yaatarday. laok- typtcal than avar, laa hla ayaa warabaan bahind tha wara amaolhly

f<Mr biittoaa, ana :oal lapaL Baaint ua that hara waa.

Isan. tha ordinary Ha bacanta tha

im y . BitlUoiia of lly Ilka him. with , and flaaaai,, ordinary whan •rad but aplandld >na, which mada avar of a Ittahia hraalanad to ru'a army of ardindty hava aant abroad

aa quickly lurnad cltlaan furnlahad

ad tha monay, and Undo dam wanta and Mr. Cammud

nnabtrualva littia haa a wondarful

'uratlraly , wa taka

ERof man.

ar fama analnto) laaca-dlppad pan THREE w h o l e


ilaokar ehorua: k chanca at ihoaa


p tha foal-klUar^

loraa turoad dawn

hat It Unela dam axlean lab, ha haa


Chilciren.t e r oaeaaattlaa ts

r thinca wara paat- nat aaan m thair

la wara prana ta •oMatlHa." Thun raatad fa irly la (ha I baaa baan tlhalrd

] ia ( fubU alr aaat* ■ada na raaard a t barn and ha haa aa alaaa th a t hat ha ta Caplarahla la> Mt h ara noma ta aaralea parlad. a eaataatad nntU

ta qiiaatloa oaa> 'arid. Ohca a trtan a la and It la aaMa- mpaaaitr aaafraatatkatr blrtk. th a t w iu aama ant laaladad a pafawt ■t p a rta la ta atart rd Utat w in aatab- baaaatara paraata kaimatar a t Ihaaa

^ p n s, {aavi Vt Csf, Eminent P r td iE a l or Entirely'Frivolous, Are with Us jn ? f n Moment> . . .

l a tha dara af aur tafalb thara da a » ta a waa v t l ta d b maah d pd rt^a t a lad j 'a waxdroha aa a r t handharcblati

' a r ahoaa a r glaraa today, ta tjM aid aadtuma haoki yaii will (lad Uamliad aad prtca llala a( clothina, a a t tha laaat am ana which ora aprana. Wa tp aak dallbamtaly ta tha plural, ta r an apron waa an aaaanual part of har caa- turaa an ovary occulan, unlaii, par- ha pa. wa aaoapt balia and church; and tha P uritan la u avan wara ana to church.

Wa ara not apt to aat that aaata , for whila lhara “la nothing naw undar th a pun," aapaclally la (aahtona

qallhar la thara aayth(ri« a t! W »IH 'a tactly ; alwaya It la n iiu V Itl la auU aaw oircanitaoeaa a r paa^ara (aata NpvartlialaaB. wa ara aaalag da apt- damic a t aprana, ta a parttaUy ta tha aoenaenr U raat upon ua by tha war, but mara partloatarly by tha naw ftalda of labor that tha war has apanad up la ua.

II la aaay aneugh ta aaa tha aea-'nactton In tha Maavar apran. tha ovar- alla of tarm arattaa aad m aaltlan werk- ara and tha Rad Craaa apran.

And tha cannaetlon la lhara gslla aa Jatlnltaly tn lha kn itting and hliehan aprana Wa knit ta r tha Rad Craaa and a malarKy af ua ara apasding li^flnllaly


mard tlw a la aaa M lahaaa than waa adr want two ar t* i yaara aga.

n takaa fo rath - >lR,.^bralna aad pallaaaa (a w aho t w % ^ r eata at maat paU tahla aad tbiJjlw tha whaat and aagar aubatUutas. It takaa an avan graatar amount of farothanght and bratn work to taauro na waata haaca tha kitchan aprotia.

■a. Itrat, tn tha aval, wa hava tha mast practical af alt tha amaltar kitrhaa aprana. It la mada of tigurad oil­cloth bound with lapa.

r ra a f agalnat any liquid you may slop an tha fraa i af you. It may ba waabad off with a apenga, and. If vary aallad, a btl of harmlaaa scouring soap. It will amarga traah and claan as now for a t tang aa tha aurfaaa taata , Nait oomaa anolhar bttchaa apron, dltgulaad undar tha aaaia a t a"hunga- low" apron. Raally it la a draat, and (hpugh It m ight ba coal, worn ao. In wtalar, In aummar H aarvaa admirably lattaaid of a houaa draaa.

Kada of a haavy wash fabric, colored. It la Irlmmad with a daap collar and p lp li^ t of whito. Hugs paokota com- btaa with tha bait la glaa a paaal at- faet to (ha front. Tha halt bultoaa la bark aad may ba untattaaod to facU- llala lha laundaring.

la• a t la n la g tram aaah la ham. It dallgh lla lly aaay la daa and doff.

Nakt la a Rad Crass apran a t haavy whllOi eavartng your antlra troch, aad praatical for all af thooa Rad Orcaa taaha that raqulra apeiUta claanllnaaa.

Prom grava to gay, wa hava with ua an lha right a garm aat eallad a “tudga a p ran " It it pralty anough to buy and wear under any name, wa might avan ranatn t It lha "grapa Juica and cornbraad apron" and Itlll waar II with plaaaara

It la mada of lha ahaaraat whila lawn or hallaia and la trimmad quits alab- arataly with vary fina and dainty Val Th« bait and tha vast a r t *nllraly mada of tbo tar#

Last I t on* of that* rldtculaua IIIIU affairs that bacoma lha butt af Jakaa whanavar and whararar warru But It la raally not aa foolish aa It leoka avan though it I

BAU-T ITRENOTH AND CHEERCsmpliad by Jobs O. Qalalv

iTba •unilnnt Haa) Halavad, If aur heart eandtmn

ua not. than hava wa canfldanca tow ard Ood—I. John tit. II.O Lord, how happy la tha tima

Whan tn Thy lava I raat; W haa from my waarinaaa I climb

E‘an lo Thy lander braaai.Tha night of tarrow endalh lhara.

Thy rays outehLoo lha auni And In Thy pardon and Thy cars

Tha haavan of heat ana ta won.—W C Daaalar.


mftuv* tulU in 4 lUtl with » M«h of th MM*. All tbftt It ti t9 4o la(o your frooh from tho llnifrom your grtty or Vhhkt foni. for II lo a koU tInf opron. or4 that It dooo moot offttlonOy.

If you porooaallf oro not woArInc • prono ond do not fool ouro of tholr •Uddon rloo In tho roopoct of tho eom- munlty, yuti htv* only to turn th« pofoo of o Fronrh foohlon book ond count tho numbor of oproo modolo omonf tho droo«oa

For Frottch olyloo oro otlll tho iruoty woothor vonoo of Amorteon foohlono.

port tho klndorfforltn m«y plofa not only In tb f oorly llfo of tho child, but In nfior yodrop boc-ouoo of tho Influptn «

modo of ohoorfol ’ 1 wioldo In tho dovolopmcnt of « h«i -




I Lu 0 (.





actor. TMo lO wh«l l>r. Abbott oo>r 1 AO klndorforton lo moro (hon n i'Ar<

tlru .o r form of oohool. Tl lo on tUI principio of oduco(lon~tho ptin. u plo that oducAilOfi to growth^ npt timn- ufacturo. Tho ktndorgarton li o vardon; tho homo and (ho ochooi tho to ll; bad habito aro (ho wooiI r. th« paronti ond tha laachoro aro Ihn oor<l- onoro: *ducalton lo proparliiK oi><1 *<>- r irh in t lha oolt, plantltig tho NPotlR. wooding tho gardon bod, thn klnrloricnt ton playo and oongo oro aardrn Uaoija a rhoorful oplrll. a goniol hum<-r, « oplrlt of kindnoao and oympathy aro (ho nocooaary aunahino, oorrow. irlala, lomptailonOe toara, diorlpllna oro tho nocaaaary rain, firory hotno and #«ory aahool ahould bo a child gardon, Tho pupito ahould horor gradual*. Tho p r i­mary achool, tho gramniar ochool, th« high achool. th* coltoga, ohould all bo ohUd gardono la* which th# growing youth ihould bo guldod Iti hlo growth, hut alwayo oncouragod to grow notur- glly, oimpiy. hooKhfully Into whatovor ftawor and fruit hlo fiolura fito hlrn for Tho moi!o for tho paront and iho toachor ohouM alwaya b* "('oTiioldor (ho lllloa of tha Hold how thoy grow." and Iho ffiodol of (ho poreni and (ho (oachof ahould alwayo bo iho dlvlno modol fur- alihod by (|f»d o work In rrcallon ’'And Ood oald. Lot Iho earth bring forth grama, tha hrrb yloldiog ooed and fru it troo yielding fruit aftor lila k ln d “

If w* will plant (ho childron of our Immlgranla In Amorlran ooll. give thorn amorlcaficompanloni, teach them In tho Amorican language, let (hem breath# Amorican lltorature. (ileilpHne lhoi»' lu tha Amorican art of eelf government w a r m iholr heario hi ihe euMohlno of Amorlrar\ toTuleTneia. oympaihy aitd rowd fallowoMp. *"d alwayi roopoct iho naluro which God hae given them, how- | evor It may differ from ouro. they will grow up loyal, patrlollc. dovoted Amorl- caita ________ — I


W k o B y o u w a k * u |i « U h k a r k o c h * a i i d

dull iniaory m tho kidnor ref lon li gonerallr Biegne ha># h«*n nat ln f loo mu<’h lOeai. ■gjr# 4 we11'ki)OM*t autKibMtr. Ueoi forttio «f(c a--ld whK-h “ lo roft fk* Ihe kldnoyo In tlioir *rtor( (p niior li rrom ih« blood, and th e r bet OMO ooj I of parolroed and l o r t r Wkon >our hydney* gel iKifl iob and l1o« you rnool roltovo ihom, | lko you relievo yoor boweVe, romoTlBf all tho kodr'o Mrlnove waaie. oloo you navo baohach* eirh hoad aeho. d i i iy tpoHo. your oiomach oouro toaguo lo ooatod, and whon iHo woathor lo had you hava rhoum one (winioe Tko orino lo cloudyg fotl of oadlmoat. ehannolo often got onto, wot or oroide god you a ro obllgod to eook rollof two or tloieo du r la g tkoOlthte

l.iiliet roneuit a footl. roUablo phygiaMMI ai (•n>‘o «>r •*( from your pharaimoioi ahovt tour oitHfea of dad PoKi. (ako a takloapoog* ful In a tioae •( »alor kaforo breakfgoi tor a row deie and your kidneye will tkoa a*l fine Thte lamouo lOKo l« loado from tkO acid of giopoo and lomon Jutoo. oomkikad with mbia. and kaa kooa mood for gosorg-. dene |* cloan and etlmoloto oluggtw kid* noyo aloo to novtraiiM aetda In ika orlgo •• U no lonaor Irriuioo ikoi tadlag MAdAm woakaooa.

Jad Paiio to a lift tavtf for rogutat m i l oaiora. It 1* laopoonoiTO- caaaot laJggo mm Makoo a doitgktful offervoaMOl tliMa m u m for WyolA CkMiNAl Co

The Handy Mew KitWoman rind that tha mtaa kli, now

aa much In demand (or utc ovaraaaa la q a tta a t wall adapiad to tarvica at homa. In tha room or In Ih# o pan^fo r thara ara occasions whan lha woman who boards would t* t a "snack" It onlgr It wara not loo araat troubla. Tha mats k i t which takta up vary llltia apaca. It mads a t aluminum, and la ao l l(h t In w alfh t that It may ba carried without difficulty It one la off tor a picnic- Tha utanalla arc about ala Inches In dlam . alar, and whan plactd In potltlon, ena abava tha other, Iho antlra outfit daqa n e i.s tan d a (pal In hot*hL BplIAlflaid alcehol It the ccokini m aguro usually omplayad, and t l one tim r l l t a ijuttb posalblo to propara a cup of cocoa, caffaa or baulHen. eook an a n and a bit a f bacon, tea.

Week's Building Shows An Increase of $32,988

Nineteen Pennki Issued. Fewer Hum Previously Reported, but

Amounts Are Ltrger.

One Cills for OutUy of $75,000

So-Called “Humble Folk” Bear Witness that Heads Are for Something Else Than for Hats

Nlnctaan pcrmlla. raprcaantln* an outlay of t l t t . t t* for bulldincaand altera llona wars (ran tad by the pgpgrtm tnl of Bulldlnga dutrlng the weak andlna yaatarday, This la aa In- Cfaaaa ol lU .SU avar tha amount ot Ilia pracadlnd weak, whoa twanty-flva narmlta wara Enntad, fat a to ta l an- pandllura of STS.TIS. Tha Idtaat, ta - vwlvlnc Sl.bsa or mors, « ra aa tab-

'^ r i i i t t h Ward—sis. a ^ t . ^( tra tlen td bflfk raataarik l. CadtrdT Rhllroad o f ‘NSw Jattaty, owitaf; abtf.* oiB tt* «aoL.SIS,aas. •- '

F ifth Ward—# MtWfcditaf a ttaa t, a l- tanttlon to brick ok|,r«ls VVnroS , o t Out La('r .»( Caiow.l, b e n a r; aaU- matad coat. tS,baS.

m ath W art—iSf leu th BlPUb atraSL a lla rs tlen ta frama d w tllla l* Andraw

Q, ICUfar, awnari aatimalad cast |t,0«4.a if h th Ward—SIB Cllfloa avaana,

ona-atory hollow Ula darSEa, R. IL Hanachka. ownarj aattmatad coat. II.SM

Ninth W ard—« l rrallnlUuyaatl aba- ava. allaratlon to brick factory, Biar- h h y Laathar Company, owner; aatl- matad coat St.OIO. 410 Clinton avtnua, ana-alary concrata black carado and atorada, O'Connall A Hllaar, awnar; aa- ttknalad coal tl.lOO-

Tanth Ward—Whaalar Point road and n ir fo rd slraat, iwo-ttory frame atabla. Vfllltam round awnar; aatlmatad cast St.SM. Ball'i lana,.UBa-aierF lw>- lew Vila factory. Hodal L aathar Oam- pkny. awnar; aatimalad coat SI.SOS.

Eleventh Ward—S in k avanua aad North Thirlaanlh atroat, ana-atory rrama (rnraao. Nioan a trhaca Jdaaufac- tu rln d Company, owner; astlaiatisd coat 91 ddd

Twelfth Ward—tl-lOO Lantd avantta; •aa-a tary concrata automeblla repair and paint shop. Gulf Raftnind Cam- ten y , owaar; aatimalad cast SlS.ttS, Wllaap avanua and Lshtdh Vallay R ail­road. twe-story ralnfonad concrata balldlBE, Rubkar CtllV|«ld Produotd CempaBy, ownar; aatlaaatad coat ITS.SSS.

Thirtaanth Ward—tS - t t AlaaoBdar Btraat. altaratltm la fraiaa oboreh. SL Oaarda ■plaeopal Church, owaar; aatt- ■Mlad «M t SM td. , . , , , .

Rubber kC d W o ilip M ^/n feed « $75,000 B oihfat

Tha Rubbar 0 Gslltttald ^rodlM ta baa cantraclad «<Ul ^ -A M g rtdWt Coil- arata Etaal Company re i ftfcdraarijrt b f a two atory (aotary bpddlr - ' — — awanaa a ^ lo ln d Itenroad la ra p - •Stitly daatroyad rhlcii

In tha fall af 1111 a aurburban lady daclarad her IntantlM af aitandind ■ bll of eourttay, In tha way af homo acaiiomlca knowladdo, ta eartaln bum­ble famlllaa llvlnp In aa-callad pear diatricta From har own homo cams an early morninf prediction, ‘T ou'll laarn aomathlnd'" In the avanind, aa aha climbed lha (rant atapa, aba rapllsd, "1 dld"

Tha cellars of thoaa particular -pcoi'* hnfnaa aha vlaltad wars aa wall atachad with laanH-praaarvad ood - aaaeaoied toads that It pkl to ahaiwa tha a tta rta b( tha womaa aha wa# aparallap with aad pul ta n idh i par atlam pt ta apraad thrift and food cCnaaruatlan prepaddBda. Tha vary firai aub)tcia c t tha n a la r- nal andsaver. a family w ith many atan- bart, all hard-worklod. had mara can- aarvad food an thair ahalvaa than any member of the vlaltlnd commluaa.

Between the nacaasitlaa ot last win­ter and tha anticipated naccasitica of tha eomind winter, Itallaa houacwlvaa had built a brld i« of praetleel pra- paradnass out of (boir own brain bui- tarial. It It bad baan a quaotlon a t calorific foods Inattad o t food eonaar- vatlan tha eppeii unity fa r eo-opor*- (Ian rnltht hava basB draalar. Httitard picklaa occaptad a cantldarabla part af the cellar.

The Amarican houaawlta laarnad that nacasally It a atronyar force toward oanaarvatlon than prepadanda Bha alee laarnad that tha humble weman's head Is used tar aomathlnd m art than baarlBd hats. The combination af prapadonda circulated durlny the past law yaara, a tta rn naeaaalty mlnflad, parhapa with fear, and the osa a t dray m attar filled the aallars with cantad

The Kindergarten

faada. There can ba nc doubt but that many of tha humble hauaewlvae can- tin u rt thair trudsl. thrifty habits that a rt thair cuatam a Othpra fellowad lha laadara or hinia thrown out by hama wattara badtaa

Naeaaalty la a atarn taakmaatar. Na ana w tn u ta create aacaaslty thraudh m lifortuna but It aa happaaa now and then th a t tha heusawtta la davalopad lata a aatlenal aaaal throadk necca- stty; Far Inilanaa. a certain family k a d a Btald fa r eautdccabla time who parfatmad d a tu ra llr an* wUhaat. much InatraoUan tha dutlaa *te9 hpqpahcld la war tinea Bha made auch war bmad. an har awn tBltlatlva. that lha family did net much care It It never saw whalc-whaat bread adsln. Bha used all faoda. w astlac aona. She waa a lawal. "Hew a o F was the natural th au d h t An acqualatanea af bars In­formed lha family th a t baaauaa ot an UBfartunata m arrlada tha maid had tan a har own ways Into davalaplnd har talanta aa a housawlfa. thereby unconactOBaly randarlns ■ atrTloa lo a family th a t appraclatad har affsria. In- ataad of rapInlBd. aba used har head; and handa

Bacauaa th is particular maid's church lay tn a diractlen many mllas away fram har }ab thara came a aaparatloa rcdraltad by tha tamlly. Far It was evident th a t the family was as much plaaaad ta hava wllhtn (hair beuaaheld eama ana wha would uaa har head to help IB the atranuaus presaat aa tha lulmrSma woman was aurprisad ta aaa the wall ateckad aallar ahalvaa

Borne a f lha humbler haada are mara daaarvlBB a t mantlan. It aaamr. than same (hat a ra uaad (or axponalvo mll- llBory. I t a ll dapanda upaa the head.

Dr. Lyman Ahboit hat writlan aa ap­preciation of tha klndartartan on be­half of the DapartmaM o( Interior- Bureau of Education, and tha National K lndar«artan Aaaoclatlon H brlnpa botoro tha parent vary (orcatully tha

S T lM liO m _____ _PVBUC BB PLBAallK

C O LeO N lA L L I N EBOSTON idl:; 54.40PRO VID EN CE $2-97

iTATk V tJ Tlvg*iti*rarm M(ermeM<|a™arW t»je el drpartv

Tiebeta. J. B. Menr. revBi 3,1 (Ualen b«Ud- tadl cilaten it.. Newtrh. and bdaara

UcKevn. an Herrlaon are tiarrlaag.


Woreaatar, • • • I , pTOT«l»aca. tJiraci. IJiA- OUTUPB ftA T a BOOllla $1 ^ flu

par latermatloa r«gkrglag U«a ut da»Mti*ra g k M ItM Saakesk-

Don’t Say "A Pound of Tea* S a y


T E At l ie ii yoa*ll th e r e a l d e lio io n sn e e s o l porep fre th # ira ^ T i^ l le a v e s b le n d e d to perfeo tiona A t7vnrgi«aera S^abdpMkaUonty,

Snowy W hite Q othes Without Scrubbings

No matter how big tha waah or how aoUad the lioeo, 20 Mule Team Borax Soap CUpa will put your clothaa oo tho line s o o w t w —wUh all the hard work of waah day left It’i the Borax in


m u l e t I a mBORAX SOAP CHIE$

thdtdocBitl ItBofteBBlhawater^looBWMitliadlrtBo th*t the pure Bo*p cin dittolv# it N«*t waab-dty use 20 MokiTciunBoraa SoapChipe(his ways

Mdka a Soap Jelly by aiUial thrao tsbieBpooiifolB of Chips to a quwt of boilinl water. Put aoouib of tbif Bolution into the wssb-wstar !to mska a |ood sotU aad soak or boil etpthea aa ububL Will n ^ •brink woolena or injure fioa tabrioa. Ane M. paek- •le of20 Muk Borax Soap Chipa oquala 2So worth ot ordinary laundry aoap.

ir 'i t k $ B * r a x w i t h t k t s»dp H t s t gaas lh« »arA AT AUeDBALEBS

V yi

ra r t tha araaant ona-ato ir tram a hpnaa at IS Lana atraaL which Ic


cm lac whUh

upqd aa a Tura H a lt Inic habaa (ar man. The bultdlnt, weuplas a plot ISaies fast. Is ta wmda twa atorlaa hick h r lastoUlao • aaaphd flcor, and la id ha parUtloaaq oft Intc forty bed rooms and,a m ad u a fMm. Henry J. W aller haa praydVM plans far tha chanFad.

, a ' I

O n e T ^ ie n ie fd P a n a i t G ra n te d

Plana wars apprdvad hy tha BtatS' Board ot Toaamaat Haoao BuparvlalOB this weak for the altoratlen of a two- story brick hnIMInt. W achlnytoa aad Main atracta B arfcnnald, owned by Fradariek ZlCBlar, a t an aotlmatad coal o( _

BBAL a STATa TBANOTB*tha taltawind dtada wars Died yaatarday!

NBWAint.Asoa H Ralakart ta JuBiia Xraattar ct

a a Narwaad at Mf ft Jl. fr Abmaw t l Uataa, it. - ^

Bdwin C Oraaam at al ears ta La Bay B Oabema. w a WaabMdtca a> tSa f t • tr Ckaater av. 11*11. 11.

ta rriacllia W Oaboma. w i Wash

. Irvtuica. a a Celt at IH ft • fr Chaa- ‘ av. ifcr '■ "staa. It.

l aaaaatiar •Nalkaa B


bM taCell at»l-____ Oraa H Berry ct ua.

a a Aapliiaa rd l i t ft a ft Wla- M, II. ■

thr iBbtunr«ad la rcftw •htitly daaUoycd hy tlr« . trhlch.wDL tBvolra anm.*M. la » W WB«tdiw e cBBwaP. tt vUl h%h af (IkMI teat

r 'C'V * I I V- '-f t

.yap VI vaaev* ■.; iBliac. * Otu iB*. haa w m | t|*dfraa« i M s t an iXiatiiloB M U a •aa<iw N w ai It* Plant iB

PkatBB la tbB drtllluM fb r tb f hMl* wMch la (• ba hf hrlakjrhlto ta i

V xvtrvfW i,

' sM waU r ta ( . I t

''s 'S L ** 'frMdB w a f t


. F i u ^ a jachiM aad hue ta ja a Walnut at H t ft w (r mV Mall ^ elbar tract, It.

- la K(aha at ua la Jo

buSiuwta a* Itt**Mlchaal J Ctarbj *1 wa to Mltha*?. Hf-

ftril C a W a tille 'fc aa ia a aa ' * * - “ Xlaaay pl IH ft a w tr WWaBay

oimira OF NawABH.

i s v i n n

' KOBTOAOnTbaca marlctaci wan tlladi

NBWABK.Jiltaa BXaaller at uq ta Weal Sto* park B

* L Aata, a a Narwaad at IH ft a ft Abls- tto p k ia«M.

Ahraot Badaavtta at ax to ealadtala B h L Aata, a a a atymear a* l* ft a a ft Jaf- ftay bl. fl**h

Chaa F Tamaual al al u rm h Wars B h b Asao. a a Lalhyatia at l i t ft w ft Ualm at, NH.

Baaa Wlltaa ana hua to Walt Jarre, a a a llih at t i t ft a a ft Itih av, Itto.

Baal H Braaai at as la Jaaala V Xaat, a a N tib at a ft U av, lka«.

JH J raiiitia a c ear Wadlaia aad Devalaa ata II,tu .

Caivltos KIrahatr to Attoa B * L Asia, w I Aqaadiwt at (Klfhland av> III ft a ft Maaiaieir or,

' Hartto at as to Lclal I_...Itth


v w e v n THE REASON!^

d T h ^U an to at XB to LeW I fartolli^ a t FaWmaxat av IN ft a ft^taxM Kaha la Warraxty B h L Ama, a a Walaut at I t ft a ft ItoWhartoraiiK.ii5rik.w>*”“ r "

Oammaattr Meeiee Qa ta FstoM B * L

tO M M alhat^k at aa <e OirmHs B * L a Id at l i t ft a a ft H * B B B.

Do you know France?Do you know her silver streams, the mu sic of her moonlight on casement windows, be­

neath which lovm sing serenades?The blossfHn# from trees alwg the roads by which the legions of Caesar marched to

conquest—btoBSoma from the same soil that dropped bloom on the head of Henry of Navarre as he whispered love in the ears of his sweetheart?


Xiab, aiV ^ td lto -Wt W iR s :vssv-.?,*n!M‘ »•

O tm iO B o r NBWABK.ta&i5ft*?*n:f>vr“rd‘*i.?T. I I





2 :3 0

PRICESBtloony ........25cOrchestra...... 50cBoxes.........$1*00

500 Good Seats . at 25c


^ O R L D


8 :3 0

PRICESBaL . , . .25c & 50c Orch. .. 75c and $1 B oxes........... $1.50

500 Good Seats at 50c

M \ i


Brings th e R om ance and. B eauty o f F rance to A m erica, to New ark, to Y ou

'•1 It'

. ■•'

. . ..‘ tl1* •»!




on AD PtrfoffBiiiBCOi■ -y

i r r o ' i I V iIKiifi.uiai

.r.;• -i'

K E W jy t k m - r r t i

. X ' • • V • •Fvj .r ■

T iT ^ ' wmm^ 3 A 5 E B A L L


OrgMiizahon Effected I Speno Slaihei His Wiy By Scholastic Coaches: To Victoiy Over Pavesc

Etrl C. M*cArthur oi Peddit In-•dhite U Nuaed Preiideot of

Now FoolUll AuociatioD.

Puritan Boy ComM Back StrongAfter Going Down io Second. 'Handi Out Tenifk Punching.

Short 1» Named Field Secretary Palmer Win» Semi-Tinal by K. 0 .

Bari C. KacArihor of IitMjmi*• u Dfciiin » riiw « n t *t t*» fw "#! «r-

JdMlMtl* roolfcoll AHoolatlM. orfogml iMl «1«M 1« «l»r l*»U. thirtym 4 th irty -« » • prophroto'y and hi«h ■ibaol* fr««t all.McMooh of tha t ta l i

Aad lh» poraona) rapraMDlatlori of thair ’AaMhall oaachaa a t tha maattne. whlla aavarat mart, Mtabla to aan* d a la aa t^ ■aaa aanll*ar**'i mambaribip in

‘ *to*aSiiuUM ta Mr. MaeArlkar. olhar •fflaat* ebahaa laai atirht w a : vioa■ f iB ln l Cbartaa B. L l^ a af tHckiatM ■ Ifb adiaai. i t r d t f C dr: aac rtta rr traaaorar, a p ia rar U. B ^ a t t of <*«»"■ « a CUjr B lah Bebaal W alHr B. Ihort, M ta IM t la RaBdAU R. Wardaar, au- aawtadr af athlaUa WaliiHia In tka looal aaklld MbAala mMI th a m aa ratpanalbla l i t aba paw o rgan lM lda , waa aamad M i M arU arr. whita M. *■ Malonay af »M n»akara . U iah ntbaol waa altftad PMa»har>al-l4raa a f tha aaaoativa com- ailitaa.

f tM jr ta a lp a l apaaJiir a t tha aaanina waa D r, r rp a h P. Maraaajr, formarabattla l « ra « ta r a t Mawarh Acadanr a p i aaw ata ta aaparvlaor of pbyalcal

aUoa. Dr. Maroaay oaaniaandad tha ta whloh raap lta i In tha arpaalaa-

aiaa a t tha aaw laaeetallee a a i taload 6 m hank IlMtl IIM h a ir RMT la tlMitraaah an t ta tak a aaatra( af all tekal aidla aaapatlU ap la Maw faraar. lt« ir a p fh i w ith hiBi iiM h aartr appr«t«i a t d i m M . BapiBlI, a tata aapartattai- aal a f aah aala Or. Mar ta a fa Mppaa- Haa th a t tha la fa a t arpaaltatlaa alai ta r tha m m » aaparvlalaa of all iparta that i r ia ta h a ra a ra r faathall M nah a raapaaMaa alMra. a n i. w hnartka naa haklai t h a a n u l a t l n a ra aaUaTM far iha tiaaa hahw ta aaalar tkair aabUhoa m tha a iM ra tb it la praatleallr adaurai th a t hdCaaa l a a t thair aaatral will ha-

, eeaw seneael.L e m r Balwana. caleeihia, a a i Jaha

e . BeDapaM. B raw a, twa Caatral hoard , foothaU atflalala ra il Man la Mawarh,

P llaa d ii th a M a U a p a a i aatai aa a talM law pra tatlaB « aaaiatUtaa. Th* aartaaa aaaahaa praaaat wara flro a par* la la ilta t a a ah Cor lafaratailaa on any af tha rwlaat a a i , w ith tha aaalataaoa of tha t« a h ttk la lA aavsral Intricala a a la ti .M ra c la a ra i p p

BiM na C hartta Brtahlay, taraiar Bar- vapi aPMhla. a a i W llllaia C. Rapar. fafaMT r r ia a a ta a ChPtala a a i aaaah. b a i haaa i n a a t a i ta aAdrooa iba aMal* IbB. bp t paf ih t r waa abla ta ba prat* aai. B aaal a f la ln laa ia it impaaalbta

.Baatga Brlaklpy la a ltani. whlla .'.Rapar pAa ia ta la a i la Maw Torh

laa aa a a ta itarp #C tha «aa- aaw w rtla t warhtap for tha

Ho, Fans, Your War Drive Starts Tomorrow at the Velodrome!

Dnve B tsked»D Senes Fmaliy Fixed


MB of Flqiwi 1b SmTien aidLkbI AUtar CidhinatioB

M G«ne «l. NaiidiBl luram

Tornmla Ppono of tha Purllana Uat n lfh t dlaplayad hla tr»a worth at a

*balllar whan ha loppag Danhit I’araaa la a bool that a»ar-tlfilad with action from tho flrat round to tha laai. Tha a rrtp » a i a repatltlon of Iha Hpaho- Hanry mill aoina lima a*a, only laoi nlabt'a baltla waa a bit mora aania- tional bacauaa al a Itnochdowii acorad in Iha aacond round by Parana, and a aaar.hnochdown acorad by tpaao tn tha tiaa l roand. Both boyt warn rary much Htai up a t Iha aad af Iha alphlh r n n i . Tommla a llpt wara blaailap aa tha raault of a bull by paraaa la tha aaraatb.

But ocia ihinp marrad tha caataal a a i that waa Paraat'a rotiph work. Aa aartp aa tba flrat radtid Danala raalliad that ha would haro lo brlnp Into play arary trioh ho haow. fair and foul, and ha dIA Hut It waa of Illlla ayall. for tflor tho fltPl Ihroa rounda Ppano caiiia haclt with plonty af nauah aluff hlmialf, and ha had Uaaala holdlnp an far daar Ufa whan Uaaala was aai laablap out wildly la an affort lo locata tha Purl tan “hMr'cal.**

Tho raataro of tho ballla waa ■pano’a raouparallTa pawara la tha taoond rouaA a fta r Taminla had handad yaaa a ta rrin e laelar. hpon* nll«w*d hlmaair la ha nippad aalaap and Dan< ala tan p h t Taiamla with a rlfh l hook iMhInd tha aar. Taatmla want down In a alttlnp paalllaa. Ha eama up imlllap In aw ila ta ty , bowaaar, aad ataaopad to atall arwuhd tor a ■ obmui or two until th# ball' rasp . Oaad work by hla han- diara, Toaup Oradwall. Jaa Barba and RaM W apnar, aaea had Tomitila In flphtinp thapa apatn. Tatnmla w u plrpa InatrtMtIaaa la aava hlmaalf lit Iha third, but ha June cauMn‘1 do that, and ha aai out ta analhllata Paraaa.

Pavaaa, In |h a third raun^ tmplayad tha a tuh t of prtbhinp Toianila around tho nock w ith hla laft band and pap- parinp Spaaa'i faaa with bla riphi,

{ brlnplap hla ploy# np and dawn and avary o tbar way. ppano. at tba aama llmA hapi alainmlnp away af Paraaa'a alamaeh. Dannia tamad Iba kanaat la tba third round, and In Iha faurth ha

■ hald Toimnla avan, but from than on It > waa Ppano all tha way.

Eceapt tor Iha aacond rotmA In which ' Bpaao waa haookad down, tba Purlfaa battlor waa navar In any diaptr, whlla Toatntla had Ilanala't tonpua banplap out on aatraral oceaalona In tba tlftk, ip tn o 't atranpth taaniad ta raiura and ha hnekad Dnnala up apalnat Iha ropan

. and hammarad away al hla body with p raal atfact. Pauaaa'a wind waa vary bad and tha caaataat bady puncblap bad Daaala all la

Paoaaa MaMa aa ‘n p h tf-I t Pauaaa bada't hald aa tlphUy aa

ha did la tha alith roand tha hant m lpht pot h a r t poaa tha alpht raunda. ■paaa want a t Nuaaa la thla aaialon Ilka a yanap tipar, aad P anaa waa laraad ta U ka n a ra backward atapa than arary barora. probably. Ho hald with hid Mft HphUr M nnai Tommia'a hack aad triad to pal to ipano't faoa with bta n p b t . hu t by tha llaia tba alilh laa-

r paOai arapad Taatmla had a foil th a t ta « l pnach. Cpaao had bath

h a a i i f(«h aU Iha tima Dannia uaad


k fttctcto HoirSi- y f iu . D u r 4 d a o o o

Cl C * <2 t r e e sIktS Ik t

(TcH teiiifyOgltK. w ^ObM uRTf

GouBet Gets Finiough;To Be Here Tomonow

Star t^mviag Card Fuiilly Securad for Beaefit Bike Mc^ at


Matchad with Kmmrr aad Spaan


NMSuet A Letteo.

To <•*<'SAfeffPNt,C0»ptrf<«,

A lt o ap lla t w m PaapaU la tha wpr i r iv t Mka maat laaMrrow a t tba Tala, drama. Taatorday Manapor Chapman para up hopa a f balnp abla ta Mour# tha anato r-eyo llat a a i knmapad a match la plaoa af th a prapaaai Ootillal- Kiamar iua). iA ta r Ip th* day ba ra- palra i a talapram tmaa Oaullai au tln p that ha had haaa p ra n ta i parmtaalaa to eama ta Ifaw ark and waaM papltlvaiy khpear.

Tha add ltlaa a f Oeallat a i i a praally ta tha draw lap powar a t tha m aat Ua la tha aaly hlha aaa wba happad into Uhold Barn'a id ah aad H a u ia him Immaaialy pdpalar with tha tana

Oapllat will a ta ri la a Ihraa^oarnarid ■Atah, ta which Chuuaplan r ra n k Kri*

I M Bpaara win ha tha other T ^ a a a t a a t will b* a t on.

oloroa moatha Mac* O ^ U a t aapapad In eampatltlaa. Uli ™ W Iha Naw Tark k li.d .v

® y*«fcer, which ha waa win.

Tbaullla* wlU ba ahart on coavatuion

4 .


W hdilP i^ i

Aa taaiicappad grom a iacii

iMM At/ !ouo.rr i) TiicOiCi irffHAC-rioii

nOlM R w u CphBMU. ButM aU w u ^ U i t f UBR M e e im d

•ct-KOtlhOotihO u f g ikC M M

Tiger Football Eleven Ready to Aid War Fund

PriocetoQ Te«m Given PcnniuifHi by Foculty to PUy at Polo

Ground! Neit Saturday.

Would Meet Service Aggregation

•nrAftar bmmB I l i X iW t aa« iH iPkilia

laaal bBBlMh*ll atRhwrtHehWai tba ' til aPM B ilM a^af,llia ppartg*urar ir in p BgatfL a t RMah Oita

a t Ih a M n W h . a h ra .«ahH aariaa A palatat a t a iarf

blow nimoataaelBatPair «M , heoorilnp to ibo rulaa

)a ttla lU tA If la^P taa thaald hava rata rdail aa fal-

»aar t» tha parulaa wttl ptpy a taapi af laeal ail^atara, aaa paata ta ba atapad a t'th a Hatlana) T am ar aonrt Nortmbar I I pad UN aaaaad eaataai ta taka placa u Iha Mawarh T nraar aatiri Maram- Bar !!.BUBa by tb a ean m ltlaa pfwrpa that tha iPUhantkoaa aad itaeaaataa* haua hadPMBa i M i iNMitta. Tha Bawark All* M r taam a M ha aeiapkaai a t fahaaia jach m aa a a i WtUla Baub, farwarda; Daa MaUBRJBrtW l OU BUiwab aad Jaa Dra y M k' M w I r :w ith Dulah Dabaart

>1^pMrtyaa th a t taam will Bobaaaik and Nat

(hnN piiP l Ckrta Laanari, tm -m mB rpaaar

M a f i a . BidlaRarataa

Barka la

M iM hl A * w m o

thraa Rdwark. ____ _____aM plai. Backkaan aadyfna a ra mamhara af Ik* Nawarka

,,,ab a a i Halwna a t tha Natlonala 1 Beab la a f tha Whlrlwlndc a a i a lia

nala D akaart playa with tha Behaiaalk, Bruanor, Kolwaa

I B arpkaaip a ra la tba aary, all ata* ,jM i*ar««h i Maw Tark. LAanari l i I OhP*B O araaA a a i Burka la a t Camp


ipwi: ;" Ctmleptaata «baH braak cloaa,

and ippfl M t atrika a biaw whim btM kIhp noai olinrhea con> tpataata a ia it adt hold and U t P «aah .4 rank In thd tortalh , raraoa

ra U t i araond iih t aa tataiieated man. Ha laahad oat arary aa«a In a whlla. bat M vor a r a p ^ n m aaar hlttiap hli oppaaaat. It waa DannU'n pahianaaa th a t kaM him In tho flpht In thla round. Ila aoror lookad to had In all hla aaraar. Paraaa, punanlly pratly nitty w ith kU laft hand, waa laai aam* plaialy. and all Tommlt did waa n a p In eaa ilaaa lly and aaad thraa and faair puaahaa ta Dannlo'i bady. Tba unarr> lap b P ir bantbardmaal from tha f tm round on had Ha rtfaei, and Dannia waa In poor iihapa whan tha alphih rollad aronaA l a tho aaraalh Paraaa a a r ^ hit ToMBla a punch.

Tha aiBhth waa a HaMlIonal naarlaa. ppano, Hpptnp mad booauaa of a bad cut oa tha llpa ha raettnd la ih t pra, rlooB m uad whaa Daaala buitad him. w th t out to atap Paraaa. Ha cama w tih ia an act i t amampitahinp tba atnal. ‘ Oha a t Thmaila’a body alama waa a batu ly and naat Pavata halt way Ibrouph tha rapaa la hla awn ear-

Prlaaalon D alrarilty palnad aaothar lap la papularlty on tho other mambara a f th a Mp thraa yoatorday whan word wna aant out from TIporiown that tha a a tra rn lty taam waa wllllnp to maat a rapri a aa ta t lr a alaraa from Camp Upton or Caaip DIa aaai la ia rday a t iba Pale O raan ia la Maw Yorb. A rapnaat that P riaaatan aapapa In a football pama to aid Iha Ualtad W ar W ark Campalpn waa mada aoma lima a p t by William W. Rapar, a tormar Prtacatanlan la charpa af tha raaiball aapla af tha bip d rlra . a n i tba wenblnaaa a t tha caaaa raauUad In Princaton'i roPaant tor tha eoataat iaap lta tba fact th a t tba “pama It a d au h ry ta l u a tb lttld palUy, which haa haaa apalnat atblatlo aaploiuttop."

Tallaw lnp la tha anaouacaaiont ad- d raaaai by Prlncatoa ta tha feolball oamantttaa;

~At a BMatlap af tba baard of oaa- tra l a f tba Prtaaatoa U alraralty Atb> la tia A w aala n aa bald Thataday ara . abap ta p rtacataa tba Pplaealaa ta

i^ rn M M E N T 'to fW S P O gF S ^ I Stevens Takes Measure Of Newark Academy, 7-3e

Tbt ttate la tel for thd tpettPiMd’t wtr drire In Kewtrk. Ttid nrfPBt commltuet I" chtrge of the drirt, which liroi to add $50/W0 to Iht United 'Vtr Vork camptlgn, hire tboui completed prallminary ttranie- menu end trt r ^ y far tha bluer luk of conductlog tba nainorout con- priitieni on th* profram fbr naxt week. It I* now up to the fant le come through with their end—the etl- Important function of gendroui ptiron- tge or getwroui tiving (o the fund. The fotki. tate on ihit tide of the Atlatjllc, have been atkod lo girt on I t Icait a doMtt occatlotii. Driret hare come iwlflly, but the beckar* of the boyt over there tbouM not gnil he- ctuie they hire given ofted aad freely. Machine gun bullett come twlftly, loo, and tooM of our ladt hare felt the tting of u many gt • doien of thcpe hlialng maaiengen of mitccy.

of tblnkiap lo a a t pwhip te attrmpt ap> plication of aaeh a aeala te tba arhiory and hopa la "p lay a capacity bouaa” It tha affair a t tba armory ta to ba tha aaecaaa that It aheald ba It aaon te bo aiaantUl that raaarrnttoB. tad panaran* raaarrallon at that, ahould ho mada far tha baalnp anthualaata with i flfty-oant limit. Tbaaa llttla ftllaw t are really tha lada w lw aupport boilap weak aftar weak, and tbay wara Igp

onaa dlractly raapoaalkla far tka flaM* clal tuccoaa a f Iha ahaw atapad by tha PurltAh CInb a a a a th ipw for tba aai- eiard at Camp DIx.

Oaaen Atwwya O ut ta W la

Hoboken School, wilh Weight aad Eiperieoce in Iti Ftvor. Juit

Note! Out Locak ^

am aie«r»—tka antira procaada fratn>TOj" ■ ■ ■

H igh S t r e e t B o y t N eed Prhcticc

• ta raa a School yaataiiay aftamoea tank tb a maadnra af tha Nawark Acad-

Bcoraapw abtvaa a t Acadamy P ta l^ y a of T M L Tha ward af f ia Mawark AdtAamy baya aaHnflad Caaak Ikaa of thaB Ip l

Tba tta tn ra a t thid dftVd Id that d fa a ta n ara to roc«l«o aaaaath lne lb ra-

len p d t tepm waa aaUlortadd ta plajb a f addUlan to thd aallalaeU ci of

A a 5 D tt a t** !K l‘- « * ' «Pwlb O e a ^ Batnrdar, IfaramhpT I I , ............ .........I tha box affloa will ba Iha m aaat afto r th a beaetU a f the Ualtad War W ork O m p atp a . Tha board look thla

hrinpinp a ray a t aaaahlBO, a beaath of fraah air, inia tba ahall-awapt paa- potaanod waatara froat. Thara la ovary

kathaU oaaiBaitea la maklaeI a « h n to aaHdi tka aid ef th* i M a i r tk a aaiaWer olaba. Tha

. j Bstntd e« t thad hpakalhali d n w i I arwwda la th la atty and that a hip a t aawM ha raalliad from banaflt ■ atapwd by Iha anaiarena aoMll

.iieba la th la alty- C halnaaa Abraoht la w pllana la hoar from all tataraatad. Ra

ba raaahad a t tba Maliaoal Tara

lO M m laalanar Thomaa t* RaymMd. M liio a ii o f tba p a a tra l eommittaa oa dMrtA la alatad w ith tha pood wark ioBa aa fa r by tha rarloua tport oem.

iitaaR a a i thla a io rn lap .ian t out aa 1 la iba apartlnp puhllo to help tba hard work of tba commit.

by la rn la p out lor tha aportinp•lA

i - f a ardor ta path our allotmanl of U M d e It la naeaaaary tar arary pa*

, m it l e tR

aeltaa a t tha aaraaat roqoaat ef tba a p o ^ pammUtaa of tho Ualtad W ar W ork Campalpn, whono rapfeaentatlrnn J thlap In Iha aportinp itno liatad on tha iBiptdaaad opan thd b oafi tha r t ln a th a t Iba paata would ba to tba d r l r a iTha h a a r i noiod th a t whlla Iha playlap j . ,a t th la pBBM la ooatrary ta Ila aihlatlo i prarlda tha eam patitlant will perform pollay. whiah baa haaa apalnat athlatto [ (or tba raward a t kaaw lap tbay bora

Top Ooors faaalabaa Inaxhauatlbla matartal for w rltara aa llpht baraaaa raclap a ran ti. ' Taauela Murphy Ip a wlaard drtvar, hu t Ma uapraaadaptad raclap auacoaa daao a a t aanaa "tha ■llant maa froat Taaaaaaaa" la taha a paaltlaa haM ai faatPa llaea. haaa Idaatlflad w ttk raatag thaa fa rty ypara a a i bap,olwapu tr ia t ta wip. fM (i|iap d p ih i la Uhl fpr hUkBWWdlHy. hi*egfly V egN U M Adhievomeath Oean laagddg Re mada tbaaMga g lM lh B a ra iR i a brorori la rat> lap dralaa. Q a ira aw y mak* a aUataka now a a i tb ia la raeac bu t ba laolala that tha *inir« th la p " maa kat# iw iy fioM hid aliMo. .Thd o o ta ru Atwaya

llph atroat taa tltu tlaa that hla boya naad Mara praeUeOL Oa aavaral aoca- Xloaa Mawark alfppad np aa pppartniil- tla i th a t a iipbt bava m a lia d la brtak- Inp thronpb Ptarani^a dafanaa for a tauahdaw a If tba Acadamy baya had baan oa tho alert.

• ta raa a had waipbt aad axparitncu I *e "puli' In Ita favor, aad tbo abaanco of two ~ Aoadaaay ru p n la n taadad la woakan tha looal aoaabtaatloB. la tha third parted Klnp o f tk a Acadmay hlebed a n o li

e ^ ^ h i l t l a a . Nina moatha In tha a tra l atatloB a t Panaaoala.

*■ e“ »erbM ^ l t e a aM ha took dally aptaa an hit ■ "R mbteh prarantad Ih t Mka-arc- palllap m adttaa from lealap tbalr pr»-* ? “?* t* . “ “ rapnlar a a r n , .physical tra in tn p ,

Durtnp tha two waathd ha baa hocn n Oallapa of Tachaoiop>.Ooallat baa found tlOM la which lo taka an o<?caalonal workoot an Iha Rt • vara Baach track and treeuant ridaa on the Vanway.

n a r a will ba aa Honay up far tha racaa lomerrow and no prltaa tar

prama and arary th lap win pa ln(-> Iha fund. Bvary aala publtahad bp-tha band will ba fraa. and B. Mumahrtv_ Iran, and B. HumphreyBadfard rrMt dlaquallfy, laipaad and rina abaolutaly fraa af charpa. With no raonay up It will ba Intarcatlap to rtpta tba m annar la which tha rldart a trira for victory. Tba natural ean- cluilaa la th a t tharw will ba aa taan- inp. R ut It m aat ba raaM«b«rad that It te not uncommon ter A tldar ta p|Ve h it a a tlr t w lnnlnpt la a raea for aer- rlcoa raadcrad by atkar rldaru la ac- oompllahinp tha Ttclory. Alta, rtdam have p lraa ovar tb a lr urlaalapa to ar- conplloaa and thaa addtd to tho prteo of Ttclory from tholr bask aceouiiu.

HroltM loaal blliatn dtw aat a t manay niad aa Uia trapuaat aduabblaa would ladleata. Thay all leva rietary, and li la not ualtkaly th a t thara wtU ba taam- lap tam atr ew, Thara ta no ckaaca of aha ridar offarlap manay to aaothcr for n 'pulL" hnt ona ridar may apraa

aao thar If tba othar fallow


fM t f*r ikm K«v«r1i Mhool’s Kor«s

propyam of Iha atblatlo d rlra aicapt plraa ilN a p ao u to r A Pua for Mu MOhay.baaabaU, and tha aU ilatta who will

aap M ta llo a . It would u ralrt auch lacttad, owing to th a natura of iho ap- paal pad baaauaa tha board wtehad ta p ira t ta aupport to tha tplandld cauia raprnpaatad la tha Ualtad W ar W ark

fteraoa waa leap aftar a scrap with Bpwo. a a i clalmad. ha j n a l d ipaai Taeamla a t oalchwatpRA n a k lap Bpaao’a baadlara bcllara M krhAld aoma In a t about 1ft pouafl a t tna meat! TkOra waa a blp M f ^ H whan (ba boys w tlp b p i In, Itpuade aeaMai a t l i t pounia aad Bpaao Shtf uadcr ltd pouada.

lo b aa la PalMtr, -iht Bllap A. c. boxar, parformlnp la hla llr it aaml- flaal, put away dohpnie Wllaoa of Or- ahpa IB dwo roaada Palater trained w ith Bpano for Ibie bout.

Tho tao t that PrlaM teo haa ipaalfl. eally ' d talpnatad Uploa or DIx may raau lt tn aoma allpbt antaaplaMaBta bat th a oommittao faala that Iha aptan- did ^ r l t abowa by tha Ttpara will Biakt It an aaay n u tta r te atralphtan thinpn But. Thara haa hoan ItUla mpre- ao a ta llra football a t DIx thla ataaon and a a It, la a a t at all a aaa red that Iha U plod a la rtn ran ba tacurad. Hr. Ropar mpy ba forrad lo aah (or aiv ranpanw nta o llttla dlftarant from thoaa propaoad by Rrlnoaton.

A nethar potat which may aniar late o o n a ld a ra tM lu tba R atparo4lraat Lahae N aral Training Bchael pama which haa also baan auppaitad ta a Palo OrouBda attructlan naxt Bxturday Thla da ta haa haaa put forth by Iba n to a p o aan o n aa Ih t only day an whieh thay will ba abla ta play ta Maw T ark .

dona fhalr ahnra lb a pood eauta. And that la raward th a t autatrlpa cold madala or caah prlaan aad la aufflclant lo InaplTO tha boat a fferta of eompatl- toru.

Tha drlra a ta r ti tom orrow with tka root m att a l tba ValodrasM a a i Will and Norambar 11. *Wl(h Alf Ooultat In tho faaturo a r tn t a t tba Valalrema, tba card ranhe with tha boat of Iba paat.aaaaau, which ahould p lra tha d rlra a (lylap ■tart with a fine financial mark ta ■hoot at. Cyelt racing la tha tetdlap ■port from a Dnaaclat and In Mawark, and tha raault of tba drlra could ha prephaalod oa Uit TOlairomdaTtex o f flea atataatebt H aaapar Chapman la hopafni of r a l i la t tab par oaal. ef tha ouata of tid.**! **i ky *ba Iportiman'a W tr Dtira Committaa.

Another Chance for Wind* Against National Turners

Veteran New YorJc Cracks In Na(vy, Are Booked Here

In tba city lo ther. dBBhir eo-apara ta with (ha eparUmaa'a tppp i r l r o eamm lttaa and pira a ra ry '

poaalbla.'* aald tha eammll. "UPi le t tha Mawark apoHlap

th aw Ita ealora by puthlap tba tha ta p " Bahaoriplteaa of

wlH ha raaatrad by Iha th a fbiaaea eommittaa. A. ■ aara a t T. IL a A , lU

An eppertnnlty to prOTO wbathar or not tTia W hirlwind A. A-'a utetory ovar tba N ational Tam ara Thuroday night waa a fluke will bo a ltw id d tha Wlada tom orrow oftaraaou Uthoa thay go apmlaat tba Matloppla an (ha ta u a i 'i o o n rt Tha Thurpiay a lcb t porno waa • to « o i OB tha v m v W i taam;a own court a p i rdpwlliil lm P . ! t !* ** *t«* tory.

w ith tha fameui Maw Tark Katlaaala , f l ia w tp o re r Ratlaaale u a tltfM aavaral yaara apa, ara new la tha aary . j loaal ( m t tP t ohamptonahlpand a ll ara memhora of ( H n f Maral I oartea t j j pgphr « W ^

l i r a wMeh 1a atatad to play | o a e i ^ Ja P to iA o f tlto oU- ' toaia th to S lM tb th a llaw ark a and Mp.

UdCWUlBEMB H BM .Tha 8t MIohaaM. who b o i T m i f o r la Iho pla whan they wore In eitIMtoito. hhra haea o f t tho oaufd for t S o ^ row yaaft.

Oarry Schmaolk. Bill Beannar aad Dick Bmytbit thru# urofatalanal ■^ra, who mada (ba Irana.contlaaatol Dip

> Plrw to M y M to fn c a Tram."T orpppeoeoto^teu tph t tha cenapa* WlU h a re -. |g w Will h a re th e Paatottlro Santera,

"T iHoDnaliio Hall court. Hanapar tic- - ' tba Collapa rtva last weak

I boya off ehth a rtetary aver l^ rtva

tha Mawark TurM tt tomorrow alpht a t the W illiam atymt eeurt. In adil* lion t a Bahmoalh. Rruantr tad Sa||rthii th a a a ry taam will praaaat Nut B al-

a a i Kabbla PyfA anolhar pair af pruMbtant prafaatlanate saw waartap tbo blue of tha nary.

IM P aama oamMnatlon, nwaapad by ■rhiBiWbi laat weak trtmbNd tba Ma tleaAl T u ra tra an the Maitenal aaurt, An ttv a lacklaa ara weU known baew end BUMraily attrael the fbpA Bchmawh laoiia a f tha hast aboti ) • th a country, along wt|b ry f t AMI amythp, whlla tk a flaar wayk af Mdipmn M asaily baan tba fM tuN af taeat haWial* ball eoataata aa far thla ptaapa R i which Hoimaa haa bPiMaffd. RaTth a

w n B a k fu n t fo rau r m ta a M af tha New ark Taraaem to haadlHw UtA

The Hlph Oool ef Boxtop

■altinp tba aeala af prioaa a t ana, twa and thraa do llart (or tb a bailnc thaw which la ta ba ftapad Norambar II at (ha armdhr In Uw lato raat e(,tha United W ar Work CamBhipx la not meeting with n la l of fa ro r. The teetinp te pravalait th a t (ha eommittaaman In da* oldtnp Ih t prlea of aaata ware alia, gathar tea (la ttartnp In (hair aatlmatlan of tha fa a tra l Mawark bank ro ll Tba pramulgjxaf • • /td laary -aU ad club, of.(arixR.AtlNUt of unuauol ottractlranaaA may jsiiwabab^ bo axpdatai to flU an bta aaata *1 tba «Ro.twO"tbruo aeala bat tha pranwtnr who atapa to ta re a trioif

Tba Aoadaaay tlma aad apala aarri tba ball dowB Iha flaM to witkUi hall

diataaaa of Iba Hobahaa ecboal^ th a laauli laafcad tha tto ia b lv

- ........... KadeWreU dM ............... Kelly■ ■ . . . . f . ' U ft guard........... U e « ^

- .M au a rd ../ .Rtlbt fachla.,,. .Xlpht I.Quactartoeh.

Jth id ....... .„ ,.U eft halftooh----UtfWiu ..W '.fUaht haJftock... W tla rlW ......... Pullback.........

j !y.._ —kteehw.'OMi

___ 'TesHUp. ‘ ^

FrotMt. . ; Becker

•iJlarer Bmeresa......loMa. Hamiuar • I a~a I I a—(


apraaa ta "pwll" him la tba next war.Qua tduip. tha upMlour champion,

will pat hla baptlpto a t callonaad cl- bow s ouburad 'a w IM w and otbar mal - traatm aat when huM Bto Mi rota m a pratasbtopal to m p lld r. U ai ta ■ ■wttcbfr n d i albowdPMf na moan order. aafanMH>, nwi probably wlU not bd auhlt w i S P tnMWe aa Baually happone to a liH M r MmHWnna wba go dtbatoaUnpSyimi»»aUr itepp

•oRman fubk Rarryt (athiar maba«er of A o BowHnI Rod Box a a i awa of the mambara of Connie Hnch'a tamad atone waH lafla li. la ao«ifla*i to Iha Ittllman Infirm ary a l CumbrUMa. Haaa. auffer- iBp (ram w ater «a lb# kuaai Tha in­jury te tAcurooult dCA to ll w l ^ Barry anelninai nararul dhya airo. i t u u io that Barrjr haa pbawl BaBctudad to ptae up bnaabuH. ibuf bu bap piPTii Ma teat

^ J o r teapM ipaWA .

fPBMag Victory. S|ft|BBBt Iht I • N tw ^ M rl

\ nm bm I Ii W aH

h ig ^ d s d iM i<iTbipWi

•f iMtti wthi

hifg iB . y Hrpcifdg, 'itldvi

SufdiV h

• ig W g k d h N

B itiB iilfW N iO ftia iid S

w H h f ta U MA'|t i» w fw s

f - Im. i •

IB Iw e! foM! Ig B irg to pf fi

T lji.Itito i

Oaly a few woaba ago It waa paa arslly oaaeaiad th a t Jaha B ^d le r wauM aueeaad Jo b s ML TuMr aa praal- dent of tka Mattowol LaapUA hut Braaoh Rlckoy. praali ant af tha Bt haute CardlUAlA M laamlW larmliabla far Iha poaltlOA HayBlar haa atwaya haaa faithful and aftldlaBt. Ha baawt about all (h a t te to bP knawa rapari. inp basiboll, but ta i a i t to ba la (arar of aama iwforma to bring nbtui a baltar ifndaralaadiBp batw aaw pfayara and club awnarA Thin prababty daaa aa t canto Haydlar’t M adttaay to ba ;aB* prorad by paroal loapwa pMpaallA wbp allowad Tanar tA diputd haoaXaa M 'lh it

[ E l l il

D. ivc> I

D e w [er OIA reY oataD M iD ?.

iMM«r UhiilOii»t —


A n aN iK N a

w ip ia and (ha taam haa 1 olbaa polhdr AMilHw ao h U it with

I W hirl- • M aim SnetrlilMI

' £5500611 P o w o r P a rp o 505 l H t o 3 0 0 H P .


0 MB CRy !R i '* a

a s i tba-i M r thd

baiBB ratataad

uC pa ’.a•t hlidig »

taw BMrti.lh•j !“«

(hla tarrttory ampiaruah itC ia iM i{ S S hM iiii

g g H ^

'tu palauu iScpSwiaariitb a Bahraw V

L g ln a tl


•Ity w an i a iUtanBa«aaa>

J J t i i J E P J & : j t - f I, fc : ‘ •

utmiliiB pwd wEI brubahto ba A m nped lomaiTWW... T ip . NarrsiMWipiB IB tka I aon fo r r

____ _ I Tube TbroA;i(ha )DMm RamnaalA tha ramalnlnp

" tba uM Union Iaopua laat thro# atratpbt pamea fibni

boyA Nathan hondon ' bipk aapTA

laambar of thP Whlriwlad Tiro fp aM * to ropraaontlnig .n HapoIIiR MOA

YouRfSBly M NeWhfk TniningW rilillibOD M tlnrlW

lion _ . _ .and (ho Padarol Raadoiront w mBrooklyA

Bchnuolk. Brunner, Bmytha Ahi fy fo h a r t baan pteytap tapathar n r M tfiw t (our yaara apd aa a rpaull HtofiaAm w ork of that AUartat te a BjapiiBtii ta waleh. Itonce oa w hat nprt of a Mart thay ptoy.W hothor aa tha Natla«bl TarpaiW topp oourt o r uo (ha Nawurka' wNte oauti. 1 •JI"*they pu t up tha aama artlaia af ball. ewampMAJahPAlA Marray af jh r NawpihA who haa baoA ill ta r aarafal waahA-axpaau U pot haak Into harawa tamarrow.


Whi ippala and W hlrlw lnii, aw at play WHh tba form at In (bla aartoA It wax Btcmma ry ta r MMMpar hebwurc to aa- dura a now bmb. pnd Brala Raich win fuito. . >;

T dhm t ■hlly. of thla alty, who wantAn T b l * ^

K id ck lM le r S e l l B 3 iB id R ecfH ^k TWr* CpkiwiTttfB Milcli

T hlrty -roartb 'bomawhara lu ywd. tha mlMla- ;■

. / r a n k RIoa wbp te Atoa uroybtof'Wtth KHia la a vatapM o f th a hoxluirim liA Rtoa rooynt bG b* lay Katoball and Jnok Dlltaa whas lu hid prtaM. Bully hat k n p m a d w auiar- fu lly aiAM haxtnp with <XDaw4

CHICAOO. Mar. t (R).-BaftlaB a auw

thiwa.wuaUaa MBlardlit t i j ^ a a t by iiSallHaCubrt atClafatood, IM L „ _____inwlBBU la tbalr ib ito-A M i£iipm . Ifhb

m Hft Miitirti with X t e i o s u r s i c ^

W bhttlwblimtap

t h a t « aumli dmw» •wmaeA". way ihaSutMhaaa wbidiawda