r- Britisli Ho0 Toe ly in Check in North French Engage in Severe ...


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Transcript of r- Britisli Ho0 Toe ly in Check in North French Engage in Severe ...

V e t t h e r ; P ro b a b ly sh o w e rs

to n ig h t o r to m o rro w .

♦tM T p

▼ALL s t r e e t !

P A c i i

' m A i l

' M■i, , NO. 10,680 ^

anything k that help I « big' haven't y

so con- Right on

the hearty o u c a n '

y a n d b e

IR E Sa ll t i tn i*

r p o m .





Killed Near Homer'Kfinlor ’

Short Term in Senate

jm e Star l in e r C^fttc

Is Reported Torpedoed

Shortly Before He Was to Tell of

"Man-Hii^er Up,” Harry Cohen

Shot in New York.

That Is If There’s No Other So­

lution and- If Edge S eeb

Full Term.

Consent Given with ReluctanceRosenthal Cate Witness Is Held

iam SeheVfB, W ho A U tS Pro**ea<ls» la B c«ktr aa 4 O u a a o a BfarSet T ita la , la T akoa l a t e C aa<aar-.iSB rlr T h is MoralBB Cobca Tclcfhoaod th a t H« UaS th « " t lo a is o a tha Mala Mas.*

C oaelu loa Rcaohaa la A tlaa tle C llr OBafercaeo A asataa G avaraar la Aay B rsa t o f B a la c BMeatlTO V atll ^ t t e r K ail Ssosloa o f L cg ta la ta te aaS Oo b - l lo t ta c P ro c raa i a a « B a lk o f W ork.

NBW TORK, A pril 1 ( » ) .—Th*steam ship C tltlc , ono o( th s b i t W hile S ta r llhers, w s i a t ts rk s d end’torpedoed by a O erm an lubm arlne , acco rd ln t to re lltb lo In tom iatlon roctived today In m arina circles hers, d u r ln f a e o y a fa from E n tla n d to Amsrica. E ffo rts sre b t l n t m sdo to ssvo the vessel, w hich It Is believed, carried no p asson teri.

G)ming to Tell of Spies, Charges Attempt on Life

NEW TORK, A pril 1 <«).-41even hours before th e d is tric t a tto rn ey ’s office w as to have been In form td by H arry Cohen, also know n as "H arry the Tot." of the name of the "man h ith e r up" In the proeecutor's atitl> H sm bU nt crusade, Cohen w as ehat and killed a t . 1:30 o'clock th is m orn in t- D istric t A tto rney Bwarm Im m ediately ordered the apprehension of Sam Sehepps. who w as one of th e prosoeu- I ion's s u r w itn essss a ts in s t C harles Becker, the police lieu tenan t who w as o ie c u te ^ for t h e ' m urder of H erm an Hoeenthal, t 'am b ler. In ItlS . *

Sam Schepps and tw o o ther men who were w ith him w hen the police v isited Schepps’s Jew elry shop In S ll th av e­nue w ere tak en In to custody a few hours a f te r th e shooting. They w ere hurried to the d is tric t a tto rney 's office.

At th e d is tr ic t a tto rncy 'a office Schepps and the o th e r men w ere quas- Honed reg a rd in g Cohan. Beforehand, Schepps to ld .new spaper h u h th a t w hile hi" had heard of Cohen ne had no con- nociiou w ith him. ae he, Schepps, had be."iri "out of touch w ith gam bling and ihe underw orld for three y ea ra"

H ear o f T h reat to Kill.Inform ation th a t the gam blers w hi'ra

thu d is tr ic t a tto rn ey Is - fig h tin g had gunmer. ready to kill any person who plsyvd th e role of Informer w as plae-id in Ur. £w an n 's possesKlu.i Saturd.ey r.lght. tho prosecutor announced.

" I t la the sam e old s tiry ." Mr. Rwanii said. "H isto ry repeats it.net,'. On S a l. m dny n ig h t a m an whoj-j iden tity I r-v inct now reveal cam s ‘o me and anid, 'Unas, yAn’vc go t us llcktS,- Thin Uion h '.3 l e r n a gam bler for tw e n ty - ', .e years. H e gave me valuable In form a­tion In the form of a confession. B e said fu rth e r th a t th e gam blers had gunm en ready to ‘g t t any one w ho squealed.' T h is gam bler added; 'I f It became know n th a t I am here, my life would no t be w orth a p in .'"

Ur. -JJwann said th a t th is gam bler, wfto w as not Cohen, told Jilin tha gam - , b iers could sum m on gunm sn w ith in th ir ty m inutes now.

The d istr ic t a tto rn e y took oharga of th e Cohen Inquiry by sum m oning to his office M ra Cohen, Joseph Edney, th e elevator boy. and a num ber o f o th e r persona who w ere in the vicinity of th e shooting. Mr. Sw ann com plim ented E d ­ney op hla p u rsu it of th e m urderer, who w as arm ed w hen he fled.

A nother fig u re In th e R osenthal case la being aough t—"B rldgy" W ebber, w ho w as a p rincipal w itn ess to r the s ta te la thrgg tr ia ls . I t w as a t W ebber’s gam bling -place- th a t th e gunm en a s ­sem bled p rio r to th e ir dep artu re fo r th e H otel U etrapole. W ebber waa r e p o r t ^ today to be In P asaslc , H. J.

"H a rry th e ToL,'! aeoeriHap to ^

ria l/ Correspoadsnes.TRENTON, April 1.—The aolutloii of

the United S ta tes Senatorshlp contest on the R epublican aide now 'ieem s a p ­paren t a s the resu lt of a conference betw een Governor E dge and Senator David Baird a t A tlan tic C ity yesterday. U r, Baird, though w ith m uch reluc- tanes, consented to become a candidate fo r the unexplred te rm of Senator Hughes, th u s Isavlng th e w ay clear for the Governor to become a candidate for the fu ll tarm only.

I t w as announced today th a t th e de­cision of Senator B a ird la not to be accepted as a d eclara tion th a t he w ill be a candidate fo r th e sh o rt ^ m , b u t merely th a t he w ill oonseot tE r n n , In deference to th e w lshee o f Governor Edge and h ti friends, lit th e event of th e Governor becom ing a cand idate fo r th e full toFm an d no o th e r aa tlsfac to ry solution being found fo r th e filling of th e sho rt term . '

Ths ^ p o r ta n c s of S enator B aird 's action ,Js In th a fac t th a t It w ilt p em ilt Governor -Edge to te rv o during, anoibor sesiion of th e L eg isla tu re , th u s per­m itting him to clean <tp practically a ll the w ork o f h ie term as.G overnor be­fore being called to th e U nited Statee Senate In the event o f hie election next November. ■ * ’

The p lan of h a v l l^ U r. B aird run fo r the abort term w ill aleo have a bearing upon the peroon who w ill become acting Governor betw een U aroh 1, 1919, and the exp iration of th e G overnor'a term In 1939. Thla honor w ill fa ll to th e president of th e Senate to be elected next year, and, un less precedent Is overthrow n, th e post k i l l go to Sena­to r Emerson R ichards, th is y ear's m a­jo rity leader. H ad G overnor Edge de­cided to ru n fo r the Short term , th e re ­by com pelling h is rse lg n a tlo n before the L eg islatu re convened, the ac ting Governorship would have gone to Sena­to r Thomas F, U cC ran of Passaic as the p resent head of th e S en a tk

In the effort of G overnor Edge to obtain tb e consen t of Mr. B aird to be­come a sh o rt te rm candidate, politicians can reach only, one conclqalon, nam ely th a t Governor E dge haa determ ined deflnltcly to bp a candidate to r the fulh term and th a t fao Is now m erely paving the w ay fo r th a deflnlto aiutouncem ent expected to follow w ithin a few days.

Form er G overnor E dw ard C. Stokes is s till aw a itin g developm ent* In tb s Senatorial f ig h t and decllnaa to m ake any defin ite announcem ent to tbe effect th a t he e ith e r w ill o r w ill mot be a candidate. F riends o f Mr. S lakes de­c la re there Is no Ju stltJca tlpn to r the rep o rt th a t th e aa fo c iq en t batwoon him and G ovtrnar WAf ta tk* a ffe c tt) ia i in I M e v e i^ o f .S du i-^k im g A.ggg-

Husbfind of Arnoldi’s Companion

<" Declares Somebody Tried to

Push Him Before Train.

Says Wife Under Nervous Strain

A lbert E . W k l t / of H eaipatea t, L. I..Telia ReyroB catatlve ef D epartm eat

o f Ja s tle e W ife W as la ja rc d la T ro lley A cd d ea t—Sbe la U a te r la - floeaee o f G m p a t Mea, He ASaerts.

C laim ing th a t some unknown psrsoh tried th is m orning to push him on to the tr a c k tn f ro n t of an Incoming tra in a t th e Grove S tre e t S tation of the Hudson A M anhattan^R aiI^oad, A lbert B. W hite of 2! U oore avenue, Hempstead, Long Island, la te r came to th is city and ta lk ed w ith an ag en t of the D epartm ent o f Ju s tic e re la tive to hla wife, Mrs. L yd ia W hite, a rre sted here last w eek In connection w ith supposed spy ac tiv ities a t the p lan t of an aeroplane facto ry on Long Island.

Mrs, W hite and Frederick Otto A r­nold! w ere a rre sted Thursday n ig h t In a bouse a t 1197 Brq^d stree t and w areheld F riday In bonds of f 19,400 each by U nited S ta tes Commissioner M sllhew a A m ass of aeroplane drawings, b lue­p rin ts and pho to g rap h i w ere found on Arnold! w hen he waa arrested .

W hite th is m orning told the D ep art­m ent of Ju s tice represen tative th a t h is w ife w as in ju red in a trolley accident F eb ru a ry ( in B uffalo and th a t aince th a t tim e she haa been under an in ­tense nervous s tra in . He declared she had become sub ject to the Influence of a g roup of men w ho boarded a t his house, am ong whom Arnoldl was one, a ll o f whom w ere employed a t the sam e aerop lane fac to ry a t which he w as employed. W hite said be th o u g h t th is g roup of men Influenced b it w ife to m ake the s ta te m e n t to the local po­lice w hich she gave out a f te r h e r a r ­rest, Ip w hich she w as alleged to have Bald h e r husband p u t her out of the bouee because she refused to d e ta l’ A rnoldl’s supposed ac tiv ities as a spy.

I l ls w ife w anted the s ta tem en t re ­tu rned to her. he-aald. and Added th a t h e g o t It back from his brothor. Hla Wife la te r '.to ld him , he said, th a t tw o med had called a t th e house tn, see her abo I t th e s ta te m e n t and t h a t ah* le ft th e ream ta .* M w e ^ • «U1 bjr hsr.-grwinT

__net an dsa fe b u rg la r, brraAted n ineTInuiB and had aerved on* prison sao- tence.

The police ak(|l th a t Sohepps's placed

:J f* a r ty .a i id L .iggaUI itnwiM . fdir;:

a ' a t Ui* M elt iiBat.‘*''!F'.h*il « h « 'r s tu r i t ta

(Continued on 4th page, 14f colum n.)

th a fern ier 'Governor to -M ag a in s t each o ther, h u t ^ t li go Bo fa r a s to dotorralns w hie atop aslds.


S, h e «ald, b u t r t tu m e d a few dayd later,^ a f te r , w hich Ahe disappeared onsevera l occasions fo r a few days a t a tim e. T he la s t tim e he saw her, he la id .

PubKc Should Assist P. S, R.a G)nway Theoiy

Block of Quipel StreetHouses in Fire Peril

■he to ld him to se t the police on her tra il If sh e d isappeared agaliL H e did BO a n d Ohs w as lodxted here w ith Arnqldt.

W h its declared, she IS uader th e In

Expert Witness for TrcJley Com­

pany Says People Should Be

Forced to Share Burden.

And So Snfegunrd Stockholders

' G eneral M anage* ; D aa fe rtk D eclares th a t In A dd itlo i t a P rojected O otlay a t SaSAgOd <0 Provide laercaaed P a y for P la tfa ra i Mea and k n p o re lao n , trSPJNM Is Needed (o r Added W ages fe r o th e r Bm pleyecs a t O aaipaagi

Btatem ants th a t e lec tric ra ilw ay com - PRnlj's have been rendering serv ice a t a loss and th a t the publlo should be

F ire th a t i ta r te d on th e roof of a fram e' te n em en t^ fo u a e a t IS ChSpel s tree t spread w ith g ra a t rap id ity shortly a f te r 1 o'clock th is afternoon un til six adjo in ing houses w ere In flames. E ffo rts w ere m ade by the firemen to save o th e r houses In the block betw een E uclid and A lb e rt ave­nues. I 1, I

Some of t£ e house* a re tw aire -fam tiy apartm en t ^ d l) lc rf , six-fam ily . A H ' the tenan ts ei'caped In sa fe ty , It w as de- cldred, but th ey lo s t m ost of the ir household belongings.

The b la ie Is th o u g h t to have s ta rted on th e roof o f one of the houses and to have crep t along the roofa o f the othera un til all six w ere In flamea. T he f irs t th ree which cau g h t fire w ere p rac­tica lly destroyed.'^ T hey a re owned by Mrs, T e ttg Grdober. ’

D espite th e speed w ith w hich th e fire traveled qnly one a la rm w as souhded. The residents a re m ostly fam ilies of workm en in th e A tla s S teel W orks nearby.

f lu sn ee o f th la g roup and t h y I t was a t tb e lr Instanca th e made the S ta lem ent.jd ie did a t th e tim e o f her a r re s t .

R e la tiv e to th e G rove s tre e t Incld.entth is m orning, he sa id th a t he w as plain ly pushed from behind, JUst before a tra in -for N ew ark drew into the u n d e r­g round sta tion . H a did not lose hla balance, he said, b u t wlyen he had tu rn ed aabund he could not'd lq llngulah any one ho knew In the crowd an d so did n o t know who had tried to force him from the platform . The attem pt, he said, waa p la in ly made to p reven t hla g iv in g any evidence or teetim ony to governm ent agehte. He came here a t th e request of U nited S ta tes D istr ic t A tto rn ey Lynch.

Firc^in Atlantic City G uses $300,000 Loss

forced to bear th e burden p f h ig h er ra tes, while the In terests o j t to e k - ho ldsrs should be safeguartfed, and testim ony show ing th a t, In add ition to the contem plated o u tlay o f t< l|,b i)t tn Increased pay fo r conducton , m otor- mea and aupervisors, th e 'P u b llo S er­vice R ailw ay Com pany requ ires STfS,' njo to provide w age Increasea to r ' o ther em ployees witre fea tu res o f th e hearing on th s proposed dare ra ise b e ­fore th e S ta te Board o f Public U tility Commissioners h e re today.

The testim ony e4neernlng th e necee-' sity of m eeting the Increased coat of railw ay operation w a s given by Dr. T hom sa Conway Jr., professor o f f i ­nan ce a t the U alversU y y F sn n ty l- Vania, w hila R ichard E. D anforth , vice presiden t and genera l m anager of th e rallwiey company, to ld of Its plana in fjio event th a t it i f g ran ted the ra te - Utisai

AUpr Dr. Conway had quatlflad a s a . u tility and f tn an e la l expert, E dm und W. ’tjFakelee, counfel fo r the oompany, aaksd h im how th e increaeed ceat o f labor and m a te ria l had: a ffe c ted 'p u b lic

Crain Calls OQ Governor'tnd May Be Made Boxing Commissioner

staff Corretpeedeiiee.TRENTON, A pril t .—Am ong OovetnOTi

IM g e i Oalleri' today w aa E dw ard 8. C rain o f E aa t O range, wito. I t I* g en ­e ra lly understood, w ill bo nam ed aa ona of th e th ree boxing com m issioners. Mt. Crain, w ho w as aocompanled by BsaatiW Pilg rim and Jbsaa R. Salmon of N sw ark’i w as In troduced to th e Gover­nor', by Senator PIlgrITh. '

T hs O ovem or ana Mr. Crain had a long tU k over the w o rk o f the new cOmmlesIoh,' d u rin g w hich th e Governor found th a t H r. Crain w aa heartily tn accord w ith .h i t oWn view s th a t 'lh th e

Blaze Starting in Guttridge Build­

ing in Atlantic Avenue Wrecks

E^ght Business Houses.

Attributed to Crossed Wires

S to illa g a t 3iM o’clo ck This M eral*g, ' F i re B aracd F tv« ilOBire~Sevnwl n re a sc B H a rt, Tw o Serlouely—Two Cesopaalea o f S ta te H llltta ea G oarA L is t o f R andtag* a a d La*K*.

Introduction o f p ro fe a s to n ^ boxing In t e w JeJipey a h lg h .a tan d a tV ihou ld -he rn ain ta in td an d a s tr ic t com pliance 'o f th e law Inalatod upon In every p a r­ticular.

Governor E dge to ld . Mr. C rain he would p robably bo In a poaitidn to ap ­point the boxing oam m lstloners w ithin a few day*. T here la every rrsaaon to believe th a t tb e appolpteoa, a* ' Indi­cated In the Nawa laa t w M k, w ill be Mr. Crain, Jo h n 6. S m ith o f A tlan tic City and W. B. Cann o f xniaabeth.

Britisli Ho0 ToePAGES. TWO Oi


u tllltlo a"E laotrlo ra llw ag f'h av e tuffarod f^i

increaaed co*tA m o«r ihSttCattaw' o tlll

Two Advsincea of S io n 's Clock Got Wonhipen Hour Too Early


tisa becauae th e ir expanSea-arh M ote largely eom poted of th# cost o f hMIbr," the w itness r s p IM . ' >

Dr. CdbWay sa id th e w ar a ltuaflon had aleo b a tn p articu la rly aoufe .fo r th a ra ilw ay com panlea bebanie o f th e inoreaoep oast of atosl, coal and th e varloua a r tle jea mode w ith Utera, an d ' he presented num acotts charts in su p ­p o r t of h la points.* Theso tnereosaa ha ■aid w ere a lw ay s g re a t w hars m ajor na tions w ere M g a g ad In w ar.

FnhUe M o a H Belg.■When tb s w ltneaa w « it Into eosU

d u rin g th a g r a a t w a ra 'o f 'h is to ry . M ar-I Vi — ■■■ . - - .■ball V an 'W in k le , oputisel ,fo r th s op-

penenta of thb fa re boost, eb jse ted toth ta d ln a of tasttm ony on the ground th a t ‘I t ’ Was ev idaatly lead ing to A

StaffTRENTON, A pril 1.—-E nforcem ent of

tb t dayNgbt eav ln g .la w -worked over­tim e ln .th e eou them seetlOn o f th e olty yeaterday m orning duo to th a a c tio n of th e sexton, of th e Sacred H eart Charoh hw j his eon. B efore re tir in g Saturday h lf lt9 'J p s e p h ' H dllin . th e eexton, od- V g n ^ OHi.block a t hU hora t one hour and rae-aH L re tu rn in g In ter, added an- o th e r hdurTtj; th e llmnpleoe. W hen th e eexton. N F U *toUlnF the bell y e ite r- day m era in g oAe-hfuf h o u r before th e f irs t sendee w as sbbM uted to begin, p arlsh lonert jum ped"dPw g f bed end hurried tonth* edtflee tn ilF itn find th a t a t d i ^ r e k k th e y w ere an MfSk afiead of the time fo r w hich th e ftH n H i N w aa to be Mid. A 'num ber o f them igtSH ltd" 'to thefv hom e#,.prepared b n a |t f b » -a h d r e tu r n ^ to a tte n d th e f irs t earviea, ^ ;

ATLANTIC CITY, April 1 (JP),—F ire o r ig in a tin g In th e Oliver H. G uttridge fo u r-s to ry b rick build ing in the cen ter of a block bounded by Boulh C arolina avenue and Tenneaaae avenue, In A t­lan tic aveaue, th e reso rt's m ain stree t, ea rly today s w e p t ' a ha lf block to Tennessee avenue, w reck ing eight buel- ness bu ild ings and causing Jtaii.OtA. dam age. ,

The f ire la said to have orig inated from c ro is td w ires In the reae o f the G u ttr id g e building. F o r a tim e J t w as feared th e c e n te r o f the buelneae d is ­tr ic t w ould be w iped o u t The M ayor aefced fo r asaiatance from the P h ila ­delph ia F ire D epartm ent, b u t the ap- 'p a ra tu s w as atopped ae It w oe In place to b oard a special tra in a t Camden w hen I t w aa seen the fire wee under contro l.

Soversl firem en w ere Injured, tw o e t them seriously. T he la t te r a re Jo h n W i l lo w an d J a i W Clark. Both w ereou tiby f ly ing glace.


papphacy lo i-0 t* f u W * and be th o u g h t the'U tU H K a » a r a in m c l i ln g ; |ta coo-

I srnlaotgalltI|a rather than ceacluaona

P^sldant Dongea of th* board ..said tlie.'ttstlittonr 'would ha nioaivsd, and D r.D an w u w K ttlB u ad .

-nr. Co |m ,'Qi«b aAnetfneed hla pen- oliUlqn tk ^ w s nnhlle should be com­p e l temWths olaetrU raijawy dom- psqtM saeat Hie jresenl JioMcIgi atli ticl B O in t i lw dd;

Saloon Keepeis Mutt Give Pertemat /Caution to ButbeM


Exclat CommlaUener Cosaellgg on- npanoed a new rule of the' Bxewt J*a- ^tm fot at a -maetteg this niMngi which wa* attskM hy-ualoen kddsMr* and FspreamtatWaa td tha hrewdUs, who wera aitilriiw (Or renewal «t- J|- catipaa- .HaMftef. adlbDit,JMepen «gd ggnat ban prepristora nnut gtn thair

Attettaen: WlilMihr buifatige orlUem gstg Ig -naveiar indMsstffl'.wufaKJr*-'*"”'

egntinmid buelaai*.

D re I ta r te d a t t ; |0 o’cISok and b u m sd fo r D ve hou rs befere It wa* b ro u g h t und er oontroL Two oompanlea of a ta te m ilitia w are on guard duty w hile th e fire w as th progrosa.

p B alM lags Dee t i e r ed.T h e . lose to the G u ttridge building

w u tlb<l,t«0. O ther p lacet destroyed or da tgagM w are tjpy Vienne deliceteasen ■tore an d raa tau ran t, |7I.M 0; Andrew Jacofqr*F: w hejo ia le tebM eg tto re , t to . tn i ; HA}- A F arreR 's aioraa, m ta ’a fu m ia h ln g ; X irk J u l in a n Ptano C « n - nany’s p t a ^ H ra R gaa ilt'a doU A o p , W este rn Unlsgi T eleg raph OfftOA C harles F . W ahPs aha* i te ie . and th* A tla a tio City F ir* IM urkne* Oompany's o ff Ice bulldtog.

u S rlT h e O uflrldge eemnD SM r's ■w da located a t i t l * A y ^ a g e aoew na

building . 'aoeasa the «Bp*g

i s a js M i*

goiae Srallpaptr wax atoi (IMri, and thte gavs foal te tha Oniosg; whieb 'were onl^ ebeUud when they 'burned through a row of tulMlags ta tia'ceniar. ^

I c p ^ FreonIg. propimbr at tha yienna RaauuranL salt thM hie entiy* HfFa navinga w«sw lent in th* ftiu.

ly in Check in North French Engage in Severe Fighting in Soul

All Troops Here to Go Abroad by ChrislWilson Outlines Program

for Speeding Up Send­ing U. S. Soldiers.

Every Division to Be Sent

President Spurring the ' Trans­

port Service to Meet

This Plan.

'Do It,” . Ii Spirit in Capital

Frsffl ta< ITaeWnpUa Bares* of Ills grB -y /y o y s w e .

WASHINGTON, A pril l.->«m *rlcai. parllc lp a tlcn w ith th e French and B ritish ag a in s t th* O eriaau offensive In P icardy, as o ftlc la tty announced last n igh t from F rance , h a a w orked wonders in s tirr in g th e f ig h tin g , m artia l eplrlt of the capItaL T he in llltg ry estab lish­ment, In Its tho u san d and one branches today, Is w o rk in g feverish ly aud e i never before, to M oe le ra te the tra n s ­port of relnforcem onls. In men and m a­terials, from Uita eh u n tiy .

The stim ulus today Id even more p ro­nounced than w as observed duping the critical days th a t p revailed when the German drive w as g o in g stronger than It Is today. T h it Increased activ ity sp rings from th * knowledge th a t Americans, on a eo latlvely m aterial scale, a re In th e re a l fighting .

A new. goal haa, been se t fo r the tran sp o rt of Am*rl|iM> troops to France, P rssid en t W!lson^^~'|ia commander In chief, has In to m ia a the W ar Couticll and General G oethals , the d irector gecL c ra l of arm y t r a g f i p ^ service, th a t he w an ts every A jaesiban division now tra ined or t r a in in g In th is country to be in Europe b e fo re C hristm as time. This la tbe goycM iueiit’s answ er to the G erm ans and t o 't h e i r a ttem p t to dem ­onstra te , by a g iH ttary decision, their num erical su p e rio r ity on the w esternfro n t,

The order le g g ig an tic one end a I t ccom plicated on*.. I t can be vlsunllieil

an d -ap p rso la ted v o n ly by one who has some Insight In tgxjhk 'problem s of over- ■ess tran sp o rt. I m n ^ b o d y Is loath to m ake prsdlotloDa'fUtd to unduly Inflate public expectatld lM ‘gom ethlng may go w rong and sp o il l ^ a T et there Is found such k ep'tlM 'tXl.'aroused d e te r­m ination and aueil ggrtarked betterm ent

th a t there are reasonab le cOe-

o f tho trao ep o rt ju s titla b te grouui fidenct.

e p r td g h t ItJP . r e o ^ (he reauikp- H en 6f Allied offenidv*. ■ -The 'War De-

(Co'ntinued on 2? page. Id column.)

Domestic Goal Prices Drop TTiirty Cents Ton

With tjsceprion of Fifteen-CentI

• Advance, These Quotations

to Hold Till Sept. I .

Easlertimc Serves To SignaTize Spirit

Of Paris’s Courage

PARIS, April I.—The French capital is living hetoically through this fateful hour in its hiitory. and American men and Women are tak­ing their part bravely. Easter ha* but served to lignalize thi* re- tponie.

The spirit of Pari* it one of pride at the tell of courage af­forded by the continuation of the long-range bombardmenf. The evidencing of thi* tpirit i* the best proof that the purpo*e of the bombardment, that of breaking civilian morale, has failed. The long-range gun* will act as a boomerang on the German*.

Despite the cataitrophe of Good Friday (when part of the roof of a church struck by a German long-range mittile coliapted, kill­ing seventy-five and wounding niiNty, most of them women or children) alt churchei were crowded yeiterday morning for beautiful Easter tCrvicei, At the Madeleine the strain* of the “Marr seiliaise" were improvised into Easter music.

When the shell struck the church Friday, I was not far away in line for the monthly ration ticket. Notwithstanding the ter­rible holocaust, not one person about me was frightened, or lost place in line.

The bombardment, in fact, has changed the attitude of the people from that of civilians to toldhers. The world will be astonished when it heats the full story of the memorable Eastar weak-ond in Paris, to the acg&uijHUUiiwgt gf tb*

In Montdidier Sector Ger­man Attacks Once More

Break Down.

Violent Battle at Grivesnes

French^ Retain Town, Repulse

Enemy and Take Part in Coun-

tcr-Thnat Elscvriierc.

Invaders Dig in at Lassigny

PARIS, A pril 1 { « ) .—Th* b a ttls con- ttnued w ith extrem a vlolenoe laat n ight in tm seetor north o( M ontdidier, la rge bodies o t tro o p i being th row n In hy the Germane, th e -War Office announces. T hs F rench and B ritish troops broke up tha a ssau ltin g waves.

F a r th e r so u th th e f ig h tin g w as no less violent, the German* m aking In- cesBant a ttack* In an e ffo rt to capture OrlveBnes. The F rench re ta ined pos- ■eaelon of th e town and Inflloted heavy losses on th e Germans. The stuteineDl follow s;

“Y esterday and la s t n ig h t th e b a ttls continued w ith extrem e violence north o f H ontdld ler. Tbe enemy directed Ills e ffo rts lit particu la r aofag the fro,it betw een M ontdidier a n d .th e Por-iniio- Amiens rood, and th rew forw ard Im­p o rtan t forces w ith the p a rticu la r ob­jec t o f en la rg in g h is gain w est e f Han garden- Santerre. F ranco- B rl 11 ahtroops b roke up th e a ssau ltin g waves, w hich w ere nut able to dobouen. A b rillian t coun ter-a ttack . In which our A llies gave proof o f th e ir valor, en­abled th e French to th row back the enemy com pletely and recap tu re tb il vtllage.

'T h e f ig h tin g fu rth e r sou th woe no

Haigs Army New Gam an.

Gose toKht

Battle in Luce

Germani Pertitt j

Vance There

peated A

British U uiK ^'^^;;^^ter-B tow a

BRITISH IN FRANCE, n lng th e Gej In quick su e lines w est o f on both oc' th row n beoli,'

At 2 o'cli Germans Moreull an fallowed, ualty fori they pen no rtheast G erm ans- Hangarif*’ along


'< * ) ,—Lo*t’tw o •ttw ikfi'

. m i n e t the BtU|p£-‘ .town ofriC thert, MS^

ib* enemy Wo*

Isos violent, Grlveenes w as the objec- tjlive o f pow erful attmeka, w hich were renew ed Inoeesantly, lead ing to hand- to -hand figh ting . ..This tow n rem ained In th e hands of the French, who lii- fllcteA considerable losses on ibo Germans.

"B etw een M ontdidier. and Lassigny th e re te no th ing to report."

According to new s reach ing P srla Is te l la s t n ight, the a tta c k s of th e Germane^ w ere less violent and less num eroui' yesterday . I t w aa observed th a t th enemy I t feverish ly d igg ing hlmCelt I p a rttou le rly In th a neighborhood LaMIghy- Th* gll<eral Impreeatou. : :wjw n j i e r t e t . . VK* that) m b 's l t u i t l ' ■v»sai'txuxt':#t(*}totory;

j rd iy afternoon the, f i^ V y a tfack betw een

F la tce . flgh ttiig . c ^ k i j i r Udeti* griujr

d r w ay fefw aM until th e ixfge t o r i ^ lying

j tq re u ll , A IttUX.lateir tho - rep o rted t o h e agltrlB F-

to be m sv l^ 'W e a tw e rd B tver-i

id ffidtoroerg .a lth 'v* .played on tm pdrion’.

m r th e Germoti u pe f the pcekeift |pdtUe'''UiM*'

n t U ttlf, tuU m ^hx4akt*tiin ,i»T a , w h Hh'j: , in':jiaVe . 'vsjggbt*.iquentiy th ey bhve MM' up o f oefM on srpope qif 'being

(tex tened porlfb o f tJie fjod t,, in ie he* h ad a w ottdeX uitK

e ffe c t on the BriiiebiptM f. " a lUUatUui. J g M M W V ^ '

- A R i i^ H g a P a u A n ta B ivNCB, Moprii *1 i j F ) . _ I k*

ifodr. hour* aen tinued unCavor-'. " 'Abe ^B greeslvx 'O ern ien i atoM f'

i tMV bgXtW- U h d w as a tiH k lng iip good period jhe defenders. T h is nm ining Ijjlii Ml w ere hold ing th e ir e n t i r e 'U i to '

. i" e tren g th end they had'slnaM U fK *< iht'afoua heavy Oarnum attook* o r - I to u t point* a n d hod tak en the In- tlve a t se v e fa i toaa*e^«u«oaeefui|y.

The m o st Inu iaka . ith of the an<n*he

*tha Fr«nch have taei "gaUanii stand ,[‘tore of ‘ -oonf I'

l td , - - ,. . - .'fijflinlt 6'ii' cfimriM'' ioi] buitdiiigs at irregular iulerval*.


Skip-Stop Plan in Force An Over Essex Division

Public Service Gar Crews Instnict-

Jenkinson Silent on Proposal .

ed Not to Be Too R ipd

at First.

K tllta rjr b f f ie ia la '^ h li l je r t i u L t 'm i F t ^ ililtlee a re now open to the Ger-posslbl

tn fn s;F irs t, to continue tbe p re sen t effo rt,

in which case the b a ttle m u st Inevitably become a long and g ru e lin g strugg le, like the Somme o r Verdun.

Second, to^ s ta r t an o th e r k ffen slv s eleew here—presum ably In th e Chem- xtagne, W here (ho O erm an Crown j tensive nperatlon, P rin ce 's a rm y Is s t i l l Hned up. but youth of th s «o»

e tto d k '*1 .'»PBesSed I* *D v igvreueiy th'a’i olsiraed a X treteh .,ot- le rm o ry i.SUU yard s long and g v e rag lh g about !99 y s td e In depth. Thli, guceSsS had lad- tica l adventageu, h u t they -wefe .sm all com pared w ith th* fact th a t th e B rit­ish w ere able, a f te r the p a s t ten day* of g ru e lin g w ork , td u ndertake an of-

N ew ark F u e l C o u ra ittee R errives No A nsw er ■■ R ecom nendatlons He- * a rd lg g D ellverlea t« CoBsumers. See Team s Id le hhoald Hhortaa* I* Any One L ine « f F uel Develop.

P rlc e i on a ll dom estic sixes of coal dropped th ir ty cen ts a ' ton today. W ith the exception o f a f lfteen -cen t advsnee, w hich w ill come as soon as new freigh t ta r iffs ore filed by th e In te rs ta te Com- m orca Commission, th o prices effective today w ill m a in ta in v n ijl Septem ber 1 w ith o u t fu rth e r change by tha govern­ment; A fter th e new ta r iffs are filed, however, tlje ne t d rop w ill only be fifteen -cen ts a ton.

Th* now prices on th* five domestic stxss o re as fo llow s: S tove and chest- no t. fl.flS; brqken a n d egg. JT.SO; pes. 94.59..R e ta il an d w holesale dealers a like a r s tokJng o rd ers su b jec t to price a t tim e h j delivery, becauae o f the uncer­ta in ty reg a rd ii |g the new fre ig h t tarlffa. These ta r iffs m ay be filed today and m ay not be filed u n til Ju ly . T he.gen ­era l opinion In th e trad e , however, is th ab .tb ey w ill be f ile d some ttfilra th is m onth, a f te r w hich p rices vfiJl advtnca fifteen cents on each ton.

No answ er had been received from S ta te F uel A d m in is tra to r Jenklnson tip to noon today re la tiv e to the recom ­m endations sub m itted le s t week by the N ew ark fuel com m ittee. Theee recom ­m endations asked th a t six tons should co nstitu te a m inim um delivery in all orders fo r m ore th an th a t amount, ami th a t dealers m igh t be allow ed to deliver up to tw o -th ird s of a cuat^m er'a re­quirem ents (n any one else provided th a t there we* a su rp lu s o f th a t size in the m arket and a sh o rtag e In o ther ■lies. W ithout an am endm ent from Mr. Jenk lnson a llo w in g th e la tte r point dealers will, in ' m any casea, be obliged to le t th e ir team s an d truoks-stand Idle should a sh o rtag e tn an y one size of coal ocour.

Under the In te rp re ta tio n o f the Je n ­klnson ru ling of M arch 19, no dealer w ill be allowed to deliver the eecond one-th ird o f a custo m er's reqnlrem ents un til a ll orders on h is books have been filled up to o n e - th ird of the am ount needed. Thus, If a d ea le r ' keeps on ta k in g orders, he m u st till the last o r­ders taken up to on e-th ird of th* am odtit required befo re he gfves th* second one-th trd to th e f irs t .eustomor who placed an o rd er w ith him, no mat< fa r w hether th e re I* a surplus In the ■Is* desired by th* custom er who placed th e f ir s t order and a sh o rtag e In the slM desired' by th* custo m er who placed th s les t ofder.

Some Passengers Are Forgetful

Breonin Seeking Owner of $180 Picked Up in Street .by Child

Who Iqpf a t B ellev ille and Sec­ond avenueg F rid a y f

Public 8af4ty D irec to r Brennan w ants to know, 'H * h as th o modSy, bu t won’t give I t Xp un til th* o w n er'p ro v es hi* t i t l e The m oney wo* picked up a t the o t tH t co rasr by M ary gagurten . yo^ng d au g h te r of F. M. S ag u rto m * w ilform nM nufooturer oY I f E ig h th avenue, who c o r rM It.h o m e td h e r pgreme. The

tgimed th* /pgpwtto tgimsd th e /to o n ey ove; to Mr.

.■kXM.'.txri* Cm. . ^ r d Cara, K agidtoA Palatlag. Mata elQse,

ChStKii A R alsir Id-

P a tro n s of the P ublic Service R a il­w ay Company's lines th ro u g h o u t the Essex division, w hich Includes all of Essex County and th e W e lt Hudson m unicipalities of H udson County, to ­day had th e ir f irs t ta s te o f th* sk ip - s to p schedule. O fficially th e Plan w as tn effect, but the c a r crew* h*d bean in structed th a t they w ere n o t,to be too rig id end add itional etopa w ere mod* on m ost of the lines w hen It we* found th a t would-be poeecngsrs w ere no t ye t acquain ted w ith th e change.

D uring th* early m orn ing rush hours It wan not unusual to see parthw o t anyw here from th ree to a do ien p e r ­so n s g a th e r on corner* w here fo r years th ey had been accustom ed to ta k in g th e ir ca rs only to see them go ru sh in g p a s t w ithout even h es ita tin g . Then th* om nipresent w ll w ould reca ll th a t it w as All Fools’ Day, th a t th e i t a l i c Service m ight have a hand In th* m errym aking , and th a t It m ig h t be Just a s w ell to move up th e a tre e t a b it and condone Its whim. i

T he greater p a r t e f tb e ir tv e lin g poblte. however, seemed to understand th e Chengs, and w hile th e pM k • ( the to ld w aa being carried erdw d* g a th - e rsd e t the poles w ith t h i w ide w hit* b ln d l.

W here the A llies e re confident th e only re su lt th a t can be obtained lx the p ro ­duction pt an o th er la llS n t like the p resen t one.

D uring the tem porary lu ll Imposed by th e necessity of the G erm ans b ring ing up heavy artille ry , th e A llies Ithewlso e re com pleting ooncen tratlons c a lc u ­la ted ^o check fu tu re enemy efforts.

Owing to the rap id advance, the battle BO fa r h as been essen tially one of In­fa n try com bats, w ith rifles , machine guns and lig h t field g u n s alone e n ­gaged. P resum ably the G erm ans' next th ru s t w in be supported by their heavies, fu lly opposed by the Alllee' heavies.

The Germ an* so fa r hav ing engaged n inety divisions (abou t 1,050,099 men), of which a fourth lias been w ithdraw n 0* th e resu lt of losses, th e m ost con­se rvative estim ate- based on m ilita ry calculations. Is th a t the G erm an losses h e re reached 300.009.

SHOWERS ARE PREDICTEDProbably p o w e rs la te to n ig h t or to ­

m orrow ;' cooler tom orrow , m oderate vsjriebt* w inds, is the o ffic ia l w aather fo recast to r N ew ark and vicinity,

Tom petoturea today . * A. M„ so de- grepg; T A. M., 41 degrees; noon, 45 ds- g reeg H um idity; 7 A. M.. 55 pvt cent.; n*en, I t per cent. ’ W ind a t noen, south, a t six nrllse *n hour.

T em pefaturse yeste rd ay ; High, 72 degrees; low, 44 d ig v ew ; average, 90 degree*. H um idity . H igh, Tl per cent.; low, 51 per cent,; overnge, 52 per esnt. FPevaUIng wind, sou th ; m axim um ve- leolty. nln* m iles an hout* C haracter of day,' clear. -r

Tem perkturea one y ear ago today; H igh, 55 degrees; low, 47 d eg re ls ; av e r , o g g 52.9 degrees. C h sra c te r of day, Clear.

Homing w here th e re hasbeen so much herd fig h tin g , th e B r it­ish ap p ear to have th e situa tion well In hand, and the tow n h e ll o f HoreuM,about whmh sangu in ary a lru g g le t have been SM'afing, w as a t la s t reports su it 1.1

Developments of Day in War Situation.

A* Atiied troop* b«tlR, offen­sive movemenls on the pletttfy Mttlefleid, (he Gertnsn gtitults show sithi of slsckenlng both In jrambers tnd Inteniity, ind the Germani are dining themselves in ground Ltitigny on the south­ern line of the salient where french pressure h u been hesvy. South of the Somme, the German aiiacks were repulsed yesterday

-ind the French msde good gsins. ' London reports tbst the Oer-

msns made two attacks on tbe B ritish list evening in the weslern outskirts of Albert and were re-

Sulsed both times. South of the omme the Germans pefsiit In efforts to sdvance along Luce tad

Avre valleys. •The German drive is fu t he-

.coming • battle of the gMionA The conflict opened wiih British »nd German soldiers tbe 4idver- -Miries. Since then tbe Frenchttnd Americsn armies have joined tolth Field Marshal Haig’s form .

j^ trian and Bulgarian £fe aiding the enemy.

■while ffODpIGantditui. cavalry and Australlaiiinfantry have hMn doing much of

-ftiie fighting under the British flagin the past two yean.

Over the roeda to tbe battle­field, in motge tneka and og foot, it la reported 100,000 Amffican toidian are moving to jo(R tha fight aiiainst the Invader. Tho

' Amarican troopa are now under ' control of Genera) Foch, the gen- .'Kafleslmo, bat (heir deatlaation in the flghtiai area bOi not been 4)t-etoaed. They are eeasopad tro i^and are dAxIoiit to gat Into Bght.

The most intents fighting it progressing south of tha Somme, where attempt after attempt is heiiiE made by the Germani to bfesK the Franco-Britiah defense and reach the Paris-Amiens rail­way line or Amiens Itself. Un­able to make gains astride the Somme, the enemy has made heavy attacks at other points, but with no success. Moreuit, the center of the fighting south of Ihe Somme, la reported to have changed hands four times.

Around Montdidier, where the battle line curves northward, the French have rectaimed Ayencourt and Monehei. FuDtific oast tow­ard Lassigny, In the direction of Noyon, the Germans have begn pressed back and a salient driven into the enemy lines. It is In this region that the permans. are now digging, in. German attempts to force a passage of the Oise su Cheuny were crushed by flie French, wjio destroyed an enemy force which tried (o eetabtiah a brtdgeheed on die aouthern bankbridgeti of the river.

Today recalls Field Marshal von Hindenburg’a boaat that he wouldu rtispend April I In Piris. His troops are still more than fifty milesfrom tbe French cepital, and In eleven'Iftyt of fighting and under tramendo^ fosses they have not rbached the Paris-Amlens railway, the principal route from Northern France to Paris.

to North, Italy the artillery fir­ing ii Increasing In Intonsity *nd

(lylhc the British f la s deriently frciii the steeple Ous of the most costly at­tacks (he enemy attempted yazterday was between Morlancourt aud tlis Somme, where a heavy assault was mads agaliiBt the Australians shortly aft^r midday. The altaehers came for ward In masses and tl)>) British threw iheniselveii aqaiiiet the adveiichie liiii i so fiercely that the Germans were hurled back. Iciivlna 3,900 dead.

The British operation at a farm souih o f Hebuterne, hetwern Albert slid Arras, yesterday aftehioon. which re­sulted In atraifh ten inc ihd defemllni; line, was a brilliant sticecsa. 1'hi; i lc i . mans were pushed hsch with heavy cususllles and British troops I'etiirncd with 390 prlsuiierH, fo rly iiiuchiiie g u ii; and a trench morlsi'.

8oulh of Arras Ihc enemy mads Iwo' attacks yerterdny. One was iieai- Hamelincourl n-’dride the Arran-Ba- psume nsllw av, nhllc Ihe other wks uef?kv,of B oIhIcux St, Mare. Both ot these efforts were amaslied,' althbuglit particularly, bard flahting nocurred around Bolsleux. In this optrntion tlin Oermans advanced Ip great numbers after en Intense bombardment o f the British lines for two hours- At three places the enemy succeeded in pene- tratlng the defense* amt x bitter lisiid- to-hand striisk le ensued. The British mode such strenuous reslstauce that th* Germans were throw u back, leav­ing numbers o f dead.

Northeast of Arm s the Germans made a ninsll attack Bsturday after * heavy bombardment, and pushed forward over a tiny Strip of ,ground, but the oper*- tton vAc* so r-null s s to be hardly wcrtli conslaerlng.

There was a i f iinconllmied report today that a large concentration of Ger- rtian* In preparation for an attack on a oerliln place on the battle front had bsen caught In an artillery and ma­chine gun barrage and completely knocked out,

Situatlou Sewtli *( SaNtaie-The results of the fighting on the

British front south of th* Sdftmit d u r­ing the past two day* have been sstlV' factory. H eavy German attacks on both sides e f ths Luce River Frldky fOreSd the British to fa ll back some­what. Friday night tbe enemy pushed forward end penetrated e large weoil northeast of Moreull, which created an unconfortable situation for ths defend­ers.

Btturday th* Brltleh decided to a t­tempt to restore th* Ifne*. and cavalry Was sent out for the purpose of clear­ing the wood arid re .establishing th* pNitlons iipi'th of Moreull. There waz not a hitch tn th* program, Ths cav­alry swept through th* foroiit like a winter snow storm and forced the enemy to tall back, not only .here, but farther |o the north.

North of the Luce the enemy yester­day morning sitacke.l In force alon.q the British line hetwern W arfuses and Marcelcav*. This assault was preceded by a vigorous artillery bombardtnenf. TH* ca lvsfy egetn dame' into play sit"! by 10 o'clock the Germans were com- peltsd to admit defeat and to retire with Igrge cmsualtlesij

A little later thk enemy again put down' a trwmendoug barrage between. WarfusSe And the Somme arid, efliW two hour! o f terrific gunfire, advapsed In masse*. They cams against meru oavalry and met a slmtiar Jate, the British line remaining intast.


N orto‘o f A ubereourt, iout'h of Harew- ■ ................... “ ■ ra tA -:

pstfi^sMttons are ntore numeroiis, Kut .tnm fhM been no lafluitry ae- Hes on g torge icsl«.

.oCve, the B ritish a to rm ed and tured Im portant h ig h g tound to th e G erm ans had clu tig tense Ltrialyi

I t Is now possib le ' to te ll of teeu ia r fea tu re of a b rillian t.' defense la s t w*5k below Ui*I t la to e sto ry e t a l i t t le artag, eeeed la rg e ly a t aasortiqeitU ef who w ere h as tily assam hlgd |n ( c rM i-an d w ho auecaaafuljF Jie ld s tre tc h e f to* I ro o l dgoJip t'-l

Ir i i i

•9J. -

illBttliili'tiliillilt Iii-a in i|il» 'ac j.W .--.- v.i mis ffMie


u n til Toln^stu,- r r t „ a 1 .A t ' futM

r u l lw tj r t i ln « » r i , who. * • i k Ih * b « tU , o l C teb rftf November, th iv w mflde th o lt to o h end ^ook up

■ e » M In d e t e i i ^ o t the A llied color*. A m r t e » Aid Im Dcleoec.

tm w i'iiihou iB

ouelr. A ren ted T . V. C. A. eente* «" C h e lone -eu r-H im e wee deraeged bed ipby bombe.

The only ceeue lty em onf th e T. « . C. A. w orhere i t the front hee been In e t o t U lse M erlon O. G rinilell. prevlouely

rted k illed by a shell.'he T. M. % A, hee pieced Ite care a t

th e f ro n t aiY#elaewhcra a t th e dlerjoaol o l .th e B r i l l s and FreiiSh In rem ovljig wounded e rid la ie aud ViftigA ltitT i"*-.*.

eporT h.

- - _____, o i l more tm p b 'W w u ththrow n Ihto th e B rttleh line to hold th e •n n ie h of Oermane. Helnforeewonte w ere on the way, b u t could In tim e. There wae no time to io»* and a ce rta in general Immediately or- c a n lie d a force collected from the varloua units, nearby, lu w hich were the Americana. ^

F ifteen hundred followed the or Ihe ir daehlng brigadier sw irlin g b a ttle line, w here they were e tn in g over a . f re n t ,of 1,1100 yards ag a ln e t w hlch hordee of dferman* were b e lH flung . It eeeme alm oet Incon- ce lb ib le th a t theip defender*, br^ave u n to dea th though they w ere, could hava heen able to ho ld th a t long tor, b u t th ey bold. The enemy ad» vaneed In force and hurled Ihomeelves tim e and tim e again ag a in s t the B rtl- leh line In thle region, t u t they found no w eak epot. Thle eom poelte force stood ae gallan tly and ae well ae th e ir com radea to the r ig h t and to the left. T hey clung on for m any houre until the regu lare came up- Thle pi* of the figh ting e p lp t w itch Allied unmiare are S h o w in g In th is tim e of


All Troops Here to Go Abroad by Christmas

(Continued from F irs t Page,)

Gennans Claim Local Gains Near the Ayye

ilt^T h er

eoldlere a re show ing

**Th!s incldsn t le m ors spectacu lar b u t hard ly finer la sp ir it th an t ^ ^ “ •**'*" B rllleh ooldlere. These lads bad been home In E ngland on laava and on lan d in g a t a Channel port In P fa n '» could find no tran sp o rta tio n to the fro n t, n id they ett d o a h and w ait. They did not. They s v a r r foot of the way to the battle H ate to tak e their placee beside their bard-prstaed ooraradee.

AttaMie a« A lbert F a ll., rtVDOM AprI' l ( IF l.^ T h e Germane

m i f . t ^ o • « a c k . on f irltlsh posltlcna In the w eetern ou tek lrts of A lbert U at « , n l « T and In both caeee w ere re- ouleed. th e W *r Office announces.

gouth of the SomBis the enem y p e r­sis ted In hts a ttem pts to advance along the Lucs and Avre valleys, but made

'* * ^ 0 num ber o t macbln* d“ hs **hen bjr~the British In th s ir a tta c k near g e ira on Baturday w as 109.

The official com m unication by the W ar Office tollowe:

‘T h e enemy twice a ttack ed our poei- tlofis in th e w eetern o u tsk ir ts of A lbert ysa terday evening. Both a tta e k e were

**Soulb o t th* Bomm# th e enemy li p e ra iitln g In his a ttem p ts to edveneo a long th e valleys of th e rlvare Luce and Avre. butT iae m ade l it t le progreee. A ttack s and eoun te r-a ttaek e followed each o th e r In thle sec to r throughout yes te rd ay afternoon and evening w ith v a ry in g aucoeei, and the lig h tin g IS expeoted to continue.

•In th e local operation in th e nelgh- berhood of Berre w hich w as reported in yesterday m orning 's com m unH ue the to ta l num ber o f m aohlns guns taken w aa lOi,"

r i n t B ash BeUeved H opped.LONDON, April 1 ( » ) .“ rThe reports

from the b a ttls f ro n t th is m orning are reg ard ed as favorable fo r th e A luea an d th a belief le held th a t th# firs t on - ru eh o f th e enemy h as been stemmeo. H e la engaged In th e Ptoo*;* ao llda ling hie poelllone and bring ing up heavy arU llery, and I t la expected th a t w hen th le w ork b aa been com* & an o th er b ig blow w m be deliv­ered w ith a ll th* energy w hich he etlll

p a rtm en l h as eet out to b e tte r th is estim ate. I t has p i.red the goal h igher and, while mum on predicting w hether It w ill a tta in the goal, le sparing no labor o r expedient to make seed.

There h as been m aterial im prove­m ent In tho term inal conditions, a t thle end and In France. The g reat problem has been the Frenrh ports and the l.‘rench railroads. The herculean labors of the American engineers and w orkm en In France In tha conversion of the second ra te ports that th# A m er. leans hnvo been forced to iin iilisr lnt>» adequate tcrin llia ls arc now bearing fru it.

U nloading in P’rance and m ovem ent up to the A nierlran bases are becom ing progressively faster. The railroads over th em th a t th e Americans have bu ilt and rebu ilt are working up to m axi­mum capacity , 'fhe h o a rlre rd ln g d e ­lays, tfe-ups and confusion of tho w in ­ter days are being left to r behind.

The p rearran g ed schetlulo lo r the m ovem ent ot Aiiieilcan troop* In th is country from camp to seaboard and thence to F rance Is being exceeded week by w eek, Ths tran sp o rt service Is finding th a t, In e r tu a l perform dhce, It can move more men than It w as w illing to se t down by way of fo re­cast or expectation.

T roop M ovemenls on Big Beale.T he to ta l movement of troop tra in s

In th le .coun try for the lest ten days hae been on a scale th a t challenges Uie Iraeglnatlon , No such iln g ls m ovs- m ent Ilk* H has occurrsd except In th s th e a te r of w ar. I t was a m ovem ent

hen w s did not


Between It and Lace Brool

Have Been Successful Battles,


Reports Counter Blows Failed


fCK 0(f 0

s 0

m ■iU 13H i ’

m : i/ h -I VS ' if'*


hae-W lth s trong re ln fo rcsm sn te on the

g reu n d gad w ith co-ord ination of e»m- maPd. th* hop* Is * x p rs iisd here th a t th* AUl*d lln* w ill prove im pregnable an d th a t th# O erm aae w ill dash them* e*19M ag a in s t It In vain.

T he new epapers a r* occupied w itn th e n*w m an-pow er .proposals andAnm rloa’s expected’p a rtic ip a tio n in the f lg h tlag . tIxS S tandard advteee the gen-

th a t one y ea r ago, know w h a t th is w ar me»nt. would have been declared Impossible. And yet the W ar D epartm en t Is ro t satlefled w ith tMe. I t m akee no boait of It and won’t oven m ake any admlaelon about It. T he responelble oIBclals w a n t the troope over th e m before to y in g a n y ­th in g abo u t th e record. Again, they a re cau tloue about speaking In ad vance,' before performance# a re com ­pleted and thereby cauelng falee o p tlm lem ? T ha fall flown on av ia tion production hae tau g h t a ll handa to om it pred lcllons and a c tu a l accoinpllihm enta.

Shlpa a rc being diverted from every poaelble aource to aid In the speed up of tran ep o rl. I t there were m ore sh ips and If th e re w ere more adequate po rts in F ra n ca th ere would not be the e l ig h te it doubt about th s ab ility of the W ar D opartm ont to execute the P re s i­den t's w tahea In quicker tim e th an ha

I t l i ag a in pointed out th a t ships, w hile aoaree. a re not so much tho w eak link ae a re th e unlnedlng and t r a n s ­p o rt f ie t l t t l s i In Franco. If th s . ^ e r l - c a n i could m ake use of th e channel p o rt! now need hy England, o r If they

*'could g e t m ore space in the po rts they now sh a re w ith th s French G overn­m ent, th e problem would be eased off oonelderably. b u t the accom m odatjoni a t these baeee ere now taxed to th e tr u tm ost w ith o u t tho A m ericans com ing in to m u ltip ly the congsellon.

Bblpplag P r*M e«.As to sh ip hottom i, the supply for

th e Im m ediate ourpoes w ill be Increased

BEBLIV, March t l (V ia London).— T he offic ial repo rt from genera l haad- q u a rte ra o n .to d a y 's operaflona on the w est fro n t. Issued ton igh t, eays:

"T here have been local successfu l b a ttle s betw een Luce Brpok and the Avre French o o u n le r-a ttack s w est and sou th w est of M ontdtdler failed w ith heavy loiiee."

Follow ing la tha te x t of the daycom m unication, dealing w ith the f ig h t­in g yesterday;

"On the heigh ts w est of the upper Anor* we repulsed a B ritish co u n te r­a tta c k . Betw aen th e Bomme and the Olaa we gained fu rth e r auccastee in our a ttack .a "On both sides of th e Luce Brook ws penetra ted th e forem ost B ritish lines, w hich w ere s treng thened by French regim ents, and look by storm the v il­lag es of A bercourt, U angard and D sniuln, s itua ted In the valley, and, desp ite a m ost v io len t coun te r-a ttack , th rew the enemy back on Moreull and the wooded height# to the north thereof.

“Betw een M oreull and Noyon w a a t ­tacked a new ly b rough t up F rench arm y corpa. N orth of M ontdidler we re ­pulsed th e enemy over the Avre and look by ito tm the height* s itu a ted on th e w estern bank.

"M any tim es repeated c o u n te r-a ttac k s by the F rench weal o f M onldldtsr, e a s t e t Fon taine and ag a in s t Ucsnll, w hich had heen captured, failed w ith sa n ­gu in ary losaea. F on taine w as ta k e n by ito rm In the evening and Mesnll waa m ain ta ined In stubborn figh ting .

"T roops a tta c k in g from M ontdtdlor aa f i r as Noyoa th rew the enem y back from h is freshly conatructsd tranches beyond A saatnvlllers, B ollot and H aln- v ltlsra , ae well as on T hieacourt and Vllle, Haro also s tro n g c o u n te r-a t­tacks, of the French collspaed.

r t s R enaud F o rt, dom inating th s Oise Boulhwsat of Noyon, w as ta k sn by storm . F rom a ll o th er poin ts of the fro n t very heavy sangu inary loiaes of th a enemy are reported .

"From the o ther th ea te rs 4f W*r ih e r e la no th ing new."

T H E( f f i T O m i f B .


i i u *O t> E K nO D E L S

£ ;q } e c t


will be field duriTv brUthe week, of flpru

firftto,sixtfi indusiue

Irv liiew of the^ existiivj shortage ofears, prompt action HOW iff ffU(^€ste(3

DETOIT-CHDILLGC noTon cm . CO.R u f t t f i l r t y - f f i x - B r o a d S i .

Hftwflrlu M.e/.lafli IW t Pfytwi

ODcn cucNida? unutu nevus

Germany Playing Last Card, War Dept. View

Staking Al)-on Spring Campaign,

and Will Try New Points If

Stopped Now, Says Review.


ton m otor tru ck from a d itch m eans noth ing to Am ericans w ho aro In a h u rry to get Into tho light,

F n a c e Accepts U tter,PARIS, March a i.~ "T h e F rench Gov-

ernm ont has decided to accede to the desjrs expressed by G eneral Ferphlng in Ih# nam e of the U nited S ta tes Gov­ernm ent," say s an offic ial note Issued today dealing w ith the opera tion of Am erican iroopa w ith th e F rench and B rltlih . . . . . . .

"Th# American troops w ill f igh t side by side w ith the B ritish and French troops, and the S thf Hpangled Banner will flo a t beeld# th e F rench and B rit­ish flag s in the p lains of P icardy."

Vim M arks Am erican Array. W ITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN

TH E FIELD, March JI-—G eneral head­q u a rte rs aa welt as those closer to tho linos. Is the scene of the g re a te s t ac tiv ­ity. I t l» an ac tiv ity neesss lta led by

George N., p rivate; Csto k b , Pelegrlno, p riva te ; Pecolls, W alter, private; Forde. Je rry , private; 0#hr, George F., private; Lawrence, W ilbur L., private; Rutledge, R an iy L., prlvat#,

Saturday # lis t follows;K illed la Action.

M attss, OuaUv, private. Perrin , W infred I*, private.

Die* frmn AceWeat.Robert*. John Wo private. S taples, w s i l l e y ^ . , private.

•rata to •'tSlnk in the offenalve." Itb ^ ih # 'u - .# -o t t h , com m andeered vee-

tM in iliau v # a i« r_ v ------------------- | , ^ lntsn#lve ap p lica tion of

a f ig h tin g Instead o t a tra in in g arm y. There la a new snap and vim In the

•U * r t 1# trM tta t# * . %y calling u p all ael# and by anin*a o f m lltu ry ag# an d fa ls in g the a g g UmlV E ngland can have an addl-tional mllllop man by •jMI ad of th#n ? w a ‘ii!.sK x v a K ?

; th a n »,000,*»0 p fw troop# av4H-

p rio rity and allocation order#. Th# u## of #v#ry »hlp on th# A tlan tic I# b*- la g d*t#rm tn#a wholly w ith re la tio n td . th # d#m and* for ^ m ov#m #ni of ■oldlarfl. m liftary #iiV*lU#^ and food-

'knknait*flthls ao^Mted,

A m arlcan army, which Is proud of Gen • ra l P # rih ln g 'a confidence In offering It bodily to G eneral Foch.

Bo fa r aa fig h tin g ac tiv ity Is con­cerned, the day, passed quietly on the Am erican 00010/. T here w as only the usual, exchange!of a r tille ry fir# ,

Ttdop-mjqVhfjifcnt# behind- the G erm an lines a re InereH lng, how ever. I t waa le a rn e d U ia t <»e d ivision m p ve^ in to

tiled ff#IB DiseaselUtdoon, H arvey L., oergeant; pneu-

monla.81nff»T. John, empyemasMorgan, Allen Irvin, corporal; pneu­

monia. , ,,K incaid. Benjamin F rank lin , saddler;

pneum onia. _Borders, W ill, private, firs t class;

pneum onia. ,K llng, H enry L., private; f irs t class;

m eningitis.B igger, W alter, private: pneumonia.Gavin, I.awrenoe P., p rivate; pneu­

monia. . ^Lleblor, E a rl N,, p rlva ts; endocar­

d itis.‘Mowick, .Morgan L., p riva te ; pneu­

monia.Obahasky. Benjamin, p rivate; pneu-

areas. Our "atokee" wore directed chiefly upon h ostile comiuunlcallons, our machine gu n s m aintained a hall ot fire across No M an’s l,and and upon the enemy's front lino, w hile our hsavy a r ­tillery kept up a harass in g fire for two hours, increasing to b a ttle barrage a t sta ted tim es, when every gun w as f i r ­ing shell upon shell as fast »a they could bo fed to them . And, a tlb r such a concentration of fire, the German .a t­tack never d sfsloped , a lthough tho u n ­questioned concen tration ot troops proves beyond question th a t A rras and VIniy Ridge a re am ongst the chief ob­jectives ot the enemy'o spring offensive.

Robert S. Parsons, Nutley, Samed Upon Highway Board

S W t C ttritpm im ct,TRENTON. April I.—R obert 8. ” a r-

aoiia of Nutlay, aaa la tan t to P residen t U nderw eod of tho E rie R ailroad, w as appointed by Governor Ed^ge th is a f te r ­noon to succeed the la te Colonel EAwIn A. Stevens a s a m em ber of the S tate H ighw ay CommlBSlop. Mr. P arsons Is a g rad u a te of B u tgera College and an tnS m eer, He w ill fill one o t th e tw o po iltlona on the h ighw ay comraleslon th a t under the law mu»l be held by engineers. . __________ _

nkoniA* ,, .Oaklns, E arl, prlvats; cardiac d ila ta ­

tion., Phillips, C R iatU i.,prlvati: pneumonia.

Russians and Rumanians Have Completed Treaty

Rumania to Evacuate Bessarabia

and Not Oppose Russian-Rc-A k ‘ }

publican Federation.

Rev. Paul L. Berman Accepts Call To Mission Charge in Baltimore

Tells of American Assiitance

The call extended la s t w eek to Rev. P a L L. Berman to m ain ta in charge of P » rk P re sb y te rian C h a ^ l , wh#ro he ha# served elnco been deolln.d*b_y him "mayancy of the B altim ore Jew ish E vangell-Ja tlo n Bocleiy. Inc., »n ‘" terdcnom lna- tlo n a l o rganU allon found#d a# * re su lt

Prisoners’ Exchange Arranged

b «H M »l r*fi»bveop'v T' .M tk « t In gd tiU ^ lM fA o lflliig

flMlRMil th AlrmkTT*# AHle* h*4 mM#gS! m w w r t e r - g ^ k . l*M*ch#d * tfo u r separa t# points. A bout the m ost Im p o ru a t of th### wa# th# rsoaptur# a t U orcull, t#« mil## n o rth and w a it o t M o o tild lsr and ab o u t an equal d ll- taac# sou tm tait of A m lsn i. F rsn ch and B r ltlih ffbdp# o p era tin g Jointly re-eap tu red U o rtu ll and. H ritllb cavalry cap tu rod a wood s io rth a t th# town.

Th# B ritish Mio rc g g li^ d ground In a o o u n tsr-a ttae ’' m jl## aa#t o t Ai th a lr n*w.,pB#ii

a o o u n tsr-a ttack n e a r Feuohy, four tr ra a . The B rltlih b#ld

.g ro u n d . I t I# ot|gJpHB>*iJi it#d e ta t#* d# o la» d w ar hi

G erm any. W ith four Am #rican v lilohs, to ta lin g over ac tu a lly In h a tlle and w ith 1,00»,000 e ith e r in cam p In A m erica or on the w ay to F rance , it I# an In ta rea tln g ob- sa rv a tlo n th a t on# year ago today, th e A m erican , genera l s ta ff had no notion o f tra n sp o r tin g m#n to E urope o r g e t­t in g th e in d n io cem bat before th is very m onth. T he f irs t Yanfcoe soldiers, und ar th e plana then ex isten t, w ere not to be tra tiip o rted to Europe before

__ ^ ^ n i i p a tro l enVefai th* G er­m an line# thro# time# d u rin g las t n ight. On one expedition It encountered elec­tr ic a lly charged barbed w ires. On a n ­o th er occasion ahots w ere exchanged w ith th e enemy, bu t tho p a tro l w ith ­drew w ith o u t oaaualtles.

The A m ericans a re on (he a le r t for a possible a ttack w hich may be under prepdrdtlon by the enem y. Our troops are prepared for defense a g a in s t G er­man tanks. A tperlean a r tille ry la peri­odically pounding th e enem y line*. Tho Boche guns re ta lia te , b u t dam age on o u r aide Is email.

R eligious services w ere held In llie varlou* re s t cam ps today. I t w as a wet, ra iny Easter. The e m lre fro n t w as mired. M ud-caked couriers dasi^ed about on m otorcycles, automobiles,

m u *B ease 0 1 A r r u . - a i t

r lv a ta ;'•aa*s.

MOSCOW, M arch »1 (JP).—The tre a ty hetwean RuBsla and Rifmania ha# b ta n

ot th e Billy Sunday evangelis tic paign In th a t city. Mr. B eim an. w ho I# a converted Jew , to ld }'>" la a t n ig h t a t the chapel th a t he had de

tft E cctpt th® call b®*« » * . he feeU him self called to w ork am o n r hi® own p®opl®>

A lthough aaked to begin ''** ” • * tie# a t once. Mr, B erm an w ill rem ain w ith th e chapel congregation t h r o u ^ th is m onth th a t, a n#w »hPPl3;a i iu re d betove h» l#ave#. HI# new w ill b# carried on w t |h th# a id of

WASHINGTON, A pril 1 ( f f ) — G er­m any h as staked its fo rtu n es ' on th# sp rin g cam paign, lay a th e W nr D e­partm en t’s weekly review of th e m ili­ta ry situation today, and th e A llies and th e United Btatee m uat be p rep ared for f re th a tta c k s a t new po in ts If th# T eu­to n s fa il to achlev# v icto ry In th # p res­en t fighting.

"As th e German h igher com m and.’’ continue# th# atatem ent, " !• apparenU y determ ined to force a declalon or prove to Its own eaU alactlon th a t I t la u n ­able to do 10, we m u lt an tic ip a te , in case of his fa ilu re to o b ta in m ajor reaulta in the preaent th e a te r o f ope­rations, th a t ha w ill a t te m p t fu rth e r offensive assau lts. In ad jao en t area#.

"B ut despite the .g u c e n ie s galnsd by the Germans," says th e review , "the enemy has been unable to fo rce it de- olalon," and "so long as th e AHleu a r t ,blo to m ipoeuver’’ w ith tho co n ila ten t un ity and f lo ilh lllty w hich th e y have show n during the engagem ent# of tin p a s t week, so long w ill v ic to ry elud* the enemy.

The placing o t A m erican resource# unreservedly a t th s disposal of th e Al­lies Is noted, and th e s ta te m e n t a n ­nounce# th a t "euch o t o u r troops as have received aufflclent tra in in g will aesum e a ahare of tho burden now so valian tly borne by tho F rench ami B ritish armies."

The review also m entions th a t Am.ir- lean troops a re ta k in g th e ir place i- o ther parts of the lin e ,, th u s rollevtun veteran French un its fo r emergen, service. •

■everal v l l lg g tH p a t oh Saturday. They ooglneer# andIk I nom m unlciittoii ®nd b®B® persoiine Bva l io w lp td ou t a Gs rinan detachm ent w hich had CfOiHed th» o n e B lver n#ar Chauny. • ol -

A t m oat polnlg poVOi o t the Somme th e Germ an# ever*. rila tt# « ly qulea- e#n t yeaterflay ,'excep t fo r heavy sh il l­ing o t *om*- aectlK)# of th e B ritlah line#. ■ , ■ ’ .

South of th e Somme th ey launched an A ifauU In conalderabl# force fcgalnst th# B rltlih position* to th e south of th # m ain highw ay lead ing from P er- onlta to Amiens. Y esterday aftarnoon a heavy Odrman a tta c k developed In ' th * angle betw een tlis Luce and ^v re rivers .

H ow th * B ritlah public will tak e the announcem ent o f th e appointm ent of G eneral Foch to th e suprem e command rem ains to be seen, but there Is little doubt th a t It will accord to the gov­ernm en t w illingly all the pow ers It needs In th a direction of Incrtaaing. tho ag e lim lt and In e th e r u rg en t m easures. U la a tm unsettled w hat age will bo fixed, b u t It Is believed generally It w ill be about fo rty -e ig h t o r fifty . Bonio p apers demand tlfty '-flve, but the gov- artkment la likely to healla te a t such a step .

I t ta understood also th a t th e gov- ernnxent has h a p resen t Intention ot u tilis in g the rec ru lte of elghleon. 'Who have been trained fo r six inonths. In a c tu a l fighting.

Ireland . Kow»'’er, hi tho crux of tho rec ru itin g prob .n. and it Is consid­ered not unlikely th a t tho preaent crisis m ay have a good effect tow ard ascur- In g an agreem ent w ith tho Irish Gov­ernm ent. In th a t rase consnrlptlon In Ire land m ight bo obw ined by consent. I t Is believed th a t Ih s view ot the Cab­in e t ta th a t Ireland m ust bo con­scripted, w ith or w ithou t consent, bu t th a t tt would be fa r m ore preforabl# If by convent. Tlsiice, hops Is en tsr- lalned th a t the nation 's crisis may have It# effect on th e deliberations of th e Irleh Convention.

Unanim ous approval ts given the ap po ln tm ent of tloneral Fonh In be gen- eralleatm o of th e Allied forces in F rance by the m orning newspapors. Including thoae which have been loudest In their opposition to suet, a move. Many coj um ne are devoted to details of the ca ­ree r of th e French general.

cam m unlcatlon —B ut now th a t the Am erican organlxa- tlon In F ra n ce has been b u ilt up. which la th e fac t, the tran sp o rt le rv lc s 11 froad to U k » Inoreaslngly la rg e ship­m en ts of fig h tin g men. A. J. 8.

spattfired rmxl on the men a t the roAilfllieB, w hile trooL)^ plnrtded ch®er> fully through th e mlr®.

In an anolent church In a town cIobs to th e Ihie® A m erican lo ltlicra aiul F rench poilu® knelt a t the Byrne a lta r r®lL

A rm ies Uhder Oae He**-W IT H T H E AMERICAN AHMT IN

FRANCE, U ereh SI (JP)— The accept- anoe by F rance of G eneral P ersh in g 's o ffe r of a ll American men and m a te ria l fo r th e p resen t eiuergenoy haa. In #f- fect, v ir tu a lly re iu lted In a unified n rn iy command, so fa r a# th e F rench arm y and American lorcea a r e con­cerned. Thl# Is shown by tho faci th a t th e o rd e rs Issued to the-A m erican Iroopa a re of French origin.

G reat ac tiv ity aontlnued Sunday th ro u g h o u t th a son# w here th e A m eri­can Iroopa a re quartered . I t began a t 4 o'clock th is m orning, w hen heavily loaded m otor camions began rum bling th ro u g h the s tree ts and over th e roads, w hich by noon were crow ded w ith cam ions, both m otor anfl ho rse draw n, m arch ing men, horaae and a r tille ry .

A* on Saturday, some p a rtie s w era go ing In one direction and som e In aii- q ther. The Americans p assin g were cheered hy ollu-rs who stood along

Latest Pershing Lists Bring Casualties Total to 2,321

m e *Braun, Carl. prlVate.Dosi, Jam es L-, private-H arrla, Georgs O., private.Miller, Joseph C., p rlvats.

Died—Canve Not Stated.I-angston. Willie, private.

W ottedf* Slightly.Davis, Howard H,, lieu tenan t; Jo h n ­

son E lnar, cook;. Justice, Loughron, cook: ^lii-hah, Joseph C.. private , firs t class- t’hrlBtlan, Jam es B-. p riva te . Major, Richard U. p rivate; M annli, Ed­w ard W.. private.

Tho following, who w ere f irs t re ­ported aa tnlasing or dead In th e sin k ­ing of Ihe transport Tuscanla, have been IdeiiUfled as dead, hy finger prlnlB:

Altwien, George A., p rivate; Bran- land. Verner r ., p rivate; Cochran, Joe. private . Dethman. Leonard H„ private; D ial, Hoaendo. private; Edmondson, E lton T... p rivate; E rras, Florenclo, p r i­va te ; Feyrer, Edward C., private; F lores, 3 lx(on. private; G aria, Guadalupe, private; G raham er, E d­w ard C„ private; Koseaeth. F ran k , p ri­v a te . Marlin, Joseph, p rivate; Mun- caster, Roy. private; Owens, Ben V.,

Igllial te rra in nh ar the mouth oi Danube and sh a ll w ithdraw her troopi from B eesarab la w ith in tw o m o n th s All tha evacuated p laces ahall be occupied Immediately by R uialan . troops. A fter Ihe exp iration of tw o months, however, a R um ania detachm ent of 10,000 men will be perm itted to rem ain In Be«- •arafala to g uard railw ay sta tlo n a The policing of B eesarabla will be attended to by local m ilitia.

R um anians a rre sted In Ruasla wHl be exchanged fo r R ussian revolutionary soldlera a rre sted In Rum snla. An u n ­dertak ing 1# m ade by Rum ania n o t .to take offensive action a g a tn it th e ROI- aian Republican Federation, and also to a ie ls t th e federation If auch a c ­tion Is begun by o ther power#,

R ussia pledges to Rum ania the su r ­plus of g ra in In B essarabia a f te r the population and the Husstan troop i have been supplied, Rum ania reeervei th# righ t to purchase provision# n»c##sary 10 feed the R um anian population in Russia. F or tho benefit of R um ania, Kuesla w ill ra-estab llah the depots o r- ganlxed by the Allies for feeding the Rumanian people.

uweiis. Ben v , . . » , C I 1p rivate; Paul. Clarence, prlvale:',PeIley, A m C n C a n S INOW ^ I C l y

in 'g o h th Breadw*F.c la ty la compoeed of j,®!tha P reehyterlan , Bplsoopal, M ethodlet EplBcopal. C hristian , Reform ed Episco­pal, Engljph L u th e ran and B a p tis t churches,

------------ ---------- -------- - •

Joseph R. Murphy Is Welcomed To Office of A iiiilant Postmaster

th e road s w atching the v ir tu a lly end- ) gUla.

WASHINGTON, April 1. -By th e addi­tion Ot th ir ty nam es In G eneral P e rsh ­ing 's list Saturday and tw en ty -e igh t in h it list of yesterday casu a lttes am ong Am erican forces In F rance, aa a n ­nounced hy the W a r D epartm ent, have reached a to tal of 2,321. The H it ee- celved yesterday from (ienera l P ershing follow s;

K illed In A etlen,O’Connors, M artin, private.

Died from Woondi#Redmond, I-aw rence E., private.

Died from Dleease,Loehr, Jam es L.. corpora l, m snlngltla.True, California, corporal, abaces* of

brain.Bttsbn, C lem ent,'p rivate, piieumonla.Brown. Churle#, private , pneumonlADouglas, Dowoy H., p rivate , m enln-

C'lydc C-, cook; I’ere*, Ju an A., private; ' _ - —, . t o r \* - 1, private; Rodrigue*, (Jut 01 f inland, oavs Uistjatch

Uchulte, R ichard, p rl- I ■'Powell, Ondls,r ir llo , p riv a te ......... ..va te : Straacli, ,\r lh u r, p rivate; White, P a tr ic k If . private; W illiam s, Paul A p rivate: Ybarra. Jose, private.

A ssum ing office a s a a ils ta n t m aater thl# m orning, Jo i# p h R. M urpny of ISO Orchard s tre e t waa form glly w e l­comed by Poatm aaler Jo h n F, S lnnotl and the heads of departm ents, who pledged him Iheir support. The new offlclal'a deek wa# covered w ith flo ra l token# aent by frle n d a Civil aervlc# reg la llons p revented elm llar reco g n i­tion from the office employe#*

A nother advancem ent re su ltin g from th e change# follow ing th e rea lgnatlon of form er A *il# tant P ostm aster W ill- lam F. Cypher® -wa® announced by Mf, am notL I t is th* tra n sfe r of John J< Connell, forem an of th® carrier®’ di- viiion , to be forem an of th e clerk®. The vacancy In hi® old position haa no t y e t been filled# I ^

German Leaders Seek AU Details on American Army

STOCKHOLM. April I (JP).—AH Americans a re now safely out o t F in ­land except Consul Haynes and Vice Consul W aldo a t H elsingfors. A group which waa m arooned a t BJorneborg has reached ?*—i’'-')lm.

lese proneisiuna, some of w hich were m ilts long

Out on the open roads th* men In the camiona sang ev ery lh ln g from

-’’The B attle Hymn of the R epublic" to "T ipperary .'' They exhibited thift R reates t enthusiasm for the w ork they have In hand, and seemed to be anx ious to xet It etarted.

F requ en tly during the day heavy m otor tru c k s skidded from th e muddy roada Into ditches, but they wer.i

u lckly lite ra lly picked up by a# manyim erlcm h# a i could gel a hand on Ihioni and se t back on the road and s ta rted again tow ard th e ir deatlnatlon. \ l i t ­tle th in g Ilka lifting the end of a flve-

Ilahn , H erm an, private , oedema o t brain.

M urphy, W illiam E., p riva te , m enln- gltls-

,8eay, Percy C.. private , m eningitis.Thill, Robert, p rivate , pneum onia.

W ounded iev ere ly .Bpelgle, Alfred, private , f ir s t clas#.

W ounded S lightly .H ardenhrook. W alte r L.. lieu ten an t:

Bpeer, T albot T., lieu ten an t; T ibbetts, Guy Daniel, llsu ten an t; Bergeron. Alfred ■J., se rg ea n t; Hooper, Dewey J., eer- gean t; Ruben. Joe, corpora l; W llaon, John, corpora l; K una, Jo ieph, bug ler; Bedrnlcek. F ra n k J., p riv a te ; Bell,

■WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, March t l (,P)."-G erm sn arm y leaders are exceedingly anxious to obtain Information co r.cerring the m ost m inute dclal! of tho American arm y. 'T h l# Is tlLsclosed hy a captureil German document Issued to th e F ifth B avarisn Ijanilwehr In fan try Brigade, and which Instruct# every observer and p a tro l to do hie or Its best "to bring In Inform ation about the new enemy.'' The resu lts obtained a re to be added to o ffic ia l reports. "

The captufed document s ta r ts out by g iv ing deta ils that are known, such as those regarding tho American uniform , and adds th a t the in fan try Is equipped p a rtly w ith English r lf ls i and th a t tho a r tille ry probably has F rench guns. It says th a t American troop# still con­tin u e tra in ing In France, adding;

"N othing is known as yet about th# m ithods of fighting or leadership .”

Jealous Husband Shoots Wife and Takes Own Life

Southern Section of Battle Line in France

Intense Artillery Duel Now Along Entire Italian Front

ROME, M arch 81 (A*).—Along the e n ­t ire Ita lian f ro n t th e re la an Intensive a r tllls ry duel In p rog ress and consid­erab le ip tlv lty by p a tro l parties, sa w th e Ita lian official communication Isanefl today. N ine add itional enem r aeroplansa have been b rough t down by B ritlah aqd I ta lia n airm en. BrlUssi av ia to rs dpwnsd six o f the machines no rth east o f Oderao and another on M elettl. I ta lia n airm en downed the o ther two. '< ^



elidve Ground Glas* Reports

Jealousy la ascribed as the m otive for th e shooting of Mrs. Leona K eller Webpr .snd th e eulclde ot her husband, W illiam H. W eber. Baturday n ig h t in a room a t 24* N ew ark avenue, Bloom­field.. Mr*. W ober, who w as sho t through th e b reast, Is a t M ountainside Hospital, M ontclair. Her condition waa reported today as Improved. The couple had been separa ted Since T hanksgiving Hay. W eber, who w as a tra in flagm an on the D elaw are A Hudson Railroad, had been liv ing a t S H untington avenue, Oneonta, N. Y., w ith th s lt ten-year-o ld son. K eiler W eber, while Mrs. W eber occupied a room In the Bloomfield dw elling w ith Milton Weber, an o lght- year-old son. The husband waa th ir ty - Blx years old and the wife la tw enty- nine.

Mrs. W ober had been living In Bloom-

Ill from Incurtble Diiease,Man Enel* Life with Revolver

H aving been told by phy llclan# th a t hla alim ent, w as incurable, F ra n k .Pa- gano o t 219 Bergen s tre e t oom roltied suicide early th is m orn ing by sho o t­in g him self In H .. : : I l tem ple w ith a revolver. Dent* Ih tw o cartrid g es In th e .r sv o lv e r show ed th a t It w as not un til th e man had pulled the tr ig g e r for the th ird tim e th a t th# bu lle t exploded.

Shortly before T o 'clock thl# m orn­ing, Pagano le n t hi# m other to a nearby otoro to purchase a b o ttle o f milk. W hen Mrs. Pagano re tu rn ed th her son's rqom #he dleeovsred him,,

WASHINGTON. A pril 1 ( f f ) .—P h ila ­delphia 's polios force la ch arg ed with corruption tn d p artn ersh ip In crlm s hy the Commlaalon on T ra in in g Camp Ac­tiv itie s In a repo rt w hich Secretary D aniels has forw arded to th e Governor ot Penneylvanla and the M ayor of Philadelphia, w ith th e req u est th a t they accept tne co-operation o f tho navy and Marin# Corps "for auch c lean in g up In Philadelphia a# la Im peratively de­manded.”

Thousande of young m en a re In tra in ­ing fo r Ihe navy and M arine Corpa If. Philadelphia and, accord ing to the com­mission. no o ther c ity in (ho country haa BO tailed to meet tho requ irem ent! of the arm y and navy aa to m oral coii- ditlon*.

L ists of alleged d iso rderly houses w ith atree t addresses and o th e r Itema of specific Inform ation a re given In the tra in in g camp com m lselon's r e ­port. made public la s t n igh t. I t was subm itted to S eerstary t^ n ie la by Chairm an Raymond h . Foedlck, a fte r an extended tnveatlgstton .

In practically every d iso rd erly house v isited the report sta t«s, in vestiga to rs sfere Informed by those In charge th a t they paid w eekly sum s to th# police for protection.

Government Names Gen. Bryanf State Employment Kractor

p artly clothed, ly ing beside the bed. The revolver lay by hla side. County

field since M arch 5 In th# house oceu- - — . . f- 1 pled by Mr. and Mrs. Claude M., Clapp,

Due to Sand and Grit in rood recently of Oneonta. She was employedIn a fac to ry in W ateesslng, and told

WASHINGTON, April 1 ( J").—'Ro- | 'h e C lapps th a t she had left her h u i- no rts of ground glass found In candy. I band because he w as In ienely Jf»Rni* bread, canned fru it aiid o th e r food I of her and had th raatenad to k ill her.

QuivwvitLe** OPOlX

o f e i s v





American Army Y, M. C. A. Lest Eciuipineiit Valued at $20,(XX)

FAJtlS. A pril 1 ( » ) .—E quipm entv*I*#d a t mot# th in |20,(ifl#, #*nt by til* Jpneriean Army T- M. C. A. to th# BylUsh fro n t fo r th e use of Amerlean BdIWAY Ih g in e e r# and o th e r Amerl-ea» RBiti, v ir tu a lly a ll ha# fallen into S S l w l O o f th e G «m an s. F o u r lime#t lw T> M C. A. m en movSd th e tr po#l e lM i shA ah u id o n ed .during th# r# -

*g# l u g # w ooden taulldlng, tw o t #M t# OMl * qu an tity or*uspJle#.

1 detdt## hut* tent to tha British J. bgT* bqan lo#t. J wo oth*m



r lLLVOTHoav

^ N N it LKI

c l ix'■■I. oVWLY


O c « * » vO R O V E



OnteaieoN (*b*vai»« rt,e tiv em i QifMiBui ^ mout

COU«T«»»C4(tO M «H TD ID I» 0 F«H8l(St s

mhnil K


u j '.f aiir ooeoES




article# have arisen largely . D epart­m ent of Justice oiflclala believe, from th e fact th a t sand and g r i t often get Into food. A recent chem lit report m ade to tho departm ent sa id th a t If g lass w sro ground su ftlden tly fine not to he detected In m astication It would do no physical harm. In soma caso# It lie# been found th a t oooka or chefs 0r# d isgruntled over some troub le w ith employers, or practicing doctrines of ih# I. 'W. W„ have deilhsrately placed (orolgn Bubstances In food, b u t little harm h as resulted.

Year Ago Canadians Captured Vimy Ridge, Now Defending It

CANADIAN ARMY HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD (By Oanadlan Press, L td .), April 1 { ^ ) .—On E a s ie r Monday B. y**r ago Cm adlan soldier®, moving

Tries Twice to End Her Life,Under Scrutiny as to Sanity

Twice a ttem p tin g to commit suicide In Bloomfield yeeterdey afternoon Hr#, K ath erin e Ru)akle, Ih lrty -th ra# year# old. em ployed as a domeatlo In thla city , la under police guard a t M ountainside H ospital aw aiting e ia jn - Inatlon a s to bar sanity , th e Jumped Into the M orris Canal from th e tow - p a th In tho v icin ity ot the B tllev llle avenue b ridge sho rtly a f te r 4 o 'clock, being rescued by M. F. Stmpaon, a sailor, home on furlough. L ater M ra R unkle a ttem p ted to Jump from a eeo o n d -ito ry w indow of a realdenco In Belleville avenue.

Physician W arren, who exam ined th e body th la roorhlng, asserted th a t death V ae Instantaiieoui. Pagano. wh'.t Is unm arried , lived w ith h is m other a t the Bergen stree t addreee. He has been a iling fo r a num ber o t y e a rs

Thieves Visit Two Apartments, But Get Nothing in Either Case

WASHINGTON. A pril 1 ( # ) . —D lvii- lon of tho coufitry In th ir te e n em ploy­m ent d is tric ts to fa c ilita te th e tranefer of labor o t all k ind* from d litrlc ta w here a au rp lu i ob ta ins to those where a ih o rta g e ex ists w as announced yee- lerdiiy by th e United S tate# Employ­m ent Service. H om ogeneity o t Indus­tr ie s and em ploym ent prob lem s gov­erned tha division.

There will be a su p e rin ten d en t a t tha head of each diatriqt. E ach of the su ­perin tendents Is em ploym ent d irector In hie own ita te . 'rw en ty -lw o -ad d itio n a l s la te dtrectora w ere announced, Gen­era l Lewis T. B ryan t a t T ren to n being named for New Je rsey , Ho is . S tate Labor Commlseioner Ihera.

F la t b u rg la rs o pera ting In th e n o r th ­ern end o t the city mad# two unsu c­cessfu l a ttem p ts to i t t a l yes te rd ay a f ­ternoon. ^ _

The ap a rtm en t o f Mrs. E dw ard 3. Campbell of « T BelliVUi* iv e h u e w as en tered during h er ahssnoe. Tho th ieves forced the loek of a h a ll floor. The room s w ere .searched, and an a ttem p t w as made to op#n a bouse cafe, b u t an

MOTHERS, LISTEN!When woric «xhw»tt your

tndInventory U k en today dliCloied th a t J j L cW M W r. n O Q lilh in fl 1

w a i stolen. T he police believe a***#noth ing w as stolon, th s th lsv s i w era In aeareh of money, and, fa lling to open the aafe. w an ted no th ing el#s. . j . ,

An e ffo rt to fo rce a door lead ing to th e apartm en t of M ra W illiam M ills of M l Mt. P rospect avenue a lso via* made, b u t the in truder# w ere n o t able to b reak In.

Auto Fatality in Bloomfield Brto your fcloodapdbuuduprn o T t k t a a , f lo o T T t la helih<

m igh tily to the attack , cap tured Vlmy...dge- Thla E aster Monday th e aoldlora of the Dominion are united w ith the B ritish troops north o t th s Scarps, In d eftn se o f the southern flank# o t th##* .heights, which domlnat# #o m uch e t the v ita l coal areas o t N orthern F rancs.

Canadian gun# played a p a r i lo de­fea tin g tha German o n slau g h t against th# poiitton# oppoiite Oppy and Gav- r t ll# l a i t Thursday. Efcrly ysatsrday m orning G srm an p raparatlona fo r a fu r ­th e r a tta c k ware sffec tlvsly dsfsa ted by th s m aaied tire o( our arllU sry . A t 1:41 o'clock, a t 4:30. o’clock and again a t I o'clock th# #outliera flan k of V lm ^ s tr tt« h in g out towand A r r i i . wa# a U ^

Mowl * a v m u w t ’v iiT in o av Iw ith tlr# from our gun*, w hich raldW •h il l# on th# enemy'ri fro jji Uhsa, cQllie n iualta lto n trsnehs# and aiisnablr.

Dr. Muck Again It Questioned By Justice Department Men

BOBTON, A pril 1 (JP).—Dr. K arlMuck, conductor of th# Boston Sym­phony O rohsatra, who ha# b u n In Jail a t Cambrtdg# since his a r r * t a w ta k ago a# an #n«my allan, waa tak en to the F ed era l build ing today fo r f u r th s r exam ination by official# of tit* D#- p artm *n t o f Justlo*.

Much of th# ilm# w as #p#nt In th a off tea o f U nltsd Btate# D istric t A t- to rnsy Thoma# J . Boynton, w hara Dr. Uuok wa# qu*#tlon#d hy th# d t i t r le t a tto m sy and hi# a M lita n ta T he n a ­tu re o t th a •■am lnatlon w as n o t r* - vaaled. I l l

IsmieBmm#. Illi—idl, H A

B e ll -a n $Absolutely R em ovei

F u n era l #ervlc## fo r Mta# E dith Slump#, w ho iu# taln»d # f r io tu r sd . _ -#kull wh#n h it by #n h f I b o t iM iid e M id l iU Iday n ig h t a t B loom flald . a i ^ B lllald# ^ _____.t. _avsnU##. 01*n Rldg*, th# In ju ry omul- y o n t i l t M W Ig tn JQ U D tM > Ing her d#ath #oon n tttrw n rd g t th*H o u n tsln ild * . H osp ita l, w ill b* oon- Auotad tom orrow aft*rno»n At h*r homa, Tl P a rk Avsnu#, B laom tlold. w hara ih# llvafl w ith . h*r #t«pfath#r and m othaf. H r. and Mr#. H arv ln Sm ith.Rev. B. F ra n k lin Dlokl*»on o f th# P a rk H eth o d ltt E p lioopal Churoh, Bloofn- field, w bleh church Kl## Stump# wa# to h*v# join#a w t i r d a y , w o i offi- clat#. Bh# w as •Ig h tsan y#ar# olA

Q io ttrsy G raham of Tl H aw thorpa placa, U ontolalr. d r iv s r of th a autos*#* b il l w bleh h it HIM Stum ps, w as bold In ball (o r g ran d Ju ry ac tion - on* a oharga o t m anslaughlor. H a assart# th# autom obtl# wa# ru n n tn g alow ly a t th* tlm # and th a t ha did not •*« -M lw Stump# and h # r *#oort P rlv a t# John 8.E rnsp tk ar. A le ld ls r d s ta lltd (o r g uard d u ty At P a r t H*w#rk, a n t who w a i 'AIio • tru ck b y 'th # mAohins. u n til toe la t# to avoid th o iooMm iL P rosoeutor'#Chief F rsd s r lM W sim ir qu##tionod H r,G raham a f te r the a e c ld m t a t th# P«llca Btajlon In Gl#n Rldga. •;

As Many

Eels Ar

linmgth, when your nerresanik ritaM I ‘Mid lestleMt tfh ia MA< bitkm lus nd yott f


In d ig e a tio D . D ru g g ii t l re tin a money if it fiu i. 25e

mf U t T l W

Steel Ba:

riin i ihc II .V/.VU .4

W.VSMIN tv c lv o Ja j

n i l a l iloai Inns lu the diB firs t uiiic li are m ately 304 I'nr use by w ar.

A newsp diited Mart |..n*8# Guv, 1.140 to n s (1 m ated Glut th e United i.oiiflrmod be ch an c re ernm ent Is ton# purclii Is good pr< ano ther SO,

These ih l abso lu te (y th e ir use ■ te r ia l aid subm arine m ent of thi ■ redlted to a id the figtig h t of th tlona.

Japan ha alllea. ' Shi un til the n early to anese dome In re tu rn g e ts th ree : ehlp dellvei

TriU nder thi

Cons o t at (rac ted for, Am erican e poaalble th< of Japanes tu rn to r th , w hich she Ja p an w ill rcnstructlo i o f new ahli

The price to pay for ehlpe Is not th a t U is Ja p an gets m ent-ftxed w hich she ;

I t la apei o t ships ar. can p o rts bi 1 and (he ] progreietve: ea rlie r thai delivered, o f ships nov w hich a re Ja p an w ill m ore extrer ow n comn country abc

I t m ay o agreem ent w hich can S la te s only sued by the elude any o w hich ore from Japan

The one Ja p an tp gl the flow I B tstes haa I P resid en t R Its reSumptl th e conceal use In th e i

Loog iThe negc

m ore than i posals and i tu b m lttsd o ran g ed bet T he United a proper b; to n s of shl| In term s 0 ton of Japai Ktatee in ex duce tw o to uae, . ,

I rn exam ple.build SIIS.OC 34Q.'440 wou and 644,400 Japan .

T h a t Is p resen t agr Ot the proT Ja p an , th a t Its ono-th lr a lready cufi pleted by J i s«nted to t w ill give 1 when they i u n til the J producing 1

K in g G i

FrpnLater Sen



BRITISH IN FRANC George, on f ro n t vu .G quietly glvl ,:duragameu engaged Ir only long . and contlm a t the oxpfi th e re ehoul th e arm y presence.

T he K)n{ autom obile uuinsrou# B tim e# he w sh e ll fire.

LONDON, George, on hi# v u i t lo sage to 'F h he said:

''Though hav# be«n num bsra to presSlon le a rra y cpuld niidMoi(e,e< have th # he

The K ing un it# '.reoS fi(eat apd troo itt, "ca] rad # * ” « ( w onder a s , ra te d 'thrllll f i th n n g . • T to ajr.caaua " th a patlf w onad#d.»l an d gan tlsi to them wa;

"W lS tS h vivid, T ft wHltttd# M M t u n a w a ^ t tS m tdable a t t to J m ^ aU

PAHIS, f otiBarl# b:wa# rsBUm. affSfM W L- n ig h t say#;

It* -O ' con t h * ^ k il i ia a n d '

OBltBVAeraDVon’Ki o r d ia n c e . i glv*»< in -a •d ltltflM U l U H r

N ,

5 .

[ •

' X

l e



npaign, lU I f



P).—Qer- I on th* ^ n r De- tho wlU- Llliei nnd pnrad for tt>« T tu- th * pr«a-

ommnnil." pparen tly 1 o r pro»« I t )■ Ull-

etpatOi In ■In m ajor r of opa- t fu rtbo r a re a t.

!( Bafnad rlaw , "iha irce n do- AUlaa ar« conalftant thajr hav» n tf o f tin tory aluda

raaourcaa o f tha AI- sm ant an- troopa at InlnB will «n now HO ranch and

h a t Am-'r- r place I" p rollevtiir-’ amarEeii .

a n d i h o n t

f f ) .—Phlla- a rc a d with In crim e by r Camp Ac- i Secretary la QDvarnor

M ayor at ■t th a t they 10 navy and iiilnE up in a tiv a ly da-

ira In train- ne Corpa If. to th a com-

(hs country equirem enti

nioral con-

srly liousee O ther llenv6 '€ filven In taalon'a re- :ht. I t wad D anlala by sdicli, a f te r

rdarly houta n v a ttlfa to rn charBa th a t

ho police fOP'

. B r y a n f

lit D ire c to r

Dlvii- ean aniploy- th a iranater om d litrlc ta thoaa whare

louncad yaa- taa Eroploy- ty of Indui- oblama gov-

indent a t the h of the au­nt d irector In ro additional lunced, Gaii- ran to b balnc H e la .S ta te

$TENIM uil your n m e s a r ^

tv b M i «m <Blrtmdknm.quicUy( i M i n

em (nrei fruggiitt f i u k 26e



£ x p ^ t Giartering with ■ Future Ships from Japan

A» Many as 200,000 Tons of Ves­

sels Arc Included in Negqtiay• ; .> JfV-* 'p

Steel Bargain Is at Foundali



I'nm iSc irur/pleplapp Ruirapi of the BFf y/.\U .VfllA,

WASHINGTON, April 1.—The anle of tipclvu Jiipprrase m erenan t ships yf a • u ia l iJeaOwuight ciipH-ilty of lOtt.onii tons to tha I'n ited » t;u es (lovernm ent ts i-lie flrdt of a oertao of conrasst'-nd whieli are eapoetctl to deliver approxl- pnalely 300,000 tcpp of Ju]<apieae ehtpa lop- u te by the Dnlted S ta tes during the war.

A ppewepnper dispatch from Toklo, diiled March 211, stacepl th a t the Jap- [•neae Onvermnent bus charte red 100,- »U0 Ions of mercharpt ahlpa and Inti- piiated th a t these shlpa w ere to go to ttPO U nited States. Thts fact has been copiflrmed h a ra The 150,000 tons to be chartered by the Unllod S tatea Gov­ernm ent Is in ' addition to the 100,000 to n s purchased, and. I t la statepf, there Is good prospect of obtpilning a t least an o th er £0,000 tons.

These ships come to the United S tates abeolutely w ithou t restric tio n s as lo th e ir use and they w ill prove of m a­te r ia l aid In m eeting the lossea from BubmHrlnp> attacha, h u t the rellnqu lih - m ant of them by Ja p an catp scarcely be credited to an overw hebnlng desire ^ a id th a fig h t ag a in s t Germ any In tm lig h t of the facta aa to the negotia­tions.

Japan has drlvsn a bargain w ith her allies. ' She did not concede the ships pjnlll the United S ta tes came vary nearly to the extrem e lim it of Jap- -mese demands for coun ter concessions. In re tu rn fo r the ships delivered she g e ts th ree poten tial ahlpa to one actual sh ip delivered to us.

T e rs e of (he Bargslw.U nder the term s of sale of the 100,000

to n s o f ships already form ally con­trac ted for, Japan g e ts 100,000 tons of A m erican steel. T h is steel will m ake possible tha com pletion of 300,000 tons o f Japanese m erchan t ships. In re­tu rn for the w hole 300,000 tons of ahlpa w hich she will u ltim ate ly release. Ja p an w ill ge t the v ita l m ateria l to r construction of a to ta l of 000,000 tons of new ships.

The price w hich th e U nited S lates Is (o pay for purchase and ch a rte r of the sh ips Is not announesd, bu t It la known th a t If Is a high price. In con trast Ja p an g e ts the benefit o f the govern­m ent-fixed price fo r steel ship plates, w hich she purchases In re tu rn .

I t is specified th a t the 100.000 tons o f shlpa a rs to be delivered a t A m eri­can porta betw een May 1 and Septem ber 1 and th e price paid for them w ill he prcgreeatvely h igher for each week ea rlie r than Septem ber th a t they are delivered. Delivery a t A m erican porta o f shlpa now In Japan ra th e r th an shlpa w hich are already h e re ' m eans th a t Ja p an will have the ad v an tag e of one m ore extrem ely lu cra tiv e cargo of her ow n commodities ca rried to th is country aboard these vesaela

I t m ay or may no t be p a r t of the agreem ent th a t th e lis ts o f artic les w hich can be Im ported to th e United S la tes only upon llcenshi a s so ta r Is­sued by the w ar trad e board, do not in ­clude any of the p rincipal com m odities w hich a je Im ported lo th is country from Japan.

T he one th in g w hich haa persuaded Ja p a n tp give up ships is th e ta c t th a t th e flow of steel from the United S ta te s has been com pletely stopped and P re sid en t W ll^ n h as refused to perm it Its redum ption on any o ther term s than th e conceeslon of Japanese ships for use In the eubm artne lo n e ,,

Iaibb Period o f NegotlBtlOB.The negotiation hae continued for

m ore than slg m onths. N um erous pro- posals and counter proposals have been fubm ltU d on both sides, b u t they have ranged betw een tw o defin ite lim its. The United S la tes has considered 'that a proper hauls of fxchange was tw o tons of shipping for one ton of steel. In te rm s of sh ipping th is m eant one ton of Japanese sh ipping fo r the United R tates In exchange to r tha steel to p ro ­duce tw o tons of sh ips for Ja p a n 's ownDBS.

"Itft f!

a German shell. The Pope v li l l td Cardinal G asparrl, Papal S acre ta ry of ®lnt®- who la continsd to bed w ith a cold, and discussed w ith him the a t t i ­tude which the V atican should tak e , It being fe lt rh a t th e a ltu a llo n hsa Sa- uumed a new aspect, In ism pch a s shesi* from « i |B . Instead of bom bs from aeroplasies, Are being used to bom bard Paris.


ffUll. _ ____ _____..wsssas Ms.»/s.av.s.forw arded from Am sterdam by C entral News, says It la to he deplbred, but th a t every church w ithin an a ttack ed fortresu necBsaarlly Is sub jec t to Inci­dental hits. The-reaponsIbllUy fo r Abe security nf th e In hab itan ts of P aris, the dispatch says, m ust re s t w ith the r re n c h Government.

d srs ta o d in g concerning the w ags crease oontem plated by the rallw gy conipsny should Its fare raise he gran ted . H e explained th a t la addl2 tiun In ttU.OOO needed to raise niotor- mVn, conductors and supervisors, o ther labor required w age Increases which would add 3732J000 mnre lo the tn lal for ISIS over 1917,

May Ndt Make Reply To Holland’s Protest

Views as to Ship’s Requisidoning

Handed ,lo Minister Garrett

Simply as a Statement.

No Change of Action Probable

WASHINGTON. April 1 fJP).—H-jI- land 's p ro test ag a in s t the req u isitio n ­ing of hi-r ships by the lln itcd ,iS ta lea and G reat B ritain , as published In 'he' Offlcial G azette a t The H ague and transm itted In news cables, reached the S tate D epartm ent today. M lnlstre Gar- ro tt a t The H ague cabled th e document, which m'as not sent as a form al pirocest, although i t Is regarded here a s such, ft w as hairded to M inister G arre tt simply as a sta tem en t of th e govern­m ent's views. .,

Offlctals had not n u d ied th e s ta te - men carefully t o d s / b u t It w as Indi­cated th a t If.-a-as Im probable any a l­teration of the action o f th e U nited Htates and her co-belllgerepts would be made. I t Is qu its possible th a t not even a reply m ay he sen t a s the s ta te ­m ent did no t assum e the form of a direct p ro te s t

•'Act of V lo lrae l"—H olland.t h e HAGUE, April 1.—H ollapd com ­

pleted S aturday the fram ing of an official rem onstrance a g a in s t the se liu re of D utch m erchantm en In American ports. D eclaring th a t the selsure w as "an ac t of vloleifoe," The N etherlands G ovsrnm ent m ain ta ins th a t there w as no yielding to G erm an p res­sure and a s se rts th a t P residen t W il­son's s ta te m e n t on the se tsu res w as In part co n tra ry to the facts.

Holland, In th e conclusion o f I ts com­plaint, sum s up as follow s:

"The N etherlands Governm ent deems i t Its duty, especially In se rious tim ee such as the presen t, te speak w ith complete candor. I t voices the sentL nients of the en tire D utch nation , which sees In the seizure an ac t of violence, w hich It w ill oppose w ith a ll the energy of Its conviction nnd Its wounded n a ­tional feeling.

"A ccordlnt' to the P reelden ttal s ta te ­ment, th is p roced u re ' o ffe rs H olland am ple opportunity to obtain bread grain. This la so only apparen tly , for would It no t he an Irresponsible act, a f te r the e ip e r le n e is of D utch ships In A m erican and B rlysh ports, to perm it o ther ships to sail to these po rts w ilh - out adequate guaran ties th a t these ex­pert ences*'shatl not occur?

"The American Governm ent has alw ays appealed to r ig h t and Justice— has alw gya come forw ard a s the cham ­pion of sm all nations- T h a t i t now co-operates In an not d iam etrica lly op­posed to those principles is a proceed­ing which can find no counterw eigh t In the m antfestatlons of frien d sh ip or assuraiicss o f len ient application f i t the w ro n g ' com m itted.''

.tes filrtilalF. 100,000 tone « t i i l for W ith th l i Bt««l ih e would

build aoa.OOOO ton* of ih ips, of whtoh aOQ.'OOO would ffo to , th e U nited Statee and COQ.tiOO tons would rem ain w ith Japan .

^ h a t Is in effect the baele of the p resen t agreenteut, w ith the exception Of the proviae, finally consented to by Jap an , th a t the U nited S ta tes is to s e t I ts one^thlrd share of sh ips from those a lready constructed o r soon to be com" pleted by J4psn. P residen t W ltspn con- s tn te d to th e arran g em en t because It wlU ^ v e th e Allies ships a t a tim e when they a re m ost needed to tide over u n til th e Am erican sh ipyards get fo producing fu ll tilt. A. J . 8.

King George, on Trip to Front, Thanks His Men

Later Sends Message to Haig No Army Could Be Braver or

More Confident.

Incidents of Battle Thrill Him

JBRITISH . ARMY HBADQUARTERI IN ■ FRANCE,- March 31 (<V).—-KingGeorgs, ett Ills v js tt to the B ritish f ro n t lu ij>a,,iast week, w en t abbut qu ie tly g iving words of th a n k s end en- cdum gem ent. O fficers and men, engaged in Im portant w ork, paused only long enough to sa lu te the King and continued th e ir lab o rs .' This was Ht the expressed w ish to th e K ing th a t th e re should be no slow ing dowm of th e arm y m achinery because of his presence.

The K ing covered ISO nilles In an autom obile during h is stay and v isited num erous Bedtlbns o f the fronh Many, t im e t he was well w ith in th e sone of sh e ll f l r a

LONDON. Mardh, 31 (A>>__KingGeorge, oh re tu rn in g to London front h is Visit to th e b a ttle f jo n t, sent an ie s - sage to Field M arshal H a ig , In’ which he sa id : t

"Though for the m om ent our troops have been obliged by sheer w eigh t of num bers to give some ground, th e Im- preaSlDit le f t on m y m ind Is th a t no arm y could bq In bettei; heart, braver iiijd g ta ts hanifideht th a t Huit w hich you have ih e hdnol' to command.'^ ' >

n e K ing recited how he had seen the u n its 'reow itly V lthdraW n from the f ro n t apd the e n tra in in g of frssh ttW ph, "ehjger to rein force th e ir cotn- radeft" H t said he had listened w ith w onder os oftloers an d tuen b^d n a r ­ra te d 'thrllllnlf lifctdenta of th e stubborn f i th f ih g . ' The K ing also to ld of a /v lslt to a^.baeuafty olOarlag s ta tio n where ''th e p a tien t cheerfu lness of the w attadod.iH td'eqifalled only by th e ears and g sn tlen sss of-Hhoae adm in istering to them want%" Hd added t

"W lnt theae .experienoea, short, biit vivid) J fee l th a t Ute w hole em pire wtU m e In expressing g ra t i ­tude td -M U L ajin y to r th e sk ilfu l and unsweCvtng. m aim er, in 'whioh th is fo r­m idable a t ta c k has been and continues to -b e deaIt,w Jth ." .

Anpi|hei[ I erion It KiHed'byI of Paris on EasterFA R ia, A pril 1,— Tlie hem bardm ent

o liB s rIa by lo n g -ran g e a e rm a n guns w as resum ed a t x tis o’clock yesterday a f ta m o t t . A n o n io la l note Issued to s t n ig h t says', ^

<“» ie Germ an longW ange canned ceadEhiWl th e d a y .to bom bard

. One person w as k llis8 an d one in ju red .”

S B lfB V A A pfU l..>^LIeotenant Gen- eraU von Rohlie, « G erm an au th o rity on o rdnance and In ipeo ter o f artille ry , g lvea' In a m agaxine of w hich he Is e d l ( ^ ' a ru m o n a l A sU lls In regard to th e to n l^ rb k g s G erm an k u n a w ith w bldb-PM id >■ botng bom barded. He nays tliey a re tw en ty m eters (six ty- f iv e lj)M -eM -||U f fOBt) .hmg. em pty

Lloyd George Praises Help Of Colonies, Asks More AidLONDON, A pril L<2P).—In a m essage

addressed to the P rem iers o f Canada and o ther B ritish dom inions snd colo­nies, P rem ier Lloyd Gborge says:

"We have been Inspired by co n stan t news of th e daun tless co u rag s w ith w hich ^th^

Dumereve O etm an forces In th e battle . The em pire h as good reason to bs proud of a ll Its sons. Our arm len can n o t have loo m any of these splendid men.

"As a lready announced, w e propose to ask P arliam en t to au th o rise the ra is in g of fresh forces here. I would also u rg e th e Dominion G overnm ent to reinforce th e ir heroic troops In the fu lle st possible m anner w ith the sm a ll­e s t possible delay. The s tru g g le Is only in l ls opening stages, and i t is our bu si­ness to see th a t our arm ies g e t the maximum m easure of support th a t we can give them. Let no one th in k th a t What even th e rem otest domlnlone can do now can be too late. B efore th is cam paign Is finished the la s t m an m ay count." ' ' '

Pro-Germans* Unbridled Tongues Earn Them Each Year in Jail

h'ptHat Petrire o/ tie NEWF.HOBOKEN, April 1.—F or u tte ran ces

which Indicated th e ir enm ity tow ard A m erica and th e ir p ro-G erm an ' sym ­pathies, tw o men h ere today w ere sen­tenced to one year In Jail each by Re­corder C a re len a One of the men is F rederick PawUk, s lx ty -tw o years old, who cohducta a grocery s to re a t 2S7 T enth stree t, th is city , and . who lives a t S35 W illow avenue.

Public Should Assist . P. S, R e.^nw ay Theory

(Continued from F irs t P age .)

M assachusetts due to th e ir fa ilu re to get lu fflc len t revenue re tu rn s to p rop ­e rly ' m ain tain th e ir properties, sod showed th a t th is had reaultod in a de­crease in the value g t tly ilr Eecurhtes nnd Inability to a ttra c t new hapltnj. So serious did th e situa tion become, the v.'ltness said, th a t the M assachusetts L eg isla tu re created a cnmn-.lasloii to m ake an Investigation , and th is com- iiilsslon’s rep o rt Is i)ow h elo re th e Leg- Isir.lure fo r a c tio n ..

R eading portions o f th is ropovt.jD r. Conway show ed th a t the com m ission w as 'a g a in s t public ew r.erahip of public u tilitie s; favored d es ignating Jitneys aa common ca rr ie rs and putting , them under the Jurisdiction of the 3tUssachu- s e tts Public Service Commission; re c ­ommended th a t th e ra llw aye be per­m itted to operate o ther m o to r vehicles- as feeders fo r ca r lines n s w ell as fre ig h t servloo, and also rocominended the abolition of certa in (ra n rh lse de- n ,ands to a id m lm lclpalltles' In s tre e t paving projects.

The w itness then read a special m es­sage sen t to th e U assachuaetts L egis­la tu re by Governor Sarauej W, McCall, In M arch o f th is year, In w hich he recommended -tha t th e Public Service Commission be given pow er to-lnorease the ra te of fa re for tro lley s s rv lc a

In o rder to am plify portions..o f the testim ony he gave a t the h ea rin g loot T hursday, Mr. D anfcrth , w hen called to the stand , w en t Into add itional d e ta ils concerning th e increased cost o f labor and m a te ria ls to - th e com pany d u rin g HIT . and also o leared aw ay a mleun

N o H iNI n i k t s f i v i f b m a c h eonim ted


method of fs ro ooHo ’tlon Mjd fare rc counting up lo the point where It l>e” cOmes A hank deposit.

YVUh' ciosIna 'Of the direct esse o f the railw ay” company today neveraJ pQlnla in support of the application for the fare increase stand out to be m at by the New Je rsey Lea^iue &t Munlci*. palltles, which Is leading the fight ag a in s t the proposed rates. I'peltmony presented by P residen t Thomas N. Mo< C arter, o ther o fficials of the company* expertH and o ther w ltnessea are:

The Company** Cnie«One—T hat th e United S tates Govern­

m ent has requested changes and Im­provem ents In transporta tion facilities ojitaJHng a to ta l expenditure by the company uf |6|643,043, basing the ca l­culation on Increased costs.

Two—T hat the cost of labor and m ateria ls Increaned tremendously In 1917, resu ltin g In a g rea t Increase in the outlay for matntermhee and opera'* tlon, and th a t a fu rth e r Increase is .ex­pected In 1918.

Three— That, unless the company Is

! g ran to d the ralso in fares* It wU) be u n ab le to Increase the pay of con- ductorn, motormen and em ployees In Its shops, the to ts l desired fo r th is purpose being f r 4 S 7 .m

F o u r—^Thal In 1917 th e company’s taxes Increased.by 9279,142.(9 over 19U?

FIvfr—T hat a la rg e r revenue re tu rn on th ^ property [e necessary to meet t^c* b e tte r service.

' ^Fx^TKftt.iWWre « ^ n g s^stejp |S th e u ltim ate ablution o r th e re%‘enUe problem , immediate relief Is necessary, an d th e change could no t be made quickly enough to m eet the em ergenry.

Seveii-^That the, revenue re tu rn upon th e pfoperty m ust be Increased In o rder to a ttra c t new cap ita l necessary

*to th e com vsny 'i grow th.E ig h t—T h at the banks o f the state ,

exclusive o f national banks, hold as th e ir p roperly and for loans public u til i ty securities, including those^ of P ublic Service* to a to tal face value of j9S3.2SC.t^00; th a t the national b an ^so w n KU«'h se^curlties to a to ta l value o f tS4.- 78r>,000; th a t the to ta l cap ita l of the bnnkH la 958,019,000, show ing th a t their ho ld ings o f public u tility seourltles to ta l 910,789,000 m ors th a n th e ir Total cap ita l, and t l t l t It would, therefore, be dangerous to perm it the u tilitie s to verge Insolvency or the value of their 8ecurlti64 for any reason to become lessened.

N inth—T hat the company, in q rder to m eet i ts obligations, to continue the perfection o f Itrf^yetem an d to Attract new cap ital should have an oppor­tu n ity to re tu rn to its 191$ basis, when , tt paid a dividend of th ree per cent. i

upon th e money Invested In I ts p ro p . i asked by th e Public Service RailwayAwdar I.. b. __ e_________ a-e .______ *'erty . the dividend In HIT h av ing been tw o and a fraction per cent.

Utility Hearing on Conglelon' Rate Petition Put Over

A cting on Ihe application of G eneral Solicitor L. D. H. Ollmour of th e Public ^ r v l c ^ C o lo ra tio n .- th e S tate Board of Public U tility Commlsaloners thl* m orning poatponed until tom orrow m orn ing the hearing on the p e titio n of City .Counael. Conglaion fo r the re­opening of the Public Service E leelrto Company and the Public Sarvlce Oaa Company ra ta casaa.

Becauaa o f the time conaumed In p rep arin g for the haaring on th a f*ra Increaaa petition of the Public Service R ailw ay Company, Mr, O llm our found It Impooalble to prepare to m eet Mr. Congleton'a application, and tKo la tta r agreed to the adjournm ent.

Hoboken Aiks Decision onPlea for Three Cents Fare

fTperlfll RrrrtM 0/ I k f .VKirF.HOBOKEN, April 1. — C orporation

Counsel John J. Fallon of Hoboken -has w ritten to tha Board of Public U tility Commlaalonera tn T renton, aak- ing th a t a decision on H obuksn 's a p ­plication fo r a threa-ceni tro lley faro he handed .Jown prior lo the decision of th e board on the seven-cent faro

Company.Thrae years ngn the city of Hoboken

applied fo r a Ihree-cent tro lley taro. The olhlin w as made th a t Hohnhen ts only a mile sq ua re In also «nd the tro t- tion com pany can m ake enough profit on a reduced fare . HInce th a t time no actlim hae been Igken.- In view of the seVbn-ceiit faro app lica tion .' the people of H oboken afe anxious to ,ob- laiix a dacislon, U la aald.

- . •

Proposed TrOlIey'Fare Raise In Cleveland Held Up byCourt

CLEVELAND, A pril 1.—Trolley faraa were no t raleed here todag, a i had been planned by th e o fficials of tha Cleva- land R ailw ay Company, but rem ain a t four cen t! each, w ith alx tiokata for tw enty cen ts and ana cent ^ n r g e fo r a tra n ife r . Th* change In plan w as due to an in junction aecured by th a city on S aturday from Common P leas Judge Pierson, w hich com pels the tro lley com­pany to a rb itra te w ith the city the neceaelty fo r an Increase-In fares.

Th« com pany proposed to charge, be­ginning w ith today, to u r cents fo r a oath fare, w ith seven tickets fo r a quartar, w ith tha penny tran sfe r charge rebated. I t waa claimed th a t th is In­crease w ta iieceaaary to allow the com­pany to earn itx par cent, on tha value of Its p ro p erty a i aacsrtalnad by a court appralaal. The average fare paid by paaaengeri Is now eitim atad a t S.ST oanta.

. I fI P n KW-ve » h ^ . H aldid tk» Mim«(

l-TS M kH*r *11 mother/i

__ , rh ild r tnwould not h*v« vs^rmln on ilioir hoatfs. Ktt-v*It s non'ftlly, non-*tti;ky V o r m in dottroyor; doMn’t intsrf^ro wiih color or jrow th of h t i r ,comb booCM If K ll-v s> be tth tm ed to u k for It. At *11 dn it ktoro*. t$Ct H e asd $1*

rq STROYj VEPM'M 0HfH!Lt''‘l h



OrauBolum, Khowerz, SwImKhw Fm I, Edarallanal CIsssee, Heekus.

ASK FOR PROItPBCTVH,1 « Halsey street.

Early Summer Wants toMake the Home Clean, Cool

and ComfortableVacuum Chaners— ,

Slip Covers—Carpef Sweepers^

Window Shades Most of them at special

prices that will bring them within the reach of all Home- Lovers in and about Newark.

9 .7 5 R o m e lin k C oufih H a m m o c k s . 7.95

Made of heavy quality khaki duck; has adjustable back rest, supported by heavy galvaniied chains, which insures even

' hanging. Mattress has a four- inch box with fiber fillhig and cotton top, covered with heavy denim,

35c to 50c Remnants of Cretonnes, Yard, 25c

About 1,500 yards ^ fine American cretonnes, in lengths from one to five yards, 38 inches wide. Many pieces match; suitable for slip covers, hangings, etc.Lady Torrington Vacuum Cleaner and Carpet Sweeper, 9.75

Easiest running hand-worked machine in the market.2.25 Plauts Special Carpet

Sweepers, Each 1.85 Extra well made, with good

brush. Easy to run carpet sweepers for spring and early summer house cleaning.

SlipjCoveiR, Special, 11.65 We will make slip covers for any style of furnituri

Ine woven c oippp sirlstripes.

Additional goods, 1.80 a yar'. A postcard or phone call will bring dur representative—or you may send for samples.

Plauts—Second Floor

Torrington Electric Gleaner, 46.00

Torringion electric suction cleaner and carpet sweeper is good as any made, regardless of price. Complete with attach­ments. . Club Plan i* desired.


Dependable HOUSEH(5tDHLINENSOwing to the fact that the supply of linent is rapidly diminishing and because of cen-

stantly increasing costs, we strongly advise laying in a generous supply at these special prices.

We also feature some new cotton and union damasks made on linen looms, the fore­runners of what we will necessarily use in the future, but at much higher prices. They have a finish that closely resembles linen—and wear finely 1

Irish Danuuk Pattern ClothsWe cannot rebuy them today at these prices.

All linen, rich, handsome designs on excellent damask. Will live satisfaction in wearing and lu sh in g .

2x2 yards............ Special 4.8S2\ZVt yards............ Special 6.25

Napkins to Match, 22x22 in., Special 5.98 Dozen.Union Linen Table

Damask, Special 1.50 Yard 70 inches wide; made express­

ly for good, hard service; pure white, flnen weft yarns; dosely resembles all-llnen damask—has that rich luster; launders per­fectly; variety of desirable pat­terns.


Irish Table Damaak Yard 1.15

Full 2 yards wide: Imported;

2.25 Sattn Table Damaak, Special 1.98 Yd.Unusually rich, handsome damask, beau­

tiful safin finish; snow-white; close, firm weave; soft; comparatively free from drcai- ing; heavy weight; launders and weara per­fectly; attractive patterns; full two yards


splendid for good, hard wear; has Ihe appearance and finish of a high-grade damask; medium weight; handsome deaigni.

2.50 Union Linen Pattern Table Clothe, 1,79

Most desirable cloths for hard service; made of cotton warp yarns with linen filling; bleaches white after few washings; site 63x72 inches.

3.50 Iriah Table NapklM, 2.50 Dozen

Pure while, woven from fine Egyptian cotton yarns; will give excellent service; size 22x22 Inches; splendid to use Instead of your good linen nppkina.

4.50 Union Linen Table NapkJna,2.98 Dozen ''

Size 22x22 inches; made from linen and cot­ton yarni; doaell' woven, extra heavy weight;good, rich luster; made for ^od bard wear; as­sortment of pretty designs. Twill pay you to layIn a good supply at this price.

22c Linen Weft Crash Toweling, 18c Yard

5,000 yards will not go far, as it is unusually good; white with fast color blue borders; 17 inches witft.

35c Union Unen Huck Tqwcla, 25c

'• Hemstitched; 60 peiL cent, pure linen; most unusual offer­ing; thoroughly absorbent; heavy weight; plain huck cen- tera with hemstitched ends; size 18x36 Inches.

Plauts—Msk) .Finer Annex

3.98 Pattern Table Cloths, 2.50 .Each

Irish make, from best cotton yarns; moat desirable for hard service; snow-white, rich satin luster; save your expensive linen cloths by buying these;- round center design; size 70x70 Inches.

1 i. - ,■c*

Two Tempting Hosiery Specials for Tuesday

Termed irregulars, but the Imperfections are very slight, Semi-fashioned, medium weight hose in | soles.Black, White ind Bronze. While they last. | grsde. While they last.

Flaute—Main Floor

Made with a deep lisle garter welt and reinforced Black and white. Irregulars of the 1.50

Spring E ^ib it and Sale Wool Dress GoodsFashion Smiles on Plauts New Spring Wool Fabrics

SERGES are higher in favor than ever, both French and English weaves. They are most used for dresses and suits, though many women prefer them for coats and skirts. 42 to 54 inches wide; yard, 1.50 to 3.75.

KHAKI CLOTH for military suits and coals is much desired by young Miss America, 54 inches wide. Yard, 2.25 to 3.50.

WOOL VELOURS, principally' for coats are 54 inches wide. Yard, 3,75 to 4.76.

, 1.59 Wool Dress Serge


JERSEY is being snapped up for dresaea and auitt. And how young girls do like It for coals! Bright, youth­ful-looking colors are much .worn. Plauts have the more conservative styles, too. 54 inches wide; yd.'; 3.50.

COVERTS—all-around, useful fabrics. 50 to 54 inches witje, cost, yard, 2.50 to 3.98.

PLAIDS in bright, cheering colors, by no means bizarre, or in the more conservative melodlea, such ae two shades of blue idith green. 36 Inches to 54 inches wide. Yard, 75c to 4.75.

69c Check Dress Goods

38 Inches wide, strictly ail wool, pure yarn dyed, fine dress serge. Correct in every way for skirts and dresses. Here in the-desirable shades.

1.25 Self-Color Stripe Mohair

95c44 Inches wide. Particularly suitable for skirts

and dresses. Ideal fabric in navy blue and black only.


Plauts—Main Floor

36 inches wide., Black and white check suiting, ■ in a full assortment of patterns, from amiller to larger checks, solid black and white.

All-Wool Dress Serge

1.4548 inches wide. Strictly til wool, flne grade.

Always popular, stylish and reflned material in de­sirable shades of navy blue.


Just one year ago, on April 6th, 1917, the United States entered the Great War for World Democracy, It has been considered universally appro­priate to celebrate the coming week as “Freshen-up-the-Flag”Week.

Also on April 6th, 1918, the Thirdl Liberty Loan is to be launched.

Let’s "freshen up the flag" ini honor of these rwo great events. [

You may have nothipg but an old worn flag at hom e-discard it.

If you wish to specially honor your count?" a time when the flower ot our manhood is about to play an im­portant part in the world drama, you can do it in no better way than to fly a new, fresh 6ag.

S I e a V e,I e H Ceat for Miss Two to . Six Y ears Old. Made of black s a t tn w ith w h ite faille silk sh a w l collar and lin­ing of white s ilk . New­sman as big elster's. Belted and pocketed, too. 17.98. In­fants' Depart­ment, Second Floor.

Cretonne Borders AppHt|Ued OH Denim—for pillows, round table covers, scarfs, couch cov­ers and poctleres. AU pieces match and are variously wiced from 1.25 to SJO.' Second Floor,

a • *

Tucked Organdi^ SleeveIsM Gninfes, with 'round necka. Cuffs to match. Trimmed with tiny pearl buttons. In French blue or white. Smart with new Eton iacketa. Set 2.25, Main Floor.^■ * • •

New Deaifna ' in Cntouw Desk Sets—Scarfs, trays, «crap basketi, eandjr, handkerchiefs and glove boxes to match. Flower dealgai- ihai will "go** beautifully with aummar furni­ture. Pieces St various pricss, from 60c to AM. Main Floor ^ n c x . ,

Tuesday Begins a M o st U nusual

SALE OF DOESKIN GLOVES1,020 Pairs— Reg. 1.50

BRAND-NEW DOESKIN GLOVES, the kind women like to wear for Spring and Summer,

They’ll add an appropriate touch to the emarteat costumes. And when you realize that

The Gloves Are Offered Below Present Who^sale CostYou will understand why we advise early and quantity

buying in ordef'to take advanisge of this great saving.Women's one-clasp, washable Doeskin Gloves, made of

fine imported ikins. White with seif, ajid white with blaclr backs. , '

Sizes i n toPlanla—•'Main Floor



(As Pictured)OwtModd '

Of Copenhagen, Taffeta and Georgette Crepe {Beaded and Embroidered)

They are so smart— bedoming—to varied that you’d surely expect to pay considerably more for the dresses.

There are Georgette Crepe combinations,. Georgettet and Satin or Taffeta and Satin, C r e p e ^ Chine and a number of other styles for street, aftemMiji, dinner and semi-evening wear.

Large variety of delightfnl shades. Tan, Biscuit, Navy Blue, Maize, & pen Pearl Gniy, Taupe, Flesh, White and Plum colors.

Long lin«i hrghrwaisted, belted and hoat hf other modela. Misses' and ‘wonien’a sizes. 14 to 18 and 36 to 44.

v > ' PUets-nibd Floor

On Sale While Quantities Last


R ef. l2*Ac. KxcBptlonally fJnf. cloM WBBve, so ft fln lih , cambric.

Kuril whltv, la rse , jRen«roua aisfr.anifltUched adge*. 8om« Ava Hub-

l«ict to flllffht m ill h u r ti. Main Pi.

LFTTLE BOYS’ SHOES, 1.79R .B ularly Z.tO to I.B3, Broken

ilH * oniy, tn p a ten t and dull lea tli.r, iaue and bu tton atxlez. Llm- l l .d quin tU y. U.nond Floor.


R u . 31c. Sam l-m ade; all bIi m 13 to 17. Btampad on good m aterU L a a io r t.d d .alirn i. L im ited quantity , Main Floor Annex.


R . r 33c. 33 InchM wide: w hile oroundz w ith n arro w to wide, sin- Kla and fancy a t r lp . i on fine qual­ity, c lo u w eave m adro* eep ed tlly •uU abl* (or ahtrtz, ah lrtw alaU and dreiiaea. 3 to 10 yard le n a tb t. Main inUor.


Only 91 w alrus and cowblda trav- ehnif baaa th&i hava be«n titad u floor Soma a ro altffhtlypcratchedz

R tffu iar . . . . . . 4 .9 0 tQ IS.OONow ...................n s r l a UJsa

Socond l>^Dor

59c SHEETING, 47c YD.Unbleached, 114 y a rd i wide. Full

pieces, heavy w elxh t, e e rrse t width (Or full lixe bed s lice ta BOO yards to sro on siile a t th is price, which Is IsBS than e n S a n t WholeoalS opit. Main Floor.

■■ . r^r.-.

m . , . .

N E W A K K m V K J ^ l N G N E W B ^ M U ^ D A i ^ A P R H * 1 . I d l S .

J .S G irs to’ : Yi«ls If NeededViUlM Bill Empowering President

to Take tine* Over When Neces-

-* ; ;w iy Ifor *►- >,

Other Congressional Mastersr

■WASHINQTOtf, Aprtl 1 (JP).—Tli« B*nat« loduy pK»«t] the bill by Senator K letches o t F lo rida empoworln* the F rt i ia w it to tak e over and operate e tre e t car onci Interurbati line* runn ing to ahlp yarde when govem itieiit opera­tion la neoeaaary for the proper trana- po rta tio n o t workara. The iesle la tlen waa raqoafted to maat conditlona a t Ho* laland. Pa.; S taten laland, N. Y.. and F i l lm o re .

F o llo w in j racent crltlclam of aailgn- m an t of la rge numbera o t arm y of. flcara, Inoludlng young men of lelectlvo aarvloe ago, to non-rom batan t work lu W aahlngfon, the Senate today paaaed a raaotutlon by Senator Thomaa of Colo­rado. aak lng tha W ar U epartm ent to give t h e , Senate the num ber of a ta /t officere atntloned in tbe'iHJatrlct of Co­lum bia.

A reaolutlon yaquaatlng tbe Presldant 10 proclaim " 'a day of public humlllii- »ion, p rayer,an d fa itln g , to be obaerved by the ptopta of tbaX 'nlted Statee wllli rellgloua aoremnlty, and offering of

•fervent auppUcatlona to A lm ighty tlod fo r the aafety and w eifate of our cauee. Ida blaaeln* on our arm a am} aperdy roatoratlotl or an honorable and laeting peace," wee introduced In tho Senate today by Senator Q alllnger of New 11am peh Ira

■w------- ■'

President’s Attitude on Peace Is Not Changed

Unless- Opponents Desire Complete

' Program of Justice Their Pleas

Mean Nothing, Is Stand.

Writes to Methodist Bishop

NEW YORK, April 1 (jp).—Praeldeht .yyilaon baa not chahgad hla a ttitu d a t^oncernlng a nagbtlatad -paSoa w ith tha '/Cantral F o w ^ a Aa etpreaaad |rt hla F la g 0 ay addreaa, hla rep ly to Popa Fenadlfit and bla meaaaga Co Clongriaa .pn tha daclaratlon of w ar w ith Auatrla, according to a lallah ha haa w rlttan to Blahop Theodor* 8. Henderaon of tha •Methodlet Eplacopnl ChUroU, made piib- 110. h ere today by the N ational W ar Council of tho church.

•lah d p H andenon w rota to tl)« F re il- den t In behalf of so.oiio.odo Amerloan lle thod latA aak lng In particu la r w h alh ar hla praaent unw avering pur- n h te wag expreated In th a follow ing Worda from hla m eaaag tt; "The Gor­m an power, a th in g , w ithou t, pon- gclonco, ' Honor or dap artty - to t^ eova-' •panted peace, tnuat ba . oruahad. a • • Our p teaen t and Im medlata Saak la to win th e war', and noth ing ■hall tu rn na a ild e un til It la aocoiit-filtshSd."

P n a i ie n t ’a R eply.T ha PraaldanCa la tte r , dated March

11, followa;“In reply, to your le tla r o t M arch t l ,

m ay 1 not aay th a t you a re perfectly ga(e lb ueltig th e worde w hich you q uo te from my meaaagea aa exp rea itn g w y u n a ltire d though t and unbroken p u rpoeef I t ia alw aya our duty to find o u t w h a t tho axpraaalon of a d*alro..for, weaira from our oppohenta rea lly maana.< p u t unlaaa It m aana a comptat* and con-, w incing program of luotloo' upon which i la a tla g pgace can rea lly rea t (and wa h a v e h ad .ga- ye* no avIAeiiee th a t It

w hich G overnor Oharlaa g. W hitm an, then d ia trlo t a ttorney, wad DOOdu'ctlng Into th a oiim lnal aaaociatlon betw een gam biera and certain policeman, waa auninionad to tha Sidewalk In fro n t of tha Old M etrapoia Hotel and there ahot and killed by a gang of gunmen who. It ■waa la te r charged, w ere hired by Becker to commit the Crime. Becker and four gunm en w ere convicted of m urder and . died In the electric chair a t Sing Sing Prlior).

Baii^uet to Be Held for Four Patrolmen Going to Camp Dix

F our patrolm en of tho Third P re ­cinct who are to , leave for ra m p D li tom orrow will be honored by tliclr com- panlona tonight a t a banuuet to be held In Ilaeualer’e hall. Kerry atreet and H am burg place Judge D'AIola, Com- m lialoner Brennan and Chief of Police Hong w in addrere tho men. Captain Foha o t the Third Precinct w ill ba jo ea lm a ite r . The men to he honored l i r e F ra n k Brand, G iutav Poppo, P a t­rick J. Huah and l.ewle Abt,

The quota th a t leavea Newark to- /norrow u 'lll be Iho firat one to tak e men from tha Third Precinct. Each man « 'ill bo proaeuled a w rlit w atch Hnd fountain pen engraved w ith hla name. C aptain Foha will m ake tho preeciUatlon. Tha committee on a r- raiigem enta conaieta of Captain Foha, r.leu to iiant Foraytiic, Sergeant Eellora and Patro lm en , Jnmee Mennett, F ra n k Ijlchhaueer. P eter J. Huffy. P ra n k Unger. W llltam Uiehof, Thomae Golden, Samuel t'o lllna and Herman K row -euwakl.

Stream of Late Comers Filing Income and Profit Tax Returns

The final ruah of Inoome and exceea profit ta g re tiii iu la on today a t tha F if th .In te rn a l Revenue D latrlcl. Under Ijiecructlona from Coinmlaaloner Roper, C ollector Duffy w ill keep tha offlcaa open u n til m idnight tonigh t to a c ­com m odate la te comcra.

Confide.nca th a t the otfloe recalpta fo r th a year w ill go above the (1TB,-

.0*0,000 m ark la grow ing with the ateady Inereaea In tho num ber of retu rna com­ing In th e heavily laden nialla and being b ro u g h t In p enon by a steady ttre a m of people paaaing In and out of

Wilson Will Open Loan Campaign in Baltimore

Accepts Inviution to Appear Sit-

urday, First A nnivem ry of

America’s Entering War.

Manufacturers Will Discus*Factory Lighting Conditions

Camp Meade Troops to Parade

WASHINGTON, A pril 1 ( » ) . —Freal-den t Wllaon today accepted an Invita. tion to optn the L iberty L oan cam paignIn Baltim ore S aturday, th e flrat anni- voraary of A m erlca 'i en tran ce In to the w ar. W hile In U altlm ore th e President w ill also review IS.OBO troopa from the N ational A rm y cap tonm an t a t Comp Meade.

The occaelon o t tha addreaa la the L iberty Loan "can tonm en t" be ing held a t H altlm ore to a tlm u la ta tn te rae t in the loan drive. S ecre tary Ddniela will apeak a t th e "can to n m en t" tomorrow n ig h t and d u rin g th e n e x t lew weeks tho speak ing Hat will Include o ther Cabinet oiflcera and d lp lo m itlo repre- len ta tlv ea of th e Allied g o varnm en ta

I t la Ronaldarad certa in th a t th e Pres­ident will ta k a occasion to touch on tha in fernattnnal situa tion .

The P residen t h as bean follow ing closely tha s itu a tio n on th e -battle f ro n t and v arious In te rn a tio n a l po liti­cal devalopm anta of recen t vreska. Colonel K. M. H ouie, one of th e P re il- dent'a advleere, bae been a t th a W hite Mouse for th e la s t lew days. H ie vts- Ita. often before have preceded th s P residen t's dec la ra tio n s 'co n cern in g foreign affaire.

Some o t th e co u n try 's forem ost epsakera hava ttssn e s llsd on fo r Ltb- e r ty Loan sp serh es amt m any m em btre of the Senate and tha H ouse w ill e te r t ou t Saturday on sp e ak in g toure.

A m astin g o f m anufoeturara to con­sider fac to ry lig h tin g conditions' w ill ba bald T hursday n igh t a t i o 'clock In the city h a ll u nder tha auaploaa of tb e Htate D epartm ent of Labor, th e m an u fac­tu re rs ' d ivision o t tha B oar^ o f Trade knd th a Illu m in a tin g B n g lnae rlng Sol claty, I t la .held by c a iu a lty bom panlag' th a t fo rty par cent, f i t In d u str ia l aoel-

by poor lig h tin g and of Iba oonfarance to

jborract conditions In tha sta te .L. B. M arks, ohalrm an of th e cora-

m lttaa on fac to ry lig h tin g o f th e Illu m ­inating E ngineering Society, w ill e x ­plain th e code o t fac to ry lig h tin g now In force n New Jersey , and exporta will ba praaant to answ er any q uestions re ­gard ing lig h tin g problem !. U epreeenta- tlvee of casualty Insurance com panlaa will also explain the re la tion of lig h tin g wth ineuranoa rates.

the K inney building.■,ilf ■In addition to tho (l.llOO.OOO check

m entioned by Colleclor Duffy les t w eek, th e re hava been o thers fo r (1,^00,0(10 and ( 1.800,000, aa well aa a num ber ran g in g above (600,000, It w as said th is m orning.

ThlB ia expected to prove one of th a r ich est d is tr ic ts In the country. The fac t th a t m any large corpoilatlona doing business outside the s ta te are chartered h e rs u nder the favorable corporation law s th a t form erly existed, Is given as one reason fo r this.

Newarkef'g Brother, Pri*oncr in AuBtria, Sends Plea for Bread

m aaos a iu rth ln g 'o f th a t k ind ) i t means BOthtng?'

T he P raaldan t's le tte r wlU be read .troin a ll Mathodlat pulplta In th e coun-' .try A pril 7, and th e N ational W ar' Council aahouacea th a t a ll Methcdtat. g l o t a t a n i J l t ^ been, utgaid - ta use It aa

■Bnna mo bread!" Thi« waa the plea reoalved today in a la tter, apparen tly m onths on Its way, th a t re tched Thomaa E! eca rd tlll of ts9 South O range ave­nue, from hia tw epty-one-year-o ld b ro th e r. O taelo. The le tte r bore A us­tr ia n censorship inarkA and revdated. t h a t f ly * m onths tg o Qraalo waa tak en p riso n er Ip tha fig h tin g along the Flave, i h a Is rtow os wall aa hunger p erm its him to ba.

W kere tha prison camp ta located w as n o t revealed In the le tte r. Oroalo waa a m achine gun operator- He w en t to I ta ly from th is c ity to Serve, and w as once wounded in tha r ig h t arm by a bullat. O ther b ro thers tn the I ta lia n serv ice are, Antonio, who. Mr. Bcardllll has iu a t learned, has been perm anently Invalldad, and Marlanc^ who la s till on th a f ro n t line.

"T hara w asn 't vary much In th e le t­te r. ex.capt about how good a loaf of rea l bread- wohid tas te ,'' a ip la ined Mr. Gcardllll. "W« hadn'-t heard from Ora- a lo 'fo r 10 long th a t wa w ars a fra id ha had been killed. The place he w as tak en prisoner, ha aald, waa Udina, on the P lav e line. How I t 'h a p p tn a d he d idn’t w rits ."

G)mmonweaItK Water G). Head’s Testimony ProbedFacts Given by C. P. Bassett

Being Studied by E. G. Pringle

for Summit.

Eight Murder Trials to Come Before April Court

Also Several Homicide Cases Will*

Be Preiented to New

Grand Jury.

Camille Martin Case Scheduled

Concern Seeks Higher Charges

Northern Baptist Laymen Reach $95,000 in D rivef ofr $1,000,000

Tha sign fund lof tha N ortharn ----- ;;'ajdrlva

'Various data lla of tho d irec t taatl- m ony givan by C arro ll P . B a ia e tt, prin­cipal ow ner and p resid en t o f th e Com­m onw ealth W ate r Company, which Is try ing to o b ta in parm laaloa to cherga h igher ra taa fo r Its supp ly In th a dif­fe re n t m unicipatitlaa It asrvea, were probed today by E dw ard O. F rtagla . rcp re ia n tln g Sum m it, In opposition to th a com pany's propdaad sclieduls. Con- alderabla tim e w as spen t In ascerta in ­ing th e tw iatlona o t the w a te r company With .land developm ent propoaltlona.

Aa Mr. B aeaatt adm itted , he la tha p rincipal ow ner of to m e of tha co'n- eerna n tf llU tad w ith th e Atatar com­pany and tha land com panlee a re ope­ra ted tn conjunction w ith th a w ater com paay, H a exp la ined th a t ground owned hy on* of th e land companies w aa p u rchaiad to p ro tec t th e w atershed from poaalble pollu tion and to saa th a t the property w as developed In n high c la s t m anner. Tha m ak in g o f money, ha said, re levan t to the purchase o t the old Horae to r C onvalaseanta In Summit, waa only a ram ota poaalblllty . Ha Ad- m tttad, how avar, th a t co n tro l of th a t p roperty tended to p ro te c t adjoining property owned by hla com pany and o th er paraona.

In view of the fa c t th a t th* Common­w ealth w a te r Com pany la one ot ■averal w hich a re opera ted Jointly, H r. P rin g le asked w hether the eoit nf operation ahould no t reasonab ly ba lass th an th a norm al. ,

"T h a t deppnda upon th a company," ansvyared M r. KtosastL

‘•Isn 't It t r i je ," ' Inquired Mr. P ringle, " th a t th e o n ly 'o th e r com pany w ith aa la rg e an g d m ln ia tra tlve axpan ia ilf the Com m onw ealth la th e BacHeneack

-W aU r O e a n p i ^ r

w ith the Installa tion o f th a new grand Jury and the opening of th e April term o t cou rt coming tom orrow , crim ­inal c iaee now In th a .h in d a n f P rn ia - cutor H arriso n bid fa ir to h a sp th e judicial authorltlOe of the coun ty busy tor some tim e. B ight Ind ic tm en ts fo r m urder know n to have been found by the g ran d Ju ry w hich re tire d S atu rd ay are to be tried , and tev e ra l m ore hom i­cide ooeea a re to ba p resen ted to the new one.

P rom inen t am ong the cap ita l coast which a re to go to a Judge an d Jury, la th a t o f Camille M artin, confesaed slayer of Jam es J, H aag, the O range Jeweler, and Giuseppe Russo and C arm eto Lal- alarl, charged w ith tho m urder of Joseph L a fe rre ra of JTl M orris avenue. Othere who m uet etand tr ia l on m urder oharges a re ' Ragaele H orelle. Samuel Cook, G iuseppe lan e tta , M innie E . Knox and Oraelo RecottA

One of th a f lra t caaaa upon which tha naw g fad d Jury w ill hava to pass la th a t Of Mrs. Mauds T. Ban nail o t B ast O ranga, Who waa p u t th ro u g h a m ental exam ination recen tly b u t found aane, a f te r aha adm itted th a t aha had chloroform ed hdr tw o-m bnth-old child. T o r h is aaka.”

Comfort Kits Assured For Every Camp^Goer

Red Crott Chapter Hai Fmuhed

Long Ta$k--'^Mrf. Belmont to

Lecture T, .'lorrow.

Donations by Many Auxiliaries


Arlington Protectory ’ $ 2 ^ .0 0 0 Campaign On

Reports of Fint Day Expected to

Show Subitantial Move

Toward GoaL

Teams Organized by Parishes

M aking poaalble the fin llhed f^io ta of com fort k ite fo r the men w ho w ill go to cam p tom orrow , firm s and IndU viduala of th e c jty have worked w ith un tiring e ffo r ts du ring tho la s t ■week and com platad th e ir task s en tire ly to ­day. A m ong th a firm s aa ile tln g In the w ork, h av in g bound a ll of th e 700 k lU In the lot, W etngarten B ro th ers roundeid o u t n ine m onths’ g ra tia b in d -, [ng o t these k ite fo r the chapter.

In announcing laa t w tek the nam es of firm s aae la ttn g In the com pletion of tho kite, th e publicity com m ittee In ­adverten tly om itted the name of th is firm , and m ak es due acknow ledgm ent of the fac t today.

All In tsrqstad In tho lecture to be given a t * o’clock 'Wednesday a f te r ­noon In th e R obert T rea t H otel by Mrs. A ugust B elm ont of New York, w ho w ill te ll of h er perional eiporlencea In the w ar sono from which ehe recen tly retu rned a f te r doing Red Croaa w o rk abroad, e re Invited. There w ill be no ilek e ti of adm ission. ^

There a rc s till a few tlfk e ts to b* had a t the Red Croes headquarters fo r the address tn be given a t *:16 o 'clock Friday n ig h t in th e F irs t P resby terian Church by L ieu ten an t "Pat" O 'B rien o f the H rltlih F ly in g Corps, Only a per­tain num ber of llc k e ta will be sold, and the publicity com m ittee announced to ­day th a t th ese a re aelling f a s t

M any E a s te r Cards sea t.Through the Home Service Secllon

of the local ch ap te r E aster cafda w ere sent out to 1.000 relatives of m en In service. A con tribu tion fo r th e ca rd s was received from Mrs. Samuel o f th e local branch of the N ational L eague for W om an's Service and all Indlvid- uale and organtaatlone, including th e Camp F ire G irls, the league who a s s is t tn g e ttin g th e ca rd s ready for m ailing , are publicly th an k ed by the chap ter.

A special call h as come to th e h ead ­q uarters of th e chapter a t 776-777 Broad etrseL to assist In the re g is try of w atchm akers to go abroad a t once. The serv ice d epartm en t of the ch ap te r will give a ll d e ta ils to In terested a p ­plicants, and announced today th a t the pay will am ount to

Ing, th e funeral servleos w ei4 postponed un til tom arrow m o rn in g tna taod of ba-, ing held today, a t p lanned. A solemn moas o f raqulam v i l l be ealobraiad g t 81. Joseph 's Rom an C atho lic C bnreh g t i t o'clock. A ap o d a l qiualoal p rog ram has bean arranged by t b t ebolr.

In a la tte r raoalvad by th a boy 'l •father, John H. O'Toola, from John J- M urray J r , the cha irm an o f Local Board No, I, tho fo llow ing la sa id :

.TrotwUhatondlnjr b is f a l lw a to g a t Into servioa, howavar, h e p a n la ta d , and “ ^ ^ H i y ^ M - by th e W ar —.- . '.-A ie B t ' Ordnance' -Division. W e have seen no finer a p lr l t e l pa trlo lU m

any m an th a n th a t o f yeuk son.- In our rem arks an d auggaatlona to o ther men going to Camp Dtx next week, and In speak ing to o th ers who have gone Into atrv ica. w a have ta k e n a aubatautlal pride tn sp e ak in g of th e Amerlcanlam of John J . O'Toole, w hose p a trio tic principles u rged bim to such effo rt to don the un ifo rm o t a n A m er­ican acldlar and o ffe r hla beat to (h* country.

"H e hoa given hla Ilfs to A m erica and th e principles fo r w hich A m erica la fig h tin g as really and fqUy a s an y m ah hga or will ever g lvW fo r w han he w ent, he w ent aa a v o lun tafa , and ha w-aa w illing to tak e bin chances In tha g re a t atruggle." '

Aa told In a recan t ed ition o t th a News, O'Toola w as accap tad by th e O rdnance D epartm ent a f te r ha h ad been rejected to r sh o rt w eig h t seven times. He was In th e se rv ice only four w eeks when h* died. H e la su rv ived by hla paren t!, Mr. and Mrs. John H. O'Toola: g brother, G erald d 'Toole; and th ree aiatera. the Miaaea Alloa, Iren e and Anna O'Toole. ,

Army Soon May Occupy Depot at Port Newark

N E W IQ N D O f i lA X A T lV E

tl**treweeMeot, Oentie oetlM',te ivsIeiB aad keep It e

Tj» n g j o e e t M la Ws

H i K

Quarteimaiter Corps Warehouses

Offered for Immediate Use

for Storage Purposes.

Work Advanced Beyond Prediction

_ f l t l n f A t«»H>)ijio.Siba u * * d ‘-i7to1 .itreng theb log tJi* ,-^dhurcti**. near th g i^ m y paniM, both w ith buildinga and betpara.. -so-thaf^ha- oojdlera whA desire ban coma <lnto tbe nearby tow ns and g a t a ttA rtay -church lerv lca." The

Ihurch dSea q a t p lan to open aoparate luildf ‘ ' — -dings-, IM. th s camps.

«GamHing “ Informer’Killed Near Home

( C j^ n d a d frdm r i m F ags.)

w t a b l l ^ l t -Mtdr th e R osenthal shoo t­ing an*: In* convic tions w hlctv v»- aulted . boa rO ctntly been under th e ir obeervaii'iBi,. T he dlsUilot Attorney w ithheld tho

reason tgtj dflflrlng Bcheppa'S .appaftr-

- aatdiH A K Mweqi i .'Niinl re-ealved b*r* today- by -Wo loqql b»*taiflW,-. -------------- - r—d lrae to r,' Rev. W illiam H. Ba.wdan of

ihP e r th Amboy. Naw Je ra iy 's g if ts now to ta l 110,004 and tbese have come from leas th a n f if ty o f tha Z it churches o t th e s ta ts . The N ew ark d ia trlo t and g iven up to S aturday n igh t (10,000.

i t IS expected th a t Wbbh fe tu rna from y e s te rd ay 's acfVlces have been mado th e m a jo rity of t h e ' churcHea In th is • ta t* w ill h ay s bean heard from and t h a t Now* je rse y B aptis ts w ill have a tta in e d th e ir goal.

'j lA ^ i V

Three Men Are Held in Bail on Charge of Stealing Automobile

apec. I t yrO anot .u ae rted th a t Bohoppa waa naaj.'w A ih Cphon w as shot, butthe police daolare th a t he l i tdentincd

lAr 'tn th e InaqlTy ga a friend of a Women who. -vrlMi'two men, w as a rre s ted laat w eak .upoh Inform ation fu rn ished by C ohen.''

■aya Cah*« n h a 'Ia f* ra u ir ,Cohen, aceerdtjig to A salatant D istric t

A ttorney Jam es' 15. Smith, had fo r sev­eral w eeks " secre t Inform er,Known to the underw orld a s a "sto'il pigeon." Cohen telephoned to the proe- ecutor some (line ago and Said he had been "trim m ed a t a brooked w hosl" tn a hotel and v'otunt.eered his services In helping lei the gam bling crusakle.

A gainst the advice of th e asalatan t proeecutor, Cohen several "ttlneB visited Mr. Sm ith 's house openly w ith iiiform a- tion which w as considered valuable. A t day ligh t th is muriilng,s*lohsn te le­phoned to Mr. .Smith, neklng him to m eet him a t F ifth avenue (ind T h irty - s ix th atree t a t I'SO o'clock th is a f te r ­noon.

“ Be ready to h it the mob," eald Cohen, a llud ing to the gam biera, ''I 've got the goods on the nisln man."

The next Mr. 'Smith heard . Cohen waa dead wltlt three bullets tn h is hndy. H u rry in g lo the nccne of Ihe shooting, It h a ll lobby In the W est N inety-second s tre e t ap.vrttneiu w here Cohon lived w ith hie wife. Mr. Kmllh w as Informed th s l Uohon WHS killed b.v a man ns yet un identified . A negro hall boy fiir- nlahed Ihe polite w ith a desFrnitloii of the slayer, whom he had puraued as fa r a s .Central I’arit w est, where the man made his escape hy boarding a car. Coheu waa th lrly -e lg h l years old.

.Thiak He K new nf P lat,Mr. Bmith said h r assum ed th a t the

C h a rg td by Bomual Shapiro o f I t P rin ce s tre o t w ith s tea ling an a u to ­m obile valued a t (35®, th ree man w ere held hy Jud g e B oe ttner In the F o u rth P re c in c t C ourt th is m orning. Charlaa T aylor Of * •( Runyon stree t and H er­m an H lttayabacher df >S7 Runyoii a tree t w ere held u nder (BflO ball each and G eorge Dam of S8 THIinghoet a tree t waa held under (SBC. T h e men w ere a rre e ted by D eteotlvea Bebold and Ser­g e a n t R o ttenberg of headquarters.

T ay lo r and R Itterabacher ‘w ere alsob ro u g h t before Judge fioattnar charged w ith s te a lin g an autom obile tire from A ugust W, Schum acher of 1(7 SouthHlxth e tree t. On thle charge bo th men w ere held under (100 ball each. R lt- te rsb ach e r, who Is under probation , w ill be tu rn e d ovet to the p robation office. ^ 1

Man Walking on Central Track* Hit by Lwomotive and Killed

-While w alk ing along the treck a a t the N ew ark T ransfe r of the C entral R a ilroad today, laalah Towler of 10 Homerael a tree t was struck and run over by a locomotive driven by W llltam H uff. Tow ler wee alive when he w as picked Up, bu t succumbed on an engine w litrh took hllm to tlie Broad S tree t S tation .

The City H ospital had been notified, and an am bulance surgeon w as a t tha Btatlon when the body arrived. Be pronounced Tow ler dead, iind hla body w as tak en lo Holla's morgue. Tow ler w as a lab o rer employed by the B u tter- w orth -Judson Corporation. At the d i ­rection of County riiysliclan W arren , an Investigation Into the circum stancee ot the accident la hethg made by th e police.

Busy Week Ahead for Member* Of Business Ckibs of the City

M eetings of business organisatlona w ill ba-hetd th is w eek aa follcw a: T rat- flo Club, to n ig h t a t th a R obert T reat H otel; R otary Club, td m o rro v noon a t the R obert T re a t H o te l; N ew ark Ex- ecutlvea’ Club, W ednesday noon a t the R obert T re a t H otel; E lw sn le Club, T hursday noon a t th e R obert T rea t Ho­te l; N ew ark A d vertising M an's Club, T hursday y g b t a t th a C hristian Fel- gsnapan brew ery.\w. E ugene T urton w ill be the

speaker a t th s m eeting o f th e Traffic Club. Mis su b jec t w ill be "'The Im ­portance of th e E nforcem ent o f Trafflo R ules and R egu la tions on Mot&r T raf­fic." The usua l re p o rts w ill ba made by com m ittees and an a t tra c tiv e program of en te rta in m en t h as been arranged.

The k n ig h ts of th e round table of the Down Town Club w ill be guests of th s R o tary Ckrtt and th e ir luncheon to­morrow. The R o ta ry m em bers secededfrom the k n ig h ts end es tsb ilshsd an independent, tab le a t th e club in tha

Continued Lower Gas Standard . Asked Only in Camden District

sA rnblori har^ planneil to fleec? a pFOn- i . . _ *,*«* imJec tlv e victim through the ir crooked i A nnoundnk Lhnl conditlona have ^m-n ecuve v iru in u irnusn inm r ctwokbu t ....... , •ee.ji.j ti*m ethodi th is afternoon and th a t Cohen, , ^ , , t to r to the 8 ta te

Jloartl of PubUo U tility CommU*lnnor»havliifc leartifd of Ui piifpofifd to fflv» th f cUitrjot al^ornwy Inform ation which would to a raid a t tha proper time.The Ramtilfcre learriod of Cohent'e In ten­tion. Mr. Smliih surmleed, and fore- btalied It hy kllUns^ him.

One phase of fntereet te the police is sta tem en t made hy the ncKTo halll^oy

th a t he saw money p a s e ^ betw een ! j * . .u * —Cohen and the man who shot him. aa • “J t 'Jthey etood In tho lobby. Tha boy was

today al,-it1ng th a t It would not renew ItH request for a reduction In the B rit­ish therm al •units ot gas to aid the p ro ­duction of toluol except In the Camden (lla lrict o t the Public Service Gas Com­pany.

The period during which the g as com-

not certain w hich man re c e iv e d 'th e money. •

Mr. Sm ith said th a t w hile he was aw are th a t Cohen had a police record, he had not inquired Into these ante>- cedents fo r the reaaon he did not con- eidelr It neceeiary o r deslrahle as long as Cohbn "made good" In h is revela- tlone. Cohen did "m ake good," Mr. Sm ith said, his Inform ation being a t a l t tim es reliab le and invalu ab ly

Bcheppe waa one of the figu res of (he -Rosenthal case. Dapper, suave, fau lt­lessly dressed, he w as an associate of fo u r gunm en who shot R oien thal. He

i # a s accueed.by Ihe defense,of being an accomplice In the crime, aqd Justice Odff, In Jils Charge to th e Jury In the f i r s t tr ia l eg Beck or. said he -was In doubt 04 th ( point, a lthough ha held there wag no d irec t evtdancs th a t gebeppa had knowledge of tho crime nr to o k .p art.ln 11,' Scheppa testified freely fp r the a ta te In fcotfi trik le of Becker And In the tr ia l o f tha gunm en. H a woe jM T ^ad In K ot Bprliiga, Ark., aa a m a- ( t r i a l wHnags about a m onth a f te r th e ^ t tr i le r Andy w aived ex trad ition nro- fM dfagx. '

' elream etascee tn th e cose re-

KrA H a g t M b« a w itness In tbe Inquiry

and U retu rned to the old basis today.

K inney building. F o r th e ir action they w ere recen tly dined and "punlahed." The IRotarlane w ill r e ta lia te In kind a t their luncheon. Bec'auio o f the :ir-' te rea t tn ship con stru c tio n an addrens to be given by P. H. W. ROSS, presl- den to f th e N ational M arins League ot the U nited S tatsA on the subject Is considered especially opportune. His luisoelatfon w as th e h o st to Chairman H urley of the Shipping Board a t the an n u a l banquet laa t w eek.

The firs t of a aeries o f th ree lectures w llb be delivered by I rv in g Ei, Vlnlng a t the luncheon of the N ew ark Execu­tives ' Club. Hla f irs t su b jec t w ill be "E n thb ilasm , tha S p irit of . Achieve­m ent." Hr- 'Vlnlng U a lec tu re r and w rite r on bualneae psychology end charao ler analysis and is a t th a preaanc lim e g iv ing a aeries o f ten lectures at the T w en ty -th ird S tre e t Y. M. C. A, in New York.

"The C hiropractic F undam en ta ls" wil be sub ject o t a ta lk to given by Dr. R uland W. Lee a t th e K lw enls Club luncheon. T he "a llen t booater" w ill bo J. L. M artin, and th e a tten d an ce prlie of five gallone o t p t ln t w ill be ottered by C harles H. H etia l. T h a go ld panoll p re ien ted aa la s t w eek 's priaa war draw n by Solomon B erla. W ith a eleady Increase tn tha w eekly a ttendancA Bsc­ro tary H enry A. Cox la m ak in g a drive fo r an "over th e to p ” represen tation .

The mem bere o t th e N ew ark Adver- t i l in g Men’e Club w ill ba tha gueate of th* C hristian F slganapen Corpora­tion a t a baatataak dinner. T he addi­tional program w ill oonslst o f mualc, addreaaaa and a cabare t. The apeakers are expected to Include M ayor Gillen, C. W. F elgenapan and Leonard Drey- fuea, prealdent o t tbe club. Th* occa­sion w ill be a g e t- to g e th s r social and Is lim ited to th e m em bership and In­v ited guaatA

Follow ing final o rg an isa tio n m eet­ings In a ll parishes yeeterday , th* oampolgn to n i l * (180,OSS fo r th* re- Il*f o f th e Catholic P ro to c to ry a t A rlington g o t undfer w ay thJs m orn llic In all the countlea Included w ith in th e Newark. Diocbie o f tha R om an Catho- llo Ohuroh, R egw la o re te be mad*' on th e first day 's d riv t la te th is a f te r- fiOon and It Is hoped th a t th ey w ill show a subdlanllsJ i t* * to w ard tb s goal.

T he cam paign l i be ing m ods by team s in aonh pariah, u nder th * dlr*e-

.(Ion,.of ltiJftp.U.}i*(u* Boqlatg and. w ith

IdflaAhouse one anioAk the C atholfn popu­lation , b u t It fa probably t h a t tow ard tha end of the ten-day d rtv* aom* form ef a tree t aolloltatloh o t cos trlb u tto n a will b* made. I t la no t the p re se n t In- tan tlop to m ake a d irec t ap peal to non- CathoUca, but any oOhtribUtlons o t a vo lun tary nature from such sources w ill be welcomed.

P artto u la rly en th u sia stic inaetinga yesterday ara iwpoYted from BL M ichael's, Bt. Jam es's and S t F ran c is

. - h(ii ■

month w ith tho usual m onthly a llo t­m ent to th e fam ily from the g o v e rn ­ment.

A largo num ber ot donatloni haa been received from auxiliaries in th e las t few days. Among those a re g if ts fiom the G race Episcopal Church a u x ­iliary, w hich h as sent through Mias Olive L. P ag e fifteen chemises, ten babies' dresses, five Infanta’ sh ir ts , five in fa n tr b lan k e ts and five p inafores fo r the refugee garm ents; ten p a irs paJamsA five bed, sheets and five bed costa to r th e hospital garm ents; th re e pairs w ristle ts, tw o sweater*, fo u r scarfs, eleven pair* socks an d tw o kn itted In fan ts ' hoOde Jo r the w oolen garm ents, and a donation through Mrs. Frederick F re linghuysen of oho scarf, four pairs Socks, throe sweatecA one baby's b lan k e t an d ten pounds o f t i n ­foil. This au x ilia ry was only recen tly organised and h as been doing exoelleo t work, th e c h ap te r reports.

Tho F i f t h , Avenue P resb y te rian ChurcJi au x ilia ry has sent Into th e chapter th ro u g h Its secretary, Mrs. A. Keefer, five se ts pajam as, five he lp less sh irts, five p a irs socks,' ten babies ' h lrts, flVc babies* blankets, elever, property baga, tw elve pairs socks, fo u r pairs w ris tle ts , th ree sw eaters an d one helm et

Otbave Blake ‘"entributlOBAFrom Mrs. W. W . Hoffman of A llen ­

dale h * l cots* a b o t Of reftfges g a r ­ments con ta in in g seven dresses, fo u r Jackets, th ro e capes w ith hoods and five p f lrs booteoA , Tho L eague fo r the H ard o f H earin g has sent In ten women's sk IrtA ten blankets, tw en ty - five sh ir ts and five babies' dresses.

Mia V. Z Noorion, chairm an o f "Th« Relief ‘U nit," h as sen t in five

NiM um is

There Is a possib ility th a t tho q u a r­term aste r corps' supp ly d sp o t a t P o rt N ew ark may ba u tilised by the gov- arnm ant In th s vary n ta r fu tu re . B* aa tls fo c te ry . haa been th s p rog ress * f oonstruotlon on th a butld lnga th a t th e Im m ediate occupancy o f th e fln ishad atructuree has bean offered to . th a

about (SB per I quarterm oator g enera l In 'W oahlngton_>.<i.S„ r VkV f .(aisS A A A_a_^.-.S WA _ *by L ieutenant Colonal F . E, Lam phere, federa l aupervlaor of th e operation , and by Moion A K an g er-H acA rth u r Btoa, Inc., the contraoterA W hile th e re has been no official aceaptance, a rm y tn- apeetora have v isited th e depot to a s ­certa in Its p resen t av a ilab ility .

Colonel Lamphere, w ho h as Ju s t bean promoted from tha r a n k of m ajor, m ade th a aatlm ate several w aaka ago th a t ' aavatify-flvB par cant, of th s p la n t’ would be completed b y A pril 1. He r e ­ported today th a t th e p red ic tion h as oeen exceeded and th a t w hile th e eched- ule of seven com platad w ar* houses and tw o sheds and a ll o f th e h a rra o k e had been m elntelned. th e w o rk on th e re ­m aining two w are h o uaet w ee advanced beyond expeo tatlana H e would n o t ven ture tbe tim e of e n tire oom pletlon, b u t said the p len t le read y fo r th e quacterm aater corps a t any tim e fo r sto rege purpeesA

The peak o t co n itru c tlo n woe reached about three w eeks ago , w hen approx i­m ately 1,009 men w ere em ployed a t th e depot. The force l& i been g radually decreased until today It rep re sen ts only ab o u t ha lt the m axim um em ploym ent Aa th a w ork p rog ra iaes to w ard com-, pletion there w ill be a lm o st da lly deci­m ations un til the p la n t la tak en over by the depot q u a rte rm as te r , and hie own sta ff of w o rk e r! luatelled. The perm aneift force la expected to num ber about 600 man. .

Man Struck by Auto, Driver Is C ap tu r^ After Pursuit

It is time to celebrate the entnnee of the United States Into the world war.

It Is- fittins that we show 0|ir patriotism by observing, the week of April 1 to 6 as

Freshen Up the FlagF e c k

Maybe your flag has be­come tstt«ed. wlnd-tofn or raln-awept. If so, it should not be hung out Your country and its soldier boys deserve to be honored bv the flying of beautiful, clesn flags.

Let us all renew the colors.

Let us celebrate tiow and be ready to celebrate other events lOon to follow.

D a y lis ^ t!WelL folks, here we gro­

up an • hour eaVlier—andisn't it great!

I hope'you didn't forget to ' turn your dock an hour ahead Saturday night. Hope you’re not going to lose that extra hour of daylight. '

\Phy, realty, this daylight saving’s golhg to be one ot the biggest victories that will come out of the war.the fain is Incalculable.

Think of another hour ofdaylight to work in. tbe gar­den, to walk to or from work, to brighten up about the house, to sit on the porch or stoop, or to play ball or tennis or golf---or to lake a spin in the car.

Daylight! Daylight! Day- ifghtl Another hour of day­light!

W ith the. help of a Jitney d riv er an d a m otorcycle capable o f m ak in g f if ty m ites an hour. M otorcycle Patro lm Su Bteckmaiifj e a d y th is m o m tn r wo* ajrl*

X avier's pariah** In N ew ark , 8L

tan coats, five w hite ew eatere, flYe assorted caps, fiv * klmons*, five n ig h t­gowns, ten w rappers, ten w hite caps and te n . baby caps.

T hrough Mtss K ate R ots WallaOA chairm an of tho w ool departm ent of th* South P resb y te rian Church A u x iliary has been received th irty -tlx pairs-socks, tw enty tw e e te rs , th irteen pairs w r is t ­lets, th ree acarte, one trench cap and five helm ets.

The B ranch B rook Auxiliary o f th e chapter m eets every Tuesday from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. In the P ark ChapeTP ete r 's in Belleville, Im m acula te Con- , ”■ ^r- -- - —........... ............... ■ '."rj‘7

osption In Montclair, Boored H e a r t In ‘ilMthe V atlib u rg h aeolion of N ew ark and St. Cocllla'a In K earny. I t w aa da- cldad a t tha m eeting In th a last-nam ed parish to hold an e n ta rta in m an t and dance for th e benefit o f th a fund on April le , a lthough th a t w ill be a t ta r the oloaa of the drive unlaaa It la e i - tandad bayond the period fo r w hich It Was o rig in a lly Bohtdulad.

C ircu lar! and o th er a d v e r tis in g m at­te r to th e num ber of 760,000 plecee have been d istributed a t m otees in th e various churchat o t the dlocaao fo r the lost th ree SundayA I t is figured th a t i t each of the 600,000 persons estlm aied

uu<help In tb e w ork « f organisation. T he officers o f th a aux ltlerji are: C hairm an, Mrs. Anna A. F ish e r of 171 F ira t av e­nue; vice cha irm an , Mre. Mary S tob le ; secretary, Mrs. L tllle Bock and t r e a s ­urer, Mrs. A nnie t«w1esA

Bteckmahfj pafly th is m o m tn r wo* aW*

on nil* w ay iv lthon t e toppi*g-. T he au to lst, W illiam tlo ff Of IS G rove i tr s e t . Plainfield , w ai ral«M »* ** ‘li* P recinct S tetisn a t noom und ar a (SO dapoalt required fo r h ie ap pso ranos In court there F riday m orning.,, John 'Whits, colored, of «7S Bloom ­field avanua, M ontclair, w as a trqck by the auto *a, ha w as cro ss in g B rosd e tree t a t H ni. H e sus ta in ed a com­pound fracture of the le f t lag and l( In tha City Hospital,

Ooff, according to th* pollcA , d is- o lalm td any know ladga o f h av in g ■truck k m an. I f hla c a r had h i t any ana, ha said, ha did not know I t un til Patro lm an Btackm snn stopped him . The police say he gave conflic ting sto ries concerning the e tree ts he trav ersed Just p rio r to reaching B road and H ill ftr«6t$a


ffarduare That Stands JSartf^Fefjr

Entrance AUo on Wuhlngton St

to form th e Catholic population o f E s- i tr lbsex alone w ere lo con tribu te th e sm all

sum of th irty -th re e cen ts to th e fund th is county alone could ra ise th e full am oupU rsqulrsd,

Mrs. G eorge B arker, chairm an of th echap ter's re fu g e s garm ents com m ittee, , t W T il l H a r v e s t 'today made public thanke to th e pub lic 1 n n rv C S lot N ewark and v icin ity to r their h e a r ty f co-operation d u rin g the peat tw o w te k a ' [drive to r these garm ents. A t o u t o f , jgo,* than 100, ho tsl m an, rap rasan t- alxty boxes w ere packed and shipped, [ ) „ , the food adm in istra tion In avory containing a to ta l of 3.600 garm en t!, j ,tA ta in the country , m at S atu rday

ot N ewark and v icin ity to r their h e a r ty f Gist of Hotel Men’s Pledge

Arrest of Two Men Fighting Brings Grief to Saloon Keeper

Catholic Protectory DriveTO RAISE

$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0The Csthollc Protectory it Arlington for forty years has shetters4,

educated and taught t trade to thousands of, homeless boym An tppni for funds to carry on the work 1* now made.

Youth comes but once In t lifetime.Help the-hoy now.Make cbocks to Protectory Campaign Fsijd.

Headquarters, 871 Broad Street

W hn Sergean t M cG rath an d P a tro l­men G«laer and F ish e r of th a Sixth P recinct aaw two men fo ilin g about In tha g u tte r In Pointer s tre e t, n ea r F re - llngh u y ien avenus, y e a te rd a r a f te r ­noon, l i ttle did they raa lU a th e com­plica tion ! -Which w ars to a r ise from the separa tion of the tw omen. T odiy one o t th e men, Jam es M illar of 136 P ennsy lvan ia avenue, Is held under (1,009 ball charged With larceny from tha person, while a sa loon k eeper on Pennsy lvan ia avenuA Is o h sS ng under a fin* of (30 Imposed by Ju d g e B oett- nar th is m orning to r aaUIng liquor on Sunday. Two men who purchased th a d rinks escaped w ith a reprim and. '

A fter the patrolm an had aapxrntad tha men, M Ilirr and Jo h n F , Gregory of 29SVi Sherman gvenue, G rigo ry Claimed th a t Miller had sto len (11 from hla pocket In a eatoon a t 136 Pannayl- Vanla avenue, owned by T aron H irbet. W hen tha patrolm an w en t to the es- loon to g a th e r fu rth e r •vld«nc«. they dlaoovared tw o men engaged In tha purchase of liquor. H arbat w as a r ­rested a long w ith th e two wRncaaea and w e t Snad IIO th is m o rn lag —(10 each fo r tha two glsaasa o f beer w hich ha had acid. The tw o w ltneasaa w ars dlacharged.

the h ead q u arte rs committee, h as r*- oelved the approval o t the A tlan tic Division to confer uppp tJi* y o ung woman w ho have been serving in th e h eadquarters fo r one year the p riv ileg e of w earing a red service bar on th e ileeve of th e ir g ra y uniforms.

Arrival of Body Delayed, Funeral Of Private O’Toole Is Postponed

e rry NEWS NOTESE leetton of officers w ill bs held April

11. by th* Echo Building and ^ a n Asao- “ ill, 1( .Slx-olstlon In Odd Fallow*' BA

t**nth avenue.Olpey Bmith, the evangolls t, w ill re-

let* hU trench experlehoae a t a public m ta lin g to be held to n ig h t in th * F irs t P resby terian Church.

Congr*Sim an F rederick RL Lehlboch wUl Addrese tbe S ix teenth W ard R*- publican Club tom orrow n ig h t a t SS7 B ergen e tree t on "Tha R apuhllcan P a rty and It* P a r t In th e 'W ir.”

A f ta tu r* of the annual E s a ta r dance of th* G eorge Oerela F laaeu re Aaioola- tlona to be held to n ig h t In'Yhe Coloa- aeum h a ll and annex In S p ringfield av e­nue w ill be * voting co n te s t to r th* two m ost popular orgonlxatlonA

A rrangem ent* have baan com pletad to r A card p a rty te b* bald tom orrow n ig h t by O apuin D. n . H U chalt Camp Na I I , H nltad Spanlah W ar VeteronA asafa ttd by MItehall A uxiliary No. t , a t th e ir h endquarttre In th* A detphta bullglng. M arket eng M ulberry etreeta. The prooasdf will t o u t*d fo r tta* pur- ebagg; of a aat of allk cam p flag*.

ORANGE ADVERTISEMENTS--------------------

ttw on Sawlrr, «t«.,9RtU th* oii(rin«l Ato«k e i tn$ j«m«$ J.H uff itor* »l i CoAM At. OnMVAr l«

i p^r oMt. rttfuD-

nwhs egAWJw V vvjciv aai. wiaiJBMr tm MOSlii(hla atoevwlll h* eobthmed undar eemsetant monMamant with a eeiaplat* Mw atook sad high otoa* watch aad Jawalfr ra p a Jr t^

Beesue* th e body of P rivate Jo h n J , O'Toole, Who died las t week from pneu­monia a t Camp Hancock, Oa., did n o t arrive a t the hom e of hie paren ts, <3 L ittle ton avenue, until yesterday m orn-

no w heat o r w heat p roducts In th e ir eetabtlahm ents u n til th e n e s t harrom . beginning th is p rog ram n o t la t* r th an A pril 11. This -was th e ir reeponas to Hoover’s oonlerVAtlon plea, m ade to them tha day before In 'Wfcshlnctoh.

Charles A. (Jarrigan o f thi* c ity , m an ­ag e r of the R obert T re a t H e la l .and chairm en o t the ho te l and re i ta u ra n t division ot the New Je rsey food oil- m ln iitre tlon , woe preadnt e t th is m as t­ing end e t the d in n er w hich followed. John MoE. Bowman, m an ag er of thu H otel BlUinore, Is n e t ten e t chairm an of the hotel, r e ita u ra n t, steam sh ip an|il d in ing ear dlvlilgn,.

D o 3 ^ u w a n t sk in -h e a lth ?

If y m IK safferine from eofcma at m e sid ilg r distrening, erabarreHiar

skid eruption, why don't you KCt rid i■ - - — ,tT ‘ ‘it by using Resinol Ointmentr UnleM

the trouble is due to seme serioua E te r ­nal disorder, it quickly yields t onol, and in most cases is easily hekleA

l i ly steps >b y it The first application usuall, itchinqandmakes the skin feet codtan<f

tb thecomfortable. We recommend it with th$ utmost confidence because of its harmteia ingredienti. Aided by Resinol Soap It acts eygn i m k g u k k l y .


* 3 9 5Br-P

Don’t Mug TluaBARGAIN

hrMfifi“ii$w Rnd cMffiii tfci TVIB------tBiMa bkck*4l . r$put$ti«u.’ EasiuaL t6'mfl'D:

B4NBR jniar- hy 40 'y$MTW

mahv ipiuctkPiiy$ra. foHlDr H

higher pf|c«e.~ u d OottiMre ihiR

~$l EliMMh .’iwderfid I


Winner Pl»t^ Ctta* $0.$ Brond 8tr#dt, Wlttaont'ftfly

tlon on my p irlrto buy,HULtibh;KAMAA bnitiR s

Q M M ta s d la M■rriaialit.I la MUil H

$*UWlaMliiltacda TiM i ,ltoM a*M B M t Ml




C H R IS T IA N SCIENCETo be delivered In the Cburdh EdlHoe o f F irs t Chufeh e t (JbriiU, aoleiitlgt

C k v d u d Streef^ Nm t M ate O ngg*

’T U E S D A Y e v e n i n g . A P R IL 2" A T s a g o v u te M

V I R G I L O . S T R l C i O r i E R , C S . aOFNKWTORKOmr ,

Member *f the Board ot LseturwAtp of The Mothar (Hsrtia The First Church of Chrisb Bolantiati In BMton. Mee* -

Newark Warerooibs903 BRQAD ST,a


OtMi) Monday Snd S*tur<l«y', BvanlSfiJ. ■■■■ '

-•' . . i -


Other Slii Iiritatioi SOON YIELD

T d

F i W

Dn6 « u n i U i

by I


M eaay wf a to r r l iHe--*, E aa d gani G lllea C

AU th* the psrad p rfbab ly thS hands J t f , The 1bo nhOHCltxrf thalv f fuqdg nat htoe, enter tlAni b a d w in be ot tion, of w detormlner

Decision inMle by national i m dstlng a u g s taker: cf*a comm a f te r the p tgclam atl e lf cttlienr rntthlcl prill commltee till ndceesa t ig amour tlm cost ol

M ayor < t to re wo VJpdnasdfi: the dlacuer f t jm amon liK he w cK im lttee

T he May arHomcbllr t f t aoldlei

mqthod ( nmchlner u le of th

J u s t hi rr$ ln In am horltl m ntee 'a on a Sa g lh ted th F riday n tu rn to c oL them of-n hom

‘jdr. Oil sxpenSMrqeciv la a |d (60Irtg tho ) m lttee, s by the M

&n spot hove the p a trio tic Ooorge H ■ g ith Ml

a t th •"'In m j

v lie r I hi p le a t in g have ‘

here I wMlI

Tltey wi dtel-s wi the lnS| tion. If I Should vises bs

The ce lifV o t a fftm huri W plters, ea t E. M

Essex C ‘SOOtc

A ^o u g h 7615 M«



Approxlme forw arded ti th* fourteen and flvjs In c ity 's sta ted num ber' w ill

..cause sever, leered to g< special ordeilugm en t th

/o u n ty boorh >10 tu m la li 16

Assembllrii lion o f the 1 men w itl.en l tion of the I

' will en tra in tomorrow.

F o rty -to u r Beepnd Newa b ar being vol wig. <orty-(*

Those to t ,Iolm H. Fill I ’etCy H. Cru ter, Nlcholar John F. Me H aag, .Tohn C m an, Rtepher (Ian, Thurm * Louie R. Rad g a r F . Adam

Frederick JlolO, -John \

. Isaac Likens, Krlgthamer, Thomas Gay I ra 8. Landis, JoAtes J. B C harles Lupk

g a r t ln DollJetdln H. Cer Thbnbmes A ik, tliOer. Louis 1

Atjrnit Til $ci|diers,gsntence ol

[i, // C ebniy Psnlti '■ ' CfAfloa Fahl

Haflstab In 1 t : o |^ th is n

jbd he Iiai A aimdlrj

l.-of PatariI to the El

br K rat • 'ftroa t, tl ba Unitet klly and

In th( jrlng ha

llittg Vfor

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a lt tr ie 8* Gu

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Id w«r. wc show

observing 1 to 6 ase Flag

; hat be* d-torn or it should It Your dier boys nored bv fill, clean

new the

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r l ie r^ a n d3

: forget to ■ an hour [ht. Hope I lose that Ight.I daylight be one of ries that the war.

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on the r to play f llf-H ir to car.

ghti Day> ur of day*


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mirooma) STni k - ■t KAIL e«turd«y'



GtiMlis Will Arrange *: Dir Men’s Parade Here

Cfljwnittce to Be Chosen a t Once

Mayofi. Ocfenie JBoijjr l

Pnnapal Task Raising Funds

H M « r w ill Be Oblaleed by P ep u la r tabw T lpU ea, ead Will B riep T iw p e Ke.-e, E alC fte le Theia Otct N l ^ t and Send Them Back lo C aatoam cat. ca ilea Calle o a ' Co-operatloa a l All.

mitted theft et mall from lattar boxci and were eontlnaad in ball Ibr aentance.

K a ta rla r a o l ^ o f n o t r u l l ty of buyln* c lc a re tte s ' not prupaily stamped, Joseph /u i a y e r e o f t t l S ter- ket i t re s h w a i.'b a n tln u ed In ball fortrial. Jam es W; C haplain, know n also as Brown, of U aplew ood, adm itted fa il , u r ^ to tile b is queatlonnalre, and was paroled pn hts p rem ise twSUp tt now.

All the d i ^ l l s of a rra n cem en ts for the parade Ht Newark sold iers here, p rar-"-’p ^ b a b ly April 20. are to be placed in I t ? t^Uliena’ com m lttea of

The members uf this com m ittee, to b e uhoaen by Mayor Ulllen, w ill have «». tho lr p rlnc lp il ta sk the ra is in g of fund* necesaaiy tp bring the troops n ^ e , en te rta in thorn over n ig h t and send U*m hack to cam p Ula. The w in ■

ii-O l t t

Receives WannWelcomeHour-Late Clocks and Churchgoers

Are Conspicuous by Their


Change in Effect Without Hitch

Turkish Baih D oi^toiy Is Wrecked by Flames

^tablishm ent v in Broome Strwt

from th e land of Egypt, w ill end T hurs- day.

In m oat aynagogues there w ill be a i r - vltws a t S o’clock tom orrow and W ed- naaday n ig h ta Rabbi Ju liu s S llberfeld w ill p reach In Temple B 'nal A braham tom orrow n ig h t on "Solomon'a Song of Songs." and Thursday m orn ing he will

i ^ b y R r e H m j i Mconduct a m em orial service a t the syna-a rA d w iiA #wv. a b . l . j . . ______ w .. . . .

CoBeges to Train Mai For Ordnance Service

. ___ moneyw » | be o bu ined by popular iubsuH p- tloji, o f w hat am ount has not y e t been deMrintned.

Viciflion to hol<h iucli a parade was in^Ai by the Mayor’s com m ittee on

defense Saturday afternoon. m ptJfiff a t iho city haii. The action ' ' J t upon the favorable reporto f ^ com m ittee of five of th a t body and

tbo meeting' the Mayor Issued a pw clam atlon in whl<'h ho called upon a B c ltl ie n s of Newarlt and neighboring luaiilclpalltles '“to co*operata w ith lh * commltoe In charge to help com ple'e

RTttiiKemenls and to raise t r j am ount of money nt^eded to meet of ttiH enterprise.’'

Qlllen announced today th a t t s r e would be a m ass m eeting TOdnesday n igh t a t the c ity h a ll fo r t n i clIacuBSlon of parade plans, and th a t

those who a ttend Ih em eet- IW he w ill appoint a lerge general c& im ittee and a finance com m ittee.

T he illayor said he had discussed w ith ai^om ohlle men the (iuestioA' of having t y soldiers brought here by autom o- b ^ , and felt convinced th a t th is method could be followed. O w ners of n^ch ln es are being asked to donate the u |e of theiUs &00 or 600 being needed.

' - ■ . L ength of § ta r Undecided.^ J u s t how long the soldiers would re- m l n la Newark Is a m atte r fo r camp ttith o rltle s to decide, based on the com- m ntee 'g recommendation. April 20 falls on^a Saturday, and It has been sug- g f t te d th a t the troops could a rr iv e here Fglday n ight, parade Saturday and re ­tu rn to camp some time Sunday. Many o L them could be quartered a t th e ir Own homes.

V ir. Gillen has given >30 to w ard the • x t> e n ^ of th e eelebratlon, and he has rM fived 1100 from John C. Campbell apd ICO from Moses Helchman. Pend- lilg th e appointm ent of a finance com­m ittee, subscrip tions wilt be rocelved by the Mayor.

Bpoaklng for the Mayor’s p lan to have th e soldlera re tu rn end fu rn ish a p a tr io tic dem onstration. Rev, i>r. O M rge H. Broening. pastor o f th e Few - i v i t h Memorial Preabyierlan Church,

a t the m eeting Saturday:'^"In ray capacity as a sp ir itu a l ad-

v tie r I have come In con tact w ith the p u lsa tin g h e a rt of hum anity and J h ^ ’e heard the sentim ents o f the f w e r s and m others and w ives who aM w illing to send their sons and hus- ta h d s away to figh t for the ir country. They w an t to see them again, T he sol- dtehi w an t to come. The public needs thp Inspiration of such a deraonstra- t l to . If the boya are here over Sunday I^should recommend th a t epeclal aer- ▼Ites be held In the churches."

The com m ittee which urged the hold- o f a parade Included j ^ u a t u s V.

f^TPburg, Jo h a - J . BerryT C hristian W pftere, J. F rederick W herry and R ob­e r t E. Mitchell.

Essex G)unty Will Send . 800 to Gunp Tomorrow

H aving saved tw o hours of daylight since Sahtrday, m ost persons m et In Newark th is m orning w ere enthusiastic about the expertmerU. Nobody seemed to mins the hour th a t w as sacFlflced Sunday m orning or S a ^ r ^ y n igh t In most caaep. a l th o u g h |a few th rifty In­dividuals w ere repo rted - to have thumbed over th e ir , mem orandum pads on their office desks and noted down on ^he sheet devoted to a certain day next October th a t th ey had an hour coming to them, so to apeak.

The practical unan im ity w ith which clocks were tu rned fo rw ard some tim e bet'ween the end of la s t week and the beginning of th is one» suggested th a t there m ust have been a concerted rush fo r the tim epieces som etim e or o th er in the Interval. To be sure, one lone side­w alk clock in fro n t of a jew eler’s shop on a prom inent dow ntow n corner In­sisted upon reg is te r in g tim e th is m orn­ing by old style. I t w as an example of the fact t ^ a t tru th does not alw ays prevail, f ^ nobody believed It, and .the sun's corroborative evidence was not even heard*

The change of tim e In fact w ent Into effect p rac tica lly ' w ithou t a hitch. Some folks w ent to church yesterday In time for the benediction Instead of for the opening bym n, bu t they were a m inority as yvHI an a source of amusement to th e ir m ore up-to-date fellow -w orshipers. I t m ay be th a t » few coaim uters m issed th e ir tra in s thi.i mcn’iilnp' having, like the church­goers, ^at’ to co rrec t th e ir clocks; bu t they ave not been heard to m en­tion It in any circle not known to be w ithout a sense of hum or.

Few ra se s o f T srd loess.Neither In the schools nor In the fac ­

tories, according to the statemerTts of a number of principals and su perin ten ­dents, was there any m ate ria l proper* tlon of tard iness because of the change In time. It w as ra th e r expected In the schools th a t the re w'ould be a tong lis t of late pupils, because the read ­justm ent of the clocks of the nation and the end of the spring vacation co­incided. B ut there w as ra th e r less timn more of the ta rd y ones, it '^'as sta ted.

Large em ployers of labor declared with unanim ity th a t th e ir employees seemed to have cau g h t on lo the change w ith surprising ease. No unusual num ­ber of la te a rriv a ls w as reported any­where. One m anu fac tu re r said he had purposely got to h is office early lor the purpose of observ ing how tho change would affec t h is force and he had been agreeab ly surprised to find th a t things had gone on Just about as they alw ays did. H e explained It by saying th a t bo believed the people welcomed the change and were eager to accord w ith It.

Volunteer censorship com m ittees seemed to have estab lish ed thertiselved In many of the early tro lley cars and trains. Those w ho go t on near the beginning of the tr ip am used ihem- islves by w atch ing to see how many of the "regulars” m et m orn ing a fte r m orn­ing on th a t ca r or tra in would "make It" and how m any would not.

Fam iliar faces w ere greeted w ith smiles and In m any cases w ith cheerc, especially If t?\e new com er happened to

I catch the car o r tra in by a narrow I m argin. And w a tch ers w ere surprlscJ

a t the sm all num ber of those who

No Patrons There at the Time

Flr« »arly tod»y w recked the second floor dorm itory of th e Russian and T urk ish baths operated a t the rea r of 111 Broome i t r e e t by N athan Ooldberj. Because of Yhe Jew teh holiday, thia being: the height of the Passover sea* son, no one was !n the build ing and It la thought by th e police th a t had It not been for th i* m any lives would have been Imperiled, as th e baths ordi­narily a re well patronised.

Two alarm s w ere sounded, In order to protect ad jo in ing fram e buildings In ihe congested d istric t. The building ' used by the bath s Is a three-story s tru c tu re of brick and concrete, stan d ­ing about fifty fee t In th e rea r of a • fram e lenem eni. The brick building Is owned by Mr«. R osie Iss le r of IBS Broome stree t and was Insured. The place has been leased one m onth to Goldberg^ who lives a t 23 Nelson place.

The dam age was es tim ated a t U,000. , The fire destroyed a ll the beds and w a te r damaged the firs t floor and bass* n>ein. The origin is a ttr ib u ted by tho I police to an overheated ovsn. Tho re* I port th a t an explosion preceded the , fire, which broke ou t about I o'clock, ! wae denied by people liv ing d o ss by. ]

N eighbors differed from the pe^ice Ip | th d r theory of the fire's origin,Tend are Inclined to blame i t to carelessness. The only man who m ight have been around the build ing is an attendan t, and he could not be found today.

An Investigation w ill be m ads today by an Inspector from the offlec of Cap­tain C esser o f the Bureau of Combusti- b ea and F ire Risks, to learn, If possi- ble. on w hat the explosion rum or was founded. "„ “■'■"Us'd tile th ick ly se tth dneighborhood and k large crowd turned out. f ile llremen played etream a of w ate r on all tho near-b y fram e bullil-*‘'5,’ " A , under control.

Two small fires were terday.

them e w ill be "P ae tln g Over." S ervice, a t th e Oheb Shalom Synagogue wilt be In tho even ing , a t 8 o’clock and the ■norningi a t 9:30 o'clock.

Major MacDonald to Head Army Medical Board in New Jersey

M ajor Joeeph MacDonald Jr . of E ast O range has been assigned by Surgeon G eneral G orgas as p resident of the A rm y Medical E xam ining Board for New Je rsey . Major MacDonald su c­ceeds M ajor David A. K ra k e r of th is

Nine Institutions Soon Open

atlon and the ta ltlo u of betw een | l tn d j 110 m ust b t horns by th e men. D uflng | th e ir ceiiTse the governm ent w ill pay them SIO a month, In add ition lo th irty cen ts a day tow ard theli'' expenseSi or appiroxlmateljr |6E m onthly.

At the conclusion of sir. w eeks In the schools the ^ « n w ill be se n t to s rs e n a la where fu rth e r liietruclton


N e w a r k ’. Q u o ta 0 . . ^

'615 Men, Volunteers Will In­

crease This Number.

Registrants to Entrain a t 9 :3 0

A pproxim ately 800 selectives w ill be forw arded to Camp Dlx tom orrow by the fou rteen local boards In N ew ark and fivj, In th e county. A lthough the c ity ’s sta ted quota w as 91S m e n , 'th e n u ln h e r 'w lll be g rea ter than th a t be-

,^cause severa l reg istran ts have v o lu n ­teered to go ahead of th e ir tu rn on special orders. Vuludteers also w ill lUgliient fSe contingents from the

/o u n ty boards, w hich were called upon n o fu rn ish 163 men. .

Aeeenihling a t the M arket S tre e t S ta- lion o f the P ennsj'lvanla R ailroad, he men will, en tra in a t 9:30 A. M. A p o r­tion of the Hudson County con tingen t

■ will en tra in In H arrison a t 9:34 A. M. tom orrow. ‘

I 'o rty -fo u r men w ill be sen t by the Second N ew ark B oard ,-ttte o f the num ­b er being volunteers, T h s 'b o ard ’s duo ta w as fsrly -^w o. .ji

Those to bo sent b y .th is board a re : .John H. F ltspatriok , W illiam A. Bohl, I ’ehcy H. Crumby. Archibald F. M cAllis­ter, Nicholas Lam badakl, J. E. Bain, John F, McCabe, Robert Eadle, O tto

1 Hahg, John CaselluMI, W illiam F, Sk#*' m an, Stephen Oweils, C harles J. R le r- (lan, Thurm an T, Brown, H a rry Basal, Louis H. Rsdin, Colin P. Robertson, E d ­g a r F. Adams,

F rederick C. K s itn e r, W an k Scag- llo^t, John W. Luff, W alter J. Lynch, Isaac Likens, Enoch Anderson, Bamuel K ratham or, Frederick C. A ckerm an, Thpmas Gaynor, Theodore J . P appas J r t iE Landis, P e te r Eng, W illiam Dyke,' Jam es J, Brown, Joseph D slfa to re Chgrles Lupke, C hsrles McGInty, '

i f a r t ln Dolloe, W illiam T. Duffy, B en­jam in. H. C arrlgan, Demenlck MondelD Thomas Ask, P atsle Lent, Jam es M or- tim«i> Louis Pass, F red K ugelberger,

Adrhit TKey Got Liquor'for Soldiers, Two Are Sentenced^ n te n c e i>f s ix m onths in th e Essex

Cejillty P en iten tiary w as Imposed upon- Charles P ah le of Hoboken by Judge Re^Ietab in th e United m a tes D istric t t.’otirf th ts m orning, when P ah le a d . inirtM he. had procured liquor fo r so l- dltjifli. A sim ilar plea by Louts F e ta r . n o t .of Paterson resulted In h is baing sea t to th e Essex County Ja il fo r Ult'rty dajw.

WetOr K rause Smolensky of 185 Cam- deb afreet, th is city, adm itted h a r in g W <M a United S tates naval uniform .jio .

. l a tm l ly and w as sentenced lo th ree " s In the Essex penitentiary ,

r in g he w as gu ilty of v lolatlpg l^ tla d ln g w ith the enemy acf, Rlilitt

_ IWftDg, to rm fc second s te w ard of Hie J>u.Mlk..Bteamahlp, M eu w - Am ator- daai; w as' rem anded to the county Jail t o bt V t tria l.^ A l iW o GuUltIa of « H ighland ave-

aod hfs sona P au l apd ..jnwjRl, pleaded not guilty of paaalhg

b tv f e l t ton-pent pieoes and w as re ­f e r tr ia l. '■Jl Sldbeff, form er p ostm aster

'sa t Sum m it, adm itted th e em - n t:O f IT lT .ll in money o n ls r

H e w as continued in halt fe r >Willlam Sauer, a druggiat, e f pleaded lio t guilty to an In-

„ ------ charg in g th a t he sold o a r-and waa oontlnued

t o t tria l.C. C arU r of HuUey, o B ir f fd B the. mVik to r a tto m p tsd o f D r F rM J. n r r l b g t a n of ~ H ra 'W. H. DIdge o f a a m -

«dod n o t guilty . -He w as sfor t r t a t

:.H > B lo o m of th is oHy. hav ing represented h h n -

^ iB tem al revenue s g s n t tn , ’Po defraud .saloon k esp e ra a t .? « e a d r f s o t gu ilty an d -was

fo hall. H a rrya trsa t 'p tead M

iftog and em b « st_ „I POftoffioaaiKto’bai

6 r tria l.i -Of _qtqgeif^^d,


j Perhaps It Vfis only th e b righ t spring m orning follow ing an Ideal Sunday, but there was a dispoeltlon to ascribe at least partly to the ea r lie r beginning of the day the genera l a ir of good cheer and high splrltn th a t characterized riders and pedestrians alike. Almost a holiday a ir seemed to prevail. There w as a new z e .t In life, perhaps partly due to the an tic ipation of an ex tra hour In tn6 afternoon! fo r recreation.

Women Ptoed g u « o a ExeU e Charge.Pleading gu ilty to ch arg es made by

Deputy Excise D irecto r A. J . Cozzolino of selling liquor yes te rd ay w ithou t a license, K atie Schw elnhoffer, proprietor of a saloon a t 56 M orton street, -was fined f l ip on eleven -separate charges 2>y Judge B oettner a t the Fourth P re ­cinct Police C ourt th is m orning. The woman w as a rre s ted by CoszollnO yes­terday afternoon. E leven witnesses, to whom the liquor is a lleged to have been sold, were discharged w ith a reprim and.

Aato B it by Cor, OggapoBti Cot.An autom obile co n ta in in g Mr. and

Mrs. F rancis J. G rlbbln of 1062 South Orange avpnue, was h it by a tro lley car a t W ashington and Overlook ave- nuef, Betlsvllle, y es te rd ay afternoon. The occupants w ere s lig h tly cut by broken glass. The r ig h t side of tho auto was amaahed In and the r ig h t rea r wheel broken.

. reported yes-ta rc lc s s use of m atches caused

a sm all blaze In the th ird floor a p a r t­m ents of Wlllliim Yernnck a t 23S Court stree t. The dam age was trifling . Three autom obiles In Die C entral G arage at 676 C entral avenue w ere s lig h tly dam ­aged las t night, when ,a fire of unlusawu

I origin sta rted in a corner o f the garoge.

New Jersey S. A. R. Begins Its 30th Year with 1313 Members

The New Je rsey Society, Sons of the American lievolutlon, today began Its th irtie th fiscal year w ith a to tal of 1,313 members on Its roll. - Twenty nam es were added a t the board of m an­ag e rs’ meeting tu ts Saturday afternoon.In the society's h eadquarters a t 756 Droad street.

The roster of m em bers who are se rv ­ing in governing capacities a t the pres­en t tim e Includes fo u r men who have been elected pre.sldent of the society. They are form er Governor John F ra n k ­lin Fort, who Is on the Federal Trade Commission: VV. 1. Lincoln Adams, a m ajor In the q u a rte rm as te r d epart­m ent; John Lenord M en ltl, who Is In a confidential position, and pheater N. Jones, the Bocleiy'g pM sent head, who la w ith the United S la tes Shipping Board. "

The society 's an nual m eeting w ill be held April 20 a t the. New Jersey Hie- torlcal Society. The society lost two m em bers last m onth, th ro u g h the death of Briggs K. Adams in France, March 15, and Ihe death of Profeseor F rank Q Gllnian here, M arch 24.

At the annual m eeting, a gold medal w ill be aw arded Dr. E dw ard O. Cyphers of BellevJlIe, the w inner of the contest fo r ob tain ing new lueinbere. The con­te s t waa for tho fiscal year, ending to- day. .

B ridgew ater M. Arnold, president of , O range Chapter, has called the 100th • m eeting of the tru s te e s to be held Sat- I u rday n igh t a t his hom e In Sootlanl road. Orange. The chap ter will be fif- ! teen years old April 17. '1

A p lan , to move the hoadquarlers of M orris County C hapte r from M orris­tow n to ^fadlson Is under consideration.A num ber of prospective m em bers are In Madison. ,

A prize, offered In m em ory of the la te Judge Edward S. A tw ater, who was once president o f the New Jersey So­ciety. w ill be offered to the high school s tu d e n t In E lisabeth , who proves most proficient on a sub jec t re la ting to the Revolutionary War. The contest, the subject of which w ill be announced later, will he conducted by Elizabeth Town Chapter.

M ajor Joseph IMscDoaald J r .c ity , who has been assigned to Camp G reenleaf. Georgia, for Instruo tlon in ad m in istra tiv e work.

P rio r to th is assignm ent, Dr. Mac­Donald waa ad ju tan t of the board, the du ties of which Involve the exam ination and selection o t 'jc re e y physic ians and surgeons for asslgninciit -o the Medical O fficers ' Reserve Corps. He had served In th a t capacity since last March.

The lioard’a headquarters w ill re- niBlii a t 86 P ark place, th is city.

Recruiting Station Gives Details

Course.x In o rdnance tra in in g w ill open In e ight colleges and u n iversities th is month and In ano ther tho fo llow ­ing monlh. gelocllve service men will be enrolled far the tra in in g when p ro p ­erly sm h o rlied . Applicants should have a college education o r wide bu si­ness eiperlencs. D etails reg ard in g th e cotirees will be g iven a t the arm y r e ­cru iting office a t 86 P ark place.

Instltu tlone a t w hich tra in in g w ill be given and th e opening dates a re : D artm outh College, Hanover, N. H., April 22; U niversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ^ p r l l 23; Pennsylvania Btate College, S to le College, P a , May 16; U niversity of P ittsbu rgh , P i t ts ­burgh, April 8; I 'n lv srz lty of Michigan, Ann Arbor, A pril 16; U niversity o f C hi­cago, Chicago, A pril 12; N orthw estern University, E vanston , HI., April 2 t; University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., April 29, and U niversity of I 'a llfu rn la Berkeley, A pril 29.

Appllcallone should be made to th e o rinance o fficer a t the Institu tion which the ap p lican t desires to a ttend . After filling o u t a blank, enlistm ent au thorizations w ill be returned, which. In the case of those not In the selec­tive ages, when presen ted a t a re c ru it­ing office, w ill a llow the app lican t to enlist In the nrdnancs service and his admission to th e tra in in g school.

Enllatinenla fo r th e past month wert. 691. In F eb ru a ry the to ta l w as 8*6. Four entered th e service Saturday. Three of th e je selected the cavalry and one the engineers.

E nlistm ents lolfow , all being In th e regu lar arm y:- G eorge W, Holleroti. 9 Pine street, Passa ic ; Edwin A. Hewson, 229 Nctherwood avenue, P lain field ;

Man in Delirium Under Guard al City Hospital

Sa^iuel Koalos Taken to Institution

After Four Attempts to

End His Life.

Runs Down Street in Night Garb

U nder constant g u a rd for fe a r ho aga in w ill a ttem pt to ta k e h is life, Bamuel Koslos of 63 Van Buren stree t Is In the City Hospital, su ffe rin g from a violent a ttack of dellrlum j during w hich he attem pted to k ill h im self four tim es la te yesterday afternoon . A t the hosp ital during the n ig h t It w as nec­essary to strap him to a bed. H e was tak en there lest evening by the police of the Third Precinct a f te r a struggle. He waa removed today to th e S ta te Hos­p ita l for the Insane a t M orris P lains,

Koslos attem pted to k ill him self sho rtly a f te r 6 o'clock yes te rd ay a f te r­noon, He firs t Jumped from the sec­ond-story window of his s la te r 's home a t 241 Elm street, but w as no t Injured. L'lothed In hl.s n igh tc lo thes, he ran along Union street tow ard F e rry street and into a la ilcab d riven by Michael Boyle of 901 E lgh teen tn avenue, He ju s t eecaped being struck . Boyle seized him, with the eld of p ssse rsb y , and, ca rry in g him to the cab, tried to take him lo the huspital.

As the automobile w as speed ing up F e rry stree t near M arket,K oslos opened the door and leaiwd out. He ran across the s tree t and Into the p a th of a w est­bound Hprlngtleld car In ch arge of Mo- torm an John Walsh. Ho w as knocked to tho ground under the car before It w as stopped, Patrolm en W in te rs of the

w ith the aid of W alsh.

tonsadisia.'hKttobtomMSNn L _649 Broad St. Newofit i

' * < e * * « < J O ^ C C O

A COLLECTION of inter- esting pictures anil

sutem ents will be published from time to lime. Wttch for them, The “ ShooWrfs” Shoes will interest the entire family.

First comes Fafher-He will effect a saving—tn im-

saving, because our Shookids" Shoes will out­

wear the ordinary Child’s Shoe,

Second comes Mother—She is ‘the most important one to satisfy—it is a mother's duty to see that her children get proper treatment at all times —and knows that when her ‘Shookids'* come to Cam*

meyer, she need not worry, for they will be fitted cor­rectly.

Third comes the *‘Shookids” —They know that when they have on t pair of Cammeyer"SAooJtids” Shoes they get solid comfort combined with a good-looking and service­able shoe.

Third I'reclnc . ______ __ ___ _Clayton M atthew s, 639 Academy s tree t. I held the man until the T h ird Precinct Astoria, Long Island ; Henry Feske, 487 1 police patrol arrived.South Oram s tree t, Wllkee-JBarre, P a I Koalos quieted down a s he rode to

Seleotlvee who a re acceptable w ill re- j ihe police etalion, bu t as he wae being celve au thorization from the office of held he broke aw ay from his captors tho chief of ordnance, which d irec ts [ nnd made a dive for th e p la ts glass Ihe reg is tran t's local board to Induct door. He waa caugh t by Patrolm an the holder Into serv ice and assign him Miller. The glass was sm ashed and to Ihe enlisted reserve corps Of the K oslos was slightly cut on the heed N'^lonaJ Army for tra in ing . and hands. .Hn w as f ina lly subdued and

The courses w ill be of six w eeks' du r- | tak en lo the hospital.

Catholic Protectory Campaigo

Essex Quotawill you help give the home-

leks and -wayward boy a train­ing—a trade? Do your bit.

HEADQUARTEHS871 Broad Street, Newaric

•:0E7- r^ in ts .:;

^ O E R KA Great Auction "Buy” of Fine Rngs-Big Sale

Through Wilmerding, Morris & Mitch .11 of New, York—The Prices We Paid Were . Less Than Present Wholesale—We Offer Them the Same Way—Your Best Savings Chance

u ta E s B ia a ^ B ia B


5 22.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs—Room SizeA wonderful value; Genuine Seamless Brussels

Rugs; 9x12 feet size; all wool; various ai- e /" q r traetivo designs; for dining rooms" and | Q Q qbed rooms$25 Sloan’s H eavy Velvet

Rugs—Room SizeHandsome colors and patterns in

these luxurious rugs; 8.3x10.6 feet size; exceptionally well i m n m wearing for any room J # a u Din the house ............r

$35 Royal Axminster Rug;s—Room SizeExtra heavy quality woven seamless; 'ton g n

0x12 feet; beautiful assortment of new pat- Z q A l l terns; suitable for parlorsi dining rooms •'* rv and bed rooms............................................

13.50 Heavy Grass Rugs— Room Size

Buy that rug for the bungalow or summer home now; strongly made; 0x12 feet size; in the popular herring­bone weave; handsome new O [■ patterns and colors; will V . n s i cost St3.50 later on; now.. ^

5,000 Yards of Heavy Felt Base linoleumThis offfr should attract dozens of economical

people here, for it presents an opportunity to buy this best of nil star back floor cover­ings far under price. Full two yards ■vide; wears like iron; washable; is sanitary and lays smooth on the floor; popular patterns; please bring room measurements; square yard...

7.50 Heavy Congoleum Rugs—Room Size

You will be delighted when you see these rugs; wonderful values; an entire new line at less than present wholesale; 6x9 j l y p feet; all the latest effects; A choice ........................... ■••*'*'$3 Mottled Axmtteter Rugs

Heavy quality; Size 27x54 incHes; all woven from the very beat yarns; the sort used in high-priced rugs; all colors in the popular ^ tors hit and miss effects; buy £ Q y

-E X T R AMen’g Sample OxfordsNot many but what there are

sensational values, good slylea; will give fine servlet; sizes | f |Q S’/j to 7; store aalea only; I y Q p a i r , . . . . ........................

29c Hair Bow Ribbon6 inches wide, all silk 181761.1

and moire, a complete range of colors. Including plenty of pink and light blue; limit 10 yards; store salea only; | y ^ yard ...............................

5c Toilet PaperGood quality; store aatei

in basement;6 Rolls 25c


them at27-inch Stair

Services in Synagogues toMark Feast of the Passover

Jew ish Passover services -will bo held In tho various synaao au es tomorrow and W edneeday n lg h ti and Wednesday and T hursday m ornlnas. The e ith t-d a y observance o f the feast, com m em orat- Ine th o .p a is ln c over o f the homes of the laraelH es w hen th e f irs t boro of the E ayptiann were destroyed and the deliverance also of ttr« v.—J e j i of Israel

tike Mother, Like ChildThe Iwalth of the nursing diiU mlrrora the heafth of he mother. Ridi, red mother-blood mesiw a rlchljr nourished, vigpnme baby, rhiij, week mother-blood means a poor- blood^ baby, and life goes hard vrith a poor-blooded baby. The nurring mother will find Oodefs Pepto-Hangan a aplendid general tonic, appetizer, and Uood food.

^ The Red Bhod Baildn**On4**S Eapto-lhangan bnllda th s tddod from Its vaiy foqn^atleB, tlM Md esUa J t increassa their number and power to fltrry Uto.giv4a( o a n a o 10 ikvety orgeti, cell, aijd tlenie « l the body. .TbMieenda of

pbyikhuie have preecribed th id e 'i Fepio- M anganfor weak and n tn-dow n people of all ace*! *bd nitltlone of men, women, end ddHrenl _

Children’s Clever New DressesShown in those pretty French styles, also t h e ^

popular Empire effects, made up in excellent i n a - 1 terials; tastefully trimmed; best assortment in our I histd ; ; sizes 2 to G years. Choice a t..........................V

Just About Cost of Making—lYomen’s ^

S ilk P o p iin S : Dresses!No need to be without a smart now frock at o u r l

price—newest vestee effect—some embroidered__1many with fancy pockets—choice of

^plaited or plain skirtfr—in Pekin,^aupe, rose, tan, navy and black; 15 different styles; sizes 16 to 44; choice .................... ............... .

Women’s and Misses’ Spring Coats

Worth all the way up to $12.50—a bargain sensation—choice of Wool Serge, Checks and Plaids—large collars—belt and pock­ets; choice of navy, Copenhagen, tan "Ind black; sizes 16 to 44; choice................ .. ■....................

Brussels Carpet

Tapestry weave; for iialls, stairs and runners; various designs and colors; at, yard .............. 65c

Women’s Fine Stockinj^Lisle finished cotton, black and

white with printed stripes Of clocks, seconds rff 25c | and" 29c grades, pair,.,.

W’omcn’s Gloves Worth to $1— Chamoisette

Two clasps, mediimt weight, a well-known make, in white and black and some pongee color, some black and natural; sizes D

|o 8’/i; limii 2 pr.irs Q V C 'ito each; pair ................... •


D R E S S E S1.98

j o d i

White lawn end organdie—ideal for confirmation—many are beautifully trimmed with lace; others with *mb.; silk ribbon sash—sizes 6 to 14 years

0:0:0:00:0 s&smsm

Buy the Girl a Spring CoatValuta Without Equal Here—New Slylea

2.98 5.98 7.98Wool Serge, Shepherd Cheeks and Fancy Plaids;

newest collar and belt efTecta; best colors. Sizes 6 to 14 years.

Sale ol M il l in e r yWe Have Made a Splendid Purchast—

ihe Selling Will Be BigNot one is worth under 2.98, the ma­

jority should sell for 3.98—clever styles—hardly more than one or two of a kind—made up in China, Patent Milan and Five End Milans—in the best colors and b la c k - many are becomingly trimmefl—enough variety to suit every taste—choice

d to D ^ v * uasd Oado’a Pm ta-M qt^;u i. It la uorfly d i |H ^ prompt laaludlMsa by Um btood, and wcMdiUgly plauMutt to tb a tas t* . „

Afonaiy Warniugr Tbm aw osahjf (ml. tattoos of Papto-Min^ on tb* narkst, but nn san ba.,*ars ot getting Um ftnulnt tf IHMon tlw nanu '‘Oad«*«iuI I* not op" In iba bottle and esalsd paAiga aaja^rad ban. Aak for it by its full nama—''‘Ooda'a,^apto*lfati|aa." For lala atall dtocstomt.

■Ptoito lyaafze to mtem « a » fer

M. J. BREITENBACM CXk, l aw Yoik ! I

Thousands of Yards Fine Wash Goods-Amazing SaleAnBywrtthat PresentB fbe Season’ Supreme Ontortuiiity to Bay Needed Febrics for Summer Frocks-The ftk es Are Remariubly Low.

25c to 39c Wash Goods RemnantsUngths of 2 to 10 yarda—all detirable fab-

ric», comprising Figured Vfyles,Crepes, Marquisettes, Lawns, Foulards ‘ and many others—at this low price the quantity will not last long—come early—yard ,

29c White Voile, 19c14 InchM Wide; fine combed y a rn : boucht Ion*

bofor* tbo p ro ifn t price ndvanccs- Boy now.

39c Pique, 29c21 inchsa Sftila; ver.v a trong , ____

y a m ; aaso rtsd size rlb sj fo r sk lr to and

A SEIiffiATlON!!

39c to 69c SampleW ash Goods

25c to 29c Dress GinghamsThii is poiitively (he lowest price that glng-

hams^as fine oi these will be offered this ataaon—choice of new I9t8 < pialda, stripes and chedlcs tn dreaa lengths of 2 to 10 ysrds—newest color, comblnattons-.-yard. 19c

olean, b1«ach(»d chlldron’i


Flowered Batin Striped Batiste, 35cOne e l . t h a p ra ttla a t f j i r l c a m M t; 42 Inehas

4eelgna -on w hlta or . j s a tin atrlpaa ba-

w lda: a w lda eholce o f flk s a i l ca lo rad gronnda, wJA.twaen.

‘turtaz m* ataBSara b«a

'• Waddtr OM an atM M s tom uetto

f w S t r s a JA’s a s .^ * ” -

toil MaarIzm.Odt •old rsBudr Sia •U uoito litotMa, with tn tjs ito a to

" a t

ar» tba nars, ortflnal Imported HaarUm OU soar fraat-aroBdmaUier uaoU. and or* sar. So«ly hanniezz. Ttia hMlhilt, m th b e alt .saaks tnia tk* ooSz and lln lw of to* kldnapa azto tbraiiib Uta >>laSd*r, SriTlsa ost t lu V«t»o#Ba f trm a M*w Utk, nwiti z tm a tn .a*a bfaito wUI eema oa ydii oontlnn* iIm tpaalb a at Wtml coidplataly f**toT*d to JtoW aaMU vinor. a t i ^ M n k in a a oapoCo to '.tw a *ac<i dart Bwr »UI hoop rqa i» iNWdlltM u d p m on i a n ta rn ot tk* dla-

Oatoya aza «a- ■

Every yard cut from foil pieces—and no two dasigns alike. Choice of

Fancy Woreit Voflea Silk oni Colteu Novelties

Bilk and Cotton Cm m do C%i»e , Gabardine Bolting

Plain Colond voiles Bengeline .SkMing

And many eSher fine fabrics. The selling will be big. Get your share.

39c MercerizedAn early “boy" brim brios now at 1

vMesale—highly 'nwrcerlxed

PoptilMthese Nneig i

fabrios now at let* than preMiit _ y nwrcerlxed and

shown In all the po^lhr colors and; block—28 inches wide-ryand. ..

' 35c Galatea a o tb sA strong, durable fabric suitable

for many uses where rough service ’ it given—good array of atripe pat-, tens—y ard .........................

44 in. FVendi Chiffon Voile, 39cId bast show lna in o u r tilsto ry ; a ll h lab -

piMia ia s ls t i i . In a lt th a n o w u t C h a lllsa Foulards, FUUd Dolly Vardun and G lnahato effzcts; also ■umerouH plain colors to m atch.

36>inch P o n g ^ Sldriings; 29cAn e x tra finely woven clb th ; for ak trte or

dreeeaa; a good aaeortm *nt o f itrtp ee In ligh t o r d a rk grounde; fa s t colora.

36*inch French I ^ e n e Suiting^ 35cW eara ^ waabaa j a a |

th a n h a ir Ito coat; num aftr o ra ; alao ‘Wmte.

' 29e P rin M Voiles40 Inches wide—a fine fabric for

aumgwr dress ut«—choice of prettyj CluUJu or Itrlge' patterns gn good 4U*ti^ voile—the colors arc gttgiaii'jt ^ m t—yard , • e p s a 4 I 4 V e .i • jo' s * f id a *

, lik e pure linsn; a t i e _ oua l l s b t and d a rk Ool-

79g to I I ^ittiM«‘DM i.Goodg'

a&i '

40 inches w ^e-ttriw ^ i^ J SM I^p ie cole

y sr th 1.9

i\tmregoddn's lek ^ il


; j i r t c f r - :f ia t , .ir»s


- r : n

Q^e (}tti Bcttw Tlwn He Claimed

Clapa ts Are iSven Placeiin Qass i!

41 HIIUIA* pUq»; i n t ;

CMei Handled by Second Diviiion Boaid.

^ ^ ty « (r*(i<nilon of tho»* w hoi* •Itlm il w«ra daclded a»turday by th« II«pond New Jeraay Division Board w sro plaoae In riWM C Induslrlw oUlrn* pr»domlB*ti.d. In on* InsUnc* a claim ­an t WM plvcn m»r* dcferrsd cln ialflca- tlan tb ap a ili td . Th« board w ill now d«Tota tU iln>* t s oopsidarallan o l a p '

. p<wl« tr«i* ctaM tnoatidna givati by lopal boards whlcb arc lower th an Ct«M I, but not as deferred as re*ls- t r in ta #*ei t h w aboMia bo.

W HA* ainAi*'Id aaa in fa of lh« olnaalficallan

| i ( P a contalaed m th* deuisions ol tb« etvUlon board lollow ;

Claay I, n« depsndenu. i t Is from -th ta class th a t ibe f l lh t ln s forces w ill b« drgwn.

ItiA t wtf* O' children uvt malnljr dapsadant. il-B . w its not mainly dapsadenv H-t-'. sbillsd (aim taborsr. II-D, sktlted Indualrtal laberer.

n i-A a dw aad en t children not )ila »wn. > U i Tb, dependent p a re n ts ill-C . depasdent brothers or i l s i s r s III-IA eevety or muaioipai offlosr. Ill-V , tra in sd flrsm an or policeman. }U-]t. owMeiD hottSS ulark. U l - apisplfinid lb uansip iaaloa o t m a lls |U -B , arm ory or arasnai so ip loyas I l i- I . P s ltsd etale* SBUiloyes lU -J, hired aK rioultural managey. U l-K . m tchan lcal expert. l l l -U assistan i tadyalrla l m a a a re '. <

tV-A. Wit* or chiM ren m ainly e t - pepdenl. IV-B, m ariner In actual M urkm lY - a d l n s t i w asrloiu..- m n l head. lV -0 , d lrectipa Ipilui- %rlsl tiwjhA

V-A. s ta la a r aa ilonal o tila a rsm ln isttr of rellalira. V-C,

theological htudaal. V -n , la United k u t s a m ilita ry or naval se rv lc s Y-K. a lia s tnam y. V-B, alien not haemir. YsO, phy*loiUly u a t i t fw M ilitary Mavies. V-H. atoraUy tin- f it to ha soldier. V-I. actually am-

U taasad pilal. V-4, m an h ar m i h l a u nrKa.iMthttdn ogpeaeit t« • h ' .

B a rry tVohlt t i a u I- . .

Kesewell T o m jso s I I M ortaa etreet; U I - K ; t i a » s I .

Hoi^rle lavy, M Q ullm au s irea i, t l 'K : r ia i s I.

w m iam *1' Kaiikln a iree r,ll'-l): eueUlnod, *.

H arry Huffman, i t -Wsrcpr s ira s i;iv - lii- l l-D . ■ * '■ I'UlBiiii T . l?hWipe "JT., I*H-D; suatalned

Clinrles Brenner, I* Morion stree t; r i l - K , II 1>.

r i a a k fiehupP. 1*1 UprlnefieHl *'*■ nue, l l l 'K ; II-U.

P oarth Metfhrh.Paul P. Auernerher, 2B G irard place;

ll-A ; susUlneAF ifth ’Vereark

John B. O-anen. 187 F erry stree t; Il-D ; Clasa !.

Klxth Kaeiarb.p, Francis Snlllvan, IB SOlevenlh ave­

nue; i i i 'K : Class i-havestb NaSeaek.

Morris Bell, Brooklyn; III-T; Class I. Ntalh \a s» a rk .

Hymen 0 . Biooro, 2l Johnw ii avenue; n i - k ci»8* I- ■ . . .

Oecer I- Brunner, 208 (‘baiicellor a te - iiue. I11-d; ll-G.

iJenor llai'skowski, f l W urrsti stree t;in -K ; II I).

Tealh X enark .I'onitolly. I l l I ta ln u t

A utoU t k F ined $1 forfocH Mile of Hk Speed

l u i

m vlH O .Y aoA H U Q fiU ltlO Y t. fipclslons by the dtvlelon board f s t-

lov. tba yafbitrhiiVn elaint appearing ■ .............................. islflflrfii aM board 's dasslB ca tto n

M w t Aasiask.Q riA tth r t o s . lU BtvoRth avsnua^

tV -A ; d a t e I.gcoaad Hetssask.

H ila r MhiPabs ) l Elm s.traet; i l i - S ; sflifiatiisdr

^ r g a UcCsba, I I Elm s tra s ti III-B ; ClWial.

•am iia l o a lh a iM r, 11) B arclay a tra a t; O H H i CUaa (.

-yJasaptB B a ta h a n h U t B arclay a tre a tj U K B t aaK a taed: € |h r H a C satncr, l i t B arclay s tre a ti

y - f ; C last k■ a rr is DlIvcTasaa, I Prince s tre e t;

H l«9itrv tn g B Iw sh, I t l UvIngaloD a traa t;

n U iC ia t s I.imiBVl S U M b sre , IDS B road a tre e t;

- - eihts ).ula n a e h o r , IT h lo n n an th a traa t;

B aptan . | h A vaa avaaua ; II-D ;

Bsat Carsivaalat i n uiialnatL

M w tac atraaF,

, „ _____ ___ , Balm ont av a-BttAi tl-O i ■ u iialnaii

bmiMl 'Walpa. t i

' . ^ a Dtaasand, I I W aat a traa t; l lK K i Class I.

y ra n k h tan tor. t Q u ltn a n a t ra a t; l l ^ i O i a a s l .= B M M alph la ; H -O i<nais k

I h rm a a A it. i l l H ow ard s ire a t; U 4 ; Ctaaa t

■ tm a b i e tc a a v a ld . I l l BaM w t« g tcaat: i) -D ; sHaminad.

■ arm an A.' SQ ldstslg. I I H e n tg n a a ry atPM i; in - K ; II-D ._ f ia r l A. K lu g a W Ifonm enth s lr s a t ; n -D : iw fid laaA

Baorge Bhhsyar, 4 t B lO ntgonary atrsMt; n - p ; austalpcd.-

Aslia IVtMk l i t Baldw in a tra a t; U -D i

EngW ood Cbfh Man Pcngli^edIm r u n R 111- .'*— J h l „ -

Mayor ot tb it place.■ «

pQver Driver l» BiacbliilW

William t' a lree l. l ll-I .. !U-1C

(.‘hnrles t'orillcr, HI p*nn1ii*ton Street; It-D , snslaliied.

Frsnli lipIrldlgloiBO, H i South Street;

Joseph I'eumillo, IS W arw ick strSSVj il-D , I'laas 1 . . ,1

Fsllii iJanulls, 167 T ylsr s tree t. ll-D , euetatned.

Twelfth xew ark .(iaoi'se HoUeiibauh. *> I'orU am lt

■ treet: IJl-K : ll-D .A rthur.J. I'ellaUi. IDS Kom orn stree t;

^*Andrew Mtiiiekl, tO Vluoeut etreet;m - K .i i - D . ......................

John M. Miller, 111 e lm etreet, claimed iH L; Cleaa I.

Y hlrteeath Newark.W illiam y .H srr, z i l F ourteen th a v e ­

nue; il-D . uiasa l.* FoarScealh N enash .

John Kata. alSVi a p r tn itlu td avenue; A: Class I.

joseph Cooper. S teeltcn, Pa.; ll-B ;luetslned. ........................

Christian H. Adams, 217 Huillerils;! S treet; IH -H ; suslalnsd.

Joseph Melsaue, 3Ji Falrm ount ave­nue; if 'B l Class I.

H arry Heymsn, 71 e i i ls e n th avenue; IV-D; Cissa I.

Mari H. Jonas, 3s2 .Sprlagfield avs- nue; ll-[>; n a n I

W illlem Mlrland^ 220 Prince alree l, II-O ; Class 1,

Mtohael Herman, HO U tU elon ave- . |u e ; Il'O ; I'laas i.

pvtsiih W eller, 217 Camden s tree l; m - K ; Class 1.

H urray a iu id . Rovsre. U m i .; H-D; sustained.

Jacob Kosenffld, 42 Hollaml stree t; II.D : eustiloed.

Cordlno C. Z ntnarra, SI* B arclay Street; Il-C ; Class 1.

Joseph M. itofeld, i H l | U U Icton av e­nue; l l l - t ; Class 1.

Old Glory H«rd to G«t, Report Merchant) on ‘Freshen Flag Week'

II coal Edw ard 0 . fkdtagelln c f Ea- giewood C iilfa | l a m ils to d |lv a ^l» uuiumphile fifty m iles pii hour, (or to­day, when ho appeared before Motor Vehlele Ooiumieaionet Dill a t the oUy hall, he was fio rd » 9 . Aod Ih t l OMpUa the p lea for o leneucy made by Mayfly John U. Aopas of Englewood C lltK Brhagetln said he drove a i lh a t rate of apeed in order lo roach h ta sg.- Bloyer In a hurry . The tommlafllotier Iflultud up Ilia record and found he had heen fined in 1818 fur d riv in g fifty Uillss an huuif chc u tfenaa a l lh a t lime cusUntt tirhagellu )tS.Ti.

•tohn Hiivagla of Dover w as hla< K- lls tid fo r falling lo answ er a charge of being Involved in an aciinlenl. A floe of 27.iu was Irppoked on .|. II. Fneut, of Dumont for d riv in g a car Improperly rt glslered. T he K ing ga its Company of th is I'lly wax Haed | l a for p ertn lttlng a v a f.lo bo d |i r e u wUh a leg lg iia tlon Uaued to unutlier tuh' chine.

Tho llfsnse th a l Mauric e B. Foobey obtained shortly a f te r he egused an 8t>- cldetit to a cav drlvan by Jgm ss Haltg o(,i&he K earny iniUve force w as rovoked by the cnmmlanlonef The charge was d riv ing w ithout a tirense.

Whnu ih« rase ol K ranh Gold, g liquor Uralor »f 221 Hmllh stree t, P erth Amboy, charged w ith throw ing bottles Into the a irest. metiaoing autom obiles, uanie before the cummlealoiier, h* roc- ommetlded th a t fls the offouse wSB Sfl iiidirtablo one, It he taken before the M iddlesei County tlrand .lury. I t was charged lltal a num ber o f baer b o ttls i dropped off of Gold's aulo tnoblls and th a t h* refuued to pick up a ll o f them.

F a ilu re to aptiear to answ er to a rh a rg s o l a ssau lt aud, lia tte ry rM vltatt In th e loss of his llceivaa by Edw ard U ragi o f 7» W est K inney alreel- He- flueel th a t thin charge ba b rought WM made by Police Judge Boattnar. O rst\t Is said |o have assau lted bam uel Klagg lu Clinton avenua March ID

Dawyar'a Asvaat Fallaw a B aassal. A lthough his cllept'n autom oblla l i ­

cense was restored and In lieu o t ft II |2 i fine wan Imposed by t'ornm lfstopor Dill. .I>!sse Kclnberg of g f) Avenua 0, Bayonne, a lawyor. a f te r th* hearing took um brage a t an Iflapertor of the departm ont and quarrofotl w ith him In the city hflU corrliloca. T ia ffln CdlP- latii .McHall attem pted to sineoih m at­te rs over, and the law yer turned bis w ralh o.il him. .^s e re su lt be laqded In the F irs t precinct Btetlon.

W hen Foinberg leU t'ommlaaloncr Dill's cliainhern he began upbpaldliig iiisperlo r Kroet, who w as the coin- plaliiani In ibo rasu. The loud ts ik ln g a tlra c te d Capmlii McRell, atid gs there w as n crowd in the co rtJdo ra he ad­vised Fstnberg (0 move on. The lawyer Ignored the advice, w hereupon tbo po­lice cniitain, touching him on the arm, ordered' him away.

"D on't you give me any o rd e rs" said

Fsluherg ta th e esplgln, "and don 't place your h tn d a on me,”

'T*l place my hgnds.' on you." re ­torted il iT le ll.. "and, w hat's m ora I'll lo ck 'y o u OP for c rsa tln g a d isturb- anca harv;" Y h|s tim e tha cap |a ln look a t lr |n g rip on V elobsrg'a srin and f a e o i t ^ ^ liu ta th s p rec in c t's ta - t1()n, 'U hira the la tte r dspusifed

Buvhbludat o f* lT f A venuT c^B ayoiine. Tltfs iflSD had hosn suuiinui|ed to gp- PUar bal^re Comiulsaloner Dill on Feb- rugp ' 26 to exp la in whT ha was d riv ­ing a car wUbout g side nDrrer. w ith ­out h is ligh ts lighted aud wltbovil a driver's l|cen»f. H f {ailed fp appear at the hearing, so bis license was re­voked. qiuday hs appealed (or the rea- torallen of bis license, gnd the uom- tnlsaiapsr 1st -hliu o{{ with the line.

j------------ , fd, - ' --------

SaundmA f S d s t m a l T w iber

tt at It*en as p ^ lro U a r ,

ftsmoj:have been tgaa-tic nom ination

Itl lbstiagad fop the♦,'* JMdiA YtWIW Sii >l«l*ht u u lla d f l a ^ i p fa tf lf t < flUrl, m a te ianatof W. Edwin of Ulddla-

i . torinar Aanator W1

Dend«cr«tic Ca^^Mb(4.

Foundation Co, to Launch Another Ship This Month

Anotbar luunoblng In tha Newark d lslrlu t w ill tak a plaoe eoma tim e this month, the exact d a te helug withheld for reaeons o f war, The second to n til- butlou, like the firs t, will come (runt th s wgys of th e k\iundallon Comjiany at Kearny and w in be a sla ter ship to ihe woodeu sleg .nshlp Coyote, wtilch waa put overboard the m iddle o f last month, in rapid suocasalon will .follow three o ibar vsasalg in various stages of cuni- plellwii a t ibe yards.

I t Is untlavetood lh a t the Foundation Copipany wlli procoed with its uoniracl w ith ibe Binargeney F tss t tXirporstlou and wilt butid m the K sgrny yard.g tha S tifu lg led l*n wooden ahipi. A*'*li*i> w heal lor tha six th bull has been laid on

MArtiiK M»y Try Again, ‘TU

the ways vacated by ika Coyote, gnd gg (eat as a lauuch tag tak as plaos a hawkeel will be pu t down until the quota la sflinplalfd.

The Coyote la a tlll a t the yards and is being uu tfliled as rapid ly eg govarn- inetu p lans w ill perm it. I t U sta led that gba will be tu rned ovav to the Eiivargenoy F leet Corpuratloh In the near fu tu re lo r t|te Installation of her tuoflva equlpuiant-

The p u n ts of the Federal ghip Build - tng ('oBipany and th a Buhinartna Boat

.(oilCorpuratlen a re net prepared to ipake any- Muuouhvetuepls a s to the probable dates lo r th e ir firs t launchings. F sb- rlcated steel ships e re being assembled gnd good progress Is reported a t both yards. O ffic ia ls ' o f both oempanles, however, would not ven ture lo sny th a t the most advanced vessel wgpUl go overboard th is month.

Family Receive BequeiU in Will of Paul Tietner of Orange

Three bequests of 220,880 each are Included lu the will, adniltled to piu- bate. by S urrogate y tlckel today o t Paul Tlemcr o t 51 Fgli'vlew avenue. Urange, who d ltd k lirc b 10.

The bequests arc to three children, Gartrude. M argsrei and Paul Tleiner. to 'be liehl In tru s t in each case un til the heir raarhoB the age o f tw enty .five. Tho widow and aroother son are menlloned In a irlaUHC. reading: "The rem ainder of my aalale I feel shuuld belong to giy wife duriirg her lifetim e, knowing that she w ilt ca re (qr and lot It a f te r my other son Jack ." ,

5TVS. Tlem cr Is elsu namud as g ise u -IfU.

DpoemureXVlllIsm UASuudaif. cbglr- mgfl p i tb a Vnliad mataa)<avgl CrynsulUng Board, eug lusar and m gnufgoturar gnd clogg pafsonpl (rlapd of pragldSUf 2VU- sog, h as been auH V ftsd n s posgtbf* D em ocratic tim ber fo r VhUed i tg ta s d a sa to r ooxt fall. He refuged t s ep ta r th e Hengtorlal race lu 1812 gad again In IH A w hen a boftm wga igufoltsd fay him. *

F riends of foripor S tale C outrullar Kdwaril (. Edwards, p iesiden t of U * F irs t N ational lignli of Je rsey City, httve already b rgun an active tutmpaign ill his behalC, it was leanied tfldgy. Ke- p o rti euigiiattug from Plaittfiaid have U th a l form er L'aitad kig taa aoiia to r Jam es i'j. U a n tn e may try a coine-baok Ih li year. ,Nono of tb e ie men hga an- B0.un«e<l his (‘ainltdaoy pubUpiy ge y*D

2tf. tsauudara is a iu lgbbor of MV. MgrUnfc. Hu iirea In N orth P lain lle ld end gflfs tq buidpcaa in New York, w tav a b* Is iwesidant ot th e IngarsnlD Band Company. n » wee twifla alaptad iU y o r of .North Pialiilteld. a lthough the borough Is strflngty Rapubllcgl. H s w as an a lte rn a te d a ieg a tt to tke Demaorati'o N atloual (JouvenUou a t Ht. l« « l i pud wae hoomgd lo r th e ap- doln tinent a s gacraiary of Dominaroa.

About a year ego Ur. dau n d eri fig ­ured Igrgsly In the nawepapera when, as ohatem an of the naval hoard, be a n ­nounced iUal plans had bean sen t to W gsbinglau of U detector tq caqibat the subm arine nieuact wbioli w as belisvcd would reduca the shipping losiea o t the Alltss.

hupparted FrallBKhByacn.Two years ago ho oflused a aurprlse

w hen lie publicly sta ted th a t ha would support United States Bengtor F re llng- buysen as ag a in s t Mr. M artlne. A* tb g t tim e he was quoted a s saying th p t be liked M«rtlne, who w et a psraonal Iriend, but "( cannot support blip (or Benator as ggnlnsl a man Hge U r. F re - llnghuyaen, bocauee ba has n o | stood by tho I'reslden l, who not only gtood by blip, but lifted him lo ills h igh office."

Ur. Hgubdars is chalnpan qf (he Chambers of Commorce ot the United Btates. He was president of tha A m er­ican In s titu te of U ining E ngineers and ac tive In the Nationsi t 'lv lc Fedora tion. He Is also a moipber of the -Anier lean society of Civil K nglncers and the A m erirau Bociely of M echanical Engl fleers,

.Mr. Edw ards served twq term s as i ta te ro n tro tler, being elected f irs t In 18U and again In 1811. He w as de­feated (or s ta te Iraasuisir in 1813 by E dw ard E. OrOBSopp, who recen tly re- etgnsd as chairm an of the Domocratlo s ta te commitleo. Mr. Edw ards began b is poUllcal career ae a d ts tric l w orker In Je rsey E lly. H* we* a I)*,vl« Desio-

Ingrehe la s t session, and Colonel Moses Greenwood of Moptolalr.

I t Is a trIA s tg rly |« g e t a Hits on th e Oongresaioual cand idates as yst. T he Ijebwtcfkta reoflgpfge th g t tb«y w ill have a hard task ctn th e ir hands th is year. I t Is undsretpad thtyl the o rgan l- Gitlon has not seitTed on any se t ofmen a* yet. Paitoe F \e« "b k k " »* “ bnt-olalr, who was dsfea tsd by Frederick n'. U h lb a c b In the Tenth D istric t tw o years ago,. 1* repqried to be angling fo r an o th er chance and It la probable th a t he w ill get oyganlgatlon backing If he g e ts Into th s race.

Since the Eighth ' D istric t w as created a l l ysgsa agvt * Hudson County man ha* heen th s oaiidldats each tim e on fhe D em ocratic aide. The d istric t covers the n flrlbern 'eectlop of Besex, tho W est Uudeon iowns,1layopne and the Seventh W ard of Je rsey City. U is said th s t It Hudson e*ekx tb s uom lnatlon again th ia yeur th ere w l|l be no opposUion from Essex, The Dem ocrats here rcaltxu th a t Ihsy will hsvs <n un ite uH their forcsB tv guppiaul Gongresepian Ed- w atd W. Urey, who has been a s trong supporter of fhe Prssldcnl in Ills deal­ings w ith Germany.

Ruipwv* have it th a t a labor raud idate Will e p te r the race ag a in s t C ongress­men R. W ayns P arker |n ihe Ninth (Hetrlct. Ju s t who he will be has not bssn daetded as yet. but the p u e s rs th a t be realise the s tren g th of Mr. B a rk er and a re looking fo r the etrung- esl candidate they can find.

James Tindall Says Tanlac b Bx- cBllent R^toring Loft


I know of that »■tm

“There’8 nt . stores a man’s digestion and etrengt like Tantac. I knQ)k_because it set me on my fe«t in sbwLnrdet," ggiif JgnitM Tindall, South Sixth stfet, Nflwgrg, a fancy leather worker.

'‘Stomach trouble had mt all nin down. Attacks of gas and btlchiiyg followed nearly every meal. Paifia in the back pestered me and I w.!* tuh- iect IJ biliousnpsa. I had a gr od a^pe- tile, hut was afraid ro gratify it.

",\t a friend’s etiggesiion I got T*tl' Isc. Today I haven't a sign of indig*i- tion. My food digests right, all thg pains an^ billieusncss are gone, and I

----- ap^ cheerful again. Tgn-

E$tablish 632 AgenciesFor Thrill Stamp Sales

fee’, virong apd ( lap .. excellent."

Tanlflc is hping explained to* intar- esud partica at Menk's drug atare. Ufd Markai streal, near Waahinglon.—Ad- vertisenient for lht New jertay Dis­tributing Company, Newark.

Six hundred and th lrty -ltv o pew g g en o iti for tbe gale of th r if t anti war Sgvlnga . stam ps w ere eatgblishetl Ir N ew ark du ring the week Just closed th rough the aoliyiiles uf the "agency drive" unde.rtaksn by the P rudential, U etropoiltpii, John Hancock and Cu-

K liiflUrnpce cumpuples. The ii w are uiipounoed thie morning by Loula Banibarger, ohuirnmn of the

Navvark W ar Siivlpgs Oominlttee.E ach agen t agreeu to have on hand

a lw ays po t laas than |5 w orth of th rif t atpippa apd ti»- obtain w ar savings stgm pn ax patded. It lx hoped to ip- pragae the num ber of agstiUca greatly dp ripg tha p re iap l week.

B aports o f g rea t sirltiax in ths th r if t cginpalgii tb roughoul the s ta te continue to raaoh ycriian Muurqe. ex- fcu tive uperetary of the xtute ciiipniil- tee. A la tte r from M crchanlvlllc th is m onilpg Ihowod th a t in th a last eight w eeks IIS achsol children in tha t luwn have tak en alsinpa lo itie value uf |],398.





Eaat Ucaaga Mqtor F ine 023. llbarged with speeding his autom obile

th irty -f iv e mlloa an hour In C entral avenue. E ast Urange, klonday of last week, RsTph Addonlaxlo uf 2(13 Bruce s tree t, th is city, w as fined 225 th is piom tng, by Recorder Noll In the E.vat

'O range Police Court- The arre st wgx mode by Uptoroycle O fflrsr C harles Kadig.

beiween 17 and 31 years of age, who are inielligeni, ener­getic gn4 pf negt appegrgnee and fflod habits, pMsessing ambition |o learn a busipess in which they may grow up and in time opeupy posltiona of responsibility. Those who are willing |o begin a| the bol- lom and diligently apply them: selves, will receive rgpid pro. motion and corresponding in. creases in salary. Apply |o CHILDS CO., Employment Dept., 270 Sixth Ave., New York. y

A generous reepaiige to the suggsa- llon for “f te sh tn up th e flog week," 'whieh eterted taday, w as reported to th a Board of Trade. A num ber o t re ta il estahllehiuaPts d itp layed new bsn- norg, but tt le a ta ted th a t the la tila i goUvlty dlacloetd th a t tings a re d iffi­cu lt to ohiain In fluarttities and th a t aoma buslnees men who expected to h av e tbeir places ab lasa w ith new bunD tn g today heve been oontpeDed to w ait u n til their ordnre ean be tilled.

A number of le tte re have been r«- M lved hy the ttnard a t 'Trsde com m ent­in g favorably on the troab flag >d«a In eonnectlon w tth the f tre t ann iversary a t tho deoU ratlna e f wax and (b« f lo a t­in g o t She T hird lA berly Doam One ; ga trio tto c ltlien Wea ra th e r anboVed th a t people sheuld he required to be .

.reiuliided to fyeahen up tbe ic f ia g a a td iing th a t It wge an Ineult lo tb« nation to fly ta tte re d and dlevolqred embleme. In ano ther le tte r t t w aa sug­gested th a t the p roper m annar of dta- Klaykut tha flag abould be ta u g h t th e ;

SeneM l ^ W 'le i tb a - utfU er deoigrlng ;la t fbree ogt five f la g i a re Rot prop- y

fillerA dv#rtla«m fnu of morehutifci «r« J

o a n y ln g potloee o f the ae tlv ily o f Ike I

^ art today to buy War Savings Stamps

An excellent investment and a patriotic duty

ieoiri* aelfube. r t t-K l Ctaaa I.

J . C.--fietmuia, 7TT Santh B lavan th ■tvgnt; lUxU Ill-a.

lI li ia iR tn Fander, l i t B arclay ttTflgti ChMg ^ ’

***V n -D ;uMalu

Boyd i t r e e t ;

w eek and urging oq-operatloa. A plan fo r obtaining g rea te r resu lta la hetog •olBldered bniy the m erchan t com m ittee today, the In tantlen hetpg to call (he a tten tion of ow uere to old end faded f la g s which they are dlepleylng.

Ckkucelved hy a local re ta il m erchknt. tha aoggeatlon ol "freaheQ up th e flag" w eek has been oonunuRlcated to trage q rgan lialtone In o ther cltlee, b u t th e tocgl bpard has not y e t been advised aa to lie general reception.

O y P C N H E I X € U I H S & €Broad and W|tUnm Streets, Newark

t f ilE lI F

Get Dr, Edwards’ Olivo TabUii

Canito tings a captivating lulian Ipve aong“ Eyci of Blue” is redolent o | the pa»|ionate love-making of

I t ’ - Jsunny Italy, and Caruso lings it with all the ardent devotion of the true Italian Romeo.

Vietiela Red Seal Hteoid BtSIT. Twelve-Iath. 22

Another oM-time favorite by Alma QwkThe simple beauty ol G luck’s voice brinM out all the pathos

and tenderness of “ Darling Nelly Gray, A wclcoroe addition to her list of charm ing old favorites.

VlcliptxStdEeillMurtMiaB. TcaJgth'tl

Dainty number by Boston Symphony OrchastraThe quaint little “ Marche M iniature” by Tichftikowsky

played bv this famous organization of 100 mulicians makes a ‘ ot a

Specially Prepared for Tuesday

S p rin g F a sh io n H a ts

5 . 0 0T h e e x t e n s i v e d e m a n d fo r o u r Five

Dollar HatSf w h ic h a r e m o s t u n u s u a l f o r t h a t p r ic e , h a s p r o m p te d o u r MiUinery f o r c e s t o c o n c e n t r a t e t h e i r e f f o r t s u p o n t h e p r o d u c t io n o f s t y l e s In Paris and American inspirations ot rare charm» smartness and practi

usefulness.Unusual Selections.

Especially priced at 5.00 - Aclu#l 6 -5 0 Values.

^ fiif vinotfri aimtmMi. 5" ,

record of surpassing beautyVlctnla Bed Seal Recerd M7(i. TaaJiieli, It

Two war songt by Sbannon Four and Peertees Quartet. Percy Hemus and Henry Burr present delightful loiifi. Two catchy dance numbert by the Victor h^ taiy Bandi

Four Opentic Ariga.gnd Conettt Bones. An Exquuitg Violin Solo.

Two Really Amutins Comic Songs, four Populu S e s | S u c c o h m .

' H iir thM* ntw Victgr Rfoordi to-day i t say -Vi«tai degler’a. He will gladly ghri you to Ulufintsd kookitt d iitrib isg th ta t n iw riooRii and ytgy any muaie yoif wieb hi hear. S tangtr Voir* C ultvn XfctHds OK iaM luiblt to vocal ttudao la^aik to l>a*r fVeni-

Vlcion and VifOglga |« g n i t m i f U fW » IW l« S W - P»ri#d nylaa lo oidar from |37* ••

Violar Tnlloim C*., CanuiwiiNaJ,I m p w r t f i l l t N uU cO - V k to r Recorda and T^etor M adiineo ora ociatitlfle- ally qoofdfrHnadond lyackroiiUed ia tb« proeogifg Of tMnuagtHhi W d thofr VS*, MW wMi fits R M r. U otwoltltely aaatntlal to a iHW ^t rs^o d u e tlo a .

N f« V)*aat Xaaarda damnwIfotMl a t sS daabaa o w tU lei af oofS pwdk

*'V lsboU ''ta tba Hafiitn ad ttsSa-aMb-k ol iba VIctac thU ag MaaUaa taamaim daa|ga*ttag tha gaoMcIa of ibia Qfiagaw aalr.

aubatituta for CalomoL ^17 y e a n and calomd^iiwtimo discovered fbo farctulg fo r Olivo Tabletg wliilg ttogtipg fw rt«wfer«tiegtipatjon and twipd llvara 6». Sdwgrdd'Olivo.Ti contain calomel, but a Twtable laxative.

No griping i% Un euB«r. u u Segi^ tho 'bowela Uvor to ig:t

normaSy. They nevnr wnc UMlunatuim action.

If you have a Nbik te a m raotttli* mw and then—a bad breath — a dull, tlredllceUn»r-8kk headac^-torpld livey pn nreeeMtipabpated, youTl Snd q iici anta only pleaaanti^ts from one or two « eb r,S 4 « (?rd * ’(W F6TdW dtt r tThaudands take one or tvoevi iual to keep tight Try them, k sw lNS Xudni krtg,tiMiuent lur Olive Tehlet Co.

*Rupture Kith

7,000 Anm ul^'Sfvan. (hopaanj parwaa each rear atfl laid

avray—tp t burial cerUdcale htluf* matXad ' "Ruptute." Why7 B*o»u« the u#tqr-

(uitate one. had neglected them.olve. or hud l>e.a menix tahlnx car* ol the «l|n UwaH- lu |i' ul the atlllctlen and PaVlnx no aGon- tlon t« Ihe caqee, WRat are Vpu flclnfl Am yon nexloctln* yowrreit by weaitp* a

■ irpM, appliance, or whatever Jraina - yap chaoii Id call III At beet, the truw • eiilr X mekeebllt—a f*l*o prop againit I »«l. Ii-paiiig wail—and caanal ba eapectiq to a ft an mere thau a p'*va nttohanlcal euBpnrt. The blndlnr nreeepre rolarfla bipod Mrcq-

: isuloi,.' Ihu» rdbWn* |ho weakenoU muaeWa u( tiu l whlcdi thei ieod muai -nnurl^ni'tot.

I Hut actaiiiif has (uund a war, and »'-afF I iruae apftaiwr In thfl land >» invited to make

« FliKiS teal r-lglit.tn Ue privacy ol t|ltip. own liomc. TheTLAPAO metflod ia unqnaa; llotiHhiy the moat ■•.■laiillfip, Idxloui anfl auc- ,■080(111 apll-troatutont Idr rflpluro Iflo w ar|dj baa war hoowp, ' , , j

; 'lT;o pUiPAti PAD when ailherin* c'oaeijj 1 In iho body cannflt p«*a|S|'y I'lP or ahift w

piec*. (hfrefor* ban™l Vt*2 L/iaaVWl ttlWe q'arw war**”—- ^ ■ I > "aButt AS yaivttl—ftiisy aiB HV—InfkpinSiUs.Tu l)« ustfl Vforkuiul UhlUt fmiHififiD. No buckles or aprmfs s%%HtSBp. No lac:h«J.

Udrn how to clajw VL*A« imiurs iukeiyliS i so ihs ' vom6 apwn. StnrI ygur nams tod^jf M.APAO Od-. -Bldck 3&8e «t. lapuls. Mb.. f-'i« KHKIil trUl PUpso unU luftructlv* lion necessAtY.- -AUvsniMment.

spieiAi m m m dHiiFIVE PHtCBS K E - I ' ^ B U T a p ^ J

g d P M l i m . O I

F^ntilBUP OOVM1IS, i PlX<!||fe1

9& 0 0IM


Vrifp «r phenp sn4 •AMMI


m ms ill 0*11 wHb]

-•-eap , -J




There and eauntforiT the F ti o'clock down Brook drllla a Into. T Doran'a t lre t Ol second men, y w as ma who gal use the fu tu re the Eat

Prevl usual Bi the a m Fursm a W. H. 1 land, UaryPerm ls ooinlnx rifles formed tnory. day th< grante<

Com) and al pulsor] compel On Moi 7:30 o’l g ins averng weekly Monde; actual for cm cordlni pocket inetrur quartei

T hat m er m In the been p by Llei Dlx, p men ti those fundan organI lae t ca of the th e ne: creatlc nine o: cordlni M ajor

I f hi leave Dlx. 11 numbe ranks, p leto c ge thsr have h Compn ua! of th e rll entire! a re cc drill, the 01 la lu te needed the ai w heth service m ade <





Oppi fo r sel t r y In In a < partm m en t munltl and ei fam lll

The nance th is c media men, I

r '.i-v '-r -A .iHvUvS,'. Vt-'.

tfiUc b Ex- ngLoft

►w of th*l »• and atrintra

iu$e it Ki me r," attid stfet, NowvkjI me alt run and balchini

eat. .Pai;i> in id I w.i» Wt- 1 a srod »pp«- uifyit.Ion I get T*ft' Ign n( indigai- right, all the re gone, and I

again. Tfn-

ined to* intirr I r ^ stare, IW ihinglon.—Ad- n Jersey Dii- ark.


[E Nyears of

sent, ener- ippegrance possessing i business I grow up ’ positions Fhose who at the bol- ppfy themi rapid pro. onding in .

Apply to mployment Avs.., New

>HveTat)lQlt'rv si tiwnin4iA&i n! uSS[

hriOM SDetnjr,

Ita Olivs Tablet far

t3btitfc ' aad Ihwr ta i t tom mm lat e n rsouth* nowli — B dull, t i i^ torpid livep pnd d(|uidi>sH t« w none or two! ihlbH gt I r tyro eve them.

Uo. ■

m u a l h f«ac)i

tb* uaf^r- tb«miolve> or batl

l1 Owfkk'tip %UpB-

t Me vpb APUf?by *

t^vor #a,m « ' i, ib f tru«« • P iilr »p nfUtnO 4 b« pitppCFta<i| \fl fahan^cul,ur(|M bipod Hrcp' vuipkenod nr^uttolM nuil-nourlthnvint,a wiiy« and Ip InvttQd tP a privacy ol ibi»dp. m^t^od 1i un^wuir p, IpiflopI und VlC- y^piuro ibo V>'pr1d .m pdhprlns plow jl ly ipilp or pUlft put )i clm(p or iBPW—InfjtPW^/r.'

bMlPt• r pr vprlbfii ’i ttf

DAYI dNLYr^TB M D in Tap-1('a tsh« s*i»J

I U 2.0I

nan will npil vU bl



m 'W i n . liwp;.


Doran's Doughboys Hold . Their First Drill Outdoors

„ C J ^ m^unj^^ineataU of Soldier-... ’oijfKv^ds Rowing

Branch Brook Playground.


I i . l -

Men Ununiformed, but Earnest

There wae a sp irit of determ ination 4ndi earneetneaB about the little un^ uniform ed compart)? th a t m arched out of the F lre t Ueffirnont Armory a t 10 o'clock yeeterday m orning, continuing down Suesex avenue to the Branch Brook Playground, w here a aerlea of drlllfl and lormatlonB were entered Into. They were L ieutenant R ichard F. DoraH’a "Doughboys" engaged In the ir f lra t outdoor d illl. This waa b u t the •econd a ttendance for a num ber of the man, yet the excellent show ing that waa made w as commended by the fe^v who gathered to look on. Perm ission to use the park , not only yesterday, h u t on fu tu re occasions, has been g ran ted by the Et»se.x Couniy P ark Coinmlaelon.

Previoua to the outdoor d rill the usual eettlng 'U p exercises wero held In the arm ory under the direction of E. ti. Fursm an, Sheldon Peck, A. C. Thomas, W. H, VanW Inklo Jr., and W. Vf. F re e ­land. a ll o f whom have received m il­ita ry Instruction a t aovernors Island. Perm ission not y e t having been fo rth - floinlng from T renton to carry iheir rifle s into the street, the men per­form ed the m anual of arm s In the a r ­mory. I t ia thought th a t by nex t Sun­day the i^equirud consent will have been gran ted by the a d ju tan t general.

Company d rills aro held tw ice w eekly and although appearance la no t com­pulsory. It Is rare ly th a t the th ree companies are no t In full nttendauce. On Monday evenings the drill E tarts a t 7:80 oVlock. while the Sunday d rill be­g ins Sunday m ornings a t H. The average tim e devoted to the w ork w eekly is six hours. One man las t j Monday w as anxious to ascerta in the ac tual d istance covered while drilling fo r one evening a t the armory, and ac ­cordingly carried a pedom eter In his pocket. A t the end of the evening the Instrum ent reg istered five aud th ree- q u arte r miles.

T h a t th e experience gained by fo r­m er members of th is organisation , now In the service, has been of w orth, has j been proven by several le iie rs received by L ieu tenan t Dbrau from men a t Camp Dlx. p raising the work and u rg in g men liable for selective service call nr those in terested In learning the drill fundam entals, to become m embers. The o rgan isa tion lost tw enty men by the la s t call, and it Is believed about forty of the p resen t company w ill leave wdth th e next quota to Caibp Dlx. Since the creation of the Doughboys In Ja n u ary , nine of the ir num ber have enlisted, ac­cording to Inform ation received from M ajor Bloom, arm y recru iting officer.

I f ha lf th e num ber th a t are expected leave w ith the nex t quota for Camp Dix, the Doughboys will need a goodly num ber o f fresh recru ltr *n f ill the ranks. I t Is hoped th a t th ree com­p le te com panies may soon be g o tten to ­gether. Company A comprises men who have had the m ost experience; those In Company n are instructed In the m an­ual of arm s, and the nom enclature of th e rifle, w hile Company C Is devoted entirely lo the atrlc tly raw men, who a re co&ched In the f irs t principles of drill. Special a tten tio n is given from the oulaet to th e proper m anner of sa lu te and m ilita ry .carriage. MVn a re needed to fill th e ranks, men bstw'e^n the ages of e ighteen and forty-five, w hether they be subject to m ilita ry ■ervloa or not. Application m ay be m ade on any d rill day a t the armory.

V t- +IT.


i '

Bayonne Man in Will DivideaEstate Into Forty-five Parti

D lvitlon o t hl» p sU tt Into (orty-ftv# p a r t i In callod to r In tha will o( Chaclaa L. B orem ay tr o t *10 Avonuo C, Bayonne. The will, dated Octobec 11. nam ps aa paaciitora thi> tra ta to r'a wld}tK-

^ to i^ o t i ie lv 'O . Tji 'Bor^niwj^.', uia aam « addraaa., J tr . B orsn ifyer died M arch II. Tha uddreea, SIO Broad atreat, la 'm erp ly the form ei hualn,o«8 addreaa. b a in s tho N ational B late Bank build. Ine.

M ri. U orsm ey.p la beijHaatlwid one to r ly .n t th o t the eatata, and the houaa- hold fu rn itu re . Nine to rty -flftha are le f t In t r u i t to be Inveated fo r a daui^hter, Mra. (''utharine Burpowa. who la to rerelve ' the princllial aum when aha becomea th irty -live years old, T h irteen to rty -fltth s la to be atmllar- ly Invested until an o th er daughter, Mra. M a rju e r tte It. Foater, o t SIO B road strnoL reaches the aamo aae,^ S h ares of th ree to rty .flfth a are left lo each of Mr. BorKineyer'a slstara, Mra. K liiab e th H ayw ard ot Brooklyn. Mrs. Jaq u e lln e Molloy ot Bayonne and Sirs. I.ou laa Ue Baun ot WoodeIKt Lake. T he b ro th e r la griven one lo rty -ltfth ot th e ea ls te . The rem ain ing eleven fo rty -fif th s a re willed lo he irs of do- ceaaed re la tives of the tes ta to r.

r r r a

Manufacturert to Opeh Figlit On Power Contract Abrogatraf

’ A flch l to tea t tha legaltty of tha Fubllc Service C orporation '! ab ro fa tlu n of co n traca t fo r aupplyinff povfer will be a ta rted W edneeday by the M anu^ettur- . eta ' Council of the S tate of New JerMy. TI),a.iliUMpclb»f,b««r^ »I d irae lo ra-w in . --iMia.at .a i'anchaoh af Che Hojtal ...way, c 'a m lt^ ." ' A' aatond tn a e tin t Wiv ' ha hold In N ew ark A pril 17. and will be followed by m aatlnka lu Trenton May 1, a t P ateraon May IS and a t At. lantlo c i ty June IS.

The cancelation of eontraota, which the council holds la llla ra l. was mads during th e fuel fam ine taat w inter. The announcem ent th a t tha action would be te ita d In tho c o u r li waa made by W arren C. K in s of Bound Brook, pro*, idem of tha M anufacturers' CouncIL Colonel Austen Colgate la tha ftrit vloa preeldant of the o rgan liatlon .

Tha Camden Board o t Trade and all m anufaeturera In. Camden, w hether they a re metnbera of tha M anulaoturarif Council o r not, have bean Invited ta a ttend W ednetday 'i m eelinc- At tha m eeting here April IT. N ew ark manu* fac tu re ra w ill be aeked to a ttend the luncheon a t T renton Hay 1 and th e oas a t Pateraon May IS. Tha m eatlng at A tlantlo c i ty will ba the quarterly m eeting o f tho council, and will ba lb the form of a w ar convention.


Specialists Sought for Army Civilian Service

Ordnance Dep't Needs 4,290

Draftsmen. Engineers, Inspec­

tors and Office Men.

Good Remuneration Is Offered


O pportunity fo r those not reg istered fo r uelecttv© service tc^servb th e ir coun­try in a civ ilian capacity U contained In a call Issued by the ordoanc* de­partm en t fo r 4,290 specially tra ined m en to aes lst In the m anufacture o t m unitions. R em uneration w ill be good and enable the men to provide fo r th e ir famtllee.

The civ ilian personnel section, o rd­nance departm ent, whloh Is o rgan ising th is c iv ilian arm y, announces th e Im ­m ediate need of 800 m echanical d ra l ts - m tn i 600 m echanical engineers, 600 In­

spectors of ordnance m ateria l, 1,000 In* epectors of m unitions, 1,000 assis tan t Inspectors. 200 chem ists. 100 c lerks qualified In s ta tis tic s , accounting, of* flee adintnistrutlon o r buKlness adm in­istration. 280 c lerk-book-keepers , forty construction forem en, 100 assis tan t business m anagers, 100 expurts In busi­ness adm in istration and 100 s ta tis tica l experts.

Mechanlcdl d raftsm en , rhem l.sti and clerk-book-keepers will be employed in W ashington, w hile Inspectors of am- munition will serve In ordnance m an u ­facturing p lants th roughou t the United States.

The m echanical d ra ftsm an tak es the Initial slop In the In tr ira te process of gun m anufacture. He Is provided w ith a light and com fortable d ra ftin g room In W ashington, The b ig how itzer th a t delivers Its d es tru c tiv e blow a t the enemy appears f irs t In the form of a drawing, the w ork of th e m echanical draftsm an.

For this position th e re are required men experienced in autom obile, u a i to r o r truck w ork, d esign ing sm all m a­chine parts, p ipe layouts and m achine InyoiitB,' d ra ftin g and designing of machinery, sm all tools, Jige and f ix ­tures, gage designing, d ra ftin g and designing m achinery Involving heavy castings, such a s steel railw ay cars and o th er railroad equipm ent, and in work w ith optical in strum en ts or any o ther Instrum ents of precision. Eaglal^n Mnat Have Had RxperleJbce.

Mechanical eng ineers can be utilised In. the Ordnance D epartm ent In the superintendence and inspection of a r ­tillery am m unition, ahells, fusee, trench w arfa re m a te ria l, guns and gun ca trlagee.' The sa la rie s are lucrative, bu t applicants m u st have had broad experience.

Supervising Inspectors . of ordnanoe rnaterlals are u rg e n tly needed. The duties of th is position consist o f th e OT^sntsatton and supervision of in- ■pectlon forces of m unition p lants, and the In terpre ta tion and enforcem ent of specifications a s se t fo rth by the Ord- nanoe D epartm ent.

Ordnance Inspectors Insure t^e char- OiOter of guns and am m unition th a t w ill be delivered to th e American eol* dlers overseas. They m u st have had

No. I—Marching in columns of squads.No. 2—Lieutenant Richard F. Doran, the instructor.No; 3—A squad entering the armory, with rifles borrowed for use while

the picture was taken, regulations forbidding removal of drma by the organiza­tion from slate premises.

previous experience, i “ ifcli

as required by the Civil Service ComhlMlon.

F or th is itTvlCB men are needed for toe fo llow ing poiltlons: inepet-tor* ot sh rapnel, shells, prlm eri, tim e fuses, de- to n a lln s fuses, i ^ f i d g e eases, aseem- bllngr, load ing and packing complete rounds o f am m unition, forgings, high explosive shell loading, a r tille ry am ­m unition , steel, powder and explosives p ack ing boxes, brass, copper and spelbej, tren ch w arfare m aterial, m a­ch inery and machine tools and ballistic | Inspectors. j

T he Im portance of chentlsU In m u n i­tion m ak in g la easily understood. Men are w anted for th is work who have Just been graduated from colleges or who have had a few years' experience In th e lin e In which they a re to aarve. In ad d itio n to general chem ists th ere are open ings for m etallurg ical chiilti- Ists and powder and explosive chem ists and a s s is ta n ts . P rior exparisits* i a th is line o f w ork Is a prerequisite.- P ersons qualtftsd for these poaittbns may o b ta in fu rth er Inform ation from the C ivilian Personnel Section, 13a0 F i s tre e t, northw est, W ashington.

War Officials Favor RunningSchools to Fullest Capacity

’'D on 't close the schools: use them to m axim um capacity," says Secretary, of the in te r io r Lane In approving a e la te - m en t ju e t issued by the B ureau of E d ­u ca tio n o t H i departm ent, w herein Is p re sen ted th e governm ent'e need of the Bchoolfl In w ar time as seen by those In W ash in g to n charged w ith the conduct o f the w ar.

As to th e governm ent's need of h igh school s tu d e n t! Secretaries B aker and D aniels point out th a t "the arm y and navy do not w ant, and cannot use, boys u nder eighteen years of age, nor boys

n o r men of any age who a re no t s tro n gand weil-deveioped physically, ilo far a s the arm y ami navy are concerned, th e re Ifj noih lng more Im p o rtan t th a t th e schools can do than to keep going a t fiHl capacity , and a t the sam e time | toi em phasize In every poaslble way th e ir w ork in physical education . High school boys will render the beat se r ­vice o f which they are capable by re ­m ain ing In school until com pletion of the high school course."

R egard ing 4he need in Industry , gov­ernm ent o fficials m ain tain th a t no em ergency ex ists which Ju s tifie s any

i re lax a tio n o f the laws sa feg u a rd in g

I th e w orking conditions of young peo­ple. The official s ta tem en t p o in ts ou t th a t th l^e are serious sh o rtag es in 1n-

I d u slry already ond more a re an tic i­

pated, but "boys and g irls under cigh- | lean years of age should not be used | to m ake up tlLese eh'^rtagos any m ore than can possibly be helped. I t Is easier to provide approved w ork ing conditions on the fa rm s than In the mill or factory ."

Evening Schools W^l Make Up Some Time Lost to Coal ScarcitySeveral aep arlm en te of the evetiin f

snhools will be con tinued to April 25 to make up tim e loet In January , when these schools' w ere cloeed because of coal shortage. This ru lin g of (he Board of Education w ill Include the h igh schoole, the elem entar.v clanaes o rg an ­ised In the h igh schools, the vocational school and etsBSee fo r the deaf.

The repo rt o t school atle»dance for February ahowa an average of 2.717. or i,5S0 less than In .Fahriiary las t year.

Corsets and Brassieres

McCutcheorfsMtf, T M tM g *

Specials in Corsets

We are able to offer a number of Corsets, in special sizes only, at very attractive prices.

All the models have that touch of individualityand distinction that Is so much desired.

Gotrard Laee*in~tnnt,—a number of handsome Silk Brocade and Bfoclie Corsets specially priced at

18.26 to 1650

Lace’ In • dadfc Conete,—a variety of He'S! Spring arid Summer models rang­ing from $3.00 to 1650


1 ,

No. 1*43- Fine while K r « n c h I'outil. low full bust, very Iohk clo>B V fit­ting hlp^; iKces I nr back: (jlzne 2B to 14. Pr. 18.15.

A complete assortment of well-fitting styles in­cluding Cotton Meshes, Silk, Tricots, Linens, and the dainty Laces andEm-

bpoideries which are so essential to complete the Summer wardrobe. 75c to $7.50

Fifth Avenue, 34th & 33d Sts., N . Y.

Take Tube

Direct .to Gimbels 32d ST.—BROADWAY—33d ST., NEW YORK

Take Tube

Direct to Gimbels

AprilHear the New

(V ictorRecords

J. t

todayr jS,

/jA few.of the new April Records

you will be pleased to hearJust a Baby's Pfayer at Twilight........... 18439

Hw Mg aow htt «f the year. ConpM with "On ^he Bold teRome Sweet Borne.’*

Tickle Toe—Medley Fox-Trot___ _____18437Thw latest danee mnilNr, On the reveree "Going Uy*—Onw-SUp. Both from the New Toth farce,•Going Up.”

I Puritani (b lSw eetest Accents) . . . . . . 74558Another of GiUt-CarcFa wondofnl records.

Marche M iniature...................................... 64766/ Plarod by tho Boetoa Symphonr Ofcheitn.

Are You from H eaven?............................. 18435Another veree side

big eong Mt Henry Bn le^ tre He the Bteht to

Bnrr. On the re*

18439 75c

18437 75c

7455S' $1,50

64766 $1.00

18435 75c

18438 75c

Greenhut Stocks Now Selling at Savings of IW to 5W

ance of this event to yo'u. There is hardly a human need for person or home but that it is in this sale at aEither in Greenhut merchandise or GIMBEL merchandise selling at reduced prices to complete the stocky Come oady.

Come and share in what is beyond all doubt one of the most fortunate money-saving events in New Yorlc history.

Specials in Children's Apparel----------—A Creepm.

c to il.M


The “B ig Store,” Greenhut’s —- Stocks Bought by GIMBELS

Colored HoiriierB end sizes 1 to 6 years, 65cWhite Dresses, sizes 2 to 6

years, Jl.OO to fZdiO ^Children’s and Musses’ Muslin Underwear

Bsnd Skirts, Princess Slips, I iamae. Night Drawera,Drawer WaisU, Drawers, Po- I

Infants’ Caps of Lawn or Silk, 59c, 79cl .m ilE L S tjR B BNMlJT S A L E -T tw iw a F < w . --------- ---

New China and Cut Glass

Tmn, Dick and Harry and Jack............... 18438Erecybodr** whlatUtg iUi popnlar atr.

1 •

Jt you Iwve a F iefro/a want these records. It you do nof yet own a Vh^rola you eon pureAaite the $110 model, tor

inotanee, with aU theoe records listed, for only

doim and a month ^

Women’s Taffeta Dresses,$15 & $19.75

■ Specially Purchased ModelsSilks and Satins in a good range of seasonable colors and becoming

styles. All sizes in the assortment, though not in any one model A iBlendld opportunity to buy a Spring frock at a low price.

Special at $15.00 and $19.75f lm B E L S O nB E.V H tT SALU-wrUrS F lo o r


Women's CoatsStunning New Coats specially purchased for this Sale;

One novelty belted model in black and while check. Notch collar that may be worn buttoned close to the throat. Special $19.50

Very smart new Covert cloth, Raglan model, with large square patch pockets. Coats full lined with peau de cygne. Special $32.50

O m B B U GRSBKIItJT SALKl-wrhtrd S'leor

Georgette Crepe Blouses, $2,95White and Flesh—all sizes.

Cotn-dotted Crepe de Chine, $2.65 Cheeked Organdie—fancy pearl

buttons, $2.65Lace Trimmed Votl^ embroid­

ered in fancy patterns, $1.75Most of the Lingerie Blouses

run to size SO.

Fine American Porcelain Dinner Seta with Border Deeoratlona,

$17.50, $19.50 and-$22A0 English Porcelain Dinner SeU

$15.00, $29.50 and $35.00

American Porcelain Dinner Sets—100 pieces, at

$10.75, $12.75 and $15.00 French Dinner Seta

$50.00, $59.50 and $75.00C u t G la s s

Flower Vanes, 50c to $10.00 i Thin Blown Glaiswar^_ Orange Bowls, $2.95 and $3.9.5


Water Goblets, 29c to BOe each. Water Tumblers, 72c doien (Plain blown.). _WatM Tumblers, $1.44 doaelij(Light cut.)

G IH B F L S f l B K K S M t T a A L E — F m k F le e r

Greenhut Men's & Boys’ Clothingp Hm

oreBuy Clothes for every man and boy in ^ Wthat can hardly be possible again until years after the nar. Here brief mention of the offerings;There Offerings in the Upstairs Men's Store Tomorrow

Lingerie Voile Blouses, some hand-embroidered, some ms- chlne embroidered, $1.00, fU5,

tU S , $1.50 and $1.65 Springtime Strip^ Voile, 1.85 Vwe—Venise In fanpy patterns,

lace trimmed, $2.25Beal Pongee, $1.8$

OIWBELS O K S B irttV 'r aALB—BLOVSE SHOP—T h ird F Isor

Women's High and Low Shoes, Pumps and Colonials

WowMi’e Ivoix K*d Paaipa, plain vamp and amatl tongue, turn soles, covered heels, $3.15

.Di m nateai

Bhaaifc colorad cloth It and Ud vaniM. Loi



:iaCh Topb kid and calfshoes, IMOil Pospa, neatly punched

vamCs. Here are dark brown vapi^, ivory kid back, ivory kid

^jp, tue^e back and all ampagu aiwde, $4-76


Men’s Suits at $18.50 tSuits that have all the dash, the fabric, the finish and Ihe fit

ot those usually priced considerably higher.Unexceptlonally tailored are

A wide choice may be had of Plain Greys, Brown r a ^ Bimuree, Kanev Worsteds and Striped Effects in Numerous Patterns.

He whose tastes incline to the model conservative may P j fectly gratified. No less well catered to is the man whose sartorial ideas incline to lighter moods.

*** Plain Oxford greys; a big collection of odd patterns.” “ piain**BTies!**Plaln Oxford Greys, Fancy Mixtures. Striped and

Men’ Separate*Trousera, at $4.75, $6A5 and $7.60.A wide choice for businest and dress wear.

Men’s Oxford Grey Overcoats st $16.75.Spring weights; full lined; all sizes.

These Offerings in the Upstairs Bogs' Store T o m o rr^ ^Clothing that youngsters of at! ages will be proud to wear. P»r-

bI* ;-N orfik Sulti S*$ia,75. Made of a splendid quality of ® ^^f,?ri^ sue « d mo* p U . of kni^efA Dark abades.of grW.Wtf

brown. Also included are totiwTnm..

Boyk" " l ^ o a BoHs at $U.T5. Tbete have one ^

Bqrf'N ^aU t Bolts s$ $8.75. Two psirt of knickers.wlrti one ptir of jtqickers.— - - - - - • ■ — —‘ Msm

verges with ons pslr


Bt g' Norfolk Suits it $»JI6. «•"?B o ^ Bins Sstfs Naifolk Boita. .Splendid quality

kai^era. Trios, I6JI6. . l;

with ons pair of ka with

GOUgLt «m«K*«VT tA L B -ros^ ,,


S^evotk ^tmtuklbkwl 4»ll]r. (Kept !!im4*y. «>

^ H g Iftlitaft N«WI PabliikiH C«apM72. H«Hut M m t. H. J.6 t lw « . J . P e t lP f U t* “ » c b ij<J-

. • cUm m»Uer,> T ,l*ph«» tOM HarlMl

' a sw A ttK ' B rsK iN u pnfWB im iiiirti- la Nawkrk tat 1» w au »■ w««)t-

f' - i i a n . auM C W m O K P^Tha Ntwprk BvtniBj ■■ *»• moplh. n«y c,nt,; »n* >'»«,. •!*

4alUn. r«rtl»n ii«*i««i four conu a wpy.in

Tara Otttc*. 111*!!* Brouwick bulWin*, »airmh »«»»•. Tol. UorlSMB Sguar,.Offtco. 1111 P»op)«'» 0»i buimin*.^oa. f t C.. Burrtu. 9*1 Colorado buCdInp.

8 E 3 ? S r» e th OHIO*. !»• Main "Irooij.oO®'laud fiKot. Tal,. Oraim *•**: Markat l»M.

a t a i ^ Branch Oftica, »U Bloomflald avanoo.^ hiUt bloch abava ii.r 1j* B W. Tri. f t ia tla B Branch OHlca, Watonlo Mall bulldln*. W l l# t aiaion ayanua (Town Cantarl. Tal. iau,^ ^ ta V n 'B ra n c h Offlca. ..X,*'J,V;^p)k«m>torliwrti«td Bm-Ben Ofne*. < Bntpb#ll»

■ driur ttftra. B«nk buildlnc. VOlburn »v«our.a .1 .^ ,g (vawlon.

.bulMla,. TM| < ^iiiMlou (Naw Jariay) Branch OKIca, I Balvl- dare avanua, Tal. 1M*I Waahlnaton.

•BBNTOrr Bl'RBAt'—17 Waal Biata airaai. Tal.

M’jiSifSif?' fBABHQRB O rriC B—HO Vainrati (Oaoraa W. Pltlln»ar'a real aatala or-

Wr'flaav. OP». noatofflca. TrI. 774 Aaburv Park MLAKTtC (TTT ~ The norland Advanliini ” Atancy, Walter ■■ Bd»a

. Btanck Of flea, * Park nlaaa.Kb Oftica. Booia ). F. O. I---------I Oftica, U Want Bliakirall itraat. Tal.

^ LOCAI, b r a n c h OFFICBF:I Talanliona MM Varkal

allarllla aTaoua.-104. Warran atraat. m rAwly avanga. tIO. Myrila ac.. 1* iBoiavllla). r*an airaal, OC. South Slitb atraat. >t«.

Thla nawapapar !■ a mambar of lb a Aaioclatad in Nawa dlaaatchaa nrlBlad haralp and daall- 4 by 1^1 (fa AiaoclaUd Praaa dlaMlckaa,

may nol ba laiafully raprintad aaoapt by dmbdtr df tha A w etatad Praaa Loaal nawa o£tdntniMova oricin hafMn prlntad la aublact to tha

I'raatricllon aa to rapabllcatlon.


OJR FIRST HUNDRED THOUSAND.One hundred thouaand AmerlcaiK sdvAne*

K| to b a ttle typ ify not only th e will( w in b u t th e joy fu l r ilin g of A m erica to k t prlvltege o f f lg h U n i to r th e r ig h t. To s e r i e s It l i hD In ip lra tlo n ; to c lv illiu tlo n Is th e g u a ra n ty of victory, deapite a ll th e

(tayi th a t a re ahead , m ore th a n a cen tu ry th e trico lo r h s i

t t g lym bol o f fiberty an d dem ocracy, im w .ahore th e p la ltii o f P icard y th e red ,I aifif b lu e o f o u r S ta rs and S trlp ee bM ide It, t id e by d d e w ith Union J a c k

th e im m o rta l em blem k pf th e s tn a llo r w hich h a v e (corned to refuae th e

o f a u to c racy . Though th e S t a n f^rlpee co v er b u t a h undred th o u ean d

they a re A m erica '! f l n t In ita lm e n t a p ltdigl t h a t we hav e conaacrated o u r

to th e cahM o f civilisation.O n th e (oil o f F ra n c e th ( dem ocraclea of

w orld a re u n ited fo r a com m on pur*In a com m on effo rt, u n d e r a com m on

ir— a n im p erla h ab le un ity o f free pen- ^Who echo th e w o rd i o f P a tr ic k H en ry ,

m e lib erty o r give m e d ea th ." I t h as o u r p riv ileg e to help eonatU ute th la

a re flex o f o u r Indivlilble s tre n g th Kymbol o f th e p e rm an en t u n ity o f

peoplea th a t la be ing c rea ted by th la lie ordeal.

O ne h u n d red th o u M n d m en a re n o t m any A m erican m u st reg re t t h a t G en­

ing w as n o t In a position to o ffe r A nd s till It b y n o m eans m eaau res help t h a t w e a re g iving now , w h ile

b P r o ^ M o f th e to creo a ln f h e lp o n th e On o th e r fro n ts , behind th e tines. In

b ran ch ee o f w a r w ork , o th e r h u n d re d s nds a r e co n trib u tin g to th e cause

lUikg thdfiiM lvea - to re tu rn b low fo r ttn tli m ilita rism Is beaten dow n an d

lM.tSpma of th e A llies a re accep ted .A aserioa w ill g ive a ll th e help F ra n c e an d

i. ' ' 'IrMnIa can rece iv e a a fa s t a s th ey c a n re -•i|V .,^t; libt t h a t be borne in m ind w h en M jp u p e r-p a trlo ts a re reckleM ly toeslng big

around . N igh ' on to tw o m illio n of far, m en a re In F ra n c e , o r on th e ir Way, o r H ja t p re p a re d to go, w ith m o re beitind IhAt th an w e c a n u te .'M t tite re a r e Ilm ita to th a n u m b e r o f

th a t can b e te n t to an d .m a in ta in e d a t f ro ^ t w ith in th e period Im m ed ia te ly

F ra n c e a n d E ng lan d know w ell w h a t th e U m ita a re an d w hy. Bo do

n itll ta ry ex p erts i perhaps, Inc lud ing G en- W ood, w ho h a s been m lelead lng th e

iQe w ith h is ex trav ag an t d em an d s fo r ^lihipti--that la, i f he doee not m ean to Im ply

n a tn tin a & M In th la country of a re se rv e m p ro p o rtio n . T he a rm y o rg an isa tio n b id and- th e p lana a re laid fo r ex­

i t a t n p ld ly a s th e d ifficu ltie s o f f m en a n d m a te r ia l to th e b a ttle f ro n t

1m overcom e. O rgenlxatlon la th e k e y to pccesa, IJoal to h e lp t h a t u rg es d lso rg a n f» -

an d a b lo ck in g o f th e tran sp o rt sys tem ipea no t help, b u t ,htnders. E x p ec ta tio n s knot be k ep t w ith in r e u o h .

Now beg ins th e h o u r ^ f sacrifice a n d . th e p p ea ls fro m th e o th e r side fo r u s to ru sh

l l ^ o p f p rep a re th e w a y fo r new s of Io m ss . W p ^ e ab o u t to .lea rn w h a t w ar m ean s in ^ '- t e U of h u m a n Uvea to be p u t to th e 4 |lp rem e t e s t T h e tro o p s a re read y to pay

price, Im p atien t to have a p a r t In th is t struggle... T h e ir sp irit m u st b« ours,

nd w e believe th a t A m erica Is read y fo r tid ings t h a t w ill b rin g sorrow in to i ts

a n d ach in g In to Its h e a r t W e expect new s to te m p e r etlll m ore th e steel of Ica’a d e te rm in a tio n to cru sh once fo r

ly’s m alevo len t pow er and to give ey a n e s tab lish m en t on th e e a r th

,t w ill be f in a l and com plete.H o ra le w ill w in. O urs la to be tested . G er ny la g o ing th ro u g h th e b o rd e r ordeal

o t I l ln d e n b u rg 's aw fu l w astage o f men ^ m e n c e a u ’B " la s t q u a r te r o t a n hour ^ W i ev er n e a re r an d A m erica m u s t ba

w ith F ra n c e , Belgium , B rita in an d th a m o f h e r aeaOclates. ailently en d u rin g Ita Ipnaes a n d a ilen tly d aterm lned to w in a t

cost.(s a t B aater th a t we m ove up to ta k e our

T he B aa te r prom ise Is ou rs a n d th e ''ilbuiksr hope o t a new life fo r th e w orld,

C h ris tia n civ ilisation rising tr iu m p h a n t '-M h it Odin an d m aterialism and b arb arism .

gross IS asked to a u th o r l te also th e iMue of 14,000,0110.000 Ilf T reasu ry certifica te s of IndebtedlUKS. In add ition to a HKa am o u n t already perm itted. T h is e.xreM la regarded aa p a rt e t the fou rth L ihcrty Loan project. Banka may, as h ere to fo re an d now, take theac w r lttk a te a Inalalm enl-w lsA , as sho rt- ttm* Inveilijsents, and use them to pay for the- foiTrmia tte r apirOartr ' • ’ ” ^ ' '

.No sense of Im pending, fin an c lsl burdens la felt In antic ipation of th is g rea t addition to our war debt, a aum th a t will am o u n t to IT.BOO.OOC.lJlOO, n o t co u n tin g expected ovsr- BUbscrlptlons to both th ird a n d fo u rth loans, which will be a llo tted . T h e A m erican people have become so used to th in k in g In billions, w jiere they fo rm e rly ' reckoned In m lllloni, th a t with the expanded p o ten tia lity o f our financial poeltlon and th e g ro w th of national w ealth—w ith th e ev idence o t o u r ability to handle huge oM lgatloni, a s show n in th e taking of the firs t and aecond L iberty loans, the sales of T h rif t an d W a r .Savlnga stam ps, and the backing of th e w ork of th e Rod P ress—w* have d iscovered th a t we can do all that may be needed to finance o u r p a rt and m eet som e of th e req u irem en ts of our wor partners, In o rd er to w in th e war.

There Is m uch sa tis fac tio n In the reflec­tion that both in te re s t an d p rincipal of these great new debts are to go to our own people, and very largely to a c lass of Investors th a t have not h itherto been used to |^ecurltles. At the same lim e the to ta l b u rden will be eased by the paym ents m ad e by th e foreign governm ents w^hlch have bo rro w ed from us. The situation, th e re fo re , prom ises g re a t financial streng th and s h o u ld ^ a k e a ready response to sll the fin an c ia l am s the govern­m ent asks of us.

PEACE AT HOME FOR WAR ABROAD.In th e News of Ju ly IT, 191T, It w as urged,

with respect to g o v ern m en t w ar contracts, th a t "In every case th e em plo y ers an d th e ir m en should be req u ired , ae a condition precedent to an aw ard , to p rov ide grievance and conciliation boards, th ro u g h w hich d is­pu tes will be h ea rd a n d , if possible, a d ­justed ," with an ap p ea l to the Council of N ational Defense.

Such, In backbone, is th e ag reem en t now reached th rough th e L abor P lan n in g B oard betw een em ployers, rep re sen ted by th e In- dustiilal Conference B oard on one aide, and th e Am erican F ed era tio n o f Labor, re p re ­senting union lab o r, on th e o ther, l.n - organlzed trades a re n o t p a r ty to th e com ­pact. bu t th e ir in fluence sh o u ld no t be g rea t enough seriously to th re a te n troub le , unless, indeed, their a t ti tu d e is u n p a tr io tic . I t would seem th a t the ugreem enta reach ed would bo accepted s s fa ir s ta n d a rd s .

T he agreem ent is v o lu n ta ry . The Federal Governm ent d id no t re q u ire It, B ut, now th a t It has been reached , th e effec t will be precisely the sam e; fo r It. ap p lies to a lt w ar con tracto rs and to all u n io n s affilia ted wdth th e federation w hen en g ag ed Upon w ar con­tra c t work.

The production loss d u e to s tr ik es since la s t Ju ly has been trem en d o u a . and the m ost stubborn s tr ik e s h a v e been in unionized trades. Up to th e end o f th e year, a s rs - ported by th e In d u s tr ia l C onference B oard recently, th e w astage h ad ru n to a to ta l o t *.000,000 w ork days, gone beyond recovery.I t m ay b e how ever, th a t n o t u n til now could both sides havdk been led to th e presen t agreem ent.

B u t the m ain th in g Is th a t the "W ar W ithin W ar" to w h ich th e N ew s adverted la a t la s t to end, P eao s a t hom e for w ar abroad Is to be th e fix ed policy of capital and labor In lO fa r a s co llective action, on both sides, Is ab le to m a in ta in peace th rough m ethods of a d ju s tm e n t fo rm u la ted and adopted In advance.

O t broad g enera l Im p o rtan ce fo r w ar p ro ­duction a re iither p rin c ip le s em bodied In th e agreem ent, am ong w h ich n o n e lam io re useful th an the d eclara tion th a t n o th in g should be done to h am p er m ax im u m w ar production.I t Is but fa ir to assum e th a t th is ^ c la r a t lo n IS Intended to bo a w o rk in g p a r t of th e com ­pact. In G re a t B rita in , by special ag re e ­m ents to m ain ta in o u tp u t, fin es e re im poied fo r u n d er-hour lab o r a n d less th a n s ta n d a rd production. T he sp ir it, If n o t .th e le tte r, of th e B ritish m ethod sh o u ld app ly in th e carry ing Out of th e W a r P lan n in g B oard 'e program .

T he agreem ent th u s d raw n up an d a p ­proved, a f te r th o ro u g h discussion. Is th e m ost im portan t d ev e lo p m en t of A m erican labo r policy elnce th e U n ite d S ta tes enterod*v th e war. As such It Is o f trem en d o u s value fo r effective w arfa re . B u t Its effects will extend beyond w ar In to th e days of peace. T he precedent w ill jtttve been established th a t one w ay to red u ce lab q r u n res t to a

.m inim um Is to p rov ide o rd ered w a j^ o f a d ­justm ent, accep ted a n d follow ed by both liai'tles to th e en te rp rise . T h a t le th e m ethod of team w ork, because It is th e m ethod of m utuai u nderstand ing , m u tu a l respohilbU lty

.a n d .mutual good wilt. __________

ad m in istra tio n ought to ge t a sym pathetic h ea rin g from lh a public. I t Is very easy to fin d fau lt, an d doubly easy w hen not a ll the fac ts s r a know n to th e fau ltfinder. A nd I? w ould be a s tran g e tr iu m p h fo r a hostile C ongress to try to w rest con tro l of a f f e l» aw ay J ro m th e P re s id en t ju s t sit th e tim e___. a ’ th e Jithp rjooa end"M rw e-to s tln f w org^of o rgah lze tlon le b eg in n in g ' . f ru its .

One o t the th i tg s th a t h as go t to be re ­m em bered la th a t w e can n o t concen trate our e n tire w ar en erg y on an y one apeclflc thing, w h e th e r th a t one th in g Is so ld ie rs ,. guns, m unitions, ships, food, m oney, coal or an y ­th in g else you a re ab le to th in k of. W e have go t to eupply th em a ll to g e th er or the m ach in e will no t w ork. A nd . la tb s doing o t It w e have to consider not only w h a t w e can fu rn ish an d use profitab ly and help fu lly , b u t w h at o u r allies have go t to have: m ove It to E u ro p e ln ,the bargain an d — w h at Is som etim es even m o rs d ifficu lt— get It to t h a t p a rticu la r p o in t In E urope w here It Is o f use, no t a h ind ran ce . T he average m an h a a no conception o f th e problem s, and fo rg e ts a s w ell th a t th e w hole th in g has to be done and In term ixed w ith th a t fin s a p ­p rec ia tio n of s ta te c ra f t w hich keeps things ru n n in g sm oothly w ith o u r num erous allies an d perp lexed neu trals.

Ju a t for th e sake o t th e good courage and sound ju d g m en t of th e A m erican people w ho a r e so charged w ith th e ir Ideali o t dem ocracy th a t no th ing In th e w orld can sto p th e m ta v e the Insinuation th a t th e ir energ ies a re no t being given adequate outlet. It Is to be hoped th a t In due tim e and when th e ocgaslon arises th e adm in istra tio n will m ake a defin ite and, If necessary, a som e­w h at ep readeag le s ta te m e n t of achievem ent. I t is very well understood th a t th a t Is not th is p re sen t ad m in is tra tio n 's w ay of doing th ings, b u t a d e p a r tu re from precedent w ould be peychologically Justified as the A c ts a re In hand .

r a ts , th e dlfflcultlee of H o lla n d 's position w ill b e allow ed for. A t th e sa m e tim e a tte n ­tion ag a in l i to be d iaw n to th a abbaluze leg a lity of A m erican action in reg a rd tiM He ohips a s well a t to the g r e a t consideration w ith w h ich H olland h a i b een trea ted .

W h a t th e U nited States, E n g la h a aA ln g In con junction , has dons fo r H e lla n d Is to end aft Im p o u lb te situation, an d In a w ay by

.'B feg ilafd tiL ' I t wad dbtCKk,. .»« "y e -- tla f lq n s over th e sh ips w ere lead in g now here a n d th a t H olland w as o f f e r in g aa a resu lt o f th e im passe aa w ell, aa A m erican in d A llied In te re iti. T h e re * a d to b e an a p p li­ca tio n o t w h a t m ight be co n s tru ed a s force to a lra tg h ten th ings out. T h is w as dons only a f te r a ll else had fa iled . I t w as done w ith every assurance to H o llan d of fair trea tm en t.

T h e D utch people know , o r shou ld know, p erfe c tly well for w h a t th e U n ited S tates Is f ig h tin g and th e ca re used In th e m ethods ot w arfa re . T hey can m ake th e c o n tra s t w ith G erm an a lm i and m ethods. I t would not be su rp ris in g to have G erm an p ressu re con­tinued on H olland by all m ean s th a t suggest th em se lves to Berlin, an d p red ic tio n s as to possible developm ents a re u n sa fe . Still It is to be sa id th a t the D utch G o v ern m en t’s firs t ao llc ltude m ust be to re p re se n t th e D utch nation , w hich has never b e e n npted for eraven n ess and w hich h a s a niOeUy good y e p u ta tio n for th ink ing th in g s th ro u g h on a com m on sense basis.

HOLLAND’S PROTEST.I t w ould.he idle to deny th a t bo th th e con­

te n t an d tone of th e p ro test m ade by H ol­land a s to th e requisition ing of Us m erchan t sh ips by th e U nited S ta tes m ay tend to ag g rav a te n situation, tho se r io u s u s s of w hich h a s been recognized a t W ashington. H ow ever, th e D utch official s ta tem en t Is p rim a rily for hom e effect, If not even m ore designedly fo r effect a t B erlin , and, so. In o m easu re Is In be diBcounled. The position ta k e n am ply su bstan tla toa P residen t W ilson's calm sum m in g up of th o negotiations over th e sh ips, w hen, a t th e tim e the vessels w ere tak en over, he sa id th a t Germ an p ressu re had m ade im possible th e m eeting of f re e w ills betw een th e U nited Slates and The N e th erlan d s In the m atte r .

All th ro u g h th e p ro test ru n s evidence o f H o lland 's fe a r of h er neighbor, th is being c a rr ie d even to th e ex ten t o f casting Im puta­tion on tho good fa ith o f th e United B tatss w ith resp ec t to th e freedom of clearance from A m erican po rts of vessels sailing from H olland on cxplloll g u a ran tie s o f such fre e ­dom. T he D utch G overnm ent should know b e tte r th a n th is. and. if a rem inder Is in o rd e r, it shou ld be given.

O fficial p ro test over th e requisitioning w as to be expected: H Is recognized th a t the D u tch G overnm ent feels th a t It m ust "p lay sa fe" w ith G erm any. I t w as also to be ex­pected , p erhaps, though certa in ly th e hope ex isted th a t such would no t be th e case, Ihn t In th e official outg iv ing an a ttitu d e of re ­se n tm e n t shou ld be overem phasized . At any

TO REPAIR AN OVERSIGHT.B y every consideration th a t re la tes to

w ages, and evsn as a ru le of f a i r p lay , the posta l em ployees ought to receive m ore than th ey do now. T heir w ages hav e alm ost stood still, regardless o f th e cost of living. T hey hav e bsen left ou t tn th e cold In recent leg islation advancing w ages o t o th e r civil se rv a n ts ten per cent. N o t only have they been passed over, th ey hav e been dis­c r im in a te d against.

J u s t now Congress, m o re p a rticu la rly the Benate, la concerned— as Is b u t n a tu ra l fo r so d isin teree ted a body— w ith th e o ro tund and p o m p o u t Inconaequentlala of partlzansh lp . I t Is h ard ly to be supposed th a t It will be d iverted , violently, fro m th e Interm inable v en tin g of p aram oun t s tu m p laaue.i to tho sim p le every-day a ffa irs of m en tmd women, o r th e firs t principles o f social justice In leg islation . Ths postal em ployees, th e re ­fore. have had to wait once m ore, and the pay Increeee bill Is left p u ffin g In a dead­end.

B u t w hen Congress r a n fo r a m om ent tu rn from w eighty a ffa irs , such as capiUl "R s" 'and cap ital " P s" In th e hom e dts- trlc ts , and get down to th e m rlinary little low er-case type of th e n a tio n 's tj^usiness, the posta l em ployees may com e in to th c lr own, o r p a r t of it, anyw aj.

Mr. Burleson h ss show n h is annoyanre because postal em ployees d id n o t come to h im , in th e first Instance, to fo rw ard their desires. As th ings stand , th a t Is thosa m e th in g a s saying th a t th o way to get local option Is to w rite a le t te r to the editor o f ''J u s t ic e "

com pany . B u t th s num ber w ill be cotiald- e rab le . Ju d g in g from th e s ta te m e n t In th e a n n u a l r e p o r t of th e P ublic Servlee ju s t iMued, w h ic h d e d a re i th a t w hen th a varioua w ar p la n ts in th is s ta te a re .com pleted It will, m ean " a trem endous Influx o f reg u la r- em ployees, w hich th e railw ay will be called upon to h a n d le during th e y e a r 1 9 H / '

P e rh a p s a ; loec g iU m a te . le p o u n ile by., s s a b lu ls fo r baldulatlpn tn g s ta te - ,

ug- dfr, M cC arter d u rin g h la te s tim o n y ' I a n d fan h '-s . th a t he fig u red on a two an d o n e -h a lf per cent. Increaee In trolley tra ff ic th la year.m n th a b a s is of th e flve-cent rate . I f th is es ti­m ate la co rre c t, th a t would m ean th a t th e , tro lley lines would carry th is y ea r , if th e re w ere no Increase In rates, SM.kfO.OOO five- cen t c a sh ta r e passengers.

Now t t m ay be th a t Mr. M cC arter took Into co nsidera tion th is Increase w hen he e s tim a ted on a fa lling o ft of six teen p e r cen t.In cash fa re pasaengeis In case th e ra ise in ra te s w as g ran ted . I t th a t w ere so, th en w ith a eeven -cen t fare the tro lley lines would c a r ry th e f irs t y ea r a f te r th s ra le s w e n t Into e ffe c t 49,484,000 few er cash fa re paseengers th a n w ere ca rr ie d In 1917, If. on th e o th e r han d , M r. M cCarter m eant th a t even w ith th e In crease In the num ber of new ly a rriv e d p a se e n te rs th e lines would still c a rry 67,000,- 000 less cash fa re passengers th a n la s t year, th e re w ould be a to tal fa lling o ff of fo rm er cash fa re p ay e rs of 66,900,000— th a t Is to say. th e tw o an d one-half per cent. Increase, am o u n tin g to 8,900,000 passengers, would tak e th e p lace of the sam e n u m b er of last year/a r id ers .

It Is h a rd to believe th a t e i th e r o t these e s tim a te s can be even approx im ate ly correct.I t w ould seem as though som e one m ust have b lu n d e red . Stjll th e w itnesses fo r th e com p an y ag ree , and they base th e ir conclu­sions on experience gained w h ere tro lley fa re ra ise s have been g ran ted elsew here.

W ith su ch decreased p assenger tra ff ic of course th o tro lley lines m ig h t be expected to g ive b e tte r service to thoee w ho did ride, w hich w ould be highly g ra tify in g to them ; but th a t w ould not m eet th e s itu a tio n th a t would be crea ted . Only a p a r t o f " th e busi- nees o f th e com pany" would be p erfo rm ed .

Six Weeks on the Farms, ,

German Excuse for Louvain.W hen th« United S tates waa a n eu tra l and

our M inister to Belgium, Brand W hitlock. In co n s tan t touch w ith German officers and officials^ he had an Interview w ith G eneral von L u ttw itz In Brussels- Mr. ‘W 'hltlock tells us, In E verybody's that, as he w as about to leave, th e Reneral rem arked;

“A d read fu l th '.na has occurred a t Louvain- The g en era l in command th ere was ta lk in g w ith th e B urgom aster when th e son of the H urgom aater shot the general and the popu­lation began f irin g on the G erm an troops-"

We dtd no t a t once grasp the whole eig* nlficanoe of tho remark.

"And now, o f course." he w ent on. "we have to d es troy the d ty . The orders are given and not one stone will be left on another. I'm a fra id th a t th a t beautiful H otel do V|Lle. w hlrh v\'e Raw as we came th rough Uiero*1ie o ther day, la now no more."

■t m : h o ib e w

Now the hopes of the Germane ths.A llle quaSh.

U nder OenGrallaaimo F erdinand Foch.


THE FURNACE.Some persons run fu rnaces: others are run

by th e ir furnaces.A tu rn aea is som ething one keepe In the

ce lla r to give hea t In th e w in ter and trouble In the spring.

I t g ives th e form er under compnlslon and p re test, and the o ther of tte own free will.

TIvs only time when a fu rn ace refrains from p rey ing on the. nerves and th e exchequer Is in the summer, and then It ea ts Its h e a rt out w ith rust.

In spring the fu rnace spends Its tim e guessing on the w eather, and w ith auccen , to Its ghoulish satlifacU qi\.

W hen a cold m ap comes in tha furnaca goes out, In sp ite of every th ing that can ba done to It.

D uring the balmy days It runs fo rty miles to the gallon of coal.

S toked up In a cold snap, It sulks and ea ts Its own heat.

On a houaeeleanlng w arm day a fu rn ac a w ill reg is te r eight pounds of steam for hours on th ree new spapers, tw o old books and a •htrtw alsC box.

A furnace w lll^w eU . a furnace la a darn 'n u fsa n « . no ih S lte rb o w you look a t l t .

M any a re the Inquiries m ad e of the News, som e easy to answ er, so i^e perplexing, some th a t p u t us to th e te s t. In th e last class com es one. asking us ti^ e a tls fy a num ber of o u r Sprlngm eadow re a d e rs by expressing oiif opin ion o t a m em ber o f th e Sons of the A m erican Revolution w h o w ill not perm it h is w ife to join the Red C ross n o r allow her to a tte n d any a ffa ir III cu iiiieetlu ii w ith It.

O ur f irs t Inclination Is to re p ly th a t " there a in 't no such an im al," b u t w e d a re no t doubt th o w ord of thla read er w ho m akes Inquiry

W hen he said thla he lifted up hie hands In a g es tu re o f regret. ^

As a m a tte r of fact, the B urgom aster had no son and no German general was shot, bu tthe horroG of F-ouvatn, described In d e ta il by

\ /o

6 tx w e tk i ,on a farm w ill not give yobng m an o r young women, u eom p lttc knowlpd^e- o f a g r le u ltu rs o r of all tlie d u tie s -nlthtn the fa rm house. But It will give them a fine Idea o f w hat p ra itlca t country rife Is.^ tnd e ith e r w ill jaam

-------,ji<-*ay « « .U m en ta t Ideas about ta k in g 'th in g s easy tn th a country. AH the help th a t can bo had 1s u rg e n tly neaded on th s farm s, an d naver has t h a n been a better o p portun ity than the p reaen t fo r those who th in k th ey love fa rm ­in g to try th a lr handa a t th is m ost Im portant of a ll occupations.

F o r years past farm help haa been learM because of th e trend everyw here tow ard tha cities. And now the w ar h as called away m any thousands of those w ho had previously elec ted to follow farm ing, so th a t tha supply o f availab le farm labor Is u tte r ly unequal to the dem and when the la t te r Is moat Im­pera tive . This Is why tho governm ent Is m ak in g an enrolment of young men beiwos i th e ag es of sixteen end tw en ty -o n e who will ag ree to w ork for six w eeks on the farms d u rin g tho summer vacations. I t la unde.-- atood th a t 250,600 of these young etudenis w ilt be called for. and w ill be assigned to the farm s, AH the work they can do will he . needed, for farm products, above all o tln r th in g s , a re now easenllal to feed ing the peo­ple. supplying the arm ies and carry in g on ili, w ar.

Those who go to tho country need not ex­pect to have an altogether easy time. True, th e y w ill have fresh air, good food ainl p len ty o t It; bird music to cheer them and th e b eau ty of nature and n a tu ra l surround­in g s on every side. B ut they w ill go a t the b u sie s t season of the farm year. They may have to w ork early and la te to ge t In the h a rv ests . The snn may be ho t and their backs may ache a little now and then: they m ay ev en 'get blisters on th e ir hands, but let tjiem reflec t th a t they a re g re a tly helping Uncle Sam; th a t they a re supply ing food for th e boys In the trenches and a re not doing an y h a rd e r w ork than those "over there" and do no t have to face co n stan t d an g e r besides.

Six w eeks of country life fo r the 256,066 young men who will p a tr io tica lly take up thla w o rk m ay ultim ately m ean a la rg e Increase In fa rm labor. It will he recalled th a t when th e Revolutionary W ar wae over many of the H essian soldiers refused to re tu rn to th e ir native land, settled here and became ex­cellen t citizens. .Many of th a young man who go fo r six w eeks’ experience on the farms m ay find g rea t pleasure In tak in g care Of horses, cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry, and th ey m ay ta k e energetically to th e work, the in tensive cultivation of th e soll^ the whole­some country life and th e opportun ities for m ak in g a good, independent living. Such b r ig h t and determined w o rk ers may lake up farm life as a regu lar business, and add to a class th a t Is greatly In need o t ju s t aueh In­te llig e n t recruiting. O thers m ay not Itka H because the work In sum m er is hard and n ice, c lo thes a re not worn every day. But six w eeks In th s country, p lan tin g , cultivating and harv estin g the crops, w ill be helpful te a h igh degree, and an education of great va lu e a long the tines of food production.

5If. WhllTock. followed, nevertheless.

Hard to Straddle,I t beco m ft clearer sll the tim e th a t the re

ar« no n«utrA.ls anyw here on earth , though some people anri some nations th in k there sro .— h lc s iS o News-

The Early Purr.The fam ily cat w as d u ly ^ le a se d when the

m orn ing saucer of m ilk a p l ^ r e d on the back porch an hour earlier th an usual- The robin w as s till squin ting an eye fo r th a t early worm .

u n d e r the n^^iam "An A tu q rtcaa Only TwotUMMSatlqiM-OM.'i rdnd Whit ta n a tu ra lly and honniiably asham ed of th is fellow -citizen of a lo n g er Am erican h e rita g e . I t It be th a t thepp Is speh person, o u r op in ion 1| th a t th a p a m i accident m ust h av e befa llen him th a t th e S crip tu re records o f th e firs t K ing of Israe l:

B ut th e sp irit of th e L ord departed from Saul and an ev il sp ir i t from the L ord troubled him.

S etting th e clock a n h o u r ah ead efijf he overdone. In one househ o ld each of th ree m em bers of th e fam jiy to o k It upon him self to m ak e th e neceeatjfy e o r re etton.

Says th s stick ler to th e s u n ; "W hy let the clock m ake a lia r of y o u 7"

"T h a t’s (h )o u r business," says th e sun to th e stick ler.

'• T h e re Is no th ing beyond th e ir m em bers’ ap p k a ran ee to Indicate th a t . I . W . W. stands fo r I W o n 't W ash.

I t 's a peculiar love o t p eace th a t Is held by these an tl-conscrlp tlon r io te rs in Quebec,

Cutting Down Trolley Traffic.


AND A FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN.gU>T**i!ody hag imagined th a t th e fo rth - H C o^nf. o r th i rd , L ib e rty Loan la to be any­t h ^ m o re U utn one o f a series of w h a tev e r W apD oad Im u m m ay be neca tia ry . Y e t tew

' .kwvg fea llM d fro m com m enta by th e Becre- : i t try d f th * TTM Sury as to th e A pril ( bond

tgoue i i ia t p lan e fo r an o th e r o r fo u rth o ffe r- o f L ib e rty bonds, late th is y ea r , a re

glFeady. u n d e r w«y.. hjiTjacre is s e sh ad o w of doubt th a t th e th ird

rivllt b e g trem endoug succeaa. th a t tt ^ JM ^M id tly tak en , probab ly g re a tly over- ' grtbed. T h e b an k in g a n d fla a n c ig l copi-

g e w re t iy la en th u iia s tle ov er th a p lae lg * It, gnd s» w ell p e r ­

i l ! Jhd in eohan ta ih fo r d is tr ib u tin g tb s a n d aa .s tljn u la te d la th e pubUe

t to n s s t th e naeda o f tb e s itu a tio n , IM w ly c re a te d n ation of th r if ty tn -

l^igqMW eo g n tad on to m ak a a w orld; ( i M f ^ i l h g t h a tlnew p of War. .

i t th e T reasu ry 's iw quest by .C ongresa to i n u s

s ( tfig r 'bonds, la ad d itio n to . .. s tto n Is now co n tam -

!|M «iM ato a p lan to o ffe r a t ts s t a u tu m n , pev-

I fsc ili ta ta th is , < ^n -

WAR AND POUTICS.W hen wo find th e e n tire n a tio n a l R epubli­

can organization an d L a F o lle tte a id ing Lon- roo t In W isconsin, T h eo d o re R oosevelt back on th e t i r in g line an d a n o th e r sto rm a p p a r ­en tly brew ing tn G o n g rea i, th ese a fe r e ­m inders th a t th e re Is a C ongressional e lec­tion th is fall. And to b e a r th a t tac t In mind m ay help to keep o u r fee t on th e ground.

T he R epublican d riv e Is ap p a re n tly to be on th e assum ption th a t th e w a r Is no t being conducted by A m erica w ith th e u tm o st vigor — th a t can be app lied to e ffec tiv e ends— and th a t th e re m ay be so m ew h ere som e possi­bility o t com prom ising o u r p rincip les fo r w hich wo a re in It. At lea s t th a t Is th e t r e n d of p resent efforts. I t m ig h t a s well be a d ­m itted th a t In one re sp ec t o u r w ar energy la unfam iliar. T h e re Is m ig h ty little of th e brass band ab o u t It. a n d th e re a re a g re a t num ber o t people w ho c a n n o t d issociate th e Idea of w’s r from a tre m e n d o u s racket and general su rface cdm m otlon, ^

And It m ight a lso be a d d ed th a t th e degree of uncom m unlcatlveness a s to w hat is really going on, and why. ex ten d s p re tty generally through th e ad m in is tra tio n to th e ex ten t th a t It arouses th e jea lo u sy of Congress an d m akes It sy m pathe tic to explosions th a t It would nut perm it if It knew w hat abau rd pundits .Congressm en w ere p a rad in g ae. V

Congress, on Its p^art. seem s to re ta lia te not only by .e n te r ta in in g ra id s on th e a d ­m inistration b u t also b y notoriously slack ing on Im portan t w ar m easu res . As a su b stitu te (or th s ad m in is tra tio n 's w ay of h an d lin g things, C ongress w ould be an aw ful ex- psdlsnt. I t th e a d m in is tra tio n has com - m tttad som e bli^nders, a n d som e p re tty bad ones In respect to lo st tim e, if It h as n u t encouraged ua u n til w e w ere less aufcaptlb le to ups and downa e f feeling . I t h as a t ieaA carried ua th ro u g b th e m a jo r p a r t o f th e moat exasperating a n d n arv e-rao k ip g period, th e tim e w.han w e w ere Im provising, o rgan iz­ing and constructing a n d coaiid po in t to very ll ttls In th e Way o f epeetaculslr a c U a v e m tn t —a t least v sry li ttle t h s t wi^a sa fe to U |k sb o u t—to saUsty th e b ra ss ban d p a tiie ta .

t I f t h t r s w ars no ( i tb e r ' raason th a n racognitlon th a t som e satlafscU on ought to be pei’mttWg fo r t i f thedrood-w erk dtm% th s

■April, the month th a t w e know, holds for us rich pronilee of sum m er; •

P rom las th a t a lw ays m gkes good—In­gred ien ts. the wind and the showers.

R eaching fo rth hands filled w ith buds, to fu lfil m en's deepest desires.

In to thy lap N ature drops the warm sun and gen tle south zephyrs;

L eng then ing days, too, thou hast, bring to us also contentm ent.

F a r from the city 's turm oil, off to outdoors we would hasten .

In to th.* secre ts th a t she. N ature, our teacher, discloses.

R est is th e re offered each one, peace, and only for asking.

Sum m er fu lfils w h e t w e lack, m easure pressed down, runn ing over.

Tell us the secret, we pray: contentm ent w ill come w ith the answ er.

Bonn will the delicate leaves, tn the tendsr green of th e tr youthtim e.

P u t fo rth th e ir tiny faces to Isugh with th s beautifu l m orning.

Robin and bluebird sw ajte, p raising Qod with, th s ir sw eet a llelu ias.

In to the h e a rt of the woods w s would go. In eagerness seek ing

New life fresher and v as te r, in keeping with N atu re 's com m andm ent.

G ran t u s thy patience, O Spring! With summer the tru th Is accomplished.

A. B. J.

No defin ite e,oncluaions aa to th e num ber o f p a s se n is rs th a t w ould be ca rried by th s tro lley llnee under th e p roposed increase ot fa re s can b e 'd fb w n 'f ro m th e 'te s tim o n y so f a r subm itted a t th e h e a r in g on th e petition of tho Public se rv ice R a ilw ay Company. E stim a tes have been g iven th a t th e re would be a fa lling off In tra ff ic a s com pared with a y e a r ago, b u t these es tim a tes a re in th s sh a p e o t calcu lations aa to revenue, while th e o fficials of th e com p an y have refused to com m it themeelveB to defin ite or even approx im ate tlguree a s to th e num ber of passengers paying fa re s o r tw o-cen t tra n s­fe rs they an tic ipate W ould be carried under th e proposed new ra tes.

"W e figure," said P re s id e n t Thom as M cCarter, In the course o f h is teatlm ony re ­g ard in g th e proposed Increase of trolley fa re s to seven cents cash , tw o cents for a tra n s fe r an d a cen t fo r a tr a n s fe r on a tra n s­fe r, " th a t only e ig h ty -fo u r p e r (^n t. of the p assengers will r id s on th e seven-cent fare, a n d th a t fifty pew^cent. of those who have ta k e n tran sfe rs before w ill ta k e th em ," This is th e m ost definite e s tim a te yet given, and It h ae been supported by o th e r expert w it­nesses fo r th s com pany .*

L aa t y ea r the tro lley com p an y carried, ac­c o rd in g to Its own tlg iffes, 369,162,962 cash fa re passengsrs, w hite I d i , 201,402 passen­g e rs ro d s on tra n sfe rs . - O fficials of th e com pany explain, how ever, th a t a ll of these cash fa re passengers w ere not flve-cent

Gems from the April Victor Bulletin—at LAUTER*ST

HERE'S such a wealth of good things in every Victor bulletin that often you wish someone would check off for you the exceptional recordings.

That's just what we have done this month.Come in and hear these April gems.


D ear Je an —At f irs t I though t to tre a t your open communloation w ith dignified silence, but, a las , tbe fleah is w eak—th e th su g h t ot tw o inchee o f space DONATED la too much—I am su re Mr. F a rre ll know s naught of th is libera lity , and ao I explain th s undue speed las t w eek of the B am berger M arket s t r s s t clock.

The B am berger ato're Is alw ays se ttin g Itse lf a pace. IL w e should ever wake up and find ourselves behind th s tim es In in y w ay our p ride would crum ble. W s can ta lk about I t tesrleasly because w s know It can n tv s r happen.

W s m evs so fa s t th a t F a th e r Tims h im self has to step lively to ksqp, up w ith us. L ast w eek be Went so fa r a s to try and g s t ahpad of u s ; w s d idn 't have a th tn g to do With th a clock 's sudden burSt of' speed. I t ju s t h s tu ra lly did It o f Its own aceofd.

A ny day you can s t a r s a couple of m ors Inches—F R ]U ,in cb so —I’ll ts tt you.sem stsoro .

' ' O urs f«r>inssd. W.

passengers, som e of th e m bein g school chil-d ren , and th a t the Total o f flv e-cen t passen g e rs w as approxim ately 356.000,006. Taking th is rouAd figu re a s a basis, aq d accepting Mr. M cC arter's es tim ate as co rrec t, then a t th e increased ra te the.re w ould be a falling o ff tn th e Succeeding tw elve m onths of 67,006,000 cash fa re paseengers, and a drop o t 61,100,701 tra n sfe r p a s se n te rs . To pu t It a n o th e r way, e ls teen p e r cen t, few er cash passengers would rid e b ecau se they would fee l th a t they could n o t a ffo rd to do so, white f if ty per cent, would fo rego th e convenience o t being carried on tra n s fe rs to th e ir dertina tlo n fo r a sim ilar reason.

B u t the estim ate o f passen g ers to be c a r­r ie d a t th e propoM d In crease of faros should be based, not upon th e p opu la tion o t las t y ea r , b u t on th a t p o p u la tio n a s augm snted th is ysg r by th e g ro w th of w ar Indus­tr ie s In th e te rrito ry se rv ed by th e Pab lle Service tro lley llnee. A s Mr. M cCarter also sa id in th s c o u n t o f h ts testim ony befo re th e Public U tilities Com m ission, som e 100,040 men have been- th ru s t " in to th is oom m unlty, s s U w ere, overn igh t, for w ar w ork ." and he declared It w as th s butini o t hie com pany " to egreg. th^em. a s -frsU s s t h e i r f v n h t f i , w

VICTOR RECORDSPopular Songs Dance Selections

Just a Baby’s Prayer at Twilight On the Road to Home, Sweet HomCj

Tickle Toe (Medley Fox Trot) Going Up (Medley One-Step)

A Song ot Old Kentucky Galli-CurePs MasterpieceDarling Nelly Gray(Sung by Alma Gluck and Male Chorus)

I Puritaiii—Qul La Voce(Sung by Amelita Galll-Curcl)

April Music Rolls on Sale TodayA veritable feast of Music. Popular hits in Word Rolls, Jazz Band

Contortions, Classical and SeidftClassical interpretations by prominent pianists, Dance.,Jlolls in profusion—something for every musical taste j

here at Leuler's. |

* New Popular Music New Artists* RecordsX Lltrte Bit of Sunshine. . -25Bring Me a Rose................... . .25In the Sweet Long Ago......... . . .85Who Said Dixie.......................... -25Girl o’ Mine.......... ........................ 25

~Ma2urka, B Minor, Chopin.. . . . . 1.00Played by Theodore Henrion.

On the Holy Mount, Dvorak....... 1.00Played by Howard Brookway.

Danse Macabre, Saint-Saeni....... 1.50Flayed by Theodore Uenrlon.

New Word Rolls New Dance Rolls\ Beautiful Queen of the Nile...... 1.00

The Garden of Your Heart....... . 1 |pDaddy Mine . . . . . . . — ....... . * )

1 Just a Little Bunch of Rosee.......... 65

Bagdad (Fox Trot),.... ............... .60Oriental (One Step)........................ 60I’m Going to Follow the Boya

(One Step) ....... ..................... 25

■ f

LAUTER 591-593 Broad S tEstablished 1862

Thrift—and Security

T h e i n c l iv id u a l w h o

h a s a c q u i r e d t h e

h a l ^ o f t h r i f t e n j o y s

a p e a c e o f m i n d a n d a

s e n s e o f s e c n r i l y f o r d i e

f u t u r e d i e v a l u e o f w h i c h c a a p o t h e c o m p u t e d .

I n s u i a n e e i s d i e h a n d m a i d e n o f T h r i f t A

f e w d e d s r s a y e a r i n v e s t s d i n L i f e h i a t i i ^

a t ^ p r o v i d e s m a n y y e a r s m d s p e n d a n c e

f o r y o u r f u n i l y , I n s n O r e - T a n d s w t - ^ I O W *

U r. and ton a re ( W alker li

Mrs, J . R uth List moved lai w here th< C harles D m ount for

Mrs. 8. v is itin g h mua Jr. o

Mrs. Jo Mrs. John s re Tlsltli Bank.

Mrs. Jo rs turned port, wh( Mildred I Is vlsitlni

Miss E s t r s s t spiw ith reU

Miss E ■Irsst. w! I tg la te I





'*Ths m akes iw e p t on and rsl C hrist Saviour alone w pInesB I vlduals nations, du ty of W ithout

law l W hen n th ey so an o th er dividual

The 1 God Inc ou t whi t ru th w Ing, the le no th

"By r fa ith li tr tu m p t deavort complet

§ e re b a i

rn'_ pini

am ong 'T h e

« v id t ang e l t N asaral H e is th a t O w ho Is th ere to su re of o t man g o tten ao He th e g r pow ers Him. be. Tl whelm< clfied, of m si due t i t m antfs m ankliBIsh' C hrist' a t God th e sa am ong • s th s TH., 1' Iqulty,

"Bui forw at may I time, aw ay th e SI W hen th s w> Sun 0 th s ns

"As dead, Bsaert of tr»! often tlu J IS o t msi on ear m en I I t ma: to brl baianc who < to gen

■Wl ttons lesion th e r< Is m il end I I t is and j< dlsapl m ay I to be b a t G ru les an d 1 th a ■ tb e 0 ta tU f have p rsv a hav tn Chrlsl H e n Immo

Bis " If a b is b wMol S e lf s

1 le tro* ’»riS th* d ftw«revlouily > supply eqiial (3 o it Im- ment b betw sf 1 vho Hill • fanna I unde.' - studsnta gned tn I will hn . n otluT the pee- g on Mi­

not fx- !. True. 30d end lem and urroutut- 0 a t tlio hey may t In the nd their en; they I, but 1ft

helping rood for ot doing ere" and >esidea.B I dO.ODO e up th lf Increase

lat when many of oturn to came e i- men who le farm*

care of Itry, and rork, the e whole- iltlea for ig. Such

take UP add to a aueh In-

It Ilka U and n ic i . But alx

iltivating elpful to of great ctlon.

when the the back

rho robin la t early



in dentiste







P ^ i P P P ^ P B i


Social A:ilvIttQS antiJCh tnr^ohbormo^inmunili^s <JZ>

iNot Fewer Tlian Four of the Brothers of Earth Visible in the April Heavens

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R obert of T ren­ton a re v isiting Mr. and Mrs. L aw li Wallcor In Ridgewood avenue. ^

^M ra , J . .E. L a lrd .'fc i:U ,w ~ '. - ■ ~ •R uth L ister, of South' Belmont avenue, moved laa t week to Clayirioanl, Del„- w here they will Join Mrs. L aird 's scftt, C harU a Lleter, who has lived In Clay- m ount fo r a number ot years.

« « «U rs. 8. M, Danser of H ightalow n la

v is itin g her niece, M ra John H. Doro* muo Jr. o f Munn avanut,

« « •U rs. Joaeph Caatlaux and daughter.

Mrs. John F. Nugent at W erti avenue, are v tililn g Mrs. J. E. Slecum a t Red Bank.

t • •Mrs. John Silvers of ■Watson avenue

retu rned home last n igh t from Ocean port, where she spent a w eek. Miss Mildred Silvers of the sam e address Is v isiting In Brooklyn.

* * •Miss E the l Runyon of South T enth

Street spent the holldsy and w eek-end w ith relatives In Boonton.

* i «Miss Emily Allen o t N orth Seventh

atreet, who attends the C entenary Col- I tg la te In stitu te a t H ackettstow n. i»

spending her E a s te r vacation w ith her parents,

( • •Abo>t .fo rty .U hU s,*m ,t> a ,ln n ls» ,tti- ,1 ..

. , o f p t Hie card ' »the benefit o f the Red CCbia oy t itf • Easeg R tdlng-C luh In i u club,room s tn. tke Essea-Troop Arntofy, .R jssvllle ave- nue. O am ss w ill s ta r t prom ptly a t I o’clock. A t the close refreshm ents w ill be served and there w ill be dancing.

Q utrtet of Pltnets Include* Jupiter, Still in ConsteHition of Tiurus, ind Others Are Mars, Neptune ind S iturn—Mercury and Venn* M»y Br/Observed ju s t Before Sunrise—Regulus. First Magni-

‘ tude Star of. Leo Group, Much Venerated by Ancients as. Marking Position ofH I - ' -&»» a t H fc tls t piit.«f>?^e4,^ b o ; ^ ^ r : -r". .r-' ■ -,* - t r-..ill. -■ ■

A m iiee lianeoui show er w as given P stu rd ay a fternoon by Mrs. J. Herm ann Mills o f *9 Oeuld avenue In honor of her cousin, Miss Nellie May Bhidwin of tn N orth Sixth s tree t, whose m ar- ilagft to W illiam W, Boag, aleo of th is city, w ill ta k e place next Saturday afternoon. Mr. Boag w ill a rriv e from C tm p W adsw orth , S partanburg , 8. C . tb is.w eek. D uring the afternoon cards w ere played and p riic s w ere won by the Misses G ertruds and MInnIa Thauer, V irg in ia Benjamin, C lara Boag, E thel Thompaon and Mrs. Edw ard Downer. The hostess w as n-tsltted by Mias Nellie Baldiwn of B ast Orange, an au n t of h er­se lf and the honor gueet, and Mlia Marlon Fairchild . Mrs. Mills and Miss F airchild w ill le rv e as the b ride 's a t ­tendants.

Easter Sunshine Adds Joy to Notable Day

Churches Crowded, Roads Lined

with Holitjay Crowds as Day­

light Rule Begins.

Many Sermons Based on War

S unthine and the w arm th of a rea l aprlng day made yeeterday e-n E aater w orthy of remembrance. I t waa a w ar­tim e Eaeter. In rellsloue s.nd lecu la r aapect alike. From the cHy’a pulplta came meaeages of good cheer, ap p ro ­p ria te to the tlmea; and on the itreo te , more m arked than the neweet fafthJons, w ere the olive-drab uf aoldiera and J^he navy blue of Bailors, home on leave.

Aside from Ue every-y*ar pilsnltl- oance, th is Easter, too, bore added hon- om In th a t if w as the firs t tw en ty - th ree-hour day th a t th e city, In com ­mon w ith the country, hae ever known. E veryw here the changed houre w ere respected. Combined w ith th e Ideal w eather conditions, the • new Jlvlns sohedtile worked lo brlnC ou t upon highw ay and byway, so |i seemed, every autom obile th a t could tu rn a wheel. From early morning until a f te r d a rk the Btreeis were thick w ith motors.

In the churches, which w ere largely Attended, the serm ons dealt, alm ost w ithou t exception, w ith some phase of the w ar and of hope for th e speedy com l^f of the Inevitable v icto ry fo r democracy.

Of p a rticu la r note w ere the serm ons preached by Bishop Jo h n J. O 'Connor I of the. Roman Catholic Diocese of N ew ark In 5t. P atrick 's C athedral and by Bishop Edwin S. Lines o f 'th e E p is­copal Diocese of N ew ark In TrliiUy C athedral,

Bishop O'Connor declared th a t un til men rervyarnlie the divine law and pu t tb e lr fa ith In and render obedience to th e A uthor of m at law there can be no hope of genuine peace, order or p ro s­p e rity In th e a ffa irs of e ith er Indlvld- UiiU or natlonsa

Need Renewed Falt1i>'"The appeal whlcli th is festiv a l

m akes to our minds and hearts,'* he w ep t on to say, “is for a g re a t renew al gnd relnvlfforatlon of o u r fa ith in C h ris t a s the Divine Teacher and Saviour of m ankind, th rough whom alone w e can hope to obtain tru e h ap ­p iness and peace. W hether aa Indi­v iduals or as united in fam ines and nations, we a re crea tu res bound by the du ty of obedience to Ood, our Creator,

. .W i th o u t th a t obedience there can only " 'o e law lessness, disorder and Injustice.

W hen m en forgeft th e ir du ties to God, th ey soon fo rg e t their duties to one an o th e r and conflict a rises am ong In­dividuals, fam ilies and natlona'*

The bishop declared th a t C hrist, as Ood Incarnate, "Is the divine w ay w ith ­o u t w hich there is no going, the divine t ru th w ithout which th e re Is no know ­ing, the divine life w ithou t w hich th ere Is no living." >

"By renew ing," he said, our ferven t fa ith in Christ on th e feas t of Hie tr iu m p h an t resurrection, and by en ­deavoring to regu la te our lives m ore com pletely in accord w ith th a t fa ith ,

f t are pressing forw ard to the goal

Frovlick-SoB tar.M ill K a th a rin s Boutar anfl F rad ar-

Ick F roallck . both a t Fataraon, w«r« m arried y e ite rd ay afternoon In the homo of Rev. Dr. R o,e F. 'Wlcho, p a i- to# of the B elleville Avenue C ongrega­tional Church. thlB city , who perform ed the ceremony. The couple w ill realde In Paterauti.


Teacher at South Side Leaves Home and Wife

"Thought It Best to Separate,*

Declares Ira Sheppard—Friends


Wife Under Care of Physician

I ra Sheppard, m athem atics Inatruc- to r a t South Side High School, who left hie home tn F reneau las t Monday, to ­day Bald he did not Intend to re tu rn to his wife. Mr. Sheppard 's sudden diB appearance caused a senaallon In b ren - eau and M aU w an. w here he Is well known. Hie frlende w ere a t a lo ie to explain h ls“ action and said they had never known of even alight dlfferencea between Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard.

Sheppard accom panied his w ife to the M atawan ra ilroad aiatlon la s t Monday, Mre. Sheppard being bent on a ehop- plng trip to N ew ark, Aa Mra. Sheppard boarded the tra in , her hueband told her he would m eet her In Newark and tak e luncheon w ith her. He then retu rned home, packed h li goodo, and left a note, Baying he would not return . He haa not com m unicated w ith her eince.

Mra. Sheppard a f te r her huaband’a departu re went to the homo of h er ala- ter, Mra. John Gordon of Main atreet, M atawan. She haa been under the care ot a phyalclan and tra ined nurae. Her condition became eo bad today she waa t lk e n to n Banatorlum.

Mr. Sheppard waa In achool today a t the reopening o f the term follow ing the B aater recean la s t week. Aaked It he w anted to give an explanation of hla leaving hlB wife, he requealed an op ­portu n ity to th in k the m atter over. A few m lmitea la te r he dictated the fo l­low ing atatem ent:

T hought Beat to Separate."A l it t le over a year ago we loat our

In fan t baby, and since th a t lim e my w ife haa been brooding over th e -lo ss very much. Thlnga w ere not looking very b rig h t for ue. and I thought It best, for her sake and fo r mine, th a t we aeparate tem porarily . 1 stand ready to

;do a ll J can to r her a t any time." Upon being told hla w ife had been taken to a aanatorlum , he added to hla atateTnent: "I hope alje w ill Boon get welt."

Agked If h is use o f the word " tem ­porarily" m ean t th a t he did not Intend to rem ain aw ay, Mr. Bheppard said It did not, and th a t ho did not expect to re tu rn to F reneau . Ho explained hla neighbors' belief th a t h l i home life wae entirely harm onious by saying: "We kept our troub les to ourselves."

Bheppard has tau g h t in N ewark for seven years. He waa a t E ast Bide H igh School fo r "two years and has been a t South Bide alnee the la tte r

T he A pril evening sky is s t i l l v e ry rich In planets, s s one can sse by gU no- tng a t o u r map, which show s no t fsw sr th a n fo u r of these b ro th e rs of tb s sa rth . Ju p ite r Is s till In Ih s co n s te l­la tio n ot T au ru a far down In th e n o rth - weaL A pril's map w ill show him p rac - ,tlcally on the horlson a t m ap tlm a, and on th s next follow ing map w s sha ll mlsB him entlrsly . U Is qu ite easy to d te llngu lsh him from the n e ig h b o rin g firs t-m ag n itu d e e ia r A ldebaran, a s th e la t te r is much lass b rig h t and of a rail- d ish tin t.

Close to th s meridian and Ju s t w est o f It our map shows S a tu rn and Nap- tune. Saturn la easily reoognU able, a t It shines w ithout tw inkling , b u t N ep­tune le practically invisible to the naked ey t. Well to the e a s t o t th e m erid ian Is another steady, sh in in g s ta r , and th a t Is the p lanet .Mare, w ith

noticeably red tinge In He tig h t.Of the three rem aining p lanels,

U ranus Is, like Neptune, In the d if ­f icu lty of observation, bu t the en tb u - c ias tic astronom er who le b en t upon Investiga ting all the m em bers o t th e so la r eystem In April can see M ercury end 'Venue by m aking his o b se rv a tio n s u st befure sunrise. Venus w ill bo a >eautlfui object In th s m orning sky th e

en tire month. Just as we saw h er In thu even ing sky last fall and w in ter. M er­cu ry Is a m orning sta r In the ea rly p a rt of the month, and the ob»ervatlona m u st be made between the f i r s t and the tenth , as the planet Is o bservab le only for a few daya before and a f te r Its position of maximum an g u la r d lsiance from the aun. The prox im ity of M e.- eu ry to the aun makes observation verv d ifficu lt, and as a Teault practlcali.v no th ing Is known of Ha physical con ­dition and surface.

The Lions.T hsre are two Lion eon ste lla llo n a In

th s heavens—Leo and Leo M inor. I.«o Is a vsry fam ous group, co n ta in in g the f irs t m agnltuds sta r Bsgulus. th e royal s ta r Denebola and the sub -g roup know n as th e Sickle. Those are ahow n on the m ap, RegulUB and the Sickle p ra c tic ­a lly on the meridian. Ju a t n o rth of th e Sickle la the ra th er In a lgn lflcan t c o n ­ste lla tion of the lesaer Lion. Thia Is no t one of the ancient eonstslla tlo n a . but w as named as a separa te g roup as la te aa 1700. Leo, itself, hovrover. Is one of the oldest groups and represontii the lion killed by the G reek hero H e r­cules In one ot hla g rea t taeka.

Regulua waa much ven era ted by the anclenta, because It p rac tica lly m arked the position of the Sun a t the h o tte s t p a r t o f the year. Today th is Is no longer true, as the position 'of th e eq u i­noxes and BOlatlcea has sh ifted In th s heavens', owing to ths phenom enon

By^Df. O S. Bfilnin of t'lie'€oluii!bili Ujilyei^Jty tOb9?.rvj|jory\ c- p'v.call«4 ths prSGSssion of th s squlnokss. Hsffulus m arks th s hilhdls of th s BlckU. and th s bU ds a trs tc h ss upw ard toward ths asnlthe concave to th s w est. Ths s ta rs th a t m aks up th is sub-group are not very b rig h t bu t th s unique figurs is easily recognised. A strologers as- elgiisd to Leo th s Im portant rols of controlling th s h ea rt.

Dsnebola is a s ta r w ith a pronouncsd bluish tings, and, though not of p ar­ticu lar brlghtnsBSe we Judge, from ths

telescope haa revsalsd a trsm sndous num ber of nebulas—n o t less than 600.

The hrlgh teat s ta r of V irgo l i Bplct. w'hlch represen ts the ea r of w hsat th a t Is Inseparnbie from a deity rsprsasht* ing plenty, and. thersfo rs , harvest. Sptca Is « beau tifu l b lu lsh -w h its s ta i of tiie firs t m agnitude. Ths spsctro- scope shows uh th a t It is rea lly mads vip of two com ponsnta, ons revolving about the other, bu t no t even th s la rg ' est telescope cun show the tw o separa te

b e d t im e 5 T 0 r v^ H O W A .P S D A P S I S

U N C L E W IG G IL Y AND,,..§U ,S1R’b

APRILS K Y MAI9 o'clock A p r i l 4 Bo'cloy" ,




Moon’*PhiieiU s t Or 4 til New M. 10 tb lit Or. 17 ti Full 26'!'

way the ancieniB apeak ot It, th a t It waa once fa r bylghter. We know th a t It la approaching the e e r th e t a rate of twelve mllaa per aecond and la a t p res­ent th irty -th re e lig h t years aw ay from ui. In trlnelcally , D enabola la ten times aa g rea t a a ta r aa o u r aun. Ju a t to the north of R egulua It Gamin* Leonli, a well-known double; even a email tale- Bcupc will reaolve the tw o componenle and ihow them of d iffe ren t hue.

E ast of the Lion l i the v irg in . Virgo, readily Identified w ith Cerea. the Greek goddcBB of plenty- The d o te potlllon of the two conetella tlone In the aky gave riac to the th eo ry th a t the E gy p ­tian Sphinx waa m ean t to reproaent the head of th is V irg in on the body ot the neighboring Lion. Between Virgo and Leo, a region w hore th e naked eye no ­tices p articu larly a paucity of etara, the

F ish er Home Aaioclatlon held S atu rd ay afternoon a t the etudio of Mlex M. Helen UacHugh. 24 F ark place, show ed th a t (4,900 had been lecu red by the m anagers toward ti e sum o t (10,000 w hich they tried to ralee by M arch SO. D ependent on th li am ount be ing ae- cured wae the promise of an equal am ount to be added to ll aa an endow ­m ent fund, the g ift to be m ade by a friend. T hat (1,066 had been rateed by

en terta inm en ts fo r ib e support ot the fund waa sta ted .

Mre. Andrew J. N ew bury o t Snug Harbor, Blaten Island, wae re-e lecteJ president of the aesoclatton, Mlai Mary A. F isher waa ag a in made honorary vice president and Mrs, Edw ard Payeon Terhune (M arlon H arlgnd) waa elected honorary vice p resident.

Other offlcere chosen w ere: JTratvice president, Mre. Edwin blarkhsm . In place of Mre. X erhune, who had held




s l u r s which m ake up t9 ls sto llar aye-tern.

rh r t'nn .liig Beltpse.Some tim e ago w-e had occasion in

th is column to te ll our readers of the to ta l ei-.Uime of the aun which 1* lo tak e place on June 8, The to ta lity w ill bo visible In qulle a conaUlerabtc sec­tion of the U nited S tatae, aa the puth stre tches all the w ay from th e r'acKIc C oast of the s ta te o f Waehlrtglon diagonally acroae the country to F lorida In th e Boutheast. Though th e path is thus thoueanda of mllee long, It la very narrow end one has to be a t a point w ithin the path of to ta lity to see the rea l eplendor of the phenomenon. F or th a t reason we advlaa a ll who can Jo m ake the p ilgrim age to the tem porary Meccaa of th e aatronom ara. I t w ill ce r­ta in ly be well w orth It.

th a t position; second vice president, Miss E lisabeth A. .Mien of Hoboken; th ird vice president, Mra. C arrie G. An- rtereon of P lainfield ; fourth vice p resi­dent, Mra. 8. O. Nichols of th is city; secre ta ry , Mies Belle Durkce, Tenafly: treasu re r, Mlee Busla F arnham Of P a s­saic. In place of Mrs. Anderson. Two new m anagers were eldtled, Mrs. Charlea B. Crane, th is c ltJ . and Mrs. N orbert R. P re n d srg ast p Tenafly. O thari w ere re-e lected m anagers.

I t ?M " I

haa e e t ' before ua of a redeem ed school was opened. He also la facuUy regenerated world and w e are aid- | advisor of ^In the reatorallon of peace nnd | form erly tau g h t in Hoboken

f m . X._1 1. Bvw) Alt ■ [ iyxai

i 1I 1 I Jr

and JujLlce Mr. Bheppard has been living In-New­ark since he left Freneau. As h li w hereabouts w as known In Freneau, hla d isuppearancs waa not reported to the police end no action agalnat him w as tak en b r Mrs, Sheppard.

Sheppard form erly was president of th e H en's Club o t M ataw an and tau g h t m athem atlcB for several years a t the F orth Amboy H igh School. He haa

Mary Fisher Heme FundFar Short of Its Goal

F inancia l repo rts made a t th e n in e ­teen th an n u a l m eeting of the MXry



H r . R . C , t i iM fy nThe Albany DeotlaU tavlle yea te

eau n it them regardliig the eoadl- ttoB sf your teeth.

Expert d u t l fW Ik all Its btaaehM k ± - ckrbMs^•xpeHfiiee, le year


happlnoes, of charity am ong men aqd nations.

‘T h e leseon of,H ls resu rrec tion Is aa IHvid today t» H w as whan f i r s t the an g e l announced: "Ve seek Jesus ofN axarath who wae crucified; He le rtaen.H e Is no t here." And th a t lesson la th a t God a tm ru les the w orld—God w ho l l Infinite tru th and Juetlca andtherefo re th a t tru th and Justice y e _ ------- -------- _euro of u ltim ate victory In th s a f fa ir s j regided In F re n eau for several years, of m ankind. As God sen t Hie only be- g o tten Bon Into the w orld of hum anity , so Ho raised Him up from dea th and th e g rave when It seemed th a t the oow ere of the w orld had prevailed over Him. As It w as then so U sha ll ever be T ru th and Justice m ay be ov«T- whelm ed for a time, they may be c ru ­cified, dead and burled from the eyes of men. B ut God e tlll relgne and In due tim e He w ill exerl H is pow er and m sn ttee t H li providence a t the ru le r of m ankind."

g e n Trlkkiph e f T ru th .Bishop O’Connor ch aracterised

C h rle l'i rem rreollo il ae the assurance •C Qod'e ever-ru ling Providence, and ot th e su ra trium ph of t ru th and Juat Ice M ncng ineh and nation*. H e refe rred l a th e lam ent. In exile, of Pope G regory T n ., lover o t Justice an d "h a te r o f In­iquity , b u t declared;

"B ut the cause th a t le Ju s t m oves fo rw ard to victory. Clouds and etorm e may bide the face of the sun fo r a tim e B u t th e oloude and etorm e paaa a ^ ; aii^J th e sun ligh t ag a in flood*, th e ea rth w ith H i ll te -f lv ln g beama.^ h e n C hrist died d a rk n e ii overspread th a world, b u t H e rose again and th e Sun of J u i t lc i ibone re ip lenden t over th e nations of the earth-

gutely a t C h rtit rose from th e d .a d to lu f l ly w in rlghteouenees re- n s e r t H « 't and the Inevitable trlu jnph ^ tru th and iuiUcd Will follow. How often tn the courseth , j leiBon been Imprseoed on the mindsi l 'm e n T Not only ** a !on ea rth the w ages of eln t i death. Aa m en have sown lo ih a ll ^they reap.I t m ay require the lapse o f a cen tury

^ r ln g about the reato ra tlon of thez X m wi>*t “ % « r ; j n i : a f i ‘onwho dw elli in generationto generation 7* ‘V o l l would It be fo r men and na*Hnns If they would b u t remembor th la l i » o n of hU tcry. tho l» « o n ‘M th t by th e reaurrectlon of C b riit—th a t tru th Is m igh ty and w ill prevail, th a t Iniquity and tnjuitloo entail m isery and woe.I t 1* th e leeaon of confidence, hope and Joy am id the tr la la and care* an d d isappointm ent! of Ufa. The w icked m ay leem to praiper, a s they leem ed to be vlotorloua w ho e ru d fled Chrlet, h u t (Jod t t l l l relgne and H li'p ro y ld en ea ru lee th e world- H* know a Hla own an d win rew ard and g lorify them a* th e rleen C h rtit waa glorlfted, and th e c a u i t to which they haife been fa ith fu l and th e cauae fo r w hich ' -thay h a v e ^ ^ p f U id down th a ir Ilvaaw lll prevail! W d thatra w ill hh th e glory ot-{ h av in g upheld the priiudplea (or which C hrlet dl*d and la v lndtoatloh of w hich | ■H e r**e from the dead* glorloua and Im mortaL now to d la no m o ra"

Blabep L leea naed tb* quary o f Job:■Tf a m an d la ahall h* liva a g a i a r ’ aa hla te s t, and dw*U upon th e w ltn e ia w hich th e Individual ha* w lth ls htm - M t a* to th * o e r ta in tf o f a fu tu re UtA 1 •too «*oh the teatlmtuiT-wiiMdi m w of:• a ag es have le f t o f t te tr-b a lto t la tM t

Ion m e. H e touched WiMn th e ita o f the la a t week- la w orld

•o u g h t to tnurooa-A te l*t>

by Cki (o r tko

d t «

"You w ant to-look OvJt fo r yo m eelt Jlhli rnornlnli, un (.» 'W iggiJy," said N u rsr Jane F u iiy W u u y , th s m u sk ra t lady hnuaekeeiier. a s the old gentleniao rabbit ram o diiwii to hie b re a k fa s t In the hollow stuin]i bungalow one day. ■■iJ)Ok (mt fo r yourself!"

"W hy, la th a t aktU ery-scalery a J llg a - tor. w ith the rtouble-jolnted tall, ic rouch lng under my ch a lrf" ash ed the bunny, u« he tossed h li o range up to let It bump Ha nose ag a ln a t the elec- trlo light.

'iNo, but today la A pril Fool Day," w ent Oil th e im iakrat lady, "and the anim al children may play a ll ao rta ot tr ic k s on y o u "

"Oh, hoi So lhal'a It, ehT ' lauglied tha bunny, "Well, I'll be carefu l," Add then aa he »at down to e a t th» , fried ca rro t panenkee w ith oatm eal ■aucs sprinkled over them he sly ly tes te d th e su g a r to aee th a t N urse Jan e h ad n 't put any sa lt In It fo r April 1.

B u t she bad not. I'm g lad to aay, nor w a i th e re any an re ilng p epper tn the b*unny gen tlem an 's napkin, o r lem on jujee In h li g lass of w atar. E v e ry ­th in g wae all r ig h t In the hollow stum p bungalow.

■'But I m ust be careful w hen I go ejp look ing for an adventure," th o u g h t Uhol# 'W Igglly to himself, "The aa lrnn l boys and g ir ls w ill bs sure to try to have fun w ith me."

A fter b reah faa l he put on h la ta l l l l lk hat, and, tak in g hla red, w h ite and blue striped rheiim atiam cru tch th a t Nurae Jane had gnaw ed (o r him out o t a cornetalk , sw ay h O 'S ta r te d ever the flelda and through th e woods to see w h at would happen.

F irs t he came tn a hollow tree , w h ere Johnnie and Billie D uahylall, the ■quirreli lived.

"Oh. Uncle W lggllyl" a voice aud- denly cried. "Look behind you!"

"Oh, m yl w hat's there?" ask ed th e bunny.

"Vour ta ll!” laughed Johnnie."A pril fool!" said BUlle."Ah. you little rascals!" said Uncle

W Igglly. "You caught m e th a t tim e Then he w ent on a little fu rth er, and he cam e to a kennel house, w here Jack ie and Peelle Bow Wow, th e puppy dogs. lived.

“Oh, Uncle W Igglly!" cried Jackie, "w h at's on your head?"

"W hy, my goodness me, la k e s alive and a huahel Imskot full Of lollypop soap bubblra! W hat is on my h c a d r ’ asked the liuiiny.

"Vmix ta ll silk hat!" answ ered Pestle . ■'April Fool!" barked Jack ie ."Oh, ho! You won't fool me again

th a t w ay!" said the bunny w ith a laugh, as he hopped along.

Ho h ad n 't gene very fa r befo re he m et fiusis L lltle ta ll, the bunny ra b b it g irl. Susie wae on her w ay lo achool, and khe had som ething In h e r paws.

“W hat have you there, Susie, my d o a r r a lk id Uncle W Igglly. peering th rough h is glasses.

" I t 's my new doll, nsm ed Barah Ja n e C lotilda M arshm sllow," said the bunny g irl, "and will you please ho ld h er fo r me while 1 rtin back home? I fo rgo t my lead pencil."

"Oh, ho!" thought Uncle W Igglly to him self. "This Is ano ther A pril Fool trick . T hat Isn 't a doll a t all th a t Busle haa. U'a m ors likely to be Jenn ie Chipm unk, drcaaed up In doll'a clolheA B ut r i l m ake believe I don 't know It,' iinrl Ml prsiend to hold It for Susie, but. Instead. I'll Juat run aw ay w ith It and fool her. " So Uncle W Igglly said to tho rabb it girl:

"Yea, Susie, I'll hold your doll fo r you!"

Busle passed over the doll, apd then hark she ran through the w oods to g e t h er lead pencil. The bunny g en tlem an began poking among the f lu ffy -u ffy clo thes and laue bonnet of tho bundle Sueie had given him to hold, ah d he lliuught h e 'd find H wee J in n le , th* live Chipm unk gfrl, instead of a doll, hut, to Ills surprlao. It w as rea lly a b ig doll—Susie's best one.

"W hy. th is Isn 't April Fool a t all." sa id puxxlod Uncle W Igglly.

"Oh. ho! Tea It Is!" suddenly cried a harsh vnke. "I'm the bad old souse- b itin g Bkeeslcka and I've fooled you. fo r you didn't expect to see me here, did you?" and out he poji^ed from be­hind a stum p. ^

"No." sold U n d y W Ig g lly , "I d idn 't ex p ert to see you. W hat are you g o ­ing to do to me?"'

"B it* some eouae off you!" cried the S keeiicks.

"Oh, no, you're not! Seat! G et aw ay

from hers*. jlkedaddleC? ahouted a b r a n voice, and Suele*e dolt, w hlcli the held, auddenly b eg an h o lle r ia g a t . tlM S kseilcka and w av ing It* arma, and ‘ tha bac anim al w aa ao aurprleed tito aw ay he ran, no t h u r tin g Uneto W l ^ ^ a blL .11

■W hy-w hy— w h a P i a l l t h t a f aakM tho bunny, a t Suets cam e back,

"Oh." eald the l i t t le ra b b it girl. ** forgot to te ll yon. T b a t'a m y mw«ag doll. She haa a ta lk in g naeJitn* laa lH her and she can m ova h e r an n a w baa 1 wind up a ap rlng In h e r back. *«1( she was wound up w hen 1 asked y o i iw hold her."

"I should say ahe w aa," apaka MMbunny. "And she w en t o f t Juat la >»^tle April Fool th e SkeeilckA th a t CM glad of III"

And ao was Susie, to r aba lavwd M i bunny uncle. And If the a to m cloafe u eean t make ta c e i a t th* talaphana when It's ta lk in g to th* p layer r i l tell you nex t about Vncla W and Jackie 's ta ll.


and nedarate pi twenty year*’ gnamnty.


Hotira » to a P, H.Taeaday. Thuraday aad Batorday,

9 to A


e x t e r m i n a t e

ra , MtoN. f l o a s : h othh* nS pay If we fall

C « l | 8 8 3 1 il ln o tiif la ld o r T 0 9 4 M h t M o H a rlto E n ta rn t tn a t ln g D *g t.


n tT E - n B c t FA B M * aw iM _

IbPI*** M* g inhL iaan A n C row *

$ 6 . 0 0

wM aaO Witt) ■S P t^ H & S ! ' ti>-<

Of** E vaslasa Phea* H I Wavarty.

Aeolian Hall in Newark

Aeolian Instruments in NewarkThe Latest Ideas^Soundest Construction—

Truest Economy

Th e A eolian Company, w ith its gt;eat production o rgan ip tion m Am erica and abroad—its representation in all principal cities of the w orld— its affiliations everyw here w ith the leading musicians— is

recognized today as the most active and progressive. ioTc& in the musical industry—an international force.

T rem endous inherent advantages of the Aeolian organization—unlim ­ited artistic resources, the calibre o f executive personnel which great finan­cial power can command, th e econom ies of standardization arid quantity, m anufacturing—have enabled th is Company to make and sell musical in­struments of new and higher qualities than ever before have been possible in their respective types and at similar prices.

A notable illustration of the positive superiority of Aeolian instru­ments is th e celebrated

AEOLIAN-VOCALIONXhe Leading Phonograph of Today

tnonize with its remarkable musical qualities. Refined in line and with the velvety softness and color of fine, old mahogany,the Vocalion in .appearance will dignify any living room or music roOm. ^

And the Vocalion offere to everyone a privilege that is the highest gift of music the indescribable joy of p la jin t- For, through the lid of the Graduola—the Vocalion expression device—one may vary each record as instinct suggests, give individual touches to each repro­duction, enjoy almost the sensation of drawing the bow or voicing the aria one’s self.

Th e Vneplinn rdfiresenti the most ad­vanced rtSearch in the acience of sound and the mechanics of its reproduction. This

wonderful inttrumenk bring* ffom the record vocal and initnimenul tonei which for truth and aheer richnesaand beauty are a revelation to all—especially to those acquainted with the highest previous attainment* of the talking machine.

The ton^ superiority of tbe Vocalion is well esubliihed by the opinion of musical authority.

Tbe Vocalion caae design and finish har-

T J r i T H its mMifoUt oAvantages, the Vocation is no h ig f}^ ^ y y price than other wett-known instrumaits of the t y ^ . W ithm t



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THE DAVID STRAUS6 8 5 B r o a d S t

T E R M I N ' A L V ETodir and AU ThU Wisk. J M A a S I J V l O V A .

—IN—R I S V B X s A . ' T I O K

Tha aonl r f a Farts IWwIla B a n to too WarU.


*n "A DAPCHraB o r r a 4 g c j;,“ Th* Ktruffiia of a Wobiiiii FOWloa

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rtmnxed Mondoyi) anrt Tliurnliy^. < amokltl* Botr.M l xnfl BUcony— l«-7(c .

El.vatar Strvlc* to Vnur Best, pleasln* Pr.luOs o( Filin Triumph*.

Op«D 1 tnd 1 Sharp.________

Ths Naw Yafk ■•ODDS AND ENDS O F 1»1 -Hats. W«l. and Hat.. Sue t* II.


••LITTLE RED DECIDES”Nfnartt Cansdr.

Noraltx Motlu HUdn (New).C ^ lD W w IB A. M. tIU U r , H.

e x t r a —TH CM.. FBI. AND 8AT..Hrtura K niaa«a*al of

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Next 1B19 BomOOM.-■TH» GIPSY TKAIL "

J K S ^ i ln a l W*w Yarfc



K E E N E .Mna,, Taax. and ISsd^ jw eS iS *BLAhx DOTS. tSs da.f_tf**l«„W »™ __Vandnlll*. and w Jd iArts.—BTSrT »«"5" M t t "u'hita In !n»r H uu» m ttow.

"M at.. lOe-lSc. Ext. IBc-lio.

w * sAftaraaon lle-18«. Mxhl l7a-aBa.

(larlodliif Wav Tax.)■t h e W tll. «**>with Buth rnffard and Mooroa BaUabotr.


r W M T jAll TUs WMk.

T a rz a n o f th e A p e sAU. kXATB ISa.

Poaitlvflx tha t in t tlma a t thla law price.

Waalito*»a« aa* llaS * * at*. Pban* Mnl. B»».h a t in b e da l .y .


' Wsek .April I—"MEBBY ROVNUBBa.*


auk wiesT *«TB *T« tv fci*HCEUlUT v m lYBOIE I ^

B ftir Kvaaiae, * to * ___Tb* Batidfwaaa e f ’A * * * * ^ * " V

N E W A R K NEWlS; >"7 f .

I Be Put| |-vl^0Ml m Water Glass

Now for Winter UseI

'^a> lUOMHfiU hcv* b o u iw ^ v e i tsund

T rU m for w inter u«i t h » l tK* i«r o t w»ni»n pr»ettdi*R th l* food

OAI' * t thl* time, of the y«»r In-^ •very tw«lv«month. ISvon tho

H M t (koptloal h»v« come to ae* th a t | E | « jg p re n rv e d in Ih fi m anner 1*

:bly edible. A trln l, porhept :ii)fly n o d e , of tbe omelet^ cue-

.or d M e e rt ' made of w ate r Rlaae la thoroURhly eonvincln i. The

ta d S tataa D epartm ent of A crlcul" iMUaa a buileltn telllnK how to nra aRRt In th li almple method the Kaw Jaraey A R rlculturat K x‘ lent Btatlon, departm ent of hue-

ay, baa n pam phlet on the eainn lastf many yaara the farm er'a wife paaMlced home preservation of

DurlnR the laat decade, houee- laaRuea, poultry aaeorlatlone

other alm llar orR anliatlona have apraadinc th e teach ins th a t It la

Ibla fo r each fam ily to preserve In su ffic ien t num ber to supply needs fo r ' cooktnR durinE the

ttba o f h tfh pricen and scarce sup- ! says th e New jsraey pam phlet,

vp-ib year aaas a E raatef and E reater finaraat apparen t In connection with

,1’' r f id s work, and tt Is w ith the express £ -•#*»«•• Of auPPlylliE u p -to -date Inlor-

Rtlan pcrtalnlnff to dimple methods ,_fshema praaervatlon th a t th is circular j i IWsparad. The object Is the sam e as (M t fStnltlOE from cold StoraRt. nam e-

a sufflclant supply of sees durinjj W tntar a t a nom inal cost. Kot only tiill object be atta ined , but the awICa can be abaotutely sure o t quality o t th e e t s a which she Is

M b( . w hich Is not alw ays possible aha m ust purchase e t l * from th e

------- -(y o r corner bsWery. There aren e th o d i available for home pres- Ion, such aa p h tl ln f the esES In a l i l t aolutlon, In lime d r

iHaf th e ahalla w ith some aubatanoh aa para ffin o r vaseline, b u t prdb- tha moat auocaaaful is th e use dl

Ready for Spring Days

■lata o r aod lun allteate. In anyof home p ru a ry a tlo n the plv

to Eurrdund ih'


ha sRE w ith EOtaa iit w hich w in flU' up tb s pores Shall and hasp th e norm al liquids th e shall from 'avapora tlnE . i t

a ir , ca rry ln c w ith U certain ,aa w hich w ill causa th e ecR i lo ra ta in value, from pasalhE :b th e po res

: W Rtor Claas P m aervallea .“ R ^ r y laas p teaervatlon la yrobab ty

I t a s tla tac to ry . The m ateria ls for th is praoUca a re a s follows-,

a r aa rtb an w ara c'rooka, a supply 'lum alllcata or w a te r Rlaes, nnd

fresh new laid aRga, C reeks isw-REllon i l t e w in prase rv# about •ERS, o r tan doian. Sm aller Crocks,

s, can be used for a am aller of angs, b u t th e re la no advan-

fa hatlD R a am tU ar utensil,, as the osn ha ta k a n aa neaded from the aradk, and they can be preserved a lly h r aim plj' add ing m ore aolu-

add itional ORge a ra placed in arapk. The aecurlng o t an tb u n -

pply o t s tr ic tly tra sh high- la v ita l to the auccaia o t the

A combinilidii of

frock ind blouse in • one-piece dress, w h ich Bugfests t suit snd blouse, is shown lodty. Of blue tricotine, the frock fistens st the right tide snd is

Irimmed with bands of wide silk, braid running ditgonally ■cross the skirl somewhat after the manner of flounc- jnga. A long black silk sash finished with fringe st the right tide completes the trimming note. The guimpe with bib coUsr may be of crepe .or c o tto n stuffs.


’m ^ e a r* i^ r. II Wdtkei th«m up, brtnff9 oM ,

the ir Talent powera, keeps up I n / ' ceflHsnt artlonp Im pels to t&tka requiring; A tren tth ; an<l these Oe- velop it. Muny are born to be ifUnti*, yet few grow above com­mon men, from lack of etifhus» lasm. They need w aking up: if net on fire hy eome eager Im ­pulse, Inspired by eome g rand resolve, they would soon rise head and shoulders above their fel-. lows. Hut thfsy sleep, rtoae, w ait for pulillc sen tim ent, cling to the hffltcn paths, lireati sacrifices, shun hardships, and die M'enk- lings.—Theological F ram ew ork.

, __I clfUdrca hSdP tw.-bi%yeniaelflih'-- 'O h ^ ih b aald, "f

u 'a t r m a . w on 't allow him to become a e lf l ih , 'th a t

p p n m m nssM f

G>nsider Effect ci Guides Actions on OthersI t w as .auRReated to a charmlpR

m other th a t the com panlo tiih ip o t o ther

I w ill prevent abova ev e ry th in g else?' A few d a y , la te r Ihla boy w aa aaked to glvjt up the f ro n t neat lij th e autom o­b ile to a littly codain w ho w aa v ltltln g him. W ith K look of aulleii d e te rm in a ­tion he mruaed, T eara filled the eyea o f the o ther l i t t le fellow , w ho atnod w aiting In tho road, h u t w hen the m other sta rted the car, an If to le.ave him. he jumped In, g lad to tak e the back neat ra th er lltan have no ride a t all. Thl.t wae good tra in in g for him,

j but what of tho f irs t hoy, s itt in g in se lfish enjoym ent of th e pHaed place

who had ac ted in such a m anner, would ih e not have been oonnldered unkind? And If a g re a tjn a f ty m others were like

“' " w — ■ Aoe ana p o sta l w h ile? __

' Exit the ^)onge

Thss#t and m any o th e r qiM||ftlo]is a » th ingm other m ust ppndor. Some ihThgs ciiii-

d rrn do she m ust forffld a ltogether, a** uhprbductlv© of good; o ther actlvIUcH she w ill p e rm it because of th e ir vnlue as steps In g ro w th e v e n , though they aniToy,her. Y et she ihoulti not pernut them sim ply because tho child llkvH to do them . ^'Because little boys like to act like m onkeys Is no reason th a t th ey should ac t like m onkeys: m onkey- a re only beiista; they are boys,” re­m arks K ingsley ,

The wMae m other carefu lly ellm lnaics the coarse and debasing In picture '

H la m other a n a tu ra lly k in d heart ^,-hooalng lo act before her child Idealacaused her to queailon w h a t ahe had done.

" t must see th a t he ta k e s the back sea t sometimes," she sa id under her breath, w ith » serious look. R ut the tim e if> give him pow er ov er him self Was then. H]ie had le t thi» opportun ity pass, Lind with each postponem ent the■ floor come In m any cbarm lng designs

j and are peculiarly f ittin g fo r sum m er ! slruaR lc fo r unselfish su rre n d e r would I ItghUiig. ! become more, difficult,

! ‘T w ant my child to love me," pro- I H ats for the sm all hoy ars g re a te r In i fnsteil a fa iher, re fu s in g to check I varie ty of shapes and colors th is sea- > wrongdoing In hfa son. And la te r , when , auti than In many a year. M ixtures p re- | the test of love came, th e chlW tailed

\a i l , a lthough eome p la in ' to lore a re } bocauee of a w eak, sciflah will.

T bs bas t plan Is to a rra n g e by e t w ttb lon ta repu tab le poultry

k Sd M ^Ply th a io e g g i trom h it own I f a n y la rg e numntVer a re to be ad th ey should be bought by

fo r praaervlttg should never be fo r lu ch practice open i up th e

id m akes poailble a m ore rapid ,th n . No cracked o r thln> e s m abbuld e v e r j i a placed l ntSTai n. yiaolutlon. T hey are a p t

, Eggs "are auport’er, A nor- iUm ilUcdte, known eemmonty

_U f giatf, can be purchtssd at Kwg atere, the reull price being

iolmaiely tony cente a quart, or Bt a dollar a .Rallon. pitting down egga In a water glasii lien, tbe following procedure BuoUld fonow^: The crock ehould be

and eterfllsdd with botllAg hot oare being ttsad V> »*• »>at it lately cUait. The pretervlng should be made up by taking

PM^ ot water, which hai been

Ip O T A tJ? C A M O U F L A G E .

■V Vhen yeu wiot tnother slice bfwd, Idk* another potato,

IhuR advd wheat for our 1$ Hobver’i advice. But

it more than one way to that potato. In fact, it

be there are more ways of ■ the humble spud tban your iry hath ever dreamed of. lime to time there will he

Ipted on this page a tested 10 recipe, in some ot which, potato appears in its own

ise and in some it is esmou- ;ed. These wiil be printed ler the heeding “Today'a Po-

R^pe," in much the same u this paragraph appears

Jay. The “Sbalieapeare Hoov- la^'t {a just a dash of apioe to

dish. If any one wants to ik up the ouotationt he will d them as printed, except

, jjetimes for the HooverUation, j jw nature of which the reader v tnay determine.r. ................... ,i;SH*KESPEARE HOOVERIZED U.1 "I’lt make you feed on ’tatoes

on roots.”— T itus A ndroni-

hollsd and la te r coaled, to which should be added one p e r t by volume of eodltjm silicate. This m ix tu re w ill m ake a so- called ten per cent, eolutlbn w hich Is adequate to preserve thp egge for from nine m onths to a year. The eggs which have previously been prepared ihduld be placed In the crock, oare being taken no t to break or arack any of the shells. The crock can be filled with egg* bp to w ithin two Inches o f tho top. An advnntaae Is sa ined by p lacing the 'eggs sm alt end down, a s t t will keep the contents in a noriual position. A ten per rent, ich itlo n of elllcate can nex t he poured over the eg g s until the Jar Is filled, or, If th e j a r Is not fu ll of egga, the topm ost eggs should be cov­ered w ith the solutIPn to a depth of a t least two Inches. I t m ay be desirable to put down eggs In sm all quan tities a t frequent in tervals. T h is would be espe­cially tru e on the p o u ltry fa rm where the eggs a re being prekerved as p ro­duced. In th is case It Is posatble to fill the ja r h a lf fu ll of the ten per cent, solution, and each day add the eggs as they are available, a lw ay s keeping the solution a t least tw o Inches above the topmost egg. 'When th e ja r Is filled


Net wlifi'li com es sk ir t depth, w ith Its groups of ru fflings. Is am otis ifio d a in tle it of the m any m ateria ls shown for lingerie frocks, 'riie ru fflings pre- tlu d e the iieccsaity for o ther ti'lm m lng.

Bag fram ej of cs!|ij|o |ii, niflBl and wood come In a varie ty of atylos, hiil they are In grear ilemund for tiie sm art k n ittin g bag today mounted on a fram e of aorne sort.

Among the rem uaiits of dress m a te ­r ia ls often pieces of suffic ien t length to r a poll- o r tw o of window cu rtn in s may he found and s t a su b s tan tia l savtng.

Tlie economical housew ife who re a l­ises her window shades are a l i t t le ahabby finds th a t they may be tu rned top to bottom, a hem pot In o t the ro lle r end and replaced on the ro llers a t a uom lnal sum In som e of the^hops.

".‘'lep -ln" envelope chemtees and draw ers wee am ong the new Earm enta show n III spring lingerie .

An extrem ely a ttra c tiv e voile n ig h t­gow n Is In a w h ite and wellow platd pattern . F o r trim m in g there Is a sim ple design outlined in tin y w hite dota.

Baby Saving Campaign Plans

tM .doYer'tibDuld be placed ever It atM i t ehould M n t fn a n r h , vogI Dlftei. H.the orobk o r preB erv inr u tensil fi cov*' erod tlghtls^s evapora tion In prevented and hepce the aolutlon rem ains In a norm al condition longer than w here the crook 1i le ft open. Kven If carefu lly covered, a a l tfh t evaporation w ill tak e pjaee, w hich will m ean th a t add itional aolutlon w ill probably have lb be added onoe every th ree m onthe. On an e le­vated behch or tab le In a baeem ent or cellar la an adm irable place to keep the Jara. A cellar In w hich preaervei or canned fru it le k ep t furnlahes excellent condltiond for ho ld ing efga.

L e a fth *r P T eaerra ttoa Perl«d>T h li m ethed, aa outlined , la not da-

aijmed to hold e g v i from one- year to another, o r over pejrloda londer than nine to ten inon th i. The aeaeon of cheap production la April, and tt le, therefore, m eat econom ical and p ro fit­

able to p u t th e evd^ down a t th la tim e, A n a tu ra l ehortaK e of egge and hence h igh prlcea Itt uaually felt beginning the la t te r p a r t of Ju ly or Auguat, and hence en o u g h egge ehould be p u t down Ip a w a te r gl&Bft solution to supply all thoee .needed fo r cooking purpoaea d u r ­ing A uguet, Septem ber, October, No­vem ber, D ecem ber, Jan u ary and F eb ru ­ary. T he g re a te s t p rofit will be app re­ciated fro m preserved e g g i du ring the m onth of h lgheat prlcea. These are uaually O ctober, November, December and e a r ly Ja n u a ry .

t 'ee« of PrMCTved Egga.P reserv ed egge. If properly handled,

can ,be uaed fo r any purpoae. However, they do n o t have quite the conalatency of a R trlctly freah egg. and m any peo­ple p re fe r |jp uae them only fo r cook­ing pu rp o se i. in appearance the p re­served e g g w ill ahow an album en which ia a tr if le ,m o re w atery or th in than a atrj^ 'tly freah egg . The yolk w ill a p ­pear a lig h tly fla ttened , and w ilt not btamt up aa w ill the yolk of a Btrletly freah egg. T he album en will alao ahow R sligh t p in k ish tin t, due to tho p re s ­ence of th e a lk a lin e aolutlons Tt wilt ha notInAd th a t the preserved eg g s will no t s ta n d q u ite the rodgh uvage th a t a s tr ic t ly freah egg w ill stand , due to a a ligh t w eakening of th e a tru c tu re o f the Membrane eurrounding th e yolk . In o th er words, when i t la deatrable to eepara te the yoika from the w hites, c a fe w ill have to be used n o t to b reak th e yolk. W hen boiling preserved eggs. It Is desirab le to m ake a s lig h t pin p rick In th e air'co lt o f the la rg e end to p rev en t th e crack ing of the ehetl. Tt Is ea rn e s tly betiev id and recommended th a t a m ore extended practice of home

D elegates from every section of the country are In a tten d an ce a t th e f:h!ld W elfare C onference being held in W ashington In th e In te rio r building.

Problem s re la tin g to the h ealth of children a re being discussed a t the con ­ference. Ml^s Ju lia G. L athrop, head of th e children's bureau, addressed trie m eeting. She ou tlined the p lans for th e nation-w ide baby saving cam paign w hich w in begin A pril 1.

O ther bpeakers w ere Dr. Grace Meigs of the ch ild ren 's bureau. Dr. D orolhv Mendenhall, rep resen ta tive of child w elfare w ork In W isconsin; Dr. J o ­sephine B aker, head of the division of child w elfare of the New York City B oard of H ealth ; Dr. Lena Means of Iow a, Florence K elley o f the N ational Consum ers' League, Mrs. Arnold But- tenhelm of New Je rsey and Mrs. F red - c '- 'ck Schllke o f Portland, Ore., p resl den t of the Oregon Congress of M oth­e rs and s ta te w elfare chairm an of the wom an’s com m ittee o f 'th e Council of ^ ''l lo n a l Defense.

A mother, feeling th e necessity of teaching her child to ta k e c a re o f his toys, was very severe w*hen she found th a t a playm ate had b roken some of them. "Vou should not have allowed him to play with your toys!" she said reprovingly, not rea lis in g th a t she was mlsfllng a splendid opporM inlty to en­courage the love th a t fo rg iv es freely.

Could such an a ttitu d e be adhered to w'ithout m arring a ehJltl's charac te r? If It had been th e o th er ch ild ’s m other

'om m ensurate w ith the serious m atte r o f living. An unw ise m other gave her children a book lU uatratod w ith g ro ­tesque c a r ic a tu re s of a tittle colored boy. She also told them the sto ry which w'BS offensive to good taste .

'T h e y like it,’' w as her comment. "I w ouldn 't do w ithou t it for any th ing ; W henever Ih ey m isbehave I can a l ­w ays con tro l them w ith th is book."

"I control my children with plctuic^ of chlvRlry," said ano ther niorlii-;' "They like them b e tte r than anything else; and no m a tte r how restless they may be, they soon become m anageabl.', 'try in g to be k n ig h ts .' **

I t has been pointed out by Froebul In his M other P lay Book, th a t children grow a long lines th a t are made a t t r a c ­tive to them . The f irs t m other wai encouraging bu ffoonery ' and ridicui.-; the second, se lf-con tro l #nd • thought- fu lness fo r o thers. The firs t had fallo.! lo rise, as did the second, to spli’Uuu! m otherhood; fo r the device of the m o­m ent sa tisfied her, stm ply because i'- w as an easy form of en tertainm ent.

DIAMONDSApril Is ihe Diamond Month

Buy that dlamotd now; remember that highest quality and indisputable value are assured at the Viss store, and prices will have to be advanced soon. Reputation and reliability safeguard you in every purchase here. Our selec­tion was never better. We urge an inspection now.

J. W ISS & SONSWatches, Jewelry, Clacks

66S Broad Street

Unique Sandwich FillingsP eanut b u tte r is ra th e r ^ ry as a flll-f 'if ..............................Ing 'ffo r sandwicheB, but if an equal

quan tity of honey and peanut b u tte r a rs mixed and spread on th e slices of hread. a very p leasant.gandw lcb resu lts . T his la p a rticu la fly good when m ade of oatm eal raised b i^ ad made its foUowBi

Over three cups of rolled p a ls pour a p in t of boiling w'ater, add one-half cup of brown suga r and a tablespoon of sa lt and cover u n til cold, DlPSobve one yeast rak e In one cup of tepid w ate r

p reserv a tio n o f eggs by the w 'ater nnd add to th is m ixture whan roUl,glaaa m ethod w ill do much to reduce the cost of e g g s which m ust be p u r ­chased d u rin g th e fall and w inter, and w ill also re su lt in a more co n stan t supply fo t hom e use. The m ethod Is simple, th e coat is very low and the p ro fit re su ltin g from th e prac tice very m a te rl^k

Seasonable Showings on the Shop CountersThere w ill be no annoyance from s t n y

cats or dogs If you buy a tg a rb ag e daiw ith a se lf-lock ing cover, more than one a ly ls on the m arket and the price <1s but U ttie m ore than the ord inary type.

m eans Ju s t so many more hours fop 'an I garden devotees to give to th e ir labor.

There Is There a re u ttra c tlv e baskets w ith short-

Before availing one's self of the sale o f shoe lacings, w hether tn tan or black, be sure you know th e length desired. If one know s the num ber of eyelets In the shoes needing lacings, the clerk may help you; o therw ise an elem ent of g rea t u n certa in ty en te rs Into the purchase.

B tatlonsry o f v arious g rades is spe­cially m arked In m any of the shops In buying let the value be In the s ta tio n ­ery Itself ra th e r than th e container.

The simple, harm less colorings for lingerie and w aists and ribbons are to b t had in a wide range of colors. They a re m ost helpful for renov a tin g faded g a r­ments.

Garden u tensils have a special a p ­peal a t th is tim e, for day ligh t saving

handled tools fo r w ork am ong the flow ­ers; ihoQe w ith iiiedliiiii length handles are Jusi r ig h t fo r the grow ing boy or g irl, w hile a d u lis will w ant the fu ll else rak es, hoes, shovels and o ther food- ra is in g helps.

N ests o f bow ls in brown, blue o r green a re helps the economical cook ap ­precia tes. fo r it la a aimple m a tte r to use le f t-o v e rs w ith tlicse.

W h a t m a tte r s it Jf the garm en ts for Children a re shop soiled, as. long as they a re tt^ lte p e rfe c t otherwise. The lau n ­d erin g m ak es them righ t and a t a su b ­s ta n tia l sav in g to one's purse.

C ushions fo r chairs of all slses are to be had In cre tonne or lea ther covering In a w ide v arie ty of color schemes. Hy m eaqs o f these the ta sk of fu rb ish in g th e house o r porch Is simplified.

w ith th ree cups o f w heat flour, R aise over n ig h t and in th e m orning ro ll.In to tw o loaves w ith very little kneading. P u t In a warm place to rise un til tw ice the orig inal bu lk and bake one hour in a m oderate oven^ -

A nother good filling for th is bread Is m a d e .b y grind ing together a cup of seeded or seedless ra isins and a cup of n u ts and add ing enough honey to bind them . This iur/ he pu t aside and Tised a t any time, a s it will keep well If tig h tly covered._____ _______ '

Years of ExperienceCareful Selection

Shrewd Purchasing Secure Vour Investment



□ w w w w w wMcGibbon & Co.


"not soqidUed" all Linen—Prices Low to meet the Times. New snd rare TABLE SCARFS; CENTRES and DOYLIES. GUEST TOWELS. BATE TOWELS. MATS and SHEETS. Seasonable Colors in BLANKETS and COMFORTABLES. Imported WHITE BED SPREADS.


West 37th St, Near Fifth Ave.?IEW YORK CITY

Along w ith m any o th e r Inoanllary to ilet articles, th e eponge I« going ont o t fash jo,n. . ^ u t p c o p l^ m ay be a tln

.ooifsldei- I f liidlipeneable. 'The^nSt'e'bVerldSkert the taax th a t tfio eponge l.i porous and th a t every pore bet'omee a hiding pluve for untold qolo- iilci of germs, says .Marianna W heeler Ih The People's Home Journal. Youcannot boll a epongo fo r any length of time, therefore you cannot Insure Its absolute, hygienic clcanllnoss. As the germe m ultiply, a peculiar m usty odor becomes lyoilccable.

tvbeii one Imtho.s. m any partlrlea ,o( dead skin are th row n off from the body, tr a sponge Is used, quan tities of these dead parllculcs collect In the pores ot the sponge aitd w ill'rem a in there aven a f te r considerable rinsing . If » apongs were examined utrder a iniorosoops one -would be horrified S t the pletura It would present.

Scientific FactsDENTISTRY


New WOODBURY WayModvfK !■ EvcvytJilag

A prlfeleas asse t th a t insur'^s the constan t success for which

are su Justly fam ed ..Ta lip D enilstry

Kcleutlrlcaily and F au ltless ly Is our constHSit aim.

P r e s e r v e F o u r ^ e e f A .O ovras of Gold or Pore«lalm

F o r FalllB g TeclkIVhen you ra lU w e Will explain

our Improverl B ridge W ork,AdvaiiUces o l P o rca la laF tllla f s

r a la le s s K xtractloas


Principle Evolved by the

New W oodbury W ayANCHOR


NO tool

The rrftw ning m asterpiece df^ntal aenius w hich leaves theroof of the m outh uncovered.------------- - -KXAMlKATTONi? AND ESTI-

MATE.S FREE,ffourn: £> l o -9 P. TVf. Sundays 10

A. M. to 1.CJerman, F rench and Swedish

Spoken. L adles in Attendance,

Woodbury Dental Offices775 BROAD St, NEWARK, N. J.

Look for Our Name and Our Correct Num bor—775.


Assets Nearly$9,000,000Open an Account Today 4% Interest up b $ 1 ,0 0 0


WOMAN and HER BITO ar e o u n e of to s tra e tla a

In KIIIiiie and fteeretarial Dulles h a t shaped the bml* ness destin ies of ovar a thousand women during Ihe past year.

P ro fitab le poMlbllltlM arc mimerouB for ta* vounfT woman who really w ants to "do R if b it"

Day, Eveningr snd Corr*- Gpondence Classes.

New York School of Fillip!Singer Bailding, New York

WreB you * real Ida* of why the fier- j nuin» *‘dlU not post" a t Verdun. j ,

COMRADES IN COURABEBy li«ut Antoine Kedicr

N et 91.40DOt'BLEDAY. PAGE * CO.

i'lf ITS MADE OniUBbtRVitnflVf IT"

:MIN0R RUBBER CO.j 8 4 lSoollTBroad5i, •.[' 3 3 , S T O R E S

■^VIcker lam ps for the desk, for th e cen te r ta b le an d those which rest on the


the Animalw * i rerc ss tim e a t .School and SSnlhky Crow, tho

le k itty boy, who liked to pl»y mean 1 t ^ « on >»'» playtnatM , waaf a s k in g to Bovenl of hta l i t t le cronlee

55yr »ly whiipei'.v, hind of a way.' Xml r r e r y llttlo w hile one of them would -Sa-hx!" o r ‘'ho-ho: " a s though It was

1 funny for anything.N > ,n 'II bot SmInVy la p lann ing oome ^ M w kind of a tr ic k on aome one," said

dodged behind a fence so th a t Sminky couldn 't see him, he w as th a t surprised th a t h e ' stood there w ith his li t t le mouth w ide open.

\ little fa r th e r down the s tre e t stood a little puppy boy rubbing tho tea rs

to1 S u a tq r Cuddles, tlie tit ty k itty boy M hlm solf. aa he w atched Sm inky and hie

Tittle com panions J u s t as the | "■ b A ra n g Sm inky said som ething to ,

r te g Othar th ree th a t B uster couldn t “Y'.but overhear, "yow’, don 't foi'get," i

;'«*an little hU ty boy rem inded 1"w e'll do i t tho very f irs t chan™

f* t."It happened th a t Sm inkjrs little

Ilea lived near one end of Pdasyw ay w hile Sm inky himsoTf lived away,

n e a r th e o ther end.' So when' l e t o u t Sminky s ta rted for home

to wny, 'While hie th ree l i t t le cronies * ' ^the o th e r way.

ju s t keep my eye on Rminky, "I B uster, as he w alked slowly

_ th e a tree t a short distance behind Tneean lllfW k itty 'b o y , "m sybe he'll i

thOM o th e r ebapa la te r on and S icaB fInd o u f 'irh a t th ey 're up to.’i Be- ta sg S m tlth y . bad gone down the atreot ■m m tbiiui a ’ b lock o r so w ho ehould

- hrPi-' b u t b le th e r Fourpaw s, the O dn t f l tC i rg i* lady, and she m ust have

abopiBbF>" i T w a i t ^ w e o f those days when the R sm T 0MT* bre«M e love to have a

ijac. WEfCh fro lic and whoop and w i a S e s r r y on like old bluatery

- H trtfli.'W lnd bijnaeir. And when ) niinSlileYoua li t t le w bid chaps ht i lg h l-o f I fo th e r F ourpaw s w ith .Miwa f t u to f bundle! w hy they juat

J „ g ls e ( |i l . t i ( ^ o f a "woo-o-o-o-f" th e d to . , |M bow m any packages

entd Mow dow n th e atrM t.ftC ^t

1* ' --r ■.

V. V ^ J t t

w h a t sh a ll 'f ' do?" criedsM d M fto lady, a i one of her

w S ukedw as whUKM o u t o t h er pawsaalltng daw n th o s tre e t like

^ l le o n . A ad th a t qu ick Sminky I- ilCtw ft a td .B u a t« r f e l t lu re be

th e package and ,t ke did noth ing

out of h i t eyee w ith hta tw o chubhy pawe and cry ing th a t he had lost the penny th a t hia m other had given him to buy a lollypop fo r him ielf.

And Instead of lau g h in g a t th a t little

puppy hoy for crying, ss- he would have dorte most any o ther time, Stnlnky stopped to find out w lm l'th e troub le was. And a moment la te r he w as look ing c a re fu lly all around for the le s t penny. "H ere it Isl H ere It la!" he cried, suddenly, aa he spied It lying in a c ra c k In th e pavement. ,\.nd you oug h t to have seen the amlles chase the te a r s aw ay on th a t l i t t le puppy boy'a face.

"I w onder w hy he doesn’t p lay a me.-rn lrt,!k on aome one,” though t Bus- ,fer to h lm solf a s he w ent tag g in g a f te r

[ Sniltitiy. But Sminky kept r ig h t on. I going apd n ev e r slopped un til he had I reached hia ow n front gate.I T he nex t d ay waa so nice end w arm I th a t the l i t t le anim al tioys decided to I play a gam e of bell as soon an school I let out, am i when recess tim e came

around E ita ter nnd his two Iltfle chum s, I.nildte and .Tackle, s ta rted to a sk the o th e r Sitlma! hoys to play alopg.

"L ern aslt Stnlnky," suggested B us­ter. a f te r they had aaked all th e ir o ther li ttle p laym ates.

"W liy— why we don’t want him . do we?" ask ed Laddie in surprise.

"West, I g uess n o t ;" declured Jack ie ; "we w ouldn’t w ant »ny one lo play w ith us w ho le qs menu os he Is,"

"Vea, hu t he isn 't mean any m ore," replied B u ste r, qulelfly, a'nd thdn he told h is fv rq l i t t le chums w hat Sm inky hail dona lUe dny before.

"All r ig h t, then le t's ask him ." agreed Laddie an d Ja c k ie together.

So th a t w as how Stnlnky came to p lay ball .with the o ther little an im al boya, an d It goes to show th a t even a m ean U tile k t l ty boy can be nice If he w ants to.

( Every Rug and CaipetCleaned Alonc^

grab tto t l r ^ t b It; H a t

) tlo 4 ' I to e iL fifto f bad picked very carefully

ito 'M o th e r F o u r. ' ■ q g p w p B d er the deg-

irlMd aa shefor his

ir, who bad

and by ilielL That’s sanitary and the only safe.way, but ws are the only people in this vicinity who do it. Send your rugs and carpels here; and you are usured of the methods being used. Prices the satiis you’ve boen paying foMhe insanitary way.

Write, call or phone 707 and 708 Mulberry,


1121111 A rlington Sty Newark, N. J.All Dallrarlea by Motor Truelto,

' ' ' I ' . .. . -jiiul'l'

/Bought at the' Store Where Individual Pride Goes fnto

Every Sale,

Uppoolte P est (IfCloe

Broad and Academy Sts.

One Rusty Screenis apt to make life miserable fbr you this summer Before putting up your screens give them a coat of

DEVOE Sereoi PaintIt will keep the wire from becoming rusty and will prolong the life of your screens indefinitely.


A coat on one side is usually enough. In two colors, dark green and black.

X J. Hoeken|es Co.t r 829 Broad St.

Y o a r O u tf il o n C re d it is h e re76ryo u6-Day Fnmltiire Sale

Let Ludwig Baumann atarf you houae- keeping—completely fumiah a aingle rpom or an entire iwuae—Our liberal credit r^uirea but a amall amount down —the balance in weddy paymenta—No extra chargee of any kind—A few dol- lara ia all you need to atari houaekeeping.

Cmpar/son ulll comina nou, whether you iuy for tosh of on credit, (hd

Our Prices Are Always the Lowest


6.49Oath «ff Crrait!

Ifav bo «Md M I• dtvo*. « iiio bod or .two ■In ‘

-noM eei■Bd biUR-aowicliiA. [ r r a m i» _ ^_ Tbo _____ _ _ ,

*||gt#oL Ttio mattreoiai ore of soft eottos; oovgred In tOMfW tlo U u . V ' ' •y ia i m y Open m i4ce«mf with th is Coesde oe \

•indade ft in your ou tfit a t the i(Je price.

OptiTtmMOMiirwUh 1O a r Special # A Q I

,7-ROOAr OUTFiT !Par far It luWWeekly


Dresser»*x. PHe* tIt.TS

12'ra .h

I V O R Y W I L U A M A N D M A R Y B E D R O O M S U I T U P ^ ) a « .» M to a iT T j»

atnKR. R«I. Plica 14T.I0.TOniiW^AiLl* AVI'irIci 'I's'fKd

I t s o that Baa Dinlna Room and,it _17 Baits In tvi ■bio ,wo«d .*ad

A gawa P a r» a e> aad5 0 c aW eelc

xnoawy waTlojcg S 139.47

$ 3 5AJMMti Im tho liiWi

Sak e BRASS BEDSBex. M oo


We GW*"8. * Ha**

Oreo* Tradlmit tttJMtps

H eavy cimilnunu^ potto.

Sde pf Sattkarg While Enmml


16.95lOaa » .Osa«s. .


Cash m Orodit.


AtamU 0/m ei

ftem a

$5,000On SmJtW eeidu or Monihki Penimmle

SmidI Aetourdi E^ioBy Inelled

BALI Of s n o .

No Charge ' Oringi

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'1- F i r s t q u j

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Th e si

the goods in standard good stoi These sa sure as n

—•Platfa coloStae

i 27x54 36x63

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— C lo s e ly wSise ' 8 ^ 1 9 x 1 2 1



8!4xi, P x l 2 1

—Deep napS lia

8 ^ x 1


> ^ h ic k e o loniine, tlx cam

Pnniea ^prunes I

Tam etoei extra la


a Baker C other’s i Mall Brei

Albert M

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1 ^ 1 . I V < W I | 1 ■■ B ■*. ■ ' - ■ 1 ' ' t ' " I M P . - I - ' I 1



r InsanltK rr 1« EOlns o a t tmy bfi Btll) i<UipenBiib|«. !a*t t i n t Ifis . every per* untold tjolo- im W heeler lurnat. You ny le in th of t insure it* esa. As the m usty odur

partirlee .of om the body, ties of these the p o rts of ■ there even If 4 apone*

nroieope on* e pleture It

No Charge Phone ServiceNo Charge Telephone Service from the ■

Onuiges Montdalv Bhramfield ' EHzabeUiJust call Orange 6160; Blcwinfield 3450; Eljzabetli .384L ,

' ' ' " .............. ...: . . . /" * V ®

Annual Spring

fW ayt InAur^Bor whichDenllNlryttesflly ]l

eeth.PorcelalB1hn explain Work.oFIIIIncflloanEINADAYScientlfie y the

W ay

rp lw e of avep the erod.» ESTI-indayB 10Rwedlahtondaace.

OfficesiRK, N. J.

KBITtne tro e tleafteerctertii]id the bull- Of over a en durtqg

>osslbIlIt1ei fo r th e

who re s llr Sf hll." and Corre- ;es.

of Filingw York

rhy <h® fiar* rdon. .




V*f3lor twe I

s ?LleetUlmlM. M ere■retl la

nA «P

! ir JMI

$981reck lp



Bright Cheery Homes /^ 1 T D T A l lV m Start With Fresh New 1Do w n with the dingy, up with the fresh new curtains for your windows. These special

prices give reasons why the change should be made now.

67cfor $1,25 Voile Curtains


The Hahne Club Planpermits you to buy most of the items advertised here on

terms of long-time credit.— -------------------------------- - ' ----------

for $1.50 Dutch Voile Scrim Curtains

80cfor $1 Lace Curtains

$1.50for $1.95 Voile Scrim, Cluny

Edged Curtains

97cfor $t.50 Vbiic Scrim Curtains

$1.95for $2.50 and $3 Marquisette

and Cluny Curtains

$2.98 for $4.00 tmd $4.50 Marquisette Curtains

2,000 Yards Scrim at

10cDrawn Work Pattern

$2.00 Couch Covers

$1.45Reversible Negus Tapestry

3y000 Window Shades-F irst quality shades, mounted on spring rollers. Fitted with

brackets for putting up. Size 36x72 inches.45c Opaque Shades, all colors, at 40c 55c Colonial Holland Shades, at 49c $1.00 Sunfast Holland Shades, at 80c



Mighty Offering of RUGSIncluding Everything from Finest Wiltons to Simple Grass Rugs, Save from 15% to 30%

Th e strength of this offering lies inthe rugs themselves—fresh new - ,

goods in desirable patterns. It is all standard merchandise, which sells in all good stores at about the same figures.^These sale prices make the savings as sure as money in the bank:

Seamless Wilton Rugs—Platfa color and two-tone rugs.

R ecu la r Sale P rice

$8.95 $6.00$13.00 $9.00$36.50 $29.50 $79.50 $65.00 $82.50 $69.50

S tie

27x54 inches 36x63 inches 6x9 feet 8'/4x 10!/2 feet 9x12 feet


Standard Wilton Rugs—Closely woven Royal Wilton fabric.

SliB RoirulAr Sale Price814x 101/ ' feet $55.00 $49.509x12 feet $59.50 $55.00

Pine Wilton Rugs—Splendid assortment of Oriental and Egyptian

designs.Bis* K eru ie r Bala P rice

8!4x101/2 feet $82.50 $69.50, Px l 2fee t $89.00 $72.50

Axminster Rugs—Deep nap. Oriental designs and colorings.

81s* R egula r Sale p ric e

8 ^ x 10J/2 feet $37.50 $33.959x12 feet $39.50 $34.95


Seamless Axminster Rugs^S lig h t mill imperfections. Popular and service­

able rugs.Slse R egular Bale P rice8*4x10^2 feet $39.50 $34.509x12 feet $45.00 $36.50

Body Brussels.R ugsS iie R egular Sale P rice8 '4 x10}/2 feet $37,50 $29.509x12 feet $39.75 $32.50

Tapestry,Brussels Rugse lse R egular Sate Price8!4x101/2 feet $27.50 $22.509x12 feet $29.50 $24.50'$7.95 Grass Matting Rugs, $6.45

^ i z e 9x12 feet. Bordered all round.—Figured and plain band borders.—Colors blue, green, brown, red.

$1.10 Linoleum, Square Yard, S5c—JVlottled granite pattern or rag rug pattern. Col­

ors inlaid.

95c Printed Linoleum, 75c i—White file patterns for bath rooms and vestibules.

Inlaid Linoleums—Three grades in a variety of tile and parquet pat- . terns. Colors run through to the back.Three grades at—

$1.20, $1.50, $1.95Bring measurements with you,

We and Our M anufacturers H ave A rranged a Demonstration and Sale o f

Pure FoodsFor W eek Beginning Monday^ April 1st

We Include M any Special Item s' Campbell's Soups, 9c r ,

. .Chicken, tomato, asparagus, vegetable bouillon, co.i- lomme, chicken gumbo, oxtail. Limit to customer, six cans.

Pnmee^ 4 Lbs. 50e—Fancy Santa Clara California prunes; 70-S0 size.

'Ttmaiots, C io ’2&—Jersey "Rob Roy” Brapd; extra large can.

BeROB, Lb. *T3c—Small white California beans. Good cookers,

COCM u d Chocolate, Lb. 23c—Breakfast cocoa or lunch chocolate in bags.

Coffee, Lb. 27c—Hahne Premium blend of choice grades. Equal to any 35c. coffee.

Ox ToiigueB^ Lb. 29c—Lean and tender.' 4 to 5 lbs. each.

Smoked Beef, 40c; Sliced, 48c.

CEREALS AND SUBSTITUTESAriiumr's Oats ................. ..,.12c

aiuker Oats ....... — 9cother’s Oats — , . . . . . . . . . . . JDc

Milt Breakfast Food.. . . . . . . . .22eAlberl ■ Mush' ........... .18c

Force — ........................ 12cWashington Crisps ....... 12eBarley Flobr, Waahburn’a, fn

sacks. S' lbs. .............. .....43cRye Flour, Washburn's, 5 lbs, ,43e

Yellow Meal, lb ..........'...............7cHominy, lb................................ ,8eSamp, lb. ....... , . . , . ... '.,.....- .8 6 .RolM Oats, 1 b ..., '. , ,.............. BeBuckwheat Flour, lb . . : . , . , . . . . I 0 t

COFFEES-Oar Coffees are freshly roasted daily on the premises, thereby retaining its flavor and strength

Bourbon Santos Cucuta Maracaibo pjmberry Mocha Surety Brand World’s Beat Sumatra. Java Genuine Moclia

B Lhe, 90e

$1.05 $U0 $1.40 $1.45 $1.50 $2.10

TEAS—Our Teas are of the choicest pickings grown.

A trial wilt convince you.Lh. a Lb*.

Formosa Oolong, . English Breakfast orM ixed:..,........ ........................................39e $1J5

Formosa Oolong, Gunpowder, Ceylon Blend,Enslisb. Breakfast or M ix ed ..........,.4 8 c $2.tS'

Formosa Qolong, Gunpowder, Ceylon, Eng­lish BreafcfaiLjaptn or Mixed___ .....SZe $2.80

Formosa Ookmg, Gunpowder, Ceylon, Eng- •r ish Breakfeat, Japan or M ixed...,^,..‘,v79c $3.65

Anwng the Brands Demonstrated:"SwrUy*—For frying, sboHenliig, baking end;

candy making. Ask lor cook,book.> H ide B o r ti Pri»d»ctB—Sohp Chips, Soapi

a rax and “Boraw.” WAg ironing pad free with f purchase. ' .

rfiood liOdi Pie Ruling—LemoHi tapioca and ,,-4#fter flavori. . '

I'e PbodudB—Niliis, ^ p n . Tongue, Oats, Beans, F7ekles aod Ctnhed Meats.

Coffee~An cxc^tionally satiafac-subatitote. >sk,i$p atmggle. pnekife. ,

P fuola Oiks—Fo( salad and cooking purposes. . A pom preduet to Yeptace olive oil.

JNiewton’s Eggno—Tb be used in place of fresh - eggs In baking aqd cooking.

lUfjr Jdly—The supreme gelatine dessprt. Dem- odatritlah el.ltt uie in desserts aind salads.

^ o t* '3 e e d " ''King' KoT lt|kh is-.S ho« ing the c l ^ way in which they are cured and packed.

'U t e s t w o o M n g p rep arA tiO n f o r jwfwT;ASM ahsiBpMv

- 4 4 e p a r e d A dd

T H E longer days have come—an added hour of daylight—^ a i l h o u r ’ s m o r e . t i m e t o m a k e t h e h o m e f r e s h a n d i n v i t i n g .

—The crocuses are springing up, the bluebirds are calling and women everywhere are plan- ^•'^8 brighter and better homes.

—Hahne’s Annual Spring Sale for Homemakers will help. This page tells how.

“Freshen Up the Flag Week”■yHlS April is destined toi play a protn- 1 inent part in our history, h com­

memorates our entry into the war to make the world safe for democracy. It come* at a t'"]® when our forces are battling abroad—with the

fate of the world hanging in the balance. It marks the flotation oj the third Liberty Lo.aii. — w i t h these thrilling'events going on ail about

us, it is fitting that its symbol—Our FIcg— 'should wave in the breeze—fresh, new and sparkling.

Standard Grades of Furniture fsl"Mission FurnitureOnly Complete Stocks in Newark

$5.00 Umbrella Stands—Square. Fumed oak, ^ AQ inches high. Metal pan. -Sale Price....... ..................... *f »*

$8.50 Magazine Rack—Fumed oak, 36 inches high, e j AA Four shares, 11x17 inches. Sale price........................ "F •

$10.00 Be-tu-mal Telephone Set—Fumed oak. Stand with book compartment and sliding patent adjustable scat; tfq AA complete. ' Sale Price ................................................... -PO.UU

$11,00 Drop Side Tables—Two lids. When opened 36 inches wide] when closed 6 inches in width. Fumed finish. ffO n c

.Sale Price ...................................................................... 0 0 , 1 0$18.00 Armchair or Rocker—Large and roomy. Broad flat

arms. Spring seats covered in finest grade genuine C 1C 4U 1 leather. Fumed oak frames. Wood back. Sale Price. w l w tW

$25,25 Library Table—Solid oak, fumed finish. Size of top 26x42 inches. Long shelf and center drawer. Sale $20.25

$24.73 Ladies’ Desk—Solid quartered oak. Large, deep drawer; fitted interinr. Outside width of desk 32 <|J7A ’j t inches. Sale Price....... , ............................................ q i* U .IU

$25.00 Living Room Table—Quartered oak. 26x42 ( 2 1 (U1inch,top. Slde.pockcts and center drawer.' Sale Price <P«*eUW

$30.00 Bookcase—40 inches wide, 64 inches high. Four shelves and canopy top. Glass doors. Fumed oak ( 7 C AA frames. Sale Price................................................ 4'4'W.Uv

$76.0ii Davenport—72 inches long. Low back and arms. Solid spring seat, upholstered in finest grade genujnc ( z | rm leather. Sale Price.................................................... v U l .v V

$85.50 Three-Piece Living Room Suite—Made of solid se­lected quartered oak, fumed finished. Consists of a 54-inch settee, armchair and rocker. Guaranteed spring seats, cov­ered in the finest grade genuine leather. Sale

$337.50 Four-Pc. Dining Room Suite -Selected American wal nut (illustrated). Chippendale period. Consists of 60-inch buffet, 42-inch china cabinet with full mirror back, 36-Inch serving table and 48-ipch dining table, extending to 6 feet. Sale $260.00

$28:LOO Nine-Piece Dining Room Suite—Carolean period.Rich mahogany finish. Consists of 72-inch buffet, 38-ineh china cabinet, 40-inch serving table, 54-inch lop dining table, 1 arm­chair and 4 side chairs. Covered in high grade tap- ( 7 1 7 ((V cstry. Sale Price............................................... » U M V

$271.00 Queen Anne Model Chamber Suite—Selected mahog­any. Set consists of 48-lneh dresser, 36-inch'chiffonnler, 4Zcinch toilet table, full size bed arid portable mirror for ( 7 1 7 AAchiffonnier. Sale Price ............................................qJA ill.V VSeparate hand mirrors for toilet table at $4.00 each.

$100.75 Four-Piece Cotl8,gc Bed Room Suite -Rich old ivory finish. Consists of 42-inch dresser, 30-inch gallery top chiffon- nicr, 34-inch toilet table and full sije post bed, (A A AA

. sanitary construction. Sale price............................... .p y U .W$139.00 ^ur-P iebe Colonial Bed Room Suite—Selected quar­

tered oak veneer, Finel/ constructed. Coftsists of 42-ineh dresser, 33-inch chiffonnier, 33-inch toilet table and full size ( I IA AA bed. Sale Price ...................................................... ^H IV -U U

$24.5a 3-Piece Bungalow Bed ‘ Out6t, Complete, $18.75

—(As illustrated.) Two-inch post bed, twin filler rods, twin link steel spring and a 3-inch border; pure felt mattress. 2-0 and 3-0 sizes only.

$49.75 3-Eiece Brass Bed Outfit, $38.50

—(As illustrated.) Continuous post brass bed, bright or satin finish. Extra heavy double woven wire spring and our de luxe pure felt mattress, covemd in twill ticking. All sizes.

—Extra charge for two parts, $1.00.

$31.90 3-Pieee Bed Outfit, Complete, $24.00

-(As illustrated.) Two-inch high post bed with brass caps. Double reinforced all steel spring and a felt combination mattress, all sizes.

A Complete Line of Porch or Outdoor Furniture / Readu for Immediate Delivery

$5,75 Maple Porch Settee—Slat back, double reed seat; 42 in, wide; ( ^ natural or green. Sale Price

$7.25 "Jumbo Jr.” Heat^ Porch Rockw— Extra high back; broad flat arms; iron braced; natural finish. Sale $ 6 . 0 0

$13,50 Baronial Reed Tea Wagmt—Three shelves; removable glass tray; rubber- tired wheels. Tray covered ( 1 7 1 1 0 with cretonne. Sale P ric e ..

$3.25 Maple Armchair or Rocker—Wood seat, flat slat back and light roundarms; natural finish. Sale $2.75

$4.2.5 Medium High Back Rocker-Double reed seat and back and Hat ( 1arms; finished in red, SaleJTice

$4.00 High Back Maple Rocker—Natural finish; slat seat and back; iron J 3 . 2 5braced arms. Sale P r ic e ........ *

$2.75 Sewing Rocker—High back. low seat, no arms; double reed seat and ( 2 2 5 back; natural finish. Sale Price

$6.75 Large A m Rocker—Cane seat and back, iron braced flat arrns; sttongly built; natural finish. S f i 0 0Price ........................................... ....

$2.23 Canvaa Folding I.«wn Setteeo— Maple frames; adjustable back ( I 7 ^ and leg rest. Sale Price..........

• )'h' L'


Housefumishingsin the Sale$1.3$ Fancy Paper Baa-

keti, $1.25 — White enameled or gold bronze. Raised floral decorations.

.<2.6$ Wilhnr Clothaa B a s k e t s . $2.19— Strongly woven; im­ported willow.

$1.29 Bread Boxca, 89e— Roll top; white enam- eldd ;lsteiicifcd “ Bread

$2,39 No. 9 Wash Boil- ets, $2.19—Mediumweight tin; genuine copper bottoms.

$1.32 "Gem" e p Lad­

ders, $1.19— Cjear stock; firm, strong.

59c Wash Boards, 49e— Class nibbing surface.

Arnininutfa . SaucepaBi, $ l.lf—Coftvex Berlin styTe; 4-qurt ilge.

-m tM iicU U eH i" TqUeg i ^ per. $1.09—Six TMI pwkri mile of crepe

, tM p .

I ' '

t i P I "Heir

200 Pleeea Decorated Coveted Veg­etable and Meat DUhes, all large sizea; $2.45 ta $3.89 CUna,

*......... *27c to 5$e China Soup Plates, | A „

each ........... ....................

2 5 c Cups and Saucers, 1 9 c—Thin Chii^, decorated. Choice of

several pretty decorations. 600 pair IB the lot.

—limit one dozen to a customer.—None tent C. 0 . U.$4.95 KHebcn lU le, $4.0$r--Tbtee

fnot loni) wRlf-drowor; peMtod wood; hardwood tnnied legs.

$1.45 Ceeodr .IM r Ifata, $1.29- Medium .brush; 14x24 inches;

American Porcelain Dinner Sets, $19.98—160 pieces very thin porcelain to the set. Bordet

decorations, including maroon and green bands, with gold lace edging; 30 sets in this lot.

English Porcelain Dinner Sets, $29.98—100 pieces to the set; choice of three border decora­

tions; gold edges. >•lue Decorated Earthen Jatdl-

nierea, 29e-Only rS pioew in this lot. For lawns t pd stoops.

11.75 Thin Blown rumble*'*, doten

a n e V ehape, grape cut- tingt. L nui o,ie del. to * er. Non# € . XX Ik

West Hudsons Square Accounts with Scots

Observed at the Velodrome Opening

Harrison Soccer Eleven Gets Even

for Basting Received U st Fall

by Turning in 2-1 Victory.

Battle Rough-and'Tumble Affair

AeoounU w*r« iQU»r»d yd ilerday •ftornoon by the W eet Hud:ione f'" ' heating received in- a epecer game earlier In the eeaeon a t the hand#, or ra th e r feet, o f the ScoUish-Amerlottne. The ecore waa 2-1.N atlonat League (ta tu ro and the vie to ry enabU d the W eet Hudeone to aeeura a firm er grip on th ird place Intha raea for th e pennant.

T ha m atch wae a rough-and-tum bU aerap auch a* W eet Hudion and Scot- tlfh 'A m erlcan tenma of aeveral je a re back have alw aye itmnased to pu t up. I t wae not an unusual see s e t -oral men go spraw ling over the field, t u t to some of the fans the game was a dl sippolntni ei i l— a ito g ■crap on the field in Which th e players S e d to dem onstrate th e ir knnwladgeof the m anly art. 'V '’'h 'j f . 'a e T e e V n g who haa been In **'% ***'*‘* * ' aeveral flallc encountera a t a v iee t Hadaon-Scots soccer m atch, would ta rd ly believe It waa possible to have the two team s m eet w ithou t the cope batng called to resto re order. Not a alnglo tig h t am ong the spec ta to rs was

• 'T h e * n c a re a t th ing to a field happened In the ascond half when Sadie Jostled McKay of the H u d so n . H cK ay Is about the la s t man on the field th a t would bo looking for trouMe bu t he reeented thg r ig h t a f t f r th e bu lky w ing of the Scote and telU hg him a th ing or tw o, mean while w aving hie long arma, Badle d idn 't back up a frac tion of an Inch and dtdn t •* though he Intended to apologia^ Kef- «raa H arry Dunn arrived on before any dam age waa done. McKay d ag the ashea and d ir t ou t of hie eyee gad eara, bruehed o ft hie uniform and

PuRildd WIMllEli CALptNELL MdfdS A1'£-

Mast O' -ilie uPrtOLSfenidO OH CRiUPVS P0M£-


S't%HCEli*ei20'5. REPfALEO -Jfie $OUfHEeHT(lAlH/A«j ACf.

G o o SPCA B S PASSGO "tHe- 5 p e e p GOYS t-IKE. THE ItJffEflSouLS • PASSED The s u h

Lanky Bob Spears’s Display of Speed Features Opening Day Program at Jawn Chapman’s Track

Australian Win* Shanley Handicap, But Is Disqualified for Taking Pole

from the Inside—Grabs Off First Honors in Two Other Events,

Five-Mile and One-Mile, Defeating Opponents with Ease.

Poor Form of the Spencer Brothers Is One of the Big Surprises

The 1*18 bike rac ing aeaion a t tha Valodrome go t off to a aueceeaful a ta r t yaatarday afternoon. P len ty of cloaa and In te re itin g com petition waa eup- plled the fane, and M anager Johnnie

tha gam e w an t on.5>iUt*n a i a whole tha gam a waa a

b ro u g h t down three riders.W ith two laps to go W tllle Hanley,

Cat Thom aa and Menus Bedell epllled In fro n t of the grandetand. Oppoella tha Blands dpeara advanced In tha line a bitpiled the fane, and M anager jonnnie aianue opeare aovanceu u.

Chapm an announced tha attendance fig- and reached an a d v a n ta g e ^ e poaltlon urea a t S ,0«, a racord num ber to r an near tha fron t. W hen the rldera turned opening m eet In yeara, In fac t the beat

faa t one, a lthough aoma of the form er P layaia Inila ted upon bothering fang V ound n ea r w here they by ta iling Juat how poof both club* ware.' Not aVen ram arka of ‘Ij ■ f oouM m e th a lla tan a ri to a •Itch . Moat of tha apaetatora had on th a ir B a ite r auUa an d dldn t tak a a ohanoa on being "muaaed up.

•■wwa*a e a a l Setllea Game.I t waa anybody'a game uP t®

m inttlao-ol th e and. Brown “'*®*th a ball by W ard fo r th e w inn ing counter. D uggan had ta llied fo r th e W att Hudaona in the d r a t h a lt and P o rfa r *!'•"*<> “ S tha count a f te r t.an m lnutea o f play in th a aacond perioid.

W hat little wind waa blow ing Aay blew for th e advan tage o f tha Budaona In tha f irs t half. The breeie died down In tha aecond period.

W hen th a gam e a ta rtad a of aupportera of both taam a bankad all fap r aWag of th a field. The # e r a w ith o u t th e aarvlcga of K»}w. S t i l l and K naw laa. Who a re o u f fy ln g

^ I t b InJurMl./ Mck w ith pnauiwonla. The boo**

^ alao m inug aoroa of th ( p^yabp ' w are w ith th a club w had the victory

waa recorded over the Hudaona las t (aU. Tha rootora w ere about evenly d iJidad and th e re waa no le t-u p to th^e abearing du ring the n inety m lnutea of

* ’o n th e , k ic k -p ft th e Bcota b rought the b i J l - W d 'ft'est Hudaon te rrito ry and aeon w are ahootlng a t th e goal, In 'Iaae tim e th an It take# to te ll H *be ball waa sw itched to th e o ther end of the field and PeP W ard waa called upon to m ake a g ra a t stop on n ? " B row n's foot. W est H u d so n earM d a comaP w hich w en t wUd and th e feoU forw ard# forced the hall dov^n the Held, H itrry N*ll send ing tn » drlva Bnablea waa Just about ab le to reach.

D uggan. Mamtnaley, StageJ _and

crowd th a t ever a ttendad an In itia l meet In March, . , _ ,

Ther* w«r* tw o unlookea fo r re- vereala of form, onp the poor ahow lng of the Spenear boys. Champion A rt and B ro ther W illie, and the o th e r the u n ­usually line early-seaaon form shown by Bob ftpears and R eggie McNamara, flueara, In p a rticu la r, rode like a f lfeek . Ha finished Ural In the Hhanley H andi­cap but had to aurreniler the honors to McNamara, for ha took th e Pf>J« th* lni*d» and w as dU quallf 'ed fo rtkfi a^t ^

In ttia five-m ile open fiP«»r" tlcally r l n aw ay from th a field >n a moat eJtcUlnif finish. Bl* Bob d idn 't en- tov a vary auccciaful aaaaon on tha t r ic k U at yaar, and hl» h o st of friends w J r . g t id ^ c « e th e lan k y A ustralianfinish on top. UnearaThe mile open also vrent to wpeari. in w hich race ha dem onalratcd au- p a r l« l ty over m any r iv a l Aua rallan ? " e ra . Including McNamara. Greiidn, C lark and also WllUe Hanley. In hla v.*nt of th la race Spears also made a runaw ay of it, d e fe a lln f E ddlf Madilen and W illie Coburn w ith rem arkab le

" s p e a r i rode well jliw aen 't un til the final num ber on the program . In the f've-'P '**. ‘'j®played rea l cham pionship aillon to Dob's b u rs t of speed, the apec dmbnrB wiir« tTSstsd to jiss.r f i s l 'f l s n ton w heals betw eenand McNamara, and a lio to a aplll th a



f ro w n of th e Hudaona c r j ia e d and rb- erbasad n e a r the goal and a drive w as

Bayonne Soccer Team Grabs Cup Tie Battle

near the fron t. W hen th* rid ers turned the Mutin avenue corner M cNamara and Bpenoer s ta r te d shoving on® an o lh e^ Bpencer had the hardest shove and th rew Mac ou t of stride.

H ePfavara W p* iI •*«»Old tac le -ey ed EddU Bedford had hie

eyes peeled and slapped a ten-dOalar fine on M cNamara for rough riding- All th is action came In the Inst two laps of racing . Bpears shot out of the prooes- elon ju s t before rounding the Munn avenue tu rn and wont by the othern so /net he m ade them appear w ere rid ing backw ards. He itiiishoQ w ith p len ty to spare.

Chubby l it t le Jacques Clark s ta rte d in alm ost every race on the card b u t the m ile novice» and a ll-he had w as a re ­m arkab ly w elldtaorganlB ed cheering squad on hand, composed nf h is nead w aiters. chefSa cigar counter men and a few S in g ers . They cheered w henever Ja ck ie m ade hla appearance, and never gave up hope of th e ir cham pion w in ­n ing a race. ^

C lark 's own friends killed w hatever chance he had of w inning the five-m ile When they presented him a large floral horaeshoe and made ]ilm ride around the tra c k w ith the floral o ffering on hla ahoulderi. T hat burden took a l i t t le e tren g th away from d a r k le , and to g e th er w ith hla s tr ic t obeyanoe of (he ea rly cloalng hour (Inspector Cor- bally waa on hand) ha decided to close early , and he quit Juat before the fo u rth mile wae riached. am id Bhoera from hla employeea.

Many Ian s were of the opinion th a t Sponra would h a v e won the Shanley H andicap If he hadn 't been caugh t in a pocket. On the la«t lap Bob teund him self well aewed In an d ho co u ld n t do a th in g b u t ride In on the fla t. Ho flnlshod inches ahead of M cN am ara, ta k in g the pole from , -

Spears failed to uae hla head, lor

George Poole Enlists In Marines, Off Today

Barringer Football and Baseball

Star, Not Yet Nineteen, on Way

to Paris Island Station.

AfJfHUR 1?HOOES J2-Y E A R S OtD, 'r'Ho SYAR-fEP Amp F ih 'S*'ED lU -fHE AmaTEUR PACES^

Giants* Twiriers Hold San Antonio Clubbers

Slim Sallee and Jeste Bam ei An

Effective Against Texani and

Receive Good Support.

H. Zimmerman It Pursued Home

SAN ANTONIO, Tex., A pril 1.—Slim Sallee and Jeesa Barpea obaervad E aste r Sunday by tw irling c leverly fo r the Qlanta ag a in s t San A ntonio of tha Texaa Laagua. Tha N ational L eague cham pions breeied along to a T-to-1 victory. T he U lgglnaport e h e r lft b a f­fled the Texans In the opening four rounds. H o allowed only a q u a rU t of hits, two o f which should have been fielded, accortling to the critic s. B arnes allow ed six h its In five fram es, Tha form er B rave iw lrler waa aided hw good support fiirniahed by Doyle, F le tch er and Uolke. This trio figu red la t |foJ.__VI Ultl.rwrfl

ftcULiAR, A* r f MAY 5 eEP, -fHE MOST £kJoYAOt.e 1HIM<iA t ■tME- Ve l o ORPME i s JA K e.

MACIN OoiNtf "Th is vt

Three Blue and White Boys Away

George Boole, B a rrin g e r H igh* speedy little halfback and baseball player, has enlloted In the m arines and till# m orning le ft for P a ris Island, S. a tra in in g elation fo r recruU a from this d istric t. Pools waa one of the main- alaya of the BarM nger football machine las t aeaaon. Hie w ork all year long w as o f the b lgheat caliber, m any of hie long runs b ring ing v icto ry to the Blue and W hite. Poole, for a llllle fellow carry ing only ab o u t I3S pounds, w as unusually s tro n g and aggresalve, and an excellent broken field runner, Boole has not yet reached hie ulne- teen th birthday. _*

in addition to hla football ability .

Miller Back in New York Receiving Bids forJess WiUard-Fred. Fulton Championship Bout

Colonel .loe Miller I# back a t the Aator today receiving, considering and (urnlilK down bids fo r the W illard- F'nlton fjuarrel. S atu rday Ih® colonel hastens ’ to Baltlm oro In reaponee to an urgi it mcKsage from W illard , b u t what i lo businesa waa le ehrouded In mystery. The colonel la ebaojutely mum on the subject. Jees la there aell- tiig horses and It m ay be th a t he ■■h'P’Y w anted th e colonel to pass on a spotted cayuse. Be It known, the colonel la one of the best Judgae of ho rie flesh th a t ever bueted a broncho.

Y eeterday John Releler, the B arber of Harlem, railed , looking fo r bargalna. He offered »lCO.O(tO for the f ig h t, which Is 135.000 under the best o ffer in a t looks leg itim ate. W hen asked w here he proposed to s ta g e a eham plonsnip battle, the barber replied New lorK . Had ,Iohn proposed to hold th e fig h t In a church on a Hunday he would not have occasioned g re a te r astonishm ent. Ite lsler and hla re tinue escaped w ith- out cafiualttcB.

■ M cNamara w a i far ahead of hla n*areat

Babcock and Wilcox Eleven De-' ?he°hank,*'Jiouid "probably have noaed______„ r,lA/#A In thft

feat* Bridgeport Kickers, 2-1,

in A. F. A..Contest.

Mvpr and Sweeney in Limelight

M t ' t o r til* uprigJiti. W ar4 fum bled tha ball fo r a moment, b u t recovered before th e sphere touched the ground aim th re w the b a ll to eafoty. Some of tha M udipna and the ir fltatmad th a t the ball w as over th e line, b u t th e refe ree d id n 't hold tb a sam eopinion. ; .

A o g g a i i a a t h e Job ,A fter tw en ty -e ig h t m lnutea of

flra ioocer the W eet Hudaona tallied D uggan g o t the ball In the middle of th a field and dribbled U a sh o rt w aj a. la to r crossing to Helaon, Nelson sh r t to Ham lnaley and the la t te r shot for the « a l . W ard aucoeeded In knocking dow n th e hall, b u t D uggan pounded upon the lea th e r and k icked It betw een th a up righ ts .

D uring the rem ainder of th e f irs t period th e fioote foroad m ntfera and k e p t ham m ering aw ay a t 'th e 'VVeat Hudson goal w ith o u t reauU.

In the second half th e Scots w en t o u t to even up m atta ra . They forced a corner k ick apd gave Bnablea aeveral ehanees to ehlna In defending hla goal, r in a lly , th e W est Hudeona got th e ball and Brown and H eroln iley both sent In abotg th a t W ard acopped up w ith th a sk ill of a ah o rtito p In a baseball game.

Follow ing a scram ble near th e W est Hudson goal F o rfa r go t the hall and ttam m ed In a low drive th a t w egt u n ­der the cross b a r cloae to a corner of th e net. T h e acore gave the Bcota ro o t­ers a chance lo s ta r t a fresh ou tburst, w hile th e Hudson fans Joined in th e ohoru i fo r th e ir favo rites to go out and g a t one a t the o ther end of the field.

F o r a few m om ents th e Bcota had th e Budagna on the run. Two corner klcka xrera aacurad and then the West Hud,- aona took a hand In the baUle and a%- ourad a corner a t the o ther end of the field. The play w as rapid. The ball w as bounced from head to hand. When the situa tion In f ro n t of the Kent#' goal cleared eomevvhat a few m lnutea la te r th e h a ll waa croased over to Brown. Going a t top apeed the outside left shot th a sphere #a the m em bers nf both ta s tn s closed near the goal. When the d u st aettled .tb a bait w as lying Inside th a n e t and th e goal proved to be enough to win.

H ogan gave the W eet Hudson fane a scare a few m inutes later, but Bnablea m ade one of the p re ttie s t plitye of the day and prevented the S cott (rom llelng th e count.

The acore;

An e x tra period o f th irty m inlea w a . necessary yeeterday afternoon b e ­fore the Babcock A ' ‘o t y

- r e V a r r u r f i - g e ^ V - d a T a

f.iiv ln it near th e end of the n ra t •. low-memDer in- mvThe U l l waa scored follow ing a «er m- | topped firs t prlxe

* . _____ „r th e R rldaeoort net. Ht««hl# won hla heat

af|y^uii«sta .. r --- -(he hank , would probably - ou t some one for a place In the money Coburn. E ager and Kreba w ent down m th la race,

C h iu n p loa * |a » b le 1# La*t-Champ Spencer sacrificed hla chances

In the f lra l heoi of th e Bhsnley h an d i­cap, when, he pulled the b ackm arkeri for the g rea te r part of the dlatance, and when tim e came for him to go out he found th a t ho had cooked hla own

* L ast place Is no place for a se rgean t, b u t that'.# where Sergean t John l - S tnehle of Camp Mix, am ateur cham - plnn, finished in thecop. S laehle was satisfied a f te r the dav w as over that you can 't win bike ra ie s on beane. W illiam ’fM ler. a fe - low-W ®m b®r In’" tho B a y M e w

Speary Boys Rank Hightet In Diocesan Union League

^ a * g f in f Z t o r t h e B r id g e p o r t n et, ■"The sc o r e w a s sq u a re d In th" p er io d w h e n F la h e r th e b a ll b e tw e e n th e u p r ig h ts .

TWO f if t e e n -m in u te p er io d s "'o®®at th e e n d o f th e r e g u la r n in e ty

rh re x t 'ra V e rio d e “*®Tney^a*1lJJd a ^ the Babp Bucceedfd in holding ihl van ta»® m . UlQ

T h« h n e -u pBft-lioocK A WlicoXv

K«iHon-' N »pltr .. LancA , . tJmlth . • Clark ... Teal . .a . A ik e n .. . tjweenfy. Muir . - B illo t. - Holden

.......... Goal .Left fullbsek

V ..R llhtL#fi halfpack '.'..Center halfhark

Brldfeyort- . Cmuardt Grey

t>av1« Lloyd

1011# LOIJPOU ittmaS tie h la won hi* heal In the two-mil®

open, b u t again he finished aw ay In th e re a r In the final. Oua I jin g of Irv in g to n won. .

C lark alm ost gave hla follow ers heart tro u b le when he atuck w ith the leadera in th e mile open, and tor a tim e a p ­peared a s If he would finish, "ne. three. Boor judgm ent on iho H ttle fellow 's part, though, allow ed first. M cNamara, then Hanley and Corry, tu tak e P apa O renda's wheel from him. W hen Ja c k woke up it w as too late and he wan lucky to land fourth place. Ju d g in g by th e m anner In which he

G e o r g e P o o le .

Boole played left field on the baaehall team and w as one of th e m oat reliable outficM er# In scholastic c lrclel.

A# a junior Boole waa one of the speediest sevcn iy -flve-yard men a t B arringer. He cleaned up ao regu larly th a t p ro tests were en tered by o ther schools, who claimed Poole waa over age. A fter an Investiga tion It was found th a t Poole's sta n d in g w as O. K.

The exam ining oftlcera a t the m arine recru lltn g sta tion sta le d th a t Poole wa« one of the finest specim ens of man-

. hood th a t has en listed here In some i time,I B arringer now h as th ree a th le tes in

the aarvloe. T he o th ers a re GlL.Uregory, I who wae a p itcher on la s t aeuson's 1 baseball team, and H ow ard M aiie, firs t


Bight haifbsck. .OutJda right wing,

. Liioyu I j u a g in g uy hid ------------ ■Daw'ion I ^0,1, h . m igh t have finished fu rth e r up

.Insld# right wing....... Canter forward,. . . . I n i ld a le f t wing.

u ldon ............O utside leftS ,„ „ at and of Ar.t

’ ! Btark^y........ Bword®,’.Mountford . . . . riih e r

. . .Ch®1nx*r» .Bum®

Score * i o*rtod—'Bab-

?e*ck A ™ L fualicock * « .If"* I tor Babcockliubcock & J' HvreoSey

O, Caldlcoii.

Kinleys Eliminate Malta*,But Fall Before Speedways

Wf9t H4d»on». BnAbIfta . tetll nox -.Statrk .oh. Coirtitto . . McKfty . .MoU .......

V ^ Nelwn. . . . D uifxn. .Bief®!.-.-. BrfDimm

Kcottlah'Am^rlc®n®............. Ortin ...................... WtTll, . ,R lfh t fuItbRck.. . . . . , Toman, , L<*ft' fuUhiiQk................... Voat..H Ixht hiilfbAck. . . . . . ..Center ........... F. Noil

. . .L e f t hulfhAck . CunnlnRhamOutFirt® l i f h t w Lsf...........K oian.Inalde right v .(n f............... kiadie

,. .Ceivter f o r w a r i l . F o r f e r ..Inutile left winy. .H . Nell .Oaceld* left winy................ Co®

The Kinley Voecer “I ,rlaon y .a l . r d .y put on a douhla bllL er*ia* *'re(rulars w®nl tJp M sRaa in a cup tie gam e yeste rd ay

i ^ x * h i = ^ ; ; . s r a t ' * r t o r o r ’'ovai.

■"‘’a* S 5 r .^ t ';" . :u r ;d * ;h e cup m .a m . .M ^-dLkY made good on J^® * " L t t i e d , c- e ig h ty m lnutea the team s h a tiieo vh lm ul a acore. Then Hu^na Of the K Inleyi made a shot a t ihe goa and Olbaon of the H altaa f itte d the ball oi^t of tS r way. A penalty waa aw arded and M urdeiky aeored.

The line-up;

by em ploying a tittle g ray m atter,Eddie Madden tried to "go for two

lapa in the tw o-m lle open, b u t found he w a sn 't quite equal to the oceaalon. Tie w as nosed ou t a t the tape by the v e t­eran John Bedell,

T he aummartea:H U shenley Jr, Hsnrilcap, T ne Mite

(PrifeeK lenel)—la'on by PrBgte Auetralla (le ra lrh l; W llllsm P i n ’®?; .‘1^ Y r.ac lico i:0 yardel, sem nd; John Heden. Lynbrook. Long UlandPercy Lawrence, San FrencleCri 75 vardej. (oorlh: Kddle Madden. Senark (r.» >»ro*). fifih; time, I mlaute 67 ’ '®rt it. 8p®4r®, AuiirkHa, flnlihta flr»t, riwt lilAnuallfiBil for tAkinr iho polo from ino*"onp’-Mll® Kovlf# (Amxtrur)—Won by A- Anrloroon, N>w.rk; C. Mlll.r, Nowyk iiec- nnd: W. Roionth®!, Nowark, IhlrJ; llm®, 2 mlnutofl 1® hbcouCI®. . .Half-MIt® H®nfllp®P <Amat®u^>''-^^on by William Keller. Bey view Wheelmen (TO yardeJl Gui Ktlngel, Newark (TO ■' - ma_•r.e.a._ >ka..i1lA+ tl> V \®1 B V VnOBI#

Newark Council Team Best In K. of C. Bowling Race

The Speary fam ily is a t ba t again. F inal m atcU em atlcal e f fo r ts of the hard- w orked Piocesen Union Bow ling League secre tary nam e the St. A uguatino team R.s the cham plonehlp o u tf it and tne^ Speary hoys as the m ain "why for the b rand-new title . Jack Spearjh P” custom; thum ped the Joyous 18S.U a t -

, erago to r tw en ty -th ree gam es and heads the parade,drew'B g a ll w as an effective 180.8 th rough tw enty-eeven • gamea. Bin L lm pert, ano ther of th e oft-crow ned SI. A uguatlnes. carried off th e Indlvld-

' uat 'high score p r iie w ith a count of *’46

•Thp race fo r the cham pionship was m ainly a duel betw een th e St. Auguo- tlne p inners and the V. M. C. D A . of EUxabeth, In th i r ty gam es rolled the locals w ere beaten only four times, •Millie th e E lliab e th a n a slow ed UP iom e during the cloalng w eeks of the race, and a ll told, dropped n ine gamea, bl AuguBtlne'8 877.11 av e rag e wag h gh w ith the ru nner-up team being the only o th e r five lo average b e tte r than NOa. H igh score honors w * " ' *;? ‘” K lliabeth ahootere. who rounded outI, 032.

Standing of the Team*.W. L. Av

SI, AoKUstlna........ ..F.'bath Y. M. C, L. A, IISt. C arina................... IJnionmf,#ld Lyceum. 11T. A. a 8 ............. 7Holy N am e................. ®

ladlvldaal Becnrile. .O. Av,

J. apeary, 8t. A ugu#tlne.. 23 IM -H A. ap.'»ry, Bt, A ugustine. *7 Drake, Y. M. C. L. A . , . . *1 Mcahai,e. Y. M. C. L. A . . . **Dlutrlch, Holy b a m e . , , , t j J. Mearon, 8t, AuguMlno. 3 F. Llmpert. 8t. A uguillno IT w ill , St. A u g u it in e .. . . . .Campbell. T. M. C. L. A. 18

I t SlV.iVanw

A lthough Colonel M ilter would not verify the rum or, It wa® whispered th a t a. d flegatlon of D®nv«r iportlnK men ara on ih a lr way to New York to make ft very atyllsh o ffe r fo r th« battle.

Jack Huljfer, rep reeen tlng the Dav® nyaii syTKllcate o f Now Haven, wan cloeetod w ith the colonel foi* severat hours yesterday, and from the cordial m anner In w hich th e colonel bid adieu to Buliter, it- would fthpeftf th a t New Haven i t a tlll ru n n in g strong. °

® a •W ith the McCu^ boxing hill hurled

tn committe.p, th e Laweon boxing bill ; m ay become a law Su New York sta te . The Lawson hill \p very much like the am ateur boxing law th a t lived a shabby life of two yeara In thia sla te , though the la tte r bill w as m ore liberal than the on© proposed by S enator lauwaon. Four round am ateu r boulH under control of th e A m ateur A th le tic Union and the In terco lleg ia te A thletic Aasoclatlon w ith a ttendance tim lled to members o- leg itim ate a th le tic clubs and coUeffo s tuden ts a re the restric tio n s In the Lawson m e^eure. A howl about class iegiaiation has g ree ted the UlU.

•i • *On the s tre n g th of h ts knockout of W illie L angford , the rugged colored boxer, H arry G reb haa been matched by the Q ueensburr A. U. of Buffalo to m eet W tlllle B rennan Tuesday night.

d otib le k il l in g s .The McQrawlies reg istered tw o ruDS

tn the f irs t tnulng# Young t iu i l e d lo center and Bennie K auff doubted along the r ig h t field line. H ub N orthen hurled w eirdly to th e p la te In a fuUlo e ffo rt to p u t down Young an d K auff pulled up a t third. Me ta llied on a sacrifice ho ist by Doyle, w hich N orlhen camped under and dropped# though he m anaged to kill of Heine S ttnm erm an a t the midway. Zlra had been h it by a p itched ball. K auff doubled In th e th ird period and counted on a sing le by the Bronx sprin ter. Northen ob lig ing ly fum bled th e ball. A w ild throw by C atcher Gibson sent Heine to th ird and F le tch er w as hit by a p itched ball.

Then came a play to I llu s tra te th e fact th a t all the ivory la not aucceas* fu lly hun ted In the Polo g ro u n d s pre» serveF. Zimtnermai# w as chased over thd di»k w ith a run In the eam e m anner recorded In the historical ColUnt-Zlra-* iiierNittn dash of 1117, On an a ttem p ted double s te a l Zlm waa cornered betw een

I the bases, Glbaon hu rling to H arper,' p itcher, the New York th ird basem an

disp lay ing a dea. of anx ie ty to be on hlu way w ith the ca tch er 's th ru s t of the arm . Hale. Texan th ird basem an, then tried to beat Zim m erm an to the p la te and lost. Gibson ra n up th e bgse Mne and when Hale did f in a lly thiBw the ball, 7>lmml0 acciden ta lly fbum ped the backstop, causing hina to drop the ball.

Giant®.Tnimir. r .f . . . . 1 Kiiuff. f . f . . . . S w iih o lt, c . f . . 0 BiirnA. l .r . . . . 1 Zlm'fman, Sb 1 BoylB. 2 b . . . . 0 Mfmlh'y. ?b„ fl Kl0ti:h«r, r,a.. 1 Kodrig*®, ®',lt., 0 Hoik**. I h . . . . t Mct^arty, c . . , 0 R tr |d * n , c . . . e Salleo, p. . 0 Barnes, p . . , , 0

It. H. g.l San Antonlo.R, H. B,J hufran, l .f ..\ Ltbeau, c.X#. •0 Perry, Jb ........e Gibson, o . . . . U atiderson, c . ■ 0 Norlhen, r.f..e Hale. 8b ..........; Henning, a.®.. 0 Pier, l b ...........0 Harper, p ----01 Hydofn, p . . . ..........0[Cl T otal® .#.,# 1 I t •

T ota ls___ _ t 8 si*Battcd for Hydorn In ninth Innlhg.

Giants .............. 2 0 2 ® i e ® 2 0—TSan Amonlo.';. O i O O O O ® ® I

Two-base h ln —Kauff 3. Burn®. Hale, Pier, atnlen liftSM—iltilke 3, McCariy, Burn®, Double piays—Boyle, Fletcher and Holke; Fletcher, Boyle and Holkej Harper, H en­ning and Pier; Perry, Henning and P^•^ BacTiflc® fly —Boyle. Baae® on bane—By Sallee 2, by Harper *. by Hydorn 9. Left onbai®®—G lanis i . fian Antonio, byP iicm a M ils—By Ha^pif S izifh ihefm in# rieicher)'. HU®—Off Sail*®, 4 !a 4; off Barnai, « In 6; off Harper, 7 In T: off Hy- • dorn, I In 2. Struck out—By Salle® I, by Barne® 1. by Harper 3, by Hydorn i, P ^ e d ball—Olbaoti, Umpire—Mr. Brennan. Tim® | of gam®—1 hour and 36 minute®.

Beckman’s Sensational Shooting Wins Battle

Newark Turner Player Scores Nine

Points in Less Than Five Minutes

and Beats Plymouth.



ITT.11 131.18 7H-16 TT8.12




Stunt Best Ever Witnessed Here

«»rond; Moritm.r 'lou lltt. B»y men (SB y#rfl#). third! Ou# t * n f Irvlafton" " . U h L fvSrth; lint.; 6 . t-B #.ennd..

On*-Mll* Op«n (FrofVMlnnall—Wen hy Orindt, T»<m»nl#.

Klnleyi#HHiilnrt . .Bunn.........Murdvflky Rabon® .. MeUanu® Draker . Burn*

g©®r® a t end of f ln t half - W eit ,Hudaon>—W<*st Goal®

lO— D otgan an<i m ow n mr Went Kud* •oilff Forfer for Soodlsh'Americana, Llnei# man—'Knowlee for 'Weel Hudison®. Whlaton for IfettlKh'Amerlcana. Refer*®—HarryXHum# Tim® of halv«®-^-4l minute*.


., . .Fortor

. . .albaonHUtfihlMQ

cachiorii . . Weaton Aloxandar

..........AU®n 1Manley*


((©are a i eno ox nnx naii-- ,ti1, geottlah«Amerlcanii 0. Final ernre- KuoiODa I. Bootdeh-Amerk'ana Z. gQarad*^Doffgan and Brown for W»m

Pater»»i Picks Up Points At i^pense of Jersey A. C.

. . .G d#I...............L .(l (ullbutk..

, . .R1«ht futlbmak.... . . .L ,( t halfback..... .C r n l . r h l l f h a c k . ...R ig h t h a lfb a ck ...

o „ rn . .......... Oui#td# c lx l't w in*.Jo#. K lnarll# .In«ld# r ig h t w ing.S tou t ............... (- .n te r fo rw a rd .. ..1. K !n #olla ..,.ln «ld « loft w in g ..Wood#............ O u tild , loft w ing.

Scoro a t ond of f l r ^ ^* '* '7 * 1511!’? , #' Malta® 0 F inal ecor©—Klnl®T* To M allM ©. Goal •»oor«d— BY M urdtakg (p#nattYl. B«t- ,roe— W . Rowlvv,

Ilecau»e of the fatst th a t th e Klnlej-a m eet th e Speedway# next Sunday In a cup tie Aame the reserves of the H ar- Heon teani w ere eent Into th e exhibition battle . The Speedwuye w ere never forced to piny hard. Bell excelled In all around p lay by nettln* th ree fo a la

The llne-up:

N ^w irii: fourTh; H.nl'ey, fifth ;A lo ira ll# . iH th; tiro*, t minute# t» I-B »#c- ond#: l# it o ifh flt nillo, 12 1-8 #,rnnda

TWo-MII# Invitation (Prof###lonall—Woa hv’ L h n B ed ill; Eddie M idden, lf.w #rk , Mcond: Menu# Brdell, Lynhrook, LongJ«!aart. third; Peter Drobeoh, Boiton, fourth; W illiam Coburn, how&rli, f if th , tlm*. e minute# U 1-6 lecond*.

T wo-HII# Open (Am #t#ur>~W on hy Lang. Anthony Young, Newark, ##cond, WllUsm b SJS. B ay V1#V W he,lm*B. third: Itellir , fourth! tim e, f minute# 36 8-6 »,oonda

nvo-M Ilo Op*n (Prnfc##lon#ll—W oa by HnaeArav Afthur Spencer, Toronto, ®econ<l: John Bed®ll. tWrd; Orenda, fourth; W niU m Spencer, Towintn, fifth: Corry, tfixib: tlmg* 16 minute® 81 eeeondg.

Final K. of C. Bow ling L eague f ig ­ures otteP reason ap len ty tY’fiy the cham pionship fell to the lo t of - the Newark Council team . Only In the per- rotitage trf pamea won and lost was the race cloae. A# usu a l It w as the E llzahelh Coun.Tr team w hich trailed the Newarkera home, f in ish in g only tw o game# each w ay behind the lead­ers, hu t In average score the locals held a m ark oti 908.2 a g a in s t *92,22 for tho Union County five. E ltiabeth '# 1043 was tho high team score..

N ew ark also had som ething of a corner on Individual honor#. Secretary Ja ck Speary headed th e parade, rolling 103.13 for fo rty -tw o gam es. F rank Seaton of E lliab e th fin ished second, averag ing 187.16 fo r th irty -th re e games, then came Eddie B arkhorn and Johnnie W ill of N ew ark Council with 1S7.6 and 180.23 respectively. A lthough Jack Speary ro lled 255 and Seaton copped a 162, they w ere counted out of th e race to r lha high score prises he- cauBS of annex ing a v s ra g e awards. B arkhorn of N ew ark, w ho tu rned tn a 258, gets th e f i r s t h igh score .orlse and tho second trophy In th is compe­titio n falls to H ughes of Bayonne. His best effort w as a I f) .

The racord i;Btaadliig * t th e Teams.

j . tYobor, Holy N em o. . . * MrCloud. Y. M. L. L. A . 30 Farrell, T. A, B. 8 . . . . . . - 11 W idmpert, 8t. A uauitins 87 Dlfhm . SI. Auguillno . . . 3Mahon. Y. M, C. L. A . . . 30 Konnth, Holy N e m o . . . . Itlluileon, T, A. B. a ........Sewyer, 8t. C ecllle........p. Mahon. 91. Coellla- . .- J. Mehon, 8t, C ec ilia .. .A. Wober, Holy N a m e .. . Mri-«mbloy. B lo r ^ n tld . Aldridge. T. M. ^ 7-- A W McKeon, 81. CectUa- R-iny. T. A, B. 8 ; - .........Hleglns, B loom flolo.........8kmen, T. M. C. L, A . . . Shepard. Holy N a m e ...Zink, Holy N am e.............Kolly. Bt. C ecilia .............Ja#. McK*ori, St. C*?y**’E. Dean. B loom n eld -.' Lyon®, Holy N atn e .. # ..McMahon. T. A. B. 8........ - -McCafrlck. Holy Nam®.# J* RIU, T, A .-B. 9 . . . . . . . . . . 34Thorn too, T. A. B. S - . . . I* Cavanaugh, B loom flold ., 87 Hagan. T. A. B. 8 .............. »? o h ^ " M c K « r a * ’L = i i l s . U■rsdy. Rt. C acllls............. 6Brown. Roly N am *..--*# 8Flynn. Holy Nam® 18


. n. ST. 14 . S« . J>. s«. 16 . *7 . « . 10 . 3 . IT . IT . 37

16 13

Th® flra l *'raxab«?ry‘’ « f th® aeBaon wa# handed Ja k e Magln, when he fell In th e aecond heat of the Shanley.• * ®

Percy Harvle, Alf O oullet's l i t t le col­ored maeeot, wa# on hand, occupying hlB usua l s sa t on the f^nce. R e aurely m issed hla champion.

w . l : Av4. H.6.N®w*rk......................... . 86 7 8«4.2 1012E U nb eth ..................... . 13 9 883.33 1049PfttarjDh....................... . 24 11 866.6 98$i u r of B eth le h tm .. . 32 36 897*13 879

....................... . 30 13 144,13 4968J«r®®r cttjr................. . 18 31 816.8 816HudBon......................... . i i 11 714.31 8ITC M D f*........................ 4 n 740,1 110

Americans Blank Wes*l Sides In Soccer League G>ntest

lodM doal Becard#-O. Av,.

J. gpaarr, N e w a r k . . , . . . . !Haiaon, n i la h s th .................I watea. KilsabethiarkhqrnT N ew ark.. . . wm. Newark

iP ataraon picked up tw o pn ia ts In tjie N ational Bocoar Football League race vM tdTdar (Y t u r n i u ln a d-L vlcjpry

. 0 * dbjraey A. U. eleven. Thrad (e iA e r R atbiehein playe'rs.' Todd, Mc-

■' S t a y and Cagey, pU yed w ith P a t- '-W, .The con test w as decided a t

Parle. P aterson.M(,,..Oiyr«l4 e . . U c C r e a v e y a n d H a y e e

d a l l t ^ fg r th * 811k C ity p la y e c s in th e n m IkaM. T h e o n ly g o a l th a t f e n to U ia l e t . ‘o f th e J e r s e y s W as sco red b y

Speedways. 'yiuOMlI ..........* ■ . -Cloal........ - ■J. Unsworth ...R ig h t t u l lb s ^ . . T. Uniwortb ...L e ft fu llb sok ...Coaroy ............ B igh t hsllbaok .Robertson .. ..C e n te r h sltb sck .H e in e # ...............Left m tlfbeck-----Miller.............OuUlde right w ing,

KInley. Geegheon

. Doneld W easel


Cerksry. Paisrsen.: Till ■

. , Boston 1V ette r. . . . . . ..Inside right w ing, ...K srrim an

r torwsrd

MhgBaelt a b o u t to u r m lnutgg befora th a i a d a t ■■ ■____ th e g a m a

TIm U gt'U P :Jersey A. C.

,Osst.................... Ksstey... .ie r t follbaek. Spsnssvdaiih t to llhaek ........... tjeddss;!jf,IisftlA alteseh .. . . . . . . . . Beat

- "'rater h a lfb a ck .. . .Dickman ‘It halCbaek Klelmisla right (ring.. .Zehnbsuer"-M tftl w in g . . , ..........A lisa

ge feyward.- McLougUlat e f t w in g ............. Foalsr

le ft w la g ......... ShanesB

Beil ...c ion ter Forward."......... K lnseliaN lcholte.......... Inside le ft w in g ................ RoglaC rom p ton ....O utsid t loft w in g ...............D arkf

Soors at end of first halt—Spsedways t , K lnltrs 6. F lBsl score—Upesdwsys 6, .K Ib- leya d. Goal# ecered— By Vetter, -N lcholla Bell I and Cromploa. R atatee—Mr. -Slnglee too.

N e w Y e i l i D s f e a te J e l fe t . .Tha New T o r t aoceer football team

yesterday a fternoon a t LenAX Oval, New. York, defeated ‘ th e Jo lie t eleven of Joliet, IlL, 1-1, in -a n akhlbltlon b a t t le P uxty UUlad both g e a li to r th a New T orkere, w hite Sm ith scored fo r JoIleL The iiUoaiaaitYeiL w te aliiiilnated (roai the U nited f iu te e cup tie B eturday by Beuaetwtai. -The acore 'w aa 4 •«. .

T h e Jtitierlcan A . A- y e iU r d a y a f t e r ­n o o n a t -W eet Bid# P a r k , J e r se y C ity , Inoreaaed to f iv e p otn tg I ts e d v a n ta g e

, la th e N orth erji h few J e r s w a o « f r• I le a g tte ™ oe b y b a s t in g th e 'W ait S id e•' • ■ 8 A, C 4-0

... jo n ss i tw e n t y - f iv e m ln u te a o fp la y th e A m e r le a n i ec o red . W h is to n d id th e trick , fo r th e .A m e r tc a n a t a l ly in g on a p e n a lty . B r o w n la t e r ec o red on a lo n g d r iv e and W s la h an d a r a h a r a■ cored In th e seco n d p er io d .

American A. ,A. ' W est i l d ^

5 r S L , h V m V . - . N i « u b i ^ ; : . v : ; ^p hslna .............L eft fu llback .............. Brogaa" cK eS o a ....... R ight h a U J a rk ............... . . . f a yT inlla................Center h s ltb sc k .............. fa tm nMcDeaald ....... Left h a llb sek ...............W h lstee ....... Outstds right w l n g . . . . . . . H ^ rr v m e n .............. Inside right w in g...............CgrepBrew a . . . . . . . C sstsr forw ard........ T lapagaaH ^ a h ..............In#(ds l i f t ■O rahiun ........ Outside .left

8 srs at sad of ti-s t k a V a st t id es 6. Flnat A. J , w a tt N dta e. a « tdn. Brown, Walsh anaw . Ttewvsr. • jv

. A :

gWVmaarwieoMoran, E lisabeth ......... ...... ■CulllagtOD, Patereen.. . . . CantwelL E llubeth .. i a, ■Farrell. Newark...............Kslssr, Bayonns.........Qrlpj. Elisabeth..T. Farrell. Star of

’’IK'r l n f ! ' «>•

i-'Am«rfc©R Ae Aw pr^—Am®tle*n A.

“S l f T "

D®®nnf Bur ®e B«t A. fp«

Mth.. .fp ^ rv . Newark. >wn. jMr©nn®.BFOW i *»weyV'" "w • ‘

8tr®*l, Fatereon. -.UrlfCIa, Hydwn...........F lao tfU , Jer®®y CltF-


V.4143t l4141433443484®43898tS«43

18l.llI t l187 .1«1IT.8if« .nITIeSt

rjaoftfM, 4iere«r -w.vp.......... -Fltsfftm ld. J tr m r C ltr.##. 38 BitlUvMi. J® m y C ity ........... IIWhite. J«ra«y C U r.. . . e .ee VHUfhe®. B ayonne................. 41X Farr®tl. 8U r ot B e t h . . . 43CoonoUXs Jfillubetfai......... .. 43O'Brien, Paterson................. 43MeCabe# Bayonne.................. 41Minton, Bayonne................ 41HU1# Star of Bethlehem..# 38 0'MaU®y# Jereoy City*.'. ■* 16 O'Rh o p . Hudson.less.as. 14 De Luccta, P a ten o n ...v > 69 Maypothar, J«r*ey Cltywa# ITGoram^ Hodeona, .e .a .e e e MCoyl*.U t-Ifd-------------------------- - -Flyaa, Oraiif®.................... *♦luftWr J®T»®y city ............. 38BIV9A pr*tTf®,w........... . . 41Judfa# ttadewh, 4 ----------- J i

171,36i t i . t1TB.20IT9.161TI.4177.ltm . i i1TI.8S174.18174.3 174.14 114-14 n i i i iTI.tQ ITI.IO 171.1 1TL14178.7 1 4 l.l t 148-11148.4 148.11 141.16 164.3149.8 1I3.81 143.7 U l-4

H 8 .tH3173ttHi148344116319>343362S4243314» l291388216310734SIS

184.6 178 176.21 ITS.3 lT3el 173.12171.5 171. ano148.3168-t147.8 14T144.14

'166.13 162.1 163.1 m .iT

141.14141.8160.31 1*0.10 168.98168.7

. #118.4169.6147.8 147-1 147114.11 164 111 164114.31 113.S3161.11168.9 I S l . l 1BS.3 16L6147.4144.4 141,11

Johnnie Beckm an of the N ewark Turner© las t n ig h t gave the finest ex­hib ition of "p ln eh -h ltlln g ” witneaaed thla eeason on a local basketball court. At the end of th e second period the N ew ark and P lym outh team s were tied w ith th ir ty point® each. The m anagers of the club© decided to play an ex tra period of five m inutes. Th® N ew ark en won by a score o f 41 to 31.

A lm oit Im m ediately a f te r the (itart the e x tra aeialon Beckman w as

fouled and R eferee H ill awarded him a free throw , w hich be made count. T hat gave the N ew ark! a one-point lead. T hat w a sn 't enough to win the game, decided Becky, and he went ou t on a tea r th a t ripped up the entire P ly ­mouth com blnatlpn. In less than four m inutes B sckrnan scored four field goals, a ll of aenaa tlonal order# In addU tion to hi® free th row .

Beckm an m ade a to ta l of nine points In the five mlnutea# alm ost ar many as he made In bo th regu la tio n periods pu t together,

The crow d w en t w ild with delight ' fo r th e f i r s t tim e thin season

T he Boston American© defeated j B rooklyn a t MtUe Rock, A rk., y e s te r­day, 7-4. T he'K ed Sox p u t up an e r - i ro rleas game. Olson's e rro rs f o r | B rooklyn were especially costiy.L Cheney and Orimes did _the Buperbal fling ing . Mays, Jaynes an d Bu©h o ra j th e p itch ing for Boston.

* • f ,G eorge T. aStalllng© h a s announced l

th a t C harlie Herzog h as come to term s and w ill likely sign a c o n tra c t when he m eets P rftildeat Percy I la a g h io n of th e Boston club in A ugusta , Wedne-s- day#

• ® ®Leo F oh l's Cleveland team won yes­

te rd ay from the Now O rleans team At New O rleans. 5 to 2. Only one of tho five Cleveland run* waa earned,

• • *The C incinnati Reds w on th e ir n in th =

s tra ig h t victory yesterday a t W axa- hachle. Tex. They defeated th * W aco team of the Texas League, 3 to 1, Hal Chase lilt a home run.

The Houston Texas L eaguere clouted , Eddie Cicotte'g shine ball yesterday a t I H oueton and won from th e W hite Sox, | S to 6. • • •

Ban Francisco w as b lan k ed yeeterday for f iv e Innings by O rover A lexander p itch ing ■ ta r the C uba Cblcggo v o n , | S to 0.

te tm lThe Chicago N ational L eague — — w ilt a ta r t Its gamea a t th e hour de* sired by fane ufljeae th e goyerniptiitj Btates definite ly the h our a t w hich eon- tes te rtlu it be under way. A poll of the Chicago baseball d evo tee i .If being taken.

Otto Poll Safely Defends Flying Rings Championshijl


Athletic League* Clubs End Bowling Season This Week

aiixA avi viixr a»eai. a#ai>v >Min 9 caavishowed th a t I t rea jly appreciated Beck­m an's w ork. No p lay er ever pulled A(ch a trick on th e N ew artt court since b ia - ke tball waa f i r s t Inaugurated ;there, and according to th e home and vleltlng playgre It w ae th e bes t b it of scoring, com ing a t such an opportune time, th a t they had ever wUnesBod,

I t w as ev iden t r ig h t from the s ta r t th a t th e N ew ark# w ere In for a tuielo. P lym outh s ta r te d off w ith a field goal by F ran k ie Boyle a f te r a p re tty piece of team w ork. P ro m then on It w as nip and tu ck a ll th a w ay. When the f irs t h a lf endsd th a seora stood 19 to IS tn favor of th a N ew arks. In the second period tho N ew ark s pulled away and up until the fin a l few m inute* enjoyed a safe le a d

Plym outh, though , sp rung an unex­pected ra lly on th e fan s and on the N ew arks an d pulled up to w ithin tw o noints o f th e hom e team . A field goal by E rnie Retoh tied the «core.

W ith leas th a n a m inute tn go DickSm yths w as aw arded a penalty th row and he m ade It. p u ttin g Plym outh ahead

A thletic B ow ling L eague clubs w ill w ind-up th e ir reaeon W ednesday n tg h t w ith a ll ten team s In action. Tha New York A. C.. which, by v irtu# of a th ra s- gam e lead acquired la s t w eak, le looked UDon as a .sure w inner, w ill f l^ s jL t te w orn a t home, e n te r t i ln ln 't th e P a iia le club. Je rsey C ity 's h itte rs , ru nners-up to th e M ercury Footers, w ill pick on the lowly Union club a t R u tb srfiird In con­clusion. The S keeU rs a re p rac tica lly assured of a clean sweep, b u t the (Jotham ltes should n o t hav s a lot of troub le e ith e r tn g e ttin g th e one gam e tieeeMUty to Atiur© them th€ chumplon-. . _ .. . . KtP Ashe & Mat**

by on# polnL Up to w ithin th ree m inutes of th is po in t N ew ark lookad like a su re th in g . B u t Just as the w histle blew R eferee MU! gave Me W tlttr© A chfcijce, ©ftd Redr^Wnofell down e e r lle r In the night, made good th is tim e, m ak in g i t a deadlock.

Then follow ed Beckm an w ith h is won d srfu l s tre a k of goal-abootlng.

The score:a. F. P.J I le

Newer k. Bschmas, l.f. McWtsrs.r.f. . Xeermalsr, c, I Onyfus, t.g.. * Unrray, r.g.. •

FlYtneuth. O. F. P. gmythe. l .f . .. 1 ) 5 BoYls. r .f . , . . 8 4 I* Dshnert, G ..„ ) 3RlitSy. I.g.... 1 0


shin. O ther m atches se t fo r W sd n e id ar w ill b r in g 'fc 9 ^ « n o to Roseville,

T e ts ls .... 2) 8 11

Reich, r .g . . . . I 2

Total#___ 1* 11 *1

lUtf l

t i t IM

vroiwi. n u u n n . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . I l lM . T . i o f - B i t h : : : ! 1 111[QOMvrtt, ItwUoa......... 48 IIT.IS 9ll“ j l j

in.. us. . . h id x ii t«)... II lii.ii 1)1

D M *118.1184,18

__ . . . . . . . . . . . . 18MiltairerelA Orengs........... . f ) IdM lWalfeoe, H adson..,..

W ill w riii* V * VI l d m n to N orth E nd and Hoboken to B ant O range.

I t le p re tty - m uck o f a sure th in g th a t the team average p rise w ill find a re s tin g place in Bayonnn. The Bay# onne bunch have an av erage of H l . l t , alm ost seven points b e tte r th an the m ark cred ited to Je raey City. New Y ork 's aYsrage in t)4 .) t . Pope of Ho­boken, Soutar of Pasasic and D w yer of Bayonnei a ll hue* a chance tn tak e n is Ifadividuat cham pionship. Pope’s m ark fo r fo rty -e ig h t gam es tg 1I7.II! B O utart IST.M fo r flfty -o n s g a n sA Dwyer. In th e sam e num ber o f s ta rts , h as h it

'l»d.4S.Follow ing Is the o fficial s tand ing of

the clubs:Steedhit ef the Tassss.

L. Av.11.

PlymfMdi ^ in s from NatiotmU ' l l E W Style, Score 34 fe P

O tto Poll of d e N atiqnal T u rn ' -------a m em ber of the N ew ark police foro S aturday n ight safely defended *• m etropolU in flying r in g s ti t le tn M etropollten A. A. U. gym nnstlo ehS-j plonshlpa held a t th e T w sn tyv th ll s t r e e t Y. M. C. A., New Y ork. P o ll h* held th e m etropolltatt t t t la fo r i years, th is victory b e in g k is fifth , haa also held the n a tio n a l fly ing rin cham plonehlp for tw o y e a ra H e ! tends to defend h is n a tio n a l t i t le w» the cham pionships a re oonduotad * m onth. Poll Is s lU c h ad to the “ Prflclnot. . „

A rth u r -?Ve Nur®nt o f th® H a«o Turn V®r*ln hlio ©hfoly m©tropolitwi tin o b lln f honorpf lag a large field w ith a ^ Joed P ud a of the Y. « .'O t A. o f N ew ark k a:io ther local a th le t* to oome throO w ith h igh honors. D uda f ln lU M r In th e all-around oharoplonshlp. , OsBur of tha W est Side T. H. C. A. the all-around title . . ,

H ay B utcher of P i t s a ic rs ta ln sd club sw inging title . F re d S u m ^ r S of R u tg ers w as second. J . I* MdCifl of M ontclair, a eo n s iitsn t w innar, forced Into th ird p la c e ._____

FIBXHXN'S UUOIIR.On St. Joho's alleys- BNOINE n o -

............................. };!...................... !?fY oong....--....... 1“K s b a r j n e b l ' i S iVan Volkenburg.. 174

REPAIR SHOpj Catberweod. . . . . .Slegla..................Brown..........D onnlngas........Rsthletn........... .

...................... . d e l T o t a l . . , ^iStOIW # NO.H e n l s r , . . . . ....... »41»eott.

ilS bert'' ■ *• '■ * l l l ’ a '? W kensu iif VH u b e r t . . R o i t o i t . .

■ f t* ' '" '! ....... Totsr.

H epler.,,. elUr.......

SsR ae.a

r e p a i r M Q fOatherweea.. . ,Wegle....... .Brown-


New Tork .Jersey C ityiMxenne . y ^ i c ' v .BokoteB Bast OrnniN

9I4JI811*41l i i l l


wm 4 ;#

P ly m o u th h ad' a n e a s y tim e w ith th e N a tio n a l T iim o r a y e a te r d a y a f te m o o B a t t M B ru n o s t S s s t cou rt, th e P tn ito y l- v a n ta * la t * L e a g u e te a m w in n in g , 14 to 14. B a tc h an d S m y th e w e r e th e b ig a co r ers fo r P ly m o u th .

T he noorea:Nationals. G. P. FA Wymeutb.

B o u b .U ..- ,. » * • Rtioh l ,f ...., 1 1 USchwab, r.t.> 1 1 8| Sm yths, r . f . . . » * I fM a l e n a . # . I 1 l iD e h n e r t ,s . . , > * jR e y l^ t g - . . . • I lU d artsy ,I.f... t J JSchal'ng, ^ Rlpisy. ‘‘h*- • • J J

Totals....... • Itl 'ifetatt--,-

X)®AntOm®e s«4V« » R8thl< ‘ '•e— R0tn1«ln.. (*

John Rus!

■MsS dRRdgy PiTgSB ay Blow JUniolE, ‘

tjUrtgSR T ie ie rls t,

I j i tem p s r BfcwEd,boy a boi of

r d i s r o uwl kM P


Bob Spi ^uiet, North atrenuous st drome. Sot finished firs but was dis( Side McNam in prize mor

Spears ' heals he sin he cime thr it by his hi grabbing off

The Spe of last seas( thin and his a lot of har for they see; w as second family for tl

Frank K with a desli that he exp< Sunday,

Bethlehem I

Bethlehem final r^und tie and wit K udsont or trophy. Th final round Jo lie t eleven Rovers, pre# gelned the i Y.yrn Hlbe--i Rover# and on a field - Bethlehem ti w ith the Tl penneylvatiis to capture I th e Nation: Rover# trip i final fo r the letiem mana, cup hy ham T-to-0 bcatti

Laet seas, gallon defea fo r the Natlc w orkers clal th is year th. the club Ust ably would th an tVeBt 1 fe a t sufferei m ore than 7 fa s staged bne goal c jiy Captain ' h r l t ralnuti

Remaining si present were considered t so c tsr ever 1 fo r ^ n Inata In Its play, tak en In a t Budsoha mu Ring un til t th e Rover* top speed In son forward

Amateur In Title

p i n b h u r :te u r golfers South smat< m snt today eighteen ho qualify ing r> b4 wd to r <

The lateBt G ardner of Providence; Shore, Arth: L ard of Ch George R. B th a t Norman am ateu r cha title .

Hagen and In Mat(diPINEHUR RocFteBtei

op«n chaini Broadmoor i S and 2 In t o f D etroit e TounffBtown

R ob© mad' In 3&. 35—70

Mias Bjur - Indoor

M lse M olti tdnni* playi tional Indoo: urday by dc In the final' m en t Armoi th ree hard s

Freehold ti Races onFreehold '

tng races, t: pneera, on tl

All la actl stab lex Tn lively eeaao ttOH Ifl the I

E ntrlea c Grand Circu

Al D rinks the owndt c Francisco, d


MOMtAY, APRIL 1,1018.

Hold ,) Clubberse Bames Ak rexant and Jupport.

ursued Home

April 1.—Slim krnes obaervfld

Cleverly for Antonio of the

'attonaln f to a 7<to-l ort flherlff taaf- e opening four ilr a quarte t of ould have been B crttlcB. Barnee re framee. The B,a aided good Doyle, Fletcher figured la t |ro

Btered two ruDi ouiig iiu ile d to ff doubted along

Hub Northen plate In a futile [rung and Kauff He tallied on a », which Morttaen pped, though he Bine Ztipmerman ad been hit by a doubled In the

id 0! a elngte by >rthen obligingly

wild throw by etne to third and

pitched ball, to Illustrate the r la not aucceaa* olo grounds pre* was chased over the same manner leal Cclllni-sim* On an attem pted

cornered between rllng to Harper* k third baaeman anxiety to be on tcher‘s th ru it of n third baaetnan* immernian to the n ran up the base did finally th«mw Identally rbumpied : him to drop the

San Antonlo.A, Hi B. ufcan , l.f. . . 0 3 0 theau, c>ii . . 0 0 0frry , J b ........ 0 I iIbBon. o .■.. 0 1 t nJeraon, c . . 0 S I orth«n, r . f . . 0 1 1[a]«. l b ......... 1 1 0l«nnlng, 0 0 0'ter, l b .......... 0 I 0larper. p ----- 0 0 0lydoFn, p . . . . 0 0 1 Aqa*.......... 0 1 0Totali 1 II •


lBFAIII UfQf lefwaee.. . • le ..im. • • jDtQfir. •• I lilein..,*'*

r k»n«d, of 9 kwp


LOOKING AT ITBob Spears and Reggie McNamara gave an artistic demonstration that

quiet, Northern training wiil do more to get an athlete into condition than a Btrenuous session in the balmy South during the races yesterday at the Velo­drome. Both of the Australians were in excellent shape and loolced it. Spears liniihed first in ail three of the professional races in which he was entered, but was disqualified in the B. M. Shanley Jr. Handicap for coming in along­side McNamara on the pole. This little exhibition of bone cost him just $100 in prize money. McNamara got first place.

Spears was just as good at long distance racing as in the sprints. In hi* heats he simply shot away from his opponents like a skyrocket. Everi though he came through on the flat in the Shanley Handicap he put some thrills into it by his hard riding. And he finally topped off a very successful day by grabbing off first place in the five-mile race.

The Spencer brothers, who looked like a pair of heavyweights at the end of last season, came' on to the track drawn fine. Arthur Spencer was almgst thin and his face seemed a trifle drawn. It^was evident that they had put in a lot of hard work in the South. It may.have been work in vain, however, for they seem to be trained down too fine for this season of the year. Arthur was second in the five-mile race, but that was the sole honor for the Spencer family for the day. ^

Frank Kramer sat in the front row of the grandstand and became infected with a desire to get back into harness. He stated before the five-mile race that he expected to be into racing condition in time to enter the races next Sunday,

in ninth Inning, ft 1 B fl 2 0—7 0 0 0 0 6 6—1

3. Burni, pier.3. McC»nr» Burna, Fletcher ana Molke; •lothe: Hgrper, Hen-

Hennlnjt BM*e on

ly Hydorn 3. Lett i>it A nionlo t . Hit hjr

S (21hime7ifiih,4 In 4r oH

rper, 7 In T: off Hy- out— By Sallee t>y by H ydorn i. Peseed

-M r. Brennan. Tim e ,6 m lnutea. ’*nerlcans detoatod | Rock, A rk., yo iter-1 Sox p u t up an o r­ison 's e rro rs fo r i especially coafiiy.I B did Jb e B uporbal ynes an d E u ib dTdl ston. I• f Iigs h a s announced

h as come to term s n a c o n tra c t w hen ] Percy Ilau g h to n of A ugusta , Wedno»-

and team won yes- sw O rleans team a t U. Only one of the w as earpedi• •

eds w on th e ir n in th es te rd ay a t W axa-

defea ted th # W aco League, 3 to L Halrun.■i •se L eaguers clouted ne ball yesterday a t j Iron) th e W hite 8ox* j

* .L* b lan k ad y«it*rd*y y O ro v .r A U xander ;ub*. Cblcaco won,|* *tlonal LeaBU. te a m l i«* a t th« hour d * . | ,88 th e goyerpm soti a ho u r a t w hich con» r way. A poll of th ,

d«T0t««a ,1* bein t

:ly Defends s Championshiilyatiqnal Turn Verai* Nawaric police fo ra ■afely dtfonded h | IB ring* title In t t . U. gymnastlo chaii t the Twenly“th l i Kiw Tork. Poll M

iltu h title tor fo |’ being hte fifth, national flying rin two years. He f

ie national title wh 8 are oonduoted t .ttached to the a t

rent o f the Hatio I eately guarded b lin t honor*, dote 1 w ith eaat. Joe^' a A. of Newark , lets to come th ro l Duda flnlehtd lecq ohamploDibIp. Jbee t Side T. M. C. A, le.t pi**aie retained . lie. Fred Summer! econd. J. I* HeClo eniletent winner.

It'S L S A flO .gyi, __ .

nllPAtR BHOP| Cetherweod....!aieele..................Browo.Donniiice........Itettilelh............

i '

Bethlehem In Final f U norrlalnty Beneflelai

Bethlehem has again qtfaliried for the j Borne of the m ajor league m anacers final r^und in the national eoccer cup and th e ir fo llo w er, are doing a , lo t of tie and will meet e ith e r the W est I w orry in g and more o r leas quiet com-K udsont or Fall R iver R over, to r the trophy. The Bethiehem a gained the final round Saturday by defeating the Jo lie t eleven of Joliet, lll.,Ot to 0. The Revere, present holdera of the cup, gained the nem l-flnals by beating the T.ynn Hibernian". 6 to 0. Now the Rovers and WeBt H udsons w ill clalh on a field to be decided upon la^er. Bethlehem has an old score to settle w ith the Rovers. L ast season the Pennsylvania eteel w o rk ers expected to capture both n ip tic competllluns, tb* National and A m erican. The Rovers tripped up Betlilehein In the final fo r the N ational L'up, while B eth­lehem managed to w in tho American cup by handing the tV est Hudsons a T-to-0 beating.

~ 4 ._

L ast season the Hathlehem ag g re ­gation defeated Jn lle t in th e aeml-ftnal fo r the N ational Cup. 6 to 0. Tho atcel w orkers claim to have a be tter team th is year than th a t w hich represented the club last season. Balh*eham prob­ably would ra th e r m eet the Rovers th an W est Hudsof* because of the de­fe a t suffered last year. A crowd of m ore than 7.B00 caw the game. wMcii fa s staged lb P aw tu ck e t, R. I. The hn* goal of the b a ttle was scored py Captain Tommie Sw ords during the h r l t m inute of p lay , D uring the

•rem aining otghty-nlne m inu tes the fane p re se n t were trea ted to w h at has been considered the g re a te s t e ih tb ltlo u of soc ter ever given tn th is counivy. Not fo r .an in stan t did e ith e r side le t up In Its play. More th an *Z,liilO was tak en In a t the ga te . B ut the West B udtoba m ust be f igu red tn the ru n ­n ing un til they m eet th e Rovers, and th e R over, will have to go along at top speed In order to , hold the H a rri­son forw ards In check.

p la in ing because the selective service law is g rab b in g th e ir younger s ta rs one by one and has them on the anxious Beat ab o u t a num ber who have not gone yet, b u t who are In Class I-A. T his Is our Idea of noth ing to worry about. U n certa in ty Is about the best th in g th a t A n be Injected Info^ m ajor ; league baseball a t th is time. If the CJlatitH should lose Benny K auff. it m ight be a bad th in g from the Glaiite' point of view, but it would weaken the h a ttin g s tre n g th of the team Just enough to give some of tlie o thers a b e tte r chance. The loss the league ■ raoea look like cut and dried over-bal­anced a ffa irs the better.

•M anagers who have beeii building

th e ir p itch ing or h a ttin g streng th around youngetcra in Class I-.U a t the tra in in g cam ps have Iherm elves to blame. They have had Just as good o p portun ities ns the public a t la rg e to find o u t th a t all tho young men In th is c la ss a re quite likely to g e l Into tho arm y before the sum m er ia half over. I f they havq, planned their s tra te g y so th a t the absence of one o r tw o boys will d istu rb tho whole w orks th e re is som ething radi,]ally w rong w ith them as baeeball leaders. The club ow ners and m anagers who show a d istinc t preference for o)d- tim ers Just now* m ay not be fa r wrong in th e ir calculations.

Eager Is Unable to O ^ ^ se Chapman in Roller SpeedingTh* m atch race b«tp^cen W illie K a^er

ajid 'Q flo rge ( 'h ip m an which waa ex­pected to be a fcAtur* of home tra in er racea of the Bay View W heelmen S a t­u rday n igh t, did n o ^ ta k 6 Place, i t waa explained th a t E ager w as called out of the city iHt* S aturday afternoon. H ow ever some good sport was provided by men who com peted on “ilie rollers.”

<'hapnian gave a one-m ile exhibition. .The mile w as Negotiated In 1 m lnule 1 1-6 seconds. Cius KilitKel was winner over fluB Lang. K liiigel jumped at the hell tap. and, a lthough Larig made a despera te effo rt to regain the distance lust, he was defeated by Inches.

A lbert F law s and Anthony Young furnished ano ther close finish. 'l‘he p a ir pedaled a long M everis for the last four laps, Young w lntiljig by * narrow' m argin . F law s was viotorlous over Young recently.

W aller Pofahl won in a five-m lle- and-four*l;ip pursulL laf'e ag a ln s i David latuuls. Fofnlil was uul Wi front early, hut Lands w as close to even w ith his adversary lU the iwo-nilln m ark. Ke could not guln iho advantage, howev^fr, and the crowd tippluuded (he w inner for hifl exhihitlon o rjita in in a and speed,

"Baby w ants a new" pair of shoes.’ F.eo Brlndle Htid E rnest F»ofahl Inev have had such th o u sh ts as th e y ‘"rollert” along for one mile and a half. Baby shoee w-ere the prise. Brindle w'on. •lohn F U wh won a pnreult rnoa from H enry K reu tter. F red W oltersdorf waa v ictorious in ii race against Henry Huelson. so-called fifty -year-o ld w on­der.

E n try b lanks are now out for the N ational A m ateur cham pionships on home tra in ers to be decided a t the Bay View' W'heHmeii's H all n e r t Saturday n igh t and the Saturday n igh t following,

Conlesses Slaying Sister,Her Sanity to Be Tested

6 't a f f r*rrM pf/dfftcc.TinCNTON. April 1-— Inquiry hs to th»

san ity of Mies (’ornelia t ’onaolloy, w'ho is paid to liave udinllted killing her

Kstclle (’onaolloy, In th e ir apartm ent here y^Blerduy, will be m ads a t tlio S tate lloap ita l t/ir the Tneane. wiiore tlie eelf-accused m urderess was taken after the tra g e d '’. Tho' wouian, wiio is fifty years old, 1ft a tm ined iiurne. Her sister, who was fo rty yciirs old. WAS u school teacher.

Tlie filRters were known to be in- sepainible cliUMis, t'orneUfl. it is he- Heved. l;ii*ored under the delusion th s t her Hisicr‘s life wH;q oiMlaiigcred *hy tJennan spies. She s.iid she killed her s is te r by inulual agreem ent, and asked to ”hc given the elei-irJc chair." which she said « aa “the h ighest honor that can coiW to- me."

The killing w as sccompltshed by slash ing Ksiclle Coiisolloy B w rists w ith a. scissors. After i» slcetrttig pofl/der had been sflm lnlstercd her. Thfl victim bled to death. Im m ediately a f te r the crim e, Cornelia ('onsolluv w ent to the home of a friend. C liffw d P. Taylor, and said, ' i have killed fitell," The woniait seemed anxious to have Taylor keep the secret, and added, "I don 't w'ftnt Tum ulty to ld nor nny otherg of the Irish.*’

' 'f, I :• ---------------------- ^

Amateur Golfers to Start In Title Tournament Today

PINBHUHST, A pril 1.—Many ama- t* u r golfere w ill s ta r t In th e North and South am ateur champkinHhip. tou rna­m ent today by p la y in g " tho f l r i t eighteen holes v t th e th lrty -s li-h o le qualify ing round. Tw o courses a re to b4 led to r each round.

The la tes t en tries include Dr. C. H.G ardner o t th e Aga-wam H unt Club.Frovidence; R. M. M arkw ell ot Lake Shore, A rthur T ates, Oak Hill; Allan Lard of Chevy Chase, De W itt and George R. Balch, C incinnati. I t Is said th a t Norman Maxwell. N orth and South am ateu r champion, w ill no t defend his title .

Hagen and Barnes Are Vanquished In Match Golf Play a^PinehurstPINEHXTRST/Aarll 1— 'W alter Hagen

of Hocheetbr, the lidw N orth and South , -------------open champion, and Jim Barnes o t I * »Ptain R obertson expocla to an Broadmoor w ere defeated yesterday by nounco hla llne-UD In about ten days,S and 2 In a m atch a g a in s t AIox Ross o f D etroit amj H erb e rt L agerblads Youngstown. *

Ross mads th e cham pionship course In !5. 36—70.

St. Charles Juniors Will Start Baseball Campaign Next Sunday

The Bt. C harles Jun io r B. R c .’s firs t gam s o f the season Is sla ted for Sunday a fternoon w ith the W eequahlo Cubs a t P ark View Oval. E arl Doney will cap- ta in the St. C harles team th is season. .,D tc k K ugism an , P ltsp a trtek , Doney, Mowe, McDonald. Manley, Boos, Scho­field. F lan ag an , Clancy, Klernan, Qreen- wald, B rones and Klmmell will w ear St. C harles uniform s. Tlie secre ta ry and tre a su re r of the club Is Oscar W alsh.

• • sTho V atlsbu rgh T igers w-lll open th e ir

season Sunday m orning w ith a game ag a in s t the E ast O range B. B. C. a t A th letic Park , V allshurgh. The T igers will line up w ith the follow ing p layers: W uenseh, le ft field; Loclcero, cen ter fie ld ; H. Scheper, r ig h t field; Kearn, th ird base: W . Scheper. firs t base; K ren ts, second base; K astner, sh o rt­stop; Tlghe, p itcher; Weber, catcher.

• • •Casey Glassen, m anager of the Iro n ­

sides, expects to com plete a rra n g e ­m ents th is w eek w hereby he w ill secure B erry Oval, ad jo in ing tho old Asylum Oval, a t South O range avenue and South T w elfth s treet, for a home field.

* v *The F ire sto n e team, w hich will com­

pete u nder th e leadership of Frederick R obertson, a fo rm er college nine cap­tain , Is f ix in ' to b reak Into select semi- pro com pany hereabou ts during the com ing season. The team will be com­posed en tire ly o t F irestone employees,


j ^ L _ ______

*No Cook, Me Wanna Fight,” Chinese Soldier at Dix, Formerly in Newark Restaurant, Informs His Captain

1— Private Charlie Wing of New­ark, Chineae.

2— The central figure i* Private Frederick Sherer, To the left of the group ia Private Peter J, Olini and to the right of the group Private Charle* voo Eckern.

3— James Btrrillo of Newark and Frank Hauch- of Bayonne. Hiuch is in the side car.

Three Are Hurt During Draft Riots in Quebec

Anti’lfonscriptionists Attack Sol­

diers Engaged in Removing

Arms to Citadel.„ t

Quiet Prevailing in City Today

Autos Kill 23 in New Jersey, New York Fatalities Jump

NEW YORK, April 1 (.P ).—ReckfPBf) autem ohllc d rivers %jtd oilier* .cauaed the death of f ifty -th ree persona, one- half uf wlium w eie I'hMiUei], In lh6 alreota of New York t!lty during March, arcordlnjf to the repo rt of the N ational H ighw ay TrotecMve Society, l^ u e d to- [ day. The ffttalltlee were more than | double the num ber fo r the correttpond- itiir m onth lost year.

The autom obile death toll for the Btato of New Jersey In March was

., tw onty-lh ree . an Increaee of nine over the flame period laat year. T rolley oars rauned the death of th irteen persona and fleven w«re killed a t ^ a d e croMlfi^a in New York S ta te las t months the report Plated.

Husband’s Suicide Note Hints At Murder of Missing Woman

Fpet-ial Ferrlce of the yEWff,SOMERVILLE, A pril 1.—Search la

being made today fo r the body of a w om an who h as been missing: fo r a week and whose husband, F red W ie- gand of Mt. Horeb, com m itted suicide S aturday a fte r w rl^irg a note dtrectlnsr th a t there be elv'en to the Somerflet ro u n ty proaeoutor papers th a t Included w hat appears to be a confession ot m urder. To a sla tem en t of bustnoHs a ffa irs w as added a paragraph , read- InR-; 'T killed the old devil and th rew her Into a holp. Lewis had nothing to do w ith it."

The “Lewis" refe rred to Is believed to be Lewis W iegand, son of the man who com m itted sucldc was a steoaon of tho woman who Is m lsalng and th o u g h t m urdered. The non and his fa th er, a man of Kixty, w ere questioned fla tu rday eoncerulnK Mrs. W iegand's d isappearance. Both a t the tim e de­nied know ing any th in g about IL but developinetktfl led the au th o rities to hold th e son a s a m ateria l \vitness.

Mi$s Bjurstedt Captures - Indoor Court Championship

Miss Malta B ju rsted t, th e Norwegian tenn is player, won th e women'* na­tional Indoor tenn is cham pionship S at­u rday by defeating Mle." E leanor Goss In the final m atch a t th e Seventh R egi­m ent A rm ory,-N ew Y ork City, a fte r th ree hard eets a t 3—8, <—1, 6—U

Freehold to Have Early Closing Races on Memorial Day ProgramFreehold w ill have th re e early clos­

ing races, two for j^ o tte rs end one forgseere, on Ihelr M emorial Day program.

• • • .All Is activ ity about 'Weequa'iijc P ark

stable*. Tralnerd^^are p reparing to r a lively eeaeon and stren u o u s oompeCI- llOfl in the various "brUBh**."

" • "E n tries close fo r th e Phlladelphis

G rand Circuit m eeting la one week.• « •

A1 D rlnhw ater v t H aekenoack 1* new the owndt o f the filly OlUotta by 8*n Francisco, dam O sanam . by AxteU.

Concanntm and Greenleaf to Play In Week’s Pocket Billiard ContestJoseph Concannon and Ralph Qreen-

leaf, p o cket b llllardlstn . a re to contest each afte rn o o n and evening th is week a t D aly'* Academy, New York.

E erh p lay er hea won & match* Mau­rice D a\y offered a purse bo th a t the question of superio rity could be de­term ined.

Siam Will Send Aviation Corps Of 500 Men to Assist Allies

SAN FRANCISCO, A pril 1 av ia tio n borps o f 600 mem bers w ill be Slam 's con trib u tio n to the E n ten te Allies, accord ing to P ra n k D. Arnold, form er C harge d 'A ffairs a t B angkok, w ho a rriv ed Here yesterday from Siam on his w ay to VVashington.

---------------- --------------- W

Tentatively Favors Rate Raise ■ On Fares in Some Jersey PointsWASHINGTON. A p r i l l (AP);—Tho I n /

te r s ta te Commerce Commlealon today ten ta tiv e ly approved an appileatlon of th e P h iladelph ia * Reading R ailw ay fo r increased p assenger fares betw een F b llad e ip b la and A tlan tic City, Cape M ay, O ceaa C ity and o th e r New Je rsey ■eaghore resorts.

Marines Get Ten Recruits in Campaign for 2,200 in Month

Ten men, tlie f irs t co n trib u tio n on tla m onthly quota o t fifty , w ere ren t to P arte Island. Va., today, by the m arine rec ru itin g office a t 350 M arket street.

M arine recru iting sta ffe th roughout tho country are endeavoring to p ro ­cure 2,200 men betw een now and Stay 1.

S ergean t Thomas V. Green of the lo ­cal office w as o p tim istic today over the prospects of g e ttin g th'c required num ­ber. Ae selective service men w ill be accepted by th is branch of service when they presen t releases from th e ir local j boards, many en ltsim an ts are looked for.

Thoee leaving today w ere: .Geqrge D. Poole, 1 Roseville avenue: C harles H er­man. 182 Ridgewood avenue: Carm en Pucclarlello, 20( Je ffe rso n stree t, and Leland W ealey Rosencrane. 3(3 High stree t, a ll of N ew ark ; I^ u la E dw ard W allra ff, 11 Broadway, H instde.

M erle MoAUlster. 101 Elm s tree t! H a r­old P reston O sterhout, 640 Linden av e­nue, and Btevei^ E sco t Boweii, 070 P ennsylvania avenue, a ll of E lisabeth ; Thomas T im othy Bolan. 303 H arrison avenue, H arrison, and P au l Revere Fox, 340 Sixth avenue, B utler, Fa., Poole form erly . a ttended B arrin g er

H igh School and pU yed le f t halfback On th e football team . R osenorans had been a corporal In the " tilg G tina" Mc- A Jtleter had bean en g ag ed j a a rap o rte r on an E lisabeth paper.

,Corrc!rpfnrtffJtrr.CAMP DIX. April 1.—Charlie Wing,

who fo n iirrly lived lu Mulberry Arcade, Newark,*aiid w orked there In a Chlneso reatiiuraiit, cam® b ea r polns back to hl3 old trade. The captain of the recru it company in th® 3l2lh In ­fan try , where Cliarlle Is tralnlhK. needed a cook* and, going over the lis t of his jiieri's vocnllons In civil life, found Cliarllo listed us a cook. A few n'^liiuteH later the rco rn lt w’aa sum- monecl and lotd he was to tak e a course In arm y cooking.

"No* no, no, no!" p ro tested Charlie. "No {.'ook Me w anna fig h t!" And Charlie* who happ*b<d to carrying hlR rifle, w iih bayonet a tti^ h e d . Inngod forw ard and made a vlclou* stab a t an Imas^lnary German.

‘T th ink you'ra rig h t," decided ib t cap tain . "We’U not m ake a cook oiii o f a fellow who w&nts to ffghL as you do."

C harlie grinned broadly* thanked the cap ta in , saluted and m arclicd back to q u ^ rtcrg_ with th§ b earin g nf .a cfllmicl,

''i io w Ifl the w eather up there?" Thid Is a question tJiat F re d erick Bherer of Si»ulh Beventeenth s tree t, New­a rk , Is ge tting tired of being asked. Few men In the cantonm ent have anyt th in g on Sherer, recrulti in the m atter of height. He Is bIx fee t five Inchefl ta li and weighs 210 pounds. Doors of o rd inary fllte requifc S herer to stoop hie w ay about sind shelvea uRcd to Htore things oul of reach are elbow re s tin g placcH for him.

His p lrtu ro Man taken one da,\' when he w as on “kitchen polire," or helping out In the niesB hall. Tils oompaiitoris In the .picture, P eter J. Olini of 28 Hnnkr s tree t, Newark, and <l!garles von E ckern of Jerney City a re veterans of Hlx m onths' Irnlnlng. iSherer Is a quiet m an. He figures lif* slsc Is attrju'Mon enough w ithout m flkingm uch noise. Be­fore he came to Dix ho w orked for a construction contracU ng firm. Hie hunkydee friends In 'tlie reg im ent advise hlnri/'to build n spccisl eise trench for him to train In. T h ey-fear thiU unless he traveled about u trench on hlfl krfbea he would draw the enem y fire their way every lime he w as on duly. A n­o th er tip they have given liltn Is to Join th e signal corp*. w here he can converse with the a v ia to rs w ithou t re* qu lrlng their descen t

I t w as not a p leasant aw ak en in g th a t S ergean t Jam es M arriner of the Jl2 th H eadquarter* Company had the other m orning. The se rgean t Is a quick d resser and lie figures th a t he can give the o th er hunkydeea a handicap of five m inu tes a f te r reveille is sounded. This 1* not disputed by the o th e rs , but they h a te to see any one h u g g h ig the hay w hile they *are h u stled out. They planned his aw 'akenlng w ith & cool show en

A larg e tin cup of w a te r was sus­pended. over the se rg ea n t's a fte r he began to snore th a t n igh t** The rup w as attached to a s tr in g w'hlch passed th rough several holders and Its loose end w as connected w ith th e bed of a n ­o th er man, some j d istance aw ay. At reveille the s tr in g w as loosened and S ergean t M arriner go t a cold bath.i He arose hastily , dried h im self and ofrereq a lucrative rew ard fo r th e nam e of the p erpetra to r. AJl he g o t WA.e the “ha, h»."

Before re tirin g the fo llow ing n ight th e le rg e a n t left o rders w ith the n ight g tiard to aw aken him a t 3 o'cluck In th e morning- •He. liad som ething In sto re fo r the soldier auspecte^. Cor­poral E dw ard H eer of X ew ark , who |s m otorcycle orderly fo r .Colonel Ander­son, choosed th a t n ig h t for a slOep o u t­doors. Eddie slum bered In the side ca r attached to h is machine. How long he remalDed o u t there

le not know n, and Kddie won't iclla He grow ls every time Bome one tells lilm th a t Sergean t M arriner (•euntormanded the 3 o'clock i:*lBlng order and slep t pcai-cfully until 6 ;16-

Thoee fou^lecn p ianos donated to the 312ih In fan try by th e Newark T raffic n u l l are to be inovet! Into q uarter* this week, Railrm id fre ig h t schedules to ami from l»lx n r* cencerned with many o th e r th in g s deemed more essen ­tial I hen pianos and the musical fre ig h t w ar A long lim e g e ttin g Into a camp sldlna. Coloii(>l A nderspn of lha Siath has the bill o f lad ing for the pianos and e.xjicctH to have Ihoni into b arracks In a day or two.

These Men Know How to Hurry With Supplies fbr Camp Dix

htaff Conrftpwdenct, aTAMP DIX, A pril 1.—When Jam es

Parrlllo of 39 Dow ning stree t, Newark* « member of th e Supply Company of the 312th In fan try , climb.* on an auto tru ck and nlart* ou t, th e reg im ent knows It won't have to w a it very long fo r the derlrod supplies. B efore he came to c’ansp Dix las t fall Jim m y wa* a ch au f­feur, who, w'hcn a c lea r road w as o f ­fered, know how to send a rmr along It ill record tim e, and 1109 with "mllL tary noyesslty" behind him, his com- rsdcfl any he ro v ers the ground In a way th a t m ak es happy smiles come over the men'* faces when he s ta rt* a f te r som eth ing w hich they are anxious to get in a hu rry ,

F rank H auch of 24 E ast T h irty -firs t Btrest, Bayonne, an o th er veteran of cflven m onths, Is one o f the supply com­pany men w ho like to accom pany Farrlllo on thene u rg e n t trips.

Federal Agents Investigate $200,OW Fire in BaltimoreBALTIMORE, A pril t (JP V -G overn ,

m ent ag en ts a re m ak ing an Investiga­tion of the f ire w hich Saturday n igh t sw ept fhe K ennedy J 'oundry Company. The police say th e y ’‘believe the p la n t wa* fired by an enem y alien, l^ o u -

.sands of p a tte rn s which w ars b sing used,, on g overnm en t w ork w ere de> stroyed. The estim ated loss Is abo u t 1200,000.

Several m on ths ago th ree O errA n* w ere a rre sted a t th e p lant because of th e ir ac tiv itie s g g a ln it th e country. They w ere se n t to a detention egmp fo r the period of the war. SLn^ th a t tim e there have been sign* of u n res^ am ong certa in employee*. Three v^eek* ago s tr ik e p ropaganda was spread about th e foundry , b u t the a ttem p t to organise the m en, backed by a m aste r m echanic o f G erm an * birth , w as thw arted by p a tr io tic w orkers. The men reported h ts ac tiv ities and sh o rtly a f te r he w as arre.*ted by M arshal Stockham. H e wa* ordered Interned.

i» L l!W " U

N ew ark Masielaas* €lak*s Coaoerf*The N ew ark M usicians' Club w ill

give its a n n u a l concert In W allace Hall Tuesday n ig h t. April 9, Instead of tom orrow n ig h t, a s Announced. The soloist will be Miss K atherine Eymao, pianist. The O ctavo Octet, the m em ­bers of w hich a re local singern, will m ake It* debuA on th is occasion and The C ontem porary Ladles' Q uartet also will tak e p a rt. A fea tu re of th e p ro ­gram will be th e can ta ta "In M usic's Praise" by H enry K. Hadley, who com­posed the muflfc fo r the Newark p a ­geant and the opera "Asora," recen tly produced by ihb Chicago opera Com-

QL'EBRC, April 1 (A*).—Q ulft pre.- vsUed today a fte r the wounding last n igh t of three persona in a bailie be­tween troops and a mob of antl-con- scrlptloniats. The clash occurred while soliJIer* wore rem oving firearm s from hardw are fliorc* to the citadel to keep them from falling Irilo Hie |>andB of the rioter*. The precaution w as decided upon a f te r th e pillaging early yesterday m orning of a store iiandling flrearm t und am m unition. - '

Aboence of "Olrllern and throngs In the " tree ls giv,* riso tn the belief tha.t the w orst of the trouble has passed and th a t It w ill not he neceesarir to de­clare lu a rtla l law.

The- antl-conscrlpttonlBts last n ight pelted the soldiers w ith m issile* Th* persona wounded, two ot whom were young women, were aomo dletance from

^ h e scone of the clash. None of them was serlouely Injured by the bullete which struck them.

One hardw are i to re m s se t on fire by the r io te rs who reimhed It before troops, hu t the building w as saved by firemen.

Every building in th* city likely to be attacked by tho mob was strongly guarded U sl n ight. Companies o t sol- dleru with fixed bayonets were s ta ­tioned a t the points where erdwde op­posed to the M ilitary Service Act have assembled previous nights.

An appeal by Cardinal Begin for a cessation of the disturbances was read yesterday In a ll the C ilhollc churchea 1 ■

Gennan-American Alliance's Head Announces ResignationWILMINGTON, Del., April 1 i g ) ,—

Ttflv. fllegmond G. von Bosss, pasto r of tho German L utheran Church of th is city and president of the N ational Ocr< man-ArnerlcaTi Alllannc, announced hi* resignation yesterday a* head of the alliance a t the E aste r service a t his rhurch. He sta te d th a t he wa* moved to take thifl action "for the w elfare of hie congregation.*'

It Ib understood th a t the resignation mean* fl step In the voluntary dlssolu ' tlon of the alliance, The m inister wan recently colled before a Senate coro- nilUec in connection with the e ffo rts to revoke th e ch arte r of the alliance, Mr. von Bosse made thl* statem ent:

“I have bu t one wish, as t have had It ever *5nce we ^ n te re d thifl war, and thal Ifl to see America victorious tn all her tmttlea and un til final victory and peace have been achlr^'ed. 1 have tried to do my share In num erous w ays to aid In th is respect and Intend to do still more."

’VYAFHINOTON, April 1 <A»).—Con- grcBBlonal investigation of the National G ernian-Am erican Alliance to determine Its loyalty to the United S tates wa* re ­sumed before a Senate committee today. WIlnesMS from Pennsylvania, Including G eorge^. F. Falkenste ln of McKeesport. Chrlet Saam of P ittsbu rgh and Relnliard Ullrich and A ugust Buchols of Alle­gheny County, were called.

Mme. StoTch to Be Buried Today; Died Under Suspicion a$ Spy

NEW TORK, April 1,—Mms, Despina Davldovltch Btorch, who wae a rrssted March 18 on suspicion of b e l n ^ a spy In the pay of Oermtfhy and who diert Saturday a prisoner on K ills IsTahd

/ a f t e r m f f te - a ty lUrfeee monla, y i n be burled fhiff aftet»«v»„ Ftinerai fcervtce* V lU be held In 'th e Greek Orthodox Church of the A n­nunciation a t aiO W eit r if ty - fo u r tli street, From the church the body will be tak en to a vault In Mt. O livet C em e­tery, Maspeth, Queens.

Government officiala yesterday de­nied em phitlcally that Mme. Storch had committed suicide In her cell on EHIs Islaml, They expect C harles De Woody, local head of the D epartm ent of Ju«- tics to arrive in New York today by a fa«t train from the Middle W est, having sta rted back as Boon as he received a telegram announcing Mme. S torch* sudden death. I t was Mr- De Woody who caused the arre st of Mme, Btorch and three peraons anaoclated w ith her —the woman known as Mme. Nix, the young Baron de Beviii* and the man calling him self Count Robert de Clalr- mont.


Th* followinf deed* wir« filed SsturdayrNeWAHK,

.Tohn Ftodtri to Bamual Scbochnar, • s a 4th It Etc ft n fr Court at, 18x104. |L.

lUdwlg M Hlhflcbltd and bus to Aeuban le^vln* ux, « ■ pathtna av ISO ft • tr Blfe- lew at, ISxlDB, | | ,

P^Iltebeth D Jaquae, axr, to Hugh Q Buchan, n a Cartarat $t ITS ft w fr Walk* Inston av. 30x140. |4,ino.

iSliaa^th D Jaguea to eamt. tame prop­erly. 91.

t?mma Gawald to Antonio Nunes, e e X1c« Whorter at 130 ft e fr Lafayette at, tlx 1!3. 91

Henry Kaller et ux to John V LOary et ux. a I Merchant i t IT4 ft i a fr Clovtr i t , 9lx ISI 91.

K B Oydatt k Bon Co to Edward Ebert *t (IX, • ■ Columbia av tSl ft ■ fr B Orange av, 26x100. II.

J \Vm L'haae at ux et si ta Antonio Mar­sel et UX. w « Bstam i t U l ft i fr 0 Orange av. 11x100. II.

Fraek Kicbhom to National Boa A Lum­ber Co. Inc. I a COT Adoma i t and Clifford It, 97xl«0, It.

Thai F Kliele et ux to ’Victor Prtervarv et ux, a R Alpine i t 219 ft w fr aherttitli av. 17x109. II.

Louli F Matt#* to Victor Pelervary et ux, a ■ Alpine at 284 ft w fr gherman av* Itxion. .11.

Brown to Wm g Smith, w a Howard It -144 rr a fr Bank at. l l i f l , IL

Fulton B A li to Wm G Naah at ux. a » LoaMe at tM ft i fr Clinton av, 60x190, tL

OUTBIOK OF NEWARK*Aiida W N Flocher and bus to John Buck-

l*y fit ux, Irvington, e e Beverly at 4lf ft w fr Fibyan pi. 30x104, |1.

Max Brodeiaer et lix to BenJ H Bratui «i UT, W Orange, r i Valley way at h cor land W ParklnRon. SIxllO, | l .

Wnt-d Hmith at UX to Rose Brown. E Or­ange, n e Central av 249 ft w tr Evergreen p). aixifio. t i .

Burd B Aiibartin to Hymen Katx. E Or­ange. n w I Brighton av TO ft « fr Bufohard IV, 97x199, tl.

Edward L Coddlngton et ux to r n n k - Ttidnrwlae et ux, Irvington, e i Proepact «ID ft e fr 39th at, BDxiOfl, |1.

Uriah McCIlnchie et ux to Florence gtruenlng. Irvington, w e Btuyveeant av and n a property F Qreeu, t0xl49, 11*

John W Ooeman at ux to Ira W Atdom. W Caldwell. • e Weilover i t 119 ft S fr Anita path, 41x194, 91.

Mountain Ridge Realty Co to Elian Orat- ton. Verona, lota II. 18. 90, t l . 39, 23* map Verona t»*f. |1.

Overlook Land < o tn Hanry gtelner at ux* Cedar Orova, Ipti 314, 214. map Btlaito

tl- .John KlobincM to Dene M Crembls et ux* W OraT\f A, ■ e Axhwood I tr , l t t ft w fr

pany. 1

Invalces wHIi Uebaii MallePofltmastar Slnnott hag been advUed

by the PoBtofflce D epartm ent th a t under the postal regulAtlotta of Cuba whenever a package of m erchandise having a value of $& or more la addressed for delivery In th a t country the sender Js required to presen t a t the proper <'uban consular office for certification a con­su la r Invoice covering ihe nicrchandlse. liivolsea m ailed a t United States post- offices where no Cuban consular office Is located a re excepted from these sUp- ulat Ions.

EPICURES—men of taste and dis­crimination—men who can recog­

nize quality of materials and skill in brewing—refer to our Pilsener as the

finest Ameri- c a n achieve­ment in hop- and-malt bev­erages.

Make Surei r e


cr. «t*e fr«m yow W iB or r w r or

'77(1i Hawark Diatributer.

' Am - '

■ngi.C harry Jf. 14x100. |L

A rthur B O rica at ux to Thus Uebenay, Orange, a w e Snyder xt 376 ft f r P a rk il, 29x109. 91-

Jaa G Barradela e t ux to Mlchete B uahlee^ E Orange, x I • Kalatnd at 100 f t • w fr\ Rhoda laland av, BOxtOO, 93.926. \

Daniel flrhieloh at al to Bm eat M m r at al, Bloomfield, a t cor B uex av and w orra* It. 64x161. 91. . „ , ,

Philip J .Bbwera d t y to lla lfti Tlewltti Bloomfield-, a e cor Fulton i t and Lenox tar, 60x100. and other tract. 9t>

Elaanor B Melick to Frank M Chubb i t ux, fl Orange, e ■ Mnplawo(»d av l i t f t w tr M * B R R. 16x911. 91.

David n Walton to Ctauda F KandoH at uv, E Orange, e ■ Parkway 616 f t p f r Can* Iral av. 44x167, 9L ,

John C Lloyd at ala to John Da W itt Fell at ux, Belleville, n a Van Houten pi 2| l ft • fr Da W itt av. 4 l r t 04, | 1.

Heory P Bedford «t ux to Margarat atflko, E Orange. • i fl Grova i t 179 f t n e

fr l l t h av, Slxlo, | l . * . _H a rg fre t TaUko to Eatolla Mothyf S Or*

ange. oama property, | l .

MORTOAOEB. ‘Thai* m otlgagas wero fllad:

NEWARK.Oamual Srhochnar to W <li E&d B A In .

0 a fl 6th at 290 ft n fr Court at, 99.199,H ugh G Buchan et ux to Columbia B A

Xi, n • Cartarat at 176 ft w fr W ashington av, 9169!.

Sxina to Elisabeth D JaqUMr aama prop­erty, n .440.

Antonio Nunas to Emma Oswald, • s Me* Whortar st 194 ft i fr Lafayatt* dt* 11,709.

Edward Ebert et ux to Publtn B A L. e ■ Columbia av 111 f l i fr H Oranga av. 94,600.

Same to H E Ogdan A flon Co, oam s prop­erty, 1990.

Antonio M anet at ux to Gibraltar B & L, w ■ lialam at 36A ft a fr B Orange av. tX.Ban.

John A MIela to TTquat n igh ta B A L, e r e I4th «t 198 ft n fr Woodland av. 92.499.

W olf D ulti et ux to A tlo i W eekly B A U a » Boyd St 960 ft n fr Kinney et, 14,409.

Victor Petervary et ux (o Lout* F Mattes a Alpine at 116 ft w tr flheriuan av, and

other tract. 99,800.Wm U Naah et ux to Fulton B A L* e ■

Leslie It 3R6 ft a fr Clinton av* 96.009, OUTSIDE OF NEWARK.

Xavar W lldarollar et ux to W endells WH- deretter, E Orange, w ■ Evirgreen pi 643 fl n e fr Central iv , 12,000.

BenJ H Braun et ux to Max Brodeiaer, W Orange, a a Valley way n cor W m Parklnaon land. 92,490.

Malachl Jonea et ux to Uncle Bam B A L. E Orange, a a Hamilton at 26 ft w fr N Clin­ton at, 17,490, - i,

Florence fltruenlng and hu* to Camptown B A L, Irvington, w a fltuyveaant av n a Francla Green property. 18,600.

flame to Uriah McClInchle, Irvington, ogma property, 960*. ^ .

HymAT) KalE et ux to'Camptown B A U E Orange, n w a Brighton av TO f t • fr Burchard ar, 94,909. ^ *

Frank ladarwlea et ux to Irvington n A 1*. Irvington, a a Proipect iv 60 f t e fr g ith at. $1,400.

Wm Huanake et ux to H ew lett* BechUM ,IrvlngtoRi 8 e t-Union pi 6T6 f t ti • (r Mill rd. li.fiOO.

Emil Bonn et ux to Carl Rxubenhelmer. Trvlngtoh. • a Qrovo at 620 f l • fr B Drangi av. 19,409.

Dene M Cromble et ux to Oraitf* B A L. W Orange, a fl Aflhwood ter 911 ft w frC b'Trw it, 18,060,

w m H Hall et Ux to Houaa o f Good flhvphard. E Orange, u w a Park at 128 ft a w fr Park av, 9M40.

Uubl J Henderflon et u* to W altar A H i« - rlorflon, Bloom field, w ■ proapeol f t 46 ft * rr (’arlerot flt. 9600.

Mlchete Buflhlcco et ux. to Elmwood B A r.. E Orange, a o ■ Halated at 100 f t i w fr Rhode Teland av. 91.640,

Ernewt H tyer et ux to CKIxina B A L, Bloomfield, n • cor E isex av and ‘Warrin at, 16,440.

NanvB to Daniel Schlekb, Bloomflold, aame property. 99>990-

C laudi P Kendall et ux to F ldom y Tnigt Co. E Grange, e • Eanex County Parkway 616 f t n 0 fr Central av. 14.909.

Frank M Chubb ot ux to Eleanor B Malick, fl OrangOe « a Maplewood av n w cor Oaf- rett B ym ta land, |4,6oo.

John D Pell et ux to Central B A L. Belle­ville, n a Van Uoutan pi 299 ft a fr Do Witt av. 94,004.

S im o Id Jdfih c Lioyn al a l, BatievfUe, o im o properly. 9L740.

John C leloyd *t at to Central B A L. Bella- vUi«, I a Van Houton pi 91 ft • fr Da Witt av. 14,994.

Bateile Uoaby to Pollah H om s B A L. E Orange, e a 8 Grove «i J72 ft n o 'fr l l th av, 92,799."Bamo to Uayre V Frey, B Oraaga. lama

property* 1900.

STEAMBOATSm ru B U C 8 E rL H A fllD .

BOSTON, $ 2 .9 5PROVIDENCE J tS & S1.MCOLONIAL UNEALL O t'TM Dl R A T S ROOMS. *1 tn *1 44'eekdwrs sa* 4aB4an at * :** P. M- ttan Plor **, K. h., tH tW eit BeustoD Si.. K. Tiefefts J . I , Vaper, e*-m »»7 (Galea buHJ- la t), * - l l OUalM OL, IfswsrL aaS M « . P. HeKsea, l*T H tn lu o Ava, Barrleoa.


rreet pfiw I t R » . PhW CUT Ticket ottice. n a ,)R — — -

, g ----- ■- , . u l . fT if '

HOTELS ANDLicRNSRD eemner hotel, -

fall* furaleoeA ene bloek , B. Van Cime, AYaei* eva;'*> PlOeektit. N. J

N E W iB if! fiVB lO N G IfEW H. M O W A f. A P ia ]& i£ 1S « .HI

BIRTHSF ^ 4 > % O U D V l» - B o r n to Mr, O"*.M"-

• W v l o ot *H Wool U l lh itrcol, Now Vork.JHJT k oon. Thoortoro on

l* l l l Mt(. O oudvli woo formorly Mlio Char- lotto Bchulhot ot Ihla otty.

■” “ X iStxX H irtuw —


DEATHSPEAnSAI.L— On iU n h IV 1111, AUco.


■■ il., OB trollty llBRo botwooBhfliovBd wir* of John V. P oarn ll and d ou ih - Delairanna. f t. — -------- - .u r of ivilllom onrt Mary t:,_ l^ fa n r Hfla- ' Nowark an<l Paojatc; ftnoit I;tlv e i and frltnd* are Invited lo attend (he funeral aervlce at her reeSdence, tp Mid­land avenue, AriltiHtonv N. J.. on Monday.

l-P . Mo In.latniant lB.-A.TUn»t5>B

i> 2j)n f dtaturt*', - ^ T ir E N -tliA T til^ n # A niiffia '^ » t> w lR »OT belAvert huabani I t l i . AleaantIreWo belorad-huiihaifd of Maryras *«** frlendBo-inaalhefe D f a f r d 3( Jve,aM ,*'itrl*H lla la l lv a t io d rrlfn daa-inaa ihew > rP ^ f^ iD i...jii^ H H n d -tw r-iT iv ;^ /j, a frd 3( v a

' . f aB..K. O f V, . a,\Wr. .ary* gTsk‘xu*nCi^ »rthVlted 10 attend funoral Monday n ven ln r i h^ri CUn M-.-Uod No. 76, O. a .'ti. o'rlock, from roaldenca. 81 Wavorly avenue.Interm W 2lon, Md.. Tueada/ morninf.

BAUBRLINE—On March 80, . t l i l a Mary BauerUno (nee F'eidman). beloved wife o( Anthony Bauerllne, Relative!, friends and the Rotary Society of the oburch are kindly Invited to a llen d (he funeral from her

v a r ^ - - and mam*{

are re- |

{'UaNERAL aaeJHM;' paimto' d ecoction * for all occaalohs: timely delivery. Connelly R

Plunkstt, It* Bloomfield a v ,: 20 B e l n ^ t av, TaL B fapch Broojt Wavcriy Wl«

THJC RGiU iHT FtX>RAL CO.,■piclTuRy rrirlieil to 'a llen d funeral eervlt-aa ‘ 187 Markel el., near ^ f * * * * ^ f W * ' o 0. r. *f w* t.1. o■.>l.t«t«/ ■' Gfl delivered on short notice. Phone Mkt. e**.April 1, »t t I'. M„ »t h li rtiUlBlirc, 30 Lkko •tr .t l , JirM v City, FLueri! on T u c - , d .y , April 1. kt 1 P. M, I

— ______ ■ pfi.untlichuh, k l-d 00 yokri 10 inon lh i 9k»T»«, t l ! sh .p k rd kTonuo, K « t Orkn»», on I fl.;,.. Rtiktivot knd trl.nrik «r» rM poiifiill) WoOnoKlky m ornlnt, April I, kt 1:10 o'cloeh' inriltd to kttond th« funtrkl oB Tur.dky

w a s h i s o t o n f l o r i s t ,, riorkl d r .ls n i for kll oook.loni; low prlckk.

PFIlEUN D H C UU H -^n Mkrch *1, I l l s , i rnrn»rItrnod*tjuidCorUrjt^kv.^j^>^Jkcob, litlBvod hu.bknd of Iho Ikto ,lullk

thonco to th . Church of Our L»dy of tli» j April J, i t 1:10 P, M„ from Iho roolrtenro Moot Blooood Bkcramonl. BoA Orknyo, , p | h li d tuthtor, Mri, Johtnnk U oti, 10 Boll

k lriol. Irvlnfton, N ,.J, Inclnerntlon kt llooo-Moot B ........- -----whoro kt 9 o'clook k hlyh raooi at roquiont mUI b* oftorod for Ihk rtpooo oT hor oqul Intorm ootjn Comctory Holy B«pulchrt.

i f '

BOWDBNw-On March IA, m io ChrJetlna Bowdeo (nee W lttm ann), wife of (he tale Pred E. Buwden. R elailves ami frlanda, alao I'rlde of Anthony W ayne Council, Kona and B authierj of Liberty, are Invited to attend the funeral from her realdtnce, 111 P «h ln eavenue, oo W edneadar, Aorll t . at l F. M. Inlerment lb Fairm ount Cimetery.

BOW&8-<Od M«rrh II. l> tt. at the home • t her m ethtr, Mra Barah Jane McCann. 81 BartCovd alreet. Barth McCann (nee Boweil. beloved w ife of Jamea Bowee. Notice of funeral hereafter.

BRENNAN—At Oranct, N. J-, March f t . 1911, after abort lllneaa Thomaa K. Bren­nan. ared * yeara beloved son of William A, and Ellaabeth D. Brennan (nee Conroy),Funeral private, from hie pareiita' realdencc, 1D8 Thomaa atreet, on Tuesday. April 2, at 9;l* o'clock. Interm ent in 8i. John'e Ceme­tery.

BROW N--On March 29, 1918. Martery. be­loved d auih lor of Harry and (he late Mary Brown. Relatlvea and frlende are InvHed lo attend the funeral eervloaa at ihf* perlore nf the People'a Burlfcl Company. 28& Broad atreet, nu Tueaday. April t. at 2 P. M. la* iernaent In Woodland Ceroetery.

BtTKOWSKI—A t Bloomfield, N. J.. on March >1, I H I . Valentina, hueband of Har­riet Snltowekt. Beiatlvee and frlenda. alao Foeary and St. Valentlne'e Society of Bi. Valeutine'e Pollah Church, ara Invited to attend the funeral from hla reeldence,40 Hickory etreel. en Wedneeday, ^ r l l S. at t Ak M.i theitoe to I t . Valentlne'e Church.there a h lfh maaa of reriuletn will be o f‘ fared for the repoae of hi* lOuL Interment • t Mt. Olivet.

BURDSN—A t Weet Orange. N. J ,, after a long and painful tllnaae, Chartee J., be loved husband of Mary Burden (nee Schulllaa). R elatlvee and frlejide are reepectfuily Invited to atiend vth e funeral eervicee a l b it reeldence, 76 Freem an airsel, on Wednee*> day, April t . a t 1:S0 P. M. Interment i the eonvertltnoe of the family.

CAWLET— On Marah 10, I fU . EUaabfltfa,................ ^ - ‘danghlrr of th e la ie Peter and Anna Cawley (aea Kane). R elatlvee and frlcnda are In vUed to attend the funeral from her realdance, t i l W ent K inney itreei, on Tueaday, April I, at I A. H., to 8t. Columhe'e Church, where a high maaa of requiem will be,offeredfor the repoea o f her eoul. Interment In (he Cemetery of th e Holy Sepulchre.

C1RVAB10—On March 91, 1*U. at the .residence of her eliter, Mrs. Chariea Car-

fiio. ee Stone atreet, Agnee, wife of Rooco Cervaelo and daughter of the late Thomaa

|<and Catharlne^Featbareon. Noiloa of funeral I here after.

CODT—On April 1. t i l l , at hta home. t7o “ atr - - . . - .Mew atreet, Patr ick J.. beloved hueband of Mary A, Cody <nee Hughe*). Notice of

il hifuneral hereafter.CONKLIN—On March 11 1111. at her

reeldence. 61 Flret atreet. Susan Conklin

inec M cLaughlin), beloved wife of Loula enkllii, N otice o f funeral hereafter.

hill Crematory, Linden, N. J.flBRBON—Suddenly, at East Orange. N.

j„ March tO. n i l . Mlilta A. Pierson, ilaugh- ler of the late Qeorge A. and Mary B. Hur* son. Funeral aervlce* will be hsM in the Hawthorne Avenuo Baptist Church. Main street and Hawthorns avsnue, East nrangs, on Wsdneaday, April I, 1919, at 2:90 P. )l. Interment In ^ o ip o c t Kill Cemetery, raid* well. N. J.. a t the convenience of the family.

PERSONALHAVINO been called for m llllary duty. It

h'ecanie neressary to sell my bualnnas a t diamond eelter (o Mr. Blind!. I w ill not he reeponsible for any debls contrauled by new owner on or after ihle dale.

OeurgA O. Reh.I, OEOROK BRAUN, have this day sold my

bakery buslnsis, located, at 41" ^ n tr a l

P08NERr-*Oh March 27. Balka Posner In her 49th ysar. beloved wlfa of Joseph Poe- uer and mother of Uertrud* A. Pniner,

POANER—On March I, 1*19, In hla 2fth year, Theodore Posner,

BIBTH—On March 29, 1918. Rose M., be­loved wife of Edward Rleth and daughtt.' ollha late liouia and Bophle Tegelhoff, agen 86.

sTndly InvliRelative* and friends are kindly Invited toattend the funeral from her home, 17 H igh­land avenue, Nutley. N. J.. on_ Tueadaylanu arvnuo, »w. .uw un#morning a t 8:10 o'clock; thenoe (o St. Mary'* Church, Nutley, N. J.. where at 9:80 o'clock a high maat or requiem w ill be offered for the repoae of her eoul. Interment In Fair- mount Cemetery.

ROBBINS—‘Entered Into life, on Sunday, March 11, l t i 8. Caroline Falconer Robbtne- Funeral services will -be held in Orace Churen. Broad and MTalnut atreele. en Tuea* day at 11 o'clock noon. Interm ent In Button, Mae*.

SCHOLL—On Saturday. Maroh 10, 1111. Frederick, beloved hueband of Joeephlne Scholl (nee Beck), In his T4th year. R ela­tive* and friend*, alao Lincoln Poet No. 11,0 , A. R-: Trllumlnar Lodge No. 112, F. and A. M-; Maeonlo Veteran* of Newark, N. J . ; Marlon Lodga No. 29. I. O. O. F . ; Newark Junger Manner X. U. V„ and th e Ladles' Circle of Battery B, are kindly Invited to attend the funeral sorvtrea Monday, April1, at 8 P. M., at hla reaUlence. 3f) Mont­gomery street- Interment In Falrmount Cemetery at the corvveolence of the family.

BKINNER^At her heme, €31 fI1|hland avenue, on Saturday. March IQ, l* ) t . Nina .lamoa. wife of Charles C. ShLnner, In her 14th year. Kunsral aervlcaa and Interment at Uroenvilla, N. C.

8 MITK—On March 2D, 1918. Edith Btumpf.beloved daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, Sfcd 18 years. Ralallvee and frl>‘n'laare invited to attend the (iineral nt her r«si- dance 73 I^ark avenue, ninom fleld, N. .T., on Tueadny, AprlJ i. at 1) 24 P. M. liitnr- tnent In Bloomfield Cemetery.

BTBPHENS—At Olen TUdge, N. J-. Bun- day, March 81, 19l8. 6(uurlco r ier io n Ste phena, beloved son of Mu)r Marr and the late James P. Blephens. In his 26th year, Funeral service* at the home, 60 Bhermun avenue, Tueiday, April t , a i 1 o'clock. Kindly omit flowera.

ave.. Newark, -N. J., lo Henry K. Braun. Creditor* must present all rlalma Within 6 days of date to. the above addrkas.

(Signed) liE(-)Ra£ BRAUN. I 1. 1 »"Dated April 1, lU t ._______________

a t t e n t i o n I— Leaving Monday n lgh \ w ithem pty auto truck, what have you got

going to-A lbany, N. V., or vicinity? Rea- aonable. Call or phono 7619 Mnrketl n ig h t and day; act ^ulck. Modern Storage Rooms, 61 Academ y at.

M. LEIROWITZ—If you will not call for your car at Hatesy Oarage It will be «old

....... thl ■ •*•••at auction within thirty days.W. B. HALSEY.

H a v e m id the furnished room and boarding house known as The Ullmore, IDll Broads

creditor* preaent clalme at thin offlc* be­fore Saturday, April 90, 1919. York. 9 Park pi.




Must know their tooie. AUTGMvHTTUsTttat^W MACH4-NJC. H a n d s * oa-f"d^ ky or Acme, .< .r,f-

DIE AND-'^Ov.- KV.JHER8. J . *v . A l men for A l job.'- '

MACHINIST8.Flrat-ctasa, all-around men.

M lLLW IllGHt,Must be ezpartenoed.APPLY TOMORROW.

THO&1A8 A. EDISON COUPANIES. *.^kciide ave,, W est Orange.

AUTOMOBILE flCHOOL,Learn to drive autom obile and become

chauffeur; take reliable course; full prtr-e tiS; |9 down, balance day get lleenB^, license guaranteed or moraey rtfurxled; po- eltloni op<n to our clicnte; all netlonalltlf'S gud color; office open from 9 until I in the evrnlng-to give the working class a chance; the achool where th« wheel la put In your hand five minutea after elarUng; a aafe in- veetment; information tree of ch arts. L. F Lolhle. 9QT Market st., Ordway building, third flour, opposite elevator, room SOJ; un­limited time; upen Hundaya; tel. 989i Mkt

HELP V A N T E It^ E NBOT wantad, office mesM Bger Apply a4

“ ................... - - J , Centralonee. Standard MuaJo Roll Co., ave., Orange.BOT8 wafitsd a* h elnen and to le a m the--------------------- — Jnei_ ... .—.............

Bkl C O ., 1 . |C r t A U P ^ ^ ^

^ ----------- T - , .■ 1.* ■ ^ > - r k f* Norm n W hHOY wanted, a b o u t'14 veara old. to work > ———— — , .i-A.i ... „ ..

HELP WANTED-MENC HA UFFBUR^BEgarlanced. whit* man,

must live a t empioyera' homei mtiat bav* reference from private family La thia vl« oinity. Tel. M onlolalr 426A

HELP W ANTEO-HENFORBMAN waated, to ta k e oharge o f four

or five boys on light power pre**e*; reply, ^ vU ig referenes and wagea w aaU d. Addrea*

Box 61, Nsw* office.

BOY wanted. a b o u t’ lA year* old, to work ^In office, laaac Cdhn. room 234. 31 Clin- t CHAUFFEUR; EXPERIENCED ON FORD

lewotry/ tradatc.fq^d. eo'^.l fC^rtohlty. • Aplply Ldite *



TlON. APPLT & P E K lN T e{n > S N T , N A T i,|M d C liaT L A lfl

L. the aUielrTh is.skirt, appi ohu 1

^rsftrrLyragoti route. Apply 3U M t ant are.

BOT8 (2), H -19 years-of age. on ligh t wood wurk. Oelkers Mfg. Co ' ‘ '

.FIREMAN wanted to w or* In jw w er p la it; M..xrk.wuci m Vincox boiler: mOat h sm II- 'cknte; *l*kilr poaiUon, W eeton Bleetrlcal Instrument Ch>., FrellnghuyM n a v a

HOT to m ake hlm eelf uaeful Rarags. StUkel Oarege, 196 lA«fayette *t.

U Columbta , t . I CA^HWJT;,SjAK!CR»-EX_^^^^ MEN j FORWARDER w ,B l,d In boOkUDd-rp; 41I ON FIRST CLAgfl WORK. APFLT KU8 J hour*; open ahoD' w eree t l4 Baker Print*

ful In office of REt.L SCHWARZ CO., 109 rRELlNOH UY- |n^ Company, 26l*^iirrkVl ” *BEN AVB.

BOTB^Two bright boys; good wage*. Shew Blue Print Afuch. Co., 9 Campbell et., city.

BOT wanted for taking out orders. New Jereey Cutlery Co., 4T3 W ashington at.


Qood, et*ady jobs at flna wage* with bemue *nd exoellent condition*.

Call at once.941 Frellnghuyaen ave.. Newark, N- J.

s a n d y — Pleaae phono. L.

Bmumi Penontk■tIPERFLUOUS HAIR romovtd bp ot**-

Iriclip: 11 p t» n ' Mp»rl.nc»,) l l s e £ _ A . PPIiBARj »aco,Mor j a M M 5 i»eiDPa.. A, t/Ub'OArb, «ui.v«Mur bu MAW. «■


AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL.Why pay big money when you can learn

for f l i r Drive and repairing on different care; aaif-starten; license guarati-tsed or money refunded; day and evening olaieei. Manouel, 14 S late at,, near Lackawanna Bta.

MATTRESSES RENOVATED at rour reak ............................... 9I.U ;dence by Improved method; full ■!•*. .

b^a apringi repaired: feathera renovated AMERICAN MATTRESS r e n o v a t i n g CO. n * Barclay at. Phone Wev. T67t-

DR. MANDEVILLE, formarly of 6<6 Broad at., has opentd office al 211 Mulberry at.,

hetwreii W alnut and Kinney eta ; hours 2 to 4, 4 lo 8; Sunday!,, offlc* cloneA ^

SEWINU MACHINES repaired right in y o r Send p4»sial to Mr ,ve,; te l 8118 Markka

home; any mak*. MI'vhel). 40 Thirteenth I

SWEDISH maasage, manicuring, given br Mtaec* N tlion mexperienced nptratori.

Kemlcl, 147 New st.. oppoaRe Hud»iB tube*PUBLIC typewriting, multlgraphlng; very

reasonable; one letter 16c. »Mrx Culp, ruum 809, Lawyer*' building. 164 Market at.

obeilRrh«*umatiem _ _ l*bono _ Orange 9216

BTUINUTON--At his residence. 2 Park place, on Saturday. March 30. 1918. Robert Brown ilymltifloti, a in l 40 years Funoral servicaa at the North Reformed Churth un Wednesday afternoon al 3 o'clock'. It is re­quested that no flower* b* sent.

I CONNOLLY— At Belleville, April L 1111. I Irene, beloved daughter of Thomas A. and

R ose 'K .. aged 1 year I months 7 daya• - ■ * ' " in-LlUIailvea and frietid* are reapeotfully ...

vUed to a tten d the funeral from her riai- denes. 117 W illiam atreet BeUavlile, on

Wedbaaday, April t . a t t : l6 P. U. Inter- . m in t St, J^tar'a Cemetery,

COOK^Ob March 19, l i l t . Frederick R . . beloved ioti Of Menry and Ellaa Cook, aged

^ raar*. Batatlvea and friends are kindly iBTfiad to a tten d the funeral serrioea at hla home. 431 Badger avenue, on Tuapday at t i l s F . 1C Interment in EvergreenCemetery.

COOXB—March 11, 1911, John, aged B|

TERWILLBOER—On March 31, 191«, at hla home, 449 Orange etreet, Chauncey ft., husband of Grace Terwjllejrer, aged 38 year*- NotU'C of funeral hereafter.

v a n , KMBURGK—On March 29, 1TH9, ElliabLth B., beloved w ife of Franklin A, Van Emhurgti. Relatives anil frlende nre lavlied to attend the funeral at her resi­dence, 174 Bergen avenue, Kearny. N. J .. en Tuesday, April 7, xt I A. M., (m s t . CecIlU'g Church, wtiere ^ 9 A. M., a high mass of requiem wIM be offerud fur the repose of her Houl, Interment in Mt. Olive Cemetery, Bloomfield, N. J*

VERMILTE— March 2t, 1118, Annie C.

V4I «*, IF**, VVII4I. “*Fsara beloved hueband of the Isle Catherine Cook*. R elative* and frltoda, also membera of Oeneral H W . lA w ten Council No. 214,

'■n. Jr. 0 . V. A. i t . : M etal Pollaheri, Bufferi and

Plater*' Union Local No. 44, are respectfully r invited to a tten d funeral from hla 1st* resl-

dsDoe, 497 Peshlna avenii*, Wednesday, at 8 If- IntarEaant In Falrmount Cemetery.

* ' COOPBH—On Bkturdt^ llArob 10, IMI,^ ‘ . I l^ u ie 2 , husband of H lldrea Cooper (s e t

King}. R elative* and friend*, also member* . . e f noaevlile Lodge No. 141» r . and A. M.;

Roaevllle C hapter No. 48, Order of the Xaatern Btar, and Roeevlll* Council, Royal Aroamwii are Invited to attend the funeral •ervfoes at hlji Bome» l i t South Eleventh tdreet, on M onday evening, April 1. at I o'clock. Interm ent a t the convenience of the family.

CRUTB—D eparted U l* Ilf*. Martha, be­loved d augh ter of Emmett and Martha Warren, fteiativaa and friend* are Invited to attend funeral Monday evening, • o'clock, fram reeldence, 111 Boutb- Twelfth street. Interment B vergreen Cemetery Tueaday m om lttf.

\JDBAN^-^t Bloom field, on Saturday eve- nlag. March Id, 1911. Terence J. Sr., be­loved hueband of tha lace Margarat Dean(nee H ealy), R elatlvee and frlenda also 8 t n tr lo k 'a A lliance and Exempt Firemen'*

!ia:i'..2iaQclatloa of Udntotalr. ara v n d iy invliad> to attend funeral from Arthur F. Oailagher’i

Chapel, 421 B loom field avenne, Montclair, Wedneeday. April 8. a t dito, Requiem mas* •aered H eart Church, Bloemfleld, 9 A. M. Interment C em etery o f Immacutete Conoep- Ben.

I f '- ' D1B81NCR—Entered into reet, on March tOk 191f, A m alia, beloved w ife of the lete W Uliam Dteelng, In her 74tb year. Reletlve* and frlenda* elao Ladies' Boele^ and m em ­ber* e f BL Stephen’s Church (Pastor Fuhr- m ann), are k in d ly Invited to attend (he funaraf on Tueeday. April 9, from her home. 61H Merchant atreet. at 1:19 P. ) | . , to Bt, Stm b*n’* Church, where aervlce* w ill be held. Interm ent In Woodland Cemetery,

r iT Z P A T R I C X ^ n Sunday, March t i .t i l l , Aguee, beloved daughter of Philip and Mery FItapatrtek (nee Rush). R tlative* and friends are kindly invited to the funeralfrom the residence of her parent*. 499 South

'F ourteenth etreet, on Tueeday, April t , a t 3:19. lDt9rm*nt In Cemttery of Holy S9pul- chre.

HALL—A t Sum m it. K. J., March I*, n i l , Am elia, w if* of M le l^ l Hell. FuneralTueeday m ornlng4 April 1, at 9 o'clock, from8t. 'Tereea'e C h u m .rib

>ii IHEADLEY—Oi4 Saturday. March 19, l l l l ,

Rrl F., only don of Clifford W. and Roaetta rrnw H eadley, In hla l l t b year, Funeral

nervlcre w ill be held a t hie horns, IS R idge­wood avenue, on Tueeday, April 2, at 1:10 o’clock P. M. R elative! and friends are invited to a ttend . Member of Ihe Twenty- fifth Recruit Company of Aviation Section of the .s ign al Corps Division.

H B IN E M A N -O n Monday, April 1. l i l t , at hi* residence. 69 North Fifth etreet. Max, beloved hufband o f the late Sophie Kelne- maii (nee J e id le i) and devoted father of Mr*. Hannah Meyer, Mrs. IJIte Arnold and Mil* Millie. Heney and Albert Ueiueman. Notice of funeral hereafter.

U E L M ^ a March 10. 1918, Ida Helm(formerly Qraf, nee Zeiger). beloved Wife of Charles H elm , aged 41 y^ars. Relatlveeand friends are kindly Invited to attend the funeral from hor residence, 6QB Orange ■treet, on Tuesdey. April 3. at 6;30 A. M..

ihence to 8t. A uxustino'i (.huroh, where ,lgh max* of reHulom wUI hr offrrrd for the

repoae of her eoul. Inlermrni in (he Ceme­tery of-^the H oly Bepulchre

HULME8— On Saturday, March 30. 1918. Frank L-. .husbapd of Anna Iluimes (nee Corwin). K elallvea and frlrnds *ro Invited to attend th e funeral servlrea at hi* home, 198 North Third atreet, on Tuesday ovenlng, April t . a t • o'clock. Ihtennenl at kueca* eunna, N. J. Dover. N. J . pupera pleas* copy.

MTATT—A t h it realdence. 9J tVillowdale avenue, Monlolalr, N. J , Hunday, T terch 81, n i l , Frederlo Morgan Hyati, In h(s 6Uh year. Funeral private.

LANKO—On March 2fl. 191*. Caiherlne Lanko (nee R ah llly i, beloved wifn of N ich­ole* Lanko. Knlatlvea end frlaiidi, alao members of th e Roeary Society o[ fit. Fran- ela XavleVa C’harch, are kltf-lly liivH(»d tn attend thA funeral friuik her rvuTdenrs, 671 North Sixth atreet. on Tuesday, April 7.

- 1918, a t 9:3Q A. M. to St. Francis Xavicr'e Church, where a solemn high moo* of re- qulctn will be offered (or the repose of hsr eoul. Interm ent In the Cemetery of the iio ly Sepulchre,

Moore, widow of Jacob 1). VorTnIlye, hanker, both formerly of Newark. Funeral held from her realUence, 261 Hamilton avenue, WestBrighton. Staten Island, Mur.day, April 1, at 11 o'clock.

W ARREN—On March 39, 1618, Alexander H.. husband of ElUabeth Warren. Bervtcs* at bis home, I96 High street, Monday eve­ning. April 1, at 4 o'clock. Members of Roseville Lodge No. 143, P. and A. M., and Progressive Council No. 12, U. C. C. of E-, are invited. Interment a t the convenience of the tamlly.

IN MEMORIAMIN memory of Marie Kastuer, w ho died

1, 1117,April ..Just a line of fond ramembranoe.

Just a line to let you know That w* have not forgotten, Marie,

How you left ua ju it a year ago.How the A lm ighty Saviour called ypn

From thla weary world o f pain To the beautiful land of eternal

Where you'll ne’er know pain again.Just a line of fond remembranca

To louthe your loved ones' hearte despair, A l they gate In allenl reverence a t your



IN loving memory ot _our dear father, Louis Rod

beloved Passed aw ay March

81. m i :Thla day brings back our momorle*

Of one who was called ta rest.Those who think of him today

Are those who loved him heel.BEREAVED DAUGHTER AND SON, MRB.


IN loving meAory of our dear beloved grandfather, Louia Rodan. Faaeed away

March 81. 1917.Yon are not forgotten, dear grandfather,

nor ever shall you be,Ae long ae Ilf* and inemory la st w e w ill

always think of thee.BEREAVED DAUGHTER, MRS C, A, DEN-


IN memory of our dear eon, Charlie Beale, who died April 1, 1BL9.Gone, but never w ill be forgotten by hi*


bereaved parenta

MASONIC NOTICEROSEVILLE LODGE No. 148. F. and A. M.. . . . . . e l theMembers are requested to assem ble . lodge room thie Monday evening at 7:10

m aaiafe; obealty,....................... Phone Ol

K unttheirk. 600 Mein a t , Eaet O ^ n g aHWEDISH and elec.rlo maiasge electri'

cabinet baths. Hanioa A Co., 891 Clfntor ■ v e .; tel. 1469 W iverly,MASSAGE apd batite. MoEwen A AndersoD

641 Clinton ave., corner Farlev, Newark N. J.; tel. 8791 Waverly.ELECTRIC vibrator m tssafe . scalp treat­

ment; hours 19 to I. In Wtasner B all, 601Hr-igtl st , Johnson.

LOSTDHCmjcH— ameo brooch lost Sunday, at

VVerguahIc Park or In car. Reward If re- turn^ il to 661 Bandford eve., or phone 784SW Market.BANK ROOK 86.110, lost; on H alf Dime

Savlnge Rank, Orange. Finder kindly re­turn to bankDOQ,.Newfoundland, brown and white, black

fare, answers to name Rov t; laat sr«n inHalpyorr Park, Sunday. March 24. Ar\^ In­formation w in be thankfully recelvad, or return of sam e to 67 Weaver sve,, Rloum-^ field; reward.DOG—Pi'kIngeBB puppy, Ian, w ith block

head and markings; last seen near Ridge­wood and Mountain House roude. HouthOrange. Liberal reward for return to L. F. Burke, 846 U llliide p)., South Orange, N. J.

DOG— Lost, Peggy, cotlld pup, seven weeks old, on Clinton ave., near Ridgewood avo.

Reward If jetutiied (i> SIX Cllnluili ave., city.

DOO^Bmall baadle hoond pup lost, brown and white, six raonlhs old. Re'ward If re­

turned to K- F. Jenkins. 4flT W ashington at.DOO Irpt; Irish terrier; black ncise; near

B allantlne parkway. Runday: llbcial re ward; telephone 872 Dranuh Brouk, 441 Highland ave,DOG— Loet, on March 24, black cocker

spaniel dog; |16 reward If returned lo 344 RUlge Bl. Phone B. B. 4G67.DOG— Fox terrier Io«t laat Tueeday morning.

Kindly return to 681 South Eleventh i l . , flret floor; receive reword.DOG— Strayed, fem ale beagle; blind on*

eye; broww ear.. Dr. J. H. Young, phone Moniclair 1681.DOd— Lost, female English hulldog, color

brdlndla; teaard . 41 Oianga *t., Newark

KAR-RINQ— Loet, diamond ear-ring drop,■ ■ ■ ‘ 'torv£jaturclay evening, going from Irvington

Peter'e Church, on Uelmont ave., ihonce to terminal and Center Market, tiienoe to Irvington. Liberal reward for return, to 1944 Roulh Grove at,, Irvington

a u t o s c h o o l .SPECIAL COURSE, 119,

Driving, I'epalring: eeveral car*; eeif-startore; we help secure posltlona; lleense guaranteed. Auto Behoof, 138 Market, room 798, oppoett* elevator.AUTOMOBILE mechanic* who know Ford

work; good men can m ake more than 830 per week; plenty of work and working con­dition*. Apply superintendent. King Bale*Co , 449 Central ave.AUTOMOBILE tire ealeeman for Newark

and surrounding territory; w ell known tire. Address, stating experience and salary ro- qulred, Tires, Box 12, N ew s office.a u t o m o b il e repairer wanted: first class

man on Ford care; steady position: good pay. Apply, with reference, Fred Badlef* 916 Blocmfl • ‘ ‘Bloomfield ave., Bloomfield-a u t o m a t i c or hand screw machine help-

............................................ .f itmen. Apply to A. F. Meleaelbach Mfg. (^o,,

ere wanted; steady position for the righ■ ' - Mo' .................. - ~

SI Prospect st., second floor,AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC wanted: muct he

thoroughly experienced In general repair work. Apply Salyer Oarage, 818-889-383 Washington st.

BOYS, 14 years old. for factory'work, Lind­say Metal Novelty Worke, 16 Royden pL

BOY wanted to work In hakery; day work; tlO to start. Apply 482 Orange et,

BOT lo help in stock room and run erraddi*• -?h. • • • •Maltble Chemical Co,, 244 High at.

BOY wanted to help auto repairing; also to learn tho trade. 171 Clinton pi.

BOTB wanted, Cromlpw Film Laboratories, 62 StaudUh ave., Weet Orange.

BOT wanted; no nvening hours; drug store, Tempel, 218 Clinton ave.

BOV wanted to run errand*,Ing To., 69 Clinton at.

Baker Prlnt-

BOY wanted to work In store, ave.

190 Rummer

Bl>T to assort caatlnga ave.

Apply 230 Jemrr

CABINET maker* wanted. Call at The Har- rolla Talking Machine Co., I I Springfield

avo.CABINET MAKER wanted. In carpenter

shop. 226 Amherat sL. East Oratiga_____(700K —Sem nd rook, white preferred; good

wages. Center Restaurant, 126 (Jlenridgeave., Montclair.CLERK w anted In a fruit store., 621 Clin­

ton ava.






BARTB.NDERH, inacklntsls; laborers, w hite and colcrod, over 200 placci to aelect from;

tardt>ncri. farm hands, auto inechanka and washer*, kitchen men, Jenttors. couples, en­gineer*. firain«R. drivers, chauffeurs, w allers, alLaround clerks, position* obtained all over the ataie: call and be convinced; we guar­antee <|* place you if you w ant work; list for farm s and botsls i t the leading resorts; opsn evenings.

GROVE AGENCY,143 Main st.. near Grove et., E set Orange.BOOK-KEEPER, double entry, wanted In a

m anufsrturing offk «: must be fam iliar with general ledger accounts and able todraw o ff a trial balance; ateady em ploy­ment aaeured; in aniw erlng w rite fu ll ds«ta il! ae to previous employment, age, na­tionality, end elate salary exported. Ad-drrBa Confidential. Bo* 11, News office.BOOK-KEEPER—Young man, about twenty-

five years of age: must understand dou­ble entry book-keeping; sinto salary ex­pected. Addreee Bank, Box 42. News o flfcaBOOK-KEEPER wanted In office of cm -

StructidU office, located In Bouth Jersey; state age, experlenc*’ end saU rv expoctnd. Wrllo to Bouk-kcepor, Box 112, News office.BO O K -K ESrK R and i-Ashler, experltnred«

for wholesale house; rrply stating experi­ence, age. reterfmees^and salary de*^lred.

" , News o ffk e .Addreaa Experienced, P n i 66,BOOK-KEEPER. Htanographer. materlai-

che< ker for government . w ork; Ihoee pre­viously experienred preferred. Charlea R. Uedilen Conlpan]^ Prudential hiiLdlng.

AUTO MECIIANICB; excellent opportunity for flral-clAiR men; only mechanics with

tool* need apply. Bulck Repair Cu., 118 Newark et.

BOOK-KEEPER, with knowledge of sten og­raphy. Apply Long St Koch, 124 South Rt.

AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, experienced, capable of making general repalri and ad-

Juetmemi on motor*. -Apply 124 Washing­ton st-


A l’TO M oniLE m echanic wanted a l once;good wAgHB, steady poeltlon. CadlJlac

Agency. 6 Sixth et,. Harrlann.AVTOMOBILHJ— Flret-cleea Ford merhanlo

wanted; m ust have his own tools. Stickel Garage, 186 Lafayette sc.Ai'TOMOIin..B truck driver wanted: a good

steady man who can furnish reference. Apjiiy 18 J<ihn*on stAl'TOMCHilLpi” MECHANICS, flrel-cloae,

wanted. Apply Model Garage, 34T Cen­tral ave., Orange.AUTO HANDS want'll! on body and chassle.

Apply at Tillller's Paint Shop, IS Prsllng- huysen ave. ___AUT^JMOBiLB mechanic; g^od salary.


ack end W hite T ati. 9 New Jersey Rail­road ava.AUTO m e c h a n i c s —T wo good automoblla

mechanics. De C'oxcn ^totor Co., 29 Branford pLAUTOMOBILE MECHANICS wanted,

ply 29 Lincoln ave.. Orange.Ap.

a u t o m o b il e m echanic w anted. 488 Contra) ave., city .


AWNING HANGERS,I.. B a m b e r g e r & c o . require

experkneed aw ning hanger*; also men to make fram es and mount uwnlngH. Em ploym ent Office, aev- enth floor, open from 9 A. Zd. un­til 6:<i9 P. 31.

AWNING HANGERS and helpers wanted; expsrlencfd. Ijaggren Broa. (Jo., 1180 Eaat

Grand it .. Elisabeth, N. J.ARTISTS—Several young men to learn

fashion drawing and commercial illuitrat- ingL |ood pay after learning; call a ftfrnoeri or aveninge, or writs for particular*, T n S THOMAS STUDIO, 881 Broad st.ABKlKi'ANT foremen w anted ; handy around

machinery, to work from 4 P, M. to 1 A. M .. good pay in st<»a(ly man. Address Foremen, Bo* 80, News office.



BRASS HOLDERS— Flrst-riass tub moldera wanted on hlEh-ciass bronxe work; beet

paid and permanent poptltlons to good men. American Foundry Co., 634 South E lev­enth at.BLACKSMITHS and helpers wanted, for

steam hammer work; steady work and

food pay. John M. W illiam's ipotis, 372(ilpp ave., Jersey CUy.

BOLOGNA MAKERS, pclaborers w anted, steady work, good pay

ork hutchern and-------- ------- , .... _ pay.

Apply Van W agenen St Schlckhaua Co., 80

BRAKEMEN ffretgh n . for yard and road aervlce. Apply Pennsylvania Railroad,

Free Employment Office, 871 Market s tBAG and suit c.tse maker and slicker

wanted; itcadv Job; $1T per week and bonus. Apply W illiam Ba1 Cfo., 7 “VoBcy iit.BARBER wanted that underalands the

business: f l8 per week and no Sunday work. Apply at once, A. pan1co,-923 Bloom field ave., Montclair, N. J.BARBER— Wanted, a flrst-closa barber; no

Sunday work; married man; American preferred. C. .1. KruUis, 12 W ashington pi. Eaal Orange.BARBER w anted ; salary 615 per w eek and '-com mltslon over |!6 ; must be good check

maker. Call at once at 361 Market at.BARBRpR, w ith or without board; Tnuat be

good; good wages. Call any d sy th is Week, 764 Harrison ave., HerrUoD.BARBER—Good barbsr; steady position;

m ust have good experience; |19 a week. 880 Main at., East Orange.BARBER: ateady man or to help out to.

suit; good pay. Peter, 19 Main at., Eaet Orange, around corner. ____B a r k e r wanted; steady work; good pay;

■ tan Immediately. Apply la Broad st.,Bloom field, N. J.BARBER—Good, flrst-cloa* barber wanted,

Zimmer. 448 Clinton ave., near FM hlne ave.BARBER w'anted for first class shop; ateady

work; good pay. 1016 Springfield ave.

, ELK'H CHARM, mounted with two small teeth and Initials on back, F. J. W. R e­

turn to 1347 Springfield ave,, Irvington,

POCKETBOOK lost on Saturday afternoon a t Central ave. and Ninth st., containing

sum of money. Reward If returned lo J. J. Bchreck, 189 South Tenth el.

ASSISTANT shipping clerk wanted, steady work. Oscar B arnett Foundry Co., Lyons

ave. end Coil st.. Irvington.a s s i s t a n t gardener wanted; must^ ^ ake

him self generally uaeful. Apply 238 Jersey st-, K lliabelh, N, J.

PIN—15 rteward for the return of a lady's cam eo pin, lost while shopping Saturday

afternoon. Return to Mrs. D. J. O’Connor, 29 Dover st., city.PIN— Gold engraved barpln. Saturdav, b e­

tw een - ('rawford and. Walnut its** on Broad. P ieaie return, K, C, Elder, 43 I'rawford at-, cRf-

o’clock aharp for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of our deceasedbrothers, Past Master Loula I. Cooper and Aisxander 11. \yarren.

Q. MOOflK RBITCK.Maatar,

AARON B, JEWEL, Secretary.

e m e r g e n t c o m m u n ic a t io n o f Trl-iuml&ar Lodge No. 11?, F. and A. M .

will be held at the lodge room. 88 Hoaevllia avenui, on Monday evening. April 1, at 7 o'clock,, to attend th* funeral o f our late brother, Frederick Scholl, r . M. Membere of the oraft are Invited to attend.

By order ofHARRY W ERTHEIM . W. M.

QBORGK T. PEC y. Secretary. . '


110 BROAD ST., CORNER EIOKTH AVE., WILL f u r n i s h FOR 171 q

extra fine black broadcloth, w hite or aitvar gray plush casket, with m oisive barheadlea. engraved n aneplate, casket beautifu lly lined with fine silk or satin; ouUld* case, adver­tising, ombalmliif, dreMlng. abAvUg, c* UQl- flx , cantfit'labrn. gloves, c'nalrt, hear** And three coudifb to any cUy cem etarj.


funerals that msasure up to any high-priced uoderlaker'e 899 funeral. Parlora free,





In Attendance,Our moderate ratae and rfflelent eervlci.

day or night, are valunble points to con­sider when angaitng an undertaker.

Funeral purlers and squlpm eut u( the

LEIMAN—Suddenly. March 39. IM I. Fred A- T-r lman. aged 28 years, beloved husband of Florence Leltneu (nes St'amm), and son of Henry and ('atharlne Letmmn (nee Htnll), Relatives and friends. Brotherhood of Loco­m otive Klreni'^n and Engineers, and Penn- xylvanla Rttllr<jjia Voluntary Relief Depart­ment, are Invited to Skttend funeral Tueeday, April 2, 2:SC P. M., from rea1d<*ncs, 678 Her-

f«n etr«eL IntermeDt In Woodland Cems- VT»LOW'SRY— On March 80, 1916, Edward,

beloved son o f the late John and Annie Lowegy (nee Kgan), Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend the funeral from the residence o f hi* aunt, Mra John Boylan. 211 Warren atroct, <m Tueaday, April S. at I A. M„ to St. Joaeph's Fhurch, where a solem n h igh mwM of requiem will bs o f­fered for th e repoae of hla aoul at 9 A- M. Interm ent In th e Cemetery of the Holy Bepulchre,

MeOARRITY—On Sunday, March 11. 1611. a t the f«ald*nce o f hie parent*, i i Durand g&oet, Ifariholem ew , beloved eon of Pranole add C atherine McGarrlly (nee Delaney), aged I t yeara N olloe of funeral hereafter.

MONAGHAN— On March t ) , 1618. a t hi* residence. I t W ashburn place, Caldwell, N. X. W illiam C., beloved hueban'l of Anna MeoAghan, in hi* 62d year. Funeral

latest and moat modern design.Automobilea for lung alstanoe**

Lady attendant. Chaiyel free.g r a n t b u r i a l c o m p a n y ,

676 Brood st., corner K lsbth ave.. Phone Branch Brook 6611.


Son of th* late Joshua Brierley.

Mortuarian,402 Broad st. Tel, B. B. l l l l .



AutuoiobUe cortege for long distance, A, STANLEY COLE.

124 Orange at. Phone 1106 B. B .. 114 OrangeWILLIAM F. MULLIN.FUNERAL DIREtrrOR,


t Ubm o4 hi* reeldence, Wednesday, a t f?io P , ’l l . R eiatlyj* and friend* or* invited to iftetod. Iiberm eBt in Froepect Hill Cem*' lery, CgldwaU.

J O ta C O N -^ n March 10, I t l l , M argaret rite df th e la te Oli« Olseon. Relative* and

fiM d* ore hevtUd to attend the funeral eerv iM at her realdena*. 101 Sheriuen fveitiM, OB W odnesday. April I, a t 6 P. IL lJ ite a t i^ t .l i i E vertrean C eaelery.

0"BOOS*— On Moreh 19. 1618^ a t Camp f ff rwiptt.' A d gu tto . Qa , Private Joh& J (YTe*4*, hglayed aen of John H. and Cath



FUNERAL d i r e c t o r ,197 BUiaheth ave. Phone 7471 Waverly,



POCKETBOOK, Saturday evening, between Central ave. and Bridge at., a black p at­

ent leather pocketbook cenialnlng a *um ofm oney: reward given and no qiieailone oaked.“ • • - ‘ 7 .............................B e iile Kaln. 42f Central ave.. Harrison,

POCKETBOOK lost Sundny. nn Broad *t., between rnUda and library, containing

oherk. Reward. If returned to A. C, KIghi, 179 Broad st.PAPS BOOK 38849— Lost. Return to the

H alf Dime Savlnge Bank of Orange, N. J.SATtJHF.L—1/oat, a brown leather latchet, on

road between Keyport and Perth Amboy; reward |19, T. Baker, Mansion House Hotel, Keyport.t r a v e l i n g B a g , marked R, S. H., lost mi

shore road between Morgan end Amboy. R ^eldkr, 694 Bouth Eleventh at., Newark, Phone 323 W av,; reward.W'ATCH lo it , Friday, email gold Elgin, be­

tw een Holt'a and Market s t .; reward. Ad.- dress \Vntrh. Box 79. News office,*-

FOUNDDO(3— Found, male Atrednle. Call 868 Brqad

sr., over etore-UURSE found containing small sum nf

money, on Third al., ENSi Newark, owner may have same. Call at Borough Hull. East Newark,_____ -________

STOLENREtVAAD of 160 offered for information

leading to the recovery of chestnut bay horse; about seven years old, fourteen (14) hand* high and welgha about 1,400 Ib»,; w ith w hite stockings behind, w hile spot on

BOYS.PLACT A CO, require

the servloes of bright hoys (o art (id 1as messengers apd parctil iir tp -

pvfN Apriy Employment O ffice,, *• 1 Floor.



BOY9-—We have opening* for bright and w illing boy* to Irtrn the following trades:

All-around machinist, wood pattern mak­ing. armature winding; good opportunity for

r Cl • ----------- "energetic boys. Apply Crooker-Whaeler Co,. Fourth ave,, East Orange, N. J.

B a r b e r wanted; first clees; |16 per week. 344 Bigelow at., corrtf^r-Peabiif g-vA-

BARBER w anted; flrst-rlaas; eteady poal- Hon. S24 Plane *t.. near Market.

BARBER wanted; 614 a'week. Conatantloe, 4 Lakeside ave.. West Orange.

b a r b e r , steady; to start at once, 616; h alf over 126. 162 Clinton ave.

BARBER w anted; good pay. 609 Clinton ave.; one day off every weelL________

BARBER wanted; steady position. Plane st,. .cor, Branford pi.

BARBER. «U e at.

first-class, w anted. 87 L afay-

BU while, experienced, unmarried; have flrst-claia reference. Tel.

Montclair 484 between T an4 9 V. M. on Tueeday or Wedqasday.BAG MAKER?, cutter and frame coverer

wanted. Call reedy for wark, W’'e*tern Leather Goods Co., 6 Franklin at.BU6HELMAN wanted who understands

pressing machine; steady work to right man. M. Bleyer, 43 flhermgn eve.BUSIIELMAN—Coat tailor wanlrd at once

steady work. Adslberg, 464 Orange st. near F ifth et.HA(i MAKERS WANTED ON ENGLISH



MERCK * C O .,'

e m p l o y m e n t OFFICE,


" t














139 OODEN 6T.

f e e d e r s , on cylinder and Cordon preaeee;steady work; good p ay; clean, healthful

work, Interneilcntl T icket Co., 60 Qrof-

PKEDBR—Cylinder or Gordon, Ddti-Ttnl(Mi;eteady position to capable man. Addreaa

Gortlon, Box 111, Kswe offlc*.FIREMEN wented; m ust underetend'- dter-

llng boilers; wages |38 per week. Apply Federal Paper Board Cq„ Bogota, N. J.,Hocksnaack.FREIGHT HANDLERS, a^*o jan iior. Af^iy

Erie Railroad freight office, foot of Fourth ave.FINIHHERS on hardwood coaee

Grafton ave.Apply 19


garage mechanic; one fam iliar with Fnrda and Autocara p referr^ , Employment Office, seventh floor, open from I A, M. until 6:10 P , M.

OROCERT ■alary ti

Jacob Btelnqr,,

r CLBRK; exper|anc«dt good to right m an; hours 7 t* 1 : 66- Inqr,, Morristown.

GROCER wanted: m ust be ei^erl*nc*dj rtf- Ired,erence requir

Shaniey ave.Apply B . F lnkcl, II

q r INDER and chipper m en wented« with experience, on grinding end cblpplag coat­

ing; 80c. per hour. Apply Thom son MooUn* Co . Main, near Holmes st., B a llev lllaGOHDO.N f e e d e r s w anted; steady work

and good wagea. AfTply at W elti ft Bloom­berg. 284 Springfield ave. _GORDON PRESS FEED ER S W ANTED. C,

WOLBER COMPANY. 266 PLANE ST-GARDENER. experienced m an by th* week.

to put grounds In order; one w ho undai*- ■tande planting, etc. Apply 176 South Mountain ave., Monlrialr.GORDON

wented.preiB feeder and errand bey Borden Press, 346 Market *t.

Ga RDENBRH—F ive men w anted; gooilwages. Call at 109 N orth Clinton at,.

Raiil Orange. ’GAO^i^AKERR—Flret-rioas^men on

O. F. Bowen blachlne Co., Inc., 109 ' nor at., Newark-GARDENER'S HELPER _ wanted-

Gottlieb. Olympic Park, Irvington,H ELPER R -W O R K EES

fnr sheet metal and pipe shop; steady work; time and one-half (pr overtime,

AMERICAN SPRAY CO,.Pine s t , near Third sL^ EllaatMthport, N. <L

DRAKTSNfRN—Wantort, designers, d etillsr* Rtiii traeors. exreri«*nred In mechanical or

fllf»ctTli*aI work; give exjjerlenco. axe and salary px])rrtr<d; permanAtit poKltlons- A d­dress Draflamen, Uiix 110, News office.DRAFTSMAN— Man a^cutlnmM to detailing

pipe work and familiar with power s ta ­tion piping; must have raforence. Apply Kellogg Company, 117 West Bids eve., Jereey Clty.DRAFTSMAN. young man, 18 to 29. to

learn drafting;, bring sample of work; salary $19 to start. Jenkins Mfg. Co., IS Farrand st.. Bloomfield, N. J.

DRIVER and repair man on Ford ear* for gurago, $26 w*fek: drill press, bench, m ill­

ing mat htn^ and lathe hands, merhlnlst for general factory repair work, several aa- aemhlsT*. carpenters at once. Laborers at 46c. hour, construction work; clerk, general offlre man, eecretary to nupervieor of large manufacturing concern, aome nenography. cflrc correapondence, etc., $16.6 month start; chef, porter*, checkere, butler, waiter coun­try club, chauffeur, private family driving; men desiring better grade of high-salaried positions should call for personal Interview.


e s t a b l i s h e d ALMOST HALF CENTURY

HARDWARE store ha* opening for young man. 19 to 29 year* of uge, to learn the

factory supply branch and general hard­ware of (I largo local hardware store. Ap­ply, giving reference and quallflcetioA*. Hardware, Box 117, News office.HARDWARE CLERK, on* w ho understaods

factory supplies: th is la the opportunity you arc looking for. Apply, giving expert- enre, etc., Factory Supplies, Box. 126, News office. ___HELPERS wanted In brass foundry; one or

two steady m en; good w ages and good working conditions; nons but steady m<m need apply. Kearny Bras* Foundry, 316 Maple st.. Kearny, N. J.________ _ _ _ _HELPERS WANTED FOR WORK IN


•iKady work. Cell Christian Schm idt Fur­niture Co.. 76-78 Mercer et.HOUSE MAN wanted, w hite. Apply Marl-

borough Hotel, 46 N orth Arlington ave., East Orange.HELPER wanted. In wood w orking plant,

ja rv li Inc.. 113 Mechanic st.

DR1VF,RS— Several young men of good rhar- ai'ter (exem pt) fur poslLlons with oppor­

tunity at advancem ent; ilSady work; star*age, e^ erlerice' and wages. - Addresa Intel* igent, Box 143, News office.DRIVER to deliver light merchandise tn

Newark and vLcInity; good opportunity and eteady jposUlon; call with reference*,

ersey 'ToNew Jersey 'Tobacco Cu., 18 Rhlpmao i tD B lV BR a and helpers. Apply N, Drake,

Nye ave. and Lehigh Valley Railroad, Irr-Ingtoh.DRIVER for dump wagon; lalaiT f i t . .

after 8 o'clock. J. Blurer, 16 Chelsea ave.Call

DRIVER for team coal wsgon, also driver for single horse wagon. 1 Littleton ave.

DRUG CLERK-—Wanted, at Neerie drug store, corner Broadway and Bridge it-,

Patereon. N. J., a capable clerk, reglalered, or registered asaletant; good reference* re- Quired; State w ages expected. Address by mall.DRUG CLERK wanted; registered or as-

slsta'nt registered; good pay and chance for qLlrk advancem ent. Apply B ebw an. D ru gfota , 887 Broad it.DRUG CLERK, |3 0 a weak. Apply to 1

Valley rd.. W est Orange, N- J.DIPPERS.


New's Co. Reetaurant. main concouroe, Public Service TernUnal Building.DRUG CLERK Junior. Apply at one*;

good salary. Mlllman Pharmacy, t i l Orangs rd., Montclair.DRILL PRESS: also machine ahop helper.

Mohawk Electric Mfg. Co., 46 Lawresb*at.; 7143 Mkt.DISHW ASHER wanted; must bs expert-

enoed. Inquire Standard RsetaurspC, 167 Mulberry st, .DROP HANDS, experienced on stam ping

m etal novelties. Harvey Oeborn* Co., 193 Murray «t.DRUGGIST— Drug clerk with some experl^ . . . . . . . . office.snee. Address 8. M.. Box 77, New* <ENGINEER: chauffeur, white, colored; fir e ­

men, bench hands, lathe bands, maohln- let, driver, chem ist, factory carpenter, cab­inet makers, also helpers; gardener, chefet, order cook, sa lad man, porters; waiters,


BEAM HOUSE w oi^sri wanted. Stengel ft Rothschild, corner Maine and Knaautu sts.

b l a c k s m i t h and wood worker wanted. H. Wliiaraky, 911 W est Kinney sLBOYS for light all around factory work;

good opportunities for advancem ent; good . . ^wages, weekly and m onthly bonuaea; any | BELL BOT wwanted; experlanced and refone wishing work, It w ill pay you lo call and see us. Clark B lade ft Rosor Co., 119 Sussex ave., rlty.DOT wanted, U to 17 years old, to work In

alore room factory; clean work; gord pay and chanc* fur advancem ent. Call at office International Oxygen Company, TI8 Freltnghuyeen ave

erences. 863 Brood at.BUSHELMAN;

Green st.steady work. Erveye, 18

BOT, 18-16, wanted for clerical work and tnuUlgraph operating: no previous experi­

ence necessary. B. C, Co., 19B Emmet at.

BOT9 wanted over 1A year* of ego, for light factory work; ateady work ana good pay.

Federal Button Co,. 277 Broome eL

(offthead; also green platform spring wagon, w ith gray running gear; stolen fre bam of John 0 '3 isr i

gear; stolen from the of Union. N. J.« op

BUSINESS NOTICESW E fin ish your aUvnrware. chandeliers and

brass hedstf'flds lIKn new; anything In the m etal tine refinlahod and repaired, try u*.

NEW ARK NICKKL PLATING CO.. Writ* or phone 8647 Mul. Rear 49 W alnut st.

OLD LEAKY ROOFB.We paint, repair, u r cover all kijids; low ­

est prii-ea. lim e guaranty given.""■£ CENTRAL ROOFING CO.,THE _ - .688 Broad at. Tol. 263 Market.

MASON WORK—(*h1mneys rebuilt, repaired;plastering; e ltem io n !; Jobbing a specially.

.......................... ....... ............................. .................... kt.T. H. Dermody. 47 Bank st.; tc|, 3061M Mkt,BRAFS BKDB and Curnilure rcfinlshad; new

furnliur«> *t wholesale. Cresceni._Rftflniah-Ing Co.. 838 HpTlngfleld ave., Irv .: Wav, 483S,31A8t>N WORK—Hlasterlnx. meson Jobbing

a. tp ecla iiy; wet cellars made dry. 8. Mar­quette. 2 W est Park at. Tel. 4636 Market.EX PER T chimney builder; chimney* rebuilt

and repaired; cleaned top to bottom, |3 per flue. George llarrls. 68) Bergen st.NEW RUQR from old carpets. New Jersey .................... - ‘ fli- ' - *R ug Work*. 1068 Rprlngileld ave., Irving' ton. Phone 4186 Wsverlv.CARPENTERTNO, jobbing. alterMlohe, roof­

ing, etc. Bend postal, Wm. Ring, 9 Roose­velt tor., Irvington.MACTHINE and tool work wanted of all

kinds. Bradley Motor Co., 143 Highland ave., Newark.

BOT wanted for woodworking ehop; must be strong and 'willing; 36o. per hour to

s ta r t,- Trltsch-flchoenberg Co„ 692 Jelllff ave., entrance on Bigelow sL

BOTH, sixteen to eighteen ysors. In to llsh - Ing department at cleaning work, 819 per

WMk to atari, w ith advancement, ter ft Co.. STl E ighteenth ave.


BOTB wanted for factory work: only those w illing to work and dsalre to learn and

advancY need apply. J. Wles ft Co., 36 L it­tleton ave.b o y s f o r l i g h t w o r k a r o u n d p l a t ­

in g ROOM, FOR DRYING OUT. IDTC.; GOOD WAOKR, APPLT LIEBMANN, 72 BRUEN ST.BOYS. 16 year* old, for wiping and Inapsct'

Ing shears and scissors In shlpplnj; room;$8 to start; good opportunity. Camden st,BOY wanted In supply departm ent fire In-

Buranoe company; state age end a a la^ «x-. . . -peeled. Address Insurance, Box 148, office.

BOYS—‘Seventeen-nlnetoea years on mJllIag and drilling nybohlnes; |1 per day end

Kraeuter ft co ., t n Eighteenthpiecework, ave.BOT—‘Experienced boy wanted for gent**

furnishing atere; good salary tn start; ret- ereace required. A pply 66 Market st.. city.BOT9. 699, to^care tor w ar gardens; Sat­

urdays: ptsM ant Otttlnj^j enroll today.Poesalq Valley Oarden, I t i Plane st.

CARPENTERand handy man for sm all m achine shop; steady Job; good wages; tim e and one-half overtime.

AMERICAN fiPRAT CO„Pine sL. near Third st., ElUabethport, N. J .COLLECTOR, m ust be experienced In fu r­

niture inalalm ent buslnese; rare oppor­tunity for man who la a huetler; sta te ref- FToncee; m ust be able to furnish bond. Ad­dress Furniture, Box 147, N ew s ofllce.

white, colored; married couplH, private fam lly, farrns, hotels, boarding houses; k ttchsn-man, $60 and room; counter man. bus boy*, young man for o ffice work; watchman, fa^:-tory hands, oysterman, lunchinan; elevator

id. I -------- • ■ ‘vacancies.runner, colored, no experience required; other

THE R B U A B L E AGENCY. 60 NEW 8T. OLD e s t a b l i s h e d AND RELIABLE.


Licensed man for night ehlfl: seveii days a week; ten hours a day; $101 per month plus19 per cent, bonus for attendance. Plant lo ­cated In Bloom field. ~ ^offlo*.

E. R., Box 64, N ew s



CABINBT HAKRimFlret close bench h and s Those

ooip' ,M|C«d on fine grade cabinet work. Apply

STANDARD AIRCRAFT CORP. Brunswick ave., Elisabeth, N. J.

CARPENTER.Good all-around man; steady position with

good w ages to right party. Apply The Art Metal Works, 9-11 Mulberry st.


CARPENTER—Apply between 6 and 19 A.M., Empire CreanY Separator Co., W at-

sew in g Btstijin, Bioomfteld. N. J.

CARPENTERS, two, all-around m en. Call 16 Sherman av*., bAweso 6 and 6 nr 6 A,

M., tomorrow.

COLOR MAKERwanted: m an of good oolor eeese, aold traln- Ing, to m atch sacnples and get up new shad es, one used to cotton dyeing preferred. A ddress With Yeferenees and statem ent of w ages w anted, *'Color Maker,*' B ox t l , News ofiloe.

COLLECTOR for good debit., - CoomopolltanBOY. brirht, 17 y « r . «ld; for r«n.r»1 o ff lc . i . K T i - i f ' J c i l c kwork; answer In own handwriting. Ad- mornings. 8 to 11:29 o clock.dre#ce B., Box 3, N ew s offlre.

P. J . GILROY. INC., Undertakers,

611 Bread st, phone 1921 Hal.JOHN D. CRANE. UNDERTAKBR,

111 Rtrrlnon eve., Harrison. N. J. 611 Kearny iv e ., Arlington, N. J*

e r in e ' iy Y f ^ (nee K elly). Beletlvee, (dende, l a e m k ^ ^ U e ^ i r end Holy Name Be-etety of ftft Joeebh'e parish, the Alumni nf 8t. P a lr k H i C a^eftral ichool and the sm

Bom bergerfA Co., ere kindly ' Yhe funeral from hie por-

Ufctleton avenue, on Tue*- V ftt * A. M..' to 0». Joaeph's

19 A. M. a euiemn high w ilt be oftereo fetr thie

__ I enal. letarm ent In th*aepulelMe. i unerftl

- " April L t


191 Fleming ave- Phone 614 M«LWILBUR B. WRITE. Funeral XRrbctot. 261

Clinton ave.; phone t i l W averiy; fonereli e^ jH »d jrtg ja^ jrjoe|^ j|g t^ ^


CeiUd for end delivered by Beyer ft Eon. I l l Ferry s i.; phehe 6992 Market.WORK flnhihed In 14 bovre. *Uk walste aM

d r e it i i dY9d hi II h eu n . Liboaatl, I f f Halft st*» M id (waiigbs g le h # IITI*

CjI^P E N T E R . Jobbing and a lte r s (lo » . John JohnsonBrowne, 274 .

1341.I av«, phone W averiy


B ath room reilinga. $7 up; kltchena. 111 up. 41-71 Norfolk at. ______ Tel. 3712 B R.

METAL CEILINGS AND WALLS Cetlinga. 16 up. Fred Dork, 17-19 EiU*

d in - • ----------ave., near (7llnton ave.; phone 6106 Waverly. "m BTAT- rElLINOS AND^wXliLSKreolcd In all kinds of bulldinge.

,JA3. V. MAOUTRB. 3H H alsey at.. Newark.sUNlTFin STEr L CRIftlNG CO.. 171*171 Ber­

gen st.. near South Orange aye. Tel. 2919Wav. Get vur p r lo y i ell, •nork xim fenteed.

PUBUC STENOGRAPHERSM U LTiaH APH INa, V l - A n i . * M r« w b x .

BOYS over 16 to learn trade; excellent op­portunity; eelnry 610 to ataft. Henry

Moa* ft Co., 17 Reaver st.BOYS wanted for light office w<«r1c and

errands. Apply Croektr-W heeler <?«., Foupth ave.. East Orange.BOY wanted to m o errands; good ehance_for

advancement. Apply at Ne graving Co., I l l Flan* at.

Mew Jersey Xa-

BOY. bright, to work tn newspaper office: good opportunity for advancem ent Apply


79 LINCOLN PA R K , LA ORANGE APARTMENT.BOT*-Good helper to Rieke himeelf useful

Id garage; muet be able to m n Ford n r . I l l L a te ie t t i *t.BOT (colored) oa telePboee operator; ex-

perlenee not necoeeary# HoUl Aberdeeoi 16 W ashington pLBOT wanted dsr d a e t m work; stnadr work ftaftOt J

K H M t i f t . . » j i g j ^

COOPER wanted, or com iwtent cooper's hslpoPi lor dye plant; good epportnnlty for

capable man. Apply snipping department, United Oil ft Chemical Corporation, Ave­nue R. near Lincoln Highway, Newark.

............ ngeeld generally useful about th e bouse:

bring referoncts from last em ployer. Cell a t 119 Harrloon at., S ea l Orange, between I and 13 Tuesday moratgg.

CHAUFFEUR, whUe: mu«t be good me- ohonre. e lse willing to care for law n and

do Outside work; wagea IIO w ith boanl: m ust have flret-clsjs reference. Addruss Cheuffeur, B ox 16, News oiDce, Montclair.CHAUFFEUR: cerefel, *ober end experi­

enced driver, having m eohenleol kMWi- e d te i w illing make sell useful about gentle-man'* private place; between T and g P. M. 116 South Orev* iL , East Orong*.C H A U r n C B (WbUe). to

ang« lunlTyjnUl Or-


i e * M r


ENGINEER.P in t-c la ss licensed engineer, w ith re fr ig ­

eration exuerlence^ ^pebTe of running Indusni MlIUTI rx.uai iVEtWi wi luuiiitiB iiiuvw-trial plant of 49(1 H. P.; state experience,age, nationality, etc. Address Refrigeration, Box 9, N ew s oHloe.

HANDY man a* porter w anted; eteady work; good pay. W egm en Plano Co., Tl

Austin it.HOUSE MAN wanted: colored. Apply V ln d-

■or Hotel, O r a n g e . _____________in s t r u m e n t m a k e r


INSPECTORS—FIRST-CI.A88, Man who can read blue print micrometer; vernier and bevel protractor for In­spection of high grade work.

STANDARD t lS c R J i.V y CORR„ Brunswick ave., E lisabeth , N. J,

LABORERS fer construction work.

OPERATORS for cbsm loal plant.

CHAUFFEUR for eleotrloal truck.

STBAM FITTBR high pressure work.


CABINET FINISHERS, retouching and cleaning.

PAINTERS.Inside and ou tslds work.

THOMAS A. EDTgON COMFANlBft 139 Belmont ave.. Bjioomfleld.


ENGINEER and m ec h ^ le wanted for out of town factory; very desirable position for a

steady, reliable abd able men that eon fu r­nish referencok Address Engineer, Box 141 Newa offioe.ENGINEER to handle 76 H. P. holler and

engine; W atseeslng; steady work; state age, referencse, w ages expseted, Addrsss Able, B ox 91, k ew s office.ELECTRICAL m eter repairman required:

one w ith previous experience In practloal construction of meters preferred; gooa opening, w ith /ex c e llen t permanent futureproipect* for tboreugbiy oompetent matU Apply, sta tin g ^ perienoe. ^m erlcia Ygaad*(urn Company, P lttsbargh. Po,ESTIMATOR w anted, experienced oe Jewelry

and novelty m aterial; state age, experi­ence and ealary expected. Addree* EeU- mator, B ox I i , N ew s office.ELEVATOR BOT wanted. A p ^ y Robert

Treat H otel, rear entrance.E H B O U E R w anted on hides. Apply | | Mc­

W horter it .




Lakeside ave., W est Orange.

l a b o r e r b .


B o ir t w ith ooBipABi: IT p -r * * * k . - ■■ c»ll I—Bhlpmahtc ^*1’

H .n n l«

INTERVIEWERS—A responelble company requlr«s several w ide-aw ake men (ex­

em pt); steady em ploym ent, ’oalary basis; nothing to be sold, but m ust not bs afraid of long hour* when necessary. Addressetatlng ags, experience and m inimum salary, Credit, Box 143, News offlcq.IRON PATTERN MAKERS w anted at ea*e:

we Are In need of several experienced and efflcleru Iron pattern m akers; those with experience nn not water and eteom boiler patterns preferred; good w ages and steady work to deilrable men. Apply or address Abendroth Brothers. Port (Jbeeter, N. Y.

IRON B R 0N 2E 'WORKERfi familiar with blueprints; a lio heii^rs; steady work; time and one-half for overtime,

AMERICAN SPRAY CO..Pine st., near Third st., E llsabethport, N. J.

JEWELERS wanted, on gold Jewelry; goodpay and ateady work to th e right party.

Addreaa Jewelers, Box 66, N ow s office.JEWELER wanted, experienced In ■toning

enamel work; good pesUtoa; good pay. Orr ft Stone, 59 Columbia et.JEWELERS wanted oa gold Jewelry.

MIcheliUIn ft (^ .. I t M arihall otu elty, 'JITNEY DRIVER w anted; ateady mao. Ad­

dress Jm Box U 6 , N ew s office.

4 «

k x p e r i e iHMADL i ■WOkK A>

l a b o b k r h ,ITe. p ,r boiur; nln* b e a n : ■m '*b l i y i

WMk! , I » beatu.

1*ow4m Co., M Fmrk pt,H n t lo Tton*y T ,rtB l«»l

0 ^ } A. M- Fro* jo t. I

LlA B O D S U (ooIom«> to WMk in t n n m , ; plKMWork: t U And np. .kpplr U o d m l

TAMilnf Co., fcu th f t o n n i «■ ab4 CocmiI ] AVO., lliM kotnpoft, H. J.L A B O B H ll—WaoM , t l v , A tlH tfou d ]

mM. to WMk IaiIAa, 0 ,n M A l wlnAt TfOAl.'j ln« CorporAtloa, oor, o f H lddliM k aa4 r — onA ,u . , HoM lwn, N. J .

FACTORT H ii ,r a R a .W ANTED, POR STEADT WORK AT GOOD W AQBI. aXFBRIENCBD AMD INEX PER IENC ED MEN AS CQATIMOu a c b i n e t e n d e r s , h e IIm r e . r e e l o p e r a t o r s . APPLT SHPEJl- i n t e n d e n t , n e w j e r s e t c o a t e dPA PER CO., MONTCLAIIl, » . X

PACTORT H ELP W ANT! P E B T raSK : GOODI S T ; P C I --------------------WO*

P L T j



LABOBEM opportonWplnJ■•Arp n ip bulldinf; AM ptni quAitM, trM*1

m n l , TA uoutilA M B rU lol m r o n n U - itivo, , PrAAklln rt-LABOEBU WAnttd, w hlto or ooloroEi la-1

Ad, work; oma^ omplojTnont -----■•At Caam And F o u n d s WorkA POrrp iLLAEOREES—TWO L A B O B E M W,


Baay w v ^ i w______ Aok n r My.^Vondorpooi i t . "

L f t S O U R M a a y work ] i* u w y t I H F C

pkp, Dupont, III Vandov;7,uij^R l iRaM-.tra^ed. oovem t

e d f e T lB id * work; ateady Madison * t , Newark. • ____


ersA D T poarriO N . L IW m U M B N T ' AVB.

CAL O O t^



La t h e hLATHK


y x p r r i kSMALL 9 WOKfi Ab


piy_y- * -R*LINOTVPI

sklllfd JB ast Orani

experlencci cuJm Co:,LEATHER

horiehlil 64 New Yi


MK.N—StN. the foJK

M^N—W i nr9d Pr

■leadyfor 6 ar house Ob fi'iiort at I sox c*rgskotl; U p la n t Nqt



MEK, eidifhr (no

t f s . Theand VqllliJ

MEN—Ws 9«mble

good H*g)uen. ApE P ert Cb4gMT9K, ^ l

work; boardingRailroad 1

' MEN—Fe) floor *ni

work. Call Co., BrowMEN to

prAssB*;A S S fwauiec|Cempan;6IBN—TB




Boyd. AMBN wan

SchlffenMAN Tor

whoJeea position 1 nandwriti

K an ten

Ctaoekltig,MAN wao

pattern!steady W( aiate exhe ftragq w .MAN w v

in Iffge stead y p< m aatj $11 114, M9W1MAN—(^o

Ing erdi ^ m 9ai mi * Gusntktr.

MAN- '9XIjand w

m , . . jfpav*. andMAHjr-lVi

Sneed *1 EhalE late

dreg* N‘»MAN W*

field; * Ktat* age D im , B *im a n w«

n lfk t: on e* Rt city.

MAN ta

i? ^» i i

U A N to i und.M t

p i , l i t K

MAN w1

C tntr.1 >

H A K lo> M d ), w

lu w M , .

MAN « *

U orlo lu * l» w k t i I

,* l v r i


W . k .t

'n’u'S/Ji'"TK# w

hlthM t ■- - *->Tnew tool

three eli a h a lf I If you good all

t lS M

M fK iU

M d P«

'J f;

; 0 - M E N

Jk« ehftrcs of four j wor proooM; nply,« wnAUd. Andrew ^


« .... ..-■ <rji In jMwtr pUnt; iv : rndot tu rn II* WMtOD BlMtrlCAl lyMti »f0._______1 bookbJ&donr: 41 I tl4 . Bakor FrioU ot.___________ \

id Gordon proaot*:’i elMH. bMlthful k it Co., 40 Orif*

Gordon. non*Tia1oti; bto man. Addrau fico,

undoritand'- 9ter- p«r walk. A ^ l^

Bofota. N. J., n«ar

Janitor! Apply flee, foot of Fourth

I oaMO Apply to

h a m ic .Co. roquiro a familiar with

ra proforrod. Mvanth floor, tn fi:|0 P, M.

•xporlencodt food houra 1 to_______________

0 eiporlancad: rof* y B. Finkal. II

man wantad, with and cblpplac caat* Thomion uaoUn*

.. BalJevllla,nted^ it«ady work at W olu i t Bloom*

5RS WANTED. C. 26» PLANE ST.man by the weak,

r; ono who undar* kppty 174 South

and errand boy S4E MarHat at.

n wanted; fpoiJ North Ctlnioo tt..

la«B men on sagap:o., Inc., lOf Tloha

wanted. Apply rrvington, N, j .

DRKERSpipe ahop; itaady (pr overtima.

RAY CO..Cllaabathporti N. <1.opaninf for young f uge, to learn tfae and general hard- rdware etore. Ap- and quallflcatioa*. i office.DO who undarataode la the opportonity

>ply. giving eiparl' lee, Boa 111, Newii

iM foundry; one or 1 wagea and good B but iteady mon iraea Foundry, )l«


WAGES. APPLY ao JOHNSON AT.and ware hou84;

Ifltlan Schmidt Fur-e t . ____________

bite. Apply Uari' rth Arlington ave.,

Dod working plant.»lo at.ir wanted; eteady rman Plano Co., 71

lored. Apply Wind*




IRST-CT.A88.read blue

er; vernier kCtor for Id* grade work.

RAPT CORF,, Blliabetb, N. J.

Mponelble company e-awnhe men (ax* nent, *‘aalary baeia; muet not ba afraid

neceaeary. Addreae .nd minimum aalary, flea.;r s wanted at osea: iral exparlenoad and nakera; tboM with r and ataam bollrr I wagei and atMdy

Apply or addreaa r t Chaeter, N. Y.

WORKERS alio hei^ ra ; ataadr

f for oTortlma, »RAY CO.. Ellsabethport, N. J.

gold Jewelry; good to the right party.

6, Nowa Office.»ar1enc«d In ■toning pealtlon; good pay. ia 9U_____________on foM iawalry. Marahall ntij elty, >d; ateady man. Ad- i office.

ERBion work,'ORB i plant.EUR .1 truck.TTBR 'e work.f S i .NISHERB,1 cleaning.CRS.aide work.IN COMPANlBi, , BJogmll.ld,

ERS.PAT.N COUPAN1II4T « t O ru i,..


A. M. AND t r UNTIl. » P. T D B rr.. TH* l» f S r r V ST.

ERS,liow«: •w .B S t j .tT P«r WHk,II MTir- ;o., *• Park pt. '•rmlnal BMf.

W r t I*t.Is w w k tn tu n a r , . 1 op. Appip U n d n ]

MBd M. u S■ i .[It, sMd, ,l|.HDwid l Il.Dwal KM*t Tnat* I ’ MlddliWX WA I w ]

MS oppertuStT *•1 iMptnc k u a rim Om ;1

BriJtol ikpnMBU'

rhlt. or oolOMffi la-1 npIormMit, Uiut.0; I Srr Worha


ir. A E iT orltf .* itpool WLnrara t lobom i I •tM dr l.k . Appir

r a m O N i WEfTOK I SDMENT c a , n t f . I

la krmiiir twikElT ! t l* Jtlllf l a*,.


M niC S ’ TAILORS.L. a. PLAIIT A r o . ru u lr .

th . MtviM, ot l .a i i . ' u llp rt fortjiflr »IItr.i1s?i Japarljaart. ThoM .iprri.m-ed onI jllrtB and drenepa prtfcrrpd. tPpljL Ifmployuifint Uffica, Bau* onU ■



Lathi, planar, mining maohlne, borini............V HrEl-clae* man; |uq4



l»i OtlUEN BT.



viH hundi. <u|l>' f|rU-clM> lu .a irpDiputUllqn tr<*'

■ C .

\JiTflip ■ Ofllcpg" open' dkpv ' *VSun^ay. Uoaday evening until | ?.

MACHINISTS Flral claei all around



BBNCH HANDSEa th k h a n d s

lelt< ..................Apply by lektar or tn peraon. to |lf* cCukly, r'lFlh el- Ga< e ffouae,

Bdleun Lamp Wi>rka Of tna OKXERAL «LBCTR1C CD..

Ilarrlipn. N. J.LATHE HANHS—WANTBU. F|K$T-CLASa , WTHK h a n d s . HCBT r e AMERICAN;


LACljUKIl SPR.AVER,e x p e r ie n c e d on BirrTo.Nh ANL SMALL METAL NOVKI.TIE.S; STBADT WoKji AND Good wagbh

111 uqtJEN ST.



SlANDAHD A^ifcSlAl-’T CQRP., Uruuiwlc|| g v |.,, EfIeabcUi. K. i .

LEATUKR traveling bage. Young men lo igarn thv making leather goude, Ap>

t>iy y. Kauni>en Co., Murn^V <t._ _LINOTYPSk. alio (tordun feeder: lober,

akllled Amorliana. tiaierto. !M7 Alain at.. Kaat Orange. Phopa nrange 4 1 4 s.

T.KAD KURNBRS. experienced: gond pay. Open 7 A M. Her* culee Co., g< Park pi.l e a t h e r workors, glaerre, wanted, for

horeehldffl. eheifp and goat skins. Apply »4 New York av^.



. F:r.Ec!TRH'UN«.L-^ROREHS. j.athp: h a n d s , HOLDP:KHKJj.TOOL

MiOUlNlSTB fur repair work,


13v UeiinoiU ave., Ulnumtlslft.

MaCKINISTS familiar with Singersewirig inachliieii. Apply Sigmund Elent.r

'0 .. S'hool and ykl^Lfie eie.. Kewark._______ _ . AlI-ftTou&d Tnachiplilja

indy lUHu. and upprenili:*. Apply Tur* Machine c«>., lit Kaple a t . city.

W.VCHINISTH ntfudy lUHu.

per ......... . • 'llAi'iiINIST naitird; ^ ivaUy woik. also

young pfca vlll) «innie' uiaciiino ghop ei* perfcncc. !j4 Mfiicllson si-. Newark.

v m M tiS i s v s w j la ifEw». Monday , apbid i , m a 15

______H E u m f r w H i i M ........ ...pAHiTKRS HMI.d. iA d oild.r,t.B* III *RJ

□ulild. work; ,IHlk .k.H. Ckl* ,L *23 13.1-»l. . _ ' ■ _____ _

PflN TSpsi' fLriI-i!l.»i, w inl,d ; (T Mf J»».*B|rSi U t Wili'i'f Or.Pt*-

FxrNTKRlf w'.iiteU: Api>l, I f f >PaUhh rdf!

H ELPIf, M A kRin ftril-qlMI. q , gagea a nd

riviure i\(irk. ' B tavtr Ifltblnf tk Tool Co., l i FrenKIln si. ____TOOf, SIAKKHB. flv^. on good dies, no other

need appi?. 1 7 3 \N arr*-ti i t . g arrison.


FOMSHER vranlrd; eAPerigpvad iA,i.iiil4»g work: aimd wakes and chaftee' work: gimd we^M nnd cnaRe^,

f i A N ^ M*Vt»-^Vf,\NTBa ik |D R D ENCBt) PLANER HANDS; H lljift-A B B


plcturei. at dnee; for evenings only. Colu* pial ThcatiT. 141 Suhihw avp. __ _PORTBR. ttprrle&cgd. Mho llA<i kYirkg4~inr

manufacturing concv'rn. DaUy Viiderwaar Yg,, FUttenth ave.

cplnred, wajitgd; muei bev* rnf- Jamee a BatJiUr i,o.. l i t Ur*

t i t ;

pimTEB erenep.


APPLY 41 1-TLTUM 8T.. KfiW'*

PORTER wadicii fn d^^g glqra. I l l Or­ange it,

paiiTBR.AUK. _____ ________________________

rLl'MHKR and helper wgQted- Sohd qie* rlianlt only. et|«ily and hew 4 ^ ^

UrUwlU. 3* C-hafUon al ____Js if y rI ' a n p TrHTNpK uy

wiutfd: steady wurk. App>y el otn-e The An Mciai Vvocke, H-11 ltiAHiiri>‘ itpOi.fSHEItS wun(e«l. flal work, rag whetT-

1i?rculert KiPCirIc Moi«it iVrp-, 3Et Ml. Plcgiitjil a IV- _____POM^HKIt.H wanivd; piadreiperieured on

brass iiuvflMi-’h Unique Atl Mfg <i'n ait btil|imuii ’*1.l'0 |.l6 nEKS--Rag-tth‘:e1 l)u)li]iara I'iuijiil.

Harvey Oxborne Co., 143 Alurrg^ tll., cli;|r.ri.ATEn s HEI.PRH weutea; man tki^erl-

cuceU on ^ci^atcb bruibing- Unique Art itfg. Co,. HfL Shipman |t . -'pFlKSSER on cleenvd au4 dt'til work*.

Ervey'e, Hi Ureap ^|. .lULmT’o'pLRjiTOfiH. DEMAND

'■ '•A 'Ft - . . .i'iutK-,ffipErt:., ^ .

IIAMNE k CG. rtqltlif t nun

1‘uii. ‘ • , ,v ■■AbPly at eunerlbiendent’i of*

fU‘0 , HrCOH'l liouc.





.JVpcv jW o .\ce"*■ THE II. 4 w r o .

4-r • ! rUINTON ST-. . - . ‘iriUS.

H i i y W A W T i;p-**W Q ii|iii





TAILOUS.I. HAAIHEKOER A CO. require tolluri fnr iht-lr allrratioii U-kpi rl*nu nt. p^i'PiBncDl jiuhltloni sou gOotl salariea fur thuie vs’ho qualify, Em • lihiymtat OfftLO, aavunlh fluur. quan from $ M. until 3:S4 P. 11.


qr.■ UM at.Apply eaiplivytpeDt

Haven K Hartfor^i R. B Ave.. Hronx, York,

Ytirk, New and WitUv

0 »p«rU'p''*HortuJiTUVSMITH8 .

■1, gui'd pa) Open ■ S8 Ttpowder

7 A rark III-

TRA VPH.IN'i} HAli iuak«i« wattled. rx|i«rl* HiiF-nd vin flUtng up. .ti«tily K Kaufuiaun

t ' 4t. ___ ___TE.^M DTlU'l'HS r»r iltiinii ui|;uua images

IV Mi' a diy, pay every i.igUI. SiqUht 74Hrlilge )t(.


elrible poiMlijne up«n for experienced double cnlry hnok-kerper# Sm- ploymant orfh'e, aeveoth fionr, ouen from * A- Al upill -.30 P. U.

B(tOK*KEERER, doublg entry, ugntad mauufarlurlitg office: muil ^e » u

with general tldgcr gcooiUnte 4 |ii t l draw pff t triai bg“ “ ment aMUred. *" talla ea lo pre _ . ^MnnalUy. and stale agltry

■IWb l, l aBdger tcQoiunte t n i tu la to

al b«lV‘ t-In anstfring urikg fuD da- vioui empioymetii. ace, na* stale aglgry expected: A4*

IM w and ' rilblm

• Id WON

Short,’ lioncehtniied course: epeulally sdaPled fqr drafiad t^lh:

■ieat fadlo courijdrafied

•P i . . .Write or c|M tuday for kooHIPt N,Radio a-hopl. Ifc3 Ifth |l., New York.

CLERK for factory: eistp ex* berlonce and aala'ry (.ieslretl. Aditr^en A,

[loRatuler A Son. H3 Uaet 'RlnnY ' iT.


vsorH fiom<io&


.■■IKI._ ........ .................HLUU.MI'IK1,D. 7s', J.

AfAClllNllST un ui-viirats smgR hlnvprlms. Arm* Tugl >rfg.

Dev on Hi . Arlington.IIACKINTST aauiod. flrel-claie. on lathe

am) bMM-li nqrk Ufaver AUcUlne 4 Xgul Co. lu Frankllu at.

MCST UK inHtTIO^N itiHBK khu rn r>r



WAN:'CDUMISHION. VtM KKLY OftNl'S A S fy KAlI.ftiU'D F'ARfiKFAnJi. R. Tl. CONDON. 70? Wlins BPILDINC*. NBW'-a r k . n. j .

IJKN—Steady work for flfel clasn men In the fpIloaTiig pqaUiobi- "


WKSTlNHHorSE LAilP C(l. Bloomtla|d. N. J,

U^kYj'—an tad , lo ED nrtd ttrefvretf

plaat; braVloui ■laady wura aiaured; t’ for t or 7 day* per wonH: fill houai ou properly—free; gqop raetaurant

at gate lo tb» morning; lake Middle* sax oar fruin, Perth Atuboy to KvaaXey Stkael: tep mlnulai' walk from tharo to p lant Natlunsl flynlnctla Co., Keaeb«y. 9»< J.

guod men. eol* !vred, for work In picric nnld

(UP<rl«nnri uaDoccteerv; ... , , ..__red; per I3.7D p^r dayt or 7 dsy« per wonk: fhie new buck



MEN, elderly; iMe have a fow p\>Alilons open fhr tpe^perknred men JuhI past intudlo {

age. Tka Slllvooks-Miller Pi>*> Parkvr avf. and V^Upy at., South Orungc, N. J.

MEM'x-WantaiL Mt otice. reliable men to as- ilamblQ atovea and nenue ueallng bollgrs;

geqd Wtge^ and steady work to deslrubld hven. Apply or addrees. Abondrolh Efolhiifa, Fart Cbffier, tJ. V.______________________llRlK, aklHed end unskllleU. Cor raUioad

w a ^ ; free tra&sporiailon; temporary hoaralng aocommodailone. Pena^yUsnla Raljraaq Free Emp- Offlcee. S71 ATarkct ft.

'MiCN—Four strong men for haip uu snippiiiK floor and mator trunk; good salary; siauily

war4. Call ahlpplng dept., flhervvin'WilJl4mM Co., Brown el. tnd Lleter ave,, city.MEN to work on celluloid stuffrra ami

preeaei: pleaeant work and good P tr; wgul'ed g t once. Apply Kd. Uokr, Itubbarsutwauled a t once. Apply Camptny,IfBN—TEN W N tYANTteD TO WoRK ON



BOUGHT. PRIVATE HOUSE, 76 CEN­TRAL AVE.MBK fat night and day |,ttfornn.

Boyd. Adams Express, 33d Mark^Ap ly a

MEN wanted Inj SchKfenhaue I

*' box factory da helpers. 49 Fourth at.



U li.lltaT WAGES PAIp








ORPN.^NCB d e p a r t m e n t HARHI9-1N. N. J,

APPLY FBDaRAL STATEem pl o y m e n t b u r e a u


I instJthKvn Ne*v v.illln|

SALESUK-N’-A Ni'Tlil corporatlcui dsalres two nr three adJltUiiial mur. hrincisn 3s atv<) with gRlL Ing «vp«rlem-a: under aqr isralui ln|trui (Ion and asiliuu*a men earn irvm tlOQQd per yei^r: lerrUoiry .Nurthi .lrriiv>: HvaUquartert. Nfvvark, ,pay fyr iblUly: oiily far>'«>tul. hunrai and amKul«viie men nri'ii upply. ghg (uL paf*(l-:- UlsTK In firjil letter. AU-Jrvia Seib^iiian. BuX

Sena offUe.Ka'm :SMAN, puhniiesj x.hoql. prvler vipgrL

rn' i'd ipau. hm »u i!d •innaldt-r salpiinian Yvllli {ilratig 'Xpi'Oeiva In utlU’f Haeji: par- maiiHMU; Ithfrxi xalerv und cwumlaxUni. and th<.> Mpiiortunliy t>> grpu' hi rniuqrUm i and ran.lings: mukv -uu nppib ndoa. Veil ttiur ftury fully Pr.ih'-Schnw . F’ lUTsoa. N J.SAl.KljMAN—OppaviunRy for live julvsman

Urn srii

cvvryhgUy buye uur Ut)e: big rotpniUxInua It

qiiftllflT'atloii!! re<iulriiil; liiTalMg'^ni"'light innii

nail VY ork Nctvh nfflcp.

i*xperfent-f unnari-eeark ; ■ml: Into! Mg'ynt"’. enure go

Adtlrr-^a oppurlynity. B<».\ lOB,

TAIi.OR uanted; wageu. nioMilv.

VA.N MAN--Kipirlfin ed niai) to driie'^ pan k van, g«ml pa.v and steady work

party. I’H'k As|, Storage Co. i-h N .f ; also hll

ace........... ........... ............. ... . expected:dre»* Cgpndftbtial. Box il. Neu>’e «<H ce.__UuuK KEEPER. fkintUar w'Uh factory coet

Murk. poslUon iu ElUiibetli. in reply, etato pgf. natl'inallly, experience, education au«l «.aiiary iipecUd. Ilhtfral salary lo proper Iparty. .\Llarfits Kits. Bux 49. Ncos ufityc.Udolr.KKKPKR^Usi.iod. a '-ompuleiit

liuuk-keepri. Oi'UUlt: ihanve for hiIvuhc* itveiM. ila if 4ge, eulsry and espericiH'e Ad* dresj Ho'jh kceppr. Box 39, Neni offii't,BlUiK-WEKfM'IR, fully qualtfUd, duuhle tu*

try; kiula ugc, refercitwe*- e4li<ry- txprrt- tUve. resldenl of Irnliiglnu prrfsl'red. Ai)> drskS Kuok. Box 19. Newi office. Irvliigtou-


right pari i 'lrk an*.,ViSK henda wanted; 4 ffret rlaia mtu

ru^lumed to loul'w ork; hll^heet wsgee peld. Apply Tildi Macplnc Tapi A: Dye

ijil Spring Si.. jBlix^heth __ _VAKNISHEITC 11 ani ('ll; iiiu^l hi: experienced.

Apply VYllllam Hal t'o.. 7 Veiey it.

w a n t e d tU-ECTHTn.lN. FOR MAlNtKNASrK WORK ON MO*

TiHlR LDHtTlNTi. ETC.. IN IN- ANT.% - V ]





Wi)RK APFl.V HU^REI.I. qScr........103 FREI-TNli

f HU^SEI.I. rVSE^ AVB.,'inVAR3 t o ,

WEJ.DER. expcrleuncd un ehoet aluminum;sieady w^pk: gontl u'H&e>: J*lSV ^ke and

evuerlcVH' . Almuluum Ware Jlifg. Cc., Inc., ^hnJra. N. Y. ____

young mnn. ‘ Newulreil by Efnhne £ Co.. Broad and New

Apply superlmomient'eWINDOW DUHSfcSR S *S_i*lltaiU.

requlreil by H«hne £ID ■ ■WATCHMAN' wanleiJ: iinp faralllar vviih Ire

iTrani inarhln^ nnil liollcrH: rrfrretu-> s r>‘- qulrgd. Lewis Hrus.. 133 Mourpe StVV’AtV'HJiIAN'. iilghl work, for faclory . one

with firvmuiTs llpenav. Krapuler A Co., 4T1 Elghtcrixih avpW'ATiiililAN. night, and fireman, Heensed.

vi.iutfil for loglhcr lunnery. A]iply |4 New vprK iivt.'U'ATi’UMaN W’AKTLIi.

p‘D u n rn .w t i ,ixgiTUiE

W4ITEU8Colorrii. aboiti iw-.'tity years of ags.

Sjlary and HiLiimmodatlnns-m-;rtiTi.v:a ru».ii|K“ '

>i» Park pi., nugt ID Lrul Open ~ A il.

KB «’oiU‘y ter«eyitilual.

W AlTLii—Kxpe.iinnreil v^altcr U'Btifed rexianrftul. .739 MHrket bt.

HOtiK-KNERKll waiUetl. one ver/eciD rural*' ui figuring rood salarv and •lently

SoillliH). H'lih ilisiicex for ntlvuiiccuu'iil. Ad-rct» B tv . B-'x il . Nvwa nfflnc.


Kdit CLERICAL WORK. SHOULD HE HAPID CALCt-LATORS. UNK HUnUl.T) HAVE KNOWI,Kl>aE cF ^ilVlTCHBeiARn OPERATION s t a r t AIHIUT 113. lKUiH.S TO t, 15. h a l f liAY H,TO I 15. HA s t a t e . ARE a d d r e ss gO K W E


OOHSBT OPiRATOlUl, Bxperlflpcfd oa

Ob« snd Two Metdlt UachlneaAlio Few Ybun

Oeaaral Paid Weekl.

, iWeU for <orh.


IQO Shipman at.

(-MOK—Wnnlril Imtm'dlulely. a good plitln vouk. culorcil. |«r ihp Kew .fcisay iircbu*

Puedh: llorpitel. 70l I.lufahi av<- , uraiigc; Mgc'S 93' Apply ui hiifliitlal.Oi’ OK and do Ksneral hounrworli In family of

thri'r; no uayhlbg: spUry per iJHitilh.f uMiV home: niunl hsvu r>’fei<'nuv .^Piily45 iSfmih Tcmh sl_ ___ _____ _

COOfC. flrsl-HHss: rolMrnl; no iibjrrtlori l<> going His'ey for iho summer Cnll hU

ivei.ii, t'oirmun, 374 (iulHCy ei . rjvsvurk. N ,1.COOK and x«r-uiir| inuld. ■: hi fsinll) : par

lormnid -waitrescue, r h^inlir-rniald wm II ri>e-i rmracs; chAnihrrnintd for ruhnpl. Mrw IJuiii n Afonry, S|.> ^datn el , llrnns'.C ivUv 4ilid ualtrasH ur mnitilo; rcfrrctirca

lei^ulrad. Uo wnshlng. Mra - Lyons, jli) RliigeWpod g ie , Lilsii Rhlge> lel< »t*73 (ilcn

_ JlJL*l K M,. . . . J p T T fie CBL-'i r f r i 'B B u ly t r . •

1, 'IIHBt flrU, ,(BViUni» ‘mu-; Apply HayHr^ 111 Hrali) 3L


nwessary.UlRL for feitfrit houeew'Qrlt in’ fsnrifi^of

Deo adulie. 3fl7, North Saveuth st.DlhL f(»r general heiisewerk, ulih qr w|ik

out wflshinji. u s FglrnmHUt gva.

niRT.sL, aAMBBItOKR A I'Q. have t>oe1*

tlons open for glcli. U to II veaTi of ags,


Ttaihlng and echuollpB flvin tq atere hours: good SHlsrliNi fo a tirt; rapid prqmotfon f ir tnnsi whb are bright end lndui»uluus. Bntploy- inent Office, e r^u th floor, open from I A MV until i,.U F. M.

QIRLI AND VD|f|lNq 11 1 0 i l yoara.

* SxperlsTioe not nar»«aafg>Light, oltan and lut«t«ailni work

Bcgimtcrs paid Ho. Per bgur while faj Inc, qlth 10 per egat. b<m;ie for flieada

Quiok advanoeruchU Apply Mtgi O Hbsa.

I Franklin at.. seenM floor.


t u n t s W.IIUJ, Q. iltnptn 'C h.inlcU ol',.tTPIH* It . tliy-_____________

GENHRAi. Uflug.wQrk.r, («r ipiVI- Mifot" " ■ * ‘ ,e»i4iBF COlpIvtt.

______ __________ „ _____ 'W f*-____ _g KATBRa I. h.iiiHwgpLr r tL .b l. rg .ll Iq

■ Mtll rtmlly; « ltu ua l.uudry » .r£^A B - l‘,y Irtl. '.tu u *bJ 1, o r1 tuU t, »• ChuT- tint s t, East Orange.

Y ' i^uMBewyraer, « r ipiail.IcHfUiof heuit; i-.Ty b u t WM. .Il>n iLq.ii. Il c u i , .n l , . i ' wbUl or 13 North Arllnatoti ave., Kast Orapyi

i; k n k ra l•. nuking, 11(1 w

Mniui a'.'t “liQUseworker, D we shin Bail Orah|«.

. . white. . Ing. reftretioea

gin. plainM Hofi4

lIANna LXPKRIWGIil/ON Flfc'K lu V lI fliilKI.VO,



niRLB XYANTL2‘.rieen—light work—good pap. 9-bQur day—Ih hours per vsek*Bdhui of lOi^ Iqr atteadhoM

and pubctuallty,WESTINOirOUSB LAMP CO.,

Bloomfield. N. J.


o v e n If - TO WORK ,WORK AND UDOI) P4T — g rR R n iif ii iiN t^kVK.

F4C’WD GUt *' " RROUNl

W ILLU lt t _____AND FOURTH ST.W ILLU lt URATO ft CO., THlftfi


tiIRLS WAITED rp SHOP WOBIt; 6 T l. .- . _ .



o rn i.s WANTED.



GIRLS WANTED.\t e have paeiiions opiiii for girl# and

iM>m«n. Is 10 SO yrsrs. cm blgh-grgde, clem l,r«n<-h work; c>xi:rf)eiiL th»g comlUinta: sicxily ivnrk and (’haiM’U fur dnyutp-omeiil. IVESTi'N ULECTIUCaL iNifTRirMEKT CU.,


8 .U.KSMAN—Mgrrlrd tnuu c*n s f Ure per- in iii>*iii position us eriHcttiir and tuMertor

with MctropolUup Life Insutanye t:ntnpxny; giiuraiiteed salary, advaucemcht. Call or write. 226 Main si . Orange.' ________ii.M^ESMAN—I'urnJiure iu"lalmeni hou^e baa

'jpentrg fqr mail utiu'^k c.auab)4 - inurtt bO' wilihig ’f) i-ollepl part lime: ooml nnd ifter- enc-e rrquhsd. Crpuu fVj.. <7 Murket at.__

wAflted. oaperltnyed. qir shesc ' wggas, chAocQ of aJvance-

:ur (-umpg^eni man; alaie age aud ex Wurg Mappiai luring

WlNfiDVV 'I'RlMAIKIt and rani writer want- tri. Kii'iuly •■•.(irk all yeer rnuiul. Marx,

hiity rurnpr. 4S'J tfuringllaLMu r,_________WA''RK HDI'.^E MEN weitted; night and day

ahifts Apply Mr. BoYd. Atdamx Express Co . .1:16 Market stW<.>ciD Tl.'HNER wauled.

Mrrhanii' at.Jarv'Is luc , 113

BFINNKIIS mulal. gqpd

mgnt fur c.ump_, perlt iice. Aluniinuci V Co., inc.. Klmira. N. Y,


n;AVi’... 3. > L ’aVt a ' r o r require lbs acrvices of a young mail forIbrlr sioch room, D’ood -----lunlty For advancertietiL Employment Office.Floor,



■ -Offlre, Second floor.

f J i r , roqulrethe services of egportenced ilior '

‘ fl 1end

Apply.salesmen- Gno' advancement poaitlons.

opporLuiiljy f*iT nd permaneDi


UEC’HANtrS. Marhltilata, boiler makers, ■Ignct____ _____ -Ign

talnore, airbrake repair men. Aupty ployaifA Car. New York, New navad ‘ft Hahfbrd llallroad, 132ci at. and WlHIa Ave,. Bron^, Nqw Turk.i’lBCHANlC!

wantedr ay: S-hOui" day

rucks preferred. aii,Truc^ Cbmpany, Inc.. 33'

ANICS—^ v era l firi|t*e1aiM qyacbattlca ed: good Wni'kmk curidltidn^ bf» -hdui" day; expefTapeed' nh 'GfarfoM

“ -ly Oarford Uokgr Central aye,


t r u c k CO., IS BRANFORD PUMECHANIC—Al mechanic; }f egn'l show re-

BUlt.i need not apply. Apply Commercial Oarage. 49) Warren ®l.

with technical or efsni itchni- Ige tn_ chemical induitrles; ex-

SHOEilAKBR—WaiUfd. first repairing: etc^dy um'k. 4

rigan. i Hlghlutiil met.. Summ^

fir|t*c)esit ma.1 e EPllI (E I'- Kc (It.

ynl XG MEN ^ai knowledge

cftpciohgl oppirrtuuUy with a lafgu manu- faCturlug concern. Apply, ilatinjf age, ex- pccience and ealary axpectfd, G. n.. Box 13, Nows office,

CtlDKS, waltreiiiio^ par|i>r>tiaUL kitchnn msld, himj<''ivorher>. nur.ios, luiiridiuNHim.

1‘till al Mfi-i. .Ilyaii's, I'l i Vjiit'r ui., (•CHiige.enriK, white, for (rookhtg huiI iRiindry

111 family of rwo uduits; cHyivorl(

rcfcreiu'varogutred, <73 High s i . _____________COOK end i‘iiambrrina)d wanted at

nrm-clas», good wugea b? WuslihiKiun s; . Raat Orange,i’ O C iTkTbI iS™ Txperl'^nri'rt

sa r^ rx ; steady homework Mt-s. HuUfarih, 101 tVukctuau svc., Newark N. .r

Infanta' boat iirU'oH.

UAK Tor nheckinir Aud laying up orders In---- ‘ b l l f " - - '- ----- "------wholesale establlehment; good, permanent

Eokltlon ftn* right man. Address In own andwriting, giving age. wbero formerly em-

K ind Aal lary e<pectpd; prefer one a^ho Ben In tbe grocery bualnesw. Address

S* f W)ng age.I Aaiary e^— ‘

_ .. . I n the gr« . .., . .Checking. Box laf. Navn office.

.xperleQced at ronklDg metal far light work; local factory;

__ , ,. . .l4 and good factory condUloos;,eU HbHrltnoe. age and salaxy desired. Ad-

W , W „ Box 64. Nows-

tfX lt wasied, fkatterzia fa -

■teadr and■Iftie exPHrltnoe. f ,d reg g y . W„ Box J4 ____________________MAN'vAhted who can mahe himself useful

In Igffe garage and work 7 days a week: ■teady poalllon; opportunity for advance, meat; tl& H r etart. Addreea Qgrage, Boxm . «>•»;. nitie*-_______________________IfAlf*—oo4 man for soliciting gnd deliver*

iQf orders, to mako hloisoif useful around mAat maiket; orliur reforetigp. Q. A. Onhrtl;Pi m Istjife Diangg V'*-MAV, exparlencid (n pgc^lng machinery:

— -"id Rttagy work for the right loan ft Chace Mfg. Co., sixth

Thirteenth a tS I. Apply SToa ftpd Nprtb T

MAHr-Wmfnpfd automobile rnechi

half lu lem t; garage, r“ 1 0 . NflWi offlcg.

oopelder taking partner, experl hanlo---------■- - •

...lem t: xarage. drfjg^g., 00* 1

on repair work: ceiiUr city, Ad-

VAN wanted for ahipplng room; Blonni- field; another aa inside night watchman;

state iggi reforeuce uud wages. Addresg Dim, Bax 14t. Newe office.AfAkT^ahiiued to Uke car

hlfki; good . . MiefT Reliable aafaga,Ciljr" -

) lake care of favage at Uady poilflan. Appry at iafaga, 3S3 FlfUenth ave.,

AN fer Wholeiale bread iteady po*Mtlon tp right man; aecurlly. required. hMr 0read M Lombardy sf.

MAM to drive F'n l !

Ford delivery auto; one who . ..id pb order delivery; nalaryleltevlHe gye-

MAN to do feneral work around garage;undemtandinf repairing; day's work,

pir m Halsey iL_________ _________MAM who updaratands cleaning bowling

aUeva and ^porter work. WMlfle's, 67sCebtr*^ a v e - __________________________


experienced mulilgraph und addrei- sograpli operator. Employment Offlre, seventh floor, open from 4 A. M. until 6:34 P. M.

inU.'tKO MACIHTHR BAHtyi. (Irtl-cltM, >cau,tomi4 Is r*«ai;)( biiifprlnt^ •no wnrklnK to intcroniftor ni<n*Iin*>aant| i modorn factorv: oew imtla; 4i-hat|r ahap; goad wages with premium, Amaricap Ma­r in e ft Foundry, Fifty-sigth n „ hetweeq First and Sgpoqd eveg., Brpuklvn.

MULTIORAPH OPKRATQR.Fitet-claee experienced tnuiDgreph opera*

(pr; nune other need reply to C. IL, Box ifi. Mowi OIQot.

MtTLTIGRAPi: OrotlATOn. Ciptrl«nc*4, on both ribbon inrt Ink «iirli; reiJlir by lot-

tar, fKIny •«•, *io«rlsnn*. ralttcpot tnd u la ry ntptclad. Opjtrntar, B u O,New. Dtrioa.MIoTRnit' tU N , jil||h-'|r4 ila, eomnetanl. T t

lallhryta y cmnnlyie linn ql coniinrrotal and nl.icmeal mraaurinr Inatrunnenia; in- callanl. opnorlunlty for a man with cxecutivt abilUv, Writa. ainltny ay*, ainorlanua anq salary aapaoted, to Uotor, Solt IS, Ntwa office.


Avte., bellbiv io i.e



SUDAN k■ 'i t ,AVBb ANt

MOTOHCTCUB And *1 wantad; niaat Know

oqyhtv; alaady work. Broad at.MOUPKftS' Htlpor wanted for brana fou'ndrV- ^ p p ly P. F. hliiiUh Uatal Wlnaow Hard­

ware Co., ( t Claj’ at-. <‘Tty.

UAH lor faneral wood work; m n|t bava a tin t »Batlanoa. Ualkan Mtf. Ce., u Co-

luinMy a t ' ______________________MAN wanted f*r (ananl work in a rirat-

o tM ladslnc hQuaa Honia Holal Co., noUSTlit ai- ________________ '

artaldirtv, tq run alayqtw, Aaplr Rgb- f r l a t llotal. laar *nla§Bca.


We kava laraa rontrarfa on ahalla and alx-

we %#• net laokibg for ordlniry mtn.7 Xg work tkgt we taevi In dp ip the

hlghMt grade, working cenditlons are good, new tooTe. m v f%ct|9"- workingthrao elfht.nour inHta pay day. Time and a h a lf (or overllma.

If you ar« a Bood all-arqqqd.mtchlnlet or Bood “* * *‘“M wakar.

pta^*(^ M Igvfrpmililt work, atqy «{^erfpera you

A stvlii Co,,


, nS A D T BU »U ]T1W R(

AfPfeT OHCB,pNIMi c p u rx i? ? ,

o o v ilil. H. X '


IM. par k*p

MpTIObf 'plctiita laboratory want boya.I.romlow Film Uaboratorlaa, 11 StandlOl

*va- W att o rab ia , ' . ”UCf,DRB—qopd biaaa nn>!d*r wantad. A'p-

ply H. Ahrend A ^ q a , IT | V ^q'B q^a fcUACH1KB HANB wantad. li.w add w6 S |m

plant. d«rvU - 1*1 Mefliable |t^____NIQHt WATOMMAK wanted with" balTar

llcebM; good place, good pey, tor right Cortlxndt Tire ft Rubber Co., 1 f | ^ t iL .iJpnevlii*. • ^


fOlNIBB ST.DPHRATOR fur movluf plcturee eve-

nlnge ouly; a t once. iVIoqUI Thexlfr, 14i Bufniner gvg.oVsTER MAHa exRerienoftd; wgggs t l f IME

wegic' and meela. Kalecrhoff, 317 Wgih*Ingtoti'gt,


0 AUBERG0 R ft CO, reguirereauifexperienced presHrs for their la tn 'i gltergUqg dgbaetmeat.------ • -fteaS:

Ohod gillw It fqr t.heietr ? tad fteady Botltla,.

who qtialtly. ' RmpJp^'^ent Office, aevonth floor* open from I A.. IL until 6 :2 0 p. M.


|5Kp8 a r CDitfDlT: .. . .

FOBtia. pat liapri t

araati |( a a |- of k j '


UbfteaggeAry. Herpuiel; »fAt ie trail

SHOE SA^SUAbT, expjgrlenceda a t^dy po- s.iUnn. Bqaion. 'Shog $hap. 671 lirogd 4|-i

Wlu building.9HOB SALESMAN; only esperiencfd men

n« rd applya Apply R< K. HcDpnxld. 10& Market st. ______ ' ____ __PFOD&-*Turn Ueterg and second ikitpfg au

tgdiev' riiie »h0«s; gtipaily pqiHIisn good svaiekt traneporutlari ii|ld. w lc h f^ ft Gardiner, Atlantic arid Schenicig^y iv tft. Brooklyr, N. ¥ . ________________ _

t’DHUET.S—tVamird. cxgcrleiifd-il sal.nls.Jy fiir ciM'Ki'l In'lurgr lirpHrirnerit

sicra Ip Neu'srii. Address ituyal W(ir<'c iqr |■’Q^srl t ’o.. 39 West Thlrly-fourth bL. Nc\v York City.t’ltOt’HETLilS ftonled an floe caqlimfre

with eUk; bring eampie. cliy hands ottiv. .134 South Slsth si., near Rank'CHAMIlERM.tTD siul vTaltrvss; girl WHiUt'd.

Srandlimvisn iircfurred. Apply 346 Upper ilouululn avfl , Upper MonlnUlr, Trl. 44Hf.fASHlKK—Neat appesrlng girl in mnltnn

ilctuce Uiealer; abort Itoure: 17 weekly. __ 'fees i'qehler, Hoi 114. New* gfriofl.CASHlElt am] hcmli-ketpcr weutctl. Uctixel'e

AUikst. Main end inovdand *ls., Qranpa.OAsillKK wanted, liurmuu Grocery Co. (il

DpNJiiylvanJA avo.


VOrKd MAN wanted Cor general ofllce work; mu«t hnve eoniplele knowledgo of : News'

siajiofTgphy apd have ruferonce from Mat ! couj^e employer- Apply In own handirrlting: sta t­ing ^!>ry c^ppetfid Address Young, Bog

YOUV(t METv. Ibtergated motlou plclure act­ing: opporiuiUly: inilrurilad tt duelred;

valuable advice,' Infarthatlon. Call itudioK, Ah.rrey'Uaretfen.’ROf WlBB Bldg., *11 Broad 81. I'hoae SQ29 Market.

st k n o c r a p h e r .■■■ ------- - WITHIN ULBBIUaYi W'OHK; S

TER ETH'DATIOaN ,' e x p " ‘' ■ ' lY WANTBD. Cl....... ft CtlBMlOAL t'OlyANY:, NEWARK.STEKOORApHER—Bxpftticqeid male' qten-

ographor. F, Geo. StiUa Co., Arllpgtun, N. J.


c e n t r a l d y e - PLUM POINT

YUl'NIl MAN to aulet In e|ock room of large manurai'tpriak ronoarn; exparienu*

not iX'cessary: good cnance for rlglit party. Ceutrai Dyjaiuft ft Chemical ro., Fiuui Point laue, Newark. N. J.YOVND wanted b.y A large manufai-

turiiig ebaccru. 'wiih coal experledce, who

CHECRKB 'nauted; gpply Kt onceVaaa,-..- . .a *.« w. « D ..w .. I .huiiiiiiig.


- . , ... -- UnionCompany Rescaurgnt: rnpin (on-

ibTrc Servk’o Tormlnal “

omTiSWANTCn FOR INPa NDESI'KNT taAMPS W)TH E .sran iK N i'iD a n d rNEXFER?— .......... ‘•■‘•lu pa y w m f HoVus p o iKNrifiD OOn.a tt en d a n c e

cfti.r. I A. It I ttq Ave. nud Rbyd 8L KiHson l-a-mp Works ef

General Eloctrfc Co.

* G K " i r ^ 6 10.t:LEAN. I.USHT UAUTOBY WORK*

(300U PAY*'ALtVAN<‘EMENT. HIY'DAV, FIFTY-NOUH WEEK- hajah Co., W'atwieHliig, Uloumlield.

IflRlagYou can make her* exceptienpDy good

wHget at- Hltady. pleasant, easy wkorki ue want (tepep^ahle flri« only; woiltUf' fill opporiunlly: call immediately. The Ari-3iglaE Wurks, U-U Mulhtrry iL

UFTlTiS. nfRLB. DIRIaS—Del In line fe?goml Doeltlon; many pU'^fl for you lo ■«*

jpct from In prlvgtfl Tamlliea. slarci. huteie, offlcva. UiitituUoba. rcslaufatita. factor ef> o(c.: lilt flit ihw 1e«<llng hutelit iieaBhore and mdunUlna; open evsnlngft

UHDVE AllENCY.U i Main «t.. pnar Urqva gt., 0ait Oraaga


.1. WISE t'OMP.4*\T.33-42 K.4kT TIUHTY-TimtD BT„





MDUSRWDRK^Flrat claM _ woman for genaril houaiwark

stand* cviikleg; small family, ih i,pa taandry; gaed JnS**- ApftlV *lpact et.. Mapieweod, K. J. T ^ .lT I ft.


UPUSEWOKK—CItrl far genarat kauiavar'K - In family of three adulUi goad plain osak

141 menth: tio laundry; lefartnea raaulreft If T'hinn at., Maniolalr: near irahey. rpaae Maiitdalr lf*3 hafara t* A. U.

HOUSEWORK—WanUft two expahia. aleak women, one cpali and care oi Hiwt fleer,

kamh ' '|3 k , oneChild 3 Vi year* old. 13* i Tsferenee.ave.. Oraagp.

far (kamh«rwark and aealet with Yt Park

HOUSEWORK—Willie woman H r houeewufk and looklug; na Wm HI

11y of three ailulis; w a tu lie ; requlri*U. Apply evenlugi,East Orayge. ____

m CaBtc%iYva,t

HUUlMWOHK -RaUaU* whtta lUI. ItinHr I .qulia; fMd ti'uina: iqaiq wlih «* I ’

years. 3* Ktsrqy ek.. Newark; Broad paY*ItOURBWOltK—Dirl fer g>!aaral housawonll-

family of three; mifai be’ahle to. oqtUi: salary | |5 per mnukh: gewt home; no wAakc lug. A||ply 78B' flouth Tenth et.MOUflEliBNPHR ~ Cheerful; ' comiMtajil

u'urklnf heueokeep^r warUaU; hems of lwi» adulie and t\^o uhildrcn; trolley fare paid td i-ali. shT Nnrkh Maple ave.. l ^ t UsaRdO-HOUaHRWOHK—WhJl*. Protestant woman

nantPil fur hounewnrk; no washing; |44E^r menih. CaJl 184 Patk ave.. East Or*


luiiiBi^wnrk s . .. WASPS tiJO. Erickean. RMg*.

"-EaRirlaquaJ wWj* i(rj nJ qqukinf: Uuqdrad ikhaoii. M SumwU •(.. <.



lloua^lW^OtlK—Relinblp wohiaq; gti hi»u**iifurH; small adilll fPiVW* P® *

dry; slcey Keih*: rttivreacg. }|2 BUqiTilfyH’oUflKW^KK—13* lor ooinpetenl %ow%

while woHise: uo waahiui t l Lipuoin It., Montclair, N, ,1. Phone ITW.HOVSKUlHiK--tiiri wlehsB general hodte*

work. American family praferred. Addraas flBltoble. Box 130. Newi nfflotfimus^KWORK — W'hito girl for genera]

houHeworU, two in family; ne washing, (ft llilluldr ave., near Ullnlon ________ _fmveiTwORK—Colored gfrl for fanersit

housework; no laundry work. Oft|| pt lar uunw ouj svt.. Ea*i

hnuBBwarknulred. fio

wauM waihini;40 l'']iFl<in ava.

tiDUHEWURK-Uirl wanted houeoworH: family uf iwd.

High H.. apartment 41.for ftaerxl Mtefc

ttoUSUWORK—Reliable girl houaework: three In family;

Apply 2* HlllMide ave.

forno waehing.

Girl (or general hotteeworlc ini Triidy ave.. one door



CirAMDERMATn w'anled. fa indsur Tldtel, Orange.


DBESSMAKEna experlepc-:d. sU cu.. Bt<*ady ^(Qrk; wedfelsc!); _

paid.ana fllgn ate.

Ap^ly T. fton f^ne cotton

eel; work; bcii M. Cp^ij, Urang*

DflEtF74AKTNG—'Wallt finlihers wxhlt'd at QDca; hopo bni eiperlcuccd need apply,

a Lumimrdy et. ________DT8FIWA9HER; one with Txparlonce pre­

ferred: inuel come well rccDrtmgndeil. ftd- tireae P. O. Box :o«. Newark. N* J.



SHIPPING Ct.SRK wanlgd; must U* vfvW auqualnted wlUt lUveU Iti N^wafk and clnlty: eiparleiuie la ' - “ “ "vie) elcctrlua* supply

can qualify a* an aatlmatur; stau: ag*. qv perlence aqu salary exdfcted. Addreee Pleyk. Box 7L Nd^ys office.

DI3H WASHER wanted; niugl he e^perl- encod. Inquire Stittidard Rcetaurant, 187

Mulberry aV

hauae heceMxry; bond fgqulryd; good dtibpr- (unUy far advancement I* qffared. Apply Kanager, 433 MarHit e U _______________BUIPPINO CLERK, to take charge pf ahlp-

plpg roam; must be rfUftble. glfady, godd ipkir end understand routing; q»|y one kvmg held glnvLlar pofilicm nged kpplyi Inng refercncea J. Chplp ft 31(1 P4*’

lalc ave., llarrlauu. ___ ' ______SHIPPIkTm ^I.ISRK.'lotigl n'hqle:

jfmilUT with Newpr^f v*-‘ rlenred in ItmiUng iemn and .Sood permanent poalllon to right party* Ad-

resB Permanent. Box 4Ii News qfflc*.

bqleaxli houte; d eufomobllgi;


HAVE ' bomb ESpeiBIBbVbi IN BHIP- HTEaHV ^ —..................lOMI


bCBNABID Krlllqi; iroriM finS" rqnitil; qio' *!otf tan ba »fra| I ulabla fqrni far iinqil pr((;a.

dan atyiliat. tOi RTaa Wd«.

HIN AND OOOJ■■.. “'i'( p j j i J T

iS' plaf'l Piiqn-

If Alara-

>a.E RfDOl.E nparalor'"

Inathcr auttara... . liarnMA W*k(F. C-»mP-npariilora, laalbar raarRiMfy tn*»

" lib-warlWnFlAo Co., 1CWafrapal.; New Varki s * r __________ ._______

PLY HANOVER KtlOB, 11! m a r k e t ST.m ^ L » W t l - s V i N - w iN teD -,. AP.


WORK. APPLY' HANAGBP. HOLZ-HAuSB's f o u n t a in . T** gnUAD 8 T,BToCK LEDOER olarli. utth aoiua *ipar!- ' nned; aUtb AS*. •iparCauaa an4 qr-paufaS: Addroia L t^ ifr, Ro* IB, NAwa.ol- flo,. ■ ■___________BHIPPINO c l e r k , ono

(nod appomoUr. CaD 1 a. ....IVasnar liiarfctt Oo . al Lafarttta il

I a£peU. T:CtlaadAr

^HAPER ban da (or Hack and food ppy

Eliptaqqib avaf '

nlabt work; atuady itraouur * Co., HI

^ tffp io rc r chgncg f<

l U t M It.,rO3(~0 ffY waptg»I foif V«dy'*tar*: gflof — - for g ^ a n f ^ e j t . ILpft, Inv:,







WAGB4 114

ITABLR HBLf'URS'llV watitedj'g^d wage*.People'^e 'PtXpreag > 3*0 ^g ft|(a avy„

Newyk. ______ ___________ '

experienced' aturo work.

STANOftBp ftfBrungwlcl* ftvesugd

S ftr r coBP'N,,


YOUNG MAN--EnUr now for a day or eve­ning vourse In volemati Bunloeoe College,

4Ti Arademy et. Bqak^st free. Offices Mtindgy. W fJiiradeyand Frljay evBplpgn,YOUNG MAN. colored, for soda fountain gpi.

general work In drug etore; Heady




tion: reff*renc*s) required; Druj^ On-. ( |lpnuo^ avg.,

good pny. Blnomfleld.

TtH'NG MAN with some experienpt un light drop work. 116 week to stark: 30

haur*.. Pholpi ft 4oAe Mfg. Cm.. UV Pen- nlnglou sji,

■Tsvo bright young men,.. :.j)pi aud wagon work; gp,

Welle Fargo Expreae, 4 t> Rrui^dYou.vr. m en

17 to II, for dep' pruapecti.•t.Ym:NG m an In nur wash gomib depart-

inent: permanent pueltloii ss'llh goi>d op- porlunltiQB. Rothalelii, 413 Bprlagfleid ava.YODNH kfEN ran necurc ginid poeltlous

aht^r e few months* training. Write Drako t'ollega, lib bUrket wt.. Nevy^rk.

YOU-KG MAN wantsd for llalH fAcl'afy vurk^



doing light, dean |acli>ry «rork.• ARDLY TDMORHOW.

THOMAk A. KDia4.lN UOlf f A Nt R.1, f,ArtH9Uj0'AVE.. WI5ST DllAMiE

f lf per wcok lo start. 359 MuUicrry et.

t'. ^en> ft Oo..

Vtlt^Nfl MAN*. n or 11 yc^rer to workIn grocery stor’e otid run route, II. Agafer.

6*8 Bergen hi. _VUllNG MAN wanted In pBrkliiE anti'ehlii-

plug ilcpurimontl. H. Us Un . 183 Bmmellet-________________________________ . _YOUNG MAN lu help gardener. Apply vllh

referoncea 743 Elwood ove , NGW(M|t, V . XYOUNG 31AN to work In fruit end vtgerahle

eturg; good hours, 135 pi.


' QiniiSWanted ae operatori on foot preeeea;

work light, easy nnd pleasant; ax* PF-pilonally good waxen with advance^ meni. Apply The Art MeUl 'Wurke, a 15 Mulberry ei.

LlTRLB uuiited for Ughl aeaeiulillpg work.berTuanent nuglllotis at gUkU eflgrtee aru

offered capa1>l«. ainbit|oue flrlg. w'Uhbanuei-e addlilopgl: upPljcgute «Uie ex|ieriTfiiop. If aity> and whithar employed.Addreas E W .. 0OX 112, News office.

HOVfSKWORK In email family,

from <!ilnton gve,__________________ _-atrong yquqg woman to as-

Met with housework, mornlhfa. 3814 BbetU gvia _ .

jok: iiullOl'flMWOHK-^lual J}g lood washing fwhill*). fpl.^ t i l l

LAPY of refinement, 70 or aver, may have light, position laaiing till fall at Qille

Hberul weekly rrmuiinfalloh; Al raferftt'cee beoentlBi. Call after lOi Kivax hidf.. suite 531 _________

"" Shirtfor

. -Exprrlgiiredi ironing depai^raebl. Ag

D A iN pnV -work. Union rfloam Latmdr;_________UiUrNDREPS wanted fflt MpudiUL "tuemluy

and Wednesday, every week; no mealv. Pail 588 High at. ______

GIHLB, It you can optr|to a power mgehiag rbme and hflp us mgke clothing for the

' th^ same time betlur wages 1 Berger Uo , 74 Richmond iLf 'oya and at

or yourself

G1HL twhito or colored! wanted for dowp- alalia work and rhamiierwork; no rqottis

or moHis lurnlshMii. wagua to suit those con- (micMis. Apply II W'nbsier pi., East Orange.(JiKt.B rnr psckliig und autumallc machtni*.

iGsn nnd easy work; gnml wages; w'eekly siiil mouthiy Lunusea; any mwo wishing wnrk It will pay yiiu id i‘an aiui ip? ifi. uiai-k ]Uttde ft Razor Co , 119 kuHie* svo., city.


-------- CASE ‘GIRLS


-- T4i|CO., a ll! I

TO TAKE C'HAKt - . . ,WAIST FA cfnliv : STU.snY WORK a l ;, YB.\R RfiUND: fJtHiD F'AV. A Pl'I,r ARJU V/AiHTS. 380 PLAf^E BT.. NHJWARK.



IHl.S over 16 }'vara for light. rl«an, fartciry •deal

. M»: L „ . - Porker ave giid Valley\stiik. ranilurii foi-iury. Ideal lurfuuitdli^. .

uN>litlo|ie; good pay. p teuU-uauni ........HnU-u< liN-Slilter

>rklug iller' c<j

at.., Siiilh (>r^ngd. i.;ilir.j4 wanted tsi xvr-ip and

.HED» W A k T ip - W Q g ^ W









p a r k a n d m u l b e r r y BTS.


e o 5 mIN RHIfil


FIMOi S 06H ; tQ « ^ 'T ( A H * V o B ___ ,

.pqhW ri,Il*n4* ■ iS^bp'^SS?'

H OaMral «y>„landg

mgpiiiiieM i v s ; ;

aqlr Mad «pMI. TA 0*liv t 8<«*a. IBS..ftumlBiliHi au. efliv________ ,_________

« Q )

TOOL HAKK|tN~TlMM Hba wtah ta pdr-

f m a«Uul*a 1

' ‘IS

, 14 HimKr f t ,

' I Lfi .






BARCLET c o s s e t CO., U'i 8UIIK1T BT.

ACTRESS of photo play* offer* tryout, alt iDteresteil nto.ttoti ftlrture APDni, valuable

advice, Inforraalioh; regiitratioh opportuhity. ■iudlM Audrey Marsden, *88 lA'Iea <71 Broad st. Phona 86x1 Market.£ !££ i

.................................. Pl^-h i‘h«'.olaic;lirigiu. qultk girls h^iwe^n uf 14 nii'i

e >vill rni i-lvn rapid edvancemeoi. halt dayHnti .rili»y I'rttK Dl'-lit'rnim Mlif

ChavDlaie Jay and

li I l(L or vv o?nin to r ire for two i hlfdi en ;tiiguit or .SMiidayg; references Aypty

Mr?. Uoili. : i> Springfield |ye.

45 P r

G t R 1. a




a n h o u r

w it h opronTU N iTT






ttlUl. nanivd for light factory wurh ^we**h If! ataU, no c-xparifncc Ji=.

r lif-nJ ft Cy, 358 Mulberry .alt.lULB u.tniad (nr light factory

bvr \yv*\L lu atari: hpura S A- M. i I* M.; h»lf (Uy Bilurilay, .^p|ily Kiilibvr ft ABbi-alna Co., 45 Bigelow al

iilHIJj named ov'^r K ypur* uf a?c fur light fartor.>-work: steady uork ami cood pay.

t'eileril UiiUnn Co.. /77 Brgnnie ai.;[11I,S WANTBO, L*Vj':KjLN''J'0 <JN

L to u r KOOT PRKSli WOHh. u> tlOlJMSWKLK; .ifHPl) l'.,Y. I'HRI.PS * SOM) HFU I'O.. m I'K.NNI.NHTON a r._________

HANIiKAOTL'niNd PLANT; SALARY TO st a r t 19-HO. AlJUHISSS aAM.F.VCTUK- l.NC. au v »«. NEWS OKl’fi;B. __ ____

clean facturjr position. Ap­

ply A. F MolJiaPlhadi ilfg. Co. 2* CppgreM aecoDd rioor,

HRIaH tHUiUpa for light au^nrk: g' MU pay atid ateudv position.

comlyhailUlltlJJ wnnlrd (u work in

giied and atendy work; urflay. tleorga II. Frila ft Bon. Dkbprs'^ii »lB.

factory;Say Sat-

ay eni4

n,r watit- Jni H JJo

Kayaiuiia Fulalos fls’to

n -C«„ 41

MIl'LINfeRTflALEHWOMKS.HAKNB ft CO. require ex-

perloQctd saUswornien Ttir t^elr rnnllD*ry depirfmepl fur riowar*. feathere and ua- trlinintd hate. Guad ealg^\ee.'

Apply, at mp«rluteadfnt*e al* flee. BBCond floor, hafdt:* 16 A. U

MVLT|g r a PH nperater-eteuographer: muit ho oxperlflnced and quick and gccurgte

rork*r. A'ldreas. iia lln f eaperlftpcae. refer', onceii atid ealary eiipectftl te 6. C.. Bpx II. New* of Hue.

M'RHE and neat you)ig while glfl 5e | | with children aud to go tq Af||bpft

surumor and nuuit know hosif lu .jew.C lerk at.. South Orgage. n<|r Mt- t t^ e

. / I

I Ink work: r epty bX 1 |''ailTIiTICfRAPK OPMRATOH. eaperiew d,

on both ribbon end Ink work; reply billet* ler. ^vlpff kfei »aper|tnart r ^ U *MANlCUnlST vanlfil; seiery |16 p*r week

hiid all extra tnnney that cm be inadi. 'iH/iee call at oul* at 211 Market eu, Urh«r

$ln*p. _______ ___m a id wanted fur email apai'imtivli; gmajl

family; hiuat understand ('ar« at bapyi ref-f fences required, Mr*,' ,|. Ilaftf, II South joriieu ai.. Raat Orange. ___

Ma id f o r c l k a n in g , h q jik o p a t iu c klGSPlTAL. 133 LITTLETON .4VB.

jinTHKRR' HFLPUR- -Whole day or pafi. Apply Coull. 55 North Uuun uvr., city.

In 478

NURSE C IRL. whit*, wllllnf tu aulet with tipeiaIrM work, children 4 and 7 yegrg 3 ^

Parker «* _ _____

OPBRATORk—KX PE RlBNGBD &6 wanted ai unc«.

Salary lie to H5 a ni’Mk. Sifady work all y^ar round In light,

ventilated, (leatv fjn'iiT> : .'rO-hour wn«i Atifp girls wanimi m other dipaitmeoti

thf work.' ApplyAHOD WAIBTB.

3t6 PUno «t.. Newark,


OPERATORS AND ILVND SKW'ERS ' on ladles' fllk and muiila underwear-

Will b« taught our wmk.Paid vh ilt learning; Heady work all year.

NAT LEVY, 128 Wllltqm It. ^

GIULB wanted <i nnee; | l . , atari, utuce wurknra in%ku from

per wotk- Keygtobe Fuldf Spring at

GIRUIfor vrapr'ng iiijd ^ ( ^ y ; atfa4y w orj

DPBRATQR8-I, s. PLAUT ft rtJ. require?

the serUcfH ef operator* for th*tr ait**ratlnn department, to- nly Kinpluymenl Office. S rrnnd Floor.

CharmT^-u."'’! iiU ygtfd iit.',gC rr^»f ^roade m u s for light, clem

machinery; awiery |7 to <tart. The Gor­don Buuply Lo.. 127 Hgjaey at , fourth fluffc.

ork;il“h' OPERATaRS.

CtULSdra.I'S cAla

waiiltd lu ' a«w On tu itgut an cyi- ,a d M »an; laaxaatf ■ j> f.|t»Ya(ta At.-U)<es. Jowph ^ ‘ISotidl,


and two n«eUia open'.of*................. -ipfy

A larga mercintltf gal'

ra tn n ; i<Inga iqp

........... J 1 7 X





q en g r a l e l e c t r ic co.,

BERaSH n . , ))ARR[^0T).

FOR B T E tp r. WSLL PA in AHf) DBIIRABLR w o r k f o r OtRl4.

» n ft{•Bca aw.


OIRLS, a^lparttuctd. In »ork In candx atnrA; Itltudy V a n . *oofl »-AfM- CftlqwblA^

ojagy F°-. At

waaUd Tniinagialily. Api floor. Chaa. R. D« Bivol,o (-“■ and Acanaoiy at).



C1»l.r-Llfht hnuaowort ; amall family; cood home: r*rfars polu,' Joseph a Shoe aiure, VaTlsy r j .'. m i ! Q tjast'.'

CTRL, atilia. lor feaaral housework: luio in (sroiry. Apnnf ’ (narpltis. t l i Horlh

Fourih . Harrteo*-tilR til for caiidy, soda and perfume" 9i-

■parlmsitte. t t i , | atdre, -------ave., Moulclalr. H. J.



wanted (or Uahi factery sforh: na -- " aU- UTOf »#-hour weak” A«-

fURI.8^Brlshi, email kltis Mr iicnt, swan iofS ; i tr td y work, ’ ■erUh advancement.

___________ _____



l^ a\ » T O k

n - t i WEST atsT wt.:' y y * ^9** . P lf r ,

Slnsor tiullon-**— |ak, miUonhaia andsrnlloplns mecbtne dswere. Joseph * 'Q 6 S i V 9 S t ~

Qandl.alio kxAd

7 ^


N f : ^ A 1 lK E V E N I i^ O N E W S , M O N D A Y ^ i S | i

WAMTED-WOMEHMfWtetKed, w^nltd ott |h 1fU. lol* iHlfctm button

n i lJ4 f

B eZ um lnenk ftlio ItanidW M«‘‘dy ff&r round; S 4 ^ pb/* Ftlnal«l» B utbeirr * t . ___________ _

- l y i P WAWTED-WOMEMi ; p


TRIUMBR—COMPETENT TRIM M Mw a n t k d ; htba d? w o r k , a p ­

p l y KAV8 . HI MARKET 8 T.

rilAlJKKKrK wlEhOi oofUlon; pf*v»U «-r l r u « : con hla own rtpalrlnr. Lntui'

f*ur, T il Kml Khvnay at. Phona Mht.CHAUPKKUIl wlHhei poalflon;

or prlvaia; food Ttterrncoi, Marta pi., ‘■lljr. firat floor.

commenlatJamao, llA

rLR H I' Ai 1 m a 1) ^ ? 0 w



Ilfht work *oOYa; lloutAPburfb bttltdii^>»iLL SSK *^

nd atatp lAjary Addraaa Typa-.V'

^ B R T i -m''* ”

rrit«rr, Uojr

I a torb , k x p s r ik n o s d 6 s jiu blin*--RWIiAli. APPLY JABURO A

ffAHA Ce n t r a l a v b . a nd sbo -

fjiA'fORB.j, ,KB,rt. doll d ro iw ; io*d Moady h..ma work. Ctll ony llm,, — Bonimtt •> ■ t l t rI H i

■ ATrinji wanted to lew an aweatara; * 5 « ; i l - ” ” "'-" OrobU. Kisllllb* . i iib r lin f lo ld »V»-RATORB »nd fintobm on owMl'n*.

KnUtln* Mill,, IH -m Bor„n X.



1.A PlKRRlt Y'FG. CO., n COl.l'HUlA ST.


w a n t e d .SEELEY TUBE A BOX CO,


slVTi ovir oIxiMK to l«»rn Pl«»« n n work, sood poY Nowork P»tMT

IR BOXES—Eoporloncoil wrtpplrif m»- Ino oparotoTA ilripprr* nnd turn-in

Hull bl nnd Elihtlt ova.lERH. Mporlrnrod, on fl no cotton

■lita' atoody work; w«k work, boat S r pild Apply j . A M, cohb, Oransa

•it MUX BtAPLATER; aiparlancad for tnovln*

■no; ot onca; for fvanInBa only. Ill Tbottar. H I Btitnroar iva.

iS I s H E H —Borne oiporlanca on *old Jaw-Apply Lonk A Koch. IH South at.button cirdari winted.

Work*. H I Ollyar at.N. T. pair!



NEWARK. _______

ANDd y h -


-iJlAPHER—Yount lidy. with oomo rlOBca, u uatatin t atenotripkar; ilao I t clariul work. Adaroaa, a tilln i

and aalary, Manulaotutof. Boa offlca.

i * ® Bread at., oMda at one. ^ f lo n i r lyplali; alao lour akparltnocd

^ j f ^ f t p h o r t i »ii-»is; o in tim .RAPHER. thoromhly quallflad;

;ttn raildant pralarrad; itata ac t,___ aalary. Addraaa Kano., Box 10'bfnoa, I r y l u f l o n . ___________ __

iRAPHBR wantod; oni who can ad bar notoa; i ta t i r«ll|ion, tduutlon

ortoiKi, If any. ‘Nowa otfloa.

axME; « r 1

Addraaa AmblUoui,

m y -

b a lesw o m b n ,L. a. PLAUT A CO. requiri

axparlanotd aaloawoman for tbt lollewtaf dapartininla:

Mlllloary^ . Juliariow an A raalhora BboraWaIkU ItoalaryRlbbona OlovoiAlao ladoawoman on part tlma

far our yaiioua dapartmanlo; ; taod aalarlaA with obarce for

idTanoamant. Apply Employ- moot Offtca, Second Floor.

chance Inr advanronmft. Woulon Blaclrlcil In.trumcnt Co'.. Ftrllnihuyaon a a o . _____


' ' I k e to cat.ant of our ovaflluiod u d . COMad- — ,:«p at ine -prtcak MW h a ^

C E u a r d a l C mrnltur* bodlM complatf,

' ' • I I lacbM wi, ........................ — fit any chaNli; will4«1l At L’Mt. ioeepb Koch, Auto BuJldar, 8p ln^^Fl«ld, N. ____ *

TWO now I inehM, _____ OKU by i f«rt I lachM wid« and

I (eft U knchff high;

GOOD tapSa*. paynaatA .. .«.>wtaa.A''- ISilifark. H l - l l l Halaay tU

ALL hlnda of plumbtns ( I liu m aod m tinia, conatatlMl of bulb tubp, hlfh aad low pal-

tom clofft futiftfei, IfVktrtHkf. IcttfQfn ilDMa rADffi And bollerf! waih trayi. ■teum boi!- frt, rfdUtora And vaIvm ; wAfh trAy covtrf. BArLf f t Unkf A ' 'Ofodf for cottAipumpi, AtttonrtAtL ____ _____ .foodf mw And fukrAntfed,: not neceaftry

i> \. a bUllM* to pvniAMW kAWlA ^T d ik " ^ ’ • w r j y eA. oppa WAAhln«tair FArk: p.. - , ^ ^ 4 t u k f ( . ______

BArU f t u nkf and tAuofU fold AfpArAtalja for eottArei And bunfAtowa. clstarii

AUtomAtlc wAtar ayatarna. ate,; milAT STUD—Boaton UrrlAr, LtUla Darby Tim,

i t Iba.: red'd': tea 91b, l i l t Sprlnftleld ■Ave.. Irvington* _____

^SPITAL FOR DOOR AND CATS._ ia r\»nlimKa dif. 'Tdlt ,fatA iMtIk*■__ ^ ALL^klnda^ot *n'

11 orchard at. Tat. 401^ miltNnry-''

Bat. CO l l f l Bl

Acadwi OLDEI

. Bntar ai

TyPifiT—VouiiN wfiHAn tf> do billing on Remington mAchlna: one fAinmAr with

OrAiira trada piafarrad R H. Muir, Main d Proapecl atiu, KAat OrAngc. /

i C Q r r a a b f * •tllsJ and A.«dA»^wT-*a*^tS, enargeilc bualneaa bulldar, Addreei t>..Bu* U7. NawA offlCta ________

TYPIRT8 Mveral eiparlenred; Alao on* to maka out oMitna) hAndwrILinga tor aten-

II w'lrk. la. flirongtofL I* Park pi.TYPfaST bllllrif eaerlanct and relief awUch*

boArd’npefatpr Dueaanberg afolorurp , Dllaubelb. N.

TEaCIIRII—Vaeall.on poaltlon; taarber or roilvgr etudeni; $110 tor two moniha; 9134

for 3 ni'inlliN- Addraaa K. Bor 1*2,Kaet Thlrt> fourth at,. New York.


TPCKKrtS All-1 iparAiora, arparJanced, on lAflli'A fln» walala; aieady work; beat

pritof paid Apply J. * M. Cohn, Orange anti Hlgti ■t.i. ____________TUCKKit. k::p k r ie n c k i) on w il c o x aOIHBH MA' HINfC. JABimfl ft BKH.V HARD, rKMHAL AVK. AND SRUOND AT.

.t ....... — ------------------ -— ”TH!.MMKH?r'wAntad ...on men'e liata, .kall*iy. cn Wavarly pi.. New York.


WmMKN -Ten women on flnSahlng mi- a-hlneri fip<-rl*nce not JieceaaAry: modern

BAMlUry liuMdlng; eteady employment; good wagea rolUmblan l.aundry. Houih Twelfth ii,, near Twelfin ave. Taka Kinney, South urange <rr Central cara.

WOMAN, atrong, wanted tngcare for a yfurg rneumalic! Inralld; wagaa 9D> P*r

Apply heiwrati IQ to 12 A. M- and 4 to ' P. M., at 74 Clinton ava,. Montclair. ___WOHttN AND GIRLS WANTED FOR


GARDENER tmd florlit, eaperlanced. -VAhta by (lay or contract. Phone ib it

Market. _______ .MAN, Intalllgent, ?7 year* old. draft aa-

empted, la looking for A pwltlon with adyaneemanl; haa knowledge in laboratory work and book-keeping. Aodreia S G, liny *, Nt'wa office.MAN, Murated, 40, wlahea a poaltlon from

I lu late In the evening; no tnaltar what to do, long aa H la cleen; willing to prac- Hca mcchanicahip If poaalUta. AddroM A. V., BoJt 1+4. Newa ofrice. .MAN, aldtrly, wanta poaltlon with private

family! can run laUte; referencea Ad- drejw Kiderly. Bo* U*. Newa offlca^_____m an , elperlem-ed In rlotlUng bualneaa, da-

Hirea poaltlon with aoma rellftt^Je dreaa Kxperlenred, Bo* 125, Newe offUia.^PAPERllANai.vG- Very baat viork; ndi.

contract; pronipt Ml(**ntlun. AddreaaPaper, Bo* 144. Newa office. .TOOL MA KEIt—General tool maker and die

ainker, middle-aged man, d f i ||fa poaltlon; yeara of e*erlen<e on beat <-Uaa of tool*, or- nitinanttl dlea, angular ano round watch raaa loola and dlea. gold and platinum jew­elry. ate,; hae had charge • hv*4a#t place of employment; no objection lo going lUy, Addreaf* K. rsarnaUky, 5>Y Mlltoru RVe., Newark- .N. , L ________ ________TRAV'KLING ealcaman wlehea lo handle line

lti New Jeraey or metropolitan dlalrlci; good producer. AddreaH II., 14o* 4:1, New* office. ______ .YOUNG MAN, experienced, collector and

agent for ijiauranee company, aaeka out­door poaltlon with hualneaa concern; refer- eneea Addreia Young Man. Bo* 14B, Neva office. _____ —

lerma re<)ulre a athail Amourtt down and the baitnea In email monthly paymanta. Call or u rite for bulletin.

'r t S T 'i r ; w ? k r ^ SffT.aXv’i.i;— " i^ ia s t

1917 Country Club roadater.ltl7-14

can.'Wlilya-Knlght and Ovarltnil

Dodga Broa., Maxwell, ChtvfflaLMany other*.

WlLLTfl-OVERLAND, INC,.Uaad Car Department.

Sea Mr. Stewart.Broad at, Phona Mulberry 2616.

Open fvenlngi.


AND TRrCKa Several cumpletn jitPe.ve,S6*Plerce*Arrow. »111* Maxwell t'abrlfle,; 2.300 Tnilea.1936 end 1117 touring Forda, roadater* and

deliveries.llto Marlon touring.1118 rliavrolate, roadater and touring.I lls Iteo g-cylinaar, 4-paaaenger roadater, i l ia Overla.nd loadater.1 -Ion comnierrldl chaaalf.Super-Six lludaon, 9.040 mllea. i m GIda t louring.Stewart one-ton trutk.1917 Hcylppa-Booth. mT l-ton Ford long ohaaala.IBIS Uuick ona-t(^n truck,1116 Vella acnalt all.REO MOTOR CAR CO., IT-19 WILLIAM ST. FHONE Ml L. 1430. Aak far UR. GILMORE.

e m p l o y m e n t w a n t e d — w o m e n

WtiMAN, refined, middle a*ed, tf make her- aeif uaaful In phyalclan'i office , good home

and moderate rompaneatlon; rnferencea re­quired. AddreM Refined, iBf* 119, New* offlcA ___WOMAN wanted for light waahlng and Irfn-Ja. ■ -- - -Ing and oome houaeclaaning At apara houre to BUlt her convenience. Apply evantnga at

fl2TB South Sixth at., aacond floor.WOMAN, middle-aged, to work In amall

reilauranl waehlng dlihaa. Apply lie Bloomfield ave., Bloomfield; tel 199 Bloom­field.



wlaKaa work by the day, lira. Helmke,41B Fl^feamh ave._________________pjiy'H WORK wanted. 9 daya A week. 14*

South bl; Mra. Redd.

WOMEN; white; to run tlavatpra; good poal- tlon for reliable people: no agparlenra

nacaaai^y. Iniiulra room lOB, Ordway bldg-w SuA N —Good home for neat, elderly

woman; keep houaa for man and daugh­te r; no waahlng. 134 South Thirteenth at.WOMAN wanted for general houaework;

good wagaa; no laundry. 46 L ^ren ce Ave., Weat Orange; lel^hone 171 Orahgo.WOMAN. mlddla-Aged. to aaalet In genaral

houaework: rataranoa from laet ampluyar. Addraaa Aaalat, Box 40, Newa office, _____WOMAN, mlddla-tged, white, for kitchen work In bualneat houga; good home and

wAgta. Apply 8ST Kllaabeth ava,________WOMAN for cooking and laundry work or

general houae worker; good wagaa, 14 Bpruca at,; phona 9113 Mulberry,____


KAHHE i t CO. require 90 extra aalaowomati for varloua depart* BUmia throughout the itora; nuAt be egpartanced: good aal Artaa and ataady poaltloiu Um m who qualify.


^fply a t auparlBtandaht'a effloai Meead flnor, before 14 A. 11.

EALBBLADIES,(or the (etlowlng deparUnanta;

WOMAN, cooking, leundry and flral floor work, where one maid la kept. Addreea

Country, Bo* 134, N*wa office^_________WOMAN to AoalBt with general houaework;

amatt fam ir; no weahlng.Bo* l i t , Chatham, N. J.

Addraaa Lock

WOMAN wanted for general houaework; 9*0 per month: no laundry work. 27 Hickory

drive, Maplewood. ____WOMAN wanted for general houaework In

•mail Apartmani. Apply 1*4 Uakwood ava. Orange __WOMAN wanted for plain Ironing. ATqtrlcan

Steam Laundry, 37* South Seventh at.

DRESSMAKER: flral'Claae; rapidgoad aljle;* original daalgiia; 99-o0

Phone Houih Orange, 74>W. _____

tewar;a day.

d r ess MAKING at home or by day, Mra, K. KTAuaa, l l | North Cllnion at.. Eaat Or-

FAMILY WA8UTNO.Why do you do waahlng at home when wa

will do it for you» at the following pricaa. to pounda for 76c„ over 10 pounda at «u. par pound extra. , n.In otdrr to liiaura » (»lr proportion of both l^rge And amall plac-ea, nu bundle will oa done for le><a than l ^ f . per pl«e.

WAHDBLL STEAM LAUNDRY. Rougli Dry Speclallat,

30-39 Croaa at.Phone 1746 B. 13- Newark.

HOUSEWORK—Elderly woman wanla houae- work In amaU famllr; city. Mr*. Marsh,

40 Cottage a t . _________ _________

DOBBINS. DOBBINS.1*17 Overland louring; very fine.1*17 Mitchell, 3 paaBenger roadster.1*17 Ovprland light delivery car.1916 Ford coupe, light* and atartar.1916 Oldamoblie. 4-cytlnder, runabout.1916 Dodge, touring-1316 Mltphall. 4 and T paaeenger.1*15 I'hevrulet, runabout, repainted.1*14 Moon, touring.1IL6 ('halmera, 6 cyllmler louring, repalntad. ]»14 Wlnton, • cylinder, touring.1913 American Stout, runabout.1*12 Cadillac touring-


3*0 Belleville Ava-

rath buyer. Sean any time at 34 Oakland ave-. Jeraey City.FORD with a delivery body- reinforced

wneela and axle. De Coxen Motor Com­pany, 20*24 Branford pi.; open avenlnga and Sundaya.

90 . dra fled; Newark

j it n e y BUSpBMengar Jitney bua for aale " price ...........9900. 41«*m

owner Broad at..

SIX-TON Packard truck, naarl)^ new;son tailing, taking up new bualneaa.

~ office.dreaa Truck, Boxraa-Ad-

MOVINO T a n for aale cheap;roller bearing axiaa. CHote Co.

Slxty-flrat at., New York.Timpkin 3U5 Eaat

TWO-TON truck three weafca old; wilt aac- riflce for caah- 1028 Sandford ave. Pbona

Wav. 1111.WARD apaclal elaotrle delivery truck; good

aa new. Tranapottatlon Oarage, 4{4 Ogdenat.

Jeraey Ball road ava.Propi,, 14-m New

a l l kinda aaphalt flint roofing felt for laaathan you can buy tar paper: notice, farm-

ara, chicken ralaera gnd aeaahora property S25 Kal-ownera of bungalowa-^now located

■ay at., near Kinney. S. R. Naylor. Eat. 198LALL kinda of ro re flxturea cheap; "w *t_»e

before you buy. Sommer, 948 Bprlnfile*u ava.: tel. tVaverly 1049. ___ ___BUILDINGS bought and removed. A. P.

Hamblin, L16 Main at.. Eaat Orange; 826IJ Orange. ________ ___BROWN reed boaket baby carriage, coat

*38; good coTidlilon. 913 North Ninth at-BRUNSWICK pool'table and national reg-

iBier. E. Rowe. Far Hllla, N. ______BABY CAKKI-^GK. white reed. 910; good

condition. Second floor, 6*7 Hummer ava.

IP YOUR car wanta power,Uon^uU O. K-; r pay 74 Warren at.: phone Market 7412.

SULLIVAN IW and 2 ton trucka; haadquar tara a t S2 Ellxahath


ve. 1969 tVav.214 f r a n k l in

T im , Acccstorics, Rspittn, Etc.SAVgr 94 10'46 per cent, on atandard Urea

99x4Vi. .920 04 34x414 .. 22 00 37x4^.. 23 00 97x4.... 24 00

94 10'46 per cent, ana tubea.

10x2...97 40 aJx4..9l4 0030*3^. » 40 34x4.. IT 00n x a ^ . l l 00 94x4.. II 0011x4-..14 00 84x4.. II 60

Out-ef-tevrn mall ordera filled. UNITED GUARANTEE TIRE CO..

Jobbers and Retallera,934 Broad at., upp. Svilllam; phone *11 Mkt. UtatribUtera of the famoua carapring and

Portage Tirea—6.000 ntilea guarant^'ed.

A FEW CADILLAC SPECIALS1*14 CadlHac coupe 1*14 Cadillac Limoualna 1114 Paige Touring 1*13 Haynaa Llmoualne 1*10 Pierce Arrow Touring IVL2 Feerleaa Llmuualne

ALL OF THESE CABS ARB IN GOOD condition, ready for Immediate ua« and

DETrS iT^'cADILLAU m otor CAR cc 434 Broad 8(.. Newark.

I'aed Car Dept. Tel. Mulberry 9

DO YOU KNOW' that you can havg that ■cored cylinder repaired WITHOUT ra-

grinding? Sava money by havirg your cyl­inder repaired by U Lawrence Patented Procese, at 2*2 Halaey et., Newark. N. J.B01DSCH MAGNETOS—Official Boach aiatiott,

an makaa repaired; atandard made Ureaand tubea. Tire Trading Co.. 21 William at,REPAIRED Urea, atandard makaa: t0xSH>

94; 32x3^, 94; 91x4. 97; 34x4. 17.74; expert vulcanizing- Uaad Tire Co., 284 Halaey at.

CHICKEN COOP for aale cheap: ae-ttoTmi 8x10 feet. Ganlncr. M North Willow al.,



ESSEX CAm RBOI8TBR CO., Corner Lawrenoa and Market ata.

We lell rebuilt NATIONAL cash raglatar* at about ona-half the original oaat; oaay naymanta: two yeara' guaranty given: wa ndll alao reflnlah your old raglatar at a ras-aoiiablOflca or buv It for apot caeta.

The largeat independent cash regUtardealers In New Jeraey.

buyWANT lo Ford car


National cash regleter and Addma L. E. M-, Bo* 64, Nawi

Typtwriten ind SappUna ll MAKES t y p e w r it e r s .'Rented. 92 up; sold, 910 up.

NEWARK TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE,9 Beaver at., rear of 247 Market aL

iVlepUoiie Market 4430.ALL makea of rebuilt typewrltera; cMapatt

axchingea In Jertey; rentala. 96.6U three month*; repairing- Thomson's Typewriter Ex *45 Broad at.; Marke*. 34|tt; room 36. ^

DOUGLAS steam boiler, five radiators, five alvea. five air valvea, pipes, fJttlnga- 913.»; er D la n ta at eaually Sow prices. _ ThoiriMother planta at equally Sow prices.

A. Douglaa. 163 Mlliturn ave., Millburn, N. J.; eatablleheil 11*3; write for particulara.ELECThFc, gaa ftxturea, aliared, raflnlahed;

lighting fixturt’*, all .Kraus*Chandelier Works, Inc,. 318 Halaey at.ENTIRE outfit of barber shop: latest atyla

<*heapshear*, etc.; will be aolil 263 Main at-. Orange.



IRON, STEEL AND MACHINERY. WALSH'S SONS & CO.. CLAY ft OGPEh.GUM LADEIiS, 1,400, 80c.; other printing

aa reasonable; quick, tieal. Rose Press, 7C Clinton at. ____ _______________ICE BOX for dellcateaaen or grocery store,

Kerman Marx, 284 Soutb^Eleventh at.JEWELRY—Old and new gold, ellvon platl-

nuni, dlamonde, falae teeth brought, any condition: 207 Market a t, room 303. th rd floor, oppoalle elevator: open from » until 8 evenings: Hundays also. L. F. Lolhle-

UNDERWUOD, Remington. Oltveri, 916 upt renu l. «2 up; WPKji'*:Typ.wrltrr Blur., I l l Bro»d it. B. 8. (III.

Screen*, AwniBgi, Slorm Swh, Etc.ATTENTION—‘Havs youf acraena, awnings.

■term »»aeh made by the Newark Screen Works and aava money. 76 Schley at.FOR all kinds of acreene, for doorS, Win­

dows or porches, write or phone us. day or night. Orange Screen Co., Valley at.. South Orange. Phone 994,WINDOW and porch acraena made to orders

order aa aoon aa poaalbla. John Kopp, 413 South Ninth at.’; phona Wav, >2*.

F anFURS, handaome large seta, new, neve*

worn, trimmed with heads and tails, silk lined, latest style, will aacrlflee for 912 »f sold at once. Residence. 59i High st.

dark: paint cents bottle.

auto radlatora and lamp repairing by ex- American Auto Radiatorpart mechanloa. _____

Works. 46 WllUam at. Mkt. 2412.LOZIER

MuiUn.7-paaaenger touring body. M, 20* Clinton ave..

Aat« Track* for Hire


LACNDBKSH. colored, txporioneod. wl,hM day's work. Address Laundreaa. Box 187,

News office. _______LAUNDRESS wanta day's work. Thursday

and Friday. 68 High ■(., L. DavU. __MIDDLE-AGED woman dealrea position ai

companion and nurse; or would make her­self useful generally; good home with nice people In preference to high ivaget. Addreai M. E., Box IB, Nev.a office.NURSE—Conflnsmenl nurse. Mlaa Johanna

Spata 133 State at,. Bloomfield. H. a. Tel. Bloomfield 1148W. ______________

WOMAN for light houflawork and care of baby. Cal! Tuaaday, A. M-. T1 aouth at.

WOMAN or girl lo help on drasaea, Addraaa Dreiamakar. Bo* 74, News office. ___

lanead. - - -- -•ANTS' WKAR,

CLOTH INO.Salary to Those Who Qualify.

WAlTRBSS^Exparlancad waltreaa; whitb or colored. Apply Irvington Hotel, 1900

Springfield ave,LADIES' WEAR,

E tf ft Kff Dry Oaoda Ca., 71 Prince a t

WAITRESS wanted; must aaalat with other work; go home night*. Call aanatorlum,

649 High i t _______ ______________WAITRESS wanted, axparlenaad. Hotel.

Alvord. i t South Clinton et.. Beat Or- anga _______ ______



T n o si: -PLY TO


t h e DAVID STRAUS CO., . tas.aiY e n a A n ST.


f o iT ^o u r w a ist. ................... d ^ a r t -APPLY AT ONCE. I>. PRICE ft


^ S ! Q 5 ^ D T wasted for cloak anfT suit jkoiwi good M y and steady poaltlon all _ ii amniid*v Cali a t onot, BaibaVa, 64 Bella-

Jlle aVe., Newark, N, J ,_________________SW OlflN for large up-to-date aboe

hears 19 noon to T P, M. dally; par- ■eait paeltlon: good salary-. AOdrafaShoa,

ttl» Newa oWea.lI sSWOIIAN for bakery and oonfactlon- ry; coed wages to the right party; atao

two waltreeaea. 64r'Haln at.. Brick Church, n u t Orange. ___ ___

WAITRESSES wanted at onea.dean. 10 Waahlngten pL

Hotel Aber-

WAITRESS wanted. Apply'mHotel Caroline,

Immediately, 29t Mulberry at. ____

WABBINO.Bed and table linen, towela and all rial

placta Ironed; body eiotheavdrlad; many ready for uea without further Igonlng,

7 CENTS A POVW . Handkafohlefe. each, 1 cant extra. Dellverlae in Newark_and iobw ba

v a r ie t y of tUIrty-slx automobllea to »a- . lact from, ranging in price from |U 0;up; Overland touring car. Oakland Sensible Six. Mitchell touring, Mllchall runabout, Peckari:l 30 louring. Siudebaker iourlng, Chevrolet runabout. Chandler touring. Dodga touring. Maxwell touring, Haynee touring. Reo tour­ing and numerous olhare of dlfferanl makea; majority are all Uta modaii and equlppao with electric lights end elertrlc falf-atarter».lime payments can be arranged, Foley Motor Car uo., a* William at., Newark, N. J-:Car Market S736-



LONG-DISTANCE hauling a epedaliy; all varieties of bodies and capavlUee; eatl-

iiiatee cheerfully furnlehed; personal atten­tion to all Jobe, whether email or large. Marifn Expreea ft. Van Co., Newark office, 36 and 97 Treat pi. Phone Market 6420; phone Plainfield 536. ____________

LUMINOUS paint ehinea In your own wau-hPH. ett’-; 25

Coin E.yhange, Broad at.NATIONAL cfiKh Tcgliler: perfeot condition;

1 cent to 9-1, U. F. Handol, 1*7 Market it.; second floor. _____________

RUBBER STAMPS.Slgnatufft »tam])B, weal proeaee. 778 Broad

at. Bogardun ft llempaled; take elevator.ROI-L-TOP DESK, *14; library table. *12:

round rxlt*nBlon table. I l l ; Hiandlng desk. 97; hall gland. *6.60. 31 HalsBy et.


t r u c k in g . MODERN STORAGE CO.. II a c ad em y 8T, t e l . 761* MARKET.TRANSPORTATION of gooda to far and

near polnte; trucka by the day or Job; let UB know your wanti. F. S. Motor Co.. 22 Elizabeth av«. Wav. llgl. ^DKLIVEHIES made throughout city and out

of towns also oue trip daily to New York: rrtaonable rateA Reel Delivery, Inc.. 196 Haleay it. ^

in t e r c it y tr u c k in g CO-Faat freight to all nearby citlei

concerning your hauling.Phona

Market 2724.

RBVER.SlULB baby carriage; fine condi­tion, Klr>4t floor, 25 South Seventeenth at,,

East Oronge. _____________

Wttche* and JewelryWANTED—Hell some of your jewels; buy a

Liberty bond: highest paid, Folktrt, 41 Nerenu »t., New York-

Bird*PRESENTS—Singing canarlea, breeding fe­

males and lagee. Cuaark, 78 Steuben *t„ Eaat Orange; phone’422lW.

S i|n i

SOKT HATS. n.SC; .Usht lmp»r(MUoin: worth *2 and *3. A. Nlaenaon. 2l WlUl.am

•t.. neat Broad, hai mfr., one flight up-SODA FOUNTAIN, flxiures. iceboxes, car-

bliiator to make soda water; price 9^00. Schwart!!- 113 Clinton pi.

Heniebold Good* end Fnniitiirea t Blr. Caah'i, 206 Washington at-, corner

Academy; three or five piece parlor suite, coil *76. Hell for *16.50; golden oak dining room suite, alx black leather chairs, buffet- round lop table, cost *126, aell for |20; rugs, coat 940, tMll for 115.

Hil-t-IER ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY C<A* 4lt South d in ton at- Egit afftflfl.

Phone Market 7l21-7ltl. Phona Orange 484L

GILBERT HIGH-GRADE USED CAR CO. 1 1 1 3 *>anklln, aerlei *. 6*paaa; like new. 1917 Cola 8. chummy roadiler,1*17 Chevrolet. B-paea. touring.1*17 Chevrolet runabout, with wire 1*14 Hudibn. 4-40, 7-paaa. touring.1915 Bulck runabout, 4-cyl.1917 Bulck. Little 9, 5 -peaa1916 Overland. Silver Spec.. 4-paai. runab.

618 Broad at. Tel. 2387 Market.


EXPRESS hauled by auto truck, Newark, New York, Philadelphia and Butler. Joha

I Marion; phona 64 Butler. N. J.



If JAY ST., mt Central ava. TaL 78* UaLLADY owning car, careful driver, would

taka lady or Invalid gentleman drive dally; highest reference. Addraaa L.. Box 49, Newa office.

BED ROOM SUITE, braie bed. golden oak dreaxer, chlffonnler, dreaslng table, coai

*99, »e|l for 120. Al Mr. Caih'a, 200 Waib- ington el.


Tl* Rr GAD HT. p h o n e 500* MK*L

WANTEDHllJHEST prices paid for ladles' and genlB

caet-aff clolhing and aboee; also full «aai and Tuxedo aullfli send pottal or tel. ««i. 4310. Mr. U«hn. IIT Houth Orange ave.b e s t p r ic e s for ladlM’ and gents caat-off

cJoihlTig, shoea, apaclal prices ^ men; aultft. overcoalH and ladles" dreawa; puatal. -Mr. UharJes. 418 B ro a^


■ ipethVhlgheat price for old goldfor old falB- L.-,... , ---- -sliver, plBtlnuiii and bridge work, a *ft witn platinum, H2 and up; »u'<l. II; rutiUr. ( . and up. J. Uoldman. H9 Mulberry at.

MORRIS CHAIR, coat » li, aell for *1; !*»■- inr machlii*. rosl ISO. a«ll for kltclieu

chairs, 50c.; feather plllowa, 50c, Mr. Caati, 206 Waehlngtou et.COTTOaS t o p m a t t r e s s , 92: apringa, |1

folding cote, coat |6. eell for *2, like new roll-top desk, cost |30, sell for *10,Cash. 200 Washington it.


cash"p a id fo r o l d b o o k s , large, ama'.l cX cllona: especially wanted eleveutu

edition B riunnha; fine set*, hooka, magu- *lnefl on art; correepondenca Invited. o. Dauber, 43 Went Il6th at.. New York, __HIGHEST prices paid for ladles' and getJtn'

caat-off clothing, ehoea. furs and old Jew­elry; eeni.1 postal and 1 will call. Louie Freeman. 243 Bonk at., near Wlckltffe at-

CREX ruga, coat *12, sell for 93; Turkish rocker, cost It6, sail for 96: graphophont,

92. Mr. Cash. 200 Waahington at.


CYLINDERS RBOROUND; PISTONS and rlnga; ovarelaa wrist pIna made lb

erdar. W- H* Samuel, 4U0 BallavUla ava.. Blpr.mflald, N. J, PhoDt 1211.

I l l

East Kinnay at.. Newark.WOMAN would like to have

Thuradaya md Saturdays, Garrison at., city. -

day's work,K. Rm l i t

Main and Clinton ata., 136*; open avaolngt.

TOUNO WOMAN, raBned tAmartoanL to a t­tend a Udy, aaml'invalid, drtly from I to

WOMAN wanla waahlng and cleaning by day. Call at 47 H South Thirteenth it.,

third floor ___.

FORD touring, runabout: closed eommafclal cars and trucka. 1*1* modal for Immediate

delivery. McAllister, Carton ft StMl», lOOJ Broad at., city. .

8. except Sunday, be^nnlng about May 1; not a nuraaa'f poaltlon; axperlenca In sawing desirable; state age. axperlenca If any, wages axpaelad. Addreai lotehlgant, Box 4*, News offloa.'YOUNG GIRL or middle-aged woman (or

houeawork; plain cooking; no waahlng; family two adulli; willing to go aeashofe m sumnier. 8* Brighton ava>, Eaat Grange, croastown trolley. ___YOUNO WOMEN wanted, detlring to take a

one-year course of training. Apply a t the Noma tor ('rippladi Children, 1*0 Clifton ave., Nahvark, N, J.; paid while In training.

-1“YOUNG LADY—Enter now for a day or eve,

nlng coiine In Coleman Buitneaa College, 46 Academy al. Booklet free. Office open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

ftALESWOMEN for notions; neckwear and. tfUet department. H. C. Navatlar, 686

a t- East Orango,

YOUNG LADIES wanted tn large, up-to-date shoe store- to learn sailing ladles' ahoei;

good bonus; good ohtnoa for advancement. Add m s Saleslady, Bex 111, News ofrice.

BftiiSlSWOHEN wanted: aipar YartiNl, Apply B. Bilee, 90l Msin at„'Or-

M t

tElLADIES wanted; no experience ra- ;tr«d F. W. Wooiwerlh Co-, 147 lU r- at.


ILADT, experienced, to sell hoitary; frabcc. 701 Broad at.. Bchwartt.

flODA DIBPBNSERd L. B. PLAUT ft CO. require

tHe aarvlcea of girla ai soda dli- panaere. Apply Employment Of* flee, Second Floor.


THB DAVID STRAUS CO.,€ ti-* n b r o a d rt-

■ f

YOUNG OIRF* wanted aa ward maid; to sleep a t home; light work; 111 per month.

Apply at the Home for Crippled Chlldrso. 1*0 Clifton ave., Newark, N, J. ___YOUNG GIRL wanted to asstat with light

houaakerpittg: email apartment; g ^home. Apply at onoa, Mra D. Kins, Hlllalde ava. Tel. 80*7 Waverly.


li^OMAN. colored, housework. Gee,

wishaa position, general •76 West Kinney at.

DETROIT aleelric coupe. 1*16, new bat­teries; bargain, quick aale. Edward C.

Behmldt, 29* Cantral ava.. Newark; pbooe Market 472*. _________ _

TOUNO GIRL with references wanta posi­tion for general houaework; no laundry

work: Orange or South Orange. Call or wrMe. no Valley at.- Orange:___________YOUNG colored girl wlahea position, light

h'buaework. In amall' family. Ad<1rtoa 77 K aatK liu jiB ^L ^N aw ark^f^^^^^^^^^^^



f o r d runabout, with open delivery body; can be bought cheap. De Coian Motor

Garaft*TWO. one holds 9 can, other 4; electricity

1 2 0 gal. tank water, repairs or trucking* rant pari or whole: reaaonable. 14* VhomaaSt,HAVB room far about two cars In brick

building: water, heat and electricity. Rear 34 Mt. Prospect pi., near Second ave.STORAGE aatomobilaa and trucks 96 month­

ly aad up. Eiiax Storage Wars Houaaa,.............hit* - - —ISB'IIT Haiear lU Tel. 8714 HkL

GARAGE—Open for buslneia; large! all im- provemants; rates reasonable. 77 Mon­

mouth at.

When In doubt about a safe place lo go, a place where no two prices are aeked. a place where every article la marked In plain figures at the lowest poaslble quick aaJa price; our stock Is at all tirnaa large and vurletl, bouglit and aold for vaait at t ”* ina. Ml poaslble expense; Walk ih and get puiteu. Koaln ft Paskow. auccessors to, Commercml Trailing Co.. *5 Branford pL, cor. of Ar mg- ton at.; open Saturday ev«e, until 9 o clock.

MR. MAN80.V. STH WARREN 8T. Highest i)rlcee paid for gents clotnmB.

Lats und ehucH more tlian any town. Phone Market 2829.

dealer in


ELER, 11 CENTRAL AVB., NEAR BROAD,OLi77T6l D. e1lv.>r, plitlnura. p»wn llok«t».

dlanumll-, walchM. Jew.lrj- bouilR. Hoj- lanrt i Scho?nholz. Murkat, eornar Plant »i.

At th« hl(h»c J trn y DantalTEETH—Old rel* boughtId ivftbled. -----.

Market at- Room !tt.pried; old Bold Laboratory. 1»ZWANTED. HBConil-hand Hall crenm

Addreea. with particulars, Ulympla LWUy Broad at., Newark. N. J.________Co., 785

AT BARGAIN—Stovea, beds, wash stands.dreasera. chlffonnler, round table, squarn

table,' lamps, portlcrei, jihalrs, rocKare, Ice boxes, gas ranges, 3 and B piece parlor sdltea: 3-story building full of furniture of every deacrlptlon; chance for bungalow, fur-

HIGHEST prices for old gold, ullver, plat­inum and false teeth; scrap Jewelry. 1>.

Lubln, 1B8 Market at.; Market 1613.OLD GOLD, sliver, sorapa of •'7 '

false teeth bought for esah. K W, Par- sens, 817 Broad at.; .1 Branford pi.

WILL .ublBt (kref«, *-yeir le«e; P»F<n» ' ®propoaltlon. Address W.,

ofHc*.fil ’’nsw* 1 Hoiiand St., near Springfield ave. BOX 69, News bargains. Open avenlnga.

Lot of

Airtemobilct WantedWE PAT more thin other dealers for old.

I wrecked of burned care, for junk and |,marte; aecond-h&nd tires bought, Bold and I axchaTigt(f> wa buy evarylhluc In scrap rub-

T-poaaangar touring, bar- < bar or metal; phone or poatal-brlnga us with

Compeny, 2(i-24 Branford pi,; open avaninga and Bundaya. _______ _OAKLAND. iTH, . „------ - --gain to setita an aatate; dnipact 26T NoTrn Twentieth al. Apply. Prudan* 13* Main at,, Eaat O r a n g e . _____ ______ ________ .

b u t l e r , also married couples, cooks, welt- resa-chambeTinald, laundreiaea, can be had

at Mra. Ryan's, 10 Canter at., Orange. Phona 5 9 1 . ________________________ ___


TOUNO I-ADT, Jewish, to taka full charge of email itora: must know how to aall.

Addraaa Yohng Lady, Box B, News office, Orange.YOUNG white glri

housework and oApply second

to hal;nights.ava.

E witb general aby; go homego127 Hlllalde

YOUNG lA'OMF-N ran aacura good paaltlom after a few months’ training. Write Drake Cblloge, 166 Market at.. Newark.

TOUNO OIRl. wanted for clerical work In office; eddresp. atatlng aalary desired. Ad­

dress Young, Box 117. New*a office. __TOUNO WOMAN wanted for office work;

Oliver operator preferred. Addraaa Cap­able, Box 115, N>we office. ________YOUNG WOMAN for light work, packing

bench: steady poilllon; good pay. Forca ft Hteai, Inc.. 63 Uliealnul at.

PuMDier C mFRANKLIN llmounine. 7-paaaenfer; excel­

lent mechanical conditlnn; newly painted; moat economical car for hackman: price very reaaonable, and will ronaider Ford or Dodge touring or roadater *a part payment, hss bean privately owned and has h«d excep­tionally good care; will pay you to investi­gate. ran be seen any tlma until sold at F^-ftnkllii Rales Room. Bergen ave. and Mont­gomery St.. Jersey riiy; aak for Mr. Schant*.



» .h . Killibla AuU W nbktr.. )U Bloam- field ava.. Glen Ridge, N. J . : phone 4144.

Under new managament; H. Cooper, Bales man and ganerai manager; Abe Pink, buyer.

' AT A BARGAIN. ^Baby crib, with new mattreia, coat |16,

■ell for |3,5o: organ, coat *250. aell for 1*6: Plano, cost 1500, Tike new, lell for 9*0.

MR. CASH. 20B WASHINGTON 8T., corner Academy at.

A PRIVATE Pftk every day. between 10 A - - - of the parlor andM” and ’7 P. M.r of the' parlor and bed

room furniture, ploturas, lirlr-a-hrac, etr.. late Congressman Amoa J. Cummlnga

. held at lOGS Clinton eye.. Irvliigion. per order of K. J. Van Neaa.________

■ I rnom ilof the li

• L will be '. [ N. J.. p<

1*16 e-CTli- Biudebaker 5-paBS. . ,aqulpmenl; this car la a bargain If l^lu

quick. Tel. Wav. 254. Aak for Mr. Nasb*

ATTENTION. AUTO OWNERS. Hlehaat prices for otd cars, any conditloa,

jtiM-frii* i any make. Btfora selling call Wav. 411* ■ prompt- Phil Cooper, 184-Ui LLvlngaton et.

FORD SERVICE by trained Ford maohta1c»u SOUTH ORANGE AVE. GARAGE. W

8k>uth Orange ava.; atrlctly Ford pricaa.1917 PORD touring car. In excellent condl-

lion: practically new Urea: will dem- onatrate. John King, 263 Clinton ave.IN PTORAQB. light seven-pasaenger, new

liras. Reir-atarler; *176 quickly; good or- dar. Kesldejioa phone, l0*fiW Nutley.

WE a r e the paopia who buy cars crippled In any ahapa; poatal or phone brings ui

promptly with cash, B, H. ft S. Auto Wreckera, 1* Elm it ,. Montclair; phone 3731.TRUCK—Wanted, one-ton commercial Uo-

llvery truck, good condition; either new allghlly used; atato price, dec

Addreaa Delivery. Box 13*. Nevfk

j a t ONCK—An opportunity to buy almost new furniture: elegant parlor, bad room

and dining room furniture, separately or to- * gether; big bargalna. Tall today and tomor- I row at .*6 South Thirteenth st.

BABY c a r r ia g e , I"style and price. Address A. B.. Box 8B, News office- Phono Market 2TP*.BOQKS—Old and new of all kinds and de-

acrlptlons: whole libraries purchased.Charles H. Dresael, 55? Broad iat.UIGUnST prices paid for caat-off clothing.

J. Zimmerman, 33 Hedden pi.. Eaat Or­ange. Tel. 3T79M Eaat Orange,__________OT-D GOLD, silver, diamonds and platinum

bought, Balevre. 1*4 Market st„ oppoalie Newark Theat<-r. socom! floor. ______HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing.

D. Tlachlor. 222 Weal Kinney a t; tWd poatal, or phone Waveriy^T^fi^W'ANTED—Concrete 30-Inch pipe, new or Ir

good condition, about 160 feel. AddrcJs Pipe, Box 2, Newa office.

or allghlly used; atato price, dyaile, lcrii\». _______ _ _ _____I hall racks. 3 large rod top de^ka. 914 to 925“ } . , __ \*T *1 aaI J..

BARGAINS In new and used furniture; liv­ing room and parlor suite, dining room

aijltes and separate pieces, brass and enam­eled bfcda, dreaHcrs and rhiffonnloTB, 10 white enameled dreaaem, 9* each; mahugany and oak Frlncess dressers, music ami reco.d cabinets, go-carta and cribs, large and email

HoiuAold Coed* W uiltd

S AM the men «hb le iMkln* lor otd cere, all deacrJptlotiB, for Junk and part pur-

_________ . poaea; hlghaal prices. Hlrsch ft Larman, 194PACKARD, 1*12, 4 cylinder. 48 horse power; j Livingston at.: phone Wavarly 4S9*.

top. Benjamin Douglass Jr., ----- -- -• ---- --1, N« J.

1817 LIGHT 5 DBia. louring car. wire wheels v*ry low and claaay aj)paarlng.^ lass

mechanical ‘-ondlllnn, palhlsd .r*'d,. hag cier- Irlc light and self starter, will sell on r^»- tonabie figure: will conild<"r Ford touring or roadster as part payment; can be seen any (lm« from *.30 A. M. to * P. M. at Dodge ft Franklin jilesrofm . 8-7 Voye pi., corner Rerg^g, and Montgomery ati., Jeraey City. Ask fur Hchants._______________ __FORD runaboui: late 1914 model; bought

new February 1, 1»17; run by doctor Isp months: excellent motor: new Bterllng tires, chains, hood, 'over, crash Inside body lin­ing, sic.; quirk sale: delivery Friday. April 5; price 92*5. Ailrtress IS Plymouth st-. Montclair; Irl. Montclair 3742, 2.30 lo 9 and 7 to R F, M, ____ ___ ________

manLlewellyn Park, West Orange,CHEVROLET CARS. NEW AND USED. ON

VL .RT EASY TERMS, ADDRESS CHEV­ROLET. BOX 17. NEWS OFFICE,O.VKLa n d runabout; excellent condition, reasonable. F. Robinson. 22 Swatna pl-- West Orange; phone Orgnge'l***.______fo r d Louring car- 1*17 model, fully

equipped; axcalleut condition. Tel. Orange 5173; 55 Main at- East Orange.HUPM‘>B1LK. 1*14 touring, electric .starter

and llghta; 4 new firea and new Exida bat* tery: 1350. Phona Waverly 1165.________OiRVnm.KT. louring and a roaditar. Da

Coxen Motor Company, 20-24 Branford pl.i iilnga and flunaaya. „open evenings i

YOUNG WOMAN wnmed to take rara of four-year-old vhlld, afternoona. Talaplione

♦17 South Orange.SHOES—am iiS w a n tedron BOCK ' LTNTMt.



14TH AVE a n d 3*111 HT.

SkOR SALESMEN: mual lie experienced In sailing women's ehoee. good aulnry; aimriv

all the year round; good o|ipormn.iiy for. hi). vanoament; stale experience. Address ShIpb- itliMi, Pax t t i . News fifriC"STN^JLB LADY wishes maid for general

housework: pies am t home for trust won by wertnah; good cook ; raferences. Add rest O . tlpx M. Newa office___________________

YOUNG UliiL wanted to learn tipping, fair ■alary for siarier. Acme Lace Co., 193

Market at.TOUNO WOMAN for hoapUtI training.

Weat End Hospital, 39 Btxteanth av*.« city-YOUNG W05IAN to work

lunch room. 241 Ptane at.in general In


ftCSNARIOfl wanted; gond atorlea; plots a r ­ranged in a^'cnarlo fialable form (or dlrec-

tog, Call Maraden studios. 103 Wise Bldg.BRWKJIS—“B'antad, experienced sewara on

tpen's and Iqdles' straw half. Union Hat Co., lllddletown, N, Y.eODA OlRLil- NKAT; NO SUNDAY WORK*



f o l l o w in g 17XPERIKNCBD HELP. a v e r a g e FABNINOB:

SLUBBER t e n t e r s , |1 | 6* Pe r w k . ROVING TBNTEBP. 13 31



iJfTCBlOUD'TS TENTERS, U j* ^ lA C lC T B N T E IU l. }3 64




13 4* 13 44 I 31 >64

-\TTRNDANT8, male, female. undergrad­uates; prlvala cases, sanaiorlums, hoe-

plial?*; oraerliea, 964, maintenance; nb rag- fee. Irwin'i Agenoy, 926 Sixth ave., N. Y.BOOK-KEEPER having charge of pay roll

li manufacturing depSTlmenl. >itata full parrii-ulera Addreia BcMik-keeper. Box St. News office.UANVASSKRP wanted, mala or female; ex-

perlenre not naceiaary; wrila for Inter­view. lUrry FrInI, 77 Myrtle st., Bk'om- field.JA M Tnn—Nea«, Ohlte man and nlfa for

small aparrmenl. one who underatanda Mleeiu heat and do email repairs; three rooms, belli, hfat, light, fnr eervlccv*. Ad- drew ,Janitor, Box B, News office. Orange.

CARBURETERS.Farta. fittings, adjusting, raljuUdinf. Largest end nhlest in state,Raydalrf. fllromberg. Rchebler, Marvel,

WILLS tSARAGE. INC..160 BallavMla ave. Phone Stft B. B.

DEALER 446 has nutoll new and aacond- hand, for sale; also pans; watch my ad-

vartlsamentr for bargal&a.DEALER 48f,

Ftaialc ava., opp. Can tar sL*CHATHAM. N. J. _ _

CEOW-ELKIIART muIMpower cars, with rdunier-beliinre, crank Hhafi, l-mringa d*

luxe. h'pasaeuBVr. 4 -paeeenger, ^-paasengcr; small ammint down, balance on easy monlmy payments. Ksaex county dlslribuior. ‘.rMby, 131 Newark at.. Newark: tcl. MarH^IWriiL exchange. 1*16 .leffery sedan <Dun-

ham top) for ChaYrnlet. Maxwell or any light touring car; Just overhauled; P ^ ; ' / - rally tve« aun^mer top. 6 i-yllndera; ^D u r alarting end lighting, prira |640,Orange 3*1 or 3717J evening!.


CADILLAC car; good running order; Jual overhauled; cheap In quick buyor. A.

Hagan, 364 Halqey el.FORD runabout: palnled gray; demouniabl'^

rlnH; shork abaorbera, good order. Center Oarage. 123 Halaey at, __________ _

LIGHT touring car; good potulltlon; slato make and ynar, inweat price and all par-

tioulara. Addreaa Aulu. Box 119, News of-

cook tlovc, 94,50: Ice boxes, Blnger, Wheeler ft Wilson, Whilfl and Domeatlc drophea.l mu'-hlnea. |12 to H5; 21 fiber and willow chairs at leaa than cost and a large assort- mnni of other good*. H. J. Hunt, 3SJ*3i7 Broad at., near D.. L, ft W. Station^_____^

AT MR CASH’S. Cl Academy it.—What have >nu lo for cash? We buy any­

thing and cvpftihlnff for cash; ■econd-najm furniture and bverythlng you want to sell for cash; I pay niore than any dealer or auction houae in the city: no agenta to pay commis­sion: 1 c^ l myself personally, th a n why I nay m orrthan ulhera: get my price firil; sand postal; I will call nl once; business strictly confidential. Tel. 6554 Market.


MILLER. 18 Frallnghuvsen ave. 47*6 Wavw e l d in g —All kinds broken automobile

and machine parti. Manhattan W^elSlng Co,, *44 South Eleventh at,; phone 4628 JYav.

TONY THE WRECKER,11 Park at.. Orange.; buyer of automobllea

for parte. Phona 134 Orange._____au to wanted; late model Hup. Bulck six

or Dodge pieferred. Phone Waverly 8267 after 8 P. 6f.: pay c a s h ._________ J_____W A N T B ^F o r^ car In any condition.,ihoquire 176 So. Tanl,,h at-; phone 3761 Mkt.


BRASS BRD, rug, small gas range, rcfrlg- eralor, drc*.ser, etc, Addresa B. B.,

C7. News office. ______FOR QUICK (llspoaal, 'sideboard. parl-.r

aulta, 95; crib. 91; other artlclea ch'.^p. 6*7 Summer ava.; tpp floor.FOR SALE—Square dining room extetisiun

table. 6lrs. Haver, 694 South Ta^antleih

FOR forty yeara wo have been ditpoaing of household furnlHhlnga for the people of Ihie

■tate. Tf you have any houacho^ld affectl in rood condition, which you wtah to ulapo^ of, consult UB and wc will advlsa you to to the beat method. b/m,,-f. J, tJ'CONNOR e SONS,

n : Mulberry fl. Tel. Mdiberry 511.

st.OA8 RANGES, cabinets, combination gaaand

i-ual ranges, foe sale cheap, H.-Gleae, 143 Market at.: alao 21 Niagara at.__________MAHOGANY BOOKCASE, 998. cost IIS;

roll top desk. fl7- fine 6-p'eda parlor suite. 9 4 8 , coat *100; blrdaeya dreBaer, *20; 25 yards carpet, |22. 61 Halaay at.

DON'T wreck your car, any condition: re­pair al my ixpenae and gat your prlca

Phone Market 7412. ____ ______!fH6 DODGE bargain. De Coaan Motor

Company. 20-34 Branford pi. f open eve­nings and aundeyi. ____1917 FORD sedan, in excellent condition;

gof>d ahoea all arolind; equipped, 26 Will­son pi., Irvington, ________ _


CHAl-MERB 36. 1*12, touring; good run­ning order; 4 good and one r»ew shoe; alao

iinxouelne body If wanted: make i°ud reasonable. Address Automobile, Box 38, Newa o f f i c e . ____________ _

MEN-WOMKN: thouaandii; i* nc ov*r;wanted immediately: U. P. Government.—

war poBllions, * 1 0 0 month; easy clerical IStlED D LN rL work. VVfUe immediately for free Hal ofS Mllions open, Franklin Inatltute, Dept 269

, Rorhester, N T.

riF,0 I*!*!. sevcii'psfAengcr, S-ryllmlcr tour­ing iST, engtnc Hiid tmdy In ihc l*i'*t of

comlitlon; has h«d good r«re; bargain. J.p, Mockrlilgc, near La-kawanna Monicifllr. ___ ___________ _crTTlNDiSs RRGROUND. PlBTONB.


REO. 1917, flve-patBcnger: fine condition;owner leaving town. Talaphona 4*U Or­

ange. H. Dechar. ___ __ __IMS F'ORD louring: in good eondlllon: new

paint and tirea 1038 Sandford ava.; phone 8615 Waverly. ^_____ i»


Newark 8acond*Hand Machinery Cov, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF

NEW AND USED MACHINE TOOLS^ f o w r t r a n sm issio n a nd f a c t o r s



FHONB 6410-5411 MARKET.

FRENCH Wilton fUf. |44. coat Sit: fine 9x12 axmlnalar rug. 91*; player-plpno.

*17S. coal 9450;. very fine mahogany parlor rablnet 9S0; lady's dreoalng table, with tr iple mirror, 913. 61 Halaey at, ____MAHOGANY chlffonhier, *1*: blrdseya

dreBser. I?*; couch, *6: kitchen cabinet. Sll: 0x13 Wilton rug. 919: 18 ydn. preen

fiveefficient -uar


1*13 CADILLAC touring car for aale; good rondlMon. Inquire West End Oarage, I*

r/1lHeton ave. __ ___^DETROIT electric powpe. 1*I6: fine coiidl*

Mnn. Transportation Oarage, 434 Ogdenat- _ _ _

DETROIT coupe. 1*19; good condition; read)' lo run. Tranaporlatlon Garage, 454 Ogden

at. __________ __I9i; REG: fine rundlHpn;

away, riiona 4071 Ctraifge.owner going Mra Bollea.

MAN and woman; good, reliable, honant;white or colored; man as general helper

and woman as laundress to go to country for Rummer, April to November. Apply 238 Qlenftood ave.. Esat Grange. N. J, ____WOMAN wanted In office to answer tele­

phone; also men laborer»: beat wagea. 1




AND 04»>Klf E TR E Sn. NEW AUK; CENTRA!, AKB PAUAIC AVB8.. ---------------------- i l T O U ■ ■■


1*17 MAXWELL louring and 1*H Maxwell louring. '>'< guarantee them to bo m AI

roruHMon De Coxen Motor Gompany. *0-24 Branford pi.: op^u evening* amTBundaya.

fo r d —Uaed emra: I touring bodies.

: louring. I runabouts, 197 North Seventh *t.

For1*14 CADILLAC; perfect condition, particulars phone Olan Ridge 1*9,

MOdI iL F Ford touring ear for aale. Inquire t* William at.. Boat Orange.________

FORD touring car for sale. Call S41 Craw­ford, Fine condition; *160, __

FoHD uned c»re; every car taken in by ua la thoroughly Inapncted and rebulU befora

deUvery to you at eicepitonal prScea. Mc­Allister. Carton ft Stula. 1003 Broad at,. cUy.

ACCOUNTING, oudlw ayatama Inatallad, flnknelei repurta. InvaeUgatlon. Amgrtcan

Audit Co.. lOA Brood at.: tab f*04 MkUAUDITING. book-ka«plng, typewriting, gen­

eral clerical work dona evanlnga by axperl- enead maiL ^Addreia X., Box 94, Newa of­fice.

BOOK-KEEPER-CORRESPONDENT, can lake charge of office; well educated; draft exempt; Immediate opening desired. S. L. Goodman, It* Hlllalde ava. wav. T6*S.BUTCHER. Al. wlahea poaltion: capable

tiMnagltig ahop, having past expaiianoc; b*at of references. Addreaa Butcher, Boa 169, News afrioa.

A- If.

;partaBca not .unity win bei t s lU l r e U '

CHAUFFEUR dealrea potlUon; white, 24; alx yeor^ experience; well eduoitad; exempt

frogi draft; tUi* par month; no leas. Ad- dreaa Exctnpt, Box 11, News office.

AUTO TOPS—SEAT COVCTlS. prompt. *rt<ci«n( Mrvioo; repolr,; fair prire.. SKAT COVBhS MKO. CO.. 3!5 HALBKT 3T.

J. B. L A SK ^. Froi^ T»>. Mul. iW.CA'Dn,‘!.AC ro»iliirre,‘ f(vo now tlr« , Mif-

Blarlcr, eleclrlo lights; In Al conattlon’ bargain. De i*o*<-n.........................— .. Motor Compony. 30-uBranford pl-l opan evenhigs and auoaaya.i(17 FlVE-PASStENOKR Mupmoblle

about 2 ,6 (M> miles: willran

.................. guarantaa eame.Phona Bergen 4t7s during Lhe day; avenlnga, r . M. PanniA 6® North Fourth at.FORD OWNERS—Hava yoUr ear equipped

with damoahtabla rime while you wall; lowest prleaa, rails bla work gaarohtaad. Motor Tiro Man. 84 Halaay a t . _______fOLE 8. 1*19 model, T peoaengtr touring;

flmt-clain condition; ;luai overhauled: compeli^ ( 0 sell he<'auae of draft. Addreaa, Cole, Box 104, Newa office._______

ellAUFFEUn. with )wa iriiok. will eon- traot for work; ftrieen yeara* exparlanua

in a h i |^ ]^ : jreltaUa; beat rafaranoa.dreaa ' Bag 144, Nawi offiea.CHAUFFEUR; young man dsaliwa

with priYile family; two t w #ni employer; ftferences- Can Waverly.


BEAUTIFUT. nev 1911 light i«»urini.miles; eoirt *885; price **5X including

extra equipmefit, worth 950. Private, 24 CondU lar.. Wait Orange^____________

FORD touring car; tlrat-claaa condllloh. Sussex ave., Morrlatown, N, J-

cadtllac ,body. IIT1 *1 1 , limoualna with tourtag North Savantk it. ____

BENZ limoualna, In good condlllon, for eala reaaonable, a t 756 High at»

FiLECTRlC MOTORS—Motors and wiring liutallatinDB for manufacturers. We main­

tain YOUH OUTPUT through regular in- apeoUona by contract. Over 25 yeara* parlance; newly equipped ahop and Bpara motors insure moat vlca*ELECTRIC MOTOR ft REPAIR CO„

l<4 Halsey at,.Newark. N. J.

Cffll up 9611-S Mkt. for axpsrt co-opar>tlogj

velvet enrpet. 99; it* yds. .velvet. *23; mjktjog- any parlor Hultr, 921. 61 Halaey at.

ALWAY.i"i>»y ih,. hlgheii c«»h pDre* for conlonte nf houBca. pan or full flala or

furntluTi', houBchold gooila, ruga, bric-a- ■ brae: clothing; unpaid ator^r. YCcejP*"'store.; stork, ol evory deserlpllori. Offlc* turnltun'; ImulnoBB eonfidcnilal and prompt attrtUUju; estlmalea Kiven free, <]^Lphone U(99 Waverly. J. Silverman, 12$ fiom- oraet at. .a n y th in g you hava Ih furnlturfl. iioW '

hoM goods, carpeta. ruga, small quantity: see me before you eell. poHltWely beat cB^h prices paid; Mtlmntrs givenall busihPBB confidential and ’lion; B*‘rd postal. R I.erman, 66 Hlllslaa pi., call or phono *721 Waverly.WE BT'Y Bocond-hand furniture, in mrie or

amall lots, or anything you wish to seir for

MAHOGANY library table. *10; oak dining table, *3: oak pouch, velour covered, with

elevated head, *4; no dealers. 4ft Supsax Bve., second floor. East Orange.MAHOGANY and oak drassera. with largo

mirrors, cost JI6 , aejl klirhcn

MAINTENANCE.ElactTlo elevator and moior equlpmanta

malnValnad under yaariy contractHava our representative call. __■" MOTO.R8 AND BQUIPKBTfTe l e c t r ic ----- ----- -- - , ,

bougkt, told, Inat&llad, repaired, exchanged. New Jersey Electrical Clearing Houae,

BROWN-HUNKELB COBP..If UacbanlQ •*.; phone 8111-3812 Market.

m a c h in e tool®, b e b t s e r v ic e , lo w e s t p r ic e ,

la r g est sto ck .**Onca a customer alwayg. _


PHONE MARKET 8>U AND f t t t .

LATE MUnhall touring, like new; oheap for cash- clement. 4* New at,

CoBOurdil CanI

STUDKDAKGR .d.llvM)-, IIH ; „lf-*Urt«r, datnovnUDI* rIoiA ( iood tirw ; Joit or,r-

ktiiim and pktnlHl: p ,r f« t runntn* srd.r; totirlnc body *oh wUh U; |tb* ta lin U to aulek buy,r. Apply »t one,, Ownor, llptii *t., G u t OrtniA





tables, $1. J t r . Caali, 200 Waahington sl.^NEW rug, Brunsels. 6x8, was *23, will !c«|l

for lift; fine huffel, walnut, woe 92L', u-i,| aell IJO; gmen velour couch, worth 920. will sell for 94, Adtireaa 74 Vermont ave.. ■.Uy.n e w rugs, 8x12 cliir-*1 8 , sell ton at

for *5.:’oit lift, sell for 136;

k dreasei 206 Washing-

(onnlef. i’oti’ j'l8, sell 16: oak dresser, cost ....................... Mr. Cash,

EtnI e R h ew in g MACH1*HC. . MAIN ftTORR. HALSEY AND ACADEftfT; ahop-

wom; reduced prices; ewy rental; also hvir- ■Utdhtng; repaira and auppUai for all inaktisS E ^N G MACHINES—New Home. *3: Kla-

g^r machine. fS; American, |8 ; W'heeler ft Wilson. 910, etc.; repairing. Fsuer ft lleTf- llng, 34ft Norfolk st. Phone *181 Mkt.SEW'ING ftlACtllNT., drop-head, new, com.

plete attachments. *8; ran be seen Sunday. Lange. 71W A Thirteenth gve.. Ut floor.PPEf TAL Male Singer drophaad, 916: others,

98, 9 1 0 : repaira. all makes: automatir, *n. 4S Main at., East Orange.TYPEWRITING deak. coit 146, Mil for 9U;

hraM bedA coat 940, fell for 18; anameled beda, coat 9l4. sell for |4.50. Mr, Waihlnglon at*

Cash, 204

C k idtmCHICK*. tlB hundred; freah «(f>. 4»c,; (r,«

InatTuctlon «n homb-mnd, breodar*. F,nn- Et* Bxchtnt*. 11 Court at., n u r Bread.

BOUiF.R..^>S H. P. uprlthl bollar. In tnad condition; *11 neir tubre; bartaln for Qulo*

■«l,. Nownrll But Work,. 14« Avon »Y«.IAW~TABLBB »nd olhot u ^ m ^ ln A T .

Woil*y TIdoy, il7 Fifth alT ril. 1014 B. » Shtfllnr. h tn ian , pulloy,, hoitlnt.________FOK 8AI.B—Fore* , t « l iumboflnt atompa.

| . t l Icttora; al* whaolt. »ult*bl» for power proa*. D»*l*. IIT Johnaon avo ____________

FOR SALE fhrar, chicken coop. ' “ ' Oardnar,»*10 fed.


♦6 North BMltow at,,

cash; U" pay -4 per cent, more than dtolora or any nuction hooee; need thorn for rooming houare. iha"t'e why we pay tho moat; mjo hoetal: wo will call »t once; tiuolne.i COnTI- dontlal Mr. Perry. 311 Waihintton et-ABSOtTuTEI.Y the hlthettt price* paid fur

olthre part or entire furnl.hlnta of houtoe or flat., alore, office flituree or pierchandlao of anv deacrlptlon; we pay opot caah and rotnovc promptly;int. t\'rl(, or phntio Raida, 3’17 Arllnglon al. Tcl. t l t i M a rk e t .__________________AHVAVH KKl.IABLL—V AN PO ZN AK

BUYS a n y t h in g . AND tVERTTHINa. Full taluo paid—honorable methode ured. . AFTKR YOU HAVE TRIBO OTHERS


tiiit. joi.r aecond-liand turnlture to Ainari- can dealer; we buy In larte or amall lotiiBELl.

get rnv «-siimata before trying bthera. and it my « apirttls to we will pay yju sunt cft!-h- Joe Treat. 8t* Waihington at.,, tel. 964 Myket; postal will aava dollars.SMITH. 7* Academy st., buys (urnllnre,

fealhf'rj*. carpet's, office . evsryihlnga small or larg«7 value, Bpol C|toh j_T^l:^Ili^

fixtures lota; pays




pa in t in g , p a p e r in g and DECORATING* in the meal up-io-data manner, at rtoaon-

E si^ates cheerfully given. Wa cater la out-of-town trade.- ___PAINTER AND DSCORATOR--I Will pager

your room from |8.(* up with aur paper- J am th ro o ly m i In Wwn who cw n v a you money. L Herfnan, 19ft MyrUs ava.. If^ngton.

KSP house

ONE r . ft Ca, J-hor*e moior; one -S-hom Crocker-Wheeler. In perfect order. Pia-

brow'a atablaa. near city hall.



AUT Expert 1

pair your on raquvst


144 ]


Frivais Inatruman Weld I, 87


41 Broad


I i


UR. CHA St. Insi

'•alia, flu


■OhS; n«vdiagram daneas; ll tc us: |.8T Fhonc 4 Tt'ESPAI WONDliiiiTHE ftl.

86ft Brnad PRI’ CIaseo!4 T: MASQUE!


0 0 m, WiBERRY'S




16 Belli Bank. L.


M 1! 219 9

Machln Grosier, Dennlr, I single ai eleavecf. wilAdirs, lag table

If B(Mtonk, '

and unit end ■ cotitaplAg.

F ixun tyft»wrlt< rakinetSa of psrtltl bovss.

Th IstfAw


CkU. Be

WholaiM l



sio dasa ChUaraa B»yF CIIo s n

A ..'

PAINTING, gaparhamtlnt. plaaferln*; all < work xuarautaaA: vary lew priest; writs

M d 1 will tull,. W,3ri>d«r. 147 Elthtianth a r .palntlnct


tuua iHeua* * ««n tw R unul* ^ C


FAINTING—Flrat-claa*tuacrhanaliuT dnn— re—aonabla; beat tvcrlc S irn tS ^ .* ^ . N e V 4411 Sonth Twelfth at.

S. FISCHRR * CO.—Ftlnatnt »nd paper- h .nalnt, fWaon-bla: Hrat-cle-a work tuar-

-nteN* 143 w a in * at.l tel. 47» W-yarly. .

fo r d trucki, with Hay-Dee or Truailon ex tenalona; caparlly K up lo two tone, wlth)i

any atyla body dailrad: amall amount down, balane* In eaay monthly paymanta; part, and aervlre tnaranteed; drop u t a pMt.t and w« will emll on you; It will pay you.,.i. Market I ttf .

SMOKE STACK, 14 Inch diameter by S« ft.lo n t: almcol new. Addrea* S}pck. Boa 13,

Newt office.

YVKITB ro ck s—White Lorhorha, Baft U«- horni. While Boudane; hatchinr * tt* for

CniOB, N.JABlertuompfel, Burnet ave.,

HAVE your doceraUn* dono <o f^ ltlon;’ retlmale. c ^ r ^ l 'y ■ 1A Bronha. 114 Sprlntfleld ova. Mkt. 4444. -- ' 1

RIDBR-BR7CK80N hot air pump for pump- Vn* water from a well. Ly-rh, 114 le-belt-

ae*.. clty-

D ithkn, D cnidn u d FkipolM

Croaby, 111 Newa

STODDARD-nATTON runibonl. « t - real , . „Pearce Cfaraga, I I I evarhaiStd.. Inqatraear lo line cenditloti.

Valley road, nears Central avs.« anga; tal. Qrgaia 4<7fte

q UK^R for cosb: Ik'I ob Commtrea track; U-aataaDgSf Pataraeh b«t body; ehoiitat

w n u n l iiaitary: r iU l^u lg iM a t: ^ o U y

TWO tanks. «x33xH. .^ddrai tkawa- Box 1*4, Rad Bank.

a Dnnatd MatN. Je

A COMPLETE and hlgh-ciaag Una. ladders, scaffolds, tfianlia rope. at^,. for bulidars

and faotoriaa; oak forcatalogto and Drica. THE ROCK-A-WAy l a d d e r CO,,

Q. L. KIMHERLE ft SROe. Protrlatora.

PAINTING *nd all workSouth O range svs.i tal. m T MarkaL

THE B R O O K L T ir^A L L W lt ^

■ V * ,.*• A U I

' ' i . a *! Ilf-ttAU

f : ’ l'A-.,- A . -St./.- 'IA-

T O « T-puaaonier lonrlac car; tn tiret-claau cenditteni full aqulpmant; -uy damouatn.-

tlen; «1iaup to nul<dt buyer. Additfi Vr M. a ., 444 Bread tl, .

i i i

Wtet Or- 4 Jeffrey pi.I»-I« 11.

H ad iiw T W utc4horlaeatal ttellar on track

FORD ohaaala. 1414, In perfect iaeckanlc-1 ---------------- # teaii

I te preunre; ataU prlrey. particulara AiUl Addrea* iM onoU n, |I«s t«. New-

eonditloa: aev dtmoaatablaa, a t# u a ie rt; •11 a ^ t akaee and one extra: Juet the tkh it


[Isterl N«wl

KAKCS,:e| lU '

5.to t'nn* ryp«wrlt«room 31.'f, 116 up I r. Ccntr«l , B. Il6t.

u h , EU.I. ftwniPffi. Erk ScrMay nt,____loorfe, «ln> D« ui, day Valley it,.

e to ordor: Kopp. 413

lew. nev«r L tail*, alill for 112 If

1 Bt.

jve1l»; buy a Pulkirt, 41

raediSnf fe- Btauben st.,

IKG,006 MKT.

' and KtntH’ 10 full dr«Bi 7r tet. Mkt- le ave.nts' cAit-olf I for infn’i


for old pold.;; a Mt With ; rubwr, 43 ?rry at.large, ama'.l

4. cleVB«tJt onka, maifu> invited. W. York,i' and genta' ind old Jew. call. Louis Ickltfffl at.EN 5T, ta' clothing, ny dealer in

KTH PBTS; VEB. JEW. AR BROAD.^awn ilckelf. ought. Hor­ner Plane ai-the highest

ereey Dental>m gn.ream beater, ympla CUdp■ J,________silver, plat- Jewelry. B.

1613.Jewelry and F. W. Par-

1 pl-ndltion; Itale

B.. Box sa. 01 ________clnde and do*I purcbaaetl. ■t_________•off clothing,

pl., East Or-ft,___________and platinum t st,. oppoalie

;.off clothing, ney at.; fw d

Ipe, new or Ir :eel. AddrcM

u t t dny it.—■‘What We boy any- ; lecond-haiiil ant to aell for iler or auction > pay commla-

thai's why I \y price firil; mce; buslncsa ft Market.

n diapoainf of I people of tbie bold effecti In lah to dlidoee vise you aa toONH»Iberry t it.ish price* for ' full flal* Of ruga, brIc-R- .

rage rccelpla, riptlon; office kl and prompt 0 . Write, call, imn, 124 Som-

■ SCHOOL AU. VKAH._ DAT A \D EV12NING HBSBION. BnroM «oi»; B f.w *hou nmiitll. and »ou

wlil b* (lllln* thr jicnUliiii ynil h»VP In mind. Drak. COIlejo offBr, au.i'Tltir training b.- n*i*w nf liH rrriBi.nt ni ganliiAtloD, fnninn* Individual In.tructlon and It. sr.-at r.puU- tlOB. Call, phon, ur writn ai i.n.*-

d r a k e roLI.EtlB, m a r k e t bt., NEWARK, N. J.


Ili|>,rt In.tTih'U'm! Iwrn to ilrlv. and « - pair your car; Ih'i^nae guaTMn'c«‘d; booklet 0 0 . requeei,



N * E W A B K i V E N l J i ’ G N E W 8 , i l O O T A Y , A F H I L 1 , 1 9 1 8 . .1

Plmna 4SI* Mark.tO:

rtOOM niO-»l, PRUDE.NTIAI. B l'lLPtNO.

Oi.AnnNri; a. iBAMAN. MbHtag. Bp.elallat. AbBralaala.

Bull. 1H rrudnnllal building, Nawark.

Wa Kill kava ntir naval auetton aa TUBIDAT. APIUL 1,

-■ - Wag ■ *W ^ ^ • ■

^ a a lk iT T u y W ndar, prlvaia aal«a at all tiAaaALL SONET RETtlRBBD IF




BOUNDED >113. ____WILSON FARRAND, I1KADMA8TER. Frniiaratlon' for collig,, lelenUfln aebMl

tr laiilntaa lift. Ovmnnilum and alblatio paid. Primary davartmrnt.

AUTO INSTRUf'Tl6N~FOIl LADIEt Lexrn hovr lo meka rcpaira end ddjuat-

menls and to got lUo b:**! aervice from your etr; next clnaa biglne April IT: tend for booklat, Educational Department. I l l Hai- aey tl,, Newark. ________ _

NEW JFaRSEr"nr^Nl-:S^COLLEGE,IR Mftrkel at,, cor. WaBhlnsLon; employment free, individual inetru<-tlon; ehorleat time; moderale rates; 4Slh ypur. T'hone or rail.N. 3. COLLEGE f rep School: gram, and high

■chool atudlea; languagM; tfilldren'e dept.4 regentt; college eniranoes. 317 BellpvlUe avi.MONTCLAIR ScrrclarlBl School, Theater

bldg., Montclair; ahorthtnd, loilch (ype- wmiAfr 1feok-k««piii|; individual IngtrwtiM

JdORTnAOR MONEY, NO BONUt.Firat. Sei'm .1 ami Cntiitruction Lnatu.ANY A.VtOirNT FHiVAtSt. ilM

WITaHOFT. 43 BROAD. StOOMriBLD.^MONET to loan on first bond and mortgage

at B per cent,; euma of 1104 up; no bonui cKargsd. Schafrlnjthauaen 4k lUrtpenoe, 'ounaeiofa-at»law. 7BB at.PRIVATE building and Joan and eecond

mortgage nmnry to loan; city er suburbs; (lukk action. A. 7j. Blaml Jr., 800 Broad auCONSULT ua for m erifafs loana or Inveel-

metuai prompt, careful aervleei reaeonable chargt'ft. Oefeer jh Plum. RtC-Broad at.SUMS oTTToOO to flO.OOft at I per cent.; alM'

B. A L. Amin, (umte up in gl6,004. CUea De»b*l. cngnwlnr-at'law, JO Clinlon et.MONEY to loan on bond and marigage, pri-

vAie and building loan. laaac Pletaoh* men, coutiaelor<al-law, IB Clinton at.MONEY toxnrd on let and 2d mottgagra and

urvillvidftd Jntereeis In citatia. Mufria Gordon. roon>a 424-424, Eaiet building.1 'lljrvir’riims’*’of >4,0n0 snd’ II.OOli In loan

on firsi mor'gage' ftr> per cent value, r. FnoVF-r. g7F- Mufhsrfr it. ,_ _______

•ALE ^ I ij^ e T cHANgV ’rrAHtJlgIITa .vD iti MRIOnB vs.

jnet arrivaa hoiw* wHh ta evgfWea Iggd •! extra go«>0 h reea. Among theig are MRe extra MOM lie draft hofaf# In ainglae and matched valra; twi. matt:he4 pain, roina weighing \ t iM pet fw ri aleo gair aaiTgH waighliig t.led t iwn pafrt dafgi* itgfv. weighing I.TIt per pdlr; mvargl aingle bnrgfa weighing up 1 0 a totii at*a nave aame aiail* lent expNet boraaa, Jaraay ohgalia a tii huat* neai horaea; ala* h4rv ppoa* tavd, big nagfa4 work herMi; aH the abwa are all g««i. frelh country horaea that I have ptreanalTy aeltrted off thif farm# and arf an gaeep- tlonaJiy goad I0 J. right eul af work and ira •ready for Immwilnte nee. if you are In need of any hor».ca. car. tun yan 111 price and gwal- Ity. AIko have a*\eral avoond-hand horeet that have beam need arwiad !%• idty.

William A. Pattersun. tetaamaip _______ TM. M ulhf ry llgfi___________

B A N B 7 B l i o C .la

Penneyivania' Aeehmaiail f lam a• 1 BRIPQB fTv. ' NBWAlUt. N. g


HAWAIIA.N GUITAR. UKULELK. Private leasona. &0c.; claM Iraxon*. He,

inatrumenta for eale; weekly i)»vm*nU. A. J, >Veldt, 47 Court at.; phone Market JIH.

A. eiNtOALLIANO,Dlctlngulshad vlollnlat, will give violin in-

JtructlDn IQ earnest aUidt-nla nniy. StudJoi 41 Broad at.; phone Market l ilO.

c h a r l e s ' tamm B,Tesrher of singing,

]JI Orchard at., Newark. N. J. Booklet and toriria upon raque^____

FLORKNCB ARTHUR.Teacher Ijondon Consi'rvatolre I yearaf, - Binging (UalUn method>; piano, vlallnf^ IM 'RAahlngton at. Fhuno ISH Mkt.

EDNA-DAIS', 34 tfiUcue pl.—I/f*Fohe in piano and alnghig. inr aoven yepr.ft head of

the piano and vocal department of the tlrooKlyn Beulemen Schoul of Mullc.' ALBICANDBR BERNE. Pianist "

J Newark Btudto ft47 Broad at.N. T. itudio. Metropolitan Opera Koiiie hldg.LUIOI BFATA, Violinist, Inatructor. from

Naptea Royal Conicrvatory. Siudloe: 114 Btone at., near Bloomfield ave ; tel, 44 D. B.RAOTIME piano playing, 14-24 lea&oni: ^booklet free, Phone Mkt. TTU Clark- Wlan School. 667 Broad, opp. Broad Theater.

HDWIN WlCKENHOFKR,Violin Inetructlort, 647 Broad at.,

Newark; 30 Cottage at.. South Orange.

•nllure, hotiaa- small or latge sell; positively Ice given free; protnpt alien- 66 HUielde p l;

Lfa. In large or wish to *cTl for 'c than dealora •m fur rooming he most; send bufllneee confl- Lahingion a^iricea paidfor ilnga of houaee [>r jmerchandlse spot cash and [cr before aeil- 4-tT Arlington

I r r> z N A K VERYTlIlNa. methods used. 3D OTHBHS fOB AVB.».b k r r y .iture to Amerl- > or small lota; f cthera, and If s will pay you Yaehington at.; ave dollars.buys furnUnre.

fixture* and lets; peya full


FimaXkLKBT.DBCORATINa. per. a t reaaon-

Wa cater |e

R—I Will papaf wRb our paper* I who can aavo IS UyrUe avo*

plivterlng: aU w nrleea; writ#7 Elghteonth avuluao painting; able; beet work obth Twelfth aLing and paper« Qlaaa work guar- . 47t Warerly.to full •atlafae- gtvosL Marbla

'i. Mkt. »0I4. .g; lowoat prteoa: &k WoliB, ITB, f MarteeLJ»BR CO.."atm II dp: painting


Lftmch, *

WANTED, loan of Jl.390 for two years at 0 peii' em t; good security. Addreta Loan.

Juet raaalrsf two ohfloadu PahngylvamlhLOANS W A N T L D ^ R E A L ESTATE wcelimated Imfite. conal«i:np *f M«vy dagllL U A no W AniCiLr a e a l b «9i a i e i i.tae pounda, of w h i« -ae ro are many

' " pairs fangf. light Oellvarr wagaa and farm 4hugk«. aome mated pain.


Thomas Kouftan, Hafeaisaa,


M O R T ^ G E S F O R SALEFIRST mortgage real eaute bonds, wl»h-

«nit In 3ft yrs. to Investor: 1140. | 6 0 '’i, 1 1 ,non smounU. Write for circular 147. Bold

ft. W. BtrSUS A CQ.. 414 Kinney hlrij,GI’AUANTEED flrsl mortgages on Improve-I

rc ii -otul*: 11.040 upwurd. tiuiranlrtf

^ C H A T m ^ ^12ft, I2B,

Upward. LBOAL RATE LOANS. Upward. 10 lieusekeepcrs nii furniture end pianos wilhoiil ileisy or publlvlly; ) ou tan get the moiiry t ulay.

y o i 'io . UECrDK QUICKLY at thee* monthly pHyTiisnta;

On |4n only 14,04 plus n per cenl. Iiileresl. On 464 only H.nn plus 3 per rent, intersat. On ITO only |7.CH plus 3 per cent, loiereat. On $100 nniy tin piua J per rent. Inrereal, LAKGKR A.M0T'NTB t.v p r o p o r t io n . YOU jrel the full amount aih«il for an 1

noihing deducted; no feea or other chargM. l ALL. WRITF5 OR PHONE MARKET 4»v&.

Tou'ii Receive Our Prompt Alientloo.PEOrtE 'B FTNANrE COMPAKT,

186 Marker at,, fourth floor. Banking Department License No. 47.

Office Hnur*. ft A. M. to « P. M.

WAOONR—TJUTKB—CARRUOKt.Four trip platform mllg wagona, 146-iTI. Pour-ton box iruck. like n»w. 4l7l,Two platform-top furnllurs wagons.Three iwo-toii coal (rucke. $41 to i n . One-hnrec top taovlng wagon, |Tt.Tort lop plalff>rm wegoti*. 134 lo |i0.Ten o|jen ptstforftn wagons. IJS to Iftd.Six open pe>ldlcrs' wagnrui, 111 1<» 13ft.Five i*arpenl-rs', plumbers' waibne. 416-144. 'I'Wo single mason wagons. 43l>|tl.

KKNRT ptlHLB.36ft Spriniflelil ave,. cot n th at.. Newark.CARI.e' e XVRRBR i:n win m II. regardleie

of cost, in work hares* and mar*A that have h11 been bought green ihe oaat two years t'sn. h<* seen at stable. 277 Plane «t.. near Market. Open dally, Bundays ineliuded.

BUSINESS OPFORTliHmESI a TTBNTIONi f can sell yot^huainasa of any

ilasrrlpltim to a quick buyer for a goad1' price; try me and be convinced; huaThONa

rarefully iMnaacteil. Ss« Bchwsrit. the olJ> rellabla business broker, 306 gpringrield ave. Phone 4114 Uarkat; open evealnga

,_,1 -ojtftriage attd wagon■ Inciu^mg

-4tTft-^45»3sWlg|,Jjan4; auM ban

‘■a■■ I-/- '

COMMinSlDN bakery"; rent 114; 4 rooms;prnfll 4X4 weekly; prke |$Qfi. Bchwarti,

105 Bpringfleld ave.DELTCATF.9BKN: oTean are., .Tersey City;

rfnt MO; rtcelpia tldu; fully aiuvked; prioa 11,140. Bchwartx. 146 t-phniCleld ave.DRLTf.'ATEISEN ettwe; rent fiO: profll Ml

aeekly: fully eLicked, fin# flxlurea; price M.IDO. BchwarU, 246 Sprinffluld ave,ICB ROUTE, exublltheil 30 years, fine horse

and wair«; price Mil44; reason, death. BrhwArt*. Sprlngfll|lil ave.MILK ROUTE, profu 111 weekly; fin* horiv

and wagon; price $144. Hchw’artz, 105 Springfield ave.AllNERAL soda water plant; busineea

181,106 yearly; will sell with or without property. Schwartx, 306 Springfield ave,MIX.L1NRRY STORE; rent |ftS; rnoma;

flB.oee yearly buslneet: will sell at aao- rlflce. Bcfiwaria, lOl Bpringfleld aw.BARBER ‘HIOP, EaM"c^r.tnge; rent $16; re­

ceipts $6$ weekly; maruie rtxiurra; price 1504. Bchwartz, 20G BpriJigfleli] ave.GROCERY, -confectionery, ' offa* store; rent

$1 8 ; moms; rucelpie IU6, fully iiocked; price 1440, Suhaarll, 315 SprlnHflelil ave,WANTED—Fifteen ;onfevMlc»nery atorea,

have raah buyer* on hitnd waiting fur th*m. pleaee send pSrtlculsra. nr >-1111 at the pfftce. Hchwartx, 203 KprttigflelU uve.MR. Fl'RCMAPER:—Are yoli In the market

fnr a business prnpuaUlixn M any llna? Duf'nu want IP invest ytiiir money in a siralgh), egltlmale business? Ugll nn- B<'hW8rlz. Ihg

eld'reilablB bualnpwe bMker, rh3 Sprlngflei-* ava.MEN—LtBKRTY UONDP AND fiV 'X trrB

BOUGHT. p r iv a t e ilGL'BK. 74 CE.N* TRAL AVB.__rLt'.\|RD-M, heating, llmling business, es-

t.innshcd nine yesre: will saerKke en no. count of drafl. 4* Chestnut ei . Roselle Park. N. .r ___ ____ __________HALE or rent. bnaNIng house; 24 bed rnotn*.

illning room, H i>eranna: siUpted for cafe- terle, roomitig house, etc.: Charges $;{ to $ID per wesk. Address Pfup . -1 Rath gs'c.. Ocean Grove.


____ ........ ............ ........ ......... .PARTMINT, flat or tmall houH. KIK .;work duns; will oveti rent the shop a* good , J* IPirE u ( OrtBfi

AT rcoueat of ownftra, ath amhorlgsd to sail•III UPma^o auU. Mvaral small houoaa, T

and I rnoifi*, every modern Invpt. Wall ■built, cosy, aUrgsttvO homes, from 16.540 to .|4.4b4^ Will make urm a'to aulr tturobaaar, •Nii»batUr taJuWe anywhere. -"wUr

I MACHINE BilOr wanted, to anaint In bulld- I Ing aatomalic maeblnaryi advertiser will < make any arrangements nactMary to get the

eti rent the shop a* good , , ..... ............... -. ---- - .profit le owner. Addrepu Rfachina Aou, ' full parfirulara. Addraaa E. A. Boa 14, Nawa offic*. | N*wg office.

Boa I I

chuiChuFch Bu..any w her*.

- Ehat Orange..,UIU rotfiM *11#

WaNTSD In 1-K* IDII , t I r t i t a.OOfl ,<|u»r« FOim at- fiv. n a tn t . l«a AmarlilUt^rfe-t.-tar hl»h in»!l nrd<r afUem. n«&r ' .April IS; *eo4 loaatlaa;. Im a m a A M ttia -•

KGR BAr.F. eheap. 4 horaea. 1 Tnllh wagon.$ fnrm wagon*. 1 truck, 3 sets of hamees.

bciitllnir macrilne: acrfctor, osnacator, plowe. harrow a. AH ckn bf seen st I'lersufl'l Stock Firm. Valley s’.,. Msptewned, N, J _ _ _WILL sell 14 good work hcree* to soli ahjr-

bmlv;-weigh 1 .1 0 0 t» 1,609 Iba,: can b* e**n si snv timn during the day. Tei Market *762. 1*4 Baldwin ef.



a t IhetructDr of piano, organ, harmony, *e4llg, flute, tnandollh and guUar.


Oralon HalL Broad and Bridge at*. Modern sm1 ilasslc; private nr clast lee-

aohft; newest ball mom daiiree; Francisco dlagratii sysiem used; wn guarants* our dance*; If ?‘o't have failed elsewhere, corns to us; T.srl pu>iii«-ni plun; h. stunilanl ichool. Phono 449l> -Markoi. r i;u l.|C DANCEB TUEBDAT a n d BATURDAT NlOHTft; WONDEitrUl. BAN.ro JAZZ BAND, __"t h e M. U, RICHARDS DANCE BTUDIO. 6Bt Broad It.. Kiael* bldg, Tel. Market m i , - PHiVATR LISHHONH ANT HOUK. Cliseos Taos,. Thuvs.. KrSilay & Bat. Evens. Mi^QL'ERADK dait<e. Aliij.lay, April 1;

otantps tlaiu'e, l-'rlday, Apnl 3; ■jPTltig recapllor; hI the Waihtngtun Ball Room, Wedueaiiayv April 17.BBRitT'B bchool ef Dancing. $19 Broad at.

Be |inn*ra’ claaa Baturday night. Advanced TueaSiiy- Frivato any time, Phone Mkt- $16.


$26 to $104ON XnTF, WITH LHUi: aUARANTOR, OR


in s t a l m e n t s .LK<1AL INTLHEBT, NU KEEi.

Tha koriety Is Financed and Managed by Inral tiualnois and profeseloi^sl men.

All UeallTius 7’ulr. ITlvat*. Prompt. Helpful, Call, nrlle or ptione Xir. liain,

Market H h l.

PENKFiriAL IA)AN SOf'IETT.142 Market iiirevt. Third Klonr.N. .r. Bank D'-pt. Ll 'eneo No. 27, Member Newark Board uf Trade.

NUW t'oiumbla dump wagena. wHh aim- Tih'itt dumnlng device knewn: order pow.

-Tn u-ph Keen, Sofen Bridge rd . Spring- ri«M, N. ^ ______FQH b a le -Horse, buggy and hasneaa; heat

all around road s.r family hors* In N-in-ark. Inquire K, K. Bergen, Cft Commerce sl_____TKAM and tliree-tim truck, hnrae and Itg-

fort wagon: In good cnrtdUtnn. Burk- hardi's fnal Yard. 231 Ferry >i. .DKLIvEur WAGON for sals; large bodv;

good I’lrndltifn; $7$. Newark ao-Oart V fcJ'rt.. l$» Washihgfoa at-BI.Kf-TRrCAL horse and dog clipping J

Kiirs. 14fl Peshine are., nesr As6n ave.


OUR faclory <b rrowrled wUh uftcd plsno* tHhen in exchange for nur famous Weg-

man playor piano; we need room und will sell upright pianos as low as $^6 and player planum as low na 4140; thsir Instruments tnusl be sold st oni^e: you will have to hurry if >-Qu want one, they will sell fait s i ihes* figures, tnrms to relluhlp people. M'egman Plano Factory. “T Austin at.

GOOD huslnejv hora« f«r aal*. Spring gt.. BlonmflsU. N. J.

Call at 14

TWO horses, two wagons. Iwa aets harneiR. esM J7 oak 4L. Kart Orsng*.

Hotmi and CanrhfH W aitedWA'ICjN—*-ion coal ir'iek natiled, In^ood

fundltlon; weighing about f.704. EuexCounty «’oa1 Company, Orabgs ^____ ____ ^WATstoN dump wagon wanted, in good con-

dlUon. Burkhardl's Cnal TarO. 7:2 Ferry



MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES33 Sprwgflelfl are.. 31 Hprlftgfl#l4 ave., M

Dlcyclea. Blcyclaa, BIcytlH. pJeroe, Ivar-.lnlinson, Raadlng, BiandarU, rohimhla, Yale. etc... hlcyelea; sundries and rspalring. W'o Juat closed nur Clinton ava, Hture upd am therefore oversinckHd gtri— . . . . . I Hiore wDu am inereiore oTeTo'm;fiHuYOU save mnnay ^ buying hers; ftns L|W4r rramped [er rooni, AU goods sro sold ra-

t*Prlfht piano, Hilton, rhlckaring, Whii. | rost. YVe put tires on WajiyHer. Knabc. Weser. Cambridge for aatft or | rsfriages. We are Esaes County'* s.ils ills-

PRTVATE dancing lasaon*. day or evsnlag.10 Belmont ave., next American’National

Bank. L. BHIl; tel. Wav. 1441.

I to tent $$ psr month, I 890 Wsanlngtrin ai

N. J. 1\ aioragt Co-

TAIUIRING BTOBK, cstahltshert 2: >eari.doe* a thriving biislPMs; i\ It. station sTra

irnlley llnm nan«lv. employs ft sipady; 1 vesp*’ lease, Ion* rent: iMVficrs will sell at sacrifice, having been dnflrrl. AdUrcM isnrii. tier’s. 32i Wali’hnng ave.. Pltlnfldd. N. ,1,



Two4.-;) Cia«ar'.fvi,vj« wiviooa and Ceq-tTAi av«, trolley; bargain for auloh. Mia: $»«•• steslon Hay I; priaa 4$.144; larfna arrahfbd. lUrhi, Cautral av*. aod Baiataa a t, Ba*t ^'traaga.


NORTH HArLB AVE., near Tarli are.— Neiv, modern two-famlly houae; 11 rootns;

sun porohai; parcjust floor; *iaain, ga* elae- trivtly, open flreplacra; room for dyiv4 way; rent ll.DftJ yearly: ««li rheaf. on easy tsmta. Craoa, 92$ E. sex building, Newark,HAWTHORNE FU, «. oloaa to Central ava.

—Nearly new, modern two-family: sieam. ga*. elocirlcity; open fireplace, aua iMiroha*. rent $70 innntlily. for quick aalo, 17.440; term* arrangad, roont for garage. Crane, BJii Eaaex building. Newark.KENILWORTH PL., $4, near Brick Church

Rtntlon—Borton*plan, two-(amlly; 13room*. 2 baihn. slmim. gaa, elaotrlclty; rent |SI: sell for 4 .4v4 mtia cash iitoeMary, Crane. 426 Essex building.WIDOW wants to sell, without delay, her

Kuat Ounge one-rsmlly houa«, with lergt* Ist; atimll amnuni cash, answer now. giving IslaphiHie number. Address Widow, Uua 77, NeWs offli s _______CMIBE to Main *1.; fond Z-famlly. 11 rooms,

2 ba th i; 1 stnam fivater, rent $47$4,600; terms arrung^d. Crane. buMcUng, Nenark; phnns.

cheap, 024 i-Jftsea

CHOVE ST. DiCPOT—7-rfiora residence: fln» location^ -perfect condition; lot tGVftalftV:

room for iirlvi‘wgy;, bai-gain. Prudeii, 111 Multi Bt,. Ivast LJrahge.ONR-i<‘AMII1T house. I rorima and bath; lot

ftftilOO. all modorn luiprovsittehts; price I6.t>0u. Ernest J. K. Fiedler, Fimnisn a huUd- iiig; oppA evenings.ao rT H MAPLE AVK.—Lnl $7x176. good I-

ruom raaldeni-'*. apace for auto; forevlotura bargain. ITurisn. 1H> Main at., ICaat Urance*

FreeholdRENT <T BSls. Freehold. N. J

rooms, baib; hsin. suitable lot doxJi'O; shude

Kiiurlh S'«.,

hnuic. nine fnr fsrago;

rccs. Apply Mr*, i hsmura, rwark.

IF T< D 1TA\ R A ONE. TWO OR TITRICit fa m il y HOL'HK in ciilNTUN HILL


4iirwtniB, »,■ I . I aSfnWF'VNf^D ftusinsBs .woman wlaheg «a« aea

two unfuruiaheit ruoma; private TamllfV) nmtsrred; hall bloeh car lln«. Addreai nft*^

p m c B .”BBTABLIKHED 1141.

DO You «*ani t« make quick salea of yanr pmttefly? Bee J. .1. Mntx k C»r, Union

bvllillnf, n tNinten sL; fra* llatlngg.___HOVSES built Oft your lots, anywhere, any

rirke; plana, money rurnishtd. Bulldar, Si building. 47t Broad, nmnr t$$. |

PROrKRTT wanted in n«>sflvllte or near iicnirnl «vs.; have vs«h buyers Willing.

r e a l e s t a t e w a n t e d - o u t or •roww____ _HorSKB, apafiments and fiats In the Dr-

nitgrs, Maplewood and \ij-ln1ty; Met your nropsrty tor rent, sals or c^i-tiange. D. M. Conover. $ 4 3 Main at., East Ckranie.WA.NTKD lerg-family house Jn irvlnginn,

with room for driveway: not over |6,40A Stats full (•nrtirulara lo T . Ho» i t , N>w» ofrioe, Irvlagton.DCMIRI-; (it purchase nr r*ni, small one-

family hotiss. hi ouiaklns of Nawark, «>r Huburbs. AddrsM A. R., l-ij, News of­fice.Ua >'E rash b^iysrs for suburban prnpertlcs;

apai-lally small houses nnd iwo-fatnlll.'^ atevsns. 47ft <>nlrsl ive., Newark.

fln»<l, Boa 1 1 6 . News olflo*.SMALL family wishes flva-room flat ^ 4 *

bath or small house; near trollay: elty an-. suburbs n. Address Wanted. Box U7, NewPL offica.— -------- ----------->- ■ ...............................TWO fonmi, hoi and cbM running wiltTiJt

all hiipi-nvsLnanta, Woodairta eactlon. dress Woodside. Bur. 141. New* offlae,

WANTED, by young couple, three or tear r« oms and bath; improvamema; iMor Mar-

Kai or Broad ii. irollay; rent not id exeaed $:;d; immsdlals pnaasislun. or May 1, Aa- tli^s^Younf. Box Its, News offka.WANTED—Thres or four rooma for hoiM-

kcrplng, man and wife: «*alktng glataaea from the fiMaibsth and Newark irollev, Js in ^ n. covkir, ft4 Wealfield ave., ruiaaUa park. N J,

WANTED*RO(imhig hoiiM. mniml location, tsn In flflmn ruuin^ or uuirs. Addr'-i*

A fiE S??___MTHON^W. HOngA.


Beating ajvf Collsctlni a Brsclally.A. L. CRGBS A BARKLET.

irocR B im B i to a. l . cuobn.REAL ESTATE, I OANS. INMURANCB,

FST. 1$7Q. TEL. 414 MuHwrry. RID BROAD.BLaSBBrTj ^ iTiRgIJe R. /.»


KOWARD ». LUM.4tr p nvD K N ruL b u il d in q .

Real Wstate. laij,. Lr>ay and Anprsl^is.

REAL E E T itll FOR SALE-CITYP w riliA fi


Wllliain Bt.. Oronge All languages laufht. Vlaaaea or private. Q. B. Cambreleng.

a nA- Aildreiw

trlUuicrs of ihe world'* famoug_______ _______________________ _____ HENDERSON FOUH-CTLINDER

V o",!,." w h ." "r” r r ''. !S '’V « ! smoothn.H, « w T ?“ ‘.7iSd” ...i,ll*htly u».d on. har, lo r , f s r N. J. >*• ! , ’n*d ^mo™*, ro.. ISO WMhihiton ,i. ,

LOOK--^l3-rbmTi, scptral* enimhce. two- faiullj- hotter, steam hcal^^s. e t« ; r*p»»u

for $64$ per year; will sell for I6.G60; mori- gags Is $4,406.

Driveway jpara, lot 16x116.See this offering at 31 Berwick at.. Or-


tPANISl!—Pure Castilian lauaht by live,.--Who Knows good BtigUsh.

Spanish. Bojfiio.- News oifii»i

' DruniHc and ElocatioaAUDREY MAhBDKN HTUDtOB~ltt Wla,

building. T’h<rnr 3026 Mkt . and 60S Carnegie lian, N. Y. Legltlmato stage. Photo plays, Art of vApr<a«|on, Registration gratis.

ShotibiDil Bttd TypewritiniPRIVATE INSTRUCtlON In ihartband; eec-

retarlal iratnlng; ruplli placed. I. W. ......................................... Wav. 6$t0 .



I PIANO tuning, repairing, action regulating, t A. H, fiiehman,'61 M>rRtgamsry at.; real-

dance, IS Fabyan p i , te l . 7J ldW Waverlir,PIANO TBNBli—pmollcal piano maker; re*

pairing all briArhe*; hew strings, felta. F. M*. GANN, m Bruhswiok at.: 377 Wav.PLAVEn ITANOi lR8fl: Used Rohr mntttha

was IftOD; uhuauil ophorlunity. BaltfrCo., 22G YV ishlngton at., next to Hambarger'aPLAYKR-PIANO, mahogany reae. si-note;

I two years ulrij muelr nnd bsnrh, $160. N. J. Piaim Rtnrnge i“n., son B 'aihln|ton at.



, H, GOLD, AUCTIONEER.t ivlU Bsli for owtieri, on

TUESDAY. APRIL 5,• ilt 1S;S6 P. if. Bharib on premises,

lift PLANE BT,, NEWARK. N, J.Siraatsr Machinery, Shakers, Jumbo. Fine

, Ifike F jat and Circular Michltiea.'Machinery ponslstLng of such nakei as

OrosSer, Claes A French, Bach. Bnvfert 8l Dtmnlr, I^m t. BMnlon A McCreary, Shakers, single anA doubla hed machlnoe, double elssvsrf. 14 border maehlne*. brusbera. Payne windirt, lloffmah steam preae, vless, finish- lag tables and chairs, shafting and puilffi,

6 A» C, Motors.II Bswing and Kiniahlng Machines,

MtoDk. eontlsllna nf raw maisiials. finished and unfinished swonteiV, also Mfnretsi), silk and . cotton, ar>wlng Ihrosu, bultuns and I taping. * I

Flxlurei—I Hall *afs. 4 dr*ks and tbslrs. \ tygewriter*. book-keppers* desks, rugs, filing 1 l ablnets, office railings, about ISQ in too fast of partitions, scales, stock cabinets a^ul slock boxss. k

In J*l* without rbperv*. /Auctioneer's Phone, Market 3174.

laipeetlon Tuesday. 4 A. M. to 12 U, Catetoguoa sent on request.

utoiorcycleA J!aey terma PnAB.I t Bpringflel^ iv4„ t l 9pr1ngf1IBd *'


INDIAN BtOYCLBI-On* J$ ll Indian,. Iwthi ive 'IIU IndlRAt

(win; guAraatSMl perfeot condition; ai«o olKer* from f46 up; rash or credit, 81< ycle* from $3$ up. We gieo hk>* dihsr hiili-grade make* blcjrclea and many carefully over* hauled mfltproycLes, Bargalf^ ‘Easy puy- n-ent*. tl}‘lien Iflifor Co., IxV Wkfthington lit, Tel. Mulbetry 6414.- .............. ■

FIRE SaX r o r BlCTCL*i ‘ 846 new 1ver-.Tohnfon. Fierce, Belmont and

Wesimlntier bjrycles,

♦ ftftO BAKKR player, used sesen months, , new. with ukulele suashment, $460. I

33ft'Wtishinglon st., neat to namborger'a ,

Alli s i TO |4n v a luRS

RRm»i'EEi Tn I I I . 66,U Sr?

___ _ _ . ____ AND $36.bicycle attnrtrles groafly redulTil;

BBT.Mofrr -

4,; '.u; -c. LimtcH * co„


GicB Ridf tON PLOT 60x150

SA Chirii’F FOR 15,400 UN'K.HLAfTlFl’i. APr.lT

.Must he -..111. ft Inviting r««ms. nesl side, (if srrrrl, i»Ti(' Htrel''h of b' sutilul lawns snrt g«rrt»'ns. nmimgsl Ih** (’xtreMis hetirr classes: <-nnvrnleilt for tlir' entire fuinUy. If >ini tore tilessnhl surinundhigs this the *pol. nlmost • nM. lnfopu\>4lloii, I'has Ihike builder. 244 lllnomfleiil Bvc. niuomfleul. Phone J8ft4fl i4loonifl'’l«l.MOUI'b; Of eleven rnoi-ae; hargsin; 3 hatha,

iHuinlr.N. enrage for 2 var*, 21 Hillside xg; . tilsM HM&« tpply Lyoii. 110 Rldge- »<iod ave, ur sgeni


nRUHAll. N. J.Bummer housee foe rent.

Writ* for Hsolilet.Qarrabrendl k Conover,Tenth ave,. opp. Depot.

IrriigtosTiVii-FAM 11. Y house II rooms. s#parate

u.iihs. pav>d street, $1 RflO; one-fsinlly, v rnnms ar.d hnth; lot 60x141': 'wjlh bHrti M,:.nS: imjp family <1 moin* $3,fi00; smnll tnth paymerti and hslatn-e e*sv terms. John ft. Prank* I'o, Irvington I'onlcr.imo DOWN w!l! lajv ft-tnorh house, steam

liest, ele^'irk lights, nil impis . prlt-r 1^500 for n quick sak. ijes Harris, lOO tt'ABhIugton aye., trvlngi>-u.FOR 6Ar.67—Mfjuee nf 10 ronme; iwo-fanil!y

pioti ftOxivS ft.; all hnpr*. Intiiilro $Ul .'-'Iuyvcaant a\e., Irvington. N. J.

KeanibnriKHANMBURO-'Twn I0 M; will sanrlflte qaicl:

huyer; nsar boardwalk. Inquire ITl Cen­tral a if ., Newark.

Ltou FarminORKRT PT One-fninlly: ft rnnmi, sud

porlor sresni, gas, elsrirlrlty. harftw'ind ihirt: gMragr. price $5.900,

ni t'Ahg«il. I'rsne. 97S Rss^k building.NEW biincs'oft . boauHfni little home. fUa

l■•'l■ms. haHi clecfrlrlty; sltMSlert Jft Hohy-Yirifui avp,. III in-(» ueeka. lot IftxlOD.

Morbejt rl'-s:!, 1 .‘r3 Robert Hi.8A1.EM AVl , Flscellent hue-ffimlly. seven

rnnms itll Impts.: r-i^ni for garage: only ll.neo, lasy (erma; possetslun May 16, Crane. 93$ Eeeex building, Newark,

BAT HHAt>. N, J.Modern furnlsheO housek for sale or rent.

•lOH. F .\tnRTON,Phone fO Piilni Iheasani

SIX mom furnl*lied i-ol*sge. near rtrer.$l.6e0 rash to quirk buyer, also furnished

oottagrs tor rent season Iftift. c B. Van


AVON-HT-THIt-BRA. N. J. fo r u e n t , LAmii-: a n d w k l l -f u r -



$260 BEAdiiilf; houee. 6 rqums and bath : all Impts ; at Allenbtiml, N. J. BUimuel Tay-

lor Jr„ 890 ^ k e ^ t . : ghune ;64i P. B.

_ _ HOUSES TO LET ___ _MT. 1'J,i :aBANT AVR., lt—Corner heuso

and rarage, from 5fay I $4<i. all lm- provernenin. A. O. Petit, 57 Halsey aL.M1\^l^/KAatTNT AVeT 7i ~-Blaveri’-room

houee. Apply H. Kolodln, i l l Wsahlngloniv*>. _______ _________________

WANTED b* small, quiet family ot 1 5 i E five or six clean, light rtrama; teoand^

floor. III tno-famlly house; rent net $72; Improvsmenls. Addrsu AduUlL a o i 133, News nftic*.WIT.T, sitblel five or Six remms. May te Os*

tuber. Address W., Box 14$, New* «fflga.„TOUNd” WOMAN, employed' during^da?'. ’

wuuM llkH ono or two raoma, with use * f i bath. Addrws Young, Bex 31, New* offlea.I ' . ' ■ ' ■> .'


APARTftlVNTM to adults preferred,

ange.let; all 63 HlUun

mroMineattft.Bait oF-

EABT niiANafi, rifove cnuri, is werthUrbvo a i . n< ar Main—flix largA redri«i

bath; slrsm heat, hot water eupgly; ceit*- vsnknl Irnlley, ilrove Bt. Blation, Lgcfed-' wanna: $4 , .tsnllor. or F W. Masilrtfrt., ftlGMunjfOs* aye., South Orange, phoft* I4jiCAMT ORANGE. Dodd |1.. 161—ApartlttMtl-.

Jusi being (‘oinpleted; four and five all iMipruvemeiiis except heat; rent |14 t j^ $2ft; piistesBion April Id. t)n preail*ea M - Kidoifih. 111 Waxhlngton ave.. Newark, -1.EAMT OBANnK, Central rorwar L

way, tH! Flvi* ronms. electric lights; heab* furniyhet). flrat fliior; posseiilnh April t>w ranr $ho. Htev'^ns. 4TX Central ave.. N ew attetFLATH more'l In padded vans, I4 !•»)[%

pianos jjiovtrd, ll.sOi skorage, O'CengM* 416 Main rt^u ran g a : ts i, tiT i Qrangti • i iIRVINGTON—CUoIra apartment. a tM fl^

floor, 644 flandrnrd avenue, IrvInitentTgRtu $S0; mtsrvncc* eAvbengsd. Phone I$t4 WAgi3 OR 4 room*, sublet; one^famUy heu**J*yl7

improvement*; no nh^tctlon to ehtldlW ^ «v,.. BiBOmutia^ . .

Lak« H ttpateoD fFni.'RTEEN ROOM hotel, fully furnished,

oti lake; alto thret-roam bungalow; will yen n SHcrlfics. wUI) IftOO cpab, balance murlgnge. For psrllculsrs see Msrrla, 14] Market *t.. Newark. N J. Fhun* 4411 Mkt.

AOflEVlLLE. near Ccntfill ave.- odern h'

__ _ _ . -6al<*ndUlmodern house; partiuot floors, Tuil tUcU

hglh. flneet fixtures and decorations; extra serranrs room tfllh hath: wonderfully cop- •trurted and In perfect condltlnti: prlr* was

ewHor Inslcuota us to ask and

MaplewoeftWK have complete lifting* a t heusea. and

plote for aale in Maplewood and vicinity; do not purdiase before uer.auillng ua,

DALBRLL. BROWN 46 COMPANY,24 West $4ih sL, New York CUy,

At MaiilHT40od SUUnn. Maplewood. Nv J♦ 4,700 nUTH modern boasv: -7' rooms, bath;

slcam heal nnd electric lights: large pintsuMklt aay orp*r; hank mortgage $4.6Db; I jieai- otatlon unrt Irnlley; offer wanied: oth^r P ^ s ^ o n act flUlekly; this 1* the g^cllnns. Inquire Flatre,cMihfc of K 'liftttme. Hteven*. 47l Wn- | ^ x*»arktrai eve. . . . .ttU4 CASH—Tw#*f*Unlly houae.'wlth lh:-c«

cit^a IMi.' tine hlg garden. On paved at.'-'f'i, 5 bvw»jn , « iinjl Sflath O r .n f , nv,..; | ftughrl, * Brn.,'oi>.ju it th* place for chlchtur fgrm In the «*iiy; -house rema for $31: has part ImptS-; prb''* * _entire propoeitFon l« fL$:>d| ih* land istvorth { O rififCIbis price. Blpvcne, lift Central sve. |

MODERN dwelling,Vest of depot, 7 Vwvjutv hath; llrlng room ^flT^ptace); avel . Itn-

provcmenl: (farage; jot n<)st.40.; |l,l6n«8 la., Ao. Orange,

UPRIGHT plauo, llfi; othors st |100, fllS.tloO, ll$0; easy terms. Baker Co.. 2i:i

Washlngioh st., next to Bamberger'g.BBAUTIFtM./ walnut player piano, fine con-

dlilnn. $355; «n|y term*. Raker Cc.. 224 ^V•glllntlo^ at., next* to Bamberger'*$206 WILL buy hesulifu) fiiU slse M-note

player, used Instrument. Baker Co., 334 Washington st., next to Bamberger'i.RRANICH k BACH bshy grsad: must be

sold for ssttiemeni; perfect condltioa. Ad- drifts Chance, Box 111.,New* office. .WANTKD, bid gold add silver; highest

prlcsa paid for false seta of teeth, btamp & Coin fiJ.TChango. 837 BroseJ el.NKW, uaeil acid second-hand pis not for sals

or to rent on easy terms. N. J. Flane Blnfag* Co., It* Wnarifngton at.DBAUTtFUL uprighl pmfih: tnuet *ell

eacririd* fnf Ml. can between 7 i P. M.. At* Mouth Twelfth it.BRAUTIFHL player piano; arl( for I1B4;

vrils for full particulars by addrosSIng Plaun. Box 84, New* office.

-4-CkU. RMln, r r* it. W»llof i r . Beia, Tre,,.

Pbon, 41)1 Mbt,W. W. BBID, Inc,,

Whnlfiil* Adctlniinr, nnd A sprilm t,t - l l Arllnitnn ,t ., n » r U u k tt it., .

M ,w«k. N. J.k n u lw K trohu id ln B,I«a t i t t y Tuggl,^,

H ,i t Bnli,TtrMBAT, APRIL >. Prompt, 1»;M ji, u .

LADUSB' AND OEIfTB's i t 4 « ,1 Rouh Cm kc , ,n d tn fin ti’ W ur, C huirw 'i »mB0>^ Clothtoc, Lndln BPIt*, LtOMti, Sktri,. FlUIMttt. ttr . I OotnMtlc, Dron ao.i4, MtNi'l S tU nnd C v . Uo,l,rp, Nollnni., ,to' i iu OyURIiANp Blr.row )-p,nMtor

ClotHfni, oti etc*

TLAYRR PlANOd Sft-note guaranteed, t$S6i bjg hergaln. Baker Co., 3|C Washington

ah; next to Bamberger**.MTRr UNG uprlgnt pltpo: wm Hit for t8$

rash, ran be seen by addresetng Upright, &?K >2, News office. _____IFTr ig h t p ia n o . $65. or will rent *ame M

13 per motilhs N. J. Pfano Storage Cb„ Sin Washington at. >

Ip<ll4-'M6 „ ,nrrT fl.R B —f’ARLOADS^Or' BYCWLeIT-

roluinbie. the siandkrd <St the- 5voriil: HKR«i:, FRANK KRAMF>R’S CHOICK; SohuHs VNLODllOlPiR bU-vrlei,. Ihe nlily original; CROWN. HACrCLH, MIAMI sanda of palhi of ll^a At the old prices. For a square ties! go lo SCIII'LTZ, 4ftf*4>4-4T Mo. Orange ave,. rof. Ifowsra. pn. Mkt. Mifti;THB^ReTlcPia KXllTBlinoirHOtOttCfcLft.

the lalPit. most powerful machine. Alsu the RMtri! MOTOR WHKEL, A large *tDck of second-hand machine* alnrsyi oh hkitd. The well-known Black Beamy Bicycles..five models. Sold far cash nr paymenio, Havor* ford Cycle i*o.. MI^Btcad *f. ^


WHEELS. Ilft.D* life. rjukranlHd bike, with brake, gbard, noW fftl.lD, Reg,18.66 tire, h 6 6 . H. AriTTNi t* WIHItm aL;#near Broad; gS^egr* es^^i_l»hed. ^__MAlUiir^PAViDSOW W ol^H C tt^B S AND

BIorCLKi—Used machlde* en eoVy Uriti*. 140 upi CLKVRIjANB LTGH'P W S lO nt. $61 down. $4 per week; open erenlnfa and day ihornRigs. CAltL W. BUtB CO., Ml Brotd M.THE blggcHit bloyete stock to ftke ettyi *11

klnda ef makHi ftfsHtlr pHvmlttt; alie tlfw*> kundrSea; repamng «pe*lallgi Coltim* bln HrafonOtas. IIS flouth Orange *Ve,MOTOBf^CLK^TwIn tandem, r»ew tires;

$61: Jiiat cverhauled. Call den. Clark oarage, 140 Turrell are,, Pbuth Onang*.BOT'8 It-ln. frame bleyele, aliw liShhi bO

UPRIGHT piano* for sale or to rent, 13 te r month. N, J, pleno Btorag* Co.) IH

YYaihIngton at.

PitiM , O rfttt, Etc., W tiltJCASH PAID for aacond^hattA plafio*. Tei

1146 Market R. Orr, $9* Washington a tt send pustal, wilt call.

Talkiiir M a cU mVICTORIA, large mahogany cabinet. $$46

all*; piaya an record!; has romblnatien reproduce^ toA* mbdlfler, eapphlro point, record ahnivea and records; |44 for all. Cable's Express Co., 377 Plane st., near Mar- ket st. open dally. Sunday fneludid.PtfONOORA PH—Large beautiful mahogany

oablnst; latest mudsi; Sapphire oesdle and lot of records; mutt be eold; will Mcrlflce. Samuileobi 111 Bergen it., cornsr ftatestiih

^ . — .... ...


-J 0*r. I« con< C9 )TMOIOillli<’rS

, ( O)oa>, Bho,l, Clolb Ihrtirr, ,i(!. ''oc ,rl„,

R ttu ro , M td, Freaiptlr.C ub AdUkuenl on M.rohindln.

BMIM. J,r*»r City, and MAtalui Expum ,»aA t t o n t , Co,, Nawtrlt. * l,r t« lit ut Household goods, ootuilitint bf on* oablor di -Son Flan^ Parlor, Bed Room and Din>

. tzLg Rtdm THirnlture, Carpets, Bugs » id ^olauRi^-W ill ^ l o l d . a l '^ CBNtflALi jCuCT16K ROOUi,

42 Bou^ Orongs Svt.,ON *RDlT^gAJj;^A^h.L i. BT




:tM>A •AtS

A'.Apa lI^ITUaA,. I

A n u ii in

«lr A U C B0NEEJI8•anipAUX



m il, ruldAnttl * ( Nlwtrk. m edinl U,*rfl ot Bdn-

Optn ( 9 0April i l , :_____ _ , „ _____

NeiMTkt ulA rr, | t n p«F ■nnatnA»ru IT. itoniiit, foj .n v l t , IM Ntwatk,

»no wKh.th, Ho.rd of BduntiDn, Niwirk: ■Alirr ,M ut )))* p ir lAnialn.

Clinic u ib U n l. Niwnrk) HacaacIC, UlM In th , tubcrculoai, .11,1,100 «f th , Dcpirl. m«nt ot H u ltb ; ,*1,r)r. ,M u l KbI u r ,n-aum.

April t) , B u meter tniPeclor, Dipt. B lru t, bad Pahiic improv'cmiaU, N.wcrk; ■■Urr, )> .W PU kAAum

Milk Inipector, I>ept. of Health, N iv trk i U liry, 11,ICO per innuin.

April 14, •UADtraphtf, l i t u id Id p n tti , (tor m a iu ontr> rot urvie* m Eiixii cocatir u well u Newark I M lttp. l i t ircd*, |)*o to J t.IM ; Id r-td* . )<09 to 1*00.

■Icalu tnwt be tiled on, week tn adnnei At wen do t, H t. CAmiaaniut* with IMt u t* Civu kerrUu CammMon. M at, HoaM,

f*ntdl|, N. J. ^NEW JBRu V c iv il BERVICt EXAM'iNA.

^ IJON.--. .Open tn n a l t n ild en te .s t tb« cut*. April16, Itlft.F*rtlllMt ibniBier. irtile . eerelM.

‘W W. j , A*rleolt«f»l Enper- liiuM Butlon, N .ft SriJtvnrlek, pe,lnc tie lMif mb j,ii J

oe»-Blbbke tbnel P i tiled bp A- Cemihunlmte Eltb U n Civil i mmlnn. B u u ^ t .n ..Reyvifretftji.

BORgSS, gA IlU A C ift, ETC.

o< arer '

ryHe, for ssle cheap: wahtrd, chLckMift. ft7T Cvntnl *ve.


BICYCLE; good order: goad tire*: roaster brake; cheap. Ratter otkna, 27 C^nler

, I,,.............. - „

HAVING jolnvtl thenarmy, must e#11 my tn-ns fsmlly hone* in Ra**v41le at one*' gnt.-l

hriaim at a e'easnuahla price. Sateil <'0ah pii.i' mftni; RhSWer (bdar and J w-llrfsll or telr*- fihriiis you, Addreoe RoerrHIv.' l$ox 121. News 4Kflrs.T A U n M n V fn ' AVB.. near Bsrtk st.—Tw“

Tamlly huu*'': I* Tooms; stilo; bnihs.rpbges. otv.: price fnr a f*** days only,


THAI, AVK,—Now modern three-fatnlly house, siHi p<<rrtiBS‘ pnrquel (loor; sspgrats

i slsaiij heaters, «*lerirtcity. r^nt $Bft mrnthly; I must clo.ie out: uttly 19.600; lernts artxpgsd, I Crntto, 421 H.'ih x building, Newark.

Vcmiia[ NRtv up-ti>*daio ievtn>rnam hmjte; svsry

modeni convenience; 4 esni fare to New-

TO LET-O U T OF TOWN___mviN't^TON-'Mlk-tflom bu wB. flikk*n

iiH.ps, In.'Mlmlnrs, slabl#,' large srnuinl; sultNlilf f'- r thlckrit ralsIrK. K'U' i-i.iril'-utari Off* IlHrHr. ino VVpFljltig(«)u jivti.. I ; ' luglviii.13 lUHiiM hmj«*: tins mlmilH fmiTj Aufivniu

eve. lube; sultahiv fur hnarding house or physli'lai^'e leitalorlum, 9'li Bergou eve,,

(’1iy. _____MnN’Tri.AlR. Wai’iiursTT^" sthI G7-H and

ri n-.Mns iml geraae; hardwuud flmiTN; rent $4'> Hnil $61 RlevSns, 47ft Cenlral ave., Nvwstk.

a p a r t m e n t s , ROOiSS AND F L A WWANTED-OUT OF TOWP '

RRF1NCD family of three dealree five-room rist In tn'n-fsmliy houes, with all ltd*

provsnu'nts, in Irvington. Addrtel Amerloaa, Hox 44, News offlov, Irvington, ____


for the jitoring and eete keewl&t «f poorhauHchulrl fonaa; w* Invlt* toe pukUe 1 0 * spRctlon uf our ware housev i t all tlioea Com*, let us Shew a&d explain our eaMd**, You will he pisased at tn* auenllea and car* given m esch Jot of food*.

A large, viperlsiiced, aeli orfOlllied lOfSO" of funiTlure eml plaito nioveFs makea M 'cadora in Ihia branch of Lbe btAlnMa

KNlOKltMUOCKHR RTOftAOl CO.« 100-146 Arlingtoh tLi

Fhnne Hki. is^d. Newark. K, J.

HoCHK w-Rlx room* snd lialh. 115, Apply I t Herman st., Glen Ulclgp, «r agent.

11-rnnni house, with store; faiit |36. Itigyilre 11 Morris ave., kummlt.

HOUSES W ANTEI^OUT OF TOWNR6IALL house, with plenty of ground. nii

high, healthy lobailon; vent ri'asenabie. Address House, RuStofflce Box I7,‘. city.

Tcinphoh* 717ft Markok -Long MstHTu-s Moving CRir hpeuloUp.

Sahltdry cariMi Clvanlni,

l \

kMALL house, ehnui 4 rooms; rountry; with­in about ftO mlniilss Hrnad et. Addree*

Rnitll. Rnx ftl, News offlc«i.R51ALL house, 6-6 roums. Ih country, with

largo garden. Mtku Trymekp 23 Adame

_ __ BUILDINGS WANTED_ _ _ _CRpOKKrD IT.OORM. wall* alralghtcned;

pvritiunsntjly'remains eo. Clynrs, Rhofers,

JOABrif J. KAGRC4BR, i^iaroe end h'uTDUura

Mover, Packer and Shlgpori MOTUU VANR.

Bio rage Ware Kous** and Offlag^ 646-64R CENTRAL AVE*471-411 TWELFTH AVE,

Nan ark, N. j ,




$4,300. prtipesslon any time; i^rms arranged. | arJi: $4,7*6. Hhr lig_M4$M VafenOL HH-vens. 47! <'sntrai ave. Newark '

tBAfiaAlNt—13 CUaioa ave. kohaa. $4, rMmi. *11 Imfrevementa, eteam beat; 131 |

Seiievlll* ave, 14 roemoi. all Intprevementa, hal 4r*fer tarmi rewobshi*.owner. 4S Clinton ave.


nOUTM anoVB two bucks frotii Cttn- ton kvt , one bleck to Irvington Pork, two-

family h*uf«; only I44H ; eocy ten**, T es- kin* Bretkero, South Twentieth et. ana Maw- thorn* gy*. . .(1R A r t On , A VtCr*11 *-r-S -1, in U ">■ IIOUM ,U h

eVffy improtertienl,' steam h^sL eloctrk!- 'Jty; neftr bblH car lines; price i. JiOQ; iniiitu- dlale pM*eaalen< - William Frey, <01 Cll'U-rn


BUSW E8I O fF O ftT U W r n g r "A Wt ra«r»«Wbiaii|T«H %

ATTBNT1ION-»A Wt ra m .Rim tbb «i iBw: I bur „ « T tb ia ti b«,t pYt ~

w n tin t, At • l , r « b u f rntg-Wwai kIhU. WllllMr, I f BfHftttmS BTA-ATTENTION—t o t prKH p ,ld t«r M «m «f all kind,! bfBuif taatar, Ftiu aell. .Bommir,

l » BpflaBflulB ««*.! Tbtai WAT, i t f l ._____a p a r t m e n t , buutltultF tatniibtd.f» - T«rk,f l,t«i bw vici j i a t , t°vr tpuma; rK rip t,

tnoBthlr, faBUlr*, I tbb cu b . ------F u k pl.ACT QUtCK^t Ufa pari,* rapt* t b a r otbna

for rau t btarai, ftocki atia mbtchandlM. nman, Ibl E firtio* i t ; ; phvn. I II ! WbTirir.ALWAYS B U T pfieai for roar w arn , * tn tu

in * m anbabill,,; m m t fittt. L unar*, I , CUBtbb at,, toetn l l f i phofta Martwt U«l.

BIO moTlnc plctnr, prmtiKtlaii iw atat* at N,w j , ta iF tor H i ,, at a Ibbr atlra; a

chanoa t* H art In th i tllra imtvn* bUaln.f, on a u n .l l oapllaL AddrM, anctar*, Boa .14, Now, ottlH . 'BIO OFFORflONJrty-tblHFjw^

hardw ar, btwiobai-ilt l u OfAniM: PriBrl- pal bttalnM, bWtMni bW ^ln to r bain; Aa- drH , rnnol^al. Boa A, r f l* , bflH*. Otiablb.ElrTCh EltlaROCliRV, dDln* tin , BualflH*

in rapid Ir t r tr r in t iubothT oanttr fitlria*..... . * iflH

a ?ibufo; - — , - - . „ nocounl of baflUi, will H frlflrr. AAarH, Butchof,, Boa ta, H«wj| aWoi. ,b a r EBR EtroR far Mia; ownir m on lu v ,

town. Apply a) abb*. I f Main rt„ Kbit Oram*. :CONCRETE t tw k :* llAC*irtM..aom»tata.

witb IfO Iron paliatf; MtY I tia ; mak, your own black and natB «Kin«*i ibwar laiBprr, |lb»; Blyrioo, Blt»»r, f i l l ; V aek I'Ara track*, mold*, rlr. AddfPH K*bbt*t*. Haronnia bid*.. EIIMbath. W-'J.CONPECtlij^ERT. Cliar lu r a t I ra a n ,;

own Mila rmntntnt to tm toa^ tton iM i.

FINE iracary. Mora; dolm Rlia buWna*,;r « " r i! r ' ‘v t e r i ! ; i5 r ? T * r T * ^ d S ! iFURN i s k a t i : (* t o > w * > e u iA ■ naar

wSiJflUtd; p rica flib,FOR SAlji.

tnrnlihmii tlliafc J ip t . city. Call Inilbadlata y. 11 'EULLT ^tpllbal' ™ la-raeinr

BriM* aT; law MbU nsaTark, * Park pL .

MthoT M fep jm tialty .

Gpofi. wall ttaofcad a u m claara 4i

.Watah, » b i i !

BROAD 8T.—One-Uiallr houe*: eight rooms and hath; twe (ollvis; can be purcheted

nrr easy lermt; IMire I7.64D. Krnest ,l, K. Fltdfer. Flremea^g building; op* n evenlnga.WOODPIDB BAKaAlN—fwo-fsmliy houee,

1* rnems. ft hatha; sepurals steitn heal­ers; recently deaerated; <iu-ii»r \*ill oacflflee; I6.&U4. John J, .Berry &- Bro.. 73'l Brood it.RllJrtR’itrOOU AVK„ M*ft. D#nr riJtitnn »v» —

Good nn»*-famllf: Tiswly ileroral^d; nine ffioiryi hath: slesm hrat; vacant; 4o rlrs'i paHrtcrshIp, H.fhe, r ra pe. It& Essex hldg.TflfiACV AVE. nsar nintnn ave.—J*famHy

house, every Improvenipfit, etbani heat, oleeirfclfy: large lot;'Imihstllais nnoeoMlnn; pMee Ift.OUO. Frfy. 488 VlIHYoa svt>.WOODBItlE a VC —aMxcelienf nearly new

iWfi'fatTiilr, I t robTtts; fttsam, gae, else- trTcUy. beam coiilnkt, parduet f1*o7h: only $4,100; easy terftio. Craner*38 Essex bldg.

REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGEFOl'H ll-mnni two-fomlly hnuiM«, scpiirats

snirnnreK, *1sam hesiers, slpcirlc lights; all renlstl fur 16*1 per year; mortgagcis 14.*40 CH' h; one blei‘1< frsin Central ave. trolley ant] U mlmitce' walk to ivu-li (’hi»ri*li fitHdoii

Whttl hxko >»ij In offer for exchange?C , t \ I.VHICH ft 00.,

4 North Ninth .il . opp. Ito.sevllln tatatlon.AftE you cafrylrg pruperty that Is D*t pm-

ditefug M t income 7 Make an exebangn aad bettef your peiitiud: Wo charge if I cm igeH-bfV vnh, ,*. 1 wt<Acs ft* Ql’ninn sL


Wlllikim—Equipped as large photo oelnb- llshni<»ni; van lic use»l for any but|,iesi; terms I't siuil. MalrUk, 34b Hunterdon st., W gyetriy 4H. ______

NtHYH ar.‘. hear te&lnd ave.-wDandy throe- family Jouse. rent I j l .^ r lc s IT.OOO; FH\b

it., hear Oeaue, twb«fatnny houae. hent 43n» price jlalW. K-i Judge. toT Market it.WHITNEY a t., i l j


tsgss for fele or rent, lale urirea from 14,600 to 430.400. rentsle frpm $244 to $1,604; may hs inspected -any Hm«. Apply Hioh- ard MeNooly Agency; phone ftPl Asbury.LITTLE FAHM!R-^IjT ’ «na^xrouni""Lon^

tlrin rh . H- J -■ Hver, bay and onein from propertlee. Arthur Holtion, Long Branch, K. J, _____________________ ■

JPARMS FOR SALEFATIM for RBle. Price $14,000. Rent $760

per year. Hr would employ, on proper_______ ___ ..,t)o a r ftouUi Orahgv ave. terms, men underitanditig raising or pig*WMl bu|U two-family, 11 rooms, • bath*: i Lerstton, between Whlppany and Porslp*

f 'xved otfeei; chei» at $8,4*0; easy term*. | nany. Morrta CPunty, N. J.; 64 acres; fin* hq. 34 floor, or Crane, III fistex bldg. large hous«; steam heat; til impte.; nice

* n u * « ^» A u tf w _...a.** I vlckb*: •pJendl<l acll; good shade; gardeji,****.f ^'^eequahie , frulii good barn; large chicken hmiaes, eta.

'ondJet, 15 Exchange pl.. Jersey City,

STORES, OFFICES. ETC., TO LETBflOAD iT.. 4|ft—ieeon.l *04 third tloorai

salublo for oftlo* of llghi maiiufoeturlnii libibedtaie ponseoelOB. Apply to MofOu* L, O^erd, roMh, Sidif. IIO Dr»a«t it.


vkaH i .k a sk . a t :;.;i-33:i m a h -KKT »T., INi'I.UhKH A HhiroNl'-

.KMtOll YKAUl.V IIKNTOK $.l.*0u. IKgVlHE UN PHfiJdliiK.H.

; 111 addltl''n to eur roguiar loepl totrlac \ aervio*. we have a new Packard atift* Y*m

completely tnelooed (hot oahvaMwOOvdML 1 equipped with apeclaf heavy padded hUP I'ccvFia for beds, piano*, etc., and In *hkffg ! of a muster furniture Uendlei'* wbleh we 04*I exclusively for long dlaunc* rePMw*l*7 *d4®5 ' cr sman lots delivered any wk«r* o4 PMlHIfty

cert. Tslcpliflue Market 7lt$. - i fHOSkvILLK BTOHAUU CO;. v ;Frank .1. ftlcCirath. Preoldehl.

Coavrsiv-fteiH fiterage Ware HoUh iU' 32, 24. II Oihiiiiei *u« M$

Newark, N. J.New

NEW HANITARY VAULT MOOftUk nur ffKtd moving eervke and iitlUaiy

storage ronuifl sh«fuld sippeil to yekifftP the pr*ipt*r iiroledlon to your fprw*

1ui'f»; wJieDirr large Of enitll 144, 14 Will I cfive our seme perm>Dai atteaiioa. and 'm \

stored very carefully Info a pi*tva4f

DEhir.ATtLV; orr'-"s 1o let in the ttxchangs buSldiuK, 46 nuiitun *t,; etvvaior, elecint

Sight. Janiior serviL-a; rent reaeonablolHALShT hT,. ft>. NFAH w i i T PAHE FI’.— {aMtjkiAiE. ciYlt'r a WT .llb W'lB E kf-V 'W i R i r biiTt a r l b T'.ir a n y Euk)

. .* m tra l i/ v: a tio n .

very ___ . ...... — » -___Just the sixs you n4*d; come. N* for set," or phone ilranch Sreok ft$44i 4k* * ^ * 4 1 mg will rail. ^

fa Hit AVE. STORAal CO.* . Tark ftv*. at Twelfth i t , Newark ■ ak

Wm. Decker. Oeneral ftlenoger.'m -M

LA HUE OKFL'E 111 private hAiirte. -fai-hig Military Park. siiliriMs urnroeslftnal nr re*

fined buelneoM inirpoies Inquire I Park p).

I NEWARK aioregf Ware House*. Haleey S_l.. will siors "K/fia. , raaia ■ava— ttttf wttrir w, .

nllufc fur II mnnthlyt plenoi moved. holMtd, 13; long distSiic* troving uur •peeialt/i 4||gs

' niovlr.ji,; qulcl; siTvIcn and cheap, llarM t- ■ . «706 diy. «ml night phoq* ftCllftl Wavfnyj'l

T'llV.ntclAM leaving for scrvlt'.e In army wUl I lovvod ruoiiis, $2; ugfoeitietit In writing/ til- ri'itt a oftios rooms to i^hysirtlan »r dentist: eluding oumpleu termo, befere any ftfiltlinK

arrangeinenti rln hs made for 6 addHInriat I (• loaded. ■ '-*> irooms,* hlgh-gfttda appuInlmButs. Inquire I a • unvwntwia "eiGHIghai. i _____ ITREAT.-n.Af’rc. near Brnsd end Market oj. I

—Large etors, hen! and llxhl furnllheil: , all Impt*.; $76; W* have sonm fine sIohh j '•n Hroai) It. too. Hrlaer A- rium, K46 HrnudMt.


Farhj 16 roomi and Lkree b«ibs; artAual I t , ,n \v fOnVMH; pries 16,304. Brnen J- B. Fled* 1 ler, Ftremen'i building; open eveninge. ‘CwS t o N HtLb—One-lomll/ heuee; levea , MILLINOTON— mile* from depot; J it

rMOiS And balhj lot *7^x140: all Ira- acreo, rultivated; -ll-roMn resiUenoe;■yovemonta: price 11.646. R J. B. Fiedler, 1 strsami driven well; gaoiX outhulldlnn and' Inmneb'* bulfrUng; open evening*. > mac-hlnery; would tradd for Invsstmopi prop.rm r" * ;r .’3H . l vriy. pruqen, 1 |B Mainer., East Orange,IL lff 'BvYS nanfly rtoubi* houie: t rdomi 1 ------ ------------------- — •— ----------- a—

and bath each aid*, all Imptl.; rent tt$0; | OJIICKEN FARM, with Twroom houo*. lot beat oecllqn Blghlh Word; twm i arranged. 1 ■■ o t fruit trefii. wlthih $ mile* of KeWark: FiO«f% ftfti Bfoed OL ' [ prick |3,to$; Utile eoeb; also, grail end

;;—l;'' "**— ' , , .A “ ^alT. general purpose firms. Itonneliy, Fa^mCLTN'lON HlLla*-~-Lergs 14-fooirit 3*faiiiIIy 1 207 Markat *L-- ' lot; resti-JcUd neighbor- i MorneL « ,- - - - - -* 21

O rrh EP, ii'ire anil ware house gtiidl'*iiulNllr g. wft4 Main si.. East Orange. S j , ,

eui(abU> P<r any line, rtartofi. dentiif.i. inus;>', tiiim-ing. l*«vy»*rii, mfrcanlll*. dr.'MSineksfst'f light mnnufattijrlng; all lmt'r<ivcpft''nts; Hleiinj rent $jTi In $30 prr month.hIhi-i- l;2xse fi'et. $76 per monlli. et«Bm neated. v.-are houss 7,600 gq. ft, r<*n( $173 per munlli. Apply room 38, ktuillo building.


APARTMENT. B*II»vHI« a n . :91, tfir Orl- sntal it-—0 lx large mom*: nil wwrlvrn

titipU.; rent rvaaonaoie. Inquirp M. Karp.APARTMENT. New at.. llI-F Ivi- rooms,

h''4 i, h'jt water, Janilur .survlco; llirs* nilniiies to tube.

t-BANK B. WOrFETT. U t t .EMmEY Rtorigs Wire House*, l i t ttai**y

II.; phnns i7H lint, aitorigf hounlieidfnrnlfure and pianos, separate leaked teefflo.$3 monthly tip, rtmovsln hy meter v ia tx* clusively to i ’hlladsiphix. WlinlngtoWo RatCl- more. weshingion, nrldgepert. Inw Raven, lliirtford. Hnilon, i^rovidtho* Mewburgh, 1‘uugbaerpsle, Kingston and Albany.NEW rONCHBTE m ’H.DlNa: MIPARATB

T,urk.«U> ROOMB. 4$ MONTHLY 1 Ka NDI.KHB; auto VAN# RBAgOPUBLlr* HpKOl.M* JlATBB F’OR LONO-DliTARCRMuviNo Mo d e r n r to r a u b co., OF- rifJE, 61 a«.’.adk:my ht. i w a r e MoC'I'A tip PL DAY A NIGHT TB7*. T$l|NEW nsre house: Inrked reotnei metef r*n

iiervlce for local and long dlotapse noev* lug: gel nur prioes before moving dr tterlng your guo'ls. Honlet Ruder, manager,

lilONDnCND fiTORAUC WARE HOVk*, . U $.iai Nry yprk gy* Tel. Mttl. 7iT,

\VABilTNUTON STOHAaE CO., 40 Loforette j at.; storage, large-tlxed vsfi load, •1.141/'^

montlki moving, X|>j*lr.« van, 43.00: large-oliui/ van. $61 any pari of city, auto van fa* Jencj or ahoN distanm. Tel 3»7 Workat, r

FtJit UKS.Moving and itursgs in paddad *011*:

Plaroe-Arrow motoT van* fnr long-dlotwo* movlbg; Ford iruvkA for quick servleo. &4J4 Mulberry si.; phone 6587 MerkeL ■

bous*. «n ftO-ft. -------- .hood.' NeWiftk Cut tUOMAcatfetng «t;

I ,FIVE aorsa; hnuH, leven rooms: barn, cow houee, wagon booeo, chicken houae; two-

story shop: brook: mlln^from town, main road; II,D4D, half ooah. F. E. Hewitt. Farm-DAMAREMT bt., JT-N-Nekrrr hew four-fam

Jly. ktuieg'-rent 4TI| p ri« 17,404 to elesw; « ,flkij •aa|r term*. Crane, I3t B***x bultdlng, ingda]*, N. J.

$3d4 buyb ft arrei of level land, by payingORCHARti BT. family reoldeflc*.Igalve r0OThft;.*ll Ibt 14x340 (e*t fo Camp

***‘ Cooper. 110 Broad *l.^KfiBlIAr IT., near a in fV k ^ a v e ,^ o t* /

home, *hi ligat rooms, rttam heali Ifit l i i Barneitehmlth, IB Cllgtq* rt.TWb twofcfamljy houaiij 18 rooma; all Im­

provement*; no agrnta inqilr* l$ l deuth Twefity-flm st.. Irvlhgton.|3JI f" *. roem houe^ fiVt lot,

pries iLV ji, p t i r Cni4rai ave. Btevent,- • . . . . . . . . -

4 4 dewvi and II mmihlyi no laxsa or Ih-tor,,.. _caii i.),ibiisir.»ji,i


S k s a f liUM ACRE, (tew bwngalow/ 4 rIcb rnoma. AI.a-

doho ; n*ld.HA ARISON ST.i ITI, k ^ Pranklld il-kOne-

ianaifr, T reSma o u bathi wUb iarag*. b o iM etc, r ns* lot. UTslftft: a % •

S ! 8 f v t s ; » ‘c * r i k » th 'bbuSlng, IfeeniHi, ____Snitii'"'«;*:<iraljT' to,**ri*'^»^^ aYanr

nraia-riaYt* M l Bk, aaifliM rhaoii p t o M uJanW ; tarta. It I m IfA I t L»l»«tM ave.1 phopr iH IW , %ooiMm4d:xOusftS ) rl4«lrl« «nd * ta

M i UBl**o’«Ma Etadwa., ciamYat,

FARMS TO LETONR'FAMJLT house, hurse atable end eeven

acre* of land)* Apply gxefcely Bros.,Ch-.i»ot av.., L>Pn>


or EItiilLJ

farm wanted to rent; near Newark itabeth. -K. r.i 38 Port at.. Bhfte-


LRSinABLB liHliai**, tr«m l.Ott aqaaY, (Mt OBI w a l; and iar*a aloUi c o u P L a t i


Two block, t/am e irw r «f Uarlitt •ad Hr»d-1 (IE■IMtrIC IIDSti and powar. Ut* awaot

^ REYMOOR. )1-** **’'? •* ! **.F n*. iHoFM;,. Vamliair t , In Ho**.. .

w w ^WASHINO^N at>«« LAWHawc^r r .__. i ta t i . tof; ii*m'V , ' i S S l ’ l lS 5 s fVi

a ^ r o s r SeErtT*

UURN'ttT BT,. 60—Three Iftrgs ronmi, flrrt flnor; nloely paprrH, with one

ihifii flour; gs* *«ti waiw._________ .UAm'LAV HT„


CftlOJLR Asartmenta. 101-106 flerpid ave,, betw**'u Ml. rrospr-'t av*. and Rranch

Brook f^rk , hJgli rlaes flv*-roOrq apart- invnie. Inquire of Janitor nr Dehts A ftteln. Iftc.. Jft7 Bnuih si,. Newark.

obc hiofk from Ctlninn avis,CLINTON iriLIj—Bsven large, light room*,

equal to whole house; etedtric light, etc.17 Vernon avn., ' ' .........off Clinton pl.FIVE moms on vnennd floor, enmer N«w

York ave,. ItD; all Imptl, exeapt heat. Wan*. 43 Nspolsfin et ____ _FJVR rooms, ell lmprnvem«nls except heat;

rent 434; Janitor eervio*. 13$ Court at., nsr.r HIghWt. -• ; ______FLTAT-^B'lve tight, airy roem#. newly demr-

atud; reniral; water and go*. Call after 6 r . M.. iTt Bank at,FROM May L apartment or flat, sis rooms

and bath; odulta, Addreei Adults, B<>x 67, Nawe^off l c e . ___________________IF «ou.c*in t lecate right pl(w* yeui

gptidh irtih t^ a kiodam Bthfif* Cw; ner* Ole Afkl m< v1ng[ r*asnitab1e taivs. office. I t Aoademy st* rbone 7614 Market.itoaifiviL tr. h ie ioH ioR g oI jr fT tr o n s .


RUa 4 CAllFfif ELKCflttC CLSANINQ l4l-3«8 SEVK.Vt H a v e ..

NAAR n OBhlVlLLlS AVR. 145$ B. B*BCMIIIT RT., 114, near cOurL house--^Four

light roome: rent 4l8* Call between t and I, Newly painted. ^e o v rA b w h t b e >i t r “ '8 t ., oip^ fiy;

rooms; parbiraprovamento. Call in rear •£ ■tore.

M i l '

4ft«l idtai.

OUR van wilt return from York. Piw8, It win ha to yuur advantage to t-onsulf

Bowlee & Rniwo. 4 Arlington et., Newark, N. J. Te!. >rki. 2744. , . ' 'AUTO VANB—Loral and long dlaUhe# « K >

Ing; pianos hoisted carting: get utir prf*f before making your arrangemenla.. BowlM, A Brown, ( Arllngtcm ri. Tel. 3744 Market.OUR RATRB are th* towcat, out servlP* tht'

best; consult u | before muring end b* epa- vJiiced; loOHl and long distance mnvlnf. n. Bturm A Boos. Newton at.; tel. 3491 Mltl.AUTO VANB^Local and tong glftenea raov-

Ing; pUnoa hulated: freigni «bd baggage auto from all depute; storage, M. ureen- stein. 144'1$6 Barclay sL ; 'Wavgriy ftOtl.

JOHN CLARK k 90RB. gtorage ware houae: Ugbt, airy foome:

van service; city or oohlitry, 117-14$ Bauth 13th at.; phone Wav. Zt>$. Bit. l l i iAUTO V A N B ^ V h ^ ^ fb t or day: itng dl*-

lane* moving; best f*rvice guarantertl: get my prices before making final arrangemMlh Henry <\ Taylor. 1$ CoUag* at ; fttfct. 646$.


Long dletsnc* ttlto moving. Phop* $831 MIL NATIONAL yroBAGE CO.. tlM ft* W4»l| ANP;tv"ARK-PHJLADBLPHlA Attt* Prelgbl

Bervlco; overnight dsllvertea.WINSTON TRUCKINO CO.. INC..

Market at Tel. Market


BROAD sT.. 1103-—Three and four room apiH,; bath.- hut waier. *S#e.j ebk-

venlcnl t» S' u 1 h j i i __Young. ___MOAl> fT., ftlft^Futnlabed *ST. or thrb* room*; e.ngle room wtta *UImproveniOnt*._____ _______ -------------..FIVE roonie und bath; rnrolfthed; 114$ Broad

...I ...... ' ----- -------------HOtrSEKBEPI.'iO-Four r"*™

hoi P tltr j iirBUhadHomnlal. u ( fcram ^ a/fc, MWl tal. iH* B N.: jraatta til* oow.MOmUiN II**^-*™ wwilani hakaaoiftaHr Itrr^*-* ataam and awctrloUF!-.-! ...anal,

HODBR.V Mum MbW I.fIbath; eamlorlawy *-■

I eiidiafr Slit

1*. - A«. .


rk‘r •Tv4 • ■

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , M O N D A Y , A P R I L 1 , 1 9 1 8 .


B O O ^ »nd tathTmDiern ■ - wtll k .p ti %*i

m a n 8T. Tti—N*e« comfon«t>l» rootn...eEC«itpnt t»bl«, homo cookinitr e*rly *1* ***' fiiit; convonloBfONj lataphono; modaraii

TAies; flna lo c * |^

I JB8TATP* o r OKOROK KHEM1BNTZ. O**CICA8KD—Farauunt lo tba or^ar o*, *iiFriiffB.in nf the county of

B8TATK iTIMES A-javwxa A*WIT*. DECEASED—Furaumt to Ih*

Of T f A a , HtUkal Jr., lurroARta of the •

Huperlor acrortmnoda. ------- ,-!L— k—-nlKfaai

#1 Jr aurrocRto of the county of,hl. " p m r o f « v mia;:Vn-th> «

’r i im a a i iv »u« uiwv« wm~—a Stlckai Jr>* aurroiftU or th« county of EaMJt, thla dor mode, on iha oppUcotlon of *hM ujidaraifnad, aRacutor of aald dacotMd, not^Jo a hcraby llvan to tho cradKora of tU i

LEGAL NOTICESo r ' 'N S w '’ B « * r —

:: tin, ino m y . ___________ i und.rilinul, .M iutor, ot « ia a ,- count, , h „ ,b y ilv .n to Ih , cMdltom.ot »1»J , p«ililon,r, ina y

i __-<wdm MitaNraAiliK >nA«. e^,.« mmiun. « ■

IK CHANCBRT Xronai Welnar:By virtua of an ordar of tk« Court or

Chancory of Now Jaraay. niado o a i h f dut# haraof. In A cauao w^yreln Morrla Woluof U poilttonar. and you aro dafandant, you a n

‘ appear and anawor to potilloaor a tUlon on or boforo iho tbirtcontn jMUSt>,nr <"

AfHril to Be Big M on^For Blue and Gray Boys

___ * * 6 »-»*S i’*SfJ'b‘. ^ t ” ‘''cT, " r ‘V;u T .nu«» .n ;^I^Vi ntomi ,11 convei^onc^

-------- ■,?(j;r7Jr7 iirSM ti)r,ov# lo«k)o» birh, minute lo tub.—

M f te n «T WQ. ne,f cHy h,ll—AST ™jJin. .^ J io in ln i both, tor »ontt«m*n. tnnron- I b „ i ; rotinoa: rehroncM

Park—Torywith boafU,

.. ) • - . daalrubla

, a "te- tjjncbtnf front double room

PACIFIC ST.. IH. comer South at.—Nlcaly fiirnlahed room. wUb board. Harry Hor­


ilkoiAD 8T.. n 7 * -i^ rf^^ S o r two: alt IrnDroyamonla: conyanloni te par; prVyata family; reaaonable.

ROSEVILLE AV'E.. J4f—LaTga front room.alao alnfla rnom; realdenc* aectlon: fan*

llrmen preferreJ. B. B. TOJt. ____

sfbwrHiln, Of, r?5'<iv*r*n«i>li* »im»1^2 —hr'ritbera, M' '


RJkif d Rlker. Proctora, ____

anK T n rt l is t—Latft. Ilfhl furnlahad room for light houaokaaplnf: all Improve-

v ea ta

iBBOAD ST„ l lU —Tub connactln* room, far ll*ht hoiiaakwpinr

■fiRNKT BT. H —Nlrely turnlihail front bad rpoBo: ataam haat; uaa of bat hi In

frlaata family; tor leololman« w. mXmt a VE., f if—Wall rurnithad front

nrlvata; *11 Improvamantii raaaon- •hla. ^huna Wav. *(»1. __i S t K rtT 114. above Plana at.—Front

___ /n ea ily furnlahad, IJ; also room forman, | l : central. ________ _

CLINTON AVB., Ml—Two front fj*Clluton *»*: *t«im heat, alactrto "ehti.

ua# of phiona; bualnoaa or gtruCeailonal, ayurtmont ground floor- _f lS S w iT x v R . 2 0 1—LArga, plaaaant roornaAvr... — n„uDle o\« ,** . —/ga. f ----------- , iT w ^ 'g walan_a«liable V>ualnoM couple or 1 - 1 gaatlamen. Wav. 1*01,CO T^xa* ST.. *», np^v Walnut—Two con-

neetlng rooms, comlaUng of entire i^ a ltig water and all convanloncaj foi h*dMka;qplng; H. cStJRT o r . ' t l —Ifouaakaaplni:: two con- " « r t in * . ffont roam*

,^ jw . fadcl; ntnaly farnlahad. b*lh, ( u .

^ R ^ M U T ST_ ... II—Neatly furnlahad larieroom idjolnluc b*thi ,ultable for two;

Imppoyftnont*CAMP ET,. 43, near Broad—Latte front

non.; eultaM* for llibt hou,ek«epliii for • a d p t , . __________ _iuuzA ai

hoiuekiiBTH AVE.caaplng rootne. bath and not water laundry; raaaonablt. ________ _a p p ly ________ __________________

■APT PARK ST. 3(~8INOLB ANIl DOU­B L E ROOM, W IN BBDB; BEAUTIFUL BOMB.• aVf^Ae,_____ ____ .fi>REST HILL SECTION—Any f^n* daalflni

flmt-otaM accommndatlori. one and two faam aultaa. new and beautifully furnlahed for light houaekeeplng, call at 111 flaconU avfei alt, Proopect or Bloomfield, cart.

ROSEVILLE. North Saventh a t, 74—Room »llli hoard for gentleman; all Improve-

menta; nice location, .

ESTATE OF IlEKNltARD «TKBN, UE- CEASED—Purauant to the ordt'r of KfOil Tf Htlckel Jr., aurroiaio of the county of EMei, ihl, day made, on the >.nd,ril|netl. eaefutore of eeld dtcea»U, notice la hereby given to the credllura of

1 Mid deieaeed, to eihibit to the . “h*' under oath or afftrmatton, their otalm, and

I deraan.l« nialnit the eiiate of »ald de.

'jjr#,ii'tufB»'«. Teo'o*erfn# th^mibarrlber. ■' -

l^ ie d Pebru*w 11,. 111!

n i l ie eame^malhit

m io sia el ' l e v En s t b in . Abram 1. Blueateln. Proctor.

1 « Market at.. 1-ateraon. N, J._______

BOOM for one or two gentlemen; running'e .,_kr.m.. fco.r"-tyr--p tf ifthilrad.wHler; __ braakfaat IfPhone B. B .-----THOMAS Nvl *4—Eacellrnt table; larga

room: auiuble for two gentleman; alao

BOARD w a n t e d '

I ceaMd, Vltl'lh "l“* Ihduthe from ihl* da«. or they Iwlll be forever barred from proM- f.ullng or recovering the aama agalnat iba iubacrlbera.


Lehlbaoh X Johmon, Proetorx

GESTLEMA.S’ Wlahaa mom and board witii prlvale fanilly only: South Side. Addreaa

parmaneni. Hok 1*0, Wewa office.YOUNO man wiahea room and board in pri­

vate family: location ahould be of eaay accBM tn Hudmarlno Boat i.’orpnrallon, A<L dreM Eety, H* Waat BUty-fburlh at.. New York C1t>,

BOARDiNG-OUT OF TOWN.brick c h u r c h . The uucklnghaia Proe-

oect at., 17—ftooma, aln(le or connictmg. ■with balhj four-room, bath, aparlnienl: fur­nlahed or unfurnlahed; near aiailon.DO A HU and room: two mlnuiea from tralti

and trolley- 2* South Arlington ave.. Eaat Orange. Tal, Orange 70T7. ________BAHT ORANGE. IJO North Parkwar—Wlll

take one lady In atiraotlva apartment; five tninutea to cara and tiatJon. Mf*. ii. D. M«yera

ESTATE OK SARAH X. JARVIS. DE-CKASED—PurMuartt to the order of rrea

tl. StJckel Jr., Hurrogale of the county of Eaaax. thla day made, on the appUcallon of the und'fralgfiftd, adnilnlatraida C. T. X of p-ald deeraaed. notice ta hereby given to the creditora of aald deceaitert. to eanlWt to the auhar'rllicr, undpr oath or affirmation, tneir clalina and demand* agalnat the aaUte of aald dereaeed, within nine mofltha from tnn dale, or lhay will bo forever barred from proaecutlng or recovarlng the aama agalnat the auUacrlber.

M.rch 12, Itl». B w BBTZ.Will r, Hexlloy, i’roctor,

1Q2 Broad atreet,Newark. N, J __________

e s t a t e o f AMELIA P. LAWKE.NCE, DE- CEASKLi—Furauuht to the order of Fred

G. Stickful Jr., aurroiata of the county of LMea. thla day made, on the application

the uiideralgned. executora of m W ac- reaaed, notice fa hereby given to the cred Itora ot aald deceaaed. to exhibit lo the »ubacrllM<ra. under oath or affirmation, thalr rialma and damanda agalnat the ealate of aald dftceaaed, within nine montha from thla date, or they will be forever barred fromdate, or iney wniproaecuiing or recovering the aama agalnatthe aubacrTbera,


Preeent clalma lo Albert W. Harrla. 7Ck B ^ d *L, Newark, N. J. ^_________ESTATE OF DXVlO LEWIS DALRYMPLK.

d e c e a s e d —P'lrauant lo the order of Fred G. Stickel Jr.« eurrogate of the county ef Eaaex, thla day made, on the appllution of the uiideralgned, exacutrl* of tala de* reaaed. notice 1* hereby given to the eredl* tore of aald detctaed. to exhibit to the aub- acrlber, under oath or affirmation, inelr clalma and demanda agalnat the eiUt* of aald Uereaaedi w'jthln ulna nvonthi from tnie date, or they will be forever barred from proaecutlng or recovering the aama agalnat the aubacrlber.

*'**’^***)S?AN*NAH*iRENE DALRTMPLE.F ilrll, A Vundtrlillt, proctor*

tit! Bro*d , tr i , i . Ntwurk. N. J.

T * -£ ROEBBt r . . t f v — ; *«i -ilelth, Prodor. dMOrtlon..IkT f -.Tb*td*i4 ■Ta—h 19. laiB.

Hardest Campaigning Division Has

John MonLVJLu. s«w«vi. t Clinton atreal, Newark, N, J.

e s t a t e o f m a r ia ZUCKNICK, DE* CEASED—Purtuaht to the order of Fred

G. Sllrket J r . aurrogate of the couoty ofIf. SlUtaei I#4i. Wf|u^»*a V* k**a VUTM*. v«EBBax. thla day made, on the appikatton of the tinderalgnecl, admlniatrator of aald decoaAad, notice Ta hereby given to the creditora ofnotice le ner«D}> iivcn .lu 4.«n v.ici*ii.«i n •**■eld (lecaaaed. to exhibit to the aubeciiber. UDder oath or affirmation, their ciaima and demand* agalnat the eatate of aald dcueaeedi. within iifne montha from thla date, or they will be forever barred from proaecutlng or recovering the eame agalnat the aubacrlber.

March 14. l i l t .FRED C. BTREBINOER.

n o t ic e o f s e t t l e m e n t —Notice Ja hereby given that the acoouiit of the Buh*

■crlbere, eiecutofa of the leal will and teata- ment of Joeeph II. Pritacb, decaaaed, will be audited and •tatdd by the eurrogate and reported for aattlement to the Drphana' Court of the County of Ehtaex, on Friday, the lith day of April tiaxt.

Dated. March l i , 1111.ELMER A. FRITBCH. JEKNIE R. HOL2SCHUH.

Theodora D. Gottlieb,___ Proctor. ___________

THE nBLVfDEBE. 8I-I1 North Munn ave..Eaat Orange—One large room, fully .and

completely furnlahad In mahogany; table ann lervlca of high iiandard; catering lo dla-erlmlniUn^^arajnr^^


two chi' •"et. Addr

two adulta, withchildren; within iO mlnutea of Broad ddfjj^Coun^r^j^Bo|^^



Fred 0. Stickel Jr., aurrogate of the county of Kaeex. thla day made, on the apP"^***®*' of the undersigned, execulora of aald da- oaaaed, notice is hereby given lo ihecreditort

aald deceased, tu exhibit to to* aub-acriberii under oalU or afflrniallon. thrtr claim* and demanda agalnat the aaUta of aald deceased, within nine mohtha from thla dale, or they will f^ravar barred from pmsecullng or recovering the aame agalnat the aubacrlbera


J. Randolph Woodruff,Proctor

SW H ST.. 711—One block in fthm Clinton avA, 1* min- to Market and Broad ala.; rgunny. wall fumlahed roome: houaa newly

wted tbroughoBi: delightful aurround-OUghaui, MwiiBiinv.. ^lu g e yaro, gapdan and lannla coort;

' ir Aooommodatlona for thoae BeexingI and refinement, _______________________________

B O H CT., 4U—«ni*ll b»fl r « m tor on, ■ penoh; light and comfortable, wUn im-

jMvementa; raaaonable.5 m5 « BT.o 411—Ouialde room, elevator,

•team heat, hot water. alecUclly; refined; kMrtinent fL


iROH 8T.. 4l>“ Nlcaly. furnlahed room for •lie or two gefttfemen; apartment II.

S oWARD ST.,-11, near Nelaoa pi., one block above court houae—Attractive aieam

Mated.lOVe court nou»«r™/ii*t•* i ,»«

p^lod room for permanent geijtieman; bath, viUi ahower: clean and comfortable; private ^Ailly ot adulte.

f e -

n L S K Y 8T„ » . ihpea minutea Port Tor- ^ I h a t SUtlon or New York t u b ^ U r g e ‘ •ont rooma lor two or three; hreakfaat, e lO » exceltant table; home cooking; out-

_jga table boarder* aocommodaied.__j S aES BT., *9—Double and tingle roomi: -gMVwitehcee: refined; handy lo D., L. it

■Wl; tobee an^term lpal. __________ _■ f i S o B DUtaide room in up-to-date apart-

^ ’ ’ »#Bt; next to bath; all improvemanla; *la-Ef " M tx n Mrrlce: & rtlnutea to Droad and Mar- g - ' JB t ala. AddfeM Newlyi Bo* lOO. Newabfflc*.


Nulh;« la hereby given that In loe matler of curbing and guttering of Valley way. In the Town of Weat Orange, In the county of Kaacx, th* map and report of the comml^ Blonari (Board of Aaaemaora), have filed In my office, and the counwl will conalder any objection* 1u auch report, map and a«eM- mant, preaentad In writing ou or before the

d*y ot April, ItH . ^Aaeaaa‘.!d

aa SpecialNo,FI, NameofOwnora B«n«flia*

41.15 Albert Stralch.., 1?^ ?4 ' Elsie K. Bcheuer..

Emily Corby.......Fred'k Nothnagel,Frank c. Palmar.Alf. L. Pleraon...

Jamea Tyrrell....- Thoi. Tuneiut)-...Annie E. Randolph Alvin Harrle .. , , .ChaA Wlliun.......Ale*. McGsrry..-..James F. W»leh..Fred’k Notimagel.Marg. Hayward..,Edwin D. Giborne Fannie MeCheaneyEmily Corby.........Guasle Koludin...,Edwin D. Osborne Oak Latie RUy. Co Eat, Margaret A.

Wllllima ---- -Ell. Margaret A.


ESTATE OF DONATO CAFIBLLO. D»- CEASED- rurauant to the order of Fred

O. Stlckal Jr., eurrogate of the county of Essex, this day made, on the application of

___.1— iCvla n t >a1r1 rlAirRSeafl-

Dik- h o i No. No. 1441) 37 14011 n 140B ;« 144B la 140R 10 14011 12 140B tIB 1401) 18A 140B II MOD 9» MOB 44 HOD «fr MOD IT MOB 41 M4H 4» L40B 50 HOB II UOB 62 t40B 16 MOB 6> MOB 6t Ml 19

46,C6 41.10 4047.1744.1440444014

M f, f Lb ABANT a v e ., S4I—Elegant fur-_^ _ —Mm AW twn■ "eitiiea room, one or two genuamen seftned ^up ie ; no children.

^UI.fB8RHT 8 'rr6 6 —Fine large room with twin b ^ a : aleo ainite rooma; gentlemen

MULEOK^PL., 44, near court houae—Fur- front room; flret floor.



84 7fl t i 64gl 40 91 16 &l 61 81 40 BL 40 hi 44

M2 54 II 44 81 40 hi 40 81 40 SI 40 81 10 81 40

112 SO 143 40

61 49 201 60

Mt 19459 28

99 101 79




(propoaad airaet)Cort Parker Jr-., 419 II

BHTATE o f ELlZABEtli A, MOORE. DE­CEASED—Pureuant to the order of Prao

0. Stickel Jr-, eurrogate of the county ul Eaaex. thla day mad*, on th* application of the underalsned, ex<*cutor 'of aala decaaaau- notice Is hereby given to the creditor* of ■aid deceased, to exhibit to the aubacrihar under oath or affirmation, their elstma and demanda agalnat tha -eslate of aald dflceaaeu, within nine montha from thla data, or they Kill be forever barred from proeacuilng or recovering the aame akalnat the aubaerper.

M*roh T, b BUTPHEM,PrMtiit cl*lnui 10 Alb.rl W. H»rrU, Proc-

(or, 764 Bread at.. Newark- N. J.ESTATE OF ALEXANDER STEEL. DE­

CEASED—Pureuant to the order of Fred a , Stickal Jr., eurrogate of the county of E .k x , th l, d»r m*d«, on tho *ppIlc*t!0D ut the underalgned, executors of said deceaaeij.


Sutan Lawrence, Robert Lawrence, Mra, Robert I*nwrence, hla wire; John Lawrence, Mrs, John L ^rence, his wile; Jamee Law­rence, hli unknown heira, aevlaeea and per­sonal repraaentatlvea: William Lawrence, hla unknown heira, d-’Vlsat a and peracinal repre- wntatlvaa; Mrs. William Lawrence, hla wife; Jane Lawrence, her unknown balre, devisees iind paraonal rapraaentatlvea; Ellaa Parks her unknown hairs, davtaeea and pai repreiwntatlvea and Richard Parka, huabaml: ‘ . .

By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New jaraay. made on the day of tim data hereof, In a cause wherein Ernest•-m. ___1_ . I_ l _ Jkob. ■.! A A *—* U A It a owl

laraona hor

tne usia nareoi, iit « wciciuiuBaachlln la complalnahL and you and others are defendanta, you af»k required to appear, plead, anawer or dem ^ to the bill of a*idpiaaa, anawer or uenmr ii> uiv n>mi vl miu complainant, on or before the twentieth day of May next, or the aald bill will be taken

.4 con'feaaaVagalnst you.The aald bill la filed to foracloae a mort-

KSeex, tnia oay in««e, «n mw .the undersigned, executrix of aald decaaaelL notice la hereby given to the creditora ninotice IS nareoy lu — - n.said dscaased. to exhibit to tha aubscrlbar, under oath or nfflrmallon, their olalma and demanda sgalnat the eatate of aald de­ceased within nine months from thla (late, or they will he forever barred from prew- cutlng or recovering lb# aama agalnal the lUbecrlbar.

M.rch 3. » l l . CAPIELLO.Castellano A Ahruaxeae. Froctora,

31 Clinton street.Essex building. Newark. N. _________

OP FLORENCE O. WHEELER.B8TATB u r rDECEASED—Furauani lo (be order of Fred

notice ia hereby given to the cradUori of said dereased, to exhtolt lo the loath or affirmation, thalr claim* and de­mands agalnat the eatate of aald deceased, within nine monllii from thla date, or thry will be forever barred‘from proaecutlng or recovering the aame agalnal the aubacrlbero.

February 8, 1918.CHARLES STEEL,HENRY K SELFRIDGB (known as

Harry H. SelfrldgaLCadwalader, Wlckeraham A Taft, Proctor*.

40 Wall atreet, New fork Clly^_______

UltvrjAnf**y—r-wr»u»i»\ iv »uv * ■---n yilckel Jr., aurrogate of the county of Eu«x. (ht, m«Ie. on th . •ppllcation o( th , u nd.nlen.it. .M cutof. o( .*ld dfc.*«.a. tiotk. Ii h .r .ti, I lv .n to th . cr.dlioM oi Kid d*c.*".d, to .xhlWt to th . .ubifrllrtr^ und.r o*th or aftlrm.tlon, th .tr cl.tm* »nd d.m»nd» »e*1int lh» . . t* t . o( .*ld dlneiMd. within ntno tnonih. from thl. U .t* or tn .y will b* lor.ver b*rr«d from proKCntln* or rKuv.rIni lb. .am . *(>tn.t th . .ubncrlbor*

M.reh . J, WHEELER.HELEN CECIL WHEELER,c. g sBo r n b w h e e l k r .

Philemon Woodruff.Proctor,

ESTATE OF JOHN J. VARICK, DK- CEASED—Purauanl lo the order of Fred

G. Stickel Jr., auTrogate of the county of EeeoXp thla day inada. on the appJjcatlon of the uniieraignad, executor of said da- ceased, notice la hereby given lo the cred- llora of said deceaaad, to exhibit to the aubacrlber unday nalh or affirmation, their claims and demands agalnat tha estate of aald decaaaed, within nine montha from thla dale, or they will be forever barred from proaecutlng or recovering the same

against tha aubaertbar.March 6. 1918. ..................ALEXANDER R. CLEVELAND. Roainger, Mayer A Albaim. Proctors,

ESTATE UF MAHY" A. SM'iTH, DErEABEp —Furauant Li the order of Fred U,

Btldtri Jr., aurrogate of th# county of Fa.. ■_ j_ . .__— — .u- A .snLI AM tlnn nr tniMx!Tlll*’day'’mnda. on the appllcatloTi of the undersigned, axecutore of aald deceaMd, no

Eat.” Margaret A. Wllllama

146 19 449.99IFropuaed street)

Est. Margaret A.U l 46

OnailABD BT., *6—Neatly furnished front iw m for Iwo refined gentlemen or couple,

kite ringle room: IffiprovamantA



___ LVAHIA AVEm 47. near Lincoln^ark-^Larga front room; modern c<*nve-

walkinf distance downtown.




rvn aS r3 T ark—

PLAHM St„ 178, near Hew—Good room; all tM mvamante; bath: private; convenient

:e tw ee and trolleys. RutaeU.• -9ACTF10 8T., II—Newly furnlahed rooma

Cor'rent; modern; gentleman only; city.FMWIMOTON BT.| 21—U tk* fr^nt room:

itBMBRH ST.. *l-:j'«rnf.h.4 front *n(l Mll- ncctlnc room; con¥.nl.n«»; .u tU bl, for

koa,^..plnB> c.iipl. or two *.ntlom,B, ,2 «w k . ____________ _ _KOSBiVtLLS—L*Jr h»vln» up-lo-d«l. *p*rt- . Rwat, woiiia rom dloolr (urcl.h.rt room;

'^uiyttmau-preferred. Phone B. B. 1983.■' so t

la-lUtH EIGHTH 8T„ between

V. laava. pieaeant irom roe*« bviliM a ladieg; furnlahed or '*®*’**t'^*VA

faipily- Addreu I t B-, Box 109P m * offtoa - ■— ____itbcTB TW EjrtT-FIRtT 8T-. H t—W.ll-

room, oKr b*tb, for *n * ^ - Abie^woman. Call evening# after 7, flrat

t n m. Clinton ave,JIcWHH s ix t e e n t h BT.. 819—Nice clean

tw « i and bath: quiet home for genUa- i.;. ierm« reaaonabie; Market cara.

146 11 111.74146147 UT M7 147 Mtu rMT14T147147

I t 189.64 ItA 844,41318881£1t l89118013

MtA 6t MIA 61 M6A 60 MIA 61 MIA 16 14IA tlA MIA II MIA 10


118.1613.89 64.S4 16.69

100 46 8051.3161.38 61.88 17.09 101610.19i i . n

M ix t l14tA 88 141A tSMIA 21 MIA II MBA IT MIA 19

m m ' f U ____________________• I S H I w AT a v e ., 14, m ar South Orai^e ^ a v * ,—Nice furnlihea Dent room, with

iFRlNOFlBLD AVR, 4 6 6—Two nice furalilted reorox; top floor. "

_ ...... lightMra Raadel.

week'S FIELD AVE.h

190 Second fleor; |1

TWO T«*m# rumiabad er unfurnished; good l^ a llty off Clinton ava; modern private

konH: 169 Monmouth sL Addreaa House. Sex 199. Newe officaTHIRD AVa.. Large, front room; heat

^ water: Uihi houaaketping: private porch, lannd^ privilege; |7 vraek 7'or t^ o.W W iT ^tN N E T ST.* *»—Ywo Urge fur-

Hilled rooms; all improvemenla, suitable for I or I gentlemen. Apply Mr*.W m r kTnNBT ST.. I t—Large room, well

ftmiehad: -mil modem Impruvemenia: In pHvatb family. Inquire BerlA^__________ _WB8T KINNEY ST., 16—Hall room; heat

and electric light. Top floor. Martdof^


46.1466.14 61.68 61.61 61.8191.41 61.49 48.4841.41


William* .........Mary A. U’Rourk* Thua. J. Dnvlna. . Thoa J. Devine.. Wm. H, SHI man.. Harriet J. Chand­

ler ...................Wm* T, Hickaon.

Est. Wm. Parkin- ■on(Proposed airaet)

Bai Wm. Parkin­son .............. .

Miss B. McCarthy Bd. of Education.. Bd, of Education. Emeat I!. Lewie.*B, L* Ereckaon**. Jeeae Norman.. •»Mary Plait........ *Mary P la t t . . . .«-.* Wlihur Meeker..*Chaa Blunk.........Frad'k Steiger Jr. 8am'l A, WtiUamaC. Wannamachar. Ezra C, William*. Eat. J.F.Randolph Sam’i F. OibbonA.Peter Goldon.......Peter Stralch.......Orange A Pasaato

Valley R. R .. . . Alvin HarHi . . . . NewnelL N. Smith. Julia A.Armstrong John V. Ouedman Edith S. Minion*. Lulu Van Syckel.. Lulu .Van Syckel.. T* P. Fagraen*. ...Robt. Irvin.J.......Chaa Parauna.......Chas* Parson#----Chaa Parson*.... Town of Weat Or­

ange, at. orosa- Ing comers, etc*

818 73 243 74 67 -4

«1 88 67 83

169 64 141 e7161 79

848 67 366 IT 497 IT116 83 112 47 403 74

68 I I110 81 92 69 SOI SO t l 69lii2 10

104 89 1U4 26 104 «6 177 i i J68 80 71 S3

111 78

Ilea is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, to exhibit fo the eubscrlbtira, under oath or affirmation. clalma and de­mands agalnat the eatate of aald dsiataed, within nine months from thla date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or rrcoverlng the same against the iub- scrlber*.


ri*nrl« S, Winfield. Proclor, H I M«fket ,l„ N,w*rk. N. J.ESTATE OP FRANK WEBB SMITH. DB-

CEABKD—Pur«u»nl to th , order of f r«l a . Btickel Jr.. ,urro**t» of th , bObijlY of Muo*. tilt, d*it in*d,, on th , iSpllKtlon of th , under,lined, eloculor, of ,*ld d ,r ,* ,,a , nolle,‘ tl h,r,by *i»«n to Iho creditor, of Kid de 'eKed* to iih lb lt to th , ,uh*rrlb»r,. under oath or affirmation.

66 66 n 19

183 Sl 108 81 146 45 146 06 144 79 104 78 81 60 98 «0

943 51 2Q 36

101 75

under oain or *.iMriu*i.i«».demnnd, ,f* ln ,t <'>'•'■'-‘• J ’/within nine month! from thla dale. theywin be*'forevar barred from proaecutlng or recovering the earn* against the eubecrlbari.

peeruon.. ' •'Dated Itareh 13, DAVID LSBNIK,

' Solicitor of PfUtlonar, (98.4f> 719 Broad atreet, Newark* N. J.

IN CHANrERY OF NEW JERSEY.To Robert B. Riedel:By virtue of an order of the Court of Chpnrery of New Jeraey, made on ina day of the date hereof, m a certain cause where­in Elisabeth Riedel ia pellliontr. and you are defendant, you are required and plead, answer or demur to petitioners uetltlon on or before the aeventeanlh day of May. next, or. In default thereof, su^h decree will be taken w ln a t you a# the Chancellor thall think equitable and just.

The object of aald suit le lo obtain a derree of divorce, dissolving the marriage helwe.n lou and ‘he »ia^P*»Uon.r.^

Solicitor of Petitioner, p* O, Addreas, 794 Broad. St., Newark, N t*.


Long Hikes Will Be n Feature

All Valto Except iciwey B tf Omwa W ill Take Fart iw Tpetleiil MaaoewTtr*. B r lo d c « w m B«Wc Ifew P tkMcwm I’mdcr C eB dltlou StHKlKtlws TA**« Ik ActttKl WurfKrc mm tlic Went F h k L


PAviNG—Asseaainant for beneflle.Nollva la hereby given that an aaa«Mment

uDon all the owneri of all the lands and real eelate peculiarly benefited by each of the following Improvements, namely:

The STREET,from EiiKh.ib *''«"“<>nue. »ccorhtn* to the provt.lon, of »n oraf n»'c* of the clir of Newark. eDillleit Aao“S ro \ho , w^^rovtae for t h e o f

''uT h * u 'F :v V o ? .r iKi s ’lnth binder) on a six (8) Inch conureteU S o n . " a^ro^ad June 29, 1917*

The STREET, ,from Spi:n(fl,ld avenue to tt " ,t Kinney S=co‘rdtnj_ .o_t.m, ^rovl,,on ,^o .^ .nairRei, Kvtrw(I*► I•# • ^_S'A‘’ro% rn*“nl.;|o;p?u/t|e^^^^^^^

BfiHtiafle'ld avenue lo Weat Kinney I;?Mt ®5uh four 4) inch wood block pave- r . n t on a , l i Inch concrete loundatloa."

ine eaiu mi* mvu ivdoviua^ » luwc,*- gage given by aald James Lawrence to the said complainant, dated April 36, HIT. on lands In the town of Belleville, Essex County. New Jeraey: and you, Susan Law­rence, Robert Lawrence, John Lawrence, Wllllatn Lawrence, your unknown heira, dev­isees and personal representatives; Jane Lawrence, your unknown heirs, davUeei and peraunal repreaentatlves; Ellut Parks, your unknown heirs, devisees and personal repre­sentatives, are made parties defendant, be- cauaa you own said land* aa tenanta in com­mon. or eome part thereof; and you, Mrs, Robert Lawrence^ lire, John Lawrence, and Mra william Lawrence, are made partiue defendant, because ybu have an Inchoate right of dower In the aharea or interaat lu said lands to which your respective huabenda are enillUd: arid you, Richard Parka, arc mada a party defendant becauae you have a right ot curtesy Initiate or some other Inter­est In the share or Intereat la said lend of which your wife le salted.

Dated March 18, 1911*BfcWIN A. RATNER, Solicitor of Complainant,

(121,00> 300 Broad straat. Newark, N* J.

appTdved August i l , 1918,Th■h* bavlo. of^j^

from Marlon avonae *»aocorhlna lo the provtaion, of an ordlnanc* St th , city of Nowark, enlltl«d "Ah 0r41n*tic,« P r - id : VAlLi OinCffck, . ^fro m M a rlo n av en u e to A b b o tta fo rd a v e n ^ , w ith a s p h a lt p a v e m e n t ( m - l n c b e u ra c e . M e* In ch b in d e r) on a s ix <G) d k tlo n " a p p rov ed M a rc h 3 6 , 1917 ,

H k ' b ‘ on (irep aro d b y th e u n d e ra lin o acomml«lon"er.' a’* * e y ' ^(he city of Newark, and that ► *the city of Mewara, sum ^ *,.*,— * •'/ -cSJtlflcat, In wrltln*. with an aecompanyln* man and achedule, •howlni th* s,v,ral at-

aaaln,t lh» Mvtral owh«r, peou- llarly b*n*m*if a , tfor*,ald. ha, h*,n d,- po.lt*d In th , Offlc, of th* c ty city ot Newark tor ojtamlnatton by the par. ties Interested therein.

e s t a t e o f PHILIP REILLY. DECEASED —Pureuant to the order of Fred O Htlokal

J r . aurrogate of the county pf Eaaex. thl# day made, on the appilcatlon of the under- ■Igned, executor of aald decaaaed, notice la hereby given lo the creditors of aald de­ceased. to exhibit tu th* aubacrlber, undor oaih or affirmation, their claims and de­mands agalnat th# eetala of said deceawd, wtthin nine month* from thla date, or (hay will be forever barred from prosecuttn* oi recovering the aama against th# subscriber*

March H. m « J l in t o t t .Llntott, Kahrs A Young.



CERTTFICATE OF DISSOLUTION.To all whom these presents may come,

greeting: ^Whereas, It appeara to my aatlafacUon.

by duly authenticated record of the pro- oeedinga of the voluntary dlaaolutlon thereof by the unanlmoua content of all the aLOck-

KSTATE o f JOSEPH W. PLUME, DE-CEASEI>—Pureuant to the order of Fred

O, Stickel Jr,* aurrogate of the county of Euex, this day made, on the appUcatloD of the underalgned, executora of aald deceaaeii. notice Is hereby given to the creditors of eald deceaeed, to exhibit to the BubscIbeTa. under oath or affirmation, 1h«* »demands against the estate of said tlerea^u, wlthlu nine months from thla date, or they_ M _____ I__-...J fcaHK*. MWAa Ai.k, 11 n V i*rWlKniU lllLi.imo »,*,**■ •>•“ *•-1 —■win be forever barred from proseoullng — recovering the same^^sgalnil tue subecrlbers*

EL«A_.T* R. P

January t l , 1918.More eg C. Grioe. Proclor,

789 Broad street. Newark. K


holder*, depoalted In my offlre, that ------- '>NA' .......... .


era, aepu«n«u m >‘>7 NATIONAL SWEEPER COMPANY,

a corporation of thl* itate, whose principal office la situated at No. 96 Warren street. In the city of Newerk, county of Eagax. state of New Jeraey (M. W. Bartlett, being th# agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), ht#

'complied with the requiramenta of "An act coqcerning corporation# (Reviilon of 1896),'' preliminary to tha Issuing of this certificate of dissolution.

Now. therefore, I, Thom u F. Martin, sec­retary of state of the etate of New Jersey, tin hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the twenty-fim day of March. 1*18. file In my office a duly executed and at- tested consent in writing to the dlMolutlon of said corporatloa, executed by all the stockholder* theraoi. W'hlch said consent and tha record of the proreedlnge aforesaid arv now on file In my said office as provided by

tn testimony wheraof, I hav^ hereto set my nand and affixed my

(Seal) official seal at Tf.mion, thla twenty.V first day of March, A. D. on# thoua*

atid nine Uutiilred and eighteen.THOilAS P. MARTIN.

(118.3I> Secretary of Slate.

e* iniereeieoSaid asseesmuni comprieea all lotNi Jracts ,nd parcels of land ana real eatate liable to: lanu niMi *.-*».•- --

I aforesaid, lying on the southbe aaa^aaedEAST PEPDIB STREET

tor A depth of 100 f,et from E U * * ^ «*• nue, to Frellnghuyaen avenue: on both sldeoPRINCE STREET,

from Springfield gvenue' 1«- W „ » Klnn»r ■treet; «n t.oth^1de.from Marlon avenue to Abbottaford avenue-

A - lo r represent* an entire plot of land whether large or small. .All persona Interested In said aseexement may be heard before aald commlaaloners, on Thursday afternoon, the fourth day of April, 1918 al 2 P. M-. at the commlsaloiiera room. No. 4 tSd floor), olty hall.

D.Ud M.rcha u g u st s o p f b uBERNARD K. JIIDGB,



Raymond, Mountain A Hamh. Proctort.' no Broad atreet, Newark. N. X,

e s t a t e o f EZRA S. AXTKLL, DB-CEASED—Pureuant to th# order of Fred

O, Slick.l Jr., lurrogEt, of Ui, “!Elasax. thla day made, on the application >fihe undersigned, admlniatrator of aald de­ceased. notice la hereby g»v6b to tore of eald deceased, to ®8hlbU to the aub- acriur, under oath or claims and demanda agalnat the eatate of bald deoeaead, within nine monlhi from thla date or they will be forever barred from proaecutiag or reoovering the egme against the aubeenber,

r*hro .rr II. m i. ^ a x t e l l .

728 £:

as furnlahed byExpanaea,treasurer ......................

ComtnIaalODer*' feat.........

110,894 01 town

. . . . 99,744 n ,*.* 97 44

6 per cent, intaresi, 1 year.,****19,841 AS

412 08

Printing and adv. final report.,910,833 73

64 S8

VAItftSN PL., It, near New et.—Private temlly wUi rent newly fumiebed room for

#■* or two gentlemen; also hall room; bath --------- ^ floor: near tube^

I WARREN ®T., 66—Connacting and ainglo houaekeeping rooms with water; reiaon-

I able fleeping room for 3 or 8 men.

114,894 01, , GKOHGB W. FOSTKIl,Town Clark,Btiite of N»w J*rwy. counljr o! E "i« , MJ

PereonaUy appeared before me, the mud acrlber, a notary public of New Jeraey. Au- guaiua BrsndL# Jr*, PrP_” i Wm. Karr, rommlaelotiara of aMeaamenl fof Ashland avenue, who being duly a^'urn, on thalr several oalha, s*y that the obova m - port la correct and true, and have no per- ,o»*l lh t.r .. . m


ComnitHlonwi Pt A*..**m«nl.Sworn md lUbK-rlhtd to b*torB m* Uit,

etghUoDth a»ir of Mgroh, II**'' PAULINE M. VANDENDEREN,^ Notary Public of New Jeraey*

ESTATE OF THOMAS J. CALLAN. pE - CBA8ED—Pursuant lo Ihe order of Fred

O Stickel Jr., surrogate of the county of Eaeax, thl# day made, on the application of the underslgtiod. admlnlatratrlx of aald ot- ceoaed, notice Is hereby given lo the credit­ors of aaUI dif ceased, to exhibit to the sub- acrlber. under oath or affirmation, their clalma and demanda agalnat th* Mtate of said deraaoad, wUhln nine montha from this data, or lhay will be forever barred from proaecutlng or recovering cbe aama against the aubacrlber

M»rch It, Ills. q^ o r OIANA CALLAH Untott, K*hr A Young, Proclor,.

768 Broad atreet.Newark, N. J.

ESTATE OF EMMA E. BROWN, DE­CEASED—Pursuant to the- order of Fred

O. Stickel Jr., surrogaia of the country of Efliex. thla day made, un the application of * ------. — „* --|dih , u„d*r*l gn.d, _ «««utor «"«»«!> ■notic* la hereby given to the creditor! of **S4

■ to Mhlbll to the aabicrlber, undera , _ xa . ^ *1 .4k k 4«*■*K ■ nn CTAkdeceaaedi lo exium^ i*** oath or afflrmatHib. their olalma and do- manda against the ••lal# of a^d d ece^d , within nine months from thla date,wltnin Tune moninH »ruu4 mi* -- -will be forever barred from proaecutlng of recovering the aam* agalnat the aubicribar.

February l i , g, PALMER.Will C* Headley, Proctor,

e s t a t e o f . TRUMAN K. HANNAHS, DB- CBABED-—Puriuant to th* order ot Frod

Q, Bllckal Jf" aurrogate of the county of EiM i, thla day mad#, on the application of lh..und.r,lgued,_.«culrlx of ta dthe underalgned. executrix of taid oeMawa* notice la hereby given to the creditors of aald deceased, to exhibit to the subiCTlber, under

WAHRSN 8T.. 64*^Two nice rooms; gentle- tta ti; in private family i three mlnutea

from tubes.WATBON AVK,, 29, second Door—Elegant

llgkt furnlahed room with private family; to trolley or Jltnej^ .


fum lflM room*;.oentfally Jocaled; whhTuniienvu iwM... locatea, winer tivar hath; full details. Address Perms nent. Box U6. New# office.iREFIMBD young American coapi* desire oneLEFniSli/ youni V»***K4" Viava , twu furulalied .roomi, with ttghf houee- H*«plltg privileges Addraaa Refined, BuxI*. N*w* PfOu*.TOUMO bualneai m m wlahee roum near

Clinton ave. >nd Bergen at- Addreai Bml- ncak. Box IlTi Ntwi offle*.

PUBLIC NOTirp. la hereby given Hint Erl* Rallrond Compgny haa applied by

tlon to the t’ouncll of the town of wea

ESTATE o r LINDEN S. WHEATON, DE­CEASED—purauant to the order of Fred

O. Bnckel Jr., burrogata of the eonuty ^ Eaaex thla day made, on the application gx th* undersigned, v^erutor of aald daceaaatJ. notice la hereby given to the creditors of said dstegkaed, exhibit lo the subaertbor under uath or affirmation, ihfir claim* and demands agalnat the rstate of asld deceaaad, W'ithlh bin* mnhthi from this data, or the? will be forever barred from proaecutlng of rocoverlng the same agalnat tha subscriber.n a tio n a l n*KWARK a n d ESSEX b a n k ­

in g COMPANY. _ ,Pitney, Hardin A Bklwnar. Proctor*.

*u V**..v*v lllfl awa-uv. 1*-V* , - * -“ ’■■oath o r ' affirmation, their clalme and 4u- map«i agalnat the eetata of eald daceimU, within nine mohlhi from thli dete, of y * f win be forever barred from proiecuimg or recovering the aame agalnat the eubacrlber.

*'*AUci£ BR^YANT PBRny HANNAHS.Albert W. Harrle, Proctor.__________ __

ESTATE OF MARTHA H A I^ DECEASED —pursuant to the order of Fred O* Stlck’i.

Jr*, aurrogate of the county of Essex, this day made, on the application of tl» »'><>«- elgned, executora of eald daceaaed. n^otke iB hereby given to the creditor! ot eald de- caaied lo exhibit to the eubacribere, under oath or affirmation, thalr clalma and de- mnnda agalnat the eetate of eald deceaaed, within nine month, from thle date, or they will be forever barred from proaecut ng or*e*l4 i-wi e _______,.a__, ai,_ _,,Ka/*F >YBPa

STATE OF NEW JERSEY. d e p a r t m e n t o f s t a t e .

CERTIFICATE OF DISBOLUTION.To all to whum these presents m-ay come.

greetlDg: , „Whereas, It appear* to my aatlafactlDii, by duly authenticated record of the pre- oiedliigs for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanlmoua consent of alt tha stechholdeni, depoalted In my office, that Mutual aecurlly Company, a corporation of this atate, whose principal office le altuated at No. II CHirton aLraet. in tba city of New­ark. -county of Essex, etate of New Jersey fBldney Stein, being the agent therein and In eharve thereof, upon whom process may be served), be# compiled with the require­ments of -"An act concerning corporation# (Kavlalon of 1896)." preliminary to the la- suing «f this eartirioata of dlesolutlon.

Now, therefore, 1, Thomas F- Martin, sec­retary of state of the atate of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the second day of Karoh* 1918. file In my office a duly executed and attested conaeiit In writing to the dleaolutinn of a*ld corporation, executed by all the stockholdem thereof, which eald consent and the of the proceedtngs aforesaid are now on file In my said offlc# aa provided by law.

In laatlmony whereof, I have hereto set ray hand and affixed my official

(Seel) seal, at Txanton, this aecond day of March. A. D. ohe thousand nine taUD-

dred and eighteen. *.»<.*-,«THOMAS F. MARTIN (916.64) Secretary of State.

OFFICE OP CITY CLERK.Newark, N. J., March SO. IS 11,

Renort of deaths for th* week ending March 30. 1918: Men, 56; boys, 26: women. 4 9 ; girla, 33. Total. 1 6 ?. . ..» «A ges-^ne year and under, 24; between 1 and 3 years, 18: between 2 and 6 y«Va- between 6 and 14 yrara. 8; 1?20 year*. 7; between 24 and 84 yearw, 13. between 34 and 40 years. 2 1 ; between 8®60 years, 16: between 64 and 60 **tween 60 and 70 yeare, 18; between 70 and SO ••ears. 14: between 80 and over. a' Direaeee—Atcldenu. probably somnui. 1; accldeiile. railroad ^acclSente, automobile Injuries. 1, aecldente. ptomaine poisoning 1: a,?,*SfctorlB. 3; anoplexy or cerebral hemorrhage. ^ atelectasis pulmoo. 1; arlorlo eclerosis, 1, broncliltla. S; carcinoma of uterus, S. card noma of breast, 2; carcinoma of liver, 1, car- K m a 0? ov” r'y, i;tvlla 1: diabetes melUus, 1: endotarallls, IJ. iastro suterms, 4; heart dlsra.e, valvular, 3; hamlnlesla 1: bydrocaphaluB, 1; jneasles, #, raeniugllia, tubercular, 2: Tue^i"9^*A »1nal, 3: myocardllls 6: nephrlUia. II; pe i* ?Snltls. following appandlclte. f,j. le?bar, 41; pneumonia, broncho, 13, premaiurt blrtha. I; sarcoma of ingulna. region, 1, .ariTema of kidney*. 1; auTclde. Pistol shot, !• aulclda. llJumtnatlng gas poisoning. 3, tuberculoalfl. 15: ulcere, eioraach, 1; uraemia, l : rlvkeiii, 1; empyema* 2. lO?-

Places of N fttlv lty -^n it^Ti-nitnd 7: England, 2; Scotland. 1.12- Norway, i : France. 1; Germany 19: G re e c e rR u a s la , 10; Austria. 6; unknown, Z.

Color—White, 146; colored, still Blrth^M a^e. .= ^ern .^e.

__j-evBr i>*rre« iivim *1,wna.*,*...**■ recovering the *amo agalnit the Bubecrlbsri.

March 27, m s . CLARA HARTMAN, ROBF.HT h a d d ock .

Untott, Kahr* & Young. Proctors.

Sla}l CorrMfMHMioiw.h e a d q u a r t e r s b l u e a n d g r a y

DIVISION, Camp McClellan. Ala.. A pril 1.—April, the cam paign montb fo r th * Blue and G ray Dlvlalon, w a i outlined yesterday * y M ajor G eneral Charleg O, Norton, dlvlalon commander, lo new i- paper correepondentg a ttached to hla hoadquarters. In It the men from New Jeraey, M aryland, V lrsln la and the D iatrlct of Columbia w ilt gee more of p rac tica l w ar tra in in g th an In any elm llar period ilnce they cam * down from the N orth la s t sum m er and fall.

Big tac tica l m anoeuvers and m arches, which will tak e the en tire division over the A labam a hills, mimic w a rfa re for the In fan try on the division trench area , now nearly com pleted, and day alid n ight f irin g problem s for the a r tille ry were eome of th e th ings of w hich Gen* eral Morton spoke. In columns, the Ilka of w hich have no t been seen In th is section of A labam a since the Civil W ar, the men of the Blue and G ray w ill go out to com plete the ir tra in in g fo r the front.

W hen It comes to tac tica l m anoeuvsrs, the division w ill operate In tw o se c ­tions. in w h at the arm y m an ca lls " r s - liHorced brigades." Backed by every aA i o f the service, the In fan try brigades w ilt go out one a t a tim e and epend a week aw ay from cam p In the solution of a con tlnuoui problem . They will m arch u n til they reach the th e a te r of operations, now being picked. T here they w ill function a* an arm y In the field, fac ing a hostile force, u n til th* signal to re tu rn to camp la given.

Je rsey B rigade Seesad t* 0 - ,The Je rsey In fan try brigade, qom-

m anded by B rigad ier G eneral C harles W. B arber, w ill fo llo w th e M aryland and V irgin ia in fan try Into th e field. The Southern troops, It Is expected, will tak e th e ir h ike w eek a f te r next, accompanied by a num ber of special unite from Jersey . W ith them w ill go a reg im ent o f lig h t a r tille ry , h a l t of the field etgnal batlallon , m ad* up principally of Jereeym en; h a lf of th* engineer regim ent, a ll from Jeraey; h a lt of th e sa n ita ry tra in , h a lf of the am m unition tra in and a detachm ent of m ilita ry police. W hen G eneral B a r­ber's In fan try go ou t the re s t o t the division, no t tak en w ith the o th er brigade,' w ill ge t Its f irs t b ig ta s te ot cam paigning.

The tr ip of the Je rsey b rig ad e w as delayed becauae of G eneral B arber s trip to Texas, w here ho w ill a it a t F o rt Sam H ouston on a board of g snsra l- oftloers, T hs s ittin g s dt Ihs board be* gin April 2.

In the field tha troops w ill hav*t som ething lo do every m inu te In th ( way of sim ulated battle situa tio n s . Qed* eral s ta ff officers will accom pany them and will function a s though a t thd front. Thu* th a division q u a r te rm a s te r

have th e problem of feed ing th ewill

f u r n is h e d r o o m s t o LET- OF TOWN


KABT ORANGE, Main a t, 148, near Grave Bt —Furnlahed and unlurnlahed room* with

or without boarl aod hou*ekf*epin*; flfKC- (■loo* faraUies, In may town you daaira. Call and have your choice. Open aveninia; no rharc*. _________________XA«T OBANQF. North Cllnthn a t, 111-*

- Fumlahed room with private ferally: ault- ablo lor two i»#raoQ«: coDventent to xac- tort**: impTovamente.

■loFli, Aoiahl*; x

ONS or two laria flrat floor furnlahed room* t» lot; naar Brick Chur''h Btatlon* trollay:

piivAU family. Phone 866 Oren*^______9 ffO lorte, furnlahtd conaectini rooma,

tirmt floor; 01V# unfurtilahed rooni, third 818 Cheatnut it., Montclair: tei.

ru iu n sH E O r o o m s — b o a r d in g■OUlKUCT HOTEL. Boat Pavrk and Mulberry

comtertable rooraa, with er board-; oiodaftt* raua, TiL 9911

MarlMt________________________________OOVSRNOR 8T.* 7, near Waehiniton. I

hleclui from Llnooln Fork—FvrcUhad 91; board If deelred. _____

HOTCL LENOX.Centcml ar*.* near Broad •(*; rooms

‘ *• running water; private bathe; i>L m#ql*i. ^

FUM OM ED r o o m s a n d b o a r dWANTED

w a n t e d , remn aad board In private home gnugr elficeF* wife; aeceeslble i"

N*t o H SermlB*!. Addre ^ N«we eftice

Army ot-

BLOOVnaLD aVB., M». «»•» aiH o» ave. d d fleer—Widev weald Ilk* l*dy to roeia

tS a b M ^ i t >»>»- Mm M.

tlon to tne v ounru oi -Oranse for permlselon to ‘'“'“ ‘.'.“J '' and nialntaln o ilnele track, switch or over and acmes Lakeside avenue In ance wllh the pmvlslone eel forth In tM form ot ordinance attached to eald petition, which propoae'd ordlnanr* ta aa loliowe** Ah ordinance rrantlng permission to HHs Railroad Company, a cor^ritlon of ins atate of New York, duly anthorlfod and em- sow trtd to operate a railroad In the emt* of Now Jeroey, lo construot. operate jm d maintain a iln ila track, awlloh or eldlnx acroBi Laketlde avenue, in the town of Oran(*,. county ol Eaaex and aiete of New


That consent andhe and the same U hereby granted to Erie Ballrnad Company to mnstruet. operate ana maintain a certain elogle track, awttoh or Mdl"x7 over and acmes ‘d't'*'"*" the town of Weet Oranse, county of E*e« and elete of Now Jersey, which le partic­ularly dcacribed aa follows! Beilnnlng at a point of mnnicilon located (n the main tmek Sf ihv Orange branch of the Greenwood lake Dlvlalon ot the Erie Rallmed one hun­dred end thirty feel (ISC') mere or lm« westerly from the westerly corb tine of Wat- chun* avenue. West Orsngs, and extending on a curve In a eouthwaelerly olri-ctlon live hundred and four feet <404 I more or lese; one hundred and fifty-four 'l is t ') more or less ot mid single track, switch or elding to he located upon the lends ot the Erie Railroad, eeveoty-two feel I77'l more or leta within the llmite of Lake- Mill# avenue, ami twu hundred and aeventy- Ylifht (eel <27i'> mora or la*a on Ihv land* of Ttioinoa A. Edlaon, Incorporated.

Section 2* Thai ('onienl and parralaelon be and It la Rcanled'ID *ald Erie Railroad runiDsny tu operate car* over aald wnMl# traerk. nwiich or aldln* propelled by ataam, #i#clrlrlty or other motor power, and If by eleclrlcUy, to Inatall- tho nacea^ry over­head electric trolley syattra. Including the Hirlnaln* of wire* and th# erection of the n<c«»ery •upMrt# therefore.

Soclinn 8. That the rail* oompoalnr aald alnci# track, awitch ot aldlnjr bo of th# alandard of four feel al*ht and one-half Inch##. s. .. .Section 4. That tha eald railroad com- oany upon th# copatructioa oi the aald xle lVacl(e awitch or aldln*. ketp the apace between the ralU. and for iweiviy-fpur In- ohes on either aide thereof pavad with the boat duality of Belflan block, laid In rrete. which aald pavln* and rolla ahaH conform to the aatabllahad Rrade of the atreet. Should the Rrede of aald street be at any time changed or altered by the gov­erning body of the town of Weat Orange* the Mtd Srle Railroad Company ahatl relay tha rail* and paving heralnabov* referred to, W :onforfn with tha aame, the expenaa there- Ol to ba borne by the aald railroad company.

SacUon 6* That the conaent and permla- flon hereby granted to. operate and main­tain a single track, awitch or aiding, oa herelnabova eel forth and doecrlbed, ahoil be for th* tarma of fifty years from the paa- *aga of thla ordinance, providing, however, tliat nothing herein uontalned shall he con-

ESTATE OF JOHN J. 8LATTBRT, DE­CEASED—Pursuant to the order of Fred

G. Btickel Jr.. iurmg«te of the county of Eesex, till* d*y rasde, on the epplicsilon of the undersigned, ei*cutrlx of said decoesad, notlre Is hereby given to tho creditors of Isid decaseed. to exhibit to the .uhecrlber under oetu or efflrmullon. their clslme end demand, eselnal the esUie of within nine month* from thla data, or iha^ will be forever barred from prosecuting or rerovering tho aama agalnal th* aub- •criber.

M.mh 14, ” ‘*-j^ ^ j, e t TA SLATTERY.MauTlra atein#r. Pjortof.

ESTATE OP JERE.MIAH P. BALL, DE­CEASED—Pureuant to the order of Fred

o. Stickel Jr., eurmgaie .of the county of Eaeex. this d .y m.ilo, on the epplictlon of (he umlerslgnsd, .dm lnlair.tsr of ssl4 (iV <.e...d, notice is hereby Fl'-n,;®. *> ',•"“ *- tors of sold deceseed, in exhlhll 10 th# Mb- lerlber. Under oath or affirm.tlon, their cliima and demand, asalnet the eatale of aald deceaaed, within nine rnimthe ftooi this date or they will be forever barred from prosecuilng or rocoverlng the lama against the iubicrlber.

March !!, IllS^ DAVID W. BALL.FranHi A, Nott Jr., Prortor,

310 Main atreet, East Orange. N. J.

wStTtk o f m a r t B. COLTON, DU-CUA8BD—Puriuent to the order 6f Fred

0* Stlrka! Jr., aurrogate th* county of Masex, thl# day mad*, on th# S*tha undsnlgned. executor of aald daceaaed, notice ia hereby glvtn to the w dlior* of aald deceated, to exhibit to the aubwrlber, under oath or affirmation, ‘heir c la l^ a ^ da- mands agalnal the eatate of eeld deoeMad. within bine month# from thle dale, or they will h# forevar-abHrred frera proieodting Of ^covering the aame agalnat the autweriber.

February 11, g. COLTON.Alfred F. Stevena. Fmetor.

I lf Broad street, Newark, N. J,


b t Fred' U. Stickel Jr*, eurrogate of the county of Eaaex. thl* day made, on the ap- Dllcailon of the umlBrilgned, adminlairalor of said docaaand. notice la hereby 4othe croJltor* of aald deceaaed, lo exhibit tu the aubacrlhor, under «ath of afflrmalloDr their clalrfia end demnnda agalnat the eetate df aald deceaseds ulthln nine montha ifoni thla dato. or they will be forever barred from proeecutlng or recovering the *ame agalnat the aubacrlber.

March *7, H U. p BEDFORD.

IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY—To John H. Johnaton, Eaaulre. ^By virtue of an order of the Court of

Chancery, made on the day of the date hereof, In a certain cauae wherein William E. Btewart et ai*. executora. etc., of Warren N. Truadelt, deceaaed, arao oraplaininta, end you and others ere defendanta, you are required tp appear, answer or move agalnat the complainant’* Dill on or before the lith day of May. 1911* or In defaalt thereof auch decree will be made agalnat you a# the chanceUor ahal) think equitable and JUBr.

The object of the said adit I* to forecluxe a certain morlgaga made on January 24, 1114 by Emm* l i Vanhorn*. DaiUa) A Van. horn* Jr. and I>onard Vanhorne. partner* trading aa D. A. Vanhorns & Co, to Anna E. Truidell, on a tract of land In the city or Newark, county of Eaeex and atate of New Jersey, known a* Sll lo 117 Mt, Pleteant avenue, Newark, N. J.* and you u e made a defendant becaupa you claim to hold a sec­ond mortgage upon the earn# prera aee aub- jeet to the Tien of the mortgage being fore- cloeed. ^Dated March If. 1911. ^McCa r t e r a BNf^LisH. ^

Solicttore of'Cbm, alnants, (911.801 765 Broad atreet, Newark, N. J,

Two J e rs ^ Boys First on Blue and Gray Honor Roll

EATATE OF ANNA C. SMITH, D^EABED —Pursuant to tho order_of—Pursuant to me oruvr-oi r*cu «*

Jr,, aurrogate of th# county o rE rtex ,Jr., eurroaaiv vwMi.a#day made, an the appllcallon “f **'• alaned, executora of aald daceaaed, Bbllc* 9** *_ _J_.,— 4*. UVieAslltAV* nfalaned, executor* or aaiu oaceaoca, nwijt* hereby given to the creditora of » ld da- laaiod. to exhibit lo the eubacrlbara, under oath or affirmation, thalr claims and de­mands against ths eetate of said d a r a a ^ within nine month, from thla data, or they will be forever harrod from nroiaouUng M recovering tha aama against the suhscrlbara,

Fcbrusry SI. IIH . ^RALPH M. SMITH,

- MART B. aUlTH.

ESTATE OF FRANKLIN WARD, DB- CEASBD—Furauant to the order of Fred

G. Stickel Jr*. eurrogate of tha county of tb it day mad*, on the appileattoa of

the underalgned. executrix of aaid deceoeea. notice la hereby given to the creditors of aald denooied. to exhibit to th* aubacclbar, ^ d e r oath or affirmation, their clalma and de- mando agalnat tha eatate of aald dacaaaoii* within nine montha from thl# date, or they will bo forever barred from proaecuting or vacbverlng the aam* agalnat theJ a n u a ry J t IMI. JULIA A. WARjp,^

NOTICE la hereby given that Harry Roe# of 234 Springfield avenue tn tha cUy of New­

ark. County of llaaea and atate of New Jer- ■ey, hoe thla day made an Msignmeht lo the oubecrlber ol hi* enUre estate in trust for the equal benefit of hi* credliore In propor­tion to their eeverpl demands to the net amount that ahall eoipe to my hands for dlafiTb^ut'/onVThe'bui^ carried ^ by the said s. m.# • mlilmer ana lb*LMUUilVia* « sau a»M».e--'mm -Harry Boee Is tb*t of _ location of the game. No.J, ,nu. 330 dprlugflald i7.nu"s"lp” « ia -a lly .- All claim, of « .3 j t j r .avenua in aaia ciiy. a i» vi v.^waa^s,asolnat said estate must be preaented under oath or affirmation to me. at ray office, No, 30 Clinton street, In the city of Newarejll 114114-11 a^aws.i -*■ awUhln three months of the algnroetit, or the aame will barred from

J It, IVII. JUJjlA A* TVAJ10 date* avenue. Montclair.

n o t ic e o f iteTriiM B?^--NoUoe le

ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. GIBBONS, DB’ CEASED—Pursuant to the order of Frad

G. Btickel J r . aurrogate of the county o{ Eaaex. thin day made, on th* appUcallon of the undaaigned. executor of said decaaaeq. notice 1* hereby given to the creditora of Rxlil deceaaed. to exhibit to the aubacrlber under oath o r’sfflrmeilon. (heir claim* end dbmand* igfUnal the eatate of aald deceMea, within nine months from this date, op theyWiinin mur n4V44kH.5 --- -will be forever bsrred from proaecuilng — recovering the name agalnat the eubeorlbet.

March 11, IIH- j,jj,gLITY TRUST CO.

y j P, .fp OCM A A AJXM.t* a;saa a aaaraawu rharaby given that the arenunt n( tha aub

acrlber., aiecotori of Ilia lail will *Bll t 'i l* - mmt of EJgar B. Ward, dacoaaad. will o* audiied and atatad by the aurrogate and re- parted for HaUlamanl to the Orphans Court ^ the county^! Essex, on Friday, tha Sd day ot May next


S:n o t ic e o p SETTLEMBNT—Notlee J9,har by given that the account of tlyf auL

acribers, substituted admlnlslratora with the will annexed of Nancy F. Nye, deceased, will be audited and stated by the surrogate and reported for BetUemont to the Orphans Court of the county of Bsiax on Friday, the nineteenth day of April, next,


MmiSg l i lur * dividend of aald eatate.Dat«l March^l, ROCKWELL.

Aaeigne*.Philip D. Billot, A tto m » for A"*'*""-

1 * Clinton at.. Newark, N. J. (It.iit)JE B S B ^ T o

Tinne-IN CHANCERY OF NEWMorris Tanneberger and Maurice

virtua ’of an order of the Court of Chancery Of New Jersey, made on the day fif the dale hereof, in a cause whariU Kob- •rl Meijxai l* complainant and you and•rl Menxei *# comp«**n'»“*- others are defendants, you are required to aDoear, plead, anawer or demur to the bill ofrJ . _ avtt rai* KmCaP* tlaDoesr, pieaa, *n*wor ur u«jmu* !.«>».**» a^ld fomplalnanl. on or hefora the nlnth day of May naxL or the aald bill will be taken aa confsaead agalnit you.

The aald bill II filed to foreelosa a cer­tain mortgage on landa In tha city of New­ark In tha county of Esiax, of which the datindanl. Frederick Zlpf, is ownsL and you Morris Tanneberger end Maurice Tann*- beriar, are made detendanti becauae you hold a Judgment recovered by you against Fred Zip* In the Flret Dlitrlcl Court ofNewark. pATNE * MeCALI*

aollcltori of Complainant,1»7 Market street, Newark, N. J.

Dated March 34, D ll-

MTATB o f h e n r y ARN oyj. DB- CEASBf^Punuant to the ordeb of Fred

G. auckel Jr., aurrogate of Ih* county of&aex*'^rhta day made, ora the appltcailon of the underalgned, executor of said darcaaed■Ignad, executor of Mto carcaaeo. noTloa' ia hereby given to th* ^^®dltor* uf said deceaaed. to oxhlbli lo Ihe autaertbe^ under Oath or affirmation, iheir claim# end demands against the estste of wUbln nine months fror* thla date, or they will be forever barred from orr«cov#mg tha alamo atnlnst tn# agbecrlber,

■'•'"’‘ VVdERa L TRUST COMPANY.,747 Broad •treat, Newark, N. J*

NOTICE OF SETTI.EUENT—Notice la here by given that the account of the wb-

eciiber. substlluted truotae under the last will and teataraent of Elisabeth P. Jotinaon. deceMSd, will b# audited and ftated by the surrogate' tad reported for aettlament to thea u rro g a t* ' a a u rv jjo rn ^ * »b»* ,rraaxw...4-w«. .w Grphan** Court of the couiiiy of Esmx od_ X a . a-.. ,.1 daa. Am ex# A saB«l nAVlursnans v.«u» i V4. *4*« vw-..., .—---Friday, the twelfth day of April, nexL

Dated March *-

siniad^w'granting any longer term than la allowed by any atatule or law of ihe *ut«

R3TATE OF CHARLES K, WEEKS* »»• CSAiKD—Pureuant to ibe order of Prad

O. fltlckel JVe. •UTTogate of the ,ceunty of Kesex, tht* day made, on the aPWloAtloQ or the underalgnad. executor of aald decaw dumai I I ■ I Tjbwvsawwa wa m—a— JaO *notice I* hereby given tn the oredttors of siUd deceaaed, to exhibit lo tha suta«Hber, under

Qilinore. large rnnmc*«p4e; rvnalng

I nr I paople; Qttlel

Ipraud a ^ fur-, regmsi eitnelleiot I greakfMt! onn- mwM Wav. MIL

ut New Tersey.Bcctlnn 4. That eald railroad campany

ehalL pay all expensee Incldeital to the pas- uage, publication aad engmaalng of thla

’aaid°poUUoo w»s filed the alkih day ot Maroh, 1*1>, and tho lahia, together with n id propoeed ordlnaoco, wtll be conaldetfd'. by the Town Council at the regular nweUng o t -a(A council to be held a t tne town hall, Tueaday, th* slgtHuth day ot ApHl. 1411,

dacfteaed. to eximm mi •.np «44vv«oath or affirmation, ihelr cutm* and de­mand* agalnat the eeUta of said deceat^* within nfne month* from Ible data, or they wIH b* forever birred from *ro**outlM or me *galn*t tn* aubterTMr,recovering the eeme

January TtfUaT COMPANY.

n o t ic e o f HBTTLEMENT—Notice lehereby given that Ihe account of Ihe aith-

soilboc, executor of tho laet will and teetn- m ert " t ,'ei"wi It Cidmua deceaeed, will b* audited and eliteil by the eorrogaic aad reported lor eeltletntnt to the O rp h u r Court of the county of Bmx, on Friday,, the

NEW JBIiaBT BUPRBME COURT. »»afX COUNTY—Orange National Bank, ^ a ln -

tlff, va Georg. O Reltly, D e f e n ^ t In At-. tachmenL Action a t Law. Notion of At­tachment.

cF liNoticM i hereby given that a writ of at- tachmont af th* * ^ t of NationalBank agalnit the rtghta and oredltt, moneys and cfAota goode and ohattela. landa and tenemenU of Oeorc*debtor, for tha euili of |2 ,4 ll,lf, leeood out of Ihe New J»raay Ruprsme Court on the first day of, F*bruaj|^,_.19U, j» tu ™ b l* Maay Ol r soruari, v„ *;.«eleventh day ef Fehniary. 1918* hoe been

m m ■ » a as. m m n m m mm- A WA* nw** aslTIWQxas* -*w*y Oa XVP* W > E4 AWAs* IIBVII■erved and duly exOdkied and wo* retarned on the eleventh

89th day of April nast, March 18.Oaled, I. 1911*

ft d b l it t t r u s t CO.n o t ic e o f aSTTLEM ENT—Notice la here­

by g4v*n that the account of tb* eub- ■criber, ■ubtlUuied adminletrater of Ihe #e. u te o i Henry Qlorleux, deceased, will be audited and elated by the surrogate and re­ported for eeitiement lo iheC ^hane of th# eounty of Ewex on Friday* the thirdd k ^ o ^ e y , next

Horcb 19, 1*19. uf id e l it y THUaT CO.

l40T iC E^P SETTLEMENT—Notice I* here-- * . . . . . .__aV._ A T thaA *asK_NCmCE OF SETTLEMENT—Netice le here­by given that the account « Uiv *0^

..eorlber. administrator of estate of Xllxabetb Petty, deceaeod, win he audited and statedby the surrogate and reported for ae ttl^ e iU ___

i-VdW t»«b « 1 *■ ;Td*but

by glv#n_,lhat Ihs account of the eub- scrlber, exeehtor of the laet wtll aod teeta- n e a t ot Fllfmino afelll, deceased, will b* audlt*d and stated by the susrogal* arul ra- DorMd tor eMUemaal to the OrphaM' Court ot tha ooun^ of Ksatx on Friday, th*


on ine •IWVUVdb -areyw^^.,,tha Bberlff ot th* Cniuty of Bh i i ,

Dwted March 18, 1919* ■KNOCK L. J o h n so n ,

Clerk.Row* * DavlaAttorney*. __________ <t*-J4)

Staff Correepomifncc.h e a d q u a h t e r s b l u e a n d g r a y

d iv is io n , Camp McCIeUan. Ala., April 1.—Two Jersey boys, P riv a te L. H. Bonn of New erk, a m em ber of Company A, M llllnry Police, and P riv a te Georg* a ! Ram say of Camden, form erly with the l l l l b Machine Gun B attalion , ar* the f lre t to have th e ir name* Inscribed on tho roll o f honor of th e Blue and Gray Division. F o r raerltorloua act* both men will be publicly commended and will receive com m endation carilt signed by M ajor G eneral Charles G. Morton, division com m ander. The names of both men w ill s ° down a t tho top ot page one of the d iv ision 's "Legion of Honor" record book.

Two m onths ago G eneral Morton an­nounced his In ten tio n of preparing a form -to be Ineorlbed and given to men who perform ed especially commendable acta. In th a t period only Bonn and

>Ramsey have Qualified. Bonn winged an arm y d ese rte r In Birmingham, shooting him th ro u g h th e leg when he failed to halt, and R am sey led a field of fifty runners acros* th e Hue In the division eroBB-countrjr race three weeks ago. finishing 1(10 yards ahead of hts nearest opponent. . .. i

Bonn was commended a t the sugges­tion of M ajor H obart B, Brown o t New­ark. head of the H lllU ry Police, Bonn was one of a detachm ent of K. P.'e aU- tloned a t B irm ingham . W ord was re­ceived there of a m an w ho had deserted the service from Cam p W heeler, Bonn got on hla tra il, located him definitely and went a f te r him. W hen the man tried to escape a f te r Bonn called on htm to surrender the Cam p McClellan man tired, b ringing down h is game.

Ramsey w ill n o t bo hero to receive hi* commendation allp. Some tim e ago ho le ft to Join an o th er u n it In the North. B ut the Blue and G ray'* seal of honor will reach lilra w herever he Is. Uls father, Richard A. Ram sey, Is a cor­poral In the sam e sQuad to which the boy belonged, and lo him tho commend­ation slip will h i sen t fo r lorw arding.

The com m endation slips a re printed In blue on a w hite field. A t th* top I* the division emblem, a blue and gray disk. Then come th e words, "Head­quarter* Blue and G ray Division—!tth ." There la a space below fo r tho date ana for tho recip ient's nam e. Then comes the commendation propor.

F o r Ramsey It w ill ru n : "1 have road w ith much pride th s repork of th* Judge* regard ing y o u r w inning the three-m ile c ross-country run on March 6 and have ordered your name and deed Inscribed upon th e record book kept a t these head q u arte rs for th a t purposs." G eneral M orton 's signature will follow.

Bonn's com m endation w ill h* a b it d iffe re n t Over G eneral H orton’s s ig ­natu re w ill bs the w ords: "I have read with much pride th e rep o rt of your b a t­talion commander reg a rd in g your eonr- Bge in the cap tu re of a deserter In Birm ingham , Ala., and have ordered your name and deed inscribed upon th* record book kept a t these headquarters for th a t purpos*.**

General H orton evolved the Idea o t commendation s lip s w hen h* was In Europe, w here he saw th e plan In -vogu* In some of th e d ivisions tn th s B ritish

troops. T he division ordnance offloef w ill e stab lish hypothetical am m unltlo* dumps and provlda th e troops w ith am* m unition. If th e re be any. The d iv litog ad ju tan t w ill tran sm it th* orders o t General M orton, who w ill spend ad much tlm o as possible In the field view ­ing th e w ork of hla men.

The h ik es w ill bo th* f ir s t oppor­tu n ity a ll arm s of the division have had to w ork together In the field. The In fan try and signa l oerpe hav e **- ecuted day m anosuvers fo r severa l weeks, b u t never have engineers, a r t l l- lerj', s a n ita ry and am m unltipn tra in men gone o u t w ith th* columns.

Pup te n t cam ps w ill be m ade a u l m aintained th rough the week. I t ta possible th a t th e m arch th e men w tll tak e to reach the field o f operatloan will la s t m ore than one day. T he Jb t- sey-brigade may go to Gadsden, a city tw en ty -five miles from camp, tak ing two days to go and tw o to come.

H ay Get Out a t M ldalghL In th e solution o t th e ir t» an f* ite -r

problem, th* troops w ill tak e up th f |* m orning w here they left o ff the itfght before. Of th ey m ay find th a t to stem the enem y It le necessary to g e t out a t m idn igh t and w ork till daw n. Every effo rt w ill he expended by G eneral H or, ton to m ak e th* m ovem ents a s real e l possible a s regards th e ir sim ila rity t* conditions a t the f ro n t

W hile the one brigade Is In th e field, th e o th e r will go in to the tre m ^ o s on F o rtifica tion Hill. Each b a tla llo n will rem ain fo u r days and four n ig h ts In the pits, liv ing In dugouts, RianlalnliiR guard on th* parap e ts and tn llstonlnit posts, scouting, patro lling , doing every­th in g they would have to do If th* boche lay Just across No H an’s Land.

W ith ths M aryland and V irgin ia troops on the m arch, th e Je rsey in ­fan try will ge t the f irs t ta s te o t th is kind of w ork. The trenches a re now practica lly complete, said G eneral M or­ton. P urposely they frill no t be com- pleted lo the la s t detail before tho In­fan try go In, ho explained. W hile tl<* In fan try is liv ing In them , the*, ad ll be called on the work- on p a rap e ts and parados, to repair dugouts and to sx - tenrt positions, Ju*t as they would hav* to do i t a t th e front.

R ig Gbbs W e a t Ge.The arrangem ent* f o r e h ik es and

trench w ork Include e v e r * u n i t In .th* division except the llS th A rtille ry . J* r- **y'B B ig Gun*. G eneral M orton do*i no t believe It will prove p rac tlcab '.' 1* tak e th* Jareoym on w ith th e ir heavy ■Ix-Inch h o w ltie rs on e ith er o f the hikes he 1* p lann ing fo r th* dlvl»I*fi. and expect* to d*vi*e a aepara t* serf.* of field problem * a t *om* point* remtL* from the cam p for th* gunner* , to sxe- cute on th e ir own hook. Problem* lo n ig h t firing , rim lla r lo those worke(l out T hursday n igh t. It I f expected, w lil be Included In the program .

G eneral Morton la back a t h i t post a t headquarter* a f te r a v is it a t W a|li- Ington, w har* he * u ^ * * fu U y paeaed tha phT ileal ajcaralnatnOn ro r ovarioat duty. Report* th a t h* w ould ha re ­lieved here proved prenaat'jr*’

General Morton took hi* flr» t pbyel- cal exam ea rly In DeOember, a f te r m - tu rn in g from th* batll* fron t* In E u ­rope. A t th* tlm* he wa* run down by h is s trenuous tr ip and fa iled In on* or tw o p articu la rs to m eet tha r e q u ire m onts o l tho arm y surgeon*. A Httl* over a w eek a f te r a s to ry wa* given o u t from W ashington say ing th a t Ijs, w as on* o f seven officer* w ho w ere to be re iu v e d and no t sen t overseas. ^ rscelve# wBrd to corns to W ashington fo r a re-oxam lnatlon-

NKW JERSEY 8UPRKME COURT, ESSEXGOUNTT—O rau e National E n k , plain'

tiff #«. Lewi* w. Butterfield ■ - ■ •defendant Noitee of

roBarwn ipvvbwooavmw we vub • • vvouonly to tha p o u aa tto n o{ an array doc* oration.

XITl. *»• AMMVftW VV, BSWiewe.,..-...In atuchm efit Aetton a t lav.altaehnent. __Nottee Ii hereby slvaa that a-w rlt of at- taenraent a t the eull of Orasae Natlosal Bank etalnst the right* and ersdite. mar eye and effeots, foods and obattale. laode and tonemanta of Lewis W. Butterfield a non- reeldent debts,, for tha su n ot t t l .U l.lJ . Usueil u*t at tha New .deney Supreme Court on th# 4th day of Fvdiraary, . l l t l . return­able on Ibe I tth of February, m l , has been served aad d^y 'extintad and w«* returned 00 the ll tb day otiBefewtry- 14IA aherttf ol the r-

Dattd March

New York Tribune U Out f o r ; Roosevelt for 1920 President

bf Ul>’ A iaeH cant*^'* Rod •u _Aan

NEW YORK, A pril 1.—The New York T ribune today cam e o u t editorially far Colonel Aeoaevelt fo r P residen t In 1S2|,U deciarss him tq t>* tJM l a a d e c '

- ■..SWtfMi',


Special Service* Mark EaiXcr In I'r p v of the Blue and GraiR

DIVlalOH, cam p McClellan, Ala,, April L—The Blue *«4 celebrated E a«»rSunday with a*rvlc*s of •pectnt oh»**c. ter in every r*Blm«9'*' e x c b x w ot the division. Music Pr<WT*-“.r W

In some of the divisions tn ths British been axtanged by groups of men In etch army. "Roup tickets" Is the name given ! yeglm siit and by pw pl* f r ^ tn* to th* slips by the Englishman, who , churchas of Anniaton. Tha chaplain* all regards the posae*aloiL of one aacond j gave ssrm ont appropritt* to th* oooa-

C haplain W *fr*n P. Coon of th e 1 1 ^ C haplain M ichael J- Corr o f th e I t f t k and C hapla in J. Madison H are o f the Je rsey Engineer# all delivered aernKfas on th* B oiurractlon . A t th* K n igh ts of Colum bus buiWtnB a fie ld m as* w « celebrated , a n * F a th e r C orr held sp M lE t'

a ll th e un its o f th a F i f ty . w hich If m ade up>ht

laesses In • • v e n t t Adrsi


'-hfa f^ A tin ta to a Ipvlv


H ^ y jr in

May Leaid I

Eaggeat* Tl doB siest el eha*c*. Cos■ ta b u llin g Opposes g< erab le C'ri

WASHING- th e packing I governm ent lit* w ar has den t Wilson, yoetefUay. !■recommendsii th e Prcaldfiii *'the time ha th e govermi m ea t Industr

I t Is suggs th e situation ta ry o f Agi th e producer e ra l Trade tra d e conditl e ra l T ariff U Tseentattvs: represen ting th e food adi c a rry out an

In sp ile o objections ti Ing. Mr. Hoo A m erican sit w here th* ’ tro lled by a p rice -fliin g , by the board

The three Mr, Horrver d ynent ot dire conservation a ffe c t pricei p resen t natir lion o f price:

c r iti The firs t

pu t, would Ith e govem n tra n sfe r ol controlled sj ( s e t on the

The aecon policy of th H oover saye a ltu a tjo n tor crltlolsm f it Burner, and, o f purchase crease. It | policy In pr

The final opinion. Is . ducer o f fa m ay Involvd financial re h u iinees th agreem ent prices o r th r

"The choli te r sta tes, '' th e maXImu th e w ar all' econoinlo e: tlvea.”

R otefrlng consum ption

"I t 'appeal tie n a l Impoi ta in ftlroug ■ene* In vuh sum ption ' of to provide e ith er In n te r la l hecee On ^he 6th( conservatlor th e lu rp lue is extrem e 1 m easuree t and develop Jn dectiont n u irtty ."

R . B. SyiWas

»Lo\ig all

T h r a ^ C^B Jngton, alxt] th * dOncern, horn*, t Pai fiv* weeks, ton w as CO la s t ^UBld.k*, C lark ebroy five yearh' ■

F u n era l W idnesday th* North m *nf' w in CemeUnyl

Except J Gym Ington uoufly . tie h* tlF it o it from Pal*!*' HI* f irs t: po A. C lark A C lark Threi cam e conn*, com pany, v Mr. Symini P a rk place, nue, n e a r y e a rs he bo zard'e. Bj^f, sutnmare.

Surviving a ( l i t e r of tire d about company, a: ton, a firs t A rtillery ,Symiiikton

•w ii


Fltllam Cl p residen t t C lark . He ow ners of tnanufactur Mr. SymIni th* C lark m anufactur Cotton Com

Those wt ram eiHber' tIonaL pew w ork, and w hatever i so ugh t no h lf re e rfs t Ing .and t M assachust ganerally o a member chan ts’ Clu

ObtequieT o f e l

Funeral who died day F ilinei h«ld tb n lgE lavsn th *

R illt«rtJR«lght ter o f Rose U ., afid wi y*g«ht of Roya'I -Ara w ill 'dkimpf charge O f' Btults, an duotfd b y pastor of t where Mr.

Mr. Coe: Dover, had Mvcntqafti Iqr a le a th tinrviving cUtdr«D, £ d»r* H. I t

,M h t i i ^ t' brothlf. Ap

fu iM T *! <Held.!

Fu lis fa l iM C sevei W atnatdayA dM ET hli BUS. ie llov law) OfiBW a u io r o f tl dOBdwMtd diate.cami teatlfa of


U4D GRAT Aik., A pril

ntb fo r th * u outlloGd

C harles O,*, lo new i- hed to til l men from rfflnla andII see m ors han In any cam * down * and fall.

nd marchee, Ivlalon over w arfa re for trench area , „ id day and ' he a r tille ry which Gen -

nna, the Ilka leen In thU e Civil W ar,Iray w ill go ling fo r the

m anoeuvere.In tw o eec- in ealla " ra ­id by every le In fan try : a tim e ami camp In the oblem. They I the th e a te r Icked. There arm y in the :e, u n til the given.

I to Go, ig ad e , gom- cral ch arlea »e M aryland :o th e field, le eapected. i a f te r next, r of apeclal them w ill go lery, h a lf of n, m ade up

h a l t o f trio rom Jersey ;, h a lt of the etachm ent of lo n era l B ar-

re s t of the h the o th er

b ig ta s te of

b rig ad e w as eral B a rb er 'sIII s it St F o rt d of general- the board bo­

ps w ill hav*i n inute in tb i tua 'tlona GsA- lompany them lough a t thd q u arte rm as te r f feed ing th e Inance o fficer il am m unttlos ]ops w ith am>

The d iv lilod the ordera o t 'III spend a t :he field vlew-

I t l rA oppor*I Eton have had le field. The rpe hav e ex- I fo r severa l iglneers, a r t l i- tunlU pn tra in olumns. be m ade a u l week. I t ts ' th e men w ill o f operatloan

day. T he Jb t- ladsden, a olty

cam p, tak ing to come.Idalgh t. t i r ihanoe’t v r tak e up Ih f l*

o ff the itrghT d th a t to stem .ry to g e t out 1 daw n. E v e n y G eneral Uor> ents a s real s i r sim ila rity M

Is In th e fleldt ho tre n A e s onI b a tta lio n will tr n ig h ts In the a , m anlalnlnR nd In I intoning g, doing evory-

to do I t tbo M an's Land, and ‘V irginia

the Je rsey lh>It ta s te o f th is nebes a re now d G eneral Mor-II no t be com-

before tho in-led. W hile th o hem, th e g w ill n parapets, aiid u ta and to ox- hey would have

likes and m t in .ths llery, Jer- irton does itlosb'.* 1* leir heavy »r of ths i division, rate s«n*.s sts remt-s irs.to exe- roblcms lo BO worked loctod, w ill

t his post , at Wa|h- Uy paiaed r overseas uld ba re*i'rst pbysl- ', a f te r re ­nte In B u­rn down by 1 in one o t le reuutre- I. A u tt la w as given ig th a t ba, ho w ere to versaat, hS V ashlogtoa

ikEeu'^cr Blue and G n^

LDB A N » GRAT elM n, Ala.» A p ril celebrated E aste r >f special oh»*ad- s l post excbaesf: le p ro g ra n r b-vA p i o t m en lii e tch eople from the T he chap lains all 'la te to tho ooear

Coon o t th e U f th . lo rr o f th e 11 4 » lean H are o f tho tellverod so m d a s At tho K n tgb ts of

fie ld m asa w as ' C a rr hold apeelat ' i lu o f th e F lfty - oh Is m ade up Irf

of- AnnIatoB tnvlv 'ftcsa-wero glTna I -h 's a m p . I t th F #riH jti|a paitM [.


Packing Business SurveyAuthorized by Wilson


in U tte r .^Sayi Timt Has, . . _ / 'M » a . ( A A i 'k a A ^ A f P(}|jQ r

May U ad to Government Control

B sggests Three AlterssGvee—Ahsa- d o a m ta t e t D Irertlos of W ar I*ur-

C oaU niilD B T r e a e a t F « llC 7 if t a b l l l i l a f l*rlecN by Goveraii«at«

ficcoad llernuB« of **ia1ol- erable Crltlelftm, b u t F a l^ ra Tklrd.

WASHINGTON, April L—A Burvey of Hie packing industry w hich may governm ent control lo r the perlotl of

w ar has been aulhorlte tJ by Presl* den t WilBon,’ It wae announced here yMtftfday. Pood A dm inistrator Hoover recommended the action in a le tte r to th e President, iri which he sla ted th a t *'the time had come" for a change in th e governmeTU'& policy tow ard the Tneat Induetry-

U la Buggested th a t a board to study th e situation be compoaed of the Becre* (a ry o f A griculture, as represen ting th e producer; the chairm an of the Eedv oral Trade Commi,ssiQn.^ repreeentinC trs.de condiUone: chairm an of the Fed- oral T ariff Board, a s the economic rep­resen ta tiv e ; tluifISecretary^of Labor, as represen ting-tho civilian consum er, and th e food adminlRtrator. w ith pow er to c a rry out any policy determ ined upon.

In sp ite of any of the weiLfounded objectlone to any theory of p rice-fix ­ing , Mr. Hoover sta ted In his le lle r, the A m erican situation has reached a point w here th s volume of purchaae^ con* tro lled by a single agency am ounted to p rlce-flx ing , and th a t *'all theories go by the board/*

The three a lternatives to be faced, Mr, Hoover declared, were the abandon* m en t of direction of w ar purrhasee and ro n isrv a tlo n m easures, because they a ffe c t prices; the continuance of the presdn t national pulley, or the stablliza- lion o f prices by the governm ent.

Cfltlelam “ Intolerable,**The firs t plan, Mr. Hoover pointed

pu t, would a "trem endous relief" to th e governm ent, but would lead to a tra n sfe r of price influence to un* controlled agenctes w ith a harm fu l ef* fee t on the cost of living.

The second a lternative , th e present policy of the food adm inistration , Mr. Hoover says, "Is an alm ost Intolerable gttuaG on for any governm ent official In crltlolam from both producer and con­sum er, and, with the grow ing volume o f purchases, th is criticism m ust In­crease. It perm its of no constructive policy In production."

The final couraej In Mr. Hoover’s opinion, Is certain to a rsu rs the p ro­ducer o f fair re tu rns, but, he-adm its, m ay Involve the governm ent In some flnahclsl responsibility In speculativo b ttiJness through e ither a voluntary agreem ent w ith the packers as to prices o r through governm ent control.

'T h e choice of a lte rnatives," the le t­te r Btatesi “Is ono of determ ination of th o ma^lmurn contribution to w inning th e Vtair and the choice of the lesser econbhilo evil betw een such a lte rn a ­tives.'*

R e!efrlng to vo lu n ta ry reduction la ConsumptloTt, M r Hoover says:

‘T t'ap p ea rs to mo of th e u tm ost na* tte n a l im portance th a t wa shall m ain­ta in 'th rough the country s coikplete sense in vo tun te ry red u p tlo n tn the flon^ su m p tio n 'o f all cominoditles, if we are to provide the necessary sulplusea, s lth e r In money, man pow er or m a­te r ia l necessary to w inning the war. On ^he Other hand, the ad justm ent of conservation m easures of th is type and th e surplus required from tim e to time Is extrem ely d ifficu lt w ithou t these m easu res them selves affec tin g price and developing discontent and crlUctem tn Sections of the producing com* mupHy,"

R. B. Symington Dies at 66 ; Was D ark Co. Treasurer

Lo\i» associated w ith th s C lark T h ro j i C ^ A a n y , R obert Brown 3ym - In fto a , a lx ty -s li years old. troasu ro r of th o cjdnccrn, died Saturday n l f h t a t h li homo, t P a rk place, a f te r an lllnSM of llTO weeks. Up to th s tim e Mr. Sym lnk- ton w as confined to his hem e by his la s t ho w as oUll acGvo In thoClarft cbrofisny'e business, a f te r forty- five yeark’ service.

F u n e ra l servicea w ill bo hold W odneaday a fternoon a t 3 o'clock In tho N orth R oform td Church. In te r ­ment*' w in follow in Mt. F le tean t C onoU ryl

Except .for hio early years, Mr. Gym lncton lived In th is city contln- vonfly . No made h is home here when ho f t f i t cdtne to thle country, In IITI, from PalileV, Scotland, h is native land. Mis firs t'p o sitio n here w as w ith GeOrae A. C lark A Bro„ eelUna a g en ts fo r the C lark T hread Company. L a te r ho be. cam e connected w ith the m anufaclu rlna com pany, w here be rem ained. Before i l r . Sym lnatoii b n u tb t hi* homo on P a rk place,, h e lived on Belleville ave- niie,. n e a r Second avenue. In recent y ea rs he boucht a l a r t e ee ta te a t B u i- lard 's. Bi^*, Mass,, w here bo epent hla s u tn n ^ s .

Survivlnc U r. Sym lngloii a re h is w ife, a e ls te r o t J. U . Abercrombie, who re- tire d about four years ago from tho company, and a son. W, C lark Sym ing­ton, a firs t lieu tenan t In the 3l3th Field A rtillery , now a t Camp Lee. Mr. Symirihton w as a b ro th er-in -law ot

W illia m Clark, fa th e r of tho present p residen t o t the concern, J. 'tvilllora C lark . He w as also related to the ow ners of J. A P. Coats. Ltd., thread tnanufacture re o f Glasgow, Scotland. U r. Sym ington's office a s treasu re r of tho C lark concern covered both the m anufacturing company and tho Spool Cotton Company, th e se lling agents.

Those who knew Mr. Sym ington w ill rem em ber' him so giffbd w ith exeep- tlenoL powers fo r hand ling detailed

. work- and fo r th e carefu l execution ot w hatever taek w ai before him. B e •o u g h t no public preferm ents, and In h is recreation found p leasure In hu n t­in g , and fishing, p articu larly on h is U aesachusetts estato , and In golfing goneratly on Long Island links. U s was a member o f the New York Mer­chan ts 'C lu b , and of the Essex Club. J

for touis I. Cooper To Be Held at His Home Tonijfet

Fvirieral services for Louis I. Cpopsr, wbo diad paturday night after five days' 'illnsBi frem pirsumonla, will be hold 1,bnlght at his home, 123 Gouth Elovsnth itreet, Mr. Cooper, who was fertfllblght years old, was a phot mas­ter of Bosevlllo Irndge No. UI.'P. arid A. X., afid was tupervlaing deputy grand yogoht of Roseville Council No. 392, Royrit Arcanum. Ths servlcos tonight will 'dompl'ise' the Masonic servlcos. In chargP Of ■Worshipful Brothsr Ella* D. Btults, ahd rsllgloun eervlesi, oon- dUotM by Rsv. Clifford Llttsll LaOuc, pastor of tho Roseville Baptist Church, where Mr. Cooper worshiped. >

Mr. Cooper, who wao a native ot J>over, had ttvbd In this city since Ms aovobtoopth year.. ' He was employed In a leatbar Foods flrfri In New York Burvlvlng him are his wife and three chltdroo, Balan r., AIIc* M. and Theo- dgrt'H. K.'Cobp^; hla mother, Mrs. L. UktliiU Baum o f ' Chatham, and a

' brethtf, 'AQbtrt Ceopor o f thia city.Vst! tf • '

o f A o^rtent VrcfUnd H dd S tb ir^ y from Hu Home

grandch ild ren and th ree g rea t-g ran d ­children survive. The youngest son. W illiam n . 'Vreelnnd, Is now rounding ou t hie fou rth year of aorvise wUh the Canadian axpedlU onary forces In France.

Funeral of Hariy^CM* -Wfs to Go to C ^ p Tomorrow

■ /.'y ^ lssd of ,lffy)n|i.j^ to tpor-ow -'-^^

ta ry "serv ice , .HaVry Cook, tw e n ly - t^ e years old', o ld es t Son Of Ml*, an d 'M ri- H enry Cook, w ilt be burled from hIs paren ts ' borne. 428 Badger avenue. MV. Cook died F riday n ight tn tho City H ospital a f te r an Illness of six days from pneum onia.

Mr. Cook wae a firem an on the Le­h igh Valley Railroad, where he had been employed since las t July. Ha wae horn In New York, bul moved with hts parealH to th is city w hen six -months old. He a ttended the publlo schools Of thlB city. Besides h is parents he Is su r ­vived by ono elster and two b ro th ers"- Gladys, C hester and Uaiph Cook. In te r­m ent w ill be In Evopgreen Cemetery.

To Hold Funeral Tomorrovf o f ' F. A. Leiman, Killed on RailroadKilled a t hie work late Saturday

aft«rrK>on when Ms nkull wae frac tu red an ho leaned from the ]ocomotlv«i on which liB wo.rkedr tho body of Frederick A- Leiman. tw enty-tw o years old, a rirem an on the PennBylvania R a il­road .' w a i brought to lilfl hom«, E78 B e rfrn errse t, yeetferday. Rev- Sher­man II. M arry, paiitor of the W eequahlc R resbytcrlan Church, will officiate a t funera l servL'ca tom orrow afternoon a t S:30 o'clock a t the home. In te r ­m ent w ill be In W oodland Cemetery.

Besides h is widow and th ree-year- old daughter, Mr. Ldm an Is survived hy h is parents, Mr. and Mre. Henry W. Leiman of B67 Belmont avenue, two sis ters and one brother.

“No Strikes” Compact Covers Broad Ground

Mediation B o i^ P U n j in id ,^ la ' Tuition ^l^dnjfiiples Approved’"

Rafael Navarro. Noted Musician, Dies Suddenly in New York

R afael N avarro, noted as a m usician and a leading p a trio t In the. Cuban re ­bellion during which be was captured and sentenced to death, was stricken Saturday In New York while on his way to w ork and died w ithin a few m inutv* He had resided in Montclair about a yes r.

F unera l of D. W rldlcr Garvin.F uneral Bervlces for D. TVeldler Gar-

vim ih irty -o n e years old, who until He* ceiiiber 1 lai^t lived in this city w ith liis wife and twu email children, were held this afternoon from B rueckner's funeral parlors, 16 Belmont u^•onue. Interm ent w as In W oodland t'oinetery. Mr. Garvin died W ednesday In f’hiladelphla, his iie\v home .city, a f te r an illness of a week from pneum onia. He was born in FayelievU le, Pa., and came to th is city Hcven ycara ago, when he m arried Miss K alheritie pneter. He was employed a t the Wiaaon-SUllniRn Company's plant at Aldlne until he went to Bhiladelphia, where ho w orked ut the Southwark Foundry & Maoliinc Co.'h plant.

Faaeinil Okf Fm ncla E. HutneViF u n era l aervices for Francis B.

Hulmeit, who died Saturday afternoon, w'llil be held tom orrow night a t hla home, 163 N orth Third street. In te r­m ent will be W ednesday a t Buccaiunna, follow ing services In tho Huccaounna PreKbyterian Church. Mr. Hulmeq waa a residen t of Succasunna for many years. Mr, Hulmes, who was ftfty- one years old, succumbed to pneu­monia. H e la survived by his wife and fo u r children, Miss Miriam Hiilmbs. a m issionary in Hatlllo, Porto Hleo: Donald Hulmes, a mem ber o t the Heavy Field A rtillery a t A nn isto n ;^ n u sse ll Hulm es and Alfred Hulmes, who Jive a t home.

J iM b p frex x d irh ah .Jacob Ffr{t6ndschuh, a form er rcaL

dent of th is city, died yesterday tn Gladden Lodge Hoepllal, Irvington, from pleiiro-pnenm rm ia. He waa taH-*n to the Institu tion la te Saturday a f te r­noon and succumbed early yeiterdoy m orning. He w as sixty years old and a native of Germany. Mr. Pfreund- &chuh movcYl lo Irvington two years ago from th is city where, he had re ­sided a m iniher of years. A daughter, Mrs. C harles F. Bats, w ith whom he lived, and one son. Charles Lapp of Irv ­ington, and six grandchildren survive.

Ask Court Ruling on Extent Patents May Be Used for War

WASHINGTON. April 1 fJP).—The Navy D epartm ent today aaked the fiuprems C ourt to determ ine extent to which p a ten ts can^be taken over and used by private contractors In con-

i nect.lon w ith governm enl war con- I trac ts . The roqueai was made In con- I section w'lth a motion asking tho court I to re -h ear proceedings brought by

w*nUam Cramp Soiia* Ship & Engine B uilding Co. ag a in s t the In ternational Curila Marine T urbine Compatiy. which recen tly w as decided, and which grew out of the use by tho Cramps In the construction of torpedo boat destroyers from p a ten ts owned by the C urtis com­pany-

Early determ ination of the question is uHked by A cting Secretary Hoosevelt, who nays "the departmerit has d iffi­culty in g e ttin g bulldera and manu- fac tu re rs to en te r upon contracts th a t m ay sub ject them to litigation."

The governm ent's an ti-lru a t »uU against the Associated Billposters and Dltstrihutora of the United S tates and Canada w ill be postpontd until next term , when the case Is called for a rg u ­m ent shortly a f te r the court recon­venes April H . Solicitor General Davis .announced. This action is being taken a t tho request o f th e BUlpoBters' Union, and conform s w ith (he D epartm ent of .fiiBtice’s 'p o licy of postponing conaid?- era tion of a ll a n ti- tru s t jiults now pending because of the war.

Standardt to fie Maintained

■WASHINGTON. A pril 1.—No strlkos or lockou ts h e re a f te r on w ar w o r k - such Is tho pU^Jge signed between or- fan U ed p roducers and organized labor as the re su lt of the conferenceu of the L abor P lan n in g Board, Secretary W il­son of th e L abor D epartm ent having approved th e p lan laid before him las t w eek as to ld Iti the Newa of Saturday.

A N ational AVar Labor Board, com- poeed ae w ae the p lanning Board. wlU, by m utual agreem ent, have Jurisdiction to hear and se ttle a ll disputes, with an um pire especially selected to cast (hb deciding vote In case the board ehould be deadlocked. DistDct boards w ill be organ ised under the national body.

The new’ m achinery of indualrial peace w ill be Invoked only where o ther m eans o'f ir.edl&tlon and conciliation, previously provided, have f irs t been In ­voked in vain, and where, upon re fe r­ence o f a ^ ie p u te to the hoard. It deems the con troversy of su ff ld e n t im port­ance.

In addition to se ttin g up the n a ­tio n a l and d lstrjc i system for ad justing a ll w ar labor disputes, the agreem ent lays down principlee th a t shall govern tabor re la tion upon w ar work. Chief am ong these are :

T he r ig h t of both employers and w o rkers to organ ise and to bargain co llec ilve ly ; tho m aintenance of e x is t­ing s ta n d ard s o»f w'nges and w orking eondltlofts; no coercive tacllce In push­ing o rgan iza tion e ither of,enip!oyern or Of w o rk ers , no changes In the sta tu s of c ith e r open pr cloued ehopa for (he period of the war.i.. .a



> j^ $ I N E S S

Is Listless, but ‘ $teady on Hopeful NpwsIn c re to ^ Heaviness of Motors in

Laft Hour B ^[ice<t by Fur- (

ton Rssves of th is c ity inam btrs o f the heard of tru s te e s of ths T rtn to ii In ­dustria l Art (Ichool.

NEW YORK STOCK MARKETTh* ranv* of to d ay 's prie** to r the

more aetiT* a e e u r i t i ts In th* New York m arket In co n lraa t ivlth th* prevlnu* c to* ln i q u ^ t l o n a a , furn lth*d •t0l‘ tho New* liy P o st A I' laff^,, 1* i[lven n«lpw;

1 9

hcrease Pfodoedon


One American Is Rescued From Qiinese Bandit BandPICKING, A p r i r n i ^ E . J. Pursell,

one of tho American engineers captured by bandits In northern Honan Province early la s t m onth and held for raniom , has been reecued by eoldlera-

Orders Eight-Cent Tax on Each Share in Short Stock Sales

tVABHINGTON, April l.—A fflxlh* of fo u r tw o-eont rsvenue stamp* on every share of sto.;k In a so-railed short sale of stock w ill ba required under a ru lln* by A ttorney General Gregory In te r­p re ting the p a rt of U e stam p tax in the Ias t..w ar revenue ac t which require* the p lacing of auch stamp* on aale* of cap ital stock per share, or, w here the value of a sh a re -Iri more th^n 1100, on every add itional 1100, or traction, of value, Broker* estim ate th a t It th e ru l­ing I* m ade retroactive, covering th* period since Ja n u a ry l, eeveral hundred thoueand i o t dollars will have to be collected from trad e rs for short sale* in th a t time. ; ,

E xplanation of how the quadruple tax in g comes about Is made in a s ta te ­m ent by In te rn a l Reve'nue rjoRunla- slonpr D aniel C. Roper. He points out

/ th a t In a so-called short sale tranaae- * tion there a re four taxable sales or

tran sfe rs :" ( I ) T he sa le ot stock by the person

m aking the sh o rt sa le "(2) Tho tran sfe r from th* lander ot

»lock to tho perton m aking th* short sale *o th a t he may m ake delivery of the stock Bold. .>

"(3> The purchas* by the borrow er of stock to re tu rn to tbo lender.

"(1) The tra n sfe r frem the borrow er to the lender o t short* to replace tbos* borrow ed."

Six Re-«Iected to Directorate Of Public Service Corporation

six of th* eighteen members o f ths board o f director* e t the Public S er­vice C orporation w ere re-elected for

, I ^ ‘hf** '»F th* •toekholdir* a t th*lrl ^ a i a l f o t *"f*T *"" annual m eeting today In th* Term inal

U jU . #*Y«Btr-on* y«M i old, w ho died building. They a t* Jame* F. Du**n- 8 R ^ t* a a y , w»r* h*rry. A nthony R. K u iir , Thoma* N.

F o llow ing Is the full tex t of the agreem ent;

Workera* *ad Employera* llJgkIa. "There ihouM be no strike# or lock*

ou(e du ring the war."The r ig h t of w-orkera to o rg tn lM

In trad e unlona and to bargain collec­tively, th ro u g h choeen reproaen la tlve i Ib recognised and affirmed.

"The r ig h t o f em ployers to organise In aaaoclatton of eroupa and to bargain collectively, th rough chosen repreeenta- tivea. In recognised and affirm ed.

"E m ployers ehould not dlecharg# w orkers, for m em bership In trade unions, nor fo r legfUniate trade union activ ltlee .

"The w orkers In the exerclia of their r ig h t to organ ize shall not use coercive m eaeurea to Induce pereona to Join th e ir o rgan lsatlone, nor to Induce em ­ployers to bargain or deal therew ith.

"In esiab llih m en la w here the union chop ex isia th e same shall 'continue, and tho union Kianriards, as to wages, hours of labor and o ther condltlone of em ploym enl, shall be mahilaltM'd.

"Ill CBtablishmnnts where unloji and non-‘un|on men and women now work to g e th e r and the em ployer meela only w ith em ployees or repreeenlatlvea en­gaged tn paid filabllshm entH , the ron- tlnuanee of said condition ehall not be deemed a grievance.

"EstabllBhed eafeguarde and re g u la ­tio n s for the protection of the health and sa fe ty of w orkers shall not be re­laxed.

W omen to Get Meq'e W agre,'If It shall become necessary to em ­

ploy women on w ork ordinarily per­form ed by men. they m ust be allowed equal pay fo r equal work and m ust not be a llo tted to taake disproportionate to th e ir s tren g th .

"The b a iic e ig h t hour day la recog­nized as app ly ing In a ll cases In which exlRlIng law required I t In hll e th er cases th e question of houre of tabor Rhall be se ttled w ith due regard to gov­ern m en ta l necpBsltles and the w elfare, hea lth and proper com fort of the w o rk ­ers.

"The m axim um production of all w ar in d u stries should be m aintained and m ethods of w ork and operation on the p a r t of em ployers o r w orkers w hich o pera te to delay o r/lim it production, or w hich have a tendency to a rtific ia lly Increase cost, should be discouraged.

L is t of W orkers to B r Kept,"F or th e purpose of mobillxtng the

lab o r supply, w ith a view to Its rapid and effec tive d istribution , a perm anent Ust of th e num ber of skilled and o ther w o rk ers «vw llabla In -different p a rts of the nation sha ll be kept on file by th e D epartm ent of Labor.

"In f ix in g wages, houra and condl- lio n s of labor regard -ehould alw ays be had to the labor atandards, w ag e , ecalee and o th e r copdltlone prevailing In the localities affected.

"The r ig h t of all w orkers, llncludlng common laborers, to a liv ln f w age Is hereby declared.

"In fix ing w ages minimum ra te s of pay sh a ll be established w hich will in su rs th e subsistence of the w orker and h is fam ily in health and reasonable com fort."

The n a tio n a l w ar labor board’s func­tions and pow'ers would bs as follow s;

"To b rin g about a se ttlem ent, by m ediation and conciliation, of every con troversy a ris in g between rmployern and w o rk e rs in the field of production necessary for the effective conduct of th e w ar.

‘T o do the aame th ing In sim ilar oontroviBrsles In o ther fields of n a ­tio n a l ac tiv ity , delays and obstruc­tions In w hich may i lfb c l delrim enla llv such production. ^

"To provide such machinery, by d i ­rec t appoin tm ent or otherw ise, fo r the selection of a com m ittee or boards to s it in vanou« p a rts of the country w here con troversies arise to secure se t­tlem en t by local mediation and cou- ciUa'llon.

Hearlmgs «a Be Held."To summoQ the parties to the con­

troversy fo r h ea rin g and action by the national board case of failure to se ­cu re se ttlem en t by local m ediation and conciliation.. " If th e sincere and determ ined ef­

fo rt o f th e national board shall fall to b rin g ab o u t a vo luntary ssttlem oiu and the m em bers o f the board shall be unable unanim ously to agree upon a de­cision* than and In th a t caee^ and only a s 0. la s t resort* an umpire, appointed, shall* h e a r and finally decide the con­troversy .

"M em bers of the board shall choose th e um pire by unanim ous vote. Falling such choice th e name of the um pire sha ll be d raw n by lot from a of ten persons to be nom inated by the P re s i­den t o f the United States.

’T h e board sha ll m eet In the city o t W ashington.* "The board shall refuse to tak e cog­nizance of a controversy between em­ployer and w o rkers In any field of In d u stria l o r o th e r activ ity where there Is, by ag rsem en t o r federal law* a m eans of se ttlem en t which has no t been Invoked.

"The ac tion of the board m ay .b e In ­voked, In respect,^ to ccntro'iferales w ith in Ita Jurisdiction, by the Secretary of L abor o r by e ither side in a contro* versy o r i ts duly au tho iriod rep re ie n ta - tlve. The boarS, a f te r eutnm ary con­sidera tion , m ay refuse fu rth e r hearing If the case is not of such charac te r or Im portence to ju s tify IL"

The L abor P lann ing Board, whose lab o r resu lted In the agreem ent, w as composed by six em ployers' represen* ta tlv ss , appointed by the N ational In ­d u str ia l Conference Board: i lx labor rep resen ta tiv es , appointed by Uie A m erican F ederation o t Labor, and tw o public rep resen ta tives. T he tw o las t w are fo rm er P residen t W tlllsm -H ow ard T o it an d F ra n k P, W alsh of K sneae C ity, w ho w as chairm an of the form er N ational In d u str ia l R elations Commis­sion. Both, bir* T a ft and Ur. W alsh Issued sU tem en tg yesterday, expressing g ra tif ic a tio n a t th e outcome e t th e board!s deliberations.

There is nothing new in being told, as the Import and export to ta ls have long etp tained, th a t o u r £ x b o rt trade has much more than d o m led wlihln five years, o r th a t o u r Im portations have Increased to a value ab o u t two- th ird s la rg er than In 1911. The gain in quantUii??, of rour.ae, h as not been if^pilar,' for quo tations and thdrefore varliea placed upon to ta ls o f practically everyth ing have fa r o u tru n the In­creases of shipm ents o r the receip ts In bulk.

Put into dollars, the to ta l Of exports for the calendur year 19lT, In round ntimbsrs, was |G,167.000.000. against 92,4(3,000,000 in 11113, w hile Im ports to ­taled $2,952.000,000 U s t year agalUBt $1,792,000,000 five yearw «»erorr.

This surge ahead In the m a tte r of exports was not in a s tr ic t ly alltied com pany-front by v ir tu a lly a ll leading products. X riiher w « t th e Inrushing wave of im ports evenly reg u la r. The big drives, both ou tw ard and inward, were quite Irregu lar. T hey form ed (ho picturesque points, th e p eak s of both inovemeiUs.

To Che Individual n o t ac tu a lly en­gaged in foreign trade, d e ta ils of total values of this, (hat or the o ther lead­ing commodity sent abroad , or brought into the country, a re not a lw ays of n irlk lng Interest unless oa a basis for Riudy. But to alm ost a ll w ho have an InielllRent concern fo r o u r relatione w ith the world nt la rg e th e re may be curinsUy, If no more, to lea rn w hat groups nf classified rom m odltles raiiked among the f irs t tn the g rea tly increased trade curren ts.

Thun. *ahlpmeritn of iron and steal last year constitu ted one-fifth of a l l ^ meaKured in value, of course, 'E xplo­sives and breadstuffs. about one-tenth ea<‘h, together am ounted lo about nna- fifth of the agg regate . Raw cotton came fourlli, but, inc lud ing m anufac­tured cottun, conetU uted oiie-nlntli of Oie whole.

Mfala and dairy produotr; exporled, addei! to ihc foregoing, m ade up a little more than one-half o f all. a f te r which came sm aller bul s till very Im portant exports. Including copper, m ineral oils. brusH, chemicals, d ru g s and dyes, cars und carriages.

Among expoTta w hich declined last year are ag ricu ltu ra l Im plem ents, furs* naval stores, oil cak e , lea f tobacco, wool and Tnftniifacturee.

The big gain In value o f Im porla wsb due tn tak ings of rubber, hides, skins, copper, raw silk, raw w'ool, chem irals, raw fibers, vegetable oils, tin and wood, which together l•onHtUulell m ore than dne-half of the en tlfe Im ports. Foods imporicd. which accounted fo r one- q u arte r of our ImpoiPtF, Included sugar, coffee, rocoa. breudstuffs, fru its , nuts, meat, tea and veirstHhles,

The Item of hrendstiiffs Im ported re ­fers priiirlpally to receip ts of w heal from Tanada.

It w in be very In teres ting , when the w ar ends, to discover th s dtrec'tlon and exten t to which these currenlP will change or expand. T hat they will con­trac t rapidly In doubted.

Tone Is Strong as Trading Closes

NEW YORK, April 1 (R )__S tandard*toulis In Ib* stock m arket were lls l- l« a but steady today uii the more hopa- tu l news front abroad. Sales a i'iiro x l' m ated 200,0tl0 nhares.

Tlio Inureaaed lieavlne*. of m o to r, tn th* last hour was balanced by fu rth e r gains In Tobacco and a m oderate In­quiry for Central L eather and A m eri­can Tolephone. The closing wtia firm. L iberty 3 ^ 9 sold a t SS.ilO lo *9. firs t 4n a t *11.93 to 97.01 and second 4s a t 90 'JO to 97,06.

R alls, particu larly coaler*, were the s tro n g e r faa tu re i of the dull forenoon, R eading ehowlng signs of fu rth e r accu- m utation, t.'anadlan Paclflo a lto a d ­vanced I S . but the more popular ind u s­trial*, Including I ’nliod S ta tes . Btesl. canceled part of their early gains.

Tuhaccoe. ahlppings, general motor* and A m erican Sugar were 1 to 21* point* over las t w eek 's (Inal q u o u - lions on ten ta tive pool opcratlone. L iberty bonds w ere Inacllvo and sligh tly lower, the J 't* selling a t H 90 to <8. f irs t 4* at 96.90 to 97.06 and sec cmd 4e a t 06.86 to 97.08.

R e assu ring advices from the w estern fastile fro n t served largely to ilre iig th en prices In early deallnae. No Indications nf nubile narllcipatlon w ere visible, however, In the small volume of b u si­ness.

U. 9. Steel and standard ra ils w#i conbplcuoue festuT**. w ith the copper group, a t average gains ot a point. In a few in tlan c re , notably Goiierul Mutms and T tx a a Cflmpany. advances approx i­m ated 2 points.

■AiW KriSDMi'.J S ..iy ~ .Vi ■ . !aAli*k* Gold,...... IX IH 1)4Alaekt Juneau..,,. IX IH 1))Alli*-Ch*l...... . Z4 24 24 ,Am. Con,*.*.,***., *0H 40,14 40H 40MAm, C*r4F.,.., 79}i 79 79 79Am. Loco........ 62 61H 62Am. Smelt......... 7S 77)8 71 77J4Am. Steal Fdyi.. 62H 6214 62)^ 63Am, Sugar........ lOJJf 101 101Am. Samttn...... 94H 90 H 94H 90Am. T. 4 T ___ lOlH lOlH lOOVAm. Wookn..... SIX 51 51Aiih LitiK<ft(XL i l J1 J1 J1Anocdndt.,........ 6JM 63X 6JH 63At W. I........ 106 105 105Be i-oco..... ?5« 74)i 74 H 74J4B .a a .............. M}i '52 52 52Beth. Sled, B.... 77 V 77« 77«B. R .T „ ......... MX 39H 3»MBuUcA'Supqiuu. WJ< 19)4 I9)i -49H

B y eliminating belting

r* 'V T-consequent time

Can. F ie ,........... 13SH 131^ U8M 137^ 64>* W H41U i i 40H

South Jersey Recruits Arriving at Gimp Dix

Movement of 10,000 New Selec-

tives On~'Ail in Readiness at

Camp for Men's Circus.

Parade Is to Be Held Each Day

Sffif/ Ccrreipon<tentr.CAMP DIX, April l .^ S p a c ia l tra ins

carry ing 1,161 of 10,000 rec ru its due to arrly,© here between tod ay and Friday rolled into the camp s ta tio n th is m orn­ing and early this a fternoon . Moi»l of the jriPii earns from S outh Je rsey eUy ami county boards. T he ba1ur\ce were Pat*Balc and Bergen C ounty men.

Nothing th a t belongs With u circus will Im’ mlRslng from th e sa w d u st arena xpeciacle th a t the SeveiU y-elghth Na- tlor^Rl sVrmy Division w ill pu t on Wad- nesduy. Thursday, F rid a y and. Saturday of th is week. Even th e *krly morning caravan of olrcuB p ro p e rtie s wae car­ried out by the so ld iers d u rin g the wee hourn of today. A rm y ■wagons and ftUlomoblle tru ck s b ro u g h t down from T renton many loads of p araphernalia iieressary for the b ig Show.

Lieutenant K elleher of th e 311th In ­fan try . once ft ca tch er fo r the New York N ational L eague team , Is super­intending the build ing of a division diamond, field ahd g ran d stan d The big games will be played th ere . Byron B, ivalion, camp a th le tic d irec to r under the W ar D epartm ent Commlaelon on Training Camp A ctlvltlee, Is directing the job of building a q u a rte r-m ile track for field eventF. If the eln 'ue le a fln tnc ie l luCt;v»^P g ih le ttc season should be a hum m er, fo r th ere is a, w ealth of m ateria l am ong the khakl- cled population.

Grain Pricca Are IrregularAfter Steadiness at Opening

CHICAGO, April 1 (A ')— Grain price* Showed sUedinesB today, apparen tly aw a itin g m ilita ry deveiopinente in P icardy, r o rn elarlcd a trifle eualcr, Influenced by favorable w eather, but soon rallied as ti resu lt of afa tte red puri'hasing . Opening p rk t‘». whlcli ex ­hib ited ViiC. decline, w ith May were: followed by a rnlty n> abnve yal- urday 'e closing flgureSr

L ate r the m arket luriit:il weak uw lng fo tho U rg e proportion of inferior grades coming forw ard. A decided In ­crease of the vlrlble ttupply to ta l counted also ns a bearlab factor, PrIrcH cloned uneelUed. % net lower w ith May 1.2014.

Auaplcoue field romlltlnnn had only a tran sien t beorlwli rffei-i i/n oate. On the dow nturn , sho rts became active bujeiB and gave prices n m aterial lift. After hav ing opened unchanged to ^ %c. off. With sMay to 85H* H'bm urlu‘1 Bcored m oderuic general gains.

Pruvlilbiie weakened owing to a fall- iftK off In shipm ents. Hceiries, hog arriviila here for March were bliown to have bopn ilie most plentiful ev«-r known for th is time of the year.

hnbt^cqueiitly an upturn t»f Iho hog m nrkcl led («> n rftlly, cMpecUJly In lard.

I'M'-ea dotjill;—No. 2. yellow, 1 .76^180; Sc.

3 vHlow, 1.&O01.OO: Ncr. 4 yellow, Mb.y- 1.60.

(M is—No. 3. StHtfrfOPi: fliandord,90m ?:. Hye. No. i. 2 H7. Harley, l.eO'ir 1.P&. Tim othy, G.OOia'B.^u; clover, 28 IHlti> 31.0.0.

I'or k—Norniiial.Isarii—US.75.Ulba—23.n « | 23.97.MlNNEArOLKS, April I C o r n -

No. .7. I.65€n,60.Udlfi—Nu. 3,F lour—H igher In rarloail lo t.s;.stand­

ard. 0-’'5 ft harrel. Hran. 33.14.The following qiiolatlons frnm thi- Chlcesn

i poarct of Trade were ■■ ' *--•* » *Byrne & ■

(‘’orij—April . . .

OhIh—April . . .Way . ■ •

P o rk - May . .

1,*Td —MayJuly ..

Cen. Letiher...... 65 V 64)i 65VC. 4 0 . . . .......... 56)4 56>i 56,»iC„ M. 4 S t P ... 4 1 » 41X 41VCbik Coppif...... 15,1) 15« lS )iCbina Copper.. . . 41)4 41 41VCol, G u 4 Elac. 32 32H 32VCons* G u ........... 66 86 66Coni Prod.......... 36 J5V 35 VCrucible Sled...... 6J>4 62V 62 VDial. Sk .............. 41H 40V 40VErie..................... 15 IS 15Erie, l i tp t ........ 2H 26 28Coi. Dec Co 138 H 137)4 131^ 137Ctn. Melon...... 120 U7>i 118 118

(urninhod J. M.

OniTi,. l i i k

1U8h. Low. Clfii*.prev‘*ClOM. J e u i Co............

138 12414 n i ' i 125% lobicco F rol...,89 57 H e»'i Union Pacific.....

. 84 H 8b H 83 H UmCigu Stora..

. 47-flO 47,Tfl 47.47 47. 47,85 U. S. I n i Al..... 3&.7fl 7G.IS 25.80 35.8b SE.BB U. S, Rubber, lab

3b.TS 2b,IS 2:..95 36.99U. S. S te e l,.....

Gt. Noith., pr....Gt. No. Or*........Intpintion..........Inter, Con,, pt...., In.H tr.ofIllinois Cen.........Inicr. M. 2 5 ljImer. M.M.,pr„ 9 1 ';In. NicktL....... . 28HKrnnecalt....... ... 31Lade. S tee l....... 77Max.Mot.. btpr.. 52|i;Meilo*n Pel...... 93)tMiami C oppn... 31Midvtl* SIm I . . 451;M. , K. &T..... 4MMo. Fac............. 22Nat Lead........ . 56Nevada Coni..,. 19N. Y.Cent,........ 6 9 ^N .Y .,N .H ,4H .. 29J,Nor. P ad lic ... . 85|*Penn......... .......... 44JiPeople'! G as.. . . 42}8PItla. Coal.......... 52R j, Steel Spring., 52Raj Coni........... 23^1Reading.............. 82 HRep. L ft Steal, 79South. Pac.......... £3>5So. R f................ 22J^do. Rp.| p r . , , ; , , 601^Sludebalier........... 41Sinclair O il........ 2S)iTenn. Copper....



Va.-C8TOlloa..... 42 }4WabiMi ............. 7H^^abaah,p^. A»... 40MWabaii, pr. B..„Will Union......Wettinghousa..,.'White Motota....Wilaen Companj.

SOH 90 90H2S>i 27 Vi 28 47 M 46X 47

. 43 41H 43^16M 115M U5M

9b H 96 H %H 25)i 24H 25 9 1 '; 90 M 90M28 H m i 2SH31 30M 30M

76 M 77 52 J8 52>t S2M 93)i 31 3145 454M

BM alKThla Iwm*. • ! ! H t P rM pM t av*. DM. iellow aft t r InU rm an t In Weed* iH d 0*iB*t*ry. Rev. W N ia 0. W lUen. M ltn r o f ttl* > m n am |* l B aiitU t Chufrib. Sm <1)M*i1 th e eanrie**. Mr. Vr**l*iH’a dMttb.«Mae b u t a m ontb a f te r th* eel*, b ra tlq a o f ^ a e O ftte th v e d d lh f a»nl-v*r*a(l>t .. .

Mr. T m la n d , who w as b e m A yrtl IT.I K i ln l4 im n Countr. ia*rrM M tolC arter, Hr. Horran, Edmund W. Wata Jjliiia .a MawlBnald F*brwa»f H, tW , JOenrr a Tenint And L»w|» Util*.n e . i e u p l *

1' MOM a t J U

M cCarter, R andal H eraaitt f, Horae* B a rd in s and O a tra l A- H ebart.

S im ilar m «*tlw * were held by tb* Rublic 64unrlee El*ott1c Centpanr, th* Rqblic 8*rvle* R ailw ay Cemyany and th* PuMIe B*rv]e* G ai Company. Th* d irector* re-*t*ot*d by th* •lee tiie and railw ay oompani** ir*r* Mr. McCart»r, W aiten C lark , Mr. Ku«er, V«aV R. He

Enlisted Naval Men to Receive Legal Aid in Civil Relief Act

WASHINGTON, April 1 — Inorder that th* eq11*4*d men o f th*

Liberty Loan Campaign Awaiti Only Word of Quota for City

Frepftrationfl for th<* open ing of the cam ralgn to raise N ew ark 's quota of the third L iberty Loan a re now lyell In hand, and about all th a t Is needed to complfle the p lans qf th e com m ittee is the n/flrlHl announcem ent of the quota, which Is not y e t In hand. The Boy ficoula of (he c ity ag a in w ill take a big part in the Work, and th e ir ef­fo rts will be aece lsra ted by a mass m eeting for nrouts and acout officials F rid a y . evening a t . th e C en tra l High Siuhooh

At this m eeting se rv ice emblemn aw arded to local s ro u ts fo r w ork done In the second Toan oan ipalgn will be aw arded. These Include 1 Hi w ar se r­vice emblems for scou ts who sold ten or mors bonds, the '‘P re s ld c n fe flag’* fo r the scout tro o p th a t obtained the g rea test num ber o f subscrip iions, u L lv ln tito n tnedal to be given the New­a rk boy who w as am ong the twelve scouts in the country to obtain highest records, and "the B am berger bicycle," fo r the scout w ho sold the g rea te s t num ber of bonds in N ew ark.


i a s S i » - S T B V>, u r n * tb»:

» r

n*vy m*y tecureAri* full b*n«flti oif th* leldlsr* And mil or*' etril r*U*f *et. th* NAvy Pep*.rttn*nt h*e armnfkd for the co-ap*rotlDn of. th* 4.(60 l*a*l *d. vleory board* orsonlud throuthout tbo country by the American ,Rar Aesocia- Uon. '

Wh*n o' loUor wont* odvke - f t (o bi« rlKhta under the lovr an appeoi to hit commandtnB officer WtH c* t tb* e«*o hrtord tbo .noar*il.ad«l»rp boMtf WitJi tn* ittpieM that an attam or b*

H W pw w t t tm r w Mi r p t i K f " I I t , I .1 t-

NEW YORK COTTO> MARKETNEW YORK, April I ( * ) . —Report*

of rain* In the Bouthweit cauaed eome eeattered ■•nine In the cotton market at th* r«oponln( today, but the offer* Inf* were well taken by trade buying and after openlnir 6 to 2S point* higher aetlv* month* aold 15 to 88 point* abov* Thuriday'* cloainie llirure*. Th* omelal weather map ahowed precipita­tion at fevera! points In the Southwnet over the three-day adjournment, ami there were a number of private vlre.s *UH**tlnK that part* o f Texae bad received enough rain to ennblr [armbra to proeeed with work and h'elp cotton already planted. The fcellnir anpeaii:!! ,lo be, however, that there had been nothing.but temporary re lief from Ihc eerloua winter drouth, and aplnntrs were reported lo be calllnE coneldorabi* cfotton on the advance to 82.45 for July and *1.1* for October.

Demand taper«d oR, aromnd 22.47 tor July and 21.23 for Oqtober, or about 28 to 28 point! above Thuriday's clDiIni; flffurea. ReaoUan* of * or Itt point* fol­lowed under roallilnE. but therq w'er* very few eontract* for. aale around th* rlnfi and the tone waa ctn era lly eteatly late In th* m ernlnt. The buylns by trade Inlereata wa* the faalitr* on the advanca, and waa accompanied by re. ^ r ta thet aplnnera were Hxlnir price* or bnyinr acalnat further (aloe of Kooda to thd Bovernment.

Covarlnc bacama mora active durlns the early afternoon and for a time the market wa* almoat MnaatJtnally ax- oit*d with all deltvorlaa m akint new h lfh recordi for th* •*c*on. May lold iip td ILH find July to 18 J * or T« to 78 point* net hlfhar, whll*- October ton«b*d ll.4d or 47 poiuU abov* Tham- d*jr'* o)o*«. Th* nurrp vrfpnji dqiund •uotidod at ttala level and tatar fluo-

NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET {NKW YORK, A udi 1 .(|7’!:-r'l''lo<ir^-

IJulel. Springs. lO.TTiiffl 1.351 wlntiT:'. J0,SB®11.15; Kansas, iq.HOtyl 1.2.5. Hyo Hour, qu ie t; fair to good. I,.75®H.'J.5; choir*' lo fancy, 15.00i9'15.3o: Julv *pol and to arrive. Barley Hour, ataurty; ll.76(h'13.25 per 98 lbs. W hite corn flour, steady: 6.56 In 190 Ih. sacks.Parley, ite e d y . feeding. l.Sfi't, 1.99: maltliiK. 2.00®2.20; coat of fre ig h t New York.

F ork—-UneeUled: mess. ,92.56^.58.09; fainlly, 55.60; plinrt rlcar. .BS.OOffr.I.'K'.

I,»rd— Easy; Middle W est, 26.,7n^p 28.40.

Coffee— Spot, itra d y ; No. 7 Rl.j. P tl; No. 4 Santos, l l '* .

T allow —Steady; city ep edai loose, 17 >4.

H ay—Steady, No. 1. 1.56; No. 2, 1.36 ® 146; No. 3, [email protected]. ehlpplng. l.'rO Q U O .

Hides— Steady; Foso ta , 36033, Cen­tra l .Imerlca, 29032.

S tra w —.Steady. No. 1 rye. 28.66'i3i35.''i6. Uoans—Steady: m arrow , 16,06(5 16,25;

medium, 13.50fel3.75, pea, 13.7B®ll.im; red kidney. 14.T66i15r06.

H ops—Q uiet; H ate, medium to choice, 1617, 35043. 19K, nomlnul; I’ai.-lllc Coast, 1917, 20023; 1915, I4 0 I8 .

L eather—Firm ; heminck sole, over- w eight*. No. 1, 47; No. 2, 45.

B u tte r— Firm ; receipts. 13,824; cream , ery, h igher then cxirae, 43’.* 0 4 4 ; cream ery, ex iraa (92 aciyre), 43; firs ts , 41^42<4: seconds, 88H (f46H .

E ggs—Steady: recolpta, 38,946; fresh gathered ex tras, 39; ex tra flr»t.e. 37(f 37'.i; ftrs le , 85i4#38Vi; Bsconda, 340.75; sta te , F’e rnsy lvan ls and nearby W est­ern hennery, white*, fflie to fancy, 41 B'42; e ta te , Pennsylvania and nearby W csiern hennery, browns, 39®40; mixed colors, 38(838.

Cheese—Irreg u la r; rocelpta, 941; xtale. w hole milk, flats, held, epecUla, 24035; do., av erage run, 33(82388.

P o u ltry —Live, strong ; old roosters. 27; young roosters and am oolh-legged chlSloens, 35; turkeys, 35. Dreaeed, qu ie t; chicken*. 27031. fowls, 28035, tu rkeys, 25038.

Beeves—Receipts. 8,145; steady ; Bteera, 16.25014.35; bull*. 7,56012.2'.,' cows, 4 50016,00.

Calves—Receipts, 3.886. firm : veals,17.60021.00; culle, 12.00016.00; little caivea, 10.00011.50.

Sheep and Lam bs—Receipts. 2.830; sheep, nom inal; lambs, firm ; unshorn Inmbe. 19.25020.50.

H ogs—Recblpta. 8,285; easy; lig h t to heav}'. 18.00018.50; piga, 17.50018.00; rough*. 17.00.

F otatoe*—tVeak, Bermuda, barret, 5,0007.75; F lorida, late crop, barre l, 4.0008.50; Southern, 100 pounds, 1.50(0 1.76; Maine, ino pounds, 3.900 2.27; Long Island , 100 pound*, 1.8002.00; Jersey , rounds, 100 pounds, 1.9001.75: sw eets, Jersey , basket, 1.0002.50.

Cabbage*—Steady, w hite, barrel,1,0001.50; redc'barrel, 4.0005.00.

21V 2254 56 55V19 19V 18V69V 69 V 69V29 29 2985)i 8SV44» 44V 44 V42 4252 5252 52 V 51Vm 23)i81H 81V 81V78^ 7SV 78V83H 83V 8JV22H 22V 22V60 V 60V 60V38 V 38 V 41V26 VI 26V 2817 V 17V 17 V

143 14451V 5171 50V

U9,V 119 V 12087V 87 V 16V

122 122V 122VlOJV 103V 102 V90,V 90V 89V78V 79V 7842 ♦2V 41V

7V 7V40 40V 40V22V 22V92 9240V 40V 40V42 42 42V55 55V 5617 V 17V 17 V

C B Betting fa uniform quaiity—th

U made from the ten ter hide of ihe packer

steer—the beat in orld.

85 rile today for liooklel, ‘'The Drive Alorc I’uTrer.**


B o l t e nlAFAVEtTS ST.

Two way* to save daylight—

Set the dock ahead and uie "Barreled Sunlight"I'xR )h« OIL paJnt with a alngn)'. (llaellilB flnlih. Made hy aepec'ial pTi>c«Ni ovar which havo cxclUBlvt control. Contain* n4) VHnUtlv. Ita flrm» yet (•laetlo • urfHCfr wiK not crack or acale. for it ejcijnndji. and rnntrarlsi with InniporHiura changes and wliti- aUndr vlbratfona. IJiad In ovor 4,900 piamB.

RICE’S M il WHITE(Bgrreled Sunlight)

Th» erlgtsal "UHI While." It Inorraaei your daylight 19% to

hy actual t«iti. RaflanU every ray of natural and artlflclAl Ilfhtr ReduCBE your llRliiing blUi. Rm Ibis dirt. la vanliury find can ha ivanhtd clean wh4% other palnia need recoatlng- Ke- malne wIiUb long afler other t>atnti hnve turned yfttnw undvr ihe namo condltlimw. Fur all !u- tcr1r>r UBB In ehopa. factorleM, Mlnrca, ruaiaurnnte, etc.

ftolil in barrela, alan In r«na. MadB in Uiota, E!gg ?4h«ll and Flal.

U. S. Gutia Percha Paint Co.I’rovidctice, B. f.Nnid In Nnk-ark by

JJ.HOCKENJOS C0,829 6mdSl•loaeph Krhuedel, M’arrrn Nl.A. r . 4je(rhli|a * Cik, 47« Hrmid At.(Vm. VI'eInrirh O. t.. Klmmerle A

field Ave.KeIdJrr l»nif Co., Ferrjr fit.

I l l Jtfnlberry M. Bru.4 dm Nirrlog-


WihT* Over........ 17i|f*E*. Dividend, tEx, Right,

NEW YORK BOND MARKETThe foltoivlng quotation!

hy ro il L Flagg:

Am. T. A T. rit, . . Anglo. Fr. l i t &B- .Airji 4 a ............. .Ali'h adj. ia ........H. X- u. J t4 i . . . . . . .H *• O 4 a .............

A: O. evt, ..nui. of N. .1. Sa •

f . * O, ha rv t . . .r • ft- a . (8vi. 4iea .■ IV ^ O. 4«.........Oil I.eilner Co. tmI. h i. Gi. Wpii, 4e. .I’llll'. 7(t .................t'or A- i4f). 4 Ub. ■ •Ulh f'f'c L'orp. 61. - . KrU' yi-n lien 4a..Brio fvl, 4a A ..........1 A 4P....................lni*-r rup Tr. fit. .Kan. I'Uy do, bi, . , ,

ghure 4a.........Ligsei! A Myera fii. l.Iggril A Myeri 1 1 , Jfi>n}f4. A NHjth. 4i..M . K. A- T. ;'ii.......Mo. Pae. 4a.............

Y'. V. A L sS.S'Ae N y. Air Urako Wa. N. Y. r . A &. fh *B

V. Hallway a* .Not I’a rifle 4.y .. . .Nor. I'llLlflr Tff . . Or«'. Sh. iJne 4i4. Ore J’liGrl Line j". . Ore. Mh. Ltne '4n,. J'. t,.irlllHTil &a • i'a-', T. A- T. ba. . . . Viih .Mrrvlfr ba , .St. \, IV Isf 4hfit) I’lf.- 4a. ............Kr. rur. t:vl. 4e.Hd I’hf' »;vl. r»a. . . .Sii. Il>. 4 3 .............f?4) Hy, ba ...........TeXa-S 'V ov....... ..riilfiit rac 4a .......r , K. .St-rl fie.........VIr. Hallway b l . . . -AV'iihaah Iftt ba.......WabiHl* Jd b l.........

Ciiiori 4Viia. . . AVIa. Cenl. 4 » .........

w iri runiiaheilOpen­ Jiifb- Low- £t00

ing. 8*11. F-M.b: i t 91 H 81 \l»9 »0'b 90 0U1*Sqi-j tO', Sn >0 8()',73 7 7* 73 73Ti


&0 ■*b«i *b' * 90 H2;ii4 - .U . 7J

SaS 9 : \ i


Before eurdiaiing oil.fecurities il will pay you to investigate

B A R N E T T O IL a G A S

1 comptny with an outlet for its entire production and a de­mand for the products of its refinery greatly exceeding the

available supply.Write for letter B-S

O V s K EKinney Buildinii Ncwnrlti N. J*

PIIMM kArkii TMU N. Ts city, Bwtea, Chltogo, ThfU

6 ik 44






NEW YORK CURB MARKETTh«) follDwIor quolillDna

hy KJaeie A King:were furnlihod

AMtia V'xploilvia.. <’h«vrn.|f7t Motor*.

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quotEtlnni (May were fur-

niihed by Y. I. Iitppel & Co.Bid. Aaked. 1444b R798 9G

180 lt«71 10>890 91 Tb AO

U l l i i 18 9«47 70U 90 16 979b 97

tl« Hb I t 71 I t 94 »»

101 1649b 93 71 I t

115 13999 9191 70

„ - 7* 7bOom- Union A UJd. Lfg* C«> 4». 79 71Unltid Slecdic Co. 4 i-.............. 79 73

Bondi, guarantied itocki and public B«r« view CorMfteatM auoud 'and IntiraiL"

Celluloid ....... ..............................Coniolldatdd Traction ..............(TonooUdated Traction b a ......*rcoiox A Hiidfon Goi Co............Gaa & £SI«cir1c of Birgen Co.. . .Goi A ElocC of 1 . Co. lot bl----4141 k ElKdrlc of D. Co, gon, laHftckaDiacli W4t*r 4i................Hudton County Gai C o , Ku(]#m County Goa bo- - . ' . , .leroly C1t>\ Hob. t Fat. 4 i ..: .Newark ConaoL Go* C o ,..........NVVvark Coniol. Oaa Co, g t.........Kowoi-li Pan. JUih Co.Newark Gaa Co. *•....................Korlh Jeraoy 8t. natlway 4i —P a t A Pai. Ge d; Eloe. Co........ .Pol, ft P u . O. ft Kt. Co. b l . . . .Public Bervift ..........................Pubild Barrlfo CtrUfltatoo- •. • • < Publlo N reici Oan* If. 19b*...* Bouth Jericy.O.. CL A Tr. Co.. South Ferooy 0*. *L ft Tr. Co* 6i sofo. ynjott ft MJd* Ltg.'Co,..


High' Low, P M. Cleic.IH IH 8>A Mb m 111 111 117

.......... . 8H n%

.laKlm Munttloni.' H H % 9-IdBmlth Moior Truck 2 l'I6 2 9-16 2 9-U . . . .Httimlird Motora... 12H 1!1 IIH . . . .

) Mioei Alloya........... *H *% 9H . . . ,TrI. Film V. t. rtfs 1 1 I 13-19V. H. Light ft H il t I 1 I *. ..IV H. HUatnahlp---- b b g bViilt“d Mot o n ....... 2IH Z9H 89V9World Fll.tij ctfa.. W H ’A *•-•


8«m* Union ft MJd. Ltg. Co.. Ltge'

F e « r ftn « lB tB « g ta *>g S a v e n e r .Slaff roiTMposdeaer.

TRENTON, A pril 1.—Jq h n A. H « k- w ell o f BotnervUie w as reappolnled bT G overnor Edge today ae a m enibor ofth* Stgt* Board of U ndertakrina W ill- - jlam B. M. B urrelt of Catadan w *a v e-lcu h e* . 8.801 XXXX powdered,

minted on ihe aam t board lo Mieceed I powdered, 7.10; fine granulated, • u l f e M . T h A f te v e r a u •!* • t fttatnoBd A. T.Ui oonlaetliuu A,

IfiM----- C. IbMllM: ^ .iClUs| N*. 1,1.1*. . 1 , 1 .

Barnett O. ft Oi.'oadrn ft Co.........Federal VU .........Mldweir Oil...........U k la .- * O I i .......................Okla. Pm. ft R e f...Ofiimr Oil ft n i l ----Sanulna Roflnlngi-

MININBoa. ft Mont.........Cilidenia Uln- - - • •ChI. ft Jorom o....raah Boy ...............Com. Aria, ftmolt.. Emma Coppar - - • • Hrcla Mining .«•« Jer^mo Vordoi .pr- JumhO'Eitemlon llfinh ^fining —Mnthor Lode.........NlploMtig..............R a y K e r c u le a .............

' f i P X . Co b . M . . , * . e iRoeheiter M <rtllvar. PIrk.............BucciM Mining Tnnopah BOlmotlt,. Tonopah U atop... Yukon Gold...........


I 9-U 1 i ‘l t I M b




i 7-is 15-le


Bugar, eteadp i cen trifugal, 8.065; m o- laiaea, nom inal; reflnad, ateady ; cutloaf, 8,88i cruahed , 8,70; tneld A. 7,86;----- *---- J J t f f

7 ;« ; I M i


War SAVINGS StampsAre Accepted

a t

Calholk Protectory Headtpiartert 871 Broad St„ Newark

Send a Bond—.Save a Boy

UPON request we sliould be pleosed to furniah copies of

any of our recent special letters, coveria* Cosden & Co„ Federal Oil, Ray Hercules, Howe Sound, Boston & Montana. Calumet ft Jerome, Bijt Ledge, Northwest OR and Midwest Oil.

S ) |rrla l L e lle r th le w e ek on


P f E S A C O -BOMWtSt."’* ''* " '- ' '*®V£WY0*

QSaE&KINOMtmbara o t (ho New Y ork avd rk lladelph la S ta c k B x e k m a g * * .


Bonds7 5 8 & 7 G 0 B r o a d S t .

POST & FUGGMember. N, V. Meek MxchanaeSTOCKS & BONDS790 Broad St.


Memtier C.»ee)M»t*d **« * ■ » »» «• Y.* CUNTQN BT., LKIGN M AO ,

■ a tb M n r lN t^ m . ' V Ilf


,-Si- 1?,

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Mrs. Swasey Is Back from France

Here to greet you. To t*lk with you. To tell of her experiences abroad in shippinj} gifts to the boys with

^^*^*Mrf.*Swasey several months dgo left America and went to Paris to organize a Paris Shopping Service for American Soldiers with the Expeditionary Porces

After organizing this service, she is now in America, in the Bamberger Soldiers’ Comfort Division.

Important News for You!

Half-Price Sale Eiderdown W ool 25c Ball

R e g u la r ly S o l d a t 5 0 c B a l l

Jusi ihe thing for arriage robes, couch afghans and ^soldiers blankets—may be crocheted or knitted into beautiful squares and stripes—now is the time to make them—they will be ready when needed.

Turquoise Old RoseChinese Green Pink GoldOn sale, while the quantity lasts, at half-price.


Old Blue White

23c ball.

The government has prohibited us from sending packages to American troops abroad except under special and stringent

T'hirmeanTthatlhe safest and most “patriotic" way of nendine eifis to your boys abroad is to have them sent from our pirti Ihopping C c a u ith c bureau organized by Mrs. Swasey.

You place your order here, we forward it to Paris, and ship­ment from Paris is made as soon as possible. A charge of 10<7» is mad* for this service. . „ , „ „ .

MraAwaaey in in the Soldiers Comfort Shop, Second Floor.

N O T I C E !Beginning Monday, April 1, the Bamberger

Store Will Open at 9 o’clockInstead of 8:30, and Close at 5:30 as Heretofore

' In fu rth s r In co-op«rat* w ith the governm ent In Ite fley*lig h t sav ins plan, we have decided to ahorten our w orkday by one- ha lf hour Onr po^workera wSU thua have not only the eajlro* hour of devllffht !n the afternoon . a» provided by the new law. bu t aleo an addlffonaJ half hour In th e m orning to devote to Ihelr own and th e ir couniry 'a iieede.

fltore cloaes Saturday a t 6 o 'clock, aa usual.

f(As Sketched)

All-Linen BlousesW e ll T a ilo re d

2.00Splendid service models for

■women engaged in Red Cross, surgical dressings and other work that requires tm- macMlate white apparel.

The pretty, graceful collar may be worn open, as sketched, or buttoned high under the chin. A dark blue ribbon tie accompanies the blouse.

Fashioned of that sturdy qual­ity linen that it is becaming more and more difficult to obtain.

Sizes 36 to 46, offered at 3.0(1,BAM l“ O B R & -T m R D ELOOtR

Ask Our Garden Expert

^He is here in the Bamber­ger Basement, surrounded by Seed Tape, Garden Imple­ments and Fertilizers, to an­swer all questions concern­ing gardens.

He will help you plant your garden so that it will GROW!

His advice is* without charge. You are at liberty to consult him any hour of the day.

Hia Name h A. J. RICHARDS

He knows seeds. He knows garden tools. He knows lertilizers. He knows soils.

He is familiar with vege­tables and Howers.

Asking him BEFORE YOU PLAN I will save you MONEY on both seeds, fer­tilizers and garden toots.

See his miniature garden in the Basement, which will help you pattern yours this year.

Have a garden, H e l p Uncle Sam.


Extraordinary Sale of the Very Fashionable Khaki Kool Silk

R e g u la r ly 4 .0 0 Y a r d — 3 6 In c h e s W id e ,

T w o Days Only at 2.50 YardA fashion opportunity—an economy opportunity—no

woman who dresses smartly will want to overlook it. Here are the beautiful, genuine Khaki Kool silks in all their bizarre, artistic color effects offered at a price that saves you just $1.50 on every yard.

K h a k i K o o l I s A b o v e A l l S i lk s th e M o s t D e s ire d f o r S m a r t S p o r ts W e a r

Batik effects—stencil checks—discs and squares blocked brilliatiUy, on neutral grounds—patterns that might have been copied from ancient Peruvian water jars—color stripes borrowed from Persian shawl pat­terns—futuristic effects—every color combination that good taste permits. Come and choose early, at 2.50 the yard. ■


Rem arkable Sale of Big Com fortable Fireside

Chairs, 2 9 .7 5S o ld R e g u la r ly a t 3 9 .5 0 to 5 9 .5 0

The fireside chair meets every demand of beauty, fashion and comfort. You will find this group exceptionally desirable—the coverings are of velour, tapestry and damask in the wanted col­orings, Each piece bas full spring edge—apd in

most of them thcr^ arc loose cushion seats filled with individual springs and upholster­ing of moss and hair.

The quantity is lim­ited. It will be wort!* your while to come early. These are un­usual bargains—29.75.BAM BERGER'S—<TH FLOOR

W omen’s 1.50 Embroidered Kimonos from Japan, at

1.19They are truly wonderful,

at this price.You know the kind—typi­

cal Japanese models devel­oped in heavy cotton crepe in blue, rose, pink, deep blue and wisteria.

They are hand embroid- .ered—deep, flowery sprays done in white and colors— with artistic effect.

Eaeh kimono has an obi at­tached.

Made with full sleeves— ideal Spring and Summer lounging garments.

We only have 375 in all. This means you must not

delay.While the quantity lasts,



R. &G.Corsets

Give Fashion Correctness

Beaded Girdles From Paris

Clocks are accurate timekeep­ers, and. beautiful in design. When you want a clock it is economy to buy the best.

CHELSEA CLOCKS—Jeweled lever movemenls; no pendulum; strikes on the hour and half hour; ship bell gong; can be had silent if desired; mahogany cases in period designs; also cast bronze cases. Priced at 34.00 to 132.00,

—is well as complete bodily comfort, at very moderate prices. —They are priced at 1.00 to 3.50. —The Spring assortment of R, & G. models contains individual models for all figures—Ihe wise woman will say to the sales­woman, "will you please measure me, and then show me the model I need?''—She will be delighted with the result.—Pink and-white, in the pre­ferred fabrics, perfectly made.


The height of fashion is ex. pressed in the color schemes of these artistic girdles. 14..50.


Hew Muif Thrift Stamps Hitc YouAs fast as you fill a book of

"Thrift Stamps” exchange them (or War Saving Certificates on which the Government pays you 41,( interest compounded quar­terly.

Buy "Thrift Stamps,” and help, the Government 'win the war. They are for sale'everywhere.

iVivo as Sketched)


" k t

Clocks on Sale This Week. .SO mantel clocks; oak cases;

8-day: strikes on hour and haif- hour; at 4.35.

11.50 mantel docks; mahog­any finished cases; ■ tabour shapes; 8-day; hour and half- hour strike; at lU.UO.

18.00 crystal regulators; con­vex front; panel with polished gold mountings; 8-day; hour and half-hour strike; at 15.00.

7.50 to 10.00 travelers' clocks, fi.OO to 8,00; folding leather cases; reliable timekeeptrs.

23.50 chime clocks, at 19,00.75.00 small chirhe clocks; high

grade mahogany cases; at 60.00,100.00 chime clocks, 133.00,

exceptionally fine movements and chime; rich mahogany cases.

.300.00 chime clock sets. 250.00; chimes with beautiful tone;finest quality works in carved mahog- anv cases, with side Ornaments.

550.00 chime floor clocks, 490.00; tubular three-chime movemenls; beautiful mahogany cases.

350.00 gritldfather clocks, 290.00; chime movements; ma­hogany cases.

225.00 grandfather clocks, 190.00; chime movements; ma­hogany cases.

75.00 hail clocks, tt 63.00.BAMBERGER'S—FIRST FLOOR


All of our youngr Am erican manhood is leiarnlnir a. lehaon th a t w in pink in. and In. un til U can n«ver be com pletely for* Rotten,

niaclpllne.1 have in mind nrie younir

fellow whose chief quality not long ago spemert to b« n happy-gn-lucklnefia th a t wnit him many frienda, bu t did no t fml him verv fa r In huplneas.IT. RIII4 >1*1 .> I'WI '«l izunni*-''*--*

lim ..^'S a Hue fillOW and T like him. bu t T pan never pin him down to nnythlnff, and I don't, belicvp I'll ever be able to advance him."

Tog ahould see th a t young mBii now.

He‘s In the army, a p rlv sle . and In all the ran k s th e re la no g rea ter a tick le t for '9W and order. He drills w ith one eve on hla officer, ready not o'nlv to obey bu t to m eet ordera half way. And In *Yerv spare moment he stud ies hard for promotion.

You shoiibl hear him ta lk about a chap's duty , and wliat he Hhould am ount to, ,

PlecipllBfk did it. and 18 doing it for ihouaande and thousands of younjr m en all the way from nere to the T*a- clfic. fToni the Canadian bor' dec to the Culf.

Shipment of Quaint Little Kimonos from JapanF o r A m e r ic a n K id d ie s o f 2 to 6

50cSome time ago we announced the receipt of a

group of these kimonos—they went so rapidly that many customers were disappointed.

Now they may be consoled—for this time we have l',200 of them, made of the real Japanese cotton crepe in floral and foliage patterns. Fash­ioned with deep pocket-sleeves and self-belts.

* Rose, deep blue, light blue and pink color ef­fects. Exceptionally low priced, while they last, at


Cook by Electricity

.4 rid C o n serve B o th T im e a n d L a b o r

Servints tre scarce — why worry about them—aolve yaur cooking problem! in tlie modern scientific way, with electricity.

Apply the same principle io ironing—an electric iron ia a joy to use.

We carry all modern electric appliances, of best quality.

Bread toasters, 3.0# to 7.00.Table grills, 7.00 to 12.50.Coffee percolators, 10.00 to

17.00.Chafing dishes, 10.00 jo 18.00.Smoothing irons, 2.98 to 6.00.Room heaters, 6.00 to 10.00. .Round disk stoves, 6J10 to 7.00.

BAMB’ERGERB—b a s e m e n t

U M p e a t ^

Theater Tickets On Sale Here

T teket! for th* Broad T hoator and Proctor's Thoator on oals a t th a Bamboraer IntormatlOB Doak. ft ra t floor.

Buy your t te k tis hero wfaUo ■hopplnc.

Remarkable Sale of Women’s 45.00 to 65.00 Coats

at 39.50The smartest, most desirable coats you

ever saw—rich, fine materials developed along the season's most approved lines— only one or two of a kind—and only fiftycoats in all—wc hope you will be earlyenough, Mrs. Interested Woman, to see most of them before you make your choice.

We didn't expect—didn’t even hope— to get these coats at a concession—but here they are—and here is your oppor­tunity!

Wool Velour Duvet Delaine Satin and Wool

Most of them are lined throughout with beautiful pussy willow silk and plain or fancy peau de cygne. Coats for dress occasions as well as general wear. The wanted Spring shades.

In the lot are a few sizes for the larger woman. 39.50.



( T\vo as Sketched^

A Wonderful Sale Price on 100 Girls’ Lingerie Dresses

5.00 tR e g u la r ly T h e y W o u ld B e 6 .0 0 to 10 .9 5

Most of them are beailtiful sample dresses, made up for the trade's inspection. Some of the others have been taken di­rectly from stock, and the rest represent one of those fortu­nate little purchases we can sometimes pick up.

E x q u is i te M o d e ls fo r G r a d u a t io n a n d C o n f ir m a tio n i S i z e s 8 to 14.

Fine nets and organdies adorned with lovely imported motifs. Voiles, batistes and lawns of highest quality, trim­med in fascinating ways—all white or with delicate sashes of

. piuk or blue satin ribbon, some enhanced with tiny French rosebuds and sprays. , ■ , ,,

Not all sizes in every style—not many of a kind—but allsizes in the lot,

Extraordinary, while they last, at 5.00.BAM BERGER'S—THIRD FLOOR

F ictrola-

ConcertA prograirf trr*nged especially to please the lovers

of instrumental music. Wednesday at 3 o’clock in the Talking Machine Division.

New Symphony Orchestra

Violin, by Mischa Elman£U“ lAF5nivl>w . . . . . . . . . ■

Violin, by Jascha HeifetzConcert for two vioiins, ran u i. »

Duet, Kreisler and ZimbalistHad lou but nnown .......................................

Enrico Caruso, tenor; Mischa Elman,BAM BERGER'S—SIXTH FLOOR


Boys’ Sample Shoes Reduced

2 .3 5 a n d 2 .9 5About 175 pairs of

manufacturer’s samples, rrlade of fine leathers by a prominent New Eng­land m a n u f a c t u r e r . Every pair, whether high shoes or summer ox­ford^ is perfect in every respect.

Sizes 11 and W / i arc priced at 2.35.

Sizes 3Vi and 4 arc priced at 2.95.



Y o u M u s t S e e th e S p r in g S t y le s

Beach and creeper models in all the wanted fabrics, white and colored—madras, gingham, seersucker, cham- bray, cre’pe—sturdily made in a variety of pretty ways,some with smocking, some with hand embroidery.

Almost as many prices as there are styles. 79c to 400.


Some of the Best War Books, Priced at 60c

i r t a n t{T u e sd a y O n ly )

THE FIRST HUNDRED THOUSAND—A record of personal ad­ventures. written by Ian Hay. White the Incidents described have actuallv occurred, the characters are fictitious. „ , „

INSIDE THE GERMAN EMPIRE—By Herber Bayard Swope, wit.i sixteen original photographs, James W. Gerard said; No subject is more vital or worthier of serious consideration.

THE notebook OF AN ATTACHE—By Eric Fisher Wood, who spent several thrilling monts in the war zone; eight origiMl photograph? A book composed of notes and letters written right on the battleground.

KINGS, QUEENS AND PAWNS—By Mary Roberts Rinehart. A war story written in the author's usual cnteriaining style.

‘ O th e r T itle s , E q u a l ly G o o d :With the French in France and Salonika, by Richard Harding Davis.Ambulance No. 10, by Leslie Buswell. . , „ ,My First Year of the Great War, by Frederick Palmer.My Second Year of the Great War, by Frederick Palmer.Antwerp to Gallipoli, by Arthur Ruhl.My Home In the Field of Honor, by Baroness Huard.Over the Front in an Aeroplane, by Ralph Pulitzer.

- And many other volumes, at 60c each. _ , .BAMBERGER'S—BOOK BALCONY

Here Are Special Cooking Demonstrations in

S e w -a n d ~ S a v e -C lu b S a le , O ffe r in g

N ew 1918 Standard Rotary Sewing Machines, 39.50The New 1918 Standard Rotary Sewing Machine is

low at this price. Its real value is far mere than 39.50.The terms tre so easy that the saving resulting from

Its use will more than pay for It as you go along. Few wenien realize how they can save on clothes by using a sewing machine.

The Standard Rotary needs no intreduction to women. You will find it in hundreds of Newark homes. The Bam­berger guaranty and the factory guaranty makes you doubly safe.

Emu lernu, $1.00 Down; $1.00 WeeklyBAM BERGER'S—THIRD FIXJOR


The "Liberty Kitchens" are In progress from 9 to 12, and

2 to S daily. You are to come today, to­

morrow and §ny day you wish, to see these classes of thirty-two women in opera­tion.

from invited

I In tS f lo t .la llil» coltuaa are ■!!«■»» •"* I we caaant auaramtee that they w ill rfpiala oa bb!« a ll day*

1 alate at th« Uottoia aaea 1k»7 '■5l>

mall, ukoae or C.O.D. onl*r«. >trn'» 1S.IW Blae *" ** ,» " '* ■

1 PrIera Low •« J«.T»M .n * Bnrt >ouniE m m 8 j’lu '

prrii« ault» In »H "Is-" ('■nm J .I atout arul -ffXtra. lonff f.n.ii"

In belled bBik patrlilnodel^, an well as fha tnora crjn*I pervKtlve atyle*. On

I iinarTow only 19.7R* No ^ '1 phona or C. Oi D. orderfl,

ond floor.Mea'a .1.60 Shoea at t .3pMen's RuMla calf lau lace ahoea.

hnlU on a moderate round ahaped )a.9f, with !nw aq heej*. No mall or phone onlertf. Second floor,Mea*B Valoa Salta, wm*

Men’a vrarm weather I made of good grade w hite rnt-j ton yarne, In "**®X^ **b‘ -^ 5 aa \ length alylee. Slaoa andI onlv. No mall or phone ord.r*

filled. ’Flrat floor.I M ea'a Walras Trav^Uaff Baffa*‘ • 5.75, n -guU r 7.so and ».00 walrus I traveling baga In the 17 J J I Int h alze, They are very »tror gly 1 made of aturrty leather, AVllh

double Mweri e d its ,I nej-H, inside look and elrongI hamllea. Fourth _____

JJ2, » Blcyelea at 3T.00 Men’s and boya’ hlo^yclea

, 20 and 22 inch • ! « . hlark. gray, maroon and l^u^ Complete equipment, ifflth >aw

1 n*parlure eoaaier brake and guar I ant^ed tlrea. fUxth floor,

M.bW N lih t S k ir t .. M f , M*n', lU iht ih lr l . of i h . I'nlI \eriiH m ad . of ,I ramhrlo. la r .. , roomy bod1e» o' 1 111. - full -U u iib , I" . .r '* !! . fiY: ltr lm m .d .f f .o U , W hU.I at M t. No mall, phona or C. O 1 D, nrrt.ra. Flrat floor.

Fino au»p.nd«fa, ‘'k 'n ‘ fj™ |ra « u U r atotk I on . day only Ip

l.a tt i .r in d lillk «Bda. In n»»t patr i.rna. No mall, pkona or C. O.

I D. ordera. Flrat floor.IM G.I* €■**.,Tie ,,

A uilda aaaortmant oC n ** tape In many colorlnfa. Alt 7Jc, Sicond floor.

At 11 A. M.“Fifty tFays of Using Corn

Meal, the Good Old Southern IVay” by

Cousin Angelina.

At 12:30 “Special Cooking Demon­

stration on the Usages of Milk" by a Specialist.

At 3 P. M.“Fifty Wavs o f Using Corn

Meal, the Good Old Southern IFay” by

Cousin Angelina,,. B y th e w a y ! H a v e Y O U r e g ­is te r e d fo r c o o k in g le sso n a In th e B a m b e r g e r ^ % lberty K itc h e n a ? "

T h e r e t r e t l i l l ■ fe w v a c a n c ie s

in c la sa a a ."LIB ER TY KITCHEKB ’



cokirlnfMconu sM»v«- „I.M T r o « i« Ikeen the trousers Jn non

condition and perfacUy p ra t 'd . I On BAl* tomorrow only Flret floor. _ * •o

.•H v ru f« 'o « .” ‘n V .u y 7 « lo r . , Plftldi and •irlpei Me ichided In thia lot.

T & ’ -Yvth o y l i “ i Yi’h ; No mail Phono |

Rkiru thkt wgre mide to eHlfor xlw l i • «faahlonad of ^IM*.Bopllna andKorn. COBIO In plaltad atylirt. oUiam with pan.l tronU anS .7Ehipi: tbar. a r . Jahlrrrt b»c1ca and tlnlah.* with au rao ttr. poehotfc On « Ii . « r No mall, phono or C. O, D.

l i e B .a ]^ S ? ' o o t n * ’a a '«telning ^ if^lielli, barai and larmnn. It ii nn , tiMptIo and

f5« llkdff Valiae .They owne jrerde In

In neroU horiare, very 4 ^ a b l j Fhgdei. On wile while they Ust '

n e t le w m Bie ^WAnAanul Dopimi Of ro.1 fn .t jl a i S k m ^ a a ^ a * alwA*. • '“i**'’* 'and euft •.*» »"<* nf** i

s s ^ i 7i5i'r! I

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akatm awIgwestl.gw peasBrie Cot mt New

Sltff Cerrs — TRENT

ably” wol agalqsl tl vie*.' Gas pa'ttlng In the Fahri stood upoi Fublio Til asrled by hla argun ba aeught tht two 0 dtifftll pi slaetrlc ri

Tb* opo Nawark".! exttadtd Donge* OI Conglston oompUsd la parnltl eraaaa th tHelty, BU of FabruiJanuary.Prtsldei th a t thpln baard^por w-YIxlng board w « pyoval aul ctlpolatad th a t tha 1 tw o caae should us PtopdaoflJtstmlnatic and Jsatic quaitlon t tht board tariff to I affaotlva < prdar. of

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