Refresh-Relive-Remember - Ambience Public School, Gurgaon

2018-20 Refresh-Relive-Remember

Transcript of Refresh-Relive-Remember - Ambience Public School, Gurgaon



ContentsTable of

Special Assemblies

26Sports at Ambience School

Trips & Excursions

Healthy Soul & Mind

35 38 44

Information & Communication Technology

45School Events


57Inquiry-Based Learning Approach


Clubs & Labs

60Message from the

CounsellorScholastic Departments

Learnersā€™ WorkTeacherā€™s Work

62 66 81

Awards &Achievements

17Japanese Engagement Program

24Cross Country Exchange Program

25Learnersā€™ Conferrals


Message from the

Editorial Board






Message from the

Head Mistress

10Learnersā€™ Council

12Message from the


8Message from the

Academic Coordinator


Editorā€™s DeskDear Readers,

Welcome to the first edition of our school magazine - ā€˜Ambigniteā€™. We are really proud and excited to share the reflections of Ambience School with you. Commencing with all new hopes and enthusiasm while unravelling the unforgettable moments of our Ambience family.

Ambignite is a collection of our little learnersā€™ endeavours. It unfolds the hues of Ambience familyā€™s journey from 2018 to 2020. Our learnersā€™ are very diverse and this magazine is an appreciation to this individuality of our learnersā€™.

ā€œThe important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.ā€ - John Lubbock

Be it scholastic or non-scholastic activities, our learnersā€™ have triumphed in every field. Learnersā€™ of Ambience School possess an unconventional spirit to reach the zenith and do their best in every situation. It is the constant efforts of our learning leaders who shape & mould our learnersā€™ to do their best in every field. Giving them the power to perceive, observe and explore.

Ambignite portrays the reflection of our learning leaders, learnersā€™ & every other member who are associated with us. We are sure that the optimistic attitude, hard work, creative and innovative ideas exhibited by our young learnersā€™ will surely stir the minds of the readers and will take you on a surreal journey.

We are thankful to all the members who have helped in collating the snippets of Ambignite.

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Anuradha RaiEditorial Team

Ms. Bhavna MagonEditorial Team &

Cover Design

Ms. Pooja BhasinEditorial Team

Ms. Divya SharmaEditorial Team

Ms. Sarbari BagchiEditorial Team

Ms. KavitaEditorial Team

Ms. Monica AbbiEditorial Team Avantika Chaudhary

Student Editors

Special Thanks Ms. Bishakha Das

Newton Schools Ms. Itee RaiEditorial Team

Amol KhatriStudent Editors

My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.

So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him ā€“ but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.

Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.

Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can ā€“ how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.

Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.

Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to everyone, but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

I am sharing with you one of my favourite poems

Abraham Lincolnā€™s letter to his sonā€™s teacher

Mr. Raj Singh Gehlotā€œIf you are planning for a year sow rice,

if you are planning for a decade plant trees, if you are planning for a lifetime educateā€.

According to SGI President Daisaku Ikeda,ā€ From ancient times to the present, in every nation and civilisation around the world, history has clearly shown us that it is education which determines the prosperity or decline of a people and nationā€

Therefore the importance of discipline and education in the life of an individual cannot be overstated. It shapes an individual and influences the choices made in later years.

When referring to education it is said,ā€ Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in schoolā€™. In that respect schools are training grounds to help our young learners to get equipped for their future roles in society.

At school besides learning the three Rā€™s the children discover the world and their own selves. They learn to think for themselves, negotiate and be assertive without being confrontational. They also learn about our values and different cultures and at a very early age are exposed to diversity.

Ambience school is the realization of a long cherished dream of my late father Shri Nihal Singh, a visionary educator and thought leader of his times.

The School was established with this vision of creating future thought leaders and the school I can see is doing a fantastic job towards this end.

To our young parents I would appeal to enjoy your children and build in them a strong value system. Todayā€™s society is facing a lot of challenges because somewhere there has

been a dilution of values. Children learn from us so let us all be good role models

and ensure that our children have strong ethics and values. They

do the right thing because it is the right thing to do and not because someone is watching them.

My congratulations to the Editorial team for

bringing out the first issue of the school year book.

To our young learners I wish a wonderful year ahead. Stay blessed. Stay safe!

Our Chairman

SuccessHappiness comes not from having much to live on

but having much to live for.Success never resides in the world of weak wishes,

but in the palace of purposeful plans and prayerful persistence.

Pessimism achieves no success over persistence.Temporary defeat never spells total failure;

one victory never assures permanent success.

A real success is one who makeshis mark in life without smearing others.

Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparationWork can be our friend or foe, or joy or our woe.

Success, like happiness, is more than a destination -it is a venture; more than an achievement - it is an attitude.

The greatest failure is the failure to try.Alter your attitude and you will change your life.

Who seeks success, let him prepare.Improvement is the son of discontent;success is the offspring of preparation.

To emphasize the positive - the affirmative -is to travel the high road of joy.

- William Arthur Ward

Mrs. Sheela Gehlot

Mrs. Sheela Gehlot is a hands on person herself, who encourages experiential learning as children learn best by doing. Her belief is that every individual should strive towards becoming the best they can be. She feels that apart from the usual business of literacy and numeracy children must learn self- respect and respect for others, problem solving, conflict management and aesthetics in order to become complete individuals. Her belief is that every child has the inherent capability to succeed, all they need is the right ambience which encourages discovery, a spirit of enquiry and the ability to communicate effectively. According to her education must be meaningful and relevant and must equip the child with the necessary life skills that are required to become valuable members of the society.

Our Co-Chairperson

A new milestone!Dear Readers

As I sit down to pen my thoughts I am overwhelmed with Gratitude for all the love I have received from you. It has been a beautiful journey of growth and learning each and every day. The school has grown from strength to strength and so have you.

As we all know Growth is a necessary part of life and I believe learning never stops. I am very proud and happy to see the way each of you have blossomed and worked hard this past year. Please continue to learn and discover your inherent potential while enjoying the whole journey.

We must also remember that Each one of us is unique with our own distinctive identity. Their difference are our strength. Embracing diversity and celebrating our different perspectives is what adds richness to our lives and makes us more open and accepting. It is my hope that each one of you will uphold the three values of our school of Being Respectful, Being Responsible and Being Resourceful becoming proud ambassadors of your school.

We present to you our First Year book- a milestone indeed! With every new year there will be new additions and changes but this will be a very special edition. Our editorial team has worked hard to capture special moments and milestones of our journey so far. I hope you will enjoy reliving these moments as you flip through the pages of our first school yearbook.

I am grateful to all of you, Our Management, my dear children, entire staff team and parent community for the love and unconditional support I have received from you. I look forward to hearing about your personal and professional victories.

Stay safe. Stay Blessed!

Anuradha Rai




From the Head Mistressā€™s


If necessity is the mother of invention, play is its father. When faced with a problem, let yourself play and risk being foolish, write down the ideas that come to you, however, stupid they may seem and when you start to mull over them, out comes the one that turns out to the best fit solution.

Children are not bound by the chains of logic which blocks the mind of adults and prevents the grownups from being creative. This is evident from an experiment conducted by Roger VonOech

ā€œIf I held up a sheet of white paper and put a black dot on it with my pen, what would you see? Iā€™ve used this demonstration on thousands of adults in the seminars I run, and invariably I get the same answer: ā€˜A black dot.ā€™ When I tried it on a kindergarten class, a bunch of hands shot up. ā€˜A Mexican hat,ā€™ called out one kid. ā€˜No, thatā€™s a burnt hamburgerā€™, said another. ā€˜A squashed insect,ā€™ observed another.ā€

I did a similar experiment with my children - I showed them a blank sheet of paper and asked them what they saw. One of them said, he saw snow, another said clouds, a third one said there was green grass which was eaten up by the cows who ate it and had gone away. Children have the advantage of not knowing what is not workable, for them everything is feasible. They are encouraged for anything they do and praise is showered upon them for their effort. As far as they are concerned every problem can be solved

How do we start ā€˜thinking what nobody has thoughtā€™? As Albert Einstein once said, ā€œTo stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination to play.ā€ Adults follow the rules, regulations, laws and compliance. They donā€™t allow their minds to wander or venture on the path their logic says cannot happen thus preventing them to think creatively instead of just rationally.

Children are more natural inventors as they are willing to explore, investigate and put their ideas

to the test because they have not faced failures and rejections. Their mind is like a virgin

territory where a simple idea explodes into numerous outcomes. They are divergent thinkers, capable of producing a range of ideas without an

inner critic taking notes

Home is where one starts being creative. At home one plays multiple roles like those

of chefs, decorators, teachers, gardeners, handymen. Try this little experimentā€¦. ask

your child how many uses there are for a paper clip and do share their ideas and inputs.

Kavita Malik

Creativity in Learners

From the Academic

Coordinatorā€™s Desk

ā€œWhat is Blue? The sky is



Dear Learners,

As I write this article for you, the sky outside my window is overcast, not with clouds, but with a thick smog hanging over like a pall of gloom. It is the residue and a ā€˜pollutedā€™ remembrance of the Diwali celebrations a few days ago.

While I try to pen down my thoughts, my mind goes time traveling and reaches Almaty, a place that I visited earlier this year. I was on my way to Ukraine and halted in this city for a few hours. Almaty belongs to a country called Kazakhstan; which not very long ago, was a part of the former Soviet Republic. Almatyā€™s streets and buildings, therefore, do not have the splendor or lavishness unlike many other cities abroad. But what struck me in Almaty was its sparkling blue sky. While riding on the taxi, I kept my face glued to the glass window, like a child, my eyes devouring the Almaty sky. ā€œFor how long, did I miss such a blue color of the sky? When was the last time I saw something like this in Gurgaon?ā€ I thought to myself.

Itā€™s time to travel further and arrive at the time of my own school days. I remember my Diwali holidays. I fondly recall the excitement of going to the cracker market with my father. While I chose the crackers, he negotiated with the sellers on the prices. On the morning of Diwali, arranging the crackers on the newspapers and keeping them in the sun to dry, brought so much fun. Greater was the enjoyment when I used to burst them with my friends.

I bounce back to the present and introspect. Have we been a little selfish, in those days, when we burst crackers? Did we think what may lie ahead, even if it meant our own future? Was it ā€˜usā€™, who made Diwali and crackers synonymous with each other? Was it ā€˜usā€™, who showed the way to a polluting Diwali and a smoggy Diwali?

But the problem wasnā€™t so severe then. The sun still used to shine bright the next morning. The sky remained blue.

We did not realize that with time, everything went on multiplying like a galloping horse: the people, the crackers, and so did the ill effects of the fireworks. The sky became sad and its blue quietly disappeared!

Now, every time I look at the dull, greyish, ā€˜sulphurousā€™ sky after Diwali, my heart weeps.

I wonder, how will my learners be able to draw a blue sky, if they have not seen one themselves?

But isnā€™t it, that every cloud has a silver lining? Sure, it has!

When I watched your Diwali Assembly in school and you all promised to celebrate a ā€˜Green Diwaliā€™, I could see the silver lining. After the holidays, I kept asking many of you, ā€˜How did you celebrate?ā€™ Many of you said you had burst only eco-friendly crackers. Someone mentioned that he was annoyed that his grandparents had bought crackers. Someone as young as a First Grader excitedly declared that he was very disappointed, now that crackers were banned. But he still restrained from buying any, although it was not difficult to get one.

Yes, the road is not easy! But I could see that each one of you has become the champion in your own way. Now when I look around, I realize that I am surrounded by young but mature and determined minds. You are our ray of hope for the future, each one of you has the ā€˜silver liningsā€™ shimmering within yourselves!

I now know that no one can stop you from drawing a blue sky because it is you who want to see one!

Sarbari Bagchi

Learnersā€™ Council







(Wings of Integrity)



(Wings of Wisdom)



(Wings of Truth)House CAPTAIN


(Wings of Courage)



(Wings of Integrity)

GEHLOTHouse Prefect


(Wings of Truth)

MUKHERJEEHouse Prefect



(Wings of Wisdom)

MITTALHouse Prefect


(Wings of Integrity)House Prefect



(Wings of Courage)

KALRAHouse Prefect


(Wings of Truth)

SHEKHAWATHouse Prefect


(Wings of Wisdom)

CHAUDHARYHouse Prefect


(Wings of Courage)

JAINHouse Prefect


MAGOOWellness Captain


SETHIWellness Captain


JAINWellness Captain


UPPALWellness Captain




Awards & AchievementsAmbience Public School, Gurugram

ā€œInfrastructure Provision-Juryā€™s Choice Awardā€ by Education Today

ā€œInspiring Educators of NCRā€ by Rocksport Pvt. Ltd

ā€œPanel speaker in North Educatorā€™s Summit-2018ā€ by Education Today

ā€œRanked No.1 Holistic Developmentā€ by Education Today

ā€œBest Upcoming CBSE Schoolā€ by Education Today

ā€œWalk for Life-Joined the Global Fight against Cancerā€

by CanSupport

ā€œEmerging School of the Yearā€

by Education Today

ā€œExcellence in Experiential Learningā€ by Eldrok India K-12 Summit

ā€œGlobal Educators Fest Speakerā€ by


ā€œLeading in Chaosā€ ICSL School Leadership Transformation Program

ā€œLeading Schools of Indiaā€ by Leading Schools Corp.

ā€œExperiential Learning Award 2019ā€ by Education Today


Larissa Laishram 50 M Nursery I

Siddhant Sharma 50 M Nursery I

Daiwik Kapoor 50 M Nursery II

Aishwarya Khamboj 50 M Nursery III

Aasika Sharma

Get Ready To School - Relay Nursery I

Aarvi Bhardwaj

Aksha Jain

Daiwik Kapoor

Larissa Laishram

Get Ready To School ā€“ Relay Nursery II

Siddhant Sharma

Jitansh Gahlawat

Dhruv Singh

Miraya Chawla

Get Ready To School ā€“ Relay Nursery III

Aishwarya Khamboj

Princee Yadav

Anya Khandelwal18

Learnersā€™ Conferrals (2018-19)OlympiadEight learners of Ambience Public School participated in International Math Olympiad and six learners in National Cyber Olympiad 2018-19 We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our learners in IMO and NCO.

1st Annual Sports Day Ambience Public School celebrated itsā€™ 1st Annual Sports Day on 5th Feb 2019 in the school ground. Learners challenged themselves to attempt variety of races such as sprints, obstacle races and relay races like get ready to school, gear, skip run crawl etc. The young achievers were awarded with the medals Gold, Silver and Bronze.




Moksh Jain I 1 16 16

Jasjeet Chawla I 2 306 576

Amol Khatri V 1 and qualified for level 2

NATIONAL CYBER OLYMPIAD 2018-2019Moksh Jain I 1 3 4

Gargee Gaur II 1 3 13

Shivaansh Saxena 100 M KG I

Daksh Sharma 100 M KG II

Shivansh Nigam 100 M KG III

Shivaansh SaxenaRudra Chauhan Donā€™t let the ball fall ā€“ Relay KG I

Urvansh Ranjan PandeyYashita Kaushal Donā€™t let the ball fall ā€“ Relay KG II

Daksh SharmaShivansh Nigam Donā€™t let the ball fall ā€“ Relay KG III

Ramansh RajputVinayak Vikram Singh Thakur 100 M I I

Jasjeet ChawlaHrehaan Mathur 100 M I II

Vats Jain 100 M I III

Manan JainVinayak Vikram Singh Thakur

Chahak YadavAggrata Jain

Jumping jacks - Relay I I

Mayra SinghHrehaan Mathur

Abhay Medhansh ChoudhryJasjeet Chawla

Jumping jacks - Relay I II

Garvit RaoMoksh Jain

Avyaan BansalJumping jacks - Relay I III

Vaibhav Tanwar 200 M II I

Ridhaan Sareen 200 M II II

Jia Sangwan 200 M II III

Jia Sangwan Knight in the shining armour II I

Vaibhav Tanwar Knight in the shining armour II II

Ridhaan Sareen Knight in the shining armour II III

Hridey Sethi 200 M III I

Ansh JainAmol Khatri 200 M III


Aananya Sharma 200 M V III

Amol Khatri Make it run, skip, crawl V I

Hridey Sethi Make it run, skip, crawl III II

Ansh Jain Make it run, skip, crawl III III

Abeer Magoo Make it run, skip, crawl III I

Kenishaa ShekhawatAananya Sharma Make it run, skip, crawl III


Navya Jain Make it run, skip, crawl III III19




Shivaansh Saxena I 1 3 3

Vihaan Dua I 2 22 22

Agastya Gupta I 3 23 23

Urvansh Pandey I 4 438 709

Yashitaa I 5 512 888

Iona Khadelwal I 6 534 925

Jasjeet Chawla II 1 71 78

Moksh Jain II 2 142 185

Vinayak Vikram Singh Thakur II 3 853 1694

Opal Bansal III 1 68 79


Moksh Jain II 2 165 236

Opal Bansal II 1 11 17


Amyra Saini I 2 82 154

Jasjeet Chawla II 1 207 493

Gargee Gaur III 1 299 584


Agastya Gupta I 2 6 9

Yashitaa I 3 20 29

Moksh Jain II 1 11 19

Jaskaran Singh III 1 76 154

Gargee Gaur III 1 76 15420

Learnersā€™ Conferrals (2019-20)OlympiadThirty five learners participated in International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) 2019-20, seventeen learners participated in National Science Olympiad (NSO) 2019-20, twenty learners participated in International English Olympiad (IEO) 2019-20, eleven learners participated in International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) 2019-20, fourteen learners participated in National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) 2019-20.

Two of our learners qualified for the Level-2 of the National Science Olympiad (NS0). One learner qualified for the Level-2 of the International Mathematics Olympiad. The learners won Merit certificates for the same.

The top performers were:


Samaira KaulDaryush Manchanda

KhiannaLorisa Dhar

Anubhavi Srivastava

Pass the ball - Relay Nursery I

Aaryav SuriVivaan Bhatia

Eva DubeyTiesha Goel

Nik Khandelwal

Pass the ball - Relay Nursery II

Reyansh SapraKreeti SangwantAditya Nandan

Kimyra ShekhawatVivaan

Pass the ball ā€“ Relay Nursery III

Rivansh YadavMahika Gupta

Subhav KaushalHarsheen SethiAbhinav Chitta

Pass the ball ā€“ Relay Nursery IV

Sidhaant SharmaRiyansh GargAasika SharmaShobhita Jolly

Relay with baton KG I

Larisa LaishramAarav Bhardwaj

Aksha JainAnya Khaldelwal

Relay with baton KG II


2nd Annual Sports Day To develop a sense of sportsmanship and team spirit, the school organised the 2nd Annual Sports day on Friday, 31 Jan -2020. Learners learned hands-on about the need to abide by the rules, team work, fair play and respect for others. They also learned how to cope in a competitive environment. The young achievers were awarded with the medals Gold, Silver and Bronze.


Moksh Jain II 1 92 296


Jaskaran Singh III 51 420

Opal Bansal III 41 364


Miraya ChawlaShanaya Bhatnagar

Princee YadavAarvi Bhardwaj

Relay with baton KG III

Daiwik KapoorAishwarya Khamboj

Dhruv SinghJitansh Gahlawat

Relay with baton KG IV

Shivaansh SaxenaShukrona Karimova

Garvit RaoAahana Jain

Relay with baton I I

Vihaan DuaAmyra Saini

Rudra ChauhanRamya Rajput

Relay with baton I II

Urvansh RaivanshYashita Kaushal

Rajbir Singh SamyalPranusha Chitta

Relay with baton I III

Daksh SharmaIona KhandelwalShivansh NigamAgastya Gupta

Relay with baton I IV

Jasjeet ChawlaAggrata Jain

Shivaansh SaxenaAbhay Medhansh Chaudhry

Relay with baton II I

Ramansh RajputRanvijay Singh Dagar

Daksh SharmaManan Jain

Relay with baton II II

Vinayak Vikram Singh ThakurChahak Yadav

Hrehaan MathurAtharva Gupta

Relay with baton II III

Vats JainAvyaan Bansal

Moksh JainMayra Singh

Relay with baton II IV

Taara GillOpal Bansal

Shryaan SaxenaRelay with baton III I

Ridhaan SareenAryaman Dua

Himanshu YadavRelay with baton III II



Aggrata Jain II 16th National Taekwon-Do ITF Championship 2019

Gold Medal in Sparring

Bronze Medal in Group Pattern

Aarvi Bhardwaj KG Inter School Karate Championship 2019

Silver Medal in Age Group of 5

Aggrata Jain II3rd Asian

Taekwon-Do Championship 2019

2 Bronze Medals

Ramya Rajput KG

Fancy Dress Competition on the occasion of

Republic Day organised by 107.2 FM Radio Nasha

at Ambience Mall, Vasant Kunj

1st Position


Jia SangwanGargee Gaur

JaskaranRelay with baton III III

Hriday SethiKenisha Shekhawat

Kimaya KalraAryan Mukherjee

Relay with baton IV I

Armaan SinghIra Gehlot

Vaanya GautamRelay with baton IV II

Aarav MittalJivika

Navya JainRelay with baton IV III

Rannvijay RaghuvanshiJay Trivedi 100 M V I

Abeer Magoo 100 M V II

Utkarsh Uppal 100 M V III

Aryan Gehlot 200 M - Boys VII I

Amol Khatri 200 M - Boys VI II

Dhruv Chandola 200 M - Boys VII III

Aananya Sharma 200 M - Girls VI I

Avantika Chaudhary 200 M - Girls VII II

Miraya Gandhi 200 M - Girls VI III


Japanese Learning Program Mr. Takehiro Nakamura of Shin Edupower conducted a holistic learning program for learners at the AMBIENCE SCHOOL, GURUGRAM. The learners had fun learning key concepts, both as individuals and in teams. The program helps learners increase their IQ, team and collaboration skills.


SEP EDU The school always focuses on investing in the future of learners through programs that deck them with skills and tools. One such initiative is the launch of ā€œSEP EDU SERIESā€ in collaboration with SHIN EDUPOWER PVT. LTD.

The discernible benefits of this collaboration includes holistic development of the learner through Japanese style group learning program with various hands on activities.

The objective of ā€œSEP EDU SERIESā€ will improve non-cognitive abilities, essential abilities to solve solutions logically, convert ideas, imagination and creativity.

The Founder President, Mr. Takanobu Tanaka along with his associate Mr. Takehiro had an interactive session with the educators and learners of the school. The demonstration experiments were carried out by them through SEP program to generate a strong desire of group learning in learners.

Cross Country Exchange ProgramWe keenly look forward to the opportunities that help our learners integrate their learning. And, to keep ourselves abreast with the globalisation happening around us, learners of Grades IV and V have been involved in (an educational and cultural) exchange program with the learners of Yamagata, Japan.As part of this program, our learners got an opportunity to have an online interaction with their friends from the ā€˜land of rising sunā€™ and shared their interests and hobbies with them. The learners were pleasantly surprised to find the brewing similarities among themselves despite being separated by different boundaries, cultures and languages. They are now keenly looking forward to strengthening the bond with their newly made friends over more such interactions and an exchange program with the learners of Yamagata Elementary School in the near future, that will help foster learning opportunities and acceptance of different cultures.


Role Play-2018 Special Assembly by Pre Primary Learners

@ Ambience School, Gurugram

Role Play provides an opportunity to the learners to

express themselves as well as to articulate their thoughts.

Role Play is a great way to learn various life skills like

decision making, problem solving, creative thinking

and teamwork. The PRE PRIMARY LEARNERS

enthusiastically enacted various community helpers in

the SPECIAL ASSEMBLY conducted by them.


Days to Celebrate!

International Mother Language Day21st February 2019 was observed as International

Mother Language Day at Ambience School,

Gurugram by giving respect and love to their

Mother Tongue, the first language a child learns

from his/her mother.

Celebrate Science Learners of Ambience School presented a

special assembly on ā€˜Celebrating Scienceā€™. Our

little scientists celebrated science by explaining

scientific concepts, they talked about various

scientific methods and some little experiments.

It was an informative assembly.


Autism Awareness Day

ā€œSomeone with Autism has taught me........

Love needs no wordsā€

Ambience School, Gurugram is very proud to

be associated with Tamanna School to celebrate

World Autism Awareness Day

Childrenā€™s Day Celebration


1st Assembly of session 2019-20

Inter-House Folk Dance Competition

Learners from all the four houses participated in the Inter House Folk

Dance Competition with great enthusiasm. The learners dressed up

in colorful ethnic attires swayed to the beats of folk music and with

their vivacious dances enthralled the audience.

The fun filled extravaganza offered folk dance forms of Punjab,

Gujrat, Assam and Goa. The 1st position was bagged by ā€˜Wings

of Integrity Houseā€™ which performed Goan Dance representing

lifestyle, culture and aspiration of Goan society.

ā€˜Wings of Wisdom Houseā€™ won 2nd position. They showcased

Bhangra representing the joyous spirit and valour of Punjab.

The 3rd position was bagged by ā€˜Wings of Truth Houseā€™ and ā€˜Wings

of Courage Houseā€™. They performed Dandiya and Bihu dance. The

beauty of Indian culture was shown by them and the message of

oneness was also conveyed.


World Heritage Day A special assembly was conducted by Grade III

learners of Ambience School, Gurugram to mark

the importance of World Heritage Day.

It aimed to promote awareness about the diversity

of cultural heritage of humanity, their vulnerability

and the efforts required for their preservation.

Annual Sports Day The Annual Sports Day at the Ambience School, Gurugram. With the spirits held high and adrenaline rushing, our learners had put in their best of efforts. Some won medals and others won hearts and together they made it an event to be remembered for long. The resilience and grit were showcased beautifully on the tracks by our learners along with their ā€˜never-to-give-upā€™ spirit.

Happy Republic Day A special Assembly was conducted by learners of Grades

V ā€“ VII on the occasion of Republic Day. The history and

importance of OUR CONSTITUTION was re-emphasized

through this medium creating awareness among our young

learners, our leaders of tomorrow! The assembly culminated

with a soulful rendition of ā€œSare Jahan Se Acha Hindustan

Hamaraā€. It filled our hearts with pride, strengthening our

determination to contribute selflessly towards our country

with the smallest of our efforts.


International Dance Day

ā€œDance is the language of hidden soulā€™ā€™

Ambience Public School, Gurugram celebrated

the International Dance Day on 2nd May 2019

through a special assembly packed with lively

and enthusiastic dance performance.

Friendship Day ā€œA real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world

walks outā€. This week, an assembly was conducted by learners

of Grade IV on one of the most important relationships in our

lives that we build ourselves ā€“ FRIENDSHIP!

A friendā€™s belief helps us to realise the inner potential bringing

out the best in us and help us ACHIEVE ANYTHING! It was

an enthralling experience for us to carry out the portrayal of

such an important relationship. The assembly was concluded

with the following poem:

Our friendship is strong, it doesnā€™t need a test

You see the good in me and bring out the best

You found me in the shallows and embraced my flaws

You encouraged my abilities and greeted them with applause

This is a relation that I did not have by birth

Yet I feel closer to you than on anyone on this earth

You read my mind and understand my fears

You laugh with me and wipe my tears

I could not have asked for a better friend than you

Your heart is as pure as a winter morningā€™s dew

I pray to god to give you all the happiness in the world

And I will be there to share it with you

(The poem contributed by Mr. Harshvardhan Sharma, one of

our parents)


National Sports Day Skill building on national sports day......

AMBIENCE SCHOOL learners celebrated the

spirit of Major Dhyanchand, the Wizard, honing

their skills national sports day Major Dhyan


ā€˜Winter is Comingā€™I am feeling cold today.....

The ambience of Thursday morning was that of a chilly and nippy

one. Learners of nursery gathered together to entertain the Ambience

School Gurgaon, with their Special Assembly ā€œWinter is Hereā€.

It started with an entertaining discussion of the Newsreaders

of Nursery T.V. talking about the current cold waves which are

sweeping towards the Northern part of the country. Confidence of

the children was very evident by the way they read the news, sang and

enjoyed performing.

The audience enjoyed the songs of the winter and snowman. The

learners of nursery all wore their snowman hats and depicted all the

things associated with winters e.g. hot soup, hot chocolate, woollen

cap, muffler and jackets. This created the cool, cool ambience warm.

God bless the lovely angels who made us proud.


Winter Carnival

Motherā€™s Day ā€œMother is a walking miracle.

The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.ā€

Motherhood has the greatest potential influence in human life. To

show love and respect to all the mothers, Pre-primary learners of


Special Assembly today on the theme ā€˜MOTHERā€™S DAYā€™. The young

enthusiastic learners extended a warm greeting to the spectators. The

melodious songs were sung by the Pre-primary learners to showcase

the prominence and uniqueness of mothers in our lives. It touched

the emotional chord of one and all present there.


Grandparentā€™s Day **nknk&nknh] ukuk&ukuh] lkjs tx ls U;kjsA

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The learners of Ambience School, Gurugram celebrated

Grandparents Day with zeal and admiration yesterday. The

celebration started with a power packed performance by our

learners, followed by a series of activities curated for learners

with their grandparents. From storytelling to Diya decorations,

grandparents wholeheartedly participated and supported their

grandkids. We were glad to see the happiness on the faces of

all the grandparents who made the most of this wonderful day.


Christmas Celebration Every time we share and spread happiness, its Christmas!

Our little learners celebrated this Christmas Day with

fervour and enthusiasm. They drew their Santas, had a

wonderful assembly and baked brownies for Christmas eve.

Thereā€™s joy in sharing and caring for others. So, seeing this

spirit of joy, Santa decided to give all our learners a special

gift and a special message from him too.


The school sports infrastructure inspires the same pride that Ambience School has taken in creating its learning areas. And itā€™s not just about pride, each facility is designed with international aspirations.

The goals to help learners pick up life time skills such as inclusiveness, attentiveness, respect, authenticity, team work, decision making and the like through physical education activity.

Sports at Ambience School





Trips and excursions are an important and effective tool in teaching, hence they are an integral part of the school curriculum.

Humayunā€™s Tomb To mark the significance of Heritage Day, a day excursion was organised for the learners of Ambience School, Gurugram to the historical monument Humayunā€™s Tomb in New Delhi.

Visit to Big Bazaar, Ambience Bringing learning to real life is often a very cherished experience for every learner. One such day was organised by Ambience School, Gurugram for the little ones from Nursery & KG as they went on to see how market purchases happen, raw material for food is procured and different variety of fruits and vegetables are sold at Big Bazaar, Ambience Mall.The day was filled with enthusiasm and excitement as their curiosity was at the brim. The learners thoroughly enjoyed the experience and came back informed and aware about plants and foods by observing and interacting with the store staff. This visit not just aided in explaining the relevance of the unit but also made the learners realize what an important task is it to go to the market for procurement. Helping learners experience the real world.



Kiran Nadar Museumā€œBooks are a treasure trove of knowledge that lead to development of curiosity, creativity and imaginationā€™ā€™To celebrate ā€œWorld Book Dayā€™ā€™ learners of Ambience School, Gurugram visited Kiran Nadar Museum of Art and had an interactive session with childrenā€™s book writer, Ms. Himanjali Sankar.She talked about her book ā€œThe Magical Adventures of Skinny Scribblesā€™ā€™ and inculcated the value of books and joy of reading in children. The session ended with learners participation in creating their own fictitious characters.An added attraction of the workshop was a conducted tour of the art museum.


Picnic to Tau Devi Lal Biodiversy Park


National Science CenterThe learners of Ambience School, Gurugram from Grades I - V visited the National Science Center. The edutaining exercise included observing the different galleries like Water-Elixir of life, Pre-Historic era, Human Body etc. The Science on Sphere show had a plethora of information on the Solar System. The learners also tried their hands on interactive experiments.

On account of World Habitat Day, the learners of Ambience Public School, Gurugram went for a day excursion to The National Zoological Park, New Delhi.

This excursion aimed to complement and strengthen the national efforts in conservation of the rich biodiversity of the country, particularly the Wild Fauna.

The National Zoological Park not only provides a home for the endangered species, but also helps them to breed in captivity.

Excursion to National Zoological Park, New Delhi



A Healthy Body Holds

A Healthy Soul & Mind!


A preventive Health Check-up Camp was organised. A medical team consisting of 3 doctors - well equipped with the essential devices for the whole body check-up that included DENTAL HYGIENE, EYE SIGHT TEST, GROWTH PATTERN, HEIGHT & WEIGHT etc. were thoroughly checked.





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Information and communication technology in education plays an important role in our daily lives and it is a proven fact that ICT helps learners to learn better. It includes 21st century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, media literacy, leadership, information literacy, technology literacy, communication skills, initiative.

Primary learners are encouraged to work on different software such as TUX PAINT and TUX TYPING. Learners participate in the Cyber Olympiads also. They also enhance their coding/programming skills with the help of different online links, scratch, MSW Logo etc. They also use MS Office for their regular based task based on different subjects (Interdisciplinary).

Learners of the middle school are encouraged to work on different software/languages such as Movie making Software, HTML, Photoshop, Cyber Crime, Access and Visual basic.



ā€œDigital literacy is the fourth pillar of a childā€™s education alongside reading, writing and mathematics and be resourced and taught accordingly.ā€ House of Lords Report, 2017. When digital literacy is integrated in schools. learners develop a broader range of digital skills and better understanding of the risks involved in using technology. We believe that developing digital competence at kindergarten level can help to raise awareness on safety issues and build critical thinking among children regarding content and devices that they use. All the classrooms have Finger Touch LED screens and easy access to tabs, which the learners can use under supervision. Embracing digital literacy is key to encourage learning from kindergarten through adulthood. It is essential to a schoolā€™s success and a studentā€™s lifelong improvement.

Digital Literacy


Puppet Making & Story telling

EVENTS at Ambience



Hi Seva



Summer BonanzaSummer Bonanza

50 hots


CAN Support CAN Support


ARBORISTā€™S Visit-tree doctor

Cyber Safety Workshop


Cancer Awareness


Heritage WalkIndia is known for its rich heritage and culture. These art and crafts from different cultures & subcultures have continued their traditional legacy with conventional folk art. Art is an integral part of the learning process at Ambience School Gurgaon. The school has a dedicated corner called the Heritage walk which has displays of art and crafts of different states of India. The learners get multiple opportunities to engage with various mediums in order to familiarise them. Following an interdisciplinary approach the learners created Harappan seals in their pottery class to understand about the ancient civilizations and their impact while also

appreciating the rich heritage of India.

A workshop was held by Mr. Kshitij Vij (Cluster Manager) & Mr. Jay Sharma (Music Educator) from Furtados School of Music. FSM is the schoolā€™s music education partner.The workshop was all about briefing the learners about the musical instrument- guitar and the advantages an individual derived once he or she learns how to play it.The workshop covered many topics, some of which are listed below:

1. Types of guitar and the difference between them.2. Different playing styles.3. Use of the guitar processor and its effects.4. How to play the guitar in a variety of genres.An interactive session was also conducted, where some students had the opportunity to hold and play the guitar as instructed by Mr. Vij.Students also sang the famous song ā€œWe Will Rock Youā€.All in all, there was a lot of enthusiasm ,and the students seemed intrigued by what they learned at the workshop.



ABEER MAGOO - We are very proud of our young genius Abeer Magoo of Grade V who demonstrated his infinite potential by sharing his remarkable model of DELHI AIRPORT. The CEO-DIAL, Mr. Videh Kumar Jaipuriar was exhilarated to see the intriguing details in the model and invited Abeer for an airport tour to get further insight into specialities of the airport.



One of the main pedagogical strategies adopted by the Ambience School is the Inquiry Based Learning model. Inquiry implies that learners get involved and ask questions, which leads to a better understanding. Our goal as teachers is to guide our learners to find answers to our questions, and encourage them to ask more questions. While doing so. learners are actively involved in the classroom and develop

problem-solving skills. This approach works extremely well in a collaborative environment.Struggling learners who do not do well in a teacher-led classroom respond well to

an inquiry-based learning environment. It also helps build their confidence and self-esteem.

The 5 E Model supports inquiry-based models. It allows children to make discoveries and to process new skills in an

engaging way. The role of the teacher is to facilitate and support learners as they use prior knowledge to build new knowledge. The 5 Es are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. When planning a lesson, the teachers make sure that each of these areas are taken into consideration.

Three Elements of Inquiry Based Learning Explore, experience and discuss - strengthening these three pillars of inquiry based learning approach with an engaging learning experience for our learners.

Three Step Process of Inquiry Based Learning In our experience, children who are curious seem destined for success.

A curious child is motivated to ask questions, seek answers, and apply those answers to his or her personal experience. The good news is that,

given the right conditions, every child in our classrooms can demonstrate curiosity, an attitude of wonder, and a desire to discover.

Inquiry-based learning follows a three-step process that we incorporate into our curriculum. Learners ask themselves three questions about any new

subject being introduced:1. What do I already know about the subject?

2. What do I want to know about the subject?3. What have I learned about the subject?Essentially, inquiry-based learning is a natural way to learn a second language. It allows learners much more control of their learning experience, while teachers help and guide them along. It encourages our childrenā€™s natural curiosity and sense of wonder about the world around them.


Explore, Experience and Discuss


PIP for KGOur PARENT INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM for KG the ā€˜STAR PARENTā€™ was invited in the learning space to share the journey of their child from birth till now and engage the learners with fun activities. Learners love to be in the spotlight and having the ā€˜STAR OF THE WEEKā€™ is a great way to honor each individual learner. It also helps to build community because learners are celebrating each other.

PIP for Grade-2PARENT INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM on ā€˜FINANCIAL LITERACYā€™ was held with GRADE II Mommies learning about MONEY MATTERS using manipulatives (play money).

PIP for Grade-1Mommies and learners worked in groups for PARENT INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM for GRADE I to create new words from the given letters.

In the end they created a story from the words, which they made and presented it as a team by role playing.

PIP for Grade 1 & 2Grade 1 & 2 had their Parent Involvement Program where parents got the opportunity to work with their wards & classmates on various literacy based activities like creating rhymes, word puzzles and many more.

Such programs forty five lasting bonds between parents and their children, apart from helping align parents to the schoolā€™s pedagogical plans.

PIP for Grade 1 & 2PIP for grade 1 & 2 helped them develop a better understanding of grammar concepts & improved their communication as well. It gave an opportunity to all parents to become a part of their wardā€™s learning process. Both parents and learners actively participated and enjoyed the program.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT PROGRAMAt AMBIENCE SCHOOL, GURUGRAM Parents are equal partners in education through a THREE LEGGED APPROACH i.e Learner, Parent and Teacher. Parents are important stakeholders in any childā€™s educational journey.

At Ambience School, parents are very important partners in the learning process of our learners. The school conducts regular Parent Involvement Programs for parents.

PIP for Grade-3Proficiency with fractions is an important foundation for learning more advanced mathematics. The Parent Involvement Program was conducted for the learners of grade 3 on the topic ā€˜Fractionsā€™. The objective of the program was to identify, represent and compare two fractions.The activity helped in making maths more visual and developed more enduring understanding. Parents and their wards actively participated in the pedagogical process of the learners.

PIP for Grade 6 & 7 As a part of the inquiry based learning, learners of grade 6 explored, ā€˜when a battery or cell runs out, what does it actually run out of ā€™? Learners constructed a simple electric circuit and through guided discussions determined the function of each component of the electric circuit.



LEARNER LED CONFERENCELearner Led Conference is an important event in our school calendar. In a Learner led conference (LLC), the roles reverse. The learners become the leaders, and teachers become facilitators. The Conference is not only a platform to discuss the academic and social progress by a learner, it also helps to build autonomy among the children, create active and responsible learners and build a sense of ownership of learning. Here are some glimpses.



Makerā€™s Lab - Innovative Bods of AmbienceMakerā€™s Lab provides ambignites with hands-on access to tools and space that foster interdisciplinary collaboration and discovery. It brings forth learners and teachers together and engage them in collaborative projects. Be it science, art, robotics, design or free spirit Makerā€™s lab collates everything and creates an ideal space for the learners to discover. Children blend their imagination and creativity with the materials provided to bring out the best product they can. The activities in the makerā€™s lab foster skills like creativity, team building, leadership, imagination, problem solving and many more.


Montessori Lab - Isolating the DifficultiesThe Montessori lab is a spacious, open, tidy,

pleasing in appearance, simple and real place, where each element exists for a reason in

order to help in the development of the child.

The lab is divided into theme areas where related materials and bibliography are exposed on the shelves, allowing great freedom of movement. Children can work in groups or individually, respecting their own style and rhythm. Each child uses the material he chose by taking it from

the shelf and putting it back in its place so that others can use it. The

environment promotes the childā€™s independence in the exploration and

learning process.

Discovery Lab Inspiring Children through Exploration

Science is everywhere. Observe -Infer-Classify-Predict

Discovery lab is a space where children can learn & explore science by conducting hands-on experiments. They cover diverse topics and make creative science projects. It aims to introduce kids to science as an enjoyable experience.ā€¢ Develop inquiring mind and to promote curiosity about

science and nature ā€¢ To nurture learners skills like observing, communicating,

classifying, inferring, measuring and predicting by providing regular hands on exercises.

ā€¢ Help students develop skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific context based on data

ā€¢ Young children are naturally drawn to scientific exploration, and fostering this curiosity in the early years will lead to enthusiasm for the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) as they go further in school.



From the Counsellorā€™s Desk ā€œWhen little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it is our job to share our calm and not join their chaosā€ I believe that a healthy mind leads to a healthy life, and, as research says ā€œhappier kids turn into successful and accomplished adultsā€. Raising children has never been an easy task rather a great responsibility. Parenting is a challenging endeavour in todayā€™s digital era as we face the unique challenges of bringing them up in the 21st century. Today, we live in a very different world from what we grew up in, our children have much varied interests and ways to spend their time. Most of them are glued to the screen and tend to lack the affective connect & skills to mingle with people around. Young minds are highly impressionable and are constantly shaped by our parenting strategies and their day to day experiences. A happy and trusting environment at home and school, providing them with innumerable opportunities to explore and learn, will bring out their creativity and ignite their curiosity, helping them to understand the dynamics of their surroundings. It is imperative for us as caregivers to build healthy communication with our kids in order to understand their feelings and concerns and impart them with the right values, morals and appropriate skills. Face to face communication plays a pivotal role in todayā€™s digital world. Listening to our children patiently helps to build a bond and develops their trust.

Children gain a sense of mastery when they are being appreciated objectively for their efforts, however trivial it might seem. Nothing has ever been achieved without trying and teaching the young minds that it is more important to try than succeed, helps build resilience in children. In the process of trying, mistakes are bound to happen. It is our positive outlook towards life that helps us to turn our mistakes into opportunities. Our children are our future, our future is literally in our hands and the way we shape them is going to determine how they are going to shape the world we are going to live. I see a world where compassion and harmony are not mere words but values imbibed in humans. I am working to build such a world by teaching our kids and hope you also do the same.

Ms. Divya Sharma


LIFE SKILL EDUCATION - ā€˜Learn to Learnā€™Learning how to learn is one of the most important skills in life and that makes a great difference. At Ambience, we believe that while our technical skills may get our foot in the door, our social skills are the ones that provide most of the doors to come. Therefore, life skills education in school holds a great importance in todayā€™s time. The following life skills are incorporated with the curriculum and classroom pedagogies:

Emotionalā€¢ Empathyā€¢ Coping with Stress

Thinkingā€¢ Critical and creative thinkingā€¢ Problem solvingā€¢ Decision making

Socialā€¢ Interpersonal skillsā€¢ Effective communicationā€¢ Self - awareness

We strive to shape our future. The vision of AMBIENCE SCHOOL, GURUGRAM is on shaping behaviour and encouraging the ability of each individual to achieve their highest potential. The vision of the school is reflective of the importance the school gives to the holistic development and well-being of children that is inclusive of socio- emotional and academic domains.ā€œWe at AMBIENCE SCHOOL, GURUGRAM believe in the inherent goodness in every individual. Our endeavour is to encourage our students to be compassionate, value traditions, learn to do the right thing, appreciate and respect diversity and exhibit socially responsible behaviour. This is represented in our motto ā€œHumanity Firstā€. We believe in transforming our young minds into future thought leaders who are ready to take their place under the sun. Ambience Public School strives to build a safe, inclusive and accepting learning environment essential for the well-being of students.ā€


Individual Counselling One-on-one counselling or Psychotherapy is provided to the students on a regular basis primarily based on the need identification. Student(s) are referred by a teacher for specific concerns or identified for specific needs through classroom observations. It takes place in the counsellorā€™s office and regular sessions are planned weekly to address the various concerns & underlying needs.The following are some of the most common concerns: Stress (physical or emotional) ā–Ŗ Anxiety ā–Ŗ Self-esteem issues ā–Ŗ Identity issues ā–Ŗ Body image ā–Ŗ Difficulty developing & maintaining healthy relationships ā–Ŗ Abuse (verbal, emotional, social, sexual) ā–Ŗ Bullying ā–Ŗ Aggression ā–Ŗ Academic concernsIndividual guidance and counselling sessions offer personalised attention to those in need of the same. Learners are provided guidance to enhance their listening and social skills, to address their academic and behavioural concerns, for managing aggression and related emotions. This enables learners to be themselves during the sessions and enhances their acceptance of self and boosts their self-worth. With continued sessions, the acceptance is generalised in different situations. Different tools and mediums are used like talking therapy, play therapy, and some aspects of cognitive and behaviour therapy to address their underlying concerns.

Group Counselling Group sessions are conducted to inculcate values and ethics for life, promote 21st century Life skills and to address common problems of growing up. These sessions are customised to work with a small group of students with similar concerns. It allows catharsis to happen as they share their feelings and experiences with others and the different perspective helps them gain great insight of the situation. This enhances their interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills and builds autonomy to take charge of their life situations. It is an effective means to generate empathy by listening to and understanding othersā€™ perspective and makes them responsible towards their community.Listening and communication skills ā€¢ Academic achievement ā€¢ Handling emotions healthily ā€¢ Self-concept/self-esteem ā€¢ Social skills/friendship

Confidentiality Confidentiality is the key to Counselling as it: ā€¢ Encourages students to approach the Counsellor ā€¢ Helps establish a rapport ā€¢ Enables the students to build a trusting relationship ā€¢ Encourages the students to speak freely about their feelings without fear of judgment.

Circle Time The day at AMBIENCE SCHOOL, GURUGRAM starts with CIRCLE TIME for all Grades. We believe that CIRCLE TIME enhances socialization and bonding with peers and teachers and helps generate respect for each other in the classroom setting. It also develops good listening and turn taking skills.Todayā€™s CIRCLE TIME for Grades I and II was conducted by the School Principal along with the Class teachers and learners enjoyed it thoroughly. A story telling session was conducted to equip learners to be able to understand and express their needs and convey their true feelings politely to others. Learners reflected upon the same and shared their views and took on their shoulders the responsibility to help others in need and spread happiness around by being happy within themselves.


Mindfulness and Gratitude Our constant endeavour is to build a community of grateful and mindful individuals who are compassionate and empathy towards others. Teachers and learners practice ā€˜Mindfulnessā€™ regularly as it leads to emotional regulation, generates positivity and has helped build their focus and attention. The ā€˜Gratitude Wallā€™ in our school symbolises the same in its true spirit.

Proactive Discipline The classrooms are well designed and planned to provide learners the safe and positive space which is a crucial ingredient for learning to happen. It gives them the confidence to explore and take risks and builds trust in them that they are cared for. The rules are set mutually, teachers keep revisiting them during transitions and constant reminders are given when needed. We invest our energy in ā€œCatching them being goodā€ by highlighting their positive contributions and redirecting their behaviour during difficult times by using positive language. To build the appropriate skills for happy and healthy living we proactively engage our learners to work upon different themes like ā€“ understanding self, building self-esteem, embracing diversity, being respectful, not giving up, making the right choice, learning to make friends, being assertive etc.

Spiritual Development - Connect with your Inner SelfThis quote from Henry Ford puts it well: ā€œWhen I use the word spirituality, I donā€™t necessarily mean religion; I mean whatever it is that helps you feel connected to something that is larger than yourself.ā€ At Ambience, we develop our approaches to support spiritual development through teaching children how to meditate, yoga techniques prayer, guided visualization, responding to ā€˜big questionsā€™ raised by the teachers, young children use of a reflection/spiritual focus in the classrooms. We give children the opportunities to explore spirituality across many areas through mindful sessions, circle time and reflection.

Counselling Programs for Teachers At our school, the learners, teachers and parents are believed to be equal stakeholders. Working in collaboration helps to form collaborative strategies and work towards achieving common goals for the benefit of our learners.The Professional Development Workshops for Teachers are conducted throughout the year on a regular basis. It enables them to expand their knowledge by reflecting upon their current teaching strategies and discover new and effective

strategies for efficient learning and better classroom management. Every teacher aims to deliver her best by nurturing the talents of aspiring leaders. These training sessions help them to learn from othersā€™ experience and follow and apply the best pedagogies and practices.

Also, we seek and promote parent participation through different mediums such as ā€“ Parent Involvement program (PIP), conducting workshops for parents with specified agenda, forming Parent Teacher Association (PTA), planning Parent Teacher Meetings (PTM) at regular intervals and conducting Open House for parents related to different activities. The parent interactive program assists in understanding the family dynamics and work in accordance with the same.


Scholastic DepartmentsMATHSThink maths not calculate!We enable our learners to become competent users of mathematics and mathematical applications and develop in them the skills of problem-solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning. We strive to develop mathematical curiosity in the classroom using inductive and deductive reasoning, maintaining academic rigor in the classrooms, and encouraging children to realize their potential.

Some of the innovative pedagogical techniques we use are:

ā€¢ Audio-visual aids: Audio visual aids through different video modules from the Internet are incorporated with the topics to develop more effective learning

ā€¢ Self-induction: Incorporating trigger activities to generate interest in the topic among the learners

ā€¢ Story narration: A Mathematical concept is often introduced with a story that makes it interesting and also learners see the relevance of the topic in real life.

ā€¢ Growth mindset: Open-ended, as well as close-ended questions, are posed to learners at the end as well as in between a lesson

ā€¢ Speed Math: To speed up the mental ability and accuracy of the learners, speed math is conducted

ā€¢ Experiential learning: Hands-on learning gives opportunities to learners to establish the relevance of Mathematics in real life.

ā€¢ Collaborative learning: Work in a team to achieve the desired goal.

ā€¢ Surveys: Short and realistic surveys help children see the application of data analysis and graphical representation of data.


ENGLISHInspire, Read and Learn moreLanguage is involved in all learning and is an essential vehicle for inquiry and the construction of meaning. It provides an intellectual framework to support conceptual development and critical thinking.

We use a variety of resources and strategies in order to ensure that our learners speak, read, listen and write effectively. We also encourage our learners to think and reflect on what they have learned.

There are various Enrichment activities that are planned throughout the year. Like role-play, class discussions, debate, research, surveys, critical thinking, and quizzes. We focus on vocabulary building through activities like Sparkle and word walls. The creative writing skills of the learners are enhanced through Poetry Writing and Story Writing Workshops.

SCIENCE Is all around usā€œSCIENCE is the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity.ā€ ā€“ Tim MinchinWe believe in promoting curiosity alongside content knowledge to develop scientifically literate citizens of tomorrow. Our learners understand that science and everyday life cannot be and should not be separated. With their awareness of the environment, they know that science is not just about ideas, it is also about making ideas happen.


SOCIAL STUDIESInquire, Understand and EvolveThe Social Studies Department values thoughtful instruction that promotes meaningful inquiry and depth of understanding in order to help prepare learners to meet 21st-century challenges as an active and informed citizen. We believe in engaging learners in the exploration of ideas, events and decisions central to the human experience we believe that it is critical to fosterlearnersā€™ ability to think critically, formulate decisions and effectively communicate their own ideas while demonstrating respect for diverse thinking.

Finally we believe in preparing learners for a global perspective that helps them to effectively engage as a member of the global community. To achieve these goals we use a variety of resources and techniques:-Gather, organize, analyse, synthesize and present knowledge in the content area. Learners in Ambience demonstrate the ability to select,explain and justify historical evidence to support their position when presented with a problem having multiple solutions. They also use information, media and technology, project, dramatizations, questions and answer, field-trips, discussion, lecture, problem-solving and dramatization skills to engage in the classroom and demonstrate their learning. Above all is working with teammates in a spirit of respect, civility, and responsibility.

GERMANForeign LanguageWe aim to move on the path of globalisation. We not only thrive to make our children future leaders, but also we want them to be global, responsible citizens.

In lieu of this, our young learners take up a foreign language as a part of their learning at a very young age. The children of grades- VI and VII, here are introducing themselves in German, trying to not only learn the new language by writing skills,

but also focusing on the speaking skill, which in return to get to be globally connected and will help them get acquainted with the cosmopolitan environment.

ArtS:We believe in providing learners with an art education that gives them an opportunity to understand their legacy, and combining it with a vision of the future. In addition to helping learners nurture a passion for specific arts and crafts, we inculcate aesthetic appreciation and creativity within them resulting in a refinement of the senses and a desire to conserve oneā€™s heritage and environment.

Our endeavour is to:ā€¢ Broaden mindset ā€¢ Encourage cognition ā€¢ Virtual representationā€¢ Deepening cultural and self

understandingā€¢ Curate with language - ā€˜Read Artā€™


Sketching practice


Block Printing

Clay Modelling


Sailboats Nursery



Color Wheel Nursery-KG




Spatula Painting



Christmas Craft





Thread Painting Nursery

scratch art





Akshara Foundation Christmas celebration



THE THREE LITTLE GIRLSThere were three girls.

They were friends.One girl fell down and she was crying and crying.

Other girls were laughing.She told her mother and was very sad.

Her mother said this is very bad.Then they realise that they will not do it again


FLYING BUSTERInto the white space.My little rocket sways.Flying high it bursts in the sky.We wear a spacesuit that makes us dude.Flying a buster is the best that crosses the rocket test.The rocket is the best that makes us proud.Every year a rocket launches but sometimes fails.The rocket helps the astronauts to work.


MY FLYING SEEMOI am a rocket,

I have a pocket.My name is Seemo.

My friendā€™s name is Neemo.I can fly into the air and see a flying mare.

I love the astronauts in me, how smart and intelligent they can be.


RAINJhiri Jhiri raining

Wish fish are dancingA black storm is coming

And many trees are fallingOn the ground like a Donamces game.

The light is goneIt is too dark inside.

The rain is coming like Black stones from the sky

The road is too wet. The trees are getting washed

And everything is getting washed by the rain.The water of rain is saved in the dams used by the people.

Rain comes again to clean everything again.


LETā€™S MAKE A DIFFERENCELetā€™s Make a Difference and letā€™s be kind.Help everyone who cannot shine.Save water, save a life because you are kind.Give food to the poor as you are nice.Give clothes to people who cannot shineConserve electricity for later use.



I want to make a differenceSince I am in a higher class.

I will work hard for thatAnd I will do my job. I will save electricity

And give clothes to the poor.I will save hydroelectricity

I will not go slower.There are a lot more things

To share and care.There are also loving thingsAnd care for that and share.


MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE Making the tap off during brushCarpooling with friends and donā€™t get stuck in rushIt is a big differenceCompleting the book and saving the paperSaving the money and making a saverIt is a big differenceSaving the trees and making them freeGoing on a trip and getting pizzas freeIt is a big difference


FIT INDIAFit India, Fit India

Healthy India, Healthy IndiaBe sporty, Be sportyBe active, Be active

When you have determinationThen you have an aim for your nation

Starting from running a roundSomeday making your Nation proud

Always give your best Forget about the rest

Eat healthy food


FIT INDIA SCHOOLAerobics, meditation and a plant or three,Are a few things needed for a very fit me.Football at school,And tag at home.Climbing a tree is so coolBut running is what I do most.A glass of milk and a fruit for breakfast,And off to school I go.A snack is first,And study some more.Then home I go to study and play,And that is the end of my day.But boring I find it, And I climb my treeAnd look down at the world below me.Ridden with diseases a world I see.Make the world a healthy placeIs my goal in life.


FIT INDIAFit India Go India

For this school should contributeBut students have to follow

The school guidelines tooThe school should have two

Hour sports class after schoolSo students can learn sports

And be fit tooThe students should play sports

With their friends,Win though it can be simple

Game or Tag and CatchThe school sports teacher should Give their students some diet tips

So the students donā€™t get over weightAnd be shamed from their mate

For being overweight



TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STARTwinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder where you areUp above the pollution so high

Like a gas chamber in the sky

Bursting crackers we shouldnā€™t trySave water before it dries

So many cars are in motionCausing a lot of pollution

This year we had pollution breakThough it was for our childrenā€™s sake

Sad twas to have no childrenon childrenā€™s day

Time we think and mend our ways

Let us join our hands and take a pledgePlant a tree at every nook and edge

conserve, reuse, recycle and avoid wastagesegregate garbage and pool some cars,We will once again see twinkling stars


LIFEWalk through the end of lifeLook till the end of roadRun until you find your goalBut never give up though monotonous Let courage stand by thou sideWill power, determination and kindnessAre ingredients of humanitarianism David.Difficulties are mere thorns,To make us hale and hopefulHandicap is not halt butMakes us robustCome stand with confidence to face the worldMay thy life shine like the sunMay blossom like a flowerLet thy life be bright as azure sky.


THE SUNFLOWER Oft, I think about theeAnd admires about wideThee glitters like sunny calmStagnant, at stake about beastStance further for beastCheers the mistress for her lovelornMoneyed the florist,Beautifies the nature and patientMay bright yellow stellars liveAgeless and end thy brevity.


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AMBIENCE PUBLIC SCHOOLPlot No 1, Sec 43, Gurgaon - 122002Ph. No.: +91- 0124 - 2574627 / 0124 - 2576627+91-9871296479, +91-8851939160Email: [email protected]: