Retarded·" boy 'r9ughed up' by cops - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of Retarded·" boy 'r9ughed up' by cops - City of Newport Beach

I. '


Serving Newport Bttc~. Co1t1 Mtaa, Hun Ung ton, trvlnt, Llguna, Fountain V1HtJ Ind lotlth ~ ~ )

OR AN GE COUNTY. C: ALIF ORNIA FR IDA¥ A P RIL " 6 198 C, :.:- :, r, ENT c,

Retarded·" boy 'r9ughed up' by cops Irvine parents filing $10 million claim oyer police treatmenfof autistic youth

The clai m. filed Thursday. con­tends that three o ffi cers chased the frightened youth. mistakenly believ­ing he had stolen a bicycle. Police reportedly ignored statements by neighbors and the teen.ager·s mother about the boy's men'tal condition.

the influence of tht hallucinogenic dru& PCP, or angel d ust.

Fara Rodriguel says her son 1s afraid of strangers and unable to understand or communicate 1n­telhg1bly w11h others . She said one of her constant concerns was her son' s vulnerablhty to kidnapping.

By LISA MAHONEY Ol lMDelly ...... lleft

An Irv ine couple whost.· retarded. autistic son lost a kidney following a weej(end inc1den1 w11h police have filed a SI 0 m1lhon claim against the City.


The Newport to Ensenada International yacht race Is a good spectator's sport./ A3

California McMartin boy erroneous­ly selects picture~ of

James Hahn as susp~ts In child molestations./C4

Nation White House remains mum on proposed visit by president of German cemeterY,./ A4

Reagan pushing for pri­vate aid for Nicaraguan contra rebels. / A4

World Swedish government de­nies It secretly tested nuclear weapons./C4

Sports Coronadel Mar boys, Newport Harbor girls complete unbeaten Sea View League track seasons./81

Orange Coast College Is humbled In baseball , 14-3./83

Entertainment Malcolm McDowell as King Arthur presents a down-to-earth version of Camelot tonight./ A8

Datebook Cruises: Travel fun on the high seas aboar:d the S.S. Azure Seas./Peg• 3

Business County supervisors have partially deregulated am­bulance service In unin­corporated portions of the county!/89

INDEX Auto Piiot Bridge Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Gardening Horoscope Ann Landers Opinion Police log Public Notices Sports Television Theaters Weather

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BS Datebook

A 2

Fara and Guido Rodnguez r. S3) rough handling by an Irvi ne pohce sef$eant caused their 18-year-old son Guido Jr. ·s kidney to hemorrhage, forc ing its removal Wednesday at Beverly Hospital in Mon tebello

Police and witnessec; say three offi cers chast'd Guido Rodnguez Jr. and then threw him to the ground in the erroneous beheftha1 he was under

" I always told him. ' If somebod) calls to you. don't pay atten11on. Run home 10 me: .. she told the A s-

- - - --- ------- ------------------------- ---.

Deity l'llol pl>o4o by Mtko lcllw..U

That's inflation for you . At $200 a aeat, the Mesa Theater In downtown Cmta Mesa won't be doing

much bualneu. Or la it just a ca.e of a mlulng decimal point?

Driver in crash that killed three was 'loaded gun' Prosecutor claim·s model filled with alcohol . cocaine

By ROBERT BARKER Ol 1"9 D811y Pllo4 Staff

.\ photographer"<; modd ludcd hcrsd f with alcohol and ux.a1nc and k11lcd three women 1n a head-on -car cra'ih ··just as surel) a., it \hl' \hot them." a pro~cutor charged 1 hur'· da} .

"That lad) 1'> a killer a'> \urcl) a\ )Ou're silting 1n the ju~ bo\ ·· Dcpul) District .\llome) John Lc11 told Jurors as he pointed a1 dl'lendant K}m Murph). - ·

" "She. in cfTcct. loaded the gun"' hen she fueled her bod) . She po1ntt'd th<.'

gun·n she drove 1n tha1\ond111on and when she drove across the center di\ 1der and killed those three girl s. ~he pulled the trigger.'' Lcll claimed. "She hurk·d a J.000-pound bullet at thl' girls.'·

Murph). a l6-)Car-old former Seal Heach re'>ldcnl. IS oc1ng tned for \eh1cuiar man .. laughter and drl\ ing "'hllr drunk 1n connection Y.llh the ~pl ICI death<, of thm: ~oung M1<,s1on VicJo "'omen - Dchorah L ct· ">lcmmon,. Diane Mac\ and Dav. n Jo\ l ltt'rback ·

Murph)·., attornt') . Scull C1a1kn. da1mcd hoY.e\cr. that there "'a" drinking ··on hoth s1dcc;" and that the car ocing dm en b> Deborah Skm· mon" allualh haJ drifted O\er into Murph)·., on Pacilil' Coast ll 1gh"':i) near Huntington Harbour

l 'rging 1hr juror'> to u!>e common \Cn\c, Cia1lcn aho lhallcngcd resultc,


Kym Murphy

.. ho"' 1ng that Murph) ·., bluod-akuhol lt' 'cl v.a'i measured al 0 11 Dn\l'r'> art• pr<.'\umed 1nlO\llatcd Y.1th a tilood-alcohol mark of n 10

(ia1lcn claimed that Murph~ hjd drunk onl" 1wo gla!>~s of Wine .rnd thal alcohol lc.,,cl could ha"c lx'en allrl tcd b) alcohol S"-ah'i 1ha1 para­medic\ uwd while 1rcat1n2 hl'r lor

(Pleaee eee DRIVER/ A2 )

Coast College inducts five alumni into· Hall of Fame By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of Ille Dolly l'llot l t tlff

F1H' former Orange ( oa't ( ollcgc students who have d1o;tingu1\hcd themselves 1n "'nting. medicine. sports. an and pohucs were inducted Thursda} into(){'("', Alum ni H<lll of Fame.

The honorees - Chve Cuc;c;ler. a bc~t-selhng no"eh"il and underwater explorer: Huscroft. ch1et --ot pcdiatnC'i for the El Monte <t'nm­prenensl" c Healt h < arl' <enter:

Bcnm Ricardo. a :-.iat1onal hlOltlall Lcagut· place kKker. R 1chard ha"' . an 1ntt•rn.illl)nalh rt'n>gn11t•d an"t. and< a1h,· Barrc1i 11cm<m·. J ~tra­mento lobb) l'il - .tll had 'ifX'{'lal pra1-.e for thr ()( C lt'atht'r'i Y.ho cnrour:igcd them

Cusslcr a ttt•ntkd <>< < 11161

through 1401> enrolling 1n oceano­graph\ anJ v.n1ing tour\e'- In 197.l ht• wro11: hi\ lir\l no\cl I le ha'i puhli\ht•d \l''t'n hook' <.ell1ng more than lO m1ll1on lO[lH'C: The\ 1nc,Udt•

··Ral\l' lhl' T 1tan1l ·· \\ hll h ".i' madl' into a mo\ ll'

.\t the ccremon' 0( < "\.\riling tl·acht·r Pat ~utw. rl'tJlkJ ( u"kr·, determination - .tnd \UlH'"' - in 1mpr<.''is1ng a panKularh n111cal td­lo" '>ludc nt "Ith h1' ""nt1ng ( u"'kr 1raceo his 'lucces" a' J nnH'll\t 111 ht\ dccmon to stud\ "" nltng Jt {){ < .ind lo the encou ragl·menl ht· r,·tt"I\ ni from " uh1\

Hu\l-roft gradu.ilt•d lrom ( )( < in (Pleaee He HONORS/ A2)

soc1ated Press. The 1nc1dcnt Sunday bepn when

patrol officer Shan Lohman spotted· the 18-year-old Rodnguez nding a bicycle on Yale Avenue.

She reported she saw Rodnguez look over his shoulder at her police car She said he .. 1mmed1ately jump­ed off his bicycle and started running while pushmg the bike ...

The officer said she got out of her

vehicle and the youth go1 back on lhe bike and pedaled away She followed because she said the teen-acer wu actin& susp1C1ously.

When R o dri1uez ignored Loh man's further attempu to get him to stop, she ca.lied for other officers. , Sgt Jim lo\\.derand David Stocnner. a cnme scene investigator. re-5'>(>nded chased the youthi

(Pleue eee IIDRY /A2

Mesa firm, Kodak ~oin to rese~rGh the aging process · Seek wayofkeeptng mmune sys em' rom

fulfenng with age


ICN Pharmaceuucal'> Inc head­quanered in Costa Mesa. Joined forces ThurSday with corporate g.iant

, Eastman Kodak Co on a S45 m1lhon research project aimed at battling vi ruses and slowing the aging proce'ls

T he companies will combine their individual studies on b1omed1cal compounds that ma) prevent viru'ies from reproduqng and keep the human immune S)Slem from falt er­ing with a~e .

Dominic Lu1121. l('N \.ICC pre'i1· dent for corpora1e commun1cat1on'>. said t ~e md1v1dual research proJCCt~ were s1m1lar because man) of the compounds created b) both com­panies were denvatl\e'.'> of nucleic

acid - chem 1cals most often found in the nuclei or cores of cells.

The parlnerslup was formed for SIX )ears w11h an o ption for up to SO more . .\bout 150 h1ghly-tramed re­St'archers "'111 ult1matel)' ~ working at the Nucleic .\c1d RC1Carch ln­s111u1e. a defunct ICN research centtr that will ~ revl\ ed 1n Costa Mesa. Lu1u1 !laid the center created several hundred drug-related compounds 1n the I 960's and I 970's. but was closed panl} becauSt' of fi nancial d1f­ficull1es

Lu1a1 declined to re.,. cal how much each compan~ 1s in'estmg into th~ pannersh1p. which 1s Kodak's first "cnture into the pharmaceutical in-dustl) 1

The pho tography-oriented com­pan) has so4d rad1ograph1c films and '>Cre<.'m 10 the health sciences market In recent )Cars. the company ha~ hcgun de.,.elop1ng and markct1ns a line of blood anal) zers. ahd 1s delvmg 1nh> chemist~ . b1olog) and medicine

(Pleue eee llESA / A.2)

Large buildings blocking airport radio na Vigation By ROBERT HYNDMAN Ol thO Dlllly ,, .... Steff •

H1gh-nsc buildings around Juhn Wa)n~ Airpon ar<.' 1ntcrfrnng v,,11h a radio na \.1ga11onal ~)stem that help\ jets land and depart. Federal \ \ 1a11on .\dm1n1stra11on offi cial'> "3\ . The buildings block or r<.'.lkll raJ1l1

signals from a cone-'ihapc..·d tram· miller. r<:ndcnng the na' 1gat1onal aid unusable o n some '-CCondaf" ar­proad1 pat1ems IO John1 V. J\nt· according to Ell) ~tan<;on 111 thl· air space and prcxcdun•\ hrant h nt tht· F .\.\

.\t least tftrt•e high n 't'' \l t' rt· appro,ed fortonstrurluln "-1t h11ut Jn F.\.\ re' 1e"' Stanson \3\\

Concern s that futun: u>n,l rut t1<1n ma~ hamper the <>~!ilt'm tunht· r hJ\t prompted the F.\.\ to IOH'<.llg.llt' tht' problem and recommend (ll1"1hlt \Olu11ons

·· \\ e·r<.' tn 1ng to loot.. al lht• "'hl•lr

You'U find the beat auto buya along th• Or•nge Coaat In today'• Auto Piiot


prt turt· ·· ')1an!>on ...i1d th!\ morning. · In .,nmt· ca~s. "'-t· can Y..ork to ~e that no nt'"" con,1ruct1on will de· rog.11t• th<.' s~slem funher and 1n other t J'il'' "'l" t an m111ga1c C\1st1ng prob­km, ·

\t.m,on -..i1d 1ht: na' 1gat1onal aid"' n a' tht• \OR. tran\m11s radio "gn<1l' p., ked up 1n the cockpit\ of 1nu1m 1ng or dl'paning tl't'>

Hut "'hl·n 1ho..e \1gnals art' fllot kcd 1H ri:llrt tt•d ti' hulld1ng<1; pilots must rr \ort In nth<.'r nJ' 1ga11nnal \Hlem'i

Tht• rrtiblem tnuld gro"" "'or-.e 1fl n11t uirrt'l tt•d \tan<>on '3\ !>

V. h1k lht• pnmaf" approachc'> to t11hn \.\ .t\ m· .\1rpon are not ~et

alk <lt'd th1.: \OR 1<. unusable for .1 ppm.le hes tn to <11 rpons 1 n-fu lie non. I '" .\<., and the \1ann~ ( orp~ \ ir ...,tatllln Fl Tow v.h1ch al!.o uo;c

thl \OR Deni ... Hom chief o l oprra11om at

( eee RADIO/ A2)

ARB seeks county cut on s1nog list. 5, JEFF ADLER 0 1 IN DMty l'llo4 II•"

I hl l ali torn1J .\1r Rc!>ou ,, , H ... mt' ' ''l' d fhur-.da' toac;ktht I ..., I n' 1 r11nmt·nt~il Protection .\gen ' rlnll• \ C Orange R1,crs1dc and "·•11 ~·rnJrdtnn «1unt1~ from a tht 1f 1rt.1' thJt tatl to m~t natsonul 1 r ..,t.ird ' h•r n1trng<.'n d10\1de ,,,, 'i •t ll tll

- II 1ppnn nfh\ thef.P.\. thC \1•1 , nuld nwan the three count1C"S "'<' 11J

(Pleue eee COUlfTY I A 2 1

Qrange Coast has its share of toxic waste problems .

COunty·keeps its guard up ·as hazardous wast'e builds

By TONY SAAVEDRA Df IN Oel, ,_. ltolf

Polluuon prohlcm\ along thl' Or­anac C..uauJIUl): pale wmparcd to the odor-nddcn Mc("oll dump 11c in Fullcnon or DDT-l:iccd fhh 1n the Sant:i Mon1rn and San Pedro bayi

But 1he prohlcms arc cnoua.h 10 l8U~ )car' of re~. deb:uc. polttt· ral rhetom:. mor<' research. more debetc, and linall> , frustrat100.

UCh I~ lhl' onaoing drama sur· roun tnl 11\C incrl'll \lnaty-pottm'Cd Ncwpon R:n wnrn nunoted hy

.I... - - -

h.1nnc·d pesticide\, cleaning \OIH'nt\ p:11nl Oak<.''> and bacteria from human ;ind Jn1mal waste

Tht• dcbatc once centered on whe•h~r lh• ~mtfl8tt-0n wa\ ( a used ch1eO) h~ rain runoff. ( Jr') mg DDT from field!>. or boal to11rt, tlu hcd into the ba)

i\ ~t ud' rclca\Cd h> lhl' 'l ta te reaional "- a11.·r Ouaht )' ( ont ml hoard tn < lctobcr pointed .1 damning fin8cr al the boater \\<ho app;irt'ntl) dt'IChargr their H11k1\ into thc Y.Bh.'r<1 (nough fC'C@T·re'Ta tcd h.lctma will~

(Ple.ue tee ORANOI / A3)


California's Time Bomb

Potential for toxic disas ter rema ins high despite avoidance of wide-scale problems By TONY SAAVEDRA

ln lhc dead ot niahL a. \o.ouuu­'mcllins pile of mu'h ""a' St'C"rcth dum~ 1n 1hr parlung lot ot an Orange< ount' hott'I

8 } dawn the: Oranac ( ounh Ha ... arJous Matcnal' Tea m v.canng proui. 11'<' clothmr. "'"" lBllt'd to in1.r\t1µ 1r lh<' poss1hl\ tm1r ddi ­n11eh Qdorou'\, suhn:incl" unloodcJ

~na~1m < onvC'n11on c l'n\l'f Inn \ pnl 4

Thn lound th<' matrnal "'ti.; J 111111 ml\ lure of m<'at , ommcal .iml t hi lt ..aun· - 10 µlloM of rott<'n tamJlt' '

Be~~ ~v.~n~..i fc». 1..hu1..klo., Lhi:. ' l1ller tamalec;" cpt\\idC' ma' indicate that no one 11, taking t hann·, "'hen 11 lOme' 10 t0\11 ".l'tC' PC'nplc ha',. amwn tnCTt'3'itngh UnCJ'\" ti\ lht' ahundanct' of h:11ard1lU' mah·ri.11, u'ied and produred h\ Or.inttc< mint' 1ndU\lrlt'\

\en k"' of tht' t all\ to tht lOUnl\ ·, 1wu tt1<1c wa\\C' en-""' '3rt" l.Hl[thtnll matte!'

·-··- - - ---

Last of a aeries

In '- 1• \ l' mhl·r IQ 4 the IC'am\ 11·,pt1nJe1I h• J ~al IX'ach nc11h· l">t1rh11<.lll "'h1·r1: rnughl\ 100 htr<h had 1lr11pJll·d Ii tclt•\\I\ lo C'art h cnic;h­\anding 1n1t1 \3rd' and slrtth

The h1rd\ 31t·J after lh 1n1 throuali • pt"\tlt Id<' l hlud aoo' l" somC' nC'~ly 'praH·d tahhJgr and l<'ltUC'C patt: hM at thl' \t•RI Rulh "'aul W c-apt>n' \t,1t10n \.\ h1lc the- mu.t ..... ., latc:r ,kC'nll'\1 harmlcs' 111 human \trC'cl' lud hct'n ctnwd 3nd 1Hh<'r cmcrirnq mea,un·~ "'l'n' \J amid fcar<;-ol a t hcauw.L~t.ct-

( Pleue eee COUNT Y I A3)

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Countians~to 'march' for dimes TboutalMSI ,of --.tken 1n lrv1M.

Huntiaaton Beach and DOnh Oruar County .-rn join people acrosi nauon Lurda)' mom1n1 1n the annual March of Dimes Walk­Anw:rica charily ";aJk.

<>mcialsare prechctlDaa turnout of &bioYt 4.SOO walktn at the tb.rtt t.ocauon~.

The smak larstst March of Dim" fun.ckai11na event of tht year, lht th~ w&lb arc expected to raise about $400 000. Walken sr• pledge~ of. m0oey tor t~e numbeT of miles they walk.

Rqutration bc&Jns at 7 a.m. The hudquanen for the Beach

Citi~route, accordana Lo coordinator Jack Kennedy. pnncipal at Edjson Hiah School. 1s at Huntington Beach

St.att Park 11 Pac1f1c Coast Haahw~) and Brookhurst trett

People wlll ~•lk IOuth 10 Bolwa Cbic~a Statt Park and bade aaain 10 Huntinaton Bc'ach State Park

The frvine route starts on lhc UC lrvine campui 11 Un1vcnny Drive and Campus Onve The route winds through the CH' of Irvine

Hcadquancn fOT the nonh Oranac Count} route u thca)mnuium at Cal ~t.alt Fulltnon

March of Dim~ official\ ~~ proc~cb w11J JO LO find a cu~ for the prcvenuon ofbtnh defccu.

Call 63t-8700or SSJ-0881 for mort information.

Chili cookoff a sell-out The fifth annual Irvine Cl111l

Champ1onsh1p. oichedul~ ·aturda) at Sommer Canyon. as a scll-0ut. orpmzen of the event · rcponed Thursday.

Spies saad some on-sate parking

panes. costing S5 tach, arc still available. Frtt parkin& with shuttle bus service will be available at South Coast Community Church. Liben)' 8aJ>tast Church and Un1vcrsll)' Hagh School's east lot

DRIVER CALLED' A LOADED GUN' ... From Al m""'or inJunes .

1 uror's were deliberating today after heanna closana arsumcnts late Thu~ day at Oranae Count) Supenor Court in Westminster.

Thursday, Lett claimed that tests indicated that Murphy ''had to have" inaested larae amounts of cocai ne.

TC1ts taken 30 days after the head­on ~rash show~ Jhe had a .12 bl.ood·

. cocaine le' cl. indacaung much higher. levels at the tame of the crash. Lett ~ad.

He said the blonde defendant had left a Hunungton Beach apartment shonly before 2 a.m on the ~a> 10 the home she shared wtth a bo) fnend tn Seal Beach but that the crash didn't occur until 3:30 am

··i can't ttll you where," he said.

"but ~e know wttat she was dotng -1ngest1ng cocaine and possabl) .al­cohol an large amounts."

But Gallen said. ' If she went out and used coke (just before the accident). wouldn't there be white power tn her nose." Ga1len saad. "Nobody said that. It was JUSt specula~!on. She was going to her home ... ·

COUNTY WANTS OFF SMOG·LIST •.. From Al be freed of ltngenng threats that federal sanctions would be imposed for failtna 10 m~t the standards. If imposed. the sanctions would cut off federal hiptway and sewer funds and place hmnT on industrial expansion.

Nitroaen d1ox1de, emitted by auto­:..mob1le exhaust, is considered a kc)

component of smog. ~ The action rcquesttd by the ARB

•-Would remove the three counties Crom the sprawling South Coast Air Basin, which includes Los AnJeles County, for purposes of determining comphance with the nitrogen dioxide standard . Currently. the basin rc­ceav~s only_ one rating from the EPA on air quality.

" I belatve it is important for the general fublic and industry to be aware o the fact that over the past several year~ we (Orange, Ri verside

and San Bernardino counties) have made s1gn1ficant progress an the battle against air contam1na11on." &aid Or­anse £'ounty Su pen iso1 Hamett Wieder. a member of the ARB who advocated adoption of the resolutaon.

"What better way to recognize the achin-crnent~ of our air quaht) management programs than to re­move the stigma of non-attatnment from such a vast reg.ion ... W1edCT added.

A da)' earlier. the Board of Super· visors endorsed efforts to have ...lhe county redcs1gnated u an attainment area.

The AR B's 7--0 vote came only after represcnta11ves ot the three counties gave assurances tha1 the counties would continue 10 cooperale to help Los Angeles County to attain the standard.

Los Angeles Count) offi cials long have maintained that air polluuon is a regional problem that must be systematically allacked on a regional basis. _

While the three countaes have been able to m~t the nitrogen d1ox1de standard consistently 1n recent years. Los Angeles County still exceeds the federal measure. although emissions have decreased.

To be remo' ed from the list of areas failing to meet the standards. a region must not have exceeded the standard for two years and must not be a s1gn1ficant contributor to tht failure of an ad1acent area to meet the standard.

Wieder said she did not expect the EPA would act on 1he ARB's resol­u11on before mid-summer.


John Wayne A1rpon, says the aarpon staff has been working for several months with the FAA to correct 1he problems.

"'The VOR 1s a hne-of-s1&ht device and af you block the signal, 1t could prevent the system from betng usable." Hom said. "But there are mod1fica11ons tha1 can be made to the system to improve ats use."

The FAA checks 01ght procedures penodacally and noticed last fall that the VOR system was bctng hampered b)' surrounding buildings.

A th ree-month freeze on con~truc-11on applacations was put an effect until lhe FAA could review the

problem. Stanson ')aid. Dunng the review. Stanson ..aad the

FAA discove_red that three bu1ld1n~s in the city of Santa Ana were built v.sthout a review b) the FAA Whale the FAA doe-s not approve or disap­prove construction applacauons. 11 does review plans that may affect 01gh1 operations and makes re(­ommendat1ons to the governmg plan­ning agency.

The three h1gh -n 5C offitc~ arc on MacArthur Boulevard and arc each aboul 10 stones hagh

The FAA wall soon re view prelama.nary plan!> for the expanded

aarpon terminal. which has raised further concerns about interference v. 1th the a1rpon's nav agataonal S) s­tem~

Bui Stanson said the FAA will work closet> during the planning stages to ease an) problems the terminal ma) present 10 the VOR system.

··Raght nov. . on l) parts ol the system arc unusable. and we do ha\C other navigauonal aids." Stan son saad. ·

" But 1f construction continue'> a' at has. 11 is very feasible that funher problems will follow. That"s what we·re trying to prevent."


lnduded 1n the new re!>Carch pro­gram wall be derivatives from the antH aral drug nbavinn. created b) JCN and believed to be effective against rt:'>piratol') d1!1eases It as also being tested on the v1ru'i su!lpected to cause A IDS

Lu1111 saad research wall concen­trate firs1 on finding potential drugs for lighting "iru~s and 'iCt0ndl) on the aging aspect He strc'>'led the compan1e\ arc not looking for a "fou nt<11n of) outh .. or a nl'rnLle drug tha1 Y-tll keep people free from wrink le\ R<tthtr rc\Car<.her\ hope to prevent the health of middle-aged

and elderly people from detenoratang b) bolstering their immune sy'>tems

"That 1s the kc>." saad Luana " When you reach 40 or 50. you reall) sta n 10 notice yoursclfagrng. I mean. I'm an that area Your immune '>)Stem starts to fail ··

In simple terms. the nucleic acad!> control the cell's ab1lat) to heal melf Detenora11on begins when the cell loses "communac.a11on" with the acids.

Head ing the rc..earch c:cnter ~•II be Dr. Weldon B Jolley. a Loma Landa Medical Center profi.•'isor who per­formed \ome of1hc tts11ng on " Bab) Fae." the )"C>un~tcr who rccc1\cd a

transplanted baboon's heart. Jolie> will be the president. whale also directailg pharmacological research

He will be Joined by Dr. Roland K. Robins. -director of the cancer tn· stitute at Brigham Young Unaver'>tt) Medical ( ent.e.r,; Robins. 1he creator of I( N's nbav inn . .,., 111 be the director of molecular research for the project And Dr Robcn s A. Smith. a UCLA chem1'itl') profes~r. v. tll oversee the b1omed1cal research .

Lu1111 <;aid the Nucleic A.c1d ln­c;t1tute has hired some researchers and will gradually recruit lht.> rcs1 from other un11,ers111es and cen ter'> throughout the rnu ntry


other obJecti. on the ground when he was thrown down

Clear, warm fort eweekend Cl9ll IPtlel and wwmer 19m.,.,etUf• ere expected to

r-1um for the weekend u the l'llgl'I Winda tl'lat btew ~OM the jOU!Mfn half or lhe 11a1e continue to d1m1n1at1. the N1tron11 WMtl'ler" 8ervtce Mid Tre~ advlaor• r9meined In .ttect In the Southern

ca1nornla mounteln and d9Mrt region• 1oday tor 40-mph wind guat1 btowlng dull and aand. but the wind• were expected to die down In botl'I regions tonight a1 the low. prea.aure mov" ... twerd The mercury wlll cllmb to eo In L.oa AnQetea Saturday.

AfOnO the Ocano• Cout there will be local guaty nor1h to r10r1t1 .. 1t wind• 20 to 35 mph at Umet, mainly below paa .... dec;ruatng 1on1Qht and Saturday. Mo.stty cteer 111i.1 through Saturday H~h• Saturday ranging from low 701 at the oeachft to low 801 Inland valleys Low• tonight 48 to 58

Temp• Hogh tow IO< 2 4 l!ou; 1 ll<IO•~g el SA m .. _,. 61 s 1 Albuq...,q,.. -77 .. A.....-0 79 !ii ~eoe o 3t . ,,.,,.. 1 1 57 AllM>IC C<it 113 53 ""-'"" n 62 ~· 73 ., ..,~ 1 2 62 .._.,ck S4 11 ._ 5• ?& lotion 67 •O IMtai<> 63 •I ClllC)tr •2 30 C"-' • on S C at 64 c ....... 1o<1 w v • 11 •5 Ct>l"011•N C 8 1 '9 C/19).,..,. 19 2' ~o 1 1 • 9 71 49 cie .... no 72 . •9 COil>"'°"' 0.. 75 '9 ConcO<O NH 77' 50 ~WQ11n 11 4M Oeylon 76 53 0an- •• 33 0.. M Oll'M 57 •a 0.lrOll 73 •6 Du!IJln S• 33 El Puo 61 51 Fewbanh •• 35 ,.,go 51 32 , ... " se 26 GI- A<lPtCI• 65 SO Ol•t ,.,,, '° 33 Hlt110fCI 61 S. ...... •7 30 Ho"Oluiu ... 70 HOu•ton 82 64 lnd•.,.AOOl't 71 S• Jecil60tl Ma 82 69 Jeci<IO<>••... 87 13 .>-. •1 38 ~Ctty eo eo IMV~ && 51 little Rcxll 78 67

HONORS ... From Al

LOUii ­

"*"""°' 1,1,.,.... kectl Mh-M MOl .. Sl p.._ -,....... ~.,.. -YOf~ Nor1~ Va Olrt- • v •r <>m.11• °'1W'<IO ..... ~~ .. ""-"" P •tllllv•Qf" P°"*'<f M• '°Oflletl(J ()< p,­"-CJ'I R~C·•1 lleno RC>tnO"<I St l °""1 St P•t•Tampe Sell Lek• Ct1y 5.., AnlOOIO S.,, Juan P A S..Ule Sf)ol<­Sr•­TQ94!0.a TUQO<> Tulsa WHh•ngton WICl>lte Wille-Batre


1965 and earned her medical degree at UC San Francisco. In add111on 10 her El Monte post. she 1s a member of the pediatrics staff of the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. She evaluates drugs for the Food Drug and Drug Adman1stra1ion and works w11h the East Los Angeles Child and Youth Clan1c.

Former 0( C mu sac professor John Wtllaamson rci;allcd Hu.,croft's enthusiasm an helping recruit and an!>i)ire memht'.r'> of the ()( C Band. lie de!>erabed her as .. the most oumandang student 1n m~ teaching career .. · Huc,croft her<;elfrt.>rnlled happ) and

77 u 11 .. 7t 7$ 68 . 50 to ., 78 51 u 13 12 &9 " ~ 79 11 55 • S n as .... .. 12 89 50 ~ 4l SS • S Mi St IO • 7 SI )S • 7 ,. IO •t 79 ~ 17 .. 51 '3 13 13 .. 72

52 '° 51 31 61 52 79 st 85 eo 71 12 7e 55 7t 60 ~7 ..

Calif. Temp• H<gtl IOw 10' 2• nour1.,.C11ng al Sam B• wtl...a 70 • 2 Fr- 72 '' t.ancal• 13 • 1 lo. •,.... 71 ... 0 1111- .. &1 Pe90R- 7t 4M l'ed Billlf 70 •t ~ooo c.11 es e 1 SK<.,.,..,10 &a '1 Saltn•1 && 49 San~ 72 51 SM FtW>C>"O 85 53 s.meew-. 19 ., S100 ton 10 •a H19h tow !Of 2• nou•t W>Cl•"Q at Sp m Berllow Tl 54 heu<N>nt 7' 48 819 ker eo 38 Blahop 55 37 Blythe 15 113 C.tll!M 1 1 &8 Long 8-1\ 70 ~ .. .,.,.ville 69 48 Montcwt• 8 1 S• Mt W.._, 72 37 HMC11ee 8 1 60 ~BMcn 61 57 Ont•IO 711 SO Pwn~ 14 12 p AMClene 71 12 ~llci. 76 S4 San S.neroono 77 • & San Gebtiel 82 .. San.Joee .... s.n .. ,.,,. 7 5 53

Sen1a Cruz Sent•M­T-Valley To,,.,_ vo-..n• V•y

70 •• 71' • & 0 27 78 13

17 "

Surf Report LOCATION -1tngl0tl8-I "'- J91Ty, ,......._, OOtll StrMI NewpOf1 2'na5tr•I ~ eaiooe w.c199 L-oune 8-ol\ S1111Ctemente Wiler temp 50 $ ..... OHecllOtl IOUll\-1


Setono IOw J •9 pm S.Cono "'9'1 10•3pm

UTUM>AY F1111111gh 12 41•"' F1t11 tow 9 31 a"' Second hcgh s.conoiow

S•lpm IUpm

H •• •• 02 3 • 32

Sun NII ICldey el 6 3l pm ,_ S•MO.~ al S Oii e m and Mis ag..,. 11 833pm

Moon wt• 1oo.y al 11 SI p m • , _ Set11<0ey et 10 '3 a.m and MU agton 11 12.47am

~d moment\ at ()( C including a 811.ND 8118Croft Richard Shaw band performance 1n the Rosc Bowl and the mood on campus when Prc-.1dent John F Kenned' was\lnated ·

Ricardo. a nail' e of Paragua}. was a place ~ackn on <><C's 1971 and I 9n football tl·am!. He received a full '>t·holarshap to ~n D1c:go State l 1 n1vtr~11y wherl' he became the lc:ad ang S<:orer H1 '> NFL career has hcen wath lhc Detroit Laons. M1 nne­\Ola V1k1ng'> and Nl'w Orleans Saints. lfc ha~ signed to k1tk tor the San Diego Chargers nc't '>Cason.

Rirnrdo recalled 1hat has mother learned to \pea k Engll .. h al OC< and that ha'> hro1hcr preceded him a'i a football player there Rica rdo praa .. ed <>< ( football coa<:h Dack Tucker as the first per.,on 10 rccogn11c has potenual a., a future athle11c star Benny Ricardo

<)ha"' a11cnded 0((' from 1961 1hrough 1963. taking courses an on the college's debating team She freehand drawing. color and design . fou nded the Sacramento Advocac) an and ad"antcd pa1n11ng As a Group and has lobbied for many \<.ulptor he ha<, e>.h1b11ed at galleries you th groups such as the Girl Scou ts aero'>'> 1he l 0n1ted <)1a1cc; H1\ work as and the YMC.\ . She has conducted an the ix· rmancn1 rnllectaons of ad1,·ocac) tra1n1ng ses'i10ns at Stan-rt'ipel'tcd mU\(' Um'> 1n 'ian Franc1<oco. ford l n1 \CrSll)'. USC . UCLA and UC ..\msterdam. Nev. 'i ork and Wash- Davis. angton . () < ()( C speech teacher Barbara Bull-

.\ rt Prok\'>or < harlc'> Bruu: Piner ard recalled S11emore as a debate rtrnllcd ~hav. J\ a talcn1td c;clf- team member who excelled an com-mota,atc:d \tudcnt "who made a \Cr. peutaoo!> previously dominated by good teacher oul of mt•.. · men. 'i11emore praised Bullard and

~hav.. t''<Pfl' ~'>cd gratitude for the ()( C <,peech teacher Peg Taylor, pcr!.onal at1cnt1on he nxc1\l:d from saying. " I know I would not be OCC teat her'>. '>U\ ang 1he> helped succe!>sful 1f ncll for these two ladies." " keep 1he romantacl\m and magic of The hall of fame was founded in art $01ng." 1983 to honor outstanding pro-

';11cmon.· a11c:nded ()("( from 1968 fcssaonals who had attended the through 11n2 d1.-.11ngu1c.,h1ng her~elt rnmm unaty"college in Costa Mesa.

Cathy Sisemore

Cll•eCuuler who hb\ a menL<tl age ol almu1 4 or 5. an to the garage 111 h141 home a' the h<J> '>ho ut c<l " Momm1,' Momm)" Mommy' .. m·1gl1por\ \<ltll

Lowder pulled lht• }Outh from the garage ht .,;11d \O that lhl' ot her omccr\ I ould \n' tht·m In ht\ H' l)(Jn Lowdl·r \ Jld ht· learn.I for hi\ own safct)'

R.Q Shupe. one of the family\ attorne)s. \a1d pol1<.t' U!)ctl "'excessive force" during the anudent Officer\ ~hould have lastened when a neighbor and the youth\ mother \lated he was mentally incompetent. Shupe said

In has rcpon. Lowder acknowl­edged being told three times b)' the >Oung man's mother that her son wa., mentally retarded and cou ld not understand the o fficers com mand'>.

,- ------ -----Pol ice had no comment on the

tla1m thas morning. I\ statement wall be released later today. a spokesman saad

& fore the daam was filed. a polace c,pokesman. LL .\I Muir. said the matter was being reviewed .


·• rh rn· 11t11r' I told him that the youth "-J' rl· t.mkd tha1 he <. 11uldn '1 undcf\tJnd lhl· hoy·., mother ...aid " He d1dn t 11\lrn 111 me al all ·

A nl·t~hhor \lfrcd Trc~r <;a1d· "The u lfl1 cr kirt dulh. lhrew him to the groun.d

The )'Oung Rodnguet was taken 10 rhe hosp11al afttr blood was das· t 11\crcd in h1'> unnc 'ihupe ..aid the )<>uth '" cono,cmu' and recuperating 1n 1hc lntcO\l\l' <arc l nil. but there 1~ concern tor ht\ mt•n1al stale whu.:h he termed "fragile·· before the anca­dent

··There docs not appear to be an) 1mproprJct} on our pan;· he said I

The ca t) has 45 da )'!> 10 se11le the claim or rcJeCl 11 If the claim 1c; denied. the Rodngue1 family may I pur\Ul' the matter an court

Rodrt~Ul'/ pdrt"OI\ bcht: -..c their son ., ~H.lnn wa\ 1111tired b) '>tones or

" tic r~· " .a ?--~--.r1Jr-nlcH10~ :· he 'Wiid


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VOL. 11, NO. 118


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. --

· 1

Watching start of Ensenada race a sport in itself-8 y ALMON LOCXAB EY l'atamaran~ and trimarans on the o.itr,....._.. wr11« outer.ltnl'

The Ncwpon to EnM!nada race _ From ·there. i.tans are !teheduled at the world's international yacht I O;m inutc intervals. The ~hedulc racc - also 1s a unique yachting runs ltke th1'i: · spectacular from a spectator's point • 12: I U - Performance tiandarnp of view. Racing Acct Class I\ on the inner hnc.

With more than 600 <iaaltng craft Ultra-Laght D1splaceJlltnt Boats JOCkcying for staning position. the Class A. ou ter hne. waters from the Newpon en trance • 12:20 - PHRF· B inner line. Jetty to the Balboa Pier are , anualh· International Offshore Rule Clau \ blanketed with dacron · outer hne • ·

Thousands of spectator .. _ both • 12.30 - IO R-8 inner hnt'. landlubbers and yachting fa ns _ l ' LDB-B. outer ltne usually hne the beach from the Jetty 10 • 12:40 - IOR-C' inner ltne. the paer and along the bluff5 over PHRF-C outer hnt' Corooa del Mano .... atch the antics ol • 12 SO - PHRF-E. inner ltne the yachtsmen as the} battle for PHRF-D. outer lmc .position on one of the dual 'itaning • I p.m - PHRF..(j. inner ltne lil)CS. PH R F-F. outer ltne.

Hardi} an> oftht' ~pertators. and • l· IO - PHRF-1. inner ltne; onl y a small percentage of lhe sailing PHRF-H . outer ltne crews wall know exact I) what 15 going • I :20 - Ancient Manner (lass. on when the three race committee inner ltne. PHRF-J. outer ltne boats hoist thei r ~1gnals sta_ni~.s at · If )'OU listen closel) enough -I l :~ a .m. - round tames well over the water -

Here's what to look and listen for· } ou arc likely to hear a lot of At 11 :SO a.m. the blast of a deck screaming. some of tt obscen1t1C'). as

cannon will mark the warning for the the crews fight fo r right-of-way and first class and a ·.,.. h11e cone will be !.ea room as th<'y approach the stan. hoisted on each ol three committee Othcrw1se you will JUSt beiwttncss1ng boats. The wh11e cone I'> lowered at a beautiful and spectacular sight that I I :.S4 and at I I .SS a blue cone has happens on ly once a year. hoisted marking thl' five-minute Cautaon If you are out an an preparatory signal. At 11 :S9 the blue unauthorized . ~pectator boat, stay coi:ie goes down. At noon a red cone is dear of the staning area or you might hoisted. markan& the stan for the be subject 10 a SSOO to S 1,000 fine. .


o.ltJ .... ....... "'....,4 l(MMef

Loading f umlture for diatrlbation to En.enada orphana at the other end of the yacht race are (from left) Carter Caaael, 8 ; Deirdre Dunn, 9 ; Wayne Gary, Terry Mulltcan Jr. and Willie Wllllamaon. There'• •till room ln the Yan for more donated materlaL


Otange Coast DAILY Ptl,.OT /FricMy. AprU 29. 1MI '* AS

Laura 'sstoiyset = for TV special"on missing children

,who wa' la\t ~en Dec lu. 191$4. 11 her home an urttle> . Colo. bt' bad been dn ven ho me by fnen<h from a school thri~tmu concert . ·but when her father returned later that evening. sbe wa) cone

LOS AN(1EL . (AP) - ... rv special recreating the d1sappcaranct of 10 people. most of them children. will be broadcast Monday following the third showing of tht' mo' ae. " Adam." about a child who was a ludnap-murdet v1ct1m .

"They'll httrally v151t the ~ate and u11hze whomever was'"' ol"ed to the extent that they can do that and establish the general visual and logistical aspects of the Kt'ne and the carcumstaoct's:· N 8( spokesman Bud Tencran1 saad Thu~a>

The I 0 m1ss1ng people featured an the program. "Missing ~ Have You Seen Thas Person.," include thr~ children "'ho ha' e been found

Actress Meredith Baxter Barne) ol the NBC" senes "Fa m1I) Ties·· and her actor-h usband Da' 1d 81rne) co-host the sho\I. produced b> DaH Bell Associates. The sho.,.. mch1dcs an appearance b) Rick> ~hrodcr of NBCs "Saher Spoon~ ... "'ho 1s a cousin of one of the m1ss1ng children featured 111 the show 4-year-old Laura Bradbul) of Hun11ngton Beach.

Laura. who has been the subject of nat1onw1de pubhc1I> was last sctn Oct. 19 I 984. at Joshua T rec Na­llonal Monument. She followed her brother to an outdoor cam w ound restroom and disappeared whale he "'as 1ns1de.

o\nother m1ss1ng child featured on the show rs Jonelle Matthtw1. I ::! •

Sister~ Cathy and Debbie CaruSC>. I 5 and I 3. were la~t seen Nov 18. 1977 an Wheaton. Ill • dunn.a a v1\1t with their falht'r.

Paul Cosner. 39. wa" last ~n last Nov 2 1n San Franc1$CO when ht' ran a new~paper advenaStment to sell lu• car l pon the sale and deh \ cry oflhc auto. C osncr disappeared and neither he nor his car have bun found.

Kim Leggett. 21. disappeared lHI Oct 9 an ~crccde~ Texas. where she 'an1!>bcd froro ""ork ouu1de a couon g_an

Pahlo Torres. IS of Jcrse} Cit) " J vanished last August in Nev. )' ork ( aty l;ic had gone with friends 10 the World Trade Center 1n Ma n­hatta n

The sho"' also depicts the cases of thrtt children ·who d1~peared bu1 ""ett' later found

- Bobbie Smith Jr .. 13. of Loog Beach. Calif .. who disappeared an Apnl 1983 aod was found lbt Januar) in Rhode Island . -~1chellc Lawrence. 2. ofSeau k

\I. ho disappeared last Jan. I and was found March 25 an Gcorpa:

-Jesse Pope. 7. of SeanJc who disappeared an Apnl 1979 and was fou nd 1n Ohio m March 1984.


Despite a fc...., ghches. local health. sanitation and water officials say Orange Count) has avoaded thew1de­scale contamanataon problems plagu­!ng other areas of the state and the coun1ry.

The underground water supply 1s still potable, wath little chance of causing cancer .or harming unborn children . Tox ic matcriah flowing through the se"'er sy~tems have also been kept from reaching dangerous levels.

There ha ve been some problems. such as the beteaguered plan to move 200.000 tonrnfsmell ) refiner) sludge from the McColl ilumpsate an Full­enon 10 a landfill an Kern Count> Officials an that count) ha ve vowed to block the the wastes from being dumped at the new me. near the rural community of Button" allow

All things considered. Ora nge County's problems are rela11vel)

small. althou~h the potential for disaster rema1n'i hagh. county Of. ficials sa) . E"cf)·thang as under con­trol. they assure. wh ile admimng that at may be hard to convince people in neighborhoods bombarded b> dead birds. J

" B; and large Orange Count~ as 1n good shape." saad Blake Anderson . director of operatao ns for the Orange County Sani1a11on Distract<;. one of the agencies mon11onng th t• amount of toxic waste entering th(' se"cr system.

"Some 1ndustnes have been reluc:­tant. We', e had to drag them k1ck1ng and scrt:amang anto compliance. but the)' 've mostly been cooperatl\ e .. .\nderson said.

The dist n et le\ aed $ J .t0,000 1n fee\ last year on companies v1ola11ng count) ltm1ts on copper. chromium and other to "<ans disposed into se~­ers. Pan of the '1olat1ons .,..ere

a11nhu11:d to tht" tougher standards and higher fines ~t b~ the agenq in Januaf\ 1118..i .

l ndi.·r 1ncrcasmgl) sth ct regu­lation. count\ industrial firms ha'e 'pc:nt $13 miihon in the past decade on \}''>tern~ to deto>.1f) their wastes Thl' de' KTS conct."n lrate the laquad toxin' and metallic solutaons anto a ' sludge that can be stored at rn1n1mum re•.tr1ct1on landtills.

·\nderson \aad another$ I 0 mil hon in onsnc treatment.,, stems 'ihould be built \\llh1n thl' ne\t fe.,.. \Cars. whale he e"<pect\ more andustnes 10 take a funher '>tep h~ rec) cling their waste~

.\ 'ilmllar opt1m1sm was e"<presscd b' Jim .\ndn.,on. e\ecutl\C director of the .,tall' Regional V.ater Quaht~ Board 1n ~ant.i .\na C ontam10at1on had heen limited 10 ahout 30 cua~ta l \Ile!. ., the soil \ too hard to penl'.tratl' or thl· ground\l.ater \ alrea1h mu '>311' 10 dnn~ .

Onl\ one Orange count~ ~l'll has

been clo-.ed b) conta m1na11on . .\nderson said rcft'rnng to an under­ground gasoline storage tank that leaked an the A.nahe1m area about tl>' O )Cars ago.

.. We've either been luck}' or the (allegall} dumped) materials have not reached the groundwater'' he saad.

Steven Wong. chief of the count) 's Hazardous Waste Program. tends to belae'e the laucr He added that much ol ahe 1ox1c .... aste dumped in

se"er'> has probabl) been dalluted b) the water 1n the S}Stem. making at difficult for ..an1tat1on officials to detec.t the po1<,on!>

The ha1ardous ..... aste agenc> re­corded I 19 1nc1dents. mostl} illegal du mp1 ngs 1 n I 984 Officials e' pect to doublt' that figure this )Car \I.Ith "1

incidents n:poned through m1d­A.pnl

\.\ ong Jtlnbuted the protected m­c:rease 111 stronger enforcement and thC' ming cost of d1spo\JI because

landfills O\ er the }ears ha' e tu med their nose up at toxic ..... aste

.. Disposal 1s getting expensl\e and people are storing things longer The} tend to look at other wa)S - illegal dumping 1n sewers or onto street !> ... he said. ,

Sometimes 55-lµlll on drums of solvents or corrosn es m} stenou)I) end up behind businesses in 1ndus­tnal parks or abandoocd an fields.

.\ccord1ng 10 a four-}'ear-<>ld stud~ I 00 malhon gallons of huardous waste 1s generated 1n Orange Count) RecenLest1mates show 4.000 to S.00<1 tO\IC ·\l.aste producers an the area .... tth at least '"'ace that man' com­panies using hazardous sub\lanct's

With such a hagh potenual for danger. the count~ \l.a'i bracing for the .... orst last )Car \l.hel'l the BKK landfill an \.\ est (o\lna stppped atceptmg toxic .... a"Ste ' o' 'O I % 4 But tht.' fears of rampant dumpi ng ha\\'.' not ma1enal11ed

" \.\ e sent leucrs to tndustnes str\ Cd b' BKK to let lhcm know we were \l.alchtng them:· saad Wong.

The count} as compahng an '""en· tof) uf hazardous matenals and b)produc1s at "an ous andustne!> ba~d on 1nformat1on from anspec­uoni; and dumping mc1dents

( ount~ su pervisors had consad~rt'd gathering thl' tnfonnataon b~ passing a d asclo~ure la.,.. but dumped thc idea amid legal concerns that companies \\ OU Id be &" 1ng a\\o3\ trade St'crets (10Hmment documents are con· ~adert"d to he public anformatton

The ut\ ot If"\ ine ho"'e'er ap­pro' t'd the count' '> first dasclosu~ la~ on Oec 13. I qg3 ·sparked b' a fe\I. d11..e rail'> \I. llh da~stl'r

In one 1oc1dent a h1ghl~ to'" ml\ture of eth' lene u\lde and freon '>JX'\l.Cd from a rupturffi papt> cn~aung ii llammable d11ud abo'l" thC' \.II,·, 1ndu\lnJI arl'.a f'oJ'>tal bret'/l'.'> ,fj.,. ,1pJtt·d tht• potl·nt1a l · tire\.loud bu1 lhl' ill • 1d\.nt left l ll \ llliuals unl·as'


l ht' probkm -.eemed w bt' mush rooming at the time Jnd thr- 1.11u n. 11 dn11kd ""t' had ~tier 2l"l J hand ll" ur 11' 'a1d\,han lkr<;h '\.II\ ha1ardou' maa, r1JI\ aJm1n1\tra1oi

From Al fo und to cause gastroi ntesu nal 111-nessc~ an seven out of 1.000 swim­mers.

In a cit) that 1hm es on sun-loving toun sts and water sp'Ons. some boatyard employees were also dis­covered to be scraping the paint off boats and dumping the residue anto the bay While water quality and cat) offic1a'ls wt>re chastising boatyard owners. some pn' ate workers were donning scuba geM and scraping boat bolloms while the vc'isels "'ere afloat.

Also cloudi ng the waters was an Apnl 7 chemical spill that flowed down an Irvine drainage ditch and the San Diego Creek into the Upper Newpon Bay

Up to JOO gallon., of aircraft cleaning solvents and other contami­nants discovered 1n the bay were traced to the Manne Corps Helicop­ter A ir S\allon an Tustin.

The Easter unday spa II wa~ said by environmental offi cials to be the

latest an a stnng ofpollu t1on problem., produced b) the mal1taf) cam p

They said Jet fuel and other pollutants had soaked into the 4'011 after plane crashes and fire<, were simulated du rang training excrbses at the base.

Manne repre<;enta11ve-; countered b) saying the mock crashes were d1scon11nued an 1983. and the base would temporaril} stop "ashing aar­trafl until a ne.,... s}stem .... as tn'italkd to prt'\ent sol\l~nts from running into drainage ditches

Wit hin the same "'eel. .. a <>mailer 011 spill was disco' t'red in the ...ame creek that feeds anto the l ' pper Ne" pon Ba ) Whale the amount ol the spill was tnsubstanllal. the mcadcnt again brought atlentaon to the troubled waters. -·

M'an.,..h ale. contam1na1111n feJf\ are much different 1n Huntington Beach. whl·rc the ,.,.,uc 1~ an uld muddy dump.

Po1 11, Loe

r he .\ ' lOn la m.lli It ha<, become a foreboding nl'1ghbor to residents around thl' P-acrc dumps1te near Magnolia \trcct and Hamilton .\' · cnuc

I ' \l'.d during thl· 14-tOs as a burial c;att.' for oil "'a~tes thr dump •~ <,u\pe<:tl'.d h) res1dl'nt'> and ell~ of­ftual\ 1u he a t0\1c hralth ha1ard

\ nd until the' lo. no.,.. tor \un:. Huntangtnn BeJch · ( 11~ ( ouncil member'> hJ\C e\tendcd a mora· tunum on plan<, tl\ an .\nahl.'1rn compan' w l'\lJ,atl' the '\1le and rec\lk the ix·tr\ilcum \\J\lt''I

The 'liltt.' hJ., 1udgl·d the: .\'>u>n dump to pml' lattk health mlo. tu thl' lOmmunll\ ranlo.1ng 11 2110th out of 20S site' throughout ( alitorn1a cum· pct mg for dt'Jnup fund ..

Wh1k Huntington Bt'Jlh oflk1a1 .. \\cll t tor \oal \Jmpk' from thl' dump to ht' anah1~d. a~' ~'i million \Ult again\t thc.dl~ 1\ pt'nll1n11 rn \upt·rior Court F1kd h\ \<,tn' Pr1r11leurn In\


Huntington cy~lisf killed as bike slams into ttuck ~

rr-A 23-ycar-<>ld Hul'ltington 9elch

man was lu ll~ Thursqay when his motorcyle collided with the rear wheels of a truck and trailer an the cit) of Orange. accord1ngtto police.

Th r v1ct 1m . 1den11fied as .. Hununaton Beach

Two neat ly dressed . clean-cut aun­mcn escaped w11h about S2.000 an an armed robbery Thur\day nl&ht at th~ Ralphs supermarket. 19041 Beach Blvd . • • •

Vandals cau'ICd $270 an damage whcp they shot a BB gun into two windows an a home tn I 6000 block of Beach Boulevard

• • • A resldt'nt 1n the 7000 block of

Spttr claims 1ha1 mail h:u been dasappean na from the mail bol for ~veral days.

• • • • A man was arrc'1cd for allcacdl}

tryina to,tC1tl a S,_. ~r ofd\on l rom tht ponmart, 74 H Fdan&t'r A "'t

• • • AT -top ' alucd II SI , In wu stolen

from a hlue I q84 Ponuac Tran~am 1n a dn veway in tht 21000 block of An111ua • • •

Thieves pncd_ open a rtd 19M Renault It Ocean View H1ah School and Stolt sttrro rqu1pmrnt valued al $300. . " .

1 Christopht-rj B. Larttm lt' . wa pr<>­nounccd dead at Ifie ~enc of the accident where Katella ..\ vt·nue enters the nor1~bpund lanes to the Costa Mesa Freewa) .

Police reponcd Laramie was ea'i.I·

.\ pur'it' belonging to a patient "'as stolen at Pacific lommunaty Ho'ipa­tal. 18 792 Mam St. The purse. "'alued at $32. contained S6 1n cash

• • • Thieves kicked in i door in the

15000 block ofCotton\yood and \tole S 1.000 in J<'W<'ll) and $250 an fi re. arm$.

• • • (1othana wo11h S382 and a pai r ot

SI .SO binocular\ wcf't' stolen from a car parked on dam!I "'enur

• • • That'Vt''i 'iltd open a l oc~cd door to a

homt' 1n the 5000 bloc .. or fdtnger \ \.cnue and 'itole a video ca'i'ICllt' rl'turder \ alurd a1 $460. a $40camcra .md S40 in cash

Coeta Mesa \ \Ide \ 1cw mirror of a (. adallat

< oupc de \ 'Ille parked an tht 200 bh>Cl nr n ihnllo 'itrttt was npp(d trom ''' n1mrn11ng and left Janahna builllc \undih . \Oml'llmc hctwctn ~ and I 0 10 p m Tlle ro~ .. WI\

e'it1nu11ed at St<O • • •

\omronr k1dlf."'\I M ton t'tl Of'C''' J

bound on ~tdl.t ·,l hrn h1'> motOT· C}clC hit thl' ngh t rca1 \\ hl.'l'I' hi the trailer lhl· 1r,1ltor·tra1kr IQaded


..... 11~ gra,cJ. \\J\ lurnang onto tht' frn~"'a ' "'hen lhl' arCllknLon urred

gate h1l'.1lo.1ng thl· hx ~ing mcchan-1\m .11.1 he1m1· in thl·i'1)(1 hlcx ~ nl I ~ th 'it rl'l'1 \Oml'llml' hct\\ ('Cn \pnl 18 and f unda' f ht' \l fl'l'n <11\0 was n prcd from a v. 1ndo'-' . hut l'ntr. wa' not m.1lk tn tlw h11u\l'

• • • . Po\lagc st;imp' \I. urth $~ ~II '-"t'r\'

fl'fXHICd \IOICn fr 1111l ,Ill .t p.lrtn1l'n1 31

"~~ Colkttt' ' 'l' 'ome1tml' hc­t.,...el'n t< ~O .1 Ill ,ind I 0 10 p m \fonda\ \ k11dwn .... indov. had hcen \ll1J\hcd and tht· homl: "'·'" l'an­\Jl kl·d

uf .\naht•im. 1he ~u1t allrgl·) the ut} unfa1rl~ ob\trulled ah dean up ef­fom.

lronatalh a h:.11ardou' waste sate 1n C osta Mc'ia has caused little com mo· lion. although 11 "as ranked I 46t h on the state li<,t

The \kt ropoli tan < art·u1ts rne. on Logan .\' en uc. "'as once the locataon ol an electronic<. plating firm that pulled up '>takes 1n I 9X I lea' 1ng an underground tan~ ol lo\ac \\a<,te Ho"'e"er. most of the rnpper nickel. 11m ar')enacand lead .... ere found near the surf act' of the g.round sa1J \te\ en \.\ ong. ch1t'f of the count'·., Hazard· ou'i \.\; aste Program

\.\ ong saad tO\lc 'lub\la nt I.'\ .,.. en· .!pparenth dropped on the ground h~ <,;Jopp' "'orkers. and the storage tank did not <1eem to be lea~1ng

It "a~ a to \1C d ump males a.,.. a~ an another count~ that recentl\ ra1,ed the 1re of Fountain Valle\ rc~1dents

The furor rc,ohcd 'around lhl'

Irvine < 1t11rgl' H John"'n 1d \11.t".1' < 11'

\\JS arre\ted rhur<,J,l\ 11n 1>U hlJlld· in&fclon~.,...arranh fohn" 1n ;; "a' taken into 1.'U'itOlh nl'Jr \1.1 n \1r,·e1 and E\ecull'l' Park \\ aar.1111' 1"ul·d h~ Orange ( ount\ \upc..·r11 1r < .iurt mdude one tor armld roht":n .ind anot hl'f for assault \\Ith .1ttl·mr1 111 1.omm1t rape, P<.'lln· '-did li•hn\nn 1' hcmg hl'ld ""lthout hail a1 nr.tngl' < ount' Jail f urthl·r ik1.11I' \\\'ft' una' ailable. 1 . ... ~omenne hroke u1111 a, .11 l.. 1·d .11

a Torx-ka \m'l'I .tf';)nnll'nl t.1k1ntt S6.SOO an dl'nmn,tr.111nn '11mpu tcr equ1 pml.'nt l hl· hurtllJf\ ..... 1, re· poncd b) ahe 'ch1d''' 11,, ncr a <ialeswoman from an .un\pc..'l llit'd lOmputer tirm • . . . \

Charlton .\\SOl 13h.'' un Ma1n1n1 \treet rt'flQned an IR\1 ,11mputer term inal m1~"ng f hl· 11l'm 'alUl'd at Sl700. wa' ?X·hc\l'd 1.1ken 'ometrm~ in th<' la\t t .... o mont~

Newport ~acb

cleanup plan ror thl' 11ifamou~ Stnngfello\I. .\ud Pm in R1,cr'i1de ( ount) The ~tatc -was planning to pump the contaminated ground .... ater from the seeping pm. treat 11 at the sate and then 'ihap 11 to IH'atmrnt centers 1n Fountai n Valle' and Hunt-ington Reach -

Was11.· .... ater frnm 51nngklh1\I. do~d in 19~~ \\Ould thl·n hi.· dumped fi,e m1ks off'>hore

Fountain \ alle\ reS1d1.•n1' \\ t'rt'

susp1c1ou' 01 a plan to 1n1e1. t \Orne or tht' treat~ -..a<.aes anto thl'· ground drinking \\3tt"rsupph Ill ~eep salt "'ater from ru'ih1ng anw the 'uad creatt'd \\hen \\C'll'I pump oul Jnnl.. ­ing "'atcr

.\ltt'r month' •>I hearing<, I )r,tn~r ( ounl\ \an1ta11on 11t1iual1, Jgrl'l·J I

t,1de<,tc'p Fountain \ alle' in thl' tnl' that \\Ill take thl" .... a\te' 1<• lhl' '-l.'J ()flicaals sa' the d1'pt>\JI rl:in ' C\l)l'rtl"d 10 h<:gan 10 latr \ l a\ 11r l·arh lune

'I• 11111 1old polin· • ••

\ 'andal .,ma<>hcd thr p.1,~·n~, · \l.1tll.IO'-' nn J I QX.i \ \~ Ra hlw lOn,enahk par lo.ed fhur-.<l.t\ .r Birch trt'ct the '1rt1m 1otd l'•'li' r fhe damage "'a' l'~t1matt"d Jt <,.,..,

• • • .\ \II Hr IQ 4 RMV. '~ ~ 'al.l\'1'

at S~h 000 \1. 3' rl'purtl'd ''' kn lhursda\ on 'e .... pon ( l'nll'' Dr,,

Laguna Beach .\ ca\St'lle pla)er 'alul·d .11 C. 1 ,..,

"a., \tokn from a l<x kl•d , ar r.irlo.l·d

.\h11u1 135 firms u<.1ng 1oXll 'uh1,tanll''> arr 11,tl'd ¥.Ith the lll\ ·, hJ1a1dc.u' mJll'flJJ, Jl'ranment ac ,ord1ng 111 Hcr'h "ho nl'1ther d,1\.\ n· pla' <. nnr naggeratt'' lhl' Jangl'r

I m nnt going tu tdl re~1dent' Jnn 1 "' rn ahout 11 11 s a con'itant

pn·.,c; n,l' he ..aid But '-'hen ~11u lo.n11" tht· n,i.. anJ J.1nge1 ahedd <11 11mt• '"U \.Jn mal..t: prl'parataon' ..

In int· " lhl 'illl' ,,1 int' 1lf thl '\1.1

ll•Unt' Ha1arduu' \laH·r als \.re .... , J

d '1\1on ot lht' fin dl·panment tnr. ffn:d t"'o \t'Jr'< ..tgo \\ 1th llOe lre.,.. an Hun11ngton &·alh an11ther team 1\ ~·1ngdc,t·l··rx·d ..tnJ 1,t" ,pelted i. ~· 'tJt1nned n \nahe1m

I hl· ll'\!dl\ 111 lhl' '>Ul'l'ltanu'\ in

I ir.1 ~ge ( 11UOI\ "d\ 3\ an\\\ hcrt• l'I" l hl po1ent1al tor danger I'

. , 'rl'ml "11d UHT~ Ta' lur l ap1J1n "' thl' Huntington fkach d1' 1'i10n ·Hut I think "'l"rl' dn1ng a rcspeoable

l<\h •

I hur,Ja, morn1ntl nn f- orec.1 \, ·11n· t hl' ' 1c11 m tnld police . . .

\ 1•1 '>ld\moh11l' ~\hich "a' ' l'••rted 'ti1l1 n "a!. reCO\ered f l-,.,. l 1 .111l'rn •on n \outh Laguna h 1 .1 1.?d c•unt' \hen IT\ Ocr.1nr1t'r.'

I' ' \Jld I • • •

I' 1 ,1r t1·,ted "1arl Bala1<> }' ''<

•h.11 ~ .i 1in ·\uSp1c1on of dr ' ~ 1 h1 1nOucncc ofakohol J< ,,

• 11 ,1 "a' '1t1ppeJ at about I.:! 4(.J ,. 1t ... ~IJ' 1 1n \\d.slc."' DnH" and ~. 1 i.

I 11.t'I tf 1(lh \l.l} ~

State probes records at pregnancy clinic


; f

t l \

-· .. -. '

Or~ COM1 DAILY PILOT/Friday, AprN 28. 1985 === -

Teen girl ~enying rap


WASHINGTON. Pa. (AP) - A man who has spent nearly three years an prison on a conviction of rape may get a new trial after an I S..year-old woman claimed she lied because the man beat her motl\er- his common­law wife, a judge says.

William Davis. 39. of Fallowfield, has asked for a new trial on charges of statutory rape. inv.oluntary scxua~ intercourse. corrypuna a manor and indecent assault brought against him an 1981 by Ronnda B.aker.

Washington Count} President J udgc Thomas G ladden said dunng a hearing Wednesday he would rule promptly on Davis' request.

The hearing came o n the same day an 1llino1s man was denied bond while he appeals has conv1ct1on for a rape that his accuser now ~ never happened.

Baker told Gladden on Wednesday that she laed when she testified she had sex with Davrs. her mother's common-law husband. several times from 1979 10 March 198l. whaw-Ykl.---t---­was 12 or 13.

" He would hat on my mother," she said. ··1 fabricated the story because I wanted him to stop."

Wilham C. Kaczynsk,, Da v1~·s attorney. said Baker "wanted him to get out of the house. She wanted her real father to come back.

"She didn't think at would snowball the way 1t did .. she didn't want htm to go to prison ...

.Davis. convicted Sepl. 22. l 981 . has served 33 months ofa 31/J-to I~ year sentence at the State Correc­tional Institution at Pittsburgh.

Davis was arrested in.March 1981 after Baker told a nurse at Charleroi Arca Junior-Senior High School that Davis forced her to have sex with him.

The police o fficer who investigated the case and the prosecutor said Baker's original claims held up under investigative scrutiny four years ago.

They also noted that the iirl's rt')other. Patr.ic1a Baker, had testified t~at Davis admitted having a sexual encounter with her daughter.

The elder Baker and Davis lived t6gcther nearly I 0 years and had two sons.

Baker. who now li ves with her mother an Niles. Ohio. told the judge st.e's willing to take a l.1e detector test.

Kaczynski said Baker has felt guilty since Davis's conviction.

Back in style Actreu Ann Jillian la flanked by Harvey Korman and Carol Channln& Thunday u ahe returned a• "The Red Queeil\' du.ring

taping of MGM'• "Allee in Wonderland." Jillian returned to work after undergoing a double mastectomy two ween ago . .

White House· reinalns mum on Germany cemetery visit

WASHINGTON (AP) - The said. adding that ··all face1sof tnpsare Reagan w n:rnn~1der h1<,deu~1un bu1 White House is declining 10 answer alwa ys under d1scuss1on:· the nioH· "'" ' hlocked h\ llou-.c questions about Presiden t Rca~n·s Reagan leaves Tuesda y for a 10- Republican Whip Tren1 · Lott of upcoming visit to a German military da} European trip including an M1ss1~~1pp1. cemetery where Na11 SS troops are econo mic summit conference an Earlier 1h1~ week.. an clfort lu bring buried. Bonn. up a o;1m1lar re,olu1 1on on th<.> Senatt'

'Spokesman Larry Speakes said The sch~dulcd May S visi t to the n~or was blocked . also h} the GOP Thursday the president has made no B1tburg ~raveyard and plans to lay a leadersh 1r>. changes 10 his plans to v1s1t the wreath in a ceremony there has Lott. the <,econd-ranking Rl·· cemetery that con'tains the graves of outraged Jewish organ1zat1ons. con- publican 1n the Hou'ie. obJCCtt'd lO about 2.000 German war dead. in- centrat ion camp survivor'i and vet· considcrauon of thl' re'>olution ht'· eluding 47 Nazi SS soldiers. erans· groups. ca u">C he had not bt.•en con<,ultcd lir1,1

··w e are not answenng B1tburg Mem bers of the House who d1sap- H1'> obJecuon prl'\Cntell the Hou.,e questions: there has been no change prove of the v1s11 tried Thursda~ 10 from ahenng us \("hcllute to cun~1der in the president's plans.'' Speake win passage of a resolution calling on the resolution ThurMla)

~S=t=ev=e=n:::;cF=. =W~e=in=st=e=in=, =M=.D=.~~ ' DIAL-A-PO RN' 01plomate American Board of Allergy & Immunology

Assistant Clinical Professor. UCI School of Medicine c HAR GE RAP p ED is pleased tv announce

the opening of his office for:

Allergy and Asthma


1-101 Avocado Ave., Suite 602 Newport Beach. California

SALT LAKE CITY IA P> - The indictment of a New York ··d1al-a­pom" service called by Utah children as an abuse of free speech. according 10 an attorne) who says a proper remedy 1s .. d1sc1pline when paren ts get the phone bill."

I he 1nd1l1men1 l'hargl·!> in1er<.1all' 1ransponat1on of ob'icc ne material. a felon). and ca u\1ng ohsct' nc com­mun1ca11ons by tclcr>hone. a rn1.,dc­mcanor.

The 23-count indict ment handed down Thursday against Ca rlin Com­munications. Carl Ruderman, I ra

C:::==:========================~ Kirschenbaum. Kev in Goodman and - Samantha Fox. 1s the first such federal

Howc\er. Sll'Ve Mc( aughc). an attornc~ for Carlin ( ommu nKationc,. said 1he U.S. Attorney·~ Otlicc ha:, no authority 10 bring !.uch charge' and 1ha1 statute'> c11cd 10 the indictment' refer 1u 1ekrhonc hara'>\ml·nt. not ~n1ces.


Trade Showroom Sale to the public for four days o nly . Friday 26th thru Monday , April 29th . 9 A.M.-6 P .M.

Our prices will save you at least 50% off normal retail. Choose from o ne of the largest selections in Southern

California. ..

prosecution C\ er. said U.S. A 11ornc~ Brent Ward.

"C'onv1ct1ons 1n this case would challenge rhe phone sex industf) which has spread across the colintry dunng the past two )ears." Ward said

Mc( aughc) .,aid the 'harg1?r, 1nfr. 1nge on F1rc;t Amendment guarantee'> of '>pccch and prer,r, frecdum.

··You haq: tO dial the number first ." he \aid ··11 'iecm\ to mt• the remed) \.\ Oulll bc proper d1sc1plim· when rarenl\ get 1he phone bill."

WLAMONfES South American / Mexican ()unn: Co-sponsor~d by ~afllorn1a Arts Council

8 P.M. - FRIDAY, MAY 3 'Reserved Seats: $6 Pre-Sale; $7 a.r Door


Althea Holdcroft, Flute Randall Woltz. Plano

SUNDAY, MAY 5 - 7:30 PM ·Admission: S4 Pre -~lc: SS at Door

A .

MEDITERRANEAN PORTS~~ Armchff1r Adventure Series


~Roxanne P-ulitzer must · bare PlaybOy co~tract

By the Auoclated Pre11 -

WLST PALM BEA( I l , Fla. - Roxa nne PuhtLer will have to reveal ~ow much she rl'l'l' 1 ~cd for posing nude for a photo spread in Playboy magazine. says a Judge he:mng her request to ha ve her alimony exte.ndcd. In Dece.mber. Pul i11er filed '>Ult asking 10 continue alimony she won ~n her 1982 divorce ac11on ngaint,t rubl ishing heir Peter PulllLer. The tnal was .m.a~ked by allegation~ that Pulitzer had engaged in uoconventaonal SCX!Jal act1v1t1es. drug partie~ and w11chrraf1. She lost her demand for part of Pulitzer's $2.S malhon fortune and wa!> instead awarded n black Porsche and temporary alimony of $2.000 a month. "'h1ch has ru n out.

Torture coverup suspected NEW'\ ORK - Top oflic:1als ofa precinct where offi cers are accused of

torturing thrt•e men tu obt:11n confessions about drug dealing may havr co' ered ufl the lWleged beattn$S and Ust' of an electric stun gun. the pohce romm1ss1oner s.a) !> . McanwJl1k. all~nons surfaced Thursday that two Kort>an- '\mencan men were tx'aten at the I 10th Precinct in the borough of Queens. Four olli l'i:r~ 10 the 106th Precinct have been arrested and another !>Uspcnded in rnnnt'ct1on with beatings Pol ice Comm1ss1oner Benjamin Ward saad ··had ranal m·ertoncs "

Flremen held ln 28 blazes No\ PU.S. Fla - Two firefighters who allegedly liked to ··see the fire

1rud.!> co ml•· have acknowledged hgh11ng 28 brush fires. state forestry officials ~' . Garry Allen Barfield. 28. a Division of Forestry employee. and John Walter Hunt . J6. a former lmmokalee firefighter . were being held at the Collier

oun1y :u on fiurscfa y o n charges ofwffifullyl>urrilnglancl.'·n1eycmrtrfor the thrill of it .'. said foreMry dlVISIOn investigator Ed Jones.

IRS cites blg tax fraud · NEW YOR t-.. - fh l· Interna l Revenue Service stands to collect up to $500

million plus a ran-owm:rsh1p of a National Hockey League team following \\hat authorit1e' say 1'i the biggeM tax fraud prosecution in U.S. history.1 <:rlebnlle'> who bough1 shares of phony tax shelters will be hearing from the IRS and can e>.pcct h1g bills for back taxes. interest and penalties. said U.S. Attorrn.!) Rudolph W Giuliani . Al'Cord1ng to prosecutors. Woody Allen . Bill Murra, , Did. ca,ett f rank Langella and Enca Jong were among those who bought into deal<. organ11cd 1n large pan by Edward Markowitz, a Washington busine~ .. man "ho o" n'i 2 5 percent of the Washington Capitals of the NHL.

Tb.ree held ln armored car robbery DEN\'ILLf:.. N..I - Three people trave been arrested in the theft ofSl.35

mil hon from an armored rar. but a founh suspect was killed earlier this week. police said toda}: l:>cn' 1lle Patrolman Joe Neumann . reading from a statement prepared b) police ( h1ef Howard Shaw, said William Gantz, 35, of Newark, and Michael D' Emco. 38: and Angelo Albanese. 49. both of Ham.son, were arrested late T~urs<lay by local. state and federal officials.

Survlvallst pleads Innocent FORT SMI Tl-1. Ark. - Members ofa white supremacist group returned

to their rugged 0Lark compound as their leader faced new federal charges that he conspi red to hurn a gay church and a Jewish community center. James D. Ellison, 48. founder and leader of the Covenant. the Sword and the Arm of the Lord . pleaded innocent Thursday to an indictment charging him and a former (SA member with mail fraud and with conspinng to burn or bomb the two bu1ld1ngs and a natural gas pipeline.


Dust storm lrllls four DO"i P.\LO~ - .\ blinding storm of dust and sand blowing across San

Joa4u1n \ alle~ road., dropped '1s1b1ht} to zero. causing a 16-vehicle pileup and four den th <; in Merced Count~ . 1he highway patrol reported. Cars and trudc.'> '>tancd .,ma'lh1ng together dunng the noon hour Thursday along State Ruutl' 15~ near Do\ Palu\ Ot'l\.\cen Highway 99 and Interstate .S.

Oldest nuke plant won't reopen PLE.\S ·\ I'- TON - General Electric has decided not to reopen Its nuclear

1es1 reactor. a faciht) shutdown in 1977 by the Nuclear Regulatory Comm1!.<,1on tx·rau<,e of concerns over earthquake safety. The reactor. which \tarted uperatmns 1n I Y58. wa<i the first private nuclear test reactor in the nation .

Actor Rlchard Haydn dead ; ' l O~ .\NC if l .. <; - Richard Haydn , a character actor who made has name

in Rnll'ih muc;1c halls by 1m1ta11ng a carp and went on to appear in films indudrn{! tht· 1%()\ rt·m'ake ot '· Mutany On The Bounty." died Thursday. He wa11 80. H.ndn'<, nearl~ 50-}ear career began in music halls an the 193~. wherr he originated a charat· ter known as. ··Mr. Carp.'· He appeared in the films ··Balls of Fire.'' ·· .\nd Thl'n There Were None: · ·· v oung Frankenstein," and " Fi ve Wrelo.~ Jn a Balloon ·· Ha)dn aho directed the films ··Dear Wife" and " Mr. \fo<;1c·· ..,.,, 1950

Son carrled mom's body ln bus •

ESf'O"- DI DO - .\man "'ho had his mother's body exhumed twice has been dn' ing 11 around the cat~ in ha!> bus. searching for the perfect bunal sate. police \a1ll . '1.nhur .\rmbru!>td., 87-)ear-old mother, Mane McCumber, died of natural cau-.\'\ ~art h JO an a Pomona convalescent hospital where she had mo\eJ to Ix· nt·ar rclatl\ l'\. Sance her death. her body has been buned.

I t' \hunwd rchuric<l and dug up again Now. Armbruster carries at with him in I a "'ooden hox · · ~k·., hecn driving around ·Mom' long enough," said pohce

detect1 \ dcl(' "ian111:lane1. ·· 11hink thal ' Mom' as going to have to be taken away from h11n ··

Terrorism 'dellghts' Soviets PALO .\Ll 0 - The Soviet Union undoubtedly as ··delighted" wath

1errons1 act'i against Western nations. but there is no proof that 11 aids terroriMs. ac1:ord1ng lCl a Rriti'lh ex pen on international terrorism. "No doubt (the So' 1ct~I are delighted at what\ goi ng on.'' Sar Eric St. Johnston said. " But there 1:. no e\1dence at all they arc in volved directly in thi s, although through their satcllttc 1n Bulgaria they can be doing that.''

Japan agrees to U.S. demand•

SATURDAY, MAY 4 - 8 P.M. · Adm1ss1on S3 Adva nce $4 at Door

TOK YO - Japan has agreed in principle to accept U.S. demands for more an-es~ 10 ltll' Japanese JTied1cal markc;.!z a Health and Welfare Ministry official o;a1d 1o<la) . But a L S governmen t omcial said the issue is far from settle...-.-.----

1 lcx:al ne\.\~ agcn~' rcrxmcd. meanwhile. that 1n alloting the 2.3 million-Cars Japan will <ih1r> to tht· l lnated States this year. trade officials have doubled the

We are overstocked. , Thi• weekend only­

Very special extra discounts.


Redhlll J B•ock Nonh of Bristol

~ ~~ l!)I'\

111. \I\ r 151 Ka•··· o ....

#Jl-5 / Jl.'6 eo... .....

'57 4.410


SATURDAY, MAY 18 I PM - ·Reserved Scats S15. SIO. SS SS \4 ~ruor Clrl 1~1" CX:C S1u<1~N~ ( 11"<1 Undu 12

An Evening of

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a p.m. - SATURDAY, MAY 11 2 p.m. · SUNDAY. MAY 19

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number to tx' -;old undrr Amcncan brand names.-

Lebanon Christian zone surrounded srDON. Lebanon - Pale~t1naan gucmllas and Moslem militias today

sc 11cd a 'itnng of vi llages abandoned by retreatinK Christian forces, tightening lht'1r encirclement of sou th Lebanon's largest Christian zone after a month of fighting C hmt1an radio stations reported tens of thousands -ef Christians tlcc1 ng to"'ar<h Jc11 inc. their main stronghold 15 miles east of Sidon. No rasuall1t'\ \,\.\·re 1mmcd1a1cl> repon cd .

Hundreds dle Jn Nigerian IJ6hfln6 l ON DO'- - II undreds of people were feared dead in Nigcna today after

I a \hnotou t lx•t\\t:t•n poh,·e and members of an outlawed Moslem sect, the News \ gt•nn 111 "IJ1ga1.t rerone<l The scm1-offic1al agency, monitored an London, ,,,d 1niup' \H'll· 1 u'ihl·d 10 C1ombc. in Bauch1 state. after the clashes ~n wht•n polll t onilt'I\ 111ed to an est Yusufu Adamu. a leader of the Maltats1ne \{·l 1 ' ' o onit 1,11 dl·ath toll wa 1mmed1atcly available. but hundreds of the pc11plf •nl l11d1ng l I\ 1hon . the pohcc and members of the sect ... (are) feared tlead 111 thl· 'hoo1nu1' whrk most 1n hah11ants of the town arc desenina their hpml'' tlw .tjll'nt' reported

I Red Brigade• terrorl•t convicted RO M f - Poltcuay the} hove arrested a Red Bna.ades tcrronstconv1C1cd

1 1n .tll'.Cnlrn of kadnappinJ Am<"ncon Rrag. Gen Jame\ L. Oozier in ()cccmbcr t 9M I f hr 1cnt'!.iU was freed Jan. 2ti, I 98Lby pohce who raided a..tcrronst

T hideout 1n the northcm city or Padua nrnr Venice. Do1ier had been servina

I with NA ro force~ 1n Italy Viuorao .\ntQl\lnr . 29, was one of 17 Red Briaades · urh;rn gurrnlla' rnn' 1ctcd oflc1dn11pp1ng r>o11er at the &cncral's apanment m

.. _____ ~,_ _____________ ..,. .... __ ..,._. V1•runn 11n D1'l' 17 1<>81 . tic " 'h \C'ntcntrd to 27 years in pri1nn . ..

Maid of heiress testifies

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP)-Claus von Bulow sat beside his • ice cold" wife as 1he 1lipl>Cd into a coma and refused a maid's request to call a doctor for nearly fi ve hours. the maid testified at the socialite's second attempted-murder trial.

Maria Schrallhammer, Martha "Sunny" von Bulow's ~rsonal maid for 23 years, said von 'Bulow assured her his wife was only slecpi ng and said not to bother her.

" I just wanted him to call a doctor," Schrallhammer told a JO-woman. four-man Supenor Court Jury Thurs­day. the .first day of testimony.

Speakin& sonly and, at one point breakin& into tears. Schrallhammer described the events of Dec. 27. 1979, the day Mrs. von Bulow slipped into

- the first of two comas. .. I saw Mrs. von Bulow was laying

on the bed ith her right arm hanging off the bed. I tned to talk to her. Her arm was ice cold," che frail German maid said. " I was shaking her and getting no response."

Schrallhammer. 62. was a key lffl)MCUtion w11ness in vontrarow~s 1982 trial on charges that he twice tried to kill his wife with insulin injections. Her testimony Thursday mirrored her statements 1n the first trial. which ended with von Bulow. 58. convicted on two counts of at1emp1ed murder.

The Rhode Island Supreme (!ourt overturned the convictions last year on state constitutional grounds.

Von Bulow, helfl!SS to a Pittsburgh utilities fortune estimated at $75 million. r~overed from the first coma in 1979 but has been comatose since the second 1n 1980.

The state contends 'on Bu lo" wanted his wife dead \O he could inhent S 14 mil hon and be free to marry his mistress.

"He was hv1ng off her mone} and he was living well." prosecutor Marc DeSisto said in an opening argument. "The defendant was well aware of what he would get 1 f ht~ wife died."

Schrallhammer testified that von Bulow told her not to disturb his wife

Reagan pushing Contra support

WASHI NGTON I .\Pl - Prest· dent Reagan. h1'> aid plans blocked b~ Congrcs'i. toda~ ordered a rev1e" of I political. economic and other steps that could be taken again't the lcfust government ol Nicaragua and in support of the U.S.·backcd guerrillas.



Von Bulow maid, Marla Schrallhammer teatlfiee.

because she had a sore throat and was sleeping late that December morning.

But later the maid said she could hear - "on Bulow moaning from outside che dosed bedroom door at the family's Newport mansion. where the von Bulows were spending the Christmas holiday.

Schrallhammer testified that von Bulo" told her on her first v1s1t to the bedroom that Mrs. von Bulow had not slept in two nights. Later. accord­ing to the maid, he said his wife had been drinking the night before.

Schrallhammer said Mrs. von Bulo" had not been dnnkingand was in bed by 8 p.m. She.said the SJ.year· old heiress drank onl} at panics.

The maid said von Bulow. dressed in pajamas and bathrobe. read on the bed as his wife moaned beside him

throughout the morning. ' Schrallhammer said von Bulow called a local doctor about 2 p.m .. nearly fi ve hours after the maid's first request that he do so.

When the-doctor returned the call. von Bulow said. "You don't know this. but my "'ife has an alcoholic problem and last night was one of these evenings," she said.

A.bout 5 30 p.m .. Schrallhammer said. Mrs von Bulow's condition worsened. and !.he began "rattling."

"She couldn't breath." the maid said "She was JUSt la~ mg there."

" I picked her up and l "'as holding her 1n m> arms until the doctor came." she 'k!1d. breaking down on the witness \tand as court adjourned for the day.

Orange County's easy listening radio station


Schoolpower race set in Laguna More than 800 runnerb'nclud1na1n S..year-old man

and a whttJ chair-bound boy. are set to rut Laauna Beach 1treets Sunday for the founb annual IO.kilometer Scboolpower race.

Orpnizers expect mo~ than 2,000 people to have rqistered for the annual event to raise money (or Laauna Beach tehools by the time former football peat O.J. Simpson fires the 1tanina sun at 8 a.m. Runnen will start off at Forest A ven,ue across from Main Beach, power their way down Laauna Canyon•Road, reverse their route at thr SK halfway point'and finish at Ocean Avenue.

Race applications arc available from Oranae County Buick dealers, Hobie Sports in Laauna Beach and Dana Point and Torrey Times Banks from Rsncho California to La Jolla. Pre-re11stration is SI 0 with a T -shin, $6 w1thou1. Race day-registration will be SI more. Sign-ups stan at 6:30 a.m. at Forest Avenue.

CIUJdren '• art le.tlval •lated The Children's Creative Art Workshop' will celebrate

its 20th anniversary Saturday witn its I Sth annual an festival at th.e Mesa Verde Un11ed Methodist Church at Baker Strect"and Mesa Verde Dnve, Costa Mesa

Adm1ss1on is free to the event. which will run from I 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. Food and entcrtamment will be a'a1lable. and a drawing will be held at 3 p.m .

A•tronomen •et •tar sealon• National Astronomy Day will be celebrated Saturda}

1n Ocange County by several star pany observation sessions s nsored ~ the Ora~ Cou nt Astrono~ers

u . Members will have telescopes set up at three county

sites - Laguna Niguel Park. Centenn1al Park in Santa Ana and the Cal State Fullerton parking r.t. Call 633·2253 for add1t1onal iriformatton. . Women'• •oclety to celebrate

The Epsilon Omicron chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. an international honorary society or women in education. will celebrate the 25th anniversary of

the found1n1 ofthe chapttr with 1 brunch Saturday It Un1ver 1ty Club on the UC Irvine campvt.-·

Olla Hiller and Alida Parktr, put intmtational pm1dent1, will bt\he honored 1peaken and new membtr(.. will be in1tiakd.

• Auertlvena. cla•m .ef

The Laauna Beach Free Oinic ts otTerina an auertivcness trainina and self-esteem buftdina 11oup from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays.

There is no charae for the 11oup scuions, althouah donallons are accepted. Further mfonnation is available at 494-9429

Travel program platUJed A frtt career ni&ht will be off~ Tuesday at the

Beverly Hills Travel Academy. 2950 Airway Ave .. SuJte ' 0-1 . Costa Meu.

Guest speakers from the travel industry wiU be featured at the 6 p.m. prOIJ'am. Call 241-082S (or reservations and add1t1onal information.

Mea cbamber holding mlzer The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce wiU hold tts

4.pnl mixer Tuesday night at the Costa Mesa Medical Center Hospital. JOI V1ct01U St.

Chamber members are 1nvned to bnna prospective new members to 1he 6 p.m. event. which will feature pnu draw10,s. Those attendma ar invited to bnng advertJsiIJ& K>Y.VCntrs. samples or busmcss cards Call the chamber office at 650-1490 to donate prizes.


Friday Aprl 28

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One option. pre~1dent1al spokes­man Larry Speake\ \aid. could be to seek mone) from out!>idt· group' for the Contra relx'b.

Speakes said Reaga n had directed l~==========================~~=================~~~~~~~em~ll!ll!!~~~=~=======~ Secretary of State George Shult1 and National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane "to begin a review of the full range of options with regard to U.S. policy toward Nicaragua. Ovi:'r the next sc cral days. thi:' admrn1~­tration will be re\ 1ewing the full family of measures that can be taken to 1nOuenct· the rnua11on in Nicaragua.

" We will not oc spen lic on the options under con!.1dcra11on The) do include political. economic and other ~cs." he said.

Speakes said. ho"c\er. tha1 no plans were contemplated for lJ.S. military action '" I "ouldn't ra1si:' that scare tacuc:· he tpld reporters at a briefing.

He added: "The goal of the pohC) rl·v1ew IS to

influence the bcha" 1or of the Nicaraguan government. 1nflu<:nce the s1tuat1on 1n Nicaragua, to achieve our policy goals there ofa free society. ready to have free clecttons - the immediate goal bc:.'ing an opportunity for the Sandin1stas to talk with the people who ha ve prohlem' with the way they run the government."

On the heels of a House 'ote that killed plans for S 14 mil hon 1n aid for the anti-government rebel'!. Speakes said Congres'I "has in a wa} coin­prom1sed the ll S pos111on as far ai. Central Amenca .It 11> now back on the shou lden of1hc administration 10 e.11ecute us pohq there. Without

COSTA r.t:SA • SUfl>AY, APRtt. 28 I 9:00 A.M .• 11:30 A.M. I HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER • 2300 HA80R BLVD. I I ~et M HA1t10 CTR. m c"'"s ASSOCIATION

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1--~~t"'UO.Oal- C{)Opc.t:allOn. as i•~----~----------+--------====-~M~---ev1denced by the HOU'IC . It IS back A fantastic opportunity to buy on our shoulders to take: some 1n111a1ivc... quality fine furniture, a<;ceS60ries

Asked whether the adm1n1strat1on and oriental desion JUoc might encourage pri vate group to ..,.. .., ... finance theant1-Sandin1sta rebels. the at AMAZING AUCTION PRICES! spokesman said, "That's always an option." adding."·w c will cwlorc the All name brands like Hcnrl'<Jon Drexel Hcntdgc congressional route too." Century. Thomasville. Marge Car'>on dnd many murl'

As to whether there are other d fi d th b. sources of federal aid Reagan could (c1mc 1om the fun an n c irgam" you vc tap, Speakes said: . been walling f1Jr1

.. I don' t know. If the} do e:-.1st. I think that would be an option." , SATURDAY- APRIL 27th at 12noon

pcakes s:ud most of the opuons beinf considered probabl)' would not All ~~are final VISA Ma-,terCard • .rnd J'X~r"l ,ndl reQutrt con~ress1onal npproval I

Speakes said the re\ 1ew - which would include the CIA- will be done "on a shon-tcrm basis." But he dechncd to Ile pinned down on "'hen a re~n would he delivered to th(' prc,.dent

Ounna allcmpt\ to \tnke a com­prom1'it with ConJrc'' for funds for the Contras. Reaaan had ofTcrcd 10 hold u. talk'I with the 1en1s1 Sandini'ltas. With aid now blocked by Conl"cS . Spcakt'' appcurcd to withdraw Rcnpn'' ofTer

' lllnb;ot~nnm ~1d .n~rt1a1:rcmrt with the andin1'itO~ wou d riot be approprilllt'.' now

theck..c; d<.<.Cflll't •

'N.'l!Tlll' 1l 1.h.1r~ k." ~ ld1w"' J f 1nan..m~ CJ\IJ11dbk> v.1th minimum. <kJYNI irwr rnl•I 1lr'f r "'"

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It's been satd Go IO the Swap Meet where you won't beheve your eyes' And while you· re

there. slop at Diane Jenlun s 'Wt11msey Collection and you woo t believe your eyes OR ears

Wind Chimes ltke fresh brewed coffee or home baked goods. announce lhemse"'es 1nV1s1b4y and 008Jt Y9Y to come ck>Mf and closer So follow the sound of porcelain playing music wrth the wtnd and you II hnd Diane s unique haridcrafted chimes and moblleS

t make the• only one mile from the Swap Meet n takes cutting 500 pounds ot clay per week IO produce 150

• tets of Chimes for the weetlend 6xplained O.ane as she proudly dtsplayed her oonect10n All we8 I cut fire glaze and stnng tacn httte peeoe ot porcelein to prOduce per· fectlV balanced and turdy wind chimes Yes these 1te br9alcable, bu1 they will P'iOla up tn ~ mtle'i)ef·hour winds-boy you lhoukS hear them then - and I guaran '" lhAI 1n wrn1n9 Bue If fOf S()t'l'le tnson a piece 1s bro ken I replace IC for fl'M

ChoOA' 1rt>Nr01ana '! mltection ot dolpf1111s gtt8"8s

·~···. ~ . : .......•



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OttlJOit Coa1t OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 28, 1~5

·Ky k:ee:Ping a IOw prOfile in ~B •Jobless refugee' llvlngcomfortab y, dream~f return to Vietnam one day - - -- - ---- --By RIT·A BEAMISH • .,. .... lM,,_..,,...,

A decade after he Oc:d his beleaguered Vietnam. Ngu. )Cn Cao Ky. the flashy fighter pilot who became premitr. 1s a Jobless refugee hving comfonably in Huntington Beach and dreamina of returning to a farm in his homeland

The So-year-old K:,. the most famous among Oran~c County's large Vietnamese community. today keeps a low profile compared to the ~washbuckhng field marshal who rost to become vice president and thl'n premier of wan1m(' South Viet· nam.

He ha~ no v1S1ble means of suppon other than his v.1fe's beaut} ~Ion JOb. but owns a fashionably furnished home 1n th11; coastal city. and man· ag('s to suppon his two daugtuers. motheajn-law, and the son ofa fri end who h~' with him and his '"fc . Mai

The" controversial leader rarel} makes headlines these days. although last year his name surfaced bncfly when ht' was hoked by anonymous w1tn refugee cnme syndicate. a charge hl' vehementl y denies.

Ky claims to be untn volved ilT any politics. yet remains a popular figure among the OranJe Count) Viet­namese com munity estimated at around 80.000 people.

" Everywhere I go people recogn1Le me and shake my hand,' Ky said in a recent tnterv1ew. That includes the Tokyo airport. he said. where an American man came up to him and )Cl1d. "(1eneral K}. I'm very proud of you" "Y sti ll reta1m 1hc an11-commumst

fen-or that I 0 }ears ago ~nt him to the streets of Saigon the da}' befort' 1t fell 10 the communists to try and round up ~talwarts for a last-ditch stand.

;\nd wh1k he hopes someda) to return to a Vietnam free of com­munist rule. he sa}'s he has no political aspirations.

" I have noambit1on. I was premier. I was vice president. I was a fighter pilot I lived m}' hfe - a quilt' intere\ung life." hr said. ·

"Actually I thtnk I'm too old for that rcsponsib1hty. All I want 1s to ha.,c: a fa<m and ranch and die an my homeland," he added.

In lhe meantime. K) livts 1n a mo<krn split-levrl. Spanish stucco home. and said he spends as much as one week per month 1ravehng wuhm

I mt.erna11onafl} Hr rcccntl} r('turned from five

weeks 1n Japan on a business 1np, he said. but refused 10 elaborat('.

Natlily attired 1n dark blue wool blazer and gra) pants dunng an interview at his home. Ky also refused to discuss how he suppons

., h1msclf. sayma only that hel g~~ by with 'the help of friends and that he ha no inve~tmt'nts 01 busines~ holdtn&S.

"That's the V1ctna sc way. When you get 1n trouble you Ip each other and then some other fne d will come 10 help you.'' he said.

He bought a liquor st e-<leh a few years ago that was t'v tuall} forced into bankruptq re gan1zat1on. It 1:i. currently being s and 1s an cstrow. he said.

He said h makes somt' money from his k about the Vietnam wa,r, .. Twen Years. Twenty Days."

Kyclu to have brought no more than $50. with him when ht left Vietnam. I've never been nch all my Jtfe," he 1d'blast1n1 repons that he and . ot r hi~ governmen"t kaders brough out nuge sums of cash and gold.

" I · absolute!} false to t~ink . tha1 the 1s a son of underworld or o nized cn me within the Vici· n mese community." he said. his n rmally monotonal voice ns1ng 'ih rpl) . Nothing ever came of the (c. ngress1onal) hcanngs. he noted

nd as for columnisl Jack An ·erson who firsl..illcged Ky ':"as conn cted to Vietnamese exton1on rings. >said 1c1I} : " I'm aver) proud man. people. like. Andef5on-ean touch me. He thinks he's looking down at me. but I'm looking down at him."

Ky said he and his children ad­iusted more easily to htc tn the Uni ted Sta tes than his wife and 67-year-old mother-in-law. who spcab no Eng-

11 h. ~ ., He lamented the mtly conflicts that have been create by the "'men­canizat1on of Viet nan ese youths, and tht' numerousdivo~. unheard of in Vietnam. that arMJ)ll'tked by working women and clisruftcd home li ves.

··Mc. I'm OK. used to be up and down. but I have m y own philosophy," Ky said. " l went through war for 35 years .. . The problems of adapting to a new life. I personally consider it a min9r thing."

Ky said he is looktng intQ po iblc business ventures w11h friends follow­ing the fajlurc of his liquor store.

He said he turns down most speaking invitations. because " I have a· fc.w other things to do ...

Asked to elaborate, he mentioned tra·vel and tfelpi ng Vietnamese new· co"'ers with culture shock and with Amtncan busioess and government practices.

Ky said he. like many rcfug~s. looks toward a hypothetical day when Vietnamese people: will revolt against tbe Hano1 government and he can go home.

. Recalhhg that other leaders wanted everyone to evacuate Saigon when he wan~ed to stay and fight an 1975. Ky said, "At the end I had to go too.


F9rmer premier Ky outaide Huntington Beach home.

That's why I want my revenge." one from abroad. -'*A~d'"n"'11,{f1°C"p"'r'"o~5ptCPG!1'"1tsnfif'Xo~r "o""'g,--""""ll~oiily a Tter__,,l -c~a~ of Vietnam th€ communists now look dim, he . and under communist regime, they speculated that the future may bring could really bring peace to 1he better circumstances. Vietnamese people and make the

" Wh.:ther it's reahst1c or not. it's people happy - then we people my duty. and we havc- to try at," he overseas would ha ve nothing against sa_1d. He said he meant backing a 1hem.'' he said. • Vietnamese revolt, not engineering Instead he gets reports of suffering

andpovcrty, he said .. Ky said he is not directly in volved

w11h Vietnamese refugees trying to -ovenhrow Vietnam 's government by raising money and arms and sending guemlla fighlers.

But he said. " I know all of them. They all come to me and ask my opinion."

Last two servicemen killed in Vietnam 'wanted to go·' By FRED BAYLES A111cl1t .. ,,_W ....

WOBURN. Mass. - One prob­ably would be a~tate trooper today, a third of the way towafd retirement.

servicemen killed by hostile fire 10 Vietnam.

Fate put 1he two in a guard post at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport on Appl 29. 1975 - the day before the final evacuation of Americans from

T~e other m1~1 be a carpenter. The} Vietnam. Fate sent a Nonh V1et-m1g!l~ be mamed. They migh1 ha"(' namesc rocket screaming to the families . ground where thcv s1ood.

But. Charles McMahon Jr. and Two other Marines. Capt. Will ia m Darwin Judge.never got a chance to N tul. 29. of Coronado. Cahf .. and play out their hves. Ten }'.ears ago this -Pf Michael John Shea, 25. of El Paso. fT!Ont~ . the young Mannes became i, Texas. died the next da) when their h1stoncal stausucs: Nos. 58.019 .and .hclscopter crashed off the v ictnam 58.020 - the last two Amencan coast in the final evacuation.

9-year-old creates board game that advocates pe,ce

FRESNO(AP)- Do n'teverdouht that young minds can come up with lofty ideas.

Michelle Alexander. 9, created a board game she calls "G11.e Peace A Chance" for a third-~radc class pro­ject at her school for g1tkd child ren in Fresno.

The game 1s ~e1ghtcd 1oward compromise by superpowers with 20 points going to the country 1hat declare<; itself a nuclear-free zone

Two players roll dice to mo ve their pieces ~rrytng flags of the United States or Soviet Union aro und the edge of a board dlVldcd into eight spaces. At the center is a world map to remind players of the fate they hold.

Players gain two points when they land on a space that says: " Welcome to Geneva, shake hands ahd smile."

They can add five points when they share an tn"enuon that benefits both countnes or by invlltngchildren from the opponent's country. 1

The: stakes go up to I 0 points when pla yers pull troops "out of an 1mpon­an1 area "

But a pla)er can lose 10 pqin1~ and three turns by landtng on a space where they in"adc a smaller country or forfeit 15 potnt'i and two tu ms for rejecting a compromise 1n arms negot 1ations.

" I in vented this game to stop war.'' Machelle wrote 1n a paper explaining her project. "The object 1s to get the most points. hopeful!} b} com­prom1singand making your country a nuclear-free zone. This means the children of the world will be able to grow up."

She was required as pan of the project to set a pnce for the game. She ~Hied o n $5. "something almost anyone can afford even if you ha ve to pay it out of your allowance a week at a time."

The game and other inventio ns by classmates are on display at the Fresno Ans Cenler.

Bui to the Pentagon. McMahon and Judge were the last battle deaths. It 1s a dist1nc11on that means little to their mothers.

"God takes the young flowers," !>aid Ida Judge. "There · ~ no use being bitter about 11 - 11 won'1 bnng my bo}" back."

Edna McMahon see'> no s1gn1fi­cance that her son was the last to die in a war opposed by many.

" If 11 had n' t been m}' boy 11 would have been someone else's bo) ," she said . " He wanted to be in the Marines. He had no qualms about

being tn Vietnam." Charlie McMahon loved athletics.

He taught basketball, skiing and swimming here at the Woburn Boys Club. earning the club's Boy of the Year award in 1972. He worked as a lifeguard tn the summer and became fnendly with the local state pohce.

" He thought they were the greatest." his mother recalled. "From . then o n that's all be wanted to be."

McMahon joined the Marines after h1~ school and flounsht'd during the grind of basic training. gaining weight while his fellow enlistees hardly had

the strength to hft a fork at the end of a hard day's traintng.

" He ate everybody else's food." his father, Charles Sr .. said fond ly.

McMahon chose military police tratning with hopes of 1mpro' mg has chances for the slate police. Then he signed up for embassy school, where the Marines tl'atn their -tx-s1 for overseas duly.

An avid skier. he hoped his first posting would be somewhere w11h mountains and snow. Instead. he drew Vietnam. He was killed his fifth day there.

Nln~fnear-old Michelle Aleunder (left) ezp a th.e •otve Peace a Chance' eame

U WlrrepM!o

•he invented fQr a clue project to Shana Torrico. 8, and Karrah Domoto. 7.

McMahon's parents believe tht'1r son might be ahve today 1f the Marines hadn' t lost his passpon. forcing him to wait 20 days before he could leave fo r Saigon. · .. He was supposed to go to the em bass} . but by the ume he go t there ~hings were going to hell so they put n1m right to work at the airport." his fa ther said. " Had they not lost the passport he "ould have been at the embass) . He would have made 11 out."

The m1xup allowed McMahon a quick v1s1t home. He looked over family snapshots. spent a day sk11ng tn New Hampshire and went to a dance at his beloved Boys Club. His mother has a picture of him at tht' cl ub. It shows a serious young man staring at the camera.

" h 's the last thing of him tha1 I ha ve." she said. -

Darwin Judge deli vered news­papers and bagged groceries in Marshalltown. Iowa. Ida Judge re· members her son shoveling out dri vewa )S for " the elderly ladies," instructing young Boy Scouts, helping out at the church .

" He was 1hat kind ofboy," she said . "God and country.··

Darwin played second base for three championship Little League teams coached by his father. He was a skilled woodworker who made a grandfather clock for his mothef shortly before he JOtned the Mannes.

Darwin and his brother considered making the military a career. He also talked of using his woodworking skills 10 renovate old homes.

" He could have dont' anything," Mrs. Judge said with pride. " He was good at an ything he did."

Judge went fro m high school direct­ly into the Mannes. gomi to Vietnam after embassy school. His few letters dealt with money matters. the Viet· namese spring. liis new surroundings.

"The peopk arc real nice here. and in a lot of the places there are real neat flower gardens." Darwtn wrote home. He also assured hi s mother not to worry " about all the Junk 1n the papers."

Hobos move on to cooler climes " I am all nght and .. we take care of

Or Summer each other." he said. Hc was deadle s than a mo nth later.

The grief of thl' Judges and McMahons was to continue for 10

Knights of the road winte~stmplf in Indio, scavenging for food, earning dollars for cans

i°NDIO IAP) - ~11h su mmer \.O mtng on m1grator) hand<. o f ho hos are lea ving their w1ntn hom\.''5 in

den~ bru<.h near the railroad tracks and in the hack alley!> of Indio and arc hopping lrc1ght tram<; hound for cooler ch mate'>

Like other <;('a'>onal tou n 'il'i these visitor<; ca me 10 the Coal hclla Valley from aero<.' the nation during winter mbnth~ tCJ COJO} mild temperatures and sumh1nc

Indio '' an ideal t;pot fo r the~ drifter'>. v.ho \a} ll''i eas}' 1ump1ng o ff the s lo~-mo"1ng trai n<; that slop at a passenger ~1a11on here. Near the

1rark~. there arc grocery stores and ga'> s1a11on'i where the> can get food and "'tttl'r.

Once here. thc<.c kn1ghtsofthe road sci up camp~ and hvc a simple eit1stencc. <;Ca vc nging vegetables that ha "e fallen from passing agnculturc trucks and digging in Dumpster!> behind supermarkets for other food.

<\ome hobm ea rn up to $5 a da }' by 'iCOunng road'i and trash t>1ns for aluminum cans to redeem. The cash is usuaTly used lo buy wine, ciga reues and food. i\ Christian m1ss1on here also provides frc(' meals.

Lines of vacant. rust-colored t><n -

I cars stretch from the rail)ard at the outskirts of Indio to 1 the Coachella city limits. The boxcars arc home for some drifterc;, 'while others live in shacks in the dense bru'ih or sleep 9n the ground . police and firefighters \3y. " · Indio Pohcc Chief Sam { ross said hobos arc not as much ofa problem as they were two years ago when more people were unemployed Back then many "younger. meaner" transients earned guns and kn1 ve'>. ( ross said.

Southern Pacific Transponation ( o public relations spokcc;man Tom Buckley. of Los Angelcc; agreed that hobos cau!.Cd more probltms in previous year\ .

Howe ver. police arc ofkn sum., moned when hobos pa nhandle. stc:al

Gary McComu. 42, •19 b.e 't been on the roed fi;•e yean becaa.e lt't obeap.

or arc drunk. Cross said. Police " work closely with Southern Pacific." he added.

"Periodically So uthern Pacific comes in to clean out the underbrush. Transients like the tamansk trees along the tracks where they can build their cardboard huts.'' Cross said. " Naturally, you' re going to ha ve people passing through and there's nothing you can do about II "

Gary Mccomas, 42. said h(''s been a hobo for five years " because hopping freights 1s cheap.'' I

Mccomas. a West V1rgin1a nati ve. M11d he came here around ThanksgJv· 1ng and plansl_o stay until May. when hC' will "go up to -Washington to pick apples and prune tree~.: ·

"I wa\ ~orking H\:.Tcxas 10 the oil fi elds. One da y I had too much to dnnk and totaled m~ car. I lost my wheels and ha vcn'1 hcen able to find a JOb since. C\ccpt 1T1anual JOb'i like p1ck1ng fruit. " McC omas said

"You can 't ha' ca car without a Job and you can' t have a JOh without a car."

Mc< o ma, . weari ng a green Army Jackel. said he: \Crved 1n the Air Force du ring the Vietnam War He said he's been mamcd twice and has family in the Great Lakes area.

McC'omas said he 1s h" ing in a boxcar with 64-year-old W1llam [ . Smith and three other men

Smith wu enJoying the noon ~un and rcchntng on lop of a flatbed ratl roJd rnr. A baseball cap shielded his eye\ from the glare

Smith claimed 10 be a veteran of World W¥:11 and the Korean War

In I 9H . he said, he lef'\ a JOb in an Eac;t ( 'oast factory and hop pl na 1raiM "Once you •tan. it 's hard to , top.'' he Maid. addana he P.l:tm to " si1 around and take 11 euy. · before he, too. aocs to WashinftOJt!p pick fru11.

Both men complame31hat a hobo'c; life•• not what 1111scd Ul.bc. Th older dnftt'r '3)'~ the you nicr men amona their ranks p~y o n their eldt'n

" It's those young kids. Some arc out of Vietnam. They think they are so smart. They'll set your camp on fire." 61 -year-o ld Bill "Th(' Leprechaun" ~berson said

fhcrson has a ninth-grade educa­tion and was reared tn Detroit. He was resting outside a gas station in Indio before a visit to his social worker.

The hfe of a hobo is not a rnmant1c one. he said.

"Let's face it . I' ve been doing 11 since 1958 and it's ge111ng harder and harder. Like 1f you JO to Kansa11 you~ going to do jail time if the bulls ( rai lroad--secunrvr catctqrou bRD use there is so m~ch vandalism on the cars." Eberson said .

Eberson's fncnd of 13 years. Chuck Bauahmein. agreed thal younger hobos are making it tough on the old· timers. h

" I witnessed two murders - one-in Marysville and one 1n Salt Lake Cit) The fellows wt'rc stabbed and bcalcn for food stamps and what('ver (the attackers) could get," Baughmetn ~ad. "The youn' guys are on pills. wine and dVerything cl~ "

Bauihmcin, 62, said he 1\ on Med1-Cal, co11ects food stamps and " p1ck!I up spot labor" whenever he can. Nearly every year, he goes to Mo n­tana where he ndes the range and herd!I \hcep until October or Novem· ber. when 1hc " sheep ~tart dropping their httcrs." Then he spends a few months in Indio before movine on.

Many hobos said traumatic e>1-periences propelled them to their present lifestyle. Baughmein'• talc of traacd y began I 14 years ago 1n San Bernardino.

He said he was a husband. father of four and owner of an electronics shop before his hfe suddenly chan&cd "There were five bunals at once .. my wtfe and four children. They died one r.aster unday in an sutomolnlc accident wnh 1 truck.'' he u1d Now he has no one, citccpt for h1• cat

months The last Amencans left Saigon the day after Jhe young corporals wer(' killed. In the chaos of those final hours. their bodies were left behind

The memory of the m1xup still bnngs Cha rlie McMahon to angry tears.

"Thq could get all those Viet­namese ou t of there, bu1 they cou ldn 't find my boy," he said.

o\ct1ng on the rt"Qucst of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy! ·the new Vaet­namec;c government searched for the bodie~. It took 10 months.

While the:, walled , the McMahons )UITered another~ Son Scou, who had Joined the Mari nes before his brother's death. was paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident near-Ca mp Pendleton .

5cott wac; 10 full uniform. ramrod .. 1ra1ght 1n a whcc khair, when his hrother's body camt' ho me on a sunny March day

Charlie was buned across from Woburn High School. His name was added to the bottom of a small memonal in Woburn Square dedi­cated to 1he city's Vietnam dead "They are not dead. lht'y art' JU cit gone:· says thelnscription

Life goes on.for the fam1he~. Henry J udae retired from the Po,t.a.1 Service: he and his wife spend pan of the year in a Teu-i trailer park. Ida had a heart attack and had to drop o ut of tht' Amencan Legion auuhary. She doesn' t spend time 'wondering whether her "°" died in v1un

" He thouaht he !>hould have bttn thert." 'hr saa<l. " It'~ wha1 he want­ed."

In Woburn. F..dna McMahon still dr1vt's the ~hool bu1.t as she has do ne each ~hoot day for ll years. Cbarhe Sr 1\ on sick leave from his JOb. He alc;o h3~ 3 bad htart .

Thr Mr Mahons have moved fro m thett houtc. 111 one thing I · Ctluldn' t do.'' Mrs. McMahon 111d. " I couldn' t stay an that house."

I> I

fRIOAY, APRIL 28, 1985

Trout flahtng •••eon Mt to open thl• weekend. a . Ot•nsa• .Coa•I biMIHlll tum dealt :IW ... . -


CdMextends win streak ..

to 27 meets Newport Harbor's girls also finish · perfect in Sea View

• Results. BJ

compcutJon al S-Z. Jood for lhard place The Mustanp ended at 1-6.

Bowlcsran a 10. l inlhe 100.yard dash a 23 4 220. and croseed first an the 440 at S 1.4. Teammate Miko R11ch1e. a sophomore. went 6-4 in thr high Jump fo r a personal best and a fi rst place

In girls' acuon. The Corona del Mar High boys and

Newpon Harbor girls completed unbeaten Sea V1ev. League d ual mttt Newport Harbor 74, C.rou del track and fi eld sc:asons Thursda' Mar U : Harbor Coach Bob Van setting the st.age for next week's league Sickle had 11 figured a lot clo~r than prehms and fi nal'> - the final score and credited his team's

· · 21- int margm o f victory to some compettt1on· surpn~ in the J 00 and dlScus.

Shem Kemper and Jenny Evans went 1-2 with times of 12.0 and 12.2 to edge out D'Layne Kerr the e"entual 210 wto ner.

Corona del Mar tO, Newsk>ra Harbor 46: Pal McGrath, Tod lkarbower and .\ndy Coleman doubled 1n their '>pcc1alt1es to pave the wa)' for the Sea K1n$5' completion of an unbeaten Sea View d ual meet season - and their 27th straight v1ctOJ) overall .

McGrath had clocktogs of 10 I and .!3.2 to the 100 and :!:!O, and Bearbo~er got on a 21-01 • effon in the long JUmp to go ~1th a ~toning 42-0 leap 1n the tnpk Jump

Coleman kd a 1 -~ fi nish 1n the 440 and 880w1th t1ml'rnf54 I and 2:03.7

Harbor\ Fn11 How..ercleared14-0 1n the pole vault and Caner- 8rown logged a 10:00.4 1n the t~ o-mile run to tum Dan Holland a~a) , _

Duranne Collins and Kam Yee went 1-2 1n the d iscus to help cement the "lctOry, which was llJltted by the tn ple w1nntogs of distance starlet Maggie Henson and hurdler Sharon Attl~v. a double winner.

Knsten Drage was also a do uble v.1nner for the Sailors 10 the lo ng Jump and h1&h Jump as Harbor takes the 1n\1de lane to the overall cham­p1onsh1p into the league finals next week at II'> toe Htith

Estancia 8%, Cosla Me.a U : Carol Long marked ofT a personal best to the long Jump to h1gh!Jght the Mustangs' performances but the Eagles' depth v.a, too much to O\ercome 1

addleback 75, Lapila 8ead1 St:

Newport Harbor' • MAUie Henaon and Buffy Rabbitt (left) went 1-2 In the 880 and Sharon Attleaey won the hurdlea

Delly "°' ........ llPJ LM l'.yM

aa the Sallora overcame Corona del Mar'• girl• team to flnlab unbeaten In Sea View League dual meeta.

Estancia 96, Costa Meu 31 : fht" Mustangs· Jim Bowle\ tnpled 1n the Spnnts. OUt ll "-aSn ' t enough tO overcome the Eagles' strong showing 1n the field e"ent~ at C osta Mesa.

The Eagles clo-.ed out Sea Vic~

Let1c1a ( astro. Shundra Holland and Knsto·n < ook led the "1s1u ng Road­runner\

Ten teams set to compete in 20th Newport Regatta Ora nge Coast-Cal match up tops Sunday·$ com petit ion

The regatta, which 1s one of, the most presttgiou~ collegiate rowtoi events o n the West Coast. ranks righ t bchtod the Pacific Coast Champ1onsh1ps and the San Diego C'rcw ( lassie.

" We're proud of the regatta and the wa~ 11 has grown

Olympian• to row In •lngl,e acull• .\ '>togle scull rale reaturtog !>eo"eral Oh mptl

ro ..... er'> has been added to 1he Ne"'pon RegJtt~1 ' c;chedule Sunda" The race. slated for a 7 50 a m \ tan. w1ll prccee·d the college compet1t1on

1unaor 'ar'>ll) e1gh1 ran·s th1' \.Car ()( C and Cal are e'JXlll'd 10 "'age a batik lor the Jv

l'lght tit le (al has won the la<,l IY..0 though()( ( her.; lal..en 111ur of the last sn. Last ~ear < JI nipJX'd ()( ( rn thrrau· b\ JU\I four-tenth<; nt a o,ccond

~· ... .-·""' Orange C oast Colkgc crew coach Da ve Grant has a 101

at i. take Sunda) when hi\ Pirates. host the 20th annual Newpon ln v1tatto nal lntcrcolleg1ate Rowin$ Regatta.

O range Coast will try to avenge a JV eight loss (by six 'iCconds) to Cal to the San Diego Crew Classic last month. and the P1ratl.'s' freshman eight crew will attempt to defend tts 1984 Newpon crown

over the }ears," Gra nt sa~o; · " It ha <; a charm all its own. and 1t 1sn·1 so large that 11

has ceased being a fun. intimate affair."' Although several of the teams recent I} competed in

the San Dtc .. "gO Classic. Grant sarct the teams an: JUSt as anxious to meet at Ncwpon.

Corona dcl Ma r's Brad l..C"-1\, who ~ on a gold medal at the 1984 Olym pic\ , and c;1her mcdall\t Tom Kieffer and U< In inc·., Ci reg Springer ..ire among the oarsmen ""ho "'II compete in the c;1ngk \('Ull l'' ent.

( al bea1 ()( C b \ murl· lhJn "'" -.t:l·ond!> a month ago in the \an D1l.'go Crt'"' C la!.,ll ~tnCl' tha1 umc ho"'e"cr the P1rate'1 have h\.'l'n 1mpre,<;1' l' tn rolltng to l.'a\} v1ctone\ mc:r t r( l A 'ian Diego \tatc and Stanford OC'C beut "tan ford h'" 15 .... ·u)nd'> la'>I "'ed,end at Redv. coo Shore~

But Gran t has a specia l 1ncentl\ e for success 1n the regatta, however, as three of his former oarsmen wall be lead tog the oppos1t1on on the Nonh Lido Channel to ~ewport Beach.

" They often did not meet 1n the same categom·s (at <;an Diego).'" Grant said. " Man)' crcv. s did n't qualtf~ and others were in d ifferent events," he added ... Also. the Crev. Classic as such a monsterous affair. it's kind ofl1 l..e Barnum and Batie)." G rant said . ··ours 1s a good deal more controlled. In Ncwpon, t he~ all ha'e the opponuni ty to race _sach other."

< anad1an Ol}mp1l rower Pat \.\- alter,.. wm1 ng 1n thl· liHon te. ha\lng alread ~ tx-aten Le~ 1' J I lhl' l l ~ 'ational champ1on'>h 1~ 1n 198~

..\dm1ss1on to tht• rega 11.1 " free I hl· hl.·\I vantage point for -;pecta tors 1s .11 ( ><. ( ·s ro~ 1ng Jnd ~1hng base. located a1 1801 \.\ ( oast H1gh"J' 1n Newpon Beach

.. , th1·n.,_ "l··n: n·ad' to lhalknge thl· Bea" on \ unJa, ·· (1ran1 'i31J ·· \.\ l'·n· rtm ing l' 'l rl·md~ Y..dl nttht n11" I 11101.. l11r a l IO'l" ra, e

r h,· J \ ught \l.! (\ ,11 l/ l1 O< C "1hc deknJ1n~ ,h.tmp in thc lr••'h l0 1g.h1 cH·nt

T hl' l'1ra h.''> tx·.11 the 'l(.'l 11nd-pl.ll<.' Be J r' la<.1 'l'Jr h} .ilmo<.t th rn· \l'ulOd!> but ( JI" lhl· l.1, on tl' th1' H·ar bel·3u'>l· 111 lhl·1r \lrung <ihOY.tojl 1n \J n l>tt•go. The Pirates will face alum Rob Newman ( 1965) and

hts UCLA Bru tos: Tim Hodges ('7 1 ). who coaches UC Berkeley: and Larry Moore ('71) and lJ(' lrvtne. when the I 0-tcam even t gets under way at 8 a.m.

" They were all excellcht oarsmen.'' says Grant. "So they know what they're doing ... unfortunately."

The regatta conclude~ at I 0: 15 with an awards ceremony. Ten schools will pan1cipa1e. 1ncl ud1ng: llC Berkeley. UC'LA. Loyola-Mary moun t. Santa Clara. Uni­versity of San Francisco. Sa n Diego Slate. Long Beach State. UC' lrvtoe. Santa Barbara CC and Orange Coast.

fhl· lrmh eight L''l'nt tx·gm' at~"'* ' <JI o~ n<, the m11'1 '~1r\lt\ l'lght ch.1mp1un,h1 p' 1n lhl·

19-)eai history ofthl· '-il'"l><lll Regatta ~1lhl·1ght l (I \ ha\ Y.. 1111 1hc 'a r.,11\ , ro~ n thrt·l· limn

"There wa ll be plent) of competition, and that ktod of keeps 1t 1ntcresttog," Grant said .

The California Golden Bear\ will be back 10 defend their varsity eight 11 tle this year. They have dom inated lhe

Newport Regatta in recent )t·ars. "1nntng l'1gh1 oft ht• pa<.t IO ,3,.;1 t ~ l'ight crown\. todud1ng the la'il thrt•e 1n .1 nm

Var<,11> eight compe11t1on begin~ at 9 45 <al Y..lll also be the crev. to beat in the lre\hman and

()( < h11ld' a h1~ rd gt· 111 "'1nn1 np. J \ and lrn,h l'1gh1 t1tk' The P1ratl' '> hJH' v. on tht• Jun11'r 'ar'ill' t''Cnl ! l llnll"\ J nJ thr frnsh r.iu• on I 2 lXr.1<.1 on'

Big day forOCC women

OJAI - ~busy weekend of tenn ts act1v1t)' began Thursda) at the Ojai Invitationa l. as area squads on the college. com munity college a nd high school leve l~ opened play 1n the prest1g1ous event.

Orange Coast College's women's entries all advanced to tf><iay's third round. .;

Top-'iecded ~ingles prayer Becky Barmore had .a bye to the first round, and defeated her opponent in the second rou nd. 6-0. 6-2. Roxanne McM11len scored a 6-1 . 7-6. first­rourld wto. and a 6-3. 6-1 victory tn the second. ·

The douolc'> team of Cindy Lan­caster and Barmore. seeded- fi rst an their d1 v1s1on. had a first-round bye. and won the 11econd rou nd match. 6· I . 6-0.

In comnwruty coUcgc. mc.n·~ Jila>': Orange Coast College's two singlc'i

players were knocked out o f the tournament's fi rst round . ' but the doubles team of Scott Lee and Raul Montoya won their fi rst and sceond­round matches to advance an the tourne) . Saddleback's Todd West won his second-round match after a first-ro und bye. and Mike Racuya and John Rusk captured their i;ccond rounder in do ubles.

In college wo men's pla}. UC' Irvine's Lola Trenw1th was

eliminated from the sccnnd round. but teammate Stephanie Rho rer de­feated her two opponents

Trcnwath tea med up with Colleen Patton 'for two doubles wtos, while Daria Trcnwllh got p:i~t the fir,1 round of the 1nvtta11onal stogies play, but wa, sto pped 1n the second. U( I', tlnruko Sh1gekawa exited the tour­nament' !! anv1tat1o nal d1v1s1on to t~e fir\t round.

On the b11h school level: Surv1vof$ from · the Om nae Coast

arch 1010 today's play were few with Un1vcrc;1ty lhgh sanaJes ,.., G CO'Jl' Paulson act1to1 past two foe to make 1t to the third round of 18-and· under si ngles, an d Ec;ta nc1a 's Mike Studeooker and Richard Q\lirk made 11 through two rounds o f 1f1- nd­undcr dC'>uhle.,

Grich gives Mari-ner lesson in strategy ngh1.·· \Jld L.rngi,1 1111 "ho \J\\ h1' n·uird drop 111 2-2 on the· H'ar To~l.Jt'• Game La ngston learns he can 't

throw 2 stra igh t changes I ateh C1nth h .... ht.·t·n 11u1-1h111 l.. 1ng hi\ p1tch1ne oppont·nt'> In h1' last IS·hat., ht· h.a' ..even hit\ t k al\o hJ\ "' h11<, 1n I J tri''' th1' H'Jr

aga1 n.-.1 \l•auk p1tlh1np. Ht· k aJ ... rh<" \ nl!.t'I' ~1th a 177 a"etagl·

Angele (Zahn 2--0) at Seattle (Beattie 0-1 ). Time: 7:30 TV: Channel S. Radio: KMPC (710). ~EAfrLf (..\ P ) - \l·a11k Manner<. p1tt her

Mark Lang'iton tried the une\pcllnl on ·\ngel<, st.'cond baseman Bobh) Cinch and ttnt a quick lesson to baseball strateg~

Cinch belted a Langston t h.1ngl·-up for a saxth-tontog home run to breal.. up a \Corde\s game. and the Angels. t>chand a threeh.1t1er b} ~ike Witt. went on to c;h ut out the Manner'>. 3-0 Thuri.da)'.

•· 1 thrl'W hack-to-hark change-up' I tm:l..l·d him thl' lir'l t t1mt•." '\a1d Lang'iton

f-or \b11k 11 "·" thl' 111n1h 111\\ 111 thnr la<.t IOgame'>andtht· t1r,tl11,~,\lh11ml Thl \.1annn' OJX'ne<l "1th \I\ .. 1r.11~hl ...... n, JI hP'Tll' ,1nd tht•n lost eight of ninr 1•n thl' road r o add to thei r misery. the M.mnl'f\ h.1H· not '>tnrn1 a run 1n I !I tnnto$S. The' ~l'rl' 'hut nut h) Mi kt• <im1thson ol the M1nne\otn I \.l1n,11n \.\ etlnr,d;l\ l hr ·\ 11[1.l'h snapped a'"" !Wllll' I0\111~ .-.1n·.1I..

~h11ppnl .1 l'-'11 ·11111 inlidd \1ngle 1n th<" ninth I hl \ n~d' \l 1m·J um·arnt·J run' tfl thl·

e1~h1h .tnd ninth 1nn1nF,.\ to pad tht·ir kad Juan }kn1quC1 real ht•J nn an i:rrnr h' third ha ... :man Jim Prt• \k\ 111 thl' eighth Hl' ~ort><l un a •~o-out

, ''")!k h' F\11.111 1>1 1\1. n 1 np. In thl' nint h tlH \ngt•h h•.llkJ thl" ha.-.c:' nn J

,1n~f, 11' Hnh H111111l' .1 \\,ill 111 D1l I>. ~l hnlidd .ind .1 " ·1 ~1,· h' <\ 1't·111' K11\I < .irev. hit ,, th j),111 r .. ,h,1111 ", 1·n1n lit•ltl '1a nm·r n.•n tc.-r liddrr l>.1,,· lknd r,1111 l111•d .1 perlelt thr<l~ to thr p!JI<' l"lu t .11 hn I>." t· \ .1llc dropped thl· hall all11\qa~ ll!1o11ll to \;:on th1· \ngel' third run -Mike Witt

" I lool..ed 'io foolish on tht· first changl'·U J1 I guess he though t he could get av.a) \\Ith 11 ·· .. aid Gnrh abou t h1\ t\econd home run ol tht· '>ea,on

" Most oa11erc; npeu the fast hall after a change-up. I tnt•d to ou1th1ni.. him and he gue"ised

\.\- 111 I \ \\ l'n l ,1 lull n1n1· 111111ns' Im tlw \l'COl1d l!.C.lllll' 111 ,1 Ill~ f ht• \ np.L"h n itht handn ~alked t\\ 11 and .. 1rud.11111 '" < >nh on,· \.1 annl'r rl·athcd '4..'n>ml h."e \p1l..l· < h" l'n ""II Jouhkd ~1th '".P nul' 111 tlw 1h1nl fal l.. l'l·r\.ontt· \lngll'd with \\\11 oul' in tht· "''h .tnd Ph il Rradln

Dodgers in fixst; Wiggins missing San Diego mystified by infielder 's a bsence

LOS ANGE:.LE~ ( .\P) - The Los .\ngch:' Dodgers had cause for celebrahon and the ~an Diego Padres cause for-consternation followtog the latest battle of the Na11onal League West n vals.

Rick Honeycutt. 1- 1. scattered four hits and allowed only one run over eight rnntnJJs and Mike Marshall and Make Sc1mcu1 drove to two run' apiece Thursday nt&ht as the Dodgers reached a §Cason-htah in runS#ored 1n rolhna to a 6- l victory over the Padres.

The triumph boosted the DQdgers to to fi rst place 1n the NL Wc'it , a hal f-game ahead of Cincinnati.

The Padres played without stan1ng ~cond baseman Alan W1gans. whose whereabouts v.ere a mystery to Manager Dick Williams and the ~an Diego players.

" We've checked with the poliC'c department. wr·ve checked wnf'\ tht' hospitals. we've tnrd 1\1 call h1~ home." W1lllams sa1d anerthcaame " W t know h1sclotheH1l't' in h1 hotel room here. that'\ all we know

·· 1 haH·n't K'Cn ham I saw ham ~c.,tcrda) :u 1he ballpark 1 really don ·1 know at th1~ ume v.hat the d ub will do We' ll haH lo find o ut 1bc whok \IOry "

TolJJ.61.Jt•• Game

San Diego (Ora~y 0-1) at ~· (Hershleer 2..0).

Time: 7:30. TV: None. Aadlo: KABC (790).

W1~to'> . '"'ho htt 2~8 for the Padre\ la\I \(.':l~on , "" hatting onl)' .054 wtth two hit\ tn ' 7 al , ha t' this year. He wa\ 'iehcduled to pla) '>l.'lond ha~ Thursday ntghl When he d idn 't \hnw up ht• was replaced b) Tim 1-l::inncf"\

"Nobod} ltkr'\ hi haH a sl ump ·· \.\ 11l1anl\ '\41d " I l·an' t sa) what h1'i fcC'ltngs "'crt· ht·l.1U't' I don't knov. I'm a'i rnnfu'ICd abou1 11 .as an' h<ld\ d~ Bui I not goto& to lo'IC an' \lccp O\Cr 11 ··

11 was thr ~cund '>Uch 1nudrnt of a phi) er not repon1ng fo r a game wtthto \1 \ da}s Ju'it la\t aturday. C'leve'3nd \hon\top Julto Franrn

failed 10 'ihOW fo r the lndmnc;' aa me ~1t h tht' New ' or!I. Yankeec; He wa' bal'k 1n un1fonn the nei1t day and la1er told thl· rluo thn1 ·he wa\ sick and '1ay1na with a fnend to the Rron' who had no phonc...-

"Somebotl) Yid the} \aY.. \ Ian about' ' Oor 4 o\lock." sauJ ~n 0 1e10 fir\t h3..cman \teH Ga~ev. v.ho had lhrrl· ol h1'i team·,"" h1t\ oil Hont)'CUtt and 1 nm N1etlenfurr. "'ho p1tth<'d the nullh mom£. " I ho~ th...ll t~m.lhlni " all n11h1 wnh ham "'e .111 do


I \l'n thin)! I' .111 nghi ~1th lhl' l>oJ~1·" dl•,p111 lk,ptll lhl'lf prohkm\ 110 olft·n,L lh~: ' l' tt1•i;.·d l hur.,Ja, ni[lht"\ µml• ~1u1ntt ' '"" 21 h J' :i 11 ~1111 - ,l,ml' J 1nil ult11'\ 1lndl'li.•nw Jnd .1 1,1,h ,,1,·.1rh -'>l'a\11n 1n1un1•\

I hintt' ha'r hc."t"n (l.Olll[l '"i) go•IJ h•r u' dc,p1t1 thl' J)rohlcm' ·· .,,uJ lo'> ~[ll'k' \1.inallt'r I 11111 l J\nrda 'Thq~u" h,1, l' h< pla' tng h.i rd J~, t.11t lhl· gamt· Y.t' had J m1'l't1n1 nd I told thl·m h11" prnud I \"3'> ol thl' 'r1nt and tn[lt'lh<'fOl' '>' I hn h.1' r ,ho~ n

· 1 \1•n ho<l ~ 1' l_.btpp1n(l.1n \.\ 1•'n• [ll'll ""[l th1· dutd1 hit' and thl· (ttl h1ng ha' hl'l' n l" \n·rt111nal 111111\'\(U tl 1ame Uf' Y.llh an 11Ul'-1311lhn[t [l.lml' .lll1llll't .1 'l'~ good h.tlll luh ·

I hl Pa<lrn tnnl.. .1 I ti kad to thl <'J"l''Otnit 111ninp 1>n .a t~lH1ut d1,uhk "' ( 1aP <'' anJ .1 run t.1.•ir•ntt "'"lk h' t-.C'' 1n \h Kl' ' nol1h

\ 1Jr\hilll dnnl.' thl' ltr't ptllh thro~n h' h"t r l nl \ho~ :-1 '" rr thr nllhl-\C'ntl"r hel1I knll" 1n 1he hottom 111 thl' .,nonJ In ttc the 11.iml· at I I

1 It rl"miuned t1t•d until lht• '\l\th "hen the

' l>odgef\ 'l('Ored thtet• run' tht· hr't on a run · \COrln(l '>lnlllc h' \I Cllt\ C'r .ind thl' (llhC'I t~ll on ~111\1 ia\ tv.o-out h.t'lt'' lo.1llrJ M1l<IJ' c.1n~k dov.n lhl' naht fil•ld hnl" IU'I ;llJI 11l th1• fC'.llh 111 liriot ~\4.'lllllO c •ilr\.l'\.

Tm ttl.iJ t hl "'' nll ",,, hi<"' mg 1lllt 'xll''>ll.l ... HJ Y. llh J \mlk '" It "·''n"t f"lrt'tl\ 111 .UUlhtn& bul rll 131..l' II I'\ l' ~u.:~ hJJ hr<'.l l>.'> 1<11thl\ 1luh1,,,1 \C'Jt .rnd " ' 1,11 1h1' \l''.11

.. -

. Express to disband? ' LOS ANOELES-(AP} - The Lot

Angetes Expr ... , belng kept a ftoat flnanclally by the rnt Of the Untted States Footbell L~ may be disbanded at a meeting of teegue owner• on M~. t"9 ....,,., presiden1 sa1d.

·Tm just betng t'Mffatic." Don Klosterman l&ld late T'hur8day. ·•1 think the league wtlJ go on. but I don' t know what wtll happen to ua. Economics wUI J)re"41t ''

The Express' lut two owner' busfneasmen Jay Rouler Ind J . Wllllam Oldenburg, ~ control of the t...-n In a 1o-month apan , and the t...-n "81 lllffw«t et the gate and on the ftlld, dniwfng about 12,000 fant a game and •nk ng to a 2· 7 recotd.

. .,t'I too bald the 1.-n haen't perform.d ~ .. ., ... ~ aald. " But If f1 bfeak• up, the ~ wtM "'8ke "'-)Or donttlbu ... uant to other teama. . " t ·1 WI\ t COUid be "'°'9 ~ t tn :· t(aost.mM ldded. "But tr.e .,. eome tNnp thet tuat l'Mk• me *Ondet u •how liague can con nue o carry ua ·

' >--



. ... .-'" . • ' ,

Reggie: He'd _like to own tlie A's -when he retires

• Brewen atun Ttcen with •lam

TH tmmoas macked a arand slam • with two oul ift the bottom of the ninth Tbursda}' as Milwaukee KOrcd five timet 1n each of the last two inn1"15 to crate a six· run defictt and defeat Detroit. 11-7. The Brewen tied the aamc on Pa11t Moll tor'• first home run of the year after BUI kMt,.r, 0-1. retired tht" first two battctt in the ninth ... Elsewhere in the American Leaauc. P~

OAKLAND - Rc1i&1c Jackson. the a Nlekro scattered five sinaJcs over 7'l/, inninp and DoD former Oakland A's battma star who still . Ba)'lor'• RBI doubfe snapped a I· I tie in the third has a home in Oakland, says he would be innina as the New York Yankees broke a flve-pmc interested in buyinJ Into the American League baseball losina streak litllnst Boston with a S· I v1ctory over the club when his play1na days are over. Red Sox. The victory also ended New York's overall

" I can't act involved directly now because I'm still thr«·pmc losing streak and ~ve the Yankees a 4-4 playing. But my att9mcy has some people who would r~ord ... R~okic Kea ~lxon pitched a thrte·hitter for be witlina to buy tn. We could come up with S 10 his first maJor·leaauc, victory. allowina only one hit million," Jackson of the Anacls said. over the first eiaht 1f1ninas ~· BaJtimoro whipped

- Referring to l'Cpons that a Cleveland. 7-1. The Indians aotJUSt one runner beyond Tampa. Fla .. group has talked to (int base over the first ciaht 1nninas ... Kl~by hckett A's officials about tbe possibility greeted newly acquired Oakl"nd rchever Tom ofbuyina the team Jackson said. TeUmua with a aamc-winnina 1inglc with one out in "f'd hate to sec the~ sell it." • the bottom of the ninth innina to aivc M1'lneso~a a ~4

Jackson said he mentioned victory over the A's. Job Bwtcker, 2-1. posted bis third h11 possible interest to Walter J. complete game. yieldina seven hits to gain the win for Haas Jr .• the A's executive vice the Twins. president, when the Angel~ play. ct! in Oakland two weeks ago. Haas 1s the son of Walter A. Haas Jr .. the A's principal owner.

J'eeboa " I'm glad somebody of his atalW'C is interested in the team and the community," the younaer Haas said. " But nothing could happen until he's out of baseball, so I don' t think we can get scnous about it yet."

pmcntlias l>cen scei'.m$ additional investors because of financial losses sustained by the team. Roy Eisenhardt. the club president. said in recent interviews that if investors interested in keeping the Wallach team in Oakland are not found the: club might be sold to parties who would move it elsewhere. .

Dew.on Tb on

Eisenhardt confirmed that meetings have been Wallach, Dawson pace Ezpo• held with parties from several cities: including Tampa. seeking big lc~iue franchises. But the A's presidtnt said. "No serious ·discussions have transpired with any city or persons seeking to relocate the club."

The A's lease at the Oakland Coliseum expires after the 1987 season.

Qaote of tile day ..... ...... ~ uked Why he natMd hi•

MCOnd eon Ty: "I .arMdy have a aon named Pete."

Bream optioned f pr Bailor LOS ANGELES - The -Los Angeles Iii

Dodgers acuvated Bob Bailor Thursday to take over at second base in place of the injured Manano Duncan. and optioned slumping first baseman Sid Bream to Albuquerque of the Pacific Coast League.

Bailor was on the 2 I-day disabled list since the beginning of the season w~h a shoulder injury. He wa!. in the stanina lineup for Thursday ni&ht's game against the San Diego Padres at Dodger Stadium.

Bream played first base most of the season in place of Greg Brock. who was n1Jrs1ng an injured arm. Although Bream hit three home runs before Thursday njght's game - as many as any other Dodger - he averaged a dismal .114 in 44 at bats.

Caps• owner admlta tax fraud NEW YORK - Edward Markowm. a ~

Washington businessman. pleaded gu1hy , Thursday 10 a $445 million tax-fraud scheme descnbed as the largest ever prosecuted. Several celebnties. including Wood~ .\lien and 8111 Murray, were among the "pass1"e investors." prosecutors said.

Markowitz. who owns a piece of the National Hockey League's Washington Capitals.' admitted helping to run a scncr. of limited partnerships between 1979 and 1983 which generated huge write-offs for investors by reporting losses on tran\act1ons that either never took place or were rigged.


Andre Dawson drove in two runs. one a of them with a homer that triggered a two-run fourth to lead Montreal to a 4-2 victory Thursday over St. Louis. With one out in the fourth. Dawson hit a 1-2 pitch by Duny Cox, I· I. into the left-field scats, his third homer of the year and the Expos' fi rst hit of the game. Du Drtesaen then doubled to nghl and scored one out later when Tim WaJJacb,a product of University High, singled to center 10 gjve the Expos the go-ahead run .. . In other National League games. a throwing error by shortstop Dickie Tbon allowed the tie-breaking run to score and Terry Harper'• run-sconng single capped a two-run I 0th inning, leading Atlanta over Houston. 3-2. Brad KommlJisk scored from first base on an infield single by Dale Murpby and an error by Thon, snapping a 1-1 tie . .. Cltlll Davis drove in four runs with two homers and a sacrifice fly and Jose Uribe scored the go-ahead run from second on an error by Pete Ro1e as San Francisco beat C1nc1nnat1. 7-J. Uribe broke a 3-3 tie in the seventh inning -:vhen Rose. Cincinnati's player-manager. drpp­ped an infield pop fly.

La~era face Blazers Saturday Audie Norris sank a 10-foot baseline m

Jumper w11h one serond to pla)' Thursda) to give Portland a 115-113 v1clory over Dalla'l to cl1m1na1e the Mavericks from the National Basketball Association playoffs. Mark Aguir· re, \\ho scored 39 points for Dallas. missed a desperation Jumper at the buz1er. The Blazers. who won the bcst -of-fiq~ opening-round series 3-1. face the Los Angeles Lakers in the seven-game Western Conference ..cm1finals. which open aturday ( 12:30) at the Forum in lngle\\c>Od . In the onl y other NBA pla)off game Thursda) . Larry Bird, playing despite a painful nght clb<>\\ , finished a 34-point night with four free thro~ .. in the final minute as Boston beat (le, eland. 117-1 15. to d1m inate the Cavaliers from the playoffs. Bird had m1'>!1cd the Celtics· loss to the Cavaliers on Tuesday betau!IC of persistent bursitis and bone chips 1n his elbo"' But he showed no ill effects Thursday a~ he calmly ..ank seven ofe1ght free throws in the final quarter

......................... lllllill .... -- -

Sports· on-TV Rama have 2 1atplcklndraft k d 1

The Rama will ttlect 2 ltt overall in --111t annual N11lon1l FOOtblll Lcqu• d.,n E~J for wee en of collese playen Tuesday. 4 •

Followina that. the Ram• will have the SOth sel«tlon (second round), the 17th (third round) and nine other choiccs in the 12-round draft. •

The draft. the Nfl's SO\h annual, will be conducted In New York beainninJ at S a.m. (Pacific time). The draft will be concluded 1n one day.

The Rams who did not have a dn.ft cholce until the fifth round last year bectute of 11trit1 oftrade1, are expected to concentrate on defense in the early rounds.

"We'd like to be able to make 1ome choices that will help us improve our pass rush," said.Rama Coach John Robin10n. " It's an area we were better al in 1984, but we need to continue to concentrate on 'in order to make ourselvet a championship club. . .

"We'll also be look•n• toaddsomequalitydepth to moat of our defensive positions u well u runruna back and wide receiver," Robinson added.

The likely flnt round pick for the Rams could be Garin Veris of Stanford or Freddie Joe Nunn of Mississippi, both defensive linemen.

Whitworth, Wrllhtjaat 3 back Dcfendina champions- Billy C••t>Cr !I

and Gay Brewer birdied five consccuttve holes to take a one-shot lead Thursday with an 8-under par 62 in the cwcnina round of the Mutual Lc&cndJ of Golf Tournament in Austin. But KeQy W~ltwortla and Mktley Wrt1~t p ve them a scare. Whitwonh and Wri&ht, the first women ever to play in a POA·sanctioned event on an equal

· · • e show with an eacJyrurr,ttren settled for a respectable S-undcr~par-65. T~ teams of Ken Still and Roberto DeVlcnao, and Oarlle Sifford and Jim Ferree were locked in second place in the 72· hole best-ball tournament with a 7-under-par 63s ... Payne Stewart, winless the past two Ycart on the POI\ tour. fired a 6-undcr-par 66 that includcoscven birdies and a lone bogie to charge into a one-stroke lead over four challengers after the first round of the Houston Open. Stewan, who equaled hjs best round of the year, took a one-shot lead over Mike Nicolette, Calvin Pee&e, David Frost and Keltb Ferp1, all in with 5-under 67s. England's Ken Brown and Baddy Gardner were another shot back with 68s.

Oller• sweep aalde Winnipeg ' \\'eyne Grettlty scored three goals and ~

added four assists Thursday night as , Edmonton crushed WinniPC&.JS-3. to clajm the Nauonal Hockey League's Smythe D1v1s1on title. Gretzky scored Edmonton's first two goals to wipe out a 1-0 Winnipeg lead in the first period. then set up three consecutive goals as the Oilers swept the best-of-seven divisional final in four straight games ... In other NHL action, Guy Carboueau scored a short-handed goal in the second period and Marlo Tremblay scored on the power play 1n the third to help Montreal beat Quebec. 3-1 , and tie their Adams Division final series at two games apiece ... Mike Bo11y'1 82nd Stanley Cup goal. which tied him with Maurice Richard as the NH L's all-time playoff goal· scorer. led the Islanders ,to a 6·2 victory over Philadelphia that kept New York's playoff hopes alive. The Flyers still hold a 3- 1 lead in the series . .. Darryl Sutter'• goal I :56 into the second overtime lifted Chicago to a 7-6 victory over Minnesota and a 3-1 lead over the North Stars 1n the Norm Divi$ion playoffs. Sutter tapped in a rebound of a shot by Tom Lysiak, who stole a pass from Minnesota's Neal Broten.

TeleTl9lon, radio TB.IV'8ION

.-• 7:30 p.m. - •~AU: Angels at Seattle,

Channef 5. 10 p.m. - 80XINQ: From the Otympto

Audttortum, Channet· 58. MIMO

7:30 p.m. - aA-ALL: Angele at Selttle, KMPC (710).

7:30 p.m. - ••••ALL: San Otego at Dodgers, KABC (790).

TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. - BASEBALL: Thia week in -bucb~ll.

Channel 4. .. 10 a.m. - BASEBALL: New York Yankees at

Chicafo White Soll, Channel 4. · I a.m. - .U l'l'O RACING: International Race of

Ch•mrions from Daytona Beach. Fla., Channel 2. I a.m. - BOWLING: Channel S6. Noon - SPORTING LIPE: Jim Palmer profiles

jockey Anael Cordero, Channel 28. · 12:30 p.m. - PRO BASKETBALJ..: NBA playoff

aamc - Portland at 1.akers, Channel 2. I p.m. -GOLF: Leaends tourney from Austin, Tex.,

Channel 4. 2:30 p.m. - OB.EATEST SPORTS LEGENDS.

Channel 7. 3 .p.m. - SPORTSCOPE: World professional arm •

wrestlina championships, Channel 4. 3 p.m. -AMATEUR BOXING: U.S. vs. Yuaoslavia,

Channel 7. 4 p.m. - SPORTS FOCUS: W1th Julius Ervina, ·

Channel 4. 4 p.m. - SOCCER: Spain vs. Scotland io. European

Group 7 World Cur ·n qualifyina match (played Feb. 27 a1 Seville). Channe 34. , .

4:30 p.m. - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS: The Harlem Globetrotters in New Orleans: Kentucky Derby Trials and Derby previcw;-etwmel"7.

6:30 p.m. - THE SPORTING LIFE: A profile of women's pro basketball player Nancy Lieberman, Chan. nel 28. .

7 p.m. - BASEBALL: Angels at Seattle. Channel S. RADIO

12:30 p.m. - PRO BASKETBALL: Portland at Lakers, KLAC (570).

5 p.m. - PRO FOOTBALL: Portland at LA Express, KPZE ( 1190).

7 p.m. - BASEBALL: Angels afSeanle, KMPC (710). . 7 p.m. - BASEBALL: San Dieao at Dodgers. KABC



Channel 2. PRO BASKETBALL: NBA playoffs.

11 :30 a.m. - PRO FOOTBALL: USFL - Binn· ingham vs. Jacksonville, Channel 7.

12:30 p.m ."T~ PRO BASKETBALL: NBA playoffs. Channel 2. 1

_ ,.

I p.m. - GOLF: Legends tourney from Austin. Tex .. Channel 4.

5. 1:30 p.m. - BASEBALL: Angels at Seattle. Channel

RADIO I p.m. - BASEBALL: San Diego at Dodgers. KABC

(790). I :30 p.m. - BASEBALL: Angels at Seattle. KMPC

(7 10).

Kathryn Crosby.' will reconsider

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) .:_ Saying she has been "besieged by requests" to save the Bing Crosby National Pro-Am golf tournament, Kathryn Crosby announced she will reconsider keeping her late husband's name on the tournament.

Just four days ago. the widow of the show business star announced she was pulhng the family name from the tournament.

"The wrong clements have seized control of what was Bing's tournament. and<1hey are determined to transform the old 'Clambake' into just another corporate sideshow for the PGA," she said in ·her initial statement. ··Bing would never have permitted such exploitation of his name."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~!i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••llllll~illlll~~~~~~~~~ In a statement read by a family friend on Thursday, ".: ------------------------------------·----------- Mrs. Crosby said ... , have been besieged by requests from



A Houaeot I 11npo1•ts INC.

.Jid MERCEDES I :113 . 714.,,_ I J 1 • 1 J I J I ,, . \]) nso ,,., 1SO 110• 11) ., , OH

• •0"4J•d" 1"'• \ t "'l •A"'• f ll\ +f. • 'f' • 19P•t1'1 8 Wd lk.•"'t~t•t> ,

fi~olpj " "' Ralph Laa ren "'. -

"\ all over the world to make a final effort to save Bing's

A 1 D d h i 1 d g t toumanent." nge S 0 gers ave ron-c a a es Mrs. Crosby announced said she had "decided to t continue the Crosby ... with one sole condition:

"That those who worked to undermine the integnty of the tournament step aside in favor of Bing's friends ... LOS ANGELES (A PJ- Whethl·r or not

the Dodgers and Angels do well on the field this year. they're assured of being smashing successes in another significant categor)' -at the gate.

The two club'> are basehall \upcrstaro; when 11 comes to lunng fans.

Despite fin1sh1ng fourth in the National League West last year. the Dodgers '>old about 27.000 season tickets this )'car before culling ofT sales to leave some '>eat ~ available for da1l)' purcha~c

And the Angels, who tied for ..ccond rn the Amencan League West 1n t 984. ~Gld more than 17.000 season ticket '>

Neither figure 1r. a surpri;;e conm.lcnng what's been happening in rcten1 years The Dodgers own the !leven greatest attendance listings in the history ofbaseball . topped hy

a record 3.608.881 1n 1982. They ha ve surpassed three million the only five tames it's been done.

The Angels own the AL record of 2.807.360. also established in 1982.

"It has to do with overall interest." said Fred Claire. the Dodgers' executive vice president, \\hen asked about the gate c;ucccss of both teams. "I ntercst in baseball 1n Southern C'ahfom1a has never been higher than 11 1s now.

" Plue; the teams ha ve performed well. fhey'"e prepared themsel ves in terms of good marketing efforts. The two come together:·

l;)a1d Tom Secbcrg. assistant 10 the vice president. public relations and promo­t1onc;, for the Anscls: " Population. weather. and. I think, exciting clubs. We( the Angels


and the Dodgers) )lave narfle ballplayers." Both Claire and Seeberg made tt ·ctear

that they don't consider the other team an enemy.

"We need to continue to learn. grow. look for ways to improve." Claire said. "We're not sitting here thinking that now we've reached three million it's the end of the hne. It 's really just the beginning.

" How Ion~ can we sustain that? How can we improve. How can we get better'? We're in the entertainment business and we need to keep working at attracting the fans."

Said Sceberg: " I don' t think anybody can afford in today's industry to sit back and rest on any laurels. Three million is certainly our goal. Our No. I goal is to win as many as we can on the field , attendance 1s No. 2. The two certain ly go together.''

Many believe the demand is aimed at those board members on the Monterey Peninsula Golf Foundation who lobbied strongly in favor of a Professional Golf Association tour-supported sponsorship with American Telephone and Telegraph Co .. despite family wtshes to the contrary. The foundation runs the tournament.

In Thursday·~ statement, she said. " MaJor corpor· ations ha ve generously offered far more assistance than .- . AT&T. with pledges to maintain the integrity of Bing's · name and the event.

"Therefore. I have decided to continue lhe Crosby: l accepting support as in pasf years for the Bing Crosby Youth Foundation. and also as a benefit for the Monterey Peninsula charities, with the sole condition that those who worked to undermine the integrity fo the tournament step aside in favor of Bing's friends who have expressed their defirc to continue in the grand old tradition of Bing's Clambake."


Irvin e Strikers in soccer finals Roach to fight The Irvine Strikers. an under-16

club soccer team. advanced to fhc finals of the Coast Soccer League's single chmmat1on tournament after defeating the Orange Rowdies. I ·0. in the semifinals last Sunday.

Goals were scored by Shaun Jar- Freddie Roach oflreland, holder of rard. Mark Watanabe, Pat Merrell. the New Enttland featherweight title. Kevin Rosen. Jeff Pcne and Greg has been signed to box Martin Cipolla. The Strikers received strong Morado of San Diego 1n a 10-round defensive play from Eric Thayer. lightweight bout, May 23 at the Chris Peterson. Chris Hennessey and Marnott Hotel 10 Irvine. Mr. Bill Joseph of POLO

will be showing Fall S uits and portcoats for Special . Order, as well as our current Spring and ummer collection.

Please join us for this opportunity to create your special wardr~

Friday~ April 26 Saturday, April 27

12 noon-7 p.m. l 0 a.m.-5 p.m.

I 19 r a..,h1on f ._land t>wport Beach 759-1622 - --t1rnJHork · s W 1lshire Corridor)

Chapman C'ollcge will be the sue of the final game. which begins at noon Sunday.

The tournament featured 36 club teams and saw Trvine defeat the Rowland Kickers. 1-0: the Garden Grove Rovers. 2-1, the Oranae Gold­en Eagles. 1.0: and the Rowdies. 1-0.

Pene, who allowed only one &oal 1n the toumament. l '""Roacn. a Boston nauve. has a J6-I

Jarrard hit a penalty kJck to give the record and recently lost a con· Strik~rs the win in double ovenimc of trovers1al dec1S1on to former WBC the quanerfinal game. In the semis. featherweight champion Bobby­CTpolla took an pass from Steve Chacon. Roberts for the winning goal and a trip to the finals. Morado has a 27-5 record.



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suspension. • front-wheel drive Seo Lyme at your l incoln­

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ssa2a· 'M 11· l1IU

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Rustlers leading swifufest

Golden We~l Collcae leads the team competition with 141 points after the first day of the South Coast Conference sw1mm1na and divina finals Thursday at Golden West.

The Rustlers represented them­selves well in the men's 500 freestyle, qualifying two swimmers for the state meet next week. ·

The c·onferencc finals will continue today and Saturday. The slate finals begin next Thursday at Hannell college in Salinas.

On lhe men's side: Mark Gutierrez ofSaddteback won

lhe 500 free in 4:41.27. breaking the conference record established j ust hours before when Golden West's Mark Wicks won an the prelims in 4:41.98. Wicks, however. placed sec­ond in the finals behind Guuerrez an 4:43 I 0. •

Enc Lund's third-place showing for the Rustlers also qualified him for the stale finals. The Rustlers' lukie Niode. whcr swam for Indonesia an the 1984 Olympics. broke his own record of 1:56.87 in the 200 individ­ual medley with a time of I :54.93.

Also qualifying for the state meet was Golden West's Mike Halph1de in the 50 free (the onl y swimmer in that event to qualify). and the 800 free relay team which ~t n conference record in 6:59.20.

On the women 's 'l1dc: All top six swimmers 1n the 500

freestyle qualified for the slate meet with Orange Coast's Cheri Carp6flter. a freshman . leading the way with a winning time of 5: 18.20. Golden West's Sally Schultz wa~ finh 1n 5:26.83.

High-five time! The Pirates· Heather taune was

the onlv qualifier in the I 00 IM. raci ng 10 a first -place ume of I :03.44. Tracy A venll took second for the Rustlers 1n I :03.92.

Boeton playen Cedric Mowell (left) and Dennla Johneon execute a leapln& high-

five after the ·celtlca downed Cleveland to win flnt round NBA .erlea Tbunday night.


Cerritos erupts against Coast, 14-3 Seven-run inning fatal to Bucs; Gauchos romp

The two communll) college area baseball teams in action Thursday were involved in lopsided decisions with Orange Coast College v1ct1m1zed by Cerritos. but Saddlcback COjOytng a laugher at the expense of anta Ana. Golden West was idle.

Herc's what happened·

Cerritos 14, Orange Coast 3: fhe roof fell in on the Pirates 1n the seventh inning after O< C had ralhl'<I for a 3-3 lie at Cerritos.

The Falcons erupted fo r seven run'i in the seventh and. for good measure. added four more in the eighth to pad their South Coast Conference lead . Cerritos 1s now 14-1 , while OCC dropped to 7-9 '" sec play aner having a four-game winning

Faatei' than the hand

streak halted. In the 6eventh for Cerritoi.. Scott Wilkinson

ignited the uprising with a two-run homer. Craig Worthington had a pair of< ·erntos· six hits in the inning. dri ving 1n a run on the second single.

Wilkinson '¥!S 3 for 4 with two walks and a single and tnplc \ o go along with his homer. 8jer Magallanes was 3 for 3 and had four RBI for the Falcons.

OCC had fought back from a 3-0 deficit w1th a run 1n the fifth and two 1n the sixth. Mark Fryan·s RBI single brought an Paul Ellison. who had doubled. for the first run.

Then. Dave Rolland rode homl' o n Gene Rou m1mpcr's tnple in the sixth and tc"e Kra1ss· fielder's choice tied the game.

DCC starter Jeff Goettsch pitched into the sixth inning when Cerritos filled the bases with two outs. Longo Garcia struck out the next Falcon batter to escape the Jam. but the ncx1 inning. Cerritos began to pull away.

The Pirates will take a da~ off Saturday before returning to conference actton T ucsday at C}'press.

Saddleback 13, Santa Aoa 4: fhe (iauchos put eight runs on the board 1n the top of the sixth to get past the Dons at Santa Ana

&nc Gasner paced Saddkback with a 2-lor-4 performance. and drove 1n four runs on the wa) He pounded a base -empty home run in the fourth to mo'e the Gauchos \\o llhtn une. 4-3 No runs v.ere scored in the fifth . setting up

addleback's s1xth-1nnang C\plos1on Ste'e Nichols went 3 for 5 "'Ith three RBI.

Mark Webster was 2 for 5 with three RBI. and Buck} Bolhnger had a 2 fo r 5 da) to an-ount for most ofSaddlcback·s 12 hits

Da' c Ward earned the "''" h1\ '><.'Cond without a los-;. C rar) Pifer was thl· loser

Sadc:Hebar l.. hO'>ls laM-pl:tcc Compton Satur~ da} at noon .

Piatek, Croft reach semis in San Diego

S..\ N DIEGO I ..\Pl - Mar. Lou P1atcl.. and England·~ Annahd < roft had little trouble getting r~1,t thl'lf opponcnt'i 1n Thursda~ ·., 4uJr­tcrfinal-; of the \:tn Diego 11:nn11, tournament.

Croft. mixing pJ~\lng sho1' down the line w11h hard hitting l'n>\\·u1un pas<;es made short work ol lhl· '"th­'iCedcd Ro1 Fairbank dcfca11ng thl' South .\fncan. 6-0. 6-'

Faitbank put onl) S 1lf 14 lir'>t c;cr"cs in pla> in thl' opcn1ns \l't .ind C roft'c; c;trong rcturn'i put F:t1rh.inl.. at a d1c;ad"antage on mo'\! other 'crnnd sen l'~.

Croft went up ~-0. and then 4-1 in the !'lectiM'd set when rairbanl.. 'ihO\\edJ s1gn'iofa comeback h) taking the nl'\I two game~. But Croft hdd 1hnl'f\l' 1n the l'1ghth game and hrokc I .11rhan~ for the win.

.. I hate that. " c rnll \:.11d 111 hl'n·arl\ lead. " Becausl' all the rnatdll'' l' H· pla)ed and lost I al"' a'' go'-~ 11r h-11 1n the fi r')t 'iCt \\ hen \hl' 't.irtl'd com ing b:tck. I "1artl·d gc111ng .• t-11 ncn ouc; ··

( 'rof\ ad' ancc' to \aturd;n ·, 'l'llll finals agamst lhc "inner ol th1~ af\ernoon's match tx·t.,..el·n l't~hth· \eeded Beth 1fi err ol l>a' ton Oh111 and M clt!lsn ( 1umn . of Palo'\ a1k'

Ken Ll.n"'dreau•of the Dodaen &et. hla foot on .econd baH before 8&n Ote,io'a Tim

Flannery can make the taa during action Thunday nlCht at I>od.Cer Si,dium.

Piatek , o nce the world·., lllJHJnl..l·J JU OIOr pla}'cr \hOWl'd tlJ,h1•\ \II h1•1 old hnllm nce a'> 'ihe 1'J\ll\ 1kk.1tnl · formc.-r Ch1ncSt' c;1ar I lu '\a h-1 i.. '

Trout fishingseason to open this_ weekend Area la kes-have been heavily stocked tn anticipation of eager fishermen·

Trout flshangshould be very good this weekend as the annual crowds of avid fresh watcranalcrs head to lhl' High 1erracou ntry as thetwut 5eason opens

Weather condit1onsshould tX' hl't· 1cr than averaae with all streams. nvers and lake below 8.SOO feet fishable The h1ah prnsure ~ystem that moved 1n carhcr th1~ week will keep things ho~fullydcar aod warm

Crowley Lake ,hould produce ex· cellcnt fi\hJOJIS w1ll 1hc June Lake I oop lakes Thc$Clwo popular atta\ wtll rccc1vc tht' hcnv1e.i on1.hn1

re ure. but will m°'t h~cfl'&.ivc up t c betttrfhh1na. Both Wlrt' anaJcr and boater' will ~ore on cn\y hm1ts ot I O-to- 14 tnC'h rn1 nhow t11111t U'I JOll

'unet' ofbaitsand lurn. For those who are aoana af\cr

trophy trout, the Twfn Lakes o ut of Bndgcpon. and Convict Lake will be aood. There should be a couple of brown trou't tn excess of 10 pounds make sure that plenty of cold we:ath~r taken ou t of these lakes th1scomina aear 1s padt't.I an tht trunk 1n ca~of weekend now 4

Man} roadside ~trcams have bttn For tho\( who don' t want to makr heavily <1tockrd. but there arc al~ lots the s1x-hourdme nonh. then per-ol calT) overra1nbowsand browns hapsthetrout opencrsat local lake\ frnm plantings la1t year m1aht be the ordc-r Irvine Lake and

Mo'lt campgroun& will be full by the Santa na R1vrr lakes will be th" irflcmoon and those who do not \ tocked hcavtl) With trooh> rainbow have motel rc<1Crvnt1ons hy now. trout and will be hard to beat for ca" m tab I find tbcmscl \fCS dn VJ rt& <.UU"tc. ... 11-.._.1 .... 1m~1t ... s this ~~kcnd~-----d1 tancc to the fi~hana hole come · Irvine has bttn clol.t'd forabo-ut 11 Saturda}' morn1na, o\, 1s alwa)\ the wed. and the trout should be 1n a case w11h th1' h1a~ rounl f) li~han&. b1una me>o1.I for tho~ in hoat\

IT\ -.

and alon. thc shorl'l1ne for li\h1n~ 1nformatton. phone M9-144 I

Anaheim and Irwindale l.1kt'" rll also stock trout th1 wttk and product food fi\h1ngfor bo"' "11h omc action on bananJ i:atli'h a'

well The San D1c.-sn cm tal c\ a' wdl ascounl) lakcs1nclud1n& Vnil lttn ha" . Whollord. D1'on and r1l"'.1'

will al oofTcr somt aood li\htnit-"new lake v.111 be opcn1n1t up nt\I

wttk and 1t 1s unh 4S m1nu1e' from OranacCount~ t orona Lal t locatedJU\t a milt ofTI n1t~tlll' I "on the v.a) to El 1norc. hi' been dmcd m the acncral publie for mort' than ~o )Can

lh1\lakt11i l dc<iw11hna11 H' NS'> catfhh and hluc11l &ntl v.111 he hca' 11 stocked with h1i trout p1 uu to thtopentngoCma.a.1MnC\I Thu"· da> l ook to this ntw lake to hr' ef) hot tor analcf"t who want to get 1n on ..ome fn-•h wt'' li•hm& 1 n M"

IM>YS c:.r.. .. MM ... .......,, H.,.., 4'

100-1. McGrelh (CCIMI. 10 I, 2 hltllclOOlu (COM), 10 S, 1 ~ (NI, IO S

no-1 McGra1n (CdM), n 2. 2 a.111o.c1001u (CdMI. U .... J. r.- IN), 2'.0

'40-1 COiemen ICdM). 54 L 2 RoCl«>ll't (CdM), SU. l . ~ ( N ), SV

--1 Colemen (CdMI, 2l03 7, 1 ComtH (COMI, 2~ 7, 3. ROC>Olnt lCdMI. 2'060

Mlle·I Wood (CdMJ, • ·3'.S. 1 ._ ( N )

U I ' · l . erown (NI. U3.7 2· m lle-I 8 row11 IN), 10.00.A, 2 Holle nel

ICdM I, 1t-o. 7, l . Glee ICd/ilt. 10111 120HW-I Jonnton (N ), IS I . 2 Mc.Manlgel

(CdM), 16..l. l. ~ptoy (N), 161 1300+--I McCelUm lCdMI, '1 S. 1 He llHttd

ICdMJ, '1 7, l JoMton INI .. , I UO reiev-1 Cor- 0'4 Mar. 4S I Mlle reiev-1 ~-' Hel'lMlr l 41 S HJ-~ Herrli l NI, 6-0, 2 F l.,_ IN) S· 10 l

F ,,,., ( CdM>. S-1 U-1 karbower IC.oMJ. 21·0 , 2 S-.

!NI, ZO.. 10, l Hol<llilt l ICOM >. If· 10. T J-1 S..rbower ICOMl C ·O, 1 Jecoc>ul

ICdM), .0·10">.) LM IN) ~l P V--1 HowW< (N I U-0 2 McCunnit! IN)

D· 6. 3 P'1nter (COM) t2· 6 SP-I Tom~ <COMl SI 1 > 1 RM<I

(COM), S0-10 >, 3 Hlnell CNI. 4S· II OT- I &eon ICdM ), 141·1 , 1 Tom1c,,.,.

CCOMI, 141·011'1, 3 IC..ePlen IN ) 137 3 l•taftde M, C..te Mew ) I

IOC>-1 Bowle$ ICM ) 10 1. 2 SwanM>n EI 10 7. J Orozco tCM I. 10 7

nc>-1 eow .. , ICM) 2) . no MCond or IMO ..-1 8owle\ l"CM I, ~I 4, 2 MCOonalCI !E l.

531, ) Hetnendlll (E l. S.. a ll0-1 Perrv (E ), 2 13 S. 2 Oliver ICM >. 2 19 3

3. Gi.Mlle CE l, 224t Mlle-I But>e (E ). 4 SJ 7. 1 Peav IE I. 4 S6 6

3 Burnl CC M I, 4-51 I 2· mlle-1 vi.o.11e (El. 1?01S 7 Perrv CE I,

12-Gl.9, 3 Buler IE J, 12 09 9 • 110Ht+-- I McCarlhv IE I. 173 2 Ce rOll IE I 17 ,., no third

330Lt+--I Ceroll CEI . 43S 2 McCa rthv IE I 44 9, 3 O.Perto ICM l 4S 9

440 rele v-1 Ellencle 4' • HJ-I Rllcni. ICM) • · • 2 Slemp' IE I 67 J H~ I E l. 6·0

TJ-1 Slem ps CE I 20·), 2 H~ !El 19· I0\1, l &elereno IE I 19· 4 .,

T J-1 Carroll LE I. ~7 2 &eiereno IE > JI 1 l Olc11.erson (CM >. '34·6

PV-1 Miiie< (E l 13·7 2 O'NHI !El 11·0 l Jonft CE I 10-S

SP-I w-.ier E l 49 S 2 Caoe1 .. ro 1E > 43 · I~. 3 Ce rlM>n ICMl 43 ·S >

OT-I V00411 ((M l 120·10 > 1 Ce rt\Oft ICM ) 119·3 1 l Swens.on !E l 113·0

GIRLS .. _ _., Har1Mlr 74, c- dll Mar Sl

IOC>-1 l(ff"lper CNI 12 0 7 Evan\ INI 12 2 l Kerr ICdMl 12 3

:rn>-1 Kerr ICOMI 211 2 Ke~ NI ,, 9 l Allie~ !N J 77 9

440-1 Eve"' ICOMI 101 l. 7 McC.•arf\ IC OMl I 01 S. 3 Herrinoton ICdMI I 011

tl(>- 1 Htni.on ( N ). 7.231 2 lh0011l I N I 7 23 s. 3 Youno ICdM). 2 27 3

M i19-I H~l0n ( N ). S231 2 Lezo 1N1 521 1 ) AaOOlll (NI -SlOO

2· mlle-l HenM>l\C N l , 11310 7 Ske•e l COM)

11 •7 01 J T AndWMNI (NI. 11..57 0 llOU+--l Attle:Mv IN), 15 .. , 2 Peten IN>.

IU , l LMdr¥ (CdMI, IU ' llOl...H-1 AltiMey Oo. 4 ~. 2 McGr.itl

CCdM), SI 4. 3 ~eo (N), S2 1 4'0 relllv-1 Cor°"- C9el ~, S>.t. Mli. r ... ...-1 Coronedel MM, •14.1 H)--1 luirlQf't 1'dM), •tO, 2. "- IN),

4· 10, l Sl'lrlner (N ), 4·1 L.J-1 or ... (NI. IS· • . 1 LU<j9• ICdM), 1 ... 11,

) ,,.,.,. (NI. lr4 T J-1 ~- (NI 17· 7, 2 Wvnn.LCdMI, ll•J,

l Peleri CNI. 30-3 ~ SP--1 Herrlnelon (CCIM). l'l-2. 2 Redick •

ICdMI. 21 51'1, l Mvetl ICdM). ·V · 2 or,, COll•n• (N), fS-5'1), 2 YM (NI, ., •• • >. Cl'lenel !CCIMI, 12·0 •

•• ._. n. Cfttl M9M 42 IOC>-1 Gr- IE I II • • 1 Fer~ lE I. II.I, •

lHerl(f>,120 <t n<>-1 G<'ent IE > 11 S, 7 HlrM:l'I !E l. JO.I , ,_

ll'llfO UC>-1 Hirsch I E I. l:Of t . 2 Tndl IE I. I 12.7.

no lh•rd ll0--1 Codd"'9ton ICMI, 2l"-l, 2 ...,.,._ •

ICM I 2 4S I l l urnt ICM), 2M.I , ~I 1NnMe1 IE I. 6A 1. 2. Hunter tEl, ••'·no t!Wd 2· ml ....... I Me(! (!), l UO.I. 1 Howard (CM),

11 SH l GuAen (!I, IUU 1 IOLH--1 Hert <E l, 17 l ; 2 Conte !E l 17 4, J

Suere1 CCM), 17.! llOLH--1 Herl (E l 53 0, 2 Sueret <CM) 53 ) ,

3 Fien,,__ IE I. 5' 1 440 r etev-1 Ei1enc1e, Sl 7 Mile relev-1 CCKll ~ • 10 I

, HJ- 1 M l1'er tEl s-1. 2 hero 1e 1. s-o. l F afll'ler rrr. f"· 10

LJ-1 LOl>O (CM >. IS-S 2 Fla nNoen IE ), IS·O' 1. J Fell !El. lS-0

T J-1 Fell IEl . l2·61n. 2 Le voen !El. 31· 7, 3 F1a nne(Nl n !El. 2'-3

SF>-1 Gloorlctl !E l, l6·1' • , 2 Hli.. ICM I, l0· 1 3 WIMlemM>n (CM ), 16-2' •

OT-I Glnorlcl'I IE ), 93· 11">, 2 Hllet tCM) 90 0, 3 Wllllemton ICMI, 77· 4

s.--.dt 7$, LatiUM 9MCI! so 100-1 Wrlolll (L IU . 11 t , 2 JofllKon ISi 11 ....

l Trumo.11 IS) nt ,, 220-1 Lira IL.81. 77 f . 2 CHlro ISi. 212. 3

Jonnt.OI\ ISi. 2'3 UC>- 1 CHlro ISi l'OS I, 2 HenW!> IUI),

I 069, l O'Cellel'len CLl l. 11)9 I MO- I ,._,.,.'°" CUI) , 12' I, 2 RatneK ISi ,

2422, ) ~•P ILi) 1526 iw..-1 PelerM>n CL8l s 43 I 2 Pel..- M>n

tL BI S43 1 l ltamos !SI SSll 2 mo•-1 Pelef'lon IL8 J 11 22 2 Nguven ISi.

nr l ,..,el IS) nt llOLH--1 Hotleno <SI 16 1 2 Marlon IL&l.

16 I l Bar11et1 (Lill 11 6 llOLH-1 CH rro SI SO 2 2"1 L81,

S12 J HOllano ISi 53 2 440 re<ev- 1 Leouna Beec11 S4 6 Mile , .. ev-1 LeQ<;ne 8eecn. l'I HJ-1 C~ SI 4· 6 2 KllUU ISi • 6 3

1111000 s ""' LJ-1 JOMM>I\ IS 13-10 7 H-M>I\ SI nm 3 no lhorO

T J I HOlteno ISi 31 0 2 Ramo\ ISi 11·1 l no lhoro

SP-1 c~ SI )0 6 2 Henaert.on <Si 21· 10 3 Kleuu CS1 1' 1

OT-I Wood ISi 106· 0 2 H~~ !St, ts I . l Cortei ISi 94· IO

McLain will serve at least 8 years Judge sentences

. .;.

Ex,.. ~iger pitcher to 2~--year term

T ..\MP..\. fla . C .\Pl - Den"' McLain . major league ha'ieball\ la\·t JO-game "'inner. \\J\ '>l'ntenccd Thursda~ to 23 years in pmon b~ a federal Judge who ch1dl·d him tor not accepting h1scon' 1ct1on on rndcteer-1ng. C\tonion and drug-dealing rha rges

L'.S D1stm:1 Judge El11at>1:1h \ Ko .. arhev1ch Clll'd the former IX-­tro1t Tigers p11ching !>cnsat1on's .. fail­ure to admit to )ourself ~our O"' n gu11t:· as well as his in' oh emt•nt "11h drug~ as important tacior1, Jlkrung her dcc1s1on .

McLain. 41 "'ho through mo'l ... uf the procl'ed1ng•>. '\too<l 1n lhl'

· packed courtroom as \he ordl·a-J him to \CC\ e eight > tttr~each for ra\. l.. l'tt't:r· mg. ronsp1rac~ Jnd C\ l<)nJon v.11h the \Cntenre\ 10 run lOOlUrrt·ntl\

~hl' then tall..l·d on tht· ma\lmum I~ ~car'> for ht' a11empt 10 dl•JI thrl'l' 1..tlos of C<Ka1ne in IQ8~ anJ tint·d him S8.90<l

\kl.a m pro ha hi~ w 111 '>l'P 1' tinl' 1h1rd ofhl\ 'il'ntemt• - l'1ght \l'Jr' -tx·forl' ht• v.ould hecoml· chg1hk 1111 parole: the ~o' crnmenl -.aid

.. I'll pa~ tor m~ COO\ ICtJOn lhl· fl''' ol m~ hie l'H~ gone through J 1111 ,,1 '\hamr .rnd dl\srace:· Md .ain 111ld thl' 1udgc. reading trom a pr~·pJrl'd

J Car crashes at Riverside

R I \ F RS I DE ( .\ P l < h 1· t \ 1nlt'nt1 of Falls Church \ J l' rar>1:d "'1th minor inJune' l hur'<l..t' "'hen his car crashed and hurn1·J during practice run., at f{ '' l'r,1Jl lnterna11onal Race"a'

Tlw Pof'>Chc ~ 'W . \ 1n\cnt1 v..J' drn mg spun and crashl'd 1n turn lllh hut ht• "as able 10 scramble ou1 1111ht auw hclorc 11 burst into tlam1•,

\ 1ncent1 was taken to Rl\t:r\llk ( ommunll\ Ho'>p1tal lor oh.,er'J 1100 where he wa., rt'J)\)rtl·d to tx· 1n good cond1t1on. \ufTennti lr111n hru1\Cs.

Pral."t11·1ng for ~unda' \ ratt'\ .11

R1\\'r"l1dc. \ ' inl·cnt1 had fU\l cntl'fl'd the tum v.hc~he spun in 011 lcal..l•d h' acarahcaddth1m H1scarh11thl.'v..ill 1wtl' e, leaving a gaping hok in fhr prot<'C'tt \c fcncr

V1ncent1 won fou1 ot the 1,1<,1 fiH· C ;imel ( , TO-cla~<. rare' 1n I QX4 1n 1lw l'ar

Denny McLain

''·lll'n1l'nt l ht• ll'\'>lln\ r, l karncd in thl' IJ\I I ' nw" th<, h:.t' t• prl·pared ml' h1r tht rt'\t ul m' Ille··

\lll'r"'ard tkicn<,c .11wrne" \ rnuld I e\tnl' who u1nfcrrcd w11h h1' dll'nt in J holding cell ..aid \h I .i1n wa\ .. dc'itroH'l.I h" thl' length 11 thl .. entente ..

I think thdt mul h llml· wa~ un\,tlkd for I didn 't haH· an' quarrel "1th the l'1ght 'car'>·· I l'' in<· '31d ·_Bui I 1hought thl' con,ecutl\ l' ~a!.. 11~ har\h ··

In IOl' ..aid he ~•II a .. ~ that l\ll cla in ht· JI lowed to go free on hond w ht le he .1pix·al\ the con' 1ct11m .\ ht'anng 1s l'\IX'\ll'd to OC'-l't lall'r

Ill' t'\fX'CI\ \\1°'11 tx· \Ull'C'>slul on .1Jll'lt JI Jnd hl' II he nut 1n about 10 lllPlllh\ .. I(.' \ IOI' \Jld

\Id .11n \.\hc.1 \t)mpilcd a 31-6 11, orJ and kd lht• I 1gel"\ \o the\\ orld ' \, l'' in I >)r,~ wJ' tOff\ 1c1cd March 11 1111111"' inti a I ~-Wl'l'l trial Co­lkh 1i.IJOI\ \e' mour. her and r ran I.. < ••nh1Jru rclC1\ed ma~1mum 211 ".+r pn<;.on tHm') fef ~et'TlnE'. "1n<,p1rJl \ Jnd C\tOrt1on

\\\11,1.1n1 1 ·· ~ ..\ttome' Em"' \1 udlcr l l.11nwd "1l Lain "'as pan o.t .1 r.1t l. \·1t·1·r1 ng \(heme that chargcJ ,h.trl.. '>{ 11~- -C \ Orb1tan t intl'rt''' ratt''> hooh•d on ">port' l'\ 1·n1' .ind u<.('d threat' nh 1olcnce to , 11111'\ 1 tllq1.1l debt"

\11 I a111 lt\ltlicd that he was a long1111ll' [tJmhlcr, and at t1mc'i a hl•11l..nul..1·r hut maintamcd his inno-1 t nu• 1hr11ugh11ut lh~ tnal

I thin k IU'>ttll' wa~ done," Mueller ,,lid llUl\ldl lhl' \OUrlroom " I th tnk 1h1• \llllrt 11 n thl' mattrr of druas -11ll.:ttnc. in lhl\ la\C - was sending a Oll'\\Jltl .

Ernie Sm,ith, ex-Trojan, dies LO~ .\ "'CiElf<i l .\Pl - l m11·

~m1th a former (1rcen B:l\ Pa, k1·r .ind l ' ni\er\Jt\ of uthem < all romu1 Trojan. ha\ dtcd ot ll'Ull'nll.:I Hr "3' 7~

Smith, ol .\ltadcna died 1 hur~1n ' afternoon al the ~nm' < anu•r Ho1i r11al on the l ~ cam pu' "111 hi\ <1on fm1c \m1th Jr lh1· l1•u ktm111 v.a\ lir\t d1lf,no\Ct1atxlUt1 .... 11 mon1h\ attn he ..a 1d

\m11h,,., u 3 pl3l'C' ~ ll l..l'I 4.lll..Lt.iUJc. IN \out hem < .it 1n the 14 \O \ '\On\ I k hclf)('ll the.· I m1an' t11 Ru\e Bov.1' 1\.\mtc\ln 1 •1 \' \ \

\llll 11rnJua11na in 11.1n \mtlh "'a' .1 platc.··ltl k1·r and uclle for the Pa1 l 1·r' Imm I~\,_ "\fl

\m1lh 1' <,ur' l't'd bv ht~ wife. Ruth Hradtnrd hi' '>on~ £m1c Jr and Bradlmd h" daughter. \t1ck1 T~· ddl Jnd t't t JranJch1ldn."n

\-kmonal \C'r' tCC''i art' f)('ndin-

1 n l1l'11 ot tlo\.\er' the famtl) 1c-4ul'''' 1hoa1 1lnnallon', ~ rnad~· 10 ~ ~l'f'H .. c.... I A'll thHt' Soy '< 0111 l n w.lfl ~ '~ 1 n \ altnll\, nr the \ 1'ta "-ma I fume for thC' Rhnd 1n l'a"<tlkn.1


' .


, ,

. I

I ) ,




84 Orange Coa.!!_EAIL Y PILOT /Friday, ~rll 28, 1i85


A,_1 0.lllel'ld Ka nM11 Cllv Chlc100 Mlnnhota 54111111 Ttaa.

8tlllmon Ott roll MllWlullH Boston Toronto Naw Vor" Cllv ... no


9 ' . , I 7 . , , 9 , 9 s 9

I .AST DIVISION 9 6 • 6 • 6.

• 7 • 1 • 7

" ·' T'llut1dlV's Sc_, Anetta l , Ste lllt 0 Belllmor• 1, Cttvtlano 1 New York ~. Boston I MflWIUkH II, OtltOol 7 M1nnt101e S 0.klencl 4

TMltflt'I Gtmts

PC'I. GI S6)

S63 -soo ' 1 461 I I

43t 1 431 · 1 lS7 J

600 S1l m

S3J SJJ 461 ~

I I ? )

A,_, !Zinn 2· 01 11 St1 1111 IBtelloe 0· 1)

Kansu City IGut>•Cle 0 01 11 Bosio" ICltmtn1 1· 71

Cllvtlel'ld cRul11t I I) 11 B11t1more 10 Marllnt1 1·11

Ntw Yorll CW11111on 0 71 et Cn1cago <Stever 1·0)

Ottroll (Morris 2 ·11 er M ll (Burri• 1· 21

Oakla nd (C Young 0·21 • • M1nneM>to

Fr•nclKO. I) Httr. S• LOU• • 1. f*f~not.I, Ntw Von. ,, 11 , J Clarli. SI loult , II

HIT$.-Ctu1, Houtlon, 21 M4Kotlv Al lent• ?2, Gervt v San OlatO, '1 Mu\IMlll, Oed9en. 20, C.wvnn. San OlttO It, Heu St Louli It

OOU8LES- W1llecl'I Mon11t" t 1 • •• hid wiln S

TIUPLES-10 ere told wtlh 1 HOME RUNS~r~v 4.Uliue. I.

Kenn~v Sen 01t00, • , Mtr~ D.ctetn, 4 Strawberry, Ne"' Yor, , 4, tart fitd with )

STOLEN l! n SI LOUIS, . Lo Smith , SI. Lou!,, 1. E Oe1111, Clnc1nn1 ll • . C Oe vlt. Sin Francisco, S, Gl• Cldtn Sen Frar\Cl.Co. S. M WllM>n. New YOl'll. S

PITCHING 12 Cltcl1lon\)- l1 art lltd wllh I 000

STRllSEOUTS- Soto Clnc1nn• I• 1~. J OILton, P lt11bur 11n, 2t , Goodtn . Ntw York, 26 V11Mn1ull•. 04'0tltn, 25. ltful\ow, San Fra"cl1co 21 , lh • "· Hou"on. 21

SAVES-Lt Smllh Chlcaoo. • Rt e rCIO'l. Montreel. • Suiter Allen•• ' S lft llt<l with 3

Rtmalnlne UCI lCMdVlt Sa r April 21 - SI ' COH noonl Sun April 71 - Fresno SI• ( I pm I Tue' April )0 - &I J.• Vtt•"" ( 1 I> m I Weo M.ll v I - • • Lovole · Mervmount Fr· ~., J - e t CS Fu11t rton• 7 Pm 1 Sa• M1v ' - <II CS Fu1 .. rron· COH

"00" Tue' Mav 1 - 1 1 U ol S• n Ql(!go weo M•v a - use Sat Mtv 11 - ., UNl 11 · OH noon I Sun Mav 17 al UNLV' II om l • oeno•9' 'PCAA game All ga fT'es 1>e111n at 2 30 Pm unttU

0 1n~rw1\t' 1nO•C&ted

( SCMom 0-21 Community collt9t ___ ..:.T.:.Or:..:o:.:.n:,:.10:....:l.:K:;•i:::v:0:.:·-::2~) ~·,•'!'T::;•:;;;•:;;e'f-1...i..:.N:.:o:;.11""':.-:.l_· 1,._ ____ Caaltm...l 4. or.,_ CoHI l

I vs tmtl '~"' c .... Ctnftf'tnct) Antell e t 1 1111, (nl Orange Coal! 000 012 000-- 3 3 I Ke n•H Cltv 11 Bo• ton Cerritos 210 000 7•x- 1' II I Ntw York • I Chlcaoo Goe 111cn, C.arc11 <6>. Brennen <71 Oe ll.le nel et Mlnne10t1 Guerre (8) end Elllso11. Roelr1ou11 . Serrano Ot lroll 11 MllwaukH 111 and M01ll!llO. Roblnion 19) W-Serr ano Cl&vtlend e t 8alllmore, <nl L-Garcla , ?B-Elll~on IOCC) Ben11m1n Toronto e l Teus, (n) .(Cl. Ewen tel 2. Magellane1 ICJ 1


W L ~ 10 1 Clnclnn1tl 9 7 Sin Oleclo I 7 Hou1ton I a Atla nta 7 a Sin Fra ncisco S 10

ChlCIOO New Yor~ MotltrH I SI Louh Pfllteele41>nl1 P11t1buroh

EAST DIVISION 10 • 9 s 9 • 7 • • 10 4 10

ThllndllY'• klrn ~ 6, Se n Diego 3 Montr111 4 SI Louil 1

Pct. Sii S63

.533 soo 467 333

Sen FrenclKo 7. Clnc1nne t1 l Atla nt a l Houtton 2 <10 lnnonou

T .. V'I Glmn


• 1

1 I,, 7

I 1 , J 1

• 6

Sin Ool90 (Orevtcll.v 0-1) a 1 C.0-1 (Henr1111r 2·0 ), (n)

St Louis (For, cn 2·0) 11 MonlrH I (Pet,.,_, 0· 2)

. Pt1111>uro1> 10.Leon 0· 21 a t New Vor~ • IOaruno O·Ol, lnl

Chlcloo ( Ecktnllv 2· I> e t Pnlle e1111>1111 (Koo1men 0-0), (n)

Alle nte ( 8 te1ro1lan 0-2 ) 11 Hou1ton ( IC.ntppe< 1-0), Cn)

Clnclnn1 !1 (Tibbs 0· 3> al Sin Francl1co IH1 mmei..., 0-2>. (n)

SatvrdltV'• Game• Sin OllQO II DeOten. In) St Louil a l MontrHI PlnU>uron e t Ntw York Cincinnati a l Sen FrenciKo Chtcn o e t PhllaclltPl'll• <nl Alle nta 11 Hou" on, (nl



Certw lb 8tnlou1" O.Cnc1 lb Grlcn ?b Ownno on MCBron rt Booni e Scnotlkl u Ptttls cf


Mrlllll s 0 0 0 s 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 ' 1 I 4 0 1 I 4 0 I 0 4 I 1 0 1 0 I 0 4 0 I 0

~cont 11> P8rtdlv ti .A01vh lb GThms elh O~tncf Cow1111 r1 Prt1llvlb

1C t1rnty c Bonnett Ph V1 ,._C Owenu

lS J I 1 Tetah 1rt l"'*'tl

eD r h bl 4 0 I 0

• 0 ' 0 J 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 ' 0

21 0 l 0

Callfemla 000 00 I 011 - l Sfffttt 000 000 000- 0

Ge mt Winning RBt-:Yrlcn 121 E-t..eno1ton. _"'$_•1lrf. v a 11e

OP-<eilfornle 7. Stelllt I LOB-<• llfor " '• 10, Sea ttle 3 2B- Oownlng. Owen HR-Grlcl'I 12)

Cellfomle WlllW,1·3


0 0

Lenoston L.2· 7 I 6 I l 6 Nunez 1 1 0 7 I

T-2 ~ A-10,991

NATIONAL LEA~UE Dodgen 6, ftldrt' l


Fle nnrv 2b Gwvnn rf Gar vey lb BBro"'n pr McRvnlcf Kenntelv c Mart1n111 Ronter lb NelllH l>l'i TmPl!nu Snow1> LOeLton P JeOev' 1>11 SIOCICler el P Tetlll

eb r h bl eb r h bl 4 0 0 0 La ndu c I S O I O • 0 0 0 BRuuei u 4 2 2 o • 1 l 0 Oliver II J O I 1 0 I 0 0 Mlelnelo ii 2 7 I 0 l I 2 l C.uerrer lb • o I t • 0 I I Mars,,e l rf 7 1 I 1

3 0 0 I Broe• IQ.. l 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 SC10SC o r l 0 1 7 I 0 0 0 Bo•IOr ?t> ) 0 0 0

l o o o Honevw 11 l o o o 1 0 0 0 l!R n101 P" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N t elntur o O O O O 1 000 0 0 0 0

l1 l ' l Totlll Sc«• bv lnnln91 JJ ' ' '

Sell D'"° 100 000 002- l LOI A"""I 010 003 20w - 6

Game Winning RBI Oliver 1 I) E-BRuuell F1annerv 1 DP-Sa n Diego

1 LOS Angell\ I LOB Son 01eoo 4 LO I Angelts 9 ?B-Gar vev HR- Ma r1no11 ( 41 SB-Lanelr tau ~ 1 11 BRuuell I)) SF-Marl onez

IP H R ER BB SO ~noi.eo

S"ow L. ~ I l DtL!O" S•O'loor!l

LOI An-.1

S 1 J I I I l 1


• 1 0

• 3 2 7 0 0

Hon!Jvrl• w I I I O t<•fld nl.;t' 1 7 7 I 0

HBP Ba·•'•' 101 DPLMn WP- Snow T 1 S? A ) 9 S9l


Af'\Wriun LHVUt BA • ••, 10 a • 0010-Fra ,,co.

C~fl·a~r. J" iN11••11• f"' Oe 1roo1 408 H4" ,. • fl"" 19S Bor.,lt Oa• la no 38 ' Broo•ttrs LJ ~· • )8

lil U l1 ~ /ol :J~• ·\ Oak-4"11 II M.,rpnv 0 11 .. arr t Iii o Bo1•0 16 S a re 11eC1 .. ·~ 17

l!B ¥ ti\•~ Oa • oro 19. t.rma1 Bill'~' 6 f, l "O"'O ~···· e cs Ofl'mp\lt• B~ ' ,.,.., ~~ U ~UC•f'H M inrf! I OI& 14

HTS P, ·~" Y •nnf!IOla I\ l'ran<o Cle vt lllNI n r '"' Oa• la nd 11 Mo111or M 1hNi1) 1.;r> ttf' ") T A0•1u· C ttvf •lll t'd 1 l

DOUBL • ~ Lf ..,.,M DPlrool 8 Orio Kan\iH ( " 6 Ba.1or New Yor~ S F ra l'CO r ••• 11''1 S M 011v I 0 11 1< la110 S M1111 ong1, N•w ~ "~ S U1>1now Toronto s

TR IPI~\ rr ~"'"''" D~lr t"' I 'Nlllon Ke n1n r ''' l C. Walllf•• Ct11c e110 1 Crltftv N•w VQr> 1 P B•aclll!v See 111e 1 Petft1 , A"""'· 7 P,. • fll Monno ota 1

~lOME PUN\ C. TMmin ~alll• t M Dev11 0 4"''<1 a p,.,,,.. ~Hlllfl 6 A•mH Bo11fJ• \ h r11ne n1h M•nnu ota s

S TOI F N 8.A \~ ~ r 'l I" ' 01~ •11"0 10 lt..,.t, Ane.!1, 1 (.• " '" 0 ft• l• lld S Mowt>v Tll•OM"' • \ "'' " ••a ,,. '" J

Pl TC HIN(, ? 1.r 1 "'' 4 11rp r ~cl "" 1r I 000

STRIKEOUTS Yo" ' O•trll 1 7S Nletiro Ntw Y ' ' H a ''""Of'' To•or•o 20. IOddk l<t• A11·• me•• 10 8 u•rr•• • Mlnnttoll 10

tJ.VES-J H ,.. ) t • • "O 4 JI 1111• 1• Ntw Yori< S N11 ~,,. C ""' '"'"0 , Htr n.t...O.z Otlrr ' l N """' ~•111• t $14tl\lt\' &Mton I

Nltftonal Lt .. vt

BAT TIN" 120 • ' r.4•1 °''' "'' ltOufOf'I 41' ~1111 r A t "~' • l<>J Nio ll 1119, MOvt lOf\, 31 1 ..,.~, •• ,,., •4" ,, ~(I(• J7S. Pulll HovttOll •'1

ltUN$ Murottv Al . •• I\ Mtrlll•• ~. I), ~ Oe• ' ( "' I"' . l(.~ln'!._Allanta. 11 C """" \I L 1T

RBl-Murpllv , Ali.tnll n (Oh •\ ' "

J S- Wiikinson IC), l!oumlm1>1r <OCC) HR- Wiikinson (Cl

SlddltOlck I l , Senta Ana • ( SOU'ltl COHI Cenftrtnce)

Saclclltbl Ck 011 108 110--IJ 12 0 Senta Ane 012 100 000-- • I 7 • - Wero, Golllne Il l. eno CemecllO, P lier

Ma rflntl (6) Saundtr\ 111. Celderon (9 ) and Lonoo W- Ward. 2 0 L - P lier 2B-Shin11011ter <SAi 1 Lunel,lln ISAI Longo !SA ) Bolllnoer CSl Gesne< IS) J B-Web11er ISi HR- Lonl>O CSA• Ga sner ISi

SOUftl Coast Conference 1t1nctln9\

Cerritos W L GI

14 ' GOIOtn Wtsl Cvoren

10 s 4 9 6 s

Senti Ana Oranoe Coa,1 Mt Se n Antonio Fullerton Saeldleblck Com1>1on

I 1 6 1 9 1 • • 9 • , • 1 t 9 I

I " 13 Thurldlv'• SCort1 Cerritos 1'. Orange Cou l 3 Sedoi.oeck ll, Santa Ana • F ulltrton 2S. C om1>ton 6 Cvoreu 7, Ml Sa n Antonio 6

Selllrellv' s Gtmt1 (,_) Senta Ana al Goleltn Wtll Comoton t i S.Cldlebeck Ml Sen Antonio II Fullerton Cerrllos et cvoren

Commvnnv co1tet r1ttne1 SOOTHERN CALIFO.NIA POLL

Pos. Sd!M, ConMrtnCI Rtcorel Pn 1 Cerr.101 South Cou 1 25 J 79 2 Ci trus Inland Vellev 23 • 73 3 WHI LA M•n •on Valle. 171 so ~ Go1oen West Sou111 Coa\I II 6 49 S LA Heroor Mttrooo111 an 11 9 ., 6 ~nta Ana SOu1n Cot st 20· 9 • 1 1 C.v11reu So..oll'I Con • 6 10 34 I C.~ ot Ce nvon, M Valltv 19 9 11 9 Sin Btrna re11no I Val tv 11 ·1 11

10 Tall WHlern Stitt 19 I I I Olt>trs r~e • •ng votes Oanero 10 Lono

Beacl' (.Iv, 1 SOu•riwesltr n 6 F .,11e rton 1 E t Ca mino. 2


Hunlonglon Be•r• Ocean V•ew Edison

Ltaeue W LT 6 • 0 6 • 0 6 4 0 s 4 I • 6 0

Foun•eln Va 11 ev Marina

1Wu1mln\ler 2 7 ' TocS1y•1 ~amt

Ocean v iew at Founta in Vallev Sllllrellv' 1 G•mt1

WeS1m1n11er at E dl\on noon Marona vs Hunlonoron Beecn

Souere Pa rl\ 7 om

LHeue W LT

Un1vers11 1 7 2 O Estancia 6 1 o Newl>Ofl Haroor 5 4 O Co\la MttH s 0 Saeldll!DIC • S 0 'Noodbt'ICIOe !t 0 Laouna Buen 6 0 Corona Cle ~r 7 o O

TOCllv's Geme1 E ~1a,,cu1 at Newi>ort Haroor NOOC1D11C1ge a t C.os•a Meu Saelel ebec~ a• Laguna Beecn un .. ersotv el Corona e1e1 Mar

Ovtrll W LT " , 0 1• 6 0 IS 7 0 14 & I 1 9 0 5 10 1

Over el W LT 1 a o

11 I 0 9 10 · 0 • l1 0 S II 0

11 11 0 0 1 0 l 11 0

Mondllv's G•me C1>rona del Mar a l E11enc1a ) l!t

Souttl Cout LHVU• LH9Ut

W LT E t Toro o 7 o lrvlnt S 3 0 Oa"a Htlls S l 0 La11u111 H1111 4 3 O Min ion Vlt10 3 O Cao1s1rano Valittv 6 O Sa11 Clemente 1 1 o

TOC11y'1 G1me1 <;10111rano Vtllev Ill Irvine Laguna Hills a t M1u1on V1e10 Dana Hllls a t El Toro

Womtn'S-tourNmtf\f ( II Sen Oitwl

Ou1mr11Nl Slnt'ts

o ... ., .. W LT

11 9 0 \4.. i. 0 9 9 0

12 8 o 12 0 0 9 co 0 1 1• 0

Merv Lou P llell IU S I ~I Hu Ne US 6· 1 6 l A M e bf I Croll E n11•e l'd

Clei Roz Faorban• Soutl' Air ca 6 O 6 )

Community colt9t OJAI TOURNAMENT

First Rtund Slntlls S•MO\ I Ameroct n, R .. tr l " ' ' V·ric ~

Lolltfitr OCC I • 6 6 7 6 4

Sl<encl Rt11ncl Stnttes Weilvaro (P lt rct l def Jonu OCC I 6 7

6 3 West !Si d I dtf.t Kn1nn• ICtrr.tOSI 6 ; , 6· 2. AettlVe l!>•CI , oel !tl'le~• 1 HAr tne lll 1 6 6·0 ·

I Flot Rt11nd Dt111bll1

Ltfl Monton <OCCJ Clef MorouecM La Comb11 IRlo Hondo) 6 1 6 1

Sa<etld lttllnd DeubtH l ee Monlovt IOCCI Clel M111ue11

Moreno IC"ab011 6 ' 6 t 6 ' llio1:1,,111 ll us• I \ Ad ) O.f S.rtor Aoe thv rG11ne1111t 6 ·4 6· 1

Hltfl JChoel OJAI TOVtt NAMll:NT

11· tncl · Ul*f Flntlt~~

C.ot•ti-0 CWtbt>I o.i Kertoo• NtwllO"I ••erbo• 1 • 4 • · l. Peu•IOtl Urhvtt111v n.i It ID1.1not Ve lfla 1t1 I ' 7 ' I

SKIM ltlUftd SlMNi F>1u1i.on Un1v1rinv1 Ot l F•H1"1• ~

( OVOl• I ' 7 6 I

ll · IM undlH

" '"'' lttuftf ( 1r>t•t P ol'\C ~tl \}mVt•\ ol Y! Otl 1 11 .,0, ~rnmo11 •E ~100 1 • 1 • I II Ir"" 0 •" y,n C(101 \ lr • N> Vtltev I ~ HH l•l"O\ V·rte • r1: 11anc11 I \ I ) •

Stctftd "tufld C>Mblt• 1vnu frt·nOf' llO\ Alf01TOir1:C t ry

P1"r""' 1 Un•v1n1tv! 7•• 6·0 • l


Men's golf results "..,,,.,,Open tomS*llmaM JS.·»-71 JoflnF~I 11-31- 1'

(11 ~ WMCSINb, Ttlltl) Jev Oehlnt U ·l6-71 Joe1nm1n >l ·,._74 Bruce Lltl1 ~• lS-3'-71 C11r1t "-"" ll·U-1'

,. .... ,..srtwert J1 ,.__.. AndftwMa ... 31 lt-11 aoo Twtv ,..,._.,. Lon All"'"9a

THUtHDAY' S ltH(4L T1 (72M .. 74•Ntllt Mnitt.I .-->

Miki Nl(ottllt ,,_,,_., Victor RtMl.00 3'· l1-71 Lt nnlt Cltmtn1' l7 '7-7•

C1 Mn PMte 3M2-t1 0 51thtlbe<Qtl' l'· n - 11 Corev Pavln l1 31- 7• Ktlth l"tr9U\ 33· 34-67 S1tvt Et1<.1noton JMS-n JOM Coo~ ,, 31- 74 Otvld Fro11 :U· »-t7 MiktHu~11

IC.en Brown 34.3 ...... Bob EHlwQOCI Buddy Gerdlltr ll· ls-61 Ron Strack 8 obbv Waelkln1 3'· U-.9 c PhMIP P.41r11ln 35• ) 4-09 Wflllt WQOCI PhU B1oc1o.m11r 35·34-6•

~··~· Cllrtnct " OH 3S·3.,_.9 I Sutton Bred Fe~on 3S·34-69 I'll H1v11 Jim Slmon' ' 34· 3s-69 nee Hiitner Revmono Flovel 36-~· M ke 8trnl>lett Gtrv Plever 31· 70 JIAoc 0 Greelv Mer k e roou )4·3'-7() fll lck P¥iet JOCllt Muoo JS JS-70 Oen Fonmen Mlkt Sm11n 36 3-/0 lloger Moltble Ktnnv KllO~ )7 ))-70 Sllvt n L llbll< 8 Len~r l6· l • - 70 Ruu Cochren 0 HammOllCI 3J·l7 · 70 Joev S1ne1t1ar ~Cren1h1 ,. J1 ·33-10 Rt• Ca ld well Ktn Grffn 34·36-10 Me rk Wlebl John Mlnefft~ lS· JS-70 Sanov Lvlt T Va 1tnllnt 3S·3S-70 Bob Lol\r Jttt Slume n l • · lt-10 O Lunch trom Rick Fenr 34· 36-70 M1~t S.illiven L Thomoson 31·3J-10 Tonv S•'" Helt trwln 34·3'-10 J&rrv Patt Gr19 Twigg, 36-3-70 Oavt Barr 80bMurl>l'iv 3S· l6--71 Cll•P BKI<

,, 3S-72 LouGraht m )6-3'- 72 P Oo1t1'1\ult )6 3'-72 Mll118rl11ht J7·ls-72 Sttvt P,lt lMS-12 Breel ~btl 36·36-72 Frtd ouolta ls-37- 72 Jeek Rtnntr 3'· 36-71 Mlli.t Oonelel )J ·J'l-71 Oen Helldor,pn JM 1- n Dtflftll Trlaltr 39· 3'-72 Merl\Ln Js-37- 72 Gii Mor gen 33 ·39-12 Bebt Hlsl\tv 31·3'-17 Sa mmv R1Cll1l1 3MS-72 Oouo Ttwtll )4-:it-n Charlt\ Bollono )6·3'-72 Gery Hellbtrv 37-JS-72 Cnerllt EPPI )7 lS-12 Oevld ()grin 36 31-73 J l v Heu )6-31-73 M"• Rtld l6· l1- 73 Jofln ACll lT\I 31· 36-13 Jev Don 8111>.t 37·3'- 73 Robl'I Wrtnn 39 ·3S-73 8obbv NlchOll 35.,._73 P11 L1n<11ev 37 3'-73 Loren Rooer11

"3S-7' '10•3S-7S ) 1·3'-15 3t· 37-7S 31· 37- 7S l9· lt-7S 3S-~7S )9· 3f-7S 37-38-75 3Mt -7S l9· 36-7S 34· 39-7S 37·3'-75 lMt-75 ll· 3t-76 ll · ll-76 31·31-76 37·3'-76 36-40-76 3'-lt-7' 31-.0--n 40-37- 77 38·3'-77 'l•·lt-77 )9· 3t-17 41·3'-77 39-39-7'

FlltST ltACC. Olla m ilt Net. Brencut l (OruncM \O.lO 4 20 3.00 T1rchl l!llrto (F. Sherrtn) 3 20 2.20 Indian TrtHurt (Kutbltr l l.20

Time: 2;03 41 S P IXACTA 17·2) Pa id '3790, HCOND.RAC•. One mitt trot

lltlll1 Ooublt (Rlllrl J0.20 10.90 UO SUPtf'n•I (()cltn) 1'JO 14.20 Flamino Mtltor (J Shtrrtn) 7.20

Tlmt; 2~ 11S P IUCTA <1· 1> Pt ld s l .393 to. TH•D ltACll: . Ont mllt oact

Oocror Oon (Aubin ) 3.20 3 20 J 10 Prince Doller (O~vtn> 1UO I.AO Vtn Tudor tLecktv) • 3 60

Time. 2'02 ) I S SJ IXACTA C l· SJ Ptlel '76 SO ,OOttTH RACa. Ont m itt lrot

1 · Hun1tr1 Ktrl IPll<c•> 4.60 '40 3 40 • · Noon Sier (Ancl•Uon) 4 60 6 '° uo Mtllne Sllerennt IGrundvl UO

.-ntrv Time 2.03 4 S FIFTH ltACE, °"9 m llt 1>1ct

Don Poolt v 36·3S-71 MarkO' Maer.• . 37· 1'--73 Jim Tnor1>1 37-40-77 SPCICI< Oanctr (Vlnclhm) 6 20 3 20 2 '° Anellfl Wt1Ml lt<otnlil ) S 40 J 40

Pe ul A1l119tr 33-31-11 RonComm1n1 )6 )7-73 Howerd Twlllv 31·39-71 Ronnlt 8 te cli. 35· 3'-71 Ratpn Lendrum 36 37- 73 Tnomu Lt11m1 n )7·40-77

Ttnnlt Runcwr ITrtmbl•Y) • 60

Richer el z11~ 111 JS -36-11 Ttrrv Snoeloreu 37-36--73 Phot Hancock .. -36-17 Time 2'00 11 S. \.l IXACTA (5·6) e>ald '4160, SIXTH ltACI. Ont milt PI Ct , Merk Pleil 36-lS-11 C.eorge Burns ) 9-JS-74 Alltn Miiie< <IO· lt-18

Lon Hlnli.te lO·JS-71 David Graham 37· 31-74 Tom Jenkins '1· 37- 11 Jim Ge llaoner 3S· l6-71 Boooy CtemPell 31 -31-1• Oe vla Tnort '1-lt-71 flluevo Zip (TOCld) 6 90 4 60 \ 00

Squire La nt Gullo !Snortl 11.10 l 1 40 Kermit Zer1ev ll -33 · 71 Jim Colbert J9·3S-1' Berrv JaKkel 33-38-11 Eo !tl\ffel 33·41-74 Wevnt Levi J6 ·3S-71 Ivan Smlln l7·J7- 7' Wanvt Grt1C1v 36·3S-11 Terrv K endr le k 36-Jt-74 Biii Rogers 36- JS-71 Nick F1IC10 )7· 37- 7• M HllatsllV 37·34-71 Jim Neiford )9-JS-1• Gery l(ocn 37 ·3•-ll Mick Soll 39· 3S-7• Mlkt Holl6no 36·)S-7l Andv North )9· 3S-74 Garv McCoro 36· 3S-71 Al C.elblroer 18· 3'-14 Biii Gla\\on 36-lS-71 Skeeter Heetl'I )7 · 37- 7'

Jol\n OtFortSI 39· 40-19 Ernie Gonzt lei 3'· 41- 7t Oon M1111n9elt 41 -3~ Frank Conner 43· 37-tO Tom Norr i• 37-43-90 Bob Pev"e '1· 39-tO Tim Thtltn 39· •1-tO s11ve Bowm•a 39· H - to C.oroon Johns n 41· 39-tO J tll Collon 40· 4o--t0

' Ftamtertst IV11fanctln11Mm J • a 40

Tlmt 2:!!2... __ _ $3 IXACTA 16· 9) Olld U42 40' SEVENTH ltACE. One mitt PICf

- Compenv Comma nd IPC.r ) 160 2 40 2 20 Video Ster (Kutbltrl 4 60 3.00 Pav II Now (Aubin! 3 20

Tlmt 1:S9 1/ S U EXACTA 19· 4) Plld 111.90

LegendS'g'olf results EIGHTH ltACE. Ont mil• 1>ec• .

Ornprk Chtr1t1 (Pre) 12 00 •.oo 0 0 Smokln WllO IMercllandl 4.60 UO McOufflt !Holl ) I 40

T1mt · 2:00 2/S. SJ EXACTA (4· I) 1>1ld $61 IO

(ti Austin. TUH) Jenuarv· Llllltr J t·J-.s Bt rbtr-Forel 34·35--69 NINTH ltACI. Ont mlll Pt ct C111>tr · Brtwer 33·29-61 Tnom1on· Neglt 33-32-.s Fltck Hewkin. 3• · 35--69 Xe lls l.An<11nonl 4 20 2.90 2 IO De V1cen10-s11u lo-33-63 s ... eo· E Ider 3S·61-1>6 Rosburo · Hennlno 36· 3>-69 Sudden Move ( l(utbltf ) 4 40 J 20 S1ttore1-FerH ll-32-63 O'Connor-Seo Ha JJ-33--66 Slkts·Collln1 34-)6-70 Emerald Oiitlno ITonctru ul 4 00 wa11·Se noers 32·31-64 Ware1 · 81io1no 33-34--67 F e1cn1c11 -Tos111 3S· 3S-70 Time 1 SI l tS MOOClv-Meawell 32· 32-6-4 8ur11.e Jr · Harnev 37· 35-67 P11mer-Fnstrwld lS·lS-70 Sl EK.ACTA 12· I) pe ld S 17 70 WhllwO•ll'i·Wrtont 31·3~S Boros· Stone 33·34--67 Bever Nlee>orlt 34·36-70 Haas· Mavtr 3S· »-6S Bo1Htue1otl>l'i 3• ·33-67 Htblrl Htbtrt lS-3'-71 Berber C.oelov l7· 33-6S Sllrar11n· Run11an lS-33-68 H1rbert · H1mlllon 3S·l6--11

S1 PICK SIX 11-s+•+21s111 !>lid S68S.60 with S3 winning llcktll I 1lx nor111I 12 P ick Six conM>lellon p11d S2J 60 with 6'7 wlnn1no tkktlS lflvt nor~)

16-•ncl · Uftdtr F inl Round OOUblls

~ludebaker-Quor~ ( E 11a 11c ra I Clef Bro11,,ere1 Montano tSanta Beroara1 7 ~ 7·6 6 J

S.Concl R DUnd DoUtlttt Stud•Da l\er O\J irk IE11anc•ll Clt l Wong·

Ha ven tSan MarrnoJ 7·6 7-S


Flrll Round Slllllls L Trenwll11 (UCll Clef Saba (CSLA I.

6·3 6· 0. Rnorer t UCI) Clef Santa Merla <CS San Btr,,aroinol 6·0. 6·0

Slconcl Round Sil!Glls L1tw11 (UCLA) Cltl L Trtnwolh IUCll

6 2 6 1 Rhorer tUCU off Sertterl IAro zona l 6 · I ) ·6 6 ·•

Slconcl Round Ooublel L Trenwitl'l · Pollon IUCll .oet Ryon

Orf!t1er 1CP Pomona ! 6· 1 6·3

Invite~ Finl Round Slngln 0 Tre1t wJl h (UCl l dff W1ll1&fT'\ tuna •

•ac nea • 6· 1 6-0. B1e1cner (San O•eoo S• I oltl sn,ge1t.aw11 IUCll 6· l 6-J

lnvllu 1onet Second Round Sintlls Lee ul"&ITaC~ etl 0 lr•n* '"

UC 6 3 6 4

Community eoleot women OJAI TOURNAMENT

F 1r1t R Ollftd SlntNt /llocM 1t en OCC t oef Mallnews rf\llen101

6 I 1 6

~oncl Round Slntln MCMiiien tOCCl Cit! Matellen !Son

Bernerellno Vallttvl 6· 3 6· I. Barmore OCC t o~t Wood •V1.1oa 1 6·0 &·1

Slconcr Round Ooub411 Barmort · l ancas•&r !OCCI Ottl Ster l•z

Huff rcnatlev 1 6-1, 6 -0

Hien 5ehool 9ir1s OJAI TOURNAMENT

16 • • nCI • uneltr Fin l Round Double•

Parent C.orelln !Santa Barbara I 04'1 Ha1t1no1 Htndr iCI<\ IE11anc.1a 1. S-7 6 ) 6· )

LPGA ~r schedUle .O.o• 2& 18-S&H C.olf Clauot a• ~'

P~~,, \t>v,.o Me'V 1 rMO\\ (ree• lnv1ta loona 1 al

H •tc.n Heao t11ano SC Mt1'f 10· 17-Un••tel Voru•n• • Ban• C1au1c

• • Por11mou1n Va Mav 17 19- Cnar.iv Ctanic et (l'l<tlhem

N J Ma v 7l 26-C C1111s1c Mav )0 Ju" f 2-LPC.A Chamo1on1h1p .-1

r<; 1no1 l\l1tna Onoo Jul"t 6 9- McOonalel'\ Cnam111onsl'l10 di

Maivprn Pa Junl' 1) 16-RocnP\ler IMtrna l1ona1 June 20· 13- Ma vllC>wtr Clauoc a t 111

01a na11otl\ Junfl ?a JC>-l11Clv • PV\IOne Ooen .,,

Htr\nev Pa Julv ' 1 Hall a t r a"" ~ Cri1,.,.,111on1n10 ~'

S"o1t r I and Te•ll\ J\11• 11 IA -U S N ome,.. 1 Ocen 11

'or•n11I fl'CI N J JJ 1 18 71 BO\IO• !' •• C llU •C e l

Oot"•''' Mau J.;iv 1S 2S Ou Ma.,r I" C au•r &' Mor


Aug I ~ -Toledo C.•an·• Avg 8 11- Hl'nre<IOJ\ (•Ah •C: ar H101i

Pon• N C A.;O 1~ 18- World' C'"om1> on1r..p of

w"""'' , Golf 111 s1111•!'• H~·vM1 'On·o A..,g I\ 18 '"'''" • ' r." a Pr1>·am

TBA! A ,g 11 1rLPC.A Nt!1t •ur <1 P ro • "" " '

Ot nvf"' • A •II 11 SttP• 7-Ae t Cner tv C au•c

"'"' • gl.pld I SeP• 6 8- Por111no C"a1ru1a>nsh•1>

eo• 11 lrSalero C'a n 1c a r Sttelllf S.PI 10 ??-S.a n Jo"' Ctus•c 0<1 19 1<>-Go•o p.,,,., A..,a •CI P11vott

' 1 11 Vegas Cll'r ~- e Pennev '""'' "' I ••v<> r 11


A Flltfll 67 E Selm.,.,.r 6-B Allurnafoo W

W C>OO C. Fowltr H B•oi<I 1()-B frnrh1l 1 I! Smal"""

B F lltl" 6A R Poll\ 6S-E J<1coo1 6'-E

\c/'!Oofer c Flltflt

., l Bektr f: Hen\tn tt - T LtM4l• >. P ptfr\O" 7(}-V Wl'lllt

D Flltl!t 64 ~ Wli'\ 6'- E F'ut,., C M11 o.nt•

O 1ont'1 0 Att1ne r W '"'' '" 11 - N Oon11ds0<t

E F11tt11 66-V l eol 1(}-0 Jtrr f!ll

11 -1 "'• •

Hltll 'CflOtil "°" MINr Ot>i 1'7, it i-eut lll

l at ttVt!w C111t CC, t Mlln) M t>tH"I\ IMO J7 ' ht l Oa n1• l1

MO 41"0 (Ol'flll (M01 l• .4 WerlOl'CI 1MO 40 S P.uou• !MOI 42 • t! Oy• ITlt •)P d

c er- °" Mar ru, CllM,tr•M v•v 1" Ill lf"WW C .. lt CC, t ,._.)

1 L •nel <COM) lt 7 Ot.1Prt CCCIMI. J7 l W1n11Wlf TCVI JI I 0 S rfiii\ TCVl 1' \ lw11~ IC C1M I )f • • IOol tCV\ l'

Me rr · J1coos lS-36-71


Soull\ Coell Confertnct Chemplonshlos (e t GOldtn West)

Mll:N • Ttam scoron11 .lflrsl ol tnree oavs l I

GolOtl't WHI 14 I 1 SaelelllblCk 13S, 3 Ofanvtt Coa\I 19 4 San•• Ana , ••. 5 MC Sen Anton.o 36, 6 Fullerton, )0 7 Cem101. 2S I Cv1>rtu 1

~ lrtt-1 C.ut1errt1 !Seel) • 4 1 21 7 IN •C~\ IC.WC I 443 10 3 Lund tG.WC I A '3 68 4 Anttme rino (GWC ). 4 47 SI, S Judd IC.WC 4 41 93 6 Herm1teel IC.WCI •• , 99

100 1nelo- I N Oelt C.WCl 1 S4 9J 1 Cntt P o,,o Sao1 I S4 9t l Moles Sad T S9 36 4 Btrg C.WC I I S9 66 S Sommer SA ? O? 62 6 Hasnimoto IS.A l 2 OJ )7

SO Ire_ I Hato11.e1e IC.WCI. 21 86 2 Com11•n COCC 71 '12 3 PHrv IMS!. l1 4S, 4 McF ar11 nt Cer 12 SS. S Mallsnenofl IF I 21 6S 6 F • "tnste n !Seel l n 67

I rnt te• Cl •ving-1 Polle v <Seel I 381 4S 2 Kunlt !tad 370 45 3 Sta•er Sa el l 30S 80 4 Fo~ OCC 170 75 5 Curios OCC I 118 )0

800 lree rtiav-1 C.01oen Well 6 S9 20. 2 Saelolrooec ~ 7 0 1 OS 3 Sa nti Ana 1 11 08. • , Orongt Coo\! 7 17 4 5 'Mt Se n Al'IOnlo , 3J 77

WOME N Teem \COr ong 1 Or• nge Coe11 140 S, 1

C.otelen Wt\! , 91 S, 3 Santa Ana . IM. • M• Sen Antonio S3. 5 Cerrilo\ . "6, 6 Saddle· Deco. 36. 7 F ullenon. 31 I Cvoreh, 1

SOO Ire-I C~rPtnttr (OCCJ, S:l840, , While ICtrl, S:Z2 46, J Mottet !Soell , S.23 S6, 4 PohOPll'I (M!> >. 5.25 73, s Scnulll (GWCI, S·76 l l , 6 Milltr IMSI, S.30.96 ·

100 lndo-1 Laurie IOCCI, 1:03.A4, 2 .A verill IOCC) 10392, l Smith (Sid) . I OS6S. 4 Brown IF I. 1-<>6 •S S Hetheock IOCC), I 0111; 6 SwHntv !GWCI, 1.09 19

SO frt -1 0 Komertk (SA), 7S SI, 2 McKt1n IOCC I. 2S 12, 3 lht l Bern\ (OCCl •M Ktltls (GWC), 2660, s Gibbons 1SAI. 77 10 6 Ktl\o t GWC l 77 4S

)·meter C1 1vlno-I Conoer IC.WCl, 31110, 7 Bahr IOCCI 323 30 3 Mutn (Ct r ), 17S6S. • Mines IS.el l 711 4S

•oo meole v reiav-1 Orangtt Con• 4 1164 2 Senta Ane 4 19 3S 3 GOiden WHI , • JO 70 4 Ml s. ,, Anton•O 4 3) 76 !t

.Fulltrton, S 0111, 6 CtrrtlO\ S 14 19

DffJ> Ma fl1hin9 DAVEY' S LOCKER (NtwPOrt 8Hch)

- SS a11011" 230 Donllo 6 rock llsn , 1 hellbur, 7 ce llco ban. 4 sand Dan 109 rneckerel 35 shat0$1'ltld . 16 1cu101n IS blut ban

DANA WHARF - 39 on11l1n ,., l>tl\ 162 macktrtl, I \CUl111n

This Wffk ' 1 rrovt Plants LOS ANGE LES - Bog Rock Crttk .

Cut11c Lake. Ca11111c L1ooon Cry\111 La'tt E11111bf!th Lake . Jacuon Lake, L•llle Rock Crttlt , L1tt1t Roc k: Re11rvoor Mellbu Cree" PYdC11ng\lone Leltt . Pvremlel Lekt, San D•mH Reitrvo1r Sarita F t Reservoir

OR.ANOE - Trat>uco CrHll.

RtVEAS10E Futmor l ake Htmtl Lalt'f ~Lllf~ Sl<lnlltf l&kt

SAN BERNARDINO ArrowDeer Lal\e Bog Bear L•kt Co•oraoo R•ver •Nteelte\I Green Vt llev La~t Grt11or v Lektt Lvlle Creel\ lm1clcllt end nOl'lh tork1 I ~nla Ane Son11 Ana River < 1ou1~ tor i< S•lvtr ,.900 La••

SAN DIEGO Se n Lui \ Rev Rovef 'iwtttwettr River 1

VENTVltA Rl'Vlt\ CrH ' RO\fl Valle • LekH, !ttll>I Crffk (UPC>tr I

KER N - Aldtr Cree~ 8 fllt Volin L••t. Ceder Cr re" Erskine Cr...,_ , Hert Perk Lakt Kern l!lvtr IC>emocra t Ot m 10 KR I Powerhou\e Bore ll Po,.erhousa to Ot motr11 Oarn IHbella O• m 10 Bort ll F>owerhouse IC R3 Powernou1t 10 Lake ll.IDllle '

TULAlt• Bont Cre.1< Dffr Creek, Orv MtaCIOw Crtalt Ktrn River (1outn lorll). Kttn lt1vtr IFe irvltw Dem lo KRl ~1IO\nt, IOl'lntondttt Broeloe 10 F• I' view Dt m J. Nobe Youno CrHli. , PtPOt• m1n1 CrHll luooer •nel IOwf(J. PO\O CrHll. South CrHk Tull River l mlddlt torll J, Tu"' Rlvtf' (l\O'lfl • 1111 \O\llh for- t of mtln lor'> Tutt Alvtr <C t<le r Sloot trH), Wtlltt River

TENTH ltACE. Ont mllt trot Kllll>UCI< LC>Of'll (F Sllrn) 6 40 l 20 3 20 NlllS Ste r (Grun<lvl 4 20 4 20 Bonne IBavltnl l 40

Tome 101 4 S U EXACT.A 13·• 1 Peoel ll060 ELEVENTH RACE. One milt l>let

True Tr lCJe C (Aubin) 2• 60 190 6 00 Lord Albe (Aneltrsonl l 40 2 40 Revel Ga1t11t IV• lllndlngnaml 3 40

Timt 2.00 3 S l l EX.ACTA (7· S) paid Sl4190 Alltnoence: 4, 145

I Holvwood Pirie

THURSDAY' S RESULTS ( 2nCI ot 61 -Cll V llltr....,td !Metlnt) FIRST RACll:. Ont mill

Babv Greet (P lnca vJ Zee TePP COt1anouu1 v•> havorllt CMCCerronl

Time· I 36 4/ S

620 290 240 160 2 . ..0

• 2 60

SECOND RACE. 6 lurionos Pr lnc1n E lvlre (Vln1ll S 00 J 60 2 to Ot Ukel'f Wen (Lo1ove l 31 40 11 40

• £1 011 Quffn (Ortt11a ) 7.20 Time 111 ll S n DAILY DOUBLE (7· 1) oa •d sll20 THIRD RACE. 6 turlong1

Str Lord I Ponc1v I • 00 Miami Kid I01tai.ouuev' I A Be1>tl A Dev (Sttvt nsl

Time I 12 I S sS EXACTA 16·71 pa id l64 00 FOURTH RACE. 6 turtonos

C.IOw•ng (McCe rronl • 20 c.a11w111 <Stevens! Hechate Tacne to IDom1noue 11

Torne. 1 11 1 S

300 HO HO ) IO


280 790 620 620


s S EXACT A 19-10) 11110 '66 SO F IFTH RACE. 6 lurionos

GOid Auevtr (Stevens ) • 00 Mr Bo1drulllno (Omg1) Miami Deli (Lo1ov1l

Time· I 11 21s l S EXACT.\ 17·41 1>a lel l4l 00 SIXTH RACE. Ont mlC.

160 ?IO HO 3 40

) to

8 uslneu Scnool 1s1vns ) S •O 3 40 2 40 Tolunl (Plncav ) 11.20 •.IO Bestom I Pt<lrore l 4.00

Time: 1:36 2/S U EXACTA (9· 10) Paid $101.00. SEVENTH ltACI. Ont m ill.

Ive 's Aleh (Olhsvl 13.00 Cleer w1v (Plnctv) F lrt Miu LHCllr (Pedro1•)

n,,-. 1:37. SS EXACTA C9·3l 1>1ICI 193.SO

360 3 20 uo 220


U PICK SIX (1·61211-9-7· 9- l l 1>1ICI SUl.00 with 11 winning llckt11 (six hOrtti). S1 P ick Six consotetlon Peld UUO with 2 226 .. 1n11lno llclltts (five llOI'~)

EIGHTH ltACll:. 6 tuf'tono1 Dr Rttlitv <McCt rron) 9.60 Cerelell (Vattnzutll l M. Ooot>te M. IPlncevl

TI mt. I :09 41 S.

• 20 3.00 7 20 4.00


lS EXACTA 12·6) 1>11d '124 SO NINTH RACll:. I 1116 mlln on turt

Le Mlmo11 IMce.rronJ 11 60 s.oo 2,90 E11111nc1 (Toro> 3M UO TrutflH (V11tnr'*8) 2 IO

T ime. 1'42. SS EXACT A (t- 6) peld 1124.50. Att&nelenc.: IS,040,


lhtl·tf· .. IVt) Ttrlllflt'• 0-


Lertrs 111 Belllmort (81ctlmort lffels 111r1ts 1·0)

Kensu Cltv ti Sen Olaoo (Sin OllQO 11t1C11 serln , 1·0)

Minn1wt1 11 LIS VKH (Mlrint1ot1 IHOS \errt1. 1•0)

SetvrcS11r1 Gtrne Ch1Ct l>O e t Cltvttend ICltvtllnd llltdl

S'fll!i 2· I) SulWaV"I Glll'lft

Ball tmort a t Lattn Sen Ooeuo e t Ke,,,., Cllv LH Vt118i al Mln,..tole

Tuttd9Y'' Oam11 8111 .mort e t Ltttrl (If ntet111rv )

<Nolt Gemt me v bt Plavtel Wtdntsdevl Liu llt1111 •' Mlnntsote IK necn11rvl

<Note Gemt mev tit ol• ved Wtdnnclavl Se n Dltoo e t K1ns11 City (If ntenaerv )

WedlltMay' s ~ c ....... nd . , (lllCtOO (lf r>t<:ftMl rVI

Thvrtdav' • 0-Mln,,..ota • • Lii V IOH (II lltctUlfY)

(Nott Game may tit PiaYtd Fr lclav) , l'lcta y , _., ,

l111n et B1C11rnort (II ntetsaerv) Svflday, May s

K• "lt' Cllv e t Sin 0 1190 Ill t1ects11rv l

Ntwpert R ... tta W1M1n tHYO - ·-'ff CfMll till Pint Cr .... t lvioo CrHll llowtr , m iddle , IOulll tl\CI •nlekt Il l 0 1111 Lut c..orff\ CrMk. YNr llldtotnOlllCt CrHk I.~ Pornt Cr"" l91A

,,..... JV OC:C Cal

VWtlfY Cal C• I ( t i

Owt n\ 111...., II tw, t r'Olll oown11r11rn 10 l"3 5lt, t Lt " t l l>•ne CrMtt. f'1t• '811t Ve•llv ::fi Rtwfvoor ~ll•ttn Crffll. Svmrntt Cr,..i. Tel>00\11 Cr ,.,.. Tlr•tm1111 Cr"' ::. fulllt ('.r ffll ltlt

MOHO 9ucktve Cr"' H•llon Cr"' 1•11 lllttt Welktt It "" Ltlllt Welkff L•"'• "'' l uftelv L•U Mammoth ,,.... McC.H 1t7S Cr ffk Owtn1 lt <vtr l h nton Cro" '"' tn<I lf1• 8 ·o Sorlfl9U. ltt• tt\ld Cr.... ltOOtl'M>n 1'7l ,,,... , ltocli. CrHk <PtteClltt Catna IO rtn Tom , Plate, Tom ' il"lan UP"r H m 10 1'11 fltoc1i. ~CrMk Ltkt l Rull'i CrHll , ~win lt70 C•- v .. 01n1• er..- (IOwer ) Weill., IN' llJvtr....l..CJv la flat C.t rnP9fourld to 10..,._ ..... _ -1til. ..,..,., .. r LtlVlll MHCIOW\ Cernc19rounct to 1••' SOnort Brld~ I lff6


occ occ occ occ oc:c occ OCC UCI OCC Cal

C:et oc:c oc:c occ

Cet Cal use occ

~Cl.A OC:C oc:t oc:c occ occ

Stantord UCl occ occ occ oc:c



Ct1 Ct4 Ct4 , .. Cti UC•



L.ovota LO~

- l..ovtta

~ . . .. . " WOMllN'S SOffT8ALL CommuNt'V~

WIONISOA Y'S ltlSUL TS Gtldell Wttt I, c:arrt9M 0 ( Stlltll CM i f C""""'"" l

CtrrltOI 000 000 ~ S I GOldtn W11t 001 000 11-1 4 1

Gooowh1, Monrloue1 141 end Vtl01, eredv tnd M4wn. W-lr edy L--Gooelwln 38-Mecktv (G)

HIGH SCHOOL w...-ldel 1•, Ctr- cMI Mtt 0

( SM Vlf'W L...Ut) Corona dtl Mor 000 @-- O 1 10 WooCIOfldot 30' 117-16 11 2

JollnSIOll I nd Bllmtlve n. AHtrd 13· 1) • n<I Pevton 2a-A111rd (Wl

UnlV.,llfv S, Cal .. MtM I ( SH VltW LMttUe)

Unlv.,sllv 003 200 0--S • • Co\le MIMI 000 100 OC>-1 3 2

Frtl (10·51 end Juenost; RHM llld e ovflt 3&- Biutr IUI

Bolllftt (ti OIVmol< Alldtterlum)

Llonlw•lg11r. - Jonn Montt1 (Wnllllt r) KO'CI Tomu Cnevt1 (Mtxlco) In fourlh round of 1chlduleC1 10-rouneltr. IMont11 f, 29· 2 wllh 74 knockouts; Ch1vt1 11 11-S. l

(I I LH V191&) F11lhtrwtlOh1' B.,nerd Ta ylor

(KnoJv llle ) won una nimous 10-rouno Cle· clslon from Btn11 MarQuu (Pueblo, Colo ) ( hvlOr IS ) 1 · 0· I MerQUU ,, 16·2 l


NBA lllaVofb FIRST ROUND ( Btlt- tf-.. lw)

ThvndllV's Sewn Portlen<I 115, Ot llel 113 (Portilllld wln1

ttrlt1, l · IJ Bo1ton 117, CJ1vt11ne1 llS (Bo\ton w1n1

ttritS. ) ·II Ttnltllt'1 G1mt1

Oenv., II Sen Antonio !Denver leed1 llflas , 2· 1)

Houlton 11 Uten (Uleh !tads 1Mlt1, 2· I) MllwtullH II Cnlctoo (MllweukH 1tact1 ,.,1 ... 2-1) Pllllaele4Phla al Waslllno ton IPflllaeletl>llle

lt•d' Mirles, 7· 1 I Sundl v's C..mM

l lf-Mry) Utah al Houlton San Antonio • T Oenvotr Chic.ego 11 M WHlllnolon 11 Pl'lltadltpnle Nott· Laktfl C1el11tt<1 Phoenix, l ·O


( 8111-tf-Srtltn ) ThundtV's 5eWft

I · .;;.

Montr11I 6, Outblc 2 (Slrlfl llld, 2· 2> NY llleno.fl 6. P llfleOtlPl'lla 1 IPnltadtl·

Pnle te1e1s ser1es, 3 · 11 Chlell>O 1. Mlnntso•• 6 I? 01) (Cnlce9o

1eeds Nir lts, l -1) Edmonton I , Winnlr:>e0 3 (Eelmonlon

wln1 11rlu , • ·O) SefllrclaY's Gemes

Qutt>tc at Monlrtll SundlY'1 ~•rnll

NY lsleneltrl •• PnllaelelPl'I•• Mlnne1011 a t Chlceoo

TundlY' • Game' Montreal a t Quebec Phlta<ltlPhle a t NV l1lene1er\ Cit ntctu ·

arv) Chluoo et Minnesott 111 n~tsservJ

TI\UncSllV'1 Garnes ( If ntenMlry)

Qutbtc I I MontrHI NV lsltl'ldtn ti Plllltd4llP1116 MlnntM>ta 11 ChlCt l>O


W L T i-ct. ,_,. PA Oenvtr t ) 0 .641 229 166 Houlton 6 3 o 6'7 271 191 Oeklt ncl S 3 1 611 219 200 Arl1on1 4 S O ."4 178 171 San Antonio 3 6 O .l33 131 lM Porlleno 3 6 o - lll' "1'35 202 •• .....,, 'I 1 o m 141 232

IASTERN CONP::ERIENCI llrmlnohem 1 1 o .779 225 ISJ Ntw Jtr,.Y 6 3 0 .647 227 206 Tempt Bev 6 l O .647 236 200 B11tlmort • • 1 .SCIO 162 126 Jeclr.\onv lllt • 5 o 444 221 US MtmPlllt • s o 444 1'1 IM Ofl•l'ldo 2 1 0 .112 1 S4 20

Tenlttlt's ~-Mtm1>1111 e t Otnver

Sltvrtllv't Garnes Por tland a l l1111reu Arl1on1 t i Oe klt nct

Sundav's Garnes ll•ll lmor• Ill Timpe Bev Birmingham et Jt cklonvllle Hou11on et Sen Anlonlo

MtfMllY' l Game Or1t1100 el Ntw Jer1tv

ThOhdaV"t tranYttens BAHIA LL

AMWIUnLH9Ut OAKLA ND-<a lltCI UD Tom Tlllmlnn,

oltcMr, from Tacoma of lht Ptc:fllc Coe•t LMC>Ut. OolloM<I Mikt Gelltoo. lnfleleltf . to Moelnlo of tht Callfornl• LHOue.

Ntfteftel LtHut OOOGERS-Acllve lt<I Bob Bailor, In•

fltldtr Ootlontd 510 8rtam, first bt11men, 10 Albueluerque of tht Pec!Oc Cots! LHDut

CHICAGO CUIS-Acttvettel Gar v W004•, OY!lialW Oolloned 8 rl1 n Oavtll., to Iowa of t1•1t Amtrlce n A•· socle tlon

ftOOTIALL NetltMI ,....,.. LoatlUI

INOIAN APOUS CO\. Ts-$1ontct Frank McCllln, wide r t <:tlvtr

NEW YORK JET~ACQUlrtd Cht,lls .l~ton. ~ntblo., from tht l< t ll"t Cllv Cllfth In HCl'lllfl9e for • ltU ttvtl'lfh· rOUnd dr• fl olC'1I

WASHINGTON lt EO~l(INt-AcoulrtO Gtoroe "°"" runnrno t>aek , trom !tit New Orleens Sain" In t XChat\9'1 '°' IMll' '"~ No I drt fl llt<k

"""" .... , ..... WtWt TAMPA a A Y IANOITt-SltNO lret

C llrll .. 1etv to • l'llUlll •vttr COftlf tel cou10•

KANSAS ST ATE-Nemtd Wllllam MoM eultfant alhltOc Olr~

LOUISIANA $TATa amecl .10t1MV Jontt t " ltltnl MPetllltll coed\.

lt\JltOUE-Haltlld Oree Mclntolfl 1\\I• · lt ll'I tootlMI• ~

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.---.. Ofang9 Coalt O'All V PILOT /FritMlj, AQffl 2t, 1915

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.MCDowell brings Camelot down to ea1·th By JERRY BUCK U l ............

LOS ANGELES - Malcolm McDowell 5a)'4 his ponrayal of "Arthur the King" in the CBS movie

Cannon a~ •n Amenca11 tounst whu;c 1u1dcd tour of EnJ)and takn an unexpected turn.

"Thi I) a down-to-earth view of < amelot," ~.O McDowell. " We have straw on the noor and there •~ no elaborate co'itumes. We usd the VJYS and browns that were actually used then.

the theatnc:sl films .. A Clockwork 'Oranae:· .. Time Afta Time," "CahiuJa" ··cat Pwple" .ind ''Blue Thunder "

Oranae:· and Arthur wett "quite different. But 1n the tcmu of tech~ nique they'"' nearer than you thank Arthur wu tHc cat.alyst (or the story, as was Alex. Alex ')"Is m OR.' fun becau~ h(''s both thd-1uressor and the v1<.·t1m .

..In t ~nnina he'' WOfidl~ . kJ~y. but by tk ~nd he'• wom ouL Ht 190t all the' world' a troubles on hit shouldm . He can't undcrst.and hil wife's bebav1or.''

hows the monarch of Camelot in a cits ic dilemma - torn between lovt and duty and unable lo JCI any more magical help, ·

" h's a romance and chi valry which 1s so alien to our 11mcs today," ht said. ~au1 that's what legends are all about."

The three-hour version of the Arthurian fantasy. one of the most enduring legends of all times, will be t>roadcast tonight on CBS. It was first scheduled for last year. But one top CBS programmer was quoted rect'nt­ly as saying that thl' mov1t' was disappoinung and confusing to fol­low.

" Anhur the King" also stars Can­dice Bergen as the wicked sorceress Morgan Le Fay; Edward Woodward as Merlin the Magician; Lucy Gut· teridge as Merlin's love. and Dyan

"Luck ily. l never ~w •my of the other producuons of Anhur. So l tried to iCI into it by seeing him as a civil servant. He has 10 make the kmadom run. So he 1s distracted from his marriage. That's his dilemma. He is torn between his kingdom and his marriage. That's why Guinevere goes ofT with Lancelot."

McDowell admll'I he did impishly hum the theme from "Camelot" occas1onally on the set.

The Stonehenge segment was filmed 1n England. but all the rest was made in Yugoslavia. The fon1fied walls of Du bro\ nik stood 10 for Camelot.

McDov.cll ma) be unfamiliar to TV audiences. He 1s best kno"n for

Better to disturb your kid's sleep than her peace of-mind·

DEA R ANN LANDERS: I have two children, ages 7 and 3. The J. year-old 1s a late 'llecper, so I got into the habit of letting her sleep while I took my 7-year-old to school. I wa!> neverg~me more then 10 minu tes(thc school is six blocks from home).

I never felt nght about it and made excuses to myself. " It 's cold outside. Why make her go out? I'm eight months pregnant and• it's hard to carry her 10 the car ...

Yl'sterda)' evcf)lh1n~ changed When I pulled into the dnvewa) 1 'iaw my aaughter running down the street. She had awakened. unlocked the front door and gone looking for me. The child was barefoot. weanng pajamas and she was hysterical. She had fallen and skinned her knees and elbows. The poor thing kept repeat ­ing,"You left me- and I was scared."

lt took an hour to get her calmed down . When I think of what could have happened. I get sick to m} stomach. T he ironic pan was that I drove my son 10 school ever) day because I was worried that somet hing might happen 10 him.

Please tell mothers they must never leave small children b) themsel ves. even for a few minutes. It 's better to


go 10 a lmle trouble than to nsk something temble happening. -Ashamed. But Smaner in Fon Wonh.

DEAR F.W.: Your letter may be the most Important one that has ap­peared in this space la ages. My heart breaks every time I read about children wbo died In a fire when tbey were left alone. Please, parents -take this message seriously. Children can unlock doors, turn on tbe gas, cut, scald and born themselves, fall down stain - the l11t is endless.

Remember tbls letter the nexU ime you are tempted to leave a child alone for "just a few minutes."

DEAR A.NN LANDERS: Can a woman who has had her uteru removed through surgef) . but sull has both ovanes. become pregnant'! I wa\

told that the ovaries contmue to produce eggs regardless of whether a uterus is present. Can this be poss­ible"

I am not 'cry" ledgeable about my bod> and realiLC II IS dumb 10 ltve with a man wuh so httle informauon. but please help me anyway. l will be lt vtng an fear until you give me an answer. I don' t want to have a child out of wedlock and I don't behe'e 1h1s guy has an> interest in mc1rT}ing me. He swears there 1s no "a) I can get pregnant but I don't trust him. Men will sa) an>th1ng 10 get what the) want.

Thanks for ~our help . .\nn - .\ Daily Reader in Miss.

DEAR MISS.: He's right. In order to bave a cbJld, a woman must have a uterus. When the male's sperm unites wllb lbe female's e11, tbe uterus Is needed to house the embryo. If there II no uterus there 11 no place for t11e

°"baby to grow. Even though you don't bave to worry about getting pregnant, tbe relationship sounds le11 than wonderful. It sounds to me as if be is using you. I bope you will give this aspect of the rela&lonshlp some serious thought.

Faracyhas 'Eye' for comedy By JERRY BUCK U T~WtiW

LOS ANG ELE ~ - Stephanie Faracy was all 11ed up In fact. she "as bound hand and foot

Charles Durning, her co-star 1n ABC's new detec­tive show .. Eye to Eye." was in the same predicament. But this new series 1s as much comedy

Farac) as Trac) Do) le anJ Durn· ang as Oscar Poole also ill ustrate the flip side of the b1ckenng panners the old pro saddled v.1th an eager but bumbling amateur Whi:n Oscar's instincts tell him not to tread. Traq 's innocent enthusiasm tells her 10 wade m .

This 1s the third senes for FaraC). who also pla)ed an astronaut's" rfe in the CBS mm1senes "Space." Her fi~t c;enes; "T~ Last Reson" and she JOincd "Goodnight Beantov.n" shonl\ before 1t folded. She was the Irish maid an the .\BC' miniseries "The Thorn Birds.··

" I sue thtthrcct0r, Clive Donner. knew my work and wa~ued me to do 1t," he said. " He sent me a sen pt ind l said yes. It was that ea)y. Arthur was a great change of pace for me. Before this I was playing a rO<'k superstar in 'Get Cra1y.' a mo"e that came and went."

McDowell is mamed to Mary Steenburgen, his co-star from "Time After Time." They have two young children.

" Anhur wasn' t that broad. To play a lung requires a lund of inner peace. lt has to do w11h confidence, although the kin~ is 1ndec1s1ve The k.Jn& was born to 11 rather than havi!\,l tO wm 11 through sweat and toil. His chanaes were mor~ internal. He thinks Merhn can help him with a potion ot two. I

McDo~U added, ··1 like to con­vince people I'm someone clae by inner thought rather than extemally. l don' t hke to weaT fat~ nose$ and makeup. I hke to use props and to move well. That' s part of bdna a movma p1cturt actor."

He and his wife appeared in "little Red R1d1ng Hood and the 811 Bad Wolf' for Sh~lley Duvall 's " faene . Tak Theater" on Showume, the pa y. cable network. " We did 11 for the kids as much as anything else," he said. " I wtt the Big Bad Wolf. Mary was pregnant when we did 1t but you can hardly tell She kept that basket in front of her:·

'Amadeus' hits MTV video

McDowell said his roles as AleA.. the antagonist in " A Clockwork

HOLLYWOOD (J\P) - Mozar1 on MTV? lndeed. Onon Pictures has released a music '1dco for .. Amadeus." a ficuonal account ofthl' famed composer's Last yeirs and " in ner of eight Academ ) Awards last month. 1nduding best picture

* * * "Thi Grey Fox" (\982) Rlctl-1rd flmSWOf1tl. Jackie Burroughs

12 ON THE rJ:-' FM& FBJO a.L EYE ON L.A. WtUIP If CINOINHA Tl .,,,WI( Wl.D, Wl.D WOAl.O Of




e BEST Of VUOl.00 -t.00-

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lcolm .==. c.ncb

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Public Enemy Number One'' (1974) Ro0ert Foxworttl, EilMrl Htelllrt ~TON WEEK IN

I WAU. m&T WEEK ICX..DOND MOW * * "Nltlonll Lampoon's Vacation"

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~ifcOND cm 25T)t ~ ())MOW U "~ City" (1~) Vincent Sj)ano, Katt Vernon.

-e:ao-8 9MR.16. YIDEM

Tht v1dt'o 1~ rccc1vm1 trequent aar pla) on the MTV music video channel. as "'ell as exposure on "En1rna1nment Toni&ht" and othu T\ shows covenng the show business '><'ene l.-

LLOl'D S g·arden shop

650-2515 as drama and the ropes were soon loosened and they went on lo bring their latest case to a conclusion before the final commercial.

Durning 1s an no-nonsen'ic pn\'ate eye who suddenly finds himself teamed with the daughter of his murdered partner The> come together to solve the murder. If the concept sounds familiar . 11 was in ­spired b) the. 1977 mmic "The Late Sho".. with ~n Carne) and Liiy Tomlin.

She was born 1n Brook I\ n. but was raised 1n the Midwest. " M)· father was a tra,ch ng SC\lesman." she said. "He I sold jCWClf) and e\ef)' now and then we'd play dress-up and-pm on pretty rings. There were four kids and we . moved around a 101. I thought I "" ....._ cvel)body did. I thought wht•n you ~ got 11red ofa school )OU moved on . I

'.ltCJeut Special Rec. $20 Doz.

"The crew didn' t know what we were doing untll th('y saw the promo'> on ABC. .. said Farac) dunng a break on the set at the Burbank Studios. "They said. 'Oh. this show's sup­posed to be funn}. huh"' ..

"Eye to Eye" 1s one of a number oftelev1s1on co med~ -dramas about b1ckcnng partners that in­cludes NBCs "Remington Steele" and CBS' "Simon & Simon" and "Scarecrow & Mrs Kang."

It's easy to sec the appeal. ( omed)' grows out of con01c1. Wou ld Laurel and Hardy ha ve been as funny 1fS1an and Ollie had always agreed~ And dramatically, conflict 1s an interestmg way 10 handle exposition. the dialogue that tells you what 's going on.

"E~ e 10 Eye" grew out of a de' elopment deal Farac) had with Warner Bros. Tele\ 1s1on.

"The) said 11 would be great 11' I worked "ith an older gu~ ... she s~ud " We wanted a rclat1onsh1p that wasn' t sc>.ual and the) v.erc JUSI pal'i Wt' needed someb<xh I could dn'c craz) . '\fterwegor11ail together I said 1h1s sounds a lot hke 'The Late Sho" · It was funn)' because when "l' presented 10 '\Ian Sha) nc. the head ol Warner's TV. he said. ·we own th t.• nghis."'

Faraq sa1g the rela11onsh1p hac; teacher-student ovenones

" I think Tracy's fascinated h> th1c; man." she said. "Each of uc; has a fc" great teachers in our Ines. She loves to hear his opinions. but ho~full) he will hsten 10 hers."

She majored 1n English and drama I at lll1no1s Weslc)an VniverSll) . then " on a scholarship to the Yale chool · of Drama. v ;l

" When I was a child I didn't kno" "-< . "hat I "anted." Farac} said. " But ,-(\ somewhere tn high school I began to ,,... \! enjoy ac11ng. It caught me and I >--"""'. became de.,,oted 10 11. I'd take the d1n1 ng room tablf' off and Mom would sa) . ·Well. Stephie needed 11 for a pla} .' and we wouldn' t ha'-e a place 10 eal. I wanted to be on the Broadwa) 'ltagc. not to be a movie \tar I

"E'ef) th1ng I did "a~ hu1lding I toward thc stage But I didn't knov. how 10 Ii vc 1 n Nev. York 11 ~cems that I \ ou need a lot ul monc} 10 h ,.c in Nev. I York That ', "hen I caml'11cre." •

Saying it with Victorian flowers I The jU}ouc; hodgepodge of Vt\. · It there wa<; a formula. )OU would

torian bouquets - a delightful choose some" plants that grov. tall Jumble of Oowcrs..inartfulduarra) - surrounded h) less s1a1el} plants. can be yours by s1m pl} arranging filled out \\-Ith some 'arielic!> that huge bouquet<> of great quant111c'i of 1umble1:>ver the side and others that flowers ' -itfe small lillc~ or color Flower

Plan1 nowerbaskets "1tham1x1ure~grt)wing hkc 1h1~ rn~ate their own of perennials <;uch as delph1n1um'i. sense of compat1b1ht) and uc;uall ~

• d1gjalal1s. pcnstcmon . )arrow. grow wcll to~cther. wa1son1a. dayhl}: n1co11ana . holly- Leaf textures and color\ can also be hocks. columh1nc and more. the important. There''\ the \ll\Cr white selections are almo~t endlcu. An- folmgc of dust) mailer. thc feather) nuafHan add to tht• flOral dt<;plU)' . threads of IOtUS vtne Ooattng down- .

ward or the w1dcl) v:i ncd foltagt• colors of t·oleus - ..

The V1l.lonan bou4ul'l ~orb well 1n hanging basket~ as "ell as "inc harrcl planter'>. bushel basJ...ets. pl~nt-11'\g tube; :ind l"C'C'tangular red1o1.ood planter<; You can plant an) container 1hat IO\ 1uJ\, pknt~ ol <.011 for growth and has t'\C~ appeal

1nce lkck and patio planter'\ aH' v1ev.l.'d at ground le\CI or from above. 1 , ou can plant flower<; for height. spread and <;prawl. Don't plant an~ Oowcr'i that nct'd staking a'i this will detract from the beaut\ of tht' bouquet

Class slated on fuchsias Time to plant vegetables

All aspect$ of aruwing fuC'h'l1as v.111 • Did you ptant your vegetable garden yet? tt not. It's t1me to get be covered in 1n a workshop at 9· 30 going. tf yo.u have lm&t9d ground epace, conllder cont .. nwa. a m. May 4 at the hermon Garden" eS....&.u.. '9 the time to 1tat1 the parade of cotorful ftOWWI thllt w411 in C'oron1 dcl Mar. "'' .. ,. ".........__..... ...._ ,... •• ~

The lccturt. which include~ \Oii continue through eummer. -- loto t ... many ....... ~ .. mlltes. watenna ~hcdules. fC"n1h1cr<1 . marigotda. petuntee. pottuteca. Clk>lla, Q9ferlk.tlnS.. Impatient.. 1ransplantin1 end' pest control 1., •bena Ind dnnt• · party of the Wec~cnd Gardener ~nc., • H you have a cont..,_ gei'den of ttow.,., be aure to watctl and 1' f~ to 1he pubhc For watering needl M contailnln tend to dry out ,...., lhM tM gtoung. 1n format ion. call 6 73-2261 . • When primrow ftnWI btoomlng, dMde tftlm,

Fuchs1u. tqoma"' bromeha<h. • Feed estabMlhed row to ~ quainfty and QUiity of camelha . aeran1um1. roses. o~hids . ·blooml.. • Keep en eye OYt for ~ moth d8fNI09. S.. ~ hou~ plants. cacti, fem and C'oh· nur-:C tor an 9ffecttw con ot fom1a nat1vt\ w1ll llt' '°Id tod•~ and ,.__.,_~ be .. -.,_. be----4~tafter Sundo}fromlO;im 10.Cpm. atthe • UOU• ·~""'•"u -"' Qlf\ .,... __ • ._., I o' <\ngt'lco; loo Th<' plont \lie 1~ tM)'flnlah bloomtng. -span~'1Jy11n" Nn11nnal Fu~--_..Wf'..,.. y<:Nr~•t11, ta'r r I Of~ bk>ofntn9,. Society lt-1re.ding1'*'1 wtth an ICtd fet;tlttnt.-


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,. ~ .

Toxic waste:· 1It can happen in your city, too

Love Canal. Times Beach. Stringfellow. McColl. BKK. They've become buzz words for. the environme.n­tal crisis of the decade - toxic waste disposal. But whale industrial poisons are turni~g up in the air and w~ter a~d soil all over the nation and an many parts of Cahfornta, we along the O range Coast have been able to keep danger at a distance. ·

We can consider ourselves lucky. Despite our heightened environmental sen~it~vity due to. the tremendous impact of outdoor activity on our qu?h~.Y of life despite the institutional responsiveness built into ou~ county and city governments, we have not been able to escape toxic chemicals - not completely.

We have found the banned pesticide DDT in the Upper Newport Bay, we have found oily chemicals in the creek that feeds the bay and, in the past two we~ks particularly, we have been plagu~~ by. one chemical accident after another. On the positive side,.no one h~s been injured in any of these incidents - at least not m the short term.

But the message is clear. the industrial explosion along the Orange Coast will bring problems. O~r governments must re_mzjn. vigi~ant, .both in their environmental lawmaking and their environmental law enforcement. if we are to accomodate new and expanding industries here while protecting the natural resources so crucial to our quality oflife. .

Throughout this week, we have present.ed a s~nes ?f stories explaining the toxic w~ste problem m ~ahforn1a and in Orange County. It hasn t been a p~e~ty picture, but it shows clearly that Orange Coast cities have been holding the line against toxic waste pollution. It also, we hope served as a reminder that we are not immune from this ~risis and should not adopt an it-can't-happen-here attitude. .

If we've learned anything, we've learned that it can happen anywhere that people are unaware and un­prepared.

No birds, no flowers Q. ls 11 true there are hardly an > red

Oowcrs 1n Europe? A. Quite nght. Wh) 1s cunous.

Most insects are colorbli nd to deep red. They pollinate other flowers . but not deep red ones, except incidental­ly. So deep red flowers rely on humm ingbirds for pollinauon. But there aren't any humm1ngb1rds in Europe.

Frenc h pla ywright Edmond Rostand wrote most of "Cyrano de Bergerac" while silting 1n a bathtub.

Q. Who invented our picture of Santa ('taus -- I mean the JOll)' fat man fipre 1n the tassled cap and fur-1nmmed costume?

A. None other than Thomas Nast. 1he same canoon1s1 "ho created 1he Democrats· donke) and. the Re­publicans' elephant

''The first thing a mothe.r .should teach her children:· according to a Bnt1sh expen. Dr C 0 . Stallybrass. ··is to take an 1ntcre-.1 in their father" Maybe so. don"t know lf-.almo-.t but not quite the same claim of numerous authont1es in the past "ho ha"e said the best thing a father can do for tl'is children 1s love their mother.

<) ()uick. name the onl~ count!") 1n Europe.

.\ \lhan1a With 70 \ltu\lim-;


:"li1 tpirh·rc, "'II tl'll ~ou that top JUd1c1al dignitaf) 1s the ( hicf Justice of lhc: n11cd ()tatec; not th<.' ( h1cf J st1~c of the ~upr('mc C ou_n

Clod'> in \,1ud1 .\rab1a arc set to tar 11mc: lt 'c; noon there each day

when the 'iun ,.., din.•ctl) O\.crhead

Dip that krt1l11t•<l r h1cl.en e~ in estrogen and \ou"ll get a hen. Dip ll in androgen and )OU


ll gc1 a roo

Q Who wa-, the mo' 1e cowboy who had both a dog and a horse with the same name as the cowbo> h1msclr

A. John " Duke'· Wayne had a dog named Duke in !>c,c:ral films and rock a while horw named Duke in 1932-33 pictures

Q . By ho" man ~ >car<. ha~ Prc~t· dent Ronald Reagan outhH•d hl'i original hfe e11pectancy<1

A. By 25 yean at th1!> wnt1ng When he was born 1n IQ 11 . hie; prcd1ctahle <,pan was 48.2 year'

Q Two men in the Bac;chall Hall of fame never reall y had an\ thin& to do with ba~ball Name them

A. Bud Abhott and I ou ( O'itello the corned~ team For their " Whos on


Daily Pilat ' .... , n...,, ' ''" •• I I, •••• .,., , ••

.. , . ~ A I ••ftl .. ,.,, "" f' • 1 ° t

'• "'""' ~ .. ,,,,

First?" routme.

The five-centime subway token of Pari!> was called a ··jeton ... Amencan soldiers during World War I cor­rupted it to "jitney." When they came home, they used the word to identify nickel taxicabs. This vanes from an earlier e11planat1on of "J itney." But not much.

Asked an editor the other day how many people he had working for him now, and he said. "About half."

Q-: Did Blondie in the comic stnp ever hold down a job?

A. That she did. At the outset she was a stenographer.

Which 1s the bener way to stan your morning? To think of this day as though 1t were the first day of your life? Or 10 plan it as though II were the last day of your ltfe? So far, I haven't been able to hold the thought even through the first cup of coffee. so can't confirm the claim of a psych1atns1 named Dr. Wayne Dyer. who says you're better off to deal with each da)' as though 11 were your last.

It was that mod li terary personality Pete Hamill who said, " Wnting 1s the hardest work in the world that doesn't J!lVO~Ve heavy lifting."

Q, How long" the copyright on a <;il1con chip good for'>

<\ l 0 years.

You "ant lo get hca' y'' Read Ench Fromm " Love 1c; the onh sat1sfat ­tof) answer to the problem"ofhuman existence··

You kno" about the l'arnl\orou~ plants that trap insects 1n their foliage But " ere )OU aware that in Venezuela there arc plantc; that eat in~cts \l.1th their roots''

Sodium carbonate hurn~ :rcllo"' C alc1um-bums red. C. oppcr bums green Potassium burm violet These arc chem1l::tl<, impregnated 1n dnft"'ood. -;o these are colorc; ~ou <;Ce in the flames whc:n \Ou hurn driftwood

bcf') 11me Che hl'cl uf a Jogger h11s the track, 11 $els an impact equal to four 11me!i said Jogger's wc:1ght.

Therl' are 350 variett l''l of shark'> even without counting loan and pool

Rrandy cap11al ofthC' w@rld now" lfon& Kong.

l •. M. Boyd colomolst.

,, . H. l. Schwert1 Ill

Frank Zlnl ", ·~ Q f 1 1

Tom Tait ,, F f

I .

''Coming up may be something that th county'ss.r_l"f1Y Of salltngand yachting enthusiasts need baaly - a new marina.


--=== ..__...... -

Full speed ahead as Mesa pushes plans for marina County's boating enthusiasts would benefit greatly from added boat slips

The Cit)' of Costa Mesa has come to the rescue of the Orange C-ocKt in a number of unexpected ways during the past several years.

First came one of the nation's largest and finest shopping centers. Then came much-needed prime of­fi ce space. Next will be one of the nation's most outstanding cultural complexes. Coming up may be some­thing that the county's array of sajling

. and yachting enthusiasts need badly - a new manna.

A manna in landlocked Costa Mesa? That"s With Ci ty Coun­cilman Donn Hall leading the wa). Costa Mesa is pushing for a 2.400-slip \mall boating marina on 440 acres of wetlands parallel to the Santa Ana Ri ver Entry "ould be through Ncw­pon Beach.

The Orange Coast is bkssed with one of the 1>.orld's great climates (Mediterranean subtropical) and 1s ideal for sailing and yachting all year 'round - and for visits to watch. dine. shop and stay over by those of us who arc not boat owners.

Thui.. although Newpon Harbor. one of the nation's la~est small boat harbors. has approximately 9.000 slips. and another 2,400 have been added by Dana Point Harbor. boat owners must wait on a list. someti mes for months or years. for a slip -depending on the size of their boat.

Al o ne time, 1t was hoped by some that Upper Newpon Bay, which extends from Newpon Harbor nonh­wc~tward to Jamboree Road in New-

pon Beach, might add to the needs of the marine contingent. Upper Bay was identified as far back as 191 2 as an ideal harbor. But in the 1970s. Upper Bay was also identified as an environmental resource.

A great battle fo llowed during the early years of the 1970s over w~elher the area would become a senes of marinas. such as Mission Bay 1n San Diego. or whether it would remain as a nesting place for the California least tern . an endangered species. The figh t tllrned the county into a ba1tle­ground. with The Irvine Co .. super­' 1sors. the tax assessor. environmen­talists. the couns and the people taking a 'ar1et> of sides.

The result was a victory for those who wanted to keep Upper Bay as 11 1s. The Irvine Co. sold the propeny to the State of ( alifom1a's Dcpanment offish and Game and the mailer was cssenually closed. Upper Bay re­mains what some residents of the adjacent EastblufT development fondly call "the mudhole."

When the Signal Landmark Co. began processing plans for the Bolsa Chica wetlands through vanous gov­ernmental la yers. many ad vised th~t the company not even try to gain approval for a marina and surround-ing development. .

But Signal Landmark. entenng the arena in a difTerent environmental era. appears to be working out a compromise that could add to Hunt· ington Beach's small boat slip count.

The marina being proposed for Costa Mesa would also ullli7e



wetlands. A 26-year dream of several city leaders. the marina would extend from the Pacific Ocean nonhwest to Wilson Street, and would provide an identical number of slips to that of Dana Point Harbor. Around the marina would be restaurants. shops, inns and other visitor-serving fac1h· 11es.

The city ha!> applied to the federal government for study funds.

We would hope that this amb1t1ous plan and long-held dream finds 1ts deserved realit\ . The Costa Mesa harbor would · provide shps for boaters, facilities for v1s1tors. JObs for workers. and propeny. sales and hotel tax for the people. Moreover. 11 1s possible thal sensitive development of the marina could also result 1n a preservation of some nesting ground for the least tern .

The 1976 California Coastal Act perrni1sconstruc11on ofa boat manna only in wetlands that ha ve already deteriorated naturally or by develop­ment. We ha ve to hope that we need not wait for the Costa Mesa wetlands to detenorate before a manna can be• developed there.

And taking a look at Upper Newport Bay. we may not have long to wait before that great resource qualifies.

Co/umais l Brower publ/1bes "MartlD Brower 's Oraage C-Ouaty Report."

U.S. intelligence had prior knowledge of nuclear test But joint operation by Israel, S. Africa kept under wraps

W.\SHINGTON - The United ~talc'> had pnor knowledge that South Afnca and lsrac:I "'ould ex­plode a small nuclear de\ ice in the fall of 1979. an 1nvest1gat1on "'e have conductl'd o..,cr the last five years 1nd1catc'\

An aging l ' ', Vela sa1clhte. hu1lt to monnor nuckar dctonattons, p1ckcd up the d ouble-pul!>e nash of fight eharactcn st1c of a nuckar blast on Sept. 2:?. 1979. beginning a cen­troversy that ~1111 has not ended.

Two monthc; la1cr. 1n November 1979, a Whlll' Hou'>c: menufic panel. in a rcpon that wa~ not made puhhc until the following year. maintained that the sntcllite sighting was not a nuclear explo!.1on at all hut some ot her occurrence. possihl) a tin y p1eee of a meteor striking the satellite.

'But the CIA and the Defense I ntelh&en<.·c Agenc} - which had good reason to know better - were <.'crtain the Vela had indeed detected a nuclear hl~m

For ~omc reason. the CIA was r ircumsp('cl about its foreknowledge of the 1e,1 In ~crct te<1t1mony to ( ongre,c; thr month af\er the event. ( I A. official\ 1dent1ficd Israel as the pan} mo t likcl)' mpons1ble. with South Afnca the runner-up.

In January 1980. the CIA ga\C \ on,res' a 11ttlc more information A cont1n&ent of the South Afncan navy was 1n the South Atlantic area near th~ place at the time of the cxplo,1on Then in June 191l0, a ~ttt CIA TqXJTt to tht Natrona I Sccuttt)' <"0011-ctl \aid tht t'xplos1on wn orobahly a



tactical 2- or 3-kiloton weapon deton­ated b> Israel and South Africa (wi th Taiwan as a possible third panner).

But the CIA d1dn ' t share some ol tts c;ecrct'> with Congress or with the White Hou~ panel Investigating the blast. From land. sea and air surveillance - by humans; su~ mannes and satellites - U.S. in· telligence established that Israel and Sou th Africa were workin& tosether on a bomb as early as 1966. In fact. in August 1977 (tipped ofT i~itially by the Soviets. no less). the United ~tates announced that the South Afncans were about to test a nuclear device in the Kalahan Desert . Diplomatic and public outcry led to the cancellation of the test.

F.or the next two years, the CIA ke~t track of a steady stream of visits V$' South Africa by Israeli nuclear sc1ent1~ts. t«hn1c1ans and defen~ officials

The ehnchcr for the CIA was the arnval 1n South Afnca of an Amtn­can e~patriate who was behevcd to have 'hared his knowted,e of U.S. nuclear weaponry with the lsntths and then, at their behest. w11h the South Afncan41

The man wn known to be an expert 1n m1n1a1uri1.at1on. 11 ~kill that would be needed to scale dov.-n the 'est to a barely dctect1blc IC"vel (The IA and DIA behevC" Israel and Sou1h Afnca may-ptan rolTTTnmuntt 'h?ir nuclC"DT weapon'! ~own to half-kaloton 'IUt to

use 1n Lance-battlefield missi les. ) Two years later in Antarctica. a

Navy official confided to Dale Yan Atta that two U.S. spy planes had tned to approach the nuclear test area bul were turned away by the South Afncans and had to land secretly in Australia.

But the Navy source. who had tracked the planrs as they passed near Antarctica. refused to go public wtth this vital nugget of 1nformat1on as Yan Atta asked. The source was afraid of losing his JOb and of causing some unexplained impact on US. interests in Antarctica.

AOer-the-fact proof of a nuclear explosion was contained in a secret Naval Resctrch Laboratory report on the incident: very high levels of radiation in the thryoid glands of sheep 1n Australia. Weather con­ditions. would have carried nuclear debris over the area and deposited ll on vass the sheep grazed on. The high radiation levels were detected the next month when the sheep were slaughtered .

RUNNING 10 KEFP U P: En­viron mental Protection A1ency scientists and rcscarche~ arc afraid they won 't be ab~o cope with the flood of technical dau1 re ultina from the cxplos1 vc growth of new chem1cal compounds that may be harmful to the environment So they've asked for 8,000 pc™>nal COftt9uters to he.Ip them keep abreast of dcvclopmcnls.

The multim1llion-dollar purchase - 1fallowed by the budatt watchd<>as - would Jive EPA workers out an the field access 10 the scn<'y's recentl y improved data center 1n Nonh Caro­hna

lad AollnPll ud ¥81 *"• •n •yrtdl~tN C"Ol•m•l1u.

MARTl1' BROWER coJamnftt

R1cu10 Co11£11

PUblic won't succor Contras Equates m-ilitary aidto Nicaragua

- - -with Vietnam war

WASHINGTON - Who won the Vietnam War'! Richard Nixor..Jhe former President. says ·we ctid ' and Ronald Reagan. the presen{ presi­dent. §a¥S he agrees with him. The <l'JCStion could be debated forever. especially 1f you don't define wh~t )OU mean by "won." But the Amen· can people have already supplied the answer. We lost in Vietnam. The proof of that can be found in Nicaragua.

There. on the nonhem border. are some 15,000 so-called contras -organized and financed by the CIA. According to the president. these men arc the "moral equi valent of the t-ounding Fathers." He has compared them to Lafayette and hf talks of their opponents with utter conte~pt. The Sandin1stas. he says. are b.1tter~nd communist!>. thugs, and their regime 1s one of the most repressive in the world - a menace to the region, a danger to the United States. ..,. _

But he can't (' ongress to give the contras S 14 million in military aid.

Step back and take a look at what we're talking about. In Washington, Sl4 million isn't even money. It 's what some agencies probably spend on t\ pewruer ribbons or. if you will. on coffee makers. It's peuy cash, pcnnil'>. At the Pentagon. S 14 million 1s a 11p left on the table for General D}namics.

Tl) as he might. the presi~ent cannot get Congress to appropnatc c..,en so small an amount to the contras as milllal) aid. Republican congressional leaders went out. counted votes and came back with their hcadsshaking "no." It could not be done. Money is not the issue and neither arc the QJJalms about waging an u'ndeclared war. What thwans Reagan on Nicaragua is the sense that we have been down this road once before. It leads. in the end. to helicopters snatching Americans ofT Saigon rooftops.

The American consensus Qn the mauer 1s so fi rm ncH even the .strong. nearly hysterical. t·onvictions of a very popular president can budge it. On the MX missile, Reagan per­sonally turned the tide in Congress and won a victory that simply was not there when he began his effon. In fact. mcmbcr!i of Congress who feel that lhc MX 1s a turke> of a weapon -c:xpc:ns1 ve. outdated and destabihz-1ng to boot - caved when the pre'i1dent brought the full weight of his populanty down on them. Yet. when 11 comes to Nicaragua - b> Reagan's standards a much more 1mmcd1ate danger - Congress has backbone. It says no.

Ironically. Reagan himself may have contributed to has own defeat. He shows ever) evidence of not having assimi lated the lessons of the Vietnam War. He knows enough to TU le out tht:-use of American troops tn Nicaragua but his oaths lack convic­tion . That's bccau!!C Reagan sounds JohnsoncSquc in his - pronounce­ments about Nicaragua. As Lyndon Johnson did with Vietnam, Reagan so exaggerates the danger that Nicaragua poses and the si tuation there that he loses credibility. Who believes that the Sandinistas have created a Gulag? Who thinks that in a world full of stinking governments. the one in Nicaragua 1s amon1 the worst? Who bcl 1eves that a nation of 3 m1lhon poses a threat to its region -not to mention San Diego?

All this hyperbole in the name of 11nt1<ommumsm seems to a,1ve Amencans the Vietnam-willies. The fceh1Tr 1s based on a clear-eyed · a5c;cssment of the situation. Everyone knows $14 million is not going to do the trick in Nicaragua and that "the tnek" is not, a!> Congress was told in a secret report. to " moderate" Sand· in1sta behavior. but to topple the regime. Ronald Reagan has been talking about communi~ts and com­mun'ism for too long for anyone to thank he wants to settle for "moder­ation" - whatever that is.

Vietnarit made sophisticates out of Amcncam, For the political left, the war and its af\ermath took 1hc romance out of revolution. Few call the Sandini5tas "aaranan reformers ... defend their trampling of civil ltben1es or thmk the)' n~ the eitcusc of Amenean host1l1t)' to be hostile to Amenca A~ for other\, the romance has gone out of ant1-communast crusndC'!t that co\t Amencan laves and that seem. even wht'n lost, to have no ~fft'Ct on American security.

Who won 1n Vietnam? The 1' neither in a book by Niit~n nor a remark t\\ Reapn, but 1n con· vc,,1onal pohcy toword Ntcaraaua

Rlrbaiil • •yodkalH t'Olomal1t.

New OC freeWays would do 11Jore tlian good

To the Editor· The strong de\ernunation or Or­

ante County offic11ls desperately pushina for the con'Struction or the propo~ San Joaquin Hills Freeway (on Irvine land) wouJd have the public believe that this is the fint freeway ever to be built in Southern Cahfornla.

Subsequently, 1t will provide the only access to the lrvme Co. 's million doUar private esiates on Pelican Hills Road.

Joining the forces is Martin Brower, an advocate and former public relations employee for the Irvine Co .. who has taken infinite pains to impress on the general public the urgent need for additional free­~a_ys wit~ misleading and inaccurate mformat1on.

From the. sound of their broken record. these officials paint a very gnm picture. Thus: If the corridor were abandoned. we would all be doomed (revenue lost) and the af­fected cities could cease to exist.

In examining the California free­way system. it was i nterestmg to team that the corridor cities are already well-supplied 1 with an adequate nunftler of exisfmg freeways (as many as (our) ·in and around their respec­tive geographical boundaries a"ord­ing to population. Despite the strong defeat of P.ropos1t1on A last June -its prime purpose was to channel funds for three new freeways - the road planners have come up wtth their c reation en11tled De­velopers/ Road Fee Plan. After their land is sold and projects completed. we will inherit the problems of overcrowding. noise and air pollution

or it will s1mpl} create add111onal problems,

Question: If land developers have unanimously aarecd to pay the road rec to support their projects. why att they passmg the cost of new roads (which have a muhi·milhon dollar price taa) on to the con· sumer/ homcbuycr-rcnter'!

The fact that federal ps tax dollars arc being used on a strictly .. county project" is simply bcc4use five Or­ange County coogressmen. headed by Bob Badham (R-Newport Beach). "'ere instrumental 1n appl)ing press­ure to the subcommittee o n surface transP9nation. Special Legisla\ion H.R. S504. by Congressman Glenn Anderson (D-Hawthorne). chairman of t~e committee. passed the House last June.

Careful air-pollution studies b} CalTech. UC Davis and South Coast Air Quality Management District have warned the public that breathing excessive levels of auto exhaust. lead poison. nitrous oxide and carbon monoiude arc shortening the lives of citizens. especially children (most seriously affected) hving near or next to heavily traveled corridors. What an inhen tancc to leave the future generations! n~ availability of federal 'mone}

(highway trust fund) for the construc­tion of a freewa) ts no longer sufficient reason to build it. The la"' now requires the road planners to show that the need for the freewa} outweighs the DAMAGE which it inevitably will do to the urban en v1 ron ment.


Don't feel sorry for teachers To the Editors: We hear complaints because tnex­

perienced teachers are being given basic skills tests. How about the old­timers?

I work for several secretarial ser­vices and am appalled at spelling. grammar and punctuation in some of the matenal from teachers. I type theses. some with poor quality. on subjects that do not make teachers more valuable.

We hear about low pay. Probably some teachers would chmb in the business world to high salaries. but many would not and could not earn in other fields what they are being paid Good nurses. wmers. artists, pho-

tographers. reporters and others often start tower than teachers.

We hear of long hours. A few teachers must put in extra hours. but many are home by m1d-afternooo. or run other busmess. Man} who take gapers ho me to grade could work until 5 p.m. at school as most employees do.

We hear of pressure . Two teacher friends worked 1n business offices but quit to resume teaching be~µse the) couldn't stand bosses on their backs all da} .

There arc many a<;pec:ts of this "poor teachers" muat1on.

JEAN ADAM5 Newpon Beach

Columnist coins the 'Cohen'· To the Editor: It has been hard to stomach

Richard Cohen for some time; how­ever. his column of April 5 1s i ncredible~

To paraphrase. let me propose a new word for a statement that 1s at variance with the facts: a Cohen.

The first "Cohen.. 1s that the Sandinistas are movmg people ou1 of combat areas. One of the largest relocations within N1cara~ua has been among the Miskito ind1ans who live along the eastern coast. Hardly a combat area near the border.

Another "Cohen" has to do with the d1ss1dent leaders. The best known of the contra leaders. Eden Pastora, 1s a former Sandinista hero who could no longer go along with his com rades - hardly a former National Guard


officer. 1-\ third "Cohen" 1s that

Nicaragua's tanks are 25 to 30 )Car' old. The T55 tank was produced 1n Russia until I 979. It was al~o produced (in an export version ) 1n Poland and Czechoslovakia as late as 1983 In addition. T54/ 55's haH· been regular!) retrofitted for man~ \ eftrS. · If Richard Cohen belie, es v.hat he wntes he 1s extremely na1H·. If Cohen knov.s that '>Ome of what he 1s writing 1s not correct then he is consciously disseminating commu nist propa· ganda and should be wrnrng for Pravda instead of the Washington Post (although. at times. their ed1-tonal positions are vef) similar).

NORM.\N B. LAW ON Newport Beal h

Double standard lambasted To the Editor:

How long must we put up wnh double standards b} the police and courts?

City Councilman gets a slap on the wrist and is taken home in a squad car. Read your own paper and count the Jaws broken. Felonies reduced to misdemeanors; all of these cases have ~en wntten up in your paper.

I quit taking the Pilot after }OU soft­!>Oaped one case in mind. This after taking the Globe Herald into the Pilot for 26 years.

To the double standard. I rece1.,,cd a 11cket for unsafe backing. No accident .. S4 7 fine

DAVID YARN.\L Costa Mesa

.. Economics: The road to peace To 1he Editor:

On pnl IS. 8111 Harvey made the comment In his column that " all we must do to achieve world pcat't ico to stan imponina Russian. Chinese and maybe lranian cars" I don't kno"' whether he ta id that purely 1n Jest but . he ma) have been closer to ahe lrulh than he rcah:icd

Althoulh wmc ao.Hmments Wiii not rccoan11e our cultural. 1hcoloa1· cal and ~loa1cnl in1erdependenc1e11. few will arauc aaain"t our economic 1nterdcpenacncc F.ven thouatr 11 would he morr idetll for u' to reahze the 1otn.O.Slc .. nJw:..o.f ca'h person and.. hve peoacefully with each other. 11 is

much .more l1kcl> that th<' ~'t-aht of

the almighty dollar. or franc or yen. will be the bind ing fom: in kc~·p1ng the peace.

o let'!! forgrt the idrali'm for tht.' moment and work with what wr ha ve ~-'i 001ld our econam1c inter­dependence into a 'trong framework for atobal vowth and the alle\ 1111on of M>me of humanit)"s arcatc•t 111' (e.g. arm race. \torvauon. pollution. disease. etc.)

Our own civil war ma\ hn"ot:irted dur to thr ~I vt•t)' 1"llt'. hut the North brought tht ~outh NC._ for pure!) cconom1c. not ahru1Sl1 ~reasons.. •

RRI \ N FO.\ T ltun11nston fk ch


ti I l

OC airport - tiger by the tall To the Editor· Nothing could more clearly point

out the obvious environmental ca tastrophe- in -t he-mak1 ng than PSA's request to have unlimued BAe-1 46 flights out of Johfl Wayne Airport.

Hopefully first state SupenorCourt Judge Schwab and later federal Judge Hatter will recognize the following:

I . A far too small parcel of land scr"ed by far too inadequate streets. and surrounded by mtense res1dent1al areas far too clo~ to the takeoff lanes call for some sensible hm1ts on the "olumeofacuvit} out ofthat a1rpon. More traffic must be handled by better transportation to exrsting air­ports (Los Angeles International. since 11s expansion. 1s nearly empty of congestion). or the creation of a new airport.

2 The Board of Supervisors has a tiger b} the tail - no wa} does 1t seem to be able to control events. '\fter

years of fighting for 55 flights up from 41 - based upon promlses of55 a~ a ceiling for at least 5 years - 11 can't e'en meet its commitments for 1v.o lousy weeks!

3. The termmal size control~ air­port volume - to restnct the size of the facility is the only way to keep out environmentall) destructive. un­mitigatablc flight actlVlt} . The EIR cannot provide a proper projec11on of use. because the plan begs o'eruse' No EIR can ever compl) with state law because the environmental im­pact of the noise. soot. gndlock and nsk of occasional raining hot aircraft parts will conttnue to expand. The 73 flights promised as a lid when the new terminal is completed will be no more honored than today's 55.

Our problem 1s not measured in I Os offligtns. but 1n tOOs'


Airport keeps getting better To the Ed11or route to destinations a) tar awa' a~

Chicago. · What a JOY to be able 10 make a fi' e­

m 1n utc dn ve and be able to board a

Orange Coat OAtl. Y PrL.OT /FrWjey, APrt1 21, 1911 87.

To the Ed11or: If a cnm1naJ en&cn ) Our home

intent on murder, rape. bwpary or robber) and siun\bles ovtt your b1qcle while leavina the house. should he be able to sue you for ct.main b«au!llt or h151 in~unct?

Anyone who says ··~· is either 1 lunatic or a member of: J) I~ As\embly Jud1c1ary Comm1ll« in Sacramento or 2) TheCal1fom11 Tria.1 Lawyers Association. Sin~ 1968. criminals and thugs

have had thC' nght to file damaJt l.awsu1ts apinst their victims for 1nJunes that occurTcd during lhe course of commltli,ig a cnme Lunacy. Who p ve them the na}lt., The state Supreme Court. who el11t?

Why hasn' t the Lcg1sla1u~ passed a law to correct i.o stupid a situation1

Sltay-five ol lbe aumu 80 mcmbtn want to, but mat JudkW, CotomU· tee .:.. whote memben nai thousandt of d.oUan in cam~ funds from the Trial U W)"m A.; aoaatlon - lw blocked evefl' bi1C since 1979 and may block AB 200 &bi year. Unles ~. the peoplt, ,et~ and le-t them we wan1 A.1 200 passed!

Call Assemblyman AJi ltc McAJiJter 1~9 1 6) U S-7174 or (4011 263-SJOO pr mail a let~ to State' Capitol. Sicramcnto 9S8 I 4, and k Jt him you support AB 200 and want i• passed. Othttwttc. you JUSt mi&bt W the next vtetJm o( a lawsuit. a.n4 hlVit to pey off the same criminal wh~ already has victimized you. ..J.

DENNIS It LYNN J>f:RRl~ Costa Mesa

• • r Thanks for confab 's ~uccea I

adv1~r. Les Johnson. UnJvcrsi~ High. JCL state chamnan; all of o terrific students and 1?3rentS 11 COM Fred Cutler. COM lighting director; Tom and Barbara Moon and Teo Tyler. architectural advisers; Man.n• Corps .t\1r talion. El Toro; 0r:

To the Editor The ft'Cent Junior Classical Lea~ue

(onvent1on at Corona del Mar High School attended by 700 'Students from the state of California was a tremen­dous success.

'\s 1n an) endeavor of this kind. people are the kc} 10 the quality of the e' ent. We had quality suppon m so man} areas - the kmd of quality that ~a' e an idea substance. made the 1mposs1ble possible and forged a commun1t} spmt that will nol be forgotten.

The i.uppon &nd intr:rest of our comm unal) leaders provided the stimulus to create an outstandmg opportunity for our young Latin students to panic1pa1e in three days of fun and compem 1on.

As conven tion coordinator. I wish to public! ) ackno" ledge the special contnbutions of the following people· Michele Cella ( orona del Mar Latin

. .

. ,

Norman Loats. deputy supervit0r1 Ne-...1>0rt-Mesa Unified School Dis. tnct. Dr. Dennis Evans-; i>rinci~ Coro na del Mar: Georgiana Mcl...eOO: , ·ice pnnc1pal. Corona de! Mar. '

It 1s gratifyins to expcriencc th• teamwork and cooperation of aJI of \OU \\ho rallied to ensure the excel ience of1h.1s endeavor. , ·

" Quaht) 1s neYCr an accident: 1t is alwa)S the result ofintelhgcnt effort."" as John Ruskm put it.

ThaAk you one and all! CAESAR VOS SALUT AT.

JOAN D'ANGELO Balboa Island

E'er since I have lived here m EastblufT subd1v1s1on. I have been delighted to hear the planes fly ing overhead. knowing that some b,usi­nessmcn or citizens of our lovel) county are in the process of starting a jOurne) to some distant Cll) either for business or some personal task.

jet and be on your way to man> new • destinations without being subjected .. -·--. ' ,

These past few da)S. smcc the number of flights out of John Wayne .\1rport has been expanded . 1t has hcen more enJO)ablc. since I know those same people can now be en '

10 the 1111-hour rtde up the San Diego freewa) and all the mess at LAX.

The people responsible for this tremendous service 10 the ctt11ens of Orange Count} desen.e all our grat1-~ tude and thanks .

GEORGE T. KROSSE Newport Beach

Keep up pressure on Marines To the Editor· Please continue )Our. relentless

reporting on the pollution of our Newport Ba y b) the Marine base. Please don't qu11'

Don't let them hide behind the

1mmun1ty ofgo,ernmcnt protection · Harass them unmernfull} v.11h dally rcport10g.

Thank ~ou. E\'EL YN MOODEY

\le" pon Beach

Wleder's forgettlng Holocaust To the Edito~ Al th1!> 11me. the world com·

rnemorates the Holocaust with speeches that appeal to the consc1enn· of mankind 10 the effect that 1h1s awful event will nc' er be repeated.

Recentl y Su pen 1<;or Ha mel Wiecler made a two-wetk. all-e'-. pcnses-paid lnp with her hushand to South Africa. llpon her return. she made the statement that we <;hould not judge that countr) and that 11 1!1. <;lov. I) heading dov. n the road of change. Sh\' amaL1ngl} failed to \t'('

the parallel' tx·tv.een the o;11uat1on 1n 'iouth .\fr1t·a and'Naz1 German) .

While she was there. peoplt' werl' bemg shot down 1n the street'\ and 'ihl' could say that she sav. the in' 1tat1un " a!> kind of a compliment ..

I sa) "shame on )Ou·· Su pen 1<,or \\eider You do not reprcc;ent mt· or m) sentiments about that countr. and 11s '1olat1on!. of human nghh

Much of the world dcmt>d ''hat'' ;i, happening to the Jews Ywht>n m1ll11>ll\ were being murdered I pra' .it th" time that the conscience of the \\lirld 1<; more senslli'<C to the bru1.il11' 1, outh .\frn.a tod~'

\1.\R .iORlf '\II \ '\() ll unt11Tgton tk.il1r'

Sainthood for Father Serra To the Editor for the past lcv. month'i, there ha"

b(.cn some pu~hc11~ concerning the dTort b' thr Knights of Columbus organ111i11on to have Father Serra of ( aliforn1a Mission~ fame. to be declared a saint in the Cathoht· Church . I'm not ure what cntcna " used 10 ha' ca pc non dcclarc:"d a samt but I doubt 1f Father Serra quahfie .. I'm sure hc felt he was domg God',. will. but I hardly thm._ that God would approH thr methods u~ to con.,,en the California Indians to ('hm11an1t~

( af'\ McW1ll1am'\. m his book. uthcrn C ahfornua Countn . de·

clarc' that there \\Uno " romant'C" to the m1'i'i10n'i a\ common I) behr' ~d father Serra and the pnc~t!> 'A Crt

accompanied b~ pan1sh "1!\.11\'t' "'ho togethrr rounded up 1hr "mpl<' Indians 1n tht \1lrlOU" .irta' o t ( ahfom1a .md forn'll them Ill he· come "C'hn\llaM" and th<'n hullJ and hvC' tn the m1'>'>1on \Olllpounih If any csca~. the~ l.\ Crc rC<'aptured "' the soldier\. forr('d to rrtum :ind punished o\\ 1\ \\ell kno" n mJn' tnbes of lnd1.iM c-om plrtt'I\ d1~p­pcared 3\ n rr~ult ot th<' "p.m1sh t'OnQue .. t.

Pcrhl\~ thr Knight~ ot l olumbu-. organ11at1on should con,1dcr -..·11nt hood for the ctplo11rd Indians v. ht1 suffered at th<' hand\ l)f the \p.1n1\h C'hnsuaM

ROBE:RT l: FRH\1 \l\i Hu nun-ton fkac h

For the babltual letter-writer f U lht' ld1tor: _ OC't'd II

t think )OU ouiht to Jl'C Mr Jim Bolding ht'i ov.n column He sttmi. tt'1

1' :\ \1\ f R'\ ( OStl \k

, ' , . # ' . . ' .

I ' -..... , '

~\~~I ~"~\., l_, ~~"' · ~ .. ~

Gun ban vlolently·opposed To the Editor· .\nt1-gun bigot\ are at 11 again'

.\sscmbl~man .\n .\gnos tSan Fran­cisco) has mtrod uccd a bill that would (I) violate First :\mt>ndment publi· r ation rights and I 21 '1ola1e Second .\mcndment arms right'>. b\ 1mpos-1ng a partial handgun ban 1.>n C.ih­forn1a

His .\B I 'ilJ\I \\Ould pro' 1dc im­prisonment and or up to a $1 0 UUO tine for puhhsh1ng certain infor· ma11on on malh1ne guns. and v. ould outlav. all dctarhahlc m.ig.:i11nc' ha,1ng .l capaut~ of I~ or murl' rounds of dmmun111on tor an' tire· arm

Thl· effeu v.ould be 10 ba n lrom ( ahlom1a man' e\ cdlent and popu· lar lJmm handgun\ the \\Urld-rt'· nl'"ned Rrov.ning Hi- Pov. er 1ht•

Beretta Q2 models. the n<'w M9 l 1 S ..en ice pistol adoptffi in Janua~ (8ereqa 92- B-Fl. Taurus f_QPll'' ol the Berettas. the respertetJ C 1cch ( z 15 and its Italian copies.F I [ Tl - 'i and E\ca m T .\ QO 1he ad ,anl'Cd ll'H GB model and others . .\ho banned " ould be the fkrett.

\1odel 1 in ': ca hbc.·r and th<' Brov.ning BD.\ and Bereua 8..i hi•1t. in ca liber 380

.\gnos learned nothing from nur c,mash1ngdefea1 ofthe Propos1twn '' rl•g1s1ra11 on-1.·onli\l at1on measua· ( 1un uv. ncrs and tho!>4.' v. hn belieH' 1n our Co nst11ut1on should thorough!\ and prompt!~ denounce the 1d101 bigot~ of .\B I 50'l and the nincom poop -..ho authon•d 11

. FIELDl'\( i GRE.\ \ [\ l t ( ol fRt•t). l ' . .\rm '

Bombs can't make us secure To the Ed11or I haH'. a couple o f qul'<.tmn' tor ~I r

~tnt'n M Hu\t1ng 1Da1 h Pilot .\pn l I!!) Hov. tong and huv. man' mort• homb .. "Ill 1t• l<l but Id our ·· ..e1.·urn' ., .. Don't \H' ha\l' cnl1ugh nudcar arm\ 1n \11.>rage and 11t)311ng Mound 11ur lk.eun' ' Pcrhap" 11 1\ lime t<l <lPt"ll ~nur c.H'> and li~tcn 10 1he \1.1cnt1'\I'> dtx-tor' Cll. v. ho arr telling U'> the fa ct' o t' \lur o\Crbu.ilt nuckar "11.11.•1,· Thn arc not '\tupid or na1' c ~opk

r hl• OJI\ l'tl' he\ 1n lh<)'t' \\fill

h1.'11c' c there " .. omc 1oon ti l '~ unl' in <,pcnding billion' of dollar-. 1n hudd1n~ m0rt' l'lomh' w aJJ 111 thl' lt'n' nf thousand._ .ilH·.id' in l' 1\ll'nr1.·

\\ Jr h,1, h<.'Hlmt• 0h'\okh.· thJnl..' 111 1HH ll'lhn0log) That 1, "h' v. 1· mu'il u.;c nur pt)l.\C'rfu l Jlh .inn·' 111 find ".l" lll d1min.:1t1n[l lhl' 1hrt•.i111 1

".1r \\ \' h,I\ l' hut 1lne planl'I 1h.1t \\ l .l

1nh.it11't Ru,\13n\ and \ ml'n• an' Jlhl

dll lit her nation<, ah l-.e Lt "'ould lal..l ,,.,1, a frau1on of our e\1s11ng arsenJI 111 iurn mo\1 ot us into 'apors and lt>a' c the re"' 10 dle'slowl) under tht.' ~lanket of a nuclear Ywinter dl',lrtKllon 1:ould occur within thl' n\' \ I \I\ l'T}lnute'I .\nd ~OU consider th3l <,("(Urll\.,

The lirt>po"'er of 1ust one of our Pt• \l'ldon "ubmanne can destro' n\l'r ~IXl of tht· ~)\let~· largest ct lie\ hut '' r ha' 1.• \I o;uch subs and lO "mila1 Polan' .. uh<. Can't \'OU find ·,l'1. uni' ·· in alone? ·

I ha't' t\\ P 1.hildrcn to ra1S(' and I lll'nd to \t'e that the) Inc a sak

"'' url' life frl'l' from the fear that the' "Ill not h'e h.l adulthood because of tlw thrl'Ilt of nuclear war I am willing 10 t'x·1 that 1f ~ou ask an) tcen-agc1 '"u '"It find that a large maJont' 11t 1hrm h<.•lil'' C' that tht) will die in J

nm ''·If " 'hrrc 1s their ~unt' · 8<\RB.\R '\ GE1l1f R

Laguna Bea\ ~

What will Reagan 'hear' ne.rt? T n thl' I d1tor rhr pre'ltdl'nt l'i tx'-jtlnning Ill ht•.ir

\ 1111. l'\ f IT'ii hC' heard the f)OJ'X' \8 \ th.II ht•

.lgrt'l'd v.11h him on the ' ilJraguan

' 1tuJt1011 "'nt. 1t' apt to ti( God demanding him to hlo-... up the world 1,1r the> of humanit't

ROBERT J i\CK . Corona dcl Mar

-- -- - - ---------+--- - - ·

I • .. • ,



MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

" I tried to explain i t was iust a tow-in, but he·s making us stop anyway."


o~o. 1 c.M.f T






by Tom Batluk DOONESBUJlT b'S' Garry Trudeau

Qt.4Y. KJP$~1j8#RJ ANPfUP. 116S<a JUST l6Rll£ 1£ !l/llQ)j


; ~ANTKJWI· , ..,,.,,. TOii

BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) SH·O-E~=::::;::======:::::t by Jett MacNally


14 . 1. .. ~ " Juat you wait, Ted Nelaon. One day YOU'LL get an auditing notice from the IRS."


..Y.~~ ,11/ --;~~




by Jim Davis



by Ferd & Tom Johnson



by Harold Le Ooux


~ ~·r!~ SK'tWZ. I ~·r ~ NK '10(.J'U. EVtR ~MUSIC.­





by Charles M. Schulz


BLOOM COUNTY •. II PIK£ WffH NO INWFflE55 I M:J ~_I M) 1'/X£5 I /.t') aJ5<Xl,5 -CtlC£ I EXJ'llWl)N, M KtTS IWP~.~IWY f()f(tf6N Cf»f~nn~ / •. flVtE~ I All ~VOii{ I


by Berke Breathed

~KA / NO/ f'1 I I I I



- IH15 IS \"\r\AAl1 ! , u22nis M~'"' FPeES ATU'5 T~HTHE. WINOOW!

~'' · """-iii-6-1 ..... ll!P' ROSE IS ROSE

BRIDGE North-South vulnerable . South deals.

NORTH + AJ 3 " 10 5 o K 83 +AK 85 4

WEST EAST + V9'd +Q I0965 <:;> KJ6 32 \l> Q98 0 10 9 5 4 0 Q62 •JI097 + 62

SOUTH • K 8742 <:;) A74 0 A J 7 • Qa

The bidding: S..~ W•1t North Eut 1 + Pue 2 + Pat1 2 NT PUI 3 • PaM 4 + Pua PaH PaN Opening lead: Ten of o.

Trump Coup Tommy wu begin nlng to enjoy going to the club. a diaaatrous beflnnlng when all 1uit1 split evenly and. 11 a rHult. Tommy wu down a small fortune. trump were starting to brtak t htt way Tommy likf'd. At our readers know well. Tommy ill a duffer who becomf't transformed into a «tnlus wlienever trumps art uacked against him - wt art still trying lo

l1M NOf u=:niN. t-ER GET' Tt-E

BeSTO:: 1He:. \Ai)RSf OFMe.P. HE::~

b Tom K. Ryan CJ--·...--.-

EASY FOR TOMMY Cind t he cause or this phenomenon.

Tommy and his partner bid well to reach four spades. By now, club members knew better than t.o dou· hie Tommy on the at.rength of their trump holding.

. -<:;1 K 6 0 9 5 . - • Q 10 9

<:;I Q 0 -. -

West led lh• ten of diamond• to ~­the queen and declare r 's ace. What seemed like a routine hand began to

+ K 8 7 '7 -O A ·-

OMAR 0 SHARIFF .... ~l

present problems when Tomrr.y led a trump and Wt!lt showed out. Detlarer rose with the ace, then cas hed his three high clube . Naturally , Eaet did not ruff,elufflng a diamond instead, and Tommy got rid or a htart. Eaat parted with another diamond on thf. fourth club and Tommy ruffed.

He cashed the ace or heart.a a nd exited with a heart.. Weat won and led a diamond for hit partner to ruff. This arl11tlc tnding had now ~en reached:

• JS 'V -

-b K + A

. r

- -·-· ~



No what Eaet choee to do. ho could not get more than one t rump trick m this position. He elected to lead the queen or hearu. Declarer ruff d in hand, dlacardlng the board's club. t.hen led the ace of diamonds. East was forced to ruff and t hen he had to lead away from the queen of trumps into Tommy'• combined K J tenace.

Fer laforaadn abeu& Clila.rtu Goree'• MW MWU.U.rforaww,. pla7en, writ. G!r•• 8 • L.U.r, 1909 Cluuaa.... Av• .• C......_.. toe, N.J. 08077.

. •.

.. r


Supervisors partially lift r~gulatiOns on ambulances

- ~- ---~~~~

Deregulation is for unincorporated areas, butflrst step toward county~wide action By JEFF ,ADLtR Ot "-Oellr~""'

Orange County supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to p11rtia lty deregulate ambul~nce service in un­incorporated portions of t he county. the first -step 1n what they hope eventuall y will be t:oun ty-wide de· regulation of ambulances.

With Supervisor Ralph Clark absent. the board voted ~O 10 grant

. .---preh minaf) approval o l an am­bulance deregulation ordinance that would permit ambulance companies to solicit non-emergency business throughout the unincorporated coun-

1y •a nd eliminate the current am­bulance pricing structure.

Board Chairman T homas Riley called the _proposed ordinance. sched­uled for final adoption by the board on Apnl 30. a "commendable effort."

The measure. portions of which

were opposed by tht' OranRc Counl\ Ambulance Assoc1a11on would

• Dcregul:ue non-emergency am· bulance service by assign ing am· bulance companies geographic response area~ for emergencies only All o ther forms of ambulance trans­portation would be unrestricted.

• Stimulate competition among ambulancc companies b} establish· ing only maximum rates for publtl ·~rety dispatched transpons. such as those required in emergenC} s11u­at1ons.

Under the new ml·asurc. am­bulance compa111e'i throughout the unincorporated t:O!Jnt) would be

perm1ttt'd1o set compe11t1ve rate<; for non~mergency sci"\ ice~. ~uch a' transpart1ng patients to and from hospitals or nurstng homes.

Also. the ordinance would abolish the count) 's mtn1mum pnce for 1r.insportmg emergency patients to hosp11al emergency rooms. such as person!> injured in auto accidents. However. maximum rates s11ll would be main1a1ned in the new lav.

Thr intenm director of 1he coun­t' 's Health Ca~ Agenc) . Robert LO\ e. told suPc:rv1sors II IS the count}·,. hope that the deregulauon d)on "111 be soon followed b) tht'. tount) 's 26 cn1es.

India's capitalist movementgaining By BRAHMA CHELLANEY A._....,. "'-Wrlter

om1c strategy 1s on less state rcgu­lauons. a greater role for the 1nd1an pnvate sector and the lifting of curbs on high technolog) imports.

"The new pohc} is clear. The go' cmment should no longer be the po\lter above the people. 10 be lobbied. pc1111oned and propitiated for favors," said ?IJani A. Palkh1 vala. fiscal expen and former ambassador to the United States.

NEW DELHI. India - A quiet. capitalist revolution has been taking place m I nd1an economic policy smce Prime Minister Rajiv GanElh i as­sumed power more than fi ve month~ ago.

l he emphasis m the Gandhi econ-

The aim of Gandhi and his market­oriented economic advisers is to rapidly develop this country of 750 million people. 51 percent of whom hve belo"" the po .. ert) line.

The Gandhi approach 1s v1c,i.t.•d w11h concern O) public sector-onen-

HIW YOtllK IAP' I 61rrcnr NASDAQ .,eta!Mnt 81vvoor IMWINt MtlllMt Ille 8rwTom Md .... ,. eftlfl 11¥ 8utftli m.r1ret mellen H ef 4 8urnoS NI\. n.unav. P'rkft CNL F n de llllt lftdudl m.llCPT 11\Mtr- "'9111dlw" w CatMk cemmlulan for CalWlr ' T'lllWIClllV. CanonG Stodl Biel AIAI Canrad

AEL t 2S • 26 CapSwl AF APrl 37 > 39' ' Ce~n

Ace 1n t • 9•,, et1n A VM tl.. 10"- ~enrcor

Acuiav 11 , 71~ Mm$ ' AOecLb S • S\t IW'nl ta

~gr,lf:w 1~ ~ i"' lr,.,rc~' • "g•Clr '• ~ 11s81 A vllos •, 14 llUI A IBlll H . l•:i. ltUI B Alicoln ~ r.r~ Amcail • 1 'js low o AFurn II>.. I Olf' AC.reel 36'• 3 otl'\C!r AMldt It· 31 'ti int!.hr ANllns 32'• 33 lmwll AOuHr ~ ll · 16 nPaP ' Anadilt 6~ V • ordl1 Ano~ ll'- ll>• ortSt All9A t-. 9 -16 10,Tr Ae> f! .. 1 t_~F~ A 1 1i • • ) .t/: ~f·~LI 3, ; ~~ tlum Al~·~ 3S' • U:i.. Bffr AvflJtli. ~ 23 ' • elllbA

IBOO 1, 49 •!Md alrOC '• ••Can e H • ,. we't ll~Am I ~ , laCrv s :;:~ ' ij ! , ~ t lzLb • 1'> Ir I II' • ~ VIB l~lnc J • rl~n

• , ,,.. Ounto.O s 1'- 7:\0 Ourlron "" 2 Ovn~11 "~ •~ EalV•n 9' • ~ EconLb J • 3"- Ec!Crn» s·.. • EIPes 1&i. 11• EIOerB

31\l'l .0 l!IKBio 71 11, 2t"- EJtNud· 7 71111 Emcor

16:1.t 17' • Eme>Alr 19' "1 EnoCnv 1s• .. '~" !"'""'s" II~ 1 11'> olOll 1614 rmG , , ,,, l ,,, t<

2h: ~~'I• ~:r~~

'~ \o'J FINf!"I 1 31, Fluroco •l.a • Foner • • ~ ForAm }1~ u:~ ~~:,.~ 10''• ;g,,.. ~"-~. ~"• 29"'- FrffSG i' ~ Frtmnr

11~ ,i~ IFi;; 19. •'-lit "~ ~'• 6•r• reco s 9· 32 H· 16 ronsc 2•''> 2•'- §'tVAd 6"- ·~ lfAC>ld 13 ll"" vrodv • • ' "" H~ fo Vo"" ~~~~I

bo;:s loJ-n EHfr~n

' " .>iri. echoB ' • ''> enrdF

It l 19'• H09an ~ S • Mnn()i • • • PlftaEn 10~ 10\t Hoover 27"" 27,. , McCrm ll"' JJ•, IPenler ) • 11 • '- Horlrlh 3 3 • M<Fari ni... lJ PeooE•

2S 26 Hybl'llC 19'• 20' • Me«: re l • lloo PeooAI 19 • 19 , IMS l t2., n>. Mtc!E• • Petrlte l l.o t ISC 10 ' 10 • 19-32 I II 31 Pellborl

14'• IS tnooHll 2S>. 2S'•ln· Micom 2•' · 2S Pt\11(,I IS'• 16 fo lh c 27 71 MduW s 72'°' 23 • P>onHI • ·~ lnflrn 21.i.. n •1.1n- MclldC• 17>. 11' , Ponlt " '• 14:111 train l ' • l 'l'J lnrei MldB~ 1 31'"1 32'. Powell " .... 77i.., 21 In- Mlltlor 38 \o 311, ~GM I I ' • lrcEnr 2"" P • MOit• J3 33" PrHSJv

20"'1 ~ l'lfllfpn S7 ., SI Momet " • 'lO Proore>

i; 19 l118Wst1 12 • 13~ /1Aoftl.JC. JO>• 31 PDSNC

~ lwa~U 41 Hl9 ~eP 2S , 26 " Purt8n JamWrr 11 17' • Morrsn ., ... It'• OMS ' Je!Marl 7• • 11' MotCltl 141.o IS • Quadr•

~: • S~ J..-lco 191, 1911 Mueller 7p,., 22 1 Oue-C 1 , • S3' • Jonlcl>I S'"> ~ Mull,.,,d S7~ 57"'° Ae11en 1 ~1 , JotPftsn 9 91"1 N.,rgC 45 •Slo A•vmd 1 I -lit Joitvn JO, 31 NO•I• ,, .. II'· RffVH ,-. ~ 1(01var IS-16 l NM•crn • • , ReulrH , · Kamen 27 • 27 ., NlwllS ' 73 t 23 • 1R08<1S t

:Ill "- KtlvJn 1-16 ., NYAtrl S • ~ ROOMvr " •• , l(e!fvS A 371> ~.,, N~"<f 9· 1611-16 Aou~

?!~ n: ~E~: ~~ fl19:~ ~f:i', Bio;~ HIO~ ~!iii 14', lh, l(toOfG ~ 1' NwN I I • rPaut SI ' • Sl''I l(rwoi>eV :M>. • N•nl S •I e< l • S 'I l(rugr ' 14>.. l Nolltll ... 4 '1 te>H I t , • Kulc"9 17"' I lot NUCIPtl J ~ ~~ ala'e

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'• 16 MCI l "t 9 CA lnl •• > 6:1. wESv . ., ~· MeoGE 24 2• 1 Pa1>118 t 1 t lA I vran ' 1 ~1P1 J"'° J'• PcGaA 2• • 14'• ~ov '- ~. Me I ' 1 , .. Panipn " "' 19''1 perran

21 1 27>. Mau LP 4 "6 PaulPI 10' • 10-"" I tandv 1 13.A'·· 34•· Ma•Pt ••• •'• PHrMI 13 • 14 ldM+c

30 lO 1 ~dA~ SJ··. S4 I 2s•4 76 • ranno ' n ff I 1 '"'°I rrwC i SS 1 ' •,

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16 • 16 '! l..J.m ~J: {!l! l? 12., •noon W,' -,. 10 II Ttcum 10 ' 14' 11

t llemA , r. 1

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• 2 • n"" 73 +orar" 11· 16 •, 71 21,. ov~ 10 , !~"' II II;, t~'~jcl' t,',, ~ ,

S>4 6 UnPtlnnrr 7 •3 11 ., 17 I (J~f,1' l ' 5-i_., S' .. U r 1t 1 : ttt: 14 2•' • U r~ 12•, 13 •

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-~w .;:::., 1!!i. ~~~d5~. '?, ~2 IJN~ ~~~~· ~~~ ~t ~?c!:~. 16w .rn1 M~:,~~ Grr:-o; NL l ~~~ irn 16~ , i7.~~ I~~ ~t telleftl, supplied bv Cnarr Fd 6 63 NL Oestnv 1214 Selecl 1 70 • 10 lnlGv 10 12 NL C:,lol>I r 11 7S NL Octa" s d NL "'8 HatleNI Al..CI· Cno Dir 10 6' NL Olicv 20 00 NL VarlaD 818 161 LG Gvt 10 19 1061 GvlSc 10 10 10 201 Sil" Roe Fi' NL

~ef Sacurltles C~srnut S2.14 NL ~o Inc 2S 11 ?S '7 ISi Grouo Mui B•n 11 19 11 73 lioYIO 9 9:l 10 0 :o Oo 20 ~ NL , 1ne-, •re Cl NA Fut &CTI ''D NL Grwrn i"" 7.H Mutuer of Omana tiYMu ltlJ 1493 osc:• tM NL

IWICfl at wtlldl rw111 l 19 I' 26 klet IS NL t!Kom 71 '- Ame< 916 NL MuNV 10 SO NL e>«t '1 fl NL !MM ~ HIYld &<I 0 l2 Fr.Om 13 NL Trst Sii I 02 10 Grwtn 6 12 6 6S NDK 12 Sol ll 'lO toe" I NL ceuld ....... - lncom '.}I '·.n Gvl Sec ;" NL 1nc1usrrv 6.70 NL lncom IS9 934 OolnG 16'8 17lSI .. e. NL = ,.... Hwt MvnlB 1 1 1111nco 17 NL nl ,ln•il 11 66 12 1• Tl Frt 10.0t 10" QIVlnc 1• 9S IS,. OIRttt 22 Nl y « Nu1M Valut 11 12 H Yid 1 65 NL l"pl Porlfotlo MllQuel 11 12 NL Jhcn r HS NL Univ 16 NL IV• ~~--~ Colonial Fund' i ~ Mu11 J~ 39~ ~ou~v iH ~t M"' snr ssos NL u11111v lt3S 119S I S"-''~« Fun~s die,...) ·~v ~~~ lH2 ~~ ~r'ed 6'9 N~ H~~~ NL Net Av•a ' " 1032 Putrwom Fune!• f•"' 1}? ~ ~! A~P lnv•I I ~,11 f4.66 ManT 10~ 103 Ooln NL Nallnc:I II SS NL Conv IJIS IS 14 5~'(..',' tH sti

nlM I' I NL GvSec l I 4 MlllSC t NL. lnvaot 10 4S 1111 Beran 13•.e 151J Cto•I 76~ 9N1L. 1ron91n 1162 11 10 118d · • S NL Grwlll 10. I 2 NYTllS 10 NL Hllnco U 12 IS 11 llond 2S 3 SO CC Are> • " A S 1rn11T 16 Sl 16 68 • PGr lltO NL unc:I 1~ 1 t MMe 13 Ul IT ll Group Nol SKur•hH C•IT • 1370 l43'1i•ret c;m 178' NL

1tn NL HI Yid 111 1I NYhM MaTF u921s ... c. rxe ll631ll7 cco11> .,,,.,Il er1ncsn u20 I NL ~om t·~ i 1~ 721~ ~ tnv Re'h SOS SS1 FeciSc '' ~ 1 1 Eng~"' 1111 716 132. T1tmott1on Grouo NL unc . . ~c 1 " ISltl 13 S2 NL Grwlll ti Imo 61 I 6 Fro" II 07 " 10 "}Tu a 1 11 11 1 . 1 . rH I 74 0 lvvGlll HO NL Prefcs l I W o 1600 I '9 ~IOoal r 3561 mrg 1303 j•U u E• 1~1 run 1236 Nt 1vyl11.J' llS~7 f;L. lncom 1 i . Georo 11&7 111711 roo 11 !I It 1770 111nc "U ill COiumbia F I 14 10 N JP Grin U I 24 !IMtE 1 Grolnc 11 IS r .. tn 1013 11 1a

Uhll"<: 11 u I Gr111 2429 N n 1 t i Jen1n 17 Sol NL •• Ea • l Hllnco 11 710 •; ll f"9mM>n McK rnor Inc II 10 I I F l•~ I 19 Nt I ttR il°' JP lnco • to f'OCk I I 2t l Heann 17 s~ I I WorlO 12 S6 I) 1]

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ted economists who believe the prime minister is d1smantltng the soc1alisr policies of has pr~ecessors - his mother. Indira Gandhi. and grand­father. Jawaharlal Nehru. who go ... erned India for a ll but fi ve of the 3 7 }Cars ~1nce independence.

··The nev. economic poltc~ that as emerging will promote 1nequ111es and break the trad111on of self-rrltance which has helped us to build a powerful technological baw." >aid r-conom1st Raj Krishna

Gandhi has said his go\ernment will folio"- a liberal economic poltc~ to accelerate Indian modcrn1Lat1on w11h the help of pn' ate capital and wph1\t1Cated foreign technolog)

Some of Gandhi' recent mo'e-s cspec1all) the !>lashing of corporate and wealth taxes and cutting govern· mcnl regula11ons. ha .. e prompted commentators 10 compare h1'i 10-

1t1a11' es 10 those of Pres1den1 Reagan. Like Reaganom1cs. the Gandhi ap­proach is based on investment and product" 11~ .

Economic ltberalt1a11on alrcad\ has encouraged man) We!>tem and Japanese compan1e.-. to reconsider business oppo11un111es in India

The U.S soft drink giant. Pepsico. recent I~ signed 3JOIOH en tu re pact to in'cst $1~5 mlllton in the local manufacture of 1h famou!> tx' rragcs. .\nd I BM and Coca-Cola are ~aid to be intcrc'ited in rcturmng after a se' en-~car lapse.

Son~. H11ach1 Jnd o ther big Japanese compan1e<, are cager to set up manufal'tunng fac1ht1cs in India. Commt•rn· Min1s1r~ onic1alc; sa)

Gandhi'' ~)\ernmcnl . "hllh ""Ill 1n\C''il $~5 htlhon o'er 1he nnt ti\(~ 'ears 1n the electronics 1ndus11'\ . has remO\ ed controls On Imports Of ckctron1c and computc·r ll'Chnolog~ and 1n\ ned foreign electronic firms to se1 up factoncs

.\ccord1ng to the pnme minister. 11 India'" to progress. "to kl·ep up w11h the "'orld... H needs to rap1dh mcxkrnt1l' ll'> electronics induc;tr> "Electronics 1s realh ltke the nl'I"\ o~s "' 'itt'm of a nation.'~ hl' said · (1andh1 . cons1daed a computer

huff. <,a1d India "massed one bus" "''ht>n 11 la1k'd IOj01n the 19th centur\ 1ndu'itnJI rc\olullon and ··drdn't jump on lht· 'ell>nd hu" on 11me" during ttw pml-\.\orld \.\Jr II t•ke­tronll'' rc' nlullon

Indian' no" ··ha'I.' lo run heh1nd the ousanJ catch up to 11: he !>aid .. , 1h1nk "'l' arc capable of doing this··

.\!.a .,tart. Gandhi used thr budget tor the nc-... fiscal \el:lf, \\h1ch begin' "llh .\pnl. lO mak~ pohn ckl'lc;ions and lhangl'S that ha'l' bl·cn "•del~ \\elconwd b' markeHmented enrn· nml'lts as J ··nev. Jcar· for lhl' Indian Cl'nnonn

\n11 1n~ other things. the hulltil't l'\cmpted compan1cc; rn <;C\L"r.ll 1.e' ~ctor'i from licensing requirements

1 UPs AND DowNs

Security Pacific secures. $20 million for two projects

-Secarit)' Pacific Mortgage Corp. 1~ arrangin• mo~ than SlO million an

1inanc1ng for two Orange Count> commercaal proJ«tS. SPMC's Nt-wport Beach commercial office 1s prov1d1ng a SI 6 m1lhon. '18-

month conlltrucuon loan to Pacific Savings Bank fordevelopm~t ofa 176.000 squart'·foot spec1alt~ retail <.:C' ntc:r an Costa Mesa --J / M A11ocla le1 ol 1 r .. ine ha'> changt'd their address This creauve services makettng firm ha<; grown w fa!>t tn their fir<1t year of opera~ions that they have had 10 move to la'Jer quant>rs

The\ would lake to announce 10 the ad,ert1sms agencies of Southern Cahfornia that their ne" address 1s HS003 k) Park Circle. Suite Fl. In me

Maria Piscopo. ( O'ila Mesa-based markcttng consultant. has added busmess and marke11ng sen 1crs pre"1ous.I) available onl) from art/ photograph) rl·prc:sentatl\CS. These services 1ncluck finding chenti . 1mpro~ mg portfolio prei,entauom. planning direct mail cost-t>f'rccllH pron1ot1on!.. and profitable pnL1ng strateg1t'S.

Tbe Tropics Uroup of !".e""p<m Beach has completed 1ntenor horticultural dt''>tgn and 1ns1alla11on for Maida D1stnbutors Paci fic's headquarters in tht' Ir' inl· lndu!>tnal Compk\-E.ast. '

'Aatda ha!> contractc:d "'1th The Tropic!> Group for ongoing honicultural sen ice. according to l aune Rl·'in1ck president of the laodscapr firm.

~curily Pacific Mortgage Corp. has arranged a JOIOt 'enture bct\\etn the Lee Sammis Compan} and the Bankers Life for the acqu1s1 t1on and dl'' elopment of a HJ.acre s11e in the Irvine Business Complex in Irvine.

The S20 m1ll1on H'nturt' "as arranged b~ James Deal. 'ice presiden t o( ~PMCs Newpon Beach cornmemal office. •

CIE Terminals Inc. of In 1ne has form~ a Dealer Marketing Group which will nauonall) market a hnc: ofh1gh-end business penphcraJ products direct!} to dt'aler!>. beginning "•th a rnult1-mode scnal matmt printer pnc~ below S2 .000.

The dealer-direct l hannd is a major depanure for CIE TermmaJs which ha-; d1s1nbuted 11s terminal and pnnter products exclusively through mdustnal distributor$ and ()fM<i s1nu~ m formation m 1983 as a subs1d1ar) of C ltoh Electronic' Im

Interstate Appraisal Coq>. of :-..c:" pon &ach has announced tbe open in& of a regional office 1n R1,crs1de to sene the rap1dl) escalating demand for professional real csta.1e:appra1sal'> from land deH·loperHnd builders 10' ohed 1n the h1gh-act1v1t) Inland Empire

Scottish Pnde Light BeN. a full-tla\ored. 'J8 calone brev. that 1s produced an Edinburgh . Scotland. 1\ no" hc1ng introduced 1n the L' n1ted States b) Wisdom lmporl Sales Co ot In ine and CI B(O lmporttng Co 1mponers and sales and marketing reprl'\l"nta llws lor the brand

Huntington National Bank President Karl Bashore announced record profits for the lirst quarter 11f the \ear ~s ot March 3 I. net earnings "ere $1 02.000. The trend in prolitJb1ht' t'i. l'\pected to continue and the banl lools fo!"'ard to a record 'ear for 19!:<'\

Lasermed Corp. ol ( o'>la ~lesa ha' reponed that ll 1s a cash shortage which has been 1.:aused b~ and rc.,ultt'd an produc1 sales bdflg ~r than ant1npa1ed • •

The compan~ 15 <ieek1ng add111onal outs1dl' linancing tor its operations and 1s continuing d1scu<,s1on<; \\Ith potcn11al rmcstors

On Apnl 18 L' nicorn ln,cstrnents L1m11ed and L'nicorn lmestments II. L.P informed the compan) that the) "'ere rescinding their purchase from the: com pan::. on Feb !8 of SJOU.000 ol rnn' enable suhord1nattd debentures.on the basis of ccnain alleged v.arrant~ brcachc<. h' the mm pan~ The com pan' dr-;agree<; \\1th the alkga11on<.

~rthur E. c.;, endscn L hairman t1I tht' board o t Siandard-Pacifit Corp .. a ( <>'> ta Mesa-oased homchulld1ng firm has announl'cd unaudited results for tht• lirst quaner

'\let 1ncoml' for the tir-.1 ~uaner "a' S2 4 m1llton o r 3b ll'nts compared to SI 7 m1lhon. or 2-'*ents in the hkt• period a -.~ar ago Revenue<; for the quam:r '°"l're $43.568 \Oil :h rnmpart•d to S 15 I rmlhun rn I') -I

Walt Disney Produt>tlons hJ'> rl' flortcd thJt fl' l'nUt'' and net 1nlomt· tor ooth the second quarter anJ '"month' t•nded \tar~ h l 1 \'l.·n· thl' h1ghe\I 1n lh~ rompan~ ·._ h1sto~

For thc: ... en1nd llUJrll'r rt'\ cnUl'' n1<,c.· 10 -1 51 m1ll1on Jn l I pt'rt·cnt tnl·reasc from $4(1~ mrll1on fl1r tht• pc.•npd a \l'ar earlier Net income t<1r thl' quaner 1m~rca,t.•d t 2 f.X'rCl'nt Ill $1-1 ~1 m1llton M $ 1 IW a shan.· rompa('('d "ll li $ l I l m1lhon nr l-.2 Cl'llh ;1 c;h.trl' .1 't.'ar JtW \ln J higher numtier of shart' ' OUt'ltJndtng.

Wt-st ern Digital Corp. 111 11' irw h.1, ann11unn~d its rc\ula for tht' 1h1rd qu.incr and tirst ninc-nwnth r<'nllJ l'I 1i<>1..:il \l'Jr I %~ ended ~arch JJ

Re,enUL''> to r thr third ljUJrter lnl rl'J '>t'J t\r S-ll l mallttin or -18 perren1 t" cr that of the hl.c pcmxl l.1,t \l\H

'-cl earn1ngc; tor thl· thirJ 1.1uJrtL'I t1.1takJ S ~::: mtll11in and 1m rea'\.t'd ~1' p<.'rlcnt O\l'r that of thl' th rrJ 4uJna 111 I '>ll-l

Firs t Inters tate Mortj.tage Co. Housln~ Group h.1 ... rm\ Hkd SJ 'Im illi0n Ill Con~truet1on linil'°Ctng for hi I \11\\ nhl'l"l' unll' tt1 ~· ~l'' d 11(X•d 1n lht'. lit\ ''' ( ommcrct• ( .1111 \ wn \\ ( kml·n, .1rrang,l·J thl· t1nanl·ing lllf Homt-s B~ Polygon. h1·alh.JU.lrtca·J in< l"'·' \l l''·'

\'LI Corp. h,1, a1.1.trtl·d . .111qth,1.ll rn' tJt111n trnm thl' Pl•upll' ' Rt•pu~\ 111 { h1na's 4'itatl' f-Jmrl~ Planning l omm"'-'•lll 111'1"1 &·1.11ng in earh \ta' l ~X) 111 nren d1.,1..U\\lon' nrnn·rn1ng. thr rt1tn111..1I m.inutJlt unng and d1\tnbut1on nl 1t'I Toda'< ontr3Ll'f'll'l' 'ir<inttl' n l hin:.s

EIP Microwave Inc. 11t ' 1'"" rtirt fkJ \ h hJ' J nn1111nccd that 11 has rt'LCI \ l'd Jn order for S~SO.l)(lo tor m11. rt1\\ .11. l' tr1.·4urn1.' 1 ounw~ from the ~an .\nt11n11 \1r Log1.;11r ' < t'llll'r " 1'11' \ ir I 1•r• l' R.1<.L· Tl' '·"

fh1S 1' thl' ftlUrth orlkr platl'd "" l~l' \11 f Prll' Jg:tin'\t a requirement.._ llintrJl l thJt ha" ,1 r 111t· \ Jhll' •'I : t· : m1ll111n the com pan~ ~1d Tht pr1·\1ou<. nrdl'r' \\ \'ll' 111r 5: ·>_-l l •" t'lr nging thl' total order> t0 d<tte h• \\ ~~1 llO<l f hl· \1r I 111u· h.1, until lk, ~ I I•• l'\1.'r\.1 '-4.' m option on lht .1lhlrt111nal 111111' l lnwl'' ,., 1lwr\ 1' n1 1.1"ur tnll th.II the ~ir h1rce \\1ll l.'\l'ff1<;1· 11' llp1111n for thl' n:.1~•11ndl'T '' ' thl' \11111r,11.1 thl' l11m nJn' "'11d


Susan Duin named VP at BOA division Susan E. Duin h.1, tx·n1 .1pp1•111kd •hl prn1drn11.)! Rank of '\mcnrn·,

fnl\I \IJri. l'llng anJ \.i ll·' 1n '- •'"I"' 1 I~ .11 h ' hl· \\ 111 Ix• rl' 'rt'n-.1hll '"' 0 ,. ,i. , :1n 1·01 •'' nt' '-' .-.irporatc Jnd rx- r"<H 1

1ru"l~ll"ln•''' 'n<)r~rntz1 ( 1 I• .m.• '"" ll1q!11l <'unt' t'ritt J Mr brt- r h.1, 11•11wd \ \lll ,,.,, 1)1\l'f'ltil'J., Tnh n., l\IMI .,

dlH'\ IM nt' tlOtl I hi: 1 l'l h n" "Hln ,, .1 mon~ t hl· t.tt111 I' ,,, .t1l1 lt.1 tl•d1. l1m pa nu.'!> C()mpn,1 r ~ .,

\ 111a1an l)"''r"tied .1 11n.111 1.11 ,,r ,lu ' n'l ' lmen" real t'"latc dc,cl. ,• m~·nt hrgh tn hnt,log" pu1\l 1, ' ' .rn,l 'l'r' 11.l'' uint pan' based here.and act r\ I),),,, 111 \\ 1Jl'

Thl' T l'l h (),.. "11111 "'' 111\11•, 1hru· 111.111 1r p••\JP'> \ ltl•matl\ c l nt'r): < h1· and \J!.l llullur.11 P111\h1,h ,11hl l dt••' lllnn1n1rat1nn' ·

Katblrt-n !'l.rlson RiC'bwrd' h,1, l'l\'1.' l'I n.111 l .t dm'\!Ot 11! ...ak'i for the nt''' ll 11l1l1J' Inn 1n 11' tnl' T ht· h1•1 11ri\·111h 1.1i.i.·1, 1111't111, twn '"at th~· 1.:ornl 11t \ 11n "JrmJn \\l."!1Ul' ,111.I ti~· ~ II ' f l\'•' °",l\

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, WH AT NYSE Drn NEW YORK !APl Apr. 76

NYSE LEADERS NEW YO~K (APJ - S.le5 • • p.m. price

and " '' C:l'l lnQ• ol 11'1 fifteen moSJ active New York Stock Exchanoe luues , iradlno nat l on allv 1 1 more ll'lan J I. v.

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11 Ford.Mot 421/• - ~ AtlnaLft 42~ - 'I•

~T':bjf"" ~ = ~ estnAlrL • ~"· + ~ rown Zell .. -2~ le >CAlt X I -l ,.

Amer T& T .,.. - '" Goodv11r 11/• - ·~ Exx9n S ~ - ~. MldSOuUI 6 : 1 1/• - l4

NEW YORK (AP> - TM nt sl sPIOw& tl'lt New York Stock xchanoe •tocks end werrants ll'lal have oone up the most end oown the mos• bl~ on percent of chano.- reoardlfts of votvme lor Friday.

No ~urllltt.. trading t>elOw s:z are Incl· -vdtd. Net and percel')taoe cha.noes art the difference t>elwMn 1"41 pr•vlous closlno e>rl~ and ITrldav•s 2 1>.m. price.

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l ~ru~i'irse Lef 1 _cit Pcti1·1

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l Patric Ptr 'I• - 111 • Mtdtr,~~lc 2 V. - l 'h

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VMX 4 , 'I> -1

Goto QuorEs

M£TAts Quons

~ r •

That's an apt description of both business and business people a long the Orange Coast. To keep track of where companies are gotng and.which people are helping them get there.just watch 'Credit Dine· - every day In the Business s.~ction of your new llllJ pftaf-

THE OAI LY PI LOT <:I.AS.' IF'I ED Oft' lf.E llOl HS

T t- lephuu t· ~t·n in·: \lonclu' · Frida' 8:00 ·\ .\1. - .)::~f~ P.\1. Bui, int•.,., Cuunt t- r : \l o ncia~ - Frict a~ 8:00 \ . \ 1. -."):{)() J> . \ 1.

l>E \ Ill.I '\ f:~ l >t Bl .If \ 110\ 0 I· \ I >I . I \I· . ~1 0rHhl\ h1 \ .w p.111. Tuesda\ \Ion. t : ·rn run . W edrw~da ' Tue .. l :JO 11.111 . Thur.,da \ \.\' rd . L :H'l 11.111

· h ida\ lhur ... , 1::w p "' Sa111rdJt' h1 { :IHI p 111

....,unil .1' l-r1 UHi p . 111

\ '\ (. .... I. \ 110\ ,I{ C :4 )H HEC 'TU)'\ '°' :

oll ll ' t• lHll "' 1l ll d I 111'1t'I 111111 "' 11 1•1\

1 ... 11 1.1 d 1• 1111 ... 11111· d1 •,1dl1111· ... ,. ... rl11 1\ • •

l'l1·a ... 1· . .... i. f u t a 1 .111 1 ..ll.1111 111

n11111h 1· r \\ h 1· 11 1 · .1 11 1,· 11111 ~'111 11 .111 ERHOHS:

J -

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1985 811


.......... - ~- .... ~1tatr---..... --...--..-,--- c.r...LIL am...._. 1tM IUtaau flii Mat nu c.talllil mt

UUU lllllf 1M• YllW lmYllmY PAM OWAEM. 3 bedroom. #.,,,. *Furn. model 1br Condo. Waint coete.11 3bf yw1y? 28' 2a. Condo IC>llt ie¥91, 'faire iiQW fro ilt Beautiful s vr Old 4 bdrm, umt lllUI 40N ~. 2200 1q n. ~~;OC:· ~:.~ tPa/PoOI. v. m1 '°manna s~ to wewe 3br 21>e frpl, Wf/N/ dryf , ~ rM gar, • 1P<>O' No f: 1475

den, 3 be, v.cent - mutt 4BR 4BA, pe>OI, f8l'nlty rm. 38R 2'~ba. lQ9 tarn rm San1a Ana Neer. so' /beeicft. Owner 4"-2713 home upgtedeil 1 1050 at poof, .,. se50 55e-t200 ~1• alt :30 Mffl 1475,000. OwMt. 2 flrepl

0ae ... s.paret• Naw30yrroof. S199,000, Cout PlazA. lls.6,500: or(213) 24M827 53MUIO BaatAttyf• * 2BR dpllt. yard, gar, IREPLAC! ,. ooof. petto

845--5570Of131-7831 children 1 wtne. Sellar S10%dn, Ownr 786-05'9 Appolntm•nt , open ll T •i1•t .... a tatt Good .,.., M50. 637~8 X-lG 1 a 2br Apq E-fl~~. ·~ Celt ~Obin « 5ii'"'il fMI weakandt. 557-3344 en w r-• Bernard 65,_6001 Sida 1550 Up 657-2"41

• ......... Ona Bdrm, large dect! . comer location. neutret decor, open fMllng. com­munity PQOI. In Sand­cutle. l l~Jl H.Ml\

RMtt'ora, 115-eOOo

OlllUllLlll OUll

S tepe from the beeCta and • peek v\ew of the OCMI\. Add a MCOnd atory lor mexlmum potential or enjoy thla 3 Bdrm & dan, 2 bath cottage tor com· lortabl• llvlng . New plumbing . carpeting . paint 1nd decorating. Near lot value at 1329.500. Mk lor TRUDY


Snery1 831- 129e - l1 I Bblh' EXEC ae SL. __________ , _________ ... -Ugf-.,,.2.,,_.2.,.,'A.,.,e.=-=-Opla...,--wtth..,.

OPEN SAT 1-5. • WI* • • .... ,.,,, rl'ft, frplc. patio, v\ew ...... JltrU m s Huge )'d, dbl 4527 OAAINGTON. Ltva tn ,cott• and build ~Tr• tr lfttr 11295/mo. 720-0375 (1lu4 , 2111, West:fieid gar 87~842-teee

out • drMm ~ on 3bf 2be 5 Star 173-8022 I t .... L - ... 1treet to atreet lot . v. to · U • • ..,. ~onf. email atudlo, IPllW ll "' lncl-avatl Mfy oceen c.11 Aot. Supple. lllT MY • ~ . i365 P4IYI rant I 6IL rnc;a utn. pd, quiet :.= &Mutlful G.,csen ~ta Bdrm-atudlo. Pflv petio

78()..9534 or 6'5-911 1 Ftrhlrlll,111 o c un cl a abod• llnglal<C75 mol7 P8\I09. dad(a a ape ..0 OUletl<COOIU 8851 Emereld Bay remodeled 3 ' 72 L.vitt nom.. Cath. c:ieff- S3Ml90 Beet Poky... ltl Illa tBd. tum, ger, utll petl. . Yl.U Hmll bdrm 3 ba oceen View Inga. lge llvlng, dlntng & 5 bite• to ooeeri eieaant pd. '9 petto 6mo ... 1875 28drm 28a 1 700 8paelou1• Apta tga yrd, opt. avail. o1yi ktteh area 28R 2be. 5 cacsar & glUI 2ei 2~e. 1st/ let/l300 ctng. Call Liz 39& w. Wlltlon • 831·5583 Encl ger, patio, dttlWltw '475,000. firm. Prine. Star park Young adllttl l lamtly rm. ~. a.e-2.-e1 Frtfe73-4334 & stow. Moe1 utile tree only . 720 - 74 03 o r wek:oma. Ag16'40-5937 new crpt1 & drpe, frplc, SaVSunl-12 Af~:rc:,t~~h~Z,S: No~&nowatert>eda. evet/Wkndt 494-56-48 Build equity While MYlno- tundeck, dbl gw, fully lnrtllelfl ·~ OK 1 BR. 1 Par9Qll fr,5

IW,i t II ~ IOH tor ypur dr"m home. malnt yrd. ~8331 · JU... · t-8R, 2 P..-.ons 10 r IC NB eddr ... 2BR 1ba Huntt ton Landmark 88otlelor. a ttr.ctiv., • 1 BR. 3 PerlOM 1835

... , 111 ·~V.8. w .. tcllR fixer s3s.506. 548~2517 . Cood~3br 2ba w/gar.. Ptaiaaala UO'I eluded Euttlde. Utllt Ind 2323 ElcMn A7ve:.:~c M. upper. pool, S250K or adult 55 yrs or more. MC. P;\ln 31C 26:. cptaJdrpe, 1350 111· luf S2oo MCur- 546- e .... uuna unmu term•. By OwM!' Open act•• Pttt!y 135 area 1950/mo 536-7243 D/W • 'ii Mey 1 10 June lty 557-269 l WI lfftl l -

o~~n~~tl~~u:Bd~wn2 HOUM Sun. 1-4: 6-46-7534 22% llWI Large 4 Bdrm home 29 Nltly or month . CONDO 2Br 28a, den OYW Went a Mlee'tlon of gr•t I>&. + Oen Laurel M~ 24 unite .... than 2 yra Old. w/pool avail 511 S 1250. 673-9423 111 5 or wknc:t. ltrMml & falls. Cptt. IMng? We can on. any In Turtle Rock Hlghtenda *IHT llTI1* Aasuma axl1tlng low J ACOBS REALTY ma ••l llu drpa. trpl, miero, 2 car thing from a tmall apt to Townh()fJlel. Lower lnlt 2Bdrm Duplex. Steps to Interest financing. All 2 176-6 173 gar w/e>pener, pool & IPI • 4Ad Ma If k>O«lng In Quiet ioc.tlon with vi.w ~h $239,500. Owner Bd unit• 1ocat9d In San S950 No l*9 S.i-2447 CM.NB.or HB think of ut

a~v;· ~~··~ wlll help~h lln8':ng. tJern ar:~~800ooA1k l ng T~:. ~=t•!~\=~ avalt Mey 1, 6-40-71 89 Oll'fl.U :!,~that c:toce of

181~~ cu~ D~ Irv. •. R H ' ~~9.'.;cr~ ::: R~~ 1~25 Oceandpvt2g•t•131000~· New·e-~~plu T~i ~~L TY ~t ~~ l .. llOO 0 Traditional -- conv en bl ... o R ..... f t

• P Q lniat 2244 $ ~/yrly 213/928-1844 eau7 or occupancy n ••••U1• - I aatr u Realty ·- May. 2Bdrma S530/ mo & , _

l.YllE TEIUOE E s 631


28r 2ba. wOOd tioors, C11ta na iifi 'l8drms $e05/ mo Gu 1 & 2 Bdrm apts, pool, ape, R f frplc , micro, dbl garage, •••• M Ill range, garbage dltpOMI. lndry rm, petlo. belcony

4 Bdrm all with a garden T $900/ mo. 844-2227 - d lltlwstv. retrlg & cerport No pet• 1585 to $695 view, 2'~"•· dining room . V All UTIL TIES PAID For lrtlormatlon c.11 TSL MANAGEMENT

( li1 ·1•k \ 11 111 .1 d ti .ail \ .i11d 11•p11rt trplc, oeramtctlleftrt, ......., 642-lS SO 2 HOUSES Costa Mesa **IEITALI** Comparebefora yourant . TAA&--M 754-00810<6-42- 1803

I I 11 pool, colorluHeAdteaplng Gross $19,200. $172,500 Newly decoreted, cuttom , .,... -• • "--- p nror .. 1111 11 11·1 1.1 lt' \ 11· I) \I I \ F" tand S475,000. 15% On. Owner Don CA~~v~~fr~:~NG dHlgn feature , pool, (7H)ltl IMO .,... •t flZI P II () I , , ,,t11 111·, I 111 hil , 1' I ur I h1· I 1 r .. 1 WAGNER R.E. 17!J-2724 *If IWIEI * Goguen 497-6287 bbq, cov'rd garage, aur- S.r.een hm-Spfn Mon- 2BR. 10. encl. ~ .. toe> 111 1·11rn·1 1 111,1· rl1 11 111111I ' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---.-- -n-·---•• -- '8r, 2 'hba lnSeaviewpr1- 2MPuntt .. SAHelghta. 2 lm 110tldl11ftJ roundedwtthplulhtand- day thfoughFri<1ey . 14 · l'\111 , xltnt location.

.,.s; ._ vete community. Com- & 3 Bdrms, lg rma, lowelt 711-llOO seeping. No peta 1Br furn Cot111g9 type 2Br 1e.. M95/mo (714) 97...,.288 (' I \ S ' I L' I L'D 1... 4.2 -)()-u MIUMLlll IAYllOUllYllW pletety redec. new cpl.a price In ••eat Seiter- 365 Wiiton 6-42-1971 _, • p tlo Ind g . •-' . .- .-. " • -' ' o Wll- - AIC, tpa. 1349.000. Exel. •-'II 631~7"""1.,. 1 _5-190•- RANCH 4Br 2Ba, frpl, p .. n, a , ry gar-

...,...,. wilk to beach. gtam- 11 ancln 640-114 1 ...., ~ '" $ 1350 Incl pool/lawn tvc, Utits pd, enci gar. tmall age Rel• req M 75 mo • *a.en.or apt w/ldtc:Mn & bath. An ut ll1 pd S4001mo. ee 1-3653

I Great corn•r locatlonl our<X.11 lrvlne Terrac• n g ILll OllP PllPllTlll water. Nl amkr fem. Dyl 1Bdrm. 1 '*'°" only. S600 dep<>llt No peta.

...... ftr lal t ...... ftr kit O<:eenslde of PCHI Walk home:• Bdrm•. 3 baths, -. -H_V_H_S,_O,_M_ E __ R_S,...E000

T-. _M_an_y 552-477 1, Evn/Wkndl S450 No pell s.t&-8251 Avail May 10th. 846-8128 to the beach! Large 3 entry court with elec1rlc upgrades, good llnanc. la•aatrlal Pr11 1379 875-3357 or 642-0350

ltatral 1002 ltH11l 1002 Bdrm lrontunltwlthflre- ~ate,hugecoveredpetto. $389,000. 760-8861 SalelTrade for 11 i 250k Baat.ltacla 0 Eastlk!e 2 BR 1,,.., b1 gar . .... ...,.. flii 28r 11/tL: bitins. :na oar. w/ d hkupa, e<lCI peOo $700/mo, QNr\ & QUla1

536-092 1

*llmll* IAYPllllT ~~L1e~urn ~~~·.~:~r,: g~r~~m.eet~~~· 3,;:~ *LIMCUlllll* eqty-M-1 t>tdo•63 1-44 14 R:~c:n°0~·t~:.~u~r2!: lllTIUCl'lfllm townhouse a<1J~1 to 766 ALLEGHENY. C.M. Dover Shor• 901 tty 3 br off the other. 1320.000. $465,000. teuehold. For Corner lot. extenalvety r• daya-5-48-8952 eves S l lOO/ mo 711().-6708 Beeutllut l park Ilk• FOR park & shopping . No

1384 1 RIATA, G .G. den, 3 ba, mov•ln cood, appt . 759- 1552 CAROL modeled. 2nd story matr ltatala . THE DISCRIMINATING P911 S69S/ mo. Call Craig Houte1+ All Contenta 80' bayfront lor tga boat. (714) ~73 4400 TATUM Realtors ate ~ 2br, den. Lg~ & TURTLE ROCK EXEC. PROFESSIONAL 631 1266

FOR BROCHURE CALL F .. land. Vacant. mutt Ctttl .... IO"" brlctc patio's . Aut.imable. ltalll feraiall.. CONDO WITH VIEW 1 & 2Bdrm Fumllhed 1671 Tuatln. C-3 R & P AUCTION CO. Miii $695,000 846-5570 6'I llnanc. 675- 7571 (owner). with VIEW Htghly Utllltlea Fr" I ·~i~\:-1

M 7Sl mo-$e95/mo 2 Bd •P1• encl gar.lrldy rm. yd1/ pat101. clo•• to beectl, N malOf ahopa Huntington a.en.,..

832-8128 or 631-783e ; EJ§lbe 36r lba, lrg ya, ...... -•••••• • n fnprt IUc• 2111 upgraded 2'400911 3 BR LA QUINTA HERMOSA ,,,~.. w dbt gar .. asamable 111. - rU1.__ - 2'~J>a. den. Jam rm. 16211 PerkaJde Ln. HB 1,._ - •

*IAll IENllll* *LIDO ISLE* $131900 By Owner Large cuatom t>ullt eoper *WITDFIHT* $ 1700/ mo. 191/lut . Ul-1441 r

Sh! PL•.• bdll&Tlcolllndo.1\_ 90' front ..... on Lidos-·" 650-4758 ()( 55&-3GOO sharp home. 1 blk to Beautllul grounds. All new clean'g , Move ln lmmed. _E_ut_stde--cu- te-.-clean--2- Bd- r, _ · 1 ~ -..- """ beach, very Quiet. Mini 1 Bdrm aulle . Lg LR, lull 6 mot to 1 yr IN or La!UI ltacll 1 Ba. huge yard (being

belt " Eut E d " '4Bd 4 Bdrm Townhouae 2 o c ean view. Asking bath Equlpt kltch. P..a LEASE OPTION. Call nd~,.....

(Mngr-2417 Whlteaandt l

""IUOl ltll. n Oayt 975-16-42 Evea 960-461 4 gatenrSC Plazapoot apa n • rm --------• Baths, 2poola. $104,000- $450 , 000 . Owne r aundeck. utlla pd. PP Owperlorappttoaee: e NUtll1Stlnucdllo. 1W~~ behNo. rfle1,~~. d·-~·wg!'!~.·

+ carport. Sacrtftc.- at on 2 1011· S6'49,000. S4000dw0WC966-1516 GJ 673 7771 ,._ . ...,. , ..,.. ........ -· --$69, 900 3 bd only Owner, financing . OIZJ FllllPUOI motivated. owe 11t or $1100/mo. 642- 1802 77 ~.. • . pets S37S 85-4- 1817 ' retrlg, Wather + dryer, BEACHWOOD VILLAGE

. 179,1199. Aaem 10~% 11t lllital• a Ot. Outatandlng 4Bdrm 2Ba * ., IWllll * 2nd. Mark Jacques. Furnished. Min imum ' 0

-00 5

new carpet , wallpapered, T.D. Won't lull Wooda- 140-lltQ newly painted family COLLEGE PARK-Quiet 11. Agt 6-4S-9922 mo'a Harbor View, 3br 2 WILLOWS 3Br 2Ba hie . ....... liJael 2112 niee unit . No peu. $796. ErtjOy ~~°" 8ch Ide VIiiage 2511 W. a---------- homewlthaolarhotwatw 4Br H'.Be . Atklng BIG CANYON BY OWNER be Lg pvt ¥1rd, gar- A/ C, trplc , dblgar. Clean UcondOonOOffeouf'M, Cal1 Cre1g, &a1-12ee Sunfl o wer Pat r lck Need a painter? Need e m_tem. Meticulous land- $129,500 prlnc only For cu11omlzed Pool, apa, dener/ wattf' $2000/ mo. $900/ mo &44-1'80 g81. lully turn. $1100 mo . Dnve b'f 13& C«:ll Pt.

In Gerden Setting

Tenore, Agent 631- 1266 housekeeper? Need a seeping on dMP lot Sunday appt 754-4,91 view, a ir. $599,000 Great 64'-5922 Ive maaage WOODBRIOOEllnglelam 240-72« Iv m1g ···;:@m.- • Pool & Spa g~e~t~l t~~.'~ho~e~~! $155,900. 75 1-3191 OllY ctnAIE llnanclng. 759- 1679 Wlllll lllll-YllW home 3br 2'n ba, trplc, I rt IMcla ~ !~~~ac ur1it1

throu~h c11ss1l! e d C::. SELECT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba 1ge lam-rm. ILlfFI IY IWIO 3 Br, den. 2 '"' ba, comp. ~~~1 u~;:dedgar~0::i';; 'i9&aR §PeCIXL •Beeutttu1 Landacaplno R&'Mf.l< R 6'2·56 8 ..... PROPERTIES lrptc , cov. patfo, dbl gar, 4Br, 2'~Ba Townhouae. ~ frptc1. ocearrllght S1so0/ mo '1 yr teu.. Stepe to beh 2Br 18&. EHttld• detuu, 2 BR • Privet• pet loe l Oeck&

p;;;;:;;;;;;;;-;:miii.1.----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiii~iiiiiilii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiir l quiet 1treet. $124,150. Pvtpatlo, Shutten&netll# ~comm pool, apa, 786-1553or24 1-0292 w/ d. gar. deckMOO- csep 1•,,,Ba. 2 ltory Patio, •Pr~~ . ~ . . ,, . .

• .._ ... _,_., ..... ,..._ ............. . . ~ s 187,500. crpts. GIXOMI t1o1




ts . gua7r60ded


1 _ It L

41 650-20 12 Lindi pool, new crpta No peta 1 Bedroom From $585 ..... ,.__,, ,,.. ·--r•---·..,,,.... llAIT lll•E ·-••. ,., ... •••Htr ahopl, nt nenc ng . mo. - .. ,9 -~·.. ac. $695/ mo 6-42-0965 . Exec 1 Bdrm From MOO ., Open Friday & Set 1-5 3Br atPI bch,vu, dk. gar nu 2 Bedroom From 1 715

SPHLISS 1111,000 Foreclosure forces sale . $50.000 price reduction. Best view in New port Beach. Dramatic 4 BR home. enter ove r natural pool fed by waterfall . all in private gar ­den setting.

ISSlllULE LIUI Oall Ml· 1121 2632 VISTA DEL ORO · 111111 l1hlralnt4 C• forn l• etyle bach dee 106'"' Olive . May.Ju E-"oe up~ 10 0 1ea. Sorry, No P.t. Spacious family a ir con. t179,000 Incl land. Ownr Gtatral 2202 bungalow new trig crpts or yrly $ 1200. ~8-3535 huge walk-In cloeet . new 19132 Mtgnoh 81.

d ltlonedthru-outhome. 5 6-40·6931 or720- 1831 thru-oul $ 330 hurry cp1. palnt,gar . w/dhkkp 964 5567 IHS4-5574 bedroom s. 2 b a t hs , lmmac 3 Bd 2 Ba College Do not mlu thla 2-3br hte 539-6190 Best Rlty lee O<:eenlront 2 br 2-ba Apr il- SS SO / mo Ca ll Craig . sparkllng pool Assume Parlc:area. Mov.lncond. BLUFFS-LINDA-$196,500 wllrplc entry kltch & yd Llve/work ln 2br houae- June 15. steal wtn1er 631-1266 CloM toocean 18rqu191 low Interes t loan Total $13, ,500 850-0918 Altum $1521< low Interest. $575 a 11a ll 5/1 539-6190 1300 sq 11 gar90e In Lao ra tes S800 mo 637-1900 I 136 Cecll Plaoe comple x. lndry carport prlC! only $ 157.000 Ce ll MESA VERDE'S FINEST 2109 Fuentes. 760-6289 Best Alty tee Seti s 1soo 4117-2500 Apartatat1, Ua J. ' E-11deuPP9' 180Hfa NO pe11 $525 536-0490 lo r more Information umLIFF - • - .1, ·-=-- -CALL 546-2313 upgraded 2000 sr unique P Mtlglous 3 Arctl Bay huge walk-In cioMI . new lllTI llllllHll UU

3 or 4 Bed formal d in lg S Bd 381, lam rm, 2 lrplea, EXOLlllVE IEITllS ~Bdrm $3000/mo Ill~ cpt, paint gar w/ d hOOlc · Twnl'\N 2 oorm l't ba lt]tl~!f:ll•t• prlvC-0-S,lot apa belOw 3 car ~ar 1315,000 Incl COSTA ME S A WEST Bkr 642-3850 ftaaasala 2707 uo No pets SS50 mo new crpts peho ~ (#t-=JMVFfiFI ~~~:i~r~ ~~~sm lan~,1Jlkr~~~:JT ~~~;n 2D~e $:~,~~o 4BR 4 'nba 3700 so FT 1 Blk m . Penn P1. c~~~~~~1~66 ·r:: v~r;~~~ ~ -- ------- - NEWPORT CREST· 2 bed VIEW· NEW-$2000/ mo upper 1 br, quiet pref 1 I I P x LEAVING TOWN! Walk to lllA YEllE Harbor Ridge 4Br S508K e nd u nit , II r epla c e . 63 1· 2027 or 865-7a.O person yrty seoo First , :i~ ~~;· ;:.;e;-1er & lrg Iott No pets . sc;: Plzl lmmae 3br s h a r p 3 B d r m uaumeble . $819,500 $1200/ mo • • . lasl/dep 673-6970 appt I~.- -· w d hkups gar utlls ;:>d hM. atepa to pvt lake/ club w/expanded llv rm, brick Low down 250- Hl22 Agt Wittrfrllt lltall IH. •111ita Vi tJO . 2 _ 7 ,1 l;lr. s tove, relrlg, carpon ;'l+e;· Clo&e to beach S6SO Thoutanda In xtru S 144K lrplc, new roof & bath Ille. 1111111 YllW IOIH 1• 1 l "OO Ill llOO 3Br 2811. fem rm. frpt, $525. tat . 111t, dep I • sec 962-4660

Agt. Rk:. 548- 1903 Only S 132,500. CARMEL MDL 38R 2ba • • "' • decks. appl's & more, MC Walk to bea ch 673-5198 j llSTllT II lo SU Wiii YI LUCE • 1,1.. ...

OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-5 I II Bl · io't sys . $1200 675-790' - $725/ mo 2 8d 1 "•b• J I 3 113 BARBADOS am Y rm. g sunny . 2BR 2BA 2 car ge r steps twrihse E-s1de Pool gar

frt11a. Castle David Burke, Rltr. Upgraded thru -out. IHITILS lt!Jllt ltacll 2269 to bey & oceen. evell lndry rm quiet loc S.6-9950 $249,000 Fee. Own/ Agl JAOHS REil n 2 B<rdan wlcomm II lmmed s 1500/mo yrly 23 10 Santa An11

.... 11~ S.111 759-1870 or 661·1880 -op M•l&IEIEIT tennis S l050 avail ~1 lease 675-5079 aft 6 TSL MANAGEMENT L•ve wnere you have Pr1Ce tluhed $260,0001 5 Beat. ltac"\ "" ..,. 642 1603 • Spectacular aots bdrm, 7batht, 7 100""'11, Ullll YllW lllH 71 .. 1171117• JACOBS REALT'V Spec 3BR 2ba Frptc gar · · ...., * BLOCKS TO BEACH * Sh 38 C ___, L I "' • • 675-6173- Pen. In Pt area S 1100/mo Larne 1 & 2Br .,,.,.,. lndry * S1 & 2

1Br' 1 & 281h sull"4 wine cellar . gourmet . arp r e r...... . rg ot .. 1 _ _,,, • · ,,.,.,. * pac ous 1own ouse~

kitchen. panoramic view, 2br 1ba, d in rm. upgrad9d, $2,2.500 Agt 759-1997 CtrtH ••I fllar 2222 * Ill iA••ftl~ yrty, no pets ,..v 1m........ rootn ~rom $459 1884 • Flreolaces


.v-i., t t " / 5 + cnr lot S162K 644-6006 - Jll 2131'33- 2975 Sandy ev u 0nro 8 <-48 '"'36 "" .. a e g• e . '" acre · WIE DISTii llPlD 3BR 2BA house. c lean. nu 3 B r 2 ' " B a E K e c - ,... "' "' """ * Private betconie<J

.. ----------·----~, much more. Sacrll~ •t LI t•m& ounE 3br+ fireplace ea. unit. carpet/ paint/ drapes townhoqie Tennis. pool, Ctrtaa ••• •• , 2722 Large 2 Bedroom 1 .. 1 Beth Garden patios $995,000. To aee call looking for a royal !amity Beech ,,.., b lock, some view Access to private beech jac N\iiipt city lltH l Bdrm. lrp1e, patio. ger n ea r OCC S6 • S mo WIY I OT•

C111 C11111f1td , 641-5678

for i nform~tion & surprisingly

low cost.

P&TllOITl•IE 2600Sl3br3baw/lem- 1375 000 494-77'8 $ 1400/ mo 760-1830 $ 16 00/ rtio 26 1- 1271 s750t mo lat luP·$500 I Agent645-3683 1

H1·1ZH rm + bonus rm Top ' - Dys Eves 8' 0·8183 d I 780-BS15 -- - • • 3 Lighted tennis courts

~. ne ighborhood . Well C HARMING specious 2BR • epos t Large 2br 2ba Townhome "*2 Swimming poois


• ... " ~~· , priced. For details. Bkr Liii UYFHIT tba. lg lam rm, walk to *ILIFFS 2111U* CUSTOM 2 Br Ovr tgar ' $674~59&8~50006de2pOK319d4s OK • Streams & ponds :..._ •• , 848-4557 beh. S l l 50. 720-8 174 Greenbelt view-no pets View Pvt Entry to PeOo ;,· .. " ' · or • Sorry, no pets

PllOllEMCTIOI C t~fll 2 4 $ 1000 ava il now Agt EnclSuneleck Bllns Xlnt &t6-i 4 34 agenl 1• FurnlahlngsevaH ICW YllW A Super price 01 •• a ... Phyllis 760-9678 Loe No Pell OuMll Oual L 1Br Clean 2nd llOOf •n TU llELm IUI IEN tor th is Beyfront In 28r. lrg ,;;ca yrd, g rdnr EW B 3B C- d Person $760 675-0760 ¥475 ·mo Anaheim St

t superb condition with Incl Wkdys 720-6598 •N 2 r • on o -- Sh · 5'5 3229 Wf1Y NOT CALL

HJ-1111 We have an opportun ty 10 Lovely ' bdrm. 2V• ba · lentutlc view. Call NOW! Wknds/ eves 5-48-3940 wi den . tr p ie gat ed 2 Bel 1 Be oeck 0·100111ng own Oy appt · offer lou. 81 an In- home w/ pool • IPll . 3 UN IUln _ comm S 1750 S..0·532' assn pool 2 carots no Mase Ve<de 3 Br 2 b• xtra SUWlll Vlll.A&E vestor owner 1rp1c·s . lrg fam. rm - 3BR 2BA 2 Story Condo. -- -- - pets S750tmo Agt 1oe 81 new bltn&- ow.

• Ouallfled prof resl~ elegant thruout . Abaolute 111-7100 deck. pool. 2 car gar. nr 3 Bd 2•,o,e e T81ownl'\oucse on I Marllyn Eves l wk nd s crpts db gar pll1 01110 155~ Huntington Vlll99e

• No prpty mgmt h...... sacrifice at $249,900. OCC $895 640-8087 1 grnbeslt 100n ulf~ ~o om

53 m5 673-8189 s 90o mo 673-8632 l Lane. from S ert OleQo

•Well maintained P<P'Y · Call PATRICK TENORE -- pool 14 mo ~ - 1 1 Freeway nor1h of Beac.l'I •Auum flnan + terma 631- 1266 LIDO ISLE - 3Br 2Ba, 2 lrpl 3Br 2Be. den, yrd . No pets 38, i ' 'iBa Twnhme with or N~ 3 bedroom 2 oath. Near SC Ptaza S A 1 Bd. 1o McFeel<'en west or For further detallt cell ~ DR , den. H'o lots. lg pool, $750;mo

4 ~2b0 ~~t~9~~ ""Wltl'lout 36. boat sup 1 spllf level apartment 1011 gar tnell) rm No Mc Fadden

Ru1tyGu!nthaf631- 1216 •-:~I ?:ta OPEN S AT &SUN. 1-5. _Nr1 th r r ·. $ l600t mo Viking RE I close to b H Ch a nd oetsSS50 mo&t6- t307 SUPER 3Br 2B n 4·Ple•

r11•nn,£~A -~ ... s5506'.'~1~;~~~~;;~8848 4c8;n~~'~:t~~~:~~-~~8: - -- ~s1- 1664 -i !:'a':f~.;;;;7~s,~111~~ N:::v~~o~~·~P~~r1~~~ ~~ii~~"::. if1s."~ ,,.,..;~ 1042 llWLlmHS,~ 3r:~h~~n ~1~i1s'·~~~ CIUdlnggi rage

6' .. "

1721 rm 175gJ~~tS~o pet• dep No pets540-4484

; §;J; or( .... optlOn; BEAUTIFUL area Avail June 1. redone S 1'50 mo Cnta .... 2724 · lniat -- 2'144 .EW Lim.I 2 sty 2bd 1,,..,ba condo. BELCOURT Hill S 1175 mo 957-6088 760-0622 or 540-051 t 1 Bdrm 1 ~ i'.475 Sile r:: 2 BR cpts / drpa !---------

pool uuna Jae auume Gorgeous home, prof dee- - - -- 2 Bdrm 2 bl $625 d1sn .... a5hE" garaoe no IEW &Pllllllm Ill 0 .. ,.. 125K loan at ,; 5% Int ora t e d & upgr a d e d Brend new 2 Eastslde UYCIEST l llE new Pllr'lt crpts & elrps ~ts $ 600 can 645-5577 * '"' ....... *

_ 30

· 1140 K w/cstm window cover· TownhomH Lrg 4Br 3BR 3BA Approk 2000 sq 0 Sil/Sun 10 4 ' Popular Deeuvtlle model • .J:Ul~edtw~1~0 000 Inga, ca rpets, m1rrora & 38•. S 1200/ mo & 3Br It 2 lrplcs. 2 car gar Va- ~ E lSth St · • S1 UNN•NG Lg 1 & 2Br ... TIWlll P&ll on huge lot MCNded et ~ n · shutters Move In to per· 2Ba S 1 tOO/mo Micro cent Leue lor S 1325 2Ba GerOt'" "Pt POOi the and or a cul-d&-uc. 4 2 yrs at l0% 2 l3/ 2all · 7228 feet home. d lw, e tc 171 Monte Vista Lsetoot wtS 10 000 dWn 1 Br 1 bi crpts drps atv $525 6 $~5 -10 W 18th Income ReetriC1ed Umt Bdrm• . 3 baths, fat>uloul · ~ BEDROOM 650-93 13 Call Bob Koop, Jr or Pela ratng. pool 4 • !ndry rm Pets-predeefgraated , ,., outdoor entertalnmaflt • tllUn-10% NWI POOL HOME TOWNHSE 28 281 den 631 -1 286 S650 move 1n 6'5-0269 1&2 Br-Unique Floor P

a rea with 4011 pool, ia, IOIU Y1IW + 10' Lovely home . newiyi Over s lreams r& fells · • ·~i~ \.( 1BR 1BA n .. r So Coas1 I lllE'8tiB6Hf ~Qrtl\wooc:lP_ar.ti._otte•• ;~~r.~~~e~~~.bc; MWlTll psatn ted & I carrdeled, Like new, micro. dbl gar ,. , • . • Plaza. UPI* in 4 plex. 1 TOWl-H l pool, )acuttl, oovert>

hows grea pr e o w/~er ~ & spa .'T _ _ gar new oatnt & carpets · parlllng leundry tec.1 $575,000 - d•fl,!!ltely the WUll b.0•1 allp. 3Bdrm ownet9hit> Pr!Ced right &4 '950 No Pets 549-2«7 • S5i5 no pell 844~'2 t o •• , .. Fer ltlt a1r-eon<11tk>titng N ay I•'#, belt buy-In BIO ... enyon. 2 'A8&. Utlgrad9d. $2fii,500 - ~near 3BR 2be + - - ' Frplc vaulted celling dbl l aooess I nd rnuch mor•

mflllH,000 759-1501 - Eutllde 3Br 2Ba Triplex pa tio tower dphc Annua1, 1Br . g1rege $465/ mo Cell gara~ 0001& spa (7 14) 673-4400 Aak for Barbara or F,_,,k, Gd toe No pets S 1050 I S 1150 c.ll 573 . .-452 Bffi 645--34 15 alter Som 18drm $740 Fo<further 1ntormetlo- ~

Agta 6-47-3374184&-22152 mo • MCUrlty deposit - 2 edie. quiet area nr 2Belr'" 2 >Be 5'185 pteaae call 71 41552-0 • Avail 511 S.8-5827 e eaut 1 bdrm 1 be . shoe>& g fwy ACIOU trom 2Bdrm 2 ~ea· [)efl $895 or vtslt OVf office 81 146

EASTSIDE Cute 1 Bdrm undtlfgrnd prk9 pool. t golf courN lf\d')' rm 666 W 1811'1 6"5·2739 Rooeevelt , lnnne, CA at Co /yd u 251 jK\lZ:ZI aauna, rec rm 16951 OPEN DAIL V


1~~,.:C 7&6:'2040 mo $495 mo 17 1')739-4617 m~5 M... WHTUIE YILLlll 1 MON-THURS

1240Jlldllo~UHll• r Bike to bNCti l'\omey pid Tll IUIAIE•EIT 2Br 1 ·B• new crptt 1685 8 00.m to 1 OOpm F 'In Eastaldl lrg 18r. prvt 2be lrplc gar kid pet POOL ANOSPA I FRI. S AT. SUN

Pf'OvldM HA I anctng, OCEANFRONT DUPLEX park·llke N ttlng $675 s7009539.8190 eeett.. M2·1111 645-8122 633·8917 8~m-530pm low flJC9d lnterMt rate. COURT SALE 6/4 /65 Utlla pd, grdnr 64~53 ---

IUTl IU llmtl 28R townhOUM with t:· 4M 1 Seuhonl Or Jonas - BLUFFS CC>f\do 3br 2''tt>•. I 2Br t' <t 8 11 tnhN style , .. , ..... 1 " 't\ \ 'J c, Thia I ltl The • • · Only S83.500. II TrulMa. 2 131122-6281 Wlllll dnt cood $ 1100/ mo patio. A/C. ct gar U25 •• 1111 • ~ f: \, ,j,j ~ - ~ r:.;~ ... ' beetl. !ting"';-~: i Oemeron Ut-9400 so COAST METRO AR~ 714-49,·7513 eve/wknd • Batty &45-918184' 2270 •..•••• • • •OIW•

~;,.. eo.~&ttiot · ;~i~~ . · AISllmlTllll 1Bdr m . tB1 Condo 619-43,. ... 10l wtideys


or Carol 845-5974 O • . •: OCEAN , BAY.• ClTY w/pool, spa, tenraS. , dlltl- - - -

S 107,500. Exctualve with $ LIGHTS Vl•w Entel'· waahef & 1rp1c $595 BM ! TwnhM 3 BR, view 28 r 1Ba 2' t Costa Meea 8111 Futtar Bllr. 852· 12t8 1 • ,.,,,.,. 4 bdr ti0m. w/ pvt SELECT PROPERTIES End unit /Clean S 119!> mo St Ger no pets $525

..., End unit TM Laatee mpa,yerd t bonu9~ rm 751-3191 to mo Owner 7eo.-60i! S tena Mgmt 550 1014 ..... ala 1117 Nrthwd 1 br w/loft Aaem Pr ic ed a luh•d to MAKE ff1E MOVEI- LEASE OPTION 2Br 18e upste1ra Nr s A

I 1st 10.~ fln<lG $ 32 9 , 9001 Au um e Rent this Charm E-lide Single lemlly 8aycrest C C-(nc1 gar .w1 11 6 1 '- L .. .. .L...L l&YflllYWITI... 1101 ,000 730 .eot2 Of S2~.000. tryl0W d0Wnl t>unoelow Ml beth ....,._ 3BR38A largefrplC, new $600/mo 5,9 .1931 ... -• "-· l•U 788-02" m-o won t tutt Call Patrioll 1,, etoMt $300 detllla •t paint 1n & out Cath«trll ..,... Tanote &31-12t8 celllnQe Option money •--- ~ -r-

Onty 4 Y" otct. e..ut. 3 ••TIUL YllW * UM1M* s rera1 1 1:s1s1mo meStiB.All L... l .1. t Bdrm, 2,~ be. fOfmal din- ·- Anott. E·'"" hOIM t9nt c a11' ,..te 831-1* Ing rm. Toe> locatlon l From O'lfl Turtte Roat & rm b11'1na gar a yd k/ p ' a .... n.IRI i; r • ~ 19'99 doct! Attun\lble Exec;utlve hOfne, 3 Bdrm, 3 S615 o t I'\ • rt a v a II Np t ~l'\ta ArtWa Condo ...--Int rnek .. tl'tll en M9Y bath IPI" le'lll Aaeume 53t--8t90 9eet Alty,_ 3br. l b• lrpl 911r . w td. B••utlfully landac:ape o l j l l take over. Prloed rtgt\t at S130K lliced loan at lAlPEX wtroom for 2 - mtcro, '*' & btltaut no Garden Apr. Poot ape, • 1 S 1 200 000. Call fOf more 9 75~ A*lng 12.-e 000 ~ unrtt Super ,..._. ~ 1 Bdrm Condo w/ toft pett S 1250 150 2529 pet10loeck1 No P9'• v • ~ 1 ,,~~ ... '"10nnatlon and lflOWl"O, lntM lwf ~ ~ '°:.~/Agt :!:>~=~~Call f .nNe 2bf 2 \~ba. pvt ~ :!~ rr- -~

, .. ,.. V~ , ConOo. 8ectl Mot tar to ocaen ?bf tam ~ w; dc• NohfY ~ 1131 E 11th 641-68 ie LJ rrrr l 0 .. • You can 1 m•lle 11 to 1ne 11 lnl cond, Bkr co-op IPOt wl t>eaM: Y9t mi· IP&. "' bet\ S ~ mo BecMIOI S5 15 & oig geme ne•t wMtl? S?t.900 84f.H40 tn g d e e or S 00 • 0 12131253·3030 Wllnds 111 E 18tti St 842 08~ -----------------Don t ~your ucturta. go L.fDO- BAY, S3Ml90 a.t Alty tee 83 1 -3t7~ Uik lor _,.., 6 to waat•buy a kttle Id PoOI & IO dOCll Oparl S..-up II •bOde under 2 Blurta~ot 38( 2ei 18dfm l~'i Loi• Of IPOftl Ian• r .. o &el/Sun a ~nlront $400 w11 p pl 1 p a tio dbl g'1 ttlnt Cond S t t7S 28drm 2Ba S't40 _ ________ ...._ _____ _.__

.. ,

. '•

~~~~~J~------------~ c111,.1«t so '-818 Trip6911 613-7173 PP

1. jacua• 539 e 190 a.1 ,.. & s tl50 AQ1 759 Mn 22so V•nvu•'" " ' 0 Q626 •SClll·lm b\een I• OlauJflt1tln 1104




Vat. ts humnta Vat. lJUtaiata, Vat. tala tt HM ltlf Wu ... lniat 2144 ~ ...... nit ...... i:C1a Hit • ..,.rt ...... ' flit lltut 2tOI Ottlee IPC for rent 9'>Pr0X LOST: Whit• Coc*tlel, Vic. --. UlllTUT ....

llW Lllll• 18fU58 281 2L ii58. ;e;+t0den. 2ba VIiia Compl. privacy Extra lrg "THE ORIGINAL" 12x12. phones tn, Ju9t Harbor & HamUton, CM. Orange County Computer full time, no aper. nee. refr~. atove, dahwthr Balboa S1100/mo M lhr ... UIYM* rm In NB condo. close to llHllUTI Fl .. I rmdld. $325/mo 1 or 2 Reward. 5-48--8881 Co. full or per1 time. lOnt Call B~2~ appt

.... mil I Incl. No peta. C811 btwn M50/mo 8-46-9457 28r TownhouM 28-, 2 bch. W/O avl Incl utll. la Ty rm• avail. Agt 873-7781 Los1·Woutd ...,.,_finding growth pe>tenti.1. At*' fOf .... 11111 Md.ity545-.a55 flr~. 2cargar,AIC. '4501mo, 9&4-811tdyl Hfftl •• · 3-~0on- Jim , 847 - 2218 o r •- -------WHlll•ll11111 •- Brand new IUx. 2br 2ba lndry hJkup, full eeeurlty. Female/Male Shr com- NEWPORT 756-1484 Watet'tront ofca, elegantly wallet~ nr 873-5184...,..

• ..._ condos, full Vu, aec. gate. Avail une 111. Aleo. pletely furn 2Br 1Ba C M Want fem to allr hM nr SC tum. ahr lcirylrec:ept. aid'• San Clement• plMM •---------

.. ••11nmn1 i.,, f r p l, pool-ap e , 18drm. avail J~. 111. tr1 lex 64 1-5003 Plaza & occ. S225 & utll. etc. or aeperate offices call Ma-MM PARK •EWPORT lPlRTIUTS rw 1295.111495. 854-8090 No peta. PleHe call P 549-8021 aft 5PM Becity up 10 eoo alf. 646-5055 Poeltlona available with

•8«--0509* XLNT RATES SCRAM-LETS laroe brokerege firm Enjoy a N,. atyte aur­rounded by tM charming atm~re of Wood­bridge VNlage.

Cfou Cr..ic and Cedar Creett offer a unique combination of one, two and l hr•• bedroom apertmentl located Mar a variety of convenience for ell 9QM!

. * 8hopt>lng * Thellt ... -~tlon

Seleted unite with c• •.• ./ tn edr al c e ll l ng1 a

takeekM vtews. No pets permitted.

Further '9aslng

IN NEWPORT BEACH A g,...t plaoa to llYe on ltle Upper Bay . Prlfate clubhouaea & health apu, 8 ten.tis courts. 7 poota, etoae to bu.ineea, OC Airpor t , Faahlon ltllnd, con~t lhops on light.

Slngtel 1 & 2 Bdrm Aplrt­menu & Townhouses. (Aalc abou t furnl1hed apta, comptete wtth TV. llnana & uten.ita, m.ybe rented for shOrt term or tonger). On Jamboree Rd. at San Joaquin Hiiis Rd.

IU-1100 Information, pleale call: '•-------• (7 14) 733-0404 ·-Open Delly 8AM to 6PM.

Reearve Now tot Summa< OccYpancy

Are y0u 'JuSI looking" ? We like browsers 1n c1ass1l18d 642-5678

Follow your team in the

Spacious Si""le. one 111t·-11 Fem roommate ahr hOUM ....... ...... not SUPER LOC-UTIL INCLO Cleric*[ ·~ r• '"JO _, CdM, frpl In your bdrm S::: S 00 SF & UP ANSWERS quired. Good beneftt1. & two btdroom apt.s. '300/ mo ~ 1 Blk to 5500 + utll. 640_..262 Loolclng to share,.._,, apt FROM 1. · . C811 Calhlet 8-44-91 ~~!'!r


Bch & bay. Mutt.... NB/COM. will pay up to CALL (7 14) 968-8193 Joyoua- Nomad New Accounts 957-~ · 306 Balboa . Fem. to shr N.B. 2 bdrm 2 S350. Sjena, 78<>-6856 I l E.O.E.

NB REAL TY 875- 164-2 be apt . 20tt to beech non 20• •• ant uauri - v ... ty smkr S400/mo -. utll ~~I;' ~~:1~0 !!~!, & ltatala 111' Old tlm!/~:sanother: lndlvlduata may wn •x- IRT. HllU ..a

NWPT PIER AREA 3Br W/97~080 H/650-7205 et.c hkkp. Reply PO Box CibOVILtxde St0<eorof- " With today'• -1cea. I'll cellent Income (aelary l WMkendl, 7am-3:30pm. 2Ba. frpk:. gar. Avl now. F ,.. commlaalon), benefits Apply Newport Villa, yrly $ 1300 mo 873-6&40 Fem wm stir 2 br 2 ba 1560 Coate Meta 92828 flee apace. Via Lido ron- never tut• ~Nng ex- and advancement op- <4000 Hllarla Way, N.B.

condo 00 golf COUTM. "- f tag&. A/C, gar par1(1ng peNlve analn • Second portunlty SalH ax PALM MESA APTS $395 mo 240·7244 Iv mag .. rlftl If $1500mo. Agt 875-45&2 old tJ~ " Well, you penence r9qulred, med~ CHILDCARE exchange fOf

Unfurn 1 & 28drma Furn ltat 2912 could alwavll lldt poetage exper i ence ad van - rm/board. Pay f0t 9ddM Studios. 1561 Mesa Or, Lull NB home. Pv1 rmtba.

2 11 c 2611301 d s

1 WllllFUITlnlll STAMPS.7r t...-... s.ndreaumeto: reac>c>n. CdM 720-0&41

Santa Ana Hgta. Call lovely yd $450/mo reap 11ng..... ry ..... Prime retail/office space ....---~EALTH t>etwn 9-4 54a-9MIO MIF onfy 645-9211 llned $75/$100 Hunt 8ch on Pac. Cat. Hwy In New- ::-Ptnna--..... -,----.~,"% IUlm llUT 11 ... 111

CLUBS TENNIS Prlmewater1rontUnt113Br -M,- te- n/smkr 2S-35 to stir _84_ 6-3_ 20_ l ._&46-4 __ 15_2_~ port S.acl'I. Super ~ ;..;.;-..------..-...,. lllUPIUT PIT Moo-Frt. a.n-1o.m. SWIMMING. plu~ 3Ba. frplc, patio. ~ wl prof male 2Br 2Ba CM Corona Del Mar 15x30 ablHty. Approx 2000 sq. 'I KNOW HOW TO TREAT P.O. Box 1580 831-3623 8lall fOf' Linda.

Boat dock posalbllltles. apt $250 mo+ S250 dep garage for rent wl atorage ft . Sllp avail w/apece. A LADY' 557-8543 Cotta MeM. Ca. 92&29 ... Ull -.m m~~~;;~r~o~~I?· Yrty Jae. 87S-4866 ahr utll. Cell 846-2178 shell S60tmo 494-3324 8-45-7 100 la1iat11 ' 4014 I / I II.Ill co-educatlon81, reeldenti.I open daily 9 to 6. VERSAILLES 1 8d xlnt, M/F 30+ shr 2Br 2Be NB Fully encl slngle car gar- .. atrcla on nment out ue lmmed. opening. Mature treetrMnt f)fogrwn; ahlft

quiet location. Fun aecur- Condo. Nr Hoeg $300 uta age. 399 W. Bey St. CM ltatala 2111 Ladles uhlona and · lndlv. w/ 5 yraexper. In 10 work; fo4' Interview Cllll lty bldg. Avail now pd. N/smkr 8-46-7332 S95.00 850-6357 Lit prf&i downtownf Of- Antiques. 960-4021 ~! °!:J"':k:.CO: 831-9939 , S725/mos.44-7215 Agt M/Fshr2Br2Ba apt, pool, Office ltatal1 tl4 fl ee apace/ am & lg. llnlllP- - volc ln bank depa _,llllWlllRI

Apu1rMftls VILLA BALBOA lndry S330 1st, tu t, utlls 1368 453 & 209 sq ft at l mm ed oc c upan c y ,...,. • credltsg ,& commlaaioM Spilt Houra. Chrlatlefl 2 BO 2 Be. frplc. ocean pd Avell 511 8-45-4...._ Sl lo/sq ft 1617 West 786-2040 or 8-4 1-5190. Cards, Glfta, Souvenirs. f Mf Co AcoK: & Sehl 16835 Brookhum

Newport Buch So. view, MC. vety clean MI F shr home Npt Sho<ea cttff, NB. Agt 54 1-5032 - IL• OltP PllPlmfl Priced 6~~~7~o Seti. ~in: on. own a =.t. Ft. VaJWy 992-3312 • 1700 16th Street Walk to beach S 1125/ mo W/O near beech pool Non amoker Apply In

642-8032 after 6 PM spa. ' tennis. S375i mo •..\ 3100 •If free 1tandlng LIYe/work In 2br houMT IF YOU HAVE S50K and • . 2911. W•t G -. ....... (at Dover) WOW! Just In time for utll. 548~4340 t>eautllul ofc. bl~ Hunt 1300 sq. ft . garage In Lag. are looking fM a FU- ~- Sant A erry alltt Pf...., for ~· & 642-SlU summe<l Welk to beach M bd I Bch PCHl17th. -2421 Ben. S1500. 497-2500 TURE, call LONG DIS- (:; f~r-· woota. 957-0415

Newport Buch No. 3br 2ba In Npt Shorea. str rm w pvt be. gar. LIDIY lfflOl lllTI Aauuc..,ata H02 TANCE AME,RtCA. We CONSTRUCTION:

111•11 P1•1at 880 Irvine Avenue s9t~mo. 543· 6 l 55 ta~.'!· u~ll~~~~·t HB llWNIT IUOI SPIRITUAL READINGS ~!.";y~v:! r:-S:.'=: lookln~or~~. Exper~ ~let. (at 16th) ka Cltatllt 2711 NB blk 10 bch, shr 2br lba, Newly de<:Ofated 1450 SF Advice In All Mattera & that need participation Good with colort math & 2

645-1104 OCEANFRONT Specloua modern decor. gar. dee!< office aulte w/4 lrg Pr1- CounNllng. 18t5 So. El with people of aub1tance. wori<lng wtth publk:. Exp. CONSTRUCTION

-------~=---------~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 2Br 2Ba. gate IOci< entry, $450 yrly 673-8094 vete ottleea - 2 on comer• Camino, RNI, San Clem. If you quallfy, you can ex- pref. but will train. lnline EXPERIENCE FRAMER - All w/wall to celling win- Lie d. 492-7298 pect earnlngt to alx fig- 261-7859 btwn Upm 631-2345 -------------t 2 car evb-prkg. Many Nd young prof. to shr Npt dowa & view Brighi airy 7

amenltlea. Adlta pref Cres1 condo/ vu, n-amkr r8C41ptlon &. aecretarlal Lett ,.... ~~~24:~n'::11~2~J;J &ITI llTWI .. I,,., Pl .. S 1050 No pet• 492-4929 S365/mo 650- 15 76 areas & k itchenette. Full evea exp. retlable detalet, ttatt tu• time day poaltlon avail . ... .._z_lttr 7 Non-• - kr prof. lo · "'r 3B"' Mf'l1ce building. - lmmed 846-7.wt 11:30 AM-5PM. Start


.. .. '"'' ,, fN IU\ ADS Swimming Pool Chemk:al · a. ...... 50 p/hf. Aall for Bact< Bey hm. Horaea, •8'4~101* Wl1U S«vlce Butlneea. H.B. 1111 llT... JMn. M9 & Eda Plr:z&. l8C2 $300/ mo

852-9049 ARE fRE£ area. No exp nee, will No exper1enoe neoeaaery. 17th & Tuatln, C.M.

Npt Ben F/ M stir 21>< 112 PIH am D train. S55,000 fuH amount Exterior/experience «»- t::wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii blk fromwater. nonsmkr, Huntington ~ Prof requ i red , w lll nat wed. E.O.E."4-1025. ,. 25-35. )'fly lae, S350/mo bldg, 4 mos free rent C H $40,000+. Call coll.c1 1111111.• 1 allleat + sec. Deya plu1 Improvement allow- a : Mon-Fr1 9·5pm. Aak for &lfl, ..... Pert time oerrler eouneet-549-3494 eve/642-2486 enoe to qualified pro- 1•2·1111 Tim (408)779-5499 for foreign c.e r re - ors wanted. Help -...

fesalonala. 700-1500. Sq. n•I 548-ec>ee ~,-NPT BCH M/ F tor nice, feet at 85c. Calf now for Mtrtg11t1 ..- r. and girls aollclt new

SaturdaY., April 27 COM lg rm/ba. pv1 Ml. nr brlle380 on Pen Walk to appt. L. Walla, 835--0818 T r.. ' 4a.. 1¥11 eublcrlptlona on tMlf ARIES (Marl·h .:? 1-..\pnl 19): -You succeed h~ taking rf'.slc\ . bch. Quiet . emplln-smkr beh S333/mo 642-4420· . • •I ... peper rout•. Must an)Oy

based o n special ahil111e~. talents. Fcx:u~ on change. tr:'l\ l'I \'a net\ $350 No pet• 8-40-9408 _____ . --- MHll&I. nm FOUND a tittle Yorkshire PrlVate Party want• to s.n Avon now - In a working with 10-13 'I' , Profmaleforluxmatrsulte Gardena..,... 111 facll- Terrier. Vic 38th & purchaee TO'a. Faet terrltoryOfwfweyou olda. EarlyeYenlnghoun

and 1n tenc;1ficd romantic relat1onsh1p. Htghltght mdcpcndcncc. Furn prlv rm In CM home, p111 3Br HVH hme. gd 1oc ty Well 'l~ted~ona S.lboa, Newport Beach. caahl M 0-52 15 workl fM3-t143 work days/ nextble hr1. lind ou t when: ~ou stand "tth .. <ipccial .. person . kit pr l v $ 2110 / mo S595 Avl now 759- 16S3 d-' Mar on pc· H Air 8'48-3130 ·--·· 1 •• C°""'*8lon only.

( ..\ pn - ). v13) - ) elinion 1!> feat urt•d ~ <)U Prof/M noo-smkr over 25 aep entr Mgr 875-8700 FOUND DOXIE young. Vic. T.O'a. $ 10,000 /up, no .iso fltt .. nteded, eome 84d~'2 rX1. 20t TA URUS I .,, , .. "l() R . 645-2435 I ... . . . . Widow haa mon.y for _,...._ Caln-~ ElMleV

combine fon.:C\ >.\ 11h one "ho understando, ho" to deal "'Ith puhltc. NICE FURNISHED ROOM 3br houae COM . Avl 511 & Modem Garden Otfloea Edinger & Edwar da. credn..-1no penalty. Cell exp. helpful. 845-2244 1 •X1. especial!~ women . H 1g.hligh1 securtl). home. famtl} anti t(ad111on near S.C. Plaza Female 611 Phlllp 875-6t94 I Floor to celltng glaa&. Lo- Hunt. Beactl. 840-2529 o.n1aon AMoc 873-7311 BABYSITTER-grand-Canca. ( apncorn pcr-.on-. pla\ top roks

52751mo ~56- 1737 PROMONTORY PT NB cation• cloee to 5.55,9 1 Found gray/blk 11rlpe fem RtlJ Ht.. 91 motherly type care fOf' 2

GEMINl (Ma}~l-Jurw.:?0) Y ou'llbein m oodtonpcriment. Over 40, prof., qu1et:Wa1k Penthse aptwtvu,Bath. Freeways. Oeco1eted & wht paws/chest ~ At- _ yrold, myh<>me, lthet!pg, EmrhJ<il\ on '-uno'i1t~ . 'ip~:c1al mqumc5, contacts wh1l'h bear fruit to Hoeg/beach. Jae. pool. patio. poo(. ell amen. prot l carpeted. 998-79!& lanta/ 8 -hurat 994-7287 ,. . * •IYlll * 5 day9/ Wk, 432-97~ 1.., .. ,.,,......-------.....

· ch ' t· ' I S pvtbe. s295· 54S.-&308 ~--·88?78r ~603 0

New Bl ... O OC Airport muath•V.gooddr1"'-r• B'"BYSITTER twin 11 TIDm/Ma .. 1n neartuturc , ort tnpu1u u 1n\o \ Cr c lat1 vc. ag1ttanus.a no ther u • Foond p ppy, apprx 4 M ... "' ,. Muat "type 50 flll c; .. m 1n 1 f"iuurt· p~onlinL·nl i ) ltttJt,lltttJt Resp 25-35' yr fem rmmt j area. Cornet of Redhlll & : ,. .. ':., aerm. S.__. cord, 0 V report re- mos W"3 7:30 em-5·30 and ~ _wpm, _ .. ~

' o ' l...., ....... ..,_...,. __ ._ ..... -..riif. share 2 Bd S2SO/mo ·~ Br11101. 700 sq ft. Recep- mos., ..- • . ._. quired for lntetVlew. Muat pm • poeait>tY helf d•Y ..._ ,...~ _,_, fANf'ER IJunl· 21-fuh 22) P:l\ attl'nt1on t o detail \ Ix· aware UHUIUOI ulll non-1mkr 722-8070 llon area, 2 omc.a, 1 lg male. Natlonal/Govenor have neat dean~- Sati &in854-8072aft 8 Non amoker pref9rred.

11lliJWprin 1 ~onwom•v.an1c,c,omc1h01ngfornoth1ng-;uucouldbl' llTMlll I room & storagearN. St. CM 84M64l ance. Start• at 14.50 · NrO.C. Alrport. Beneftt1.

Pllm" 1.·1rg"t Count \l'Ur •hange' c-nntl1gh1 on n,,.,.cm•'nt< . Wkly rental• $135 & up RmmtBelboa ~ apt on R &H PROPEATY MGMT FOUND: am blond lnghr p / hr . Call 751-2910 llAT.U.llTllll C.UW 851;!>!:7· N9wpOt1 • '" • '" ,,.,...,. , • .,, ' , C""' TV f tt harbor S625/mo. no utll 852. 3713 male Dog no collM Very (8am-5pm Mon-Fri) EOE IMlcl~ exper RIGGERS/ aetern ""'~·

l'Olkl ll Oll\ hnhh\ th,11 t ,In Ix· made profitable. voor ' ree CO ... 675-2628 or 771 3955 ' . . ~ tieated pool & ateps to - Newport Beach 3000 frightened. Vic. Warner & &HHIRIM Ull BOA MAINT. penonnel. IATI llTIJ

Lr.O I 1111. 2 ~- \ug 221 'ou make unu,ual d1\U>\ef\ h\ ocean. Kitch'• avail Roommate needed ahr _6000 sq. ft . New Xlnt St Paul Cir , H . B Prlv. Country Club. entry Steady employment. . p/ tlme poaltlorl read ing l \<lV. t·1·n line\ f 111.u'I on tndepcndenn'. crealt\ll} nc"' 985 N Coast Hwy 3 Br hOme In CM toe Undergrnd parkg. 847-5306 leV.i acctg defl( mutt A9PIY In P9f'90l'I btwn •V1114ableNoont a PM St4lrt' 1n d 1lk1 t· nt"· d1rt•t t1on\ I O\C relat10Mh1p gro"' <itronger. Laguna Beech. 494;-S294 S265tmo 642-8256 &.tty 714 1250-4795 . FOUND: Wttlt• Cat fem know 1~ com- ~e;~s:,;. A~~~r. Mon thr Fft. Sk:. nut )ou· 111 111p1111t 1111rov.n\l\k lO\l'"'lllbemuthinp1c tun· SUWlllTIL Shr2brapt, Jac $283/mo Ntoeamall offlcefor begln- Vlc Balboa PenlnlUla put•k helptut • lndude typing 50 WJIM,

\ IR<;o 1 \ ug 2 1-~t'PI 22 1 D omcrnc adJu<itmcnt .., katurcd. Wkly rent• •• now evan $240 dep good ocean vu. ner. Harbor/Adam• arN 875-3713/983-8800 FIT. Mon-Fri 1:30-5. CASHIER-CLERK Gift 10 key by touc:fl. ,,.....,,. u nu,uJl rm·<,cnt<ltlon UJuld c le\.ale ;our prc<,t1gc Y ou dl\('O\ cr $ 126/Wk & up. 2274 New· 8'4S· 8398 or

53s- io7o $200 per mo 662-7702 LOST ~old llnlc brlo~:n 549-03

77 ~ ~=-oi:; ~:'~·~::':S•1.7~1

-.~rc·r h\ lno~ing hch1nd scene\ ( landt>sti ne mn·11ng 1' part of port Blvd. C.M. 8-48-7445 Shr apt resp ~der MtF OC AlrportS660 1ncHell Ac:ord• PfknG l ._ AllRTmlLlll P6'1bn prtM'ftO. 'Cell CQt. ("DNQA · crnu-;ual .,t't'1H1r111 I 1ora nlav. ~ tv.t rn mount role ~I ... Llllf '91' $250lmo ~ 0111 San mall svca. Sec. photo werdl 49 ..... 292 Acute Care Hoapllal, 8-ttle Tue.Sat mornlnge NewJior18Mch

,. i• u •ua ••" Juan Capo 66i-~87 copier avafl 833-7588 LHT l / ••y•••••• Meka axper Admitting 852·91N i-----=-· ----LIBRA l ~L' Pi 21-0(1. 22> Romancc. glamour .ind \l:Cfl't 3026 W Cout Hwy New - - -- Cler\! 30 h wll A llUlllTPllll IT\Cl' t1ng - tht'\t.' ML' h1ghltght\ S(•parate fatt from 1llus1on. port Beech. refrtQ. TV. S~~~:~.~~~~~ m~~; Share offk:e w/Llnd~ B1~ ~:'~::;:· type · acc:rat.:,Y.~:'9~ 1&111111/lllPT full time fOf p:;;y !.., p<!l l l' I \l' f)b l l'' .ind pt:oplc in rl'altstic: ltghl. Protc<I 'il'll 10 romJnt1t s12s• wll agl. no IHpoelt $425 • s $ 175 e1s-e122 ~~:,=·~oc. N. 8 otill>IY atolen & dumped. CRT. Work well w/othw•. full/part time fOf Faal'Mon company. Good driving dinthl'' l'l\ll'\ pl.I \ \ prominent role •••tr ~:o traffic: .. wy. , .. REWAAOI PIHM call Straeaful lltuatlon. Med. lllarld , .... ltore. Muet rteord ~,. $4.75 P""

SCORPIO " >t I 2 ,_ \,()\ . :! I) r mphas1s on p(>\\{"( .111thont' It t J UM IYoura 18 the mstr bdrm kitchen shower = ' 8'42-4321 ext 302. days term. pref. So. COMt be ..... & ~. atlrt. A D Aent• 1 a 11 au lt e In luxurloua $3"" • ...,.

5.:.,. · 24 1 _8849~ng. ~Centet499- 1311 &44-5070EO£ '42· 11N

n 1ga1ll1<1t11111 tnl t'n"linl rclJt1onsh 1p You get v..hat )OU v..anl. hut RXNCAob1RXdecondo apactouacorMrviewapt -.vl mo V"OV"...... liii~~~i!iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .l11n ·1 .1<.k 1111 m111c thJn \OU ~an handk Mc~sage should tx·uin\e 2br, den. fum- edulta, no fvefYthlng furn Pool. • CdMdlx eutt-.AC, ampt LOST Nr Garfleld /Bch I 1n l n',1'1111gh l k .1 r ( ,1nu·r natl\.C rla) ._ kq role. peta 1 1500 mo or INM fac, spa, tennla. etc l500 prtcg, trom $450. 2855 E male t:?; C.t. neutered,

SAC; ITTA R1l 'S 1\;m 22- D l't :!II ruturcprmpt•l.fHOml'lnlo 992-7472 780-8045 CoaatHwy875-a900 Rewar 8-42-21 42

.,h.irp l it•ar 111111, \ 11u It hrt·ak free from restn<: t 1on\, }ou'll hf rid Vaca ta luiana 4014 la1lllt11 On. 4114 lul11tt o t unnt'l"t'\\:JI\ hun kn I mrha\t!I on wider hon1ono.. l'mot10nal lntala ZH7


fulfillment :ind · 11ul· l11\t· •· \m·<i ligurc'I prom1ncnth BMiltlfUI 26r H a condo CA PRICORN I Dn 22 .I Jn 19) Mone\. C'OnlC\ (rom <;urpm1.· o n golf cour u In

qOurcc. ~I rr\<, n11g.1n.tl1t \ PIOlll't' rtng \Plrll. w1 llrngnc .... to dthc =·~!tk~ti!~~ 11110 finnn( n ·\rnll t l'' ut l>.1.'\ person \.fcan5. do \or111.· 1>11\t1tc Spec:lat rat• . Book now dl'tCl.'tl \C "or~ \qu.1r1,1n 1ilJ\\ ltnU<,ttal rok Io r •um m • r &

AQl'ARlllS lht11 ~ll- 1 d) l ~I \\OIC..l ru .. hrng to JUdgmrnl lall.(213)389-5571

C heck "'1th dn"t' ·"'" !{ 1Jll panna or mate < untrauual lntala tt o bl1µt1on" \hould he ' ' u<l1l·d 1ncluclrnR kgal ri~ht\ and lure zt01 permt\Ston\ ( ann·1 .1no1hc1 \4ua11an figure· prom1nt•ntl~ &iU a UXA

Pf CES (h .·h i ' I \I .11t h 201 l>t\('r<,11\ g1\r lull.rila\ 111 GREAT HOUSE 1ntcllc-ctual C'Urtn\11~ l u n,11 1.· 111rh.H1\ on org.in11a11on 1.·mplo~ S475+ dee>. 840-4255 mcnt . pct<,, gt•neral ht·alth l ontt dl\tanrc ca ll hnng., ~ood new\. COM Mast• eult• OcNn <.:uul<t rela te to ~ubll5.h 1ng lraH•I \ag111anan play'> role v1ew. oar .. 8 hM1 to beach

fF APRIL 27 IS Y<)l1R BIRTHOAY fX'OPle an' drawn to \ 'OU M25/mo Corte73-0622 wi th the i r prohlcm!\, you 1nc,pirl' ttu\t and rnnfidrn(C ·\nc<;, Leo. C1hra ptrson\ pla> 1mport.rn1mil' "1n ~our ltfc \nu arc 1mpul.,tH' <h nanm . creative and could haH unu\ual n1ark on furC"hcud or face Y ou .. h ould tak<" c;p..·11al 1 art· "hl'n handltn~ kn1,e\ o ther ,harp tn<,trumenls " ou pu.,..._ • ._ ... ,~·n<,t• nt drnm:i t1rc drny,.n tn ~tnf'. klwand theater.\ nu l~tft1td<k<l rern~n1trn-n 1ht,.\"C"nr Auau\t t.•o uld he your m ost 1m11ortJnt mnn1h "hr ri· monc•\ .tnd lo'e are conccm~d.

CdM~Pfof to ~ beeU1 fum 3br home n4tnlcr /no peta UOO+utll 780-9229

Female r~t• 10 anr Fountain Valley ConOo S275+ut111 839-7217

Fttm n-emllr N 8 own br & be, pool. jec, t300 • 13 ut#. llY1ltl now 131· 5 te1



The City of Huntington Beach Is accepting proposal• for a concaatona1re to operate a pedal boat opera11on at Huntington Lake In Muntlngton c.ntral Pa1k on Sal u<days, Sundays end some hollday1 The concet11on•lre would have to provide appropriate Insurance. a1 least she boat•. •lgn1. launching dock facllltles, Ufe 1ackets. staff and remove the boats lrom the park •t the end o f each oper111tng day

Proposals are to be aubmltled to tM Coy Clerlc 'a Off!Qe, 2000 Main Street. Huntington S.•ch or mall to P. 0 Box 190, HuntlngtOf'I Beach. CA G2648 II qu .. tlon• arlM , plea•eontect Jim B Engle In th• Community ~ICU Depa.rtment at 1114) S38·548e The cloaing date fOf proposal• 11 May g 1985

AllclAI M . Wentw0t1h, City Ci.ti cny or Hunttnoton 8ffCtr Oaled 4122185


AGES 11·14 EARN i. TO $75.00 PB WED

Or.nge Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday, .,, 21, 18'5

"'~~ .. 2~11"91 Lllllw~ - .._ ... ,,,,,, xn~= 24'• .. ~· •.iiii,-.,•,-T-,.-•,iil ... .aUP.!~!'!!;~!I~ ~-PfOllWllwi mfO 00 bu.y =::~·· ''ttlme.~tt. l~. M Mdp/ttNalft ... 11 a='t7NGll1 ~-~·-~ .,_.._..,,_ ... ..- IMdl oMoe. k ... ~ .._._ ..: - llX• ~ 1- "o fYPlnt ~· AWf 9l a.t~ ti. .._., .. _ - ..._ ~ whdnt ...- 1!19. OOod _..._ ftct. lttodon ..,_, ~ 14/hr. tcf•11 Shannon tton. 1190 t4tfbct II at Alt- llO, lltl ...... ~ .. 'NlltY. If 1-4nt C4il NenQy btwn , ,.._ .... ,_, .-., Pl'fll. 711 .. 1 e.o ,,.,,,,,.. =decof.- i.n..

•Mii I onl'/. 141-1101 ~~ '11tttl ... TP?n . -? - TUILU .. ?Hiil et Ne2W1= 11r-----------:"i • • • 1"csMa doo II UI... MacArtt\ut IM:I. M• fOtMOalilfy, ,rnomc. LC.l.UWtlNQ. H.1 . -.. en • ...._..., ,.. ...... Toom.. PM tlfM, Leg. ft .......... " 425, lr'YIMi Ca.12715 ~r!!!•~·,:.! •flt•. vecetlOfte, ..... 11mro... IM&liiafi1 ___ ..... w.,.,.,.. ' .,.. oeo' ... 1111 liliiifiiiii ..

ld1 •.tt1· 1MO , PfT 20tn~ , , _.... p/ IV. 847..Q'4 .. .......-- 400 ......... ._.,....._.:a:: • titwnt-t Mlt143 ' LWW tlona •kllla. lr vln• nr1111111-· ... Hp.---""' _.. ... Ma-tin .,. ..,. ..... ·~ .. -~ · PIT --lid --.,_ _,,., 2tWIHbtwnUpm ..._... -·AM _,. Nt.IOO~ iiC ' .. wt, lo 1111.... -..--.

K9nntl Yell/AJ ...... .._.... IMne. 78Mm' ' 1191./UULllm TPlng~ fOt A L2Ut.tft: ·~ v: o:Tc 112.IOOMH••

PIT. _~<!;.IL...,..!]lr· ~Artna. 1~, lttyplng, · -............ lmlMd. oC*'lnt. m&Aat :"ecttve voic.~ '=~ . ·--an• ---~~ . . lilllil"Gl#y ...... 9'°"""..___,,,.,.. ·-"' ,._,,, phoMa. wH - - - - havut!MM2yrt0f~ llY •lnt.-.,Yplutrnultl L II Mil ~~twl\.clllll,,....,, 1 lpo4tW, :.\ °"'*· ..,. Ciii81111a .. Tl ... ULll 75: -3112 . Me':~~':"~· ailp•r. , typlnfi.,!tO ~ PfoOtemt. Celt .,.'!!!!_ n ~e::...'1nr:·


-=ll•, w• 121.000...,.,.,__ Jl..7IOO • n4tlto•o make top doler ae111r1g OEN!AAI. OFFICE ' ~..t"':, Air~ M , Mon-'rf. 2IO-O* ......... _ ~...!!;! • Slip evell 7 WM0-74t1 '1 ml!t_ .... 'IO Mwo1d11 2400, i ml, = !!! brill cw. t* bege Mff·~. amCo, t)'plng, IAllll l?T _. ,...... .. _...._ ........ L,,_ "'- .1wwr· · W'l!llV W S11.IOO, (IWHOl9<J)._,liiiii'Wi~"'"l"!!"!'ll!!P~ Clll DtYe. t7.S-a2t7 • phonat11o. 1o..6M-,, A IMChantcal baotcground c.n Sf\ll'le)', 133-333• ._.......... ado 141201 '11 a..Alli22' wl0/tl66t 'et CAD. CONY. meo. 4-2 • • Jtffl ...... ""'" 4.1;11. rm.

hr 54&-( 71 MtpfUI, ~ math. no Aeeteurent CMh pefcl delly, no uper. Adfnlt11 1WY ctty W..._, o1ibtn HO HIP VO In Kint oond. 1141 - poru, 11'1l'IO«IOO WW. aGI VI. ~ ..... /... Gen.r~ •XJ*. nee. Part or M l PllYATI IUUI ... ~· ~o ~::· P= Od cond. 1190. 84WI03 114,0001080 764-4112 ·ao Mercectet uoiL. In/out I HOO obo

for office ~now'~ & Ill_ . tlme. 557-3380 n..cla rellab .. count., coMtHwy, L191oh EModi'yerlynotdt1IO .. dYl. l 7M 7eo.,,_,. ............. 121.IOO, (ARZeM)..., ........ --:' c:ch ~;•ng• ~.r. In Ntwpcw1 1wt1 hie • l P!ell .. n Mtp, 281-7500 Cindy utce new. 173-2IOI 13 ~t' =-X&.. 4-21. JIM Menno Im- c;e;;; .. Cownttet Mtpful. Ptew ::.:~ino In ~ Otno. S.,.clalty AM-- Mm ~·•111&1 .,..... '"' ......-. ~~ titr. 1ao ~I~ a... tllf potta,

11t117MOOO •••

br~M.Y. Pf!~t2out57eeto ment Houra.,.M= ~1.!!....~, ~ T.,.,..... Inc I the nattona LES ta74133 ,_._ 1 10.tOO. '7~ llf -I .. w . 1 *'111111...... .. , CAOltJ.AC lll>AN'de Int . c.lf e.. • F-.:. 1. 'PM . .. -.. """"_...,,,. Of ~ ....,., '" ttnnlt• ' .,.et .... OWftl, .. ""· .,,.,.., lfWP Fv»t ..,...... 1• ""' mint VI" • .. * I ---fOt IPC)t. M ...... , ...,, · - · ~· ment pOli!UON. s.M ,. control Ml lmmed. ~ JMf\&11 aec ~ '*• ANOIMOH'I YACHTt s1100 llCMM!O cond ao.eoo -....a1 - • • .. .._.. .,,... ~"'r:.=min9 ~~t~.' P== ~fo~utatJec.!i _P:1.!::::r.· MWS119117 =:,"~.:!: M llll~torMOliWf* =~..,_:;

now hlttng fUll & P*1 ttm. 133-3232 K«ry CoHt Hwy, N•wport nee. W• will ~aln. Mutt Contact: Jamee Cwny, Mletowaw <Mft. nMl'IV 50' DUa TAAWl.ER '6 IUW & Uk - w/ peliwMIO ...._ lClne (1CTZIM) ~ 6 drtwn tor oi.i-A-AMM .,,..,1..,. hloh. C.. taee3 t11veQOOddrMnQ r.cord. 1:'5mS::onr~:::; • ,OUELKETCH sapct.a17_,, 0001 .. n 11eooWMne ...., '°"rHnor ~ _,, 8outh Coun- neecs.d for anWI W• ott., com~tltlve S3 ,,. CRUISER ecp 4-28, Jim Mllftno irw.. 1'IP ... ... fNIY. ty. Muet b9 91lwt21 yr Dutteelnoluo.~ ' '1121.n· ltAWtJno Mlllty. Xlnt com- 11 n · fXPN88 CRUS!" PClf'ta 11115'7o.oooo ~ :o,~c:..-:i.:=: rtl: Payro ll. Tu• • . ...... IMnlcUrlet '°'MW =21~."~~Pmc~ TRAVEL Ag~ MAN- 1n1..... Mii 25'~ '7HZll,lowmlle,loeded. ==--= 1 . fut'therlnto. M-FMEOE ~f,~~ · !c,';:~:~.u~~fe ~-~~~~: llPC>IY153fN9wport81Vd, No eomput• .xp. r11q. VH8™&1Wa l 180: •BAAOAINPNC~.O* new t lr u HUO? I 1•11.. NABERS

lllftll WllTll w/Uf*. Mon-'rt M ·30 751 ..... 14& C.M: EOI! MIF 87S-1995 M 850-1500 Cannon Su!* I Movie 8lp & luNey °'**•'-Cl 7ecl-110e Toe> .... *9a Prtc. Pakt CIM I IC F0< home delvety. c... ~fOtln~ · Medical ULll/ ..... ~ TUftLAlllT Cameras25. MO-ttM 8 10 ~8alboa '12 3201 8HOW"OOM CllP.-orAly ftUIL&.ft

paid dpalty. = 910 •••AYl •l•P FRONT OFFICE peraon ptttwllle7-91orwomena Mu1t be ~nergatle & rne It IH . Tottycraft 27• ' E.xpreu ~e:-.5~~· ptl4 '!!!'•"l.IBllTID LA..aDTKL.fCTIOH North acl1lc Hwy. fM oorm 00 Must b9 Frr 848-1824 cloth Ing b outlqu• . agr...iv.. to work In F.m. iiOOdh<>Una mu.t CNIW .84 dnt cond ... -• ... ~- Ofia.ft'IOdel, lowmllMCl4t l.JIO. Bch. able to ~·36 WPfTI & Medlcal Offtoe L.agune BHc h. Ca ll pl..unt 1Yrroundlng1. fi nd home , ' g oo d WI! mllnt ' Hwt>t 111p' '81 'BMW 320I, Loaded, 2 13 0'714137·2333 Ceclllofln~

ESCROW hendl9t~. Ftwt __..... 481-4n1 281-1881Ed w/chlldren. 876-8080 eue1. tr1r, NtMllS78": 19995, (OH.491), exp a:11r-------r:r-Tr County!S.uetodeyl LIM~ k~ req s.twy r .... 1 . 556-3ee3or841-8280 4-28, Jim Menno Im- IJllA 1110

, MIMonal ....... _~ OOE. 151•8227 Ctieryt wont• Comp • ~- 111.111n11111 NLmn Plllll .,.,..,. port•. e11151CM)OOO ... ,, ... u.88.-: .... , -nine-;;;;--• ...,. utorowtnan ,..._ · • Injury prac11oe, ••~ M1t1n P«tOn to~ tt Muat hM own t.rl."9Q9r· 2 Met(Jtltno i' SOlu QOtd IMtt •-n 711.. ong ~ · .,_, ott« 2eoo~l!Nd. Ing ftnancr.t ~ M- .... TPUT·fm and typing a mut11 1M- Swap meet, llt• ofb tet!On. Call 281-1881 Ed ~ SSOO pr us.-7009 « _, si" 'U 1211- 842.15o45 « 731-0170 COSTA MESA tall orl9nt9d ~tit. eo.ta Meet lingual a plua, Elaine dutlM, IOnl9 ..... 7·3:30 221

Cat:llM 171, 3 Niia, 4 dr, lo&CMd w/po"* =---..,.-----r: .... ~~;!§1;;;~~!

P9t90n With document Call aft. 4 M~~tMd. or Gab 9--5, 151-0127 Sat/Sun eao-3579 T~~~~fS..100% P~Y 7' Sofa Bechlnt cond $75, hlng9d meat, radio, pop equlpm9nt. Showroom f!!ftlt Upef. Som. typing '*· . ' ~/_.,,,,,.. IALU ,.... Y~r own ~=5 DIMtt• Mt $20, GE frig top, seaoo. 982-MN """ (1ESF817) ___________ ...,._ ::,. ~c.i~::· mtTlll • --:• for depart ltcn fr anc. FIT oppty NB Via no fro.t $80.

842~ 103 27ft CATALINA '78, 1/3 117.111 . ~ Campti.ltM3-1555 . Aeub9R E. ~huMYWat promotl0n(213,;:r:53 Lld~rug1 . Deen nPtlT/ llOPT Beautlful 8 pe White Tr• partnerwant9d. S210/mo Johnaon&!k>nUneoln

OJ*'lnga for a Part TlrM 575-0150 · · accurate typl9t (80wpm) dltlonal dining rm Mt Mpt lllp. 983-3341. . Mwcury. 2828 Harbor l ... ll?IBUY hott ... Mlp. Dey and PUOTIUL.. lllnt 1peller, plHHnt S100008055M543

38, Columbia d-.. ~ 81Vd, Coeta M9M

Experl9ne• d only Full ewnlng poeltlon9. tt/1. liv.ln for tmb ~ IALll phoM manner. Mature, Beau1 unique t meet. I '31 000 714/~ Gr•1SeMK;ttonofnew tlm• . Call T•r~y a t ~~c!:td~.1~ lad y, muu · d rlv•AapldtyexparldlngMulll- ~/To1rr'6.4s.-~2B5 ., ... 1gt>u0ri.<Jrea:~ c<>f* ~~10~. · ''82 BMW 320LA.acotgrey, ' l5'1 lrutodl

548-2524 pott 8wt\ 875-st1o 4~284 IMw m•1199. ...,... coemetlc company ar ne, 1 Ible ,,.. S700· S250 look• new, w/eM extrea. U. •llTI · V' llmTllY · IRlll/ PIAITU. hH opportunity for HI.IT PllllH bed• ~ bar' itoota' '81Et1caon 33, Ml rac., 10 ~·1111 ,000. 75'-1222 841 Oowitr 91, ...

2-3 y,. aecr...,.., ...,.,. lll?BllPll . Ceplstrano Nu,... =::: :S~~ Balboa Pav1111on, Appty enb. &.0-9{ee ; ~/!, ~:,'~ ~:~ · H9wpor't 8wt\ (all ~bC for buay 1rofeulonal. Reglatry, 31921. Camino ~ Otano- County Sat/Sun 8-5. Lie. a good Ch•rrywood d r .... r . ~ 112-0tll 78 CORVETTE. MINT Dir.c:tMof &~ Mon-Fri. tlr9 p/dWf. Ceptetrano, autt. 1o.San and aurroundrng ar ... drMng record . 400 Main w/mlrror & 1ge dp draw- HOBBIE CAT 18 lndudea Cond All ..v-. rt>t1 atruetlon and Dftvw9 llc, own trantp. & JUM\ Capietrano Uc. 208 FM appt c:alt Darlene. St. Balboa. S.. Vai.t. era S75 woocs.n d• trailer. Mu" ... I S1050 .,,......;_ .,_ ....... i...:........... P-·L- 1117 Sot< Ofta ml..,. & Oeelgn o.p.tment of ~ .. 47e-7ooe btwn & eonct.d. . ' 751.9335' ' .... w--111 FIT 24JC38 s 751179-8027 942-eeo7 ----- -... .. .... - 1Sangacrt.ft1° »S897!. 483-7137 raetaurant deelgr'I firm. l .SOem-5.30pm wltdeyt Accepting Appllcatlonl fM Wft HOBIE HI. $2500/obo. ******* *JM IL ..... Shorthand or te>Md· HOUSEKEEPE&r_ happy practical nutW to do ltve IAUl 111111 To bulld hardwood etalr- ~~ =•s"{~7~!~323 Good condition, roed tr1'. 011& l DT ll'fDlllT 4 IPd 58K ml, Bleu. ale. 79 Z21. T-toc>. loedecl. '#ltttng Mlli'ibli:.W: firil. lri N.B.' nCJ9 tiacpi' ft. ~-mull b9 metur• Pff trainee, buay ladlM ways. Mlllwonl experience · call 175-3793 ,....... .... mint 1 111.500 H3-M21 Rune and looka good taurarit eonttrucUon .x· attna. Live In/out. Muat and reaponllbt.. FM In- clothing atore. Wed-S.I. req'd . Wiii train for ital,.. Hvy rnd tbl $50; 1g lounge ax.el. $4800, t75-n29 penenc:. n.fpfuf. Apply In b9 uper. & haV9 gd at- fomuitlon 881.()508 831~290 548-1253 chrlottman-$250. 4 mah. LIDO 1~tt1t Mit!:TCOS'ef 1011331 alt l'd (1ahy238) '831111 SC Red/IMth Intl, 92 CAMAAO All, AJC P9t90n 8:30tm to 4 pm Utude. 780-2890 PU1Tm IALllTIAmll YlllPDm barrelcnrSIO. 873-2808 ~ OB0 831-3 172 81320l59p a/r (1clm011) :~-~~·1 '°:'::: am/ fm ~. x1n1 cond. at: llllB- c I c 1•-F--• . 8152115apa/r (784483) '35.000. 2131•"'"'73"' .. I S51190 538-8500 1ll *LY...__;..._ PBX OP«atora, ftexlble lmmed. OJ*'lng fOI' High on1truct on ompeny _, ._,_ 82 320l 5ap air (1evd984) ....... .... .

l7<M2 Glltett•Ave Working couple n..cl1 hou,., daya/wknda. Wiii SetloolQradl<><*lng for need1yardperaon, Coste LES 1157-8133 lluiatlnlt 7111 82320lalll'd (1frh174) .84 1144 5 IPd. full pwr, llWllllALIS Irvine 7141250-0331 tiou•M99' 3-5 days train. 64-4-7050 nrat 11ep toward a ,. MMa arM. 833-2130 LJk tota/bed '300 3 cAUislNMn.EAX'fd N 83 320l 5ac> ·s · (1aJx418) 1• • 1 n er . 7 . 1 8 . 1 , IUI UI ••• e.

plwtt, 11~. Muat Pll-1111 llllll warding e ar Hr. No Catt Slii ~nr:-' oek tab .. • 175 110\/AC. 20% Boet Show 83 320l 5ep a/r(1QVX3.40) Whttel t>twn. anrt, 5K mt. WI ...._. ...,...,,/ ... lftlet t>. exper. & haw,.,._ · ~. req . Fulltlme9ntry NCh 754-7857 Dtacount Paoffle Marin. 8352ha/tL'd (~7194) 845-4800 Mon-Fri i.""' 1 llY lmtMdlateoS*'lnglnour S .. ary 0'*1 (em~ P«rnliMnt fUll time, 7-3 ~polltlonlnthlaauo-H IMALAYANSEALPOINT . . MarketlnQ873-3056 837331alt l'd (l51878) PM842.· 21ev/Mnda OWIAa ..

rchall & dlatrlbutlon '**"' optional). Call Mon-fr!, '44-7050 ceasful 15 yur old bull- Kitten•. Avail. nowt $100 .._Sofa bed S3501 OAK: 83 7331 alt L'd (2arne351) .... :,,.rt~t for an •it- Mary 291·7425 neu. R•qulr•m•nt1: to S150, 957-0607 Bdrm $400; col lbl Mt; Sale sat IAM: CdM. 314. 83 73315epl'd (11'ttx128) .. Tl•I periene. peraon with xlnt ..... -• good driving record.hard P TZ S wall unit; ettlna cabl Marauettte. O/ B Mere IS~ alt I'd 1gft 150 CHlCK -.i lklll d ........... ..._ HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ...- worker, nHt a pp•ar- LA KA lamese kit· Sofa MC1-reellner $650 50&45, elec1rontc:., mor9 M3111a/tllr (1hta312) ' .,.,.ng • .,, • .,_.. 1 or 2 days per fOt PUT. Tm ance ugerneu to auc- ten•, 5• blue pt, C.F .A. Brue/GI ... din Mt/ bar Ill I a......L- 71U 84 325e 5ep loml(1ktv929) JV.E8111.:tnN Ing phone f*'IOnallty. light houaekMC>lna. Bu1y clreule tlon offlo• CMd: Call (714) 568-0383 r90llt«9d. 988""'719 1too111 Sofa/love Hat IJ" _.... 84 5331 Sep I'd (1kM270) ~ • ~=ty d~i!~~ Corona «Ml Mar 144-1357 Meda pet90n to an9'Wer fM men Info. todey Dtt• SSH S500 Xtnt-PIP 972-M 11 ·~ •™ tOr 32' ~!DER PORSCH E

eflt1 and working eon- llml.EP ~'=H ~~ H:r.ateh l&llWllllUD mo Ae0 tern 1fl,41 mo Oak $300 MahPgany ~c:H~t-~t AUDI d ltlon1 with a growing mult love doga, refl. _.~on-Fri 3_8~ PIT 852· 1878 btwn M Dach1hund 1500 out, Armolr $800 Oak 'Com- ___ ng_______ Hc:h~~."~v eompeny. Ai>ClfY In pet· .4117-1580 pm App.y In ~ M-f c~ savSun S250aec831·2828 mod9S100 845-0708 30' ~ M taber~ (l 14)111-1111 s.i.. • aon 1:30am to 4 pm at: DI 2 .. ;.. .. 30 _ ._ f ~- w TERBE mut. Npt i.i. s 185/mo. Tll .... y MID• I IL MLP :...._: . - or ........ L *ll--UY* Beeutlfut DOBIE Pup 8 A D-Klng 11ze. a50-72e'f M 752•2564 208 w. lat, Santa AM --... 1eeat _, wk1 ttn/ r9d no pepen complete wlmotlon.... CLOSEDSUN0AY8

17<M2 Gllt9'M Ave. CIMnlng, mornlnga Sam-7 __. RMI E1tate beekground. S 100 Ob0-541-5e35 mattr.aa S 195 842-4420 Jue1 returned from So. P• --------CHICK

WEllSON Irvine 714125().()331 Call557-eG20 rw.w In Irvine. 552~UIO e1f1e. need.._, fM Swan --------FEM AIDE ,,._ ..... ___._. NI Wiit ~ Want.s ama11 bf«l/ fem* Xlnt ~. eoet S500 57' 118' ~ 854-154& LARGE SELECTION OF MS E c-.. Hwy

~· -• lllllTUJ/lllllW Cockapoo or 777. Good ... $185 546-9187 ' ' NEW & USED BMWSt N•Wl'Of" lk6d\ teachet In whlchr pit rm ..... ..... Experienced only. Full wlc:tllcnn. 720-0941 MOORING-Pri me Nwpt L,m --- 'DOOGEJCOLMMT w•"_, . l brd + S300 mo 845-2357 UYMT 111111 time. Cell Terry a t I Ssii J 1214 Penln w/ 24 ' 'Calif ' . VOLUME SALES 673-ffeO .. vvn

Fem to lhr Badl Bay ~~at~;::: .. ,..... 548-2524 lntt * a 0 ex atan- S15,000 (402)2924424 SERVICE&LEASING L.owmleawtth.W condo. C M. $300/utfl quality ad layout• eompe •ROllITT 11111 Xppe1oou mare 15 hds leSs/Gold eport watch NEED Sip fOf 47' .._ 3670 N. Cherry Ave. ~ --h tl l ~&ig.s!!3~ Ind. Avt 511, 845-5123 & ..__ I- a f~ __._.. expetienea ~9d. but ~ S500 tadc Ind 649-2412 w/date & motl'tef of pearl good !<><*Ing Saltboet. LONG BEACH ...,..

.. ,_. "" -· ..- wtll tr.,n Rellablel Irvine 538-11402 S ( r .._... .. ,..,,, •7 1 O'Wf* air Mercury. "'"'" Hwt>or fU ILlll daffy ~· Col\- 291-7656 btwn ~ Simco Western saddle lace. Retails 2.250, S-49--5226 No . ..... -.,Plt_,., stidl ~Ina ._.a Bhld, CoslaMela Part time, ftellble tire. oepttoflnllhedart. Send IDnll-OASllU Ove< 1800 new-~htly SlOOOOBOT20-l430• SLIP WANTED By New- ~n•) Nt-1711 cono' 11200 67S-8679 714/s.40-5830

Appty ~n 9am ~ t~ '!*'" ~rMof ~ ~o s~.: ~~ ~= 4 llSTISI used S350. 640-91 llbctllUM•• II port BullnMaman fM 29' o~et:~ '83 Tercel good low '74 DOOge Charger ~ vie~ •Pl: o rv n• Hougl't Art Dtractor: PM 1111 ,ij,lah, APC>IY P.n- Mo ther ' • Mer k et & Pttl 5539 * Moving mull Htl ::"~2~~7=-1~7~t . mlltg• $4300 OBO CID Hlpro, new ~ &

b,';:!· 1!2 ~.Center ' . nyaaver, 1860 !Sllicentla ~::1: ~1~ Beeut Le11er S ulphur SS~ 0~~ ~t_~1~wn Cua If Datto l l7 1179-9073 days only lrw S2K 000 6'&- l 28 ••.at Aw .. C.M. et 225 E 17th St Colta Coc:ketoo tame HOO. ~ V.iksw~n 1173 Fer• 1311

Melnte~~~~rd•n•r 3'JAJ. ~. u•t1•••t M..a 5-'S-77'6 ' ~~ ':J;:;;! ~I: B~~s~~~y i!,~~ °:: c:,~~:~:7~t:lnaowa ·~T~: ~~ ~~ ·ta vw VAN. new anglne. 111.111 need•d full time at Coata Meaa, c.. 92828 llPllllTI .. O... hnltt ltlftttt Ila. $125 548-5120 Coste Mesa/ Mesa Verde IV' ~2 ~8wn5 r tt~~400 obo !~5'9'1L~· runt IYP« 'M COLONY PARK Sherman Gardena,. In Muat b9 exprd. AppfY at Libraries 11 April 27, 1985. I <rV • ..,,, • """m _ .. ....0-8006 WAGON. 4 to choose CdM. E.xper. pr•f. Ailf• LI*" lllllTUY DVTIES INCLUDE 3190 Harbor Bl, C.M nr R:~t':': ~~~*Zr Honda Generator S200. RENT 18'4 f\001. dlx, ilp1 ·79 280ZX 2 plus 2. low m1·. ·68 Bug. gd lhape lhru· from. Futty loed9d req. Only hard working -. Greetl=at~om«a S .D Frwy. 7141968-1711 Call Nowt 642.5678 16. boat wl trlr $300, 074 6, $.450. wtc. 15 C«'l1t lull pwr, aulo, all xtru, out, $2200 OI' b•t ofr wl powel'equlpment ••If 11 art era n••d Probate experlenoa. Phone/ later Kaw 400 $50, 642-28311 p/ml. Pvt ply. 983-3-427 orig. lady ownr, xlnt cond Call Tim, 641-8925 ( tKF8005) apply .C all Mon - F ri permanant part tlrM. STARTING WA ES-4hr. , A 1 -·-' - I S5150. 87s-7887 __ -- -- JonnlOfl & SOtl UncOln 8:30am .... pm, 873-2288 873-7120 llPllllTlll1·7tt0 M0111 HS MANICU RIST TABLE. att -.DI" '68 Bug. rbl1 ITIOI04' & Mer~ 2826Harl>O< , t >, l.UI) Al GllllSSW1) gray w/drwra. atoraoe lllll Tiii ·eo 280ZX 2+ 2, pemper9d trena, new pa1nt1new lntr Bhld, Costa Mela

Q~ " ,, MON SGW 11WS l~WIW9 well; Hy-draul Cha ir, • by 1 ownr, loecMd, bra, New brk1, new tires 7141540-5630 Classlf 1~2~5~v7est•slng Part tlrM 2 d?! p/wk. ,. • • 1 .J... cnrome Lamp Almost TIYITI ~. Ilk• nu 673-3e00 Showroom cond s 2100 .. 65 FM:on c1au1c:

N.B. 852·9060 andy 'r' l ' • '. ' t • ~} · ~ .,•. _ n9'iw Wu S 1000 Sell ALL MAKES! '81 Maxima, ••C81 eond, I 840- ~oe 1 _ graet M~1 ... s ,~• r-----------------..!.::========. I _..,,,,, ,. • J ' .f).. -~~- • "'-: · S-4115. 983-24 13 s 199 DOWN owner $5600. I 1000 '70 Buo/ anrf Excel ,.. 080 Rid<. 6734423

' t , ' • .r- .... ~

TODAY IS '+J ... 1 • .)11~~-:., .. I ~~ Unvet"slty A C Mtmbrahf> 0etlver1Anyleue belowlowbook67S-5393 1t04'ed, mint• New· eng. 71 Tori 2 dOOf 1 1 • .J. ·"'....-. • S-400 .. tranafer fee 0.vld. ILL-IAnll LU.II '64 300 ZX Turbo lo ml . pnt etc S3800 759• 1181 runnlng~ntlellt, lo ml x ~

MOH HMO ~ l~ OI' Llnc1a 7141778-4554 Hl/22MHI dlgltal/11hr . a11 pw!' 1()()t( i' i2VW Squarebecic nds casa $900 000 962-9985

CROSSWORD PUZZLE wnc>A .. 99_..ntl ~ ~1~w O)'l, 714/240-a480Eves ml. warT855-&e06 '~woril S1100 080 aft6om . n.LU1 Y 00 - .-••rJ Woman'1 Nllhlkl 12-IPd l1•/ Ul·1111 '84 Pulsar NX snr1. 5 apd, _ 55~ _ _ ·1t Torino 2 Of lllnt c:ono

bike $200 780-9732 Liii.i• Tl LEISE AM/FM S1ereo, 131< ml ·73 SQuareoaett l(enwood in/out. lo m1, FM eau c.r... ••l llu C..u lleu fict FaraJtut / & •YSLD PIHllTt $7900 OBO 850--0440 .v stereo. nu upMI t>n11 9d S90000 982-~ 6PM

AC9'0 99

1 Grid no-no SC1ptur11 9 Sufflelent

t4 Motner -1S Gled-eye 16 Ellot nero 17 A11«1 18 Reloc:ete 20 EY9ntuettKI 22 Stec>• 23 Work• of ~•uty 24 Mell drink · 2S Be1tow 26 Nettve ~fl 27 Eertn 28 S111mandlt 31~tlr 3• Sir Welter -3S Robot pley 38 Entic.ment 37 - d'etat 38 - Verde Perk 39 Moutn1 40 Pall 4 t Of equlnee 42 Btacll ttld -43 Heed C:OV..I 44 Ferm enlmel 45 Abtidge 47 E11 1n 11yi. 46 - of Thee St Lear~one

S3 Gr•hng




ss cerv1n9 "*''°"' S7 Toward the

center of 58 Within - - ol S9 Actoteda... eo Sh<>f't tor

Hon<>f'• 61 Slev1 62 Wind 83 Amble

OowN 1 S•nte -2 tnemorlla 3 Thll 11 4 Llame lend 5 Conttlner 6 CC>lnelde 7 Llgn!Mat1ecl 8 Ofteweor

OCVIP i Pewment

tO 111111n City t 1 Stucco lever 12 LCMlfl -13 Suc>«l•hve

encMagl 19~ 2 1 Wood ltrtP 2S NonMnM


26 ChlH 27 5cOrlH 29 W04'ry JO SeMlt 3 1 0 1tderl .... 32 Sot1 bf"Ztt 33 S Afriean

Pf OV!JlCt. 34 0trtlC11C>f'o 37 Decerlt 38 Cut 40 llAOC:tll-

MartM Equipment: Sat /Sat llAM. Comer Or- ~ 1•.a cond S 1750 494-17 l9 SAM 314 Marguerite, ~ ' Cabrlllo. Office 1 tty m GarM Mst..... .. .. 11m IL e•• .... , .... u ..... .., ~1 7-3VWBUG 74VWBUG \Liacela . Ul CdM 8AM. Outboard1, furn: d..aia, flllng, Tbl w/4 ltht el'trl. 8 Lthr HUNTINGfoN BEACH Both en dnt condlllOfl * -··-• * a6ec1ronlcs. acx:MI, more c:hrt, ete. Mo1()('C'fcie, an- swfvel Cl'lalts on cuter1, CHRYSLER/PL YMOlJTH S2350 eec:h 543-4965 * 11711!*

•· .... 11que piano. morel! ·7 .. Bu .... , ty ·Tto.• .. ~ .. ·- 1 Lge oveJ oak Cont Tbl, 842-0631 540-518"4 ,, • • • ,, " 1 air re.,, -warran • '"' car ·- fN9f'( ac-., •• ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sal/Sun 281 Sherwood, nr 1 Mahog TM Cart, 2 FM stereo c:ass, nds pnt cenory tl'tat you can 11!1 IM IW'• •n 21at & Santa Anf> Ave: smell Butler Tray Tbl•. 1 12800 oeo 960-8361 thlnti of Don't mlSI lttl

• Water Sof1nr. Elec. Tyi>9- E.xee. Seely ofc eta, 7' ~Rabbit good mec:h llll'IPlllf~IP.t~IP'-P.lltlllll EV"ery Sunday. Orange writer, Spkra, mite. pale gold Sofa, 6' Pump- c:ond. new peJnt nlee int Cou1 Colleoe. Fairview & ' kin Love S..t and mOI'• Adami. COiia M .... Ad- Shop Smith Ban~ saw, Xlnl cond. 546-0087 or Iv ..... tl I 1800 979. 7951 mlaalon & PaO!lng FREti. pos werdtoo~s & h:"d tools m1g at 7~2-2775 a 1 Miii WMI ·75 Super Beetle RunSi

SpaciM $10. 432-5880· etur •Y am- · .. _. IO<>ils excel New palnt .-...-.....-. ....... -------- 1010 Grove Plac:e Piaan/ Or11u - 4dr. S1511.115/mo- $2450 Call 675-7729

• HSEHOLD FURNITURE USED BOOK SALEI APRIL Grand plan o burfed 1538·42 dWl'l--Terms/4S '78- RebOlt . snr1 new paint. LIKE NEW: 2 aofa'1 & 27 · 9am-3pm. Harbor Walnut wllnlald braaa, Oomm'I Ctld End LM tires brkt sta ndard ,

.,-+--+-"+--1 ottoman•· Ital. Import col· Shopping Cent«. 2300 rich tone $2000 845-0781 Same Day Approva l lll-IAYlll LIAll runs great 53K ml $2000 I I .. , ' 1 & A h• • Harbor, Coat• Mesa. B .. Otf e 8001228-8398 ... 2 7727

4 t Moquo u Coagu11te •6 Cut la boll) 47Seat 48 Opere nero 49 MuSICal vemp SO Weeaet s tun 51 Cleanse• 52 tutcany r•ver S3 MIX .. S• On,,.m 56 Pete co""'

10 11 12 13

.. ':"• g... "'"ome. Sponaorad by Friend• 0 1 Hammond Commedore Newport eac.. •C "~ • pm

~:~~~~~~h~o;':; Costa M ... Ubratles ~~n siJoct:.:~~r,'1 llD· 1140 J 7141432


I 1

·79 RABBIT glaU top, marble t>&M, 6 YOUR CHANCE at a · Aatt ltnim / ~ur Gu. 4 dr • 1c stereo. hlgl'tt>Ktc el'taln. Thermo. WHlthy Spor11man1 TE CONSOLE French Putt Ml s ·7fXJ§. xlnl cona. :M16' 12275 840-8906 rang41 own/mlc:ro. llke 150 ooo W..nou• Sale Pr0'¥. Ilk• MW. benel't lttlr. radar deeeetM. lo ml I 8 1 Rabbit eonven new; Heehold utH; Walnut of ~rtuaily all MW gear Incl. S 1000. 788-303e ~E to 50% l MOREi I I 11,500 obo 631-S465 Make Ofter 11:.- .- _._.. a chair & 2 Ion I It ' 11 lJ9ed lfTl90'1 car Parta 1~ """'5 ;-.~ ~; Walnu! ~~.: ~:urd..; & s:V 1r@tl l~:?~:G:~~l :u:~ '8;'31 ~! •. '~In~ _ ...,-ovu cont.. tabt. w/4 ehalra, Aprtl 27 l 21, warehouM lr'lr'oomex = Ironic _..__ ANh 77&-9903 S26 000 Pt\· 780-8 t50 Appl9 11 oomputerl 2 di. 11 17ttl & Ptecentla. In muactl ltlmutatlof'I unlt. ...,,..,.,, =--· .,,.------,.-,,-,~ dr I prtl"ltr.M'errJ otMr ....... ~ ~ • 8X500. ~ St300 Mii Att......... ......_ 141

lt9ma. GIVEAWAY ~lceel boating and pereonal teOQ. Dr ft)[. 871~205 ·ii AX7 d§( lie htW SAT.4 SUH. 11wn-3pm. 'Wat ... from 10em-5pm " .. "'IU •a . .

Prlv Nit ltMage w.,._ £ r · USED CARS & TRUCKS ... ts. lllte new Sl,ll25 houM. 161 Commercial FHataia . .... '23 COME IN OR CALL FOR Orig owner 942-8235 Wey. (btwn N9wport 8IVd Valley BMUt. 25" &\Ith COi& nn UflAIUL ...... 145 a SuP9flor Ave. C.M.) 30 'Abms -seVSun t& TV $135. Full Warranty Cormlolr· O.Ullo ·12 Utt a ar. gooa co;;a Harbor Kwt Thrift Sl'top I Tlbu on 8roottl\u,.tl 84t- 1711e mftlLIT S 1500 °' b9at otter

907 w 19th St. C.M ,Z.,d ~ Talbert/ Elll• 18211 BEACH BLVD 642-eo82 112 P1'lce Sale off c:toea from old dr!Ye-ln HUNTING TOM BEACH 6_9 LUXURY SEDAN Clothing I Stio.. U l .... 11 Mf-Hll Xlnt !)Ondl S3000 down

Lazy mo Chllf, Pd 1385 . ..... IMC~ .. WAIT YIR "'61/mo 533--4242

~1 1 ntt~ =d~ ~ ; dfXHt FlEX UXNkEf ILUI -1111 '72 2eosE u . Beet cun Booko..... S•t only , Chfi.t PnllC>yt•W. see T _., otr. by 3pm ~28 buys 2157 Jee.rand• ChurCh, Megnotte l '7' ll' E.atd M«IN trailer Of'I •-.- S.. at 1005 E a.lboe Bl _______ __, AdetM. Sat. Apr1127. ll-3 S500 ob() 873-5277 e.tboe PelWt 876-6672 M<Mng a.le: A llOt of __,,__,...,-·_.....,.. __ _,,,

fl.wnlture, mlac hMhld MOVING SAL! HMflld I ' S.. ~ lr'lftetatwe, all '72 S!OSL. 2 TOPS It.,,. Yrd .cautpt I toots. p . tampa. '"-· atereo, ~ l •.4 11') ang 1 yr ..._ P811nt. S1t,500. Cell e.t/Sun N . 2711 SenO- =~~ i : Olld $375, '42'-374'2 a"9r 3Qm. 844~772 ptper °'· Set/Sun 9--? Boat 11 5' llum w/ tr1' '72 450 SL ~ eno. 2

MOYINO IALE· H1hld 1346. mtr ~ 4.RIP toe-, new OMI'\ NM fl.wn: Vtnfty, coucfl. tbl-. S.t Only, 17tcS2POf'tllde lll•MWU4' t7t-t027 f WW ........ g rH tl 114 ,500 l1t• ~ o. petto turn Ct Toyote 4 ~ 4. SAS m 1e11ga ... ~ i.wm.ow' rwtett ~ dtlome .._,. and tw.. ti •a WM9 '-A T~ PU. •74 280 s.csen 8IK ono rn1 & moN 27/lun 21. low ml ~ GT1..,,.. 1T 116. o;;o P9"t•. In '""" c:oM. MIOO. M>f'yltan lf\I ..,,, Coftd ~ 1214 0Nton nottwml8c. 1~ T~ 72, Qld .... 1475 ~844-4534


It (nr Herbor I Gel*) =..... cond '3IOO. '45-3011 ·u CJ7, M ..- , tsOO 7 4 '50Si It tiMa. ~ a.t/Sun M . • ••••• dft. S-. OWi ..,R .. 11.L ~tM. em/trft ':: -========· beby """'·.....,.midi, ~OOleO- 2""'..._,0wdcfren.. 541 ieos s 1eooo 78M303 ThomMi-. c11netM • · tabt-. ml9C Frt /Sat '83.. IMI ~ *nu couc:n. o.. caD1- tern 1111 JM:w A¥a Qllt e11m19a 250 """ .-.... ""' ... ..,.....,,~ ·13 M9te4"1H oosL. letora I midi more 4tO N.a btWn2"1622ndSt w/~ tip, .. , ,... '11CAMM.™*· S1UOO. {419MNJ) Jim L 1ttfl ~I & tN\ne A¥e. MOVING "'""'ure. amel ~t co.I 121.000 • CfWorM ..... l1'C ~ M a r I n o I m •

Multf.floml4V a... ~ d..,,_fiMl9e Stt,tH 080 873- 1272 IN, 1 1tM 1'19- 1 Po"11.118157Q.OOOO ht/Sur\ 1()..3, j7e-2eo protector/ l'nOIM ac:rwer't All IOt'tl °' ~ UH 7t Toyot• 4ll4, ~Int cond 75 2400 Orio O*MI All tnoce,,o. CM lot of ~ "'leO ... ,,~ clnaillWCI wo1 '" M600 obo 7U- «lCM, non emk1 QfMt al\lff tor ever)'OMf 2027 Vlltt Ceudal iortt Of th•llOI 642 ·56711 H/854-7328 W ~1-5109 -


'MUlllLITIWllAI Fully load9d, w/Llneotn,c• - 3 to cnooee · low a I 12.995 11<CS753) Johnson & Son Lincoln

M«CUf')', 2929 Harbor Blvd, eo.ta Mes.a


1.-nlUULll 83'1 starting from S9.999 8 4 ' 1 atart lng fr om s 1 1,999. 530-e392

I~; ...... '!! Mii 1150. 842..f.2"8

79 c.rt. Low 1111, grMI ~ • apd. PIS, PIB $.2800/ot>o. t60-55M



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co.v,.~ . ... u .••

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•1• Or - ' "'190~ D~ILY p · •

- • '.lOT! F1ld•y, A#)rll 26, 19!5 l

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~ ,, _

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. --'

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' -- '


LEATHERINTCRIOR • Al.J/zJtnatic ~ • B-wey,_. seat • Cruise cont:ifJI • StBf'SO CSC!sette • Aw: door Jocks • HeiNy ct.ty ~ ,.;lfs-& "'"?'defogger . ~"shod<

( j -· ....

'l: ~, .-.Jf!9•. 80i.u CEL llbl.ifll...,.,_ R~.53740 l'l.- ca._,,__ OAC f1 f954.4J!W94)

.• • r ..



---- ----


'25.924 1 .




--- -----

/i •




.. '

Subar·u's new station wago.iis inuch improved The dramatically redesigned 1985

Subaru Station Wagqns, with either front-wheel-drive or "on demand" 4-wheel drive, are more spacious, more comfortable, more efficient and better performing than last year's mode( - In short, Improved In every way, say company officials.

With front-wheel-drive, the 1985 Subaru Station Wagon tine-up starts with the economical PL. goes to the more luxurious GL and culminates In the new-for-85 GL-10 luxury wagon. ··

" On demand" 4WO models also come In DL and GL trim, along with the sportiest Subaru luggage-hauler ever - the 111-horsepower " Turbo Traction" Wagon. ·

A new 1.8-llter overhead camshaft engine Is standard in all station wagons for '85. With either a carburetor , fuel Injection or turbocharglng, this delivers 12 per-

And the passenger and luggage compartment contains more room than ever before.

All the new Subaru Wagons, not just the l.uxurlous GL or GL- 10 models, Include a variety of conve­nient features. For example, all Subaru wagon keys have small lights In their bases to help put an end to groping for the lock at night. For extra vislblllty In the daytime. all wagons come equipped with rear window wipers and tinted glass. Front side window defoggers also are standard.

Other standard Items on all '85 Wagons Include digital clock and trip odometer, inside fuel flller door release, front door storage pockets and AM/ FM radios. Top llne models get premium ETA stereos with four speakers.

. cent to 29 percent more horsepower and up to 8 percent better gas mlleage.

Coupled to Improved automatic and manual transmissions, this adds up to an efficient drlvetrain for the sleek, wedge-shaped body. The refined, aerodynamic look of the '85 Wagon not only aids efficiency, but reduces wind noise as well. -

To make driving a" manual trans­mission easier, even in hilly terrain, all manual transmission models feature the exclusive Hiii-Hoider t:lutch system.

When properly engaged, this sys­tem automatically prevents backward roll when starting forward on upgrades.

Suburu'• new •on Demand' 4-wheel d.rl•e Turbo waaon la more comfortable and more efficient, wit& a 1.8 -llter turbocharged engine that tran•-

mlta 111 honepower to either the front wheele only or to all foar wheel•. The car also often 70 cubic feet of tuaace epace.

Head room, leg room and shoulder room - front and rear -have been Increased substantially.

Going up-scale in equipment to the GL wagon makes a nice car even

A new ventilation system on GL Wagons directs defogging air to the rear side windows as well as the


front. There are alsQ_beatlng ducts tachometer and a low-fuel warning under the front seats to warm the tight also are ,standard. toes of rear seat passengers. A titt steering wheel with memory, inter- While all '85 Station Wagons have mittent windshield wipers , redesigned, more comfortable and

\ tJJ . \;/ •HICL• NYOICE



Clearly Marked Prices Fro"' Below 0 TO Over Actual Factory Invoice 1985 ISUZU PU'P (728853)

&8 low 88 s4999 "

• lnv~lce av.~labl• a~ time of purch•H·



1985 .,uzu TROOPER II as low as S8499




••low as 110,499(

I ~

No Prices Quoted over the Phone

1985 VANAOON as !Ow 11 ...



supportive seats, the GL gets vari­able lumbar support on the driver'.s seat, a 50/ 50 split rear folding seat and a cargo area cover plus a rear cargo light.

1985-GTI as low as ,




, • .







Full power. Factory air cond., AM/FM stereo, Tilt. Cruise, Vinyl roof, wire wheel covers (2EGA149) ...



f'ulf p1110otr, ractory 81f , Ult, Cf\llM ,

AM/FM Alf'tl'O, vinyl r0<1r 17294081



8 Cyl., aut.om11dc:, power •t.eerlnc • · brakes. AM/FM ttet90. E&c:.!Jetrt rood. (684RKQ;

*2995 't·

'82 DATSUN 200 SX COUPE 4 I,, ., 'Pf'ed , f&CIOfV 11r. 1• .. .,..n ' '"~rintr hrnke' &nd w1nd11ws. I\ \I ~ \1 • .,,,. ... wh1tew•U iir~. moon r." .1 \I 1'I •tP' 11 fo:.l lE-4461


N I P"'"'· Factory Alt aind .. AMIP• 81.trt01 lAa~ Tilt{ CrulM. IXCIL­J.BNT C'OND1TION 4&0VOPl



4 cyl,' automatic, air con­ditioning, power steering, power brakes, power win­dows. Only 2200 miles - LIKE NEW! (1MHB469)


Full power , factory 111r condit ionintc. leather interior, Ith & crui111', AM/FM stereo (309 Hl1\

•3195 '81 POU SUU'BI V A.N

p_.... ... .riiis. ~ braN, c-. triftdowl. roof r.U. ladder. ,.i-. •Uni. Hilh b.cll ... -.. ~ • .., (SA&W(»)

•8995 ~

4 cyL • s'80 ~"'" p,,.,: dun " ~Vt-U

~ tJ495



Automatic · Trans, Air Cond .. Power/Steering & Brakes. Tilt , Cruise. AM/FM Stereo cass ( 1EDB293)



8 cyl, d1etel , full power, factory air conditioning, vinyl roof. tilt & crullle, AM/FM stereo ca.'ll!ette. Only 29,000 miles. (499561)

•6995 ...


2 Dr, 4 cyl ., •utom•tic, f•ctory air, Power/etttnng & brakes, AM/FM atereo Only 12.000 mtln ( IJCG8&4l


·Subaru signs.n ew co'ntrilc·t as sponsor of u~s. Ski Tea111

Subaru of America has signed a oontr•ct with the United States Ski Team extending Its sponsor­ship agreement thru 1989,, a.c­cordlng to Doug Mahin, vice president of corporate com­munications.

The new agreement marks Subaru's 13th year as primary sponsor and off lclal car of the U.S. Ski Team, said Audrey

.Wager, manager of national promotions and special events.

Mike Harrigan, executive di­rector of the U.S. Ski Team,

called Subaru the ·Ski Team's . AlplneChamplonshlpalnCopper best friend . " No other corporate Mt., Colo., The Subaru Park City sponsor I know of has been u Ski Classic In Park City, Utah, the dedicated or consistent In their Subaru World Cup Ski Jumping commitment to a sport than Competition In Lake Placid , N.Y., Subaru has," he said. " It's no theSubaruWatervllleVaUey Wln­secret we've rellett on them time t4tf'fest In Waterville Valley, N.H., and again and they've always as well as numerous other Alplne come through. Needless. to say, and Nordic raoes throughout the I'm very excited about the new United States. five-year agreement. " Subaru Is also a major sponsor

Subaru. In. addition to being of the U.S. Ski Team Classic, a the Ski Team's largest corporate major fund-raising event held sponsor, Is also the slngle most each year In Park City, Utah, the J!Ctlve force In bringing World team's home town. Cup ski racing to America. In addition to Its sponsorship

This year, Subaru will sponsor efforts. Subaru has formed a 11 World Cup and National special scholarship fund In con­races, Including the Subaru junction with the U.S. Ski Team Men's Downhill and Giant Slalom Educational Foundation to ben­ln Aspen. Colo., the Subaru U.S: eflt ski team members.

Renauli for the road . Barry llalloy of Oranae Cout AMC/ Jeep Inc. (ria(ht) hand• OlCa Mom.on the key. to a l 985Renault Encore GS. MorrlHn won the car in a purple promotion, •ponHred jointly by American Moton Corp., KKHR

Radio and Welch'• Grape Drink. The promodon ded into Prince concerta featur­m, the HDC, .. Purple Rain." With Mor­rlHn ue HD, Lee, and AMC marketing manager Tom Peyton.

Auto man eo.ta Meaa re.ldent Gary Gray l• now H ie owner of Orange Coa•t Jeep/Renault ·in Coeta Meaa. Gray, who bu 20 yean of ~rtence In the automoti•}rtnda•try, recent­ly purcha.ed the lut •hara of •tock from American Moton. He bu recel•ed the award of ezc.eUence from AMC and bu broqht ht. dealenhlp to It. J>09ftion u number one in the Wat for new Jeep N lea.

California-only cars to be f ea tu red at show Chevrolet will unveil limited-edition models


at a uto shows in_Ora~g~~nd L.A. counties CheYrQlet ~otor DMsion will

display 1wo llmlted-edltlon 1cars that the company plans to sell only In Callfornla at the Orange County Auto Show and the L.A. Auto Expo this spring. The Or­ange County Auto Show, at the Anaheim Convention Center , be­gins on May 22 and runs through May 27. The L.A. Auto Expo is being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center May 4-12.

" Chevrolet has Increased Its emphasis on {;allfornla because California represents a vastly different market than the rest of the United States," said Edd Roggenkamp Ill, Chevrolet's di­rector of Callfornla marketing operations. " In the past we probably didn't pay enough at­tention to It, but with the prod­ucts we now have, and our greatly Improved quality, we can't afford to treat Callfornla as just another state" said Rog­genkamp.

Also Included among the showa' exhibits wlll be several prototype vehlclet, Including the GTP Corvette, Euro1port RS and a convertlble veralon of the Chevrolet Sprint, u well at a MCtlon devoted to special racing englnu and other high-per-

suspension , ·14- lnch tires, aluminum wheels and a special " understated" paint job.

" The reason for our recent exotic Cav..aller advertising In Callfornla, I and for this special Callfornla llmlted-edltlon vehicle, is to ·change peoples' per­ceptions regarding the car," Roggenkamp explained. " Too many Callfornlans see the Cavalier as just another small family car and miss the sporti­ness we've bullt Into It. We've put together a 'gentleman's per­formance car' and we think It can compete with several of the Japanese and European cars -but for thousands of dollars less."

The limited-edition Camaro Is a version of Chevrolet's popular IROC Z28, The vehicle Is essen­tially the same •• the IROC mechanically, but " without the muscle~car look."

" We've noticed that high-per­formance buffs In · Callfornla don't always llke to advertlae the fact they're driving a high-per­formance car, ao thl1 verllon of the Z28 hu a more aubt'8 paint treatment . no fake louver• on the hood and no decal•.''

AMC reports quarterly losses .

DETROIT (AP) - American Motors Corp. has reported a $29 mllllon first-quarter loss. attribut­ing the results to incroasing popularity of larger cars and strong price competition ' 1 the small-car market.

The loss ended five success~e quarters of profits by the flf!Jl­largest domestic automaker.

It had posted a profit of $5. 1 million, or 3 cents per share, In the first three months a year ago.

' AMC sales for the quarter fell

15.1 percent to $919.4 million from $1.1 billion In the year-ago period.

General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. were to release their ffrst-quarter reports next week.

" The continuing sh1h to larger cars, the resulting competitive­ness of the small-car market and the related price competltfon contributed primarily to our first­quarter loss," said Jose De­deurwaerder. AMC president and chief executive officer. " For­tunately. Jeep sales have f!&­malned strong In 1985."

U.S. auto sales overall are running 2.6 percent above the year before, but sales of AMC's Alliance-Encore are down nearly 35 percent.

The earnings report came a day after AMC announced It would Institute a plan In May to cut lta Internal budget by 25 percent.

AMC plans to begin pro­duction of Intermediate-size Re­nault passenger cars at a Can­adl1n plant In 1987.

• f orrnanee equl pment. .. --.. -....... -...... -..... ,... .............. 1111!~•~~·~~ .. -.11111. The llmlted-edltlon 'Oar• Chev-

The Callfornla t ruck market 11 alao very Jmportant to Chevro'8t, Roggenkemp said, and• variety of trucks wlll be on dl1play at the show.

Oedeurwaerder atreued the need to broaden the company'• produota with larger and more profltable vehlcl• ao a awing tn one eegment of the market would not have tuc:h a large ettect on profit•. •

" We ate onty midway In our five-year 'trtt• plan (to r• atore profttablllty), and tt muat M rememMred that When we flret an"ounoed our ptan, we cau­tioned there woutd M hight and

·lowt end the QOtno-woutdn't alway• M ea1y, "·bediurwaerder 1ald .

rolet plans to market In Calif ornla are apeclal modeta of th• Cavalier and Camero. They are acheduled to go on Nie May 1.

The Cavaller Is a 4-door Mdan - .quipped wltn • v~ •"91n•. · ­

apeed manual or automatic tr ansmission . heavy- du t y

" We currently Mii atmo1t one truck for wvery car here and the market I• expanding. 8-1Q. Pick­up 11111 are u~ 70 percent over 1a1t year. The 10 Blaz•-te-our No. 1 aelllng truck model In thl• state.

----·~~~...._~~~~~!,__~~~~--------------------------------------------.......................................... ....

'Future' Saab on display at show


An experimental version of the Saab 900 Turbo, the Saab 900 Turbo EV-1, will be displayed at , the Los Angeles Auto Expo May 4-12 at the Los Angeles Conven­tion Center.

D.riv,ers 1nust ha\!e proOf of insurance with the1n in auto

., Aa of July 1, motorl1t1 stopped

by police officers for alleged violations must provide, on d• mend, oral or written evidence of their financial responslblllty -that Is, the name of the company carrying the automobile In­surance and the policy number.

for this vlofatlon. which ~d result In a $100 fine.

If the v1olatlon occurs In con- · Junction with a convtotlon tor driving under the Influence of alcohol or drugs, the fine may be Increased to at least $240.

The 2 seater sports coupe has been deslgn'ed to enable the Swedish automaker to test and study components and systems that may be of Interest to the styling and functional features o f tomorrow's production cars.

The new ezpertmental Yenlon of the S..b 900 Turbo featuree an-11aM upper Medon with rear window and trunk lid combined

into one unit. Below, eztra c00Un1 for the interior la p_roYided hy aolar celr. ln the car'••ll-gt ... top.

Failure to meet that require­ment, the Automobile Club of S01Jthern Calif ornla remind• motorists, 'Wiii result In a citation and possible fine or even suspension of a driver's license until proof Is established.

To avoid such Inconveniences, the Auto Club recommends that motorists print the name pf their automobile Insurance company and policy number on the back of their vehicle registration cards, In the space provided for such Information.

Drivers convicted of f allure to have adequate coverage mu,t file proof of financial responli­blllty with the Oepartment of Motor Vehicles within 60 dart and malntai{l It for three years. tf the policy Is canceled for any reason during that time. the Insurance company Is required fo notify the OMV. Where proof of financial responsibility Isn't • tabllshed, the driver's license wCll be suspended until proof 1s established.

There are n_o plans for pro­duction of the Saab 900 Turbo EV-1.

Some of the exclusive features of the experimental Saab In-clude: ·

• Futuristic styling, with the top made entirely of glass.

•Good aerodynamic lines with extremely low lift forces.

•A Saab Turbo 16-valve en­gine, developed to deliver very high torque and an output of 282 horsepower (SAE net).

•An estimated top speed of 168 mph.

• Llghtwelgh,t $eats with a 'wide range of adjustments. • Energy­absorbing front and rear sec­tions of super lightweight wa­terlals.

•Automatic ventilation of the Interior, powered by solar cells.

•High power headlights of an entirety new type.

•Upgraded Instrumentation and Inf ormatlon systems.

"In the EV-1 project a small team of our designers and design engineers were given virtually free rein to Implement some of Saab's Ideas for the future," said Gunnar Larsson, technical direc­tor of the Saab car division of Saab-Scanla AB of Sweden. He noted that the work was done at an almost Incredible pace - It took no more than six months from design drawings to the finished car.

The body ts. distinctly wedge­shaped, but with a smoothly rounded rear section. The basic design Is aimed at achieving optimum road behavior by cut-

ting down Ifft forces and ensuring good stability even at very high speeds. A distinctive feature of the EV-1 is the all-glass upper section with a Targa-t~pe top. The rear window and trunk lld are one Integral unit.

" In tradit ional Saab style, we will be exhibiting a car which Is compact on the outside but has generous interior space, " said chief de~gner Bjorn Envall. " The EV-1 can accommodate four adults and a vast amount of luggage, something very unusual in this type of a vehicle."

Estimated top speed for the EV-1 is 168 miles per hour. and acceleration from O to 60 mph Is estimated at 5. 7 seconds. The time for the quarter-mile run , from standstill, Is approximately 13.9 seconds.

Instead of conventional bump­ers, the EV-1 Is equipped with front and rear bumper shields of aramlde fiber-reinforced plastic across the entire width of the car. The material Is self-supporting and, although very thin , needs no reinforcing ribs. It deforms elastically and resumes Its orig­inal shape without cracking. ,

The shields were supplied by Saab Composite AB of Sweden, a company In the Saab-Scanla group, which has accumulated more than 10 years of experience In using various composite ma­terials for aircraft and other applications.

The doors Incorporate com: poslte reinforcing members of glass fiber with a layer of carbon fiber. With this combination of

materials the Impact bar con­forms to the strict U.S. side collision regulations but is very compact and weighs less than half of what a similar member of steel would weigh.

Although the large glass sur­faces of the Saab Turbo EV-1 are heat-reflecting, the, interior will obviously still absorb a large amount of solar heat. To reduce this heat the car features a novel, continuous ventilation system for the Interior.

The removable glass roof over the front seats incorporates 66 solar cells. These are 'connected in series and power 1 an electric fan in the ventilation air exhaust. The stronger the sunlight. the

faster the fan will run . The Interior will be ventilated automatically, whenever the car Is parked In the open on a sunny day.

The seat chassis and backrest frame In the EV~ 1 are made of injection molded plastic and are considerably lighter than con­ventional seat frames. As a result the total weight of the seats has been halved.

A new feature for Saab Is that the seat belts are equipped with Integrated belt tensioners. In the event of an accident , the tension­ers are activated within 10 milli­seconds. to reduce the forward movement of the occupant's body.

tmptementatlon of SB 850. passed last year by the California Legislature, marks a " significant Improvement ·over the (then) ~xlstlng law," said Steve Lenzi, Auto Club senior counsel for governmental relations . ' 'Hopefully, enforcement of this measure wlll lead to a reduction In the number of uninsured JflOtorlsts."

T_t)e. new law requires officers to record the Information given to them on the citations they Issue. Drivers who can 't or don't comp­ly will be given a separate citation

Lenzi said a motorist who can't provide evidence of existing cov­erage to the officer may submltlt later to the court, in writing, either by mall or In ~rson. Ttwts will avoid the f ine and llcenle suspension.

" Written evidence must In­clude a copy of the pollcy ah<>ft­lng the poUcy number, the narJMf · of the Insurance company, ettac~ tlve date of the coverage and the expiration date." he said. '1n some instances. written coo­flrmatlon from the Insurance company showing that the driver was insured at the t ime of the c1tat1on will suffice.··

GM sales figures slide as Ford, Chrysl~r gain

DETROIT (AP) - General Motors Corp.'s lagging sales have pulled down domestic car figures again, with the industry reporting a 6.6 percent sales decline in early April.

Ford Motor Co. sales were up 7 percent In the April 1- 10 period and Chrysler Corp.'s rose 15.6 percent.

But GM's fell 14.3 percent. It was the fifth time in 10 reporting periods this year that the leading automaker posted a y6ar-to-year

decline. " These lagging numbers -..,ill

be short lived,'' said David Heal)'. automotive industry analyst at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. · Healy said the auto maker' s

" enormous schedules" for car production in coming months prove GM believes its fortunes will turn arolJfld quickly.

But for now. ''GM's market share is still crummy," sald analyst Harvey Heinbach of Mer­rill Lynch.

---~:...__------------------------- -------T---

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C4 h

9'ange Cout DAILY PILOT / Friday, AptU 26, 1986

STOCKHOLM, Swcdet\ (AP) - apuat nuclear arms\•· wtuch 1s Priwne- Minister Otof, Pltmc has allowed under wcd1sh 11w. dtn~ a press report that S""eden The wedish technical Journal. Ny canied out secret n~clear weapon~ Tekni~, SIJd Thursday that the nu· ~bu late as l 97 .. in v1ola11on of clear wcipon' rcsttrch was funded a J 957 ban '?Y Parllamcnt. ~ccrctly by a small group of top

Palme ~d at a news confcrcncl' L a5>vernment and milii.ary officials. Thursday: No nuclear weapon has The oumal said the program aavc ever bee~ constructed or exploded in ·w~en atom bomb capability b) Swe<IH en. 1965 and culm inated wuh 10 mall.

owcver.. the Social Democrat undergro und plutonium explosions l~der of this neutral country added n· I 97""'> that it was sometimes ,hard to define 1

the limits of " research aimed a1 Tor Larsson. head of Sweden's P"''""'tint thr ~wedi~h population N•u ional Ot-fensc Research Institute.

Berkeley Cotmcllwomaa Nancy aneated.

confirmed Ny Teknilc's ttPOrt. but ~id the 197.? underground blasts could not be termed explosions of "military nuclear dcv1cr-s. ·• Su~ ~ynneraren. former chief of

Swedish armed force'- said. " We were do10g what. we could to shon en ... the time bet wen a possible d« 1s1on to produce an atomic weapon and the actual JTI•nufacture."

weden'• ·pnme minister in 1972. Tage Erlander. admitted authorizing the program but doubted that 11 violated the parliamentary ban be·


cause. he 1d. 1t was earned out for " non-o fTens1' e purpo~~. .. Palme wn Erlander's right-hand man.

The oppo 1t1on Centt r Pan ) . which is anti·nuclear. hu demanded ar investigation, and Palme said he instructed Defense M1n1stcr Anders Thunbora to " lool into the matter."

Palme ~1d· " In the m1d-1950s we were o n a par w11h France 1n techn ical development in the atomic field. Out while they decided to go on and acquire atomic weapons "e subsc: quentl y dec1dl·d against that."

Apartheid arrests total 33· in 3 states By ne A11oclated Presa

Police entered the administration building at the Un iversity of Ca li· forn1a at Los Angeles early today and ended a th ree-day-old s11-1n. one day after at least 33 anti-apartheid protesters were arre!>ted at colleges in three states.

Most of the 25 o fficers o n the lJCLA campus polt~ ~force were involved in evicting and c1t1ng 20 students. the remainder of hundreds of people who'took over Murphy Hall on Tuesday.

The students were given misde­meanor citations for trespassing and released after UCLA Police Chief Pat Connolly issued an order to vacate the building at midnight, said Sgt. · Alan Christopher. About 40 students obeyed Connolly's order.

On Thursday. 27 people were arrested at the Uni versity of Florida

-"Id Bobb to •trike the wttnea' teet&mony ~ It w• " In· herentfV Incredible •••

tn a tel~ lntervt.w, Hahn Mid: ··~ •11•no 1a thet we to ..,die grMt care In ~ photoe 1na evtdence In tMM caee. Jutt bectwM Chuck Nor· rts, the other• and I are promi­nent, w. have credlbUtty. But What ft tome other · peoptea• plc:U• 119 inctuded? Their .,Ivel eouk:t .,. ruined.

" " points to a problem In lnveetigatlng cues, one hu to be YfKY ct1reful. Kida wttl p6ck out ptctur• of thoM they ... on TV and In newspapera. I'm onty hopeful thatthere aren't othera In the lftuatlon wrongty Identified."

The boy teettfled that the def9ndante, eometlmea eccom· pani.d by strangers, tied chil­dren to a post at the IChool and

in Gaines' ilk a Iler protester<, op­posed to S'outh Afr11:a's policy of racial d1smminat1on Olockcd the en trance to an cif min1~tra t 1on bu1ld-1ng. There were Six arre•m in C'ah· fo rn1a.

Leaders of a blockade of a campus building at Columbia Uni versity in New Yqrlc claimed v 1~tory as they planned to end their four-week crusade.

Fi ve University of C'ahfornia stu· dents and Berkeley ('11 y Council member Nancy Slcinncrwerc arrested Thursday for blocking entrances to University Hall on the UC Berkcle}' campus, where offi ces for the regents and presideht of the statewide system are located.

The protesters want 10 send a message " loud and cl~r" to re&ents that they want the di vestment ISSUe decided before students leave school for the summer. Skinner said.

buftwhlpped them. and at other tam. bMt them with thetr nsta.

Kntvee and hypodermic nee­dtel were UMd to klft antmatt at the PNfChc>ot "atm09t fN«Y da ,"he Mid.

3ht1dren were moteeted at a car wuh and at a farm. Where a man with a tx.tllwhlp and dressed fn bib overalls forced them to take off their clothes. he aaid. ·

The boy t .. tlfled that the chMdren were taken to a cem­etery, Where they were'forced to dig up dffdl -t>octles and watch tMChera hack them with knives.

At a church In Hermoea Beach, the boy md, the chUdren were forced to pray to " three or four gods,'' white nuns and several other people chanted from pews. A priest "htt us on the back with his hand" when the chlldren cried, the boy said.

-MOTIC:I~ TMllTlnlAU T ....... .... AP

On May 17, 194& at 8 15 a M , flll~ST AM!RICAN TITl.l INSURAHOI! COM· ,ANY, a Callf« nll COtPOt· atlOn, M T1U1e-. OI IYO­oettor Trutt•• 0 1 luballtuted Trwt .. , 0( thet owtain DMd of Trutt P • eouted by ROY e ... _. end Jwie e. a.a*'· l'IUl­bend and ..... and ,..,,ded <>ctow 1. 1NO .. W\altv­rnent No 12254, 1n 800k t377t. Peoe 1939, of omc.i.1 ~d• of Orange County. C•nfornta. and puAU11nt to lllat O«tlln Notice of Default lhef.Uncl41f fec:ofded 0.­wnber 21. 10&4 U Inst~ rnent No. 14'5~ • .of·Of· flclll Record• of NldlCoun· ty. wlll under and purtuant to .. 1d DMd of Trua• Mii at public 1UCtlon tor CMll. law­ful monev of the United Stat•• of Am•rlca, a cutllef'• cl'leclc peyable to .. Id T1u1t" drawn on 1 at111 or national benk, • 1t1t1 or l td•al credit union. or 1 1t111 or fe<*al .. lllnQ9 and loan INOClltlon doml­c:lled In this 1tate, at the front entra~ to the OLD 0tanoe County Court house. loc:eted on St ntt Ana Blvd.. ~ tween Sycemor• St and Broedway, In the c:lty of Santa Ant . California. all th1t right , tltle Ind lntw .. t con\19Yed to and now held by It under H id Deed of Trutt In Ille propeny lltu­lted In Mid County Ind State CS-lbed u ·

I A.P N 0139- 185-·21











The 1tr .. 1 addr... or other oommon deetgnetton of H id prop•1fy: It purported to be: 1743 ~ redor. Coate Men. c• loml•

Said Nie wtJI be Mede without OOveNlnt or W91· rwrty, •ltP'MI Of~. M • to Ihle, potl•tlOft Of """ cumbftnelel to Mlllty tne unpaid balanoe d"9 on the note or not• MCUrecl by Mid Deed of Truet, to wtt: '83, 1H.80. plul the follow­Ing Mtlmated coeta. U · '*' ... and adv.noee at the llme of the lnltlll pvblleetlon of ttll• Nolle. of Sile: $1,730.27.

The trutt" hereund« Ollclalme eny lllbll1y .. lo the corrKtneaa or velldtty of the street lddr... thown herein.



DATED: Apnl 12, 1985 '"'IT A*NCAN TIT\.I

INIURANCI Cotlt'ANY, Ir: Adrl•""• Pftt119et1, Trwtee'• ..... C>ftlclw, m Court atr••t l•ft ler11•rdlftO, Coltterftl• D'12. (11•) ...... 11, ut. I01

Publllhed Ofenge eo.t Diiiy Pllol Ap<U 2t, Mey 3, 10, 1985

F ... 7





. - _.,


•------------------------------------------------------· I ERALS LYING BELOW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET FROM

Under tn. outtlOr'lty 1n I lnternel Revenue Code MG­tlon 833f, the prot*tY de­ICflbed beloW hel bMr1 Mtl· ed 101 nonp•ym• nt of Internet r...-.nue w .. due trom Broell G._. Company Limited, A Corporation. 1372 McGaw Avenue. lrvtne. CA 92714. The prot*tY Wiii • be IOld •I public auction M prOYlded by lnwnel ....,,_ _,. Code MCtlon 1335 and related regulation•. of Sale· May 7, 1985, Time of Siie: 11:00 A.M .• Pl~ of Sele: 1372 Mc:Gaw Avenue, lrvlne. CA 92714. Tltle of. fered Only the right. title and 1nt-1 of • aooreoet• (only) In and to the property wtll be offered tor Nie. If r• quested, the Internal Rev· enue ~ wlll turnlltl In­formation at>Out poatlb .. encumbrences, wnloh may be UMful In dotennlnlng the value of t"- lntereat being aold. • II minimum bid not obtained, lnwntoiy wlll be told In IOtl. Oeacrlptlon of property: 1-4. aquar• coffee table. I-wooden c:ab4Mt, 1· large br ... tablo tamp, 1-8' green loath« ooud\, 1-8 green l•ath., cllalr. 1· Nvtone Radio Inter-com ey.- . tern. !~floor plant, 1-

GOP pushes hard for Reagan 1budget · doubt if there 's going to be a single Democratic vot-"'e-.. -. ,-

WASHI NGTON (A P) - Senate • Republican leaders today pressed

their ..earch for additional votes needed to nudge the budget pacbae endorsed b)' President Rcagap over llS first procedural hu rdle. wh1Je a leadini Democrat predicted united oppos1t1o n from his pany to the plan.

" I doubt 1f there·s going to be a single Democratic vote" for the

admm1strat1on proposal, said Sen James Exon. D-Ncb .. a member of the Senate Budget Committee.

Senate MaJonty l!..eader Rohen Dole was closeted for most of the morning with a few wavering GOP senators whose votes he needs to keep the president's plan alive.

Late Thu rsday. Dole abruptly re· cessed the GOP-controlled chamber rather than nsk a crucial showdown vote he had spent most of the day arranging. He conceded that he didn' t th ink he had enough votes to prevail and would try to dran new GOP convcns..

A. t a news confe rence today. Exon and Sen. Ernest F. Hollings. D~S.C .. presented a ri val b1pan1san budget plan that includes S25 billion in unspecified tax increases in 1986 but none of the deep cuts m domest ic spending contained in the adminis­tration-backed plan .

Hollings said that defeat of Dole's attempts to bring the White House proposal before the Senate could open the wa)' for his propo~I

" It's got the o nly cha nce of sue· ces~ .. Holl ings c;a1d.

The 1nabi lt t\ of Dole to w1 n support for the hudget package: m an

earl} test vote. com mg JU!.t 24 hour<o after th.e president's nationall y broad­cast appeal for the S52 billion pack.age: of !>pending cuts, dealt the plan a potent. p0ss1bl> disabling. blow.

While Democrats reJOtted m their m1t1al victory. Dole vowed to toil to find the needed add111onal suppon 0' ernight.

.. w e·re going to try to 1urn 11 around (on Fnda\) and 1f 1t takes a mont h IO turn II around. we.II take a month:· Dole told rep<>ners . .. The poi nt around here · ~ wi nning. We may lose eventually. but we're going to first do a lot of work."

Soviets doubt 'Star Wars' sharing c}aini


MOSCOW (AP) - A govemmedl news agency says U.S. claims that it will share the technology for a apacc­bascd missile defense s~'item with 1he Soviet Union .. can't fool even a simpleton.··

Novost1 nL'"'' agen<» '!> commen­tary Th unday on the recently com­pleted fi rst round of the (,eneva talks on nuclear an<l <opacc weapons also reiterated \o\ ll·t an u\allons that the United ')tatc\ " attempting to steer towa rd a 'lt:parah.' dgreement to hmu medium-range: and \trale&JC missiles

The ~ov1e1' claim )>pace weapons and nuclear "'rapon\ mtJ'$t be con-

sidered 1mtcrrelated fss ues. and that the U.S emphasis 1s violating the format for the talks agreed upon 1n Januar. h) Foreign M1ni'itcr ·\ndrc:1 A, ( 1rom\ ko of the ~o' ll' t I ln1nn and l J .S \ll'(·retan of ~tall' < it·orgc P ~hultt

~cgo11a1ur<o er.dcd l uc'>da~ the fir\t round of talh that hcgan Manh I::! fhc m·x1 six-week 'iCss1on 1<, \t hcdulc:d to c,1an Ma., 10

·· v. ash1ng1on\ oft -rcpca1nl ~­<,urantes that omc 11 dc,elops a \.\Orkahlt' <.pace dcfcn..c 'i>Stem 11 -will \hare ''' findi ng!> with the other side

can' t fool even a !>1mpleton." Novos11 said

··.\ftl'r all. 1f the White House IO'>l'il\ lhjl personal lomputer<o arc a 'tratt·g1( item not to be sold to the ~o' 1et l Jn1on. then onr can hard I} hl'ltc'l' that 1t "''II \.\tlltngJ) rrveal tt\ mo\t \oph1'it1cated m11t1ar. h1gh· \ech ach1c,cments of the ·star Warf proJCCI. ·· the agenc~ sa1~ .

l ' ~ . trade regulations 'proh1h11 sale to the <;ov1et Union of h1gh-1ech· nolog) item\. including personal computen. for rCMOns of national SC<'UOI}

NoHl\ll 'aid the first round of the

G~neva talks .. culminated without produci ng tangible result<o But th is does not mean that it wac; unprodul· 11\.e " Both s1dr'i wc:re :1hk to "ai r their approac:he' to the l'l'iue'> at hand and to define d1ffen·ncl't,." 11 ~a id .

.. Unfonunatc:ly. from the ' C:I) 'iparo;c informa tion that .., kno" n about thc<oe confidential talks and the !ltatemen ts hy I J.S. offi cials from the president on down . 11 ha'i become apparent tha t the l ln11ed State~ " attempting to rcv 1~ the principle~ tor the negot1a11ons agreed upon during the <ih uhz-Gromyko meeting carlt l· r 1n the year ... Ne)\ O\t1 \a1d.

Ambauador recalls meeting· at Efbe· WASHINGTON (AP) - lcM9t

Ambaae ador Anatoli F. Dobryntn. recalllng the World Wet JI llllance that de,__, U. Nazll, hu urged the ......, State9to8ttea81b9 ''on....,..,.. tOfY tetm•" wfth ,, .. 00 ........... ahd work together few p 11 a.

In• atetement a...ted "'°""" t.M Sovtet Emba..y. the ·•••en dlptoma1 recalled the r~ Moecow 40 year• ago when word reacMd t"- 8cMM ~tal that Scwtet and Amill"'*' troop• had met at the E60e ~ In Germany. .

"The Q9Mf81 Mntlm• .. that It wa a gr .. t occlllon." Oobryntn Mid of the ftnkup tMt led to the. co«apae of OermanY and the end of the war In Euorpe.

He Mid ltwu acbleved dtlpftf dffferencee In the U.S. and SoYt9t IOCl1I and economic tyatema,

ldeok>g ... and ways Of Ufe. " Today," Dobrynln said,

" when I em recalling this great hlstortcal event, I can't hefp poelng a question; If we could be alli.& during the grave period Tn human hfltory. ftghtlng the com· mon enemy, why can't we at 1e&lt be on eatllfactcwy terma, If not on friendly t..-mt today?"

Pr-'dent Reagan will be In Europe next month on the 40th annfverNry of the U.S.·SoYlet vk:tory ov-. Germany. He doee not plan to commemorate• the 1Ht1nce with the Sovlet1. ln1teed. Reegan lntendt to celebfat• tfta democrat~ government edopted by W•t G«many aft« the Wit.

On Thurlday, Amtirtcan Ind Smdet..., merant met at tba Elbe RJvef In Eut Germany despite an otflclal U.S. boycott of

the event. The United Statea refueed to Mnd an offtclal det­egatlon to the ceremony In proteet of the death of U.S. Army MaJ. Arthur Nlcholeon, wt\o WM ihOt by Sovt.t eOICflert near a Soviet mfUtary .,... In Ent <Hrmany on M1rct1 24.

tn hft t1atement, Dobrynln m9de no retwence to the way the Re~an admtnl1tratlon was marking the ~ enntvertary, whtCh he aald woukt .,. C»l­ebrated sotmenty fn.htl country. But hew• CtlUCal of the feet U.S. Md Bf'ttlah troope did not l1nd In Eurdl>e untll June 1~.

He llkl wtiAe everyone at the time understood the "eXhme Importance" Of the Padftc and Afrlcall campaign•. tMre wu "gteet anxJel¥" (n tn. 8ov'-t Union about wh*1 the MCond front would be opened egllntt

the Germani In Europe.

The Soviet• carried the brunt of the fighting In Europe until the Allied tnVUk>n, Dobrynln uld and had pwhed the Germana beck from Sovt.t territory by the time the U.S. and Brltlth troops landed at N«mendy.

The Soviet• Iott 20 mllllon J*)Ple In the war and Ametlcan cuuaJttea were about 400,000. OobryrMn Mid, " but the very fact of our united lff ort• In the comm<>n struggle wu and '9 very Important."

On the occasion of the EJbe annMwaary, Dobryntn aald, "we look wtth hope to the future, wttlctJ could be happier and bright« - could be. P'C?Vlded we ~ togetMr; rnpectlng each other'• right• and aspfratk>na."




JULIA L O UI S E McDONALD, a rest· derit of Dana Point Passed away April 23, 1985. She Is survived by her daughters, Carol Huntmgton of Brea: and Jean Hunt of Arc~la; three si. t.ers, Agnes Lovell, Of Oklahoma: Virginia Harper of Modetito; and Pat Harper of In· g le w oo d , a 1'1o su rvived by five grandchildren and six greet-grandchildren. Vlsitauon will be held Friday April 26, 9am-3pm at Pacific View Mortua ry. In­termen t w1U foUow at Pad f1c View Mem· I orial Park Pacific 1

View Mortuary Di- I recto~. 644-2700


M ortuary • Cemetery Cremllory

1625 G1ster Ave Costa Meso

5• 0-555•

Qlalt en Model No. 61 (P lnetrument Co. Inc.). 1 lfMff IMt.r ceblnel, 1·2 dr..., Ille. 1· time clock, 1-tlk. 1e1 .. 1111g machine (Poly Til•I• 2·8tow­•• Turbo, 2-&mell bloW9r, 1-lot of ml1celleneou1 motdt, 1· floof fen, 1·ArMI, I-floor electflc motor. 2· Fht ... 1-lot of apat• pertt, 1· table *""· 1-9f1nder. 2-dtll p4ecea, 1·Mllllng Tl'IKhlne Cutl•r Hamn•r (Oarton Model 9J). 1-Mllllng (Troe Model 8H15), 2-tot• of mle­celle.n.ou• 1*1• 'and eup­p1i.. 2-deak•. l ·lol of ... t woril ~. 1-Lathe • Tuda (Tudor Mu 15X41). 1· LetM - Herbert1 Mec:Nne Co . 1-eloc:1rlc Unoo4n Elec­tric Welder, 1-.oetylene ma­chine (2 torctl teta). 1-medel ltbl• wttll lot of ml•· cellaMoue ~. 1•"'*' turning lethe, 1·Wellt Melll hand ...,, Model 688 8er1el • 10'3 7. 1-Cr•ftiman 2 tided grinder, wttll .,. H.P. motor. model 115-19500, O. belt dr~. ttMI endoture. 1·b<onn IMtal ltend, 1· 1o1 of hanging plctur• • nd clcx:k1, t -lot o f d ltplay Nhtraya. 2-met.r tcalee, 2· wooden dellta. 2-Remtngton 5 'drlWe( ftle ceblnett, 1-Fectr ... • Oreww flle cabi­net. 1·11• foot tab6e. 1-Wge 1111nc1t1 llOOf ptant, l6to 1 11na11 glall plant & 1 ama11 artlllclal pl1n1, 2·metal flle drawert (1m•ll • 30 drawer eech). l ·Addox adding ,,,._ chine, I -IBM Selec1rto ~ Witter, Model71, l·Plectron Monitor, 2·1Mta1 but1erfly traya, 2-dlolrt, (gtay lol1Mr. wood•n arm1), 1 · chair (bladt metal. red), 1-llght met.r dMll with creclenu. 1· Remington 5 drew file eeblnet, 1· Romlngton 4 m- flle cabinet. 1...._ (2' x 3·~1o1 • lf'9lf cabf. net, t . ~. I-table 2' x. 1·Sanyo adding ma­Chl(l9. 1..- lamp, 1-8' conference table, 4-chelrt, 1 executl'¥9 matr. 1...._,,iw doll! , 1. 12" fen galaxy. 1f' wont lable, 1· 2 trey ~ table. 1 · beige dMll c:tMllr. 1· Qfeng9 cNlf, 1· wtllt• IM1Mr ... tlltoot, 1·2 dr..., ~ nee wttti ~ toote.. I-mete! Aotery HMWMr. 1· IOI mteoallaneout ateotrlo motor• and drib, a.~-


, ' •tort, 1-tol of metll lodl..-., 1 ofn0'#9f (3 horM ,... typel Mclantl, 1·~ (2 ~ power) McLMle • ...,.. of b cu c•dHtltr•y• (ambor color), 2-lot• of Ofyatll c.,. die l\Oldere, 15 flat• of box• Ind dlvtOera, l · bOlt bender, 1-po111111no lnttrumenl model 110, t-woodan 0..­lnd dlelr, 1·telt oauve. 1 net cen. t- traet) een, I · WOOden a or.- cablM4 (near cOldpot frlOI· 1 floOf' and 1 -equ•r• fan. t • ~Miio !let deity. 1-tot of ledderl, 1·1ot of..,.,., I· 1otof ~r.-•w brOOIM, 1-orinder. 1·"'9111 ICM. , alt'f>anka, I-lot of mlteell1neou1 motOft I ~. 1-tot 6S Otl dNma (mtac ~ontenlt). l..tllnd pumpa .• 1..fnft""'*" ~. 1-COMPr•uor (Oandu Corp t"21. M OO Ill tir pt .... ,. l ank (1~2-ta. l ftl._J -lol ................... 1~ )ofwl drtnklna loun­l lln I lefge mlAlnQ f9"1(, 1· Heuctl lncMtrlll bl°"fll . I• tot 1n11e ttoraoa .,.,.,. .... :

IELL l"OAOWAY MORTUARY 1 10 Broadway Co1ta M esa



C.met•ry • Mor.Ju1ry Cl'l•IMlf • Crtmftlory

3500 Pac1f" View Drive N~wpor t Beitch 6•• '100



MORTUMY t79~ Leoune Canyon

Rotd _ J..aQ.uoa. S.ecn C•

92651 •94-94 1S

! c


The fo4lcMng peraona are do4nQ bullrlMe M :

DONCON II . 28 81'00tlhollow DrtV'I, Santa Ana, Callfomle 92705

Connectk:ut Mutual Life lnauranoe Company. a~ Mcik:ut corporation, 140 Gatdefl Street. Hartford,

,...conn.ct1cu1. oe ta. °""" Prpttea COtl>O'· ltlon, • Cittornla oorpor-atlon, 2t er~ Ortw, Santa AM. Celllom4e 9270l5

Pldflc 8outttweat Mort­gage, • Celtfornle oorpor­ltlon, 3333 Cemlno del Rio

~~~~I Sen,Olego,

Thia butlneN I• con­®c1ed by. • getlOlll pert· ~

Oanlot L . McGregor, Protldent

Thlt ttatement WM filed _ .. wtth the County Clertl of Of· = County on Mln:lh 27,

nnm PublltMd Orange Coeat = Piiot Aprtt a. f2 . 19, ze.



.. "-' '


Or~ Coul OAJLY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 28, 1985

-------- r--~ ...... -----1·----------- - -...:=.: .. AC:::, _ "8.IC~!.!_. ' "-- MlJCll)Ta - PN!1fP MUC!IJ!g .. ftU~TIC[ i--,-flmJC--mta--__;. ---~· -- _ :MUC1 Alma~ ~· llAl9 ITAW MAim ITAW.. 'tl:."#.~Nr"' ~~'!O"'CWCW '9Crmoue _,, 111 LaUl.~YaOl' NflnDUl WM Mhi ... • n•• llDfH.t .. • II •II •NII..,..._

""fOlkllMnO Pll"IOM .,. TM fOllOwlnO !*90fll W'e The·~ .. __ .... 9TAW ~ ..... .., • .._. ..... ftAF JI --ITAW I ............. -

dOllfl IMln•u~· ~.~- butll ~.,. NOTtCI II HU ... Y n.---.,._ .. NOllOI .. HIRllY ,,.......,.,....,. - ....... ·;;;. .. n. ...................... n~ .. • "'A'- l!ITATI 01. a & a l!XHA&Jli' ave. ~ • OIVl:N ..... PllWD...._ z:J.._.• ~'*·~~~---- datN....._• ._._._ HI • .... ,, CISIONI, Cry .. a l Cove, rlM8, too 1A1 Watnet U TAA ~L lllWICl .. lleMldbylMQl!lv..._, CAUTOJA""D •bl"91dbytM~~i 1HTMNATIONM. ICll#- 0-A L A OT I C ·Ctl'n9t"""-'mf ._;r::....._r '!".:.:,. NUmtlet 1t . UiouN &wtt, a.ntun1. caibn1amo7-~~00J::~:S~ ~c..r11111~._C:Z • • ..._, . ..,,..-. -.a. ... •1D •of._J:Z TIFtO Mll.ANlH J.1·"-i. !Hl'lllf!All!l.••r._ ..._ ~~--...... .... ~ ... ..,::....--+---.... CAHl&~L , 5t9 ,,.:ryci:."f:· t7• 7 portaMctt,CllHOfl\lamarcwni;. fo(the ~of~·::::.!..~. :,,.,~"=="- of=.:..'*OA~iilc . ~~CAIMlt ~"'CA....... ~~Y'OCMI:~ w~11., ._.:r,..._ ~~nte9mt MeM. f ~n·Allen--:lflO .. • c:.1- Und UM m. ••-,.,,..,.lit .. C:.. COl~lf~~ • .c . Wetdlft\IMt Von Tllil ~~~"'- ~~ = ~~r-~ Yottc 10014 ,.,. l<1U11yn- Jatdlne. ~ &~~ .... NQ. I01.,:.fW0111.~ ~-- Map No. 1tol, Oeft.P91.7 ... T=A~. .... by.anlrllt ' tilf Ha.-CAilMt • °' ................... ,

Thll bullMM le con- t1t1 P~ CW-. Cotti IOm~ ~ _. ...... ~ :::!':., ..-- lftlllo Que!, ti 1t dldonlf "'°"*°"NO. 16-0S llMdl, CA ~ 0-. M. Kn111i1W TMI ...... ._ la GOii- • .. In 1119 o11oe M M11f cfUC*lby.MlndMdual MeA.CalftOmllt:lt2e Tlllt b ..,..._...,...,. __ .,..._ =Pllm. CO.. ....... CA Md ..._.. Oeoierlltlon •TNe ~ i. ~ n. ............ Mid dllotllld"r: ...... end ... C*1rtica.

All«l wnoo Janeen LM J"dine. 1191 ~ t>v~:~~IM~ LUI ... 1> ........ ~ • No . ._, , .._•,..... to.,.,..~ 11y. lh "'4h1it111 11t1t1 .. COWl!llY Clliltc at°'" cet1 A""'9oft, 111.c, INd• .... ..,. ....,..~ Tl* .... ~ -· Ned P91t111.V ~ Colla ...... Aon11cs' L H.;;, ,,.. ~~ ~ TNI ~... le OOft# ""' Chi .......... of prop- a.c. ~Von 1111111 .... Coun1y - ...,Cit 27. ........... .... ... eel HUMllUCALL y I

WltlltheCCMlflfyetwltOfOr· c.itfOrnlatftH denl • .,. ~~ .. ~~_..,by..""* .. ,,.,.. ~~ on.,. .-*'. ,.. ....,.. .. ,_!Iii 1111 1llll ............. -.cowrROLLID MIU.IMO 11"99 County on tiAefCll 29. Tlllt f>ualneQ la con. Thia llatemem Wiii ,.,. __ ., MtthiP , tildeotGtenooeAve. ... ~tt.CounfyetertcofOr· ~ ---~a.trofO..· MACI- PAOKW 811 t9H ,,,_ duatedtl.Y:~a wrlththe Courtty Clertlot~ ~om~w C::-eJ:'C' Con•., ~.::. ~i':-#a:'l ~County' on W.dl 1t; ~.2:',?:_ 1~ ... ~ °" M9ldl 11, HOi, .-rrrrdto:~L·

Publlthed Or COMt Jjrry l. Jetdlne lflGI Cdunty on~ 2 1916 denti.&_. 0-2 uNta I* ecr., TNI ltMement llled o..iooe A Into iot.: '1rl 196& ..,.... • • • - · ,... ...... ""°~Ill -~ Oe11V Pflot Aprll r.f:. 19, 2t, wttTh~~ ~~6.!tc11 Of~ Publllhed ~I l.wte !WldenUlll CM \Mite With the CoUnli a::' of Or· OM lot ~~ ~ ~ of Put>lllMd Or c: F.aat PuClllNd "'= :;. HMn'=s= ._. 1986 F-&66 = County ~ Mlfdl 12. ~ PllOI A~r.P:, 1~ ::, ~ ~-~ = County an Mlf'Ctl 21. :.=,-::;• l:::: = Pfl04 Acwll r.f:. 19, 2t. =Not Apt "'rf:. tt. a, :::X~ . 5 ,

'271090 198 F-tee ~~ Communtty, "(he ,.,_ '**°"' 11127:. "-.Hw'tt· ,._7 "8JC NOT1C( I ,....,,. ll'ld """'1Md--:-~btllltil'ei Publlehed Or1ng41 Cou t -bi-ct prope11y It loGatecl. Putllltled °'r?:. COMt lf'IOton BMc" Ofdinanoe ·-.-· ,.- PA\,,~ Mir u.

Nil.IC fl)TfC[ Dll~ Piiot AP7115, f2. 19, 2e. , i:ue"':-=r Of-:. of.:::: =Plot~ a. 2, tt, K , ~·~GPertY le loned P\llJC flJTIC( ~-=a=:rN NIJC llDTIC( ttM, .. ~ ... _, ,ICTmOUI MIWI• tH rtaJC NOTICE Pacific AIMroed Aleht-of 1 F-112 ci.nitel. dlneltV ,.. ·- The rollowlno ~ •• ~bic. wll tie ~

...-1TATOllNT F-&ee 'ICTITIOUa .,..... w~. no<tt1 of QarlleNt ll'ld A leQolll ClelOrtptlon In on P1Cnnoueeu111•M doing~ - . P'iCTnlOUI. I ... i;;"M1 end .-If In llde c._ .. The lollowtng petlOfll lfl NAME ITATl-.n EmMt Avenuee Ind Miit ot Ille In the o.,.rtment of 0.- ...._ ITA~ OOLDf.N WUT MEDI- .._ 81'A~ &cfl 11'1119 ~ Wiid

doing t>ut.lnMI u · The fol!Owlng pereona .,.. Ooldenwelt Street. The.,,.. rta.IC NOT1CE ~1 s.rvtOll office TMlfollowlno,,.,..,,,. .,. CAL/NVTRrTIOH CENTER. TM~..--••~• P9"IOd of 30 dliJ9 llfW!'• NEWPORT TOOL COM PtlJUC NOTICE doing butlneee u · plloanl'a requeet ~ ,.. Saild hWlnO wt• .,. ~ doing butlneee u: 400 ~ Cent• Dffle. ~~ • ~ c1me epedfled lot.,.,.. 4

PANY tea<> H.,bor Blvd. CUNNINGHAM. ' AS · IUlt In 11P9rO•lm•tely t,200 MOTICI °'. •. the nour of'7:00 P.M,, on EIKOH. LTD .. 22512 Lek• Ste. • 11, ~ a.en. TO TRAVEL. ~of bldl. """ CoetaMeea, C1llf. 92821 .. flCT1T10Ua autMaa SOCIA TES, 5 CIVIC Plaze, dwelling unlll, A legal ._ TRUaTll'I IAU May 1, 1985. lfl the Councll Fcwe91 L-. EJ Toto, CA CA 92M0 70l4 f.dlnoilr A"9., Hunt· The Boerd Of f ,..,,,..,

Morrie C. Tevlin , 122'11 N.,_ ITATaMINT NeWpon BAetl, C.llfomla acrfpllon 11 on flle In lhe 0.. On Mty 11, 1N5 at 10:00 Chamblr9 BulldlnQ of the 92830 Robert C. L1nCfl, M.D .. tngton ~CA '2147 llhelltlethe1dO;dOeof '45th Newport 8Mctl Calll The followtng pel'tol\I are 92858 plftmenl of DeYelopment a.rn. FORECLOSURE CON· CMo c.nt.... 2000 Mlln Wiiiiam Midge Harrllon, 1833 Bedford t- " 17, o.ttloff I l<no.-. Inc., • :....-... al~~ 92eil · · dotng butlneet 11: Cochrane ChHe Liv· Setvlcel. SULT ANTS, INC.. 1 Cell-- StrMt, Huntington 8eedi, ~2512 Latia FOf•t Lane. El ~ hecrl, CA t2MO Callfornta oorpor1tlon, ;;;;'~ tM l'taflt to,_.•~

1"11 bu1lne11 11 con- J. J . l~DUSTRIES, 3197 A lngaton & Company, 'inc .. • Slld Meting~ be held fornl1 corporatio n u CetlfOfnla. Oto, CA 92630 Donne BecQtrom. 11112 17111 ....... lea, HuoJ· let any Ot Ill btdi ~ .. • ducted by: 1n lndlYldual ~rPortCLHoopt

1Dtlve. Colla C11Uornle corporation, 5 ~! tlle1 h0u1,,,~ ... of,!:~_P;.~.::_?!.! Truat••· o r SuceaHor AH lntereeted pereona era 22~:~":;';9 .. t~~ :=..UC': ::.1Huttttttgton 1"'111• ~~ ~ W.. wry~~ ..

Mom• c Tevlin · .... • om • ·2528 CMc Plau NewPoft BMcll mly · ....... '" 1,.., """'""" TruatH or S ub1t1tuted ln¥1ted to attend Nici Mlf· • • I ~ ~ -- .. oon- In •., Thia itaiement WN·W J. S . Macallltter, 2 100 Cllltornla e2ese , Charnberl Bulldlng Of tM TrualM.oflhetoertalnOeed Ing and expren- tttetr-T~jCA~ ·- --~Thia ~ II Hf\- .A . • ..._.,Mlllfl ·':'#:.-._,.,.,,,,,,- .~-

with the County Clerk of Or· Sanllego Avenue, Newport Thia bualneH 11 con- Civic Cent•. 2000 Mlln of Trult executeed by.Judith opl')lone lor or egalnl1 1111 ' b~•I 11 con- duCt9d by. 1 ~ pert. NClll "', l<notl llllt 9j - ·e-. ange County on March 29 Beech. Callfornlt 92ee<l ducted by: • cprpor1tlon StrMI. Huntington BMch, K. Morton, en unmttrled pr06'oMd TPM 84-1205 ducted by. a limited ~- nerlNp 1NI ••• '""" - Ned • Publlehed Orange eoa.r(;4! 1985 · Thi• bu11ne11 11 con. Jamee c. Arn, Vice PrMI· Clllfotnlt. woman, Ind recorded Sep. CE85--03 and ND 15-11. ~ Aot>er1 C. Lynd\, Donna w1Ct1 the~ a.ti of Or· DallY Piiot Aprtl 2t ~ ...,.. 4

'27*2 ducted by: an lndMduet denl· Admln1tretlon All lnl••tecl petlont ere tembet 24 1919 U lnatru- Further lnfonnatlon may Thia A. Httrllon Bldlttrom I 8ng11Cololntyon .. 1, 11'6 3, 1085 Publl•hed Orange Cont J . s. MACAl.LISTER ' Thi• •••temenl WU flied Invited to 111end Mid hMr· ment No .• 2em, In Book be obtained "°"' 1111 City ttat~ flied Thia ttatemem ... ...., m.- M1.:

Dally Piiot AprU 5 12 t9 26 Thia •t•temant waa tiled wUh Iha County Clafk of Of. Ing and ••pr .. 1 lhelr 13321 Pege 1998 of Ofllclal Plenntng o.,.rtment. • '111tt1 ~my ol Or- wffll 1111 County Clef1I of Or· Publlflect °":'."f:. C<le9t • • t9S$ • ' · • with the County Cle rk ol Or- enge County on Marett 15 oplnlOna fOf or agllntt tM Record. of 0ran0e Coun1y Telephone No. (114) ftX: ty on Matetl 21. r.x; County on Ma'd't 27. DeltyPlot Aprtl 5. Z, 1t,a , I

F-M3 ange County on March 29 , 1985 L prc>poMd Land U• Element Caltlomia, ind purtuanl to 636-5271 - ·1. 1 a 111$ · $:~ 1985 mw11 !AtMndment No. 85-1 thaloertllnNotk:.olOefeult DATED ttllt Httl ay of Publlahed Of "'= Publlatlecl Or ~ ,_.18 ftaJC llJT1C[ ,

. f272NI voee a c-. Attomer• Further lnfOfmetlon may theraund« r_.ded .My AprU. • .,_ anae ....._. --------- Publlahad Orange Coaat ae Lew, MO NewlMNt Ceftter be obtllned from The City 19, 1"4 u lnt1rument No. CITY ,_ 11.1•tltQ COM- D= Piiot Apr" 5, f2, t t , 29, = Piiot Aprtl 5 , f2, 1t, 2t, P\aJC MJTIC( DEPARTM£HT Of ~

Pt&.IC NOTICE D.illy Piiot AprU 5 , f2, 19, 28, ome. htt9 100, Newport Planning Department. a.4-297'40'4; In Bo<* nll, .. ~. bJ ........ w. 1 F-162 I F-llO TM£ TAEA&URY .. ...... ~ .. ····-•• 1986 llMotl, CatttonM..,. Telephone No, (7t4) Pegerve.ofOfllclllRecorde,.... HCllllOUlllU9f... IN'TERHALMVEHUE • ""'"'..._ • ..,_ F-885 Publllhed Or~ Cout 536-6271 of uld County wlll und« Publllhed Orenge Cout lllAlmlTATDmlfT IE.IWICE • ...u. ITATIMINT . Dally Piiot Aprll 6, f2, t9, 28. DATED thll 28tb d~ Of and purtuantto iaict DMc:I of Diiiy Piiot Aprtl 28, 1986 ·- •c """TIC( PtB.JC MJTIC( n. tOllOWeng ~ .,. NOnCa OP ...-..c I

Tiie IOllowtng peraona era 1985 1 • April. Trutt Mil et public auc11on F-925 f"UUU nu dolna ~aw. AUCTIOM IM.9 ,.. dolnQRici:f.:'RneeaDsouN: co.. l'tlllC NOTICE F-867 .... c1m1,_.~~0M-w forcuh..:.lawfulmof'9Yolthe NOTICIOf' P1CnnoueM11111u Sl"LASH GRAPHICS, Under thl ..-..fl)' -.:

.... """! - · -· - • United ~tat• of America. I ·-ec """TIC( ..... ..,,.,......, 91M La P111Jom&.. Fountain lnterNI ~ COdla .... PANIES, RICHARDSON FICTITIOUI 9UU..ll ,lilllt, llcntary cullllr'a dleClc peyable to ,..,_, nu NATH fW The folloWll\g penone we V-*'f CA t270t tton 833t , the ~ .. EQUIPMENT COMPANY, N.,_ fltB.IC NQTIC[ Publlahed Ofange Cout Mid Trott• clnrwn on 1 GARY MY DICICTIA 001ng ~ • · l.M/y MichMI LAU, 91ee IMbedbeloWflM.,_.~• -RICHARDSON MANUFAC- The fOlto!.TATlmNT Diiiy PMot Aprll 2eth. 1986 9'lte or natlonll bank a AY= Of' AM> Of' NIUM* JM Ji ASSOCtATU 210 LAI P9ome. Fountain v~ ed tor nonpey!Mflt TUFUNGCO .. RICHARDSOH dol ... _ , no~er· ITATlllDITOf' F-925 ltlteofflderllcredllun!On ... ._ ..... =.:..= TOAll•HID eotton' St IA. ~ CAt270t . lntwNI ,.....,..~;. I N T E R N A T I 0 N A L no .,.,.,,,... 11· •••-...,. ... t . ._.._..., --• ' - ....,,.... •aTAft MO. Au.a --.... CA.:....-,,,. ........... ' • from AMnC CWM/ RICHARDSONCON• SO WHAT SOFTWARE __,.,,...... ora •• eeOf,_ ...,..,. Pur1uant lo Section ·Toall'*'-.bllllflelairtel.,._..,, n-.. ,._ bWkl4rM II ®n-COHTAOt.~ TRACTORS, 18225 w .. t e543 EiC~ #20, Foun1..n u:::.~1:· Ml.IC fl)TIC( ~ ~ t::O::.' 1~ 81CM(cl) of the lntwnal Rev;- Credltor1 Ind con11n;.nt Sl~A.~2~~ ~ ':c:., ~ The proper1y .. be aolld .. : MoOurmott °'1Ye, Suite A. llley, A 92708 The lolle>'Mng per1on1 Courtyard., .. betwMn tM ~Code, notice It ll4lfeby oredl1orl, ll'"cl per'IOnll wflo 92te3 Tiiie ttatement - Mid put>llo adton • Pf~I Irvine, Cellfornla 921 t-4 Wlfflam MlctlMI Stephena, have abllnOoned IM UM of NOTICa Of' two lttlrwayt al the Allen e-; ltlct the annual rac><>rt may be othenwtM ~ Thia 11u91.,_. 19 con- wftll lhe County a.ti at Or· by lnWNll ~ Codl9

1J!:~ Rl~~=rdMal"!:; e~,!y~C~2:~· Fountain tr11 Flctltloua Bu1lne11 =.~·.~::-:. Building, f1 cl"j. Yorba 1~ ': ~. ~ ~~~ ~y"r:{~T£-:lt• of: ducted by: an lnclMdull =County on Merell 20, McilOn 13350.:- "':"

Dffle, Co,~ Del MW, Cell- Tiii• b~•lneH I• con- ~~,~~ T=: LOAN NO.: 7' 11 Ill ii ::::t: c:: ot'~~!n ~a;: Fo..mclatlon, Inc. ':' avlllable A ~".Ion hM .,.., fllld ~~. M:.=.m -- tied 5

,.,,., ~~; Timi c:. ... lomla t2825 ~r~s 111 lndlvldull lr.gton Beactl, CA 92fi.41. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT ty of Orange, State Ot, Call· It 1111 toundetlon 1 ~ by 8ewtty D. Jacobeon In Mttl the County Clerk ol Or· Put>IWled Ofanoie C<1e9t 1C>.bo a.m., Plilcle of S.. ~-~.~~~.: Thtl mt:'~ .. flied The/lctltlou• ~llMll UNDER A DEED OF TRUST tornla. all that right. tltte and =.:~from ~~==~ ~ !11911 Coun~ on Mweh 29, Delly Piiot Apr1I 19, 21, .. .,. .11~~· ~c--~ .,~,.,~ • .,._e-, .....,.. .. , wffhtheCountyClerk fOr- NamerwfwredtollboYawu DATED 8110/82. UNLESS ln1erMt oonwyld to Ind t:OOA.A.M 12.00 _.,.....,.,.., .. , -. 198J 3 , tO. tM5 • - · ..,_,_._ A. ·-Hollywood, Cellfomla 91eot o • filed In Orange County on YOU JA~E ACTION TO now held by It under Mid : . to . noon .,,cl 8ewtty D. Jaco .,_ 8'>' ,,,_ F-«17 ott..l~ ~ .._ ........

Tilll bu1lneea I• con·= County on Mlfctl 27• November 22. 1982 FILE PROTECT YOUA' PROP· DlldofTruttlntheproperty 2·00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. by PointedUIUCC...ol'lldmln- Publlehtld Orenge COMI • I Incl"'*-' of Amtac Cof.t ·. ducted by. I general Plf1· 9 NO. F 202115 ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT attuated In Mid County and any ctttnn wtlO requelta It lttratortoadmlnl9lerthe ... OallyPflot Aprtl S, f2, 19, 28, ro9on Control ~ · nerlNp f27Jt,M Unlglobe Puaport to A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Slate dwribed M : wt1Nn 180 daya aft• the late ol lhe cleQedeint. tN& ftllJC ,flOllCE In llnd to U,. proC*'tf .. M ~1'. Meofarlancl, Jr. Publllhed °'rf:_ COMI Tr1vet, Inc. (A CallfMnla cor- NEED AN EXPLANATION PARCEL 1: LOT 1 Of d•te of !'!J:i~tlon. The petition requfftl F-851 otl•ed f« ..... If r Tllll ata...,_t w• filed O= Pllot AprU 5· 2· 19'· 2&. poratlon), 108.4 Edinger Av· Of THE NATURE OF THE TRACT NO. 9802, AS PER The f etlon 1 pt1nctpal authority to edmlnltt• the ACYmOUe M Mm ~. the lnlerNI AW-

wffh 1111 County Ctwlt of Or· 19 enue Huntington 8eedi CA PROCEEDING AGAINST MAP FIL.a> IN BOOK '435 Office l9 located et 215 Vic- Mtlt• under the ~ ftllJC NOTICE .._ ITA,_, enue 9eMce wll fumllll l't-ll'09 County on Marctl 27, F-859 t2647 ' YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- PAGES 4 t TO '42 IN: torlt Str .. I, Suite l · H, dent Admlnlttmlon of e. The tolowtng Pl"l9nt ~· fcM'nlldon about pOlillllll 1H5 Thia butlnMI WU con- TACT A LAWYER. c Lu s Iv E 0 F MIS . Coat• M.... CA 92827· l•t• Act. P'iCTmOUe.,..... doing ~ - CA80 anournlWancea • ...,_ ,,..,

fl27W ducted by 1 oorporatlott CELl.ANEOUS MAPS RE· Telephone 11~$-9990 for A helflng on the l*ifton MAim etATW SAN LUCAS, 14'37 ~ ~ i--... In.._ ....... .,_ Publllhed Orange{Cout rta.JC fl)TJC£ Thia ltat«Mnt w• filed On 513186 It 11:00 A.M. CORDS OF ORA.NOE apmt. will beheld on MAY 15, 1985 The folloWll\g,. Drive , lrvlne, c.tlfornle ve1119 of the .,...... .,..,,.

Delly Piiot Aprll 5, t2, 19, 29, Wiii\ the County Clerk or Or- of Mid day, at Ille Souttl COUNTY CALIFORNIA The name of lhe Prlnclpll It 9:30 A.M. In Dept. No. 3 •• dolna bcJl6nW - 92714 eotcl, ~ °' .... 198& 'ICTIT10Ua au..... ll'09CountyonAprN t t986 frontentrencetotMOrange PARCEL 2· EASEMENTS Man.ger of the Foundation 700CMcCent«OrlveW•t. NeNPORT AUTO ELEC- AMn Towneencl, 2908 s. arty: Lot 1: omc. ~

F-Mt NAMEITATW•NT Publlthed Or Cout CountyOldCourthouM,21 1 ASSUCHEASEMENTSARE llG.orgeN. Hacldad, Pr..._ SenteAna, CA92102. TRIC. 2033 Newport IMvd .. Aane, s.ntaAna.CA92104 Oeaete, Chen, outcloofgie. The tollowlng P«IOnl 1re Da!.lyPllot Aprll5.'f:. t 9 25 W. Santa An1 IMvd .. Santa PARTI CU LARLY SET dent. IF YOU OBJECT to the Coeta MMe. CA 92826 Thll bu..,.._ 11 con- tl)9 ...,._, credenzalncl-

dolng l>Ullneet u : MEI· 1945 · ' · · Ana, Calllornla, PLUS FORTH IN THE ARTICLE Publlthe<I 0rll'09 Coaat grenUng of the petition, you JOMPh EdwVd Mlrade, cluctiacl by.1an lnclMdull IOle ... eo. LCM 2: Ceb1M1 & _________ , FONG. 855 South COMI F..en FINANCIAL. INC . .. TruatM ENTITLED " EASEMENTS" Diiiy Piiot Aprll 28, 1985 lhoulcl either appMf •t the 7081 £1 Veloz Wy,, 8uenlt Alen Towneend Bookc:..- 4 drWer fttlno

PtB.JC fl)TfC[ Hlgllw1y, Lagun1 BNch, or Succeaeor Tru.!M, or OF DECLARATION OF F-934 hearing Ind state your ob- Park, CA 90620 Tiiie ltatamen1 - fllld cabinets, I It ltorage ~ Ciilfornla 8'1b9tltuted. TrultM, wlll 1111 COVENANTS CONDITI0"'8 )ectlon1 or tlte written obfee- Ter ... &.le Mlracle, 1081 wtUI the County Clerk Of Or- '*' & "1fac. Bo<*c .... LOI

AC'TmOUI .,..... Fong Tien Yin 12342 Pt8JC NOTICE at public auction to the lllgh- ANO RESTR,ICTIONS RE PlRIC fl>TICE Ilona with the court befOf• El Veioi Wy,, ~ Park. ange County on Apr1I t5. 3: Oft1oe Equipment a 8'1p-11Am ITATUmNT Edgefield C 1i CA •t bidder fOf Call (pey1W CORDED BOO • the i-1ng. Your ac>PMf· CA 90620 1M5 plea • w•• '--eta atedl

The followlng pertON we 90101 . arr o1, NOT1CI OP IAU at time of Ille In ~ PAGE 420 ~F Off~~ 1,::. NOTICI OF ft\.ANNINO anca may be In P4lf'lon or by Thia bualn... la I con- ~ lfwya. eoler pock .. • <*<» dol=abU91naeau: Malllng Yin . 12342 '°"DU'AUUAM> moneyoftMUnltedStat•I CORDS DESCRIBED IN ~llON Puauc your1tt()(l'l9)' . duciedby: huabllnclanbwtte Publlltled Ofange COMI i.tor. mlnoltacopymechlne

M SIC MAGIC, 201 A Edgetleld , Carrltoa, CA · 'AYMINT OF the folloWI~ dMcrfbed ,_, (T HE " DECLARATION" ) CONDITIONAL USE'PER- IF YOU ARE A CREOfTOR Joeaph E. Mlracle ONiy Piiot Apnl 19, 21. Mry with atand ancs mlK. off1m Lakeview, Placentia, CA 90101 -AIM......,. LmN f)foperty tuated In 1M UNDER THE SECTION MIT NO SS.t7 or e contingent creditor of Thia 1tet.,-nenl - Med 3. 10. t985 -,_ 1Upp11ea l..Ol 4: TOOie . Seier· 92170 Thi• bu11nn1 11 eon- NOTICI II " ..... ., County of Orange, Slat• of HEADINGS IN SUCH PAC i F IC TANN I NO the CS.C..Md. you mutt me wftll the County Clerk of Of. F·908 ry vo4t1Ml•. 50 It eartenelOft

Rick D. Nellon, 178e3 dueled by: tNtband and wife OIVIN tMI °" fllaf M, ,_, CllllOfnla. Ind deacnbecl u ARTICLE ENTITLED AS SALON your Clllm wtttl the court °' ange County on March 21, cord . a hove l, tire .... Yorba Unoe Blvd., Yorba Fong Tien Yin .. 10JGO a.m. It 'NI followl: FOLLOWS· " OWNER'S PfaMnt It to the per90MI t985 . tengul9her Ind m19e _,.

LI~. c:u"J=:. 11 con- Tllll atatem«ll WU llled ~"' "' = !~r:"' .... LOT 4 IN BLOCK 'B' Of RIGHTS ANO DUTIES: VTIL· 01~.J'~! • 1:,b.: ~~ ~t=n~t~ Publllhecl Qrarw... "= ftllJC ll)TlC[ ~_!roe>erty1 mayt tO ties ""' . with the County Clerk of Or· -- TRACT NO. 371, AS PER mes ANO CABL~ TELE• '*'" be held bet the Hunt· - ..,... ... .._...._, ·~ ,

~ed by. an Individual ange CoUnty on Maren 29, .. ..... of c MAP RECORDED IN BOOK VISION" "CO~MUNITY I B c:· p "°"' Ille dat• of llm 19- Dally PllOt Aprtl 6, 12, t9. 21, lt-17711 Cernlno ,..., St• 8 , Sen Rick D. Nelton 1985 for•la, CHA .. Lll I . t e PAOE 15 MIS · FACIUTIEs EASEMENT" ~om ~~c he l1nnlng turoeeofletterauprov\decl t985 ~~~- Clernenw. CA on M~ ~ • Thi• alatement wu lllld nn..t ......_ ,....,_, .. Law, CELLANEOUS MAPS IN The atrMt acldr ... ·()( m Oft purpoee In Section 100 of the F-883 1MTWD ·-- t M5. DoonwlllOC*l•1t:VQ

•Ith the County Clerk of Or- Publllh«I °' Cout .... Von 1(-"-· THE OFFICE OF .THE other common ........ nation of ~"'9 tM appli- Pfoblt• Code of Calltomia. ·-II' MnllC[ MID llA .. AC, AM for Pf ...... ~-Inge County on Maren 29, ange , ...._ t10. 1ntM CA 12711 CO TY RECO"''u .._ canta ~t. TM time f0< llllng dalme wt11 ,._"" nu ~loe It heraC>y gf¥WI tMt Ptym9111 T ermt· Full pew. 1985 Dally Piiot Aprll 5 , f2 , 19, 28, ~~....., d ... .. UN """'R OF o f uld properly: la To operate a 3,500 aquere not ..eltJ>lr• prior to lour WESTERN AIR LINES. tNC. ment u#ed on '

'272M1 1985 F eucUoft'to ......... SAID COUNTY. purported to be 1:2 Wood- root h .. llh •p•ll•nnlng monlN from the clat• Of Ille LION. NOTICa NOTICI °" Of eoeo Avian onv.. LOI An- tance ~bid F= Published Orange Cout "854 ... bidder.., lftd .... Tiie ttl'eet lddrese and fall, lrvlne, CA 927t 4. Ilion wltllln Ille C4 (HIOhWli)' hNltng notloe at>ovl. ""9UC ~ gelel. caNIOf"nM 900'45 '""' Payment All payfMftU mull •

Dally Piiot Aprll 6, t2. t9, 28, DllDI ac MnTIC£ fut :none, of ... United other ,common designation, Said Ule will be made Commercial) Zone Dfatrlc:t,• YOU MAY EXAMINE lfle NOTICE IS HEREBY landl to ITanet.' to and be by cal't. c.rtl1lecl ~ 1985 ,._, ""' ....... al ...,......_.. h tt any. of Ille rNI PfC>P41f1Y without ..covenant or wer- Coutll ZQM Sutll.11, •t the flll kept by the court . If you GIVEN that• put>ffc '-"no 1eaMb11ck from THE CON- cilthl9r '1 or 1rea1ura r '1

F-852 \.. - tlnle of ..... 11 "*certain ducrl bed a bov• 18 ranty, eltPf .. 1 or lmplled, u ao utheut co rner o l .,. a perwn lnt.,...ed 1n w1a be hetd by the City P&an- NEC TIC UT NATIONA L cNcti or by 1 Unfted Stat• · LIOA1. NOTICI ..uTICI Of ,_. pt~ anu.e.d In purported to be: t954 Full· to title, pouaalon or an- Boerdwalk Drive and Algon· the Mtate you may aerw nlng Comrn191ion of the City 8 A NI< . A S 0 W N E R postal l>tNt ~ or l'UlllJC HIANNe the cttJ of ..... AM. «ton Avenue. Cost• ....... cumbrences to Ntllfy Ille quln StrMt ( 18851 Algon- upon Ille Dealt()( Of ldmln. of liuntlngton BMch. cau. TRUSTEE. 777 Ma;> StrMt, telegraph money ord9«. .

--------- NOTIC E IS "HEREBY eoun" of Onftt19, 1ta91 of CA 92821, unptlcl batence due on the quln). latr1tot, or upon the at- fomia. '°' the purpoee of Hertford . Conne cticut ._.111• chedt or money ord« ptRJC fl>TICE GIVEN thll I publle hear1ng C....,,., dHC,._,M,.._ Tiie underalgned TruttM note or not• MCUred by The publlc heertng on the t0<ney for the ueculOf or considering Code Amend· 06115. Attention: Bond and peyable to the lnternatt Rev·

--------- wlll be held by tlle City Plan- iow.: dllCltlma any Ulblllly '°'any Mid Deed of Tru1t, lo wtt · propottec:I wltt be held on lldmlnlltretor, Ind Ille with ment No 65-12 an amend· Trull• Admloletratlon. per. enue ServlCle Nature °' IUlllMONI ntri Commlltion of the City ,AltCIL 1: That '°"*' lncorrectneM of lhe atrMI SK.783.24, plu• lhe lollOW· Tueaday, May 7, t985 •I Ille court with proof of - · ment to Article 975 (Adult tone! property dWlbed .. fltle' The rlgl'!t title anO

CrTACtON.NDICIA1. of untlngton S..Ch. Call- of peroat 1 • eflowft Oft a addr ... and other common Ing eatlmeted coata. ex- 1:00p.m .. tnthe CltyCouncll vice, ' Wfltten requeet etatr Enter1alnment puai,,.....1 fellows: One 8 731-347 air· lntet•t of ti. tu~yer A•NDE>COWLAINT fornla, for the purpose of rMpfltldlnbook 111.peee claelgnatlon, If any, lhOwn pan-•ndacJvanceealthe Chamber•. Civic Center, Ing thll you oeetre apec1e1 oftheHuntlngtone.chOr· cratt (N330t). Including. (named 00 the lront of thlt

c ... No. c 111711 conalclerlng Conditional Uea 1 of,.,_.....,.. oftloW ,._ here. time ot lhe Initial publlcat~ 2000 Main Straet, Hunt· notice or Ille lltlng of .,, In- dlnenoe Code Tiie amend· without ltmtta llon, two torm) In Ind to the property NOTICE TO DEFENDANT· Parml No. 94-39. Con· ootde of Onfttl9 Ceuftty, Slid Nie wUI be made of thll Notice of Sale. lngton Beach. C1llf0<nla ventory Ind ew<tlMment of ment wlll allow thoee lldult CFMse.J englnM lnattlled le offweo f0< Nie tubjee1 to

(Avleo • Acuaedo) aTIVi dlllone l Exception No . "'°"" lftd ....... • U11ft without covenant or Wlf· S l,492.83 92648. at which time and •tete UMta Of of the pell- entertalnmen1 bueln•"" thereon and a ll buyer- any pr\Ot lfllllcl outttendlng DEAN. OIOMIE D GOU>- M-011, end Coutal De- 208 of 1ao Olny Awenue renty expretted or Implied NOTE: Al the achedulec:I place written end ore11 .. 11- Ilona Of account• mentioned praHnlly located a long fvmlahed equipment and mortgagee encumtwanc:a IM'AM, WLaoN iNvllT· velopment No . 85-3. • re- °"I Coftdoln....,.,....,.. reear°d!nG tltle, ~ time of Nie the oper1lng bid mony wlll be preaented. In Section 1200 and 1200.5 of 8eec:tl Bou~d lo remain other pert1 of Wflatever or other~ In t8VOf of tf'llni .. NT .. _,. D. I AI Al aunt for• eacond unit In• oorded °" .MJ 11, 1.,. In or encumbrencea. to lltllfy wlll be $72,782.83. Any p araon de1lrlng the California Probate Code u legal non·~nlormlng M1ure incorpo<'atad 0t in- partlee agtlntt the taxpeyet om 2, IDWAN> 0 HOW· 1-CZ, Low Denalty Real· lootl 1=:''' •of ... Ille obllgatlonl eacured by NOTICE TO further 1nf0fmatlon regard· '*den K. Atnft, laq.. ~11nesa. eub)ect to ap. lttllad tl'lereln °' attached thtl are tuPeri<>f to the llen IU Al om J · dentlal Dlatrlcr; CoHl•I flctal , lftd ,..,._ Ind purauant to Ille Power f'ttOPIRT'I 0.,... Ing ttila melter may conteci 1111 bet ,._.,. lb'eet proval of 1 Conditional Uet thereto ~transaction wtll of the unneo Stat• Alt

YOU ARE BEING SUED Zone. and e requeat lor a oordM °" Jvi, 1t, 1f1't In of Sei. conferred In a oarttln YOU ARI IN IME'AUL T Abramowttz. Alllatan1 ._ .. AN. CA tZ7t1 ' Permit. and wth etteOll9h ed- be COf\9UfNM1ed on May 2. prooerty ,1 ottered fOf sale BY PLAINTIFF· (AUD LE reduction of the rear ... ..,_,-. ....... of ... Died Of TN9t executed by UNDIRACMEIDOPTRUIT, Plannar, lt (7t4)63&-5271 . Publlllled Orll'09 Coaat dlt16nal locellonal crltan• 1985ettheoftlcaeofElfeed, .m.e II ana .. It ano ESTA DEMANOANDO). Syt· back trom ten (10) ,_t to ahc flcieal rMOrdl. TRUSTOR; KAREN M. RICE DAT'ID t/W71. UNLRU HUNTINGTON aEACH Delly Pltot Aprll 26, 27. May prohibiting adult enter1eln- Abbott & Morgw1. 153 East wtlhOUt recourw ageltlst the via 1(1ntor Ind WHllam W (8)1Mtet 175t1 Tutctn Cir· 'AJlCIL ~Alt wldfWWM & CHARLINDA L. O'DELL, YOU TAKI ACTION t.O ~ COMMtlaK>M, 3. 1985 menl t>'*"- toceted In 53•0 Street, New Yant . .._ United Ste1• No gueranty Balltelch , cte. A legal delcrlpllon le on 1/Melt Jn..,_. In ..... 1 RECORDED 8117/82 u In- ~ICT YOUR PROP· b1 .-.... W. ftaln, a.o;. FS.-t32 lhopc>lng cent..-1 wtlld1.,. York 10022 Property Of warranty e11pr ... or tm.

You heft • c-.., tilt 1'1 Ille Depeftment of De- .. eflowft °" 8 .,..P llM In itrument number 82· 208499 I , rT MAY M IOLD AT rwtarr determined to be "famlly located at JOHN WAYNE P4*' ,. made u to tlle val dep aftllf 1NI aunt:noM la Y91opment Sarvicel. ltoelr 1a , ,... 1 ef...,.. tn the omc. of the county A "'9llC IAU. • YOU Publllhed Orange Coast •-JC llftTll'C Oftentttd" ln net~. AIRPORT on MecArthur tdlty ·of the tltle qualtty MnMOft ..... .,..... Slid hearing wtn be held ........ ~ ,..,. of Recotder of Ofll'09 County. NEID AN IXJ'\.ANATION Dally Piiot Aprll 28 , 198~ r~ nu::w. Said hearing wlll be ,__, IMvd . In Iha City of lntlne. QUlllltlty," -'9flt . Mn, ~ Wfttt9'1 ,::.... et ·thle at Ille hour of 7:00 P.M., on Orente c-..., -... lftd At the time of tlle lnltlll pub- OF THI NATURI M THI F~31 K 117'J at the hour of 1:00 P M . on oounty of Orange, Sllte of condition of arty cif IM prop--'. Mry 1, 1986, In the CouncN ....... • .. -....... ..... llcatlon of thlt notkle, tlle 'ROCHDINO AQAINIT NOm OP May 7, 1915, in the Councll Celllornle arty, or ttt "ui.t tor eny·.,.

A letW or ........ oel .. Cllambera Bulldlng of the °" 8 _....,..._. ,._. ,._ totel amount of unpaid bat- YOU, YOU IHOULD CON- ptRJC fl)TIC£ INT'INDID 11lANlfD Cllambera 8u11c11no of the Mtcdoneld. Haltted & ~~· No claim wth be "°' Pfo9ect,...,. row.,..._ Civic Center, 2000 Mein CMlr'ded Oft .MJ 11, 1f1't lft 8n()9 of Ille obligation .. TACT A LAWYEl AND LIAMaACIC Civic C.,ter, 2000 Main Layt>ourne. Attornay .. a t· ~tor allowance °' written , .. , DAM ....... .... ~~~nl~untlngton BMch, -- 1J:m, ..... - ..... c:ur9d by the above .. :~~~Lr.u~'i 1'roN· NOTICI Of PUNNING Notloe .. hereby given thet ~~c!:,,i~untlngton Beeetl, ~· . p~ I~ ldjuftnent ()( f()( readtltlOn "' ,,... ..... '°"" ., JOU All ,,, .... led peraon1 .,. flclet rworde, ~ - ,..... ICrlbed OMd of Trutt and IUL TANTa INC. ,.. .. , co111111a10N ,U.LIC WESTERN AIR LINES. INC. All lntwMled ~· are 1~11thlt~...,,::· of the .. beMcl on •ttluN went "'8 .wt to Mir ,our 11otded °" Ju1J 1t, -1t7t In •Umated coat•, ••pen-. YOftMI 1 ...:,.. e.i.. _,. ~ of soeo Avlon Drtll9 Loa An- · of 1M prqpeny to conform OflM, lo ltlend Mid heat· lllOell 11111, ,.._ - ef ... tffl, and advineH la .. ...., •""' CONDITIONAL USE PER· gelM California ~6 In- Invited to attend Mid ,,_,. Loa AngelH , C1Utornle With ""I bpfeeaed or l!Tl-

lf JCNI dO not lie '°"' Ing and expreH their ft04af rMOrdl. '44.0-42. t 1. To determine fuetlft, C.....,. = MIT NO. 15-te tencti to trantfar to and Ing and Hpr .. 1 the ir 90017 pied repraeentat'°" -:tt-,.. - oplolono IM M ='"" 1"" Tito P'- - ~ "" - tog bid ,... m., (714~- "" CONOtTIONAL EXCEP· - ·~ T><E CON- opll>t..,. '°' M - ttto Ap<• '2. ,... - loo "'"°" n.

.... 'IM , end~ ~~o ~~J=1 i1! Linde LM Ore41M and Call ('409)252-7Mo. W.Publlthed Or Coast TIONN0. 16-20 NECTICUT NA TIO MA L ~~CodeAl'ftendmenl INCWl8~~ r1glltt of redemption, ..

....... lftd ,,,. . •ruoe GteeM and lhe Dlted: 4/ 2/85 ange • ROBERT zn..NClRABE BA N K As. 0 w N E Fl . .. er: ' - --· apeclfted In lntemal Rev-- be wlttlout dl llon11 Exception No. ab'Mt _..... Ot o9Mr PACIFIC LOAN MAN· Diiiy Piiot Aprll 26, M~ ~. N"'TICE IS HEAEBY TRUSTEE 771~ St Ml Further tnlonnetlon may Ytoe "'rrt•1nl, Oefter8' nieCodeaectlon&337 .,. - •• ...., • 94-011. AOU.NT C°"' T,_... 10: 1915 "' · r · be otltllnecl from the Cfty c.....e lftd ....._, ted fOllOws: . twtller, Wamlftt "..., 1111 Further lnlormetlon may COfflllMft~etlon of T ' ~ 8r. F·918 GIVEN that a putlllc heer1ng Hartford , Connactlc\lt Plennlng ~ment . STATE OF CALIFOAHIA ) ~Sec ae oourt. •.. be obtained trom the City Mldreal 1e1aoE. :., =~: lellt.''v.,r,: wlllbeheldbeforetheHun1. 08t tS, Attentlon: 8ondlnd T•tephona No (71 4 1 l • Pr 6.'.)37 RedemptJonot

.,,_...,. . ....,....,,.. Plan,,1ng ·Qapartment. Garry ltrMt, IOI, 18 "~ · ' • · lngtonBMchPlll'lnlillJCom- TN9t•Admlnlttratlon. pet> 536-527t co OFLOSANOELES) operty , qull'lfMftla. YCNI...., went Telephone No (7 14 ) lanta Ana,• Celllontfa1 ~c:::_,..,._ c• ' ..._ P\llJC fl)TIC( mfulon fOf the purpoee of IOf'lal pr°'*"f ct..rtbed u DATED lhll 21th day of On t"ll 22nd d- of Aprll, •• l 8e+dr9 Sale Any per to ... "' aHameJ ""'' su.5271 117111. • ... • .. ll014 CONldeMG the tollowlnO: fOllowa: One B731-347 atr· 985 _L ·• ton wl'loae P'~Y b• • · _ _,.If,_ dO not lcMWn ......... wll9 tie fNldll (a) •n. NOTICI TO..,._... Condlllonll UM Permit cratt (N33()1) lncludln9 Apr•. t •- tH5:'t>efOf• ....,., pereonell)' been le'lted l.IPOfl lh811 ~ Mettor'Mf JeUIMY~"' A D~1~8r1• 2eth day 01 wfttloltt cownant ot ••· ... Tiie City of Newport No. 85-18. • requeat too. wlthoul llmltatton. two ..::VtON." !,1~10 c~ ~ppuracl Thomu J ti. rlglll to pey the ernount MtofMf ~ .. MfW1oe or pr · """ ,......... tme • .,.... Publlthed Ofange Coaat Beach lnvlt.. lnter•t•d ve1op en a 1 unit {two am. CFM56-3 engines INtelled •• .,_. · ...,., pertOn8'ly known to due, toge!'* With the ••· 1 ..... * .,._ (lated lft .,.ir:;'ON ~!0:- ....eon, Of .....,. • .,.... Diiiy Piiot April t21 111. 25. par1laa to tubmlt offerl to clancy unite, 5t on• · thereon and all buyer· ~bi=~ln04I Coait ~ (~ pr~ t~ i"i °'; the P«'IM Of the P'ocMcl"10. 11 1111"*'9ltoelr). hln • · ToMtWrtt.•Ut•tllft~ 1985 the City to~ and di• bedroom units. and 20 two- tumlahed eQulpment eno Diiiy Poot April 25 t t 85 ~o

1 :,: t~ • c ory eny, to tM Secretary at any

o..,_. dO CllM la ...- PubHihed Orange Coaal owed bJ ~ ....,..... to F-N6 poee of an ~ting r• bedroom unlta) retirement other p1rt1 of wt11teve r · F.924 wtlo ..:U,~ the ..J::~ time prlOf to !tie Mia tt14Weol ......,.. .... ote.olon ,.._ D ..., Pllo A 11 2s. 1995 "-power of .. oenfen" lpcateble bultcl .. "' thlt 11 home: and Condttlonal~EJI. na ture incorporated or tn· • • n- and uoon 8llCfl ~t ,,,. d6oW ......, ttene un ..... o 8

" 1 1• pr · lft .._.. OOfUln _...._, PlRIC fl)TIC( now located on Iba lllW'l'I In ceptlon No. 85-20. I requeet 1talled therein °' attacfled •t~t u Va Prwk:lant. Secr•ary INlll r•t~ llict• de• DIAi CALIND.-a F-929 OOftnafltl 8IMI reelfkltloM . front of the City Hill; Ind f()( to sietmlt: t) two efftcAency thereto Thia tr9Mtetlon wHI PlRIC NOTICE 0-al CounNI and See· Pf°'*'Y lo Nm; and 111 ,.,. ,, ... nter uni datecl •of .-e, 1-. n • LIOAl.NOTICINOTICaOf' 'the removal of 111 tempotary unltl wtth •minimum .,..of be qoneummated on May 3. re1ary °' on bef\elf of the """-Pf~ In con rarp 11rrta eacrita • 1M- Pt&.IC fl>TIC£ eeutecl b1 Olny "9u Of. flUM.IC •ANNO · '°"ndat1on1. lldewalk1 and 435 aqu1re i..t: 2) 1-1ty 1985 at the otllcet of Breeo. LIO.Al. NOnca NOTICI °' =rr.:~ ~ nectlon wttll tt'9 ~on aueh ... aft .... CMWte. ftoa hrtl A:u 11lallilf1, ,._ NOTICE IS HEREBY other det>rl1 from the Ille of two-bedroom untta: 3) tr1 Abbott & Morven. 153 Etlt "'9UC MIAWO ·~-._..... o me PfOl*'tY INlll .._ trom UM_. a UN llMNde &.aOAl.NOTICINOTICIOP eenled .Mw It,_ ... ~ GIVEN tllat a pub41c heerlng the r91oeatable bulldlng. apartment bulldlf'l9 to Ml· 53r;d Stiwt . ...... Yant, New NOTICE IS HEREBY f!\at Ille coroot'l tlon ... !Mtlm90lauctt ~I (b1 tlle ....... no .. ..,_.~ COMlllllfON 1_, ,...,_of0Mol9! wlllbeheldbylheOltyPlan- Sealed propoelil will.,_ back 18'-tfromtnenorth York 10022 Property GIVEN tt\eUpublche«lng ecuted ll Aeclempt1on Of AMI &111& "'''"''I'll .......... flUktC "'"'"" OlO- ..._. .. Or.,. c..tJ, nlng Commlaeton of the City recelVed II lhe omc. of the pr()9efty llne In Neu ol .,,. located •t JOHN /WAYNE wlll be t'l4lld by the Ctty Plan· ...=: -=~ .... ":::! After s.i.. (1) PMod Thi! ..,.... I.................. ~OT CelfetMa. ~ton 8eecJI. Cal+- PurchHlng Agent, 3300 required 20 toot per'llMI.. AIRPORT 011" Mac~rtllu, nlnQ COf'ilM1911on of tN City (NOTAl'llAL S!All ~ ~ CMnerl ~any ~ prop9rty OUMt'llt .... '" •• , . COOi Uilllll~"f'" ...... .. ...... ,.,.. the putl)Oee Of Newport Boulevatd, ...... MlblCk; 41 • per!{lng'rtllo of Blvd .. '" Ille City of Irvine, of Hvntinoton Bwfl. Cell-- , _ - ... --- In a.tton II>

1111 11d•d11 I• ta I•• NO. •t """' et 1111111MRt lrlli Code Amend· port BMCll, C1Htorn1a. untll one epace tor eect1 tllrM ooun~ of Orange. Sta t• of lomla. for the purpoee of .. ~IC~ S~~ I<= 133&. thlllr ...._ a.cutors apup'du at ...W....,. CITY-4NITIATJD _,... Nld ....... .., ..,. a requeat to per- the hour of 3:30 p,m. on Me)' beclroome In lieu ot the r• Callfomle conelcleftne Condlttonal UM ..... ,...... · ary • or ~ratOl"I, 0t • rtv ... le ............ eu NOTICI II Hl .. laY wt. 8IMI ..... f1cltleM m1t IMunetelllnQ wrltl'tln the 3 , 1985.· •I which time the quired one apace '°' MCtt Macdonald. Halated & Permit 1$-tS. a rlQl*t to :!,"18· Loe A-= ~?a peraon ~ Inf 1n-..1 oeao. , ONIN ..... e,... ..... •• NOOfdOd Du11Maf C-'4, HIQflwey COITlmerclll bld1 wlll be °'**' and unit; Ind 8Ehtaen com- LayboUtne. AtlOfM Y• ·et- permit Cl'lurCll MrVICM and tta5eotr1m • 1"9r'tlln, or•..,, "*9on, Of

........ no ,,....... tu .. be Mid ..._. .,_. 12, ,_.In 0MaW ........ Olttrlct Ind North Hunt• reed. The bldl Wiii .,_ oom- pae1 IQe Ing ae>ecee \.lw. a Pertneralllp Including bingo within the Nlttval hall eny l*'90fl In t'*' behel1 ,..,_.._a........,,.._ ...,.,.....,_ ..._ ,...._ ~ C41ufttJ, c .... -. lngton c.nter 8pecfflc Plan pated baMd on the io-t ( 19.8~). lier• ire no PfofMalonal Corpor1tlon1. at 1111 nortrlwaet Pub4ielle0 °'9"98 ahlll be permitted to,..,_,,, ,_., .. ..._ J le,.... Ce"'"'t•i!IH f•r lh nfir ...... II ....,_ lft IUOi-ct to a Conclltlonal U• totll price to Ille City for,.., provtillona In the Pacifica 1200 Wl .. hlra 8olllevard, COi'* of c.n.. Df"4 end Delly Piiot Aprll 2I. 1~ the PfOl*'tY eotcl, 0t 9t1y ....., M ....,,.. • ._. ,...,_. et un If 1xs • ....,,111• .... """° .fl9rmlt bytM Plenri'"9 ~- movlno lh• reloe1table Community Plan 10 permit Lo• AnoalM, G1tlro,nl• Hunt1ngto11 VIiiao• W1y F-t2 t pertleuler trec:t of ll.IGI\ prop-' etflt 1ff•I ft H -Mllll••I le ... ..._. •zi• • ,...,. .. ..,. "*lion. CodO AIM!ldinenl bUlldlno, loUnctetlone. Md emcltallC)' 0t t-.o NdrOOf'n 90017. (1581 Center Aw., Lot 4t ) • · arty et any time Wltl'lltl 120 ,..,,, .. ,. IM ..,... .... 1 1t11•1nr • .. a.. • .....,~ .. ...,."' m. Ho M-12 w111 *° conlldw etcMwalk. units. Ind ~.penitng Aoril 22, 1M$ .i1hln the~ Hun11naton ~ JIOTIC[ 0819 ..._.,,. .... tn..ot ..._.,.,.,. ... _,.., """",....,.. .e Dlwft. .....,. .... 1111111•1 L addtno 1 dlftnltlM of "for· ==ropoeellmuet.,. "**· The 1.031erean. 1e .. ,,.... AM L,..I. Ce 11te r tpeclflc fJ1a n (21. Prto9 9'ICfl ~ °'

11t161ft ..,_ ,...,_, ............... ,_ ........ CM"-• ..,e tt. -. tunelililllng" lo M1o1e t70 of tu on I IOfm ~ It loceMd tn the wt 1!1cM of IMC .. er: ~.l Gt-. purwt to Attlda 933 of ITAW OP tract of ~ lhrll be ...... ,.... .. _...tie. I ... M .. CllJ le...._ ................. tMOrdlMneeCode. , ~ from Ille PutlllO "°""9S't,...., apf>f0~ V... ,..........: Qefter .. tlle HUntlngton laadl OrcM- AUMDOI IMT OP penntttecl to .,_ "ldll 1110 .-. .... • tM .._.. ......._ ......,._ llR ... .., ,.,., ... , n M........ Tiii Planning COl'fWlllallOn Work• l)apeirtrnant of the 1y 6ICI '-t aoYttl of Main c.....i MMI......,, '** COOia u.. OlJ PCTmOUI upon payme nt to 1tt• ..................... If .............. 11 '" ... ..., ... .,...,_ ....... .. lllo ~ be oonelderlng Cit~ uoo Newport ..,.... wftNn tne ~ 9TATtOFCALF~IA) A llOll ~,Ion II on ............ ~. OtlnC-.heC-. MMM a "" all,,...., er•• ' ll11tftat ... a , •!Nft llMMMe ,.., r nt Ille ~1"9 Dect•atlOn Ho. llOUllo.~ Nftpof1 leeell. community !'ten. Olltttclt ) .. lllie In die Oapiwtment Of 0.- The 1o1tow1nQ persona not be~ In 1111 county Ill ,,...- ..... a llft _.... ~~ Miff ........... n-o .......... U.18. CA t2tM-tf1S, '""°"' One CO. ~ LOS AHGll.£8) ~"*" ~ oftloe M¥1 aDencloned" me u. of wNc:tl IM IWOl*'tY lo tie,... • •••• • 1ttr11t11 ........; ,..W•• ........ ef h rll&rltn leld 11WtnQ w111 ~ h9td (11')~11. A 111Q91 deircr1pl10n and On ttlll nnd de)' of April, Seid~ w4ll.,. Ntd tl'le flct1110111 t1111n••• ~It llltuetecl, "'*'to •• llM ....... .,.. .... • .. tt .............. " .. .... • . .. the hcMW of't:OO P.M.. °" PtoaoectlYI tMdder9 ~ dltllOpme!tt plan.,.. on tlte ltl$, before me.~ et the"°"' ot'1'00, .... on N..,... Uclo Trllllll leMce the, '°' IN .. °' ..... (•11Aw'8ila ..... •••• ....,.....,..,, ... _.. May 7, t~tfll Coundl the °"''°"' Of eltlllf 0. 1lllth 1111Dlpertmentof0.- 1ppured Tllomu J May 1, ttlS, tn the Council eno Udo T~ and Udo ti.~ l'lle ,_., Ot ....... ,. ,....,........,. ............ , ........... Cl'llmbere of .... mollllNng the tlUldlr'9 or •IDPMf119ervloel. o,..~ltllOWf'ltO CMmberl luNdll'tg °' ttll TOln, '"'°' Vie uoo . ...... ....,..,,..llnOUl'ltpaidO,

TiilnemeandeddfWof ,,..._, .. '9 .... • ...... U 111,••111, Ct"9C Cetiter. Melft '*""O"moV9dfron1tt101 .. Thepublo"'-1f1Qon the IM (or ~tomeontN OMc Oenw: 2000 Mell\ ponleeell, CAntai. auchpull'CliheMrlNS lmwwet 1111COIM't 19: Loi Anoetel t--.-~-Nt ,.., .. .....,. ...... 111 '"• HUmff'19ton leeell. bJ•llOOMmoWlgoontrao- propo.I ... be flllkl on bHI• ol U tllflCtory ·~· HuntlngtOll ...,,, The Actlttoue ..... IN"lonatfhe,....ot20pet· Oollnfylupettor0ourt,0en- ....._ "' ... """f C...... .._ I ""',..... Clllfornla. tor, 'f\leed~. ~ 1. 1tl$ tt llllOenoe) 10 1»e tN pnon Callfon'lle. . ....,.,_'9111rredtoab<>WWM cant per 8Mllllll lflllct of trel Olltrtc1. 111 N. HNI ce.MllC., 0...., ..._ ..... _. n wr'W Afl lntweated l*'IOna .,.. The Ptopoui provldel 1:00 ' M .. 1n the Cit)' Councl4 MIO u«U*I the .tthln ~ A• ..., ... -::t: IOI II .,.. Mid 1n Orenoa County on ~ 1.noum"'9Mlee he &tr•. Loi Ange!M, CA - .... --. ...... .._ . ,.., -- ..... ~to anenct M6d hMt· tNlt:{1)T'he°'Jineypeyllll Ohamben. Clvlo Center, """'*'t • Vloe PrealOeflt, ~to ._, llW· F*'*Y t7. 'NS '11.lNO A31(c) 1"'8c1 o4 Junb' ln-80011 55 ....... CIM•• ............ pll rim ll'lf ancl HPl'eH their bldclerfor .$ , ... 2000 Main 8ttwt, HUM· .°"'*" Couneal Ind S.0- Ing 1 nd exprffa tlle lr F1t001t . ~W AOll!tble el

Tiii l\llM, edClt99a...,. ............ _. _. ._., ... n.,... opjl'llOftl"" or...,.. u. ~ ~"" Md lnQtOft ltMCl'I. ~m.. C91WJ or on bef*I of tN oplnlOna fdr-,W 8illllllNt tM ~ L Herw), ..,., vta...,. of P9l'liONI ~ ~ nuMber of.....,,.. ...... _. ........ .- ..._. ., ~ ~ eoct. AIMllClfMnt ,_...,.,. "9 .._ Ot ( Tiii ta41, at wtlktl ttnw and oorporetlOn lheNln ,..... ptopoMCS Ooftdltron.t u.. UdO loud, ~ 9-::if\. .,.,. or• dWI. to,_,~ tiff'• attorMy, 0t .....,_ ~ .. -.,._,.... 11......,,..... NoM-11. blClcl9r ~ ~..,. ,._.W11nen~ot11-. lrMf aciknO<Med~ to me P9rmltt5-1J Cellomlf~ ~.....,.., JMWI flt w1tr1011t tlf'/ 1ttomty, • l!d- A"' , ,..._ t;.::!-i !.....- fll W-.... """* lntom'latlon may lluNftl hm W. Qly, "*I l'l'IOn)' ... be .... _,, "91 the ~ . ... """'- ln4il:lrmeft0n may Glltler1A Hlllry, J03 \lllU ilCttOft l3SI lfMll 4lllid'\iq9 1ey & ~in.~~ ..,..,••111 a1W 1-.... .. ..,.. .. , be ..... "°"' IN City .._,._,. • ....,It. Ariy peraon d= _,..," .,. oc..,,_, ~IN City luen.. ~ hach, IUdl property li'Olft ... ..._. l'Wk e.t. 8'.lb HOO, Loi ~-... ....._ .-. Dlil'* ~I.,..- l"lennlnt ~. end,... Ill.. ""1'* lilfor11*"'• KA11111e ...,_, ......, ~ Dep.enment Oellfom4a tMIO ~ .-tel t"• A,... OA IOOtJ (ltl) -~· ..... ,,....L~4' .. M- T•l•PllOl'I• No (1 14) Tiie ... ~ ... be "'OWllilmaftW~~ ,.... .............. T• l•PllOl'll No (1 U ) Tiiie buelt'8al .... oon- o...r "'*"the .... of ... Nf..ttOO t9111 P't••Mr, at (1'4) ........ Wlet COMlf IM-U71. OOMPIMf On'* bM11 of loon ...... ~ l'IM- lHOTAAl.ALSIALI 536-821t · OUCMillby1~.,.,,,,.... unl\eCt ltM91 _..,.. "l9Cl'ICI

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Cout The~ewport to Ensenada International yacht race Is a good spectator's sp~rt . / A3

Callfomla McMartin boy erroneous­ly selects pictures of actot.Chuck Norris and James Hahn as suspects In chlld molestatlons./C4

Nation White House remains mum Qn propo'Sed v1slt by

·president.of German cemetery./A4

Reagan pushing for pri­vate aid for Nicaraguan contra rebels. / A4

World Swedish government de­nies It secretly tested nuclear weapons./C4

Sports Corona del Mar boys, Newport Harbor girls complete unbeaten Sea ·view League track seasons./81

. Orange Coast College Is humbled lo baseball , 14-3./83

Entertainment Malcolm McDowell as Kl11g Arthur presents a down-to-earth version of Camelot tonight./ AS

Date book Cruises: Travel fun on t~e high seas aboard the S.S. Azure Seas./Page 3

Buaineu County supervisors have partially deregulated am­bulance service In unin­corporated portions of thecounty./Bt '

INDEX Auto Pilot Bridge Bulletin Board Business ClasslfJed Comics Crossword Death Notices Gardening Horoscope Ann Landers Opinion Police Log Public Notices Sports Television Theaters Weather

C1-6 88 AS

89- 10 l - 811- 13

88 813 C4 85

812 85

86-7 A3

C4-5· 81 -4

85 Datebook


C A LIFORNIA ~ HluA' Al-'Hll ,~. 1'1"'' , , :· ' r_ ~ ~4 r c1

' co 0 . oses

e 1

That'• inflation for you At $200 a eeat, the Mesa Theater in downtown Coeta Mesa won't be doing

much bualnesa. Or ta it jut a caae of a ml•ln& decimal point?

High-rise buildings blq~k airport's radiO navigation By ROBERT HYNDMAN Of IN 0.., '9el SIMf

rogate the S}stem funher and 1n other cases. Wl' can m11igate ex1s11ng prob­lems."

H1gh-nse buildings around John Wayne Airport are interfenng with a tan'>on said the na' 1ga11onal aid. radio navigational system that helps known as the VOR , transmits radio jets land and depan, Federal Aviation s1gnab p1cQd u1> 1n the cockptt 'i of Administration officials say. 1ncom1ng of'depaning1ets.

The buildings block or reflect ~aa 10 But when those signals are blocked signals from a cone-shaped trans· or reflected by bu1ldin~. pilots must mitter. rendenng the navigational aid resort to other navigauonal syste ms. unusable on some secondary ap- The problem could grow worse 1f proach patterns to John• ·Wayne. not corrected. Stanson says. according to Elly tanson of the air While the primary approache'i to space and procedures branch of the John Wayne .\1rport are not yet FAA affected . the VOR is unusuable for

At least three high rises "°ere approaches into a1rpons in Fullerton. approved for construction without an Los Alamitos and the Manne Corps FAA review. Stanson says. Air Station. El Toro, which al\o use

Concerns that fu ture construction • the VOR. • ·~ ma> ham per the system further have Dents Horn. chief of operations at prompted the FAA to 1nves11gate the John Wayne Airport . . says the a1rpon problem and recommend possible staff has been working for several solutions. months with the FAA to correct the

" We' re trying to look a t the whole problems. . i'icture," Sta nson sa id this morning. "'The VOR 1s a ltne-0f-s1ght de' ice ~ I n some cases. we ca n work to see and 1f you block the signal. 11 could that no new construction \!, ill de· prevent the s~stem from being

usable." Horn Sald. ··But there are mod1fica11ons that can be made to the sys1em to improve its use ..

The FAA checks flight procedures penod1call} and noticed last fall that the VOR system was being hampered by surrounding bu1ld1ngs.

A three-month freeLc on construc­tion applications was put in effect until the FAA could rev iew the problem. Stanson said.

During the review. Stanson said the FAA discovered that three bu1ld1ngs 1n the Cit) of Santa .\na were built \\otthout a re\'lew b) the FA.A. . Whtie the F .\A does not appro' e or d1sap­pro' c constructton appltcattons. 11 docs review plans tha\ •ma) affect fl ight operations ana - makes rec­o mmendattons to the governing pla n­ning agenc} .

The three h1gh-nse offices arc on MacArthur Boulevard and arc each about I 0 stones high.

The FA.<\ will 'iOOn re' 1e" prelim inary plans for the expanded

(Pleue eee RADIO/ A2)

I ~- f ·

CoastCollege induet,s fiy~ alumni into Hall of· Fame By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Delly Net Stllft

Fi ve former Orange Coast College students who have d1s1tnguished themselves in wnting, medicine. -sports, art and poht1cs were inducted Thursday into OCC's Alumni Hall of, Fame.

The honorees - C'hve Cussler. a best·selling novelist and underwater explorer:, Susan Huscrofi. chief of pediatn cs for the El Monte Com­prehensi ve Health C'are Center:

Benn) Ricardo. a .National Footbal l League place kicker: Richard Sha\!, . an 1ntcrna11onall) recogn11cd artist. and Cathy Barrett 1iemore. 'a Sacra­mento lobbyist - all had special praise for the OCC' teachers \!,ho encouraged them ..

C'usslc r attended ()('( 1967 through IQ69. enrolling in oceano­graphy and writing courses. In 1973 he wrote his· fir>t novel. He has published seven books. selling more than 20 million copies The\ 1ncl ud~

" Raise the T1tan1c" \!ohtlh·\'J' made into a mo' tc.

.\l the ceremon) 0( C \'ftllng teacher Pat Kubis rl'l'allcd < u'isler\ detemunation - and sun'l''>" - in 1mp~Slng a particular!~ n1t11:al fel­low student w11h h1 ., \!ortt 1ng t ussler traced his success a~ a ncnrh<;t to his decision to study wn11ng al <X C and 10 the encouragrmcnt hl' rc-cened from 'Kubis. ' ·

Huscrofl grad uated from ()( C in

(Pleue eee HONORS/ A2)

aren ts df retarded teen-ager laKnch -10- mtllion~a. age claim against city

~ - --From staff ud wire reports

An Irvine couple whose retarded. autistic son lost a kidney following a weekend incident with police have filed a SI 0 million claim agatnst the city.

Fara and Guido Rodnguez Sr. sa} ~ rough handling by an Irvine pohce serseant caused their 18-year-old son Guido Jr. 's kidney to hemmorrhage. forcing its removal Wednesday at Bcyerly Hospital tn Montebello.

The claim. filed Thursda), con· tends that three officers chased the

.frightened youth. mistakenly believ­ing he had stolen a bicycle. Police reportedly ignored statements by neighbors and the teen-agcr's mother about the boy's mental condition.

Police and witnesses say three officers chased Guido Rodriguez Jr.

and then threw him to the ground tn the erroneous belief that he was under the 1nfl"ence of the halluanogcnic drug PCP. or angel dust.

Fara Rodnguez says her son 1s afnud of strangers and unable to understand or communicate 10-telhgibl} w11b others.. She said one of her constanl. concerns was her son's vulnerabthty to kidnapping.

·•1 always told ham. ·1r somebody calls to you . .don"t pay ancntaon Run home to me ...

The tnc1dent Sunday began when patrol officer Shan Lohman spotted the 18-ycar-old Rodnguez nd1ng a b1qcle on Yale .\venue.

She reported she saw Rodnguez look o"er his shoulder at her poltce car he said t\e "immediately JUmp-

(Pleue eee IDDlfltY / A2)

Mesa firm, Kodak join to research the aging process Seek way of keeping immune sy~tem from faltering with ag~-


ICN Pharmaccu ucals Inc .. head­quartered tn Costa Mesa. 101ncd forces Thursda) "tth corporate giant Eastman Kodak Co on a S45 m1llton research pro1ect aimed at battling v1ru~s and slowing fhe aging proces'i

The compan1e-; will combine their indi\ 1dual studies on b1omed1cal compounds that ma) prc,ent '1ruscs from reproducing and keep the human immune S\'stcm from falter-ing wtth age. ·

Dom1n1c Lu1zz1 . ICN 'ice prest· dent for corporate com mun1cauons said the 1nd l\ 1dual rec;earch pro)enc; were s1m1lar because man' ol thl' compounds i:reatcd b' bcith lOm· panics were denvatl\ C'i ol nudl.' ll acid - chemical-; mos1 often found 1n the nuclei or corcc; of cells

The partnership was formed io r " ' ~cars \!otth an option for up to 'i11 more. ~oout 150 h1ghl)-trained n .. searchers will ult1matel) Ix• working at the Nucletl' 4.c1d Rl·search In· stttute. a defunct IC N rco;earch ll'ntl'r that \I.I ll be rcv"ed 1n Costa \fr.._i Lu1u1 said the c.:cnler created ~'eral hundred dru~-relat.:d compound., 1n

You'll find the ··beat •uto buya •long , .the Or•nge Coaat In

tod•y'a Auto Piiot


1he I %0"'> and I Q70's. but \!,aHloscd panl) because of fmanc1al d1f­filuh1cs

l u1111 declined to re,eal how much each com pan) 1s investing tnto the partnership. which ts Kodak' s ftrs\ 'enturt' into tht." pharmaceutical m­Justr\

Thl· photograph)-Ortented rnm­pan) has sold rad1ograph1c filrris'and '>Creens to the health sciences marke1 In retent ~ears. the company has begun deH•loping and marketing a line ofhloo<l anal) 1cr<.. and 1s deh ing into cht:m1~tr\ h1olog.) and med1une marl..t·t,

lndudl•J in the ne\!o research pro· gram \I.Ill be Jen,at1ves from thl' antH·traJ drug nba' inn . crl'ated b' I( ~ and belie' ed to be etll'l' tl\ ~· aga1n'1 n.·~p1rator~ d1sease'i. It 1'> al<,o being tested on the' 1ru<. suspected to l aU\l' .\I()~

l u1111 <,aid research will conccn­tratl' lir-;t on finding potential drug'> tor lighti ng '1ru~<. and <.econdh on the aging a'>pect. He \tre-;sed the lOmpanll'' are not looking for a " lounta1n of\outh .. or a mirade drug that "'11 keep people free from \!ortnl..k<, Rathl'r. rc')l'Jrchas hope to prn ent thl' health of middle-aged .1nJ ddl'rh J'll'<1pk from dt• tenorating tn hnl<.tl'nng 1he1r immu ne •n'itcm<,

"That" the ke} ... ..a1d . Lu1111 .. \\ hl'n \l)U reach 40 or 50. 'ou realh \Ian 111 nntll'C \Ourself aging I mean.

(Please eee MESA/ A2) /'

Triple fatal driver called 'loaded gun' By ROBERT BARKER CH llM 0...., Nol II_.,

.\ photographer!> m1xk lul kd ha\l·lt \!otth alcohol and nxJ1nl .ind l.. llkd thru· "'omen in a on , Jr , ra~h ·1u't as '>Ur('I\ a !- 11 'hl· 'h111 lhl'm ·· .i pro~utor· chargn1 I hur' J,I\

Th.11 lad' 1s a k1 1l('r a' 'url'I\ J\ \OU fl' \1lllO@in thl'JUf) ho\ Dl'f\lll\ l>l\trll t .\11orn<') John I l'll told 1urnr' .1, he pointed at dl'll'lldJnt l\. \m \1 urph~

(Pleue eee DRIVER/ A21

Orange Coast has lts sb.are of toKlc waste problems

. County·keeµs its guard up as hazardous waste builds Potential for toxic dtsa~ter remains htgh despite avoidance of w1de-scale problems

By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. .,.., .........

l Pollution problems along the Or-

ange Coast may pale compared to the odor-riddtn McColl dump 1tc in Fullerton or DDT-laced Jish in the Santa Monica and San Pedro bays.

But the problems an: cnouah to cause years of re arth, debate, pohti· cal rhetonc. more rtt1e1rch. more debate. and finally, ftustrataon.

Such 1s the ong0tn1 dt'lma sur· roundl111 the 1nC1tH1naJy polluted Newpon & v contamtnatcd by

banned pesticides. cleaning solvents. pa ant flakes and bactcna from human and an1m1l waste.

The debate once centered on whether the contam1n111on was caused ~h1efly by rain runoff. carry mg DDT from field,, or boat toilets flushed into the' bay.

A study f'C'lcascd by the uatc rcaional Water}' C--0ntrol Board in Oc\Qber pointed a damn1n1 finp:T at the l>oa&cn who appaf'C'ntly C:tascha~ thf1r toilets into the waters. Enouan Tecal-rclatcd cna was

(,.__ ._ OllANOS/ .\$)


California's TllTte Bomb



By TONY SAAVEDRA Tht\. found thr m:ll<'.'nal to be a tnul Ol .. o..,,......,. m1\luft. of meat. comrpral and chili

sauce - 10 gallons of rotten tamak., In the dead of n1aht. a \.Omttus- fksides dra"''"I a frv. chu kk\. the

smelhng pik of mush wu secrtt l~ .. killer tama1~:· cp1\0dc ma-.. 1ndKate dumprd 1n the puking lot of an that no one ,, ta\1na cha~'i when tt Orange County hotel. romM to tO\IC waste People ha'<'

By dawn the Orange ( ount) Ha1- grown 1nrrt'a 1naly uneas~ b} 1he 1rdous Matcnals Team. wtanna abund11wt' of haiardou;, matenal~ prottt11ve cloth1na. was call('d to used and produled b~ Orangt" ( ount' mvesttplc the poss.tbl) to~• . defi. 1~u~tnc . n1ttl) odorous. substan~ unl~il.3>1---11'.Cf'\ f('v. ofthe .. ca.lli .. ~~H''t"'' It the Anaheim ron\Cnt1on Center IV.0 10111(.' "•'tc ('fTW~ a~ laughin1 Inn "pnl 4 mallet'\

In '\1l\l'mbe-r IQ 4. thr tc-am~ n•<,pondrJ to a Scat Bea h net&h­horhood "'he~ roughly I 00 btrds had d 11 l r Pl'd Ii t tlcss1¥ t<> ca rtl\. cras.h. landintt into \&~.and strttts.

Tht> tmd' died af\cr fl y1na throu&h a pcstt\ tlk l loud above som~wl) 'lpravro l'nhhagr and lettu~ tcht$ .it th<' ~;ti lkach Naval capon'

111t1on \\lh1lc the mt'it Wll'I lalt'f dC't: med h.irmle'> to human~ 'ltrttt ha<l bttn <. loscd and other cmt,.."4. ~ mca\Urt''I '&err 11!.cn amid ~ ofa l hem 11 • .al d1Yster

(Pleue eee COUlfrT / A31



• -~

Orange CoMI DAILY PILOT/Ftlday, Aprll 28, 1985

++'--~~qual·~ov~:r..B~demands .discounted by Rose Bi·rd

~'-'---~~ISCO T-(PJ-T Su· preme Coun Chi-c-f Ju.slit-c Rose.Bird asked television stations not to be ''intirilidltcd" by an oppopcnt who Is dcmandina equal coverage to make' up for" c:ii.posu~ given 10 1hrtt justices.

~~.,.------: -- -"equiv1lcnt to exposure" given to Bird and 1hrec other jusiiett -belwetn now and the November 1986 con-firmation ,etc<;tion. .

Bird's campaiin fired back with a. letter 1eUin1 the siations not 10 be ..intimidated" by Richardson and

. saying they art required Only to make sure that controversial iuucs get balanced cover.age.

•in lhe 1978 ; l«tion. ·He h6.df'~ne of severi;I &JOUps opposlna the ~hlcf jus1ice and Jus1ices Joteph 'Grodin· and Cruz Reynoso in November 1986.

A crucial fictor in 1hc close 1978 election was thC' rtfusal of most TV stations ,to run Richardson's co m· mett'ials attacking Bird, on the grounds tha1 she cou ldn't fi&ht back like a nonnal candidate.



Stn. H.L. RichardJOn, R·Olcn· dora. sent a lcncr to program direc­tors arou nd the state April I sayina thaJ under the federal Fairness Doc-1rinc he in1endt'd 10 buy TV time ~

Richa rd$0n was a leader in 1hc 11nc""'.'tssfu1campaign10 defeat Bird

Message in bottle changes lives of Vietnamese family

LOS ANGELES (A PJ - A mtssagc in a bottle tossed into the , Paci fi c Ocean by a couple as a lark durina a cruiSC' set in mo1ion a chain ofcvcn1s that is bri_ngi ng a Vietnamese fa.mily to the Un ited States.

Midway through a 1979 Christmas cruise. Dorothy and John Henry Peckham drifted away from.a bridge pme and . joined in another ship­board activity: tossing bottles con­taining their names into the Pacific in the hope .that someone would lind them and write back .

Mort than five years later. the

RADIO .•. Jl'romAl airport terminal, which has raised further concerns about interference with the airport's navigational sys,. tems.

But S1anson said 1he FAA will work closely during the planning stafes to case any problems 1he tennina may present to the VOR system.

.. Right now. onl y parts of the system are unusable, and we do have other navigationa l aids ... Sta nson 51id .

" But if construction continues as it has. it is very feasible that further problems wi ll follow. That 's what we're trying to preven t."

Pel'kham5 will meet the man who picked up their bott le: while in a boat 9,000 miles a~·a y off the coast of Thailai\d .

Hoa Van Nguyen. 31. a former. Sou1h Vietnamese soldier who ap­parently learned English from Ameri · can servicemen. was scheduled 10 arrive at Los Angeles International Airport today with his wife. Joang Kim. 27, their yea r-old baby. and Hoa's brother, Cuong Van , 17.

It was March 4. 1983 - Peckham·s 70th bin"hday - when his wife found an Aerogram in the mailbox. It was add ressed 10 her, and posted from Thailand.

" We have recei ved a floating mailbox by a bonle on the way from Vietnam to Thailand,'" the letter read. '" We tried to. find freedom .... We received the box at a direction southwest of Songkhla Beach about 15 kilometers. Now we send a message to the boss and we Wish that you will answer us sooner. Both English and Vietnamese are accep­table."

II was signed Hoa Van Nguyen. That first letter led to cor·

respondence !hat. in tum. led thC' Pcrkhams to help sponsor Nguyen for immigration to the United Stales.

"Whal impressed us so much about this fellow was that he was escaping from Vietnam in one o f these ri{!.ety,

shallow n ver boa ls and· he saw this honk: and used . 1he dollar bill

. Dorothy put inside ii for postajJe to send usa letter. rather than using 11 for all the 01 her lhings they must have nredl'd." said Peckham. a Los An· geles attorney.

"So. we eventuall y decided to sponsor him and his fami ly lo come to the Un ited States.··

After the Peck hams wrote back to Nguyen, they receiv'ed a second letter indicating that their bottle had meant far more to the boa! people than they could have im8gi ned . ;

" We thought it was kind of a fun ending. rather than j ust ha ving some dumb idiot find it who would have used the dollar inside the bon le for a couple of beers:· Mrs. Peckham sa id. "' But when we gol his second Jetter back. he torous that from the minu1e they saw the bottle, they felt it was a prayer answered. lhat this bonle was somehow their way to freedom .··

Soon. she said , they recei ved a wedding picture of Nguyen with his new bride. whom he had met in a Thai refugee camp. Nine month s later ca nle a picture of a new baby. Fina ll y, there was a request for help to 1

immigrate 10 America. " We've got the apartment ready

with cooking utensils. curtains and bedding and things." Mrs. Peckham said .


'"She. in ellt-c1. loaded the gun when she fueled her body. She pointed 1he gun when she drove jn that condition and when she drove across the center divide r and killed those three girls. She pulled the trigger." Lett claimed. " She hurled a 3.0<Xl-pound bullet at the girls.'·

Murphy. a 26-~ear-old former Seal Beach resident. 1s being tned for vehicula r manslaughter and driving while drunk in connection wi1h 1he Sept. 10 deaths of three young Mission Viejo women - Deborah Lee Slemmons. Diane Mae Druckrey and Dawn Joy Utterback.

Murph y's anomey. Scot t Gaiten. clai med however. that there was dri nking "on both sides" and that the car being driven by Deborah Slem­mons actually had drifted over into Murph y's lane on Paci fic Coast

Highway near Huntington Harbour. Urging the Juror.; to use common

se nse. Ga1len also challenged results showing that Murphy's blood-alcohol level was measured at 0.1 l . Drivers arc presumed intoxicated with a blood-a lcohol mark of D. 10.

Gailen claimed that Murphy had drunk only two glasses of wine and that alcohol level could have been aITcc1ed by alcohol swabs tha1 para · medics used while 1rea1lng her for major injuries.

J urors were dclilx-ra ting today after hearing clos1ngiirguments late Thurs­day at Orange County Superior Court 1n V.'estminster.

Thursday, Lett claimed that tests indicated that Murph y "had to ha,·e" ingested large amounts of cocaine.

Tests taken 30 days after the head-

on crash showed she had a . 12 blood· cocaine level. indicati ng much higher le vels at the time of the crash. Len said .

He said the blonde defendant had left a Huntington Beach apartment shortly before 1 a.m . on the way to the home she shared with a boyfnend in Seal Beach but that the crash didn't occur until 3:30 a.m .

" I can' t tell you where." he said . "bu t ~·e know what she was doing -ingest in& cocaine and possibly al­cohol in large amounts."

But Gailen said . ' If she went ou t and used coke (just before 1he accident). wouldn' t there be white power in her nose:· Gailen said. "Nobod y said that. It was j ust specula!!on. She was going to her home ...

MESA RESEARCH PROJECT TOLD ... From Al rm in that area . Your immune system starts to fail. "

In simple terms, the nucleic acids control the cell's abilit y to heal itself. Dctenoration be~ins when the cell loses "communication" with the acids.

Heading lhe research center will be Dr. Weldon B. Jolley. a Loma Linda Medica l Center professor who per·

for med some of the testing o n " Baby Fae," the youngster who received a transplanted baboon's heart. JolJey· will be the president , while also directing pharmacological research .

He wi ll be joined by Dr. Roland K. Robins. director of the cancer in· stitute a1 Brigham Young Uni versity Medical Center. Robins, the creator of l(N's ribavirin. will be the director

of molecular research for the project. And Dr. Roberts A. Smith , a UCLA chemistry professor, will oversee the biomedical research. ~

Luizzi sa id the Nucleic Acid ln­sutute has hired some researchers and will gradually recruit the rest from other universities and centers throughout the country .

KIDNEY VICTIM SEEKS $10 MILLION ..• From Al ed off his bi cycle and started running while pushing the bike ."

The officer said she got ollt of her vehicle and the 'yout h got back o n the bike and pedaled awa y. She followed because she said the teen ·ager was acting suspi ciously.

When R o d"t1gue z 1gnored Lohman 's furl her anempts to get him 10 stop, she called for 01her officers. Sgt . J im Lowder and David Stoermer. a cri me scene investigator. re­sponded. Lowder chased the youth . who has a mental age of about 4 or 5. into the.rrage of his home as the boy shou te "' Mommy' f\1 omm}' Momm y!" neighbors said .

Lowder pulled thC' youth from the garage. he said. so that the ol her

Just Call 642-6086

D•llJ Piiot Doll•ory

t1 Guer•nlMd ~·'•OO.v " .,..,., • rool - fOV p .. t . ~ :ioii111 t•~ ""'"'" 'r " - .,.,.... t OP'I " ' r ..


officers could see them. In his report , LowdCr said he feared for his own safety .

· "Three times I told him that the youth was retarded. that he couldn't understand ," the boy's mother said . " He didn' t hsten 10 me al all ."

A nei ghbor, Alfred Trescr. sa id : '"The o ffi cer forcefully threw him 10 the grou nd.''

Rodrigurz· parents believe their son·i. k1dne) was in1ured by stones or othl'r objects on the ground when he wa~ thrown down.

The you n! ROdfi"iuez was taken to 1he hosp11a after blood was dis· covCrcd 1n his urine.

In his reporl. Lowder acknowl -

edged being 1old three limes by the yo ung man's mother tha1 her son was mentally retarded and could no! understand !he qQ"icer's comTTt_ands.·

Pohce had no commenl on the 1 claim this morning. Inquiries were

referred to City A11orney Roger Grable. who was said to be out of his office and unavailable to comment.

Before the clai m was fil ed , a poli ce spokesman. Lt. Al Muir, said the matter was be1ng reviewed.

" There does not appear to be an y 1n1ptQQ.risty on ou r pan ." he said.

The city has 45 da ys to scule the claim or re1ect 11. If the claim is denied. the Rodriguez famil y ma} punue the mat1er 1n coun.

'w\"ha l do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don 't you like? Ca ll !he number al left and your messa1e will be rttorded , transcribed and deJJvered to ltl t: approprla1eiffltor .

The sa me tf· hour answering service ma y bt: 111ed to record letter• to lbe edi lor on anY topic. Contributors to our ters column mu11 Include thei r name and telephone number for verlficalion . No cl reulalion ca ll s, ple11e .

Tell us wba1'1 on your mind . .


Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill


Clrcul11ton 714/142-4333 Cle11lf*I 9dv.,tl1lng 714/"'2-5'71 All ott..r dep1rtm1nl1 142""'321 MAIN OFFICE <l· W•\I Boo1 'iT (. ..,.,, • ......_ { A .... ,,,., , ~ .. 8~ · ! "61) C~•o ... _ CA '~

Frank Zlnl S.IV' ,,.Y tt>d Sun<!• < ' '°" ""' ...,, ·~ .... ,,.,. Karen Wittmer Marke!+ng Direc to r

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Manng1ng Ec:111or

Ro1emary Churchman I Controller

Robert L. C1ntrell Producl•ori

__ Manager

Howard Mullenary Adverr rs1ng 0 1reclor

.Donald l.. Wltlfam1 C1 rcu1 a11on


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HONORS •.. From Al 1965 and earned her medical degree at UC San Francisco. In addition to her El Monte post. she is a member of the pediatrics staff of the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. She eval uates drugs for 1he Food Dr:ug and Drug Administration and works with the East Los Angeles Child and You1h Clinic.

Former OCC music professor John Williamso n TC'cal lcd Huscroft's enthusiasm in helping recruit and inspire members o f the OCC Band . He described her as " the mos1 outstanding s1udent 1n m.Y teaching career.''

11:47 • ....

Huscroft herself ret""alled happy and sad moments at OCC, includ ing a band performance in the Rose Bowl and the mood on ca mpus when Presidenl John F. Kenned y " 'as assassinated.

SulMUl Bucroft Rlcbard Sbaw

Ricardo. a nati ve of Paraguay, was a place kicker on OCC's 1971 and J 972 football teams. He received a full scholarship to San Diego State Uni ve rsn y where he became tht' leading scorer. His NFL career has been w11h the Detro11 Lions. Min ne­sota Vikings and New Orleans Saints. He has signed to kick for the San Die~o Chargers ncxt season.

Ricardo recalled that his mother learned to speak English at OCC and that his brother preceded him as a foo tball player there . Ricardo praised OC'C football coach Dick Tucker as the first person to recognize his potential as a fu turt• athletic star.

Shaw anended OCC from 1961 through 1963. laki ng courses in freehand drawing. color and design . art and advanced painting. As a sculptor. he has exhibited at galleries across the United States. His work is 1n the permanent collecti ons of respected museum~ FranciS<.·o . Am sterdam. New York and Wash · ington. D.C.

Art Professor Charles Bruce Piner recalled Sha"· as a talented, sclf­mo11 ,·a1ed student ""who made a ' 'CT)' g~ \cacher out of me."

Shaw expressed gra111ude for the perwnal allention he received from OCC teachers. saying they helptd " keep the romanti cism and magic of an JOing.'' ~

Benny Ricardo on !he college's debating team. She founded the Sacramento Ad vocacy Group and has lobbied for· many youth groups such as the Girl Scouts and the YMCA. She has condOcted advocacy training sessions al S1an­ford Univenity. USC. UCLA and UC DaV 1s.

occ· speech teache r Barbara Bull· ard reca lled Sizemore as a debate team n1embcr who excelled in com· pet111ons previously dominated by men . Sizen1orc pra ised Bullard and OC'C spc«h teacher Peg T'ltylor, say1nk. '" I know I would not be successful if not for these 1wo ladies."

Sizemore anendcd OCC' from 1968 through 1972. distinguishing herself

The hall of fame was founded in l 983 to honor outsta nding ljl rO­fessiona ls Who had ' attended ihe com munity college in Costa Mesa. ~11Ye CaNler

. '.

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APRIL 26,1985



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11 'S Ll<E THIS_ Comp tickets worthless if not for choice concerti By SCOTT HAYS Datel»Mk E4J&or

I recetved"3 phone call fast week from a publicity firm in New York.

.. Hi, Scott! This is Paula!" Pronounced Puawla ... Spandau Ballet is playing Irvine Meadows April 19. and we'd like to leave two complimentary tickets for you at the gate. We'd also like to invite you to a party l l p.m. Saturday at the Bow Wow Restaura~t in Beverly Hills. Will you come?" ·

Now I'm not to familiar with the work of Spandau Ballet. But J managed to learn it is not the classical dance troupe from the prison Rudolph Hess calls home. Rather, Spandau Ballet is a group of .. rom ance rockers, .. from England, I believe. I agreed to attend the concert for the Daily Pilot, primarily because Puawla insisted. · '

One thing you must understand here is that it is common practice for publicity finns to offer .. complimentary tickets" to the press, in anticipation of reviews.

On FrictaY mominJ. April 19, I called Puawla in New York to confinn the "complimentary tickets." Everything was set, 1 was told . I was to pick up two tickets at the Irvine Meadows box office at 7 p.m . Concert was at 8.

When I arrived at Irvine Meadows at 7 p.m. I knew I was in trouble. The crowd of mostly teeny-boppers worried me.

I don't like teeny-boppers. They're too, how shall we say. teeny. But 1 went ahead with the game plan, despite the ravings of~ co-worker who suggested the concert would be sappy and bonng.

.. I'm Scott Hays from the Daily Pilot. I'm here to review Spandau Ballet."

··what was your name?" The woman behind the ticket counter barked.

"Scott Hays. The Daily Pilot." , She shuffled through what appeared to be a shoebox of

reserved tickets. " Would it be under any other name?" she asked, already

exasperated with waiti ng on me. "Uh. gee, I don't think so. I don't go under.any other name." She shuffled through her shoeboK-Once more. .. I'm sorry l don' t have your name here." " Are you sure?" I asked. •Tm suppose to review the concert

tonigb't for the Daily Pilot." .. Let me check m the back," she snapped, as ifl were trying

to pull a fast one on her. '-. During m y wait, I sat and listened as other reporters,

wnters, photographers, also were having trouble locating their so-called "'complimentary tickets."

'Tm sorry we don't have any tickets for you." the woman behind the ticket counter seemed pleased at this.

I'm not sure how the con~rt turned out Sappy? Boring? t don't know.

But next time I'm offered "complimentary tickets " I'm going to make sure the concert is of a $fOUP I love and respect. Tha~ way, at least I genuinely disappointed if the tickets aren t there. . . ·

Managing £di1or: frank Zini Ediror: Scott Hays

A rt Director: Steven Hough Marketing Director. Karen A. Wittmer

Circulation Man~u: Donald L. Williams Production Mrlnagu: Robert L. Cantrell

Datcbook is published every Fnday by the Orute Cout Publilhina Co P.O. Boll IS60, llO W. Bly St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Telepllofte (714) 6'2-4121. Reaular bulinaa 1i1cM&rs are 8 a.m. w S p.m .~ondty throup Friday. i;>eadfinc for cale~ or tvcnts items and lcttcn is S p.m. Monday. The entire con1cnta of Dald>ook arr copyrighted by the Oransc C'out P\lbflshlnt Co. All f'isbtt arc raervcd.

2 Datebook/ Friday, Aprlt 26, 1985

.., , ...

CRUISES: TRAWL PUN Off TBB BIGBS&AS . ....................... ...................... ................... 3 By STEVE MITCHELL - We' ve added a Travel Section to Datebook this week that will run once a month for those venturous souls . .And to start things off, our expert travel columnist Steve Mitchell steps foot once again aboard the S.S. Azure Seas with wife Marilyn for a weekend excursion to Ensenada. Writes Steve: 0 Three years and 3 million dollars later, the old girl hardly resembled the

-cruise liner upon which we place virgin feet back in 1982." But the trip, he writes, was as exciting and fun as the first. (Front cover photo provided by Azure Seas.)

RENAISSANCE PLEASURE FAIRE COMES TO OLD PARA.MOUNT RAl'fCB •••••••••••••••••• ·4 ,.. . Come one, come all! Good Queen Bess. the. ~ Guildmaster. Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake and Lords, Ladies and peasants alike can once againjojn the celebration of the Renaissance Pleasure Faire at the Old Paramount ~anch in AJoura. For flan in 16th century England, the 23rd a nnual Renaissance Faire returns for six consecutive weekends beginning Saturday through June 2. The fair , featuring 11 daily Elizabethan country prnes intertwined with seven of the most popular entertainments otthe Faire. holds fourth and welcomes all to join in the festivities.

GALANOS ••• AllEN W ARDY'S ••• AND SILK CREPE ••••••.•••••••.••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••..•.... 14 By VIDA DEAN - Designer James Galanos was at Amen Wardy's in Fashion Island recently to view from " the outside" his spring and summer collection. 0 l'm trying to sec what the mistakes are," Galanos said. "When you have to look at your own things you sec them with a different eye." Watching the show along with the designer were 100 other invited guests and Dateboolc columnist Vida Dean, who reports back this week on the fashion show. Writes Vida: "The brilliant colors were spectacular, but it was the whites, blacks and neutral shades that received the most applause."

!~:.,~~~~-.~~-.~~ .. ~~-.~~!.~:& ' I . •

By l~VERLY 8USH SMITH - DatebOok restaurant columnist Beverly Bush Smith claims she pi~ed three pounds last week when she took •7-Vork/play trip to Palm Desert. Known to many of us as .a ~rt, ofi sorts, a sunny hideaway where we can escape th~hectic ltfestyle of the Southland. Palm Desert also is a hot spot for fine eating establishments, claims Beverely. And winner of the ~t Food cat.,ry ~oes to the elegant la Qui,nta Hotel Golf and Tenrus Resort. But Just m ~you don't happen to be staying at the Palm Desert hotel, Beverly hstsa number of other desert restaurants.

TRA:VEL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••.•••••••••• 8

GALLER,lltS •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• i •• 13 .,

.llOV'IE BRml'S •••••••••••••• ~ . : t....................... 16 . r. . . J.

CONCERT REVIEWS ................................ 18

TERlllSSION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20



Phyllis Diller into a Joan Collins, we

~__.........:.:&...._~.._ asked? It can't be done, we said.

_,_,) Au contraire, fellow sh ipmates.

The surgery is over. The facelift

seas =------.:o:.:.n:_t:_:h.e former painted lady · was a success.

,, . A o! T: s.s. AZURE SEAS - Three years and 3 million dollars later, the old girl hardly resembled the cruise liner upon which we placed virgin feet back in 1982. •

. It was ou~ first ,cruise and even as nov1ce passengers, we were less t~n impressed with this frumpy lady. The public rooms were dark, dull and drab, the staterooms damp, depressing and dirty. Wharsaved that fint cruise was the food - which remains fabulous, the entertainment - wb.icb remains fun, and the crew - which remains friendly.

My wife and I sandwiched in three more cruises in the ensuing years - on larger, Miami-based liners - and we looked forward to last weekend•s three-day return engagement aboard the S.S. Azure Seas with a bit of trepidation.

I mean, how do you transform a

The massive refurbishing,

completed earlier this

BJ year ·· includes

many changes, includ1qg enlarged

and redecorated lounges, casino and ~rd room and new

carpet throughout the 603-foot long vessel. I

The 320 cabins, spread over nine decks, each feature new bedspreads as well as lalJC. colorful framed posters.

Despite her new looks, the 30-year old vessel has retained her warm personality. The Azure Seas is still 20,000 tons of fun, plying the waters be~n San Pedro and En~nada

· twice a week. Fun, like the introduction to first­

-time passengers by cruise director Bill Gentry:

.. Hey,•• ·he shouted into a micro­phone in the renovated Rendezvous LOu~ .. What's the movie tonight?"

.A half dozen crew members ~ponded in unison. 0 The Poseidon 'Advent\Jre."

· "Naw, that's not it," Gentry said. "Raise the Titanic," the crew

shouted. . ~·That's not right. either," Gentry

said, shaking his head . .. Ship of Fools," they answered. Then comes a list of dos and

don'ts, something that is generally delivered in somber tones on many cruise ships.

But not on the Azure Seas. / Reciting the rules in a manner

fashioned after the Ten Command­ments. two entertainers began:-

.. In thy cabin. thou shalt not play music so as to disturb thy neigh­bors ... Thou shalt not get seasick. but 1f thou does, call 333 ... Thou shalt be

aware of what thou bringeth t>aC\c from Mexico. Turtle oil. Thou may now. bringeth back that substance so you can oil your turtle..... .

Finally. this invitation from assis­tant cruise director Barry Gentry: "Thou shalt all come to my cabin tonight for a party ...

The humoT of the cruise staff and frie~ness of the crew is one draw that. keeps people coming back to the Azure Seas. But perhaps more import­ant, the short cruises to Enscnada lure first-time passengers who want to discover if sailing on a cruise liner is the way they want to spend a vacation.

Some people think a cruise is too expensive ($ l ,000 and up). too long

The S.S. Seu (top photo) Mib to En.aenada twice a week where pauengera can find open air bargain• (left) or atay aboard and enjoy the romance of It all (abo•e) .


(seven or 14 days or longer). and too formal (some lines suggest black tie attire for dinner.)

Prices on the Azure Seas begm at ' about $395 a person. the cruises are short - either three or four days. and suit and ti~ fo~ men and a suitable dress or pantsuit for women are the rec­ommended dinner attire.

The mini-cruise 1s a great -wa; to get your feet wet (hopefu11; not literall; ).

I mean. what happens if your first cru ise 1s a 14-da; tnp to Alaska and you discover you absolu~ly hate cruise ships the second day <!>ut?

George Reilly. the ship's chief purser. says more first ttme cruise plissengers sail on the Azure Seas than on any other cruise ship. Many of them later take Jon2er cruises on other line".

(Pleue eee CRUIUS/Pace ~) . . . Uatebooki Hiday. April 26, 1985 a




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 2 13 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Sydney Consenatorium Or­cbe.tra, with Yiolln 90Jolat RJcbard Tognetti and con­ductor Dr. Ronald Smart, perform• at 8 p.m. Sunday at Chapman College.


form<, T UC\ -Sat.. K p m -m1dn1ght. a t lhl' r lrl'\ldC I oungl· Ill lhl' r O\\Cr') l{ l'\IJurant l1•ca tcd in thl· \urt and \and I lotl'I. 1 'i55 \ ( ua:.1 1 1 ~ .,. . I Jguna lkach. -lll 7--l~ 77

THE CALIFORNIANS, a prcm1rrc ,·n,l·mhk 11f lhL' Orangl' < ·ount} \1 J\tl.'r Chorale. pn-\cnt'> a program o f mu"r and Ja nn· ~ Ith ml·mhcrs of I hl· lkthunL· Ra llc t Ton ight . 8 p.m ..

JI thl' ~ 1b h1rc ..\ ud 1tonum . 3.30 N. I l·mnn ~ t Fulknon and Sat.. 8 r rn . at m e Foru m fh catcr. 41 7~ I J1rmunt Hhd_ ' orha Linda. S7 50 adml\\111n 779-X591

BRIGADOON 1\ prc\Cntcd b) < hap man c ollcgc·, l>t:part mcnt c, of Muc,1c and C omm un1ca tmn' To­n ight-Apr 27. X p.m . Waltmar fheatrc. 9Y7-6X7 I

RONNIE BROWN, rnnrcn and J3/7 pianist perform \ rue~.- at .. al C he1 Dan11.· 170 1 Corinthian Wav. Newport Reach. X p.m.-clos1ng. 955-0622.

MOZART 'S O PERA " DON GIOVANNI" 1 ~ prl'~n tcd a t ( :i i S ta te Fu llerton's L111lc. Thratrc fn -Sat. and T hurs. 8 p m Sun 5 p.m 1 on1ght's perform ancr 1s a hlat k-l1t.'. 1nv1ta1ion-only o pening n1gtu fund · ra iser. $6 ge neral adm1~<; 1 on . 77'-317 1.

Saturday ,J

HANS VOGEL, Outist , dnd DAVID CLEME NSON, pia nist. an· presented hy the Irvine Co nservatory of Music in a free 'iCn1or recital a t 8 p.m Wo rks

by J. lbcrt. G . Telemann. E. Varese. J .S. Bach. and P. Genin are per­fonncd. Shepard of Peace Lutheran Church. 18182 C ulver. Irvine. Free admission. 261-0231.

THE OR.ANGE COU NTY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY con­cludes it's concert season with Erich Leinsdorfconducting the Los Angeles Philha rmonic Orchestra. Vladimir -\skkcnazy is piano soloist. Wo rks by Mendelssohn. Barto k. Debussy and Stra,. insh are performed . 2:30 p.m .. Santa Ana H igh School Aud itori um. 520 W. Waln ut, Santa Ana. 642-8232.

.I'HE CALIFORNIANS, see Fnday ' lasting. .

MOZART 'S OPERA " DON GIOVANNI," see Friday listing.

RC>gER WAGNER rnnd ucts thl' Los ~ngelci. Master Chorale and Sinfonia Orchestra 1n a perform ance of J .S. Bach·s " St. Mau hew Passio n." 8:30 p.m .. Music Cente r's Dorothy C handkr Pavilion. Lo~ '\ ngeles. $5-S:W admissio n. (2 1 )J 972-7182.

PIANIST CAROLE COLE. sec Fn-da) list ing. '

THE ORANGE COUNTY PA· CIFIC SYMPHONY performs at X pm. "1th p1an1st Jerome Ros.t and mcu o ~oprano Alice Raker. Keith Clark conduct-.. Program includes Fran1 Schubcn '!> .. Der Wanderer: .. Schubcrt/ L1s1t\ .. Wandcn: r Fa11· l3Sic" for Piano and Orchestra: Op.

-i1: and Ciu~ ta'" Mah ler' c; ··s ymphony No. 5 in C Sharp Mino r ( 190 I). Santa Ana High School Audtton om. 520W. Walnut. Santa ..\ na S 15 50. S 12.50 and S8.50. 680-3444.

RONNIE BROWN. ">Ct: f nda)" lis t­ing.

BRIGADOON, sec Frida) llsung.

Sunday AMERICAN MUSIC of the 20th

< ·cntu l) 1s performed by the Nei~h­borhood ( 'horus fro m Pasadena. with Edward l ow. conducto r. The pro­gram includes Randall Thompson's " Pcacrabk Kingdo m .. and Aaron ( o pland'c; " In The Regrnn1ng: · Pnsc1lla Ph1ll1pc; 1c; <,olo1'> t. A rccep-11on follows the perform·ance. 4 p.m .. San Juan Capistrano L1brary·s La Sala t> 'h1b11 room. 11495 El Camino

The Oranae Coanty Phllbarmonic Society COD­cladee lta concert HaeOD with Erich Letnadorf COD­dacttna the Loe Aneelee Pbllharmonlc'a 2:30 p .m. Saturday at Santa Ana Hl&h School Aadltorlam , 520 W. Walnut , Santa Ana . 642-8232.

a Oatebook/ Friday. April 26. 1985

Real. San Juan Cap;strano . $2 do na­tion. 493-59 11.

PIANIST BRUCE SPERA per. forms Sun.-Mon. evenings in the Fireside Lounge at the Towers Res­taurant located in the Surf & Sand Hotel. 1555 S. Coast Hwy .. la.guna Beach. 497-4477.

SEQUOIA STRING QUARTET performs Beethoven at 4 p.m ., UC I rvi ne·~ Universi ty Center Hen ta&e Room. T ickets are $9, $5, & $7. 8 56-66 16.

THE SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA Con­scrvaton um Orchestra is in concert a t


8 p.m . with Dr. Ronald ' Smart . cond uctor. Beethoven's " Leo nora Overture No. 3" is performed as well as "Corroborce" by John Antill (an Australian composer). a nd works by Tchaiko vsky and Mendelssohn. 8 p.m .. Chapman College's Memorial '\ud11onum. Orange. SS general. $3 • senior cit11ens. students. 997-6812.

MOZART 'S OPERA " l\ON GIOVANNI," 'it't' Fnda) lis11ng.


Sunda) hs11ng. " A TRIBUTE TO THE AMERI·

CAN MUSICAL THEATRE" 1s prcs-­ented a t I! p.m. at Santa Ana College's Ph11l1ps Hall T hea tre. 17th and Bmtol Sts . Sa nta '\na. SS gcncrnl ad m1ssmn 667-.3008.


CONCERT 1s perfo rmed by the ( hap­man College College Singers and Conccn Choir. and 1s conducted b) William Hall 8 p m . CCC 's Bcnca Ha ll. Orange $5 general adm1s!l10n. 997-68 12. .


1s hosted by Santa .\na College al noon 17th and Bristol Sts .. l)anta Ana. free adm1 i.<;1o n. 66 7-3008.

RONNIE BROWN, sec Frida)' list­ing.

Wednesday TERRENCE FAR RELL, cla 'is1cal

gu1tanst. performs in his O range C'ount) debut. Program include~ works by Ra "el. Bach. Fernando'So r and America n com pQsers Gershwin. Bernstein and Joplin. A rrccption follows thcl performance. 8 p.m .. UC Irv ine's Finr Arts Vi llage T heatre. Irvi ne. $ 7 ge ne ral admi ssio n. 856-66 16.

CAROLE COLE, sec Frida) listing RONNIE BROWN, sec Fnda) list·


TbandaJ CAROLE COLE, see Fnday list ing. RONNIE BROWN, see Fnda) list­


GIOVANNI," ~e Fri4?Y listing.


appearr. from 8 p.m.-1:30 a .m . a t Cru y t1orsc. 1580 Brookhollow. Santa Amt 549.- 15 12.

THS GOLDEN WEST BLUE­GRASS FESTIVAL fea tures J im & Jes~ aifd T he Vi rg1n1a Boys. along with many o ther art ists. Fri. 4:30-9 p.m .. Sat 10 a.m .-9 p.m .. Sun. 10

Martin Sheen come. out a winner u be playa by the rules of Henry the vm ln the bandy ball e•ent. one of 11 daily competition• ln the Hlatory of Sports celebration' at the Renalaaance Pleaaure Faire, Saturday May 27. Further information at (213) 654· 1700.

a.m.-5 p.m. Prado Ba<;1n Park. No rco. THE BRITISH CONNECTION ul Call fo r t icket prices (619) 758-7205. fers New Orleans style Jail. 6-9 p m

Sa da Pla1a de Cafes. Birch St. a t \ nn tur Y Karman. NewPort Beach

THE AMERICAN MADE BAND, i CAFE LIDO presents Judi [ ,·, Fnda) lis ti ng. Mon.-Fn 5-8 p.m .. the Lido Ja11 -\ 11-

THE GOLDEN WEST BLUE· \tarc; Thurs.-Sat 9 p.m - 1·,0a m J nd GRASS F ESTIVAL. sec Frida) hc;1. Sun. 4-8 p.m .. " Dream," the all-Ja" ing vocal q uinte t, Sun. 9 p.m .- 1 a.m .. llH'

Jazz Quartet Mo n.-Tues. 9 p.m - I JO a.m.. and the Doug MacDonalJ Quartet Wed . 9 p.m .- 1:30 a.m. 2900 Newport Bl vd .. Newport Beach 675-2968.

Sunday CRAZY HORSE feature<\ a Country

Sunday Bash w1 1h :i chicken hulTet. M ike Bennett and T he Rounder-.. and The Duke Davis Band perform 4-7 p.m .. 1580 Brookho llow. Santa Ana. 549- 15 12. ' •


Monday BOBBY BARE performs in ronccn

a t 7 p.m . aod 10 p.m Cra1yhorsc. 1580 Brook ho llow. Santa Ana . 549- 15 12. t Taeeday

BOBBY BARE, see Mo nday lm-1ng.


Friday TONY RIZZI and the GEORGE

VAN EPS QUARTET appear from 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. as part of McCormirk's Landing's new cn1cr­ta1nmenl fonnat. 3180 ~irway Ave . Costa Mesa. 546-9880.

THE PEGGY DUQUESNEL TRIO fca1ures Peggy Duqucsnel. piano Melissa H asin. cello: and -\I Maitland . drums and vibes. Tue~ · Sat. 8 p.m .-m1dn1ght. The Rcg1st r~ Hotel. 18800 MacArth ur Bh d Irvine. 752-8777.

BOB BREWER, DJ. perform' from 9 p.m.-12:30 a m . with da ncr lessons frofn 7-8 p.m. a t the Meadowlark Co untry C lub. Hunt­ington Beac h. SJ adm 1~s 1 on 846-3391.

Saturday TONY RWl and the GEORGE

VAN EPS QUARTET, sec Frida> lrsting.


TRIO, sec Fnday hs11ng.

Sunday BOBBY REDFIELD pcrfonnl>

La11n j a,i.z from 7: 30-11:30 P..m. at the Sunset Pub. 16655 Pacific Coast Hwy .. Sunset Beach. (213) 592-1926.

DIXIELAND JAZZ 1s performed at a gathering hosted by Jazz In·


- .

I =A• I C 0 N T

l\17lN I corporatcd. a non-profit organiza· rion. I :30-6 p.m.. West Anaheim Moose Hall. 2232 Sequoia Ave .. Anaheim. $3 donation. 893-0277.


performs each Sunday from 2-6 p.m. at the Old Dana Point Cafe, comer of Golden Lantern and Del Prado, Dana Point

RICHARD CRUZ and his Full­ertowne Stnmers perform at the Meadowlark Country Club, Hunt­ington Beaeh. 846-339 J.

llonday CAFE LIDO, sec Fnday listing.

Tue9day ED LEACH performs from

8:30-11:30 p.m. at the Meadowlark. Country Club, Huntington Beach. $4 ad mrss1on. S46-339 I.

CAFE LIDO, see Friday listing. A VOCAL JAZZ CONCERT fea­

tures music from the I 950s-80s performed by the Santa Ana College Jazz Choir and a surpnsc guest artist 8 p.m., SAC's Phillips Hall Theatre. 17th and Bnstol Sts .. Santa Ana. SJ general admission. 667-3008.

THE PEGGY DUQUESNEL TRIO, sec Friday listing.

Wedne9day TRACY WELLS appears from 8- 1 I

p.m.. Meadowlark .Country Club. Huntington Beach. $4 admission. S46-3391. I

THE PEGGY DUQUESNEL TRIO, see Friday listing. '

KING OF HEARTS, a 7-piece jazz band, performs as part of McCorm1cks Landing's new enter­tainment forma t. 3180 Airway Ave .. Costa Mesa. 546-9880.

CAFE UDO, sec Friday listing.

Tbanclay CAFE LIDO, sec Fnday listing. THE EARL IUNG BAND appears

at the Meadowlark Country Club. Hunting1on Beach. 8%-3391.

THE PEGGY DUQUESNEL TRIO, ~e Friday listing.

THE BRENT BRACE TRIO ap­pears at McCormick's Landing. 3180 Airway Ave .• Costa Mesa. 546-9880.

Chick Conia 9tope ID Bant­~on Bea.ell tontcJlt and Saluday for a ran appear­ance at tile Ootdmr-llear. Chlck .Ul perform wltla hla g 1ectrlc Band.


Tbe •lstla aanw Very Special Arta Pe.dftl will 8fiowcaae tile artl8tlc ac­comg!!:'menta of dlabled chll on S.tmday, llay 4, on tbe llaalc Center Plua. Tile festlftl la pree­ented ·by tile llalc Center Edacadon DlTlalon and will featare celebrity appear­anca by Reary Wlnkler, Pat Morita, Laaren T~. WU­Uam Katt and Linda Bo•e. Partller Information at (213) 972-()769.

Wed.-Thurs. 6:30-10:30 p.m. Beni.l>aria.'s, 4250 Birch St, Newport Beach. 955--0822.

SPUT IMAGE debuts in the Li­brary lounge of The Ncwportcr resort performing current trends in pop music. Fri.-Sal. 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. through Apr. 30. 1107 Jamboree Rd .. Newport Beach. 644-1 700.

KATZ 'N JAMMERS appears at Man:cl's Brasserie. 130 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa.

JUDI LORICK 6 TRIO perform a b1end of pop and jazz in the Atnum Lounge of the Hotel Meridien New­port Beach, 5-9 p.m. Tucs.-Sat.. 4500 MacArthur Blvd.. Newport Beach. 476-2001.

CHICK COREA AND THE ELEC­TRIC BAND make a rare appearance at the Golden Bear. 306 Pacific Coast Hwy., Huntington Beach. 5~6-9600.

ROCK-A-BILLY with Frankie S. 1s featured at the Sunset Pub from 9 p.m.- 1 :30 a.m., 16655 Pacific Coast Hwy., Sunset Beach. (213) 592- 1926.

THE HOP presents cmtee Joel Steven Fri .:&t.~ " Rock Around The Clock." a history of rock and roll featuring Jason Chase Tues. at 8 p.m.: crazy contests including Lip Sync. Twist. and Basketball Shoot Thurs.: "The Jason Chase All-Star Review" with Lee · Ferrell on Sun. 18774 Brookhurst . Fountain Valle y. 963-2366.

Saturday ROCK-A-BILLY with Frank1c S ..

see Friday listing. CRJa COREA AND THE ELEC­

TRIC BAND, see Fri<by listing. THE BOP, sec Friday hstina. J \JDI LORI~ It TRIO, sec Pnday

lisriha. THE SURFTONES appear at

Marcel's Brasserie, 130 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa.


SPLIT IMAGE. sec Friday listing. EN'l'EltT AINEJl DON R~. sec

• - Friday listing.

ENTERT AJNER DON R~ per­forms a large repertoire of country. hgh1 rock and easy listcnina pop \t.andards Fri -Sat 7-11 p m.. and

Sanday THE HOP, see Friday listing. THE JAM!3 HARMOND BAND

appe~rs from 9 p.m. to 1:30 am 11

First Time Ever!

Visit Disneyland as Qften as you like during May, Septembet and January for jllst

S3000for kids ages 3-12 Sou them

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"cptl.'mt)l: r .111dJ:ii1l.1a0 Tl1.11\ <.'\t·11 .

11 H )I\.' \",tluahk: I h~1n II~ lt.llllb ht'l . Ill'<.' 1 ~°1J!: , 1u1 ~lllli .\ nn"cr ..... 1n ~1t·11,· 111L-..... 1n<. lud111g tht .. f::

trru111ph.11H n.·rnm 1 >I thL' \lam ">fn.:t.'t rln tn<. .tL P-.1r:1dl' c 111 \\L'L'kt:n<b m \ I. I\ And ol u KIN.:. \ \ vrt· .... 1111

g.iYlllR :I\.\ .I \ ,t l .tr r~:irh L'\ LT\ lLI~ plu .. de:1rh II I( l.( HI( I 11! Ill I

prizt'S. ~) \Ollr ~ 'x".L .... 111) ~IUIL l~XLI\ JnJ \our Lil.till l''

of winning '' 111 hl' t'' l ' ll gn.::un \X lwn , ·1111 Pnlcr .1 ..... 1lu11. h\ rru1il. you ~t·t ,1 <. l'mfk .111.: t<, ht· n·dn·1111.·d tnr \our P·''' .11

Di."1Cyland :-.t> thn .m· .t llllkltll' g1 11 1dt'.t ' ' 111 \\tr<.· n1.1"111g

-.ttn.: 1ha1 ~n.:11" '"1'11.· lx..,11111l(: l11<.111111. 111l)1,111.,1.111d

lt><. ha~<.: \ Ollr ~~~.N>tl~.lllll l h\ ph111k dll

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Tit:kl't~ :tn: .1bo .1,·:1i lahlc .11 ·111:kc1 m.1~vr .md I >NX'\ land

Disneyland .. Detebook/ Friday, AprM 26, 1985 I




' '


Marccrs Brasserie. 130 E. 17th St .. C ·osta M~-.a

¥pnday . GEORGE GRIFFIN performs at

Marcel's Brai.St•ne. 130 E. 17th St.. ( osta Mesa.

THE RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS ~rform in conccn at 7:30 p.m. at The Hop. 18774 Rrookhur~t . Fountain Valle) . SI :!.50 adm1ss1on. 963-2366.

l'i .-: -

r1 )

·~ • I

Give Your Mom A Housecleaning

GIFT CERTIFICATE with Flowers for

11/of~,,,. ·, Y),,IJ

from Do~estic Lady


Tuaday JUDI LORJCX & TRIO, fiCC Fnday

listing. THE HOP, see Friday listing. GEORGE GRIFFIN, sec Monday



Friday listing. J UDI LORICK & TRIO, sec Fnday


sec Monday listing.

Thanday PAGE ONE performs at the Sunset

Pub from 8:30 p.m.- 1 a.m.. 16655 1 Pacific Coast Hwy., Sunset Beach.

(213) 592-1926.

Patti Colambo •tan with llark EwlDC ln .. Sweet Char­ity" at Anaheim'• Grand Dinner Tbeater. Tbe mul­caJ play• nJCbtly eacept llondaya throqh June 16 at ~ curtain tlmee. Call 770-~7 l 2 for ticket lnf ormatlon.

THE HOP, see Fnday listing. J UDI LORICK & TRIO, sec Fnda>

listing. ~=======~=~ ENTERTAINER DON ROSS, see

Friday lasting. "CABARET'' at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. 690 El Camino Real. Tusun (838-1540). nightly except Mondays at varying curtain umes through June' 23.


714) 961·HH Y• LtcalS.. D1yltters!

. We're F..., · f -"., Onttl . I lld


' I


Friday "ANYTHJNG GOES" at &bas­

t1an·s West Dinner Playhouse:, 140 A\e. Pico. San Clemente (492-9950). Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8. Sundays at I and 7, until Ma)' IQ.

" BAREFOOT IN THE PARK" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana .(979-5 ~ 11 ). night I:, eu·ept Monda yo; at' ar) ing curtain limes through June 9.

"CRIMES OF THE HEART" at Ut" Irv-toe Concert Hall (856-6617). fin:}I performances tonight and Saturday at 8p.m.

"THE DEBlJTANTE BALL" at South Coast Repenory. 655 Town Center Drive . Costa Mesa (Q57-4033). luesda ys through r ridays at 8. Saturdays at 2:30 and 8. Sundays al 2:30 and 7:30 until May 19.


''BRIGADOON" al C 'hapman Col­-------------... lcge in Orange (997-6!! 12). dosing

performances tonight and aturda) at

~ CAL·T 134&51

Repertory Company. JOO Centennial Way. Tustin (731-2792). Fridays and Saturdays at 8: 15. Sundays at 2:30 through May 5.

11( 11.1 1M INf ORMA I ION

'· ltlNNI k kl .,, RVA !IONS (Al I M (714) 549-1512&

Mw+'OH! I fltf fWt\!


8. Sunda\ at 4. "BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE" at

the San Clemente Commun1t) Theater. 202 Ave. Cabnllo. \an Clemente (492-0465). Thursda) ~ through Saturda)sat 8 p. m. un11I Ma) 4.

"GODSPELL" at Southern Cali­fo rnia. College. 55 Fair Drive. Costa M<.·sa (556-3610 .. ext. 274). final performances tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m.

" IRKSOME INHE RITANCE" by th C' Orange Count> Variety Players at thC' Anaheim fultural Ans Center.





ADULTS - $18 CHILDREN ( 10 & UNDER) - $12




i Datebook/ Fr5day, April 26, 1~85

931 N. Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim (971-5681). fina l performance toinight at 8 p.m.

"NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?•' at the Irvine Com munity Theater. Turtle Rock Community Park. Sunnyhill off Turtl e Rock DnH . Irv ine (857-5496). final performance1 to­ni~t and Saturday at 8 p.m.

'OF MICE AND MEN" at the Gem =Theater. 12852 Main St.. Garden Grove (636-72 13). Wednesdays through Saturdays al 8 p.m .. Sundays at 7:30 until May 4.

" A ROOMFUL OF ROSES" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Main Street at Avenue. Hunt­

... ington bcach(832-1405). Fridaysand S'aturdays at 8:30 through May 18.

"R UM AND COKE" on the Second Stage of South Coost Repcnory, 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa (957-4033). Tucsday.s through Fridays al 8:30. Saturdays at 3 and 8:30. Sundays at 3 and 8 p.m. until May 19.

"THE SECOND TIME ABOUND" at the Garden Grove Community Theater. Eastptc Park, Chapman west of Valley View. Garden Grove (897-5122). Fridays and Saturdays at~ 8:30 through May 11 . w11h matinees April 28 and May 5 at 2:30 p.m.

"SEPARATE TABLES" at the Cypress Civic Theater. 5172 Orange Ave .. Cypress (821-9500). Fndays and Saturdays at 7.30 p.m. through May4.

"THE SUPPORTING CAST" at the Newport Theater Arts Center. 2501 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach (63 1-0288). Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May 18.

"SOMETHING'S AFOOT" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. 661 Hami lto n St. . Costa Mesa

Veteran actor Ke•ln McCarthy lmpenooatea Prealdeot Harry 8 . Tnunan ln . Samuel Galla'• play .. Gl•e 'em Hell Ranyt'., 8 p.m. Saturday lo Fullerton'• Plummer Aadltorlam. Ticket lnf ormatlon at 773-33'71 .

(650-5269), Thursdays through Sat­urdays at 8:30 until May 18. J

"SWEET CHARITY" at the Grand Dinner Theater, I Hotel Way. Anaheim (772-7710). nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through June 16.

Saturday "ANYTHING GOES" at Sebas-

11an 's West Dinner Playhou5e. Stt Fnday listing.

"BAREFOOT IN THE PARK,.. at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. See Friday listing.

"BRIGADOON" at Chapman Col-lege. Stt Friday listing. .

" BUTl'ERFLlES ARE FREE" at the San Clemente Communily Theater. Sec Friday listing.

"CABARET" at the Curtain \all Dinner Theater. Sec Friday listing.

"CRIMES OF THE HEART" at UC Irvine. See Fridty llstmg.

"TRE DEBUTANTE BALL" at ~~th Coast Repertory. See Fnday Ii stint.

Anna Ilaria Albeqhettl will ata.r ln the Lone Beach Clvic LIM:ht Opera'• prod action of "'the Soand of llaalc .. May 9 throaeh 19 at the Terrace Theater.

"THE DRUNKARD''. b}' th~ LP Repertory Company. Sec Frida) ll\t 1'1g.

"GIVE 'EM HEU HARRY!'' ap­pearsat PlummeFAuditonum. 201 ~ Chapman Ave .. Fullerton. Yctaan screen and stage actor Ke' 10 McCanhy performs in the one-man play about Harry S. Truman. 8 p m tickets$13.S0-$11.50. 773-3371

"GODSPELL" at Southern ('alt ­fomia College. Sec Friday listing

"NORr.lAN,ISTHATYOU?"at thl.' Irvine Community Theater. Sec l-r1 -day listing.

"OF MICE AND MEN" at the Cil·m Theater. Sec Friday listing.

"A ROOMFUL OF ROSES" at thr Huntington &ach Playhouse. ~'l' Friday listing.

" RUM AND COXE" on the Second Stag" of South Coast Rei>crtol) ~·l· Friday listing.

' 'TUE SECOND TIME AROUND" at the Garden Grove Commun11' Theater. See Friday hs11ng.

"SEPARATE TABLES" at thr Cypress Civic Theater. See f- ndJ' lis11ng.

"SOMETHING'S AFOOT" at th1 Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse ' 'l' Fnday listing.


Newport Theater ·Arts Center \ l'l' Fnday listing.

"SWEET CHARITY" at the ur.111d Dinner Theater. Sec Fnda> listing

Sun~y "ANYTHING GOES" at Seba\·

t1an's West Dinner Playhouse. St·1· Friday listing. ,

"BAREFOOT IN THE PARK" JI the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Sci• Friday listing.

" BRIGADOON'' at Cl\apman <.'ol­lqe. Sec Fridar, listing.

"CABARET ' at the Cuna1n Call Dinner Theater. Sec friday listing.

.. TOE DEBUTANTE BALL" al South Coast Repertory. Sec Fnda) listing.

"THE DRUNUJlD" by 1he L P Rcpcttory Company. Sec Fnday 11'.>t· 1ng.

''F ACTWINO: THE OPERA.'' a musical comic book about a wino with powers to make people thin~ . " presented by the San Francisco Mime Trou.,c. 7 p.m .• UC lrvine's Fine Art~ Vil'-Jt Theatre. $7 general ad· m1ss1on. 856-6616.

"OF MICE AND MEN" at the Gem Theater. Sec FridAy listing. listing.

" RUM AND COU" on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory Sci· Friday listin-.

"SWEET CHARITY" at the Grand Dinner Thea1cr. Sec FridayJisting. ._

llonclay "OIGI" at Brldaes Auditonum.

Claremont. Louis Jourdan. stage.

.. __

screen and rv star, appears in this one-lime performance. 8 p.m .. tickets s 16 50-S24.50. 621-8032. Dl\..l\IC:F TueM&y

" BAREFOOT IN THE PARlt" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Stt Fnday listing.

"CABARET" at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. Sec Fnday listing.

"THE DEBUTANTE BALL" at South Coast Repertory. See Friday listing. .

"RUM AND COKE" on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory. See Friday listing.

"SWEBT CHARITY" at the Grand Dinner Theater. Sec Friday listing.

FILM Friday

"THE LOVED ONE." A Britisher attends to uncle's buriaJ in California and encounters b121rrc aspects of the funeral business in Evelyn Waugh's biuna satire on the mores of Holly­wood and the funeral busin"5. By Tony Richardson (USA 196S). 7 p.m .• UC Irvine Social Science HaJI, Irvine. $2.SO and S l.SO admission. 856-6379. I

"PINOCCHIO" and " WINNIE THE POOR." 7 and 9:30 P·f. .. UC Irvine Science Lecture Hall, lrviM. $2.50 gcncraJ admission. 856-5517. _,..huda,

"PINOCCHIO" and "WINNIE THE POO~ ... see Friday listina.

Sanday "FAUST' by F.W. Mumau ( l~26).

· Shown as pan of a series of class1c German films. 7 p.m .. UC Irvine's Room 178, Humanities Hall. Free admission. 8S6-S386.

Silver fern ...

A sholt and pant you ' ll 1find you can 't ltve w1thout ... use it to 11>loy hard or just to lqunge.


from New Zealand

~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND . NE'NPORT BEACH.· (714) 644-7030

Oatebootcl Frtdsy. Aprit 26, 19&5 1



CRUISES -Do these slatr'S go up or • •• down?

fromPage3 Chief Purser Reilly. who has And many of them return to written a guide for people the Azure Seas for second. interested in obtaining cruise th ird a nd fourth sai ls. ship jobs, says he's sot moi:e

;£or people who have neveF than enough matenal from taicen a cruise. this is the ideal first-time passengers for a sec­way to see what it's all about in ond booklet - this one about a short space of time and for cruise ship humor. very little money." he said. Like the time he glanced out " It's a short cruise. but it 's not his office to see an elderly a short ship." · couple standing beside the

He says the average age for elevator. pushing the button. passengers is between 30 and "The elevator would arrive. 40 and they range from season- the door would open, then ed passengers to those who close and they would push the have never set foot in a button again." he said. towboat. This scene was repeated

- -

, , -

i\nd those first-timers can about fi ve times before Reilly really ask some dumb ques- walked into the foyer to ask if tions: he could help. _

- Whattimeis the midnight "The husband pointed to a buffet? sign that read ' Elevator c a·-

.,,,..,..._ ~ u .... -Shoottna akeet off the ~tern of the Azure Sea• provtdea a chall~ afternoon dlvenlon ln the temperate Paclflc coutal climate. 1

-Can we p et a cabin on the pacity: 7.' and said he and his

fish~a~d~y~s3id:'"'.e=o=th=e=bo~a~t?;;. ~~~;Wl~· fi~e~w~e~re~· u~s~t~w~a~i~ti~ng~fo~r~fi~ve711 more pas~ngers to come so ~-.. ......, SPECIAL LOW FAIES they could go up to their I Ao~.... ~'i .... TUVEL RClllld ,,. Air ilcl 111 cabin," he laughed. 't-t-~ ......., "" szu And Reilly says he's learned 1 650-ISH ~ ;;: :m to be careful when joking with

HAW Aii 8 DAYS - 7 NIGHTS rr111t1ur1 110111 ssn first-time passengers. " I told ,,..m •379 =., ;;: ~; one coukple thafft whe wboukld hfahve lnc ludn: Hot•l,Alr,Round l•llllo lrom S2" Waters 11ng 0 t e aC 0 t e Trip .1 .. nafna, t..1,,..;,;,.., llllllrtll t1om 13" ship at I o'clock." -;,· ·~·"'''°"' 21~~ .. d 650-1500'] He teamed later that the ~~§g~~~~~~~~~g~~§~~~~~ couple had actually gone to the

CATALINA CRUISE Departing Newport 9 AM daily Call Catalina Passenger Service for reservations


cruise office to sign up for the afternoon event.

So what's there to do on the Azure Seas on your way to and from Ensenada?

There's swimming in the pool on the sun de~k or soaking in the new spa, of course. Skeet shooting off the port side of the Promenade deck. Shuffleboard and Ping Pong. Aerobic classes and jog­ging.

Ah. but what if it's raining Mexican Folklorico sho"' . like it was-last weekend? daocing in the disco from I 0

Not to worry. You won' t get p.m. until late, late. fivesepar· a tan playing Bingo. but you ate bars. featuring inexpensive can win hundreds of dollars drinks, a passenger talent var­playing .. Blackout." You iety show. which last weekend won' t tone muscles watching featured some of the 25 Miss films like "The Woman in Hollywood contestants on · Red," and .. Places in the board as well as the usual ofT­Heart," but you get first-run key crooners and even a films and good seating in the woman who played musical Rialto Theatre. The Casino sis<><>ns. offers dozens of slot machines, If you're still looking for crap games illld .. 21 ." The something to do, you can Card Room offers cards, · almost always eat somewhere games and potential bridge on the ship. With 1.500 partners. pounds of New York sirloin

And there are enough night- steak, 1,500 pounds of fi let time activities to wear out the mignon, 1,000 pounds of most avid party-animal. prime rib, 2,500 pounds of There's the Captain's cocktail poultry, 1,500 pounds of Pr· a margarita party for whole lobster and 500 pounds sin es, music in the piano bar of rack of lamb served each an the Mayfair lounge, a cruise, you're not going to go

l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil hungry .

400 Main Street. Balboa 92661


8 a.m.- 3 p.m.

ORANGE \C:!Allitl .. COAST

COLLEGE 4 0 .\Y S Alff P ARKING l0'f Bfll ....... r e ~ ...... & tU rt>Of'


t To ·­Slllf• S lOITAANCf

SPACES S 10 • 432- 5880 ~ht• l ,.,,., ' l "t llKI ..... I"' I f ..,. ,.,,.



• Eal. YOUR TRAVEL CAREER Then there's Ensenada. The-- .-ship arrives early Saturday

II y ' OlllEI - morning on the weekend F0< Claulfled Ad


Dally Pllo1 AD-VISOR 642·5678

cruise, and, after the man-• DAY •"tl~CTSS£0fS~.; Pl~~l ... C~~CE Tun., Apr. 30 datory boat drill, passengers

• " "~ '""wu • ,_ ... ~u•U\ MST S'lMOS. aw cari debark at 10 a .m. You lkvmly Hills Call (714) ., .. 1_0825 don't have to be back on the -.::.... t ·A--...1 ~ sttip until 7 the next morning.

'--~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~E~M~~29~S~O ~A·~~~y~A-~ •..• oj~.·~c.~.u.M·e·w~ .• C.A~lf~~ff~V~~enm !~e 1- coastal BaJa city , you mrgh t



Full s~rvice Agency Serving-the Harbor Area

for 30 Years

We can make your cruise a happening/

want to take advantage of several shore· excursions of­fered through the ship's cruise office. Or take a taxi - for a dollar a .passenger each way -from the dock to town to shop. or visit Hussong's renown -and rowdy - cantina where they serve real margaritas. not those frozen imposters you get in the States.

The ship leaves for San Pedro at 8 a .m .• reaching Los Angeles tbt following morning at about 9. The bar stays open. as does the buffet line. making debarkation from the Azure Seas a relatively ~ainless ex­perience compared to other

(Pleue ... CRUl8U/hCe9)

8 Oatebook / Frfday, Aprfl 26, 1985

CRUISES ... Fromf>aCe8

lines where passengers and !------------------------------------------------, th e ir sometimes-garish souvenirs are crammed into a lounge for th-e Ion~ wai( for Customs officers to inspect the ship.

Once you've experienced the mini-cruise. you might just like to book yourself aboard another ship for a longer cruise. The World Ocean and Cruise Liner Society has just released a survey of the top 21 ships in the world. The so­ciety's annual 1survey _is re­garded as one of the best references that indicates which cruise ships are currently giv­ing their passengers the highest levels -of satisfaction. This year's top winners were:

Song of America, Nordic Prince, Rotterdam, Pacific Princess. Sun Viking, Pearl of Scandinavia, Royal Viking Star. Roy'}l V~king Sky, Fair­sky, Fairwind, Vistafjord, Sa~fjord~ Stella Solaris .. Royal Viking Sea. Island Pnncess. Song of Norway, Noordam, QE-2, Nieuw Amsterdam, Royal Odyssey and Starward.

Cruise tips Stephanie Pendergast. vacation

planning specialist with Sundance Travel in Newpon Beach. has a few 11ps for first lime cruise P3Sscngers:

- To make re'ICrva t1ons. S<.."C a tra' cl agent. The' can usually answer questions first hand and also o ffer \OU a world of optio ns. - -Plan . ~arl}. C'ru1S1ng today is popular as ever. so in order to get y.our choice of accommodations and sail­' ng dates. early reservations are of\cn required. On 1hc other hand. there 1~ alwa)S the possib1111) of last-minute ava1lab1lttv due to cancclat1on. -C"ru1~ line\ sometimes o ffer

hug<' discounts for the third and fourth passenger 1n a cabin. Altho ugh this tends to be: crowded. total cost divided by four 1s a big sav1n~. And you·re nonnall y no1 in the cabin that much. _:

- Most ships offer two seatings for meals. You ma) select eerl} or-late ~ating. and pick )Our table si1c. ranging from two 10 eight perso ns. Food 1s plenuful - up to eight meal~ at da~ o n some cruise lines - and there 1s ho limit on what or how much ~ ou ordc:r. Some ships make special arrangements in odvanct' for diet pn: le rences..

- A ~cncral rule of thumb for lipping 1s S2 per person per day for room steward and dining room wa1trr. Half that amount for your busboy. Bancnders. etc. arc tipped a\ service 1s rendered.

F~ to the best Alaska at the best price: Free!

You must see Alaska at least once in your life. And you mustseeitonaPrincess Cruise. No one offers you a better view. On all our ships, the floor-to· ceiling windows and spacious observation decks bring you closer to the scenery only Alaska can offer. Like amber sunsets. Breathtaking fjords. Un· spoiled inlets. Virgin timber. And the ice sculptured beauty of nature's monu· ments: the glaciers.

From the moment you step aboard, you1J be wrapped in the luxury and comfort only Princess Cruises is famous for. You11 find extra· ordinary dining, all prepared by master chefs trained in Eitrope's most noted hotels. And served by your very own Italian waiter.

Our officers are British, and as charming as you would expect. Our evening entertainment is the finest afloat.With full -production Broadway-style musicals.

The best kNed ports. Who else but Princess,

the pioneer to Alaska. would take you to all the best places. We cruise the Inside Passage to exciting ports like Skag­way, rich with gold rush memories. Picturesque Sitka and Ketchikan.The frontiercapitaJ,Juneau.And magnificent Glacier Bay.

Fly free to Vancouver or San Francisco.

Sail 7 days from Vancou­ver on the five -star Island Princess June 12, 19, 26 or July 3. Sail on the sleek Sun Princess June 8 or 29. Fly free~ Or choose one of our other departures through September 18 and save

the most beaotiful country

on earth . In early summt:r. Alaska is at its freshest and greenest .The daw are balmy. And the wildflower" are in full bloom.

Don't wait another minute. Tell your traw l agent you '-"'ant to step up to the best air fare to the best Alaska. Fly free to a glorious Princess C ruiS(.>.

Princess Cruises~ For a colorful CruiSt··

guidt', ask your travel al{enl nr' write Pnncess C ruis~.>s.

- :.m~~lCl'ntur) Ptlrk East. Dt'pt EGMO. Los Angl'll·s. C:\ 900ffi. For rt'"l'n at1ons. Pnnre~ Cruises arc ._old exrlu:•1ve4• through trawl agt.>nts.

Registry: Brit1~h - When in port. tours can be

prearranged or you can go o ff yon

your own. Some ports require ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====================~--~~.....,----------""""::-----------------=~ passpons or visa. Be csurc 10 check w11h your agent. There is usually ample time at each port to get a taste of 11s unique flavo r

-Seasickness can occur on the biggest of ships. Most cruise ships sail on calm watcn. but medication is available on board which quickly counlcracts the sickness.

People NEED classified UWM N>Y ro-•ono ..,,CW,.,...lo(V' '!> 1 • t.i p;tr• 1 ,.,.. "' "' ~ '>e""'Q No!o • "'3l ... ' .... ._t,.j f'O ;...,.. ... >Uf( .. !>-4~~ Of'(1(llf> f'\,AVf' ~C°""' I

.lf1 J ,.,, •cv PP"\On..\ • w fl41 '* -v' ,....,,tfltit'! ~~ t : .. ,.( f H'''W" '8~~fl'P'il , ... ~ ... . thd te• J( ~ ~ W ' , .. '"''i """" 1l"lf•n,i .ta

..., -... class1hed ads rmis· phone 642-5678

Datebook/ Friday, April 26. 1985 •

It's 'family' fun aboard the Norwegian ship '

By EVE G. FREEMAN bean Lines), enroute to four athletic, so we enjoyed Ping Of tlte Dateboot S&aff Caribbean islands - and a Pong, basketball and vol-

that - so we're told - never ~full advantage of the non-quit until the last dancer smoking section .) 1 hr dropped. toughest choice we had to Thoughts of dirty dishes. million miles away from the leyball . (The casualty rate was

rush-hour traffic and un- real, workaday world. high. though. Somewhere on fin ished housework waft away . My husband Richard calls the ocean between Puerto Rico on the air with the final blast · our seven-day cruise "an aduJt and the Virgin Islands, a pair from the M/S Southward's summer camp," with a whole of volleyballs is probably still

Passengers whose goal was make durin~ our voyage was to relax and soak up the sun which activities we were w1ll ­simply had to pick their spot ing to miss. on deck. We teamed that being early

horn. menu of activities to choose . a fl.oat.) We' re now part of the "NCL from . .. Unlike some other, more

In port, we chose from is wise, and late unforgiveablc. among shopping, sightseeing Cruises may be leisurely. but and snorkling trips - and a they are also prompt. nightclub revue in San Juan. Passengers who get back la tr (Shore tours are an additional from a shore excursion will expense.) --... find themselves stranded -

family" (Norwegia.n Carib- Our taste tends toward the dedicated fitness buffs, we r================================:l neglected the health club. But

we did participat6- in the , c'RuisE.J:L TRANS C111AL

"f NOLIDA1S W . . "111

l 4 DaJ Including Air From S1659 Per Person

CRUISE HOLIDA VS INTERNATIONAL 29':>9 Haroor Boute11aro Costa Mf'sa CA 926.,1

I/ 14 ) l 4 1 ·0388 •

"Ship of the Year''


SQ!lgOfAmerici, Th'eB . . ·

Tan your world-weary body under spacio~s skies. ..F.ind out more about seven-day cruises to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas on Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. -

May 26, 1985 - September 29, 1985 Seven Day Caribbean Cruises

includes cruise 6 airfare tor Wrd & foartb penons ln S&Jlle cabin widl two f1lll pa)'iag adalts. For details ask for our Cra.lse Department.


(714) 759-1691 (800) 424•3434~

Ships of Norwegian Registry

Southward Olympics.1heJping our team of six to -the bronze medals - which entitled me to a kiss from our Norwegian captain.

For those inclined to eat-, drink and disco all night long. there were a midnight buffet and an accommodating band

And that was just for several passengers on our starters. Activities began be- cruise found that out when tween 8:30 and 9 a.m. -every their flight to Miami was morning, and continued delayed. They had to fly to St. through the midnight hours. Thomas, Virgin Islands. and Live entertainment followed await our arrival there. dinnereveryeveningin theaJI- Our day generaJly began purpose lounge (where we took around 6 a.m., when the alarm

------------------------. clock in the neighboring cabin


JUNE 30th 7 DAY CARIBBEAN 're-,, J:"~J' '•th'''' \.,__Y~AMU ' '" •t"J 'fw't \11 f , ,,,t.h r fr •• Ov•fnJ9·ht le M&•ml f' r•..CndM. ( J ftt 1111 ( ••IJ IN'I (,r1nJ f 1 \n .. 11

J'fl'Ult OUf t\l.trhf J),M'! I 1111\\ lhr ft.n "hi .. ~ \ utt I I 1 ' '..,vr"'flf ( ~111 1 rom .,,.1\ 00 prr ptnon


P•rtv-Go«r• S, · c .. _.. ., .,_, Fru Alti.r~ • Frtt 0v.,•1th1 / · Frtt T r en.a.portafk>ft hun Ott flJt < "'""" f\oC ,..,_,J t-'11\

"'' k t"""" fu-m On~•"'' ' "'t I . tt ""'' ' •II ftlf dna1h "' I \ \ \ ~.,. ..... 1 '"''" "' 1 (A"'- w" ( .r~n.t ( 4l\'n1an lbt-,tm.. ' at't 1til t n•I flon 1 '""' rtw fun''' f totn "'" •••

obligingly woke us as well There was usually time for· a quick peek outdoors before Wl'

slid into our places in th1..· dining room at 8: 15.

Within moments, Gary our

AUGUST 15th SCANDINAVIA Aoy•I CrvlM Uno - well·llll only I' J 11\ ""duJ10,,: rwnJ top • •tbtt' hom ~ An,:fl.r' 10

l unJo1.n f"' unrJ }i!H IUJ' JqlanurC" • Kh 111 1tlf' •• ,.,..,., < ·~ llrhtn~t l..cmn~uJ Am ""d<\f'• \m<kh.~m <1•

busboy and Michael our wa 1 tl' r NOVEMBER 23rd C.f>RIBBEAN were at hand with a chcen· Tlunk•, l,....nur< " '"""' l tn<' !<kt•Ut«I good morning and a question ( """" Sod •'-rd tlw lt"fl\ A II"' Tl( b< bo ) r'. h d "'"'"r<"d ,.,. "•'"" "'•• "r ..... 1.1 ............ J ....... a ut our pans 1or t e a) . c, .. , """' n1 0

11 """ """ "' "'""'" •nd The duo served us and our

Af'>l11tu• Frtt Air 10 Fort LalMterclalo . hom • II k SEPTEMBER 81h ALASKA S<ll!Hltln\tdt<•b.n t l.l!, m(luf\1dn 1h1n table companions a wee . 3

personal touch I liked. In fact the entire crew was friendl y. helpful and attentive, mak ing us fee) as though we were. indeed, part o( the " NCL family."

f"\:,.,' "°''' ch< lia~1np ~r<< ... 1 ~r..up drperturt Gtu.•p

ti"'"~"' o1 •r tu I \00 ru f'<' I""""

llconnl FrH Air. I ! dot• lwm ~" Franc1w. o .. tio1ht rht- buuHlul nt•

FAlltSK Y ~""'" ( IUIW' f tM t fUm

SllAJ H ll l'I'




A holl4ay cr111M •1 "<llec-•t • , ... All Now .. Falnlly.. l)rp<..., ~ )•"' " •nd ,.,. 11 J , 11 trom l.<rtr. An,c,.~n Aurulcu M •utl•n f.>vtna V1llen1. c..t.., 'Nn I 111 " Ill m<>t• ( rlrhu i. '"''"" tlw ll•lt• n Wa\ At we • 1tft \tt"1•1 hom onlt­t l (," ,. , ~· I"''""'

of 5394 Walnut Avenue. lrvtne. fa 9271-4 (714) 551-2929

We ate all our meals in the dining room. as opposed to the buffet meals availab1e on another deck. The foOd was always superb, and NCL did a yeQman's task of accommo­dating my stringent, low-so-

~~~~~~======~~~~~~~~~~=~ dium dietary requirements. r'


S.S. UIEITE I- Iii 1111

1111 Crui11 2 Night Hotel Package

15°/o Discount Mesa Verde Travel I T Hrs

Mesa Verde Center Costa Mesa

,, • • •

The passenger list rep­resented an international mix. As Californians, we were in th~ minority. Most were fleeing winter weather in thct Midwest or on the East Coasl Others. from more exotic places such as Argentina, were escaping unbearable summer tim e temperatures south of the Equator.

We had chosen second seat­ing for meals. and shared our table with a retired couple from Virginia Beach. Va., tak­ing their second cruise, and a younger couple from Wiscon­sin. Married about a year, the latter were taking a belated honeymoon that encompassed not only their fint cruise, but their first airplane flight as well.

Our first impression of our

556-63 l l \ '. dining panners (and theirs of •-~i:.._..c...:~._::::~:_ ______ _u ___ ~· _j' us, I'm sure) was not exactly

..... iiiill ..... iiliim ___ ______ _______ .. (Pleue ... p AlllL y /Pae• 11 )

1 e Oetel:>oc*/ Friday. April 26. 1985

- a< am a - m SS C


FAMILY .•. FromPagelO favorable: but by week's end. the few seven-days cruise ships the six of us had became a that visits four pons- Pueno congenial crew who enjoyed Plata, Dominican Republic: comparing notes at the end of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands: each day. San Juan, Pueno Rico: and

A cruise sh ip is not only a Nassau, Bahamas. · place for new friends, but new As we learned, however, in experiences. On board the cruising, the pons are not as Southward, we shed our in- imponant as the amenities hibitions and determined to and overall ambiance aboard try everything- from playing ship. · bingo to dressing up for the There simply wasn't time to Crazy Hat and Costume Mas- see much of the islands. querade. Moreover: the ship's own

Our sh ip, the Southward, is tours are geared fo r a quick · among the smaJler of the drive aroundthe outskins and seven-day cruise ships, ,with a final destination at the main "only" 750 passengers. The shopping area, where passen­pool's too small to swim in. gers are heartily encouraged to and joggers have to-compete . pan with their cash and boost with the lifeboats for space on the island economy. the running deck. Almost in- ..:How good the tours them­variably. shuffieboard courts selves are depends on the are covered by sunbathers' guide. deck chairs, and the hallway In San Juan, our taciturn pbotogalleryhas_atendencyto suide seemed mos tl y cause cl traffic jam. But those interested in getting back were minor inconveniences. a round the island to pick up and neither Richard nor I have his next fare. We did enjoy the any regrets about choosing the ci ty's fa mous fon. El Morro, smaller vessel. but we practically had to run

The Southward also is one of ( FAMILY / Page 12)

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Sitmar Super Savers ASK MR FOSTER TRAVEL

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Local. county. state. national and international events come to your doorstep D ·1 p·1at in the bright. ~ight and lively II J I

Oatebook/ Friday. April 26. 1985 II

..I I I

--- ~-· - - ~ ·~ -~= - -

FAMILY •. ·. cruise (Richard included) They surrounded the bus Of course, no vacation is C 1 P'rom~ell) wished the Southward didn't even before it stopped, then perfect.ltwascoldandrainy in ruise cost

through its stone corridors to either. But it was an unusual dogged our footsteps as we Puerto.' Plata, especially un-complete our tour in the half experience. worth recounting. beaded down a hill toward the comfortable . after _our swim .. comparison hour allotted us. Next stop - What makes Puerto Plilta water. As quickly as we'd reject and the winds m ·Nassau shopping. distastefUt to most cruise pass- one, another would pop up in rivaled our own · Santa Ana.

I Pu Pl h Do · · e · "t rt d th h. I 0 th d " Ri"chard overcame hi·s •end- 10 an effort to help crui~· trn \•·1~·r, n erto ata, t e mini- ngers is t s pove Y an e ts Pace. n e san • mvre " compare the " berth rate"' ot cru1\111g. can Republic, on the other persistence of citizens trying to youngsters - and even some ency toward seasickness much here arc some cruise line' 11w1r hand, our guide was a person- make a buck:.._ reminiscent of adults - hawked soft drinks, better than some of the other destinatio ns and range of pnn·, ableyouogcollege studentwho Tijuana, Mexico. lounge chairs and .. bullships" passengers, but he caught his - Royal Caribtx-a n Line' '''"''' pve us some insight into Our dive instructors warned - replicas of sailing ships usual .. vacation cold.'' which natjons, theCaribbcan and Bermud •• island life as we drove to the us before we arrived at the fashioned from bullhorns. hardl y improved his disposi- Vary from seven to l

4days. Pm~' pi.r

bea h "" fi kl" bea h • h d f Our own No. I couldn' t · person. double occupanc:r '·"'!l.l' c 1or our 1rst snor mg c ~o expect a ore o t1on. fromSl .14010 $3,915. ad venture. youngsterswhowouldviefora have been more tt)an 6 or 7. - PrinccssCru1ses: MeJ11co. l,.

Puerto Plata is a~ mark~ shot at being our .. No. 1" - but he was already a canny Still , we are now confirmed canal. Caribbean. Mcd11man1 .111

contrast to most cruise ports; that is, to carry our gear and negotiator who tried to talk me cruisers - and already are . Alaska. T nps ~ary from 7 10 2x "·"' few ships stop there. and watch over our possessions in' into giving him the towel I saving our pennies for a future Least expensive. S u 17

up 1"

c-. I fb k . SIS.848. plenty of passengers on oor return 1or a coup e o uc s. carried, along w1th the cash. voyage. - Royal Viking Linc E111111" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~=~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Oncn1 .~rr1bcan , NorthA~ra 1 ~11

nma Canal. Alaska. Voyage\Ufl lll Im days in d ura11o n From SI . 1 'II. 111 $87,000. . MESA 111 VEL .........

~ -.. 548-8181 •9




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- Sitmar Cruises: Mexico. I r ·"" canal. Caribbean. Canaada .111.! Alaska. Seven to 14 day~ dur.11 1•m Prices $ 1. 130 10 $4.690.

- WeStem <;ru1sc Lines· S1m1h 1°• Mexico. Three o r four n1gh1s. $ ''''I•• $880 ..

Author I. Stone holds workshop aboard Odyssey

12 Oatebook/ Friday. Aprll 26. 1985

= - . S o rm - SS - c=


Main St.. Santa Ana. " Ban Chiang: Archaeological Treasures from Prehistoric Thailand" includes over 1.000 objects fashioned from bronze, shell. clay. calcite, and glass ex· cavated from the Ban Chiang region of Thailand. They date from between 3600 B.C and 200 A.O. Continues through Sept. 30. " Images '85," a Juried exh1b111on presented by the Torana Art League , fea tures ceramics. drawing. fiber. glass. graphics. Jewelry. sculpture, pho­tography. pnntmaking, watercolor. and mixed media works. l'.hrough Sunday. Tues.·Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m .. Sun. noon-5 p.m. 912-1900.

FULLERTON M USEU M CENTER, 301 N. Pomona Ave .. Fullenon. " Handwoven 1n Southern California." a Juried exhibit of works by area weavers. is held through June 9. Tues.-Fn. 10 a.m.·J p.m .• SaL 10 a.m.-5 p.m.. Sun. noon-5 p.m. 738-6545.

LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART, 307 Cliff Drive. Shown at the satellite s11c located in South Coast Plaza 1s " LBMA Collects: Recent Acqu1s111ons." a selection of pnmar-1ly contemporary works Of an donated to LBMA's permanent col­lection, and "Contemporary Cali· fomia An1sts 25: Roger Camp." an Orange County photographer who explores thl" 11lus1omst1c qualities of

plants and random natural forms. Clo~s Sunday. 494-6531 . 662-3366.


503 Park Ave., Balboa Island. Rich· ard Hall and David Rymer. emerging county anists, !)resent " Intervals and Intellect: emergence X two" through Apnl. Wcd.-Fn. 2-6 p.m .. Sat.-Sun. noon-5 p.m. 675-8675.

ALLENDALE GALLERY, I 540 S. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Be~­nett sculpture is shown exclusively. Tues.-Sun. IOa.m. to 5 p.m. 497-6005 or 6 75-9534.

BOWERS MUSEUM GALLERIA fea tures paintings, glassware. pnnts. fibers and many other fine an items. 2002 N. Main St .. Santa Ana. Wed.­Sat. 11 a.r:n.-4 p.m .. Sun .. 'noon-3 p.m. 972-1900.

ART·A·FAIR GAU.ERV show­cases watercolors by Jane London and Joe Blcndcrman through May 15. 664S. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach.

'1'ues.-Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 494-4514. BC SPACE GALLERY, 235 Porcst

Ave.. Laguna Beach. .. Along the tree& of Kn1 ve~: · a collaborative

1nstallauon b) ani'lt~ Hanh Thi Pham and Richard Turner. continues ~hrou&.!1 Sunday. Tues.-Sat. 11 :30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 497-1880. ·

BOWERS MUSEUM GALLERIA, 2036 Main St.. Santa Ana Paintings. glassware, pnnts. Jc weir) . fibers. ceramics and fine an Items

MAJOR STUDIO SN~REVlEW Tonight and Tomorrow Night

LA .... NIC flllWln SQuelt 911.(1133 ....... LA~ SRO GattwlY ~ 523 1611 1:•""

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Galanos ... Amen· Wardy's ... and silk crepe

Prlnta are bold ln •Prln& col~ection.

.. Usually rm behind the scenes, but they said 'No, this time you stay outside.' My crew is working tonight and I'm out here," said James Galanos at Amen Wardy's in Fashion Island.

Galaoos was there for the showin$ of his spring and summer collection and no one was paymg more attention than the desiper .

.. I'm trymg to see what the mistakes are. When you have to look at your own things you see them with a different eye," said Galanos, who is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and is a Coty Hall of Fame member. ~

Watching along with Galanos were l 00 others invited by Wardy for the black-tie evening. They had come from La Jolla, New York, New Mexico, Palm Springs, Beverly Hills and Newport Beach including Lillian Flaor (seated next to Galanos), Gene Wasbbarn ~ated next to Wardy), and Saaan Beard (in a gorgeous ."white Galanos with sparkling trim and belt buckle) :a1'1 Don Hanna and M uruja and George Hodges.

The showing of 185 pieces of his collection took place in the Venetian Ballroom following the cocktailing and socializing in•the Galanos salon (Wardy has the only one in America). • (Pleue eee PAPARAZZl/hCe 15)

f' . \ll•\flf\'-. 8trlpea pick ap the colon ID ieometr1ca.

Jam• O.a.-.~ left. .ttll B09t Ama Wudy and llarqla Bodi- . llodela applaud the fulal~ creatlYlty of o.Juoe. 14 Oatebook/ Friday, AprH 26, 1985

'· •• • t " ••





c a N T I N U E D

Rich brillians colors in pri- One model paraded in a floor­mary hues dominated the eol- le~gth ~d~gown top lectton in strong yellowr,reds with a demm Jacket. and blues. The brilliant colors were

Fabrics were in silk crepe, spectacular, but it was the Jacq uard and chiffon. whites, black and neutral ·

.\ variety of suits were shades that received the most shown ... jackets of many applause. shape9-.. .loose flowing with an .. It never fails, never fails," unstructured look, banded at said Galanos. ..Black and ~h.e hips for a blouson look. white always gets them." some hip length with pleated Jewels by David Webb were elongated backs. They came in used throughout the show. and plaids, solids and stripes, all David Webb principals, the worn with sleek skirts ending Anold Silbentelns and the just above the knee. Stanley SUbenteln1 from New

leek, too, were the gowns York were in the audience. for evening. .. many featuring Also from New York were tucked pleating from midriff Jadltlt and Gas Leiber. Judith 10 the hipline. A number of who is known for her dis­daytime looks, again contem- tinctive hand bags and av­pora ry and lineal silhouettes, cessories and has a designer were accented with ~kets. gallery at Wardy's, predicted

Last year the designer (one ·her big Steller this year wauld be of Nancy Reagu'1 favontes) tl\enew Buddha bag. " It will be making an appearance at even bigger than last year's Amen Wardy's said, .,I don't cat." design for the blue jean set. I · Followin$ the show, guests design for very affiuent dined on Vichyssoise Mosaic; women who are elegant." veal tournedos with pear demi

But, now the elegant Gal- glaze served with atichok:es_ a nos devotees can have their and broiled tomatoes and peas .. Jean look." A special feature in mushroom caps; green salad of the collection was a series of~ with marigold petals, and for couture quality denims glam- dessert mocha spiral with ourized for the elite. raspberry sauce.

Denim suit skirts were Afterwards the group was teamed with satin blouses and entertained by the naughty, ......,. ...... ..,....,._ trimmed with rhinestones. but funny, Waylon & Madame. Waylon and Madame performed for pe.ta lnclacll.q~uan ~and Don Ban"•·

Two loob weU....ited for e1...-t alfain. A aled approacll ba Wack and wlllte • • Oatebook/ Friday, April 26. 1985 15

·I I

It ,


UNG DA'!m; RichanfGcrc (-An Birkin and James Costipn. JohrrFoster, and Mich.el Schocftfang Officer and a Gentleman" {><?rt rays SYLVESTER: Breaking horses at a as the darkJy haodSome MJtt Webb, the title role in "King David," the west Texas stockxfrd, 16-year-old who learns to understand Charlie's historical advmturt' saga which fol- Charlie Railsbetg (Melissa Gilbert), . equineDbstssion as if the dream were lows the story of David frofll his longs for the day she can train one of his own. Directed by Tim Hunter, introduction in the Bible as an them for Olympic competition, and written by Carol Sobieski. innocent she~rd through his reign as discovers an unlikely contender in DESPERATELY SEEKI NG the frist great Kina o( Judah. Also the unmanageable, Oea-bitten gray SUSAN: Comedy about a kooky, starring Edward Woodward, AJice ex-rodeo horse she affectionately bored. New Jersey housewife, Ro­Krige. DenisQuilleyand NiaJI Buggy. christens "'Sylvester StaUone." AJso berta (Rosal'\na Arguette), who fol ­Dirccted by Bruce Beresford (''Ten- starring RiChard Farnsworth as the lows a Oamboyant love affair bcina der Mercies"), screenplay by Andrew hard-headed stockyard manager, carried on through the pcrsonaJ .ads ------'----=-~~----------,......;.-----..;.;;_~ involvins a young man (Robert Joy)

lUJlvtn' THfAJltfS who is ~·ctcspcrately seeking" a ccnm fwit r .. ._ SllOW1llfl * DRIVE-INS P011 11~ Susan (MaAdonna), when her Oil Y svs u.-u 11e1ttf ..... curiosity gets the best of her and she

invites herself into the lives of these strangb,rs. Before long. she's propelled into • breezy comedy of errors in which Susan's identity becomes her own. Written by Leora Barish, directed by Susan Scidelman.

THE SURE THING: A roman­tic/comedy about two college fresllmen who discover themselves and each other through a series of misadventures on the roa<t. Stamng John Cusack as Walter "Gib" Gibson, an 18-year-old lv_y League freshman who accepts ·a friend's invitation to spend Christmas va­cation in California. where he is

promised "a sure thing." Also sta ring DaP.hne Zuniga u Alison Bra. bury. G1bson•s travclina campanio Directed b~ Rob Reiner ("This Spinal Tap ). Written by Steven Bloom and Jonathan Roberts.

•OM •u• ~1fl1Cl[Jl:.[Jf •~A.Mt: .U;l•lmuW6•

THE BREAltF AST CLUB: On cold. bleak winter morning. fi · students of Shermer Hijh School, a upper-middle class Chicago subur spcod their enti~ day in the scbol library serving detention. During ti course of, these five strange1 who seemio.gly · have litlle in cor mon. will learn that they have mu• more in common than they realize

----------------------------~ Starring Emilio Estevez, Pa

:~~ ~.~~; IJ r • ~ HOOM u1111111 ... 111 ... ,.s .........

S CMATUM (IQ s 134 ZSSl I ltl1 ll'lus Co·Hlt ORAICil I lktre lllH SCle•m CRI

JUST OllE CW THE QUYS tpe,-1 J )

1-0S 3:10 S:1S 7:20;. ''"

STICK(•) snows at 12 :4 5 2 . ss

S :OS 7 : 15 &. t · lO

LOST ... AME•ICA Pl) LAD Y H AWtaE .-0-t J) SHOWS AT I :45 3 :45 SHOWS AT 12 ,40 J :OO

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lllSI Oil Of M MS CK IJ1 11 IO 11'1 U n ii\ -"'1 10''

1nou MUS a. 111 17~ 100 \JO IOO IOJO

- -..11111111 (l'C- IJ) I 00 ) 00 ~ 00 100 ~00 II 00

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LADY ttAWIUt ..... ,., Plus Glth Just Want To Have Fun fPQ)

VISIOll ..-s1' C•) PllH Co·Hll

T"e 8reaklut CluD (A)

KVUtLV NIJ..LS COP (9t J Plus •

Too Snr•t (PG )

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A tcl.lln SlOIY CPCI no 115

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m• lllU COP Ill 100 lt\ H~I OO IOJO


* CINE·fl SOUND• At tltne ty!"bols pt11 soultd dirtcl 10 your AM e11 * radio. If no radio with acc:mory pos111on, b11n1 you1 own AM pOfUWt.

OPOl IUJlritDs ll 6:Ge W Nll llt SUllS 1 00 N Ch11drenUnd.r 12 ALWAYS FREE - -



111• .,, "~ .......... f .ittN, , , &1 hMo.- s~

!UDlll WAllll Ill * PU.IS --·-"'

aJllT-TO•WfWlll'Sl P\16 c.- • .,.... 4"1 IOfUAlllf SOlllS .. ~Ul

ORANGE ~ 11141 1>4 U•t o ... .. S.•t• a .. I,... t. s ... , , ..



loHABRA .. A...,. 11141111 t•M-111"-'> fl ....._.

snca • 1 PUS

~ 111 IUIWIG "1


SUPfR !>WAP Mills fvtRY 1111 SAi & ~ ''""~ W I N ,.,_..,._ 11111/H llJ

• •• Oa1ebo0k/ Friday, Aprll 26, 1985---

EDWARD'S LIDO CiNEMA Newport Blvd 0 Via lido Newport Beach 6 73·8350

Gleason. Anthony Michael Ha John Kapelos. Judd Nelson. Mol Ringwald and "Ally Sheedy. Writt• and directed by John Hughs.

THE P URPLE ROSE OF CAllt Written and directed by Wooc Allen. A romantic fantasy about To Baxter (Jeff Daniels), a dashing mqvie star who steps off the settn a1 back in time to court Cecilia (M Farrow). a Depression-era housew1 who's sitting through the mo1. (from which Baxter has just steppe for the fifth time. Also starring Dani AieUo.

THE SLUGGER'S WIFE: Wnll• by Neil Simon. This story centers o r mismatched couple forged by circur stances into what appears to be an i designed team. Starring Michl O' Kcefe as Darryl Porter. a you outfield ·for the Atlanta Braves. a1 Rebecca De Momay as Deb Pltlmcr. his rode-singer ·wife. Al starring Martin Rill and Ran• Quaid. Dirttted by HaJ Ashby .

RIST DIUCJ'OI ,,.. ,,., ·-. Bar SculNPtAY

( ......................... ) ,., . ., AMADEuE ~- -~- ~ ·-...... _..._____ ... , ~

B.lm Nl·­u.aamlM" a. ..........

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sunders take cove~ That Police cadcmy crew in blue is back and ming on liu ~busters in " their

rst assignment. • Starrin~tcvc G ut-nberg, Dubhe Smith, vid Graf. ichael Winslow _,,d Bruce Mahler. rittcn bfu ~ Blaustein and vid She acid. irected by Jerry

aris. THE MEAN SEASON: After eight

can of coveri~ crime, Miami oumal reporter alcolm Anderson Kurt Russe~ stumbles upon a hocking mu whose killer con-cts Malcolm and appoints him as

his personal spokesman to explain to the public why this heinous cnme was rommilted and why others just as brutal will folJow. Also starring Mariel Heminaway as Malcolm·s elementa.C schoolteacher girlficnd. Christine onnolly.

INTO THE NIGHT: A trillcr~om-edy about a quiet-living aerospace engin~r (Jeff Goldblum) whose in-somnaa leads him anto intemational intrigue and a bizarrt and deadly adventure in the night wort~ of contempora~ Los Angeles. Also star-ring Miehe le Pfeiffer, Richard Farnsworth. Kathryn Harrold and Dan Aykroyd. I;>irectcd by John Landis. Screenplay by Ron Koslow.

TURlt llZ: A rousi ng adventure-drama about Jimmy Lynch (Timothy Hutton). a youniman whose crusade to redeem his rot~er's reputation rallies an entire ci y to his sic;te.


RATED 0 POIT TIUT1£ 1139'211 *'Lc..t..,,C....~k

r ---- -- -ST ARTS TODAY




MOVED BY IT." " '""'" "'''"'· "'th.· w ...... ,



BAL BOA Er:....lll:!l:•:IJI I : m

J immy wages a one-man war against an indifferent city bureaucracy be­cause his older brother Terry (Robert Urich). a heroic fire-fighter. has been denied his rightful pension after suffering a near-fatal injury rescuing a child from a burning building. Also starring Kim Cattrall. Roben Culp and Darren McGa vin. Direct~ by

eOb Clark. Screenplay by James Gregory Kingston and Denis and John HamiO.

MICKI & MAUDE: Stam ng Dudley Moore and Amy Irving. The s~ry about Ron (Moore) who 1s happily mamed to M1ck1 (played by Ann Reinking) but finds h1msclfhavi ngan affair with Maude .(Irving). Ron

It's a life so outrageous it takes two women to live it.

- t


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•A CllO'Mt llfTOllA~ ftlCTUll(S "8.EASI e -•-•-

.... Slallla-11 _ ... tsl-4"3 UA MOWIES I


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--~· mwAa llSl'llOOI

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...,. .. nun. F-.Y fOUI . 9UU07

quickly learns that both women arc pregnant. and now he must cope with two wives - both expecting babies. Directed by Blake Edwards( .. IO").

English woman is cau&ht bctwttn the allure of the exotic fnd1an hfestyk a nd her own striCt upbringing. Wnt­tcn and d irected by David Lean

A P~AGE TO INDlA: First 1924. E.M. Forster's .. A Passage to India" 1s an emouonal and deeply personal story of love and class-struggle in I 928rnd1a asa young

( .. Great Expectations." ··Doctor I Zhivago'." " Lawrence of Arabia:· the Bndge on the River Kwai'"). Stamng Dame Peggy Ashcroft. J udy Davis. James Fox and Nigel Havers.

. ···WITNESS" Is the perfect movie ... exciting, romantic ,

and t;>eautiful to look at. Harrison Ford Is tough, sexy, and smart In the best role of his career. Harrison Ford is

the new Bogart." Pai('• (BS NEV\ S

R ~ .-.... . A PA~f\~OUNT PICTURE ~·:

lflEA • El TOflO FOUNTAIN VALLEY OllAllGE M.lno Stea !'Uta Edw~ds El IOIO fall)~V Foo• C11 ; ~"''' ~5339 581 ~ 963 1307 6J4 211)

• COSTA lllHA EOWJrdS Sourn Co.isl Plan )46 '/711

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•PRt:SEJ'lfl'ED IN CIJ"---1· ( 100 .. SSU_• <:C; .. 11D •l>O ·-£-•"' t

What The Creators Of "Police Academy" Did For Law Enforcement Is Nothing Compared

To What They' re Doing To Traffic School!

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WU~ • llA ElWISltJ IMU "}.~

Datebook / Friday. Apnl 26. 1985 11

• t

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A REAL CLASSIC!" - 'At The Movies:· Roger Eben and Gene S1~el

'"Ladyhawke' soars. It's enchanted, enthralling, marvelous; a hold,

beautiful vision." - Los Angeles T 1mes Sheila ~son

"A magical, mystical adventure with action aplenty. Fun to watch!"

· 1 - Judith C.rtsl

"A rousing, old-fashion~dventure." [ ntprt,1111men1 Tonog~t L eonaro Mallin

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K NF.I< rv 1 l os Angele\) O.iv•d Shef>

"Fun! Lots of action."

-"A wondrous adventure."

IMllR •IOI lllJM .. ltl

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edwards TOWN CE NTER ',,, •·.· .. • :.·.·: "751 -4184

C051A "'l\a

Save money and shopping~~1[id the Daily Pillf 18 Oetebook / Friday. April 26. 1985

I •

WiilWla 191-JOl PICllt ... Ylt ..

fiiiWidft~ UA lll(S19S1tl lllU

Madonna's tour nothing.but glitzy aerobics session By TONY SAA VEORA Of ~e Da&ebook Staff

There they were, at least one in every aisle. Madonna clones dressed in lace, their hair tied up with Minnie Mouse-type bows, their lips pursed around clove cigarettes.

Long before embarking on her first tour, the rock singer and her sexy videos had made their mark on _record buyers, teen-age admirers and adoles­cent adorers, who've adopted Madonna's "girl~just-wanna­be-bad" persona.

And Madonna tightened her grip on Orange County Sunday at the Pacific Amphitheatre. despite a performance that seemed little more than a glitzy aerobics session.

BarMadonna could do no wrong before the sold-out hguse, filled with a few staunch ~onna-ites who donned their lace stocJ4ngs. mini-skins, and rust-prone. metal bracelets despite the ch_illy weather and drizzling ram.

When she told them to stand, they stood. When she said sing, they sang. When she said "goodnight," they howled for more.

Madonna has taken some backJash from feminists for (PleueaeellADOPmA/J>ace 19)



"Don't mill It I Hystericoly tunny."

..US MAGAZN. ,..._,,_Set.-

a...-OIWMDS W101..11Aa Sll-6111 -,_......., IM-llll

WUtWlll • a1.J9JS ~CIDMtET


...... Ll .... l'flf ~ ••• ..,e18 ,,....

trashy image and flirty revCJ)ing her blue under­nnerisms, compounded by garment. Her multi-colored,

pellcbant for wearing somewhat paint-splattered ries and crucifixes like jacket, and psychedelic regalia p costume jewelry. aside, Ma<tonna means to be

till, she's sot to be doing taken seriously. · etbing rigbt. Her show seemed almost

Although she calls it her like Madonna's greatest hits, irgin lour " Madonna per- although she has only two

ed Sunday like a cold- albums out. · ed veteran. With two Each number was choreo­

ccessful albums, a .cameo in graphed with a generous e film "Vision Quest" and a sampling of writhings and ·ng role 1n .. Desperately grinds, plus steps that would

king Susan,"shecanafTord make the .. Solid Gold'' be cocky.. dancers envious. Backing the Her six-member band, seemingly tireless Madonna

ominated by three key- I RUFFELL'$ ards, may as well have layed offsta~e: All eyes were UPHOLSTER_ Y, INC. n the flirty vixen, whose sheer , . ce top kept ~ipping up every- for l11t Rest ot Yoor lite me she nHsed her arms 1922 HARBOR Bl VO . COSTA MESA- 548-1156


Bi:vERLY HILl.S ' ~-

- .., '- I

~~ A ~1 ltflff - . ·- ·---· ., _..,...._

NOW PLAYING -celTA- ..... -.UY -VUI W§i Edwards Hadlor r- ECIWRI fiuUll htwlrcls W.S- -5M • °""" 6.11 3501 Vlllej 1»1500 VillD Mlll "'5-62'10 ..... ,_

• C*ITA ~ - ·- PIQflc's tlueN Pn C~ScMllColSI ~~ QillidotN ....t.... °""9-ln Plila~m1 -.....1 1 634~ 1?1-4010

WU-TOI Edwlrds c-n, Wes! 891 3935

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OIWe8I Sllldlum 0- Ill 63911770

•~IN ~

w e r e t w o , m a J e dicated Madonna's ~ttJe as a nympbo-bride and gold-digger dancers/ singers, her lackluster performer, and brought her outfits for .. Like a Virgin" and version or'The Pips." back tQ Earth-:like dimensions. ..M.aterial Girl," Madonna left

At a breakneck pace, - Rushing offstage to change her the stage, trailing. a whjte fur Madonna whisked thr.ough..the costume, Madonna-slipped in wrap. songs that are sure to be ' her the wings, fallin$ on her tush The lights went up to the s tandards , .. H oHday," like a child leanung to walk. tuneof .. Diamondsarea Girl's " BOrderline." and- .. Lucky · She was quickly'bacldn the Best Friend," an appropriate Star." But almost every song spo_tlight, with no indication of ending for a technically good, f!lelte~ into the other, leaving ~er be~ind-the-scenes tumble . . but somewhat mechanical, httle time for any unrehearsed The instrumental breaks for performance: remarks to the audience. Madonna's co~tume -changes It spartped like the real something that would have also added to the impression of thing, but was flawed by a lack given fans a little insight to the an aerobics . workout, very of spontaneity, or maybe just person beneath the bows and energetic, great for dancing some honest emotion. black lace. along, but not much for the Mado nna will begin a sold-

Unfonunately. most au- concert watcher. out, three-night stand at the dience members could not see· After almost obli~tory cos- Universal Amphitheatre to-the incident that most in- tume changes into her night.



W?a - 751-4114 DIMDS TOMI COfltl mTil ., - ' ,.. C8l1tJ

n. 1W 511-SllO EDW.s SMaOACa n nm• 11 IOClfll.t




·~· .SIGWllif'.- I

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-wa1w1a - 1llWmS CR.- IUJ m-..••-I01 •w••• ... .,..

Datebook/ Friday. April 26. 1985 ••

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_,. - • IM SOUTM COASr • ~

• Oatebook/ Frfday, April 26, 1985

•• , ·-,. -· • J

Everyon~ winn.~r at UC/' s Songfest Top Broadway stars· would packed house greeted each of entry was "Fiddler on the

have turned green \\'.ilb envy at the entries in UCl's sixth Roof," selections from .which the receptions accorded six annual Greek Songfest, a mu- were performed by members groups of rank amateurs at UC sical theate qpmpetition of the Sigma Chi fraternity and lrvine's CrawfordHallSunday among the university's theDcltaDeltaDeltasorority. night fraternities and sororities. But the reaJ winner_ was Or·

beafening oyations from a For the record, the winning ange County's Make a Wish liiiiiiiiiiiiililiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Foundation, which grants las1

.. A mAl DEL81T-CIMPl.ETllY CAPTllATll& . .,~, ~." Re>Aeecl l'EW YOf!K l'():>l


edwards TO WN CENTER .. ..... ,l," '751-4184

Co\•A Mf\ A

Fii 6:00. 1:15, 10:30 SAT /Slit 1:30, 3:45,

6:00. 1:15. 10:30

requests to terminally ill chil dren - it collected upwards o SI0,000 irt proceeds from the songfest.

" Fiddler" earned top overal ~!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!~~~!ii!~~iiii~jj!~~~!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!IJ honors as well as first prize ia

musicality, one of the threi sub-categories. Winning th• trophy for choreography wa the Kappa Sigma fraternity-P

.. a M wnm taka1 a ki of~ Mil tbt t.m htj hint a \VfB1 ti! bfJS

1tm ndJ • "' he tat. Tl1!fw lclllj tis lat hn1 hy're aftlr tis raqm

ftr ttl3 frst tm! ., ~ ..-a tE tBe tu1ett•ig tD km

Mi lliietl•~ tD Ml I

STARTS TODAY MWIEIM COITAMQA B. TOllO LAMAIM WUTWitlt PIC!flc s an.t1e1m Edwards Bristol Edwlnls El T OfO flW. F asllor1 Sclulrl Plciflc. s It w,., JI Dnwln S.0.7444 581-9500 891.QSJJ Drl\oHI 879 9950 891.Jll!l3 COITAMHA HUlfflMmlel llACH IMA EOWarda Edwalds Hunbnglon ORMeE wmwnw UA Mows CMN<Aolei Qneml C111eoome UAMll ~ m..4141 M-03ll 63A 1553 ~

MM'* UA Mo-. 952-4992 .. EdWwds ~ 85'-etl ll

(See IPfTERlllSSION/Paee 21





(,,.,,.. '>1skl'I Al TllE MOVIE'>


~~,.f!il~ Somcclmt". Ille most unlikely nrof*

become hcroec.

II UIOl~l PtnllU t"""4~l~ ..............

NOW PLAYING .... --­~.- (-~'-.. ., .. ., .... ,.. ....., IPCll

~--- f---.o..... 952917 loMO!lO

UMMA -_ , ___ c...°""" lt11Ul U4 ~,

-~. !) ...

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••• -.-crooM: and u ey oore . • • •

Paee20 .. The Laguna Moulton Play-Pln sorority production inson. Greg Hoh and David house - which will take over

'42nd Street,"' while the - Lyon. Laguna Beach High School's os for props and costumes Sue Kaull and Claus Hecht drama program next year - is t to .. Oliver," put on by the were co-chairmen of the am- taking registrations for its

Psi fraternity and the bitious event, coordinated by summer high school acting ta Gamma sorority. ' student advisor Babs Sandeen. workshop at the playhouse. ther entries included Emcee Mark Hakins and 9un- The six-week program be-

rease .. by the Fiji fraternJ.!y_ ther Je~sen kep~ the aud1en~e gmsJune 24 and operates from GammaPhiBetasort:>rlty, entertained ~unng breaks _in 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays

klahoma" by the Beta the s~ow with com~dy .. skits through Fridays. The work-eta Pi fraternity and Alphfl [;om Beyond_th~.Fnnge and shop will offer classes in act-i Omega sorority an(l Good Evening by Peter (SeelNTERMISSJOM/Pa&e22)

ame" by the Phi Delta \\)jj eta fraternity and Kappa .., J J ~~ ppa Gamma sorority. If the ,0~ A

eers of their .Greek brothers d sisters were any indica­n. all were winners. Member of the top-rated iddler.. cast were Mike

nderson, Jim DeVito, Dave roff, - Greg Macias, Ohan aodossian, Ralph Morris,

Fin.- Contint>nta l Cui .. ine and i. till un

\dvt>n ture in °'olural Eutin~ -

I B•Uttl tm•.ikh"l & 111111 h • ~ 11rm11t l>inanl( Im ll1nnt'r E11per1enu• lht' ~l'lt'11d11r u f d1n1nl( 11111

in ftn Pll'li(lltll a1mu,,phf'rt' w11h l(u•id n111r111ou" mPBI•

eter Quinn, Jay Ramsden, 3050 E. CeaJ11 llw ., ., Corona drl \lar it,w. ,.,., .. 1 hM .. l !t7:\

rian Saunders and Bryan ~:;:;:;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;:;:;:~:;:;:::::::::~ erlemann of Sigma Chi and I 1 ~ harlene Bowers, Anna \:I 'Allessandro, Alana Freitas. tephanie Henrichs, Kri s

ng, Michele · Lynch, Ann­lizabeth Newton, Lisa Saenz, tephanie,Sharp and Elizabeth wanay of Delta Delta Delta. he show was choreogrcw..hed y Lynch and Bowers, with ccompaniment by Dave Rob-

'l&Ba Now Serving


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C hardunrMV gra~· In td,lln~ ttw~· W111l' ' • th,• ~n~~ Ml' rl'w.irdt><l with J bo<lv. bl.IUlJlll' I JnJ

fla v1•r ''' J..,h nCll\ ,. lht• 1•11rw111'nH' '' treasur1•d 1H1rldw1d1• It 1., fr11m th" 1r,ld1t1un 111

unc11mprnm1-.1n~ 4u.ihtv Wl' drJ\o\ our 111copiratt0n Jnd 11ur n,\JTit'. ' ' '" 1n~ 11nl\- ttw

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Featuring Famous A rs D1~r1 Danetngl ~Snow\! limy qJ \ & ComtC\I 0pt-n nrtt>ly pn into Polrty


A T11butt" ro-Rock \ Lt"Qt"Od~ ff'atuonq GREG T6f"'ER E\lff}' Monday- 8 pm

Don t miss tflf' JASON CHASE AU.·ST AR REVUE

An l°vfflrnq ot c~y ,wx! ~ ff'Murtnq LEE FERRELL E~ry Sunoay- 8 pm

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f: Vf'r 8 p m

18774 Brcx.Jl<l1ur~. Fovnt.l1n Vallf'y ffomlf'rty Mffit~·~ ll 4/%J 1366

Oatebc><* / Friday. April 26. 1985 II j

' •


INTERMISSION •.• -PIWl .... 21 inl, singing, dancing and die- Grebel, and workshop director .tion with an impressive cadre Alex Golson is in charge of of instructors. voice and special projects for

Broadway and TV actress the actor.· · . . Terri Ralston, a Laguha Encollmenrrs""ftnritcd and native. will teach singine, registration is bY. inter_vi~w. while playhouse executive di- · Parents or students wi.shmg rector Doug Rowe will offer a intC!Yicws or more mf<?r­special scene study class. manon should call Harnet &r.bara Van Holt, who runs Whitmyer at the playhouse , Estancia High Schoors highly (494-0743) Tuesdays through rated drama program, will Saturdays from l to 5 p.m.-teach. team acting with 'Darin •••

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.. tr rt rpm.a ForLwat1UMC ... ldnlatiotl call (714) 675·1481


H Oet.eboc*/ Friday, April 26. 1985

.... -......

August Lobato Jr. of New­pon Beach, a drama student at UC Irvine, has won the Steve Lyle Memorial Scholarship of $1 ,000 for excellence in• drama. · Lobato, a senior, has ap­peared in ' 'Bernstein on Broadway" and "The'Aight of the Sea Warriors" at UCI, as well as South Coast Reper­tory's touring production of "Second Lives." He plans to attend graduate ~ool and pursue an acting career.

• • •

'Rum and Coke' premierej at South Coast Repertory

"ANYTHING GOES," 11 Cole Poner musical. is on stage at Sebas· 'ftan.'s West Dinner Playhouse. 140 Ave. Pico. San Clemente (492·9950). ~rfonnances are given Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8. Sundays at I and 7 until May 19.

. " BAREFOOT IN THE PARK," a Neil Simon comedy. is being pres­ented at the Harlequin Dinner Play· house. 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana (979· 551 1 ). Performances arc given nightly except Mondays at varying curtain tames through June 9.

formanccs arc I hursdays througJ Saturdays at 8 p.m. until May 4.

"CABARET," a musica:I set in pre war Germany, is the at th• Curtain Call Dinner Theater. 690 E Camino Real. Tustin (838-1 S40] Performances arc given nightly u cept Mondays at varyina cunai1 times thro!,lgh June 23-r

"CR~ OF THE H~ART," . prii.e-wtnning drama, completes •{ run tonight and Saturday in th Concert Hall of UC Irvin (856-661 7). Curtain time is 8 p.m.

"THE DEBUTANTE BA.LL," th worfd premiere of a new play. is <> stage at South Coast Repertory, 6S Town Center Drive, Costa Mes (957-4033). Performances arc give Tuesdays throu'gb Fridays at 8 p.m Saturdays at 2:30 and 8 and Sunda) at 2:30 and 7:30 until May 19.

"GODSPEU.." tbe rock .rnuSia b8!ed on tbe life of Christ, wmds up; Southern California Coll*, 5S Fa Drive, Costa Mna (556-3610, ex. 214). Final performances arc tonigl and Saturday at 8 p.m.

''NORMAN, IS THAT ~OU?" comedy about homosexualtty, con pletes 1ts run for the Irvine Con munity Theater in Turtle Rue Community Park, Sunl\yhill Roa off Tunic Rock Drive, lrvia (857-5496). Final pefformanccs a

' tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. "A ROOMFUi.- OF ROS~"

modem drama. is being presented the ·Huntington Beach Playhous Main Street at Yorktown A~enu Huntiniton Beach (832-140S). Pc fonnanccs arc Fridays and Saturda at 8:30 throuah May 18.

-.. ..RUM AND COD," the wor premiere of a new comedy. ope tonlght on the Scci>nd State of Sou Coast Repenory, 655 Town Cent Drive Costa Mesa (957-40~1). Pc formances are given Tue~rla through Fridays at 8:30. Saturdays J and 8:30 and S,undays at 3 and p.m. until May 19.


eo.ta MeN-Newport and Vlrgtnia'

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hardonnay a California favorite -ARKENLOW . J o a lover of fine wines, a · ex.elude them from any rccog- ACACIA 1983 T ameros' le of Chardonnay, with its nition of viticultural fo resight Chardonnay is priced at $14 lgam of varietal aromas.. and vision. \.Yilliam S1lvear <?f and is an excellent, elegantly flavors, can be as a great Chalone Vineyards. Louis styled wine. The color is light

k of art from -one of the Martin. and Fred McCrea at yellow/gold .and the nose ters. No other white pres- ~tony Hill are JUSt a fe_w w~o • exhibits a stunning perfume of

s· itself so elegantly and introduced the Caltforn1a pineapple and spice. The uctively on the palate as the palate to Chardonnay. _flavors are equally complex rdonnay. It is .no wonder As previously indicated, by with long and elegant finish.

t our golden state's Jove theamountofacrea~ecurrent- .. ·...r-FREEMARK ABBEY'S ir with this varietal seems ty planted to thi s grape, . less. Chardonnay is our most popu- current release 1s a good exam­he courtship began some- lar white wme. It occupies the pie of how-<>ak complemen!S e after the repeal of most prominent space on the Char~onnay grape. This hibition in 1934. The many merchants' slielves and 1983 bottling ha~ deep toast.ed rse recorded history of this is .often selling--var- o_ak aro!llas that interplay wnh auv~ly new grape indicates ietal. Hand-in-hand with the npe fruit essen~es. The ~avors at the Wente Brothers of the increasing thirst for Chardon- are of _zesty, citrus fruit that vermore Valley were one of nays by the wine drinking ' ta~r into a. le,ng~hy, ~lea_n e few to have planted it in public, goes the need for finish. The wme s hst pnce_ is y quantity. In fact, prior to Califronia wineries to quench SJ1 and would fare well with 59, records show that fewer that desire. fi sh Qr fowl. an 200 acres were planted to Almost every bonded wine- SAM M ICA I RE 1983 ardonnay in theentire state. ry i~ the pr~uces a Chardonnay is made in a style rrently, (as of I 982) a whop- vanetal bottling- bearing the reminiscent of the Puligny­

ng total of l 9, 760 acres have Chardonnay tag. Many of Montrachets of France. The en planted to the varietal. these prod_uc~rs go so far as t_o wine is chocked full of spicy The noble ancestry of the eve~ spec1ahzc: solely 1n this nuances set against a backdrop hardonnay takes us to the vanetal. By domg so. they are oflush. ripe fruit. This wine is ote d'Or in France. or what is fo_llowing iQthe fashion of the a joint effort of winemakers mmonly referred to as w1nema~ters . of B~rgundy ; Robert Pecota and Bob Long

urgundy. Here, Chardonnay f~using their at~enuons on (of Long Vineyards fame). and the king of all white var- this <?ne noble van.eta!. . . , promises to develop into. a

tics. And, according to With so much good Juice classic Chardonnay with rench Legislature. it is the currently on the market, the another year or two of cellar­nly white variety allowed in ardent Chardonnay fan finds ing. The list price is$ l 3.50. e wines of Chablis. Macorr, tnrnsclf in an ideal buyffi-g---

ou11ly-Fuisse and. the vii- situation. One is not restricted CONGRESS · SPRINGS ges of Montrachet. These in his or her purchases by the 1983 ' Barrel Fermented' hite Burgundies are held in price tag, as is the case when Chardonnay is outstanding. igh regard by wine lovers the selecting from several of the As is the style with most orld over. Given their often Europea_n co unterpa rt ~ . French Chardbnnays, this eep prices, one may wonder Rather. in the case of Cah- wine is completcLy fermented hethcr it is the content of the fomia renditions. prices for a in oak barrels. The finished ttle, or the fabled history of good Chardonnay can range wine displays rich oak ahd e name on the label that the from $4.S0-$20 at release apple fruit aromas with a full, rinker is infatuated by. What- dates. As always, it is a good buttery-rich palate. The wine's verthccase, the Chardonnays idea to consult a knowledge- ample acids keep it from being f France were the inspiration able wine ·merchant when too awkward in the mouth and f California winemakers in making selections. His ex- just, right for pork dishes. At treir early efforts with the pertise is invaluable in rec- the $11.50 list, thiswine is a arietal. ommending the best wine for very $ood value. :r

One such winemaker, was special occasions and your Quite possibfy ale best value he founder of Hanzell specific tastes. in a Chardonnay that I've ineyards, James D . Some current releases from found is from FETZER Uerbach. His earlyattempts California producers which VINEY ARDS. Their 1983

t emu,latina the French style are particularly good values or, ·sundail' is as go<Sd a Chardon· re a mmcndous success. ' arc of exceptional quality are: nay as one can expect for the llcrbach's strict adherence KENDALL-JAC KSON'S $6.50 list price. The wine is

o French techniques were J 983 Chardonnay is a super refreshingly light and crisp in initially scoffed at, .then· latcr value. The wfne displays fresh style. Apple-citrus sµbtJcties adopted by his neishbon. The peach and navors abound in this wine that .is resultant style of Zellerbach's underscored with a balancing ideally crafted to compliment early ~ays have note of crisp acidity. This is an Spring and Summer meals. provided a guide for many ideal wine for light seafood Occas1onally reduced in priee current wine masters. fare such as crac~ed crab or by local wine merchants, this is

It would not be fair to the filet of sole. Apin, atthe $8.SO orie Chardonnay to buy buy other " ionecn of this grape to list price it's a great value! the case!

• l Cell.a rs

.......... Clllll'I:

CHARDONNAY :Z-~~J:!t ~---··-·---·----------- S 3.81 Stndlrll lllJ ~ i $ a "k1 ..,.. ., ..w • rien!L_._____________ 5. 99

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ttt.~ -·-·-··--······---··-·-··-.. l'rict-S I.II .... 1112a......, = ~l~~--~~-~-~--~~ ........... ,_Dlr h;a._. 11.15 :~ -=:s .. 1:::.. ~---.. - .... : .. -.......... - ....... _ .... _.. 3.11 .... 1112 "Clllrt .. 1-e" ~ ~

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LllJUOR Jill ... ....__,_ us It St.ff ltu SI.St ....... r-.U s 8.49 NI

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3.41 1111. 2.11 3.49

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............... .,, ........ U... L-. Qeny, ......... ,... ,_a.Mt .. ,___._ _____ ,, .. _ ...... -............ -....... s 2.11 .. .......

1 Ni =Tied Cellar• - . ,.



,__,. I ...

· 650-TIME

Oatet>oott/ Friday, Aprtt 26. 1985 ZS



COUNTY LINE . Celebrates Finl Birthday wit• Sn.Off Sweepslalles

Tli~ County Line Restaurant will ceh.·brate 11s firs\ birthday on May ::!3, and as a prelude to this event, the resta urant has planned special ac­ti vllit's through May23. A grand prize winner will receive a $25,000 zero discount ta~ -free municipal bond at the fi nalc of this promotion. \

Lunchtime visitors may register for dail) pmes of Sunday brunch for two or certificates for bottles of cham­pagne redeemable on May 23. All entncs will be eligible for the S2 S.000 grand pnzc as well as the second prize of two !klvings bonds worth $300 and third pnzc of three $100 savings


bonds. Woodbridge Lake at 461 S Barranca Tht' prizes will be awarded on May Parkway in Irvine. Take the 40S or S

23 3l 6:30 p.m. The evening will freeway tQ Culver to Barranca feature entertainment by the Vocal Parkway. Call SSl-1942. Works and free County Lane mugs for SK tN NY HA VEN R ES -all who attend. TAURANTS "Captare" Latest Diel

Entry forms for the County Linc Crate birthday sweepstakes arc available at Skinny . Haven Restaurants. weU­the res1.1urant (no purchase necess; · known for low-caloric gourmet prod­ary). Entrants must be 18 years or ucts, cntrecs and desserts, is proud to older to win. announce that they have become the

The ('ountv Line offers n complete sole California distributor of the menu, from tcxas style barbecue to latest diet craze product swccpil!J the fresh fish. in a country elegant dinner country. It's Canfield's Diet Choc­house setting. The rcstaurant is open olatc Fudge Soda. developed by \he daily from 11 :30 a.m. Sunday brunch A.J. Canfield Company. Chocotate 1s served from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The lovers. dieters and sweet-freaks fi ­C'ount) Linc is located alongside nally got what they asked for - die1

., A.CW lloben Yotlllt enjo19 the Sprtnc Banet at tbe ...,. Barna Rataarant ID

putrla, Belpan 1'aftl• and a11Cla more. 1'be apectal feut 1•-.ned from 10•.m. to S p.m. at 37 Publon laland (between the Broadway ucl Ballocb). J'utJa.e:r lnfor­matlon at 844-2090.

Jllewpll't BHc•. TIM aew Saoday Claam­..... .aet 18cl.._ an lncredlbJe array Of llGt ... ool4 di•••· plu frab breada. ,

Oatebook/ F.rlday, April 26. 1985


chocolate. It's in soda pop torm and the country's going wiJd.

" I've never seen anything like 1his." said Skinny Haven President Bill Calhoon. ''Everyone is going crazy for the product. The soda 1s rich and creamy yet has only four c.alories per can. Just takin& a sip is like biung into a hot fudge sundae. What makes this product attrac1ive is Lhat you can drink it while dieting and still feel like you've indulged yourself wi1h choc­olate."

Canfield's Diet Chocolate Fu~ Soda was developed by Manny Wesbcr. A.J . C'anfield's chief chemist. Given a pound of chocolate fudge with the direc1ive to duplicate the taste in a diet drink. Wcsber finally was successful after sill months of testing.

Introduced in 1971, Can field's Diet Chocolate Fudge Soda recently im­proved its flavor with NutraSwcel and suddenly the craze has caught on. Back in 1hc month of January. Canfield sold 62.000 cases of Diet Chocolate Fudge Sod.a as opposed to S0.000 sold during all of 1984! And,


:J,a/,.,.;,.g .J!oui~u11a Spuia/t;,,

grocers all over the country : demandins more. Up to 300 call day ·come an from excited custom and marketers anxious to set th hands on the soda.

" We· expect Caqficld's Diet C'h· olatc Fudge Soda to malte a 111 splash an the California mark place," says Calhoon. "Just popp open a can and taking a gulp of 1

soda 1s~nough to satisfy my crav11 for chocolate."

··rm not really sure what wo1 classify as competition." he ad " Maybe it's soda pop but I think the real thing, chocolate!"

Skinny Haven Restaurants . currently distributing Canfield's C Chocolate Soda in most of their sto throughout California. Arizona a Texas. The sought-after pop will ! for approximately $3.2S a six P• and S 12. 7 S per case.

THE JOLLY ROGER, INC. Pr eau $5~,tff &o 1-.e Ualted·Way

The Jolly Roger Restaurant C' po ration rcoentJy donated SS 5. 909 to the United Way of Orange Cout and Hawaii. Accumulated by c ployce contnbutions through• 1984. ea~h dollar was matched by additional 25 cents from the: corp ation. making The: JoU)' Roger, I one oflhc nation's leading chant.a contributors in the full~sc:rvicc r taurant industry.

"'The employees of The Jolly Ro from both California and Ha" nave shown that volonteerism isal and well in America " said Ronalc Higgins, president oIThe Jolly RO( Inc.

Company Chairman of the Bo; Douglas L Salisbury launched United Waydrivccarly in 198§ wit spirited pica for support, an'tt a plet for the corporate matching contril lion. "Your support will make difTerencc." he wrote, and emplo response was immediate and g c:rous! The mainland employees C• lributcd $23.777.86, and with Ha-.. employees contributing $20. 949. The Jolly Roger C'orporati matched the total with $11 . 181.89 1985, the company projects mak. an over $60,000 contribution.

The Jolly Roger R~taurants. C joins with other leading corpor contributors in making certain United Way continues its )')tal cffc with evcr-incrcasan~ energy.

• • . . . With A Fling



l210Z S. P~ Cont Hwy. . -di Bay Plaza ............. 4'9-2'2'/49'-5773

Appearing Nightly In .THE SYCAMORE LOUNGE

Two Great Groups

COMPANYB Sun-Mon-Toes From 8 PM

lllJT.SUT-llAliSTON TlllO Wed-Thun 8 PM•Fri-Sat 9 PM

HAPPY HOUR • 4 To 7 PM • Mon thru Fri Complimentary Hot & Cold Hors d ' oeuvres

SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 9:80 .A.M Daily Twilight Dinners 4. to 6 PM

Soatll Oraage Coi.nty'1 P .. est

BANQUET FACILITIES Limousine Service On ~eq<1est


>C· int ~t­

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44 It} m-1ut an :>r-1c. :>le es-

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y CHRIS Cl\A WFOllO at.eboM Cerres,_..t

In 1952, the year that J im Dillman was born, his future career was a lso launched. Jn that year, his grandfather, Bill Dillman, bough t into a restaurant business at the orner of Balboa a nd Main, on the Balboa

Peninsula. Today, Jim heads Dillman's House of

Prime Rib which the Southern California Restaurant Writers have honored as "A. Legend in its Time."

.. It's a challenge for me:· says the third­gcneration restaurateur, "and tha t's what I was looking far.··

~ ,.,...., LAe...,.. Jim DUlman stande in front of Dlllm•n'a Restaurant in Balboa. After graduating from Newpon Harbor

High and Orange Coast Collc~e. Jim spent a numberofyearsasaconstructt0n supervisor. dinner specials range from $ 7.50 for ribs or "Then the building business got soft . and chicken dishes to $11 .50 for Toumedo of event.ually ·' got out of it ," he says ... Abou t Beef. Prime Rib IS the cont inuing Monday that same lime, m y grandfather passed awa) . <;jin ncr spenal. at $7.95. All arc served with m} fa ther became m ore in volved in the soup or salad. potatoes du JOur or rice. business. and I started working here also. first Saturday and Sunday brunch features a in the bar, then runn ing the kitchen. and full menu served at the table, with a wide

. gradually. the last two or three years. in range of choices including six kinds of management." omclcts~- Eggs Benedict. Huevos Rancheros,

Although his father, Max. is semi- Seafood Florentine. 8.iscuits and Grav)', and ret ired , .. He's here every day." says Jim ... so Prime Rib Hash and Eggs .. which is a real I've got the benefit of a free teacher. with 25 popular item." says Jim. )l:a rs' experience, all the time." - The restaurant a lso has a banquet room,

Another mentor for Jim 1s chef Leo which accommodates 40 to 50. for business Hahn, .. who came out of sem i-retirement to gathenngs and specia l occasions ... I generally work with me for a few hours a day. Leo's like to go with a limited menu for banquets," specialties are soups and sauces. and hi s . he says ... because I ltkc to know that what consistency is incredible. The fla vor 1s alwa ys they' re gcrnng 1s hot. on time. and everyone is there." eating at the same time."

The restaurant 's lo ngstanding house Dillman characterizes his establishment specialties are "prime rib and fresh fish . .. We as ··a local town restaurant with a hometown


IN ,., •

-"general consensus" rtewport Beach

Le B&an1b: • 4 14 N. Newport Bfvd .• Newport Beach · 645-6700

lry to _have two fresh fishes C\ ery day. fnendl> atmosphere. I can come in here on a • Ul8 UpoA.seasGn and weathch-W-"'t..c:e~aul~soJ--~f=.Jr~id.1<a~~1-;' rnghl. and if lhefe-.a.~·t-+m--

have fresh abalone and lobster when thev're know 40 to 45 of them. You can't say that in season." · about a lot of restaurants in Newport Beach.

Dillman's serves lunch and dinner Our goal in our business is to offer a nice through the week, with dail y specials for both. meal. with reasonable prices, served with a All luncheon specials arc $4.95. while the personal touch."

-~*~EEK PAST A wtt• FRESH SCALLOPS HAZELNUT I poucl Im• Eu Feuoclal 'le poad Bay Scallops 4 01111ce1 skinned, roastecj, cllopped Haulnts · · 1 bun fra• Tamagoa, minced 3 MeCet Hud .. t l~ or Frugelico 3 taWet,UH CMppH d.allOll Salt aM ,e,per c. '81te 3 &abletpoHI IWfft btlner

l pint heavy cream reduced by half or Creme Fraicbe

In med ium saull' pan. flour, salt and pcppj:r ~callops. Saute hghtly until golden brown 1n clarified hutter. Rcmo"c scallops from pan to warm platc.rTo the pan. add shallots. Ocglazc pan with two ounces ofhqucr. Add h1..'1lvy cream. fresh chopped tarragon. and half of the chopped ha7clnuts. Let sauce reduce by one-third. Finl.Sh with S\\'CCt butter. add the rest o f h31clnul ltquclr. ~h and pepper to taste. Cook pasta in bo1hng salted water until done. M1" 1he sauce into pasta d1 v1dcd onto four plates. Garnish w11h _scallops. Spnnkle with c hopped haze lnuis. ScrHS fou r.

Th~ recipes wen; subm1ttt'd by Hemingway's Restaurant/Cafe of('orona dcl Mar.


•1, ouce Rock Caady Synap Ya once Piaeapple J•lce I Ya ouces Clulmbord % ouce1 Half Ir Half 1 tableapoo• Cocoa•t Snow

Blend with crushcJ ice. garnish with orang twist. J)1nch of mint, and one red c herry. Voita!


SO Years of Fine Italian Dining

[nioy our lu1l;inc lrom Ceniral ;rnd Northern Ital" her\ mc.11

1s served with old world lharm a &eClerous, ' 1e" of Newporl Bay valet parking a_nd rnmpltmental\

boa1 sl ips, Piano bar and full menu until I am Make plaM now to dine with us this evening Call

t7 1<1t M2-7MO for reservations or informatfon aboul our hay view banquet faciltti~

'3111 West Coast Highwa~. Newport Beach

Dateb<>ok/ Friday. April 26, 1985

-· -r





\ ______ ...._ _ _ __ .....;;. ___________________ ..;.:;;=;;:::;.--

- .

I- .



i I •T~THE TCIW La Qu:inta the wiizner inf aim Desert

. ' I By BEVERLY BUSH SMITH OoJf and Tennis Resort. tcr. The peanut butter pie, for- its own sauce: curry for the was correctly pc;>ached. and a Of tbe Oatebook Sa.aff i The buffet breakfast (S8) 1s a whieh the resort is fammis, is lamb, wine sauce for the beef pretty prescntatl~n. with the

I'm home from a we~k ·in standout, beginning with an rich, creamy, with just a subtle and lobster sauce for the veal. Choron sauce SWltl~ over ~e Palm Desert, and the miracle array of at least seven fresh touch of peanut butter, a flaky Any kitchen that can serve other. The shnmp with is that I gained only three fruits. Hinged copper cloches crust. But my personal favorite such superb fare to 140 people avocado salad was a lovely pounds. enclose such hot dishes .as an is 'the praline cheesecake - m.ust be doing a whole lot ~lor contrast of green 'and

My husband's company excellent French toast, omelets high and cream_y, with pockets· that's right.- Kudos to ex- pmk, and the vegetable plate a made me do it. I mean, when with four fillings, a different of crunchy prahne. There were ecutive chef Fred Reynaud bouqueJ, of color. · . you're invited to join your poached egg dish each morn· always huge chocolate-dipped and his staff. Of the desserts, the floating spouse for a company meeting m~. corned beef hash, Can- strawberries, and the co0kies But yes, I did venture islan<i was much too sweet and at La Quinta, it would be ad1an bacon, and marvelous included a sensational lacy- outside the hotel. GASTON's, the crust of the strawberry tart ungracious not to participate fresh muffins an.d sweet rolls. thin brown sugar-almond con- in the courtyard at 777 E.. just plain tough. Most success-and enjoy - right? The seafood buffet ($26).. fection. Tahquitz-McCallum Way, fuJ was the classic tarte tatin.

Actually, I viewed this week Served each Sunday evening, 1s Our eight course grand Palm Springs, is a Southern The modem decor of as both an opportunity to learn an even greater dazzler; huge finale equalled anything I've California restaurant writers' Gaston's, with its soft peach more about my husband's prawns, oysters on the half- had in Oran$e County. The gold award winner. So I was tones, is attractive, but the work. and to expand my res- shell, cracked crab: several hot - piece de resistance was ~n delighted to have a chance to tables for two would be ex­taurant horizons. But to my dishes, ,such as scaJJops and entree oi m·edallions of lamb, lunch there. fremely small for dinner, and surprise, I found the very best swordfish and much more. beef and veal, all of supetb Our meals were good, but in all of the tables are too close food right where we stayed; ai Woe to the waistline, La quality, aJI perfectly cooked, my opinion, not .. gold" quali- together for a restaurant which the elegant La Quinta Hotel Quinta's pastry chef is a mas- and each complimented with ty. The salmon with two sauces cbarges$20average for dinner ----------------------~---------+--------------. en trees.


BRUNCH Saturday & Sunday AM & PM

SUPPER Sunday Evening 5· 7 PM


I later learned that one reason Gaston's may have slipped a bit is that Gaston Nicoud, after more than 25 years in hotel/~urant man­agement (he opened Maxim's in Tokyo and Chicago) is no\\ restaurant director of - what else - La Quinta'Hotel!

Other restaurants which I tried were:

FLOWER DRUM, 424 S. Indian Ave., Palm Springs. This .. promising newcomer·· award winner is prettier than many Chinese restaurants wi~ its striking tank of trop­ical fish. the waterfall and little stream.

It features Szechuan Pe~ng, Hu!'~"· Shanghai anc

u-r--t-<tA'Affl.n -ettt~tne. Perhaps we should have ventured into the spicier Hunan or Szechuar dishes, because those we tried chicken jade with frcst

------- ----- ----------+---------- ---------------' asparagus, Buddha's veg·



M Oatebook/ Frtday. AprU 26. 1985

am SlROCANOfl fURll(Y

SUS' $7 «)!)


a ..

RESTAURANT- & LOUNGE et•h ... ie&lood

Weemtpt Italian Speclaltlea

·rut'Sday: Lasagne Wednesday: Spaghetti w/meatbalh1 or

ltallan Sausage Thursday: Manlcottt

Served with 80Up or salad and garlic bttad. R~ular menu all!O avatlable.


• '6.95

Breakfast 6 :30- 10 A.M . M -F and Sat & Sun 9 -2 Lunch 1 1-3 Mon-Frt Dinner 5-9 Tues-Sat

1550 Saperlor A•e. c-ta 11 .. . 8&0-3188

etables, shrimp with lobste1 sauce, were all quite bland. Tc the restaurant's credit, they de not use MSG, and they do use brown rice and low-ult so, sauce. An especiaJJy nice touch: in lieu of the ubiquitou: fortune cookie, the meal ende< wjth honeyed walnuts and ; s'llall &lass Qf p~ wine.

US. CASUELOS NEU EV~ 7~SO Highway l 11 Rancho Miraae, otTcn a ro mantic garden patio settin1 bounteous marpri1a1 and ex ccllent service. Thi• ia a 1iate retaurant of tbe oriainal Pain Spriqp Lu Casuelu whicl opened in I 9S8. It waa fun, bu the food was undistinguished

ln•ex•p.n••lve • '(in ~· .Wl not • 1n pt lce : reuonat>I•. Cl•Nlfled ..... ~llinO~ Clusmed Advtrllslng


. ,..

HE BARN Hove the prime of your life ch0011inK from ~he utenalve 25 itein menu. .Steaks. seafood, wad.I. l talian and Mexiran di11het1, and more. WHtern rhnrm and country ambience. Lurwh M· f, Dinner M ·S, Happy hour M·f 4:30·7 p.m. Satellite dish. l.1.,,e entertainment and dancin11. Sun \ hampqne Buffet Brunch 111 l<lO. Banquet facilltiH. 14982 Redhill . Tustin. 730-011 6.

HE ORIGINAL BARN ARMER STEAK HOUSE Ye~' They are the original. l"i~ous fo r their one-and ·a· half pound l'urterhouse steaks and feeturing rl1~play hroi ling. Proudly serving for 24 years Lunch Mon .. fri 11 -2. Din nn nighlly Mon.·Fri. from 5 p.m. Sat & Sun. from 4 p.m. 2001 Harbor Rlvd .. \011ta Men. 642-9777.

BENNIGAN'S > ~'rt>~h food served with 1111ide <if fun .

. Menu featu res unique appetizers, ~11lndR. seafood, croi11sant 111ind wirhe~. burgers. Mexican disht>11. and 11n exciting brunch men\.l:. Lunch and dinner from 11 a.m. wPekdoys. Brunch 9.3 on weekends. Full bar with specialty drink11. Happy hour 4.7 weekda)'ll. In Costa M 1-"8. South Coast PllWl parking lot tN......"iax 241 -3938. In Westmin11ter Mft Wes tminster Moll 891 -4521. l>anrinl[ evening.11 in Wl'tltminste r l11111tmn.

ghetti; aJI homemade The at m04lphere is fri endly and the serv1cl' ia fast. Servinj( breakfa~t. lum:h and dinner. Weeknight spe<"ie ls Phone orden accepted. I ftfi(J ~uperior Ave., C011ta Mesa. tso.:ll :l6

POOR RI C HARD'S KITC Hf.N Ple8l!8nt - patio dimnl( w11 h ~pt'( tacular oce-an view. Famt'd f11r their sumptuou!> Heliium watne ... Hreak flllit , lunch & dinne-r Hcunemadt· soups made dailv. Modei-1 in pmc· hiith in qual ity end o;er' ll'l' Heer and wine served Open de1h rrum 11 a.m 1198 S l'•msl H"' ' in L11icuns1 Mt>fl'11d11. Laguna H~>11·h l~i lli6i


HEM INGWAY'S In the s tyle of the man lumst' ll , H~mingway'i; is 11 celebrnlH•n 11f adventure. of romanre ancl thl' 11r1 of liv1n~ . Their neat1ve di1<h1·~ w11n II ~ilve r awnrcl 1111d t ht'\' oflt' r an eitt eosive wrne 110.,t. The otm•"'Jlhl' rc• UI warm and fm·ndlv und fillPd with ent hus1ai.m. E~ t ahli~hf'd 11inre t !li2, this re4'taurant /rnfe 1io ltlC11led in Corona del Mar at Pac1l 11 Coa~ t Hwy. at MacArthur Blvd 6i.l 0120

MARRIOTT - Nicolea Grill Mesquite wood bro1linii 111 lhr specialty here. The- mrnu featurei. rre h seafood and prime me-at.II and sensational Cajun Cre<>le Spt'Cl&ls on a daily ba111s. Oine in a cMual. relax ed atmosphere with contt'mporar,

BRIS TOL BAR A GR ILL · music. Imported print.A from F.nJ( Al Holiday Inn . land complement the- attractive

Traditional! an all American decor. Dinner is served Mon Sat t"'~~ite P.•~e to eat an pr1ce<f10r--from 6 p.m. 1co es 111 lrlCal~ Withtn . a!"1 Y dtn1ni. Everything from the Newp0rt Heach Marriott Hotel Jlll_cy stea~s and chopa u1 11peciaJ 900 Ne-wport \f'ntt>r Dr Cali chicken dtahee and freah seafood. f,40 4()()(1 Hounteous ulad bar. Sumptuou11 daily luncheon buffet. Open daily for dining end cocktails. :ll :l l lirit1tol S~ .. COflta M~. 61\7 .:\()()().


Autht>ntic rcmnlry dlnin-1(, featuring F.u .. Lern Corn FKI Beef.Prime Hib. freRh seafood 11nd spedalizinK in their fnl'J'IOU8 pan·frieP 1teah. and d~!l"rtil. Lunr h Mon.-Prt. • 11 :l. l>innt'r Mon.·Sun. n p.m. IOinn.f'r re?oervotions guaranteed). Authentie Western deoor, danci°" and Ii''" mu11ic: in the 181oon. Dyer Rd Exit / N,.wport Pwy . S1nl8 /\n11 n49 1 6 1 ~

DILLMAN' Th~ t>illm11n famlly 111 famoo• for their trttdhfonal warm h01pit..l ity and fin~ food. Finest prime rib in Balboa_ 11nd freth fith daily. Com · pie~ dinner apeciala d11ily. Friendly llefVI~ i nd • run, delightful Ill· m()11phere. Open daily tor lunch and dinner. Brunch Sat.. and Sun. 801 K Ra I boa 673. 772S .. ~,

GARF'S A perfect pl•~ to brine the whol• family. Oad'a f•t1lur• 1ie.ka and eeafood, hut apeclallw ln Italian di1he9 alao. Manlcoul, \uaaN, •P•·


JADE DRAGON Step into the w11ndrrful w11rld 111 tht> One-nt The .lad!' I )ra11on i.µeciati1.t>t1 in Suchwon & Mdndarin ~·u1t11ne11 of old rhina. Your hn~t I!\ Wallll'<'e l A't' with Chef Y1 C'hrn Oiwn for lunch. d1oner. Sat. 1111d Sun ~>1m Sum (('hineSt> Tes ('11k~ ffrunchl Han 11u1•t farihlll't111rt> available and beer amt wine are !l('rvrd Ele1111nl d1nin11 nt affordable pm I"\ 12 Hlll Hf'et h Blvd., Stanton R9!1 89:11

LI'S RESTAU RANT If you love Chinetie food . you're""' to enjoy dining here. u L1 '• prom i~ truly authentic Chinese food . The menu ofTera a wide vamity of exotic diahet. from a 111 c:aru to rombin11tlona. Breathuiklng dt"Cor in a supremely tx-11utiful 11t · moephrre. Tropiral drinks to quench your thirat. O,X.n eeven d11y11 a week for lunch 11nd dinner. 8961 Adami, Hunt in11to n Beach . 962-91 lfi. 314 N. ffft1<'h Blvd., Anaheim. 827 i:uo.


~F:OITERRANt;AN ROOM -Airpo rter In n

l'11nl(ental 11nd 'If"< luded from the Jiu..,\ airpurl ... urr1111ndin1[s. The Mt-d1terr1lllt1m Hciom offers ~uperb lllnl1n.-ntal t·u111111e for lunch din · nt'.r 11nd Sunday hrun('h. T np · ti11nmt-nt 111)(ht ly 111 the C'eharel l.rninl(f' Thf' ('eptain'i. Table i11 11 11<•11 fur dm1nl( '.l4 hour~ . F'f'rft>cl for wntd1111ic ( 'nlifornia !IUn;.et'I is the Fl11d1t Derk l.1111nl(e. "thr Airpcirter Inn 1, l11('1lH·<I Ill IX701~MarArthur Blvd in lrvinr 1o1:1:i '1770

CAt ' t; LIDO Known 8!. Newpurt '!I Cannery Vil ~ la11e Jazz s pt1l Enjoy gourmt'I food with l(ourmet Jail m an intimate and 1111.v atmospht>re Serving Lum·h Mon Fri. 11 :\ and Dinner n11<htlv n rm. to m1dm.:ht. Enter· t11111ment n11<htly 9 1.:\0. Sun. jazz 'ot''!.'\lllll t I a m. Happy jan hour !'>-8 Mon Fri Ample parkini: 2900 Newport Hlvd.. Newpurt Beech. 67[1 '19flH

M i\ HC' .. : 1: !-i \ '111111' !\fort t>I' D1·lt11hlf11ll\ rt·frt>'h 1n11 mf'nu ft>111\trt0R lre;.h ...eafu,.d und l.m11 ... 11tnlt Cajun spec111 ts. < :1111rm(•t oy.,ter ha r 1-:lel(ant yet n Mclll 111m1r<phere . Live entertain· nwnt and d11nr111·ii featum111: OC 's 11111''' 1•nt!'rtainmen1. Dancing 111ul1<r I he 't11 r"1 I .unch from 11 11 .m . t l1111wr 1111(hl Iv I r11rn :, p.m OYl' ter lmr till Im 11111 1:10 K lith St .. I ""I H \1 !''II I \4 fi >Uif1f1

Pl' FFIN'S 1\ n ad\centure 111 n11tur11l eating. Frr1oh q tftl litv ingrt>d ie-nUI prepared 111 11 '1mpll' ~l'I Pleiinnt woy. Award 1A111n111~ r1•11 tlt'' (\urdt>n .ZetlinK in a E11r11pN111 C'nft> -.tvle atmosphere l',1,11nl lirf'O kfli...t Ami lulll'h Formal d101nl( fur dinnf'r Sun Thuro., i 11 m 10 µ m Fri & !'!Al till 11 -p.m. E ( 'C11t"t Hwv , ( 'oronn del \1ocr Ii tti.1:17'1

place to meet. Open 7 d•ya a week, 6:00 a.m.- 10:30 p.m Moderately priced 4500 MacArthur Rlvd • Newport Beach 476 -2001.

LE B IARR ITZ Experience eiquisite French prov· incial cwune while in thi!I French chat.e.u. Special· tiell include rack of lamb. veal Marsala and a heaut1rul selectmn of fresh fo•h. H<>memade award win 111nl( de1111ert.11. Enjoy Sun. brunrh with unlimited champagne. an ela1'>9rate buffet. a hot entree and de11l!ert e ll served in a cozy. relex ed atmr11:1phere. Full har with dom~tic and imported wine llt'lec tions. Lunch. Mon.- Fri : Ornner o«>vt'n nil(ht.s. Sunday brunch 414 N Newport Hlvd . Newport Bea"h fi~ !l-fi700

J.f. C H ARDONNAY ThP fine<1t in cla~k French and riouvt'lle cu1smf' in plllllh 'lurround '"ft"· F.xc1tt' your <1en~ with Su preme of Dur k with poache-d Cali forn1a P11t11 or Lotio,tt r f'a."-~ rule rn a Chardonnay wine 'IBU<'e with chanterenes Ex ten ivt> tiele<'t ion or wm~ from a temperature coo trolled l.-tllar 1.unrh Mon. Fri. 11 :lO 2::\0. Dinner Mun Sat. fronl 6:ao Sun brunch 11 2::l0 In He1f111 try Hotel, I~)() MacArthur Alvd . Irvine 752-tri77


St-vernl thingt1 make this awe rd Wiil

nin1t hlcleaway t ruty 11 pec1al: Walt!'r , their Swisi t•hef. I r111nt><I 1n R(>me of

' the t~11l hou11es; Palace St Mcm t1, Place (;swad, Haur au Lac, Zurich Authenti c c u1 11i n,. l'rovencale - seasonal icourmet fe11 t1val11 a Sund~ hrunch M> unique it '11 like stt'pp1n1t h8ck in timt> to an t'f8 when ucellen e of food wall matr hrd by l(enerous hnsp1taritv, n hvsp it.ality rarel found thf'fle dav~ .Jnin Mari<'B end Wallf'r 1n thei r French C'nuntry hnmt' Lunch. din ner and Sunday brunch Hlinquet for1liti,.,. C11-ct Mc111da\ ' :\42 1 V 111 Lido. Newport ~01h H?fl 4904

take out. Beer and wine alao served Family dining for an inflauon-fight ing budget.. 9430 Warner Ave at Ruaha.rd. berund the Smler 1n Pl.•van Plaza. Fountain V •lit'\ 96.1-5965.

MARCELLO'S This aw.rd winner offera an ea t.emive menu specializing in pall!A'4, veal. cioppino and their farnoWI handmade pizza. Estahlisheod aince 197:J, this family owned re11taurant has captured the heart& of hrunch luvers. Be51des unlimited cham pal(ne, t.he lavish buffet includei. hot and cold entrees. a seafood bar ancl d~rt table, Sun. 10· :\ Lum·h Mon.- Pri., Dinner r mghtll a w~k 1750'.? Beach at Huntinl(tJlf"I Ueach.. 842.5505_

VILLA NOVA A ~•uliful bay view crt'Blt'!> t ht' romantic setting that hag made t ht­V 1lla Nnv• a "topecia.l kind o#place" for civer fifty years. Superb cui!11ne from Ctntral a.nd Northern Ital~ 11erved in Old World charm. F.:1 tt'ns 1ve wine lisL Dinner niithtly 1'1&no bar. Full menu till I :00 a m :II :11 W eo.t (' oasl H WV Ne,. p."lrl Beach. 642· 7880.

M l C ASA Tht>ir food 111 like a tnp t.11 Mu1111' llcl'lpitalitv li(•tei< hand in· w11h their motto, " M1 Casa e1' Su C'ai>A ." or my house 1s your hou~ .. t:sU! li ltlllhed · "inct' 1972, it's no !lt'<'rf' t friend i< en~1\ dining hert>. Opt>n daily from l 1 a.m. for Lunch. Din ner and C'oc:ktaiL'l F.ntertainmerll Wed.·Set. ..i1h1.>< -in the Burro Room. 296 F. 17th St .. C'08t.a Mt-o.,t1 ~:. 7fi2tt


PORTY CARROTS " l lt>lw1ou.1; fashion fo(od ," per Hen" ~e-rstrum. DiM·over that rt>al

HI V I ERA ff't' l1n.: ofeatinK l(reat ta.~tinit meal.., prepared daily. natural and he•lth\

1-tcla.l w "rnc-11111~ '4erv1ce in an 1) 1 · 1-· rlt"llnl. 11111mate 11tmosp~t>rire~.~·~·~"'!~!!:!~~t========:---- ~1• 111 • •er•pN!. re11h JUire ... ,.. ; ; ...queeud daily A l(reet pla<'t' ff•r perth rrl'plHt'd rnntint>ntal d111hes nmnf'r 7 da)'! ,Uom 11 a.m. Sunday hv ('ht'f U11h1ml Ht>r.:ner. since ROYAL KHYBER Champ&l(ne..ffrunch. ~tween l\ull 1•1; 11 l'h1M awurd winninl( res Take an enchanit'd .1ourne\ int11 uck11 and I Magnm. So Cout l'lnr.n, t.111rnnt 11l1<1111ffns an exlensive wine India without leavhll( Oransce t'oun lowt'r level. ~'16-!1700. i. .. t . 1tnd c•x rel~ in tablellide prep ty Authentit• Tandoori d11<ht' .. 1cr11t 11111" ond n11ml"'!< Open for ele!(antly pfHented m the Mc111hul l.11rwh t I :Ill :t pm . Dinner from 5 tradition. Meat end l111h d1 !1he11 p.m ~:x1·(•tlt>nt h11nqm•1 fari l1tiPS. prepart>d and me rinllled in 11 hh•nd ( lrn.c•d Sun. rrnrf holirlay". '\:t1:1 S o f herhs and fre~h icmunci Mp1rr ... Br1'<t11I. C'11~t11 Me11n f14<i :l~lll lmpre11111ve de'<11(n nnd df'<'m u1kc'tl


Thi!• i.ilvrr award winner 1~ famed for thf'lf finr French <"Ulllinr und c•fftr'< a d1 .. ttnKU1:.hed wine ll!lt . 100 111 them Het urn to the eleitance and thf.' a rt. .. uf he1n1o: cttt~rf'd to A Cf'ntral hrevl11c' t rtomin11tt>s the cory ut. Cll•"'llhrrl' Open fur l.unch T~ f' ri . ))inner Morr. -Snt Cle~ Sun and hnlul11vs Off Rmtol nnd Ran dulJJh (l}(>twPen HakN 11nd Bearl, 1 hrn 1.-h onto 81 Ct air 7514 St ll111r. ('111<tt1 Mt>iia. 540 :~t

(.' /\FE FLEURI Take• aeat in Car~ Flf'luri for brtak· f1111t, lunch or dinnf.r. F.l'IJOY 11n ex· quisite env1ronm~nt inOurnN'<l by a French touch. Hot ja.u Mond".f throuah Friday from ~00 till 9:00 p.m. and 11n out8tandin1t whit..e irlovt' brunch make lh1• . Cafe th•

you har k lO the lfith l'ent11rv Lunch, dinnt>r. S1111d•w hrnnc·h I 000 Hri~tol St , Ntwporl Bl'iu h 752 fl;!< IC I


1'his ultra--.mart haven of ex<'t'p t1onaJ Italian and CQ('l cuu1ine 11 one of the more rew•rd1n1t pla~ Lo dinr. Pffth pasta and 111ieei11I " li!'hl" A&U~ are carefully p~pMed hy thrfl' of the fine8l Ital 1an chefa Pieno her entert.ainmt'nt romplementa the' fun atmnephere

· Palm dtn1n1t 1v111lahl.- for lhl' 11un kwer11. Open Tut'& -:-\un frofn 6 p m for dinn'1 ~un . Bnin<·h 11 :00 2:30 :\520 E. C'oaJJt Hwy Cot•)na del Mar 671\-1922.

OONATELLl'S 1'' amo11t1 l>IH8 Tht ona1nal family llAlian rf"'~urant. Sf.rvtnic our famous piUA It puta. Dint in or


ANTHONY'~ W:,JER 2 The Southern · calif. H.e11t~11r11111 Writen1 th1~ one thl' wtnnf'I ut the best value .,estaunrn~ Th.-1r '\eafood 111 the t.alk of tht' w wn with :lO 3.'1 fresh fish daily C' R.~ T1·t" vwuon claims th1•y hnvt' tht' l"t'~t happy hoor in Oranie C1111n1 \ Mt'nu ha_ calora.- C'ounl for 1 h1• weijthl coMciov8 Opell n1ihth tur dinner. Located on ttw> IM"nut1h1l Newport Bay at l0.1 N H8""fr I lr 640 5 123

HLACKBEARD'S Noteod for their int11T\8tt' ' l'ir1111·' ' ' lhi" <'aribbean" atm1•1,hrrr I hc•ir fa mous C'arihbe•n pork r hopi< " 11

rart' culinary Ond. Thi' l' ~lf'll'I'" mf'nu ahio ott""' ~11rt\ hM>f ,.ntr,...,. 11nd ff'e!lb Ml&f()U(I I ur1l h '"' """'NI 11 3 Mon. Fri. DrnnN from 't p m H11ppy Hoot Mon Fri 1 7 i1 m Tantalir.1Df1 O\•trr h.r ~pec:uht1.,.. Wide Kf'Mn 'I\ l'wn hl1lC'k• "outh of .John W1nnr Airport Nt'\l"'pori Retie"' 8.1.'\ tM»'41


-l I



I lt1 I ON Tl-IE TOWN,~~~ own leisure . Enjoy the romance of old Newport with a panoramic bay view Excite your sen11e11 with their sen?>11ti11nal seafood and traditional favo rities. B reakfast 7 a .m., Mon.· Fri., Lunch 11 ·4 Mon.-Fri., Dinner 4- 11 Mon.-Sat . Sat . and · Sun. Brunch 7-4. Oyster Bar Fri., Sat. & Sun. Banquet facilities up to 500. 400 Main St ., Balboa 67:\-4633.


dinner and a p lay ton ieht! Grand Dinner Thea~r located within the Grand HoCel in Anaheim at l Hotel Way. Call 772-7710.


(Coatlnaed) THE WAREHOUSE 0

Newpcirt 11 m ost innovative water· fron t dining exper ience. Chef Charles Kalagian feaiures fresh aee · food and internationaJ cuisine . Highly acclaimed. award winning Sat. and Sun. Brunch, also featu ring patio dining. Incredible oyster bar, exquisite ambience. exceptional live entertainment. Banquet11 and cater ing a va ilable. Lido Village. Newport Beac:h. 673-4 700.

Every eu1t.omer can be lo be t reated like a celebrity. The theater offers scrumptious meals with top productioM in an elegant· atmosphere. T he sumpiuous buf~et

includes roast baro n of beef. chicken and fiah d iahes, pasta. ... salad.a, vegetables, and s in(ul de, ser ta. The Set. and Sun. brunrh includes a variety o f en d illhell. The Celebrity Ten)lce ii available fo r private d ining. The fodivid uullv' deroreted private balcon y roomh overlook the 450-eeat horM!t!hoe 1haped'main room. The Har lequin is located at 3503 S . Harbor in San111 Ana. CelJ 979-7660.


THE CANNERY Thia hiAlbric waterfront landmark in Newpc1rt's Cannery \'11lage fea · lures rre11h local seafood and East · ern beer Consistently iiood service. open for Lunch. Dinner. Sun.

- Champllf(ne Brun<'h and Harbor C ruisei.. Entertainment mghtly and S un. aflernoons. Enjoy the lounge rlJ9Ci galley superh dam chowder! :m10 LllFayeue. 67fl. fii77 .

booths, gothic pa m tmgs and the well s tockt>d wine racks lend to f!ix 's convivial atmosphere. The Rex of Newport is the choice of locals as well M visitors. Recipient of the prHtigious T ravel-Holiday award. Caaual/ a legant. . a u ir&. Lunch , dinner. Call 675-2566 for reservations. Valet pa~king. ..

RUSTY PELICAN Fresh seafood and lots of 1t! Come d ock yourlf:lf here and dine over· t?· ; -..: _ - ·-looking tfie beautiful Newport Bay Dll\ll\IER THEATEJ:S Featuring 15 to 25 fresh fish 11elec· t111ns daily friim a round the wor ld No wait seafood har in the lounge

· Lunch. Dinner. S un. Brunch i n Newport. 273S W. Coast Hwv, 642-a431. In Irvine- Lunch. Di"n· ner , and Happy Hmn. 18.10 Mam, 545-4774.

G RA ND DIN NER THEATER 1mprei..l\ive <fining and prOresslonal produ,·uons a re s ure to please each time Yf1U vis it. The extraordinary buffet offer.J> rom1t baron of beef, glazed hem with a fruit sauce. Geor· g1a cfiicken wjth peaches and glaze

peasant sauce. Tri-color fettuccini

,. ....

. .. _ ............ ~ ..

8961 Aoams A1 M~ Huntinoton Beach

962 9115







827· 12 10

,.. ,


class1f 1ed ads phone 642-5678 -·

THE REX OP NEWPORT l,ocatt'd on the ~anfronr a-croc;,, from the Newport Beach pier. Th<' Rex 1s the Orange C'oa11 t '11 mO!>t uclui1 ive 11eafood rest41urant. Well known fur fresh Ha waii11n gourmet fi sh 'lflectio ns and ~pec1alizing in "weet Channel Island abalone. ten der veal and prime meats . The warm a mbiance o f the padded

and che Mahi Mahi is served in a Da1·1y Pl.Ill' a nd <'ream is a real favorite. Enjoy _

~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:..__-L~~~~~-=:..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- -

TALE OF THE WHALE Experience a step back inlu time 111 a place where yoti can d ine at vour

•• GUIDE -re mANGE COAST RES IJ\' ·~_a_ I ;::i -,


ANTHONY'S PlER 2 10:1 N Ra ... td• llr. Nrwp••t 11.o .. h r"'" '•l!'.1

TUE BARN I 1'1112 Hf'<lhtll Tuaun - wi 1111, ,



HHl" I 111 11\R & C,Hlt .I • llol1da t Inn u" K..-1..t t - ·· " - .... ~ ......

CAFE "'1.f.V RI • Me r «"dien llot t' I ,-,- \t•• .\ t h•tt Ml"tf ,_.,. '' ........ f , -,. -"••1 THF. CANNER)' MIO , ... ~··~·"·· Nf'WJ"'n 1.1 .... h r..r. ···~ CRAZYHORSESTEAKHOUSE ltWWl Hrt••il ~·Oi1;oa. ~nta Ana '.-4'f 1'1&..t

D ILLMAN'S 1111 & a.11 .... Bolt.• s;' ;;21, .

JADE DRAGON 12100 lff..-h lll•d .''\u nion "'!" "'1 ~• LE BIARRITZ


Lr'8 •t ~ Hun"""''" l\rrlt ...,, "I'" -MARCELLO'S 11li02 AH<h IJlvd , Hunt ll•w h •4l ,.~,,

MARCEL'S I :IO It. 17\ 11 114., Cooi. ....... .,..,, '"'"'°' MAllRIOTI' HOTEi. llOO ~ Ciltf lJt """"'"' ~ .. It,_.., "" I MI CA8A --•I. 17th 8t . ('91i. M ... "4 ' "i+• THlt WAREHOUSE ,...v .. ~~.._.,.,~ ', ... ,






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