Report '10 - Warringah Rugby Club


Transcript of Report '10 - Warringah Rugby Club


Report ‘10

Warringah Rugby Club LimitedACN 57 000 497 398

Pittwater Rugby Park, Walsh StreetNorth Narrabeen NSW 2101


ContentsPresident’s Report ................................................................................... 4

1st Grade ................................................................................................. 6

Allan “Soapy” Chilvers .............................................................................. 7

2nd Grade ................................................................................................ 8

3rd Grade ............................................................................................... 10

4th Grade ............................................................................................... 11

CBD Rats In 2010 .................................................................................. 11

Warringah Colts 2010 ........................................................................... 12

Club Chaplain Report ............................................................................ 12

Warringah Ratettes ................................................................................ 13

Presidents Report .................................................................................. 14

Treasurers Report .................................................................................. 15

Business Directors ................................................................................. 15

Warringah Golden Oldies ..................................................................... 16

Friends Of Warringah ............................................................................. 17

Grade Playing Record - 2010 ................................................................. 18

Games Records 2010 ............................................................................. 21

Colts Playing Record - 2010 ................................................................... 28

Womens Playing Record - 2010 ............................................................. 30

Club Point Scores - 2010 ........................................................................ 31

2010 Presentation Night Award Winners ............................................... 32

Financial Statements .............................................................................. 33

President’s Report

Dear Member

Season 2010 foreshadowed some major changes not only within the ranks of Warringah Rugby but also within club rugby. It has become more than apparent that club Rugby is being defined strongly as the 3rd tier competition of the Australian Rugby structure. From Season 2011 with the introduction of the Melbourne Rebels we will see less and less of our Super Rugby players, it has become of paramount importance to shore up our local base of players and supporters. The concern for all clubs is the need to create a marketable product which brings members and spectators to the ground. When the “big names” are not playing, we need to ensure that we can still attract our supporters and players. In real terms it will create a leveling of the playing field with the so called HAVE clubs probably being brought back to the rest of the field with the HAVE NOTS when it comes to competitiveness.

During Season 2010 we as a committee stressed very heavily our community ties and that we wanted to create a “fill from within” policy. I believe the success of our reserve grade team and the blooding of a number of players in 1st grade gave great credence to this philosophy. We must continue the mantra that we are a whole club and that any player who comes to the Rats has a crack at playing 1st grade. We need to create an environment of competition within our playing ranks and we need to make the club an attractive option for players to come to. There are a number of ways to create an attractive environment:

• create opportunities to play high level competitive rugby

• create opportunities for players to showcase their skills and possibly advance into the provinces

• continue to create opportunities for players to compete in final series

• ensure that players have an opportunity for promotion through the playing grades

• and, most importantly, create an environment and atmosphere that


players want to come to and stay at.

It is not easy but it is something that we should continue to strive for.

As a brief wrap up of Season 2010 without of course cutting across any other reports included in this annual report I would like to cover off some highs and lows. The highs, of course, start with our reserve grade winning the 2010 premiership. Any of you who where at Concord Oval on that tremendous day will join with me in saying it was a fantastic moment for the club. 3rd Grade had of course another fantastic year only dropping short one game from the grand final. 1st and 4th Grade both missed out on a final berth this year and both for entirely different reasons. 4th Grade in the end just ran out of players - towards the end of the Season we tallied up that 63 players had donned the jersey for 4th Grade in Season 2010 with an enormous injury toll. 1st Grade with 3 draws in a season and that 1 point loss to Penrith meant we were always going to struggle to get to the finals. The team never seemed to get a roll on, though in saying that, the home win against East’s in the first round proved that we had a team that should have done better. The loss of Brett Sheehan for 5 weeks didn’t help our cause. The up-side was of course the debuting of many 1st Grade players, some of whom like Hamish Angus, have gone to greater accolades with his Brumbies training contract and his

selection in the Australian Sevens.

Lance Walker and team put in a huge commitment to our Colts development in the 09/10 off season which really paid dividends. 1st Grade colts hit the finals for the first time since 2001 and our 2nd and 3rd Grade Colts both missed out on a finals berth by 1 place. We have so many talented juniors coming through our local ranks we need to continue improving our colts program. With the recent appointment of our Season 2011 Colts coaching staff, I believe we are well on the way to creating a strong Colts program with a very good pathway into grade. Season 2011 should see around 20 players move from Colts into Grade and if they reflect the success of some of our current grade players who also came through the Colts ranks, then we have a very bright future.

Those of you who receive (and of course read) my newsletters are more than aware of our sponsorship and membership push. In reading our financial statements you will see that running a premier rugby club is not cheap, and to be able to compete with clubs such as University and Randwick. a club needs to spend a lot more money than we take in. In saying this we are not alone when it comes to financial competitiveness. I have spoken with many of the other clubs, both wealthy and not so wealthy (so it seems), and to be frank no club in the competition


is doing that well. Most clubs operate on minimal revenues, but what they do have going for them is their Friends, Alumnis and Foundations. This is from where additional player expenditure is drawn. The amounts of money we are talking about are considerable and are separate to any revenues raised by the club. We re-established “Friends of Warringah” in 2010 and included in this report is a FOW section. Another major concentration for Season 2010 was membership. At the end of Season 2009 we had 44 financial members of the club generating revenues of approximately $8500. By Season end 2010 we had grown our membership to 225 members and approximately $30,000. This was a massive growth and we need to continue this program and look to hit the 500 member mark for Season 2011. With the growth in member revenues of course, came the growth in membership costs, such as season ticket purchases from council and member merchandise. There is a cost to growing membership but the up side is not only financial stability but atmosphere and a sense of ownership around the club. Another initiative we commenced this season was our Rats in Business which we have attempted to link with our very successful CBD Rats. Rats in Business has shown

limited success but it is essential that we continue these programs. It allows us to offer local business an opportunity to be part of the club and get value from their involvement, not just enjoyment. We will continue to drive these initiatives in Season 2011 because these are the sort of things that will keep the club going and strong.

I cannot supply you with a wrap up of Season 2010 without letting you all know of developments with council re game day revenue and ground usage. We have taken up our 10 year option for priority use of Pittwater Rugby Park; we have also had a number of meetings with council with regards to the current arrangements and the possibility of creating opportunities for WRC to generate revenue from the ground. At this point in time negotiations are ongoing. We sincerely hope that a breakthrough can be achieved although I am personally not so confident. It is something that I believe we will need more community support on.

At time of writing I have been made aware of the fact that Pat McCabe has just been selected on the bench for the Wallabies versus Italy game this week. For Pat to get this far is a credit to him and I know you join with me in hoping he

gets his first test cap this weekend.

As I have said many times the club has some fantastic support, through its members, volunteers, players and also sponsors. It would be recalcitrant of me not to mention the fantastic support from the Newport Arms, Fintechnix and Doyle Spillane. While others for whatever reason had to pull their sponsorship this year, these great organizations maintained their support and for that we are forever grateful. To our other financial supporters whether by membership, Rats in Business, Signage, box holders or just contributing to a raffle or a function, also my many thanks.

In summation, Season 2010 will be remembered as the year of the 2nd Grade premiership, For me, the committee and the supporters of the club it has been a successful year - a year of belt tightening, a year of change and more importantly a year of spirit.

Season 2011 is on its way, I thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you at Rat Park in 2011.

Go the Rats

Mike Sheeran President.

President’s Award Winner for 2010 Lesley McFadyen (Cover Photo - Premiership winning 2nd Grade Team)

1st Grade

The first grade team had a tough season hit with a few injuries to some key players and also in the 2ndround the loss of Brett Sheehan for 5 games was difficult for Brett and also the team.

Similar to the 2007 season it was make or break for the team by round 9, with only 2 wins and a draw up until that point. A strong game against Easts at Rat Park with a 49-13 win helped us get back on track and a few more deserved wins came our way. The return of a few key players also contributed to our success on the field, showing some strong individual performances and good player combinations the team started to click.

The game against Eastwood at home was our best performance, both sides fielded a number of Super 14 & Wallaby players and the team showed their true Rats spirit with plenty of good strong defence and good go forward allowing the team to score some good tries and a well deserved win 23-18.

A few close losses and 3 draws during the season saw the team miss out on making the finals by 2 points behind Randwick.

There were some great individual performances during the year and also some highlights that deserve a mention;

* A great season from Pat McCabe being selected in the Commonwealth Games 7’s team and the Wallabies UK Tour – well done!!

* New players this year Joel Rapana and Tom Hockings - Western Force

* Hamish Angus – 1st Grade Debut


* Ale Kotoni – 1st Grade Debut* Ben Adams – 1st Grade Debut* Dean Doumbos – 1st Grade Debut* Richard Southern – 1st Grade Debut* Josh Toole – 1st Grade Debut* Greg White – 1st Grade Debut* Dan Raymond – 150th 1st Grade

gamesThere were also twenty one 2nd grade players rewarded for their efforts and

strong performances which led to opportunities to pull on the 1st Grade jumper during the year, well done and thanks to you all.

I also would like to pay a special thanks to the 3 retiring players for their efforts, club dedication and true Rats spirit every time they played and pulled on the Rats jersey – Sam Harris, Dan Raymond & AJ Whalley. Thanks also go out

to our trainer - Sam Pervan, manager - Mike O’Carroll and the physio team you did a great job in 2010!

Congratulations to the 2nd Grade side and coaches Chris Coleman & Jason Grier on a great season and winning the GF!! Well done to third grade making the finals and there are some good players coming through with plenty of potential.

To all the players thanks for your efforts

throughout the year, we hope to see you all again next year. A special thanks to Ben Manion who is not returning

next year, good luck with your future endeavours in your coaching career. We worked well together!

To all our Warringah supporters & “the Daves’ thanks for your support throughout the year, look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Bangers & Strop

Allan “Soapy” Chilvers(BORN 10.03.42 DIED 12.10.10)

A very good hard tackling flanker who captained the Combined High School’s Rugby team whilst attending the Homebush Boys High School. Upon his family moving to Queenscliff on the Northern Beaches in the late 1960’s he played junior rugby with the St Matthews Rugby Club, then senior rugby with the Manly Rugby Club. “Soap” came to the Warringah Rugby Club in 1966 and played until 1969. During this time

in 1967 he coached the Warringah 2nd Grade to the Club’s first premiership win 19-3 over Port Hacking. Allan’s’ brother Doug also played with the Club in 1968. His son Craig followed with “The Rats” playing Cotts in 1988- 89 and grade 1990 to 1992.

Allan and Craig were also very keen members and supporters of the Collaroy SLSC. “Soapy” also enjoyed sailing, playing golf and then lawn bowls. He continued his rugby at Warringah, playing and touring with the Club’s Golden Oldies team “The Wrinkled Rats”. He supported the Club at home games, barracking from his corporate bar at the northern end of the stand. His loud voice and caustic “one liners” were directed to many referees to the amusement of the home game supporters.

Allan’s funeral was held at the St Matthews Church on the Corso at Manly and was very well attended, including many members of the Warringah Rugby Club, some of whom played in the 1967 2nd Premiership Team, which comprised of:-

Front Rowers: Burl Padman, Peter St John

Hooker John Ellis

Second Rowers Peter Coates, Ian Gordon (Captain)

Lock: Allan Watterer

Scrum Half: Terry Brittliffe

Five Eighth: John Nolan

Centres: Dave Parker, Bert Kwanton

Wingers: Peter McDonald, Lex Tall (Geoff Davis)

Full Back: Arthur Smith

A good footballer, A good man, A good bloke

Thanks mate – now rest in peace.

…and as we look to the future of Warringah Rugby

The First Grade Colts Finals Group - Woollahra Oval - September 2010ç


2nd Grade


It is with great pleasure and pride that I submit this report for the Warringah Reserve Grade side for season 2010.

While we were successful in our on-field campaign in winning the Major Premiership, there are many other component parts that make this a particularly pleasing and successful season.

These other areas are the detail in a Rugby campaign and they are the elements that give the 2010 season real substance and meaning for Warringah Rugby Club.

From a purely coaching perspective, on-field success should not be the only measure. It has always been my coaching philosophy that success as a coach should be measured by the level of improvement that can be seen in individuals and then collectively in a team. If this and this alone has been achieved, then regardless of results, it has been a successful season.

To this end then, and judging from this perspective, the 2009 season was a great success and was a necessary and valuable developmental step for the success of the Reserve Grade side in the 2010 season. The title aside, improvement of individuals as Rugby players and as a consequence of this, the improvement of the team over the two seasons was truly gratifying. This is a testament to the commitment and passion of the players.

Over the last two years there are also areas of personal growth that have taken place. Players became more confident and competent in their own abilities. There has been a maturing in the group that it has been a pleasure to witness and be a part of.

From a playing perspective,I have been complimented many times on the tactical and strategic manner with which the team played. This was as a direct result of the players willingness to accept the direction they were given and the trust and faith to then follow this direction on the field. I believe it allowed the team to play a style of Rugby that was disciplined within its framework, yet open, entertaining and enjoyable to play. It also allowed the many great individual talents within the side an opportunity to

express their many strengths.

This was a happy side who genuinely enjoyed each others company. This was such an important factor in out success and is another detail that makes this season a success.

After 16 years of Rugby coaching, the 2010 Warringah Reserve Grade side have set a benchmark for what I am now looking for in the dynamics of any side I coach in the future. I may never experience it again, but I have been blessed this once and that is something that I will always cherish.

Any season good, bad or indifferent, requires input from many people and I have included the following thankyou’s in this report. This is not an exhaustive list but is offered to highlight those individuals who made significant contributions to 2nd Grade in 2010.

I have taken the opportunity to write this report without any input from my Assistant Coach Jason Grier. I didn’t think it would be good form to have Jason’s name at the bottom of the report when I wanted to make particular mention of his contribution.

Jason’s addition to the coaching staff was a very significant factor in our successes across all of the facets that make up the coaching and management of a Grade Rugby side.

Jason brings enthusiasm and a genuine desire to his coaching that is both contagious and energizing. He has an excellent strategic understanding of the modern Rugby game and is prepared to introduce new ideas and methods to enhance the coaching and subsequently the playing of the game. I am personally delighted at his appointment to the First Grade Coaching group and I know he will be a fantastic contributor for the 2011 season.

Our management team of Dave Gardiner and Greg Gerrard provided a seamless transition in all areas required for the smooth running of the side and their commitment and enthusiasm was first class. The importance of this contribution is not to be underestimated. It allows a necessary demarcation of responsibilities in the handling of the side. Jason and I were able to Coach the side with all that this entails, without

any distractions throughout the whole season.

Whenever given an opportunity I have spoken of the development of Dave Mason as our Captain over the last 2 years. Dave’s initial appointment was done on intuition. He laughed at the same things I did so he had to be incredibly intelligent and was therefore ideally suited to leadership. Not surprisingly he is recognized as a respected leader both by his peers and the referees. This speaks volumes for his character and ability.

There was an unofficial leadership group within the side that really assisted in the campaign and they deserve a mention for their contributions. Paul McGugan, Mitch Greenaway and Dan Raymond provided energy, intelligence, intensity and on field inspiration to the side.

We played 24 games and lost 4. The contribution made by so many players to this outstanding record cannot be described with justice. For the record I said many times that any player who takes the field for any period of time throughout the season is now a member of the 2nd Grade Squad. I therefore offer all players who took the field my sincerest congratulations on winning the Reserve Grade Premiership. Every contribution you made was valuable and is recognized

I would also like to thank and congratulate the other Grade coaches for their help and support throughout the season and in particular Ben Manion for his guidance and counsel.

On a personal note, while I part company with Warringah Rugby club, I would like to thank the club for the opportunity to Coach and become a part of this great club. As always in Rugby I have met some wonderful friends and have some great memories. Beating Sydney University at Uni oval in the Major semi-final is the highlight of my coaching career to date. A truly heroic effortI wish the club and all of its players and supporters the very best for the future

Chris Coleman Head Coach, Warringah Reserve Grade 2010, Colin Caird Shield Winners and Major Premiers


3rd Grade


After the success of 3rd Grade in 2009, finishing the season proper in 2nd position and making it to within one game of the Grand Final, 3rd Grade 2010 had big shoes to fill. A new coaching combination of myself and Todd Eadie, if anything, meant that we owed Grant Jennings and Peter Hammond a duplicate result or better. We had planned on better, but in the end we could only manage to duplicate the result of 2009, losing in the penultimate game of the 2010 season.

However let’s not let that detract from the successes of the season. It took a while for this team to realise their potential. After a first up win over Eastwood we struggled for a while before a remarkable 23 - 3 win over eventual premiers Randwick in round 6. This was the day that we showed our hand. This was the day we showed what we are capable of. It was up to us then to maintain that, which was a challenge. Not due to ability, rather, continuity. Injuries to higher grades and within our own ranks meant that we never really had the same side on the paddock twice. However, where we shone was in the luxury of being able to bring personnel into the team and know that they would give 100%. It is that point that I would to thank all of those players who were brought in at short notice, Thursday night, Friday afternoon or the morning of the game, for their efforts. Our success is heavily attributed to your effort, patience and understanding.

By the start of the second half of the season we were still within view of the top six. The top 5 were looking strong but 6 was going to be a battle between Norths, Souths and us. Injuries and other adventures were still playing havoc with our form but the effort was there. We were very close. Frustratingly so as Todd and I both knew how good we were. We just couldn’t put it onto the paddock. That was until we played Gordon at Gordon on a Sunday afternoon. Down 38-7 five minutes after half time it was looking like a clinic from the opposition. Now I don’t wish to come across too heavy on this point but this is where our season came to life. This is where 15 young men from Warringah banded together for one of the greatest comebacks this author has ever seen, let alone have the privilege to take part in.

From near despair our boys came back to win 40-38. They played with passion, courage but most importantly they had belief. Belief in themselves, each other and in the team. This is where our season was saved and where our team came together.

From that point we played our way into the 6th position and thus into a knockout semi against 4th placed Sydney Uni at Coogee Oval. With every Uni team in the finals that day they had some strong support. However buoyed by a large presence of the Warringah Family we are able to silence the Uni mob, both on and off the field, with a hard fought 18 - 15 victory. This win put us into the penultimate game of the year against the minor premiers Eastern Suburbs. The prize, a place into the 2010 grand final. Unfortunately we were unable to capitalize on the fervor from the previous week and we were lost 21 - 6.

I wish to take this point to congratulate every member of the 3rd grade team this year. If it was for a week, 3 weeks, 3 minutes or the whole season. Your efforts were appreciated and invaluable to our success. I do not wish to single out any one person as this was a team effort. There were many significant individual contributions throughout the year and those players were praised at that time. However it would be remiss of me not the congratulate Johan Rockliff for being awarded the our Best & Fairest award and the Ron Manion Memorial - Colts Progression Into Grade award.

Congratulations must also be given to the 2nd grade on winning the premiership. They led from the start and inspired many in the club with their efforts. The final victory was well deserved, I believe, a sign of things to come for all of us. Well done Jason and Chris and all of the 2 grade squad.

Thanks must be given to our non-playing squad members. Ron Davies and Duncan Holmes our mangers. Thanks guys. You do the un-seen work on game day that is so important to getting us on the field. Having had to deal NSW Rugby at finals time in qualifying players. It became

evident how much your work needs to be spot on. And we had that with you.

Physiotherapy team, Chris, Candice and Andrew. We had some serious injuries throughout the year and we also had some remarkable recoveries, no doubt due to your expertise and care. It is again unseen work but vital to any success. Thank you.

On field attendants Symo and Buzz. Who are both good friends of Todd and I which makes this hard. I would really like to take advantage of this public forum and take the Mickey out you both, but I won’t. You come along when you can, Symo more often than Buzz, getting the water and messages out onto the field. Thank you both.

Pete Ruthven and John Sullivan. For being understanding when we had no option but to take your best players, more often than not, at the last moment. Our success is attributed heavily toward your players coming into our team. If we did not do this I am sure that you too, would have played finals this year.

To Ben Manion, who is stepping down as first grade coach. Thanks for all your guidance over the years. It is a shame to see you go. However no doubt, you will never be too far away.

Rick Black and Lance Walker. You saw the potential in our team and you encouraged the manner in which we tried to extract it. You were the encouraging voice that let us know we were on the right track.

Todd Eadie. Todd is a relatively new addition to the rugby family but his ‘football’ knowledge is second to none. His passion for this team and the Warringah Club is evidenced by the extra curricular events that he would arrange to ensure that we came together as a group. Not just for the team, but the club. A true clubman and a good bloke.

I look forward to next year. I hope that most of our guys go up a grade and we get to work with a new batch of players who will hopefully go that one game better.

Greg Highfield

4th Grade


I must start this report and thank our two coaches, Peter Ruthven and John Sullivan who both made a supreme effort in being there each night at training and each Saturday for the team.

People who have coached 4th Grade will know the problems that are associated with this job. Changes made in first grade only cause a little ripple but by the time it reaches 4th grade it is a 5 foot shore dump. These problems are made worse by teams above that persist in using fresh reserves who sometime get very little game time in that grade. Not fair on the player, nor his other team mates.

Some of the better news from this year was the return of Ben Benson and Peter Hassett who after both having major surgery last year made an impact with their timely return.

During the season we had 75 players pass through 4th grade, some of these rats went on to play a major part in the 2nd’s and 3rd’s. Younger players like Phil Cook and Rob Kelly will have a good future in the club. JP Murphy played a mentoring role with the younger players until his injury but still put the time afterwards using his crutches.

The Rat’s Rat Award winner Ryan Trbojevich enjoyed his time with us and should be congratulated along with Tim Delecki who picked up the 4th Grade

Best and Fairest. Adrian Whitney, Simon Jones and Michael Letts achieved there 100 games and many of our 4th graders achieved their personal best by playing in higher grades. .

Hamish ‘Fish’ Finch was at most training runs rain, hail or cold nights and tried a variety of positions during the year. The big shock was Ilija Radan who game to the club as a centre only to be thrown in at breakaway, then lock against Norths. He excelled and will be stuck in the forwards forever.

If you look at the statistics for the year, the first round we won 6 out of 10 games and looked comfortable for the semis playing the maximum amount of reserves each game. The second round we only managed 1 win from 10 games and at times we struggled to field a team. We lost 4 of these games by less than 4 points. Numerous reasons, injuries in higher grades, only finding out as you were about to run on you have just lost three players to 3rd grade, players having surfing/ski holidays mid season and some players moving on to other clubs. I must thank the ex players from 4’s who backed up before their own higher grade to help out on several Saturdays when we were short taking the field.

Being the first game on each week Clive Tulloch and his team made sure

all the gear was prepared and the field was ready. Many a Saturday, your Club President Mike Sheeran was at the ground early on home days laying out the field and making sure all sponsors material was in the right spot. Don Sellen was sat behind the microphone ready to announce the team as they ran on.

Special thanks to Kandice Goodwin and her physio team who arrived by 10am each morning whether home or away ready to strap the players and massage their egos from their Friday nights out. Several miracles were performed to get 15 players on the field.

To all the rest of the guys who after their match, stood by for 3’s and then made their way to the hill to man the scoreboard, to cheer their mates in 2’s and 1’s or bag them when they made errors on the field. When they mixed with their local member Bronwyn Bishop as she joined them at the scoreboard for the afternoon..

The rat spirit in 4th grade this year has been good and this will help set the scene for the future years

Christopher BirchManager, 4th Grade.

CBD Rats In 2010CBD Rats is a city based supporters’ group, meeting on an adhoc basis from time to time. This year’s major meeting was a lunch at The Rugby Club in September, with special guests being our new Wallaby, Paddy McCabe and our former first grader, now Assistant Wallaby coach, Jim Williams. It was great to welcome some old faces to the lunch including Greg Horton, Matt Foldi, Michael Cripps and Mark Catchpole. Brett Sheehan was also there with his

Q.C. to explain his love of referees, which was duly noted by Stu Dickerson. The house full sign went up a few days before the lunch with 130 attendees. JP stepped in at the last minute to replace an absent Chewy (now teaching in Orange) as MC and JP was his usual, acerbic, best. With a generous donation from Sam Hutcherson’s old man, the day’s proceedings raised just on $10,000 as a donation to the Club.

Warringah Colts 2010


2010 was a great year for the Warringah Colts, they showed significant improvement in all three grades with 1st making the finals for the first time in 9 years with 2nds and 3rds narrowly missing after being extremely competitive throughout the competition. The group of Colts began their preparation in November and the aim was that we would work as a squad where all teams helped and supported each other.

Bruce Nichols, Dave Preston and Adam Smyth worked tirelessly in an effort to build a real team spirit and competitive desire amongst the 3rds who are seen as the 2011/12 first graders. Jack Basham did a great job as captain and his fearless approach to the game rubbed off on the entire team. These guys will pinpoint their highlight as the massive turnaround in beating Easts in the second round after a whitewash in round 1.

As in most clubs the primary role of a 2nd XV is to provide support for the

firsts and often the team suffers a little. Under the guidance of Andy Fairfull these guys did this really well and all players achieved one of their season goals of playing 1st grade. A major improvement from 2009 was that in all games they were competitive and under the leadership of Jimmy Galvin they pushed all teams to the end.

Our 1st XV had a “stella season” with highlights being the winners of the Bayfield Shield and making the semi’s for the first time in ten years. As a coach both Peter Raynor and myself feel privileged to have been involved with this group of young men who I believe will continue to serve the club for many years to come. Jackson Selby and his men gave all Rats supporters many fantastic memories of some

the Rats continue to move up the ladder in years to come. Our senior players Jamie Horton, Michael Dalton, Ethan McInnes, Paul Campbell, Tom Mellor, Dennis Watson, Sam Wilson,Alex Matheson, Sean Syddall,Jack Bashman and Max Buckley as well as Jackson Selby, who has accepted an invitation to trial for the Brumbies, have all graduated in style and will provide much strength to our senior grades in years to come.

Finally on behalf of all the Colts I would like to make special mention of the outstanding work done by our manager Linda Preston who I have enjoyed working with immensely and hope she continues to serve the Rats with distinction.

Phil Brown

Club Chaplain Report

I have enjoyed another year as Chaplain to the Rats. I have enjoyed getting to know the players and helping out wherever I was needed. This year I have been able to provide some players and staff with personal and spiritual support. I am at the club to offer anyone a listening ear (in confidence), to help out in times of trouble or stress, to give advice or put you in touch with other people who might be able to help. I am always happy to talk to players/ staff who are exploring the Christian faith or to

help them strengthen their own journey with God.

Also, this year I went to the annual Sports Chaplaincy Australia conference in October. It was a great conference where the keynote speaker Rev John Boyers (chaplain to Manchester United Football Club) gave practical advice to the 50 chaplains in attendance. There was also helpful talks on prevention of alcohol related problems in sportspeople, and many interviews with elite sports

men and women.

As you all know a group is going away to Kenya in February for a very worthy cause. I am looking forward to the trip with the players which will be a life changing experience for everyone.

If you would like to meet up with me to have a chat, please give me a call. 0407 891 306, or 9999 4321

Cheers, Grant Gallant (Club Chaplain)

champagne rugby. Each player that took the field in first grade was able to lift and play with passion and intensity to the point where they often played above themselves. Although the semi final was a little disappointing I am sure

Warringah Ratettes

2010 was an epic season for all players who pulled on the Ratettes jersey. Although we ultimately lost the Grand Final to Sydney University 23-10, I cannot conjure the words to explain how proud I am of the girls who played both in this match and for the Wallaroos in the World

Cup in London on the same day.

The Ratette pride and spirit was on display on both sides of the world on Saturday 28th August with the Green and White battling Sydney Uni (at Uni), while the Green and Gold battled South Africa (in London). I had travelled to London to watch the Wallaroos in the World Cup and it epitomises the spirit in our club that on the morning of the Wallaroos all important match against South Africa, I received urgent messages

from the Wallaroos asking about how their teammates had faired back home against Uni. Although they were about to play one of the most important games of

their career (the Wallaroos had to beat SA by more than 56 points to be the first Wallaroo team to qualify for the 15s World Cup Semi Finals) their thoughts were with their club teammates.

The Ratettes who travelled to London to represent their country were Danielle Meskell, Cobie-Jane Morgan, Tui Ormsby, Chris Ross, Ruan Simms, and Cheryl Soon. Cheryl and Chris both had the honour of captaining the Wallaroo’s during the tournament. After a series of bruising and entertaining matches the Wallaroo’s finished 3rd, beating France 22-8 at Twickenham on the final day. The girls were outstanding in achieving Australia’s highest ever placing in a 15s World Cup. I would like to also make special mention of Shontelle Stowers and Dalena Dennison who were shadows for the squad and only narrowly missed selection.

The season was a long one and we fought fierce battles with Sydney Uni and

Merrylands throughout. Unfortunately due to a forfeit by Drummoyne we finished 2nd on for and against to Uni for the Minor Premiership. It has to be said that with 6 players at the World Cup and a number of injuries towards the end of a long season our resources were stretched. I would personally like to thank Mel and the Forestville Ferrets league girls who played this year and allowed us to round up enough numbers to finish the season. I would also like to thank all of the “old” girls that once again stepped in

to fill the gaps – once a Ratette always a Ratette and your contributions are greatly appreciated.

I was not at Uni Oval on grand final day; however I have received reports from members of the club, players from rival clubs, and the coaches who took the reins in my absence, that regardless of the result Warringah Rugby and the Ratettes did themselves

extremely proud. Thank you to all involved, especially the senior players who stepped up to help organise and manage along with Rick Black and John Briggs who coached the girls for the final 2 weeks. I am looking forward to 2011 when hopefully with an influx of some new (young) blood and the return of 2010’s team we challenge once again and ultimately regain our title.

Erin Morton. COACH


Warringah Junior Rugby UnionPresidents Report


OVERVIEWAfter what could only be described as a turbulent start to the 2010 season, the year moved forward and proved to be another very successful year for Warringah Junior Rugby Union. The success of our Representative program is outlined in the Reps report below. The juniors enjoyed a new Sydney-wide competition after moving away from the traditional “zone” areas and by all accounts was a great success. The Mini’s enjoyed a great year, combined with our neighbours, Manly, saw a very committed and improved Mini’s competition. We have only recently received the long awaited Garling Report into Junior Rugby which will make for some interesting times ahead. On the local front, the Dee Why Club celebrated its 50th year and Collaroy its 40th year of operation.

COMMITTEE It would be amiss to not acknowledge the hard work from the dedicated, volunteer junior committee who put so much time and effort into making junior rugby so successful in the area.

After great service, our fearless President, Justin Hollis, did not seek re-election at the recent AGM and we wish Justin all the best for the future and thank him sincerely for his tireless efforts over the many, many years of service he has unselfishly given to Warringah Junior Rugby and Rugby itself. Justin has offered me his full support and expertise to assist me in my duties as President.

I would like to thank Michelle Burns who once again performed her duties as Vice President – Representatives in such a professional manner. Michelle’s experience and expertise will be missed, as it with sadness that Michelle did not stand again for the Committee in 2011, but after her third year as V.P. - Reps and sixth year on the Warringah Committee, the decision is understandable. The Committee would like to thank her and we appreciate her offer to lend a hand to the incoming V.P. – Reps, Fiona Batten, who in herself has been a member of the Committee for some time now and we wish Fiona all the best for the upcoming Reps season.

One cannot express our gratitude for the continual work of our Secretary, Michael Gullick. Michael performs the roll of Secretary diligently and in such a professional manner, that it makes it so much easier for everyone else.

Finally, the Committee could not function properly without the input from all of the Warringah Junior Rugby Clubs delegates, who front the committee meetings regularly and provide such important insight into the standing of rugby generally, which is great appreciated.

WARRINGAH REPRESENTATIVE RUGBYThis year again proved to be a successful year for the Warringah Junior Representative program. For the third year is a row the mighty Under 13’s went through the State Championships undefeated and won a very nail biting Grand Final on the Monday of the June long weekend at TG Milner against Southern Districts 12 points to 10. Well done boys.

Both our Under 15’s and 17’s teams made it through to the semi finals after winning all three of their pool games. Unfortunately our Under 15’s lost against Norths 28 to 12 with our 17’s losing against a well drilled Sydney University team 24 to Warringah 13. Our other age groups competed well but had very tough draws that in some ages saw them up against the eventual State Champions. Our two Under 10 Development Squads did exactly what we wanted of them. They learnt new skills and played at a very competitive level in the green and white. I have to say that our both our Under 10’s teams coached by Craig Roberts and Tama Ammann held their heads high and wore the green and white with great pride in every game they played especially when they came against sides that were graded, (this is against the rules but some Districts continue to break the rules even after being told not to grade).

I would also like to thank all the coaches, managers, trainers and volunteers that helped with each and every team. Your dedication and commitment to the Rats is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

It was pleasing to report that Warringah had a large number of boys that went on to higher representative honours in 2010. These programmes are extremely important to develop and retain our talented players.

Under 15MNZMax CookWill DaviesJack DonlanOliver LloydRyan MawhinneyJames ParkerTroy SmithUnder 15Sydney JuniorsMax CookTroy Smith

Under 16MNZDaniel BoxallClinton GuthersonZac JonesKarel LloydFabian NatoliMatt PhilipMatt RonaldJimmy StewartSam Wandl

Sydney BarbariansCallum ReidHarrison BlakeJordan MenziesSam RoseJack NorrisUnder 17SydneyRhys DombkinsJordan MeridethAlex Northam

OUR COMMITMENT.As the new President of Warringah Rugby, I would like to commit to an open, honest and transparent committee as we continue to deliver our goals of:

• Enjoyment of rugby union

• To participate and increase the participation in local rugby union

• The promotion of rugby union

• Observing and promoting the safety of players

Business Directors

Treasurers Report

The Bayfields continued to be our major sponsor and will stay involved with the Club again next year. They have expressed an interest in reducing their involvement but it will be in a controlled manner and will continue to be supportive.

Fintechnix again took up the sleeve sponsorship and supported us throughout the year.

Doyle Spillane took up signage and a corporate box to enjoy watching our Club captain Ed Doyle show his pace.

We introduced several new sign sponsors to the club but also lost Southern Cross and Murlan which put us under considerable financial pressure at the beginning of the year.

The new website was very well received

The financial reports show that it has been a difficult year for the club with cash flow being especially difficult to manage.

We started in a position where many creditors needed to be settled from the previous term and further unknown costs came to light.

On a positive note costs were reduced and commitments going into 2011 are known and manageable.

and Jim Preece did a great job in keeping it relevant on a weekly basis, this will be a source of advertising revenue in the future.

This year we had a merchandise stall set up and manned by the Jackson family, this was a fantastic initiative and again helped build our revenue and get our brand out into the community.

Several successful functions during the year including “CBD Rats” helped revenue but also gave us a great platform to meet and build relationships.

The player Welfare fund had only 3 claims against it this year and carries a surplus over to 2011.

Rats in Business were well supported by our members, and are expected to grow further next year.

With further savings and projected revenues the board looks towards 2011 as still being tough, however a surplus should result and debt reduction a priority.

You will note there is no auditors report this year as the board felt the cost was not justified considering the financial position of the club and therefore an exemption has been applied for.

Creditor payments made since 1st October

The focus for 2011 will be on securing a BOJ sponsor and shorts sponsor. Both positions are prime real estate for the Club and must not be devalued as they make up a large component of our available brand collateral.

We have entered into an arrangement with council for the front fence signs and need to sell that space early in the year to cover the cost of that arrangement.

We had 9 corporate boxes taken up this year and again they ensured games were well supported, we have room for a lot more in prime positions and will look to sell another 5 this year if possible.

Phil Parsons Vice President

have reduced amounts owing by $39000.

A special thanks to Mandy Morton for her extensive assistance throughout the year,

and to the other board members for their financial commitment.

Phil Wilson

• Prepare the most competitive Warringah representative teams possible

• The development of junior Warringah players to progress to Warringah senior club and even higher representative honors.

Our major priority remains to increase

the participation in rugby within our local area. Rugby provides an opportunity for our children to develop into responsible young adults, to provide character building opportunities and assists the children to form friendships and enjoy camaraderie they may not necessarily find elsewhere. The 2011 committee will commit itself to work closely with all

the Warringah junior rugby clubs but in particular, forge a greater bond with the senior club and its committee.

Yours in Rugby

Chris Hegarty

President – Warringah Junior Rugby Union


Warringah Golden Oldies ‘The Wrinkled Rats


This veterans class of rugby is for players over 35 years of age and is part of a world wide organisation which operates with it’s international motto of ‘Fun, Friendship and Fraternity’ This motto best sums up Golden Oldies Rugby. There is no organised competition, with clubs organising their games with a home game this season followed by an away fixture the following season at the opposing club’s ground. This has worked fairly well until recently when grounds have become harder to obtain, due to bad weather and much more use by other rugby groups and other winter sports. The Warringah team limits its games to 8 per season, trying to play one game per month, as much as time, work and family commitments, and school holidays permit.

During the 2010 season we planned to play 8 local fixtures and actually played only 6 games as follows against Penrith (H), Nelson Bay and Avoca at Nelson Bay, Manly (A) (game cancelled due to bad weather), at the Eastwood Gala Day (A) vs. Newport and Killara-West Pymble in the morning and against Lindfield and Eastwood in the afternoon, Forest (H), Lindfield (A), Eastwood (A) (game called off as Eastwood lacked players). Our club then participated in the 18th Golden Oldies World Festival in Sydney. Over 170 teams from 15 countries played and our 3 games were against ‘The Moscow Lads’ from Russia, the New Zealand ‘Katipas” from South Auckland and Porteno from Buenos Aires in Argentina.

All teams played different styles of rugby with varying intensity. Warringah favours a firm running games and we have been very successful in recent years. By this we mean that we have enjoyed our rugby, running in good tries followed by the traditional lunch and a couple of beers. The 3 games played during the World Festival were ‘very competitive’ and it was a tough week at Centennial Park. However we acquitted ourselves very well with all players achieving their best form to contribute to a mighty fine performance.

Our group is administered by the Golden Oldies Sub-Committee comprising :- Elley Bennett, Gerry Horton, Andrew Rankin, Toby Carter, Mike Daniel, Martin Lawson and Anthony ‘emu’ Rogers and to these people we express our thanks for a job well done. To the Warringah Club Committee and Club Officials whose help made it all possible, thank you. To our sponsors :- The Freshwater Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank, Blackmores Ltd, Accommodation Linen, Bowman Richards & Associates, McLachlan Thorpe & Partners, Axiom Asia Pacific Pty Ltd and J.J. Lawson we thank you all for your financial support.

During the season 44 players turned out, with 29 of them participating in the World festival. Throughout the season everyone helped to carry out jobs and duties required and this was a major factor for our success as a team. The ideas keep on coming and we have several promising projects for consideration next year. Communication and co-operation is much improved and makes the task of administration very much easier. I strongly urge all players to read and listen to what is required of them, to be early and to commit themselves during ‘core time’ with no side issues. However this is the management and responsibility of the individual and as we all know ‘we don’t live in a perfect world’ – but still try.

An invitation is extended to all players to return next season in 2011. To those who may be moving on we thank you very much for you contribution and wish you and your families the best of health and happiness. To the rest, recruit wisely to bring good blokes along especially front and second rowers. Have a good break, a great Christmas and New Year and we look forward to meeting again next season.

Elley BennettSecretary Warringah Golden Oldies Sub-Committee

Friends Of Warringah


During 2010 the Friends of Warringah was been re-formed. The Friends of Warringah is the supporters group which provides invaluable financial support to Warringah Rugby Club.

Warringah Rugby Club would like to acknowledge the loyalty and generosity of the Friends of Warringah and thank them for their on-going support. As at October 2010, the current Friends of Warringah were as follows:

Bill Simpson John Heffernan

Chris Birch Warren Poole

John Raymond Steve Reilly

Steve Spillane Paul Schober

Denis Horton Ed Smouha

Martin Thompson Brendan Mockford

Stephen Doyle Will Jephcott

Brendan Paddison The Gee Family

Jim Morrison Ian Worrall

Jim Preece Jeff Hoffman

Peter Davis Bob Buckingham

Grant Jennings

Further details on the Friends of Warringah can be found at the Rats website: or be contacting any of the Friends of Warringah Committee:

Stephen Doyle John Heffernan Brendan Paddison Martin Thompson Grant Jennings

The Friends of Warringah, helping keep the Rats strong!!!!!

Rats Rat Award –Ryan Trbojevich

Grade Playing Record - 2010



1 2 3 4 5 T Colts 1 2 3 4 5 6 T T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

ADAMS, Ben 5 18 2 25 55 6 31 6 1 44 1 5 2 10

ALE, Kotoni 7 10 1 18 4 7 20 6 33 4 20 8 1 42

ANGUS, Hamish 11 11 2 24 23 11 11 2 24 6 19 16 116 0

BAICA, Eric 1 3 4 43 50 83 39 14 1 187 0 11 55

BARNARD, Daniel 10 4 14 35 50 37 34 7 4 132 0 4 20

BATE, Matthew 9 18 1 28 46 21 33 1 55 6 1 32 17 85

BAXTER, Daniel 7 7 12 4 41 1 46 3 15 8 5 50

BECK, Patrick 4 10 14 56 4 10 14 1 5 0

BENSON, Ben 2 8 10 6 23 35 59 19 142 0 3 15

BIRCH, Christopher 1 1 24 1 16 16 62 167 9 271 0 15 75

BLACK, Haydn 1 5 13 19 60 3 1 4 4 20 1 5

BOROUGHS, Nathan 1 1

BRADFORD, Nick 4 4 0 0 0

BRADLEY, Scott 15 15 1 31 63 7 31 8 4 50 2 2 14 7 10 5 70

BROCKLEHURST, Simon 2 18 1 21 0 3 15 0

BUTCHER, Matthew 2 2 4 0 1 1 7 0

BUTCHER, Ryan 11 2 13 4 10 8 8 26 2 8 9 1 56 3 27 11 102

CAMPBELL, Hugh 3 13 9 25 0 10 7 2 70 0

CLARKE, Matthew 1 2 3 4 2 1 7 2 2 14 3 15

COOK, Phillip 6 1 7 6 1 7 1 5 1 5

COWAN, Pek 11 11 24 15 16 31 0 0

CUMBERS, Thomas 4 4 0 0 0

DALECKI, Tim 10 11 21 4 10 33 14 61 1 5 5 25

DALZIEL, Doug 8 13 1 22 59 2 20 19 9 50 6 30 14 70

DANDO, Bruce 1 17 4 1 23 16 9 25 3 15 5 25

DOUMBOS, Dean 3 13 7 1 24 23 7 18 25 5 25 1 5

DOYLE, Edward 18 5 23 24 27 1 28 7 35 16 80

EADIE, Brooke 3 13 2 18 8 18 28 21 1 76 2 1 1 15 13 12 6 107

FELTSCHEER, David 11 18 29 33 6 22 28 13 65 21 105

FIELD, Benjamin 2 14 16 60 12 4 16 0 0

FINCH, Hamish 13 1 14 0 1 2 0

FLINT, Scott 6 4 3 13 0 1 5 0

FOSTER, Leigh 1 1 2 4 10 22 23 59 0 2 10

FRANCIS, Matthew 4 8 4 16 0 2 10 0

FULEPP, Adam 1 6 11 18 0 0 0

GALVIN, James 1 1 0 0 0

GILLESPIE, Angus 6 12 1 19 0 1 5 0

GILLESPIE, Alexander 2 1 3 33 4 25 14 2 45 0 5 25

GLYDE, Tom 9 6 15 5 17 1 23 0 2 10

GOWLING, Andrew 3 18 2 1 1 25 0 7 35 0

GREENWAY, Mitchell 1 24 25 21 23 26 49 6 30 5 25

HAMMOND, Peter 8 8 37 49 105 49 11 1 215 0 59 1 297

HARDIMAN, Scott 4 4 5 13 51 3 11 7 21 3 15 4 1 22

HARRIS, Sam 15 15 13 60 2 62 1 31 9 94 27 40 6 233

HASSETT, Peter 4 4 0 0 0

HIGHFIELD, Greg 2 4 2 8 20 72 78 30 7 187 0 19 95

HOCKINGS, Thomas 11 11 0 0 0

HOLANI, Lolomanaia 11 1 12 9 50 125 63 30 277 1 5 9 45

HOLMES, Josh 16 16 28 17 10 3 30 15 75 11 55

HOLMES, Luke 22 22 39 72 3 75 5 25 27 135

HORTON, Jamie 2 22 1 5

HURRELL, Robert 1 4 5 6 11 17 1 5 5 25



1 2 3 4 5 T Colts 1 2 3 4 5 6 T T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

HUTCHERSON, Sam 5 1 1 7 30 13 6 1 20 1 5 9 45

IFOPO, Tai 4 4 0 0 0

IONGI, Tupou 6 12 5 1 24 5 14 5 24 12 60 10 50

JACKSON, Mark 2 10 12 56 1 17 27 6 51 0 3 15

JONES, Adrian 8 1 9 2

JONES, Brandon 6 1 7 1 4 5 1 5 0

JONES, Simon 6 7 13 21 3 30 51 3 87 2 10 14 70

KAUFFMANN, Jake 7 14 21 11 2 5 6 11 24 5 25 1 5

KAUFFMANN. Tomas 1 1 0 0 0

KELLY, Robert 5 17 2 24 60 0 3 15 0

KENNEDY, John 6 18 24 20 7 27 8 40 7 35

KENNEDY, Maurice 8 13 21 10 6 16 6 3 2 42 6 30

KIELY, Samuel 3 13 2 18 2 10 1 13 11 55 9 45

KIELY, Scott 13 1 14 3 11 1 15 1 1 7 5 25

LETTS, Jake 4 14 1 19 79 1 1 2 1 1 15 0

LETTS, Michael 15 15 54 13 46 34 10 103 0 17 85

LIPMAN, Michael 14 14 0 1 5 0

LITTLE, Tim 1 1

LOLOMANAIA, Rodney 2 3 8 13 0 0 0

LONGRIGG, Mitchell 1 14 1 16 61 14 36 50 0 1 5

MACGUGAN, Paul 7 13 20 31 33 64 5 25 21 105

MARSHALL, Benjamin 2 4 1 7 31 2 1 1 4 1 5 0

MASON, David 2 22 24 41 16 57 3 15 2 1 12

McCABE, Patrick 12 12 16 43 1 44 8 40 17 85

McGARITY, Brock 5 12 17 12 7 19 4 4 6 46 8 18 2 82

McMANUS, Jared 8 8 31 2 11 1 14 1 5 2 10

MURPHY, Brent 22 1 23 15 3 18 0 6 30

MURPHY, John Paul 5 5 39 4 58 97 39 9 207 4 9 35 43 214 95 928

O’NEILL, Daniel 1 1 0 1 3 11 0

O’REILLY, Benjamin 1 1 0 0 0

PARSONS, Phillip 6 1 7 9 44 20 73 0 0

PAULL, Matthew 13 1 14 8 8 15 3 34 1 5 4 20

PITMAN, Troy 1 3 1 5 66 21 35 3 7 66 1 5 7 35

PRITCHARD, Glen 1 12 7 20 12 14 26 0 2 3 1 19

PYLE, Hugh 1 1 30 23 1 24 1 5 3 15

PYLE, Tom 1 1 0 1 5 0

RABONE, Huw 3 3 1 3 4 0 0

RADAN, Ilija 2 5 7 0 0 0

RAPANA, Eli 15 15 0 6 30 0

RASMUS, Andrew 3 4 7 47 27 44 13 84 1 5 17 1 1 90

RAYMOND, Daniel 14 11 3 28 32 151 1 3 155 2 10 5 25

RICHARDSON, Trevor 20 20 15 1 1 17 5 25 6 30

RICKARD, Mitchell 1 1 0 0 0

ROBINSON, Beau 22 22 31 31 3 15 6 30

ROCKLIFF, Johan 16 14 3 33 65 0 3 15 0

ROSEN, Trent 7 7 0 1 5 0

RUTHVEN, Michael 9 12 1 22 31 83 40 28 151 4 19 6 76 17 158 66 599

RYAN, Angus 1 1 0 0 0

SARE, Haig 6 6 21 71 1 72 0 31 155

SARE, Will 10 3 13 24 36 26 2 3 91 5 6 7 58 23 115

SELBY, Sam 11 7 18 31 17 4 4 25 0 0

SHEEHAN, Brett 7 7 1 61 61 1 15 16 83 18 52 39 311



1 2 3 4 5 T Colts 1 2 3 4 5 6 T T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

SIWINSKI, Paul 1 1 0 0 0

SMITH, Mitchell 1 1 0 0 0

SMITH-METUISELA, Lisiate 3 3 1 18 23 1 43 2 10 0

SMOUHA, Dylan 16 1 17 29 20 5 25 10 50 20 100

SOUTHAN, Richard 5 17 5 1 1 29 2 25 23 1 51 0 1 5

STANLEY, Tristan 15 7 2 24 64 23 13 36 3 41 20 157 2 15 3 49

SULLMAN, Christopher 1 2 10 13 34 22 10 17 49 3 15 13 65

TALAAPITAGA, Pingi 3 3 58 37 7 44 0 3 15

TEU, Isaac 3 1 4 0 0 0

THOMSON, Christopher 3 3 15 15 0 0

TOOLE, Joshua 5 11 1 17 0 5 1 27 0

TRAYES, Chris 2 1 3 3 6 2 11 0 2 10

TREML, Isaac 1 5 4 1 11 0 2 3 1 19 0

TRBOJEVICH, Ryan 2 21 5 28 22 13 30 8 1 52 1 5 7 35

TUNBRIDGE, Zachary 1 1 0 0 0

WARMAN, Shane 1 2 3 65 115 21 27 6 1 170 0 56 1 282

WHALLEY, Adam 9 9 0 0 0

WHITE, Gregory 4 16 4 1 25 0 14 1 1 75 0

WHITNEY, Adrian 12 12 1 2 17 50 28 98 3 15 12 60

WYLLIE, George 4 17 4 25 2 20 22 1 5 0

YATES, James 4 1 5 43 1 3 20 31 2 57 1 3 6 13 2 62


Games Records 2010



100 First Grade GamesJohn Hearn 197

Michael Gee 192

Daniel Raymond 165

Andrew Apps 160

Rick Davidson 152

Stephen Crawford 150

Rob Blyth 142

Grant Jennings 123

Shane Warman 115

Cameron Treloar 108

Jon Hart 106

Rob Walton 105

Craig Woon 103

Hugh Willoughby 101

300 Grade GamesMichael Gee 394

200 Grade GamesStephen Crawford 292

Lolo Holani 289

Chris Birch 271

John Hearn 253

Ben Manion 230

RbKhRob Kershaw 22225

Peter Hammond 223

Damian Giles 218

Andrew Apps 215

John-Paul Murphy 212

Layne Kelleher 206

Greg Waldermasson 201

Brendan Paddison 200

100 Grade GamesMichael Langford 198

Rob Walton 193

Greg Highfield 191

Rick Davidson 191

Andrew McInnes 187

Berny McSorley 187

Eric Baica 187

Simon Wood 187

Adam Johnson 186

Dean Guberina 186

Dan Raymond 183

Grant Jennings 177


Craig Woon 175

James Morrison 174

Matt Gowen 174

Michael Ruthven 173

Shane Warman 173

Evan Jones 171

Brendan Giles 170

Trent Rosen 168

Rob Blyth 166

Murray Hooper 163

Adam Grant 160

Nathan Boroughs 160

Anthony Meehan 152

Jon Hart 147

Peter Walsh 144

Robert Miller 144

Antony Blackshaw 143

Ben Benson 142

Peter Hambly 142

Hugh Willoughby 136

Huon Barrett 134

Greg Tier 133

Shannon Buck 133

John Briggs 131

Sonny Payne 131

Graeme Langford 129

Mark O’Brien 127

Gary McInnes 125

Scott Flint 125

Cameron Treloar 124

Iain Sharp-Paul 122

Adam Carpenter 121

Andrew Grant 121

Mark Selby 120

Michael Andrews 119

Sandy Park 119

Scott McCarthy McCarthy 119

Daniel Barnard 118

Michael Letts 118

Matthew Guberina 113

Adrian Whitney 110

Cameron Mead 109

Andrew Tate 107

Jean Paul Maulguet 107


Ron Bridges 107

Shaun Bannister 107

Adam Watts 104

Matthew Chapman 104

Matthew White 103

Martin Lawson 102

Usaia Latu 102

Will Sare 101

Simon Jones 100

65 Colts GamesMatthew Francis 93

Mitchell Smith 70

Jacob Kauffmann 70

Heath Mawson 68

Scott McCarthy 68

Heath McNab 67

Troy Pitman 66

Andrew Geldens 66

Cameron Wiles 66

Brendan McVay 65

Johan Rockliff 65

Jackson Selby 65

100 Womens GamesLisa Fiaola 168

Linda Davis 165

Erin Morton 158

Danielle Meskell 135

Genevieve Delves 130

Bronnie Macintosh 115

Chris Ross 105

Jennie Williams 103

Sarah Laman 100

65 Womens GamesCheryl Soon 93

Rachel Byrne 91

Kathy Pade 87

Jamie Blazejewski 83

Amanda Gibson 75

Dalena Dennison 75

Cassandra Williams 74

Lin Le Tay 72

Kate Henderson 70

Elizabeth Brett 65

Current Players

The Members and Players of the Warringah Rugby Club would like to convey their deep gratitude and appreciation to all the Club’s sponsors.Everyone’s efforts and generosity is responsible for the promotion of rugby in our community. We acknowledge and thank you all.

Club Sponsors 2010

Major Sponsor Bayfield Hotels

Sleeve SponsorFintechnix




Pittwater Tyres Tyreplus Mona Vale


Doyle Spillane Real Estate

World Rugby Specialists / KooGa

Avis Dee Why

Beirsdorf Australia


Bartercard Australia

Sydney DPS

Narrabeen Butchery

Greater Building Society


Purll Plumbing


Bayfield Hotels

Bilgola Bergers

Doyle Spillane Real Estate


Friends of Warringah

John Raymond Landscapes


Narrabeen Sports Medicine Centre - Physiotherapy

Northbridge Financial Services

Spencers Creek Lodge


Northbridge Financial Solutions


Doyle Spillane

Loscam- Returnable Packaging

BBC Digital

James Morrison Constructions

One Creative

Betta Motors

Officiency Finance and Consulting

Silicon Beach Computers



Amory Catering


Gusto Coffee

Narrabeen Sports Medicine Centre – Physiotherapy

Newport Mirage

Belrose Hotel

Newport Arms

Doyle Spillane Real Estate



Tooheys New

Narrabeen Butchery

Drummond Golf

Purll Plumbing

Pittwater Tyres Tyreplus Mona Vale


The Members and Players of the Warringah Rugby Club would like to convey their deep gratitude and appreciation to all the Club’s sponsors.Everyone’s efforts and generosity is responsible for the promotion of rugby in our community. We acknowledge and thank you all.

Founded 1964


2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade





Colts Playing Record - 2010



1 2 3 T 1 2 3 4 U/19 T T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

ADAMS, Michael 21 1 22 21 1 22 5 1 27 5 1 27

ALE, Kotoni 1 1 3 2 5 0 3 15

ANDERSEN, Jordan 3 3 6 3 3 6 0 0

ARNOLD, Christopher 14 1 15 14 1 1 16 7 3 41 7 3 41

ASKEW, Benjamin 7 2 9 7 2 9 4 20 4 20

ATKINS, Tomas 4 4 4 4 0 0

BASHAM, Jack 6 16 22 1 18 19 38 1 5 2 10

BATE, Adam 21 1 1 23 33 13 11 57 1 5 7 35

BIDENCOPE, Benjamin 2 7 16 25 2 7 16 25 2 4 2 4

BORSAK, Wayne 22 3 25 22 3 25 0 0

BORULA, Ethan 18 2 20 38 8 12 58 1 5 8 40

BTEDDINI, Mel 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 15 2 1 1 15

BUCKLEY, Maxwell 1 9 12 22 1 9 12 22 2 10 2 10

BUSCH, Andy 1 11 12 1 11 12 0 0

BUTCHER, Jake 9 18 1 28 14 25 6 45 1 5 1 5

BYRNES, Daniel 2 4 6 2 4 6 1 1 8 1 1 8

CAMPBELL, Hugh 2 2 2 2 0 0

CAMPBELL, Paul 15 4 3 22 20 11 14 45 8 40 9 45

CASEY, James 18 18 32 5 10 47 1 5 2 10

CASEY, Willis 1 3 4 1 3 4 0 0

CATTELL, Christopher 1 12 7 20 1 12 7 20 1 5 1 5

COSENTINO, Stephen 1 1 1 1 0 0

DALTON, Michael 21 21 52 2 10 64 21 105 55 275

DANIELS, Corey 1 1 1 1 0 0

DARGAVILLE, James 18 1 19 20 18 9 47 6 30 9 45

DAVIES, Jack 1 14 4 19 1 14 4 19 6 30 6 30

EDMONDSON, Craig 12 12 24 1 19 25 45 3 15 4 20

EDMONDSON, Grant 2 10 12 2 10 12 0 0

FELTSCHEER, Cameron 3 14 5 22 3 14 5 22 6 30 6 30

FREEMAN, Shane 1 8 9 2 11 13 0 1 5

GALVIN, James 2 16 2 20 2 25 11 38 3 15 3 3 5 36

GILLESPIE, James 2 7 9 2 7 9 0 0

HARLEY, Robert 1 1 1 1 0 0

HARRISON, Christopher 5 6 11 5 6 11 4 20 4 20

HAWTHORN, Jack 3 3 3 3 0 0

HINDS, Aaron 21 4 1 26 35 15 10 60 4 20 14 70

HOGARTH, Samuel 1 1 1 1 0 0

HORTON, Jamie 22 22 4 3 7 14 70 22 110

HOWELL, Pierce 9 15 11 35 9 15 11 35 4 20 4 20

KERESI, Moses 6 14 5 25 7 21 17 45 0 0

LAING, Troy 1 9 1 11 1 9 1 11 1 2 1 12 1 2 1 12

LAWLER, Nicholas 2 2 2 2 0 0

LENTELL, Ivan 6 14 20 6 14 20 4 20 4 20

LOUDER, Joseph 1 15 16 1 15 16 0 0

MARAIVALU, Sena 1 1 1 1 0 0

MATHESON, Alex 1 11 9 21 1 19 26 46 2 8 4 38 7 12 4 71

McCALL-HAGAN, Aidan 1 1 1 1 0 0

McINNES, Ethan 18 8 2 28 24 18 14 56 3 15 5 25

MELLOR, Tomas 16 11 1 28 21 29 10 60 5 7 1 42 9 28 1 104

NICHOLAS, Sam 8 16 24 8 16 24 0 0



1 2 3 T 1 2 3 4 U/19 T T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

O’DONAHOO, Thomas 6 10 2 18 6 10 2 18 2 10 2 10

OSBORNE, Joseph 1 10 11 1 10 11 0 0

PARRISH, Richard 4 4 4 4 2 10 2 10

PARSONS, Robert 2 3 5 9 20 29 0 2 10

PATEN, Toby 14 6 20 29 10 6 45 1 5 3 15

PEARCE, Jason 2 2 2 2 0 0

PRESTON, Luke 20 1 3 24 31 6 20 57 0 0

RAELA, Brandon 1 16 3 20 1 16 3 20 2 10 2 10

REID, Samuel 4 8 12 4 10 14 0 0

RITCHIE, Harrison 3 3 3 3 0 0

RITCHIE, James 5 17 22 5 17 22 1 4 13 1 4 13

RITCHIE, Michael 11 18 2 31 27 21 14 62 2 10 2 10

SAGGUS, Daniel 2 5 7 2 5 7 0 0

SALERNO, Anthony 2 2 4 2 2 4 0 0

SCANLON, Maverick 7 15 22 1 14 27 42 9 1 47 9 1 47

SELBY, Harrison 3 2 5 3 2 5 0 0

SELBY, Jackson 21 1 22 56 4 5 65 12 49 13 197 24 112 13 383

SHEERAN, Liam 2 2 11 17 5 3 36 0 0

SHERIDAN, Tom 1 1 1 1 0 0

SMITH, Adam 3 3 1 3 4 0 0

SYDDELL, Sean 12 2 2 16 12 2 2 16 0 0

TAI, Tevita 5 5 1 14 15 0 5 25

TALE, Ineri 5 3 8 5 3 8 0 0

TRIM, Mitchell 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 7

TUIFUA, Maleko 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 0

WARNE, Trent 1 16 17 1 16 17 1 5 1 5

WATSON, Dennis 21 21 21 21 2 10 2 10

WATT, Matthew 3 3 4 4 0 0

WESTON, Logan 6 18 1 25 6 21 5 32 2 20 11 83 2 23 11 89

WILSON, Jesse 2 2 2 2 0 0

WILSON, Samuel 5 17 1 23 5 17 1 23 1 1 7 1 1 7

WOODBORNE, Devon 3 14 12 29 3 14 12 29 1 5 1 5

WRIGHT, Vincent 8 8 3 19 8 8 3 19 0 0

Womens Playing Record - 2010



Games Games T G PG FG T T G PG FG T

AHIPENE, Hariata 4 1 5 0

BACKHOUSE, Nicole 2 40 0 3 15

BERRYMAN, Gloria 8 1 5 1 5

BLAZEJEWSKI, Jamie 12 71 14 70 123 4 1 0 626

BURNS, Leonie 10 44 5 25 42 5 220

BURSTON, Vicky 4 41 1 5 3 15

CALLINAN, Jaya 7 4 20 4 20

CLARK, Teina 9 4 20 4 20

DAVIS, Linda 13 174 4 41 102 49 136 0 0 517

DENNISON, Dalena 10 63 8 40 26 130

FAIRLIE TOWNING, Meryn 14 36 6 30 12 60

FAIRLIE, Peta 5 8 0 0

FOLIAKI, Luisa 5 37 0 8 40

FIAOLA, Lisa 9 167 4 20 125 2 0 0 629

GIBSON, Amanda 10 65 3 15 15 75

GREY, Amelya 4 46 0 4 20

HAUPAPA, Natalie 6 0 0

HENDERSON, Kate 12 78 2 10 24 120

JAHNKE, Johanna 4 1 5 1 5

LAMAN, Sarah 14 109 4 20 29 5 0 0 155

LONGLEY, Tara 9 43 0 0

MACINTOSH, Bronnie 2 113 0 46 22 274

MACLARN, Natalie 11 35 6 30 17 85

MESKELL, Danielle 9 144 0 25 2 0 0 129

MORGAN, Cobie Jane 5 27 6 30 27 2 139

ORMSBY, Tui 10 71 2 25 60 15 115 2 0 311

REES, Heidi 4 0 0

ROSS, Chris 10 116 1 5 26 1 0 0 132

SEILER, Leisa 12 0 0

SIMS, Ruan 3 17 0 7 35

SOON, Cheryl 5 100 3 15 78 8 0 0 406

STOWERS, Shontelle 10 32 22 110 48 240

TAY, Ling Le 15 55 2 10 2 10

WILLIAMS, Cassandra 11 84 2 10 17 85

YEREX, Robin 5 5 0 0

Club Point Scores - 2010


Grade Tries Goals Penalty Goals

Field Goals TOTAL

Rob Walton 36 294 286 7 1647

Evan Jones 29 230 157 6 1094

Rick Davidson 40 158 201 1 1122

David Wilson 25 99 183 25 947

Peter Roberts 45 83 136 20 859

Ian Vest 36 107 112 31 823

John Briggs 16 92 154 12 762

Layne Kelleher 54 165 57 0 771

Colts Tries Goals Penalty Goals

Field Goals TOTAL

Rys Sinnott 17 65 47 356

Scott McCarthy 8 56 56 320

Leigh Paillas 12 77 77 445

Jackson Selby 24 112 30 434

Matthew Rawle 17 58 26 1 282

David Peterson 25 48 48 365

Greg Dickinson 13 62 28 273

Phil Langlar 3 54 54 285

Rob Walton 13 43 43 280

Tristan Stanley 4 74 51 321

Women Tries Goals Penalty Goals

Field Goals TOTAL

Genevieve Delves 48 286 28 896

Lisa Fiaola 121 2 609

Jamie Blazejewski 109 4 1 556

Linda Davis 45 95 415

Cheryl Soon 75 8 391

Kathy Pade 71 12 379

Jennie Williams 61 305

Tui Ormsby 13 90 2 251

2010 Presentation Night Award Winners


1. COLTS: 3rd grade Best & Fairest – Max Buckley & Pierce Howell (tie)

2. COLTS: 2nd grade Best & Fairest – James Galvin

3. COLTS: 1st grade Best & Fairest (Mal Grey Trophy) – Dennis Watson

4. WOMEN: Best & Fairest – Sarah Laman

5. WOMEN: Most Improved Player – Lilin Tay

6. WOMEN: Most Valuable Player – (Noddy Sawtell Trophy) – Lisa Fiaola

7. COLTS: Most Improved Player – Vince Wright

8. COLTS: Rookie of the Year – Wayne Borsak

9. COLTS: Most Outstanding Colts Player (Tony Miller Trophy) – James Casey

10. COLTS: Colts Rats Rat Award –Jamie Horton & James Casey (Tie)

11. COLTS: Best Club Man – Dave Preston

12. GRADE: Top Try Scorer – Joshua Holmes

13. COLTS: Top Try Scorer – Michael Dalton

14. WOMEN: Top Try Scorer – Shontelle Stowers

15. GRADE: Top Point Scorer – Tristan Stanley

16. COLTS: Top Point Scorer – Jackson Selby

17. WOMEN: Top Point Scorer – Shontelle Stowers

18. GRADE: 4th Grade Best & Fairest (K J Dickson Trophy) – Tim Dalecki

19. GRADE: 3rd Grade Best & Fairest (Bill Simpson Trophy) – Johan Rockliff

20. GRADE: 2nd Grade Best & Fairest (T J Purcehll Trophy) – Mitchell Greenway

21. GRADE: 1st Grade Best & Fairest RJ Grier Memorial Tr)- Pek Cowan & Pat McCabe

22. GRADE: Rats Rat Award –Ryan Trbojevich

23. GRADE: Grade Rookie of the Year (Col Fogden Memorial Tr) – Hamish Angus

24. GRADE: Colts Progression Award (Ron Manion Trophy) – Johan Rockliff

25. GRADE: Most Improved Grade Player (RJ Grier Trophy) – Ben Adams


27. BEST CLUB PERSON(BJ Young Memorial Trophy) – Phil & Viv Jackson

28. SUPPORTER OF THE YEAR – 3 Daves & Lee

29. PRESIDENTS AWARD – Lesley McFadyen

Financial Statements