report of education' services committee meeting on - Harrow ...


Transcript of report of education' services committee meeting on - Harrow ...


VOL3 E54



Chainnan: * Councillor Miss Bedhefi

Councillors: * Mrs Bath* Susan Bootes* Blanch* Mrs Champagnie * Mrs dak* - Mis Cowan'* Cowan* C Davies * Mis Geldman

» * Giant* Ms Groves.* Handin

Co-opted: Voting Rev. P BroadbentMrs J Rammelt

* Hannam* MrsHarkett* Haisant* MrsNandhra. * OEns* Shah* Shannon* SMpworth * Ann Swaine (1) * Mrs Swihton* Topper * Turner* Wesley-R.ogers

Non-voting MrRAnnaaMrAFooldsMrRMilard


Advisers: Mrs J Strode MrJTeather

* Denotes Memberpresent(1) Denotes category of Reserve Member



Appointment of Chainnan: RESOLVED: To note tlie appoiintment at the Qaarterly CooncE Meeting (held prior to this special meeting) of Councillor Miss Bednell as Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year 1991/92.

130. Aaendance bv Reserve Membeis: EESQLVED; To note the attendance of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:


Councillor Shannon

Reserve Member

Councillor Ann Swaine

131. ATtangement of Agenda; KESQLVED: That all items appearing on the agenda be considered with the press aad prafeSc present

132. Appointment of "VJce-CSainnan aad Deputy Cfeasmea: RESOLVED: (I) That Councilor Turner be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year 1991/92;

(2) that the following Deputy Chairmen be appointed for the remainder of the Municipal Year 1991/92:

Deputy Chairman (Schools) - Councillor Mrs BathDeputy Chairman (libraries and Arts) - Councillor HarsantDeputy Chairman (Tertiary) - Councillor Olins


133. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the signing of the Minutes of the Committee's previous meetings held on 16 May (Special), 17 June and 20 June (Special) 1991 be deferred until the next ordinary meeting of this Committee.

134. Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies: Further to its own reconstitution at the Quarterly Council Meeting on 18 July 1991, this Special Meeting of the Committee considered the reconstitution in turn of its subsidiary bodies.

The Chairman, having moved the establishment of the subsidiary bodies as detailed both in the appendix to the original agenda and as proposed in a supplementary officer report with regard to the appointment of a Complaints (Curriculum and Related Matters) Panel, the Liberal Democrat Group registered its wish for the membership of the latter Panel to be increased to include representation on behalf of that Group.

Upon a vote, it was,

RESOLVED: That subsidiary bodies of this Committee (as detailed in the appendix to this report) be established for the Municipal Year 1991/92, with the memberships as shown.

(Note: The Special Meeting, having commenced at 11.52p.m. on the rising of another Committee's meeting, closed at 11.54p.m.)

(Signed) MISSCBEDNELL Chairman



Subsidiary Bodies: (18.7.91)

Members Reserve Members

(1) (2) (3)


Topper (CH) Mrs Geldman MrsSeade Feakias,Mrs Swinton (VC) Cowan Abbott MrsKinneaiMis Bath Scowen Hannam CampbellMissBedneH. Hatsaiit Grant BlakeleySnsanBoobls MrsNandhia Branch CooperBrown Ms Groves Shah CDaviesOlins MrsHadcett Nixon KoskyShannon* Ms Groves CDavies ShahSMpwoitkf Branch Cooper MrsNandhraTnmer Mis Cowan SSver Rhodes

(Co-Opted: MrAnQan,MrFonldsandMrMillard)


Olins (C^» ' Mrs Bath Turner MrsSwintonCowan Mis Champagnie Mrs Geldman TopperMs Groves Shall Shannon Browa


Mrs Cowan (CH) MisGeldman MrsSwinton Wesley-RogeisCDavies GDavies Ms Groves ShannonOins MisSwiaton Wesley-Rogeis MrsHaAett


Mis Ba£liMis ChampagnieMis OakCooperMrs CowanCDaviesMrs GeldmanHamlinMrsHarkett

Shall ShannoniMis Sfapwonb Mrs SwintonTinner


Tc^ex(CB[) MisSwinton MissBedneH HaisantShannon CDavies Shah GDaviesTinner Mis Bain Olins Mrs Geldman

(* Note: Established in accordance with Section 23 of the Education Reform Act 1988).

CH= Chairman VC=Vice-Chaiiaian

* Denotes Nominated Member of Major Minority Group for Executive Action Consultation.f Denotes Representative of Second Minority Gronp for Minor Matters Executive Action Consultation.

VOL3 E57



Chairman: * Councillor Miss Bednell

Conncfflors: * Mrs Bath * MrsHarfcett* Susan Boobls * MrsKinnear(2)* Branch * Mrs Nandnra* Mrs Champagoie * Olins* MrsCIanc * Rogers (2)* Mis Cowan * Mis Searle (1)* Cowan * Shah* CDavles * Shannon* MrsGeldman * Sidpworth* Ms Groves * Mrs Swinton* Hamlin * Toms (2)* Hannam * Turner

* Wesley-Rogeis

Co-opted Voting: Non-Voting

* Rev.PBroadbent * MrRAnnan* MrsJRammelt * MrAFouIds

* MrRMillard

Advisers: f Mrs J Strode f MrJTeather

* Denotes Member present(1) and (2) Denotes category of Reserve Memberf Denotes apologies received



135. Reserve Members: RESOLVED: To note the attendance at the meeting, of the following Reserve Members.

Ordinary Member Reserve Member

Councillor Brown Councillor TomsCouncillor Grant - Councilor Mis SearleCouncilor Harsant Councillor Mrs KinnearCouncillor Topper Councilor Rogers

136. Deputation: Members agreed to receive under the provisions of Standing Order 32, a deputation by Governors of the Salvatorian Colege.

The Committee was informed tfaat Governors and Trustees of the Salvatorian College had long been concerned -with the affects of the 12+ admissions! criteria, which Harrow presently follows, npon their falling school rolls. At present the Colege "is: facing a shortfall of approximately 120 students. Governors felt that in order to provide a balanced corriculTim this shortfal must be eliminatedbringing the numbers up to the school's capacity of 600 pupils.

The Governors stressed that they wish to remain a part of the Harrow Local Education Authority system bnt hoped mat some accommodation could be made witMn the system of admissions for them.


The Governors concluded that if the age admission was changed from 12+ to 11+ it would enable the Salvatorian College to allow Harrow residents who have children attending schools "out-Borough" to return. It would also give a degree of equity which would be in line with the desire for greater parental choice. The College would be able to continue to serve as a feeder school for catholic schools in Haling, which would not be possible if the admission age is not changed to 11.

At this point Members were invited by the Chairman to question the Governors on issues raised by their deputation.

Members questioned why, in view of the decision made by the Educational Management Sub-Committee at its meeting on 11 March 1991, not to support the request made by Salvatorian College to change its admission age for out-Borough children, Governors admitted 24 pupils aged 11 this September.

Members further questioned how the Governors intended to ensure that only out-Borough pupils would be admitted at age 11.

The Governors replied that the admissions criteria agreed with the Department of Education and Science to restrict the 11+ intake so that no children in this Borough will be affected.


RESOLVED: That the views expressed by representatives of the Governors of Salvatorian College be noted in the context of the matter dealt with in Minute 140.

Arrangement of Agenda: RESOLVED: That the items appearing on the Agenda noted below be considered with the Press and Public excluded on the grounds indicated:


23. Education Psychological Service

24. Proposals for the future Post of Head of Schools and Colleges

This item is included in Part II of the Agenda under paragraph 1, Para C "exempt information" to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as it contains information relating to particular employees of the Authority.

This item is included in Part II of the Agenda under Paragraph 1 Para C "exempt information" to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as it contains information relating to particular employees of the Authority.



Minutes: RESOLVED: That (1) the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 17 June 1991 and the Special meetings held on 16 May 1991 and 20 June 1991, having been circulated, be signed as correct records;

(2) the signing of the Minutes of the Special meeting held on 18 July 1991, be deferred until they are printed in Volume 3 of the Council Minute Book.

Reference from Conncil: Motion in the Names of Councillors Ms Groves and McNnlty:Committee considered a Motion from Councillors Ms Groves and McNulty as follows:-


"This Council welcomes the result of the ballot at Nower Hill School against opting out of democratic local control and commends the decision to all other schools in the Borough".

In the debate which followed, an amendment to the Motion was moved by Councillor Turner which was seconded by Councillor Cowan to insert the following after the word "Borough":

"if this is the wish of the parents".

Members congratulated the teachers and parents of Nower Hill for their decision to remain part of the Local Education Authority and that this message should go out to parents and Headteachers of other schools. Members further hoped that when schools are called upon to decide whether or not to opt out of Local Education Authority control, they will be given the full facts before a decision is made, as parents have the right to make a proper and well informed choice.


RESOLVED: Tfaat the Motion appealing at Item 10 of the Council Summons, referred from the Council (Quarterly) Meeting of 18 My 1991 be carried in the following amended foim:

"This Council welcomes the result of fee ballot at Nower Hill School against opting out of democratic local control and commends the decision to all other schools in fee Borough, if feis is fee -wish of the parents".

140. Salvatorian College Admission Policy: The Committee received and considered a report detailing the present situation following fee request of fee Governors of the Salvatorian College feat fee age admission be changed from 12 to 11, for one class of 30 pupils.

Members expressed fee need for clarification of fee legal position from fee Department of Education and Science, given, that fee Governors of Salvatoriaa College have admitted 24 pupils in this academic year under aged 11 without issuing a Section 13 Notice. The Committee considered feat proper, detailed consultation most also be carried oat, to ascertain fee reasons behind fee actions of fee Governors.

The Director of Education informed fee Committee feat advice needed to be sought from fee Department of Education and Science as fee actions of fee Governors had undermined fee legal position of fee Authority of funding pupils who are present in a school a year early.

A Member informed feat Committee that 15 of fee 24 pupils admitted to Salvatorian College feis year had already been offered a place before fee decision was made at fee Management Sub-Committee meeting in March this year not to support the College's previous request to change fee admission age for ont-Borough children.

Members expressed their sympathy wife fee difficult situation facing fee Salvatorian College but recognised the need to be aware of fee legal pitfalls which could surround this situation, therefore fee actions of the Governors and fee fact feat a Section 13 Notice was not issued, makes it necessary for feis to be referred to the DJELS. under Section 67 for clarification of fee legal position.

RESOLVED: That (1) this matter be referred for clarification to fee Department of Education and Science;

(2) Officers' pursue informal consultation wife all catholic schools in all sectors to try to reach a satisfactory conclusion as regards age admission criteria.

(Note: Councilors Mrs Safe and McNuIty declared a non-pecuniary interest in this matter, but having taken advantage of the exemption in paragraph 12(b) of fee National Code, remained for fee item, spoke and voted).

141. Draft: Unitary Development Hare Proposal Sites for New High School: Members received and considered a report of the Director of Education on this matter,

The draft Unitary Development Plan has now been released for public consultation. As a result of the Committee's comments at its meeting on 17 June 1991, and in consideration of fee advice from fee Director of Development Services, fee UDP Panel at its meeting of 26 June 1991 agreed draft UDP1 policy C5 which states that, "The Council will seek to ensure feat high schools and tertiary college provision in fee Borough in terms of land and buildings, meets: fee needs; of fee population as well as the wider community". The subsequent infonuatioa contained within the report highlighted the projected deficit of County High School places and fee proposals to expand schools on existing sites where possible. The UDP Panel proposed three sites for a future high school, naraely:-

1. Prince Edward's Playing Melds (North) with access from Wbitchurcfa Lane;

2. Prince Edward's Playing Helds (South) with access from Camrose Avenue;

3. Ridgeway/West Harrow Allotments site.

Members were recommended to express a preference on one of fee three proposal sites. However in the discussion which followed, Members suggested feat a number of sites be pat forward for consideration for-a fnture high school which were not in close proximity to existing; high school provision- It was also noted feat the High School Audit presently in progress, is exploring strategies for achieving flexibility in the provision of pupils places: on existing high school sites.


RESOLVED: That (1) the UDP Panel be informed of the Committee's view that 2 of the 3 proposed sites, namely: (a) Prince Edward's Playing Fields (South) and (b) Ridgeway, West Harrow Allotment site be considered for the development of a future high school;

(2) the site at Prince Edward's Playing Fields (North) be considered impractical for a high school following preliminary observations by the National Rivers Authority;

(3) a further site in the North East section of the Borough be proposed;

(4) the Officers' involved in the current High School Audit, explore strategies for achieving more flexible provision in present high schools;

142. Local Management of Schools: Scheme of Delegation 1992-93: A report of the Director of Education on this matter was received for Members consideration.

Harrow's Scheme of Delegation sets out plans for the implementation of Local Management of Schools (LMS) in all First, Middle and High School and the Sixth Form College. The Secretary of State determines the rules on which the scheme must be established and gives formal agreement to the details devised by each LEA. The DES encourages consultation with schools on intended variations to the LMS formula in the light of individual LEA experiences and policies.

The report set out key elements in Harrow's Scheme of Delegation and recommended that certain variations to the LMS formula, in the light of the review conducted by officers, with advice from teachers and headteachers, be adopted.

RESOLVED: That (1) the elements of the 1992/3 Scheme of Delegation be noted;

(2) the Committee agree in principle, the proposals for amendment to the pupil age weighting;

(3) the Committee agree in principle the proposals for amending the premises element of the formula;

(4) the Committee agree in principle the addition of a fourth measure to the special needs element of the formula;

(5) the Committee agree in principle, the new transitional arrangements;

(6) the views of Governing Bodies be sought on reducing the number of items held centrally

(7) the Committee agree the following consultative timetable for review and revision to the Scheme of Delegation for 1992/93:

October and November 1991: Consultation with Governing Bodies and HTCC on proposed changes;

December 1991 and January 1992: Officers meet with Members' LMS Working Party to clarify proposals with recommendations to the Education Services Committee on 20 January 1992;

20 January 1992: Education Committee to agree proposals for the 1992/93 Scheme of Delegation;

End of January 1992: Proposals be submitted to the DES for approval;

1 April 1991: Changes to be implemented.

143. Local Management of Schools: The Experience of One Year (See Minute 140 also) The Committee received a report of the Director of Education which advised Members of the experiences of schools and in particular headteachers in implementing LMS. Although Harrow approached implementation in two phases, all schools were formula funded in 1990/91 and apart from their freedom to vire, phase 2 schools felt their experiences were similar to those designated Phase 1 schools.

The overwhelming response to LMS by headteachers had been very positive although many felt that it was too early to say whether it had improved the quality of teaching.


Members' however, expressed concern that the success of LMS' during its fast year of Implementation appeared to have been acMeved by the goodwill of teaching; and administrative staff. Members also hoped that schools would not be penalised in the next budget for their careful budget management thisyear.

RESOLVED: That (I) the efforts of schools in implementing Local Management of Schools' be noted and that they be commended for effective management of budget;

(2) the Committee's congratulations be extended to Schools, Governors and Officers for the successful implementation of IMS.

(Note: Mr R Annan and Mr R Mfllard declared a pecuniary interest in this matter and therefore removed themselves from the Council Chamber -whilst: this matter was being considered).

144. Local Management of Schools: Discretionary Salary Awards: In the context of considering the first year of operation of LMS, referred to in Minute 143,, the Committee discussed implications of the enhanced flexibility Governing Bodies now have in awarding salary enhancements as an incentive to teachers, particularly head and deputy heads.

Members expressed concern that making such awards to senior staff as a means of rewarding hard work, could have an adverse effect on more junior employees because of current financial constraints and stressed that care must be taken to ensure that such awards did not ultimately lead to the creation of redundancies.

RESOLVED: That the position in respect of discretionary salary awards and the views of Members thereon, be noted.

145. Review of Banking Arrangements - Schools/Colleges: A joint report of the Director of Education and the Chief Executive and Director of Finance was presented to Members on this matter for their consideration. The Committee was informed of the request received in June 1991 from the DES that guidelines should be set out for the review of banking arrangements for schools. lie report detailed a scheme of implementing the required change.

Members expressed concern at the clarity of paragraph 7.3 of the report relating to balances held especially the final sentence and

RESOLVED: That(l) the last sentence in paragraph 7.3 of the report which reads:

"Where schools have balances in their existing accounts at the end of 1991/92, then these would be taken into account in the release of the first advance"

be removed from the report;

(2) the revised banking arrangements be: extended to Primary Schools and Colleges as well as High Schools;

(3) all schools and colleges be requested to decide if they wish to operate an independent account;

(4) the existing school and college banking arrangements should be extended to take in all non employee related costs;

(5) the frequency of credits to school accounts be considered in the consultation process with schools;

(6) college accounts would not be credited by the Authority;

(7) recovery of interest lost to the Authority be applied by specific reductions: to the delegated budgets for those schools/colleges operating independent accounts;

(8) financial regulations be revised as set out in Appendix A of the report

146. Tbe L^EuA. Development Plan 1991/92 and 1992/94: Members received and considered a report of theDirector of Education on this-matter.

Members' commended Officers for setting out an extremely comprehensive plan but hoped that Governing Bodies would be given enough time to consider it before being asked to make a decision.

Following consideration, the Committee


RESOLVED: That (1) the LEA Development Plan be approved in principle;

(2) comments on the plan be gained through the usual consultative framework, through the newly established Governors Forum and also that Diocesan Authorities be included in this consultation process;

(3) the LEA Development Plan for 1992/95 be brought to this Committee in the Spring cycle of 1992, for consideration.

147. 1990/91 College Review: A report of the Director of Education outlining the process by which formal reviews of particular areas of college activities are planned to take place, was received for Members information.

These planned reviews are due to take place in late October and early November.

RESOLVED: That this report be noted.

148. Special Educational Needs: Specific Learning Difficulties: Members received for their consideration a report of the Director of Education on this matter.

Members were informed that all the detailed proposals put forward by the Committee in June 1990 have been implemented during 1990/91. Future development needs within the area of training have been identified and plans made to meet them.

Members considered that there was a need to encourage part-time teachers to go on the RSA course being run by Specific Learning Difficulties (SpeLD) without automatic LEA funding. However, it was recognised that the funding needed for this training would have to take its place in line with other calls upon the Education Budget.


(1) the report and progress made, be noted;

(2) all teachers be given guidance in identifying specific learning difficulties;

(3) provision be made for on-going In-service training (INSET) at Headteacher and Special Coordinators meetings, enabling schools to respond more effectively to the needs of children with specific learning difficulties;

(4) particularly part-time teachers, especially in Primary Schools, be encouraged to go on the RSA course, as this is felt to be the most cost-effective method of building up the LEA's body of expertise;

(5) a simple guide to the process of obtaining a statement to be prepared and made available to parents.

149. Use of School Premises by Voluntary Groups: A report of the Director of Education on this matter was received by Members for consideration.

The Committee was informed that at the Mayor's Access Committee meetings in April and July of this year, questions were raised concerning the eligibility of voluntary disabled groups to the concessionary rate for hire of educational premises.

Those groups serving the needs of 5-24 year olds who have a disability are eligible for a 15% concession rate providing they are a registered youth and community organisation. This does however, not apply similarly to groups serving the needs of adults who have disabilities.

It is however, the feeling of the Harrow Association for Disability and the Mayor's Access Committee, that adult groups for the disabled, should also be eligible for the!5% concessionary rate.

RESOLVED: That (1) eligible groups be permitted to hire any school/youth centre premises, whether or not they are already in use by another group, as long as the Governing Body is in agreement and providing the costs of hiring the premises can be met from within the present budget;

(2) Harrow Association for Disability be asked to determine the eligibility of organisations for adults with disabilities;

(3) the category "Disabled Groups" be added to the list of groups eligible for the 15% concessionary rate.


150. Lettings. la Pntiic libraries: A report of the Director of Education on fbfe matter was received for Members' consideration.

The purpose of the report was to request that Members: consider the policy on library lettings in light of increases in costs.

SESOtVED: That (1) lettings at Gayton, Hatch End, Kenton, Pinner, Stanmore and Wealdstone libraries be limited, unless contractors prices are lowered sufficiently elsewhere to make lettings viable;

(2) full costs be recovered from hirers: by raising charges for a two hour letting from £13.00 to £24.00 in. April 1992 giving present hirers: some opportunity to find alternative accommodation- Any loss of income from a reduction in the nnmber of lettings to be contained within the existing budget- Entirely new hirers to be charged £24 immediately;

(3) the number of free library lettings to individual organisations in one year to be limited to no more ffaan those planned in the current year.

151. Section 11 Projects: Faming Bid for 1993/94: Members received and considered a report of the Director of Education on this matter, -which was also considered on 11 September 1991, by the Community liaison Panel. The report detailed mainly the consultation with community groups which took place on the possible Section 11 proposals based in the voluntary sector.

The Committee was asked to approve the following recommendations of the Community Liaison Panel requesting the Council to:-

(a) promote the Council's willingness to work with voluntary organisations in formulating project proposals for Section 11 posts based in the voluntary sector; and;

(b) instigate consultations with community organisation on the basis of the proposals for Section 11 voluntary sector placements identified in this report

RESOLVED: That (1) the Committee support possible Section 11 bids from Community Organisations;

(2) instigate consultations with Community Organisations on the basis of the proposed areas in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of the officer report

152. Extension of Meetingr The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to the time at 1130pm and the operation of procedure under Standing Order 3I(e) whereupon a vote, it was

RESOLVED: That the meeting be extended by a further 10 minutes to allow for debate on the items appearing on Part II of the agenda, after which time, the remaining business be determined upon a vote, without debate.

153. Ananal Capital Guidelines J992/93: Submission to tne PJELS: A joint report of the Director of Education and the Chief Executive and Director of Finance was received by Members for theirinformation.

The report advised feat the DES had requested iEfosnatioa about the LEA'S plans for capital expenditure in 1992/93 and subsequent years to enable the Secretary of State to determine Annual Capital Guidelines forihe forthcoming year.

Because of the deadline for submission of this information to the DES and by reason of the date of this Education Committee meeting, authority therefore, had to be sought via Executive Action procedure. This report was therefore submitted for Membeis infoimation only.

KESQLVED:: That the report be noted.

154. Community Use of Sports Facilities: - ~WMfanore High School: Members received and considered a reference from. Leisure Services Sub-Committee held on 4 September 1991 on this matter.

At its meeting of 4 September the Leisure Services Committee considered a joint report of the Director or Development Services and the Director of Engineering and Environmental Services outlining proposals to provide community sports: facilities at "Whitmore High School.

The Leisure Services Sob-Committee agreed that the resolution passed at the meeting on 4 September be referred to the Education. Committee for its: information.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


155. Revenne Onttnm 1990-91: Members received for their consideration a joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and the Director of Education on this matter.

Members were informed of the total outturn for Committee Services for the year, together with the reasons for the major variations from the revised estimates in respect of this Committee's Services.

RESOLVED: That the revenue outturn for 1990-91 together with the reasons for major variations be noted.

156. Executive Action: RESOLVED: To confirm the following Executive Action taken after consultation with the relevant Members since the last Committee:

Urgent Matters

(1) Request for Financial Assistance: To agree to provide financial assistance for an assisted place for a pupil of Hammond School, Chester.

(2) Early Retirement of Teachers: To approve the cases of early retirement of teachers (References Cases EPS/1 and EPS/2) on the grounds of redundancy with effect from 31 August 1991.

157. Meetings in this Committee Cycle: RESOLVED: To note the following meetings have taken place in this committee cycle. The Minutes will be printed in the Council Minute Book (Volume 3) to besubmitted to Council on 17 October 1991.

iMeeting Date

Education Consultative Committee 9 July 1991

Education Management Sub-Committee 17 July 1991 (Special)

158. Education Complaints (Cmricnlnm and Related Matters) Panel: This Panel is due to meet on 3 October 1991 and Members were asked to agree that a Reserve Member stand in for Councillor B Turner who would be unable to attend the meeting.

RESOLVED: To note that Councillor Olins will attend the Panel meeting on 3 October 1991 as Reserve Member for Councillor Turner.

159. Provision for Affordable Housing: Reference from Development Services Committee: Members received and considered a joint report of the Directors of Social Services and Housing and of Development Services which had previously been submitted to Development Services on 12 September 1991.

The Development Services Committee in agreeing to support that,

(1) the principle of development of certain sites for affordable housing is accepted in planning terms and that the Committee agrees to support the objective of the Housing Services Committee by the provision of affordable housing invited the Education Services Committee, the Housing Services Committee and the Leisure Sub-Committee to submit an appropriate application with regard to the former Byron Allotment site to include educational use, residential development and amended car parking for the Leisure Centre;

(2) the planning considerations and constraints set out in the briefs attached to the report be agreed for inclusion in the details for disposal of the sites;

Upon consideration of Resolution (1) above, and noting the Byron Allotments as a proposal site for educational development within the draft UDP, the Education Committee,

RESOLVED: That the Director of Education seek planning permission in accordance with the terms requested by the Development Services Committee.


160. Education IPsychological Service: Members -were asked to consider the increasing number of complaints on this issue. The complaints appear to be the result of administrative delays and ate being raised by patents of children who are referred to the Service.

Membeis expressed their concern over the delays -which are occurring in getting results to parents in a reasonable period botTecogaised that heavy workload and the unsuccessful attempts to fill vacant posts have been contributory factors.

RESOLVED: That(l) the concerns expressed by Members be noted;

(2) Officers investigate the problems and address them in order to create an improved service.

161- Head of Schools and Colleges* Post Members were asked to consider the future of this post in the fight of proposals to delete it from the establishment and re-allocate dnties.

Concern was expressed that the workload of this particular post could not be easily distributed across other posts within the Education Department if it were to be lost.

RESOLVED: That in the fight of the long term future development of the Education Department, the Committee agree that the post of Head of Schools and Colleges' be made ledundant

(Note: The meeting closed at 11.51 pjn.)

(Signed) MISSCBEDNELLChairman



Represeiulalives of tiie Education Committee

Chairman: * Councilor Miss Bednell

Councilors: * Mis Bath * Ms Groves * MrsNandhra * Olins

Co-opted: t MrRAnnan

Representatives of HTCC:

* MrTAhmedt Miss J Coles: * Mr S Francis

* MrCGear * MrD Kitchener * MsMLNolan * MsMPitfield

Representative of APC:


Representatives of MATltlB:

f MrBHarrison f Mr N Jackson

* * **.





9 JULY 1991

SMpworth Toms (2) Topper Turner


MrAPoole Ms M Piendeigast MsCPyke MrE.Rosslyn Me S Spring MsMWaHi

Mis M McCoimack

* Denotes Memberpiesentt Denotes apologies received(2) Denotes categoiy of Reseive Member





Cfe""niim; RESOLVED: To confirm the appointment of Cooncillor Miss Bednellas Chaiiman of the Consultative Committee for the Municipal: Year 1991-92.

Reserve Meinbeis: KESOLVED: That the attendance of the following duly appointed ReserveMember be noted:

Ordinary Member

Councillor C Davies

Reserve Member

Councillor Toms

66. Substitute Employee Representatives: RESOLVED: To note feat there were no substitute Employee Representatives for the purpose of fee meeting. It was: also noted feat a second AMMA representative, appointed to fee HTCC representatives on fee Committee, would be attending future meetings of the Consultative Committee:

67. "Welcome: The Chairman welcomed, and introduced to fee meeting, JohnBeighton, the newlyappointed Head of fee Advisory Service-

68. Appointment: of "Vice-Chairman: RESOLVED: That Mr S Erancis be appointed as "Vice-Chairmanof the Consultative Committee for the Municipal Year 1991-92.

69. Arrangement of Agenda: RESOLVED: That all items on the Agenda be considered with fee press and public present.

70. Minutes: RESOLVED: That fee minutes of fee meeting held on 24 April 1991 be taken as: read and signed as a correct record.


71. Matters Arising from the Minutes

Minute 57: Language Support for Bilingual Pupils: The Director of Education undertook to seek to submit a report to the next meeting on the involvement of Governing Bodies in the consultations on the Authority's applications for Section 11 funding.

Minute 58: Education Budget 1991/92: The meeting was advised of the intention to report to the Education Committee, in September, on the first year of the operation of school budgets under the Local Management of Schools and to make this report available to the Consultative Committee.

Minute 59: Grants for Educational Support and Training! Release of Central Contingency: The meeting noted that the Policy and Resources Committee had agreed to the virement of funds from the budget for the Article Teachers' Scheme to Grants for Educational Support and Training (GEST), ensuring a level of funding which the Council Side considered would be sufficient to provide a satisfactory probationer induction programme. It was agreed that details of the revised funding would be made available to the Employee Side and also that a report should be submitted to a future meeting on overall Training Provision Policy. (See also Minute 73).

Minute 60: Review of Education Joint Committees: It was agreed that the Minutes of the final meeting of the former Joint Negotiating Committee (Schools) would be circulated appropriately.

Minute 61: Previously Deferred Items: The Employee Side confirmed that it was not now necessary to discuss the items relating to the Provision of Information/Reports to Schools and to Recent Pronouncements by the Secretary of State for Education and Science, which were deferred from the last meeting. Further discussion on the Draft Strategic Plan for Post-16 Education was deferred to the next meeting, for consideration with NATEHE representatives.

Minute 62: Entitlement of Nursery Nurses to Free School Meals: The Employee Side asked that the custom of copying circular correspondence, addressed to Headteachers, to the Secretary of HTCC and to the Branch Secretaries of the professional associations represented on the HTCC should be continued. The Director of Education undertook to forward copies of the relevant correspondence relating to the entitlement of nursery nurses to free school meals.

72. School Psychological Service: The Employee Side detailed its ongoing concerns, and the dissatisfaction of the affected Headteachers, particularly with the School Psychological Service provision in the Canons' cluster area and highlighted the difficulties caused by the frequent long delays between the assessment of a child and the receipt of professional advice. A restoration of the previous level of informal advice was sought, together with consultation with Headteachers on the level of provision within this cluster group in the forthcoming year. The Employee Side reiterated its previously expressed concerns about the damage which cuts in this essential service was likely to cause to the most educationally vulnerable children.

The Director of Education reported on the level of service which had been provided in this cluster over the last academic year and on the measures which had been taken to address the area's needs, and also outlined the effects of the recruitment difficulties on other School Psychological Service provision in the Borough.

The Council Side reaffirmed its willingness to appropriately staff the Psychological Service but drew attention to the recruitment difficulties currently being experienced. The Director of Education advised that the Educational Psychological Service was still likely to be understaffed in September, which would necessitate the most effective use of existing resources, in the light of the experience gained over the past year. The meeting noted, however, that the provision of an equivalent service to the Canons' cluster group would result in an inevitable reduction in other areas of service provision.

Asked about a reduction in service to Whittlesea School and targeting priorities, the Director of Education advised that staffing difficulties had resulted in only 1 visit having been made to Weald College and a reduced frequency of visits to Whittlesea School. The meeting also noted that ARMS provision for Hearing Impaired and Physically Disabled children had, similarly, not been possible from November 1990 - May 1991.


"Whilst noting parental concerns about the delay in providing Statements of Special Educational Needs, the meeting was assured that there was no deliberate attempt, on the part of the Education Authority,, to delay the issue of Statements; in order to avoid subsequent statutory obligations. The meeting was advised of the statutory responsibilities of schools to instigate reviews of the progress made by "statemented" children at least annually and of the particular difficulties being experienced ineffectively conducting such reviews in the Canons:' area.

The meeting recognised the serious implications, for the School Psychological Service, of the farther increase in recruitment difficulties which was: likely to follow the forthcoming implementation of the provisions of the Chldrens* Act and discussed the need, to seek measures to address this issue. The Director of Edecation reported that the Bepartment was: already sponsoring

. a tamee this year in an attempt to meet fotore needs.

The Committee was advised of the revised procedures which had been introduced by the Special Educational: Needs Service to address the identified placement, inspection and monitoring needs related to the use of out-of-Borough boarding establishments. It was noted that considerable progress in this direction was also being made within the Directorate of Social Services and Housing and that greater liaison between the two Departments was being considered The HTCC indicated its intention of raising the issue of out-of-Borough placements for full discussion at the Committee's nest meeting.

73. Education Support Grant: Further to the earlier discussion (Minute 71), the Employee Side - highlighted the detrimental effects of the reduced Educational Support Giant on Recruitment and

Selection, particularly on probationary teachers, and the serious overload of twilight sessions at the Teachers" Centre. The restoration of the previous level of funding was requested The Council Side acknowledged the concerns raised and expressed its regret at the necessary reduction in fending which, the meeting was assured, would be re-examined should the financial situation ease. The Director of Education advised of the desirability of utilising al available resources to fund courses themselves, as opposed to also providing teaching cover for attendance at day time courses. It was agreed that the issue of childcare facilities at the Teachers' Centre during twilight training sessions should be informally discussed outside the meeting."

74. Teacher Recruitment for 1991/92: The meeting noted that the position on teacher recruitment for the next academic year appeared optimistic and discussed the merit of the Committee receiving more frequent, and detailed, updates on the recruitment and retention of staff. It was agreed that the report on staffing levels to be submitted to the Autumn Cycle would be circulated to Members ofthe Consultative Committee.

75. Ttte White Paper "Education and Training for the 21st Centery": The Committee discussed a report of the Director of Education, to the Education Committee, which examined the proposals in the White Paper "Education and Training for the 21st Century" within the context of the EEA's existing Tertiary provision. The report recommended the basis of the EEA's response to the Department of Education and Science, requested a fether report on specific aspects of funding and sought consideration of the specific requirements of St Dominic's Sixth Form College in preparation for transfer. In the absence of NATEBE representatives, the Employee Side expressed its siipport of the values contained in the Paper, wMch were considered to effectively advance the role of onabrella qualifications. Whilst agreeing with the aims of the Paper, the Council Side advised of the Education Committee's concerns on the White Paper, wMch would be included in the JLEA response to the Department of Education and Science.

76. Special Educational Meeds Service: The Director of Education advised the meeting of the reasons for, and progress made towards, the reorganisation of the Special Educational Needs Service, which aimed to provide a more unified peripatetic service, under a single management structure. The Employee Side's concerns over the extent of the consultations about the reorganisation, and the resulting effects on staff morale, were acknowledged. The meeting noted that a consequent deceleration of the process was already being introduced to allow increased consultation and was advised of the consultations being undertaken with, the Harrow Parents* Association for Hearing Impaired Children. Assurance was given, of the commitment both to a continuation of good quality, chMd-centred provision and to the advertisement of aay fether posts which may become vacant as a result of the reorganisation, in accordance with the Council's Equal Opportunities: Policy.


The Director of Education also advised the meeting of the progress of the review of the Special Educational Needs Service, the first part of which, involving the Special Schools Service, was nearing completion. The remaining part of the review, which aimed to establish a detailed policy framework for Special Needs, would follow in the next academic year. The Committee noted that a re-evaluation of the recent reorganisation would be undertaken when the current review of the Service was finally completed, although further reorganisation was not anticipated.

77. Towards an LEA Development Plan; The Committee received a report of the Director of Education recommending that an LEA Development Plan for 1991-94 be produced for consultation and that a Governors' Forum be established to represent the views of Governors, to elected Members, on the development of service policy. The establishment of a Development Plan was welcomed by the Employee Side, who recommended the specific inclusion of both the Special Needs and the Section 11 funded services within the identified central support services. The Council Side undertook to consider the Employee Side's request for a teacher involvement in the proposed Governors' Forum but, whilst acknowledging the benefits of a triumvirate partnership, highlighted the greater effectiveness of smaller consultative bodies.

(Note: The meeting ended at 10.04 p.m.)

(Signed) MISS CBEDNELL Chairman




Chairman: * Coancillor Topper

Conncillors: * Mrs Bath * Shannon* MlssBednell * Skip-worth* Branch (2) * Mis Swinton* Brown * Turner* Olins

Co-opted: * MrRAnnan * Mr R Milliard*i- MrAFoulds

* Denotes Member present(2) Denotes Category of Reserve Member+ Denotes apologies received



61. Reserve Members: RESOLVED: To note die attendance at the meeting of tiie following Reserve Member

Member Reserve Member

Councillor Susan Boobis Councillor Branch

62. Arrangement of Agenda: RESOEVED: That the item contained on the Agenda be considered with the press and public present

63. Minutes: RESOLVED: To defer signing: the minutes of the meeting 4 June 1991 until the next ordinary meeting of the Sub-Committee.

64. Canons High School - Proposals for a Workplace Nursery: Further to the decision of the Education Services Committee 17 June 1991, that a Special Education Management Sub-Committee be held in July for the purposes of considering proposals for a workplace nursery at Canons High School, Members considered a leport of the Director of Education. Tfae report outlined the progress of the proposals and dealt specifically with those issues of major concern to the Sub-Committee. An addendum to me report also advised that the proposals had been considered at a Governing Body Meeting of Canons High School on 9 July and been approved, subject to a more detailed paper to their next meeting.

The Director of Education advised that the report attempted to detach the risks and responsibilities of the proposed Nursery Management Group from those of the Local Education Authority. The Sub-Committee endorsed the following conditions to be agreed by the Governors of the School and the proposed Management Group prior to and in the granting of the Lease.

(1) All expenditure mconed Is the establishment of the ssiseiy to fall upon the sponsors.

(2) All works deemed essential by relevant Council; departments {technical and service) to be incorporated in. the proposed adaptation design and subsequent contract for works.

(3) The registration of the Lease to avoid security of tenure on the expiry of the Lease.

(4) The remaining food technology space to be refurbished to the required Borough standard.

(5) The reinstatement of the nursery premises to teaching space upon termination of the Lease.

{6} He Standard Number of 190'to be maintained.

(7) No financial responsibility (capital or revenue) to be borne by the Council.


Members of the Sub-Committee whilst welcoming the proposals stressed the importance of the Governing Body and the Management Group being fully advised as to the responsibilities and possible liabilities associated with the proposals and of the need to seek their own independent legal advice.

All Members of the Sub-Committee applauded the Governing Body's positive thinking regarding the proposals and wished them every success.

RESOLVED: (1) To note the revised proposals for the management and operational arrangements of the workplace nursery;

(2) to note the resolutions of the Governing Body of Canons High School;

(3) to recommend the granting of a Lease, at a nominal rent, including the terms and conditions stated at (1) to (7) in the preamble;

(4) in view of the tight timescale that resolution (3) above be dealt with by executive action procedure in respect of the Education Committee and the Land and Property Sub-Committee;

(5) that the 1991/92 Canons High School budget having already been set, the Governors be requested to make appropriate adjustments to accommodate the financial commitments to which they have now agreed.

(Note: Mr R Annan, Non-voting Co-opted Member, declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item, left the meeting and took no part in the debate).

(Note: The meeting having started at 7.00pm closed at 7.40pm)

(Signed) M TOPPER Chairman